Sprn 200
R. Morgan Pigg,Jr.
Copy Editor: Lynne Pulliam
PatrickJ. Bird
Lindy Brounley
Bertha Cato
Travis Grantham
Cathy Keen
Jean F. Mullen
Michael Robishaw
Bethany Sedik
PRODUCED BY: Engineering
DESIGNER: Linda Bayne
PHOTOGRAPHY: David Blankenship
Ron Franklin
PRINTING: StorterChilds
'rformance is an annual publication for
alumni and friends of the University of
Florida College of Health & Human
Please direct letters to:
College of Health & Human Performance
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-8200
email: Performance@hhp.ufl.edu
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PatrickJ. Bird
Dear Alumni and Friends:
In January 2002, President Charles Young unveiled his
University of Florida Strategic Plan, the goal of which is to
raise UF into the ranks of the nation's great universities.
This is a far-reaching plan that will direct the University's
future and that of our C It designates core "
Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture and Life
Sciences, and Medicine. It outlines enrollment goals, new
support programs, and improvements in information
technology and undergraduate education. Most .
it identifies seven interdisciplinary research and program
Research in cancer and genetics,
Research on the brain,
Developments in biotechnology, particularly at the
interface of medicine and nanosciences,
Investigation of social and medical problems associated
with aging,
Research into the status of children and families,
Research in ecology and the environment,
Internationalization of the campus and the curriculum.
Dr. Young, concluding that some administrative restructur-
ing would be necessary to implement the plan, formed a
Task Force on the Future of the University to make recom-
mendations on how best to structure the University to
achieve his goals. Provost David Colbum and a review
committee, composed of three past-presidents of major uni-
versities, were also asked for recommendations.
As these deliberations moved forward, consolidation and
restructuring ideas began to surface. It became clear that our
C and other units throughout campus, were vulnera-
ble to some form of administrative change. Suggested
changes for us included forming a "new" from our
departments and departments from the C of Health
Professions and adding to this other areas such as the
Institute ofAging and a School of Public Health; or perhaps
splitting our C up with the various programs being
moved to ,' These possible changes, as you
might expect, cast a dark cloud over the C "
To make a long story short, the only acceptable alternative
- that was in the best interest of ourf.- '. students, and
alumni and that would preserve the mission of the C
- was to keep us as we are. This was clearly expressed in
.meetings with the Provost and with representatives
of the Task Force. Various UF administrators, as well as
alumni and friends, also petitioned the Provost to retain
the C Most notable among the alumni and friends
were Mrs. .. Stevens, wife of Mr Billie Stevens, profes-
sor emeritus of the C and a contingent of C "
Advisory Board members led by retired Major General
Maurice Edmonds, our Board President. In addition,
throughout the spring term, over the summer and well into
the fall, I met with the President and had numerous meet-
ings with the Provost about the importance of maintaining
the C "
Our main arguments for preservation were: The C by
its very nature, is responding to the interdisciplinary priori-
ties identified in the Strategic Plan, particularly to those
involving aging, children and families, ecology and the envi-
ronment, and internationalization. We are highly successful,
as measured by research publications, external funding, pro-
gram service activities, and national rankings. We
are very considering for instance, that less than
one-third of what we generate in tuition dollars is returned
in financial support to the C It is clear too, that our
quality and production contributes to the gen-
eral teaching, research, and service mission of the
Our arguments were heard. On November 12th, we received
a memo from the Provost that said, in part:
After considerable discussion in my *-. and with
Dean Bird and President Young, I have decided not to
appoint a university-wide committee ... this means that
the C not be combined with another
nor will it be dissolved.
And as the saying goes, every cloud has its silver lining.
The Provost has appointed a committee, '- '. our facul-
ty, to review in which the C can best inter-
face with and enhance UF's Strategic Plan. This is a great
opportunity for us to map our future and to reinforce the
fact that our basic mission improving health, fitness, and
quality of life through teaching, research, and service not
only is necessary, it is critical to the University's goal of
being among the ranks of the nation's great universities.
As part of the 2003 University Sesquicentennial activities,
one important step we have taken toward enhancing the
Strategic Plan, and our C is a $600,000 Strategic
Initiative to build our Ph.D. fellowship endowments. A
key part of President Young's plan is to increase graduate
The University's reputation and success, depend heavily
on the size and quality its of graduate program.
Graduate students represent the next generation of
scholars and entrepreneurs who stand to create knowl-
edge and promote economic growth in the state and the
Our graduate programs, particularly our Ph.D., are major
strengths of the C 100%, of our doctoral gradu-
ates, for example, are employed in excellent academic posi-
tions or the equivalent. As a way of helping your C "
honor the past and shape the future during the 150th
Anniversary of the University, we ask '- support this
fund-raising '
I hope you enjoy this excellent issue of /'rformance.
Dean Patrick Bird
Dean Patrick J. Bird
Balancing mind & body
through human performance
Sby C"- Keen
Nicole Giovanucci, as a part of Dr. Chris
Stopka's Adapted Aquatics Course, teaches
Zellie Biggers from Metcalfe Elementary
School how to swim.
t's not "mind over
matter" at the
University of
Florida's College of
Health & Human
Performance. Mind
and matter rank as
equally important for faculty
and students as they conduct
research projects and provide
innovative programs that help
people live longer, healthier
lives. Researchers in the College
believe that what's good for the
individual proves equally bene-
ficial for the nation and the
world. The threat of bioterror-
ism, the nation's growing obesi-
ty epidemic, and even the mys-
terious keys to aging represent
but a few of the activities cur-
rently underway in this nation-
ally ranked and internationally
recognized College.
"The challenges have never
been greater, but the College
has never
S been better
Prepared to
meet those
said Patrick
Bird, the
I ~' Dean.
When the
opened its
doors in
1946 as the
College of Physical Education,
Health, and Athletics, it trained
students primarily to assume
jobs as teachers, coaches, and
recreation leaders. Today, a
range of private businesses, as
well as state and national gov-
ernment agencies, demand our
graduates' services as recre-
ational therapists, exercise
physiologists, health educators
at the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, and
numerous positions in Florida's
multi-million dollar tourist
industry. Since his appointment
in 1985, Dean Bird has seen stu-
dent enrollment more than
triple, from 500 to about 1,850
today. "With our world-
renowned Center for Exercise
Science funded substantially
with grants from the National
Institutes of Health and the
American Heart Association,
and with top-flight researchers
in all of our departments and
state-of-the-art laboratories,
we're well equipped to help
people of all ages improve their
health, fitness, and quality of
A recent national survey
ranked the College's
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences in the top three
programs among 15 major uni-
versities. The same survey rated
the Department of Health
Science Education and the
Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism in the top
five programs, among such
prestigious institutions as the
University of Illinois, University
of Minnesota, North Carolina
State University, and Ohio State
University. The College also
excels in meeting the
University's mission. Of seven
interdisciplinary research and
instructional areas targeted for
emphasis by UF President
Charles Young in the
University's current Strategic P
lan, the College contributes sub-
stantially in four areas: aging,
children and families, ecology,
and internationalization of cur-
ricula and programs.
The College's work has
never been more urgent as obe-
sity becomes a national public
health problem, adult-onset dia-
betes appears for the first time
in children, schools eliminate
physical education programs,
and lack of exercise once con-
sidered a secondary risk factor
in chronic disease becomes
recognized as a primary risk
factor. "Scientists are finding
that inactivity is more of a pre-
dictor of who will have heart
disease than smoking, hyper-
tension, or high cholesterol,"
said Timm Lovins, exercise
physiologist and Director of
Living Well, the University's
employee wellness program
operated by the College.
A Meaningful Exercise For
Mind And Body
Researchers in the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences study how exer-
cise affects the body, finding
answers to problems of heart
health, osteoporosis, stroke
recovery, knee injuries, aging,
and surgical complications.
Many of the groundbreaking
studies take place at the Center
for Exercise Science, founded
Dr. Christiaan Leeuwenburgh works
with his graduate student, YoungJang.
with a substantial donation
from former Nautilus developer
Arthur Jones and developed
under the leadership of the late
Michael Pollock, an internation-
ally known expert.
In a series of current experi-
ments, the Center's researchers
are seeking to learn more about
why exercise can prevent heart
attacks. "If we can understand
at the cellular level what exer-
cise does to the heart, we can
develop a better exercise regime
to protect people and perhaps
even develop some pharmaco-
logical approach to achieve the
exercise effect in people who are
bedridden or incapable of exer-
cising," said Dr. Scott Powers,
Chair for the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences and
Director of the Center for
Exercise Science.
Professor Christiaan
Leeuwenburgh's five-year, $1.5
million study funded by the
National Institute on Aging
investigates the mechanism that
causes cells to die with the hope
of halting the process. Dr.
Leeuwenburgh has researched
the role of caloric restriction and
anti-oxidant Vitamins C and E
in slowing aging, and he cur-
rently collaborates with UF's
College of Medicine in a $5 mil-
lion study to create drug com-
pounds that prevent
Alzheimer's disease.
The Center also conducts
studies focusing on strategies
for rehabilitating the body after
injury or surgery. Osteoporosis
or bone loss caused by the anti-
rejection drugs taken by lung
transplant patients is not only
preventable but reversible with
weight-lifting exercises, a land-
mark study by Exercise
Physiology Professor Randy
Braith shows. Previously, there
was no known therapy to stim-
ulate new bone growth in trans-
plant patients who develop this
condition, according to Dr.
Braith. In other health related
experiments, Professor James
Cauraugh, Co-director of the
Center for Exercise Science,
received widespread media
attention last summer for his
American Heart Association
study showing that stroke vic-
tims who move both arms
simultaneously in conjunction
with mild electrical stimulation
regain significantly more
motion than those who move
only their paralyzed arm.
Recuperating from
surgery may become
easier if Professor Scott
Powers is able to find
out why patients on
ventilators used dur-
ing general anesthesia -
have trouble being
weaned from these breathing
machines after three days. His
study, funded by the National
Institutes of Health, tries to find
out why prolonged mechanical
ventilation damages the
diaphragm and how to prevent
such damage. According to Dr.
Powers, "Only a handful of
researchers in the world are at
work on this problem, but if
you've had a loved one hospi-
talized and on a ventilator for
longer than three days, you
know about it."
Another experiment under-
way in the Center's
Biomechanics Laboratory seeks
to determine how much force
the lower joints receive during
walking or climbing stairs after
a total knee replacement. The
knee, the most-injured joint in
the human body, impairs many
elderly people and athletes. In
one famous case of knee injury,
President Bill Clinton's quadri-
ceps muscle separated from his
kneecap, forcing him temporari-
ly to use crutches. President
Clinton was rehabilitated by
one of the College's many suc-
cessful Ph.D. graduates, Lt. Bob
Kellogg. "We've produced 68
Ph.D. graduates since we began
offering the degree in 1990, and
every one holds a university
position or equivalent," said
Dean Bird. "Many fields don't
have that success in placement."
In addition to conducting
basic research, the Department
of Exercise and Sport Sciences
develops practical programs
that enhance the health of indi-
viduals. One program has
emerged as a national model
to help high school students
learn to design their own
physical fitness routines. Dr.
Charles Williams, Associate
Dean for the College, led a leg-
islative task force that resulted in
providing wellness education in
Florida schools.
Left: Through the research of Dr.James
Cauraugh, Mac Statham performs a
stroke motor recovery protocol: bilateral
Right: Dr. Randy Braith and his graduate
assistantJill Conner work with a lung
transplant recipient, Donna Douglas.
Health Education Aims To
Prevent Mental & Physical
Promoting health and pre-
venting disease represent the
primary aim for the College's
Department of Health Science
Education. One of the top com-
prehensive professional prepara-
tion programs in the nation, the
Department covers all aspects of
this dynamic field, including
school and community health
and such subjects as stress man-
agement, nutrition, HIV/AIDS,
and substance abuse. "Health
education is important because
we train people who can sit
down face-to-face with individ-
uals and help them consider
ways to become a healthier per-
son," said Dr. Virginia Noland.
"Physicians often can't spend 15
to 20 minutes educating a
patient, but a properly trained
health educator can counsel
patients about diet, nutrition,
and other health needs."
Collaborating in a research proj-
ect with colleagues from the
College of Public Health at the
University of South Florida, Dr.
Noland is working to learn more
about the diet, nutrition, and
physical exercise habits of mid-
dle school students.
Left: Dr. Virginia Noland and colleague
Dr. Kelli McCormack-Brown give a poster
presentation in San Diego on "Tobacco
Use in Middle School Students."
Right:Joe Tedesco encourages a client,
Melissa Stone, to increase her endurance.
Weight loss strategies for
African American men and
women, and cancer prevention
practices among minorities in
rural counties, are research
studies conducted by Dr.
Delores C.S. James, who special-
izes in nutrition, minority popu-
lations, and cancer education.
"African American men have
the worst prostate cancer rate in
the world," she said. "With other
types of cancer, like breast can-
cer, African Americans don't
have a higher prevalence, but
the outcome is worse."
Dr. James' research interests
also include tobacco and its use
among Florida college students
- the youngest age group tobac-
co companies legally can target.
