Front Cover
 Title Page
 A letter from the president
 Table of Contents
 Effective classroom accommodat...
 Accommodation letter
 Student responsibility
 Where to go for help
 Interpreter services
 Overview- classroom access
 Academic advising
 Dispelling myths
 Preferred language
 Identifying disabilities
 Confidentiality of student...
 Categories of disabilities
 Teaching students with learning...
 Teaching students with attention...
 Teaching students with visual...
 Teaching students with physical...
 Teaching students with hearing...
 Teaching students with emotional/social...
 Teaching students with other...
 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
 Americans with Disabilities...
 General counsel's statement
 State guidelines
 Important UF policies and...
 Florida relay service
 Telephone index
 Quick reference chart
 ADA and 504 training
 Emergency evacuation plan
 Accommodating faculty and staff...
 Back Cover

Group Title: Providing service and access to students and employees with disabilities in higher education : effective and reasonable accomadations
Title: Providing service and access to students and employees with disabilities in higher education : effective and reasonable accomadations. Fourth edition.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076662/00002
 Material Information
Title: Providing service and access to students and employees with disabilities in higher education : effective and reasonable accomadations. Fourth edition.
Series Title: Providing service and access to students and employees with disabilities in higher education : effective and reasonable accomadations
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: ADA Compliance Office, University of Florida
Publisher: ADA Compliance Office, University of Florida
Publication Date: 2006
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076662
Volume ID: VID00002
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Title Page
        Page 1
    A letter from the president
        Page 2
    Table of Contents
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Effective classroom accommodations
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Accommodation letter
        Page 8
    Student responsibility
        Page 9
    Where to go for help
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
    Interpreter services
        Page 14
        Page 15
    Overview- classroom access
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
    Academic advising
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
        Page 23
    Dispelling myths
        Page 24
    Preferred language
        Page 25
    Identifying disabilities
        Page 26
    Confidentiality of student records
        Page 27
    Categories of disabilities
        Page 28
        Page 29
    Teaching students with learning disabilities
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
    Teaching students with attention deficit
        Page 34
        Page 35
    Teaching students with visual disabilities
        Page 36
        Page 37
    Teaching students with physical disabilities
        Page 38
        Page 39
    Teaching students with hearing disabilities
        Page 40
        Page 41
    Teaching students with emotional/social disabilities
        Page 42
    Teaching students with other disabilities
        Page 43
        Page 44
        Page 45
        Page 46
        Page 47
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973
        Page 48
    Americans with Disabilities Act
        Page 49
    General counsel's statement
        Page 50
    State guidelines
        Page 51
    Important UF policies and procedures
        Page 52
        Page 53
        Page 54
        Page 55
        Page 56
        Page 57
        Page 58
        Page 59
    Florida relay service
        Page 60
    Telephone index
        Page 61
    Quick reference chart
        Page 62
    ADA and 504 training
        Page 63
    Emergency evacuation plan
        Page 64
        Page 65
    Accommodating faculty and staff with disabilities
        Page 66
        Page 67
        Page 68
        Page 69
        Page 70
        Page 71
        Page 72
        Page 73
        Page 74
        Page 75
        Page 76
        Page 77
        Page 78
        Page 79
    Back Cover
        Back Cover
Full Text

::e and Access to Students C-
Disabilities in Hicylier Edu(
sonable Accomniodations"

Providing Services and Access to

Students and Employees with

Disabilities in Higher Education:

Effective & Reasonable



Fourth Edition, November 20020
All portions of this book may be
reproduced by any member of the
University of Florida community.
Any outside agency may request
permission to copy material as
Produced by the ADA Compliance
Office at the University of Florida
for faculty, administrators, staff and
SFirst edition January 1993
ERIC Clearinghouse ED 357 585
Second edition January 1995
Third edition August 1997

Published by
ADA Compliance Office
Environmental Health & Safety
University of Florida
354 NS Drive
PO Box 115055
Gainesville, FL 32611-5055

Developed and produced by
Kenneth Osfield, Ed. D.
ADA Office Director

A Letter From the President


Charles E. uung
PO B, 113151 i
Gainetli.t.Fl I2i ll

September 200.

Dear Colleague

Daoid R. Colburn
Pt Box I I l I',
Gaim'1Llle I'L 12Aii
1512 3 1,.24)J

In our efforts to pro\ude the best possible educanon lor all Lninersill of Flonda students. t1 is important
that we recognize some of their different learning st les I ij especially imp rtant that we accommodate
our students with disabilities We encourage vou to read this publicanon and learn more about the
Amencans with Disabilities Act i 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act ot 1973 iecnoon 504- as it applies to
our students and staff.

Most students with disabilities can easily be accommodated by using appropnate teaching strategies This
faculty guide will help you learn more about working with students who have disabillutes, including our
responsibilities to meet their special requirements This guide will also direct you o additional resources
and support ser ices

All of our students deserve e cry opportumnir to learn and benefit from the nch academic en.ironmenti t
the LIUnersiry of Flonda By knowing more about the special challenges our students with disabilities
face, we can help them achieve their full academic potential

Many thanks for your concern and dedication
Sincerely \ours.

Charles E Young \ ? J

Dalid R Colburn



,Table of Contents

... .... ..... .... . ..... .... ..
.... .. ... . . .... .. .. .
.. .. ... ............ .. ... .. .... ..... .. 6 / 7

Sample Accommodation Letter ............... ..... .. .. ..
Student R espons ability .. ................... ........... ........ .. .. ...... .. Q9
W here it go for H elp .. .. ... ......... ............. .. .. .. ...... .. ......... 10
D ean of Students O office ....... ............................. ........... ........ 10
Disability Resources Program ........ .... ............ ...... 10
Vocal Eres ........................ ..... ...... .... ... ...............
Ac.denuc Technolog AT ........... ...... ........ ........... .. 1 I
ADA Office .... ......... .... .......... .......... .... .. 12
Interpreter Ser\ ices ........ .... ........ ........ .... ....... ..... .... .... 14
Overview Classroom Access Issues ...... ........ ........... 16
Academic Advising .............. ............ ......... ...... .. .......... 20
D spelling M yths .............................. .................. .... .. .. ........ ........... 24
Preferred Language.... ............ ... .... ....... .. ... ......... ................... .. 25
Identify ing Disabilities ....... .... ........... ...... .... .... ... .. 26
Confidentiality of Student Records.............. ................... .. 27
Categories of Disabilities .......... ............ .......................... ..... 28
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities ........................... .. 30
Teaching Students \with ADD/ADHD .... .... ....... .. ...... .. .. ......... 34
Teaching Students w ith Visual Disabilities ...................................... ..... 36
Teaching Students with Physical Disabilities ....... ............ ........... 38
Teaching Students with Heanng Disabilities......... .............. ..... .40
Teaching Student, with Emotional/Social Disabilities ......................... 42
Teaching Students with Other Disabilities ............................ ........... 43
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ...................................... .. ... 48
Americans with Disabihties Act .................................... ................... 49
General Counsel's Statem ent ....... .. ......... ................. .................. 50
State Guidelines .......................... .......................... 51
Important UF Policies and Procedures ..... ...... ......... ........... ....... 52
Florida Relay Service .................... ... .............. .. ... ........ ... 60
T telephone Index ................... ................................................................
Q uick Reference C hart ...... ......................... .......... ......................... 62
ADA & 504 Information Training Sessions ....................... ............... 63
Emergency E.acuation Plan .............. ....... .......................... 64
Accommodating Faculty and Staff with Disabilities ........................... 66
A appendix ............... ............. ................... .... .... .......... ...... 72
Index ........... ......... ... ..... .... ...... ... ..... .................. ....................... 76

A Letter From the President .....
Introduction .. .... .....
Faculty Responsibilit\ ..........


Special thanks to John Denny, Donna
Gilles, Naomi Young, Diane Ryndak,
Debbie Miller, Josh Pila, Alison Heather,
Kerry-Ann Parsons, Kimberly Price, and
members of the Committee on Persons with

Since the 1st edition of the Guide, this
publication has evolved over time. The
concept for the 1st edition of the Guide was
originally modeled after guides from The City
University of New York and the University of
Maryland, College Park.

The cover of this Guide was designed by,
Dawn Bender a student in the College of Fine
Arts (Digital Arts & Sciences). All photogra-
phy was provided by Matt Pendleton (Dean of
Students Office).

Alternative Formats
For persons with print-related disabili-
ties, this publication is available in alterna-
tive format. For more information, contact
the ADA Office at 392-7056, 846-1046
(TDD), 354 NS Drive.

This Guide is also available on the
World Wide Web atwww.ada.ufl.edu.


T his Guide has these fundamental goals: to heighten
awareness, to provide basic information, and to ac-
quaint readers with campus and community resources
available to assist them in working with individuals who
have disabilities. The means of achieving these goals often
are not merely matters of judgment. They are matters of
knowledge and sensitivities that most of us simply do not
have because of lack of experience in interacting with
individuals who have disabilities.

Only information on how to teach students with
disabilities was provided in the first printing of the Guide.
In the second edition a new section provided information
on accommodating faculty and staff with disabilities. In
the third edition, the title was changed to include both
administrators and faculty, the previous information was
updated and expanded, and new information was added. In
this, the fourth edition, we have undertaken a major rewrite
of all information along with a title change.

Students with disabilities are a rapidly growing
minority at the University of Florida (UF), as elsewhere in
American higher education. In the 2000-2001 academic
year, 906 UF students identified themselves as having
disabilities. Since self identification is not required this
represents only a portion of the students with disabilities at
UF. It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of UF's
student body actually has a disability. This is consistent
with national data. Nationally, between 1978 and 1992, the
proportion of college freshmen with disabilities tripled to 9



percent, and 10 percent of the overall college population
has at least one didibilil\.

The obligation to accommodate students with
disabilities extends beyond the moral responsibility and
beyond our University's commitment to fulfill the
promise of access.

President George Bush signed the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) into law on July 26, 1990. This law
reinforces the concept of reasonable accommodations in
education and mandates greater access to employment,
transportation, and public accommodations for individuals
with disabilities.

There is a legal imperative for equal access, which is
embodied in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
often referred to as the "Civil Rights Act" for people with
disabilities. It states, in part:
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability
shall, solely by reason of his disability, be excluded from
the participation in, be denied the benefits of or be
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance.

In order to comply with this imperative, universities,
such as the University of Florida, that receive federal
assistance must assure that the same educational programs
and services offered to other students be available to
students with disabilities.

Now ikcludec in other

SJ_ University of Florida- Statistics of Students with Disabilities
89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01
Visual 17 18 23 27 30 30 32 32 28 36 35 21
Physical 66 89 88 87 86 83 99 114 84 173 181 176
Hearing 12 22 22 29 27 20 24 24 20 31 30 33
LD 25 104 123 139 179 206 291 328 337 567 533 443

Other 81 77 73 57 59 23 60 94 76 221 222 233
Total 202 313 333 342 387 382 506 592 546 1028 1001 906

To accomplish this goal, both physical and program-
matic access must be provided. This means more than the
removal of architectural barriers and the provision of
auxiliary services. It means that reasonable accommoda-
tions must be made in the instructional process to ensure
full educational opportunity. This principle applies to all
teaching strategies, as well as to institutional and depart-
mental policies.

Background for classroom accommodation

The concept of classroom accommodations for
students with disabilities is not new. As a result of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), students have
been requesting and receiving classroom accommodations
for years. However, the ADA has brought more attention
to accommodating the needs of individuals with disabilities.
As a direct result of the passage of the ADA, the number
of students who have identified themselves as having
disabilities has increased markedly. Here at UF, the
number of students known to have disabilities increased
from 202 students in 1989-1990 to 906 in 2000-2001. The
fastest-growing group within the population of students with
disabilities is students with learning disabilities. In 1989-
1990, 25 self-identified students had learning disabilities, as
compared to 443 in 2000-2001. As noted earlier, students
are not required to self-identify, and the actual number of
students with disabilities at UF is estimated at 10 percent.
(Refer to chart on page 4 for more information related to
self-identification and enrollment.)

Why the increase? Thanks to education, people with
disabilities are becoming aware of their rights and are more
inclined to be assertive when requesting accommodations.

Procedures for providing accommodations

In order to assist faculty and students, UF has
established procedures for students to request accommoda-
tions based on a disability. The process is designed to
minimize the impact upon faculty members and maintain

privacy rights of the student, while providing the necessary
accommodations for the student:

1. Any student requesting services as a result of a
disability should be referred to the Dean of Students Office

2. Once referred, the assistant dean responsible for
disability resources will work with that student to identify
appropriate accommodations.

3. Once the accommodations have been identified,
that student should make an appointment with each instruc-
tor during office hours and provide a letter from the DSO
detailing the identified accommodations.

4. Upon receipt of the letter, if there are any ques-
tions, an instructor should call the letter's author. (Refer
to pages 6-7 for more information.)

Documenting disabilities

All students with disabilities, whether a visible or
hidden disability, who request an accommodation are
required to provide appropriate documentation of that
disability to the DSO. At no time is a student required to
provide documentation to any other administrator,
dean, or teacher. Due to the sensitive nature of some
disabilities and the right to privacy, the specific disability
will not be mentioned in the DSO letter of accommodation.
It is only necessary for instructors to know that the assis-
tant dean has a record of the disability and has approved
the student for specific accommodations. The letter serves
as a student's documentation that s/he is an eligible student
with a disability, and therefore entitled to effective and
reasonable accommodation as identified in the letter.

Faculty responsibility

If at any time a faculty member has questions about a
student with a disability in class, the faculty member is
encouraged to contact the assistant dean of students. (For
more information refer to pages 10 and 50.)

Effective Classroom


Faculty members are usually the first to
know that a student with a disability is in
class. Students with disabilities are not re-
quired to register with any agency on campus,
unless they request specific classroom accom-
modations as a result of their disability. At that
point they are required to register with the
Dean of Students Office (DSO).

It is when a student requests that a faculty
member make accommodations to match the
student's disability, that the faculty member
should refer the student to the DSO. The DSO
encourages all faculty to work with any student,
whatever the situation. However, it is ultimately
better for all parties that a student with a
disability be referred to the proper agency for
support. Once referred, the process of deter-
mining whether the student meets state and
federal guidelines for a specific disability can be
determined. That determination is made only
by the DSO, which is the only agency at UF
designated to keep records of a student's
disability. Once documentation is provided, the
student is officially registered with DSO as
having a disability and letters of accommoda-
tion can then be distributed to faculty by the
student. The letter of accommodation is the
letter of record verifying that the student is
registered as a student with a disability.

Upon receipt of the letter, each faculty
member is responsible for reviewing the
information in the letter. At any point that
faculty members have questions or concerns
about the information contained in the letter,
they should immediately contact the Assistant

Dean of Students responsible for disability resources. All
questions are to be directed to the Assistant Dean of
Students and not the student. Until the assistant dean is
contacted, it can only be assumed that there are no
questions with any particular student's accommodation

Reasonable accommodation in the classroom is
an individual civil right guaranteed by federal legisla-
tion (ADA and Section 504). Once the accommoda-
tions are identified, the accommodations must be
provided. The only option is how the accommodation
will be provided. Most classroom accommodations
are easy to arrange and will not take much time to
administer. If, however, assistance is needed, faculty
members should contact the DSO. The DSO will
make the accommodation process simple and effective
for both the student and the faculty.

The issue of fairness and classroom accommoda-
tion is raised often. Classroom accommodations
provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to
compete on equal terms with other students in class.
Individual accommodations are a civil right guaran-
teed under federal law. The accommodations pre-
scribed through the Dean of Students Office are not
frivolous or arbitrary. They are individually designed
for each student based on appropriate documentation
on file in the DSO. Although accommodations may
appear similar for many students, they are based on
individualized need and disability documentation.

Accommodations necessary for ensuring com-
plete access to and full participation in the educational
process do not require the instructor to adjust evalua-
tions of academic performance. Rather, the accommo-
dations make it possible for a student with a disability to

truly learn the material presented and for an instructor to
fairly evaluate the student's understanding of the material.
Examples of some accommodations are:

Priority seating in the classroom
Change of classroom
Faculty member standing facing the class when
Assistance in identifying a notetaker
Tape recording of lectures
Use of scribes
Use of sign language interpreters
Exam delays
SProviding copies of overhead demonstrations and
lecture notes
Reduced course load
Captioning or transcription work
Enlarged print on exam questions or class materials
Use of computers in taking tests
Alternative test formats
Alternative access to material covered in a field trip
Advanced copy of syllabus, textbook & course
Extra time on tests, exams and quizzes
Flexible attendance policies
Tape-recording exam questions
Tape-recording exam answers

Failure to Accommodate

Though rare, there have been incidents in which
faculty refuse to provide the accommodations outlined
in the letter of accommodation. The accommodations
outlined by the assistant dean are not optional and
must be provided under two federal pieces of legisla-
tion (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; and the
ADA). When questions arise about, as to a specific
accommodation, it is the responsibility of the faculty
member to contact the assistant dean to discuss the
questions. Due to the number of students receiving
accommodations and the number of faculty receiving
accommodation letters, it is impossible for the assistant
dean to speak to each faculty member prior to sending out
the accommodation letters. For more information on how
the Dean of Students Office can assist in the classroom,
refer to page 10.

