Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Message from Dean Bird
 New advisory council members
 Students cash in on research
 Research happenings
 Lifestyle enrichment achieved through...
 Honors and accolades
 Whose plan will you use?
 Faculty facts
 Personal and professional lives...
 Distinguished alumni
 Alumni news
 Annual scholarship convocation
 College honor roll
 Back Cover

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00008
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00008
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Table of Contents
        Table of Contents
    Message from Dean Bird
        Page 1
    New advisory council members
        Page 2
    Students cash in on research
        Page 3
    Research happenings
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
    Lifestyle enrichment achieved through GatorLife program
        Page 7
    Honors and accolades
        Page 8
    Whose plan will you use?
        Page 9
    Faculty facts
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Personal and professional lives work together for UF's teacher of the year
        Page 12
    Distinguished alumni
        Page 13
    Alumni news
        Page 14
        Page 15
    Annual scholarship convocation
        Page 16
        Page 17
    College honor roll
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
    Back Cover
        Page 22
Full Text

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coverstory d e p a r t m e n t s
wvvv.hllpA I fLIC (ILI 0 Alumm N'ctwc, 14
Alumni Spodighl
features (,onvo(alion
stuclents cash-in oil kescalch Honorsand AcitoWk-,
lohacco from Dean Bird
N (nv Adv iso ry Co u n ci I jtttlew bot rs 2 0evelopment Rcporl
i h rec N c,.v 1) i st i it (I u I s It ed A] u ni n j I nd u c I ed 1) I'l(killy
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Litotvic Fril-ichment Achieved I hrough Gilod.-ife Progrim 2- Rowir(h Not(-


ed I to t I I LL W. VARN LS

,),itant (ditorUIEAN F. MULLEN


dc-;itwr LINDA RAVIN[

i i (-(,?i i,, I i I ti nt RON F RAN ki I N

contribl-Itol'%; to flie JEFF BAUER, PATRICK 1. BIRD, S'I[Vr



(ontnb(vfinl-,vntvim; RUTH ALEXANDER, PAL RICK 1. RURD, JENNIFER

RASA, HILL FREDERICK, JUAN MULLIN & CHARLES WILLIAMS i, A minual pubh(-atictii for itumni and

(ontrihl-ltltll photot-lraphei CARE RODRIQUEZ, CHARLES WILLIAMS lriencl,, of the L-Jniver,,i0.-, of Horida
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.A malor ficu- oil the College of Health and Human
Performance i. to hlIlp pre.,nt tlhe-e nmainl. --!l-inflicted
problitnt. The t 3 a.I111 or ile College11 I toinm itird ro 1eiler.Il.
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finely focused on the "Age Wave."
'il r iIre' 11. nJt n with Florida riding the crest of the
wave. The state population of those 65 years and older,
estimated now at about one in five Floridians, will double by the
year 2020 with more of the elderly surviving into their 10th
and llth decade. One of the primary challenges of the Univer-
sity is to significantly contribute to a health s-.rits ing life for
this expanding elderly population. And within this broad task,
the role of the College of Health and Human Performance is to
help senior citizens maintain the highest level of physical and
social vigor and to assist them in understanding and coping
with health-related concerns. Here are some examples of the
ways we will do this:
TEACHING: Our teaching will center more on issues and
knowledge about the aging process. We are adding programs
in clinical exercise physiology that prepare students to work in

i...ud i.llii.kc iind transplant rehabilitation programs. We are
nowi pie.', iii'i,g co'irses in health communications so that our
g.,llidi it-' ca.in I-,lter inform the public about aging issues,
including the, u.- and abuse of drugs, diet and exercise fraud,
s lrre mana cement, and utilizing health care services. We are
tep.indin, :o't onl rings in therapeutic recreation and tourism
'c. that our graduates can aid the elderly in the healthful use of
leiturt nmrt I '.o common threads are being woven through
Sinrtullv all our programs: 1) bridging the gap between
scieitilic knot, ledge and public understanding of aging, and
1 pro'mol ing and facilitating behavior changes so that we all
g \. g I1.
RESEARCH: Our research will increasingly address such age
rel. tedl qtLieCthit as: How does regular exercise protect the
liLc rt g. .in-t. da.iii ge during a heart attack? Why is skeletal
iii lc aijand boioe mass lost with age and disuse, and how can
e-'erc.- -li... \ Ih-. process? I low do dietary supplements, fad
dl -i, r'i ll/ed exercise equipment, and other "fountain of
-...uth p riJdu c affect health and aging? What is the bestway
rin ui, rtli. Intlrnei and related technology as reliable health
ir-.,iurni--:? I o.w can Florida improve ecotourism and other
nnc\ recreancrnal ,opportunities to better meet the leisure needs
i'or Dl.rida aging p.pul iti.,'r ian visitors?
SLr\'ILt: A- p.ir t of our service mission, we are develop-
lC: spei.d'l pro'ra.ms for seniors who are serious about good
health I ine e. iniple is GatorLfi. This is a new one week
Lmck-ih-.-c.ipu:- program for UF Aluini and Friends, 50-
i ar --ol .in 1]J IbthL e. It provides diet and fitness assess
11nei't 1 1 ...ill 11 Irkshops, and individually-paced physical
activities. The emphasis is on learning by doing and having
fun in the process. We are increasing the number of GatorLife
sessions, and are planning similar activities that will be
offered throughout the year.
Since its beginning in 1946, the College of Health and
Human Performance has refined and expanded its academic
mission in response to the needs of society. This has been
accomplished with great success. Our programs in Exercise
and Sport Sciences, Health Science Education, Recreation,
Parks and Tourism, and Recreational Sports are models for
others to follow. And we look forward to further extending
our scope, particularly as a major player in addressing what
will be one of the most significant social and economic
problems of the new millennium maintaining the health
and vitality of graying Americans.
For more information about our programs, please see our
home page: www.hhp.ufl.edu






Dean Patrick Bird announces the addition of 4
members to the College of Health and lHuman
Performance Advisory Council, Wende
Bluimb..irf Michael Fulton, Michelle Park and
Linda Thornton. These four exceptional
individuals provide additional c pt'rt ie in the
area of recreation and tourism to an already
strong council.

WENDE BLUMBERG received her BS degree in
Recreation from UF and her master's degree in
Parks and Recreation from Pennsylvania State
University. She has over 22 years of experience
in the hospitality industry, and currently serves
as General Manager of the University of
Florida's Hotel and Conference Center.

Wende served as Director of Conference
Services for 7 years at Kings Mill, a Four-Star,
Four-Diamond property owned by the
Anheuser-Busch Company She previously
served as Director of Sales and Mlarketini for
two very rnIiti' pI. l~-i lie'- Sandestin Resort, a
1,200 villa resort complex and the Xerox
Training and Conference Center. She is a
member of the Resort Commercial Recreation
Association, the NRPA, and the International
Association of Conference Centers currently
serving as President of the North American
Chapter. Wende is a frequent presenter to
national and international groups on resort
recreation trends.

MICIHE N. FULTON, M.D. has gained national
attention for his work in the area of Sports
Medicine. He is actively involved in the
development of technically advanced equip-
ment utilized in the testing and treatment of
musculoskeletal injuries.

Mike is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon
for Medical Exercise Associates in Daytona
Beach, Florida. He received his medical
diploma from the L ni i r-ith of Iowa and served
his internship in rotating surgery at Cundersen
Clinic, LaCrosse, WI, and residency in Ortho-
paedic Surgery at the 1 iiircr--ii\ of Iowa. A
faculty member at the University of Florida and
the Team Physician for the United States Water
Ski Team, he has established an impressive
program of rehabilitation as part of his office
practice which utilizes state of the art equip-
ment and exercise physiologists.

Mike is both a national and international lecturer,
recently lecturing in Europe, Asia, and South
American about exercise and rehabilitation. He
has testified before the United States Senate in
regards to matters of exercise and health benefits,
and has held several national television
interviews in regards to similar matters.

MICHELLE PARK received her Bachelors degree in
Recreation from the University of Florida and a
Masters degree in Recreation Administration
from the University of Southern Mississippi. A
native of south Florida, she spent 11 years
working with the Palm Beach County Parks and
Recreation Department. As director of
recreation for eight of those years, Michelle
worked closely with numerous croup- arnd
individuals, all interested in prm liig quality
leisure facilities and proi'ra.m for almost
1,000,000 residents.

In 1989, Michelle changed careers to association
management and became the executive director
of the Maryland Recreation and Park Associa-
tion. She began serving professionals in her
field of choice in the areas of professional
development, legislative advocacy, marketing
and public awareness. Iwo years later, the
National Recreation and Park Association
(NRPA) hired her, as the director of Professional
Services. In 1996, Michelle became the executive
director of the Ohio Parks and Recreation
Association. A major function of her job is
bLIl ding upp.pri a. id lobbying for the tremen-
dous benefits that parks and recreation brings to
the citizens of Ohio.

LINDA THORNTON, PH.D. retired from the
College of Health and I luman Performance in
April of 1998 after 29 years plus as a member of
the faculty. Initially Linda was an instructor in
the Women's I'hi; i al. Education program and
the coordinator of the Women's Intramural
Programs. She was recognized as one of the
SFioird inji Mothers" of the University of
Florida's Women's Athletic Program. As Coach
of the Lady Gator Softball team she was
recognized as Coach of the Year.

In 1974 when the College was reorganized,
Linda became a faculty member in the
Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism.

Over the years she served as Undergraduate
Coordinator, Academic Advisor, and faculty
Advisor to the Leisure Education and Parks
Student organization. The recipient of numer-
ous teaching awards, she was also recognized
1i\ ihe University of Florida with a Superior
Accomplishment Award in 1995.

Linda received her BS and her master's degrees
from Georgia Southern College and her Ph.D.
from Florida State University. Linda is retired,
and now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Robert C. Allen of Vem Beach
l\,,l.t i \ \.hllii Armstrong .y Lut',,.' il.,
Cari Autry, student representative, KRFT
C. David Ayers of Gainesville
Charles Barth of Ocala
Bruce Biddle of Gainesville
Fran S. Carlton of Orlando
inai,, Carres of Gainesville
Derek de la Pena Student Representative, ESS
Frank D-'i'l'.n, .'f Vero Beach
Maurice 0. Edmonds of Ponte Vedra Beach
Charles W. Fessler, Jr. of Jacksonville
T. Glenn !I.',.ira: of slip, NY
J. David Huskey, Jr of Ft. Lauderdale
Charles W. LaPradd of Gainesville
Alan Levine of Tallahassee
Larry Liberlore, r. of Lakeland
Frank M. Lorenzo of Tampa
Edward D. (Ed) Mathews of Haines C:i .
Perry C. a:. Cr: Jr. of Gainesville
Robert J. (Bob) Murphy of Boynton Beach
Ray IH R.'iii-i', ,f Plant City
Fred E. Rozelle ofGainesuille
William J..',,i- ." t i:. r S'r r, ,
Emmit Smith, Pensacola and Dallas, TX
John A. Smith of Jacksonville
erri Starr Spurrier of Gainesville
Steve Spurrier of Gainesville
Billie Knapp Stevens of Melrose
Krisitine Stouffr, Student Representative, HSE
Diane T7exler ofOcala
Angus and Judy '.I.ll.in- ,f Tampa

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F or a C., ilree with only three departments the variety in research
interests by the faculty is quite unique. As the College has grown and
-h .li ,. iplic-s: of the College have continued to increase in breadth and
depth of knowledge, the research interests have continued to expand. In
this issue of Performance we provide examples of our continued involve-
ment with the public schools, insights into a common ailment, and take a
cross-cultural look at women traveling solo.

The Florida School Violence Policies and
Programs Study
Researchers: Robert Weiler, Steve DonIan, & Lisa Pealer
This study assessed characteristics of violence prevention, violence
control policies, and violence education programs in Florida schools. A
questionnaire designed to obtain information about violence policies and
education programs was mailed to all 67 school districts in Florida
during spring 1996. Representatives from each school district were
selected to complete the queIi-tim.iire-- based on their responsibilities
for violence prevention activities in their district. Fifty-five school
districts returned completed questionnaires, yielding an 82% response
rate. .\1ion i.th.. responding dlitria:t. only 31% had a pcoli.:. that
addressed violence prevention education, but nearly half had allocated
funds for violence prevention education. Statewide, only 11% of the
districts require and 65% recommend violence prevention education.

Thirty percent of school districts reported having a written curriculum,
guidelines, or a framework for violence prevention education. During
the past two years, 91 %/ of Florida school districts offered violence
prevention education in-service training for their teachers and had a
written policy on student :ibloiig. Nearly all school districts had a
written policy on student weapon possession and use. In addition, 80%
of districts implement a number of distinctive security measures such as
closed campuses, fences, security guards, and locker checks. The survey
data suggest that public school districts in Florida have responded to
student and school violence with prevention policies and programs to a
greater extent than have school districts nationwide. However, these
districts have focused more attention on environmental protection (i.e.,
security) strategies than educational strategies. Recommendations are
that Florida should establish a surveillance system to monitor violent
behavior and victimization patterns among school children and youth
and violence prevention education strategies should be offered as part of
a comprehensive school health program.

Electromyographic Patterns of Individuals
Suffering From Lateral Tennis Elbow
Researchers: t. f Bauer & Robert Murray

Tennis elbow is known as the most common of the upper body
injuries and can affect carpenters, dental technicians, and computer
operators as well as tennis players. This study was conducted to
determine if simple surface electromyography (EMG) analysis of
muscles associated with lateral tennis elbow could be used to assist in
accurately diagnosing tennis elbow and if tennis elbow suffers have
developed possible detrimental muscle activation patterns in
response to the injury. Muscle activation patterns of a tennis elbow
group were evaluated to determine if they were different from an
aged-matched healthy control group and if noted variations might be
interpreted as worsening or improving the injury. Sixteen male
subjects were tested under simulated tennis playing conditions. EMG
response data of muscle activities of the forearm extensors, forearm
flexors, and the triceps were recorded for each subject during a single
test session using all combinations of three different velocities on
three different tennis racket head impact locations. Results indicated
significant differences between the healthy group and injured (tennis
elbow) groups for the response variables associated with forearm
extensor muscle activation. During simulated play, the injured group
had an earlier, longer, and greater activation of forearm extensors


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than the healthy group. Such changes may be considered detrimental
to the healing process for tennis elbow. The increased muscle activation
strategy used by the tennis elbow 'tltteri r, in this study was an attempt
to reduce the painful effects of the forced wrist flexion associated with
hitting a backhand volley. These results support the use of surface EMC to
measure differences in muscle activation strategies to diagnose tennis
elbow. Further the results suggest that instead of resting the affected
region (which is usually prescribed by most health care providers) tennis
elbow suffers are experiencing changed muscle activation patterns that are
worsening their condition when engaging in sports and other activities.

Traveling Solo: A Cross-Cultural Study of British

and American Women Aged 30-50 years
Researchers: Heather Gibson & Fiona Jordan

the purpose of this study was to in,. .rie,.ir. the experiences of solo
women pleasure- i, l, 1 ..i,;.-l between 30 and 55 years. The study
focused on travel choices, meanings of travel, constraints and barriers, and
the similarities and differences experienced by women in the UK and the
USA. In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 British and American
women aged between 30 and 55 years. The interviews revealed that the
women engage in a range of activities on their trips from the conventional
beach and .iglht,- in., holidays, to educational and adventure holidays.
Issues identified in previous studies of women's leisure, such as feelings of
vulnerability, the social acceptability of certain activities for women, and
fear of crime were also mentioned by the women in this study as causing
them some concern while traveling. However, despite some hassles, the
women reported nothing compared to the dangers that the media warns
for women. In fact, all the women in the study use various strategies to
keep themselves safe including choice of accommodation, not venturing
out into unknown parts of town at night, and not visiting remote locations
by themselves. The US women in the study tended to be a bit more
adventurous than their British counterparts. Among the US women
interviewed are some women who have engaged in budget-style back-
packer travel all over the world. In addition, the US women in this study
do not tend to use travel agents. They read travel guides, and contact
airlines .J rlthl they are savvy, experienced travelers on the whole. Travel
is also extremely important to these women. Some are employed full-time
(some at the University) and others work for a few months then take off on
their travels again.

. -, ,1! .....

M any of you have seen significant
changes in the College of I health
and Human Performance. This is
especially true if you graduated more
than ten years ago. The College is
poised to build upon past success by
ushering in the new millennium with
use of the World Wide Web. The college
is forging ahead with extensive plans for
uing the Internet for instruction,
research, and administration. There are
an estimated t'l nilliukn Anm.-r',al using
the World Wide Web. It appears that
many of them are trying to find out
information about your Alma Mater as
the College experiences more than
25,000 hits in a single day.

College students, faculty and staff use
the Internet like most businesses for e-
mail. The number of telephone calls has
decreased while the number of e-mail
messages from all over the world has
increased. College administrators
realize that the potential of the Internet
goes beyond e-mail and the ,.pp'or tuni\.
to electronically share someone's
calendar to schedule a meeting. Web
pages have been developed to provide
students with inii ii n.ilirl, r .-i.rJ iny
requirements for admission, specializa-
tion, major, and internships. Yes, you
can even apply to the University of

Florida on-line. In fact,
the College is among
the leaders at the
University for elec-
tronic applications
resulting in substantial
savings in printing and
postage costs.

Many faculty members
have placed information
rt.l ,ird.l g thl.ir courses
on the Web. Students
may obtain the course
outline, calendar,
handouts, assignments,
study guides, and even
their latest grade from a
faculty member's course
web page. This process
not only saves a few
trees by eliminating
voluminous paper
handouts, but it also
saves a tremendous amount of faculty
and staff time. Perhaps most impor-
t.anl\, it provides the student with the
information when they want it, even if it
is two o'clock in the morning. Today's
student would much rather use an
electronic search engine to locate the
information and download the necessary
form or even fill it out on-line in the
comfort of their apartment than stand in
line. The end result is that the student's
needs are met and the faculty member
has additional time to spend with
students to clarify a concept that is
causing them difficulty.

The web has impacted all aspects of the
college experience, even the library.
Students are now able to search library
resources by use of the web. Faculty
members are requiring students to
maintain articles found on the web that
arevp., i&.- t, their course on disk.
Thus, the student is taught how to
search the web and to always have a
disk handy to save interesting articles
for later review.

The internship experience has also been
enhanced with use of the Internet.
Students are notified of all of the
necessary information required for the
internship. Communication between
faculty members and students who are

off campus at intern sites is facilitated
with use of e-mail. Intern supervisors
who have Internet capability use an on-
line intern assessment instrument to
provide comments to the College intern

Graduate education and research have
also been enhanced with use of the web.
Potential students from all over the
world, who have heard about our
programs, need only click for additional
information. They not only can find out
about the various program offerings,
they can obtain information about
scholarships, graduate assistantships,
and other financial aid opportunities. In
addition, they can read about current
research projects or see actual photos of
lab work in progress.

The College has not lost sight of the
Web's value in pr.' tJd iL,'i information
about its many successful programs, or
as some might say "advertising." The
new joint degree programs, MBA/MESS,
Juris Doctor/MESS, MPH, have web
pages that promote these combined
programs with the College of Business,
College of Law and C.1 llLe- of Medicine,
respectively. Each Center in the College
has a web page that has facilitated
external grant funding. All new vacant
.fau.jit, position ,.nnounceml'rt., are also
posted on the Web in an attempt to find
the best possible faculty members.

The Division of Recreational Sports posts
facility hours and intramural schedules
on the Web. By having the intramural
policies, rules, and captains' guide on
line, the students are better served and
departmental resources saved.

I he College does not pretend to have the
ability to foresee all of the capabilities of
the Internet. However, we do feel that
the ground work and infrastructure have
been laid to allow for future evolution of
the Internet that will facilitate its use for
educational purposes by our students,
faculty, staff and alumni. Industry
experts estimate the Web doubles in size
every eight months. So check us out
now and keep posted for new informa-
tion to be added.

I drfrmance

ww pu


from the
University of
Florida with a
BS degree in
Education in
1981 and a
degree in
tion two years
later. She subsequently earned her doctoral
degree in Athletic Administration from the
University of Southern California in 1988.

Pastore took advantage of opportunities
provided to her by the many student organiza-
tions on campus to develop leadership skills.
She was president of the h o'-n a' lieali h
physical education and recreation fraternity

Delta Psi Kappa, a member of the Phi Kappa Phi
Honor Society, and also worked in the intramu-
ral sports department. "Because of those
experiences I have now become involved in
leadership positions within professional
associations," says Pastore. She served as
president of the National Association for Girls
and Women in Sport in 1997-98.

