;. IFAS, University of Florida
Dover, Florida
Dover ARC Research Report SV-1982-1 January, 1982
E. E. Albregts and C. 1. How.ard ..- -
Str.c~'. brry fruit yield and quality characteristic s are -deiehdent on the 1tivar
!:nd the climate in the area in which they are grown. This is in addition to te
fertility, soil, irrigation, and cultural differences -6inITar-.ior1nrl j'ik entered.
ihe purpose of this report is to provide results from ncent-trias-with the leading
strc.w'err.' cultivars grown in central Florida and with two advanced breeding lines
from ARC-Dover.
Six cultivars plus two advanced breeding lines were evaluated for two seasons
in thi fruiting field. During the first season the cuiti'ars 'Dover', 'Florida
Belle', 'Tioga', and 'Tufts' plus advanced breeding lines 77-163 and 77-169 were set
in a 2 row bed mulched with black polyethylene on October 23', 1979. These plants
were lccealy grown. On November 7, 1979 'Vista' end 'Douglas' plai-ts from a
California nursery were set in the same trial. During the second season the
cultivars 'Dover', 'Florida Belle', 'Tufts', 'Pajaro', 'Douglas', and 'Aiko', and
advanced breeding lines 77-163 and 77-169 were set in a two row bed mulched with
black polyethylene on October 8, 1980. All plants were grown in local nurseries in
1380. During both seasons five raplications/cultivar were used. Before trans-
planting each season, beds with a 24 inch top set on four foot centers were
furmioated with MC-33 (400 lbs/acre of bed area) and fertilized with 2000 Ibs/acre
o 106-4-13. One-fourth of the fertilizer was broadcast before bed preparation; the
remain';r wt.s banded 2 inches deep in the bed center between the two plant rows.
P-ants were sprayed with pesticides as needed, and moisture was provided as
nedcd !-y overhead sprinkler irrigation. Fruit were harvested from late December
(incl:ded in January yield) to mid-April each season and graded, counted and
wtxigh.,h. llnrketable fruit were also evaluated for several quality factors as noted
t. "'* ble2S.
fMl"!;etble fruit yields for the 'Cover' cultivar were high both seasons
(Table 1). The two breeding lines had high yields the second season but less than
'Dover' the first season. There was some root knot nematode infestation in the
twc broed;r3 lines the first season ,which may have reduced yields. Total marketable
yields of 'Tufts' were less than 'Do.vr' both seasons and less than the two
breeding lines the second season. For the two seasons, the January yield of 'Tufts'
wUaZ loss than the January yields of 'Dover' and breeding lines 77-133 and 77-169.
January y l-2's for 'Pajaro' the second season were also fairly good. However, 'Dover'
andi their two breeding lines produced a greater percentage of their fruit before April
than id other cultivars. The timing of fruit production is important since
fruit prices are highest early in the season and generally decline with time with
th' lowest price coming in April. Late season prices often do not cover all
pro: 'LctiGn costs. Low fruit yields of 'Douglas' and 'Vista' the first season were
probably related to the late planting date. Generally fruit size of most cultivars
was adequate. However, the cull yield of 'Tioga' is quite high because of large
numbers of small fruit late in the season (Table 2). A large number of 'Vista' fruit
were culls because of being extremely soft.
Data on fruit quality are given in Table 3. Not listed in the table is 'seedy
appearance'. 'Tufts' fruit during both years and 'Douglas' during the second year
were very 'seedy' in appearance during January, February, and early March. 'Florida
Belle' fruit had considerable green shoulder both years. 'Dover' and 'Tufts' had
several fan shaped strawberries both years. There were more misshapen fruit during
the second season than during the first season.
The 'Tufts', 'Douglas', 'Vista', and 'Florida Belle' fruit were the least firm.
'Douglas', 'Vista', and 'Tufts' fruit showed the least resistance to abrasion.
However, the surface or skin of the 'Tuft's' fruit is very dry and the seeds
protrude quite high above the surface which probably helps to protect the fruit from
damage due to normal abrasion. All fruit were generally harvested on a 3 to 4 day
schedule, and were usually not overripe. If fruit were harvested on schedules with
longer intervals, then fruit firmness and resistance to abrasion may have been
different. Most certainly all would have been softer and more susceptible to damage
especially during warm weather. No tests were conducted on storage or shipment of
fruit during these trials. Shipping trials were conducted on March 14, 1978 with
'Tufts', 'Tioga', and 'Dover' fruit and differences in bruised or salable fruit on
arrival or 2 days later were minor. In this shipping test, the 'Dover' fruit were
exposed to the sun for 1 hours in the field before placing in shipping carton while
the 'Tufts' and 'Tioga' were brought inside immediately and placed in shipping carton.
Other shipping tests between 'Tioga' and 'Dover' showed that 'Dover' had about half
as many bruised or rotting fruit as 'Tioga'. Shippers and handlers complain that
'Dover' fruit become dark in transit. This may be caused to some extent from
harvesting 'Dover' fruit over-ripe. California publications recommend harvesting of
fresh market fruit in the light pink stage so that the fruit will be rot free and
attractive when it reaches the market. Fruit harvested at this stage will continue
its color development. California fruit must be shipped greater distances than
Florida fruit which is one reason why California places extra effort in their
harvesting procedures.
Runner production in the fruiting field is another facet that should be considered
whian evaluating strawberry cultivars. The number of runners/mother plant in the
fruiting field for each clone for 1979-80 and 1980-81, respectively, were 'Tufts'
3.20 and 4.70, 'Dover' 0.03 and 1.36, 'Florida Belle' 0.00 and 0.62, 'Douglas' 0.00
and 0.09, 'Tioga' 0.39 and ---, 'Vista' 0.11 and ----, 'Pajaro' ---- and 0.59,
'Aiko' ---- and 0.14, breeding line 77-163 0.00 and 0.31, and breeding line 77-169
0.03 and 0.33. Runners are manually removed from the plants to eliminate excess
foliage which can interfere with harvest and spray operations and also to reduce
the drain on plant food reserves which can effect fruit yields. The greater the
runner number the higher the cost for their removal.
