Front Cover
 Letter from the interim dean
 Table of Contents
 News briefs
 Making UF a healthy campus
 Emmitt Smith comes home
 Soldier surprises dean
 Varnes makes history
 Hall of fame
 A beautiful day
 Brief consult may influence adolescent...
 Exercise in cold water may increase...
 Endurance exercise may protect...
 Splish splash
 All roads lead to Rome
 Global gators
 It's easy with Cabeze
 Balls-y ladies
 Beauty queen on a mission
 Queen of the court
 Class notes
 Faces and places
 Calendar of events
 Faculty news and notes
 Honoring a legend
 College of Health and Human Performance...
 Back Cover

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00001
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Letter from the interim dean
        Unnumbered ( 2 )
    Table of Contents
        Page 1
    News briefs
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
    Making UF a healthy campus
        Page 5
    Emmitt Smith comes home
        Page 6
    Soldier surprises dean
        Page 7
    Varnes makes history
        Page 8
    Hall of fame
        Page 9
    A beautiful day
        Page 10
    Brief consult may influence adolescent exercise, drug use
        Page 11
    Exercise in cold water may increase appetites
        Page 12
    Endurance exercise may protect against injury in heart attacks
        Page 13
    Splish splash
        Page 14
        Page 15
    All roads lead to Rome
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
    Global gators
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
    It's easy with Cabeze
        Page 22
        Page 23
    Balls-y ladies
        Page 24
        Page 25
    Beauty queen on a mission
        Page 26
        Page 27
    Queen of the court
        Page 28
        Page 29
    Class notes
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
    Faces and places
        Page 35
    Calendar of events
        Page 36
        Page 37
    Faculty news and notes
        Page 38
        Page 39
    Honoring a legend
        Page 40
    College of Health and Human Performance 2004-05 annual report
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
        Page 44
        Page 45
        Page 46
        Page 47
        Page 48
        Page 49
        Page 50
        Page 51
        Page 52
        Page 53
    Back Cover
        Page 54
Full Text









'T~l~i q

Letter from the

interim Dean

Welcome to the inaugural fall edition of
Performance. The College's Advisory Council has
suggested, on more than one occasion, we increase
our communication activities with alumni and
friends of the College. More than a year ago we
implemented the PerformancE-News, an e-mail
newsletter for alumni to provide you with more up-
to-date information of the events and accomplish-
ments of the College. The E-news reached all those
for whom we have a current e-mail address (if you
are not receiving the E-news and want to, please fill
out the enclosed reply card). There are still a num-
ber of our alumni who do not use e-mail, so we con-
sidered publishing Performance twice a year.
The primary issues we had to consider were fiscal. The cost of an additional
Performance magazine, printing and mailing, were major factors in our decision making
process. Although our recent development efforts have been very successful, we are
cognizant of the need to ensure we continue to use your contributions in a way that is
useful to the college and valued by you. We certainly hope that this fall publication will
be informative and be perceived as valuable. Whether you graduated 50 years ago or
five years ago, your College continues to evolve in an ever-changing world to produce
cutting-edge research and graduate the most capable individuals within our disciplines.
In these pages you will read about successful students, productive faculty and com-
mitted staff. The college is proud of its students recognized as Anderson Scholars and
Southeastern Conference Academic All-SEC, its faculty research funding and discover-
ies; and its staff that focus on supporting one another by encouraging exercise and sup-
porting our troops by organizing care packages to be sent to HHP's adopted units in
Iraq. Also included is an annual report that will illustrate our successes as well as those
areas we have identified for improvement.
I hope that you will continue to be as proud to be a part of the College of Health
and Human Performance as we are proud to have you as a member of the HHP alumni
and friends. Please update us on the main events in your life so that we may join in the
celebration of your accomplishments and share those accomplishments with other HHP
Gators. Send pictures, join us for alumni socials if we are in your area, and come by for
a visit to see first-hand all that is going on in your College.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Dr. Jill W. Varnes
Interim Dean and Professor


Vol. 11 Issue 2
Fall 2005

Dr. Jill Varnes
Interim Dean

Michele Dye
Director of Communications

Assistant Editors
Jessica Brennan
Amy Lamp
Melissa Wohlstein

Design and Typesetting
Michele Dye

Staff Writers
Jessica Brennan
Amy Lamp
Carrie O'Neill
Kathleen Pai

Jessica Brennan
Michele Dye

Contributing Writers
Erin Renee Carter
Jayme Gough
Meredith Jean Morton
Lonnie Phillips
Melissa Wezniak

Editorial Assistance
University of Florida Foundation

StorterChilds Printing Company Inc.
Gainesville, Fla.

Performance is published twice a
year for alumni and friends of the
College of Health and Human
Performance at the University of

College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611
The Foundation for The Gator Nation.


These women
have balls.
Find out how you can
exercise while sitting at
your desk. Page 24.

All roads lead to
HHP students toured
Rome, learning all about
the history of sport.
Relive HHP master's
student Lonnie Phillips'
journey. Page 16.

Slip and slide.
HHP's Adapted Aquatic
program helps many
local children with vari-
ous disabilities learn
how to swim and feel
safe around the water.
Page 14.

All hail, Florida,
See if you can spot
yourself or some of
your classmates at our
HHP alumni socials.
Page 35.

UF Launches Healthy Gators 2010
Varnes Named NCAA Faculty Rep
Women's Day of Health and Beauty
Global Gators
Scholarship Convocation
It's Easy With Cabeze
Beauty Queen on a Mission

Coach Butler
HHP alumna and former
Gator basketball stand-
out Amanda Butler
takes the reigns for the
Charlotte 49ers
women's hoops team.
Page 28.

"It's not bad for a
girl who grew up
with a bunch of
HHP alumna Sue Stoops
(left) was one of six
alumni inducted into the
HHP Alumni Hall of
Page 9.

AHB Research Institute
Center for Exercise Science

Special Section
2004-05 Annual Report

In Every Issue
Dean's Letter
News Briefs
Class Notes
Faculty News and Notes



Performance I 1

Inside Front

Thombs Named Director of
Research Center
Dr. Dennis Thombs, associate professor in the Department
of Health Education and Behavior, has been appointed director
of the Florida Center for Health Promotion.
FCHP, established in 1988, provides research and develop-
ment activities for drug and alcohol educa-
tion, HIV/AIDS education, nutrition educa-
tion, physical activity, smoking prevention
and cessation, and stress management.
Thombs said his foremost goal for
the Center is to secure a greater amount of
externally funded research.
Thombs "Additionally, I hope to build up the
Center's visibility and increase the research projects under its
vision," he said.
Thombs joined the faculty of the College of Health and
Human Performance in April 2005. Previously, he held the
position of professor in the Department of Adult, Counseling,

"In order for the University of Florida to
reach its potential, we must find ways
to do a better job supporting our
-President Bernie Machen

The University of Florida Faculty Challenge is an
initiative to raise $150 million in private support to
give faculty the tools they need to enhance class-
room instruction and conduct world-class
research. Reaching that goal is a critical step in
the University of Florida's strategic plan to bec-
come one of the nation's premier universities.

For information on how you can help, call (352)
392-1691 or write to the University of Florida
Foundation at P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL
32604. Visit the Web site at

Health and Vocational Education at Kent State University, and
an adjunct professorship in Public Health at the Eastern Ohio
University's Master of Public Health Program.

HHP Hosts Student and Faculty
Meet and Greet
The 2005 Student and Faculty Meet and Greet sponsored by
HHP's College Council on March 17, 2005, was a great suc-
"The purpose of this event was to give students an opportu-
nity to mingle with faculty members in a relaxed environment,"
said Brittany Heidrich, member-at-large of the College Council
and TRSM undergraduate student.
Judy Traveis, director of undergraduate student affairs, said
the College Council did an outstanding job organizing the
event, and she was delighted to see the turnout of the faculty
and students at the event.
Students also appreciated the chance to meet and network
with the faculty of HHP.
"It was nice to interact with our professors in a setting out-
side of the classroom," said Charis Brown, a HEB graduate stu-

Gatorade Research Director
Stresses Proper Hydration
The Center for Exercise Science in the College of Health
and Human Performance sponsored guest lec-
turer Dr. Robert Murray, director of the
Gatorade Sports Science Institute, and his
presentation, "Science of Sports Drinks" on
May 12, 2005.
The response to the lecture was
extremely positive from both faculty and stu-
Murray dents of HHP Murray's lecture focused on
various topics related to the chemical balance of Gatorade, this
balance's role in increased fluid absorption in the body,
Gatorade's impact on an athlete's performance, and the link
between the science and marketing of Gatorade.
Murray emphasized the need for future research in the area
of taste change during exercise and what ingredients should be
included to biologically induce athletes to consume greater
amounts of fluid.
"This research has the immediate possibility to save lives in
the athletic area," said Keith Naugel, athletic training doctoral
student, who was one of the attendees.

2 I Fall 2005

HHP Raises Money for Charity
For the second consecutive year, the College of Health and
Human Performance received a "battered boot" from the March
of Dimes. This award is given to organizations that raise more
than $2,000.
The College raised $4,842, the second highest total by a UF
group. Shands Patient and Family Resources had the best cam-
pus total at $8,660.
Members of the Dean's Office participated in the March of
Dimes WalkAmerica on March 19. The 9-mile walk aimed to
raise awareness about premature birth.
HHP collected donations, as well as sold college T-shirts,
bags, candy and beanie babies.

Leave Your Mark at UF
The brick paver program offers alumni an opportunity to
support the future of the University of Florida while becoming a
part of UF's history.
Personalized brick pavers in the plaza of Emerson Alumni
Hall can be ordered online for yourself, a friend or a loved one.
Pavers are available in three sizes and all proceeds generated
from this project go to enhance alumni and academic programs
at UF and fund scholarships for College of Health and Human
Performance students.

Lecture Raises Obesity Awareness
The 20th Annual D.K. Stanley Lecture, funded by the
Frederick Family Fund Endowment and sponsored by HHP, was
held on March 24, 2005. This year's lecture, "Physical Activity
Promotion for Obesity Prevention in Youth," was presented by
Dr. Russell Pate of the University of South
The lecture focused on the nation's
growing concern with increasing obesity lev-
els of adolescents and its association with
S their lack of physical activity. Pate stressed
quality over quantity in physical education.
Pate gave three guidelines for parents
Pate to use to combat the youth obesity problem.
He recommended limiting children to one hour of screen time,
getting them outdoors and cautioning parents about the foods
they bring into their homes.
"Dr. Pate gave an excellent presentation on physical activity
in children," said Dr. Lesley White, assistant professor in the

Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology. "His
research has played a pivotal role in the development of guide-
lines for the prevention of childhood obesity."

UF Forms Silver Society
The University of Florida Alumni Association is starting a
new and exciting tradition.
The first Silver Society event, which celebrates the 25th
anniversary of UF alumni's graduation, will be held during
Spring Weekend.
On April 22, 2006, the UFAA will honor the Class of 1981.
Honored guests and friends will enjoy a cocktail hour with hours
d'oeuvres followed by a sit-down dinner at Emerson Alumni
Hall. The event will feature a keynote speaker followed by
recognition of the Silver Society. Society members will receive a
silver Gator pin, a certificate and a medallion.
The UFAA will send a save-the-date postcard in November
2005. Registration information for Spring Weekend will be sent
in January 2006.
The College of Health and Human Performance looks for-
ward to meeting its Silver Society.

HHP to Invade Tallahassee
We know our College of Health and Human Performance
alumni in Tallahassee are tired of all that garnet and gold. So
HHP decided to spread some much-needed orange and blue
cheer during Florida-Florida State week.
On Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005, HHP will host its first alumni
event in Tallahassee. The "Beat the 'Noles" social will be held at
the Ramada Inn and Conference Center from 6-8 p.m.
Mingle with HHP alumni and faculty while you enjoy hours
d'oeuvres, drinks and plenty of Gator spirit!
Invitations were mailed in mid-October. Please RSVP to
Michele Dye at 352.392.0578 ext. 1280 or mdye@hhp.ufl.edu by
Nov. 18, 2005.
One lucky alumni will win an autographed Billy Donovan
Don't forget to make your way to Gainesville to cheer on the
Gators men's basketball team as they take on the 'Noles Friday,
Nov. 25. The two rivals will battle it out in The Swamp Saturday,
Nov. 26 at 3:30 p.m.

Students Named Anderson Scholars
Eight College of Health and Human Performance students
were named Anderson Scholars at the Fall Convocation on Sept.
Performance I 3

22, 2005, recognizing their outstanding academic achievements
at the University of Florida.
The following students were awarded certificates of distinc-
tion for maintaining at least a 4.0, 3.94 and 3.87 GPA, respec-
tively, in their first two years at UF. Earning highest distinction
were exercise and sport sciences students Michelle Davis and
Brittany Ware. Sports management junior Heather Mahurin
received a certificate of high distinction. Exercise and sport sci-
ences juniors Stephanie Brook and Roger Gaskins III; applied
physiology and kinesiology students Laura Massey and Lisa
Carter; and health education and behavior junior Kathleen
Stopka all received a certificate of distinction.

GatorSHADE Goes Global
University of Florida faculty members are teaching children
about the dangers of skin cancer in an entertaining and easy way
through the interactive GatorSHADE program.
The GatorSHADE program was established in 1994 by Dr.
Carol Ash, Eminent Scholar, professor and Kirbo Endowed

Chair in Oncology Nursing. The program aims to explain the
hazards of overexposure to ultraviolet rays and promote sun-
safe practices that help prevent skin cancer. GatorSHADE
founders are sharing their program with the world through an
interactive Web site designed to make the GatorSHADE curricu-
lum available to both educators and consumers.
Dr. Jill Varnes, interim dean and professor in the College of
Health and Human Performance, has helped Ash promote sun-
safe practices for children and adults through media, special
events and public schools.
The goal of the curriculum is to increase awareness in
young children and instill in them safe sun habits that they will
carry with them into adulthood.
"We need to warn about the dangers of overexposures to
ultraviolet rays and educate how to protect ourselves and our
loved ones," Vares said.
For more information, visit www.gatorshade.ufl.edu.

-Jessica Brennan, Michele Dye and Amy Lamp

4 I Fall 2005

Making UF a

Healthy Campus

By Jessica Brennan | Staff Writer

The official kickoff for Health Gators 2010, a campuswide
initiative to increase awareness and improve health at UF, was
held Oct. 26, 2005, in the Reitz Union Colonnade.
More than 500 faculty, staff and students gathered at the
kick off where they were able to learn more about the health
organizations and opportunities on campus, take part in free
health screenings, receive flu shots at a dis-
counted cost and pick up Healthy Gators mer-
The kickoff was accompanied by free stress
screenings on the Student Health Care Center
front lawn. Participants were able to fill
out a questionnaire regarding
anxiety, stress and
depression and
talk one-on-one
with a mental
health profession-
al. Free food
donated by
Momo's Pizza,
Book Lovers Caf6
and Burrito
Brothers also was
available to those who
participated in the
screenings. Pita Pit donat-
ed gift $10 gift certificates and Pepsi sup-
plied bottles of Aquafina.
Dr. Jill Varnes, HHP Interim Dean and vice chair of Healthy
Gators 2010, introduced UF First Lady Chris Machen, chair of
Healthy Gators 2010. Machen, a former practicing nurse, spoke
to attendees about the importance of the project and its goals.
"The Healthy Gators 2010 initiative is a proactive effort; an
effort to do something now, in order to prevent problems later,"
Machen said.
She stressed that it is the personal responsibility of every
one of us to teach future generations about healthy living.

"As adults we can show our children the right way to eat,
exercise and avoid unhealthy behaviors," Machen said. "And we
can help them realize that living a long time is only good if we
feel good."
Healthy Gators 2010 is an extension of the nationwide
initiatives Healthy People 2010 and Healthy Campus 2010.
Healthy People 2010 is a set of national
health objectives designed to promote health
and prevent disease. The federal government
creates these health objectives every 10
years by working with an alliance of
more than 350 national organi-
zations and 250 state
health, mental
health, sub-
stance abuse
and environ-
mental agen-
cies. Healthy
Campus 2010
focuses on the
People 2010
objectives that
are relevant to col-
lege campuses.
In the upcoming
years, Healthy Gators 2010 will bring the
students, faculty and staff from many UF depart-
ments and organizations together to work toward the common
goal of creating a healthier campus. The mission of Healthy
Gators 2010 is to promote a campus environment supportive of
the development and maintenance of a healthy body, mind and
spirit for all members of the UF community.
For more information regarding Healthy Gators 2010 or to
learn more about the various health related opportunities on cam-
pus please visit www.healthygators.hhp.ufl.edu.

Performance I 5

Emmitt Smith

Comes Home

The 82nd Homecoming parade was proud to have former
Florida Gator running back and NFL rushing leader Emmitt
Smith serve as one of the 2005 Grand Marshals.
Smith, who completed his degree in recreation from HHP
in 1996, returned to his alma mater for a variety of
Homecoming activities.
"I had the pleasure to be the Grand Marshal," Smith said.
"It was a privilege."
The parade took place at noon on Oct. 7, 2005, along
University Avenue between Gale Lemerand Drive and Main
r pThe UF Homecoming
Parade is the largest stu-
dent-run parade in the
nation and is observed by
more than 100,000 stu-
dents, alumni, faculty,
friends and residents of
Alachua County and its
surrounding areas.
Smith was also the
S honored guest speaker at
the Florida Blue Key
Homecoming Alumni
Reunion. The new event
HHP alumnus and NFL legend brought together genera-
Emmitt Smith waves to fans at the tions of dedicated and suc-
Homecoming parade.
omecom parade cessful alumni for food,
drinks and entertainment before Gator Growl.
Smith told his story about how he became a Gator. He
said Auburn was recruiting him hard, but his mother wouldn't
allow him to be anything but a Gator.
"I'm thrilled and honored to say that I'm a Gator," Smith
said. "I had the distinct pleasure of watching my Gators play
for the national championship in baseball this year."
Smith, who received a standing ovation after his speech,
also spoke at Gator Growl and gave the football team a
pregame speech before the Gators defeated the Mississippi
State Bulldogs.
-Amy Lamp and Michele Dye

Dr Lind~a Thornto

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6 I Fall 2005

Senior Airman r., i Solis presents Interim Dean Jill Varnes with aj .l, signed by the troops
HHP sponsored in 2005.

Solider Surprises

By Amy Lamp I Staff Writer
interim Dean Jill Varnes was moved Professors, faculty and s
to tears when Senior Airman Jeffrey donated money and iter
Solis, 21, of the Air Force Security the adopted units.
Forces presented her with a signed flag as "Sometimes they w
a thank you for supporting his unit while time to eat, so they wou
stationed in Iraq. snacks in their pockets a
HHP faculty and staff, along WCJB said Janice Douglas, Sol
TV 20 News, gathered together Sept. 6, executive secretary to S
2005, to surprise Varnes with the presen- Dean Charles Williams.
station of an American flag that was signed "It felt great knowir
by the entire two units that HHP spon- still cared about us," So
scored while in Iraq for six months. This was Solis' seco
"Thank you for making a difference," deployed to Iraq. When
Solis said. "It really helped." going to be deployed to
The care packages were sent two to Katrina relief efforts, he
three times a month for six months and way of knowing.
contained everything from snacks, games, "Hopefully I will be
books, lip balm, sunscreen, calling cards, than six months this tim
to Girl Scout Cookies. said as he squeezed his
Solis said the boxes made it in good reassurance.
condition. The College support
"The boxes lasted for about six sec- Solis' unit along with an
onds," Solis said. "We really appreciated of 26 soldiers.
it." Varnes said the flag

DeEtta Hanssen in the Office of
Student Affairs came up with the idea for
the College to sponsor the troops.

and plans on framing it;
the office.


taff of HHP
is to send over to

would not have
Id just throw the
nd go to work,"
is' mother and
senior Associate

ig people at home
lis said.
nd time being
asked if he was
aid in Hurricane
said he had no

home for more
e. Hopefully," he
mom's hand in

ted the 13 men in
other unit; a total

was fabulous,
and hanging it in

HHP Walks

Campus into


By Kathleen Pai I Staff Writer
Gators on the Go held its closing
event at Yon Hall on March 31, 2005,
celebrating the end of the eight-week
program that promotes a healthy and
active lifestyle.
Participants were required to log a
minimum of 5,000 steps a day, which
they tracked with their pedometers.
"I've lost 30 lbs. from just walk-
ing," said Janice Douglas, executive sec-
retary in the College of Health and
Human Performance's Dean's Office.
"Gators on the Go gave me an incentive
to walk. Some days I could get in 8,000
to 10,0000 steps. I'm always on the go!"
The fee for the program was $10
and included access to the program Web
site, tracking system, health and well-
ness tips, healthy recipes, health calcula-
tors, a flexibility guide and guidelines
for resistance training. A pedometer was
provided for those who did not have
"I think it's a great incentive to be
able to look online and track my
progress," said Ansley Dreadin, a UF
senior. "I'm a very visual person, so
having that visual aid helped make
things a lot easier for me. It also made
me realize how much I already walk
everyday and how much of a difference
it would make if I just walked a little
Gators on the Go, an eight-week
program, encourages the UF community
to get physically active. It is sponsored
by the College of Health and Human
Performance, and Living Well Faculty
and Staff Wellness Center.
For more information, please visit
Performance I 7

Varnes Makes History

By Michele Dye I Staff Writer

interim Dean Jill Varnes was named the University's new NCAA faculty
representative in May 2005, becoming the first woman to serve in that
position at UF.
Varnes is UF's seventh NCAA faculty representative, succeeding Dr.
Nicholas Cassisi, who retired in June as a professor of otolaryngology and
senior associate dean for clinical affairs at UF's College of Medicine. Cassisi
served as UF's NCAA and SEC faculty representative from 1991-2005.
"Jill Varnes is a respected faculty member and administrator who is
well-prepared to serve the University and its athletics programs," UF
President Bernie Machen said. "She has significant support from the faculty
and athletics."
The NCAA faculty representative's role encompasses several areas, with
an emphasis on eligibility and compliance. The faculty representative works
with members of the University Athletic Association staff to ensure UF stu-
dent athletes meet all NCAA, conference and institutional requirements for
eligibility for practice, financial aid and intercollegiate
competition. They also
work with the UAA to
have periodic reports
developed on the aca-
demic preparation and
performance of student-
athletes for each of UF's
20 varsity teams. The faculty repre-
,entative works with the UAA to put a com-
pi ehensive and effective rules education and
compliance program in action on the
Varnes began her career as a UF
faculty member in 1978. She holds
a doctorate in education from the
School of Health, Physical
Education and Recreation at the
University of Southern Mississippi
in Hattiesburg; and master's and
bachelor's degrees from the
University of Florida.

"Jill Varnes is a

respected faculty

member and

administrator who is

well-prepared to serve

the University and its

athletics programs."


Bernie Machen


B\ Kathlccn Pai Stalt ltiwter

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Performance I 9

By Jayme Gough I Contributing Writer

omen of all ages applauded as the keynote speaker walked onto the Reitz
Union auditorium stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen," she began. She paused and surveyed the room.
Smiling, she changed her opening address to just "ladies."
Linda Cirulli-Burton, a motivational speaker, kick started A Women's Day of
Health and Beauty at the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom on June 4, 2005.
"I hope and pray that this will become an annual event," Cirulli-Burton said. All
women need a day where they can focus their mind, body and spirit on themselves, she
Cirulli-Burton asked members of the audience to think of one positive thing in
their life, and share it with the person sitting next to them. A strange giddiness fell over
the crowd as they giggled and smiled at each other's experiences.
Triumphantly, she explained that the positive energy the audience felt around the
room was a direct result of women focusing on the good in their lives. That energy
stayed with the crowd throughout the day as they looked at exhibits and attended ses-
sions related to women's healthcare and beauty.
WUFT-TV, National Center for Outreach and University of Florida College of
Health and Human Performance sponsored the event in partnership with WGFL-TV,
The Gainesville Sun, Asterick Communications, Ilene's for Fashion and Just for Kids
Susan White, director of education and outreach at WUFT-FM and organizer of the
event, said the emphasis of the event was for mothers and daughters to come together
and learn. BEAUTY continued on page 31

10 1 Fall 2005

By Melissa Wezniak | Contributing Writer

A brief one-on-one consultation may
increase exercise and decrease alcohol and
cigarette use in adolescents at three-month
post-treatment, with some positive effects
seen one-year later, according to a new
University of Florida study.
"Long-term sustained effects for cig-
arette and marijuana use, and both vigor-
ous and moderate physical activity, were
found among adolescents using marijuana
and/or cigarettes prior to intervention,"
said Dr. Chad Werch, director of the
Addictive & Health Behaviors Research
Institute and the lead investigator on the
"These later findings suggest that the
brief consult, titled Project SPORT, pro-
vided by a trained health care provider
and lasting about 12 minutes in length,
was particularly useful for those adoles-
cents most in need of intervention because
of their current drug consumption," Werch
These results support a recent previ-
ous study by Werch and his colleagues
suggesting that a brief sport-based consul-
tation tailored to adolescent's health
habits may reduce alcohol use, while


increasing exercise frequency.
"Currently, few studies of brief inter-
ventions have reported affecting multiple,
co-morbid health damaging and health
promoting behaviors such as Project
SPORT," Werch said.
"Given the challenges with imple-
menting typical prevention programs in
today's schools which are focused on
standards testing, brief interventions like
Project SPORT may provide a more real-
istic alternative to reaching adolescents
with critical prevention interventions than
standard full-semester length curricula,"
he said.
"Preventive intervention effects as
extensive as those found in this study,
involving multiple health behaviors and a
range of important risk and protective fac-
tors, are relatively uncommon in the liter-
ature, especially among brief interven-
tions," Werch said. "Considering the
brevity of Project SPORT, these findings
are particularly noteworthy and indicate
that these types of personally delivered
and integrated health communications are
To date, most health behavior pro-
grams are longer
in duration or
-j !in c intensive,
.iiiJ target only a
Si ni.Yle behavior
i lk factor, such
exercise or
alcohol misuse
in separate
S, programs.

"The problem is that up until now, we
have had very few effective interventions
that can modify multiple health behaviors
of adolescents. Especially both health risk
and health promoting behaviors," Werch
Project SPORT is based on a new
model for integrating the prevention of
health risk behaviors such as substance
misuse, with the promotion of health
enhancing behaviors such as physical
activity. This is accomplished by activat-
ing images and attributes that youth value.
"This is what advertisers and mar-
keters do all the time to motivate youth
and adults to purchase their products and
services," Werch said. "By tapping into
the images that youth value, such as being
fit and in-shape, confident, and strong, we
can both link and motivate multiple health
behavior change."
In the study, which appeared in the
journal, Prevention Science, 604 high
school students were randomly assigned
to receive the brief consult or commercial-
ly available health promotion materials.
Differences between the two study groups
were compared at three-months and 12-
months after the implementation of the
Project SPORT participant's demon-
strated significant positive effects at three-
months post-intervention for alcohol con-
sumption, alcohol initiation behaviors,
alcohol use risk and protective factors,
drug use behaviors, and exercise habits,
and at 12-months for alcohol use risk and
protective factors, cigarette use and ciga-
rette initiation.

In addition, drug usg adolescents
In addition, drug using adolescents

Performance I 11

~ei~ %



Exercise inll ci Wa

Exercise in cold water instead of warm water may increase
people's appetites, making it harder for them to lose extra
pounds, a University of Florida study finds.
Results indicate people may consume more calories after
exercising in cold water, according to Dr. Lesley White, a UF
researcher who designed the study to better understand why
aquatic exercise is often less successful than equal amounts of
jogging or cycling for people who want to lose weight.
"It's possible that individuals who exercise in cooler water
may have an exaggerated energy intake following exercise,
which may be a reason why they don't lose as much weight,"
said White, an assistant professor in the College of Health and
Human Performance. "So it may not be the exercise itself that
causes the problem because you can match the exercise energy
expenditure; rather it's the increased eating after the exercise is
White said her research is not meant to suggest that swim-
ming or aquatic exercise is ineffective for building physical fit-
ness. In fact, water exercise is suggested for people who are
overweight because the buoyancy given by the water makes
exercising easier for people with joint or balance problems.
"Water exercise is an excellent activity for many people,
particularly those with joint disorders, thermal regulatory prob-
lems and balance or coordination difficulties," she said.
"However, an earlier study reported that women who swam did
not lose as much weight as those who jogged or cycled."
For her study, published in February in the International
Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, White
tracked the energy used by 11 UF students as they rode a station-
ary bicycle submerged in water for 45 minutes. The students
exercised in cold water of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and warm water
of 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The same students, ages 21 to 31,
also spent 45 minutes resting.
The study found the students used a similar amount of ener-
gy during the exercises, 517 calories in the cold water and 505 in

.May Increase Appetites
on ( Citriltin'. II ritler

the warm water. Students expended 123 calories while resting.
After each exercise session and the rest period, the students were
allowed into a room to measure their blood pressure and heart
rates. They were left to rest for one hour in the same room and
had free access to a standard assortment of food of known
caloric values. However, the students didn't know their caloric
intake was going to be measured.
"We found during the recovery period,
when the subjects had access to an assortment
of foods, significantly more calories were eaten
after exercise in cold water compared to exer-
cise in warm water or at rest," White said.
Caloric intake after exercise in cold water was
ite 44 percent higher than exercise in warm water
and 41 percent higher than in the resting periods. The students
consumed a mean 877 calories after exercise in cold water, 608
calories after exercise in warm water and 618 after resting peri-
"This is a preliminary study, which suggests that environ-
mental conditions during exercise may influence post-exercise
appetite," White said. "Individuals should consider the kinds of
foods they eat after exercise."
White suggested that body temperature might have some
influence over post-exercise appetite.
A previous study by her colleague, Dr. Rudolph
Dressendorfer, indicated that body temperature at the end of
exercise can affect post-exercise appetite.
"Aquatic exercise is widely used in weight-loss programs,
especially for those people with orthopedic concerns," said
Dressendorfer, an adjunct professor with the faculty of physical
education and recreation at the University of Alberta and a phys-
ical therapist. "The practical implication of this study is that cold
water temperature could frustrate weight loss by increasing
caloric intake. This study also provides some theoretical insight
to the mechanism of appetite after exercise."

12 1 Fall 2005

Endurance Exercise May Protect

Against Injury in Heart Attacks

By Erin Renee Carter I Contributing Writer

Endurance exercises such as running and cycling may pro-
tect older people from cardiac injury during a heart attack,
according to a new University of Florida study.
Through experiments with rats, the researchers discovered
that exercising one hour a day for three consecutive days offers
the heart just as much protection in the animal as if it ran five
days a week for 10, said professor Scott Powers, director of the
Center for Exercise Science and a contributing author to the
The finding contradicts the conventional belief that it takes
weeks or even months of exercise training to reap the benefits of
exercise. It turns out that protection against a heart attack can be
obtained in just three days and lasts more than a week.
"You stay protected up to about nine days," Powers said.
"By day 18, you're completely back to where you started. So the
only way to maintain it is to be active."
In the study, which appeared in the journal, Experimental
Gerontology, young and old rats ran on a treadmill at about 60 to
70 percent of their exercise capacity. Exercise increased their
levels of the antioxidant superoxide dismutase, which provides
cardiovascular protection. Additional experiments have shown
that exercise-induced increases in this antioxidant are critical for
the heart to develop the full protective benefits of exercise.
Powers said in about 90 percent of heart attacks, blockage
created in the vessels triggers a clot that can damage the heart.
"If you don't break down the clot, the heart cells are going to
die," he said.
Powers added even if the clot dissolves naturally, damage
still occurs when blood flow is restored to the heart because the
oxygen level is increased and forms an unhealthy abundance of
free radicals that damage the heart muscle. This process, called
ischemia reperfusion injury, makes the heart weaker and decreas-
es its working capacity, according to the study.
Powers said that it is "because you can think of the heart as
the engine that runs the car. So if you chop off cylinder after
cylinder from the engine, eventually it's going to be underpow-
In humans, exercises such as cycling, swimming, running
and walking may cause heart muscle cells to produce more
antioxidants that protect the heart during the onset of a heart

Powers and John Quindry, postdoctoral fellow and a con-
tributing author to the study, also concluded exercise protects
against cell death caused by apoptosis, or programmed cell
death, which had been previously unknown.
Powers said the study may help to determine why endurance
exercises provide the heart protection. Once that is known,
researchers could design better exercise strategies, or develop a
drug approach to turn on the genes that are activated during
"That would be extremely useful for people who are wheel-
chair-bound, aren't ambulatory, or just people who have orthope-
dic problems or won't exercise," Powers said.
Li Li Ji, professor of kinesiology at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, said the UF research is important because it
shows that independent of age, endurance exercise can reduce
injury sustained during a heart attack.
"These experiments for the first time demonstrate that exer-
cise can protect the heart against ischemic insult in both young
and old animals," he said.
The study also was conducted by doctoral candidates Joel
French and Youngil Lee and former UF assistant scientist Karyn

Performance I 13

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ach spring for more than a
decade now, during the months
of March and April, visitors to
the Florida Pool observe a pool full of
ordinary children taking swimming les-
sons. However, there is nothing ordinary
about the program occurring.
First of all, the instructors are college
students in a course offered by the
College of Health and Human
Performance who will earn a national cer-
tification after completing the course.
Second, each child is usually taught in a
one-on-one environment, a luxury that

from Terwilliger Elementary, Metcalfe
Elementary and Howard Bishop Middle
School, who have some form of physical
or medical disability, or developmental
delay, attend swimming classes taught by
UF undergraduate and graduate students
enrolled in HHP's Adapted Aquatics
"The long classroom work was well
worth it," said Travis Broome, a master's
student in adapted physical activity. "The
smiles on the children's faces were our
In 2005, the program grew to 75 stu-

dents from Howard Bishop Middle School
participated in Guard Start, an introducto-
ry lifeguarding program. Students are
taught basic water safety and life-saving
techniques. The purpose of this program
is to give students greater confidence in
their personal abilities around the water as
well as increased self-esteem in their
capacity to help others. This program cul-
minated with a lifeguard challenge high-
lighting the Guard Start students' new
skills, as well as the students' earning the
official Guard Start certification.
Although the advantages to the chil-

tHtF 6d{vc4-4 +vv h& Ue FAr apceptd Ac^a-tic SivM Fronraimvi 15Vi Vi dckaiejd cjiilde

a oVIi-of-a-kJvcI opporbvpiit to Iearvi how to vim, ivki reage +he&ir tc revih,

ekcv1rawx2 flexi/ifbiht a cI ooridkoafvo ki a i iaveitlte m e&vivrovwvieal all hile improvWi.n

-e&ir a&l-&e-etv& ac godal '4ilk m a fun atmo0phere.

few other swimming programs in
Gainesville provide. Finally, each one of
these children swimming around the
Florida Pool has a disability.
The delightful exclamations, bright
smiles and energy levels of these children
would seem to exemplify any group of
children in a swimming pool. Perhaps that
is what makes this course so attractive to
all involved. In this environment, disabili-
ties are not the focus, but abilities are.
Abilities such as walking, which may
not be possible on dry land, now is
achievable in an aquatic environment
where one is 80 percent lighter.
Relaxation, a feeling that eludes many
children with autism, now is experienced.
Self-reliance is a concept some may never
fully realize. However, through swim-
ming, each individual accomplishment is
the product of the child's own hard work.
The UF Adapted Aquatics Swim
Program is a one-of-a-kind opportunity
offered free of charge to students with dis-
abilities in the Gainesville area. Students

dents who participated twice a week for
one month. The adapted aquatics program
is not only a chance for these students to
work on their physical skills essential for
effective swimming, but it is an opportu-
nity for them to perform skills they are
not capable of doing on land.
"This allows the instructors to work
on aspects such as strength, endurance,
flexibility, balance and coordination in a
weightless environment," said Dr.
Christine Stopka, professor of the Adapted
Aquatics course.
This kind of contact also enables the
students to interact with others, enhancing
their social skills, in addition to seeing
and feeling personal achievement, and
raising their self-esteem.
"I found it amazing to watch the stu-
dent's physical and emotional progression
from day to day, as well as from the
beginning of the class to the end," said
Keith Naugle, doctoral student in athletic
In addition to these benefits, the stu-

dren are countless, they are not the only
people to gain from the aquatic instruc-
tion. UF students serving as instructors
learn many valuable tools to carry
throughout life.
Many of the students planning to pur-
sue careers in the medical field find this
course is a wonderful introduction to ther-
apeutic modalities used in rehabilitation.
"Of all the classes that I have taken at
UF, Adapted Aquatics has definitely been
my best educational experience," Broome
said. "Yet, the course has also made me a
better person."
For students involved in all fields,
this course serves as an eye opener. UF
students become comfortable with a popu-
lation that often has a stigma placed upon
them and come to find that they are more
like each other than they are different.
Further, students find that one person is
able to make a difference in another's life
through the commitment they display
each day in class.
SWIM continued on page 27

Performance I 15

t~Darren eitner, Er'i;tm left
From -tussing9 AnthonY Angiuli Bo..se Aloi.

Ethean Qra _isa S clrodKr f At

All Roads

Lead to ome

By Lonnie Phillips | Contributing Writer

Editor Note: Sport Management graduate student Lonnie Phillips kept a journal dur-
ing l., study abroad trip to Rome, Italy to learn about the history of sport. HHP stu-
dents spent a week in Rome during spring break as part of a three-credit course.

Feb. 27, 2005
After arriving at our hotel mid-morning, we quickly enjoyed the comforts
of a warm Italian hi i\ ci which was a welcome relief fi 11l, in'; our nine-
hour ti..ihl.Ltiic ,flight. Many of us decided to immediately sample the
Italian cl.ul-ii n Iv, devouring a few Pannini sandwiches. We departed the hotel
at 1 p.m. and were escorted by our outstanding tour coordinator, Maria, and
hui driver, Marco, to the Olympic stadium for a soccer match between SS
L.17a I local RInI!.In It'.rin and Parma (team from northern Italy)' We were
Scr. pleased to discover our seats were located under itlc ~i mi t.i iu cllkin.ii
hcl'.uic it was about 40 degrees, windy and raining. An I,, clnI\ liin.l num-
Ic'l ,I i L.17I1, lll il I.'l .1111 1 l .c l c '.. I nI ~ i.l' \\ cl, '\ |'i It t'' l I' i '1 E .ll li .
"ltllh II .1 Tl' c', \\ d'li' cI'til1i'l,\ IIn .1 1.1 lliutI. m1 ,il SS L.17io played a
l ll.n It fin .t ilI and led 1 -1 ,11 i,\\ r in' .1 p'l.ni lt., kick Tlhe' line team
I L.171ii I',\\ Ci c i uIC .' l Ici li'nji L' i I ii .'nc 'Ic iid .Iil n iIli to the chagrin
rI th' i i\\ I Ici 'llll c'd t. II '" l'h \\ r iii hcl': i' I.hJ .it played against
\li ippi St.i c in 11ii1 ThIe hI1nl [.11 -I1 Ic r i i' e l l .ilJ'd 'iiiic 'd .i second goal in
tilc la.1 t \i, 1111Il nt ll It \\ III n m.111! ih 2- Tic' 'lliic 1i' ti .l .iiine was singing
.i1d JJli l I Ill 11i n111i i I \\ .11 .1 '' i .'ic n .' i.'1 i iIl i h IC 1' 11 as w e
Ilc.d Inever experi-
C11icc I ci C1.17i11iC

bol" game.

Feb. 28
After a restful
night's sleep, we
awoke with the
C"\'l il ll of til o f II
full day in Rome.
Maria met us in the
hotel lobby and intro-
duced us to our tour
guide, Antonio.
Jessc0o rourste, r orrd Tara Sampson

Antonio turned out to be a wealth of Roman knowledge and very funny, which made it
even better -- if that's possible.
We began our morning at the Golden House of Nero, which was supposed to be
Emperor Nero's house, but actually served as a Pavilion for citizens of Ancient Rome
to gather. The fact that the home was nearly 1,000 feet across (so it was huge) and all
underground was fascinating to us. It originally was built around a beautiful lake
where the Coliseum now stands. It was interesting to learn that most people believe
Nero built the Coliseum to kill the Christians; however the Coliseum was actually
built after Nero died so the myth is just that, a myth. We moved from Nero's house
to the Coliseum, and it was every bit as spectacular as we had read about in books.
As a group studying the history of modern sport, we were like little kids at
Christmas time in the Coliseum. After taking a group picture with everyone's
camera we were given time to tour the arena on our own and enjoyed every
minute of it.
We left the Coliseum and continued our \ .ilk ti tile RoKIIIn rflu l!i .lLIJ
imagine, we were walking on the same iulllllnJ \\ Icic Li.tl! iI RoKii.in'
such as Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cicero walked Dn)I ir oiIn .wilk
through the Forum the temperature dipped into tllln' II- .ld tll r.i l ,i
began to fall, but nothing could d.ll!imiii our ;'.c. 'Ilc'llit ll i \\l IcI
walked from the Forum to our luhiIll it' and c ,.'IJIl, .ll kinld ''I It.li.ll
A. T- 1 hlll ll \\1 c I!l.lC l c ll II \\.l', Ip.l' Pl.177.1 N .I' r III.I hI il P.IlltI'II.i lMI' I o
TliI P.1iitllc'ii \\.I' c.tICI'! .lc ', hc'.Illlln 111 .Ill 1i .n .1 Ill' r I!It I!llcii 'ic i' c
(IlllCtlllc \\c' 11.ld 'C'li .1 111 ,i i lii' l T ie licci 17Ci .lid .i111.17111
\\rlik. o'.I l \.it c ic hI '., id \\iIJd Rcinci ilcll II \\.l Ir.il'in .It 1inI'- n ,iI' In
.llJd II .'.11 .L Ill' P.ll'll l ll"ll \\.1 IhtlIlt .I, .1 IIItil lc hIi lll.' '-',C Illl'l I' .1
Ililc II t l l or > llcJ in thke of t llc d l!lc lJ l ll ch i' c c' Ii e i, lllri
it icill.ilk.il l'l, ', :, littic i.in Ii'.nl il' In l c

March I
A t I .1 \\ elcll uI t llllIi F ll l ll Cl Ic' d (I'lI 11 Oi f Rolll I \\Ill ll
IIc'lIudcd tI' Tic i rE,, IF t n pii i s i .1111 .11 I p cI. i \\c In .c i .ll [ ,LII tlOl lr D an C
cO'O'Idlll.lJ hl .Illl d plc'cccd d ti ( II'. InlI.Il S.idillrin tfoi .I Iclrlnd-Ilic- Quirogo
.'C'll t'll The' t ll \\ ., I' ll I', i .' .11 ll nli t .i tdI l lll In c rlll itic .i l' .'
H,,\\ ci illc highlight of the day was li.r, i111 the pleasure of inic'lii .i
tc.ica uf iesearchers on the field. They were using blue tooth technology,
accelerometers and soccer players to dcciiiinilci lii,\\ difflcicii cilc.it react to JiL-
ferent playing surfaces. The researchers allowed u' tt, \\.inChl h,\\ thic. th.in Ilc'n
test and analyzed the data. It was truly f.i.cii.'tllln f'ii .i 'ioup tlid'1. l' mi!lciidlll
sport. Likewise, many of the 1.lc.Ii in tch git'uip were extremely plc.i.cJd to
have photo opportunities with the "g"i.dI-lIookiiin Italian" soccer pla -crA
After leaving the stadium, we made our way to the Baths of Caracalla.
This was the ec'.'ldl-l.ii'.c.'c pulillIc i.lllllillI.c' built jI thllic c'llllp'l r Marcus
Antoninus. The baths were built for the commoners to improve the morale
of the citizens. It was a place where people could participate in sports, exer-
cise, read books, watch stage shows, take hot and cold baths and get mas-
sages. The baths were very advanced for the time period, and the mosaic Heather
tile rlooi \\. ..,.Ii llticl, .iiin.izing. 'n the Va

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After leaving the Baths, we drove by the Circus Maximus.
Back in the day this was a very popular location for people to
come and watch chariot races. Presently, it is nothing more than
a field for people to jog and walk their dogs. Even still, it was
fascinating to see and to reflect on the sporting interest of the
After a lunch at the local bus station, we took a short bus
ride to the catacombs via the Apian Way. I do not think anyone
in our group was very excited about visiting this site, but our
mood soon changed when we began to explore the tunnels and
caves that extended for 13 miles underground!!! It seemed like
we just kept going deeper into the earth and were amazed to see
the number of small chapels built so far underground.
Our tour ended with the catacombs, and it was time to do
some shopping, site seeing and to enjoy the Roman wine and
food. Many in our class decided to experience the Roman
nightlife first hand and had a very entertaining evening of danc-
ing and meeting the locals.

March 2
We began our Wednesday morning with an early wake-up
call and a two and a half hour drive to the city of Pompeii. The
drive across the Italian countryside was absolutely beautiful --
snow capped mountains, olive tree farms, and the stunning beau-
ty of the Mediterranean. We arrived at Pompeii and met our tour
guide, who was the epitome of a Napolitano woman -- strong
hands, quick wit and an insatiable passion for life. Our entire
class was in awe at the immense size of Pompeii. This city,
buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 24 A.D. and left
untouched for 1,700 years, gave us an accurate glimpse into the
life of a Roman. We walked along their streets, looked in their
shops, toured their homes and gained a better understanding of
how much alike modern civilization the Pompeians were. In
addition to indoor running water, they had banks, fast food
restaurants and barber shops.

March 3
Thursday morning arrived, as did the event that many of us
had been looking forward to all week. Our trip to the Vatican
City to see St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel. We were
not let down. The Sistine Chapel was more beautiful and
impressive than any of us had imagined. It was truly over-
whelming and too hard to put into words. As we walked out of
the chapel, our group was a buzz with what they had just experi-
enced. Everyone was so impressed by what they had just experi-
enced they could not stop comparing notes. Our tour guide,
Antonio, led us from the chapel to St. Peter's Basilica. The
church, which is the largest Roman Catholic Church in the

world, was majestic. The mosaic art, sculptures and enormous
size of the Papal Alter were breathtaking. To gain an under-
standing of just how large the church is our tour guide pointed
out a "small" stain glass window at the front of the church that
contained a dove. The wingspan looked to be approximately 1-2
feet in from our point of view when it was actually close to 7
feet! Amazing! We finished our tour and were given the rest of
the day to ourselves. Many of us decided to climb the 500 steps
to the top of the Basilica, and we were not disappointed. The
birds-eye view of the city of Rome and all its beauty was awe-
some. Even though it was a cold, rainy, windy day, the city still
was stunningly beautiful.

March 4
Friday was a free day for our class and half the class decid-
ed to use the day to shop in Rome. The other half decided on a
day excursion to Florence and was not disappointed. We were
able to see Michelangelo's David, climb to the top of the
Duomo, and shop at some of finest stores in the world. Many of
us, on a college budget, decided to shop at the large outdoor
markets. This was an educational lesson for many of us
Americans as we never have had to haggle with street vendors
but the experience was wonderful and actually fun.
As the night came to an end, many of us were sad because
we realized that we would be flying home in the morning. The
trip was far better than any of us had imagined, and we were so
blessed to have the opportunity to experience Italian culture at its
finest. If given the opportunity many of us would jump at the
chance to return to this area of the world. As many of our class-
mates decided to enjoy the sunshine and beaches associated with
spring break, we chose the cold, rainy conditions of Rome but
feel our experience was so much better.

18 1 Fall 2005

Global Gators

HHP Teams Up With University in Brazil
In May 2005, the College of Health and Human Performance made further strides to
expand its international academic partnerships by reaching a cooperative agreement with
Sao Paulo State University in Brazil.
"Sao Paulo State University, Rio Claro is the best college in the state of Sao Paulo
known for its research and teaching on the disciplines of physical education and sport sci-
ence," said Dr. William Chen, associate dean for research and academic affairs.
Chen was joined by Drs. Heather Gibson, Mark Tillman and John Todorovich in repre-
senting HHP during a follow-up meeting of the two universities in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
T.ci.ulr. members from Sao Paulo State University learned of HHP's reputation as a
leading center for research and teaching in the areas of health education, recreation and
sport science, and sent representatives to visit our College last year," Chen said. "This trip
was our opportunity to explore their program and forge an academic relationship with
During this trip, the two universities signed a cooperative agreement for future collab-
"The agreement, which was signed, is a broad based contract to form a collaborative
relationship between the two schools which will serve as the ground work for future proj-
ects," Chen said.
The potential benefits for the two universities are endless.
"In the future, we hope to exchange research, hold faculty seminars and develop post
doctoral programs together," Chen said. "We may even pursue a student exchange program
further down the road."
-Jessica Brennan

HHP in Greece and
During spring break, March
11 18, 2006, UF students will
have the opportunity to earn three
credits while studying in Rome or
Students studying in Greece
will visit the ancient Olympic sites
of Athens, Delphi, Olympia and
Nemea while taking courses
taught by HHP faculty for UF
GPA credit and will focus on
understanding the role of the his-
tory and formation of the most
influential athletic competitions in
the Western World.
In Rome, students can take the
course International Sport Topics
in Rome, which aims to under-
stand how knowledge of the histo-
ry of sport, physical activity and
recreation can contribute to an
understanding of modern sport,
physical activity and recreation.
Both programs are open to all
majors, undergraduate and gradu-
ate students with an interest in
international sports.

HHP in Taiwan
The College will offer a new
study abroad opportunity during
May 8-15, 2006 in Taipei, Taiwan.
The course, International Health
Topics, will focus on Taiwan's
health education and health pro-
motion strategies, and compare
them to those in the United States.
The course is open to all under-
graduate students with an interest
in health education.
-Amy Lamp

Performance I 19

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I don't even know how to say thank you to someone who is giving you money to help with your education.
-Senior Natalie Whitney

9 B By Kathleen Pai | Staff Writer

Thirty-five outstanding students in the College of Health and
Human Performance were honored for their academic achievements and
contributions to the community at the annual Scholarship Convocation Feb.
4, 2005, at Emerson Alumni Hall.
The College hosts this annual event to honor scholarship recipients
and donors. The event featured a catered luncheon and an awards ceremony.
Senior Natalie Whitney, who wants to become a doctor, said she is
very grateful for the scholarship.
"I don't even know how to say thank you to someone who is giv-
ing you money to help with your education," Whitney said. "It's really
something I'm appreciative of, and I hope the donors recognize it and know
how I feel."
Scholarship recipients and their families, faculty and staff, and
friends of the College were among the 200 guests.
"I think we should have these events several times a year to allow
us old folks to see each other again," alumnus M.B. Chafin said. "We can
also meet the new folks and admire how terribly smart they are nowadays."
The generosity of former HHP graduates and friends of the College
has made it possible for these scholarships to exist.
"Because I had so much visibility while I was here, especially as
an athlete, my name was plastered all over the community as well as the
state," alumnus Perry McGriff said. "It opened doors for me and allowed
me to do things that I would've never been able to do without the recogni-
tion of the University of Florida. I'm proud to be able to give back."
If you would like to establish a scholarship for HHP students,
please contact Melissa Wohlstein at 352.392.0578.

Performance I 21


he creator of the new business,
Cabeze, has a superhero's name.
Chet Justice, a 34-year-old
College of Health and Human
Performance alumnus, tries to live up to
it. He played baseball for the University
of Florida and even participated in an
Ironman competition. But all superheroes
have their kryptonite, and Justice's kryp-
tonite was alcohol.
"I came to UF on a baseball scholar-
ship in fall 1991, but I failed out of
school," Justice said. "I was a big drinker
at the time, and I always thought I'd play
professional baseball."
Growing up in a military family, he
had spent much of his life moving. When
Justice came to Gainesville, he knew he
was home. He decided to stay and work
in Gainesville, despite dropping out of

"I realized I was an idiot and wasn't
ready for college," he said. "But when I
went back in 1996, I decided to concen-
trate and enjoy learning. I quit drinking
entirely for three years."
Justice earned his degree in health
science education with an emphasis in
community health. Afterward, he found a
job and a wife. He began drinking again,
though never as hard as he did during
those first years at UF.
"Looking back on myself, I kept
thinking 'Wow. I'm lucky to be alive,'" he
Four months after the birth of his first
child, Justice and his wife, Kris, went to
dinner to celebrate her birthday. They
came up with a way to keep their children
from making the same mistakes they
made in college.
"Kris and I were sitting at dinner,

laughing about who would be allowed to
drink tonight, and who would be the des-
ignated driver," he said. "We got to talk-
ing about our son, and what we would do
to keep him from drinking and driving."
Justice said he and his wife discussed
giving cab money to their son. They
quickly realized that if someone had given
them money just for cab fare when they
were in college, that cab fare would have
been spent on another round of drinks.
Justice thought the best way to ensure a
safe trip home was to create a pre-paid
gift card that could only be used for a cab
"Cabeze was born that night," Justice
said. "But it wasn't until November 2003
that we started talking seriously about cre-
ating a company. I mean, we couldn't
find anything like it in the country."
Justice and his wife started looking

22 1 Fall 2005

for investors.
"Everyone said it was a great idea,
but no one was really willing to invest in
the idea," Justice said. "By November of
2004 we'd managed to get 13 investors,
but none of us have business degrees, so
we're learning as we go."
Cabeze cards come in $25, $50 and
$100. They can be purchased online at
www.cabeze.com, and used for any
Gainesville Cab/City Taxi ride. Justice
also hopes to see Cabeze cards work as a
group multi-use card, allowing organiza-
tions such as sororities and fraternities to
purchase cards and assign them to mem-
bers. Each member's cab fee would be
drawn from the organization's account.
Additionally, he hopes to join forces

with alcohol distributing agencies to help
them provide a community relations cam-
"A company like Miller could pur-
chase cards with a set dollar amount on
them and then distribute them in bars or in
six-packs of beer," Justice said.
Still, Justice's company has had a
rough start. As of now, only about 50
cards have been purchased. Justice works
by day as a data analyst at the Partnership
for Strong Families, leaving only nights
and weekends to work on Cabeze. The
birth of his second child also left little
time to work on the business.
"I had a dark few months," Justice
said. "Then I started working with UF's
chapter of the American Marketing
Association. Students all thought the idea

Pictured left to right: Kristina Kate Justice,
Kristina Tharpe Justice, Chet D. Justice and
Chet J. Justice. Photo courtesy of the Justice

was great, and it was refreshing to hear
people so excited about this company."
Justice has discussed Cabeze with UF
Student Government President Joe
Goldberg, the Panhellenic Council, UF
baseball coach Pat McMahon and Interim
Dean Jill Varnes of the College of Health
and Human Performance, who is a mem-
ber of the Committee on Alcohol and
Other Drug Education and Policy.
Justice had taken Varnes' Worksite
Health Promotion class in college and was
happy to be reacquainted with her.
Varnes said Justice was an active par-
ticipant in class.
"He asked good questions and was a
good thinker," she said.
Varnes said Cabeze has a lot of

"I think there is a lot this company
can do beyond just giving students the
opportunity to get a safe ride home,"
Varnes said. "It is great for the student
without a car, or for grandma or great-
grandma who needs help getting around."
She said she knows Justice is grap-

pling with the hardest part of the putting
the business together.
Justice said he also is learning more
about dealing with students.
"Right now, I am laying the ground-
work for this company and building sup-
port in the community," he said.
Justice said he is not worried about
competition from other businesses looking
to decrease drunk driving.
"I'm trying to change the way people
drink," he said. "Taking a cab is the best
way to ensure a safe way home, especially
if someone else is paying for it. Tow to
go programs are irresponsible, because
you still have the temptation to drive
home. They are not well advertised, and a
lot of students don't realize they have the

option of getting their car towed."
Even though Justice still is working
to get his company off the ground, he has
big dreams.
"I'm not afraid to dream about a
Super Bowl halftime show brought to you
by Cabeze," he said.

By Jayme Gough Staff Writer

he College of Health and Human Performance is
on the ball...literally.
It started with Cher Harris, 31, outreach educa-
tional programs coordinator and her big, purple
exercise ball. Staff and faculty would pass by
Harris' office and see her sitting on a ball while
typing at her computer. Her high-backed office
chair was abandoned in the corer of the room.

24 1 Fall 2005


"I started using it in 1999 when I was
getting my master's in exercise physiolo-
gy at the University of Indiana; the balls
were just getting popular," Harris said.
"There are so many health benefits that go
along with sitting on the ball, and when I
explain that to people, they get curious
and want to try it themselves."
Harris started a trend that spread
quickly among the College's faculty and
staff. Currently, 11 faculty and staff mem-
bers have traded their office chairs for
exercise balls, including the College's
Interim Dean, Dr. Jill Varnes.
"We spend a lot of time at work,"
--. rnes said. "We
; need to have
I some fun, and
This a safe
way to get
some low-
Simpact exercise
and bur a couple
extra calories while working."
Varnes particularly likes the way you
cannot roll from your computer to your
printer on the ball the way you could in an
office chair with wheels. She likes that the
ball forces her to walk around the office
Sitting on an exercise ball makes you
aware of your posture, Harris said. In the
beginning, it is difficult because if you
slouch you feel very unstable, and if you
aren't used to keeping your back straight,
your muscles will hurt by the end of the
Harris explained when a person
slouches, they depend on their lower back
muscles to hold up their torso instead of
their abdominal muscles. This causes
lower back pain, weak abdominal mus-
cles, cartilage deterioration and permanent
spine curvature. As a slouching person
ages, they eventually are unable to
straighten their spine and end up with a

"I would say posture is the most
important part of being fit and
healthy because it affects all
activities and everything you
do in daily life," Harris said.
It is especially impor-
tant for women because of
bone density issues, Harris
said. Women are more suscepti-
ble to osteoporosis than men are
because bone density decreases during
menopause as women lose calcium, and
the bones in the spine break or shrink in
height. Sitting straight will decrease harm-
ful stress on the back that worsens osteo-
"Sitting on the ball has made all
activities much easier," Harris said. "I
don't have any back pain and my core
muscles are strong."
DeEtta Hanssen, 34, is a program
assistant in the College's Office of
Student Affairs. She has sat on the ball for
the past two weeks and said she already
feels the impact the ball has had on her
quadriceps, gluteus muscles and legs.
"Students notice and say things like
'nice seat' or 'that's different,'" Hansen
said. "It makes a lot of students smile
because you don't realize what you lo,,k
like when you start bouncing with-
out thinking."
Hanssen said as she
became acclimated to the
ball, tedious office tasks
became less difficult to
"I did a lot of data
entry into a computer
today, but I don't feel
the mental fatigue I
normally would have
begun to feel by now,"
Hanssen said.
Harris suggests

beginning ball-users start by sitting on the
ball in one-hour intervals.
"It sounds ludicrous, but sitting up
straight in the beginning is tir-
ing," Harris said.
td She said Kmart sells the
.balls for about $13. For
most people, a 65 cm diame-
ter ball is the right height for
a desk seat, but it can vary with
a person's height. If it is too high,
the ball deflates easily, and if it is too low,
the ball is cheap enough to purchase again
without breaking the bank.
"The College has its own air com-
pressor for our balls," Harris said. "But
using a hand or foot pump to blow up the
ball can be a small work out in itself."
She also suggests beginners keep
their legs shoulder-width apart while sit-
ting on the ball to provide a strong base of
"The ball is great," Harris said.
"Besides sitting on it, you can exercise
your whole body on it anywhere, whether
it is an office or a dorm room. Plus it's
fun. I sit here and bounce all day, exercis-
ing without even thinking about it."

OPPOSITE PAGE: Cher Harris, Melissa Wohlstein, Interim Dean Jill Varnes,
Janice Douglas and Jessica Brennan traded in their desk chairs for balls. Photo by
Michele Dye. THIS PAGE: DeEtta Hanssen sits on the ball at her desk. Photo by
Jessica Brennan.

eBy Amy Lamp Staff Writer

OW am 7/Kap If s

By Amy Lamp | Staff Writer

With just a phone call, the life of HHP exercise and
sport sciences senior Mari Wilensky dramatically
The 21-year-old Jacksonville native was in an airport on her
way home when she got the call that told her the winner of the
2005 Miss Florida state pageant, Candace Cragg, had resigned.
As the first-runner up, Wilensky was now to assume the title of
Miss Florida and the $15,000 scholarship.
"I wasn't jumping up and down at first," Wilensky said. "It
was a little emotional for me because I didn't know what to do. I
was in a sorority and in my last semester of college and would
have to give all of that up. It was tough. But, then I decided that
this was the opportunity of a lifetime, and I had to take it!"
For Wilensky, who will graduate from HHP in December
2005, much more than her title has changed.
"My everyday life has changed in everyway," she said. "I do
not think there is one day where I am not doing something as
Miss Florida. I love it though."
Having the title of Miss Florida has given Wilensky the
chance to expand her community service platform, Literally At
Risk, which focuses on motivating at-risk elementary students to
read via the distribution of personalized books to their schools,
and also emphasizes the importance of physical fitness and
Her platform now is partnering with Imagination Library, a
Dolly Parton program and part of the Dollywood Foundation.
The program stresses the importance of literacy at birth and
gives children a book every month up until their fifth birthday.
"We are going to be able to reach thousands of children
through the partnership," Wilensky said.
Speaking engagements also give Wilensky the opportunity to
advance the cause of literacy. Wilensky recently spoke to stu-
dents at Florida Community College in Jacksonville.
"Being Miss Florida has given me more opportunities to
reach more people and speak about my passions," she said.
Wilensky's ambitious plans for the year include visiting Gov.

-&' mh 42L6 U66 o-a& rpa-ov r e

Jeb Bush and going to Washington, D.C., to speak about her
platform. Through her visits, she hopes to gain sponsorships that
will make it possible to get personalized books into the hands of
Even with all of the responsibilities that go hand-in-hand
with the title of Miss Florida, Wilensky doesn't take any of them
lightly or for granted.
"I think everything I do as Miss Florida is my biggest
responsibility," she said.
Besides promoting her platform, Wilensky wants to highlight
the importance of the Miss Florida Scholarship Pageant and the
Miss America Organization, both of which she feels need more
"The Miss America Organization affords so many amazing

26 1 Fall 2005

young women great opportunities and scholarships," she said.
"This program gives more scholarships to women than any other
organization gives to women in the world."
Eager to let others share in her experience as Miss Florida
and to help the pageant attain a higher visibility around the state,
Wilensky is posting her monthly activities on the Miss Florida
Web site. She recently sang the National Anthem at a Florida
Marlins game and a Jacksonville Barracudas hockey game.
"I want to be a busy and effective Miss Florida and hopeful-
ly, Miss America," she said.
Wilensky will proudly represent the state of Florida in the
Miss America Pageant in January 2006, and says she is trying to
prepare for it in every way possible. Her preparation routine
includes vocal training, fitness training, speaking engagements
for interview practice and keeping up on current events.
"Being Miss America has been a dream of mine for as long
as I can remember," she said. "Now I am one step closer to
making that dream a reality. But I am still shocked that this is all
Wilensky credits the College of Health and Human
Performance for helping prepare her and better equip her for new
"I was able to gain even more experience toward my career
through HHP and through the professors who are always there to
help," she said. "Dr. Christine Stopka is someone I always think
about when I talk about my college experience through this pro-

SWIM from on page 15
"I try to teach my instructors to have confidence in their
teaching abilities," Stopka said. "I want them to empower the
children to believe in our course motto, 'If I can do this, I can
do anything!'"
Such personal confidence was exemplified by one partici-
pant, a six-year-old girl with spina bifida that resulted in
paralysis from the hips down. She was asked by the TV 20
news team what her plans were for the summer. As she was
transferring from the pool to her wheelchair, she smiled broad-
ly and replied, "My mom doesn't know how to swim, so I
have to teach her!"
The impact of this course is made more evident each year,
as an increasing number of students from former classes show
up to continue to volunteer their time to the youngsters.
"It is an absolute joy to be surrounded by people who
donate their free time to this project," Naugle said. "You know
these are people who love what they do."
The adapted aquatics program is highly dependent upon
contributions of the UF and Gainesville community. Each sea-

gram. She introduced me to so many amazing programs in my
field where I was able to get hands-on experience and work with
so many groups of children, who had a significant impact on my
She also gives credit to her exercise and sport sciences cur-
riculum for helping her plan the exercise routine that got her in
shape for the Miss Florida Pageant.
Wilensky said her biggest challenge has always been believ-
ing in herself. Yet, her experiences in HHP, the people she has
met, and friends she has made have all helped her overcome that
challenge and realize how important it is to just be herself.
"Take advantage of the opportunities you have to make a
difference in helping others believe in themselves," she said.
"The College is a family of its own and we are so lucky to have
that bond."

son, funding needs exceed $1,500 to cover such expenses as
transportation, equipment, Guard Start instructional materials
and certification costs, and T-shirts for students and instruc-
tors. A special thanks goes out to all 2005 sponsors for their
generous contributions:
Alachua County Chapter of the American Red Cross
Coastal Boat Sales
Community of Gainesville
Gemini Apparel and Accessories
Global Custom Security Investigations
Mr. and Mrs. Mandich
Pizza Hut
Jan Powell
Showcase Restorations and Co., Inc.
University Athletic Association
If you would like to donate time or money to the UF
Adapted Aquatics Swim Program please contact Jessica
Brennan at 352.392.0578 ext. 1362 or jbrennan@hhp.ufl.edu.

Performance I 27

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'Queen of

Sthe Court

By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer

T he chte gluup of NCAA Division I women's basketball coaches has a brand new
member. Amanda Butler, an HHP alumna and former member of the UF women's
basketball team, was named women's basketball head coach at the University of
North Carolina Charlotte on April 19, 2005. Butler becomes the first Gator graduate to
become head coach of an NCAA Division I women's team.
Butler earned her bachelor's degree in exercise and sport science from HHP while play-
ing guard on the women's basketball team from 1990-94. She earned a reputation as a
standout both on and off the court. Butler finished her UF career second on the all-time
career assist list, leading the team in assists three of her four years.
Additionally, she finished in the top five in both career three-
pointers made and three-point field goal percentage.
Throughout, Butler earned scholastic recognition as a
three-time academic All-SEC selection.
Butler said she has many fond memories of her
time at UF. However, there is one that sticks out above
the rest.
"I remember sitting in Coach Ross' living room
watching the bids for the 1993 NCAA Tournament on
television," Butler said. "We knew that we deserved it, but
these things don't always pan out. Then, the announcer s.i i
'Lady Gators pack your bags.' It was a very defining momlcint ,ii thlIc ',
women's basketball program."
After earning her B.S. degree in 1995, Butler continued her academic career earning a
master's degree in sport management. Butler believes that this time spent as a Gator was
very influential in preparing her for her professional coaching career.
"As a coach, your role is to be a supervisor of people," Butler said. "I feel that my edu-
COURT continued on page 28

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William A. Valentine III (BSPE, 1951) is
a retired educator. Valentine retired in
2001 as a substitute
teacher at Griffin
Elementary School in
Lakeland, Fla.
Valentine said he
"loved teaching ele-
mentary children. I
loved teaching health
and physical educa-
tion to youngsters." Valentine has three
sons and two daughters living in Tampa,

Don Hester (BSPE, 1953) is retired and
lives with his wife Rochelle in West Palm
Beach, Fla. Hester taught and coached at
UF from 1957-1992.

Frank Orlando (BSPE, 1957) is the
director for the Center for Youth Policy
and Law at Nova Southeastern University
Law School. Orlando, a retired circuit
court judge, also is a legal consultant for
the Annie Casey Foundation.

Joel D. Wahlberg (BSPE, 1958) is CEO
of Beta Technology Inc., which he found-
ed in 1994. Wahlberg is a member of the
University of Florida Foundation Inc.
Board of Directors. Wahlberg co-founded
the Gator Club in Houston, Texas in 1973
and currently serves as an advisory board
member. He received a Distinguished
Alumnus award from UF in 1985. He and
his wife, Shirley, live in Houston.

19 6o
Millard Burke (BSPE, 1960) lives in
Salem, Ala., with his wife, Sue. Burke, a
30 1 Fall 2005

retired LTC in the U.S. Army, owns
Southern Employment Service.

Frances Diane (Butterfield) Morisset
(BSPE, 1965; MPH, 1969) is a revenue
officer for the Internal Revenue Service.
Morisset lives in Englewood, Colo. She
says, "Being a revenue officer is like an
umpire-you call outs and safes and
enforce the rules."

Cheryl Carr Courtney (BSPE, 1967) is a
retired educator and lives in Dania Beach,

Larry A. Powell (BSPE, 1967) is a pro-
gram specialist for the Alzheimer's
Association (Florida Gulf Coast Chapter).
In addition, Powell is the team manager
and player of the Polk Bald Eagles,
Florida Half Center (over 50) Softball
Team. He is president of Greater Winter
Haven Track Club. Powell resides in
Winter Haven, Fla.

Chuck Hansen (BSPE, 1970) is a para-
medic with Lauderhill Fire Rescue in
Lauderhill, Fla. Hansen will retire soon
after 30 years of service.

Greg Hilley (BSPE, 1970) is a special
education teacher at Temple High School
in Texas. Hilley coached tennis at Temple
High for five years.

Robert L. Stephens (BSPE, 1972) is a
driver education teacher in Pinellas
County. He also coaches football and

Thomas Glenn Hoffman (BSPE, 1974)

is a trial attorney for T. Glenn Hoffman
and Associates. He is an HHP distin-
guished alumnus and a member of the UF
Hall of Fame.

Terry Strattan (BSPE, 1974) is a teacher
at Richardson Middle School. Strattan
resides in Lake City, Fla.

Larry Dean Candeto (BSPE, 1975) is a
driver education instructor at DeLand
High School, and an assistant coach for
football and baseball. Candeto is married
to the former Rosie Hauser (33 years).
The couple has two children, Tammy (27)
and Craig (22).

Gary Curtis (BSPE, 1976) has been an
elementary school physical education
teacher for 26 years. Curtis also is a com-
missioner for the Town of North
Redington Beach, Fla.

Susan (Sykes) Morton (BSHSE, 1977) is
a flight attendant for Delta Airlines.
Morton and her husband, Stuart, live in
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

1 980
Ken Cigala (BSPE, 1982) is a physical
therapist at Memorial Regional Hospital
in Hollywood, Fla.

David Fujan (BSHSE, 1983) is a senior
litigation manager (medical malpractice)
for Pro Assurance. He lives in Tamarac,

Stephanie A. Lennon (BSHSE, 1983) is a
teacher and athletic trainer at Oak Ridge
High School in Orlando, Fla. She was the
2005 Florida Athletic Trainer of the Year.

Alan Bickwid (BSR, 1984) is the vice
president of sales for Hollywood Reading
Classes. Bickwid, a professional shuffle-
board player, lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Dr. Alexis McKenney (BSR, 1984) is an
associate professor at Florida International
University and lives in South Miami, Fla.

Jesseca Olsen (BSHSE, 1985) is the
product manager at Meta Health
Technology in Tampa, Fla.

Jennifer (Weir) Anglin (BSR, 1986) is
the aquatic program coordinator for Palm
Beach County Parks and Recreation
(Special Facilities and Beaches Division).
Anglin was promoted to her current posi-
tion in 2004 after working for PBC Parks
and Recreation for the past nine years.
She managed the department's first water
park and recreation facility for the last
four years.

Sally Stickel Darlin (BSESS, 1988) is
vice president of operations for CORA
Rehabilitation Clinics and is a licensed

physical therapist and athletic trainer.
Darlin resides in Winter Springs, Fla.

1 990
Paul Oberdorfer (BS, 1990; MS, 1992)
is a physical therapist and athletic trainer
in Zephyrhills, Fla. He is married to the
former Monica Gonzalez (BSR, 1993).

Elijah Fletcher III (BSESS, 1991) is the
coordinator of sport medicine at Baptist
Health South Florida. He is the head ath-
letic trainer at Gulliver Prepatory Schools
and lives in Miami, Fla.

Jennifer (Wilson) Carlstedt (BSR, 1993;
MSRS, 1995) is a stay-at-home mom and
involved with the Junior League in
Tampa, Fla.

Scott D. Pearson (BSR, 1993) works for
Campus Crusade for Christ in
Washington, D.C. His wife, Cynthia
(Howell) Pearson (BSR, 1994) also
works for Campus Crusade for Christ.

Jonathan Albert, M.D. (BSESS, 1995) is

a physician, specializing in internal medi-
cine and pediatrics. He joined his first
practice in July 2005 in Denver, Colo.

Ronald Jay Aldy (BSESS, 1995) was
married Sept. 28, 2002 to Sonya Lea
Entseki. The Aldys welcomed their first
baby girl, Sklyer Rhea Aldy on Feb. 9,
2005. Jay is a sales manager for Holmes
Foods Inc., and lives in Spring, Texas.

Dr. Liliana Rojas-Guyler (BSHSE, 1995;
MA, 1997) is an assistant professor at the
University of Cincinnati Health
Promotion and Education Program. Her
research agenda focuses on women's
health and minority health. She received
her Ph.D. from Indiana in 2002.

Leandra (Petruska) Cramer (BSESS,
1997) is a health teacher at Stanton
College Prepartory in Duval County.
Cramer lives in Jacksonville, Fla.

Gary K. Porter Jr. (BSESS, 1997) is an
athletic trainer for the City of Gainesville.
He is an athletic training doctoral student
at UF.

Ivy Siegel (BSR, 1997) is the campus life
event coordinator at Florida International
University Broward Pines Center.

Kim Veirs (BSESS, 1997) is a physical
therapist, ATC, Pilates certified, and reha-
bilitation specialist at Heartland Rehab
Services. Veirs lives in Margate, Fla.

James Ryan Bartolomeo (BSHSE, 1998)
is a reproductive and endocrine consultant
for Ferring Pharmaceuticals. Bartolomeo
sells infertility drugs to couples going
through IVF. He lives in Raleigh, N.C.,
and is expecting his first baby on March

Bryan Harr (BSR, 1998) is a marketing
associate for Sysco Food Services of

Performance I 31

South Florida. Harr resides in Miami
Beach, Fla.

Justin Peters (BSESS, 1998) is president
and founder of Sarasota Biotechnology
Inc. Peters founded the company in
December 2002, which specializes in in-
home rehabilitation, personal training and
athletic performance enhancement. Peters,
who is a certified athletic trainer and
CSCS, resides in Bradenton, Fla.

Clinton Charles Wynn (BSESS, 1998) is
a sales representative and athletic trainer
for Premier Orthopedics Inc./DJ
Orthopedics LLC. Wynn was the massage
therapist and athletic trainer for the 1999
U.S. Women's National Soccer Team,
which won the World Cup that year.
Wynn resides in New Port Richey, Fla.

Sandi Lundin (BSESS, 1999) is a physi-
cal therapy assistant student at People
First Rehabilitation. Lundin received her
master's degree in sport administration
from Florida State in 2000.

Kristi (Kish) McClellan (BSHSE, 1999)
is the assistant director of fund develop-
ment for the Girl Scouts of the Deep
South Council, Inc. McClellan lives in
Mobil, Ala., and has a son, Joshua
Michael, born on Dec. 2, 2003.

Maureen Kelly-O'Brien (BSHSE, 1999)
is the assistant residence director for
Alterra Health Care. O'Brien earned her
master's degree in clinical social work
from Florida State.

Lisa Ann Palmer (BSESS, 1999) is a chi-
ropractic doctor and team physician at the
Palmer Chiropractic and Sports Medicine
in Altamonte Springs, Fla.

Roseanne (Vullo) Breckels (BESS, 2000
Roseanne (Vullo) Breckels (BESS, 2000;

HHP alumni met up at the annual National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) conference in
Indiana. Pictured left to right: Michael Milek, Mike Evans (MSESS, 2004), CG. aiDover (Ph.D.,
2005) and current APK student Kathryn Ottopal.

MESS, 2002) is the lead exercise physiol-
ogist and weight management program
coordinator at the National Training
Center in Clermont, Fla. She married Joel
Breckels (BSESS, 2001) on March 5,
2005. They live in Clermont.

Amybeth Hale (BSESS, 2000) does inter-
net research for Jonathan Scott
International. Hale lives in Cincinnati,
Ohio, where she owns a sports nutrition
business in addition to her job at JSI.

Jodi Hodges (BSR, 2000) is a real estate
agent at Bob Hodges and Sons Real
Estate, Inc., a fourth-generation real estate
business that was established in 1924.
Hodges lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Tricia J. Hubbard (BSESS 2000, 2002)
is a doctoral candidate in kinesiology at
Penn State University. She recently
accepted an assistant professor position at
the University of North Carolina-

Gregory S. Weldo (BSESS, 2000) is an
independent Advocare member for
Advocare. He lives in Estes Park, Colo.

Adam Hartle (BSESS, 2001) is the game
analysis coordinator for the Gator football
team. Hartle is in his sixth season with the
Gators. He served as an assistant football
video coordinator as an undergraduate stu-
dent (1997-2001). He coached at
Mandarin High School (Jacksonville, Fla.)
from 2001-2003 and returned to Gator
football as an intern in 2004.

Michael Luzzo (BSR, 2001) is an event
planner for Destination and Design
Logistics. He lives in Hollywood, Fla.

Brock Mikosky (BSESS, 2001) is vice
president of Partnership Custom Homes in
Jacksonville, Fla.

Michael J. Robishaw (BSHSE, 2001) is
a teacher at Charlotte High School in Port
Charlotte, Fla. Robishaw also is the girls'
basketball varsity coach.

Ansley Wilbanks-Thomason (BSR,
2001) is a housewife and stay-at-home
mother to Hayley Katherine Thomason,
born on July 17, 2004. Thomason was
married on Oct. 18, 2003 to a Norfolk
Southern Railroad Engineer.

32 1 Fall 2005

Erik Strange (BSR, 2002) is a firefighter
for the City of Seminole Fire Rescue.
Strange, who was a member of the UF
football team from 1997-2001, was mar-
ried on July 3, 2004.

Jody Crollick (BSESS, 2003; MSESS,
2005) is a physical education teacher at
Seven Springs Elementary School.
Crollick lives in New Port Richey, Fla.

Stephanie M. D'Angelo (BSR, 2003) is a
law student at University of District of

Shaun Dellone (BSR, 2003) is a senior
claims adjuster for Progressive in
Jacksonville, Fla.

Eric Delynko (MSRPT, 2003) is a back-
country/permits ranger at Zion National
Park. Delynko resides in Springdale,

Courtenay (Clarke) Garcia (BSESS,
2003) is a graduate student in health
administration in the College of Public
Health and Health Professions at UF.

Ashley Greer (BSHSE, 2003) is a tele-
com analyst senior for EDS. She lives in
Jacksonville, Fla.

Stacy St. Clair (BSR, 2003) is a realtor
with Watson Realty Corp. in Jacksonville,

Angie Tupas (BSR, 2003) is a field repre-
sentative with United American Insurance
in Jacksonville, Fla.

Jeanna Wyse (BSR, 2003) is the assistant

Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law.

COURT from page 28

cation gave me a firmer hold on the administrative aspects of
sports. I had some awesome teachers like Dr. Welch, Dr.
Alexander, Dr. Holyoak, really all of them. They were won-
derful mentors."
While working toward her graduate degree, she served as
an assistant coach for the Lady Gators. During her two years
coaching, the Lady Gators posted back-to-back 20 win sea-
sons, appeared in their first SEC Tournament championship
game and played in the NCAA Tournament both years,
including an Elite Eight appearance in 1997.
After finishing her master's degree, Butler moved on to
Austin Peay where she was an assistant coach from 1997-
2001. Here, she guided the team to the 2001 Ohio Valley
Conference Tournament championship and an appearance in
the NCAA Tournament. She also coached Brooke Armisted,
the first player in Austin Peay history to be drafted into the
In 2001, Butler arrived in Charlotte, the future site of her
first head-coaching job. As the associate head coach to Katie
Meier, Butler was heavily involved in forming the nation's
24th-ranked recruiting class. During her four years at
Charlotte as an associate coach, Butler helped guide the team
to four winning seasons and three-straight postseason appear-
ances. In 2003, the 49ers won their first Conference USA reg-
ular season title and made their first appearance in the NCAA
Now, as the head coach, Butler finds herself in a new
role with the team.
"The opportunity is very exciting," Butler said. "I have
been with this team now for four years, so it makes the transi-

director of club relations and special inter-

tion very comfortable and easy. But that does not diminish my
excitement. It feels great."
Butler has very high hopes for this year's team.
"I feel that this is the most talented team that we have
had and will be the most successful," Butler said. "We have
four seniors and all starters are returning, except the point
Butler credits her former coaches and HHP teachers for
guiding her career.
"I have been lucky enough to have had great bosses in
Coach Ross, Susie Gardner now at Arkansas and Katie
Meier," Butler said. "They shared their philosophy and
approaches to the game with me."
"The most important thing is to choose great people to
work for. They may not be the biggest coaches in the industry,
but they have to be people who you can learn from and
Butler hired fellow HHP alumna and Lady Gators player,
Kelly Stevenson as the director of basketball operations. Her
responsibilities include scouting opponents, exchange, team
travel and working with team managers.
Stevenson graduated in 2004 earning her degree in exer-
cise and sport sciences with an emphasis in sport manage-
"Both the coaching classes and additional business class-
es that I took really helped me in getting this job and prepared
me for the work that I am doing here," Stevenson said.
This course work will continue to impact her career, as
she looks to the future as a women's basketball head coach.
"I am very excited to be working for a Gator," Stevenson
said. "My future goal is to become a head coach and maybe
someday work in administration as an athletic director."

Performance I 33

ests groups for the University of Florida
Alumni Association.

Brian Allen (BSR, 2004) works at the
Suburban Hotel of Pensacola. He is get-
ting his real estate license and looking for
a career in the sports recreation field.

Susan W. Agnello (BSR, 2004) is a cor-
porate staffing administrative specialist at
JM Family Enterprises Inc. She is the
manager of new hire events. Agnello lives
in Boca Raton, Fla.

Andrea Asmann (BSR, 2004) is the head
lifeguard and recreational assistant for
Aquatic Alliance in Jacksonville, Fla. She
also is a swim instructor.

Kelly Stevenson (BSESS, 2004) is the
director of basketball
operations for the
women's basketball
team at UNC-
Charlotte. Stevenson
joied the 49ers in the
summer of 2005. She
Stevenson works with head
coach Amanda Butler (BSESS, 1995).

Candace Parker (MESS, 2002), a
recent graduate of the College of Health
and Human Performance, died in a traffic
accident in April 2005 at the age of 28.
Parker was a popular member of the
faculty at East Ridge High School in
Clearmont, Fla., located outside of
Orlando. At East Ridge, she taught physi-
cal education and coached girl's varsity
soccer and junior varsity softball.
This was her first teaching position
since earning her master's degree from
HHP with a specialization in pedagogy.
While at UF, Parker also taught tennis,
racquetball and softball in the Sport and
Fitness Program.
"She was an outstanding representa-




Feb. 23-25,2006

Dr. MarkTillman of HHP will give an inter-
active presentation in the Biomechanics
Laboratory on Feb. 25, 2006.

The UF Alumni Association offers you the opportunity to
return to campus in February for an educational encounter
with the faculty and staff of the University of Florida. Visit
UF for an exciting three
days of events
friends and fam- 1 -
ily. Watch fo
information in tee ,
the mail.



Cdtti~~~ 4~~~ ThIwCA 4nedicinte

C;P r ? 7i~~,;* S~atizr~~~~~~
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tive of our program and profession during
her shortened career," said Dr. David
Fleming, assistant professor in pedagogy.
"She will be sincerely missed by many."

Jim Juday (BSR, 1974), of
Mackinac Island, Mich., formerly of
Florida, died unexpectedly Sept. 19, 2005,
at Munson Medical Center in Traverse

City, following a Sept. 7 bicycle accident
on Mackinac Island.

Please send alumni updates to Michele
Dye at mdye@hhp.ufl.edu or mail the
reply card inserted in this magazine.

34 1 Fall 2005

~Y I



* Shaun Dellone (BSR, 2003) tries to These Gators enjoyed a fun evening
get a hole-in-one at the Jacksonville e at Howl-at-the-Moon on Ft.
Alumni Social. Lauderdale Beach. HHP hosted is first
alumni social at the popular piano bar.
*Perry McGriff addresses the Class of
2005 at HHP's spring commencement h At the end of the social at Howl-at-
ceremony. W the-Moon, HHP alumni sang "We
Are the Boys."
*HHP alumni sing happy birthday to
Interim Dean Jill Vames at the Emmitt Smith talks with Perry
alumni social in Jacksonville, Fla. O McGriff and his wife, Noel, at the

Florida Blue Key Alumni Reunion during
Gators gathered at the HHP alumni Homecoming.
social in Gainesville, Fla., on Feb.
10, 2005 at Emerson Alumni Hall. HHP faculty Dr. David Fleming and

SJody Crollick, Jeanna Wyse, Jesseca
Olsen and Interim Dean Jill Vames
enjoyed a fun evening of bowling at
Splitsville in Tampa, Fla., with other HHP

WDr. Mark Tillman, along with Living
Well Director Cassie Howard participated
in the Gator Gallop.

HHP senior and current Miss Florida
Mari Wilensky waves to the crowd
during the 2005 Homecoming Parade.

Performance I 35

In addition, drug using adolescents who received Project
SPORT showed significant changes on alcohol consumption,
drug use behaviors, and drug use initiation at three-months, and
drug use behaviors and exercise habits at 12-months.
"Another advantage of an intervention like Project SPORT
is that because it emphasizes a positive, health promoting theme,
it may be more successful in attracting and retaining adolescents
to participate in the program, compared to common risk-based
prevention programs," Werch said.

"Future research is needed to replicate these findings using
adolescents from other settings, including different high schools,
health clinics and worksites," Werch said. "In addition, research
is needed testing boosters or re-interventions aimed at extending
the outcomes obtained from brief interventions which, like for
Project SPORT, appear to have decayed some over time."
This study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

36 1 Fall 2005

BEAUTY from page 10

"In most homes women drive the
health initiative," White said. "We fig-
ured that if we could educate women
about health matters, we will be educating
the entire family."
Miryam Fontalvo sat with her mother
in vitamin specialist Monica Cooper's
Simple Nutrition Tips for Growing Girls
and Women session.
Fontalvo, an engineer with two
daughters of her own, asked numerous
She asked about vitamins that help
premenstrual cramps and bloating, soothe
the stomach, and prevent colds and infec-
tions. Originally from Columbia,
Fontalvo translated Cooper's responses to
her mother in Spanish.
Cooper explained vitamin supple-
ments are an important aspect of women's
health because items like soda, birth con-
trol and fruit grown in nutrient-weak soil
prevent women from receiving the proper
amount of nutrients.
"The vitamins found in these plants
were put on this earth for a reason,"
Cooper said. "Once you realize what
these plants do for the body medicinally,
you'll be amazed."
After the nutrition session, Fontalvo
and her mother left to meet up with
Fontalvo's two daughters for lunch and
the fashion show.

Attendees ate chicken Caesar salads
while watching women of all ages model
clothing from Ilene's For Fashion,
Dillard's, Einstein's Garage & Boutique
and Just for Kids II.
The women visited the many varied
exhibits during breaks between sessions,
lunch and speakers.
Elizabeth Croce, 12, received a hair-
cut from representatives of Gregory
Marshall Blonde Salon, one of the
"I'm having fun helping my mom
with her homeopathic booth," Croce said
as hair stylists blow-dried her long hair.
"They have so many things to do here."
Mary Kay, Avon, Clinique and The
Body Shop offered samples and makeup
Women took naps on the Biomat, a
jade mat that claims to cleanse and heal
the body by emitting long wave infrarays.
Other women visited booths explaining
the benefits of massages and acupuncture.
There was even a booth explaining the
health benefits of belly dancing.
"Belly dancing has always been about
women's health," said Marjorie Malerk, a
belly dancer and instructor at Belly
Dancing & Zambra Mora Fitness Dance
Aerobics. "It is helpful with birthing
because the dance uses all reproductive
muscles and other muscles around the
Marlerk said belly dancing is a form

of low-impact aerobics and a way to
improve and build bone density. She said
many of her older clients who suffer from
incontinence improve with the classes.
After lunch, the women attended
more educational sessions. Karen Freberg
and Christina Johnson of the University of
Florida's Living Well program offered fit-
ness advice for women unable to attend a
Freberg suggested women stand up
while talking on the telephone, mow the
lawn and stretch high or squat low when
reaching for things at the grocery store.
"Two hours of gardening bums up to
500 calories," Freberg said. "That's
equivalent to a McDonald's Big Mac.
Shopping for three hours burs off a Taco
Bell Burrito Supreme or 444 calories."
Johnson showed women simple exer-
cises they could do in the office or at
home. She suggested women purchase a
yoga ball and replace a chair in the office
with it.
"Sitting in a desk chair already bal-
ances you, but sitting on the ball strength-
ens the muscles that stabilize you, mus-
cles you wouldn't normally use," Johnson
As the event wound to a close, the
exhibitors packed up their booths and the
women collected raffle prizes.
"Hopefully, we can add and keep the
word annual in the name of this event,"
White said.

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Performance I 37


awc-vy Nwvvc 4 Noftc

Department of Applied
Physiology and Kinesiology
Dr. Randy Braith was awarded the
Research Foundation Professorship
Award. This professorship recognizes
faculty who have established a distin-
guished record of research and scholar-
ship that is expected to lead to continuing
distinction in their field.

Dr. Steven Borst was promoted to rank of
associate professor in May 2005 and rec-
ommended to the UF Board Of Trustees
for tenure.

Dr. John Dobson joined the faculty of
APK as a lecturer. Dobson came to HHP
from the College of Charleston where he
was an assistant professor. Additionally,
Dobson served APK as a visiting assistant
professor from August 2001-July 2003.

Dr. Geoff Dover received his Ph.D. on
Aug. 6, 2005. Dover is the coordinator for
the graduate athletic training program.

Dr. Peter Giacobbi was elected as a HHP
Faculty Senator in August 2005 and was
also elected to the Academic Freedom,
Faculty Quality and Faculty Welfare
Policy Council of the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Heather Hausenblaus was promoted
to the rank of associate professor in May
2005 and recommended to the UF Board
of Trustees for tenure.

Dr. Laura McClung joined APK as a vis-
iting assistant professor. McClung is from
the University of South Carolina School
of Medicine where she carried out her
postdoctoral fellowship.

Dr. Scott Powers received the 2005
Citation Award from the American
College of Sports Medicine, which is
granted to an individual or group who has
made significant and important contribu-
tions to sports medicine and/or the exer-
cise sciences. These contributions may
include, but are not limited to, research
and scholarship; clinical care; and/or
administrative or educational services in
sports medicine or exercise science.
Powers was promoted to rank of distin-
guished professor in May 2005.

Department of Health
Education and Behavior
Associate Dean Bill Chen was elected a
HHP Faculty Senator in August 2005.

Justin Harden joined the faculty of HEB
as a lecturer. Harden previously worked
for the Sport and Fitness Program and
received his M.S. from HHP in April

Dr. Barbara Rienzo was elected in May
2005 by the UF Faculty Senate to a three-
year term on the Academic Freedom,
Tenure and Professional Relations and
Standard Committee.

Dr. Sadie Sanders was recognized by the
Florida Department of Health for her out-
standing contribution to the Reducing
Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Advisory Committee. Sanders is a senior
lecturer in HEB and received her doctor-
ate degree from HHP.

Dr. Dennis Thombs joined the HEB fac-
ulty as an associate professor and director
of the Florida Center for Health

Promotion. Thombs previously held the
position of professor in the Department of
Adult, Counseling, Health and Vocational
Education at Kent State University, and an
adjunct professorship in Public Health at
the Eastern Ohio Universities' Master of
Public Health Program. His primary
research interest focuses on college stu-
dent alcohol consumption.

Interim Dean Jill Varnes was named the
NCAA Faculty Representative by
President Machen in May 2005.

Dr. Robert Weiler was promoted to the
rank of professor in May 2005.

Dr. Chad Werch has published "A multi-
health behavior intervention integrating
physical activity and substance use pre-
vention for adolescents" in the journal,
Prevention Science.

Department of Tourism,
Recreation and
Sport Management
Alyssa Ferguson joined the sport man-
agement faculty as a visiting lecturer.
Ferguson previously worked in the Dean's
Office as a graduate assistant and received
her M.S. from HHP in April 2005.

Dr. Heather Gibson was invited to speak
at the World Aging & Generations
Congress in St. Gallen, Switzerland Sept.
29 Oct. 1, 2005. The conference was
held at the University of St. Gallen and
about 600 people from around the world

Dr. Stephen Holland was elected in May

2005 by the UF Faculty Senate to a three-

38 1 Fall 2005

year term on the Lakes, Vegetation and
Landscaping Committee.

Dr. May Kim joined the sport manage-
ment faculty as an assistant professor.
Kim was an assistant professor at East
Stroudsburg University.

Dr. Sonja Lilienthal joined the
Department of Tourism, Recreation and
Sport Management as an assistant profes-
sor in sport management. Lilienthal was
previously employed at San Jose State

Dr. Richard Makopondo joined the fac-
ulty of Tourism, Recreation and Sport
Management. Makopondo came from San
Jose State University where he served as
assistant professor and coordinator for
commercial recreation and tourism and
the master's specialization of international
tourism. Makopondo also has extensive
experience in the area hospitality manage-

Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray was promoted
to rank of associate professor in May
2005 and recommended to the UF Board
of Trustees for tenure.

Dr. J.O. Spengler was promoted to the
rank of associate professor in May 2005
and recommended to the UF Board of
Trustees for tenure. Spengler is the lead
author on a sport and recreation risk man-
agement book slated for publication by
Human Kinetics later this fall. He also is
under contract with Sagamore Publishing
Company to write the third edition of his
recreation law book. Thomas Baker, a
TRSM Ph.D. student, will join the book
as a co-author. Additionally, Spengler con-
tinues his work with the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation's Active Living
Research (ALR) Program on several
fronts. He is nearing the end of the first
year's work on a $225,000 grant investi-

gating physical activity in parks, serving
as a reviewer for ALR grant proposals and
taking the lead on two new ALR projects.
Most importantly, the Spenglers recently
celebrated the birth of their son, Matthew,
who was born on July 31 and joins his
two-year-old sister, Caroline.

Dr. Charles Williams was elected in May
2005 by the UF Faculty Senate to a three-
year term on Land Use and Facilities
Planning Committee.

Ph.D/Master's Students
Jessica Doughty, Michelle Harrolle,
Mike Mann and Eric Model received the
Graduate Student Teaching Award for

TRSM Ph.D. student, Soo Hyun Jun
recently received a plaque recognizing her
for the Travel and Tourism Research
Association Best Illustrated Paper Award
for the paper entitled "The Role of Web-
based Planning and Purchasing Behaviors
in Pretrip Contexts." TTRA also awarded
her the Master's Student Research Merit
Award for her thesis, entitled "Internet
Uses for Travel Information Search and
Travel Product Purchase in Pretrip
Contexts." on June 15, 2005 at the TTRA
Annual Conference in New Orleans.

Ying Li was elected treasurer for the
Student Assembly of the American Public
Health Association. Li, a Ph.D. candidate
in HEB, was awarded a one-year fellow-
ship from the Society for Public Health
Education (SOPHE) to extend her training
in injury prevention and control. Funded
by the CDC's Center for Injury
Prevention and Control, the fellowship is
designed to recognize, assist and train stu-
dents working on research or practice-
based projects in either unintentional
injury prevention or violence prevention
from the perspective of health education

or the behavior sciences. As part of her
fellowship, Ying will receive a $1,500
stipend, fellowship certificate, free student
membership in national SOPHE for one
year, complimentary registration at the
SOPHE Annual Meeting in Boston in
November 2006 and space to display her
research poster.

Coleen Martinez, graduate student in the
Department of Health Education and
Behavior, won "Best overall graduate stu-
dent poster" at the 3rd Annual Women's
Health Research Day.

Amanda Foote, senior secretary in the
Department of Health Education and
Behavior, received a University of Florida
Superior Accomplishment Award, spon-
sored by the Division of Human

Ophelia Gilliam, who has worked as a
custodian in the College for many years,
received a Divisional Superior
Accomplishment Award.

Jamie Hupp was recognized with an
Outstanding Service Award for exception-
al service on behalf of the Addictive &
Health Behaviors Research Institute for

Holly Turner joined the staff of HEB as
undergraduate programs coordinator.
Turner received her M.S. from HEB in
April 2005.

Melissa Wezniak was recognized with an
Outstanding Service Award for exception-
al service on behalf of the Addictive &
Health Behaviors Research Institute for
2004-2005 and also was recognized for
years of outstanding service in advancing
the health of young people with the
Lifetime Service Award.

Performance I 39

Ph.D. Dissertations
Department of APK
Name: Eric Model
Defense Date: April 12, 2005
Title: Creation and Validation of The Dual
Motivational Profile Scale.

Name: Gerard Rozea
Defense Date: April 7, 2005
Title: Torque Steadiness During a Concentric-
Eccentric Isokinetic Movement.

Name: Geoffrey Dover
Defense Date: July 5, 2005
Title: Multiple Daily Tens Treatments Do Not
Improve Pain and Function Following
Exercise-Induced Injury of The Shoulder.

Name: Aaron Duley
Defense Date: Feb. 10, 2005
Title: Affective Information Processing and
Anxiety: Attentional Bias and Short-Lead
Interval Startle Modification.

Name: Gary Pierce
Defense Date: June 22, 2005
Title: Endothelial Dysfunction and Arterial
Stiffness in Heart Transplant Recipients.

Name: Ira Smith
Defense Date: June 10, 2005
Title: Effects of The Calpain Proteases on The
Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway and Protein
Synthesis Signaling in Rat Skeletal Muscle.

Name: Jessica Staib
Defense Date: July 22, 2005
Title: Exercise Induced Expression of
Myocardial Heat Shock Protein 72: The
Impact of Temperature and Mechanical Load.

Name: Darin Van Gammeren
Defense Date: June 23, 2005
Title: Mechanisms of Mechanical Ventilation-
Induced Oxidative Stress in The Diaphragm.

Name: Joshua Selsby
Defense Date: Aug. 15, 2005
Title: Does Heat Treatment Facilitate Muscle
Re-growth Following Hind Limb

Department of HEB
Name: Hui Bian
Defense Date: Feb. 16, 2005
Title: Construction and Validation of
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Questionnaire That
Assesses Dentists' Knowledge, Opinion,
Education Resources, Clinical Practice, and
Physician Cooperation in Obstructive Sleep
Apnea Cure.

A scholarship has been named in
honor of Coach Dave Fuller celebrating
his 28-year career dedication to the
University of Florida and the academic
guidance he provided students through-
out those years.
Terry Bagwell (Bags) Pappas,
College of Health and Human
Performance class of 1971 and a former
baseball player under Fuller, has formed
the Dave Fuller Scholarship to support
HHP students' academic and personal
growth endeavors.
Fuller taught physical education in
HHP during the College's first years.
Fuller's belief in the College was so
strong that it was passed on to his
daughter, Patricia Fuller (BSR, 1970),
who played on the women's intramural
tennis team.
In addition to the impact Fuller had
on the College, Fuller left his mark on
the UF baseball program, serving as the
head coach for 28 years. Fuller also was
the assistant coach for freshman football
and the intramural boxing coach.
Fuller had experience in both foot-
ball and baseball, playing minor league
football and major league baseball. In
addition, Fuller served in the Navy dur-
ing World War II, where boxing training

was required for combat.
During Fuller's baseball tenure from
1948-75, he directed Florida to three
NCAA Regional appearances, three
Southeastern Conference Championships
and four SEC Eastern Division crowns.
Honored as the SEC Coach of the Year
in 1952, 1956 and 1962, he is the pro-
gram's winningest coach with a record
of 557-354-6.
There are several accomplishments
that Fuller says he is most proud of.
"I am most proud that there are
players who make an effort to stay in
touch," Fuller said. "On my 90th birth-
day, I got a call from one of my former
players wishing me a happy birthday.
That really meant a lot to me.
Throughout the rest of the day, I got 15
more calls from players. That reminds
me that I have made an impression on
players' lives, and that is my most proud
HHP hopes to raise $100,000 for the
Dave Fuller Scholarship Fund and are
currently looking for contributions to
this scholarship. If you would like to
make a donation please contact Director
of Development Melissa Wohlstein at
352.392.0578 ext. 1268.
-Jessica Brennan

40 1 Fall 2005

Honoring a Legend

College of
Health and Human
2004-05 Annual Report



Letter from the Director of Development

S" It is hard to believe that I have been at the College for almost a year.
Within the first year as the new Director of Development, I can attest to the
positive strides the College of Health and Human Performance has made. It is
always a pleasure to meet alumni across the Gator Nation. Throughout the
year, I have had the pleasure to witness, first hand, the accomplishments that
have taken place in th eCollege. Here is what has been going on.
P 1 The College of Health and Performance Scholarship Convocation took
ar place on Feb. 4, 2005, at Emerson Alumni Hall. Close to 25 students received
.. financial awards from 13 endowments and nine annual scholarships. More
St than $33,000 were awarded to these students. Since February 2005, the
College of Health and Human Performance has increased both annual and
endowed scholarships. To date, we have four new scholarships to award in February 2006.
The spring and summer were quite eventful. The College hit the road and conducted Dean socials
across the state. We started in Gainesville with our first social of the year and then headed to Tampa, Fort
Lauderdale, and Jacksonville. We will end the year with our "Beat the 'Noles" social in Tallahassee,
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005.
The President's Council Reception in Orlando and Gainesville honored University of Florida lead-
ership donors. I would encourage those of you who are at that level to become a part of this ceremony--it is
a wonderful testament of the impact we have on this University.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? First and foremost, it is vital to have all alumni become
ambassadors and spokespersons for our College. You, as our alumni, are one of our greatest assets! You can
open doors and introduce us to other alumni, friends and corporations who will be interested in supporting
our future. This can be in financial support, student support or getting involved with the College on one of
the many committees. As the College of Health and Human Performance looks to celebrate its 60th
Anniversary in 2006, we would like you to take ownership and help us celebrate.
Finally, thanks to all of you who have supported the College of Health and Human Performance
during the 2004-2005 fiscal year. Enclosed in the next few pages is the first annual report of the College.
Many of you have provided annual, major and planned giving support. There are many creative vehicles for
giving, and it is gratifying knowing so many of you have invested in the College and our mission. We
encourage you to continue your support of the College in the years to come.
While I am traveling, I hope to have the opportunity to meet as many of you as I can. If ever you
are in Gainesville, I welcome you to visit the Florida Gym and reacquaint yourself with the College.
As I continue my journey with College of Health and Human Performance at the University of
Florida, I hope to be able to share many future success stories with you.
On behalf of everyone at the College, I wish you and your families a wonderful and happy holiday


Melissa Wohlstein

Charitable Giving

Special 2005 Opportunity to Help with

Hurricane Relief Without Reducing

Regular Charitable Support

The plight of the people of the Gulf Coast
touched the hearts of all Americans after the devasta-
tion of Hurricane Katrina, and many are extending a
helping hand-both literally and figuratively-to the
victims of this disaster. Thanks to special legislation,
taxpayers will not have to choose between doing
their part for hurricane relief and their regular sup-
port of favorite charitable organizations.
While, under existing law, the maximum amount
of cash contributions deductible in any one year is 50
percent of adjusted gross income, that limit is being
increased to 100 percent of adjusted gross income in
the case of certain cash gifts made during the stipu-
lated period.
Example: A taxpayer whose adjusted gross
income for 2005 is $250,000 already has made chari-
table contributions of $50,000 prior to Aug. 28,
2005. The taxpayer can make additional deductible
charitable contributions of up to $200,000 in 2005.
This would reduce her adjusted gross income and her
income-tax liability to zero.
Individual contributions, unrestricted or
restricted, may be made to any qualified
public charity whether or not the charity is
engaged in Katrina relief.
Gifts must be outright gifts of cash made
between Aug. 28 and Dec. 31, 2005.
Cash gifts will not be subject to the tax
reduction rule that reduces itemized deduc-
tions by 3 percent of the amount by which
adjusted gross income exceeds $145,950.
A contribution to a private foundation, a
supporting organization, or a donor-advised
fund would not qualify for the higher limit.
Corporate deductions (normally limited to
10 percent of taxable income) are
deductible up to 100 percent if gifts are
made to Katrina relief during the allowed
time period.

2005 Gift Opportunities with IRAs and

Qualified Retirement Plans.

Because of the increase in the deduction limit,
taxpayers over the age of 59 years and 6 months
have a special opportunity for the rest of 2005 to
withdraw funds from their qualified retirement plans
and IRAs and make additional contributions to chari-
ty. Such withdrawals will be added to adjusted gross
income and will be fully deductible, thereby elimi-
nating any tax on the withdrawal.
Clearly this plan would appeal only to those
who have sufficient assets to meet their personal
needs. This plan is not without potential pitfalls. The
increase in adjusted gross income because of the
withdrawals could adversely affect the available
deduction for medical and casualty losses and for
personal exemptions.
And while the charitable deduction for the con-
tributed withdrawals is not subject to the 3 percent
reduction rule for itemized deductions, the increase
in adjusted gross income could result in the reduction
of other itemized deductions and personal exemp-
Donors should consult their tax advisers about both
the optimum amount to contribute in 2005 and the
advisability of making such contributions.
Ifyou would like to make a gift, please contact
Melissa Wohlstein at 352.392.0578 ext. 1268


Support Dollars

Faculty \4%
1% %
Parents f
3% ,





Annual Support


Annual Support

/ 1%








Allocation of Dollars*

Annual Dollars

Health and Human
Performance Fund

Center for Exercise Science


Applied Physiology and
Health Education and
Center for Tourism Research
and Development
Professional Golfers

Thousands of Dollars
Thousands of Dollars


UI *~u II

*Donors designate where funds are allocated.

What is a University Endowment?
Endowments are permanent funds that provide support for academic and athletic programs at the
University of Florida. Private gifts to the UF Foundation create these endowments, which may be matched
with funds from an employer of the state of Florida.
Donors determine the purpose for which endowment income may be spent. Some common pur-
poses include:
professorships and other faculty positions;
scholarships or graduate fellowships;
support for an academic program of a college, department or other division of the University;
academic research;
purchase of journals, books, art, technology or new equipment.

Endowments are critical to the University because they generate predictable, growing streams of
income in perpetuity that create and sustain university teaching, research and service programs.
The College of Health and Human Performance would like to thank the supporters of the follow-

ing endowments:
Allen/Holyoak/Varnes Scholarship
Betty C. Stevens Endowment
B.K. and Betty Stevens Scholarship
Dean's Enrichment Fund for Teaching and
Frederick Family Fund
Jane Adams Ph.D. Fellowship

Leavitt/Lee-McCachren/Boyd Scholarship
McCaughey Graduate Fellowship
McGriff Scholarship
Potter/Chafin Scholarship
Rozelle Sport Management Endowment
Stevens Term Professorship Fund
UAA Endowed Professorship

If you are interested in creating an endowment, please contact Melissa Wohlstein at 352.392.0578 ext. 1268


Research Grants and Contracts


Applied Physiology Health Education Tourism, Recreation
and Kinesiology and Behavior and Sprt


In 2004-05, the College of Health and Human

Performance was awarded more than $5.3 million in

grants and contracts.

Research Grants and Contracts
This data is derived from the official Notice of Award (NOA) of the UF Division of Sponsored
Research (DSR).

The awarded amount this year (5.3 million) increased more than 100 percent when compared to
the awarded amount in 2003-04 ($2.6 million).

The Department of Health Education and Behavior (HEB) increased their grants and contracts
significantly due to contribution from the newly established Addictive & Health Behavior
Research Institute (AHBRI).

The Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management also increased their grants and
contracts significantly due to the large grant from the Florida Department of Education 21st
Century Community Learning Centers Evaluation Project.

*j 1

Advisory Council

Advisory Council Members:

Mr. Walter "Wally" Armstrong, III
Mr. C. David Ayers
Mr. Dana Bedden
Mrs. Wende Blumberg
Mr. Jimmy Carnes
Mr. Kevin Clair
Mr. Steve Coombes
Mr. Robert "Bob" Cushman
Mr. Frank Dempsey
Maj. Gen. Maurice O. Edmonds
Mr. Charles Fessler Jr.

Dr. Michael N. Fulton
Mr. Dennis W. Guenther
Mr. T. Glenn Hoffman, Esq.
Mr. J. David Huskey Jr.
Mr. John Jett
Mr. Alan M. Levine
Mr. Larry P. Libertore Jr.
Mr. Frank M. Lorenzo Sr.
Mr. Louie D. Merchant
Mr. Perry C. McGriff Jr.
Ms. Melissa Morris
Mr. Robert J. "Bob" Murphy Jr.
Mr. Terry Pappas
Ms. Michelle A. Park

Ms. Phyllis L. Reddick
Mr. Peter Ricci
Mr. Frederick E. Rozelle Sr.
Mr. William J. "Bill" Sims
Mr. Emmitt J. Smith III
Mr. John A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Spurrier
Mrs. B.K. Stevens
Mrs. Sue Selph Stoops
Dr. Linda Thornton
Ms. Diane C. Trexler
Mr. M. Kent Tucker
Dr. Paula Welch (CHAIR)

Dr. Betty C. Stevens Funds Reading Room

By Jessica Brennan I Staff Writer

There is a new addition to the Florida Gym. The
Dr. Betty C. Stevens Reading Room opened to stu-
dents on Monday, March 14, 2005.
This room serves to provide students with a
quiet, comfortable place to meet and study away
from the noisy hallways of the Florida Gym. Room
240 is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to all students of
HHP. Wireless Internet access is available to those
students with computers.
"From 1949-86 the..
College had a reading room ,
on the third floor," said Dr.
Charles Williams, Senior -
Associate Dean and professor
in HHP. "With the renovation
in '86, that room was done
away with. The Betty C.
Stevens Reading Room
serves as a replacement for that."
A committee of four sport management graduate
students from a master's level facility management
course were assigned to develop a plan for the reno-
vation and room design. In July 2004, the students
presented their proposal to Betty Stevens and the
HHP department chairs and deans.
One of the student committee members, Alyssa
Ferguson said the creation of the Dr. Betty C.
Stevens Reading Room is a novel idea.

"Most colleges on campus that I know do not
offer such a place," Ferguson said. "It will be uti-
lized greatly by the students."
A gift of $100,000 from Stevens provided the
College with the ability to create this room. Stevens
came to UF in the 1940s as Dean of Women and
served as associate professor of behavioral studies
before retiring. In addition to this very generous
donation, she and her late hus-
.. -""j~iS B band have established undergrad-
S' uate and graduate scholarships
that are awarded each year to
Students of the College who
show interest in being of service
to others and demonstrate suc-
Scessful scholarship.
"Dr. Betty C. Stevens has
been an advocate for students
since coming to the University of Florida in the
1940s to serve as Dean of Women," Interim Dean
Jill Varnes said. "When she married one of our fac-
ulty members, B.K. Stevens, she became one of the
College's strongest supporters, a role she continues
today. It is wonderful that she combined her love of
students and the College to provide the funding for
us to create a comfortable, inviting gathering place
for study and conversation."


'*' .

Honor Roll of Donors

$100,000 and More
Professional Golfers' Association of America

$50,000 $99,999
Shands at the University of Florida

$25,000 $49,999
University Athletic Association, Inc.
University of Arkansas

$10,000 $24,999
Frederick E. '53 & Charlotte G. Rozelle
Paul R. '60 & Jill W. Varnes '74

$1,000 $9,999
American Alliance for Health Phys Ed & Dance
Bank of America Foundation
Patrick J. Bird & Mary G. Newell
Charles W. Fessler, Jr. '68
Jeremy N. Foley
William J. & Cheryl M. Harman
Harold A. & Lois R. Herman
Susan A. Boehm Hoffman
Chip & Mary F. Lane '78
Yea-Ying Liu
Betty A. Majors
The Hon. Perry C. '60 & Mrs. Noel M. McGriff
Paul F. '66 & Sandra C. Morton
Terry B. Pappas '71
Michelle A. Park '76
Principal Financial Group Fdtn., Inc.
Thomas J. & Kathy G Shannon
State Farm Cos. Foundation
Irene E. Stevens
Angus '51 & Judy B. Williams '51
Jui-Chen Yang

$100 $999
A. n.uCclitlLlic I-0111i J.I. ,r
(. 1.11 S Allen '04
\ im.ci \\ A. iiIli "'-5
Deborah R. Ainr-cl 'it "93
Meredith Babb

Thomas A. Bates '82
Kathryn L. Batt '81
Pamela C. '69 & John Edwin Beard
Frank E. Benavides '95 & Ericka V Vc.'.
Janice Berkebile '84
Adam E. '89 & Patricia L. Berko
Robert F. Boddy '67
Clarence J. '78 & Rebecca B. Bodie
Caroline S. '82 & Thomas R. Bolf
Quientella D. Bonner '83
Clyde O. Butz '60
Kim E. Caramelli '84
Douglas J. '93 & Mrs. Tutita M. Casa
Gary R. '78 & Karen L. Chisling '77
Jeffrey N. '73 & Julie C. Christianson
Kevin M. Clair '84
Donald W. Cox '71
Nancy L. Crafton '81
Laurie K. '98 & Scott M. Daigle
Edward L. Davis '60
Don L. '70 & Linda Deal
David '58 & Sheila DeRuzzo
Betsy L. Dobson '79
Stephanie L. Donley '92
Jimmy Douglas '79 & Janet E. Fisher
Brian C. Focht '00
Gainesville Country Day School
Kay A. Garrison '76
Lauri C. Garvey '83
GE Foundation
Leith E. George '73
Robert W. Gilbert '52
Douglas R. '94 & Rebecca R. Godbey
Mrs. Jean Maynard Gonzalez '67
Edwin H. Gratton '60
Elizabeth J. Gresley '96
Pope '61 & Margaret T. Griffin
Dciiii. \\ '72 & .l.ickic T. Guenther
Daniel J. H.ikcill.ii '95
Amybeth P. H.,Ic -,II
Rci icc M. "b4 & SNcrt Andrew Hall
P.rti T Hamilton '80
N1.1,Ld 0. Harlan
Stephanie M. Hatch '99

