Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Message from the new Dean
 Extension extends its reach with...
 Bull riding contest brings in the...
 UF hosts National Agricultural...
 CALS Alumni and Friends offers...
 CALS hosts pirate-themed Barrr...
 Alumna with entrepreneurial spirit...
 Gator Nation reaches the stars
 Truly Nolen: truly a successful...
 Alumnus races up the corporate...
 CALS commencement traditions...
 Gator girl goes global
 CALS Honors running like a well-oiled...
 The man protecting the Florida...
 Wild about wildlife: student's...
 New molecular major increases program...
 New Global Gators study tour in...
 Summer internships heat things...
 CALS academic programs receive...
 2005-2006 CALS teaching and advising...
 2005-2006 CALS student awards
 Back Cover

Title: CALS connection
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076210/00006
 Material Information
Title: CALS connection
Series Title: CALS connection
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida
Publisher: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida
Publication Date: June 2006
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076210
Volume ID: VID00006
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page i
    Table of Contents
        Page ii
        Page 1
    Message from the new Dean
        Page 2
    Extension extends its reach with 'Solutions'
        Page 3
    Bull riding contest brings in the bucks
        Page 4
    UF hosts National Agricultural Ambassadors Conference
        Page 5
    CALS Alumni and Friends offers travel program
        Page 6
    CALS hosts pirate-themed Barrrr-B-Q
        Page 7
    Alumna with entrepreneurial spirit and creativity
        Page 8
    Gator Nation reaches the stars
        Page 8
    Truly Nolen: truly a successful gator
        Page 9
    Alumnus races up the corporate ladder at Kellogg's
        Page 9
    CALS commencement traditions decoded
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Gator girl goes global
        Page 12
    CALS Honors running like a well-oiled machine
        Page 12
    The man protecting the Florida Gators
        Page 13
    Wild about wildlife: student's research helps conservation programs
        Page 13
    New molecular major increases program visibility
        Page 14
    New Global Gators study tour in Belize
        Page 15
    Summer internships heat things up
        Page 16
        Page 17
    CALS academic programs receive makeover
        Page 18
        Page 19
    2005-2006 CALS teaching and advising awards
        Page 20
    2005-2006 CALS student awards
        Page 21
    Back Cover
        Page 22
Full Text


CALS commencement traditions


Also inside...
Summer internships

Orings in tAe 6ec4s



- S. 9


Bull riding contest
brings in the bucks
Eight seconds on a mechanical
bull turned into more than $7,000
for the American Cancer Soci-
ety/Winn Dixie Hope Lodge of
Gainesville. Alpha Gamma Rho's
annual bull riding contest was a
huge success in 2005.

rq4~% J




f 5


10 cover story
CALS commencement
traditions decoded
Commencement is full of tradi-
tion and CALS recently added
a unique artifact to the line-up.
Author Angelina Toomey talks with
the chief commencement marshal
and the CALS former interim dean
to decode the meaning of old
and new traditions.

Summer internships
heat things up
Finding a summer internship, let
alone one that pays, can be a
daunting task for students. UF/IFAS
makes finding those internships
easier by offering research and
Extension internships every sum-
mer that also help pay the bills.

Message from the dean 2
Extension extends its reach 3
AGR bull riding contest 4
CALS hosts national conference 5

Who said Gators aren't in California 6
CALS hosts pirate themed "Barrrr-B-Q" 7
Alumni profiles 8
CALS commencement traditions 10

Student profiles 12
New molecular major 14
Jew Global Gators study tour 15
Summer internships 16
Major and minor changes 18
2005-2006 award winners 20

June 2006

The status and future of CALS:

Message from the new Dean

Serving as Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences has been exciting! Since joining the faculty and
administration in September, I truly appreciate the diversity
of programs, the quality of students, faculty and staff, and
the opportunities that are ahead of us in the College. It is
great to be a Gator!

Reflecting on the past year
The past year has been filled with change. Appreciation
is extended to Dr. Wayne Smith for his service as Interim
Dean. Senior Vice President Jimmy Cheek, formerly Dean
of the College, is tremendously supportive of CALS in his
new role, and my two new fellow Deans, Larry Arrington in
Extension and Mark McLellan in research, are a pleasure to
work with as we combine our efforts for the enhancement
of programming throughout the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.
This summer we will be welcoming two new associate
deans to the College. They will provide leadership for
undergraduate and graduate programs, honors and
undergraduate research, study abroad, distance delivery,
and the enhancement of teaching and learning.

The quality of CALS
While the University of Florida does not intend to grow
at the undergraduate level, there is still ample opportunity
for students to major in the agricultural and life sciences.
Graduate enrollment will continue to increase, affording
opportunities for our own students and students from many
other universities to continue their formal education.
Quantity is important as we help fulfill the mission of
educating the people of Florida and beyond. But quality
does not suffer as the numbers increase. CALS students are

2006 CALS Enrollment/Alumni

1000+ graduate students

3400+ undergraduate students

O "I truly appreciate the diversity of programs,
the quality of students, faculty and staff, and the
opportunities that are ahead of us in the College."

successful in many ways, including scholarships and awards
received, admission to graduate and professional schools,
and landing excellent positions in business, industry and the
public sector. Graduates with master's or doctoral degrees
are excellent managers, entrepreneurs, college faculty
and scientists in the private sector. The demand for our
graduates remains high.
CALS programs prepare students for a variety of career
pathways in every aspect of agriculture as well as every
professional degree program. From wildlife ecology to
community agencies to law school or pharmacy school,
baccalaureate graduates from CALS complete favorably for
positions. Chris Vitelli, as Director of Student Development,
works closely with our successful CALS Ambassadors
program and other student leadership development

The future of CALS
Over the next few years, CALS will be addressing such
topics as curriculum enhancement and student outcomes,
graduate program delivery throughout IFAS, increasing
participation in international programs, enhancing student
research and development, and a holistic approach to
student learning and development at all levels. Exciting
times are ahead, and I look forward to working with
colleagues throughout CALS and IFAS to create outstanding
programs at the University of Florida.

2 CALS Connection I News

0 5000 10000 15000 20000


Extension extends its reach with 'Solutions'


Research, teaching and Extension

are the foundation of every land

grant university, but not many people

are aware of Extension or may

think that it's only for agriculture.

Truth is, Extension has services and

information on a variety of topics.

It's the component of the university

that takes research and turns it into

practical solutions for everyone by

making it easy to understand and

possible to use every day.

Aquawllurb, Crops, Livestock,
Nwsery & Greenhouse, Organic,
Safety, Small Famris Tutf I Sod
wCommunlty Development
Disaster Preparedness &
Reaavery. Econoera Health,
In-olved Citiensm. Local
Governmem, Urban & Rural
Ecosystems, Gattig Involved.
Plants Recreation. Sustainable
Lnvingf Water Rerurces, Wildlfe
PFwomfiIs & Consumers
Aging It Canegnrnmg Chisilren
Food Safety. Health & Nutrition,
Hwiing, Money Matter,
04-H Youth Development
Calendar' Collge Students, Kids
& Teens. Parents. Teachers,
vokuflauos, FAQS
PLawn & Garden
Ftonda- fnrily Yards, GOrdenin,
Industry Proessionals, Lawn
Carer Master Gardener Program.
Topics A. Z

foryour LIFE

Emerging Training & CEUs
Pathogens Far
I, ag.;.ft .
Initiative bW"d0n;
Cutting-odge now, cI for I, an -
~ffR to combat t care W.IPy. and cele
d M._8 cMoren cnro
0of3 Dold YouKnow?
Solutions Now Available 24M 7 F is
._IFAS Extnension aunciss an e vwf ao np \g
cnpc ersie Web sit, Salvatio am "7'9
Fa or ie M.- innwa Findcut about ail o
Ibsen heni, I~DU IIF
Mother's Day Flowers
amas the M of your eatiu Additional IFAS Sites
flowriby folowg temas"stes or IFA Rea :
clo4,41 cam, M-. b Coilege of Agn-11-1
.no Life Sc-.nc..
Get Ready for Hurricane Season
Diselir an$11ewat nybrir nd it pEDIS IFAS laIb..ca I-s
Nyimasne A M an
shouad be pritaor, Calendar
Lovelugs r ..I
The smoeirs Wod blanets car in th
Far F.ind out~n*I oil Vhol begi ef
rat~ing I O Model M-l
14- ,-.

0 SolutionsForYourLife.ufl.edu offers information
on a variety of topics, such as the environment,
parenting, agricultural production, entrepreneurship,
home gardening and nutrition, among others.