Aside from her academic achievements at UF,
Pastore also achieved success on the athletic
field. She attended UT on an athletic scholar-
ship as a standout player on the varsity softball
team during the years 1977-80. Those were the
days of slow-pitch women's softball.

Sport Management professor Dr. Ruth Alexander
remembers Pastore fondly. "I remember that
Donna was a sensational hitter and that she led
her team with triples her first year with eight.
She was also awarded the Sportsmanship Award
two years in a row," says Alexander. "As a
student, she was excellent in her studies of Sport
Management. We are very proud of her as an
athlete as well as a product of Ihil' clklct."

Pastore has been the recipient of numerous
recognition awards including the College of
I health and I luman Performance's Outstanding
Alumni award in April of 1997. Later that year
she became one of 47 women selected out of
85,000 women alumni for the Alumnae of
Outstanding Achievement award, as p.irt of the
50th anniversary of coeducation at UF.

Currently, Pastore is in her ninth year as an
associate professor and coordinator of the
graduate sport management program at The Ohio
State University. She says that she chose OSU
because of her interest in working with sport
management studies at the graduate level and
coniduaitingn rft.rch In her professional career
she has published over 40 articles, made more
than 70 presentations, and completed 13 grants.

"The reason I am where I am today is because of
the UF College of HHP and its faculty. The
contributions these individuals made to my life,
and so many other students' lives are enor-
mous," says Pastore. "They were and still are
wonderful mentors and role models."

Lifestyle Enrichment Achieved

Through GatorLife Program

What gift have you given yourself, as
the new millennium becomes reality?
Have you already given up on those New
Years's resolutions? As we begin a new
decade, century and millennium, it seems that
a resolution that won't be broken is a great
way to start. GatorLife, a lifestyle modifica-
tion program offered by the College of Health
and Human Performance, is one resolution
that will be sure to bring about rewarding
changes that will last a lifetime. Through the
program, individuals 50 years of age and
older are given an opportunity to improve
their quality of life by utilizing the resources
made available through the University of

"Participants will have fun learning about
positive lifestyle habits, but more imporlt.ntrl
after graduating from GatorLife, each
individual will be prepared to experience a
renewed level of energy and a positive outlook
on life," stresses Patrick Bird, Dean of the
C.Il.g't LI le.allh and Iluman Performance,

Individuals may choose to attend Session 1
during the week of February 27 March 4 or
Session 2 during the week of June 11 17, 2000.
Each session is filled with events that focus on
enhancing both mental and physical well
being. Highly qualirt, ir ,r' ieve-in.il- pieScnl

topics rancm, i fIrom hmI c'- and nutlitiir to
stress management. Through a unique
partnership with Shand's Executive Health
Center, GatorLife participants may also receive
additional medical assessments that will further
define their current health status. Whether it is
taking a historical walking tour of the pictur-
esque UF campus, attending a behind the scenes
museum tour, picnicking at the I ri;. ei -;i. 's
recreational park, Lake Wauburg, or experienc-
ing a gourmet dinner GatorLife is sure to
provide a perfect closing for each day.

"I think what I learned, and am now putting
into practice, will provide opportunities for a
more healthful and meaningful lr w \prr~ r.-,"
says Wayne McLeroy (BA'65), Director of
Finance and Business Planning at Ford Motor
Company.' rercinall;.. I had a great experience
and would rec. m iend i II lgll '

Enrollment for each session is limited to 22
participants. For more information, visit the
program's Web site at http://ww-. hhll,' i.ifl /.J/
gtrlife; e-mail gtrlife@hhp.ufl.edu; call (352) 392-
0578 ext. 255; or write to GatorLife, University of
Florida, PO Box 118200, Gainesville, FL 32611-8200.


Honors & Accolades

DR. CHRIS SIOPKA (ESS) was awarded President
John V. Lombardi's Humanitarian Award at a
ceremony that was held at the Samuel P. Ham
Art Museum during People Awareness Week.
We can think of no one more deserving of such
an award.

DR. JILL VARNES (HSE) received the Virginia
Association for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance Presidential Award from
former student, Carl Stockton who served as
President of VAHPERD.

DR. R. MORGAN PIGG, JR. (HSE) was awarded the
William A. Howe award at the American School
Health Conference in C,-.l, ra lo Spi .g: The
Howe award is the highest honor bestowed by
the American School I health Association for
contributions to child and adolescent health.

Ms. CLAUDIA SIDERS, an I H IP graduate, special
education teacher at Howard Bishop Middle
School recently was awarded the Cainesville
Sun's 1998 Community Service Award. The
award is presented to the Gainesville resident
judged to have performed the most outstanding
and unselfish service for the community during
the previous year.

HEATHER LAWRENCE (ESS), Brittany Bula (RPT), and
Michelle Naddy (I IS) all received the College
of Health and I human Performance Student Hall
of Fame Awards for 1998-99.

NCAA Women's Soccer 'l.i, rr of the Year
Award for the 1998-1999 season.

DR. STEVE DoRMAN (HSE) has been selected to
receive the D.-1 in, u- liedJ Service Award of Eta
Sgiia Gamma for 1999. ESG is a national
professional health education honorary

DR. DAN CONNAUGHTON received a special citation
for Exceptional Volunteer Service from the
American Red Cross.

hJ / *?.** **.t,.r

UF Athletic Hall of Fame, HHP takes great pride
in hearing that two of our alumni and Advisory
Council members were inducted into the 1999
Athletic Hall of Fame. They are GLENN HOFFMAN/
Di-t.tiil'.c.1, ind EMMrr SMITH/Football.

DR. WILLIAM CHEN (HSE) received a Distinguished
Service Award in recognition of his outstanding
contributions to the Asian Pacific Islander
Caucus of the American Public Health Associa-
tion at the Association's annual convention in
Washington, D.C.

DR. ANDY HotuNAK (RPT) received the Resort and
Commercial Recreation Association's "Achieve-
ment Award." his is the association's highest
award and is only the second time in the history
of the organization it has been awarded.

DR. ROBERT SINGER (ESS) received the Iistin-
guished Contributor award from the American
Psychological Association for his many

contributions to the field of exercise psychology.

DR. BERTHA CATO (RPT) was named the Biennial
Scholar in Recreation by the International
Council for I le.lth Phi. -cal Education,
Recreation, Sport and Dance. The award was
presented at the ICHPERSD Imei ti.; in Cairo,
Egypt, July 1999.

Ms. GLORIA SANDERs (RPT) master's student was
selected as the 1999 Lucille and Debry Dustin
Future Scholar by the National Recreation and
Parks Association Society of Recreation and
Parks Educators last June. As a future scholars
participant, Gloria had the opportunity to meet
and interact with current scholars in the field of
recreation while attending the NRPA conference
in Nashville.


.... ... -. .- .



no theo Ia-t thingS most people wadn i 1 you Ille suificjent a.c.b. to gC Nir nton
to contend with is the final disposition of wousal heirs as outright blequck. 1 LYOu toulld
their assets. it has been estimated that in the be wise to do so For e-xample. ou had an
United States seven out ot every ten adults do equal amount in stocks thai oi owned
not have a will or revocable trust that specifies personally and gifted therm to your non-spiiu al
who will receive their assets heirs. thev would pay -no Fed-Lral noomrl la, on
the assets when the assets are ditrihuted to
If Nuu don t have a plan m.place. the state has them. They would also get a slepped-up bA-is
one for you. It ma% not however, accompl h (value at time of demise on the 'eaLritit- it
4 ht \s u t1u ant.arn it nia\ not be as effectin as these securities increase in 'alue before the
a plan you wouldd develop. heirs sell them, they will have to pay capital
a- i-- hgm on the increase an value that occurred since
.. .. The Tit Ker \Lc t 1ot lQ97 pro. idei each our demise.
p- eron n ith a dil for Fder il o.tate and gift
a- l I.1999. this enables Uth person ito v.herlpt bedefi, o
of bf: .),tf in .et: in al0. tL'tLL of o.ur 9u.alihed rebrtment program asets?
$St/75,C0l This continued to increase uLilZ 200'h Whi not gi e them dirert-l to charity The
lw hin the exemption riinshe; 1t,0iC,fOo per .harit i6 1S mpt from income L1 so the
*'. person Cnuptes who properly arrange their nl- b r e iot d di ir nishedp, and youLare .
.1a*s and tateirA sl'errrl e ue of both eernlpr Irmnl giutor n estate La fownlerid.artble

. .........R"3 re- in ca'ric -14eo l onc pr1rc lln -
.-e.if vu do not feel your r menrt asset are
w V su icient as the sole bequest to your non-
u'ally at the .spousal heir, you mig ht congder tra errlng
.wrormg eir- Todal many of us the qualified retirement program assets. at
huld significan assets in IRAs, Keoghs. 403-Bs, death, toa charitable remainder trust that will
or other qualified retirement programs. 1W pali-rl to 'cyour non-spousal heirs tor
Sssyumf tot this is a great asset to leae to our their lifetimes or for a period of %ear- not to
non-spouil heirs. In fact. this type of asset may e'aceed 20. The charitable remainder truit doe-
be subject to tetat tax. Regardless, the heir not pay le eral income tas on remainder asset'
receiving a disitira ?uu o l lpi errgra illut t0oe titat w our demise tlolraler,,
t W- T17 onth ederalestat
-arn the *.riahg ut the value trla .oc .
laws w5 ere hey lii.v This result means 'our table remainder trust.
heirs may eid up with 20 percent r less of the
or. is definitely not a good For more ulformahon. please cuntart:
gi to give outright to non-spousal heirs. William D. Frederick
4HP director of Development
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i- Th !r iLit k .o~l l[ etr f" :Ff-,. fL~ ~,)

Several new faculty have joined the
College this year, including alum
completed his doctoral degree at the
University of Virginia where he was recog-
nized as an Outstanding Graduate Teaching
Assistant. He is a NAIA certified athletic
trainer who will be working in the Athletic
Tra ning specialization in ESS. Also new to
the ESS faculty is LEsLtY J. WHITE, who com-
pleted her Ph.D. at the University of New
Mexico in 1999. A native of Southern California
lt eint ci lCe a variety of out-door activities;
her area of specialization is Exercise Physiology.

In the Department of Rccr't lrion. Parks and
Tourism new faculty include JoHN CONFER,
whose area of specialization is Natural
Resource Management, received his Ph.D.
from Pennsylvania State University;
Lom PENNINCTON-GRAY a tourism marketing
specialist with a Ph.D. from Michigan State
University. And, O SPENGLER who holds both
a Ph.D. in Recreation from Indiana Univer-
sity and a Juris Doctor degree from the
University Ti Toledo, his expertise is in the
area of legal Iiabilr- .

Both the Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences and the Department of Recreation
Parks and Tourism have new academic
advisors for their undergraduate programs.
KAREN BERRYMAN, newly appointed Academic
Advisor in ESS was previously at UF in the
College .l Pllarina,.. New Academic
Advisor in Recreation, IPrk-, and Tourism is
another College alum.

DR. CHRIS STOPKA (ESS) gave the keynote
address at the Opening Ceremonies of the
State Special Olympics Basketball Champi-
onships at the Martin Luther King Center.

The Gainesville State Organizing Committee
ore,rmi J the state games.

DR. RANDY BRAIIH (ESS) presented an invited
seminar entitled "High-Dose ACE Inhibition
Normalizes Renal Salt and Water Handling
in Heart Trian.plant. Recipients" at the
International American Heart Association
71st Scientific Session held in Dallas. The
report summarized 6 years of Dr. Braith's
NIH funded inpatient research in the Clinical
Research Center at Shands Hospital.

DR. Scorrn POWER (ESS) presented two
lectures at the Fifth Sports Medicine Con-
gress at Ankara, Turkey. He lectured on
"E\ercise Performance and Antioxidants"
and "Aging, Exercise, and Skeletal Muscle."

DR. TOM KAMINSKI (ESS) served as athletic
training consultant for the 1998 UF Women's
Soccer team that won the NCAA National
Championship in Greensboro, NC. Dr.
Kaminski was also wtcentl named to the
editorial board of the Journal of Athletic

DR. RUTH ALEXANDER (ESS) presented "Light-
ning Strikes and Liability for Negligence" at
the Southern District American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance" in Greensboro, NC. In addition, she
presented "Sport Law, Smith v. NCAA" at
the Society of Legal Issues in Sport and
Physical activity in March in St. Simons

DB. DAv FLEMING (ESS) presented "Utiliz-
ing Macro and Local Contexts for Irnijiir,
into Collaborative Reform: A Secondary
Physical Education Example" at the 12th


annual International Conference on Qualita-
tive Research in Education at the University
of Georgia.

DR. JILL VARNES (HSE) was a member of the
American Cancer Society's team to design
a leadership institute for school health
coordinators. The ACS plans a 5-year
initiative, the first institute was held over
the summer in Atlanta; the first follow up
session will be in February in Houston.
DR. STEVE DORMAN (HSE) was selected to
coordinate the higher education track for
the institute.

DR. ROBERT SINGER (ESS) was invited to
conduct three full-day sessions on "Cognitive
Processes, Learning and Skill in Sport" as
part of a graduate program for the master in
sport psychology at the Faculty de
Motricidade I lumana, Universidade Technica
de Lisboa, I.isbon, Portugal.

DR. RANDY BRAITH (ESS) was an invited speaker
at the Omega Osteoporosis Symposium in
Munich, Gern Lrm. He presented his research
findings on steroid-induced osteoporosis in
solid organ transplant recipients.

DR. DAVID FLEMING (ESS) was recently pre-
sented "Qualitative Evaluation of State-Wide
Physical Educational Curriculum Change" at
the annual American Educational Research
Association conference in Montreal, Canada.

DR. ScoTT PowERs (ESS) has made several
recent presentations, including "Analysis of
Cellular Response to Free Radicals Focusing
on Exercise" in Maastricht, Netherlands,
"Exercise-induced Pr'rtt itn n Ag, irst
Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury,"

Southern American College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM), and "Lirmiling Factors to
Human Performance," and 'E t i : i'e
Training Protects the I leart Against injury
During a Heart Attack," at the Northland
chapter ACSM in St. Cloud, M\N.

staff) spoke at AAHPERD in Boston on
"Creative Activities and Sports for People
with Disabilities."

DR. PAULA WELCH (ESS) presented "The Pre-
Ivy League Era of Women's Athletic Compe-
tition" at SDAI I'lERD Convention in
Greensboro, NC, and "Women's Athletics
During the 20th Century" at Cornell
'rU1er-ir\ 's Celebration of the Silver
Anniversary of Ivy League Women's Athletic
Championships in Ithaca, NY. Welch was
commissioned by the Council of Ivy Group
Presidents/Ivy League to write the 25 year
history of women's l'apirrnIhip'- in the Ivy
League. Her book Sil I r Era, Golden
Moments published by Morris is now

Da. RANDY BRAITH (ESS) presented an invited
symposium on "Resistance Training for
Elderly Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients" at
the national meeting of the American
Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmo-
nary Rehabilitation in Denver. He also
presented his research data on Resistance
Training in Lung Transplant Patients in a
second talk at the same meeting.

DR. DovIE GAMBLE (RPT) has been selected to
serve as Interim Director of Graduate
Minority Programs for the Graduate School
at UF.

DR. CHRIS JANELLE (ESS) presented a paper at
the annual mnl--tiin of the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
in Cape Cod. He also gave an invited
presentation to the Gainesville YMCA on
"Sport Psychology Interventions for Divers".

DR. TOM KAMINSKI (ESS) was invited to give the
1998 Di-stLn ujsheid 'lporr Medicine Lecture at
the University of Alabama. The lecture was
titled "Functional Ankle Instability".

graduate students demonstrated the Colleges
commitment to serving the public schools by
teaching anatomy of the eye to I ,,-..illd
graders at Wiles Elementary School. The ESS
graduate students dissected cow's eyes while
lecturing on the structure, protection and care
of ibe eves

DR. DOUG DEMICHELE, Assistant Recreational
Sports Dir. t. r Intramurals, recently
defended his dissertation for completion of
his Doctor of Education degree. Once the
dissertation was completed, Doug turned his
attention to publishing his first book, 21st
Century Dad, a new father's game plan. See
his website at www.21stcenturydad.com.

%, -, W 1.fj

A though the College
of Health and Hmunanc
Performance has a number
of talented and committed
ta, uir m,-ml-.ei,. I not
every day that the
University gives recogni-
tion to excellence in the
classroom. In 1999, one of
only two University wide
"teacher of the Year" awards went to a professor in our
college, Dr. R. Morgan Pigg, Professor in Health Science
Education. Dr. Pi;g was first recognized as Teacher of the
Year for the College of Health and Human Performance.
He then went on to receive the university-wide honor.
Pigg teaches both undergraduate and graduate studies
and has been at UF for 13 years.

After being honored at the President's house and receiving
a traditional plaque and bonus check, Pigg was a bit
overwhelmed. "It's a humbling experience for a lot of
reasons, mostly because I know how many highly effective
teachers we have here. They all want their students to do
well and they take teaching very seriously," he said.

Pigg's professional studies have always revolved around
the growth and development of children and adolescents
and how they learn. This experience has obviously helped
him achieve success in his own classroom.

I le feels that a certain level of emotional connection must be
made with students. "If kids can't relax and feel comfort-
able it will retard the ability for them to learn, and will set
barriers for them during the semester," said Pigg.

It is true that nobody knows a professor better then the
students and that is where Pigg focuses his attention. "I get
my cl. t1i;.lif;ii ioi by Il.i',iil, 0 i-c- young people succeed at
what they're trying to do, so it's a real vote of confidence
from your students to get an award like this. It just shows
that student evaluations do make a big difference."

Sitting in his office at a desk surrounded by :a mit\ I r.:cures
and keepsakes, it is no surprise that much of I igg's
professional inspiration has spilled over from his home
life. "There is no substitute for having your own children
and being able to understand their development and the
barriers they have in today's world," he said.

Pigg has been married to wife Nancy for 28 years and has
two children. He is thankful for the opportunity to be able
to raise both aboy and a girl. Kelly, 18, is a freshman here
at UF and 14-year old Casey is a freshman at Gainesville
High School.

The years of personal experience with his children have
provided I';ig %, iti' 1 wealth of knowledge and ideas for
his research. He has also embraced the opportunity to
turn his personal stories into what he calls teachable
moments. "I like to tell family stories in class because it
helps bridge the gap between our different generations. I
think I'm just a regular guy, even kind of boring in some
ways, but sharing elements of my life are novel for kids in
this generation," he said.

A well deserved recognition to an outstanding teacher and
person. Congratulations Morgan!

I performance

Distinguished Alumni

n 1997 the CI-ll. g- began formal recognition
of alumni who have distinguished themselves
through their professional endeavors or service
to the public. These individuals are selected by a
committee of current faculty and alumni from
nominations received from friends, faculty
and alumni of the College. In April of 1999 the
College inducted 3 new members to this
august group, James Crowe, Michelle Park
and William (Bill) Sims.

Dr. James Crowe received his Master of Science
degree in Health Education from the College in
1960. Upon completion of his doctoral degree in
Higher Education from Indiana University he
joined the IU faculty in the Department of
Health and Safety. In 1993 Crowe was named
chairman of the Department of Applied I health
Science a position he still holds. He has made
dozens of professional presentations throughout
the United States as well as China, Bermuda,
Greece, Iran, Japan, Egypt, and Thailand. He is
heralded for his service to Indiana University
and to a number of professional organizations.

Michelle Park graduated from the Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism in 1976 and
continued her studies at the University of
Southern Mississippi earning a Master of
Science in Parks and Recreation
Administration in 1978. She climbed
the ladder of success beginning with
recreation directorships in Florida en
route to becoming the Executive

Director of the Maryland Recreation and Park
Association. From there, she became Director of
Professional Services for the National Recreation
and Parks Association a position she currently
holds. Parks has received a number of awards
for her extensive service and leadership to her
profession; and is credited with 49 publications.
Parks cites her most significant accomplishment
is her effort in getting local tax levies and bond
issues passed for spending on parks and
recreation services. Michelle credits Dr. Linda
Thornton and Dr. Paul Vames for much of what
she has accomplished.

Bill Sims is a 1968 graduate of the Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism and is
currently Vice President of Ogden Entertain-
ment and President of Ogden Entertainment
of Florida, Inc. as well as President of
Jazzland in New Orleans. He has overall
responsibility for operation, marketing and
growth of the companies' theme parks and
attractions in Florida which include Silver
Springs and Wild Waters.

