Faculty handbook

Material Information

Faculty handbook
University of Florida
University of Florida. Office of Academic Affairs
Place of Publication:
Gainesville Fla
University of Florida Press
Creation Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Universities and colleges -- Faculty ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


Issuing Body:
Vols. for <Fall 1993>- issued by the Office of Academic Affairs.
General Note:
Description based on: 1961.
Statement of Responsibility:
University of Florida.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
Resource Identifier:
023391388 ( ALEPH )
35309140 ( OCLC )
AKU3790 ( NOTIS )
sn 96027589 ( LCCN )


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Office of Academic Affairs
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Fall 1993


Preface ............................ ....... ... ................ 1
Organizational Charts
Educationally Related Units of State
Governm ent................................................. 2
State University System Organization ........ 2
University of Florida
Units Organization .......................... .......
University of Florida Office of the Provost
and Vice President for
Academic Affairs ...................................... 3

1 The University of Florida
History and Development ............................... 1
Institutional Purpose.......................................... 1
Characteristics ................................ ........... 1
Location and Setting .......................................... 2
Academic Programs ........................................... 2
Faculty .................................... ......3
Student Body ................................ .....3
Cam pus Facilities.............................................. 4
Academic .................................... .............. 4
Recreational and Sport............................ 4
Summary.................................................... 5

2 University Organization
The University in the State
University System ........................................ 1
Administrative Organization and
Structure of the University .......................... 1
Colleges and Academic Units ........................... 3
Colleges ......................... ...... ............... 3
Academic Units .................................. 6

3 Academic Governance
Governance Rules & Documents ..................... 1
The Constitution and Senate By-Laws ........ 1
Florida Administrative Code (FAC) ............1
Collective Bargaining Agreement ..............2
The University Record Series ......................2
University Senate ....................................... .......... 3
Function ................................................3.
Membership .............................................. 3
Agenda Items ............................... ....... 3
Senate Committees ...................................... 3
Administrative Council ...................................3.
General Assembly ............................. ...........4
University Committees, Boards
and Councils.................................. ............ 4

4 Faculty Employment, Rights
and Responsibilities
Academic Freedom and Responsibility ............1
Academic Honesty ............................................... 2
Academic Ranks ............................................. 2
Administrative Faculty Appointments .............2
Affirmative Action Policy ..............................3
AIDS Policy ......................................... .............. 3
Alcoholic Beverages Policy .............................3
Appeal, Grievance, Research Misconduct and
Discrimination Complaint Procedures.......... 3
Informal Resolution or Informal Appeal
Procedure ................................... ....... 4
Grievance Procedures ...............................4
Methods of Grievance Resolution ..............4
Appointm ent ...................................... ............. 7
Assignment and Responsibilities ...................7
Awards, Honors and Recognition Programs ... 8
Complaints Against Faculty Members ............10
Conduct in Research ........................................ 10
Conflicts With Employment ........................... 11
Contract Periods ............................................... 11
Copyright Protection for Lectures ................... 11
Degrees ................................. ........ ........... 11
Disruptive Behavior ..................................... .... 11
Drug-free School and Workplace ..................... 12
Dual Career Program, Locating Employment
for Accompanying Professionals ...............12
Electronic Mail (E-Mail)................................... 12
Em eritus Status ................................................. 12
Emergency Procedures for Faculty Members
with Special Needs ................................... 12
Employment Files and Records...................... 12
Employment of Relatives ................................ 13
English Language Competency Policy ............13
Ethical Conduct of the University
Com m unity.................................. ............ 13
Ethics, Statement on ........................................... 13
Evaluation, Annual ............................................ 14
Evaluation File ............................................... 14
Faculty/Student Relationships....................... 15
Foreign Service and Personnel Exchange
Program s ........................................ ............. 15
Fringe Benefits ................................. ............. 15
Graduate Faculty, Appointment to.................. 16
Graduate Students, Faculty Members as ........16
Holidays ............................... ........ ........... 16
Immunization for Faculty Enrolled in
University Courses ....................................... 16
Information Technology, Ethical Use Policy .. 16
Instructional Responsibilities.......................... 17
Academic Honesty .....................................17
Accommodations for Disabilities ..............17
Attendance, Absences or
Unsatisfactory Work ..............................17
Changes in the Schedule of Courses/
Published Examination Schedule ...........18
Confidentiality of Student's Records and
Posting Grades by Student's Name or

Social Security Number ......................... 18
Course Requirements and Information..... 18
Discretionary Review Days.................. 18
Examinations ....................................... 18
Faculty Lectures .......................................... 18
Final Week of Class Activities .................. 19
Grades ........................ ......................19
Illness Policy ......................................... 19
Information on Policies
Governing Students .............................20
Office Hours ............................... ........ 20
Religious H holidays .......................................20
Twelve-Day Rule .......................................20
Inventions and Copyrightable Works .............21
Layoff and Recall ............................... .......... 21
Leaves ............................... ..................... 21
Annual Leave .............................................. 21
Sick Leave ........................................ ....21
Job-Related Disability Leave .....................22
Compulsory Disability Leave .....................22
Military Leave ....................................... 23
Jury Duty and Court Appearances ............23
Compensated Leaves .................................23
Uncompensated Leave............................... 23
Parental Leave ............................... ......... 24
H holidays ........................................... ............. 24
Professional Development Leave
Programs .............................................24
Leave Records ....................................... 25
Presidential Leave ......................................25
Break-In-Service.......................................... 25
Unauthorized Absence ..............................25
Leave Pending Investigation ....................25
Unplanned University Closings ...............25
Compensable Time..................................... 26
Limited Access Records................................... 26
Nondiscrimination Policy ...............................26
Nonrenewal of Appointment .........................26
For Non-Unit Faculty .................... ....... 26
For In-Unit Faculty ......................................27
Exceptions .................................. ........... 27
Outside Activity and Conflict of Interest........ 27
General Policy ....................................... 27
Notification and Disclosure Procedures ...28
Activities Which Must be Disclosed
and/or Approved ...................................29
Code of Ethics for State of Florida
Employees .......................... .............. 29
Dual Employment ....................... ..........29
Procedures for Requesting Use
of University Resources .........................30
Overload ........................ .......... .............. 30
Pay Plan, Faculty ............................................... 30
Payroll Procedure ............................................. 30
Perm anent Status.............................................. 31
Personal Liability .............................................. 31
Phased Retirement Programs .........................31
Professional Development Leaves ...................32
Professional Meetings and Activities ..............32
Professional Obligations .................................. 32
Public Records, Request for Disposal of .........32
Religious Services, Accommodations for........32
Resignation ................................................33
Retirement and Retired Faculty Benefits ........33

Salary Equity Discrimination
Study, Annual ............................................. 33
Sexual Harassm ent ........................................... 34
Sm oking Policy ............. ........................ ....35
Stolen or Lost Equipment, Reporting of ..........35
Summer Appointments ..............................35
Telephone and U.S. Mail Service.................... 36
Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion...... 36
General Information ................................... 36
Criteria for Tenure, Permanent Status and
Prom otion ...................................... .. 37
Options Regarding Tenure
Consideration ................................. .... 37
Summary of Tenure and Promotion Review
Process .................................................. 38
Appeal Procedures ..................................... 39
Termination for Cause and Other Actions ..... 39
Travel ........................... ....... ................. 40
Tuition-Free Courses ........................................ 40
Use of University Services and Facilities ........40
Volunteers ........................ ........ .............. 40
Workers' Compensation.................................. 41

5 University Services and Facilities
Academic Support Services .............................. 1
Academic Personnel Office ........................... 1
Computational Facilities..............................
Computer Networking ..............................2
Fact Book ................................................2
Faculty Relations Office .............................3
Florida Museum of Natural History ............3
International Studies and Programs ............3
Libraries .................................................4
M edia Centers ............................................. 7
Office of Instructional Resources (OIR).......7
Sponsored Research, Division of ...............8
University Press of Florida........................ 9
University Registrar, Office of the ...........9
Administrative Support Services ................... 10
Bookstores .................................... ........... 10
Business Services Division ........................ 10
Environmental Health and
Safety Division ......................................... 10
Finance and Accounting Division ..............11
Food Services/Gator Dining Services .......12
ID Card Service "Gator One Card" .........12
Laundry Services ........................................ 12
Parking and Administrative Services ........12
Physical Plant Division .............................. 13
Planning and Construction
Management.................................... 13
Police Department (UPD) .......................... 13
Postal Services ............................................. 13
Printing and Graphic Services .................... 14
Purchasing Division ............................. 14
University Personnel Services .................... 14
Central Employment Center (CEC) .......15
Central Processing .................................. 15

Classification and
Compensation Office ...........................15
Employee Relations Section ..................15
Retirement Office .................................... 15
Special Programs .................................... 16
University Benefits Office..................... 16
Listing of Employee Benefits ...............16
Discount Cards for Tourist
Attractions and Local Theaters....... 16
Electronic Funds Transfer of
Pay Check ........................................ 16
Employee Assistance Program and
Information on Services ................... 16
Flexible Benefits Program .................. 16
H holidays ............................................. 17
ID C ard .............................................. 17
Insurance Programs ........................... 17
Leaves .................................. ............. 17
Phased Retirement Programs .............18
Pre-Paid College Program................... 18
Retirement Plans ................................. 18
Development Leave Programs ........18
Sick Leave Pool ................................... 18
Social Security ..................................... 18
Tax-Sheltered Annuities .................... 19
Tuition Exchange Program (TEP) ......19
Tuition Fee-Waiver Program ..............19
U.S. Savings Bonds .............................19
Workers' Compensation...................... 19
Other Support Services.................................... 19
Baby Gator Child Care................................. 19
Campus Directory and Campus Map .......19
Campus Federal Credit Union.................. 19
Campus Ministry Cooperative ...................20
Continuing Education................................ 20
Development and Alumni Affairs .............20
Health Science Center ..................................20
Faculty Practice Dental Clinic ..................21
Shands Cancer Center .............................21
Shands Clinic for Outpatient
Care Services ............................................ 21
Shands Hospital at the University of
Florida ................................. ....... 21
Living Well Program.................................. 22
News and Public Affairs ............................22
Stephen C. O'Connell Center ....................22
Records Management ................................22
J. Wayne Reitz Union .................................22
Student Affairs ............................................ 22
Career Resource Center .........................22
Counseling Center .................................. 23
Legal Services ..................................... 23
Reading and Writing Center ...................23
Student Health Care Center ..................23
Teaching Center ......................................23
University Clubs .........................................23
P. K. Yonge Developmental
Research School .......................................23

6 Cultural, Recreational and Athletic
Activities and Facilities
The Museums and Galleries ............................. 1
Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art ................. 1
Florida Museum of Natural History............ 1
Architecture Gallery .... ... ........ .......... 1
Fine Arts Focus Gallery ... ....................... 1
Grinter Galleries ........................................ 1
University Gallery ........................................ 2
M usic and Concerts ............................................ 2
C arillon .................................... ............
Stephen C. O'Connell Center ....................2
University Memorial Auditorium .............. 2
Radio and Television....................... ............ 2
Theatre ......................................... ............. ... 3
Center for the Performing Arts................. 3
Constans Theatre .......................................... 3
Recreational Sports and Facilities ..................3
Recreational Areas ........................................ 3
Intramurals ................................................. 4
Lake W auburg............................................... 4
Recreation and Fitness Center ..................4
Southwest Recreational Complex ............5
Sports Clubs ................................. ....5....
Stephen C. O'Connell Center ....................5
Swim ming Pools ........................................... 5
J. Wayne Reitz Union .........................................6
University Intercollegiate Athletic
Association ................................. ............. 6
University Golf Course and Clubhouse ............ 6
University Clubs ................................................. 6
Agricultural Women's Club ........................ 6
Association of Women Faculty (AWF) ........6
Faculty Club ................................. ....7....
University Women's Club .........................7

7 Gainesville and Alachua County
General Inform ation........................................... 1
Attractions and Points of Interest ..................2
Other Facts About Florida .................................

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The Faculty Handbook is designed to provide new and continuing faculty members with
general information regarding the policies and procedures which guide the University of Florida
in the pursuit of its basic goals of teaching, research and service. The Faculty Handbook is not
a legal document and does not substitute for the rules and regulations governing academic
personnel. It is intended for use as a general reference rather than the official source of university
policies and guidelines. It also contains a description of the resources and services available to
faculty. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information as of the date of
publication. As policies and practices undergo change, the Faculty Handbook will be revised
and reissued periodically. Comments and suggestions for future revisions should be sent to the
Office of the Provost.
We hope this handbook will be read by all faculty members and that the information will be
useful, enabling each faculty member to participate more fully in the realization of the University's
goals and to help in the development of his or her professional life.
Additional information is available in the Administrative & Professional and University
Support Personnel Services Employee Handbook, which was recently revised by University
Personnel Services. Information about this document is available from the Office of Special
Services in University Personnel Services.
The abbreviated statements in this handbook are authoritative, but should not be used as a
basis for action without further reference to the University Constitution, the Florida Statutes, the
Florida Administrative Code (especially Chapters 6C and 6C1), the Collective Bargaining
Agreement for faculty in the bargaining unit, the University Record Series (which includes the
University's catalogs) or other official documents.
The "University Digest" in the student newspaper, "The Independent Florida Alligator," also
serves as a source of current information and an official avenue of communication to the faculty.
Revision and editing of this handbook were done by the faculty and staff of the Office of
Academic Affairs, with the cooperation and assistance of the faculty and staff of the departments
and units described herein. We hope you find it helpful.
The charts that follow this section outline the educational units of the State government as it
relates to the Board of Regents and the State University System, and also describe the organiza-
tion of the University of Florida.

Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Faculty Handbook


Educationally Related Units of State Government
Organization Chart


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State University System
Florida Board of Regents

University of Florida


University of Florida
Unit Organization Chart

Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Organizational Chart

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Faculty Handbook Preface-3

Faculty Handbook


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History and Development
The University of Florida is the largest and oldest university in the State and the largest in the South. Its
beginnings can be traced to the takeover of the private Kingsbury Academy in Ocala by the state-funded
East Florida Seminary in 1853. The seminary was moved to Gainesville following the Civil War. It was
consolidated with the State's land-grant Florida Agricultural College, then in Lake City, to become the
University of FI, rid. in Ciii r_ -ll, in 1906. Initial enrollment was 102.
Until 1947, the University was for men only and was one of only three state colleges. Others were Florida
State College for Women (now Florida State University) and Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University.
Since 1947, when the student body numbered 8,177 men and 601 women, the University's enrollment has
grown to more than 35,000.
The University has matured into one of the nation's truly distinctive universities. A land-grant institution
with sea-grant status and a distinguished record of leadership in agricultural research, today's University of
Florida is among the nation's premier research institutions as recognized by the Carnegie Commission on
Higher Education. In 1985, the University was admitted into the Association of American Universities. This
prestigious organization's 59-member institutions represent North America's preeminent graduate studies
and research schools. The University of Florida takes its place among institutions like Harvard, Yale, Duke,
Illinois, Princeton, MIT, Michigan, Minnesota, Southern California and the University of California at
Berkeley as one of America's great educational leaders. The University joins its sister institutions-Duke,
North Carolina, Rice, Texas at Austin, Vanderbilt and Virginia-as outstanding universities in the South.

Institutional Purpose
Education-undergraduate and graduate through the doctorate-is the fundamental purpose of the
University. Research and scholarship are integral to the education process and to expanding humankind's
understanding of the natural world, the mind and the senses. Service is the University's obligation to share
the benefits of its knowledge for the public good.
These three interlocking elements span all of the University of Florida's academic disciplines and
multidisciplinary centers and represent the University's obligation to serve the needs of Florida's citizens
and the nation by pursuing and disseminating new knowledge while building upon past. Every dimension
of the University bespeaks its commitment to a culturally and internationally diverse intellectual environ-
ment in which teaching, research and service are fully integrated with its interdisciplinary pursuits to meet
the changing needs of the global community.
The University of Florida is committed to providing the knowledge, benefits and services it produces with
quality and effectiveness. It aspires to further national and international recognition for its initiatives and
achievement in promoting human values and improving the quality of life.

The University of Florida is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant and research university. Each
of these adjectives defines one of the University's characteristics as follows:
Major. The University is the oldest and largest of Florida's nine universities and a member of the
American Association of Universities. It is considered a major university in comparison to the best
universities and, when compared to a group of universities who share the adjectives major, public,
Faculty Handbook 1-1

comprehensive, land-grant, research, the University falls into a group of perhaps the best 15 in this country.
Public. The University exists thanks to the commitment and investment of the people of the state of
Florida. It is our state legislators who have created the conditions that permit our faculty to educate our
students, pursue their research, conduct their clinical practice and serve their statewide constituencies.
Therefore, we must be responsible and responsive to the needs of the citizens of our state.
Comprehensive. The University is one of the most comprehensive in the United States; it encompasses
virtually all academic and professional disciplines. This adjective recognizes the universal reach of the
pursuit of knowledge. No field is excluded from our purview.
Land-grant. The University is one of the land-grant universities identified by the Morrill Act of 1862;
it has a special focus on agriculture and engineering and a mandate to deliver the practical benefits of
university knowledge to every county in the state.
Research. The University is a research university; research defines a certain type of university. In this
respect, faculty at the University must dedicate themselves not only to the bedrock function of education,
and not only to the land-grant function of service, but equally to the essential activity of research. Research
means the effort to expand the understanding of the natural world as well as the world of the mind and the
world of the senses. It includes the theoretical abstractions of the mathematician, the experimental
discoveries of the geneticist, the insights of the semiotician, the re-creations of the historian or the analysis
of the anthropologist. Its focus is to capture the business professor's analysis of economic organization, the
architect's design and the musician's interpretation or the artist's special vision. Research by agronomists
improves crops, research by engineers enhances materials, and medical and clinical research cure and
prevent disease. University research, whatever the field, must be published.

Location and Setting
The University is situated on a 2,000-acre campus in southwest Gainesville. Gainesville is the seat of
Alachua County, located on the north-central plain of the state, 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, 60 miles from
the Atlantic Ocean and 70 miles from the Georgia border. The city was established in 1854 during the second
Seminole War and was named in honor of General Edmund Gaines, a Seminole War hero. What began as
a community of just 250 men and women has grown to a city of over 85,000. A series of freezes in the late 1800s
ended Gainesville's brief tenure as a citrus capital, but in 1906 the city saw the first manifestation of its future
path with the establishment of the University of Florida. The University has since been a strong influence on
the city's development into a thriving educational, cultural and medical center. For further information on
the city of Gainesville and Alachua County, see Section 7.

Academic Programs
Central to the mission of the University of Florida is its responsibility to educate its students. It is the
academic program which accomplishes this; it is the primary reason for universities to exist. The University
has a broad range of undergraduate, graduate and interdisciplinary teaching, research and service programs.
In fact, the University of Florida has more academic offerings on a single campus than any other institution
in the nation except the University of Minnesota and Ohio State University. The University of Florida
includes the following colleges and schools:
Accounting Health and Human Performance
Agriculture Health Related Professions
Architecture Journalism and Communications
Building Construction Law
Business Administration Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dentistry Medicine
Education Natural Resources and Environment
Engineering Nursing
Fine Arts Pharmacy
Forest Resources and Conservation Veterinary Medicine
The University offers 114 majors in 52 undergraduate degree programs, 76 graduate Ph.D. programs,
as well as professional post-baccalaureate degrees in the Colleges of Dentistry, Law, Medicine and
Veterinary Medicine. The Graduate School coordinates 123 master's and 76 doctoral programs in 87 of the
137 university academic departments. Emphasis on research is indicated by the Division of Sponsored
Research's report of contracts and grants totaling in excess of $200 million. The University ranks tenth among
all the nation's universities in the number of issued patents and fifth in revenue from royalty and licensing

1-2 University of Florida

income. The wide range of advanced professional and graduate programs has resulted in the establishment
of more than 100 interdisciplinary teaching, research and service centers throughout the University.
The comprehensive nature and scope of the University's programs make it a statewide, national and
international resource, providing special services to all areas of the state and touching all professional fields.
It administers the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, a special educational unit providing statewide
food and agricultural teaching, research and extension services. The University's Health Science Center
includes a teaching hospital and six colleges: Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Health Related Professions and
the state's only colleges of Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine. The University's College of Engineering, one
of the most comprehensive in the South, continues to be a highly regarded national resource. In general, and
in addition to its professional colleges, the University of Florida can be characterized as having programs of
emphasis in agriculture, engineering, medicine and science.

An institution's faculty defines its quality and reputation. It is the faculty who must chart the course for
the academic pursuits of its students, set the standard of performance and conduct the research that keeps
a university at the forefront of numerous disciplines.
At the University of Florida, a distinguished faculty has been assembled for this purpose. Faculty
members come from major universities all over the world to provide instruction and guidance for
University of Florida students. The faculty includes over 60 eminent scholars chairs-more than all the
other state institutions combined-47 graduate research professors, 23 distinguished service professors
and 32 endowed chairs and professorships. More than 4,000 faculty members and graduate students are
awarded research and training grants annually, ranking the University of Florida among the nation's top
35 research universities.
The faculty welcomes the responsibility they have to their students as well as to their fields of study.
Faculty members stand ready to meet the advisement needs of students and to help them plan the courses
of study that will lead to the attainment of their academic and career goals. The University continues to attract
outstanding foreign students and scholars to study and teach here. This experienced faculty has been a factor
in the recruitment and retention of high-quality junior faculty. The University's reputation for international
programs, studies and cultural diversity is well known.

Student Body
The student body at the University of Florida defines the character of the institution. University of
Florida students' academic accomplishments and motivation are what drive the University and generate
academic momentum. There is no "typical" University of Florida student. The 35,000 students who attend
the University come from every county in the state, every state in the nation and over 100 foreign countries.
Approximately 33 percent of the students are freshmen and sophomores, 43 percent are juniors and seniors,
17 percent are graduate students, and the remaining five percent are enrolled in the professional schools
of medicine, dentistry, law or veterinary medicine. Fifty-four percent of the students are men, 46 percent
are women, and minority representation is about 12 percent of total enrollment. Students from Florida's
28 public community colleges account for approximately half of junior-senior level enrollment.
A common characteristic shared by this diverse student body is academic achievement. Over 90 percent
of incoming freshmen score above the national average on standard college entrance examinations taken
by college-bound high school seniors. Their high school classroom performance, as evidenced by their
academic grade point averages in the B+ to A range, is equally impressive. The University of Florida
consistently ranks as one of the top five public universities in the nation in its ability to attract new Merit
and Achievement Scholars into its freshman class. The University is among the most competitive state
universities in the nation. It stands fourth in the nation in the number of New Merit Scholars enrolled at
public universities. Currently, the University has 445 National Merit and Achievement Scholars in
attendance and 100 Junior and Community College Scholars. It has an active and growing Honors Program
for these students. A considerable number of its baccalaureate graduates go on to earn doctorates.
The University encourages applications from all cultural, racial, religious and ethnic groups. Freshmen
and sophomores are guided through their early years with educational experiences in the College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences, which provides for their general education and offers honors work for the academically
talented as well as programs for those students needing special academic assistance.
After completion of the general education requirements, students may elect to stay in the degree-
Faculty Handbook 1-3

granting programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or apply to other colleges of the University.
Students also transfer to the University in their junior year from the network of 28 state community and
junior colleges. In its graduate school, the University enrolls about 6,200 students, approximately two-
thirds of whom come from institutions other than the University of Florida.
While academically motivated, students lead a rich social and extracurricular life. They belong to more
than 400 student organizations, attend more than 200 campus concerts, art exhibits and theatrical
productions a year, participate in an average of two out-of-class seminars and lectures a day and enjoy a
variety of outdoor activities every day of the year.

Campus Facilities

Supporting the comprehensive scope of the academic and student life programs at the University is one
of the finest physical facilities in the nation. The 800 structures on the main campus include academic
buildings such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories and museums. The student center, residence halls,
student union, theaters and auditoriums provide for the recreational and co-curricular needs of university
students, faculty and staff.
One measure of an institution's commitment to its academic program is its library facilities. On campus
there are two main libraries and eleven branch libraries and reading rooms housing 3 million cataloged
volumes, 25,000 current serial subscriptions, more than 2.4 million microfilm units and numerous special
collections. All library facilities are fully computerized so items are easily accessed.
The University is a research institution and, depending on the program of study, students may spend a
great deal of time in one of the libraries or laboratory facilities on campus. Notable among these are the
second-largest academic computing center in the South; one of the nation's few self-contained intensive care
hyperbaric chambers for the treatment of near-drowning victims; a materials measuring system, which along
with only two others in the world has measured temperatures approaching absolute zero; a 100-kilowatt
nuclear training and research reactor; the second-largest astronomical research facility in the Southeast; the
Florida Museum of Natural History, which is among the top 10 natural history museums in the nation and
number one in the Southeast; and the world's largest and most complete citrus research center.

Recreational and Sport
The complete college experience goes beyond classrooms, libraries and laboratories. When it's time to
take a break from studying, there are few campuses that offer finer facilities for social interaction than the
University of Florida. The J. Wayne Reitz Union is the center for many student activities on campus. At
the Reitz Union, students can bowl or play billiards, table tennis or video games. There are restaurants,
snack shops, specialty shops, hobby and arts centers, a photography darkroom and three television viewing
areas. The Reitz Union has hotel rooms on the upper floor, and it is the home of the H.P. Constans Theatre
where the Florida Players perform.
For those who prefer a more active form of recreation, the Stephen C. O'Connell Student Activity Center
is just the place. Home of the Gator and Lady Gator basketball teams, the "O'Dome," as it is affectionately
called, covers 3-1/2 acres and seats 12,000 for games and special events. Also at the O'Connell Center,
students can lift weights, play basketball or volleyball, run on the 220-yard indoor track, learn karate or
fencing and swim in the 50-meter Olympic-sized pool. The campus has many other tennis, basketball,
volleyball, softball, football and intramural activities, including the newly constructed student recreation
and fitness center.
The University's new $3.6 million Student Recreation and Fitness Center has racquetball courts, squash
courts, aerobic dance rooms and a multipurpose area for volleyball and basketball. It also has a strength and
conditioning room, a Lifestyle Appraisal Center and a Gator Dining facility. The proposed Southwest &
Recreational Complex will have similar facilities.
The Lake Wauburg Recreational Area, just nine miles south of campus, offers canoes, sailboats and
rowboats, as well as picnic grounds and clubhouse facilities.
Whether a spectator or participant, there is nothing like a Gator game. The University's mascot is the
alligator, or rather the "Fightin' Gator," and the school colors are orange and blue. No matter what the sport,
the University of Florida provides first-class athletic facilities on campus. Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, home

University of Florida

of the Fightin' Gator football team, seats 84,000 and is newly expanded and upgraded. Additionally, there
is a baseball stadium, a completely equipped varsity tennis stadium, an Olympic-quality, all-weather track,
and an 18-hole championship golf course.
The University of Florida Alma Mater is as follows:

Florida, our Alma Mater, thy glorious name we praise.
All thy loyal sons and daughters a joyous song shall raise.
There palm and pine are blowing, where southern seas are flowing,
Shine forth thy noble Gothic walls, thy lovely vine-clad halls.
Neath the orange and blue victorious, our love shall never fail.
There's no other name so glorious, all hail Florida, Hail!

The University of Florida is an unusual university. It enjoys a seldom-found combination of character-
istics that makes it an institution different from other institutions categorized as large public universities.
The University has the size and stature to muster enormous resources. It also serves a student population
that is predominantly of traditional academic age; most students are enrolled full-time in degree-seeking
programs and live in a residential campus environment. The ability to focus the considerable resources of
the University on this highly selective segment of the general college population creates opportunities for
enhancing academic and student life programs that simply are seldom matched elsewhere.

University of Florida Alma Mater
Milton L. Yeats, Class of '25
With spirit

Flo- ri- da, our Al ma Ma ter, thy glo- rious name we praise.

All thy loy al sons and daugh- ters a joy- ous song shall raise.
A J J h i j J J J i,
y ."-Rt5-- ---=-----
There palm and pine are blow-ing, where south- ern seas are flow -ing,

shine forth thy no ble Goth ic walls, thy love- ly vine clad halls.

'y -n J ... ..
'Neath the Orange and Blue vic tor i ous, our love shall nev er fail.

There's no oth er name so glo ri- ous, all hail, Flo ri- da, hail!

Copyright 1930 by Milton L. Yats
Copyright renewed 1958 by Milton L Yeats
Copyright assigned to Winneton Music Corporation

Faculty Handbook 1-5



The University in the State University System
The policies, budget and other affairs of the University of Florida and the nine other universities in the
State University System are overseen by the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents is comprised of 12
citizens who are appointed by the Governor for six-year terms, one student appointed for one year, and the
State Commissioner of Education. University affairs are administered by the President with the advice and
assistance of the University Senate and various committees elected by the Senate and appointed by the
Charts on page 2 of the Preface illustrate the position of the University of Florida with respect to state
government and with respect to other educationally related units of state government.

Administrative Organization and Structure of the University
The President is appointed by the Board of Regents and is the chief executive officer of the University. As
the agency head, the President is responsible for the general administration and supervision of all University
activities in accordance with the powers and duties set forth in Chapter 6C-1 of the Florida Administrative
Code (F.A.C.). The Provost, vice presidents, academic deans and policy-level administrators and advisors
reporting directly or through a designee to the President are appointed by the President. The President, in
accordance with University rules, delegates the powers and duties to administer and supervise academic and
budgetary units to the appropriate administrators.
The offices reporting directly to the President are: University Relations, Information and Publications
Services, Government Relations, General Counsel, Internal Management Auditing, and the University
Athletic Association. A chart on page 3 of the Preface describes the organization of the President's office.

The Provost assists the President and exercises the functions of the President in the President's absence.
Responsible to the President directly through the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs are the
following academic administrators: Vice Provost/Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Assistant Vice President for Equal Opportunity Programs,
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research, Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing Education,
Dean of Academic Affairs for Community College Relations and University Ombudsperson, Director of
Academic Support Systems, Coordinator of the Academic Personnel Office, University Registrar, and
University Records Manager. The deans of colleges and directors of academic units/programs are
responsible to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, through the appropriate vice president for
academic matters. Six councils also report directly to the Provost. These are the: Council of Academic Deans,
Council on Affirmative Action, Council on Faculty Enhancement Activities, Council on Information
Technologies and Services, Council on International Studies, and Council on Undergraduate Academic
Support Services.
A chart on page 3 of the Preface describes the organization of the Office of the Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs.
Responsible to the President are the following seven vice presidents, each of whom is vested with the
powers and duties to administer and supervise in the areas served.
The Vice President of Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer of the University and is also the
Provost. In these capacities, the Vice President, with the assistance of the Vice Provost, supervises
allocation of resources in academic areas, improvement of instruction, coordination of instructional
Faculty Handbook 2-1

activities, development and improvement of research activities, evaluation for promotion and tenure of
faculty, allocation and utilization of resources, and implementation of the University's Affirmative Action /
Equal Opportunity Program.
The Vice President for Administrative Affairs is the chief business officer of the University. The Vice
President serves as a fiscal and business advisor to the President of the University. Divisions reporting to
the Vice President through an associate vice president and two assistant vice presidents include Informa-
tion Systems, University Personnel Services, Finance and Accounting, Physical Plant Division, University
Police Department, the Stephen C. O'Connell Center, Operations Analysis, Environmental Health and
Safety, University Purchasing, the Division of Campus Planning and Construction Management, and the
Business Services Division which includes certain auxiliary enterprises such as laundry, printing, book-
store, parking and coordination of all vending and food contracts on campus and the Campus Mail Service.
The Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources is responsible for the administration of the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the College of Natural Resources and Environment.
The three functions of IFAS are academic programs, research and extension, with each function having a
dean (the Dean for Academic Programs/College of Agriculture, the Dean for Research and the Dean for
Extension) who has statewide leadership responsibility for that function. Academic programs are carried
out through the College of Agriculture, the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, the College of
Veterinary Medicine (jointly administered with the Health Science Center), and Research and Education
Centers. IFAS research and extension programs are carried out through the Florida Agricultural Experi-
ment Station and the Florida Cooperative Extension Service on campus and in 13 research and education
centers located throughout Florida, seven IFAS multidisciplinary centers, the School of Forest Resources
and Conservation, the College of Veterinary Medicine, Florida Sea Grant Program and 20 discipline- or
commodity- oriented IFAS departments. Extension is further carried out through offices and non-resident
educational programs in all 67 counties of Florida in cooperation with the various Boards of County
Commissioners and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Florida Sea Grant Program is a State
University System (SUS) program, administratively located within IFAS but serving all SUS institutions.
The Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs is responsible for, directs and coordinates
operations associated with the receipt, management and administration of resources generated for and by
the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. and the University of Florida National Alumni Association, Inc.
The Vice President's primary responsibilities include increasing the involvement and support of alumni
and other interested volunteers in University of Florida programs. This Vice President serves as Executive
Director of the University of Florida National Alumni Association, Inc. and Executive Vice President of the
University of Florida Foundation, Inc. The University of Florida Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit
corporation and a direct support organization of the University; its purpose is to encourage and administer
private financial support for the University of Florida. All fund-raising activities at the University report
through the Vice President's office.
The Vice President for Health Affairs is responsible for the administration of the J. Hillis Miller Health
Science Center. The Vice President has the duties and responsibilities for the general supervision of the
Health Science Center which consists of the Colleges of Dentistry, Health Related Professions, Medicine,
Nursing, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine; the Veterans Administration Medical Center; the Veterinary
Medical Teaching Hospital; the Student Health Care Center; and the University of Florida Health Science
Center in Jacksonville. The College of Veterinary Medicine, including the veterinary teaching hospital and
clinics, is jointly operated with the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Deans of the above-named
colleges are responsible to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs through the Vice President for
Health Affairs for academic matters relative to resident instruction and academic personnel. In addition,
the Vice President for Health Affairs has major responsibilities for the administration of and interaction
with Shands Hospital, Inc., a non-profit corporation.
The Vice President for Research/Dean of Graduate Programs is responsible for coordination of the
colleges offering graduate degrees; general supervision of the Division of Sponsored Research; coordina-
tion and development of policy with the University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc.; general research
activities in the University's Research and Development Park; and promotion and development, in
coordination with the University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc., of research contract and grant
activities from the private sector. The Vice President serves as Chair of the University's Research Policy
Council whichis responsible for universitywide research policies. The Councilis composed of the Provost/
Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice Provost, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, the
Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Vice President for Health Affairs, and the Vice
President for Development and Alumni Affairs. The Vice President also has the responsibility for the

2-2 University of Florida

general supervision over graduate programs within the University. The Graduate Council assists the Dean
in being the agent of the graduate faculty for execution of policy related to graduate study and associated
research. Appointments to the graduate faculty are made by the Vice President upon approval of the
Graduate Council after nomination by the appropriate department chair and/or director of a school and
dean or director of the academic unit.
The Vice President for Student Affairs is the chief student affairs officer for the University. The Vice
President advises the President on extracurricular and co-curricular matters relating to students. The Vice
President formulates, develops, coordinates, implements and directs University policies and programs
relating to matters concerning all aspects of services for students and student life. The units under this Vice
President's direct supervision include the Student Services Office, Career Resource Center, University
Counseling Center, J. Wayne Reitz Union, University Housing and Student Financial Affairs.

