ing assistant professor,
and colleagues in the
Department of Applied
Physiology and
Kinesiology recently completed
research identifying the cause of severe
muscle damage that occurs when peo-
ple with poor circulation work up a
good sweat: free radicals. Now they
hope to use the information to unlock
the secrets of how to shut down those
pesky body wastes.
The discovery eventually may help
sufferers of a type of poor circulation
called peripheral vascular disease get
the exercise that's so beneficial to them
without the pain that often accompa-
nies it. Peripheral vascular disease
affects one in 20 people over 50, or
about 8 million Americans, and leads to
about 100,000 amputations every year,
according to the Society of
Cardiovascular Interventional
"Exercise is prescribed to patients
with this condition because we know
that it has a number of positive effects,
but it may also damage the muscles,"
said Judge. "Ultimately, our goal is for
these patients to be able to exercise
without causing this damage."
Prior studies revealed this damage
occurred, but this research is the first to
pinpoint its source as free radicals -
highly reactive mole-
cules resulting from
all the chemical reac-
tions occurring in the
-f n body, which have
previously been
linked to cardiac
problems, aging-relat-
ed disorders, stroke
and even cancer.
The researchers also
looked at important
pathways for produc-
tion of the free radi-
cals in rats and will
use the information
to develop treatments
to help reduce the
muscle damage they
cause in people with peripheral vascu-
lar disease. Results from the pair of
studies will be published in
Atherosclerosis and the American Journal
of ,. ; respectively.
"Before now, no one had ever
shown that exercise with blood flow
restriction from blocked arteries would
cause this damage in skeletal muscle,"
said Judge. "We then looked at some
of the major pathways for the free radi-
cals to see if we could lessen it in some
Because of its excellent cardiovascu-
lar benefits, exercise is often prescribed
as one of the best ways to increase
blood flow in people suffering from
peripheral vascular disease, which
causes the blood vessels to become nar-
rowed or blocked by fatty deposits.
The condition restricts the flow of
oxygen to muscles, causing severe pain
and cramping during exercise, and
although this pain subsides during rest
as the oxygen demands of the muscle
decline, the studies showed this
process causes significant free radical
damage to muscle cells.
For the study, Judge and co-
researcher Stephen Dodd mimicked
the human form of the disease in rats
by blocking the major artery delivering
blood to the muscles and then made
them exercise. After the increased oxy-
gen demands of exercise, examination
of the muscles showed significant dam-
age due to oxidative stress, a condition
that may result from the presence of
free radicals that react with and modify
cellular proteins and lipids. Following
exercise with restricted blood flow in
rats, they found an approximate 50 per-
cent increase of oxidative stress to both
proteins and lipids.
Kerry Stewart, associate professor
of medicine and director of Johns
Hopkins Heart Health at Johns
Hopkins University Bayview Medical
Center, said the UF studies demon-
strate several physiological pathways
by which limited blood flow leads to
muscle damage with exercise.
"Although the studies were done in
rats, they provide insight into what
causes muscle damage in the legs of
humans with peripheral arterial dis-
ease, a condition that also limits blood
flow because of blocked arteries," said
Stewart. "These studies are important
in that they increase our understanding
of why muscle damage occurs."
While the studies provide impor-
tant evidence about the mechanisms of
this muscle damage, they should not be
interpreted as a reason for people with
reduced blood flow not to exercise on a
regular basis-the most consistently
effective treatment for the condition.
"Regular exercise, which is done
several times per week, has been
shown to produce beneficial adapta-
tions that would gradually reduce
oxidative stress and muscle damage
over a period of several months," said
Judge said he hopes further
research will lead them to find an effec-
tive supplement to block the initial
oxidative muscle damage so patients
with poor limb circulation can continue
their exercise regimens with less dis-
comfort in order to receive the greatest
benefits. By understanding the mecha-
nisms that produce the damage, it will
be possible to develop the best counter-
measure to reduce it.
Kim Hart
Spring 2004
have known
for some
time now
that "it's
great to be a Florida Gator!"
Now, research findings indicate
that there is more truth behind
this statement than we may
ever have imagined. In a study
published in the Journal of
Leisure Research, Drs. Heather
Gibson, Cynthia Willming, and
Andrew Holdnak examined the
connection between Florida
Gator football fans and the con-
cept of leisure.
Sociologists claim that
sport is an integral part of soci-
ety because it facilitates the cre-
ation of relationships and iden-
tities among those with com-
mon interests. Florida Gator
fans provide plenty of evidence
for this contention in the orange
and blue clothes they wear, the
often-outrageous Gator acces-
sories they possess, the colors of
the cars they drive, and even
the great distances they will
travel for a single football game.
These occasions provide a con-
nection with the University of
Florida that fans desire and also
serve to exemplify the concept
of leisure.
In order to further under-
stand this concept, the
researchers conducted a three-
year study examining the
behaviors of fans, focusing on
those who travel to football
games. Gibson, et.al. developed
a questionnaire and conducted
numerous interviews with
Gator fans prior to home foot-
ball games. They evaluated the
fans with regard to the charac-
teristics of serious leisure: perse-
verance, long-term commit-
ment, significant personal effort,
durable-self benefits, unique
ethos, and identification.
Their findings overwhelm-
ingly indicated that individuals
construct a large portion of their
identity around being a Florida
Gator fan. Fans have persever-
ance, which has been illustrated
in both the pre-Spurrier and the
post-Spurrier football eras.
Most people did not become
fanatics overnight; some have
been committed to the Gators
for as long as 50 years. Within
the sample of fans studied, an
average of 34 years of dedica-
tion to the team was noted.
Often, this correlated to the
presence of family alumni. As
the tradition of attending UF
continues throughout the gener-
nations, so does the intensity of
the support given to the Gators.
Study participants identified
both social interaction and a
sense of belonging as motiva-
tors to their continued enthusi-
astic support. They described
the football season as an oppor-
tunity to reunite with family
and friends who share this com-
mon bond. In fact, many fans
have remained loyal to the same
group of tail-gaters for over 20
years-raising children and
watching them grow, get mar-
ried, and begin to bring their
own children to the games.
Findings also indicated that
the Gator family extends across
the globe, with the fans' enthu-
siasm and commitment remain-
ing strong even while outside of
Gainesville. Fans have formed
Gator clubs, remained faithful
to television programs featuring
Gator athletics and stayed up-
to-date thanks to The C .
Sun subscriptions, Internet chat
rooms, and e-mails with other
Gator fans. For many fans,
being a Gator is central to who
they are and to their social lives,
satisfying a key component of
serious leisure.
For those who have earned
the rank of esteemed alumni,
pride in their accomplishment,
in their university, and in all
things Gator provide the dis-
tinction between a Gator and a
Gator fan. To paraphrase one of
the study respondents, there are
three kinds of people in Florida:
Gators, wannabe Gators, and
Gator bait. It's great to be a
Florida Gator!