Sims began his illustrious career in tourism in
1971 as director of operations at Cypress
Gardens. He was the youngest officer in the
company's history just three years after

graduating from college. He was appointed by
Governor Lawton Chiles as a charter member of
the 17 member group charged with advising
Florida's Division of Tourism. His effective
leadership helped support bladmiark irg'-l.it.r:
which created the Florida Tourism Industry
Marketing Corporation in 1996, the nation's first
public/private partnership in tourism market-
ing and promotion. He serves on many boards
both domestically and internationally and in
2001 will assume the position as Chairman of
the International Association of Amusement
Parks and Attractions.

Previously recognized
Distinguished Alumni:
A., r-.,.n,; (Buster) Bishop, '44,'45
William E. Harlan, Sr., '48,'49
Frank M. Lorenzo, Sr, '49
Frederick E. Rozelle, '50
Charles WN La Pradd, '53
Douglas A. l'1 i .,. '54
Barbara A. (Babs) Dalshiemrr. '55
Robert E. Allen, '58
M. B. Chafin, '58, '60
P. ," i. C, '. 1,6 :f Jr., '60
Paul R. Varnes, '60, '61
Larry Liberlore, r,, '63
Edwin C. Reese, '63
:1 L. Keith Tennant, '64
Katherine M. Hill, '65
Gerald S. Livingston, '65
Ray P!1, .' ,.r Jr,, '66
Linda Crider, '68, '70
Jill Wilson Varnes, '73, '74
John A. Smith, '75
Thornas Clenn H. F, ", '75
C. David Ayers, '76
layne Surdyka, '77
Christine E. Holyoak, '79
C. KRlla Beckman, '81
Donna L. Pastore, '81
Stephen O. Spurrier,'81
mmnitt J. Smith, '96

in Ocklawaha, FL. Her husband, Art, of 28
years passed away February 13, 1999.

jIM CROWE (MSHSE, 1960) retired from Indiana
University as Chair of the Department. Jim was
named a HHP Distinguished Alumni in 1999.

LYNN O. MATTHEWS (BSPE 1965) is President and
chief operating officer of the Atlanta-based New
York limes Regional Newspaper Group. Lynn
oversees 21 small- and medium-sized newspa-
pers owned by The New York Times Co. in the
Southeast and California. The combined
circulation of the papers is 765,000.

completing her dissertation on AD/HD for
Clinical Psychology. She facilitates breast
cancer support groups and has been doing so
for the past 12 years. She also conducts Foster
Parent Training. Her husband John R. Capel is
a psychologist. In her free time she loves to
garden, and has a 15,000 sqft vegetable garden
to brag about.

KENT TUCKER (BSHSE 1980, MAHSE 1982) Kent is
living in Fort Worth, Texas and is Vice President
of \nciUari Services. He is responsible for Lab,
aditii'li., Physical iTh.l ii. Occupational
Medicine, Fitness Center, Assessment Lab
(testing of Firefighters, Polcre EL\xcitl i e'
Physicals, etc.), Dietary,
S1i aii-'kL. .j'g.;. Plant
Services and Physician
Recruitment. Ancillary
Services is part of
Adventist Health
System and their
(o.i porlal joi Iin:ces are in


moved from Radford University in Virginia and
is now HPER Department Chair at UNC
Wilmington. Carl was glad to be back to the
coast, but reports Hurricane Irene's welcome
was really not necessary!

PAUL A. NEWMAN (BSHE 1983) was on campus
recently for the University of South Alabama's
basketball game with the Gators. Paul is the
head athletic trainer for USA located in Mobile.
He was married almost 2 years ago and really
likes living in the Mobile area.

CONNIE FLIEDER MALTBY (BSHE 1985) reports living
a full and great life! She keeps herself busy by
home schooling her two children, ages six and
seven, teaching nutrition classes at Brevard
Community College, and working part time as a
dental hygienist.

MARY K. KIRKLAND (ATC 1986) a Florida native
and member of the National Athletic Trainer's
Association. She has been working for the
Kennedy Space Center since 1989. Mary loves
working in this non-traditional setting and
enjoys her role as supervisor of REHABWORKS.

ALEXANDER PENAITA (1987) After the University of
Florida he attended Law School and has a
private practice in South Florida. Alex is an
Adjunct Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University and at Florida Atlantic L'ni\ er-itv\

(MnrrHEu.) HOLMES (BESS 1987; MHSE 1990)
report business is great at MedX of Estes,
Colorado, they are truly li, iln ilihvti dream.
Byron and Debbie have 2 children, Luke Owen,
5 years old and Holli Ann, 2 years old.

SIACIL RASMUSSEN (BSR 1989) is working as the
Director of Marketing for Gulfwind Marine,
Sarasota and Venice. She coordinates advertis-
ing, special promotional events, Cruise Club
trips throughout Florida and the Bahama
Islands and educational seminars.

ELvis N. BRANDON, IV (MESS 1990) is a certified
Athletic Trainer and Licensed Physical Therapist
Assistant for Diversicare Rehab Services in
Lavergne, TN. His wife, Lori, is a full time
mother to their two sons: Cody Nash, age four
and Noah MacLeod, age one. They both serve
as certified Athletic Trainers for Junior and
Senior Olympic Roller Skating National
Championship programs.

ANNE RHEINS (MESS 1990) lives in Augusta, GA
with her husband, Todd and their 2 & 4 year old
children. She is a stay at home Mom and her
husband is a physical therapist.

AMY ZOROVICH (BSR 1990; MSRS 1992) reports
all is well in Ohio. She and husband Steve
Deckman have a new family addition,
Andrew Curtis was born September 20. Haley,
now 3 1/2 years is enjoying her new role as
big sister.

STEVE WILSON (BSESS 1992) was selected by the
Texas Swimming Association as 1999 State of
Texas Swim Coach of the Year. He loves Texas
and urges Gator friends to write, his address is
P.O. Box 3191, Humble, TX 77347.

DOUGLAS I. CASA (MSESS 1993) was recently
named Director of Athletic Training Education
at the University of Connecticut. He has served
for the last year as the Chair of a National
Athletic Trainer's Association Committee to
develop a position statement on Fluid Replace-
ment in Athletics,


JONATHAN CORON (MHSE 1993) is employed as a
Wellness Education Specialist for the Columbia
Correctional Institute and was r-cL nrl awarded
a Davis Productivity Award. These awards are
provided to State of Florida employees who
identify ways to jn.i.i. -e eiti.:ei'.. i and/or save
money. Jonathan introduced the ACS Fresh
Start I'r,; 1,im 1 i.r prison inmates to reduce their
dependence on nicotine.

E. LYNN FRAZIER (MSRS 1993) has given up her
position as academic advisor in the Depart-
ment of Recreation, Parks and Tourism to
become the Executive Director of UF's
International Studies Center.

completed her Ph.D. at Indiana University in
June and is now an assistant professor at
Towson State University. Kandice visited UF for
homecoming, and reports that she is glad to
nuw be on the "other side of the desk".

STEVE LIVESAY (BSHSE, 1993) has great news; he
and wife Darla have a new little Gator. Landen
Stephen joined the family on October 29,
weighing in at 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Steve lives
in south Florida and works for the Broward
County Health Department.

MICHELLE MOORE (MHSE, 1993, PH.D., 1997) has
relocated to Florida, where she is now in the
Department of Community Health at the
University of North Florida. Michelle recently
participated in a Department of Health Science
Education Brown B.,, i n l r

academic advisor for HHP freshmen and
sophomores has returned to Seminole Country
working with the Florida Department of
Education- Sharon spends most of her time
providing technical assistance to Florida's
.:.hool ditti..t.

JAMES A. ONATE (BSESS 1994) is currently the
Director of Athletic Training and Sports
Medicine at Southeast Raleigh I ligh School in
R.-l-r;t1 NC. In the fall of 1999 he entered the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to
pursue a Ph.D. in Human Movement Science.
He married Debra Renee Allard in the summer
of 1998 and is anxious to embark on another
stage in his life.

JULIA C. FLOHR (BSHSE 1994, MHSE 1996) is the
student activity advisor for Lake Sumter
Community College. She will be the advisor,
counselor and, student activity sponsor at the
new campus in Clearmont. She is also the
Tobacco Prevention Coordinator of the Lake
County Office of tobacco Control.

IsAAC DURRANCE (BSESS 1995) is the Director of
Physician Relations in Administration at
Highlands Regional Medical Center in
Sebring, FTl. His wife, Tina Thomas, is a 1995
graduate of the University of Florida Dental
School and is presently attending UF's
Executive Masters Program in Health and
Hospital Administration.

INCA GEORGE (BSESS 1995) completed her master's
degree in sports administration at Florida State
University in May of 1999. As a certified athletic
trainer Inga worked with the FSU athletics
program .,I -ilk -.oi n plrerr her master's degree.
She is now a biology teacher and athletic trainer at
Minor High School in Birmingham.

KATINA, BONAPARTE M. (MPH 1996) resides in
North Miami. She graduated with a master in
Public Health in December of 1998 from Florida
International University. She began work as a
health educator at the University of Miami as of
August 1, 1999 and will soon begin work on her
Ed.D specializing in Health Care Education.

HrE.mH MiRIrN BSESS 1996) is an Assistant
mthler i Ir.in r ror the University of Alabama
,n Huntsville. She completed
her Masters in Sport and
Fitness at Troy State Univer-
sity in May 1998.

DAVID SOBELMAN (BSESS, 1996) a past coordinator
of the Spine Center is working for the President
and Mrs. Bill Clinton as a member of the White
House Advance Staff. This is a team to provide
political, logistical, and organizational assis-
tance to the President and First Lady for
domestic and international travel events.

employed at the Olympic Training Center in San
Diego working mainly with the US Rowing
team. Shannon reports that her experience so far
has been nothing short of excellent. She has
been able to apply the knowledge she has
gained in Exercise h., -iri.l \ to the top athletes
in our country.

LAURENCIA HurroN (BSHSE 1998) is now in her
2nd year of the MPH program at the University
of South FI 'iJd. '.Ipecializing in Maternal and
Child Health. Laurencia recently passed the
certification exam for a Certified 1 health
Education Specialist.

GINA SCOTT (ESS 1998) Gina works at Louisiana
State University in the Athletic Association's
Marketing and Promotions Department. She
resides in Baton Rouge, I.A.

COURTNEY WILLIAMS (BSR 1998) has recently
joined the Orange County Florida Department
of Parks and Recreation Department as a
Recreation Specialist with Orange County's
Downey Park.