Accommodation Letter

--------------i -----------


*". DLiNJI .Sr JLN.i Orni.f.li
DI .l -'I lt L rI i ,OF I

I PI) v2 I 'v 'i"p;


To Piotl-'r i~hn-onr
THE 300u

From: lohn Denr.N. LLi'.' .A-, -rjr, Li'cn
.Di-3blll\ Re0sour:l e

Date n ill 112

Re, l nc Doe tiL' D iCiilIJ(,ii 0B
Rea-onable Ac iomrodaIilori,

M lane D.:i e auijdenri in r Cljb- tiL-L -;erunler hn- requtie+ d that I lc'na.Ll ou regarding her
;coorrmrr.ah."rL, 'hte ha J pecild di5atlbli.r, iha I d,. urnrerd dr thr e Dear. of SrudenLt OIt1ic
Iane hai- thte abllil I. do .-*l.I 3.jdcnricllll% I. Lhe Iliot, np .in r orn.ar-modl I ni i

I Trhi_ -ruderi I required the ?-er' ic ol j rinoteillker toL r imrn. dl.ie a.is-iari:e in
idenr.tvng a neltaler ..ho would be employed b\ Diablllt, R-ources would be
-1 Tu- rudentl rneed ti ra ktae 11 e'm Lrlt-.3Ir n. d qu zze- in a quiel nd rc. d.-rl:ct: e
,enrror'menr III .u can nolt admiL-tI r t hi- aj.L.:r*modanc.n ihsabtlil, ReLsouri:e-
ha- an cc'ionmmdaredJ e Terinrg 'r. thaL t -. 1U arrange the re-utng The studentt is
resp. re-blb e tor initatirng the pro-pes- lrr testing
l Thi- rudent recei .e doutbl rim,?on 3lle irxTia quizzc: and i nten ir ila_-
aj,agj erll t Ill ,ou c anni. admni.srr Ih, iai:t.r'mmd.*J3non Diat-.alir, F aurce- ha-
an Accormmodaled TrestLrap rie thar ~Ill irrance the Ilc-trig ThN-- _rudern 1:
respormnibl ltor inllatlrg rhe proce-ss ir tel-ing I

line I- rT-pon-sblI lor d.-lis;ling her aCLummodiTl.) n rneed- *,trh \:.u .\ ij3e tcur. rncmirn'r
,our prinar, ieporbit,'lrr *- 1o pre.. j.d ie I bc e accuomri Ird irinisi Pir-l be ad i-edJ hat
noni o0t at jtppr':..d jccrmm.dj*n..rin- -" i.nelnded to ilir ihe turdain.rnil crlu-lme n ol 'he
c-ourrc Lont-in

FcJrral Iv rtequirr- Irculjt 1,. pro de bhe about at-ommrrm'ldilOnlI TO. i. nild ihr. pc-iilb.r-, o
Sularing redieral lai dilaric inor. ot the alouier.ntionied acc.ommndantionii n'a, bh otbrained
[hrougl Ihe Dean ,1 Sruudini- (li ce Please treat the contents ol this memo as confidenhal
information between you and Lhil student.

lI \% u hi e p iediCL qbt .-rn- r-Jeg rdiig -. rkin itli -tudEr r. .hj bh .t Jir itjtifet I i-t. rcher
rc t-1e F Ult' Li I. Id i 1r, ii. Cii.' i W -*. '*i,'fnrt: ; ti Pl iahhi 'Itr *. I -. u d nr.ot r. -.r 3 LC p. .. .1 -i5s
guide plea3c contlu t rhe -XD-\ i otht aIi n'.l.ti' h For ,'.:.r .-...r ir.nience the -uidJ ic '0
aaillnti le da the sWorld i'.d~ '.b j1 hitp /' A dda ll edu II \..'u I-jf :t qur..'L-tr
reiardingth.- ni.i .'L trtJ tLn d0 not he-tlaie I.:'.cop[:r me at iohnrpdi -cti rul ediu ', i.L'- I r

,Student Responsibility

Students with disabilities are responsible for ensur-
ing that UF is aware of their disabilities that require
accommodations in the educational process. Students
with disabilities should contact the Dean of Students
Office (DSO), as it is the only designated campus agency
responsible for classroom accommodations.

While faculty members are encouraged to work with
all students, students with disabilities first must register
with the Dean of Students Office in P202 Peabody Hall.

After providing appropriate documentation of a
disability that requires accommodation and consulting
with the assistant dean at DSO who is responsible for
* programs and services for students with disabilities,
the student is registered with the DSO. When registration
is complete, the student should contact faculty members
early in each semester and provide a copy of a letter of
accommodation from the DSO that informs faculty
members of necessary specific accommodations. Finally,
students are responsible for requesting accommodations in
a timely manner, so instructors may plan for those accom-

Students with disabilities must maintain the same
responsibility for their education as students who are non-
disabled. This includes achieving the same academic
standards, attending class, maintaining appropriate behav-
ior, and providing timely notification of individual needs.

Students who want to request classroom accom-
modations should register with the DSO and:

* Meet with a Disability Resource Counselor to
identify appropriate classroom accommodations

* Request a letter of accommodation

* Deliver the letter of accommodation to each
individual instructor

* Request an update of letter of accommodation each

* Report to the assistant dean any problems with the
provision of accommodations by instructors

Where to Go for Help

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office (DSO)
provides students and faculty with information
and support regarding accommodations for
students with disabilities. Also, assistance is
available for meeting the requirements of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

A major concern of UF is assisting
students in making any adjustments necessary
for success in their academic careers. Staff at
the DSO will assist any students who self
identify as having disabilities. Official docu-
mentation of a disability is required to deter-
mine eligibility for accommodations that may be
helpful on campus.

Staff members of the DSO serve as
full-time advocates for students with dis-
abilities. Their role is to ensure that stu-
dents have physical and programmatic
access to all college programs, thereby
enhancing their interactions in all activities
of the campus community.

Faculty members are encouraged to ask
students about their needs, but not about
specifics about their disability. The DSO
also may render invaluable advisory services to
faculty. Staff members can be consulted about
accommodations for students with disabilities
and also can answer questions about accom-
modating the needs of students in the class-

Services Provided by Disability
Resources Program

* Pre-admission counseling
* Priority registration
* Limited academic advisement
* Special arrangements when needed (room
changes, readers, interpreters, note-takers,
tutors and proctors)
* Letters of classroom accommodation
* Individually prescribed accommodations

Vocal Eyes

Print related disabilities affect many students at UF
These students may have a difficult time studying for their
courses due to disabilities that may include visual, learning,
or physical disabilities.

Vocal Eyes, the taped textbook recording pro-
gram, provides audio or electronic versions of course
materials to students who need to hear readings. Operated
by the DSO, Vocal Eyes provides recordings not available
through Recording for the Blind, Inc. or Talking Books,
the public library in Daytona Beach for people with print

Recording for the Blind, Inc., headquartered in
Princeton, N.J., offers more than 70,000 educational
books on tape. Students with print disabilities at UF get
approximately 70 percent of their books through RFB or
Talking Books, and rely on Vocal Eyes for the other 30
percent. Vocal Eyes users are eligible for and can obtain
special tape players free of charge from Talking Books.



10 -

Vocal Eyes depends on a strong network of dedi-
cated volunteers who come from the student body, faculty,
and staff, as well as the community. Volunteers enrich
their lives while helping students with print disabilities
achieve excellence. Vocal Eyes volunteers attend one
training session and then are available to record material
about any subject that may be needed.

Vocal Eyes is located in P202 Peabody Hall. For
more information about volunteering and donations,
call Vocal Eyes at 392-1261(V), 392-3008 (TDD).

Disability Resources Technology

The technology center at the Dean of Students
Office is available to students who need training to
use adaptive technology. A technology specialist is
available to instruct students on the use of different tech-
nologies as well as to assess the technological needs of
students. The technology center features computers with
voice dictation software, screen reading, and screen
magnifying software. The computers also are equipped
with other adaptive hardware, such as a head mouse,
ergonomic keyboard, and a 25" monitor. Cassette
recorders used to tape lectures are available for students
to use on a temporary basis. A VERA (Very Easy Read-
ing Appliance) is available for persons with print-related
disabilities. The VERA is available for training purposes
as well as for students' personal use. Contact the technol-
ogy specialist at the DSO for additional information or to
make an appointment.

Office of Academic Technology (OAT)

The OAT Teaching Center in Southwest Broward
Hall provides free tutoring and study skills advisement to
all UF students. Depending on the semester, tutoring is
offered in these and other courses: mathematics
(Fundamentals through abstract algebra), accounting,

economics, differential equations, chemistry, biology,
statistics, calculus, physics and several engineering courses
(circuits, thermodynamics, mechanics, etc.) Test reviews
for MAC 1142 Pre-Calculus, MAC 2233 Survey of
Calculus I, MAC 2311 Calculus I and other courses are
conducted regularly. Systematic review programs for the
computation portion of the CLAST also are available.
Visit \' \\ A'. t[.JLLli IiLe nlcr.Ltl1 for tutoring schedules.

Testing facilities are provided for students with
disabilities. A quiet room with fifteen carrels is available,
with one carrel having wheelchair accessibility. A second
room with tables also is used for testing. Please contact
the Dean of Students Office to make a reservation for
testing at the center.

Reservations for space must be made well in
advance of testing dates because the rooms are used
by other student groups in addition to students with
disabilities. For more information, call the Teaching
Center at 392-2010.

ADA Compliance Office

The ADA Compliance Office provides direct
support to individuals with disabilities through the ADA
Director. UF has designated the ADA Director as the
person responsible for ensuring that persons with
disabilities have equal access to all programs and services.
The ADA Director assists anyone with questions about
access to programs and services. The primary goal for
the ADA Office is to advise the UF community about
issues of access and to provide direct support to anyone
with questions about access to university sponsored
programs and services. For more information, contact the
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive, 392-7056, 846-1046

Committee on Persons with Disabilities

The University of Florida Committee on Persons
with Disabilities advises the UF President on issues to
improve the quality of life for students, staff, and faculty
members who have disabilities. The main functions of this
Committee are to enhance campus opportunities for
people with disabilities; review existing campus services
and programs; strengthen and augment services, where
appropriate; and identify and recommend removal of
impediments to accessibility of campus buildings, facilities,
and programs.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center provides counseling and
consultation servcies to currently enrolled undergradu-
ate and graduate students and their spouses/partners.
The primary goal of counseling is to help students
develop the personal awareness and skills necessary to
overcome problems, and to grow and develop in ways
that will allow them to take advantage of the educa-
tional opportunities at UF In addition to individual
counseling, the Center offers a wide variety of groups and
workshops. These include general counseling and therapy
groups, as well as special topic and population groups
(i.e. learning differences, disability issues, relationships,
eating disorders, ACOA) designed to help students deal
with common problems. Other groups and workshops,
such as math confidence, assertion, and stress manage-
ment are designed to improve specific skills.

The Counseling Center adheres to very strict
confidentiality standards. Any information provided is
strictly confidential except in life threatening situa-
tions, cases of suspected child or elder abuse, or when

release is otherwise required by law. Counseling Center
records are not a part of a student's educational record.

The Counseling Center is located at 301 Peabody
Hall. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am -
5:00 pm. For more information call 392-1575 or TDD 1-
800-955-8771 (FRS) or visit the web page at
v. \, ',,.c', ii.ii'l i.I11 L II.

SG disAbility Affairs Cabinet

The University of Florida Student Government
disAbility Affairs Cabinet strives to better the lives of
students with disabilities with a student voice. Led by
an appointed Director, overseen by the Student Body
Vice President, and supported by several assistant direc-
tors and a dedicated staff, this cabinet utilizes education,
programming, and empowerment as tools in making UF a
more accessible accommodating place. To get involved,
or for information about upcoming programming, please
e-mail the Director at .lie LI I .L.1jl. or call 392-1665
ext. 468.


Interpreter Services

rre Dean of Students Office provides in-class
Room sign language interpreters for students with
registered hearing disabilities.

Students, staff, and faculty who have questions
about interpreter services for the deaf and hard of
hearing should contact the Support Services Coordina-
tor*. Consultations will be provided for each person
requesting information.

*Contact: Support Services Coordinator for Students
with Hearing Impairments
Dean of Students Office (DOS)
Disability Resources

P202 Peabody Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Em ail: I -.I ',. 1 1, 11 ll kl

Voice: (352) 392-1261
TDD: (352) 392-3008 or, in the State of Florida use
the FRS (711)
Fax: (352) 392-5566

Information on Arranging Interpreter

All Campus Related Interpreter Needs: For all
questions with regard to interpreter services, either
on campus or off-campus students, faculty, and staff
should, contact the DSO (J. c,, l'-" J ull c. i j). The
DSO will provide information on how to obtain inter-
preter services.

Classroom Related Interpreter Services

UF interpreter services are available for classroom
related needs. All classroom related interpreter services
are to be arranged by and coordinated by the Dean of
Students Office.

Out-of-Class Interpreter Services

For special events and non-classroom related
activities requiring interpreter services contact DSO
for referral assistance. All out-of-class interpreter services
shall be arranged and paid for by the agency, organization,
or department sponsoring the events.

Student Government (SG) Events and
SG Affiliated Organizations

All events sponsored by SG and any SG affiliated
organization shall provide interpreter services upon
request. The agency sponsoring the event shall be re-
sponsible for notifying the general public that accommoda-
tions are available upon request and once requested for
arranging the needed accommodations. For information
and assistance within the SG Office contact the Office
Manager. For referral information contact DSO
(.I S ki. u Li ).

Public Notice of Event

Every event, special activity, and program hosted or
planned by UF should be accessible to persons with
disabilities. If the event is publicized the organizing agency


must provide people with disabilities the opportunity to
request accommodations. To find out if accommodations
are needed, list the following statement on all notices
about the program websitee, newspaper ads, flyers, etc.).

"For individuals with disabilities, requiring
special accommodations, please contact BLANK
within a minimum of BLANK* hours of the event/
program so that proper consideration may be given to
the request."

*The recommended notice is a minimum of 72
hours. This provides a department or unit plenty of time
to make the necessary arrangements. You can request a
* more advance notice.

Referral Agencies for Interpreter

UF Classroom Related

To obtain information contact the DSO at
accc-,u f ,IJ .u fl.CJLI, or 392-1261,392-3008 TDD.

Non Classroom Related

To obtain information contact the Center for Inde-
pendent Living at 378-7474 (TDD calls use the Florida
Relay Service at 800-955-8771 TDD) or Interpreter
Services at 352-629-8840, 352-368-2969 TDD. The
Interpreter Services Office for the Center for Independent
Living is based out of Ocala but will provide services to
the Gainesville area.

Interpreter Costs and Protocol for

Typically, interpreters will work as a team, especially
for speaking engagements and activities that involve a
great deal of talking. The average cost for interpreters is
$35 per hour for each interpreter, with a minimum of 2
hours during 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
After business hours and weekend rates are $40 per hour.
In many instances, interpreters are paid from the time they
leave their office until they return to their office. Team
interpreters will work 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off,
allowing them an opportunity to rest and provide the best
possible interpreter services. Plan well ahead for your
interpreter needs, since there is a severe shortage of
interpreters in the Gainesville-Ocala area.

Free-Lance Interpreters

Many professional interpreters maintain a pri-
vate, free-lance, interpreter practice in addition to their
staff interpreter positions. To obtain information on
resources for names of interpreters at the national level are
the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) in Alexan-
dria, Virginia, and the National Association of the Deaf
(NAD) in Silver Spring, Maryland. Lists of professional
interpreters can be obtained from these organizations. In
Florida the state affiliate of RID is the Florida Registry of
Interpreters of the Deaf. Its local affiliate is the Ocala-
GatorFRID (OGFRID) is a source for local interpreters.


Overview- Classroom Access

S specific suggestions for teaching students with
disabilities are offered in the sections devoted to
each disability. Here are some general considerations to
keep in mind.


To the extent manageable, students with disabili-
ties bear the primary responsibility of notifying UF of their
disabilities. If a student needs an approved accommoda-
tion, faculty members are responsible for making those


Dialogue between the student and instructor is
essential early in the term, and follow-up meetings are
recommended. Faculty should not feel apprehensive
about discussing a student's needs as they relate to the
course. There is no reason to avoid using terms that refer
to the disability, such as "blind," "see," or "walk." How-
ever, care should be taken to avoid generalizing a particu-
lar limitation to other aspects of a student's functioning.
Often, for example, people in wheelchairs are spoken to
loudly, as if they were deaf. The student probably will
have had some experience with the kind of initial uneasi-
ness instructors may bring to the relationship. The
student's own suggestions, based on experience with the
disability and with school work, are invaluable in accom-
modating disabilities in college.

Attendance and Promptness

Flexible attendance policies are appropriate
accommodations for some students. Students using
wheelchairs or other assisting devices may encounter
obstacles or barriers in getting to class on time. Others
may have periodic or irregular difficulties, either from their
disability or from medication. Flexibility in applying
attendance and promptness rules to such students is

Classroom Adjustments

A wide range of students with disabilities may be
assisted in the classroom by the following: making
book lists available prior to the beginning of the term,
making appropriate seating arrangements, speaking
only when directly facing the class and writing key
lecture points and assignments on the chalkboard or
an overhead projector. Remember that beards and
mustaches that cover the mouth often interfere with a
student's ability to speech read.

Power Point, Notes on Web

Instructors may see an accommodation listed on the
accommodation letter for students to have access to
classroom materials. The accommodation will appear on
the accommodation memo as:

This student requires access to printed copies
of all overheads used in classes, lectures or

Students with this accommodation generally have a
processing disorder that interferes with their ability to take
notes in class. The access to materials is intended to
supplement their class notes and to serve as a guide as the
student listens to lectures. Classroom materials include
overhead projections, transparencies, and PowerPoint
presentations. Classroom materials do not include the
instructor's personal notes used in lecture. Access to
these materials should be made before the class meets.
The student must contact you during office hours to
determine the most efficient way for the student to receive
this information (i.e., making copies of overheads, e-
mailing PowerPoint presentations). Many instructors are
posting PowerPoint presentations on their class websites.
This offers easy access to classroom materials for students
with disabilities and can enhance the learning experience
for all students.

Alternatives to Taking Notes

Students who cannot take notes or have difficulty
taking notes adequately use any combination of
classroom accommodations, such as tape-recorders,
note-takers, copies of lecture notes and or overheads,
and copies of classmates' notes. Students must ask
permission of the instructor to tape-record a class. If
taping a class is the only reasonable accommodation, the
instructor must give permission for the student to tape the
class. Students and instructors should discuss how to
exchange class materials, ideally prior to class.

Testing and Evaluation

Depending on the disability, the student may
require oral administration of examinations, use of
readers and/or scribes, extensions of time for the
duration of exams, modification of test formats or, in

some cases, make-up or take-home exams. This may
entail recognizing when a student has missed material
(particularly in the case of those students with hearing and/
or vision impairments) because the material was not
interpreted literally or visual aids were not effectively
described. If a student has missed or misunderstood the
material because of these problems, test answers will
demonstrate the incomplete knowledge. For out-of-class
assignments, an extension of deadlines may be justified.
The objective of such considerations always should be to
accommodate the student's learning differences, not to
water down scholastic requirements. Instructors should
apply the same standards to students with disabilities as
they apply to other students in evaluating their work and
assigning grades.

Functional Problems

In addition to the adjustments discussed in detail for
each category of disability, some understanding is required
in working with more subtle and sometimes unexpected
manifestations of a disability. Chronic weakness and
fatigue characterize some disabilities and medical condi-
tions. Drowsiness, fatigue, or impairments of memory or
speech may result from prescribed medications. Such
difficulties and interference with the student's ability to
perform should be distinguished from the apathetic behav-
ior it may resemble.

Program Accessibility

All events that are part of structured class activi-
ties are to be planned in accessible places. Work-
shops, labs, off-campus events, meetings, trips, con-
ferences and any other program, service or activity must
be open and accessible to all students. On an old cam-
pus, such as the University of Florida, not all areas are

accessible. At UF, equal access may be achieved by
moving the program, service or activity to an area that is
accessible. We cannot renovate all areas, but we can
ensure program access by moving the program. When
planning events, on and off campus, please make sure that
all individuals have access. If your office or your TA's
office is not accessible, it is expected that you will make
alternate arrangements to meet with students.

Syllabus Information

One of the most crucial parts of any class is the
syllabus. It is in the syllabus that instructor expectations
are made known to each student. Students who are blind,
visually impaired, or learning disabled may not be able to
access the syllabus in the traditional format. A good way
to avoid a possible problem is to include a statement on all
future syllabi that notifies each student that the syllabus is
available in alternate format upon request. In most cases
you will only need to enlarge the syllabus or change the
font size when printing. If the larger font size is used, ask
the student if a font size of 14 or 18 would be appropri-
ate. If changing the font size is not possible, then enlarge
each page on a copy machine, by changing from 8.5 x 11
to 11 x 17 to 144 percent. If a student requests a Braille
copy of the syllabus, contact the Dean of Students Office
for assistance.

The DSO is always trying to reach out to students
with disabilities and inform them of the services
available. You can help in that mission by adding the
following sentence to each syllabus produced for your
For students with disabilities to request classroom
accommodations, contact the Assistant Dean of
Students/Director of the Disability Resources Program
at P202 Peabody Hall or call 392-1261 (V), 392-3008

Assistive Listening Devices

An assistive listening device is a portable FM
transmitter and receiver. Both receiver and transmitter are
small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. Students who qualify
will have an assistive listening device signed out to them
while they are enrolled at UF

Students who are hard of hearing may at times
have difficulty hearing what is said during class
lectures and discussion periods. UF is responsible for
providing assistive listening devices. However, students
who are hard of hearing may not know that assistive
listening devices are available. If you become aware that
a student cannot hear what is being said, inform the
student that assistance is available through the Dean of
Students Office. Assistive listening devices are also
available for faculty and staff with hearing impairments.

Alternative Print Information

Any publication that describes services, programs,
or activities (e.g., brochures, handouts, position an-
nouncements, pamphlets, resource guides, handbooks,
catalogs, course schedule, applications) needs to
include the following statement regarding availability
in accessible formats:

1. Upon request, for persons with print-related
disabilities, this publication is available in alternate
formats. For more information, please contact (insert
name) at (tel. number).

When a document such as the University Catalog is
offered in one particular format, the following is an ex-
ample of what the statement would look like:


2. Upon request, the undergraduate catalog is
available on computer disk to persons with print-
oriented disabilities. For more information, contact
the Office of the Registrar.

When selecting one type of format over another, be
aware that the person requesting the alternate format
should be given primary consideration as to the format of
the publication. Always offer at least two format options.
Generally speaking, the first should be large-print copy
and the second should be worked out between both

The program producing the publication is respon-
*sible for the costs associated with any alternate format
publication. The "upon request" portion of the statement
is important. It is only upon request that alternate formats
are provided. Programs are not required to stockpile any
document; however, it is wise to be prepared and ready
to act when and if a request is made.

Providing alternate formatted documents is easier
than it may sound. The most common request is for large-
print copies. Large print can be supplied in two ways. If
the text is on computer, select an 18-point font and print a
copy, or enlarge the document on a photocopy machine.
Braille copies and audiotape versions also can be pro-
vided. For further assistance, contact the ADA Director.

Telecommunication Device for the
Deaf (TDD)

Any time a telephone number is listed within a letter,
booklet, pamphlet, resource guide, program announce-
ment, application, notice, advertisement, or letterhead, or
listed in any other circumstance, be sensitive to the fact
that there are individuals who may not be able to call the
telephone number listed due to one of many disabilities
(e.g., deafness, hearing impairment, speech impairment).
Always provide either a corresponding TDD number or
information on an alternative method for individuals with
disabilities to make contact.
As a result of the ADA, Florida and all other
states now have third-party agencies that will act as
the intermediary between the person with a disability
and the non-disabled person. In Florida that agency is the
Florida Relay Service (FRS). Use the relay number if no
TDD number is available [FRS 1-800-955-8771 (TDD)].
For a copy of the FRS brochure, contact the ADA Office
at 392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD).
An example of a statement for a publication that
lists more than one office, department or college
number is: For individuals with hearing impairments,
deafness, or speech impairments, when trying to
contact an office that does not list a TDD number,
contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-
An example for a department publication with
just that department number is: Forpersons with speech
and hearing impairments using TDD phone access,
contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-


Academic Advising


It would be impossible to address every aspect of
college life affecting students with disabilities. The pur-
pose of this section is to highlight some of the critical
issues when advising students with disabilities.

Under both the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section
504), universities cannot discriminate against quali-
fied individuals with disabilities. To ensure that discrimina-
tion does not take place, every public institution was
required to self-evaluate its programs, services, and
activities; and the rules, policies, and procedures that
guide the administration of those programs, services, and

Due to the nature of higher education in Florida, UF
has many legislative statutes that dictate how education is
directed. Some of those statutes and their ensuing rules,
policies, and procedures have the affect of discriminating
against qualified individuals with disabilities. Each univer-
sity, in turn, institutes its own rules to address those state
rules. Whether a state or local rule, a review of policies
and procedures should have taken place, and changes
should have occurred if the policies or procedures were
found to have a discriminatory affect.

The following information provides administrators an
opportunity to better serve students with disabilities in the
programs, services, and activities sponsored by UF. It is
impossible to address every aspect of campus life, how-
ever. When questions arise, the best thing to do is contact
the individuals on campus who administer disability
support services (e.g., ADA Compliance Office or the
Dean of Students Office (DSO).



Information Sessions on
Accommodating Students With

In addition to this Guide, there are various other
sources of information available to assist faculty, staff, and
administrators in providing support to students with
disabilities. Along with the printed materials, the ADA
Office and the DSO provide information sessions each
year on accommodating students with disabilities in the
classroom. For more information on the publications
available, and the date and times of the information
sessions, please contact the ADA Office at 392-7056,
846-1046 (TDD). (Refer to page 63 for detailed infor-


Students with disabilities are not required to
inform UF that they have a disability either in the admis-
sion process or while enrolled at the UF For those
students with disabilities who request specific classroom
accommodations or ask for individual consideration in the
application process, then and only then, can the appropri-
ate UF office (DSO) ask for documentation to verify the


The only office on campus authorized to main-
tain disability related documentation is the Dean of
Students Office (P 202 Peabody Hall). Only when an
accommodation is needed in the classroom or for an
administrative procedure are the appropriate staff notified
of the student request. Verification of the student disability

and qualification for reasonable accommodation is com-
pleted by the DSO. Notification of appropriate campus
officials is initiated, upon the request of the student, by the
Assistant Dean of Students (Disability Resources Pro-

Accommodation Procedures During
the Admission Process

Admission (lower division, transfer, upper division,
graduate school and professional programs)

Florida Board of Education (FBOE) Rule 6C-6.018
O sets the foundation for disability based petitions to the
admissions process. The rule states that each university
shall provide an opportunity to present evidence to
support the applicant's disability and an appeals process.
Committee membership generally is comprised of the
Director of Admissions or his/her representative; General
Counsel representative; Dean/Director or representative
of college or program being petitioned; an expert from
campus within the field of the disability in question; and the
director of the Disability Resources Program.

There are petition processes in place, at present, for
most areas on the UF campus. These processes were
instituted during the ADA Self-Evaluation process. At
present, petition processes are in place for basic admis-
sions (first time, transfer and upper division), Graduate
School, College of Law, College of Dentistry, and College
of Medicine. For any area on campus, when an issue of
disability occurs, contact the ADA Office or DOS for

UF Undergraduate Application

The UF application provides an opportunity for
students with disabilities to ask for special consideration
during the admission process by checking a box on the
application form. When a student checks the box for
special consideration, he/she is informing UF that he/she
has a disability. Students should be given an opportunity
to explain what unique consideration they will require in
the admission process. The purpose of this section, on
the application form, is to provide an opportunity for
students to inform UF of circumstances in their education
that may have been impacted by the disability. Many
students with disabilities will need no individual consider-
ation and have no disability related circumstances that
have impacted their education. However, many do.
Students should be given an opportunity to explain the link
between their disability and the specific admission criteria.
Many students, due to disabilities, may not have com-
pleted foreign languages, college level math, and other
specific courses. Their standardized test scores may be
lower than the norm or may have been administered in a
non-standard administration.

GPA and Standardized Test Scores

During the application review process, it is
important to look at the overall student admission informa-
tion. There are guidelines, set by the FBOE, that dictate
minimum GPA and test scores. However, such guidelines
do, in effect, discriminate against some students solely on
the basis of their disability. For those students who can
show that the disability in some way impacted a standard-
ized test score, GPA, or course selection, allowances
should be made to accommodate them. Example: Low

GPA In reviewing the application, a graduate student has
a GPA below 3.0. On the face of it, the student does not
meet the minimum GPA set by the FBOE. However, the
student in the letter of application notifies the department
that during the student's second term, he was in a car
accident that resulted in a serious injury. The student was
hospitalized for the semester. Because he did not with-
draw from classes he received failing grades. His request
is that the GPA be recalculated to omit the semester in
question. This is a valid request, based on the disability
(paraplegic due to auto accident). Example: Student with
3.6 GPA and a GRE Score of 950 (500 V, 450 M)
applies to History Department. Initially the student does
not appear to meet FBOE minimums. This student self
identifies as having a disability (LD -math) and would like
individual consideration. The student does not meet GRE
minimums, but presents supporting documentation that it
is a result of a disability and the minimum requirement
should be modified. The basis for accepting a GPA or
standardized test score that is below FBOE minimums is
240.152-153 and FBOE Rule 6C-6.018. Graduate
students with disabilities who do not meet the FBOE
minimums may qualify for the FBOE 10% exception rule
(Refer to Graduate Catalog, Conditional Admission

Substitution Admission Requirements

It is generally accepted that there are some
admission requirements for which substitutions may
be made. For instance, the foreign language requirement,
students who provide documentation verifying that, as a
result of a specific disability (i.e., dyslexia) they were
unable to complete a foreign language, should have the
opportunity to substitute other courses. Each request


must be reviewed individually and the result based on the
specifics of the request.

Program Accommodations Once

Waiver vs. Substitution

With the exception of the CLAST exam, there are
no waivers to admission or graduation requirements.
Students can, however, ask for substitutions to a require-
ment for admission or graduation. All substitutions for
course requirements that are based on disability rationale
are facilitated through the Dean of Students Office. The
substitution is approved only when there can be a
direct link between the functional impact of the disability
and the course in question.

General Education Requirements vs. Core Course

Generally speaking, substitutions to admission or
graduation requirements have been made in only those
areas that are considered general education, and not core

Substitutions are not allowed when a department or
college considers the course or requirement in question to
be a fundamental part of the program or essential to
students in the program. Each request is looked at
individually and arguments heard for both sides. What
may be approved for one student may not be approved
for another.


When are substitutions or modifications not

When the substitution or modification to the admis-
sion or graduation requirement will result in a fundamental
alteration (ADA, 240.153) in the nature of the program,
then the substitution or modification is not allowed. Or,
when the institution can demonstrate that an academic
requirement is essential (Section 504) to the program of
instruction being pursued by the student or to any directly
related licensing requirement then it is not allowed. In
most cases, general education requirements can be and
are substituted regularly (e.g., Foreign Language, Gordon
Rule computation and communication). On the other
*hand, courses that are considered a fundamental part of
the program do not have to be changed. Example: A
student receives a substitution to the Gordon Rule math
requirement and now applies for upper division admission
into the College of Education and asks for a substitution to
the course "Teaching Math in Elementary School." If the
college sees the course as fundamental and essential, the
student must complete the course in order to complete the
program. If the student cannot complete the course, then
he/she is not otherwise qualified.

Substitution graduation requirements (240.153)

Under the guidelines spelled out in 240.153 and
FBOE Rule 6C-6.018 a student who is hearing impaired,
visually impaired, or dyslexic, or who has a specific
learning disability, shall be eligible for reasonable substitu-
tion for any requirement for graduation, when documenta-
tion is provided that the student's failure to meet the
requirement is related to their disability, and when the
failure to meet the graduation requirement does not
constitute a fundamental alteration in the nature of the

Academic requirements that UF can demonstrate are
essential to the program of instruction being pursued by
the student or to any directly related licensing requirement
are not regarded as discriminatory. Each request is
reviewed individually.

CLAST Waivers

At present, the State of Florida does not have a
substitution to the CLAST exam. Until the time that a
reasonable substitution is provided, then students who
meet the guidelines for a substitution can petition
(CLAST Disability Appeals Committee) to have a waiver
to one or more sections of the CLAST.

Additional Drops

Limiting the number of drops a student with a
disability can have in some circumstances may dis-
criminate on the basis of the disability. Students with
disabilities requesting a drop that is a direct result of the
disability should be provided an opportunity to inform the
department administering the drop procedure that they are
dropping as a result of the disability. In those situations,
when the drop is directly related to the disability, a student
is allowed to petition for additional drops.


Dispelling Myths

T he similarities of students with disabilities to
Students without disabilities are greater than their
differences. The first step in teaching students with
disabilities is easy: treat them as you would all stu-
dents. After all, they come to college for the same
reasons others come and they bring with them the same
range of backgrounds, intelligence, and scholastic skills.
These truths are easier stated than acted upon. The best
of intentions may be derailed by attitudes that dramatically
distort our interaction with people who have disabilities.

Attitudes that distort our relationships with people
who have disabilities may occur without malice, and are
often the result of fears, guilt or inexperience with individu-
als who have disabilities. Distorting attitudes can be
devastating to persons with disabilities. Unfounded or
inappropriate attitudes reduce or bias our expectations of
individual performance.

Defining a person by the disability, not by the
person's humanness, leads us to isolate and segregate
people with disabilities. It also hurts their pride and
damages their confidence. Unfounded or inappropriate
attitudes can be more disabling than any diagnosed

Stereotyping prevails on campus, as it does in the
larger society. In college, though, it not only perpetuates
the prejudicial treatment encountered by people with
disabilities elsewhere, but it also may undermine scholastic
performance or access to educational opportunities.
Stereotyping also reinforces barriers that students with
disabilities are trying to overcome at critical junctures in
their lives.


Revising our perceptions and attitudes is the
first step in accommodating students with disabili-
ties. It is vital to remember that similarities among all
students are much more significant than their differences:
they are all, first and foremost, students.


*Preferred Language

P ople with disabilities prefer that people focus on
heir individuality, not their disability. The term "handi-
capped" has fallen into disuse and should be avoided.
The terms "able-bodied," "physically challenged," and
"differently abled" also are discouraged. The following
are some recommendations:

Never use the article THE with an adjective to
describe people with disabilities.

The preferred usage, "people with disabilities,"
stresses the essential humanity of individuals and avoids

the deaf
people who are deaf

Not the visually impaired
Use people who are visually impaired

Not the disabled
Use people with disabilities

If it is appropriate to refer to a person's disability,
choose the correct terminology for the specific disabil-

Appropriate Terminology

The following terms are examples of appropriate
terms to describe people with disabilities.

People who are blind; visually impaired; deaf; hard
of hearing; mentally retarded; non-disabled; physically
disabled. People with or who have Cerebral Palsy;
Down Syndrome; mental illness; paraplegia; quadriplegia;
partial hearing loss; seizure disorder; specific learning
disability; speech impairment.

Be careful not to imply that people with disabili-
ties are to be pitied, feared, or ignored, or that they
are somehow more heroic, courageous, patient, or
"special" than others. Never use the term "normal"
in contrast.

Not Trina held her own while swimming with
normal students.
Use Trina qualified for her "Swimmer" certificate.

A person in a wheelchair is a "wheelchair user"
or "uses a wheelchair." Avoid terms that define the
disability as a limitation such as "confined to a wheel-
chair" or "wheelchair-bound." A wheelchair liberates;
it doesn't confine.

Never use the terms "victim" or "sufferer" to
refer to a person who has had a disease or disability.
This term dehumanizes the person and emphasizes

Not victim of AIDS or AIDS sufferer
Use person with HIV/AIDS

Not polio victim
Use had polio

(From Campus Guidelines for Using Inclusive Language and
Illustrations in University Publications University of Maryland
at College Park).



Identifying Disabilities

Each student brings a unique set of experiences to
college, and a student with disabilities is no excep-
tion. While many students learn in different ways, their
differences do not imply inferior capacities. There is no
need to reduce course requirements for students with
disabilities. However, special accommodations may be

Determining that a student has a disability may not
always be a simple process. Visible disabilities are
noticeable through casual observation. For example, a
person using a cane, wheelchair, or crutches may indicate
that the individual has a physical impairment.

Other students may have hidden disabilities, such as
hearing impairments, legal blindness, cardiac conditions,
learning disabilities, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease,
psychiatric or seizure disorders, among others. Such
disabilities are not visibly noticeable, therefore they are
considered hidden.

Finally, there are students with multiple disabilities,
which are caused by such primary conditions as muscular
dystrophy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis or traumatic
brain injury. Depending on the nature and progression of
the condition or injury, it may be accompanied by a
secondary impairment, such as difficulty with mobility,
vision, hearing, speech, or coordination. These secondary
impairments may, in fact, pose greater difficulties than the
primary disabilities.

Some students with disabilities will identify them-
selves as such by contacting the Dean of Students Office
(DSO) and their instructors before or early in the semes-
ter. Others, especially those with "hidden" disabilities,
may not identify themselves because of their fear of


others' disbelief either about the legitimacy of their disabil-
ity or about the need for accommodation. Such students,
in the absence of instructional adjustment, may run into
trouble in their college work. In a panic they may identify
themselves as disabled just before an examination and
expect instant attention to their needs. If that happens, the
faculty member should contact the DSO for assistance in
dealing with unanticipated accommodations.

The faculty member should make an announcement
at the beginning of the term or put a statement in the
syllabus (refer to page 18) inviting students with disabilities
to schedule appointments. If you suspect that a student
has a disability, discuss your concern with the student.
You may find such an approach awkward, at least initially, A&
but the end result will be beneficial if the student's circum-
stances are made known at the very outset.

If a disability is brought to your attention and the
student has not registered with DSO, the instructor
should refer the student to the DSO.


Confidentiality of Student


The University of Florida Rules-6C1-4 Student Affairs

6C1-4.007 Student Affairs: Confidentiality of Student

1. The President delegates to each Vice President
the responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality
of all records within his area of responsibility.
Each Vice President may designate an individual in
his area as the custodian of records for that area.

2. Student records maintained in the Dean of Stu-
dents Office, J. Wayne Reitz Union, Office for
Student Financial Affairs, Career Resource Center,
Division of Housing, and University Counseling
Center, are deemed confidential. Only that
information which is of a public record will be
released without the written consent of the student
involved. Public information includes: name,
classification, local address, home address, local
telephone number, electronic mail (e-mail) address,
dates of place of employment at the University,
awards received, participation in officially recog-
nized or registered activities and sports, and weight
and height of members of athletic teams. Counsel-
ing records and disciplinary records are not public

3. Information contained in student records except
that data which is public information will be open
for inspection only by the student, or parents of
dependent students as defined by the Internal
Revenue Service, and designated members of the
professional staff of the University. The depart-
ment custodians of student records and their
designees may release information from such
records only upon written authorization from the
student or as otherwise provided by law. Records
which are created or maintained by the University
Counseling Center are used only in connection with
treatment provided to a student are available only
to persons providing such treatment; provided,
however, that such records can be personally

reviewed by an appropriate professional of the
student's choice.

4. The Dean or Director of each unit in the Division of
Student Affairs is the official custodian of the
record in his/her unit and will designate those staff
members who have access to student records. The
Dean or Director or his/her designees has responsi-
bility for identifying those University agencies
outside of the Division of Student Affairs that shall
have access to the particular student records
5. All requests for research dealing with data from
records are referred to the custodian of the records
involved. Such requests should be in writing and
should include appropriate faculty approval. In
addition, the researcher will guarantee that identifi-
able data about any individual will not be published
or made available to others.
6. Traditional requests from scholastic honor societies
(e.g., Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta) for
membership eligibility based on grade point average
shall be granted when such requests are approved
by the Dean of Students or the Dean's designee.
7. Counseling, disciplinary, and academic records are
maintained separately.
8. With the exception of Placement records and
records required for audit purposes in the Office for
Student Financial Affairs, student records are not
maintained longer than four years after departure
from the University unless such records reflect on
the student's eligibility to return to the University.
9. All, policies and procedures governing the mainte-
nance and release of student records in Student
Affairs offices are made public and are subject to
review periodically by appropriate student, faculty,
and administrative groups.
Specific 240.227(1), 240.237 FS.
Law Implemented 240.237,228.093(2)(e), (3)(d) FS


Categories of Disabilities

In order to provide services to students with
disabilities, each Florida university asks for voluntary
self-identification of students with a specific disability.
This information is kept confidential and is used for the
purpose of aiding students in achieving their fullest poten-
tial while at the university. In addition, each university is
required to submit annually a confidential report to the
Florida Board of Education that includes the number of
students with disabilities by disability category.

Defining Disability

To be considered disabled under either the ADA or
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a person
must have a physical or mental impairment that substan-
tially limits a "major life activity," has a record of such an
impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.

Each student requesting classroom accommoda-
tions must present appropriate documentation to the
assistant dean of students responsible for providing
accommodations to students with disabilities. Listed
below are the five categories of disabilities as outlined by
the State of Florida.

Visual Disability

A visual disability is considered any disorder in the
structure and function of the eye as manifested by at least
one of the following: (1) visual acuity of 20/70 or less in
the better eye after the best possible correction, (2) a
peripheral field so constricted that it affects one's ability to
function in an educational setting, and (3) a progressive
loss of vision that may affect one's ability to function in an
educational setting. Examples include, but are not limited
to, cataracts, glaucoma, nystagmus, retinal detachment,
retinitis pigmentosa, and strabismus.


Physical Disability

Conditions that impact the musculoskeletal, connec-
tive tissue, or neuromuscular system are physically dis-
abling conditions which may require an adaptation to
one's school environment or curriculum. Examples
include, but are not limited to, cerebral palsy, absence of
some body member, clubfoot, nerve damage to the hand
and arm, cardiovascular attack (CVA), head injury, spinal
cord injury, arthritis, rheumatism, intracranial hemorrhage,
embolism, thrombosis, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson's disease, congenital malformation of brain
cellular tissue, and physical disorders pertaining to muscles
and nerves (usually as a result of disease or birth defect,
including, but not limited to, muscular dystrophy and
congenital muscle disorders).

Hearing Disability

A hearing disability is considered any hearing loss of
30 decibels or greater, pure tone average of 500, 1000,
2000 Hz, ANSI, unaided, in the better ear. Examples
include, but are not limited to, conductive hearing impair-
ment or deafness, sensorineural hearing impairment or
deafness, high or low tone hearing loss or deafness, and
acoustic trauma hearing loss or deafness.

Specific Learning Disabilities

Specific learning disabilities are any disorder in one
or more of the basic psychological or neurological pro-
cesses involved in understanding or in using spoken or
written language. Disorders may be manifested in listen-
ing, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, or performing
arithmetic calculations. Examples include dyslexia,
dysgraphia, dysphasia, dyscalculia, and other learning
disabilities in the basic psychological or neurological
process. Such disorders do not include learning problems
due primarily to visual, hearing, or motor handicaps;


mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or an environ-
mental deprivation.

Other Disabilities

There are numerous other disabilities. Only a few
are listed below, therefore the full range of disabilities is
not limited to those listed below.

Speech Disability

Disorders of language, articulation, fluency or voice
that interfere with communication, pre-academic or
academic learning, vocational training, or social adjust-
Omnent are considered speech disabilities. Examples
include, but are not limited to, cleft lip and/or palate with
speech impairment, stammering, stuttering, laryngectomy
and aphasia.

Mental, Psychoneurotic or Personality Disorders

Mental, psychoneurotic, or personality disorders
include any emotional or behavioral neurosis that has, or
could create, an unstable condition in the individual's
ability to learn.

Cardiovascular and Circulatory Conditions

Cardiovascular and circulatory conditions include,
but are not limited to, congenital heart disease, rheumatic
fever, chronic rheumatic heart disease, arteriosclerotic and
degenerative heart disease.

Blood Serum Disorders

Blood serum disorders include hemophilia, sickle cell
anemia, HIV/AIDS, and disorders where the cause is

Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory disorders include tuberculosis of the
respiratory system, emphysema, pneumoconiosis, asbes-
tosis, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, and
other diseases of respiratory system.

The preceding list are only a few of the conditions
listed in the other category. Other conditions that require
an administrative or academic adjustment such as class
schedules, parking and course adjustments, and do not fit
into any of the above categories may also qualify.


Teaching Students with

Learning Disabilities

Learning disability is any of a diverse group of
1 conditions that cause significant difficulties in perceiv-
ing and/or processing auditory, visual and/or spatial
information. Of presumed neurological origin, it covers
disorders that impair such functions as reading (dyslexia),
writing (dysgraphia) and mathematical calculation
(dyscalculia). No two students have exactly the same
pattern or type of learning variance associated with a
given learning disability.


A student may have average to superior intelligence
and adequate sensory and motor systems, and yet have a
learning disability. The extraordinary achievements of
numerous people with learning disabilities confirm the
coexistence of learning disabilities and average to superior
intelligence. But learning disabilities only recently have
been identified, and these conditions still often go undiag-
nosed. That is why many people often mistakenly believe
a learning disability is an intellectual deficiency, which it
emphatically is not.

In fact, the marked discrepancy between intellectual
capacity and achievement is what characterizes a learning
disability. Documentation of the disability is required not
only to establish the need for special services, but also to 0
determine the kind of special services that are indicated.
Students who are believed to have a learning disability that
has not been previously or reliably identified should be
referred to the Dean of Students Office (DSO) for consul-

While a learning disability cannot be "cured," its
impact can be lessened through instructional interven-
tion and compensatory strategies. In general, a variety of
instructional modes enhance learning for students with
learning disabilities, by allowing them to master material
that may be inaccessible in one particular form.

In working with a student with a learning disability, a
faculty member should try to identify the nature of the
student's disability in order to determine the kind of
strategies that the student may need. Drawing upon the
student's own experience offers invaluable clues to the
types of adaptations that work.




Once a faculty member knows the nature of an individual
student's disability, the faculty member may find the
following strategies helpful.

Learning Disability that Effects
Auditory Processing

Some students with LD may experience difficulty
integrating information presented orally, so they may not
be able to follow the logic and organization of a lecture.
For these students a faculty member could:

Provide students with a course syllabus at the
start of the semester.

Permit students to tape a class, so the students
may listen to the class discussion more
than once.

Outline class presentations, and write new
terms and key points on the chalkboard.

Allow students to use notetakers.

Repeat and summarize segments of each
presentation and review its entirety.

Provide students with a written copy of major
points, models, outlines, etc.

In dealing with abstract concepts, paraphrase them
in specific terms, and illustrate them with concrete ex-
amples, personal experiences, hands-on models and such
visual tools as charts and graphs.

Learning Disability that Effects Visual

Reading may be slow and deliberate, and compre-
hension may be impaired for a student with a learning
disability, particularly when dealing with large quanti-
ties of material. For such a student, comprehension and
speed are expedited dramatically with the addition of
auditory input. Read aloud material that is written on the
chalkboard or that is given in handouts or transparencies.

In addition, an instructor may:

* Make required book lists available prior to the
first day of class to allow students to begin
their reading early or to have texts put on tape.

* Provide students with chapter outlines or study
guides that cue them to key points in their

Learning Disabilities that Effect
Memory Processing

Memory or sequencing difficulties may impede the
execution of complicated directions for a student with a
learning disability. To accommodate, an instructor may:

* Keep oral instructions concise and reinforce them with
a brief cue word.

* Repeat orre-word complicated directions.


Note-Taking Alternatives

Some students with learning disabilities need alterna-
tive ways to take notes because they cannot write effec-
tively or assimilate, remember, and organize the material
while listening to a lecture. To accommodate an instruc-
tor could:

* Allow notetakers to accompany the student to

* Permit tape recordings or make notes available for
material not found in texts or other accessible sources.

* Assist the student, if necessary, in arranging to
borrow classmates'notes.

* Provide copies of notes and transparencies.


It is helpful to determine the student's ability to
participate in classroom activities. While many students
with learning disabilities are highly articulate, some have
severe difficulty in talking, responding, or reading in front
of groups. Stress of performing can exacerbate the effect
of the learning disability on the student's performance.

Specialized Limitations

Some students with learning disabilities may have
poor coordination, or trouble judging distance or differen-
tiating between left and right. Such devices as demon-
strations from the student's right-left frame of reference,
and the use of color codes or supplementary symbols,
may overcome the student's difficulties with perceptions.


The Science Laboratory

The science laboratory can be especially over-
whelming for students with learning disabilities. Unfamiliar
equipment, exact measurement, and multi-step procedures
may demand precisely those skills that are most difficult
for students with some learning disabilities. To accommo-
date an instructor could:

* Provide an individual orientation to the laboratory and
equipment to minimize student anxiety.

* Label equipment, tools, and materials.

* Make available to a student cue cards or labels
designating the steps of a procedure to expedite the
mastering of a sequence.

* Use specialized adaptive equipment to help with exact

Learning Disabilities that Effect
Writing Processing

Some students with a learning disability have diffi-
culty organizing written material or may misspell words.
Allowing a student to have access to appropriate tools
may help students with learning disabilities more clearly
express their comprehension of the course material.

* Permit a student to use a dictionary during a test.

* Allow a student to use a computer and a spell-
checking program.


Learning Disabilities that Effect
Behavior or Interactions

Because of perceptual difficulties, some students
with learning disabilities are slow to grasp social cues and
are slow to respond appropriately. They may lack social
skills, or they may have difficulty sustaining focused
attention. If such a problem results in classroom interrup-
tions or other disruptions, it is advisable for an instructor
to discuss the matter privately with the student or with the

Learning Disabilities Requiring
*Accommodations During Evaluations

When learning disability effects performance during
evaluations, accommodations should be made to evalua-
tion methods and procedures. An instructor might:

Allow students to take examinations in a separate,
quiet room with proctor. Students with disabilities
are especially sensitive to distractions. Testing
services are available through the DSO and OAT.

Grant time extensions on exams and written
assignments when there are significant demands on
reading and writing skills.

Avoid overly complicated language in exam questions,
and clearly separate them in their spacing on the exam
sheet. For a student with perceptual deficits, for
whom transferring answers is especially difficult, avoid
using answer sheets, especially computer forms.

S* Try not to test on material just presented, since

students with learning disabilities is generally require
more time to assimilate new knowledge.

Permit use of a dictionary, a word-processing
program, proofreader or, in mathematics and science,
a calculator. In mathematics, the student may
understand the concept, but may make errors by
incorrectly aligning numbers or confusing mathematical
facts. A student may need to use grid paper or other
special materials.

* When necessary, allow students to use a reader,
scribe, word processor, tape recorder or typewriter.

* Consider alternative test designs. Some students with
learning disabilities may find essay formats difficult. A
student with a perceptual impairment may have trouble
with tests requiring students to match different items.

* Consider alternative or supplementary assignments to
evaluate a student's mastery of the course material.
Taped interviews, slide presentations, photographic
essays, or handmade models may lead to more
accurate evaluations.

The Dean of Students Office is always avail-
able to help faculty identify accommodations on an
individual basis. For more information, call 392-
1261, 392-3008 (TDD).


Teaching Students with

Attention Deficit

ttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/
-I DHD) is a neurological disorder that is character-
ized by chronic difficulty in sustaining attention and signifi-
cantly impacts learning and behavior. Some persons with
ADD/ADHD also may display hyperactivity as evidenced
by excessive physical movement and difficulty in sitting still
for long periods of time or impulsivity as evidenced by
poor planning and poor attention to details. ADD/ADHD
is often first diagnosed during childhood, but many people
with less severe symptoms and minimal hyperactivity are
not diagnosed until late adolescence or adulthood. For
many years, it was thought that ADD/ADHD was "out-
grown" after adolescence. We now know that it is a
lifelong disability, but that the severity of symptoms,
especially physical hyperactivity, may decrease after

The impact of ADD/ADHD varies from individual to
individual. Within the educational setting, it can range
from a minimal impairment that can be managed easily, to
a severe impairment that impacts both academic and
interpersonal success and requires treatment with medica-
tion. In college, the student's ADD/ADHD may impact
his or her organization and efficiency in areas such as
reading, listening to directions or lectures, taking notes,
prioritizing tasks, completing assignments, and taking tests.
Students with ADD/ADHD may have difficulty adhering
to schedules and expectations, unless these are communi-
cated clearly both verbally and in writing. Some will
display an impulsivity and impatience in their interpersonal
interactions that may make communication with instructors
and peers problematic.


A comprehensive assessment assists in determining
both the severity of the impairment and the best accom-
modations for an individual student. ADD/ADHD may
present many of the same symptoms as academic difficul-
ties or co-occur with other disorders, such as Learning
Disabilities, Anxiety Disorders, or Depression. For these
reasons, the documentation requirements for students with
ADD/ADHD include a comprehensive psycho-educa-
tional evaluation by a psychologist. The most common
accommodations for students with ADD/ADHD are a low
distraction environment, extra time on tests, a reduced
course load, tape recording of lectures, and obtaining
copies of overheads prior to lectures. Many students find
that individualized coaching in time management, study
skills, and organizational skills are necessary for their
academic success.


The way a class is organized and material is pre-
sented can be critical for a student with ADD/ADHD.
Students with ADD/ADHD often lack the ability to
organize and structure information or activities. A course
syllabus with all requirements, materials, and deadlines
clearly marked will assist the student with meeting those
requirements. A graphic or bullet format for presenting
information with key terms and dates highlighted or
underlined may be helpful for many students with ADD/
ADHD. When lecturing, an instructor could provide
advanced organizers and verbal cues in the form of
Introductory statements, transition statements, and con-
cluding summaries. Most students with ADD/ADHD will

benefit from sitting near the front of the class where they
can stay focused and mentally engaged in the lecture with
fewer distractions. Instructors should explicitly state both
verbally and in writing what is expected of students in
terms of quality, quantity, and deadlines for all assign-
ments. In addition, instructors could encourage students
to meet with them during office hours to review deadlines
and expectations in a quieter less and distracting environ-



Teaching Students with Visual


V isual impairment varies greatly. Persons are
considered legally blind when visual acuity is 20/70
or less in the better eye with the use of corrective lenses.
Most persons who are legally blind have some vision.
Others who have low vision may rely on residual vision
with the use of adaptive equipment. Persons who are
totally blind may have visual memory, the utility of which
varies depending on the age when vision was lost.

Whatever the degree of impairment, students who
are visually impaired should be expected to participate
fully in classroom activities, such as discussions and group
work. To record notes, some students will use lap-top
computers or computerized Braillers. Students who are
visually impaired may encounter difficulties in laboratory
classes, field trips, and internships. With planning and
adaptive equipment, these difficulties can be minimized.