To raise public awareness about the services and
information Extension provides, the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences has created a comprehensive Web site
called Solutions for Your Life.
The Web site targets everyone, from farmers to families, in
the state of Florida.
IFAS dean of Extension Larry Arrington originally
proposed this technological makeover in January 2004 to
expand and promote Extension's value on a statewide level.
"Extension needed to use communication more efficiently
and use the Web better," said Tracy Irani, an associate
professor in the department of agricultural education
and communication who functions as the project's faculty
adviser and market researcher. "A lot of people were using
extension services, like 4-H or the Master Gardener's
program, and didn't even realize it."
To bridge this communication gap, Solutions for Your
Life contains information on everything from current issues
facing the agricultural industry to community development.
The Web site reflects the broad audience Extension is
hoping to reach.
"Extension is more than just agriculture," said IFAS Web
manager Ligia Ortega. "Extension is an organization that
disseminates information to help the public solve common
Ortega said that Extension offers information on a variety
of topics, which include the environment, parenting, home
gardening and nutritional diet, among others.
SolutionsForYourLife.ufl.edu has made all that
information available 24/7 on the Web. It also links the
county Extension Web sites, which provide more localized
"This site will serve as an umbrella to catch whoever
misses the local county Extension Web sites," Ortega said.
"However, we have to make sure people understand that
this doesn't replace county Web sites."
While it is the largest component of the campaign, the Web
site is not the only way IFAS Extension will market itself.
"We will eventually include market activities in the form
of brochures and printed materials that counties can utilize,"
Irani said.
Irani said one challenge for Extension is that each county
has a different Web site, which may or may not be up to date.
To solve this issue, Florida counties now have access to
Web site templates that look similar to the Solutions for Your
Life Web site.
"The goal of good integrated marketing is keeping things
fresh and dynamic, and that's what we're trying to do
here," Irani said. "The Web is going to be one of the ways
Extension does things from now on."

June 2006 3


6rines in tAe Oucks

fAo brotfArs of ApkAa Raniota RAo raised
swore tham S7,000 for t4o American Cacear
Society/WiHH Dixio Hope Lodge of
Qainesvieeo with their annual
Sechanicae O6uO4 riding
costpotitio, on
Octooar 26, 2005.

0 Shelly Meyer, wife of Gator foot-
ball coach Urban Meyer, rode the bull
for eight seconds. She encouraged
attendees to support the Winn Dixie
Hope Lodge by purchasing "Beat
Georgia" t-shirts for the upcoming foot-
ball game.

Thie contest began 11
ea i i ago as a fundraiser
t. i' the Alpha Gamma
Rho philanthropy, the
Winn Dixie Hope
The lodge
is a home
away from
Some where
S cancer patients
S and their
families can
stay for free when traveling to receive
outpatient care.
"Every brother, in one way or
another, has been affected by cancer,"
said Andrew Walmsley, president of
AGR. "While we have some fun at
this event, we always look forward to
giving a check to the lodge in the end."
This year the contest was held at
The Venue nightclub and had a record
attendance of more than 700 people.


Various sororities and clubs
throughout the University of Florida
paid an entry fee for the competition
that allows four riders to be judged.
In addition to the eight second ride,
teams also participated in a banner
The judges for this year's event were
Hardy Dymmek, a professional steer
roper, Scott Ramsey, a professional bull
rider, and Damian Adams, a graduate
student in the College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences food and resource
economics department.
Alpha Chi was this year's sorority
winner and the Collegiate Cattle
Women took home the trophy in the
club division.
There was a special guest appearance
at this year's event by the head football
coach's wife, Shelly Meyer.
Meyer encouraged all who attended
to support the Winn Dixie Hope Lodge
and purchase t-shirts, then asked
everyone to support her cause the
following Saturday by cheering on the
Gators to beat Georgia.
Meyer then revealed her t-shirt,
a red and black shirt that said "Beat
Georgia," and rode the bull for the full
eight seconds.
"This is like Christmas for us,"
said Jacob Butler, AGR brother. "We
woi ked aiid all veaii li.ong to make this
niglht a suiiess "
The bio.tlhei s s\ then hard work
pa \ off ai the\- landed over a check for
s7 IU I at at aii Lbeilue held a few weeks
late .i. the residents and staff of the
\\inn Di \ ie Hope Lo.'dge

UF hosts National Agricultural

Ambassadors Conference


About 350 students from
more than 35 colleges and
universities across the nation
gathered for the 11th Annual National
Agriculture Ambassador Conference
held for the first time at the University
of Florida, Jan. 12 -15.
The conference, started ten years
ago by the California Polytechnic State
University, has been held in San Luis
Obispo since its inception. This year,
however, the sunshine state shed a new
light on the traditional conference.
"UF really took ownership of the
They took the F re took
best of it and really took
added their the conference.
own flavor," best of it and ad
said Leanne flavor."
berning, -Leanne Berning,
adviassador adviser for Cal P

for Cal I-
Poly. "It was great to see a lot of
the same traditions, but with new
Because the College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences is a larger institution
with more resources than Cal Poly,
the ambassador team was able to turn
a $20,000 conference into a $40,000
conference in just a few months despite
having a smaller ambassador team.



"We did with 32 ambassadors what
took Cal Poly 60-plus ambassadors
meeting three
times a week,"
said John Faryna, "We are the f
co-chairman of ture. If we do
the conference sibility for ed
and a UF CALS s
ambassador, then who will
"There's a personal -Katie Duley,
motivation in L
each of us that
distinguishes us."
The conference offered students the
chance to attend workshops led by
industry professionals on everything
from agricultural
ownership of I policy to diversity
hey took the training.
ed their own Schools with
programs also
Sled workshops on
Recruitment and
retention, literacy and communications,
leadership and community service.
In addition, the conference provided
students with inspirational keynote
addresses by economist Lowell Catlett,
Farm Bureau Federation president Bob
Stallman, and former army ranger and
singer/songwriter Keni Thomas.
The entire room held their breath as
Thomas recounted the heart-wrenching



details of his Black Hawk mission that
inspired the movie Blackhawk Down.
Following his
ture of agricul- moving address,
ture of agricul Thomas sang
I't take respon- about taking
Jcating others, responsibility
,, for the future,
a message that
UF ambassador
was common
I throughout the
The planning efforts put forth by the
UF ambassadors were highly regarded
as the conference received rave reviews
from participating schools.
But despite the success of this year's
conference, UF will not host the 2007
NAAC Conference. Instead, the
University of Arizona will step up to
the plate.
Ambassadors left the conference
with the motivation and foresight
to continue educating others on the
importance of agriculture.
"We are the future of agriculture,"
said Katie Duley, a UF ambassador.
"If we don't take responsibility for
educating others, then who will?"
UF agriculture ambassadors coordinated
the National Agriculture Ambassadors
Conference for more than 350 attend-
ees. The conference brought a diversity
of students together to strengthen
university agriculture ambassador pro-
grams nationwide.


Who said Gators aren't in California?

CALS Alumni and Friends offers travel program


The trip led the CALS Alumni & Friends
group to Castroville, Cal., the arti-
choke capital of North America. Kevin
Huesman (holding camera), Low-
ell Loadholtz (back center), and Jill
Southwell (back left) listen to techni-
cal tour guide John Inman.

CALS Alumni and Friends fosters
a spirit of loyalty and fraternity
among graduates, former students
and friends of the University of
Florida's College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences, School of Forest
Resources and Conservation, and
School of Natural Resources and

Regional alumni socials, fishing
tournament, golf tournament, ca-
reer panel, TailGATOR, and partici-
pating in industry events, are just
some of the activities.

Volunteer Opportunities
Short-term commitments
Return to the classroom to share
your experience with students,
help with a specific event
Longer-term commitments
Join a committee dealing with
student affairs, alumni affairs, or

How to get involved

6 CALS Connection I Alumni

A small group of College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences
alumni along with other UF alumni
experienced the agriculture industry
of Northern California during the first-
ever CALS Alumni and Friends trip
The 14 travelers met up with fellow
Gators, hit several of California's
tourist attractions and got a taste of the
state's agricultural industry.
Some of the highlights included
visiting Napa Valley's wineries, various
nut groves, the national Marine
Sanctuary, and one of the largest dairy
farms in the area.
"Many of us were surprised to learn
that California was number one in milk
production," said Lowell Loadholtz,
a CALS alumnus and retired county

The alumni and friends had
opportunities to make contacts with
fellow Gator alumni at a reception in
San Francisco.
"I wanted the alumni to network
and bond with people of a common
interest," said Kevin Huesman, trip
coordinator and CALSAF board
Steve "Gator" Wood, president
of the San Francisco Bay Area Gator
Club, welcomed the group and pointed
them to all the must-see sites. The
agricultural sites gave the group a new
appreciation for California's agriculture
"California is the greatest
agriculture state in the country,"
Loadholtz said.

Extension agent. COSTA RICA 2007
Besides enjoying the agricultural
sites, the group toured the Hearst CALS Alumni and
Castle, the capitol building, Yosemite Friends is plan-
Valley, San Francisco's Golden Gate ning a trip to
Bridge, Alcatraz and Chinatown. Costa Rica for
While on tour, the weather was a 2007. Send an e-
nice break from the Florida heat. It mail to Alumni@
was mostly in the 60s. cals.ufl.edu for
i .- *more information.
"Everyone agreed this was a nice more information.
change from the sweltering Florida
heat," said Emily Sperling, director of
student recruitment and alumni affairs
and trip coordinator.

CALS hosts pirate-themed

As the Gators prepared to sink the
Vanderbilt Commodores, students,
alumni, friends and staff of the
College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences gathered for the ninth annual
TailGATOR alumni barbeque in the
Stephen C. O'Connell Center.
The pre-football game celebration
on Nov. 5, 2005, was full of fun and
surprises with a swashbuckling pirate
theme: Vanderbilt Commodores "arrr"
Gator bait.
Coordinated by Emily Sperling,
CALS director of student recruitment
and executive director of alumni
and friends, TailGATOR featured
informative booths from various
departments and organizations from
within the college.
New CALS dean Kirby Barrick,
CALS admissions program assistant
Emelie Matthews, director of academic
support services in the food and
resource economics department Paul
Willis, and CALS director of student
development Chris Vitelli, volunteered
for Alpha Zeta's "kiss the pig" fundraiser.
Determined not to have to kiss a pig,
Matthews and Barrick carried around
Vitelli's can soliciting donations. In the
end, though, Barrick's can had the most
money so he had to pucker up with a
little piglet.
Many awards and special honors
were presented, and two were
complete surprises to the honorees.
Both Jimmy G. Cheek, senior vice
president for agriculture and natural
resources, and long-time dairyman L.E.
"Red" Larson were caught off guard
as their friends and family presented
them with special awards.
As a surprise for their father,
Larson's children, Woody Larson,
Barbara L. Stuart, Kathy L. Cooley
and John Larson, made a significant


contribution in their father's name that
will benefit statewide dairy programs,
the Florida 4-H program and the
department of animal sciences.
L. E. "Red" Larson has been a leader
in the Florida dairy industry for the
past 57 years. The Dairy Science
Building was named the L.E. "Red"
Larson Dairy Science Building, in
honor of the Larsons' contribution.
A surprise for Jimmy G. Cheek,
Larry and Debbie Swindle and family
announced the establishment of the
Jimmy G. Cheek Endowment for CALS
"The Ambassador program holds a
special place in his heart," Mr. Swindle
said. "We wanted to do something for
him because he does so much for the
agriculture industry and the students
of Florida."
The CALS Horizon Award honors
two distinguished graduates within
the last 10 years. Dr. Anita A. Dhople
and Mason G. Smoak received the
award for their contributions to the
agricultural and life sciences industries.


Awards of distinction were
presented to Dr. W. Bernard "Bernie"
Lester and Frank "Sonny" Williamson
for their continued support and
involvement with UF.
"I am greatly appreciative of this
award," Lester said. "There are many
other alumni who have done just as
much as I have, if not more."
Matthew Fournier, an undergraduate
student in microbiology and cell
science, received the CALS Alumni and
Friends scholarship. Fournier serves
as a CALS Ambassador, representing
the college to prospective students
and alumni, and working to increase
awareness about the agriculture, natural
resource and life science industries.
Alumni volunteers ran a silent
auction and assisted in the success of
this year's event.
"The alumni volunteers are a very
important part of this event," Sperling
said. "We want to encourage more
alumni to get involved and stay
involved with CALS."

O Recognizing and honoring distinguished alumni and students is a part of
the TailGATOR tradition. Pictured above are the CALS Horizon Award winners,
Dr. Anita A. Dhople (center) and Mason G. Smoak (second from left), and
the distinguished alumni winners, "Bernie" Lester (third from left) and "Sonny"
Williamson (third from right). Dean Barrick (far left) and Senior Vice President for
agriculture and natural resources, Jimmy Cheek (far right) congratulated this
year's winners.
June 2006 7

Alumna with entrepreneurial

spirit and creativity

The definition of an entrepreneur is someone who
operates, organizes and takes the risk for a business venture.
The definition of a founder is one who establishes something or
formulates the basis for something. Both of these definitions
describe one of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
graduates: Erin Best.
Best received her bachelor of science degree in
agricultural education and communication, specializing in
agricultural communications in 1996.
Two days after graduating college, Best started as the
director of marketing for the Florida Strawberry Growers
Association, but always knew she wanted to work for
herself some day.
"Ever since I was a child, I never wanted to work for
someone else. I always wanted to work for myself," Best said.
In June 2001 her dream came true. Best opened her own business.
Best owns and operates The Market Place, an agricultural
marketing and public relations firm in Weirsdale, Fla.
"It didn't happen overnight," Best said. "I took it one little
step at a time."
For the first two years Best worked out of her home and
earned customers by word of mouth. Best now runs her

Gator Nation reaches the stars
It takes more than Tang and freeze-dried fruit to keep
astronauts healthy in space. One University of Florida
graduate student helps develop human nutrition plans for
Sara Zwart, a July 2005 doctoral graduate from the
department of food science and human nutrition, has
finished her post-doctorate work and now works for NASA
as a research scientist.
"My job is to figure out what the astronauts should eat
while they are in space," Zwart said.
In her short time at NASA, Zwart has been involved in
several research projects dealing with human nutrition in space.

business out of
a suite she rents
in Summerfield,
which is close to her
Best's original
focus was to do
marketing and
promotions for
farmers. She now
specializes in
Web sites, video -
production and r, i
networking for many
companies, but still
keeps farmers close
to her heart. 0 Best's Advice: Make a list of
"We are here to things you want to accomplish
help the Florida ...and start checking it off as you go.
farmer," Best said.
Best is currently serving a two-year term on the American
Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Committee along
with 15 other appointments from around the country.
Best leaves this advice for any want-to-be entrepreneur.
"Make a list of things you want to accomplish," Best said.
"Write it down and start checking it off as you go."


"We need to make sure that astronauts get the right foods so
they can continue to perform their jobs," Zwart said.
Zwart was first exposed to the world of flying at a young
age. When she was a little girl, her father worked with planes
for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis, Ind.
However, her interest in nutrition came much later. Zwart
spent a summer, during college, working at a camp for
people with physical disabilities. Most of the people with
whom she worked suffered from diseases that could have
been prevented by their mothers eating healthy during
pregnancy, she said.
Zwart chose to get her doctorate at UF after learning
about professor Lynn Bailey's nutrition program and
checking out the department for herself. The department
saw Zwart as a wonderful addition.
"She was impressive because her career goal was to work at
NASA," Bailey said. "It was like a daydream that she translated
into reality. She made sure her academics made the cut."
After finishing, Zwart went straight to NASA to combine
both her interests of aviation and nutrition.
One day Zwart hopes to advance in her work at NASA.
She plans to apply to become one of the next astronauts.
"The best part of my job is that I get to do something
different just about every day, from proposal writing, to
flight experiment planning, to data analysis, to bench work,"
Zwart said.

8 CALS Connection I Alumni

Alumna with entrepreneurial

spirit and creativity

The definition of an entrepreneur is someone who
operates, organizes and takes the risk for a business venture.
The definition of a founder is one who establishes something or
formulates the basis for something. Both of these definitions
describe one of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
graduates: Erin Best.
Best received her bachelor of science degree in
agricultural education and communication, specializing in
agricultural communications in 1996.
Two days after graduating college, Best started as the
director of marketing for the Florida Strawberry Growers
Association, but always knew she wanted to work for
herself some day.
"Ever since I was a child, I never wanted to work for
someone else. I always wanted to work for myself," Best said.
In June 2001 her dream came true. Best opened her own business.
Best owns and operates The Market Place, an agricultural
marketing and public relations firm in Weirsdale, Fla.
"It didn't happen overnight," Best said. "I took it one little
step at a time."
For the first two years Best worked out of her home and
earned customers by word of mouth. Best now runs her

Gator Nation reaches the stars
It takes more than Tang and freeze-dried fruit to keep
astronauts healthy in space. One University of Florida
graduate student helps develop human nutrition plans for
Sara Zwart, a July 2005 doctoral graduate from the
department of food science and human nutrition, has
finished her post-doctorate work and now works for NASA
as a research scientist.
"My job is to figure out what the astronauts should eat
while they are in space," Zwart said.
In her short time at NASA, Zwart has been involved in
several research projects dealing with human nutrition in space.

business out of
a suite she rents
in Summerfield,
which is close to her
Best's original
focus was to do
marketing and
promotions for
farmers. She now
specializes in
Web sites, video -
production and r, i
networking for many
companies, but still
keeps farmers close
to her heart. 0 Best's Advice: Make a list of
"We are here to things you want to accomplish
help the Florida ...and start checking it off as you go.
farmer," Best said.
Best is currently serving a two-year term on the American
Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Committee along
with 15 other appointments from around the country.
Best leaves this advice for any want-to-be entrepreneur.
"Make a list of things you want to accomplish," Best said.
"Write it down and start checking it off as you go."


"We need to make sure that astronauts get the right foods so
they can continue to perform their jobs," Zwart said.
Zwart was first exposed to the world of flying at a young
age. When she was a little girl, her father worked with planes
for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis, Ind.
However, her interest in nutrition came much later. Zwart
spent a summer, during college, working at a camp for
people with physical disabilities. Most of the people with
whom she worked suffered from diseases that could have
been prevented by their mothers eating healthy during
pregnancy, she said.
Zwart chose to get her doctorate at UF after learning
about professor Lynn Bailey's nutrition program and
checking out the department for herself. The department
saw Zwart as a wonderful addition.
"She was impressive because her career goal was to work at
NASA," Bailey said. "It was like a daydream that she translated
into reality. She made sure her academics made the cut."
After finishing, Zwart went straight to NASA to combine
both her interests of aviation and nutrition.
One day Zwart hopes to advance in her work at NASA.
She plans to apply to become one of the next astronauts.
"The best part of my job is that I get to do something
different just about every day, from proposal writing, to
flight experiment planning, to data analysis, to bench work,"
Zwart said.

8 CALS Connection I Alumni

Truly Nolen: Truly a

successful Gator


Yellow Volkswagen Beetle cars dressed with large mouse
ears and topped off with a tail are the signature vehicle for
the Truly Nolen Pest Control Company.
The owner of this international pest control company is
University of Florida alumnus Truly David Nolen, a 1950
entomology graduate.
The idea for transforming the Beetle into the Truly Nolen
Bug came fairly easy, Nolen said, because it looked so much
like a bug already.
The company was started by Nolen's father, Truly Wheat-
field Nolen. Running a pest control business was not what
Nolen had anticipated doing after graduation, but he cer-
tainly enjoys his job.
"My father was in it and he wouldn't let me become a
doctor," Nolen said with a laugh.
Nolen turned his father's business into an international com-
pany. The company is located in 38 different countries, including
Argentina, Ireland, Panama, the Bahamas and China.
The courses that Nolen took at the university gave him the
background to make better business decisions, he said. "Be
sure to take business courses, not just the agriculture courses."

O A No/en 'Trulyism:' Take a good first job,
not just a good salary. You will learn more.

To some people, operating a thriving pest control business
would be enough, but not for Nolen. He wrote a book detail-
ing his life and decisions he has made along the way called
"Truly Original."
One aspect that has made Nolen's business a success is
living by, what he calls, "Trulyisms." These are sayings that
Nolen has come up with over the years to pass onto his em-
ployees and other business entrepreneurs.
Even though Nolen has a thriving business and has writ-
ten a book, this is not what Nolen is the most proud of in
his life. What makes him the proudest is his eight children.
Some of his children have chosen to join him in the pest
control industry, in one form or another.

Alumnus races up the corporate ladder at Kellogg's

Pop-Tai ts Nutri-Grain Bars and Go-Tai ts and are just
a few of the mouth-watering specialty products that Scott
King, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences alumnus
works to keep stocked on the grocery store shelves.
King graduated in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science degree
in food science and human nutrition, and since then has
quickly climbed the employment ranks.
King is currently the youngest pliint quality manager
within the Kellogg's Company located in Kimper, Ky. His
position includes managing over 30 individuals along with
working to maintain the proper food safety techniques for
the 100-year-old company.
"I really like to work with the new products and work
one-on-one with the innovations team,"'King said.
He was hired by Kellogg's in 2002, as a quality supervisor
and a two years later was offered an advancement
In May 2004, King was promoted to plant manager
for quality and -sanitatio'n King said he received this
opportunity because of good teachers, experience from
previous work, luck and great timing.
He has implemented an internship program to recruit
potential CALS food science and human nutrition students
for Kellogg's.

The college of agricultural and life sciences has a
large diversity of opportunities and so many ways to get
involved, King said. It gave me the chance to see what a
career in food science and human nutrition could really do.
Janna Underhill,
coordinator of academic
support services for
the CALS Food Science
and Human Nutrition
Department, said that
King was very much
a role model for other
Underhill describes
him as the ultimate
ambassador for our
"He is a very open-
minded person, open
to every opportunity
given," Underhill said.
"Scott was always
thinking about the next 0 "Scott was always thinking
big thing. He was a about the next big thing. He was a
student that everyone student that everyone remembers."


June 2006 9

Truly Nolen: Truly a

successful Gator


Yellow Volkswagen Beetle cars dressed with large mouse
ears and topped off with a tail are the signature vehicle for
the Truly Nolen Pest Control Company.
The owner of this international pest control company is
University of Florida alumnus Truly David Nolen, a 1950
entomology graduate.
The idea for transforming the Beetle into the Truly Nolen
Bug came fairly easy, Nolen said, because it looked so much
like a bug already.
The company was started by Nolen's father, Truly Wheat-
field Nolen. Running a pest control business was not what
Nolen had anticipated doing after graduation, but he cer-
tainly enjoys his job.
"My father was in it and he wouldn't let me become a
doctor," Nolen said with a laugh.
Nolen turned his father's business into an international com-
pany. The company is located in 38 different countries, including
Argentina, Ireland, Panama, the Bahamas and China.
The courses that Nolen took at the university gave him the
background to make better business decisions, he said. "Be
sure to take business courses, not just the agriculture courses."

O A No/en 'Trulyism:' Take a good first job,
not just a good salary. You will learn more.

To some people, operating a thriving pest control business
would be enough, but not for Nolen. He wrote a book detail-
ing his life and decisions he has made along the way called
"Truly Original."
One aspect that has made Nolen's business a success is
living by, what he calls, "Trulyisms." These are sayings that
Nolen has come up with over the years to pass onto his em-
ployees and other business entrepreneurs.
Even though Nolen has a thriving business and has writ-
ten a book, this is not what Nolen is the most proud of in
his life. What makes him the proudest is his eight children.
Some of his children have chosen to join him in the pest
control industry, in one form or another.

Alumnus races up the corporate ladder at Kellogg's

Pop-Tai ts Nutri-Grain Bars and Go-Tai ts and are just
a few of the mouth-watering specialty products that Scott
King, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences alumnus
works to keep stocked on the grocery store shelves.
King graduated in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science degree
in food science and human nutrition, and since then has
quickly climbed the employment ranks.
King is currently the youngest pliint quality manager
within the Kellogg's Company located in Kimper, Ky. His
position includes managing over 30 individuals along with
working to maintain the proper food safety techniques for
the 100-year-old company.
"I really like to work with the new products and work
one-on-one with the innovations team,"'King said.
He was hired by Kellogg's in 2002, as a quality supervisor
and a two years later was offered an advancement
In May 2004, King was promoted to plant manager
for quality and -sanitatio'n King said he received this
opportunity because of good teachers, experience from
previous work, luck and great timing.
He has implemented an internship program to recruit
potential CALS food science and human nutrition students
for Kellogg's.

The college of agricultural and life sciences has a
large diversity of opportunities and so many ways to get
involved, King said. It gave me the chance to see what a
career in food science and human nutrition could really do.
Janna Underhill,
coordinator of academic
support services for
the CALS Food Science
and Human Nutrition
Department, said that
King was very much
a role model for other
Underhill describes
him as the ultimate
ambassador for our
"He is a very open-
minded person, open
to every opportunity
given," Underhill said.
"Scott was always
thinking about the next 0 "Scott was always thinking
big thing. He was a about the next big thing. He was a
student that everyone student that everyone remembers."


June 2006 9

CALS commencement traditions &E


.pSpTimn1 you LLU~n ui Lmrou, Imala ..;;
and chevrons, the first things that
may come to mind are pepper
spray, corn and gas stations. Most
people would not associate these
items with deep-rooted traditions.
However, with respect to the
College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences commencement ceremony,
they are something quite differ-
ent indeed. ..
Historical objects, traditional
Colors and ornate clothing -these |
.,are what the traditions in CALB
commencement tangible.
iK& s a o~..:...r

Ring six
Notes the name change to
the College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences in 1999

Ring five
Notes the creation of the
College of Agriculture when
the university was renamed the
University of Florida in 1909

Ring four
SA spiral array of the names of
Small the past administrators of
academic programs in agriculture
.. beginning with the President of
Florida Agricultural College until
today's Dean of the CALS with
space for future changes


CALS gets maced
In present times, a mace is no more than a ceremonial
staff used in formal assemblies.

