Disbiltis i Hihe Edcaton
Effective and Reasonable
Th AD Copiac Office-
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Services and Access to
Students and Employees
with Disabilities in
Higher Education:
Effective and Reasonable
Fifth Edition,
March 2006
All portions of this book may be reproduced
by any member of the University of Florida
community. Any outside agency may request
permission to copy material as needed.
Produced by the ADA Compliance Office at the
University of Florida for faculty, administrators,
staff and students.
First edition January 1993
ERIC Clearinghouse ED 357 585
Second edition January 1995
Third edition August 1997
Fourth edition November 2002
Published by
ADA Compliance Office
Environmental Health & Safety
University of Florida
EHS Building 179
Newell Drive
PO Box 115055
Gainesville, FL 32611-5055
Developed and produced by
Kenneth Osfield, Ed.D.
ADA Coordinator
___A Letter from the President
Gamlea iile, tlL 32611 -
(352) 392-
Dear Colleague
Through our teaching experience and i-cri tch. \c have all learned lhat there are Iany different style
of learning it is particularly important that we recognize the special needs of our students wit]
leading disahilites. We have prepared the attached Faculty Guide to help you leam more abnu
working with students who have disabilities and tol learn more about our responsibilities to respect
their special requirements.
In addition !o the information wilhin the Faculty Guidei you'll find a list other references an,
resources that may be of assistance. We also encourage you to lea more about the Americans witl
Disabiihtie Act (1990) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) as it applies to our student
and staff
Everw student deserves the opportunity to learn and benieft from the lch academic ueniitrOneni here a
the UIni-ersi of Florida and by knowing more about the special challenges our students will
dsabhiities face we can help (hemb achieve their lull academic potential
Thank you for your concern and dedication
Bernard Machcn
i'1 3 ririCr-,.~ C~iiiii
Special thanks to John
Denny, James McLesky,
Paul Schauble, Kathy
Galloway, Emily Yates,
and members of the
Committee on Persons
with Disabilities.
Since the 1st edition
of the Guide, this
publication has evolved
over time. The concept
for the 1st edition of
the Guide was originally
modeled after guides
from The City University
of New York and the
University of Maryland,
College Park.
The cover of this
Guide was designed by
Emily Yates with
clip art from Adobe
Pagemaker 7.0
Alternative Formats
For persons with
print-related disabilities,
this publication is
available in alternative
format. For more
information, contact the
ADA Office at 392-7056,
711 (TTY/FRS), EHS
Building 179 Newell
This Guide is
also available on the
World Wide Web at
Rick Nelson
I I Table of Contents
Letter from the President 2
Introduction 4
Classroom Accommodations 8
Sample Accommodation Letter 12
Student Responsibility 13
Where to Go for Help 15
Support Services 16
Interpreter Services 21
Classroom Access Overview 25
Academic Advising 33
Dispelling Myths 40
Preferred Language 41
Identifying Disabilities 43
Confidentiality of Student Records 45
Categories of Disabilities 48
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities 51
Teaching Students with ADD/ADHD 57
Teaching Students with Visual Disabilities 59
Teaching Students with Physical Disabilities 62
Teaching Students with Hearing Disabilities 65
Teaching Students with Emotional/Social
Disabilities 68
Teaching Students with Other Disabilities 70
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 76
The Americans with Disabilities Act 78
General Counsel's Statement 80
State Guidelines 81
Important UF Policies and Procedures 84
Florida Relay Service 98
Telephone Index 99
Quick Reference Chart 101
Information Sessions 103
Emergency Evacuation Plan 105
Accommodations for Faculty and Staff with
Disabilities 109
Notes 116
Appendix 120
Index 124
This Guide has these fundamental goals:
to heighten awareness, to provide basic
information, and to acquaint readers with
campus and community resources available
to assist them in working with individuals
who have disabilities. The means of achieving
these goals often are not merely matters of
judgment. They are matters of knowledge
and sensitivities that most of us simply do
not have because of lack of experience
in interacting with individuals who have
Only information on how to teach
students with disabilities was provided in
the first printing of the Guide. In the second
edition a new section provided information
on accommodating faculty and staff with
disabilities. In the third edition, the title was
changed to include both administrators and
faculty, the previous information was updated
and expanded, and new information was
added. In this, the fifth edition, we have
changed the format and layout.
universityy of Florida Statistics for Students with Disabilities
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obligation to
students with
extends beyond
the moral
and beyond
our University's
commitment to
fulfill the promise
of access.
Students with disabilities are a rapidly
growing minority at the University of Florida
(UF), as elsewhere in American higher
education. In the 2003-2004 academic year,
1319 UF students identified themselves as
having disabilities. Since self-identification is
not required, this represents only a portion
of the students with disabilities at UF. It is
estimated that approximately 10 percent of
UF's student body actually has a disability. This
is consistent with national data. Nationally,
between 1978 and 1992, the proportion of
college freshmen with disabilities tripled to 9
percent, and 10 percent of the overall college
population has at least one disability.
President George Bush signed the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into
law on July 26, 1990. This law reinforces
the concept of reasonable accommodations
in education and mandates greater access
to employment, transportation, and public
accommodations for individuals with
There is a legal imperative for equal
access, which is embodied in Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, often referred
to as the "Civil Rights Act" for people with
disabilities. It states, in part:
"No otherwise qualified individual with
a disability shall, solely by reason of his
disability, be excluded from the participation
in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance."
Background for
In order to comply with this imperative,
universities, such as the University of Florida, that
receive federal assistance must assure that the same
educational programs and services offered to other
students be available to students with disabilities.
To accomplish this goal, both physical and
programmatic access must be provided. This means
more than the removal of architectural barriers and
the provision of auxiliary services.
It means that reasonable accommodations must
be made in the instructional process to ensure full
educational oooortunitv. This nrincinle anolies to all
teaching strategies, as well as to institutional and
departmental policies.
The concept of classroom accommodations for
students with disabilities is not new. As a result of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), students
have been requesting and receiving classroom
accommodations for years. However, the ADA has
brought more attention to accommodating the needs
of individuals with disabilities. As a direct result of
the passage of the ADA, the number of students
who have identified themselves as having disabilities
has increased markedly. At the University of Florida,
the number of students known to have disabilities
increased from 202 students in 1989-1990 to 1319
in 2003-2004. The fastest-growing group within this
population is students with learning disabilities. In
1989-1990, 25 self-identified students had learning
disabilities, as compared to 768 in 2003-2004. As
noted earlier, students are not required to self-
identify, and the actual number of students at UF
with disabilities is estimated at 10 percent. (Refer to
chart on page 4 for more information related to self-
identification and enrollment.)
Why the increase? Thanks to education,
people with disabilities are becoming aware of their
rights and are more inclined to be assertive when
requesting accommodations.
for providing
- -U
In order to assist faculty and students,
UF has established procedures for students to
request accommodations based on a disability.
The process is designed to minimize the impact
upon faculty members and maintain privacy rights
of the student, while providing the necessary
accommodations for the student:
1. Any student requesting services as a
result of a disability should be referred to the
Disability Resources Program (DR) of the Dean
of Students Office (DSO) and Division of Student
2. Once referred, a DR staff member will
work with that student to identify appropriate
3. Once the accommodations have
been identified, that student should make an
appointment with each instructor during office
hours and provide a letter from the DR detailing
the identified accommodations.
4. Upon receipt of the letter, if there are
any questions, the instructor should call the
letter's author. (Refer to pages 8-12 for more
All students with disabilities who request
an accommodation are required to provide
appropriate documentation of that disability to
the DR. At no other time is a student required to
provide documentation to any administrator, dean,
or teacher. Due to the sensitive nature of some
disabilities and the right to privacy, the specific
disability will not be mentioned in the DR letter of
Classroom Accommodations
It is only necessary for instructors to
know that Disability Resources has a record of
the disability and has approved the student for
specific accommodations. The letter serves as a
student's documentation that s/he is an eligible
student with a disability, and therefore entitled
to effective and reasonable accommodation as
identified in the letter.
If at any time a faculty member has
questions about a student in thier class with a
disability, the faculty member is encouraged to
contact the Disability Resources.
Faculty Faculty members are usually the first to
responsibility know that a student with a disability is in class.
Students with disabilities are not required to
register with any agency on campus, unless
they request specific classroom accommodations
because of their disability. At that point they are
required to register with Disability Resources (DR).
It is when a student requests that a
faculty member make accommodations to
match the student's disability, that the faculty
member should refer the student to the DR.
The DR encourages all faculty to work with any
student, whatever the situation. However, it is
ultimately better for all parties that a student
with a disability be referred to the proper agency
for support. Once referred, the process of
determining whether the student meets state and
federal guidelines for a specific disability can be
determined. That determination is made only by
the DR, which is the only agency at UF designated
to keep records of a student's disability. Once
proper documentation is provided, the student is
officially registered with DR as having a disability
and letters of accommodation can then be
distributed to faculty by the student. The letter
I of accommodation is the letter of record verifying
that the student is registered as a student with a
Upon receipt of the letter, each faculty
member is responsible for reviewing the
information in the letter. If at any point faculty
members have questions or concerns about the
information contained in the letter, they should
immediately contact the director of disability
resources. All questions are to be directed to the
Assistant Dean of Students and not the student.
Until the assistant dean is contacted, it can only
be assumed that there are no questions with any
particular student's accommodation package.
Reasonable accommodation in the
classroom is an individual civil right guaranteed
by federal legislation (ADA and Section 504).
Once the accommodations are identified, the
accommodations must be provided. The only
option is how the accommodation will be
provided. Most classroom accommodations are
easy to arrange and will not take much time to
administer. If, however, assistance is needed,
faculty members should contact DR. DR
will make the accommodation process simple and
effective for both the student and the faculty.
The issue of fairness and classroom
accommodation is raised often. Classroom
accommodations provide an opportunity for
students with disabilities to compete on equal
terms with other students in class. Individual
accommodations are a civil right guaranteed
under federal law. The accommodations
prescribed through Disability Resources are
not frivolous or arbitrary. They are individually
designed for each student based on appropriate
documentation on file at DR.
Although accommodations may appear
similar for many students, they are based on
individualized need and disability documentation.
Accommodations necessary for ensuring
complete access to and full participation in the
educational process do not require the instructor
to adjust evaluations of academic performance.
Rather, the accommodations make it possible for
a student with a disability to learn the material
presented and for an instructor to fairly evaluate
the student's understanding of the material.
Examples of some accommodations are:
SPriority seating in the classroom
Change of classroom
Faculty member standing & facing the class
when speaking
Assistance in identifying a notetaker
Tape recording of lectures
Use of scribes
Use of sign language interpreters
Exam delays
Providing copies of overhead demonstrations
and lecture notes
Reduced course load
Captioning or transcription work
Enlarged print on exam questions or class
Use of computers in taking tests
Alternative test formats
Alternative access to material covered in a field
Advanced copy of syllabus, textbook & course
Extra time on tests, exams and quizzes
Flexible attendance policies
Tape-recording exam questions
Tape-recording exam answers
Failure tc
Though rare, there have been incidents
in which faculty refuse to provide the
accommodations outlined in the letter of
accommodation. The accommodations outlined by
disability resources are not optional and must be
provided under two federal pieces of legislation
(Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; and
the ADA). When questions arise about a specific
accommodation, it is the responsibility of the
faculty member to contact the director to discuss
these questions. Due to the number of students
receiving accommodations and the number of
faculty receiving accommodation letters, it is
impossible for the assistant dean to speak to
each faculty member prior to sending out the
accommodation letters. For more information
on how Disability Resources can assist in the
classroom, refer to page 15.
Sample Accommodation Letter
Dean of Students Office Disability Resources
202 Peabody Hall Reid Hall aroundd Floor
I)iision of Student Affairs P.O. Box 114075
P.O. Box 114075 http:" www.dso.ufl.edu drp
Gainesville, FL 32611-4075
(352) 392-8565
TTY 711 (FRS)
lHelping Students Be Successjfl
To: (Professor)
From: John Denny. LCSW, Assistant Dean
Disability Resources
Date: January 5, 2005
Re: John Doe (UFID# 9999-9999)
Reasonable Accommodations
Mr. John Doe, a student in your class this semester, has requested that I contact you
regarding his accommodations. He has a specific disability that is documented at
the Dean of Students Office. John has the ability to do well academically with the
follow ing accommodationss:
Double time on all exams, quizzes, and written in-class assignments. (If you
can not administer this accommodation, Disability Resources has an
Accommodated Testing Service that will arrange the testing.
This student requires the service of a note taker. Your immediate assistance in
identifying a note taker who would he employed by Disability Resources
would be appreciated.
This student has permission to tape record all lectures, discussions, and classes.
This student requires access to printed copies of all overheads used in
classes, lectures, or labs.
Provide copies of all visually presented materials.
John is responsible for discussing his accommodation needs with you. As
John's faculty member your primary responsibility is to provide the above
accommodationss. Please be advised that none of the approved accommodations is
intended to alter the fundamental elements of the course content.
Federal law requires faculty to provide the aboLe accommodationss. To avoid
the possibility of violating federal law. clarification of the aforementioned
accommodations) may be obtained through the Dean of Students Office. Please treat
the contents of this memo as confidential information between you and this student.
Ifyou have specific questions regarding working with students who have disabilities,
please refer to the Faculty Guide to Teaching College Students with Disabilities. If
you do not have a copy of this guide, please contact the ADA Oltice at 392-7056.
For your convenience, the guide is also available via the world wide web at http://
www.ada.ufl.edu/. If you have any questions regarding this information, do not
hesitate to contact me atjohnpd( dso.ufl.edu or 392-8565.
Support Services Coordinator: (SSC)
SCC] John Doe 1
I17 I Doe file A
An Equal Opportunity Institution
Student Responsibility
Students with disabilities are responsible for
ensuring that the Disability Resource office and
faculty are aware of their disabilities that require
accommodations in the educational process.
Students with disabilities should contact DR, as it
is the only designated campus agency responsible
for classroom accommodations.
While faculty members are encouraged to
work with all students, students with disabilities
first must register with Disability Resources
(Reid Hall), in order to receive classroom
accommodations. Disability resources is a
program of the Dean of Students Office (P202
Peabody Hall) and the Division of Student Affairs
(155 Tigert Hall).
After providing appropriate documentation
of a disability that requires accommodation and
consulting with a disability resources staff member
who is responsible for programs and services for
students with disabilities, the student is registered
with the DR. When registration is complete, the
student should contact faculty members early
in each semester and provide a copy of a letter
of accommodation from DR that informs faculty
members of necessary specific accommodations.
Finally, students are responsible for requesting
accommodations in a timely manner, so instructors
may plan for those accommodations.
Students with disabilities must maintain
the same responsibility for their education as
students who are non-disabled. This includes
achieving the same academic standards, attending
class, maintaining appropriate behavior, and
providing timely notification of individual needs.
Accommodations are not intended to alter the
Students who want to request classroom
accommodations should register with DR and:
Meet with a Disability Resources counselor
to identify appropriate classroom
Request a letter of accommodation
Deliver the letter of accommodation to each
Request an updated letter of accommodation
each semester
Report any problems with the provision
of accommodations by instructors to the
assistant dean.
I I Where to Go for Help
Resources at
Reid Hall is a
Program of the
Dean of
Disability Resources (DR) provides students
and faculty with information and support regarding
accommodations for students with disabilities. Also,
assistance is available for meeting the requirements
of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A major concern of UF is assisting students in
making any adjustments necessary for success in
their academic careers. Staff at DR will assist any
students who self identify as having disabilities.
Official documentation of a disability is required to
determine eligibility for accommodations that may
be helpful on campus.
Staff members at DR serve as full-time
advocates for students with disabilities. Their
role is to ensure that students have physical and
programmatic access to all college programs,
thereby enhancing their interactions in all activities
of the campus community.
Faculty members are encouraged to ask
students about their needs, but not about
specifics about their disability. DR also may render
invaluable advisory services to faculty. Staff
members can be consulted about accommodations
for students with disabilities and also can answer
questions about accommodating the needs of
students in the classroom.
Support Services
Services Pre-admission counseling
Provided by Priority registration
Disability Limited academic advisement
Resources Special arrangements when needed (room
at Reid Hall changes, readers, interpreters, note-takers,
tutors,accommodated testing, and proctors)
Letters of classroom accommodation
Assistive technology assistance/lab
Vocal Eyes Print related disabilities affect many students at
at Reid Hall UF. These students may have a difficult time studying
for their courses due to disabilities that may include
visual, learning, or physical disabilities.
Vocal Eyes, the taped textbook recording
program, provides audio or electronic versions of
course materials to students who need to hear
readings. Operated by DR, Vocal Eyes provides
recordings not available through Recording for the
Blind, Inc. or Talking Books, the public library in
Daytona Beach for people with print disabilities.
Recording for the Blind, Inc., headquartered in
Princeton, N.J., offers more than 70,000 educational
books on tape. Students with print disabilities at UF
get approximately 70 percent of their books through
RFB or Talking Books, and rely on Vocal Eyes for the
other 30 percent. Vocal Eyes users are eligible for
and can obtain special tape players free of charge
from Talking Books.
Vocal Eyes depends on a strong network of
dedicated volunteers who come from the student
body, faculty, and staff, as well as the community.
Volunteers enrich their lives while helping students
with print disabilities achieve excellence.Vocal Eyes
volunteers attend one training session and then are
available to record material about any subject that
may be needed.
I Vocal Eyes is located in Reid Hall. For more
information about volunteering and donations, call
Vocal Eyes at 392-8565(V), 711 (TTY/FRS).
Center &
Testing Center
at Reid Hall
Ground Floor
Office of
SW Broward Hall
* -
Disability Resources (DR) has a new home!
During the Fall 2005 semester the Disability
Resource Office along with the Technology and
Testing Center moved from 202 Peabody Hall
to its new location at Reid Hall. This new 4000
square foot center will be located on the ground
floor of Reid Hall and will feature individual and
group testing rooms and a computer lab equipped
with the latest versions of assistive technology
including screen readers, magnification software
and voice recognition software. In addition to
assistive software, the lab will feature Closed
Caption Televisions (CCTV), a Very Easy Reading
Appliance (VERA), a Patriot Magnification System,
ergonomic keyboards and 25" monitors. DR also
has Braille embosser for conversion of text into
Braille. A technology specialist is available to instruct
students on the use of different technologies as well
as to assess student's technology needs. For more
information or to make an appointment with the
technology specialist, contact the DR office at 392-
The OAT Teaching Center in Southwest
Broward Hall provides free tutoring and study skills
advisement to all UF students. Depending on the
semester, tutoring is offered in these and other
courses: mathematics (Fundamentals through
abstract algebra), accounting, economics, differential
equations, chemistry, biology, statistics, calculus,
physics and several engineering courses (circuits,
thermodynamics, mechanics, etc.)
Test reviews for MAC 1142 Pre-Calculus, MAC
2233 Survey of Calculus I, MAC 2311 Calculus
I and other courses are conducted regularly.
ADA Compliance
Office Bldg. 179
Newell Drive
Committee on
Persons with
m 'U
Systematic review programs for the
computation portion of the CLAST also are
available. Visit www.teachinqcenter.ufl.edu for
tutoring schedules.
The ADA Compliance Office provides direct
support to individuals with disabilities through the
ADA Director. UF has designated the ADA Director
as the person responsible for ensuring that persons
with disabilities have equal access to all programs
and services. The ADA Director assists anyone with
questions about access to programs and services.
The primary goal for the ADA Office is to advise
the UF community about issues of access and to
provide direct support to anyone with questions
about access to university sponsored programs and
services. For more information, contact the ADA
Office, 179 Newell Drive, 392-7056, or 711 (TTY/
The University of Florida Committee on
Persons with Disabilities advises the UF President
about issues to improve the quality of life for
students, staff, and faculty members who have
disabilities. The main functions of this Committee
are to enhance campus opportunities for
people with disabilities; review existing campus
services and programs; strengthen and augment
services; and identify and recommend removal of
impediments to accessibility of campus buildings,
facilities, and programs.
The Counseling
Peabody Hall
0 -,
The Counseling Center provides counseling
and consultation servcies to currently enrolled
undergraduate and graduate students and their
spouses/partners. The primary goal of counseling
is to help students develop the personal awareness
and skills necessary to overcome problems, and to
grow and develop in ways that will allow them to
take advantage of the educational opportunities at
UF. In addition to individual counseling, the Center
offers a wide variety of groups and workshops.
These include general counseling and therapy
groups, as well as special topic and population
groups (i.e. learning differences, disability issues,
relationships, eating disorders, ACOA) designed to
help students deal with common problems. Other
groups and workshops, such as math confidence,
assertion, and stress management are designed to
improve specific skills.
The Counseling Center adheres to very strict
confidentiality standards. Any information provided
is strictly confidential except in life threatening
situations, cases of suspected child or elder abuse,
or when release is otherwise required by law.
Counseling Center records are not a part of a
student's educational record.
The Counseling Center is located at 301
Peabody Hall. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday,
8:00 am -5:00 pm. For more information call
392-1575, 711 (TTY/FRS) or visit the web page at
SG disAbility
Affairs Cabinet
The University of Florida Student
Government disAbility Affairs Cabinet strives to
better the lives of students with disabilities with
a student voice. Led by an appointed Director,
overseen by the Student Body Vice President,
and supported by several assistant directors and
a dedicated staff, this cabinet utilizes education,
programming, and empowerment as tools in
making UF a more accessible accommodating
place. To get involved, or for information about
upcoming programming, please e-mail the
Director at disabled@sg.ufl.edu, or call 392-1665
ext. 468.
There are also student groups on campus
dedicated to students with disabilities. These
organizations include:
Union for Students with Disabilities
http://grove. ufl.edu/~abled
Delta Sigma Omnicron
Information on
Interpreter Services
Reid Hall
Classroom Related
Interpreter Services
SInterpreter Services
The Disability Resources Program provides in-
classroom sign language interpreters for students
with registered hearing disabilities.
Students, staff, and faculty who have
questions about interpreter services for the deaf
and hard of hearing should contact the Support
Services Coordinator*. Consultations will be
provided for each person requesting information.
*Contact: Disability Resources Support
Coordinator for the Deaf/HH
Disability Resources
Reid Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Email: accesst(dso.ufl.edu
Voice/TTY: (352) 392-8565
Florida Relay Services:
in Florida 711
Video Relay Services:
Hearing: 866-HIP-VRS1
Deaf/HH: call.hippvrs.com
All Campus Related Interpreter Needs: For
all questions with regard to interpreter services,
either on campus or off-campus students, faculty,
and staff should contact the Disability Resources
Support Coordinator for Deaf/HH. The Support
Coordinator will provide information on how to
obtain interpreter services.
UF interpreter services are available for
classroom related needs. All classroom related
interpreter services are to be arranged by and
coordinated by Disability Resources.
(SG) Events and
SG Affiliated
Public Notice
of an Event
For special events and non-classroom related
activities requiring interpreter services contact the
DR Support Coordinator for Deaf/HH for referral
assistance. All out-of-class interpreter services
shall be arranged and paid for by the agency,
organization, or department sponsoring the events.
All events sponsored by SG and any SG
affiliated organization shall provide interpreter
services upon request. The agency sponsoring
the event shall be responsible for notifying the
general public that accommodations are available
upon request and once requested for arranging
the needed accommodations. For information and
assistance within the SG Office contact the Office
Manager. For referral information contact the DR
Support Coordinator for Deaf/HH
Every event, special activity, and program
hosted or planned by UF should be accessible
to persons with disabilities. If the event is
publicized the organizing agency must provide
people with disabilities the opportunity to request
accommodations. To find out if accommodations are
needed, list the following statement on all notices
about the program websitee, newspaper ads, flyers,
"For individuals with disabilities, requiring
special accommodations, please contact DR 392-
8565 within a minimum of 72 hours of the event/
program so that proper consideration may be given
to the request."
*The recommended notice is a minimum of 72
hours. This provides a department or unit plenty of
time to make the necessary arrangements. You can
request a more advance notice.
Agencies for
Interpreter Costs
and Protocol for
CART and
UF Classroom Related
To obtain information contact DR at 392-8565
Non Classroom Related
To obtain information contact the DR at 392-8565
If after hours or emergency contact:
North Central Florida Center for Independent
(352) 378-7474 9-5 M-W or
(877) 629-8840 after hours
The Interpreter Services Office for the Center
for Independent Living is based out of Ocala but
will provide services to the Gainesville area.
Typically, interpreters will work as a team,
especially for speaking engagements and activities
that involve a great deal of talking. The average
cost for interpreters is $50 per hour for each
interpreter, with a minimum of 2 hours during 8
am to 5pm Monday through Friday. After regular
business hours and weekend rates are $60 per
hour. Customarily an additional hourly fee of $20
is applied for travel. Team interpreters will work 20
minutes on and 20 minutes off, allowing them an
opportunity to rest and provide the best possible
interpreter services. Plan well ahead for your
interpreter needs, since there is a severe shortage
of interpreters in the Gainesville-Ocala area.
For captioning or transcription services, contact:
Disability Resources Support Coordinator for the
Deaf/HH for referral to qualified service providers
at (352) 392-8565.
Many professional interpreters maintain
a private, free-lance, interpreter practice in
addition to their staff interpreter positions. It is
recommended that only RID (www.rid.org) or
NAD (www.nad.org) certified interpreters be used
for University purposes. If none are available
then the highest level state screened with current
credentials will suffice for most events. Rates of
pay should be adjusted based on skill level of the
service provider.
To obtain information on resources for
names of interpreters at the national level are the
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) (http://
www.rid.org/) in Alexandria, Virginia, and the
National Association of the Deaf (NAD) in Silver
Spring, Maryland. Lists of professional interpreters
can be obtained from these organizations. In
Florida the state affiliate of RID is the Florida
Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf (FRID), http://
Explanation of credentials and a list of
providers can be found on these websites.
I IClassroom Access Overview
Attendance and
Specific suggestions on how to teach students
with disabilities are offered in the sections
devoted to each disability. Here are some general
considerations to keep in mind.
Students with disabilities bear the primary
responsibility of notifying UF of their disabilities.
If a student needs an approved accommodation,
faculty members are responsible for making those
Dialogue between the student and
instructor is essential early in the term, and
follow-up meetings are recommended. Faculty
should not feel apprehensive about discussing
a student's needs as they relate to the course.
There is no reason to avoid using terms that
refer to the disability, such as "blind," "see," or
"walk." However, care should be taken to avoid
generalizing a particular limitation to other
aspects of a student's functioning. Often, for
example, people in wheelchairs are spoken to
loudly, as if they were deaf. The student probably
will have had some experience with the kind of
initial uneasiness instructors may bring to the
relationship. The student's own suggestions, based
on experience with the disability and with school
work, are invaluable in accommodating disabilities
in college.
Flexible attendance policies are appropriate
accommodations for some students. Students
using wheelchairs or other assisting devices may
encounter obstacles or barriers in getting to class
on time. Others may have periodic or irregular
difficulties, either from their disability or from
Power Point
Notes on
the Web
A wide range of students with disabilities
may be assisted in the classroom by the
following: making book lists available prior to the
beginning of the term, making appropriate seating
arrangements, speaking only when directly facing
the class and writing key lecture points and
assignments on the chalkboard or an overhead
projector. Remember that beards, mustaches and
accents can interfere with a student's ability to
speech read. Restating the questions or comments
from students in the classroom can also assist in
clear understanding.
Instructors may see an accommodation
listed on the accommodation letter for students
to have access to classroom materials.
The accommodation will appear on the
accommodation memo as:
This student requires access to printed
copies of all overheads used in classes,
lectures or labs.
