Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Dean's letter
 I am a gator engineer
 University Scholars get a head...
 There is more to engineering than...
 The payoff: UF engineering students...
 UF engineering students make the...
 Big changes for engineering distance...
 OEM on-site distance education...
 Dean's advisory board studies college...
 College of Engineering invention...
 Faculty footnotes
 Nanoresearch at UF has big plans...
 More studies needed to access nanomaterials...
 Engineering faculty receive defense...
 Alumna profile: Linda Thomas-M...
 Alumni update
 Development report
 Honor roll of donors
 Request for contact informatio...

Group Title: Florida engineer.
Title: Florida engineer. Spring 2005.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076208/00021
 Material Information
Title: Florida engineer. Spring 2005.
Series Title: Florida engineer
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Engineering Publications, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Spring 2005
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076208
Volume ID: VID00021
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Table of Contents
        Page 2
    Dean's letter
        Page 3
    I am a gator engineer
        Page 4
        Page 5
    University Scholars get a head start on academic careers
        Page 6
    There is more to engineering than classes
        Page 7
    The payoff: UF engineering students are ready for the job market
        Page 8
    UF engineering students make the grade
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Big changes for engineering distance education
        Page 12
    OEM on-site distance education still popular
        Page 13
    Dean's advisory board studies college objectives
        Page 14
    College of Engineering invention wins award
        Page 15
    Faculty footnotes
        Page 16
    Nanoresearch at UF has big plans for very small things
        Page 17
        Page 18
    More studies needed to access nanomaterials risk
        Page 19
    Engineering faculty receive defense research awards
        Page 20
    Alumna profile: Linda Thomas-Mobley
        Page 21
        Page 22
    Alumni update
        Page 23
    Development report
        Page 24
    Honor roll of donors
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
    Request for contact information
        Page 40
Full Text

4 Students

12 College

17 Research

21 Alumni

24 Development

25 Honor Roll

Cover: Here, Hold These. Eric
Macam, Materials Science &
Engineering (MSE), staggered a bit
when college banners were thrust
into his arms at the December
2004 commencement ceremony.
As an undergraduate, Macam was
a University Scholar for 2002-
2003 and a member of Engineering
Ambassadors. He received the
Materials Science & Engineering
(MSE) Undergraduate Scholarship,
the AC Pound Scholarship, and
the College of Engineering Dean's
Scholarship. Macam received
a three-year National Science
Foundation Fellowship for graduate
studies and is now pursuing
a master's degree in the MSE
department. He is a member of
the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor
Society and the American Ceramics

2 TheFloridaEngineer

How Do We Compare?

The fall 2004 entering freshman class had SAT scores
averaging between 1400 and 1240.

Thirteen freshmen are National Merit Scholars. There
are 260 undergraduate National Merit Scholars enrolled
in the college.

The College of Engineering ranked 23rd among US
public undergraduate engineering programs as reported
by the US News & World Report (August 2004). Eight UF
engineering disciplines were ranked in the top 20 among
public institutions:

Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Engineering
Nuclear Engineering


The University of Florida ranked 9th in the nation
in number of bachelor's degree graduates who went
on to receive PhD degrees at US universities between
1999 and 2003 as reported by the National Science

UF ranked 14th of all US institutions in the number of
engineering PhD degrees granted in 2003 as reported by
the National Science Foundation.

Pulication Adviser

Manaing Eitor~l
Ron Frakli

Prn ia Wri t er ,Iala ,"i i
IMart Dobson
Uoy '.io

Cotibtn Writer
Crstin Hal
Davi e lnknsi

BoS Brtes InSc.

Pul she eahsmetrb

lark Kerr is a legendary name in the field of higher
education. He was the president of the University of
California and was the chief architect of the "California
Master Plan." With this master plan, the State of California
created a system of public higher education that is the envy
of the rest of the nation. The master plan envisioned three
categories of post-secondary colleges: Doctorate granting
research universities, four year undergraduate colleges, and two
year community colleges.

Kerr was very concerned about the place of undergraduate
education in research universities like the University of Florida.
In a rather famous observation, he wrote:

"The reasons for the general deterioration of undergraduate
teaching are several. ... More of the instruction falls to teachers
who are not members of the regular faculty. There seems
to be a 'point of no return' after which research, consulting,
graduate instruction become so absorbing that faculty efforts
can no longer be concentrated in undergraduate instruction as
they once were. This process has been going on for a long time:
federal research funds have intensified it. As a consequence,
undergraduate education is more likely to be acceptable than
outstanding ... How to escape the cruel paradox that a superior
faculty results in an inferior concern for undergraduate teaching
is one of our more pressing problems."

In the field of engineering, this has become a critically important
problem. National statistics on recruitment and retention of
undergraduate students are alarming. Only about 40-45 percent
of entering engineering students graduate with an engineering
degree. The percentage of women in engineering, after rising
for a few years in the 90s, has again fallen below 20 percent;
numbers for minorities are well below their representation in the
population at large. Issues range from K-12 education to first
year experience in college to upper division education.

At the University of Florida, we are addressing many of
these challenges with dedication, energy, and creativity. We
start with a belief that the best public universities are those
that use the unique physical and intellectual resources of the
research university to enrich the undergraduate educational
experience. We start with the premise that the best researchers
can and should bring their insights and excitement from the
frontiers of knowledge into the undergraduate classroom. We
strongly believe that high quality graduate students can benefit
undergraduate students in the labs and discussion sections.

Pramod Khargonekar, Dean of Gator Engineering and Leah
Goldman, senior, Director of Engineering Day 2004

We have a number of initiatives aimed at increasing interest
in science and mathematics among high and middle school
students. For example, the GatorTrax program is aimed at
helping teachers in middle and high schools with math and
science teaching. We are taking a fresh look at the teaching
of chemistry and mathematics to our freshmen students. We
are partnering with the faculty in these departments on some
innovative programs that may improve the first year experience
for many of our students. Similarly, we are revising the first year
introduction to engineering course to make it more effective
in retaining engineering students. It is our hope that at the
University of Florida, we will find effective ways of addressing
Clark Kerr's "cruel paradox."

In this issue of The Florida Engineer, you will read about some
of our activities in undergraduate education and experiences of
our students. You will also read about significant changes to our
distance learning programs. You will meet Dr. Bill Appleton
who is leading the development of our Nanoscience Institute for
Medical and Engineering Technologies.

The success of the University of Florida is intertwined with
the success of our students. We are very proud of the high
quality and potential of our students. We are striving hard to
create a nurturing and positive environment for our students to
maximize their potential. We sincerely thank all of you for your
past and continuing support of the College of Engineering as it
is absolutely critical to our advancement as one of the best public
research universities in the nation.

GatorEngineering 3


The College of Engineering wants students to sa'y it with pride:

I Am a GatorEngineer

How well have we
succeeded so far? We
asked some current
students and alumni
to tell us what they
think of the Gator
Engineering programs.
A sampling of student
opinions is included in
this issue.

Too often, freshmen
who enter college as
engineering majors
switch to other programs as

When asked, the students
usually say the problem
is not poor grades. They
transfer because they have no
investment in becoming an
engineer. They understand
what engineering careers are
about; they just don't feel part
of the picture. And they feel
no connection to their peer
engineering students.

UF's College of Engineering
wants to change that
perception. A college task
force is planning scheduling
changes in three pre-
engineering courses in

order to give students more
opportunities to interact with
each other and increase their
exposure to the practical side
of engineering. The hope
is that students will gain a
stronger sense of belonging in
the college.

The first change will be to
modify the scheduling of
the two basic chemistry
courses that are required for
engineering majors. All pre-
engineering students must
take the chemistry classes
in addition to four calculus
and two physics courses.
A student's grade point
average in these eight courses
determines admission to the
upper division engineering

Laura DeAngelo, 22
5th year student in civil engineering
Hometown is Orlando, Fla.

The UF engineering program is challenging but success
is attainable with hard work. The people I have met
through my classes and the friendships I have made have
helped me succeed and made the learning process fun.
The activities and organizations that I have
participated in have greatly shaped me. Through
Engineering Ambassadors I gained great respect
and pride for my college and chosen profession. My
involvement with the American Society of Civil Engineers
has provided me not only countless fun memories and
friendships, but taught me the practical application of
concepts I Learned in school.
When I first changed my major from industrial to
civil engineering (the summer between my sophomore
and junior year), I did research for Associate Professor
David Bloomquist and the National Science Foundation.
I worked with Laser elevation data to detect sinkholes in
I am currently Looking for a position in Land
development with a consulting firm in either Orlando or

Because these are basic t:.:..i io
offered to students in all
the UF colleges, the classes
are taught by mathematics,
chemistry, and physics
department faculty from the
College of Liberal Arts &
Sciences. The sections mingle
students from all majors.

However, the Chemistry
department has agreed to gear
some of the small discussion
group and lab sections of its
large introductory classes to
engineering students, says
chemical engineering professor
Richard Dickinson, who is
the chairman of the task force.
All the teaching assistants
and students in these sections
would be from the College
of Engineering. The new
sections will be in place for fall
semester 2005.

The college is focusing on
chemistry classes because
some interesting statistics
have indicated there is a
positive correlation between
good grades in chemistry
and student retention in
engineering. The correlation
is so clear that the chemistry
portion of the college's highly
successful StepUp program
for freshmen from under-
represented groups will be
placed on the Internet. It will
be strongly recommended
that all entering engineering
freshmen take the class online
prior to matriculation so they
are able to come into their
college-level chemistry classes
with equivalent skills.

4 TheFloridaEngineer

Professor Fazil Najafi teaches the civil engineering section of
Introduction to Engineering. Students who actively participate
in class can see their names written in Arabic on the board by
Najafi, a native of Afghanistan.

Peer building and better
role models are also goals
for efforts to improve the
freshman-level Introduction
to Engineering course, the
third class slated for changes.
The class is now optional and
open to all UF students, but
it may soon be required for
and limited to engineering

The class exposes students
to all the disciplines of
engineering and features
components from each of
the college's 11 departments.
Dickinson says a more
uniform approach is needed
for the departmental sections.
There is also a plan to add
problem-based learning, time
management skills, ethics,
and team building to the class,
which would give students a
better sense of the real world
of engineers.

Dickinson says the college
is trying to arrange for
engineering students to
go through all the pre-
engineering courses as a
cohort. An effort would also
be made to build peer support
in the class. "Consideration
is being given to making the
engineering sections discipline
specific, and even some talk
about making some sections
gender specific," Dickinson

He hastens to say that this is
not an attempt to segregate
women in the college all
their other classes would be
coed. "It's just a peer building
method," Dickinson says.
"We want to provide an
engineering role model the
very first semester the students
are in the college."

Martha Dobson

Christopher Gmuer, 23
SGraduate student in
agriculture engineering
S specializing in land and
water resources engineering
Hometown is Homestead,

I Love the variety and depth
of the engineering program.
There are so many majors to
choose from and each is very
developed so you always feel
Like you are at the Leading
Being involved in organizations has helped me
in so many ways. I organized several programs
including a middle/high school design competition,
golf tournament, and PE Exam review course. Besides
the satisfaction of helping others, it has helped me
develop my Leadership skills and get exposed to the
great faculty and staff in the college. Whenever I
have a problem, there is always someone who can
help me out.
I want to work for a small firm doing water
resources projects as the project manager.
I have financial aid, and that is where I feel I am
the American success story. I came from a poor family
that didn't stress college at all. So with help from the
government, I am able to get my degree and pay back
my Loans.

GatorEngineering 5



Scholars Get

a Head Start

on Academic


.... IF The UF engineering program
is one of the most recognized
programs in the country. It
has great faculty and staff,
and above all it's in Florida.
Being involved in many
*activities on campus such
as the UF tennis club and
tennis on wheels has made my
experience at UF a Lot more
enjoyable and has given me
the chance to meet a Lot of
great friends.
I have a full assistantship
and I'm doing research with
Associate Professor William
Lear in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering department.
We are developing a thermal management system for space
applications for NASA.
After I graduate, I hope to get a job in a leading company
in the field of mechanical engineering and try and develop my
career into management.
6 TheFloridaEngineer

Thirty academically
talented engineering
students got an early
start on research careers last
summer by joining UF's
University Scholars Program.
The students were selected to
work one-on-one with faculty
members on genuine research
projects of mutual interest. The
year-long program began for
them with full-time research
during summer 2004 and
has continued through the
academic year.

The program is university-
wide, with undergraduates
from all majors encouraged
to apply. The students must
take the initiative to locate a
mentor and develop a project.
Students and mentors alike
report the experience is

Sherif M. Kandil, 28
Graduate student in
mechanical engineering
Hometown is Cairo, Egypt

Steve Velat, a senior majoring
in mechanical engineering,
developed a low-level
controller for a novel mobility
vehicle in association with
Professor Carl Crane,
who directs the Center for
Intelligent Machines &
Robotics (CIMAR).

"In our case, novel meant three
wheels, each independently
steered and driven," Velat says.
"I figured out and generated a
program which utilizes vector
math to calculate the position
and drive velocity for each
wheel. The result will be an
autonomous vehicle which can
move in any direction with
essentially no turn radius."

The relationship with Crane
has been so successful that
Velat is now working on one
of the most exciting projects
in the college, an automated
vehicle that CIMAR will
enter in the 2005 DARPA
Grand Challenge Race for a
prize of $2 million. Velat will
graduate in Dec. 2005 and
intends to pursue PhD studies
with CIMAR.

Fourth year chemical
engineering student Nisita
Wanakule is also looking
forward to starting a PhD
program in fall 2005.
Wanakule has been working
with Assistant Professor
Anuj Chauhan on creating
contact lenses that can deliver
continuous-release ophthalmic
drug therapy. The drugs are
encased in nanoparticles that
are embedded in the lenses.

"I help create the different
nanoparticles, make the
contact lenses, and do studies
to model the timed drug
release," Wanakule says. "My

research gives me passion
for the things I am 1-, i -i11 4
because I can actually see
them being applied."

That kind of intellectual
passion is exactly what
Chauhan hopes to spark in
his students. "Many of my
students have mentioned that
it was working in my lab that
convinced them to pursue
graduate studies," he says.

Not every University Scholar
plans an academic career.
Brian Lorenzetti, a senior
in industrial and systems
engineering, intends to
get an MBA and work up
to management in a large
company. However, he says
his research project on the
longevity and current state
of on-line auctions gave him
valuable experience in defining
a problem and organizing his

His mentor, Assistant
Professor Zuo-Jun (Max)
Shen, agrees that the synergy
developed while working on
the project helped him in a
similar way. "Sometimes the
students ask you excellent
questions that may make you
rethink your assumptions and
problem structures."

The students are able to
publish their research results
in an on-line journal, The
Journal of Undergraduate
Research, which is both peer
and faculty reviewed. But the
most important result was
summed up by Steve Velat:

"This research experience
changed my life."

Martha Dobson

P .


There Is More to Engineering than Classes

Student organizations provide important person-to-person contact

T he scene at UF's annual
Engineering and
Science Fair is much
the same each year. That's
good, because what visitors
usually see is enthusiastic
elementary and middle school
students mobbing science
demonstrations given by
enthusiastic engineering

It's a meeting of like minds,
and they all have a terrific

The Engineering Fair,
held every year as part of
Engineers Week, is valuable
for introducing school-
age youngsters to science

and technology. But the
engineering students who
coordinate the fair and man
the booths also benefit from
the chance to practice their
leadership and communication
skills as they interact with the

Participation in student
organizations is a key step
in preparing for careers
because the groups offer
many opportunities for
mentoring and peer support,
pre-professional contacts, and
social events. The advantages
of membership are so great
that the organizations work
hard at recruiting students to

Sarah Fisk, 21
Fourth year student with
dual major in aerospace
and mechanical
engineering; minor in sales
Hometowns are Santa Rita,
Guam; Sabine Pass, Texas;
Islamorada, Fla.

I come from a military
family and have a partial
scholarship from the US
Coast Guard Foundation.
I hope to start out in
the aerospace industry,
preferably in the areas
of manned space flight
or defense. My Long-term
career goal is to become a
Special Agent in the FBI.
I am the founder and president of the Phi Sigma Rho
engineering sorority and secretary of the UF student section
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating in
these organizations has allowed me to polish my interpersonal
and Leadership skills. I feel much more confident in dealing
with and talking to people, including students, business
people, and the university administration.
My special interests are in women's issues. I'm currently
working on a Women's History Month project called the
Wonder of Women TaLent Showcase to benefit the Rape, Abuse
and Incest National Network.

"We reject the idea that
engineers are antisocial
by nature," says Michelle
Krawecyk, a fourth year
civil engineering major and
member of the Society for
Women Engineers (SWE).
"We try to help students
push themselves into greater
interaction. The opportunities
are there if they want them."

Mentoring is one very
important means of interaction
especially for women,
Hispanic, and black students,
who are under-represented
within the engineering student
body. The Society for Women
Engineers (SWE) makes a
point of matching freshmen
to older students on a one-to-
one basis. SWE also strongly
recommends that students join
other clubs and organizations.

Richard Aday, a junior in
the Electrical & Computer
Engineering department
and member of the Society
of Hispanic Professional
Engineers (SHPE) agrees.
"The clubs make it easier to
find people," he says. "You can
walk down the hall and see
someone you know."

SHPE involves its members
in mutual support efforts like
this year's Engineers Week
soccer tournament held to
raise funds for SHPE's Goals
for Tomorrow freshman
scholarships. The members can
also participate in community
service projects and attend
career-oriented conferences.

Membership in SWE and
SHPE helps students from
under-represented groups
see themselves as engineers

and successful students
early in their college careers.
The National Society of
Black Engineers (NSBE)
student group doesn't wait
until freshman year to bring
students into the engineering

"We have Pre-College
Initiative chapters in middle
and high schools around
the state," says NSBE
member Trevor Finn, a third
year student in computer
engineering. "We also work
very closely with StepUp."

StepUp is an academic
program that brings in
freshmen from under-
represented groups for a
six-week summer session
before they begin their first
semester at UF. Following
an intense academic review
and orientation-to-college
program, the students are
matched to mentors and
provided with tutors and
study groups throughout their
entire freshman year. The
program, now 10 years old,
has had outstanding success in
improving student retention
rates. StepUp students are
well-prepared for significant
careers. (See our story on Joel
Howell, p. 9.)

The largest number of student
groups in the college are
affiliated with engineering
professional societies. There
is at least one society in each
engineering department.
The student societies make
it possible for graduate and
undergraduate students
alike to attend conferences
and lectures, and meet with

Continues on p. 8

GatorEngineering 7


The Payoff: UF Engineering Students

Are Ready for the Job Market

Engineering students
commit vast amounts
of dollars, time, blood,
sweat, and tears to getting a
degree. When all is said and
done, they want to know two

Am I prepared for a job? Are
there jobs available?

The answer to both is yes, says
Thomas Halasz, the associate
director for Career Networks
at UF's Career Resource
Center. Halasz is the liaison
to the College of Engineering,
assisting engineering students
with their job and internship

UF engineering students are
very competitive in the job
market, Halasz says. He cites
recruiters from one company
who were at UF to interview
electrical engineering
students. After talking to the

The W companies thatg

FlridaPoe adLih

Gener;al _- Electr ic

(oi fedo ra ions

UF candidates, the recruiters
were so impressed that they
were considering canceling
their visits to the two other
universities on their schedule.

Well-prepared students like
these will benefit from a job
market that is improving
after a three-year downturn,
Halasz says. Jobs are opening
up because increasing numbers
of early Baby Boomers are
reaching retirement age. He
believes recruiters will come
to UF looking to fill these jobs
because employers are aware
that UF has a well-established,
quality engineering program
that produces students who
have strong academic skills
as well as workplace and
leadership experience.

Employers know that the
strongest asset UF students
have to offer is their technical
knowledge, Halasz says. In
addition, many undergraduate
students have had some kind
of practical engineering work
experience doing internships
and co-operative work
programs, which recruiters
see as highly desirable. The
college's Integrated Product
& Process Design (IPPD)
program also offers experience
in teamwork and product
development for senior-year
students who cannot leave

campus. Many of these
students have found jobs with
the companies sponsoring
their projects.

Students also can make
direct connections with
potential employers through
organized competitions such
as the Society of Automotive
Engineers formula car race
and the American Society of
Civil Engineers steel bridge
and concrete canoe contests.
There is a downside to
competitions, however, Halasz
says, because participation
takes so much time it can be
challenging to participate and
maintain a high GPA.

Companies also want to see
leadership skills, so students
who get involved in the
college's many organizations
or in events such as the
annual Engineers Fair have an

Because the job market is
improving, Halasz says, it
is now possible for students
to get more than one job
offer from recruiters. It is no
longer necessary to accept a
job because it is the only one
available or to go to graduate
school by default. Engineering
students, he says, now have
choices and need to think
about them carefully.

"I am optimistic for both the
college and the students,"
Halasz says. "I believe that
they will do well."

Martha Dobson

continued from page 7
There Is More to
Engineering than Classes

professional engineers in
their fields. Students also n!
able to have more -.tri i! r-
interaction with faculty who
are active in the societies.

Lindsey Lavoie, a master's
degree student in the Nuclear
& Radiological Engineering
department, says her
membership in the Society for
Health and Medical Physics
Students is an important part
of her school experience.

"The meetings are very
informative. I especially
appreciate their bringing
in women speakers. They
have been helpful in making
an adjustment to graduate
school," she says.

The college also has a social
fraternity, Pi Sigma Rho, and
sorority, Phi Sigma Rho, that
every engineering student
may join during the second
semester of freshman year.
Like all the other groups, they
offer study groups, mentoring,
and social events. They are
self-sustaining through
fundraising efforts.

Twenty-eight student groups
participated in the 2005
Engineering and Science Fair.
Did they get much benefit out
of it?

"You look like you are
enjoying this," one visitor
said to a Materials Science
& Engineering department
student demonstrating the
process of cold convection.

And the student grinned and
said, "Oh, yeah!"

Martha Dobson

Out in the real world,

UF Engineering

Graduates Make

the Grade

Du Nguyen
BS 2000, MS 2003 Industrial &
Systems Engineering
Senior Engineer, Management
Engineering C.:..,i:.,.ti!., Services,
Shands Healthcare, Gainesville,

Du Nguyen's career success
was recognized this year by her
nomination for New Faces of
Engineering 2005. New Faces,
sponsored by the National
Engineers Week Foundation,
recognizes engineers age 30 or
younger who have worked in their fields for two to five
years and demonstrated outstanding abilities. She was
nominated by the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Her nomination for New Faces cited her development
and implementation of automated productivity tools
for the nine hospitals in the Shands system, including
the use of handheld personal digital assistants for the
registered dieticians. She led a team to improve medical
supply management in the intensive care units at the
Shands at UF hospital. These and other activities, the
nomination says, resulted in increased bedside time for
health care workers, improved ICU patient care, and
increased revenue for the hospital system.

Nguyen began her career with Shands Healthcare after
graduating from UF in 2000. "Myjob is directed to
service analysis. We do quantitative analysis, take the
numbers and build models with them, and come up
with recommendations," she says.

"Basically, that's what I learned in school to do, and
it helped me make a good transition. When we did a
project, we learned to explain to real people what we
do and what it all means and how it is helpful to them.
When you get out there in a job, that experience really

The College of Engineering tries to give its students
solid academic grounding and exciting opportunities to
use their skills in research, student design projects, and
competitions. The mission is to prepare them to be first-
quality engineers who make a difference in our state and

Do we succeed? We asked three graduates who now work
in health care, industry, and government for their view
on how well prepared they were. They have shared their
opinions with us here. We also talked with Linda Thomas-
Mobley, our alumna profile this issue, who has had a very
diverse career (see her story on p. 21).

Joel Howell
BS 2003 Computer Engineering
Business Development Manager,
Harris Corporation, Melbourne,

Joel Howell was named
the University of Florida
Outstanding Male Leader at
the May 2003 commencement
ceremony for his involvement
with student government and
many campus organizations. He
says he learned a lot from his

"UF student groups are great. I was very fortunate to
participate in the college's StepUp program and became
involved in groups as a freshman. As I took more
responsibility in student organizations, I was able to
lead initiatives that I hope were beneficial to the student
population and Gainesville community," Howell says.

Howell's campus involvement helped shape his career
plans. "I expected to complete the accelerated master's
degree program and get a job designing innovative
technologies. After participating in student organizations
and a study abroad program, I learned that my true
interest was in the representation of engineering efforts
and the promotion of the entire engineering field. This
meant reaching out to high school and elementary school
students to encourage them to study math and science,
and representing engineering interests on the university
level through UF's student government. You could say
my research projects were people focused rather than
technology focused," Howell says.

A senior design research project Howell carried out with
Electrical & Computer Engineering Associate Professor
John Harris also became people-focused. Howell
wanted to design a crosswalk system that would give

continues on p. 11

continues on p. 11
GatorEngineering 9

Out in the real world,

UF Engineering Graduates Make the Grade

Pegeen Hanrahan, PE., CHMM
BS (With Honors) 1989 Environmental Engineering Sciences
BA (With Honors) 1989 Sociology
ME 1992 Environmental Engineering

Pegeen Hanrahan is the
mayor of the City of
Gainesville, Fla. She
also works as a conservation
finance consultant with
the Trust for Public Land.
Hanrahan writes for us:

The professors in
Environmental Engineering
Sciences were excellent,
and provided a very diverse
educational experience. The
department covers a broad
cross section of topics, from
ecology and wetlands science
to air pollution control design,
wastewater system design and
hazardous waste cleanup. I feel
fortunate to have received such
a well-balanced background
in different aspects of
environmental protection.

I held jobs throughout my
undergraduate studies in
laboratory settings, doing
office work, and in a local
engineering consulting firm.
These experiences not only
added to my skill sets, they
also helped me learn to
manage competing priorities.

Participation in
groups such as
the Society of
Engineers and
Tau Beta Pi, the
Honor Society, also
were important to
my professional
development and in forming
relationships with others in
related fields.

My master's research focused
on management of leachate
and stormwater at municipal
solid waste landfills. I also
completed funded research
regarding planning for future
community water supplies,
and decision support systems
for choosing between
different water supply
alternatives. Because these
are all fundamentally local
government decisions, my
university research provided
a strong background for my
service in public office.

Jim Heaney was the chair
of my master's research
committee. He recently
returned to UF from the
University of Colorado at
Boulder to serve as chair of
the department. Wayne Huber
and Lamar Miller were also
on my committee. Lamar
retired from UF a few years
ago. Wayne is on the water
resources faculty at Oregon
State University in Corvallis.

Most of my professional
engineering experience
has been in remediation of
contaminated sites, including
landfills, and petroleum and
hazardous waste sites. This
provided a great background
for an exciting project I've
championed as an elected
official in Gainesville. We
have a seriously contaminated
site south of downtown
that will soon be cleaned
up and converted into a
manmade lake designed to
treat stormwater runoff. The
Depot Park Project is a huge
undertaking that includes
local, state, and federal
funding not only for the coal
tar cleanup, but also to build
the ponds, renovate the 1907
historic train depot, and build
trails and other recreational
amenities. My engineering
background has been useful
in helping with grant writing
and advocacy in Tallahassee
and Washington. It also has
enabled me to help the staff
and citizens' advisory board
in their efforts to gain public
support and understanding
of this multi-million dollar

Outside elective office, my
primary professional interests
these days revolve around
saving natural lands and
helping communities develop
parks and nature preserves.

I've enjoyed working with our
local Alachua Conservation
Trust on these projects in
the Gainesville area. I also
work statewide with the Trust
for Public Land, a national
non-profit agency. There's
nothing more satisfying for
me than being able to visit a
natural area, a piece of the real
Florida that will be preserved
for future generations because
the community has pulled
together to save it from

UF provides one of the
strongest environmental
engineering programs in
the US. During my years in
EES, the professors and staff
were incredibly nurturing
and supportive, and most of
the classes had fewer than 30
students. While research and
graduate studies are obviously
critically important to UF,
I'm grateful that I benefited
from studying in a department
with a real commitment to
the undergraduate educational
experience. I love being asked
to come back and speak to
environmental and civil
engineering classes, to give a
little bit back to the university
that gave so much to me!

10 TheFloridaEngineer

Cecile Perrault, 25
Graduate student in biomedical engineering
Hometown is Grasse, France


SI am currently on fellowship in Biomedical Engineering. Since the department is
so new, it is in constant evolution and I enjoy being part of this. We, as students,
can give our opinion on the faculty candidates that are being interviewed and Dr.
(William) Ditto (the department chair) is always available to discuss any issues that
we might have. I was a co-founder of the BMEGSA (BioMedical Engineering Graduate
Student Association), now merged with BMES (BioMedical Engineering Society). I
enjoy being able to help through my experience as a student.
I have been an officer of BMES for four years and have participated in numerous
college activities. Through those, I have been able to meet fellow students and
discover different fields of engineering. I was also able to meet professors and create
collaborations with different Laboratories. I am also the manager of the Cellular
Mechanics and Biorheology Lab, and that allowed me to discover the responsibilities
that come with managing a Laboratory.
I have worked on projects involving diabetic white blood cells, colon cancer
cells (in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago), spermatozoides
(in collaboration with the University of South Florida), microfabrication, cell culture and such
instruments as the micropipette, the quartz crystal microbalance, and microchannels. My faculty
research Leader is Roger Tran-Son-Tay, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering professor.
I hope to stay in academia in the Long run, but might go into industry for a couple of years after
getting my PhD.

Du Nguyen from page 9
helps a lot," Nguyen says.
"It's less of a shock when you
already know that you may
have to explain to people what
industrial engineering is,
what analysis is, or what the
numbers mean."

"It gave me a really good
background," Nguyen
says. "We learned how to
work in teams, do project
management, manage our
time, and how to get along
with others. We learned about
all that before we graduated
and it was very helpful. It's
hard to do all that for the first
time, when you first get a job."

Nguyen is building her career
even further, she says. "Right
now I really enjoy what I
am doing and see myself
doing this for a while longer.
Eventually, I want to get
into health care policy, so I
am working on a master's in
health care administration."

Joel Howell from page 9
audible signals to aid visually
impaired people in crossing
busy campus intersections.
Harris encouraged him
to focus on the system
architecture, marketing, and
implementation strategy.

"The implementation was
successful," Howell says.
"I'm not sure if any lives have
been saved, but hopefully the
campus can see how innovative
engineering systems help to
provide public safety."

After graduation, Howell
began working at Harris
Corporation in Melbourne,
Fla. At Harris, Howell
works with NASA and FAA
scientists on new systems and
technologies for the aerospace
community. "This is an
exciting time for the aviation
and space communities,"
Howell says. "The FAA is

exploring ways to modernize
the existing airspace system
and NASA is moving forward
with the vision to explore the
moon, Mars, and other objects
in our solar system. I hope I
can play some meaningful part
representing how technologies
will help to achieve those

Reflecting on his UF
education, Howell says, "It's
funny, students often ask if
the skills they learn in college
will serve them well after
graduation. The answer is a
resounding yes. A university
is a microcosm of the greater
society. Every opportunity for
academic, professional, and
personal growth is available,
and it is up to each student to
take advantage of them.

"Before graduation, I was
not sure how my collegiate
performance would be
perceived by industry. To my
surprise, I received interviews
with a good number of
companies for positions I never
dreamed would be available to
me," Howell says.

"I have been blessed with
many good things in life
and hope to continue doing
exciting work for Harris. UF
provided a fantastic experience
to learn both academically and
outside the classroom and for
this I am thankful."

Martha Dobson

Martha Dobson

GatorEngineering 11


Big Changes for

Engineering Distance


A new name and new director
are just the beginning.

UF engineering alumni
who need a master's
degree but can't go to
school full time will soon have
more degree choices available
through Gator Engineering's
graduate electronic distance
learning program.

The plan is for every UF
engineering department to
begin offering a non-thesis
master's degree online as
soon as possible. By fall 2005,
four departments will be
ready to do this: Electrical
& Computer Engineering;
Computer & Information
Science & Engineering; Civil
& Coastal Engineering;
and Materials Science &
Engineering. Two other
departments, Mechanical
& Aerospace Engineering
and Industrial & Systems
Engineering may also be ready
to participate this fall. The rest
of the departments will follow

There have been other
changes, as well. The Outreach
Engineering Education
Program has been renamed
UF EDGE standing
for Electronic Delivery of
Graduate Engineering. And
UF EDGE has a new director:

Mary Bonhomme has a BA in anthropology from Miami
University, Oxford, Ohio; an MLS in library science and an MBA in
management from Indiana University, Bloomington; and a PhD in
instructional design from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.
She is a member of the American Society for Engineering
Education, University Continuing Education Association, and
Association for Continuing Higher Education.

Mary Bonhomme, former
director of both the Center
for Distance Learning and
the Virtual Graduate Center
at the Florida Institute of
Technology in Melbourne.

Bonhomme believes offering
a non-thesis master's degree
from every department
through UF EDGE will
appeal to practicing engineers.
"A degree program composed
of just courses decreases the
need for students to come
to campus. Although we
welcome students to campus
any time, sometimes it is
difficult for students to travel,"
she says.

"Having a program where
people can sit down and do a
projection and know when and
how they can complete their
degrees will be attractive to
people," Bonhomme says. "A
student, when deciding what
courses to take, hopefully can
look three to five years down
the pike to when a course
will be offered. That gives
reassurance to the students
that the course is actually
going to be there when they
need it."

Long-term reliability has
always been an important
advantage for UF's
engineering distance learning
courses, Bonhomme says. The
program has been delivering

12 TheFloridaEngineer




graduate engineering courses
electronically for more than
25 years, from the time it was
still known as Genesys. It
has the name recognition of
the University of Florida, an
excellent faculty, and a wide
alumni base.

Bonhomme, who joined the
program in January 2005,
also is an old hand at distance
education. She has nearly 30
years experience in the area
of continuing education for
engineers. Before she was
with Florida Tech, she had
been the associate director of
the Continuing Engineering
Education center at Purdue
University, where she worked
for 15 years. She had gone to
Purdue after nearly 10 years
with the Cabot Corporation,
in Kokomo, Ind., working
in communications and
information technology.

Having been on the industry
side, Bonhomme appreciates
the fact that the information
engineers learned as
undergraduates gets outdated
quickly and that they need
to update their skills to stay

However, the way professional
engineers obtain continuing
education has changed over
time. "Distance learning
classes used to be marketed to
companies. The expectation
was that a company would

buy into the program and
would provide classroom
space and on-site coordinators
who would market the
program within the company,"
Bonhomme says. "Companies
are downsizing, and many
times the areas hardest hit
are the training or human
resources areas, so site
coordinators have gone away."

"Now we need to market to
individual engineers, who
hopefully understand the value
of continuing their education,"
she says. She believes the way
to do that is to offer potential
students a suite of education
products along with good
customer service to help them
solve problems and encourage
them to stay with the program.

"Good student services
support is needed. This is how
on line students can feel they
are really Gator engineers,"
Bonhomme says.

"We have a strong alumni
group out there," she says.
"They are convinced of the
quality of the UF degree
already, so we just have to
encourage them to look to UF
for their continuing education

Martha Dobson

OEM On-Site

Distance Education Still Popular
On-line degrees don't suit everyone. Many Florida engineers
who need distance education but prefer to interact in person with
professors and fellow students have found that UF's Industrial &
Systems Engineering (ISE) department has the right program
for them.

ISE offers its own Outreach Engineering Management (OEM)
master's degree program at selected sites in Florida. The 32-
credit hour degree is a Master of Science degree with an
engineering management track. It is non-thesis, but a master's
project is required for completion.

Faculty from ISE and UF's Warrington College of Business
travel to the class site to teach one engineering and one business
course each semester in an intense weekend session every month.
The degree can be completed in five semesters (20 months).

The program is aimed at engineers of all disciplines as well as
other technical graduates who are looking to move into positions
of management. Students have a wide range of professional
backgrounds, and many of the state's leading technical employers
are represented in every class.

Professor Jack Elzinga, the director of the OEM Program, says,
"One thing I've enjoyed is how the format of the OEM program
fosters close personal bonds within the class. Graduates leave
the program with a unique cohesiveness and a strong network
that advances lifelong learning."

Because the program is designed for working professionals,
the student profile differs sharply from that of the on-campus
option. The most recent OEM class had an age range of 22-
50 (average age was 34), with the average amount of work
experience being eight years.

As of April 2005, 218 graduates will have completed the degree
program. Recruiting is now taking place for the next class
sequence, which will be held in Cape Canaveral and will be
completed in 2007.

Ambitious students may also sign up for a combined MBA/MS
program, again offered in conjunction with the business college.
Students take the regular OEM program at the local site and
take the MBA on-line, either concurrently or sequentially.

Information about the program is available at www.ise.ufl.

GatorEngineering 13








DAB member Reg Davies, former DuPont fellow, talks with
Associate Dean Cammy Abernathy at the DAB meeting.

The Dean's Advisory
Board (DAB) met in
Gainesville November
17-18, 2004 to discuss how
the college can strengthen
its academic role and public
image. The board members
are senior executives and
academics from around the
nation who have a significant
interest in the college. They
meet annually to review
the college's progress and
future plans with the deans
and department chairs.
Rick Simonian, Harris
Corporation's vice president
for homeland security, is the
DAB chairman.

College plans will need to
work in harmony with UF's
own strategic plan. UF Board
of Trustees chairman Manny
Fernandez told the group that
primary goals are to recruit a
large number of outstanding
faculty and to raise public
awareness of UF as a first-
quality institution.

Improved funding will be
necessary to meet these goals.
To improve faculty numbers,

UF President Bernie Machen
and the University of Florida
Foundation are launching a
$2 billion capital campaign
to provide funds for endowed
professorships at UF. The
hope is that increased faculty
numbers will help raise the
perception of UF by its peer
institutions, with a resultant
rise in rankings.

A report on research funding
from Win Phillips, UF
vice president for research
programs, revealed that
engineering has 14 percent of
UF's total research dollars,
behind the Health Center,
which has 52 percent.
Research funding has risen
steadily over the past 10 years
and is considered strong.
Nevertheless, the college will
be looking to develop more
major research centers like the
new Nanoscience Institute
for Medical and Engineering
Technology and the UF
Water Institute, based in the
Agricultural & Biological
Engineering department.

The news about engineering
academics was mixed. The
quality of the students is high,
and undergraduate numbers
are stable, but Dean Pramod
Khargonekar reported a
slight decline in graduate
admissions, with relatively
more PhD than MS students
now enrolled. The decline is
concentrated in the computer
and electrical engineering
areas. There are also fewer
Indian and Korean students.
Therefore, the college plans to
focus on recruiting graduate
students, especially those
living in Florida, and will offer
expanded distance education
opportunities through the
Graduate Research and
Education Center at Eglin
Air Force Base and through
electronic delivery from the
UF EDGE program (see p.

The DAB discussed the plans
in breakout meetings and
offered feedback on them to
the college deans. Planning
will continue through the
spring term.

Martha Dobson

14 TheFloridaEngineer

College of Engineering

Invention Wins Award

UF spin-off Sinmat, Inc. received one of R&D
Magazine's 2004 R&D 100 Awards in October,
2004. The awards are given annually to the 100 most
technologically significant products of the year, as
determined by R&D Magazine's panel of 50 judges. The
company's Genteel Slurry product offers manufacturers
a cost-saving, output-enhancing technique to polish the
surfaces of copper containing microprocessors such as
Pentium chips.

UF Materials Science & Engineering professor
Rajiv Singh and his wife, Deepika, pictured at left,
developed the product. Currently located within the
Gainesville Technology Enterprise Center (GTEC), a
local incubator facility, Sinmat is an excellent example
of the transfer to the marketplace of cutting-edge
technologies developed by College of Engineering
researchers. The EDA University Center, housed in
the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL), routinely
facilitates interaction between investors, experienced
entrepreneurs, and faculty inventors.

For more information about Sinmat, visit the OTL
site www.rgp.ufl.edu/otl/ and click on the "Start-Up
Companies" link.

Faculty Books

MATLAB Primer,
Seventh Edition.

MATLAB, developed by The Math Works,
Inc., integrates computation, visualization, and
programming in a flexible open environment. It
offers engineers, scientists, and mathematicians
an intuitive language for expressing problems and
their solutions mathematically and graphically.

Kermit Sigmon, author of the MATLAB Primer,
passed away in January 1997. Co-author Timothy
Davis says in his introduction, "Kermit was a
friend, colleague, and fellow avid bicyclist with
whom I shared an appreciation for the contribution
MATLAB has made to the mathematics,
engineering, and scientific community."

Authors: Timothy A. Davis, associate professor,
Computer & Information Science & Engineering,
UF, and Sigmon, professor, Mathematics, UF
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC,

GatorEngineering 15

Agricultural & Biological

Dorota Haman, professor,
received the Art Hornsby
Distinguished Extension
Professional and Enhancement
Award. Haman specializes
in irrigation and water
management and in plant
water requirements.

James Jones, distinguished
professor, was named a 2004
Distinguished International
Educator by the UF
International Center and
selected as one of the first two
IFAS International Fellows.
Jones is internationally
recognized as an expert in
agricultural and biological
systems analysis.

Carol Lehtola, assistant
professor, received the
Christine Taylor Wadill
Extension Professional and
Enhancement Award.

Civil & Coastal Engineering

Robert J. Thieke, assistant
professor, received the College
of Engineering Teacher of the
Year Award for 2004-2005.

Electrical & Computer

Vladimir Rakov, professor,
received the National
Lightning Safety Institute
2004 Lightning Safety
Recognition Award for
excellence in advancing the
understanding of lightning
systems and for contributions
as a member of international
scientific organizations.

Environmental Engineering

Thomas Crisman, professor,
is the Florida Academy of
Sciences 2005 Medalist. The
medal is the highest award
given to a Florida scientist.
Crisman is the director of the
Howard T. Odum Center for

Timothy G. Townsend has
received the Jones, Edmunds
and Associates Professorship
of Environmental Engineering
Sciences. The professorship
was established this year
by Jones, Edmunds and
Associates, Inc. of Gainesville,
Fla. to recognize faculty
who excel in the area of solid
waste engineering in the
Environmental Engineering
Sciences department.

Industrial & Systems

Richard L. Francis, professor
emeritus, has been invited
to give a special address
on Aggregation Error for
Location Models at the tenth
International Symposium
on Locational Decisions
(ISOLDE X), an international
meeting of location theory
researchers held every third
year since 1978. The meeting
will be held in Seville, Spain,
in June 2005.

Materials Science &

Paul Holloway, distinguished
professor and director of
was selected to receive the
2005 Doctoral Dissertation
Advisor/Mentoring Award by
the UF Graduate Programs
Office. The award is in
recognition of excellence in
supporting and mentoring
doctoral students.

Mechanical & Aerospace

Bruce F. Carroll, associate
professor, received the College
of Engineering Adviser of the
Year Award for 2004-2005.

Gene W. Hemp, professor
emeritus and UF vice provost
emeritus, is now serving
as interim chair of the

Win Phillips, professor and
vice president for research, has
been appointed by President
Bush to the Committee on
the National Medal of Science
for a second three-year term.
The committee of 12 scientists
and engineers is appointed to
evaluate the nominees for the
award. The National Medal
of Science is the nation's
highest scientific honor. It
was established by Congress
to recognize individuals for
outstanding contributions to
knowledge in the physical,
biological, mathematical,
engineering, social and
behavioral sciences. Phillips
has also been named to Florida
Trend's 2005 Florida CEO to
Watch list.

Tony Schmitz, assistant
professor, has received the
2005 Robert A. Dougherty
Outstanding Young
Manufacturing Engineers
Award from the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers.
The award recognizes young
engineers who have made
exceptional accomplishments
in either industry or academia.
Its purpose is not only to
honor their work, but also
to showcase them as role
models for all young, aspiring

16 TheFloridaEngineer


Nanoresearch at UF has

Big Plans for Very Small Things

UF has at least 60
faculty members
and 100 graduate
students engaged in
nanotechnology or
nanoscience. The College
of Engineering also has a
collaborative nanoscience
research agreement
with Sandia National

UF nanotechnology
research areas include
* microelectromechanical
neural inspired
computing models
nano-bio medical

The first steps have
been taken toward
building a Nanoscale
Research Facility (NRF) at
the University of Florida.
The facility will be part of
UF's Nanoscience Institute
for Medical and Engineering
Technologies (NIMET).
Physicist Bill R. Appleton, the
former director of the Center
for Imaging and Mesoscale
Structures at Harvard
University, is NIMET's
laboratory director.

The first order of business
for Appleton since he joined
NIMET in November 2004
has been to begin making
NIMET's bricks-and-mortar
home, the NRF, a reality.
The new building is essential
for NIMET to carry out
its mission to strengthen
UF's nanoscience and
nanotechnology program and
expand it into a resource for
researchers throughout the
southeast US.

"The main two foci for me will
be to make sure the NRF is
built properly with the needs
of the university in mind, and
then help the faculty build the
program and get additional
funds," Appleton says. The
Florida legislature has made
an initial commitment of $35
million for the NRF building,
which may be finished during
the 2007-08 academic year.
Separate funding will be
needed for equipment and

The new research facility will
house many of the specialized
laboratories needed by
nanoscience researchers from
many disciplines, including
engineering, medicine,
physics, and chemistry.
Appleton is asking all of UF's
nanoscience research faculty
for input on the laboratory
facilities they need.

"This will not be a normal
building," Appleton says,
because nanoscale materials,
which are on the order of three
to five atoms across in size,
require special handling.

He points to the need for
clean rooms to remove all
contaminants from the air.
Temperature and humidity
have to be controlled when
working with nanoparticles.
Imaging instruments
need vibration-free space.
Hazardous biological materials
such as bacteria and viruses
cannot be exposed to the
air. These factors must
be considered in the final
building design.

Existing nanoscience facilities
on campus, which Appleton
acknowledges are "pretty
impressive," will also continue
in use. In the future, there is
the possibility of building a
life sciences-oriented facility
to be part of NIMET.

"The NRF isn't the whole
picture of NIMET," Appleton
says. "It isn't possible at this
point to guess how large
NIMET could get over time."

NIMET's growth will
depend not only on UF-
generated projects, but also
on how successfully it attracts
researchers from outside the

Federal funding agencies
are currently giving strong
support for multidisciplinary
nanoresearch, resulting in
many US universities building
facilities similar to the NRF.
Some of these centers are for
basic research and some have a
strong industry focus.

The NRF will be in a different
category, which Appleton calls
a "research user facility." NRF
facilities will be available, on
a cost basis, to academic and
private research groups in
Florida and the southeast US
that lack advanced laboratory
space for nanofabrication and

GatorEngineering 17


"There are a lot of industries
and universities in Florida that
don't know it now, but once
this facility comes on line,
they will become users because
there will be many reasons to
do so," Appleton says.

Rebecca McLarty, 20
Junior in double major,
environmental engineering and
Spanish (will graduate spring
Hometown is Tallahassee, Fla.

I like the small class
atmosphere in the
Environmental Engineering
Sciences department. UF
Engineering has a great
reputation in Florida as well
as nationally, which is evident
from my encounters with
engineering firms, companies,
and other professionals. The
professors are of the highest
Quality and I am very proud to
call myself an environmental
engineering student at the University of Florida.
Participating in career fairs, departmental career
expos, dinners with an executive, EES unified meetings,
conferences, engineering clubs and student organizations
has not only exposed me to the business side of the
environmental engineering industry, but has also
allowed me to become even more involved and career-
oriented. I am the historian and the secretary of the
Society of Environmental Engineers, and a member of
the UF Wetlands club and the Florida Water Environment
Association (FWEA). I started a club here at UF, the
American Water Works Association (AWWA), which has
been approved by the Student Activities Center and will
begin recruiting soon.
Since November 2004, I have been working for MACTEC
Engineering and Consulting in Gainesville, where I will
be an intern this summer. I hope to continue to work
for them while I am in school. After earning my BS in
environmental engineering and BA in Spanish in May 2007,
I plan to attend graduate school (hopefully at UF) to earn
a MS in Environmental Engineering. I will be focus on
potable water treatment. After receiving my MS degree,
I plan to work for an environmental engineering firm in
Florida. I hope to work up to consulting, and eventually
become a Professional Engineer after a couple years of
experience. I hope to make an impact on the world by
designing systems to clean up our precious earth.

Appleton believes that the
NIMET's NRF laboratories
and tools are going to be
useful for many years. "It isn't
just a flash in the pan that
will go away," he says. "The
field of nanotechnology and
nanomedicine is big and is
going to continue to grow."

Tim Anderson, associate dean
for research in the College
of Engineering, agrees. "The
ability to make things small
always has been relevant
to research. And 'small'
gets smaller all the time,"
Anderson says.

It will be a huge job to
bring the NRF on line, but
Appleton finds it fun and
exciting. He isn't new to the
task of running a nanoresearch
facility. The center he directed
for five years at Harvard was
very similar to NIMET, and
the job there almost identical
to this one. He was also the
deputy director for science
and technology at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory in

Appleton, who has MS
and PhD degrees in solid
state physics from Rutgers
University, has done extensive
research in the fundamental
processes of using ion beams
and lasers to modify materials.

"You can use ion beams for
lots of things," he says. For
example, semiconductors are
implanted with ions, then have
to be annealed with lasers to
smooth out damage caused
by the ion beams. Appleton

also discovered that ion b: .n-i ,
can modify the surfaces of
artificial hips and knees so
that corrosive wear is rducdic
and the joints last much

Appleton anticipates it will
take about a year to get the
NRF building project headed
in the right direction. Then
he hopes to get back to doing
some research.

"It was hard to leave Harvard,
but my wife was born and
raised in Gainesville, and
we had decided that we were
going to retire here. Then
this opportunity came up,
and I really liked the idea
of becoming part of the
university," Appleton says. "I
am delighted to be here. It is
a great place and I am looking
forward to it."

Dean Anderson believes UF
was lucky to find the right
person at the right time for
the job of leading NIMET.
"UF is extremely fortunate to
have Appleton's experience
and understanding of research
to lead the establishment of
this facility," Anderson says.
"Having him at UF almost
guarantees its success."

Martha Dobson

18 TheFloridaEngineer

More Studies Needed to Assess Nanomaterials Risk

The nanotechnology
industry is developing
rapidly. New nanoscale
materials are in use in products
ranging from bacteria-killing
socks to computer hard drives,
from wound dressings to

The applications of
nanotechnology in medicine
are especially promising.
Drug-binding molecules that
can trap toxic materials in
the blood are being studied.
Chemotherapy agents attached
to nanoparticles may soon
deliver cancer-killing drugs
selectively to tumors, sparing
normal tissues. But there
maybe undiscovered hazards
attached to manufacturing
and using nanomaterials, UF
scientists say.

Predicting possible toxic
interactions between
nanomaterials and the
environment was the focus
of a workshop attended by
75 senior nanotechnology
scientists from universities,
government agencies, and
industries in the US and
Canada. The workshop
participants gathered in
Gainesville, Fla., on Nov.
3-4, 2004, to discuss safety
guidelines and experimental
practices on toxicity.

"The federal government
is placing a high priority
on research to study the
effects of nanotechnology
on human health, with the
aim of improving nanotech
to enhance health and the
environment, and to assure the
effects are benign," said Steve
Roberts, Ph.D., professor in
UF's College of Veterinary
Medicine and director of UF's
Center for Environmental and
Human Toxicology.

Workshop sponsors included
UF, the US Environmental
Protection Agency, the
National Science Foundation,
the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, and the
National Toxicology Program
of the US Department
of Health and Human
Services. The organizing
committee included Roberts,
Brij Moudgil, and Kevin
Powers from the UF Particle
Engineering Research Center,
and John Bucher, Scott
Masten, and Nigel Walker
from the National Toxicology

Nanomaterials are so named
because they are sized at 1-100
nanometers one nanometer
being equal to about three to
five atoms laid next to each
other. Nanomaterials have
unique properties because
the materials change greatly
at the nanoscale, possibly
due to the increased surface
area available for interaction.
When materials are reduced to
100 nanometers in size or less,
quantum size effects give the
materials different mechanical
properties and chemical

The possible toxicity of
nanomaterials has not been
studied much, Roberts said.

"There are special challenges
in studying potential toxic
effects of nanomaterials,"
Roberts said. "This workshop
was a great opportunity
for scientists in the field to
get together and sort out
how these studies should be

Research will need to be
multidisciplinary, with support
from government agencies
to link the research groups
and provide reference data,
scientists say. To that end,
the National Nanotechnology
Initiative was created to
provide a multi-agency
framework for nanotech
research (www.nano.gov).
Also, in August, 2004, the
American National Standards
Institute (www.ansi.org)
launched a Nanotechnology
Standards Panel. The panel
will work to create a standard
set of reference terms for
researchers in nanotechnology,
a necessary first step in
developing experimental
testing procedures.

More information about
the workshop is at www.

Martha Dobson

GatorEngineering 19






Four College of
Engineering faculty
members have
received awards from the
Defense University Research
Instrumentation Program
(DURIP) of the Department
of Defense. The awards
support the purchase of state-
of-the-art equipment to aid
cutting-edge defense research.
Awards were given to:

Professor Jose Fortes, Electrical & Computer Professor Cammy Abernathy, Materials
Engineering, for Web-enabled memory- Science & Engineering, for the study of
intensive nano and molecular electronics GaN device surfaces via X-ray/ultraviolet
simulation; from the Army Research Office photoelectron spectroscopy; from the
Office of Naval Research

Professor Andrew Kurdila, Iviechancal oc Professor Gerhard Kitter, computer 6c
Aerospace Engineering, for prototyping, Information Science & Engineering,
characterization, and simulation for small for instrumentation for automatic target
autonomous vehicles; from the Air Force Office recognition and image/signal processing; from
of Scientific Research the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

20 Th'FloridaEngineer

Alumna Profile

Linda Thomas-Mobley
Professor of Building Construction
College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology

Linda Thomas-Mobley
is an engineer, lawyer,
and college professor.
Engineering may have been
her destiny.

Her father, although not an
engineer by degree, served in
the Army Corps of Engineers.
Her mother, Thomas-Mobley
says, is "a very unconventional
and brilliant lady."

"She told me that my hobby
of taking apart everything I
could get my hands on was
fine, just as long as I learned to
put the things back together,"
she says.

Thomas-Mobley speaks
warmly of the encouragement
she had from her parents. "I
don't know how my parents
had such patience with me,
but they never stopped me,"
she says.

"My dad took me everywhere.
I loved hanging out with him,
going to the hardware store,
helping him fix stuff around
the house. Repairing simple
problems around the house
made me feel different from
my drop-dead-gorgeous sister,
and useful," she says.

"My dad and I were very close.
He was so cool. He passed
away in 1992, but told me
before he died that he was
proud of me and that I grew
up to be 'the kind of person he
would have liked to have as a

Thomas-Mobley was, she says,
a "military brat." She was born
at Ft. Devens, an Army base
near Ayer, Mass. Like most
military families, they moved
from base to base. They finally
settled in Washington, DC,
when her father retired from
the Army.

As a civilian, her father started
a second career as a software
designer. Punch card machines
were in use in those days, and
Thomas-Mobley, who was still
a young girl, liked playing
with the punched-out holes.

"I got in trouble for bringing
the confetti-like holes to
school and throwing them
in the air," she says. "The
nuns who taught me were not
pleased. I must have been a
nightmare." But the experience
may have cemented her career

"I recall one of my teachers
telling me that if I behaved
myself, maybe I could one day
marry an engineer. That might
have done it."

Thomas-Mobley didn't act
on her interests right away,
though. She began college at
the same small university in
Philadelphia that her sister
attended. It turned out to not
be a good move for her because
she felt overshadowed by her
sister. After two years, she
began looking for a school she
could afford on her own and
where she could be her own

Thinking that a
state school would
be the best choice
for her, Thomas-
Mobley visited
UF and talked
with the late John
Boatwright, who
told her to look
no further. "I felt
Gainesville was a
full fledged college
town with all the
bells and whistles. I wanted
this type of experience, so I
applied and was accepted in
the fall of 1979," she says.

And then engineering
called her. She looked
into the possibilities of
both mechanical and civil
engineering and decided
she was best suited for civil
engineering. It turned out to
be harder than she expected.

"I didn't realize it would be
so tough and I didn't realize
I was breaking a mold. No
one came right out and told
me that black women were
not supposed to be engineers.
Who knew? Most of the
time, my experiences were
especially challenging. I recall
many hard classes, with fair
teachers who were willing
to help if I asked them," she
says. And she had mentors.
"Sharen (Brown) Hannah,
Byron Spangler, Courtland
Collier, Zohar Herbsman, and
Roscoe McNealy comprised
the 'village' that raised me,"
she says.

Her classmates were more
remote. "I'm sure some
students tried to discourage
me, but I was not one to
recognize or become angered
at subtle comments. I need a
ton of bricks dropped on me,
and none were dropped," she

Thomas-Mobley became part
of a mutual support and study
group with other students
who tended to be the last
chosen when groups were
formed. "My 'motley' study
group included students from
Bolivia, Lebanon, Malaysia,
and Cuba. We helped each
other," she says. She found
other positive experiences with
the National Society of Black
Engineers and her sorority,
Alpha Kappa Alpha.

After getting her bachelor's
degree, Thomas-Mobley
entered UF's civil engineering
master's degree program.
Some of her classmates were

GatorEngineering 21

Navy officers who told her
about the Navy Civil Engineer
Corps, which she joined after
getting her master's degree.

Thomas-Mobley managed
countless repair and alterations
projects as a facility manager
and construction manager for
the Navy in San Diego and
Washington DC. The most
exciting, she says, was a yearly
refurbishing of the Navy's fire
fighting school in San Diego.
"It was a fast track, high
dollar, exciting project."

She found there was
excitement in solving
problems. She found her
job "rather boring" when
projects ran smoothly. When
things went wrong such as
construction company defaults
- she discovered she enjoyed
gathering evidence for the

The experience influenced her
decision to go to law school
at the University of Miami,
which was not the radical
career change it might appear
to be, she says.

As Thomas-Mobley explains
it, "Like engineering, law is
another vehicle for problem
solving. They are very much
alike. Engineering teaches one
the technical skills to make
the complicated simple so
that a solution can be found.
Practicing law is the same -
only your tools are words."

She practiced law in Atlanta,
Ga., from 1992 to 1995 with
Drew, Eckl and Farnham and
with the Ewing Group. She
worked as a defense attorney

first, then later used her
background in engineering
to help professionals with
business disputes.

She decided, however, to
go back to construction
engineering because she
had married and become a
mother during her first year
of law school and she missed
her engineering career. "Law
school and motherhood
together was not too bad, but
practicing as a trial lawyer
while your two-year-old is
learning all about her world is
really tough," Thomas-Mobley

"I feel that I am first and
foremost an engineer," she
says, "and I got a chance to
work at a once in a lifetime job
with the Atlanta Committee
for Olympic Games. I still
practice construction law
in Atlanta, but only on my

And did she like the

"Man ... What a thrill! It
felt like being in the center of
the universe. I was hired to
assist a very competent woman
project manager and ended up
being the project manager just
months before construction
began. My work involved the
planning, design, construction,
and demolition of temporary
structures that turned Georgia
Tech's campus into a small city
for the athletes. We created
temporary dining facilities,
McDonald's restaurants,
swimming pools, a dance
hall, a coffee house, and the
temporary infrastructure and
utilities to support it all," she

"The project was surreal. It
was the one time in my career
I had more money than time.
My boss, Cliff Stern, likened
the Olympics to a train that
was running and gaining
speed. You either kept up with
it or got run over by it."

Working for the Olympics
was a peak career experience
for Thomas-Mobley. After the
games, she had to find a job
and everything seemed pale
in comparison. But during
the games, she had given a
guest lecture about temporary
architecture, with the games
construction as an example.
She discovered she liked
college teaching.

She found an ally in the
dean of Georgia Tech's
College of Architecture,
Thomas Galloway, who was
willing to give her a chance
at an academic career. She
received her PhD in building
construction from Georgia
Tech, where she is now
teaching and doing research
on the indoor environment of

Thomas-Mobley seems ready
to settle down, comfortable
with her career, her second
husband, Michael, and
teen-age daughter, Morgan
- "my 'mini-me', who is much
smarter than I ever was and
destined for greatness herself,"
she says. She is giving Morgan
the same kind of strong
support she herself enjoyed.

"She just started high : !.:..:.!
and wanted to drop .:..,r .:.t
an Introduction to R.:.b.:.r,:
class because she wa: ri- *i:.ril
girl. Needless to say I i..1d
mommy-tantrum Eis ir.\i erd
in and is doing quite '. -II.
Thomas-Mobley say:

She is finding time f.:.i .:.i. !ir
interests, too. "I love artistic
photography and decorating
cakes," she says. "I know,
strange but true, after all this
time my inner-artist is coming

When all is said and done,
Thomas-Mobley looks back at
her undergraduate time at UF
as a key experience for all that
she has accomplished.

"Although I did not know it
then, UF made me strong and
able to face any challenge," she
says. "The experiences were
like a fire, uncomfortable but
necessary in order to forge a
stronger more resilient end
product. Go Gators!"

Martha Dobson

22 TheFloridaEngineer


Bradford P. Roberts '66

Stephen (BS MAE '98) and Berteshia (Tina Brown BS
ABE '99) Farmer's son, Stephen T. Farmer,III

Bradford P. Roberts (BSEE) received the John
Mungenast International Power Quality Award from
EC&M magazine at the Power Quality Conference
held in Chicago in November 2004. Roberts, a
registered professional engineer, is the power quality
systems director for the S&C Electric Company in
Franklin, Wis. Following his graduation from UF, he
was a systems reliability engineer in the Apollo Lunar
Module Program at Cape Kennedy. He later was
instrumental in developing S&C's PureWave line of
medium voltage products. He is chairman of the IEEE
Power Engineering Society's Emerging Technologies
Coordinating Committee and has published more
than 30 technical papers and journal articles
on critical power system design. He resides in
Greendale, Wis.

Mark Lowery (BSME) and Samantha Albright Lowery
(BAE 92, MAE 93) announce the birth of their son,
Luke William, born September 18, 2004. They also
have two girls, Ansley and Caitlin. Mark received his
MBA from Georgia State University in 1998 and is
the divisional vice president of refrigeration for The
Stellar Group in Jacksonville, Fla.

Toby Hemphill (BS EES, MS EES 99) has joined the
HNTB Corporation as the water resources section
leader in the Jacksonville office transportation
department. His specialty is water resources
engineering, including stormwater management
planning and drainage system design. Previously,
he was employed at the Florida Department of
Transportation, the City of Jacksonville, and the
Jacksonville Transportation Authority.

Sanjay Shrivastava (PhD MSE) is a research and
development manager at Abbott Laboratories in
Redwood City, Calif. He was recently named to the
list of 100 Notable People in the Medical Device
Industry published by the MD&DI (Medical Devices
& Diagnostics Industry) magazine. Sanjay, his wife,
Maithili, and two-year-old daughter, Ria, reside in
Mountain View, Calif.

Stephen T. (Tim) Farmer Jr. (BS MAE) and Berteshia
(Tina Brown) Farmer (BS ABE 99) have a son,
Stephen T. Farmer III, born November 11, 2004, who
is destined to be a Gator (see photo). Tim is working
for the Kimberly Clark Corporation. The family
resides in Concord, N.C.

lan McChesney Watson (ChE) is a consultant for US
Peroxide. Watson and Amy Miller married in August
2002, and they reside in Winter Park, Fla.

Friends We Will Miss

1929 Alfred E. Hills, BS CE, of Baden, Pa., died
December 5, 2004.

1932 Robert F. Chambliss, Sr., BS CE, of Tampa, Fla.,
died December 5, 2004.

1936 William B. Bernard, BS EE, of Sarasota, Fla.,
July 19, 2004.

1940 Claude W. Hiers, BS EE, of Lakeland, Fla., died
June 19, 2004.

1941 Joe P. Patrick, BS CE, of White Rock, S.C., died
November 14, 2003.

1947 Walter R. Weber, BS IE, of New Port Richey,
Fla., died December 1, 2004.

1948 Sam Berman, BS CE, of Miami, Fla., died
August 27, 2004.

1950 John M. Cahill, BS CHE, of Mount Dora, Fla.,
died January 17, 2004.
Harris H. Green, BS CE, of Gainesville, Fla.,
died February 23, 2004.

1956 John J. Rose, BS EE, Las Vegas, Nev., died
October 10, 2004.

1957 Ned B. Spake, BS IE, of Winter Park, Fla.,
died January 29, 2005.

1960 Harland L. Kuhn, BS EE, MSE 1961, PHD EE
1968, of Bradenton, Fla., died
January 18, 2005.
Charles J. Roesch, BS ME, MSE 1962, died
December 1,1986.

1961 Coy Martin, BS IE, of Arlington, Texas, died
January 4, 2004.

1962 Milton D. Deckert, BS EE, of Virginia Beach, Va.,
died September 6, 2002.

1966 Su L. Cheng, PhD, of Louisville, Colo., died
June 25, 2004.

1972 Timothy L. Thoman, BS IE, of Forest Park, Ga.,
died September 13, 2003.

1980 Jeffrey K. Mess, BS AGE, of Fort Myers, Fla.,
died July 8, 2004.

1981 Mark A. Luoma, BS CHE, Satellite Beach, Fla.,
died July 10, 2004.
Robert S. Reif, BS EE, of Malibu, Calif., died
May 23, 2000.

1985 Robert B. Harr, ME CE, of Dallas, Texas, died
October 1, 1997.

1987 Frank D. Anger, PhD CIS, of Vienna, Va., died
July 7, 2004.

Information is provided by the University of
Florida Foundation, Inc. Academic major or
hometown data may not be available.

GatorEngineering 23


T he 2003-2004 fiscal
year that ended
June 30, 2004, was
outstanding for private
support for the College of
Engineering. Total giving
from alumni, corporations,
foundations, and friends
reached $18 million including
state matching gifts. This
represents a 100 percent
increase over the yearly average
during the It's Performance
That Counts capital campaign
that ended in 2000.

Although there were many
highlights in this record-
breaking year, there are
several that will propel our
programs to higher levels of

Intel Corporation gave
$2 million to establish
the Charles E. Young/
Intel University Chair in
Electrical Engineering in
honor of President Young's
service to the University
of Florida. Intel's gift
received a $2 million state
matching grant, thereby
creating a $4 million
endowment. We are
searching for a nationally
prominent scholar to fill
this prestigious chair.

IBM made a $5 million
equipment gift of a
supercomputer consisting
of a cluster of 48 high-
end servers to further the
research of Bell South
Eminent Scholar and
Professor Jose Fortes and
the Advanced Computing
and Information Systems

Robert M. "Gator"
Handley designated
$600,000 from his trust
to create an endowed
professorship in Electrical
& Computer Engineering.
"Gator" lives on
Clearwater Beach and is a
1962 alumnus. He worked
for Hughes and Allied
Signal in the aerospace

The estate of Norman and
Iva Tuckett provided over
$1 million for endowments
in the College of
Engineering and in Civil
& Coastal Engineering
for student and faculty
support. Norman Tuckett
earned a bachelor's degree
in civil engineering in
1950 and was a resident of
Broward County.

For the College of
Engineering to reach its goal
of being ranked among the
nation's best engineering
colleges, it is essential that
our alumni, donors, and
friends understand the
importance of philanthropy
in reaching our goal. As
the College of Engineering
reaches the top tier in the
national rankings, we must
compete with a new set of
peer institutions all of which
possess considerably greater
financial resources, especially
in terms of endowment. If the
University of Florida's College
of Engineering is to compete
effectively in this elite group,
it must have the resources
and flexibility that only
philanthropy can provide.

Within two years, the
University of Florida will
announce a new capital
campaign and the College of
Engineering must contribute
more strongly than it has
in earlier university-wide
campaigns. We will be
sharing our vision of how
the College of Engineering
can help shape the future by
working closely with you our
alumni, corporate partners,
and all stakeholders to
provide financial aid to the
best and brightest engineering
students; to recruit and retain
the most talented faculty
through endowed chairs;
and to provide state-of-the-
art facilities for our research
faculty and graduate students
to use in their quest to develop
new processes, materials, and

Every great research university
has a strong, progressive
College of Engineering
leading the university forward.
We urge you to join Dean
Pramod Khargonekar, the
faculty, and our outstanding
students through your private

Thank you for all that you
have done to make the
College of Engineering a truly
outstanding place to teach and

Steve Beeland
Senior Director ofDevelopment
andAlumni Atii', s

330 Weil Hall
PO Box 116575
Gainesville, FL 32611-6575

Phone: 352.392.6795
Mobile: 352.256.6074
Fax: 352.846.0138
E-mail: sbeeland@eng.ufl.edu


Engi Meenn



Dear Alumni and Friends,

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued
support of the College of Engineering. Our success is due in no small
part to your generosity. You can take great pride in knowing that your
gifts enable us to enrich the educational experience for our students by
providing excellence in engineering education and research.

This year we have gone to a new format and have changed the name from
the Annual Report of Giving to the Honor Roll of Donors. We have
discontinued listing donors at the President's Council levels. The new
format will more accurately list donors by giving levels and by class year
for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. We hope that you will find it easier to locate
your name and that of your friends, colleagues, and others who have so
generously supported the College of Engineering. In addition, we have
made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this report. We sincerely
apologize for any omitted, misspelled, or misplaced names. To report any
inaccuracies, please contact us at: Engineering Development Office, UF
College of Engineering, P.O. Box 116575, Gainesville, FL 32611-6575;
or phone (352) 392-6795; or email: mmcel@eng.ufl.edu.

We are pleased to announce that next year, the Honor Roll for 2004-
2005 will be available online at the University of Florida College of
Engineering web site: http://www.eng.ufl.edu. If for any reason you do
not wish to have your name posted electronically, please contact us at the
address listed above.

Our development team is ready to assist with any questions about gifts
to the College of Engineering. We would be pleased to hear from you
regarding the new format as well as the opportunity to recognize you on
the College of Engineering website.

Again, we thank you for your loyalty and support of the College of

E. Stevens Beeland
Senior Director ofDevelopment
E-mail: sbeeland@eng.ufl.edu

C. Ellis Pope
Director ofDevelopment
E-mail: epope@eng.ufl.edu

Edward M. Kominowski
Director ofDevelopment
E-mail: ekominowski@eng.ufl.edu

Gifts supporting
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil & Coastal Engineering
Computer & Information Science
& Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nuclear & Radiological Engineering

Annual Donors to the
College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30,2004

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
Norman Tuckett, Jr. (d)

$100,000 to $499,999
Sylvia T. McKenney (d)
Robert 0. and Ann K. Powell Charitable Trusts

$25,000 to $49,999
William F and Linda Shelton Powers

$10,000 to $24,999

Christopher D. Batich
Robert G. and Phyllis T. Dean
Eugene P. Goldberg
Douglas C. and Jane W. Miller

$5,000 to $9,999
John J. Benton
Robert M. Handley
Richard J. and Christine
C. Addison Pound, Jr.

$2,000 to $4,999
Arthur B. and Karlene M. Anderson
Leah P. Boggs
Donald C. and Donna B. Daniel
Frances B. Dodson
Edward J. Ellis
Richard L. and Barbara A. Fearn
Charles L. and Cheryl A. Geer
Philip E. and Sandra B. Gerlach
Robert L. Goodmark
Charles W. and Elisa Q. Gregg
Todd B. Hines
Edith W. and Stanley K. Ink
Samuel J. and Frances Louise
(Hines) Kolner
Brian R. and Joyce A. Konigsburg
Roger N. and Anne H. Madariaga
ArnryJ. Mijon
Knox T. Millsaps, Jr.

Joyce E. Morway
Barbara M. Snelling
Jan L. and Songyan Yang

Nilo and Norma F Priede
James J. and Bobette B.
(Rowland) Sandy
George A. Snelling, Sr.

John W. Neely
David W. and Daryl B. Nelms
Daniel A. and Rosa G. Nicholson
John F. and Louise B. Pearce
Walter J. and Bonnie B. Pike
Richard B. Reuss
Glen J. Schoessow
Sandra L. and Ernest L. Schorner, Jr.
James R. and Margaret L.
William J. Sheehan
Claude D. Tankersley
Louis and Doris Leeds Vettese
David H. Vickrey and Gary R. Ensana

John B. and Anna W. White
William D. and Penny L.
(Willett) Woodward

Honor Roll 25


Annual Donors to the
College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30,2004

$1,000 to $1,999
Hector and Cathy C. Alonso
Mark A. Anderson
Charles H. and Lucyann M. Bolton
Barbara J. Britt and Gary E. Eichler
Dorothy H. Chen
Avis S. Chen-Boulter
Michael A. Cook
Timothy H. and Louise S. Crawford
C. James and Shaula E. Crooker
Tully J. Dawson, Jr.

$500 to $999
Kenneth J. and Sandra H. Anusavice
Jerry A. Ashwood
Alva C. and Charlene Atkins
Bruce C. and Lisa N. Barton
J. William Bartos
Brent A. Baumgartner
James D. and PennyA. Bowman
Harold L. Boyd
Alan J. Brackett
Lynn K. Brantly
David A. Brenner
Glenn L. and Jean N. Bryan
Mark A. and Elsie Madalane
DeVincenzo Burgess
Gordon S. and Janet V. Burleson
Daniel D. and Linda H Carter
Liang-Ming Chen and An-Nie Guu
Raymond M. Clock (d)
William A. Closkey
John E. and April I. Cocanower
William J. and Kathy L. Conybear
Michael E. and Kimi D. Cottmeyer
Harry L. and Kimberly L. Deffebach
Michael J. Delate
Douglas S. and Melissa DeLong
David J. Derro, Ph.D.
Roger E. and Ann G. DeVore
Donald L. and Peggy F. (O'Day) Dickinson

Gifts up to $499
Reza Abbaschian
Nemer A. Abohasen
Victor E. Aboukhater
Janis K. Abraham
G. Marshall and Carol Absalom
Joseph D. and Betty-Jo K. Acker
Lawrence W. and Judy N. Ackley
Amarilis Acosta
J. Michael Adams
Thomas L. and Kathryn Adams
Andrew Z. and Rebecca B. Adkins
Julio 0. and Maria R. de Armas-Aenlle
Vishal S. and Dimple Malik Agarwal
Robert B. Agee
Zafar Ahmed
John S. and Delana M. Aiton
Francis D. and Rena Ann Akerman
Warren R. and Patty J. Akers
Jacob B. and Joan M. Alagood
Richard D. and GretcherAlaniz
Mark D. Alberson
Brig. Gen. James P. and
Edythe P. Albritton
Charles R. Albury
Marjorie J. and John F. Alexander, Jr.
Brian F and Keri D. Allen
Gary L. and Janet S. Allen

William T. and Charlotte J. Der Garry
Martin V. and Kelly DiGirolamo
John W. Ditsler and Cynthia Hoffmann
Michael E. Gaddis
Thomas E. Hanson
Robert J. Heinle
Gene W. and Evelyn H. P. Hemp
Robert H. and Gail S. Howell
Robert M. Hurley
Kevin S. and Debra L. Dauphin-Jones

Richard D. and Mary Jane Dobbins
Robert C. and Lou Dorsey
Michael H. Drake
Gordon W. and Margaret Dykes
Scott M. and Dawn Feeser
Martin M. and Janet H. Fried
John M. and Karen C. Garland
Douglas M. and Nancy A.
(Puckett) Getson
Hugh G. and Carol F. Griffin
Ann R. Guthrie
Stephen A. Haass
John T. and Constance R. Healey
David W. Henn
Frank E. and Anette Schroeder Henry
John T. Hockensmith
Wayne B. and Margaret H. Howard
Jeffrey K. and Vicky Hulsberg
David L. Israel
Jeannette M. Jacques
Phillip and Susan Jansen
Michael W. Johnston
Christine M. Karas and
Steven M. McGrath
David J. Kirks
Dean M. and Susan G. Larsen
Robert D. and Patricia A. Lauffer
Joseph W. and Mary M. Lawrence

Charles E. and Tammy Lynn Altizer
Carlos H. Amado
James M. and Kitty Eitel Ammenheuser
Francis R. Andrews
Robert L. Andriakos
Emmanuel and Kathy N. Anemogiannis
Jayesh K. Antani
Maj. Anthony C. and Jennifer L. Archer
Dawn B. Archer
Dale H. Armstrong
Aaron L. and Patrice A. Arnold
Alan H. and Judith K. Aront
Paul T. Artman
Jacob Aruldhas
Charles H. and Martha Asche
Alexander F. Ashkar
Ryan D. Asmus
Bradley R. Atherton
Russell G. Auld
Brian D. Austin
Donald J. and Carla B. Avery
Maj. Michael P. and Lee Avery
William F. and Roberta A. Ayer
Ayaz and Susan Ayub
Robert H. and Melora L. Bacchus
Ronald W. and Janice H. Badgley
Ellen J. Bailey

George R. and Judy W. Knecht
Edward R. and Lesley R. LaPierre
Marc Lopatin
Debra H. Lush
Patrick L. Miller
James E. and Mary E. Milton
Khalil E. Mohmed
Phyllis A. Montgomery
Philip M. and Janet E. Tuttle-Newhall
M. Jack and Sandra J. Ohanian

Wayne E. Lee, Jr.
Thomas J. and Inez C. Leto
Philip H. Love
Juan A. Mantelle
James S. Marotta
William K. and Linda M. McGrane
Park B. and Grete R. Meiter
A. Yvonne and Thomas M. Miller
John W. and Susan A. Mueller
Kathleen A. Niesen
Scott M. and Rose C. Pitkethly
Mary M. Pitts
Daniel W. and Paula Darling Plonk
Gregory M. Powell and Carol Brady
Charles S. and Charlynn S. Prewitt
Colonel Christopher and Joan F. Ptachik
Dale H. and Theresa Pyatt
Michael D. and Linda Blum Rains
Paul T. Reichert
William D. and Miriam K. Rigdon
James E. and Marilyn W. Ringo
Kenneth C. Roach
Rafael A. and Zareda Maria
(Sardinas) Rodriguez
Eli N. and Megan L. (Brown) Ross
John A. and Maureen F. Ruf
Steven Sablotsky

Michael J. Bailey
Robert T. and Patricia E. Bailey
Roger G. and Frances E. Bailey
Scott W. and Brenda E. Bailey
William C. Bailey, Jr.
Alan D. and Laura I. Baker
Stephanie A. Baker
Maj. Steven A. and Gwen E. Baker
Suzanne M. P. and Robert S. Baker
Charles H. and Sarah M. Bales
Nathan M. and Mary Lee Banes
Frank J. and Carol June Banning
Sharon L. and John R. Barber, Jr.
Mark David and Dorothea Barcelo
Craig H. and Callie R. Barker
David M. Barker
Sidney L. and Florence Barker
Sumpter H. and Donna D. Barker
Bruce E. H. Barlag
Brownell E. and W. Beatrum Barnard
Gregory L. Barnette
Barney R. and Jeanie Trask Barnhart
Santiago M. and Virginia Barros
Marion C. and Melba S. Bartlett
Philip B. and Anne S. Bartling
Jack S. and Christine Barton
Scott H. and Babette Bascom Barton

Scott L. and Tracy L. Porter
Earl W. Powell
H. E. Puder
Ann M. Quillian
Charles H. Sain
Kenneth R. and Mary Lou Schultz
James P. and CathySpoto
Edward M. and Ruth Walton
Michael P Whitesell

Brett A. and Catherine
(Coon) Schemenauer
Burton L. and Deborah A. Streicher
Robert L. and Donna J. Sullivan
Timothy M. and Mary E. Sweeney
James R. Tague III
Ronald C. and N. P. Talcott
Yurong Tan
Seyfeddin 1. and Yasar B. Tanrikut
Charles E. Taylor
Kevin M. and Katie M. Teehan
Donald M. and Ann B. Thompson
James G. and Beverly B. Thompson
Thomas G. Tomasello
William Thomas and Helen 0. Turner
Maryly Van Leer Peck and
Edwin Lee Carey
James T. Van Loo
Timothy H. and Jill Maureen Vath
Thomas H. Wallace
Jeffrey D. and CindyWestbrook
Kenneth C. and Dawn R. Whedbee
James R. Wheeler
Brian D. and Cheryl Lynette Wichman
Joseph R and Rita I. Woodward
James R. and Kathleen Ward Yde
Dora and Paul Zia
Ronald J. and Kathryn R. Zink

RogelioJ. Basnuevo
Brian J. Basterrechea
Dale A. and Alice J. Bauer
Terry A. and Rebecca M. Bauer
E. Joseph and Nancy F Bauerlein
Lawrence A. and Cherry W. Baugher
Jeff N. and Maura Elizabeth
Whittier Baughman
William D. Bauman
Mark L. and Jennifer A. Baumgartner
Phillip T. and Nancy P. Baxley
Bobby G. and SallyA. Beach
Brian C. Beach
John W. Bearce
Chadwick E. Bearden
Jody A. and Pamela S. Beasley
Christopher A. and Dana L. Beattie
Michelle E. Beauchemin
Timothy S. and Jennifer G. Becker
Robert D. Beebe
Linda J. and David T. Beecham
Michael and Lucille Belford
Dave M. and Catherine M. Belk
Randall A. Bell
Robert M. Bellinger
Nagendra K. Bellur
Jonathan E. Bellush

26 GatorEngineering

Jaime M. and Joyce Benavides
Lawrence P Benintend
Drew B. and Mary Jo Bennett
Harold F. and Gaylene G. Bennett
0. Frank Bennett
Darren and VondaKay Bensley
Robert T. Berendt
Howard W. and Diane M. Bergendahl
Robert A. and Petra E. Berger
Emile A. and Elizabeth P Bernard
Jeffrey A. and Louise J. Berringer
Jon S. and Gail M. Berry
Jill M. and Richard William Bertelson III
Harry D. and Audrey G. Bertossa
Nikole B. and Patrick L. Bethea
Gary P and Karen W. Bethune
Frederick S, and Martha M. Betz
Anthony M. Bevilacqua
Kamlesh K. and Kanak Rashmi Bhatia
Barton L. and Carolyn S. Bibler
Allan M. and Sarah R. Biggar
Captain Timothy F and Brenda J. Biggins
Michael H. and Marcy K. Biller
Gerard L. and Rose Darlene Bilyk
Bruce G. and Cartmehl V. Bingham
Robert A. Birch
Warren A. and Vivian Elaine Birge
Claire Bironi
Ronald D. and Maria Julia Bishop
Gabriel Bitton
Roy H. Bizjack
DargarW. Bjorksten
William H. Blackwood
Burt W. Blair
Christopher L. and Liliana
Saslafsky Blake
Matthew J. Blankner
John 0. and Myrl P Blanton
Albert W. and Betty J. Blevins
Orburn R. and Ramona
Simmons Bloodworth
Terry G. and Janis L. Blose
Mitchell A. Bluett
John H. and Karen J. Blum
Regina Roynita Bobo-Jackson
Ronald V. and Christy A. Bocinsky
David E. and Susan P Bodette
Edward G. and Lynn M. Bodine
William C. and Barbara A. Boehm
Richard H. and Dale Knighton Boerma
Lewis L. and Irene P. Bognar
Wesley E. and Susan N. Bolch
Jack E. and Jean Bond
BradleyJ. and Monica L. Bonfiglio
Israel Boniche
Paul W. and Linda S. Booher
Terrill M. and Sharon L. Booker
Allan D. and Tammy D. Boree
Louis P and Janine L. Bosanquet
Gys Bosman
Linda I. and Keddy Bostic
Jason J. Bostjancic
Branimir and Hella Botic
H. Norman and Mary E. Bott
Akram A. Bou-Ghannam
George X. Boulton
Michael J. and Diane M. Bovino
Timothy E. and Judith A. Bowen
Mark W. and Janet Sue Bower
Daniel W. and Becky Bowholtz
Carl H. and Phyllis B. Bowles
Edwin W. Bowles
Christina B. and Donald Harry Bowman
Jonathan J. Bowser
Bruce T. Bowyer and Regina
Lynette Harper
Larry M. and Ann-Marie B. Bowyer
Michael A. Boyce
Valentina S. and Vladimir A. Boychev

Marie A. and David L. Boyette
Sheila C. and Dane R. Boyington
Maj. Robert G. Bozic
Michael J. Bozosi III
James L. and Mari E. Braddock
Alan W. and Linda Jean Bradley
Matthew R. and Meeiling Bradley
John M. and Lizabeth L. Bradshaw
John G. and Janice Blankenshi Brady
Lawrence R. and Bette J. Brady
James H. and Lulu S. Bragdon
Charles E. and Cherie W. Branning
Donald T. and Cindy Branning
W. W. and Carol Lee (Pinkard) Branning
Dana R. Branscum
Fred and Judy L. Brauns
Jennifer L. and Daniel Braunschweig
Cheryl D. Breevoort-Kacher and
C. M. Breevoort
David G. and Janet H. Breskman
Col. William J. and Cindy Breyfogle
Millard S. Brickerd Jr.
Jack K. Bridges
Anthony B. and Laura L. Bridgwater
Robert E. and Ann Marie Bright
Jeffrey R. and Christy E. Brigman
Auseh S. and Douglass John Britt
Russel J. and Patricia D. Brockman
William J. Brodbeck
Timothy P and Irene L. Brodeur
Jonathan S. Brodsky
David P. and Joanne S. Bronikowski
Arthur W. and Joy M. Brooke
Michael A. and Rachael A. Brooks
Michael C. Brooks
Howard W. Brott, Jr.
James Brouillette
Edward V. and Judith Rae Browell
Austin C. Brown and Donna Elaine Drake
Caryl B. and Susan Ipri Brown
Jack Anthony and Vicki B. Brown
Mark T. Brown
Robert E. and Linda J. Brown
Sandra L. Brown
Scott C. Brown
Theodore E. and Cheryl G. Brown
Chad A. Bruender
Robert J. and Elizabeth Ayer Brugman
James G. and Sandra M. Brundage
Albert D. Bruner
Angela P. and Thomas E. Bruner
Gerald W. and Nina A. Bruner
Martin A. and Pamela Kay Brungard
Kenneth J. and Terri L. Bruns
Carl F. and Alice G. Bryan
Joshua L. Bryan
William B. and Peggy Bryan
Malcolm L. and Kimberly A. Bryant
Gregory C. and Terri L. Buchner
Colonel Randolph 0. and Kellie Buck
Paul C. and Camilla A. Buckley
Maj. Steven J. and Elizabeth J. Buckley
Frank S, and Barbara A. Budny
Donovan D. and Diana Mallory Buell
William F. and Donna Buholtz
Mauricio A. Buitrago
Kenneth S. Bukauski
Thomas E. Bullock
Scott M. Buntin and Fuhua Lu
J. Edward and Shelley D. Burchfield
Tara R. and David P. Burdick
Darren R. and Dana Leaphart Burgess
James A. Burgess
Robert J. and Judy A. Burgess
August L. and Shirley Burgett
Daniel G. and Lisa A Burke
Pamela A. Burke
Sean D. Burke
Steven M. Burke

Bobby R. Burkett II
Kristopher J. and Julie A. Burson
Mark A. Bush
John M. Buslinger, Jr.
Dennis A. and Kristin E. Byk
Charles W. Cain
John D. and NancyS. Caldwell
Victor N. and Katherine S. Calvert
Richard S. and Jeweldene B. Calvetto
Reverend Donald W. and
Barbara B. Calvin
Michael J. Calvo
Arthur A. and Martha E. Camero
Arthur F and Mary B. Camp
Colonel John G. and Rebecca J. Campbell
Keith B. and Colleen S. Campbell
Robert C. and Catherine C. Campbell
Sterrett P. and Janet E. Campbell
TimothyJ. Campbell
Salvatore Cangialosi
Jesse N. and Denise A. Cannon
Susan A. N. and Keith Cannon
Carla D. Caputo
James N. and Zelia E. Carboni
Bradley L. and Rebecca J. Cariaga
Mark J. and Lori Ann Carlson
Timothy A. and Angela C. Carlton
Eric S. Carnahan
Jeffrey T. and Sandra K. Carnes
Tony C. and Elizabeth Babcock Carnes
Richard H. and Kathy L. Caro
William A. and Deidre D. G. Carovano
Philip M. Carpenter
Paul G. and NancyJ. Carr
Michael A. Carson
Bruce R. and Margaret J. Carter
David W. and Karin C. Carter
Follett and Anne Carter
JayL. Carter
Jonathan L. and Theresa A.
Celentano Carter
R. Kemp and Marianne F Carter
Steve A. and Rhea Carter
Paul F. and Patricia R. Castelleon
Neil B. Castrodale
Joseph P. and Margo Cheryl Castronovo
Michael A. and Laura Cavanaugh
Stephen M. and Janet I. Cea
Milton Chambers
Gregory T. and Kirsten Chandler
Jerrie L. Chandler
Lu K. Chang
James K. and Peggy S. Channell
Arthur B. and Lisa Hank Chapman
Theodore H. and Maria M. Chase
Richard H. and Linda E. Chastain
Foster N. Chatham
Sergio P. and Josefina C. Chaviano
Fengting Chen and Changjian Sun
Kefeng Chen
Lin F. and CatherineS. Chen
Shan-Liang and Shirley Chen
Shih-Chao Chen
Shih-Ling Chen
Tai-Lih Chen
Joseph E. and Patricia D. Chenette
Shang and Ruiyun Su Cheng
Carol C. Chesney
Shawn D. and Melissa P. Chesney
Gary L. and Darlene A. Chetelat
Yu-Ming Chiang and Pi-Yu Ho
Linda C. Childers, PE.
Robert R. and Jean H. Childs
Danny A. S. and Carla M. Chin
Stanley C. Chin
Allan R. and Debra S. Choate
Gregory J. and Cindy L. Chomic
Kenneth J. and Loraine N. Christensen
David A. and Dianne G. Chuckran

Richard E. and Lianna F. Chuilli
T. J. Chung
C. Raymond and Janet Church
Chester R. and Janet Sue
(Alexander) Ciancarelli
Colonel Frederick L. and Robin
Girone Clapp
George W. and Susan S. Clark
Grant L. Clarke, Jr.
Leslie K. and Beth M. Clarke
Michael A. and Jill Y. Claudio
Dana V. and Keith D. Cleborne
John L. and Sultana F (Frengou) i ....iii.
Joseph A. and Maria Sakelariou I li.,., ,
Michael D. and Rosemary Cliburrn
William T. Clifford
James L. and Marlene P. Clifton
Jennifer E. Close
Margaret J. and Lawrence Michael Close
Richard A. Cloutier
Sharon D. Cobb
Ronald G. and Diane Cocherell
Kimberly M. Cochran
Joseph 0. Cockrell
Claude W. and Bess N. Coffee
Michael D. Cognata
Harold L. and Susan E. Cohen
John W. Coho
Lt. Theron C. and Dominga E. Colbert
David R. and Marion F. Colburn
Stephen A. Colby
Ralph W. Coldewey
Albert W. Cole
Charles A. Cole
Daniel W. and Pamela P. Cole
Jerre W. and Linda Coleman
Fred C. and Mary Lou Duke Collins
Lathan H. Collins III
Michael E. and Debra J. Collins
William W. and Linda D. Collins
William C. and Carole E. Colter
GaryS. and MaryAnn Comp
Fred P. Cone
James E. Connell
Richard G. and Linda L. Connell
William P. and Deborah J. Merrill Conners
Robin L. and Christian L. Conrad
Walter G. and NancyJ. Conrad
James E. and Donna J. Constable
Fred B. Cook
John T. Cook
Lewis E. and Bettie B. Cooke
Kenneth G. and Lynn M. Coonce
Leland L. and Joyce A. Coons
Jack M. and Margaret S. Cooper
Kevin J. Corrigan
Carole A. Cosenza
Gregg D. Costabile
Ron and Deborah W.
(Weissert) Cotterman
John R. and Tanya M. Cottingham
Joseph E. Cottle
Erik H. and Evelyn C. Cotton
Leon W. and Margaret W. Couch
James P. and Patricia D Coughlin
Neal H. and Pamela J. Coulter
Adam C. Coulton
Dawn M. and Ronald Russell Courtley
Rafael Angel Couto
Charles D. Covey III
John K. and MaryT. Cowart
William H. Cowart, Jr.
Patricia A. and Matthew Lynn Cowen
Christine M. L. and Brian D. Cox
Roger L. and Marion R. Cox
S. David and Amy M. Cox
John M. and Betty Jo Craig
Kenneth R. Craig
Ronald A. Craig

Honor Roll 27


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

Thomas M. Cratem
lan A. and Katherine G. Craw
Donald T. Crawford, Jr.
John K. Crawford
Tony and Amy E. Crease
Buddy and Elaine R. Cressionnie
W. Raymond and Katherine A. Cribb
Charles M. and Patricia M. Cribbs
Robert W. and Adele W. Crim
Marshall M. and Paula P. Criser
Stephen D. and Elizabeth Croll
Robert V. and Sylvia S. Cronin
Frank P. Crowder
Peter A. and Virginia P. Crowley
Steven R. Croyle
Patricia S. Cuero
Randall E. Culberson
Michael J. Cullen
Brett A. Cunningham
John E. Cunningham
Mark A. and Julia L. Cunningham
Michael J. and Roberta L. Cuozzo
Angela S. Cureton
Carolyn A. and Lester D. Curless, Jr.
Charles R. and Marilyn S. Curley
Ronald J. Curley
Susan D. and Warren H. Curry, Jr.
Benjamin S. and Jennifer L. Custis
Harold L. and Helen B. Cypress
Holly C. and John Thomas Dalton, Jr.
Mary M. Daly
William P. Dampier
Douglas D. Dankel II
Max F. and Alice Dannecker
Martin G. and Rita R. Dardis
Prem J. and Harpreet T. Datt
lan J. and Adrienne L. Davidson
Jenni M. Davidson
Michael K. and Katherine B. Davidson
Daniel and Nancy Davis
J. Gordon Davis
Jean E. Davis
Joseph E. and Janet D. Davis
Lt. Ryan C. Davis
William C. Davis
William L. and Mrya J. Davis
Charlene M. Dawes
Francisco H. De La Moneda
Paul A. and Catherine A. de Paoli
Thomas F. and Cynthia N. Deakin
Philip M. Dean
Bradford W. and Julianne Marie Dearing
Charles E. Dechman
Raymond M. and Michelle L. DeFillips
Robert T. DeHoff
Pierson P. and Charlotte C. DeJager
Carlos M. and Olga V. Del Sol
Robert A. and NancyT. DeLany
Frank and Mary Dellaripa
Ping P.and Paul DeLucia
Liping Deng and PingJing
David H. Denson and Judith Pfennig
Kumar G. and Ellen DeSilva
Isabelle E. Detter
Robert B. and Barbara K. DeVeny
Joe R. and Rosemary Ann Ford-Devore
Brian A. Dey
Russell J. and Pamela DeYoung
TitusJ. and Rosicler P Diamond
Anthony P. and Donna Vivolo-Diaz
Melissa R. and Mark C. Diblin
Kevin J. and Lisa Dick
John L. and Joyce Dickens
Jon D. and Susan C. Dickerson
Jose A. Diehs
D. Peter and Kathie W. Dietz
Laura C. and Nicholas DiGruttolo
Keith D. Dillenbeck

William L. Million
George R. and Susan G. Dillon
Lt. Col. William M. Dinkins
William E. Dinsmore
Michael J. and Laura L. Dion
Deborah P. Divine and John M. Devine
Bill A. and Linda Dixon
Mindell A. and Carolyn B. Dixon
L. Dianne Dlouhy
James J. and Donna L. Dlubac
DuyHongThi Doan
James R. Dobbs
Gerald E. and April Doddington
Keith I. Dolby
Marcia S. and Christopher S. Domack
Michael R. and Patricia Dombrowski
Diana Dominguez
Richard G. and Camille B.
(Lozoya) Donald
Gary L. and Catherine A. Donn
Michael D. Doran
Lt. Col. Edward K. and Mali J. Doskocz
Edmund T. and Molly C. Dougherty
Christopher C. and Mary D. Downing
Richard E. and Cynthia E. Downs
J. R. and Joan M. Doyle
Steven E. Doyle
Timothy C. and Janice Doyle
James I. Draper, Jr.
Lonnie M. Draper
Philip and Charlotte Paplanus Dreifuss
Bernard V. and Michele A. Dreiling
Michael J. Driscoll
Ronald E. and Shirley A. Drury
Don F, and Nancy L. Dubois
Brian J. and Dina Patrice
(Rigdon) DuChene
Michael J. and Ann C. Duffy
Edward T. and Katherine M. Dugan
William J. and Susan M. Dugary
Bruce A. Duke
Frank R. and Constance D. Dunaway
Louis A. and Julia H. Dunbar
William P. and Beth I. Dunlap
Stephen M. and Julie B. Dupries
Jonathan P. Durcan
Frank K. Durden
James D. and Sandra J. Durham
Pamela C. and William P. Durham
Suzanne R. Durkee
Daniel J. and Amy Schmidt Dvorak
David S. and Frances Pierson Dwornik
Charles T. and Mary E. Dwyer
Douglas L. and LesleyA. (Mattox) Dycus
Brian D. and Marie E. Dye
Susan K. Earles
Phil A. and Jane M. Easterling
Lidia C. and James F Eberhart
William and Laura Echevarria
David L. and Charlotte A. Echols
Randy E. and Dorothy A. Edwards
Staley B. and Carol Ann Edwards
Donald P and Patricia R. Egen
Thomas S. Eggers
Carlos and Emylene Francisco Egusquiza
Marion 0. and Rosa West Eikeland
Wilbert S. and Cornelia B. Eisenberg
Walter L. and Anna MarieW. Elden
Douglas G. Elledge
Lawrin T. Ellis and Katherine Ruth English
Nicholas L. Ellis
Robert A. and Karen K. Ellis
William H. Ellis
Edward J. and Beverly Hoffman Eng
John C. and Kristi L. English
Karyn M. Erickson
Marko A. Escalante
Carl J. and Kelley Evens

Carl A. and Kaye Everatt
Maynard J. Factor
Mark D. and Angelina G. Fairchild
David L. and Janet Faircloth
Jian and Wei-hua Liu Fan
Ayodele P. Fatade
Spencer A. and Sharleen A. Faurot
Natalie Y. Fauve-Wukowitz and
Edward F. Wukowitz
Carl R. Fears
Michael S. Feeney and Su S. H. Brown
Jim Feierbacher
Steven R. Fellenz
Joseph W. and Nancy Carpenter
(Ford) Fennell
Jack S. and Ellen S. Fenster
Sheldon R. and Nancy Lee Ferdman
William S. and George-Ann T. Ferguson
Patrick J. and Cynthia J. Ferland
John M. Fernandes
Jaime B. and Reet T. Fernandez
Virgilio A. and Ana Patricia
Ribero Fernandez
Antonio A. and Lourdes M. Ferradaz
John J. Ferrell
John R. and Suzanne Meier Field
Thomas W. Fiesinger
Richard A. and Beverly S. Fifer
Lyle C. and Lillian Filer
Richard T. Finch
Adam J. Fine
John S. and Susan J. Fisher
Sarah N. Fisk
Brian J. Fitzgerald
Edmund and Jill D. Fitzgerald
Jill D. and Edmund Albert Fitzgerald
Terrie L. and Michael S. Flannery
Ross M. Fleischman
Michael D. Fleisher
Guillermo Fleites
Paul D. and Linda L. Fleming
William B. and Martha Nell Flewellen
Nathan J. Flood
John W. and Dianna Leigh Howell Floyd
Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos and
Gregory Stephanopoulos
Brian M. and Leslie W. Foley
James E. and Tanji L. Ford
Robert W. and Tish C. Ford
R. Chris and S. Lynn Fore
Robert M. Fox
Kathryn L. and Daniel P. Frain
Dexter W. and Mercilyn C. Francis
Valerie R. Francisco
Harris M. Frank
Vernon J. and Judith A. Franke
Ricardo and Maria M. Fraxedas
Chuck Frazier
Dinah Frazier and Douglas E. Whitehead
Lori M. Frazier
Fran L. Freeman
James L. and Jo Freeman
Lionel D. and Pamela A. Freeman
Stephan R and Marcia K. Fregger
Madelyn G. and Edward Freshwater
Michael S. and Susan Freshwater
Dean A. and Stephanie L. Fresonke
Paul L. Friedman
Martin M. Fritsch
Charles T. and Nancy B. Frock
Brian L. and Josianna Fuller
Michael L. and April Funston
Kelly L. Furlong
Emma C. and George B. Furman
Eric M. and Cristi A. J. Furman
Robert and Lynn H. Fusinato
Dwight Futrell
Jonathan J. and Laura K. Gaboardi

Bharat T. and Mieke Eugenie
(Casselman) Gael
Frederic F. and Susan E. Gaines
Carlos E. and Jennifer D. Galavis
Andre M. and Lisa T. Gallet
Bertrand L. and Anne E. Gallett
Edmund L. and Judy Gallizzi
Anthony P. Gallucci
Rodney E. and Rebecca Anne Gamble
Carlos R. Gamero
Royce C. Gandy
Murray W. and Sarah Lou (Cobb) Garbrick
John H. Garcelon
Antonio M. Garcia III
Daniel I. Garcia
Italo A. and Ivette Garcia
Ray Garcia
Jose I. and Carmen Garcia-Bengochea
Curtis A. Gardner
Harold V. and Anna Clare Gardner
William P. and Beth Geers
Arthur L. Genoble
Thomas F George and Kyong Un Chong
Maryann S. and Brian H. Gerber
Douglas M. Getson
Clark M. and Kim D. Ghiselin
David C. and Charlotte Louise
(Phelps) Gibbs
Fletcher W. Gibson III
Shona M. and Christopher Gibson
Timothy L. and Maureen S. Gibson
Willie G. Gibson
Kurt R. and Peggy L. Gies
Kathleen D. and Jay M. Gilbert
Gregory A. Gilbo
David M. Gile
John J. and CaroleJ. Decker-Gill
Tracy R. and Michele G. Gill
Nickey E. Gillette
Eugene and Sarah Gilmore
Sharon B. and Ran B. Gilmore
E. W. and Barbara G. Ginn
Grant and Lisa Pate Ginn
F. Edwin Giolma
John P. Giolma
Daniel C. and Eleanor G. Gionet
Gerald L. Gipson
Robert W. and Anne A. Givens
Ransom F. Gladwin III
Christopher D. Glaeser
Reginald F. and Karin L. Glick
Philip H. Gliedman, Jr.
Lt. Col. Robert A. and Dorothy L. Glista
William R. and Lynnell Goacher
Rao and Ranjana Gobburu
Mary L. and Guy Michael Godfrey
Owen L. and Nancy Plumridge Godwin
Todd E. and Kelly E. Goede
Cecil N. and Arlis M. Goff
Robert H. and Kelly A. Goldberg
Gary A. and Lara Rinehart Goldstein
Agustin and Susana Gonzalez
Ivan and Anna Kauffman Gonzalez
Eric R. Goodall
Howard P. and Joan C. Goodling
Matthew S. and Shaw Q. Goodrich
Julie F. and Phillip D. Goodwin
Marshall R. and Karen P. Gordon
Johan F. Gottgens and E. Brigitte Syfrett
Jeffrey J. and Evelyn Y. Gough
Steven T. Grace
Charles W. and Melanie Darling Graham
Gregor and Debra S. Gramlich
Adrian S, and Rose I. Grant
Michael A. and Kathy Mack Grantham
Erwin F, and Joyce T. Grau
GregoryJ. and Linda G. Graziadio
Clifford R. and Elizabeth S. Green

28 GatorEngineering

Ronald J. and Gerry C. Green
Steven W. and Anne S. Green
George C. and Molly F. Greene
Kimberly A. and Michael W. Gregory
Gary H. and Julie Dean Griffin
John C. Griffin
Beth A. Gross and David W. Wolfe
Paul J. and Lyn S. Gross
Michael J. and Linda Grove
Terri L. and Comdr. James D. Grove
Neal J. Gruber
Zhihao Gu
Paul J. and Quinn H. Guariglia
Gary L. Guenthner
Jerome J. and Maria P Guidry
Marcelo U. Guillen and Maria E. Sanchez
Michael F. Gulizia
Sant D. and Gita S. Gupta
Benoit G. Guyamier
Mark and Patricia E. Gwynn
Frederick R. and Stella
McDermid Haberlandt
Charles R. and Donna B. Hach
Ronald D. Hackney and Louise A. Barlow
Ahmad R. Hadba
Ted C. and Trina Hager
Lee C. Hagler III
Robert W. Haight, Sr.
Byron V. and Evelyn M. Hall
Thomas W. Hall and Sarah D. Vernlund
Owen S. Halpeny
Donald E. and Drue Ann Hamilton
Richard H. Hamilton and Stacie L. Acton
Aubrey B. Hammac, Jr.
J. Al and Elizabeth J. Hammack
Terry A. and Patricia R. Hammond
Saundra S. and Lawrence A. Hand
William E. and Carol C. (Carlton) Hankins
Christopher M. and Tracy R. Hansen
James E. and Margaret L. Hansen
Ralph M. Hansen, Jr.
Susanna S. Hanson
Terry L. Harber
Kenneth Hargreaves, Jr.
Kathleen S, and Paul Andrew
Thomas Haris
Gary J. and Sally I. Harloff
George W. and Margaret S. Harper
Steven and Lesa P. Harrigan
Dennis L. Harrington
Robert L. Harris, Jr.
Gregory A. and Kathleen Rita Harrison
Shari Harrison
Geoffrey K. and Patricia J. Hart
Lewis L. and Anne K. Hart
Maj. Dean H. and Se Yong Yim Hartman
Jan D. Hartmann
Robert S, and Leslie H. Hartog
Douglas and Helen N. Hartwell
Gifford S. Harvey
William J. Hauf
Robert S, and Mary F. Hauge
Daniel A. and Anita C. Haycook
J. George Hayden
Gordon and Jo Klein Hays
Robin A. Hays
Kenneth A. and Dolly A. Head
H. John and Dianne Cipolla Healey
Robert T. and Rhonda L. Healy
Timothy A. Healy
James A. and Deborah L. Heaney
Hughy E. Hearn
Oliver K. and Conna Hearne
Scott W. Hearne
Thomas M. Hearne, Jr.
Jack E. and Sharon B. Heiss
William T. and Elizabeth C. Heitman
Richard B. and Alexandra H. Hellstrom
Daniel L. and LeeAnn B. Helmick

Robert K. and Jennifer K. Henderson
Roger S. Hendricks
Philip W. and Carol A. Hendrickson
Constance D. Hendrix
Scott R. Henkin and Lori B. Blue
C. David and Karen W. Henley
Robert Danie Henuber
Laura C. and David Philip Herbert
Comdr. Andrew A. and Debora
Jean Hernandez
James W. and Elaine P. Herrington
W. H. and Mary Herron
Harold L. and Grace K. Hess
Richard A. and Madelaine M. Hevia
C. Fred and Carolynn Hiatt
Albert W. Hickman, Jr.
Gary V. Hildebrandt
Douglas S. Hillbrath
Theodore M. and Ann H. Hillyer
Randolph W. and Teresa C. Baggett-Hines
Anh Lan Hoang
Ted E. and Nancy L. Hobson
E. Ronald and Abigail W. Hock
Edward H. Hodgens
Stuart Hoelle
Bruce E. and Anthe L. Hoffman
Kristin C. and Christopher A. Hoffman
Lawrence E. Hoffman
Mark A. Hoffman
Valarie L. Hoffman
James H. and Lee Ann Hoffmann
Clifford B. and Julie L. Hogan
David C. and Carolyn Ann Hogue
Marc I. Hoit
William C. Hokanson
Michael G. and Dana K. Hole
Caroline R. Holland
John D. Holmgren
William L. and Stephanie Walsh Holt
Thomas S. Holtzworth
Robert A. and Susan H. Hommerson
Sarah J. Hood
David A. Hopkins and Isabel Companiony
Bennett K. Horenstein
John R. and Virginia Lloyd Horrobin
David W. and Heidi Hostetter
Mark A. and Angela S. Houghton
Ronald C. and Marilyn L. Houts
Arnold J. and Robin L. Howard
James B. Howard
George W. and Dean W. Howell
Gregory R. Howell
Joel R. Howell
Richard B. Howes, Jr.
Jonathan D. Hren
James T. Hsiao
Jerry T. Hsiao
Chia-Fu Hsu
Shoufeng and Jia Yang Hu
Feng-JungJ. Huang and Chen-Pin Wang
Gary A. and Kathleen M. Huber
Bill W. and Jacqueline W. Huddle
Henry C. Hudgins III
Jerry R. Hudson
William C. Huffman, Jr.
Bentley 0. and Mary Ann Hughes
Patricia B. and Steven A. Hughes
David C. and Julia S. Humphries
Paul D. and Sally J. Hunter
Daniel P. and Jennifer Michele
(Kresge) Huskey
Donald E. and Sharon A. Hutson
Bowen P. and Allyn I. lerna
Deborah C. Ihsan
Paul E. and Christy R. Ina
Cynthia C. Ingram
Robert R. and Barbara Elizabeth Ingram
Roberto A. Iniesta
Mark H. Inman

Robert A. and Dawn A. Intrater
Dimitrios loannou
Robert G. Ireson
David J. and Lilianne Caicedo Isaacs
Kristianto Iskandar and
Sukanya Kanthawatana
Ralph P. and Joanne Iwens
Andrew 0. and Felica I. Jackson
Ben H. and Debbie K. Jackson
Christopher P. Jackson
Donald G. Jackson and Shirley Meurer
Dwayne R. and Michelle M. Jackson
Jo Ann and Timothy M. Jackson
Keith B. and Cynthia L. Jackson
Edward P.and Mary Jacobsen
M. Allan and ShirleyJacques
Arun S. Jagatheesan
Bonita A. James Player
Michael R. and Carolyn E. James
Richard S. W. Jang
Mario M. and Carmen N. Jardon
Walter W. and Tricia Jaron
Edward C. and Dorothy L. Jensen
David M. and Elisabetta L. Jerome
Lt. Sean L. and Tracey Ann Jersey
Jishan Jin and QianhongWu
Scott S. Joffe
Albert T. and Asden W. Johnson
Brian C. Johnson
Eric S. Johnson and Caroline E. Simpson
Francis T. and Patricia G. Johnson
John A. and Patricia F. Johnson
Keith A. and Patricia Lanier Johnson
Scott T. and Nancy Beesher Johnson
Wade M. Johnson, Jr.
William G. Johnson, Jr.
Bruce H. Johnston
Robert W. Johnston
Jatinder and Shakun Jolly
Arthur and Rita Goldweber Jonas
Claude M. Jones III
Fred R. Jones, Jr.
George B. Jones
Jacquelyn W. and Sammie Lee Jones, Jr.
James H. and Mary Ellen Jones
Larry E. and Karyn W. Jones
Richard B. Jones
Scott F. and Laura B. Jones, M.D.
Eldin A. and RosemaryJ. Jontra
Robert L. Jordan
Samuel A. and Mary June Jordan
Sam K. and Jessy Thomas Joseph
Thomas M. Joseph
Jeremy R. Judd
Harold V. and Arlene F. Julian
Isaac H. and KiyoungJung
Densak Kajonpong
Michael A. and Nadine J. Kalajian
David W. and Lesa 0. Kaleel
Donald A. and Doris L. Kalinich
Walter R. Kaminski
John G. and Barbara Kammerer
Patrick C. Kangas
Rajesh K. Kanna
George C. and Bernice C. Kao
Ronald M. and Barbra B. Kaplan
Christopher C. and Lisa Brasington Karch
James C. Kastler
Donna F. and Neil A. Katz
Nicholas S. and Helen P. Katzaras
RavisankarA. Keecheril
James S. and Julie F. Keeler
Raleigh F Keeter
Robert A. and Carol Kellert
Sean M. and Jonausa Kelley
Russell L. and Joy M. Kelly
Thomas B. and Mary E. Kelly
Donald T. and Stephenie M. Kelton
Mark C. and Pamela J. Kemp

Scott J. and Mary A. Kenner
Eric S. and Kristin E. Kepner
Mubeen A. Khan
Gerges B. Khawand
Ben F and Mary Ann (Keller) Kickliter
John H. and Sarah E. Kiefer
Kenneth W. Killian
Andrew K. and Kathryn Jessica
(Rhodes) Kilpatrick
Theodore R. and Kim
Constable Kilpatrick
Jihyun Kim
Donald A. and Faye F King
Janet A. King
Russell E. King
William G. and CathyJ. King
William G. King II
Alexa A. Kirk
Jefferson R. and Adele F. Kirkpatrick
Randall M. Kittrell
Frederick and Jean H.C. Klarmeyer
Megan K. and Andrew P. Klenzak
Sonya S. Kleppner
David A. and Michelle C. Kloske
Kenneth L. and Parker Derrick Knapp
Paul E. Knapp
David A. Kneeburg
Eric M. and Jeanne C. Kniedler
Kenneth R. and Francine Kniel
Thomas S. and Maia Spring-Knuckey
Clifford G. Koenig
John W. and Rosemary Koger
Alexander M. Kohnen
Dorothy L. and Bogdan Korszen
David A. Koscielniak and
Kathleen A. Kenny
Jack L. Kouloheris
Robin B. Kranich
Michelle K. and James D. Kranzberg
Mitchell and Lynn Krell
Donald J. and Denise D. Kremer
Ron and Elaine McNeer Kreskey
Alan G. and Elise H. Krigline
Ashok K. and Jayalalitha Krishnamurthy
Venkata S. Krishnamurty
James V. and Miriam E. Krohn
Bruce Kelley and Patricia P. Krumeich
Ronald C. Kuebler
Bernard A. and Catherine A. Kulp
Akihiko and Mizue Kumagai
Arun M. and Gita Kumtha
James L. and Linda B. Kurtz
Jason M. and Patience G. Kurtz
Patricia Kuta and Michael B. Wachtel
Kevin J. and Melissa A. Kwitkowski
Jeffrey W. and Deidra J. LaCroix
Minette L. LaCroix
Richard F. and MaryA. LaFlamme
Mark E. and Angela C. LaFon
Hsaio P. Lai
Herman Lam
Tracy L. Lamar
Dale S. and Terrie A. Lamb
Robert W. Lamb
David L. and Janet L. Lambert
Kurt E. and Etsuko Hikita Lammon
James G. Lance, Jr.
John A. and Joyce A. Lanehart
Roberta A. Lang
Charles E. and Anne T. Langbein
Christina L. and Joseph A. Langford
John J. and Quetheline M.
Wendi LaPerriere
Marcelo and Gardenia Lara
Gerald N. and Susan G. Larar
James L. and Cinnamon B. Larson
William D. and Jean Lash
David G. and Heather A. Lashley

Honor Roll 29


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

Allen L. Lastinger, Jr.
Haniph A. Latchman
Marie A. Lavoro
William E. and Cynthia L. Lawton
Debra E. and Todd P. Lazar
Brian C. and Brenda S. Le Duc
Kha V. Le
Nancy V. Le and Clifford Knoll
Douglas A. and CorrineS. Leas
James B. LeBleu, Jr.
Chung-Yee Lee
Fred E. and Karen J. Lee
Michael E. and Laurie A. Lee
Roger M. and Sandy Lai Yee Hui Lee
John P. and Susan Leedy
Peter and Kathleen L. Lefferson
John B. Leffingwell
Philip D. LeGrone
Leonard M. Lehrer
Janet A. Leininger
Clifford D. and Helen R. Leitch
Raymond F and Judy A. Leitz
Mark P. Lemieux
Rafael and Tracy Lemus
KraigA. and Joy P Lenius
Ernesto G. and Maria C. Leon
James P. and Mary Louise Leonhardt
Frank D. and Betsi Jayne Leonhartsberger
Samuel A. and Judy B. Leslie
Gretchen H. and John C. Letvin
Jon C. and Katherine M. Leverette
Bertha E. and Daniel Mark Lewis
James A. and Deborah F. Lewis
Richard B. and Tammy Lewis
Steven K. Lewis
Virgil C. and Lisa W. Lewis
Bill and Rhonda L. Lewis
Mark S. Leyde
Liyong Li
Ming Li and Bing Gao
ShengSan Li
Tuo Li and Hong Qi
Homer 0. and Maxine H. Lichtenwalter
Charlotte W. Lieberman
Harry L. and Catherine H. Light
Aaron D. Lilak
Tung-Liang Lin
Robin K. and Steven L. Lindauer
Robert R. and Cheryl K. Lindgren
John F and Cynthia Linton
Leslie L. and Shirley M. Linton
Martin W. Liquori and Debra Main
Jeff D. Little, Jr.
Stanley L. Livengood
Franklin A. and Tamara S.
(Guisinger) Llanes
Wayne B. and Margie J. Lloyd
Ernest W. and Evelyn Downing Lobb
Mark G. and Maria P. LoCastro
Robert W. and Naomi M. Lochner
Kenneth R. and Denise Lockwood
William D. and Jennifer Carbary Loehle
Whit and Colleen M. Logan
George D. and Ruth A. Long
Steven M. Long
Thomas J. and Anna M. Loomis
Walter F. and Cyndy Loomis
Frederick C. Loper
Henri S. and Debra Lorberbaum
Linz A. and Rita Ann Lord
Jon A. Loschke and Kari A. O'Brien
Captain John J. and Caridad Losinski
Adrian D. and Barbara Lovell
Gilbert H. Lovell III
Rodger D. and Paula H. Lower
Mark and Samantha A. Lowery
AnthonyJ. Lucas

Lawrence L. and Donna L. Lucas
Karen A. and Christopher Ludeman
Walter M. and Beth A. Monchek-Lugo
Michael T. Lukon III
Donal A. and Nicole L. Luna
Kyle E. Lussier and Michele L. Midofer
Roger W. Lydick
Thomas W. and Susan W. Lyons
Bradford P. and Anastasia M. Lytle
Gregory L. and Donna L. Maag
Sam H. and Constance S. Mack
Praveen P. and Sabrina R. Madabhushi
EmilyA. Madden
Clarence H. Magee
Brian T. and Nancy D. Maguire
Richard D. and Judith Johnson Mahaley
MarieW. and Ronald M. Mahan, Jr.
Michael Mahon
John J. and Laura L. Mahoney
Michael A. and Sandra Lisa
(Cecchini) Maier
Walter 0. and Latha Coleman Maine
Gretchen W. and James D. Mair
Andrew P. and Alisa Deanne
Montana Malcolmson
Steven E. and Linda J. Malich
Mark D. and Jean Malkasian
Baynard L. and Sally L. Malone
Daniel L. and Genevieve Maloney
John F. and Sandra S. Malphurs
Stanley L. and Deanne Maltzman
Richard F and Helen M. Malzahn
Allen J. and Teri Lynn Mank
Douglas William and Sandra L. Mann
Robert B. and Margaret Mann
Sharon K. Manning and Vernon Joe Hutt
Charles W. Manzione, Jr.
Eduardo Manzor
Michael F. March
George E. and Cynthia S. Marks
James D. Marks
John R. and Angela P. Marquardt
John D. and Margaret G. Marsh
Joseph D. Marsh
Leonard E. and Melanie Marshall
David T. and Erica L. Martin
Frederick L. and Jennifer L. Martin
Richard H. and Melissa A. Martin
Robert J. T. and Cindy Galpin Martin
Robert W. and Alice Lorraine Martin
Scott H. and Carolyn S. Martin
Steven A. Martin
Thomas E. and Jeannette Martin
Zita I. Martin
Arnaldo G. and Michele C. Martinez
Gregory C. and Eileen M. Marzak
Daniel J. Mashburn
Lt. Walter B. Massenburg, Jr.
William A. and Dolores Elizabeth Massey
WilburW. and Sarah M. Masters
Noel R. Mateo
Eric D. Mathews
Sharad Mathur and Anuradha Verma
John C. Mau
Jay A. and Stephanie Maupin
Donald E. and Susan Michelle Maurer
Jeffrey A. May
George and Nancy S. Mayer
Earl K. Mayfield, Jr.
Thomas R. and Rosemarie Mayhew
Marco A. and Sandra M. Mayor
David L. and Margaret E. Mays
Daniel R. and VickieS. Mazza
Gloria P. Mazzara
David R. and Jacquelyn A.
Wester McArthur
Frederick K. McCann and
Deborah J. Pazderka

Rory R. and Cathy R. McCann
Thomas J. and Delores S. McCarthy
Craig N. McCartney
Milton R. and Starla D. McCarty
David A. and Maura A. McCaughey
David J. McClaskey
Laureen A. and Steven Keith McClure
Thomas J. and Lauren Evers McComas
Hugh E. and Carole D. McCoy
Kirby E. and Sherry Moss-McCrary
Walter D. McDaniel
Gloria S, and Rudy E. McDonald
William J. and Marianna M. McElroy
Michael J. and Teresa M. McGarry
Thomas James McGeehan, Jr.
Jarrett I. McGill and Michael J. Harrison
Peter J. and Roxane F. McGinniss
P Ted and Nancy P. McGown
Jessica A. and David Scott Mclntyre, Jr.
Cynthia S. and Ernest W. McKee III
Scott D. McKee
Michael T. and Wanda K. McKelvy
Adrian A. McKendree
Marlene H. McKetty and Alfred E. Ekuban
Terence L. McKinley
Michael H. and Camilla G. McKinney
RobertS. McKinney
Michael B. and Patrice G. McLaughlin
Sean R. and Karen McLaughlin
John C. Mears
Joseph P. Mecca
Michael M. Melendez
Richard J. and Dorothy Melker
Caryn Melrose
David J. and Jamie D. Mendez
Claudio J. and Ann M. Mendoza
Manolito D. and Kimberly E. Mendoza
Kirit P. and Mona H. Merchant
Gerald U. and Barbara Merckel
Lawrence G. Merer
Carol A. and Richard D. Merkel
Joelen K. Merkel
Richard J. and Aimee 0. Merriman
C. Carl and Shirley B. Mertins
JayJ. Messer
Ronald J. and M. A. Michalak
Carl F Miester
David W. and Susan L. Mikolaitis
William E. and Terri Milam
David M. and Julia Wiley Milburn
Colin D. Miles
Arsenio and Elena Milian
Charles R. and Dorothy Lane Miller
Chester R. and Karen B. Miller
Devyn M. Miller
Douglas D. and Neera M. Miller
John B. and Vancil B. Miller
Keith E. and Patricia A. Miller
Kenneth J. Miller, Jr.
Michael A. and Kathryn A. Miller
ShaneJ. Miller
Stacy L. Miller
William F and Patricia Miller
Shannon L. and William A. Millinor
James A. and Linda B. Mills
Richard C. and Martha W. Mills
Jason C. Milner
Kent D. and Penny M. Minich
Samantha T. and Erich Mirabal
Marni B. Mirowitz
J. Norman and Carol G. Mitchell
Larry W. and Lesley C. Mitchell
William J. and Ruthmarie H. Mitsch
Dan G. and Dorothy C. Mizelle
R. Clifford and Suzanne J. Mobley
Cesar B. and Laura Torrellas
(Duran) Molins
John W. and Cathy S. Moliski

Jose S. Moncada
Robert F. and Sandra C. Monk
Brian and Margaret C. Monprode
William F. and Anne H. Monroe
William P. Monsour, Jr.
Jorge A. and Angela Monterrosa
Craig C. and Michele D. Montgomery
Roger F. and Jane E. Moonen
Christopher M. Moore
Edmund H. Moore
Edward E. and Esther P. Moore
John S. Moore
RobertJ. Moossy
Millan A. Mora
Harmon P. and Lydia A. Morgan
Robert A. and Stacey W. Morgan
Joseph L. and Christin Moroso
Monroe L. and Margaret Morrell
Richard H. and Donna V. Morris
Russell C. Morrison
Robert B. and Ruth Evaul Morton
Robert D. Moser
Hans C. and Camden Elizabeth
(Patterson) Mosesmann
Dale C. and Monina Dilag Moss
Howard M. and Susan Diane Mott
Edwin P. Moure
Captain Charles A. and Ola M. Moy
Jack and Chan Lan Moy
John H. Moye
Sudarshan Mullagiri
Robert W. Mullennix
James T. and Mary P Mullin
Richard M. and Katherine Munday
Thomas E. Murphy, Ph.D.
V. R. Krishna and Lakshmi Murthy
David A. Myers
Raleigh D. Myers
Jack A. Myrick, Jr.
Arunan Nadarajah and Bonnie C. Rowe
John E. and Nancy Nagel
Sina and Patricia J. Naghshineh
Barry M. and Diane B. Nason
Samuel H. and Lou Ann Woods Nassiff
Walid A. Natour
J. Jeffery Nauful
Daria Navon
Elizabeth Z. Nawalinski
Jorge A. Naya, Jr.
Douglas H. and Ingrid S. Neale
Allen D. Nease, Jr.
M. Keith and Charlene G. Neely
Howard C. and Michelle Hoff Nelson
James T. and Joan B. Nelson
Maren E. Nelson and Jeffrey J. Martin
C. Melinda NeSmith-Picard and
Lawrence G. Picard, Jr.
GregoryT. and Diana K. Nettuno
Karen M. and Michael E. Neukamm
Stephen R. and Lucy Rebecca
(Mattox) New
TimothyJ. and Robin S. Newberg
Wallace B. and Susan-Jane M. Newcomb
Richard A. and Carleen H. Newell
George N. and Kelley R. Newhouse
Doc X. Nghiem and Viet Phuong Nguyen
Phillip K. and Natacha T. Nicholas
David V. and Linda D. Nichols
Barry D. and Dale D. Nicholson
Kenneth E. Nicholson
Hugh C. and Mary W. Nicolay
Daniel A. and Teresa L. Nieten
Toshikazu Nishida
Stephan J. and Aulaire B. Nix
Peter W. Noble
Bradley D. and Laura J. Noe
Robert G. and Laura Cousino North
Larry C. and Carol Nottingham

30 GatorEngineering

Bensa Nukunya
David R. Nute
Jonathan S. and Paula G. Oakes
Dean J. Oakley
Harry B. and Gale K. Oates
Rita A. and Joseph L. Oberle
Cole A. O'Berry
Christopher A. Obery
Michael P. and Theresa B. O'Brien
Shawn K. O'Brien
Timothy L. and Donna B. O'Brien
William P. O'Connor
Carl G. and Kimberly Page O'Farrill
Laurie K. and Bradley W. O'Halla
Naoko Ohsato
James W. and Patricia F O'Kelley
John E. and Lydia E. Oliva
Robert L. and Nancy Conley Olive
William D. and Darleen Olson
Albert E. and Margaret Young O'Neall
Vicente and Dora Gomez Ordax
Matthew J. and Allison D. Orme
Agustin and Kathy E. Ortiz
Roger E. and Joanne W. Osborne
Steven J. and Iris Mintz Ossakow
Matthew J. and Robbin S Ossi
Robert E. Osteen
Troy D. and Ann M. Osten
Hamilton S. and Betsy R. Oven
Kevin J. Overmann
Emmett L. Owens
Kenneth R. and Penny A. Owens
Mark Paczynski
Elwood P. and Carolyn Stokes Padgett
Erik Padron
Jonathan Paul and Moya Page
James J. Paglialungo
Joseph T. Palaganas
Scott D. Palgon
Byron J. and Lori Palla
Mark E. and Deborah R. Palm
Henry E. and Kathy H. Palmer
Louis C. and Billie D. Palmer
Peter L. and Leslie C. Palmer
Thomas A. and Barbara B. Palmer
Wayne and Caroline Jones Pandorf
Oliver K. Pankiewicz
Carlo G. Pantano
Cmdr. Carey M. and Veronica Lyn Pantling
Sui-Kwong P and Juliet Z. Pao
Valerie Paredes Bonilla and
Leandro R. Bonilla
Heemyong H. Park and Jung-Mee Lee
Soon C. Park
Young-Seo Park
E. Leland and Brandi K. Parker
Eric G. and Delores Parker
Gregory L. and Sharon L. Parker
Robert M. and Ruth A. (Hagel) Parker
Dayle A. Parkes
William M. and Karen M. Parks
Philip L. Parmley
Wayne D. and Gail S. Parsons
Rodrigo J. Pastrana
James R. Patchin
Comdr. Michael J. and PollyS.
(Whitea) Patterson
Donald R. and Linda G. Paul
Travis R. and Alison McVoy Paul
Marjory A. and John J. Pavlov
Jeffrey F and Denise N. Payne
Michael A. and Laurel Payne
Fernando A. and M. Carmen Paz
Richard J. and Joyce Pearce
Robert T. and Lorie A. Pearce
B. Douglas and Shirley Anne Pearson
Jeremy J. Pearson and Karyn E. Kelly
Donald W. and Denise Richard Pease
John E. and Linda A. Peer

Gustavo F. and Carol Lynn Pego
Robert R. and Laura Pelosi
Virginia A. Penovi
Robert A. and Natalie Pensa
Alejandro S. and Kathryn Green Perez
Lionel Vladimir Perez
Peter W. and Eva Perinis
Keith D. and Connie Leavitt Perkey
James H. Pernikoff
Earl M. and Elizabeth M. Perry
C. H. and Hella Peterson
Robert L. and Sandra Peterson
Christopher L. and Aru Jo Petterson
Charles A. and Ginger K. Petty
Jerry M. Pfuntner
Steven J. Phalon
Kent J. and Catherine Mangum Phelps
Elizabeth C. Phillips
Ford A. Phillips
James E. and Virginia Gail
(Walker) Phillips
John C. and Christine C. Phillips
Matthew P. Phillips
Maurice H. and Claire R. Phillips
Melvin R. Phillips
Richard J. and Joyce Petkin Phillips
Richard W. and Britta H. Phillips
William Neil and Patricia Turney Phinney
James R. and Brenda Mason Piche
Neal G. and Sandra Pierce
Roger C. Pierce and Diann V. Dimitri
Terence M. and Julie G. Pierce
Chuck A. and Linda R. Pigeon
David H. and Martha M. Pike
Robert A. and Cathy F. Pincus
Hector M. and Sandra E. Pinero
Dan C. and Marlene Pinney
Randall M. Pisetzky
Portia 0. and Rodolfo A. Pisigan, Jr.
Jay L. Pittman
Larry R. and Huguette Pitts
Charles A. Pitzer
Vicky J. V. and Comdr. Paul M. Plescow
Russell A. Plumb
Wilford R. and Mollye Ann Poe
David R. Pokorney
Deborah L. and Steve A. Polacek
Keith P. and Sharon Ponitz
Mike and Anne D. Ponzio
Thomas A. Pool
Kyle W. and Kimberly K. Poor
William F. Pope
Lourdes M. Porro
Wendell A. and Cheryl Porter
Jim and Sherril S. Porterfield
Neils R. and Tina Loggins Poulsen
Neils R. and Kitty Poulsen
Robert M. Poulsen
Eugene P. Powell
Gary G. Prato
Alan M. Pratt
Maj. Stephen W. and Janice A. Prawdzik
Melvin D. and Edith C. Prescott
Nathan C. and Tracye M. Prewitt
Norman J. and Celia T. Price
Thomas D. and Lana K. (Huether) Price
Eduardo A. and Rosa M. Prieto
Christopher S, and Mary A. Putman
Steven G. and Nancy A. (Tartar) Putnam
James R. and Miriam F. Putney
Gordon S. and Melissa P. Quesenberry
Javier A. Quiros and Dianmaire Sanchez
Gary Rabidoux
Michael W. and Katherine T. Radcliffe
Joel B. Radford
Charles and Paulette Radonich
Linda C. Rae and Andrew R. Hertz
Cynthia L. and Richard L. Ragan
Melinda R. Rainwater

David A. Ramirez
Lillian T. and Pierre M. Ramond
Domingo C. and Liliana Lacambra Ramos
Victor W. and Lorraine Randecker
Linn J. and Joann V. Raney
Ramin and Kristina L. Rashedi
Ronald M. and Sherry N. Rasmussen
Edmund C. Rastrelli
James A. Rathkopf and Mary
Elizabeth Ward
Alfredo N. Ratmiroff
Jay P. and Delora A. Ray
Walter D. and Debaroh Lynn Ray
Laurence J. Readal
Raymond E. and Lita Fox Rebello
B. Thomas and Josephine Wallace Recio
Lt. Col. Timothy K. Reddy
Donald E. and Catherine M. Reed
Gary R. and Linda S. Reed
Michael D. Reed
Jessica A. Reese
John S. and Linda S. Reese
Jules D. and Judith K. Reese
A. Lamar Reeves
Michelle M. and Dan Reichert
George A. and Lynda M. Reinhart
Angela D. and Brett A. Relyea
Ernesto R. and Barbara Isabel Rencurrell
Comdr. William H. Reuter IV
George F. Revels, Jr.
Kimberly G. Reynard
James C. Reynolds
Brian S. and Veronica L. Rhodes
Bryan A. Rhodes
Thomas R. and Joan M. Rice
Julie Richards
Thomas N. and Linda J. Richardson
Edward A. and Tammie K. Rikansrud
Stephen H. and Patrice E. Riley
John C. and Jennifer L. Ringelberg
Floyd G. Rippetoe Ill
Ted H. and Laura J. Risher
John R. Risitano
Harry E. Ritter III
Maritza I. Rivera-Clapp and
Steven R. Clapp
Felix G. and Kristin A. Rivero
Philip J. Rizzo
Paul A. and Susan P Robell
Andrew S. Roberts
Rebecca S. and Paul D. Roberts
Richard F. Roberts and Denise Verones
Jason W. and Marci Robertson
Ronald W. and Sandra Robertson
Marcella E. Robillard
Donald C. and Mildred E. Robinson
Larry P. and Cynthia W. Robinson
Robert L. Robinson
Fred L. and Cynthia P Robson
Mark C. and Dru S. Robson
Arthur M. Rodriguez and Olga Garcia
Juan Rodriguez
Robert E. and Maria F. Rodriguez
Lesa B. and Ralph R. Roe, Jr.
Charles E. and Genevieve S. Roessler
Robert L. and Carolyn D. Rogers
Chad A. Rohde
Mario B. Rojas, III
Carlos and Maria T. Rollan
Jaime R. and Lourdes P. Roman
Jose E. Roman
James and Julie Rosati
David G. and Ann M. Rosenberg
Mark and Melinda S. Gray-Roth
Charles L. and Sarah Jane Roux
David M. and Marianne A. Rowan
Michael D. and Teresa A. Rowand
Phillip W. and Tricia C. Rowe
William C. and Lynn A Rowe

Cecil H. and Jean B. Rowland
D. Peter H. Rowley and Sandi L-.- 1.
Russell A. and Nelda E. Furey Roy
Leslie A. and Paul K. Rozic
Joel P. and Judy Rubenstein
Amir C. Rubin
Orlando A. and Silvia I. Rubio
Cynthia K. and Timothy M. Rucci
Captain Sean P. Rucker
Adam J. Rucks
Timothy J. Ruelke
Vijay Ruhela and Neeta Prasad
William B. and Joan K. Ruhlin
James T. and Eleanor M. Russell
Scott A. Russell
Edmond P. and Patsy H. Ryan
Sean Timothy and Marsha N. Ryan
Thomas F Ryan
William F. and Debra K. Ryan
George L. and Nancy D. Sackman
Martin A. Saft
Nelson Salas, Jr.
Fred J. and Shadia Hanna Salem
Sammy E. Salem
Robert L. and Rose Marie (Lazzara)
San Martin
Richard J. San Roman
Eugenio and Esther Sanchez
Julio A. and Judy C. Sanchez
Rodolfo M. and Alina M. Sanchez
Allen J. Sanders
Debra L. and Matthew J. Sandor
Susan M. Sansalone
Christopher J. and Christine A. Santana
Elizabeth Santana
Thomas C. and Tommie Lee Santilli
David C. Sapp
Scott A. and Gretchen Saunders
Dennis E. and Karen W. Savor
Mario J. and Debra A. Scarabino
Herbert F. and Jean B. Schaake
Gregory A. and Roseen C. Scharnagl
John F. Schatmeyer
SaraJ. Schelong
Douglas E. and Deana L. Schepp
John Schimenti
Harry M. and Jacquelyn L. Schindehette
Ronald A. and Cecelia A. Schlagheck
Leonard B. Schlomer
Andrew J. Schmedeman
John H. and Karen Schmelzer
Michael R. and Melissa Caryn
(Hall) Schmid
Gene I. and Susan B. Schmidt
Stephen Arnold and Lois B. Schneeberger
Robert T. and Tracy Lee Fay Schneider
Terry J. and Sandra S. Schoenholz
Suzanne L. and Comdr. Don C. Schomer
J. Eric Schonblom
Clifford W. and Donna Schoonmaker
Gregg M. and Jennifer
Langston Schoppman
Jeffrey S. Schottenstein
Garry R. and Janet V. Schramm
John R. and Holley M. Schramski
Christopher A. and Kristin S. Schreel
Theodore R. and Lorrie A. Schroeck
Randy Lee and Patricia B. Schulze
James L. and Mary Lynn
(Hartman) Schuttenberg
Credo and Emily D. Schwab
Martin J. and Sondra R. Schwartz
Robert H. and Mona R. Schwartz
Robert M. Schwartz and Margo Brilliant
Philip B. and Barbara M. Schwin
GregoryW. and Kathryn D. Scott
J. F and Carol R. Scott
Lee H. and Margaret Smith Scott
Louise L. and Stephen J. Scott

Honor Roll 31


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

Walter J. and Ann Marie Scott
Sherry G. Seabrook
Edgar F. and Doris L. Seagle
Karsten A. and Martha Kathleen
(Coale) Sedmera
Ronald F. and Christine Seelig
Stephen S. Segal
Thomas E. and Lauren S. Segers
Alfred W. Seier IV
Natalie C. and Kyle David Seiling
Michael B. Seldes
Paul M. Self
Ted A. and Judy Lynn Turnage Self
Robbin R. and Deborah Lyford Sentell
ReynaldoJ. Sequera
Armando Sera, Jr.
James C. Setze
Linda M. Sewell
Rossana A. and Greg A. Sexton
Philip Shacter
Melvin A. and Florence H. Shader
Fredrick R. Shaffer
Norman E. and Tracey Shain
Wesley A. Shamblin
Jay A. and Holly E. Shands
E. Fred and Sylvia A. Sharp
Francis M. Sharp
Anthony W. Shawver
Suzanne M. Sheaffer-Swindler and
Rod Swindler
Charles E. Shemwell and
Cynthia J. Leonard
Suresh K. and Sudha Shenoy
Stephen A. Shepard
Roy W. and Mary M. Sherman
Eric N. Shiau
John R. and June P. Shirley
Thomas S. and GayleShoenberger
Presley F. and Jean D. Shrader
Todd A. Shrader
John R. and Kathleen M. Shue
Sunil R. Shukla
Orlo M. and Jeannine Shultz
Keith E. Sibley
Alvin A. and Yvonne R. Siddall
Azmat H. and Saira Kjhan Siddiqi
Bruce and Lara L. Sieck
Joyce T. and Karl Peter Siegele
Rebecca L. Siegle
Barbara Signo
Richard R. and Rita H. Sillan
Fran M. Simmons
Harold R. and Maureen Simmons
Robert V. and Rebecca B. Simmons
David E. Simons
Jackson S. and Sara S. Simpson
Robert B. Simpson
Eric H. Sincoff
Anu K. Singh
Robin Singh
Norman E. and Mae L. Singletary
Thomas M. Skibo
Steven L. and Kathryn Nutt Skipper
Edward J. and Katrina Kidd Skompski
Mary P. and Timothy D. Slepow
Christian J. and Lisa Ann Sloan
Daniel H. Smalley
Bruce B. and Patti B. Smith
Douglas B. and Eleanor Sue Smith
Gail Mathews Smith
Harrison B. and Betty M. Smith
Jack H. Smith
Joseph A. and Antoinette A. Smith
Kenneth G. and Dianne V. Smith
Kimberly S. Smith
Laurie D. Smith
Lawrence L. and Dorothy A. Smith
M. Douglas Smith

M. Matthews Smith II and
Christine E. Larson
Richard H. and Marie Ann Smith
Vernon C. and Frances T. Smith
Wade H. B. and Berta F. Smith
Ward H. and Janeen G. Smith
Fredrick W. Snavley
Bruce A. and Connie J. Snyder
Bruce R. Snyder
Robert C. Snyder
Thomas E. Snyder, Jr.
William H. and Doris M. Sofge
R. Paul and Dawn R. Sollee
Carolyn A. and Leonard M. Solomon
Marinelle S. Soriano
Tom and Mary Stapel Southards
Richard K. Spears
Terrel J. and Tina T. Spears
Shanin T. Speas
Donald J. Speir
Elizabeth R. and James Darwin Spencer
Jack D. and Helen Kennedy Spencer
Jack D. and Virginia Coward Spiers
Terry J. Spires and Mary J. Lalomia
Mark W. Spisiak
Madhavikutty Sreedevikutty
Mahesh K. Sreenivas
Shailendra Srinivas
Uppili R. Srinivasan
Ramakant Srivastava
James J. St. Germain
Robert C. and Francine J. Staiman
David W. and Rosemary C. Stanley
Gerald B. Stanley
Charles R. and Carolyn McCrindle Steele
Walter B. and Natalie C. Steen
Diane F. and Richard L. Stees, Jr.
Thomas R. and Kelly Ann Steger
Ronald M. and Bonnie M. Stein
Reverend John and Carolyn C. Steiner
Vanessa K. and Paxton K. Stelly
Keith Stelzenmuller
Mark L. Stephens
Daniel P. and Cynthia Marie Stetzer
Randy L. and Deborah D. Stevens
William E. Stevens
William M. Stewart
Thomas W. and Jacquie Still
Christopher M. Stillo
E.W. Franklin and Barbara M. Stirrup
Eugene S. and Sandra M. Stivender
Daniel B. and Judy K. Stokes
Daniel L. and Orleen F. Stoltz
Darryl S. Stolz
Jamie W. Stone, Jr.
Linda S. Stone
Paul D. and Betty J. Stone
Captain Albert H. and Pauline P. Story
Mark S. and Mandy S. Stoutamire
Ann L. and Thomas Joseph Strab
Larry and Elizabeth A. Strach
Gregory R. and Karen M.
Peluso Strandberg
Dennis W. Strasburg
Glenn L. and Billie-Jo Strickland
Lee and Jean M. Strickland
Richard E. and Suzanne J. Strickland
Phillip L. and Mia M. Stutzman
Kuangtzer and Eileen L. Su
Gustavo A. and Robyn L. Shaver-Suarez
Paul G. and Constance A. Suchoski
Dongwook Suh and Jin J. Lee
Tami D. Sulzberg
Todd and BeverlySumner
D'Sean A. Sumwashe
Jennifer Y. Sun
Balaji and Seema Pandre Sundara
John J. Sutliffe

Colonel Joseph E. and Geraldine
Lovett Sutter
Theresa A. and Douglas M. Sutter
Martin J. Swaggard
Henry X. and Julie C. Swanson
James P. Sweat, Sr.
David H. and MaryJane T. Sweet
Robert C. Sylvester
Habibollah Tabatabai
William B. and Michelle Jean Tallon
Lysandro 0. Tapnio
Jeffrey W. and Carol A. Tate
Justina J. Taylor
Stephen and Christine Taylor
Thomas M. and Donna Taylor
David W. and Margaret W. Tennant
Colonel Stephen L. and Sonia G. Thacher
Edward B. Thayer
Ira Thierer
Richard 0. and Carol G. Thigpin
Dale M. and Kathi L. Thomas
David E. and Deborah Thomas
Jack L. and Kathryn S. Thomas
Katherine R Thomas
Peter A. Thomas
Richard S. Thomas
William R. and Christine Thomas
Walter N. and Clarissa C. Thomasson
Craig M. Thompson
I. Clay and Ann Thompson
Jeffrey Y. and Maria R. Thompson
John P. Thompson, Jr.
Joseph A. Thompson
L. Keith and Mary Lynn Thompson
William R. and Phoebe Eileen
(Nelson) Thompson
Baxter L. and Roberta A. Thorman
Michael J. Thorn
John A. and Elizabeth L. Tibe
Stephen B. and Nancy A. Tilkin
G. Brantley and Linda S. Tillis
Andrew D. and Donna Mackay Tilton
David C. and Andrea Phillips Tinder
J. Gregory Tinkle
Kenneth S, and Eleanor Ann Todd
Theresa M. and William T. Todd
Saico Todoroff
Ronald C. Toifel, Jr.
Jean L. Tokarz
Paul and Sherrill Tomasino
Timothy H. Toth and Jane E. Holston
Audra L. Toussaint
Barbara L. Tower
Frank C. Townsend
James W. and Samantha (Forman) Tracey
Earl M. Traugott, Jr.
Frank M. and Doris E. Travassos
Richard S, and Patricia J. Traverse
Robert L. and Vicki K. Travis
Matthew M. Tremmel
James T. Tressell
Jeffrey T. Trexler
R. Mark and Cynthia Stagni Triplett
Daniel R. and Elsie R Troceen
Michael T. and Billie Trocke (Edge) Trocke
Thomas A. Trovillion, Jr.
Marc C. Trussel
Alexios B. Tsounis
Samuel S. and Clara Crow Tucker
Carrin B. and Paul Tunney
James L. and Alice C. Turnage
Robert D. Turnau
Deborah A. Turner
John Terrel and Carolyn Faye Turner
Stanley G. Turner
David A. and Dolores J. Twiddy
David P. and Sharyn P. Tydor
Riaz Uddin

Cheryl P and David A. Ulrich
Martin A. Uman
E. Susan and Jim Unger
Ralph C. and Wanda York Unkefer
Jeffery A. and Michelle A. Urlaub
John F. Usab
John M. and Rita S. Usher
John L. and Tina Smith Creed-Vadnal
Robert W. and Sylvia Emilia Vallario
Donnette L. and James R. Van Allen
Kevin J. and Jennifer B. Van Dyke
Henri A. and Joan J. Van Rinsvelt
Ronald C. Van Sickle
Robert J. and Linda Wagner Vande Walle
Whittington P. and Nancy B. Vara
Michael K. and Patricia A. Varner
Joseph and Marie Varon
William K. Vaughan
Jeffrey P. and Diane Lenore Vaughn
Michelle L. and Thomas B. Vaughn
Oscar M. Vazquez
James W. and Bethlynn A. Vearil
Surya Veeraraghavan
Bryan T. Veith and Julie Hamel
Agustin E. and Mercedes Veitia
Luis G. Velazquez Villares
William L. Verboncoeur
Patrick J. and Coleen A. Verdon
William G. and Theresa B. Vernetson
James R. and Claudia B. Vigor
Guillermo R. and Diana D. Villalobos
Philip A. Villeza
Richard A. Vinchesi
Juan A. and Kathryn Bowler Vitali
Julie G. and Kenneth R. Vontz
Douglas C. Voorhees
James A. and Shirley B. Wachob
Andrew P. and Wendy T. Wacker
William H. and Lanore Homer Wadsworth
Julia A. Wagener
David W. and Patricia L. Wagner
Thomas H. and Nanette P
Craig R. and Patricia A. Walker
Craig W. and Elizabeth Walker
John P. and Marilyn Denning Walker
Craig S. and Cathie L. Wallace
Rex J. and Ann E. Wallin
Dennis E. and Maureen M. Walter
George T. and Mary Lee Walton
James F. Walton II
Thomas S. and Glenda Walton
Chung-Chu and Eliza H. Wan
Dann C. Ward
Jerry M. and Janice M. Ward
Edwin R. and Marilyn S. Warner
Willie F. and Wanda K. Washington
Bernice E. and Sue K. Waters
David L. and Jody R. Watts
Clifford D. and Mary Way
Steven E. and Karen L. Weber
Col. Walter R. Weber (d)
Charles S. and Celia Higbe Weeks
Bruce M. Weinstein
Henry F. and Hazel Fairfield
(Nolvlin) Weisenburger
Robert E. and Roberta M. Weiskopf
Charles R. and Katherine M. Weiss
Robert S. Weissbach
Ted 0. Welch
George H. Weller Ill
Robert L. Wells
William S. and Thelma C. Werner
Leonard D. and Martha J. Wert
Gary R. Westafer
Jules Wetekamm
Edward C. and Edward C. Wetzlar

32 GatorEngineering

Richard S. and Diane F. Wheatley
Earl R. and Jacquleine MacKay Wheeler
Furman C. and Norma M. Whitaker
Morris G. and Doris Simmons Whitcomb
Catherine L. and Christopher B. White
Reverend Dennis I. and Barbara A. White
Jacqueline M. and Timothy R. White
John V. and Bernadine White
Michael J. and Kathryn H. White
Thornton Cruser and Kellie C. White
Richard 0. and Marcia P. Whitney
Neal and Barbara Whitten
Larry W. and Neva D. Whittington
Robert and Audrey I. Whyms
Robert E. and Theresa Salerno Wickham
Rodney K. and Barbara E. Wicklander
David R. Wigley
David A. Wiik
Gracellen Wilber
David A. and Kimberly Wilcox
Joann M. Wilcox and John E. Olson
Raymond E. and Cynthia A. Wilcox
Kevin W. Wilkes

Asa R. and Felicia Gail Williams
Bennie G. and E. Suzanne Williams
Elwyn M. Williams
H. Daniel Williams, Jr.
Randall C. and Ellen W. Williams
Robert E. and Rosalie S. Williams
Zachary E. Williams
Keith M. Williamson
Leon N. and Brenda J. Williamson
Norman R. and Nancy
Jackson Williamson
Robert N. and Joyce L. Willis
Thomas E. and Lois P. Willis
GuyJ. and Judith A. Wills
Eric R. and Hope Wilson
Gerald T. and Nancy P. Wilson
Joseph N. Wilson
William L. and Lynne Wilson
Ronald T. and Sharon 0. Wincey
Jon C. Windhorst
Albert V. and Patricia Wineman
James G. and Roberta Williams Winter
Michael D. and Ruth S. Winter

Dale A. and Maxine Hanks Winton
John F. Wironen
Rebecca A. Wise
Scott F. Wittwer
Richard C. and Patricia A. Wohlfarth
Marshall E. Wolfe
Kenneth A. Wolking
Dennis L. and KandyWood
William L. and Evelyn Jo Anne
(Witt) Wood
James R. Wooden
D. David and Kimberly H. Woods
Michael B. and Lizette B. Woodward
Marc R. and Mary Ann Woodworth
Warren 0. and Mildred L. Woolsey
Margaret J. Wortman
Charles A. Wright
Daniel M. Wright
J. Cullen and Martha Barksdale Wright
Kathryn J. and Michael J. Wright
Stephen R. and Cynthia F. Wright
Way-Chen Wu

James C. and Ann B. Wulf
Blair P and Sherri J. Wunderly
Paul R. Wyness
Ali and Nadjia Yahiaoui
Robert W. and Judith S. Yancey
Maxwell C. and Vivian M. Yao
Tommy Yip
Joe Yodzis
Phillip D. Yonge
Ronald F. and Sylvia S. York
Bobbie Young
Thomas P and Elizabeth B. Young
Jeffrey S, and Mabel M. Zabinski
Nasim M. Zahran
Michele L. Zaleski
Scott T. and Laura Jean Zebny
Xueliang Zhang and Jie Cheng
Thomas J. Zimmer
David S. Zinke
George G. and Christie L. Zipfel

$5,000,000 and above
IBM Corp.

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
Intel Fdtn.

$100,000 to $499,99
Dow Chemical Co.
GE Foundation

$50,000 to $99,999
Aerochem Corp.
Alpha One Foundation, Inc.

$25,000 to $49,999
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Nuclear Society

$10,000 to $24,999
Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
Barr Systems, Inc.
Beavers Charitable Trust
Century Specialties
The Dow Chemical Co. Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999
The Brunswick Foundation, Inc.
Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund

$2,000 to $4,999
ABC Research Corp.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ardaman &Associates, Inc.
Harriet & Raymond Brush Charitable Fdtn.
CH2M Hill
Norman A. Cope & Associates
CyberGuard Corp.

Planar Systems, Inc.
J. Crayton Pruitt Foundation, Inc.

The Applied Materials Foundation
ATI Research, Inc.

Boeing Co.
The Fernandez Family Foundation, Inc.

Florida Rock Industries Foundation, Inc.
Genzyme Corp.
Harris Foundation
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Johns Hopkins University
Key Medical Technologies

W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Honeywell International, Inc.
IBM Corp.

Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS
Foresight Regulatory Strategies, Inc.
FPL Group Fdtn., Inc.
GE Foundation
GKN Foundation
The Greater Construction Corp.
Halliburton Foundation, Inc.


Texas Instruments, Inc.

Florida Power & Light Co.
John Hauck Foundation

Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin Corp.
Magnum Industries
Microsoft Corp.
Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.
Progress Energy

LDX Optronics, Inc.
New River Solid Waste Association
Procter & Gamble Co.

Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
Millennium Media LLC
North Central Chapter F. E. S.
Northrop Grumman Corp.
NovaMin Technology, Inc.
Rinker Materials Corp.
The Rubin Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Integrated Systems Engineering, Inc.
Progress Energy Foundation, Inc.

S & C Electric Co.
Semiconductor Research Corp.
The Tarr Family Charitable Family Fdtn.

Schwartz Family Charitable Foundation
SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation
The Vecellio Family Foundation, Inc.

Shell Oil Co. Foundation
James & Nancy Tyner Trust
Unitrin Services Co.
Waste Management Service Center

Honor Roll 33


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

$1,000 to $1,999
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Akzo Nobel, Inc.
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Black & Decker Corp.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation., Inc.
Brunswick Corp.
Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
ConocoPhillips, Inc.
Dell, Inc.
e-Techservices.com, Inc.

$500 to $999
ASM International
BBC Science
BellSouth Corp.
Columbus Jewish Fdtn.
Emergency One, Inc.
Gartner, Inc.

Gifts up to $499
Abbott Laboratories
Accenture Foundation
Akzo Corporate Research America, Inc.
Albemarle Corp.
Alcoa Foundation
American Express Foundation
American Society of Civil Engineers
Analog Devices, Inc.
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Arkema, Inc. Foundation
ATK Missile Systems Co. LLC
Ball Corp.
Bank of America Foundation
BBA Nonwovens Reemay, Inc.
Bechtel Foundation
BEM Services, Inc.
Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman, Inc.
Calpine Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Coca-Cola Co.
Computer Associates International, Inc.

Fluor Enterprises, Inc.
The Fluor Foundation
Ford Motor Co.
FPL Group Foundation, Inc.
Framatome ANP
General Electric Co.
GeoSyntec Consultants
Graduate Institute of Urban Planning
Institute for Conservation & Health

Georgia-Pacific Corp.
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Lexmark International, Inc.
MRI Devices Corp.
Murphy Oil Corp.
OpenNetwork Technologies, Inc.
Pratt & Whitney

Curran Associates, Inc.
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Becton Dickinson and Co.
Dominion Engineering, Inc.
Dominion Foundation
DST Systems, Inc.
Duke Energy Foundation
Eli Lilly& Co. Foundation
Emerson Electric Co.
Engelhard Corp.
Entergy Corp.
Ernst & Young Foundation
Exelon Corp.
Family Dental Care, PA.
Florida Clinical Practice Assn., Inc.
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Georgia Power
Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc.
Gillette Co.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
The Greater Construction Corp.
Haworth, Inc.
Home Depot, Inc.
Hughes Electronics Corp.

Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc.
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Johnson &Johnson
Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc.
Long & Associates Engineers/Architects
Morgan Stanley
Motorola Foundation
OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program
Pennsylvania State University
Perelson Weiner LLP

Raytheon Co.
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County
Southeast Wood Treating, Ltd.
Southern Polytechnic State University
Southern Waste Information Exchange
TheTau Beta Pi Assn., Inc.

Intercontinental Hotels Group
International Paper Co. Foundation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Axel Johnson, Inc.
Juniper Networks
Kellogg's Corporate Citizen Fund
Keramos National Ceramic Eng.
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Kinder Morgan Fdtn.
KPMG Foundation
LaMotte Family Foundation
Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Markham Enterprises
Materials Research Society
Maytag Corp. Fdtn.
MeadWestvaco Foundation
H. Clay Moore & Associates, Inc.
National Starch & Chemical Co.
Northrop Grumman Foundation
PACCAR Foundation
Pepsico, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Realvue Simulation Technologies, Inc.

Polaris Pumps LLC
Southern Waste Systems LLC
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Townley Foundry & Machine Co., Inc.
U.S. Air Force
United Technologies Corp.
The Vogel Foundation, Inc.

Temple-Inland Foundation
UPS Foundation
URS Corp.
Verizon Foundation
Eva H. Wheat Testamentary Trust

The Reinforced Earth Co.
Rockwell International Corp.
RTI International
John H. Schmertmann, Inc.
Science Applications International Corp.
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Sealed Air Corp.
SMI Joist Co.
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Square D Co.
Texas Instruments Foundation
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Transmeta Corporation
Tyco International (US), Inc.
United Space Alliance Trust
USG Fdtn., Inc.
Vulcan Materials
Walt Disney Co. Foundation
Waste Pro USA, Inc.
Weyerhaeuser Co. Fdtn.
Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation

Gator Engineering Receives Gift
from Lockheed Martin

Dean Pramod Khargonekar receives a
$35,500 check from Lockheed Martin
vice president for engineering Chester
Kennedy (L) and campus relations
Manager Susan Chong (R). The gift will
provide a $5,000 scholarship to each of
the Computer & Information Science
& Engineering (CISE), Electrical &
Computer Engineering (ECE), and
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
(MAE) departments. In addition, MAE
will receive $10,000 to fund five $2,000
fellowships, CISE will receive $5,500 for
their Women in Computer Science high
school outreach program, and ECE will
receive $5,000 for their Senior Design
Project class.

34 GatorEngineering


Class 1935
Albert E. O'Neall
C. Addison Pound, Jr.

Class 1937
Joseph P. Woodward

Class 1940
Allan M. Biggar
Bruce G. Bingham

Class 1941
Richard B. Howes, Jr.
Robert B. Morton

Class 1942
Joseph 0. Cockrell
Lewis E. Cooke, Jr.

Class 1943
Homer 0. Lichtenwalter, Jr.
Robert W. Yancey

Class 1944
Carl F. Bryan
Andrew 0. Jackson, Jr.
Samuel J. Kolner

Class 1946
Pierson P. DeJager

Class 1947
Claude W. Coffee, Jr.
Col. Walter R. Weber (d)
John B. White, Jr.

Class 1948
Robert R. Childs
Philip Dreifuss
Gordon W. Dykes
Clifford R. Green
Samuel A. Jordan, Jr.
Melvin A. Shader
James P. Sweat, Sr.

Class 1949
Charles H. Asche
Harold V. Gardner, Jr.
Arthur Jonas
Raleigh F. Keeter
Richard C. Mills
John W. Mueller, Jr.
Emmett L. Owens
Peter W. Perinis
Charles H. Sain
Lee H. Scott
Furman C. Whitaker
J. Cullen Wright

Class 1950
Harold L. Boyd
Steve A. Carter
Milton Chambers
John A. Lanehart
Wayne E. Lee, Jr.
Charles R. Miller, Jr.
William F. Miller
Robert L. Olive
John F Pearce
Richard R. Sillan
Norman E. Singletary
Jack H. Smith
William H. Sofge

Jack L. Thomas
Norman Tuckett, Jr.(d)

Class 1951
Sidney L. Barker
Jack K. Bridges
John M. Buslinger, Jr.
Lt. Col. William M. Dinkins
William E. Dinsmore
Jaime B. Fernandez
William E. Hankins, Jr.
Gordon Hays, Jr.
Baynard L. Malone Ill
Cecil H. Rowland
Glenn L. Strickland
William R. Thompson III
James L. Turnage, Jr.
Henry F. Weisenburger, PE.

Class 1952
Brig. Gen. James P. Albritton
Robert M. Bellinger
Harry D. Bertossa
William T. Der Garry
Robert B. DeVeny, Jr.
D. Peter Dietz
Frank R. Dunaway, Jr.
Wilbert S. Eisenberg
Jefferson R. Kirkpatrick
Robert W. Martin
Louis C. Palmer
David W. Tennant

Class 1953
James M. Ammenheuser
Stanley K. Ink
Clarence H. Magee
Stanley L. Maltzman
James W. O'Kelley, Jr.
William B. Ruhlin
William L. Wood

Class 1954
Richard H. Boerma
Louis P. Bosanquet
Carl H. Bowles, Jr.
Charles E. Branning
Frank K. Durden
John D. Holmgren
Thomas E. Martin
Elwood P. Padgett, Jr.
Orlo M. Shultz, Jr.
Morris G. Whitcomb, Jr.
James G. Winter

Class 1955
Richard S. Calvetto, Sr.
Sterrett P. Campbell
Roger L. Cox
Windell A. Dixon, Jr.
Howard P. Goodling
Harold L. Hess
Robert W. Lamb
Park B. Meiter
Richard W. Phillips

Class 1956
Robert B. Agee
Philip B. Bartling
Gerard L. Bilyk
H. Norman Bott, Jr.
James H. Bragdon
ArthurW. Brooke, Jr.
Glenn L. Bryan

John L. Clement
William P. Dampier
Phil A. Easterling
William B. Flewellen, Jr.
Stephan P. Fregger
Eugene Gilmore
James B. Howard
Ben F. Kickliter
Charles E. Langbein, Jr.
Thomas R. Mayhew
Samuel H. Nassiff
Credo Schwab
E. Fred Sharp, Jr.
Richard A. Vinchesi
Robert N. Willis

Class 1957
Nathan M. Banes, Jr.
Arthur F. Camp, Jr.
Richard H. Caro
Paul F Castellon
Jerrie L. Chandler
C. James Crooker
James L. Freeman
Philip E. Gerlach, Jr.
David C. Hogue
J. Norman Mitchell
Edwin P. Moure
Richard A. Newell
B. Douglas Pearson, Jr.
Dan C. Pinney
B. Thomas Recio
Presley F Shrader
Jackson S. Simpson
Richard H. Smith
Donald J. Speir
H. Daniel Williams, Jr.
Warren 0. Woolsey
Ronald F. York

Class 1958
Frank J. Banning, Jr.
0. Frank Bennett
Orburn R. Bloodworth, Jr.
Gerald W. Bruner
Robert V. Cronin
Walter L. Elden
Byron V. Hall, Jr.
E. Ronald Hock
Alan G. Krigline
William A. Massey
Thomas J. McCarthy, Jr.
Dean J. Oakley
Dayle A. Parkes
Wilford R. Poe
Norman J. Price, Jr.
Edmond P. Ryan
John R. Shirley
Captain Albert H. Story
Samuel S. Tucker
James A. Wachob

Class 1959
Jack E. Bond
Donovan D. Buell, Jr.
Fred C. Collins, Jr.
Richard G. Donald
Carl R. Fears
Jim Feierbacher
Theodore M. Hillyer
Donald E. Hutson
Albert T. Johnson
John G. Kammerer
Leslie L. Linton, Jr.
WilburW. Masters III
Dan G. Mizelle

Fred L. Robson
George L. Sackman
I. Clay Thompson, Jr.
David A. Twiddy, Sr.
Ralph C. Unkefer
Louis Vettese
James R. Wheeler
Eric R. Wilson, Jr.

Class 1960
G. Marshall Absalom III

Sumpter H. Barker
Irene P. Bognar
Lewis L. Bognar
Albert D. Bruner
Daniel D. Carter
James K. Channel
John K. Crawford
J. Gordon Davis
William L. Davis, Jr.
Roger E. DeVore
Aubrey B. Hammac, Jr.
J. Al Hammack
James E. Hansen
George W. Harper
Richard B. Hellstrom
David W. Henn
James H. Jones
Ronald M. Kaplan
Ernest W. Lobb
Robert W. Lochner, Jr.
James E. Milton
Robert L. Peterson
James R. Piche
Larry P. Robinson
Charles L. Roux
Clifford W. Schoonmaker
Jack D. Spencer
Robert C. Staiman
Paul Tomasino
Thomas S. Walton
Paul Zia

Class 1961
Donald T. Branning
W. W. Branning
Fred Brauns
Richard H. Chastain
Shang I. Cheng
Donald L. Dickinson, Jr.
Owen L. Godwin, Jr.
Cecil N. Goff
Robert H. Howell
Bill W. Huddle
Marcelo Lara
Walter D. McDaniel
Roger F. Moonen
Stephen R. New
Maurice H. Phillips
Nilo Priede
James R. Putney
Ronald M. Rasmussen
Stephen Arnold Schneeberger
Robert H. Schwartz
Edgar F Seagle
Paul G. Suchoski
Edward B. Thayer
Baxter L. Thorman
Michael T. Trocke
Raymond E. Wilcox

Class 1962
Ronald W. Badgley
Paul W. Booher
Gordon S. Burleson, Jr.

Joseph E. Cottle
William L. Million
Michael J. Driscoll
Murray W. Garbrick
E. W. Ginn, Jr.
William R. Goacher
Robert M. Handley
Ralph M. Hansen, Jr.
Wayne B. Howard
Ralph P. Iwens
John B. Leffingwell
George Mayer Ill
Richard M. Munday
Robert M. Parker, Sr.
Donald C. Robinson
Thomas F Ryan
Ronald C. Talcott
Richard O. Thigpin
Rodney K. Wicklander
James C. Wulf
George G. Zipfel, Jr.

Class 1963
Francis R. Andrews
Dale H. Armstrong
William D. Bauman
Charles H. Bolton III
Millard S. Brickerd Jr.
James A. Burgess
August L. Burgett
James L. Clifton
Marion 0. Eikeland
Joseph W. Fennell
Jose I. Garcia-Bengochea
Daniel C. Gionet
Robert L. Goodmark
Gifford S. Harvey
Ronald C. Houts
Paul D. Hunter
Wade M. Johnson, Jr.
Claude M. Jones III
Stanley L. Livengood
Wayne B. Lloyd
Thomas J. Loomis
Linz A. Lord, Jr.
Sam H. Mack
George E. Marks
Gerald U. Merckel
William M. Parks
Robert A. Pensa
William F Powers
Linn J. Raney
John S. Reese
Robert L. Rogers
Robert L. San Martin
Terry J. Schoenholz
Harold R. Simmons
Maryly Van Leer Peck
Edward C. Wetzlar
Reverend Dennis I. White
Thomas E. Willis

Class 1964
Marion C. Bartlett
Jay L. Carter
Edmund T. Dougherty
Brian M. Foley
Ransom F. Gladwin III
Robert W. Haight, Sr.
William L. Holt
Bentley 0. Hughes
Frederick K. McCann
James T. Mullin, Jr.
V. R. Krishna Murthy
D. Peter H. Rowley
Dennis E. Savor

James R. Shacklefori ill
Douglas B. Smith
Ward H. Smith
Jules Wetekamm
John V. White
Robert E. Wickham
Bennie G. Williams
Phillip D. Yonge

Class 1965
Alva C. Atkins
Joseph E. Davis
James W. ,.i.,l1 I]
George C. i ,
George R. IiiCulat
Peter Lefferson
Richard H. Morris
James E. Phillips
Colonel Christopher Ptachik
Richard B. Reuss
William D. Rigdon
David M. Rowan
Robbin R. Sentell
Robert C. Snyder
Robert L. Travis

Class 1966
Brian D. Austin
Roger G. Bailey
John S. Fisher
Lionel D. Freeman
George W. Howell
Donald G. Jackson
Eldin A. Jontra, Jr.
Ron Kreskey
Samuel A. Leslie
James D. Marks
Ronald J. Michalak
Robert F. Monk
Jack A. Myrick, Jr.
Douglas H. Neale
John E. Oliva
Roger E. Osborne
Thomas A. Palmer, Jr.
Richard F. Roberts
Robert L. Robinson
Harry M. Schindehette, Jr.
James L. Schuttenberg
Lawrence L. Smith
ThomasW. Still
Richard 0. Whitney
LarryW. Whittington

Class 1967
John S. Aiton
Barney R. Barnhart
Lawrence A. Baugher
Warren A. Birge
James D. Bowman
Lu K. Chang
Joseph E. Chenette
Leslie K. Clarke III
John W. Ditsler
Bill A. Dixon
Jack S. Fenster
F. Edwin Giolma
Erwin F Grau II
George C. Greene Ill
Gary A. Huber
Donald T. Kelton
Donald A. King
John W. Koger
Richard F. LaFlamme
Thomas J. Leto
Richard F. Malzahn
Sui-Kwong P Pao

Honor Roll 35


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

Melvin R. Phillips
Charles E. Roessler
Philip B. Schwin
Paul D. Stone
Ira Thierer
John A. Tibe
Joseph Varon
Robert E. Weiskopf

Class 1968
Lawrence W. Ackley
Emile A. Bernard
Arthur B. Chapman
Grant L. Clarke, Jr.
Raymond M. Clock (d)
Leon W. Couch II
Frank P. Crowder
Peter A. Crowley
Daniel Davis
Jon D. Dickerson
David L. Echols
Richard A. Fifer
Edmund L. Gallizzi
Oliver K. Hearne, Jr.
M. Allan Jacques, Jr.
Jatinder Jolly
Arsenio Milian
Hamilton S. Oven, Jr.
James J. Paglialungo
Victor W. Randecker
A. Lamar Reeves
Martin A. Saft
Fred J. Salem
Ronald A. Schlagheck
Leonard B. Schlomer
Alvin A. Siddall
Michael D. Winter

Class 1969
Kamlesh K. Bhatia
Bruce T. Bowyer
Larry M. Bowyer, PE.
Lawrence R. Brady
John D. Caldwell, Sr.
Arthur A. Camero
George W. Clark, Jr.
Leland L. Coons
Timothy C. Doyle
John P. Giolma
Gregory J. Graziadio
Ronald D. Hackney
Donald E. Hamilton
Geoffrey K. Hart
W. H. Herron, Jr.
Bruce E. Hoffman
Henry C. Hudgins III
Bruce H. Johnston
James L. Kurtz
Kraig A. Lenius
Roger W. Lydick
Walter 0. Maine
Joseph D. Marsh
Terence L. McKinley
Daniel A. Nicholson
Hugh C. Nicolay
C. H. Peterson
Charles Radonich
Harrison B. Smith
Robert L. Sullivan
Colonel Joseph E. Sutter
Edwin R. Warner
Bernice E. Waters
Gary R. Westafer

Class 1970
Jacob B. Alagood
Kenneth J. Anusavice

36 GatorEngineering

J. William Bartos
William C. Boehm, Jr.
Robert J. Burgess
John M. Craig
John E. Cunningham
Lester D. Curless, Jr.
Charles R. Curley
Harold L. Cypress
Francisco H. De La Moneda
Russell J. DeYoung
James D. Durham
Sheldon R. Ferdman
Gerald L. Gipson
Paul J. Gross, Jr.
TerryA. Hammond
Jerry R. Hudson
Robert G. Ireson
Nicholas S. Katzaras
Robert A. Kellert
Thomas B. Kelly
Arun M. Kumtha
James A. Lewis
Jeff D. Little, Jr.
Marc Lopatin
Earl K. Mayfield, Jr.
ClaudioJ. Mendoza
John B. Miller, Jr.
Allen D. Nease, Jr.
Charles A. Petty
William Neil Phinney
David H. Pike
Walter J. Pike
Neils R. Poulsen
Robert M. Schwartz
J. F. Scott, Jr.
Thomas S. Shoenberger
Yasar B. Tanrikut
David P. Tydor
James T. Van Loo
Michael K. Varner
David W. Wagner
George T. Walton
Janice M. Ward
George H. Weller Ill
Neal Whitten, Jr.
Jon C. Windhorst

Class 1971
Alan H. Aront
Michael Belford
Albert W. Blevins
Branimir Botic
Timothy P Brodeur
Jack Anthony Brown
C. Raymond Church, PE.
Michael D. Cliburn
Max F. Dannecker
John L. Dickens
Frances B. Dodson
James I. Draper, Jr.
Randy E. Edwards
Vernon J. Franke
Charles T. Frock
Hugh G. Griffin, Jr.
John C. Griffin
Sant D. Gupta
Stephen A. Haass
Frederick R. Haberlandt
Dennis L. Harrington
Edward C. Jensen
Edward R. LaPierre
Franklin A. Llanes
Kirit P. Merchant
Doc X. Nghiem
John E. Peer III
Paul T. Reichert
Floyd G. Rippetoe III

Ronald W. Robertson
Joel P. Rubenstein
Kenneth R. Schultz
Stephen A. Shepard
Kenneth G. Smith, PE.
Vernon C. Smith
Walter B. Steen
Keith Stelzenmuller
Craig M. Thompson
Craig S. Wallace
Rex J. Wallin
Jerry M. Ward
Randall C. Williams
William L. Wilson
Ronald T. Wincey
Bobbie Young

Class 1972
Hector Alonso
Arthur B. Anderson
Ayaz Ayub
Santiago M. Barros
Robert D. Beebe
Frederick S. Betz
Reverend Donald W. Calvin
William P. Conners, Jr.
Kenneth R. Craig
Carlos M. Del Sol
George R. Dillon
Ronald E. Drury
William S. Ferguson
Madelyn G. Freshwater
Charles W. Gregg, Sr.
Jerome J. Guidry
Ted C. Hager
Lee C. Hagler Ill
Owen S. Halpeny
GaryJ. Harloff
J. George Hayden
Jack E. Heiss
Philip W. Hendrickson
Robert Danie Henuber
Francis T. Johnson
Walter R. Kaminski
Richard J. Lane
Frank D. Leonhartsberger
Steven M. Long
Steven E. Malich
John F. Malphurs
David J. McClaskey
Lawrence G. Merer
James T. Nelson
Robert E. Osteen
Christopher L. Petterson
Thomas N. Richardson
Linda J. Richardson
Arthur M. Rodriguez
Genevieve S. Roessler
Herbert F Schaake
John H. Schmelzer
Daniel H. Smalley
Jack D. Spiers
Daniel L. Stoltz
Henry X. Swanson
Walter N. Thomasson
James G. Thompson
Daniel R. Troceen
John Terrel Turner
Robert J. Vande Walle
Bruce M. Weinstein
Dennis L. Wood
Maxwell C. Yao

Class 1973
Jerry A. Ashwood
Brownell E. Barnard
Jack S. Barton

Dale A. Bauer
Robert A. Birch
John 0. Blanton, Jr.
Theodore H. Chase
Stephen A. Colby
William C. Colter
Richard G. Connell, Jr.
Neal H. Coulter
Donald C. Daniel
Prem J. Datt
Richard D. Dobbins
Robert C. Dorsey
J. R. Doyle
Thomas W. Fiesinger
Martin M. Fried
Martin M. Fritsch
FletcherW. Gibson III
Neal J. Gruber
Robert S. Hauge
Ted E. Hobson
Larry E. Jones
Roberta A. Lang
William D. Lash
AnthonyJ. Lucas
Lawrence L. Lucas
Roger N. Madariaga
David L. Mays, Sr.
Barry M. Nason
Steven J. Ossakow, M.D.
Peter L. Palmer
GaryG. Prato
John F. Schatmeyer
M. Douglas Smith
Ronald M. Stein
E.W. Franklin Stirrup III
Seyfeddin I. Tanrikut
Michael J. Thorn
Thomas G. Tomasello
Chung-Chu Wan
Leon N. Williamson, Jr.
Charles A. Wright

Class 1974
Gary L. Allen
William F Ayer
Edward V. Browell
Salvatore Cangialosi
Joseph P. Castronovo
Ralph W. Coldewey
William W. Collins
Ronald A. Craig
W. Raymond Cribb
Charles M. Cribbs
Randall E. Culberson
Mark A. Cunningham
Louis A. Dunbar
Spencer A. Faurot
Richard T. Finch
Michael S. Freshwater
Carlos E. Galavis
Lt. Col. Robert A. Glista
Thomas M. Hearne, Jr.
Richard A. Hevia
C. Fred Hiatt
Ben H. Jackson, Jr.
Harold V. Julian
Frederick Klarmeyer
Daniel L. Maloney
Arnaldo G. Martinez
Jorge A. Naya, Jr.
Wayne Pandorf
Eric G. Parker
James H. Pernikoff
Steven G. Putnam
Domingo C. Ramos
Raymond E. Rebello, Jr.
Russell A. Roy

John A. Ruf
J. Eric Schonblom
James P. Spoto, Jr.
William E. Stevens
Richard E. Strickland
Colonel Stephen L. Thacher
Kenneth S. Todd, Jr.
Gerald T. Wilson
Margaret J. Wortman

Class 1975
Julio 0. Aenlle
Michael J. Bailey
David G. Breskman
David W. Carter
Allan R. Choate
Michael E. Collins
Robert W. Crim II
Joe R. Devore
Donald P. Egen
Guillermo Fleites
Maria Flytzani-
Gregory Stephanopoulos
Bharat T. Gael
David C. Gibbs
Edward H. Hodgens
John A. Johnson, Jr.
Robert D. Lauffer
Mark D. Malkasian
Douglas C. Miller
James A. Mills
William J. Mitsch
Harmon P Morgan, Jr.
Captain Charles A. Moy
Wallace B. Newcomb
Larry C. Nottingham
Wayne D. Parsons
Larry R. Pitts
William F Pope
Gordon S. Quesenberry, Jr.
David A. Ramirez
Jules D. Reese
John R. Risitano
Carlos Rollan
Jaime R. Roman
Eugenio Sanchez
John P. Walker
Charles R. Weiss

Class 1976
David A. Chuckran
Albert W. Cole
Thomas F Deakin
Robert A. DeLany
Edward T. Dugan
John R. Field, Jr.
Royce C. Gandy
Charles L. Geer
Saundra S. Hand
John T. Healey
Deborah L. Heaney
Neil A. Katz
Kenneth W. Killian
Bernard A. Kulp, Jr.
Clifford D. Leitch
John R. Marquardt
Monroe L. Morrell, Jr.
Walid A. Natour
Carl G. O'Farrill
Carlo G. Pantano
David R. Pokorney
David C. Sapp
Thomas E. Segers, Jr.
M. Matthews Smith II
Wade H. B. Smith
Tom Southards

David W. Stanley
Stephen Taylor
Whittington P. Vara
James R. Vigor
William H. Wadsworth
Marshall E. Wolfe

Class 1977
Phillip T. Baxley
Randall A. Bell
Shih-Chao Chen
Ronald G. Cocherell
Fred P. Cone
Fred B. Cook
Lynn M. Coonce
Kenneth G. Coonce
Diana Dominguez
Richard E. Downs
William J. Dugary
Ricardo Fraxedas
Lori M. Frazier
Robert W. Givens
Christopher D. Glaeser
Mary L. Godfrey
Agustin Gonzalez
Charles R. Hach
James A. Heaney
Daniel L. Helmick
Clifford B. Hogan
Robert W. Johnston
Paul E. Knapp
Dale S. Lamb
Dean M. Larsen
Roger M. Lee
Henri S. Lorberbaum
Marco A. Mayor
William K. McGrane
William F. Monroe III
Jack Moy
Kathleen A. Niesen
Virginia A. Penovi
Russell A. Plumb
Melvin D. Prescott
Ted H. Risher
Suresh K. Shenoy
Carolyn A. Solomon
Richard K. Spears
Reverend John Steiner
John P. Thompson, Jr.
Timothy H. Toth
John L. Vadnal
David H. Vickrey
James F. Walton II
Guy J. Wills

Class 1978
Amarilis Acosta
Charles R. Albury
John F. Alexander, Jr.
Mark David Barcelo
Jaime M. Benavides
Allan D. Boree
David P. Bronikowski
Sandra L. Brown
Paul C. Buckley
William F. Buholtz
Harold L. Cohen
William J. Conybear
Charles D. Covey III
Timothy H. Crawford
James J. Dlubac
Gerald E. Doddington
Michael J. Duffy
Patrick J. Ferland
Lyle C. Filer, Jr.
Bertrand L. Gallet
Arthur L. Genoble

H. John Healey
Roger S. Hendricks
Scott R. Henkin
Sarah J. Hood
William C. Huffman, Jr.
Jeffrey K. Hulsberg
Edward P. Jacobsen
Bruce Kelley Krumeich
David L. Lambert
Mark S. Leyde
Harry L. Light
Gregory L. Maag
David R. McArthur
Marlene H. McKetty
John C. Mears
Richard D. Merkel
JayJ. Messer
William E. Milam
William D. Olson
Donald R. Paul, Jr.
Gustavo F. Pego, Jr.
Alejandro S. Perez
Mike Ponzio
Alan M. Pratt
Michael W. Radcliffe
Donald E. Reed
Stephen H. Riley
James E. Ringo
Rebecca S. Roberts
Rodolfo M. Sanchez
Suzanne L. Schomer
Charles R. Steele
Randy L. Stevens
Ann L. Strab
Gustavo A. Suarez
Thomas A. Trovillion, Jr.
Michael P. Whitesell
James R. Wooden

Class 1979
J. Michael Adams
Robert L. Andriakos
Barton L. Bibler
Cheryl D. Breevoort-Kacher
Robert J. Brugman
James N. Carboni
Gary L. Chetelat
Stanley C. Chin
Michael A. Claudio
Lathan H. Collins III
Gary S. Comp
John T. Cook
Rafael Angel Couto
Michael J. Cuozzo
Gary L. Donn
Pamela C. Durham
JamesF EEberhart
Virgilio A. Fernandez, Jr.
Lynn H. Fusinato
Robert Fusinato
Curtis A. Gardner
Clark M. Ghiselin, Jr.
Thomas W. Hall
Lewis L. Hart
Walter W. Jaron, Jr.
William G. King, Jr.
Randall M. Kittrell
Herman Lam
John J. Lanza
Douglas A. Leas
George D. Long, Sr.
Scott H. Martin
Zita I. Martin
Adrian A. McKendree
Michael B. McLaughlin
Edward E. Moore, Jr.
Robert W. Mullennix
David V. Nichols

Timothy L. O'Brien
Roger C. Pierce
Jay L. Pittman
Neils R. Poulsen, Jr.
Michael D. Rains
James A. Rathkopf
Ernesto R. Rencurrell
Steven Sablotsky
Philip Shacter
Francis M. Sharp
Timothy D. Slepow
Larry Strach
Burton L. Streicher
Kuangtzer Su
William B. Tallon
Thomas M. Taylor
Dale M. Thomas
Robert W. Vallario
William G. Vernetson
Charles S. Weeks
Leonard D. Wert, Jr.
William D. Woodward, Jr.

Class 1980
Warren R. Akers
E. Joseph Bauerlein III, M.D.
Jeff N. Baughman
Roy H. Bizjack
Mitchell A. Bluett
Colonel Randolph 0. Buck
Bobby R. Burkett II
Michael A. Carson
Gregory J. Chomic
Chester R. Ciancarelli
James E. Connell
Walter G. Conrad
James E. Constable
Erik H. Cotton
William C. Davis
Bradford W. Dearing
Duy HongThi Doan
Robert A. Ellis, Jr.
Edward J. Eng
Maryann S. Gerber
JeffreyJ. Gough
Scott W. Hearne
Michael W. Johnston
Kevin S. Jones
Eric M. Kniedler
Dorothy L. Korszen
Bertha E. Lewis
Thomas W. Lyons
Bradford P. Lytle
M. Keith Neely
Kenneth R. Owens
Richard J. Phillips
Randall M. Pisetzky
Gregory M. Powell
James Rosati III
Julio A. Sanchez
James J. Sandy Ill
Douglas E. Schepp
Susan B. Schmidt
Gene I. Schmidt
Randy Lee Schulze
Robert V. Simmons, Jr.
Steven L. Skipper
Mark S. Stoutamire
Gregory R. Strandberg
David H. Sweet
David E. Thomas
William Thomas Turner
Ronald C. Van Sickle
William S. Werner
Richard S. Wheatley
David A. Wilcox
Stephen R. Wright
James R. Yde

Thomas J. Zimmer

Class 1981
Charles E. Altizer
Jayesh K. Antani
Alan D. Baker
Harold F Bennett
Ronald D. Bishop
Christopher L. Blake
Timothy E. Bowen
Alan W. Bradley
John G. Brady
David A. Brenner
Charles W. Cain
Zelia E. Carboni
Linda C. Childers, RE.
Kenneth J. Christensen
Richard A. Cloutier
Daniel W. Cole
Jerre W. Coleman, Jr.
Ron Cotterman
James P. Coughlin
lan A. Craw, PE.
David H. Denson
Marcia S. Domack
David L. Faircloth
Antonio A. Ferradaz, Jr.
Fran L. Freeman
Michael L. Funston
Rao Gobburu
William T. Heitman
Anh Lan Hoang
Patricia B. Hughes
Steven A. Hughes
Keith B. Jackson
Richard S. W. Jang
Scott T. Johnson
Kenneth R. Kniel
Brian R. Konigsburg
James V. Krohn
John D. Marsh, Jr.
Donald E. Maurer
RoryR. McCann
Peter J. McGinniss
Michael T. McKelvy
Caryn Melrose
Cesar B. Molins
C. Melinda NeSmith-Picard
Jeremy J. Pearson
Rodolfo A. Pisigan, Jr.
Maj. Stephen W. Prawdzik
Jay R Ray
Walter D. Ray
Linda S. Reed
Gary R. Reed
Richard J. San Roman
Sara J. Schelong
Sandra L. Schorner
Ronald F. Seelig
Michael B. Seldes
Mary P. Slepow
Laurie D. Smith
Bruce R. Snyder
John J. Sutliffe
Donald M. Thompson
Ann B. Thompson
John M. Usher
Agustin E. Veitia
Willie F. Washington
Robert Whyms III
Michele L. Zaleski

Class 1982
Carlos H. Amado
Sharon L. Barber
JodyA. Beasley
Linda J. Beecham
David T. Beecham

Dave M. Belk
Diane M. Bergendahl
Howard W. Bergendahl
Matthew J. Blankner
Michael A. Boyce
Austin C. Brown
Robert E. Brown
Jesse N. Cannon III
Mark J. Carlson
Bruce R. Carter
Sergio P. Chaviano
Shan-Liang Chen
Dana V. Cleborne
Michael A. Cook
Frank Dellaripa
Keith D. Dillenbeck
John W. Floyd
Eric R. Goodall
Julie F. Goodwin
Gary L. Guenthner
Mark Gwynn
John T. Hockensmith
Robert M. Hurley
Jo Ann Jackson
George B. Jones
Densak Kajonpong
David W. Kaleel
James S. Keeler
David J. Kirks
David A. Koscielniak
Jack L. Kouloheris
John P. Leedy
Janet A. Leininger
Richard B. Lewis
Bill Lewis
Charlotte W. Lieberman
Mark G. LoCastro
Whit Logan
Adrian D. Lovell Jr.
Laura L. Mahoney
JohnJ. Mahoney Ill
Michael A. Maier
Chester R. Miller
Brian Monprode
Howard M. Mott, Jr.
Stephan J. Nix
Steven J. Phalon
Terence M. Pierce
Robert A. Pincus
Portia 0. Pisigan
Keith P. Ponitz
George F. Revels, Jr.
Mark C. Robson
Scott A. Russell
Debra L. Sandor
Linda M. Sewell
Bruce B. Smith
Terrel J. Spears
Daniel B. Stokes
Saico Todoroff
Jeffrey D. Westbrook
Jacqueline M. White
Thornton Cruser White
David R. Wigley
Albert V. Wineman, Jr.
Scott F. Wittwer
Way-Chen Wu
Thomas P. Young
Jeffrey S. Zabinski

Class 1983
Aaron L. Arnold
Maj. Michael P. Avery
RogelioJ. Basnuevo
Regina Roynita Bobo-Jackson
Ronald V. Bocinsky, Jr.
Dane R. Boyington
Sheila C. Boyington

Robert E. Bright
Maj. Steven J. Buckley
Michael J. Cullen
Ronald J. Curley
Michael K. Davidson
Jean E. Davis
Paul A. de Paoli
Titus J. Diamond
Deborah P. Divine
Lt. Col. Edward K. Doskocz
Carl J. Evens
Carl A. Everatt
Terrie L. Flannery
Kelly L. Furlong
William P Geers
Steven W. Green
Robert A. Hommerson
David A. Hopkins
David L. Israel
Jacquelyn W. Jones
Patrick C. Kangas
Russell L. Kelly
Janet A. King
Ashok K. Krishnamurthy
Mark E. LaFon
Leonard M. Lehrer
Brian T. Maguire
Juan A. Mantelle
Craig N. McCartney
P. Ted McGowan
Michael H. McKinney
Knox T. Millsaps, Jr.
Kent D. Minich
John W. Moliski
William P Monsour, Jr.
David W. Nelms
Bradley D. Noe
Harry B. Oates
Soon C. Park
Donald W. Pease
Ford A. Phillips
Chuck A. Pigeon
Linda R. Pigeon
Daniel W. Plonk
Robert M. Poulsen
Charles S. Prewitt
Dale H. Pyatt
Edward A. Rikansrud
Mario B. Rojas, III
Mark Roth
William F Ryan
Mario J. Scarabino
Garry R. Schramm
ReynaldoJ. Sequera
Rossana A. Sexton
Joseph A. Smith, Sr.
William M. Stewart
Timothy M. Sweeney
L. Keith Thompson
Andrew D. Tilton
William T. Todd
Ronald C. Toifel, Jr.
Douglas C. Voorhees
Clifford D. Way
Marc R. Woodworth

Class 1984
Mark A. Anderson
Scott H. Barton
Robert A. Berger
George X. Boulton
Michael J. Bovino, Jr.
Barbara J. Britt
William B. Bryan
J. Edward Burchfield, Jr.
Mark A. Burgess
Thomas M. Cratem
Buddy Cressionnie

Steven R. Croyl
Mary M. Daly
Martin V. DiGiroi .....
Christopher C. :-.. 11
David S. Dwornii
William Echeva' I
Karyn M. Ericks. i
Kathryn L. Frairi
Kathleen D. Gil .. '
Marshall R. Gord i.
Adrian S. Grant
DouglasS. Hillb. iN,
ThomasS. Holt: ,iii
Mark A. Hought....
Scott S. Joffe
Michael E. Lee
Steven L. Lindauer
John F. Linton
Sharon K. Manning
Gregory C. Marzak
Hugh E. McCoy III
Carol A. Merkel
John H. Moye
Karen M. Neukamm
Gale K. Oates
Laurie K. O'Halla
Comdr. Michael J. Patterson
Scott L. Porter
Cynthia L. Ragan
Comdr. William H. Reuter IV
David G. Rosenberg
James T. Russell
Scott A. Saunders
Walter J. Scott
Ted A. Self
Azmat H. Siddiqi
Barbara Signo
Stephen B. Tilkin
Theresa M. Todd
Frank M. Travassos
Cheryl P. Ulrich
David A. Ulrich
E. Susan Unger
Guillermo R. Villalobos
Craig W. Walker
Dann C. Ward
Steven E. Weber
Christopher B. White
Catherine L. White
Michael J. White

Class 1985
Richard D. Alaniz
Emmanuel Anemogiannis
Brent A. Baumgartner
BobbyG. Beach
Theodore E. Brown, Jr.
Martin A. Brungard
Gregory C. Buchner
Sean D. Burke
Lin F. Chen
Colonel Frederick L. Clapp, Jr.
Margaret J. Close
John K. Cowart, Jr.
Michael D. Doran
Bernard V. Dreiling
Dean A. Fresonke
David W. Wolfe
Michael G. Hole
Shoufeng Hu
Robert A. Intrater
Dwayne R. Jackson
William G. Johnson, Jr.
Christine M. Karas
Mark C. Kemp
Akihiko Kumagai
Gerald N. Larar
NancyV. Le

Honor Roll 37


Annual Donors to the College of Engineering between
July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004

Fred E. Lee, Jr.
Robin K. Lindauer
Carole D. McCoy
Richard J. Merriman
Aimee 0. Merriman
Keith E. Miller
Michael A. Miller, Jr.
R. Clifford Mobley
Hans C. Mosesmann
Philip M. Newhall
Neal G. Pierce
Lourdes M. Porro
Jim Porterfield
Thomas D. Price, Jr.
Lt. Col. Timothy K. Reddy
Michael D. Rowand
Cynthia K. Rucci
Kathryn D. Scott
Gregory W. Scott
JayA. Shands
Mark W. Spisiak
Diane F. Stees
G. Brantley Tillis
Dennis E. Walter
Joann M. Wilcox
Norman R. Williamson
Dale A. Winton

Class 1986
Francis D. Akerman
Gary P Bethune
David E. Bodette
Terrill M. Booker
Linda I. Bostic
Paul G. Carr
William H. Cowart, Jr.
Angela S. Cureton
Tully J. Dawson, Jr.
Melissa R. Diblin
Staley B. Edwards
Dinah Frazier
Andre M. Gallet
David M. Gile
Gary H. Griffin
C. David Henley, Jr.
Laura C. Herbert
Comdr. Andrew A. Hernandez
John R. Horrobin
Deborah C. Ihsan
Fred R. Jones, Jr.
Russell E. King
Thomas S. Knuckey
Kurt E. Lammon
Christina L. Langford
Gilbert H. Lovell III
David A. McCaughey
Laureen A. McClure
Gloria S. McDonald
Robert S. McKinney
Russell C. Morrison
John E. Nagel
Sina Naghshineh
George N. Newhouse
Vicente Ordax, Jr.
Richard J. Pearce
VickyJ. V. Plescow
Comdr. Paul M. Plescow
KyleW. Poor
Edmund C. Rastrelli
Kenneth C. Roach
Rafael A. Rodriguez
Lesa B. Roe
Allen J. Sanders
Michael R. Schmid
Martin J. Schwartz
Louise L. Scott
Paul M. Self

38 GatorEngineering

Norman E. Shain
Keith E. Sibley
Bruce Sieck
Bruce A. Snyder
James R. Tague Ill
Justina J. Taylor
Craig R. Walker
Edward M. Walton
Kevin W. Wilkes
Kenneth A. Wolking
D. David Woods, Jr.
Michael B. Woodward

Class 1987
Mark D. Alberson
Robert H. Bacchus, Jr.
William H. Blackwood
Terry G. Blose
John H. Blum
Marie A. Boyette
Col. William J. Breyfogle
Colonel John G. Campbell
Keith B. Campbell
Timothy A. Carlton
Michael A. Cavanaugh, Jr.
John E. Cocanower
Brett A. Cunningham
Warren H. Curry, Jr.
Kumar G. DeSilva
Steven E. Doyle
Brian J. DuChene
Douglas L. Dycus, Jr.
John J. Ferrell
Douglas M. Getson
Beth A. Gross
Daniel A. Haycook
Todd B. Hines
Bennett K. Horenstein
Paul E. Ina
Cynthia C. Ingram
Robert R. Ingram
Keith A. Johnson
Robert L. Jordan
Christopher C. Karch
Debra E. Lazar
Philip H. Love
Karen A. Ludeman
Allen J. Mank
Douglas William Mann
Daniel J. Mashburn
Daniel R. Mazza, PE.
JeffreyJ. Martin
Maren E. Nelson
Matthew J. Ossi
Jeffrey F. Payne
Earl M. Perry III
Joel B. Radford
Linda C. Rae
Michelle M. Reichert
Jose E. Roman
William C. Rowe
Eric N. Shiau
TerryJ. Spires
Tami D. Sulzberg
Todd Sumner
Habibollah Tabatabai
William R. Thomas, Jr.
Kevin J. Van Dyke
Patrick J. Verdon
David L. Watts
Robert S. Weissbach
Richard C. Wohlfarth

Class 1988
Robert S. Baker
Suzanne M. P. Baker
DargarW. Bjorksten

Edward G. Bodine, Jr.
Wesley E. Bolch
Daniel W. Bowholtz
Matthew R. Bradley
Meeiling Bradley
Susan A. N. Cannon
Danny A. S. Chin
Richard E. Chuilli
Harry L. Deffebach III
Anthony P Diaz
Michael J. Dion
Michael H. Drake
Ross M. Fleischman
James E. Ford
Ray Garcia
Timothy L. Gibson
John J. Gill
Ran B. Gilmore
Grant Ginn
Michael F. Gulizia
Robert S. Hartog
Lawrence E. Hoffman
David C. Humphries
Bowen P. lerna
Mark H. Inman
Lt. Sean L. Jersey
Richard B. Jones
Patricia Kuta
David G. Lashley
Joseph W. Lawrence
Philip D. LeGrone
James P. Leonhardt
Jon C. Leverette
Richard D. Mahaley
Charles W. Manzione, Jr.
Jorge A. Monterrosa
Arunan Nadarajah
Howard C. Nelson
Gregory T. Nettuno
Phillip K. Nicholas
Michael P. O'Brien
Agustin Ortiz, Jr.
Joseph T. Palaganas
John C. Phillips
Rosa M. Prieto
Kimberly G. Reynard
James C. Reynolds
John C. Ringelberg
Orlando A. Rubio
Charles E. Shemwell
Thomas M. Skibo
Gerald B. Stanley
Lee Strickland
Jennifer Y. Sun
Kevin M. Teehan, Jr.
Richard S. Thomas
Surya Veeraraghavan
William L. Verboncoeur
Blair P Wunderly

Class 1989
Andrew Z. Adkins III
Maj. Anthony C. Archer
Jennifer L. Archer
Terry A. Bauer
John W. Bearce
Drew B. Bennett
Michael A. Brooks
Kenneth J. Bruns
Kenneth S. Bukauski
Victor N. Calvert
Gregory T. Chandler
Donna Vivolo-Diaz
Kevin J. Dick
Steven R. Fellenz
GaryA. Goldstein
Michael A. Grantham

Ronald J. Green
Shari Harrison
David J. Isaacs
Michael R. James
Andrew P. Klenzak
Megan K. Klenzak
Kenneth L. Knapp
Mitchell Krell
Donald J. Kremer, Jr.
Michael B. Wachtel
Steven K. Lewis
Marie W. Mahan
Eduardo Manzor
Michael J. McGarry
Colin D. Miles
Craig C. Montgomery
Jonathan S. Oakes
Henry E. Palmer
Marjory A. Pavlov
Michael A. Payne
Kent J. Phelps
Thomas A. Pool
Eduardo A. Prieto
Ramin Rashedi
TimothyJ. Ruelke
Sean Timothy Ryan
Gregory A. Scharnagl
John R. Schramski
RoyW. Sherman
John R. Shue
Rebecca L. Siegle
Edward J. Skompski
Mark L. Stephens
Earl M. Traugott, Jr.
Timothy H. Vath
Kenneth C. Whedbee, Jr.
Scott T. Zebny

Class 1990
Bruce C. Barton
Chadwick E. Bearden
Captain Timothy F. Biggins,
Jonathan J. Bowser
Robert C. Campbell
John W. Coho
Lt. Theron C. Colbert
Charles T. Dwyer
Scott M. Feeser
Robert W. Ford
Valerie R. Francisco
Zhihao Gu
Frank E. Henry
Arnold J. Howard
Kristianto Iskandar
Donald A. Kalinich
David A. Kloske
Jeffrey W. LaCroix
James G. Lance, Jr.
Rafael Lemus
Katherine M. Leverette
Mark Lowery
Eric D. Mathews
Thomas J. McComas
Kirby E. McCrary
Cynthia S. McKee
David J. Mendez
Manolito D. Mendoza
Susan L. Mikolaitis
Stacy L. Miller
Paula G. Oakes
Ann M. Quillian
Lillian T. Ramond
Jennifer L. Ringelberg
Leslie A. Rozic
Todd A. Shrader
Sandra M. Stivender

R. Mark Triplett
Jeffrey P. Vaughn
James W. Vearil
Ali Yahiaoui

Class 1991
Donald J. Avery, Jr.
Robert T. Bailey
Craig H. Barker
Mark L. Baumgartner
Timothy S. Becker
Michael H. Biller
Akram A. Bou-Ghannam
Lynn K. Brantly
Dawn M. Courtley
Patricia A. Cowen
Martin G. Dardis
William P Dunlap III
Comdr. James D. Grove
Terri L. Grove
Maj. Dean H. Hartman
Albert W. Hickman, Jr.
David W. Hostetter
Mario M. Jardon
Elisabetta L. Jerome
Sam K. Joseph
Isaac H. Jung
John H. Kiefer II
Virgil C. Lewis, PE.
Kenneth J. Miller, Jr.
Marni B. Mirowitz
Robert G. North II
Deborah R. Palm
Mark E. Palm
Juan Rodriguez
Vijay Ruhela
Thomas C. Santilli
Robert T. Schneider
Christopher A. Schreel
Christopher M. Stillo
Theresa A. Sutter
Claude D. Tankersley
Deborah A. Turner
Robert L. Wells
Robert E. Williams
Nasim M. Zahran

Class 1992
Joseph D. Acker Ill
Monica L. Bonfiglio
BradleyJ. Bonfiglio
James Brouillette
Caryl B. Brown
Jeffrey T. Carnes
Jonathan L. Carter
Kefeng Chen
Raymond M. DeFillips
Michelle L. DeFillips
Jose A. Diehs
Laura C. DiGruttolo
Jonathan P. Durcan
Mark D. Fairchild
Adam J. Fine
R. Chris Fore
Anthony P. Gallucci
Reginald F. Glick
Johan F. Gottgens
Charles W. Graham, Jr.
Robert K. Henderson II
Caroline R. Holland
Eric S. Johnson
Scott J. Kenner
Theodore R. Kilpatrick
David A. Kneeburg
Brian C. Le Duc
Frederick C. Loper
Rodger D. Lower, Jr.

Frederick L. Martin
Noel R. Mateo
Jay A. Maupin
David M. Milburn
Dale C. Moss
Kenneth E. Nicholson
Rita A. Oberle
Mark Paczynski
Scott M. Pitkethly
Joan M. Rice
Neeta Prasad
Elizabeth Santana
Natalie C. Selling
Gail Mathews Smith
Elizabeth R. Spencer
Thomas R. Steger, Jr.
James W. Tracey
Donnette L. Van Allen
William K. Vaughan
Juan A. Vitali
Paul R. Wyness

Class 1993
Charles H. Bales
Michelle E. Beauchemin
Lawrence P Benintend
Tara R. Burdick
Steven M. Burke
Michael J. Calvo
Joseph A. Clements
Gregg D. Costabile
Michael E. Cottmeyer
Patricia S. Cuero
Michael J. Delate
Don F. Dubois
Douglas G. Elledge
Nathan J. Flood
Paul J. Guariglia
Thomas E. Hanson
Terry L. Harber
Kathleen S. Haris
Mark A. Hoffman
William C. Hokanson
Eric S. Kepner
Kha V. Le
Raymond F. Leitz
Ernesto G. Leon
Ming Li
William D. Loehle, Jr.
Walter F. Loomis
Thomas James
McGeehan, Jr.
Joseph P. Mecca
LarryW. Mitchell
Edmund H. Moore
Timothy J. Newberg
Jonathan Paul Page
Scott D. Palgon
Cmdr. Carey M. Pantling
Heemyong H. Park
Gregory L. Parker
Jerry M. Pfuntner
Christopher S. Putman
Alfredo N. Ratmiroff
Harry E. Ritter III
Captain Sean P. Rucker
Susan M. Sansalone
Armando Sera, Jr
Suzanne M. Sheaffer-Swindler
Sunil R. Shukla
David E. Simons
Uppili R. Srinivasan
Phillip L. Stutzman
Jeffrey W. Tate
Richard S. Traverse
Bryan T. Veith
Julie G. Vontz

Asa R. Williams
Daniel M. Wright
David S. Zinke

Class 1994
Thomas L. Adams
William C. Bailey, Jr.
Jonathan E. Bellush
Dana R. Branscum
Auseh S. Britt
William A. Carovano
Shih-Ling Chen
Shawn D. Chesney
Stephen D. Croll
Holly C. Dalton
Michael R. Dombrowski
Carlos Egusquiza
Michael S. Feeney
Frederic F. Gaines III
Rodney E. Gamble
Kurt R. Gies
Gregory A. Gilbo
Nickey E. Gillette
Robert H. Goldberg
Gregor Gramlich II
Michael J. Grove
Marcelo U. Guillen
Maria E. Sanchez
Richard H. Hamilton
Kristin C. Hoffman
Jerry T. Hsiao
Bonita A. James Player
Michelle K. Kranzberg
Bing Gao
Jon A. Loschke
Michael F. March
Jose S. Moncada
Robert A. Morgan III
StaceyW. Morgan
Keith D. Perkey
Elizabeth C. Phillips
Brian S. Rhodes
Jason W. Robertson
Robert E. Rodriguez
Phillip W. Rowe, Jr.
Theodore R. Schroeck
Fredrick R. Shaffer
Joyce T. Siegele
Eric H. Sincoff
Balaji Sundara
Yurong Tan
J. Gregory Tinkle
Carrin B. Tunney
Thomas H. Wallace
Tommy Yip

Class 1995
Brian F. Allen
Ellen J. Bailey
Darren Bensley
Jeffrey A. Berringer
Michael J. Bozosi III
Frank S. Budny
Liang-Ming Chen
Robin L. Conrad
S. David Cox, Jr., RE.
John C. English
Jonathan J. Gaboardi
John H. Garcelon
Antonio M. Garcia III
Shona M. Gibson
Kimberly A. Gregory
Steven Harrigan
Randolph W. Hines
Gregory R. Howell
Roberto A. Iniesta
Thomas M. Joseph

Mubeen A. Khan
Kevin J. Kwitkowski
Hsaio P. Lai
Tung-Liang Lin
Michael T. Lukon III
Andrew P. Malcolmson
Robert J. T. Martin
Gloria P. Mazzara
Milton R. McCarty
ArnryJ. Mijon
A. Yvonne Miller
Douglas D. Miller
J. Jeffery Nauful
Daria Navon
Elizabeth Z. Nawalinski
Troy D. Osten
Travis R. Paul
Maritza I. Rivera-Clapp
Alfred W. Seier IV
R. Paul Sollee, Jr.
Shanin T. Speas
Vanessa K. Stelly
Martin J. Swaggard
Jeffrey Y. Thompson
Andrew P. Wacker
Julia A. Wagener
Keith M. Williamson

Class 1996
Vishal S. Agarwal
Paul T. Artman
Scott W. Bailey
Jill M. Bertelson
Patrick L. Bethea
James L. Braddock
John M. Bradshaw
Anthony B. Bridgwater
Chad A. Bruender
Stephen M. Cea
John R. Cottingham
Adam C. Coulton
Adrienne L. Davidson
lan J. Davidson
Daniel J. Dvorak
Brian D. Dye
John M. Fernandes
Paul D. Fleming
John M. Garland
Thomas F. George
Matthew S. Goodrich
Ann R. Guthrie
Benoit G. Guyamier
Kenneth A. Head
Jonathan D. Hren
Dimitrios loannou
Christopher P. Jackson
David M. Jerome
Jishan Jin
Scott F Jones
Venkata S. Krishnamurty
Tracy L. Lamar
Cinnamon B. Larson
James L. Larson, Jr.
Gretchen H. Letvin
John C. Letvin
Tuo Li
DonalA. Luna
Sharad Mathur
Michael M. Melendez
Shane J. Miller
Shannon L. Millinor
Thomas E. Murphy, Ph.D.
Barry D. Nicholson
David R. Nute
Erik Padron
Robert T. Pearce
Robert R. Pelosi, Jr.
Deborah L. Polacek

Jessica A. Reese
Marcella E. Robillard
Christopher J. Santana
Gregg M. Schoppman
Thomas E. Snyder, Jr.
Daniel P Stetzer
Jin J. Lee
D'Sean A. Sumwashe
Robert C. Sylvester
Joseph A. Thompson
David C. Tinder, RE.
James T. Tressell
John F. Usab
Brian D. Wichman

Class 1997
Gwen E. Baker
Maj. Steven A. Baker
David M. Barker
Gregory L. Barnette
Christopher A. Beattie
Nagendra K. Bellur
Nikole B. Bethea
Mark W. Bower
Jonathan S. Brodsky
Daniel G. Burke
Charles A. Cole
Donald T. Crawford, Jr.
Benjamin S. Custis
Lt. Ryan C. Davis
James R. Dobbs
Thomas S. Eggers
Jian Fan
Daniel I. Garcia
Christopher M. Hansen
Susanna S. Hanson
Gregory A. Harrison
Valarie L. Hoffman
Chia-Fu Hsu
Daniel P Huskey
Brian C. Johnson
James B. LeBleu, Jr.
Captain John J. Losinski
Kyle E. Lussier
Praveen P. Madabhushi
Robert B. Mann
James S. Marotta
Richard H. Martin
Sean R. McLaughlin
Thomas M. Miller
Jason C. Milner
Cole A. O'Berry
Shawn K. O'Brien
Charles A. Pitzer
Eugene P. Powell
LaurenceJ. Readal
Thomas R. Rice, Jr.
Andrew S. Roberts
Nelson Salas, Jr.
Karsten A. Sedmera
James C. Setze
Kimberly S. Smith
Fredrick W. Snavley
Eugene S. Stivender
DennisW. Strasburg
Peter A. Thomas
Jeffrey T. Trexler

Alexios B. Tsounis
Michelle L. Vaughn
Chuanxue Wang
David A. Wiik
John F. Wironen

Class 1998
Nemer A. Abohasen
Jacob Aruldhas
Bradley R. Atherton

Jason J. Bostjancic
Christina B. Bowman
Jennifer L. Braunschweig
Russel J. Brockman
Pamela A. Burke
Dennis A. Byk
Bradley L. Cariaga
Eric S. Carnahan
Fengting Chen
Changjian Sun
Yu-Ming Chiang
Sharon D. Cobb
Natalie Y. Fauve-Wukowitz
Dexter W. Francis
Brian L. Fuller
Carlos R. Gamero
Philip H. Gliedman, Jr.
Robin A. Hays
James H. Hoffmann
James T. Hsiao
Michael A. Kalajian
Andrew K. Kilpatrick
William E. Lawton
Mark P. Lemieux
Liyong Li
Kenneth R. Lockwood
Walter M. Lugo
Michael Mahon
Lt. Walter B.
Massenburg, Jr.
William P O'Connor
Matthew J. Orme
E. Leland Parker
Philip L. Parmley
Philip J. Rizzo
Chad A. Rohde
Brett A. Schemenauer
Mahesh K. Sreenivas
Matthew M. Tremmel
Jeffery A. Urlaub
Oscar M. Vazquez
Luis G. Velazquez Villares
Michael J. Wright
Kathryn J.Wright
Xueliang Zhang
Jie Cheng
Ronald J. Zink II

Class 1999
Zafar Ahmed
Anthony M. Bevilacqua
Maj. Robert G. Bozic
Alan J. Brackett
Christy E. Brigman
Jeffrey R. Brigman
James G. Brundage
Angela P. Bruner
Darren R. Burgess
Kristopher J. Burson
Mark A. Bush
TimothyJ. Campbell
Tony C. Carnes
Jennifer E. Close
Jenni M. Davidson
Keith I. Dolby
Ayodele P. Fatade
Harris M. Frank
Eric M. Furman
Ivan Gonzalez
TimothyA. Healy
Hughy E. Hearn
GaryV. Hildebrandt
RavisankarA. Keecheril
Sean M. Kelley
William G. King II
Patience G. Kurtz
Jason M. Kurtz

Jarrett I. McGill
Jessica A. Mclntyre
Carl F. Miester
Millan A. Mora
Joseph L. Moroso
Raleigh D. Myers
Nathan C. Prewitt
Javier A. Quiros
Bryan A. Rhodes
Felix G. Rivero, Jr.
Eli N. Ross
WesleyA. Shamblin
Anthony W. Shawver
Shailendra Srinivas
Ted 0. Welch

Class 2000
Russell G. Auld
Stephanie A. Baker
Brian J. Basterrechea
Jon S. Berry II
Michael C. Brooks
Joshua L. Bryan
Foster N. Chatham
Douglas S. DeLong
Ping P. DeLucia
Stephen M. Dupries
Maynard J. Factor
Tracy R. Gill
Constance D. Hendrix
Jeremy R. Judd
James C. Kastler
Leonard E. Marshall
Kevin J. Overmann
Byron J. Palla
Young-Seo Park
Lionel Vladimir Perez
Matthew P. Phillips
Sandra E. Pinero
Hector M. Pinero
Brett A. Relyea
Angela D. Relyea
Andrew J. Schmedeman
Robert B. Simpson
Marinelle S. Soriano
Katherine P. Thomas
Jean L. Tokarz
Thomas H. Wagner

Class 2001
Alexander F. Ashkar
Scott M. Buntin
Kimberly M. Cochran
Christine M. L. Cox
Tony Crease
Susan D. Curry
Brian A. Dey
Italo A. Garcia
Todd E. Goede
Ahmad R. Hadba
Kenneth Hargreaves, Jr.
Jan D. Hartmann
Robert J. Heinle
Stuart Hoelle
Feng-JungJ. Huang
Arun S. Jagatheesan
Rajesh K. Kanna
Alexander M. Kohnen
Marie A. Lavoro
Aaron D. Lilak
David T. Martin
Erica L. Martin
Steven A. Martin
Scott D. McKee
Sudarshan Mullagiri
Bensa Nukunya
Leandro R. Bonilla
Fernando A. Paz

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Class 2002

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Liping Deiig
Susan K. Earles
Paul L. Friedman
Steven T. Grace
Clifford G. Koenig
Jeffrey A. May
William J. McElroy
Patrick L. Miller
David A. Myers
Valerie Paredes Bonilla
Rodrigo J. Pastrana
James R. Patchin
Michael D. Reed
Adam J. Rucks
Riaz Uddin
Philip A. Villeza

Class 2003
Burt W. Blair
Israel Boniche
Isabelle E. Detter
Lawrin T. Ellis
Marko A. Escalante
Robert L. Harris, Jr.
Joel R. Howell
Jeannette M. Jacques
Alexa A. Kirk
Devyn M. Miller
Christopher M. Moore
Oliver K. Pankiewicz
Wendell A. Porter
Amir C. Rubin
Zachary E. Williams

Class 2004
Scott C. Brown
William A. Closkey
Robert T. Healy, Jr.
Jihyun Kim
Debra H. Lush
Samantha T. Mirabal
Erich Mirabal
Teresa L. Nieten
Daniel A. Nieten
Darryl S. Stolz

Honor Roll 39

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