Management of strawberry transplants in Plant City area

Material Information

Management of strawberry transplants in Plant City area
Series Title:
Research report - Dover, Florida Agricultural Reseach and Education Center ; SV-1972-1
Albregts, E. E.
Howard, C. M.
Place of Publication:
Dover, Fla.
Agricultural Research Center, IFAS, University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Plant roots ( jstor )
Cooling ( jstor )
Strawberries ( jstor )

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
100002618 ( OCLC )


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Dover, Florida

Dover ARC Research Report SV-1972-1

December, 1972


E4 E. Albregts and C. 'M. Howard

The manner in which strawberry plants are managed at transplanting can have a
significant influence on their .~aiting response. Plant size, defoliation, date of
planting, and treatment ir the fe tely after transplanting are important.
However, there will be sone vati i lh r nse with plants from
different sources and wit yearly changes id ring the growing and fruiting
period. Most of the data pre ented are for the Tiba variety the most important
variety grown in Central lorida. Sp 2
1 <01 1976
One of the important variables in strawberry pr auction is the date of planting.
Table 1 shows data of a 19 9af- t4Gal, t Plant City ith locally grown transplants
of several varieties with 3 p ~1fVs(jfrui production until mid February
(early yield). These results indicate o et i.jest early yield the October
planting date was more favorable for most varicti Table 2 shows the total
seasonal yield for the sama trial and indicates that time of planting for highest
yil[d is related to the va icty. For Tioga, the October date was best. The data
of Tables 3 and 4 which pr sent information from two trials with 4 planting dates
and with local and Califor ia grown Tioga plants indicate that the October planting
daces are best for earline s and total yield with either plant source. California
grown transplants general, start producing before locally grown transplants and
seasonal yields are as great or greater. As noted in Table 4 and in other work at
ARC., Dover, chilling plant for 15 to 30 days at 360F before transplanting generally
delays production. Yield results for Plant City area for chilling need more study
before final conclusions c n be drawn.

Plant size at transpl noting can also affect earliness and seasonal yield. In
a trial with Florida 90 an Dabreak plants in 1967-68, transplants of each variety
ware divided into two size -large or small. The small transplants had petioles of
3 ]/2 to 5" in length with crowns proportionally small. These smaller transplants
of each variety produced ltcr and were smaller than the larger transplants until
late January. In addition the smaller plants produced a lower seasonal yield. For
highest early and seasonal yields transplant crown size of Tioga plants other than
those from California nurs ries should be 0.4 inches or greater in diameter.
Transplants with crown dianeters of 0.3 inches or less should not be used since they
will grow slowly, are more prone to die, and give poor production. California
transplants, unlike local lants, contain starch in the roots and crown which
enables them to start rapid growth. In addition, most crowns of California plants
are quite large in comparison to those of local transplants.
In 1970-71 and 1971-72, trials were conducted to ascertain the effect of leaf
loss at transplanting on locally grown Tioga and Sequoia plants. Leaves were
rermved from one-half of the plants at transplanting to simulate leaf loss from
desiccation. Leaf desiccation can result from inadequate watering after transplant-
ing. All plants were wate ed for several days after transplanting, a practice
followed by most growers. able 5 shows the results of leaf removal on plant size
during the growing and fruiting season. Local plants which lose their leaves at
transplanting are smaller throughout most of the season. In addition, as data of
Table 6 indicates, early and seasonal yield is reduced. The leaves present at
transplanting are important in the production of photosynthate necessary for the
early growth and development of the transplant. Irrigation should be applied to
transplants beginning during or immediately after transplanting and continuing for

5 to 7 days, generally du ing the hours of 10 AN to 5 PM. The length of time during
t.:a da- that irrigation i provided and rate of water to apply will depend on the
r-'imatic conditions (temp rature, humidity, amount of sunshine). Only sufficient
water should be provided o as to prevent leaf wilting. After the 5 to 7 day period
gradually reduce duration or frequency of irrigation to that needed to prevent
2a cessive wilting.

Based on the precedi g data and other unpublished research the following
sVrmmarization is given.

1. Planting dates:

(a) To obtain highest early yields most varieties (except Solana) should be
set in October.

(b) Total seasonal yields are generally highest with October planting
(exceptions would be Solana and perhaps Sequoia). The setting of Sequoia
late will reduce early yields.

2. Plant chilling:

(a) Plants should not be placed in cold storage for long periods of time if
grower wants high early yields. Chilling plants in storage for 15 to 30
days before setti g in October will generally delay fruiting.

(b) When placing locally grown plants in storage for any length of time do not
lower temperature below 360F.