Robert C. Hewitt '89
Stephen M. & Sarah G. Holland
Honeywell International Foundation
William D. Hurse '56
Jane T. & Lyle M. Ishol
Anthony R. James '73
William M. Jameson '99
Albert N. Jeffrey, Jr. '80
Debra K. Johnson '77
Michael C. Johnson '90
Michael J. Junod '87
Mike J. Karaphillis '56
Jodi V. & David M. Kudelko '99
Clarence D. Landress '66
John P. Lenihan '01
Barbara A. Leonard '83
Carla A. Lucas '80
Timothy G. MacDonald '75
Daniel R. MacDonell '79
Richard S. MacKenzie
Merline A. Malcolm '88
Della-Jean M. Mays '76
Michael A. McCall
Michael J. '71 & Patricia E. McGinnis '68
James S. McKinney '71
Pete L. '99 & Cynthia C. McKinney
Ronald E. McMillin '76
Charles E. McPhilomy '52
Douglas L. Mercer '65
Lou D. '66 & Mary H. Merchant
Julie A. Michas '88
John M. Milling '75
Jack Moore
Lynn W. Moore '84
Henry T. Morgan '55
Donna R. '74 & Steven R. Mountain
John F. '56 & Betty J. Neller
Maureen M. Nemcik '62
Frank A. Orlando '57
Donna L. Pastore '83 & Dennis P. Clum
Duane C. Peacock '56
Brenda N. Pena '85
Margaret A. Petrillo '68
Pfizer, Inc.
Jerry H. Posey '63
Herbert R. Powell, Jr. '73
J,1111 W. Powell
John Power '86

James H. '65 & Sandra B. Purcell
Joann Ferguson '78 & Thomas J. Pl'idic
Susan C. Puryear-Lynch '02
Megan E. Pyfferoen '03
Celia L. Regimbal '70
Hope E. Reid '96
Francois G. Rene de Cotret '03
Kathi A. Riggs '83
Wesley A. Royal '70
Sara R. Sanner '98
Terry A. '79 & Aleta J. Schmidt
Mrs. Shannon M. Schreiber '96
Margaret B. Schuemann
Lynda A. '94 & Thomas J. Selover
Joshua Selsby
Lt. Col. Don W. '51 & Barbara L. Shaffer
Charles P. '71 & Sue K. Siler
D. Kim Sine '81
Mrs. Ashley K. Siner '94
James E. '76 & Sharon S. Skiles
Bradley R. Smith '77
Mrs. Pauladene H. '85 & Joel E. Smith
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
David E. Stanton '74
John H. Stauff '64
Thomas C. '79 & Carol B. Stewart
Jody L. Stowers
William H. Swartz, Sr. '66
Target Copy of Gainesville, Inc.
Maureen E. Terwilliger '71
Peter A. Tharpe '98
Lt. Col. David G. Titus '86
Richard C. Tober '82
Larry L. Travis '69
Larry W. '76 & Linda K. Tuggle
Frances M. '66 & Vernon V. Vandiver, Jr.
Richard G. Vasquez '69
David W. Wagner
Christi F. Walker '81
Stephanie S. Warren '91
Heidi S. Webb
Rodman B. & Elise T. Webb
Lynne L. '81 & Peter H. Wells
Alice J. White '64
Lois M. Williams '69
Julie A. Wilson '86
Edward O. & Willa J. Wolcott


Adam F. Zimmerman '93
David P '93 & Sheryl L. Zwerski

Less Than $100
Jerri L. Abrams '69
Susan W. Agnello '04
Leonard L. Allen '69
Kris M. Altman '84
Mary V. Aman '92
Stephen W. Amos '81
Cynthia S. Anderson '76
Lynda J. '90 & Blair A. Anderson
Michelle D. Anderson '90
Mary L. Andreu '71
lina E. Antikainen '01
Jane L. Aquilino '76
Thomas W. Arnold '74
Christi L. Arrington '01
Marcia A. Arthur '82
Brooks P. Atwater '03
Susan B. '80 & James L. Babcock
Morrell '58 & Elizabeth P. Bailey
Pamela R. Baker Stone '84
Thomas H. Bell '74
Elizabeth K. Benz '03
Richard B. Bergquist '50
Susan M. Betchner '85
Katherine A. Bevans-Backes '80
Scott A. '90 & Jane M. Blaue
Boeing Co.
Brian J. Borland '89
Jill B. '90 & Albert L. Boulenger, Jr.
Grant D. Bowlus '89
Abbie E. Brace '01
Elvis N. '90 & Loretta M. Brandon
Loren A. Broadus, Jr. '51
Brian J. Brown '03
Lawrence S. '92 & Laurel L. Bruce
Jennifer S. Buchanan '91
Erica N. Burch '04
Michael D. Burdges '63
Patrick J. '78 & Betsy L. Byrne
Catherine C. Cabreza '98
M. Grace Calhoun '94
Alison W. '97 & Jon W. Cannon
Julia J. Carson '95
Paul W. Cash '76
Scott E. '98 & Christina S. Cash

Stephanie E. Cater '05
Nancy S. '81 & James L. Catlett
Jeffrey L. Cesta '88
Selwyn T. Chalker III '67
Sanjay Chauhan '01
Brad S. Chissom '56
Ronald K. '73 & Cynthia K. Christen
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Lesley L. Cleveland '56
Bill F. Cockcroft '60
Alisa B. Cohen '78
Heidi W. Collins '98
Lynn E. '94 & Craig K. Collins
Pamela G '85 & Maj. Kevin P Collins
John L. Combs '74
Jason M. Conroe '01
Lori L. Conway '86
Kathleen L. '78 & J. Thomas Cooley
Nicole G Copeland '96
Elsa M. Costello '62
Sheryl L. '77 & Eric M. Costello
Susan L. Cowperthwaite '72
Mrs. Leandra J. Cramer '97
Ronald D. '68 & Marsha L. Creese
Bing '72 & Louise B. Crosby
Daniel J. Crum, Sr. '50
Tim Peter Culbertson '71
Ronald L. Darst '69
Janice W. Davis '74
Donna J. Dawson '97
Robert De Maria '71
Juanita D. Deal '89
Joyce C. Dean '71
Jeffrey M. '94 & Cynthia A. Delott
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Linda G Diaz '93
Casey A. Didio '97
Erin J. Dolley '97
Finley J. Duncan '64
DeboraA. Edwards '86
Mark P '84 & Kelli J. Edwards '86
Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation
Kelly A. Erickson '90
Robert J. '63 & Eleanor B. Erwin
Patricia A. Evans '80
Steven R. Ewing '89
Richard R. '72 & Laurie C. Ezzell
Pamela J. Farrington '83

Barry R. '76 & Maryann Fasold
Neal B. Fessenden '80
Philip L. Fisher '80
Derrick L. Fitts '99
Molly A. Foley '86
Brady G. Foore '02
Janet B. Forbess '77
Michelle A. Frank '82
Jason L. Franklin '98
Carolyne R. Freeman '91
Michelle M. Frost '04
Steven L. Frost '96
Julie F. '84 & D. Blake Frye
Robert N. Fulmer III '77
John F. '59 & Joan R. Gaines
Staci C. Gambach '91
Margaret Q. Gannon '84
Kathleen A. Garvey '88
Kimberly N. Gifford '96
Wilbur H. Gifford, Jr. '65
John W. '56 & Betty Gilbert
Susan L. Gladstein '76
P. Vincent Gocke '89
Joseph M. '00 & Barbara A. Goodman
Charles P. '91 & Bonnie M. Goodwin '90
Joel Gordon & Bernice Gordon Family Fdtn
Brian W. Graham '04
Chad G. Greer '75
Jodi L. Greeson '01
Lindsay G. Gremillion '04
Gina C. Gwara '81
Theresa A. Hanson '03
Kristin D. Harmel
Leonard J. Harper '63
Jonathan F. Heck '91
Elizabeth J. '02 & Robert A. Heekin, Jr.
Eric F. '94 & Jennifer J. Hellkamp '95
Anthony J. Henderson '93
Karen W. '86 & C. David Henley, Jr.
Jeffery A. Hensley '88
John D. '60 & Rochelle C. Hester
Jeffery D. '95 & Kelley G. Higgins
Jason C. Hill '94
Greg Hilley '70
Curtis J. Hinson '97
Christine C. '95 & Alan J. Hochman
Marcia A. Hoppenstein '77
Donna J. Houk '88

Elizabeth Ann Howard '80
Laura E. Howard '00
Kelly N. Hubbard '95
Alicia P. Huey '98
Lillian I. Iversen '01
Rodney B. Jackson '02
Gail G. Jacobs '92
Genevieve R. Jacobs '66
Kristen L. Jagger '02
Christopher M. '97 & Heather M. Janelle
Robert M. Jenkins '49
Teneshia S. Jenkins '04
Julian Johnson, Jr. '66
Jacqueline D. Johnson '89
James C. Johnson '75
Patsy R. Johnson '57
Roney A. & Rhonda Y. Jones
Tiffany A. Jones '72
Jennifer J. Kane '86
Latisha S. Kelley '96
Susan P. Kelly '01
Marlyn M. Kenney '69
John A. '66 & Gloria M. Kenworthy
Christine E. '90 & Mark C. Kilby
April D. Kindrick '93
Julia L. King '87
Maryellen Kirwan '71
Susan T. Kisner '66
Sharon M. Knight '82
Coury M. Knowles '01
Mindy M. Kraft '98
Robert A. Krause '69
Elizabeth A. Krouch '85
Brian M. '90 & Carla I. Kurtz
Michael A. '96 & Jennifer K. Landis '95
James F. & Judith B. Lang
Mrs. Raelene B. Lawless '93
Michael D. Leatherwood '70
Charles J. '77 & Kathy A. Lechner
Barbara E. Leddy '72
Betty C. Lee
Sandra S. Lee '66
Stephanie A. Lennon '83
Chantale E. Levy '98
Ronald J. Lewis '74
Jacqueline P. Littlejohn '99
Kelly E. '00 & Jon B. Livingston
Nancy G. Longanecker '77


Renee M. Lopez '04
Candace L. '91 & Michael A. LI,, cluik II
Ill. Debbra R. Love '77
Tammy J. Lundell '89 & Eric P. Cherna
Loretta T. Macenka '91
Connie '85 & David G. Maltby
Bonnell B. Martens '78
SherylA. I.kcll '80
June M. Masters '72
Robert B. McCallum, Jr. '76
Laura W. McChesney '97
RKicli.i A. '75 & Cheryl L. McGinnis
AIIi F. McVey '64
All'., -i T. '93 & Sanford L. Meeks
LaunLi E \MctliJ ol '
P.imcl., r 1c.,ci SN
\INlclJi L \Iill.iiJ-Stafford '80
E ik.i B \ illci -11
T.miin', .) & \\ illiam J B Miller III
.hJi L "2 & .nJliic\\ E. Mirman
P'lf Alan C & Elizabeth R. \h,,,-ic
C. Bruce Moore '66
Harold C. Moore '73
.Jliii S. Morgan '82
Kathryn L. Morgan '87
Lisa E. '01 & S"i., lic R. Morin
Grant M. Moro '02
.Michel .1 \Iethecift '"8
Su1'.ll S "" & S11I.I1 S \MilIIn
J11i Lr. Nvarz '8 '-
Amy.i, E. Newberg'lin '!

Eli .11 \.i [ '.7.1 arl
Philip S N.wmani '"9
Suzan J. Nash '74
Michael A. Netherclift '82
John L. Nevarez '87
Amy E. Newberg
Rodney H. Newman '92
Tony H Nu .crn '95
Kevin J. Noa '75
Paula E. Northuis '77
Am.inlJ.i H ',.r & Jeremy R Ni'.,k
Di.innii L 3 & William i Nult,
Mrs. Shannon L. Nunnelly '95
Laurie K. '82 & Thomas A. Obreza
Jack E. O'Brien '58
Robert E. O D.nc -5"

Hc.ialici N (clnlbr d "iil
St.icc'. Z () \\hi' 'C "
\I.ir, T P'.icc "-
( I lll.ll 'lI l (ti l'.ill .'l ill "II
Beck', .. I'.ik, -
Beck'. L P'.iin ll "Il2
AnJlic. V "\ &- .I',c|pii 1) P.chal '86
Sheetal Patel '03
Patrick J. Patterson '94
Debra S. Pearman '75
Alysia A. Peddy '96
James R. Perkins '71
Susan J. Peters '66
Mrs. Jean C. Pfendler '95
Erce V. Phillips III '86
Melissa A. Phillips '01
Sara B. Pickren '01
Melissia J. '83 & Paul K. Pletcher
Thomas L. Pokorski '92
Angela S. Pollack '88
BIclIt E P>,- ', P4
.A1nJ c.i K Plc.t'jrn ".11
LinJ. \1 Pllniicc ',
Sl'l.inn B Pi'nrc. ''I
\11i .L.in 1) "'s .,I lii H. Pritchard
\ .i l'.I l .1 PI uld,, '"
KaI. lilccii B ( lcll.iiiJ 1
Ellen L. Raskin'81
H.inlId P. '60 & Betty Reddick
L' iin C( Reese '03
L B 52 ; & Einc.tiic Y. Register
A ll' n i Rlli'lln. "II
\M.ik .1 Ricli.irJ *,
M.iuicc'ri S RiI *IIIi
\Mh li.icl T RI771 "IIi
John C. Roll '89
Tony D. '93 & Denise M. Rowell '92
Gerard D. Rozea '05
Susan T. '86 & Alan M. Rutner
Lisa D. Saccoman '92
Diane Z. '80 & Chuck E. Samuels
Stephen C. Sandberg '82
Anlic'.i D. Sasser '03
Fllci'rcc G Saulsberry '88
John S. Sci.lc. "13 & Sarah V. Rogover
Joseph\ Scli.cfci -57
RKi,, i L N & t ine Schafer
.lullc A. '84 & Randy W. Schwartz

1)chli.ili B. Seoane '82
KiI~rtlhr O. Sewer '03
Rickc'. S. Sheffield'81
Crystal H. Shreve '99
Richard L. Siler '77
Michele A. Silver '83
Susan R. Slinkard '01
C. Todd Smith '94
Diana S. Smith '90
Mary Anne Smith '95
,iir,.. A. Smith '89
R,,i; B. Spanier '98
Barbara S. Speas '83
1k'li.iJl D. Spiegler '91
Donald C. '70 & Cecelia T. Staley
Elizabeth F. '80 & Steven D. Stark
Roger J. '91 & Mary A. Steinberg
Shawn C. Stewart '99
Jamc D Stites II '75
L.iiiic L Stixrood '80
.I,, Luiii.; Stout '70
Ek i \I Straehla '78
. iic; L Strickland '96
Rebecca M. Strominger '57
Michael D. Sushil '77
Lisa A. '87 & Ltc. Kenneth F. Sweat
Jennifer M. Sweet '93
Debra H. Tackett '78
Lc'.iiiic Talbert '83
( .iliklcc F. Taylor '74
.hIliii TciBroeck '67
Kcirl \I '82 & Joyce L. Tcrhiic
\l.i,. T Thigpen '01 & Robert .) Rc.c,
\i.1x.i L Thomas '58
Stc', cin M. Thompson '99
Viiiic M. Thompson '69
t IiJin M. Thomson '87
1),ii.llJ .1. '81 & Mrs. Lou Ann M. Trew
I.Liniic \1. '81 & Colonel Horace S. Tucker, Jr.
Kcniitli W. '66 & Karen S. Turja
Tell L II & Philip J. Tyer
I it's r"i-,,ur.ihi>'
Bii.i L "'5 &\ Mrs. Janene B. Urichko
iEniil u .c .1 I iiitia '03
RoIhcit.i .1 4-1 \ Lambert Vaes
Barbara G. Van Camp '82
Kristi L. Vandenberg '90
Lori A. Vazquez '92

Carrie Young Vosmeier '98
Mrs. Jean S. Waglow
Leslie D. Walsh '94
Elizabeth H. Warlick '01
Lisa M. Weeks '78
Carolyn P. '93 & Thomas A. Weiler, Jr.
Leslie M. Weitzel-Nicoll '85
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mollie Hollar '95 & James A. West
Leslie S. Wetzel '75
N\lci,.i P. Wezniak
Janet Whidden '79
Jacqueline K. Whlitrc '75
William K. Wiles '84
Sarah Z. Wilhelm '99
David M. Wilkens '96
Holly R. Wilson '99
David J. Wisgirda ''s
Stacey J. Worley '91
Luther H. Wrenn, Jr. '"
Montez Wynn '75
Jennifer L. Zidel '00
Aimee J. Zmroczek '93


Beat the 'Noles!
UF College of Health and Human Performance Alumni Social

Catch.the Gator spirit! Meet Interim Dean Jill
Varnes, HHP faculty and other Tallahassee-
area alumni, sample hors d'oeuvres and
cheer for the Gators!
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005, 6-8 p.m.
Ramada Inn & Conference Center
2900 N. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32303
R.S.V.P. by Nov. 19 to Michele Dye at ,
mdye@hhp.ufl.edu or
352.392.0578 ext. 1280

College of Health
& Human Performance
University of Florida
PO Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611

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