1 .1
q~b Ii
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i ,
Anotheri bIus. pio iduli\e \ear 1;
colingr to i close in our Ceollere of
Hearlih ind Huliill PelbornllltiCa e -
onl in the i'adnemic %iorld do i e
measure time in increm ents ti onii
August to NIaL.. Although ,uniier
brings a Inel pa\ e of student and
more cl.ioes to teach s\e all sec i 'li
bicUtle a hrll easier and hope for a
lsloer race oI ltie a hope thatl is
line er :i rualil%' i nll \ ,airculi ue 1110 ,ill l 1111leil' e piL' to Cal: h Ilup
onii research prolectsI. complete thaI riranulmie']p or hook ulla had
to be put aziide vhile the fluri of di..ert.ilon delieni.' lial
c\:lnis and paper, to ,I .ade took user dJL1 life
T1Ils -ounniier %ke \ ill e\perienLe a numlhel of clialiwe,
a. l"e ,eek ro henllir posi non the College for our fulure. In
Al iLullt %%e \ill k CIeloliie Dr. St.tc )Dorman. the lounl I perm-
nCllt) dean ol the College. and il Septemnbei the CulilecC of
H alili and Il [u.inil Peilforniimne w ill .cel ihri .c its r.lth birihd:,
\\'hat an c\i.'liiill iouppilounni\ lor \lo ti co'mle back to icanip'us.
iI'etl 0i.11 ne\ Jeal. 1"1X illelI t ll C Oil l: l ililC anrd fillller pro-
,essi'..i en|lo tie celebrator\ e\ el'It and n .' the (J:ator pl.t\ 111
the %\aip a. I t- iakes on LI(_'I- See pa.ge nine lot i lo infor-
111i.11ion on rhe 6-i.tli and p-ir e si en oi', lc.ini more ihbouit Dealn
L)ori an.
\\heln hbeC :n lt.i.- aNssi iiienrli i ll 2 i.'. I did 110 think
it.li I \iiuld ,11il be heie as,, iilerini detin in .200( but it Jias beeL'
a wonlderlial lern of ,crti, tio the Collcue anrd ,the ULinsr-' i\
A. ,i Coll ee kse hae co.'iItillued io imnpile our annin.il e\ter-
nal funding l'o i.u-se:arch li;, -trp.,sscd the 5 million miaik. our
d. ,c lJipmie iT etf orls c.'i'ilIue lt 'h110\ IC'iil't': ui tl l illt) e
beinl recooilized lor then piofe,-siolnal collrlhilions anid ou1
students. boil ulideriJrdduarihe :lid mndlli:e conlimuic m make .!'
This past April %ue induclied li\e nc\e memihers to the
HHP Alumni Hal l oi Fani: \c also recognized DI. Ruth
Ale.xander \\ilth the B.K. Steenis, Ser\ ice A-sard. r-ecognilng
her outstaidiir- c service it the College. 'tou can. read all abotir
their acconiplipliiments on pag-e eight.
Atl his spi ing's graduualon \ e recoirized Istdent for
lead;ership and scholarship Joe (joldberp. ihe Student Bids
President: LI-' s Outstandin.i Male Leader anid Hall of Fame
ilductee tiaL.du;ated \illi a Iachielor of Science inI e\er;ise and
spori s~c'eincs RKan O'lMala. UF's Outstandiiili Four Year
Scholar recei\ ed a Bachelor of' Science in he:rlth education and
heha\ ir:i ,il Jo\ce Olusdliol. received honorable iiention inl the
Olutliaidiii2 Feni"ale Leader carte .uri. These are the Ltudents
whose aci\iltichi bing Ienie reco gn!ion 'froIm the Uniersit.
Their acc'omplisliieints allso bring recot'Lgitioil t(,o Ie Col'le'e.
and \ic take a cileat deal ol pnde in joining iln heir celebiatons
A- \soi can tell. rlie Conllee ol Healtli and Humian
Perorliiance i t1iiile-. to contriI .' ut o ih Ih h islersil\ anidJ ci-
eli a,,is e help to cre:iie the s.ehol.is arid leaders ol the future.
\e are ill! ra:1 lerul to our a.ll l lln :Lnd 1 'e Itlldi \Ito IId\ I .ri .'iCll
the tuiindaiion upon \hiich i I coninsue Io huild.
Go Gahll
'- .x. -'.,__-_
Jill irnles. LJ 1).
lile iill Dcani
2 Performance (Spring 2006)
Find out the latest news at HHP e
ON PAR Mike Cooney speaks with a UF
student about career opportunities at the
Sport management holds
first career forum
More than 200 University of Florida
students in their finest business attire
attended the first annual Sports Business
Career Forum Feb. 10 at the College of
Health and Human Performance.
Fourteen companies aLeni.'dd, giving
a variety of choices to those looking for
jobs and internships.
"Having an opportunity to come and
meet the employer head-on is rare," said
Tim Feldman, a business student.
At the beginning of the forum,
keynote speakers Rich Clements from the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Stephanie
Edwards from IMG Academies discussed
some practical approaches to the sport
management field.
This forum gave many sport man-
agement majors, and others interested in
the field, a chance to network with many
"This is a great event and well diver-
sified," said Mike Cooney, recruiter from
the PGA Tour. "Hope'ully, this forum will
give insight into the sports community."
Sponsoring the Sports Business
Career Forum were HHP, Gator Sport
Management Club, Career Resource
Center and UF Student Alumni
UF names Outstanding
Young Alumni
Two College of Health and Human
Performance alumni were named
Outstanding Young Alumni by the
University of Florida Alumni
Scott Balog (BSESS 1999, MESS
2001) and Andy Miller (MHSFE 1997)
were honored April 22, 2006.
Balog resides in Tallahassee, Fla.,
and is the assistant to the president at
Tallahassee Comlnlmuiniii College. Miller
lives in Texas and works for The Lance
Armstrong Foundation.
Gators Gather for alumni
There was plenty of Gator spirit at
the College of Health and Human
Performance's annual "Beat the 'Noles"
alumni social on Feb. 28.
During the cookout, alumni enjoyed
food catered by Gator's Dockside restau-
rant, caught up with other HHP grads and
had a chance to see the University of
Florida mascot, Albert the Alligator.
HHP alumni were excited about the
baseball rivalry.
"It's a good rival, and baseball games
have a great interaction with the crowd,"
said Pal Patterson (BSR 1994).
Patterson wasn't the only one who
enjoyed the cookout.
"I hope the College continues to
have events for alumni, and I hope the
alumni become more involved," said RJ
Stamper (BSR 2002), associate director
of alumni reunions and special events for
Former Gators baseball coach Dave
Fuller, Jim McCachren, Patty Schnell and
Alan Moore gather at the "Beat the
'Noles" social hosted by the College.
University of Florida 3
ihe .IF tllinil Asociatlllon
Later at the baseball gtunie. aluniii
';,t n a .old-'unl MNIrKcllin St:litluni
EC\n lhoiuh LI tell to -FSLI 6-4.
HHPis looking fotliwaid hi dir nio\i "BIm
the 'Nole" ;ilunini oi>i.il.
Athletic Training Program
gets a makeover
The :LiihleIC iraninin program ii
Under _uiin,: W' rl Uljkil.t. in pilepUiJI-
liin r tlhe iene\.II 1i hileir n.mioi n.il
Clhir e' \ I iillI:lulL lil .I % Jiliioll rlI
a ne~1 t:nlill i lfl meml r Il the pirogrilll dII1L
deeloplenit i' a Baelch'i ol SClciejie lli
:iillLt'li: Itr ininU. rLplliinl Ih ie cu-rrenlr
Jileo' anr:l-Jed. Bachelor ,t S1ien.lLe iIn
e\erciie and .ii grli s.I eice, ith :i s .'-
i.'IIIIZit i, in in jthlloitiL luii iill c.
The lne iijnjol shouldd be finalwued ill
the miJddl' of JJune. ainJ ,icrecditaon
no litit t in ill he received during tall
2 )1 ) .
Thousands of dollars raised
for March of Dimes
Each \ear,. Ihe College p.articipiLe.s inl
itLriol.l C >ll llunllil\ '.l'rice Lliil\itiI .
inIludinll- Marclh ot Dime'. Thri% sear. the
College had em I\r: iIliH.tion to ruiise-
ihousand or dlolliars tor the org.inT'iztion
ldedlicaed to p.entin pentingpreIiliatUre blth
The' Coll.ee', leani inih.iamsdor ,.s
Kenined' Morgani Harin'. djuglher ol
Chier Hiiris. ouire:acill eOdUt.:Lti ilI pio-
ri-'.1111, el'O ilkinnto1 Ke.nniel C',t11'h 11110
the \orld J'oonei thllin expected. She .a'
horn lline \ eek'. e:il\ I Ijlln "7, 27 (Kih
weilhiiilp 3 IXOL]ild't S.X o nLlICe'.
Thlroughli ariou', cl i \ i i i. s. the i
Colleee r;iiied more thn .00)(0) Ior the
MaNbili ot D'nie'. ,\hicLh earn.id tLhe
('C1Illee Ihe co. eleJ "-Riler'ed Rioo '
College-wide career Fair Io
debut in January 2007
Pljn', at li.L,_'l I\ ti J deh J l iI.'l
CUTE AS A BUTTON Kennedy Morgan
Hari, arrwed rine weeks early weighing
3 pounds 8 8 ounces Thanks ro research
by Morch of Dime: Kennedy is doing bet
rer every day MICHELE DYE 'HHP Pholo
fail in Janui.ai 21' 0 l'i all disLiplinle' inl
lie Co"llelte: oI" Health jaJd Hulman
HHP i, lookiiin tk conipil i'aie .ind
IllIIPF llnni lo lure (Giorr fior imnern-
,lhipl and tLill ti ii b ifter .raduaiion
In :11Jlitiol he ( olhL't e nIW uld like
to organize a panel discu'-.ion tfc.unll
in dil' 'r-c nil c.'.ar. ield to ie tlud Ienit
a henltr uinderLt.nd.in' k ho \\ lthe\ ca
,ppl\ l hi' ekLiJt.. ltion to their tuture
n'41 gbwht go f j~
.14 W: .!. L V.
i^^)|^p^ :j~ed5?^
The panel ,licu-i-h n ill Tike, place
Oct 13. 2(1ll It \'un I i iutII ciimpi nI, i,
intcrcsctd in recruitingit HHP student,.
ple.ie con.i i Mlichele I) e it
352. b1.f'578 e\t 1TIJ for more irilor-
Living Well, Heallhy Gatois
2010 raise employee
health awareness
'I lie I.nilersiit ol Fi olidJ.' em' ployce
welliic,: cernt.r, Liin, W\\'.1. h1cIe d a
ser -,e% t C'\emi li'or Nationa'l tllpli\ee
Health and Fitness Day on May 17, 2006.
Healthy Gators 2010, a campuswide ini-
tiative aimed at pr.oduLini a healthier
University of Florida community.
endorsed the event.
Two campus walks and free health
assessments were available for all UF
faculty and staff, including those who are
not current members of Living Well.
A 2-mile walk was offered during the
lunch break and a 3-mile walk began after
the work day.
In addition to the walks, free health
screenings took place at Living Well
throughout the day.
Living Well, along with Healthy
Gators 2010, put togeilher tips on stretch-
ing and other exercises people can per-
form at their desks. These videos are on
the Healthy Gators 2010 Web site.
ww-\.heilih g,ltor-,.lihp.utfl.edIu.
Reunion BBQ Debut
Beginning this year, the College of
Health and Human Performance will hold
a 10-year reunion for its graduates. The
Chlss of 1996 is invited to reignite their
Gator spirit at the Reunion BBQ.
The College is hosting the BBQ
before the kick-off of the homecoming
football game versus Louisiana State on
GATOR GREATS Corey Compbell, Joe Goldberg and Ryan O'Maru received priest;
gious awards at spring commencement MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
Students honored at
spring commencement
By Renee Addison I Staff Writer
PackedJ on the ,tage of the Curlid
MN. Phillips Center for the Performing
Art,. more than 200 studemis rgaduated
from the College of Ilenlth and Hum-ani
Perfomlnance on May 6, 2006.
Five studentss were lhnorcd h\ the
Lniversily ot Flonda
Randy Talbot. executive director of
the LIF Alunmi Association preenled
Joe Goldberg with the Outstanding
Male Leader awurd. In addition.
Goldberg wa- inducted into the UF
Hall of Fame. Goldberg. the Student
Body President. also was selected a%
the student speaker at HHP's ceremony.
Talbot also presented R\an O'Mara
with the prestigious Ou,,ianding Four
Yeal Scholar award. O'lara graduated
with a 4 0 GPA and is planning to
attend medical school.
Along with Goldbeig, graduates
Chris Bucciarelli and Core) Campbell
were inducted into the UF: Hall of
Joyce Oluihola received honorable
mention for the Outstanding Female
Leader category. Olu-hlol received a
Bachelor of Science degree tocusing on
spon inanagement.
Oct. 7, 2006. The BBQ will be held at the mdye@hhp.ufl.edu.
Florida Pool.
For more information about the -Renee Addison, Amy Ellison-he rnt.
BBQ, contact Michele Dye by telephone Kimberly Agnello, Amanda King, Jessica
at 352.392.0578 ext. 1280 or via e-mail at Brennan and Shr/ril\ n Wiskup
University of Florida 5
Innovative exercise
program available to
UF alumni
By Danae Danra Contributing Writer
Members of the UF Alumni
Association .ill reLei\c a n" ew added
benefit in their membership packages: a
V\eb-based e\erci-e program called
Gaturs on the Go. brought t)o \ou bt the
College of Health and Human
Perforimunce. Gators on the Go encour-
iagc' and inlorms members how to
become more physically active and
adopt a healthier lifclstle.
The exert.lse program begins with
participants selecting a favorite U.S.
Lit) they should like to walk around.
During the year-long program. panici-
pants ill walk enough step., to make it
to the city selected and reach the goal of
attainiinm a healthier way of life.
On Ihe Gator, on the Go Web site.
participants log the amount of steps
taken daily in order to Irack and reach
indi\ idual goals. Paricipanti, are able to
log on and convert activities like danc-
ing. skiing and running into steps and
then calculate the amount ot calories
burned per actiiit.s. The Web site
includes healthy recipes. health crlcula-
tors. an actiity convener, a daily\ step
tracking sylcm, dicltry guidelines.
weekly plans, slep% to follow, fitness
myths., alking tecluiiques and other
helpful information.
Beginning in April. all alumni asso-
ciation mLcnthbrs v cre able to sign up
for the Gators on the Go Web ,tt e pro-
gram at http://AlumnniWalk.hhp.utl.edu
by Clicking the "Create Account" option
on the left menu bar and itlling in thetr
user name and pass_-,ord inlonnation.
This Web site program can be tai-
lored to suit the individual need, of a
iomnpany. community or school. The
College of Health and Hunian
Performance designs die Web site to
look and leel like it was designed
specifically for each organization. For
more information sit
hbtp://walk.hhp.ufl.edulindex.htln or
contact Cher Harris at 352.392.0578 ext.
ex ert
Q: Should I exercise when I
have a cold?
A: If you are sick, you should think
about skipping your workout.
"When you are sick your body
needs everC.y to repair itself," said
Cassie Howard, director of Living Well
Faculty and Sr.ll W\Vellnec, Center at UF.
"When c\icl c.ing. your body breaks
down muscle tissue, diverting energy.
This is energy that could have been used
to recover from illness. By not exercis-
ing the body can conserve its -neriy and
shorten recovery time."
Howard said if symptoms are mild
and isolated to above the throat, it is
likely that exercise will not have adverse
effects. If this is the case, an abbreviated
version of a normal workout is more
For example, walk for 15 minutes
instead of 30.
Exercising with a respiratory illness
can not only slow recovery, but can
make a person more sick, Howard said.
"When you exercise, you breathe
deeper," Howard said. "The sickness
will get deeper into your lungs and take
you much longer to :%et over."
However, \eciLising when you are
healthy strengthens the body's immune
system, helping to prevent future illness
and injury.
"The benefits of exercise are innu-
merable, but when you are sick or
iiLured, it is best to be cautious. You
have to give yourself time to heal."
-Amty Elli, i'n-C rny
Cassie Howard is a certified exercise physi-
ologist and director of Living Well Faculty
and Staff Wellness Center at UF If you have
a question for Cassie, please send an e-mail
to perfonrmnce @hhp.ufl.edt.
Performance (Spring 2006)
Dorman Named New
Dean of College
Ste'.e Dorlmnan. chnirrin of Te\-:l
A&. M Llli erl'.ls depailllient ol helnhh
ild kinc',ioh l h;i, hC'n 11Ji Cd dLi.n 01
ilhe Uni er,.il of (it-lrida' Collee of
Health ailld. HuIliim PeL I'r il lll.m'. UF
Pro r aln ie Fii ke ani'nncm d i l,,I N 1.'11 h
24. 21..(J6.
DoiriiLTI, i 4S. ill .J-.iL Lmi hi, II i
po'iiinion elfecti e A LLI I He '.lL,'eed,
Jill \ir ine \ Ihol hi ei 'l.ed a illntelili
JL'J II ciiL'e _110., l'n \1ill return t to ill-
unle leaching. Pol rick J. Bild ei.' %v. sl,
dJe:ri oir 17 'c;ur, I,'l'o e lrc eppini ; donv, i
in 2ol.
1Di. D ,,i l I S iL- I: LIL't.il ill da. ll-
lion i lithe I Iit\erir\ or Florid.i His
e\pei lence jt TAMI I1. an enninnou-..
COiLipielleil 1\ L iiii I.r-,iL,. \' ill -en b ir h i
,,'.ell heie. Fiuke ', iJ. i" \i ien'ni-
pli-lied fiaculti. ineiil.el aiid adiilliiiira-
iir %' ith ia ir-ack recoild of i.orking "Lcros,
di',Ciplhl \ bo.tidilliies, DI. Dornmalnl
per,'.onj e,, eCilnion,, l 'or e \el let lic in
all thai he does '\ Ill be welcon ie here "
Doririan pcr,\'nnl reiearc'h special-
l\ is in hillTli ,.dui.ir ion ,nd span-, issues
iil 'l nL eb.esilt. lilC lloh l ', iltliipiion
1ilt1 intcrper, i 'ir:il \ ii'lerl,'c J, lhe, relate
to peison..il liik. epecijll, in adoles-
ceint alid college-apee people He ias
pilblil ed niiileroii-. iechnololgl\ briefs in
peer-i e ie'.ed pil'tes-,in,.il iOLrnals
jhtuil ihe role technolop.\ :.na piluj in
DOi 1i"1i [li, deep ies lO LIF From
I0'b6 [10 21.0)t.. he \'.\;s a t:icil.ih member
irl Ihe deparlineni ot health 'eCLence edu-
citlion. ,'Lr. ill a- dirc.I ihir I0 the master
-it pui li heuiltli pro.n.i'im ,lioInl\ before
lie left foi TA..\IL. His eclectic career
SPRING WEEKEND Dr Steve Dorman ,isited Ga;nesvlle for Spring Weekend.. April 21-
22, 2006. Dorman alrended the Silver Soclely induction cerermonry. where HHP alumna
tAsle S,.itzer centerr) beamme o charter member Dorman along with Interim Dean Jill
Varnes. olrended many oF Ihe Spring Weekend e,'ens. MICHELE DYE, HHP PHOTO
HOMECOMING Dr. Steve Dorman, who
taught in the College of Health and
Human Performance from 1986-2000,
will be returning to HHP as the College's
new dean.
also includes working as a public-school
health coordinator.
He earned his bachelor's degree in
biology from Lee College in Cleveland.
Tenn., his master's degree in community
health and his doctorate in health educa-
tion, both from the University of
His awards include National Health
Educator of the Year from the American
Association of Health Education.
"I am honored to be selected to
serve as the next dean," Dorman said.
"The fine faculty and researchers of the
UF College of Health and Human
Performance have an outstanding nation-
al reputation. I am looking forward to
working with them in their quest for
continued excellence and elevated schol-
arship. It will be great to be in Gator
country again."
University of Florida 7
Alumni Added to HHP Hall of Fame
HB ReniL AJJisoni j Srf iit'riler
\Warm Inenjiriesc .and lauite'lr lHooded ihe room js hlll irlie
,.nd i ilnds a1lierc-d forr the College of Health and Human
Peitorniance AliiImni Hill Ail Fai ine Iduclion hanllllie
li\e nream nilcibers .TLrcl added to the presligiolus HHP
Alumni Hall of Filme. and the r'cipiLnit of hie B.K. Sieenc
ciSeLice Aw.rd ~ as honored March 24. 2006. at the LI Hilton
Con ereni e Center.
Th:e Cla.is of 2)'lhf Include'. R.i\ Benson. Don lescter.
.Jimin\ Ra\ Stephens. Laurie Beach Tennaint :iid Kent Tucker.
Dr. Rullh Mle xIider recel.ed the B K. Siteens Ser ice A-\ ardi
"True sli'cces in'ol' e dict:\erin ig \our lalenl,. detelop-
Ing thlloe talelntl alld using I1hem Io 1make a ditlelLenie inl Ilie
"ild. ,nid these iidi\'dual. ha:e iesponded to lifc h\ seeking
,icc'.'-." ,aid [nieriin Deuii Jill V.irnes. during her opening
The tirsl to he honlic.d that et\'ning \ a: Ro\ Bienson. Iho
h.as coached pitofeionall\ for 13 e;arsi and inspired iinmii
a:l.'id w inning aduil and hiuh school lunniie,.
Don Ileter ;as the neI\ pr%.son 10 receive induction into
Tie Hall ot' Faine.
"I amrn L born-Giator as \tou cani getl." Hester s:ijidl when he
camite onl stage to lecei'e thi's jaard
Hetier Ih a\e credit to his lamill and praised hi, son for
beinu the rnmricot. Biil Red. at \\We.trn keninmck\ Linnersitl
"II 'll \ u e \ i eslern KentlLick pla iir lien the i ore .inid
%ou see that red outfit llirunin mou ilud. Illt i n m\ ho '"
FollowI inii HCeslI. Earl Finle t ackcepiH d the Hill or F.inic
:i;ard ion iehialf of Jimiiin R:\ Stephliien.. :i noriine NFL pluIL'i
anJ football c I.'ach at Floiid.I. He i, in hi, I irt ear 3,- an >it'ren-
'i\e liincC Lrac.lnd Mi ddle TcnneLee Stare Lninkei iti
"I am hlLinibled to be inducted into Ith cl: u,, oi' 200t .alonfC
\with all the other reI'L pielni of ithe anl iil." l-inel\ read Iriinm
'peecih .ii ll en .Sreplieii'.
Known til hci tirele', \work lehic, I .une Beach Tennani.
A a.1 honored l~t JL'Vepi Ihle l\\.irfd I 'nn.iin is a piotles il at the
Iniler4ii itf Kan.sa'.
\\ ihi an accoiplis'he.d cuieer ill educitiion :and health pro-
Iesion'. Ih:ai lha impalted the likes of nian\ inidikidLial,. K'ent[
Tucker rounded out the C'lua, or' 2(H"i6
Follow ing the a"jards lor the H H P .\lumni Hll of FPaie.
I )r R ith Ale\inder received the B.K Ste\ cii Scr%' ice.'' -\ rd tor
her tremrendou, iitmpct on ime\\ mn's aiiletii." ;it the Lit i\ersi\ uLi
Florida and heing a role model for man\ ol' the youngg %oiiien
\ Iho ha.ie attended LIF.
If \ou \would like ii noinaine iluiini lor consideilntion to
he inducted in the HHP .\lunini Hall of Fainc. pleae coniaci
Melissa \Iolilt eiln .11 a i '.392.l)57S e\ I 268' o'r
inwohilsliin('hhp nf.edi.
Performance (Spring 2006)
HHP to celebrate 60th anniversary
Mark your calendars! You don't want
to miss out on the Col lege's 60th anniver-
sary celebration.
The College of Health and Human
Performance, formerly known as the
College of Physical Education, Health
and Athletics, officially opened in 1946.
Dennis K. "Dutch" Stanley was the first
dean and designed the College, which
was the first of its kind in the United
Events are being organized for
Sept. 8-10, 2006, to honor the
College's 6bll birthday,
The celebration will kick off
Friday, Sept. 8 with a luncheon to
honor the R.O.M.E.O. Clu.b, a group
comprised of retired faculty of the
A festive dinner sponsored by
Ruby Tuerlay's, will take place Friday
evening after the College dedicates a
classroom to former professor Dr. Linda
The dinner will feature a silent auc-
tion to raise money for HHP scholarships.
On Saturday, Sept. 9, alumni will
enjoy a full day of activities. The day will
begin with a Meet the Dean Pancake
Breakfast in the Florida Gym, allowing
alumni to meet the new dean of the
College. After breakfast, the College will
unveil a tribute to HHP Alumni Hall of
Fame members. College and campus
tours will be given, and alumni will have
a chance to view the latest cutting-edge
research the College is conducting at the
Academic Research Symposium. Faculty
of the biomechanics lab will give a
demonstration of the latest projects.
The College will host a BBQ tailgate
party at the Florida Pool prior to the foot-
ball game.
HHP will pack Ben Hill Griffin
Stadium to cheer on the Orange and Blue
as they take on University of Central
Florida in The Swamp.
Sunday, Sept. 10 will feature a
continental breakfast prior to the
S Ultimate Frisbee Tournament among
alumni, faculty and students at Lake
Alice Field.
Registration information will be
mailed in the coming months.
Remember to make plans early. Only a
Limited number of hotel rooms are
D reserved for HHP guests. Hotel infor-
mation will be available in the registra-
tion packet. Transportation will be pro-
vided on Saturday.
For more information, visit
www.hhp.ufl.edu/60 or send an e-mail to
Universil of Florida 9
Expert weighs in on campus culture
By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer
Dr. Alan Berkowitz presented his
lecture entitled "Changing Campus
Culture: Promoting Behavioral Health
and Social Justice" at the 21st Annual
St.nley Lecture on April 6, 2006.
Berkowitz's presentation focused on
the unhealthy and often dangerous
behaviors that some college students
exhibit and the role that college campus-
es now are adopting to combat these
Until recenil', the most common
approach used to deter students from
unhealthy behaviors, including binge
drinking and unprotected sex, was the
scare tactic; Berkowitz referred to it as
"health terrorism."
"These campaigns are always trying to
scare the health into you," Berkowitz
Camnpuiign employing this approach
aim to make students afraid of the conse-
quences of their actions and ashamed of
their behavior. Research shows these tac-
tics do not work in preventing the behav-
iors from occurring.
Berkowitz said harping on problemat-
ic behaviors makes the behaviors seem
more prevalent than they actually are,
alienating the healthy I'raiorit'. The
majority then, in turn, feels pressure to
engage in those problematic behaviors in
order to fit in.
Thi, i u~ hcr the Soci:11 Noiirm
Thcoi, come into pla... \long illit Dr.
\\e-le\ Perkin,. Berkot lii detcloped
this IIIhorn. Ii lhu become the dominant
framework used in higher education to
understand undergraduate drinking
behavior and for designing interventions
to reduce alcohol misuse.
The Social Norms Theory is unique
because it applies a positive approach to
unhealthy behaviors. It emphasizes the
healthy majority and reveals the true
norms for unhealthy behaviors: they tend
to be far less prevalent than populill1
"By employing the Social Norms
approach, healthy behavior is fostered by
providing normative feedback about
what people actually think or do,"
Berkowitz said. "This targets the overes-
timated risk behavior and the underesti-
mated protective behavior."
Berkowitz said utilizing this approach
will deter the healthy majority from
engagc-i in Lil ealth~ll hcI.i'i iorr jnl
dCcii;i i el 'o eR lei..iice tor
unhe.ilth behaN ion'
10 Performance (Spring 2006)
A LEAGUE OF HIS OWN Former Gators baseball coach Dave Fuller (third from left) was honored at a luncheon hosted by the College.
Former players drove hundreds of miles to spend time with their favorite coach. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
Former players honor beloved coach
By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer
Proud and humble faces filled the
Dr. Betty C. Stevens Reading Room on
the afternoon of Feb. 28, 2006. BRjeb'hll
alumni and former College of Health and
Human Performance faculty gathered at a
luncheon honoring legendary UF base-
ball coach, Dave Fuller.
The event began with former team-
mates and faculty reminisc6ing about their
times at UF and playing in the
Southeastern Conference. Fuller thanked
everyone for coming to the luncheon and
let them know how much he appreciated
the day.
Lunch was then served, engaging
everyone in more stories from their base-
ball days and catching up on their lives
since college.
Once the meal was complete,
Interim Dean Jill Varnes expressed her
gratitude to everyone for making the
event such a success. Each attendee then
rose to speak about some of their most
memorable moments with Fuller.
"It provided a nice opportunity to
remember someone very special in Gator
history and to thank him personally," said
Mercelino Huerta, former baseball player
from 1973-74.
Although many of his former play-
ers were not able to attend the event, they
sent letters to make sure that Fuller knew
they were thinking of him.
"Coach Fuller would do anything for
his players," said Douglas Corbett, from
the 1971-1974 teams, in his letter. "The
only thing that he would not do was to let
coaching responsibilities come second to
anything; they were always of top priori-
Fuller taught physical education in
HHP during the College's first years. In
addition to the impact Fuller had on the
College, Fuller left his mark on the UF
baseball program, serving as the head
coach for 28 years. Fuller also was the
assistant coach for freshman football and
the intramural boxing coach.
Duriii Fuller's baseball tenure from
1948-75, he directed Florida to three
NCAA Regional appeZalance,. three SEC
Championships and four SEC Eastern
Division crowns. Honored as the SEC
Coach of the Year in 1952, 1956 and
1962, he is the program's winningest
coach with a record of 557-354-6.
"I am most proud that there are play-
ers who make an effort to stay in touch,"
Fuller said. "That reminds me that I have
made an impression on players' lives, and
that is my most proud achievement."
HHP hopes to raise $100,000 for the
Dave Fuller Scholarship Fund and cur-
rently is looking for ctnmtributons to this
scholarship. If you would like to make a
donation, please contact Melissa
Wohlstein, director of development, at
352.392.0578 ext. 1268.
University of Florida 11
Alumnus promoted to CEO of
Orange Bowl Committee
For only the fifth time in its 72-year
history, the Orange Bowl Committee
(OBC) has a new leader in place, and it
didn't have to go very far in its search.
Eric L. Poms I MLS, 1990), who served
as the OBC's chief operating officer for
the past 13 years, recently was named the
organization's new CEO.
"Eric's passion for the Orange Bowl,
knowledge of college football, relation-
ships among conference commissioners
and staff, and respect within the
Committee unequivocally qualify him to
be the next CEO," said Albert E. Dotson
Jr., president of the Orange Bowl
Committee. "Succesnii planning is
NEW LEADER Eric Poms (MESS 1990) was
promoted to chief executive officer of the
Orange Bowl Committee after spending 13
years as the OBC's chief operating officer.
important within any organization. and it
is no accident that the most qualified per-
son for the CEO position is within our
organization, making for a smooth transi-
Poms succeeds Keith R. Tribble, who
left to assume the athletics director role at
the University of Central Florida. Porms
assisted Tribble with the day-to-day man-
agement of the Committee and events
surrounding the Orange Bowl Festival, as
well as overseeing creation of new
events, such as the Orange Bowl
Basketball Classic and Orange Bowl
Beach Bash. He also was responsible for
representing the OBC at various commu-
nity and business events and seminars.
"I am very happy President (Albert)
Dotson and the Orange Bowl Committee
Executive Board made the decision to
elevate Eric to chief executive officer,"
added Tribble. "Eric has been an integral
part of the OBC for more than 13 years,
both in the event planning and operations
and business sides of the organization. 1
believe there is no one better to lead this
organization, as his expertise and knowl-
edge of the college football environment
and the Bowl Championship Series made
him the ideal candidate."