Dr. James, Department Chair
Dr. Wei William Chen, and
other researchers around the
state currently are surveying
Florida college students about
their tobacco habits. The
research teams provide results
from their research to each of 17
participating colleges and uni-
versities, so those schools can
develop their own smoking
prevention programs and no-
smoking zones.
The technique of biofeedback
has become increasingly popular
with the American people, par-
ticularly in quitting smoking
and making other positive
lifestyle changes. Dr. Chen and
colleagues from UF's College of
Nursing received a three-year,
$600,000 grant from the
National Institutes for Health to
study subjects who prove most
successful at using biofeedback
to control high blood pressure.
Other Department research
projects include preventing
bioterrorism in the food supply,
which involved research by an
undergraduate student, and
studying sibling violence.
Dr. Robert M. Weiler, also in
the Department of Health
Science Education, was awarded
a $187,700 grant through Purdue
Pharma L.P. to conduct a content
analysis of prescription drug
information contained in health
education materials designed for
middle and high school stu-
dents, and to develop a drug
abuse teaching and resource
guide to help teachers plan and
implement lessons about drug
abuse prevention. Dr. Rebecca
Cline serves as the co-investiga-
tor for the content analysis com-
ponent of the project.
To help meet a growing
national demand for public
health professionals, the
Department offered beginning
January 2000 a new Master of
Public Health (MPH) degree
with a specialization in
Community Health Education.
Students responded favorably to
the program, prompting a 100%
increase in graduate student
enrollment in the Department.
One such returning student is
Ricketta Butler, who works as a
health information specialist for
the National Institute of
Diabetes, Digestive, Kidney, and
Urological Diseases, and as an
acquisition specialist for the
National Oral Health
Information Clearinghouse. She
plans to return to UF for the
MPH program in Fall Semester
2003 to further expand her
research skills. In her job, Rikki
puts her research skills to use
responding to public inquiries,
providing educational literature
to health consumers, and work-
ing on special projects including
preparing a public information
campaign on Hepatitis C for the
National Institutes of Health.
"Every day is different," said
Rikki. "We work on many differ-
ent tasks."
Healthy Leisure Pursuits In
Recreation, Parks, And
Individuals who engage in
physical activity during their
daily lives are better able to stay
l,- i-,r.., and the College's
Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism is ideally
suited to promote active
lifestyles. Once devoted to
preparing young professionals
for work in community recre-
ation and parks, the
Department recently developed
an emphasis in Therapeutic
Recreation. Specialists in this
area provide recreation pro-
grams in clinical settings for
people with disabilities, such as
hospitals and rehabilitation cen-
ters. To keep up with changing
trends, the Department also
added new specializations such
as travel and tourism planning,
hospitality management, and
"When you look at a state
like Florida, it's a perfect state
for the Department of
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
and its curriculum," said
Department Chair Stephen
Anderson. "Florida has a high
population of aging people and
a lot of medical facilities and
rehabilitation, which play right
into our therapeutic focus.
Likewise, if you want to talk
about tourism, travel, and
hospitality management,
Florida is perfect for those
areas. For commercial recre-
ation, such as amusement parks
and fitness centers, the state is
perfect as well. We have a
strong focus on natural
resources recreation, and again,
Florida is perfect. It has beach-
es, rivers, springs, rural areas,
and the Everglades."
The Department was the
first in the country to offer a
specialization in ecotourism, a
study area focused on the envi-
ronment, a priority in President
Young's Strategic Plan. Research
in the field has delved into such
diverse topics as the economic
impact of special events in com-
munities, fishing, preserving the
state's beaches, studying the
boat-carrying capacity on
Florida's waterways, and financ-
ing public parks and recreation.
Another Presidential empha-
sis area children and youth -
is the focus of a collaborative
research project spearheaded by
Dr. Bertha Cato, Assistant Dean
for the College and a faculty
member in the Department, in
conjunction with UF's College
of Education. This project looks
at how parks and recreation
after-school programs in two
Florida counties help impover-
ished middle school students
resist crime and drugs. A sec-
ond phase involves developing
a long-term crime prevention
project with the City of
Gainesville Parks and
Recreation Department.
With tourism ranked as
Florida's number one industry,
the Department has a realistic
laboratory for its diverse pro-
grams and hands-on research. to take
"It's a bit like having a large many
playground in our back yard," growth
said Dr. Anderson. The Center intern
for Tourism Research and Pennir
Development, unlike other partict
University hospitality pro- expand
grams, offers students a rich Europ
variety of practical experience under
in the tourism field. "The enviro
Center focuses on the industry potent
at large, and students learn how market
to plan and manage for tourism "T
rather than just learning how to from s
run a hotel or restaurant. They able,"
develop hypothetical proposals Resear
to strategically plan for the for Wa
cruise line industry and the Studio
accommodation sector, and they ter's d
survey tourists for visitor and Studie
convention bureaus," said Dr. 2000.
Lori Pennington-Gray, Associate lne ex
Director for the Center. every
Last academic year, about 30 Leahy,
cast m,
undergraduate students spent a
semester formulating strategic sands
marketing plans
for Carnival
Then the plans
were shown to
from the compa-
ny's corporate
headquarters in
Miami. "I
encouraged them
Sa global perspective, so
students focused on the
h of the cruise industry
nationally Dr.
igton-Gray said. "One
lar group wanted to
d Carnival's market in
e. They did a nice job
standing the current
nment as well as the
ial for growth in that
t place."
he practical knowledge
uch projects is invalu-
said Kim Leahy,
ch Operations Manager
It Disney World's MGM
s, who received a mas-
egree in Recreational
s from the College in
It gave me a lot of base-
perience that I use
lay in my job," said
who helps oversee 84
embers that survey thou-
of park visitors each day.
x .O
Global Connections And
Worldly Understandings
Tourism represents but one
facet of the College's focus on
internationalism. Besides hiring
international faculty who travel
the globe and encouraging
international students to enroll
in the University, the College
has established formal relation-
ships with universities in
Europe, Australia, Turkey, and
Malaysia. In an exchange pro-
gram established by the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, UF students and
faculty go to the University of
Darmstadt in Germany every
other year, while German stu-
dents travel here in alternate
years. The University of
Western Sydney in Australia
participates in a similar
exchange program for under-
graduate students studying
Travel, Tourism, and
Commercial Recreation.
Instrumental in helping to
develop a distance-learning pro-
gram with the University of
Western Sydney was alumnus
Janice Scarinci, now Chair of the
Hotel, Restaurant, and Resort
Management Program at
Northwood University. She fin-
ished a master's degree in UF's
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
Department in one rigorous
year, then worked as an intern
with the U.S. Navy in
Florida and Bermuda, preparing
recreational programs for navy
personnel. She later enrolled at
James Cook University in
Australia to complete a Ph.D.
in Recreation Administration.
Also under the College's
umbrella is the Division of
Recreational Sports, funded
entirely with student fees. It
manages one of the largest
intramural programs in the
country as well as nearly 50
sport clubs for activities that
include ice hockey, folk dance,
volleyball, and SCUBA diving.
It also operates the Lake
Wauburg recreation area and
two other student recreation
centers on campus. At the
Southwest Recreation Center, a
new health and wellness center
opened Fall 2002, with a dieti-
tian and personal trainer on
staff to work with students
Whether fulfilling the mis-
sion of the University or the
needs of citizens abroad, the
College is poised to meet the
growing demands and chal-
lenges of an increasingly health-
conscious society. The College
will continue to enhance health,
fitness, and quality of life
through teaching, research, and
Farewell Academia-
Hello "real" world: A further
glimpse of HHP Alumni, using
what they've learned to achieve
JANICE SCARINCI also works with
the Hospitality Organization of
Students (HOST) Club at
Northwood. One project the
HOST Club conducted was
completing a business and mar-
keting plan for the Sugar Shack
Bistro Restaurant. They won a
$500 scholarship for their out-
standing efforts.
In March 2003, Janice again
embarks on one of her favorite
leisure time activities travel-
ing. She will be instructing
International Tourism at the
Hotel Institute Montreux in
Switzerland, with several other
instructors. This will not be her
first international academic
experience, though. Before
entering the master's program
at UF, she was awarded the
Rotary Ambassadorial
Scholarship, a scholarship that
covers tuition for overseas
study for one to three years.
This became the impetus for her
Ph.D. work at James Cook
University in Australia.
Along with these achieve-
ments, Janice has also assisted
in developing the distance-
learning program between the
University of Western Sydney in
Australia and the University of
Florida in the field of
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism.
Janice owes her success to many
things, but she gives a lot of
credit to a cadre of UF faculty
which includes Drs. Paul
Vames, Stephen Holland, Bertha
Cato, and Linda Thornton, "just
to name a few." Janice adds,
"UF is the greatest school in the
"All my experience stemmed
from my internship," said
Scarinci, giving credit to the
opportunities offered her at UF
Janice tells undergraduate
and graduate students that they
"need to be persistent and get
involved" and that they "should
take advantage of any type of
networking opportunities." In
her free time, Janice enjoys par-
ticipating in water sports, trav-
eling, taking cruises, and teach-
ing aerobics.
JULIE GIBBARD is the Program
Director of Health Fitness
Corporation (HFC), a corporate
fitness and wellness facility she
opened in August 2002, which
currently serves 125 clients.
Julie is working hard to grow
her clientele, producing new
membership sales and drawing
back current members through
membership renewals. To keep
members coming back to the fit-
ness center, Julie and her staff
strive to take an active personal
interest in their members as
individuals, as they help them
achieve their goals to adopt
more active and healthy
lifestyles. In her efforts to
recruit new members for HFC,
Julie offers specials such as
memberships at reduced prices
and membership referral pro-
grams. She also works with
local businesses to develop
office-wide contests and incen-
tive games to gain interest and
involvement in the fitness center.
As a graduate of the
Community Health track of the
Department of Health Science
Education, Julie never anticipat-
ed how closely she would work
with the human resources
departments of businesses for
which she provides services.
Businesses are increasingly
interested in making wellness
programs available for their
employees, and Julie and HFC
come into workplaces and
organize employee rewards and
recognition, as well as special
projects for employees. One
such program is the Medical
Response Team, which she
played a key role in developing
with the American Red Cross.
She also arranges Weight
Watchers meetings, CPR train-
ing, and stress relief programs
for employees, and activities
for "Bring your Child to Work
Julie derives great satisfac-
tion in working with human
resources personnel to posi-
tively impact the lifestyles of
her clients. "Working with
individuals in the areas of stress
relief and positive health
changes keeps my position fun
and unique," she says. "Even
though I work with a variety of
different individuals, they all
have the same goal of acquiring
healthy lifestyles."
Julie is a member of the
National Strength and
Conditioning Association as
well as a Certified Personal
Trainer. She envisions herself
keeping her current position for
a couple more years but eventu-
ally going back to school to
acquire a Master of Public
Health degree. Julie emphasizes
to current students that it is
important to "get involved!"
"It is so important to take
advantage of every opportunity
while you are in school, and to
get everything you can out of
your internship." In her free
time, Julie enjoys spending time
with friends and family and
participating in a variety of
water sports such as water ski-
ing and wakeboarding.
As the Senior Manager of
Marketing for Game Operations
for the Atlanta Hawks, Sports
Management graduate GINA
SCOTT is extremely satisfied
with the enormous responsibili-
ty she has been granted so
quickly. Her responsibilities
include marketing programs,
advertisement, game-time
entertainment, and fan involve-
ment, just to name a few.
Putting herself in the position
to always do more than expect-
ed has kept her job fun and
Gina and her staff are cur-
rently getting the ball rolling on
the 2003 NBA All-Star Game
that will be held in Atlanta,
Georgia. She credits the all-star
game preparation, along with
the 40 home games throughout
the season, as excellent oppor-
tunities for networking and
training. "It's a daily thing,"
Gina says. "I get to meet people
from different places at each
game." Along with the task of
planning and executing the all-
star game, and gaining fan
involvement through communi-
ty outreach programs, Gina has
managed to win a few awards
along the way. Her video pro-
duction department was award-
ed best overall NBA video pro-
duction unit two years in a row
(2001 and 2002) at the annual
IDEA Conference.
Gina's current happiness
and satisfaction she credits to
following the advice she gives
to current Sports Management
students: "Take advantage of
every opportunity, use your
resources wisely, and do not be
afraid!" She adds, "Sometimes
you have to take the non-tradi-
tional route to reach your
goal." In her free time, Gina
enjoys traveling to such places
as the Bahamas and Canada,
spending time with her
friends, and watching her
favorite sport FOOTBALL!
Gina Scott, Manager of Marketing for Game Operations for the Atlanta Hawks.
Gina Scott, Manager of Marketing for Game Operations for the Atlanta Hawks.
-ry McGriff
by Michael Robishaw
azing around
the Honorable
Perry McGriff's
office, it is obvi-
ous even to a casual visitor that
Perry is a man of service. For
the past 40 years, this former
dual-sport Gator standout,
transcontinental cyclist, sales-
man, civic leader, and family
man has played a leading role
in the community of
Born in Arcadia, Florida,
Perry first came to Gainesville
as a university student. He
graduated from the University
of Florida in 1960 with a B.S. in
physical education. While a
student, he played varsity foot-
ball and was an all-American
baseball star. In 1963, he was
named the Outstanding
Amateur Baseball Player in
Florida, and he was inducted
into the Gator Hall of Fame
in 1969.
Perry's athletic accomplish-
ments, impressive as they are,
form only the foundation for his
service to Gainesville and to the
state of Florida. Possessing a
strong drive to give back to his
community, as a young busi-
nessman, husband, and father
he found time to dedicate him-
self to community service. His
efforts were acknowledged
when, in 1964, he was awarded
the Gainesville Jaycees
Distinguished Service Award
for his achievements.
Perry did not, at first, envi-
sion serving Gainesville
through government office, but
his friends thought differently.
It was a group of close friends
and admirers who encouraged
him to run for office his first
time up for election. He recalls,
"A friend had asked to meet me
to talk about insurance," and
willing to lend a hand as
always, he responded, "I'll be
right there." When he entered
the meeting room, Perry discov-
ered that his friend and 75 other
supporters had gathered with
the intention of persuading him
to run for a seat on the
Gainesville City Commission.
With no previous experience in
politics and no funding to run a
campaign, Perry did what any
wise man would; he thought it
over very carefully. After dis-
cussing matters with wife, Noel,
and with other friends, he and
Noel returned to their support-
ers and said, "We'll run!"
Winning a seat on the City
Commission in 1968 launched
McGriff's political career, which
eventually would include a
term as the youngest Mayor
Commissioner in Gainesville's
history (1970-71). In 1971, his
efforts were recognized when
he was named one of the five
outstanding men in Florida by
the Florida Jaycees. A few years
later, in 1974, the voters elected
Perry to serve on the Alachua
County Commission. He
served on the commission for
six years, including a one-year
term as chair.
In addition to service on city
and county commissions, Perry
has led efforts to organize local
sporting events and to promote
blood, organ, and tissue dona-
tions. In 1988, he co-founded
the Gainesville Sports
Organizing Committee and
served a two-year term as its
president. This committee has
brought over $60 million to the
community through the various
sporting events it has attracted.
Perry also serves on the
Board of Directors for the
Civitan Regional Blood Center,
and in 1999, the National
Network of Community Blood
Centers presented the Larry
Frederick Award to Perry for his
outstanding service. One of the
proudest and most meaningful
moments of Perry's life came
when, in 1997, he introduced
the idea to create the Five
Points of Life Bike Ride, a cross-
country event which promotes
awareness of the need for
blood, organ, and tissue dona-
tions. Participating in these bike
rides as both a rider and an
overall contributor has given
him tremendous satisfaction.
"I have been reminded on the
most personal level just how
precious life is and how impor-
tant it is to help others."
During the fall of 2000, Perry
won the District 22 seat in the
State House of Representatives,
which includes the University's
campus. He served on the
Education Appropriation
Committee which controls
funding. Last fall, Perry sought
reelection to the District 22 seat
against Republican Larry
Perry also credits the
University of Florida for mak-
ing great strides in the areas of
health and human performance.
"Great things have been done
through research in the areas of
health and preventive medicine
at the University of Florida!"
He goes on to add, "Dean Bird
has accomplished phenomenal
things with the College of
Health & Human Performance!"
He has witnessed greater spe-
cialization with each of the
departments as faculty and stu-
dents have expanded their
research and collaborations to
meet the demands of a global
society. Perry was a founding
member of the College
Advisory Board and was
President during 1998 through
1999. He is a strong supporter
and donor of the College.
Additionally, he has served on
UF's President's Council since
As proud as he is of his per-
sonal achievements, Perry rec-
ognizes the help he has received
from his wife, Noel, their five
children (Jana, Mark, Keith,
Kevin, and Matthew), and
seven grandchildren. Perry
enjoys spending his leisure time
with family in Suwannee River
and Crescent Beach. Ever the
athlete, he also enjoys keeping
in shape and taking care of his
health by riding his bike.
Perry's career in local poli-
tics and community services
has helped bridge the gap
between the City of Gainesville
and the University of Florida.
What's next for Perry McGriff
you ask? If it's good for
Gainesville and the University,
Perry is likely to be found in a
leadership role.
President Charles Young
will honor Perry McGriff with
the title of Distinguished
Alumnus at UF's 2003 com-
mencement ceremony.
Perry spends time with a group of young
people during Alachua County Day at
the capital.
From left to right:
- Representative Nan Rich
- Representative Ken Gottlieb
-JackYoungblood (Former UF
Football player-NFL Hall of Fame)
-Dr Marshall Criser
Representative Gayle Harrell
Representative Perry McGriff
Dr. Charles Young
HHP Students Get a Taste ofr
World: 2002 Gravity Games
by I '' Sedik, ESS Graduate Student
Top: The Pre-Event Planning Committee.
From leftto right are Katherine Lynn,
Natalie Gonzalez, Beth Cianfrone, and
Right: Professor Bennett's students break
during Pre-Event Planning.
and undergraduate stu-
dents who were
enrolled in the
College's event management class
traveled this summer to
Cleveland, Ohio to help design,
promote, and operate the 2002
Gravity Games. The three-credit
class, open to all majors, provided
students with classroom informa-
tion regarding how to manage
sporting events, but also gave the
students the opportunity to apply
that information to a practical,
real-world event. "It has been an
extremely positive experience,"
commented Dr. Gregg Bennett,
Assistant Professor of Sport
Management and organizer of the
class. Graduate student Beth
Cianfrone commented that this is
a "great opportunity for hands-on
experience for future sport man-
agers to get a taste of the real
The Gravity Games is the pre-
mier worldwide festival for
extreme action sports, combining
athletic competition with musical
events and demonstrations of the
contemporary sporting lifestyle.
Over the span of five days,
Gravity Games attracted approxi-
mately 150,000 spectators from as
far away as California and athletes
from all over the world. This
year's games exhibited the action
sports of street and vert skate-
boarding, dirt biking, wakeboard-
ing, aggressive inline, and freestyle moto cross. The lifestyle segment of
the event included demonstrations by graffiti artists from a local high
school, bee-bop artists performing a form of break dancing, and flatland
bike demonstrations.
Once the Games began, these students operated the interactive skate
park and manned the spectator relations, athlete registration, SPIN maga-
zine, and VIP/sponsor tents, as well as the credentials table. In addition,
the students collected data pertaining to the effectiveness of Gravity spon-
sors and the popularity of action sports. The data were analyzed and
returned to the event organizer, Octagon Marketing, as part of a research
project conducted by Dr. Bennett and Dr. James Zhang, Associate
Professor in the Exercise and Sport Sciences Department.
One word seems to describe many of the students' experience with this
practical exercise: "Awesome!" These students leave the class with the
kind of real-world experience they will need upon graduation but that
students often do not get. The success of the summer event management
class prompted the College to offer the class again during Fall of 2003.
on the Division of Recreatic
Lake Wauburg Outdoor
Adventure Program
The grand opening of the Lake
Wauburg Outdoor Adventure
Complex took place in January
of 2002 and premiered a 50-foot
tall Carolina Climbing Wall,
Bouldering Grotto, seven-station
Low Initiatives Course, and a 40-
foot high Alpine Climbing
Tower. This outdoor complex is
one of only four of its kind in
the nation.
More than ioo group exercise sessions
per week are run through the University's
two fitness centers, and more than 61,562
students participated in group exercise in
2001/2002 fiscal year.
Fun Trust Teamwork -
Cooperation Communication
- Respect for others: These are
just a few reasons UF groups
(student, faculty, and staff) get
their organizations involved in
the High Ropes Group Challenge
Course. The course is based on
the Outward Bound principles
of developing teamwork, com-
passion, and a service ethic and
is a great way to strengthen the
organization and productivity of
a group. Not to mention the
beautiful, wood-
ed, outdoor set-
ting of Lake
Wauburg's South
Shore. The High
Ropes Group
Course consists
of seven low ini-
tiative stations
and the 45-foot
Alpine Climbing
Tower. The low
initiatives ele-
ments teach
group coopera-
tion and prob-
lem solving
through over-
coming obstacles
to "rescue" peo-
ple or objects. Once the founda-
tion of trust and teamwork is
established, the participants
move on to climbing the Alpine
Tower. Each person is tethered
to a partner on the ground and
is encouraged to climb at
his/her own pace.
The Carolina Climbing Wall and
Bouldering Grotto are placed in
an ideal tree-covered setting and
are available for open recreation.
The Carolina Climbing Wall is 50
feet of extreme adventure featur-
ing 16 climbing stations and a
diverse topography to satisfy
advanced climbers as well as
beginners. The six-sided and
roofed Bouldering Grotto allows
advanced climbers to train and
learn new moves. Highly trained
staff teach UF Gator-1 Card hold-
ers and their guests belaying tech-
niques and serve as monitors to
ensure a safe and enjoyable expe-
rience for everyone. Belaying
equipment can be checked out
from Lake Wauburg free of
charge to students.
Southwest Recreation
Center Expansion
The expansion of the Southwest
Recreation Center (SWRC) also
enjoyed a grand-opening cele-
bration in January of 2002. The
expansion added 30,000 square
feet to the SWRC, resulting in
100,000 square feet of total
activity space. In addition to the
existing basketball, volleyball,
badminton, and racquetball
courts, the SWRC now boasts:
14,300 square feet of strength
area with more than 220 pieces of
A new multi-purpose gym-
nasium with built-in dasher
boards, goals, and score boards
suitable for indoor soccer, team
handball, and basketball.
5,600 square feet of cardio
space with 62 pieces of equip-
ment and state-of-the-art cardio
The Gator Health and
Wellness Center, offering nutri-
tional counseling, athletic
trainers, personal training, and
personal fitness profiles.
Biven's Arm Outdoor
Recreation Center
The 20-acre Biven's Arm Outdoor
Recreation Center is being devel-
oped into a passive lakeside
recreation facility for use by the
university community.
The natural beauty of this area
will be the basis of the develop-
ment fronting Biven's Arm Lake.
The development will consist of a
series of nature and jogging trails
with a lakefront boardwalk that
incorporates an observation and
fishing dock. Other planned
facilities include public rest-
rooms, picnic tables and site mas-
ter planning for a future multi-
purpose pavilion.
Eastside Fitness Center
Proposed to University
In November of 2002, the
Division's director, senior associ-
ate director, both associate direc-
tors, and student leadership sub-
mitted a presentation to the
University's Capital
Improvement Trust Fund (CITF)
Committee proposing the con-
struction of a third fitness center
on the east side of campus. The
eastside location was chosen for
the proposal based on student
feedback provided in student
opinion polls. The proposed
Eastside Fitness Center would
serve the high density of students
living in residence halls, sorority
houses and family housing locat-
ed on the east side of campus.
The fitness center would be con-
structed on Norman Field on the
corer of 13th Street and SE 8th
Avenue, and would provide
more than 15,000 square feet of
strength and conditioning space,
an indoor climbing wall, several
multi-use activity rooms for
sport clubs and group exercise,
as well as an 1/8 mile indoor
track and a juice bar. The
Eastside Fitness Center would be
designed to expand in phases,
much as the Southwest
Recreation Center has done, to
assist in meeting future student
demand for recreational facili-
ties. The University's CITF
Committee should release its
decisions on funding sometime
in spring of 2003.
Recreational Sports
The Division of Recreational
Sports was recently restructured
to serve students more efficient-
ly. The many program areas
(Fitness/Wellness, Intramural
Sports, Fitness Centers, Outdoor
Facilities, Lake Wauburg, and
Sport Clubs) formerly overseen
by three associate directors were
combined under two associate
directors: The Associate Director
for Facilities, David Stopka,
manages outdoor recreation
areas, fitness centers, and Lake
Wauburg, and the Associate
Director for Programs, Dr.
Douglas DeMichele, manages
Fitness/Wellness, Intramural
Sports, and Sport Clubs. A
Senior Associate Director posi-
tion, staffed by David Bowles,
was also created and now over-
sees accounting, marketing, and
Top: The low initiatives stations of the Lake Wauburg High
Ropes Group Challenge develop communication and team work.
Here, participants work together to "rescue" ateam member.
Bottom: The SWRC expansion resulted in a new 14,300 square
foot strength room with more than 220 pieces of equipment.
ESS Department Chair Changes
Retiring Chair, Robert N. Singer
FTER 15 YEARS Dr. Robert N. Singer
stepped down in August as Chair of
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Dr. Singer received his M.S.
from Pennsylvania State University and his
Ph.D. from Ohio State University, both in
Physical Education and Psychology. He was
on the faculty at several universities, which
included Florida State University for 17 years.
Dr. Singer has taught graduate classes and
advised many doctoral students in topics
related to motor learning and sport psycholo-
gy. His research in general deals with cogni-
tive processes and learner/performance
strategies involved in skill acquisition and
high levels of skill. He has published over
100 research articles, over 200 scientific and
professional articles, and 22 chapters in
books. His last book publication, for which
he is the lead co-editor, is the Handbook of
Sport Psychology (2001, Wiley). It was his
seventeenth book.