JENNIFER JONES (BSR 1999) took an African safari
after graduation, and liked it so much that she
applied to the graduate program at the
University of Pretoria. She leaves in mid-
January to begin her studies in Environmental
Studies, with an emphasis on Environment and
Society, focusing on the relationship between
the resources and the people.

MELISSA GERDON (BSR 1997, MSRS 1999) is now
the Academic Advisor in the Department of
Recreation, Parks and Tourism in the L.ollv.g

,. t -", ,- ,',,

FEBRUARY 4,2000 the College of Health and
Human Performance celebrated current
students and alumni as more than $25,000 in
scholarships were awarded. Held in conjunc-
tion with the HIIP Advisory Council meeting
this year's convocation recognized 30 majors in
the College as recipients of scholarships in
1999-2000. The convocation is one of the ways
that we are able to honor the donors whose
contributions make these awards possible.
Through the generosity of our alumni and
friends, the diligent efforts of Dean Patrick
Bird with guidance from William (Bill)
Frederick College Development Officer, we
have seen a steady growth in the number of
scholarships and the amount of money
awarded over the past ten years. Members of
the College Council served as hosts for the
event and Andrew Holdnak, chair of the
scholarship committee announced the
recipients as Dean Pat Bird presented the
awards. Other members of the Scholarship
Committee are Delores James, Douglas
DeMichelle, Heather Hasenblaus, and HHP
Student Affairs Dean Jill Varnes.
In addition to the long established scholarships,
-hi ',i ir m l.'aied :.,_ ir'i .i .irdinig of the
Potter/Chafin Scholarship. lWilliam i BiLt Potter
and Moses B.11 \E. Chafin ar former head
coaches of the Cator Tennis Team and long time
members of the HHP faculty. Bill Potter retired
from teaching a number of years ago; MB Chafin
is currently Director of UF's Recreational Sports
Program. Friends and former players and
students of Potter and Chafin established the

scholarship as a way to honor these two
outstanding educators. The scholarship is given
to a major in the Colk who enjoys and
actively participates in tennis.
Matthew Difebo is a Recreation, Parks
and Tourism major specializing in Therapeu-
tic Recreation. His volunteer experiences
include working with pediatric as well as
geriatric clients.
Dean Patrick Bird also announced the
establishment of 2 Ph.D. fellowships: The Jane
Adams Edmonds PhD Fellowship is estab-
lished by Maurice 0. Edmonds in recognition
of his wife, Jane. The Fellowship is established
to support a graduate student in the College
who is a US citizen. Preference will be given
to a student in one of the Exercise and Sport
Science specializations. Also announced was
the Charles LaPradd Ph.D. Fellowship, to be
used to support a graduate student in the
College who is a US citizen with preference
given to native Floridians. Recipients for these
fellowships will be selected later in the spring,
funds will be available for their use in the
2000-2001 academic year.

ESTABLISHED in 1998 by 3 former faculty members
the Robert Allen/Owen I lolyoak/Paul Varnes
Scholarships are presented to graduate and
undergraduate students with a demonstrated
commitment to be of service to others either
through military or community service.
Undergraduate Recipient:
T;i' rr, Williams, Exercise and Sport Sciences
(ESS) Athletic f! ~ .,, specialization from St.
Petersburg, FL.
Graduate Recipients:
K.,, ,,' r .'i, Leah, Recreation, Parks and Tourism
(RI'T) master's student from Ohio is
.*. 'r;: ~n: in Tourism and Commercial
Denise Seabert, Health Science Education
(HSE) doctoral studentfrom Indiana in the
School Health specialization.
Dean Emeritus C.A. Boyd Scholarships are
designated for any major in the College with
special consideration at the undergraduate level
for one that enjoys and plays golf.
Undergraduate Recipient:
Patrick Dougherty, a senior in Exercise and
Sport Sciences specializing in Exercise
Physiology and 'aim,, i,.: in Nutrition while
maintaining a 4.0 CPA. Patrick is from
Gainesville, a graduate ofPK Yonge DRS.

Graduate Recipient:
Cari Autry, doctoral student in Recreation,
Parks and Tourism in Therapeutic Recreation.
Car completed her master's work at UNC,
Chapel Hill.
II. Spurgeon Cherry Memorial Scholarship is
given annually to a student nominated by the
faculty; recipients mu -t hae acth tl. part:l-
pated in the Recreational Sports program at UE
Stephanie Weaver is an FSS major with a
specialization in Athletic Training, this will be
her 2nd BS degree; she earned a BS in Food
Science and Human Nutrition in 1997 and is
a member of the Golden Key National Honor
Society ler Recreational Sports participation
includes soccer, softball, volleyball and :,
James Daniel Eggert Memorial Scholarships are
given to undergraduates in any major in the
College with preference to a graduate of a
Pensacola area high school.
Jill Goldstein, ESS with a specialization in
Exercise ,. '. .'i,, 'r Tamarac, FL. An avid
volunteer with a number .. ... ',', 'n .,', ..i
organizations, Jill also has an active interest in
research, During the fall term she assisted in
the Center for Exercise Science biochelmistn lab.

John Williamson, RPT in the Natural
Resources Management specialization is a
native ofPensacola and an Eagle Scout who
hopes to .-.*,,t. i:. ;..',,. ii. National Park
Service or in another outdoor setting.

'he Charles W. Fessler and Judith U. Fessler
undergraduate scholarships are awarded to
Recreation, Parks and Tourism and Exercise and
So.rl Sciences majors respectively. Mr. Fessler
established these scholarships as a way to assist
students in pursuit of their degree.
Charles Fessler recipient:
Claudia Castillo RPT specialization in
Commercial Recreation personally finances
most of her educational expenses. A native of
Miami, Claudia is fluent in Spanish a skill she
believes will enhance her employment
opportunities in the tourism industry.

Judith Fessler recipient:
Faith Sanders, ESS/sport snaigement *.ti., ;.
a native of Bell, FL and former scholarship
athlete at Santa Fe Community College. Faith
juggles a 'i,-.. .i.lr i, a. tla i ,, ; ln ,C
supervisor at the Fitness Connection for Women,

I dbrforance

Thomas F Hayes. IV Memorial Scholarship is
given to either an undergraduate or graduate
student who is an active cyclist and participant
with Team Florida Cycling Club.
Cameron Loos, graduate student in Exercise
and Sport Sciences specializing in biomechan-
ics. In October, Cameron completed the Ironman
World Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

Norma M. Leavitt Scholarships include one
undergraduate given to an ESS major in a
teacher education specialization and 5 graduate
Undergraduate recipient:
Nancy I ernandez is a dual major in both ESS
and Health Science Education specializing in
athletic training and school health (respectively)-

Graduate recipients:
Gianluca DelRossi came to U from 'loronto,
Ontario to pursue a master's degree in ESS
specializing ',, it.. r ,. i'rr

Elizabeth Fallon completed her BS degree in
Psychology at ULF and i currently a master's
student in ESS specializing in motor control.

Haruyo Nishimura completed her BS degree in
;',-. ;i,', ; at the University of Tsukuba, Japan;
she is currently a Therapeutic Recreation
master's student in the RPT major.

Brian Rockwood is pursuing dual master
degrees in ESS sports management and
Business Management; prior :,o "'. r-,' tl.,'
master's program Brian completed his BSESS
al I Uf

Danidlle Symons completed her BS degree in
psychology at Baldwin-Wallace College in Ohio
where she was a member of the women's soccer
team. Danielle is currently a doctoral student
in Health and Human Performance -,' *.. ...:l r -
in exercise and sport psychology.
Lee-McCachren Scholarship is given to a
graduate student who has exemplified excellence
in teaching within the Sport-Fitness program the
faculty must nominate the rer'pictl.

jossi, MAATn iw DIEno, JOHN
Wit_ a. RABIL
FROa T I-R Kiu Nc.iirs,
Jil C ns( l lN, TII ANY v WI I IA

Nicholas l.'I,, ir is a doctoral student
specializing in Motor Behavior; he received his
BS in Psychology from George Mason Univer-
-iv and a MS in Education from Virginia Tech.

Herman W. Schnell Memorial Scholarships are
awarded to one undergraduate and two graduate
students majoring in Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Undergraduate recipient:
Kim Nguyen, an ESS major with a minor in
Business Administration is a Fitness
Supervisor and Aerobic Instructor at Ul's
Student Recreation and Fitness Center. Kim
excelled in tennis as a high school athlete.

Graduate recipients:
Amie Dirks is a doctoral student specializing
in Exercise !'r-.,. ; i... Amie received her BS
degree from UC Davis and her MS from
San Diego State University both in Exercise
m'74 ,,'. n, r

Ethan Levy is a master's student in ESS
specializing in Athletic Training, he completed
his BS degree at SUNY- Brockport. He is a
Certified Athletic trainer and supervises the
Athletic Tr- i r'" ,,,', -,'. Medicine Center in
the College.

The Stevens scholarships established by B.K.
and Betty Stevens provide funds for both
graduate and undergraduate students.
BXK and Bethi Stevens undergraduate recipients:
William Rabti is an ESS major in iIh, Pr,. r"
management specialization and member of
Golden Key National Honor Society. I ie
anticipates graduation i', l,, i; 7i.r ,..i.-,
honors upon completion of his senior thesis-

Jason Fielding, a Licensed Massage Therapist is
an ESS ma ior specializing in Fitness/Wellness
who is a member of Golden Key National
Honor Society.

B.K. and Betty Stevens graduate recipient:
Gloria Sanders is -ri,, rriil a master's student
in Recreation, Parks and Tourism specializing
in Recreation Administra ion and Tourism,

-, r l. .. ., l,. I ,,, I ....

Naomi S. Stevens undergraduate recipient:
Douglas jossi, an ESS major specializing in
physical education anticipates an immediate
return to school to pursue a master's degree in
Adapted frl ,~ia i Education. : ','*: enjoys
being of service to others as exemplified by his
more than 70 volunteer hours in the Alachua
County Schools.