"I am truly honored and thankful for
this opportunity," Poms said. "The four
men who have served in this role before
me, beginning with the legendary Eric
Seiler, have led the way for the OBC to
become the revered organization it is
today. The function of the OBC has
evolved over the past seven decades to be
much more than putting on a football
game with its many ancillary events,
sponsorships and television deals. 1 look
forward to maintaining the Orange Bowl
Festival's positioning as a top-tier post-
season collegiate event."
Poms takes over an organization in
its prime. Most ret eiIl, the Orange Bowl
Committee hosted yet another sell-out of
the FedEx Orange Bowl. as well as one of
its highest attended Oliine Bowl
Basketball Classics ever.
"I have known Eric from his days as
the student basketball ianiiigej for the
Florida Gators back in the early 80s,"
said Richard Giannini (BSPE 1966), the
athletics director at the University of
Southern Mississippi. "I knew he was a
very talented and quality individual and
was destined to be a super star in the field
of sports administration."
Prior to the Orange Bowl
Committee, Poms held positions at the
Unik ei ,it. of Nevada, Las Ve\cas. the Las
Vegas Bowl, the Blockbuster Bowl and
the University of Florida. He received
both his bachelor's degree in business
administration and master's degree in
exercise and sports sciences from the
University of Florida. A native South
Floridian, Poms graduated from Miami
Killian High School and currcnill resides
in \\estli with his wife and daughter.
12 Performance (Spring 2006)
Faculty member helps
rebuild after hurricane
By Kimberly Agnello I Staff Writer
As a professor of emotional health and health counseling in the College
of Health and Human Performance, Dr. Barbara Rienzo understands the
emotional effects of horrific hurricanes.
That's why she headed to Biloxi, Miss., to help with Hurricane Katrina
relief efforts.
On Jan. 14, 201'.6, Rienzo joined 25 of her fellow United Church of
Gainesville members on a trip that changed her life.
"The disheartening pan was seeing all
of the devastation that was there, even after
five months," she said.
LP Rienzo's church group helped one
woman who was in desperate need of assis-
tance. The woman was a single mother of two
Swho had no flood insurance and had lost her
job after Hurricane Katrina.
... Each member of the relief group
.... ... worked tirelessly on the woman's house. Even
Hurricane Katrina
destroyed this McDonald's
sign in Biloxi, Miss.
Rienzo learned how to operate an electric
screwdriver and a sledgehammer.
At the end of the two days, the group
had the house down to bare studs.
"1 said to the woman, 'Now the house
looks like it's under construction rather than
destruction,'" Rienzo said.
Rienzo said she felt compelled to help the relief effort.
"I could do it." Rienzo said. "I am physically able to try and help those
who really suffered a lot from a devastating event."
Rienzo said most of the people in the Biloxi area are still in shock from
Hurricane Katrina. She was amazed at the resilience the residents showed in
such dire circumstances.
"They weren't complaining," she said. "A lot of them felt lucky because
tie\ hadn't lost anyone, that they were still alive."
Rienzo said she will go back to volunteer again. In fact, she's planning
on going to the same area sometime in the future.
"The volunteers I met there from all over the country were just great
people," Rienzo said.
HHP to honor
former professor
Dr l.inda Thorntoin served as faculty
member in the College orf lealih and Hum1ni
Performance for 29 year, prior to her letire-
ment in 1998. During her tenure at U'I. she
\ us one of four women intriimenial in eslab-
lishing the women's athletic', program in the
Univerms 4thlhlic Ass.,ociuaion.
In rall 2006. Di. Thornion's legacy v ill
live on not onl\ through the meniones of
Ihose students she taught in the College. but
she al'o w ill be recognized b> future stuidernir
taking classes in the Florida Gym.
A classrooni in the Florida Gm i will be
named for Thurnton on Friday. Sept. 8, 2006.
a'- pan of the fesiti ires celebrating the
College'. 6Olth annisersr.'. The classroom
dedication i,, being made po,,ible through an
cndow\ment that has been formed in honor of
Thornton. l'his endowment cn'rses to create
two scholarship, specificallyl flor recreation
The project began simple to honor
Thornton with the classroom dedication
Michclle Park. graduate ot the department of
tourism. recreation and sport minagcinent.
spearheads the project and appiouched
Thornton with the idea.
"She was quite humble." Park said. "She
said that if we are going to raise miones, we
need to do soimehing more to benefit the stu-
Tis kind of consideration is just an
example of \ hat makes Thornton so deserv-
ing of this honol.
"She has been instnumental in ,uo many
srudeni's lives at LIF." Park said. "She is one
oif those people you come across once in a
To date about $30,000 has been raised for
the endo ment. If sou would like to con-
tribute to this project. please contact Melissu
HWolistein at 352.392.0578 evt. 1268.
Jc'laa Btennian
University of Florida
New machines may build
strength faster
By Sharilyn Wiskup I Staff Writer
A new weight machine developed by
a University of Florida researcher will
allow people to get a stronger body with
less time at the gs in
Dr. Michael Mac Millan, associate
pIo'Ic,.,l', and orthopedic surgeon, has
invented two new exercise machines that
automatically L han.e weight depending
on the user's exercise movement.
The specific type of squat and bench
press machines Mac Millan invented are
called Maxout.
The goal is for muscles to "max out"
and reach muscle fatigue.
This will occur when legs or arms are
bent, at which point the weight can be
h:anged. making it easier to press back
up and continue the exercise movement.
The idea, he said, is to apply heavy
weight when lowering the bar and to
apply less weight when raising the bar.
Regular weights restrict the user to lifting
and lowering equipment at the same
With this new technology, users can
lift more weight and do more repetitions
than before.
Mac Millan said the equipment is
easy to use, especially for a busy person
who only has time to exercise once a
The machines are available to faculty
and staff who are members of Living
Well, a work-site wellness pinlij.lin run
by the College of Health and Human
Performance. Max out will not be avail-
able to the public until further research
has been completed.
Mac Millan has studied the way mus-
cles respond to different weight-training
programs for more than 17 years.
Previous research using this type of
machine has shown a 22 to 23 percent
Ntrength gain when compared to other tra-
ditional weight-training programs.
Josh Yarrow, a UF doctoral student
studying sport medicine, has begun a
study using the new machines with 14
males age 18 to 35.
Half of Yarrow's subjects will train
using a Ii ,diillrll:i weight-training
method, and the other half of his subjects
will train with each Maxout machine.
After his seven-week study, Yarrow
will compare each test group to see which
individuals got Isrolner and by how
much their strength increased.
INCREDIBLE HULK Living Well employee Jonathan Meeker demonstrates the Maxout
squat machine that was designed by Dr. Michael Mac Millan. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
14 Performance (Spring 2006)
T Lost in translation
he fastr By Kimberly Agnello I Staff Writer
.:we can :::
translate our
-: basic
:science into
science into.
: se, the
better it is
country .aod
from .
rese,. "
-Dr. Chiad-:
We* Wr&-
.' .-- .,. .**:*
Ever wonder why it takes so long for new
health innovations to become available to the
Sometimes it can take years, even
decades, for successful research to be turned
into new medical practices or health policies
for everyday use. The process is called transla-
Translation slows down progress and
often makes it hard to apply useful and suc-
cessful public health policies on a large scale.
Dr. Chad Werch, director of the Addictive
and Health Behaviors Research Institute, is
working on ways to speed up translation
through the use of what is known as brief inter-
"It's an attempt to fast-track new innova-
tions in behavioral treatments and prevention,"
Werch said.
Brief intervention is a way of decreasing
the amount of time it takes to go from basic
research done in laboratories to mass applica-
tion in the form of public health practices.
Werch and his team have been working on
the topic of translation for more than a year,
but Werch's work with brief intervention spans
more than 20 years.
"This is really one of those unique papers
where you actually have a number of people
helping," Werch said. "It's a true collaborative
In his paper. "Translation as a Function of
Modality." Werch and his team members
explain the benefits of brief intervention.
"You might find a recent lab study shows
something promising about our unden-linlllg'
of cognitions, decision-making or emotions,"
Werch said. "The idea is to try and take that
research and move it as quickly as po',ible to
clinical and community studies of the elfic:ic
of new behavioral change interventions to treat
and prevent disease and harm."
Brief intervention speeds up the process
of translation, therefore making research much
more efficient and cost-effective, Werch said.
In addition, brief intervention is short-term and
motivational in nature.
"You can find out very quickly whether
the effects have some potential on humans by
using brief intervention," Werch said.
Speeding up the translation process is
important because sometimes successfully
developed programs are never used in popula-
A- -w -
MEET THE TEAM Back row: Melisa Karrh,
Melissa Wezniak, Heather Myers, AlFred Barba,
Dr. Chad Werch, Sothear Luke, Riann Ellarson.
Front row: Anna Price, Dr. Hui Bian and Judy
Phounsavath. Not Pictured: Jamie Hupp and
Maro Michniewicz. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
tions, Werch said.
"There are all kinds of harriers along the
process of translation," he said.
Werch said professionals have an
increased interest in brief intervention.
"The faster we can translate our basic sci-
ence into applied science into practical use, the
better it is for our country and other countries
in terms of actually benefiting from research."
Werch said.
University of Florida
New research targets legs in
patients with heart disease
By Kimberly Agnello I Staff Writer
EECP device offers
alternative to invasive
heart surgeries
With a $1.2 million grant from the
National Institutes of Health's Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute, Dr. Randy
Braith is half-way through a research
study to determine if enhanced external
counterpulsation (EECP) is beneficial to
patients suffering from symptomatic
coronary artery disease (CAD) who have
had prior invasive heart surgery.
LLCI' is a non-invasive procedure
that reduces angina pectoris, persistent
chest pain due to blockage in coronary
arteries. Braith and his five-person team
hypothesize that EECP can he very henc-
ficial to severe heart disease patients who
already have had previous cardiac revas-
cularization surgeries.
Even though patients may already
have undergone a serious invasive sur-
gery to graft new coronary vessels or bal-
loon angioplasty to clear blocked coro-
nary vessels, the original disease can
return, and patients can continue to suffer
from angina pectoris, he said.
"These are patients who have had all
the invasive cardiology procedures, but
now they're a year or two or five down
the road, and they are having anginal
episodes," Braith said.
TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER Doctoral students Gary Pierce and Darren Cosey per-
form peripheral vascular measurements in Dr. Braith's laboratory.
According to Braith, patients like
these are ideal candidates for EECP.
"They usually have chest pain on
exertion," Braith said. "And it doesn't
have to be running a marathon. It can he
like getting up and going to the kitchen."
The EECP device is a simpler alter-
native to surgery. Patients lie on their
backs, and cuffs are placed around their
calves, thighs and abdomen. During each
resting phase of the heartbeat, the cuffs
inflate in sequential order. Compression
of the cuffs forces blood up through the
arteries and veins of the lower extremi-
ties, through the aorta and to the heart, as
well as through the veins and back to the
right side of the heart.
After each inflation, there is a rapid
inflow of blood to the muscles of the
lower extremities. This inflation and
deflation of the EECP cuffs mimics aero-
bic exercise. Each rapid inflow of blood
stimulates the lining of the arteries in the
legs to produce chemicals that decrease
arterial stiffness, decrease clotting and
improve general vessel health.
"You always think of the heart and
muscles when you exercise, but you
never think of the vasculature of the
lower extremities," Braith said.
By decreasing arterial stiffness and
improving the vascular biology of the
lower extremities, EECP reduces the
work of the heart. Reducing work of the
heart decreases oxygen demand in the
heart muscle. This is critically important
16 Performance (Spring 2006)
10 i' pa et iie i ith coronl ir die;ie'.
\ilh i lit help ot co-iImnestirLtols
Drs. Richard Coni and Wiliner Nildols
frorn' the Diision ot C'LLrdiolo% and
dli loial iitudAlcnti DaIrr n Cr(i'.-e and
Darren Beck front the Dep.rmrnenr f
Applied Phsilooog~ and Kinesiolo.p.
Brailt conducted a piot study on 20
patients. The team's discoveries result-
ed in Braith receiving a $1.2 million
The principle discovery was that
EECP really did not increase blood flow
through heart muscle, as hypothesized
by others who have used this device.
Previous research and marketing of
the device claims "new patlh\w,I\ will
grow around blocked arteries" in the
heart. However. Braith said his research
indicates the real therapeutic target was
the legs. EI-CP reduced arterial stiffness
in the legs and made it easier for the
heart to pump blood to the lower
extremities. Objective clinical benefits
include patients who are less anginal,
require less nitroglycerin medication for
angina and have greater exercise toler-
"There was a clinical benefit,"
Braith said. "But it was not new path-
ways in the heart."
Patients who receive EECP attend-
ed 35 one-hour sessions. They have
EECP five days per week for seven
"You know, patients actually fall
asleep sometimes during the sessions,"
Braith said. "It's really well tolerated. It
is certainly more attractive than having
your sternum reopened and a thoracic
surgery team handling your heart."
In the current NIH-fundcd project,
the team plans to study 60 patients from
Shands Hospital. The goal of this larg-
er, randomized study is to clearly define
the mechanisms that cause clinical
improvement in patients after a course
of EECP therapy.
"EECP was not well understood;
therefore, it wasn't prescribed very
often," Braith said. "'Ph),icLan didn't
know how it worked. They feared it was
a placebo effect."
With two more years left in the
grant research, Braith said his findings
could have ,iniliciice in the medical
"We feel that if we can document
the therapeutic mechanism of this pro-
cedure it will be more attractive to
physicians." Braith said. "Once they
understand how it works, they will be
more apt to recommend it as an adjunc-
tive procedure to surgery and possibly
an alternative procedure to surgery in
certain patients, rather than as a last
resort for the sickest patients who have
exhausted other interventions."
The University of Florida Faculty Chiengge-is.ar initiative to raise
$t50 million in private support o gly fsty the toos t n
to enhance classroom instruo ad conduct
research. Reaching thatgil a: ai st*p ih of
Forism sterile e..e... i t
Sversttes. .. .. ..:.:w:qrsi" o E" "f d":: -
_. .' .n ^.. F, 3 0.0 -V t 0W1 W, .
... :- aWF.S2W....M
"-,". ..-".-
"In order for the
University of
Florida to reach
its potential, we
must find ways
to do a better
job supporting
our faculty."
Bernie Machen
University of Florida '17
Research center dedicated to
trillion-dollar industry
By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer
Have you noticed ) iurselt. staring
longinglp out of your office window? Are
your children becoming increasingly rest-
less with their day-to-day activities'?
These are only a couple signs that the
need for a vacation is fast approaching.
Whether you are looking to escape the
intense summer temperatures or making
use of the sun's tropical rays, you will be
contributing to the almost S6.5 trillion of
economic activity projected worldwide
for 2006 through travel and tourism. The
tourism industry within the U.S. will
make up one-fifth of this number, bring-
ing in $1.3 trillion alone.
And who can think of the State of
Florida without imagining theme parks,
beaches, golf courses and parks? These
are many of the attractions that drew 85.8
million visitors to Florida in 2005. mak-
ing tourism the state's No. I industry.
Not only does this major industry
supply much needed enjoyment to
Florida's visitors, it greatly impacts
Florida's residents as well. More than $57
billion was made from taxable sales dur-
ing 2004, deterring a state income tax and
making Florida the sixth lowest taxed
TROPICAL PARADISE The tourism industry in the United States will generate $1.3 trillion
in 2006. The state of Florida had 85.8 million visitors in 2005, making tourism its No.
1 industry. Photo courtesy of Greater Fort lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau.
state in the U.S. Additionally, about I
million Floridians are employed through
the tourism industry. This money generat-
ed from taxes also helps send children to
school each day.
As Florida's No. 1 industry, research
in the field is starting to grow. This is
where the Center for Tourism Research
and Development (CTRD) in the College
of Health and Human Performance is tak-
ing the lead.
CTRD's mission is to provide
research to assist both private firms and
public agencies in effective tourism plan-
ning, promotion and management. In
addition, it strives to advance the disci-
pline of tourism and hospitality through
high-quality, theory-driven research
applicable at the local, national and glob-
al level.
"Research is important to the travel
and tourism industry because as budgets
continue to decrease, it becomes even
more important to quantify everything
that we do and demonstrate a return on
investment," said Carolyn Feimster, pres-
ident of CJF Marketing International and
CTRD advisory board member.