Before or Early in the Semester

Instructors can accommodate for students with visual
impairments before or early in the semester by:

* Providing reading lists or syllabi in advance to allow
time for arrangements to be made (e.g., the taping or
Brailling oftexts).

* With cooperation from the Dean of Students Office
(DSO), assisting the student in finding readers,
notetakers, or tutors, or teaming the student with a
sighted classmate or laboratory assistant.

* Reserving front row seats for low-vision students;
making sure seats are not near windows (glare can
make it hard for a student to see the instructor or the
board). If a guide dog is used, the dog will be highly
disciplined and require little space.


* Verbalizing the content printed on transparencies or
chalkboard notations.

During the Semester

During the semester instructors can accommodate for
students with visual impairments by:

* Facing the class when speaking.

* Conveying in spoken words whatever is put on the
chalkboard and whatever other visual cues or graphic
materials used.

* Providing copies of allmaterials or requesting another
student to write everything down for later transfer to
tape or Braille.

* Permitting lectures to be taped and/or providing
copies of lecture notes.


Providing large-print copies of classroom materials by
enlarging them on a photocopier, or print in at least 18
point using high- contrast, non-encumbered fonts.

Beingflexible with assignment deadlines.

Planning field trips and special projects (e.g.,
internships) well in advance and alerting field
supervisors to whatever adaptations may be needed.

Considering an alternative assignment ifa specific task
is impossible for the student to carry out.

*Examinations and Evaluations

Students should not be exempt from examinations or
be expected to master less content or achieve a lower
level of scholastic skills because of a visual impairment.
Alternative means of assessing understanding of the
material may be necessary, however. The students
themselves, because of their experience in previous
learning situations, and the DSO may offer suggestions on
testing and evaluation strategies. The most expedient
devices are alternative examinations (e.g., oral, large-print,
Braille or taped), time extensions for exams, and the use
of such aids as print enlargers, specialized computer
programs, or tape recorders. The DSO is available to
assist with the administration of classroom exams.

Other adaptations suited to specific situations, such
as tactile materials in presenting diagrams or illustrations in
certain subjects, may be helpful.


Teaching Students with Physical


A wide range of conditions may limit mobility
and/or hand functions. Among the most common
permanent disorders are musculoskeletal disabilities, such
as partial or total paralysis, amputation or severe injury,
arthritis, active sickle cell disease, muscular dystrophy,
multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy. Additionally, health
impairments (e.g., cancer, HIV/AIDS, cystic fibrosis,
respiratory and cardiac diseases) may be debilitating and,
consequently, affect mobility. These conditions also may
impair the strength, speed, endurance, coordination, and
dexterity necessary for proper hand function. Conditions
such as cerebral palsy often involve sensory and speech
dysfunction. While the degree of disability varies, students
may have difficulty getting to or from class, performing in
class, or managing out-of-class tests and assignments.

Going to and from Classes

Physical access to classrooms is a major concern of
students who have physical disabilities. Those who use
wheelchairs, braces, crutches, canes, or prostheses, or
who fatigue easily, find it difficult to move about, especially
within the time constraints imposed by class schedules.
Occasional lateness may be unavoidable. Tardiness or
absence may be caused by transportation problems,
inclement weather, elevator or wheelchair breakdown, or
the need to wait for physicians' appointments. Leaving a
class may pose similar problems, especially in cases of
emergency. Instructors may accommodate students with
physical disabilities by:

* Considering whether physical access to a classroom is
a problem before or early in the semester, discuss it
with the student, and, if necessary, the Dean of Stu-
dents Office (DSO).


* Being prepared to arrange for a change of classroom or
building if the classroom or building is not accessible to
students with mobility impairments; being prepared to
move class temporarily if an elevator is out of service.

* Becoming familiar with the building's emergency
evacuation plan and assuring that it is manageable for
students who have mobility impairments.

In Class

Some courses and classrooms present obstacles to
the full participation of students who have physical dis-
abilities. In seating such students, every effort should be
made to integrate them into the class. Relegating students
to a doorway, a side aisle or the back of the room should
be avoided. Even such apparently insurmountable barri-
ers as fixed seating may be overcome by arranging for a
chair to be unbolted and removed to make room for a

Laboratory stations that are too high for wheelchair
users to reach or transfer to, or that have insufficient
under-counter knee clearance, may be modified or
replaced by portable stations. Without such accommoda-
tions, the student may need the assistance of a personal
assistant to perform the activities in a laboratory.

Students with hand-function limitations may have
difficulties both in the laboratory and in the classroom,
taking notes, completing in-class writing assignments, and
taking written tests. The instructor should be prepared to
utilize accommodations like the following:

Permitting the use of a notetaker or tape recorder. A


* Teaming the student with a laboratory partner or
assistant. (Note: Educational assistants can be pro-
vided by the DSO.)

* Allowing in-class written assignments to be completed
out of class with the use of a scribe or other appropri-
ate aid.

DSO/Office of Academic Technology (OAT) will
administer oral or taped tests, or will provide space and
supervision for extended testing time. DSO/OAT also is
available for alternative testing arrangements.

Out-of-Class Assignments

For students who have mobility impairments or
hand-function impairments, using the library for reading or
research assignments may present obstacles. The student
may have to arrange with library personnel for access to
card catalogs, book shelves, microfiche, and other equip-
ment. Because the completion of required work may be
delayed, the extension of deadlines and the use of "In-
complete" grades may be appropriate.

Off-campus assignments and fieldwork may pose
similar problems of access to resources. Instructors
should consider such accommodations as advance notice
to students who rely on special transportation, the exten-
sion of deadlines, alternative assignments, and the use of


Teaching Students with Hearing


Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may use a
wide range of services depending on the language
or communication system they use.

Some people who are deaf consider themselves
members of a distinct linguistic and cultural group. How-
ever, many students with hearing impairments do not
consider themselves part of a separate identity group, and
work towards assimilation. Often people who are hearing
impaired have been deaf for a long time. Some may live
in a community or extended family that includes numerous
other individuals who are hearing impaired. They may use


American Sign Language as their first language. There-
fore, members of this cultural group are bilingual, and
English is their second language. As with any cultural
group, people who are deaf have their own values, social
norms and traditions. Because of this, faculty should be
sensitive and attentive to cross-cultural information in the
classroom setting. Some students who are hearing
impaired may use American Sign Language interpreters in
the classroom setting.

Indications that a student has a hearing loss may
include a student's straining to hear, intense concentration
on the speaker's face, use of loud or distorted speech,
requests to repeat or spell words, and consistent failure to
respond. 0

Hard of hearing refers to those individuals who may
use speech, reading, and/or hearing aids to enhance oral
communication. Hearing aids or amplification systems
may include public address systems and transmitter/
receiver systems with a clip-on microphone for the
instructor. For those who use speech reading, only 30 to
40 percent of spoken English is comprehensible even for
those who are highly skilled.

For people who are deaf or hard of hearing who
choose to speak, their feedback mechanisms are limited;
therefore, vocal control, volume, intonations, and articula-
tion may be affected. These secondary effects are physi-
cal and should not be viewed as mental or intellectual

A variety of services are available to students who
are hard of hearing. Students may use Signed English,
American Sign Language, Cued Speech, or oral
transliterators in the classroom -- visual systems that
enhance the reception and expression of spoken English.

Accommodations to Remember

The following accommodations will assist many
students who have hearing disabilities.

* Students who are deaf or hard of hearing will benefit
from front-row seating. An unobstructed line of vision
is necessary for students who use interpreters and for
those who rely on speech reading and visual cues. If an
interpreter is used, the student's view should include the
interpreter and professor. If the speaker is in a shadow
or standing by a window with movement outside of it,
the person who is speech reading may have difficulty
seeing or attending to the speaker's mouth.

* Instructors should keep their faces within view of the
student and they should speak in natural tones.

* When an interpreter is being used by a student with a
hearing impairment, an instructor should speak directly
to and maintain eye contact with the student, not the

* Recognize the processing time the interpreter takes to
translate a message from its original language into
another language (whether English to American Sign
Language or vice versa). This processing time may
cause a short delay in the student's receiving informa-
tion, asking questions, and/or offering comments.
During translation lag times, the instructor should
maintain a comfortable eye contact and postural regard
with the student.

* Repeat questions and remarks of other people in the

* Use visual aids and the chalkboard to reinforce spoken
presentations when possible.

* If requested, assist the student with identifying a

* When possible, provide the student with class outlines,
lecture notes, lists of new technical terms and printed
transcripts of audio and audiovisual materials.

* Do not hesitate to communicate with the student in
writing when conveying important information (e.g.,
assignments, scheduling, deadlines).

* Do not obstruct the student's view of the interpreter by
walking between them.

* If the speaker has a beard or mustache that covers part
or all of the lips, remember that a student who speech
reads will have a hard time following a lecture or class

* Use audiovisual equipment that provides good audio

* Try to reduce the amount of ambient noise in the
environment, such as fans or background noise.


Teaching Students with

Emotional/ Social Disabilities

Students with emotional and social disabilities
present some of the most difficult challenges to an
instructor. Like some disabilities, these impairments may
be hidden or latent, with little or no effect on learning.
Unlike students with other kinds of disabilities, emotional
disabilities may manifest themselves in behavior ranging
from indifference to disruptiveness. Such conduct may
make it difficult to remember that students with emotional
and social impairments have little control over their

One of the most common psychological impair-
ments among students is depression. The condition may
be temporary-- a response to inordinate pressures at
school, on the job, at home, or in one's social life. De-
pression may be manifested as a pathological sense of
hopelessness or helplessness which may provoke, in its
extreme, threats or attempts at suicide. It may appear as
apathy, disinterest, inattention, impaired concentration,
irritability, or as fatigue or other physical symptoms
resulting from changes in eating, sleeping, or other living

Anxiety also is prevalent among students and may be
the reaction to stress. A student need not be psychologi-
cally impaired to experience anxiety. Mild anxiety, in fact,
may promote learning and improve functioning. Severe
anxiety, however, may reduce concentration, distort
perception, and weaken the learning process. Anxiety
may manifest itself as withdrawal, constant talking, com-
plaining, joking, crying, or extreme fear, sometimes to the
point of panic. Bodily symptoms might include episodes
oflight-headedness or hyperventilation.


Students are susceptible to a myriad of other social
and emotional disorders, including expressing inappropri-
ate classroom behavior or inadequate performance on
assignments. Some troubled students who are undergoing
treatment take prescription medication to help control
disturbing feelings, ideas, and behaviors. This medication
might cause undesirable side effects, such as drowsiness
or disorientation.

In dealing with psychological conditions that impair
the functioning of a student, follow the principles outlined
for working with students with any disabilities in the
Overview section (page 16) of this handbook. If the
behavior begins to affect others, your course, or your
instructions, consider the suggestions below:


* Discuss inappropriate behavior with the student pri-
vately and forthrightly, delineating the limits of accept-
able conduct. It may be appropriate to have a witness
to your conversation.

* In your discussions with the student, do not attempt to
diagnose or treat the psychological disorder, but only
the student's behavior in the course.

* If you sense that discussion would not be effective, or if
the student approaches you for therapeutic help, refer
the student to the Counseling Center, the Student
Health Care Center, or the Dean of Students Office.

* If abusive or threatening behavior occurs, refer the
matter to the DSO.



Teaching Students with Other


Many other conditions may interfere with a
student's academic functioning. Some of their
symptoms, like limited mobility or impaired vision, and the
types of intervention required may resemble those cov-
ered elsewhere in this handbook. The general principles
set forth in the Overview section apply, particularly the
need to identify the disability and to discuss with the
student both its manifestations and the required accommo-
dations. Below are brief descriptions of some of the more
prevalent disabilities among students, as well as recom-
mended accommodations.

Speech Impairments

Speech impairments range from problems with
articulation or voice strength, to complete loss of voice.
They include difficulties in projection, as in chronic
hoarseness and esophageal speech; fluency problems, as
in stuttering; and nominal aphasia, which alters the articu-
lation of particular words or terms.

Some of these difficulties can be managed by such
mechanical devices as electronic "speaking" machines or
computerized voice synthesizers. Others may be treated
through speech therapy. Speech impairments can be
aggravated by the anxiety inherent in oral communication
in a group.

Teaching Strategies

When interacting with a student who has a speech
impairment, instructors shouldconsiderusing the following

SGive students the opportunity, but do not compel them
to speak in class.

* Permit students the time they require to express them-
selves, without unsolicited aid in filling in gaps in their
speech. Don't be reluctant to ask the student to repeat
a statement. While waiting for a student to find a word
or to complete an expression, maintain comfortable eye
contact and posture with the student.

* Address students naturally and in a regular speaking
voice. Don't assume the "spread phenomenon" -- that
they cannot hear or comprehend.

* Consider course modifications, such as one-to-one
presentations or the use of a computer with a voice



HIV/AIDS is caused by a virus that destroys the
body's immune system. This condition leaves the person
vulnerable to infections and cancers that can be avoided
when the immune system is working normally. The virus is
transmitted primarily through sexual contact or needle
sharing with intravenous drug users. It is not transmitted
through casual contact.

Although manifestations of HIV/AIDS are varied,
depending on the particular infections or diseases the
individual develops, extreme fatigue is a common symp-
tom. Because of the different manifestations, classroom
adaptations will likewise vary.

Students with HIV/AIDS may be afraid to reveal
their condition because of the social stigma, fear, and/or
misunderstanding surrounding this illness. It is therefore
mandatory that confidentiality be maintained. In addition,
if the issue should arise in class it is important for faculty to
deal openly and non-judgmentally with it, and to foster an
atmosphere of understanding.

For general classroom considerations, refer to the
Overview section. If cancer is involved, see the section
below. For particular impairments, see the applicable
sections on specific disabilities.


Because cancer can occur in almost any organ
system of the body, the systems and particular disabling
effects will vary greatly from one person to another.
Some people experience visual problems, lack of balance
and coordination, joint pains, backaches, headaches,


abdominal pains, drowsiness, lethargy, difficulty in breath-
ing and swallowing, weakness, bleeding, or anemia.

The primary treatments for cancer (i.e., radiation
therapy, chemotherapy, surgery) may engender additional
effects. Radiation therapy can cause violent nausea,
drowsiness and fatigue, thus affecting academic function-
ing or attendance. Surgery can result in amputation,
paralysis, sensory deficits, and language and memory

For general accommodations, refer to the Overview
section. For particular impairments, see the applicable
sections on specific disabilities.


Traumatic Brain Injury

Students with traumatic brain injuries are becoming
increasingly more prevalent. These students often exhibit
one or more of the following symptoms: short-term
memory problems, serious attention and concentration
deficits, sensory dysfunction, cognitive deficits, behavior
problems, problems ofjudgment and organization, anxiety
attacks, and difficulties with mobility.

For general classroom considerations, refer to the
Overview section and the sections on learning disabilities
and/or seizure disorders.

Respiratory Problems

Many students have chronic breathing problems, the
most common of which are bronchial asthma and emphy-
sema. Respiratory problems are characterized by attacks
of shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing, some-
times triggered by, either physical or mental stress. Fa-
tigue and difficulty climbing stairs also may be major
problems, depending on the severity of the attacks.
Frequent absence from class may occur, and hospitaliza-
tion may be required when prescribed medications fail to
relieve the symptoms.

For appropriate classroom accommodations, refer
to the section on physical disabilities and the Overview

Seizure Disorders

There are two types of seizures: generalized or
partial. Generalized seizures cause a loss of conscious-
ness; the whole body is affected when the electrical
discharge crosses the entire brain. Tonic-clonic seizures
(once known as grand mal) and absence seizures (pro-
nounced ab-SAHNZ) are generalized seizures. A student
who has a tonic-clonic seizure falls, loses consciousness,
and has a convulsion, which is a sudden involuntary
contraction of a group of muscles. During an absence
seizure, the person also loses consciousness, but only for
a brief period lasting from a few seconds to a half minute
or so. The student, teachers, and peers might not realize a
seizure has taken place. Absence seizures can occur up
to 140 times a day and severely affect learning.


Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that re-
duces blood supply to vital organs and reduces oxygen
supply to the blood cells. These conditions make ad-
equate classroom ventilation an important concern.

Because many vital organs are affected by Sickle
Cell Anemia, the student also may suffer from eye disease,
heart conditions, lung problems, and acute abdominal
pain. At times, limbs orjoints may be affected. The
disease is characterized by crisis periods with extreme
pain, which may necessitate hospitalization and/or absence
from class. Completing academic assignments during
these periods may not be possible.

For appropriate classroom accommodations, refer
to sections on visual and hand-function impairments, as
well as the Overview.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a condition of physiological and/
or psychological dependence on any of a variety of
chemicals, such as illegal drugs, some prescription drugs,
or alcohol. Individuals who are recovering from drug or
alcohol abuse, or who are in treatment programs to assist
their recovery, are covered by federal antidiscrimination
legislation and are eligible for college services for students
with disabilities.

These students may experience psychological
problems, such as depression, anxiety, or very low self-
esteem during their treatment and rehabilitation. They may
exhibit poor behavioral control and, if they are using
medication as part of their treatment, they may experience
undesirable side effects.


Refer students showing symptoms of substance
abuse to the Campus Alcohol and Drug Resource Center
(Student Health Care Center), or the Counseling Center
(Peabody Hall).

Refer to the Overview and the section on psycho-
logical impairments for additional classroom consider-

Pervasive Development Disorder

Autism and its related disabilities under the Pervasive
Developmental Disorder (PDD) classification are
feurobilogical-based developmental disabilities that are
characterized by difficulties in communicating effectively
(e.g., asking for help or clarification), developing social
relationships, and interacting with others appropriately.
The significance of impact varies widely, but an estimated
20% 25% of individuals who have been diagnosed with
this disability have the ability to perform academic func-
tions at or beyond the level of other university students.
People with PDD, specifically Autism and Asperger's
Syndrome, often have difficulty in processing abstract
language and can benefit from visual accommodations
(such as an advanced copy of overheads, or specific
written directions about assignments) to support auditory
information provided during a lecture.