Colleges and Academic Units
The college is the degree-granting unit of the University and may include departments and schools. The
college is a unit of the University organized to conduct programs of study and research and to recommend
the granting of degrees. College faculty establish entrance and graduation requirements of the college, the
form of degrees tobe conferred and determine the arrangement and content of curricula. The collegefaculty
also recommends to the President, by at least a two-thirds vote, the granting of degrees to those students
who have completed the college's degree requirements. The faculty of the college elect annually a secretary
whose duty is to keep a permanent record of their proceedings. The dean, who is appointed by the
President, is the chief administrative officer of the college. The dean has the authority and responsibility
for the administration and supervision of the college and is the agent of the faculty for the execution of
educational policy.
Generally, except for the graduate school, a school is a unit subordinate to a college organized for a
special program of studies. The administrative officer of a school is the director; however, in the graduate
school the administrative officer is the Vice President for Research/Dean of Graduate Programs. A school
may have departments.
The department is the fundamental unit of academic and administrative organization. Administrative
officers of departments are chairs. Chairs and directors have the authority and responsibility for the
administration and supervision of all activities of the department or the school and are responsible to their
deans and to their respective vice presidents. In the case of IFAS, the chairs and programmatic directors
are responsible to their deans for programmatic matters and to the Vice President for Agriculture and
Natural Resources for administrative matters. The teaching, research and extension functions of a
department or school are conducted by the faculty under the auspices of the chair or programmatic director.
Chairs or directors are recommended for appointment through the appropriate administrative channels to
the President or the President's designee, who is the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The University may conduct internal or external reviews of particular disciplines, programs or
academic units as it deems necessary. The Board of Regents conducts program reviews on a five-year cycle
at all of the nine state universities. Professional programs have their own periodic accrediting reviews (e.g.,
the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Law, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Engineering, etc.). The Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools conducts an accreditation review of the University every 10 years.
Responsible to the President for supervision of academic degree programs through the Provost/Vice
President for Academic Affairs are the deans of the colleges and the deans and directors of special academic
units. These include the following colleges, academic units and programs.

The College of Agriculture, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, provides instruction for
students seeking professional careers relating to the food, agricultural, natural resources and environmen-
tal sciences. The College offers professional curricula leading to undergraduate degrees in Agricultural
Education and Communication, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Operations Management,
Agronomy, Animal Science, Botany, Dairy Science, Entomology and Nematology, Food and Resource
Economics, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Horticultural Sciences, Microbiology and Cell Science,
Plant Pathology, Poultry Science, Soil and Water Science, and Statistics. Through a cooperative agreement
with the College of Dentistry, a special early-admissions program to dental school is available to qualified
freshmen in the College of Agriculture. Within the college is the School of Forest Resources and
Conservation, which offers undergraduate programs in Forestry, Natural Resources, and Wildlife Ecology.
Faculty Handbook 2-3

The College of Agriculture also offers the following graduate degrees: Master of Agriculture, Master of
Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
The College of Architecture provides instruction for students seeking professional careers that relate
to planning, design and construction of the built environment. The College offers professional curricula
leading to undergraduate degrees in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Building Construction and
Interior Design. The College also offers, at the graduate level, professional programs in Architecture,
Landscape Architecture, Building Construction, and Urban and Regional Planning. Also within the
College is the M. E. Rinker Sr. School of Building Construction, which offers baccalaureate and master's
degrees in Building Construction. The College of Architecture also offers a Master of Science and a Ph.D.
program for advanced graduate studies and research.
The College of Business Administration offers programs of study in the areas of Computer and
Information Sciences, Decision and Information Sciences, Economics, Finance, Insurance, Management,
Marketing, and Real Estate and Urban Analysis. In addition, a program of study in accounting is offered
through the Fisher School of Accounting. The College's educational objectives are to: (1) provide a broad
formal instructional foundation for responsible participation in business, the professions and government;
(2) stimulate interest in social, economic and civic responsibilities; (3) develop competence in making
business decisions and in evaluating policy; (4) offer fields of specialization in business or economics; and
especially (5) encourage intellectual inquiry. To this end, undergraduate degree programs within the College
are based on a broad foundation of study outside of the College, which helps prepare students for future
specialization through limited concentration in certain fields of business administration. This is then
followed by a core of business courses covering the functional areas of business and additional courses
specified for each major. The College also offers courses leading to advanced degrees, including Master of
Accounting, Master of Business Administration, Master of Art and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
The College of Dentistry prepares the graduate for careers in dental practice, community dentistry, and
dental research; or to enter advanced education programs in one of the dental specialties. Academic
programs involve patient care and are conducted in a research-oriented environment. The College awards
the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. Advanced education programs are offered in all eight of the dental
specialties including Dental Public Health, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Pathol-
ogy, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, and Periodontics. Postdoctoral programs are also
conducted in Geriatric Dentistry, Facial Pain, and General Practice. Also, the College has made a major
commitment to the encouragement of graduates for a lifetime of learning. Toward this end, the College is
a major provider of continuing education for dentists and dental auxiliaries.
The College of Education has as its purpose the preparation of qualified personnel for positions in service,
leadership and research in education. The College has pre-service programs leading to the preparation and
certification of teachers in Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Special Education. The P.K.
Yonge Developmental Research School, a unit of the College of Education, enrolls pupils in kindergarten
through secondary school. The College offers the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree and five graduate
degrees: Master of Education, Master of Arts in Education, Specialist in Education, Doctor of Education and
Doctor of Philosophy.
The College of Engineering offers degree programs designed to prepare students for entry into the
engineering profession in a broad range of disciplines. Bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs
are offered in the following academic departments: Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics and Engineering
Science; Agricultural Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer and Information
Sciences; Electrical Engineering; Environmental Engineering Sciences; Industrial and Systems Engineer-
ing; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; and Nuclear Engineering Sciences. The
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station-the research arm of the College-is well recognized
nationally and internationally for the quality and breadth of its research programs. Its most important
functions are to: (1) conduct research which benefits the state's industries, health, welfare and public
services and enhances our national competitive posture through the development of new materials, devices
and processes; and (2) enhance the undergraduate and graduate engineering education of students by
providing them the significant opportunity of participating in hands-on, state-of-the-art engineering
research experiences.
The College of Health and Human Performance provides education, research and service programs
through its Departments of Exercise and Sport Sciences; Health Science Education; and Recreation, Parks
and Tourism. The following degrees are awarded by the College: Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport
Sciences, Health Science Education, and Recreation; master's degrees in Exercise and Sport Sciences and
Health Science Education; Master of Science degrees in Exercise and Sport Sciences, Health Science

University of Florida

Education, and Recreational Studies; and Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Human Performance.
The College of Health Related Professions provides accredited undergraduate programs in Occupa-
tional Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitative Services (Allied Health). The College also provides
graduate programs in Clinical and Health Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and
Rehabilitation Counseling; in addition, graduate programs are offered in Communicative Disorders and
Health Services Administration in cooperation with the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Business
Administration, respectively. Clinical Services are provided to Shands Hospital in the fields of clinical and
health psychology and speech and hearing therapy.
The College of Fine Arts provides instruction for students who seek professional careers in the fine arts,
and provides creative cultural opportunities for all students at the University, and members of the
community. The College is composed of the Departments of Art, Music, and Theatre; the Center for the Arts
and Public Policy; the Center for Latin American and Tropical Arts; the University Galleries; the Visual
Resources Center; and the Center for the Performing Arts. A full complement of accredited professional
baccalaureate and master's degrees is offered with emphasis in Ceramics, Photography, Drawing, Elec-
tronic Intermedia, Graphic Design, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Art Education, and Art History;
Music Composition and Theory, Music History, Music Education, Music Performance and Music Peda-
gogy; Acting, Music Theatre, Dance, Costume Design, Scene Design, and Lighting Design. The Doctor of
Philosophy in Music Education with specialization in Music Education, Music Theory and Music History
and Literature is also offered. In addition, liberal arts curricula leading to the BA degree in Art, Music or
Theatre, and an MBA in Arts Administration, offered in cooperation with the College of Business
Administration, are available. Approximately 900 students major in these curricula, while over 5,000 other
university students enroll in courses and participate in various creative and cultural opportunities offered
by the College of Fine Arts.
The College of Journalism and Communications offers accredited programs leading to bachelor's
degrees in Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations and Telecommunication. The College also offers
graduate programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, both in Mass
Communication. The College has the second-largest undergraduate program in communications in the
nation. Some 200 students a year have an opportunity to work on the five professionalbroadcasting stations
supervised by the College. WRUF-AM/FM are commercial radio stations. WRUF-AM, a CBS-affiliate
dating back to 1928, has a news-talk format. WUFT-FM, an album rock station and an ABC affiliate, is
popular with college students and young adults. WUFT-TV is the university's PBS station, and WUFT-FM,
founded in 1981, emphasizes classical music, public affairs and jazz. W10UF, a low-power TV station, airs
mostly educational programming and can be seen on Channel 19 over the Cox Cable system. The College
also has a joint graduate program with the College of Law, focused in part around the activities of the
nationally recognized Joseph L. Brechner Center for Freedom of Information in the College.
The College of Law offers a three-year, post-baccalaureate curriculum leading to the degree of Juris
Doctor (J.D.), as well as joint degree programs in cooperation with several Colleges and departments on
campus, including Accounting, Business Administration, History, Mass Communication, Political Sci-
ence/Public Administration, Sociology, and Urban and Regional Planning. The College also offers post-
J.D. study leading to the degree of Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M.). The study of law at the University
of Florida prepares students for creative problem solving, dispute resolution, planning and counseling, and
policymaking roles in contemporary society. The curriculum includes a wide range of traditional courses,
S rich international law offerings and seminars on issues of current legal significance.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers curricula leading to degrees in Bachelor of Arts and
Bachelor of Science, with opportunities for specializing in many science and liberal arts fields. It offers
courses in Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities required in
the curricula of the professional colleges. The College is responsible for administering the general education
program for all baccalaureate degrees in the University. It is the academic home for freshmen and
sophomores while they prepare for admission to other colleges. It provides courses in general education
and awards the Associate of Arts Certificate. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences administers courses
required of all freshmen and sophomore students, and courses designed to meet upper-division college
The College of Medicine performs several educational, investigational and clinical functions, each of
which relates to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human illness and to the maintenance of health.
Educational programs lead to doctoral degrees in medicine and biomedical science. The medical
curriculum emphasizes early contact with patients, a blend of science and humanism in the practice of
medicine, and clinical experience in urban and rural community settings. Special offerings include the

Faculty Handbook 2-5

combined M.D./Ph.D. program for physician-investigators, the Junior Honors program to which one can
apply as a sophomore in college, and the Program in Medical Sciences in which the student completes the
first year of medical school in Tallahassee. The College oversees postdoctoral residencies in various
medical and surgical specialties and a variety of research and clinical postdoctoral fellowships. The College
is responsible also for the Physician's Assistant training program.
The College of Natural Resources and Environment (proposed) is a universitywide facility indepen-
dent of, but equal in status to, other Colleges and similar entities within the University. Administratively,
the dean of the College reports to the Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources. The College
will grant undergraduate and graduate degrees in the areas of natural resources and environment, with a
campuswide faculty holding joint appointments in the College but with their primary academic appoint-
ments in their respective colleges.
The College of Nursing faculty provide education, research and patient care in fulfilling the missions
of the University. The faculty provide programs for the education of nurses at both the undergraduate and
graduate level. The degree offered at the undergraduate level is the Bachelor of Science in nursing and may
be obtained through the generic curriculum and RN-BSN studies. The College also offers a curriculum
leading to the Master of Science in Nursing, and the Master in Nursing with the objective of preparing
nurses for a variety of practice specialties. In addition to this, a curriculum leading to the Ph.D. in nursing
is offered.
The College of Pharmacy provides educational programs that lead to degrees in pharmacy at the
bachelor's and Doctor of Pharmacy levels and the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacologic Sciences and
master's and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The College of Veterinary Medicine provides education, research and service programs through its
academic departments and the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. The professional educational
programs lead to the degree, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. The College provides clinical resident training
and also provides graduate programs leading to M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in veterinary biomedical specialties.
Clinical services are provided to referring veterinarians and the general public through the Veterinary
Medical Teaching Hospital.

Academic Units
The Centers, Bureaus and Institutes have been designated responsibility for directing and/or coordinat-
ing the interdisciplinary instructional and research programs in various fields. Interdisciplinary centers,
bureaus and institutes at the University are established and abolished according to specific funding and/or
program needs. The administrators of these academic units may be responsible to the Provost/Vice President
of Academic Affairs directly or indirectly through academic deans or appropriate vice presidents, or may be
responsible directly to the Vice Presidents for Health Affairs or Agriculture and Natural Resources.
The Center for Instructional and Research Computing Activities (CIRCA) is the primary campus source
for information and consulting about campus computing resources. CIRCA operates a help desk, demon-
stration room and, through the Faculty Support Center, a training program for faculty. In addition, CIRCA
operates public labs and a VAX cluster for instructional use, and provides instructors assistance with their
instructional computing needs.
The Division of Continuing Education's (DOCE) programs include off-campus instruction (by direct
contact and correspondence and through credit and non-credit courses) and on-campus and off-campus
non-credit instruction (short courses, conferences, workshops, etc.) offered primarily for persons not
enrolled in credit programs.
The activities of the Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) are intended to stimulate growth and assist
in expanding a balanced research and training program throughout the University. These activities are
intimately related to the support of the graduate and professional programs and are designed to relieve
principal investigators of detailed administrative duties connected with sponsored programs.
The Florida Agricultural Experiment Station coordinates and financially supports comprehensive
developmental and adaptive research programs conducted in 20 departments on the Gainesville campus
and 13 research centers located throughout the state. The research portfolio encompasses food and fiber
production and marketing; landscape plants; forests and range; and natural resources, including land,
water, air and the environment, both urban and rural. Solutions are sought for problems facing the state
and its citizens through integrated research utilizing the talents of some 500 scientists in the biological,
physical and social sciences. This research activity is directed and managed within the framework of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Current Research Information System Projects.
The University of Florida is the host campus for the Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA). FCLA
2-6 University of Florida

provides library automation services to all libraries in the State University System.
The Florida Cooperative Extension Service is the informal non-resident educational arm of the
Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences (IFAS). With offices and faculty in Florida's 67 counties, the
program cooperates with federal and local governments in the delivery of educational programs to meet
the needs of the people of Florida in agriculture, natural and renewable resources, home economics, 4-H
and other youth programs, community resource development, energy, marine sciences, and related areas.
Extension specialists located in IFAS departments and research and education centers support the county
faculty with research and technical information and provide statewide programmatic leadership.
The Florida Museum of Natural History, through its affiliation with the University, carries the dual
responsibility as the state museum of Florida and the University Museum. The Museum operates as a center
of research in anthropology and natural science. Its function as an educational arm of the University is
carried forward through interpretive displays and scientific and popular publications. Members of the
scientific and educational staff of the Museum hold dual appointments in appropriate teaching depart-
ments. Through these appointments, they participate in both undergraduate and graduate teaching
programs and supervise graduate research.
The Florida Sea Grant Program is a State University System program that reports directly to the Provost
and is administratively located in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Under Sea Grant,
IFAS faculty compete for research funding with faculty in all nine state universities and several private
universities and laboratories. The Sea Grant extension and communication programs are part of the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service, and provide marine and coastal educational programs throughout the state,
with primary focus in the coastal counties.
The Samuel P. Ham Museum of Art's mission is to collect, preserve, display and interpret high-quality
works of visual art from diverse cultures and historical periods for the education and enjoyment of visitors
from the campus, community and region. The Museum fills its dual role as an academic and public art
museum with its exhibition program, educational services and training programs. The Museum cares for and
exhibits the University's permanent art collections; provides research, publication and interpretive services;
and offers a wide range of lectures, films, seminars, classes and performances in connection with its original
and/or borrowed exhibitions and permanent collections. Through collaboration with other campus units,
the Museum participates in studies, provides hands-on training and conducts statewide professional
development services.
The Military Units offer two- and four- year programs leading to officer commissions in the U.S. Army,
the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps, and the U.S. Air Force. The commission may be in the regular or reserve
The University of Florida is the host campus for the Northeast Regional Data Center (NERDC) of the
State University System of Florida. NERDC's facilities are used for instructional, research and administrative
computing for the University of Florida and for other state educational institutions and agencies in northern
Florida. NERDC hardware facilities include an IBM mainframe supercomputer with vector and parallel
numerically intensive computing support. All major languages are supported, as well as network access
through Internet, BITNET and other networks.
The Office of International Studies and Programs (OISP) promotes international education, research
and training universitywide and mobilizes external resources to support these activities. OISP is a
centralized resource to enhance the ability of the faculty and administration to pursue and develop
international activities and initiatives at the University.
The Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) encourages experimentation in teaching. The Office
provides support for the implementation of alternative approaches to instruction in the colleges and
departments of the University; assists faculty in the development of instructional materials for specific
courses; and furnishes technical assistance in the development and use of teaching materials and media, in
the analysis and improvement of classroom performance, and in the assessment of student performance. OIR
also provides academic support services to students.
The Office of the University Registrar has the responsibility for the admission and registration of
students, maintenance of academic records, scheduling of courses and general-purpose classrooms and
issuance of certifications and transcripts of student records.
The George A. Smathers Libraries constitute the largest library resource in Florida and consist of the
following units: Library West, which houses the general collections in the humanities and social sciences,
humanities and social science reference, the microforms collection, and documents; Smathers Library
(formerly Library East), which holds special collections along with the Price Library of Judaica and the Latin
American Collection; Marston Science Library, which serves life sciences, physical sciences, engineering

Faculty Handbook 2-7

and agriculture and houses the Map Library and the Architecture and Fine Arts Library; the Education
Library; the Music Library; and the Journalism Reading Room. The Health Science Center Library and the
Legal Information Center serve professional programs in medicine, health-related professions and law.
The collections of the libraries number nearly three million volumes, a nearly equal number of microforms
and substantial holdings in other formats including manuscripts and electronic media.
The University of Florida is the host campus for the University Press of Florida, which seeks to
encourage, publish and promote original and scholarly manuscripts by the faculties of the State's



r ar'4

2-8 University of Florida

Faculty Handbook 2-9

I $



The faculty of the University of Florida are encouraged to participate in the collegiate system of
governance. The information contained in this section deals with those structures and processes involved in
university decision making. The following documents set forth the rules, regulations and procedures
governing the faculty of the University and the State University System and are in addition to the
requirements set forth by law.

Governance Rules & Documents

The Constitution and Senate By-Laws
The Constitution, originally approved in 1929 by the Board of Control (now the Board of Regents), was
amended and ratified by action of the University Senate on Feb. 6,1964. The Constitution as well as the Senate
By-laws have since been amended by action of the Senate.
The Articles in this document describe the governmental, administrative and organizational units of the
University, the duties and responsibilities of the University Senate and the responsibilities and rights of
faculty. The provisions of the University Constitution and the Senate By-Laws are governed by and
subordinate to the rules and regulations of the Florida Administrative Code, the Collective Bargaining
Agreement and the legal requirements of state and federal statutes.
Policies adopted by the University Senate and their application are set forth in the Senate By-Laws and
in the Constitution of the University of Florida.

Florida Administrative Code (FAC)
The following chapters set forth the official compilations of the rules and regulations of the Board of
Regents and the University of Florida which have been promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code
pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act of Florida, Florida Statute, Chapter 120.
University of Florida (Chapter 6C1)

6C1-1 General
6C1-2 Public Functions
6C1-3 Administrative Affairs *
6C1-4 Student Affairs *
6C1-5 J. Hillis Miller Health Center
6C1-6 Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
6C1-7 Academic Affairs

These chapters of the FAC are supplemented by the provisions of the Handbook of Business
Procedures and, in the case of students, the University Record Series, which establishes the academic
requirements and policies of the University and addresses the curricular offerings and services available
to students.

Faculty Handbook 3-1

Board of Regents (Chapters 6C)

6C-1 Organization of Board of Regents
6C-2 Inter-institutional Organization
6C-3 System-wide Procedures and Reporting
6C-4 University Presidents
6C-5 System-wide Personnel Matters
6C-6 Students
6C-7 Tuition and Fees
6C-8 Educational Delivery
6C-9 Property and Finance
The Board of Regents promulgates substantive and procedural rules regarding the employment of all
State University System (SUS) personnel, including faculty, Administrative and Professional (A&P),
University Support Personnel System (USPS) and Other Personal Services (OPS) which are found in
Chapter 6C-5. They are as follows:

Part I: All SUS General Faculty and A&P Employees
Part II: General Faculty and A&P Employees in General Faculty Bargaining Unit
Part III: General Faculty and A&P Employees not in General Faculty Bargaining Unit
Part IV: Administrative and Professional Employees Board of Regents
Part V: Board of Regents Office, USPS Employees
Part VI: OPS
Part VIII: All SUS Employees

Copies of the University and Board of Regents rules may be purchased from University Printing.

Collective Bargaining Agreement
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (Agreement) was first negotiated in October 1976. At that time
the United Faculty of Florida (UFF) was elected as the bargaining agent to represent faculty in the
bargaining unit for all nine institutions in the State University System. The UFF also represents the
Graduate Assistants Union of the University of Florida and the University of South Florida. Faculty
members in the College of Law, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and theJ. Hillis Miller Health
Science Center are excluded from the bargaining unit (non-unit). Unless excluded by position and
designated as non-unit, the remainder of the faculty are covered by the provisions of the Agreement and
are designated as in-unit.
The Articles in the Agreement set forth the terms and conditions of employment negotiated for the
benefit of bargaining unit members. If a topic is addressed by the Agreement, those provisions supersede
other governance rules contained in the Florida Administrative Code or other official documents. Topics
not addressed by the Agreement are covered by these rules. Under the Agreement, the Board of Regents
retains the right to manage the State University System. The Agreement also recognizes the responsibility
of the University to ensure that no member of the bargaining unit shall suffer any loss or reduction of any
rights or benefits to which he or she would otherwise be entitled as a result of the negotiated terms of the

The University Record Series
The University Record Series consists of the latest editions of the Undergraduate Catalog, the Graduate
School Catalog, the Holland Law Center Catalog, the College of Medicine Catalog and the College of
Dentistry Bulletin, two College of Veterinary Medicine brochures and an independent study by the
Correspondence Catalog. The University Record Series establishes and reflects admission and degree
requirements within the University, curricula offerings, services and facilities available to students. The
University Record Series also contains the academic calendar and general academic policies established by
the University.

3-2 University of Florida

University Senate

The University Constitution designates the University Senate as the legislative body of the University
and assigns this body the power to legislate on matters of concern to more than one college, school or on
matters of general University interest; and it is empowered by the University Constitution to legislate with
respect to such matters. Among such matters are: (1) the educational policies of the University; (2) the
creation of new degree programs; (3) the abolition of degree programs; (4) curricula matters affecting more
than one college; (5) criteria for faculty appointment, promotion and tenure; (6) matters of general
professional import; (7) recommendations of candidates for honorary degrees; (8) the University calendar;
and (9) regulations affecting students. In exercising its legislative function, the University Senate may make
such rules, regulations and by-laws as it deems advisable for the fulfillment of its duties. The Senate's
actions are subject to the approval of the President and, in appropriate instances, the Board of Regents, and
are not otherwise required to be adopted as rules by the University pursuant to the Administrative
Procedures Act.

The University Senate includes administrators as ex-officio members, elected representatives from the
full-time faculty holding the rank of assistant and associate professor, a quota of full professors, represen-
tatives of the non-resident faculty in off-campus units, and students chosen by the student government.
Any member of the faculty has the right to attend meetings of the Senate, but shall not be entitled to a vote
or to have the floor unless reporting at the request of the Senate. Members of committees elected by the Senate
but who are not members of the Senate may have the privilege of the floor but shall not vote.

Agenda Items
Faculty may submit items to the Senate Steering Committee for inclusion on the Senate Agenda. These
should be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Senate for transmittal to the Steering Committee. Such
items may be submitted by any member of the Senate, by the chair of any Senate or Presidential committee,
or by an administrative officer of the University.

Senate Committees

The Senate committees include the following:
Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee (elected)
Constitution Committee
Curriculum Committee
General Education Council
Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials Committee
Professional Relations and Standards Committee
Senate Nominating Committee
Senate Steering Committee
Student Petitions Committee
University Libraries Committee

Administrative Council
The primary function of the Administrative Council is to provide a channel for communication between
the President and other council members with respect to matters of general university concern. Serving in
an advisory capacity and not as a policy-making body, the council provides a vehicle for consideration of, or
reaction to, policies brought before it by the President or other members of the council. The Administrative
Council consists of the following members: President of the University, the Provost, the Vice Provost and vice
presidents; deans of academic units or functions; up to 18 faculty representatives elected by faculty members
of the University Senate; six student representatives, which include the President, Vice President and
Treasurer of the student body, the President of the Student Senate, Chancellor of the Honor Court and Chief
Justice of the Traffic Court; and other administrators and representatives as appointed by the President.
Faculty Handbook 3-3

General Assembly
The General Assembly is called into session by the President in order to communicate and discuss matters
of general interest. It consists of members of the academic faculty holding the rank of instructor or above or
the equivalent in academic rank. It has no legislative or executive powers. The presiding officer is the
President or, in the President's absence, the Provost.

University Committees, Boards and Councils
In addition to the various governing documents listed on pages 3-1 and 3-2, collegiality in academic
governance is best accomplished through service on over 70 universitywide committees, boards and
councils established by means of the Constitution of the University, action of the Senate and/or through
the appointment of representatives to the University Senate, and/or by appointment by the President or
vice presidents. The University's committees, boards, councils and task forces are described in the
Academic Affairs publication University Committees, Boards and Councils, Membership and Responsibilities.
The listing of the responsibilities and membership of those committees is published annually by the Office
of Academic Affairs. Questions or information concerning these committees should be directed to the
Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty are encouraged to serve on university committees, boards, councils and
task forces, and to indicate their interest and willingness to serve by contacting their dean, the Chair of the
Senate Nominating Committee or the Office of the Provost. In addition, at the beginning of the Spring term
the Senate Nominating Committee requests nominations from faculty. Faculty who are interested in
serving on a committee should participate in the nomination process.

3-4 University of Florida

Faculty Handbook 3-5





This section of the Faculty Handbook includes references to certain applicable rules and regulations
governing the University of Florida as described in Section 2. As an aid, the numerical reference to these
documents is shown in parentheses. For example, the citing listed under Academic Freedom and
Responsibility are as follows: 6C-5.309, 6C1-7.018, Article V and Article 5. 6C and 6C1 refer to the Board
of Regents and the University rules in the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The Roman numerals refer
to the University Constitution, and the numbered articles refer to the Board of Regents-United Faculty of
Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement. The information presented in this handbook is current, but only
as of the date of its publication. In addition, only the most pertinent citations are noted under each heading;
others may be applicable in a given case. It is recommended that the handbook not be used as a basis for
action without reviewing the cited documents.
Further information concerning the interpretation and application of the governance rules and
procedures may be obtained from the Faculty Relations Office in Academic Affairs, 392-1254.

Academic Freedom and Responsibility
(6C-5.309, 6C1-7.018, Article V, Article 5)
It is the policy of the University and the Board of Regents to maintain and encourage full academic
freedom. Consistent with the exercise of academic responsibility, faculty shall have the freedom to present
and discuss their own academic subjects frankly and forthrightly, select instructional materials and
determine grades in accordance with University and Board of Regents policies and other applicable laws.
Faculty shall also be free to engage in scholarly and creative activity and publish the results in a manner
consistent with their professional obligations.
The following, from the University's rule, describes the concept of academic freedom and the corre-
sponding responsibilities for faculty:
The University believes that academic freedom and responsibility are essential to the full
development of a true university and apply to teaching, research and creativity. In the
development of knowledge, research endeavors and creative activities, a university faculty and
student body must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism and to examine
ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence. A similar atmosphere is required for
university teaching. Consistent with the exercise of academic responsibility a teacher must
have freedom in the classroom in discussing academic subjects. The university student must
likewise have the opportunity to study a full spectrum of ideas, opinions, and beliefs so that the
student may acquire maturity for analysis and judgment. Objective and skillful exposition of
such matters is the duty of every instructor.
The established policy of the University continues to be that the faculty member must fulfill
his/her responsibility to society and to his/her profession by manifesting academic compe-
tence, scholarly discretion, and good citizenship. The university instructor is a citizen, a
member of a learned profession, and an academic officer of the University. The instructor
should be constantly mindful that these roles may be inseparable in the public view, and should
therefore at all times exercise appropriate restraint and good judgment.
Academic freedom is accompanied by the corresponding responsibility to: (a) be forthright and honest
in the pursuit and communication of scientific and scholarly knowledge, (b) respect students as individuals
Faculty Handbook 4-1

and avoid any exploitation of students for private advantage and (c) indicate, when appropriate, that one is
not an institutional representative unless specifically authorized as such.

Academic Honesty
(6C1-4.017, 6C1-7.051)
All students are required to abide by the University's Academic Honesty Guidelines and are required
to subscribe to the guidelines upon registration each semester by signing the following pledge which is
included on the Course Request Registration Form:

I understand that the University of Florida expects its students to be honest in all of their
academic work. I agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty and understand that
my failure to comply with this commitment may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including expulsion from the University.

The faculty member involved should contact the Office of Student Judicial Affairs in Student Affairs
when a student is alleged to have violated the Academic Honesty Guidelines, to determine if there have
been any previous incidents involving the accused student. If it is determined that the violation is a first
offense and there are no circumstances that require the imposition of a sanction other than a reduced or
failing grade, then, if the student and faculty member reach an agreement on the sanction for the violation,
the faculty member will: (1) assign a reduced or failing grade to the student and (2) complete the Office of
Student Judicial Affairs Summary Adjudication Form and return it to that office to become part of the
student's permanent record. Accusations of academic dishonesty that are not resolved by an agreement
between the faculty member and the student should be referred to the Director of Student Judicial Affairs.
Policies regarding academic honesty as well as other academic requirements and regulations are
published in the various university catalogs.

Academic Ranks
(6C-5.105, 6C1-7.003, 6C1-7.0031, 6C1-7.004, Article V, Article 8)
The faculty consists of individuals holding the titles of instructor through professor or above, or the
equivalent in academic rank and special career faculty titles. The term "ranked faculty" means faculty
holding the academic ranks of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor and above,
i.e. eminent scholar, graduate research professor, distinguished service professor or distinguished curator.
In addition, there are also special faculty titles of equivalent academic ranks in the instructional or research
units or in other university academic functions, such as extension agents, university laboratory school
faculty, librarians and curators. The faculty may also include personnel holding other titles identified in
the State University System's Classification System such as the extension/scholar/scientist/engineer
series, research professor series, clinical professor series, lecturer title, and assistant- in and associate-in

Administrative Faculty Appointments
(6C-5.105, 6C-5.111, 6C-5.311, 6C-5.313, 6C1-7.003, 6C1-7.004, Article IV, Article 8)
Faculty members who are assigned to academic-administrative classifications or administrative posi-
tions authorized by the State University System Classification System serve at the pleasure of the
appointing administrator and may be removed or assigned to other institutional duties at any time during
the term of the appointment. The salary rate and contractual period may be adjusted to reflect the new
responsibilities. The appointment automatically expires at the end of the contractual year and is subject to
annual renewal. At the conclusion of the appointment (unless there has been a change of assignment during
the term of the appointment period), a faculty member is entitled to reassignment to the same or similar
faculty rank and responsibilities held at the time of the administrative appointment. This may be in the
academic department where the faculty member holds tenure. Article IV of the University Constitution
provides specific information for the appointment of chairs and deans.

4-2 University of Florida

Affirmative Action Policy
(6C-5.801, 6C1-1.006, 6C1-1.0061, 6C1-1.0062, 6C1-1.0063, 6C1-7.003, Article IV, Article 6)
In accordance with the University's commitment to equal opportunity, vacant positions are announced
for a minimum of two weeks prior to filling and are subject to appropriate search-and-screen process. The
State University System, Department of Education and Community College System print a statewide
listing of available faculty and Administrative and Professional (A&P) positions. These listings are
available in the University Affirmative Action Office in Tigert Hall and/or are posted in campus locations
and distributed to administrative offices. Procedures for faculty vacancies are normally handled directly
by the department or academic unit responsible for the hiring. The procedures for hiring A&P and USPS
staff positions are normally conducted through University Personnel Services. In keeping with the
University Equity Accountability Plan, the University has taken a proactive position in identifying and
recruiting potential minority and female candidates. For further information, contact the Affirmative
Action Office, 392-6004.

AIDS Policy
(6C1-1.006, Article 6)
It is the policy of the University to balance the rights of persons who are HIV positive to an education
and employment against the rights of students and faculty members to an environment in which they are
protected from contracting the disease. In the belief that education can help contain the spread of the HIV
infection and help the public respond in a reasoned manner, the University is committed to providing the
university community at large with education regarding transmission of the disease. When a case of HIV
infection comes to the attention of officials, whether the case be that of a student, faculty or staff member,
the Director of Student Health Care Center should be contacted. The Director will assume responsibility
for conducting a thorough review based upon the best medical and legal information available. Any actions
taken will respect the confidentiality of the individual, as well as the individual's welfare and that of the
university community.

Alcoholic Beverages Policy
Sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the University campus must be within the
guidelines established by federal and state law and municipal and county ordinances. University rules and
guidelines are available from the University Relations Office or the Vice President for Student Affairs. The
sale, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in any classrooms, laboratories, offices
or outdoor areas of the campus. Certain locations on campus have been approved for the serving of
alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic beverages may be served in these locations if the permission of the
appropriate vice president, dean or director for that facility has been obtained. Alcoholic beverages cannot
be sold, served or consumed in any area of the campus other than the ones designated without specific
permission from the Office of University Relations, 226 Tigert Hall. Information on the designated areas
may be obtained through this office.

Appeal, Grievance, Research Misconduct and Discrimination
Complaint Procedures
(6C1-1.0063, 6C1-7.041, 6C1-7.042, 6C1-7.044, Articles 6, 20)
A faculty member who believes he or she has not been afforded his or her rights pursuant to the
University rules, or the Collective Bargaining Agreement for those who are members of the bargaining unit,
may elect to proceed through the informal appeal and/or the formal grievance procedures of the
University. An alternative procedure for review, Section 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), is available, should
the faculty member believe that the decision rendered affects the faculty member's substantial interests.
This alternative means of review is considered a formal procedure. It is important to understand that
recourse to any one of the formal procedures constitutes a waiver of any other formal procedure otherwise
available. In addition, this section describes the research misconduct and discrimination complaint
procedures which are available.

Faculty Handbook 4-3

Informal Resolution or Informal Appeal Procedure
Faculty are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their complaints. This may be accomplished by
meeting with the person responsible for the action giving rise to the complaint, and, if the matter is not
resolved, appealing to the person's supervisor or chair, dean or director, appropriate vice president, or the
Vice Provost or Provost. This process is also used in tenure, permanent status and/or promotion denials.
Normally, grievances or other formal review procedures should be filed only after informal resolution has
proven unsuccessful. However, it is important to note that the use of the informal appeal procedure does
not automatically suspend the applicable calendar-day limit within which a formal method for resolution
must be initiated. A faculty member may make a written request to extend the applicable limit in order to
facilitate the informal resolution of a grievance. The failure to initiate a formal method for grievance
resolution prior to the applicable calendar-day limit, or prior to the expiration of any extension requested
and approved by the University, constitutes a waiver of the faculty member's right to pursue any formal
method for grievance resolution.

Grievance Procedures
The term "grievance" means a complaint initiated using one of the formal procedures described. A
grievance normally concerns the interpretation or application of a University or Board of Regents' rule or
regulation, or, for in-unit personnel, of a specific term or provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The term "grievant" shall mean a faculty member who has been directly affected by an act or omission of
the University or the University's representative and who has filed a grievance. In disciplinary grievances,
the burden of proof is on the University. In all other grievances, the burden of proof shall be on the faculty
A proceeding under the provisions of Section 120.57, F.S., must be initiated within twenty-five (25)
calendar days of receipt of written notice of the decision or written notice of intent to render such decision.
Any other formal method for grievance resolution, as described below, must be initiated within a certain
time frame. In the case of faculty who are not in the collective bargaining unit (non-unit), this must be no
later than twenty-five (25) calendar days from the date of the act or omission giving rise to the grievance
or twenty-five (25) calendar days from the date the faculty member acquires knowledge, or could
reasonably have been expected to acquire knowledge, of the act or omission, if that date is later. In the case
of faculty in the collective bargaining unit (in-unit), this is thirty (30) calendar days.

Methods of Grievance Resolution
Faculty may elect one of the following methods available for grievance resolution as appropriate. It is
the intent of the formal procedures to provide a complete response to a grievance, but not to encourage
multiple processing of the same issue. An election of any one of the formal procedures described directly
below shall constitute a waiver of all other formal procedures provided. If a grievant seeks resolution of
the matter in any other forum, whether administrative or judicial, the University may decide not to
entertain or proceed further with the grievance.
6C1-7.042, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
This procedure deals with violation of university rules and regulations. It is only available for faculty
not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. It may involve a three-step review, including a
collegial and/or administrative review which may proceed to a review by an American Arbitration
Association arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator is advisory to the President who renders the final
decision. Appellate review may be sought in accordance with that available under Florida law. If a
proceeding is sought, the faculty member must address a written complaint to the President of the
University. The complaint must be signed by the faculty member, and the following must be included
therein: "I understand and agree that by filing this complaint initiating the formal method for grievance
resolution provided by Rule 6C1-7.041(5), F.A.C., I waive any right I might otherwise have to any other
formal method for grievance resolution, as set out in Rule 6C1-7.041(3), F.A.C." The faculty member should
also furnish any relevant documentary evidence to the President along with the complaint.
Article 20 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
This grievance procedure, which is available only to faculty members in the collective bargaining unit,
may involve a three-step formal review process which begins with a review at the University level (Office
of Academic Affairs) and which may continue to the Board of Regents, and /or which may end with a review
by an American Arbitration Association arbitrator. The decision or award of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding upon the University, Board, the Union (UFF) and the grievant, except that either party may appeal

4-4 University of Florida

to an appropriate court of law in the event the arbitrator's decision is beyond the arbitrator's jurisdiction.
To initiate the process, a faculty member must complete the grievance form in the Collective Bargaining
Agreement and file it in the Office of the President.
University Senate Committee Review
These procedures, which are available only to faculty not covered by the Collective Bargaining
Agreement, involve the collegial review (and recommendations) of a University Senate Committee. A
grievance proceeding may be commenced before the University Senate Committee on Academic Freedom
and Tenure for procedural issues involving the tenure process or academic freedom or the University
Senate Committee on Professional Relations and Standards for matters involving general professional
ethics and the welfare of the faculty. If a proceeding before one of these Senate committees is sought, the
faculty member must address a written complaint to the President of the University. The complaint must
be signed by the faculty member, and the following must be included therein: "I understand and agree that
by filing this complaint initiating the formal method for grievance resolution provided by Rule 6C1-
7.041(5), F.A.C., I waive any right I might otherwise have to any other formal method for grievance
resolution, as set out in Rule 6C1-7.041(3), F.A.C." The faculty member should also furnish any relevant
documentary evidence to the President along with the complaint.
The President will then refer the complaint and any documentary evidence submitted with the
complaint to the chair of the University Senate committee selected by the faculty member. A complaint that
falls outside the jurisdiction of the committee will be returned to the faculty member. The committee shall
follow its procedures and rules as established by the University Senate or the committee itself. (Please refer
to the By-Laws 7 and 19.) The committee shall submit its findings and recommendations to the President.
The President may adopt, modify or reject the committee's report. Copies of the President's decision shall
be sent to the parties involved in the grievance. The action of the President shall be final. Appellate review
may be sought by the faculty member in accordance with that available under Florida law.
Section 120.57, Florida Statutes
Proceedings under the provisions of Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, are available to all faculty members
whose substantial interests are affected. This procedure normally involves review by a hearing officer
appointed by the State Division of Administrative Hearings. The President takes the final action. The faculty
member has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with Florida law.
A faculty member requesting a hearing under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, must file a petition with
the Clerk of the University, 207 Tigert Hall, within twenty-five (25) days of receipt of written notice of the
decision, or notice of intent to render such decision. A copy of the petition should also be sent to the
President. Refer to Rule 6C1-1.005, F.A.C.
A petition initiating a grievance proceeding under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, should be printed,
typewritten or otherwise duplicated in legible form on white paper. Unless printed, the impression shall
be on one side of the paper only, and lines shall be double-spaced and indented. The petition should

1. The name and address of the University;
2. The name and address of the faculty member and an explanation of how a substantial interest of
the faculty member would be affected by the University's determination;
3. A statement of when and how the faculty member received notice of the University's decision or
intent to render a decision;
4. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact or that there are no disputed issues of material
5. A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which the faculty
member believes entitle the faculty member to relief;
6. A demand for relief;
7. The following statement: "I understand and agree that by submitting this petition indicating the
grievance proceeding provided by Section 120.57, F.S., and Rule 6C1-7.041(4), F.A.C., I waive any
right I might otherwise have to any other formal method for grievance resolution, as set out in
Rule 6C1-7.041(3), F.A.C.";
8. Other information which the faculty member contends is material; and
9. The signature of the faculty member.

Upon receipt of a petition for a hearing under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, the President shall either
accept or deny the petition. If the petition is accepted, and a disputed issue of material fact is alleged, a

Faculty Handbook 4-5

hearing officer shall conduct the hearing as provided under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The hearing
officer may be the President or a hearing officer from the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department
of Management Services. In the case of the latter, the hearing officer will, upon completion of the hearing,
submit to the President and parties involved a recommended order consisting of findings of fact,
conclusions of law, interpretation of administrative rules, and recommended penalty, if appropriate. The
President may adopt the recommended order as the final order or may reject or modify the conclusions of
law and interpretation of administrative rules in the recommended order. The President may accept the
penalty in a recommended order, but may not reduce or increase it without a review of the complete record
and without stating the reasons.
Research Misconduct Complaint Procedure
Allegations of misconduct in research filed by any faculty or staff member or student should be brought
to the administrative officer to whom the accused reports, e.g. supervisor, department chair, dean or director.
Such allegation normally should be put in writing and signed and should state the specific grounds for the
allegation of misconduct. Any relevant documentation supporting the allegation should be included with
the complaint. The administrator charged with reviewing the allegation immediately shall meet with the
complainant to discuss the allegation. If the allegation is determined to be wholly lacking in any basis, the
allegation shall be dismissed. If the allegation is found to have been brought maliciously or in bad faith, such
filing of the complaint can be cause for a finding of misconduct and subsequent disciplinary action against
the complainant. Upon determining that there is some evidence that the allegation may have basis, the
administrator reviewing the allegation should proceed with an inquiry into the allegation. The accused will
be notified in writing of the allegation, provided with a copy of the policy describing the procedures to be
followed, afforded an opportunity to respond to the allegation, kept informed of the progress of the inquiry
process and informed of the right to retain legal counsel. The administrator is responsible for conducting an
inquiry of the allegation. The inquiry will be concluded within sixty (60) calendar days of the receipt of the
allegation unless circumstances nearly warrant a longer period.
In cases where the findings of the administrator conducting the inquiry provide sufficient basis for
proceeding to an investigation, the Provost or designee will initiate an investigation within twenty (20) days
of the completion of the inquiry and will constitute an ad hoc College Research Advisory Committee. The
Committee will be given the authority and assistance necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of the
allegation. The investigation should commence no later than ten (10) working days after the Committee's
appointment. All individuals involved in the investigation should be informed of the confidentiality
After completing its investigation, the Committee will submit its findings and recommendations, in
writing, to the Provost or designee for review and final action. If the evidence indicates that the accused
has engaged in misconduct, the Provost will, within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the Committee's
report or as soon thereafter as possible, make a preliminary determination as to the action to be taken by
the University. The accused shall be promptly informed of the actions to be taken and the reasons thereof.
Formal action will be taken in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the University rules or the
applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements, as university procedures require. Examples of such action
include, but are not limited to, the following: removal from a research project, monitoring and reporting
of future research, reprimand, salary reduction, rank reduction, suspension or termination.
The University's Policy for Dealing with Conduct in Research should be consulted for further
information on allegations of research misconduct. Copies are available through the Faculty Relations
Office in Academic Affairs and in the Office of the Vice President for Research.
Discrimination Complaint Procedure
Non-unit faculty members may utilize the complaint and appeal procedures set forth in Rule 6C1-
1.0063, F.A.C., for the resolution of a complaint of alleged discrimination. (In-unit faculty members may
utilize the procedure provided by Article 20 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, instead of the Rule
procedure, for resolution of a complaint of alleged discrimination.) The Director of Affirmative Action (the
Provost) takes the final action with respect to administrative review of discrimination complaints. This
complaint and appeal procedure does not prevent a faculty member from seeking resolution of a complaint
through procedures of other state and federal agencies and the courts. A faculty member who files a written
complaint under this rule waives any right he or she might otherwise have to file a discrimination complaint
based on the same facts under the provisions of Rule 6C1-7.041, F.A.C.
For information on the procedures for dealing with complaints refer to Complaints Against Faculty

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(6C-5.105, 6C-5.211, 6C-5.225, 6C1-1.009, 6C1-7.004, 6C1-7.010, 6C1-7.013, 6C1-7.019, Article V, Articles
A recommendation for appointment to the faculty of the University is generally made by the chair of a
department or unit administrator through the appropriate administrative channels. Except in the case of the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the Health Science Center, where the vice president retains
the presidential power of appointment, deans or directors may exercise the presidential power with respect
to recommendations for appointment at the rank of assistant professor or equivalent or lesser ranks.
Recommendation for appointment at the rank of associate professor, professor or above, or the equivalent in
academic rank, must be submitted to the dean, or director and/or vice president for review and approval.
The recommendation is then forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs for final approval and processing
of the appointment.
The appointment of an academic faculty member is for a term not to exceed one year. For twelve-month
faculty this is for a period normally beginning July 1 and ending June 30, and for academic-year (9-month)
faculty this is a period beginning in August and ending in May. The appointment renewal must be
confirmed in writing each contractual year. The notice of appointment serves as the official notice of
reappointment for the year and contains salary, rank and other employment information.
Visa information and advice regarding the appointment of faculty who are not citizens or permanent
residents of the United States should be sought in advance from the Academic Personnel Office or from the
International Studies and Programs Office.
For more information, refer to Administrative Faculty Appointments.

Assignments and Responsibilities
(6C-5.132, 6C1-7.010, Article 9)
A faculty member is responsible for the full and competent performance of all duties pertinent to his or
her employment with the University. The professional obligations and responsibilities of a faculty member
may be comprised of both scheduled and non-scheduled activities during the contractual period. It is part
of a faculty member's professional responsibility to carry out his or her duties in an appropriate manner
and place. Although instructional activities, office hours and other duties and responsibilities may be
required to be performed at a specific time and place, non-scheduled activities may be appropriately
performed in a manner and/or place determined by the faculty member in consultation with his or her chair
or supervisor. It is important to mention that faculty appointments are for contractual periods rather than
hourly, but it is also recognized that the scheduled hours should not normally exceed forty (40) hours of
an assignment per week.
When first employed, a faculty member should be informed in writing of what is generally expected in
terms of teaching, research, service and other duties and of the criteria required for tenure, permanent status
and promotion. The assignment should provide faculty members who are earning eligibility for tenure or
permanent status and/or promotion with equitable opportunities, in relation to others in the department,
to meet the required criteria for such status. If these expectations change, the faculty member should be
informed in writing of any such change and should be afforded the opportunity to discuss the assignment
prior to its effective date. The Faculty Assignment Report, which is filed at the beginning of each term, must
be consistent with these responsibilities.
Faculty assignments must comply with the "12-Hour Law," which requires that each full-time faculty
member be assigned a minimum of 12 classroom contact hours per week, or the equivalent in other
professional responsibilities. The legislative history of the "12-Hour Law" recognizes that two hours of
preparation, office hours, grading, etc. are normally necessary for every hour a faculty member spends in
the classroom. The law recognizes an individual's minimum instructional assignment may be reduced
proportionally by the percentage of effort assigned to other responsibilities such as research, advisement,
service, governance and extension. Therefore, not all faculty members are required to teach 12 contact
hours; some may teach more and some less, depending on the total assignment.
The "12-Hour Law" also recognizes that the percentage of a faculty member's time allocated for
instructional effort may show variance because of the following factors: teaching a new course, teaching
the same class more than one time, the number of preparations involved, the amount of preparatory work
involved (depending upon the level of the class and the number of times the faculty member has taught the
class as well as the work necessary to grade papers, confer with students, etc.), the level of class taught and
the amount of assistance given to the faculty member in teaching a class (graduate students, etc.). These
Faculty Handbook 4-7

factors should be considered in the determination of the percentage of a faculty member's time assigned
to instructional effort.
A certain fraction of every faculty position allocated to the University includes a percentage of funds for
research activity- approximately 8% for undergraduate education and 29% for graduate education per
year. This does not mean that all faculty will always be assigned to research activity, but it means that most
faculty will be assigned some research activity for some of the time. However, it is recognized that research
is integral to any teaching or instructional activity. Faculty preparing themselves for tenure or promotion
consideration should normally be assigned a reasonable amount of teaching, research and/or service time
in their annual assignments.

Awards, Honors and Recognition Programs

Programs for University Recipients

Distinguished Alumni Professor
The criteria for selection for this recognition are as follows:

1. The individual has gained a reputation among students and alumni for being a superior and
highly influential teacher.
2. The individual has gained a reputation for having positive impact on students.
3. The individual's service to the University, state and nation has resulted in truly beneficial
contributions and has brought significant distinction to the University. The selection is made by
a committee composed of alumni, faculty and administrators.

Distinguished Faculty Titles (Graduate Research Professor, Distinguished Service
Professor and Distinguished Curator)
The award of these professional titles recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the area indicated by
the title. The award of promotion to the "distinguished" titles requires the collegial review described in the
University's promotion process, including a review by the Academic Personnel Board. Appointment to the
title Graduate Research Professor requires approval by the Dean of Graduate Programs, the Graduate
Council, and the faculty member's dean, vice president, if applicable, and the Provost.

Outstanding Teaching and Advising Awards
The State Legislature has provided funds for significant monetary awards for faculty chosen as
outstanding undergraduate teachers or academic advisors. The University also provides similar awards
for faculty in the professional colleges which do not have undergraduate programs. Notices of the annual
competition including nomination and selection procedures are sent to colleges early in the fall term. The
number and amount of the awards are contingent upon continued state funding.

Selection criteria for teaching awards include the following:

1. Responsibility for teaching at least two undergraduate classes during the academic year and/or
the summer preceding the academic year.
2. Excellence and effectiveness as demonstrated by standard student instructor course evaluations,
observations by peers and department chairs, and letters of support.
3. Evidence of innovation in course design and/or instruction.

Selection criteria for advising awards include the following:

1. The individual must have an advising assignment.
2. Excellence will be demonstrated by performance evaluations based on student evaluations and
responses, as well as letters of support.
3. Evidence of innovation and outreach in advising.

University of Florida


President's Medallion and University Medallion
Both medallions are awarded by the President. Recommendations for this award may be made by any
member of the university community to the President. The Presidential Medallion is given for outstanding
service or contribution to the University. The University Medallion is given for significant service and
loyalty to the University.

Superior Accomplishment and Service Recognition Awards
The University has established awards to recognize faculty members who exhibit outstanding and
meritorious service, and who have directly improved the quality of life for students and other faculty
members. Any student, member of the general public or faculty member is eligible to nominate faculty
members. For more information, call Employee Relations, University Personnel Services, at 392-1072.

Teacher of the Year Award
Each college and school, according to its own criteria, selects an outstanding teacher from its faculty to
receive a Teacher of the Year Award. The honored faculty member receives a cash award and is recognized
in the Spring.

Teacher /Scholar of the Year Award
Each year the Academic Advisory Committee selects a faculty member as Teacher/Scholar of the Year.
Faculty members who are distinguished in teaching and scholarship may be nominated for consideration.
The individual selected receives a cash award, makes a presentation to the university community and
receives the Presidential Medallion.

Teaching Improvement Project (TIP) Awards
The 1993 State Legislature has provided special funds for rewarding faculty with exemplary portfolios
of undergraduate teaching. The TIP provides for increases to base salary (unlike other awards described
in this section). This program is intended to provide opportunities to improve on the teaching infrastruc-
ture at the University. Based on the report and recommendations of the University's Teaching Improve-
ment Committee, the TIP was funded as a pilot effort of the State University System. A universitywide
advisory committee will assist in the TIP implementation; however, decisions on portfolio content and on
recipients of TIP awards will be made at individual college and unit levels. The continuation of the TIP
beyond Spring 1994 will depend, at least in part, on the results of the pilot effort.

Incentive Efficiency Award
Faculty members are invited to submit suggestions or propose ideas for eliminating or reducing
expenditures or improving operations of the University without reducing the quality of essential services
and methods to increase new revenues for the University without increasing prices or fees. Proposals for
these awards should be sent to the Chair of the Incentive Efficiency Award Committee who will submit the
results of the Committee's review to the Vice Provost.

Programs for Non-University Recipients

Distinguished Achievement Award
Award recipients must be persons whose distinctive accomplishments merit the special recognition of
the University. A nominee need not be an alumnus/alumna. A nomination with a resume and three or
more letters of recommendation should be sent to the chair of the Senate's Committee on Honorary Degrees,
Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials. Upon approval by the Committee, the recommendation
is forwarded to the President for final action.

Distinguished Alumnus Award
Award recipients must be alumni of the University who have excelled in their chosen field or have
performed outstanding service for the University. A nomination with a resume and three or more letters
of recommendation should be sent to the chair of the Senate's Committee on Honorary Degrees, Distin-
guished Alumnus Awards and Memorials. Upon approval by the Committee, the recommendation is
forwarded to the President for final approval.

Faculty Handbook

Honorary Degree
Other than the earned doctorate, the greatest recognition the University of Florida can give an
individual is an honorary degree. The awarding of an honorary degree is a recognition of eminent
achievement in scholarship or high distinction in public service which exemplifies the purposes and ideals
of the University of Florida. More particularly, honorary degrees are awarded for sustained achievements
of lasting significance and value, not for a single accomplishment. Although anyone can nominate an
individual for an honorary degree, the nomination must be supported by individuals who are prominent
in the candidate's field of accomplishment and in a position to judge the candidate's contributions and
achievements. Letters of nomination should be sent to the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees,
Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials. Preference is given to individuals who are connected in
some significant and meaningful way with the state or with the University. Because the University of
Florida is a public university and part of the State University System, the University's policy is that elected
or appointed officials of state or federal government to whom the University is directly or indirectly
answerable are ineligible for the honorary degrees. Faculty members and officers of the University are also
ineligible. Upon recommendation of the Committee and approval by the Senate, the recommendation then
goes to the President, and upon Presidential approval, to the Board of Regents for final action.

Complaints Against Faculty Members
(6C1-7.036, 6C1-7.041, 6C1-7.042, Articles 6,20)
A complaint against a faculty member must be reviewed in order to protect the rights of the individuals
involved. Normally complaints should be in written form and signed by the complainant, although the
administrator or supervisor has a responsibility to review all complaints, whether verbal, written or
anonymous. The review of a complaint should be conducted in a thorough and objective manner that is
sensitive to all parties involved, keeping in mind the confidential nature of such a review. If the complaint
is determined to have substance, the faculty member will be informed, afforded an opportunity to respond
to the complaint through the appropriate administrator and kept informed of all actions taken regarding
the complaint. The person making the complaint should also be kept informed of all actions taken and
advised to report any action of reprisal or retaliation immediately.
The normal administrative process for reviewing complaints, unless there is a grievance filed or a
request for a review in some other forum, is generally as follows:

Meetings willbe held with the complainant and with the accused separately to explain the review
process, describe the resources available for assistance and request information that would
provide evidence to support or refute the complaint;
Meetings will be held with others who may have information pertinent to the complaint to seek
evidence necessary for the review, and review of all documentation available that has a bearing
on the complaint or on evidence brought forward in the course of the review;
The complaint and/or incident will be reviewed to determine if the complainant's allegations
appear to have a verifiable basis using the evidence gained from the review;
Corrective actions) will be taken as necessary;
Meetings will be held with the accused and with the complainant separately to discuss the results
of the review and to advise the individuals of any actions) to be taken;
The disposition of the complaint or incident willbe reported to the appropriate university offices;
Follow-up review will be conducted to ensure that there is no reprisal, retaliation or recurrence
of actions giving rise to the complaint.

For further information on the informal and formal grievance procedures, refer to Appeal, Grievance,
Research Misconduct and Discrimination Complaint Procedures.

Conduct in Research
It is the policy of the University that each individual faculty member maintain high ethical standards
in the conduct and reporting of his or her research. Should alleged incidents of misconduct in research
occur, reporting of such incidents is a widely shared responsibility. It is the duty of the faculty to respond
in a fitting manner to resolve issues arising from such alleged misconduct. For further information, or to
request a copy of the University's policy, contact the Faculty Relations Office in Academic Affairs or the
4-10 University of Florida

Office of the Vice President for Research. For more information on this procedure, refer to Appeal,
Grievance, Research Misconduct and Discrimination Complaint Procedures.

Conflicts With Employment
(6C-5.245, 6C-5.255, 6C-5.825, 6C1-1.009, 6C1-1.010, 6C1-1.011, 6C1-2.012, 6C1-2.017, Articles 18, 19)
Members of the university community may engage in outside employment, consulting and other similar
activities in addition to their employment with the University. These activities may further the dissemination
and use of the knowledge and expertise developed at the University, and may also advance the professional
competence and reputation of the faculty members. Participation in non-university activities, then, often
serves the mission of the University in addition to benefiting individual faculty members. Such activities and
financial interests of the faculty member are, however, of concern to the University if they result in conflicts
with the faculty member's duties and responsibilities to the institution. All members of the university
community must be concerned that the University's mission not be compromised through the outside
activities and interests of its members. Thus, the University's policies and procedures are designed to
encourage allowed activities while providing for the disclosure and review of activities which may create
conflicts. The primary responsibility for compliance is that of the individual faculty member. Questions
regarding an outside activity that represents a potential conflict or interference with the faculty member's
duties and responsibilities should be discussed with the chair or immediate supervisor.
For more information on this topic, refer to Outside Activities and Conflict of Interest.

Contract Periods
(6C1-7.028, Article 8)
The University operates on a modified semester system with two semesters during the academic year
and three summer terms, identified as Terms A, B and C. The dates of all terms are established by the
University on an annual basis. Faculty are employed for contractual periods, and not on an hourly basis.
The employment period for instructional faculty is normally nine months (two semesters) or, in the case of
the P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School faculty, ten months. When duties require a faculty member
to be on campus throughout the year, the faculty member will normally be employed on a twelve-month
contract. Faculty who are hired on a nine- or ten-month academic year contract and offered employment
during the supplemental or summer term will be compensated at the rate consistent with appropriate
formulas used to determine summer rates. During the contractual period, all faculty are entitled to observe
all official holidays designated by the State Department of Management Services (DOMS) for state faculty
members. No classes will be scheduled on holidays. Please refer to Holidays.

Copyright Protection for Lectures
Academic lectures are protected by copyright law. Students may not tape-record lectures, publish or
sell tape-recordings of lectures, or notes that reflect the content of academic lectures, without the lecturer's

(6C1-1.001, otCI-.059, Article IV)
The faculty of each college is responsible for establishing the requirements of the college for entrance
and for graduation and the form of degrees to be conferred, and for recommending to the President, by at
least a two-thirds vote, a listing of the names of those students who shall have complied with the
requirements for degrees.

Disruptive Behavior
(6C-5.285, 6C1-11007, 6C1-1.008, 6C1-7.045, 6C1-7.048, Article 16)
Any member of the university community who intentionally acts to impair, interfere with or obstruct
the mission, purposes, order, operations, processes and functions of the University shall be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action by university authorities for disruptive conduct, as described in the
applicable rules and laws governing such personnel actions.

Faculty Handbook,

Drug-free School and Workplace
(6C1-2.019, 6C1-7.048)
The University of Florida is committed to providing a campus environment free of the abuse of alcohol
and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. The possession and use of controlled drugs by members of
the university community must at all times be in accordance with the provisions of Florida law, the rules
of the Board of Regents, and the rules of the University. The illegal use, possession or distribution of
controlled substances constitutes a form of misconduct. For further information, refer to the current
university "Drug-free School and Workplace Policy Statement," which is available through the Division of
Student Affairs.

Dual Career Program, Locating Employment for
Accompanying Professionals
University Personnel Services should be notified when a new faculty member requests job search
assistance for an accompanying professional. The Central Employment Center will be able to provide
counseling and professional assessment service which will assure that the accompanying professional is
considered by hiring authorities for appropriate positions in accordance with the University's search-and-
screen policies.

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Electronic mail records may consist of records created and/or received electronically and may include,
but are not limited to, correspondence, meeting notices, minutes, memoranda, messages and requests. If
the E-mail created or received defines or establishes policy for the University, the paper generated should
be printed and kept. All electronic mail records are public records and are stored in memory by the
Northeast Regional Data Center.

Emeritus Status
Faculty members are eligible for the title "Emeritus" in their faculty rank upon retirement. The title is to
be conferred, as the word indicates, for meritorious service and shall entail continued campus courtesies
(under the same conditions as required for active faculty and administrators), including the option to obtain
parking decals (at no cost), use of the library and recreation facilities, receipt of such publications as are sent
to regular faculty members and members of the Alumni Association, participation in contract and grant
endeavors, and participation in academic convocations. An individual who retires becomes eligible for the
title, and the chair should submit the individual's name to the faculty for a vote. A favorable nomination is
submitted through the appropriate administrative channels to the Office of Academic Affairs for final action.

Emergency Procedures for Faculty Members
with Special Needs
The University operates a program to ensure the safety of individuals with special needs, such as
mobility concerns, difficulty hearing alarms or limited vision, during emergencies. Individuals are
encouraged to contact the University Police to report any special needs. A reporting form is available from
the University Police Department, University Personnel Services or Environmenta Health and Safety. The
information, which is maintained by the University Police Department, is made available to an emergency
response team when a crisis situation or emergency occurs. For further information about special services
available to university community members who have disabilities, contact the Chair of the Committee on
Persons with Disabilities, in the Office of the Dean for Student Services, P-202 Peabody Hall (392-1261, V/
TDD, 392-3008, TDD).

Employment Files and Records
University Personnel Services maintains the "official" employment files for all faculty members. A
faculty member may make arrangements to view these files, upon request.

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Employment of Relatives
Employment of related persons in a single organizational unit or in job-related organizational units,
where such employment involves a conflict of interest, actual or potential, such as where the faculty
member has or could have direct or indirect administrative or decision-making authority over the related
person or where the decisions of such faculty member may affect the related person, is discouraged. An
exception may be requested if the employment of a related person becomes necessary due to a shortage of
qualified personnel.

English Language Competency Policy
(6C-5.120, Article 10)
The spoken language competence of all currently employed faculty members and graduate student
teaching assistants shallbe reviewed by the respective department or college during the annual evaluation
process, or in the case of prospective faculty members, during the interview process and/or prior to the offer
of employment. Faculty members or prospective faculty members found to be potentially deficient in oral
language skills shall be required to achieve a score of 220 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE). Individuals
who score within the range of 190-210 on the TSE may teach one semester while enrolled in appropriate
English language instruction, beyond which time the score of 220 on the TSE shall be required before the
teaching assignment can be continued.

Ethical Conduct of the University Community
The University acknowledges a concern for values and ethics that are important to the whole
educational experience. The University policy on standards of ethical conduct, which resulted from a
university task force representative of all members of the university community, is described in the
University Record.

Ethics, Statement on
(6C-5.221, 6C1-7.010, 6C1-7.018)
A faculty member is expected to show an awareness that membership in the academic profession carries
with it special responsibilities. The following responsibilities of faculty members are taken from the
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement on Professional Ethics, with slight
The professor, guided by a deep conviction of the worth and dignity of the advancement of knowledge,
recognizes the special responsibilities of the profession. The professor's primary responsibility to his or her
subject is to seek and to state the truth as he or she sees it. To this end, the professor devotes energies to
developing and improving scholarly competence. The professor accepts the obligation to exercise critical
self-discipline and judgment in using, extending and transmitting knowledge. The professor must never
seriously hamper or compromise freedom of inquiry.
As an instructor, the professor encourages the free pursuit of learning in students. The professor holds
before him/her the best scholarly standards of his or her discipline. The professor demonstrates respect for
the student as an individual and adheres to the proper role of intellectual guide and counselor. The
professor makes every reasonable effort to foster honest academic conduct and to assure that the evaluation
of students reflects their true merit. The professor respects the confidential nature of the relationship
between professor and student. The professor avoids any exploitation of students for private advantage
and acknowledges significant assistance from them. The professor protects academic freedom.
As a colleague, the professor has obligations that derive from common membership in the community
of scholars. The professor respects and defends the free inquiry of associates. In the exchange of criticism
and ideas, the professor shows due respect for the opinions of others. The professor acknowledges
academic debts and strives to be objective in the professional judgment of colleagues. The professor accepts
his or her share of faculty responsibilities for the governance of the institution.
As a member of an institution, the professor seeks above all to be an effective teacher and scholar.
Although the professor observes the stated regulations of the institution, provided they do not contravene
academic freedom, the professor maintains the right to criticize and seek revision. The professor
determines the amount and character of his or her work performed outside the institution (the amount of
work is governed by the University policy), with due regard to his or her paramount institutional

Faculty Handbook

responsibilities. When considering the interruption or termination of employment, the professor recog-
nizes the effect of this decision upon the program of the institution and gives due notice of his or her
As a member of the community, the professor has the rights and obligations of any citizen. The professor
measures the urgency of these obligations in light of responsibilities to his or her subject, to students, to the
profession and to the institution. The professor, when speaking or acting as a private person, should avoid
creating the impression that he or she speaks or acts for the college or university. As a citizen engaged in
a profession that depends upon freedom for its health and integrity, the professor has a particular obligation
to promote conditions of free inquiry and to further public understanding of academic freedom.

Evaluation, Annual
(6C-5.120, 6C-5.221, 6C1-3.055, 6C1-6.008, 6C1-7.010, Articles 10)
Faculty members must be evaluated at least once annually on the basis of the performance of their
assigned duties and responsibilities. The basic purpose of the annual evaluation is faculty improvement
in the functions of teaching, research, service and other duties that may be assigned. Individuals
responsible for the supervision and evaluation of a faculty member should endeavor to assist the faculty
member in correcting any performance deficiencies reflected in the annual evaluation. Faculty are also
encouraged to accept and seek such assistance, if needed. The evaluation should also address progress
toward tenure, and toward promotion if requested by the faculty member. The evaluation should also
consider the faculty member's contribution to the orderly and effective functioning of the academic unit
and the total university.
The individual responsible for the evaluation should provide the faculty member with a written copy
of the evaluation. The evaluator will offer the faculty member the opportunity to discuss the evaluation
prior to its being placed in the personnel evaluation file. The faculty member being evaluated may attach
a concise comment to the evaluation if he or she believes one is required. The comments shall be attached
to the annual evaluation, which is placed in the personnel evaluation file, and the faculty member shall
receive a copy of the evaluation. For faculty in the collective bargaining unit, the evaluation must be signed
by the faculty member being evaluated and by the evaluator. This evaluation will be considered in
recommendations and final decisions on personnel matters, including retention, nonrenewal, tenure,
promotion and salary increases.
As part of the annual evaluation, it is the responsibility of a faculty member who is found to be deficient
in oral English language skill to take appropriate actions to correct these deficiencies. Please refer to the
English Language Competency Policy.
The evaluation of a faculty member's performance should include data from the following sources,
where appropriate: the chair, the faculty, the students, the faculty member being evaluated and informa-
tion from others as appropriate. The evaluation of a faculty member's teaching performance by students,
as well as course content, is normally carried outby the college through the use of a questionnaire completed
anonymously by the students at the conclusion of the term. The format is usually in two parts: a set of
questions answered on a numerical scale and summarized as such, and a set of general questions answered
in writing by the individual students. Copies of all the results are given to the faculty members. Copies
of computer or tabulated summaries of the results of numerically scaled questions should be made
available to administrators concerned with personnel decisions, but the faculty member is the only one who
receives the individually written comments unless he or she desires to share them with others, such as the
chair or dean. An instructor may request permission to create his or her own course/teacher evaluation
form with the review and approval of the department chair and/or dean. In addition to the students'
evaluations, some other methods of evaluating teaching effectiveness may include a review of instructional
materials, syllabi, course outlines, bibliographies, etc.; visitation of lectures by chair and other faculty; an
assessment of lecturing effectiveness from departmental seminars; awards for teaching excellence; and a
Academic administrators who are faculty members are also evaluated annually by their immediate
supervisors. Input from faculty in the evaluation process is encouraged and solicited as described in each
academic unit's procedure for the evaluation of administrators.

Evaluation File
(6C1-7.010, 6C1-7.019, 6C1-7.047, Article 11)
Evaluations and materials in a faculty member's personnel files upon which evaluations are based will
be considered in recommendations and final decision on tenure, renewal of appointments, promotions and
salary, as well as other personnel decisions. All materials used in the evaluation process (other than

University of Florida


evaluations for promotion and tenure) should be contained in the faculty member's evaluation file, located
in the office of the faculty member's department or, in some units, in the dean's office. The contents of the
faculty evaluation file will be kept confidential and should not be disclosed except to the affected faculty
member and those persons whose duties require access to the file in accordance with the University's rules
and procedures. The evaluation file for the faculty member should be made available for examination
normally within the same business day he or she requests to see it. Written materials used in the annual
evaluative process should be contained in this file. For more information on the confidentiality of
evaluative information, refer to Limited Access Record.

Faculty/Student Relationships
(6C-5.221, 6C1-1.006, 6C1-7.010)
The University strongly discourages faculty-student interactions which may lead to amorous relation-
ships. Such relationships with students, even though ostensibly consensual, are likely to be exploitive,
involve inherent conflicts of interest and imperil the integrity of the education process. By virtue of their
authority in the classroom, faculty members have power in faculty-student relationships. Faculty members,
therefore, must be careful not to abuse or appear to abuse that power. A student may find it difficult and also
threatening to refuse a request from a faculty member, however casual the request. Faculty members should
be sensitive to the fact that a student may not feel comfortable in telling a faculty member that he or she does
not wish to pursue a more personal, as opposed to academic, relationship because of the faculty member's
power. Because faculty members care about students on a personal as well as academic basis, they sometimes
attempt to make students and staff feel comfortable at the University by being casual and friendly. Such
relationships are important and offer support that can lead to academic growth. It is when the relationship
focuses on a sexual rather than an intellectual and/or professional aspect that there is danger of sexual
harassment or the perception of sexual harassment. Conducting academic activities by mixing social and
academic environment in homes or other non-assigned locations may be awkward; classes should be
conducted in assigned locations.
The University is committed to enforcing vigorously its policy against sexual harassment. If a faculty
member or other employee has teaching or other supervisory duties with regard to a student, any amorous
relationship between that employee and the student must be carefully scrutinized. Sexual harassment of a
student within any such relationship is a violation of University rules and, therefore, grounds for disciplinary
action, up to and including termination of employment. The University is also committed to protecting the
rights of all students to be fairly evaluated and graded without regard to personal relationships between
faculty members and students.
A university employee whose assigned duties involve interactions with specific students, therefore,
should avoid amorous relationships with any of these students. For example, a faculty member/teaching
assistant should not engage in an amorous relationship with a student who is enrolled in a course being
taught by the faculty member/teaching assistant or whose academic work is being supervised or evaluated
by the faculty member/ teaching assistant. Both employees and students enter into such amorous
relationships at very great personal and professional risk.
For further information, refer to Sexual Harassment and consult the University's "Policy on Sexual
Harassment," which is available through every administrative office.

Foreign Service and Personnel Exchange Programs
(6C-5.271, 6C-5.275, 6C1-7.032, 6C1-7.0321)
Faculty members may request to be exchanged on a one-to-one basis with persons employed in like
capacities by units of government, private industry or institutions of higher learning which are not under
the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents or may request a foreign assignment in one of the State University
System's overseas teaching centers in Florence, Italy, and in London, England. Faculty who work for the
University directly, or on contracts approved by the University in foreign countries, retain the rights and
privileges of on-campus faculty members, including those of salary increases, promotion and tenure as
specified in the terms of their annual employment contract. In addition, faculty on international or off-
campus assignments are entitled to other benefits provided in university-approved contracts.

Fringe Benefits
For a listing of employee benefits, refer to University Benefits in Section 5.

Faculty Handbook 4-15

Graduate Faculty, Appointment to
(Article IV)
Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is made by the Dean of Graduate Programs upon approval of the
Graduate Council after nomination by the appropriate department chair with the concurrence of the
academic dean. Appointments fall into three categories: (1) Restricted Graduate Faculty (RGF), a
temporary three-year appointment; and (2) Graduate Studies Faculty (GSF), appointed to teach graduate
courses, to direct master's theses and to serve on all supervisory committees; and (3) Doctoral Research
Faculty (DRF), appointed to direct doctoral dissertations. For GSF status the faculty member must have
an appointment in a graduate degree-granting department; have a terminal degree appropriate to his or her
field or discipline; present recent refereed research publications, scholarship or artistic achievement; and
have a positive vote of two-thirds of all on-campus GSF/DRF faculty in the department. Appointment to
DRF is recommended when the faculty member has met all of the requirements for GSF, has served on
supervisory committees and has established a strong research record or high level of scholarship or creative
scholarship or creative achievement. A nomination to the DRF faculty must have a two-thirds vote of the
DRF faculty in the recommending department and be approved by the Graduate Council. For more
information, refer to the Graduate Faculty Handbook, which is available through the Graduate School.

Graduate Students, Faculty Members as
University of Florida faculty, in tenure-accruing or tenured positions as designated by the Florida
Administrative Code, may not pursue graduate degrees from this institution. Exceptions are made for the
Florida Cooperative Extension Service (IFAS) county personnel, the faculty of the P.K. Developmental
Research School, and University Libraries faculty. Under certain restrictions established by the Graduate
Council, persons holding non-tenure or non-permanent status accruing titles may pursue non-thesis master's
degrees at the University of Florida. Any other exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Graduate
Council. Such exceptions, if given, are extremely rare and will be approved only when it is determined to be
in the best interest of the University.

(6C1-7.028, Article 17)
All faculty and staff are entitled to observe the following official holidays designated by the State
Department of Management Services (DOMS): New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Holidays and Christmas Day.
No classes will be scheduled on those holidays.

Immunization for Faculty Enrolled in University Courses
If faculty members are using faculty member fee waivers in order to take a class, immunization is not
required for persons over the age of 40 if an exemption, which comes with the course registration packet,
is authorized through the Student Health Care Center (Infirmary).

Information Technology, Ethical Use Policy
The proper and ethical use of computers, software and related networks is required at the University
of Florida. In providing access to knowledge and sharing of information, the University requires that these
resources be used by all members of its community with respect for the public trust through which the
resources have been provided. The University works to create an intellectual environment in which
students, faculty and staff are free to create and to collaborate with colleagues, both local and at other
institutions, without fear that the products of their intellectual efforts will be violated by misrepresentation,
tampering, destruction, theft or other misuse and abuse.
Access to the University's information resources, the sharing of information and the security of the
intellectual product of the community all require that each and every user accept responsibility both for
protection of his or her own data and for the rights of the community. Access to the networks and to the
information technology environment is a privilege and must be treated as such by all users of these systems.

University of Florida

As a condition of use of all university information technology facilities, all users must:
Abide by copyright laws and the terms and conditions of the license. (When in doubt, do not copy
software and files!)
Use computing systems and networks only for purposes related to university activities.
Use computer systems and networks in a manner that respects the shared use of these systems.
(Do not include abusive, harassing, lewd, obscene, libelous or slanderous materials.)
Respect the privacy of other users' files and intellectual property.
Maintain the integrity and functionality of computing systems and networks.

Among other prohibitions, users must not:
-Attempt to bypass or damage security or access control systems.
-Share computer accounts and passwords on shared systems.
Move or modify computer equipment, software or peripherals without proper authorization.

Developing a strong sense of ethics in students concerning use of computers and software supports the
University's obligation to inculcate values. By setting appropriate examples, each person contributes to the
reputation of the University for producing responsible students of high integrity. Individuals found guilty
of unethical, destructive or illegal activities on university computers or networks will be dealt with in the same
manner as violators of other state or federal laws or university rules or policies. Such actions may result in
disciplinary sanctions including the loss of computer and network access privileges, dismissal from the
University, and civil or criminal proceedings. Individuals using university computing and network facilities
should be familiar with the Florida Computer Crimes Act (Chapter 815, Florida Statutes), copies of which are
available from the Center for Instructional and Research Computing Activities (CIRCA) or the Northeast
Regional Data Center (NERDC). In addition, CIRCA and NERDC have guidelines on software copyrights
and fair use, as well as guidelines for acceptable use of the Internet and BITNET.

Instructional Responsibilities
The following information, which is also in the University Record Series (catalogs) in detail, should be
useful to faculty in carrying out instructional responsibilities:

Academic Honesty
Students are required to be honest in all of their university class work. Faculty members have a duty to
promote ethical behavior and avoid practices and environments that foster cheating. Faculty should
encourage students to bring incidents of dishonesty to their attention. A faculty member, in certain instances,
can resolve an academic dishonesty matter without a student discipline hearing. The procedures and
guidelines are available through the Director of Student Judicial Affairs.

Accommodations for Disabilities
Students with disabilities are responsible for ensuring that the University and faculty members are
aware of disabilities that require accommodations in the educational process. Students with disabilities are
requested to contact and register with the Office of Disabled Student Affairs. The student is also asked to
contact faculty members early in each semester and provide a letter from the Office for Student Services
informing faculty members of necessary specific adaptations. Students are responsible for requesting
accommodations in a timely manner so that the professor may plan for those accommodations. Students
with disabilities must maintain the same responsibility for their education as students who are not disabled.
This includes maintaining the same academic levels, attending class, maintaining appropriate behavior and
timely notification of any special needs. Questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
compliance and/or regarding student concerns and needs should be directed to the Office of Academic
Affairs and to the Office of Disabled Student Affairs, in Student Services.

Attendance, Absences or Unsatisfactory Work
Under university policy, students are not authorized to attend class unless they are on the class roll or
have been approved to audit and have paid audit fees. Students are responsible for satisfying the entire
range of academic objectives as defined by the instructor in any course and to see that their class work and
attendance are satisfactory. Students should understand that attendance policies and procedures vary
among instructors and academic units, and they must observe any special attendance regulations
stipulated by their college, school, department or instructor. Reasons for acceptable absences include:

Faculty Handbook 4-17

illness, serious family emergencies, special curricular requirements (e.g., judging trips, field trips, profes-
sional conferences), military obligations, severe weather conditions, religious holidays and participation
in official university-sponsored activities, such as music performance, athletic competition or debate.
Absences from classes for court-imposed legal obligations (e.g., jury duty, subpoenas) must be excused.
Other sound reasons may be offered by the student. When absences threaten a student's satisfactory
completion of a course, the faculty member may report the absences to the appropriate dean of the student's
college and may choose to call upon the college office to request additional information and insight into the
significance of or reason for the absences.

Changes in the Schedule of Courses/Published Examination Schedule
An instructor cannot add an additional hour to the course period after the students have registered. The
academic department offering the course must make sure that the course schedule prepared for the
Registrar's Office reflects the additional hour. Any changes in the course or examination schedule which
appear in the Schedule of Courses must be approved by the University Curriculum Committee via the
Office of the Registrar. Classes should be conducted in assigned locations.

Confidentiality of Student's Records and Posting Grades by Student's Name or
Social Security Number
The "Buckley Amendment" (20 U.S. Code 1232g) prohibits the dissemination of a student's educational
records which consist of records, files, documents and other materials that contain information directly
related to a student, without the written consent of the student. Directory information, as defined by law,
maybe released unless the student has requested otherwise. Since a student's social security number is part
of the educational record and is a personal identifier of the student, federal statute prohibits the posting
of examination scores, test or paper grades or final grades by student social security number. If it is
necessary to post grades, such as in very large classes, grades may be posted by using the last four digits
of the student's social security number as long as the students are not listed in alphabetical order, or some
special identification numbers may be devised.

Course Requirements and Information
Faculty members are expected to distribute course outlines, syllabi and/or written objectives of their
courses to students at the first class meeting of each term. The outline or syllabus should include course
objectives, course assignments, methods of evaluation and other information the faculty member believes
pertinent to the responsibilities of the students.

Discretionary Review Days
The last two days of classes in the Fall and Spring semesters are designated as "review days."
Instructors may, at their discretion, conduct a final review during this time. There are no discretionary
review days during the summer terms because final examinations are given during regular class periods.

The procedure for handling student examinations varies not only among academic units, but among
faculty within those units. While the University has no specific policy regarding student examinations, it
supports a practice that every student has a right of access to review examinations. Most instructors are
willing to let the students review the test along with their answer sheets in a faculty member's office. In
other cases, faculty may post a copy of the examination along with the answers. The University's Records
Retention Schedule recommends that final examinations be kept one year after the course is completed,
provided no appeal is pending. If an appeal is pending, the examination should be kept for a longer period
of time. This recommendation assumes that examinations are not returned to students at all. When
scheduling examinations and assignment due dates, faculty should keep in mind that undergraduate
students need to have some indication of their progress prior to the last day to drop a course without failing.
Major tests or other major class events should not be scheduled on days that will be observed as holy days
by a significant number of students.

Faculty Lectures
Students should be reminded that lectures given in class are the property of the University/faculty
members and may not be tape-recorded, published or sold without prior permission from the lecturer and
may not be used for any other commercial purpose. Students found to be in violation may be subject to
discipline under the University's Student Conduct Code. In order to address faculty concerns about
unauthorized use of notes based on faculty lectures, it is suggested that concerned faculty place the

4-18 University of Florida

following or a similar statement in their syllabus:
It is important to remind students that lectures given in this class are the property of the University/
faculty member and may not be tape-recorded, published or sold without prior permission from the
lecturer and may not be used for any other commercial purpose. Students found to be in violation may be
subject to discipline under the University's Student Conduct Code.

Final Week of Class Activities
No final or comprehensive examinations, projects or term papers are to be scheduled or assigned during
the final week of class. Written papers and/or oral presentations and periodic testing announced in the
course syllabus distributed at the beginning of the term may be collected or presented, provided they do
not serve as a final examination. Weekly or daily tests, if scheduled in the syllabus, are permitted; hourly
or major exams are not. Take-home examinations assigned as final examinations can be due no earlier than
the regularly scheduled final examination. Laboratory sections are exempt from this policy.

The sole authority and responsibility for the assignment of grades rests with the faculty member who is
the instructor of the course. The grade, however, must reflect student academic performance. Student grades
are permanently recorded in the Office of the University Registrar as follows:

Passing Grades Non-Punitive Grades & Symbols Failing Grades -
and Grade Points No Grade Points No Grade Points

A 4.0 W Withdrew E Failure
B+ 3.5 H Deferred grade assigned U Unsatisfactory
B 3.0 only in a modular course WF Withdrew/failing
C+ 2.5 or in exceptional circum- NG No grade reported
C 2.0 stances as approved I Incomplete
D+ 1.5 by the Office of the
D 1.0 University Registrar
S 0.0/Satis- N No grade reported;
factory not in GPA
I Incomplete; not in GPA

A grade of I (incomplete) or N (no grade reported) is not considered a failing grade for the term in which
it is received, and it is not computed in the grade point average. However, if the I or N has not been changed
by the end of the next term for which the student is enrolled, it will be counted as a failing grade and used
in computation of the grade point average. I or NG grades awarded to graduating students are calculated
immediately as failing grades. An I grade may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor as an interim
grade for a course in which the student has (1) completed a major portion of the course with a passing grade,
(2) been unable to complete course requirements prior to the end of the term because of extenuating circum-
stances and (3) obtained agreement from the instructor and arranged for resolution of the I grade.
Instructors are not required to assign I grades.
Students choosing the S (Satisfactory) U (Unsatisfactory) option must be in good standing and may not
be on university academic probation. To elect the S-U option, students must obtain approval from the
instructors and departments offering the course, as well as the dean of their own college. They may elect the
S-U option for only one course each term; this option is in addition to courses which are taught only on an
S-U basis. Courses taken to fulfill communication or computation requirements (Gordon Rule) may not be
taken S-U. Grades earned under the S-U option do not carry grade point values and are not computed in the
University of Florida grade point average.
The information stated above concerning student grades is from the 1993-94 University Record Catalog.
This catalog should be consulted each academic school year for current policies.

Illness Policy
Students who are absent from classes or examinations because of illness should contact their professors
on a timely basis to discuss their individual situations. The student should be advised to contact the college
in which he or she is enrolled by the published calendar deadline if a class needs to be dropped because of
medical reasons. After the college petition deadline, students may petition the University Senate Committee
on Student Petitions to drop a course for medical reasons. Students needing to withdraw from all courses for
a given term for medical reasons should contact the Office for Student Services, Division of Student Affairs
for procedural information.

Faculty Handbook


Information on Policies Governing Students
Information on the rules and regulations governing students, e.g. student affairs, student life and
student academic regulations, is found in the Undergraduate Catalog, the Graduate Catalog, Law Catalog,
Medicine Catalog and Student Guide. Questions should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs.

Office Hours
The University recognizes that an essential component of the advancement of knowledge is contact
between students and their instructors outside the periods in which formal instruction is presented through
lectures, discussion groups and laboratory sessions. As a consequence, the University has adopted a
general policy that the instructors of every class will have scheduled office hours each week as follows:

Each instructional faculty member will be responsible for designating office hours when he or she
will be available to confer with students. These office hours will be during regularly scheduled
class days and will be of adequate number and length to assure that students will have reasonable
access to the instructor.
Each instructional faculty member willbe responsible for providing information on his or her office
hours by notifying the students in his or her classes, posting a schedule of the office hours on his
or her office door and notifying the chair of the designated office periods. Office hour schedules
should be provided no later than the end of the second week of classes each term. If a teacher must
be absent from a regularly scheduled office hour the absence will be announced, in advance if
possible, and posted on the teacher's door.
Upon request by a student, instructional faculty members will be responsible for scheduling
special appointments outside of their designated office hours at a mutually satisfactory time
when it is not possible for a student to confer with an instructor during the designated office
Each faculty member and each teaching assistant should include the following information on
the syllabus in addition to his or her name and office hours schedule: name, business address and
business phone number of his or her department chair; and name and location of any academic
helping service appropriate to the course being taught.

Students should also be encouraged to seek needed assistance by conferring with their instructors
during regular office hours.

Religious Holidays
The Board of Regents' Policy Statement and the University policy regarding the observance of religious
holidays is as follows:
Students shall, upon notifying their instructor, be excused from class to observe a religious
holiday of their faith.
While students will be held responsible for material covered in their absence, each student shall
be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up any work missed.
Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments and university ceremonies will not
be scheduled on a major religious holy day.
Students who are absent from academic or social activities because of religious observance shall
in no way be penalized.

Twelve-Day Rule
Students representing the University through participation in university-sponsored curricular or
extracurricular activities may be expected to be absent from campus and regularly scheduled classes at
times. Upon presentation of documentation to their instructors, such absences from their classes will be
excused. In these cases, instructors must be flexible when scheduling examinations or other class
assignments, and will not penalize students for officially sanctioned absences. No individual student will
be required to be absent from campus for more than 12 days as a result of such participation; thus, those
responsible for scheduling participation in team activities must adjust the schedule so that no student will
miss more than 12 days of regularly scheduled classes. ("Days of regularly scheduled classes" is defined
as Monday through Friday of each week in the term, excluding holidays as specified in the University
Calendar.) However, students who have been warned about unsatisfactory academic performance in a

4-20 University of Florida

course should be advised not to incur additional absences whether or not they are participants in approved
university-sponsored activities, regardless of the number of days they have been absent.

Inventions and Copyrightable Works
The specific procedures for dealing with these activities are described in the University Rules, the
Collective Bargaining Agreement and the University's Patent Policy. A faculty member has a responsibility
to disclose any invention made during the course of his or her university employment. Generally,
inventions and works outside the faculty member's field or discipline and for which no university support
has been used become the property of the faculty member, who has the right to determine the disposition
of such work and revenue derived from such activities. Proceeds from the licensing or sale of any inventions
or works in which the University exerts an interest are shared with the faculty member/inventor. All
inquiries regarding inventions, patents and copyrights should be directed to the Division of Sponsored
Research's Office of Patent, Copyright and Technology Licensing.

Layoff and Recall
(6C-5.125, 6C-5.771, Articles 12, 13)
In the event that layoff action is necessary (i.e., the termination of the employment of a permanent
member of the faculty or the termination of employment of a faculty member, during the term of a contract),
the University must follow specific, legally mandated notification procedures, assist the faculty member
in finding other employment and provide the right to reemployment for two years. If a potential layoff
situation arises, contact Academic Affairs for specific guidance.

(6C1-5.305, 6C1-7.017, 6C1-7.029, Articles 16, 17,22)

Annual Leave
Annual leave is provided for twelve-month faculty. This leave should be taken when necessary for a
faculty member to be absent from his or her assigned duties and responsibilities for reasons other than for
illness or the other leave situations discussed in this section. Full-time faculty members on twelve-month
appointments accrue annual leave at the rate of 6.769 hours biweekly or a number of hours that is directly
proportionate to the number of days worked during less than a full pay period. Part-time faculty on twelve-
month appointments accrue leave at a rate directly proportional to the percent of time employed. Faculty
on less than a twelve-month appointment do not earn annual leave. A maximum (352 hours) of annual
leave may be accumulated. After 352 hours of annual leave have been accrued, no further annual leave shall
be accrued until an accrued balance credited falls below 352 hours. The hours accrued shall be credited at
the conclusion of each pay period.
Annual leave must be earned before being taken. All requests for annual leave should be submitted to
the chair or supervisor as far in advance as possible. Approval of the dates of annual leave shall be at the
discretion of the chair or supervisor and shall be subject to the consideration of departmental and
organizational scheduling. Full-time faculty members may be required by the chair or supervisor to take
up to 20 days of annual leave during the twelve months following such notice.
Upon termination from an annual leave-accruing contract, the faculty member shall be paid for up to
30 days (240 hours) of unused annual leave at the salary rate the faculty member was accruing as of the
faculty member's last day of work. All unused annual leave in excess of 30 days shall be forfeited by the
faculty member. The exception to this is in the event of the death of the employee. In this instance payment
may be for up to 352 hours.

Sick Leave
Full-time faculty members earn four hours of sick leave for each biweekly pay period. Part-time faculty
accrue leave at a rate directly proportional to the percent of time employed. There is no limitation on total
hours to be accrued. Faculty on OPS appointments do not earn sick leave unless participating in the Phased
Retirement Program. Sick leave must be earned before being taken. Faculty members who participate in
sick leave pools may use the sick leave available to them through participation in the pool. For information

Faculty Handbook 4-21

on the University's sick leave pool, call either the Academic Personnel Office (2-1251) or the Special
Programs Office (2-4626) in University Personnel Services.
A faculty member who is unable to perform duties because of a disability/illness must use accrued sick
leave. A faculty member who suffers a disability/illness should notify the chair/supervisor, as soon as
possible, of the need to use the leave. Sick or annual leave should be used to cover personal appointments
with a doctor, dentist or other recognized medical practitioner scheduled during normal working hours.
Faculty may also request to use sick leave in reasonable amounts for absences resulting from the illness or
injury of the faculty member's immediate family, and may use sick leave in reasonable amounts for
absences resulting from the death of a family member.
It is important to mention that under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act an eligible
faculty member may request to take twelve (12) workweeks of medical leave during any designated twelve-
month period for the serious illness of the faculty member, spouse or immediate family, including parents.
The provisions of Section 110.122, Florida Statutes, authorizes the University to pay faculty for unused
sick leave. A faculty member who has completed 10 or more years of creditable state service and who
separates from state government because of retirement or resignation, shall be compensated at the faculty
member's current regular hourly rate of pay. Payment for unused sick leave will be at the rate of one-eighth
of the hours of sick leave accrued prior to October 1,1973, and one-fourth of the hours of sick leave accrued
on or after October 1, 1973, to the date of separation from the University, not to exceed 480 hours (the total
hours eligible for payment). The current hourly rate of pay is determined by dividing the biweekly rate by
80 hours if employed at 1.0 FTE. These payments will be made in lump sum and shall not be used in
determining the average final compensation of a faculty member in any state-administered retirement

Job-Related Disability Leave
A faculty member who sustains a job-connected disability that is compensable under the Workers'
Compensation Law shall be carried in full-pay status for a period of medically certified injury not to exceed
seven days immediately following the injury, or for a maximum of 40 work hours if taken intermittently,
without being required to use accrued sick or annual leave. If, as a result of the job-related injury, the faculty
member is unable to resume work at the end of the period, the faculty member may elect to use sufficient
accrued leave, along with the Workers' Compensation payments, to provide the regular salary received
prior to the occurrence of the disability. In no case shall the faculty member's salary and Workers'
Compensation benefits exceed the amount of the faculty member's regular salary payments. The faculty
member may choose to be placed on job-related disability leave without pay and shall receive normal
Workers' Compensation benefits if all earned leave has been exhausted, or if the faculty member elects not
to use accrued leave. The job-related disability leave, with or without pay, shall be for a period not to exceed
the duration of the disability leave or for one year, whichever is less.

Compulsory Disability Leave
If a faculty member is considered to be unable to perform assigned duties due to illness, disability or injury,
the President or designated University representative may require the faculty member to submit to a medical
examination by a licensed physician chosen and paid for by the University, or by a licensed physician chosen
and paid for by the faculty member, and who is acceptable to the representative and who shall submit a report
to the University. If the medical examination confirms that the faculty member is unable to perform assigned
duties, the faculty member will be placed on compulsory disability leave and required to exhaust all earned
leave credits prior to being placed on leave without pay. If the faculty member fulfills the terms and
conditions of the compulsory disability leave and receives a current medical certification that he or she is able
to perform assigned duties, the representative will return the faculty member to previous duties, if possible,
or to equivalent duties. If the faculty member fails to fulfill the terms and conditions of the compulsory
disability leave and/or is unable to return to work and perform assigned duties at the end of a compulsory
leave period, the representative may, based upon the University's needs: (a) offer the faculty member part-
time employment, (b) place the faculty member in leave without pay status or extend such status, (c) request
the faculty member's resignation or (d) release the faculty member from employment. Compulsory disability
leave with or without pay shall be for a period not to exceed the duration of the disability or one year,
whichever is less.

4-22 University of Florida

Military Leave
Upon presentation of official orders or appropriate military certification, a faculty member who is a
member of the Armed Forces Reserve, including the National Guard, shallbe granted leave with pay during
periods when engaged in annual field training or other active or inactive duty training exercises. The leave
with pay shall not exceed 17 work days in any annual period, based on the federal fiscal year (October 1
- September 30). This is also true for a faculty member who is a member of the Florida National Guard when
ordered to active duty by the state. This leave does not affect the faculty member's annual leave balance.
A faculty member, unless employed in a temporary position or on a temporary basis, shall be granted
leave beginning with the date of induction into active military service and ending up to one year after the
date of separation from the military service or from a period of hospitalization continuing after discharge
for not more than one year. The first 30 days of such leave shall be with full pay and shall not affect a faculty
member's annual or sick leave balance. The remainder of military leave shall be without pay unless the
faculty member elects to use accumulated leave. A faculty member may use any type of accrued leave in
an amount necessary to cover the faculty member's contribution to the state insurance programs or other
expenses incurred by the faculty member during a period of military leave when the faculty member would
otherwise be on leave without pay.

Jury Duty and Court Appearances
It is recognized that faculty members may be called upon to participate in jury duty or court
appearances. The following describes university procedures for such occurrences:
1. Jury Duty and Similar Appearances
When a faculty member is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a matter
not involving the faculty member's personal interests, and not resulting directly from his or her employ-
ment with the University, he or she shall be granted leave with pay, and will retain jury or witness fees
earned. The leave granted shall not affect the balance of annual or sick leave.
2. University Employee Appearances
When a faculty member is subpoenaed as a witness as a direct result of university employment such
duty shall be considered a part of faculty duties and responsibilities and he or she shall be paid for time and
travel expenses. Any fees received will belong to the University.
3. Personal Litigation Appearances
When a faculty member is involved in personal litigation he or she must request annual leave or, if in
a non-annual leave-accruing position, must arrange for such appearance during non-scheduled working
hours and/or must seek an adjustment of his or her duties and responsibilities with the chair/supervisor,
if appropriate.
4. Outside Employment Appearances
Faculty members may be employed as expert witnesses pursuant to the University's policy and rules
on outside activities. Any court appearance resulting from employment as an expert witness or any other
outside employment would necessitate a faculty member requesting to take annual leave, or, if in a non-
annual leave-accruing position, may necessitate the faculty member arranging the appearance during non-
scheduled working hours and/or seeking an adjustment of his or her duties and responsibilities with the
chair/supervisor, if appropriate.

Compensated Leaves
Faculty accrue normal leave credits while on compensated leave (leave with pay) in full pay status, or
while participating in the University's professional development programs, i.e. sabbaticals, professional or
faculty development leave which are credited as in full-pay status. For a faculty member in less than full-
pay status, other than those in the University's professional development leave programs, leave may be
accrued in proportion to the pay status. Time spent on compensated leave may be credited toward tenure
or permanent status. This should be determined and confirmed in writing at the time leave is granted. A
faculty member on compensated leave may not be employed simultaneously by another employer unless
the faculty member complies with the requirements for additional state compensation or the University's
policy regarding outside activities/conflict of interest.

Uncompensated Leave
Upon request of a faculty member, an uncompensated leave (leave without pay) for a period not to
exceed one year may be granted, unless the President's representative determines that granting the leave

Faculty Handbook 4-23

would be inconsistent with the best interests of the University. The leave period may be extended upon
mutual agreement. While on leave without pay, the faculty member will retain accumulated sick leave and
annual leave, but will not earn sick leave or annual leave nor be entitled to holiday pay. Time spent on
uncompensated leave may be credited toward tenure or permanent status and should be determined and
confirmed in writing at the time leave is granted. Retirement credit during the period of leave without pay
shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the Division of Retirement.
Under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act an eligible faculty member may request to
take twelve (12) workweeks of medical leave during any designated twelve-month period for the serious
illness of the faculty member, spouse or immediate family, including parents.
Intermittent use of accrued leave is authorized to be used during this period to enable faculty members
on leave without pay for parental leave or medical reasons, other than compulsory disability leave, to
continue the faculty member's contribution to the state insurance program, as well as to meet other financial
It is important to mention that upon return from an approved leave of absence from the two leaves
described directly above, i.e. compensated and uncompensated leaves, the faculty member will return to
the same faculty classification, unless the University and the faculty member agree in writing to other terms
and conditions. The salary of the faculty member shall be adjusted to reflect all nondiscretionary increases
distributed during the period of leave.

Parental Leave
Upon written request, a faculty member shall be granted a parental leave of absence without pay not
to exceed six months when the faculty member becomes a biological parent or when a child is placed in the
faculty member's home pending adoption. The period of parental leave normally begins no more than two
weeks before the expected date of the child's arrival. The University's designated representative shall
acknowledge in writing the period of leave to be granted, including the date of return to employment. At
the end of the approved parental leave of absence without pay, and at the faculty member's request, part-
time leave without pay for a period not to exceed one year may be granted.
Any illness caused or contributed to by pregnancy shall be treated as a temporary disability and the
faculty member shall be allowed to use accrued sick leave credits when the temporary disability is certified
by a physician. After the period of disability a faculty member on parental leave may request to use any
type of accrued leave, i.e. annual or sick leave, intermittently in an amount necessary to cover his or her
contribution to the state insurance program and other expenses incurred when the faculty member would
otherwise be on leave without pay. The employer contribution to the state insurance program will continue
for the corresponding payroll periods.
Time spent on uncompensated leave may be credited toward tenure or permanent status and should
be determined and confirmed in writing at the time leave is granted.

Faculty members shall be entitled to observe leaves for all official holidays. No classes shall be
scheduled on holidays. Classes not held because of a holiday shall not be rescheduled. Please refer to
Holidays in this section of the handbook.

Professional Development Leave Programs
Sabbaticals and faculty and professional development leave programs provide eligible faculty members
with the opportunity to take a period of time for the purposes of professional renewal, planned travel, study,
formal education, research, writing or other experience of professional value, but not as a reward for service.
Sabbaticals and faculty development leaves are for tenured or tenure-earning faculty after six years of
continuous full-time University of Florida service. Professional development leave is for non-tenure earning
faculty after three years of continuous full-time University of Florida service. These leaves may be for two
semesters at half pay or for one semester at full pay or, for the equivalent period of time. These leave programs
are coordinated as follows: in the Educational and General (E&G) Unit by the Office of Academic Affairs, in
the College of Law by the Dean's Office, in the Health Science Center (HSC) by the Vice President for Health
Affairs, and in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) by the IFAS Personnel Office.
Application for the leave program should include a statement describing the program to be followed
while on the leave, the expected increase in value of the faculty member to the University, specific results
anticipated from the leave, any expected supplementary income and a statement from the applicant
agreeing to comply with the terms of the program. It is important to mention that these leave programs may
vary between academic units, e.g. in the E & G Unit the application is normally submitted one year in

4-24 University of Florida

advance of the leave requested, while in the other units (HSC, IFAS and Law) the time may be less. Faculty
members normally are not eligible for participation in these programs again until a period of continuous
University of Florida service has been completed since the last professional development leave.
The Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) may be able to assist faculty in identifying potential sources
of funding for sabbatical activities. Faculty are encouraged to plan a year or more ahead to take advantage
of potential opportunities that fit specific fields of interest. Some competitive funding may also be
requested through the DSR research development awards program in the categories of "mid-career
initiatives" or "new directions in research." If a faculty member receives fellowships, grants-in-aid or
financial assistance from sources other than the University to assist in accomplishing the program, the
university salary normally shall be reduced so that the total income is equal to the faculty member's regular
salary. Employment unrelated to the purpose of the leave is governed by the applicable outside activity/
conflict of interest provisions of the University rules. Contributions normally made by the University to
State Group Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, and retirement and social security
programs shall be continued on a basis proportionate to the salary received. For this reason, faculty who
have leaves at half pay should contact the University Benefits Office to make arrangements for full benefits
coverage. Eligible faculty members shall continue to accrue annual and sick leave on a full-time basis
during the leave period.
Faculty members must agree, in writing, to return to the University for at least one year following
participation in the program. If the faculty member does not fulfill that agreement, or participate in the
program as stated in the proposal, the faculty member will be required to reimburse the University the
amount of salary received during the leave. Upon returning to the University, the faculty member shall
submit a written report of accomplishments during the leave. This report shall include information
regarding the activities undertaken during the period of the leave, the results accomplished as they affect
the faculty member and the University, and the research or other scholarly works produced or expected to
be produced as a result of the leave. The report of the professional development leave activities is to be
considered in the annual evaluation process at the department or unit level.

Leave Records
An accurate record of all types of leave earned and taken shall be maintained by the academic department
or unit on a current basis for each faculty member, including leave taken with or without pay.

Presidential Leave
The President may grant a leave with or without pay to a faculty member under any circumstance which
is beneficial to the University.

Any faculty member who terminates employment with the State University System and is not
reemployed with the System within 100 days, except one who is laid off and subsequently recalled, shall
be considered to have had a break-in-service.

Unauthorized Absence
Any unauthorized absence from employment, five (5) or more consecutive work days for non-unit
faculty or, for in-unit faculty, twelve (12) or more consecutive days, shall be considered a break-in-service
and may be deemed a resignation or misconduct unless other provisions are made by the President or the
designee. A faculty member who does not return to employment at the conclusion of a leave and has not
been granted an extension of such leave shall be considered to have resigned from employment.

Leave Pending Investigation
When the President or the designee has reason to believe that the faculty member's presence on the job
will adversely affect the operation of the University, the faculty member may be immediately placed on
leave pending investigation of the related eventss. The leave pending investigation shall commence
immediately after the designee has provided the faculty member with written notice of the reasons thereof.
The leave shall be with pay, with no reduction of accrued leave.

Unplanned University Closings
The President or designee may close the University, or portions of the University, in the event an
Executive Order declaring an emergency has been issued. When natural disasters or other sudden and
unplanned emergency conditions occur which are not covered by an Executive Order, the President or

Faculty Handbook

designee shall determine whether the University, or any portion thereof, is affected by the emergency and
is to be closed. Such closing will be only for the period of time it takes to restore normal working conditions.
A closing beyond two consecutive days shall require the approval of the Chancellor. Leave resulting from
such an emergency closing shall not reduce the faculty members' leave balances.

Compensable Time
No compensatory time is earned by faculty for work beyond 40 hours in a "normal" work week because
faculty work contractual periods of time (nine, ten or twelve months), not hours.

Limited Access Records
Records reflecting evaluations of faculty member performance shall be confidential and open to
inspection only by the faculty member being evaluated and by the officials of the University who are
responsible for the supervision or evaluation of faculty members. Except as required for use by the
President of the University (or designee) in the discharge of official duties, the custodian of such limited-
access records may release such records only upon authorization in writing from the faculty member
concerned or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

Nondiscrimination Policy
(6C-5.103, 6C1-1.006, 6C1-1.0062, Article 6)
The University is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, marital or veteran status,
sex, religion, creed, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, age or disability. This commitment
applies to all members of the university community, i.e. students, faculty and staff. It also applies to guests
and the University's relations with contractors, suppliers of goods and services, and to the use of university
facilities. Furthermore, the University believes in equal opportunity practices which conform to both the
spirit and the letter of all laws against discrimination. To comply with this commitment to nondiscrimina-
tion, equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment practices, the University follows the
employment procedures set forth in the Florida Administrative Code, the Collective Bargaining Agreement
and the University's Affirmative Action Plan.

Nonrenewal of Appointment
(6C1-5.056, 6C1-7.013, 6C1-7.041, 6C1-7.042, Articles 10, 12, 13, 20)
No appointment, other than for tenured or permanent status faculty members, should be considered to
create any right, interest or expectancy beyond the specific term of the contract. The University may choose
not to review the employment of a non-tenured or non-permanent status faculty member with appropriate
notice as indicated below. However, the effective date of the non-reappointment may not occur during the
term of the existing contract. Administrators who are not renewing a faculty member's appointment
should meet with the faculty member and explain the reasons) for non-reappointment and provide the
faculty member with written notice of non-renewal as follows:

For Non-Unit Faculty
a. In the initial contract year of university service (i.e. for 9-month faculty,a contractual period from
August to May or, for 12-month faculty, a contractual period from July to June) 3 months prior
to the effective date of the non-reappointment;
b. In the second contractual year of continuous university service, 6 months prior to the effective
date of the non-reappointment; and
c. In the third contractual year of continuous university service or beyond, 12 months prior to the
effective date of the non-reappointment.
These notification procedures also apply to non-unit faculty on "soft money" who have five (5) or more
years of continuous university service as of June 30,1993.

4-26 University of Florida

For In-Unit Faculty
a. In the first two contractual years of university service, the faculty member must be notified one
full semester (19.5 weeks) prior to the effective date of the non-reappointment; and
b. In the third and succeeding contractual years of continuous university service, one full year (12
months) prior to the effective date of the non-reappointment.
These notification procedures also apply to in-unit faculty on "soft-money" who have five (5) or more
years of continuous university service as of June 30,1991.

Faculty appointed for less than one (1) academic year or appointed to a visiting appointment are not
entitled to notice that they will not be offered further appointment if the following statement is included
in the notice of appointment: "Your employment under this contract will cease on the date indicated. No
further notice of cessation of employment is required." If this statement is not included, the appropriate
notice provisions stated above are necessary for in-unit faculty; for non-unit faculty the notice requirement
is ninety (90) days. The effective date of the non-reappointment may not occur during the term of the
existing contract.
Faculty on "soft money," e.g. contracts, grants, sponsored research funds, and grants and donations
trust funds, in their first five (5) years of continuous university service need not be provided notice if the
following statement is included in the notice of appointment: "Your employment under this contract will
cease on the date indicated. No further notice of cessation of employment is required." If this statement
is not included, ninety (90) days notice must be provided. The effective date of the non-reappointment may
not occur during the term of the existing contract.
Faculty on "soft money" who have five (5) or more years of continuous university service shall receive
ninety (90) days notice of non-renewal after July 1,1993. The effective date of the non-reappointment may
not occur during the term of the existing contract.

Outside Activity and Conflict of Interest
(6C-5.245, 6C-5.255, 6C-5.825, 6C1-1.009, 6C1-1.010, 6C1-1.011, 6C1-2.012, 6C1-2.017, 6C1-6.015, Articles
13, 18, 19)

General Policy
The University is committed to assisting faculty members in their pursuit of teaching, research and
service through their university duties. Faculty members may also engage in outside employment,
consulting and other similar activities. Participation in outside activities may serve the mission of the
University, in addition to benefiting individual faculty members. Such activities and outside financial
interests of faculty members are, however, of concern to the University if they result in conflicts with the
faculty member's duties and responsibilities to the institution. It is the policy of the University that faculty
and other employees may participate in outside activities and hold financial interests as long as the
activities and interests do not conflict with these duties and responsibilities. (It is recognized that certain
academic units may have specific or special missions that may require additional considerations in the
review process.) An informational primer on conflict of interest and outside activities has been developed
by a faculty task force appointed by the Provost to provide detailed information on this topic. The primer,
titled University of Florida Guidelines, Policies and Procedures on Outside Activities and Conflict of
Interest, is available in each dean's or director's office.

Responsibilities of a Faculty Member
Faculty members wishing to engage in activities outside the University have an obligation to assure that
such activities do not infringe upon responsibilities to the University, i.e. activities which may conflict
between the faculty member's private interests and the public interest of the University, or which may
otherwise interfere with the full and faithful performance of the faculty member's professional responsi-
bilities and other institutional responsibilities. These activities may include outside employment, consult-
ing and other similar activities which are not a part of the faculty member's assigned duties and
responsibilities. The faculty member is responsible for notifying the University administration of the
details of the proposed activity, normally, prior to engaging in the activity. If a faculty member has any
questions about potential conflict or interference with his or her duties or obligations, the employment or
activity should be discussed with the faculty member's chair or immediate supervisor.

Faculty Handbook 4-27

It is also recognized that various activities of faculty members for organizations outside the University
may be considered as within the scope of the faculty member's assigned duties and/or responsibilities as
a university employee. For example, service for certain professional organizations would not be "outside
activities" required to be disclosed and regulated by university policies, unless an honorarium is involved.
However, such activities must be approved as part of the faculty member's university responsibility, and
any use of university resources with regard to these duties must receive appropriate approval.
A faculty member engaging in outside activities must take reasonable precautions to ensure that the
outside employer or other recipient of services understands that the faculty member is engaging in the
activities as an individual and not on behalf of the University.
If a faculty member plans to use university equipment, facilities or the services of other personnel in
connection with the activity, such requests for permission must be submitted in writing to the administra-
tor responsible for the academic unit or facility who is responsible for establishing the charges for use of the
equipment, facilities or services. Refer also to Use of University Facilities and Services.

Responsibilities of Administrators
The faculty member's department chair and/or dean (or director) has the responsibility of ascertaining
that the faculty member's responsibilities are not being abrogated by the activity. If the activity is deemed
to be a conflict of interest and/or interferes with the faculty member's obligations to the University, he or
she should be advised in writing by the dean or director or the appropriate administrator of the reasons the
activity is not appropriate and/or the conditions under which it may be permitted. The administrator is
also responsible for establishing and advising the faculty member of the charges he or she must pay if using
university equipment, facilities and/or services.

Notification and Disclosure Procedures
A faculty member should provide written disclosure for any of the activities described in this section
on the University's Outside Activities Report form, which is available in each college. The disclosure should
be submitted to the faculty member's chair or immediate supervisor who is initially responsible for
reviewing the report and determining whether the proposed outside activity appears to constitute a conflict
of interest or other interference with the faculty member's assignment. If the proposed activity is deemed
to constitute a conflict of interest or to interfere with the faculty member's duties, the matter should be
discussed with the faculty member as soon as possible. If there is a conflict, the chair or dean (or director)
will promptly notify the faculty member in writing of the judgment that the proposed outside activity or
employment appears to constitute a conflict of interest or other interference with the faculty member's
duties and, if appropriate, the conditions under which it may be permitted or the denial of permission.
In making the required disclosure, the following information should be furnished:

a. Name of employing entity or person, or name of entity in which the financial interest is held, and
nature of its business.
b. Involvement of students and other employees in the activity, employing entity or entity in which
the financial interest is held.
c. Nature of activity or financial interest, including time spent if an activity is involved (hours per
d. Location and anticipated dates of activity.
e. Any conditions of the activity which involve waiving or impairing the employee's or University's
right to intellectual property.
f. Use of university equipment, facilities or services in connection with the activity.
g. Number of outside activities and financial interests filed for the contractual year.
h. Prior approval of the activity or financial interest in the previous contractual year, if applicable.

In addition to the above, other information may also be requested in order to assure a complete review
of the activity if there are potential conflicts involved. It is important to point out that in certain cases
disclosure to the Secretary of State of Florida may also be required.
Authorization for outside activities is normally granted for a specific period of time, not to exceed one
year and ending June 30th, which is the end of the University's fiscal year. If the outside activity is to extend
beyond June 30th, a new notification must be submitted prior to July 1 for the coming year or in the case
of nine-month faculty at the beginning of the academic year.

University of Florida


Activities Which Must be Disclosed and/or Approved
Faculty must disclose outside activities and financial interests as follows:

1. The following outside activities and financial interests must be reported and approved prior to
engaging in the activity:
a. Outside activities in which there is more than an incidental use of university facilities, equipment
and/or services.
b. Outside activities in which a university student or other university employee is directly or
indirectly supervised by the employee if the employee in any way supervises or evaluates that
student or other university employee at the University.
c. Management, employment, consulting and contractual activities with, or ownership interests in,
a business entity which does business with the University or competes with the University.
d. Candidate for public office.
2. The following outside activities and financial interests must be reported prior to the employee
engaging in the activity:
a. Required use of books, supplies, equipment or other instructional resources at the University
when they are created or published by the employee or by an entity in which the employee has
a financial interest.
b. Professional compensated activities, including teaching at another institution.
c. Business activities, including service on the board of directors or other management interests or
position, with regard to a business entity in the same discipline or field in which the faculty or
staff member is employed.
d. Any employment, contractual relationship or financial interest of the employee which may create
a continuing or recurring conflict between the employee's interests and the performance of the
employee's public responsibilities and obligations, including time commitments. This includes
any outside activity in which the employee is required to waive rights to intellectual property.
3. If not otherwise required to be reported as stated above, the following activity must be reported as
soon as possible:
Activities, including the receipt of honoraria in excess of expenses, which the employee should
reasonably conclude may create an actual or apparent conflict of interest, including conflict of
time commitments.

Code of Ethics for State of Florida Employees
As State of Florida employees, faculty members must abide by the Code of Ethics for State Employees.
The Florida Legislature in formulating the Code of Ethics stated that it "is essential to the proper conduct
and operation of government that public officials be independent and impartial and that public office not
be used for private gain other than the remuneration provided by law." At the same time the legislature
recognized that public officials and state employees should not be "denied the opportunity, available to all
other citizens, to acquire and retain private economic interests except when conflicts with the responsibility
of such officials to the public cannot be avoided." The Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees,
Part III of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, is designed, therefore, to "protect against any conflict of interest
and establish standards for the conduct of elected officials and government employees in situations where
conflicts may exist." The provisions of the Code provide standards of conduct for state employees,
requirements concerning disclosure of financial interests for certain employees, a description of the role of
the Florida Commission on Ethics, and penalties and procedures with regard to violations of the standards
of conduct. The list of issues in the Code that may be of importance to faculty include: misuse of position,
use of information, gifts and honoraria, doing business with the University, and conflicting employment
and contractual relationships. The penalties for infractions include dismissal from employment, suspen-
sion without pay, demotion, reduction in salary, forfeiture of a portion of salary, a civil penalty not to exceed
$5,000, restitution of benefits received because of violation, and public censure and reprimand.

Dual Employment
There are specific provisions of law which govern the obligations and responsibilities of faculty
members who receive other state compensation in addition to their annual salary. Dual employment must
be anticipated, reported and approved in advance of the activity. University faculty are not eligible for dual
employment or compensation at the University of Florida if the additional employment deals with their
normal assignment duties, i.e. teaching, research and/or service.

Faculty Handbook 4-29

Procedures for Requesting Use of University Resources
A faculty member who wants to use the facilities, equipment or services of the University in connection
with any outside activity should report the planned use and seek prior approval of the President (or the
designated representative). The use should be reported on appropriate university forms. Approval for the
use of university facilities, equipment or services may be conditioned upon reimbursement for the use of
the resources and may be subject to conditions such as times for the use of equipment. Therefore, faculty
members planning to use staff, office or other university facilities or materials for the private practice of their
profession or consulting activities must seek administrative approval from their chair or supervisor. A
condition of such approval, where indicated, will be the payment of a reasonable fee to the University for
use of these facilities. A faculty member may also request permission to use university property, facilities
or other personal services not connected with outside employment. Such requests should be submitted in
writing to the dean or director or other administrator responsible for the academic unit or facility housing
the resource to be used. The dean or director must indicate in writing whether authorization is granted and
any conditions pertaining to the use, if any.

(6C1-7.070, Article 8)
Overload shall be defined as any instructional duties in a continuing education activity in excess of a full
appointment assigned through the Division of Continuing Education (DOCE). Faculty are not eligible for
overload, other than through DOCE, or for dual employment at the University of Florida if the additional
employment deals with their normal assignment duties or responsibilities, i.e. teaching, research and/or

Pay Plan, Faculty
(6C-5.111, 6C1-7.003, Article 23)
The instructional and research faculty are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Appropriations
Act and instructions from the Chancellor, and are paid at regular intervals in accordance with the biweekly
payroll schedule established by the State Comptroller. The salary distribution for in-unit faculty is subject
to negotiations by the faculty union (UFF). Each faculty member normally receives no more than one salary
increase per 12-month period. The effective date of the annual salary increase shall be determined by the
Chancellor and/or legislative action.

Payroll Procedure
The employing department will provide the faculty member with a payroll packet which will contain
forms to be signed by the faculty member. Included in the packet are documents relating to withholding
taxes (W-4 card), fringe benefits, choice of retirement plans, retirement information, compliance with the
Immigration and Reform Act, workers' compensation, a loyalty oath which is required by the State of
Florida affirming support of the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida, a substance abuse
questionnaire, and a patent and copyright agreement required by the University. A faculty member's
appointment is conditioned upon the completion and execution of these documents. The employing
department is responsible for preparing all other appointment documents, obtaining administrative
approval and certifying the salary rate and number of days for which the faculty member is to be paid.
Faculty are paid biweekly. The law requires a faculty member to be appointed and certified as completing
an assignment in order to be paid biweekly. If a faculty member is not appointed and assigned duties and
responsibilities, he or she cannot be certified as fulfilling those duties and therefore is not eligible for salary
payment. Faculty are paid every other Friday. Permanent identification cards may be obtained after the
faculty member's appointment is entered into the personnel payroll system.
The University provides a voluntary payroll deduction system for its insurance programs, as well as
other optional programs. As long as a faculty member remains on the payroll in pay status and is paid from
salary appropriations, the deductions for these programs will be made on a regular basis. If for any reason
the faculty member is removed from the payroll or there is a change in the appointment status or earnings,
the faculty member has the responsibility to contact the University Benefits Office and take the appropriate
steps to maintain the insurance program while in non-pay status.

4-30 University of Florida

Permanent Status
(6C-5.231, 6C1-6.009, 6C1-7.025, Article 15)
Permanent status assures the members of the P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School faculty and
county extension faculty that they may expect to continue in their academic positions unless suspended or
terminated for just cause or laid off in accordance with university procedures. Refer to Tenure, Permanent
Status and Promotion.

Personal Liability
(Article 21)
Section 768.28 of the Florida Statutes protects faculty members from personal liability under certain
circumstances. The law provides in pertinent part as follows:

No officer, employee, or agent of the state or of any of its subdivisions shall be held
personally liable in tort or named as a party defendant in any action for any injury or damage
suffered as a result of any act, event, or omission of action in the scope of his employment or
function, unless such officer, employee, or agent acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose
or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety, or property.

The State will not be liable in tort for the acts or omission of any faculty member committed outside the
scope of his or her employment or committed in bad faith, with malicious purpose, or in a manner exhibiting
wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety or property. In the event a faculty member is sued
for an act, event or omission which may fall within the scope of Section 768.28 of the Florida Statutes, the
faculty member should notify his or her chair and/or the dean or director as soon as possible after receipt
of the summons commencing the action in order that the University may fulfill its obligation. Failure to
notify the administration promptly may affect the rights of the parties involved in the action.

Phased Retirement Programs
(Article 24)
Entry into one of the University's phased retirement programs guarantees an eligible participant
reemployment the academic year following retirement for a period of three to five consecutive years (for
non-unit personnel, up to three years). The equivalent in proportional time applies to faculty members who
are employed less than full-time. The program may vary for non-unit faculty, so interested faculty should
contact the appropriate vice president and/or dean's office for specific program information.
Faculty who have accrued at least 10 years of creditable service in the Florida or Teachers Retirement
System (FRS, TRS) or Optional Retirement Program (ORP) are eligible to participate in the Phased
Retirement Program. The eligibility normally expires one year after the faculty member's 62nd birthday.
Faculty who decide to participate must provide written notice of retirement to their chair or dean/director
of their decision prior to the expiration of their eligibility. Faculty who choose to participate must retire with
an effective date not later than 180 days after they submit such written notice, except that when the end of
the 180-day period falls within a semester, the period may be extended. A faculty member electing to
participate in the Phased Retirement Program must remain off the payroll for at least one calendar month
immediately following retirement before beginning reemployment under the provisions of this program.
This condition is essential to ensure a bona fide retirement under the rules of the Division of Retirement.
Faculty will be offered reemployment under an Other Personal Services (OPS) contract. The assignment
will normally be a faculty assignment, not administrative. The assignment is generally scheduled within
one semester, beginning with the academic year next following the date of retirement. Compensation
during the period of reemployment shall be at a salary proportional to the salary prior to retirement,
including an amount comparable to the pre-retirement employer contribution for health and life insurance.
Some additional information items to consider for those interested in the program are the following:

1. The decision to participate in the program is IRREVOCABLE.
2. Participants relinquish all rights to tenure upon retirement. Therefore, they may vote on
promotions, as appropriate, but not on tenure nominations.
3. Participants, upon retirement, receive payment for any unused annual or sick leave.
4. Participants are granted 5 days of sick leave at the beginning of employment each year. The

Faculty Handbook 4-31

faculty member will not be paid for leave awarded but not used during the post-retirement
reemployment period.
5. Participants receive any across-the-board annual salary increases, and are eligible for both merit
and discretionary salary increases, in an amount proportionate to their FTE.
6. Participants are not eligible to participate in or accrue retirement credit in any state retirement
system, including FRS, subsequent to retirement.
7. Assignments will be scheduled within one semester unless the participant and the University
agree otherwise and may not exceed more than 780 hours during the 12 months after retirement.
8. Each participant who was formerly on a 12-month appointment shall be credited with an
additional 5 days of leave with pay at the beginning of each full-time semester appointment. The
leave shall not be accumulated, nor shall the participant be reimbursed for unused leave upon
termination of the post-retirement reemployment period.

Professional Development Leaves
Sabbaticals, professional development and faculty development leaves are described under Leaves in
this section.

Professional Meetings and Activities
(6C1-7.029, Article 21)
Faculty members are encouraged to attend professional meetings, conferences and activities. Approval
of the dates on which a faculty member wishes to attend such professional functions shall be at the
discretion of the appropriate administrator or supervisor and such attendance shall be subject to, but not
limited to, the consideration of the faculty member's assigned duties and responsibilities; the relevance of
the activity to the faculty member's own professional development; the benefits, if any, which accrue to the
department, college or the University; and consideration of departmental and organizational scheduling.

Professional Obligations
(6C1-7.010, Article 9)
The professional obligation of a faculty member is comprised of both scheduled and non-scheduled
activities. Faculty work contractual periods of time (nine- or twelve-month appointments and not hours)
and therefore do not receive compensatory time earned for work beyond the "normal" 40-hour week. It
is part of the faculty member's professional responsibility to carry out duties in an appropriate manner and
place. For example, while instructional activities, office hours and other duties and responsibilities may be
required to be performed at a specific time and place, other non-scheduled activities may not need to be
performed at a specific time and place. The manner and place of these non-scheduled activities should be
determined by the faculty member in consultation with the chair or supervisor. If a faculty member is
unable to meet his or her professional responsibilities, appropriate arrangements should be made with the
chair or supervisor, including requests for leaves. Refer also to the Statement on Ethics.

Public Records, Request for Disposal of
(6C1-1.051, 6C1-3.018)
The disposal of public records must comply with the provisions of the law. Any disposition procedure
or process requires the consideration of the legal, fiscal, historical and administrative value of the record.
Retention schedules for all university records have been established through the Records Management
Office. The Director of Records Management Office is designated as the University's Records Management
Liaison Officer and any questions or requests for assistance or requests for disposal of records should be
directed to the Records Management Office.

Religious Services, Accommodations for
University faculty members and annual leave-accruing faculty members wishing to observe a holy day
of their religious faith shall, upon notifying their supervisor, be allowed to take accrued leave or, in its
4-32 University of Florida

absence, leave without pay, to observe a religious day of their faith. A faculty member who wishes to
observe a religious day of his or her religious faith will make arrangements for another instructor to conduct
the class in his or her absence, or reschedule the class. The chair or supervisor should be consulted about
the arrangements prior to the absence.

(6C-5.305, 6C-5.802, 6C1-7.004, 6C1-7.017, 6C1-7.029, Articles 17, 24)
Faculty members who desire to obtain a release from a position are requested to submit a letter of
resignation to the chair or supervisor. Three months notice should be given, whenever possible. When a
faculty member fails to return to employment at the conclusion of a leave or fails to sign or accept the
University's renewal of appointment by means of the notice of re-appointment and/or employment contract,
the faculty member may be considered to have resigned from employment.

Retirement and Retired Faculty Benefits
(6C-5.135, 6C-5.305, 6C-5.802, 6C1-7.004, 6C1-7.017, Articles 12, 17)
There is no mandatory retirement age. Faculty are requested to give appropriate written notice of
retirement, specifying the last day of employment, to their chair, dean or director. Faculty are also asked
to give at least three months notice of retirement, if possible. It is suggested that the faculty member contact
the University Benefits Office at least six months in advance of planned retirement for information about
the continuation of benefits to which faculty are entitled, such as health and life insurance, and for assistance
in projecting retirement earnings.
Retired faculty with at least 10 years service with the University are eligible, upon request, on the same
basis as other faculty members, to receive the following benefits at the University, subject to university

1. Retired faculty member identification card,
2. Use of the university library (i.e., public rooms, lending and research service),
3. Listing in the University Directory and
4. Placement on designated university mailing lists.
At the option of the University, and in accordance with departmental/college policy, retired faculty
members may, upon request and if available, be given office space. In addition, fees may be charged to
retired faculty members for the following, and/or access granted to them on a space-available basis:

1. Use of university recreational facilities,
2. A university parking decal (a decal is provided at no cost for those retirees awarded Emeritus
Status) and
3. The right to enroll in courses for grade or credit without payment of fees, on a space-available
basis, in accordance with the provisions of Section 240.253(4), Florida Statutes. (Note: this
provision is also granted to persons 60 years of age or older.)

Salary Equity Discrimination Study, Annual
(6C1-1.013, Article 23)
Section 240.247, Florida Statutes, directs the University to undertake a program to eradicate discrimi-
nation on the basis of sex or race in the granting of salaries for faculty (and administrative and professional
positions) in the University, and to report the results of its study to the Board of Regents. The annual review
procedures for faculty members include a self-selection study and administrative reviews, which are to be
used in the identification of individuals whose salaries should be examined and/or recommended for a
salary equity adjustment. Administrators will provide the assistance and information the individuals may
need to prepare the materials for the review.

Faculty Handbook 4-33

Sexual Harassment
(6C1-1.006, 6C1-1.008, 6C1-7.010, 6C1-7.036, 6C1-7.041, 6C1-7.048 Articles 6,16, 20)
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and constitutes a form of misconduct which
undermines the integrity of the University. Sexual harassment is a violation of both state and federal laws
and of the rules and regulations of the University. All faculty members, other employees and students must
be allowed to work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcomed sexual overtures. As stated
in the University's "Policy on Sexual Harassment":

Sexual harassment at the University of Florida will not be tolerated and cannot be ignored. The
University policy states that no member of the University community may sexually harass
another community member or a visitor to the University. Sexual harassment occurs in a
variety of situations which share a commonality: the inappropriate introduction of sexual
activities or comments in a situation where sex would otherwise be irrelevant. The University
is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature and occurs when:

The submission to or acquiescence in conduct of a sexual nature is made a term or condition of an
individual's employment or academic performance;
The submission to or rejection of conduct of a sexual nature by an individual is used as the basis for
decisions such as employment, promotion, transfer, selection for training, performance evaluation or
the basis of an academic evaluation;
The presence of conduct of a sexual nature creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or
educational environment or interferes substantially with an employee's work performance or
student's academic performance;
A sexual element is introduced into what should be a sex-neutral situation causing the boundaries
which normally exist between the professional role and personal relationship to become blurred; or
Subtle or overt coercion and threats are used to pursue a sexual relationship.

It is the intent of the University's policy to protect all members of the university community while trying
to address and resolve the problem and eliminate any inappropriate behavior. In order to do this, the
responsibility for reporting incidents of sexual harassment must rest with all members of the university
community. Any employee (or student) in a supervisory capacity who has knowledge of possible sexual
harassment should report the matter directly to a university administrator. Any faculty member who has
a complaint of sexual harassment or who has knowledge of sexual harassment should report it to the
appropriate dean or director. In addition to the complaint procedure, there are grievance procedures
provided in accordance with the provisions of the University rules and the Collective Bargaining
Agreement that may be utilized to pursue a grievance. Failure to report incidents of sexual harassment
could result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Complaints, whether verbal, written or
anonymous, will be reviewed, and retaliation directed against persons reporting such conduct will not be
tolerated. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, the University holds matters involving sexual
harassment confidential. The rights of all parties are respected in the process. Counseling services for
university employees may be available through the various programs covered by the employees' insurance
programs. A confidential referral service is the Employee Assistance Program (338-9834).

The following administrative procedure is followed in handling complaints or alleged incidents of
sexual harassment:

When complaints or incidents of sexual harassment occur, they should be brought to the
attention of a dean or director. If the complaint or alleged incident is directed toward a dean or
director, it shall be brought to the attention of the Provost. A review of the complaint shall be
Upon receipt of or knowledge of the complaint or alleged incident, the dean or director shall
advise the Assistant Vice President in the University's Affirmative Action Office.
The dean or director or the respective designee shall proceed to review the complaint or alleged


University of Florida

incident. The accused shall be notified of the complaint, afforded an opportunity to respond and
notified of the outcome of the review. The complainant and the accused may seek assistance
through the Employee Assistance Program.
-The review of a complaint or incident shall include interviewing the complainant, the accused
and any pertinent witnesses and reviewing relevant documentation. The dean or director shall
work closely with the Assistant Vice President during the review. The Assistant Vice President
shall provide assistance to the dean or director in conducting the review, in protecting the rights
of all parties, in following proper procedures and in providing appropriate notifications.
At any time during the review the dean or director, the complainant and the accused may agree
to a resolution of the complaint. Notification of the resolution will be given to the Assistant Vice
Upon prompt completion of the review, the dean or director shall determine whether or not
sexual harassment has occurred and shall advise the Assistant Vice President of the findings. The
dean or director shall normally be responsible for informing the complainant and the accused of
the results of the investigation and of any action taken.
If a finding of sexual harassment is made, a record will be filed in the faculty member's personnel
evaluation file. The findings also shall be maintained by the Assistant Vice President. The dean
or director shall take all reasonable precautions to protect the complainant from reprisals.
If no finding of sexual harassment is made, the confidential findings of the review shall be
maintained by the Assistant Vice President in a confidential file. The accused, at his or her option,
may request that the findings be placed in the personnel evaluation file.
Those involved in the review and disposition of a sexual harassment complaint should keep in
mind its confidential nature.

Smoking Policy
The Florida Legislature enacted the "Florida Clean Indoor Air Act" for the purpose of protecting public
health, comfort and environment. The Act forbids designation of any smoking areas in SUS educational
facilities. Smoking is prohibited in all educational facilities, specifically including university classrooms,
faculty offices, administrative offices, dining facilities, student residential facilities or any other building
owned or leased by the University.

Stolen or Lost Equipment, Reporting of
The University Police Department (UPD) must be notified immediately when a loss or theft is
discovered. As soon as possible, these procedures should be followed:

1. Call UPD (2-1111) and report the loss or theft. If UPD decides that it is not necessary to dispatch
an officer to take a report of the loss or theft, then written notification of the loss or theft with a
description of the surrounding circumstances must be forwarded to UPD.
2. If the loss or theft involves university property, the chair or supervisor should be informed and a
copy of the written notification or a copy of the UPD report should be attached to the department's
Report of Survey and forwarded to Property Accounting, 316 Stadium.

Summer Appointments
(6C-5.132, Article 8)
The faculty member's chair normally has the responsibility for making the supplemental (summer)
appointments for the faculty on academic-year appointments. The assignments, which must be in support
of the institutional program, should be offered equitably and appropriately to qualified faculty not later
than five weeks prior to the beginning of the appointment period, if practicable, in accordance with the
University's criteria. The criteria should be posted in each department or equivalent unit. A faculty
member who "earns" his or her own summer employment (through the receipt or award of a sabbatical,
research grant, etc.) should not be omitted from the chair's consideration for subsequent supplemental
appointments because of such "earned" employment. The criteria and procedures for supplemental
Faculty Handbook 4-35

appointments include the provisions that the assignment be announced, conveyed in writing, recorded on
the Faculty Assignment Report and evaluated. In making such appointments, the chair should consider
such factors as: academic needs of students and/or students' demands for programs, budgeted resources
available to the department, programmatic needs of the department and the qualifications and perfor-
mance of the faculty members available to teach the courses deemed necessary to be offered during the
summer term. The chair will, if appropriate and possible, give priority to those faculty requesting
supplemental appointment before any other faculty member receives a full-time appointment or an
appointment during both supplemental terms.