Students with this accommodation generally
have a processing disorder that interferes with
their ability to take notes in class. The access to
materials is intended to supplement their class
notes and to serve as a guide as the student
listens to lectures. Classroom materials include
overhead projections, transparencies, and
PowerPoint presentations. Classroom materials do
not include the instructor's personal notes used
in lecture. Access to these materials should be
made before the class meets. The student must
contact you during office hours to determine the
most efficient way for the student to receive this
information (i.e., making copies of overheads,
e-mailing PowerPoint presentations). Many
instructors are posting PowerPoint presentations
on their class websites. This offers easy access to
classroom materials for students with disabilities
and can enhance the learning experience for all
Alternatives Students who cannot take notes or have
to Taking difficulty taking notes adequately use any
Notes combination of classroom accommodations,
such as tape-recorders, note-takers, copies of
lecture notes and or overheads, and copies of
classmates' notes. Students must ask permission
of the instructor to tape-record a class. If taping a
class is the only reasonable accommodation, the
instructor must give permission for the student
to tape the class. Students and instructors should
discuss how to exchange class materials, ideally
prior to class.
Testing and Depending on the disability, the student may
Evaluation require oral administration of examinations, use
of readers and/or scribes, extensions of time for
the duration of exams, modification of test formats
or, in some cases, make-up or take-home exams.
This may entail recognizing when a student has
missed material (particularly in the case of those
students with hearing and/or vision impairments)
because the material was not interpreted literally
or visual aids were not effectively described.
If a student has missed or misunderstood the
material because of these problems, test answers
will demonstrate the incomplete knowledge.
For out-of-class assignments, an extension of
deadlines may be justified. The objective of such
considerations always should be to accommodate
the student's learning differences, not to water
down scholastic requirements. Instructors should
apply the same standards to students with
disabilities as they apply to other students in
evaluating their work and assigning grades.
Functional In addition to the adjustments discussed
Problems in detail for each category of disability, some
understanding is required in working with more
subtle and sometimes unexpected manifestations
of a disability. Chronic weakness and fatigue
characterize some disabilities and medical
conditions. Drowsiness, fatigue, or impairments
of memory or speech may result from prescribed
medications and or therapy. Such difficulties and
interference with the student's ability to perform
should be distinguished from the apathetic
behavior it may resemble.
Program All events that are part of structured class
Accessibility activities are to be planned in accessible places.
Workshops, labs, off-campus events, meetings,
trips, conferences and any other program,
service or activity must be open and accessible
to all students. On an old campus, such as the
University of Florida, not all areas are accessible.
At UF, equal access may be achieved by moving
the program, service or activity to an area that
is accessible. We cannot renovate all areas, but
we can ensure program access by moving the
program. When planning events, on and off
campus, please make sure that all individuals
have access. If your office or your TA's office is
not accessible, it is expected that you will make
alternate arrangements to meet with students.
Syllabus One of the most crucial parts of any class
Information is the syllabus. In the syllabus the instructor
makes their expectations known to each student.
Students who are blind, visually impaired, or
learning disabled may not be able to access the
syllabus in the traditional format. A good way to
avoid a possible problem is to include a statement
on all future syllabi that notifies each student that
the syllabus is available in alternate format upon
In most cases, you will only need to enlarge
the syllabus or change the font size when printing.
If the larger font size is used, ask the student if
a font size of 14 or 18 would be appropriate. If
changing the font size is not possible, then enlarge
each page on a copy machine, by changing from
8.5 x 11 to 11 x 17 to 144 percent. If a student
requests a Braille copy of the syllabus, contact
Disability Resources for assistance.
DR is always trying to reach out to students
with disabilities and inform them of the services
available. You can help in that mission by adding
the following sentence to each syllabus produced
for your class. "For students with disabilities to
request classroom accommodations, contact a
Disability Resources staff member at Reid Hall or
call 392-8565 (V), 711 (TTY/FRS)."
An assistive listening device is a portable
Assistive FM transmitter and receiver. Both receiver and
Listening transmitter are small enough to fit in a shirt pocket.
Devices Students who qualify will have an assistive listening
device signed out to them while they are enrolled
at UF.
Students who are hard of hearing may
at times have difficulty hearing what is said
during class lectures and discussion periods. UF
is responsible for providing assistive listening
devices. However, students who are hard of
hearing may not know that assistive listening
devices are available. If you become aware that
a student cannot hear what is being said, inform
the student that assistance is available through
the Disability Resources. Assistive listening devices
are also available for faculty and staff with hearing
Alternative Any publication that describes services,
Print programs, or activities (e.g., brochures, handouts,
Information position announcements, pamphlets, resource
guides, handbooks, catalogs, course schedule,
applications) needs to include the following
statement regarding availability in accessible
"Upon request, for persons with print-related
disabilities, this publication is available in alternate
formats. For more information, please contact
(insert name) at (tel. number)."
When a document such as the University
Catalog is offered in one particular format, the
following is an example of what the statement
would look like:
"Upon request, the undergraduate catalog is
available on computer disk to persons with print-
oriented disabilities. For more information, contact
the Office of the Registrar."
When selecting one type of format over
another, be aware that the person requesting
the alternate format should be given primary
consideration as to the format of the publication.
Always offer at least two format options. Generally
speaking, the first should be large-print copy and
the second should be worked out between both
The program producing the publication is
responsible for the costs associated with any
alternate format publication. The "upon request"
portion of the statement is important. It is only
upon request that alternate formats are provided.
Programs are not required to stockpile any
document; however, it is wise to be prepared and
ready to act when, and if, a request is made.
Text Telephone
Providing alternate formatted documents
is easier than it may sound. The most common
request is for large-print copies. Large print can be
supplied in two ways. If the text is on computer,
select an 18-point font and print a copy, or
enlarge the document on a photocopy machine.
Braille copies and audiotape versions also can be
provided. For further assistance, contact the ADA
Any time a telephone number is listed
within a letter, booklet, pamphlet, resource guide,
program announcement, application, notice,
advertisement, or letterhead, or listed in any
other circumstance, be sensitive to the fact that
there are individuals who may not be able to call
the telephone number listed due to one of many
disabilities (e.g., deafness, hearing impairment,
speech impairment). Always provide either a
corresponding TTY number or information on an
alternative method for individuals with disabilities
to make contact.
As a result of the ADA, Florida and all other
states now have third-party agencies that will act
as the intermediary between the person with a
disability and the non-disabled person. In Florida
that agency is the Florida Relay Service (FRS). Use
the relay number if no TTY number is available.
You can use FRS by dialing 711 (TTY). For a copy
of the FRS brochure, contact the ADA Office at
392-7056, 711 (TTY/FRS).
An example of a statement for a publication
that lists more than one office, department or
college number is: "For individuals with hearing
impairments, deafness, or speech impairments,
when trying to contact an office that does not list
a TTY number, contact the Florida Relay Service at
711 (TTY)."
An example for a department publication
with just the department number is: "For persons
with speech and hearing impairments using TTY
phone access, contact the Florida Relay Service at
1-800-955-8771 or 711 (TTY)."
Video Relay Video Relay Services (VRS) is a free service
Services allowing the D/deaf, hard of hearing, and
(VRS) speech disabled communities to communicate
via videophone with the hearing community.
By making use of video equipment; high-speed
Internet access; and certified interpreters, VRS
bridges the gap between persons speaking
ASL; or a manual form of English (PSE or MCE)
and standard telephone users. VRS is simple
enough for anyone to use. All you need to connect
is high speed Internet access an Interpreting
Service will provide the rest. If you are interested
in learning more about VRS, please contact the DR
Support Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
at (352) 392-8565, or 711 (TTY/FRS).
--F l%
Academic Advising
Introduction It would be impossible to address every
aspect of college life affecting students with
disabilities. The purpose of this section is to
highlight some of the critical issues when advising
students with disabilities.
Under both the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(Section 504), universities cannot discriminate
against qualified individuals with disabilities. To
ensure that discrimination does not take place,
every public institution was required to self-
evaluate its programs, services, and activities; and
the rules, policies, and procedures that guide the
administration of those programs, services, and
Due to the nature of higher education in
Florida, UF has many legislative statutes that
dictate how education is directed. Some of those
statutes and their ensuing rules, policies, and
procedures have the affect of discriminating
against qualified individuals with disabilities.
Each university, in turn, institutes its own rules
to address those state rules. Whether a state or
local rule, a review of policies and procedures
should have taken place, and changes should have
occurred if the policies or procedures were found
to have a discriminatory affect.
The following information provides
administrators an opportunity to better serve
students with disabilities in the programs, services,
and activities sponsored by UF. However it is
impossible to address every aspect of campus life,
however. When questions arise, the best thing
to do is contact the individuals on campus who
administer disability support services (e.g., ADA
Compliance Office or Disability Resources at Reid
Sessions on
Students with
During the
- -U
In addition to this Guide, there are various
other sources of information available to assist
faculty, staff, and administrators in providing
support to students with disabilities. Along
with the printed materials, the ADA Office and
DR provide information sessions each year on
accommodating students with disabilities in
the classroom. For more information on the
publications available, and the date and times of
the information sessions, please contact the ADA
Office at 392-7056, 711 (TTY/FRS). (Refer to page
103 for detailed information.)
Students with disabilities are not required
to inform UF that they have a disability either in
the admission process or while enrolled at the UF.
For those students with disabilities who request
specific classroom accommodations or ask for
individual consideration in the application process,
then and only then, can the appropriate UF office
(DR) ask for documentation to verify the disability.
The only office on campus authorized to
maintain disability related documentation is the
Disability Resources (Reid Hall). Only when an
accommodation is needed in the classroom or for
an administrative procedure are the appropriate
staff notified of the student request. Verification
of the student disability and qualification for
reasonable accommodation is completed by DR.
Notification of appropriate campus officials is
initiated, upon the request of the student, by the
director of Disability Resources.
Admission (lower division, transfer, upper
division, graduate school and professional
Florida Board of Education (FBOE) Rule
6C-6.018 sets the foundation for disability based
petitions to the admissions process.
U -I'
UF Undergraduate
The rule states that each university shall
provide an opportunity to present evidence to
support the applicant's disability and an appeals
process. Committee membership generally is
comprised of the Director of Admissions or his/her
representative; General Counsel representative;
Dean/Director or representative of college or
program being petitioned; an expert from campus
within the field of the disability in question; and
the director of the Disability Resources.
There are petition processes in place, at
present, for most areas on the UF campus. These
processes were instituted during the ADA Self-
Evaluation process. At present, petition processes
are in place for basic admissions (first time,
transfer and upper division), Graduate School,
College of Law, College of Dentistry, and College
of Medicine. For any area on campus, when an
issue of disability occurs, contact the ADA Office
or DR for assistance.
The UF application provides an opportunity
for students with disabilities to ask for special
consideration during the admission process by
checking a box on the application form. When a
student checks the box for special consideration,
he/she is informing UF that he/she has a
disability. Students should be given an opportunity
to explain what unique consideration they will
require in the admission process. The purpose
of this section, on the application form, is to
provide an opportunity for students to inform
UF of circumstances in their education that may
have been impacted by the disability. Many
students with disabilities will need no individual
consideration and have no disability related
circumstances that have impacted their education.
However, many do. Students should be given
an opportunity to explain the link between their
disability and the specific admission criteria.
Many students, due to disabilities, may not 3
have completed foreign languages, college
GPA and
Test Scores
I IAcademic Advising
level math, and other specific courses. Their
standardized test scores may be lower than the
norm or may have been administered in a non-
standard administration.
During the application review process, it is
important to look at the overall student admission
information. There are guidelines, set by the
FBOE, that dictate minimum GPA and test scores.
However, such guidelines do, in effect, discriminate
against some students solely on the basis of their
disability. For those students who can show that the
disability in some way impacted a standardized test
score, GPA, or course selection, allowances should
be made to accommodate them.
Example: Low GPA In reviewing the
application, a graduate student has a GPA below
3.0. On the face of it, the student does not meet
the minimum GPA set by the FBOE. However,
the student in the letter of application notifies
the department that during the student's second
term, he was in a car accident that resulted in a
serious injury. The student was hospitalized for
the semester. Because he did not withdraw from
classes he received failing grades. His request is
that the GPA be recalculated to omit the semester
in question. This is a valid request, based on
the disability (paraplegic due to auto accident).
Example: Student with 3.6 GPA and a GRE Score
of 950 (500 V, 450 M) applies to the History
Department. Initially the student does not appear to
meet FBOE minimums. This student self identifies
as having a disability (LD -math) and would like
individual consideration. The student does not
meet GRE minimums, but presents supporting
documentation that it is a result of a disability and
the minimum requirement should be modified.
The basis for accepting a GPA or standardized test
score that is below FBOE minimums is 1007.264,
1007.265 and FBOE Rule 6C-6.018.
Once Enrolled
Waiver vs.
General Education
vs. Core
Graduate students with disabilities who do
not meet the FBOE minimums may qualify for
the FBOE 10% exception rule (Refer to Graduate
Catalog, Conditional Admission Section).
It is generally accepted that there are some
admission requirements for which substitutions
may be made. For instance, students who provide
documentation verifying that, as a result of a
specific disability (i.e., dyslexia) they were unable
to complete a foreign language, should have the
opportunity to substitute other courses. Each
request must be reviewed individually and the
result based on the specifics of the request.
With the exception of the CLAST exam,
there are no waivers to admission or graduation
requirements. Students can, however, ask for
substitutions to a requirement for admission
or graduation. All substitutions for course
requirements that are based on disability rationale
are facilitated through the Disability Resources.
The substitution is approved only when there can
be a direct link between the functional impact of
the disability and the course in question.
Generally speaking, substitutions to
admission or graduation requirements have been
made in only those areas that are considered
general education, and not core based.
Substitutions are not allowed when a
department or college considers the course or
requirement in question to be a fundamental part
of the program or essential to students in the
program. Each request is looked at individually
and arguments heard for both sides. What may be
approved for one student may not be approved for
When are
substitutions or
not required?
When the substitution or modification to the
admission or graduation requirement will result in
a fundamental alteration (ADA, 1007.265) in the
nature of the program, then the substitution or
modification is not allowed. Or, when the institution
can demonstrate that an academic requirement
is essential (Section 504) to the program of
instruction being pursued by the student or to
any directly related licensing requirement then it
is not allowed. In most cases, general education
requirements can be and are substituted regularly
(e.g., Foreign Language, Gordon Rule computation
and communication). On the other hand, courses
that are considered a fundamental part of the
program do not have to be changed. Example:
A student receives a substitution to the Gordon
Rule math requirement and now applies for upper
division admission into the College of Education
and asks for a substitution to the course "Teaching
Math in Elementary School." If the college sees the
course as fundamental and essential, the student
must complete the course in order to complete
the program. If the student cannot complete the
course, then he/she is not otherwise qualified.