The Patrick J. Bird Dissertation Research Award
is presented to a Ph.D. candidate to assist in the
expenses associated with their a.ipr', ed
research project.
Kristine it w:4r'; I ., d. student in Health
and Human Performance specializing in health
behavior. Kris' BS d.-: 1. i4 in '; i..I n i ,.;
the UnI,;:,'-ii ., Central Florida, her master's
degree is in Health Science Education from UF
She;- :.'.., *,'li i.r. l ... .' a -a health education
intervention to increase exercise adherence in an

Ihe Chris Patrick Athletic Trw., U'r, scholarships
are funded through an agreement with the
University Athletic Association. 'o be consid-
ered for these awards the student must be an
ESS major in the athletic training specialization.
Recipients are Jodie Bourne, Christine Douglas,
Audrey F rltd l.Irld. Jennifer Harrington, Robert
I ernandez, Kimberly Kimmel, Cindy Ortiz,
Julie Robinson, Br'. r I iint.-n. David Szmiga,
and Elizabeth Whitson.

AnONit -' i-,hiTg to contribute to a specific
scholarship fund ,r the ,cnItr.il -..iolarship fund
is encouraged to contact Dean Patrick Bird or Mr.
William Frederick, Development Officer. It is the
generous contributions of our alunuti and friends
that make these scholarships possible.

DRIAm RocKmoon, NicHOLs MuKKAI, EiHaN I is, AMir DI1IKs,
KRSN u r STornor

i,-,, .,..,I|

$100,000 OR MORE
Shands at the University of Florida
State of Florida, Comptroller Office
University Athletic Assn., Inc.

$50,000 $99,999
American Heart Association, Florida
Affiliate & State Office
Charles W. LaPradd
McdX 96, Inc.
Billie K. & Betty C. Stevens

$25,000 $49,999
Carol J. and Hoyt Robinson Barnett
Walt Disney World Co.
Ogden Entertainment of Florida, Inc.

$10,000 $24,999
Ruth Allen-Hunter
Federated Dept. Stores Fdtn.
William D. Frederick
Society of Geriatric C irJ;l,,.;%
Sponsored Research-Misc. Donors

$1,000 $9,999
Robert E. & Rebecca S. Allen
American College of Sports
Bank of America Fdtn.
Susan A. Boehm
Harold C. Brown
Harold C. Brown, Jr. &
Barbara Love Brown
Maj. Gen. Maurice O. Edmonds
F.A.H.P.E.R.D. Assn.
Charles W Fessler, Jr.
J. Stephen Gardner
Michael A. Grasso
GTE Fdtn.
Joseph C. Heyck, Jr. &
Marilyn G. Heyck
Michael G. & Dana Krause Hole
Owen J. & Christine A. Holyoak
Tomas Hudlicky
Ivory International, Inc.
Patricia K. James
Marie E. Knafelc
life Fitness Academy
Frank M. I orenzo, Sr.
June M. Masters
Edward D. &
Mrs. Charlie Mathews
Perry C. McGriff, Jr.
William & Joan Mendenhall
Nortel Networks
R. Morgan Pigg, Jr.
Joseph P. Poats
William M. & Dorothy E. Potter
James G. Pressly, Jr.
The Principal Financial
Group Foundation, Inc.
Rocky River Publishers LI.C
Francis E. Sargent
Sawgrass Horse Show Assn.
Charles P. & Sue Siler
Southern Tennis Academy
Spurrier Parkway Apartments
State Farm Cos. Fdtn.
A. Ward Wagner, Jr.
Debra L. Wert
Donna J. & Kevin L. Wheeler
Angus WiBiams, Jr.
Edward O. Wolcott
Your Campus Federal Credit Union

$100 $999
Randall S. Adams
Ruth H. Alexander
Judith A. Allen
American General Corp.
Andersen Consulting Fdtn.
Alicia N. Ashdown
Carla M. Austin
Charles 1). Avers
Patrick M. Bailey
Bank of America
David Barth
Ronald B. Bartlett
Lee J. Basey
Louise V. Bassett
James C. Baucom, Jr.
Andrea L. Behrman
Adam E. Berko
Susan L. Bertucci
Susan Marie Betchner
James E Bishop, Jr. &
Fay H. Bishop
Clarence J. Bodie, Jr.
Carole H. Boniface
Quientella Denise Bonner
Polly D. Bottom
Carey R. Bradburn
Nell H. Bradley
Maley S. Brancaccio
Christopher E. & Sara J. Brazda
Mary K. Brown
Jana C. Burch
Burrito Brothers laco Co.
Evelyn T. Bush
Richard L. Callum
Joseph M. Camuccio
Christopher L. Carmody
Mrs. Cecily K. Carr
Douglas J. Casa
Paul B. Chafin
W. William Chen
M. Freida Chewning
Gary R. Chisling
Bill F. Cockcroft
Reaves C. Cole
Cynthia A. Coleman
Catherine S. Coloson
Computer Associates
International, Inc.
Ellen J. Cooper

I 1,*,rformance

Cheryl R. Courtney
William G. Cross
James W. Crowe
Anna D. Crnz
James A. Cummings, Inc.
Charles C. Davis, Jr. &
Suzanne M. Davis
Edward M. Davis
Karleen J. Dawkins
Don L. Deal
Mary N. DeAngelis
Carol L. Deibel
Delta Air Lines Fdtn.
J. Frank Dempsey, Jr. &
Hazel Coleen Dempsey
Preston D, Dobson
H. Jackson &
Jennifer Keck Downey
George E Duke 111
Finley J. Duncan
Ian Duvenhage
Ernst & Young Fdtn,
Edward S. Pasold II
James U. Fisher
Florida Association of Professional
Health Educators
Richard P. Forster
Tim David & e,,cki A. Foster
Nancy D. Frashuer
Jennifer A. Frederick
Julie F. Frye
David D. Fuller, Sr.
John E Gaines
James B. Gardner
Leith E. George
Beatrice C. Gerber
Mandell & Joyce Glicksberg
Alan R. Goldberg
Louis J. Goldstein
Mrs. Jean Gonzalez
James L. Goolsby, Jr.
Nancy D. Coslin
Jill Graddy
Corine D. Grant
Edwin H. Gratton
Veronica G. Greason
John P Greene Ill
Donald Grundmann
Janice I,. Hager
Christopher F Hallett
Patti F. Iamilton
William P. Harlan, Sr. &
Madge 0. Harlan

James S. Hasbrouck
Richard M. & Karen L. Hassler
Colonel Donald J. Hatch
Gerald G. Hazouri
William C. Heaton
Karen S. Henley
Billy R. Henson
Timothy Hugh Hester
Robert C. Hewitt
Janice A. Hobbs
Mrs. Lynn B. Holland
William D. Hurse
Dannielle J. Isel
Robert B. Jarvis
Albert N. Jeffrey, Jr.
Jenkins & Charland, Inc.
Patsy R. Johnson
J.C. Penney Co., Inc.
Kevin Thomas Kenney
Jack A. Kenworthy
Maryellen Kirwan
Mark S. Koebernik
Jim Krueger
John Kunnen & Associates, Inc.
John K. Langelier, Jr.
Leon J. Larson
Thomas N. Leidell
Stephanie A. Lennon
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Mrs. Shannon M. Logan
Edward J. Long, Jr.
Donald L. Losman
Lori A. Losner
Jack Lucks
Daniel R. MacDonell
R. Brian MacNamara
Debra L. Marcoux
Barbara Jeanne Marsh
Turay E. Martin
Master Marine of South Florida, Inc.
Michelle M. Mauer
Dennis E. May
.Iefrey P. McAndrews
Joyce A. McDonald
Patricia E. & Michael J. McGinnis
Catherine A. McGrath
James S. McKinney
Maj. Joseph R. McLaughlin
Ronald E. McMillin
Allan E McVey
Ernest M. Menendez, Jr.
Marie C. Menza
Louie D. Merchant

Midwest Hay, Inc.
Mrs. Leslie J. Miedema
Robert V. Milby
James H. Miller
Mary M. Miller
lammy Dodson Miller
John M. Milling
Ernest L. Mills III
Kim S. Mills
Henry T. Morgan
Susan S. Morton
Amy P Mullins
Comdr. Donna M. Murdoch
Mrs. Lynn P Neill
Lisa M. Nesbitt
Jeanne B. Neumann
William A. Newbern, Jr.
J-llrI..*, M. Nordeen
Pamela M. Oberst
Daniel E. O'Brien
Linda C. Odom
Wm. A. Oughterson
Joseph K. Pace
Julie A. Palmer-Nicholson
Duane C. Peacock
Scott I. Peek, Sr.
Brenda M. Pena
George II. Pennington, Jr.
I leidi E. Perry
I lugh C. Perry II
Margaret A. Petrillo
Susan S. Pfifferling
James C. Phillips, Jr.
Jerry II. Posey
Charles F. & Shirley E. Potter
William M. Potter
John Q. Powell, Sr.
Marie R. Presser
David S. & Mary Pressly
James H. Purcell, Jr.
Stephen A. & Susanne D.
Celia Regimbal
Richard H. Reisinger, Sr.
Robert E. & Elizabeth J. Rockey
John Roglieri
Ray H. Rollyson, Jr.
Mary A. Roy
Wesley A. Royal
John R. Ruckriegel
Kathryn M. Runyon
Martha 1. Salinero

Stephen C. Sandberg
Foley R. Santamaria
Michael C. Sapp
E Stephens Schnell, D.D.S
Michael D. Schroeder
Capt. Arthur M. Seitz Il
Lynda A. Selover
Tye B. Severino
Graig D. Shaak
Robert W- Sherwood
Dorothy A. Shields
Lisa A. Simms
Mary L. Smith
Lyda K. Sorgini
Stephanie C. Stans
Robert I.. Stark
John 11. Stauff
Foy W. & Myra M. Stephens
John L. Steverding
Stewarts Catering Co.
Harold J. Stonitsch
Virginia C. M. Sutton
William H. Swartz, Sr.
Nancy S. Tate
Philip Tatich
Maureen E. Terwilliger
The Gator Shop
Miriam .. Thornton
Margaret W. & George W. Todd
Joan F. Treves
I arry W. Tuggle
Jill A. Valley
Richard G. Vasquez
Benny F. Vaughn
Mary C. Wacker
Gary L. Waddell
Damon B. Walker
Barbara M. Wanke
Robert J. Wehking
Carolyn P. Weiler
Robert M. Weiler
Paula D. Welch
Lynne A. & Peter H. Wells
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Alice Joanne White
Lois M. Williams
K. Wayne Williamson
Donna R Wilson
Sabrina G. Wotitzky
Mrs. Mirka J. Young