Telephone and U.S. Mail Service
The SUNCOM network provides a uniform dialing plan for both on-network and off-network long
distance calls. It is to be used for official state business only. Personal calls on the State's SUNCOM
telephones are not authorized and are clearly contrary to the proper usage of these facilities. SUNCOM
directories are available in each administrative office. Periodic audits are conducted and individuals
making personal long distance calls will be subject to legal sanctions.
SUNCOM does not provide international or operator services. The University subscribes to an
alternative long-distance provider, MCI. MCI offers Direct Dial service to 190 countries worldwide, which
constitutes 99% of all international calling. Instructions for international dialing are on pages 15 and 16 of
the Gainesville telephone directory.
The University Postal Service Department posts and delivers U. S. mail and official university mail to
be consigned to the U. S. Postal Service. The services of the University Postal Service Department include
the application of postage, when it is authorized in advance by the mailing department and chargeable to
a university account. Personal mail will not be handled by the University Postal Service Department, and
the department does not sell stamps or money orders. The department maintains an interdepartmental
communications system, with services restricted to official interdepartmental communications originating
from departments and/or organizations which are funded by the University and have an established
budget. The department also offers one-day courier service delivery to state agencies in Tallahassee and
to State University System institutions. Another courier service is provided for the delivery of international
air mail and printed matter through the TNT Mailfast Company which supplements the normal U. S. Postal
Service delivery for this classification of mail. Two other postal service departments are operated by the
J. Hillis Miller Health Science Center (located in the basement of the Center) and the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences (located in the Dairy Science Building). In addition to the normal services described
above, both of these postal service departments sell stamps and money orders to the general public. The
U.S. Postal Service also provides drop boxes for mail throughout campus.

Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion
(6C-5.113, 6C-5.225, 6C1-6.009, 6C1-7.003, 6C1-7.019, 6C1-7.022, 6C1-7.025, Article V, Articles 14, 15)

General Information
Full-time or part-time faculty, with the rank of assistant professor or above, who are employed in tenure-
earning positions, are eligible for nomination for tenure in an academic department. Extension agents and
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School faculty are eligible for permanent status in their respective
units. Faculty appointed to serve in academic administrative positions may be eligible for tenure or
permanent status in the faculty rank, but not in the administrative portion of the assignment.
Decisions to promote or to grant tenure, although not identical, differ more in emphasis than they do
in kind. The granting of tenure is a more critical action than promotion, for it represents a commitment by
the institution to the individual, which is a very serious undertaking for the University. Both decisions,
however, represent an evaluation on the part of the University of the faculty member's total value to the
University and potential for the future as evidenced by his or her record in the past. Both require not only
a consideration of the candidate's fulfillment of his or her assigned responsibilities in research, teaching and
service, but also a broad-scale evaluation of his or her fitness to fulfill effectively the responsibilities
attendant to membership in the university community. They also require a determination that the
individual understands the concepts of academic freedom and academic responsibility and their close
interrelationship. The same criteria are to be applied in making or evaluating recommendations in both

4-36 University of Florida

tenure and promotion judgments. For example, less than five (5) years is generally too brief a period to
justify promotion to associate professor, and, therefore, recommendation for promotion before the five (5)-
year period (including service at other institutions) should be rare and special. The awarding of promotion
without concurrent or prior award of tenure should rarely occur. Although there are special cases in which
it will be acceptable to award tenure without concurrent promotion to the rank of associate professor or
higher, these cases should be limited to special circumstances.
The consideration for tenure normally begins during the fifth year, or its equivalent in part-time
continuous service in a tenure-earning position, although a faculty member may request earlier consider-
ation or deferral of consideration to the sixth year, with concurrence of the appropriate administrator. In
the case of a deferral, the deferral agreement should be in writing. Tenure-earning faculty members shall
either be recommended for tenure or given notice of non-renewal by the end of the sixth year of continuous
full-time or equivalent part-time academic service, including any approved credit transfer of tenure from
previous employment. Until such time international faculty in tenure eligible positions attain permanent
resident status in the United States, they may not be awarded tenure. Faculty who hold the rank of
instructor must, no later than the close of the fourth year of continuous employment or the equivalent in
part-time employment, be recommended for promotion or be given the required notice of non-reappoint-
ment. If promoted, they should possess the qualifications required of that rank.
Faculty members who expect to be considered for tenure, permanent status or promotion should begin,
as soon as possible, to collect the required information to be included in the nomination packets. Prior to
the consideration of the faculty member's nomination, the faculty member should review the materials in
the nomination packet to ensure that all the information pertinent to the nomination is present. It is the
responsibility of the faculty member to see that the tenure and/or promotion materials are complete.
However, if a faculty member has waived the right to review the letters of recommendation, these may not
be reviewed by the faculty member. The tenure, permanent status and/or promotion packet with
supporting materials shall be completed prior to departmental review and vote.
Administrators should advise faculty members of their progress toward tenure and permanent status,
and/or promotion, if requested.

Criteria for Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion
The University's criteria for tenure, permanent status and promotion recognize three broad categories
of academic service: research, teaching and service. In the case of the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, faculty contributions in the function of extension may be inclusive of the three broad categories
of academic service stated above. In most cases, all three types of service will be expected, though the ratios
may vary widely depending on the faculty member's assignment. The criteria for personnel decisions
should be described in the initial letter of appointment and will be reviewed with the faculty member at
various intervals during his or her employment, so that he or she will understand the basis of eventual
personnel decisions. In most cases, promotion and tenure or permanent status requires distinction in at
least two of the categories, one of which should be in the area of primary responsibility. Merit should
certainly be regarded as more important than quantity of activities. "Distinction" connotes performance
appreciably better than that of the average faculty member of the candidate's present rank and field. Any
recommendation shall contain evidence that such a comparative judgment has been made. At least three
letters of recommendation from persons outside of the University shall be sought for the evaluation, in
addition to any internal letters solicited.
In personnel decisions, a faculty member's activities in teaching, research and service must be
considered if the person has been assigned duties or responsibilities in all three areas, no matter how slight.
For example, for a person with a distinguished record in teaching and service who is being considered for
promotion to full professor and who has been assigned to devote some percentage of his or her time over
the past five years to research, one would expect some research results. If there were none, the person's
performance in that area has a negative value. The faculty member need not have performed distinguished
research, but some activity is necessary.

Options Regarding Tenure Consideration
The following are options available in the consideration of faculty eligible for tenure or to administrators
in the tenure process:

Recommending tenure upon appointment at the rank of full professor or above. (The department
chair should review the appointment with the departmental faculty. This action is taken by the

Faculty Handbook 4-37

Provost and the dean in writing with submission of the request to the Board of Regents.)
-Allowing the faculty member to prepare the nomination for tenure prior to the fifth year, or its
equivalent in part-time continuous service in a tenure-earning position. (This action is taken by
the chair and the faculty member by preparing the University's tenure packet for review by the
-Allowing the faculty member to defer the nomination to the sixth year. (This action is taken by
the chair and the faculty member, confirmed in writing.)
-Allowing faculty members being considered for tenure prior to the sixth year to withdraw,
without prejudice, from the review process before any official action is taken on the nomination.
For non-unit faculty, this requires a written mutual agreement between the faculty member and
the chair. (This action is requested by the faculty member.)
-Allowing faculty members who are credited with tenure-earning service at the time of initial
appointment to withdraw all or a portion of such credit at any time prior to formal application
for tenure. For non-unit faculty, this requires a written mutual agreement between the faculty
member and the chair. (This action is requested by the faculty member.)
-Deferring the consideration of the faculty member's nomination for tenure and advising the
faculty member of the reason for a deferral, not denial. The faculty member is informed that he
or she will be considered again in the future. (This action is taken by the dean if the nominee is
being considered prior to his or her sixth year of eligibility.)
-Advising the faculty member of the denial (and of the reasons for the denial) and of the intent to
provide a notice of non-renewal (or to immediately initiate the procedure to send a notice of non-
renewal) with the reasons for the denial. (This action may be taken at any administrative level
depending on where the denial occurred. For in-unit personnel, the dean must be responsible
for the action unless the chair is not in the collective bargaining unit.)
-Supporting the nomination and forwarding it to the next level for consideration. (This action may
be taken at any level in the process, i.e. department, college, vice presidential level or presidential

Summary of Tenure and Promotion Review Process

Departmental Review
The department chair or appropriate administrator is responsible for initiating the process, although a
faculty member may request that a nomination for promotion be initiated. In the case of the nomination
for the award of Distinguished Professor (i.e., either the Distinguished Service Professor or Distinguished
Curator), the process is initiated by the appropriate administrator, normally at the request of the
departmental faculty. The tenured members of the academic department in which the faculty member is
being considered for tenure must review the nomination and indicate their recommendations by secret
ballot. In the case of promotion, the members of the department or unit holding rank above the candidate
shall review the nomination and, by means of a secret vote, indicate their recommendations. If either the
polled faculty or the chair approve the nomination, it must be forwarded to the college level or its equivalent
for further consideration. Proposals for the award of tenure or promotion may also be reviewed by "area
committees" for advisory purposes. Committees established in academic and administrative units for the
purpose of evaluating a candidate for tenure shall be limited to tenured members or, in the case of
promotion, shall be limited to members holding rank superior to that of the nominee.

College Review
The college and/or "area" committee (where appropriate) may review the nomination and submit its
recommendations to the dean or director. The dean's or director's approval and signature are required
before the nomination can be submitted to the University's Academic Personnel Board for review (except
in the case of an appeal). In the case of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the Health Science
Center, the dean shall forward a nomination to the appropriate vice president whose approval and
signature are required before the nomination is submitted to the University's Academic Personnel Board.

University's Academic Personnel Board Review
The University's Academic Personnel Board shall review and consider all nominations received and
shall submit its recommendations to the President. The University's Academic Personnel Board consists of

University of Florida


five tenured, non-administrative faculty members in the rank of full professor or above who are elected by
the University Senate (one from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, one from the Health Science
Center and three from Educational & General). Ex-officio members are the Vice President for Research/
Dean of Graduate Programs, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Vice Provost. The
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs acts as the chair, and the Vice Provost acts as the secretary
(non-voting). The duties of the Academic Personnel Board are to advise the President on promotion and
tenure nominations and on related policy matters. The Academic Personnel Board shall have the sole
responsibility for taking a universitywide view and concerning itself with the adequacy of the University's
tenure and promotion criteria. It has the final responsibility for advising the President on such matters
before the President submits the University's recommendations on tenure to the Board of Regents or issues
a final decision regarding promotion.

Presidential Review
The appropriate vice president, and/or dean, director and/or designee shall have the opportunity to
meet with the President and the Academic Personnel Board to review the board's negative recommenda-
tions before the President makes a final decision or, in the case of tenure, submits a recommendation to the
Board of Regents.

Final University Action
A decision regarding a denial may occur at any stage of the University's tenure and promotion process.
The faculty member shall be notified in writing by the appropriate administrative official immediately, or
as soon thereafter as possible, of the final action taken on the nomination with a statement of the reasons)
for the denial. Upon nomination by the President and approval by the Board of Regents, tenure will be
granted effective July 1. Promotions are effective at the beginning of the next academic year.

Appeal Procedures
If a faculty member who has been denied tenure, permanent status or promotion believes that the
University has failed to comply with the University's criteria or to follow the appropriate university
procedures for these decisions, he or she may choose to appeal (or grieve) the action. An appeal should
begin at the level at which the nomination was denied, i.e. chair, dean/director, vice president, if
appropriate; and Vice Provost/Provost. If the faculty member is dissatisfied with the results of the appeal
at any level he or she may proceed through the administrative levels. Relevant documentation should be
included with the action. For more information, refer to Appeal, Grievance, Research Misconduct and
Discrimination Complaint Procedures in this section.

Termination for Cause and Other Actions
(6C-5.285, 6C1-1.007, 6C1-1.008, 6C1-7.010, 6C1-7.048, Article V, Article 16)
A tenured appointment or the appointment of any faculty member may be terminated or disciplinary
action taken during the term of employment contract for just cause. Just cause is defined as incompetence
or misconduct and may comprise, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Neglect of duty or responsibilities, including unauthorized absence, which impairs teaching,
research or other normal and expected services to the University;
(b) Failure to perform the terms of employment;
(c) Willful violation of the rules and regulations of the Board of Regents and/or the University;
(d) Failure to discharge assigned duties effectively because of incompetence;
(e) Conduct, professional or personal, involving moral turpitude;
(f) Violation of the ethics of the academic profession; and
(g) Action(s) which impair, interfere with or obstruct, or aid, abet or incite the impairment,
interference with or obstruction of the orderly conduct, processes and functions of the University.

A faculty member's activities which fall outside the scope of employment shall constitute misconduct
only if such activities adversely affect the legitimate interests of the University.
The President or the President's designee may immediately place a faculty member on leave with pay
pending investigation. The leave pending investigation shall commence immediately upon the President
or designee providing the faculty member with a written notice of the reasons. The leave shall be with pay,

Faculty Handbook 4-39

with no reduction of accrued leave. If, as a result of the investigation, the faculty member is to be suspended
or terminated, written notice shall be given to the faculty member. In the case of termination, written notice
shall be given at least six months in advance of the effective date of such termination, unless it is determined
that the actions adversely affect the functioning of the University or jeopardize the safety or welfare of the
faculty member, colleagues or students. In either case, the faculty member shall have the opportunity to
be provided a written statement of the reasons for the proposed action to be taken and shall be given at least
ten working days in which to respond in writing and/or orally to the President or designee before such
action is effective.

(6C1-3.038, Article 9)
The expense of travel performed by faculty which is authorized as official and necessary in the
performance of the faculty member's duties is paid by the University, subject to the availability of funds,
in accordance with university regulations. A maximum per diem and meal allowance is established for
ordinary travel. When traveling outside the state or to a conference or convention, the traveler may be
reimbursed for the actual expenses of lodging at the single occupancy rate, plus a meal allowance. The use
of a common carrier and certain incidental expenses, such as registration fees, parking or limousine fares
and tolls, are reimbursable in full. Trips by private car are reimbursable at the current mileage rate.
The University currently has an agreement with American Express to provide faculty with access to an
American Express Corporate Card with no annual membership fee for University-related travel expenses.
Information concerning this program is available from the Finance and Accounting Division.

Tuition-Free Courses
(6C-5.133, 6C-5.830, 6C1-1.012, Article 14)
Tuition-free courses are available to eligible full-time state faculty members upon completion of an
application form which is available in the Office of the Registrar. Applicants must be permanent, full-time
faculty members of the State of Florida in established positions and meet academic requirements. They may
enroll for courses on a space-available basis only. Enrollment is limited to six credit hours per term (fall,
spring and the supplemental summer term) without payment of a registration fee. Enrollment will be
limited to courses that do not increase the direct cost to the University. For further information refer to
Immunization for Faculty Enrolled in University Courses.

Use of University Services and Facilities
(6C-5.305, 6C1-1.011, 6C1-2, Articles 3, 19)
University-related groups whose activities are related to and further the mission of the University may
hold meetings in university space in accordance with established policies and procedures. Other groups and
persons may use certain university facilities in accordance with the policies and procedures described in
Chapter 6C1-2, when and if such facilities are available. A faculty member may also request permission to
use university property, facilities or other personal services whether or not such use is connected with outside
employment. Such requests should be submitted in writing to the administrator responsible for the academic
unit or facility housing the resource to be used. The administrator must indicate in writing whether
authorization is granted and any conditions pertaining to the use, if any, including the cost for such use.
A faculty member should take reasonable precautions when expressing opinions as a private citizen that
he/she does not give the appearance of acting as a representative or spokesperson of the University, unless
authorized. University stationery, E-mail or fax communications should not be used which would indicate
university affiliation. For more information, refer to Telephone and U.S. Mail Service.

An academic unit is authorized and encouraged to utilize volunteers to assist in carrying out its
programs. A volunteer is an individual who provides goods or services to the University with no monetary
or material compensation. Each volunteer should be supervised on a day-to-day basis by a faculty or staff

4-40 University of Florida

member of the department/operational unit who has responsibility for the programs for which the
volunteer was selected. Volunteers are expected to perform services in a professional manner and in
accordance with the policies and procedures of the University. These services may cease, at any time, at
the request of the volunteer or at the discretion of the University. Volunteers are entitled to incidental
reimbursement for transportation expenses and to use state vehicles in the performance of department-
related duties. Volunteers are not entitled to Unemployment Compensation but are entitled to Workers'
Compensation on the same basis as other faculty members. Volunteers are also covered by state liability
protection in accordance with the provisions of the Florida Statutes. These provisions mean that if a
volunteer is injured in the course of his or her volunteer services, he or she would be entitled to Workers'
Compensation and, likewise, if a volunteer commits a tort in the course of the volunteer services, the State
will be responsible for that action, provided the volunteer's action was not committed in bad faith or with
malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety or

Workers' Compensation
The Florida Workers' Compensation Law is a system for compensating faculty members who are accidentally
injured and disabled as a result, and in the course, of their employment. This is regardless of fault or negligence
unless the injury was occasioned primarily by the faculty member's use of alcohol, drugs or other stimulants not
prescribed by a physician or by the willful intention of the faculty member to injure himself/herself or others. A
faculty member should report an on-the-job injury immediately to his or her chair or supervisor who has the
responsibility for reporting it to the Workers' Compensation Office in Central Processing in University Personnel

Faculty Handbook 4-41



' '~'6




Academic Support Services

Academic Personnel Office 392-1251
The Academic Personnel Office is responsible for the handling of personnel information regarding the
faculty, including those on courtesy appointments, and the post-doctoral employees of the University.
Although the office is generally responsible for any academic personnel matter, benefits and deductions are
handled directly by University Personnel Services.
The Academic Personnel Office, along with the Faculty Relations Office, serves as a resource in the
understanding and use of the various rules, regulations and Collective Bargaining Agreement as they apply
to faculty. Some of these rules and regulations deal with many of the personnel-related forms that faculty
are required to complete each year. These forms, which are processed by the Academic Personnel Office
for the President's or the designee's signature, include contracts, reports of outside employment/activity,
reports of specified interest, as well as requests for dual employment/compensation. The office is
responsible for the personnel processing of all academic appointments in the University including post-
doctoral appointments. In addition, information on each faculty member's education, visa status (for
foreign nationals), employment history with the University, awards and information regarding tenure
status and professional rank is maintained by this office. Faculty employment information is also
coordinated by this office. This involves working with departments and colleges to ensure correct leave
balances and accrual, providing/verifying leave balance information for the payment of terminal and
unused sick leave, and administering sick leave pool information for faculty participants.
This office is also involved in assisting with the most important personnel actions taken during a faculty
member's professional career, i.e. the decisions on tenure and /or promotion. These efforts include seeking
advice from faculty, administrators and staff on ways to improve or clarify tenure and promotion
guidelines; conducting workshops for each year's tenure and promotion process; working with university
administrators, the University's Academic Personnel Board and the President as they review the faculty
packets; and distributing information regarding the final results of the process to the faculty, administrators
and the Board of Regents.

Computational Facilities 392-4357
The University of Florida maintains a rich and diverse computing environment to support all aspects
of research, instruction and administration. Faculty, staff and students can receive support for computing
from several sources, including their department, the associated college and various universitywide
support organizations. Departments and colleges are primarily responsible for helping faculty obtain
access to the computing resources they need. Requests for computing support and problem resolution
should begin in the academic unit, proceed to the college support units and finally be presented to the staff
of the universitywide support units. Computing services and support include access to microcomputers,
networked workstation clusters and mainframe computing systems for instruction and research, training
seminars and workshops, local documentation, consulting and networking.
The University provides access to several types of universitywide and national computing services to
support instruction and research. The Center for Instructional and Research Computing Activities (CIRCA,
392-2007) manages general instructional computing labs to support large classes and to provide student
access to computing. CIRCA provides free consulting, documentation of local services, use of public
terminals and microcomputer laboratories, and billed programming and data analysis services. CIRCA
supports instructional computing on its VAX cluster running the DEC VMS operating system, on IBM
Personal Computers running DOS, and on Apple Macintosh computers. Instructional computing ac-
Faculty Handbook 5-1

counts, as well as Basic Access accounts, on the Northeast Regional Data Center (NERDC, 392-2061) are also
available through CIRCA. NERDC, a fee-for-service auxiliary, manages an IBM supercomputer that runs
the IBM AIX (IBM's version of Unix), MVS and VM/CMS operating systems. NERDC provides and
maintains an extensive library of computer programs that includes most major compilers, statistical
packages, scientific and mathematical subroutine libraries, text processors and graphical tools. Addition-
ally, NERDC provides access to magnetic tape and disk storage, a bulk data transfer service, facilities for
Computer Output Microfiche (COM), free consulting, local documentation and a variety of output options
including line and laser printer output and color graphics. The University provides numerically intensive
computing support on the IBM supercomputer through the Research Computing Initiative, which
provides very large amounts of free computing cycles for large-scale research computing activities on a
competitive-grant basis. The University also maintains affiliations with a number of supercomputer
centers around the country, and faculty can obtain computing time and support from these centers as well.
Both CIRCA and NERDC provide technical help in access to, and use of, all these resources.
In addition to universitywide resources, several departments and colleges provide computing facilities
for their faculty and students. These facilities generally are intended for small classes and are operated for
fewer hours during the school day than the general instructional labs. The IFAS Computer Network (392-
5180) provides a statewide VAX system running the DEC VMS operating system for IFAS faculty, staff and
students. HealthNet (392-7430) is a local area network that links terminals and workstations throughout the
Health Science Center complex and provides access to the campus backbone networks.
Faculty can receive training in the use of micro and mainframe computers from their departments and
through more formal programs offered by CIRCA, NERDC and the Faculty Support Center for Computing
(FSC, 392-7249). The FSC regularly provides hands-on workshops and consulting in their computer labs.
Workshops scheduled are published each semester, and these workshops are free to faculty. In addition
to training workshops, the special computer labs in the FSC provide access to IBM-compatible and
Macintosh micros, laser printers, campus networks and technical documentation. Faculty are encouraged
to use this equipment and receive assistance on an individual basis at their convenience. CIRCA and
NERDC also provide free, public computing workshops, as well as individual presentations that can be
tailored for the specific department or college.
Faculty can keep informed of training opportunities, changes in computing services and how to use local
services through a variety of printed and on-line media. On-line services include interactive documenta-
tion systems, extensive help facilities and public access to various information servers over the campus
networks. Both CIRCA and NERDC provide locally written publications that contain detailed information
about specific computing topics and services. NERDC, CIRCA and many colleges and departments also
publish free computing newsletters that can be received through campus mail.
The UF Computing Help Desk (392-HELP; electronic mail address:
provides a first-stop technical help and consulting referral service and, generally, questions about or
assistance with computer-related activities should begin there. In addition, NERDC, FSC, IFAS and several
departments and colleges provide free technical consulting. Overall policy for computers and networking
is the responsibility of the Office of Information Technologies and Services. At this writing (Spring 1993),
centralization of user support contact points is underway.

Computer Networking
The University has a continuing program for networking faculty, staff and student computer worksta-
tions. Like computing, the networking environment at the University is rich and diverse, capable of
handling almost all communication protocols. Most major academic and administrative office buildings
are connected to the campus high-speed network, UFNET. Most administrative workstations are
connected to the NERDC IBM mainframe through dedicated data links and terminal concentrators.
There is also a growing base of administrative terminals and workstations connected to the campus
backbone token ring and ethernet networks. Increasingly, academic units are installing local area networks
to connect faculty and students, and then connecting these networks to the campus backbone networks
(token ring and ethernet). The technical staffs of UFNET, NERDC, CIRCA and colleges cooperate to
support these activities. Local area networking support is provided through departments and colleges. At
this writing (Spring 1993), consolidation of all the networking groups has begun.
NERDC operates the University connection to the national Internet. BITNET access is supported by
both NERDC and CIRCA. These networks, along with the campus backbone networks, provide extensive
electronic mail and file transfer services.

Fact Book 392-2476
The Office of Academic Affairs publishes a fact book for the purpose of providing a convenient and
authoritative source of information with respect to various aspects of the operation of the University. The
information presented in the Fact Book is updated annually, normally in the Spring. General information
5-2 University of Florida

is normally divided into five parts: (1) enrollment; (2) degrees, grades and attrition; (3) faculty staffing
patterns, loads and salaries; (4) physical facilities and their utilization; and (5) fiscal analysis. This
information is subdivided by college and department.

Faculty Relations Office 392-1254
The Faculty Relations Office in Academic Affairs serves as a resource for administrators and faculty
members for all academic personnel matters that do not deal directly with personnel processing matters
and for all matters dealing with academic personnel issues. It serves as a resource to faculty in
understanding and use of the various rules, regulations and the provisions of the Collective Bargaining
Agreement as they relate to academic personnel matters and to faculty. This may involve responding to
general questions or inquiries (both internal and external to the University), directing and guiding an
individual or individuals to, or through, appropriate university procedures.
In addition, this office is responsible for conducting workshops and developing, coordinating, updating
and disseminating various academic resource documents and information such as the Faculty Handbook,
Administrator's Information Packet (AIP), Employee Assistance Program announcements, and, Senate By-
Laws and Constitution.
The office is also responsible for coordinating the following programs for the Office of Academic Affairs:

Sabbatical, Faculty and Professional Developmental Leave Programs
Tuition Exchange Program
Phased Retirement Programs
Annual Salary Equity Discrimination Study
Eminent Scholar Program
New Faculty and A&P Staff Orientation Programs

Florida Museum of Natural History 392-1721
The Museum operates as a center of research in anthropology and natural history. Its accessory
functions as an educational arm of the University are carried forward through interpretive displays and
scientific publications. Under the administrative control of the Director are the three departments of the
Museum: Natural Sciences, staffed by scientists and technicians concerned with the study and expansion
of the research collections of plants and animals; Anthropology, whose staff members are concerned with
the study of historic and prehistoric people and their cultures; and Interpretation, staffed by specialists in
the interpretation of knowledge through museum exhibit techniques and education programs. Faculty
members of the scientific and educational staff of the Museum hold dual appointments in appropriate
teaching departments. Through these appointments they participate in both undergraduate and graduate
teaching programs and supervision of student research.
The Swisher Memorial Tract and the Ordway Preserve are adjacent pieces of land totaling some 9,300
acres that include marshes, lakes, sandhills and mesic hammocks. Jointly administered by the School of
Forest Resources and Conservation and the Florida Museum of Natural History, this area supports several
research activities centering on the ecology of threatened species and the restoration of the native longleaf
pine growth in the sandhills. Thesis and dissertation research projects consistent with the aims of the
Preserve are actively encouraged.
The Herbarium of the University of Florida is also a part of the Florida Museum of Natural History. It
contains over 150,000 specimens of vascular plants and 170,000 specimens of nonvascular plants. In
addition, the Herbarium operates a modern gas chromatographic mass spectrometer laboratory for the
study and identification of natural plant products.
The research collections are under the care of curators who encourage the scientific study of the
Museum's holdings. Materials are constantly being added to the collections both through gifts from friends
and as a result of research activities of the Museum staff. The archaeological and ethnological collections
are noteworthy. There are extensive study collections of birds, mammals, mollusks, reptiles, amphibians,
fish, plants, invertebrate and vertebrate fossils, and a bioacoustic archive consisting of original recordings
of animal sounds. Opportunities are provided for students, staff and visiting scientists to use the
collections. Research and field work are currently sponsored in the archaeological, paleontological and
zoological fields.

International Studies and Programs 392-5323
The Office of International Studies and Programs (OISP) was established in 1991 under the Office of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs. The office promotes international education, research and training
universitywide and mobilizes external resources to support these activities. OISP operates through a
Faculty Handbook 5-3

number of committees to serve as a centralized resource to enhance the ability of faculty and administrators
to pursue and develop their international activities and initiatives. Among these committees are the
Council for International Studies and Programs, the College Liaison Committee, the Committee of
International Center and Program Directors and the External Advisory Board.
The Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS) in OISP provides administrative and
support services to international students and visiting scholars (faculty) and their families. Services are
provided immediately upon their arrival to the University of Florida and continue through their return to
their home country. Currently OISSS assists approximately 2,000 students, 700 visiting faculty and
approximately 5,000 applicants from around the world. OISSS coordinates with other university agencies
and has the responsibility of aiding with petition admissions, orientation, counseling, petitions for practical
training, employment, embassy and community relations, and Immigration and Naturalization Service
The Overseas Studies Office in OISP offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to
study in a wide range of academic and cultural settings. Overseas Studies coordinates 16 semester- or
academic-year programs and 14 summer programs. Additionally, the Overseas Study staff and program
advisors provide students and faculty with a wide range of support activities including financial aid
information, foreign travel information, library materials on the diverse range of study-abroad opportuni-
ties and student counseling to tailor programs for the needs of both students and faculty.

Libraries 392-0342

Libraries of the University
The Libraries of the University of Florida form the largest information resource system in the state of
Florida. While the collections are extensive, they are not comprehensive and faculty will find it useful to
supplement them by drawing upon a variety of library services offered through cooperative library
programs. These provide LUF users access" to the resources of many other libraries. The following entry
describes the UF libraries, local collection strengths and the physical distribution of collections among
campus libraries as well as the services available to assist faculty in locating needed information.
The libraries of the University of Florida consist of eight libraries. Six are in the system known as the
George A. Smathers Libraries of the University of Florida and two (Health Science and Legal Information)
are attached to their respective administrative units. All of the libraries serve the University's faculty and
students, but each has a special mission to be the primary support of specific colleges and degree programs.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of research, scholars may find collections housed in one library
serving a specific discipline or constituency to be of great importance to their own research in another
discipline. It most likely will be necessary to use more than one library to discover all resources available
at the University that are pertinent to a particular research interest.

Location of Collections
As is common in research libraries, library materials are housed in a variety of locations depending upon
discipline. The three largest libraries cover an extensive range of disciplines, while the smaller libraries
focus on three or fewer disciplines:
Library West holds most of the circulating collections in the humanities and social sciences, as well as
professional collections in support of Business, Health and Human Performance, and Journalism. The
Documents Collections are major holdings of all federal documents (except the science-related holdings
in Marston, see below), many state and local documents, and selected holdings of international and foreign
Smathers Library holds the Latin American Collection (with particular strength in Caribbean, Circum-
Caribbean and Brazilian holdings) and the Price Library of Judaica (with particular emphasis on Judaism,
Jewish History, Hebrew and Yiddish language and literature, Israel and Zionism, Rabbinic literature, and
Hebrew scriptures). It is also the home for the University Archives and Special Collections. Among Special
Collections strengths are 19th- and 20th-century English and American children's literature; 17th-, 18th- and
19th-century American literature; English theology (especially 17th-century); modern English and American
poetry; history of ideas; Irish literary revival; Florida history and pre-history; and performing arts.
Marston Science Library holds astronomy, botany, biology, engineering, chemistry, food and
agricultural sciences, geology, physics and zoology collections. It houses the Federal Documents published
by the USDA, NASA, Patent Office and USGS. It also houses the Map and Imagery Library which contains
maps (including the Sanborn historical maps of Florida cities), atlases, aerial photographs and remote-
sensing images with particular collection strengths for the southeastern United States, Florida, Latin
America and Africa south of the Sahara.
Architecture and Fine Arts Library (201 Fine Arts Building A) holds architecture, fine arts, interior

University of Florida


design, building construction, landscape architecture, and urban design collections.
Education Library (1500 Norman Hall) holds education, child development, higher education,
psychology, counseling, and children's literature and education collections.
Health Science Center Library (Communicore) holds major resources for the medical sciences,
related life sciences, and veterinary medicine
Journalism and Communications Reading Room (Weimer Hall) holds a small collection of materials
relating to journalism and mass communication.
Legal Information Center (Holland Law Center) holds major resources for law and related social
Music Library (231 Music Building) holds music collections including books, scores, phonograph
records and tapes.

Collection Strengths
Together the libraries hold more than 3,000,000 cataloged volumes, 4,200,000 microforms, 1,000,000
documents, 550,000 maps and images, and 20,000 computer datasets. The libraries have built a number of
nationally significant research collections primarily in support of graduate research programs. Among
them are collections discussed above, i.e., the Latin American Collection, the Price Library of Judaica, and
the Map and Imagery Library. Others include the Baldwin Library of Children's Literature, which is among
the world's greatest collections of literature for children (Smathers Library, Special Collections); and the
P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, which is the state's preeminent Floridian collection, holding the
largest collection of Spanish colonial documents concerning the southeastern United States in North
America as well as rich archives of prominent Florida politicians (Smathers Library, Special Collections).
The libraries also have particularly strong holdings in architectural preservation and 18th-century
American architecture (AFA), late 19th- and early 20th-century German state documents from 1850-1940
(Library West), Latin American art and architecture (AFA and Smathers Library), national bibliographies
(Library West, Reference), U.S. Census information, especially in electronic format (Library West, Docu-
ments), the rural sociology of Florida and tropical and subtropical agriculture collections (Marston Science
Library), English and American Literature (Library West) and U.S. Documents (Library West, Documents).

Information System
The LUIS system, the key to the UF Libraries collections, has been greatly expanded in recent years. No
longer simply an online catalog of holdings, it now offers a diverse information menu. Reference staff
throughout the libraries can provide assistance in the use of LUIS, written documentation for self help, and
aid in accessing LUIS from faculty offices. LUIS contains the following:
UF Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
Containing almost all of the books and journals held by the Libraries of the University of Florida, OPAC
eases the difficulty of locating materials as it is accessible from offices, laboratories and residence halls or
homes with workstation access to NERDC. It now contains about 97 percent of all UF's cataloged
collections-exceptions are some humanities and social science titles acquired prior to 1975 (the last of these
should be converted to machine-readable format in 1993). In the meantime, the Union Card Catalog (on the
first floor of Library West) provides access to the few cataloged collections awaiting conversion to LUIS.
However, like other university libraries, UF has some uncataloged special, archival, map, microform and
documents collections. Specialized catalogs or finding aids in Special Collections, Documents, Microtexts
and the Map Collection provide access to these materials. Reference staff in all of these areas can provide

Center for Research Libraries Catalog
LUIS also displays the catalog of the Center, which holds extensive collections supporting Asian and
African area studies as well as major microform sets in many disciplines. Through UF membership in the
Center, these materials are fully available to faculty.
Other Catalogs
LUIS contains the catalogs of the other State University System libraries and gateways to the catalogs
of libraries in other states and foreign nations. Through sharing agreements with other libraries, many of
these holdings are quickly available to faculty.
Journal Indexes
In 1992, LUIS was expanded to include several indexes to articles and reports which provide citations
to journal articles.

Faculty Handbook 5-5

Library Information
The new "Library News and Information" section contains library hours, phone numbers and other
practical information.
CyberLibrary is a new service which is accessible from the main LUIS menu. It has developed into a
system of user-friendly menus that provide access to a wealth of information about the UF Libraries,
electronic journals, academic electronic discussion lists, Internet access tools and more. Several electronic
publications received by the Libraries which do not exist as print publications can be read in CyberLibrary.
Examples include Post Moder Culture, BrynMawr Classical Review, Leonardo Electronic News, Central
America Update, Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs, etc.

Reference and Information Services
Reference service is provided to library users in each library and is also available via telephone and E-
Mail. All of the libraries provide special services to assist physically challenged faculty in their use of the
libraries; information is available at all circulation desks. At the beginning of the Fall semester, new faculty
are sent information packets outlining library services and naming the subject specialist who serves the
faculty member's discipline. At the beginning of each semester, the Libraries offer orientation programs
designed to inform those new to campus what services are available and how to use them. Schedules are
posted in each library at the beginning of terms. Individual assistance is available at the reference desk in
each library by appointment with subject specialists. In addition, instructional librarians will work with
faculty and teaching assistants to develop and present course-specific library instruction sessions. Instruc-
tion coordinators are available in Humanities and Social Science Reference in Library West, in Marston
Science Library and in the branch libraries.
Subject specialists work closely with faculty to select materials for the collections, and assist researchers,
who request assistance, by sharing their specialized bibliographic knowledge of what information
resources are available locally and nationally to support specific research. A good time to consult the subject
specialists is when beginning work on a major research project or beginning to develop a working
knowledge of another discipline. A list of subject specialists is available at reference desks and in
CyberLibrary. Users may schedule a meeting with the appropriate specialist.

Service Policies
Owing to disciplinary variation in research methods, the policies enforced and the services offered may
differ from library to library. Most of the libraries have an advisory board consisting of faculty and students
who advise on the policies and services relating to their library. Information on local policies is available
at the circulation and reference desks in each library.

ID Cards
All faculty are provided library services upon presentation of the University of Florida machine-
readable ID card. This card is used to circulate books and to establish identity for other library services such
as Interlibrary Loan and online searching.

Course Reserves
All University of Florida Libraries offer course reserve service to faculty of the departments each library
serves. The Libraries' course reserve policies are designed to comply with the legal requirements of the 1976
Copyright Law. The policy places major responsibility for compliance on the individual faculty member
who owns copies placed on reserve. (A cost-analysis study done in the libraries in 1991-92 proved
convincingly that library staff cannot assume course reserve copyright compliance responsibilities without
a substantial addition to the budget. Requests for such support were not funded.) Instructors must secure
approval from publishers or provide royalty payment for course reserve materials subject to the Copyright
Law whenever a copy (or copies) is placed on reserve for more than one semester (semesters need not
necessarily be consecutive) or whenever the item placed on reserve is a copyrighted workbook, test, test
booklet or answer sheet (beginning with the first semester). Each library has copies of the course reserve
policy and can respond to your questions.

Cooperative Programs
The libraries are members of the Research Libraries Group, the Center for Research Libraries and other
organizations which give UF faculty and students access to many major scholarly collections. In addition,
the libraries are linked to major national and international databases such as RLIN, OCLC, NEXIS/LEXIS,
DIALOGUE and QUESTEL. Many materials that are not held at UF can be quickly located and borrowed
5-6 University of Florida

through one of the cooperative programs to which the libraries belong. Consult with a reference librarian to
take advantage of these services. Publications describing specialized services are available at reference and
circulation desks throughout the libraries.

Library Hours
Current information regarding library hours may be obtained by selecting Library Hours and Phone
Numbers from the LUIS menu or by calling the desired library (392-0341 for Library West and Smathers,
392-2758 for Marston Science Library).

Media Centers
Media centers are located in the following locations:

Media Center, College of Business Administration 392-1426 Ext. 261
This center produces instructional video tapes for courses scheduled by the college. It also provides
consultation and technical assistance in instructional television and related media services.

Educational Media Center, College of Education 392-1011
This center provides for the distribution of equipment and educational media, technical support for the
Counselor Education Television Laboratory and the production of instructional video tapes.

Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) 392-0365
The principal function of the Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) is to assist faculty with the complex
task of instruction by providing a wide range of technical and audiovisual services. The office provides
consultant services, seminars and workshops related to the improvement of college instruction on topics
which include test construction, design of instructional materials and use of media and program evalua-
tion. It also sponsors the Mini-Sabbatical Program, a competitive program which provides release time and
funds to support projects proposed by faculty members for the improvement of classroom instruction and
projects emphasizing experimental or innovative approaches to teaching.
Services available to faculty include still photography, graphics, duplication of printed materials, and
production and duplication of audio and video tapes. OIR maintains and circulates a library of films and
video tapes. It also provides audiovisual projection equipment for classroom use. Testing and evaluation
services include the optical scanning of documents such as surveys, teacher-made tests and teacher
evaluations; statistical analysis of test results; and consulting services for the design and implementation
of testing and placement programs, questionnaire development and evaluation of programs.
OIR provides services directly to students through the Teaching Center, Reading and Writing Center,
Language and Learning Laboratory, and the Educational Media Center. A brief summary of the services
available for faculty is as follows:

Audio/Video Duplicating Services 392-0313
OIR provides high-speed audio tape duplicating of any combination of reel-to-reel, reel-to-cassette or
cassette-to-cassette. Video tape duplicating of any combination of U-matic, VHS or Beta can be done. This
service is to be used for instructional purposes only.

Audiovisual Equipment Distribution 392-0374
OIR will distribute general audiovisual equipment, such as 16-mm film projectors, overhead projectors,
filmstrip projectors, screens, tape recorders, video equipment, camcorders, portable VCRs and receivers for
classroom use.

Equipment Maintenance and Repair 392-0371
OIR will repair electronic and audiovisual equipment and offers consultation services on the purchase
by colleges and departments of audiovisual and television equipment.

Faculty Support Center for Computing 392-7249
The Faculty Support Center for Computing (FSC) provides training and consulting to faculty and staff
in the use of micro and mainframe computers and the design and production of instructional software. The
FSC provides two types of services: (1) training seminars for Macintosh and PC software packages and (2)
lessons in the use of electronic mail and file transfer. A schedule of seminars in the use of both Mac and PC
electronic mail is published twice each semester. These seminars are free to faculty. In addition, faculty may
Faculty Handbook 5-7

use any of the equipment in the workroom and receive assistance on an individual basis at their
convenience. The FSC is operated in collaboration with CIRCA.

Film and Video Tape Library 392-0313
This library houses a circulating collection of instructional 16-mm films and video tapes to be used on
campus in classroom instruction.

Graphics 392-1716
Camera-ready charts, graphs and maps are available through OIR. The office provides the following
services: publication design and preparation, photostats, dry mounting lamination, and signs; color and
black-and-white illustration for publication, slide and overhead transparency presentations.

Instructional Development and Faculty Assistance 392-0365
Services include seminars and workshops on topics related to the improvement of college instruction,
as well as mini-courses for improvement of teaching techniques or new strategies of instruction. Examples
include test construction, course design, lecturing techniques and design and development of instructional
modules, including individual faculty consultation on problems confronting faculty members relating to
the services offered by OIR.

Instructional Television Production 392-1011
This office handles the production of recorded television classroom material.

Mini-Sabbatical Program 392-0365
Services include released time and funds to support projects proposed by faculty members for the
improvement of classroom instruction which emphasizes experimental or innovative approaches. The
project may be from a broad spectrum of instructional activities including the development and implemen-
tation of new teaching procedures, and the design and production of instructional materials including self-
instructional modules, video tapes and computer software.

Photography 392-1716
Faculty may have black-and-white film processed, E-6 Ektachrome slide film processed and mounted,
black-and-white prints produced any size to 40" x 60". Faculty may have black-and-white prints produced
from flat art, photographs or 3-dimensional objects. Special-effects color slides can be produced from black-
and-white slides. Interior and exterior location photography is provided, and color and black-and-white
slides can be duplicated.

Print Duplicating Services 392-0371
OIR provides duplicating services. The office will duplicate and collate any quantity of original print
material on legal- or letter-size paper. Original print material may be up to 12" x 17" and may be reduced
65 or 74 percent. Overhead transparencies can be made from any 8 1/2" x 10 1/2" copy.

Testing and Evaluation 392-3989
This office will scan documents, such as surveys, teacher-prepared tests and teacher evaluations.
Results are available in print form, on floppy diskette (IBM) or on magnetic tape. Assistance in the statistical
analysis of test results is provided, as well as consulting for the design and implementation of testing
programs, questionnaire development and evaluation of programs.

Sponsored Research, Division of 392-1582
The Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) was established by the legislature to support and foster
sponsored research and training as a resource essential to excellence in education and to provide maximum
service to the state. DSR is a research development arm of the University, coordinating its efforts closely
with the Office of Academic Affairs and the Graduate School.
Faculty seeking assistance in developing research programs are encouraged to contact DSR, which
provides a full range of financial, information and administrative assistance for identifying, obtaining and
administering external research funds. Through its internal support programs, DSR not only invests in the
research excellence of investigators at all experience levels, but also enhances their chances for obtaining
external funding support.
All proposals submitted by faculty and staff for sponsorship of research, grants-in-aid and training
grants are subject to DSR approval. Negotiations on administrative matters with potential contracting
5-8 University of Florida

agencies or sponsors of research and training projects are carried out by DSR. These services are designed
to relieve the principal investigators of detailed administrative and reporting duties connected with
sponsored programs. DSR duties and responsibilities do not supplant the prerogative of the faculty
investigator and a potential sponsor; however, coordination with DSR is necessary to ensure uniformity in
contract requirements and avoid duplication of negotiations with the same sponsor.
A manual prepared by the DSR is available to provide guidance to faculty preparing research proposals
and to acquaint them with the sponsored research policies of the University and those of the federal
government and other granting sponsors. In addition, DSR publishes a biweekly newsletter "FYI," which
alerts researchers to federal and non-federal funding opportunities and proposal deadlines, publishes an
annual catalog of fellowships and small grants for graduate and post-doctoral students, conducts funding
searches for faculty projects and maintains databases of faculty research interests and expertise.
So that the DSR may properly report inventions, copyrights and other intellectual property to the State
of Florida and to sponsors, faculty should disclose such intellectual property they create to the DSR's Office
of Patent, Copyrights and Technology Licensing, 186 Grinter Hall. University policy on intellectual
property provides for sharing of licensing revenue with the inventor/author. This office of the DSR will
assist inventors/authors with obtaining patents and registering copyrights and trademarks and will seek
to license their work for the public good.

University Press of Florida 392-1351
The University Press of Florida is the official scholarly publishing agency of the State University System
of Florida. The Press, which operates with a single staff located just off the University of Florida campus,
reports to the President of the University, who supervises the Press on behalf of the nine state universities.
The statewide Council of Presidents is the governing board of the Press. An editorial committee, made up
of a faculty representative from each of the nine state universities, determines whether manuscripts
submitted to it meet the academic, scholarly and programmatic standards of the press. The committee is
currently chaired by the Provost of the University of Florida. The Director of the Press has the discretion to
decide which of the manuscripts receiving the approval of the faculty editorial committee will be published.
The Press publishes scholarly works of intellectual distinction and significance, books that contribute
to improving the quality of higher education in Florida, and books of general and regional interest and
usefulness to the people of Florida, reflecting their rich historical, cultural and intellectual heritage and
resources. The editorial program of the Press also cultivates areas that reflect the academic strengths of the
nine member universities. The Press publishes works in the following fields: international affairs; the
Caribbean and Latin America; Africa; the Middle East; southern archaeology, history and culture; Native
Americans; folklore; postmodern literary theory and contemporary continental letters; the Middle Ages;
philosophy; women's studies; ethnicity; natural history and agriculture; health sciences; the fine arts; and
Submissions are invited, but not in prose fiction or the physical sciences. Manuscripts may be submitted
to the Editor in Chief, University Press of Florida, 15 N.W. 15th Street, Gainesville, Florida 32611.

University Registrar, Office of the 392-1374
Faculty support is an important role of the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). The Registrar's Office
is charged with the responsibility for proposing, monitoring and administering State, Board of Regents and
university academic policy; managing student records, registration, admissions, enrollment and classrooms;
coordinating commencement; maintaining a universitywide interactive student records system; managing
and maintaining SASS, a Student Advising Support System; coordinating universitywide common course
numbering; providing the Secretary to the University Senate; and conducting institutional research.

The Academic Publications section coordinates catalog preparation with the 19 colleges and schools to
produce an effective academic reference which is The Undergraduate Catalog. The Undergraduate Catalog
contains all university deadlines, academic policies and regulations; information concerning the conferring
of academic degrees; courses offered and their descriptions; and staff and faculty listings. The Office of the
University Registrar also produces the Schedule of Courses, which contains course offerings as determined
by the departments, procedures for all types of registration, and selected policy statements.

Class Rolls and Grade Processing
After the close of the official Drop/Add Period, class rolls are produced and distributed by OUR.
Subsequently, weekly class roll addendum inserts are mailed to departments for distribution to instructors.
The addenda indicate student schedule changes processed that week and include cumulative changes for

Faculty Handbook 5-9

each section. Instructors who note discrepancies between class rolls and attendance should contact the
Registrar's Office, so that student records and grade reports will be accurate. To initiate grade processing,
Instructor Grade Reports (IGRs) are distributed to all departments the Friday prior to exam week each term.
The deadline to return completed IGRs is printed on each form and is based on the final examination

Classroom Reservations
OUR coordinates the scheduling of general-purpose classroom space for classes, and in response to
requests for special events such as review sessions, extra class sessions or meetings of student organiza-
tions. Faculty should contact their department scheduling coordinator or student organization scheduling
representative with classroom needs. OUR reports classroom problems to the Physical Plant Division.
Faculty should direct requests for classroom furnishings and any concerns about general room conditions
to OUR.

The University Committee on Admissions, the University Senate Committee on Student Petitions and
the University Residency Appeals Committee are coordinated through OUR. The committees review,
respectively, requests for special admissions consideration, petitions for waiver of academic regulations
from enrolled and former students, and appeals of denial of Florida residency for tuition purposes.

Administrative Support Services

Bookstores 392-0194
The primary purpose of the University of Florida Bookstores is to serve the university community as a
source of required and recommended texts, equipment and supplies, plus a wide range of non-required
books and a variety of other commodities appropriate for resale through college stores. It provides a variety
of services including special orders for unusual books, supplies and equipment, check cashing, notary
services, rental of academic regalia and others. The store offers special educational programs with major
computer hardware and software companies where university students and staff can purchase selected
products at substantially lower prices. The bookstore is a self-supporting auxiliary deriving all of its income
from the sale of goods and services.
The main store and administrative offices are located in The Hub (392-0194); branch stores are located
in the J. Hillis Miller Health Science Center (392-3478), in the J. Wayne Reitz Union (392-1630) and in
University Office Supply (392-0191), located on the second floor of The Hub. University Office Supply is
limited to university departments, and purchases must be against special or blanket encumbrances.

Business Services Division 392-0306
The overall function and responsibility of the Business Services Division is to furnish to the university
community goods and services that are necessary or desirable but not readily available elsewhere in terms
of cost, quality or convenience. These services are supportive to the basic educational endeavor of the
institution. All of the operations, with the exception of Campus Mail Services, are totally self-supporting
auxiliaries receiving no financial support from the State; operating revenues are generated from the sale of
goods and services. The main departments within the Division are: the University of Florida Bookstores,
Parking Administrative Services, Printing and Graphic Services, Laundry Services, ID Card Services (see
note on p. 5-12) and Campus Mail Services. Additionally, the Business Services Division is responsible for
the contracted food service and vending operations on campus.

Environmental Health and Safety Division 392-1591
The Environmental Health and Safety Division is responsible for the implementation of programs to
minimize injury to faculty, staff, students and visitors, and to minimize damage to university property. The
division strives to balance compliance with regulations and laws while assisting faculty, staff and students
in accomplishing their mission in relation to teaching, research and service. The division performs periodic
safety inspections in laboratory and work areas to assist all colleges, divisions and departments with
ensuring employee safety and compliance with federal and state health and safety codes and regulations.
A comprehensive hazardous materials management program is operated by the division and includes the
operation of programs addressing asbestos management, underground storage tanks and the operation of
hazardous and radioactive waste materials disposal services. Research support services also include

University of Florida

responsibility for policies and procedures for the following research biosafety programs oversight
The recombinant Deoxyribo Nucleic-Acid (DNA) program is administered by the division in conjunc-
tion with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). Proposals submitted by principal investigators that
involve recombinant DNA research are reviewed and submitted to IBC for review when appropriate.
Periodic facility inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with National Institutes of Health
Radiation safety programs addressing ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are administered by the
Radiation Control and Radiological Service section of the division. The University's Radiation Control and
Human Use of Radioisotopes and Radiation Committees provide guidance to the Radiation Control Officer
to assure compliance with a number of state and federal licenses issued to the University. These licenses
authorize the use of radioactive material and radiation machines at university facilities and Shands
A registration program for biological agents that are human and/or animal pathogens or that are
regulated by U.S. Department of Agriculture/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS)
or other government agencies is administered by the division. Proposals are reviewed and a determination
is made concerning proper containment and handling of the agents. In addition, disposal of biohazardous
waste is monitored for compliance with all local, state and federal guidelines, regulations and laws.
A universitywide occupational medicine program is administered by the division. This program,
operated in conjunction with the Student Health Care Center, provides for pre-employment physical and
periodic health assessments for individuals exposed to workplace hazards. Activities impacting faculty
include requirements for individuals having contact with selected research animals and human bloodborne
Fire safety and building pest control services are provided. The division also administers an indoor air
quality program and has established procedures to protect building occupants during construction and
renovation projects. Other safety services include the Diving Science and Safety Program and disaster
management planning. For more information on these programs, please contact the Environmental Health
and Safety Division.

Finance and Accounting Division 392-1321
Finance and Accounting is a division of Administrative Affairs and is under the direction of the
University Comptroller. The primary responsibilities of the division are to maintain the accounting system,
collect and disburse university funds, monitor the budget, prepare the annual financial report, coordinate
insurance programs, manage the University payroll system, maintain the University Property System and
monitor the financial activity on contracts and grants. The following are some of the important services
offered by this division:

University departments are responsible for making travel arrangements for their faculty and staff. All
official university travel must be authorized and approved in advance by the dean, director or department
chair from whose funds the traveler is to be reimbursed. Travel expenses must be limited to those expenses
necessarily incurred by them in the performance of a public purpose in accordance with state law and
regulation. A flat allowance is provided for reimbursement of meals. Generally, receipts are necessary for
the reimbursement of lodging, common carrier charges such as airline tickets and car rentals, and incidental
expenses including taxi fares, tolls, registration fees, parking and telephone calls for official business. Airline
tickets and car rentals and registration fees may be paid directly by the University or paid for by the traveler
and subsequently reimbursed by the University. The use of personal vehicles may be reimbursed at the
current mileage rate.

American Express Corporate Card
The University currently has an agreement with American Express to provide faculty with access to an
American Express Corporate Card for university-related travel expenses. There is no charge for the use of
this card. Information concerning this program or any travel-related questions may be directed to the
Finance and Accounting Division. Use of this card during business travel for ticket purchases entitles the
staff member to a complimentary $100,000 Accidental Death Insurance Coverage.

University Payroll Services is responsible for coordinating the pay records and payroll distribution for
all university employees. Paychecks are distributed biweekly for all employees except those medical staff

Faculty Handbook 5-11

who receive payments related to the Academic Enrichment Fund, which makes payments once every four
weeks. A schedule of paydates and critical processing dates is distributed to every department at the
beginning of each calendar year.

Accounting System Access and Reports
Accounting records for all funded activities are maintained on the Statewide Automated Management
Accounting system (SAMAS) on a fiscal-year basis. Account Status Reports are distributed at month end
for each authorized SAMAS account in both summary and detail form. The reports include financial
information related to the accounts' authorized budget, year-to-date expenses, outstanding encumbrances
and available balances. Individuals may also request and receive approval to view, on-line, the status of
accounts for which they are responsible. System access is available at terminals or microcomputers
containing a 3270 emulation board. Requests to access the SAMAS accounting system should be directed
to the University Accounting Section, Finance and Accounting Division, Room 109 Tigert Hall.

As a state agency, the University participates in the Statewide Insurance Trust Fund for coverage on losses
to buildings resulting from fire, lightning, wind, flood and other natural hazards. In addition, general liability
is in effect for all facilities and staff during the conduct of their assigned responsibilities. Questions regarding
the preparation of claims and/or unique insurance requirements should be directed to the University
Insurance Coordinator, Room 101 Tigert Hall.

Food Services/Gator Dining Services 392-2491
The university food program offers service in 18 convenient campus locations and includes an endless
variety of popular foods soup and salad bars, deli bars, made-to-order sandwiches, freshly baked goods
made daily at the J.Wayne Reitz Union location, delicious hot entrees and nutritious vegetables. The
program also includes a number of specialty food service units that include ICBY Yogurt Shops, Little
Caesar's Pizza and Dunkin' Donut Shops. Catering services are also provided for both on- and off-campus
occasions. For information about catering call 392-DINE, or 392-3049.

ID Card Service "Gator One Card" 392-8343
The University of Florida official ID Card, known as the "Gator One Card," is required for all faculty,
staff and students. The card also is available for faculty spouses. The front of the card is a digitized image
comprised of the individual's picture, name and identification number. The back of the card has a magnetic
stripe and white signature stripe. The card has been designed as the official picture ID card for the
University and will eventually enable the campus to have only one card to access all services. Some of these
functions in use or planned for the future for the ID card include: library privileges, access to CIRCA labs,
check cashing on campus, infirmary card, Gator Dining Services card, vending card, ticket purchases for
university events, and debit card.
The card may be obtained at the ID Card Services Department next to the main Bookstore in The Hub.
For staff and faculty, the respective department will pay for the first card ($10). However, all replacements
must be paid for by the employee. In order to obtain the first card, a picture ID, Social Security or Staff Card
is needed along with a departmental encumbrance. Lost cards should be reported to the ID Card office at
392-UFID. Replacement cards are $15.

Laundry Services 392-1159
The primary responsibilities of this unit include providing laundry service, including pickup and
delivery, to various university departments. Laundry Services is a totally self-supporting auxiliary
operation generating all of its revenue from the sale of these services. Services are available only for
approved university-related departments.

Parking and Administrative Services 392-2241
All residents of the State of Florida who wish to own and drive a motor vehicle are required by law to have
a Florida vehicle registration and a Florida driver's license. New faculty members from out of state must
obtain these Florida licenses within 30 days after establishing residence here.
Faculty members who desire to park a motorized vehicle on campus must register it and purchase a
decal from Parking Administrative Services. Visitors may request special parking permits at the entry
booths on campus, at the University Police Department and at Parking Administrative Services. Parking
areas for bicycles are provided throughout campus. Convenient parking designated specifically for the


University of Florida

handicapped is provided throughout campus.
The University has a system for fines and a point system for on-campus vehicular parking violations.
A complete set of rules governing traffic, parking and vehicle registration may be secured at Parking
Administrative Services and at the University Police Department.
Parking Administrative Services also operates a campus shuttle bus system from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
weekdays, except for service to the Park and Ride Lot, located at the Performing Arts Center at the
intersection of Hull Road and Bledsoe Drive, which operates 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. weekdays. A bus pass or
the appropriate cash fare is required in order to use the shuttle bus system. Bus passes and route schedules
may be obtained from Parking Administrative Services.

Physical Plant Division 392-1211
The Physical Plant Division's primary mission is to maintain and improve a physical environment
conducive to teaching, learning and research. To this end, this division is responsible for the operation,
maintenance and renovation of educational buildings, utilities and grounds of the University of Florida
campus. The division is organized into the following specialized operational and support departments: the
Work Management Center, Administrative Services, Architecture/Engineering, Maintenance, Building
Services, Utilities, Grounds, Telecommunications and Energy Conservation. The Physical Plant Division
has published a comprehensive user's "Services Guide" outlining the services and procedures of the
Physical Plant Division. To obtain copies of the guide or any other information, contact the Work
Management Center, 392-1211.

Planning and Construction Management 392-1256
This office is responsible for campus physical planning through the development and maintenance of the
University's Master Land Use Plan. The office also provides budgeting, programming, design and
construction management for all major university facilities construction and renovation projects. This office,
which works in cooperation with the Land Use and Facilities Planning Committee in recommending
locations for new university buildings, is composed of faculty and staff members who are appointed to the
Committee by the President of the University.

Police Department (UPD) 392-1111
The University of Florida Police Department (UPD) is organized as a department of the Office of the Vice
President for Administrative Affairs to provide protection and service to the university community. All
officers are professionally trained and State of Florida certified, with the same authority and right to bear
arms as any officer within the state. The department is dedicated to the prevention of crime and the
protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order and safety; the enforcement of laws and
ordinances; and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees. The department is an integral part of the
University's dedication to developing and maintaining a safe and secure campus through the cooperative
efforts of many university departments, offices and student and civic organizations. The department
provides a full range of police services, including, but not limited to, investigations of all crimes committed
in their respective jurisdiction; making arrests; providing crime prevention services and programs, traffic
enforcement, education and training programs, traffic and crowd control for campus events; and maintain-
ing police records. The department, located at the intersection of Museum Road and Newell Drive, is open
to the public 24 hours daily. Persons needing any type of emergency or other police service should call the
appropriate police section at one of the following numbers:
Emergency (Fire, Police, Medical) 911
Other Calls for Service 392-1111
Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol 392-SNAP (campus nighttime escort service)
In addition, there are 80 non-dial outdoor emergency telephones with a direct line to police communi-
cations located at strategic points on campus, including the parking garages. The telephones are easily
identified by their orange boxes topped with blue lights.

Postal Services 392-0629
Campus Mail Services distributes interdepartmental correspondence and U.S. mail. It handles
correspondence related to university business only, and services are restricted to departments and
organizations receiving funding from the University or which are considered direct support organizations
of the University. Personal mail is not handled by Campus Mail Services. Faculty and staff should make
arrangements to receive personal correspondence at their homes. The U.S. Postal Service provides drop
boxes throughout campus for the convenience of faculty, staff and students. The Office of Administrative
Affairs may approve the use of Campus Mail Services on a limited basis for communications of commercial
Faculty Handbook 5-13

companies that provide employee fringe benefit programs through payroll deductions.
The service posts official university mail to be consigned to the U.S. Postal Service, including the
application of postage when it is authorized in advance by the mailing department and chargeable to a
university account. Courier service to the other eight universities and state agencies in Tallahassee is also
offered. Questions relating to department procedures should be directed to the chair, dean or director.
Questions relating to proper mail procedures should be directed to Campus Mail Services.
The University has two other mail service departments operated by the J. Hillis Miller Health Science
Center (located on the ground floor) and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (located in Building
440). In addition to the normal services offered as described above, both of these mail service departments
have an arrangement with the U.S. Postal Service to act as contract stations allowing the sale of stamps and
money orders to the general public. These contract stations are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., respectively.
The names and addresses of faculty, staff and students are available in the form of mailing labels and/
or lists (local or campus addresses). These will be prepared in response to written requests which must state
the purpose for which such labels/lists will be used. (A reminder--campus mail is restricted to official
university business.) All requests for faculty and staff information are to be submitted to Information
Systems in 33 Tigert Hall. Requests for the addresses of student organizations should be sent to the Office
of Student Affairs in 129 Tigert Hall, and requests for student addresses by university departments and
outside businesses should be sent to the Registrar's Office, 222 Criser Hall.

Printing and Graphic Services 392-1292
Services provided include typesetting, layout, PMTs, blueline proofing, offset printing, die cutting,
perforating, collating, padding, several different types of binding, folding and numbering. Printing Services
has two copy centers--one in the printing office on Radio Road and the other in CG-97 of the Health Science
Center. Both centers have free pickup and delivery. Printing & Graphic Services has many types of copy
paper in white and colors in heavy and lightweight stocks cut to order for departmental purchase. Printing
& Graphic Services will not reproduce any copyrighted material unless the individual produces, in writing,
permission from either the author, publisher or both the right to use the copyrighted materials without
exception. Printing will work with departments to help produce printing needs, and price quotes and
estimates are available upon request. Administrative forms used by the University, e.g. leave reports,
purchase orders, outside employment reports, etc., may be obtained at no cost by calling 392-1134. Graphic
Services has the responsibility to review all requests for copiers and other graphic equipment. This
department can be reached at 392-1292. The office hours for Printing & Graphic Services are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday.

Purchasing Division 392-1331
The Purchasing Division is responsible for implementing the University's procurement policies. It
submits bids and conducts negotiations for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and service
contracts used for official university business. The division does not make personal purchases for members
of the university community. There are four Purchasing Offices in the Purchasing Division at the University
of Florida. The Health Science Center (HSC) Purchasing Office supports colleges, out-patient medical
clinics and the Student Health Care Center; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Purchasing
Office supports IFAS departments and research centers around the state; Physical Plant Purchasing Office
supports the University Physical Plant Division; and Central Purchasing supports the rest of campus.
University departments are delegated the authority to use a Limited Purchase Order (LPO) when making
purchases of less than $200 (excluding freight). The LPO is not to be used on a routine basis to purchase
repetitive items from the same vendor. The Purchasing Requisition Entry System allows departments to
transmit requisitions to the Purchasing Division electronically. This method of submitting requisitions is
recommended because it speeds up the purchasing process. Finally, Requisition Form PUR 300 can be
submitted to the Purchasing Division by campus mail, hand delivery or facsimile machines. Requisitions to
purchase should contain all appropriate information and must have an authorized signature.

University Personnel Services 392-1075
University Personnel Services provides a variety of valuable services to the campus community. The
division is responsible for employment, classification and compensation, processing and records, training,
employee benefits, employee relations and unemployment and workers' compensation. Personnel an-
nouncements are made through memoranda, fliers and the University Personnel Services' quarterly
newsletter, University of Florida Perspective. The offices responsible for specific personnel services are as
5-14 University of Florida

Central Employment Center (CEC) 392-4621
University Personnel Services' Central Employment Center interviews, recruits and tests all applicants
for University Support Personnel System (USPS) employment and assists with the Administrative and
Professional (A&P) employment process. CEC encourages career paths for USPS employees by coordinat-
ing subsequent appointments-including reassignments, promotions and demotions. CEC also provides
career counseling for internal USPS applicants. Faculty members may wish to contact the CEC about the
requisitioning and filling of A&P and USPS vacancies as well as any associated advertisement needs. Please
note: The CEC determines eligibility for all A&P and USPS applicants. If a faculty member is contacted
directly by an applicant, he or she should refer that applicant to the CEC, 4th floor, Stadium West.

Central Processing 392-1204
Central Processing maintains the personnel records of all University of Florida employees. It also
ensures that all approved USPS and A&P personnel actions are processed in a timely manner to enable the
prompt and proper payment of employees. Central Processing administers employee audits for prior
service and processes numerous deductions and Other Personal Services (OPS) appointments. This
section, in cooperation with Central Employment staff members, also provides employee verification.
Faculty members may wish to contact Central Processing to discuss the appointment process of their USPS
and A&P employees or to ask any questions that may arise if an employee is injured on the job. In addition,
faculty members may contact Central Processing to arrange for viewing of their personnel files.
Workers' Compensation, which operates within Central Processing, ensures that employees who are
accidentally injured or disabled as a direct result of their employment are compensated through the
University of Florida's self insurance plan.

Classification and Compensation Office 392-1213
Classification and Compensation administers the University of Florida's USPS and A&P classification
and pay plans. With respect to these pay plans, classification analysts classify new positions, review
positions for reclassification, provide counseling on writing position descriptions and offer classification
advice to areas that are reorganizing. As part of its services to the university community, Classification and
Compensation has a Research Personnel Coordinator who provides a variety of services to principal
investigators to expedite their personnel requirements and, thereby, meet contract/grant constraints. This
section also provides information about USPS and A&P special pay increases, including appropriate
documentation, market data, departmental relationships, etc. Faculty members also may contact Classi-
fication and Compensation for information about tuition fee waivers, perquisites and non-faculty dual

Employee Relations Section 392-1073
Employee Relations encourages and promotes a positive working relationship among university
employees through the efforts of University Personnel Services' satellite offices in the Health Science
Center, IFAS and Physical Plant Division/Auxiliaries/E&G. These offices, which are located in the areas
they serve, provide comprehensive employee services. The satellite offices provide new USPS employee
orientation; payroll and employee benefits sign-up; training programs; and assistance with performance
appraisals, disciplinary actions, grievances and appeals. Additional services include an employee medical
evaluation program, assistance with tuition fee waivers, employment and classification information, layoff
coordination, probationary and promotional follow-up/counseling, specified interest/outside employ-
ment and assistance with exit interviews. Employee Relations also administers three collective bargaining
contracts and the University of Florida's unemployment compensation program. Faculty members may
wish to contact their personnel satellite offices with questions about any of the areas outlined above. They
also may call the appropriate personnel satellite office for assistance with employee relations concerns as
they relate to USPS employees and A&P personnel.