Under the guidelines spelled out in
1007.265 and FBOE Rule 6C-6.018 a student
who is hearing impaired, visually impaired, or
dyslexic, or who has a specific learning disability,
shall be eligible for reasonable substitution for any
requirement for graduation, when documentation
is provided that the student's failure to meet the
requirement is related to their disability, and when
the failure to meet the graduation requirement
does not constitute a fundamental alteration in the
nature of the program.
Academic requirements that UF can
demonstrate are essential to the program of
instruction being pursued by the student or to
any directly related licensing requirement are
not regarded as discriminatory. Each request is
reviewed individually.
CLAST Waivers
Additional Drops
At present, the State of Florida does not have
a substitution to the CLAST exam. Until the time
that a reasonable substitution is provided, then
students who meet the guidelines for a substitution
can petition (CLAST Disability Appeals Committee)
to request a waiver to one or more sections of the
Limiting the number of drops a student
with a disability can have in some circumstances
may discriminate on the basis of the disability.
Students with disabilities requesting a drop
that is a direct result of the disability should be
provided an opportunity to inform the department
administering the drop procedure that they are
dropping as a result of the disability. In those
situations, when the drop is directly related to
the disability, a student is allowed to petition for
additional drops.
Dispelling Myths
The similarities of students with disabilities to
students without disabilities are more abundant
than their differences. The first step in teaching
students with disabilities is easy: treat them as
you would all students. After all, they come to
college for the same reasons others come and they
bring with them the same range of backgrounds,
intelligence, and scholastic skills. These truths
are easier stated than acted upon. The best
of intentions may be derailed by attitudes that
dramatically distort our interaction with people who
have disabilities.
Attitudes that distort our relationships with
people who have disabilities may occur without
malice, and are often the result of fears, guilt or
inexperience with individuals who have disabilities.
Distorting attitudes can be devastating to persons
with disabilities. Unfounded or inappropriate
attitudes reduce or bias our expectations of
individual performance.
Defining a person by the disability, not by
the person's humanness, leads us to isolate and
segregate people with disabilities. It also hurts their
pride and damages their confidence. Unfounded or
inappropriate attitudes can be more disabling than
any diagnosed disability.
Stereotyping prevails on campus, as it does
in the larger society. In college, though, it not only
perpetuates the prejudicial treatment encountered
by people with disabilities elsewhere, but it also
may undermine scholastic performance or access
to educational opportunities. Stereotyping also
reinforces barriers that students with disabilities are
trying to overcome at critical junctures in their lives.
Revising our perceptions and attitudes is
the first step in accommodating students with
disabilities. It is vital to remember that similarities
| among all students are much more significant than
their differences: they are all, first and foremost,
I IPreferred Language
Never use the
article THE
with an
to describe
people with
People with disabilities prefer that others
focus on their individuality, not their disability.
The term "handicapped" has fallen into disuse
and should be avoided. The terms "able-bodied,"
"physically challenged," and "differently abled"
also are discouraged. The following are some
The preferred usage, "people with disabilities,"
stresses the essential humanity of individuals and
avoids objectification.
Not the deaf
Use people who are deaf
Not the visually impaired
Use people who are visually impaired
Not the disabled
Use people with disabilities
If it is appropriate to refer to a person's
disability, choose the correct terminology for the
specific disability.
The following terms are examples of
appropriate terms to describe people with
People who are blind; visually impaired; deaf;
hard of hearing; mentally retarded; non-disabled;
physically disabled. People with or who have
Cerebral Palsy; Down Syndrome; mental illness;
paraplegia; quadriplegia; partial hearing loss;
seizure disorder; specific learning disability; speech
Be careful not to imply that people with
disabilities are to be pitied, feared, or ignored,
or that they are somehow more heroic,
courageous, patient, or "special" than others.
Never use the term "normal" in contrast.
Not Trina held her own while swimming with
normal students.
Use Trina qualified for her "Swimmer"
A person in a wheelchair is a "wheelchair
user" or "uses a wheelchair." Avoid terms that
define the disability as a limitation such as
"confined to a wheelchair" or "wheelchair-
bound." A wheelchair liberates; it doesn't
Never use the terms "victim" or
"sufferer" to refer to a person who has had a
disease or disability. This term dehumanizes
the person and emphasizes powerlessness.
Not victim of AIDS or AIDS sufferer
Use person with HIV/AIDS
Not polio victim
Use had polio
(From Campus Guidelines for Using Inclusive
Language and Illustrations in University
Publications University of Maryland at College
Identifying Disabilities
Each student brings a unique set of
experiences to college, and a student with
disabilities is no exception. While many students
learn in different ways, their differences do not
imply inferior capacities. There is no need to reduce
course requirements for students with disabilities.
However, special accommodations may be needed.
Determining that a student has a disability may
not always be a simple process. Some disabilities are
noticeable through casual observation. For example,
a person using a cane, wheelchair, or crutches
may indicate that the individual has a physical
Other students may have hidden disabilities,
such as hearing impairments, legal blindness,
cardiac conditions, learning disabilities, cancer,
diabetes, kidney disease, psychiatric or seizure
disorders, among others. Such disabilities are not
visibly noticeable, therefore they are considered
Finally, there are students with multiple
disabilities, which are caused by such primary
conditions as muscular dystrophy, cerebral
palsy, multiple sclerosis or traumatic brain injury.
Depending on the nature and progression of the
condition or injury, it may be accompanied by
a secondary impairment, such as difficulty with
mobility, vision, hearing, speech, or coordination.
These secondary impairments may, in fact, pose
greater difficulties than the primary disabilities.
Some students with disabilities will identify
themselves as such by contacting Disability
Resources and their instructors before or early in the
Some students, especially those with
"hidden" disabilities, may not identify themselves
because of their fear of disbelief either about the
legitimacy of their disability or about the need for
accommodation. Such students, in the absence
of instructional adjustment, may run into trouble
in their college work. In a panic they may identify
themselves as disabled just before an examination
and expect instant attention to their needs. If
that happens, the faculty member should contact
DR for assistance in dealing with unanticipated
The faculty member should make an
announcement at the beginning of the term or
put a statement in the syllabus (refer to page
28) inviting students with disabilities to schedule
appointments. If you suspect that a student has a
disability, discuss your concern with the student.
You may find such an approach awkward, at least
initially, but the end result will be beneficial if the
student's circumstances are made known at the
very outset.
If a disability is brought to your attention
and the student has not registered with DR, the
instructor should refer the student to DR.
Confidentiality of Student Records
The (1) The President delegates to each Vice
University of President the responsibility for main-
Florida Rules- training the confidentiality of all records
6C1-4.007 within his area of responsibility. Each
Student Affairs Vice President may designate an indi-
vidual in his or her area as the custo-
dian of records for that area.
(2) Student records are maintained in the
Dean of Students Office, J. Wayne Reitz
Union, Office for Student Financial Af-
fairs, Career Resource Center, Division
of Housing, and University Counseling
Center, are deemed confidential. Only
information of a public record will be
released without the written consent of
the student involved. Public informa-
tion includes: name, classification, local
address, home address, local telephone
number, electronic mail (e-mail) ad-
dress, most recent previous educational
institution attended, dates of atten-
dance at the University of Florida, ma-
jor, degree earned, nature and place of
employment at the University, honors
and awards received, participation in
officially recognized or registered activi-
ties and sports, and weight and height
of members of athletic teams. Counsel-
ing records and disciplinary records are
not public information.
(3) Information contained in student re-
cords except that data which is public
information will be open for inspec-
tion only by the student, or parents of
dependent students as defined by the
Internal Revenue Service, and des-
ignated members of the professional
staff of the University. The department
custodians of student records and their
designees may release information
from such records only upon written
authorization from the student or as other-
wise provided by law. Records which are
created or maintained by the University
Counseling Center and are used only in con-
nection with treatment provided to a student
are available only to persons providing such
treatment; provided, however, that such
records can be personally reviewed by an ap-
propriate professional of the student's choice.
(4) The Dean or Director of each unit in the Divi-
sion of Student Affairs is the official custo-
dian of the records in his or her unit and will
designate those staff members who have ac-
cess to student records. The Dean or Direc-
tor or the Dean or Director's designees has
responsibility for identifying those University
agencies outside of the Division of Student
Affairs that shall have access to the particular
student records involved.
(5) All requests for research, dealing with data
from records, are referred to the custodian of
the records involved. Such requests should
be in writing and should include appropriate
faculty approval. In addition, the researcher
will guarantee that identifiable data about
any individual will not be published or made
available to others.
(6) Traditional requests from scholastic honor
societies (e.g., Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda
Delta) for membership eligibility based on
grade point average shall be granted when
such requests are approved by the Dean of
Students or designee.
(7) Counseling, disciplinary, and academic re-
cords are maintained separately.
(8) With the exception of Placement records,
student conduct records, and records re-
quired for audit purposes in the Office for
Student Financial Affairs, student records
are not maintained longer than four (4)
years after departure from the University
unless such records reflect on the student's
eligibility to return to the University.
(9) All, policies and procedures governing
the maintenance and release of student
records in Student Affairs offices are made
public and are subject to review periodically
by appropriate student, faculty, and
administrative groups.
Specific Authority 1001.74(4) FS.
Law Implemented 1002.22, 1006.52(1) FS.
History--New 9-29-75, Amended 1-28-80, 8-4-
80, Formerly 6C1-4.07, Amended 7-11-94,
5-1-96, 6-21-00, 1-19-03, 12-31-03.
In order to provide services to students with
disabilities, each Florida university asks for voluntary
self-identification of students with a specific
disability. This information is kept confidential and is
used for the purpose of aiding students in achieving
their fullest potential while at the university. In
addition, each university is required to submit
annually a confidential report to the Florida Board of
Education that includes the number of students with
disabilities by disability category.
Cataqories of Disabilities
Defining To be considered disabled under either the
Disability ADA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, a person must have a physical or mental
impairment that substantially limits a "major life
activity," has a record of such an impairment, or is
regarded as having such an impairment.
Each student requesting classroom
accommodations must present appropriate
documentation to the assistant dean of students
responsible for providing accommodations to
students with disabilities. Listed below are the five
categories of disabilities as outlined by the State of
Visual A visual disability is considered any disorder in
Disability the structure and function of the eye as manifested
by at least one of the following: (1) visual acuity
of 20/70 or less in the better eye after the best
possible correction, (2) a peripheral field so
constricted that it affects one's ability to function in
an educational setting, and (3) a progressive loss of
vision that may affect one's ability to function in an
educational setting. Examples include, but are not
limited to, cataracts, glaucoma, nystagmus, retinal
detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, and strabismus.
Physical Conditions that impact the musculoskeletal,
Disability connective tissue, or neuromuscular system are
physically disabling conditions which may require
an adaptation to one's school environment or
curriculum. Examples include, but are not limited
to, cerebral palsy, absence of some body member,
clubfoot, nerve damage to the hand and arm,
cardiovascular attack (CVA), head injury, spinal
cord injury, arthritis, rheumatism, intracranial
hemorrhage, embolism, thrombosis, poliomyelitis,
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, congenital
malformation of brain cellular tissue, and physical
disorders pertaining to muscles and nerves (usually
as a result of disease or birth defect, including, but
not limited to, muscular dystrophy and congenital
muscle disorders).
Hearing A hearing disability is considered any hearing
Disability loss of 30 decibels or greater, pure tone average of
500, 1000, 2000 Hz, ANSI, unaided, in the better ear.
Examples include, but are not limited to, conductive
hearing impairment or deafness, sensorineural hearing
impairment or deafness, high or low tone hearing
loss or deafness, and acoustic trauma hearing loss or
Specific Specific learning disabilities are any disorder in
Learning one or more of the basic psychological or neurological
Disabilities processes involved in understanding or in using
spoken or written language. Disorders may be
manifested in listening, thinking, reading, writing,
spelling, or performing arithmetic calculations.
Examples include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysphasia,
dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities in the
basic psychological or neurological process. Such
disorders do not include learning problems due
primarily to visual, hearing, or motor handicaps;
mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or an
environmental deprivation.
Other There are numerous other disabilities. Only a few
Disabilities are listed below, therefore the full range of disabilities
is not limited to those listed below.
Disorders of language, articulation, fluency
or voice that interfere with communication, pre-
academic or academic learning, vocational training, or
social adjustment are considered speech disabilities.
Examples include, but are not limited to, cleft lip
and/or palate with speech impairment, stammering,
stuttering, laryngectomy and aphasia.
Mental, psychoneurotic, or personality disorders
include any emotional or behavioral neurosis that has
created, or could create, an unstable condition in the
individual's ability to learn.
Cardiovascular and circulatory conditions include,
but are not limited to, congenital heart disease,
rheumatic fever, chronic rheumatic heart disease,
arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart disease.
Blood serum disorders include hemophilia, sickle
cell anemia, HIV/AIDS, and disorders where the cause
is unknown.
Respiratory disorders include tuberculosis of the
respiratory system, emphysema, pneumoconiosis,
asbestosis, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis,
and other diseases of respiratory system.
The preceding list are only a few of the
conditions listed in the other category. Other
conditions that require an administrative or academic
adjustment such as class schedules, parking and
course adjustments, and do not fit into any of the
above categories may also qualify.
Teaching Students
with Learning Disabilities
A learning disability is any of a diverse group
of conditions that cause significant difficulties in
perceiving and/or processing auditory, visual and/
or spatial information. Of presumed neurological
origin, it covers disorders that impair such functions
as reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia) and
mathematical calculation (dyscalculia). No two
students have exactly the same pattern or type of
learning variance associated with a given learning
A student may have average to superior
intelligence and adequate sensory and motor
systems, and yet have a learning disability. The
extraordinary achievements of numerous people
with learning disabilities confirm the coexistence
of learning disabilities and average to superior
intelligence. All too often these conditions still
go undiagnosed. That is why many people often
mistakenly believe a learning disability is an
intellectual deficiency, which it emphatically is not.