"Secondly, research allows us to be
much more targeted in our tourism mar-
keting efforts by identifying the most
lucrative feeder markets to largely as well
as the type of traveler that has the great-
est propensity to stay longer and spend in
a destination, resulting in the greatest
Performance (Spring 2006)
return," Feimster said.
Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray, associate
professor in the Department of tourism,
Recreation and Sport Management, is the
director of CTRD. It was her tourism
research presentation that caught the
attention of attendee Hal Herman, chair-
man of Worth International Media Group.
"I had never heard a research presen-
tation that used such a practical, real-
world approach," Herman said.
That was all it took for Herman, a UF
alumnus, to jump onboard, fully embody-
ing the Center's mission.
"Tourism is in my blood," he said,
"and that blood is colored orange and
With the leadership of Pennington-
Gray and Herman. CTRD has established
an Advisory Board for the Center. This
board is made up of tourism business
leaders dlrouigho~ul the country involved
in everything from global marketing to
resort Ilnagement. il.
"We chose board members for a vari-
ety of reasons," Herman said. "We want-
ed a cross-section of geographic areas
and different industry roles represented.
which will help the Center achieve its
These goals for the next five years
are critical to CTRD's development.
Under the guidance of the advisory
board, the Center will strive to secure
both public and private sector projects,
obtain $1 million in research funding
from outside sources and create three
new scholarships to promote the educa-
tion of students interested in tourism
CTRD Advisory Board
Jane Adams
Jane Adams is Vice President of
Unnnersity Relations for the Uni\ersity
of Florida. where she is responsible for
government relations. public relations.
marketing and external relations at the
national. state and local levels.
Prior to UF. Ad\ams was a public
affairs xccUli' u! with The \Vilt Disney
Lo. for more than
10 years.. Her
positions includ-
ed Vice President
Sof Go crnment
Relations and
Manager of
IMedia Relations+
tbr Walt Disney World and Director ot
Communiicat ions atnd Public Rclations
for Disnet Cruise Line
Prior to corning to Disine. Adanis
\%a, a press secretary in the United
States Senate from 1981-1990. where
she worked Ibr Sens. Ted Steven, and
Frank Nlurkowski of Alaska. Adamz
also was the Vice President of Media
Relations in the Washingion, D.C.
office ot Burson-Nlarteller. a global
public relation, firm.
Gary Bitner
Until \ersir y of Florida graduate
Gary Bitner is considered a leader in
Florida's public relations industlr. As
president of
Bitner Goodmun.
one of the state%
largest public
relations firms.
Bitner has
w worked \ ith
clients like Tri-
Rail. Winn-Dixie Stores and the
Seminole Iribe of loorida.
Before Bitler reached success with
his firm. he served as super isor of pub-
lic relations for the Marriott
Corporation. a staff writer for the Sun-
Sentinel and an account executive Ior
Hank Meler Association out of Miami.
He is a member of the Public
Relations Society of America's
Counselors Academy, as awarded the
national Gold Quill Award of Merit
from the International Association of
Business Communicators, and is a for-
mer president of PRSA Gullstream
Stuart Blumberg
Stuart Blumberg bnngs hiv expert-
ise to the ad\ isoi board M ith more than
32 \ear, of eperenenc in the hotel and
tourism indusir\ Blumberg i- president
and CEO of the Greater Mianni and the
Beaches Hotel Association, an organi-
zation now\ representing more than 191
hotels and 80.000 employees.
Blumberg graduated from the
University of Florida and specializes in
strategic planning, production. ad.enis-
ing. marketing.
sales, pubhc rela-
tions and conm-
munication s.
Blumberg has
used these spe-
cialiuations and
experiences in
the past as president of the Miami
Beach Resort Hotel Association arnd as
Since president of T[he Mus
Some of Blumberg's countless
awards include the Miami Toda) Gold
Medal Award for Profelc.ional
University of Florida 19
Medal Award for Professional
Achie\eineln in 2003, inductiiLo into the
liamni Beach Chamber ufI'lurnsmn Hall
of l1-me, and Miami Beach Re.rti
Association "Man of the 'ear.'" le also
has served as Chairman for the Host
Committee for the MPI Cmn\ention and
ihe ASTA World Con01ie.1 ill 2003.
Wende Blumberg
As a dis-tinguished employee of the
Hilton Hotels Corpilatliorn. Wentle
Blumbhcr hlas been servinE the hosptall-
ty indusItir since 1988. She Iha. bhccn the
general manager of the Hilton Lniv\ersit\
of Florida Conference Center since 1999.
Blumbeere sN u chairman of the
Tournt Deselopment Council of Alachua
.",1 Cotint\ and \% a'
d president of the
ii Global Boaid of
SDirector, for the
Internal t i on.al
Associatioiin o
C o i nf e rne n c e
The UF alumna currently, ,cric. a'
presidcni of the Gaines\ille Sports
Ornaniring Committee and the
University of Florida Perfornung Art.,
Ad% isory Board of Directors.
Carolyn J. Feimster
Carol n J. Feim'.ter ha. more than
27 \ears of retail. economic develop-
ineni. tourism development and shopping
center eXperCience.
As president a:nd
founder of CJF
NI a r k e I i go
li i e r ii aIl 0 n a I
International .
Feimnster haU
expertise in tman-
agement, rat keling
and tourism development.
Fecimnsir's w.ork experience includes
Director of Corporate Mlarketing/Director
or International Sales for Turnberr\
A, l ociates. a national real estate develop-
nient and management company out of
Avntura. Flu She was also Economic
Deseloplent Speciali'st for the Cilt of
North liamni and Corporatc Nlarketing
Director for the Enterprise Development
Company in Columbia, Md.
Feimster was aJarlded the 2003
Shopping itourisn Person ot the Yeai
from Shop America .Alliance after heing
nomunlited by industry. peer,,. She %was
also co-chair of the Intel national Council
of Shoppinr Cnier,,' Tourism. Leisure
and Lilfet le Conference in 2001.
Louis B. Fisher Ill
Louis Fisher III is the third genera-
tion of Fisher Auction Co. Inc.. having
joined the firm full time in 1979. He .pe--
cialize, in major corporate banking alnd
lscrnmnent huslness development. His
direct presentation and sales efforts to top
officials dirougihtut the country] have
resulted ]n more than SI billion ot sales
re enule.
His 'kiills include contract negotlna-
nions. proposal v ritnng. sale,, presenta-
tiols. representing institutionally-os ned
real estate pornfuiho. and public relations.
He is a three-time champion auctioneer
and has, pier-onally conducted more than
2.000 auctions faith propeniies and assets
in 46 states. Mexico. Puerlo Rico and
U S. Virgin Islands.
Fisher graduated fronl the Urnis crstl
of Florida v ith a Bachelor of Arns degree
in 1979 and since has obtained the C.A.I.
designation from he Auction Marketing
Institute. He is a recognized expert on the
accelerated marketing process and has
conducted many seminars to industry)
trade associations and federal govern-
ment a.sociationns throughout the U.S.
Richard B. Goldman
Richard B. Goldman omend the
Amenlia Isand
Plantation Co. in
1998. As \ice
President of
Marketing. he i,
rcspon tlhic Ior
Soiniarketing all
aspects of this
1.35i(-acre. h61o.-key report including real
estate. rooms. retail, food anid belae uae.
gulf'. tenni,. spa and rereilion
Goldman m.inage .a 32 nelmber
,t;at di rided into tenants for conlereuce
electronic and on-line marketing. public
relai on.N l pr'0iotiurln. gruphic/print 'hop
and in-house .dIeni ing :igencs Healso
,eixe, on the executive and marketing
coin-mittees. of \'ldm Florida. Ond is a
board member ol the .\melia Wland.
Fernandina Beach. Yulee Cihal t r of
Phen Senijor in I the \n elia island
Plantation Co., G oldman \\saL Vice
President of Markeiing and Rei.earch
ual Rsdcr & Schild AdeHrtising ie
Miatru. Fla. Goldman ws \c ith Ogisp
Mather in Ne<\ York Citn from Iu 97. toh
1982 first a,, Assitant Medli Planner and1
then Senior Media Planner.
Goldman has a B.S. in .d crti.ing
from the Univertiiv of Florida
Hal Herman
blrevicious : ork rlith newspapers.
broadcasting and public relalioli' gasc
Hal Hermnan a solid start for launching his
os'n media business in 1970. Worth
International Media Group ,erves as a
parent company for three ot Herman's
publication's: Recommnend MNagazine.
20 Performance (Spring 2006)
F I o r i d a
I n o e r n a E i o n a I
Planner and Flonda
Official NMletinQ
Planners Guide.
Keeping close
ties with his alma
niate,. he now
serves as a member of the board I'oadvo-
catei for the UF College of Joutrnliem
and Communications and has heen
inducted in the UF Hall of Fame.
Hermtan is chairman of the advisor),
board for the Cenler for Touriri
Research and Development.
Herman also has held chairman posi-
tions with the Florida Tourism
Association. and the Florida Chapter of
Travel and Tourism Research
As-ociation. He has been a,,arded the
prestigious il.ver medal from the
American Aderenising Federation ,lld
was inducted into the Florida Tourism
Hall of Fame in 2003.
Roland Loog
Roland Loog got his start in the hotel
hospitality industry in New England
Now, more than 25 years later. Loog
setve, au the Director of the Aliachua
County Visitors, and Convention Bureau.
He also earned his Certified Meeting
Professional designation from the
Con\enrion Induslir Council.
Loog graduated trom the University
of Floridn \%ith a Bachelor of Arts in
anthropology. Hi, previous jobs included
director of sales and marketing and tood
and beverage director fr several nmajoi
hotel chains.
He currently series as a ineniher of
the Florida Association of Convention
and Visitors Buieau, Visit Florida',
Downtowns and Small Towns., and the
Nolth Central Florida Regional Planning
Council'- Tounism Task Force.
Ronald C. Muzii
Ronald C. Muzii. President of
Muzii & Associates Inc.. a hotel mar-
keting and consulting firm. has more
than 35 )ears in the holel industrN.
Throughout his career. Nluzit has
worked exclusively in sales and mar-
keting of hotels in the Soulhuestern
U.S., Caribbean region and
Bahamas Mu7ii founded and was,
Executive Vice President of the
Nassau/Paradise Island Promotion
Board. directing the consortium of
all the hotels in NussauiParadise
Nu/ii is a graduate of the
Cornell School ot Hotel
administrationn and is a member and
past president of the Florida chapter
of the Cornell Society of Hotelmen.
He serves in numerous local, nation-
al and international travel and hospi-
tality organizations, frequently\
speak, at industry conferences and
has published many articles, as well.
Peter Ricci
As general manager at more tlian
fiie hotels in the past 10 )ears, Peter
Ricci knows the hospitulin. industry. He
has worked with big name companies,
Ilke Delta Air Lines, Marriott Hotels and
Forbes. Hamilton Management Company.
With a Master of Science from the
University of Florida and a Doctorate of
Education from the Uni\ersitv of Central
Florida. Ricci has been teaching students
since 1988. He also has been published
seCeral tintes in the Journal of ravel ,and
li utrnt Marketing.
Currently. Ricci serves on the
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Education and is a Imember
of the Central Florida Hotel and Lodging
Gaines P. Sturdivant
Gaines P. Sturdi\ ant joined the MMI
Hotel Group to learn about the hospitali-
iy indusir. After stud ing at Ilarxard"1
Business School Program for
Management De\elopment. he took o\er
as president in 1988. With hotels in
Georgia. Louisiana. Florida and
lMissisippi. MMI Hotel Group's success
is due to making guests teel like the true
boss of the company.
He is a fiorinle president of rhe
International Association of Holiday Inns
and has scr'ed on committees for the
American Hotel and I edging Association
ind the International Council of Hotel
Management Companies.
Sturdi'ani also expresses interest in
the arts. ha\ ing served as a board member
on the International Ballet Competition,
New Stage Theater and the MNissisippi
hMuseull of Art.
Joni Newkirk
Seventeen years ago Joni Ne kirk
ioined the Disne team. In 1989, she
joined the comnpan% as a manager in the
Wahl Disne) World
Forecasting group
and has worked her
wau up to Senior
Vice President
Business Insight
and Improve\r ent
for Wall Disne.t World Parks and Reso:rts.
Before joining thle company of one
of the largest tourist desrinations in the
United States. Neuktrk slorked uith
Martin Marietta, now known as
Lockheed Martin. She also o rkcd for
the Orlando Regional Healthcare System.
Newkirk received a B.S. in statistic,
from the UnLiersity of Florida and a M.S.
in industrial engineering from the
Lnilersit, of Central Florida.
University of Florida
CHINATOWN HHP stuJdentl. will spend a week in Tairln. China to see First hand how the Bei1ing area is preparing for the 2008
Summer Olympics. This is the hrst study abroad trip to China the College has offered. DREAMSTIME.COM PHOTO
H Go iso GI
pl- 61
By Larry Schnell I University of Florida International Center
study-abroad course in Olympic history unveiled four
years ago has become the prototype for about seven
international opportunities offered by the College of
Health and Human Pertonniminc
The summer course, History of Exercise and Sports
Sciences, was so popular when it was first offered that HHP
officials expanded the opportunities by creating a study-abroad
course in Italy two years later. HHP continues to add programs
annually. This year, the College has study-abroad courses in
Greece, Italy, France, Germany, China, Switzerland, the United
Kingdom and Ireland, with more under development. The pro-
grams focus on topics ranging from ancient and modern
Olympics to public and international health.
These topics by nature are international, said DeEtta
Hanssen, program assistant in the College who coordinates
study-abroad programs. Sprtiing events have brought nations
together since ancient times, and health issues such as AIDS and
bird flu transcend international boundaries.
"We're Global Gators," she said. "We feel that by enabling
our students to experience opportunities in the tudLI-a b uad
pi'granms, we are preparing them for success in their careers.
We see this as another opportunity to reach out to students and
provide them the tools they need."
The program locations include ancient, modern and future
Olympic sites in Greece, Italy and China, sports arenas through-
out Europe, the World Health Organization and other locations
where fitness, human performance and human health are the
focus of study.
22 Performance (Spring 2006)
CHARIOT RACES HHP students visited the Colosseum in Rome as
part of the history of sport study abroad program. For the first
time ever, HHP alumni will have the opportunity to travel with the
students to Rome in March 2007.
The Olympic History in Greece originated from the HHP
course History of Exercise and Sport Sciences. The study abroad
spring break 2006.
In Darmstadt, Germany, students get an international per-
spectiv'e on health and human performance from a 14-day pro-
gram led by UF and German faculty at the Technical University
of Darmstadt during the 2006 spring break.
In Geneva, Switzerland, during the Sunnmer A-B interses-
sion at the end of June 2006, a program will introduce students
to the global dimensions of public health. This program includes
a tour of the Red Cross Museum and the United Nations as well
as a course in understanding the role of the World Health
Organization, taught by UF and WHO professionals.
This year, new summer programs are offered in Europe. A
pioltijni in France and Italy for Summer A offers students nine
credits in three courses, Foundation and PlilcipleC of Coaching.
International Health Topics, and History of Sports.
For Summer B, another program in the United Kingdom
program includes visits to the earliest
known sites of the Olympics as well as
sports arenas throughout history. All
HHP study-abroad courses include a cul-
tural component so that students learn
about the social, linguistic and historical
background of their host country.
The newest program, which focuses
on sport management, is based in
Tainjin, China. With the 2008 Sununer
Olympics taking place in China, an
abundance of activities and preparation
are happening in Beijing and nearby
Tainjin. UF students will see first hand
how to prepare for the largest sports event
"We feel that by
enabling our stu-
dents to experi-
ence opportunities
in the study-
abroad programs,
we are preparing
them for success
in their careers."
in the world. The
course, for the Summer A 2006 semester, is limited to about 20
HHP's program in Rome examines ancient sport events and
follows the origin of athletic competition to modern times.
"We look at how the early beginnings influenced modem
sports," Hanssen said.
Students get a course introduction at the UF campus, then
visit the sites in Italy. On their return, they have a final project
due. This year, the College offered two sections with 22 students
each to meet the demand for study abroad in Rome during
GREECE RUINS Greece was the first study-abroad trip offered by
HHP. Since then, the study abroad program at HHP is one of the
largest and most comprehensive programs on campus. DREAM-
and Ireland focuses on sport manage-
ment, sport and society, and sport history.