(c) Total seasonal yi ld trends have not been fully investigated for plant
chilling recommend nations.

3. Pruning transplants:

(a) Plants from sourc
only dead and dis,

.s other than California should not be pruned.
ascd leaves at transplanting from plants.


Leaf removal will cause a higher plant mortality, slower plant growth,
reduced early yields, and lowered total yields.

4. Plant size:

Plants from source s other than California should have adequate size.
Preferred crown diameter is 0.4 inches for the Tioga variety.

(b) Tioga plants with
since the smaller
total yields.

crown diameters of 0.3 inches or less should not be used
plants are slower to grow and produce less early and

Care of plants after s tting:

(a) Irrigate plants t
Irrigate ss needed
duration and frequ
penlit leaf loss f
sane as if defolia

prevent wilting and subsequent loss of leaves.
for 5 to 7 days to prevent wilting, and then reduce
ancy of irrigation to prevent excessive wilting. Do not
rom heat or desiccation since plant response will be the
ted at transplanting.


Table 1. Early marketab e yield for 1969 variety trial with 3 planting dates.x

I planting Variety
date Fla. 90 Dabr ak Aliso Sequoia Tioga Torrey Solana Salinas
Yield in lbs/acre

Sept. 21 2191 202; 7812 2911 3469 4122 5302 4204
Oct. 10 2311 184S 8427 7635 6861 4857 4646 4704
Nov. 5 1561 185 4901 4468 2647 3435 1345 1897

xYields recorded through February 15.

Table 2. Total marketable yield for 1969 variety trial with 3 planting dates.x

PLanting _Variety
date Fla. 90 Dabreak Aliso Sequoia Tioga Torrey Solana Salinas
Yield in Ibs/acre

Siot. 23 7145 9138 14184 14554 15856 9883 10292 11846
Cut. 10 7692 10364 13463 15371 18307 13093 9576 10796
-Iov. 5 8610 8951 12497 18946 13636 14285 8447 10959

'Yields recorded to April 17.

Table 3. Effect of plant ng date on Tioga yield and earliness for 1971.

% of total marketable yield
Planting Plant harvested/month Total
dates source J an. Feb. TMarch April yield

Oct. 1 Fla. 1 28 55 16 19600
Oct. 15 Fla. 4 33 31 12 11880
Nov. 1 Fla. 2 35 44 19 9460
;Nov. 15 Fla. 0 30 51 19 9020
Oct. 15 Calif. 6 27 29 28 12660
Nov. 1 Calif. 5 31 18 46 13190
Nov. 15 Calif. 2 29 42 27 5480

Table 4. Effect of plain







citing dates and chilling on Tioga yield and earliness for


, of total marketable yield
Jan. Feb. March April


:Days of chilling at 36'F.

Table 5. Relative size of plants which icre defoliated at transplanting in mid-
October compared to foliated plants for the months of November through

___elative plant sizez
Honth Tiogaa Sequoia
evaluated 1970-71 1971-72 1970-71 1971-72

Nov. 5 4 5 6
Tec. 5 4 6 6
Jan. 5 7 7 7
Feb. 5 9 7 9
Search 7 9.5 8 9.5

"Pelative size (plant hi
controls foliatedd plain
higher number. Plants
defoliated plants were

iight and leaf area) of defoliated plants as compared to
its) which were rated as 10; the larger plant has a
were locally groun. A rating of 5 indicates that
one-half the size of foliated plants during that month.


Teale 6. Influence of defoliation on monthly and season. mar-ktable fruit yields in Ibs/A of 2 strawberry
cultivars for 2 sea.cns.

Tiowe 1970--71 Ti,:. 7'-72 SUa 17--71 7.
T'ri Zc. c iEliated Conrroi ---- -- ^^ ol--

Jan 115i 1650* 2280 514 '* 775 2425 2130 5720
Fb. 010 3575 4950 75 65'. 4605 540 1165 1.40:
.arch 90 '460' 10 0 9020 4120 120 344!0 14025
Ari 920 1165 4020 4265 630 2035* 3830 L025
Seasoral [875 1250" 19350 25990* 10130 i4060" 10565 155100*

,*':Yield differences are significantly different at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively, ,ithin a tine period for
eech cultivar.

xControl plants are those vhich were foliated at transplanting. All plants were locally -romn.


The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
or recommendations. These texts
represent the historic publishing
record of the Institute for Food and
Agricultural Sciences and should be
used only to trace the historic work of
the Institute and its staff. Current IFAS
research may be found on the
Electronic Data Information Source

site maintained by the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.

Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida