As we end the first year of
the new century, the College
continues to prosper. Our
enrollments topped 2,000 for the
first time this fall, with 1925
ll~ndlrerdIi,.i'-, and 232
students pursuing master's and
doctoral degrees. In addition to
more students, we are progress-
ing on other fronts. We have
hired ten more faculty. Several
new programs are now in full
swing, including a Master of
Public Health degree (MPH) and
new Ph.D. specializations in
Athletic Training/Sport
Medicine; Biomechanics;
Natural Resource Rilcrer.ri'in
Therapeutic Recreation; and
Tourism. And we are looking
forward to another record year
of securing grants and contracts
to support our research activi-
ties. Last year we passed the $2
million mark. With the grants
and contracts in the pipeline,
this year will be even better.
It's clear that our faculty
continues to be highly produc-
tive, and each of our depart-
ments is highly competitive with
its peers around the country. A
recent production and quality
survey of 15 major universities
(including the likes of Illinois,
Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio
State, Texas, and North Carolina)
shows that the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences is
ranked in the top three and the
Departments of Health Science
Education and Recreation, Parks
and Tourism are in the top five
among their counterparts at
these prestigious institutions.
The factors measured in this
study included credit hours and
di er.-is produced, student
-i ulii,. scholarly production of
faculty, dollar amount of grants
and contracts awarded to
faculty, and fund raising from
alumni and friends.
A-'-..ihbe i jo mr nile-roI n
for the College this academic
year will be the conclusion of
"It's Performance That Counts,"
the University's fi %-. c r capital
campaign. As you may recall,
our College campaign goal was
$2.1 million. To date, we have
$3.3 million in the bank! For a
college with a small number of
graduates (about 9,000), most of
whom have not been out of
school very long (47% graduated
since 1990, 70% since 1980), we
have done remarkably well.
Much of our ful d-ra.i-iitg
success is due to the efforts of
our College Campaign Commit-
tee, chaired by Frank Dempsey
(BS 1950) and staffed by Bill
Frederick, our Development
Officer. We are seeing the
dividends of these efforts. For
example, when the campaign
began, we were providing our
students with $5,500 in scholar-
ships and fellowships. This year
that .imunt v. ill be $43,000.
Still, like a well-run race, we
must go all out as we approach
the finish line. W- till have
important unfunded opportuni-
ties. With a strong stride and a
steady focus, we can come close
to almost $4 million.
This year's -,i ,,,,,-.
edited by new Assistant Dean
Dr. Bertha Cato, is the best yet.
In it you will find updated
information about some exciting
faculty research. You will read
about our students who were
selected as University Scholars.
There is also news concerning
alumni and feature stories on
Major General Maury Edmonds
(BS 53), recognized as a Distin-
guished Alumnus at the
December 2000 graduation, and
Director of Recreational Sports,
M.B. Chafin (BS 58, MS 60),
who retired after 36 years of
service to the College and the
As you will see, your
(Colleg. and its students, faculty
and graduates are performing
quite well. Hope you enjoy this
edition. Please let us hear from
Patrick j. Bird, Dean
-A ".. t'...,ership ........................... .......... ......... .................... ... .. .....- ........
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SI. '..r.ii ...-id I. ri I .)efibrilator in Recreation anrd p i p t linsg.
R'-. ~v,.' .: :.J.; c--! e i lg and i iab yJ1 s J Iues ......... .................. ......... ......... .......... ..
I .!ile,.,. o f the "Eglit Lonrg-Horn of N;ghtshsdec County" TobaIco Pc:vention .................. 7
Free Radical Produvction b the I Mit(.rhondria iad Iihe Efficcs on CeilulLir Aging ....... .............. 8
Attentional Biai, ms, and Bi'dy nliiip .' Dlis, a lsactio ................................ ............... .
The I).K. Sitajis Lo'ituri ....................... .. ....
Videolnfereiie on i1riv ] J ealth .. ..... .. ..
N ew D ire ti f V a r ...... ..........................................
N e w .cu ity .................. ..... ............ ...... ..... .. ... ... ......
McGriftf Wins I ImIs Seat ..................
i t F a c .. .. ........ ..... .......... .... .. ....... ... .........
S A lu m ni .............. .. ....... ...
ULniverity ScholarS P gr ..... ..........
A lu m n i N ew s .. .............. ........................ ..... .... ...... .. .. .
Scholarship Con, iciation 2001 ...............
onor nd A accolades ....... .........................
New Advisory Counc'il Menbers .......... ...
D .ev.'lopm ent Koport .................. .. ..... .. .. ...........
Farctw ll & B ;t W ishi li- ... ... ......... ...... .............................
Honor R I.o l of Donors. .. .... ............. ..................
Dean Ptirick i ~ ird
Managing Editor Bivrth.i C-ito
Assistant Editors f .ii 1' MNiiien. M4artha DI'l'o':., and Morg an
Contributing Writers Riiiutl Aklcandir.dr Patrit., Jird. ertli.a CJl i,, M I.th, 1 tihbson,
Krittin Hartinvl, D)k?'.-s l'ami, it.Join MNul- ai, i'qua We)h', d W Ceach "" Wilamist
Produced By -... I'ii;iciaion S.ervAs.
Designer I litia Baivne
Photography LDavid Blainl-.ks ishi, lIn Fj.,ilm, .i'd Vji hat 1'atel
Additional Photos 'PhoItlOc i,,"'
Cover Photo Amic Dirks miid Or. ChrsiiatiiTan I c cv'i wenbLti. DPit r iit f iit hi('hLcmis lri
ofi Ain0 Labrttlirys within the LDpirtinentof I:xceise mnd Sof portt'-ri tlni a si'itia
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C(oilegI of I[ealth & I hitnin PerfortIa.,ce
PA). B;a 118200
Ga,i ii.i',ile. Florida 32(1t I 8200
A True Partnership:
University of Florida Hotel and Conference Center anc
the C,:ll-Je of Health and Hurran Peoiirmance
by Lori Pennington-Gra 6& Wende J, .
The University of
Florida Hotel and
Conference Center
opened for business
April 27, 2000.
Located on the
University of Florida
campus, the hotel
and conference center
is a 248-room, full-
service property with
meeting and special
event facilities.
Branded as a
Doubletree hotel, the facility is
another addition to Hilton's
nationwide collection of full-
service tinivei it hotels and
conference centers. The meeting
facilities encompass more than
25,000 square feet and can
accommodate up to 700 people.
Additional facilities include a
168-seat, full-service restaurant
with a private dining area; a 48-
seat outdoor dining terrace; a 72-
seat lounge; a state of the art
fitness center; and an outdoor
swimming pool with terrace.
University of Florida's
biggest Gator fan, George
Edmonson, trademarked his
name in pc I'''rt r to the Hotel
and Conference Center. The "2
Bits Loun, ig :" has a casual elegant
and conversational atmosphere
and is a great place to see old
friends and even make some
new ones!
As an alumna of the
University of Florida, General
Manager Wende Blumberg is
committed to a long-term
partnership with the College of
IHealth and Human Performance
and the community. Her
commitment is demonstrated
through membership on the
College Advisory Council and
Alachua County Tourist
Development Council.
The most recent
partnership between the hotel
and the college was in the form
of a "working case study." Six
orad tat. students in the
Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism, as part of a
class taught by Dr. Pennington-
Gray, put together a strategic
marketing plan for the hotel.
The project entailed an
extensive market analysis of
the Alachua County area. The
students completed a competi-
tive analysis, environmental
analysis, and internal audit of
the hotel. Based on the find-
ings, the students suggested
three strategic directions the
hotel could take to increase
business. A solution was
presented to the staff and
management of the hotel as
well as the regional director of
Hilton Hotels. This opportu-
nity allowed the students to
put theory into practice.
Several of the suggestions are
being implemented today.
The hotel also has
hired a number of undergradu-
ate and graduate students.
Students work at the front desk,
in food and beverage, conference
services, and housekeeping.
Opportunities for interns are
also available.
Without a doubt the
COillke u. IHealth and Iluman
Performance and the University
of Florida have started the
development of a long-term
mutually beneficial partnership,
which can only have great
U.S. Army Major
General Maurice 0. (Maury)
tdmonds was honored as a
I: '! .,.i. i. i l Al: rn nus of the
( .!,-, of Health and Human
Performance at the December
2000 commencement ceremony.
Edmonds graduated froni the
University of Florida in 1953
with a 8.S. degree in physical
education and health,
Edmonds, a Jackson-
ville native, began a distin-
guished military career when
he joined the Army ROTC
program at UF. He also began
his lIn!:..;.- support for Gator
football when he was ap-
pointed assistant manager of
the football team by coach Bob
Woodruff in 1949. Edmonds
later was the team's head
manager and part ot the first
Gator Bowl teadrn that defeated
Tulsa in the 1952 Gator Bowl.
Upon graduation from
UF, Edmonds was conunissioned
a second lieutenant in the Army
infantry. During his 35-year
career, he would go on to serve in
a wide range of staff, education,
and command :,I-igml jnill
throughout the U.S., Europe,
Asia, and the Pacific. He rose
quickly through the junior ..:In.t. r
ranks and was assigned to the
Army's Command and Ceneral
Staff College in 1966. This was
fI I11. n\ I d by assignment to the 4t'
Infantry Division in Vietnam.
Following a tour of duty at the
Pentagon, Edmonds again served
in Vietnam with the 1'1 Cavalry
Division. He was then appointed
commanding officer of the 5"'
Battalion, 7'1 C w\ il%. in Vietnam.
He led the battalion as the first
American unit into Cambodia,
successfully capturing the largest
enemy supply cache in the entire
Vietnam war.
Because of his out-
standing service, Edmonds was
selected for attendance at the
Army War College, from which
he graduated with honors. At the
same time, he pursued a
graduate degree in *,oIn-.t-LiL.:
from Shippensburg State College,
receiving his M.S. in 1972.
Service at U.S. Army
Headquarters for the Pacific
region followed for Edmonds.
He was the first Army officer
ever appointed as senior aide
and executive to the Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Pacific,
who was a Navy Admiral. After
his service in the 'P.i fic,'
Edmonds returned to the
Pentagon as a planner assigned
to the Army's Deputy Chief of
Staff for Op,: r.tlir and Plans.
He was then selected as senior
executive to the Deputy Chief of
Staff and received a promotion
to brigadier general.
Edmonds' career was
capped by promotion to major
general and selection as Deputy
Chief of Staff for Training for the
Army. I is last assignment was
commanding general of Fort
Benjamin Harrison, in Indianapo-
lis. He retired in 1988.
Edmonds was well
honored by the Army for his
outstanding service. HIis many
awards include the Department
of Defense Distinguished Service
Medal; the Army Distinguished
Service Medal, given twice; the
Silver Star; the Defense Superior
Service Medal; the Legion of
Merit; the Distinguished Flying
Cross; the Soldiers Medal; the
Bronze Star with V Device
(given five times); Meritorious
Service Medal; and numerous
others. He was also recognized
for his service by the former
Republic of Vietnam.
Such an active and
successful career might be
enough for many people, but
Edmonds chose to take up a
second career as an executive
with IPALCO Enterprises, based
in Indianapolis. He began as vice
president for human resources
with Indjanapohli- Power and
Light, then moved on to
positions as vice president for
general services and vice
president for corporate affairs
for the IPALCO parent com-
pany. He retired in 1996.
Edmonds' volunteer
career has been equally impres-
sive. While living in Indianapo-
lis, he served as director or
advisor to more than a dozen
community organizations. He
was also instrumental in
having Fort Benjamin Harrison
serve as host for several track
and field events of the 1986 Pan
American Games.
Athletics have never
been far from Edmonds' heart
throughout his career. Since his
retirement and return to Florida,
he has been serving on the
advisory board for the College of
Health and Human Performance.
He has been on the steering
counittee for the college's "It's
Performance that Counts" .ap.il
campaign. He is also active in
Gator ,I-. I, iel and the Jackson-
ville Gator Club, and is a member
of the F Club. In 1999, he
established the Jane Adams
Edmonds Ph.D. Fellowship in the
College to honor his wife, who
received her M.S. in physical
education from UF in 1958.
The Edmonds now
live in Ponte Vedra Beach with
their dog, Gator. They have two
sons, Neal, a UF graduate and
businessman in Virginia, and
Mark, a career Army officer who
graduated from the Ui iN II ih
of Central Florida.
M.B. Chafin
by fan F MVdlhn
What a ride!
For the past 40 years I
have had the good
fortune to work in a
profession I love. It
is difficult to say who
have been the most
enjoyable the people
I have worked with,
or the students and
other folks I have met. When I
started way back in 1960, I was
ready to set the world afire. My
goal was to work at the Univer-
sity of Florida, and to teach in
the Physical Education program,
where I took my Master's.
So in 1964, when Dr.
I.F. 1\ .igl .. then chair of the
Physical Education department
for men at U F, offered me a
position, I jumped. You see, at
that time, UF had probably the
premier physical education
program in the country, or close
to it. Working with dedicated,
professional staff like Bill Potter,
Foy Stephens, Bill Harlan, Tim
Scott, Jim McCachren, Bill Benz,
and a host of others was an
honor and a dream come true.
Later, when I was offered the
position of assistant tennis
coach, working with Coach
Potter as head coach, I accepted
quickly, and Bill and I worked
together for the next 13 years.
When Bill retired, I
became the head tennis coach,
and held that position until 1984.
It was a wonderful experience,
and the friendships generated
with players, their families, and
other coaches have been one of
the highlights of my life. Our
annual tennis reunions bring
back to the campus a collection
of friends to share fellowship
and memories.
Following my coaching
career, I began to teach in the
Physical Education program
once again. When the current
dean of the College, Dr. Cliff
Boyd, retired, and new dean Pat
Bird came in, I was asked to
become the director of the
Recreational Sports program. 1
accepted this challenge, and it
has been a wonderful conclusion
to my service to the College. I
have worked with a great group
of recreational specialists.
Together, we have accomplished
many upgrades in facilities,
established great working
relationships with Student
Government, and created a
fantastic program for students,
faculty and staff. One of our
major accomplishments has been
the establishment of two fitness
centers for students to enjoy -
definitely one of the most
rewarding accomplishments of
my career.