Hanssen said study abroad opportu-
nities for the College cover a multitude
of topics throughout the world, topics as
diverse as the majors offered by the
"We're going to have something for
every major in our College," she said.
Study abroad is one component of a
program to increase the international
dimension of education college wide.
Hanssen said.
"We're examining our courses to see
how we can incorporate more of the international aspects into
our teaching," she said.
University of Florida 23
Learning across the miles
As the t
. : ya p it.
Itig n
'-it[ or Florida kork' It
ice edng i
ur'e, a" a n ii
.itu -s" -ft iiurvtmy 7dL il : of
pt:.am 4lt mion may be a ncys
alternative in order to educate the large
influx of students. Even at this point, the
University already is feeling the strain of
Cher Harris, outreach educational
programs coordinator for the Collece.
recently has coordinated the creation of
undergraduate and graduate distance edu-
cation courses in HHP, which began in
the summer of 2005. The College is cur-
rently performing market analyses on
potential master's degree programs.
Harris said.
"An online master's degree program
will allow someone who is working full
time to work on their master's degree no
matter where they live, while working on
their career," Harris said.
HHP distance education courses
include: HSC 2100: Personal and Family
Health, PEL 3016: Group Exercise
Training Course, IISC 3531: Health and
Medical Teiiminolok'., HSC 5536:
Medical Terminology for the Health
Professions, LEI 4880: Evaluation of
Leisure Services, LEI 6578: Advanced
Tourism Marketing. PET 4905/6905:
Adapted Physical Activity, and PET
4905/6905: Medical and Health Aspects
Performance (Spring 2006)
By Amy Lamp.I Staiff \'riter
.,;. '. V;-
--. .. i.,-. ..
ol' Lividuys tith DisM Qjies.
W. .St ed A gbeirg teai ss
Medical Trqquitogy. he longest. n-
a:distai eor iit'ihee College. e.c
I- up of students
^Pi."iiunY.era ufavdcso4&Esr it ~gasr-
three years ,34 was previously'
ROM for five years. '
The course, based on an e-text book
developed during a 17-year period, is
used in fi\e out of the 10 universities in
the state of Florida. Fagerberg said.
Other prestigious univcrsitici such as
the lini\ersiiy of Mar\ land. the
University of Tennessee and Texas A&M
University also u e the anme text.
"The pictures really\ make the class
come alive," F.ierberg said.
During fall 2005, the course had
more than 1,200 students enrolled in the
College's four undergraduate and one
graduate sections. Students were
enrolled from distances as far as
Germany, New York and California.
Even though distance education
courses are not a new concept, the cours-
es still offer a convenient option for stu-
dents who cannot attend traditional on-
campus classes. The College is making
changes in order to make the courses
even more conducive to every student's
Students living out of the country can
still continue their education even in for-
eign countries. Marie Kotter, a United
States citizen who lives in India, enrolled
in HHP's Group Exercise Training course
as she %works toward hei bacheloil'
degree in ph-,iieal educainii
"I tound iis c e b\ looking :i
inmd L n l d\ es in a Google
i, -ei '.' the University o
orl' it completed her lat few credit
hours through distance courses.
"UF is such a great school. and I real-
ly like the class so far." Gebhardt said. "1
hate vet it experience anU problems widi
the course, and my instrulctor is very
In order to increase student accessi-
bility to their professors, Harris has
assisted professors with the development
of new courses to include more interac-
tion between them and their students.
Tools like online discussion groups also
make communication between students
and professors easier.
In some of the undergraduate courses
on campus, there may be 200-plus stu-
dents in a classroom and they may never
get to talk with their professor, Harris
said. With the improvement of HHP's
online courses, professors get to fill the
role of facilitator rather than director of
the classroom experience.
"1 definitely think the distance edu-
cation courses are equivalent and can
enhance the normal classroom environ-
ment," Harris said.
Jane Adams Edmonds
Ph.D. Endowed Fellowship
This award is presented to a Ph.D. can-
didate in the Department of Applied
PIrsi:!s o-y and Kinesiology.
Srikant Vallabhajosula is a Ph.D. stu-
dent in APK ,peci.il,,ing in biomechanics. He
would like to establish a biomechanics
research institute focusing on -clihiltit.,Loio
and sports in India.
Bill Sims
Ph.D. Endowed Fellowship
This fellI.o,.hip is awarded to a Ph.D.
student in the Department of Tourism,
Recreation and Sport Management.
Re~u lnl
Louisa Meyer is a :*Ill-.ear Ph.D. stu-
dent in TRSM. She received her master's
degree from the C(nil I ,c in 2002. Before start-
ing her doctoral work in January 2006. Mcycr
returned to her native Germany to manage two
downtown business hotels in Dusseldorf.
Meyer's current research focuses on market-
ing in I',,pil:,iit, and tourism industries.
Endowed Scholarships
The criteria for both the graduate and
undergraduate scholarships include being in
good academic r..aiidiin as a major in one of
the ['1i I.ar110 of the College. Preference is
given to students with American citizenship
who have made a -inlliL.iri contribution to
society through volunteer work and/or mili-
tary service. For the undergraduate scholar-
ship, Ja'li' .:nis must be at least a junior, with
24 credit hours earned at UF and have at least
a 3.0 GPA.
Giidu.ile Rc:ipicnr-"
Darin J. Falk is a doctoral student in
exercise physiology. Falk is involved in sever-
al volunteer oriented activities, including
Habitat for Humanity. His research interests
are in skeletal muscle atrophy.
Jessica Trujillo is currently a graduate
student in tourism specializing in leisure pas-
times. She hopes to actively promote the need
for leisure and recreation thioug.]hoult her
career while supporting not-for-profit organi-
zations, such as the Alzheimer's Association.
Melanie Mousseau is pursuing a Ph.D.
in sport and exercise psychology. For two
years, she has represented the graduate stu-
dents of the Department of Applied
Physiology and Kinesiology within the
Graduate Student Council.
Underg-radunte recipient:
Eric Abercrombie is an exercise and
sport sciences junior ,pte .liing in
fitness/wellness. Ile served in the U.S. Navy
for several years and was honored with the
Navy Achievement Medal. Abercrombie plans
to continue his education in a master's pro-
gram before teaching physical education near
his hometown of Salem, S.C.
C.A. Boyd
Endowed Scholarships
These awards are for full-time under-
graduate and graduate students of outstanding
character. Special consideration is given to
students with a strong interest in golf.
Graduate recipients:
Thomas A. Baker III is a Ph.D. student
in sport management with an emphasis in
sport law. Baker received a J.D. from I.oyola
University School of Law in New Orleans, La.
He hopes to work at a major research univer-
sity where he can explore legal issues con-
cerning sport nml n.Lmnlctil and teach.
Christopher K. Wirth is a doctoral stu-
dent in health education and behavior. His
specialization is human performance, and his
research interests include physical activity and
obesity, behavioral interventions and motiva-
tion in achievement settings.
Ui lder,2rJ-id Ite lecipicinl
Samantha Campbell is a senior in
applied physiology and kinesiology, specializ-
ing in athletic training. Canphbll serves as an
athletic trainer for the UF women's track team
and is a member of the Golden Key
International Honor Society.
Patrick J. Bird
Dissertation Research
This award is presented to a Ph.D. can-
didate to assist in expenses related to comple-
tion of his or her doctoral dissertation.
Ying Li is a Ph.D. candidate in health
education and behavior with a concentration
in health promotion. In 2004-2005, Li
received the HEB Graduate Student of the
Year Award and Outstanding International
Student Award. Li's dissertation research
focuses on the importance of direct third party
reimbursement for health services to the pro-
fession of health education.
Danny Eggart Endowed
Memorial Scholarships
The award is limited to graduates of
FlI-nd., high schools, preferably located in the
Florida Panhandle. Financial need is consid-
Undergraduate recipients:
Katherine Daniel is enrolled in the
combined degree program and expects to
graduate with a master's degree in health edu-
cation and behavior in May 2007. Her special-
ization is health promotion.
Jessica Osborne is a health education
and behavior senior ,l'eci..iliinI in health
studies. Osborne plans to pursue a master's
degree in community health education.
Charles W. Fessler Sr. and
Miriam A. Fessler
The annual award is for a junior or sen-
ior in the College.
Undergraduate recipient:
Sharon Fisher is a senior in tourism,
recreation and sport management with a spe-
cialization in recreation and event manage-
ment. After graduation, Fisher would like to
Performance (Spring 2006)
L_______ ______
begin lihet .n i usinei's lt. better ser'e Liel
need- I| IhIe ,.u nnurmils.
Charles W. Fessler Jr.
SThe Ch.rle, \\ Feiler Ji annual l
Scholarship a.I, iili.ited iI It19.-4 fOr inaiJir.
in Ihe Depanrmcnt or Tourin1m. Recreation and
Sport MN.-Lniaenret ith acllve inmolemenr in
The Recre-jrinal Sponr program ,ind priolei-
s,-Onal poienii:il.
l.inider .aduate iecipieni
Nl-rcede Gardner i, an ulndcrgradLuate
tludJcntl i TR1SM. She cpecialihe' in recre-
altin IanId e'ieni m.in.igement and pl.ns [o
mork as :in e\enl m.c'orJin.itor She is actlie in
BIt Brnilhi Big Sisle'I. and Keep \.l1cua3
C(OUnlt Beaulilul
Judith D. Fessler
Thii, .iard is hor applied ph\',iolo'dg
anJ kmciolo t sluJent a alth setllr ta.ir .
h,'ri hi .rc rinr ,e' ot l n rd.. PiercreVne i,
Inder.rajdJL l e I piemill
Diane igne i a ejii.. i in -\PK .* it
.ai enlphaI1% i- in lln A.- tllic I,
Cointpetilltkc ir cln er of ihe III cro .. iI ilnir\
and track program. She plans to attend gradu-
ate school and work as a physical therapist.
Thomas F. Hayes IV
Endowed Memorial
This scholarship is awarded to any full-
time student in good academic standing with-
in the College.
Graduate recipient:
Carrie Meng is a graduate student in
sport management. She holds a graduate
assistantship at Living Well Wellness Center
and volunteers with the City of Gainesville's
I worksite health promotion program,
Undergraduate recipient:
Catherine Simmons is a senior work-
ing to obtain a dual degree in exercise physi-
,log' and dietel i- Sinllllioll is the coach Ill
Ihe LIF men'1" I1AO ICe .reW, ielri. Sile wouldd
lake to pursue a M.S. IIn sport nutition arid
become a re.listered dile iain.
Dr. Norma M. Leavitt
Endowed Scholarships
Dr. Norma NM Leas il 'Ata on thc lacul-
it, of the C(ollege lor 2s e.'ar. during .hich
%he served .I, chair l the i ep rinmentr it
Re-intired Ph', ii-;l Edutta:rion. Le'ivit', goil
',as to create highly) competent prolte".ionals
Ph.D. Iclloa\ shi recipienl.
Szu-1'ing Lee Q.. accepted in rall 20i115
a, :i Ph D. c.indlii.lle
(irldu.lie recipient'
Coleen .Archer lMartinez i, a graddu-e
%lt.deill In hea~lli CeJJ L.,loUii ld bel1l' r a" tl
a 'peC.Jlll/JllJtI in Jad plcJ ph%'Lal Jtis i it
Iler research in o el'le lim ,nlenr. l\l' e\ercise
lher:ip fo.r pen pie w ili pe ripher-il arlertil di-.
cae He future plaiis ale k. l .n'te ,i pr.'fe'-
tir .i apled pi\.ll .cai JI0I1 I1%
Kelley O'Driscoll i- yra.JduJe.' tLIude'n
in h.illh eduLcaLio'r, ard helii\ Ioi Hcr iniereti-
ttinlie sl c h ,iL' I lie dlrh eiltk,ilrtin () l)r co.ill
pir;i, (r. be.,.inme ai, uthin'l l-IT lie.Ilih etdllieaer
lIdcr-i' idll ed i_,plienit.
-:ileen Ruberl tI sa ienl.r maIl'rini, ir,
exercise and sport sciences with a specializa-
tion in physical education. After receiving a
bachelor's degree, she would like to earn a
master's degree in sport pedagogy or adapted
physical education. Rubert is actively
involved in the community.
Endowed Scholarships
This award is for a full-time applied
physiology and kinesiology graduate student
serving as a graduate assistant and maintain-
ing a 3.4 or higher GPA. The recipient must be
of o''..jlllllwing character with a strong. com-
petitive spirit and a high level of enthusiasm
for life and professional pursuits.
Grdui.iaie rccipientr
Yu Kyoum Kim is a doctoral student
with an emphasis in sport management. His
University of Florida
Ine for -%0poi- h.ia influenced his deciioI ni
become a piolesor Kinm a, lihe foir the V.ian
C. Moore Spo-i a;id Filite', Ptiotaiii
The McGriff Family
Endowed Scholarship
Thi-, .holar'hip i. ,a., artdcd 1, :.
hloltrm. recre.11on and p)rin mnanjemenl
graduate t-Jident
Graduate iec ipiem
wJ.ssicu Braunstein i, a Pit D u) ,didate
specializing in -poi'l n.1 m.'iC nl. Sh, ,3.j
rILntIer-up tl ihe NorTh l1nerica,.n Socieirs or
Spoi Mridnaiemienr t SiuJeni Rese.irch -v.ard
Chuck McPhilomy
Thee ,hola.rsh :ip re a'., arded to
Iru er.r.id lhtei a n. th 11111 he Collee.'e miljorli- in
arliletj. l l yI1111 1 l',.'.' lh ic l elduct lionn
L'lndcradJta.t reL [LeCtIt'-:
Danielle Henr. i' ,a i n'll.l in jpplieJ
ph' w-l.Ici,\ .inIl kirie,'ioil. .% .' h ar n 111 e p'pha.
in .ilhleil, Ir.uning She plan, ili c.nt'n'ell her
J,. uct> 'n in J~iduole .,h i-il iIIJ ied,.,1i
-Lr ;ll le it SpC. e l l SpL tI i; IlledJl. II1 l
Joi ce Olush.ll.' i- eI Nlr .i iln .pI..
11jrlnlJ.e1I r i .il lh 1 ,1 p, I 1 pi .i it( In [l11i.'
M ,'N iir yi'e .',r',h 'nro.r ) i, nI pl.in,, [1 earn :i
master's degree in sport administration and a
joint J.D. concentrating on contract and fami-
ly law. She would like a Ph.D. in sport psy-
chology and plans to own a rehabilitation and
recreation center for underprivileged families.
Kelsey Smith is a junior in sport man-
agement. She plans to enter the combined
degree program to obtain a master's degree.
Smith aspires to be a general manager of an
NFL team.
Alan C. Moore
Endowed Scholarships
For this award, the student must show
interest in being of service to others and
demonstrate leadership ability. Preference will
be given to students involved in the physical
education teacher preparation program.
Undergraduate recipients:
Cristen Miller is a senior specializing
in physical education. She has held many vol-
unteer positions, such as iouihirin for the
Special Olympics.
Desiree Moore is a senior in health edu-
cation and behavior, specializing in health
studies. She was vice president of HHP
College Council and treasurer of the health
education honorary society. Eta Sigma
Gamma. Moore will pursue graduate school
and a career in public health.
Chris Patrick Scholarships
Full in-state tuition waivers are awarded
to deserving students who are rraijorin; in the
College's undergraduate athletic training pro-
gram. The scholarships are sponsored by the
University Athletic Association and are pre-
sented to encourage academic excellence
within the specialization of athletic training.
RecipienIs Cassic Serio, Carrie
Martin, Leah Schoen, Kim Hickox, Tarah
Daly and Tanya Herman
Endowed Scholarships
These scholarships are given to students
in the Department of Applied Physiology and
K inlcsi, l. '...
Graduate recipient:
Derek Mann is a Ph.D. student special-
izing in sport and exercise psychology. Iis
research is in emotion, attention and develop-
ment of perceptual cognitive expertise in
sports. He won the Graduate Student Teaching
Undergraduate recipient:
Adam Johnson is an exercise physiolo-
gy senior, who volunteers at the Child Life
Program in ,hjn,l, Children's Hospital. He
plans to attend medical school.
Frederick E. Rozelle
Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an under-
graduate student in the College who is pursu-
ing a degree in physical education pedagogy
or sport management.
28 Performance (Spring 2006)
Undergraduate recipient:
Chris Lewis is a senior in tourism,
recreation and sport management specializing
in sport management. He is devoted to com-
munity service and began a volunteer group
with his church. Lewis plans to attend _rdilu-
ate school in the fall of 2(X)6.
H.W. Schnell Endowed
Memorial Scholarships
For this award, an applied physiology
and kinesiology student should have demon-
strated a high level of scholarship, an interest
in tennis and lI in physical activities.
Graduate recipient:
Mason M. Cathey is a graduate student
and an active member of tennis and track
clubs at UF. She is a cross country coach at
Buchholz High School in Gainesville. Cathey
would like to pursue a career in coaching.
Undergraduate recipient:
Adam O'Mara is a senior majoring in
exercise physiology with aspirations to
become a physician. He e'liablihed a sub-
chapter in Gainesville for Hope for Haiti, an
organization to increase quality of life for
Haitians through education, nutrition and
healthcare programs.
Kyle Fredrik Schuemann
Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student
in sport management.
Undergraduate recipient:
John Umharila is a junior who would
like to pursue a career in the NBA. He is an
active participant in campus organizations
such as the Colombian Student Association.
B.K. and Betty Stevens
Endowed Scholarships
The recipients must show interest in
being of service to others and demonstrate
successful scholarship.
Graduate recipient:
Kim Stewart is pursuing a Ph.D. in
motor learning and control. She played
NCAA Division I basketball and soccer at
Mercer University and University '.'I
Arkansas, worked as a high school teacher
and coached in soccer leagues.
Undergraduate recipient:
Timothy Scott is a senior exercise
physiology student. His goal is to be a physi-
cian's assistant in sport medicine/orthopedics.
Naomi S. Stevens
Endowed Memorial
This scholarship is awarded to an under-
graduate student in any major in the College.
Undergraduate recipient:
Amy Hill is a senior in tourism, recre-
ation and ..porT .iii.iemeril specializing in
recreation and event management. Hill volun-
teers for various organizations. including the
Christian Campus House at UF and I.ake
Forest Elementary School.
Peter Tharpe Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an under-
graduate student in health education and
behavior. Preference is given to students who
work full time and graduated from a Florida
high school.
Undergraduate recipient:
Melissa Kondur is rpei.ailiing in
health science education. I ler goal is to be an
international public health educator. She is in
the combined degree program and will obtain
a master's degree in health education and
behavior from UF.
M.M. Tutton Sr.
Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a health
education and behavior Ph.D. candidate.
Graduate recipient:
Melissa Morris completed a master's
degree in public health and is a Ph.D. student
in health behavior. Her dissertation research
,All examine the nature of prescription drug
abuse among adolescents.
SAFETY FIRST Members of Eta Sigma Gamma join the Girls Club of Alachua County once a week, teaching lessons on health topics
and forming sisterly bonds. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
Girls learn bicycle safety
By Sharilyn Wiskup I Staff Writer
A dozen girls sat patiently in yellow plastic chairs and
learned the ABCs of bicycle safety.
A is for air, B is for brakes, C is for chain and D is for
details, like i'ele.ico.r
Members of Eta Sigma Ganuna. a health science and edu-
cation honor society in the College of Health and Human
Performance, gather every Thursday afternoon to educate girls
at the Girls Club about important health topics.
"I like how we learned what we should wear, and what we
should wear is elbow pads and knees pads," said 10-year-old
Tiffany Sypniewski,
Holly Turner, undergraduate program coordinator for the
Department of Health Education and Behavior, and three Eta
Sigma Gamnma members presented activities that promoted
scooter and bicycle safety.
"As a health educator it's my duty to not only present
important health information to youth but to get the message to
them early enough to promote lifelong positive health behav-
ior," Turner said.
The girls are divided into groups by age, so that the lesson,
activity and content are developmentally appropriate, she said.
One member of Eta Sigma Gamma showed a safety exam-
ple using a crushed egg,
The fourth and fifth-grade girls said "ewww" when they
saw the slime of the yellow yoke cover the inside of the plastic
The egg was symbolic of a brain and showed the necessity
of always wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle.
To encourage safe riding, one pink, purple and white hel-
met, decorated with swirls and butterflies, was given to one
lucky girl.
The last activity for the girls, before their outside recess,
was a purple worksheet titled, "Being Safe with Signs."
"They love being involved." said Julie Saul, vice president
of Eta Sigma Gamma. "You can't just stand and lecture."
The girls share the worksheets and information with their
parents while gaining the knowledge and ability to use it in their
daily life, said Christi Arrington, program director for the Girls
University of Florida
"Having an outside organization
come and give them added attention is
great," she said.
Even though Eta Sigma Gamma
members visit once a week, the girls and
members share a strong connection.
"They definitely get excited to see
you," Saul said. "One of the girls came
running up to me, grabbed my hand and
took me in."
Desiree Moore has formed similar
bonds with the girls after working at the
Girls Club as a recreational aide for two
years and serving as the health education
intern weekday mornings.
"I interact with the girls every day.
and often times I'm spending more time
with them than they are with their par-
ents," she said.
Moore remembers not feeling
accepted when she began her job.
"1 called my mom, and 1 was like,
'Oh my gosh, the kids are awful, they
won't listen.'"
As she returned each week, the girls,
especially a child named Monica, grew to
like her.
"I have known her for two years, and
now she's on my basketball team,"
Moore said. "Watching her change has
been really cool."
Moore graduated in May 2006 and
plans to stay involved with Eta Sigma
Gamma and the Girls Club.
As for the future, she said she would
like to see more involvement with the
honor society, such as guest speakers and
active volunteers.
"I think there are a lot of things in
Gainesville that you can't get on cam-
pus," she said.
Saul will graduate this year as well
and said this experience has allowed her
to apply what she has learned in her
health classes to real life itumaoii,.
"When you plan a program and can
see the results and see the people gCe
excited, it helps a lot," she said.
Working at the Girls Club made Saul
understand how appreciali te the chilJrcn
are of her time.
"It doesn't even matter what topic
we talk about," she said. "It's just fun to
see them get so excited and learn so
SAFETY FIRST HHP senior Desiree Moore helps a student with a bicycle safety worksheet.
Eta Sigma Gamma provides an interactive health lecture to the Girls Club of Alachua
County each week. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
Since~ ~ 190.. nUniost ofFoia Almnim Ascaiontoday
Fa h[A
an iftm m bp rhp aravial.Sa conce adjint ay
Ao Aaos
Performance (Spring 2006)
r f s
cl~ o I
\LI I t
%IEEl 1
I. 77.
..iri ,r.nd o .ra d j S
a P1 sl
47it &
I ;
JRingix of tije 'itte
By Sharilyn Wiskup I StacIf Writer
Several years ago, one small rosebud tree grew outside the entrance of a Gainesville Burger King. Every
Friday morning eight innocent roses were snipped from their roots and placed in a plastic cup of chilled
water. Marcia Kaplan was the Burger King hostess who meticulously picked her favorite full-bloomed
gifts and delivered them with pride to eight special men.
These eight men see each other once a week and can agree on three things.
They are old. They have fond memories of the College of Health and Human
Performance. They adore Marcia.
"I've been seeing them for more than nine years."
,, fr J she said "I lust lote when the\ walk thiluch those doors."
lMarci'i: has hlad the plelsule otl atcliLliig l a iJilon I*
Ifal .
1The R.O.M.E.O. (lul, a.s it is re'ler'ald to. stands f r
RetirLed Old Men Eat Oui T liI ane L\i a' sLuggested b\
\\ lliain "'Bill" E. Harlan in 1989. Harlan. \ho died in
2004, graduated Iromii llne Colle e and \.iws an honored
prol'essor iln the ph>si eal education department He
w\s aIo; 1 the head cozch I'for I iF's s\ ilnming .Ind
tLi\ ing Ic:'nums.
The purpose of Thi RK.O0 M.L 0)
Club is, minple.
r iALL f..
^*^^^^^^^^^~ ,."*"-^^
llllllllH~l|^^^^^^^^^^^^R! :^^^H^ '^fi^^^F
It is an excuse for -"lcliied" college friends to see each other once a week and
reinini.ce about their Iinuulurc .aidtli'cei.'nc'1' \hilc lickin,. their fingers from salty
Currently thi-, handsmrne clan s1 comprised or Man Moore, M.B. Chafin, Jim
McCaclihrn. Tim Sco' anld Slephens Schnell. all of \ hom made a significant impact
and C.t-iirillution to the College
LegendS aind tale% return to Burger King rveek atter week around 11:30 a.m.,
because according to Alan Moore. the sionei get better ,ind better.
When Ihee men ti iAkle in, NMalcia', face lights up.
-1 adore these men." Maicia said. "They are just the sweet-
ec'l thin.-,"
Ii piL'p;niliton Ihcr Iheir alna\l, Marcia will spray,
\ ipe and ircscr\ a long uahle in lie back of the restaurant.
Th, final tluch i, a iinrmall blick dish of peppermint pa.tie,.
;k which lhe places, in the center of the table, next to the salt
a;nd pepper
Atlir an hour or ,o of loud belly-chuck-
le ,and tonrlie it tie good old days, the men bid
Sfare, ell tW, their Nltarcia and .a, thank you once again.
The ioebud tree has died, so
[ ie> Io longer leave with roses to
1e 1 ite to their tivcs.
Thc'\ do however, leave with a
["I Ireh c 'll ,e memory and some-
tim111. d paper crown.
OH ROMEO From left
to right: Jim
McCachren, Tim Scott,
'' Al Moore, M.B. Chain
and Stephens Schnell.
University of Florida
:..., ~" ,:" ;. .
Henry W. (Hank) Bishop Jr. (BSPE
1949) is retired. He lives in Gainesville,
Billy J. Reddell i ISPIJ 1952) is retired
after serving as a teacher and coach for 36
years in the public school system. His
wife, Wanda, is retired after teaching for
39 years.
Marion Berrian Thomas (BSPE 1953,
MPE 1961) is retired and lives in Ocala,
James H. Cason Ill ilSI'Nl 1958) is the
mayor of W Irthington Springs, Fla.
Dan I). DeRuzzo (BSPE 1958i is a
retired school superintendent.
George P. Telepas (BSPE 1960) is retired
after 30 years as a trial attorney in Miami,
Fla. For the past 15 years, he has been a
ski instructor at Vail Village Ski School in
Vail, Colo. Telepas lives in Palm Beach
Gardens, Fla.
Susan Richards Mattox ilSP I 1961)
retired from the Virginia Rehabilitation
Agency Inc., where she was the owner.
She lives in Stauton, Va.
r lellon Calliahn iBSIPI. 19651 ; the
eecnin \e director of the CGeorgi.
A:\'oc nation of Secondary school
Principli,,. He like in Bl:iiii ille. Ga.
Ru. "loli" RcOll.Mon r. i lISl'. 196h6.
NII'l 1967 is president of \ %, R
Insurance Inc. He li\e, in Plant Cit\. Ila
.IcJ in (.lun.;lt'/ ti'NlI 11'671 is the execu-
like director in rhe GQ ,ernoi Otlice in
T.llkjaha".%ee. Fla. SIhe i Ihe lcad lo bbIihh
lor anti-tobacco issues. fimne'-; is.ue- tor
FAHPPRD and dcfibrillator-..
\\illi:ln \1. Bulntin IBM 'L. 1I68 is a
physical education teacher and coach .at
ladisoii Coulit. High School in
Mladihlon. Fla.
l.inda Billner Cridlr 1iBSR 1168. IPI.
197t)1 i% the director of Florida Traffic and
Bic\cle satelt Education at Bike rIorida.
Inc. Crder is a faculty meinbei in the
Department of Urban and Regional
Planning at LIF.
I rank (,Cikler .jr. 4HSI'l. 19711 i a cap-
tain for Southuest Xirlines. He is a retired
colonel for the Air Force. r here lie \sas a
lighter pilot from 1971-194. Hie likes in
Leesbuig. Fla.
Iikk \. lhatne,. itlhill. 1972) is the
program manager for the Coiner anton
Service. Group. 1'he company iniple-
mnent, the energy si.u program in I1
-t.Lcs He It\es, in Hicks'\ille. N Y.
Robt rl (,albraitli tI1III 1973. iN .i per-
.llon l Iraliner and linee' insiruclOL iLl Club
Perlorni.a\ He relied f ,rnm tn l Bre\iard
County Scho ol Ss\iiein after 32 \e.tr o(
teaching. lie lie-, in \\e-. MNelhourne.
Roland \1. Slelson 11 S14| 1973. i- a
plh.sical education and health teacher at
the I-londa School for the Deaf and Blind.
He hai' been teaching physical educ.t'r r
for 1 \car, and also, ha,- coached for
man\ \ear, He was .'elected inll the
Southeastern Deaf Golfers association n
Halll at Fame in 1999 au a golfer.
Tliiii'h .I H. Bell il0S0Ns 1973, MNHS
1974- i- the mann-ier of training. educa-
lion and safety at the Municipal Electric
Aiithorii\ of eorgia Distribution
Services. Bell earned his doctorate in edu-
catlion rat \iilidrbilt LUni\ersit \with a spe-
cia:l intere'r in science education. He i, an
active member ot AAAs. Phi Kappa Phi.
anid i,. a Vieinanm lteran. Bell resides ill
Kennca\s. Ga
Ihil Rhoiflt. I iNPt I-7f 1- i the director
of building and zoning tor the Cii\ of
Greer RhouaJs likes in Greer. S.C.
D).rlicic f\\rlini.ak NIPl'. l'17-4 is the
athlerics director at Meadowcrcek Hi'ili
School. She .nas \oled female athletic.
director of the \car for her region. In
nce (Spring 2006)
34 Performa
20:05. Werhnyak finished third in the
(Geoliiii State Women's Golf Amateur
Championship. She lives in
Lt.renicevile, Ga.
us.in (Benz) Ash .ISI''" 1975) is a
..:le agent for Bosshardt Realty Services
Inc sh retired from teaching elementary
phli ical education in the Alachua County
School System after 17 years. She taught
da High Springs. Alachua and Norton
Elementary Schools. Ash resides in
Guinci ville, Fla.
HrcltIIL T. Rhine (MAPE 1975) retired
hller reaching physical education for 30
. ears. She lives in Gainesville, Fla.
Ilinda ki-rey Stone (BSESS 1976) is the
,upe intendent for The Boeing Company.
Sione lives in Mercer Island, Wash.
I.ucilida Jeanne Yost Perret (MAPE
1977 i is a clinical exercise physiologist at
EaJ.t Jelfei, l General Hospital. She
rcLdI's in Metairie, La.
I)aid Rice (BSPE 1978) is a physical
education teacher and athletics coach for
football, basketball, and track and field
for Canyon Vista Middle School in
Round Rock, Texas. Rice has his master's
degree in physical education from Sam
Houston State University and is president
of the Lone Star Gator Club.
.St'%en Panton (BSPE 1982, MSESS
1988) is working on his Ph.D. at FSU and
is an instructor at Tallahassee Community
Rosemary Prince MII14 19.i3 is the
owner of Prince Ventures. Prince also is a
trustee of the Florida Recreation and Park
Association Foundation.
Chris Savery (It's 1983) is a rural car-
rier for USPS. She lives in Tallahassee,
P.riclk M. Topp (BSESS 1986) is the
director of home care operations for
Aurora Visiting Nurse Association of
Wisconsin. He currently oversees two
regional operations related to health care
in the home, where they care for 500
patients daily.
Richard Nelson Ergle (BSESS 1987) is
the senior pastor at First Baptist Church
in Petrolia, Texas.
Dennis V. Tondee (BSESS 1987) is a
physical education coach at Zolfo
Springs Elementary School. Tondee lives
in Avon Park, Fla.
Lynn Panton (11- *SS 1988, Ph.D.
1993) is an assistant professor in the
Department of Nutrition, Food and
Exercise Sciences at Florida State
University. She is married to Steven
Panton (BSPE 1982. MSESS 1988).
Peter Ricci (1 1IS 1989) works for
Prism Hotel Partners. He lives in
Dcerficld Beach, Fla.
Paul \ehster I'S:SS 1989) is the
women's soccer head coach and adjunct
professor in the kinesiolo. department
at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Ill. He
recently earned National Soccer Coaches
Association of America Premier Diploma
in Curitiba, Brazil. He was named state
technical director for the NSCAA
Coaching Education Program.
Elvis Brandon (BSESS 1990) is an
assistant professor in the physical therapy
assistant program at Volunteer State
Community College. Brandon served as
athletic trainer for the Junior World Team
at the World Championships for artistic
roller sports in Rome, Italy.
Bennctt J. Stephens Jr. iBSESS 1990) is
the assistant vice president at Merrill
University of Florida 35
WORLD TRAVEEtR Y ptnda receives her
next clue after compleng the zip :i'~
challenge in Brolas, Brazil, during the
third leg of The Amazing Race 9, on Ihe
CBS Television Network. -Robert
Lynch. He is married with three children.
Stephens resides in Leesburg, Fla.
Angela Iiliniin (BSR 1990) resides in
Bascom, Fla.
John litliwrl (\11(.S 1991) is a health
science teacher at South Lake High
School in Groveland, Fla.
('lrisiipllhr Curran ;lNt.iSi 1993) is
the assistant athletic trainer for the
Detriot Lions Football Club. He has
worked for the Lions for the last seven
seasons. He is married with three chil-
dren. Curran earned his master's degree
in athletic training from Indiana State in
Richard Saulsbury (BSR 1993) is the
president of RS Online Solutions Inc. He
lives in Gainesville, Fla.
Shannon Foley iBSI.1 S 1993) is the co-
owner of Butterfly Pilates, where she is
also a pil.ik' instructor. She resides in
Gainesville, I-la.
World Trawler
Solasda Bretja sMoore (BSESS
2a4W traveled i thU- w#t! on
CBS's Te Aazi'g Ra Brown-
Moore, isieftc 'teacher jChicago, .
t.., and her ijiaud Ray' inqihed
ird ia hecompeion. The making
Race took .ircoup e 'fir0gh pans of
Bfwi1, Rusiii Greece Germany and
AuPtralia. T6 competition takes
tean.-f two p t0pc all over the wor'd, -
in a iFee to the final destnMtion. while
completing a series of tasks along the
Dr. .Illici M. DeLott .I 1 IS. 1994) is
a podiatric surgeon at the Connecticut
Orthopaedic Specialists in Hamden,
Conn. He and his wife Cynthia (Arevalo)
DcLott (BA 1993) have two children,
Alexa, 5, and Trevor, 3.
Dr. Susan F. Ayers (MSESS 1995) is an
assistant professor of physical education
teacher education at Western Michigan
Mark Koebernik (BSESS 1995) is a
special education teacher at Lakeview
High School in Campti, La. He lives in
Natchitoches. La.
Joe Nicholson (BSR 1995) is the presi-
dent/producer of The Outer Bands, a pro-
duction company in Gainesville, Fla. He
started the company to produce films,
music and events in Gainesville. He and
his wife, Angie, have two sons. Lucas (4)
and Ty (2).
Don Roberts (BSESS 1995) is a product
SIiRFING muizine'\ %ebsite I'uirtiln-
gthemag.cuinm us a global corrc'pondLni
after living :and i rfiil in Indoneia, for
two monrh-.
Eric \l irrin-iin iliSFSNS 19\1 is prei-
dent of alnrington Plih sical ThlLrp) ;aid
Sports Care Inc w here he also is a ph s-
ical therapist He and hi, ife. Shlannion.
have t io childreii. Isib.llc ;and H-iin.ih.
Derek /appiitlllb iBSR 1995) i, an
acquisilioin wasociate for Rea.lNet o
Southeast Florida. % which sell s liolesale
real estate to iil\estlors in Dude. Brov. ard
and Palm Reach counties Zappitello
resides in Ft. Lauderdale. Fla.
Tracy ( iinlt IPaulinh Iid.R 19951 is the
director of special project at \'Yune 1.ife
Robert .1. Kinr (B.SR 194fl i a finance
manager la Luke Normnia Chr\
Performance (Spring 2006)
manager at ELarhLink. a lIeadiinl Lon-
sumer Filcrllet .ind ni\\ niedui 'nimninil-
cations provider in lAll.anta. Gai. No.\ in
his 10th \CLA; of eciplo iiLcni. he '1 %a
selected Ioir ihe le;dingl role in the cotipj-
ny's sununer 2005 national ad\crti.inl
campaign thla appclred ill People. Sports
Illustrated. I ine. I Guide and Rolling
Stone m;aI-aeins. A-s piur-lnime phoioC-
rapher tand writer. he ,eri e, on the ;adi-
sory board ol Chni Jorne, Plitoograpli
Studio. and %A I, ret''[irl\ piiblished un
Future Gators
Scott Vandiver (BSHSE 1997,
MHSE 1999) is the proud father of
two future Gators, twin daughter
Ashley and Erin.
DL)ode He lit\e in Siirrill, Fnid. N C.
Briani .1. I \\illi:mis I I 'S% I 1 ti is
the lead .inL ith.esi tecl niciall at SI
\'Iniicit i, MldiJcal CeniLer i1 J:t,.'ksonm ille.
S;a)n.nllli:t i I i ig.hl .I k -la i t Is 1 lK
l't'P i1 .i a I.I-.i-liiIho e I i ,nllJ mieel-
ilL plunlllici \illi MecL'iing F\ipeclilin'n,
She :in1 her hlhalind. C'hri. hj e r~o
dau..htil,. I.e\\ aiiJ H:iiiuli F.aklI ris
'.hoi li\es in AIlll1.1. (G i Is .111 .\ ILJ ien-
ni, pilaler ind Il \e. t1I olunleel lthroulih
Ihe Juiior l.ia.lgl e
M ;IIdI.' ,i i,4 /;all.' (fII '.S..S l'719 i7 ;
phtyiLa.l Ihcr:ipii :i Helich Smith Sports
M l:ii I n eilin 1111 i S 1998 is a college
sc.u fItr the Butfalo Bills He is in varied
it, the formcir Melis,: Lock Ileilen lives
in Littl L lni. "le\as.
k risi inl \.I ri. I >lis k Kellur
i l51 1., 1997i is a pllsicjl theliapist at
St VL\'iuenli' Medicul Center and li\es iI1
JAickson\ ille. I hi
Mlgcan I \ulhollalnl I PoHdri-'nski
(H SE.Ns 1998 I, [lt e sire lireclor fl' pin ,-
ical iheil.i.lp ait .-cees, Rehal' Center+ Slie
C(iii r
i ell nIelssed. C.lif. He ho.d hi lir!ed
Siie,.'l in i a1credited l a hl rel iPTr
Pow-dzILnki leide, in \\'JWertlWn.
Tlizrne anld Bcer 1Ii d Nil BA pla .er ,inti
'Ifliitonl 'le' iir in iit\ Cr l tac a ,por
Phornei on a C N Ii panel reward He in
e Kld.be BIane III 01 Oi. 2i 25. 2 .
He ,,irrenilll, I, Plr-, inim hi,..., nt ecrtifi-
,altil v. Ith the NFL PLi fer,, ,,soc it, i1.
Set1 1IL Iq 14'. %1 1PINENS 1999, \i.%11w -NI 2111
i, the d"'A.l". 1n t' [Ie p eslideit ,It
(hrialopher Brn I Ih I- '1 i1 ()lie e el
,en IsL aIles repreiif.Ji 'r e tl or lh kedC
Ph.rnmceutical, Noth linel,. He I ,
niurr dtlid th e fIornm.r kinll I)ix I B. SS
10491 Ihe .ouple wkelconled (heir tir"t,
cuhld. C atel. ot, JulN '). 201 Is.
Brian ( ruli- lis 1994 1 is [Ie \e nlls
and I''llials coorJinrhor for Ihe CII\ tI
Cleu'",.ilei. He Il.e+' in Cleamnajei. FL.
\i(dren; ( Kr.Irwl I1K ]11 1' i .Icomplet-
eid a nIllel'i.' decire ill public .t a inlllil.a-
inon ith ail eniph.iI Ili rii.on-profi- manin-
a leiient tioli the lll\n eli'lst ol C(eiiial
Florida in Dec.eniher 21. l .l and re;ei ed
ti-ll-inL' gi.aduaItel s.hioilar'hip trimin the
Je', ih Ckiriniiuinit\ Ce'i ier, ,oi"'Ll.t.I .
karpel I.oi k, lir the I' cihmin Jlewh
Coliii unit, Centeri i1 Bo,',Ion Be.ach.'l. Fl.
.n11 'ld irreirlll hold the p.,lmnon of l'%. ish
ta.iiil progriiiilllng andLi pe. al e\lent,
'\ .iOrdilllal i
I.rn I .ltnInhak. 1, sK 2 illli is d lrect.'r
of tIh i t laiilc C '-Ia't C'oll eretlle football
-h.ampiontship for the G.uiir B~w I
A\sii.IJlnll [)ellenthj k li'es an
I.ackson, ille. Fl.
Irkiti Hlliurd lIlBSI-.. 211ll1., MNII S
21112l is .in ;swslanut poinfes'or at
Uni\er'it\ ol Norih Carolina al Charlotte
IIa.nl. r \. I)i.a/ il11II. 21101. is the
oiuireacli ecducal i Il PlaInned PaientIhood
of Sonith\es.1 .ind (Cenlr:i Flondai Di:J/
uty Queen
Mi4 Wiienshi BSES~S 2005) competed In
i 1e 26%Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas,
;Fev, i January. :Wilenski finished as a Top
10 Bafbt i*i;m; Hrpplatform as
i ii :3 s iteat y at Risk: A
Paasonalzi Apnini h to Literacy." Wileski
Splns to eMr a master's degree in school
social worked as Ph in ducatieon
University of Florida 37
lives in Cape Coral, Fla.
Laura (Klein) NlcKen l ie (BSESS 2001)
ricenrl[ graduated from Duke University
with a doctor of physical therapy degree
and is currently working in Kernersville,
N.C., at Kernersville Rehah Specialists as
a pediatric therapist. She is living in
Greensboro, N.C., while her husband
Mike McKenzie (M.ISl, S 2002) finishes
his Ph.D. at UNC-Greensboro.
Derek Putnam (BSR 2001) is the project
inmn.ier for National Parts Depot.
Putnam is married to fellow Gator alum-
na Cindy Kapit. They live in Gainesville,
Hannah Bright (BSR 21H)2 is the assis-
tant director of Artigras Fine Art Festival,
which is produced by North Palm Beach
Chamber of Commerce.
Sharon P. Borneman i BSR 2002) is the
conference coordinator for UF/IFAS
Office of Conferences and Institutes. She
has been a meeting planner for IFAS for
six years. Her son, Andrew, is a junior at
Gainesville High School.
Michael Ferguson (Ph.D. 2002) is direc-
tor for clinical and strategic development
for Medtronic Sofamor Danek in
Memphis, Tenn.
Melina (Cortez) Jose w1(I 1, 20112>l is
an ophthalmic technologist. She lives in
Jacksonville, Fla.
Frank McCleary iBS.SS 2002, MS
2005) is a research scientist and exercise
ph.!iolrogi.t at NASA Johnson Space
Center. His main research focus is exer-
cise countermeasures for long duration
space flights such as the International
Space Station and other future flights. He
lives in Lea.ue City. Texas.
Lorin M Ianirr ,%111 S 201)2) is the ath-
letics friends group manager at Princeton
University. She lives in I a\l 'lnci illk,
Hendrik A. Otten (BSR 20021 is the
rcginiilAl vice president of WBS
Malnuigeinil and Acquisition
Jason McFall II NIHS1. 211i.1 is vice
president of operations at Martin P.
McFall Builders, Inc.
Scott Weitzel IHSELS. 2003) is a first-
year medical student at the University of
South Carolina.
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Performance (Spring 2006)
Ciw oiiiiiie (,ilicrn I RSHNF. 21114 11,
a %emor health edu.canor for the Bro\k,.rd
CI iitII Heallh De.' ilientil. She liiel in
LJaudilrdule Lake,. Fl,
,jinltc ii .Iourmmi (It SS 211141 i-, a
lirll-\eair medical siudent it Flonrida Srrrie
College ot Medicine. Journe\ %%ill ilndu-
ale in 2lK9.
Enl'i Kirl'er MIlSFSS
leric iraincr to>i the
%ornen1 soccer eanll
20)114) iI
tle aiih-
ke% in \ laardingerhrbik i .SI SI- 211114)
IS all e. ici.I.C' ,pccla il .11 i \elto iil Sport'
Ccni.l. Hi li\c, in Nonh Richl;iii Hill,.
kt'iiin Kilich i tSI.SSN 21111.51i \>orkin,'
at. a lteril'i maiiager Ii .1 top %old-
ide dcJi'n l iinnnLinLi:i':lirer miller inlerninlll
Vilth [he COle.elinld Indian<
I)it : Sl'racino l.SF-S.S 2115) I I he
lile-.' coordinator al The V\'ill:Le.
Saraciin. liie' in Gaii ,-,sill Fla
j.osh Stis, IPh.I). 20(1051) ieceied a
phIi-JdlhiorJl lelloh ,,hil1 :i t[he Lii\ersit\
of Peiminlila\ i School o1 Medicine
Iri Mninilh (I'h.l). 21i15i received ; pot-
docioral rellou-.hip :i Duke Llnnersili
SLiioL'l 1 Ni Medici;ne
'aurah l l.nin TalTl11n IBSR t201IS i, an
a.-'.llllan producer for ia ho%& called "C'a
iid Iraeik. Ba.ik in ihe Du\." Daile
EiriliL.irdi III. ii., piodJucin_ the .hoi fior
the SPLLD chliinnel. milh L)ale Larnhardc
Jr a. the ho,[t.
P.q.- alvmnus of the
Colder 0 kips -and Human.
*$aei~ city CoMaJissiDBr wbai'ee be
thegp beteenibt Cof
..M"riff s ved a s A acth.ilu -.19
Nove br 2000. MfGrif was feikci| ^y-|VilsRe o se.
ife 66 1 el o y I a coustn
NO-,. t...:,':
c t twi. two ears. i c rtee.od a.
At raive -st '4raiisc a oreeessdItiei o
. ',+- .,I I.. ..I. ..: ...' .'... .. .. .
... ..."'. "... .. ...."- .- """...... .... .
J. :. .: : .. .+. ., : ,.:
"iMc't' a ftiNh 8. and
:: ZtX4 lthe ltiifc^ j3~i colar^p wiaitc z#14 and i warded
. na.... y a. ra '"-4e uiA. rho Dep..r.. ..f Rt'e,?at is and
A r.- i& b-- C
1TvetyiWaf OTif-
University of Florida 39
Steve Mesler ,ESS 200
By Justin Brownlee I Staff Writer
In the year 2000, if someone would have told Steve Mesler
that he would soon be a contender in the Summer Olympics he
would have been surprised and ecstatic. Given his promising
young career in track and field, it did not seem that the
Olympics were too far from reality. However, had he been told
that he would be competing in the Winter Ollypic, in just a
couple short years, he would not have believed it for a second.
In a story that sounds similar to the Walt Disney movie,
"Cool Runnings," Mesler
shifted his track and field
career into an Olympic bob-
sledding career. With elbow
surgery ending his track and
field career as a Gator,
Mesler sought for another
sport where he would yet
again experience the thrill of
competition. Someone men-
tioned the winter sport bob-
,lJdding. and the idea did
not seem too far fetched for
the Buffalo, N.Y., native.
With a simple e-mail to the .
United States Olympic
Committee, Mesler's course began to change.
A response from the United States Bobsledding Skeleton
Federation soon had Mesler packing his bags for a bobsledding
training camp held in San Diego, Calif. Although at first he
questioned whether he would be able to contend with the other
ltlllcel',. Mesler soon found he possessed what it took to com-
pete with the best. In just one short year, he was named a mem-
ber of the U.S. Olympic bobsled team for the 2002 Winter
Games in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mesler recalls his first ride down a bobsled track with vivid
"By curve four in Park City, it felt like someone ignited
dynamite in the back of the sled," Mesler said. "It felt like my
guts were plastered to the floor and by curve seven, 1 had no
idea where I was on the track. It was all a blur."