In fact, the marked discrepancy between
intellectual capacity and achievement is what
characterizes a learning disability. Documentation
of the disability is required not only to establish the
need for special services, but also to determine the
kind of special services that are indicated. Students
who are believed to have a learning disability
that has not been previously or reliably identified
should be referred to Disability Resources (DR) for
While a learning disability cannot be "cured,"
its impact can be lessened through instructional
intervention and compensatory strategies. In
general, a variety of instructional modes enhance
learning for students with learning disabilities,
by allowing them to master material that may be
inaccessible in one particular form.
Disability that
U I'
In working with a student with a learning
disability, a faculty member should try to identify
the nature of the student's disability in order to
determine the kind of strategies that the student
may need. Drawing upon the student's own
experience offers invaluable clues to the types of
adaptations that work.
Once a faculty member knows the nature of
an individual student's disability, the faculty member
may find the following strategies helpful.
Some students with LD may experience
difficulty integrating information presented orally,
so they may not be able to follow the logic and
organization of a lecture. For these students a
fuculty member could:
SProvide students with a course syllabus at
the start of the semester.
Permit students to tape a class, so the
students may listen to the class
discussion more than once.
Outline class presentations, and write new
terms and key points on the chalkboard.
Allow students to use notetakers.
Repeat and summarize segments of each
presentation and review its entirety.
Provide students with a written copy of
major points, models, outlines, etc.
In dealing with abstract concepts, paraphrase
them in specific terms, and illustrate them with
concrete examples, personal experiences, hands-on
models and such visual tools as charts and graphs.
Disability that
Affects Visual
Disabilities that
Affect Memory
'U -,
Reading may be slow and deliberate, and
comprehension may be impaired for a student
with a learning disability, particularly when
dealing with large quantities of material. For
such a student, comprehension and speed are
expedited dramatically with the addition of
auditory input. Read aloud material that is written
on the chalkboard or that is given in handouts or
In addition, an instructor may:
Make required book lists available prior to the
first day of class to allow students to begin
their reading early or to have texts put on
Provide students with chapter outlines or study
guides that cue them to key points in their
Memory or sequencing difficulties may
impede the execution of complicated directions
for a student with a learning disability. To
accommodate, an instructor may:
Keep oral instructions concise and reinforce
them with a brief cue word.
Repeat or re-word complicated directions.
Some students with learning disabilities need
alternative ways to take notes because they cannot
write effectively or assimilate, remember, and
organize the material while listening to a lecture.
To accommodate an instructor could:
Allow notetakers to accompany the student to
Permit tape recordings or make notes available
for material not found in texts or other
accessible sources.
Assist the student, if necessary, in arranging to
borrow classmates' notes.
Provide copies of notes and transparencies.
It is helpful to determine the student's
Participation ability to participate in classroom activities. While
many students with learning disabilities are
highly articulate, some have severe difficulty in
talking, responding, or reading in front of groups.
The stress of performing can exacerbate the
effect of the learning disability on the student's
Some students with learning disabilities
Specialized may have poor coordination, or trouble judging
Limitations distance or differentiating between left and right.
Such devices as demonstrations from the student's
right-left frame of reference, and the use of color
codes or supplementary symbols, may overcome
the student's difficulties with perceptions.
The science laboratory can be especially
The Science overwhelming for students with learning
Laboratory disabilities. Unfamiliar equipment, exact
measurement, and multi-step procedures
may demand precisely those skills that are
most difficult for students with some learning
disabilities. To accommodate an instructor could:
Provide an individual orientation to the
laboratory and equipment to minimize student
Label equipment, tools, and materials.
Make available to a student cue cards or
labels designating the steps of a procedure to
expedite the mastering of a sequence.
SUse specialized adaptive equipment to help
M4 |with exact measurements.
that Effect
Disabilities that
Effect Behavior
or Interactions
m mu
Some students with a learning disability
have difficulty organizing written material or
may misspell words. Allowing a student to have
access to appropriate tools may help students
with learning disabilities more clearly express their
comprehension of the course material.
Permit a student to use a dictionary during a
Allow a student to use a computer and a spell-
checking program.
Because of perceptual difficulties, some
students with learning disabilities are slow to grasp
social cues and are slow to respond appropriately.
They may lack social skills, or they may have
difficulty sustaining focused attention. If such
a problem results in classroom interruptions or
other disruptions, it is advisable for an instructor
to discuss the matter privately with the student or
with the DR.
When learning disabilities effect performance
during evaluations, accommodations should be
made for evaluation methods and procedures. An
instructor might:
Allow students to take examinations in a
separate, quiet room with a proctor. Students
with disabilities are especially sensitive to
distractions. Testing services are available
through the Disability Resources (contact
testing@dso.ufl.edu for more information.
Grant time extensions on exams and written
assignments when there are significant
demands on reading and writing skills.
Avoid overly complicated language
in exam questions, and clearly
separate them in their spacing on
the exam sheet.
is always
available to help
faculty identify
on an individual
basis. For more
information, call
711 (FRS).
For a student with perceptual deficits, for
whom transferring answers is particularly
difficult, avoid using answer sheets, especially
computer forms.
Try not to test on material just presented,
since students with learning disabilities is
generally require more time to assimilate new
Permit use of a dictionary, a word-processing
program, proofreader or, in mathematics and
science, a calculator. In mathematics, the
student may understand the concept, but may
make errors by incorrectly aligning numbers
or confusing mathematical facts. A student
may need to use grid paper or other special
When necessary, allow students to use a
reader, scribe, word processor, tape recorder
or typewriter.
Consider alternative test designs. Some
students with learning disabilities may find
essay formats difficult. A student with a
perceptual impairment may have trouble with
tests requiring students to match different
Consider alternative or supplementary
assignments to evaluate a student's mastery
of the course material. Taped interviews,
slide presentations, photographic essays, or
handmade models may lead to more accurate
Teaching Students
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADD/ADHD) is a neurological disorder that is
characterized by chronic difficulty in sustaining
attention and significantly impacts learning and
behavior. Some persons with ADD/ADHD also may
display hyperactivity as evidenced by excessive
physical movement and difficulty in sitting still for
long periods of time or impulsivity as evidenced by
poor planning and poor attention to details. ADD/
ADHD is often first diagnosed during childhood,
but many people with less severe symptoms and
minimal hyperactivity are not diagnosed until late
adolescence or adulthood. For many years, it was
thought that ADD/ADHD was "outgrown" after
adolescence. We now know that it is a lifelong
disability, but that the severity of symptoms,
especially physical hyperactivity, may decrease
after childhood.
The impact of ADD/ADHD varies from
individual to individual. Within the educational
setting, it can range from a minimal impairment
that can be managed easily, to a severe
impairment that impacts both academic and
interpersonal success and requires treatment
with medication. In college, the student's ADD/
ADHD may impact his or her organization and
efficiency in areas such as reading, listening to
directions or lectures, taking notes, prioritizing
tasks, completing assignments, and taking tests.
Students with ADD/ADHD may have difficulty
adhering to schedules and expectations, unless
these are communicated clearly both verbally and
in writing. Some will display an impulsivity and
impatience in their interpersonal interactions that
may make communication with instructors and
peers problematic. A comprehensive assessment
assists in determining both the severity of the
impairment and the best accommodations
for an individual student. ADD/ADHD
may present many of the same symptoms as
academic difficulties or co-occur with other .
disorders, such as Learning Disabilities,5
Anxiety Disorders, Depression. For these reasons,
the documentation requirements for students
with ADD/ADHD include a comprehensive psycho-
educational evaluation by a psychologist. The most
common accommodations for students with ADD/
ADHD are a low distraction environment, extra time
on tests, a reduced course load, tape recording of
lectures, and obtaining copies of overheads prior
to lectures. Many students find that individualized
coaching in time management, study skills,
and organizational skills are necessary for their
academic success.
The way a class is organized and material is
presented can be critical for a student with ADD/
ADHD. Students with ADD/ADHD often lack the
ability to organize and structure information or
activities. A course syllabus with all requirements,
materials, and deadlines clearly marked will assist
the student with meeting those requirements. A
graphic or bullet format for presenting information
with key terms and dates highlighted or underlined
may be helpful for many students with ADD/
ADHD. When lecturing, an instructor could provide
advanced organizers and verbal cues in the form of
introductory statements, transition statements, and
concluding summaries. Most students with ADD/
ADHD will benefit from sitting near the front of the
class where they can stay focused and mentally
engaged in the lecture with fewer distractions.
Instructors should explicitly state both verbally and
in writing what is expected of students in terms of
quality, quantity, and deadlines for all assignments.
In addition, instructors could encourage students
to meet with them during office hours to review
deadlines and expectations in a quieter less and
distracting environment.
Teaching Students
with Visual Disabilities
Visual impairment varies greatly. Persons are
considered legally blind when visual acuity is 20/70
or less in the better eye with the use of corrective
lenses. Most persons who are legally blind have
some vision. Others who have low vision may
rely on residual vision with the use of adaptive
equipment. Persons who are totally blind may have
visual memory, the utility of which varies depending
on the age when vision was lost.
Whatever the degree of impairment, students
who are visually impaired should be expected
to participate fully in classroom activities, such
as discussions and group work. To record notes,
some students will use lap-top computers or
computerized Braillers. Students who are visually
impaired may encounter difficulties in laboratory
classes, field trips, and internships. With planning
and adaptive equipment, these difficulties can be
Before or Instructors can make accommodations for
Early in the students with visual impairments before, or early
Semester in, the semester by:
Providing reading lists or syllabi in advance to
allow time for arrangements to be made (e.g.,
the taping or Braille texts).
With cooperation from the Disability Resources
(DR), assisting the student in finding readers,
notetakers, or tutors, or teaming the student
with a sighted classmate or laboratory
Reserving front row seats for low-vision
students; making sure seats are not near
windows (glare can make it hard for a student
to see the instructor or the board). If a guide
dog is used, the dog will be highly disciplined
and require little space. I
_________________ m a
During the
Verbalizing the content printed on
transparencies or chalkboard notations.
During the semester instructors can
accommodate for students with visual impairments
Facing the class when speaking.
Conveying in spoken words whatever is put on
the chalkboard and whatever other visual cues
or graphic materials used.
Providing copies of all materials or requesting
another student to write everything down for
later transfer to tape or Braille.
Permitting lectures to be taped and/or providing
copies of lecture notes.
Providing large-print copies of classroom
materials by enlarging them on a photocopier,
or print in at least 18 point using high- contrast,
non-encumbered fonts.
Being flexible with assignment deadlines.
Planning field trips and special projects (e.g.,
internships) well in advance and alerting field
supervisors to whatever adaptations may be
Considering an alternative assignment if a
specific task is impossible for the student to
carry out.
Students should not be exempt from
examinations or be expected to master less
content or achieve a lower level of scholastic skills
because of a visual impairment. Alternative means
of assessing understanding of the material may
be necessary, however. The students themselves,
because of their experience in previous learning
situations, and the DR may offer suggestions
on testing and evaluation strategies. The most
expedient devices are alternative examinations
(e.g., oral, large-print, Braille or taped), time
extensions for exams, and the use of such aids as
print enlargers, specialized computer programs, or
tape recorders. The DR is available to assist with
the administration of classroom exams.
Other adaptations suited to specific
situations, such as tactile materials in presenting
diagrams or illustrations in certain subjects, may
be helpful.
Teaching Students
with Physical Disabilities
A wide range of conditions may limit mobility
and/or hand functions. Among the most common
permanent disorders are musculoskeletal
disabilities, such as partial or total paralysis,
amputation or severe injury, arthritis, active sickle
cell disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis,
and cerebral palsy. Additionally, health impairments
(e.g., cancer, HIV/AIDS, cystic fibrosis, respiratory
and cardiac diseases) may be debilitating and,
consequently, affect mobility. These conditions
also may impair the strength, speed, endurance,
coordination, and dexterity necessary for proper
hand function. Conditions such as cerebral palsy
often involve sensory and speech dysfunction.
While the degree of disability varies, students may
have difficulty getting to or from class, performing
in class, or managing out-of-class tests and
Going to Physical access to classrooms is a major
and from concern of students who have physical disabilities.
Classes Those who use wheelchairs, braces, crutches,
canes, or prostheses, or who fatigue easily, find it
difficult to move about, especially within the time
constraints imposed by class schedules. Occasional
lateness may be unavoidable. Tardiness or absence
may be caused by transportation problems,
inclement weather, elevator or wheelchair
breakdown, or the need to wait for physicians'
appointments. Leaving a class may pose similar
problems, especially in cases of emergency.
Instructors may accommodate students with
physical disabilities by:
Considering whether physical access to a
classroom is a problem before or early in the
semester, discuss it with the student, and, if
necessary, Disability Resources (DR).
Being prepared to arrange for a change of
classroom or building if the classroom or building
is not accessible to students with mobility
impairments; being prepared to move class
temporarily if an elevator is out of service.
SBecoming familiar with the building's emergency
evacuation plan and assuring that it is
manageable for students who have mobility
In Class Some courses and classrooms present
obstacles to the full participation of students who
have physical disabilities. In seating such students,
every effort should be made to integrate them into
the class. Relegating students to a doorway, a side
aisle or the back of the room should be avoided.
Even such apparently insurmountable barriers as
fixed seating may be overcome by arranging for a
chair to be unbolted and removed to make room
for a wheelchair.
Laboratory stations that are too high for
wheelchair users to reach or transfer to, or that
have insufficient under-counter knee clearance,
may be modified or replaced by portable stations.
Without such accommodations, the student may
need the assistance of a personal assistant to
perform the activities in a laboratory.
Students with hand-function limitations
may have difficulties both in the laboratory and
in the classroom, taking notes, completing in-
class writing assignments, and taking written
tests. The instructor should be prepared to utilize
accommodations like the following:
Permitting the use of a notetaker or tape
Teaming the student with a laboratory partner
or assistant. (Note: Educational assistants can
be provided by the DR.)