The establishment in
1999 of the Putter-Chafin
Scholarship in the College was
another exciting challenge and a
rewarding experience for me
personally. Through the efforts
of Bill Cross, Dean Pat Bird, Bill
Frederick, and a committee of
dedicated tennis alumni, the
scholarship became fully
endowed within the year. Many
friends, faculty and tennis
associates are humbly thanked
for their past and future
Being inducted into the
University of Florida Athletic
Association Hall of Fame was
certainly one of the most exciting
events in my life. It culminated
a lifetime of service to athletics,
and the part the Athletic
Association has played in my
life. Having spent about 25
years working closely with
tennis, I still find the bonds with
UAA very strong.
Of course, any
"highlights" of my life must
include my wonderful wife,
Mahala, who has truly been the
"wind beneath my wings." She
and our sons, Mike and Ben,
certainly rank at the top. And,
being actively involved with our
church has created a spiritual
fulfillment that I feel is necessary
in anyone's life. Certainly our
church has become a very
important part of my life, and we are excited about the
Mahala and I draw from this
strength often in times of need.
Yes, the College of
Health and I human Performance
has changed .-:,r.lk since it
was the College of Physical
Education, Health and Athlet-
ics, back in the forties and
fifties. It has been great to be a
part of it, and see the changes
that have developed over the
past 50 years (heavens!). I feel
the College is stronger than
ever and has earned its place
as a major component of the
As my staff and I
envision the future of the
Di, I- 1In of Recreational Sports,
potential of projects currently in
the planning stages. Included is
a renewal of the Broward
Recreation Area, a ropes course
at Lake IWtiilure as well as a
retreat center at the South Park,
the development of the Bivins
Arm Lake property, and
establishment of additional play
areas at the north end of the
softball complex, next to
Maguire Field. I look forward to
watching these plans become a
UF and its faculty, staff
and students have been my
whole life, and it's been a whale
of a ride. I have nothing but
admiration and respect for this
great institution. Thanks for the
memories, and GO GATORS.
The Automated External Defibriliator in Recreation and Sport Settii-j:.
Research Addressing Usage
by John 0 :r. -r..
Nearly a quarter of a
million Americans die from
sudden cardiac arrest each year.
Sudden cardiac arrest is the
sudden loss of heart function in
someone who may or may not
have been previously diagnosed
with heart disease. Unfortu-
nately, the places we visit to play
sports or engage in recreation are
often places where sudden
cardiac arrest occurs. In fact,
sports stadiums and golf courses
are two of the top five places
with the highest incidence of
sudden cardiac arrest.
A life saving device, the
automated external defibrillator
(AED), has gained popularity
among sport and recreation
managers in an effort to reduce
deaths associated with sudden
cardiac arrest. An AED is a
battery-driven device that
administers an electric shock
through the chest wall of a person
who has suffered a sudden
cardiac arrest. An AED analyzes
the heart's rhythm through
electrodes and, if needed, signals
the user to deliver a shock to the
person. The shock, termed
defibrillation, may assist the heart
to re-establish an effective rhythm
of its own.
Despite the growing
popularity of AEDs among sport
and recreation managers, many
still have not implemented them.
and Liability Issues
Given the importance of this life
saving device, faculty at the
University of Florida have
initiated research to understand
the reasons why certain sport
and recreation organizations do
not have AED. Add rinall..
given the ilii,'uL nature of our
society, research was conducted
to analyze current AED immu-
nity provisions in state laws.
This research initiative
brings together faculty from the
College of Health and Human
Performance with complemen-
tary knowledge and expertise.
J.O. Spengler, J.D., Ph.D., an
assistant professor in the
Department of Recreation, Parks
and Tourism, contributed his
expertise in recreation law and
management. Dr. Spengler
collaborated with Daniel
Connaughton, Ed.D., an
assistant professor in the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, and a licensed
EMT and AED Instructor.
Collaboration between faculty
from different departments
within the College strengthened
the projects.
Drs. Spengler and
Connaughton combined efforts
to research the laws of each state
and conducted a comparative
analysis of imnunui ii provisions
among jurisdictions. The purpose
of the study was to provide a
better understanding of the
statutory protection provided to
those who would use, acquire,
supervise, and train users of the
device. Additi..n.ill\ a better
understanding of protections
afforded those involved with
AED use might serve to reduce
the fear of litigation, encourage
the use of AEDs in sport and
recreation settings, and prepare
the practitioner to acquire the
necessary training. This research
is set for publication in a national
peer reviewed sport and
recreation law journal,
Additionally, they have
initiated research to better
understand AED usage and
constraints or barriers to usage
in sport and recreation settings.
The research will involve a
survey of municipal park and
recreation agencies; public and
private college campus recre-
ation departments; public and
private high school athletic
departments; public and private
college athletic departments;
public and private Icl courses;
supervised public ocean beach
aquatic areas; private health and
fitness clubs; and stadiums and
arenas that host professional
athletics. The objective of the
study is to target areas for AED
education and promotion in
sport and recreation settings.
The authors are currently
seeking grant funding.
Evaluation of the "Eg!:n Long-Horn of Nightshade
County" Tobacco Prevention Project
by Or. Delorcs fames
Drs. William
Chen and Delores
James received a
$46,100 grant from
the Florida
Department of
Health and the
lTobacco Pilot
Project to conduct
a statewide
evaluation on the
eltecti. eness of the Eglin Long-
Hor ,1r' '' :htshade County
lob icco prevention program.
Thii E, i., rry-Hi.rn of '.'"-''
',.;il. C'i,.,ty curriculum centers
on a children's story about
I,,b~.JLu u'e and its conse-
qutenie I'he story, supported
t\ acLt iLes in the teacher's
tuide, \ plores the chemical
make up of tobacco; some of its
poisoi,- hlie physiologic,
o-nmetic and social conse-
qiuen.,: ol0 using tobacco
'inil r LudI smokeless tobacco);
uinimdi.la, and long-term
cons.etequeinces of use; tobacco
ad\ ertising; and secondhand
smoke The program has a
strong emphasis in language
arts science, health education,
math social studies, and
dlJir.i,.er building. On average,
the Iea-on' take 10 days to
comrpl -re. During this time,
-tudents, are al loI ed ample
or m. aitt r each chapter for
discussion and to review and
complete the worksheets and
activities outlined in the
The goal of the project
was to evaluate the effective-
ness of the Eglin Long-Horn of
Nightshade County program
among third graders who
represent geographically the
five regions of the Tobacco
Pilot Program Community
Partnership in Florida. The
study used a two-stage cluster
sample design to produce
representative samples of
students from 737 schools
within the five Tobacco Pilot
Program Community Partner-
ship regions in Florida that had
agreed to participate. Seventy-
two elementary schools within
the five regions and 1,746
students were randomly
selected to participate in the
program. Forty-eight classes
served as the evaluation groups
and received the education
program, .'-hle' 47 classes
served as the comparison
,~ll'psi and did not receive the
education program.
Teachers and students
responded very positively to
the Eglin program and gave it a
high rating. The results from
this study indicated the Eglin
Long-Horn of A!.;:. :. .r,i', County
program was effective in
improving the students'
knowledge and attitude about
cigarette smoking and tobacco
chewing. Students in the
evaluation group showed
improvements in each of the
areas, while students in the
comparison group showed
small improvement in knowl-
edge and attitude, but no
improvement in intent. By the
end of the study, 97% of the
students in the evaluation
groups made personal commit-
ments to not smoke, chew, or
dip tobacco.
The curriculum was
designed, written, and illus-
trated by Ms. Debra Wert. Ms.
Wert also was responsible for
training the teachers to use the
curriculum. Robert Lindsey
was the graduate assistant on
the project. Dr. Lindsey
graduated in summer 2000 and
is now an assistant professor at
the College of Charleston,
Charleston, SC.
Free Radical Production by the Mitochondria and
the Effects on Cellular Aging
A Study By Christiaan Leeuwenburgh
by K. Hannel
The fountain of youth
is no longer such an abstract
concept. With a 5-year, $1.5
million grant from the
National Institute of Aging,
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, an
assistant professor in the
University of Florida's
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, will launch a
research project this fall to
look into the aging process
and how it can be slowed.
research will focus on two
main areas that directly affect
the aging process: caloric
restriction and exercise. To
study these factors,
Leeuwenburgh and his col-
leagues will look into the
interaction between free
radicals and antioxidants, a
phenomenon he has already
studied extensively.
"There's a balance
between antioxidants and
oxidants," says Leeuwenburgh,
the director of the Biochemistry
of Aging Laboratory at UE "If
they're out of balance, there's
an increase in damage."
Leeuwenburgh's previous
research has indicated that
even simple antioxidant
interventions such as regular
exercise, dietary changes, or
vitamin supplementation can
slow the aging process.
The first focus of this
study will be the effects of
caloric restriction on the
aging process. "When you
reduce calories in animals,
they live twice as long,"
Leeuwenburgh says. The
second focus will be the
effects of exercise on aging.
"Exercise is very important,"
Ieeuwenburgh says. "It
increases mean life span in
humans, but the mechanism
is unclear."
these two therapies
- caloric restriction
and exercise could
provide a basis for
improving not only
length of life but
quality of life,
Leeuwenburgh says.
"Now people die and suffer
from disease," he says. "These
therapeutic advances will
promote ways to counter the
processes that control dis-
eases prevalent in the later
years of life. SSil'-,riut-ntlh.
living 10-30 years longer
without suffering from
disease will cost the same or
less due to fewer hospitaliza-
tion encounters."
Leeuwenburgh and
his colleagues will be restrict-
ing the diets of laboratory rats
and giving them the opportu-
nity to voluntarily exercise
whenever they want. Then,
the researchers will check to
see if these therapies slowed
the oxidation of specific
proteins in their skeletal and
heart muscle proteins and
helped to restore mitochon-
drial enzymes important for
energy production.
This will help them to see how
well caloric restriction and
exercise work to slow aging,
but more irmn rlant.il.
Lecuwenburgh hopes to find
out why this works.
Leeuwenburgh and
colleagues also plan to isolate
enzymes that decline with age
in order to determine the
specific alterations in their
structure that lead to their
decline in function. Discover-
ing the mechanisms of this
decline could lead to further
therapies that could slow
aging. "If exercise causes fewer
structural changes in these
enzymes then this will be the
first evidence to provide a
mechanism by which exercise
Ie I', Lu ,I~1 tIhe dlir4l
proct-.'. I.etl'tienbllur 'i h .
'-invt-' tizattor%
In'lLdu d In 0i1e lin 1( riii L i t
Pr t' l' V L -, 1 0 I Ole i n ill c1',
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences and lan Tebbett,
a professor in the Department
of "h. -ic.l .gicial Sciences.
Gustavo Barja, a professor from
the University of Complutense
in Madrid, Spain, will consult.
Four graduate students -
Amie Dirks, April Childs,
Sharon Phaneuf, and Tracey
Phillips and two post-
doctoral students Barry
Drew and Rajani Shelke -
will also assist in the project.
Leeuwenburgh also
received a three-year, $225' 000
grant from the American Heart
Association (AHA) to study the
anticancer drug doxorubicin.
"Doxorubicin is a
compound Iha1 s \i idelv Iused
.O id i ,,t r\ Cl'et'll1t' ein i n'Ll ^
tumors and eradicating
cancers," Ieeuwenburgh says.
"But there's a bad side: its
cardiotoxic. Doxorubicin, by
free radical mechanisms,
causes mitochondrial deterio-
ration and apoptosis, or
programmed cell death. By the
release of specific proteins
from mitochondria, the heart
becomes weaker."
The study funded by
the AHA grant will include the
first in vivo tests of antioxidant
intervention in animals injected
with doxorubicin. In cell
culture, I er-uiienliiirh has
already found that antioxidants
reduce the toxicity of the drug.
If successful both
projects will provide major
breakthroughs in the health
science field. Leeuwenburgh,
himself an alumnus of UF's
College of Health and I uman
Performance, credits the college
and the department with much
of his success so far.
"The department
and the college in the past
few years have been very
supportive in providing me
with space and equipment,"
he says.
"s '' '
6* .l i '*
I' i
Attentional Biatbs
%111111 i- I'AlOWI) tl1L'[)1`1V-;ic,-lI ChX11C-, thlt
'W"oMpativ Cating dioidei,,, but TCC-IIVIICP, dr(2 jUSt 11U,'11)11111,4
t 0 111 ILI erlt III d t If L ll'C I 101 t I I It L I I ILI k!r I I e,, bod v i III a -C
-i 1),111111,11-k vniptorn xrong individuals with
oitin', disorcler.,,. With -nint, frOll) thu UF Rescirch x1d
Giiduate ProgramOpportiwity Iiind ind the A,;,ociation foi
t11C 2\11Vl1I(:CTII(2I1t of Applicd ')port Psv( llolo v (A AAW),
Lim-crsitY of Florida rt-wircherc, Chri-,topher Imielle and
I leather HAIISOT111131, h0th Plofk,SL)[ ill the D(:PArt
IIICIIt Of I-\VI'CiS0 AT111 'POJ-t Will It \r to tlk(2 thc ,tLltk
of 1100V iMagt, pLvholo;\- a ACP tL]FthCl, 1,1N ill'4 tllk' "'ImIT41-
work tor b(--LtL:r uticlct,,tmLhw, md therefore better treat-
munt of iTlIa"(2 Ch,Wrlldllk C 111d CItlllv di.s'Order.".
IV 11 C W ; t LI L_1 Coill 1)] I)t I '111,1 It" 111, t I c i I I
itIal 'Ittentioll with I lall"ClIbLIS", t\I)t'T-fkC III 11011V Thl'
rt-cx-chcr, will ink I -'M -;ijbiects, with ne4ative bo,1v inw,c,
,md ') Control Iroup ot 1-,-'-0 ith positive bodv jill'I"L
to li.ive their pictures taken in revealim, 'I licii, cadi
volwitoer ill be aked to FCtLJI-II tllrcC tillIk", to t1W kib. 011 cuh
iit, tliuv will i diftcrciit et of -slides: HIC PiCtUl-l"; of
IiCtLJIVI Of I ITIOdt'l, dIld pkturc, of random 11CLItral
itcnl (Ijkc PL!11, m p'llcr Clips),
During eoch ;lidc show Ill bC tl-3,-kJT1` tll,--
lv'wfion, of participant, oil trO Lii11k:WT1t ]C\'C'I',. ElIC11 ',ULjL'( t
be fittcd %\ ith m evc-trackin,-, dcvick N'tork, lookin"', at the 'lid(-
I III; dOVICO Will IVC0Yd precilkh W1101V OIC UbjCCt fUCLV,(2 Wh(Al
the slide :oflles lip and hov". lont, tll('V toclis on different 'Ireas Of After vw\ ill- each slide pre"entLitioll, p'll-ficipallts will
the slicle. Previous research bN' jal IC11C Mid I ldL1`sc`11Hl',, ShOW11 be asked to record their feelings every hour for tlic, I)C'Xt f(-)Lll'
1101-irs.'I'licy'll lco% e tile kit, with a beuper ind paclCt of questions, and
that people With negative bociv lond to tocus illitiallv On
res--orchen; xvill paq them hourIv. Each time the beeper -ocs off,
Area,-; of body dissatisfaction and ti lull quit IdN, Move '1WJY'
thev'll Lie ask-ed to stop what thev'rc cloing and fill out a bricf
"We have found thill individuals with hi"l-l levels Of of kjue,tions concerning their CUrrent mood. Through tile coln1li-
notion Of all three mea,ures, the rcscarchcrs hope to determine: I
bodY ilksatisfaction look at othet people LIS MVw," Of -;oCiAll- V
the nature of attentional biascs among bod'-COIPC*101-11, peoplc 2)
COMparing those orvas tbat they fee] are interior in them-
1100 tile stilllLlh AffCtt pt'0111C Vitll C '111d Positi\ e bock,
'Clves"' janelte "It a person is diss'lti"fied with a p'Irtik u-
aj- area of their bociv, they will initiilly look at this area mort, and -1) bow loll'-; the emotional effe( ts Of viev ing tht:
thon people who mv not clksatktiecl, Alter lglancin,; it tlluu different 'lidCL, ILI-L't. -WC'le o\p(vtm.g to see Omc different ic,,ult"
re, ion- I vvIlt'll pkmple viev thernsck e"" I'melle soid 'TilldmL; m the
they .vill look el-ewlicru to find (Aller bodv location
thot ark less threatening.- extent to vhit h different em jiviinient cues offvt emotiolml
rcok holl-, I-, I stt-j'
I lowever, their current vvork will tell the researchers to\ ard fi'Urjll'oUt
much more: not 0111V Will HUT bt' able I0 IT,16, hOW VOIL111IM's ,ljN% '1111 CrCjjtU,1ll\r,
viCW Picturt's Of austlluticAlv ideal individuals, thev will also he
how to help those wll(
ablu to track how the volunteers vievc them.,elves, aild how this
suffer from bock, im'Al"C
vkual behavior compaiv-, to hmv thvv viciv others,
The SUC010 l11Cd`sL1rV that (he Yesearchers vill employ is
called [lit, Self A,,,,cssmcnt Manikin (SANI), devised b% Peter
L.irt; ind Ung is the director of the N11 I Confer for
the Stud! of Fwolioti mid Attviltion at UF and a Con-'ailtmt ill the 41
study- "AM, a i systuill that measures Cnintional re'sponscs
to a stillit'lus, has been accepted as a valid rating system for
141veral vears. Aft(,r viewing uich pirticipants Nvill rate their
emotional iesponse, vii ')AM, oil three levels: how much
pJvi,;ure thCV L-ILTi-VO(I fl'0111 SCCill",; tile Slicj(, llow Calm ol. owited
thev felt atter seeing (lie slide, 'lild how 11111ch Control thev telt
ovvr their reaction to [lie slide.
The D.K. Stanley
Lecture b Dr Paula Welch
Since 1986 students
and faculty have attended the
annual Stanley Lecture in honor
of the first Dean of the College of
Health and Human Perfor-
mance. Dennis Keith "Dutch"
Stanley, University of Florida
graduate, class of 1929, returned
in 1946 as the first Dean of
Ph\ -,iil Education, Health, and
Athletics. The lecture series
originated with a --ugge-ri .in and
financial support from Mr. Billie
K. Stevens and his wife Betty.
The Stevens wanted to recognize
the ,..antl''ution-, of "Dutch"
Stanley to physical education,
health education, recreation, and
intercollegiate athletics. In
addition to being an accom-
plished athlete, Stanley was
active in many professional
organizations, contrlibited to
professional journals, and was
senior editor of a widely
adopted physical education
handbook. Stanle,.'s tenure
as Dean ended in 1969 and he
continued as a professor of
Physical Education until he
retired in 1976.
While Dean Stanley's
contributions reflect an earlier
era of professional focus, the
D.K. Stanley Lectures showcase
the varied and sophisticated
research interests of the College
of Health and Human Perfor-
mance. The late Dr. Michael
Pollock, Director of the Center
for Exercise Science, began the
D.K. Stanley Lecture Series with
his 1986 presentation, "The
Scientific Basis for Prescribing
Exercise for the H.eailh Adult."
Dr. David C. Young, Professor of
Classics, University of Florida,
began the lecture series of the
1990s with his talk on, "The
Valid Lessons of Ancient Sport
for Our Own Times." In 2000,
Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
Professor of Human Develop-
ment, University of Chicago,
offered his insight into "The
Psychology of Optimal Experi-
ence." For 15 years, students,
faculty, and friends of the
College of Health and Human
Performance have benefited from
interesting lectures, thanks to Mr.
and Mrs. Billie K. Stevens.
Mary Ann and Bill
Frederick recently donated
additional financial support to
the Stanley Lecture Series,
ensuring the continuation of the
lectures. The Frederick's
contribution and matching funds
have endowed the Stanley
Lecture. Financial support of
this College event will enable
future students to benefit from
outstanding speakers.
Public Health Research
Videoconference on Minority Health
T1he L)epartment of Health
Science Education was a
videoconference site for the
2000 Summer Public Health
Research Videoconference
on Minority Health (June
12-16, 2000) presented by
the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill,
School of Public Health.
The videoconference was
presented in collaboration
with the CDC National Center
for Health Statistics and the
Association of Schools of Public
Health. It covered issues and
solutions related to collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting data
for racial/ ethnic populations;
disentangling and assessing the
relationships among race,
ethnicity, and socioeconomic
status; and involving the
community in research.
Videoconference participants
were able to ask questions and
join discussions via toll-free
telephone, fax, and e-mail.
There were three sites in Florida
(The University of Florida, the
University of Miami, and the
Duval Public Health Depart-
ment). Dr. Delores James was
the site facilitator at the
University of Florida.
New Directions for Jill Varnes
In [ul\ oa 21.11.1.[ r li1
\\ \.lrne- -tr,-pp.-d d'. 11 ih'iiom
I i. L'oitli'n .r .A- ,,-I-t.nt DC-.a in
the C )]lege ,.t Healtlh .-,nd
TI lm.inr, Pai toiIrm.an.:- tIo. t|kt ir
In t:-, iblibti, in thI e L' nir\ .r' it\
-t [1 l.. ida O r ei- ,r a%.. .-d nH'l,-
A ll -i '\, r1,c s I .S ., [.'H) I[llt[ .1-,
Aademini Program Dir.ct.'r iin
charge 0I tl-e i inn i. -r-,i'.
.i...reL' t.d I .Iopn Fr ...e-. t-, nl-..
degrce por gri.im, center, and
ins.tihtit.- r,-pit-p duerill tio tit-
['rl.' -t. .Xlter 'l\ e I'l \'.icar a.
a .tudlr-t ittair-, dJ.an I \w,.1;
Ie..d\ lor ;.1111i ditkTreil
iaillenge- Tin vear' ago %%lin
D P -in LrdJ ,-ked lni- I.. ---tabli-lh
. ldi.lit.L Atifiir. OClmnte tht
CollgIc it \,-1 .i nt'n venturee
I l'. 1I'lt : t 'r-, ,e I'',A. % t-n 3
number oi Lhani c-H in hoe. \c
ad1. I-e 3nd a- -I-t -tudnmi. in
theL .: 1 l %tle:- -'a C l e I
L nkr,it,, and ithe C.llece
processes have become very
,tablc. I think it was a good time
loi me to make a change, to
.learn new things," commented
One of Vanes' first
n'-ponsibilities was to take the
Ic.d in writing a proposal to the
'-outhern Association for
Colleges and Schools (SACS)
re .uesting the University of
I- hrida be allowed to conduct a
non-traditional or alternative re-
ja;reditation review process.
The University's proposal,
ltrwernational Education: Globaliz
in: the ULiversity f Florida was
accepted by SACS in late
i. tober.
Over the next two
t cars, the University will be
erngaged in the self-study
process focusing on international
education, current status, and
future goals. The process will
involve a campus-wide steering
committee and multiple sub-
committees, including a
committee to determine
compliance with all SACS
criteria. In the spring of 2103,
the SACS re-accreditation team
will make the on-campus visit.
In addition to her
Academic Affairs responsibilities,
Varnes continues to teach and
supervise graduate students in
the Department of Health Science
Education, work with the
GatorSHADE project, and
maintain active involvement in
professional organizations.
b!' Bertha Catl
hr collcy's eleven new
rat clrt .ind two new
talt represent a wealth
of diversity and
experience. Travis Grantham is
the new Director of Develop-
ment for the College. He comes
to the University of Florida with
thirteen years of fundraising
experience. Prior employment
includes working as the Director
of Fir,-ucial Development at the
Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches,
Inc. near Live Oak for 6.5 years.
Prior to that he worked as an
independent contractor with
other Ion-pro fi organizations
on such areas as direct mail and
planned giving opportunities.
He has a bachelor's degree in
management from the Univer-
sity of Alabama at Birninhlmir
and is currently working on his
MBA Degree from LaSalle
University. He is also a graduate
of the Dale Carnegie Lifetime
Plan for Success Program. He is a
member of Boy Scouts of
America, International Who's
V.'lit or Professional Manage-
ment, and Pi Kappa Phi Frater-
nity. Travis will be relocating to
the Gainesville area in the near
future with his wife, Beth and
their 11-month-old son, Carter.
When not working, he enjoys
playing golf, bowling, reading,
and spending time with his
Judith Travels is the
New Academic Adviser to the
Office of Student Affairs for the
College of Health and Human
Performance. Judith has a
Bachelors of Arts Degree (1993)
with a minor in Gerontology and
a Master's in Recreational Studies
(1999) from the University of
Florida. Prior experiences
include providing therapeutic
recreation services to psychiatric
patients, at-risk youth and
drJ .>lpilpmen.il1l disabled adults.
She will serve as Academic
Adviser and oversee the College
of I Iealth and Human Perfor-
mance College Council.
New faculty in
Department of Exercise Sport
Sciences (ESS) include Gregg
Bennett, who comes to UF after
three years at the University of
Southern Mississippi. Prior to
USM, he was at Auburn
University, where he earned his
doctorate. His research focus is
sport management, techtli'l.og
implementation in sport
management, and coaching
management. His wife's name
is Sherry, and :h1 have two
Also new to our ESS
faculty is John Chow. John is
the director of the Biomechanics
Laboratory. He received his
Master's and Ph. D. from the
University of Iowa. Over the
years, John has contributed to
the field of biomechanics in
cinematographic/ videographic
techniques, musculoskeletal
modeling, and performance
characteristics of selected tennis
strokes and wheelchair sports.
He enjoys tennis and playing
with his two children. John is a
native of Hong Kong.
A third new faculty
member is Diego de Hoyos,
whose professional interests
include musculoskeletal training
adaptations to exercise programs
for adult fitness and document-
ing successful adherence
strategies to adult fitness
programs. When he is not
teaching class or on the judo mat,
you can find him jogging with his
Also new to ESS
Faculty is Peter Giacobbi, Jr.,
who earned his Ph.D. at the
University of Tennessee. Peter is
primarily interested in the study
of stress, emotion, and the
coping processes of a diverse
range of individuals including
athletes, recreational sport and
exercise participants, and
individuals who are experiencing
unusual stress or ch illenit (e.g.,
individuals with disabilities,
those experiencing a life
transition, those learning new
sport skills, and exercise
participants). Peter is also
interested in personality
correlates of stress and coping
responses and personality
assessment in general.
Others include Brent
Hardin, a newly minted Ph.D.
from Florida State University.
Brent teaches courses on sport
pedagogy with an emphasis on
infusing knowledge about
teaching students with
disabilities in inclusive
environments. His research
interests lie in teacher prepara-
tion in physical education,
teaching and coaching exper-
tise, and images of sport and
physical education in the
media. Brent and his wife,
Marie, enjoy trail running.
traveling, arguing about politics,
and weekends at the beach.
Douglas "Gary" Nave
is the new director of the Sport
and Fitness Program. He
received his Master's in Physical
Education from the L i\iv.r La
of Alabama. Gary had a short
"stint" with the Baltimore
Orioles in'78-'79 alongside such
greats as Cal Ripkcn, Steve
Lake, Mike BoRd ,IkLr John Shelby
and others. He enjoys outdoor
activities and working with
"fine wood."
Mark Tillman, a UF
alum, specializes in biomechan-
ics. He received his B.S. in
Enginevring S'ience-. his M.S. in
Engineering Mechanics, and his
Ph.D. in I health and Human
Performance. Hts research
interests include kinematic and
kinetic evaluations of running
and jumping that may lead to the
identification of modifiable
factors that predispose individu-
als to anterior cruciate ligament
injury. Mark and his wife, Susan,
enjoy .il, a1ing boating, and
traveling, and spending time
with friends.
Finally, Cheryl Lynn
Thacker is the new coordinator
of UF Dive Programs. She has
a B.S. degree in Biological
Oceanography from the Florida
Institute of lechnl],g.. Her
re'-ponsilbllties cover UF's two
main programs, The Academic
Diving Program and the Diving
Safety Office, which fall under
the Environmental Health and
Safety Division, faculty staff,
and students who are doing
underwater research.
The Department of
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
has new faculty and additions to
the Center for Tourism Research
and Development, including
two recent Ph. D. graduates of
Pennsylvania State University,
Brijesh Thapa and Robert Burns.
Brijesh Thapa's
research interests are issues in
outdoor recreation, national &
international tourism (nature
based, ecotourism, protected
areas, socio-cultural and
environmental impacts), debt-
for-nature swaps, sustainable
development, and environmen-
talism (attitudes and behaviors).
He is from Nepal and enjoys the
Robert Burns' research
interests include understanding
recreational behaviors, motiva-
tions, and satisfaction levels in
USDA Forest Services. Three
ongoing studies are concurrently
operating in the Umpqua and
Gifford linchot National Forests
and the Columbia River Gorge
National Scenic Area. ie
previously taught at Penn State
LUni c'rit\
Also new to our faculty
in RPT is Stephanie Revelli,
who graduated with High
Honors from the University of
Florida (BFA 1998, MSRS 1992).
She serves as academic advisor
and teaches the senior seminar
course. After becoming certified
by the National Council for
Therapeutic Recreation Certifica-
tion, she worked with Meridian
Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. for
five years.
Perry C. McGriff, Jr.,
BSPE 1960, was elected to the
House of Representatives from
District 22 by a wide majority of
voters. Perry has been a leader
in the Gainesville area since his
graduation, involved in both
civic and political activities. He
also served on the Gainesville
city commission and the
Alachua County commission.
His community service
involvement has earned Perry
the respect and admiration of
most citizens of City of
Alachua. When something
needed to be done, Perry was
there to take the leadership and
work with others to get it
Perry is a member of
the President's Council, Gator
Boosters, and is the past Chair
of the College's Advisory
Council and a member of the
Executive Committee. As a
member of the board of d mi-'lr rs
of LifeSouth Community Blood
Centers based in Gainesville,
Perry came up with the idea for
the Five Points of Life Bike Ride
- a cross-country event which
promotes awareness of the need
for blood, organ, and tissue
donations. Perry participated in
cross-country events in 1997 and
1998. He received the highest
volunteer service award given
by the National Network of
Community Blood Centers the
Larry Frederick Award.
As a member of the
House of Representatives, Perry
will certainly be most effective
in representing the District.
Faculty Facts
by- lran M.Vufetn
..Several of our protessors had
/ articles published in the .h!on1al
Sof Legal Aslpeci i Sii. I .
/ including Dr. Ruth Alexander's
S (ESS) "Lightning strikes and
:' ne e in sport," Dr. Dan
*', tighlton's (ESS) "The
g,_iw mprehension ot legal terms
"' associated with negligence
S liability of physical education
teachers in Florida Dr. a
Milledge Murphey's (ESS)
"The exercise and sport science
academician as expert witness''
S and Dr. J.O. Spengler's (RPT)
"Creating a searchable database
of sport law cases."
College faculty member,
traveled to Albuquerque NM,
to lecture at the conference for
the Society for the Study of
L1..i.il Aspects of Sport and
Physical Activity. Dr Ruth
Alexander (ESS) and her son,
Dr. King Alexander, presented
"Status of prayer at pre-game
and other public school
functions." Dr. Dan
Connaughton (ESS) presented
"An analysis of OSHA compli-
ance and selected risk manage-
ment practices of NIRSA fitness
directors." Dr. J.O. Spengler's
(RPT) presentation was on
legislation affecting sports and
Dr. Candy Ashton-Shaeffer
(RPT) and graduate student
Marieka Holt presented
"Therapeutic recreation's role
in meeting the needs of heart
transplant patients"at the
American Therapeutic Recre-
ation Association conference in
Cincinnati, Of. Dr. Ashton-
Shaeffer also had a paper, titled
"Women's motivations for
participating in wheelchair
sports," accepted for presenta-
tion at the 5'1 Scientific Con-
gress at the Sydney 2000
Paralympic Games.
Dr. Rand) Braith (ESSI made
slide presentations at the
American C o! lege of Sports
Medicine annual meeting in
Indianapolis, IN. The presenta-
tions were titled "Resistance
exercise prevents steroid-
induced osteoporosis in liver
transplant recipients" and
"Severe osteoporosis in patients
before and after lung transplan-
tation." Dr. Braith and his
graduaItI students made a total
of seven research presentations
at the annual ACSM meeting.
In addition, Dr. Braith was invited
to give two seminars on bone
disease in organ transplant
recipients at the 6h annual
symposium on "Care for trans-
plant recipients" in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Bertha Cato (RPT) presented
a research presentation on
"Financing Parks and Recreation
in the New Millennium" at the
National Recreation Congress in
Phoenix, AZ.
Dr. Dan Connaughton (ESS)
presented at the National
Technology in Sport and Physical
Education Conference in Chatta-
nooga, TN. The title of his
presentation was "The use of the
Internet as it relates to legal issues
in sport and physical education."
Dr. W. William Chen (HSE)
traveled to China to give two
presentations at the 2'"' Seminar on
Health Education between the two
sides of Taiwan Straits. The
Seminar was held in Chengdu,
China, and was organized by the
Chinese Association on Health
Education and hosted by the
China Western Medical University.
During Summer 2000, Drs. Dave
Fleming (ESS) and Dan
Connaughton (ESS) traveled
with 10 ESS students to the
University of Darmstadt,
Germany. In addition to
research presentations and
exchanges of ideas and culture,
the group enjoyed seeing the
French Alps and traveling to the
Olympic Museum in Switzer-
land. The student representa-
tives were Scott Balog, Don
Birdsall, Amie Dirks, Aaron
Duley, Beth Fallon, Megan
Harrigan, Cameron Loos, Lisa
McCowan, Emilie Schaller, and
Stephanie Spaeth.
Dr. Heather Gibson (ESS) and
Dr. Candy Ashton-Shaeffer
(RPT) traveled to Spain and
Scotland to present "Leisure in
the lives of retirement-aged
women: the Florida experience,"
at the 61' World Leisure Con-
gress in Bilboa, Spain; and Dr.
Gibson presented a paper titled
"And you don't need a passport:
an analysis of the international
theme of the Las Vegas strip,"
at the Leisure Sciences
Association's Conference in
Glasgow. (Graduate student
Gloria Sanders was also an
author of both papers.)
Dr. Heather Gibson (ESS)
presented her research paper,
'Ti.a.eling Gators: a preliminary
investigation of fans who travel
to follow the UF football team"
for the North American Society
of Sport Management in
Colorado Springs, CO. Dr.
Andy Holdnak (RPT) and
graduate student, Cindy
Wilming, were also authors.
Dr. Heather A. Hausenblas
(ESS) and students Beth Fallon,
Greg Loving, Danielle Symons,
Brian Focht, Erin Dannecker,
and Betty Ellis presented
research on meta-analysis in
exercise and sport sciences at the
AAHPERD Conference.
Graduate student Danielle
Symons won the Research
Consortium's 2000 Graduate
Student Research Award from
AAHPERD and presented her
research on exercise dependence.
At the national AAHPERD
conference in Orlando, FL,
Dr. J.O. Spengler (RPT) and
Dr. Dan Connaughton (ESS)
spoke on aquatic liability
issues. Dr. Dan Connaughton
(ESS) also made a poster
presentation titled, "A review of
negligence cases involving
health/fitness facilities:
implications for reducing
injuries, deaths, lawsuits, and
liability." Dr. Milledge
Murphey (ESS) presented with
Dr. Sherry Newsham of
Encinitas, CA. Their topic
was "T-- -. tre. 1, of long distance
cycling on the mood states and
self perceptions of older
Dr. Andy Holdnak (RPT)
presented a paper at the
research symposium of the
Resort and Commercial
Recreation Association national
conference. In addition, he was
part of a panel discussing
internships from the academic
Dr. Chris Janelle (ESS) gave an
invited presentation at the US
( rntpic TraininL Center in
Colorado Springs, CO, and was
invited to conduct a comprehen-
sive study of the t 'l 'o.tii, ng
Team in Ft. Benning, GA. He also
gave three presentations at the
Association for the Advancement
of Applied Sport Psychology
meetings in Banff, Canada.
Dr. Chris Janelle (ESS)
presented three papers at the
annual meeting of the North
American Society for the
Psychology of Sport and
Physical Activity in San Diego,
CA. He presented two papers at
the annual meeting of the
American Psychological
Association in Washington, DC.
Dr. Tom Kaminski (ESS) spoke
at the NATA Annual Meeting
and Symposium in N.. 'li\ lk-,.
TN, with Dr. Tibor Hortabagyi
and Dr. Per Tesch. The title of
their symposium was '',-rentriic
muscle actions: clinical implica-
tions for the certified athletic
Dr. Chris Leeuwenburgh (ESS)
traveled to Madrid, Spain, to
give an invited presentation on
"Oxidative modifications to key
metabolic enzymes with aging."
He also presented "Apoptosis
and oxidative stress in the aging
heart" for the Society of
Geriatric Cardiology in Ana-
heim, CA.
Dr. Milledge Murphey (ESS)
and graduate student Chris
Neyers presented a paper titled
"Variability in soccer player
ability in football place-kicking
and punting" at the 108'' Annual
Convention of the American
P-n, -ch,1, gi.- -r Association in
Washington, DC.
Dr. Michael E. Powers (ESS)
worked as an athletic trainer at
the Olympic Training Center in
Colorado Springs, CO. Dr.
Powers also spoke to the student
body of Washington and Lee
University in I.exington, VA,
about the use of nutritional
supplements in athletic
Dr. Scott Powers (ESS) pre-
sented "Heat shock proteins and
protections against myocardial
ischemia-reperfusion injury" at
the Southeastern American
College of Sports Medicine
meeting in Charlotte, NC. Dr.
Powers also spoke on the same
subject at the University of Paris,
France. He also presented
"Cardiopulmonary exercise
physiology" at the American
College of Sports Medicine
Exercise Specialist \'it k_ 1,-,p" in
Orlando, FL.
Dr. Barbara Rienzo (HSE)
presented "Politics of sustaining
school-based clinics" at the
annual conference of the
American School Health
Association in Kansas City, KS.
Dr. Robert N. Singer (ESS)
traveled to Australia and New
Zealand where he made the
following presentations: "Pre-
and during-performance
correlation to achieving in self-
paced sports events," in the
symposium Expertise in Sport at
the Pre-Olympic Congress on
Sport Science, Brisbane,
Australia; and "I'P r-ptAtL\ -, on
the future of movement
sciences," invited presentation at
the School of Physical Educa-
tion, University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Dr. Robert N. Singer (ESS) was
invited to preside over a
research section at the annual
meeting of the French Society of
Sport Psychology, held at the
National Institute of Sport and
Physical Education in Paris,
Dr. Robert Singer (ESS) was
invited to make a presentation
at the annual Dorothy V. Harris
Lecture Series in Sport Psychol-
ogy at Pennsylvania State
University. His presentation
was titled "Attention strategies
for self-paced and externally-
paced skills."
Dr. Christine Stopka (ESS)
spoke to NASA employees at
the Kennedy Space Center
about E ? iis;IIn as we age."
Dr. Christine Stopka (ESS) gave
three research poster presenta-
tions at the annual conference of
the National Consortium for
Physical Education and Recre-
ation for Individuals with
Disabilities in Tampa, FL: "The
effects of pain-free exercise
training on individuals with
peripheral vascular disease;"
"The search for the'ultra-stretch
- static vs. PNF stretching on
adolescents with and without
mental retardation," with
researchers Dr. Ron Siders
(ESS), Kevin Morley and Keith
Reagan (graduate students), and
Stephanie and Katie Stopka
(contributors); and "The effects
of an integrated fitness and
sports program for adolescents
with mental retardation," with
Lori Bowie, Dr. Ron Siders
(ESS), Dr. Mary K. Dykes, and
Jamie Pomeranz (graduate
Dr. Paula Welch (ESS) presented
"The athletics experience:
preparing tomorrow's leaders,"
"Women's athletics at the
University of Denver: pioneer
. Ir- and "The 1970s, 1980s
and 1990s" at the University of
Denver's Silver Anniversary of
Women's Athletics.
Dr. Paula Welch (ESS) attended
the meetings of the United States
Olympic Committee in Chicago,
IL, in preparation for the Sydney
2000 Olympic Games.
Ashton, Carnes,
& Murphey
selected Distinguished
Alumni for 2000-2001
by ODr Ruth Alh'ander
The three people
chosen for Distinguished Alumni
honors are Candace Ashton,
Nannette Cares, and Milledge
Murphey. Ashton is a 1973
graduate of the Department of
Recreation, Parks and Tourism.
She is certified as a Therapeutic
Recreation Specialist and
completed her master's degree at
Florida State University. She
continued her studies at the
University of Illinois where she
earned a Ph.D. She worked in
commulllnlti commercial, and
therapeutic recreation before
becoming an assistant professor
in the DVpar tn.l II of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism at the
University of Florida. She has
published in journals and books
as well as provided leadership to
state and national activities. She
also has been active with
international presentations and
has been awarded over S1.2
million in grants.
Nanette Marshall
Carnes has been a teacher in
physical education for approxi-
mately 20 years, most recently at
the P.K. Yonge school in
Gainesville. She received her
undergraduate degree from
Mercer University in Georgia
and her master's degree in
PhI'l ijal Education from the
Department of F[erci-e and
Sport Sciences at the University
of Florida in 1980. She is
acclaimed for many years of
service including serving as the
official scorer for the University
of Fli ridjiT, mL n's basketball
team, 1982- present, as well as
service at P.K. Yonge. She has
shown leadership as coordinator
of Drug Free and l.it..o Free
programs at P. K. Yonge.
Milledge Murphey is a
1962 graduate of the Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism
at the University of Florida. He
has two master's degrees, one
from Florida State University in
1972 and the other from Indiana
University. He received his Ph.D.
from the University of Florida
and completed post doctoral
work at the University of
Michigan. I le has been a faculty
member of the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences since
1984. He has shown leadership
in the area of sport psychology,
developed the scuba program
and worked with the martial arts,
t -,pl ',cli Karate and Judo. He
has published extensively in
these areas as well and in legal
issues in sport. At one time, he
was ranked in judo and has
served as a master coadc for judo,
coaching Olympic athletes.
The College of Health and
Human Pei formance seeks to
recognize individuals who ar
graduates of the College who
ilrough their personal or
professional activities have made
substantial contributions toward
the enhancement of the quality
of life tor others. Please send
nominations to Dean Bird by
October 1.
Criteria: lo be considered for this
recognition the individual will:
1. Have received a degree from
the .I! ..
2. Have been recognized for
h;sher tont: butions at the
local, state, regional, national
o" international levelss.
These contributions are not
restricted to the fields
represented in the c(. -,.
degree programs.
3 Be five years iromn the late of
graduation OR ten years from
the date of matriculation,
4. Submit a biographical sketch
or resume.
;RI ..,. !F :: "..- :. .
It I'A t-Othtie.. year as independent study. Each student is required to submit a 200
rind a rpac. '.-supot :wrd abstract and publish a 1,500 to 2,000X word pam[v in the Journal
lt, and" of Udergrndt es c~i.
-"iS.frars The Universith' scholars share th:t: .! h findings at the annual ULruersty
Scholars Program has not onh Scholas Symposinud each year in March
garneredsuch support, but has
received rave reviews from To be eligible. the University Scholars Program,
student and faculty partici- students must have an overall GPA of 3 25 or better and onvyear
pants. The program provides of undergraduate studies remaining Students submit an applica-
undergraduate tudiUclts at tihe ton that includes- 1 pioblmi siatement rationale. and .1i iificance of
L.rm ersity of Florida a unique lat they' wish to '1udi A tatclty' committee review appliationi.
opportunity) to work one on one and makes recommendations to the Dean for awards.
with a faculty member to
conduct research during the
summer months. Last year's
recipients have already ben-
efited from participating in the
program. Not only did the,
develop an appreciation and
understanding of research, but
they also were highly sought
after for graduate studies.
Faculty members support the
program because it provides X wl 'i
them with much needed t .
assistance. Administrators
support the program because it
increases the amount of research
and national recognition.
Students understand
the University Scholars research
experience is a full-time summer '
commitment. In return, each .
scholar receives a $2,5(X) stipend.
Research may be completed MI:
during the following academic ~
Michelle "Miki" Smith Allen,
BSPE, resides in Ocklawaha, FL.
Everyone knew her as Mi!.!"
(rhymes with Mickey), rather
than Michelle. Her husband of
28 years, Art, passed away
February 13, 1999.
George H. Pennington, Jr., BSPE
'58; MSPE '60, is currently
President of MacDonald
Training Center, Inc., which
provides training opportunities
and promotes individual choices
to improve the quality of life for
persons with disabilities. His
diverse career began at
Hill.l,-,roiiugh High School in
Timpa as a physical education
teacher, track and football coach,
and dean of boys. He later
became area director for the
Hillsborough County Schools.
Robert W.
'61, retired July
1st, 1998, from
his position as
vice president of
advertising and
sales promotion
with Shell Oil
Company after
36 years of
service. He and
his wife Nan
relocated to
Gainesville after
Frank A.
Orlando, BSPE
'57; JD '63, is
director of the Youth Policy
Research Center at Nova
Southeastern University Law
School. He works on national
youth law issues with funding by
the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Ruth Stout McLin, BPE/Health
'65, is currently working for
Edward Jones Investments as
Branch Office Administrator.
She was a realtor in North
Carolina and South Carolina
from 1995 to 1998. She retired in
October 1995 as a high school
administrator in Spartanburg,
South Carolina. She enjoys
traveling abroad and has visited
London, Scotland, Italy, and
Sicily since 1998.
Lois Kugler Hendel, I ISE '75,
lives in Weston, Florida and is a
Judaica Nursery School teacher.
John Smith, BSR '75, previously
a wide receiver for the Florida
Gators, is turri Ill\ a sporting
goods retailer He opened his
original Sports Mania store in
Mandarin; in December 1999, he
opened an additional store in
Jacksonville Beach.
Robert Frye, BSR '76, is director
of Campus Recreation at Florida
International University and
adjunct faculty of the Department
of Health, Physical Education
and Recreation. He previously
worked at .;il.irnia State
University in Sacramento. He is
happy to be back in Florida after
being out of state for 20 years.
Leslie J. Thomson, BSR '77, is a
kindergarten teacher for Polk
County Schools. She is a single
mom with two teenage sons and
still a devout Gator fan.
Mike Netherclift, BSPE '81;
MPE '82, has been a physical
education teacher for Marion
County Public Schools for 18
years, lie is also a securities
investment banker representa-
tive for Calton & Associates, Inc.
in Belleview, FL.
Cindy Kreitner Weiss, BSHE
'85, works part-time as a health
educator for the Winter Park
I health Foundation. She teaches
tobacco education in elementary
and middle school, as well as the
life skills class for the Coalition
for the Homeless. She also job-
share teaches the mandatory
tobacco class for kids under 18
caught with tobacco.
Jennifer Weir Anglin, BSR '86, is
a community center manager
with Palm Beach County Parks
and Recreation Department. She
is married with three children,
ages 10, 7, and 3.
Kristin M. Kronsnoble, Ph.D.,
MESS '87, received her Ph.D. in
Psychology from University of
Georgia. She did an internship
in Clinical and Health Psychol-
ogy at UF/Shands. She now
works as a transplant psycholo-
gist at Life Link Transplant
Institute in T rmp:i, caring for the
psychological needs of solid
organ transplant patients.
Debbie Holmes, BSESS '87,
MHSE '90, recently opened
MedX of Estes with her husband
Bryon in Estes Park, Colorado.
They have two children, Luke
Owen (6 years) and Holli Ann (3
R. Tracy Lee, BSREC '91, is
senior attorney and partner of
Lee & Avila, a Sarasota -based
law firm. He spends his leisure
time as an equestrian and horse
breeder. He owns Seq- i r t ri.1
which specializes in reining
Amy Zorovich Deckman,
BSREC, MREC '92, and her
husband Steve are pleased to
announce the arrival of their
second child, Andrew, in
September 1999. IHe joins big
sister Haley, who is 4 years old
and began preschool in January
2000. Steve works for CE
Capital, where he won a trip for
two, allowing Amy and him to
take their first kid-free vacation
last spring.
Robert Thomas Cushman, HSE
'93, is co-founder and vice
president of operations for
Healthanswers.com, Inc. He
was awarded Time-Inc.-Health's
Freddy Award for Best Con-
sumer Health Web Site and also
awarded Top 20 Software
Development Company by
Austin American Statesman
Newspaper in 1999. He received
his Master of Healthcare
Administration in 1996 from the
University of South Carolina.
Jeanne Boyd, BSR '94, is the
associate commissioner of the
Sun Belt Conference in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She directs
the awards pn'lranm. champion-
ship events, and research projects
for the conference. She recently
completed her Ph.D. in Education
Leadership and Research at LSU.
Mrs. Michael W. Boele, ESS
Sports MNi .iii.nInricl '95, is both
the athletic ticket manager and
business manager at Drake
University, where she has been
since August 1998. She married
Gerrit Boele in March 1997. They
have two children, Jacob (2 years)
and Josh (7 months).
Robert Charles Ervin, MESS '95,
graduated Cum Laude from the
University of Miami School of
Law in 1999. He currently works
as a real estate attorney in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
Lisa Tepper, BSR '96, is a
recreational therapist for the
North Broward Hospital District.
She planned a December 2000
graduation with a Masters in
Health Management from St.
Thomas University.
Susan S. Thomas, MHSE '96, is
a Ph.D. candidate and associate
instructor at Indiana
University's Applied Health
Science department. She was
recently awarded a cancer post-
doctoral fellowship. Her current
research compares tailored
mammography intervention
effectiveness in increasing
mammography compliance,
which is part of a larger National
Institutes of Health study led by
Dr. Victoria Champion.
Todd R. Saputo, BSBA'91, MESS
'97, is manager of D3 Pro League
Operations for the United Soccer
Leagues in North Tampa. He
worked with the University
Athletic Association, Inc. and the
Sunshine State Games prior to
joining USL. He married his
wife Leigh Ann, a CPA at
Duggon, Joiner, & Company, in
October 1998. Their daughter
Alexandra Leigh was born in
July 1999.
Jenny Smith, BSESS '97, is a
State Farm Insurance agent and
runs Jenny Smith Insurance
Agn.ri-. Inc., which takes up
most of her time. She has lived
in Troutdale, Oregon for seven
years. She is a member of
Portland area Gator Club. She
enjoys outdoor activities such as
hiking, walking, and gardening.
Concerts are her favorite hobby
these days, besides following
various Gator sports.
Sean Dennan, BSESS'98,
received a Masters of Occupa-
tional Therap% from Nova
Southeastern University in
July 2000.
Jacinth Ramsay, HSE '98, is
Strendnrg graduate school at
New York University. She
enjoys the diverse student
body, which makes for
interesting classroom debates
and discussions. At last
contact, she had plans to go
abroad or intern at the CDC for
her Summer 2000 internship.
Clinton C. Wynn, BSESS '98,
was the massage therapist for
the National Women's Soccer
Team and traveled with them to
the World Cup and Olympic
2000 Summer Games. When not
tr,' cliig ; with the team, he
works with chiropractor Thomas
Kleinman in Gainesville.
Ricketta "Kiki" Butler, BSHSE
'99,works for the National
Institutes of Health as a health
information specialist, and loves
it. She provides health educa-
tion to the public about diabetes,
digestive, kidney and urologic
Michael DeVesta, MESS '99,
currently works as marketing
coordinator for RatingSource.com,
a "consumer reports" for the
design/construction industry. He
did a marketing! promotions
internship with the Orlando Solar
Bears/Orlando Magic from
January to August 2000.
Matthew W. Godwin, BSHE '99,
is t'lushinm hi-i first year in the
Doctor of Chiropractic prlnr iam
at Life University School of
LaShonda Humphrey, BSESS
'00, was selected for the Student
Hall of Fame at the University of
Florida in January 2000.
Danielle A. Symons, MPSY '98
(SUNY College at Brockport), is
currently a doctoral candidate in
ESS. She was selected to receive
the Research Consortium's 2000
Graduate Student Research
Award for her abstract, "Psych
28, Development and Validation
of the Exercise Dependence
. .. N/ .ie t I
vp-r u~vvr,
Our annual scholarship
awards have grown from $5,500
to over $43,000 within the past
four years. This has been
accomplished through the
generosity of our alumni and
friends and the dili -nr efforts
of Dean Patrick Bird, with
guidance from William (Bill)
Frederick, our College Develop-
ment Officer. This growth has
many benefits, ranging from
enhancing the College's ability
to compete with other universi-
ties for graduate students to
providing our majors with
resources that will enable them
to make significant contributions
in their local communities, and
just as imp, riantl'. the global
-OrnmiluIni\. As the English
writer (Henry) Graham Greene
stated, "There is always one
moment in a childhood when the
doors open and let the future in."
For many of our students, the
scholarships and fellowships
awarded during our College's
Scholarship, Fellowship, and
Awards 2001 Convocation
represent such openings. Thirty-
three majors were r. cogni.7ed at
this year's convocation, held in
conjunction with the January
HHP Advisory Council meeting.
The convocation is one of the
ways that we are able to honor
the donors whose contributions
make these awards possible.
Members of the Colle tl
Council served as hosts for the
event and Bertha Cato, the new
HHP Student Affairs Dean,
along with other faculty and
staff, announced the recipients
as Dean Pat Bird presented the
awards. Other members of the
Scholarship Committee were
Doug DeMichele, Milledge
Mlurphe]. and Sadie Sanders.
Established in 1998 by three
former faculty members, the
Robert Allen/Owen Holyoak/
Paul Varnes Scholarships are
presented to graduate and
undergraduate students with a
demonstrated commitment to be
of service to others either
through military or community
Undergraduate recipient
Linda Ojeda is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences (ESS) major,
specializing in Athletic Training
from St. Petersburg, FL.
Graduate recipients
Carey Langley is a master's
student in ESS, maintaining a
3.93 GPA. She completed a BS
with highest honors from UF
in 1999. She works as a
compliance specialist with the
UF Athletic Association.
Cynthia Willming is a Ph.D.
student in Recreation, Parks
and Tourism specializing in
Tourism. She is minoring in
Sociology and has a research
interest in sociology of tourism,
travel behavior and tourist role
preferences, African Ameri-
cans' recreation and travel
preferences, and travel and
perceived racial discrimination.
Dean Emeritus C.A. Boyd
Scholarships are designated for
any major in the College with
special consideration at the
undergraduate level for students
who play and enjoy golf.
Undergraduate recipient
Andrew James Meyr, a junior
in ESS specializing in Exercise
Physiology maintains a 4.0
GPA. He has received many
honors and awards.
Graduate recipients
Aaron Dulety is a master's
student from San Jose State
UnD,' et-si,., San Jose, CA,
He is a research assistant in
the ESS Motor Behavior
Laboratory and the NIMH
Center for the study of
emotions and attention.
Derek de la Penn is a fourth
year doctoral student in ESS,
specializing in Sport and
Exercise Psychology. He
received his master's degree
from Stephen F Austin State
University in Nacogdoches,
TX, in 1996.
James Daniel Eggart Memorial
Scholarships are given to
undergraduates in any major in
the College with preference to a
graduate of a Pensacola area
high school.
Undergraduate recipient
.-iiL, Greeno, is a Health
Science Education major from
Orange County graduated
from Boone High School and
currently has a 3.6 GPA. She
has received the Florida
Academic Scholarship for the
past three years. She plans to
pursue graduate studies in
The Charles W. Fessler and
Judith D. Fessler Undergradu-
ate Scholarships are awarded to
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
and Exercise and Sport Sciences
majors respectively. Mr. Fessler
established these scholarships as
a way to assist students in
pursuing their degrees.
Charles Fessler recipient
J.*i:'.ri Hy', ,is in RP1T with
a specialization in Travel and
Tourism. Jenni-fer is Head
Coach for Gainesville Gaviatas
Synchronized Swim Team.
She maintains a 3.9 GPA.