Of his many activities in applied sport psy-
chology, Dr. Singer has served as Head of the
Sport Psychology Division of the first Sports
Medicine Committee of the United States
Olympic Committee. Furthermore, he con-
tinues to consult with a number of athletes
representing different sports. He has been
elected President of the Division of Exercise
and Sport Psychology of the American
Psychological Association as well as
President of the American Academy of
Kinesiology and Physical Education. A Past-
President of the International Society of
Sport Psychology, a post which he held for
eight years, he was and still is actively
involved in international developments and
the advancement of sport psychology.
Dr. Singer has made over 350 presenta-
tions in over 40 countries over a number of
years. Among many treasured recognition
he has received is the Distinguished
Contributions to the Science of Exercise of
Sport Psychology of the American
Psychological Association, and the
Distinguished International Sport Psychology
award in 1997, the third of its kind, by the
International Society of Sport Psychology.
The College and Department are pleased
that Dr. Singer is continuing to conduct
research until his retirement in August of 2003.
Dr. Singer states that his personal hobbies
include participating and competing in a num-
ber of sports, while remaining healthy enough
to pursue such interests. He says (with his
usual fun sense of humor) that combating
increasing age is quite a challenge!
New Chair, Scott K. Powers
Robert Singer is Scott K. Powers, who is
a professor and Director of the Center
for Exercise Science. Dr. Powers enjoys teach-
ing and has earned three University of Florida
teaching awards.
Dr. Powers' research has focused on exer-
cise-mediated changes in cardiac and skele-
tal muscle antioxidant systems and the role
that these changes play in providing protec-
tion against oxidant injury. Further, Dr.
Powers is actively investigating the mecha-
nisms responsible for respiratory muscle
weakness in patients subjected to prolonged
periods of mechanical ventilation. Dr.
Powers' laboratory work is currently funded
by grants totaling more than 1.6 million dollars
from the National Institutes of Health and the
Florida Biomedical Research Program. This
research has resulted in over 130 peer-
reviewed scientific papers, and he has co-
authored four college textbooks for use in
exercise physiology and fitness courses.
Dr. Powers serves on the Gatorade Sports
Science Institute (GSSI) Sports Medicine
Review Board and is a member of the editori-
al board for the Journal of Applied
Physiology, Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise, International Journal of Sports
Medicine, and the International Journal of
Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
Dr. Powers received his bachelor's degree
in physical education from Carson Newman
College, his master's degree in exercise physi-
ology from the University of Georgia, and a
doctorate (Ed.D.) in exercise physiology from
the University of Tennessee. Further, Dr.
Powers earned a second doctoral degree
(Ph.D.) in physiology from Louisiana State
i' ~-Ti~
College of Health &.Human Performance
Sesquicentennial Ph.D. Fellowships Initiative
-To Celebrate UF's 15oth Anniversary
,- v"..- "
-.',5; -- ... A:
1, 2003
trl- Lbginning
of a year-long
e1eelebration of
.the University of
Florida's 150th
Anniversary. As part
of this historic event, your
College of Health & Human
Performance plans to raise $600,000
that will be placed in an endowment
account to fund Ph.D. Fellowships.
Our College's Ph.D. program is one of the very
best in the nation. Its purpose is to produce out-
standing teachers, scholars, and clinicians who
are focused on improving our health, fitness,
and quality of life. Since the degree was
approved in 1990, we have graduated 68 Ph.D.
students. All of these individuals have academic
positions in major universities, with the excep-
tion of one who is a Captain in the U.S. Navy.
Few Ph.D. programs, in any field, can match
this great record. These placements speak vol-
umes for the quality of our programs and our
ability in attracting the best and brightest doc-
toral students.
The continuing success of this program depends
largely on how well we fare in the intense nation-
al competition to recruit and fund the finest Ph.D.
prospects. This recruiting relies heavily on your
generosity and that of other graduates and
friends of the College. As your way of advancing
our College and celebrating the University of
Florida's 150th Anniversary, please consider a
gift to our Sesquicentennial Ph.D. Fellowship
fund. Remember, the academic reputation of
your College is determined largely by the num-
ber of our highly placed Ph.D. graduates.
Donations of any amount are very welcome and
will move us toward our goal. Please indicate
that your gift is for the College of Health &
Human Performance Sesquicentennial Ph.D.
Fund. Under provisions of Florida's Major Gifts
Trust Fund, endowment. of $100,000 or more
qualify for state matching funds.
You can make donations:
On line at:
Or send a check to:
College of Health & Human Performance
Strategic Initiative
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-8200
For more information about UF's 150th
Anniversary go to: www.ufl.edu/150
To learn more about our Sesquicentennial
Ph.D. Fellowship Initiative write, call, or
e-mail Dean Bird at:
College of Health & Human Performance
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-8200
Voice: (352) 392-0578 -- extension 1225
E-mail: pbird@hhp.ufl.edu
Honoring the past, shaping the future
j Alumni Named b Dr. Rth Alexande
DOUGLAS HILL, a 1973 gradu-
ate of the College, was a high
jumper on the track and field
team while he was a student
here at the University of
Florida. He coached here for a
year after his graduation, and
then went to Mississippi State
to coach and to pursue a mas-
ter's degree. After earning his
degree, he returned to
Gainesville to teach physical
education at Martha Manson
School, then joined the
Governor's Council of Physical
Fitness and Sports as special
events coordinator. Later,
Coach Hill served as director of
track and field for Special
Olympics International, and he
worked with both the Los
Angeles and Atlanta Olympic
Games Committees. He cur-
rently works as a sports con-
sultant for MONDO, USA. He
has received several awards
and published four handbooks
and manuals.
DUG JONES, a graduate of our
College in 1982, also earned a
Masters of Education and a
Juris Doctorate from the
University of Florida. Here at
the University, Mr. Jones
served as assistant director of
the physical plant, assistant
director of housing, and resi-
dence director. He currently
serves as director of student life
at Santa Fe Community College,
where he is responsible for stu-
dent government, the student
health care center, and the col-
lege's athletic programs. Mr.
Jones has participated in the
Dallas Wheelchair Mavericks as
head coach. He is active in
community work, has pub-
lished several articles, and has
two children.
graduate of our College, cur-
rently serves as president of
Dixie Lime and Materials
Corporation, Florida Limestone
Industries, and Loch Harbor
Utilities, Inc. He is a former
coach in baseball and football at
The Citadel in South Carolina.
Mr. Montsdeoca received the
University of Florida
Distinguished Alumnus award
in 1985 and has served on the
Committee of Intercollegiate
Athletics and the College
Advisory Board. He was
named to the University of
Florida Athletics Hall of Fame
in 1984. He was chosen as the
Outstanding Senior Athlete in
BESS graduate of 1990 and a
MESS graduate of 1994. While
a student at the University, Ms.
Rosensteel was an outstanding
track and field athlete, winning
SEC and NCAA honors, and
she was an NCAA six-time All
American. She served as
Captain of the Track and Field
team her senior year. Since
then, she has pursued the sport
of judo and has been selected to
three Olympic teams, 1992,
1996, and 2000. She won many
judo titles en route to her mem-
bership on those teams.
Currently, she teaches at St.
Vincent's College in Greenburg,
Pennsylvania, specializing in
drug and alcohol counseling.
Dean's social held at the home of Fred and Blue Montsdeoca.
L-R: Dr. Stephen Anderson, Fred Montsdeoca, and Carol Roberts
MHE '84, served as the City of
Gainesville Occupational Health
Nurse and Manager of Health
Services from 1985 to 1996 where
she did a great deal of counseling
and teaching health education to
small groups and individuals. Carol
currently works for Hospice where
she has been able to practice hands-
on nursing for about five years.
MARK D. FAY, BSPE '85, received
his Master of Physical Therapy
degree from LSU and is currently
the head physical therapist in a hos-
pital-based outpatient P.T. clinic. He
married JULIE WOODWARD, who
received her B.S. in Chemical
Engineering from UF in '92, and
they currently live in Baton Rouge,
LA. Mark attends as many UF
games as possible in all sports.
received the "2002 Clinical Athletic
Trainer of the Year Award" from
the Athletic Trainers' Association of
DAVID KAISER, MPE '86 & EdD '94,
is currently an Associate Professor
and Athletic Training Program
Director at Brigham Young
University. He was also part of the
medical staff for ice hockey at 2002
'87, serves as CEO of The Village in
Miami, FL, a not-for-profit sub-
stance abuse and behavioral care
agency that provides prevention
and treatment services to more
than 5,000 children, adults, and
families. The Village has more than
300 employees in Miami and the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
Regional Project Manager for
Kaiser Permanente, the largest
non-profit HMO in the country.
Mark specializes in high tech solu-
tions for community health infor-
mation, and he's involved with
quality assurance processes.
Academic Coordinator of Clinical
Education for a Physical Therapist
Assistant Program at Volunteer
State Community College.
Coordinator of Student Services for
Santa Fe Community College's
Blount Downtown Center. She has
a variety of responsibilities includ-
ing recruiting, advising, and stu-
dent activities. She acts as a liaison
with the Main Campus Student
Services Department.
MSHSE '91, and her family are cur-
rently living in San Antonio, TX
while her husband completes a
two-year residency. Kimberly home
schools her two daughters, aged
four and six, and she enjoys spend-
ing her free time coaching soccer
and T-ball teams. Kim is expecting
a baby boy in February.
'91, is working for the Department
of Veteran's Affairs as a VISN 8
Network Patient Coordinator. She
recently made presentations in
Washington on the "Cost
Effectiveness of a Patient Safety
Program Designed to Reduce
Patient Falls and Injuries" and at
CDC's National Meeting on Patient
Safety on "Root Cause Analysis."
Health Behavior, recently retired
from the United States Navy after
28 years of service in the areas of
naval aviation and health promo-
tion. Tom currently works with the
Navy as a civilian Instructional
Systems Specialist.
MSHSE '93, works from her home
as a medical transcriber, allowing
her time to spend with her two
children ages five and seven. She is
active as a school volunteer, PTA
member, and Cub Scout Den
Leader. Marie hopes to begin
working soon at a local community
'93, is currently home schooling
her 11-year old son while work-
ing alongside her husband, Jim,
who is a campus minister.
Together they work for the
Navigators, a nondenominational
Christian organization that helps
UF students become spiritually
healthy. Debbie also teaches an
exercise class at the Student
Recreation and Fitness center.
She has written two plays that
have been published, the first of
which has an anti-drug theme.
DAVID J. Fox, MHSE '93, is Human
Resources Manager for Glein
Publications in Gainesville. He and
his wife recently had a daughter,
Emily Ann Fox. Dave says he's
still a Gator!
works as a part-time dental
hygienist, and she cares for her two
children, daughter Hannah who is
almost four and son Noah, almost
two. Her husband, Greg, is in
charge of developing strength
New s ,.,, L,, ..,,,,,,..
equipment for Life Fitness. Lisa
and her family enjoy camping and
riding a tandem bike (equipped
with a trailer) during the summer
'93, is currently a Regional Health
Educator for Youth Empowerment
in Tobacco Prevention and Control.
The program covers 26 counties in
the mountains of Western North
'93, returned to school for training
in Dietetics. Lori currently works
in the Clinical Research Center at
Shands Hospital as a Dietetic
'94, works at the Veteran's Hospital
in Gainesville in the Outpatient
Infectious Diseases Clinic and as a
member of the Substance Abuse
Treatment Team where she runs a
unique hands-on nutrition educa-
tion program for veterans in recov-
ery. Renee also works at the
Alachua County Health
Department and Shands' HIV clin-
ics where she serves HIV-positive
people as a registered dietitian.
'95, is currently a vocational
grant coordinator at Cloud
County (KS) Community College.
Elisha resides in Concordia, KS
with her husband, Steve, and
their two cats.
ried last year and now lives in
Sacramento, CA. She was recently
enlisted by Sutter Health Systems
to teach Sexuality Education in
high schools through a grant fund-
ed by the state. Laura recently
began a doctoral program at the
Institute for the Advanced Study in
Human Sexuality in San Francisco.
attended the Prosthetic and
Orthotic Certificate Programs at
Northwestern University. Currently,
he is a practicing C.P.O. (certified
prosthetist orthotist) at Gulf Coast
O and P in Pensacola, Florida.
MARC ROGERS, MHSE '95, is cur-
rently an Orthopedic Surgery
Resident in New York. He was
married in October 2000.
APICELLA, MHSE '96, is currently a
resident physician at Wellington
Regional Medical Center in West
Palm Beach, FL.
JULIA C. FLOHR, MHSE '96, is cur-
rently working for a race direc-
tor/event management company
in the areas of media relations and
PR. She would like to return to
academia in the area of student
development. Julia enjoys compet-
ing in Ironman triathlons (2.4 mile
swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run).
She has completed five thus far.
She recently wed Jim Larkin.
married in 1999. Her husband
became an officer in the United
States Marine Corps in 2001.
They've moved often since his
commissioning, but they will be
moving to a permanent three-year
assignment in Yuma, AZ.
Behavior, '97, serves as Department
Head and Program Director for the
newly implemented Physician
Assistant Program at Southwest
Missouri State University. The pro-
gram received excellent ratings on
its initial accreditation site visits
and graduated its first class in
December 2001.
a doctoral student in Public Health
at the University of Alabama,
Birmingham. She is a graduate
research assistant in the Center for
Educational Accountability, and
she holds a teaching assistant posi-
tion in the School of Public
Health's integrated core curricu-
lum. Blanche also holds adjunct
positions at UAB where she teaches
Human Sexuality and at Faulkner
University where she teaches First
Aid and Lifetime Fitness.
Director of Student Services at the
Tampa Technical Institute in
Jacksonville, FL, a branch campus
of Education America.
'98, is a full-time Registered Nurse
at Raleigh Community Hospital in
North Carolina.
currently a medical student at
Texas College of Osteopathic
Medicine, where he was elected
class president. Terry also serves as
Platoon Leader in the Texas Army
National Guard. His first child
was born in December 2000.
'98, is office manager for a gynecol-
ogical surgeon in Atlanta, GA,
where she compiles patient educa-
tion materials and designs presen-
tations for teaching lectures at
national meetings. Susan organizes
and runs three-six workshops a
year for physicians interested in
learning surgical techniques and
methods used by her physician
employer. She also assists in
researching and writing papers,
and she recently submitted two
abstracts for a national meeting.
'98, currently serves as Special
Studies Department Coordinator
for the Great Smoky Mountains
Diagnostic Laboratory, where she
coordinates details for research
involved in establishing reference
ranges for laboratory tests. She
lives in Fairview, NC with her hus-
band, Ryan, and their son, Ryley
Gray, who recently turned two.
Kelly says life is good.
Assistant Executive Director of the
American Association for Health
Education. Audrey was named
Health Educator of the Year in 2000.
teaches Biology and
Anatomy/Physiology at Columbia
High School in Lake City. She is
currently seeking National Board
Certification in science teaching.
Janet also coaches soccer and golf.
'98, works with MetLife in Tampa
as a Disability Claims Examiner.
Linda is attending the University of
South Florida working toward a
Master in Business Administration
degree with a focus on internation-
al business, finance, marketing, and
quality management.
MHSE '98, completed a three-year
CDC fellowship in the Public
Health Prevention Service.
Currently, she serves as the TB
Program Manager at the
Hillsborough County Health
Department in Tampa, Florida.
'99, was married in 1999 and
recently built a new home with her
husband in Tampa. Heather recent-
ly completed her third year as a
teacher at Bay Point Middle School
in St. Petersburg.
PhD, Health Behavior, '99, currently
serves as an Epidemic Intelligence
Service (EIS) Officer with the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The EIS Fellowship
which Lisa holds ranks among the
most desirable and most competi-
tive fellowship programs offered
by the CDC.
BSESS '99, is a first year graduate
student in a Speech Language
Pathology Program at Georgia
State University.
'99, is a Senior Health Educator at
the Marion County Health
Department in Ocala. She married
George Ricker in October 2000.
works for CDC in the Division of
Viral Hepatitis where she spends
most of her time as Division
Webmistress. Though she currently
lives in Atlanta, Holly sees herself
eventually returning to Florida.
AMY AUMILLER, MHSE '00, lives in
a home on Spruce Creek. She
teaches Health Education at
Campbell Middle School in
Volusia County.
works as a dietitian at Shands
Rehabilitation Hospital. She also
teaches a k 1, nutrition class for
the drug and alcohol detox group.
MHSE '97; PhD, Health Behavior,
'00, currently works with grant-
funded projects, such as biofeed-
back, at UF's College of Nursing.
Kris is married to Florencio
is employed at St. Joseph's
Hospital in Tampa where she
works as a Health Educator in the
weight management program.
PhD student, Research Assistant,
and Teaching Assistant at the
University of Maryland in the
Department of Public
Community Health.
health educator developing the
Natural Tobacco Prevention
Network, "Serving Priority
Populations," in California. The
CDC-funded grant promotes collab-
oration among agencies nationwide
for tobacco prevention targeting low
socio-economic populations.
MHSE '00, was married in May
2001. She graduated from the
University of Florida's Physician
Assistant program in June 2002.
PAT SERGEANT, MHSE '00, is a Lt.
Colonel and Flight Commander of
Health Promotion at Seymour
Johnson Air Force Base in North
Carolina, where she is responsible
for Health Promotion Programs for
the Seymour Johnson community.
The Health and Wellness Center
recently had its Joint Commission
Accreditation and Health Services
Inspection, and the Center received
top ratings in every category and a
potential best practice for the
Squadron Health and Prevention
(SHAPE) Program.
Health Behavior, '00, currently
holds the position of Adjunct
Assistant Professor in UF's
Department of Health Services
Administration where she teaches
graduate courses and continues her
research interest in nutrition litera-
cy for future physicians in training.
She also operates a private prac-
tice in nutrition therapy specializ-
ing in chronic disease prevention
and child and maternal nutrition.
Jessica and her husband, Ben, are
the proud parents of a baby
daughter named Daniella Dina
Schulman Karney.
is Training and Evaluation
Coordinator at Suwannee River
Area Health Education Center.
'01, is currently Assistant Director
of Fitness and Weight Room
Programs at Florida Tech. In
addition to teaching Group
Fitness, Jennifer is a personal
trainer and has begun presenting
national fitness certifications. She
recently married her college
sweetheart, Jeff.
Behavior, '01, currently serves as
Assistant Professor of Health
Education at Coastal Carolina
University where she teaches
courses in foundations, epidemiol-
ogy, and human sexuality. She also
works with area youth in teen
pregnancy and mentorship pro-
grams. She and husband, Matt,
recently welcomed their first child,
Emily Grace, into their family.
Behavior, '01, currently holds a
faculty position as Assistant
Professor of Health Education in
the Department of Health,
Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies
at Purdue University. She teaches
in the professional preparation
program preparing future ele-
mentary and secondary teachers,
and she continues writing and
researching in that professional
interest area. Denise and her
husband, Matthew, have a
son, Clark Bailey, and a second
child on the way.
MPH '01, currently holds a
Presidential Fellowship position in
the Division of Adolescent and
School Health at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention,
where she works with a variety of
national projects related to child
and adolescent health. As a
Presidential Fellow, Shannon
received employment offers from a
number of Federal agencies, but
she chose DASH at the CDC
because of her deep interest in pro-
moting the health of children and
Medical/Patient Health Education
Librarian at the Gainesville Division
of the North Florida-South Georgia
Veteran's Health System.
In Pursuit
ufiyi.'n .',.A
Faculty Facts by Jean
Dr. Barbara Rienzo
(HSE) attended the
annual conference of
the Society for the
Arts in Healthcare.
Her attendance was
sponsored by the UF
Center for Spirituality
and Health, a newly
developed organiza-
tion on campus com-
prised of science edu-
cation, neuroscience,
and others who are
interested in the inter
section of spirituality
and health. The
Center sponsors edu-
cation (courses at the
undergraduate and
graduate levels),
speakers, workshops,
research, and other academic
endeavors. Dr. Allen Neims is the
Center Director.
Dr. Rienzo and Dr.James Button
(Political Science) traveled to
Chicago to present their paper,
"The Impact of Affirmative Action:
Black Employment in Southern
Cities," for the Midwest Political
Science Association Annual
Meeting. This presentation is the
first paper based on a large study
of race and poverty, and how to
provide greater equality for African
American men and women. The
study examines race, poverty, and
health, since employment affects
socioeconomic status (SES), and SES
significantly influences health status.
Dr.John R. Todorovich (ESS) was
invited to present his research
(Motivation in Achievement
Settings) at the National Taiwan
Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
He presented and taught other
topics related to pedagogy and
adapted physical education. In
addition, he met with the Taiwan
Minister of Education and other
dignitaries to discuss potential col-
laborative efforts between U.S. and
Chinese/Taiwan schools.
Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray (RPT)
traveled to Korea to take part in a
conference that addressed strength-
ening the relationship between the
Kyonggi Province and the State of
Florida. Ajou University hosted
the conference and invited repre-
sentatives from UF to discuss
issues related to economic develop-
ment. Dr. Pennington-Gray's con-
tribution was a talk entitled
"Tourism policies and practices: a
proposed model to facilitate
tourism between Kyonggi Province
and the State of Florida."
Drs. William Chen (Chair) and
DeloresJames (HSE) traveled to
Taipei, Taiwan to participate in the
44th ICHPER.SD World Congress.
Dr. Chen chaired the health educa-
tion symposium "Global
Perspectives on Tobacco and
Health: Cross-Cultural Research
and Prevention Issues," and pre-
sented a paper entitled
"Comparison of Health Survey
Methods on College Students."
Dr. James presented "Mobilizing
Ethnic Minority Communities in
the Fight Against Tobacco," and
"Gender Differences in Weight
Loss Strategies Among African
Drs. Chris Stopka (ESS) andJohn
Todorovich, with the help of some
ESS students, held another success-
ful Adapted Physical Education
teacher workshop series where par-
ticipants earned credits in medical
aspects, as well as motor and men-
tal disabilities, coaching, and
adapted aquatics. This event has
been held on a yearly basis since
1988 and offers teachers the oppor-
tunity to earn credits toward
their state endorsement in adapted
physical education.
Dr. Glenn Hanley (Director) and
Patrick Cole (REC) presented "The
Implementation of a Ropes Course
on Your Campus" at the National
Intramural and Recreational Sports
Association national conference
held in San Antonio, TX. (And if
you haven't had a chance to see the
ropes course or the climbing wall
at Lake Wauburg, make it a point
to do so. You will be very
Dr. Milledge Murphey (ESS) served
as a Director of the Boy Scout
National Camping School held at
Camp Shands near Melrose and
served as President of the
Gainesville Shrine Club for 2002.
Dr.Jiunn-Jye Sheu (HSE) has been
named as director of the instruc-
tional technology lab (250 FLG).
The HSE department plans to
improve the usage of this lab by
obtaining more equipment and
upgrading software .
We did it!!! Dr. Bertha Cato
(Assistant Dean) announced that
our partnering with the College of
Journalism (WUFT-TV) to host the
National Teletubbie Exercise Day
was a huge success! We send spe-
cial thanks to Gary Nave, Chris
Stopka, and Gloria Sanders for
enticing their students to get
involved; special kudos to Judy
Traveis, Karen Ehlers, and
Stephanie Revelli for their leader-
ship efforts in making the event a
success. Judy and Karen provided
excellent direct leadership. Karen
was an energetic exercise leader
and motivator, and Judy was just
great working all stations from reg-
istration to arts and crafts. The
event was well attended, with over
200+ preschoolers and 100
adults/day care providers. Over
35 HHP students were involved in
the event. Thanks to all!
Dr. Randy Braith (Director, Clinical
Exercise Physiology Lab) recently
received a research grant in the
amount of $120,000 (through June,
2004) from the American Heart
Association. The title of the project
is "Endothelial Dysfunction and
Arterial Stiffness in Heart Transplant
Recipients." This is the lab's 4th con-
secutive grant from AHA to study
post-transplant complications in
heart transplant recipients.
Drs.John Chow and James
Cauraugh (ESS) received a research
grant in the amount of $316,875
from the National Science
Foundation for "Collaborative
Research: Network-based
Laboratory Modules for the Study
of Movement Biomechanics, and
Coordination and Control."
Dr. David S. Criswell of the Center
for Exercise Science was awarded a
research grant of $70,000 (for a two
year period) from the American
Lung Association. It is entitled
"Aging, Oxidant Stress, and
Mechanical Ventilation-Induced
Diaphragmatic Contractile
Dr. ChrisJanelle (ESS) received
three grants recently: "Body Image
Disturbance: Emotional Reactivity,"
($71,700) by the National Institute
of Mental Health; UFRGP
Opportunity Fund ($20,000) for
"Behavioral Squeal of Emotional
Reactivity: Gaze Behavior as an
Index of Approach and
Avoidance;" and the Association
for the Advancement of Applied
Sport Psychology (AAASP)
research grant ($2,500) titled
"Exercise Dependence and
Deprivation: A Psycho-physiologi-
cal Investigation of Emotional
Reactivity to Exercise Related
Dr. Heather Hausenblas (ESS)
received an Opportunity Fund
grant ($20,000) to conduct an inter-
vention study that will examine
exercise and diet beliefs and behav-
iors in overweight women.
M.B. Chafin, former Director of
REC and former Men's Head
Tennis Coach; Roland Thornqvist,
new Women's Head Tennis Coach;
and AndyJackson, new Men's
Head Coach, conducted the annual
Gator Tennis Camp. The Camp
serves youngsters 8 -16 years. A
portion of the profits from this
Camp benefits the Instructional
Development Awards in HHP.
Dr. Robert Beland (RPT) has been
quite busy this year. He made
three presentations at the Southeast
TR Symposium in Gatlinburg, TN:
"Physiology of Aging and its
Implications for TR Practice (Parts
1 & II)," and "Activity
Programming for Persons with
Alzheimer's." He also was a
keynote speaker for the Florida
Health Care Association Regional
meeting, "The Necessity of
Recreation Therapy in Long-Term
The students of Dr. Gregg
Bennett's (ESS) summer event
management class helped manage,
in conjunction with WUFT, the 2nd
Annual National Kids Day at the
Boys and Girls Club last summer.
Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray (RPT)
participated in the Gulf of Mexico
States Accord Strategic
Management Planning Session in
Orlando. Her contribution includ-
ed tourism as an economic devel-
opment tool between Florida and
the Gulf of Mexico states. Dr.
Pennington-Gray also presented
three papers to the Travel and
Tourism Research Association
Conference and another paper at
the International Hospitality and
Tourism Conference in Malaysia.
Dr. Bertha Cato (RPT/Assistant
Dean) joined Dr. Christopher
Edginton, Associate Dean of the
School of Health, Physical
Education, and Leisure Services at
the University of Northern Iowa, as
co-coordinator of the research sym-
posium for the Leisure and
Recreation Commission delivered
during the 44th International
Council of Health, Physical
Education, Sport and Dance 44th
World Congress held in Taipei,
Taiwan. The theme for the sympo-
sium was Leisure and Wellness:
Enhancing the Human Spirit. Dr.
Cato also delivered a presentation
on "Wellness, Leisure, and
Dr. Brijesh Thapa (RPT) presented
papers at the 9th International
Symposium on Society and
Resource Management,
Bloomington, IN, and the 7th World
Leisure Congress, Kuala Lumpur,
Dr. Christiaan Leeuwenburgh (ESS)
was an invited lecturer at the 4th
International Congress of
S-ri-... pi .... i. Budapest,
Hungary; the University of
Catania, Department of
Pharmacology, Sicily, Italy; and at a
Mini-Symposium at the American
College of Sports Medicine, in
Indianapolis, IN.
This past summer, three faculty
members and 11 graduate students
from ESS participated in an aca-
demic exchange program with the
University of Darmstadt in
Darmstadt, Germany. All students
and faculty members presented
research and other topics related to
their specializations to students
and faculty members at the
University. The faculty members
who participated were Dr. Dave
Fleming, Dr. Dan Connaughton,
and Dr. MarkTillman. Student
participants were Courtney
Brandenburg, Nini DeBraganza,
Matt DiFebo, Patrick Douma,
Justin Flaitz, Caroline Rudnicki,
Abbie Schwab, Amber Stegelin,
Susan Walker, Susan Wallace, and
Sheri Waters. The Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences looks
forward to the Fall, 2003 semester,
when they will host students and
faculty from the University of
Darmstadt here in Gainesville.
Dr. Robert Burns, Assistant
Professor in the Department of
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism,
was invited to make a presentation
on the federal recreation fee
demonstration project to U.S.
Senate and House staffers on
September 4, 2002, at Capitol Hill
in Washington, D.C. This project
allowed federal land and water
agencies to collect fees from visi-
tors to outdoor recreationists at
recreation sites managed by the
National Park Service, the USDA
Forest Service, the Bureau of Land
Management, and the US Fish and
Wildlife Service. Dr. Burns' presen-
tation informed congressional
staffers about Oregon/Washington
residents' perceptions about recre-
ation fee programs and the poten-
tial impact of recreation fees on
low-income and minority
ESPITE the diffi-
culties in the stock
market and the
shortfall in private
gifts, the College
offered 50 HHP students a fellow-
ship, award, or scholarship. These
fellowships, awards, and scholar-
ships provide students with finan-
cial resources that enable them to
complete research projects, class
assignments, enhance practical
skills, or make significant contribu-
tions in their communities. Students
were recognized at this year's con-
vocation, held in conjunction with
the February College Advisory
Council meeting. The convocation is
one of the ways we are able to
honor the donors whose contribu-
tions make these awards possible.
Our donors continue to leave trails
as they create pathways for our
This year, we added one new fellow-
ship the David and Linda
McCaughey Fellowship and one
new scholarship the Frederick E.
Rozelle Scholarship to our list.
Our funding continues to stay
around $60,ooo.oo. This has been
accomplished through the generosi-
ty of our alumni and friends and the
diligent efforts of Dean Patrick
Bird, with guidance from former
College Development Officers.
Members of the College Council
served as hosts for the event, and
Bertha Cato, HHP Student Affairs
Dean, along with other faculty and
staff announced the recipients as
Dean Bird presented the awards.
Other members of the Scholarship
Committee were Drs. Doug
DeMichele, Milledge Murphey,
Barbara Rienzo, and Lori
TheJane Adams Ph.D. Fellowship
is awarded to an incoming Ph.D.
student in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Candidates are nominated by a
departmental faculty member.
Darin Falk, an exercise physiology
Ph.D. student, received the Jane
Adams Ph.D. Fellowship. Dr.
Scott Powers is his committee chair.
The Charles W. LaPradd Ph.D.
Fellowship is a one-year award for
incoming Ph.D. students into the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences. Candidates are nominat-
ed by a departmental faculty
Vanessa Castellano is the recipient
of the Charles W. LaPradd Ph.D.
Fellowship. Vanessa specializes in
exercise physiology under the
direction of Dr. Lesley White.
The Norma M. Leavitt Ph.D.
Fellowship is given to an incoming
Ph.D. student in the Department
of Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Candidates are nominated by a
departmental faculty member.
Steven Coombes, who specializes
in motor learning/control under
the direction of Dr. Christopher
Janelle, received the Norma M.
Leavitt Ph.D. Fellowship.
The David & Linda McCaughey
Graduate Fellowship is donated by
their daughter, Molly, and her
husband Jeremy Foley It is
awarded to a graduate student in
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences.
Eric Model is a doctoral student
specializing in sport psychology
in the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Eric currently
serves as an activities instructor
for disc sports and conditioning
in the College. To date, he main-
tains a 4.0 GPA in the program.
The PatrickJ. Bird Dissertation
Research Award is presented to a
Ph.D. candidate to assist in
expenses associated with an
approved research project.
Jane Emmeree is a doctoral stu-
dent in the Department of Health
Science Education specializing in
health behavior, health communi-
cation, and research with a cur-
rent GPA of 3.82. She is currently
working on her dissertation
research, "Social Factors of
Cigarette Smoking Initiation
among College Freshman," and
plans to begin data collection at
the University of Florida and four
other universities in January.
The Robert Allen/Owen
Holyoak/Paul Varnes Scholarships
were established in 1998 by three
former faculty members.
Scholarships are presented to
graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents with a demonstrated com-
mitment to be of service to others
either through military or com-
munity service.
Graduate Recipients:
Jessica Hall is a first-semester
graduate student in the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences. Jessica maintained a
3.23 GPA while pursuing her
undergraduate degree at UF
Teresa A. Lyles is a doctoral stu-
dent in the Health Behavior
Program in the Department of
Health Science Education. Her
current GPA is 3.51.
Chu Hyon Soh is a graduate stu-
dent in the Athletic
Training/Sports Medicine
Program. He has maintained a 4.0
GPA throughout the program.
Dean Emeritus C.A. Boyd
Scholarships are designated for
any major in the college with spe-
cial consideration at the under-
graduate level for students who
play and enjoy golf.
Undergraduate Recipients:
Jaclyn Mallory is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in sport management. Jaclyn
serves as an executive board
member of the Student Sport
Management Association. She
maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Kyle Schuemann is an Exercise
and Sport Sciences major spe-
cializing in sport management.
Kyle would like to acquire a chal-
lenging and satisfying job in a
university athletic department.
He currently has a 4.0 GPA.
Graduate Recipients:
Derek Mann is an exercise and
sport psychology doctoral stu-
dent in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences. He
maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Sharon Phaneuf is an exercise
physiology doctoral student in
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Sharon was
awarded the American Heart
Association Predoctoral
Fellowship for the 2002-2004
period. She maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Sheri Walters is a second-year
graduate student in the Athletic
Training/Sports Medicine
Program. She belongs to the
National Athletic Trainers'
Association and the Athletic
Trainers' Association of Florida.
She has a 4.0 GPA.
James Daniel Eggart Memorial
Scholarships are given to under-
graduate and graduate students
in any major in the college with
preference to graduates of a
Pensacola-area high school.
Undergraduate Recipient:
Erica Zielinski is a Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism major con-
centrating in therapeutic recre-
ation. During the last two years,
Erica has volunteered with the
Special Olympics and at Glen
Springs Elementary School. She
maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Graduate Recipient:
Mauricio Herzog is a graduate stu-
dent specializing in sport man-
agement in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Mauricio has been a graduate
assistant in the Division of
Recreational Sports for four
years. He has maintained a 3.33
GPA in his studies.
The Charles W. Fessler and Judith
D. Fessler Undergraduate
Scholarships are awarded to
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
and Exercise and Sport Sciences
majors, respectively. Mr. Fessler
established these scholarships as
a way to assist students in pursu-
ing their degrees.
Charles W. Fessler,Jr. Scholarship
Hartley Haft is a Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism major con-
centrating on travel and tourism
planning. Hartley plans to partic-
ipate in the University of Western
Sydney student exchange pro-
gram in Cambelltown, New
South Wales, Australia to study
tourism for one semester. He cur-
rently maintains a 3.45 GPA.
Judith D. Fessler Scholarship
Tiffany Jordan is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in athletic training and exercise
physiology. Tiffany is the vice
president of the Student Athletic
Trainers Organization (SATO)
and maintains a 3.27 GPA.
Charles W. Fessler, Sr. & Miriam A.
Fessler Scholarship is donated by
the Fessler's son and daughter-in-
law (Chuck and Judy) and their
grandchildren (Jimmy and
Debbie) in grateful appreciation
for all the love and support given
throughout the years. Charles
and Miriam Fessler have been
avid supporters of both the
University and the College of
Health & Human Performance
for nearly 40 years. The scholar-
ship is awarded to Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism and Exercise
and Sport Sciences majors,
Charles W. Fessler, Sr. and Miriam
A. Fessler Scholarship Recipient:
Mara Bacher is a Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism major special-
izing in commercial recreation.
Mara is fluent in reading, writing,
and speaking Hebrew and Spanish.
She is CPR- and First Aid-certified.
She maintains a 3.94 GPA.
The Thomas F. Hayes IV Memorial
Scholarship is given to either an
undergraduate or graduate stu-
dent who is an active cyclist and
participant with Team Florida
Cycling Club.
From L to R: Chu Soh and Teresa Lyles
From L to R: Sharon Phaneuf, Derek Mann,
and Sheri Walters
Undergraduate Recipient:
Priscilla Walden is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in athletic training. She is a mem-
ber of the University of Florida's
Women Softball Team, the
National Strength and
Conditioning Association (NSCA),
and the National Athletic
Training Association (NATA).
Priscilla maintains a 3.19 GPA.
Graduate Recipient:
Cameron Loos is a doctoral stu-
dent in the Biomechanics
Program in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Cameron holds certifications by
the American Red Cross as
Lifeguard Instructor, CPR for the
Professional Rescuer, and
Community First Aid and Safety.
He maintains a 3.68 GPA.
The Norma M. Leavitt Scholarships
are given to undergraduate and
graduate students of outstanding
character with a strong commit-
ment to serve their profession.
Undergraduate Recipient:
Robert Kelting is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in physical education. He made
the Dean's List four times since
the fall of '99 and has volunteered
within three different schools in
Alachua County. Robert main-
tains a 3.62 GPA.
Graduate Recipients:
Beth Cianfrone is a doctoral stu-
dent concentrating in sport man-
agement in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
She presented a research paper
at the 2002 International
Conference on Sport and
Business. Beth maintains a
4.0 GPA.
Matthew Ellis, a doctoral student
in the Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences, is specializing
in sport management and mar-
keting. His research interest is
sport marketing and finance. He
maintains a 3.58 GPA.
Elizabeth Fallon is a doctoral stu-
dent in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences with
a focus in sport and exercise
physiology. She is a member of
the Society of Behavioral
Medicine and the American
Psychological Association.
Elizabeth maintains a 3.81 GPA.
Yvette Garcia, a graduate student
in the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, has aspirations of
owning and managing her own fit-
ness center after graduation. Yvette
maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Rebecca Gardner, a doctoral stu-
dent in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences, has
published in refereed journals.
She was awarded a Research
Opportunity Fund grant in which
she will conduct research in the
area of "exercise and diet beliefs
and behaviors in overweight/
obese women." Rebecca main-
tains a 3.9 GPA.
Michael Robishaw, Public Health
master's student in the
Department of Health Science
Education, holds a graduate
assistantship in the College's
Office of Student Affairs. Since
January 2002, he has maintained
the OSA web page and assisted in
planning the College Scholarship
Convocation and Career Fair/Intem
Expo. He has a 3.60 GPA
The Lee-McCachren Scholarship is
given to graduate students who
have exemplified excellence in
teaching within the Sport-Fitness
Program. The awardees must be
of outstanding character with a
strong, competitive spirit and
professional pursuits. Faculty
must nominate recipients.
Graduate Recipients:
David Bolton is a graduate stu-
dent in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences.
David has an impressive list of
experiences within the area of
Kinesiology, which includes
being a personal trainer and a
weightlifting course instructor.
He maintains a 3.78 GPA.
Amber Stegelin is a second-year
sport psychology graduate stu-
dent. Amber has served as a sport
and fitness instructor at UF and
as the Assistant Coach for
Women's Basketball at Santa Fe
Community College. She main-
tains a 4.0 GPA.
The Alan C. Moore Scholarship is
established to support an Exercise
and Sport Sciences undergradu-
ate student who has demonstrat-
ed leadership in teacher educa-
tion and been involved in com-
munity service.
Iris Day is an Exercise and Sport
Sciences major in Exercise
Physiology. Iris eventually would
like to attend graduate school
and pursue a degree in physical
therapy. She maintains a 3.77 GPA.
The Potter/Chafin Scholarship is
given to a major in the College
who enjoys and actively partici-
pates in tennis.
Undergraduate Recipient:
Kathryn Seymour is an Exercise
and Sport Sciences major special-
izing in exercise physiology.
Kathryn is a member of Golden
Key International Honor Society
and the National Honor Society
of Collegiate Scholars. She main-
tains a 3.85 GPA.
Graduate Recipients:
Allison Hayes is a graduate stu-
dent in the Department of
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism.
During the summer of 2000,
Allison conducted a needs assess-
ment on the "Recreational Needs
of Youth in La Zona de
Monteverde, Costa Rica." She
maintains a 3.5 GPA.
Taryn Lynn is a second-year grad-
uate student pursuing a master's
degree in sport psychology. She
currently works as a graduate
assistant in the College and vol-
unteers in the volleyball program
at P.K. Yonge Developmental
Research School. She maintains a
4.0 GPA.
The Frederick E. Rozelle
Scholarship is awarded to an
undergraduate student in the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences who plans to become a
Front L to R: TiffanyJordan, Hartley Haft,
Iris Day and Kathryn LuCante
Back L to R:Jaclyn Mallory, Kyle Schuemann,
Troy Grant, Priscilla Walden, Erica Zielinski,
and Daniel Hamann
Troy Grant is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in physical education. Troy has
work experience as a physical
education instructor, a camp
counselor, and as a youth base-
ball coach. He holds a 3.97 GPA.
Herman W. Schnell Memorial
Scholarships are awarded to one
undergraduate and two graduate
students majoring in Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Applicants have
demonstrated a high level of
scholarship, interest in tennis,
and skills in physical activities.
Undergraduate Recipient:
Daniel Hamann is an Exercise and
Sport Sciences major specializing
in fitness and wellness. Daniel is
a member of the National Bone
Marrow Donation Registry. He
has a 3.84 GPA.
Graduate Recipients:
Mark Parker is a sport manage-
ment graduate student in the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences. Mark currently works
as a graduate assistant within the
Division of Recreational Sports.
He holds a 3.83 GPA.
Dennis Valdez is a graduate stu-
dent in the Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences. Dennis' con-
centration is athletic training, and
he works as a graduate assistant in
the Athletic Training Program. He
has a 3.66 GPA.
The Stevens Scholarships, estab-
lished by B.K. and Betty Stevens,
provide funds for both graduate
and undergraduate students.
B.K. and Betty C. Stevens
Undergraduate Scholarship.
Kathryn LuCante is an Exercise
and Sport Sciences major special-
izing in athletic training. Kathryn
has served as a Student Athletic
Trainer at Oak Hall School and
currently holds that role at Santa
Fe High School. She maintains a
3.96 GPA.
B.K. and Betty C. Stevens Graduate
ESS Scholarship.
Joel French is a doctoral student in
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Joel conducts
departmental research on "the
cellular mechanisms of damage
and protection within the heart."
He maintains a 3.5 GPA.
Lorin Maurer is a graduate stu-
dent in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences, spe-
cializing in sport management.
She is a founding member of the
Student Sport Management
Association (SSMA), a student
organization in the College. Lorin
maintains a 4.0 GPA in her studies.
Jessica Staib is an exercise physi-
ology doctoral student in the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences. Jessica was recognized
as an American Heart
Association, Florida/Puerto Rico
Affiliate Outstanding Predoctoral
Fellow of 2002. She maintains a
3.5 GPA in her studies.
Naomi S. Stevens Memorial
Undergraduate Scholarship. Mrs.
Stevens, first wife of B.K. Stevens,
was the former Director of
Guidance at Gainesville High
School. This award is open to any
major in the College.
Undergraduate recipient:
Ann Ooton is a Recreation, Parks,
and Tourism major specializing
in Commercial Recreation with a
concentration on Marketing. Ann
currently holds two jobs, one as a
Freelance Graphic Designer and
the second as a Student Worker
for the University Athletic
Association. She currently main-
tains a 3.82 GPA.
The Chris Patick Athletic Training
Scholarship. The program honors
outstanding student athletic
trainers from the University of
Florida's undergraduate athletic
training education program.
Chris Patrick, Assistant Athletic
Director for Sports Health, is a
member of the NATA, SEATA,
and ATAF Halls of Fame. He is
also the former chairperson of the
Southeastern Conference Sports
Medicine Committee.
The following ESS majors were
Suzanne Allain, Kaysee Brinkley,
Kenneth Byrd, Stacy Lieberman,
Kathryn Lucante, Emily Mintner,
Kelley Palmer, Cynthia Warner,
and Christina Wells.
Other Recognitions:
Cari Autry, Lori Armstrong, Jodi
Long, Chris Stanford, Michelle
Cohen, and Andrea Parker.
Front L to R: David Bolton, Elizabeth Fallon,
Jessica Staib, Teresa Lyles and Allison Hayes
Back L to R: Matthew Ellis, Derek Mann,Joel
French, Cameron Loos, and Sharon Phaneuf
Front L to R: Michael Robishaw, Dennis Valdez,
Teresa Lyles,Jane Emmeree, Yvette Garcia, and Chu Soh
S Back L to R: Mauricio Herzog, Amber Stegelin, Mark Parker,
Eric Model, Sheri Walters, and Lorin Maurer
S $100,000 OR MORE
-.merican Heart Association
Florida/Puerto Rico Affiliate
$50,000 $99,999
-.merican Heart Association
iq.yv National Center
Stands at the University
of Florida
$25,000 $49,999
S.... .-.. -r. Athletic
rion, Inc.
S$1o.ooo $24,999
.- it, 5,.. t Parks, Inc.
b. u.,.- t E i
I ---- .: S. Allen
!,, ., ,, B. Daurer
$Sooo $9,999
-. .... Allen
[ ,.,I.1 ', Inc.
.. ... ... School Health Assn.
.- r. the Advancement of
I'1 Sports Psychology
Susan A. Boehm
Walt Disney World Co.
Major General Maurice O. &
Jane A. Edmonds
Charles W. Fessler, Jr.
Florida Amateur Wrestling
Assn., Inc.
Erin E. Fowler
Michael A. Grasso
Christiaan Leeuwenburgh
The Honorable
Perry C. McGriff, Jr.
MedX 96, Inc.
Nationwide Ins. Fdtn.
Christine Ridgeway
Sonya J. Riggs
Charles P. & Sue Siler
Southeast Athletic
Trainers Assn.
State Farm Cos. Fdtn.
Ronald S. Taylor
The Maneely Fund
Trans-Tec Services, Inc.
Jill W. & Paul R. Varnes
Angus Williams, Jr.
$100 $999
Delores R. Adams
Judith A. Allen
Altamonte Springs Loreleis,
Stephen W. Amos
Deborah R. Anderson
Kirk Anthony
Anne L. Arbogast
Associated Homes, Inc.
Mary K. & Brian W. Baker
Bank of America Foundation
David Barth
Andrea L. Behrman
Steven S. Belford
Frank E. Benavides
Roy T. Benson
Adam E. Berko
Susan L. Bertucci
Jeanne N. Biada
Cheryl S. Black
Robert F Boddy
Clarence J. Bodie, Jr.
Boeing Co.
Polly D. Bottom
Sally A. Branch
Nancy E. Briner
Pamela L. Bromberg
Marianne Bundy
Eric F Burns
Evelyn T. Bush
Melton V. Callahan
Kim E. Caramelli
Michael S. Carpino
Douglas J. Casa
Bridget C. Chilicki
Joseph R. Cianfrone
Coggin Pontiac
Catherine A. Coloson
Phil Constans, Jr.
Cheryl R. Courtney
Don L. Deal
Delta Air Lines Fdtn.
David DeRuzzo
Betsy L. Dobson
Russell W. Duggins
Susan E. Dumon
Michelle D. DuMond
Ellen P. Dunlap-Halpin
Jessica L. Elf
J. Darrell Enfinger
James E. Favero, Jr.
Herbert W. Felber, Jr.
Joseph M. Fielding
Florida Association of
Professional Health Educators
Mr. & Mrs. O. D. French
Aaron A. Fruitstone
Julie F Frye
Patricia A. Frye
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F.
Furey III
Sean D. Gagnon
Robert J. Galbraith
Kay A. Garrison
GE Fund
Richard C. Giannini
Jennifer A. Goldschlag
Mrs. Jean Maynard Gonzalez
Richard L. Goslin
Corine D. Grant, Psy.D.
Elizabeth J. Gresley
Pope Griffin III
Dennis W. &
Jackie T. Guenther
Lynn B. Holland
Scott C. Hovde
Carol L. & Martin O. Huegel
William D. Hurse
Sharon A. Imber
Valera M. Jackson-Gissen
Anthony R. James
Michael C. Johnson
Raymond M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C.
Johnston, Jr.
Gerald W. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Kessler
Jon T. Kline
Robert A. Krause
Elisabeth L. Krone
Jodi V. & David M. Kudelko
Robert J. Lage
Jason Lamb
R. Burton Lawless
Thomas N. Leidell
Barbara A. Leonard
Liquid Coffee, Inc.
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Carla A. Lucas
Michael R. Luzzo
Daniel R. MacDonell
R. Brian MacNamara
Dana L. Mandelbaum
Turay E. Martin
Raymond B. & Patricia A.
Dennis E. May
Lauren O. Mayer
Della-Jean M. Mays
Jeffrey P. McAndrews
Richard McCotter
Michael J. McGinnis
Linda M. McGrane
James S. McKinney
Charles E. McPhilomy
Robert V. Milby
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F
John M. Milling
Kim S. Mills
Heather N. Moore
Lynn W. Moore
Nat Moore
Henry T. Morgan
Susan S. Morton
Teresa R. Mossler
Donna R. Mountain
Donna M. Murdoch
William A. Newbern, Jr.
Jeffrey M. Nordeen
Daniel E. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S.
Bethany M. Osborne
Vicki L. Overman
Terry B. Pappas
Michelle A. Park
Duane C. Peacock
Scott I. Peek, Sr.
George H. Pennington, Jr.
Timothy F Philmon
Jerry H. Posey
Herbert R. Powell, Jr.
John W. Powell
Barrie J. Pressly
Principal Financial Group
Fdtn., Inc.
Proctor & Gamble Co.
Publix Super Markets
Charities, Inc.
Phyllis A. Reddick
Edwin C. Reese
Lynn C. Reese Sandra B. Windschmann
Brian F Regan
Celia L. Regimbal
Sefton H. Rinker
Nancy E. Robinson
Debra K. Rodriguez
Diana S. Rodriguez
Stephen R. Ross
Wesley A. Royal
Frederick E. Rozelle, Sr.
Martha I. Salinero
Charles G. Schmid
Michael D. Schroeder
Ronald A. Secrist
Lynda A. Selover
Hollis L. Shaw
Rickey S. Sheffield
Shell Oil Co. Fdtn.
Audrey E. Shively
Charles P. & Sue K. Siler
David W. Silva
Joyce L. Skaff
James E. & Sharon S. Skiles
Donald D. Slesnick III
Dennis M. Smith
John A. Smith
April J. Snyder
Michael W. Sophia
Cindy L. Sprenger
Stephanie C. Stans
David E. Stanton
John H. Stauff
John L. Steverding
Terry A. Strattan
William H. Swartz, Sr.
T B T Enterprises, Inc.
Maureen E. Terwilliger
Andrew B. Thomas, PA.
Richard C. Tober
Larry W. Tuggle
James R. Tullos, Jr.
Tutoringzone, Inc.
UNUM Fdtn.
Karen M. Ventimiglia
Brian Walker
Thomas E. Wasdin
Samantha B. Weber
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Todd David Whitcher
Alice J. White
Lois M. Williams
Donna D. Wilson
Jessica L. Wilson
David J. Wisgirda
William M. Witt
Sabrina G. Wotitzky
James R. Abrams
ACE INA Foundation
Paul J. Ackerman
Leslie A. Alaimo
Jennifer L. Alexander
Laura A. Allen
Darryl J. Amadio
Vincent W. Amigh
Sharon N. Anderson
Mary L. Andreu
Buddy Antone
David A. Appleton
Thomas W. Arnold
Mark A. Arrigenna
Christi L. Arrington
Patricia R. Artimez
Carla M. Austin
Patrick M. Bailey
Leonard C. Balas
Thomas A. Bates
Michael Battle
Angela S. Bauer
Bonnie E. Baxter
Pamela C. Beard
Christopher Behan
Harry L. Benson, Jr.