"However, the mace was first used many years ago in Rj
war," said Don Sloan, chief commencement marshal for No
the University of Florida and CALS. "It was a big war at
club that was used by the chieftain, and it was a symbol Ch
of his authority." Ag
Sloan said the academic mace was brought into
the university system by way of older schools like Ri
Cambridge and Oxford, and it represents the authority No
of the university. 18
Maces are still extremely large as they would have
been during the time soldiers swung them as battle N
clubs, Sloan said. (C
As part of its 150-year celebration in 2003, the Re
university unveiled its mace at the inauguration of sol
President Bernard Machen. an
In 2005, CALS unveiled its own 52-inch mace, due
to university expansion and separate commencement
"When we found out we couldn't use the university mace,
we decided to have our own," said Wayne Smith, professor
emeritus and former interim dean. "We presented the
mace to (CALS) Dean Barrick (R. Kirby Barrick) for his use,
protection and display."
Currently, the mace is used for commencement, but Smith
said it could be used for other formal assemblies.

ing three
tes the formation of the University
the State of Florida in 1906,
luding the School of Agriculture

ng two
tes the University of Florida
Lake City (1903), first with
College of Agriculture and
emistry and then School of

ng one
tes the formation of the
rida Agricultural College in

native flint rock
Ihert) .
presents the College's
id foundation of alumni
d its lasting nature

Gilded sphere
Represents the sun and global
reach of the College

Head of the mace
/Crafted from a wood block
taken from a longleaf pine
beam salvaged from the first
building completed in 1906
on the Gainesville campus

Displays the medallions of
the College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences (CALS), the
University of Florida and the
State of Florida

Native black cherry
Salvaged from a tree at the
campus edge and is highly
prized for furniture

Live oak wood
Represents the first tree to
be preserved in plantings in
the state to assure material
to build ships like "Old

--Heart cypress wood
These trees are found in the
many wetlands throughout
Florida and are a state-
wide resource

Red mangrove
Represents the southern
coastal reaches of the state
where the forests of these
S-. ..-, /e to filter water
.:r:l i:,i : 'ide a nursery for
S-, ,.les

.'... phot

SUF/IFAS photo

The CALS mace, designed and crafted on the UF campus,
symbolizes elements important to CALS' identity and history.
"Ours is a very interesting mace in that the material from
which it's made is from the remains of Machinery Hall,
the first and oldest building that was on the University of
Florida campus," Sloan said.
Sloan said that because UF was designated as a land-grant

10 CALS Connection I Alumni


university for agriculture and engineering, the caO imput s hid
to have places to store equipment even before students e\ eie
accepted. Therefore, much of the material that c.'m n.poses the
mace dates prior to 1906, he said.
Many years ago, Machinery Hall was torn d.ow\ n but s.'me
of its support beams, timbers and posts were sa\ ed S1i.an
said. "We now have part of them within the mace e soaid
"It's actually several different pieces of wood bonded
together that represent different parts of the state Sh.nai sad
Smith said CALS worked with university archl\ ists to.'
develop the history of agricultural education in the state ot
Florida, including the last hundred years at UF. TIhs Int.i mnahti.'iin
is on each of the metal rings that separate the wooCd >.,t the nimce
Smith said the mace and the story it tells are ImnpI.'i tant
because the mace brings an extra air of recognition .t' the
impact of the college.
"It helps our college establish a tradition and a rt.'i nmlit "
he said. "Further, this mace has historical signIlicance i.t'
great importance; it preserves in an appropriately pi .m inent
way, wood from the oldest building on campus and all
because alumnus George Freeman had the wisd.'m to.'

The golden color (maize)
signifies an agricultural
degree. Students getting
their baccalaureate
wear the tassel
on the right until
they receive their

Cords -
Signify that
the student
is graduating
cum laude
(with honors)
by acheiving
an upper-
division GPA
of 3.5 or higher

- Mortarboad
(aka: Cap)
Kep- -- ,1. -: -J
teac I-, -. n I-: -
a s a i ii-,:i ., I t :1

Signifies that the student
is graduating with special
academic distinction.
Students who complete
the CALS upper-division
honors program receive
a medal.

Kept students and
teachers warm.
Undergraduate gowns
do not have stripes on
the sleeves (chevrons).
Master's gowns
have two, doctoral
have three, and the
president's have four

sal\o ae the beast tii 'im \\-hiich the head ,.'t the .g
Iace \\aS c~latted "
The miace nmo\ be a newt addititoni to., CALS
cOl in melnLementllt Cieml.111ne10 but stuidentlitS have
been adli 11iin: themsel ves wth all .'S ts .,t'
ti additional at ti tcts t,.,i t idtaduathii n since the
c.lle:ge t.i ti mi tiI'n Iust like the niace each
lis ineai m ii ,1 and Ii sti.'i ic si iticance

The maize tassel
Sl.i an sai;Id :i.ta; uatiiii.n c.I'lS.'it ite specltic
t e. each 'li l.llee 'itlh C ALS' co.ll.i s benl i
blue and manize lia o .lden .c'l.,i i This Iii
dltinctiL m.'n \\ espec ll\ i mp.i' tant
bet,. e 21113
no\\e n. 1\ haie the decenttaliz ed
C.'llIlnenlCemlentlt Ceeiem.'1i\ but that is
nIiit the hIist.i ical case S',a1n s, id
\\ len C.ALS students did n,.taI t hai e
then i. iwn :.lildual ti.iin ceiem .'il\
the nmalze tassel iepiesentetl thet
a.i iilc tuial del i ee the student
would i ecel\e This i Still
ti Lie tO'dOV

The lowdovn on
caps and gowns
Sloan said the clothing that came to be
considered traditional graduation garb was actually
functional at one point in time.
Specifically, the tradition of the cap and gown, as well
as the hood, dates back to the Middle Ages. The gown
and hood kept teachers and students warm, while the cap
doubled as a writing surface.
"The teachers at Cambridge and Harvard wore these
gowns to teach in, and they were designed in such a way
that there were places, like the hood, to put chalk in," Sloan
said. "They were very distinctive."
In addition, some of the gowns feature chevrons, which
are the stripes on the sleeve.
The master's gown has two, the doctoral gown has three
and the president's gown has four stripes, Sloan said.
However, undergraduate gowns do not have chevrons on
the sides of the sleeve, he said.
"The sleeves and lengths of the gowns are also different,
so the average person wouldn't know what they were
looking at." Sloan said. "The gowns tell a story; everything
tells a story."

UF/IFAS photo

June 2006 11


If you don't believe the Gator Nitl.i'
really is everywhere, just ask College i.t
Agricultural and Life Sciences student
Erika Duran.
The global Gator Nation grew a little mi.ne \\hlen Dui in, i1
senior majoring in horticultural sciences, and several other
University of Florida students studied abroad in Brazil for
an entire year.
Duran said she first became interested in studying abroad
after attending an information session and talking with Nick
Comerford, the program's advisor.
"He described it, but it just didn't even come close to the
real experience," she said.
Although she is a native of Colombia and speaks three
languages, Duran said she did not know too much about
Brazil when she arrived.
"When I first got to Brazil, I only knew bits and pieces
of the culture very basic stuff like the samba, and I knew
about the Amazon," she said.
However, Duran said she soon came to realize that the
country was bigger than she had ever imagined and had

A vehicle only runs because of what happens under the
hood and out of plain sight. As the CALS Honors Program
assistant, David Jones has worked behind the scenes to help
keep the program running since spring 2004.
Jones, a doctoral candidate in the agricultural education
and communication department, helps organize the honors
program colloquium, ALS 4921.
"It's been great to work with the students and faculty
because they are so diverse," Jones said.
Carl Barfield, professor of entomology and nematology, is
the director of the honors program and had Jones as a teaching
assistant in spring 2005. Barfield said Jones does a tremendous
amount of logistical work for the honors program office.

.2 -C n ___
12 CALS Connection I Academics

plenty of places to discover.
"We'd just go hiking and traveling, and it was really cheap
to travel by bus," she said.
While in Brazil, Duran took several undergraduate classes
at the Universidade Federal de Vigosa.
"What struck me, with Erika, was her total enthusiasm
and the way she embraced everything," Rebecca Darnell, a
professor and associate chair in horticultural sciences, said.
"I think she got so much out of it."
Duran said her experience in Brazil has definitely changed
her perspectives on the hustle and bustle of American life.
"Being out of your element will change you completely,"
Duran said. "You're much more aware that there's a huge
world out there, and it's not just Gainesville."


"He's a behind-the-scenes guy who makes things work,"
Barfield said.
Having worked as honors program assistant for seven
semesters, Jones has been able to work with a number of
CALS faculty members in several areas of agriculture.
"It gave me the opportunity to work with faculty across
the college and watch their different teaching methods and
strategies," Jones said. "It's amazing to see how the bench sciences
differ from the social sciences in their teaching techniques."
In fall 2005, Jones served as teaching assistant for Rick Rudd,
associate professor in agricultural education and communication.
In his role as teaching assistant for Rudd's Developing the
Leader in You colloquium, Rudd said Jones taught a few
lectures and coached individual students.
"He's so honest and forthright with who he is," Rudd
said. "The kids loved him."
In his tenure as CALS honors program assistant, Jones has
"set the standard for commitment to the job, compassion for
students and dedication," Rudd said.
After he graduates in May, Jones will continue teaching as
an assistant professor at North Carolina State University.
Rudd and Barfield agree finding a replacement for Jones
will not be an easy task.
"He's a charming individual and extremely hard working,"
Barfield said. "He's going to be almost impossible to replace."


If you don't believe the Gator Nitl.i'
really is everywhere, just ask College i.t
Agricultural and Life Sciences student
Erika Duran.
The global Gator Nation grew a little mi.ne \\hlen Dui in, i1
senior majoring in horticultural sciences, and several other
University of Florida students studied abroad in Brazil for
an entire year.
Duran said she first became interested in studying abroad
after attending an information session and talking with Nick
Comerford, the program's advisor.
"He described it, but it just didn't even come close to the
real experience," she said.
Although she is a native of Colombia and speaks three
languages, Duran said she did not know too much about
Brazil when she arrived.
"When I first got to Brazil, I only knew bits and pieces
of the culture very basic stuff like the samba, and I knew
about the Amazon," she said.
However, Duran said she soon came to realize that the
country was bigger than she had ever imagined and had

A vehicle only runs because of what happens under the
hood and out of plain sight. As the CALS Honors Program
assistant, David Jones has worked behind the scenes to help
keep the program running since spring 2004.
Jones, a doctoral candidate in the agricultural education
and communication department, helps organize the honors
program colloquium, ALS 4921.
"It's been great to work with the students and faculty
because they are so diverse," Jones said.
Carl Barfield, professor of entomology and nematology, is
the director of the honors program and had Jones as a teaching
assistant in spring 2005. Barfield said Jones does a tremendous
amount of logistical work for the honors program office.

.2 -C n ___
12 CALS Connection I Academics

plenty of places to discover.
"We'd just go hiking and traveling, and it was really cheap
to travel by bus," she said.
While in Brazil, Duran took several undergraduate classes
at the Universidade Federal de Vigosa.
"What struck me, with Erika, was her total enthusiasm
and the way she embraced everything," Rebecca Darnell, a
professor and associate chair in horticultural sciences, said.
"I think she got so much out of it."
Duran said her experience in Brazil has definitely changed
her perspectives on the hustle and bustle of American life.
"Being out of your element will change you completely,"
Duran said. "You're much more aware that there's a huge
world out there, and it's not just Gainesville."


"He's a behind-the-scenes guy who makes things work,"
Barfield said.
Having worked as honors program assistant for seven
semesters, Jones has been able to work with a number of
CALS faculty members in several areas of agriculture.
"It gave me the opportunity to work with faculty across
the college and watch their different teaching methods and
strategies," Jones said. "It's amazing to see how the bench sciences
differ from the social sciences in their teaching techniques."
In fall 2005, Jones served as teaching assistant for Rick Rudd,
associate professor in agricultural education and communication.
In his role as teaching assistant for Rudd's Developing the
Leader in You colloquium, Rudd said Jones taught a few
lectures and coached individual students.
"He's so honest and forthright with who he is," Rudd
said. "The kids loved him."
In his tenure as CALS honors program assistant, Jones has
"set the standard for commitment to the job, compassion for
students and dedication," Rudd said.
After he graduates in May, Jones will continue teaching as
an assistant professor at North Carolina State University.
Rudd and Barfield agree finding a replacement for Jones
will not be an easy task.
"He's a charming individual and extremely hard working,"
Barfield said. "He's going to be almost impossible to replace."

The man protecting

the Florida GidM

The excitement from the roar of the crowds, the
adrenaline rush from the football team running onto the
field and the ability to watch all this on the field from the
sidelines are just some of the perks for Jason Smith.
Smith, a senior in agricultural operations management,
has a unique job as the equipment manager for the Florida
Gator football team.
Smith grew up in Naples, Fla. and throughout high
school was involved in both playing sports and equipment
management for varsity sports.
Since 1999, Smith has been a UF student and the football
equipment manager for the Gators.
"It's hard at times," Smith said. "But I love what I do both
as a student and as a manager, so I make it work."
Setting up the sidelines with blowing fans, running
footballs, and repairing helmets, shoulder pads and cleats
are all part of the job description for an equipment manager.
"I help make sure practice runs smoothly, along with
many other duties," Smith said.
His hard work pays off when he gets to see his hard work
in action on game days.

V4i D62ut wdI*iUfe:

Student's research helps

conservation programs
Having the opportunity to travel to another country
and make a difference in the lives of people is something
that many students will only ever dream about. However,
Christine Browne-Nufiez, a doctoral candidate in wildlife
ecology and conservation, did just that.
Near the Amboseli National Park in Kenya, Browne-
Nufiez worked with the Maasai people, studying their
interactions with elephants in the area.
"Human-elephant conflict is increasing in the Amboseli
ecosystem because of increasing human and elephant
populations and changing land use," she said. "Solutions
need to be found in order to improve the well-being of the
local people and to conserve the elephants."
Browne-Nufiez was selected for the Fulbright Fellowship
program for 2004-2005. The program is meant to increase
understanding between the people of the United States and
the people of other countries.
Through her participation in the program, Browne-Nufiez
worked at identifying the tolerance of humans to elephants.
"Her research will help resource managers select the best
ways to minimize conflicts between people and elephants in
Kenya," said Susan Jacobson, Browne-Nufiez's adviser.

O "It's hard at times, but I love what I do."

"To look out on the field and to know you helped with the
appearance of the uniforms, especially the helmets, is very cool."
Even though Smith has a busy schedule with classes
and football, he still finds time to be involved in campus
organizations. Last year Smith was the treasurer for the
Agricultural Operations Management Club.
"Jason is a good student and well liked by students,
staff and faculty," said Mary Hall, program assistant in the
agricultural and biological engineering department. "We call
him 'coach' here in the department."
Upon graduation Smith hopes to continue to work as the
UF equipment manager or a similar job elsewhere.

V Dedication and determination helped rihnstine
Browne-Nuiez get through the challenges of field
research in Africa
Browne-Nufiez's research, which will be completed
in spring 2007, will aid in the development of future
conservation programs.
"It provides a model for other studies of human-wildlife
conflicts," Jacobson said.
The research performed by Browne-Nufiez in Amboseli
National Park was done in collaboration with the Kenya
Wildlife Service and the Amboseli Elephant Research
Project. Through her Fulbright Fellowship, Browne-Nufiez's
goal was to make a difference in the field of wildlife
"She is a hard worker whose dedication and
determination helped her get through the challenges of field
research in Africa," Jacobson said.
June 2006 13

The man protecting

the Florida GidM

The excitement from the roar of the crowds, the
adrenaline rush from the football team running onto the
field and the ability to watch all this on the field from the
sidelines are just some of the perks for Jason Smith.
Smith, a senior in agricultural operations management,
has a unique job as the equipment manager for the Florida
Gator football team.
Smith grew up in Naples, Fla. and throughout high
school was involved in both playing sports and equipment
management for varsity sports.
Since 1999, Smith has been a UF student and the football
equipment manager for the Gators.
"It's hard at times," Smith said. "But I love what I do both
as a student and as a manager, so I make it work."
Setting up the sidelines with blowing fans, running
footballs, and repairing helmets, shoulder pads and cleats
are all part of the job description for an equipment manager.
"I help make sure practice runs smoothly, along with
many other duties," Smith said.
His hard work pays off when he gets to see his hard work
in action on game days.

V4i D62ut wdI*iUfe:

Student's research helps

conservation programs
Having the opportunity to travel to another country
and make a difference in the lives of people is something
that many students will only ever dream about. However,
Christine Browne-Nufiez, a doctoral candidate in wildlife
ecology and conservation, did just that.
Near the Amboseli National Park in Kenya, Browne-
Nufiez worked with the Maasai people, studying their
interactions with elephants in the area.
"Human-elephant conflict is increasing in the Amboseli
ecosystem because of increasing human and elephant
populations and changing land use," she said. "Solutions
need to be found in order to improve the well-being of the
local people and to conserve the elephants."
Browne-Nufiez was selected for the Fulbright Fellowship
program for 2004-2005. The program is meant to increase
understanding between the people of the United States and
the people of other countries.
Through her participation in the program, Browne-Nufiez
worked at identifying the tolerance of humans to elephants.
"Her research will help resource managers select the best
ways to minimize conflicts between people and elephants in
Kenya," said Susan Jacobson, Browne-Nufiez's adviser.

O "It's hard at times, but I love what I do."

"To look out on the field and to know you helped with the
appearance of the uniforms, especially the helmets, is very cool."
Even though Smith has a busy schedule with classes
and football, he still finds time to be involved in campus
organizations. Last year Smith was the treasurer for the
Agricultural Operations Management Club.
"Jason is a good student and well liked by students,
staff and faculty," said Mary Hall, program assistant in the
agricultural and biological engineering department. "We call
him 'coach' here in the department."
Upon graduation Smith hopes to continue to work as the
UF equipment manager or a similar job elsewhere.

V Dedication and determination helped rihnstine
Browne-Nuiez get through the challenges of field
research in Africa
Browne-Nufiez's research, which will be completed
in spring 2007, will aid in the development of future
conservation programs.
"It provides a model for other studies of human-wildlife
conflicts," Jacobson said.
The research performed by Browne-Nufiez in Amboseli
National Park was done in collaboration with the Kenya
Wildlife Service and the Amboseli Elephant Research
Project. Through her Fulbright Fellowship, Browne-Nufiez's
goal was to make a difference in the field of wildlife
"She is a hard worker whose dedication and
determination helped her get through the challenges of field
research in Africa," Jacobson said.
June 2006 13

New molecular major increases program visibility


University of Florida master's
students participating in the animal
molecular and cellular biology (AMCB)
interdisciplinary program can now
receive an academic degree for their
"It started out as an interdisciplinary
program where each student would
find a mentor in one of four colleges,
and they would get their degree in
that department," said Karen Moore,
assistant professor in the department
of animal sciences and director of the
AMCB program.
"For example, my students would
get their degree in animal sciences,
even though their concentration was
AMCB," she said. "Now, my students
that are master's students in this kind of
focus will get their degree in AMCB."