Judith Fessler recipient
E, u', Carlsten came to UPF
from Warwick, RI. She is a 5th
year Physical Education major
in the Teacher Preparation
Program with a 3.67 GPA. She
currently holds UF record for
Javelin throw and placed third
in the Olympic trials last year.
Thomas E Hayes IV Memorial
Scholarship is given to either an
undergraduate or graduate
student who is an active cyclist
and participant with Team Florida
Cycling Club.
Undergraduate recipient
Hugo Pradoneto is an ESS/
Fitness and Wellness major
with a 3.95 CPA. He is a top
amateur triathlete and emerged
as the #1 cyclist of Team
Florida for the year 2000.
Graduate recipient
Kevin Morley is a graduate
student in Exercise and Sport
Sciences specializing in athletic
training. He graduated from
James Madison University
with honors in 1999. Kevin
served as an athletic trainer
for thc1999 final Olympic
Qualifying Tournament for
athletes from North, Central,
and South America in Tae
Kwan Do.
Norma M. Leavitt Scholarships
include one undergraduate
scholarship given to an ESS
major in a teacher education
specialization and nine graduate
Undergraduate recipient
Lisa McCowan is a major in
ESS specializing in Adapted
Physical Education. She plans
to pursue a masters in Special
Education. She is a multiple
recipient of UF President's
Honor Roll honors.
Graduate recipients
Rebecca Gardner is a doctoral
student in ESS specializing in
Exercise Psychology; she
received her MS from the
University of Florida.
'Iraci Gearhart is a doctoral
student in ESS specializing in
Athletic Training/Sports
Medicine. She received her MS
from the University of Florida.
She is pursuing a minor in
rehabilitative sciences.
Amy Hagan is pursuing a
PhD in ESS. Prior to entering
the doctoral program, Amy
completed her MS at UF. She
was nominated for the
( -Ill.ge's 2000 Hall of Fame.
Tricia Hubbard graduated
from the College's Athletic
Training program with highest
honors. She is currently
pursuing a master's in
Athletic Training.
Jaimie Mendelsohn completed
her BS degree in Agriculture at
UF, graduating with a 3.9 GPA.
She is currently completing a
master's in Recreation, Parks
and Tourism.
Kyle Morrell is UF graduate
with a P'- ihlion degree. IIe
is pursuing a master's degree
in ESS with a concentration in
Sport Pedagogy. He is
currently volunteering with
Alachua County Schools as a
physical education teacher in
the multiple disciplinary
Diagnostic Teaching Program.
Debra Orringer is working
toward a master's in Exercise
Physiology. She comes to UF
from Binghamton University
in Binghamton, NY. She is
certified in primary aerobics,
spinning aerobics and
kickboxing aerobics.
iTr, it Phillips was awarded
an MS in Physical Education
from Eastern Illinois Univer-
sity in Charleston, 1L. She is
completing a master's degree
in Exercise Physiology and
working as a graduate
assistant in the College's
Instructing Physiology Labs.
Jessica Staib is completing a
master's degree in Exercise
Physiology. She graduated
from Ithaca College, Ithaca,
NY, where she majored in
athletic training /exercise
science and minored in
nutrition promotion.
The Lee-McCachren Scholar-
ship named to honor PA. Lee
and Jim McCachrew (coach
Mac), is given to a graduate
student who has exemplified
excellence in teaching within the
Sport-Fitness program. Faculty
must nominate the recipient.
Wesley Smith is a doctoral
student in ESS. He received
his master's from UF in 1999
in ESS. He maintains a 3.92
Bernadette FP,. 1. ; is a
third year doctoral student in
the Sports Medicine/Athletic
Training specialization. She
received her master's degree
from the University of
Virginia, and is actively
involved in research n r',,, in.g
the anterior cruciate ligament,
*p.'iificall\. the prevalence of
the injury in female athletes.
Norma M. Leavitt Graduate Scholarship Recipients:
From Left to Right: Krt MOXRI m Di. rs O.iN clK, TKA( i CI Ral tRT.
JA'IL Mtr ot.N.rHh, TnT iv Pit I nP, J,.L' STAis
Graduate Scholarship Recipients:
BEck L-R: AsoRtv. utDc.r, DrsRA ORKiC.tK, KI -N MNORin, F.ctr Pin i Ii, L) Kf< DE I, Pi E,
CHr s DL'Hti MIt'Aao, Rv- F rrT
L,^LK HILt, JL,;C( S7A ,
The Potter/Chafin Scholarship
honoring former tennis coaches
Bill ['otter and M.B. Chafin, is
given to a major in the College
who enjoys and actively
participates in tennis.
Undergraduate recipient
Desiree Gladieux is a senior in
HSE specializing in Health
Studies. She is researchassistant
and maintains a 3.89 GPA.
Graduate recipient
Erin Parks is a master'student
in Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism specializing in
tourism management. She
maintains a 3.8 GPA. As a
Daytona Beach resident, she
became interested in tourism
upor ro-:hiizinil her home
town's reliance on tourism.
Herman W. Schnell Memorial
Scholarships are awarded to one
undergraduate and two gradu-
ate students majoring in Exercise
and Sport Sciences.
Undergraduate recipient
Catherine Shell is pursuing a
combined BS/MS degree in
ESS. She maintains a 3.8 GPA
and is interested in exercise
and holistic health. She has
received many awards,
including the National Society
of Collegiate Scholars,
National Merit Scholarship,
and the Gold Key National
Honor Society.
Graduate recipients
William Hendry is a master's
student in Exercise and Sport
Sciences (ESS) majoring in the
Sport and Fitness Program,
He has a 3.8 CPA and four
years of military service in the
US Marine Corps.
Christopher Mesagno is
working on a master's in
Sport [P,. t1olo ., and has
become involved in a number
of professional organizations,
including the North American
Society for Psychology of
Sport and Physical Activity
(NASPSPA) and the Association
for the Advancement of
Applied Sport Psychology
(AAASP). Ie has a 3.78 GPA.
The Stevens Scholarships
established by B.K. and Betty
Stevens provide funds for both
graduate and undergraduate
Undergraduate recipient
L., i; Cooper is a junior in
ESS specializing in Athletic
Training. She is student
trainer for the UF Volleyball
team. She made the President's
Honor Roll for the fall 1999
and spring 2000 semesters. She
is Vice President of College
Graduate recipients
Marc Flett is a MSESS student
in motor control and learning.
He has a 3.92 ;PIA; he received
his master's with great dis-
tinction in 1999 from the
University of Saskatchewan,
Canada. He is also a recipient
of many other awards, includ-
ing Gold Key National Honour
Society and the C.I.A.U.
Academic All-Canadian (First)
Andrew Judge is an Exercise
and Sport Sciences doctoral
student specializing in
Exercise Physiology. He is a
:- rad iji t- ,.f McNeese State
University in Iake Charles,
LA. He maintains a 4.0 GPA,
and has taught in the
Governor's Program for
Gifted Children.
Naomi S. Stevens undergraduate
Sarah H. Farmer is a senior in
RPT specializing in Commer-
cial Recreation. She has a 3.5
CPA and works as an assistant
in the Dean's office of HHP.
She is also pursuing a minor
in business administration.
The Chris Patrick Athletic
Training Scholarships are
funded through an agreement
with the University Athletic
Association. To be considered for
these awards the student must
be an ESS major in the athletic
training specialization.
The following ESS majors were
Sally Barnett
Lesley Davidson
Marze Houellemont
Joe Tedesco
The Jane Adams Edmonds
Ph.D. Fellowship was estab-
lished by Maurice O. Edmonds
in recognition of his wife, Jane.
The Fellowship is established to
support a graduate student in
the College who is a US citizen.
Preference will be given to a
student in one of the Exercise and
Sport Sciences specializations.
Graduate recipient
Elizabeth Tallon is a Ph.D.
student in Exercise and Sport
Sciences, with a concentration
in sport and exercise psychol-
ogy. Her research projects
encompass a variety of topics
such as visual search and body
image in females, muscle
dysmorphia, and exercise
imagery. She teaches ESS
classes and is a manager at
UF's Living Well Fitness
The Charles LaPradd Ph.D.
Fellowship is used to support a
graduate student in the College
who is a US citizen, with prefer-
ence given to native Floridians.
Graduate recipient
Sharon Phaneufis a Ph.D.
student in Exercise and Sport
Sciences with a concentration
in exercise pIl. ir. lr.. Her
research involves apoptosis
and oxidative stress in the
aging heart. She teaches
human physiology laboratory
classes for the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients
The Patrick J. Bird Dissertation
Research Award is presented to
a Ph.D. candidate to assist in the
expenses associated with their
approved research project.
Denise M. Seabert is a doctoral
candidate in Health Science
Education specializing in
Health Behavior. She has a
3.93 GPA, Her dissertation
focus is The Impact of a
University-level Methods
Course on the Health
Instruction Practices of
Selected Elementary School
Classroom Teachers. She
received her master's from
Indiana University.
Leighton Cluff Graduate and
Professional Award
Sharon "',,.. ,tk i- I'hD student
in Exercise and Sport Sciences.
She received the award from the
Institute on Aging and Center for
Gerontological Studies for her
research on aging Sharon's
advisor isDrL Chris Leeuweburgh.
Anyone wishing to contribute to a
specific scholarship fond or the
general scholarship fund is
encouraged to contact Dean Patrick
Bird or Travis Grantharn.
BAc LR: UNrD, MICti i OjlpA. ANC'rf t Ml.tY. ErYV C(ARISTI., LISU McCcrvk.. HuirO PrxADO' 1o
FKr L-R: C., r tl Ni SiiH L silt Cou,'t i, Ditlit GAusJltt, Jl'NIt i HAs.rtst StK H FKvytK
Honors & Accolades
by eain F Mullen
Dr. Candy Ashton (RPT) was
elected Pircsident of the National
Therapeutic Recreation Associa-
Dr. Randy Braith (ESS) received a
.r ,,' t... the American Heart
Association to continue his
researrh using pharmacologic and
lnon-pharmdcologic therapies to
prevent drug-induced osteoporosis
insolid organ '. v ( ,,, i.[
. -ii. f. Hospital at UE
DeEtla Hansson (ESS) of the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences won the University's
Superior ,.': :. ii --.r .-P ward
tor C lyrical! / office Support. N'-h-
was awarded a beautiful plaque
and a check for $1,000.
Dr. Andy Holdnak ERi) was
named to the Recreation Ad" isory
Panel for MeriStar Hotels and
Re:so s, Inc., the nation's largest
independent mutti-branded
management i.ip'i 'l which
operates more than 215 proper-
ties including Hilton, Sheraton,
Westin, Marriolt, Embassy Suites,
and Doubletree.
Dr. MaryBeth Horodyski (FSS)
was one of 12 people in the US to
receive the National Athletic
Trainers' Associationl Athletic
Training Service Award, pre-
senled at their annual meeting in
. .h.- !H:-. The award is
prese noted tor dedicated service to
the procession of athletic training.
Dr. Tom Kaminski s'i, assistant
professor and Director of the
Undergraduate Athletic Training
Education Program, was
selected I II IP Teacher of the
Year for 194 l-200.
Dr. Chris lc. ul-inho.l.h (ESS)
was honored with the American
Heart Association Young
investigator Award for 2000-2L01.
Ms. Telisha Martin Hi ,.
academic advisor, was selected
HHP' Advisor of the Year fcr
Dr. Milledge Murphey (ESS) was
reicgnizld as a 2f 1 I: Anderson
Co-lege of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Scholar Faculty Honoree at the UCf
Fill Acaderni Convention.
Dr. Barbara Rienzo (HSL) was
named University Health
Educator of the Year 2000 at
the Florida Alliance for IHealth,
Physical Education. Rccrealion,
and Dance (1IAHPERD) annual
meeting in Orlando.
Dr. Robert S'inger Il 'i- was
presented the award for "'istin-
guished Contributions to the
Science of Exercise and Sport
Psychology"at the .. .' ..--i :
of the American psychological
Association in Boston, MA.
Dr. Chris Stopka (ESS) has been
named program director for the
National Council of Athletic
Trailers (under AAH PR-ILD) and
:..- 'i i director for research
poster presentations for the
National Consortium for PE and
Recreation for individual- with
Dr. Chris Stopka (ESS) was
named Educator of the Year
(Colleges and Universities
1.,. : .- i by the Florida Associa-
tion of Health, Physical lEduca-
tion, Recreation and Dance.
Dr. Paula Welch .ES_ was
commissioned by the Council
of T Group Presidents/ Ivy
League to write the 25-year
history of women's champion-
ships in the Ivy League. Her
book, Silver Eri. Golden Maomenti,
is published by Morris.
The undergraduate Athletic
Training Education Program
received official accreditation
from the Commission on the
Accreditation of Allied Health
Education i' ..r,,r... (CAAIEWP)
CAAlI HiP Accreditation is
considered the ultimate mark in
quality for undergraduate
athletic training programs.
SFour students from the under-
graduate athletic training
education program at UF spent
their summers on internships
with NFL teams: Robert Delong
with the :.-.i. :'.. Bilh;; Robert
Hernandez, Tampa Bav Bucca-
neers; Marcus McCray, India-
napolis Colls; and Paul Silvestri,
Miami Dolphins. This is a great
accumplist.lnent and speaks
highly of our program.
Elissa Howard, graduate student,
was selected to participate in a
research project sponsored by the
Centers tor Disease controll in the
Division of Preventioni Research
and Analy tic Methods. This
selection is recognition ot lilissa's
.;, i0. 1n1 ,- l.t, .* an1d scientific
Two doctoral students, Nick
Murray and Lester louchard,
were selected as recipients of
Graduate Student 'leaching
Awards for 1999-00 trom the
University of Florida Research
and Graduate Programs.
Kwabea Pinto, graduate
student, was named to the
Ethnic Diversitv AdvNisory
i....-.n. .1 for the National
Athletic Trainers' Association.
by JeaI A MCllen
Robert T. Cushman
received his B.S. in Health
Science Education (1993) from
the University of Florida, and
Master of I lealthcare Adminis-
tration (1996) from the Univer-
sity of South Carolina. While at
UF, Bob worked closely with the
College and served as the 1992
president of the student chapter
as a collegiate member of Eta
Sigma Gamma. Bob was also
instrumental in the launch and
distribution of the Health
EduGator, a health education
newsletter generated by the UF
Student Infirmary. Bob was a
multiple recipient of the
President's Recognition Award
for his service in creating the
Men's Leadership Conference -
a two-day leadership event that
brought seasoned professional
alumni together with students
preparing for the marketplace.
Bob was co-founder and vice-
president of operations of the
Austin, TX based Internet start-
up healthanswers.com, and
more recently acting-CEO of
the Betlhesda MD based
hdugMonitor.com. IIe is currently
pr.,' idlit consultant services for
early state dot-corn entities and
resides in Rockville, MD,
Bob enjoys computer
technology, is an avid reader,
and periodically participates in
5K races. He and his wife, Kelly,
recently returned from the
Chihuahuan desert on the border
of Texas and Mexico where they
spent three days hiking. They
are expecting their first child
very soon,
Fran Mainella is the
director of the Division of
Recreation and Parks for the
Florida Popar.ulminl of Environ-
mental Protection in Tallahassee.
She oversees the administration
of 151 state parks consisting of
more than 500,000 acres. Her
supervision of eight bureaus,
two offices, and over 100
employees has led to many
accomplishments for the Florida
Park Service. Most recently, at
the National Recreation and
Park Association Annual
Congress meeting in Nahlr. Lile.
TN, the National Sporting
Goods Association awarded the
prestigious 1999 "State Parks
Gold Medal" to Florida's state
park system, recognizing it as
the best state park system in all
50 states.
Fran received her B.A.
in Physical Education at the
University of Connecticut and
M.A. in Counseling at Central
Connecticut State University.
She has over 30 years of
experience in the field of parks
and recreation. She is the
immediate past-president of the
National Association of State
Park Directors; past-president
of the National Recreation and
Park Association; and secretary
of Florida A & M University's
Landscape Design and Manage-
ment Program's Advisory
Council. Fran also serves as the
outdoor recreational state
liaison officer for the state of
Florida, administering Land
and Water Conservation Fund
grants. She is a member of the
Florida Tourism Commission and
the statewide Eco-Tourism/
Heritage Tourism Committee.
Although Fran is
extremely busy with her work,
she tries to put aside time for
golf, cycling, hiking and snow-
skiing. She enjoys her active life
and says she looks forward to
adding our Advisory Council to
her busy schedule.
M. Kent Tucker is a
Florida Gator who's happy to be
selected to assist his alma mater.
Kent was raised in the small
central Florida town of Mul-
berry, and received both his B.S.
and M.A. in Health Science
Education in 1980 and 1982
Upon graduation, he
taught high school in North
Carolina while his wife
completed her master's degee
program at the University of
North Carolina.
Kent is currently vice
president, ancillary services, for
Huguley Memorial Medical
Center in Ft. Worth, TX, where
he is responsible for overseeing
labs, radiol.-.g,. therapy
services, the fitness center,
community wellness, occupa-
tional medicine, corporate
compliance, facilities manage-
ment, nutrition, and physician
recruitment. Huguley Memo-
rial Medical Center is a 213-
licensed-bed, acute care
hospital, wholly owned and
operated by Adventist Health
System. In addition, Kent is an
adjunct faculty member of
Southwestern Adventist
University, where he teaches
Introduction to Fitness
Management, golf, and tennis.
Kent received the Sam
Walton Business Leadership
Award for 2000. He serves as
Chair of the Mayor's Council on
Improving I health and Well-
being; 20 /20 Strategic Planning
Advisory Board for the city of
Burleson, TX; is past-president,
Burleson Area Chamber of
Commerce; and a member of
the Burleson Independent
School District Vision 2000
Kent enjoys golf,
tennis, soccer, baseball, and
family activities with his wife,
Beth, and children, Ben (12), and
Sarah (9).
Michael Schmoyer, a
second-year doctoral student in
the Department of Health
Science Education, has been
named the newest student
member of the HHP Advisory
Council. He is completing a
minor in instructional technol-
ogy and is cLIrrentl developing
a distance education course in
conjunction with Dr. Charles
Williams and Dr. William Chen.
Michael has been a
health educator at State Univer-
sity of NY-Bin; ,port where he
completed his Master's of
Science in Health Education and
Bachelor of Science in Health
Science and Physical Education.
He is currently employed as an
adjunct faculty member who has
taught human ,vi lity health
and wellness behaviors, mind
and body, and health and
environmental health. In
addition, he was employed at
the University of Rochester as a
health educator instructing three
different classes for two and a
half years before .tartili, the
doctoral program at UF.
Michael has also been
a private consultant in the health
education field, working mostly
with technological applications
in health education. He has
worked with the American Red
Cross, AIDS Rochester, Planned
Parenthood and various school
systems and universities in New
York State.
for the person who
has everything
Have you ever found
yourself searching high and
low to find the perfect gift for
someone? Are you often
disappointed by what is
available? Perhaps charitable
giving can come to your rescue.
Charitable giving is an
important American tradition.
Honoring a special friend or by
loved family member through a
memorial or tribute gift may be
structured to take into consider-
ation the special interests of the
person being honored. Imagine
how the person will feel when
he or she finds out you have
provided scholarship monies for
students in the College of Health
and Human Performance in his
or her name. Or, if the person
has a special interest in exercise
.lhv-iioiln (or some other area),
think how this individual will
appreciate your thoughtfulness
when this individual learns you
have provided monies to
underwrite research in the area
he or she considers vital.
Mother's Day, Father's
Day, Grandparent's Day, the
birth of a child or grandchild,
birthdays, weddings, anniver-
saries, and holidays provide
opportunities for you to
thoughtfully remember persons
who have influenced your Iin
You will lhk,,l make
an outright gift of cash, check,
or transfer of appreciated
securities to fund your tribute
or memorial gift. You could,
however, contribute real estate,
personal tangible property, a
paid- up insurance policy you
no longer need, or any number
of other assets.
You will want to be
sure to enclose a letter with the
name and address of the
person or persons being
honored and to specify how the
gift is to be used for the benefit
of the University, its students,
and/or its faculty. The Univer-
sity of Florida Foundation,
Inc.'s gift processing division
will acknowledge your gift to
the individual or individuals.
You may also establish
the tribute or memorial gift
through your will or revocable
trust. Such a gift provides a
living legacy for those honored
or memorialized.
If your gift is 520,000
or more, an endowed fund
may be created for the purpose
designated. With the endowed
fund, annual spendable
earnings, as defined by
Foundation policy, will be
used each year for the desig-
nated purpose. Endowment
gifts of 5100,000 or more may
receive state matching monies.
Your gift will be
deductible for income or estate
tax purposes. We will be happy
to work with you so that you
can obtain the maximum tax
benefit allowable for your gift.
If you have questions, please call
Travis Grantham at 352-392-0578
ext. 1230 or email
'During hISc.l \,.lr
20(10. the Coliegc -\xcceded the
It's Performance That Counts
iaimpaiig n l .3L OLitr r.'.e '.LIC
...-il I '2 Ili I iI I but u
r.u,'. sd "3" 00.,'10
The ,geronmits .-,t our
.ilumnini IriLnJl, .udli
tion,' I h ith almost !':,0 00II.'I in
late ma.ithingI mrrio,-n Iron the
Major G(iit Trut FLndI .illovced
th,. Ciill'eo I-. n'ike inime
dr.l 1 .'n lt, iJlll.'r,1 eil enlL- ,1ld
ad ance
Our .uniual -dihoLaiship
at yardss hal e groin n from *>. :I'1i
i. .'. -A 1 .3 I II iI 1\\' I'i.nv, added
3 uLi.l'I Ii'et..J d _radI u.lr.te '-lh4Ilar-
hLip-. anI d rI .o I'llh rello iips.
Thi- ,lktir -l i tI Colhlg- to
compete: on a n.itnonal telel or
Ou-lqandinri udent_.
\N haI.Te been able to
E-i.abli'.h a n-:,' tem ni pr,'lr '.'ar-
-hip Ihias enable, the De'pdrt-
ment .it F\irvli-c. aird -iport
SL.it riLe'- tO' i.'xp.u'ld I. eac. ng
and rt.;earcli ex\pertise by
brillngil'. iililng 'chol-arz to
campuL.. Thi- i. an iiiporlar.l
.and c,,ost ettrecti e means or
>.enhanlcincg iur programn- and
We have made great
strides in laying the foundation
for funding to enhance key
centers and laboratories. The
endowments to support the
centers and laboratories give the
College long-term c.mpt' 6 rit.
advantages because the funds
provide a dependable source of
added revenue year after year.
This enhances our performance
and productivity.
During this challeng-
ing campaign, we have experi-
enced added enthusiasm and
participation in the annual
unrestricted giving from alumni
and friends to support the
current operating needs of the
College. These gifts help the
College seize new opportunities
and meet sudden challenges,
Because of this crnet-.,it.. we
are able to give financial aid to
undergraduate and graduate
students who have money
crises, update existing labora-
tory equipment, provide
student professional develop-
ment activities, fund stipends
for computer software for
teaching and research, and
support our Advisory Council
activities and increase communi-
cation with alumni and friends.
There are still un-
funded specific needs as defined
in our campaign strategy and
included in our overall goal. We
are working on funding one
more Ph.D. fellowship, two term
professorships, and the naming
of four centers and laboratories.
Although the It's Performance
That Counts campaign has been
very successful, we will focus in
2001 on securing gifts to fund
these remaining specific needs of
the College.
This will be my last
report on development for the
College. 1 would like to thank
Dean Bird and the faculty and
staff for their tremendous
support, counsel and friend-
ship during my time here. I am
indebted to our alumni and
friends for their dedication to
our fundraising effort and to
the many friends I have made
while working for the college.
Fall 2000 represented
Bill Frederick's last semester
of fundraising for the Collkgc
Director of Development for
HHP for the past six years,
Bill felt it was time to step
down as the capital campaign
has concluded and he has
spent forty years in business
and in development. Actu-
ally, this is the fourth time he
has retired. Dill notes, "This
time is for real."
During his leader-
ship, the College generated
$3,500,000 in the "It's Perfor-
mance that Counts Campaign."
Additionally, he was instru-
mental in securing
gifts to endow a
Term Professor-
ship, The Stanley
Lecture, and two
Ph.D. Fellowships.
The College's scholarship
program also increased
significantly under his leader-
ship. Scholarship endowments
increased nearly 800% between
1996 and 2000. Additionally,
he was involved in generating
funding for the renovation of
the Living Well Center. Bill
acknowledges the cooperative
efforts of the dean's adminis-
trative team, our alumni, and
friends in these achievements.
He was quick to note, "With-
out such team efforts, we
could not have been as
successful as we were."
When asked the
source of his love and loyalty
to the University, Bill noted a
rich history of graduates
(father, farther-in-law, wife,
brother, and children). He
refers to his family as "Con-
genital Gators." Bill further
feels that he "has probably
gotten more out of the College
and University than invested."
When asked if these accom-
plishments had been easy, Bill
indicated, "It has been fun
working with the many donors.
I have developed some fine
friends while working for the
University and College."
by Berltha (Cat
Honor Roll of Donors
$100,000 or :MORi
American Heart Association
Florida/Puerto Rico Affiliate
State of Florida Comptroller
$50,000 $99,999
MedX 96, Incorporated
University Athletic Assn., Inc.
$25,000 $49,999
Shands at the University
of Florida
Si0,000 24.999)
Rebecca S. and
Robert E. Alen
Walt Disney World Co.
William D. and
Mary A. Frederick
William H. Mills, Sr.
Ogle' Eler'ri.AiIrrn i-t of
Florida, Inc.
Mary L. Van Lear
Alice W. Waldon
$1,000 $9,999
American College of
Sports Medicine
Assn. for the Advancement
of Applied Sports
Bank of America Fdtn.
BellSouth Corp.
Patrick J. Bird
Susan A. Boehm
Chain Reaction Bicycles
Kevin H. and
Susan Kirk Cook
Federated Department
Stores Foundation
Charles W. Fessler, Jr.
The Foscue Foundation
Gainesville Sports
Organizing Committee
Owen J. and
Christine A. Holyoak
Ivory International, Inc.
Perry C. McGriff, Jr. and
Noel M. McGriff
Robert J. Murphy, Jr.
Nationwide Insurance Fdtn.
Stephen Orr, Inc.
R. Morgan Pigg, Jr.
Christine Rid ,.- n
Sonny's Real Pit
Bar-B-Que, Inc.
South County Baking Corp.
Starr Commonwealth
State Farm Cos. Fdtn.
Paul and Jill W. Vares
Angus i-1 llini -. Jr.
$1 :; -$999
Stephen W Amos
Stephen C. and
Debra T. Anderson
Richard A. Arnold
Sarah H. Asher
Clinton E. Bales
Robert L. Barnett
David Barth
Kathryn I.. Batt
John C. Beaudry
Christopher Behan
Andrea 1I. Behrman
David M. Benson
Susan L. Bertucci
Cheryl S. Black
Ethalinda Blackman
Robert F Boddy
Clarence J. Bodie, Jr.
Ruth Lee Bolick
Christopher E. Brazda
Evelyn T. Bush
Jean D. Callaway
Rebecca G. Capeloto
Kim E. Caramelli
Douglas J. Casa
Paula B. and John Chafin
David O. Charland
W. William Chen
Donna B, Chiaro
College of Charleston
Catherine S. Coloson
Computer Associates
International, Inc.
Cheryl R. Courtney
Donald W. Cox
John A. Crago
James A. Cummings, Inc.
Barbara C. Daisheimer
Delta Air Lines Fdtn.
Maria P. Devitt
Susan I.. DiBlasi
Laurie K. Doerr
Stephen J. Dover
Maureen D. Edwards
Florida Association of
Professional Health
Richard P. Forster
Lynn G. Fry
Patricia A. Frye
Elaine C. Funk
Sean D. Gagnon
Gannett Fdtn.
Gatorland Toyota
Georgia Southern University
Equestrian Club
Wilbur H Gifford, Jr.
Margaret B. Gill
Louis J. Goldstein
James L. Goolsby, Jr.
Corine D. Grant, Psy.D.
Edwin H. Gratton
Jane S. Green
Deborah H. Grissett
Edmund K, Gross
John A. Guarisco
Mrs. Leslie F Guy
Linda Freeze Hall
Susan S. Hall
Patti F. Hamilton
Heather A. Hausenblas
\J liam .M. Hay.
Karen S. Henley
Robert C. Hewitt
Grtg Hillet
Eric S. Hobelmann
Tomas Hudlicky
Anthony S. Hurd
Anthony R. James
Robert B. Jarvis II
Ellen Beth Karpay
Edward M. Kassatly
Dennis J. Kemp
Marlyn M. Kenney
John Kunnen and
Associates, Inc.
Lisa R. Kuntzman
Charles W. LaPradd
Kenneth R. Lardie
Lavender Magic, Inc.
R. Burton Lawless
Barbara A. Leonard
Mrs. Debbra R. Love
Jack Lucks
Robert W. Lundquist
Paul J. Lunetta
Daniel R. MacDonell
R. Brian MacNamara
Dan and Rosemary Magill
Debra L. Marcoux
Barbara Jeanne Marsh
luray E. Martin
Patricia A. Martinez
Dennis E. May
Della-Jean M. Mays
Robert B. McCallum, Jr.
Anthony C. McDonald
Megan A. McDonough
Linda M. McGrane
James S. McKinney
Mary A. McKnight Cantey
Thomas W. McMahon, Jr.
Douglas L. Mercer
Louie D. Merchant
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Fdtn., Inc.
Robert V. Milby
John M. Milling
Jessica J. Morris
Stephanie Mosieur
MSU Volleyball Club,
WoMmans Division
Jeanne B. Neumann
William A. Newbern, Jr.
Jeffrey M. Nordeen
Nancv A. Norman
Pamela M. Oberst
R. Kevin O'Brien
Sisti A. O'Connor
Lydia E. Overbaugh
Richard B. and
Laura L. Overmyer
Julie M. Page
Lynn B. Panton
Terry B. Pappas
Michelle A. Park
Pegasus Broadcast
Television, Inc.
Gary B. Pell, Sr.
Brenda M. Pena
George H. Pennington, Jr.
Donald L.'and
Barbara B. Phillips
Jerry H. Posey
John W. Powell
Scott K. Powers
Edward C, and
Alice P range
The Principal Financial
Group Foundation, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Co.
Carissa M. Rains
Richard H. Reisinger, Sr.
Mark S. and
Deborah Rosenthal
Holly S. Rosica
Frederick E. Rozelle, Sr. and
Charlotte C. Rozelle
Christopher W. Rylee
Julie M. Sakre
Cathy B. Santa
Rebecca H. Scaringe
Schackow and
Mercadante, PA.
Terry A. Schmidt
F. Stephens Schnell, D.D.S
Christopher S. Schuk
Mrs. JoEllen M. Schweichler
Ronald A. Secrist
Deborah B. Scoane
Graig U. Shaak
Shell Oil Co. Fdtn.
John A. bl.Spk, III
Janet R. Silverstein
Karen A. Skiratko
April J. Snyder
Southern Nuclear
Oper.iing Co.
Stephanie C. Stans
David E. Stanton
Kathrvn C. Stark
John H. Stauff
% illi, m H. Swartz, Sr.
George P. Telepas
Maureen E. Terwilliger
Patricia Tuck
Janice E, locker
Frances M. Vandiver
Ri.lhird G. Vasquez
Vitter 'laqtcrinvi
Donna M. von K.nnrn-awiitl
Wal-Mart Store #538
Barbara M. \..ink.,
Lynne A. Wells
Alice J. White
Jill S. White
Richard White, Jr.
Lois M. Williams
William R. %\illiam. 11
K. Wayne ilali.i-.,
Edward O. Wolcott
Dau id P. Zwcr4ij
$99 or LESS
Jerri L. Abrams
Paul J. Ackerman
Marjorie M. Adams
Cr.nig5 .Allen
Laura A. Allen
Marline Almanzar
Andersen Con.tiitng Fdtn.
Cynthia S. Anderson
Deborah R. Anderson
Lynda J. Anderson
Kara V. Andrew
Kirk Anthony
D,, id .A Appleton
Patricia R. Artimez
Amber C. Askeland
Carla M. Austin
Leonard C. Balas
Maj. Christopher J. Ballard
Joan E. Baron
Felice R. Barr
Kim B. Barrett
Mrs. Carey B. Bass
Thomas A. Bates
.1V .i.il S. Bauer
Harry L. Benson, Jr.
Norma Y, Benson
Susan M. Betchner
Diane M. Biernacki
Jeffrey W. and
Michele L. Bishop
Scott A. Blaue
Debora S. Bloom
()II n11,l.i Denise Boanner
Cindy A. Books
Brian J. Borland
Jack S. Borling
Martha F. Boruff
Polly D. Bottom
Susan Bradford
Matthew Bradley IV
Mal.\ S. Brancaccio
Renee T. Brillante
Debra L. Brook
Mrs. Eliene D. and
Wayne W Brooks
Reverend Charles E.
Brown, Jr,
Xenula A. Brown
Lawrence S. Bruce
Patricia D. Burnsed
Clyde O. Butz
Larry D. Candeto
Carlo D. Cantarella
Yolanda M. Carbia
Scan M. Carpenter
Mrs. Cecily K. Carr
I.inda D. Chandler
Thomas E. Clar.,.
Judith N. Chavez
M. Freida Chewning
Brad S. Chissom
Vincent M. Ciccantelli
Cory T. Clarke
Courtenay M. Clarke
Bill F. Cockcroft
Alisa B. Cohen
Reaves C. Cole
Cynthia A. Coleman
Janet Lynn Collins
Mrs. Frances K. Cooley
Amelia E. Cooper
Robert W. Costa
Elsa M. Costello
Scott C. Costolo
James M. Coi .hlin
Ronald D. Creese
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Anna D. Cruz
Rachele J. Ctiraningllam
Leonora F. D.irling
Ronald L. Darst
Claude L. David, Sr.
Janice L. Davis
Karleen Jones Dawkins
Joyce C. Dean
Cassandra L. Deaver
Alan G. Dee, CPA and
Susan F. Dec
Robert De Maria
Mark K. DeMeza
Suzanne Desmond
Karen K. Dils
Heather A. Disler
Donald R. Dittmnn
Jennifer J. Dixon
Sean P. Doherty
William L. and
Marilyn M. Donigan
Barry J. Donovan
Angela M. Dorney
Dennis C. Drake
M.lari] n B. Dunlap
Isaac N. Durrance
Traoi R. Durrance
Jane M. Eason
Mark P. Edwards
Brian M. Elllett
Patricia II. FncTlmpier
Kathleen R. Fi'gh
Seigfred W. Fagerberg
Barry R. T .,old Jr.
Terri W Fekete
Herbert W. Felber, Jr.
Lisa S. Felix
Philip L. Fisher
Sheila M. Fitzgerald
Janet B. Forbess
Ronald E. Forguson
Douglas W. Forsyth
Dennis R. and
Jennifer R. Frisch
Robert N. Fulmer Ill
Victoria W. Gainey
Robert J. Galbraith
Alicia C. Garcia
Robert H. Garin, Jr.
Lauri C. Garvey
Janet K. Garvin
Kim M. Gattle
Douglas P Gerber
John W. Gilbert
Paul A. Giro
Edward J. Gonzalez
Paul E. Good III
Phyllis B. Graham
Michael J. Granata
Ian W. Graulich
Megan C. Gregory
Pope Griffin Ill
Donald Crundmann
Mrs. Tracy H. Guernsey
Aimee J. Gunnoe
NM. Shinri,-. Y. Guse
Donne Hale, Jr.
Mary E. Hall
Renee M. Hall
Anne E. Harmon Grout
Beth A. Ilarre-Orr
Patrick S. Hayden
Jonathan E Heck
Curtis J. hlinson
Janice A. Hobbs
Christine M. Hollingsworth
Kimberly A. loyt
Kelly N. Hubbard
Mary E. Huddleston
Karen A. IHughes
Helene M. lachetta
Frank C. Ingram, Jr.
Genevieve P. Jacobs
William A. James, Jr.
Debra K. Johnson
James C. Johnson
Patsy R. Johnson
Amanda K. Jones
Benny Jones, Jr.
Jason E. Joseph
Mark S. Joseph
Anne B. Kaminski
George S. Keep
John A. Kenworthy
Lisa M. Keppler
Michael S. Kessler
Christine E. Kilby
Thomas R. L. Kindred
Stefanie K. Kindt
Iouis A. King
Susan R. Krisher
Elisabeth L. Krone
Elizabeth A. Krouch
Nina L. Kurtz
Frances Lala
Michael A. Landis
H. Lee Langley
Victor V. Lanna
Karen Maria Larsen
Leon J. Larson
Lori Anne Larson
Mrs. Raelene B. Lawless
nil'erly M. Leasure-Rigdon
Michael D. Leatherwood
Charles J. Lechner
Barbara F Leddy
Sandra S. Lee
Thomas N. Leidell
Charles Henry Levine
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Sara L. Locario
Russell W. Loges
Lucia C. Lopez
Lori A. Losner
Stanley G. Lotzkar
Carla A. Lucas
Carol L. Madden
Thomas Edgar Nla1ilo
Donna M. Manning
Robert R, Marble
Kevin J. Marrone
Bonnell B. Martens
Janet L. Martin
Lauren O. Mayer
Patricia E. McGinnis
\jnn E IMcK'Ietheii II
Christine L. Meacham
C, iihja. 1. Melanson
Lisa B. Merkle
Aaron Metcalf
Fr nk W\ Meyer
lames C. Midili
Casey M. and
Michael A. Miller
Iris C, Minkon
C. Brent Mitchell
Jane A, Monahan
Connie L. Montgomery
Prof. Emeritus Alan C. Moore
Kathryn I, Morgan
Stacey H, Mosley
Michael E. Moten
Kathy W. Mowbray
Sarah A. W. Mulder
Kenneth A. N\adiii
Suzan J. Nash
Maureen C. Nemcik
John L N\-ara.
Carol L. Nicholson
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Dianna L. Nulty
Laurie K. Obreza
Bethany M. Osborne
Michele A. Ostendorf
Vicki L. Overman
rP.e Insurance, Inc.
Maria R. Packard
Olga M. Page
C( nth .i '. Paparis
Rt.be.ia K. Parks
C(.thermne I. Passmore
Bina P. Patel
Jonathan A. Pear
Erica A. Pearson
Shayne E, Pearson
James R, Perkins
Heidi E. Ferry
Colleen D. Perry Kelley
Susan J, Peters
Margaret A. Petrillo
Susan S. Pfifferling
James C. Phillips, Jr.
Kresla R. Pila
Denyse Pitak
Susan L. Pleasants
Rose M. Plumley
Brent E. Posey
Wendy Y. Post
Margaret A. Powell
John Power
Cynthia J. B. Powers
Sarah L. Price
Linda M. Prince
Sharon B. Printy
Mrs. Jan D. Pritchard
Michael G. and
Lee A. Pritchett
Mrs. Leslie T, Ramshaw
Norman L. Redding, Jr.
Jennifer 1. Reel
Celia L. Regimbal
Reitz Union Barber Shop
Helene T Rhine
Mark J. Richard
Eileen M. Ritchie
Michelle Robinson
Nicole J, Roda
John B. Rohan
Jacque L. Salter-Norris
Diane M. Samuels
St.;Fphn C. Sandberg
Joseph W. Schaefer
Jcremy A. Schinder
Tom A. Schlictman
Julie A. Schwartz
Jeffrey W. Schwartzer
Gordon B. Scott, Jr.
Don W. Shaffer
CPT Leonard M.
Shores, Jr.
Dana Dell Siano
Joseph M. Silvia
Cynthia D. Simpson
Christine T. Sims
Jacquelyn K. Sinclair
James E. Skills III
Frank M. and
Virginia Dumas Skillman
Diana S. Smith
Fred M. Smith
Gregory Smith
Johnny W. Smith
Kenneth J. Smith
Marian L. Smith
Mrs. Pauladene H. Smith
Sonya A. Smith
Margaret O. Smyly
Carole A. Soricelli
Donald C. St.:dlc
Laura D. Stalvey
Elizabeth F. Stark
Robert L. Stark
Marian S. Starzinski
Foy W. Stephens
Robert L. Stephens
John L. Steverding
Kelly B. Stine
James D. Stites
Laurie L. Stixrood
Chance W, Stone
David J. Stopka
Mrs. Jo Toung Stout
Eric M. Straehla
Rebecca M. Strominger
Jennifer S. Stubbs
Marc W. Sullivan
Debra H. Tackett
Iherrv L. ieabgue
Patricia Vitter Thomas
Nath Thompson
Gordon M. Thomson
Richard M. Tolle
Melissa E. Tomaszewski
Totally Broke Quarter
Horses & Trainring
Stephanie M. Tringale
loseph W. Tringali
Rita K. Twain
Brandon T. Underwood
Noah D. Valenstein
Barbara G. Van Camp
Jodi K. Van Der Heyden
and David M. Kudelko
Lori A. Vazquez
Jennifer L. Voeller-Richardson
Mrs. Leslie S. Vollmer
Christina W. Wade
Mrs. Leslie D. Walsh
Henry C. Warren
Rachelle H. Washbur
Cathryn R. Watson
Tami A. Webb
Lisa M. Weeks
Janet A. Wehmeyer
Carolyn P Weiler
Aida Lerman Weissman
Jeannie R. Wells
Darlene M. '\.t rh i- k
Marcia A. West
Mrs. [.ei-he Wetepl
Janet Vhidenn
Jennifer L. Wiley
Ali'on 1 Willims
D-,an I Wlh.uins
Aill 0 \WVa Farm
Chri-.ini W. Wilson
Sandra B. Windschmanna
William G. Winstead
Jerry W. Wiseman
K,,lliern G. Wnlt
lacqueline H Wolstelt-Sganga
'abrina G. VWoitzkv
Bradle) S. Wright
CyIde L. Wright.
lames M. Wright
Robert C. Wur-ler
Mrs. Mirka ). Young
Colette Zukley-Campad
Drop us a note with your comments & suggestions. Please include a recent photo.
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