.krfmaace I

Mrs. Leslie B. Aaron-Cabral
Paul J. Ackerman
Kimberly A. Adkins
Leonard L. Allen
Mary V. Aman
Stephen W. Amos
Cynthia S. Anderson
Lynda J. Anderson
Michelle D. Anderson
Buddy T. Antone
Thomas W. Arnold
Sarah H, Asher
AT&T Fdtn.
Jeffrey W. Auer
Michael J. Augustine
Mary Convery Austin
Robbin R. Bach
Leonard C. Balas
Stacy A. Barnes
Thomas A. Bates
Kimberly A. Beckctt
Dana T. Bedden
Catherine L. Benedetti
Ronald P, Bennett
I larry L. Benson, Jr.
Norma Y. Benson
Roy Thomas Benson
Barbara A. Binkley
Bonnie C. Black
Cheryl S. Black
Patricia II. Blake
James I1. Blanton
Kimberly I.. Bonds
Brian Jay Borland
Jill B. BOLI, I, rV
Grant D. Bowlus
Karen L. Boyle
Laurie E. F. Braden
Karen J. Brassard
Renee T. Brillante
Mary L. Brophy
Archester S. Brown
Dawson E. Brown
Xenula A. Brown
Michael D. Burd :i
Patricia D. Burnsed
Patrick J. Byrne
Jean D. Callaway
Robert W. Campbell
Larry Dean Candeto
Amy J. Cannon
Nancy '. Carmichael
XVL .-iria J. Cauthen

Jeffrey L. Cesta
Selwyn T. Chalker llI
Mrs. Jean C. Chance
Andy Chapman (d)
Brad S. Chissom
Joseph D. Ciaravino
Danielle M. Ciferri
Cina L. Ciuffetelli
Harry B. Clarkson III
Dorothy E. Collins
Heidi W Collins
Thomas R. Collop III
John L. Combs
Mrs. Colene M. Cone
Lori L. Conway
Mrs. Frances Larson Cooley
Elsa M. Costello
Carol-Ann Courtney
Matthew L. Cowan
Ronald D. Creese
Barbara H. Criqui
Robert B. Crosby, Jr.
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Benjamin S. Custis
Dana C. David
Donald F Davis
Wendell D. Davis
Barbara Z. Dellecker
Barbara K. Denoff
David T. Deutsch
Donna M. Deutsch
Laura L. Dixon-Hendrickson
Laurie K. Doerr
Lisa M. Dolan
Kiersten A. Dossey
Dennis C. Drake
Terrye W, Dubberly
Isaac N. Durrance
Jane M. Eason
David J. Edelson
Debora A. Edwards
Maureen D. Edwards
Robert J. t-; I
Matthew T. Ehrhardt
Eli Lilly & Co., Fdtn.
Brian M. Elliott
Reverend Joel W. Embry
Laura L. Evans
John R. Eyler
Barry R. Fasold, Jr.
Herbert W. Felber, Jr.
Patricia M. Findlan
Laura C. Fischer
Philip L. Fisher
Dean L Fishman

Kathryn M. Fleming
Susan R. Fletcher
Janet S. Forbess
Douglas W. Forsyth
David J. Fox
Foxwood Farms
Martin L. Frady
Jason L. Franklin
Carolyne Ree Freeman
Kathleen L. Frey
Steven L. Frost
Robert N. Fulmer 111
William K. Fuquay
Sean D. Gagnon
Jennifer L. Gaine
Robert J. Galbraith
Lisa M. Garner
Janet K. Garvin
Kim M. Gattle
Lori K. Gaudreau
John P. Gawlak
Paul David Gehris
Richard C. Giannini
Susan M. Gladstein
Robert E. Godwin
Michael D. Gold
Justin M. Goode
Phyllis Beaver Graham
Michael J. Granata
Graphic Services of Cainesville
Jeffrey T. Griffin
Sevier P. Griffin BII
Dennis W. Guenther
Aimee J. Gunnoe
Taylor R. Hale
Mary E. Hall
Renee M. Hall
Melissa D. Hamby
John E. I lansen
Anne E I larmon Grout
Stacey L. I arris
Curtis E. I larvey
Herman C. I atfield
Kristie R. Headley
John A. Ilebert
Jonathan F. I leck
Michele C. Ileindl
Kristin E. Helgeson
Kelly J. Helms
Caridad A. Hentges
Robert A. Herb
David A. Herrick
John D. Hester
Orlando M. Hidalgo
Greg Hilley
Curtis J. Hinson

Robin A. I lorder-Koop
Dori Ann I lorowitz
Horse & Pony Newspaper
Charles J. Huber
Lori A. Hubl-Powell
Mary E. Huddleston
Sharon C. Huey
Randall K. Hunt
Kjersta L. Hunteman
Laurencia S. Hutton
Michael A. Hylton
Laura lacovone
Suzette S. laria
Frederick W. Ives
Gail G. Jacobs
Delores A. James
Christopher M. Janelle
Janelle K. Jaszczak
David L. Jenkins, Jr.
JK2 Holmes Constructors, Inc.
Jacqueline H. Johnson
Kandice M. Johnson
William C. Johnstone
Donna A. lll;
Gerald W. Jordan
Elaine M. Judy
Michael Joseph Junod
Pelin M. Karaca
Mike J. K ,r..iFphil
Tiffany R. Kcllcrman
Connie Kenney
Marlyn M. Kenney
Christine E. Kilby
Louis A. King
Susan T. Kisner
Terry W. Kitts
Karen L. Kondolf
Mrs. Ashley P. Koontz
Adam E. Kovalski
Robert A. Krause
Elizabeth A. Krouch
Frances I ala
Michael A. landis
Rachel A. Lange
Victor V. ,anna
Kathryn S. I.apointe
Kenneth R. Lardie
Scott P I.arkin
Karen Maria Larsen
Mary M. Lasseter
Charles J. Lechner
Barbara E Leddy
June D. Leinenbach
J. Scott Leonard
Lyle C. Levesque
Michelle P. Lewis

A #rformance

Larry P. Libcrtore, Jr.
Michael D. Lindsay
Jennifer S. Litchfield
Gloriana M. Lopez
Lucia C. Lopez
Shi ley A. Lopresto
Cynthia M. LoLrie
Judith E Loy
Carla A. Lucas
Daniel R. Lucas
Janda L. Lucas
Lucent Technologies
Lynne S. Maher
Thomas Edgar Malloy
Stephanie G. Manasco
Amy I.. Markin
Donna P. Marrone
Bonnell Martens
Lauren M. Mayer
Della-Jean Mays
Chad T. McAnally
James R. McCachren
Tracy L. McCall
Timothy K. & Lisa \, C.I Ihyv
McCarthy Constuction Inc.
Linda Mostert McGrane
Kimberly A. McCurk
Ricky Allen G. Mclntosh
Edwin S. McKenzie
Howard W. McLane
Robin C. S. Merritt
Richard M. Messina
Micropage Wireless Services, Inc.
Melinda L. Millard-Stafford
L lrr, n k. Miller
Dawn R. Miller
l'hill ip B. Miller
Betsy B. & Mark C. Mitchell
Christy Oetter Montgomery
Connie L. \1, .ntiomn r
Debora J. Moore
Harold C. Moore
Cynthia D. Morchelies
Deborah-Ann Morrill
Charles L. Morris, Jr.
Peggy J. Morrissey
Wynterence Moultry
Kathy W. Mowbray
Kimberley B. Mowery &
Arthur J. Mowery, Jr.
Diana D. Murphy-Belger
Musco Sports L ghbni -1 L
Mary E. Musselman
Mark S, Myers
Kenneth A. Nadassy
Suzan J. Nash

Nationwide Insurance Fdtn.
Cuillermo J. Navarro
Maureen C. Nemcik
Peter M. Newfield
Anne F Newsome
New South PiubtlrJurn-. Inc.
Tracy A. Nicol
Elizabeth Ann Nisco
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Michael P. Nuccio
Dianna Lynn Nulty
Christopher C. Nute
Jack E. O'Brien
Sisti A. O'Connor
Gerald S. Odomn
Margaret A. Ogilby
Peter B. Orschiedt
Vicki L. Overman
Martha E Owens
Rebecca K. Parks
Michael R. Parra, Jr.
Joseph D. Paschal
Kristin A. Pearce
Shayne F. Pearson
Alysia A. Peddy
Susan J. Peters
Todd H. ',irm
Stephen J. Petti
I olly I. Pickens
Alfred F. Pisano III
Jennifer K. Plamp
Rose M. Plumley
Lt. Comdr. Thomas I.. Pokorski
Brent E, Posey
Margaret F. Powell
Marjorie J. Power
Scotty K. Powers
Dawn M. Pride
Linda M. Prince
Ruth M. Proctor
Suzanne M. Provencher
Robert D. Provenzano
Joann Ferguson Purdie
Bertha Ann Losh Quint
John F. Raiford, Jr.
Christine C. Rainey
Mrs, Leslie T. Ramshaw
William D. Ratlieff
Bryce B. IKradv
Mrs. Lynn C. Reese
Kristi L, Reinert-Vandenberg
John C. Reitenbach
Reitz Union Barber Shop
Jessica L. Renninger
John R. Rei nr,':,.1
David W. & Jeri C. Rice

J. Eric Ringdahl
Amanda L. Roberts
Katherine W Roberts
Robin D. Roberts
Diana S. Rodriguez
Mary H. Roebuck
Morris H. Rogers
Holly S. Rosica
Paula Sue Ruckhaus
Daniel D. Rutkowski
Christopher W. Rylee
Caroline Michel San Juan
Tom A. Schlictman
Bradley W. Schmucker
Angela R. Schremp
Darin J. Schubeck
Mrs. JoEllen M. Schweichler
Thomas M. Scott
Judith A. Sedor
Kimberly K. Sellers
Stephen R. Sexauer
David W. Shaffer
Corrine A. Sharpe

Mrs. Shannon B. Sutton
Lisa A. Sweat
Jennifer M. Sweet
Debra J. Tackett
Jeanna S. Taylor
Traci A. Tefft
Theo Deli, Inc.
Mava Lee Thomas
Cordon M. Thomson
Larry L. Travis
Diane C. Trexler
Mrs. Colny W. Tucker
Katherine A. Tucker
lot Lu M. Turco
Thomas H. Turja
Lori A. Vazquez
Jennifer L. Voeller-Richardson
Christina W. Wade
Michael W. Walker
Walt Disney Co. Fdtn.
Lisa O. Ward
C.iarh n R. Watson
Laurie K. Weatherford

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