The program, which officially began
in 1993, has allowed students at the
master's and doctoral levels to focus
their studies in the area of AMCB.
However, it was not until fall
-- A, A

Agricultural and Life
Sciences can major in
AMCB, the program does
not belong to one particular

2U05 that graduate students 4y Apart from playing host to
could officially obtain an students from several different
AMCB master's degree. areas, AMCB faculty members
"It took about twor are diversified, as well.
to three years to get the "We're actually in four
proposals through," said colleges: Veterinary Medicine,
Moore of the amount of time it Medicine, Agricultural and Life
took to authorize the new graduate 1 Sciences and Liberal Arts and
major. p Sciences," Hansen said.
A proposal to migrate Graduates of the
the Ph D. concentration program can expect to
in AMCB to its own work in several areas,
major is now moving from academia to
through the approval a industry to veterinary
process. medicine and medicine,
Though the master's o I ore said.
program has migrated "For example, in my lab, we
from a concentration to work with cattle embryos

a major, the curriculum
still features courses in
biochemistry, cellular sciei
and molecular biology.
"I think the main
benefit in the program's
migration is visibility,"
said Pete Hansen,
a professor in the
department of animal
sciences. Hansen, who
has worked with the
program since its
development, is the co-
director of AMCB.
The program is trying t
implement the university-
of breaking college barrier

O Sarah Johnson, a first-year ani-
mal molecular and cellular biology
graduate student at the University of
Florida, collects cow eggs for in vitro
embryo production in an Animal Sci-
ences laboratory. Johnson is one of
16 students in the new interdisciplin-
ary AMCB major that migrated from a
concentration to a degree program
in fall 2005.



,and we're trying to work
in artificial reproductive
technologies, and we're
studying early embryonic
development," she said.
Because the new major
is extremely diverse in
molecular and cell sciences, Moore

said graduates of the program are
likely to find a job more easily.
"Our students have done a very
o1 .l.obh getting positions in
S l ij academia or industry after
graduating," Hansen said.
For more information
o on the AMCB degree
Programs visit,
s through its ht-tn://animal ifl pdi/amr

interdisciplinary effort, he said.
Hansen said the program has even
been highlighted by Jimmy Cheek,
the university's senior vice president
for agriculture and natural resources,
for its role in executing UF's mission.
"We're proud of that," he said.
Moore said because the program is
interdisciplinary, meaning students
from more than just the College of

14 CALS Connection I Academics

. ._ r .. I .......

New Global Gators study tour in Belize


Ten University of Florida students
traveled to Belize to learn about Mayan
civilizations and history, marine science
and cave ecology.
Students traveled from Jacksonville
on March 11 to Dangriga, Belize, and
then transferred to a boat to Southwa-
ter Caye.
Jerry Culen, associate professor of
youth development, organized the trip
to Belize. He had traveled to Belize in
the late 1980s and was interested in the
country's ecotourism industry, because
of the large amount of natural reserves.
Culen conducted short discussions
about the aquatic life and history of the
reefs where the group went snorkeling,
and explained the effect of tourism and
human encroachment on natural habi-
tats. Ryan Chizner, a senior majoring in
food science and human nutrition, said
he enjoyed Culen's discussions of being
a smart traveler.
Students arrived at the Interna-
tional Zoological Expeditions, a locally
owned 12-acre island beside a bar-
rier reef, where the group snorkeled.
Students went to the beach, kayaked
through the mangroves, studied the
mangroves and explored the island.
As the group
moved main- he fact that
land to Clar-
issa Falls, the strangers, and
students took a backgrounds ir
full-day tour of made it all the b
Aktun Tunichal -Jackie Phaneuf,
Muknal, a cave
t4-, -J 4-d

trip that led s uute'
them hiking I-
into the jungle
to the entrance, and swimming across a
pool of water where the group walked
up the river bed inside the cave. The
cave floor is littered with pieces of Ma-
yan pottery and other artifacts used by
Mayan priests for private ceremonies,
and even a full skeleton of a 14-year-
old girl who died in the cave several
hundred years ago.
Culen traveled with Levi County Ex-
tension and 4-H director Albert Fuller

0 Students on the Global Gators study tour in Belize snorkeled over a
barrier reef as part of learning about the aquatic life, history, and effects
of tourism on natural habitats. Ryan Chizner, student in food Scinece and
nutrition, and Jackie Phaneuf, student in animal sciences, hold up starfish
that they found while exploring the reef.

and Santa Rosa County Sea Grant
agent Christine Verlinde.
"For upcoming years the Belize trip
will be offered, possibly alternating

most of us were
all have different
i school majors
animal sciences


with a trip to
Suriname," Cu-
len said. "Given
the opportu-
nity, I would
not hesitate to
return to Belize
to experience
the amazing
time I had in

just one week
with a great group of students and stel-
lar faculty."
The Belize trip is an example of the
College of Agricultural and Life Sci-
ences' Global Gators program. Global
Gators are students interested in the
diversity of international challenges,
and CALS is increasingly offering its
students opportunities to participate in
programs designed to challenge their

"The fact that most of us were
strangers, and all have different back-
grounds in school majors made it all
the better," said Jackie Phaneuf, an
animal sciences major who took the
Belize trip for credit. "We all became
very close in such a short time, and our
diverse range of knowledge provided
endless opportunities to learn."

Check out international
opportunities in CALS
Global Gators offers short-term
international study tours and semester-
long study abroad opportunities in 20
different countries.

Trip to Belize

Other Global Gator trips

June2006 15


For coleeyc stdLetts, tke

S1nr^ner 1s t tnxe to-

t1Lke s5JurMycr cdos5es

or 6et ork expernexce.


O sdeect gracj o-f ij etds ,

SJnrvtwer s tke tnie fo-r 6L

up n nfrt~4t9t ctAX cka"gc

tker Lves.

16 CALS Connection I Academics


0 Tyrell Kahan's research internship
project examined removing
phosphorus from cattle grazing
areas by feeding plants nitrogen.
Research and Extension internships
offered by IFAS are paid and
flexible to accommodate student
The University of Florida's Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences offers research and Extension
internships each summer, as part of a cooperative effort
among the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station and the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service.
Research internships are designed for students to
discover, invent and develop applications for new
knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources.
These internships are facilitated through the Experiment
Station, the research arm of IFAS.
Students applying for research internships submit a short
description of their research interests and are paired with a
UF faculty member who requested an intern. Students can
work with Experiment Station faculty in Gainesville or at
research and education centers throughout Florida.
Mary Duryea, associate dean for research, said the
internship program looks for a diverse group of students
willing to explore their interests through science.
"Our research internships give students the science
perspective in their chosen field of study," Duryea said.
Students see where knowledge in their field is lacking, use
scientific methods for answering research questions, and
then get excited about more research ideas.
Extension internships are organized with the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service. The focus of these



internships is to place students in county Extension offices to
gain knowledge and understanding of the Extension system
and the role of an Extension agent.
"These internships give students the opportunity to learn
how the Extension Service works and what that work is
about," said Dale McPherson, coordinator of administrative
services for IFAS Extension Administration.
Extension intern applicants explain their interests and
preferred counties of placement. Requests are sent to
numerous counties to determine who is available to host
students, and a match is made to best fit the desires of both
Courtney Davis, an agricultural communication senior,
completed an Extension internship in the summer of 2005
working with the Suwannee County 4-H Day Camp.
"I did not have any experience with 4-H, but I worked
with great people and learned a lot from my experience,"
Davis said. "It was very challenging, but I enjoyed the

!3 0

O Darren Holt studied consumer perceptions of
organic products during his 2005 summer research
internship. He will present the results from his research
at the American Agricultural Economics Association
annual meeting in June.

The real-life experience gained through an internship can
generate future employment interest and opportunities.
"Over the past four years, six internship students have
been picked up as agents upon graduation," McPherson said.
Both research and Extension internships provide potential
for knowledge, experience, networking and additional
Tyrell Kahan, a senior majoring in animal science,
completed a research internship in the summer of 2003.
"My internship allowed me to see another side of my
field of interest that I may not have experienced any other
way," Kahan said. "Through my original internship with
Dr. Martin Adjei and the IFAS Range Cattle Research and
Education Center, I met a Dr. Ike Ezenwa who also needed
help with research. I assisted with his research for the
remaining six weeks and was paid for my time."
Darren Holt, a junior majoring in food and resource
economics with a minor in agricultural and natural resource
law, completed a research internship in the summer of 2005
and studied consumer perceptions of organic products.
His experience has persuaded him to implement new
knowledge into his family's business.
"Through my research, I know there is a place for niche
markets and I intend to go back home and explore natural
pork production on our family farm," Holt said.
Research and Extension internships are designed to
provide students with an opportunity to take knowledge
gained in the classroom and apply it in their field of interest.
"If you have a passion to reach out and learn more,
pursue the internship opportunity," Holt said.
Intern applicants should be college juniors or seniors and
must maintain at least a 2.8 grade point average. Interns are
paid $11 per hour and can choose to work full time for six
weeks or part time for 12 weeks to accommodate summer
class schedules.
"This is a paid internship that allows you to explore your
interests, even if you are not sure what career you want to
pursue," Kahan said. "My internship changed my life."

June2006 17

-a)r aNd mlr\or cl(agres

C ALC acade^\c

Keeping in step with the interests of
college students and the needs of the
workforce is a challenge well-managed
by the College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences. DUring the 2005-2006 academic
year, several changes and additions
occurred to keep up.
The college has revamped two majors
and added on minor to attract and benefit
more of today's students.

Meeting needs in environmental management
Florida's fast-growing population has a large impact
on the environment. The environmental management in
agriculture and natural resources (EMANR) major has
undergone a few alterations to emphasize land and water
management issues.
The dramatic population growth in Florida conflicts
with many traditional agricultural enterprises, said
undergraduate coordinator and professor Don Graetz.
"Land development, wildlife and water access are major
concerns for us."
The major has been offered at UF since 1996. However,
it has never achieved the growth
originally planned when it started.
EMANR has declined in student
numbers over the past few years, so
the faculty revitalized the

To increase enrollment "we offer the same set of core
courses, but we are tailoring the electives to fit each
student," said Graetz.
All students still take a core set of classes to provide a
solid background in environmental management, but the
electives allow them to pursue particular interest areas in
business management, water resources, soils and land-use,
or agricultural production systems.
EMANR has updated its curricula and added some new
classes, such as environmental hydrology, which studies
how water moves in environments.
Students that choose this major will have a broad range of
career choices.
EMANR senior Lauren Dillard said she has always been
interested in testing water on farmers and ranchers land,
so that water-use permits can be granted. Dillard wants
to follow her bachelor's degree with a master's in wetland
"I would like to be a consultant with a water management
district in Florida," Dillard said. "That way, I can be the
good guy and help out the farmers."

prorams receive makeaver

Moving a major into CALS
Another change in the college was the relocation of the
geomatics major from the College of Engineering to the
School of Forest Resources and Conservation.
Geomatics deals with where and how things are located
on the surface of the earth. The knowledge in this field
has a multitude of applications including environmental
planning, building construction, mapping, surveying, and
global positioning systems.
While the major was being moved, the curriculum of
courses also was being altered. As a result the geomatics
major is appealing to more students.
"This major offers huge opportunities for all students,"
said Tim White, School of Forest Resources and
Conservation director.
An increase in demand for geomatics imal.'is iia
occurred, White said, because hal: i.t the licensed sui \ e\- .i s
in the state will be retiring within the ine\t 11.\ eati
Geomatics graduates have an a vei iae >.at
seven job offers and starting salanes cain be
in the range of $45,000-$50,000 with itapid
increases in the first few years.

Rounding out students'
experience with
international flare
CALS has added a new
interdisciplinary minor for
students interested in working
for organizations that provide
assistance for countries in
humanitarian crisis, such as
natural disasters, famine or
disease. The international
humanitarian assistance minor
provides an academic basis for
these service-oriented careers.
This 15-credit-hour minor
gives students a holistic view
of international humanitarian
assistance and teaches them
about working with nonprofit
organizations. Enrolled students
take classes in foreign policy and
development along with three credit hours of

contemporary social or environmental issues.
Students in the program participate in a related internship
for credit toward the minor. They can choose to work with
government entities, organizations, or nonprofits that offer
international humanitarian assistance.
All undergraduates are eligible to take this new minor.
The CALS Department of Food and Resources Economics is
housing this minor and monitoring the internships.

June2006 19

Awade at 200 Convocatio

Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Dr. Rebecca Darnell

Dr. Rebecca Darnell is a professor
in the Department of Horticultural
Sciences. Through her interactive
teaching style, ability to engage all
students in learning, interactive
technology techniques, and her
creative approaches to learning, Dr.
Darnell is truly a gifted educator.
Lauren Schulman, student, says
"Dr. Darnell demonstrates her many
strengths as a professor by being
extremely knowledgeable and up-to-date on novel ideas,
showing concern and respect for students' different learning
styles, and making herself available outside of the classroom."

Graduate Teacher/Adviser of the Year
Dr. Willie G. Harris, Jr.

Dr. Willie G. Harris Jr. is a profes-
sor in the Department of Soil and
Water Science. Dr. Harris' experi-
ence has taught him to provide
more detailed topics and assign-
ments in advance, and to share with
students his rationale for the order
in which material is presented. Noel
Cawley, graduate student and advi-
see, says "Dr. Harris is an excellent
advisor. Not only is he an extremely
capable and knowledgeable scientist, he has been readily
available to give assistance, guidance, and support in one's
research, course work, and personal affairs."

Undergraduate Teacher of the Year
Dr. Gary Fairchild

Dr. Gary Fairchild is a profes-
sor in the Department of Food and
Resource Economics. Dr. Fairchild
was also selected UF teacher of the
year for 2005-2006. He sets high
expectations for his students and
his approach is holistic. His goal is
to prepare students for the chang-
ing and challenging world in which
they live and work. Paige Wingate,
student, says "Dr. Fairchild works
hard at developing a good, positive relationship with his
students. He is empathetic towards his students and is able to
build nurturing, yet professional, relationships with them."

Jack L. Fry Graduate Teaching Award
James Dunford

James Dunford is from Twin
Lakes, Wisconsin and currently
pursuing his doctorate in Entomol-
ogy and Nematology. James has
several received awards to honor
his outstanding commitment to
learning and teaching, including
the North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture Graduate
Student Teaching Excellence Award.
Seth Bybee, graduate research assis-
tant, says "Jim has a way of bringing everyone to the same
high level of education and understanding."

Undergraduate Adviser of the Year David Barber
David Barber is the Undergraduate Program Director for the Department of Food and Resource
Economics (FRE). David believes that advising students is a mentorship process, involving the
selection of episodes and experiences that afford students an opportunity to optimize their think-
ing and learning. To him, advising means more than providing information in a timely manner,
but also shaping goals that direct inquiry, learning, research, and new experiences. Lisa House, as-
sociate professor in FRE, says "(David) goes to extreme lengths to make sure he answers students'
questions and to make sure students are asking the right questions."

20 CALS Connection I Academics

205-00 AL stuen award

Awre at-* 200 Convoatio

J. Wayne Reitz Medal of Excellence
Kelly Parker Comerford

Kelly Comerford completed a
B.S. in Food Science and Human
Nutrition with a specialization in
nutritional sciences. Kelly com-
pleted nearly all of her nutritional
sciences degree requirements in her
first three years, giving her the flex-
ibility to study ecology and Spanish
at the Universidad Autonoma de
Yucatan in Merida, Mexico.

E.T. York, Jr. Award of Merit
Jacqueline Grace Endaya

Jacqueline Endaya, from Univer-
sity Park, Fla., is majoring in Food
Science and Human Nutrition with
a specialization in nutritional sci-
ences. Jacqueline participated in the
Urban Plunge program in Washing-
ton D.C. which required her to live
on the streets without food, shelter,
or money, like a homeless person.
This experience increased her level of
commitment to serve the community.

Dean's Leadership Award
John Faryna

John Faryna, from Umatilla, Fla.,
completed his B.S. in Microbiology
and Cell Sciences with a minor in
Chemistry. John represented the
college as a UF Senator in the Stu-
dent Government Association and
served on the advisory committee
for the CALS Upper Division Hon-
ors Program. He also established a
commitment to academia through
research on bacterial culture tech-

Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence
David Ortega

David Ortega is a senior from
Maracaibo, Venezuela, majoring in
Food and Resource Economics with
a specialization in International
Economics. David is the President of
the Agricultural Economics Club, a
member of the Food and Resource
Economics National Agri-Marketing
Association Marketing Team and
the American Agricultural Econom-
ics Association Quiz Bowl Team.

CALS Alumni & Friends Leadership Award
Nana-Ama Ankumah

Nana, from Auburn, Ala. gradu-
ated in May with degrees in Mi-
crobiology and Cell Science and
Spanish. She was the president of
Minorities in Agriculture, Natu-
ral Resources and Related Science
organization and a Florida Cicerone.
She was a member of the Golden Key
Honor Society and Chi Alpha Chris-
tian Fellowship. She also tutored
elementary school students.

Two CALS alumni were recognized for their substantial
contributions to Florida agriculture and inducted into
the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame in 2006.

Roy Gene Davis, B.S. 1953
Roy is a dedicated servant of Florida agriculture. The
owner and operator of two successful wholesale nurser-
ies in the Tampa area, he is also an undaunted commu-
nity activist and a generous volunteer.

Charles Raymond "Chuck" Smith, B.S. 1953
Chuck has dedicated his very productive and energetic
life to improving, promoting, and protecting Florida ag-
riculture. The industry could not have asked for a more
passionate advocate.
(Information obtained from Florida-Agriculture.com)

June 2006 21


It's more than meets the eye.

University of Florida
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences

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