CALS hosts first solo graduati...
 Message from the dean
 After a half-century hiatus, 82-year-old...
 CALS students awarded new...
 Alumni profile: Dr. Fred Gaino...
 TailGATOR 2002
 Annual open house promotes CALS...
 CALS Spring BBQ
 Internship opportunities highlighted...
 Fostering minority growth in natural...
 Sesquicentennial celebration
 Recognized for outstanding...
 Third annual teaching enhancement...
 Graduate symposium showcases...
 Alpha Zeta student leaders meet...
 FRE students bring home the...
 New agreement will send students...
 Crops course offers tour of midwestern...

Title: CALS connection
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076210/00003
 Material Information
Title: CALS connection
Series Title: CALS connection
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida
Publisher: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida
Publication Date: May 2003
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076210
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
    CALS hosts first solo graduation
        Page 1
    Message from the dean
        Page 2
    After a half-century hiatus, 82-year-old graduates
        Page 3
    CALS students awarded new scholarship
        Page 3
    Alumni profile: Dr. Fred Gainous
        Page 3
    TailGATOR 2002
        Page 4
    Annual open house promotes CALS opportunities
        Page 4
    CALS Spring BBQ
        Page 4
    Internship opportunities highlighted at career day
        Page 5
    Fostering minority growth in natural resource careers
        Page 5
    Sesquicentennial celebration
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Recognized for outstanding achievement
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Third annual teaching enhancement symposium
        Page 10
    Graduate symposium showcases research
        Page 10
    Alpha Zeta student leaders meet at UF
        Page 11
    FRE students bring home the gold
        Page 11
    New agreement will send students to France
        Page 12
    Crops course offers tour of midwestern farms
        Page 12
Full Text

Volume 3, May 2003


2 Dean's Message
Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future

3 After a Half-Century Hiatus, 82-year-
old Graduates
CALS Students Awarded New
Alumni Profile: Dr. Fred Gainous
4 TailGATOR 2002
Annual Open House Promotes CALS

5 Internship Opportunities Highlighted
at Career Day
Fostering Minority Growth in Natural
Resource Careers

6 Sesquicentennial Celebration

8 Recognized for Outstanding

10 Third Annual Teaching Enhancement
Graduate Symposium Showcases
Stringing It Together


AZ Student Leaders Meet at UF
FRE Students Bring Home the Gold

12 New Agreement Will Send Students to
1 France
Crops Course Offers Tour of
Midwestern Farms

CALS Administration

and Staff

Jimmy G. Cheek
Email jgcheek@ufl.edu
Associate Dean
E. Jane Luzar
Email ejluzar@ufl.edu
Student and Alumni Services
Paul Willis, Director
Email pwillis@ufl.edu
Student Recruitment
Emily Sperling, Director
Email sperling@ufl.edu
Computer Support
Joe Spooner
Email spooner@ufl.edu

Honoring the past, shaping the future
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

CALS Hosts First Solo Graduation

Marguerite Shotwell, 82, is congratulated by College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Dean Jimmy Cheek and fellow members of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
during a special recognition held at graduation Friday May 2, 2003 in the O'Connell
Center. (Photo by: Doug Finger/The Gainesville Sun)

This May, graduating agricultural education major Chris Vitelli got a chance to be a
groundbreaker. Vitelli was the commencement speaker at the first-ever commencement
held just for the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) and the College of
Natural Resources and Environment (CNRE). Over 400 CALS and CNRE students
received their diplomas at the O'Connell Center on May 2, 2003.
"This commencement was so much more personal, having just our colleges," Vitelli said.
"We knew most of the faculty, most of the students. You don't lose the prestige of
graduating from a place like UF but you don't leave bored and tired. You leave thinking,
'Wow, that was a great experience.' My friends and family absolutely loved it."
Enrollment at UF has grown to the extent that not all graduates can be accommodated
at one time in the O'Connell Center, said CALS Associate Dean E. Jane Luzar. In an
effort to address this problem and to provide smaller, more personal commencement
ceremonies, UF's various colleges held twelve separate graduation ceremonies this year.
In past university-wide graduation ceremonies, crowds were so large and the ceremony
was so long that many guests and students tended to leave early, Luzar said.
"We felt this was more personal," Luzar said. "It was also a little shorter. The students
were recognized I.1;. ;.1, i ll. but there was enough pomp and circumstance, too. The
families stayed till the end and were very respectful."
The use of a Jumbotron large-screen display allowed close-ups on the graduating
students, and a special set-up at the O'Connell Center created a more intimate
atmosphere that kept people from feeling dwarfed by its surroundings, Luzar said. The
ceremony also included a formal recessional.
"The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences graduation was a great occasion for
students and their families," said Provost David Colburn. "Dean Cheek handled the
occasion with dignity and humor, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. And I
believe Dean Jane Luzar hugged everyone who walked across the stage and some who
did not."
The separate commencement also gave the colleges the opportunity to include some
additional elements in the program, including the presentation of a number of awards
by Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Jimmy Cheek and Vice
President for Agriculture and Natural Resources Michael Martin. In addition, the
commencement recognized 82-year-old Marguerite Shotwell, the most senior graduate
CALS has ever seen.
(See related story on page 3)

Message From the Dean

Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future

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gives us an opportunity to reflect upon
our accomplishments and plan for
shaping the future.
SColIn 1884, Florida Agricultural College,
the state's first land-grant college,
opened in Lake City with only 31
students registered. The college served a state with an agrarian society and
economy. Florida's population was approximately 300,000 with an 85 -
15 percent rural-urban split. About 42 percent of the population was
African American. They were not represented at the college. Neither were

Tc.1 t. the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) enrolls nearly
4,000 students who accurately reflect the state's population mix. Women
outnumber men; minorities constitute 22 percent of the student body;
more than 70 percent of the students are from urban areas, and eight
percent are international students, adding a global perspective and
enriching the college's cultural and intellectual atmosphere. CALS
students are receiving an education that prepares them for their last job as
well as their first. The fourth largest college at UF we are the nation's
sixth largest agricultural and life sciences college. Participation in
international programs helps broaden and prepare students to be leaders
in international issues. Employment opportunities are plentiful in most
fields, and graduate and professional school opportunities are exceptional.
CALS remains fully engaged and committed to vigorously pursuing our
agenda of preparing society-ready graduates.

UF Strategic Plan and the Future

The Plan UF has developed a strategic plan to guide its development over
the coming years. It established a number of priorities that provide CALS
and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) the
opportunity to play a central role in the university's further development.
The plan emphasizes initiatives in genetics, biol. 111 .... 1..,. aging, children
and families, ecology and the environment, and internalization of the
campus and the curriculum.

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private sector.

Graduate Programs As part of UF's strategic plan, CALS has been
targeted to increase its graduate enrollment by approximately 70 graduate
students in 2003.

To accomplish this, CALS will initially focus on a core of existing but
relatively new professional degree programs that show the capacity to
increase enrollment rapidly with modest investment. These programs are
the doctor of plant medicine, M.S. in family, youth and community
sciences and the master of agribusiness. A graduate program is proposed
in animal molecular and cellular biology. CALS has also developed 15
combined degree programs as a streamlined means of identifying and
enrolling superior undergraduates in accelerated graduate programs.

I am pleased to report that our academic programs continue to improve
and we are doing a stellar job preparing society-ready graduates. Our
students are in high demand by business and industry, academia, and
government. Our alumni become successful entrepreneurs and are
entering career fields well prepared to meet the demands of today's
increasingly complex job market and changing societal needs. CALS has a
strong record placing students into graduate and professional school.

The 2002-2003 academic year has been another exceptionally productive
year. Our faculty increased graduate student credit hours taught by over 6
percent and undergraduate student credit hours taught by almost 3
percent. Our undergraduate population increased and we enrolled 881
graduate students, our largest number ever. Private support continues to
have a major impact. More than $10 million of private funding a year
helps IFAS provide quality facilities and equipment, support outstanding
faculty, provide scholarships and fellowships to attract the best and
brightest students, and provide funding to support specific programs in
teaching, research, and extension.

D,, in
'I ''' G. eek

After a Half-century Hiatus, 82-year-old Graduates

Marguerite Shotwell was a lot like any other senior at the University of
Florida. She studied for tests, worried about her grades and looked
forward to graduation.

There was one key difference, though Shotwell is 82 years old. Her age
earned the octogenarian the designation as oldest graduate ever from UF's
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), and she is believed to
be one of the oldest graduates in the university's history.

Shotwell said she chose to leave college in 1941 after her junior year at
Michigan State University to go with her husband, Eldon, a second
lieutenant in the Army Air Corps who was called to Ft. Bliss in El Paso,
Texas, to train for World War II. He was in the service for five and a half
years, and although Shotwell always wanted to finish her degree, after
having three children, something always came up, she said.

"When people get older they have regrets," she said. "This was one regret
I could do something about and I'm doing it."

Shotwell, of Spring Hill, credits part of her motivation for returning to
school to her late aunt, who paid for her tuition and books when she first
started college in 1938 at Michigan State. When her aunt died a few
years ago and left Shotwell some money, she said she felt she owed it to
herself and her aunt to finish school.

After a lot of digging
through old transcripts to
make sure at least some of
the credits from three years
at Michigan State would
transfer, Shotwell enrolled
at UF in January 2002.
She graduated May 2 with
a bachelor's degree in
dietetics. Shotwell, who
has volunteered helping
hospice patients for more
than five years including
during her time as a UF
student, plans to continue Eighty-two-year-old CALS student
her work there. Marguerite Shotwell at her studies.

Coincidentally, Shotwell, who has seven grandchildren and five great-
grandchildren, graduated at the same time as two of her grandchildren:
Matt, who received a law degree from Michigan State, and Corrie, who
got a master's in theater production from Wayne State University.

The best part about coming back to school was the professors, Shotwell
said."I cannot praise them enough," she said. "They have been so eager to
help me."

CALS Students Awarded New Scholarship

A commitment to academic excellence, community service, leadership and
public responsibility are all characteristics of two outstanding College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) students who are recipients of the
first John V. Lombardi Scholarships.

The Lombardi Scholarship, a research and educational stipend, is awarded
to eight University of Florida students who reflect the high standards that
former UF President
John Lombardi brought
to the university. This
year, two of the eight
recipients, Jennifer
Bonds and Robert
Mack, are CALS

"Having two of the
eight recipients within
CALS shows the
quality of our students
as well as the quality of
our program," said Paul
Willis, director of Robert Mack and Jennifer Bonds, recipients of
CALS' student and the John V. Lombardi Scholarship.
alumni services. "It is exciting, as well as an honor, to have 25 percent of
the Lombardi scholars come from our programs."

High school teachers or counselors nominate graduating seniors for the
Lombardi Scholarship program.

As entering freshmen, Lombardi scholars receive 10 semesters of paid
tuition, a monetary stipend to offset costs associated with coursework and
living expenses and an opportunity to participate in study abroad tours

and internships, all paid for by UF and designed to enhance their college
education and experience. Scholars also are matched with a distinguished
faculty member in their field to pursue academic interests and advanced

Jennifer Bonds is one of the two CALS students to receive this award. In
her first year at UF, Bonds is a human nutrition major in the 3+4
academic program where her last year of bachelor's degree coursework
doubles as her first year in the pharmacy graduate program.

"I want to become a lobbyist and possibly practice pharmaceutical law,"
Bonds said. "I plan to open a non-profit agency that researches and
attempts to improve health care disparities among minorities through
health care education, lobbying and community disease prevention."

Bonds said she feels the need to represent the college well, since she is
one of the first Lombardi Scholarship recipients.

"Since we are the first scholars, the guinea pigs, we set the standard for
future scholars," Bonds said.

Robert Mack was also awarded the Lombardi Scholarship. He is a
freshman food and resource economics major from Williston, Fla.
Mack said he has gained valuable experiences through extracurricular
activities in high school and during his first year at UE

Being selected as one of the eight Lombardi scholarship recipients was a
surprise for Mack.

"Being a Lombardi scholar means being held to a higher standard. The
university expects the utmost performance from us," he said. "It is an
expectation that I will gladly try to achieve on behalf of the university
and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences."

After a Half-century Hiatus, 82-year-old Graduates

Marguerite Shotwell was a lot like any other senior at the University of
Florida. She studied for tests, worried about her grades and looked
forward to graduation.

There was one key difference, though Shotwell is 82 years old. Her age
earned the octogenarian the designation as oldest graduate ever from UF's
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), and she is believed to
be one of the oldest graduates in the university's history.

Shotwell said she chose to leave college in 1941 after her junior year at
Michigan State University to go with her husband, Eldon, a second
lieutenant in the Army Air Corps who was called to Ft. Bliss in El Paso,
Texas, to train for World War II. He was in the service for five and a half
years, and although Shotwell always wanted to finish her degree, after
having three children, something always came up, she said.

"When people get older they have regrets," she said. "This was one regret
I could do something about and I'm doing it."

Shotwell, of Spring Hill, credits part of her motivation for returning to
school to her late aunt, who paid for her tuition and books when she first
started college in 1938 at Michigan State. When her aunt died a few
years ago and left Shotwell some money, she said she felt she owed it to
herself and her aunt to finish school.

After a lot of digging
through old transcripts to
make sure at least some of
the credits from three years
at Michigan State would
transfer, Shotwell enrolled
at UF in January 2002.
She graduated May 2 with
a bachelor's degree in
dietetics. Shotwell, who
has volunteered helping
hospice patients for more
than five years including
during her time as a UF
student, plans to continue Eighty-two-year-old CALS student
her work there. Marguerite Shotwell at her studies.

Coincidentally, Shotwell, who has seven grandchildren and five great-
grandchildren, graduated at the same time as two of her grandchildren:
Matt, who received a law degree from Michigan State, and Corrie, who
got a master's in theater production from Wayne State University.

The best part about coming back to school was the professors, Shotwell
said."I cannot praise them enough," she said. "They have been so eager to
help me."

CALS Students Awarded New Scholarship

A commitment to academic excellence, community service, leadership and
public responsibility are all characteristics of two outstanding College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) students who are recipients of the
first John V. Lombardi Scholarships.

The Lombardi Scholarship, a research and educational stipend, is awarded
to eight University of Florida students who reflect the high standards that
former UF President
John Lombardi brought
to the university. This
year, two of the eight
recipients, Jennifer
Bonds and Robert
Mack, are CALS

"Having two of the
eight recipients within
CALS shows the
quality of our students
as well as the quality of
our program," said Paul
Willis, director of Robert Mack and Jennifer Bonds, recipients of
CALS' student and the John V. Lombardi Scholarship.
alumni services. "It is exciting, as well as an honor, to have 25 percent of
the Lombardi scholars come from our programs."

High school teachers or counselors nominate graduating seniors for the
Lombardi Scholarship program.

As entering freshmen, Lombardi scholars receive 10 semesters of paid
tuition, a monetary stipend to offset costs associated with coursework and
living expenses and an opportunity to participate in study abroad tours

and internships, all paid for by UF and designed to enhance their college
education and experience. Scholars also are matched with a distinguished
faculty member in their field to pursue academic interests and advanced

Jennifer Bonds is one of the two CALS students to receive this award. In
her first year at UF, Bonds is a human nutrition major in the 3+4
academic program where her last year of bachelor's degree coursework
doubles as her first year in the pharmacy graduate program.

"I want to become a lobbyist and possibly practice pharmaceutical law,"
Bonds said. "I plan to open a non-profit agency that researches and
attempts to improve health care disparities among minorities through
health care education, lobbying and community disease prevention."

Bonds said she feels the need to represent the college well, since she is
one of the first Lombardi Scholarship recipients.

"Since we are the first scholars, the guinea pigs, we set the standard for
future scholars," Bonds said.

Robert Mack was also awarded the Lombardi Scholarship. He is a
freshman food and resource economics major from Williston, Fla.
Mack said he has gained valuable experiences through extracurricular
activities in high school and during his first year at UE

Being selected as one of the eight Lombardi scholarship recipients was a
surprise for Mack.

"Being a Lombardi scholar means being held to a higher standard. The
university expects the utmost performance from us," he said. "It is an
expectation that I will gladly try to achieve on behalf of the university
and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences."

After a Half-century Hiatus, 82-year-old Graduates

Marguerite Shotwell was a lot like any other senior at the University of
Florida. She studied for tests, worried about her grades and looked
forward to graduation.

There was one key difference, though Shotwell is 82 years old. Her age
earned the octogenarian the designation as oldest graduate ever from UF's
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), and she is believed to
be one of the oldest graduates in the university's history.

Shotwell said she chose to leave college in 1941 after her junior year at
Michigan State University to go with her husband, Eldon, a second
lieutenant in the Army Air Corps who was called to Ft. Bliss in El Paso,
Texas, to train for World War II. He was in the service for five and a half
years, and although Shotwell always wanted to finish her degree, after
having three children, something always came up, she said.

"When people get older they have regrets," she said. "This was one regret
I could do something about and I'm doing it."

Shotwell, of Spring Hill, credits part of her motivation for returning to
school to her late aunt, who paid for her tuition and books when she first
started college in 1938 at Michigan State. When her aunt died a few
years ago and left Shotwell some money, she said she felt she owed it to
herself and her aunt to finish school.

After a lot of digging
through old transcripts to
make sure at least some of
the credits from three years
at Michigan State would
transfer, Shotwell enrolled
at UF in January 2002.
She graduated May 2 with
a bachelor's degree in
dietetics. Shotwell, who
has volunteered helping
hospice patients for more
than five years including
during her time as a UF
student, plans to continue Eighty-two-year-old CALS student
her work there. Marguerite Shotwell at her studies.

Coincidentally, Shotwell, who has seven grandchildren and five great-
grandchildren, graduated at the same time as two of her grandchildren:
Matt, who received a law degree from Michigan State, and Corrie, who
got a master's in theater production from Wayne State University.

The best part about coming back to school was the professors, Shotwell
said."I cannot praise them enough," she said. "They have been so eager to
help me."

CALS Students Awarded New Scholarship

A commitment to academic excellence, community service, leadership and
public responsibility are all characteristics of two outstanding College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) students who are recipients of the
first John V. Lombardi Scholarships.

The Lombardi Scholarship, a research and educational stipend, is awarded
to eight University of Florida students who reflect the high standards that
former UF President
John Lombardi brought
to the university. This
year, two of the eight
recipients, Jennifer
Bonds and Robert
Mack, are CALS

"Having two of the
eight recipients within
CALS shows the
quality of our students
as well as the quality of
our program," said Paul
Willis, director of Robert Mack and Jennifer Bonds, recipients of
CALS' student and the John V. Lombardi Scholarship.
alumni services. "It is exciting, as well as an honor, to have 25 percent of
the Lombardi scholars come from our programs."

High school teachers or counselors nominate graduating seniors for the
Lombardi Scholarship program.

As entering freshmen, Lombardi scholars receive 10 semesters of paid
tuition, a monetary stipend to offset costs associated with coursework and
living expenses and an opportunity to participate in study abroad tours

and internships, all paid for by UF and designed to enhance their college
education and experience. Scholars also are matched with a distinguished
faculty member in their field to pursue academic interests and advanced

Jennifer Bonds is one of the two CALS students to receive this award. In
her first year at UF, Bonds is a human nutrition major in the 3+4
academic program where her last year of bachelor's degree coursework
doubles as her first year in the pharmacy graduate program.

"I want to become a lobbyist and possibly practice pharmaceutical law,"
Bonds said. "I plan to open a non-profit agency that researches and
attempts to improve health care disparities among minorities through
health care education, lobbying and community disease prevention."

Bonds said she feels the need to represent the college well, since she is
one of the first Lombardi Scholarship recipients.

"Since we are the first scholars, the guinea pigs, we set the standard for
future scholars," Bonds said.

Robert Mack was also awarded the Lombardi Scholarship. He is a
freshman food and resource economics major from Williston, Fla.
Mack said he has gained valuable experiences through extracurricular
activities in high school and during his first year at UE

Being selected as one of the eight Lombardi scholarship recipients was a
surprise for Mack.

"Being a Lombardi scholar means being held to a higher standard. The
university expects the utmost performance from us," he said. "It is an
expectation that I will gladly try to achieve on behalf of the university
and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences."

TailGATOR 2002

Food, fun and friends. It's become a tradition. More than 1,100
University of Florida (UF) alumni and friends of the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) recently gathered to celebrate
TailGATOR 2002.

This annual event, now in its sixth year on the main UF campus in
Gainesville, provides participants an opportunity to visit displays on UF
CALS programs and degrees. And, it allows UF CALS the opportunity to
recognize individual alumni and friends with the Award of Distinction, an
honor reserved for those who have served the ag industry and UF and are
dedicated to its success. In addition to the Award of Distinction, UF
CALS also presents a $1,000 student scholarship.

Hugh English and Doyle Conner accept
Alumni Awards of Distinction from Dean
Jimmy Cheek. Left to right: Scott
Emerson, Hugh English, Doyle Conner,
Dean Jimmy Cheek.

Hugh English and Doyle
Conner were the recipients
of the 2002 Alumni of
Distinction Award. They
were recognized for their
contributions to the
agricultural and natural
resource industries, the
University of Florida and
Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.

In response to being
recognized, English said he
represented "hope for C
students." English is a
fourth generation Florida
citrus grower. Retired from
A. Duda & Sons in 2001,
he is the immediate past

chairman of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association and is a member of
the governing board of the South Florida Water Management District.
English is a 1996 recipient of the Distinguished Service to Agriculture
Award of Merit from Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of
Agriculture at the University of Florida.

Conner was the first commissioner of the reorganized Florida Department
of Agriculture (1961) and has played an active role in encouraging
Congress to enact favorable legislation for agriculture. As a past president
of the Southern and National Associations of State Departments in
Agriculture, Conner participated in over 50 trade missions to countries
including Russia and China where he fostered goodwill and international
relations. Conner has been a strong supporter for numerous youth
organizations, including Future Farmers of America and 4-H. "Students
today can say that they're proud to be majoring in agriculture and proud to
look toward a future," Conner said.

One such student is Josh Brown, the recipient of the 2002 CALS Alumni
and Friends student scholarship. Brown is a senior from Ocala, Fla.,
majoring in agricultural communications. He is actively involved in the
Alpha Gamma Rho and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow.

TailGATOR 2002 sponsors include Farm Credit of North Florida, Arrow
Environmental Services, Inc., the Florida Agricultural Conference & Trade
Show (FACTS), Hydro Agri North America Inc., Florida Farm Bureau, Blue
Bell Creameries, The Plant Shoppe, John Deere, Everglades Equipment
Co., Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, and Farm Credit of Central Florida.

Plans are already being made for TailGATOR 2003. The event will mark
the 150th birthday of UE The date for next year's event has not yet
been set. For more information on TailGATOR, contact Paul Willis at 352-
392-1963 or visit the Web site at www.cals.ufl.edu.

Reprinted by permission from the November 2002 issue of Citrus & Vegetable Magazine

Annual Open House Promotes CALS Opportunities

A record high attendance of approximately 600 prospective students and
parents gathered in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center for the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences' (CALS) annual open house, Gator

The event educates community college students, high school students,
teachers, advisors, parents and University of Florida freshmen about the
academic and student enrichment opportunities available within the

"I felt the event was a great success," said Emily Sperling, director of
student recruitment and retention. "Our departments did a great job of
educating participants about our academic and career opportunities in
agriculture and natural resources."

Prospective CALS students and parents learned about academic programs,
admission standards, financial aid, housing and student life. Campus
tours also were offered.

Many of the college's clubs and most departments hosted interactive
exhibits. At the department of family, youth and community sciences'
booth, students adopted eggs to take care of while they were at Gator
Encounter. The dental school let participants try their hand at filling
cavities on a fake tooth.

Georgia Pate, a high school senior from Belle Glade, enjoyed learning
about the many opportunities offered by CALS.

"The hands-on activities were really cool," Pate said. "I actually had
fun learning."

Also featured at Gator Encounter were tours, presentations about different
majors, advising sessions with UF faculty and information sessions
regarding pre-
professional and
graduate opportunities. a
Leslie Guerry, a
community college
student from Moore
Haven, said that by
attending Gator
Encounter, she
now feels ready to
attend UE

"By going to Gator
Encounter, I was able to A wildlife ecology and conservation student
meet with students and acquaints Gator Encounter participants with
faculty in my major a baby alligator.
field of study," Guerry
said. "The tour around campus and the different exhibits also were very
helpful. My parents enjoyed the information on financial aid and housing."

"We are more committed than ever to educate people about our college's
numerous opportunities and enhance our students' learning experiences,"
Sperling said.

TailGATOR 2002

Food, fun and friends. It's become a tradition. More than 1,100
University of Florida (UF) alumni and friends of the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) recently gathered to celebrate
TailGATOR 2002.

This annual event, now in its sixth year on the main UF campus in
Gainesville, provides participants an opportunity to visit displays on UF
CALS programs and degrees. And, it allows UF CALS the opportunity to
recognize individual alumni and friends with the Award of Distinction, an
honor reserved for those who have served the ag industry and UF and are
dedicated to its success. In addition to the Award of Distinction, UF
CALS also presents a $1,000 student scholarship.

Hugh English and Doyle Conner accept
Alumni Awards of Distinction from Dean
Jimmy Cheek. Left to right: Scott
Emerson, Hugh English, Doyle Conner,
Dean Jimmy Cheek.

Hugh English and Doyle
Conner were the recipients
of the 2002 Alumni of
Distinction Award. They
were recognized for their
contributions to the
agricultural and natural
resource industries, the
University of Florida and
Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.

In response to being
recognized, English said he
represented "hope for C
students." English is a
fourth generation Florida
citrus grower. Retired from
A. Duda & Sons in 2001,
he is the immediate past

chairman of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association and is a member of
the governing board of the South Florida Water Management District.
English is a 1996 recipient of the Distinguished Service to Agriculture
Award of Merit from Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of
Agriculture at the University of Florida.

Conner was the first commissioner of the reorganized Florida Department
of Agriculture (1961) and has played an active role in encouraging
Congress to enact favorable legislation for agriculture. As a past president
of the Southern and National Associations of State Departments in
Agriculture, Conner participated in over 50 trade missions to countries
including Russia and China where he fostered goodwill and international
relations. Conner has been a strong supporter for numerous youth
organizations, including Future Farmers of America and 4-H. "Students
today can say that they're proud to be majoring in agriculture and proud to
look toward a future," Conner said.

One such student is Josh Brown, the recipient of the 2002 CALS Alumni
and Friends student scholarship. Brown is a senior from Ocala, Fla.,
majoring in agricultural communications. He is actively involved in the
Alpha Gamma Rho and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow.

TailGATOR 2002 sponsors include Farm Credit of North Florida, Arrow
Environmental Services, Inc., the Florida Agricultural Conference & Trade
Show (FACTS), Hydro Agri North America Inc., Florida Farm Bureau, Blue
Bell Creameries, The Plant Shoppe, John Deere, Everglades Equipment
Co., Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, and Farm Credit of Central Florida.

Plans are already being made for TailGATOR 2003. The event will mark
the 150th birthday of UE The date for next year's event has not yet
been set. For more information on TailGATOR, contact Paul Willis at 352-
392-1963 or visit the Web site at www.cals.ufl.edu.

Reprinted by permission from the November 2002 issue of Citrus & Vegetable Magazine

Annual Open House Promotes CALS Opportunities

A record high attendance of approximately 600 prospective students and
parents gathered in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center for the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences' (CALS) annual open house, Gator

The event educates community college students, high school students,
teachers, advisors, parents and University of Florida freshmen about the
academic and student enrichment opportunities available within the

"I felt the event was a great success," said Emily Sperling, director of
student recruitment and retention. "Our departments did a great job of
educating participants about our academic and career opportunities in
agriculture and natural resources."

Prospective CALS students and parents learned about academic programs,
admission standards, financial aid, housing and student life. Campus
tours also were offered.

Many of the college's clubs and most departments hosted interactive
exhibits. At the department of family, youth and community sciences'
booth, students adopted eggs to take care of while they were at Gator
Encounter. The dental school let participants try their hand at filling
cavities on a fake tooth.

Georgia Pate, a high school senior from Belle Glade, enjoyed learning
about the many opportunities offered by CALS.

"The hands-on activities were really cool," Pate said. "I actually had
fun learning."

Also featured at Gator Encounter were tours, presentations about different
majors, advising sessions with UF faculty and information sessions
regarding pre-
professional and
graduate opportunities. a
Leslie Guerry, a
community college
student from Moore
Haven, said that by
attending Gator
Encounter, she
now feels ready to
attend UE

"By going to Gator
Encounter, I was able to A wildlife ecology and conservation student
meet with students and acquaints Gator Encounter participants with
faculty in my major a baby alligator.
field of study," Guerry
said. "The tour around campus and the different exhibits also were very
helpful. My parents enjoyed the information on financial aid and housing."

"We are more committed than ever to educate people about our college's
numerous opportunities and enhance our students' learning experiences,"
Sperling said.

TailGATOR 2002

Food, fun and friends. It's become a tradition. More than 1,100
University of Florida (UF) alumni and friends of the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) recently gathered to celebrate
TailGATOR 2002.

This annual event, now in its sixth year on the main UF campus in
Gainesville, provides participants an opportunity to visit displays on UF
CALS programs and degrees. And, it allows UF CALS the opportunity to
recognize individual alumni and friends with the Award of Distinction, an
honor reserved for those who have served the ag industry and UF and are
dedicated to its success. In addition to the Award of Distinction, UF
CALS also presents a $1,000 student scholarship.

Hugh English and Doyle Conner accept
Alumni Awards of Distinction from Dean
Jimmy Cheek. Left to right: Scott
Emerson, Hugh English, Doyle Conner,
Dean Jimmy Cheek.

Hugh English and Doyle
Conner were the recipients
of the 2002 Alumni of
Distinction Award. They
were recognized for their
contributions to the
agricultural and natural
resource industries, the
University of Florida and
Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.

In response to being
recognized, English said he
represented "hope for C
students." English is a
fourth generation Florida
citrus grower. Retired from
A. Duda & Sons in 2001,
he is the immediate past

chairman of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association and is a member of
the governing board of the South Florida Water Management District.
English is a 1996 recipient of the Distinguished Service to Agriculture
Award of Merit from Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of
Agriculture at the University of Florida.

Conner was the first commissioner of the reorganized Florida Department
of Agriculture (1961) and has played an active role in encouraging
Congress to enact favorable legislation for agriculture. As a past president
of the Southern and National Associations of State Departments in
Agriculture, Conner participated in over 50 trade missions to countries
including Russia and China where he fostered goodwill and international
relations. Conner has been a strong supporter for numerous youth
organizations, including Future Farmers of America and 4-H. "Students
today can say that they're proud to be majoring in agriculture and proud to
look toward a future," Conner said.

One such student is Josh Brown, the recipient of the 2002 CALS Alumni
and Friends student scholarship. Brown is a senior from Ocala, Fla.,
majoring in agricultural communications. He is actively involved in the
Alpha Gamma Rho and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow.

TailGATOR 2002 sponsors include Farm Credit of North Florida, Arrow
Environmental Services, Inc., the Florida Agricultural Conference & Trade
Show (FACTS), Hydro Agri North America Inc., Florida Farm Bureau, Blue
Bell Creameries, The Plant Shoppe, John Deere, Everglades Equipment
Co., Citrus & Vegetable Magazine, and Farm Credit of Central Florida.

Plans are already being made for TailGATOR 2003. The event will mark
the 150th birthday of UE The date for next year's event has not yet
been set. For more information on TailGATOR, contact Paul Willis at 352-
392-1963 or visit the Web site at www.cals.ufl.edu.

Reprinted by permission from the November 2002 issue of Citrus & Vegetable Magazine

Annual Open House Promotes CALS Opportunities

A record high attendance of approximately 600 prospective students and
parents gathered in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center for the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences' (CALS) annual open house, Gator

The event educates community college students, high school students,
teachers, advisors, parents and University of Florida freshmen about the
academic and student enrichment opportunities available within the

"I felt the event was a great success," said Emily Sperling, director of
student recruitment and retention. "Our departments did a great job of
educating participants about our academic and career opportunities in
agriculture and natural resources."

Prospective CALS students and parents learned about academic programs,
admission standards, financial aid, housing and student life. Campus
tours also were offered.

Many of the college's clubs and most departments hosted interactive
exhibits. At the department of family, youth and community sciences'
booth, students adopted eggs to take care of while they were at Gator
Encounter. The dental school let participants try their hand at filling
cavities on a fake tooth.

Georgia Pate, a high school senior from Belle Glade, enjoyed learning
about the many opportunities offered by CALS.

"The hands-on activities were really cool," Pate said. "I actually had
fun learning."

Also featured at Gator Encounter were tours, presentations about different
majors, advising sessions with UF faculty and information sessions
regarding pre-
professional and
graduate opportunities. a
Leslie Guerry, a
community college
student from Moore
Haven, said that by
attending Gator
Encounter, she
now feels ready to
attend UE

"By going to Gator
Encounter, I was able to A wildlife ecology and conservation student
meet with students and acquaints Gator Encounter participants with
faculty in my major a baby alligator.
field of study," Guerry
said. "The tour around campus and the different exhibits also were very
helpful. My parents enjoyed the information on financial aid and housing."

"We are more committed than ever to educate people about our college's
numerous opportunities and enhance our students' learning experiences,"
Sperling said.

Internship Opportunities Highlighted at Career Day

Opportunity came knocking at the College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences (CALS) Career Day in February, and it was answered by many
an eager CALS student, looking to get a jumpstart on a future career with
an internship or land that first full-time job after college.

CALS Career Day is an annual event hosted by the college, designed to
cater to the agricultural job market.

"We have a unique industry and there's not really another venue on
campus that fits our students well," said Paul Willis, director of CALS'
student and alumni services.

opportunities abounded
at CALS Career Day,
supported by
S the unveiling this year
of I-Center, a Web-
Scbased database that
houses internship
listings from a
consortium of five
universities: UF,
University of Kentucky
Syngenta representative John Taylor discusses University of Georgia,
internship opportunities with a CALS student. Clemson and North
Carolina State. Each school lists public and private internship
opportunities that it knows to be available, thus benefiting all the
universities in the consortium. Over 1,000 internships are currently
available through I-Center, at least 98 percent of which are open to all

"It's great to collaborate on these things and share information, rather
than each school doing its own thing," Willis said.

Carolyn Shrine, a food and resource economics major in CALS, was one
of 10 students across the country to be recruited at Career Day by Oster
Professional Products for their fledgling Tradeshow Associate (TSA)
Program, a one- to two-year program that sends a chosen few to
tradeshows across the country to pitch Oster products to distributors. In

the past, Oster
sent salespeople to p
tradeshows to
pitch their
products, but the
salespeople didn't
know much about
the agriculture
industry, Shrine

"They wanted
young people who
are excited and
have industry A LESCO Corporation representative shares
experience," information about his company with CALS students.
Shrine said.

Oster's tradeshows can last from two days to two weeks, but they work
with class schedules by e-mailing TSA students a list of locations and
dates, and the students respond with their ,t. %ll 1 1llll'. Shrine said. Shrine
said the opportunity was perfectly suited to her needs.

"It's great because I'm not looking for a job right now, since I'll be
studying in Italy next year," Shrine said.

CALS alumnus John Taylor, a technical support representative for
Syngenta, was also on hand at Career Day, looking to train some
students to be experts in the citrus grove products his company offers.
Syngenta's products require an above-average level of stewardship in the
field, Taylor said.

"Syngenta is involved in a consultative role with our customers to help
them with decision-making. Our interns are the cornerstone of this. They
have more contact with the grower than the sales rep does," Taylor said.

Last year, all of Taylor's interns came from UE This year, three are from
UF three are from Florida Southern.

"My recruiting effort has been successful at UE I have all the support I
need from faculty and deans. The interns have all been of higher (1i I ll."
Taylor said.

Fostering Minority Growth in Natural Resource Careers

For many years, employers looking for minorities with an education in
natural resources were out of luck.

"For many reasons, minorities have historically not been attracted to
careers in natural resources," said Dr. George Blakeslee, associate director

Throughout their academic careers the Forest Service provides financial
support, internship opportunities, and guidance to the students.

"The Forest Service is trying to increase diversity, but beyond their own
needs, [the Forest Service] is trying to increase diversity in the field," said
Ted Willis, Forest Service liaison to FAMU. Ted works to identify

of academic programs for UF's School of
Forest Resources and Conservation (SFRC). In
an attempt to remedy this situation, in 1991
SFRC, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical
University (FAMU), and the U.S. Forest
Service joined forces to encourage minority
students to consider careers in fields such as
forestry wildlife management, botany, and

Students in the program begin at FAMU
where they complete two years of foundation

"Our main goal is to prepare the students for
the rigors of their natural resources
coursework at UF" said Dr. Oghenekome
Onokpise. Dr. Onokpise is lead faculty for the
program at FAMU, and has been involved
since the partnership's inception.

After successfully completing their lower-
division courses at FAMU, students transfer to
UF and major in one of the SFRC's two
majors: forest resources and conservation or
natural resource conservation.

"Most students are a little intimidated by the
size and complexity of UF" said Terry Baker, a
junior in the program who is completing
coursework in forestry with a minor in botany.
"But the students, faculty, and staff of SFRC
are friendly and eager to help, which makes
adjusting much easier."

*- -f- *

-.. .----- ? .....- --j:


--- ---
--- -, --"

U.S. Forest Service liaison Ted Willis introduces Florida
A&M students to the University of Florida, where they will
finish out their college careers before signing on to work
with the Forest Service. The partnership between UF,
FAMU and the Forest Service aims to attract more
minorities to careers in natural resources

promising students and get them interested in
the program, as well as match them up with
employment opportunities.

Graduates of the program are required to work
for the Forest Service after graduation. For
every year of funding, the students must work
a year, Willis said.

After this requirement is met, many graduates
stay on, but others have gone on to
employment with a wide variety of agencies -
including the Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) and the Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS).

In celebration of the program's success, a ten-
year anniversary symposium was held last
September at FAMU. It brought together
representatives of the three collaborative
units, current and former students, employers,
and representatives of similar programs that
have begun at Alabama A&M University and
Tuskegee University.

"It's taken a long time, but we're finally where
we want to be the program is a success,"
said Onokpise, referring to the years of
program building.

Internship Opportunities Highlighted at Career Day

Opportunity came knocking at the College of Agricultural and Life
Sciences (CALS) Career Day in February, and it was answered by many
an eager CALS student, looking to get a jumpstart on a future career with
an internship or land that first full-time job after college.

CALS Career Day is an annual event hosted by the college, designed to
cater to the agricultural job market.

"We have a unique industry and there's not really another venue on
campus that fits our students well," said Paul Willis, director of CALS'
student and alumni services.

opportunities abounded
at CALS Career Day,
supported by
S the unveiling this year
of I-Center, a Web-
Scbased database that
houses internship
listings from a
consortium of five
universities: UF,
University of Kentucky
Syngenta representative John Taylor discusses University of Georgia,
internship opportunities with a CALS student. Clemson and North
Carolina State. Each school lists public and private internship
opportunities that it knows to be available, thus benefiting all the
universities in the consortium. Over 1,000 internships are currently
available through I-Center, at least 98 percent of which are open to all

"It's great to collaborate on these things and share information, rather
than each school doing its own thing," Willis said.

Carolyn Shrine, a food and resource economics major in CALS, was one
of 10 students across the country to be recruited at Career Day by Oster
Professional Products for their fledgling Tradeshow Associate (TSA)
Program, a one- to two-year program that sends a chosen few to
tradeshows across the country to pitch Oster products to distributors. In

the past, Oster
sent salespeople to p
tradeshows to
pitch their
products, but the
salespeople didn't
know much about
the agriculture
industry, Shrine

"They wanted
young people who
are excited and
have industry A LESCO Corporation representative shares
experience," information about his company with CALS students.
Shrine said.

Oster's tradeshows can last from two days to two weeks, but they work
with class schedules by e-mailing TSA students a list of locations and
dates, and the students respond with their ,t. %ll 1 1llll'. Shrine said. Shrine
said the opportunity was perfectly suited to her needs.

"It's great because I'm not looking for a job right now, since I'll be
studying in Italy next year," Shrine said.

CALS alumnus John Taylor, a technical support representative for
Syngenta, was also on hand at Career Day, looking to train some
students to be experts in the citrus grove products his company offers.
Syngenta's products require an above-average level of stewardship in the
field, Taylor said.

"Syngenta is involved in a consultative role with our customers to help
them with decision-making. Our interns are the cornerstone of this. They
have more contact with the grower than the sales rep does," Taylor said.

Last year, all of Taylor's interns came from UE This year, three are from
UF three are from Florida Southern.

"My recruiting effort has been successful at UE I have all the support I
need from faculty and deans. The interns have all been of higher (1i I ll."
Taylor said.

Fostering Minority Growth in Natural Resource Careers

For many years, employers looking for minorities with an education in
natural resources were out of luck.

"For many reasons, minorities have historically not been attracted to
careers in natural resources," said Dr. George Blakeslee, associate director

Throughout their academic careers the Forest Service provides financial
support, internship opportunities, and guidance to the students.

"The Forest Service is trying to increase diversity, but beyond their own
needs, [the Forest Service] is trying to increase diversity in the field," said
Ted Willis, Forest Service liaison to FAMU. Ted works to identify

of academic programs for UF's School of
Forest Resources and Conservation (SFRC). In
an attempt to remedy this situation, in 1991
SFRC, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical
University (FAMU), and the U.S. Forest
Service joined forces to encourage minority
students to consider careers in fields such as
forestry wildlife management, botany, and

Students in the program begin at FAMU
where they complete two years of foundation

"Our main goal is to prepare the students for
the rigors of their natural resources
coursework at UF" said Dr. Oghenekome
Onokpise. Dr. Onokpise is lead faculty for the
program at FAMU, and has been involved
since the partnership's inception.

After successfully completing their lower-
division courses at FAMU, students transfer to
UF and major in one of the SFRC's two
majors: forest resources and conservation or
natural resource conservation.

"Most students are a little intimidated by the
size and complexity of UF" said Terry Baker, a
junior in the program who is completing
coursework in forestry with a minor in botany.
"But the students, faculty, and staff of SFRC
are friendly and eager to help, which makes
adjusting much easier."

*- -f- *

-.. .----- ? .....- --j:


--- ---
--- -, --"

U.S. Forest Service liaison Ted Willis introduces Florida
A&M students to the University of Florida, where they will
finish out their college careers before signing on to work
with the Forest Service. The partnership between UF,
FAMU and the Forest Service aims to attract more
minorities to careers in natural resources

promising students and get them interested in
the program, as well as match them up with
employment opportunities.

Graduates of the program are required to work
for the Forest Service after graduation. For
every year of funding, the students must work
a year, Willis said.

After this requirement is met, many graduates
stay on, but others have gone on to
employment with a wide variety of agencies -
including the Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) and the Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS).

In celebration of the program's success, a ten-
year anniversary symposium was held last
September at FAMU. It brought together
representatives of the three collaborative
units, current and former students, employers,
and representatives of similar programs that
have begun at Alabama A&M University and
Tuskegee University.

"It's taken a long time, but we're finally where
we want to be the program is a success,"
said Onokpise, referring to the years of
program building.

Sesquicentennial Celebration


Tracing its roots to 1853 when most of the state was an
uninhabited wilderness, the University of Florida celebrates
150years of progress in education and research in 2003.
It's all part of yearlong celebration: "Honoring the past,
shaping the future."

From 70 students 150 years ago to more than 47,000 students t ..1 it. the
history of the University of Florida is impressive by any standard.

The seeds of one of the nation's largest and most comprehensive state
universities were planted in 1853 when Florida Governor Thomas Brown
signed the first bill providing public support for establishment of the East
Florida Seminary in Ocala.

After the Civil War, the seminary was moved to Gainesville in 1866. But
it wasn't Florida's first college-level institution. That distinction belongs
to the Florida Agricultural College, which opened its doors in Lake City
in 1884.

Probably no federal act has contributed more to the development of
higher education in the nation than the Morrill Act of 1862. Also known
as the Land-Grant College Act, the Morrill Act provided funding for
institutions of higher learning in each state "to teach such branches of
learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanical arts..."

The Florida Agricultural
College was the first land-
grant college in the state and
the first school to offer a four-
year post-secondary
education. When the Lake
City college was opened to
women in 1894, 54 enrolled -
many more than expected.

The Hatch Act of 1887
provided federal funds to
establish agricultural
experiment stations at each A f
of the Morrill Act colleges.
The Florida Agricultural
Experiment Station, the
state's oldest research center,
was established at the college
in 1888.

In addition to the experiment
station, the herbarium and Newell Hall, the early Florida Agricultural E
other programs began at the
Florida Agricultural College. Peter Henry Rolfs began the plant
collection in 1891, including specimens from other herbariums. The
herbarium is now a unit of the Florida Museum of Natural History at
UF in Gainesville.

With growing competition between these and other state schools for
limited public funds, it soon became apparent that Florida had more
schools than it could afford. Without change, none would be able to
achieve a national reputation for excellence, said Carl Van Ness, UF

"That's when Henry Buckman, a political ally of Governor Napoleon
Bonaparte Broward, proposed consolidating the institutions under a single
governing board," Van Ness said. 'As a result, the Buckman Act was
passed by the Florida Legislature in the spring of 1905, creating a Board
of Control (later to become the Board of Regents). Members were
appointed by the governor to oversee consolidation of the state's public
institutions of higher education."

Van Ness said the act authorized four schools: one for men (now the
University of Florida), one for women (now Florida State University), one
for African-Americans (now Florida A&M University) and one for the


deaf and blind (now the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind at
St. Augustine).

When all Florida communities were invited to submit proposals for
hosting an institution, Gainesville and Lake City emerged as the top
contenders for the men's school. Both communities made generous offers
of cash, land, water and other concessions. In July 1905, the board
selected Gainesville as the new home for the University of the State of
Florida. In 1909, the name was shortened to University of Florida. The
first woman enrolled in summer sessions at UF in 1909, and gender
segregation officially ended in 1947. Integration came to UF in 1958.

Beginning in 1899, traveling exhibitions and lectures known as Farmers'
Institutes facilitated the extension of information from the experiment
station to farmers. With the passage of the federal Smith-Lever Act in
1914, the third component of the university's agricultural program, the
Florida Agricultural Extension Service (now the Florida Cooperative
Extension Service), was established as the outreach component of the
land-grant university.

By the mid-1920s, virtually all of Florida's counties supported a county
extension agent and women participated in extension work through the
home demonstration program. Florida 4-H, extension's youth
development program, began in 1909.

Among all UF programs, extension is unique because of its relationship
with the boards of county
commissioners in Florida's
67 counties. In many
respects, the extension
service is the "front door" to
the vast resources of UF in
every county.

Recognizing the need for
statewide agricultural
research and education
centers, the legislature
S established the Citrus
Experiment Station (now the
S Citrus Research and
Education Center) at Lake
Alfred in 1917. The
St Everglades Experiment
SStation (now the Everglades

Center) at Belle Glade
I followed in 1925, and by the
pent Station. 1940s there were more than
13 stations throughout the
state. In 1939, the legislature authorized creation of the School of
Forestry (now the School of Forest Resources and Conservation) as part
of UF's College of Agriculture (now the College of Agricultural and
Life Sciences).

In 1964, under the leadership of Provost for Agriculture E.T. York, Jr.,
creation of the UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)
was approved by the Florida Board of Control.

The action consolidated into one overall program four previously separate
units: the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station, the Florida Cooperative Extension
Service and the School of Forest Resources and Conservation. To.1 do. the
UF/IFAS administrative umbrella also includes the Florida Sea Grant
Extension Program and programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

In 1985, UF was added to the Association of American Universities, a
prestigious higher-education organization comprising the top 63 public
and private institutions in North America. UF's placement recognized
outstanding research and education programs in agriculture and natural
resources, engineering, medicine, business and law.

Honoring the past, shaping the future


"The growth and development of
Florida agriculture into a $54 billion
industry has been due in large part
to the success of statewide UF/IFAS
teaching, research and extension
programs over many decades," said .
Mike Martin, UF vice president for
agriculture and natural resources. --
"The progress has been truly
impressive, and the challenges of
the future range from feeding a
growing world population to growing
plants on a manned mission to the
planet Mars."

Martin said Florida has not always
been a prolific agricultural producer.
In 1821, at the end of some 250
The original College of Agriculture
years of Spanish rule, the colony was
still importing food from Cuba. Even in 1880, 376 years after the first
permanent settlement and 58 years after statehood Florida was still
only a frontier state with 23,000 farms and more than 21,000 square
miles of wilderness. The state's subtropical climate, erratic rainfall, poor
soils and numerous pest problems combined to defeat all but the hardiest
farm families.

In the 1920s, citrus growers were fortunate to get 84 boxes of fruit
from each acre of grove land. To. l i. thanks largely to UF research and
education programs, Florida citrus groves produce 294 boxes of
oranges per acre, and the citrus industry contributes $9 billion to
the state's economy.

Row crops and forages cover almost a third of Florida's total land area,
generating about $1.5 billion in farm income. In the 1920s, farmers
harvested a few hundred pounds of peanuts per acre compared to today's
average yield of 2,500 pounds per acre.

Developed in the 1920s, the 505,000-acre Everglades Agricultural Are
now produces vegetables as well as rice, sugarcane and sod in one of t]
nation's most unique and productive regions.

Florida tomato production now exceeds $400 million annually, and
strawberry production generates $167 in farm income.

Spanish range cattle, imported more
than 400 years ago, formed the
genetic base for today's cattle
industry in Florida. Modern breeds
developed by UF researchers have Tell
dramatically improved carcass Through the CALS Conned
quality and beef production it's your turn. We'd like tc
efficiency. Florida's livestock We are interested in award
production of beef cattle, dairy cows employment or profession,
and poultry now generates more Mail your information to:
than $1.3 billion annually

From the 1800s to the early 1900s,
Florida forests were heavily
exploited for construction, Name:
shipbuilding and railroad expansion, Address:
leaving the state with the challenge
of restoring forests. Modern Home Phone:
production and conservation Work Phone:
practices are key to sustaining a
forest products industry whose Is any of the above inform
annual economic impact exceeds Information:
$8 billion.

The history of Florida's
environmental horticulture industry
dates back to 1881, when the first

e building

ornamental plant nursery was
established in Manatee County
Today's statewide industry which has
grown rapidly since the late 1940s,
Includes landscape plants, flowers,
foliage and turfgrass. Florida's
environmental horticulture industry is
now the nation's second largest.

Tropical fruit production in the
Homestead area dates back to the
1800s, and the industry now covers
16,000 acres in nine south Florida
counties. Avocado, banana, carambola,
mamey sapote, lime, longan, lychee,
mango and papaya production has a
$137 million economic impact.
, Floyd Griffin Hall.
Aquaculture, a relatively new industry
is another fast growing segment of Florida agriculture. Production of
alligators, aquatic plants, catfish, clams, crawfish, eels, sturgeon, tilapia
and tropical fish generates more than $43 million in farm income
annually Other new enterprises such as hydroponic farming growing
plants in soil-less media generate about $20 million in farm income.

In 2002, agricultural and natural resource industries contributed more
than $54 billion to Florida's economy. One out of every four jobs in the
state is related to agriculture and natural resources Florida's second
largest (after tourism) and most economically stable industries.

UF's new strategic plan, unveiled by UF President Charles Young in
August 2002, is to become one of the top 10 public research universities
and one of top 20 universities overall in the nation. This will be
accomplished by strengthening UF's major core programs, including the
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, and the colleges of medicine,
engineering, and liberal arts and sciences.

"This is clearly a time when the University of Florida must develop
increased capability to meet the changing needs of the state it serves," the
plan states. "To do so, it must realize its potential as a major player in
American and international higher education and research."

For more information on UF's 150th anniversary, please visit the following Wcb
site: www.ufl.edu/150.

What's New In Your Life?

us what is happening! Stay connected to CALS
tion, we are reaching out to keep you informed about CALS news and activities. Now
include current information about you in an upcoming issue of CALS Connection.
Is, jobs, moves and family information. Please note changes in your address,
al activities that you want to share with your classmates and colleagues.
CALS Connection
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
P.O. Box 110270
Gainesville, FL 32611-0270
Email: ufcals@ifas.ufl.edu


ration new?

Please let us know if you have any questions or if we may be of help. We welcome your calls and visits to
McCarty Hall.

Recognized for Outstanding Achievement

Dean's Leadership Award

R. Andres Ferreyra

R. Andres Ferreyra is a Ph.D. student in the
agricultural and biological engineering
department. He is also working on a master's
degree in computer and information sciences
engineering. He received his first master's
degree in agro-meteorology from the
National University of Cordoba in
Argentina, and also possesses a degree in
electric/electronic engineering from the
National University of Cordoba.

I '\ Andres is currently an alumni graduate
fellow and research assistant in the Crop
Systems Modeling Laboratory at UF His
research is on the simulation of spatial water movement at different scales,
with emphasis on precision agriculture and the simulation of soil-plant-
atmosphere interactions in crops.

Andres was awarded the Alumni Graduate Fellowship for 1999-2003 and a
fellowship in the Remote Sensing Group of the Center of Excellence in
Products and Processes of the Province of Cordoba for 1995-1998. He has
been published in Geoderma, Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology, Ecological Modeling, and Biotronics.

Alumni and Friends Leadership Award

Miranda Jo Hardee

Miranda Jo Hardee is a junior from
Chiefland, Fla. majoring in animal sciences
with a specialization in animal biology She
plans to attend medical school and specialize
in the field of pediatrics.

Randi Jo is a member of Block and Bridle, the
UF Cattlewomen's Association, Golden Key
Honor Society, and Phi Eta Sigma Honor
Society. She is an assistant researcher for
Veterans Affairs in the North Florida/South
Georgia VA Hospital System, where she
conducts research on the detection of
melanoma, with special emphasis on screening techniques and specific trends
present in older men. She has volunteered at the Shands Pediatric Center,
where she provided care and compassion for young patients in the absence of
their parents.

Randi Jo has received a number of scholarships, including the Florida
Cattlewomen's Scholarship, the Groff Animal Science Scholarship, the Susan
Brown Memorial Scholarship, and the Florida Allied Cattlemen's Scholarship.

J. Wayne Reitz Medal of Excellence

Krista Renner

KIista Aileen Renner is a senior from Ocala,
Fla. majoring in animal science with a
specialization in animal biology and a minor
in chemistry IKGista is a member of Alpha
Zeta and Phi Theta Kappa and secretary of
Block and Bridle. As a participant in the
University Scholars Program, Krista works in
the medicinal chemistry department at UF
as a research assistant.

As a 4-H volunteer, IGista administers
vaccinations to lambs and instructs 4-H
youth in learning to handle, groom and show
livestock. She has worked at the University
of Florida Meat Science Lab, conducting research, and at Ocala Veterinary
Hospital, where she assisted the veterinarians, among other duties. IGista has
received numerous scholarships, including the Coca-Cola Scholarship, the
Marion County Farm Bureau Scholarship, the Bellamy Brothers Manna Pro
Scholarship, and the Susan Brown Memorial/Florida Beefmaster Scholarship.

Dean's Leadership Award

Carlos D. Messina

Carlos D. Messina is a Ph.D. student from
Buenos Aires, Argentina majoring in
agricultural and biological engineering. Carlos
received a bachelor's of science in agronomy
from the University of Buenos Aires in
Argentina, followed by a master's degree in
crop production from the University of
Buenos Aires.

S Carlos is a research assistant in the Crop
Systems Modeling Laboratory at the
University of Florida. His research interests
include simulation of crop and agricultural
systems, climate forecast applications, crop eco-physiology, plant physiology
and molecular biology. In 1998, he received a fellowship from the IAI (Inter-
American Institute for Global Change Research) for six months of collaborative
research at UF Carlos also received a two-year scholarship for his master's
program and a one-year fellowship granted by the Argentine Association of
Agricultural Research Regional Consortia.

Alumni and Friends Leadership Award

John Hall

John Hall, from Odessa, completed a
master's degree in agribusiness. John
graduated in May of 2001 with a bachelor's
degree in agriculture education and a minor
in horticultural science. He is a member of
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society and
of Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society
of Agriculture. John has also been an active
member and officer in the Agriculture
Education and Communication Society and
Block and Bridle.

John has completed his master's degree and
will be teaching agriculture at the high
school level this fall.

'Agriculture is not just an industry," says John. "It is a way of life that I
am proud to be a part of. I hope that I can give wisdom, advice, and
encouragement to the lives of the young men and women that I have the
opportunity to teach."

E.T. York, Jr. Award of Merit

Nicole Sammons

Nicole Sammons is a junior from Estero, Fla.
majoring in food science and human nutrition.
She is an active member of the Pre-professional
Service Organization, Alpha Lambda Delta
Honor Society and Golden Key International
Honor Society

Nicole volunteers for the Arts in Medicine
program at Shands, helping to paint auction
items alongside the "Miracle Children" of the
Children's Miracle Network. Nicole has also
volunteered as a cuddlerr" at Shands Hospital,
working with sick infants. She helps raise
money for the March of Dimes and is a counselor and lifeguard for the
Florida Diabetes Camp in Tallahassee during the summer.

Nicole participated in the UF Honors Program and is now participating in
the UF Junior Honors Medical Program. She has consistently made the
President's Honor Roll and the National Dean's List.


Jack L. Fry Graduate Teaching Award

Jennifer L. Gillett

Jennifer Gillett, a native of Alachua County,
is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of
plant pathology in the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences. A recipient
of an alumni fellowship, she currently
volunteers as a teaching assistant for PLP
3002 (Fundamentals of Plant Pathology),
its graduate-level equivalent (PLP 5005),
-\ and two high-enrollment lower division
courses (PLP 2000 and PLP 2060), and has
given guest lectures in AGG 4921 (Honors
Colloquium). She has also been instrumental in designing and narrating PLP
3002 laboratories on CD-ROM. She is the recipient of the University of
Florida Graduate School Graduate Student Teaching Award for 2002-03.

After receiving her bachelor's degree at UF in agricultural education and
communication with a specialization in entomology, Jennifer interned as an
educator at Trenton High School, where she taught agricultural mechanics and
applied horticulture. She then joined the Peace Corps, and was stationed in
rural Morocco for almost two years, where she taught local farmers techniques
to prevent erosion and improve crop yields.

Graduate Teacher/Advisor of the Year

Dr. Peter J. Hansen

Dr. Peter J. Hansen is a professor in the animal
sciences department in the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences. He received a
bachelor's degree in agriculture from the
University of Illinois and a master's degree and a
doctorate in endocrinology and reproductive
physiology from the University of Wisconsin.

Dr. Hansen has worked as a post-doctoral
research associate in the department of
biochemistry and molecular biology at UF and
taken sabbatical to work in the department of
biomedical sciences in the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of
Guelph. During his tenure at the University of Florida, Dr. Hansen has created
world-renowned research programs in environment physiology and reproductive
immunology His research programs have yielded approximately 150
publications. Dr. Hansen also directed the IFAS Outstanding Dissertation and
was recognized by the graduate school as an Outstanding Graduate Mentor.

One of Dr. Hansen's objectives as a mentor is to ensure that his graduate
students know how to frame a hypothesis and design an experiment to test the
hypothesis, that they have the statistical tools to analyze the results of the
experiment, and that they can interpret the results in an unbiased manner.

Undergraduate Teacher of the Year

Dr. Carol J. Lehtola

Carol J. Lehtola is an associate professor in the
agricultural and biological engineering (ABE)
department in CALS. She also serves as State
Extension Agricultural Safety Specialist.

Lehtola has built a solid statewide safety
program since coming to UF in 1996. She has
been perfecting a course on Safety in Agriculture
(AOM 3073) for several years, first at Iowa
State University and then at Florida. She also
team-teaches Agricultural Risk Management and
the Law (ALS 4085) with Michael Olexa. She
taught the CALS Honors Colloquium in Fall
2001 and works with students on Honors
Contract projects.

Safety in Agriculture has become a popular elective for CALS students.
Students often regard safety as a "common sense" subject when they begin
the course; as they learn more, however, they begin to understand safety as
a professional pursuit. Their newfound interest in the subject may inspire
them to pursue independent study in safety or to sign up for the Risk
Management course.

Department Chair Direlle Baird said, "I quite often receive comments and
letters from students who have taken [Dr. Lehtola's] class indicating that it
was one of the most beneficial classes they have taken."

Larry J. Connor Medal of Excellence

Judy Wu

Judy Wu is a junior from Longwood, Fla.
majoring in nutritional sciences. She is
currently the vice president of the Chinese
American Student Association, director of
the Asian Student Assembly, and a
member of the Asian Student Union and
Delta Zeta Sorority Judy has volunteered
in the Shands Hospital Burn Intensive
Care Unit and the Shands HIV/AIDS
Immunology Clinic. She is also the
president of Tennis on Wheels, organizing
and running wheelchair tennis clinics.

Judy was a charter member of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences-
sponsored honors research society known as Investigators, where she is one of
several students to make up the "Gator Team." The team prepares materials to
teach pediatric and adolescent patients the basics of choosing a nutritious

Judy is a member of the Golden Key National Honor Society and the
National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She received a Haart scholarship
and is also an Anderson Scholar.

Undergraduate Advisor of the Year

Dr. R. Elaine Turner

Dr. R. Elaine Turner is an associate professor in
the food science and human nutrition
Department (FSHN) in the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences. She advises
students in the department's nutritional sciences
curriculum and is currently responsible for
approximately 130 advises.

Advisors share students' achievements and their
failures, and Dr. Turner recognizes the need for
an advisor to wear many hats: mentor, coach, role
model, and, sometimes, parent.

In addition to advising students in the nutritional sciences curriculum,
Dr. Turner serves as the department's Honors coordinator and chair of the
Undergraduate Committee. She has also served as a faculty advisor to the
Agricultural and Life Sciences College Council. She has also been recognized by
the University Honors Program as one of two Honors Professors of the Year.

Each year at Preview, Dr. Turner presents a session for incoming students that
describes opportunities in CALS for students who are interested in the health
professions. Since 2000, nearly 1200 students have attended her sessions, and
over 800 of those students have chosen a major in CALS.

CALS Mission

To provide a high-quality education to students statewide resulting
in society-ready graduates in the areas of food, agriculture, natural
resources, human and life sciences.

CALS Core Values

To meet its requirements to the people of Florida and to serve its
mission, CALS advances its core values:

Excellence is the standard for all CALS academic programs.

Through diversity, CALS can ensure gender, racial and social

As part of a land grant uni '.. '. CALS is responsive and
accountable to Florida's citizens.

CALS is global in its perspective and develops world-class
programs on behalf of all its students.

CALS accepts responsibility to expand the public's awareness of its
programs and benefits.

SThird Annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium

The third annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium was a great
opportunity for faculty to enhance their teaching skills and get
invigorated for the upcoming school year, said CALS Associate Dean
E. Jane Luzar.

All CALS faculty are invited to the symposium, including those based
outside of Gainesville. Graduate students are also invited.
"This can be a
great oppor-
tunity for grad
students who
want to go into
teaching but
have not yet
served as a
Luzar said.

The sessions at
the symposium
address issues
CALS Associate Dean Dr. E. Jane Luzar (left) and Dean that faculty
Jimmy Cheek (far right) talk with keynote speaker Dr. R. face in striving
Kirby Barrick, Associate Dean for Academic Programs at to become
the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, more effective
Consumer and Environmental Sciences. teachers.
Faculty are
surveyed before the symposium to determine what types of topics they
would like to see covered. This year's sessions included "Testing What We
Teach," "Critical Thinking" and "Enhancing Learning With T, 1i ..1.. .. "
among others.

Some sessions also deal with professional development and the role of the
faculty advisor. For example, one session focused on the role of the
sabbatical, and another dealt with the process of peer evaluation.

Most sessions are conducted by current UF faculty, drawing on local
expertise and experience, Luzar said.

"Many departments do great things. This is an opportunity for faculty to
get together and share resources, experience and talent," Luzar said. The
Academic Development Committee and the Teaching Resource Center
help identify and recruit faculty to conduct the sessions.

Professor Mike Kane of the environmental horticulture department
moderated a session on "Strategies for Facilitating Graduate Education at
the Research Centers." With the new requirements for all professors (even
those outside of Gainesville) to serve on graduate student committees and
as major advisers, as well as an increased emphasis on graduate student
research at the research centers, it has become important for faculty to
know more about graduate education there.

"There can sometimes be a disconnect between the centers and
Gainesville, and there are a lot of rules and regulations to be followed. At
some of the centers, graduate education is new to them," Kane said.

Seeing a need, Kane organized a session on ways for faculty to understand
and improve the graduate student experience at the centers. Graduate
students who had obtained their degrees working with the centers also
spoke about the process, Kane said.

"They talked about the positive things that happen, what to look for,
what to look out for," Kane said.

Approximately two hundred people attended the 2002 symposium, with
the size of individual sessions ranging from 40 to 80 participants.

The 2003 Teaching Enhancement Symposium will be August 19th at the
UF Hotel and Conference Center.

Graduate Symposium Showcases Research

The third annual Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)
graduate research symposium involved presentations and posters from the
various departments of IFAS graduate study. The symposium is an
opportunity for cross-education between the many different disciplines in
the college, said CALS Associate Dean E. Jane Luzar.

Graduate coordinators in each department selected two students to give
oral presentations and two to present posters at the symposium.

This year's symposium was the first to set aside specific times for poster
viewing, with the posters' authors standing by to answer questions. This
new addition to the program provided a more informal, less structured
opportunity for cross-disciplinary discussion, Luzar said.

In addition to providing students with an opportunity to learn about the
research efforts of other graduate students, the symposium serves as a
showcase for the ui .. i% 1 Luzar said.

"It's a great opportunity for people to see locally the kind of work that's
being done," Luzar said, since posters and presentations are usually given
at distant locations such as meetings and conferences. Such conferences
allow students to learn about research being done in their field, but do
not give students and faculty a chance to gain perspective on the work
being done in other departments at their own ui i;.. i i -. Luzar said.

The experience also hones graduate students' research presentation skills.

"The nature of the symposium means that students have to find ways to
communicate effectively across disciplines," Luzar said.

Carlos Messina, a graduate student in agricultural and biological
engineering who presented a poster dealing with his genetic research in
soybeans, said he would recommend the experience to every grad student.

"It's a great opportunity. Quite challenging," Messina said. "Most of the
time you go to meetings where most of the people are familiar with your
field and the language you use," he said. "But this experience is much
broader for example, explaining my work to someone who is in

Dr. H. Franklin Percival, associate professor of wildlife ecology, who
moderated a presentation from the environmental horticulture
department, said that he feels the symposium has great benefits to the
students who
present there.

"Since it has
within a
department to
present at the
symposium, it is
an honor that
might make one
just feel good
and certainly
can be an
important line
on a developing

Strngng t ogehe

S .0 *SS"P.

Maria Jose Castillo, a graduate student in food and
resource economics, talks with professor Richard
RBeilock ahout her research

He noted that
the symposium has benefits for faculty as well. "I personally made a
connection with a student in animal science working on a subject of
common interest. I met faculty who might result in future connections,"
said Percival.

SThird Annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium

The third annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium was a great
opportunity for faculty to enhance their teaching skills and get
invigorated for the upcoming school year, said CALS Associate Dean
E. Jane Luzar.

All CALS faculty are invited to the symposium, including those based
outside of Gainesville. Graduate students are also invited.
"This can be a
great oppor-
tunity for grad
students who
want to go into
teaching but
have not yet
served as a
Luzar said.

The sessions at
the symposium
address issues
CALS Associate Dean Dr. E. Jane Luzar (left) and Dean that faculty
Jimmy Cheek (far right) talk with keynote speaker Dr. R. face in striving
Kirby Barrick, Associate Dean for Academic Programs at to become
the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, more effective
Consumer and Environmental Sciences. teachers.
Faculty are
surveyed before the symposium to determine what types of topics they
would like to see covered. This year's sessions included "Testing What We
Teach," "Critical Thinking" and "Enhancing Learning With T, 1i ..1.. .. "
among others.

Some sessions also deal with professional development and the role of the
faculty advisor. For example, one session focused on the role of the
sabbatical, and another dealt with the process of peer evaluation.

Most sessions are conducted by current UF faculty, drawing on local
expertise and experience, Luzar said.

"Many departments do great things. This is an opportunity for faculty to
get together and share resources, experience and talent," Luzar said. The
Academic Development Committee and the Teaching Resource Center
help identify and recruit faculty to conduct the sessions.

Professor Mike Kane of the environmental horticulture department
moderated a session on "Strategies for Facilitating Graduate Education at
the Research Centers." With the new requirements for all professors (even
those outside of Gainesville) to serve on graduate student committees and
as major advisers, as well as an increased emphasis on graduate student
research at the research centers, it has become important for faculty to
know more about graduate education there.

"There can sometimes be a disconnect between the centers and
Gainesville, and there are a lot of rules and regulations to be followed. At
some of the centers, graduate education is new to them," Kane said.

Seeing a need, Kane organized a session on ways for faculty to understand
and improve the graduate student experience at the centers. Graduate
students who had obtained their degrees working with the centers also
spoke about the process, Kane said.

"They talked about the positive things that happen, what to look for,
what to look out for," Kane said.

Approximately two hundred people attended the 2002 symposium, with
the size of individual sessions ranging from 40 to 80 participants.

The 2003 Teaching Enhancement Symposium will be August 19th at the
UF Hotel and Conference Center.

Graduate Symposium Showcases Research

The third annual Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)
graduate research symposium involved presentations and posters from the
various departments of IFAS graduate study. The symposium is an
opportunity for cross-education between the many different disciplines in
the college, said CALS Associate Dean E. Jane Luzar.

Graduate coordinators in each department selected two students to give
oral presentations and two to present posters at the symposium.

This year's symposium was the first to set aside specific times for poster
viewing, with the posters' authors standing by to answer questions. This
new addition to the program provided a more informal, less structured
opportunity for cross-disciplinary discussion, Luzar said.

In addition to providing students with an opportunity to learn about the
research efforts of other graduate students, the symposium serves as a
showcase for the ui .. i% 1 Luzar said.

"It's a great opportunity for people to see locally the kind of work that's
being done," Luzar said, since posters and presentations are usually given
at distant locations such as meetings and conferences. Such conferences
allow students to learn about research being done in their field, but do
not give students and faculty a chance to gain perspective on the work
being done in other departments at their own ui i;.. i i -. Luzar said.

The experience also hones graduate students' research presentation skills.

"The nature of the symposium means that students have to find ways to
communicate effectively across disciplines," Luzar said.

Carlos Messina, a graduate student in agricultural and biological
engineering who presented a poster dealing with his genetic research in
soybeans, said he would recommend the experience to every grad student.

"It's a great opportunity. Quite challenging," Messina said. "Most of the
time you go to meetings where most of the people are familiar with your
field and the language you use," he said. "But this experience is much
broader for example, explaining my work to someone who is in

Dr. H. Franklin Percival, associate professor of wildlife ecology, who
moderated a presentation from the environmental horticulture
department, said that he feels the symposium has great benefits to the
students who
present there.

"Since it has
within a
department to
present at the
symposium, it is
an honor that
might make one
just feel good
and certainly
can be an
important line
on a developing

Strngng t ogehe

S .0 *SS"P.

Maria Jose Castillo, a graduate student in food and
resource economics, talks with professor Richard
RBeilock ahout her research

He noted that
the symposium has benefits for faculty as well. "I personally made a
connection with a student in animal science working on a subject of
common interest. I met faculty who might result in future connections,"
said Percival.

Alpha Zeta Student Leaders Meet at UF

Student leaders from across the country improved their leadership skills,
learned about the University of Florida and still had time for a little
fishing, as part of the 48th biennial Alpha Zeta National Leadership
Conference and Conclave, held at UE

Alpha Zeta is a national professional and honorary fraternity for graduate
and undergraduate students in colleges of agriculture.

To be invited to join, students must be in the top 40 percent of their class
and receive at least 85 percent of the active membership and faculty
advisory committee vote from their university. Students also must be of
good character and demonstrate leadership qualities.

Will Dukes, chancellor of
the Florida chapter, said
UF Alpha Zeta wanted to
host Conclave so members
from other schools could
learn about the Florida

"We also wanted
participants to see the
University of Florida
and all the facilities and
programs that we have,
in case they are interested
in graduate school,"
Dukes said.

Will Dukes, chancellor of the UF chapter
of Alpha Zeta, speaks to members during

During Conclave, the fraternity's high council and 60 delegates from
attending chapters met to discuss the business of the fraternity.

"The goal of Conclave was for members of Alpha Zeta chapters all over
the country to share their ideas and visions for the future of the
fraternity," said Jennifer Donze, Conclave committee co-chair.

Donze, a UF fisheries and aquatic sciences graduate student, said the
conference also provided a chance for students to improve leadership
skills through a workshop conducted by Rick Rudd, associate professor in
agricultural education and communication.

Florida chapter member Jennifer Mobberley said she learned valuable
information from the leadership workshop.

"It taught me what leadership skills I'm good at," Mobberley said. "It is
helpful to be able to see your strengths and weaknesses in that respect."

Other workshops, taught mostly by UF Alpha Zeta alumni, were
held for attendees to learn about research and projects being conducted
at UF such as horticultural biotechnology and international agriculture

Alpha Zeta members toured the department of fisheries and aquatic
sciences to learn about research being conducted with sturgeon and about
the Fishing for Success program, which invites children to fish as a way to
build self-esteem. They were able to try their hand at fishing as a part of
the tour.

E.. I .... got either a cane pole or a rod and reel and used hot dogs for
bait and went fishing," Donze said. "We caught catfish, bluegill, sunfish
and sunshine bass."

At the awards banquet UF's Elaine Turner, associate professor in food
science and human nutrition, was elected Alpha Zeta's newest
honorary member.

Dorothy White, a senior in food science and human nutrition, and
Donze, co-chairs of
the 2003 Conclave
committee, began
planning for the
UF event soon
after the 2001
Cornell University
Conclave ended.

"I hope that the
students took
something back
from everything
that we did and
can incorporate it
into their chapters
to build and
improve them,"
Donze said.

Dorothy White (right), former UF Alpha Zeta chancellor
and organizer of Conclave, presents CALS Associate
Dean Dr. E. Jane Luzar with a T-shirt and a plaque in
recognition for her assistance with Conclave.

FRE Students Bring Home the Gold

Can you identify the only basic cattle breed that sweats? What type of
legislation discourages the conversion of natural wetlands to cropland use?
What do you call a market in which there is only one buyer of a good,
service or resource?

Most of us probably have no idea. But if you happen to be part of UF's
food and resource economics prize-winning Quiz Bowl team, odds are you
know that the answers are "Brahma," "swamp-busters," and "monopsony."
Last July, three students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
(CALS) were North American champions
in the 2002 Academic Quiz Bowl held at
the annual meeting of the American
Agricultural Economics Association
(AAEA) in Long Beach, Ca. These
students spent hours studying lists of
questions and answers like those above,
and their hard work paid off.

Staci Braswell, Tiffany Browning and
Morgan Hughes, seniors majoring in food
and resource economics at UF, were among
37 teams of students from universities and
colleges in the United States and Canada
competing in the triple-elimination
tournament. A total of 114 students
participated in the competition, two teams
of which were from UF Questions, which
tested their knowledge on basic and Faculty adviser Dr. Dorowthy
advanced concepts, covered areas of Braswell and Tiffany Bownin
2002 Academic Quiz Bowl.
economics, marketing, policy, quantitative
methods and agribusiness management.

"Our team went through six rounds of competition without a loss,
crowning their day by defeating a team from Texas A&M Ui n'.. ;I ." said
Dorothy Comer, an associate professor in the food and resource
economics department who helped coach the two UF teams in the
competition. Economists from the University of Minnesota and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture served as judges for the final round.

The competition is a "Jeopardy"-style game, explained Al Wysocki,
assistant professor of food and resource economics, who has served as a
judge at previous quiz bowls. Contestants buzz in, and then have a

Comer, \
g after v

certain amount of time to answer the questions. The students may confer
with each other before giving a final team response; judges then render a
decision. If the students miss a question, points are deducted from
their score.

"There's a lot of strategy, a lot of gamesmanship," Wysocki said, adding
that the 2002 win "came down to the last question."

Members of the second UF team were Jared Adcock, Anthony Schreiber
and Mark Vuckovic. Other UF faculty and staff in the food and resource
economics department assisting Comer
with the coaching were James Sterns,
assistant professor, and David Barber,
St- coordinator of training in the department.
Barber also serves as national adviser to
the student section of AAEA.

Through the support of their department,
teams from UF will again travel to the
AAEA annual meeting in Montreal this
July, hoping to hold on to last year's title.

Participating in the quiz bowl is both
academically valuable and personally
broadening for students, said Sterns, who
served as faculty advisor for this year's

Vlorgan Hughes, Staci "Students take an avid interest in course
inning the gold award at the material they might otherwise just rote
memorize," Sterns said.

The students who attend the Quiz Bowl enroll in a one-credit class
focused on reviewing and studying for the competition, meeting at least
once and often twice a week, Sterns said. Sterns believes that this
arrangement has been instrumental to UF's success.

'A little more formality leads to a higher level of participation and
dedication," Sterns said.

Sterns and his colleagues actively recruit students for the class. "I'm
always looking for my ace in the hole, my next champion," he said.


Alpha Zeta Student Leaders Meet at UF

Student leaders from across the country improved their leadership skills,
learned about the University of Florida and still had time for a little
fishing, as part of the 48th biennial Alpha Zeta National Leadership
Conference and Conclave, held at UE

Alpha Zeta is a national professional and honorary fraternity for graduate
and undergraduate students in colleges of agriculture.

To be invited to join, students must be in the top 40 percent of their class
and receive at least 85 percent of the active membership and faculty
advisory committee vote from their university. Students also must be of
good character and demonstrate leadership qualities.

Will Dukes, chancellor of
the Florida chapter, said
UF Alpha Zeta wanted to
host Conclave so members
from other schools could
learn about the Florida

"We also wanted
participants to see the
University of Florida
and all the facilities and
programs that we have,
in case they are interested
in graduate school,"
Dukes said.

Will Dukes, chancellor of the UF chapter
of Alpha Zeta, speaks to members during

During Conclave, the fraternity's high council and 60 delegates from
attending chapters met to discuss the business of the fraternity.

"The goal of Conclave was for members of Alpha Zeta chapters all over
the country to share their ideas and visions for the future of the
fraternity," said Jennifer Donze, Conclave committee co-chair.

Donze, a UF fisheries and aquatic sciences graduate student, said the
conference also provided a chance for students to improve leadership
skills through a workshop conducted by Rick Rudd, associate professor in
agricultural education and communication.

Florida chapter member Jennifer Mobberley said she learned valuable
information from the leadership workshop.

"It taught me what leadership skills I'm good at," Mobberley said. "It is
helpful to be able to see your strengths and weaknesses in that respect."

Other workshops, taught mostly by UF Alpha Zeta alumni, were
held for attendees to learn about research and projects being conducted
at UF such as horticultural biotechnology and international agriculture

Alpha Zeta members toured the department of fisheries and aquatic
sciences to learn about research being conducted with sturgeon and about
the Fishing for Success program, which invites children to fish as a way to
build self-esteem. They were able to try their hand at fishing as a part of
the tour.

E.. I .... got either a cane pole or a rod and reel and used hot dogs for
bait and went fishing," Donze said. "We caught catfish, bluegill, sunfish
and sunshine bass."

At the awards banquet UF's Elaine Turner, associate professor in food
science and human nutrition, was elected Alpha Zeta's newest
honorary member.

Dorothy White, a senior in food science and human nutrition, and
Donze, co-chairs of
the 2003 Conclave
committee, began
planning for the
UF event soon
after the 2001
Cornell University
Conclave ended.

"I hope that the
students took
something back
from everything
that we did and
can incorporate it
into their chapters
to build and
improve them,"
Donze said.

Dorothy White (right), former UF Alpha Zeta chancellor
and organizer of Conclave, presents CALS Associate
Dean Dr. E. Jane Luzar with a T-shirt and a plaque in
recognition for her assistance with Conclave.

FRE Students Bring Home the Gold

Can you identify the only basic cattle breed that sweats? What type of
legislation discourages the conversion of natural wetlands to cropland use?
What do you call a market in which there is only one buyer of a good,
service or resource?

Most of us probably have no idea. But if you happen to be part of UF's
food and resource economics prize-winning Quiz Bowl team, odds are you
know that the answers are "Brahma," "swamp-busters," and "monopsony."
Last July, three students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
(CALS) were North American champions
in the 2002 Academic Quiz Bowl held at
the annual meeting of the American
Agricultural Economics Association
(AAEA) in Long Beach, Ca. These
students spent hours studying lists of
questions and answers like those above,
and their hard work paid off.

Staci Braswell, Tiffany Browning and
Morgan Hughes, seniors majoring in food
and resource economics at UF, were among
37 teams of students from universities and
colleges in the United States and Canada
competing in the triple-elimination
tournament. A total of 114 students
participated in the competition, two teams
of which were from UF Questions, which
tested their knowledge on basic and Faculty adviser Dr. Dorowthy
advanced concepts, covered areas of Braswell and Tiffany Bownin
2002 Academic Quiz Bowl.
economics, marketing, policy, quantitative
methods and agribusiness management.

"Our team went through six rounds of competition without a loss,
crowning their day by defeating a team from Texas A&M Ui n'.. ;I ." said
Dorothy Comer, an associate professor in the food and resource
economics department who helped coach the two UF teams in the
competition. Economists from the University of Minnesota and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture served as judges for the final round.

The competition is a "Jeopardy"-style game, explained Al Wysocki,
assistant professor of food and resource economics, who has served as a
judge at previous quiz bowls. Contestants buzz in, and then have a

Comer, \
g after v

certain amount of time to answer the questions. The students may confer
with each other before giving a final team response; judges then render a
decision. If the students miss a question, points are deducted from
their score.

"There's a lot of strategy, a lot of gamesmanship," Wysocki said, adding
that the 2002 win "came down to the last question."

Members of the second UF team were Jared Adcock, Anthony Schreiber
and Mark Vuckovic. Other UF faculty and staff in the food and resource
economics department assisting Comer
with the coaching were James Sterns,
assistant professor, and David Barber,
St- coordinator of training in the department.
Barber also serves as national adviser to
the student section of AAEA.

Through the support of their department,
teams from UF will again travel to the
AAEA annual meeting in Montreal this
July, hoping to hold on to last year's title.

Participating in the quiz bowl is both
academically valuable and personally
broadening for students, said Sterns, who
served as faculty advisor for this year's

Vlorgan Hughes, Staci "Students take an avid interest in course
inning the gold award at the material they might otherwise just rote
memorize," Sterns said.

The students who attend the Quiz Bowl enroll in a one-credit class
focused on reviewing and studying for the competition, meeting at least
once and often twice a week, Sterns said. Sterns believes that this
arrangement has been instrumental to UF's success.

'A little more formality leads to a higher level of participation and
dedication," Sterns said.

Sterns and his colleagues actively recruit students for the class. "I'm
always looking for my ace in the hole, my next champion," he said.


New Agreement Will Send Students to France


A new agreement between the University of Florida
and a small agricultural college in southern France
enables students to get credit for tasting different
types of Roquefort cheese. Oh la la!

Cheese is not the only item on the curriculum, of
course. It is just one small part of an eight-week
program that includes a crash course in speaking
French, an introduction to European agriculture and
an internship at a French farm.

"Participating students will spend four weeks in
classroom instruction and four weeks working at a
family farm in the rural area outside Toulouse,
France," said Mickie Swisher, an associate professor
with UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

"These families make their living by agricultural
means, and students will get to take part in a wide
variety of activities by working with them."

The exchange program is the result of an agreement
between UF's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
(CALS) and France's Purpan Agricultural College.
Swisher, who is the coordinator for CALS' Global
Gator program, said participating in international
exchange programs will help students after graduation.

"From a real hard-nosed, practical perspective, this
kind of program gives students an edge when applying
for jobs or to professional schools," Swisher said. "Big
companies do business globally, and people working
for them must handle cultural differences in a
sophisticated way."

CaIIlll Churcllhll

In addition to a cross-cultural
experience, Swisher said the
exchange agreement offers
UF students a look at a
different type of farming
system than what is typically
found in the United States.

"Here, if you grow tomatoes,
they go off and you don't necessarily know what
happens to them," she said. "With European farming
systems, you're much more apt to produce the final
product on the farm and sell it directly to consumers.
For example, more than 300 different kinds of cheese
are produced in France, and consumers often purchase
a locally produced cheese that comes from a specific
small region or even a specific farm."

Marie Lummerzheim, Purpan's international relations
director, said there is no French-language requisite for
participation. During the first four weeks of the
program, French-language instruction is provided.

She said French students coming to UF likely will be
students interested in tropical and subtropical
agriculture, as well as animal sciences.

Lummerzheim said she hopes the agreement will foster
collaboration between UF and Purpan. Exchanging
students is often the first step to developing stronger
international connections, she said.

"Staff exchange could occur after our professors come
here to meet with our students and get to know
American professors in the same field of expertise,"
she said.

UF students will start attending the Purpan program in
summer 2003, while French students will start coming
to UF in spring 2004. Because UF's semester is twice as
long as the program for French students, Lummerzheim
said Purpan will send one student to UF for every two
that go to France.

Email ufcals@ifas.ufl.edu
Fax 352-392-8988

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity. This publication is available
by accessing the CALS website at cals.ufl.edu.

Cle o A giu I t u l a I Scie* c I at t Unvrst of F o r

Crops Course Offers Tour of Midwestern Farms
BY SARAH JOE CANNON science, Buhr said all CALS students are eligible to
College of Agricultural and Life Science (CALS) students register for the course and take the trip.
participating in the annual Crops Travel Course Tour
found the 4,000-mile, nine-day trip to the corn belt of "Students who have taken agronomy courses are better
Iowa "eye-opening" and "adventurous." prepared for the terminology and technological aspects
of the plant sciences and will probably gain more from
Leaving on a June morning, the tour stopped at the the trip," Buhr said.
North Florida Research and Education Center in
northwest Florida and the Pioneer HiBred International During the tour, students observed product and research
Corn Research Station in Georgia before heading to the demonstrations, including gene transfer methods at the
plains of Iowa. Students toured more than 25 Pioneer HiBred International Headquarters and the use
agribusiness and production facilities and stayed on of wind as an alternative source of energy at the Cerro
working farms with host families. Gordo Wind Farm. Students also visited a facility that
produces fuel-grade ethanol and a farm that grows
"Students not only gather a broad understanding of specialized corn used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals
production agriculture from visiting farms, but they also for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
get a look into the actual culture of Midwestern
agriculture by staying with farm families," said Kenneth Jessica Cain, a 21-year-old food and resource economics
Buhr, assistant professor of agronomy and tour organizer. major, said the trip helped her learn more about
agricultural technology and the careers available in
Partially funded by a grant from the Monsanto agricultural industry.
Company, which produces agricultural products and
consumer goods, the trip only requires students to "I was able to learn first-hand about biotechnology and
purchase their food and incidentals. Although priority the genetic modification of plants," Cain said. "I almost
goes to students majoring in agronomy and plant feel that I learned more in nine days on this trip than in
three years of agriculture classes."



lwISihit (if FmIx and AhTicwltural &nitt e

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
P.O. Box 110270
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0270


New Agreement Will Send Students to France


A new agreement between the University of Florida
and a small agricultural college in southern France
enables students to get credit for tasting different
types of Roquefort cheese. Oh la la!

Cheese is not the only item on the curriculum, of
course. It is just one small part of an eight-week
program that includes a crash course in speaking
French, an introduction to European agriculture and
an internship at a French farm.

"Participating students will spend four weeks in
classroom instruction and four weeks working at a
family farm in the rural area outside Toulouse,
France," said Mickie Swisher, an associate professor
with UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

"These families make their living by agricultural
means, and students will get to take part in a wide
variety of activities by working with them."

The exchange program is the result of an agreement
between UF's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
(CALS) and France's Purpan Agricultural College.
Swisher, who is the coordinator for CALS' Global
Gator program, said participating in international
exchange programs will help students after graduation.

"From a real hard-nosed, practical perspective, this
kind of program gives students an edge when applying
for jobs or to professional schools," Swisher said. "Big
companies do business globally, and people working
for them must handle cultural differences in a
sophisticated way."

CaIIlll Churcllhll

In addition to a cross-cultural
experience, Swisher said the
exchange agreement offers
UF students a look at a
different type of farming
system than what is typically
found in the United States.

"Here, if you grow tomatoes,
they go off and you don't necessarily know what
happens to them," she said. "With European farming
systems, you're much more apt to produce the final
product on the farm and sell it directly to consumers.
For example, more than 300 different kinds of cheese
are produced in France, and consumers often purchase
a locally produced cheese that comes from a specific
small region or even a specific farm."

Marie Lummerzheim, Purpan's international relations
director, said there is no French-language requisite for
participation. During the first four weeks of the
program, French-language instruction is provided.

She said French students coming to UF likely will be
students interested in tropical and subtropical
agriculture, as well as animal sciences.

Lummerzheim said she hopes the agreement will foster
collaboration between UF and Purpan. Exchanging
students is often the first step to developing stronger
international connections, she said.

"Staff exchange could occur after our professors come
here to meet with our students and get to know
American professors in the same field of expertise,"
she said.

UF students will start attending the Purpan program in
summer 2003, while French students will start coming
to UF in spring 2004. Because UF's semester is twice as
long as the program for French students, Lummerzheim
said Purpan will send one student to UF for every two
that go to France.

Email ufcals@ifas.ufl.edu
Fax 352-392-8988

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity. This publication is available
by accessing the CALS website at cals.ufl.edu.

Cle o A giu I t u l a I Scie* c I at t Unvrst of F o r

Crops Course Offers Tour of Midwestern Farms
BY SARAH JOE CANNON science, Buhr said all CALS students are eligible to
College of Agricultural and Life Science (CALS) students register for the course and take the trip.
participating in the annual Crops Travel Course Tour
found the 4,000-mile, nine-day trip to the corn belt of "Students who have taken agronomy courses are better
Iowa "eye-opening" and "adventurous." prepared for the terminology and technological aspects
of the plant sciences and will probably gain more from
Leaving on a June morning, the tour stopped at the the trip," Buhr said.
North Florida Research and Education Center in
northwest Florida and the Pioneer HiBred International During the tour, students observed product and research
Corn Research Station in Georgia before heading to the demonstrations, including gene transfer methods at the
plains of Iowa. Students toured more than 25 Pioneer HiBred International Headquarters and the use
agribusiness and production facilities and stayed on of wind as an alternative source of energy at the Cerro
working farms with host families. Gordo Wind Farm. Students also visited a facility that
produces fuel-grade ethanol and a farm that grows
"Students not only gather a broad understanding of specialized corn used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals
production agriculture from visiting farms, but they also for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
get a look into the actual culture of Midwestern
agriculture by staying with farm families," said Kenneth Jessica Cain, a 21-year-old food and resource economics
Buhr, assistant professor of agronomy and tour organizer. major, said the trip helped her learn more about
agricultural technology and the careers available in
Partially funded by a grant from the Monsanto agricultural industry.
Company, which produces agricultural products and
consumer goods, the trip only requires students to "I was able to learn first-hand about biotechnology and
purchase their food and incidentals. Although priority the genetic modification of plants," Cain said. "I almost
goes to students majoring in agronomy and plant feel that I learned more in nine days on this trip than in
three years of agriculture classes."



lwISihit (if FmIx and AhTicwltural &nitt e

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
P.O. Box 110270
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0270


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