The preceding list are only a few of the conditions listed
in the category of Other Disabilities. Other conditions that
require an administrative or academic adjustment (e.g.,
class schedules, parking, and course adjustments) and do
not fit into any of the above categories also may qualify
* he student for disability services.


Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504.
Federal Register / Vol. 45,
No. 92, pp. 30937-30944

Section 504 is designed to eliminate discrimination
on the basis of disability in any program or activity
receiving federal financial assistance. It states that no
qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of the
disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied
benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity that receives or benefits
from federal financial assistance. "Persons with disabili-
ties" means any person who has a physical or mental
impairment which substantially limits one or more major
life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is
regarded as having such an impairment.

Admissions and Recruitment

Qualified persons with disabilities may not, on the
basis of disability, be denied admission or be subjected to
discrimination in admission or recruitment. Institutions
may not make pre-admission inquiry as to whether an
applicant for admission is a person with a disability. After
admission, UF may make inquiries on a confidential basis
as to disabilities that may require accommodation.

Academic Adjustments

Universities shall make such modifications to aca-
demic requirements as are necessary to ensure that such
requirements do not discriminate or have the effect of
discriminating, on the basis of a disability, against a quali-
fied applicant or student with a disability. Academic
requirements that the program can demonstrate are
essential to the program of instruction being pursued by
such student, or to any directly related licensing require-



ment, will not be regarded as discriminatory within the
meaning of this section.

Modifications may include changes in the length of
time permitted for the completion of degree requirements
and adaptation of the manner in which specific courses are
conducted. Universities shall take such steps as are
necessary to ensure that no student with a disability is
denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or
otherwise subjected to discrimination under the education
program or activity operated by the school because of the
absence of educational auxiliary aids for students with
impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills.

All questions relating to students with disabilities are
to be referred to the Dean of Students Office, P202
Peabody Hall, 392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD).

Section 504 is too lengthy a document to include in
this publication. If you wish a complete copy of the
legislation, please contact the Equal Opportunity Pro-
grams Office at any of the State University System institu-

ADA Related Matters
ADA Compliance Office
354 NS Drive
846-1046 (TDD)

504 Related Matters
Assistant Dean of Students, Dean of Students
P202 Peabody Hall
392-3008 (TDD)

&Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was
signed into law on July 26, 1990. This act protects
millions of Americans with disabling conditions from
discriminatory practices in public accommodations (includ-
ing colleges and universities), employment, transportation,
and telecommunications. The ADA extends the coverage
of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

The ADA protects every person who either has, used
to have, or is treated as having a physical or mental disabil-
ity which substantially limits one or more major life activi-
ties. Individuals who have serious contagious and non-
contagious diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, cancer, epilepsy,
tuberculosis) also are covered under the auspices of ADA.


State University System institutions, as employers
of students, faculty and staff, may not discriminate
against qualified individuals with disabling conditions
and must reasonably accommodate the disabilities of
qualified applicants or employees unless undue hardship
would result.

Public Services

State University System institutions may not dis-
criminate against qualified individuals with disabling
conditions by excluding them from participating in or
denying them the benefits of the services, programs, or
activities of the university.

Public Accommodations

Public facilities of State University System institu-
tions, including student unions, museums, athletic arenas,
auditoriums, libraries, recreational facilities, etc., must be
accessible to individuals with disabling conditions.


Telecommunication relay services for hearing and
speech impaired persons must be provided.

WEB Access

Materials presented on the Web must comply with
University of Florida Web accessible WEB design criteria
specified on the Web Administrator's web page at:
wwv.,'. rc'l,hllJmin.uln Ld-Ju


All questions relating to issues of disability related to
faculty should be referred to the ADA Office, 354 NS
Drive, 392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD). All issues that are
student related should be referred to the Dean of Students

ADA Related Matters
ADA Compliance Office
354 NS Drive
846-1046 (TDD)
v, \k 0ad- .uIll C'1l

504 Related Matters
Assistant Dean of Students Disability Resources
P202 Peabody Hall
392-3008 (TDD)

WEB Access Issues
Web administrator
352-392-4525 FAX
trammel @ ufl.edu

General Counsel's Statement


Office of the Vice President and General Counsel 123 Tigert Hall
PO Box 113125
Gainesville. FL 32611-3125
(352) 392-1358
Fax (352) 392-4387
September 10, 2002


TO: UF Faculty and Staff

FROM: Pamela J. Bernard
Vice President and General Counsel

RE: Federal Obhgations to Accommodate Students with Disabilities

The University of Flonda has an obligation to accommodate students with known
disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") One of the intended purposes of these federal laws
is to secure for individuals with disabilities even-handed treatment and the equal opportunity to
participate m and benefit from University programs. To achieve this result, federal law requires
that reasonable accommodations be made to students, who are qualified individuals with
disabilities, within the meaning of Section 504 and the ADA Our state law obligations are
S consistent with this federal mandate.

It is impermissible for the University to exclude any individuals from participation
in a program or to deny them the benefits of that program solely because ofa disability. Students
should make disabilties requiring accommodation known through the established University
procedures as implemented by the Dean of Students Office located in 205 Peabody Hall (392-
1261) Notably. it is not a requirement that the Umnversity make fundamental modifications m
program requirements, or provide services of a personal nature, which will result in undue
financial hardship or a lowenng of program standards

Upon receipt of an accommodation memorandum issued from the Dean of Students
Office, any faculty member with a concern or question about the accommodations listed should
immediately contact the Assistant Dean responsible for the accommodation memorandum.
Coordination is essential to ensure that faculty deliver reasonable accommodations so that the
University of Florida can continue its excellent record of compliance with state and federal
obligations and with its own wel-established internal policies.

Ifyou have questions about this matter, please contact the Office ofthe Vice
President and General Counsel directly> at 392-1358.


oState Guidelines

Florida Board of Education

6C-6.018 Substitution or Modification of
Requirementsfor Program Admission, Under-
graduate Transfer and for Graduation by
Students with Disabilities.

(1) A university shall provide reasonable substitution or
modification for any requirement for admission into
an undergraduate or graduate program of study, or
for entry into the upper division, or for graduation
for any student who is hearing impaired, visually
impaired or dyslexic, or who has a specific learning
disability where documentation can be provided
that the student's failure to meet the requirement
does not constitute a fundamental alteration in the
nature of the program.

(2) In determining whether to grant a substitution or
modification, a university will consider pertinent
documents including, but not limited to, a
physician's statement, vocational rehabilitation
records, and school records maintained as a result
of the exceptional child provisions of Public Law
94-142. The Florida Board of Education has
prescribed in Rule 6A-10.041, FAC, the definitions
of disabilities to which this Rule 6C-6.018 applies,
and each university will provide the student the
opportunity to present evidence to support his or
her disabilities, and an appeals process.

Specific Authority 240.209(1), (3)(p) FS. Law
Implemented 240.209(1), 240.152, 240.153 FS.
History-New 4-20-87, Amended 9-15-91.

Ch. 240. F. S.
Postsecondary Education

240.152 Impaired and learning disabled
persons; admission to postsecondary institutions;
substitute requirements; rules.

Any person who is hearing impaired, visually im-
paired, dyslexic or who has a specific learning disability
shall be eligible for reasonable substitution for any require-
ment for admission to a state university, community college
or postsecondary vocational institution where documenta-
tion can be provided that the person's failure to meet the
admission requirement is related to the disability. The
Florida Board of Education shall adopt rules to implement
this section and shall develop substitute admission require-
ments, where appropriate. History-s. 1, ch. 86-194.

240.153 Impaired and learning disabled
persons; graduation, study program admis-
sion, and upper division entry; substitute
requirements; rules.

Any student in a state university, community college
or postsecondary vocational institution who is hearing
impaired, visually impaired, dyslexic or who has a specific
learning disability shall be eligible for reasonable substitu-
tion for any requirement for graduation, for admission into
a program of study or for entry into upper division where
documentation can be provided that the person's failure to
meet the requirement is related to the disability and where
the failure to meet the graduation requirement or program
admission requirement does not constitute a fundamental
alteration in the nature of the program. The Florida Board
of Education shall adopt rules to implement this section
and shall develop substitute requirements where appropri-
ate. History-s. 2, ch. 86-194.


Important UF Policies &


Computing Access Policy

Access to programs and services is guaranteed to
all students and staff with disabilities. Since access to
UFs computing labs is included within that coverage,
students and staff with disabilities must have equal access
to labs and equipment.

Since the first edition of this Guide there has been
considerable discussion about how to provide the re-
quired access to students and staff at the computing labs
within UE The long standing internal policy, developed
by the ADA Compliance Office and approved by UF
administration during the ADA Self-Evaluation (ADA Self-
Evaluation, Jan 26, 1993, page 15) provides a policy that
is active and responsive to the needs of students, staff and
faculty with disabilities. At the time a student or staff
member with a disability requires adaptive software or
hardware in any computer lab under the auspices of the
UF, the department overseeing that lab is responsible to
purchase, install, and keep up-to-date the requested
adaptive equipment. The department will install the
software and or hardware within five class days of the
request by the student or staff member. The policy intent
is not to limit students and staff, but to ensure that up-to-
date resources are placed where the equipment is needed
when requested. In a day and age where technology is
changing daily, it would be a disservice to the UF commu-
nity to purchase equipment without a specific need. UF is
committed to providing the best services at the time of the


Program Access & Facility Access

The University of Florida is a covered entity under
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 and is a Title
II covered entity under the Americans with Disabilities
Act. As a covered entity under both pieces of legislation,
UF is obligated to provide access to all programs and
services sponsored by the UF One of the goals of UF,
through the ADA Self-Evaluation, is to provide full-access
to all facilities within UF

The guidelines for facility compliance are as follow:
Facilities older than June 3, 1977 are not required under
Section 504 nor ADA to be renovated if the facilities are
not accessible. However, whether the facility is accessible
or not, UF must ensure that all the programs and services
within all of our facilities are accessible. To achieve that
requirement UF will move programs and services when
access to those programs and services cannot be
achieved by any other method.

As stated earlier, the University goal is to work
towards total facility access, but that goal will take some
time. In just the past 13 years, many 504 and ADA
corrections have been made to our facility inventory and it
is expected that more improvements will be made in the
future. During the past 13 years, four completely inacces-
sible facilities (Peabody Hall, Griffin-Floyd Hall, Anderson
Hall and Flint Hall) have been completely renovated with
access a priority. Major changes have been made at all
the UF sporting complexes, and changes continue to be
made within the sporting facilities to ensure full access to
all people.


The ADA Office maintains a list of areas that are not
accessible or have accessibility issues. That list can be
accessed at www.ada.ufl.edu. The intent of the list is to
provide a detailed grouping of areas on campus that have
access issues. Over the years, many renovations have
been made to the existing facility inventory and UF will
continue to upgrade its existing facilities to ensure equal
access. In the meantime, for those areas that are not
accessible, UF will continue to achieve total compliance
by moving the program and or service to an accessible
area when an issue of access is raised in those areas with
access problems.

When an issue of access is raised with classrooms,
* students or faculty with access concerns are advised to
contact the Dean of Students Office in order to have the
class moved to an area that is accessible. For all other
access issues, staff, students, faculty, and campus visitors
are asked to contact the ADA Office to ensure that issue
is addressed.

CLAST Disability Waiver Procedure

Within the guidelines of State Statute 240.107 the
University of Florida President has the authority to
appoint a special committee to review CLAST waiver
requests based on disability. Students with disabilities that
meet the criteria for CLAST waivers can request a waiver
to a portion or all portions of the CLAST. Currently the
UF has two committees that review CLAST waiver
requests, both of which are authorized by State Statute.

Students with disabilities that need more information
about the CLAST waiver should contact the ADA Office
or the Dean of Students Office (Disability Resources

Substitution Procedures

Within the guidelines set forth in State Statutes
240.152 and 240.153 students with disabilities can
request substitutions to the admission, transfer, promotion,
and graduation requirements. (For a full description of the
statutes please refer to page 51.) Students interested in
more information should contact the ADA Office or the
Dean of Students Office (Disability Resources Program).

Student Complaint Procedure

Complaints based on disability can be filed under 2
separate laws; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section
504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Section
504 complaints are to be filed with the Assistant Dean of
Students responsible for the Disability Resources Pro-
gram. All ADA complaints are to be filed with the Direc-
tor of the ADA Compliance Office.

There is no requirement under ADA or Section 504
that complaints be filed locally, however, the staff of the
University believe that we can provide quick and equitable
resolution to complaints. We encourage students to file
their complaints locally, and if they believe their issue has
not been dealt with appropriately they still can file an off
campus complaint with the Department of Justice. The
UF staff responsible for the complaint process try to
resolve the complaints within five class days and, in most
cases, accomplish that goal.

Students interested in more information should
contact the ADA Office or the Dean of Students Office
(Disabilities Resource Program).



On-Line Course Access

Faculty teaching on-line courses and providing
classes via distance learning are responsible for providing
access to their UF courses just as they are with the
traditional classroom based course work. For assistance
with providing access, contact the Dean of Students
Office (Disability Resources Program) for more
information (aI' '.c..L. Id 11 i., I01 .). Access to on-line and
distance education courses are to be fully accessible prior
to posting on the web or other medium. It is advisable
that the following statement be included on all syllabi for
on-line and distance education courses: "For students
with disabilities to request accommodations, contact the
Assistant Dean of Students (Disability Resources
Program) at P202 Peabody Hall or call 352-392-1261 or
352-392-3008 TDD."

Course Attendance Policy

The DSO recognizes that students may miss class
due to their disability. If a student has a condition that
affects his/her attendance, an accommodation can be
made so that the student may make up missed work.
Students who receive this accommodation are expected
to contact their instructor on the day of the absence to
make arrangements to make up any missed assignments.
It is essential that students maintain communication
with their instructors. Students are expected to make
up work within seven days, or another mutually agreed
upon period of time between the student and the instruc-
tor. Students with disabilities are responsible to complete
all course requirements.

Students who have an extended absence (i.e.,
greater than two consecutive classes) are encouraged to


contact the DSO. DSO staff can generate a letter to all
faculty members to inform them of the student's illness.
The instructor may ask for a doctor's note, documenting
that the student received medical care. If a student misses
an extreme number of classes for a catastrophic event or
illness, the student may be advised to drop the course.
Students may petition for extra drops due to their disabil-

Some students have disabilities that require an
accommodation for a notetaker. A notetaker is not a
substitute for attending class. Students with notetakers
are expected to attend class regularly and to attempt to
take notes to the best of their ability. Students who use
notetakers and repeatedly miss class for an unjustified
reason will loose their accommodation for a notetaker.

Student Accommodation Agreement

Prior to communicating accommodation needs
to faculty, each student will complete the following

* Register with the Disability Resources Program (DRP).
This can be done by meeting with a Support Services
Coordinator or the Assistant Dean. At that time, the
student must provide appropriate documentation that
has been signed by a professional with proper creden-
tials (i.e., Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Physician, Audiolo-
gist, etc.).

* With the assistance of a Support Services Coordinator
or the Assistant Dean, each student will identify those
classroom accommodations that are reasonable and
appropriate, based on the individual and his/her disabil-
ity. If the Disability Resources Program is unable to

provide the necessary services, the student will be
referred to the appropriate college or community

Once the accommodations have been identified, a
memorandum to the faculty members, listing each
classroom accommodation, will be generated.

The student is then responsible for picking up the
accommodation letter, generated by the Disability
Resources Program, and personally delivering it to each
faculty member during his or her office hours.

Ifa student finds that his/her accommodations are
Inadequate or that they are not being administered, it is
suggested that he/she meet with a Support Services
Coordinator or the Assistant Dean as soon as possible
in order to revise the accommodations.

After registering with the Disability Resources Program,
the student is responsible for requesting his/her accom-
modation letters at the beginning of each semester. The
letters must then be personally delivered to each faculty
member during his or her office hours. Accommoda-
tion letters are valid only for the semester for which
they are generated.

If testing accommodations are needed, it is the respon-
sibility of the student to meet with the Testing
Coordinator(s) to complete all the required paperwork.

Students will not be eligible for services if they do
not provide documentation of a diagnosed disability, do
not have a diagnosed disability, or do not follow the
Disability Resources Program's policies and procedures.
Students who register with the Disability Resources

Program may have disability-related information shared
with appropriate UF personnel (i.e., Student Financial
Services, Dean of Students Office, Academic Advising,
University Registrar, Counseling Center, or appropriate
faculty) to facilitate accommodations. Disability docu-
mentation is otherwise confidential.

None of the approved accommodations are intended
to alter the fundamental elements of the academic curricu-

Reduced Course Load while
maintaining Full-time Status Policy

The University has a long-standing policy to allow
students who are on reduced course loads, due to disabil-
ity related reasons, to request full-time status (i.e., below
the recognized full-time load of 12 credits, and in some
instances more, depending upon the college or depart-
ment). By allowing a student an opportunity to be recog-
nized as full-time with fewer than 12 credits gives that
student an opportunity to qualify for the College Dean's
List, and the President's Honor Roll, remain on their
parents' health insurance, purchase athletic sporting event
tickets, and take part in all other activities and programs
only available to full-time students.

To be recognized as full-time with fewer than 12
credits a student must make a formal request to the
Assistant Dean of Students (Disability Resources Pro-
gram) to determine whether full-time status will be
granted. Once the student is determined to qualify, letters
verifying their status then can be written on their behalf
when the need arises.



Registration Priority Procedure

Students may request an accommodation for priority
registration. Examples of conditions for which this ac-
commodation would be appropriate would include:
disabilities that affect the student's endurance or the need
for a medication that results in a side-effect which effects
academic performance. Students who believe they have a
need for priority registration should contact the Assistant
Dean in the Disability Resources Program. If priority
registration is granted the student will receive the first
available registration appointment each semester. Priority
registration is not a guarantee that the student will get all
classes he or she registers for.

Interpreter Costs

Interpreter costs for all course work on the Univer-
sity of Florida campus are to be coordinated by the Dean
of Students Office (DSO). The costs for those services
are covered by the DSO. All degree related interpreter
services also should be coordinated by the DSO and are
paid for by the DSO. All non-classroom related or non-
degree related activities (out-of-class activities) shall be at
the expense of the UF entity sponsoring the event. Inter-
preter costs for all student government related activities
shall be arranged for and funded by student government.

When a department has a program, no matter if that
program is for the department or campus wide, then the
department is responsible to arrange for and to fund the
interpreter services.

Commencement activities Interpreter services for

the main University commencement(s) is arranged by and
funded by the President's Office. All other commence-
ment services are to be arranged by and funded by the
college or department holding the commencement cer-

For Gator Growl and other large venue events the
agency sponsoring the event is responsible to arrange for
and to fund the necessary interpreter services.


Students who require accommodations to participate
in the commencement ceremony should notify the Dean of
Students Office when they register for graduation. The
Assistant Dean in the Disability Resources Program will
work with the Chief Marshall and Commencement
Coordinator to insure that accommodations for graduates
and guests will be in place.

72 Hour Event Policy

To ensure that all students, staff, faculty and visitors
with disabilities can attend any program and service
hosted by the UF, it is crucial that an accommodation
notice be posted with any announcement or advertisement
for the program or service. The recommended text for
any publication that advertises any program or activity
should read "Services for people with disabilities For
individuals with disabilities requiring special accommoda-
tions, please contact BLANK within a minimum of
BLANK hours of the program or service so that proper
consideration may be given to the request." It is recom-
mended that you provide the name of a contact for the


person requesting the accommodation. Place the name in
the section noted with the text "BLANK." As for the
amount of time required, that will depend on the program
and how far in advance the notice of the event is given. It
is suggested that a minimum of 72 hours be listed as the
appropriate notice since it will take at least 72 hours to
find an interpreter if the request is for an interpreter. It is
strongly encouraged, however, to request 96 hours notice
for those events planned well in advance.

If there are any questions, please contact either the
ADA Office or the DSO.

TDD Policy

People with hearing and speech impairments use
Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) to
communicate with the hearing population and other
persons with disabilities. A TDD is a small device that
allows a hearing or speech impaired person to speak
with a person who also has a similar device. Prior to
ADA the hearing and speech impaired could speak only
with a person who had a TDD or who used community
agencies that provided relay services. Now, as a result of
ADA, all telecommunication companies are required to
provide services and access to telephone services. The
relay service in Florida -- called the Florida Relay Service
-- is a free service that connects both the hearing person
and the non-hearing person.

For departments who have students, staff, or faculty
with hearing and speech impairments, the ADA Office
suggests that you contact those persons and discuss
telecommunication access. If they use a TDD machine it
is advisable that the department purchase a TDD. If the
department does not have persons with impairments, then

the department should be aware of the alternative to direct
TDD access. The alternative is the Florida Relay Service,
linking individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of
hearing and speech impaired to anyone within reach of a
telephone at anytime.

Whenever the telephone number for a department is
listed, a TDD number or the Relay Service number
alsoshould be listed. Listings are commonly used in
letterhead, program bulletins, course guides, university
catalogs, recruitment brochures, admissions bulletins,
program announcements, applications, and registration
forms for activities, as well as any other documents that
include a department telephone number.

For publications, the following statement should be
used: For persons with hearing or speech impairments,
when contacting an office that does not list a TDD num-
ber, use the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8771



Alternate Access to Printed Materials

Imagine being blind, having a visual impairment, or a
learning disability and not being able to read common
everyday documents or printed materials. That is what it's
like for persons with these types of disabilities.

In order to provide better access to printed materials
at the University of Florida, offices that produce public
access documents and publications, and or course materi-
als, are required to provide reasonable accommodation to
the documents. Prior to ADA, the Dean of Students
Office assisted disabled individuals with access to printed
materials. As of January 26, 1993, all campus units are
responsible for providing access to materials under their
control. Departments can call upon the ADA Office for

Providing alternate format documents is fairly easy.
Anyone needing printed materials in alternate format may
make a request. The format provided should be decided
upon jointly by the department and the person requesting
the document. The ADA Office suggests that every office
have at least two options for alternate formatted docu-
ments. The first option should always be large print text,
which can be prepared by enlarging the existing document
on a photocopy machine on 11 x 17 paper to 120-140
percent, or by changing the font size on a computer. The
ADA Office suggests this first option because not all
visually impaired persons are blind, and not all blind
persons use Braille. The second option depends upon an
individual's request and includes: Braille, information on
computer disk, and audio cassette or reading the informa-
tion to the person. For documents requested in Braille or
audio cassette, contact the DSO for assistance. A nomi-
nal production charge is billed to the department request-
ing Braille and audio version documents. Contact VO-


CAL EYES at (352) 392-1261 or (352) 392-3008

The ADA Office suggests that departments produce
alternate format documents only after a request has been
made by a student, staff member, or faculty. A plan to
provide access should be in place, so that the person
requesting the document can receive it within a reasonable
time period. If the document is free, there cannot be any
charge for the publication or the service rendered.

All publications generated at UF (including course
materials) should include a statement in the front of the
publication that informs the reader that the publication is
available in alternate format. The statement should read as
follows: Upon request, for individuals with documented W
print related disabilities, this publication is available in
alternate format. Contact BLANK for more information.

Access and Services for Library Users
with Disabilities

The UF's libraries provide a number of special
services to ensure access to library collections and ser-
vices for individuals with physical disabilities. Individuals
should register at the Circulation Desk at Library West,
the Health Science Center Library, or the Legal Informa-
tion Center to take advantage of these services.

It is library policy to respond to requests for
assistance and to provide equipment needed in
a timely manner. If what you need is not
available, please ask at the circulation desk
in any library.


Electronic Library Access

Many UF Libraries' resources and services are
available outside the libraries. Consult the UF
Libraries' Home Page at


Deputy BorrowerAuthorization: Individuals with
disabilities may apply at Library West for a
Deputy Borrower privilege. This authorizes
another individual to serve as a deputy and check
out library material on behalf of a user with

Non-CirculatingMaterials: Individuals with
disabilities may arrange for a special short-term
loan to use non-circulating materials with equip-
ment in the Disability Resources Center in
Peabody Hall.

Reference Services

All library reference desks provide assistance in
locating andusing library resources. Limited
reference service is available by telephone.

Individuals may submitreference questions via
electronic mail by clicking "Ask a Reference
Question" or via interactive chat by clicking
"RefeXpress" on the UF Libraries' Home Page.

Retrieval Services

*All circulation desks accept requests to retrieve
library materials from the shelf for in-library use or
checkout. If staff is available, items will be re-
trieved immediately. Otherwise, an estimated time
(generally within two hours during standard
business hours) will be provided.

*Registered individuals with disabilities may request
retrieval of a specific item by telephoning the
appropriate circulation desk.


*Individuals may renew items that have been
checked out by going online to the UF Libraries'
Home Page and selecting "Renew Books" in the
Library Services section. This requires the use of
the individuals' s library card number and the last 4
digits of their Social Security number.

Large Type Printing

Upon request, library staff will print this and other
handouts in large type for individuals with print-
related disabilities.

Access Equipment

A VERA (Very Easy Reading Appliance) is
available in Library West.

Kurzweil reading machines are located in the
Education Library and the Marston Science

Further Assistance

Library general assistance:

Library web questions:

Library reference assistance:

TDD: dial 711 and ask for any library phone


Florida Relay Service

individuals with hearing impairments, when trying
to call a department at UF, should use the Florida
Relay Service (FRS) if the department does not list a
TDD number.

Things to Remember

* To make a call through the FRS, one party needs a
TDD, while the other has a regular telephone.

* Calls to the FRS are answered by a communication
assistant at the FRS Center in Miami. The assistant
will serve as liaison between the caller and the
individual being called. Each spoken word is typed
into the TDD by the communications assistant. The
TDD response is relayed to the communications
assistant who speaks to the hearing person.

* There is no charge forthis service, except on long
distance calls, which are offered at discount rates.

* The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a

* The service should not be used in an emergency. Dial
911 first.

* All relay users should have their numbers ready when
they call FRS.


* Hearing persons can reach individuals who are deaf,
deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and speech impaired by
using the service.

* FRS should not handle TDD-to-TDD calls. Direct
TDD calls should be made without FRS assistance.

For information on how to obtain a TDD, and
other assistance, call 1-800-222-2346.


To make an FRS call,

simply dial

1-800-955-8771 (TDD)
1-800-955-8770 (V)


,Telephone Index

The following offices are available to students and employees. Do not hesitate to contact any of these offices with
questions about disability related issues. If an appropriate office has not been listed, contact the Dean of Students
Office for referral to the correct office.




Academic Advising Acadmic Advising Center
ADAOffice 354 NS Drive
Affirmative Action Office 145 Tigert Hall
Technology Lab 202 Peabody Hall
Campus Alcohol and Drug
Resource Center Student Health Care Center
Center forAutism& Related Disabilities JHMHC
CenterforIndependentLiving 720 NW23rd Ave.
* Committee on Persons
with Disabilities 354 NS Drive
CounselingCenter P301 Peabody Hall
Dean of Students Office P202 Peabody Hall
Division of Housing Housing Office
Florida Relay Service
Florida Outreach Project for Children and Young Adults who are Deaf-Blind
Library Assistance for
Students with Disabilities Access Service Dept.
Office of Academic Technology (OAT) 1012 Turlington Hall
Ombudsman's Office 31 Tigert
Reading and Writing Center 2109 Turlington Hall
Student Health Care Center Infirmary
Student Mental Health Center Infirmary
Teaching Center SW Broward Hall
University Police Department 51 Museum Rd.
Vocal Eyes P202 Peabody Hall

392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)
392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)

392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)
378-7474, 375-8448 (TDD)

392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)
392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)
392-2161 (V/TDD)
800-955-8771 (TDD)
374-6547, ext 482

392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)

For other useful numbers and information, consult the University ofFlorida Student Guide, which offers a
number of campus programs, offices, and resources for the university community. The Student Guide is available from
the Dean of Students Office P202 Peabody Hall, 392-1261,392-3008 (TDD).

For individuals with hearing or speech impairments, when trying to contact an office that does not list a TDD
number, use the Florida Relay Service (FRS). Refer to page 60 for detailed information on the FRS.

Quick Reference Chart

Area of Interest

Academic advising
Drop and add

Reduced course load
Building access issues
Computing assistance
Interpreter services


Question on issues of rights
Question about access off campus
Transportation off campus
Travel on campus
Disabled parking decals

Health care issues
Mental health issues
Accommodation request (classroom)

Accommodation request (employee)
Accommodation request (written)
Accommodation complaint (all)
Drug Alcohol

Telephone Number

Varies (392-1521)
Various Colleges

Varies (392-1261)
392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)
Varies ADA: 392-7056
DSO: 392-1261

374-6547, ext. 482

392-1261, 392-3008 (TDD)

392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)
392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)
392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)
392-1161, ext. 4281

Contact Information

Academic Advising Center

Disability Resources,
202 Peabody Hall
202 Peabody Hall
ADA Office 354 NS Drive
202 Peabody Hall
202 Peabody Hall
354 NS Drive
202 Peabody
Counseling Center,
301 Peabody Hall
Ombudsman, 31 Tigert Hall
CenterforIndependent Living
Regional Transit System
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive
Affirmative Action,
145 Tigert Hall
Teaching Center at Broward
202 Peabody Hall
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive
ADA Office, 354 NS Drive
SW Broward Hall
Student Health Care Center




,ADA and 504 Training

Each year the ADA Compliance Office and the
Dean of Students Office (DSO) coordinate informa-
tion sessions for faculty and staff interested in learning
more about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and working
with students with disabilities.

Over the past ten years, prior to starting the ses-
sions, an informal polling of those in attendance revealed
that approximately 40 percent had heard about the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and 80 percent had heard
about the ADA. In a more formal process, it was re-
ported in an article titled Faculty Knowledge ofDisabil-
ity Laws in Higher Education: A Survey in the Reha-
bilitation Counseling Bulletin (March 1997, Vol. 40, No.
) that approximately 50 percent of staff surveyed knew
about the ADA, while only 18 percent were familiar with
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The
numbers are somewhat lower than those at UF but the
information reported in the article reaffirms the need for
more education on ADA and Section 504.

In the same survey, faculty and staff also were asked
to indicate their preference for receiving training materials
about teaching students with disabilities. The results
indicated that 53 percent preferred a resource guide, 30
percent preferred newsletters, 6 percent preferred video-
tape, 3 percent preferred a workshop, 2 percent pre-
ferred the Internet, and 6 percent gave no preference.

Over the past ten years, approximately 5,000 UF
staff and faculty have attended the information sessions.
In an effort to inform the UF community, the ADA Com-
pliance Office and DSO will continue to provide informa-
tion about teaching and working with students with
disabilities. This Guide and the information sessions are
used jointly to reach everyone on campus. If interested in
scheduling an ADA information session for an individual,
or department, contact the ADA Office at 392-7056,
846-1046 (TDD). For more copies of this Guide contact
the ADA Office.


ADA Information Sessions To Schedule for Department or Employee

Each semester approximately eight information sessions are scheduled for anyone on campus. To
obtain more information on the dates, times, and places of these sessions, contact the ADA Office at
392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD).

In addition to these general sessions, colleges, departments, or agencies may request private infor-
mation sessions. Please call the ADA Office for scheduling information.

CALL 392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Emergency Evacuation Procedures for
Individuals with Disabilities

At some time almost everyone requires assistance in
some way. People with disabilities are no different. Not
everyone with a disability will require assistance in an
emergency. Each individual must evaluate their own
situation and decide if they need assistance. It is the
responsibility of each person to ask for help when

Many staff, students, and faculty, with mobility
related disabilities have asked the following question:
What am I supposed to do in the event that an emergency
occurs in the area where I work and/or live? If you have
asked this question you are not alone.

An evacuation procedure has been developed to:

Provide information and options to people with
disabilities about what to do in the event of an
emergency while at the University of Florida.

* Provide information to the entire campus on how
to assist people with disabilities in the event of an

What Should be Done to Plan for the Assistance
Needed to Evacuate?

* The time to plan for an emergency is before the emer-
gency occurs. You should think about what you will do
in the event of an emergency evacuation.

* Plan ahead know the areas where you work and
study. Check all areas out completely. Is there ground



floor access? If there is not, and you normally use an
elevator to enter and leave a building, you will need
evacuation assistance. Do this for all areas to which you
travel on campus.

Once you have a plan, practice that plan. If you would
like someone to assist with developing an emergency
assistance plan, contact the ADA Office at 392-7056,
846-1045 (TDD).

Write down the emergency numbers and contacts from
this pamphlet and keep them with you.

Employees should discuss emergency concerns with
their supervisor. Students should discuss concerns with
the Assistant Dean for Student Services. If you will
need some type of assistance, notify the appropriate
people. Employees and students are responsible for
seeking appropriate assistance.

* Find a friend/co-worker who is willing to assist
during an emergency. It is suggested you find more
than one friend/co-worker in the event that person is
unavailable during an emergency.

What to do in an emergency

* Call campus police (392-1111) and emergency services
(9-911). Report your name, location (room number,
or other area and building name). If you are going to
an emergency exit, give the location of that exit (floor,
compass location, e.g. NW tower, 3rd fl). Report your
situation what type of assistance you may require
(e.g., wheelchair user, breathing difficulties, blindness).
Dial: 9-911 (Remember to dial "9" first if using an on-
campus phone to obtain an outside line.)

Ask co-workers/friends as they leave the building to
inform the emergency team on site of your location,
your name, and situation (e.g. wheelchair user, blind).
To simplify this part, the ADA Office has developed an
emergency assistance request card that can be
handed to the co-worker, friend, or faculty, who in turn
will give it to the emergency team on sight. For more
information about the card please contact the ADA

Know the building in which you work or study.

Where are the entrances and exits on the floor where
you work or live? Learn the location of all exits on
each floor of the buildings you routinely use. When
developing your Emergency Plan include at least two
exits at each location. Check each area you use
carefully. Examine stairwells and doorways for clear-

Do you have access to the ground floor? Do you need

Know the location of a telephone in each area you

Identify where you go in case of an emergency.

Do you stay in the classroom or office until help ar-

Do you go to the nearest fireproof stairway?

* The answers will depend upon the immediate situation
and the building in which you are located. That's why it

is important to be familiar with all areas you frequent.
Have a plan and use it.

When there is no ground floor access, determine
how you will exit the building and where you
should go.

* After you inform a co-worker/friend of your situation
and have made the call to 9-911, go to the nearest
emergency exit and wait until assistance comes, or
follow your individual emergency plan if it calls for
something different.

For more information on how to obtain information
on developing an individual emergency assistance plan,

ADA Compliance Office
354 NS Drive
(352) 392-7056
(352) 846-1046 (TDD)

For more information on services for individuals with
disabilities refer to the ADA Office web site:
\\ \'V \.1.1d.. Lin f 'tl

Do you have a question or concern about safety
compliance, contact:

Environmental Health and Safety
PO Box 112190
(352) 392-1591

University Police Department
PO Box 112150
(352) 392-1111 (V/TDD)


Accommodating Faculty and

Staff with Disabilities

Much of the information with regard to people with
disabilities available on college campuses is di-
rected toward students. When the first edition of the
Reasonable Accommodations Faculty Guide: Teach-
ing Students with Disabilities was produced, the guide
addressed services for the student. In this, the fourth
edition of the Guide, information on how faculty and staff
with disabilities can be better served is presented. If you
have any questions after reading the information in any
section of this guide, contact the ADA Office for assis-
tance or more information.

Are you Protected by the ADA as a
Faculty or Staff Member

If you have a disability and are qualified to do ajob,
the ADA protects you from job discrimination on the
basis of your disability. Under the ADA, you have a
disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits a major life activity. The ADA also
protects you if you have a history of such a disability, or if
an employer believes that you have such a disability, even
if you don't.

To be protected under the ADA, you must have a
record of, or be regarded as having a substantial impair-
ment. A substantial impairment is one that significantly
limits or restricts a major life activity, such as hearing,
seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual
tasks, caring for oneself, learning, or working.

If you have a disability, you also must be otherwise
qualified to perform the essential functions or duties of a
job, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order
to be protected from job discrimination by the ADA.


This means two things. First, you must satisfy the
employer's requirements for the job, such as education,
employment experience, skills, or licenses. Second, you
must be able to perform the essential functions of the job
with or without reasonable accommodation. Essential
functions are the fundamental job duties that you must be
able to perform on your own or with the help of a reason-
able accommodation.

What is Reasonable Accommodation?

Reasonable accommodation is any change or
adjustment to ajob or work environment that permits a
qualified applicant or employee with a disability to partici-
pate in the job application process, to perform the essen-
tial functions of ajob, or to enjoy benefits and privileges
of employment equal to those enjoyed by employees
without disabilities. For example, reasonable accommo-
dation may include:

* providing or modifying equipment or devices;
* modifying work schedules;
* adjusting or modifying examinations, training materials,
or policies;
* providing readers and interpreter; and
* making the workplace readily accessible to and usable
by people with disabilities.

An employer is required to provide a reasonable
accommodation to a qualified applicant or employee with
a disability unless the employer can show that the accom-
modation would be an undue hardship--that is, that it
would require significant difficulty or expense.


Reasonable Accommodation Process

Under the employment provisions (Title I) of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (PL 101-336), employers
are required to provide "reasonable accommodation" as a
means of overcoming unnecessary barriers that prevent or
restrict employment opportunities for otherwise qualified
individuals with disabilities. The ADA defines a qualified
individual with a disability as a person with a disability
who "satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and
otherjob-related requirements of the employment position
such individual holds or desires and who, with or without
reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential
functions of such position." The term "reasonable accom-
emodation" means a modification or adjustment to the job,
the work environment or the way things usually are done
that enables a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy
an equal employment opportunity. Essential functions are,
by definition, those that the individual who holds the job
would have to perform, with or without reasonable
accommodation, in order to be considered qualified for
the position.

UF policy extends reasonable accommodation to the
known limitations of qualified persons with disabilities who
are employees or applicants for employment, in order that
said individuals may perform the essential functions of a
position and/or participate in the employment application
process, as long as the accommodation does not impose
an undue hardship on the department or unit. In general, it
is the responsibility of the applicant or employee with a
disability to inform the employer that an accommodation is
needed in order for him or her to participate in the appli-
cation process, perform the essential job functions, or
receive benefits and privileges of employment.

All requests for accommodations are evaluated on
an individual basis to determine the appropriateness of the
request. Moreover, employment opportunities shall not
be denied because of the need to make reasonable
accommodations to an individual's disability.

To request a reasonable accommodation, staff and
faculty members should contact their immediate supervisor
and make their request known. At that time, it will be
necessary to complete the "Reasonable Accommodation
Based on Disability Request Form". If you have any
questions at any time during the process, contact the ADA
Office, 354 NS Drive, 392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD).
For a copy of the form see the Appendix or go to
W',\ \\ ., La.Lfl CuL l.

Academic Computing

UF is committed to making its learning resources
accessible to persons with disabilities. Through the Dean
of Students Office UF offers a wide range of services to
assist students, staff, and faculty in achieving their educa-
tional goals. Support services are tailored to accommo-
date each student's, staff members, and faculty member's
needs in order to provide access to classroom and other
learning resources.

Many of the computer laboratories at UF are
operated by the Center for Instructional and Research
Computing Activities (CIRCA). Significant effort to
provide access to computer technology for students,
faculty, and staff with disabilities is being made. All
CIRCA labs are physically accessible to persons using
wheelchairs for both IBM and Macintosh computer


Assistive Listening Device Use

An assistive listening device is a portable FM trans-
mitter and receiver. Both receiver and transmitter are
small enough to fit in a shirt pocket.

Faculty who are hard of hearing may at times have
difficulty hearing during class discussion periods, questions
in small and large lecture halls, departmental meetings,
individual meetings, and at other times. In any facility that
has amplified sound, UF is responsible for providing
assistive listening devices. In areas that do not have
amplified sound, the same requirement applies. For
students, staff, and faculty, assistive listening devices are
available. If you continually are having difficulty hearing
students and colleagues, it is recommended that you get a
hearing test. In the meantime, if you would like to try out
an assistive listening device, call either the ADA Office
(392-7056, 846-1046 TDD) or the Dean of Students
Office (392-1261, 392-3008 TDD).

On-Campus Travel: Handi-Van

The Student Traffic Court sponsors the "Handi-Van,"
which, when called, transports students, faculty, and staff
to and from their classes, offices, and all other areas on
the main campus. As of Spring 1997 there is no charge
for this service. The van is equipped with a wheelchair lift
and provides prompt, courteous service. For more
information call Handi-Van at 374-6547, ext. 482.


If you are scheduling a field trip and will be using
vehicles to transport students, you must provide access to
individuals with disabilities. Since 1993 Student Govern-
ment has had a 25-passenger wheelchair equipped bus
that can be used by student organizations. If you are
disabled, or have students in your class with mobility
impairments, call Student Government about the use of the

Parking Information

Parking on a campus the size of UF will always be a
problem. Is there a solution? For general users, probably
not! However, for individuals with disabilities, there is a
solution. UF is committed to providing the best possible
service to individuals with documented disabilities. If you
are a full-time faculty, or staff member and have a State of
Florida disabled parking permit and a UF decal, you may
request a permanently assigned parking space. To
request an individually assigned space, based on disability,
contact Parking Administrative Services at 392-2241.

ADA Grievance Procedures

The University of Florida has adapted an internal
grievance procedure for prompt and equitable resolution
of complaints alleging any actions prohibited by the U.S.
Department of Justice regulations implementing Titles I
(employment) and II (public, state and local government)
of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Titles I and II
state, in part, that "no otherwise qualified disabled indi-


vidual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be ex-
cluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to discrimination" in programs or activities
sponsored by a public entity.

All ADA complaints, excluding those filed against the
ADA Director, should be addressed to:

ADA Director
ADA Compliance Office
354 NS Drive
PO Box 115005
Gainesville, FL 32611-3005
392-7056, 846-1046 (TDD)

All ADA complaints filed against the ADA Director
should be addressed to:

Assistant Vice President for Equal Opportunity
Programs (EOP)
145 Tigert Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
(904) 392-6004 (V)
or call through the Florida Relay Service at
1- 800-955-8771 TDD

1. All complaints should be filed in writing, contain
the name and address of the persons) filing it and briefly
describe the alleged violation.

2. A complaint should be filed within (180) days
(Title II 35.170) after the complainant becomes
aware of the alleged violation. (Processing of allegations
of discrimination that occurred before this grievance
procedure was in effect are considered on a case-by-case

3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall
follow the filing of the complaint. The investigation shall
be conducted by either the ADA Director or the assistant
vice president for EOP, depending upon the nature of the
grievance. These rules anticipate informal but thorough
investigations, affording all interested persons and their
representatives an opportunity to submit evidence relevant
to a complaint.

4. A written determination as to the validity of the
complaint and a description of the resolution shall be
issued by either the ADA Director or the assistant vice
president for EOP, and a copy will be forwarded to the
complainant no later than 15 working days after its filing.

5. The ADA Director shall maintain the files and
records of the University of Florida, relating to com-
plaints filed. For copy of the form see the Appendix
or go to www.ada.ufl.edu.







t'nisersif of Florida
Reasonable Acconmdation Based on Disability

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment
against a qualified individual %luh a daabilit) To be protected under the ADA, an individual must have,
have a record of, or be regarded as having a substantial (as opposed to aminor) impairment. A
substantial impairment is one that significantly limits orrestrictsa majorlife activity.
This form is designed to assist employees in requesting a reasonable accommodation. What is a
reasonable accommodation? Areasonable accommodation is any change or adjustment to ajob or work
environment that does not cause an undue hardship on the department or unitand whichpermits a
qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the job application process, to perform
the essential functions of ajob, or to enjoy benefits and privilegesofemployment equal to those enjoyed by
employees without disabilities. For example: a reasonable accommodation may include providing or
modifying equipment or devices, job restructuring, allowing part-time or modified work schedules,
reassigning an individual, adjusting ormodifying examinations,modifying trainingmaterials orpolicies,
providing readers and interpreters, or making the workplace readily accessible to and usable by people
with disabilities.
Instructions: This form must be completed whenever an employee or applicant requests an accommodation,
or it is apparent that a reasonabt accommodation may enable an individual with a disability to perfonn the
essential duties ofa position orparticipate in theemployment process. Copiesofthecompleted form should
be forwarded to the ADA Office (354 NSDrive) and Personnel Services (326 Stadium). If you require any
assistance in conAleting this form. call 392-7056(V/TDD).

Individual Requesting/Needing Reasonable Accommodation: (Type or Print)

Name: Date:_____
Ifcurrenty employed by UF:
Position Number Social Security #
Classification RankfTitle
Supervisor's Name Phone

Fundcomn of te Position
List thefunction(s) identified on the position description that theindividual cannot perform or perform
Essential Functions Marginal Functions

What evidence or documentation exists to support the need for an accommodation based on disability?
(Documentation should be provided by employee.)
_____Individual's Physician Occupational Therapist
Individual's Counselor Vocational Rehab Counselor
Physical Therapist Other
(Please complete re erse side.i


Meeting with Indiidual Reuestg/Needing a Reasonable Acconmmdaion
Discussion ofAccommodation Request


A meeting was held on to discuss the accommodation
request. Accommodations) that were identified by the individual were:

Meeting attended by

Selection of Accomnodaon(s)

The following accommodation(s)/modiications(s) hae/will take place:
Accommodation/modification Date faction Cost

Approximate cost of accommodations) requested $

Meeting with Individual Concerning Selcted Reasonable Acconmmdadon(s)

A meeting was held to review the selected reasonable accommodations) with the individual
on Summary ofindividual's response to selected

Consultant/rsourres utilized thst assisted in selecting accommdation(s):

Form completed by.

UJ'VAal iLt.


If there are an) questions. or if nou require assistance in completing this form. please
call Ken Osfield, ADA Office, 392-7056 (1T7DD) Please return copy of completed form
to the ADA Office, 354 NS Drie; and/or Academrc Personnel. 236 Tigert Hall.
Personnel SerMces, 326 Stadium.

Upon request, this form is available in alternate format. Contact theADA Office.

TF/ADA 4-5-94, 5-24-94, 6-2-94. 7-13-94, 8-8-02


Uni ersty of'Florida

The Unisersir of Florida has adopted an inierrjl grietance procedure for prompt and equitable
resolution of Lomplaints alleging any acuons prohibited b) the LIS Department of JusIice regulations
implementing Titles I remplosmentl & 11 ipublc. state and local gowrrnmenl; of the rmercans 1ith
Disabilites Act. Titles I & I state. m pan. that 'no otherwise qualified disabled indi idual shall. solely bs
reason of such drsabtlt). be excluded orom participation in, be denied the benefits of. or be subjected to
discrimination" in programs or acuI tees sponsored by a publicentlrY.

All ADA complaints. ec luding those filed dgainsr the.ADA Coordinator should be addressed to:
Dr Kenneth J Ostield
ADA Coordinator
AD.4 Compliance Otfice
345 NSDrive
PO Bo 115055
Gaineille. FL 32611-5055
r352 392- 7056 1'V, 3521i 6--61046 TDD
u'-.'.ada ua edu form on hine,

11 4D.A complaints filed against theADA Coordinator should be addressed to.
Dr Jacquelbn Hart
Since Pro i-st for .4cademi, .Iffairs
14- Tigert Hall
Gainesidle FL 32oll
iQ90- 302.6(0W \i
or call through the FlondaRelai Sern ice
at 1-800-955'-S"1 TlDD

1. All complaint should be filed in tring and include the name and address of the
person i ailing it, and bnefl describe the alleged ioliaton

2. A complaint should be tiled uIhmn 1601 days ('ile 11 35 I '"O after the complainant becomes
anare of the alleged inolauon 'Pr.xessing of allegations of discrimminauon hich took place
betbre this grielance procedure was in effect .ill
be considered on a caee-b\-case ba-i I

3. An minesugauon. as ma' be aprproprate, shall follow the fling of the complaint Depending upon
the nature of the grievance, the intestigat..n shall be Londucred b) either Dr. Ken Oslield or Dr
Jacquclme Hart These rules anticipate inmlrmal but thorough mnestigaions. affording all
interested persons and their representatives an opporrunity to submit etdence relevant to a

4. .A w riten determination as to the aliditr of the trompljint and a description of the resolution shall
be issued b) either Dr Ken Ofsield or Dr Jacqueline Hart, and a copi mIll be torvarded to the
complainant no later than fifeen 15) norkung dats afer its fling.

5. The -1D4 Coordinator %hall maintain the tiles and records. of the Uinerri} of Florida. relating
to complints tiled



Signature: Date:
* Please return to Dr. Kenneth Osfield, 354 NS Drier, PO Box 115055, for all ADA
* For all ADA Coordinator grievances, return this form to Dr Iacquel)n Hart. 145
Tigert Hall.

Upon request, tbr persons uth disablities, assistance mill be provided in completing this
form. Contact the.4D4 Compliance Office, 354 NS Dnie, (353) 392-7056 (1), (352)
846-1045 (TDDI this form is also available at ~u.ada.utl.edu.



Phone: ( )

Please provide a complete description ofyour grievance.


Please attach additional pages as needed.


- --


Academic Advising 20, 62
Academic Computing 67
Accommodation request (employee) 62
Accommodation complaint (all) 62
Accommodation request (classroom) 62
Accommodation request written ) 62
Acknowledgments 3
ADA 49
ADA Grievance 69
ADA Grievance Procedures 69
ADA Office 12
ADD 34
Additional Drops 23
Admission Process 21
Advanced copy of syllabus 7
Alternate Access to Printed Materials 58
Alternative Formats 3
Alternative Print Information 18
Alternative test formats 7
Americans with Disabilities Act 49
Are you Protected by the ADA 66
Assistance in identifying tutors and notetakers 7
Assistive Listening Device Use 68
Assistive Listening Devices 18
Attendance 16
Attendance and Promptness 16
Auditory Processing 31
Auxiliary Learning Aids 52
Behavior 33
Building access issues 62


Cancer 44
Captioning 7
Categories of Disabilities 28
Change of classroom 7
Classroom Adjustments 16
CLAST Disability Waiver 53
CLAST Waivers 23
Commencement 56
Committee on Persons with Disabilities 12
Computing Access Policy 52
Computing assistance 62
Conflict resolution 62
Counseling Center 12
Course Attendance Policy 54
Disability Resources Technology Center 11
Disabled parking decals 62
Dispelling Myths 24
Documentation 20
Documenting disabilities 5
Drop and add 62
Drug Alcohol 62
Emergency Evacuation Procedures 64
Emotional disabilities 42
Enlarged print 7
Evaluation 17
Exam delays 7
Extra time on tests 7
Faculty member standing 7
Faculty responsibility 5


Federal Rehabilitation Act 48
Flexible attendance policies 7
Florida Relay Service 19, 20, 60
Free-Lance Interpreters 15
FRS 60
Functional Problems 17
Handi-Van 68
Harassment 62
Health care issues 62
Hearing 40
Hearing Disability 28
Hearing Impairment 28
-tIV/AIDS 44
Identifying Disabilities 14, 26
Interpreter Costs 15, 56
Interpreter Needs 14
Interpreter services 62
Library Access Policy 54
Memory Processing 31
Mental health issues 62
Multiple Sclerosis 45
Note-Taking Alternatives 32
Other Conditions 43
Other Disabilities 29

Parking Information 68
Peabody Hall Assistive Technology Learning Lab 11
Personal counseling 62
Phone Index 61
Physical Disability 28
Physical Impairment 28
Preferred Language 25
Priority seating in the classroom 7
Program Access & Facility Access 52
Program Accessibility 17
Promptness 16
Providing alternative access to field trips 7
Providing copies of overhead demonstrations 7
Public Notice of Event 15

Question about access off campus 62
Question on issues of rights 62
Readers 7
Reading 62
Reasonable Accommodation 66
Reasonable Accommodation Process 67
Reduced Course Load 7, 55, 62
Referral Agencies for Interpreter Services 15
Registration priority 62
Registration Priority Procedure 56
Respiratory Problems 45
Science Laboratory 32
Section 504 48
Self-Identification 20
SG 14


SG Disability Affairs Cabinet 13
Sickle Cell Anemia 46
Social disabilities 42
Southwest Broward Hall 12
Specific Learning Disabilities 28
Speech Impairments 43
Standardized Test Scores 21
State Guidelines 51
Student Accommodation Agreement 54
Student Complaint Procedure 53
Substance Abuse 47
Substitution 22, 23
Substitution or Modification 51
Substitution Procedures 53
Syllabus Information 17

Visual Disability 28
Visual impairment 36
Visual Processing 31
Vocal Eyes 10
Waiver vs. Substitution 22
What is Reasonable Accommodation 66
Writing difficulties 62
Writing Processing 32


72 Hour Event Policy 57

Taking Notes 16
Tape recording of lectures 7
Tape-recording exam answers
Tape-recording exam question
TDD 19, 60
TDD Policy 57
Telecommunication Device for
Testing 17
Training 63
Transportation off campus 62
Traumatic Brain Injury 45
Travel on campus 62
Types of Seizures 45


the Deaf 19

Undergraduate Application 21
Use of computers in taking tests 7
Use of scribes 7
Use of sign language interpreters 7




Portions of this guide are reprinted, with permission, from:



Reasonable Accommodations: A Faculty Guide to Teaching College Students with

published by
the Professional Staff Congress (AFT Local #2334),
the union representing the instructional staff of
The City University of New York.

Funding for thi, publication \\as provided b\ the
ADA Compliance Office in the Division of Finance and Administration.

The 4th edition. ProvidingS Services and Ac'cess to Sindent.s iandi Eniployees w'ilth Dis-
abilities in Higher Education: Effective Acco lIUlrdationi
\\as t\peset using PagelMaker 7.0.

Printed b\ Beechler's Printing. Gaines\ ille. Florida.

This public document \\,as produced to advise Uni\ersity of Florida
faculty\ and staff members.


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