Table 1. Marketable fruit yield for several cultivars and
breeding lines for 2
Marketable yield (flats/acre)
1979-80 Average
Cultivars January February March April Total fruit wt
Dover 709ay 479 2538 153 3847a 15.2c
Florida Belle 569b 692 1678 107 3046b 20.4a
Tufts 424c 485 1685 508 3102b 15.Oc
Douglas 88d 192 564 265 1109c 16.4b
Tioga 367c 681 1361 323 2732b 12.6d
Vista 70d 27 574 406 1076c 14.6c
77-163 744a 671 1181 166 2761b 15.8bc
77-169 800a 710 1256 167 2933b 16.0b
Dover 288bc 380 1987 1020 3675a 14.2d
Florida Belle 229bc 347 582 1384 2542bc 16.8b
Tufts 85cd 265 1020 1063 2433c 14.2d
Pajaro 337bc 288 571 1645 2841b 18.7a
Douglas 203c 521 781 1376 2881b 19.4a
Aiko 3d 307 742 966 2010d 14.4d
77-163 443a 917 1455 794 3609a 15.8c
77-169 360b 695 1706 1134 3895a 15.9c
Z28.5 gram/ounce
YNumber followed by different letters
different by Duncan's Multiple Range
in a column for each year are significantly
Test, 5% level.
Table 2. Cull fruit for several cultivars and breeding lines for 2 seasons.
Cull yield (flats/acre) %
Cultivars January February March April Total Cull
Dover 4 96 603 152 855by
Florida Belle 9 103 363 130 607c 16.6bc
Tufts 4 37 305 150 496d 13.8c
Douglas 6 15 86 66 173e 13.5c
Tioga 1 92 716 333 1144a 29.5a
Vista 9 25 31 187 252e 19.0b
77-163 27 74 336 194 635c 18.7b
77-169 2 58 364 221 649c 18.1b
Dover 1 84 261 432 778a 17.5a
Florida Belle 1 43 137 60 241c 8.7b
Tufts 0 20 91 140 251c 9.4b
Pajaro 0 21 16 39 76d 2.Gc
Douglas 1 42 34 49 126d 4.2c
Aiko 0 20 99 30 149d 6.9b
77-163 14 27 109 170 320bc 8.1b
77-169 1 27 103 210 ^Ib 8.1b
"Cull fruit were those that either weight less
were damaged, or were severely misshapen.
than 10 grams (1/3 ounce) had rot,
N'lumbers followed by different letters in a column for each year are significantly
different by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
Table 3. Marketable fruit quality of several cultivars and breeding lines during 2
Percent of total fruit number with the listed characteristics
Moderately Slightly
Green Green deformed deformed Water
Cultivars tips shoulders tips tips Splits Misshapen Fans damaged
Dover 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.7 1.8 0.3
Florida Belle 0.7 4.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.4
Tuftsz 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.7
Douglasz 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 8.7
Tioga 0.3 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.5 3.4 0.5 0.1
Vista 0.3 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.9
77-163 2.4 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2
77-169 2.2 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.3 0.2
Dover 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.3 2.7 3.8 0.0
Florida Belle 1.5 8.0 1.0 0.0 0.9 8.6 1.7 0.4
TuftsZ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 3.6 3.1 0.1
Pajaro 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.4 1.0 1.1
Douglasz 2.4 1.1 2.5 0.0 1.7 2.1 2.4 0.4
Aiko 0.2 2.0 3.4 0.1 1.8 1.9 0.1 0.0
77-163 1.6 0.1 1.8 0.1 0.4 1.2 0.0 0.1
77-169 0.9 0.2 1.1 0.1 0.6 5.3 0.4 0.3
"Tufts and Douglas were 'seedy' in appearance during most of January and February.
Table 4. Fruit firmness and resistance to abrasion for 2 seasons.
Percent of harvests that fruit exhibited these qualities
Fruit firmness Resistance to abrasiony
Cultivars Hard Firm Soft Very soft High Moderate Low
Dover 27ax 51ab 22c Oc 89a 5b 6d
Florida Belle 5c 38b 54a 3c 61b 25a 14c
Tufts Oc 12c 66a 22a 55b 15ab 30b
Douglas 3c 15c 55a 25a 36c 16ab 48a
Tioga 4c 52ab 37b 7bc 63b 24a 13c
Vista 2c 22c 64a 12b 45c 12b 43a
77-163 17b 46ab 37b Oc 86a 9b 5d
77-169 26ab 54a 20c Oc 83a 13b 4d
Over 24b 65b 11c Ob 96ab Ob 4d
Florida Belle 19b 65b 15c lb 90b 4b Gd
Tufts Oc 23d 61a 16a 64c 10a 26b
Pajaro 35a 58b 7c Ob 99a Ob ld
Douglas 4c 17d 67a 12a 44d 10a 46a
Aiko 5c 45c 45b 5b 75c 7ab 18c
77-163 20b 72a 8c Ob 98a 2b Od
77-169 13bc 76a 11c Ob 97ab 2b Id
ZFruit firmness: Relative resistance to pressure when hand squeezed.
YResistance to abrasion: Damage to flesh surface when rubbing fruit surface with
mild pressure. A high rating means no damage and a low rating means damage to
surface of fruit.
'Numbers followed by different letters in a column for each year are significantly
different by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level.
The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source
site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.
Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida