Front Cover
 Letter from the interim dean
 Table of Contents
 Letter from the editor
 Front Matter
 News briefs
 College holds first solo fall...
 GEICO gator golf classic a huge...
 Gators on the go encourages active...
 HHP opens new research institute...
 HHP keeps retirement community...
 Can't we all just get along?
 Weightlifting is therapeutic for...
 Behind the scenes
 Students awarded scholarships
 The ride of his life
 Golden boy
 Marathon man
 Class notes
 Steering the ship
 For the love of the game
 Faculty and staff news and...
 Enjoying retirement
 In memoriam: William "Bill"...
 A letter from the director...
 Honor roll of donors
 Spring alumni weekend 2005
 Alumni update information

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00003
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Letter from the interim dean
        Page i
    Table of Contents
        Page 1
    Letter from the editor
        Page 2
    Front Matter
        Page 3
    News briefs
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
    College holds first solo fall commencement
        Page 7
    GEICO gator golf classic a huge success
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Gators on the go encourages active lifestyles on campus
        Page 10
    HHP opens new research institute in Jacksonville
        Page 11
    HHP keeps retirement community healthy
        Page 12
    Can't we all just get along?
        Page 13
    Weightlifting is therapeutic for the faint of heart
        Page 14
    Behind the scenes
        Page 15
        Page 16
    Students awarded scholarships
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
    The ride of his life
        Page 21
        Page 22
    Golden boy
        Page 23
        Page 24
    Marathon man
        Page 25
    Class notes
        Page 26
        Page 27
    Steering the ship
        Page 28
    For the love of the game
        Page 29
        Page 30
    Faculty and staff news and notes
        Page 31
        Page 32
    Enjoying retirement
        Page 33
    In memoriam: William "Bill" Harlan
        Page 34
    A letter from the director of development
        Page 35
    Honor roll of donors
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
    Spring alumni weekend 2005
        Page 41
    Alumni update information
        Page 42
        Page 43
Full Text

5prl "os05



...perry McGriff's

Cross Country
L Bike Ride



-. ul ~


Letter from te interim Dean

\s Will Rogers noted, "Ev\en
if ou are on the right track.
you'll get run oner if you just
sit there." We honestly can say
that we are not just sitting
Looking back on this past
year we can clearly sec our
progress made possible through
the e\cellcnt efforts or our fac-
ult, our energetic and talented
students, and the ongoing support ofa dedicated staff. In all
areas of our work -- teaching, research and service -- we have
made significant strides toward continued excellence.
Our primary mission is the education of our students.
Preparing them for their future, whether it is employment or filr-
ther education, is accomplished cxtraordinarilh well by our facul-
rt. \ie are doing a good job ofstabilizing our enrollment at the
undergraduate le\ el, and moving toward our goal of 25 percent
of the enrollment being in graduate programs.
We have set a record this year in external research increas-
ing our adartd bh 422 percent during 2004, by far the largest
increase on campus. We actually submitted about the same num-
her of proposals as we have in the past, but the success rate and
the award amount attest to the caliber of the research being coin-
ducted by our faculty Also, each department has played a signif-
icant role in thick increased research actii it,.
For a number of years, the College has operated the Univer-
sit) employee illnessss program, Li\ inrg W l. We are now the
contractor to deliver fitness ser ,ices to the re t~ ofl Oqk
Hanunock, UF's retirement community. Tim Qi~ V wh'hthbs
ably run the Li ing Well program for a number h arshas
taken over the Oak Hammpn operation for As 'e 'ave hired


-_ ._ .
.i ... ..... ~ B.' ,

Cassandra Howard to take over the Living Well Program as the
new director. Cassie has a master's degree in exercise science
from the College and most recently' was Fitness Director at JP
MorganChase in Tampa.
We hope you like the new look of Perronnance, thanks in
large measure to our new director of communications. Michele
Dye. Michele has tried to illustrate the great things that are going
on with today's faculty and students, while sharing some great
stories from our alumni and former faculty. We are always inter-
ested in what is going on in your world, and who knows, you
could he next .cear'. feature story!
In addition to this magazine, at the suggestion of the Col-
lege advisory council and \with Michele's assistance, we have
implemented the PerformancE-News, an online newsletter to
keep you up-to-date on the latest research and acti iries in die
College. Ifyou arc not receiving the E-News, you may want to
confirm your e-mail address with the I IF Alumni Association 0o
e-mail Michele at nidyerh'hhp.ufl.edu.
The y ear also has seen some changes in the de\ elopment
office. Lee Ro\ Smith had one of those once-in-a-lifetim: oppor-
tunities to lead the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. in Stillwa-
ter, Okla. Working with the Lr Foundation, we were fortunate to
hire NMlissa Wohllstei as director of de elopment. Melissa
comes to Ul: from the University of Central Florida where she
was responsible for alumni giving.
We hope 2005 is off to a wonderful start for each of you
and continues to be a) ear of good health. happiness and pros-
perit !

Jill W. Varnes. d.D.
Interim Dean



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4 News Briefs
7 College Holds Solo Commencement
8 GEICO Gator Golf Classic a Big Success
10 Gators on the Go Gets UF Students Moving
11 New Research Center Opens
12 HHP Opens Oak Hammock Fitness Center

13 Sibling Violence
14 Exercise for Heart Transplant Patients

15 Event Management Class Assists at Football Game
17 Scholarship Winners Announced

Cover Story

21 The Ride of His Life: Perry McGriff Rides Cross Country to
Promote Blood Donation

23 Greece Lightning: Ryan Lochte Strikes Olympic Gold
25 Marathon Man: John TenBroeck Completes NYC Marathon

28 On the Job with Rich Clements
29 Alumni Spotlight: M.B. Chafin

Faculty ft Staff
34 Catching up with Dean Patrick Bird
35 In Memoriam: William "Bill" Harlan

36 Letter from the Director of Development
37 Honor Roll of Donors

In Every Issue
cover Letter from the Dean
2 Letter from the Editor
26 Class Notes
31 Faculty and Staff Notes

ng 2005 1


Letter from the Editor

These days, everything is getting a
makeover. Shows like "Trading Spaces,"
"The Swan," "The Biggest Loser," and
my personal favorite, "E\srenrie
Makeover: Home Edition" are making
over people, homes and lives all for our
\ ie% ing pleasure.
So to keep up with this trend, we
gave Performance an "extreme
makeover," and we hope you like the
The Mail Bag page is one of the
many new items in the magazine. This
page is reserved for you, our readers. We
encourage you to submit letters to the edi-
tor (performance,,'ihhp utl.edu i or share
stories from your days as a college student

at UF. This is your space to say whatever
is on your mind. We encourage you to
send us post cards, photos, letters and e-
In this issue, you'll find stories on the
2gIullid-brlckini research being done in
our College. stories on alumni like John
TenBroeck, who is 63 years old, and still
running the New York City Marathon
(page 25). You also will find stories on
our current students, such as tourism,
recreation and sport management junior
Ryan Lochtc, who won the Gold medal at
the Summer Olympics (page 22). Our
wonderful faculty and graduate students
have won many awards, and we want you
to know about them (page 31).

"In order for the University of Florida to reach its
potential, we must find ways to do a better job sup-
porting our faculty."
President Bernie Machen

The University of Florda Faculty Challenge is an initiative to raise $150
million in private support to give faculty the tools they need to enhance
classroom instruction and conduct world-class research. Reaching that
goal is a critical step in the University of Florida's strategic plan to
become one of the nation's premier universities.

For information on how you can help, call (352) 392-1691 or write to the
University of Florida Foundation at P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL
32604. Visit the Web site at www.uff.ufl.edulFacultyChallenge

No matter how near or far away you
arc from Gatorville, we want you to sta\
connected to the University and the Col-
lege. The College of Health and Human
Performance has alumni worldwide, and
we would like to keep up with everyone.
Let us know what you're up to and we'll
publish them in our "Class Noitc" (page
26). You also can send us address change.,
so you'll be sure to get all of our Im.iliing.
We also would like to encourage 1,ou
to participate in Spring Weekend, which
will take place April 8-9, 2005. The
Alumni Association has put together
numerous exciting events for alumni and
friends of the University. HHP will be
hosting activities for children while the
parents are off enio.i ing the events like th,
Orange and Blue Spring Game. Be sure i1c
take a campus tour while you are here
because a lot has changed on campus. The
IIUB Bookstore moved into a new build-
ing behind the student union, and it is
amazing! UF is renovating the Sledd
dorms and building a new research center
by Shands. It will be a fun-filled weekend.
and I know you will enjoy seeing your
I look forward to meerini each of
you at our alumni events.

Go Gators!

Michele Dye
Editor of Perfbrmance and Directoi
of Communications for the College
of Health and Human Performance

2 Performance


Volume 11, Issue 1
Spring 2005

Dr. Jill Varnes, Interim Dean

Michele Dye

Assistant Editors
Jessica Brennan
Kathleen Pai
Cathy Palmieri

Editorial Assistance
Lisa DePaola
Judy Travels

Staff Writers
Lisa DePaola
Kathleen Pal

Staff Photographers
Michele Dye
Ginger Larson
Morgan Petroski

Contributing Writers
Melanie DeJesus
Melissa Weizniak

Contributing Photographer
Eric Stauffer

Design and Typesetting
Michele Dye

StorterChilds Printing Company Inc.

Performance is published yearly for
alumni and friends of the College of
Health and Human Performance at
the University of Florida.

College of Health and Human
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611

Students take a look at all of the differ-
ent programs the College of Health and
Human Performance offers.

Inauguration Officially
Welcomes UF President
Even though Hurricane Frances can-
celed many of the activities for the inau-
guration of the University of Florida's
11th president, Dr. J. Bernard Machen, the
UF community still was able to celebrate
the beginning of a new era.
On Sept. 10, 2004, the official inau-
guration ceremony took place and was
attended by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, as
well as UF faculty, staff and administra-
During the ceremony, Machen was
welcomed by the faculty, students and
staff, as well as the UF Board of Trustees.
"This is the greatest opportunity of
my professioriial life and Chris [his wife]
and I are ready to be at the helm of the
'Flag.hipil for Discovery'," Machen said.
-Michele Dye

Welcome Back Kickoff a
Big Success
The College of 1 leailth and Human
Performance hosted its annual Welcome
Back Kickoff Friday, Sept. 24, 2004 to
welcome old and new students.
Students enjoyed a wonderful spread
of free food, such as bagels, fruit, cheese
and crackers while leau ing about all of
the outstanding undergraduate and gradu-
ate programs in the College.
"This was an excellent opportunity
for University of Florida students to see
what IIIIP has to offer," Interim Dean Jill
Varnes said. "This event was especially
helpful to students who haven't decided on
a major or who are looking for ways to
get involved on campus."
IIlP's College Council and other
HHP organizations attended, as well as the
Career Resource Center, Health and Legal

Kristina Danese won the autographed
football at the Dean's Social in Sept.

-'Profes'ioni. \di\ IiuLo. hiiernation'ial Cener
& SELi', Abroad Ser\ ice_ \c:ideniuc
leclinolo,\ leaching Center. Siindici
.\ .i\ ties CerniLr. G(iaork\ell I lealih
Piolmurion Services and Di isioi of
Recreation.il SIporis.
thchc-le D e

Dean Hosts Staff
Appreciation Luncheon
1 he taff of llic (. olleue of Health and
Iltuiman lPerlotolMice aS [inrloied :11 a
special Stll'f \ppreciaiion LunLiceon held
Friday Sept '4. 2004.
"\kL- \ail t ou1 1i 1l.f1 kroTi Ihai tlhe
faculty grveatll appreci.ne all theil lhid
\ork Interim Dean Jill Varnes 'aid
"'We cai'l do our job v. ihout them.'"
Aboul 150 Iaculr. and steal '1' nihet.
attended tie luiicheoln \xiich a.i a c.lered
b\ Sionn\'s IReal PiT B-B-Q. \teliuon %:ir ,
focused on til slaff'i recieLnl hard \\ork
cLonceinin ll-, co1r1tnpler s ,,rein trari'ilioin
1t PeopleSot.
"-Our support -tafrT lhas worked .o hard
und has done a great job hli:idlnIg all ou
the challenges ielamcd to the Peoplesonf
coli\ersionl.'" \arnes said.
-\ n llllher of tiacI.iltc nllelll Ther.
including Dean \lrrme. Dr. Charles
Williams. Dr. William Chen. Dr. Stephen
Holland and Dr. Steve Dodd spoke ofl the
coritilnuinti dedication of the tattI'during
the c':l\el sion.
"I I e luncheon w ar a nice break Iroin
oiork." said Susie Weldon. office ,,r.is,,:nt
tor the Departmentn of applied d PhIn iolo--

4 Performance

and Kines(iolog. "The faulty who spoke
seemed very appreciative and genuine."
The PeopleSoft conversion, which
was implemented in the summer of' lr20tl,
is an entirely new software system that
alters the business operations of the
-Cathy Palmieri

Gators Gather at the
Dean's Social
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- HHP alumni
and friends from the Jacksonville area
gathered at the University Club for the
Dean's Social held on Sept. 16, 2004.
The club had a spectacular view of the
downtown area, as well as the St. Johns

Interim Dean Jill Varnes spoke with
alumni and friends of the College about the
many exciting things happening in Health
and Human Performance.
After drinks and appetizers, door
prizes were given away, including a foot-
ball autogiaplied by Ron Zook.
-Michele Dye

HHP Hosts Academic
Research Symposium
The first Academic Research Sympo-
sium held by the College of Health and
Human Performance Friday, Oct. 22, 2004
was a great success.
Faculty and student researchers were
on hand to discuss their research with
approximately 40 faculty members, stu-

dents and guests who attended the sympo-
"I am extremely impressed by the
range of research that takes place in the
College, and I am more impressed every
time I visit," said Maj. Gen. Maurice
Edmonds, a 1953 graduate of the College
and IIIIP advisory board member.
"I am especially impressed by the
seriousness of research taking place at all
levels, faculty, Ph.D. and master's,"
Edmonds said. "This research shows that
we have the best students in the country,
matching our incredible faculty."
In the future, the College plans to
expand the Academic Research Sympo-
sium with a greater amount of participants
and two symposiums per year.
"We are looking forward to having

<< Junior offensive lineman Mike Degory
was honored for his performance in the

HHP Student-Athletes Honored by

Southeastern Conference
Thiny -ser en Cull'ge of Health a: Haman I'erformance student-ath-
letei \ere named ilt the 2003-04 Southeaitem ( conference Academic
Honor Roll.
"The college i. v proud of these outstanding student-athletes."
Interim Dean Jill Vames said. "With their incredihiy demanding _ched-
ules II is %onderlul to ha~e them recognized tor their academic
achievements in addiiton to their athletic accomplislhrnents."
Spour managinent led the a.\ % Ith mi1)m student-athletes making
dlie SEC A.addinic Honor Knll. Il-ercise ph.siologs and witness \ell-
iier, had six students honored, followed hi commercial recreation (4),
exercise and sport science (2), recreation (2. therapeutic recreation (2),
tourism manageinent t2). athletic training ( 1, eaeni management (1),
ph sical education I l and travel and tourism (I).
-Michkcl/e De


W. Track
W Swimming
W Track
Men's Swimming
W Track
W. Swimming
W. Track
Men's Track
W. Track
W. Basketball
W Track
W. Track
Men's Basketball
Men's Track
Men's Track
Men's Swimming
W. Basketball
Men s Track
W. Track
Men's Track
W. Basketball
W Track
W. Swimming
W. Basketball
Men's Swimming
W. Track

Lirnsey Afforter
Dara Artman
Janelle Atkinson
Diane Avigne
Nicholas Borreca
Cady Brown
Kristen Butler
Ashley Carusone
Maron Cathey
Sekou Clafl'e
Sara.Beth Cooper
Brittany Da,is
Michael Degory
Jukina Dickerson
T Scarlen Ekeroma
Jenniler Gardner
Tyler Guetrler
Seth Ha-movitcti
Louis Heuser
James Kubek
J Maithew Kynes
Philip Laird
Elliot Merna
Bernice Mcsby
Eric Nappy
Erin Pendleton
Garred Penron
Michael Pete
Cameal Rnule
Jeffrey Rubenstein
Danielle Santos
Canaice Scott
Casey Seland
Keliy Stevenson
Jonarrian Strauss
Kristen Stucky
Nole ne Willams

Sports Management
Fitness and Wellness
Tounsm Management
Fitness and Wellness
Tounsm Management
Athletic Training
Sport Management
Exercise and Sport Science
Fitness and Wellness
Sport Marnagemen
Fitness and Weliness
Physical Edclcation-Teaching
Commercial Recreation
Therapeutic Recreation
Exercise Pnysiology
Finess and Weliness
Sport Management
Exercise and Sport Science
Exercise Pnsio.lo J
Exercise Prysiology
Exercise Ph.siolcg
Event Management
Sport Management
Exercise Physiologj
Exercise Pnysiology
Fitness and Wellness
Travel and Tounsm
Commercial Recreation
Sport Management
Therapeutic Recreation
Commercial Recreation
Sport Maragemrreni
Sport Management
Sport Management
Commercial Recreation

Spring 2005 5

more of these symposiums," Interim Dean
Jill Vames said. "It was such a great
opportunity for people to have a chance to
speak with our remarkable faculty and
students about the important research that
is being done in the College."
The next research symposium is
scheduled for the fall of 2005.
-C.irh. Palmieri

HHP Names New
Living Well Director
The College of Iealth and Human
Pehinin.ince has chosen Cassandra
"Cassie" Howard as the new Living Well
Program Director. Her duties began on
November 4, 2004.
Howard is no stranger to the Univer-
sity of Florida, as she received a Master
of Science in exercise ph siolog. from
the College in August 1999.
"Direciing, the University of Florida
Living Well Facility is an excellent and
exciting professional and personal oppor-
rhniri." Howard said. "Pulling from my
JPMorganChase experience and under the

OR .

I I I -T-7.^j

direction of Dean Vames and the College
of Health and Human Performance, this is
an all around win-win scenario."
-Cathy Palmieri

Alumni to be Inducted into
UF Athletics Hall of Fame
Four outstanding alumni of the Col-
lege of Health and Human Performance
will be inducted into the University of
Florida Athletics Hall of Fame in recogni-
tion of their stellar athletic careers at IUF
and their contributions to the University.
Jerry "Red" Anderson (BSPE '68),
Larry Libertore (BSPE '63), Errict Rhett
(BSR '95) and Sophia Witherspoon (BSR
'91) are among nine individuals who will
be inducted into the Hall of Fame on Feb.
18, 2005.
-Michele Dye

g ^"'LU

Students to Spend Spring
Break in Rome, Greece
The College of Health and Human
Performance is pleased to announce its
2005 Spring Break Study Abroad trips to
Rome, Italy and Greece. These three-cred-
it classes are open to University of Florida
undergraduate and graduate students.
The course objectives are to provide
students with the opportunity to develop
an appreciation of ancient and modern
Rome sport, physical activity and recre-
ation; and evaluate Rome's impact on
modem sport, physical activity and recre-
ation. Students also will gain basic insight
into the nature and value of historical
inquiry and research. The class also will
illustrate the contributions of ethnic
groups to global and American sport,
physical activity and recreation.
Tentative site visits in Rome include:
Rome Soccer Stadium, Appian Way,
Theater of Marcellus, Circus of Maxen-
tius, Catacombs, Coliseum, Roman
Forum, Basilica of Maxentius, Golden
House of Nero, Pantheon, Baths of Cara-
calla, Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican
Museums and Pompeii excavations.
Students traveling to Greece will
have the opportunity to experience many
aspects of ancient and modern Greece.
The course will teach Greek history and
ancient Olympic history.
Tentative site visits in Greece
include: Athens, Delphi, Olympia,
Corinth, Argolis and Nemea.
-Miichle Dye

Living Well Donates
Exercise Equipment
The Living Well Faculty and Staff
Fitness Center at the University of Florida
has donated a complete line of Nautilus
exercise equipment to the Sidney Lanier
School in Gainesville, a special needs


school that serves children and young
adults ages 3-22.
Living Well Director Cassandra
Howard said after the recent renovation of
the fitness center, there was an abundance
of equipment that served the same func-
"The equipment could serve a greater
need for someone else," Howard said.
Living Well's donation of 14 pieces of
petite Nautilus equipment is valued at
$3,500, but those at Sidney Lanier feel
that the donation is worth much more.
Because of children's small stature, petite
equipment is the perfect size for teaching
children the proper technique for weight
training, Howard said.
The Sidney Lanier School teaches
mentally disabled students academic,
physical, social and vocational skills. The
school also runs the Anchor program,
which allows students whose family relo-
cates frequently to remain in the same
school. These students do not have to
worry about transferring schools every
time their family moves.
Dr. Christine Stopka, a professor in
the College of Health and Human Perfor-
mance, informed Howard that the Sidney
Lanier School was in need of some equip-
"Although we have a program at UF
that some of the Sidney students anend.
the donation of the equipment ensures that
everyone at Sidney including those who
are non-ambulatory, enrolled in the
Anchor program and even teachers will
have access to fitness equipment," Stopka
said. "This is one more step towards
iiilulling health values and memories that
will last a li tetn e "
-Jessica Brcnnan


Kelly Pigg, pictured here with her father Dr. R. Morgan Pigg, was one of the 144
graduates who participated in the commencement ceremony on Dec. 17, 2004.

College Holds First Solo

Fall Commencement

More than 700 family and friends
packed the University Memorial Audito-
rium for the College of Health and
Human Performance's commencement
ceremony on Dec. 17. 2004.
Nearly 150 graduates participated in
the ceremony. Interim Dean Jill Varnes,
along with Vice President of Student
Affairs Dr. Patricia Telles-Irn in and
Jonathan Journey spoke at the ceremony.
Journey was recognized as die-
University of Florida Two-Year Scholar
(honorable mention), and he also was
selected as HHP's student speaker for
the ceremony.
In his speech, Journey thanked his
professors for influencing his life.
"Many of the professors I have had
in this college have an incredible passion
to help others, which has left a lasting.

impression on me,"
Journey said, "1 have
had many wonderful
experiences with the
faculty here ... The
professors in this col-
lege trul) care and
Journey make the extra effort
to reach out to students so they excel to
their highest potential."
Graduate Sandy Blair presented the
senior class gift, a check for $1,850.96,
to Varnes.
Amanda Comelt. who received her
bachelor's degree in applied physiology
and kinesiology with a specialization in
athletic training, performed UF's alma
mater at the conclusion of the ceremony.
-MiNchle D e

Spring 2005 7

GEICO Gator Golf

Classic a Huge Success

B\ l.isa DePaohl
Staff writer r

, or the third consecultie \eai,
Di. Gregg Benneiel's e nt mnIln-
iiUgetnieil cla organized and rani
the GEICO C:iIlt Golf C la-ic,
on No%. 11. 20ii04. Thc ci -- i mied
approximatel\ $4.5011 for the Student
Sport l Managemenit A.ssociation and th i'
Sport Markering -'sociaeion. which h % ill
use the mone\ to bin i in educational
leaders and indtIr\ professionals tor :i
professional speaker series.
11 a.1 .. 112 Loll'i i 2LX "ifi rI>i. %mci p
ILu;.in jrri\ inc and iegiiterint I he\
received lee bag' and breakfast. thilich
wa;s ioided h\ Panera Bread Co A\ter

tinding heili olf larts and sA.iting point.
Scan Hampton. the director or'The Ul
(Colt Course. ,elLonltd e' i',Olie and
ici,: cu d thel rules At -i0 a.in 2ro'.ips
beg:n reein.- olf. During the da'. students
and lie Gecko Jio\c around ihc cLoure. in
a he\erage can and sold (iatorade. (.oke.
and \ater to the golfers. .unch and
drink, \crc prided h\ Ronetishi Grill
and L oca-( ola
At the end ol'1the JL h i\ hlic lll [lie
colleis veie in. the scores %were talked
.ind Mlt linlel Eskind. a sport iiailaemlleniiL
gradalc student. announced the winners
:ind distributed the prizes Theie 'as a11

A GEICO Golf Classic participant tees off
on a beautiful tall day

Cequ:il chance rlgidelal \ inh prizes ran-
doini placed in tee bags. Ihe toursomes
lhal ul L ic in 1 rt thioIL'JIh 1t1il`h place
Photos by Eric Stauffer

8 Performance

received prizes, which included skybox
tickets in the Gator Boosters Skybox for
one of the first two 2005 home Gator
football games and free rounds of golf at
different golf courses around Gainesville.
for the foursome that came in last place,
which included
HHP's very own Dr.
Paul Borsa, golf les-
sons were awarded
to them.
Bennett con-
eluded the day by
S'i thlaikiiin all the
Bennett oilers, sponsors,
Ji- .orga sponsors,
and members of his class for participating
in .md making the golf tournament a suc-
The Sonil s :hoiioughll enjoyed their
\ eerans Day making their rounds on the
Jimmy Morgan, a sport management
student who played in the classic, said
iolf is one of his favorite sports.
"I was happy I could help my pro-
gram raise money while participating in
something I love," Morgan said.
Sponsorship played a major role in
allowing this event to take place.
Bennett's summer class initiated the solic-
intion of sponsors. However, the fall
class finished this task and sealed the
Sara Klein, a sport management grad-
laie student, helped secure these sponsor-
ehips and also promoted the event to
entice golfers to participate.
"The creation of sponsorship propos-
ul, will prove to be beneficial [for my
career]," Klein said. "In the sports indus-
Irt. sponsorship plays a vital role in its
survival and success."
The local GEICO branch in
Gainesville was the title sponsor of the
eC ent. Their rfmolus spokesperson, the
Gecko, was present generating awareness
or the sponsorship and excitement among

the golfers. A sport management graduate
student, Dan Kasvolsky, became the
gecko for the day.
"I was able to become an interactive
part in the title sponsorship by GEICO,"
Kasvolsky said. "Creating and soliciting
sponsorship packages for companies gave
me real life hands-on experience to pre-
pare me for a future in the sports indus-

Every hole of the golf course had a
sponsor. The sponsors included: The Pita
Pit, State Farm Insurance Agent: Mark C.
McGriff, FPVl The Magazine, Money
Management Services, Gainesville Ford,
Gainesville GEICO, Millennium Bank,
Campus USA Credit Union, Florida
Sports Foundation, Amateur Athletic
Union, Gatorade, Coca-Cola, Bonefish
Grill, Kiss 105.3 FM, Soithpoini
Distributing, Inc., Gator Boosters, Elite
Enterprises of Gainesville Co., Law
Offices of John M. Stokes, Sports One,
Total Planning Inc., and Boiler-Tek Inc.
Gainesville Ford provided a vehicle, an
SUV h\ brid, at one of the holes. A hole-
in-one would have won the car.

And the

Winners Are...

First Place
C. Knapp. NM. Schwencke, A Schef-
fer and J. Scheffer

Second Place
F. Lake, D. Speed.. NM. Matson and
B. Yezierskj

Third Place
\V. Dees. T. Caruthers. J. McCumber
and C. Jones

Fourth Place
C. Cafarelli, C. Wheeler, S. Brech-
bill and T. York

Fifth Place
D. DeMichele, NM. Peterson, D.
Glassman and D. Triplet

Last Place
R. Welch, P. Borsa. E. W\ikstrom and
J. Hanion

Gators on the Go Encourages

Active Lifestyles on Campus

T he College of I health and
1 l[n11311 PertLl inalice, and I iling
Well Facult\ and Stalff I itne-,i
Center oince :iQini are sponIot lig Gu(ialr-
Ion The Go. a 'prograid dedicated to
incieas.ing phi\ ical acti\ it3 aniong (I[:
'uidenlts. rIcutII I and staff.
"TThe program Cecomir.iges partleipainsu
io bccoile more n;\are of their e.xeIrci-
habits b\ menlsurillI thhe lditance the,
walk e\eri\ da.\." said (her Harris. out-
reach educational programs coordinator
for HHP.
The program kicks off Jan. 28, 2005
with a party on the Reitz Student Union
North Lawn. For eight weeks, Gators on
the Go participants will keep track of their
steps daily and strive to reach the goal of
5,000 steps per day.
The registration fee for Gators on the
Go is $10. The program registration cost
includes access to the program Web site,
health and wellness tips, healthy recipes,
health calculators, a flexibility guide,
guidelines for resistance training and

10 Performance

in, ntiin es. Ifr participants don't ha\e a
pedometer, then one ill hb pro; ided for
then. Participantis ., ho iucce-sliIllI coim-
plete the program receitc a G(jlor, on the
Go T-shiirt.
Participants \%ll be able to keep track
ot theil dail step. a.nd con \en other
pli) ,icil aciL mile., such as sw% imling,
into tleps by using tile (Gilors on 'he (io
Web site.
Gatolrs on the Go teaches participun''
easy ways to incorporate healthy activities
into their lifestyle. For example, the pro-
gram urges people to take the stairs
instead of the elevator.
This year's theme is Don't Be a Lei-Z
Gator... Make Your Steps Count!
Participants choose an island in Hawai'i
and make it their goal to walk across the
island during the eight-week period. The
progr.ai provides the number of steps it
takes to get across the island, and partici-
pants keep track of their daily steps with a
-Michele Dye

*~~l 0

Eac srneste, DrP.I1Tl L ]ind Hun], a
t~Journlism wird Communl~~ll~.ications,

class. nthe fall ofa 204 H ton' ls

"D, I to's lascme tip withl
som great 0
inipleni~t, -,id ihl ydrc

tor fCOML~iiafi tO14-1P

*l f
-.. -*.* -.-

I 77

By Cathy Palmieri
Staff Writer

S ith plans to positively effect
individuals throughout Flori-
da, the United States and the
world, the.\ddict \e &
Health Behaviors Research Institute
(AHBRI) opened its doors in the fall of
2004 with sites at the University of Flori-
da campus in Gainesville and in Jack-
sonville, Fla. Dr. Chudley Werch of the
Department of Health Education and
Behavior in the College of Health and
Human Performance serves as founding
"There are many benefits that will
come from the institute," Werch said. "We
will employ the best people available and
expose at-risk populations to educational
programs they wouldn't have access to
otherwise, creating long-lasting, positive
The mission of the AHBRI is "to
conduct national and international
research examining the etiology, preven-
tion and mitigation of addictive and relat-
ed health behaviors." The goal of AHBRI
is to gain national and international
prominence for conducting interdiscipli-
nary research in addictive and health pre-
vention, and intervention trials.
The work of the institute is consid-
ered necessary because addictive behav-
iors cause most of the nation's premature
and preventable morbidity, mortality and
injury. Contributing behaviors include
alcohol and alcoholism, drug use and
abuse, eating disorders, smoking and nico-
tine addiction, and other compulsive

behaviors such as gambling.
Research is focused on vulnerable
populations including children, adoles-
cents, minorities, low-income individuals,
elderly and other groups at high risk for
addictive health-compromising behaviors.
Current projects include: alcohol pre-
vention strategies for youth in primary
health care facilities; the reduction of
health and social problems related to high
potency alcoholic beverage consumption;
the prevention of drug abuse for youth
transitioning between high school and col-
lege; and the use of fit-
ness and positive
image for economical-
ly disadvantaged ado-
The on-campus
site allows the institute
Werch access to external
grant proculemient,
awards notification, awards negotiation,
distribution of funds, human subjects
requirements, and the conduct of on-cam-
pus research involving university student
subject populations and systematic
reviews orf Iterature. The off-campus site
allows close contact to target populations
located within easily accessible field set-
tings including schools, health clinics,
hospitals and health departments.
Two programs previously developed
by Werch already are being used by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services as model programs throughout
the nation and the world. Research con-
ducted by the AHIBRI will help develop
similar programs in the future, Werch

Research Institute

Awarded 2 Grants

By Melissa Weizniak
Conir'druiimt Writer

The University of Florida's newly
established Addictive & Hedlth Behav-
iors Research Institute announced the
receipt ofr o National Inslniute on Drug
Abuse research grans to dc clop and tic:
inno\ati\e drug abuse prevention inter-
ventions for adolescents.
The UranrT complement two on-going
research prljec, trunded h\ the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alco-
holism for the institute.
The principal inmesigator for all four
grants is Dr. Chudley (Chad) WeTrh,
who is the founding director ofl he insti-
tute and a professor in the Department of
Health Eduiation and Behavior. he
A\HB Research Institute is collihoriring
with research scientists at Mlax Clinic
Jacksonville and Rochester, .,llneiri
of Maryland at Baltimore (ount',
Uniersiit orfNorth Florida, and (Oxord
Brooks Uni er-it fOxford. ngland) on
these and related research studies.
The new in estigator-initiared NIDA
granite include the following. 1) A
Selective Prevention Program for High
School Seniors received funding for five
years at a total of $2,461,000. This
research will test the feastibilii and effi-
cacy of iiuinoative drug misuse preven-
tion strategies using posiiixr career and
personal deieklpinment comniulnicalions
for di% erse youig people who are transi-
iioning irom high school into caiecis 1nd
college. 2) Brief Positie Image
Communiatdioni for Adolescents
recei\cd funding fur a three-year period
at a total of S1.673.00". This research
\ill tebt the latidit., Ifeaibilit'. and eft -
carc of brief. innovative screening and
prekcntiiv inte'r\niiun, uting ninellW
and positr\V' image communications for
economically. disadvantaged high-risk
adolescents in inner-city and rural pri-
mar\ health care ~cttinga.

Spring 2005 11



* #

walking through the campus of
:; : .' the University of Florida,
: : one may come to believe that
the uni\ erstit caters only to
the lives of young adults. I ra\ el 2 miles
south of campus and the perception will
change quickly. UF recently expanded its
horizon to encompass a retirement corm-
Oak Hammock at the University of
Florida opened its gates and welcomed its
new members in the spring of 2004. To
ensure an active lifestyle, all community
members are granted with privileges simi-
lar to those of the UF fIi ilr- These bene-
fits include a Gator-1 card, access to
sporting and performing arts events,
libraries, research facilities, museums, and
most classes taught at the University.
The partnership between UF and Oak
Hammock integrates the expertise and
knowledge of professionals from various
departments into their programs. The

College of Health and Human
Performance was a vital resource in the
development of the 22,000-square foot fit-
ness facility, which offers two indoor,
heated pools, fitness and wellness classes,
state-of-the-art exercise equipment,
whirlpool, and physical therapy. Further,
all personnel in the fitness and wellness
progrnims are contracted through HHP.
Timm Lovins, director of fitness and
wellness pIolains at Oak Hammock,
believes that Oak Hammock is a perfect
place for graduate students to put the the-
ories and procedures learned in the class-
room into practice. Currently, 70 percent
of residents at Oak Hammock are signed
up to utilize the fitness center. Lovins said
the center's success lies in the members

"The residents at Oak Hammock are
all professional people who have led very
successful lives," Lovins said. "In these
lives, they are accustomed to \ening goals



and achieving them. Once they are given
useful information regarding the benefits
of a fitness program to their quality of
life, they become very dedicated to
achieving those goals."
Lovins' other partners at HHP include
Dr. Doug De Michele, lecturer in the
Department of Touri in. Recreation and
Sport Management whose responsibilities
include the facilitE 's emergency action
plan and recruiting students for practicum
experience. Cher Harris, outreach educa-
tional progiuiiis coordinator, and Tracey
Ryan, provide nutritional advice. Harris
also selected the equipment for the fitness
facility and created the organizational plan
for the facility.
"The relationship between the Col-
lege and Oak Hammock is very benefi-
cial because the College of HHP faculty,
staff and students are experts within the
realms of health and exercise, and the Oak
Hammock staff are experts at providing
customized living and care to retirees,"
Harris said.
For more information regarding Oak
Hammock, please visit their Web site at
www.OakHammock.org or call (352) 548-
-Jessica Brennan



B ai bt' "-lg :' '? .* pa ,". Noan "e
st G e on g?

ene t e ating Violence

v; M
.-er .

Sonsi :hi stldy shos i that sibling vio
pA tofisa etit e-s not inetinsequential, and that
it there 0 an every type of violent experience has a
violence and potential to impact us later in life."
; nDeprt.ent of MHel.. Edu hicn ld. :-.:R..Mie Ntji said. "Those Noland said.
Bhaviory vioiene between siblmgs ai tO are tihe prpetaors l iolent si ua- In the future. Noland said she would
beth .root of violent reionships .that tios withs w ite siblings more likely to like to continue research and explore a
develop later in life. Noland.recintly be th..peetrators of violate in dating possible link between sibling violence and
I served as the principle investigator ina phtuations .". bullying acti\it. L u. %cNll a h continuing to
study exploring community college u-. study the link bet een sibling violence
dents' experiences with sibling.vipac "reis Study Sho_ i bat "nd other pes opeer violence.
. followed by a study linking sibling vio- So when is it OK for siblings to
lence to dating violent ce expoienes. Sibling violence isinot fighti
"I decided to do this study after incone"f the fight i', such that you couldn'tt
inconsequential ,
thinking about marital violence which let our child fight with a neighborhood
many believe begins during the dating that every type o child in that wav. then nou shouldn't let
stage f a relationship, Nola experience ha d :- siblings fight that ay either." Noland
whie. theyaereatween theage? 10-model ,lent experience. s that
"However, l.had a hard time beievi-,ng l e esaeid. "Sibling violence ik not normal and
children tuck away violerit behaviors potential to impact, U .S < t something children should ha e to
learned in childhood and wait until they tr in i with For some, sibling violence can
la ter in life ." o ar '." F rm
start dating to use them. I wanted to see N... png lasting consequences."
where violent behaviors begin." -Dr. Virginia Noland ~inia Noland Dodd is an assistant
S Data for the study was gathered by .. -"i. parart the University o" Florida
surveying more than 500 community col- odd: ... *' health and Human
,o ,o o :o ,.. o. 50o o ,-.. ..
lege students. Students were asked to .,in the Department of lea th
recall experiences with their siblings Past studies have focused on the ro.: Oao Behaior. This study was
while they were between the ages of 10 model theory, which states that children piub l. is i l May 2004 American
and 14, when sibling violence is believed will imitate the way their parents act Jou aor Special
to peak. Respondents also were asked to toward one another. Howe\ er, Noland's S. '-:iS ~..R:if Preventimn.
recall with which sibling the) encountered study found that children alko are inllu-
the most conflict, and the amount and enced by how their parents act toward
types of sibling violence they experi- them. Noland said these findings may
enced. Questions ranged from topics, such influence parents to rethink the way they :: .
as being called "fat and ugly," to being discipline their children. .
threatened with weapons. During the sur- Noland believes her study is just the
vey, respondents were asked similar ques- tip of the iceberg when it comes to... ......
tions about violent experiences with their research needed on sibling violence. .

%v~iZUI5 13
:-: il1iv :i;:j:


Weightlifting is Therapeutic for

the Faint of Heart

By Melanie De Jesus
Contributing Writer

S studies consistently have shown
thna resistance training leads to
manu health benefits, front an
increase in strength and a
decrease in body fat to improved balance
and pre mention or improvement of med-
ical conditions, such as diabetes and
osteoporosis. Nonetheless, when one
thinks of weightlifting, the image that
most often comes to mind is that of strong
and healthy young men, intent on improv-
ing their phy sical appearance. Resistance
training, however, is also powerfull nedi-
cine' for the weak and faint of heart.
In a three year study funded by the
American Heart Association, Universit)
of Florida researchers found resistance
exercise was beneficial to heart transplant
Resistance exercise prevented osteo-
porosis. which is caused by anti-rejection
drugs in organ transplant recipients, said
Dr. Randy Braith, a professor of exercise
ph) siology in the College of Health and
Human Performance, with a joint appoint-
ment in .F's College of Medicine
Additionally, resistance exercise
reversed skeletal muscle my opathy, a
characteristic of heart failure patients
before transplantation.
"Part of the heart failure syndrome is
that skeletal muscle atrophies and much
of the remaining skeletal muscle becomes
essentially unusable," Braith said.
"Patients are left \sith a t pe of skele-
tal muscle that is easily fatigable and

prone to injury. However, we believe that
this chronic condition can be reversed."
Skeletal muscle is made up of three
distinctly different types of fibers or cells.
Type I fibers contain large numbers of
mnitochondria and the enzymes necessary
to produce energy aerobically.
Consequently, Type I muscle fibers
arc %cry fatigue resistant and contribute
greatly to a per-
son's overall tol-
erance for physi-
cal activity. Type
Ila and llx fibers
contain fewer
mitochondria and
aerobic enzymes.
These fibers
fatigue very easily) Dr. Randy Braith
and are used for brief anaerobic activity.
Heart failure patients iho arc candidates
for heart transplantation experience a
global decrease in the fatigue resistant
Type I fibers.
This shift in fatigue resistance occurs
in all patients in the final stages of organ
failure, and does not appear to he directly
linked to the decreased oxygenationi that
comes along w ith the reduced blood floi
that is characteristic of heal- failure
patients, Braith said.
To conduct the study, muscle biopsies
were performed on 15 heart transplant
recipients \ho were then divided into two
groups. Eight patients performed six
months of weight training while the other
seven patients were assigned to a control
group that onl performed walking exer-
cise. At the end of the stud., muscle

biopsy samples were once again taken
from stud) participants.
"All the weight training patients
demonstrated an increase in the fatigue
resistant Type I fibers. while the walking
control group did not experience this t) pe
of fiber shift," Braith uaid.
The increase in lype 1 fibers should
translate into higher energy leels in heart
transplant patients and a subsequent
increase in quality of life as activity levels
The study, which was conducted
between 2000 and 2003, has had an influ-
ence in the treatment of heart transplant
"When I started mi line of research in
heart transplant recipients at the
University, of Florida 15 cars ago. little if
any exercise \as prescribed," Braith said.
"Nationall\ and internationally there is a
trend toward prescribing aerobic exercise.
Our work at UF has recei\ ed national and
international attention and resistance exer-
cise will become part o a comprehensive
rehuhilitution regimen for organ transplant
patients at many institutions."
At Shands Healthcare, resistance
training has been incorporated into post
transplant rehabilitation regimes.
NMort\mer. resistance training now is used
prior to transplantation as a wa\ of
preparing the patient for surgery.
"We like to think that our research has
played some part in that decision," Braith
said. "I know that transplant physicians
follow our research very closely."

14 Performance

.- i


,.. *...

:F..S .rj: Saturrdays in Gainesville, Fla.,
S".the Florida Gators football team pre-
.'. .-pare to face its toughest rivals in The
S wa"iip Whiile the teaim is making its nee-
S essaryiprepaations, their University Athletic

SHum Performance,.also are going their -
SpartS Whilmounte-of time that is dedicated -
to-psrepare aand operate aUcovlege football
gasse immationse. with the eent
Spring 2005 15


In 2002, approval was granted from
the collegee of Health and Human Perfor-
mance to offer a class that would be prac-
tical in nature versus book oriented. Dr.
Gregg Bennett, a sport management pro-
fessor, started this course and titled it
Event Management, which was opened to
all UF undeigrJduute and graduate stu-
Bennett said this is an important class
for the sport management program, and it
is a requirement for accreditation among
North American Society for Sport Man-
agement (NASSM) institutions.
"The impetus for the course comes
from the notion that our students need rel-
evant experience working within the sport
industry to obtain jobs, and this course is
able to provide such experience," Bennett
said. "It also provides a fertile ground for
understanding the research enterprise."
In the spring of 2004, Bennett
approached the UAA with the idea to get
the students of this university involved in
game-day operations. This idea became a
reality in the fall of 2004.
Dan Kaslovsky, a sport management
graduate student, said the event manage-
ment class is the most beneficial class
offered at the UF.
"It has given me the opportunity and
experience with performing game-day
operations," Kaslovsky said. "This will
help me in my future endeavors, where 1
would like to pursue a career in collegiate
Prior to every home football game, the
event management class, which included
five graduate students and 12 undergradu-
ates, prepared for a few hours the day
before and arrived 3-4 hours prior to the
game to carry out their assigned responsi-
bilitices. This group of motivated students
were primarily in charge of the operations
for the 64 luxury suites and the 2,900 club
seats, which were both expanded and ren-

ovated in 2003. This class was dispersed
through the second floor (Bull Gators
.evel), fifth floor (Club Level), and the
sixth and seventh floors (Suite Levels).
The fruits of labor from this class pro-
vided the ultimate game experience for
the fans. The students cleaned each suite,
and straightened and wiped down each
chair individually. The lights and rest-
rooms are inspected for cleanliness and to
ensure everything was operating properly.
The students stock the counters, iefliie:ra-
tors and tables with a sufficient amount of
food, beverages, condiments and supplies
that were needed throughout the duration
of the game. Once each suite passed
inspection, the group distributed 10 player
roster cards and four programs on the
counter tops of each suite.
Sara Klein, a sport niinageitentl grad-
uate student, said a lot of hard work was

involved in putting on a fooltall _aime
"E\ r\ one', hard \ ork and dedicatiOn
to this program .illo\s the Unier'\ it ifl
Florida to putl tiln successlIl tgmlle pres-
entation." Klein said.
During gaine iCe. the Licent mnanage-
ment cla. 1ta oin-call to pro\ ide seni ice;
to meet tIe demands and needI of hce
suite and club cui-iL If the guea'& wantedd
to experience the sounds t the paine. the
students opened and closed the s iie in-
dows upon their reiqesi. Tihe al-.o assist-
ed Gator Boosters Inc.. v, ith prom iding the
best culnsilo r .er\ ice the, can ofter. rhi.
allowed the students to iteliact \%ill d
diverse and influential l liei'tal
Chri-. John-,on. a sport mnl.igeiiienit
senior, said his a\ orite c\xperciince of this
class wa- that he had the opportunil' to
meet sLLCli a dic'l-_-e gloup ol'people.

see SCENES, page 25

Front Row Alice Jenkins, Brianne Fearon, Courtney Blount and Dan Kaslovsky.
Back Row: Justin Johns. Amanda King, Sara Klein. Krystle Moss. Carrie O Neil.
Chris Johnson. Paul Vorilla, Lauren Heaphy. Danielle Rossano and Joel

16 Performance

aa: .s..

Front row: Assaf Regev. Rachel Chrstense.
Rachel Wojnowicz, Jody Crollick, Stephanie
Castellano. Jolie Haun, Eric Model, Daniel

Students A

T he College of Health and
Human Performance is proud to
announce the 2005 recipients of
the College tellok ships. schol-
arships und a\ ards.
lwenty students, including undergrad-
uate. graduate and Ph.D. students received
awards ranging from S500 to $7.500.
Students ill use the funds to assist \ ith
tuition fees. research related lra cl experi-
ences and professional development.
"This a'iard has given me the oppor-
runity to expand m- know ledge in the
field of physical education and associated
research h% providing me with the mean
to pa\ tbr opportunities that 1 vould not
he rther L'ise able to cnEage in successful-
ly." said Jody Crollick. recipient of the
Allen.'HolyoakiVarnes Graduate Scholar-
In order to receive a fellowship. schol-

n, Bethany Ingram and Rogeho Capore. Middle row: Natalie Whitney. Angela Snowden.
SAlexa. Keisha Engram, Yolanda Reid and Alyssa Ferguson. Back row: Vanessa
'eterson, Jeff Wight. Enn Wight and Sydney Sklar.

warded Scholarships

arship or award, ,itudemnt- ar required to
complete an application, write a personal
statement and explain how they plan to
use the funds. Recipients then are chosen
b\ a committee consisting of the Collezge
faculty and .staff.
Nlany HHP awards ha\e been estab-
lished to honor individuals who have ded-
icated time and service to the College.
including former professors .lan C.
Moore. Norma NM. I ea~ it. and H.W.
Other awards are established to honoi
graduates or students of the college such
as Frederick E. Rozelle. Charles W.
.essler Jr. and Thomas Hayes I\'.
The recipients of the fellowships.
scholarships and awards are recognized at
the Scholarship Convocation, which is
held in the spring. The College's donors.
faculty and advisory council members

will attend to honor the recipients and
meet their families.
Slie students of the College are
extremely grateful tbr these generous gifts
and are proud it honor the indi\ iduals for
which the fellowships, scholarships and
awards are named.
"It is alwa s hard to expre,,ss gratitude
in words, but I would tell the donors how
eery grateful I am for their contribution to
my education." Crollick said. "In addition,
I plan to stri\ c to work harder in my tield
to make the donors proud to ha'e gi.cn
the award to me."
If you are interested in establishing a
college award to honor a dear friend or
lo\ ed one, please~ contact Melissa
Wohlstein at (352) 12-057R.
-('athl Palmier;

Spring 2005 17

.. .. ._____. .. __ i :


The Patrick J. Bird Dissertation
Research Award
This award is presented to a Ph.D. candidate o1
assist in expenses related to completion of his
or her doctoral disseraltion

Sydney Sklar is pursuing a Ph 1 in therapeni-
iit recreation and has a 3.89 GPA. Sklar taught
several classes at the uni er.iity and recently
became a member of the Board of Directors
for the National TheIlpe.LLic Recrearion
Society. He also enjoys 'olunltering at thera-
peutic recreation programs, % which led to the
oppornunir to be a iecreational therapist at
Shands Hospital.

Jane Adams Edmonds
Ph.D. Fellowship
This award is presented to a Ph.D. candidate in
the Department of Applied Ph) siology and

Lindsay McManus came to I.'F from N.C.
State, where she earned her bachelor's degree
in biomedical engineering. MleManas is pursu-
ing her Ph.l. in biomreclianic, motor control.
In the summer of 2003. she completed a
research internship at the ULnivcrsirt of
( incinnali collegee of Medicine and Drake
Center, where she worked with stroke and
spinal cord injury paticunt

Charles W. LaPradd
Ph.D. Fellowship
This award is presented to a Ph.D. candidate in
the Deparimcnt of Applied Ph% siolopg and

Rupa Nair ;is working on a Ph.D. in exercise
ph siolog. w ith the goal of teaching biome-
chanies and musclc ph siolog. After receiving
her bachelor's degree. Nair worked as a physi-
cal therapist at Life-Line Hospital in Baroda,
Gujaral, India. She also worked with spinal
cord injur) patienir. who were injured during
the earthquake in Northern Guiarai, India in
2000. Nair earned a master's dearce at the
I lntierit;, of Ceniral Arkansas

Norma Leavitt Ph.D. Fellowship
This award is presented to a Ph D candidate in
applied phlysolog, and kinesiology

Jessica Doughty earned her master's degree
from U.F il cxcrciis and sport sciences in
'n011;. I Her research nmerests include eamninine
the relationship berteen eating pathologies
and ph -sical %tl it%. While working on her
Ih I.. Ioughtr would like to continue
researching The prealence of eating disorders
versus disordered eating in female athleLCs.

The criteria for both Lhe graduate and undei-
graduact scholarships include being in good
academic standing as a major in one of'the
programs of the College. Preference will be
giien to students with .American citizenship
who hate made a significant contribution to
society' lirough volunteerr work and'or inilitarn
service. For die undergraduate scholarship.
applicants must he at least a junior, '.ith 24
credit hours eatied at IF and have at least a
3 0 GPA.

Graduate Recipients
Jody Crollick i', a iaJudat student in health
education and behavior and maintains a 1.77
GPA Crollick is a graduate assistant at the
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Fvaluaiion Program She works at the I 'I
Compultng Help Desk and volunteers at
Terwilliger Elementari School.

positions at LUF Haun. a research asnistanl.
teaches an undergraduate course and works at
the Heans and Hope research project at Shands
Hospital while maintaining a 3 9 GP.\.

Undergraduate Recipient
Rachel Christensen is a senior rnajuririn in
applied physiology and kin'eiology and aspires
to become a cenifled personal trainer this 'Car.
Due to her interest in training and relubiliua-
lion, ihe plan to obtain a master's or doctorate
in phIy sical herapy Chrislensen is a rehabiliti-
lion techLnician and ollfiLe administrator at
Sports and Or)hopedic Rehabilitalion and con-
tinuajll volunteers at rehab and crisis centers
while mainlairung a 3.9S GPA.

C.A. Boyd Scholarships
The.e awards are for full-time undergraduate
and graduate students of outstanding character.
Special consideration is gi en to undergraduate
students with a strong interest in golf.

Graduate Recipient
Eric Model is a doctoral student in applied
physiology and kinesiology, and specializes in
sport ps.cholog. while maintaining a 4.1.1
(;PA Ili, research interest is in the psychology
of performance thow motivation. personaltr).
orientalions and coaching beha\ ior affect per-
tornance) I pon completing his doctoral
work. Model hopes to be an actie partcipant
in academic teaching, applied consulting and
research within the communities or the sports
psychology field

S.nrdergraduate Recipient
Lucas Bcnnett i maiorhmg in physical cdiuca-
Jolie Haun is a graduate student in health edu- Lucas Bennett making physical -
cation an beh r. h current holds three lion and maintains a 3.7 GPA. Bennen is a
canion and behmolr. She current\. hold. Lthree

18 Performance

member of Tal Sigma academic
honor society. Gold Keh. International honor
socierd. I'E clib and the UT coed sul'ball
ream Bennen is \er, icciie in the communiri.
as hie coaches coed sofiball. xouth soccer.
men's softball. Pop \arner tbotball and T-ball.

Danny Eggart Memorial
ThL. uajrd i, limiLed to graduates ofFlorida
hieh schools, prererabl\ Escambia count. high
schools Filianiial need is considered.

I Undergraduate Recipient
Kai Kline is a senior in applied ph> siolog>
and kinesiulogy and has a 3.97 GPA. Kline
renes as an athletic trainer for the UF baseball
team and olunleers lime to charilahle organm-
zations :~c a inermber of the Alpha Phi Omega
national service fraternir\.

Charles W. Fessler Sr. and
Miriam A. Fessler Scholarship
This annual award is for a junior or senior int
the College.

L'ndrgraduate Recipient
Stephanie AJexa ik a senior in tourism, recre-
ation and sport management, here her main
field of intcrclt i i n special ecenl planning.
Alexa was an aHfer;chool teacher and solun-
teered for the LIF A\lumni ,\sociation and sev-
cral honor ocaticbs \while maintaining a 3.71

Charles W. Fessler Jr.
The Cliarles \V Fessler Jr. .Anual Scholarship
3as initiated in 1994 for maiord in the
Department of Tourism Recreaxion and Sport
Management who hase had active involvement
in the Recreational Sports program and
demonstrated professional potential.

Undergraduate Recipicnt
Rogelio Capote r, an undergraduate student in
the Depanrtmni of Tourisi. Recreation and
Sport Managcmcnt, sherec hi, speci.ltizition is
in tourism and hosptality management. Capote
holds man. leadership positions in numerous
organizations, such as presidini of Leisure
Education and Park' Students (LEAPS), and
'oluineers his lime in tie Gaines\ ille commu-

Judith D. Fessler Scholarship
For applied physiology) and kineisiology stu-
dents with senior status and who are nali' es of
Fl rnda. Preference -i'en to married students.

Undergraduate Recipient
Stacy Colon is a senior hi applied ph> siolog)
and kine-iolog, with an emphasis in exercise
ph> siolog, Colon, who maintains a 3.95 IGPA.
performed her practicunm in the LF Applied
Human IPhsiolog> Lab. She is a lifeguard at
UF Lake 'laburg, a Flonrda ( icerone, and
holds executi' e positions in organizations.
such as president of E\crcLis Science Societr,.

Dr. Norma M. Leavitt
These awards are for sludent, iith a strong
interest in health education and behad ior who
are pursuing a professional teaching degree
with an emphasi. on phlisical education
Female applicanrs are high% considered.

Graduate Rccipienlt
Alyssa Ferguson is a graduate student in
Tourism. Recreation and Sport Management.
where she maintains a 3.78 GP\ She is a
graduate assistant in the Dean's OlTice in the
College of Health and Human Performance.
which in\ol\e iaili mnanagenient and being
a teacher assistant for a master's Icel vIcourse,
facility management. FergIIon alko asi-is
*v.ith a local high school athletics program.

Erin Wight has a 4.0 GPA as a doctoral
student in Health Education and Behavior.
\ ighi's research interests include perception
of control and health, and social and psycho-
logical determinants to health behavior. She
has had the opponunitl to teach several class
at UF. !iich lie into her future career aspira-
tiuon in the worldd of academia

Undergraduate Recipient
Yolanda Reid, an applied ph>siolog) and
kinesiolog, senior specializing in athletic
training, has a 3.78 GPA. rhis specialization
allows hler to combine her lo.e ofsports and
medicine together. Reid ib an athletic trainer
for the LIF sc iball team and previously, he
interned uith the Orlando \Miracle and Magtc.
Ipon completion of her bachelur's degree. she
plans to attend LIF to receive a physician's
assislan degree with a specialization in ortho-

Lee-McCachren Endowed
This award is tfor a til l-time applied ph% siolo-
g. und kunesiolog> graduate stnjdent ser ing as
a graduate assistant and maintaining a 3.4 or
higher GPA Thi. award requires tacull norlni-
nation. The recipient must be of outstanding
character with a .Lrong. coinpetitise spirit, and
a high level of enthusiasm for life and profes-
sional pursuits.

Graduate Reeipient
Rebecca McClintock is graduate student in
exercise ph> siulkg A'itli aspirations to contin-
ue to the doctoral le el. McC ILnitck has been a
member of Team Florida ccling cluh for the
past fitc carn, w here shie has volunteered with
events and held officer positions. She has been
a teacher and research assistant throughout her
collegiate career while maintaining a 4 0 GPA

Alan C. Moore Scholarship
For this award. the student must show% interest
in being of ser ice to others and demonstrate
leadership abilil,. Preference will be given to
students ml.oled in teacher preparation degree

Spring 2005 19

program in ph. sical education.

Undergraduate Re, ipient
Bethany Ingram i. a senior .\iLh a 3.95 GPA in
exercise physiolog. IngLram has solunleered .t
scecral different facilities, which include
rehJbilitation centers and organizations. such
as Felloviship ol' Christian Athlete. i FCA).
Ingram conducted her practicum at ReQuest
I'h ,ical Therapy for Women.

Chris Patrick Scholarship
; Program
Full in-sare tumion ,walters are awarded to
decser% ing students \ ho are majoring in the
college's undergraduate athlenc training educa-
tion program. I he Chris Patrick Scholarship,
are sponsored b thle Uni'ernt.l .Athlchic
Associatiil Inc. and arc presented to encour.
age academic excellence within the specijliza-
tion of athletic training.

Erin Barnes. Michelle Cromwell. Daniel
Kontos. Heather Goodson. Matthew Odom.
Kristen Villacampa, Kelley Palmer

Potter-Chafin Scholarships
I hese scholarships are gi en to undergraduate
majors in the college \ho enjoy\ and actisel%
participate in tennis,

Graduate Recipient
Vanessa Castellano is a doctoral student in
applied phi siologp and kinesiology with a
3 92 GPx Castellano has competed on the col-
legiate and professional levels in tennis around
the world While pursuiing her imaiter's degree.
she was ;,i assistant c;uoach for the 2001)i
National Champion (eorgia women's tennis
team. ('rrenlly. she leaches tennis classes at
UF. Her research interests :ocuis on the impact
of regular csercise trailing on the immune ss-
tem in a \arine ol populahions. Castellano also
has been published in numerous refereed jour-

1 ndergraduale Recipient
Angela Snowden is a senior in health educa-
tion and hehl-a\or w ith a specialization in com-
mrunity health She ha held numerous leader-
ship pusiLions in organizations, such as Golden
Key. Eta Sigma Gamma and the HHP College
Council. Snowden niainains a 3.'5 GPl' and
aspires to become a nurse practitioner.

Frederick E. Rozelle
The Frederick E. Rozelle indcreraduate
Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate
student in the college who is pursuing a degree
in ph stlal education pedagogy or sport man-

Undergraduate Recipient
Horacio Ruiz is a senior in tourisii. recreation
and >-port manageineril. specia.izing in sport
management He has a wide range ot experi-
ences in the sport industry. including voaln-
reering ith the Uni-.ersit of Florida Sport
Inronnation Department and interning with the
linivers~i of Miami Athletic Department.

H.W. Schnell Memorial
For th45 award. an applied phls.iiolog, and
kine=iolrgx student should lia\e demonlrated
a high leiel of scholarship, an interest in tennis
and Lll in physical activities.

GradLlate Recipient
JeffWight is a second year Ph.D. student in
applied physiolog, and kinesiology specializ-
ing in biomechanics. \Vight workl 10 hours
per week in the Biomechanic' I aboraiorn. In
addition, he is responsible for designing and
chairing the Bioliechanies LaKIratori
Research Support Committees. Wighl also has
taught a sariert of classes at IF anid served a,
a guest lecturer.

Llndergraduate Recipient
Keisha Engram is a senior in applied physiolo-
g) and kinesiology. specializing in
itnescs tellneIs. Fneram has more than 100i
hours ot\olumneer obseralion hours in athlclic
training and also volunteerss \ith ithe Phillipian
Community Church as a mentor Engram
enjoys playing tennis and racLTuelball.

Kyle Schuemann Memorial
1 his scholarship is awarded to a sport manage-
ment student in memory, of K\ Ic Schuemann. a
student in the sport management program \ho
passed away in Oct. 2003.

Lindergraduate Recipient
Assaf Regev Is a senior specializing in sport
management Regev has served as a Florida
Cicerone, member o' the Recreational Sports

Board of Direcior,. and a marketing intern
\ith the Univeisirt. \thletLL \'socmation. He
work-. ad a studenl asu itant in the L nierirn
of Florida President's Ottice and is a member
ofThela Chi Fraternitn.

B.K. and Betty Stevens
I he recipints musai ho\w interest in being of
service to others and demonrtraite sicces'snlul

Undergraduate Recipienra
Daniel Peterson is a senior in applied ph siolo-
g, and Linestolog;. Pererson lis spent a great
deal ofi ilme oluteering w\ ith \arious groups.
including Buggy Creek Camp tor disabled
children, the Shands Radiology Department,
and St. Francis House. Peteron hLa a 3.95
GPA ,ird plans to attend medical school

Tara Sampson is majoring iln louriim. reerc-
allon and sport management, specialriing in
therapeutic recreation Sampson korks for
Trinit. United Methodist Church as the atis-
tant director of children's ministries and main-
tains a 4.0 GPA. She plans to complete her
gradilate degree in therapeutlic ecreation.

Rachel Wojnowicz is a senior in health educa-
ILOn and behat ior \\oiilnoniz crsees on the
executive k volunteer committee for the
Uni\ersitr Homeless Council and completed
an internship with the Alachl a Count.
Coalition ior the Honimcss and Hungry. She
plans to gel a mater', or Ph.D in public poli-
cy analysis

Naomi Stevens Scholarship
This scholarship iJ awarded to any major in
the College.

Undergraduate Recipient
Natalie Whitney is a senior in applied physiol-
og' and khiesiology specializing in exercise
science. Whitune hd, more than 450 hours of
community sen ice in a\rious acti cities.
including Hospice. All-Children's Hospital arnd
Shands. She current\ works in the Shands
emergency room \ hitne\ aspires to become a

20 Performance

eU t


'- The 2004 Five PoinJS of Life Team began in Seattle,

S hen Perry, McGritT mounted his bicycle an Aug.
24, 2004. he didn't do it for himself. He began to
pump the pedals so that more hearts could pump
.. McGriff(BSPE '60) is tht founder of the Five Points
of Life Ride, a bicycle journey tha portion of
America each year to ss.of'the need for lite-
saving do nuive points are for whole blood,
apheresis, bone marrow, cord blood, and organ and tissue
"We don't raise money," McGriff-said. "We raised -
awareness. If you don't have these iroducts..." He niakes a
t motion with his hands. There is no alternative.
'V ,, "

Wash., and finished at the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida. Giving up about eight weeks of their lij
team riders cycled across 13 states and-r rrain to
Share their message. "
"It takes your bod) about 10 days or two weeks to .
adjust." McGriff said. "Then you're pretty much cal-
He grinned and chuckled,-"You hawe steel buns."
The teanr crossedfive mountain ranges: the Cascades.
WasacksiR&R'ies, Ozar~rind the foothills of the
"You can't train for the mountains in Florida," McGriff
said. "You just suck it up and hurt." .a
McGrifT said they would climb as much asJt000 feet
in elevation a day.
2005 21
S-., *, ,, ,,- 1*. ,. ...

I i'

w~ u~ -


m L'SI


Slie silence ill the pool is ulmo't o\er-
Seli;-lmini .
S[he nie s\ liable echoes oddly\ In the
Llii\ ersiri ot I lorida's Stephen C.
('( oninell Centri Natatorium, Ioll`ied b\
a splnah ;and \lhati -oiids like tlhe
t hooshing of' atkes slapping atainlst the
tiles. Poi\erful arms 'lice Through the
turquoise after r a1 lthe L.FT iimen's sn it1
teIam \r.ip' ulip itl practice
Ranked third iii the nation. I:F'>
s.\ini teanil boasts ali excellent track
record, consistenl\ finishing in the lop
III at the NC'.\ Chanpionships Ils miost
recent claim tl fmnle is the presence 01'a
rising -i.tar in the worldd ot men's s im-i -
nn111g Ainonil the o(ran.ge and blue s%.im-
uiit-clad onn men is R\ an Lochte. an
I 1-tine .\Ail-.Ameican and the first LUF
miale simmer it \n in an OI mpic gold
medal in 16 \ears.

Although lhe 201-1 I.I.S. Olmppic in his hectic shliedlie is a challenge
,\immingiil couerige geneiall\ centered oi Loclie looks like lie needs a rest. as
M liChael Plhelp,, I o t, \ ho i- a utnior in lie \e ardll climbs Ihe stairs and plops
the ( college. has not gone unnoticed in the himself into a chair in the lounge of the
sI imninig world. Hal ing lonil a gold Wa\' ne and Jllimmi C arse S\ imlning and
medal in the \ 200-nieter freest ie rela. Di)i ng C'omple\. n room coed \ith
and a silver nied.l 20(0-niete individual tiopliies along one \all and pictures ot
nim dl'., 'fiii'lini g iuit .2l of secolld patl I(F I01\mpic in\ iminieri under their
behind Phelps. lie is thought potential\ to respect.l\e participating year on another
be one iol'1 the uperstar' ri\al- illn lth 2(0iS I ochlt'\ head ofl url. blind hair is still
)01 mpic ga.imes damip and
For no\% disheveled. skin
Iltouglh. I oclie. 1 mnned from Ihe
2(). Is lust another LII and t'ce:l
-Ijtdent in in toI tflushed tfilln his
rind a bIalanc e recent %\orkout and
hen\en cl ses ho\er. ,eariii a
and ihe 4-- hour 3 il*- .. %- whitee T-shirt.
da\ training ithat ill keep hill litIF S..1RT iFIF.ITIr i, bl'gg_ 'holls. i and the
It participill e in the I 'F s% ill Ii eetL s and trademark flip-llops of r the r pical Florida
prepare himi for lhis next (.)I\ mpic qualil- college student, it is hard to remember
cations. Tr iing to 1ind space for relaX\alon that Loclite's picture belongs on that I\all.

Spring 2005 23


under the yet-to-be-added 2004 heading.
Lochte has not let his Olympic fame
spoil him, despite the fanfare upon his
return when his hometown of Port
Orange, Fla., welcomed him home by
declaring Aug. 28, 2004 as Ryan Lochte
Day. Where other young men miidit get
carried away with the attention, Lochte
remains grounded said Robert Pugh,
sports information director of men's
swimming and diving.
"IIe just shrugs it off," Pugh said.
Lochte also appears unfazed by the
fact that there are at least three fan-sites
dedicated to him, and a growing group of
followers who increasingly try to contact
"A random person just made me a
Web site and everyone goes to it and I get
fan mail," Lochte said. "I'm starting to get
four to five letters a day. I write them all
back and send them autographs."
Letters are not all he has been receiv-
"As a matter of fact a couple of fans
sent me some pictures ofthlemsel es," he
pauses and sinks deeper into his chair,
blushing before adding: "All of them say
stuff like 'Oh I love you. I want to come
see you. I'm your number one fan.' And
It's fine. I get a kick out of it."
Lochte needs all the amusement he
can get. Becoming a swimming champion
is no small or easy feat, and with training
for UF, the NCAA Championships and the
World Championship trials, this particular
swimmer has a lot on his plate.
Lochte's training usually begins in
the early morning when he and his team-
mates meet for their first round of ground


training, consisting of exercises such as
stadium stompers and weighlt'. In the
afternoon the team meets in the pool for
in-water practice sessions, which may or
may not include additional ground train-
The training is paying off, however,
since Lochte won gold and silver medals
in the 800 meter freestyle relay and the
200 meter individual medley at the FINA
World Short Course Championships in
Indianapolis, Ind., in Oct. 2004.
When he's not busy training, Lochte
must attend classes like every other regis-
tered Florida Gator. Like most college stu-
dents, Lochte danced around for a while
bebil e settling on a major.
"The classes I was taking were for
sociology, but the same classes (General
Education) could be used for [a degree in
the tourism, recreation and sport manage-

ment program], and I want to do some-
thing with sports so I just switched over."
Now, Lochte is Inlerally dancing his
way toward his degree, as he enrolled in
an elective social dance class at UF. lHe
smiled as he talked about the class.
"We first learned Fox Trot and then
Waltz and now we're learning the
Rumba," he said. "Actually we just fin-
ished Rumba. I'm really good," he added
He was able to apply the skills
learned in class to the real world, when he
joined the other U.S. Olympian swimmers
in New York on Nov. 15 for the first
Golden Goggles awards.
"It's actually pretty good because in
November, we had to go to New York, all
the Olympians for this Golden Goggle
Award, and it was reaIl%] nice, where you
wore a tux and everything."
The black-tie fiund-raising event host-
ed by the U.S. Swimming Foundation cel-
ebrated U.S. swimmer's 2004 accomplish-
ments, and organizers hope the award will
soon become prestigious. Lochte was
nominated for Breakout Performer of the
Year and Relay Performance of the Year,
but did not take home the Golden Goggle.
Despite his athletic achievements
Lochte is still uncertain where life outside
the pool will take him.
"I have no idea. I hones.llt don't
know. I'll have to figure -simeihing out."
His eye, however, is ultimately poised
on the 2008 Olympics.

24 Performance

~ 1'
-":.c~ .*. a

nee a Near, people across the
Globe are united in the great
cit ci confines of New York to
participate in the New York City
Marathon. People of all ages and athlet-
ii ability) run the 26.2 mile course.
S which stretches across NYC's five bor-
oughs: Manhattan. Bronx. Queens,
Brooklyn and Staten Island.
John TenBroeck. 63. was one of
35.000 marathon runners competing in
the race on Nov. 7, 2001.
With more tlan two million specta-
tors lining the course. TeiBroeck (BSPE
'67) crossed the finish line in 5:36.33,
which landed him in 305th place for his
age group.
"This year I took a spill in Queens
and cracked a rib but was able to keep
going." TenBroeck said. "Then at mile
21, 1 had a nasty hamstring cramp that
forced me to walk the last 5 miles. 1
determined that if I was going to walk,
no other walkers would pass me and
They didn't. I even passed a good num-
Sber of shuffling joggers and beat my
time from last year."
TenBroeck has thoroughly enjoyed
being a part of the New York City
Marathon experience.
S "There were fi\e years 1 traveled up
north for the race even though I could
not run," TenBroeck said. "I continue
the NYC Marathon because I enjoy
NYC. the race. the spectators, the thou-

sands of volunteers, and the great pedes-
trian trip through parts of all five bor-
His best performance came in 1985
when he finished the course in 3:15.02.
Motivation and dedication are two
important drit ing factors in his continu-
ous participation in this event.
"One motivation factor is my 18-
year participation as a course marshal on
the day before the marathon at the
International Friendship Run,"'
TenBroeck said.
Approximately 8,000 international
athletes gather at the United Nations for
a brief program along with the presenta-
tion of the Adebe
Bikila Award.
Afterward, they
run to the Tavern
on the Green for
break fast.
"I would love
to participate in the
NYC Marathon
next year," TenBroeck said. have been
lucky enough to enter through the lottery
the last three years. Once I have 15
completions. I am guaranteed entry. I'll
keep entering as long as I am able to
xwalk or run reasonably well and to trav-
el to NYC."
-Lisa DePaola

SCENES continued from page 16

"Through my service, I was able to
make contacts and was offered business
cards by main\ of the successful alumni
and their guests. This may aid me in my
goal of attaining a career in sports man-
agement," Johnson said.
Bmenill't' new project has benefited
both the students and the UAA. Bryan
Flood, coordinator of operations and
Facilities for the UAA, found this pro-
gram to be beneticnal to the Gators organ-
"It is definitely a program that we
want to continue next year," said Flood,
who has a master's degree in sport man-
agement from the college. "The help of
the students is great because it helps us
cover a large amount of space and be
more available to cater to the customers.
This allows the UAA to provide a higher
level of customer service. The students
have the opportunity to observe and pre-
pare for big games allowing a great
hands-on experience."

Students make sure the sky boxes are
supplied with plenty of napkins and cups.
The students made sure the suite was in
perfect condition for the boosters.

Spring 2005 25


Mike Nolan, BSPE '71 and MPE '76,
was a traffic safety teacher for Alachua
county. He plans to sell his current busi-
ness and retire to Gainesville within two
years. He would like to work part-time
inslrulctinie driver's education in Alachua
county public schools.

Laurie Braden, BSR '88, is the associate
director of programs for university recre-
ation at Central Michigan University.
Braden obtained her master's degree in
recreation resource management at N.C.
.State and has been actively
involved in the National
Intramural Recreational
Sports Association since
1989. She is currently a
lead facilitator for strategic
planning for Central Michigan
University's Administrative and Finance

Abena Asante, BSHSE '89, moved to
Greensboro, N.C., and works with the
local health department in HIV/AIDS

Stormie (Primo) Andrews, BSHSE '91, is
working at the College of Medicine at
Florida State 1 I.ni\ ersil, as the Standard-
ized Patient Educator.

Lou Foley, BSESS '92, served as a Major
on active duty in the U.S. Army through
June 2004. In July, he moved to Naples,
Fla., to enter a private practice as a Board
Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist.
His wife, Jennifer, is a pediatrician. The
couple has two children, Andrew (4) and
Molly (18 months) and are e\pecting their

third child in April 2005.

Loretta (Thayer) Macenka, BSIISE '91,
graduated with a Master of Liberal Arts in
government from Harvard University
Extension School. She spent seven years
as a personnel officer in the U.S. Air
Force following graduation from UF. For
the past four years, Macenka has worked
for a physical therapy company research-
ing areas for new growth, managing con-
tinuing education and provider credential-
ing programs. Macenka lives in Yorktown,
Va., with her husband, Joe, and her 2-
year-old son, Brody.

Jodi Horvitz, BSLSS '92, has been mar-
ried for seven years to alumni Andrew
Mirman. Horvitz teaches and is a personal
trainer. They live in Akron, Ohio with
their two daughters.

Douglas Casa, MSESS '93, recently was
tenured and promoted to associate profes-
sor at the University of Connecticut.
There, he heads the athletic training pro-
gram and focuses his research on exer-
tional heat illnesses and hydration. He
and his wife, a former Florida track grad-
uate, recently had their first child,
Montana Maria Casa.

Douglas Casa's daughter, Montana Maria

Tami (Haynes) Hayes, BSHSE '93, is the
program director in St. Johns t'ouni for
AmeriCorps' program "St. John Reads."

She is married to Jack Hayes and the cou-
ple has a daughter, Zoe.

Jennifer Wiley, MHSE '98, lives in
Cleveland, Ohio where she is a clinical
research associate for an independent
research company. Her job requires her to
travel constantly, visiting hospitals, train-
ing staff on research protocols and moni-
toring the research at the site.

KristenElordi, BbR '99, is the special
events coordinator for the Professional
Golfers Association of America.

Susan Rice, BSHSE '00, has started her
graduate studies at Barry University in the
physician assistant program. She recently\
became engaged.

Jessica Schulman, Ph.D. '00, accepted a
job as assistant professor of health sci-
ences at Touro University International
(TUI). This university uses zriae-of- lhe-
art technology for synchronous (Internet
teleconferencing) and asynchronous learn-
ing (CD-Rom) to educate students in their
home countries. Schulman resides in l.os
Angeles, Calif.

Leslie (Woodruff) Wallace, BSR '00, is
the convention services manager at The
Westin Peachtree Plaza and has lived in
Atlanta, Ga., for the past five years.

Chris Mesagno, 1ISFSS '01, is a third-
year Ph.D. student in sport and exercise
psychology at Victoria University in Mel-
bourne, Australia. He will complete his
doctorate in March 2005.

Sally Pickren, MN1LSS '01, is the athletic
trainer at Mt. Pisgah Christian School in
Atlanta, Ga. Pickren and her husband

26 Performance

work side-by-side on the football field, as
he is the head coach.

Damon Andrew, MESS '02, recently
completed his Ph.D. in sport administra-
tion from Florida State in 2004 and is now
an assistant professor at the University of
Louisville in the sport administration pro-

MattDiFebo, MESS '02 and BSR '00, is
the manager of inside sales for the Seattle
SuperSonics. DIFebo manages a sales
staff of 14 people. They sell premium
seating and different ticket plans, and the
sales have been among the best in the
NBA. DiFebo and his staff received
recognition from NBA Commissioner
David Stern for their ciffoirl. DiFEchb %ill
speak at the Georgia Southern Sport
Mlaniigeient Conference in Savannah,
Ga., in February.

Michael Ferguson, Ph.D. '02, recently
has been promoted to director of clinical

and strategic development for Medtronic
Sofamor Danek. He works with the
Spinal Deformity Group, which is a group
of 55 surgeons who develop multi-center
surgical clinical outcome studies in the
area of scoliosis and kyphosis, to improve
patient surgical care.

Colleen Geary, ISt.:SS '02 and BSESS
'00, is the assistant director for the Bull
Gator Program at Gator Boosters, Inc.

Jessica McGargle, BSESS '02, lives in
Roslyn, Pa., where she is in the physician
assistant program at Arcadia University.
McGargle will graduate in May 2005.

Nicole Presson, BSR '02, recently was
promoted to restaurant manager at the
New York Marriott Marquis Time Square.
The New York City resident is cnjoy inrt
the Gotham Gator Club.

Susan Puryear, MESS '02, works as an
exercise ph. %ioIlougil at the National

Triathlon Training Center in Clermont,
Fla. She specializes in triathlon coaching
and is a high school swimming coach. On
June 16, 2004, Susan gave birth to her
first child, Gabrielle Alana Puryear-Lynch.

Julia Rae (Varnes) Strnad, BSHSE '02,
MSIISE '03, was selected as a leadership
associate for the American Association for
Health Education (AAHE). Julia is mar-
ried to Will Stmad, BSHSE '00, and the
couple lives in GaithersbuIrg. Md., where
Will is stationed at Bethesda Naval
Hospital and Julia is a Ph.D. student at the
University of Maryland.

Brian Barton, MESS '03, is a coordina-
tor of operations and facilities for the
University Athletic Association at
University of Florida.

Randy Brehm, BSR '03, works for CRC
Press (Taylor & Francis), a publishing
company that pulbl 1 les science books.
Brehm will begin working on his MBA at

Spring 2005 27

Florida Atlantic University in Aug. 2005.

Br an Flood, MESS '03, is a coordinator
of operations and facilities with the
University of Florida's University Athletic

Michelle Graham, MHSE '03, is current
ly attending Harvard School of Public
Health and School of Dental Medicine in
Boston, Mass. She will be working on
her Master of Science to become Doctor
of Public Health or Doctor of ledicil

Jeffrey L. Jackson, BSHSE '03, is in his
second year at Barry University's School
of Podiatric Medicine. He plans to gradu-
ate in 2007 with a DPM degree.

Jay-Jay Janabajal, MESS '03, recently
passed the Florida Bar. He returned to
active duty in the Marine Corps in Nov.

Elizabeth Benz, MESS '04, is the sports
coordinator at Walt Disney World in the
media relations department.

Trevor Bopp, MESS '04, is the assistant
sports information director at Rollins

Emily Kiefer, MSESS '04, is the athletic
trainer at Osceloa High School in
Kissimmee, Fla. She also teaches an ath-
letic training class.

Philip Laird, BSESS '04, moved to
Rochester, Minn., where he is in medical
school at the Mayo Clinic.

Terri Mitchell, Ph.D. '04, defended her
dissertation, "Applications of the Precede
Model to the Evaluation of Cervical
Cancer Screening Behavior Among
College Women," in the summer of 2004
and graduated in August. She has accept-
ed a tenure-track position as an assistant
professor at East Carolina University.

steering the ship

HHP Graduate Helps Tampa Bay Bucs off the Field

After winning the 2003 Super
Bowl, the Tampa Bay Buc-
caneers have proven that
they turned their organization into a suc-
cess both on and off the field. One of
the Colleie of Health and Human
Performance's alumni, Rich Clements.
helps contribute daily to this profession-
al football organization.
Clements is the community relations
manager for the Bucs in which he plays
an integral role in promoting the team
while establishing and maintaining ties
to the colnmunity.
The community relations department
is responsible for the integration of play-
ers in charity programs, which include
Player and Coaches Game Day Charity
Tickets, the Buccaneers Women's
Organization, and \outh program'., slich
as %outh football and the Buccaneers
Student .d\isor. Board. Other i pcs or!'
charitable events take place in the Planer
Programs. here the pla ers choose a
charilh and continutall\ raise monel\ or
Clements and the rest ol'his depart-
nieni or,,anize 90 percent of the pro-
gram's acti\ cities. How\eer. there are
some I'tundations, such as Brooks'
Bunch. that anangie the

play ers and community
relations department aclr
hea% I\ mn\ol.ed.
Clements also is ill
charge of play er appear-
ances. and responding and distriblutimg
donation requests.
(letmenit L'raduated from LT in 200 I
\ ith a Bachelor o' Science degree in
exercise and sports science %\ith a spe-

Rich Clements (BSESS 01) helps Tampa
Bay Buccaneer LB Derrick Brooks rightl
hand out 200 Thanksgiving dinners at rhe
Boys & Girls Club in Pensacola. Fla.. to
those nit harcdest by Hurricane Ivan.
Pnoro courtesy of the Tampa Bay Bucs.
ciulizalion in -iport maiirngeent and a
minor in business administration
Breaking into the sports industry can
be challenging, however C elements said
he \\as able to \\ith "a lot of luck and
\\ ith the grace ot" God "
It also took a lot of hard \ ork on
Clements' part. Durin- his undergrudu-
ate studies, C elements began the neces-
snar preparation to pursue his career
goal. He successfull\ competed for an
internship in the community, relations
department \.ilth the BulL. Dtic to his
performance, he secured a rtill-time posi-
Lion in the same department.
"I graduated on Sarnrda\ and started
\ork on the bollo" ing Monda\."
Clements said.
-L i~a LDk' Ienl

28 Performance

wor the Love oft(6e Game

By Cathy Palmieri
Staff Writer

Some gifts can change your life.
S For M.B. Chafin (BS '57) it was
'ao old typewriter his mother gave him
prior to enrolling at UF in 1951.
"When my mom gave me an old
itaderwood manual typewriter when I
ittred at the U of F, little did realize
jowim poritat this typewriter would be to
ety life," Chafm said.
'Chafin's typing abilities later landed
'a job as a graduate assistant for men's
~itis head coach Bill Potter. It was only
*lq beginning of a long careerin tennis.
4il did he know that he d ipftwlttr
iwMd become life-long friends, and expe-- .
nwete a lifetime of service for UF te ans.
- "Rflecttons are easy to look back i:: .. .
iw4, andt fowreight is hard to have at : te:::.'i they
Atbiosas we all know," Chafi said. two years.
.'However, if had to do it all overa~in4 de:
I beieve I would do it just like it hap : .

"Being a part of the .6.ersiyofr
oorida my 0,0j
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the job was offered to Chafin, who imme-
diately accepted.
-'When I left St. Petersburg Junior
College, I told the athletics director there,
George McCrossin, that my goal was to
be the head coach at Florida when the
time was right, and when that happened, I
would send him a Gator cap," Chafin said.
"Hle got his cap in 1977."
Chafin maintained the coaching posi-
tion until 1984, giving him 24 consecutive
years of coaching at the collegiate level.
After retiring from coaching, Chafm con-
tinued his active involvement with the
tennis camp. However, when new head
coaches came on board, coaching con-
tracts allowed them- to have tennis camps
of their own. The new coaches worked
with Nike, who handled the administrative
tas's of t camp, -ausing Chafin to step
aside fttithe, Gator Tennis Caomp.
After HP appointed Pa Bird as
SiiOn i Bird sobn asked- Cafito
...rft ;t^ r ^. .

at sapc sproira, apositfon ht 6iidti.l

ly. t continue IQ O0~at e had worked so
fhard to del; op, C hfinggsted tcBird
that the C eg sponsor the camp, 'lio .,
proceeds going to HI. Brd .i4 an
Cblsin condpi.g -
th:e title uwedis wft y


t:.; ~ S r~li%
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duties were handed over to Chafm, who
continues to work in this capacity today.
Dean Bird was able to put a number
of programs into action using funds pro-
vided by the tennis camp. The largest of
these programs was the Teacher
Assistance Award. This award is given to
professors as a way to enhance classroom
learning. Professors have the opportunity
to apply for monetary supplements in
order to purchase items that would enable
them to do a better job in the classroom.
Since 1986, it is estimated that the camp
was able to contribute more than
$150,000 to the College.

Chain, who coached tennis for the last
30-plus years and began their life-long
friendship when Chafin as a graduate
Today, Chafin continues his work
with the Gator Tennis Camp. The large
majority of the administrative duties for
the camp are carried out by Chafin, which
includes hiring the camp staff, organizing
camp activities, setting up food services,
and pretty much eer thing besides actual
court activity. This position, Chatin says,
is ultimately a full-time position from
December through August.
"When 1 look at the coming camp
season, and realize that in December we
have no staff, no campers, no advertising,
and know our goals are to hane about 20
staff and 500 campers when the season
opens in June, I say 'WHEW,' and get to
work." Chafin said.
However, Chafin isn't the only leg-
end still taking an active part in Gator
Tennis Camp. At the age of 93, Coach
:iim Mc then continues to help with

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Department of Applied
Physiology and Kinesiology
Dr. Randy Braith was awarded a $1.2 mil-
lion grant from the Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute to research the effects of
enhanced external counter pulsation
(EEL P',.

Dr. James Cauraugh was awarded a
$120,000 grant from the American Heart
Association. He is on the editorial board
of two journals: Acta Psychologica and
Journal of Motor Behavior. In addition,
he serves as a reviewer for the Archives
ofPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
Cognitive Brain Research, Experimental
Brain Research, Journal of Rehabilitation
Medicine and Stroke.

Dr. John Chow is a member of the expert
panel for the DisabiilrN Athletics
Classification Project (PI: Sean Teced\,
University of Queensland) supported by
the Australian Sports Commission. The
purpose of the project is to develop a new
system of classification for disability ath-
letics (i.e., track and field).

Dr. David Criswell was awarded a
$260,000 grant from the American Heart

Dr. Stephen Dodd was awarded $296,(llli
in contracts from Ipsen Pharmaceuticals.
lie is a peer reviewer for the American
Journal of Physiology, Journal of Applied
Physiology, Muscle and Nerve, and

Dr. Heather Hausenblas received two
grants totaling $245,000 from the
National Institute of Health to research
multimedia for exercise during pregnancy

and postpartum, and eating disorder
symptoms and the media: a meta-analysis.
She also was the recipient of the Early
Career Distinguished Scholar Award for
outstanding research contributions in the
early stage of her scientific career from
the North American Society for the
Psychology of Sport and Physical

Dr. Christiaan Leeuwenburgh is a peer
reviewer for Biomechanics et Biophysica
Acta, The International Journal of
Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Canadian
Journal of Applied Physiology, European
Journal ofApplied Physiology,
International Journal of Sports Medicine
and European Respiratory Journal. He is
on the editorial board of the Journal of
Experimental Gerontology and the
American A.4ine Association.
Leeuwenburgh received the Nathan W.
Shock Award from the National Institute
on Aging.

Dr. Scott Powers is on the editorial board
of the International Journal of Sports
Nutrition and the International Journal of
Sports Medicine. Powers participates as a
journal referee for the European Journal
of Applied Physiology and International
Journal of Sports Nutrition. The American
College of Sports Medicine will honor
Powers with the 2005 Citation Award,
which is granted to an individual who has
made significant and important contribu-
tions to sports medicine and/or the exer-
cise sciences. These contributions
may include, but are not limited to,
research and scholarship; clinical care;
and/or administrative or educational
services in sports medicine or exercise
Dr. Heather Gibson (right) was presented
with an award recognizing her as a distin-
guished international educator.


Dr. Mark Tillman was inducted by the
National Society of Collegiate Scholars as
a distinguished member. Tillman was
selected because of his commitment to the
ideals of scholarship, leadership and serv-

Department of Health
Education and Behavior
Dr. William Chen gave two presentations
at the 18th World Conference on Health
Promotion and Health Education in
Melbourne, Australia.

Dr. Virginia Dodd delivered a paper at the
Taking Action for Injury Prevention &
Control Conference in St. Petersheri, Fla.
Dr. Dodd's work on sibling violence has
appeared on National Public Radio and in
the August 2004 issue of Child Magazine.

Dr. Delores James gave two presenta-


~LecL~ a~~ ?~e~

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to
S uiid diverse conuninities and the effctrt
0f 1en1 iionnl erlital tadcior- on leisure-timen
ph .%icjal :sjll iie, in public parks. This,
grant is being made under the founda-
lion'. program. rn .Ic\i, Lit ing Re-earch.
I lo\d al-o receL.ed tlle Allen \. Sapor:i
Resear ch \\\aicd lioniiile 1.ini'.erCsilt of
Illinoi- [Depanrimeii of Recreation. Sportl
and lourism at their annual banquet in
\pril 20ti-4. Thie : ard recognizes out-
standing lese.irch connibuiions in recre-
ation. parks and tourisin. -loxd "%as co-
niiesi editor of a special issue on \ i.sual
methods in leisure studies tor the .Iournal
t'l eiarce RLeLcarh \'i 36. N'. -4 .

Dr. Heather Gibson '.a honolilloed as, a
Dislinunished International Fducatlor b\
the IF ntenliltioilal Clenter. Gibson pre-
sented one paper at the Pre ()I i npic
Scientific (. congress in I hassalonoki.
Greece in the iuniuner of 21.104. She deli\ -
ered t\o papers at tile world d L.eilsure
Congie.:ss in Bi isbane, Australia and \\as
inmilcd b il rhi IndolinLiian L.ot\ crnmcnt io
deliver a paper on sport tourism in
Jog.s karta. Indonsia in Sept. 200-I4.

Dr. Stephen Holland \; as aided the
\\illiam Penn Mort Ir A ard for
\Ewellence at the annual meeting of the
National Sucic'. Ilar Park Resourrces i
October 2ui.14. Hollnd received Ihi
av aid for lih outstanding accomplish-
ments in the fields ol recreation and parku.
and ser, Ice to NSPR.

Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray ,as nained
director o the (enter tor lourisin
Research and De\ elopment. Pennington-
Gra3 gate six pieienltations at tile 35th
Annual Ir:nel and Touriiin Research
Association Conterence in C anda

Dr. J.O. Spengler and Dr. Dan
Connaughton are iildei .coiract \ ith

Human Kinetics Publishing Cornpany to
Liubli ni ri-k Inl.iiu'lllA ineni book flo sp n_
aind recreation siidenis and profe soiinai,..
The anticipated pulNicalion d.te is fall

Dr. Brijesh Thapa \a;is named senior
associate director of the C enter for
Touri_,ii Reseatch and Deelopnmeit.
Tli.ipa gane :1\o presentation, a the ~t1 Ili
Annulal Ti a\el and Tourismi Rese:irch
Association C onlerencL in Cunada. He
ga\e a paper presentation at the Second
Inliiinational Conli.-tenice on Monlitoring
and \lianig:ent'n ol \isitor Flow's in
Recreational and Piotecred .'eas. and
tlu'ee paper presentation-, it the 10tli
International Sinlposiuin oln SoI i eit and
RLe-surLc Marlana iililt. Past and Future.

Ph.D. Students
Tavis Glassman (HHLB. .ias named doc-
toial IeIllow Ior ilie Addlietic Health &
Behat iors Reseairch Institrte In Not
20(i-. Glassinan %\as honuwied b. the
StanIt:v.ide Pre entnon Conientioni
C oinmilttee for hlis. le.idei ship in the field
of s'llilallce ahLi.s and \ iolen.ce pret en-

Jolie Haun. Erin Largo-Wight. Ying Li
and Melissa Morris (HEB) each \rolte
one of the eight article- -eloc ed nation
'tide lir 2.104 issues of Lia Si;ina
(Oiinaia' Health Education lmiioraph3p

Beth Johnson. Ying Li Melissa Morris
.and Erin Largo Wight delivered paper ait
A PHA1 cronl'frener'.

Josh Selsby ( *\Pl- 1 vas one of to .%in-
ner-, of the 2ui)5 Graduate Student
Research A.\ard toi the \merican Societl
for (.ira\itoinal and Space, B.ilou. The
a%\ard plus a check for ''150 \a.i pieent-

CHAFIN continued

50th \wedding annriersanr Dec. 30.
Even though Chafin has partici-
pated in summer camps and UF tennis
for so many years, he is not planning
to stop soon.
"-There are a lot of good young-
sters out there, who are excited about
being on the UF campus. being part of
a great athletic camp and t.anting to
Icam how to pla) tennis, or how to
play it better." Chafin said. "I look
forward to continuing this sern ice in
the future."
And as Chafin looks back at his
life to this point, he is extremely
thanktiil for his experiences.
"I ha\e realized over the years.
that my status in life, however that
may be measured, is due to the oppor-
tunitl I had to get a good education.
Inamrr n wonderful wilfe, and ha\e lo\-
ing Clristian parents who cared,"
Chafin said.
"I cherish the wonderful friend- I
ha\e made through a lifetime serN\ ng
at UF. 1 am proud of being allowed to
ser.e the tetlnis athletes trom -lorida
and Georgia through the tennis
(iator Tennis Camp is offered for
tive weeks during the summer of 2005
and is available for students ages 8-I
(wsho have not graduated from high
school). For more intbrmation isit
http:'.'www\.gatorztne.cornicaiiips oi
call (352) 392-3538

Spring 2005 33


ed to him at the annual meeting held in
New York City, Nov. 9-12, 2004. His
research presentation was one of approx-
imately 120 in the competition.

Syd Sklar, a Ph.D. student in TRSM,
was elected to the Board of Directors of
the National Therapeutic Recreation

At the faculty and staff welcome back
breakfast in Aug. 2004, seven employ-
ees were recognized for their years of
service to the College of Health and
Human Performance. Rick Ford,
Amanda Foote, Brian Graham and
Judy Hopper were recognized for their
five years of service. Jean Mullen and
David Bowles were recognized for 15
years of hard work, and David Stopka
was honored for his 20 years of service.

Long-time University of Florida
men's golf coach and professor in the
College of Health and Human
Performance, Bemays Emery "Buster"
Bishop, passed away on Nov. 19, 2004,
at the age of 84.
Bishop directed the school's golf
program from 1964-78. In that stretch,
his teams captured a pair of NCAA team
A native of Gainesville, Bishop grjd-
uated from Gaincsville High School in
1939 and earned both his bachelor's and
master's degrees in physical education
from HHP. Upon his graduation from UF,
he went on to head the physical educa-
tion program at Buchholz Junior High
School. Ile later returned to GHS as the
football coach and served as athletics
director before joining the staff at HHP.

34 Performance

William "Bill" Harlan

// illiam "Bill" E. Harlan,
alumnus and professor
/ emeritus of the College
of Health & Human Performance at the
I university of Florida, died Aug. 17, 2004
1ii his Gainesville home. He was 83.
Harlan was named one of HHP's
Distillgislied Alumni in 1998 after a stel-
I r career that included serving as a pro-
lessor for many years in the College, and
as the head coach of UF's swimming and
diving team.
Harlan was born in Asheville, N.C.,
but grew up in Gainesville. When he was
five years old, Harlan was the mascot for
the 1927 baseball team. A year later,
Harlan was the mascot for the football
team when the Gators outscored oppo-
nents 336-44 during the 8-1 season.
Following his graduation from
Gainesville High School, Harlan enrolled
at Florida in 1941. Harlan was an accom-
plished boxer in intramural athletics at UF


as he won the title in the welterweight
division. On Dec. 3, 1941, Harlan left
school to join the Aviation Cadet Program
and served in World War II. He returned
to UF in 1946 and planned to fight for the
UF boxing team, but the program was dis-
solved so he turned his attention to diving.
I larlan joined the diving team and lettered
in the sport in 1947 and 1948.
"Being named captain of the 1948
swim team is probably my dearest memo-
ry as an athlete," Harlan once said. "It has
meant a lot to me over the years. Also
winning the w\elter, eight title in intramu-
rals meant a lot because it taught me how
to be a boxer."
Harlan graduated from the College in
1948 with a bachelor's degree in physical
education and later completed his master's
dcgirc in education in 1949.
Harlan joined the UF swim program
in 1959 as an assistant coach under head
coach Buddy Crone. In 1963, Harlan took


Bill Harlan, left, was named a Distinguished
Alumni of the College in 1998.

the reigns of the program and led the
Gators to eight Southeastern Conference
titles and placed in eight NCAA
Championship meets, while being named
SEC Coach of the Year six times. In 1976,
Harlan was inducted into the UF Athletics
Hall of Fame.
Harlan also was involved in summer
swimming programs and clinics around
"I think he taught half of Gainies ille
how to swim," said friend and former
Gators tennis coach M.B. Chafin.
Harlan retired from the swim pro-
gram in 1976 and continued as a professor
in the physical education department. He
retired as professor emeritus in 1987.
IHe is survived by his wife, Madge,
and his two sons, John and Bill Jr.
-Michele Dye

Bill Harlan, right, was named SEC Coach
of the Year six times. Photos courtesy of
UF Sports Information.

Spring 2005 35


Sb bfter from te Director ofTeve(ment

On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of the College of Health anc H tumaln
Performance, I am honored to thank and recognize all of our donors foT the
2003-04 fiscal year.

It is such a pri ilege to be a part of such a prestigious univerit.s and I amn
thrilled to have joined the team at the College of Health and Human
Performance. In Dec. 2004, I was named the director of development for the
College. I come to UF i% ith more than eight years of experience in development
and fund raising. During my career, I have worked with both social and health
service agencies and most recently within the college-uni ersit setting

In 2003-04, the College received its first endowed professorship from the
University Athletic Association. The benefits of an endowed professorslhip are
cndlc,-. Public university professors in the state of Florida are among the lot cst
paid in the nation. By increasing the number of endowed professorships offered.
uliimaicly the College is able to attract and retain the best professors in the

With this accomplishment, the College is on the right track for the upcoming
Selorts initiated by UF President Bernie Machen. President Machen has launch hed
the University of Florida Facultt Challenge, an initiative to raise $150 million in
private support to ii'e faculty the tools the\ need to enhance classroom iisinic-
S'tlion and conduct world-class research. Each college has their own initially e to
meet ihji goal.

As we move toward the future, we must be reminded that the University of
Florida is truly a special place. It provides all the necessary resources to produce
.. 1the best atudcnts and ambassadors for communities, the nation and the Xorld.

.. hle next few pages you will find the names of alumni, friends, corporations
i faculty and staff nlmmbers who have supported the College with a gill Iromn
cC.C. 2003 through Nov. 30, 2004. You, our alums, friends and fantilh. are % h\
S Colklge continues to be successfiUl. The College expresses our apprcciation
j "hose Who appear on the Honor Roll of Donors.

N J ok mre6 ard to meeting you at our alumni even-, throughout the \ ear.

Go Galors!
C'ct- EtO"& ta-s* **
Mehssa E. Wohlstcin
Director of Development '

36 PerfOrmance "
:-.....,........ . . .....

honorr Poffof honors

Sf00,000 c 'i N (rre
American [lean Assl. I lorida Puerto Rico A
NLdX 06. [Ic.
Professional Golfers' Assi. of Amnerica
Shands at the Lni\ ersir\ of Florida
Rert\ C. Stexens
University\ Athletic A. ,n.. Inc..

ooo 99.999
NFL Charities

$25,000 49,999
Rebecca S & Robert E. .lien '59
American Lung Assn.

o0,000 h24,999
Maji. CGen. \Maurice 0. "53 & Jane A. Edmon
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Rozcllc. Sr. -53
Uiniiersit\ ot'.rkansas

Stfoo S. 9
American I-dtn. for Aging Research
Bank of.nmerica Foundation
Patrick .1. Bird & lar\ G. Ne:~\ll
Donald k. Dutlh
Charles \\. Fessler, Jr. '6*_
Florida Sporl, Fdin.
James & Emma Hardie Foundation
Mr. & Mis. \\illiain .I. Harman III
.ame.s A Hill
Susan A. Boehm Holfman
Yea-Yine LIL
The Maneel\ Fund
The Hon. Perr\ C. '6(0 & Mrs. Noel NM. Mc(
Terrn B. Pappa:i '71
Edwin C. "65 & Llinor Reese '64
Domingno Rodriguez
Edv. nrd B. Rudner
Sa annah .'uea Clamber of Comninerce
Tlomas .1. & Kathy G. Shannon
Stephen 0. -S1 & .Jrri S. Spurrier '98
State Fain Cos. Foundation
VA Pharmaceuticals

.,~~ ^ ;' **^'i^*^* '^JA

U.S. Tennis Assn.
Angus -51 & Jud\ B. H illiams, '51
Patricia M. Wilson
Jui-Chen Yang

oo 1999
.\iax Building C(or'.
Michael S. Atv ood "'4
Andrea I Rchrman '95
Adam E. Berko '89
Quientella D. Bonner '83
Laurie E F Rraden 'SS
Naic> Lee Brueck '"7
Eric F. Bums '93
C'lIde 0. Butz '60
Campu'F undraiicrr.com
Brian T. Cannon '02
Carpenter & Co.
Vicki 1L. Carpenter'S I
Joseph G. Casal "o.(
Kenneth Chemres
Gary R. "'8 & Karen L. Chislinie "7
.cl'Tre\ N. '' & Julie C. Christianson
W illiant I. C lair --4
Robert F ohen
Donald \\. Cox '~1
Laurie K. '98 & Scott M. Daile
\\illiam .I. "3 & Sally A. Dann '"74
Dart Pub Vennires, Inc
Don L. '70 & Lind. Deal ..
lanI\ .A. De.Angcli '71 ,
Jennifer .I. Dixon '98 '
Rodne\ I Dunlap
En\ ironimenlal Engineering Consultants : '
Donna L. '99 & Patrick D. Fisher '9
Florid. Association oft Professional health F-'tif
Paul D. FrL'emani '82
Mrs. Track\ .\. & Edmond F. Fure% IW ,'.
Ga1ines\ ille Countrr Da) School
Rohen .1 (albraith 1'73 'W
Ka% .\. Garrison '7o
Leith E. George "73
Richard C. '66 & Gavle C. Gianni't
Veronica G. Grea'-on '53
Elizabeth J. Gresle\ 'S5
(iroundwsaler Protection. Inc.

, +s.

I; a ,

"".- ~.:- 1. ....;' -

r` ''' '`~"''~' '' '~ ''~' ` '' ~' ''


Dennis W. '72 & Jackie T. Gucnther
Maria C. '91 & \\ illiam C. Guthrie
Patti F. Hamilton '80
Madge O. Harlan
David A. Herrick '7-1
Anne V. Hlill '79
Lynn B. '79 & Alfred E. Holland, Jr.
Stephen M. & Sarah G. Holland
Honeywell International Foundation
JoLynn D. Houk '93
William D. Hurse '56
Sharon A. Imber '84
Jane T. & Lyle M. Ishol
Rodney B. Jackson'02
Valera M. Jackson-Gissen '88
Colleen Y. James '01
Donald H. & Brenda II. Jones
Amy Karr
Kevin T. Kenney '92
Jared M. Key '01
Jennifer P. King '01
I lik.abeth L. Krone'61
Jodi V. & Da\ id M. Kudelko '99
James A. Lane. [D.D.S
Timotl %G. MacDoniald '75
Krisune Mackiewicz '03
Ro\anne T. Martin 'si0
Bruce J. Mauro
Della-Jean M. May, '"6
Colin J McAdie
Michael A. McCalll
William \\'. McDaniel '6S
James S. McKinine '71
Charles E. McPhilomn, '52
Arley W. '56 & GIad s B. McRae
Douglas L. Mercer '65
Richard F. Militello
Claude E. Miller
Heather N. Moore '92
Jack Moore
Lynn W. Moore '84
Patricia A. Morrison '75
Donna R. '74 & Stecen R. Mountain
James Mo\e
The Hon. Celeste H & William T. Muir
John F. '56 & Bert- J. Neller
New York Times Co. Foundation
.ason O'Donoughue
Jenn\ '91 & Dai Id J. Oriente

Bcth.in, M1. 'SI & R. Brady Osbbornc, Jr.
Thomas I. Palmieri
Lynn R. '9. & Siteen A. Panton 'Sb
Michelle A. Park '76
Thomas D. Pellarin
C. Diane Poole
Jerry H. Posey '63
John W. Powell
John Power '86
Principal Financial Group Fdtn., Inc.
C. Lee Ranie\
Leslie T. '90 & David G. Ramshaw
Nancy E. Robinson '83
Marcus J. Roland '99
Richard A. Roland
Larmonica D. Samuel '94
Rebecca H. '93 & .Manlhe\ T. Scaringe
Ben K. Schoneck, Jr.
Kenneth R. Schultz
ioshlua Selsby
The Shamrock Irish Restaurant
DeboraA. '74 & Lars W. Shav3
Charles P.'71 & Sue K. Siler
D. Kim Sine '81
Karen A. Skiratko '76
C. Todd Smith '94
Jennifer L. Smith & Ellen Shanle'
Johnny W\. Smitih '81
Man Anne Siniih '95
Mrs. Pauladene H.'85 & Joel E. Smith
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Da\ id Spreecihman
Cindy L.'90 & Jonadian F. Sprenger
Robert L. '69 & Joan H. Stark
Target Copy of Gainesville, Inc.
TraciA. TeTli '82
Jack B. '66 & Chai is Thompson
John R. Thorson
Larr W. '76 & Linda K. Tuggle
UF Old Bos Rugb\ Club
LNL NL Provident Corp. Foundation
Richard G. \'asquez '69
David \W Wagner
Paniela J. \\ahl
Heidi S. Webh
Rodman B. & Elie T. WeLbb
Samantha H. '92 & Jack E. Weber. Jr.
I. nne I '81 &; Peter II. ellsls

38 Performance

.\lice J. l\\hlie '64
Charles S. \\ illian.
K. W'a. ne \' illiamson '61
\\ elli
.N. Bradle \\' sard '99
Da\id P. '93 & sheryl L. Zwerski

D1' T7r 1, $too
J.cTi I Ahrainms '6
Malijorie Nl. AJdnum '5-,
Tinothy J. '72 & Mrs. C. Dian e \dulms
Tracey J. Adanms '92
\ illium Adams '56
Jair'es B. '90 & .Innice S. Adkinson
la.irn V. Aman '92
Clint D. Anderson '00
C nithia S. Aridecron '76
Deborah R. Andeson '93
Manl L. .ndreu '"1
Julian P. Andrew s
Mrs. Sue.Aun C. \ndrii's '89
Kirk Anthony '"5
lina F. Antikainen '01
Da\ id A. Appleton '68
Slell\ I..\Amoui '94
Christi L. .Arrington '01
Phil NM. \no\o
Ta luor .1. .A tlcl
Brooks P. .%t rer '03
IMorrell '5 5& L'liznbeth P. Baile)
Chlarle,3 \V. Balei '64
llheresa L. Balzano '91
Thomas .A Bates 'N2
Lt. Col. Wiliam P. Batt '64
Stl\en D. Baucr
Lars L. Beckman '67
Linda C. Beckmn.in
Thonlau H. Bell '74
Jane C. Beiginan 'SI
Joseph S. Bishop '95
Bonnie C(. RIack '?7
Benjaminii D. Blanciss
Snin H. Bock
Boeinl Co.
Kiinberl\ L. Bonds '91
NMarha F. '"7 & Stephen L. Boruff'
Nell II Bradley '86
Loren A. Broadus. Jr. '51
Archester S. BroI\n '82

Re\erend Charles E. Brown, Jr. '71
UnDson E. '68 & Mrs. Jean W. Brown
%m\ J. Burdene '90
Colleen K. Carroll
Miguel T. Carson '85
Cindy S. Chang
Nicole A. Che\alier
Merry F. Chewning '76
Brad S. Chissom '56
Man Ciuk'82
Bill F. Cockcroft'60
John L. Combs '74
Paula B. Comeau '87
Chrisiphler C. Comunale '96
Carlyce M. Cononie '83
Elsa M. Costello '62
Ornel N. Cotera
Courtney Tong Covington '93
Brian C. Cox
Kell% B. Crandall
Katherine M. Creel
John C. Crosby
Bing '72 & Louise B. Crosby
Daniel J. Crum, Sr. '50
Anna D. '87 & Paul J. Cruz
NMarjorie D. Cunningham '80
Karleen Jones Daw\kms '84
Juanita D. Deal '89
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Linda G. Diaz'93
Susan L DiBlasi '95
Timothy R. Doak'03
Laii M. Duke '00
Hazel J. Dunlap
William P.'84 & Wendy P. Dunn
Megan R. Elliott
B. Keith Ergle
Pamela J. -arrington '83
Burnr R '76 & Marn ann Fasold
Maria B. Fiedler
Joseph M. '62 & Sharon D. Fielding
Philip L. Fisher '80
Janet B. Forbess '77
Jeremy N. Fowler
Peter G. I o\ ler '75
Lisa D. '84 & Marc A. Fox
Michelle A. Frank '82
Steven L. Frost '96
Julie F. '84 & D. Blake Frye
Paul Y. Fung

Spring 2005 39


Joshua J. Gardner '03
Robert H. Garin, Jr. '58 & Gail West-Garin
GE Foundation
Robet N. Gettys
Kimberly N. Gilfford '96
Joseph M. '00 & Barbara A. Goodinan
Mrs. Tunitra \W. Grant '99
Laura L Green '99
Chad G. Greer '75
Jodi L. Greeson '01
Lindsay G. Greinillion '04
Pope '61 & Margaret T. Griffin
Kinmbrli L. Hallidavy '93
Bn an J. Harr '98
Marie S. Hanman
Junathan F. I lek '91
Karen W\. '86 & C. David Hlenle\, Jr.
Bill. R. Henson '76
Jeflfer D. '95 & kelle. G. Higgins
Katherine F Hill '65
Greg Hille% '70
Megan C(. Hinman
Kim-Tu Ho
Christine C. '95 & Alan J. Ilochman
Dori A. Horowitz '80
Kelly N. Hubbard '95
Ka\ C. '71 & Roger A. Ingley
Lillian 1. l'ersen '01
Marc A. Jackson '90
(Gail G. Jacobs '92
GenLe\ ieLc R. Jacobs '66
\i illiam Nl. .Ja10 eson '99
Carol .\. .Janelle
Chrisitpher \N Janelle '97
Jacqueline D. Johnocrn 'S9
James C. Johnson '75
Jeni k. Jones '99
Roney A. & Rhonda Y. Jones
Mike J. Karaphillis '56
Ellen Karpay-Brody I
Jonathan R. Kates '87
katherine Keathlc)
Paula K. Keeton '77
Michael D. Kelly
Christine E.'90 & Mark C. Kilby
Allison Kirkpatrick
Court) N. Knowles '01
Robert A. Krause '69
Bettn Jean Lamb '85

Elizabeth B. Lane '96
James F. & Judith B. Lang
Stephanie G. Lanza '95
Patricia S. '76 & Frank L. I.apete
Simone A. '97 & Kristopher F. Lay
Deborah A. LeUlane '00
Betu\ C. Lee
Nlichele O. Lemell '91
Stephanie A. Lenlon '83
Kimberl) lN. I.essard '90
Julia E. List '93
leresa A. Lombardo '01
Lori A. Losner'SY
Candacc [.. '91 & Michael A. Lovchuk I
R. M. Lucas
Ann S \MacMillan '68
JoUs F. '80 & NMarci Magrisso
Connie '85 & Da\ id G. Mlallh\
Whitne) Marston '95
Adrienne A. Man\ell
Slaj. Rd\ niond E. McHale '70
Juan D.'91 & Cheryl A. McKeever '85
Mary A. McKnight Cantey '92
Sura I.. MlcNar\ '89
MetLife Foundation
Barbara A. Miles '89
Nlelinda L. Nlillard-Stfford '80
Kinibcrly R. Miller '01
Bemiece G. Miracle '62
Jacqueline Noeller
Prof. Alan C. & Elizalbeth R. Moore
('lieri C. 'S4-1 & Philip H. Morrill
Siace. H. Mosley'93
Robert M. '94 & Paula Murphy
Mrs. Latrisia C. Murra\ '92
Carol Muser
Sarah A, Myrand
Maureen M. Nemcik '62
Ani E. Nekvberg
Rodney H. Newiuan '92
.effrey NM. Nordeen '93
Laurie K. '81 & Thomas A. Obreza
Sisti .. '75 & M1. Ron O'Connor
Kri-,iina I Odom '90
Gordon Orr. Jr.
Mary T. Pace '84
Christopher G. Papangelou '01
Tammy G. Parker '92
Becky L. Painell 'i2

40 Performance

S Andrea \. 86 & Jc-eph D. Paschal '86
S Dnrna L. Panlore ''3 & Dennis P. Clum
P.irik J. Pallirsoon '94
S Sun I Pdul ''1
Heidi B. Perr\ 'w'9
Mrs. Jean C. Ptendler '95
Erce V Phillips 111 '86
k. MIelisa A. Phillips '01
SSara B. Pickren '01
Matthew D. '00 & Man E. Pierucki
Julin A. Pinkoc/e '98
Angela S. Pollack '88
Natalie 1. Porzio '96
Chnstopher .I Pow ers
Eduardo Prado. Jr
Angela L. Presby '98
Sarah L Price '98
S Sharon B. Prinlt '97
Holl, A. Ray
Harold P '60 & Betty Reddick
S Norman L Redding. Jr. '71
S JLnnil'r E Rcinrir '02
Kimnberl\ NI. '95 & Mark E. Rigdon
Nelson A. Ro\nll
S ..isa M. R\all '(12
S Diane M. 'SO & Chuck E. Samuels
Sara R. Sanner '98
Paul C. ;Sapia '95
Lewih A. Schrimpl'
Elizabeth A. 'S2 & Matthew L. Schroeder
Meris-a L Schuk '98
Julie -. '54 & Rand\ W. Schwartz
Maria Senanii 'Xii
Siephen R be\auer '97
Richard Dale Shafer '90
Rickey S. Sheffield '81
SAle\jndra L. Shigo'00
Crystal II Shree''99
Richard 1.. Siler '77
i. Michele A. Sil\ er'83
Joseph M. 'b4 & Mrs. lleta H. Sil\ ia
George B. Smith 'o0
Sheila K. '87 & Paul F. Siiih '90
S Susanne L. Smith
Steen Spalding
Patricia P. 'picer '74
StacN L. St. Clair '03
Cal\in K '75 & Kay H. Stephens
Kinherlv D Stokes
Kallielne K. Swaliu '01

Bradley M. Swinson
Melissa J. Sylvia'99
Stephanie J. '91 & Rodney A. Taylor
John TenBroeck '67
Carol Ann Thomas '74
Steven M. Thompson '99
Gordon M. Thomson'87
Katie J. Tompkins
Donald J. Trcw '81
Janice E. 'S I & Colonel Horace S. Tucker, Jr.
Steven M. Tucker
Katherine Tucker-Fadul '80
Ciabncli Tunnage '85
Carol G. van Ginkel '74
Janet L. Vanderweide'00
Kimberly D. Voyticky '0I
Michael E. Wade '93
Mrs. Jean S. Waglow
Michael W. Walker '87
Leslie D. Walsh '94
Robert J. '62 & Darla J. Wehking
Peter B. Wells '74
Michele R. Wenzel '86
Blanche Werner
Mollie H.'95 & James A. West
Kevin L. White '94
Sarah Z. Wilhelm '99
J. Manher\ Williams
Holly R. Wilson '99
Kyle W\olfson
Cathedrine J. Yeh
Jorge L. & Jennifer E. Zapata '00
Annene Zukley-Ed\ yards '80


College of Health and Human Performance
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-8200

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College of Health and Human 'erfrniancc
University of Florida
P.O. Box 11l S-tI
Gainesville, FL 32611

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