Retirement Office 392-4941
The Retirement Office provides retirement planning and counseling services. It acts as a liaison for the
employee with the providers of the retirement programs. The section brings two program series of financial
interest to campus: Making Money Behave, a personal financial series; and Focus On Retirement Planning,
a series devoted to long-term retirement planning. A faculty member may wish to contact the Retirement
Office about choosing his or her retirement plan or determining an estimate of his or her retirement benefit.
Assistance through this office also is available to employees after retirement.

Faculty Handbook 5-15

Special Programs 392-4626
Special Programs provides or helps coordinate training, development and related programs for all
university staff members. These programs involve a management/supervisory training series and a series
of programs designed to increase productivity. Programs of interest include the following: Employee
Assistance Information Referral Program, Incentive Efficiency Program, Living Well Series, and Sexual
Harassment Mini-Conferences. Announcements of all programs appear in the monthly training calendar,
Training Connection, which is sent to deans, directors and department chairs. Faculty also may call Special
Programs to be placed on the Training Connection mailing list. Other personnel announcements are made
through memoranda, fliers and University Personnel Services' quarterly newsletter, University of Florida
Perspective. Faculty members may wish to contact Special Programs about performance appraisals for their
A&P and USPS employees, on-site training and consulting services, basic skills training and employee
development, policy and procedures about leave for their A&P and USPS employees, A&P and USPS
participation in the University of Florida's sick leave pool, and time cards for USPS employees.

University Benefits Office 392-1225
The University Benefits Office administers all employee benefits programs (except tuition fee waivers
and the University's leave program) for faculty, A&P and USPS employees. This includes recommending
new programs, analyzing current programs and proposing additions or changes. The office also enrolls all
employees into benefits programs and maintains their coverage during employment. In an effort to
enhance services to the university community, University Benefits has expanded its services to University
Personnel Services' satellite offices in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the Health
Science Center.
Faculty members should contact University Benefits no later than 31 days from their official hire dates
so that they may enroll, in a timely manner, for those benefits in which they are interested. Any changes
in status, such as address or other personal information as it relates to employee benefits, should be made
by notifying University Benefits, as appropriate. Faculty also should inform the Academic Personnel Office
in Academic Affairs if their names have changed.
Listing of Employee Benefits
The following information briefly summarizes the benefits available to faculty, except those in positions
funded from Other Personal Services (OPS) funds. Since these benefits may change during the year, it is
suggested that University Benefits be contacted for more information on any of the available programs.
Discount Cards for Tourist Attractions and Local Theaters
Employees may obtain membership cards from University Benefits that provide discounted admis-
sions. Theater passes may be obtained at the Constans Theatre Box Office.
Electronic Funds Transfer of Pay Check
Provided to all employees upon request, this benefit provides biweekly electronic transfer to a
participating financial institution. Sign-up is conducted by the faculty member with the financial
institution. Enrollment forms are available in Central Processing, 429 Stadium West, and the personnel
satellite offices in the Health Science Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, and Physical Plant.
Employee Assistance Program and Information on Services
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers help with many kinds of personal, family and work-
place problems. The EAP provides a 24-hour, on-call phone line (338-9839), is on campus and is designed
to provide employees with assistance and confidential counseling before problems get out of hand and
affect job performance. Employees' problems may be related to family or marital crisis; emotional distress;
drug or alcohol abuse; difficulties with relationships; or problems associated with life situations, such as
parenting, loss of a loved one, caring for an elderly parent, financial difficulties or impaired personal health.
Normally, employees receive up to six on-campus sessions from EAP counselors. If additional counseling
is needed, employees are generally referred to professionals in the area. There is no cost for services
provided directly by EAP counselors-counselors who are professionally trained, with graduate creden-
tials in human services professions. When and if employees are referred, EAP staff members help
employees make the best use of health coverage. Referral information also is provided by Special Programs,
University Personnel Services (392-4626).
Flexible Benefits Program
The University of Florida has established a flexible benefits program that allows employees to mitigate
federal withholding and social security taxes. There are two parts to this program: (1) Pre-taxation of
insurance premiums permits employees to elect to have certain premiums, including state health plan,
HMOs and state life insurance, payroll deducted without being subject to income or social security tax. The

5-16 University of Florida

exact amount of savings depends upon the employee's income level and tax bracket. (2) Medical and
Dependent Day-Care Reimbursement Accounts permit university employees to allocate a pre-tax sum each
year to pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance or dependent day-care expenses incurred within
that year. The money is deducted automatically from the employees' paychecks in equal installments
throughout the year before taxes are computed.
The University pays federal holidays for all employees and allows the following nine paid holidays per
year for year-round employees: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving holidays and Christmas Day.
ID Card
The University pays for the initial card, but fees for replacement cards must be paid for by the user. All
employees are eligible to receive the card, which allows access to university recreational facilities, libraries
and CIRCA labs and serves as a check-cashing ID.
Insurance Programs
The following information briefly describes the various insurance programs available to eligible faculty:
Dental Insurance The individual pays 100 percent of the premium. All employees are eligible
regardless of appointment. Employees must enroll within the first 31 days of employment or during the
open enrollment period. Preventative care is provided at no cost; other services require co-payment.
Premiums are payroll deducted on a pre-tax basis.
Disability Plan (Long Term) The individual pays 100 percent of the costs for this benefit. All
employees who are paid from regular salary sources, and are appointed at least .50 FFE, are eligible to
participate. Employees must enroll within the first 31 days of employment or during the open enrollment
period. This benefit pays two-thirds salary tax-free up to $108,000. The maximum benefit is $6,000 a month
until normal retirement age and is paid after satisfying a 90-day waiting period. The benefit amount is
reduced by Social Security disability payments received and disability retirement. The plan will pay a
minimum benefit of at least $100 or 10 percent of gross income, whichever is greater, regardless of any other
payment offset.
Health Insurance Employees may choose between conventional group health insurance and one of the
health maintenance organizations (HMOs) for their individual or family health care. For single coverage, the
individual pays 16.32 percent of the cost; for family coverage (no limit on number of dependents), the
individual pays only 25.87 percent. The University pays the remaining amount, regardless of the plan, into
the State's self-insurance fund. All employees, paid from regular salary sources, must enroll within the first
31 days of employment or during the open enrollment period. The conventional group plan, which provides
worldwide coverage, will reimburse costs associated with covered physicians and hospital expenses minus
listed co-payments and deductibles. HMOs offer a full range of health care including routine doctor visits,
maternity care, x-rays, lab work, etc. Upon enrollment, the employee is required to select primary care
physicians from those available. If a specialist is needed, the HMO will arrange and pay for the appointment.
If hospitalization is required, the HMO will make all the necessary arrangements. Nominal co-payments
usually accompany treatment.
Life Insurance (Decreasing) The University pays two-thirds and the individual pays one-third of this
benefit. All employees paid from regular salary sources are eligible and must enroll within the first 31 days
of employment or during the open enrollment period. Benefits depend on age and salary. The premium will
be waived if the employee is disabled after a nine-month waiting period.
Life Insurance (Fixed) The individual pays 100 percent of the premium cost. All employees paid from
regular salary sources and appointed at least .50 FTE are eligible. Benefits include $20,000 guaranteed each
year. Employees may purchase up to $250,000 on themselves and half of that amount for a spouse and
children. The premium is waived after six months if disabled.
Personal Accident Insurance The individual pays 100 percent of this benefit. All employees paid from
regular salary sources and appointed at least .50 FTE are eligible. The individual may cover himself/herself
up to $350,000 and his/her spouse for 50 percent of the employee amount. Children are covered at 10
percent of employee amount. Cost depends on the coverage selected.
Supplemental Insurance A variety of dental, cancer, hospital indemnity and short-term disability
plans are available to all employees. Enrollment must be completed within the first 31 days of employment
and during the open enrollment period. The employee pays the entire premium, but the premium is
handled on a pre-tax basis.
The following annual and sick leave benefits are available to faculty:
Annual Leave The University provides annual leave for twelve-month faculty members and allows

Faculty Handbook 5-17

them to earn 22 days per year and accrue up to 44 days. Nine- and ten-month faculty earn no annual leave
time. Part-time faculty earn at a rate directly proportionate to the percent of time employed.
Sick Leave The University provides sick leave for all full-time faculty and staff. Four hours per pay-
period for each biweekly pay-period of employment are earned without limitation on the amount of accrual
by full-time employees. Part-time faculty earn at a rate directly proportionate to the percent of time
Phased Retirement Programs
Eligible faculty may request to participate in a phased retirement program which guarantees a certain
number of semesters of re-employment after retirement.
Pre-Paid College Program
Faculty who wish to prepay the college tuition of a child or grandchild may do so via payroll deductions.
Information and applications are available from University Benefits or from the:

Florida Prepaid College Program
P.O. Box 45059
Jacksonville, FL 32232-5059
Telephone: 1-800-228-2448
Retirement Plans
All faculty members are automatically enrolled in the Optional Retirement Program. Those employed
in the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Related Professions must remain in the Optional
Retirement Program. Other faculty may switch their enrollment to the Florida Retirement System by
informing University Benefits within the first 90 days of employment. The two programs are summarized
as follows:
Defined Benefit (Florida Retirement System) The University contributes an amount equal to 17.75
percent of the individual's salary; the individual pays nothing. All employees (except faculty appointed
in the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Related Professions) are eligible. Benefits are based on
age, salary and length of service. The normal retirementage is 62, or after 30 years of service. Faculty receive
full vesting after 10 years and may retire after 10 years with a reduction in benefits if younger than 62. The
retirement plan has disability and survivor benefits as well.
Defined Contribution (Optional Retirement Program) The University contributes 17.75 percent of
the individual's salary, of which 11.41 percent is directed to one of five annuity companies of the employee's
choice. The individual may contribute up to 11.41 percent of his or her eligible amount according to IRS
guidelines. All faculty and most A & P positions related to the academic process are eligible to participate
in the Optional Retirement Program. Faculty must choose a retirement plan within 90 days of employment.
Faculty receive immediate vesting in the Optional Retirement Program, which is portable out ofstate. The
employee's contribution is tax sheltered, and employees may draw retirement benefits at any age (as an
Sabbatical/Professional/Faculty Development Leave Programs
The University pays this benefit for interested employees after six years. This benefit provides the
opportunity for research and professional renewal at one-semester (at full pay) or two-semester (at half-
pay) intervals. Employee contributions normally made by the University to the state retirement plan, Social
Security and state life insurance plan are continued on a basis proportionate to the salary received during
the period of the leave. For this reason, faculty who have leaves at half pay should contact University
Benefits to make arrangements for full benefits coverage. For further information on these leave programs,
please contact the Faculty Relations Office in Academic Affairs (392-1254).
Sick Leave Pool
Individuals who choose to participate in this program donate eight hours of sick leave to the pool
Eligibility requirements include one year of employment as a faculty member, A&P or USPS employee with
thestate and a minimum of 64 hours of sick leave on balance at the time of application for full-time
employees. (Part-time employees are eligible to participate, with this criterion being established on a pro-
rated basis.) This will allow participating employees, upon approval, to withdraw sick leave for personal
use in cases of catastrophic illness or injury. Faculty should contact the Academic Personnel Office (392-
1251) for more information.
Social Security
The individual and the University share payment for this benefit, which is available to all faculty
immediately upon employment. Social Security provides retirement, medical, survivor and disability

University of Florida

Tax-Sheltered Annuities
An employee may purchase fixed, variable, flexible or investment annuities from several different
companies by payroll deduction. These annuities result in a tax deferment, because the dollars put into the
program are not taxed until the employee receives them. To achieve maximum benefit, this program should
be considered only for long-term saving.
Tuition Exchange Program (TEP)
The University of Florida is a member of Tuition Exchange, Inc., an organization based at Muhlenberg
College in Pennsylvania. The program, which is announced annually, basically works as follows: for each
child of a faculty member that the University of Florida accepts from any TEP institution (import), the
University may send a child of a UF faculty member to a TEP institution (export). A balance between the
number of imports and exports is necessary in order to remain within the guidelines set by Tuition
Exchange, Inc. Once a faculty member's child is accepted to a TEP institution and selected to be a participant
in the program as an "export," a deposit of $100 is due immediately. The balance of $1500 (which may be
subject to change) will be due prior to the beginning of the academic year, usually on or before August 1.
This cost helps cover the in-state tuition for our "imports." A listing of participating institutions is available
upon request from the Faculty Relations Office (392-4792).
Tuition Fee-Waiver Program
The University and the State University System share the cost for all eligible full-time employees in an
established position upon request. Faculty are eligible to enroll in courses on a space-available basis
without payment of a registration fee, according to the instructions on the Application for Waiver of
Registration Fees form. Application forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. Fees are waived for
a maximum of six credit hours per term.
U.S. Savings Bonds
All employees may purchase U.S. Savings Bonds at the University Benefits Office in denominations of
$50 lo $i50 either by bond-a-pay period or spread over several pay periods.
Workers' Compensation
The University pays this benefit for all employees and awards pay in the event of a job-related injury,
disability or death. Employees are also covered while on official travel status. For more information, please
refer to the information in the Central Processing section of this handbook.

Other Support Services

Baby Gator Child Care 392-2330
The University offers an on-campus child care/preschool service for the three- to five-year-old children
of students, faculty and staff. Baby Gator Child Care/Educational Research Center for Child Development
is open dailyfrom 7:30a.m. to5:30p.m. and is located on Village DriveneartheCollegeof Law. (The University
is currently negotiating the placement of an additional child care center on campus.) There is very limited
capacity and an extensive waiting list at Baby Gator. Interested faculty should contact the Baby Gator Child
Care Center for information and an application.

Campus Directory and Campus Map 392-9092
News and Public Affairs publishes the campus phone directory each year. This directory includes address
and phone number listings for students, faculty and staff; emergency contacts; and all campus offices'
services, facilities and organizations. The directory also includes a classified buyer's guide as well as NEXUS
tape information service numbers for information on everything from health to finances. Individual faculty
and staff entries for the directory are processed through respective departments. Directories are distributed
to academic departments, not to individual faculty members, in October or November. To obtain a copy of
the directory, contact the Telecommunications Department, Physical Plant Division, 392-1146. News and
Public Affairs also publishes the campus map, which is distributed each year in late August.

Campus Federal Credit Union 335-9090 1-800-367-6440
The Gainesville Florida Campus Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution used by
University of Florida faculty and staff, Shands Hospital and Health Science Center employees, graduate
students and all their family members. The following are some of the services offered: No-Monthly-Service
Charge checking accounts, PLAN AMERICA Financial Management Program, No-Annual-Fee VISA/
Mastercard and auto loans with low monthly payments. For additional information on benefits from
affordable and convenient financial services, please contact a new accounts representative.

Faculty Handbook 5-19

Campus Ministry Cooperative 392-1261
The Campus Ministry Cooperative is a group of affiliated religious organizations which serve the
students, faculty and staff of the University of Flonda. Participating organizations represent a wide variety
of religious and cultural traditions. A number of the cooperative s member organizations have facilities
located within walking distance of the main campus. Specific campus ministries can be reached through
the telephone numbers listed in the University directory or student guide. Among the services offered to
faculty are assistance in referral to local religious communities, participation m religious programs,
introduction to community resources, pastoral care and counseling and assistance in working with
students' religious concerns.

Continuing Education 392-2137
The Division of Continuing Education has provided a variety of special learning opportunities for the
people of Florida since 1919. Working with the various colleges and schools of the University, the division
provides numerous non-credit conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. in a wide range of subjects each year.
The division recognizes the need to provide programs which keep out-of-school adults current in their
professions and occupations and will develop, in conjunction with appropriate faculty members, programs
designed to meet specific learning needs of the citizens of Florida. Each year more than 30,000 people enroll
in courses and programs offered by or through the Division of Continuing Education.
More than 200 credit and non-credit courses are offered through the division's Department of
Independent Study by Correspondence, which enrolls more than 6000 students annually. Credit classes
are offered in a variety of locations throughout the state to provide opportunities for many Floridians to
maintain licensure or certification.
The division's Center for Training, Research and Education in the Environmental Occupations is
dedicated to providing up-to-date research and training programs in environmentally critical vocations
throughout the state.
Members of the university community and the community at large are provided with a wide variety of
learning opportunities through the University's Community Program and the Leading Edge Seminars.
Topics m both these programs are based on currently important areas of study and include classes in
Gainesville, in several parts of Florida and selected international locations.

Development and Alumni Affairs 392-1691
The Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (ODAA) and the University of Florida Foundation, Inc.
facilitate private giving to the University, maintain and expand contact with UFalumni and friends, manage
private contributions to the University and distribute proceeds of these gifts to the appropriate university
program or entity. The professional staff at ODAA and the Foundation are thoroughly experienced in
educational fund raising and are prepared to assist faculty with proposals and other fund-raising activities.
The Office of Alumni Affairs works with the University of Florida National Alumni Association,
founded in 1906, on a variety of class reunions, Gator Clubs, social functions and publications, including
the alumni magazine and tabloid. A major initiative of the Alumni Affairs office is OUTREACH, through
which members of the university community speak to groups throughout the nation.
Recognizing the importance of private dollars to the University's educational, research and service
programs, the Office of Development's fund-raising staff solicits private individuals, corporations and
foundations for support of scholarships, professorships, program enhancements, facilities and other
educational purposes within the University. The Office of Development and Alumni Affairs is associated
with the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a non-profit independent direct support
organization that processes and manages private gifts to the University. The Foundation's business
operation oversees a total university endowment of approximately $175 million. In 1991-92, the Founda-
tion transferred more than $49.4 million in direct support to university educational, research and service
programs. Since 1983, the operations of the University Foundation have produced $276.4 million in direct
annual support for the University of Florida.
The Foundation handles disbursements from endowed and non-endowed private funding sources,
provides monthly activity reports to designated fund administrators and monitors investment perfor-
mance of the endowed pool. The operations of the Foundation are governed by a Board of Directors which
sets and approves staff policy.

Health Science Center 395-0555
The University of Florida Health Science Center, one of the most comprehensive academic health
centers in the Southeast, is dedicated to the highest quality in patient care services, health research,
education and public service. Major components of the Center include six colleges: Medicine, Dentistry,
Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Related Professions, and Veterinary Medicine, and the following University
health-care facilities:

5-20 University of Florida

Faculty Practice Dental Clinic 392-9106
The Faculty Practice Clinic at the College of Dentistry is adjacent to the West Information Center in the
Health Science Center and is composed of 52 Faculty Practitioners representing general dentistry and the
various dental specialties. Faculty Practitioners are supported by 17 full-time staff-dental assistants,
dental hygienists, laboratory technicians and receptionists. The Clinic is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Patients are seen by appointment only. All new patients are first scheduled for a consultation appointment
which includes an exam and the necessary X-rays. The Clinic operates essentially like a private dentist's
office with patients assigned a specific dentist for all dental care. The fee structure is also similar to the
private-practice setting.

Shands Cancer Center 395-0725
The Shands Cancer Center is a new, free-standing facility which provides outpatient services for
children and adults. The first floor offers radiation therapy for adults and children, and adult and pediatric
chemotherapy treatment is provided on the second floor. An adult hematology/oncology department and
a pediatric hematology/oncology department, which includes treatment for infant sickle cell anemia and
hemophilia, also are available.

IShands Clinic for Outpatient Care Services 395-0555
The Shands Clinic is the outpatient service of the College of Medicine at the University of Florida Health
Science Center. Shands Clinic offers a comprehensive array of advanced patient care services through
affiliation with Shands Hospital, the primary on-site teaching hospital, and with the neighboring Veterans
Administration Medical Center of Gainesville. The mission of the Clinic is to provide personalized,
compassionate and high-quality care within a group practice, coordinated by University of Florida
physicians. Some 350 physicians, representing more than 110 medical specialties, provide diagnostic and
treatment services.
UF College of Medicine physicians provide routine treatment for all primary care needs such as
physical, colds or lower back pain. The following clinics are available for outpatient care:
Anesthesiology Physicians/Pain Clinic 395-0077
Cardiovascular Clinic 395-0457
Communicative Disorders 395-0174
Dermatology 392-1768
Diagnostic Physicians I 392-3431
Diagnostic Physicians II 392-4061
Ear, Nose and Throat-Head
and Neck Surgery Clinic 392-4061
Eye Center 392-3111
Family Practice Clinic 395-0502
Hampton Oaks 395-0646
Orthopaedic Physicians 395-0633
Park Avenue 392-1768, 392-1078
Park Avenue Women's Center 392-6200
Pediatric Physicians 392-3671
Psychiatric Physicians 395-0213
Psychology Clinic 395-0294
Radiation Oncology 395-0316
Women's Health Group 392-4021

Shands Hospital at the University of Florida 395-0111
Shands Hospital is a leading tertiary care referral center for the state of Florida and the Southeast. Since
its opening in 1958, Shands has had many medical "firsts," including Florida's first open heart surgery in 1959
and organ transplantation beginning in the 1960s. Specialized services housed at Shands indude two
Magnetic Resonance Imaging centers, a referral center for children needing cardiovascular surgery, a state-
supported regional diabetes center, the regional intensive-care bur center, the neonatal intensive care unit,
a spinal cord injury center, a hyperbaric chamber on long-term loan from the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and a bone marrow transplant unit. ShandsCair is the hospital multi-vehicle emergency
transportation program. More than 13,344 patients throughout Florida and the Southeast have been
transported to Shands Hospital via helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft.

Faculty Handbook 5-21

Living Well Program 392-9767
The College of Health and Human Performance sponsors the University employee wellness program.
An annual membership fee is required. Full-time employees, retired faculty and their spouses are eligible.
Fees include health assessments, appraisals, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, fitness assess-
ments, exercise programming and full-time exercise supervision with treadmills, stair climbers, rowing
machines, stationary cycles, strength machines, aerobic dance, aquacize, lap swimming and walking in a
6,400-square-foot facility located in the basement of the Florida Gym. Indoor racquetball memberships are
also available. Educational programs are offered for weight control, stress management, nutritional
awareness with a dietary evaluation, first aid with CPR, smoking cessation and relief of low back pain.
Members receive a monthly newsletter with announcements and current health and fitness information.

News and Public Affairs 392-0186
The Division of News and Public Affairs disseminates information and answers questions from the
media and the public about teaching, research and service activities at the University. Reporting directly
to the President, the office serves central administration and Education and General (E & G) colleges and
coordinates with other colleges and campus information offices. The division assists the University and its
faculty, staff and students in communicating with national, state and local media through a wide variety
of services. Services include writing and producing print and broadcast news features, graphic and
typesetting assistance for publications, production of video projects and news and portrait photography.
University news is released to print media through major wire services, newspapers and magazines.
Video news releases are made available to networks and stations on tape or via satellite. To communicate
with local audiences, News and Public Affairs publishes "University Digest" in the Independent Florida
Alligator and produces "University Update," which airs weekdays on local radio stations. The office also
oversees production of the quarterly alumni magazine, the campus map and phone directory.
The division's auxiliary enterprises offer high-quality graphic arts, video and photographic services at
extremely competitive prices. The publications section offers production services from conceptualization
and design to camera-ready mechanicals for printing. Broadcast services include studio and field
production and editing for instructional or promotional videotapes. The photography section offers photos
in a wide variety of formats, helps coordinate multi-media productions and maintains an extensive photo

Stephen C. O'Connell Center Please refer to Section 6.

Records Management 392-4180
The Records Management Office consults with and provides technical support to university offices on
all phases of records management. The Director of the Records Management Office helps staff destroy
obsolete records in accordance with University and State rules and policies; assists with files management
and filing systems; works with staff on active records maintenance including microfilm, storage and other
technologies; and documents, maintains and updates the University's Vital Records/Disaster Plan.
Records Management is a service that improves management of records and office space.

J. Wayne Reitz Union Please refer to Section 6.

Student Affairs 392-1265
Although the Division of Student Affairs provides a range of services for students, it is able to assist
faculty in questions and concerns dealing with students. For example, faculty unable to answer or solve
a student problem may direct the student to the Office of Student Services in Peabody Hall (392-1261). This
office serves as a "clearing house" for student concerns, and the staff can provide assistance on many
matters. If students present personal or psychological problems which appear to need professional help,
faculty may refer them directly to the University Counseling Center in Peabody Hall (392-1575). Students
unsure about career plans may be directed to the Career Resource Center located in the Reitz Union (392-
1601). A description of some of the services follows.

Career Resource Center 392-1601
The Career Resource Center (CRC) in G-1 of the J. Wayne Reitz Union, provides career planning,
cooperative education/work experience opportunities and job placement assistance to all UF students and
alumni. Services include the following: individual counseling, CHOICES (computerized career explora-
tion and occupational information delivery system), a career mini school, cooperative education and
5-22 University of Florida

internship programs, job placement service, career days, a career resource library, an audiovisual library,
a qualification record repository and referral service and an "outreach program." A branch of the CRC, the
Liberal Arts and Sciences Career Planning Office, is located in 358 Little Hall; another branch is in the
College of Agriculture, 2002-B McCarty Hall. For additional information, students, alumni and faculty are
invited to visit the student service area in B-l of the Reitz Union. Staff members will be happy to discuss
ideas, concerns and needs for individuals and groups.

Counseling Center 392-1575
The University Counseling Center in Peabody Hall offers a variety of counseling and student develop-
ment services to students and their spouses. The center is staffed by psychologists whose primary interests
are to facilitate the growth and development of each student and to assist students in getting the most out of
their college experience. Services offered at the center include the following: counseling, consulting, career
development, group and workshop programs, peer counselors, teaching/training and Counseline. A
publication, "A Faculty and Staff Guide to Student Stress," is distributed to faculty and staff periodically. It
contains useful information about student stress, referral procedures and counseling. Copies are available
from the counseling center.

Legal Services 392-2196
Student Legal Services in the J. Wayne Reitz Union provides students with free legal advice and
counseling in a traditional attorney-client setting.

Reading and Writing Center 392-0791
The University Reading and Writing Center, located in 2109 Turlington Hall, is a free service offered to
staff and students at all levels. The Center can be contacted from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday. The Center provides credit classes for freshmen (RED 1343) (S,S,F, as well as non-credit,
individual instruction based on a diagnosis of each student's needs. The reading program is designed to
improve comprehension, reading rate, vocabulary and study skills. The writing program is designed to aid
students with the organization and development of papers and with spelling, punctuation and grammar
skills. Students may receive limited help in preparing papers for courses in one or two of these areas.
Additional offerings include workshops on writing theses and dissertations and preparing resumes, as well
as special programs for assisting students with such exams as CLAST, GMAT, GRE, LSAT and MCAT.

Student Health Care Center 392-1161
The Student Health Care Center (SHCC) provides a spectrum of outpatient medical services including
primary medical care, health screening programs, health education, sexual assault recovery service and
mental health consultation and counseling. Clinical staff are highly qualified and experienced in student
health issues. All students registered for classes at the University of Florida are eligible for services. The
SHCC Outpatient Clinic hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays and noon to 4 p.m. weekends and holidays.
Summer hours may vary.

Teaching Center 392-2010 392-6769
The Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) Teaching Center SW Broward Hall provides free tutoring and
study skills advisement. Depending on the semester, tutoring is offered in these and other courses: Accounting,
Biology, Calculus, Mathematics, Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics and CLAST and GRE
preparation as well as several engineering courses (circuits, thermo, mechanics, etc.). The OIR Teaching Center
- SE Broward Hall offers free tutoring and test reviews to all students in MAC 1142, MAC 3311 and MAC 3233.

University Clubs Please refer to Section 6.

P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School 392-1554
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School (K-12) is operated by the University of Florida through the
College of Education. P. K. Yonge provides a complete kindergarten through grade 12 program open to
the entire Gainesville community. The school has a dual purpose of providing an exemplary educational
program for its 900 students, and experimenting with new ways of teaching and learning, which, if
successful, are disseminated to educators in Florida's 67 school districts. Students are selected from a
waiting list of voluntary applicants so that the school's population matches the economic, gender and racial
distribution of the state's student population. Applications for enrollment may be obtained directly from
the school.

Faculty Handbook 5-23




Museums and Galleries

Samuel P. Ham Museum of Art 392-9826
The Samuel P. Har Museum of Art is the University of Florida's gallery and its first full-scale art
museum. The Ham Museum of Art is located at S.W. 34th Street and Hull Road. Admission is free. The
contemporary 62,000-square-foot building opened to the public in 1990 and provides for an almost infinite
variety of changing art exhibitions as well as a growing permanent collection. The Museum houses both
permanent collections and major traveling exhibitions. The Museum programs enhance the teaching and
research activities of the University, serve the academic community and extend to a culturally diverse
regional, national and international audience. The Museum strives through its programs to increase
awareness, expand knowledge and encourage understanding of the visual arts-past and present-and of
all cultures. Present strengths in the Museum's permanent collection include art from the varied cultures
of the Americas, Asia, Africa, Melanesia and Europe. The Museum also features a variety of changing
exhibitions. In addition, the Ham Museum offers a full range of educational programs for the general public
as well as the academic community. These programs include film and lecture series, visiting artists,
workshops and performances.
Florida Museum of Natural History 392-1721
The Florida Museum of Natural History was create by an act of the Legislature in 1917 as a department
of the University of Florida. Through its affiliation with the University, it carries dual responsibility as the
State Museum of Florida and the University Museum. The Museum is located at the corner of Museum
Road and Newell Drive in a modem facility completed in 1970. The public halls are open daily Tuesday
through Saturday and on Sundays and holidays, except Christmas, and is closed on Mondays. There is no
admission charge. Please refer to Section 5 for more details on the Museum.
Architecture Gallery 392-0205
The College of Architecture Gallery, located off the college's atrium, features faculty and student work
for the College's five disciplines-architecture, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning,
interior design and building construction-as well as traveling displays of important design, planning and
construction exhibitions. During exhibits, the gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fine Arts Focus Gallery 392-0201
The Fine Arts Focus Gallery is a small space within the office area of the Department of Art. Under the
supervision of the University Gallery, this area displays student and faculty as well as small, invited one-
person exhibitions on a monthly basis.
Grinter Galleries 392-0375
The Grinter Galleries are located in the University of Florida Graduate School and International Studies
building (Grinter Hall). These two small gallery spaces change exhibitions on a monthly basis during the
academic year. The exhibitions presented here are related to academic programming with an emphasis
upon international arts. The Galleries' programs are also supported by the Graduate School and the
University Gallery. Both galleries are open to the University community and the public schools.
Faculty Handbook 6-1

University Gallery 392-0201
The University Gallery is a modern, public gallery space dedicated to an exhibition program with an
emphasis on contemporary art, for the primary purpose of serving the department's teaching and research
needs. The Gallery originates important exhibitions of regional, national and international art, hosts
traveling exhibitions and mounts exhibitions of Department of Art generated works. Included in these are
the Annual Faculty Exhibition, the MFA Exhibition, the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition and other
periodic group and one-person faculty exhibitions. In addition, various hallway display spaces are
available for constant exhibition of classroom-produced student work. All three of the above gallery/
exhibition programs are intimately associated with the Department of Art's teaching curricula and are
located conveniently close to classroom activities.

Music and Concerts 392-0224
The Department of Music offers some 150 concerts and participation opportunities to all interested
faculty and staff each year. Free public concerts are presented regularly by the University Symphony
Orchestra, University Bands, Jazz Bands, University Choir, Men's Glee Club, Women's Chorale, Gospel
Choir, Renaissance Ensemble, University Chamber Singers and the Opera Workshop. Student recitals are
also open to the general public. Offerings by faculty artists include many excellent solo and faculty chamber
music concerts. The faculty ensembles include the Florida Arts Trio, Florida Woodwind Quintet and the
Florida Baroque Ensemble. The University Symphony Orchestra welcomes active participation by faculty
members and their families. The President's Visiting Artist Series and the Center for the Performing Arts
also bring concerts and nationally known entertainers to the University campus throughout the year.

The Century Tower, a distinctive landmark of the University of Florida, houses a world-class carillon
having 49 cast bronze bells. This university treasure, heard daily in mini-performances, is also used for
recitals by guest artists and for academic, ceremonial and artistic functions in the adjacent University
Memorial Auditorium. The carillon is also used for instruction for students of carillon performance.

Stephen C. O'Connell Center 392-5555
Musical events, concerts and a variety of entertainment events are scheduled in this multipurpose
facility. Contact the Center for more information on upcoming events.

University Memorial Auditorium 392-2346
University Auditorium, originally completed in the mid-1920s and renovated and expanded as a
Bicentennial project in 1976-77, is one of several University buildings selected to be included in the National
Register of Historic Places. The Auditorium provides a concert stage (no proscenium or grand drape) and
seating for 867 and is suitable for musical concerts, special lectures, convocations and the less-technically-
demanding dance programs and pageants. There is also a conference room on either side of the main hall,
each with a capacity of 15. The Auditorium is also home of the Department of Music's Anderson Memorial
Pipe Organ, which is one of the largest and most sophisticated instruments of its kind in the Southeast and
a unique significant resource for performance and instruction. Among other amenities made possible by the
expansion work is the Friends of Music Room, a tastefully designed and decorated room which is available
for small to medium-sized (up to 75) receptions. Meal service for up to 40 can also be accommodated.

Radio and Television 392-1124
The University's College of Journalism and Communications is the licensee of three public broadcasting
facilities WUFT-TV, Channel 5, the 100,000-watt public radio station; WUFT-FM, 89.1; and WIOUF, an
educational station seen on Cox Cable, Channel 19 all administered within the College of Journalism and
Communications. They are associated with the Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio
Network and offer a wide range of programming, including news and public affairs, culture and
entertainment and classical music and jazz. Channel 5 and Classic 89 are both among the top 10 rated public
broadcast stations in their respective national networks. These broadcast facilities serve a coast-to-coast,
16-county region of North Central Florida and provide professional training for qualified students. The

6-2 University of Florida