Front Cover
 A letter from Dean Bird
 Table of Contents
 The College of Health and Human...
 Lake Wauburg: a journey from past...
 Spotlight: Steve Spurrier
 Short articles
 Research presentations locatio...
 Development report
 Faculty facts
 Honors and accolades
 College adds new advisory council...
 New faculty
 Alumni news
 University scholars program
 Donors create new pathways for...
 Honor roll of donors
 Back Cover

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00006
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00006
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    A letter from Dean Bird
        Page 2
    Table of Contents
        Page 3
    The College of Health and Human Performance expands involvement in the international arena
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Lake Wauburg: a journey from past to present
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Spotlight: Steve Spurrier
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Short articles
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
    Research presentations locations
        Page 16
        Page 17
    Development report
        Page 18
    Faculty facts
        Page 19
    Honors and accolades
        Page 20
    College adds new advisory council members
        Page 21
    New faculty
        Page 22
        Page 23
    Alumni news
        Page 24
    University scholars program
        Page 25
    Donors create new pathways for majors
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
    Honor roll of donors
        Page 30
        Page 31
    Back Cover
        Page 32
Full Text


A s we end the first year of the new century, the C. ".. continues to prosper. Our -. topped
2,001 for the first time this t with 1,925 undergraduates and 232 students pursuing master's and
doctoral degrees. In addition to more students, we are progressing on other fronts. We have hired 10
more faculty. Several new programs are now in j swing, including a Master of Public Health
(MPH) degree and new Ph.D. specializations in Athletic 7 _:... Medicine; Biomechanics;
Natural Resource Recreation; Therapeutic Recreation; and Tourism. And we are looking forward to another record
year of securing grants and contracts to support our research activities. Last year we passed the $2 million mark.
With the grants and contracts in the pipeline, this -, be even better.

It's clear that our faculty continues to be highly productive, and each of our departments is highly competitive with
its peers around the country. A recent production and quality survey of 15 major universities .' .' likes of
Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio State, Texas, and North Carolina) shows that the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences is ranked in the top three and the Departments of Health Science Education and Recreation, Parks
and Tourism are in the top five counterparts at these prestigious institutions. The factors measured in
this study included credit hours and degrees produced, student quality, scholarly production of f-. ',. dollar
amount of grants and contracts awarded to f. ',. and fund raising from alumni and friends.

Another major milestone for the C. ". this academic year will be the conclusion of"It's Performance That Counts,"
the University's five-year capital campaign. As you may .."' our C. ". campaign goal was $2.1 ". To date,
we have $3.3 million in the bank! For a -.. ". a number of graduates (about 9,000), most of whom have
not been out of school very long (47% graduated since 1990, 70% since 1980), we have done remarkably -. "

Much of our fund-raising success is due to the t. '-. of our C. ". Campaign Committee, chaired by Frank
Dempsey (BS 1950) and .'- mr.' by I' Frederick, our Development C'O- .. We are seeing the dividends of these
n. *. For example, when the campaign began, we were providing our students with $5,500 in scholarships and fel-
lowships. This year that amount was more than $60,000. :' like a -.. "- race, we must go -" out as we
approach the finish line. We -' have important unfunded opportunities. With a strong stride and a steady focus,
we can come close to almost $4

This year's Performance, edited by Assistant Dean Dr. Bertha Cato, is the best yet. In it you "find updated infor-
mation about the C. ". -faculty international research involvements and presentations delivered around the globe.
You read about students who were selected as University Scholars and who were recipients of HHP

As you see, your C. ". and its students, faculty and graduates are performing ; -. Hope you enjoy this
edition. Please let us hear from you.

C .i"!!..
Patrick J. Bird, Dean


The College of H ,e ,l, H i r.-. i t.. r,, -, .- F ,._.- IF. .. -r,..'- t i, h.

International Al-, I 2


Lake Wauburg: A I..r...i-;% F,. ,nI i.-,r t. I r-.-cir 6


Stephen Orr Spurrier & Fam ily..................................................................................................... 8


RPT Great Accreditation Report................................ ............. 10

Major General Maurice O. (Maury) Edmonds

Involvement in Homecoming Parade...................................... ........... 10

Perry M cGriff is H onored.................................... ................... II

Bill Potter's D death .................................. .................. ........ II

SD r. Paula W elch Retires...................................... .................. II

Fran Mainella's New Appointment............................. ........... 12

I National Student Leadership Conference HHP Student Delegates at AAPHERD............. 12

SDevelopm ent N ew s............................................. ................... 16

F a cu lty F acts............................................................................................................ .................. ........ 17

Honors/Accolades .............................................................. 18

D distinguished A lum ni................................................................................................ ......... 18

New Advisory Council Members................................. ........... 19

N ew F acu lty ........................................................................................................... ................. ......... 2 0

SU university Scholars Program ................................. .......................... 23

. Scholarship Aw ards.................................. .................. ........ 24

H onor Roll of Donors........................................ ................... 28


The College of Health & Human Performance

Expands Involvement in the International Arena

by Dr Bertha Cato and Laura A. Schmid

we are
that we live
in an age of
tion where
al borders
are no
This new age
has provided
those of us in the
academic world
new opportunities
and challenges.
Academic administrators
and faculty are encouraged
to expand their goals to include
international research and
involvement and provide
opportunities for students to
acquire international under-
standing and exposure. Never
have faculty and students been
challenged to master navigating
through a multicultural world
as they are today.
Universities today cannot
meet students' educational
needs, nor can they be among
the best institutions in the coun-
try, without achieving a global
perspective. Because the UF
faculty and administrators
believe this so strongly,
President Charles Young and
Provost David Colbum have set
the "globalization" of the
University as a primary goal.
They have requested that all
colleges identify strategies to
achieve this goal within the next
five vears.

As noted in the dean's greet-
ings, the College of Health and
Human Performance has already
internationalized many of its
activities. A key component of
the College's mission is "... to
provide nationally and interna-
tionally recognized programs
that focus on helping people to
protect, maintain, and improve
their health, fitness, and quali-
ty of life." Although there is
still much to be done, here are
some of the College's approach-
es toward "globalization":

Hiring International Faculty
The following international
faculty have been hired Dr.
John Chow (biomechanics,
China); Dr. Heather Hausenblas
(sport psychology, Canada); Dr.
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh (exer-
cise physiology, Netherlands);
Dr. Heather Gibson (tourism,
England); Dr. Lori Pennington-
Gray (tourism, Canada); Dr.
Brijesh Thapa (tourism, Nepal);
and Dr. Jiunn-Jye Sheu (epi-
demiology and bio-statistics,

Encouraging Faculty
Participation in
International Organizations
served two, 4-year terms (1985-
1993) as President of the
International Society of Sport
Psychology. DR. WILLIAM
CHEN (HSE) served (1999-2004)
as the Vice-President for
Technical Development for the
North American Regional
Office/International Union for
Health Promotion and
Education. DR. BERTHA CATO
served as the Director for the
International Council for
Health, Physical Education,

Recreation, Sports and Dance -
Leisure and Recreation
Commission Symposium for the
42nd World Congress held in
Cairo, Egypt. She is a member
of the current commission
symposium for the upcoming
Taipei, Taiwan World Congress
(July 2002). DR. SCOTT POWERS
is Vice President for the
American College of Sports
Medicine, a major 25,000 mem-
ber international professional

Promoting HHP International
Faculty Research
Director of the Clinical Exercise
Physiology Lab, has investigat-
ed osteoporosis in organ transplant
recipients. His research, funded
by the American Heart
Association and Florida
Department of Health, has led
the way in pioneering the use of
resistance exercise training,
along with selected anti-osteo-
porosis drugs, in the prevention
and reversal of transplant osteo-
porosis. Previously, there was
no known therapy to stimulate
new bone growth in transplant
patients who become osteo-
porotic due to chronic treatment
with anti-rejection drugs. Dr.
Braith designed a therapeutic
regimen to prevent post-trans-
plant osteoporosis. This
research was presented in
with researchers from Spain and
Italy, conducted research on
mitochondrial deletions and aging
and on mitochondrial DNA
damage and oxidant production.
A component of Dr.
Leeuwenburgh's research was

4 SPRING 2002

removing segments of mito-
chondrial DNA to see if that
might partly explain the aging
process. They are also study-
ing how damage to mitochon-
drial DNA by oxidants that
occurs with age may contribute
to a decline in energy produc-
tion. The researchers hope to
determine the causes of aging
so that targeted interventions
can be developed. The National
Institutes of Health funded this
study. This research has been
presented at the Universities of
assistant professor in HSE, has
research projects underway in
TAIWAN. In one of these studies,
he is using structural equation
modeling to construct and com-
pare the dietary behavior models of
sixth graders in rural and urban
areas of Taiwan. Structural equa-
tion modeling is an advanced
multivariate statistical method
that helps scientists to identify
interrelationships between mul-
tiple factors in a study. Some of
the questions he and his
Taiwanese co-investigators hope
to answer include what the
associations are among socio-
economic status, environmental
factors, psychosocial factors and
high fat/sugar intake, as well as
what differences exist between
rural and urban children on a
high fat/sugar intake behav-
ioral model. This study is fund-
ed by the Department of Health
of Taiwan.
is pursuing research regarding
the experiences of solo women trav-
elers. This involves a cross-cul-
tural study looking at women

from the UK and the US. The
work is being done in collabora-
tion with Fiona Jordan
Cheltenham from Gloucester
Institute. The team interviewed
AUSTRALIAN solo women travel-
ers and will compare these to
the experiences of American
women. When asked what are
the global implications of this
study, Dr. Gibson noted that
they introduced RPT faculty
and students to the wider
leisure studies field.
GRAY'S (RPT) research takes us
to CANADA; she has investigated
the relationship between a person's
cohort and their preference for
travel. The Canadian Tourism
Commission provided the fund-
ing and data. Her findings sug-
gested that the Silent
Generation (those bom between
1925 and 1943) had preferences
for first class accommodations
when they traveled. Baby
boomers (those bom between
1944 and 1964) were less likely
to prefer museums and art gal-
leries than other generations,
and this preference was declin-
ing over time. In addition, Baby
Boomers and Xers (those born
between 1965 and 1981) were
more interested in nature-based
travel and this trend is continu-
ing. Dr. Pennington-Gray stated
that "if preferences are influ-
enced by a person's cohort, then
we as leisure services providers
will have a better method of
predicting future travel," which
has global implications.
out research on mechanical venti-
lation-induced diaphragmatic atro-
phy, which was funded by the
National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Malcolm Jackson of the

University of Liverpool School
of Medicine served as a consult-
ant. Problems in weaning
patients from mechanical venti-
lation (MV) occur in a large
number of cases. Strong evi-
dence exists to show that MV-
induced respiratory muscle
injury contributes significantly
to these difficulties in weaning.
DR. POWERS' research improves
our understanding of the mech-
anisms responsible for MV-
induced diaphragmatic injury,
which is an essential first step
toward developing clinical
strategies to oppose the deleteri-
ous effects of mechanical venti-
lation on respiratory muscles.
He notes that failure to wean
patients from mechanical venti-
lation is a worldwide problem,
thus emphasizing the impor-
tance of developing clinical
measures to reduce the incidence
of this problem across the globe.
Dr. Brijesh Thapa (RPT)
conducted a study regarding
tourism issues, concerns, and chal-
lenges in NEPAL. This investiga-
tion, done in collaboration with
the Nepal Tourism Board, was
funded by the College and
Department of Recreation, Parks
and Tourism. It included sam-
pling tour operators, tourists,
policymakers, and host resi-
dents. Dr. Thapa conducted per-
sonal interviews with prominent
policymakers, tourism entrepre-
neurs, and tourists in Nepal.
Recommendations were suggest-
ed to the Nepal Tourism Board
and the Ministry for Tourism
and Civil Aviation. Dr. Thapa's
research supported the premise
that the potential to expand
tourism in Nepal to generate
more income, employment, and
other benefits is enormous.

Promoting International
Most of HHP faculty have
presented at least one interna-
tional paper in the past five
years, and some have been far
more active. For example, DR.
BERTHA CATO, Assistant Dean,
has delivered presentations in
CHEN, HSE Chair, has served as
a scientific advisor for the
National Narcotics Bureau,
Department of Health,
Executive Yuan, People's
Republic of CHINA and as a
health education consultant for
the National Health Education
Association in the People's
Republic of China.
DR. SCOTT POWERS, Director of
the Center for Exercise Science,
has been an invited speaker in
ESS Chair, has been an invited
speaker or consultant in over 20
countries. He has delivered
presentations at numerous pro-
fessional meetings and confer-
ences in many countries -
and SINGAPORE, to name a few.
Associate Dean, has delivered
presentations in FRANCE,

Here is a sampling of interna-
tional presentations during
presented her research on the
legal status of logos and trademarks
ofNative Americans to the


International Sports Business
Conference in October 2001.
Her research found that the fed-
eral district court withdrew the
trademark protection from the
NFL's Washington Redskins and
the NCAA discourages the use
of any Native American names
as a mascot.
SHAEFFER (RPT) shared the
podium with DR. HEATHER
GIBSON (RPT) to present her
research on older women and
leisure during a conference in
2001. Their presentation focused
on a retirement-aged women
project, which looks at the
leisure activities and ethics of
women 55 and older who reside
in Florida. DRS. ASHTON-
delivered two presentations at a
conference in FREMANTLE,
AUSTRALIA. One presentation
was titled Empowerment and
resistance through competitive
wheelchair sport. Specifically,
the presentation focused on
the role and meaning of
wheelchair sport in the lives
of women paralympic athletes.
The second presentation conver-
sation was with retirement-aged
women about leisure and life. Drs.
Ashton and Gibson also deliv-
ered a version of the presenta-
tion at the World Leisure
Congress in BILBOA, SPAIN in
July 2000.
GIBSON (RPT) have been very
active on the international front.
This two-year period also
included presentations in
(June 2001) and GLASGOW,
SCOTLAND (July 2000) at the

British Leisure Research
Association Conference. In July
(RPT Chair) delivered a presen-
tation titled An international look
at therapeutic recreation education
at the 6th International
Symposium on Therapeutic
Recreation. The international
conference was held in TAMPA,
presented research findings
about the role of cardiac rehabili-
tation in heart failure and the role
of cardiac transplantation in heart
transplantation at a cardiology
conference in RICCIONE, ITALY
and at the University of
Bologna in PARMA, ITALY in
November 2001. Dr. Braith's
research laboratory has pio-
neered utilization of resistance
exercise training combined with
selected anti-osteoporosis drugs
in the prevention and reversal
of transplant osteoporosis.
(RPT) delivered a presenta-
tion on segmentation ofout-
door recreationists: A compari-
son of recreationists' excepta-
tions of experience satisfaction
across activities and socio-
demographic and trip charac-
teristics at the International
Conference on Monitoring
and Management of Visitor
Flows in Recreational and
Protected Areas, in VIENNA,
AUSTRIA in January 2002.
His research explored the
levels of satisfaction of vari-
ous segments of outdoor
recreationists and the nature
of relationships between
various customer satisfac-
tion attributes and overall
satisfaction. This model of

customer satisfaction may
be used in international set-
tings that include the same
outdoor recreation user
presented at the World
Conference on Health Promotion
and Health Education in PARIS,
FRANCE in July 2001 his research
on evaluation of an innovative
tobacco education program on
tobacco knowledge, attitudes, inten-
tion, and behavior among elemen-
tary school students in four north
central Florida counties. Results
suggested that the program was
effective in improving students'
knowledge, attitudes, and inten-
tions toward discontinuing the
use of tobacco products. He
also co-chaired two sessions at
this conference: one on health
behavior research-modeling,
and the other on partnership.
Additionally, DR. CHEN was an
invited speaker on Health
Education in the United States
-Past, present and future "..
He presented this information
in CHENGDU, CHINA at the
Seminar on Health Education
between the Two Sides of
Taiwan Straits in August 2001.
traveled to Asia to give two
presentations. In June 2000,
he discussed speed and stroke
cycle characteristics during the
100-meter race for paraplegic
athletes at the 18th International
Symposium of Biomechanics in
Sports in HONG KONG. He also
presented on the use of determin-
istic models in biomechanics research
at the Seoul International Sport
Science Congress in SEOUL, KOREA
in August 2001.
(HSE) was an invited presenter
at the International

Communication Association
meeting held in the UNITED
STATES. She presented on -
the health communication research
agenda for complementary and
alternative medicine: "W/hither thou
goest, I go."
(RPT) delivered a presentation
during spring 2002 on testing a
constraints model for ". racial
groups at the Canadian Congress
on Leisure Research held in
(RPT) was an invited member of
a panel of international academ-
ics to address international
peace through a tourism work-
shop in TAYBET ZAMMAN and
also shared his research at the
8th International Symposium
on Society and Resources
Management held in BELLINGHAM,
WASHINGTON in June 2000. His
presentation was titled r .
biological and sociological impact
S multi-sector fisheries man-
agement in the Gulfof Mexico.
(ESS) gave four research presen-
tations in PARIS, FRANCE at the
20th International Congress of
Sports Medicine in December
2000. Two presentations cov-
ered parental and coach awareness
of head injury risk in American
youth _.. -' and soccer and the
incidence of injuries in American
youth .. -" The results of the
investigations suggested that
parents and coaches are not
aware of the serious injuries
that can occur in the sports of
football and soccer. Additional
presentations regarded cervical
spine alignment in the immobilized
ice hockey player: '

6 S P R I N G2002


analysis before and after helmet
removal, as well as a comparison
of the '.. -. of helmet fit dur-
ing immobilization in youth and
professional ice hockey players.
The results suggested that
youth ice hockey players do not
wear properly fitted helmets.
(ESS) presented to the
International Society of Sport
Psychology in SKIATHOS, GREECE
on expert performance in sport: cur-
rent perspectives and critical issues.
He discussed how experts attain
expertise in a given domain,
and how both environmental
and biological factors are con-
sidered as related to the psy-
chology of sport.
presented research on two dif-
ferent topics at the Sixth
International Congress of
Behavioral Medicine in
Social construction, understanding
and contextual antecedents of pap
smear screening among young
women: A quantitative structural
model. He also discussed
Psychosocial antecedents of selected
dietary behaviors among sixth grade
Taiwanese children. DR. SHEU
also gave the keynote speech
about Emergency care by school
nurses in school -, Experience
from the U.S. at the 2001 Annual
Conference of the Association of
School Nurses of Taiwan in
keynote speaker at the 2001
International Sport Science
Conference: Sport Psychology
and Sport Management organ-
ized by the School of Sports
Science, Chulalongkom
August 2001. He also delivered
two lectures: The Significance of

Sport I-. '. as a Sport
Science and Visions of Sport
... '. in the Year 2020.
and Dan Connaughton (ESS)
shared their research at the
International Conference on
Sport and Entertainment
Business at the UNIVERSITY OF
ducted an analysis of sport
case law using statistics to bet-
ter understand the factors that
influence the outcome of legal
cases where a participant is
alleged to have assumed the
risk of engaging in sport activity.
presented research findings in
2000 at the International World
Congress and Exposition on
Disabilities hosted by ATLANTA.
Her presentations included:
,\.' '. ultra-stretch: A
method of -.-' '. and
fitness for everyone and adapted
equipment for people with disabili-
ties in physical education, recreation
and other life sports, games, and
activities. She followed up on
these presentations in the 2001
conference on both of these top-
ics. She stated a clear global
implication of this research is
that this information applies to
not only people with disabilities
but also all humankind.
COLOGNE, GERMANY to partici-
pate in the 4th Health Education
and Injury Prevention
Partnership Course and Field
Conference (May-June, 2001).
Dr. Robert Weiler also presented
a paper. The conference focused
on international health educa-
tion and involved visiting
health agencies in Germany and
Belgium to exchange information
related to health education,

promotion, programs, and prac-
tice. In addition, visits to gov-
ernmental agencies provided an
overview of German healthcare
systems. Drs. Weiler and Noland
traveled with faculty and stu-
dents from the College of Public
Health at the University of South
Florida and the College of
Education at Southern Illinois
Associate Dean, provided pre-
implementation training for the
Department of Defense in
Europe and Pacific areas for
high school physical education
teachers. The purpose of train-
ing was to provide high school
teachers instructional strategies
to enable students to achieve
DoDEA Physical Education
Performance Standards. The
pre-implementation sessions
were held in GARMISCH,
He also gave a presentation at
the XVII World Conference on
Health Promotion and Health
Education in Paris, France on
using the web to safely promote
wellness with youth.

Developing International
Exchange Programs
Currently, the College has
two formal student exchange
programs. One is with the
University of Darmstadt
(Germany) where 10 students
and two faculty from ESS

study for 10 days in GERMANY
every other year, and in alter-
nate years, 10 students and sev-
eral faculty from Darmstadt
spend 10 days studying at UF
During the summer of 2000,
with the students to DARMSTADT,
GERMANY. The program is fully
supported by a German busi-
nessman associated with
Darmstadt and the program has
been in operation for 10 years.
The other program, established
in 1998, is with RPT and the
University of Western Sydney in
SYDNEY, AUSTRIA. It is for under-
graduate students specializing
in travel, tourism, or commer-
cial recreation. Six students
from RPT have attended UWS
and seven students from UWS
have attended UF-RPT.

Recruiting International
Currently, 53 international
students are enrolled in the
College, which breaks down to
20 undergraduates, 17 master's,
and 16 Ph.D. students. These
students come from the
Ascension Islands, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Finland, Hong
Kong, Israel, India, Jamaica,
Japan, Korea, Netherlands,
Poland, Spain, Sweden,
Thailand, Turkey, and the
United Kingdom.


r el back to an era

when air-condition-

f ing and paved high-

ways don't exist. In

this time and place, mosqui-

toes the size of steamboats

cruise the dusk, and mule

wagons are the most com-
mon mode of local trans-

portation. The year is 1918

and the University of Florida

is the state of Florida's

fledgling 12-year-old univer-

sity, consisting of a handful

of gothic brick buildings

and fe\\ei than 2,ooo male

students. It \\as also in 1918

the )eai the ULnimxesilt

YMCA purchased 20 acies

of land on the noi their n

shore of Lake Wauburg for

the landmark purpose of

student recreation.

"Camp Wauburg," although
only eight miles south of cam-
pus as the crow flies, was an
adventurous half-day journey on
a sugar-sand Indian trail that
traversed the eastern rim of
Paynes Prairie. For many years,
University of Florida students
enjoyed Lake Wauburg for pic-
nicking, swimming, and outdoor
recreation. Beauty contests
(once the University went co-ed
in 1947), boating regattas, and
balmy summer fun were wel-
come diversions from the daily
grind of class and study on
Despite the popularity of the
Lake Wauburg Park, it was
closed in 1970 due to lack of
funding and deteriorating facili-
ties. Lake Wauburg was re-
opened in 1974 under the con-
trol of the College of Health and
Human Performance,
Department of Intramural
Athletics and Recreation now
known as the Division of
Recreational Sports. Funding to
support the Park was provided
by Student Government through
a reserve fee allocation matched
by University and private dona-
tions. The Park facilities were
repaired, and students again

flocked to the Lake for picnics,
swimming, and outdoor recre-
By 1982, the 72-acre Lake
Wauburg South Park, acquired
by Student Government from
the University Athletic
Association in 1963, was devel-
oped for student use. For this
purpose, the Student
Government raised $225,000 in
special request funds for the
project and the investment facili-
tated the construction of two
large pavilions, restrooms, a
boathouse, and docks. The
architecture selected for the new
structures was based on the
"Florida Cracker" tradition of
high-ceilings, hipped metal
roofs, and pole-barn construc-
tion. Both North and South
parks were operated as one
recreational facility by the
Division of Recreational Sports
and funded through Student
By the mid-1990s, the Lake
Wauburg North and South Shore
parks were providing recreation-
al opportunities to more than
70,000 visitors a year from the
University's students, faculty,
and staff. The infrastructure of
Lake Wauburg North Shore, in

particular, was under enormous
strain. Additionally, North
Shore's Cypress Lodge said to
be an old mess hall transported
to the Park from Camp Blanding
in the late 1930s had suffered
significant damage over the
years from insects and exposure
and was in desperate need of
repair. Something had to be
done, and fast. A renovation
project for North Park was initi-
ated with four critical priorities
identified: 1. Upgrade the infra-
structure, (pipes, well, and sep-
tic); 2. Build a new ADA accessi-
ble restroom closer to the swim-
ming area; 3. Remodel and ren-
ovate the Cypress Lodge; and 4.
Build a new shelter for the Park's
The North Park renovation
project began in 1998, and was
completed in 2000 at a total cost
of $770,000. The new structures
were designed to be consistent
with the 'Florida Cracker' archi-
tecture of the South Shore pavil-
ions and boathouse. The bath-
rooms are completely accessi-
ble, feature changing rooms and
showers, and use the natural
air-cooling dynamics of convec-
tion with high ceilings and a
heat-drawing cupola design.

8 SPRING 2002

A sewage treatment operation
with new pipes, lift stations and
enlarged drainage fields was
placed away from the shoreline
and a deep-water well was
drilled to accommodate water
demand. A new two-story boat-
house was constructed over the
water with decking and boat
slips below and an observation
tower above covered by a high,
hipped metal roof.
One of the most challenging
aspects of this project was the
renovation of the Cypress Lodge.
The old Lodge was, in the words
of Director Bill James, "a big
barn with a fireplace." During
renovations, all rotted wood was
replaced while preserving the
beautiful original rough cypress
paneling inside the building.
The screened porch overlooking
the lake was enclosed, and new
restrooms and an outdoor sitting
deck were constructed. Air-con-
ditioning and a full kitchen were
also installed, enabling the
Lodge to be more fully utilized
for student and staff functions
such as retreats and banquets.
The aged roof of the lodge was
replaced with a green-painted
metal roof to complete the meld-
ing of modem amenities with
traditional design.

One other development for
Lake Wauburg North Shore is
the recently completed new
Director's Residence. The old
director's house is a small,
wood-frame building nestled on
the southeast edge of the Park.
The old house was brought to
the Park in the late-1930s, possi-
bly from Camp Blanding, and it
has not weathered the decades
gracefully. The wood flooring in
some parts of the house is in
such poor condition that a for-
mer Park director actually fell
four feet to the ground below
when he sat down on the toilet
and the floor gave way beneath
him. Such events make for a col-
orful Park history, but don't lend
themselves well to acceptable
living conditions for the Park
directors. With that in mind,
College of Health and Human
Performance Dean Patrick Bird
allocated money in 2000 for the
construction of a modem
Director's Residence, which, by
the way, has cement foundations
and sub-flooring.
As Director Bill James states,
"One of the things that keeps me
excited by my job is that there is
always something going on here.
The University, College, and
Student Government are very
supportive of building and
improvement projects at Lake

Wauburg." Indeed, the new
High Ropes Course and
Climbing Wall at Lake Wauburg
South Shore are monumental
proof of point. In late 1998,
members of Student
Government enjoyed a high
ropes course experience at
another facility and were, there-
fore, very receptive when former
Division of Recreational Sports
Director M.B. Chafin and associ-
ate director Dr. Doug DeMichele,
approached them about
installing a course at Lake
Wauburg South.
In Fall of 1999, Student
Government enthusiastically
allocated $250,000 for the con-
struction of the 40-foot High
Ropes Tower and Ground
Course, completed May of 2001,
and the 50-foot Climbing Wall
which was completed late
November of 2001. Patrick Cole,
Lake Wauburg's assistant direc-
tor, believes, "The climbing wall
will provide a new dynamic
high adventure program for stu-
dent participation that is tuned
more to traditional individual,
open recreation. The High
Ropes Tower and Low-initiatives
Ground Course, however, while
still high-adventure, are focused
on group recreation and team-
building." The High Ropes
Course and Climbing Wall are
the crown
jewels of
South Shore,
joining the
Disk Golf
and boating

What's next for Lake
Wauburg? Director Bill James
envisions new sailing lockers for
the Sailing Club, remodeling the
boathouse and old restroom at
North Park, and installation of
a new Gatehouse entrance.
A swimming pool may also
be in the works. These additions
would join the existing recre-
ational opportunities that
include the ever popular water
skiing activities using the donat-
ed 2002 orange and blue Malibu
ski boat (also used by the UF Ski
Club); the pontoon boat donated
by UF Alumni and College of
Health and Human Performance
benefactor, B.K. Stevens; sailing
using the Sunfish, Hobie-Cat,
and Laser sailboats; Canoeing
and Kayaking; paddle-boating;
sand volleyball; or just plain old
sun-and-fun on the beach at
Lake Wauburg.
Not too much has changed in
the 84 years since Lake Wauburg
Park's inception. The University
of Florida boasts a diverse stu-
dent population of more than
47,000 people from all corners of
the globe and has grown to a
world class research institute
situated on more than 2,000
acres of campus. But mosqui-
toes the size of steamboats still
cruise the woodlands surround-
ing Lake Wauburg, and students
still flock to the water for recre-
ation and sport in spite of them.
As Assistant Director Patrick
Cole mused, "Really, a lot hasn't
changed, which makes Lake
Wauburg so nice. Wholesome
outdoor fun is still the empha-
sis; picnics, swimming... just
with more modem amenities."
That's the beauty of Lake
Wauburg, and we wouldn't want
to change a thing.



by Laura A. Schmid

In an interview last fall, the College of
Health and Human Performance's most
famous alumnus said, "I guess I was a type of
player that wanted to take the last shot if the
game was tied and wanted the outcome
depending on me. Didn't always work out,
but I certainly welcomed that opportunity."
While Florida Football Coach Spurrier
may not have conquered the world, he con-
quered one of the most demanding turfs in
college football, the Swamp, a place many
consider the toughest college football confer-
ence, the Southeastern Conference. He has
led the Florida Gators to six SEC titles and the
1996 National Championship. Along the way,
he has amassed a terrific list of achievements,
leading many to call him the greatest coach in
collegiate history.
The most coaching victories in
Division I-A in the first 11 seasons
at a school for the 1990-2000 decade;
SEC coach with the best win percent-
age in league games (.871, 81-12);
The only major college coach in the
20th century to win 100 games in his
first 10 years at a school;
The only SEC coach to win at least 10
games for six straight years (1993-1998);
SEC Coach with the second highest
amount of outright league champi-
onships (6);
The third most "winningest" coach
in SEC history (.815).
Steve Spurrier "brought to the football
program a winning, positive attitude for fans,
athletes, faculty, and students," said Norm
Carlson, Assistant Athletic Director of the
University Athletic Association. Carlson also
pointed out that Spurrier created a first-class
football program that wins championships,
something no coach at Florida had done
Spurrier is the only Heisman Tropy recipi-
ent to coach another Heisman Trophy recipi-
ent, Danny Wuerffel. Spurrier received his
trophy in 1966, and Wuerffel received his 30
years later, in 1996, the same year he led the
Florida Gators to the National Championship.

Yet this gridiron soldier of faith comes
from humble beginnings. The son of a
preacher man, Spurrier is the youngest of the
Rev. John Graham Spurrier, Jr. and Marjorie
Spurrier's three children. Born in Miami
Beach in 1945, he grew up living the nomadic
but loving life of a preacher's family. His
father was called to serve congregations in the
East Tennessee mountains, landing in Johnson
City for Steve Spurrier's high school years. It
was here that his athletic career took off. A
three-sport star in high school, Spurrier
excelled in baseball and basketball long before
he became a football star. His baseball team
won two state championships, and he was
point guard for his basketball team.
Spurrier was courted by colleges all over
the country, but decided he wanted to play in
the SEC, which he felt was the best conference.
The University of Florida was one of the late-
comers to the courting game, but then-Coach
Ray Graves discovered a perk he could offer
that may have been the final selling point -a
golf course. The university had just bought a
golf course and Spurrier was keenly interested
in learning to play golf. So he came to Florida,
and the rest, as they say, is history. After
deciding against playing both baseball and
football during his first year at UF, Spurrier
went on to carve out a stellar collegiate foot-
ball career under the mentorship of Graves,
becoming a three-year starting quarterback, a
first team All-American selection in 1965 and
1966, and 1966 SEC Player of the Year.
Spurrier later played for the San Francisco
49ers for nine years and the Tampa Bay Bucs in
their first year, in 1976, before beginning his
coaching career. He was quarterbacks assistant
coach at Florida, Georgia Tech, and Duke,
before heading to the pros to lead the Tampa
Bay Bandits of the United States Football
League, from 1983-1985. After the USFL was
disbanded, Spurrier returned to Duke for three
years, a school to which he still retains immense
loyalty, before finally coming back to UF as the
head coach.
Spurrier believed that coaching Florida
was a huge responsibility. "We share the
game, but we have a responsibility, first of all


to ourselves, our teammates, our family, but
also to all the Gators that are coming to pay
their money and watch and cheer for the
Florida team," he said. He added that he
thinks it's important that the Gators played
their best and tried to win every time.
Despite this responsibility, Spurrier said,
"I believe I have more fun coaching than I did
as a player." He states that it can be frustrat-
ing at times, but very rewarding also. Getting
to see "your players excel, achieve, accom-
plish the most or the best that their ability
allows, that's most satisfying to me," he said.
This homespun gladiator may be fierce
on the gridiron, but he believes honesty, fair-
ness, even-temperedness, and competitive-
ness are characteristics that make a person
great. Yet he sees being a friend to all and a
person that's fun to be around as important,
too. "A person that's fun to be around, those
are my kind of people," Coach Spurrier said.
Like Maximus, however, this warrior
grandfather of triplets is devoted to his fami-
ly. This includes his wife of 35 years, Jerri,
and four children: Lisa, Amy, Steve Jr.
(Bubba), and Scotty. Married since the
beginning of Spurrier's senior year at UF,
Jerri Spurrier claims their marriage works
well because "He doesn't tell me how to
cook and I don't tell him how to coach."
Another reason for their successful partner-
ship may be her agreement with her hus-
band's belief in honesty as the most impor-
tant trait a person should have, but tem-
pered with kindness. She says the best way
to describe being married to Steve Spurrier is
"not boring." In a 1999 interview with St.
Petersburg Times sportswriter Hubert
Mizell, Jerri portrayed her husband as a car-
ing husband, father, and granddad who pos-
sesses a light-hearted sense of humor.
A true Gator family, almost every family
member has shown their devotion to the
University of Florida by attending the uni-
versity, several within the College of Health
and Human Performance. Coach Spurrier
led the way in receiving a degree in Physical
One of his favorite instructors was then-
basketball coach Jim McCachren. Spurrier


recalled learning from McCachren
a hand-strengthening technique
that involved throwing a basket-
ball against the wall back and forth
rapidly a hundred times. Spurrier
continues to use this training tech-
nique with the Florida quarter-
backs on a regular basis.
As for the Gator credentials of Spurrier's
family, his wife Jerri received her degree from
ESS, specializing in exercise physiology,
although she loves the wellness and medical
aspects of exercise, too. A coach in her own
way, she currently teaches two hour-and-a-
half classes five days a week at the
Gainesville Health and Fitness Center. These
classes range from aerobics and tai bo to kick-
boxing and stretching. She hopes to teach
Pilates eventually, as well. She remained
involved with the college by leading classes
in the weeklong Gator Life program offered
to seniors over 50 for several years.
Lisa, the older daughter, received her
BSESS in Physical Education in 1991. She
married Emerson King, also a graduate of
the college of Health and Human
Performance. They have two sons, Trey and
Davis. Amy, the younger daughter, graduat-
ed with a BS in Psychology in 1992 and mar-
ried Jay Moody, who graduated from UF's
College of Accounting and is now a CPA.
They also have two sons, Jake and Kyle.
Steve Jr. followed in his father's footsteps by
playing football in college for Duke
University. While an assistant coach for the
Florida Gators after graduation, he received
a Master's in Sports Management through
HHP. He now coaches wide receivers on the
University of Oklahoma's football team. He
and his wife, Melissa, became the proud par-
ents of triplets in January 2001. They have
two boys, Gavin and Luke, and bestowed
the first granddaughter on Steve and Jerri,
Emma Starr Spurrier. Spurrier's youngest
son, Scotty, is a 14-year-old ninth-grader and
an active athlete. Like his father and brother
before him, he loves and plays football. But
Scotty also adores ice hockey, a sport he
plays along with basketball and soccer. Track
is another sport in which he participates.

Coach Spurrier emphasized a family-like
atmosphere with the Gator football coaches
and players, much like the adopted family
Maximus formed with his fellow gladiators.
"Creating a family atmosphere among the
coaches and players is very important. Most
of the family stuff comes naturally, however,
in that we don't work at it," Spurrier said in
UF's Blueprint for Success section of the Florida
Football 2001 Media Guide. "It's nice to belong
to a group, a family, a team, and that doesn't
have to end when you quit playing here."
Both Coach Spurrier and his wife share a
strong belief in the importance of giving
back to their college and UF, especially if one
is fortunate enough to be in a position to do
so. While Spurrier notes that he has been
lucky to be in such a position, Jerri points
out that to give back doesn't have to be a lot.
"I think it's very important, even if it's very
little," she says. Jerri adds that many people
are unaware of the many things her husband
does for the university, noting that his gen-
erosity began when he gave to the Women's
Club to help support women's sports.
At the time of this interview, fall 2001,
Spurrier noted that he had been at the
University of Florida for 12 years and hoped
to stay for five or six more.
As we now know, Spurrier decided to
begin his NFL coaching career with the
Washington Redskins in 2002. He will
always remain part of the Gator family.

Spurrier personal background information cour-
tesy of the Lakeland ledger 1996 series, "Spurrier:
The #1 Gator" by Logan Mabe and Mike Cobb.



Recreation, Parks and

Tourism: Re-Accreditation

A according to the Chair of the Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism, he has
never observed a unanimous vote by the
National Recreation and Parks Association
Council on Accreditation for re-accreditation with
no conditions, and on top of that commenda-
tions. Dr. Stephen Anderson has been with the
council for 15 years; he has reviewed a number of
self-studies and visited a number of parks and
recreation programs throughout the country, but
he has never witnessed such agreement. The
Council on Accreditation reviewed 18 programs
at the recent NRPA conference; however, only two
were accredited in all four options. Some pro-
grams were not re-accredited, some were given
strict conditions, many were handed recommen-
dations, and only a few were given commenda-
tions. The Department of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism received four commendations: strong
institutional support for the program; diversity of
faculty; outstanding and supportive learning
environment, responsive to the changes in the
profession; and a strong linkage to the profession-
al delivery system as shown through the intern-
ship program. Overall, the University of
Florida's program had the most positive review.
Congratulations RPT.

H HP Academic Advisors'
NACADA Experience

Karen Berryman (ESS) and Stephanie
Revelli (RPT) attended the 25th National
Conference on Academic Advising held
in Ottawa, Ontario. The theme for the conference
was "Discover the Many Voices." Karen and
Stephanie noted their reasons for attending were
to become abreast of current research relative to
academic advising, learn about other academic
advising models and applications, and to net-
work. Over 1,600 student services professionals
attended the conference.

Ottawa was vibrant, with the trees in their
prime season of leaf changing. The atmosphere
of the conference was socially and educationally
motivating. A few of the sessions that were espe-
cially informative focused on a model for aca-
demic success for the college student, writing a
handbook for the academic advisor, advisor train-
ing, using research to inform practice, advising
students interested in study abroad, and student
recruitment and retention. Next year, the
National Conference will be held in Salt Lake
City, Utah.
by Stephanie Revelli

Maurice Edmonds:

A Forever Champion

athletics have never been far from U.S.
Army Major General Maurice 0. (Maury)
Edmonds' heart throughout his career.
He began his lifelong support for Gator football
when he was appointed assistant manager of the
football team by coach Bob Woodruff in 1949. He
continues to serve on the advisory board for the
College and was very actively involved in the
steering committee for the College's "It's
Performance that Counts" capital campaign. This
year, he demonstrated his loyalty in yet another
unique way: as UF 2001 Homecoming Parade
Marshall. He was selected from a long list of UF
alumni to open and lead the Homecoming Parade
held Friday, November 2, 2001. The homecoming
theme was "Forever Champions."

President Charles Young honored Edmonds
with the title of Distinguished Alumnus at UF
2000 commencement ceremony. He graduated
from the University of Florida in 1953 with a
Bachelor's degree in physical education and
health. He cannot say he has planned every path
his life has taken; he did not know he would
become a major general in the U.S. Army nor the
2001 UF Homecoming Parade grand marshal.
However, Edmonds has had a very successful
military career, which was capped by promotion
to major general and selection as Deputy Chief of
Staff for Training for the Army. He and his wife,
Jane Edmonds, now live in Ponte Vedra Beach
with their dog, Gator.

12 S P RING 2002


Perry McGrifff is Honoredhas
SDtate Representative Perry McGriff was

honored i donated 31ing
Achievement Award by the American

gallons of
blood over
S the years and
'NYC RBAKTRE By? aksre

has led several promotional efforts to raise
public awareness of the need to donate
blood, organs, bone marrow, and other life-
giving gifts. The cross-country "Five Points
of Life" bike ride is but one example of such
promotion efforts.

Perry, who was elected to the Florida
House of Representatives from District 22 last
year, continues to serve as an Executive
Committee member of the College's
Advisory Council. Despite the many changes
in his schedule and the added special legisla-
tive sessions, he has not lessoned his leader-
ship and involvement in the Council.

Dr. Paula Welch Retires

She is a woman who was ahead of her
time a leader in women's sports, a
writer, a teacher and researcher, a
Gator of distinction. Paula Welch retired in
June, 2001, after 27 years of service and ded-
ication. But the recognition of her hard
work will continue for generations to come.

Paula began her higher education at
Florida State University, where she obtained
her bachelor's degree in Physical Education.
Shortly after she obtained her master's
degree at Peabody College in Nashville, she
moved to Eastern Kentucky University in
Richmond. She chose the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro as the school
where she would complete her dissertation,
The Emergence of Women in the Summer
Olympics. Paula returned to Florida in
1974, where she was hired as an Assistant
Professor at the University of Florida

Although a great deal of Paula's time
was spent in teaching and research, she was
able to co-author five books: Elementary
School Physical Education: A Teaching Guide;
History of American Physical Education and
Sport; Lady Gators...Simply the Best; Silver
Era, Golden Moments; and Four Centuries of
Sports in America. Her books are quite suc-
cessful and captured nearly a century of
women's sports.

Paula has received numerous distinctions
and honors. She was selected to serve at the
International Olympic Academy in Olympia,
Greece in 1973. She was listed in Community
Leaders of America in 1971, Outstanding
Young Women of America in 1974, and
Who's Who of American Women in the 1979-
80 editions. She was on the nominating com-
mittee for the Women's Sports' Foundation
Hall of Fame; served as Chair of the
Nominating Committee for the North
American Society for Sport History; and in
1985, was the John R. Betts Lecturer at the
North American Society for Sport History.
Then, in 1986 she was the U.S. Olympic
Committee Representative to the Olympic
Academy in Toronto. And in 1987, she was
selected as the College of Health and Human
Performance Teacher of the Year.

Professor Paul Welch retires as a leader
in the field of sports history. She brings
honor to her department, and has earned
the affection and respect of her many stu-
dents. Bravo, Paula!

UF Tennis Coach,

Bill Potter, Dies at 82

ill Potter, who coached UF men's
tennis, died in July after battling a
lengthy illness. He was 82 years old.
Potter coached the Gators for 26 seasons
from 1952-1977, compiling a 415-122-2
record (.772 win percentage), making him
by far the most winningest coach in the pro-
gram's history. He was named SEC Coach
of the Year five times, winning the honor in
1968, '69, '73, '75 and '77. Potter led the
Gators to four team SEC championships
(1961, '68, '69, and '75) and five, top-10
national finishes. Five of Potter's teams lost
only one match in a season. He will
be an inductee of the UAA Hall of Fame
and Intercollegiate Tennis Coaches Hall
of Fame.



St Ji

P resident Busl- 'Fp. n-.. Fran
P Mainella, an A.1 -.... Council mem-
ber, to serve as the l1-.ti- Direct... .f
the National Park Service olr I .,r-, 4, 2 'II
Her nomination (Summe, i ~iili -i- Fpi -'.ed
by environmental and re.: -i, .r .- .t t. i I-
who said she is good at:_ -rtrr.4 .p....'4
sides to work together.

"She brings a problem-solving mind-set
to the directorship," said Manley Fuller,
President of the i.....1 i Federation of

Fran resigned from -I~- .d"- .-... i
Council during the fall due to her nomina-
tion. She is now the first female director of
the National Park Service, overseeing 84
million acres of parkland at 384 national
park units across the U.S. and 20,000
employees. The areas are as diverse as the
Everglades National Park, Statue of Liberty,
Yellowstone National Park, and the Grand

Fran was director of the Florida Division
of Recreation and Parks in Tallahassee from
1998 through 2001. Her role involved over-
seeing the administration of 155 state parks
consisting of more than 500,000 acres.


this time,
Fran also
served on
the boards
of numer-
ous local,
state, and
tions and
she attained the presi.1-l.-, ...t t H.- National
Recreation and Park A--...:. .r.. md the
National Association of t- r. T .i i
Directors. In tribute -.. Il-, I-: .1-.- -h, l the
National Sporting Guwd- A- : .ir..r
awarded the prestigrius '.' "State Parks
Gold Medal" to Florida's -r i t park system,
recognizing it as the best State park system
in all 50 states.

-Si_ is passionate about he4 work; she's
a real go-getter," said Sandy Cno k Wakulla
Springs State Park director.

The United States i .- r r 'II credited
with having the best N -,ir .n -, i -.rk System
in the world and Fran is poised to lead the
way into the new millennium. We are very
proud of her and look forward to maintain-
ing our working relationship with her.
by Laura A. Schmid

National Student

Leadership Conference

(NSLC) HHP Students

Are Delegates To AAH-


ince 1995 the Southern District of the
American Alliance for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, and Dance
(AAHPERD) has sponsored a student lead-

14 SPRING 2002

ership conference at Camp ASCCA-Easter
Seals, in Jackson Gap, Alabama. Camp
ASCCA is a beautiful facility situated on
230 acres along Alabama's largest man-
made recreational lake, Lake Martin. The
Camp consists of air-conditioned buildings,
an education center and lodge, a large din-
ing hall, a challenge and ropes course, a
gymnasium, a swimming pool, two lighted
tennis courts, and a lakefront area for walk-
ing and picture taking.

In 1999 Southern District invited stu-
dents from across the United States to par-
ticipate in this exciting leadership develop-
ment opportunity. In October 2000 the first
official National Student Leadership
Conference was held. National and District
AAHPERD Associations as well as state
AHPERDs were invited to send student del-
egates to participate. Contributions from
sponsors, AAHPERD, and from Camp
ASCCA enabled the conference to be pro-
vided at no charge to 100 selected students.

Over the seven-year history of the stu-
dent leadership conference, the University
of Florida's College of Health and Human
Performance has had student leaders select-
ed for participation in six of seven years.
Dr. Jill Varnes, Professor of Health Science
Education and past President of SDAAH-
PERD and AAHPERD, has been a member
of the leadership faculty team since the pro-
gram's inception. UF/HHP delegates to the
2001 conference included Exercise and
Sport Sciences Physical Education majors
Jimmy McCullers of Live Oak and Abie
Schwab of Perry sponsored by the Florida
AHPERD; Health Science Education majors
Sonia Sharma of Port Charlotte and Julia
Varnes of Gainesville, sponsored by the
American Association for Health Education.

After a six hour drive the group arrived

at Camp ASCCA, and so began a long
event filled three days designed to prepare

participants for leadership opportunities in
physical education, health promotion, and
education, fitness, sports, dance, and recre-
ation. The Leadership Conference proved
to be a combination of learning, hard work,
teamwork, skill building, and developing
(what are likely to be) lifelong friendships.

Participants had the privilege of inter-
acting with Southern District and AAH-
PERD leaders in both classroom and activi-
ty based programs. Past-AAHPERD
President Lucinda Adams, a 1960 Olympic
gold medallist in track and field shared not
only her gold medal, but spoke of the dedi-
cation and commitment necessary to accom-
plish any goal. Current AAHPERD
President and HHP graduate, Glenn Roswal
(MA '74), the organizer for the conference,
challenged the participants to be advocates
for active healthy lifestyles and to step up
to leadership opportunities.

According to Jimmy McCullers, "Prior
to going to the Leadership Conference, I
had a strong desire to be a physical educa-
tor who taught students unique and fun
ways of participating in a variety of sports
and living a l'- .1rl.. active lifestyle.
However, I had concerns about how I could
be that unique teacher. Attending the
Leadership Conference gave me the oppor-
tunity to hear from current professionals
and future professionals like myself...pre-
senters who gave me many new ideas of
how I might become that unique physical

The NSLC experiences are designed to
challenge participants while teaching them
essential leadership skills, the most essential
skill of which is self-confidence. Through a
ropes challenge course consisting of walk-
ing ropes and wires, zip lines, and team
building activities of trust falls, wall climb-
ing, and more, participants felt a sense of
accomplishment and recognized the impor-

tance of team work to accomplish any chal-
lenge. When it came time for the team
building activities it was no longer about
one person, but about the whole team. For
Abbie Schwab, "it wasn't just about
whether I trusted my teammates, but did
they trust me? We learned about each other
and from each other in order to complete
the challenge."

"I think this weekend taught us a lot
about ourselves, and how we interact with
others," noted Julia Varnes. "We made
wonderful friends and met a lot of differ-
ent leaders in a less formal atmosphere."
Sonia Sharma agreed, "To say the least, it
was a very inspiring weekend!" Abbie,
Julia, and Sonia all agree with Jimmy's final
comment, "The 2001 National Student
Leadership Conference was one of the
greatest experiences of my life."
by Dr Jill Varnes







00. ~



4 k .:'.!!!



Re p o rtby Travis Grantham

I. .i.v iul. I 2000 to June 30, 2001 the
S -..ll.-,- i-,:eived 704 private gifts,
r r.-,rIn, ';14,257. Of this $339,104
i .i- i ,:n.-il, and $175,153 was given
S ,- pl-.l,--- and expectancies. Thanks
r.. r-i~ ,-l_- .-.. ri e are able to meet impor-
t.-i-,r -.. ll-,- ,---.1- -uch as providing financial
,a.,- r..i ,i r.. .-rLu..lts, updating laboratory
.:| r,,iip -,, r r,-lt-.-,,,:,n g student professional
dI. e,. tl .pn-i'r .: r'. es, funding stipends for
:' inl.ur.- -. tri .i -, tor teaching and research,
:.nd -t'..'p. '. r.-. .~i Advisory Council activities
,*1 r'.-.ll .,- in,:o-.i-ii, communication with

However, we still have unmet needs. These
include additional PhD Fellowships, which
require an initial commitment of $100,000 (with
a $50,000 match from the state), funding for lab-
oratory equipment, and unrestricted funds that
help the College seize new opportunities and to
meet sudden challenges -- such as the current
state and national economic "recession."

Our goal for fiscal year 2001-2002 is $500,000
in cash and $600,000 in pledges --- a very strong
goal but reachable if we all do our small part.

Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of
meeting many College alumni. Virtually all have
said how much they enjoyed their time at the
University of Florida and how the College pre-
pared them for their careers.

If you wish to give back to your alma mater,
I assure you that through some form of planned
giving we can meet your needs and those of the
College. Below, for example, are a few of the dif-
ferent types of estate planning tools available to
help accomplish your financial goals for you
family, friends, and your College.

Giftl\ referredd GiftAnnuity
Pooled Income Funds
Gifts of S' .. .
Gifts of Life Insurance
Charitable Trusts
Endowment Funds
Gifts ofAppreciated Real Estate

If you would like additional information
about the college or estate planning, please con-
tact me at:

Travis Grantham
College of Health & Human Performance
University of Florida
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-8200
voice: (352) 392-7612 ext 1225
email: tgrantham@hhp.ufl.edu

18 SPRING 2002


- a C t s by Jean F. Mullen

spoke at the Conference for the
Society of Legal Issues in Sport
and Activity on the Legal Issues
of Using Logos and Trademarks
Disparaging to Native

received a Biomedical Research
Grant from the state of Florida
Department of Health to study
a novel type of osteoporosis in
lung transplant recipients that is
caused by medications the
patients must take to prevent
organ rejection.

and colleagues from UF's
College of Health Professions
determined whether a small
electrical stimulus could acti-
vate arm muscles to perform
their usual tasks. The findings
were published in the June issue
of Stroke: Journal of the American
Heart Association.

were granted a Scientist
Development Award test
"Automated External
Defibrillators: Analysis of Usage
and Factors Related to Non-
usage in Sport and Recreation
Settings", by the American
Heart Association.

SCIENCE (CES) has been award-
ed a $1.4 million National
Institute on Aging (NIA) grant.

The major goal for the project is
to identify why we lose muscle
and other cells with age. The
principal investigator is DR.
an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Exercise & Sport
Sciences and DR. SCOTT
POWERS, the Director of the
Center for Exercise Science, is
the co-investigator.

Following M.B. CHAFIN'S
retirement, a national search
was held for the position of
Director of Recreational Sports.
assumed the position in
January. Dr. Hanley received
his Doctor of Philosophy in
Recreation and Leisure Services
from the University of Oregon.
His Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration is from
Florida Southern College, and
his Master of Science is in
Leisure Services from Florida
State University.

(ESS) and three graduate stu-
research at the American
Psychological Conference in
San Francisco.

presentations at the American
Psychological Association on
"Body Image Dissatisfaction: A
Visual Search Investigation of

Attentional Biases" and also at
the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology titled: "Failures of
Mental Control and Attempts to
Self-Regulate in Sport."

accompanied the University of
Florida women's soccer team on
their European trip to England
and Holland in August. He
served as an athletic training
consultant to the team providing
sports health care to the athletes.

was recently presented mem-
bership in the order of
Kentucky Colonels for long
time service to Masonic benevo-
lent organizations and Shriners
crippled children's hospitals.

received a grant titled "Exercise-
induced myocardial protection
against ischemia-reperfusion
injury." The objective of this
grant is to determine the mecha-
nism(s) responsible for the
endurance exercise-induced car-
diac protection during a heart
attack. Scott also received a
Florida Biomedical research
grant, which was funded at
$330,000 for two years.

Chair) was invited to teach a
3-day graduate level course
"The Acquisition of Skill to
Expertise" to Faculte de
Motriciade Humana,

Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal. He also pre-
sented on "The Significance of
Sport Psychology as a Sport
Science" and "Visions of Sport
Psychology in the Year 2020" at
the International Sport Sciences

graduate student) and DR.
" The Application of Goal
Setting and Implementation
Intentions to Exercise" a poster
presentation at the annual meet-
ing of the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology in Orlando, Florida.

DR. PAULA WELCH presented
"The Meaning of F Club: Past
and Present" at the Womens
Sportsfest. Paula also retired
after 27 years of service to the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, the College, and
ter of ceremonies for a reception
and dinner held on May 18th at
the UF Hotel and Conference
Center. Guest speakers included



.I ean F. Mullen

t -- y (ESS) was
Inducted as an
Member of the
Golden Key
Honor Society. The
Steway Girl Scouts
I .,.. ncil also present-
-.1l I.,rh with the
\\..i,,.-, Who Make
I. DLItt--..:,- Award.

DANIELLE DOWNs (graduate
students in ESS) were nominat-
ed for a Graduate Student
Teaching Award for 2001-2002.

recently initiated into the
Florida Blue Key.

promoted to "Fellow" status in
the American Association of
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation at the annual
meeting in Minneapolis, MN.

been selected for a 2001-2003
University of Florida Research
Foundation Professorship.

Congratulations go to DR.
Professor for the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences,
Assistant Professor for the
Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism. They have
been selected as the College's
Teachers of the Year for 2001-02.

Professor in the Department of
Health Science Education, was
awarded the Professional
Health Educator of the Year for
the University Level by the
Florida Association of
Professional Health

invited to serve as a Juror for
the 2001 Sport Science Award of
the International Olympic
Committee President. Dr. Singer
was also elected to Fellow
Status in the American
Psychological Association.

The 2002


A lum niy Dr Ruth Alexander

The 2001 Distinguished
Alumni are Mary
Kirkland, Peter Ricci,
Glenn Roswall, and Claudia
Siders. Mary Kirkland is 1986
graduate from the Department
of Exercise and Sport Sciences
majoring in Athletic Training.
After doing graduate work at
the University of Florida she
returned to Florida as a
Rehabilitation Coordinator at
the Kennedy Space Center. In
1998 she was promoted to
Supervisor of Rehab Works
which is a complete sports med-
ical and fitness program for all
the employees of the space
centers including the astronauts.
She has been recognized with
numerous awards especially
with Reference to her work at
the Kennedy Space Center.

[ul[ Ricci is a 1989 graduate
*. the Department of
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
earning a M.S. degree. He is
currently General Manager of
Coakley & Williams Hotel
Management Company which
manages Quality Suites Disney
Good Neighbor hotel in Greater
Orlando. He has held similar
positions with Holiday Inn,
Crowne Plaza Resort, Radisson
Lido Beach Resort and the
Radisson Hotel in Gainesville.

!-eceived both his under-
graduate and master's degrees
from the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences and
currently serves as President of
the American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance and as a
Professor in the College of
Education at Jacksonville State
University. He has received
many honors and awards
including them the R. Tait
McKenzie Award, Southern
District Scholar Award, and the
Taylor Dodson Young
Professional Award.

in 1980 with a Master's
degree from Exercise and Sport
Sciences majoring in Adapted
Physical Education and she has
worked as a teacher of physical-
ly challenged students at
Howard Bishop Middle School
in Gainesville since 1983. She
received a Specialist's degree in
Special Education from the
University of Florida in 1984
and is an Adjunct Professor in
this College. She won the
Community Service Award as
1999 Volunteer of the Year in
Gainesville. She has also been
recognized as Teacher of the
Year for Alachua County in

20 SPRING2002



ETER RICCI, currently General Manager of
Coakley & Williams Hotel Management
Company, is a leader in the Florida tourism
industry. Following his graduation from the
University of Florida with an MS in Recreational
Studies, Peter served as Manager of the Visitor
Services Division of the Greater Miami Convention
& Visitors Bureau. From there he went into hotel &
hospitality management, starting with Landcom
Hospitality Management, where he served as
Director of Sales Marketing for the Radisson Hotel
in Gainesville. He moved to Calpas Hotel
Management, Inc., serving as Multi-Property Director
of Sales and Marketing of the Radisson Lido Beach
Resort, as well as the Inn at the Beach Resort.

UE S. STOOPS is currently principal of
Brooksville Elementary in Brooksville, FL.
Following her graduation from the College of
Health and Human Performance, Sue taught in the
middle school grades in Hernando County and then
entered administration in 1987 as the District
Coordinator of Health Education and Drug-Free
Schools. After receiving her M.Ed. she entered
administration at the school level in 1992 as
Assistant Principal at Spring Hill Elementary. Sue
also serves as President of the Hernando County
Gator Club.

RED Y. MONTSDEOCA is a graduate of the
University of Florida where he played football
and baseball. He was captain of the baseball
team for two years. He was selected Outstanding
Senior Athlete, a member of Florida Blue Key and
Alpha Tau Omega Social Fraternity. He is a former
Student Assistant Coach at UF, and a former Coach,
both in baseball and football, at the Citadel in
Charleston, SC.

Fred had been in the limestone business 35 years,
and is President of Dixie Lime Products Company,
Florida Lime and Materials Corporation, Florida
Limestone Industries, and Loch Harbour Utilities,
Inc. He served two years as president of the
Agribusiness Institute of Florida and in 1985
received the Agribusiness Institute White Hat
Award for Outstanding State Agriculturist.

Next on Peter's professional agenda was the
position of General Manager for Forbes Hamilton
Management Company, a 6-property hotel manage-
ment company. His duties with Forbes led to the
attainment of the prestigious Newcomer and
Torchbearer Awards. He followed his success at
Forbes as General Manager for Bass Hotels &
Resorts, serving as General Manager for the Holiday
Inn Resort Hotel in Tampa.

Peter will add a tourism perspective to the Advisory
Council. We welcome his input.

Sue and her husband, Tim, have three children, Jim,
Tracey and Andy Biggart, all of whom graduated
from UF. One stepdaughter, Noelle Stoops, plans to
enter the University in 2006 and their grandson,
Cameron, plans to enter the University in 2017!
Daughter, Tracey, works for the UF Alumni

The entire family are avid Gator fans and you can
find them under their orange and blue tent tailgat-
ing at every home football game.

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences recog-
nized Fred with the Award of Distinction for contri-
butions as a distinguished friend to IFAS and
Florida's Agricultural Food and Natural Resources
industries, 2000. In addition, he served on the
Advisory Board of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from
1976 until they were sold in 1995.

Fred received the Distinguished Alumnus Award
from UF at the Summer Commencement Ceremony
in August, 1985, the highest distinction UF awards
to an Alumnus. He has served on the Board of
Directors and Finance Committee of the UAA, and in
1984, he was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame

Fred lives in Ocala with his wife, Yvonne (Blue).


ew Adisory

Duncil M e m bers yean uen

FA C U LTYby ean Mullen

from Ole Miss in 1988 with a
B.S. in Biology. He began his
graduate studies at Louisiana
State University, but after one
year transferred to the University
of Florida where he completed
work on both his Master's and
Doctoral degrees. After gradua-
tion, he accepted a 3-year post-
doctoral research fellowship in
Dr. Frank Booth's laboratory,
Department of Physiology,
University of Texas Medical
School in Houston. In 1997,
David accepted his first faculty
appointment as an Assistant
Professor in the Department of
Kinesiology at Texas Women's
University, where he remained
until this fall when he accepted
the position of Assistant
Professor in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences. He
and his wife, Tammy, have two
children, Jonathan, five, and
Joel, three. Exercise physiology
research is David's main hobby
as well as profession, although
he enjoys playing with the boys
and running in his spare time.
As a Christian, Bible study and
teaching the gospel of Christ to
others are also major interests.
He's delighted to be back at UF

JOHN DOBSON is an exercise
physiologist who received his
B.A. degree at Gettysburg
College, PA; and his M.A. and
Ph.D. from Auburn University in
Alabama. The title of his Ph.D.
dissertation was "The effect of
rhythmic skeletal muscle contrac-
tions on peak muscle perfusion."

John grew up in Virginia Beach,
and was a varsity swimmer at
Gettysburg. Also, he coached

varsity swimmers at Auburn
during which time their men's
team won two NCAA Division
1 championships, and the team
as a whole (men's and women's)
produced numerous NCAA and
U.S. records and individual
champions, as well as a number
of athletes who competed in
Olympic competition.

John is in his first semester as a
Visiting Assistant Professor in
the Exercise and Sport Sciences

MYRON FLOYD has joined the
Department of Recreation, Parks
and Tourism as an Associate
Professor and Director of the
Center for Tourism Research
and Development. Myron
received both his B.S. and M.S.
from Clemson University, and
his Ph.D. from Texas A&M in
College Station. His previous
experience is as an Associate
Professor at Texas A&M
University, Assistant Professor
at Clemson, and Visiting
Research Scientist at the U.S.
Forest Service. Natural
resource-based recreation and
tourism are his areas of special-
ization, and his research pro-
gram includes characterizing
and understanding the influ-
ence of race and ethnicity on
participation in resource-based
recreation and tourism.

Myron is married to Johnetta
(Holland) Floyd and has two
boys, William (age 5) and
Jonathan (age 2). He is a U.S.
Civil War history buff, enjoys
listening to contemporary and
classical jazz, and likes to sing
gospel music.

new Assistant Professor in the
Department of Health Science
Education. She received her
MPH and Ph.D. from the
University of South Florida
College of Public Health. Prior
to receiving her master's degree
in health education, she worked
as a dental hygienist. The focus
of her dissertation research was
the relationship between adoles-
cent sibling violence and college
dating violence. In addition to
an interest in sibling and inti-
mate partner violence, her
research interests include child-
hood injury prevention, agricul-
tural health and safety, and oral
health. She is a member of the
Hillsborough County Child
Death Review Team and a char-
ter member of Florida Farm
Safety Just 4 Kids.

Virginia is married to Daniel
Noland and has two daughters,
Tiffany (27) and Jessica (20).
Her hobbies include reading,
fishing, snorkeling, and

DR. JIUNN-JYE SHEU graduated
from the University of Texas at
Austin for his Ph.D. degree in
health education. He received
his MSPH degree in the field of
biostatistics and epidemiology
from Kaohsiung Medical
University and BEd from
National Taiwan Normal
University in Taiwan. He was
an assistant professor at the
Department of Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, and
Dance of Southwest Texas State
University prior to coming to
the Department of Health
Science Education to serve as an

22 S F f I I'q 2

Assistant Professor. His back-
ground includes community
health, environmental health,
prevention of diseases, health
in the elementary school set-
tings, and concepts and
resources in health education.

Jiunn-Jye's research interests
include statistical applications
in health behavior and epidemi-
ology. He used structural equa-
tion modeling for students'
dietary behavior path models
and conducted mathematical
equations to adjust the non-dif-
ferential misclassification bias in
a nested case-control design.
He also translated/published a
clinical epidemiology textbook
in Chinese. In addition to aca-
demic journals, his work was
also cited in Red Book magazine
and presented at international

the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences after serving two
years on the faculty of the
University of Wyoming in both
Physical Education Pedagogy
and Health Education. John
earned his undergraduate, mas-
ters, and Ph.D. from the
University of Alabama, where
he taught public school physical
education and coached basket-
ball, track and field, and cross
country in Tuscaloosa. His for-
mal training includes study of
both pedagogy and health edu-
cation, as well as curriculum
development. With his expert-
ise in education games and
gymnastics at the elementary
level, he hopes to build an
emphasis on teaching elementary
physical education here at UF

John's research interests involve
the study of motivational cli-
mates in physical education and
sport settings. He investigates
teaching methods that teachers
can employ to effectively create
the motivational climates that
encourage children and adoles-
cents to work toward their indi-
vidual potential within achieve-
ment settings such as the physi-
cal education classroom. He has
produced nationally and inter-
nationally published studies on
the influence of teacher method-
ologies and motivational climate
on physical education students'
adoption of achievement goal
orientations that foster maxi-
mum participation and effort.

John is proud to call Gainesville
his home. He resides here with
his wife, Sarah, and two cats,
"Cheyenne" and "Patch."

JAMES ZHANG came to the
United States from China 15
years ago. He completed both
his master's and doctoral
degrees in 1993 at Springfield
College, majoring in sport
administration and measure-
ment/evaluation. Following a
one-year postdoctoral study
program at the University of
Houston, he was a faculty mem-
ber there for seven years, teach-
ing in both sport administration
and measurement/evaluation
areas. At the University of
Florida, Dr. Zhang is an associ-
ate professor in sport manage-
ment. He has focused his
research activities on sport con-
sumer behaviors and sport lead-
ership. Dr. Zhang is most
proud of becoming a U.S. citi-
zen recently. In his spare time,

Dr. Zhang likes to exercise,
attend Gator games, travel,
and spend time with family
and friends.


Alumni NEWS

the Athletic Director, Head
Basketball Coach, and Physical
Education Teacher at Baldwin
Park High School. The year
2001 marked his 21st year of

Senior Clinical Consultant for
Goodroe Healthcare Solutions.
He works with Cardiac
Catheterization Labs in all
aspects of operational and clini-
cal outcomes.

'90, happily notes that she and
her husband, Capt. Devin C.
Young, USMC, have twin girls,
Kelly Anne and Brooke
Elizabeth, bom in late
November 2000! They will be
moving to Camp LeJeune, NC
this fall after five years in the
Washington, DC area.

'92, is a professor with the
Department of Natural Science
Education and Graduate
Program of Environmental
Education, and Dean of
Practical Training and
Placement at Taichung Teachers'
University in Taichung, Taiwan.

'93, is currently a professor in
the Department of Health
Education at the National
Taiwan Normal University in
Taipei, Taiwan. His research
area is health behavior. He con-
tinues to express his apprecia-
tion for the care and guidance of
Drs. Chen, Pigg, and Varnes
while at UF

MESS '95, is the general manag-
er of Orion Fitness in
Gainesville. He stated that he
has the greatest job and works
for a great mentor Laurie

was recently named Fellow of
the American College of Sports
Medicine (FACSM) and was
awarded the 2001 Kevin Spear
New Investigator Award by the
National Athletic Trainers'
Association Research &
Education Foundation.

'95, received his Doctor of
Medicine (May 2001) from the
University of Miami and started
a residency in Internal
Medicine/Pediatrics at
Georgetown University
Hospital, Washington D.C.

KAREN DEVAULT, ESS '95, is the
Employee Wellness Coordinator
for the Singing River Hospital
System in Pascagoula, MS.

left the government in January
and currently works for the
National Health Museum as a
senior external affairs officer.
He oversees the programs
related to professional associa-
tions, private industry, execu-
tive office agencies, and mem-
bers of Congress.

pleted a Master's of
Occupational Therapy from
Nova Southeastern in May 2000.

works as a senior lecturer in the
School of Human Movement
Studies at the University of
Queensland in St. Lucia,
Australia. He also coordinates
the Undergraduate Exercise
Science degree and the
practicum placement program.
He continues his research inter-
est of antioxidants and oxida-
tive stress and the role they play
in health and disease begun
while a student under the lead-
ership of Dr. Scott Powers.

JEFF CHENERY, BSR '00, is cur-
rently working as an events spe-
cialist with Quince Imaging, Inc.
Jeff got his start in the event
production industry at the
O'Connell Center as an intern.
This position led to his current
position. It was during a Gator
Growl that he met the President
of Quince Imaging, Inc. After
describing the experiences that
comprised his internship, he
was offered a job. He got mar-
ried shortly after graduation to
a wonderful young lady -
Allyson whom he met in his
Leadership in Recreation class.

no longer working at the
Sawgrass Marriott Resort. She
is now working for the Salt
Lake Organizing Committee for
the 2002 Winter Games as the
Assistant Venue Logistics
Manager for the curling event.
She considers herself lucky to
be employed with two other
Gators: Chris Novak and
Thomas Boyd.

is employed with Sonoma
Development Center in
California as a recreation thera-
pist. Sonoma is a state residen-
tial center for people with dis-
abilities. She loves her job,
learns new things everyday, and
feels fortunate to work with her

Haruyo Nishimura

24 SPRING 2002

SCHOLARS PR O G RA by D Charles Williams

he University


Program pro-

vides undergraduate

students at the

University of Florida

an opportunity to

work one on one

with a faculty mem-

ber to conduct

research during the

summer months.

Students understand the
University Scholars research
experience is a full-time summer
commitment. In return, each
scholar receives a $2,500 stipend.
Research may be completed
during the following academic
year as independent study.

Each student is required to
submit a 200-word abstract
and publish a 1,500 to 2,000
word paper in the Journal of
Undergraduate Research.
Zachary Rothberg was fea-
tured in the Journal
/jur/ where he offered the fol-
lowing about his experience:

"Through working with my
mentor, I have learned how to
develop a survey, work with
the IRB for approval, establish
validity for the survey results,
and develop a database for sta-
tistical analysis."

His mentor, Dr. Dan
Connaughton, feels that the
University Scholars Program
"is a great program for the
undergraduate scholar, their
mentor, and the University."
Dr. Pete Giacobbi stated,
"If the amount of work
involved in this project is any
indication, then Jamie has
gained tremendous knowledge
and experience with collecting
and analyzing social psycho-
logical data."

All Scholars will have the
opportunity to share their
research findings at the annual
University Scholars Symposium
scheduled during the spring

To be eligible for the University
Scholars Program, students
must have an overall GPA of
3.25 or higher and one year of
undergraduate studies remain-
ing. Full requirements can be
found on the college website at

College of Health and Human
Performance 2000-2001
University Scholar
recipients were:

Scholar: Lesley A. Cooper
Mentor: Dr. Mike Powers
Study: The Effects of Cold
and Heat Therapy on Muscle
Latency Following Ankle

Scholar: Jamie M. McCarthy
Mentor: Dr. Peter Giacobbi
Study: Physical Activity,
Psychological, and Health
Predictors of College Students'
Quality of Life

Scholar: Elizabeth J. Peters
Mentor: Dr. Heather Gibson,
Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray
Study: Investigating the
Motivations and Experiences
of Independent Budget
Travelers Traveling In Europe
by Train

Scholar: Zachary Rothberg
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Connaughton
Study: An Analysis of
Lightning Safety Policies and
Procedures in Florida Public
Recreation Departments

Scholar: Jeffrey J. Shills
Mentor: Dr. Thomas Kaminski
Study: The Effects of Ankle
Joint Effusion on Ankle Strength
and Postural Stability in a
Group of Healthy, Uninjured


his has been yet another
wonderful year for
HHP students. Forty-
eight majors were pro-
vided financial
resources that may enable them to
complete class projects, enhance
practical skills, or make significant
contributions in their communities,
and in some instances the global
community. Students were recog-
nized at this year's convocation,
held in conjunction with the
January College Advisory Council
meeting. The convocation is one of
the ways that we are able to honor
the donors whose contributions
make these awards possible.
Reflecting on this achievement
reminds one of Ralph Waldo
Emerson's quotation "My angel,
his name is Freedom, choose him to
be king; he shall cut pathways east
and west, and fend you with his
wing." Our donors have created
pathways for our students; many
have had their ways fended.

Our annual scholarship awards
have grown from $5,000 to over
$60,000 within the past five years.
This has been accomplished
through the generosity of our
alumni and friends and the diligent
with guidance from TRAVIS
GRANTHAM, our College
Development Officer. Members of
the College Council served as hosts
for the event and Bertha Cato, HHP
Student Affairs Dean, along with
other faculty and staff, announced
the recipients as Dean Bird present-
ed the awards. Other members of

the Scholarship Committee were
Drs. Doug DeMichele, Milledge
Murphey, Lori Pennington-Gray,
and Robert Weiler.

SCHOLARSHIPS were established in
1998 by three former faculty mem-
bers. Scholarships are presented to
undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents with a demonstrated commit-
ment to be of service to others
either through military or commu-
nity service.

Shara Gaber is a senior in
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism,
specializing in Commercial
Recreation. Shara maintains a
3.9 GPA and is a member of the
Rho Phi Lambda Honor
Fraternity in the College of
Health and Human Performance.

Terri Mitchell is a graduate stu-
dent in Health Science Education.
Terri maintains a 3.9 GPA. Over
the past few years, Terri has
worked in a public health
department providing HIV and
STD education.

Cory Kapes is a master's student
in Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism specializing in
Therapeutic Recreation. Cori is
involved in the Travel and
Recreation Program (TRIP) and
leads camping trips for college
students. Cori has conducted
research involving bibliotherapy

and children at Shands
Hospital. He presented his
results at the National
Recreation and Parks
Association Conference.

Cari E. Autry is a doctoral stu-
dent in Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism with a concentration in
Therapeutic Recreation. Her
emphasis is in children and
youth with behavioral and
emotional disorders. Cari has
presented at numerous confer
ences and published in refereed

SCHOLARSHIPS are designated for
any major in the College with spe-
cial consideration at the undergrad-
uate level for students who play
and enjoy golf.

David Salazar is a junior in the
Exercise and Sport Sciences
major. David maintains a 3.4
GPA. David will be interning
at the Living Well Program this

Allison Kummery is an Exercise
and Sport Sciences major,
specializing in Fitness and
Wellness. Allison maintains 3.6
GPA and plans to attend med-
ical school after graduation.

Danielle Symons Downs is a doc-
toral student in ESS, focusing
on Exercise and Sport Psychology.
She maintained a 3.95 GPA

throughout her tenure as a
graduate student. Danielle has
co-authored several manu-
scripts in refereed journals.
Recently, she was nominated to
serve on the College Advisory

Amie J. Dirks is a doctoral stu-
dent in Exercise Physiology
with a 3.86 GPA. When she was
a master's student teaching
Human Anatomy she realized
she loved teaching and wanted
to get her Ph.D. Amie was a
recipient of the Student
Scholarship Award in Aging, for
her research, Apoptosis (cell sui-
cide) in skeletal muscle with aging.

Jamie L. Fisher is a graduate stu-
dent in Health Science Education
and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Jamie
is currently working at Shand's
Hospital as a Patient Accounts
Specialist. She is also a research
assistant in the Political Science

given to undergraduates in any
major in the College with prefer-
ence to graduates of a Pensacola
area high school.

Kenneth Edward Byrd is an
Exercise and Sport Sciences
major, with a specialization in
Athletic Training.

Beth Cianfrone is a graduate stu-
dent in Exercise and Sport
Sciences and has maintained a
4.0. Beth was a graduate intern
at Disney's Wide World of Sports
Complex. As recognition for her
hard work, Beth received the
Women in Sports Events on the
Rise Award.

Brian Hatzel is a doctoral stu-
dent in Athletic Training. He
has a 3.6 GPA and is involved as
a graduate student mentor.
Brian will volunteer at the 2002
Winter Olympic Games.

26 SPRING 2002

Lori Kuhlman is working on her
master's in Public Health. She
completed her undergraduate
degree at the University of
Central Florida, where she
graduated Summa Cum Laude.
After graduation, Lori plans to
combine her formal education
in public health with her per-
sonal experience in physical
activity and nutrition to help
others optimize their health.

Britton E. McPherson is a gradu-
ate student pursuing a master's
degree in Health Science
Education. Britton completed her
undergraduate degree at Samford
University in Alabama, where she
was involved with intramural
sports, her sorority, and the
National Council on Family

Anthony M. Payne is a graduate
student in Exercise and Sport
Sciences with a concentration in
Exercise Physiology. Anthony
has maintained a 3.8 GPA in his
course work. He is currently
the president of the UF racquet-
ball club and a track and field
official. Anthony is also a
member of both the running
and triathlon clubs.

Roseanne Vullo is a master's stu-
dent in Exercise and Sport
Sciences with a specialization in
Clinical Exercise Physiology.
Roseanne was a practicum stu-
dent in the cardiac rehabilita-
tion department at North
Florida Regional Medical Center.
She currently works at the
Gainesville Health and Fitness
Center for Women as a person-
al trainer.

to Recreation, Parks and Tourism
and Exercise and Sport Sciences
majors respectively. Mr. Fessler
established these scholarships as a
way to assist students in pursuing
their degrees.

CHARLES FESSLER RECIPIENT: the College Advisory Council, as

Harrison P Pinckney V is a
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
major, with a specialization in
Commercial Recreation.
Harrison is involved in many
activities including the
University Gospel Choir,
Minamba (Minority
Ambassador), and UF Division
of Housing where he is a
Resident Assistant. Harrison
maintains a 3.5 GPA.

Mason Sidney Shamis is an
Exercise Physiology major with
a 4.0 GPA. Mason currently
works at the Sun Country
Gymnastics Center, where he is a
gymnastics coach.

Theresa Petty is an Exercise
Physiology major. She is work-
ing as a fitness supervisor at
the Student Recreation and
Fitness Center.

given to either an undergraduate
or graduate student who is an
active cyclist and participant with
Team Florida Cycling Club.

Valerie Janette Parks is an
Exercise Physiology major with
a GPA of 3.95. Valerie has
worked with the Living Well
Adapted PE program and as an
Adapted Aquatics Swim
Instructor. She is also a member
of the Florida Cycling Team.

Gina Ferrara is a graduate stu-
dent in Sport Management with
a 3.9 GPA. Gina is the head
coach for Eastside High School's
women's cross country team.
She also works at Gainesville
Health and Fitness Center as an

Michael Schmoyer is a doctoral
student in Health Science
Education. He is a member of

well as a new member of the
Graduate Student Council.

Traci N. Gearhart is a doctoral
student in Athletic Training.
Traci coordinates the laboratory
sections for the undergraduate
Athletic Training Education
Program, assists with research
and supervision of the Athletic
Training/Sports Medicine grad-
uate students, and assists in the
instruction of cadaver anatomy
for graduate students.

SCHOLARSHIPS include two under-
graduate and five graduate schol-
arships given to ESS majors spe-
cializing in teacher education.

.. a junior in
Exercise and Sport Sciences,
specializing in Athletic
Training. Kaysee is also in the
process of completing a minor
in Health Science Education.

Cindy Ortiz is an Athletic
Training and Physical Education
major. Cindy works at the
Gainesville Health and Fitness
Center as a personal trainer and
currently has a 3.5 GPA.

Jill Annette Conner is a master's
student in Exercise Physiology
and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Jill is
an instructor at the Gainesville
Health and Fitness Center for
Women. She is also a weekend
manager of the Ronald
McDonald House Charities in

Aaron R. Duley is a graduate
student in Sport and Exercise
Psychology and maintains a 4.0
GPA. Currently, he is a research
assistant in the Motor Behavior
and Performance Psychology
Laboratories. He has also
instructed courses in backpack-
ing and jogging.

Andrew P Lepp is a doctoral stu-
dent in Recreation, Parks and

Tourism. Andrew has diversi-
fied experiences working in the
rain forests of Washington, the
Tongass National Forest in
Alaska, the Sangre De Christo
mountains in northern New
Mexico, and the forests and
savannahs of East Africa.
Andrew is also the recipient of
a Ford Foundation grant for
pre-dissertation summer
research in Uganda.

Kari M. Kensinger is a doctoral
student in Recreation, Parks
and Tourism, with a specializa-
tion in Therapeutic Recreation.
She is the coordinator of the
developmental disabilities
treatment network for the
American Therapeutic
Recreation Association. In
addition, she has served as
coordinator for the Alachua
County Special Olympics.

Jenna L. Jones is a first year mas-
ter's student in Exercise
Physiology. She is currently
working at the Living Well
Center as a Facility Manager.
After completing her masters,
Jenna hopes to pursue a Ph.D.

SCHOLARSHIP is given to graduate
students who have exemplified
excellence in teaching within the
Sport-Fitness program. The
awardees must be of outstanding
character with a strong, competitive
spirit and professional pursuits.
Faculty must nominate recipients.

Heather M. Vonasek is a master's
student in Athletic Training.
Heather received her Bachelor
of Science in Exercise Science at
the University of Connecticut.
Currently, she is the Head
Athletic Trainer at P.K.
Yonge Research Lab School.
She is also a teaching assistant
and maintains a 3.7 GPA.

Jessica Braunstein is a master's
student in Sport Management.
Jessica completed her under-
graduate studies in Recreation,


Parks, and Tourism, and was a
Hall of Fame recipient for the
department. Jessica is currently
a research assistant and main-
tains a 3.9 GPA.

SCHOLARSHIP is given to a major
in the College who enjoys and
actively participates in tennis.

Jennifer Elizabeth Cox is a
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
major specializing in Travel and
Tourism. Jennifer has main-
tained a 4.0 GPA. She is
involved with Rho Phi Lambda,
a Recreation Academic Honor

Damon P.S. Andrew is a doctoral
student in Sport and Exercise
Psychology. He received a M.S.
in Exercise Physiology from the
University of Alabama, where
he graduated Summa Cum
Laude. Damon is very active in
the United States Tennis
Association and has been rated
as an elite "V1"National Tennis
Rating Program Verifier.

Bryan Heathcock is a graduate
student in Recreation, Parks and
Tourism. Bryan works as a grad-
uate assistant for intramural
sports and maintains a 3.3 GPA.

Tiffany L. Lydon is a graduate
student in Recreation, Parks
and Tourism with a focus on
Travel and Tourism. Tiffany
completed her undergraduate
studies at East Carolina
University. Tiffany is an avid
volunteer. She has spent much
time working with Special
Olympic athletes, teen centers,
after-school programs, and the
university. After graduation,
Tiffany hopes to work in the
tourism field in Vail, Colorado.

awarded to one undergraduate and
two graduate students majoring in
Exercise and Sport Sciences.

Applicants should demonstrated a
high level of scholarship, interest
in tennis, and skills in physical

Undergraduate recipient:
Nicholas A. Crowe is a Sport
Management major maintaining a
3.87 GPA. Nicholas is also a Florida
Bright Future Scholar. Nicholas is
the captain of UF cheerleader team.

Graduate recipients:
Stephen Coombes is seeking a
master's degree in Exercise and
Sport Sciences, specializing in
Motor Learning and Control.
Stephen completed his under-
graduate degree in Psychology
and Sport Sciences at
Liverpool's John Moores
University in England. He also
won the International Student
Award for Academic Excellence
and Service to the University of

Shannon L. Lennon is a doctoral
student in Exercise Physiology.
Shannon has diverse research
experience such as working with
humans in resistance training
studies, an exercise testing
study, and animal research ask-
ing more mechanistic questions
concerning exercise and its
health benefits on the heart.
She is currently working on two
projects funded by the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs.
They focus on exercise and spe-
cific proteins believed to be
involved in protection during a
heart attack.

established by B.K. and Betty
Stevens provide funds for both
graduate and undergraduate

Cherie Deborah Dragstedt is an
Exercise and Sport Sciences
major, with a specialization in
Exercise Physiology. Cherie
maintains a 4.0 GPA. After
graduation, she hopes to attend
physical therapy school.

Amy L. Hagan is an Exercise
Psychology doctoral student.
During her undergraduate
years at UF, Amy competed and
traveled with the Gator
Gymnastics Team. She also
worked at Living Well for over
two years and earned her
American College of Sports
Medicine Health/Fitness
Instructor, Certification. During
her masters work Amy taught
Sport and Fitness classes. Amy
maintains a 3.8 GPA.

Sung-Bae Park is a graduate stu-
dent in Exercise Sport Sciences,
specializing in Sport
Management. Sung-Bae
received his undergraduate
degree from Sogang University in
Seoul, Korea. Currently, he is an
Intern in the Gainesville Sport
Organizing Committee. Sung-
Bae maintains a 4.0 GPA.

Michelle Cohen is a Health
Science Education major with
an upper division GPA of 3.9.
Michelle works at the Student
Health Care Center as a Gator
Well Program Health Educator.
Michelle is currently holding
the position of vice president in
the Florida Association for
Professional Health Educators.

SCHOLARSHIP is established to sup-
port an Exercise and Sport Sciences
undergraduate student who has
demonstrated leadership in teacher
education and been involved in
community service.

Undergraduate recipient:
Kimberly Michelle Jegel is an
Exercise Physiology major with
an upper division GPA of 3.8.
Kimberly is involved in the
Florida Cicerones and serves as
an ambassador for the university.

funded through an agreement
with the University Athletic

Association. To be considered for
these awards the student must be
an ESS major with an athletic
training specialization.

The following ESS majors were
Lesley Cooper, a graduate of
Coral Spring High School in
1998, is a second year Athletic
Training major. She maintains
a 3.81 GPA. She has received
the B.K & Betty Stevens
Undergraduate Scholarship and
the 2000 Anderson Scholar.

Kristi Davidson grew up in
Venice, Florida and attended
Venice High School. She is an
Athletic Training major, who is
also certifying in physical educ-
tion. She maintains a 3.75 GPA.
Her academic achievements
also include being a Golden
Key National Honor Society

Marze Hovellemont, a graduate
of Rockledge High School in
Rockledge, Florida, carried out
her clinical experience at
Buchholz High School. She is
currently working for the UAA
and Gator Football as an athlet-
ic trainer. She has been a
Golden Key National Honor
Society member and a Florida
Merit Scholar.

Cindy Ortiz, a graduate of Coral
Gables Senior High School in
Miami, Florida, is a graduating
senior in Athletic Training. She
was President of the Student
Athletic Trainer's Organization
and recipient of the Ronald E.
McNair Scholarship. She was a
recipient of the Norma M.
Leavitt Scholarship in 2001.
Currently, she works at the
Gainesville Health and Fitness
Center as a personal trainer.

Joseph Tedesco, a graduate of J.D
Taravella High School in Coral
Springs, maintains a 3.78 GPA.
He was a National Collegiate
Honor's Society's member, on
the Dean's list for the College of
HHP and Engineering, and
received the Florida Academic
Scholarship in 1996. He has
applied for the Boston Red Sox

28 SPRING 2002

The Jane Adams Edmonds Ph.D.
Fellowship was established by
Maurice O. Edmonds in recognition
of his wife, Jane. The Fellowship is
established to support a graduate
student in the College who is a US
citizen. Preference will be given to
a student in one of the Exercise and
Sport Sciences specializations.

Graduate recipient:
Elizabeth Fallon, a Ph.D. student
in ESS, with a concentration in
Sport and Exercise Psychology,
was the 2001 recipient of the
Jane Adams Edmonds Ph.D.

FELLOWSHIP is a one-year award
for incoming Ph.D. students into
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Preference is given
to a US citizen, preferably a native

Graduate recipient:
Sharon Phaneufis a Ph.D. stu-
dent in Exercise and Sport
Sciences in Exercise Physiology.
Her research involves apoptosis
and oxidative stress in the
human physiology laboratory
classes for the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
She was elected to the Society of
Phi Kappa Phi during the
Spring of 2001.

is presented to a Ph.D. candidate to
assist in expenses associated with
an approved research project.

David G. Edwards is a doctoral
student in Exercise Physiology.
David has received training in
the vascular labora-tory at the
med-ical school in the
Department of Cardiology. He
was awarded an American
Heart Association Pre-Doctoral
Fellowship to investigate the
effects of endurance training in
heart failure patients on
endothelial function and arteri-
al stiffness.

Other Recognitions:
Outstanding Leadership Award
Gordon Glover was recognized
as a 2001 Summer Semester
Outstanding Leadership Award
recipient. This award recog-
nizes students who have made
significant leadership contribu-
tions to the University of Florida.
Gordon has given unselfishly to
other students and to the
Gainesville Community. Gordon
was admitted to ESS as a grad-
uate student during Summer
2001. He maintains a 3.7 GPA.

Two HHP Students Receive
UF Outstanding Teaching
Assistant Awards

Elissa Howard, a recent Ph.D.
graduate from the Department of
Health Science Education and
Wes Smith, a graduate student
in the Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences, received UF
Outstanding Teaching Awards.
Wes also received his Master's
of Science degree from ESS.
They were honored at a recent
UF reception.


S9 ia\Irt


From L to R:
Kaysee Brinkley,
Kimberly Jegel,
Valerie Parks,
Cherie Dragstedt,
Mason Shamis,
Theresa Petty,
Allison Kumnery,
and Cindy Ortiz

From L to R:
Roseanne Vullo,
Beth Cianfrone,
Brian Hatzel,
Lori Kuhlman, and
Britton McPherson

From L to R:
Cari Autry,
Aaron Duley,
Damon Andrew,
Michael Schmoyer,
Traci Gearhart,
Shannon Lennon,
and Amie Dirks

From L to R:
Jenna Jones,
Aaron Duley,
and Jill Conner


Dr Roll


$50,000 $99,999
American Heart
-.--,i,t,. ,, -,r,. ,,-,I

J *0
-. .-r r. t -

[. .1,,,,
\ "It D re-, \ iI.. ,-.
il- ,_- ,,.* I I ,,,,,-

Chqrlep W Feeder, Jr.
F I. ,, 1 -, ,,, -,r. ,.,,.
i ..- rl,,. ., Inc.
Ei... F F. I.
Michael A. Grasso
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh
The Honorable
Perry C. McGriff, Jr.
MedX 96, Inc.
Nationwide Ins. Fdtn.
Christine Ridgeway
* ... J. Riggs
Charles P. & Sue Siler
Southeast Athletic
Trainers Assn.
State Farm Cos. Fdtn.
Ronald S. Taylor
The Maneely Fund
Trans-Tec Services, Inc.
Jill W. & Paul R. Varnes
Angus Williams, Jr.

Aaron's Rental Purchase
Deborah A. Allen
Kirk Anthony
Thomas W. Arnold
C I .I I -ustin
I ,,, ,,, I Bain
Thomas W. Balon
Bank of America Fdtn.
N. B. Barkley, Jr.
Dean L. & ltiinne Brtle-
Louise V. E. -.-rt
John G. Beaudry
Christopher Behan
Andrea L. Behrman

'.- .-i L Bertucci
I,.,-- I Betchner
ii E I I, I -. Blackman
I!-. L-.r F Boddy
r. --,,,; :, .
SE. Ii E'. rribution, Inc.
Quientella D. Bonner
Hilman F Bowden, Jr.
Christopher E. Brazda
Kenneth Lloyd Burt
Clyde O. Butz
Vlelton V. Callahan
Richard L. Callum
SI t.,Lr I. Campitelli
ST .. ,. _.&
E ,... -.I H .: .-,.,i ,,-
Kim E. C .. ....-.-
Michael S. Carpino
VIrs. Shima B. Carter
E'. .~. -, ; J. Casa
CD Warehouse
Central Florida Ins.
-, I Chisling
.rl.-.ne S. Coloson
Computer Assn.
International, Inc.
-I. Philip Constans, Jr.
Cheryl R. Courtney
Clayton E. Cox
Donald W. Cox
lames W. Crowe
Daniel J. Crum, Sr. &
Anna T. Crum
Stefanie W. Cutshall
Don L. Deal
Delta Air Lines Fdtn.
Maria P. Devitt
Bradford S. Dillion
Ian D. Dyer
William M. Elsey
Gerald F. Etheridge
Florida State University
Equestrian Club
Barry R. Fasold, Jr.
Herbert W. Felber, Jr.
Neal Brian Fessenden
Ronald L. Fick
Florida Assn. of
Professional Health
Florida Pest Control &
Chemical Co.
Richard P Forster
M. Elizabeth Fowler
Frank Slaughter Ins. Agt.
Robert J. Fyfe
Sean D. Gagnon
John F Gaines
Gainesville Sports
Organizing Committee
Robert J. Galbraith
Kay A. Garrison
Leith E. George
Richard C. Giannini
Daniel E. Gloeckner
Louis J. Goldstein
Mrs. Jean Maynard
James L. Goolsby, Jr.
Richard L. Goslin

George S. Grandy
Corine D. Grant, Psy.D.
Edwin H. Gratton
Veronica G. Greason
Elizabeth J. Gresley
Dennis W. Guenther
Susan S. Hall
Christopher F Hallett
Robert E. Harper
John R. Harrison
Natalie J. Hartman
Richard M. &
Karen L. Hassler
Patrick S. Hayden
Henderson, Franklin,
Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Joseph G. Heyck, Jr. &
Marilyn G. Heyck
Katherine F Hill
Greg Hilley
Mary E. & Larry
Anthony R. James
Albert N. Jeffrey, Jr.
Lauri L. Jenkins
Amanda K. Jones
John A. Kasbar & Co., Inc.
Louis A. King
Barbara D. Klein
Krispy Kreme
Doughnut Co.
James R. Krueger
Clarence D. Landress
Henry T. Lane, Jr.
Leon J. Larson
R. Burton Lawless
Felix L. & Catherine Lee
Barbara A. Leonard
Lucille N. Lindsay
Jack Lucks
Daniel R. MacDonell
R. Brian MacNamara
Renee L. Malachowski
Vijay Manian
Joseph Mannino
Joseph L. Martin III
Turay E. Martin
Michelle M. Mauer
Lauren O. Mayer
Della-Jean M. Mays
James V. McClure
Lonn D. McDowell
Lonita R. &
William A. McGill
Patricia E. &
Michael J. McGinnis
William K. &
Linda M. McGrane
Mark C. McGriff
James S. McKinney
Allan F McVey
Christine L. Meacham
Melinda L. Millard-
James H. Miller
John M. Milling
Kim S. Mills
Bryan D. Mitchell
Fred Y. Montsdeoca, Jr.
Heather N. Moore
Henry T. Morgan
Kevin P. Morris

David G. Morrison
Donna R. Mountain
Kimberley B. Mowery &
Arthur J. Mowery, Jr.
Robert J. Murphy, Jr.
Philip S. Nachman
John F Neller
Nortel Networks
Pamela M. Oberst
Daniel E. &
Cheryl B. O'Brien
Gerald S. Odom
Jenny Oriente
Peter B. and
Gretchen A. Orschiedt
Vicki L. Overman
Terry B. Pappas
Susan I. Parilla
Joseph D. &
Andrea V. Paschal
Duane C. Peacock
Kevin S. Pearson
Scott I. Peek, Sr.
Heidi E. Perry
Pfizer, Inc.
Jerry H. Posey
John Q. Powell, Sr.
John W. Powell
Larry A. Powell
The Principal Financial
Group Fdtn., Inc.
Publix Super Markets
Charities, Inc.
Rad Adventures, Inc.
Clyde George Relick
Laura Richman
Wesley A. Royal
Frederick E. Rozelle, Sr.
& Charlotte G. Rozelle
Roger B. Rukin
Sara B. Salas
Martha I. Salinero
Catherine B. Santa
Rebecca H. Scaringe
E Stephens Schnell, D.D.S
Susan Dee Schnur
Michael D. Schroeder
Stacy B. Scott
Capt. Arthur M. Seitz III
Sewell Hardware Co., Inc.
Corrine A. Sharpe
Robert W. &
Nan Williams Sherwood
Claudia S. Shirley
Martin W. &
Sandra E. Short
Janet R. Silverstein
Pamela G. Simmons
Simons/The Loft
Maryann N. Smith
April J. Snyder
Lawrence E. Snyder
Southern Nuclear
Operating Co.
Cindy L. Sprenger
David E. Stanton
Robert L. Stark
State of Florida
Comptroller Office
John H. Stauff
William B. Steiner
Foy W. &

Myra M. Stephens
Louis J. Stingone, Jr.
Sue S. Stoops
William H. Swartz, Sr.
T-A Digital Image Printing
George P. Telepas
Maureen E. Terwilliger
Gordon M. Thomson
Joan E. Treves
M. Kent Tucker
UPS Fdtn.
USA Networks Fdtn., Inc.
Frances M. Vandiver
A. Ward Wagner, Jr. &
Mrs. A. Ward Wagner
David Charles &
Mrs. Jan Smith Weaver
Samantha B. Weber
Lynne A. & Peter H. Wells
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Alice J. White
Richard White, Jr.
Denise H. Whittaker
Steven S. Willard
Charles S. Williams
Lois M. Williams
K. Wayne Williamson
Donna D. Wilson
Pamela P. Wittig
Arthur H. & Cheryl
Parsons Yavelberg
Saul Z. Yeaton

Accenture Fdtn.
William C. and
Charlotte C. Adams
Kimberly Adamson
Margaret R. Allbritten
Alvarez & Page, PA.
Mary V. Aman
Kelley A. Amaya
Stephen W. Amos
Kara V. Andrew
David A. Appleton
Pharmaceuticals LP
Anna R. Austin
Mary Convery Austin
Diane E. Baird
Harry L. Baker III
Mary K. Baker
Felice R. Barr
Ronald B. Bartlett
Thomas A. Bates
Martha P. Baucom
Angela S. Bauer
Lt. Col. Judd R. Bean
BellSouth Corp.
Catherine L. Benedetti
Harry L. Benson, Jr.
Marjorie B. Benson
Norma Y. & Craig Benson
Janice Berkebile
Ashley D. Bevan
Josh B. Bickford
Pamela C. Bicking
Nancy Billups
Bernays E. Bishop
Scott A. Blaue
Paula K. Bloukos
Janet L. Boe

Norman P. Bolduc, Jr.
Kimberly L. Bonds
Craig A. Booth
Brian J. Borland
Jeanne Boyd
Jane H. Bracken
Laurie E. F Braden
Susan Bradford
Maley S. Brancaccio
Richard Brilliant
Loren A. Broadus, Jr.
Christopher P. Brock
Mary L. Brophy
Benjamin A. Brown, Jr.
Reverend Charles E.
Brown, Jr.
Dawson E. Brown
Lawrence S. Bruce
Eric F. Burns
Alois Byers
Patrick J. Byrne
Jean D. Callaway
Charlotte P. Campbell
Larry D. Candeto
Yolanda M. Carbia
Thomas & Luci Carella
Sean M. Carpenter
Mrs. Cecily K. Carr
Walter W. Carr
Paul W. Cash
Tom Charde
Judith N. Chavez
Hong-Long Chen
Idell C. Cherry
Debra A. Cherwak
Brad S. Chissom
Won Y. Choi
Jae H. Chung
Henry O. Cleare
Lesley L. Cleveland
Bill F. Cockcroft
Mrs. Elisha A. Cohen
Reaves C. Cole
E. John Collins III
Janet L. Collins
Lynn E. Collins
Pamela G. Collins
Mary Ann Colozzi
William P. Connor
Carlyce M. Cononie
Kathleen L. Cooley
John M. Corso
Elsa M. Costello
James M. Coughlin
Catherine M. Crist
Bing Crosby
Anna D. Cruz
Caridad R. Cruz
Rachele J. Cunningham
Jessica H. Dacanay
Leonora F Darling
Ronald L. Darst
Dana C. David
Janice L. Davis
Juanita D. Deal
Joyce C. Dean
Mary N. DeAngelis
Timothy M. DeBruyn
Jeffrey M. Delott
Mark A. Denner
Barbara K. Denoff
E. Tom Dioguardi

30 SPRING2002

Patricia Dittman
Jennifer J. Dixon
Evan K. Douglas
Evelyn D. Dowling
Marie C. Dowling
Michael A. Duck
Vicki G. Duffy
Finley J. Duncan
Rebecca R. Duncan
Conrad Dutton
Howard E. Ehrsam
Jon C. Elder
Captain Paul A. Emery
J. D. Enfinger
Randee Engelhard
Walter & Susan J. Ernst
Robert J. Erwin
Patricia A. Evans
Ronald J. Faloona
Pamela J. Farrington
Edward S. Fasold II
Virginia D. Fedison
Philip L. Fisher
Sheila M. Fitzgerald
Elizabeth T. Fitzpatrick
Traci W. Fleck
Susan H. Fletcher
Carol S. Foland
Janet B. Forbess
Douglas W. Forsyth
Jason L. Franklin
Carolyne Ree Freeman
Nancy J. Friedman &
Charles A. Friednman
Dennis R. Frisch
Michele C. & Robert P. Fritts
Jill M. Fry
Julie F. Frye
John P & Carol S. Gawlak
Paul D. Gehris
Wilbur H. Gifford, Jr.
John W. Gilbert
Robert E. Godwin
Jennifer A. Goldschlag
Paul E. Good III
Charles P. & Bonnie M.
Travis C. & Beth Polk Grantham
Jane S. Green
John W. Greene, Jr.
Chad G. Greer
Megan C. Gregory
April M. & Kevin R. Griffin
Pope Griffin III
Donald Grundmann
Aimee J. Gunnoe
Mrs. Lisa-Marie P. Gustofson
Maria C. Guthrie
Gina C. Gwara
Donna G. Habing
Donne Hale, Jr.
Anthony G. Hall
Mary E. Hall
Darla Kay Hancock
Ernest P Hanewinckel II
Renee V. Harbeson
Virginia K. Hargett
Madge O. Harlan &
William E. Harlan, Sr.
Beth A. Harre-Orr
Ruth Z. Hartman
Gene L. Harvey, Jr.

David A. Herrick
John D. Hester
Jessica J. Hoag
Janice A. Hobbs
Sara and French Hodges
Kevin G. & Janet S. Hogan
Marcia A. Hoppenstein
Sharon C. Huey
Karen A. Hughes
Barbara Redman Hunter
Jorge L. Hurtado
Michael A. Hylton
Jeffrey M. Ickes
Diane H. Ingram &
Frank C. Ingram, Jr.
Linda M. Isner
Gail G. Jacobs
William A. James, Jr.
Bruce T. Johnson
Debra K. Johnson
Julie R. Johnson
Michael C. Johnson
William C. Johnstone
Donna A. Jolly
Catherine S. Jones
Gerald W. Jordan
Michael J. Junod
Anne S. Kantor
Mike J. Karaphillis
Jonathan B. Kates
George S. Keep
Tima L. Kelley Midyette
Dennis J. Kemp
Marlyn M. Kenney
John A. Kenworthy
Michael S. Kessler
Nermine N. Khouzam
Christine E. Kilby
Stefanie K. Kindt
Taylor H. Kirby, Jr. &
Barbara F. Kirby
Elaine G. Kirk
Susan T. Kisner
Jon T. Kline
Robert A. Krause
Elisabeth L. Krone
David M. & Jodi V. Kudelko
Jean W. Kuethe
Christine J. Kuhnke
Brian M. Kurtz
Joseph A. Labelle
Cara L. Ladnyk
Jean M. Lambros
Michael A. Landis
Rachel A. Lange
Thomas A. LaPointe
Mrs. Raelene B. Lawless
Arnold M. Lawner, Jr.
Laura J. Lazarony
Michael D. Leatherwood
Charles J. Lechner
Jennifer L. Lechner
Betty C. Lee
Sandra S. Lee
Michele O. Lemell
Stephanie A. Lennon
Carol Ivy and Ed Leslie
Charles H. Levine
Elizabeth M. Lewis
Michelle P Lewis
Larry P. Libertore, Jr.
Mrs. Shannon M. Logan

Lucia C. Lopez
Lori A. Losner
Judith F & William John Loy
Carla A. Lucas
Jonathan Lucas
Tammy J. Lundell
Timothy G. MacDonald
Ann S. MacMillan
Charles Mannino
Lt. Col. Martin L. Marler
Kevin J. Marrone
Darren E. Marsh
Marshville Elementary School
Lola H. & H. T. McBride
Robert B. McCallum, Jr.
Kristi K. McClellan
Jeannette L. McDaniel
Edwin S. McKenzie
Ronald E. McMillin
Sara L. McNary
Arley W. McRae
Charles W. Mecklem
Iris C. Minkon
Jodi H. Mirman
C. Brent Mitchell
Manuel R. Montero
Debora J. Moore
Harold C. Moore
Barbara B. &
Danny S. Morgan
Jessica A. Morgan
Marshall L. Morgan
Peggy J. Morrissey
Richard J. Morse
Kathleen W. Mowbray
Lynne O. Murphy
Rodney A. &
Michelle R. Murphy
Mary E. Musselman
Bonnie B. Nabors
Suzan J. Nash
Allen D. Nease, Jr.
Maureen C. Nemcik
Teresa C. Nevares
Carol L. Nicholson
Kevin J. Noa
Michael F. Nolan
Terri S. Nolan
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Dianna L. Nulty
Jack E. O'Brien
Sisti A. O'Connor
Kristina I. Odom
Joe O'Kroy
Michele A. Ostendorf
Beth R. Owens
Richard A. Pace
Becky Parks
Patrick J. Patterson
Brian P Paul
Susan J. Paul
Kristin A. Pearce
Erica A. Pearson
Evan M. Pearson
Mrs. Jo A. Peebles
Brenda M. Pena
James R. Perkins
Lucinda J. Perret
Susan J. Peters
Margaret A. Petrillo
Carolyn Phanstiel
Nicole D. Piersiak

Julia A. Pinkocze
Jennifer K. Plamp
Rose M. Plumley
Kari K. Popp
Wendy Y. Post
Linda K. Powell
John Power
Cynthia J. B. Powers
Sarah L. Price
Mrs. Jan D. Pritchard
Joann Ferguson Purdie
Marilyn J. Purdy
Linda A. Quast
Amanda H. Quilling
Carl J. Ramm
Ellen L. Raskin
Lynn C. Reese
Celia L. Regimbal
Anne G. Rheins
Helene T. Rhine
David W. Rice
Mark J. Richard
Michael T. Rizzi
Roland S. & Frances L. Roark
Amanda Leigh Roberts
Morris H. Rogers
Brandon Rose
Tracie S. Rowe
Kathryn M. Runyon
Mary A. Ruppel
Laura H. Ryan
Susan M. Rywell-Martin
Diane M. Samuels
Stephen C. Sandberg
Peter M. Sartoretti
Emily S. Savard
Melvin R. & Ruth R. Schmid
Magdalena A. Schoenfeld
Dana K. Schoonmaker
Darin J. Schubeck
Julie A. Schwartz
Robyn A. Schwartz
Thomas M. Scott
Denise M. Seabert-Bailey
Melanie B. Sebastian
Deborah B. Seoane
Captain Leonard M. Shores, Jr.
Dana Dell Siano
Laurie M. Siegel-Sanfiel
Tara M. Siler
John F Silverman
Joseph M. Silvia
Karen A. Skiratko
Anne G. Smith
Barbara B. Smith
Cheryl S. Smith
C. Todd Smith
Diana S. Smith
John A. Smith
Johnny W. Smith
Kenneth J. Smith
Sheila K. Smith
Thomas R. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Tracy J. Smith
Gwendolyn S. Snyder
David E. Sobelman
Melissa A. Somers Garcia
Michael W. Sophia
Karen I. Soto
Donald C. Staley
Julie A. Stanley
Elizabeth F. Stark

John C. & Beatrice Stegall
John R. Stegall
Amy J. Stephenson
John L. Steverding
William K. Stewart
James D. Stites
Laurie L. Stixrood
Maj. Kari H. St. John
Chance W. Stone
David J. Stopka
Mrs. Jo Young Stout
Eric M. Straehla
Ira W. Strickland
Rebecca M. Strominger
Jennifer S. Stubbs
Marc W. Sullivan
William J. & Suzette S. Sullivan
Debra H. Tackett
Jennifer C. Thornton
Richard C. Tober
Kathy S. Tobolik
Thomas F Tomlinson, Jr. &
Margaret A. Tomlinson
Samuel E. Torbert
Catherine B. Towne
Rita K. Twain
United Space Alliance Trust
University Commons Apts.
James C. Vanlandingham
Lori A. Vazquez
Donna M. von Kannewurff
Shannon M. Waddell
Mrs. Jean S. Waglow
Brian Walker
Michael W. Walker
Terry E. Walsh
Lisa O. Ward
Cathryn G. Watson
Doris C. Weaver
Margaret L. Webber
Janet A. Wehmeyer
Carolyn P. Weiler
Aida L. &
Charles B. Weissman
David M. Werner
Mollie Hollar West
Leslie S. Wetzel
Jill S. White
Lorey H. White, Jr. and
Carolyn A. Moore White
Paige F Whorrall
William K. Wiles
Jennifer L. Wiley
Alison L. Williams
Olivia D. Williams
Holly R. Wilson
William G. Winstead
Vicki A. Wolfson
Kay H. Wood
Jessica N. Woods
Allan R. & Susan P. Woodward
World Harmony Project
Dina M. Wrathell
Montez Wynn
Matthew B. Wysard
Tae-I1 & Moon-Sil Yi
Emily A. Zimmerman


College of Health & Human Performance
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200

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