There have been many more rides and many more bruises
since that first run, hut the same rush exists each time.
A new joy was experienced in 2006 when Mesler had
his first real taste of Olympic competition. As an alternate in the
Salt Lake City Olympics,
he simply watched team
USA finish with a silver
medal. This year, in Torino,
Italy, he experienced the
Olympic challenge first
hand. Although they did not
place as highly in the rank-
ings as in Salt Lake City,
Mesler considers his expe-
rience as the first UF grad-
uate to participate in the
Winter Olympics to be his
.'grelte,, accomplishment as
a bobsledder.
After the Torino games.
Mesler found himself facing a new challenge. His teammate
and driver, Todd Hayes, retired and left Mesler to lead a new
team in the quest for Olympic glory. This time, Mesler will
return to the games as a driver with nothing but a gold medal in
Mesler said he faces several obstacles before the 2010
Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, including the expense
that comes with traveling, new equipment, coaching fees and
track fees. But Mesler said he is willing to face the challenge set
before him and will spend the next couple of years fundraising
in order to achieve his quest for Olympic gold.
Performance (Spring 2006)
Robert Lindsey enio',s meelng up with HHP
alumni at the AAHPERD Conference in Salt
Lake City Ulah HHP held ils annual alum
ni social at the conference. JILL
Janice Maxwell Tucker was inducted into
the Silver Society April 22. 2006. The
Sil,er Society honors UniversKit ot Florida
graduates vho are celebrating their 25th
year as an column, MICHELE DYE HHP
Roy Ben.on was inducted into the HHP
Alumni Hall of Fame March 24, 2006.
Dwnyre Thomas (BSR 1999) rakes a spin
in a prototype of a new ,l-eelchoir called
a pushrim that is being used fcr research
in the Bomechonic. Laboratory MICHELE
DYE,.HHP Photo
Several of Coach Dave Fuller's former play
ers attended a luncheon honoring the leg-
endary coach. MICHELE DYE/HHP Photo
Terry Milievic and Senior Assoc.ale Dean
Charles Williams cut HHP's 60th birthday
coke or UF Alumni Association s Back to
College Weekend Feb. 25. 2006.
Top' Alan Moore (center) enjoys a reunion
with former club soccer players.
Left: RJ Stamper (BSR 2002) and his wife,
Andrea, enjoy the BBQ before the Florida-
Florida State baseball game. MICHELE
DYE. HHP Photo
University of Florida
Popular textbook wins 2
prestigious awards
By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer
Dr. Charles Williams, senior associ-
ate dean for the College of Health and
Human Performance, received two
awards for his textbook, Personal
Fitness: Looking Good, Feeling Good, at
the 2005 Text and Academic Authors
Association Convention held on June 24,
2005. in Las Vegas, Nev.
The first award Williams received
was the Textbook Excellence Award, or
"Texty," which recognizes excellence in
current textbooks and learning materials.
The second award was the McGuffey
Longevity Award, named after William
Holmes McGuffey, whose reading books
were in print for nearly a century and
helped to improve national literacy rates.
The McGuffey Award recognizes sus-
tained excellence in textbooks and learn-
ing materials that have been in print for
at least 15 years and are currently selling.
Each award requires a nomination
from the book's publishing company and
a $200 nomination fee. It is then classi-
fied into one of eight subject categories
for either elementary and high school
texts or college texts. Judges then review
each book based on four criteria includ-
ing teachability, relativity, organization
of material and interest generated by
information. Judges must be veteran
authors in the appropriate subject areas.
Both awards received record num-
bers of nominations in 2005. Personal
Fitness: Looking Good, Feeling Good
was the only book to receive both com-
petitive awards.
42 Performance (Spring 2006)
It is "highly unusual for one text-
book to receive both honors in the same
year," said Richard T. Hull, executive
director of TAA.
Judges at the TAA conference also
were very impressed with Williams'
"This fifth edition color textbook is
motivating and creative in its presenta-
tion," said a TAA judge. "It is well writ-
ten and well organized. 1 highly recom-
mend this textbook and workbook for the
2005 Texty Award for Excellence."
Personal Fitness: Lor4.inm Good,
Feeling Good is much more than just a
textbook. It is a comprehensive health
promotion program for high school stu-
dents. The program includes a student
edition, teacher edition, student activity
handbook, teacher CD, test bank CD and
DVD of videos.
Personal Fitness has been in use for
20 years and is in its fifth edition.
Because of its novelty, this program is
used throughout the United States and
was the first physical education program
to be assumed and implemented at a
statewide level. It has been adopted by
the Department of Defense for their
school systems in Europe and Asia.
Williams said that the concept of his
textbook originated in 1981 when Gov.
Bob Graham created a Governor's
Commission on Secondary Schools. The
purpose of this commission was to create
a minimum standard of curriculum
required for high school graduation.
LOOKING GOOD Dr. Charles Willams
senior as'oc.iore deun at HHP v.on rvtwo
prestigious awards for his textbook.
Personal Fimnes. Looking Good. Feeling
Pre' iiol\I, ihi r.iask ;"as under the con-
Trol ot~ the local chio l Jisllmlts.
A. tatk lorce ;', appopinied in orer
to tfocu's -peciliciIlls on the ph% ical Ledu-
cation requirements. % 'ihinl's. ti ihe lime.
ser\cd n'. Ph sical EdIucoiion \ice
Preiderl Llect. and 0 as appoinlid cdiii-
inan of this t(~sk i'ikcc li e, re .LnTiized
hall .illtougih llh propo-ed halt-seimeier
requirieme nt foi jhphsical cJduciiiion ~ai-
iniiadquatC the recommend.nrior ot a
tl\'-\eaIr requirements. \L hth ccllninLue
It IVe thle reo.'iniiiindaltion of' ihe iroup.
had ni chinnte of psI ,ng leislat on.
lTheretore. the task I'UTrc. which h
included Dr Jill VarneR. interim dJe:in for
the College of Healilt and Humii:ni
Peif iiniiance. \ r ilchcdt their I'eeL'. tn cre-
continued on page 44
Deportment of Applied
Physiology & Kinesiology
Dr. Randl Braith jas j.:J]Jed a $1'.2
million NIH uranl h\ tihe Heart. I.ung :and
BInd Institiute to siudI "IlNecks of
Eiili.ii.cc E ierinal CO.LiiicrIipul'.ul n ti uii
Arlernil Fiuriciliion." .Ad illlanlll\ Bmilh
holteJ j \l:iaiul: Bv.'iol'.p Co'l.nference in1
FrIhib .uni 2(il) :;I LrF.
Dl)r. .Iiihn ( Ih4. Priter (;ii.,hhi ;ind
MIirk rilliuln \\crL as.trdcd ith a NIH
gr.mir It [I.lud the Impct ofit Piseu'r
\,.i-.t \\ Iieerlt'ihairi- oin Quaili i "of Life."
The ,inl\ \\i11 leleilllene th illlplci l 0
p',,er ..i '.t. ot \leeicl.lLrsi on the user'-
eei5.dai\ life. '.%.luch ci:h acierislics, of the
iit hencri the user's n, ilt,\ t lite andl
collect inlornllljol on user,' experience,,
IIhlluuel, iinter\ le\'.
Dr. SiU'%tn I.. Doddd's NMu, le Pi\ iilule\
Lit, Ic 'i.l ed..' I '.o \,.t r A 't\ i ricimn H ':Lri
A .% .I1:1 1 t ,in r t i.TI \ Iuid ri 'ich i-.n' ot
Inu'tILic ,iiafllat ioIi lIl e'\,i.' I-L' ditl vie
petrids iIl IidIuciLd hbi, l lo Their
rc.ll-l should U,.ass cl.iictan ll_ jI deel-
o(ping str.itegqie'. Io help piilent- ss tilt \is-
Cliai disNease increase exercise tolerance
The labh also re'ci\: cd :i to o ear coiltrLCI
iron Ipsen Pharmaceuticai:l to 1 tidi ho\ I
muscle adapt,. to injected neulto.o\in'.
I)r. Pet'ar (;;iohbi received a grant to
.'.l .\ OCiu'palioiail stress in tile jithleCic
Ir:'lin!fi prolle-.iie i Thle ..lui \\ il ..I.'
pei'.onalit hi burnout. 'tre.'. occupltion,al
lniL'Ll' llu'illl anld o'illialiL health .i.'omll-
pl.iint' FIomn the ltud\. specific p',,ch.e-
edu. ati'i.il ill ter icnin. slraieLne. \\Ill hbe
dcC ei pcdi in order it reduic thire IIIlp)J
ot itre.s, v.ihin health c.'are ,ant .uhlentic
tlr.il ilii e tinll-2..,
I)r. Ilr.aflih liiamseblhas, rectned the
No llii A imei u.I' So.;ci Itl the
P-.e.l'holog s Iof Spor I and Pl\ siL.il
,Acli\it I\ Iard For "L-arl\ C.reer
Disitg uishidi.l Sch.olar a d "
I[llnit enib:i i ,iL', ,tj a ,.irdle l .I NIH
_.Ili Ito s"uiL.\ "NLMItlliinedia Ior L\eivi-e
dti rinil Pl'i_'li.lidi ', j PoiI tlpailuiI Tlie
gr.mi t iill dei elo'p ;I heli.'\ inr l iiill: t inie-
dia package to present exercise interven-
tions economically and efficiently to
pregnant and postpartum women.
Dr. Scott Powers received the Citation
Award from the American College of
Sports Medicine during their annual
national conference in June 2005. Powers
was one of four people in 2005 presented
with the award. This award is presented
each year to practitioners in the sports
medicine field who have led an accom-
plished career, and who are making sig-
nificant contributions to their profession.
Dr. Lesley Iutilt received a grant from
the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
that will be funded until March 2009. The
goal of the study is to determine if pro-
gressive resistance training is associated
with changes in mobility and quality of
life in individuals with multiple sclerosis.
Department of Health
Education & Behavior
Dr. Hui Bain received the first Post
Doctoral Fellowship to be awarded by the
Addictive and Health Behaviors
Research Institute. Bain's responsibilities
are to coordinate and conduct all data
management and analysis functions
undertaken by the Institute. She collabo-
rates with other faculty and staff at the
Dodd (right) was named Teacher of the
Year for the College of Health and Human
Performance, along with Dr. Doug
DeMichele. Dodd and DeMichele are
competing for the University-wide Teacher
of the Year distinction. M1CHELE
DYE/'-IHP Photo
University of Florida
In, iiute iit producing dI.al-bh:e.' d
abtr..acti iiniiu'criptl ;111d gruit .ipplin'i-
oll a' \Q ell ,i de eheloping a seld'-dil'-ct-
ed line of re earch
Dr. Bill ( hen wa', amarded the A.\AHE
Proftl'sion;al Sc ice to Heallh EdLILuIli' n
.\uMicd at lhi' .Americ .i A.4i1:Ltcion tlor
Health Educt..iiin lcon.cention in Salt Lake
(-'it Thi j%\j id is ftoi onillanding 'onllln-
hulion, to A.AHF. :nid while health educa-
lion prote-'iion
Dr. \ irgiiti;i I)ndd w;ui named Teacher
of Ithe \uar lor the Colleee of He.lth and
Huinmn Perftoimlince l In addition. -he ha'
been ju arded ai t~o-ear. 762.tKl(k,) slaint
troin the L.S. Deprrtilleil ol Educ'tion
to inte.latelc problem', related to binge
Jrinkinii it LUF. Ph D. student Ti- is
G;lihinmai. I )r'. Bill (Chlieu and I)enniii
I hllmbh a.Il s ill \ %rk on the project
\-.. 1Morr m **"M.i"' hnli joined HEB as.
a recer'h :issnciate in thle Florida Ceniel
for Ilealth Promotion. Prior I( her
appointllienl site sr\ tid aU a projlec man-
a.cr for w o multi-nnllion dollar
Nil /NI AA.\-lundcd lesearchl projet'jL.
\itlli Wake Fure~tl Uni\erii\ School ot
MedicLine Departnnent o Public Health
S.iences. Section on Social Science' aind
Health Poli,%
li. 'Sit- tn 1'ikori,i hla, accepted a pIo -
'ion in HFR in a siul.'n prote-,sor. HI,
re'earcIh locti-e' (li \ out.h 'ubltancei
.buse preeitnlion and more speciticilly
on puiblik polk ie, de,.igned ut pre'\elt
\outlh tobacco Uhi.
Dr. ( luristine Slipkl \ai naJlled
"Who' \\ho Atnonl' iniericaj'
Teacherr." She i, feamired in Ihe llth
Edition of "\\ho's \\h i. Slopk.dai a'
lioniled for tlie second d L';.r ul d r\ ian
honor thi t oinl t'o percent of the
raIion' teacher' hltiC rece.'led
Dr. ID-inis -lrimhomh lhi been elected
into the Fello menibership of Ihe
Anieiicain Aca.d.'m\ of Heilth Behak\ior
ini recognition ror his oui'tlnding ciontri-
button, to health proillolnon. educL:iion
and r cwarhi. Thombih \\ill reei\e this
recognition during the Acadenil'. nie\t
annual ineeting. He I I ll th;ni the third
edillon of hi book. Inir'hheucntlrii it
Addh/ tile Blehi 0 11. published tl0h'
spring b\ tlhe Guillord Pre"L
Dr. Robert \1. \\eil.r \as a guest of the
Robert Koch instilule in Berlin. Gernmn;n\
in December 21.0'5 Along Mith Dr. Klau',
Klein i UlnIli iit\ of Cologine-GLertn.an .
DI. Robert J. McDerinon i Linierslt\ ofi
South Floridal and Dr. Dale Ritlel
(Southern Illinoi L!ni\ er',il\ W\ il'r met
\k ith Dr G(eoi Putli. head ol the Center
tor Biololical Sateir\ at RKI. about iisk
perspectlie' and Cloniuilnil.ling nrk to
the' general public \ ith respect to biolo g-
ic;l and i.henical hazards.
Dr. ( hail \\rth. director at the
AddictiTe and Health Beha, iois Institule.
cuiiletiltly hold' three NIH ,rani, tuhaline
mi re than $7 million The Intitutle held
it-. Second .Annual S.inpou.iuin oi
.Addictiie and Heallh BLehat ior Re,'arch
on tIlune 12. 2'.16.
Department of Tourism,
Recreation and Sport
D)rs. .lohi Conf('ir and Stephen Illllnd
along v ith teamn- of oltheir Unik eisi\ ol
Flori- prolfe''or.. Including D)r. Bob
Sw.e:r from the Department or Fi'.heries
and Aqnil ic SCleIK L. Dr. Chai rl'
SidnJun ofl Florida Se:i Grant. ,ind
Thotman .nker'en iand Thomas Ruplper
from the La\ School \ere a ,arded a
$1 0. Il.I(Wi unrni to .eek public and agenl.y\
input into delkelopiln a count) "ide
aleti .a\. Ilti-,Lter plJn for AlaIchiua
CouniI. Center and Hillland also kwere
atkarded a proictc to collect data and
develop a park, aLnd reTreaJotn Imaser
plan tor Pilin.;m CO'lnri
1)r. I)uni ('liimauhlton ireei6ed the
2(i"u Soiuthern Di-trict VAHPERD
Scholal -\ aid. atld lle 20106
DislinguiTshed Sc-holair A\arrd from he
A-HPE[RD Saires & Riik Manlniemeni
Council He u'- an united preenier at
the 2ll16 iiteinatioinal Sport and Lel-'ire
Induiir (Conference in Seoil. Kore..
D)i. DI)niu D[)\litlit aI iia namined Teacliei
\/ College of Health
& Human Performance
University of Florida
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611
US Postage
Jacksonville, FL
Permil #4390
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Please send me more information about (circle all that apply):
Alumni Rome Trip Dr. Linda Thornton Endowment Become a Class Representative
'96 Reunion BBQ Young Alumni Committee Participating in HHP Career Fair
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~ ~I ~ ___
College of Health and
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611
Human Performance