Norma Y. Benson
Susan M. Betchner
Katherine A. Bevans-Backes
Josh B. Bickford
Holly D. Birnbach
Alice R. Blackwood
Christopher A. Blanchard
Michael J. Blizzard
Debora S. Bloom
Mary E. Boardman
Trevor D. Bopp
Jeanne Boyd
Karen L. & Kenneth D. Boyle
Jane H. Bracken
Anne M. Braddy
Maley S. Brancaccio
Louis Branding, Jr.
Elvis N. Brandon IV
Lisa A. Broadhead
Loren A. Broadus, Jr.
Michael P. Broder
Barbara Y Brown Rachele J. Cunningham
Dawson E. Brown
Lawrence S. Bruce
Arthur G. Buccino
Jennifer S. Buchanan
Richard E. Buckelew
Leonard W. Buffington
Michael D. Burdges
Sarah E. Burger
Forrest Butler
Patrick J. Byrne
Jean D. Callaway
Richard L. Callum
William J. Campbell
Larry D. Candeto
Lois S. Cardona
Tia L. Carmichael
Darrell F. Carpenter, Jr.
Sean M. Carpenter
Mrs. Cecily K. Carr
Walter W. Carr
Colleen K. Carroll
Mary Lou Carson
Cari Cascio
Nancy S. Catlett
Selwyn T. Chalker III
Nancy T. Channell
Judith N. Chavez
Debra A. Cherwak
M. Freida Chewning
Brad S. Chissom
Ronald K. Christen
Jeffrey N. Christianson
Alejandro M. Cires
Lesley L. Cleveland
Bill F. Cockcroft
Alisa B. Cohen
Bernice S. Cole
Cynthia A. Coleman
Lynn E. Collins
Pamela G. Collins
Thomas R. Collop III
John L. Combs
Carlyce M. Cononie
Jean C. Conte
Kathleen L. Cooley
Susan M. Cowperthwaite
Dana K. Craig
Ronald D. Creese
Michael E. Cricchio
Bing Crosby
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Crum
Peggy A. Curry
Ronald L. Darst
Darrin F Davis
Janice L. Davis
Marshal H. Davis
Karleen Jones Dawkins
Donna J. Dawson
James S. Dawson
Joyce C. Dean
Cassandra L. Deaver
Timothy M. DeBruyn
Windy L. Dees
Kimberly E. Delong-Hersh
Destination Media, Inc.
Donna M. Deutsch
Marcia L. DeVries
Michael C. Dietz
Heather A. Disler
Barry J. Donovan
Jacqueline R. Dorf
Kiersten A. Dossey
Patrick B. Dougherty
Evan K. Douglas
Geoffrey C. Dover
Marie C. Dowling
Jennifer Keck Downey
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Doyle
Dennis C. Drake
Terrye W. Dubberly
Sarah L. Duffy
Marilyn B. Dunlap
Amy M. Dzierzak
Mark P. Edwards
Cynthia E. Eicher
Patricia A. Evans
Steven R. Ewing
Barry R. Fasold, Jr.
Lisa Felix
Donna L. Fisher
Philip L. Fisher
Mary C. Fitzgerald
Sheila M. Fitzgerald
Florida Book Store
Carol S. Foland
Jeremy N. Foley
Janet B. Forbess
Douglas W. Forsyth
Mrs. D. A. Fosser
George S. Fox, Jr.
Lisa D. Fox
Michelle A. Frank
Steven L. Frost
Elaine C. Funk
Gainesville Gaviatas
Leslie M. Galos
Kathleen A. Garvey
Gator Textbooks, Inc.
John P. Gawlak
Wilbur H. Gifford, Jr.
John W. Gilbert
Gary Giovanni
Robert E. Godwin
Joseph M. Goodman
Travis C. Grantham
Tammi E. Green
John W. Greene, Jr.
Chad G. Greer
Megan C. Gregory
Maria C. Guthrie
Gina C. Gwara
Donne Hale, Jr.
Renee M. Hall
Clifford M. & June L. Hallas
Darla Kay Hancock
Beth A. Harre-Orr
Gene L. Harvey, Jr.
Anthony B. Hatchett
Julie E. Hayes
Ruth Hayes-Morrison
John A. Hebert
Jonathan F Heck
Jerry R. Henegar
Billy R. Henson
John D. Hester
M. Kristine Hickman
Anne V. Hill
Janice A. Hobbs
Christine C. Hochman
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F Holder
Sarah Holmes
Phoebe R. Howard
Mary E. Huddleston
Sharon C. Huey
Elizabeth C. Huggins
Suzette S. Iaria
Darcie E. Jackson
Pamela M. Jahn
Christopher M. Janelle
Gary E. Jenkins, Jr.
John C. Hipp Construction
James C. Johnson
Charles L. Jones
Paul V. Jones, Jr.
Tiffany A. Jones
Christine E. Jorgensen
Jason E. Joseph
Michael J. Junod
Mike J. Karaphillis
Ellen Karpay-Brody
Jonathan B. Kates
Timothy M. Keckler
Marlyn M. Kenney
John A. Kenworthy
Jared M. Key
Christine E. Kilby
Claudia D. Kimener
Julia L. King
Maryellen Kirwan
Elizabeth A. Kitzman
Elizabeth A. Krouch
Cara L. Ladnyk
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Lake
Scott M. Lamb
Kathryn S. Lapointe
Mary M. Lasseter
Mrs. Raelene B. Lawless
Michael D. Leatherwood
Deborah A. LeBlanc
Charles J. Lechner
Karen E. Lee
Sandra S. Lee
Charles H. Levine
Ronald J. Lewis
Phillip E. Loggins III
Lucia C. Lopez
Lori A. Losner
Mrs. Debbra R. Love
Kathy J. Luebbe-Rountree
Tammy J. Lundell
Taryn K. Lynn
Timothy G. MacDonald
Suzanne B. Mace
Carol L. Madden
Raymond G. Malackany
Mrs. Dell H. Malcolm
Thomas Edgar Malloy
Connie Maltby
Stephanie G. Manasco
William L. Marine, Jr.
Martin Marks
Kevin J. &
Donna M. Marrone
Bonnell B. Martens
Roxanne T. Martin
Sheryl A. Maskell
Michelle M. Mauer
Peter M. Maurer
Robert B. McCallum, Jr.
Jeannette L. McDaniel
Maj. Raymond E. McHale
Edwin S. McKenzie
Marilyn H. McLeod
Ronald E. McMillin
Christopher R. Meachem
Charles W. Mecklem
Cynthia L. Melanson
Melinda L. Millard-Stafford
Gage B. Miller
Tammy D. Miller
Mrs. Honor C. Mills
Iris C. Minkon
Ronald S. Miracle
Jodi L. Mirman
Manuel R. Montero
Scott R. Montgomery
Winship B. Moody, Jr.
C. Tonya Moore
C. Bruce Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Moore
Kathryn L. Morgan
Matthew B. Morgan
Matthew T. Morgan
Kevin J. Morley
Catherine Morris
Charles L. Morris, Jr.
Jennifer K. Morris
Stephanie M. Morrison
Stacey H. Mosley
Kyle Y. Murphy
Lynne O. Murphy
Mary E. Musselman
Mark S. Myers
Kenneth A. Nadassy
Luis Navarro
Lisa M. Neff
Michael A. Netherclift
Carol L. Nicholson
Michael F Nolan
Terri S. Nolan
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
John M. Novak, Jr.
Jack E. O'Brien
Sharon H. O'Brien
Colleen M. O'Connor
Sisti A. O'Connor
Kristina I. Odom
Kathryn Ohmen
Kerri O'Malley
Kevin R. O'Malley
Frank M. Oquendo
Peter B. Orschiedt
Stacey Z. Owens
Julie M. Page
Andrea V. &
Joseph D. Paschal
Berry W. Patrick
Patrick J. Patterson
Susan J. Paul
Brian G. Pearson
James R. Perkins
Susan J. Peters
Margaret A. Petrillo
Stephen J. Petti
Nicole D. Piersiak
Matthew D. Pierucki
Alfred F Pisano III
Katherine Pittman
Angela S. Pollack
Dean G. Poole
Kari K. Popp
Nicholas T. Porter
Linda K. Powell
Michael E. Powers
Sarah L. Price
Mrs. Jan D. Pritchard
Carl J. Ramm
Ellen L. Raskin
Norman L. Redding, Jr.
Jon S. Redmond
Helene T. Rhine
Mark J. Richard
Thomas A. Roberts
Bradley Robison
Derek A. Rodriguez
Morris H. Rogers
Kathryn M. Runyon
Mary A. Ruppel
Cheryl L. Ruppert
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Ryan
Henry A. Salzler
Diane M. Samuels
Stephen C. Sandberg
Sara R. Sanner
Robyn L. Schafer
Clinton E. Scharff
Jacqueline G. Schmid
Abigail D. Schwab
JoEllen M. Schweichler
Evelyn A. Sebree
Bethany L. Sedik
William L. Sharkey, Jr.
Brian P Shea
Cynthia D. Shettle
Susan T. Sholtes
Captain Leonard M.
Shores, Jr.
Crystal H. Shreve
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Cynthia D. Simpson
Shirley M. Sinko
C. Todd Smith
Mary L. Smith
Mrs. Pauladene H. Smith
Sheila K. Smith
Sonya A. Smith
Mrs. Tracy J. Smith
Robert L. Smithers
Margaret O. Smyly
Barbara S. Speas
John Otto Spengler
Thomas C. Spires
Donald C. Staley
Elizabeth F Stark
Robert L. Stark
Evan F Stein
James D. Stites II
David J. Stopka
Jo Young Stout
Eric M. Straehla
Rebecca M. Strominger
Aimee M. Struk
Lisa A. Sweat
Leslie H. Switzer
Debra H. Tackett
Lynn M. Tackett
Stephanie J. Taylor
Tracy A. Tegart
Michael P. Terwilliger
Elizabeth K. Tharin
The Chinese University
of Hong Kong
Cynthia A. Thompson
Yvonne M. Thompson
Gordon M. Thomson
Heather F. Thorsen
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O.
Tice, Jr.
Susan M. Tillman
Elizabeth A. Toepel-Vino
Gina P Tort
Judith C. Traveis
Horace E. Treadwell
Joan E. Treves
Mrs. Colny W. Tucker
Janice E. Tucker
Teresa N. Tumbleson
Lori A. Vazquez
Jennifer M. Waldo
Michael W. Walker
Shannon K. Wallace
Leslie D. Walsh
Henry C. Warren
Cathryn G. Watson
Erica L. Weston
Leslie S. Wetzel
Jill S. White
Reginald White
Robert M. Whitelaw
Paige F Whorrall
William K. Wiles
Jennifer L. Wiley
Charles S. Williams
Lonnie D. Williams
Christine W. Wilson
Holly R. Wilson
Harry W. Winkler, Jr.
Jacqueline H.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Wrenn
Paul J. Wright
Betty Wyllys Rands
Pamela T. Zeigler
Gary L. Zetrouer, Jr.
Emily A. Zimmerman
Jill D. Zipperer
Arleen Zulawski
Jeffrey J. Zuraff
Kristin A. Zwick
,*. J .
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Honors byJean E Mullen
Dr. Randy Braith (ESS) was awarded
Fellow Status at the American Association
of CardioVascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation (AACVPR) annual meeting
in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Braith was also
appointed to the Editorial Board of the
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.
Dr. Bertha Cato (RPT) was awarded the
2002 Distinguished E. B. Henderson
Professional Award for the American
Association of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance Ethnic Minorities
Dr. Stephen M. Holland (RPT) was awarded
a "Certificate of Appreciation" for service
on the Original Florida Tourism Task Force
by the Alachua County Commission.
Dr. Christopher M.Janelle (ESS) received
the Dorothy V. Harris Memorial Award for
early career excellence in sport psychology
scholarship from the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
The Division of Recreational Sports commu-
nications campaign, "Gator Recreation...It's
your turn to play!" received a 2002 Golden
Gator Award and is a first place winner of
the National Intramural and Recreational
Sports Association Creative Excellence
Awards' Creative Tactics Category com-
peting against the work of much larger and
more highly funded marketing depart-
ments in recreational sports programs from
across the country.
Department of Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism Honored by the Florida
Recreation and Parks Association
The Department of Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism was the recipient of the 2002
Florida Recreation and Parks Association
(FRPA) TRIS Agency Award. This award is
presented yearly to parks and recreation
agencies that have provided outstanding
service to the therapeutic recreation profes-
sion. This year's award was presented
during the Annual Conference business
meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in
August. Dr. Stephen Anderson, Chair of
Department of Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism was personally acknowledged for
his leadership and willingness to involve
faculty and students in various functions
of FRPA.
Sports Illustrated Magazine
Good news from the Division of
Recreational Sports, who contributed to
UF's Athletic Program's #4 ranking in
Sports Illustrated magazine's annual assess-
ment of "America's Best Sports Colleges"-
324 Division 1 athletic programs. Fourteen
factors were taken into consideration com-
piling these rankings: number of varsity
teams, athletic basketball success, NCAA
individual and team titles, and intramural
sports and sports clubs. In summary, Sports
Illustrated noted in its Special Report,
October 7, 2002, that "the University of
Florida Campus is a recreation-sports
Honoring the past, shaping the future
College of Health & Human Performance
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