_____________ U I
Out of Class
*Allowing in-class written assignments to be
completed out of class with the use of a scribe
or other appropriate aid.
Disability Resources will administer oral or
taped tests, or will provide space and supervision
for extended testing time. DR is also available for
alternative testing arrangements.
For students who have mobility impairments
or hand-function impairments, using the library
for reading or research assignments may present
obstacles. The student may have to arrange with
library personnel for access to card catalogs,
book shelves, microfiche, and other equipment.
Because the completion of required work may be
delayed, the extension of deadlines and the use of
"Incomplete" grades may be appropriate.
Off-campus assignments and fieldwork may
pose similar problems of access to resources.
Instructors should consider such accommodations
as advance notice to students who rely on special
transportation, the extension of deadlines,
alternative assignments, and the use of
Teaching Students
with Hearing Disabilities
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may
use a wide range of services depending on the
language or communication system they use.
Some people who are deaf consider
themselves members of a distinct linguistic and
cultural group. However, many students with
hearing impairments do not consider themselves
part of a separate identity group, and work
towards assimilation. Often, people who are
hearing impaired have been deaf for a long time.
Some may live in a community or extended family
that includes numerous other individuals who
are hearing impaired. They may use American
Sign Language as their first language. Therefore,
members of this cultural group are bilingual, and
English is their second language. As with any
cultural group, people who are deaf have their
own values, social norms and traditions. Because
of this, faculty should be sensitive and attentive to
cross-cultural information in the classroom setting.
Some students who are hearing impaired may
use American Sign Language interpreters in the
classroom setting.
Indications that a student has a hearing
loss may include a student's straining to hear,
concentrating intensely on the speaker's face, using
loud or distorted speech, requesting to repeat or
spell words, and consistent failure to respond.
Hard of hearing refers to those individuals
who may use speech, reading, and/or hearing aids
to enhance oral communication. Hearing aids or
amplification systems may include public address
systems and transmitter/receiver systems with a
clip-on microphone for the instructor. For those
who use speech reading, only 30 to 40 percent of
spoken English is comprehensible even for those
who are highly skilled.
For people who are deaf or hard of hearing
who choose to speak, their feedback mechanisms
are limited; therefore, vocal control, volume,
intonations, and articulation may be affected.
These secondary effects are physical and should not
be viewed as mental or intellectual weaknesses.
A variety of services are available to students
who are hard of hearing. Students may use Signed
English, American Sign Language, Cued Speech,
or oral transliterators in the classroom -- visual
systems that enhance the reception and expression
of spoken English.
Accommodations The following accommodations will assist many
to Remember students who have hearing disabilities.
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing will
benefit from front-row seating. An unobstructed
line of vision is necessary for students who use
interpreters and for those who rely on speech
reading and visual cues. If an interpreter is used,
the student's view should include the interpreter
and professor. If the speaker is in a shadow or
standing by a window with movement outside of
it, the person who is speech reading may have
difficulty seeing or attending to the speaker's
Instructors should keep their faces within view
of the student and they should speak in natural
When an interpreter is being used by a student
with a hearing impairment, an instructor should
speak directly to and maintain eye contact with
the student, not the interpreter.
Recognize the processing time the interpreter
takes to translate a message from its original
Slanguage into another language (whether English
c 7 to American Sign Language or vice versa).
This processing time may cause a short
delay in the student's receiving information,
asking questions, and/or offering comments.
During translation lag times, the instructor
should maintain a comfortable eye contact and
postural regard with the student.
Repeat questions and remarks of other people in
the room.
Use visual aids and the chalkboard to reinforce
spoken presentations when possible.
If requested, assist the student with identifying a
When possible, provide the student with class
outlines, lecture notes, lists of new technical
terms and printed transcripts of audio and
audiovisual materials.
Do not hesitate to communicate with the student
in writing when conveying important information
(e.g., assignments, scheduling, deadlines).
Do not obstruct the student's view of the
interpreter by walking between them.
If the speaker has a beard or mustache that
covers part or all of the lips, remember that a
student who speech reads will have a hard time
following a lecture or class discussion.
Use audiovisual equipment that provides good
audio clarity.
Try to reduce the amount of ambient noise in the
environment, such as fans or background noise.
Teaching Students with
Emotional/Social Disabilities
Students with emotional and social disabilities
present some of the most difficult challenges to an
instructor. Like some disabilities, these impairments
may be hidden or latent, with little or no effect
on learning. Unlike students with other kinds of
disabilities, emotional disabilities may manifest
themselves in behavior ranging from indifference to
disruptiveness. Such conduct may make it difficult
to remember that students with emotional and
social impairments have little control over their
One of the most common psychological
impairments among students is depression.
The condition may be temporary-- a response
to inordinate pressures at school, on the job, at
home, or in one's social life. Depression may be
manifested as a pathological sense of hopelessness
or helplessness which may provoke, in its extreme,
threats or attempts at suicide. It may appear
as apathy, disinterest, inattention, impaired
concentration, irritability, or as fatigue or other
physical symptoms resulting from changes in
eating, sleeping, or other living patterns.
Anxiety also is prevalent among students and
may be the reaction to stress. A student need not
be psychologically impaired to experience anxiety.
Mild anxiety, in fact, may promote learning and
improve functioning. Severe anxiety, however,
may reduce concentration, distort perception, and
weaken the learning process. Anxiety may manifest
itself as withdrawal, constant talking, complaining,
joking, crying, or extreme fear, sometimes to the
point of panic. Bodily symptoms might include
episodes of light-headedness or hyperventilation.
Students are susceptible to a myriad of other
social and emotional disorders, including expressing
inappropriate classroom behavior or inadequate
Performance on assignments. Some troubled
students who are undergoing treatment take
prescription medication to help control disturbing
feelings, ideas, and behaviors.
This medication might cause undesirable
side effects, such as drowsiness or disorientation.
In dealing with psychological conditions that
impair the functioning of a student, follow the
principles outlined for working with students with
any disabilities in the Overview section (page 25)
of this handbook. If the behavior begins to affect
others, your course, or your instructions, consider
the suggestions below:
SDiscuss inappropriate behavior with the student
privately and forthrightly, delineating the limits
of acceptable conduct. It may be appropriate to
have a witness to your conversation.
*In your discussions with the student, do not
attempt to diagnose or treat the psychological
disorder, but only discuss the student's
behavior in the course.
SIf you sense that discussion would not be
effective, or if the student approaches you
for therapeutic help, refer the student to the
Counseling Center, the Student Health Care
Center, Dean of Students Office, or Disability
*If abusive or threatening behavior occurs, refer
the matter to the DR.
Teaching Students
with Other Disabilities
Many other conditions may interfere with a
student's academic functioning. Some of their
symptoms, like limited mobility or impaired
vision, and the types of intervention required
may resemble those covered elsewhere in this
handbook. The general principles set forth in
the Overview section apply, particularly the need
to identify the disability and to discuss with the
student both its manifestations and the required
accommodations. Below are brief descriptions
of some of the more prevalent disabilities
among students, as well as recommended
Speech Speech impairments range from problems
Impairments with articulation or voice strength, to complete loss
of voice. They include difficulties in projection, as in
chronic hoarseness and esophageal speech; fluency
problems, as in stuttering; and nominal aphasia,
which alters the articulation of particular words or
Some of these difficulties can be managed by
such mechanical devices as electronic "speaking"
machines or computerized voice synthesizers.
Others may be treated through speech therapy.
Speech impairments can be aggravated by the
anxiety inherent in oral communication in a group.
Teaching When interacting with a student who has a
Strategies speech impairment, instructors should consider
using the following accommodations:
Give students the opportunity, but do not compel
them to speak in class.
Permit students the time they require to express
themselves, without unsolicited aid in filling in
gaps in their speech. Don't be reluctant to ask
the student to repeat a statement. While waiting
|for a student to find a word or to complete an
expression, maintain comfortable eye contact
and posture with the student.
Address students naturally and in a regular
speaking voice. Don't assume the "spread
phenomenon" -- that they cannot hear or
Consider course modifications, such as one-
to-one presentations or the use of a computer
with a voice synthesizer.
HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is caused by a virus that destroys
the body's immune system. This condition leaves
the person vulnerable to infections and cancers
that can be avoided when the immune system
is working normally. The virus is transmitted
primarily through sexual contact or needle sharing
with intravenous drug users. It is not transmitted
through casual contact.
Although manifestations of HIV/AIDS are
varied, depending on the particular infections or
diseases the individual develops, extreme fatigue
is a common symptom. Because of the different
manifestations, classroom adaptations will likewise
Students with HIV/AIDS may be afraid
to reveal their condition because of the social
stigma, fear, and/or misunderstanding surrounding
this illness. It is therefore mandatory that
confidentiality be maintained. In addition, if the
issue should arise in class it s important for faculty
to deal openly and non-judgmentally with it, and
to foster an atmosphere of understanding.
For general classroom considerations, refer
to the Overview section. If cancer is involved, see
the section below. For particular impairments, see
the applicable sections on specific disabilities.
Cancer Because cancer can occur in almost any
organ system of the body, the systems and
particular disabling effects will vary greatly from
one person to another. Some people experience
visual problems, lack of balance and coordination,
joint pains, backaches, headaches, abdominal
pains, drowsiness, lethargy, difficulty in breathing
and swallowing, weakness, bleeding, or anemia.
The primary treatments for cancer (i.e.,
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery) may
engender additional effects. Radiation therapy
can cause violent nausea, drowsiness and fatigue,
thus affecting academic functioning or attendance.
Surgery can result in amputation, paralysis,
sensory deficits, and language and memory
For general accommodations, refer to the
Overview section. For particular impairments, see
the applicable sections on specific disabilities.
Traumatic Students with traumatic brain injuries are
Brain Injury becoming increasingly more prevalent. These
students often exhibit one or more of the following
symptoms: short-term memory problems, serious
attention and concentration deficits, sensory
dysfunction, cognitive deficits, behavior problems,
problems of judgment and organization, anxiety
attacks, and difficulties with mobility.
For general classroom considerations, refer to
the Overview section and the sections on learning
disabilities and/or seizure disorders.
Respiratory Many students have chronic breathing
Problems problems, the most common of which are
bronchial asthma and emphysema. Respiratory
problems are characterized by attacks of shortness
of breath and difficulty in breathing, sometimes
triggered by, either physical or mental stress.
Fatigue and difficulty climbing stairs also may be
major problems, depending on the severity of the
attacks. Frequent absence from class may
occur, and hospitalization may be required
when prescribed medications fail to relieve the
For appropriate classroom accommodations,
refer to the section on physical disabilities and the
Overview section.
There are two types of seizures: generalized
Seizure and partial. Generalized seizures cause a loss of
Disorders consciousness; the whole body is affected when
the electrical discharge crosses the entire brain.
Tonic-clonic seizures (once known as grand mal)
and absence seizures (pronounced ab-SAHNZ)
are generalized seizures. A student who has a
tonic-clonic seizure falls, loses consciousness,
and has a convulsion, which is a sudden
involuntary contraction of a group of muscles.
During an absence seizure, the person also loses
consciousness, but only for a brief period lasting
from a few seconds to a half minute or so. The
student, teachers, and peers might not realize a
seizure has taken place. Absence seizures can
occur up to 140 times a day and severely affect
Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that
Sickle Cell reduces blood supply to vital organs and reduces
Anemia oxygen supply to the blood cells. These conditions
make adequate classroom ventilation an important
Because many vital organs are affected by
Sickle Cell Anemia, the student also may suffer
from eye disease, heart conditions, lung problems,
and acute abdominal pain.
At times, limbs or joints may be affected.
The disease is characterized by crisis periods
with extreme pain, which may necessitate
hospitalization and/or absence from class.
Completing academic assignments during
these periods may not be possible. 7
Sickle Cell
For appropriate classroom accommodations,
refer to sections on visual and hand-function
impairments, as well as the Overview.
Substance abuse is a condition of
physiological and/or psychological dependence on
any of a variety of chemicals, such as illegal drugs,
some prescription drugs, or alcohol. Individuals
who are recovering from drug or alcohol abuse,
or who are in treatment programs to assist their
recovery, are covered by federal antidiscrimination
legislation and are eligible for college services for
students with disabilities.
These students may experience psychological
problems, such as depression, anxiety, or very
low self-esteem during their treatment and
rehabilitation. They may exhibit poor behavioral
control and, if they are using medication as part of
their treatment, they may experience undesirable
side effects.
Refer students who are showing symptoms
of substance abuse to the Campus Alcohol and
Drug Resource Center (Student Health Care
Center), or to the Counseling Center (Peabody
Hall). Refer to the Overview and the section on
psychological impairments for additional classroom
Autism and its related disabilities
under the Pervasive Developmental Disorder
(PDD) classification are neurobilogical-based
developmental disabilities that are characterized
by difficulties in communicating effectively (e.g.,
asking for help or clarification), developing
social relationships, and interacting with others
appropriately. The significance of impact varies
widely, but an estimated 20% 25% of individuals
who have been diagnosed with this disability
have the ability to perform academic functions at
or beyond the level of other university students.
People with PDD, specifically Autism and Asperger's
Syndrome, often have difficulty in processing
abstract language and can benefit from visual
accommodations (such as an advanced copy of
overheads, or specific written directions about
assignments) that support auditory information
provided during a lecture.
The preceding list are only a few of
the conditions listed in the category of Other
Disabilities. Other conditions that require an
administrative or academic adjustment (e.g., class
schedules, parking, and course adjustments) and
do not fit into any of the above categories also
may qualify the student for disability services.
Section 504.
Federal Register
Vol. 45, No. 92,
pp. 30937-30944
I I Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 is designed to eliminate
discrimination on the basis of disability in any
program or activity receiving federal financial
assistance. It states that no qualified person
with a disability shall, on the basis of the
disability, be excluded from participation in, be
denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected
to discrimination under any program or activity
that receives or benefits from federal financial
assistance. "Persons with disabilities" means any
person who has a physical or mental impairment
which substantially limits one or more major life
activities, has a record of such an impairment, or
is regarded as having such an impairment.
Qualified persons with disabilities may not,
on the basis of disability, be denied admission
or be subjected to discrimination in admission
or recruitment. Institutions may not make pre-
admission inquiry as to whether an applicant
for admission is a person with a disability.
After admission, UF may make inquiries on a
confidential basis as to disabilities that may
require accommodation.
Universities shall make such modifications
to academic requirements as are necessary
to ensure that such requirements do not
discriminate or have the effect of discriminating,
on the basis of a disability, against a qualified
applicant or student with a disability. Academic
requirements that the program can demonstrate
are essential to the program of instruction being
pursued by such student, or to any directly
related licensing requirement, will not be
regarded as discriminatory within the meaning of
this section.
Modifications may include changes in the
length of time permitted for the completion
of degree requirements and adaptation of the
manner in which specific courses are conducted.
Universities shall take such steps as are
necessary to ensure that no student with
a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded
from participation in, or otherwise subjected to
discrimination under the education program or
activity operated by the school because of the
absence of educational auxiliary aids for students
with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills.
All questions relating to students with
disabilities are to be referred to Disability
Resources, Reid Hall, 392-8565, 711 (FRS).
Section 504 is too lengthy a document to
include in this publication. If you wish a complete
copy of the legislation, please go to Department
of Justice (Office for Civil Rights) publication
on disability related legislation at http://
ADA Related Matters
ADA Compliance Office
EHS Building 179
Newell Drive
711 (TTY/FRS)
392-3647 (Fax)
504 Related Matters
Director Disability Resources
Disability Resources
Reid Hall
711 (FRS)
I IThe Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was
signed into law on July 26, 1990. This act protects
millions of Americans with disabling conditions from
discriminatory practices in public accommodations
(including colleges and universities), employment,
transportation, and telecommunications. The
ADA extends the coverage of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The ADA protects every person who either
has, used to have, or is treated as having a physical
or mental disability which substantially limits one
or more major life activities. Individuals who have
serious contagious and non-contagious diseases
(e.g., HIV/AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, tuberculosis) also
are covered under the auspices of ADA.
State University System institutions, as
employers of students, faculty and staff, may
not discriminate against qualified individuals
with disabling conditions and must reasonably
accommodate the disabilities of qualified applicants
or employees unless undue hardship would result.
State University System institutions may
not discriminate against qualified individuals
with disabling conditions by excluding them from
participating in or denying them the benefits of the
services, programs, or activities of the university.
Public facilities of State University System
institutions, including student unions, museums,
athletic arenas, auditoriums, libraries, recreational
facilities, etc., must be accessible to individuals with
disabling conditions.
Telecommunication relay services for hearing
and speech impaired persons must be provided.
WEB Access Materials presented on the Web must
comply with University of Florida Web
accessible WEB design criteria specified
on the Web Administrator's web page at:
Questions All questions relating to issues of disability
related to faculty should be referred to the ADA
Office, Bldg. 179-Newell Drive, 392-7056, 711
(TTY/FRS). All issues that are student related
should be referred to Disability Resources.
ADA Related Matters
ADA Compliance Office
EHS Building 179
Newell Drive
711 (TTY/FRS)
392-3647 (Fax)
504 Related Matters
Director Disability Resources
Disability Resources
Reid Hall
711 (TTY/FRS)
WEB Access Issues
Web administrator
392-4525 (Fax)
711 (TTY/FRS)
General Counsel's Statement
Office of the Vice President and General Counsel
Gaiinesviil, FL 32611
(352 392-
Fax (352) 392-
TO: UF Faculty and Staff
FROM Pamela Bemrnard U
Vice President and General Counsel
RE: Federal Obligations to Accommodate Students with Disabilities
The University of Florida has an obligation to accommodate students with known
disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") One of the intended purposes ofthese federal laws is
to secure for individuals with disabilities even-handed treatment and the equal opportunity to
participate m and benefit from University programs To achieve this result. federal law requires
that reasonable accommodations be made to students who are qualified individuals with
disabihties, within the meaning of Section 504 and the ADA. Our state law obligations are
consistent with this federal mandate.
It is impermissible for the University to exclude any individual from participation in
a program or to deny them the benefits of that program solely because ofa disability. Students
should make disabilities requiring accommodation known through the established University
procedures as implemented by the Dean ofStudents Office located in 205 Peabody Hall (392-
1261). Notably, it is not a requirement that the University make fundamental modifications in
program requirements. or provide services ofa personal nature, which will result in undue
financial hardship or a lowering of program standards.
Upon receipt of an accommodation memorandum issues front the Dean of Students
Office, any faculty member with a concern or question about the accommodations listed should
immediately contact the Assistant Dean responsible for the accommodation memorandum.
Coordination is essential to ensure that faculty deliver reasonable accommodations so that the
University of Florida can continue its excellent record of compliance with state and federal
obligations and with its own well-established internal policies.
If you have questions about this matter. please contact the Office of the Vice
President and General Counsel directly at 392-1358.
State Guidelines
Florida Administrative Code (FAC)
6C-6.018 Substitution or Modification of
Requirements for Program Admission,
Undergraduate Transfer and for Graduation by
Students with Disabilities.
(1) A university shall provide reasonable
substitution or modification for any requirement
for admission into an undergraduate or graduate
program of study, or for entry into the upper
division, or for graduation for any student
who is hearing impaired, visually impaired or
dyslexic, or who has a specific learning disability
where documentation can be provided that the
student's failure to meet the requirement does
not constitute a fundamental alteration in the
nature of the program.
(2) In determining whether to grant a
substitution or modification, a university will
consider pertinent documents including, but not
limited to, a physician's statement, vocational
rehabilitation records, and school records
maintained as a result of the exceptional child
provisions of Public Law 94-142. The Florida
Board of Education has prescribed in Rule
6A-10.041, FAC, the definitions of disabilities
to which this Rule 6C-6.018 applies, and
each university will provide the student the
opportunity to present evidence to support his
or her disabilities, and an appeals process.
Ch. 1000-1013 K-20 Educational Code
1007.02(2) Access to postsecondary education
and meaningful careers for students with
disabilities; popular name; definition
1007.02(2) For the purposes of this act, the term
"student with a disability" means any student
who is documented as having mental
retardation; a hearing impairment, including
deafness; a speech or language impairment;
1007.02(2) a visual impairment, including
blindness; a serious emotional disturbance,
including an emotional handicap; an orthopedic
impairment; autism; a traumatic brain injury; or a
specific learning disability, including, but not limited
to, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia.
1007.264 Impaired and learning disabled persons;
admission to postsecondary education institutions;
substitute requirements; rules.
1007.264 Any student with a disability, as
defined in 1007.02(2), except those students
who have been documented as having mental
retardation shall be eligible for reasonable
substitution for any requirement for admission
into a public postsecondary educational institution
where documentation can be provided that the
person's failure to meet the admission requirement
is related to the disability. The State Board of
Education shall adopt rules to implement this
section and shall develop substitute requirements
where appropriate.
1007.265 Impaired and learning disabled persons;
graduation, study program admission, and upper-
division entry; substitute requirements; rules.
1007.265 Any student with a disability as
defined in 1007.02(2), in a public postsecondary
educational institution, except those students
who have been documented as having mental
retardation, shall be eligible for reasonable
substitution for any requirement for graduation,
for admission into a program of study, or for entry
into the upper-division where documentation
can be provided that the person's failure to meet
the requirements is related to the disability and
where failure to meet the graduation requirement
or program admission requirement does not
constitute a fundamental alteration in the nature
of the program. The State Board of Education
shall adopt rules to implement this section and
shall develop substitute requirements where
1008.29 College-level communication and
mathematics skills examination (CLAST)
1008.29(5) Any student who, in the best
professional opinion of the university, has a specific
learning disability such that the student can not
demonstrate successful completion of one or more
sections of the college-level communication and
computation skills examination and is achieving
at the college level in every area except that of
the disability, and whose diagnosis indicates that
further remediation will not succeed in overcoming
the disability, may appeal, through the appropriate
dean, to a committee appointed by the president
or vice president for academic affairs for special
consideration. The committee shall examine the
evidence of the student's academic and medical
records and may hear testimony relevant to
the case. The committee may grant a waiver
for one or more sections of the college-level
communication and computation skills examination
based on the results of its review.
1009.41 State financial aid; students with a
Notwithstanding the provisions of
1009.40(1)(b)l.b regarding the number of
credits earned per term, or other financial aid
eligibility requirements related to the number
of required credits earned per term, a student
with a documented disability, as defined by the
Americans with Disabilities Act, shall be eligible
to be considered for state financial aid while
attending an eligible postsecondary institution on a
part-time basis. The State Board of Education shall
establish the necessary criteria for documentation
of the student's disability, and the postsecondary
institution shall make the determination as to
whether or not the disability is such that part-time
status is a necessary accommodation. For the
purposes of this section, financial aid funds
may be prorated based on the number of
credit hours taken.
I Important University of Florida
S Policies and Procedures
Access Policy
Access and
Facility Access
Access to programs and services is
guaranteed to all students and staff with
disabilities. Since access to UF's computing labs is
included within that coverage, students and staff
with disabilities must have equal access to labs
and equipment.
When a student or employee with a
documented disability requires adaptive
software or hardware in any UF computer lab or
administrative unit, staff in computer labs and
other administrative units will forward a request
to the Director of the Assistive Technology Lab.
The Dean of Students Office and the Assistive
Technology Lab Director will purchase and install
the software and/or hardware within 5 school
days of receipt of the request. Employees with a
disability seeking reasonable accommodations to
enable them to perform the essential functions of
their job should promptly notify their supervisor
and the UF ADA Coordinator. The intent of this
demand-oriented policy is to ensure that up-to-
date resources are acquired and placed where and
when they are needed for disabled UF employees
and students. The policy is further intended to
assure that UF's limited resources are used in
the most effective way to meet specific needs.
For more information about the Disabled Access
Computing Policy please go to
The University of Florida is a covered entity
under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section
504 and is a Title II covered entity under the
Americans with Disabilities Act. As a covered entity
under both pieces of legislation, UF is obligated
to provide access to all programs and services
sponsored by the University of Florida.
One of the goals of UF, through the ADA Self-
Evaluation, is to provide full-access to all facilities
within UF.
The guidelines for facility compliance are
as follows: Facilities older than June 3, 1977
are not required under Section 504 nor ADA to
be renovated if the facilities are not accessible.
However, whether the facility is accessible or
not, UF must ensure that all the programs and
services within all of our facilities are accessible. To
achieve that requirement UF will move programs
and services when access to those programs and
services cannot be achieved by any other method.
As stated earlier, the University goal is to
work towards total facility access, but that goal
will take some time. In just the past 16 years,
many 504 and ADA corrections have been made to
our facility inventory and it is expected that more
improvements will be made in the future. During
the past 16 years, four completely inaccessible
facilities (Peabody Hall, Griffin-Floyd Hall, Anderson
Hall and Flint Hall) have been completely renovated
with access a priority. Major changes have been
made at all the UF sporting complexes, and
changes continue to be made within the sporting
facilities to ensure full access to all people.
The ADA Office maintains a list of areas that
are not accessible or have accessibility issues.
That list can be accessed at www.ada.ufl.edu. The
intent of the list is to provide a detailed grouping
of areas on campus that have access issues. Over
the years, many renovations have been made to
the existing facility inventory and UF will continue
to upgrade its existing facilities to ensure equal
access. In the meantime, for those areas that are
not accessible, UF will continue to achieve total
compliance by moving the program and or service
to an accessible area when an issue of access m
is raised in those areas with access problems. 8
CLAST Disability
Waiver Procedure
m -.
When an issue of access is raised with
classrooms, students or faculty with access
concerns are advised to contact Disability
Resources in order to have the class moved to an
area that is accessible. For all other access issues,
staff, students, faculty, and campus visitors are
asked to contact the ADA Office to ensure that
issue is addressed.
Within the guidelines of State Statute
1008.29(5) the University of Florida President has
the authority to appoint a special committee to
review CLAST waiver requests based on disability.
Students with disabilities that meet the criteria for
CLAST waivers can request a waiver to a portion
or all portions of the CLAST. Currently UF has two
committees that review CLAST waiver requests,
both of which are authorized by State Statute.
Students with disabilities who need more
information about the CLAST waiver should contact
the ADA Office or Disability Resources at Reid Hall.
Within the guidelines set forth in State
Statutes 1007.264 and 1007.265 students with
disabilities can request substitutions to the
admission, transfer, promotion, and graduation
requirements. (For a full description of the statutes
please refer to page 81.) Students interested in
more information should contact the ADA Office or
Disability Resources.
Student Complaints based on disability can be filed
Complaint under 2 separate laws; the Rehabilitation Act
Procedures of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Section 504 complaints are to be
filed with the Director of Disability Resources. All
ADA complaints are to be filed with the Director of
the ADA Compliance Office.
There is no requirement under ADA or
Section 504 that complaints be filed locally.
However, the ADA Office at the University believe
that we can provide quick and equitable resolution
to complaints. We encourage students to file
their complaints locally, and if they believe their
issue has not been dealt with appropriately they
still can file an off campus complaint with the
Department of Justice. The UF staff responsible for
the complaint process try to resolve the complaints
within five class days and, in most cases,
accomplish that goal.
Students interested in more information
should contact the ADA Office or Disability
On-Line Faculty teaching on-line courses and
Course providing classes via distance learning are
Access responsible for providing access to their UF courses
just as they are with the traditional classroom
based course work. For assistance with providing
access, contact Disability Resources for more
information (access@dso.ufl.edu). Access to on-
line and distance education courses are to be
fully accessible prior to posting on the web or any
other medium. It is advisable that the following
statement be included on all syllabi for on-line and
distance education courses: "For students with
disabilities to request accommodations, contact a
staff member with Disability Resources at Reid Hall
or call 352-392-8565 or 711 (TTY/FRS)."
Course The DR recognizes that students may
Attendance miss class due to their disability. If a student
Policy has a condition that affects his/her attendance,
an accommodation can be made so that the
student may make up missed work. Students
who receive this accommodation are expected to
contact their instructor on the day of the absence
to make arrangements to make up any missed
assignments. It is essential that students maintain
communication with their instructors. Students
are expected to make up work within seven days,
or another mutually agreed upon period of time
between the student and the instructor. Students
with disabilities are responsible to complete all
course requirements.
Students who have an extended absence
(i.e., greater than two consecutive classes) are
encouraged to contact DR. DR staff can then
generate a letter to all faculty members to inform
them of the student's illness. The instructor may
ask for a doctor's note, documenting that the
student received medical care. If a student misses
an extreme number of classes for a catastrophic
event or illness, the student may be advised to
drop the course. Students may petition for extra
drops due to their disability. In order to request
extra drops based on disability related issues
contact the DR for more information.
Some students have disabilities that require
an accommodation for a notetaker. A notetaker
is not a substitute for attending class. Students
with notetakers are expected to attend class
regularly and to attempt to take notes to the best
of their ability. Students who use notetakers and
repeatedly miss class for an unjustified reason will
loose their accommodation for a notetaker.
Student Prior to communicating accommodation
Accommodation needs to faculty, each student will complete
Agreement the following steps:
Register with Disability Resources (DR). This can
be done by meeting with a DR staff member
or DR director. At that time, the student must
provide appropriate documentation that has
been signed by a professional with proper
credentials (i.e., Psychologist, Psychiatrist,
Physician, Audiologist, etc.).
With the assistance of a DR staff member or
DR director, each student will identify those
classroom accommodations that are reasonable
and appropriate, based on the individual and
his/her disability. If Disability Resources is
unable to provide the necessary services, the
student will be referred to the appropriate
college or community agency.
Once the accommodations have been identified,
a memorandum to the faculty members,
listing each classroom accommodation, will be
The student is then responsible for picking
up the accommodation letter, generated by
Disability Resources, and personally delivering it
to each faculty member during his or her office
*If a student finds that his/her accommodations
are inadequate or that they are not being
administered, it is suggested that s/he meet
with a DR staff member or DR director
as soon as possible in order to revise the
After registering with Disability Resources, the
student is responsible for requesting his/her
accommodation letters at the beginning of each
semester. The letters must then be personally
delivered to each faculty member during his or her
office hours. Accommodation letters are valid only
for the semester for which they are generated.
If testing accommodations are needed, it is the
responsibility of the student to meet with the
Testing Coordinator(s) to complete the required
Students will not be eligible for services if
they do not provide documentation of a diagnosed
disability, do not have a diagnosed disability, or
do not follow the Disability Resources' policies
and procedures. Students who register with
Disability Resources may have disability-related
information shared with appropriate UF personnel
(i.e., Student Financial Services, Dean of Students
Office, Academic Advising, University Registrar,
Counseling Center, or appropriate faculty) to facilitate
accommodations. Disability documentation is
otherwise confidential.
None of the approved accommodations are
intended to alter the fundamental elements of the
academic curriculum or program of study.
The University has a long-standing policy to
allow students who are on reduced course loads,
due to disability related reasons, to request full-time
Reduced status (i.e., below the recognized full-time load of
Cours 12 credits, and in some instances more, depending
Load while upon the college or department). By allowing a
Maintaining student an opportunity to be recognized as full-time
Full-tim with fewer than 12 credits gives that student an
Statu opportunity to qualify for the College Dean's List, and
Policy the President's Honor Roll, remain on their parents'
health insurance, purchase athletic sporting event
tickets, and take part in all other activities and
I I programs only available to full-time students.
To be recognized as full-time with fewer than
12 credits a student must make a formal request
to Disability Resources to determine whether full-
time status will be granted. Once the student is
determined to qualify, letters verifying their status
then can be written on their behalf when the need
Priority Students may request an accommodation
Registration for priority registration. Examples of conditions for
Procedure which this accommodation would be appropriate
would include: disabilities that affect the student's
endurance or the need for a medication that
results in a side-effect which effects academic
performance. Students who believe they have a
need for priority registration should contact the
Disability Resources. If priority registration is
granted the student will receive the first available
registration appointment each semester. Priority
registration is not a guarantee that the student will
get all classes he or she registers for.
Interpreter Interpreter costs for all degree related course
Costs work on the University of Florida campus are to be
coordinated by Disability Resources. The costs for
those services will be covered by the DR. All non-
classroom related or non-degree related activities
(out-of-class activities) shall be at the expense of
the UF entity sponsoring the event. Interpreter
costs for all student government related activities
shall be arranged for and funded by student
When a department has a program, no
matter if that program is for the department or
campus wide, then the department is responsible
to arrange for and to fund the interpreter
72 Hour
Event Policy
m i
Interpreter services for the main University
commencement(s) are arranged by and funded by
the President's Office. All other commencement
services are to be arranged by and funded by the
college or department holding the commencement
For Gator Growl and other large venue
events, the agency sponsoring the event is
responsible to arrange for and to fund the
necessary interpreter services.
Students who require accommodations
to participate in the commencement ceremony
should notify Disability Resources when they
register for graduation. The DR director will work
with the Chief Marshall and Commencement
Coordinator to insure that accommodations for
graduates and guests will be in place.
To ensure that all students, staff, faculty and
visitors with disabilities can attend any program
and service hosted by the UF, it is crucial that
an accommodation notice be posted with any
announcement or advertisement for the program
or service. The recommended text for any
publication that advertises any program or activity
should read "Services for people with disabilities
- For individuals with disabilities requiring special
accommodations, please contact BLANK within
a minimum of BLANK hours of the program or
service so that proper consideration may be
given to the request." It is recommended that
you provide the name of a contact for the person
requesting the accommodation. Place the name in
section noted with the text, "BLANK." As for the
amount of time required, that will depend on the
program and how far in advance the notice of the
event is given. It is suggested that a minimum of
72 hours be listed as the appropriate notice
since it will take at least 72 hours to find an
interpreter if the request is for an interpreter.
It is strongly encouraged, however, to
request 96 hours notice for those events planned
well in advance.
If there are any questions, please contact
either the ADA Office or the DR.
People with hearing and speech impairments
TTY Policy use Text Telephone for the Deaf (TTY) to
communicate with the hearing population and
other persons with disabilities. A TTY is a small
device that allows a hearing or speech impaired
person to speak with a person who also has
a similar device. Prior to ADA the hearing and
speech impaired could speak only with a person
who had a TTY or who used community agencies
that provided relay services. Now, as a result
of ADA, all telecommunication companies are
required to provide services and access to
telephone services. The relay service in Florida --
called the Florida Relay Service -- is a free service
that connects both the hearing person and the
non-hearing person.
For departments that have students, staff,
or faculty with hearing and speech impairments,
the ADA Office suggests that you contact those
persons and discuss telecommunication access.
If they use a TTY machine it is advisable that the
department purchase a TTY. If the department
does not have persons with impairments, then the
department should be aware of the alternative to
direct TTY access. The alternative is the Florida
Relay Service, linking individuals who are deaf,
deaf-blind, hard of hearing and speech impaired to
anyone within reach of a telephone at anytime.
Whenever the telephone number for a
department is listed, a TTY number or the Relay
Service number should be listed as well. Listings
are commonly used in letterhead, program
bulletins, course guides, university catalogs,
recruitment brochures, admissions bulletins,
program announcements, applications, and
any other documents that include a 9
department telephone number.
Financial Aid
to Printed
U I'
For publications, the following statement
should be used: For persons with hearing or
speech impairments, when contacting an office
that does not list a TTY number, use the Florida
Relay Service at 1-800-955-8771 or 711 (TTY).
Imagine being blind, having a visual
impairment, or a learning disability and not being
able to read common everyday documents or
printed materials. That is what it's like for persons
with these types of disabilities.
The Office for Student Financial Affairs (SFA),
located in Criser Hall and Disability Resources
work together to assist students with disabilities
who need financial assistance to attend UF. SFA
officers financial aid counseling and coordinates
or administers most student aid programs and a
number of privately funded scholarships. Students
with disabilities may contact Disability Resources
or SFA to discuss financial issues. The SFA office
is located in Criser and may be contacted at 392-
1275, or 392-1272 (V/TTY).
In order to provide better access to printed
materials at the University of Florida, offices that
produce public access documents and publications,
and or course materials, are required to provide
reasonable accommodation to the documents.
Prior to ADA, DR assisted disabled individuals
with access to printed materials. As of January
26, 1993, all campus units are responsible for
providing access to materials under their control.
Departments can call upon the ADA Office for
Providing alternate format documents is
fairly easy. Anyone needing printed materials
in alternate format may make a request. The
format provided should be decided upon jointly
by the department and the person requesting the
document. The ADA Office suggests that every
office have at least two options for alternate
formatted documents.
The first option should always be large print
text, which can be prepared by enlarging the
existing document on a photocopy machine on
11x17 paper to 120-140 percent, or by changing
the font size on a computer. The ADA Office
suggests this first option because not all visually
impaired persons are blind, and not all blind
persons use Braille. The second option depends
upon an individual's request and includes: Braille,
information on computer disk, and audio cassette
or reading the information to the person. For
documents requested in Braille or audio cassette,
contact DR for assistance. A nominal production
charge is billed to the department requesting
Braille and audio version documents. Contact
VOCAL EYES at (352) 392-8565 or 711 (TTY/FRS).
The ADA Office suggests that departments
produce alternate format documents only after
a request has been made by a student, staff
member, or faculty. A plan to provide access
should be in place, so that the person requesting
the document can receive it within a reasonable
time period. If the document is free, there cannot
be any charge for the publication or the service
All publications generated at UF (including
course materials) should include a statement
on the front of the publication that informs the
reader that the publication is available in alternate
format. The statement should read as follows:
"Upon request, for individuals with documented
print related disabilities, this publication is available
in alternate format. Contact BLANK for more
and Services
for Library
Users with
SLibrary Access
The UF's libraries provide a number of special
services to ensure access to library collections and
services for individuals with physical disabilities.
Individuals should register at the Circulation Desk
at Library West, the Health Science Center Library,
or the Legal Information Center to take advantage
of these services.
It is library policy to respond to requests
for assistance and to provide equipment
needed in a timely manner. If what you
need is not available, please ask at the
circulation desk in any library.
Many UF Libraries' resources and services
are available outside the libraries.
Consult the UF Libraries' Home Page at
Deputy Borrower Authorization:
Individuals with disabilities may apply
at Library West for a Deputy Borrower
privilege. This authorizes another
individual to serve as a deputy and check
out library material on behalf of a user
with disabilities.
Non-Circulating Materials: Individuals with
disabilities may arrange for a special short-
term loan to use non-circulating materials
with equipment in Disability Resources at
Reid Hall.
All library reference desks provide
assistance in locating and using library
resources. Limited reference service is
available by telephone.
Individuals may submit reference
questions via electronic mail by
clicking "Ask a Reference Question"
or via interactive chat by clicking
"RefeXpress" on the UF Libraries'
Home Page.
Retrieval All circulation desks accept requests
Services to retrieve library materials from the
shelf for in-library use or checkout. If
staff is available, items will be retrieved
immediately. Otherwise, an estimated time
for availability (generally within two hours
during standard business hours) will be
Registered individuals with disabilities
may request retrieval of a specific item
by telephoning the appropriate circulation
Individuals may renew items that have
been checked out by going online to the
UF Libraries' Home Page and selecting
"Renew Books" in the Library Services
section. This requires the use of the
individuals's library card number and the
last 4 digits of their Social Security number.
Type Upon request, library staff will print this
Printing and other handouts in large type for
individuals with print-related disabilities.
Equipment A VERA (Very Easy Reading Appliance) is
available in Library West.
Kurzweil reading machines are located
in the Education Library and the Marston
Science Library.
Assistance Library general assistance:
Library web questions:
Library reference assistance:
Things to
on how
to obtain a
TTY, and other
To make an
FRS call,
simply dial
711 or
I I Florida Relay Service
Individuals with hearing impairments, when
calling a department at UF, should use the Florida
Relay Service (FRS) if the department does not list
a TTY number.
To make a call through the FRS, one party
needs a TTY, while the other can use a regular
Calls to the FRS are answered by a
communication assistant at the FRS Center
in Miami. The assistant will serve as liaison
between the caller and the individual being
called. Each spoken word is typed into the
TTY by the communications assistant. The TTY
response is relayed to the communications
assistant who speaks to the hearing person.
There is no charge for this service, except
on long distance calls, which are offered at
discount rates.
The service is available 24 hours a day, 365
days a year.
The service should not be used in an
emergency. Dial 911 first.
All relay users should have their numbers
ready when they call FRS.
Hearing persons can reach individuals who are
deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and speech
impaired by using the service.
FRS should not handle TTY-to-TTY calls.
Direct TTY calls should be made without FRS
Telephone Index
The following offices are available to students
and employees. Do not hesitate to contact any of
these offices with questions about disability related
issues. If an appropriate office has not been listed,
contact Disability Resources for referral to the
correct office.
Office Location Phone
Academic Advising Academic Advising. 3924-521 "
ADA Office EHS Building 179 392-7056,
711 (TTY/FRS).
Equal Employment 337 Stadium 392-1075
OpportunityOffice 71__1 (TY,/FRS)
Disability Resource Reid Hall 39324565
Te hnolo gy Lab..
711 (TTY/FRS)
CampusAichohol Student Heath 392-1.61
and Drug Resource Care Center 711 (TI/F1S)"
Center _.
Center for Autism- JHMHC 8:. 46-27-61
and Related
: t.. .:. '.:222Sw 36 ..Terr:4'4::. -
Indende ntlving .. : -:_i: 37 844 n -T
tigrrnittee on EMS 'IlUdinig179- 392-70 --
Personsw : fwith 711 (TTY/RS:.
Disabities. ___ :_ ...: .. .. :: ..:
Counseling .Center P301 Peabody Harl 392--575
________________ ______________ :(TTYfJERS)
D Suid ents P202 Peabody HpIll 301a441
f WW- .V
Sei~e1;:" d71-I7,; .Ti- 'ft -IY'
Firidat ut:ach 15:7.'.
I iProject for Chillen
who areQaf 4nd __i_ _____- ,:: <:; j^