Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 A letter from Dean Khargonekar
 Engineering advisory council annual...
 Taking ideas from mind to...
 New program gives undergraduates...
 Two steps forward, one step...
 Scientist's device to improve breathlessness...
 Harris Day strengthens UF/Harris...
 Engineering names first woman associate...
 Chemical engineering names new...
 Elliot Douglas rolls into Teacher...
 Faculty footnotes
 How Team CIMAR spent spring...
 I, Robot, will work for you
 UF engineer redesigns classic archery...
 Barge vs. bridge experiments in...
 UF hosts ASME 2004 HPV East Coast...
 ITV students create winning...
 Mechanical & aerospace engineering...
 Students have lively engineers...
 Development report
 Annual report of giving
 Alumni updates
 Request for contact informatio...
 Upcoming events

Group Title: Florida engineer.
Title: Florida engineer. Summer 2004.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076208/00019
 Material Information
Title: Florida engineer. Summer 2004.
Series Title: Florida engineer
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Engineering Publications, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Summer 2004
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076208
Volume ID: VID00019
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Table of Contents
        Page 2
    A letter from Dean Khargonekar
        Page 3
    Engineering advisory council annual meeting
        Page 4
    Taking ideas from mind to market
        Page 5
    New program gives undergraduates an introduction to tech transfer
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Two steps forward, one step back
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Scientist's device to improve breathlessness is focus of innovative UF program
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Harris Day strengthens UF/Harris ties
        Page 12
    Engineering names first woman associate dean
        Page 13
    Chemical engineering names new chair
        Page 14
    Elliot Douglas rolls into Teacher of the Year award
        Page 15
    Faculty footnotes
        Page 16
        Page 17
    How Team CIMAR spent spring break
        Page 18
        Page 19
    I, Robot, will work for you
        Page 20
    UF engineer redesigns classic archery bow to shoot farther, easier
        Page 21
    Barge vs. bridge experiments in panhandle waters finished
        Page 22
        Page 23
    UF hosts ASME 2004 HPV East Coast Challenge
        Page 24
    ITV students create winning company
        Page 24
    Mechanical & aerospace engineering flies high in competition
        Page 25
    Students have lively engineers week celebration
        Page 26
    Development report
        Page 27
        Page 28
    Annual report of giving
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
    Alumni updates
        Page 38
    Request for contact information
        Page 39
    Upcoming events
        Page 40
Full Text
En ineelilds


Summer 2004

4 College
Entrepreneurship and
Tech Transfer

13 Faculty
First Woman Engineering
Associate Dean
First Woman Chemical
Engineering Chair

18 Recent Research
Team CIMAR at the
DARPA Grand Challenge

24 Students
Recent competitions

27 Development
Annual Report of Giving

32 Alumni

US News & World Report 2004
Graduate School Rankings

USNews & R. .. !.1 .:.!I-, .:..:..1
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April 2004 isss 1. i ,,.:.-All i i.:.' .ik d-
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last year. The c:.ll. i .-'i kii L i.n .1
institutions, pi.libl: :iid pi n .iri. !-i!i .miii. .1

Nine college ig i .1 i.i .1iipli: ph -!
ranked in the r.:.p 21 .:.t pi.bli ,: ,iriii .: ri
(Agricultural -1 iii i l d i .i i r
engineering A-r1 r .:.1 iLi:r ,k d t-lln % ii i




Dean & Publisher
Pi. unod Kh.irgonck.u

Publicatons Adviser
NI.u: Hot

Managing Editor
Ron Fi.inkhn

Editor & Principal Writer
Slirh.i Dobson

Contributing Writers
A.iuon Hoo\ei
P.Im C.i cs \

D.i id Bl.inkelhndup
Ron Fi.iilnkn

Clui'tin.i Loosh

Bo\d Biorthei In,

Published each semester by the College of
Engineering at the University of Florida.
The magazine informs college alumni
and friends about the accomplishments
of its faculty, alumni, and supporters.
For permission to reprint any part of this
magazine, contact the Managing Editor,
The Florida Engineer, PO Box 116550,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
32611. Telephone: (352) 392-0984 E-mail:
Visit the magazine's home page: www.eng.

Cover: This microprocessor was polished
to perfection by a new slurry technique
developed by UF engineering professor
Rajiv Singh and his wife, Deepika. UF
inventors are bringing many new projects
to market with the help of the University of
Florida's Office ofTechnology Licensing.
For more, see our stories beginning on p. 5.
The Singh slurry process is pictured on p. 11.

2 TheFloridaEngineer

-j-tn 1998, the
University of
California at
Berkeley entered
into a $25 million
five year "strategic
alliance" with Novartis.
This agreement called for
the global pharmaceutical
company to provide $5
million annually to the
UC Berkeley Department
of Plant and Microbial
Biology for undirected
research. The agreement
also stipulated that
Novartis would provide access to proprietary technology and
bioinformatics databases. In return, Novartis received the first
right to commercialize approximately 30 to 40 percent of the
department's discoveries. (The percentage corresponded to
the fraction $5 million represented of the total budget of the

Enacted in 1980, the Bayh-Dole Act is widely regarded as a
landmark in the commercialization of university research. This law
allowed and encouraged universities and non-profit institutions to
own the intellectual property generated from research sponsored
by the federal government. While the recognition of potential
societal benefits of scientific research at universities dates back
at least to Vannevar Bush's 1945 report, "Science The Endless
Frontier," the Bayh-Dole Act gave very clear incentives to
universities to engage in commercialization of university research.

Against this backdrop, the Berkeley-Novartis deal became
the focus of great controversy. Although it was hardly the first
such agreement, the fact that one of the most prominent public
universities in the nation would so closely ally itself with a private
corporation led to a public discussion of deep and far reaching
issues surrounding the trend toward university commercialization.
In "The Kept University," a famous Atlantic Monthly article, Eyal
Press and Jennifer Washburn wrote: "In an age when ideas are
central to the economy, universities will inevitably play a role
in fostering growth. But should we allow commercial forces to
determine the university's educational mission and academic
ideals? ... Universities, once wary beneficiaries of commercial
largess have become eager co-capitalists, embracing market values
as never before."

Gordon Rausser, dean of UC Berkeley's College of Natural
Resources, expressed the opposite viewpoint in anAgBioForum
article: "Land Grant universities pioneered the synergies between
practical knowledge and fundamental science. Hence, when

A Letter from Dean Khargonekar

the College of Natural Resources desired to ensure a first-rate
graduate education for its students in plant and microbial biology
... it turned to where much of the current practical knowledge
in plant and microbial biology exists; namely, the lifescience
companies. ...To be sure, Land Grant universities are public assets
of immense value. So long as our culture is maintained this value
will be enhanced, not diminished, when we work creatively in
collaboration with other institutions including private companies."

From the perspective of an engineering college, it is only
natural for us to engage with private industry in research and
education. However, as the Berkeley-Novartis deal illustrates,
it is extremely important to deal directly with the issues of
conflict of interest, the obligations of a public university, and the
protection of faculty and student rights and academic freedoms.
On one hand, insights from practitioners in private industry
can enrich academic curriculum and research directions. On the
other hand, engineering research at universities has played and
continues to play a very significant role in the growth of a modern
knowledge- based economy in fields ranging from information
technology to energy to environment to national security. Google
Inc.'s impending initial public offering once again underscores
the wealth creation opportunities that arise from entrepreneurial
activities emanating from research universities. It seems clear
that the best and most responsible course of action for research
universities is to engage in technology transfer and entrepreneurial
activities while maintaining the fundamental societal obligations
of a public research university: absolute honesty, public good,
freedom of inquiry and open debate, unfettered dissemination of
knowledge, etc.

In this issue of The Florida Engineer, we highlight our activities
in technology transfer and entrepreneurship. Roughly 12 to 14
percent of our research expenditures are supported by industry
funded projects. Recently, we reached a broad agreement
with Melbourne-based Harris Corp. on intellectual property
disposition from joint research activities. You will read about our
activities in patents and licensing with the University of Florida
Office of Technology Licensing. To educate our students in
entrepreneurship, we have started a new program called Integrated
Technology Ventures as part of our very successful Integrated
Product and Process Design program. Also, a new course on
entrepreneurship for engineers has been initiated. These are just a
few of the myriad activities that allow our students and faculty to
engage in cutting-edge education and research while interacting
with the commercial milieu where their work belongs.

We hope you enjoy reading about our faculty and student
ventures, and we welcome your further interest in the exciting
education and research activities of the college.

TheFloridaEngineer 3

College -




Council Annual


The College of Engineering
Advisory Council met
Thursday, Feb. 26, to hear about
current college research and a
new undergraduate education
program in entrepreneurship.
The council members are a
diverse group from industry
and academia who advise the
college's departments on their
growth and development.


2 0 0 4

Advisory Council

Entrepreneurship was the
special topic for this year's
meeting. Many engineers are
now establishing businesses
based on technologies
they have developed. The
college has established new
courses and programs to give
undergraduates the skills they
will need to start businesses.

Faculty, too, are interested
in bringing technologies to
the marketplace. College
electronics research programs
with potential for future
practical applications were
described to the advisers.
The presentations included
advanced computing and
information systems;
electronically guided
autonomous robots;
semiconductor spin electronics;
and image and signal analysis

for detecting landmines.
Jack Sullivan Jr., president
and CEO of the Florida
Research Consortium, gave
a lunchtime talk about his
company, which serves to
facilitate cooperation among
the state, industry, and the
university. The meeting
concluded with a banquet
at UF's Touchdown Terrace.
The banquet speaker was
Malcolm J. Kaus, the Global
Polyethylene Products
Technology Manager from
ExxonMobil Chemical
Company, which generously
sponsored the advisory council

Martha Dobson

Portraits of former College of
Engineering deans Robert Uhrig
(left), Win Phillips (center),
and Thomas Martin (pictured
separately) were unveiled at the
EAC banquet. The paintings, a
gift to the college, were done by
retired UF electrical engineering
professor Peyton Peebles.

Malcolm Kaus, from ExxonMobil
Chemical Company, was the
banquet speaker.

4 TheFloridaEngineer

The University of Florida is

Taking Ideas from Mind to Market


Picture an inventor in your
mind. Do you see a guy
working alone in his garage?
A technocrat in a giant
laboratory? A University of
Florida engineer?

Almost certainly you see a
dreamer, not a pragmatist, not
a businessman, or a marketing
expert. You aren't likely to
visualize a UF professor with
an entire team of business
professionals ready and able to
help bring a new product to

At UF, however, that is
the reality. The Office of
Technology Licensing (OTL)
at the University of Florida,
working with UF's EDA
University Center, brings
together all the pieces needed
to commercialize inventions
created by UF faculty. OTL
is part of UF's Research
and Graduate Programs
division. The EDA center is
a partnership between UF
and the US Department
of Commerce Economic
Development Administration,
or EDA.

New Tech Snapshot
Start-up: Smart Structures, Inc.
Digital Wireless Sensors for Concrete Piles ~

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"For the College of
Engineering to improve the
climate for entrepreneurship
and technology transfer, a
good working relationship
with the Office of Technology
Licensing is essential. Over the
last couple of years, we have
worked hard to establish this,"
says engineering Dean Pramod

As a result of the college's
growing interaction with OTL
and the EDA center, several
UF engineers have start-up
companies incubating here in
Gainesville. Several others have
patented ideas taking the first
steps toward start-ups. The
companies are a diverse lot.
They build water contaminant
monitors, intensive care
unit data managers, and air
pollutant sensors, among

All began as inventions
created by UF engineering
faculty and students. OTL
believes that UF has some of
the world's best inventors in
engineering, and the university
is interested in commercializing
these inventions because of

their potential benefit to the
inventor, the university, and the

The intent is to form
companies to take new
technologies to the
marketplace. That creates
economic development
opportunities in Florida and
new jobs, especially for recent
university graduates. It also
gives inventors a stake in
the companies so the whole
community can benefit from
UF technology.

All employees at UF who
invent or develop a product
must disclose it to the
university. This requirement
is true for all faculty, staff, or
students, whether the work
is done on- or off-campus, as
a part of a research program,
or just from personal interest.
UF has the right to claim that
intellectual property as its own.

UF does not claim its right
to every new development.
Instead, OTL works with
the inventor to determine
if the product is suitable for
patent. If it is, OTL files the
patent application and helps
determine whether to license
the idea to an existing company
or to license it to a start-up
company. If the choice is a
start-up company, OTL helps
find an executive to run the

company and write a business
plan, locate investors, and do
marketing research. When all
the pieces come together, a
start-up is born.

continues p. 11

PMe wtM albda tmasMP" unSsi

Th"FloridaEngineer 5


New Program Gives Undergraduates an

Introduction to Tech Transfer

The number of UF-based
technologies reaching the
marketplace may soon be
on the rise thanks to a new
program that provides a
unique learning experience
for engineering and business
students while helping faculty
market their inventions.



Ventures 1

The Integrated Technology
Ventures (ITV) program
is an innovative approach
to applying engineering
knowledge in an
entrepreneurial environment.
Multidisciplinary teams
of students learn the
entrepreneurial process
with the goal of preparing a
technology for commercial use.

The ITV program combines
the resources of three successful
UF industry-interaction
model programs: the College
of Engineering's Integrated
Product and Process Design
(IPPD) program, the Center
for Entrepreneurship and

Innovation (CEI) in the
Warrington College of
Business Administration,
and the Office of Technology

"The idea was to focus the
strengths of these three entities
to provide a unique, immersive
educational experience for our
students," says Keith Stanfill,
assistant engineer in Industrial
& Systems Engineering and
director of the IPPD program.

"In IPPD we have learned
how to create products based
on industry best practices.
We're good at developing
designs and prototypes from
customer requirements,"

New Tech Snapshot
Patent: Flux Meter to Monitor
Contaminants in Water

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Stanfill says. "In the past, we've
always relied on an industry
sponsor to provide us with the
requirements. Now we have
the added benefit of interacting
with business students
who develop the customer
requirements from market
studies during the design

Each student team forms
a virtual company around a
UF faculty invention. The
team is structured and acts as
a start-up company complete
with the need to focus limited
resources and develop a
product that meets market
demands. A local, experienced
entrepreneur agrees to act as
CEO of the virtual company.
The CEO then works with a
CEI faculty member and the
faculty inventor to coach a
business team of two to five
MBA students. An engineering
faculty member serves as
mentor for a technology team
of four to six undergraduate
engineering and business

"The ITV program is a great
way for students to experience
a start-up environment without
taking on the start-up's risk,"
says Erik Sander, director
of Industry Programs in the
College of Engineering.

6 '".FloridaEngineer

Tech Transfer

Tech Transfer

Sander helps recruit local
CEOs who are interested
enough to license the
technology, begin a start-
up company, or take on the
technology within their own
companies. Additionally,
CEOs may bring in their
own employees or provide
other resources. Sander
also developed a series of
entrepreneurial modules to
supplement the IPPD lecture

The ITV program, which
began in fall 2003, moved
from concept to pilot
implementation in less than
six months, and three virtual
companies were formed around
different technologies.

In one company, students
worked with a wireless
device to monitor the health
of large animals. The dairy
cattle industry is the target
market. Another technology
measures fluid and solute
fluxes in groundwater to
monitor water supplies for
contaminants. (This student
team won a significant award
for developing their company:
story on p. 24. Also see New
Tech Snapshot, p. 6.)

A third company focused
on a respiratory muscle
strengthening device that
increases breathing force and
could be used by musicians,
athletes, or people who suffer
from airway dysfunction. (See
story p. 10.)

New Tech Snapshot
Parent: Solid State Sensors for
Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide

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The university will assist the
ITV teams in seeking funding
from angel investors or venture
capitalists. Furthermore,
the business team will work
with the technology team to
produce a market analysis and
business plan to present to
potential investors, business
development partners, and
customers at CEI's annual
business plan competition and
similar investor forums.

Current funding for the
program has been provided by
the Economic Development
Administration of the US
Department of Commerce, the
National Collegiate Inventors
and Innovators Alliance, and
the UF College of Engineering.
MRI Devices Corporation,
a small company based in
Gainesville and Wisconsin, is
sponsoring one of the projects.

"We need to attract
additional funding sources to
take the technologies to the
next step," says Stanfill. "Ideally
we would like to spin out

UF also supports two
incubators in Gainesville
that can provide a home to
students who wish to license
the technology and convert
the virtual company to an
operating business.

The UF Office of
Technology Licensing helps
to facilitate the transfer of
technologies created at UF
to the commercial sector for
public use. The ITV program
develops the middle ground
for bringing the technologies
from the bench top to the

The ITV program also
can provide many economic
benefits to the community.
In addition to offering
products and services that
help consumers, the start-up
companies create higher wage
jobs in this area.

Since students participating
in the ITV program will be
graduating engineering or
business seniors or completing
their MBA, at least part of

the team may be interested
in continuing the project
as employees of a start-
up company. These newly
created jobs will give students
the opportunity to stay in
Gainesville after they graduate.

Engineering Dean Pramod
Khargonekar is equally
enthused about ITV. "I am
very excited about the new
ITV program as part of our
excellent IPPD program. It
will provide our undergraduate
students a unique opportunity
to experience entrepreneurial
activities. I expect this program
to grow significantly over the
coming years," Khargonekar

Patricia Casey

TheFloridaEngineer 7


Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
A cautionary tale forfaculty inventors

Tech Transfer

An invention's path from
patent to market can be full
of hazards. The experience of
Larry Hench has lessons for
other UF engineering faculty
who want to travel that road.

Hench invented Bioglass
while a professor in Materials
Science & Engineering at
UE Bioglass is a nontoxic,
bioreactive glass compound
intended for use as implants
and bone replacements. They
work by forming a bond with
living tissue. This concept was
new in 1969, when Bioglass
was developed, but the market
potential was enormous if
the technology could be
successfully transferred to
private industry.

Therein lies a complicated
tale, says Hench, who retired
from UF as a graduate research
professor emeritus and joined
the materials science faculty of
Imperial College in London,
England, eight years ago.

With the support and
encouragement of the US
Army, Hench and his team
developed the material, tested
it, and published the results
openly in technical journals.
The first reports were met with
skepticism, so the team was
flattered when, a couple of
years later, two engineers from
a German company discovered
the journal articles about
Bioglass and visited Hench's

"I freely and openly gave
them copies of our reports to
the Army and showed them
the work that we were doing,"
Hench says.

A year later, Hench found
out that the visiting engineers
had taken out a patent on a
material that sounded just
like Bioglass. The German
visitors had taken Hench's
Army report, with its original
wording and diagrams, and
used it as the basis for their
patent application.To make
their version of Bioglass
appear unique, they added
small amounts of two
additional elements to the
original formula.

Worse, the German patent
had a statement that without
the two additional elements,
Bioglass in its original
form was sure to fail. "That
was a horrendous feeling of
violation," Hench says.

The German version was
quickly put into clinical use.
In a short time, the implants
using that material began to
break up and fail. Now the
German version is no longer
on the market and there is no
Bioglass patent of the original
compositions anywhere in the
world that is valid.

"It taught us a real lesson,
that we needed to recognize
more quickly the potential for
theft. So we quickly began to
obtain process patents for what
we were working on," Hench

Hench's next venture into
technology transfer was not
a success, either. He had a
patented process for coating
Bioglass onto orthopedic
metals. The process was
licensed to a large company,
with the agreement that shares
from the inventors, the college,
and the university would be
combined to build a small pilot

Hench says this was a
mistake. They underestimated
the amount of investment
needed to make the venture
work. They also did not put a
performance clause into the
agreement. The project had
made no progress after five
years, and the university had to
threaten legal action to get the
rights back.

At about the same time,
an otolaryngology surgeon
in UF's College of Medicine,
Gerald Merwin, thought that
Bioglass would be ideal for
replacement bones in the ear,
implants that could restore
hearing. Clinical tests of
Bioglass ear implants had
given good results.

A new company, American
Biomaterials, was launched
with private investors, with an
agreement to provide funding
to a newly created campus
Bioglass Research Center.
The center was set up with
$200,000 a year in funding
for five years to make the
transition from government
sponsored lab work to
manufacture and marketing.

8 TheFloridaEngineer

Tech Transfer

The license agreement
with American Biomaterials
was set up with performance
and technology transfer
requirements and funding built
right into it. The company
entered the marketplace with
two products, a middle ear
prosthesis and the Bioglass
endosseous ridge maintenance
implant (ERMI), a device to
replace the roots of extracted
teeth so patients can be fitted
with dentures.

The next step was to submit
the products to the Federal
Drug Administration for
approval. Up to that point, the
FDA had never been asked
to review products that were
bioactive. Previous implants,
whether metal or plastic, had
been designed to be as inert as

FDA approval for the
implants required evidence of
extensive laboratory testing,
a task carried out by Hench's
co-researcher and wife, Dr.
June Wilson Hench. She
assembled data on 30 tests,
the most ever done on a new
biomaterial up to that time.
The funding support from
American Biomaterials made
that possible.

"All appeared to be rosy,"
Hench says. Then in the
mid-1980s, American
Biomaterials merged with
another company that was
making collagen products. An
accountant reviewing the books
discovered that the company's
management had begun to
access the public offering
monies by fraudulent means.
The company filed for Chapter
11 bankruptcy while the courts
prosecuted the chief executive
officer and chief financial

The company executives were
convicted, and the university
had to find a way to keep
the technology alive despite
the licensed company being
in Chapter 11. The situation
was saved by an advance of
royalty money from Gatorade,
a famous UF tech transfer
success, to keep things going
until a new company, US
Biomaterials, was created.

US Biomaterials has been
successful and has introduced a
new product, Perioglas, which
is used to repair bone lost
due to periodontal and gum
disease. In the last two years,
they have spun off another
company called Novabone,
and the products have been
expanded to orthopedic
applications. US Biomaterials
is also developing a toothpaste
containing Bioglass which is
able to resurface tooth enamel,
especially of benefit to older
people. A PhD graduate of the
University of Florida provided
the technical leadership for all
these products.

Hench put all of this
experience together when he
and his wife started Geltech.
Geltech's start-up time was
three years from laboratory
to market, in contrast to 15
years for Bioglass. The first
important Geltech product
was a specially designed
porous window injected
with genetically engineered
hemoglobin that would
serve as a detector for carbon

"June and I were both
involved in raising the capital
and putting together the
investment group and initial
management team," Hench

says. "It was very stressful, but
I think having faculty involved
in the start-up is the most
efficient way for an engineering
college to handle sharing new
technologies," he says.

Now Hench is in phased
retirement from Imperial
College. He is hoping to create
a partnership between UF
and the University of Central
Florida CREOL photonics
group to introduce a new
technology, NovaTest, to the
market. NovaTest uses living
human cells to do screening
in real time, in situ, for toxic
materials such as biological and
chemical warfare agents.

Hench believes that a
university needs to take a very
proactive role in helping faculty
inventors commercialize their
products. Like UF, Imperial
College helps evaluate faculty
inventions for patent and
maintains a start-up venture
capital pool, similar to the
Emergent Growth Fund
created by Florida investors
and made available to UF
entrepreneurs. Hench approves
of that model.

"It's risky," he says, "but if it
does succeed, you get multiple
payoffs for the university and
the local community."

Martha Dobson

TheFloridaEngineer 9


Scientist's Device to Improve
Breathlessness is Focus of
Innovative UF Program

Tech Transfer

In fall 2003, students in UF's
new Integrated Technology
Ventures (ITV) program
turned their attention to
a device developed by UF
veterinary medicine professor
Paul Davenport which can
be used in conjunction with
a training program to reduce
vocal strain and strengthen
voice muscles. It has already
undergone extensive testing by
high-risk performers in street
and musical theater and choral
ensembles, by Navy divers,
and even by high school band
students. Articles documenting
the tests'positive preliminary
results have appeared in
Advance for Speech-Language
Pathologists & Audiologists and
in the Journal of Voice.

"What we've developed is a
noninvasive mechanical device
that fits in the patient's pocket,
about the size of a tennis ball,"
Davenport said. "Using our
device and training program for
only three to four weeks, people
can increase their breathing
force an average of about 50

Davenport said that although
the device is not a cure for
patients with lung disease, for
some it could improve quality
of life. "We estimate that there
are approximately 20 million
people with airway dysfunction
of some type that this could
help," he said.

The students are part of
a virtual start-up company
formed around Davenport's
invention with the help
of faculty and industry
mentors. Undergraduate
engineering students focus
on the technology and design
concepts, while graduate-
level business students create

Pictured left to right are engineering students Allyson Hooper,
Shalveen Shah, Dr. Paul Davenport, Keith Stanfill, ITV program
director, engineering student Krystal Harriott, MRI Devices manager
Jace Dinehard, and engineering students Michelle Mirabaland and

Ryan Law.

a business plan and conduct
market research. There is
even a "virtual CEO"- a
representative from MRI
Devices, a company based
in Waukesha, Wis., that has
offices in Gainesville.The firm
donated $20,000 to sponsor
the project.

technical and business-related
resources, they're helping to
ensure the project's success,"
Keith Stanfill, ITV program
director, said. "In addition,
the students are gaining some
really valuable skills."

Sarah Carey
College ofVeterinary Medicine

"With their investment in
the project, as well as providing http://www.ippd.ufl.edu

New Tech Snapshot
Start-up: ICU DataSystems
Bio-informatics for Intensive Care Units

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10 "'FloridaEngineer

New Tech Snapshot
Start-up: Sinmat, Inc.
Polishing Slurry for Copper

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DL piki Siiit._

Tech Transfer

.. i Iiiii .... .: ".......... .. ..... : : ...
continued from p. 5
The system works. OTL was
able to create 10 new start-up
companies last year, meeting its
own ambitious goal, said Jane
Muir, OTL associate director.
OTL is one of the top 10
technology transfer offices in
the nation in terms of licensing
income and patents issued, she

GTEC the engineer's
Engineering start-up
companies developed by OTL
often begin life at GTEC
- the Gainesville Technology
Enterprise Center. Booker
Schmidt is GTEC's executive
director. GTEC works very
closely with the OTL, he said.

"We share the goal of
successful tech transfer,"
Schmidt said. In addition,
he said, "GTEC offers three
main things to a start-up

company: special educational
opportunities, ongoing strategic
advice, and access to outside

A major resource is the
facility itself, situated in east
Gainesville. GTEC, only three
years old, has offices, labs,
and assembly areas available
at a reasonable rate to start-
ups. Unlike the Sid Martin
Biotechnology Development
Incubator, located in Alachua,
GTEC is not owned by
the university, but is a
cooperative venture paid for
by Alachua County, the city of
Gainesville, and the Economic
Development Administration.

"It's a very nice partnership
and a beautiful facility. A
lot of incubators are in old
warehouses and the like, but
this one is brand new,"Muir

GTEC also houses two
venture capital groups. The
Emergent Growth Fund, a
group of Florida investors,
provides seed capital for early
stage start-ups.The Inflexion
Fund is a formal venture
capital group that works with
more developed companies,
providing them with the first
stage of institutional venture
capital investment.

During their time at
GTEC, the start-ups focus
on developing an efficient
production process for their
products, so they can meet
production goals and make
money. A start-up company
needs to be self-sufficient and
economically viable at the
end of a three to four year
incubation period, Schmidt

"We can help them get
past the risks involved with a
high-tech start-up," Schmidt
said. "And we don't like to
just send a company out the
door and forget about them.
We want to remain connected
with their ongoing growth and

Martha Dobson


TheFloridaEngineer 11

Tech Transfer

New Tech Snapshot
Patent: Low-Energy Desalinization
L Process

..Harris Day Strengthens UF/Harris Ties,.r

Th e Ha rris Corporation visited the University
of Florida April 2 to give the company's newp

president, chairman, and CEO, Howard Lance,
students. Lance talked with UP President Bernard

Machen and gave a UP Presidential Lecture, 'Just
Harris Day Strengt Started,"ens UFHarris Ties
The Harris Corporation visited the University
of Florida April 2 to give the company's new
president, chairman, and CEO, Howard Lance,
a chance to meet and talk with UF faculty and
students. Lance talked with UF President Bernard
Machen and gave a UF Presidential Lecture, "Just
Getting Started," on his vision for the company.

Harris, an international communications
company based in Melbourne, Fla., also sent lead
researchers from six of their Centers of Excellence
to hold discussions with UF electronics engineers.
The future of telecommunications research was
the subject of a lecture by Harris vice president for
technology Kwame Boakye.

"Harris is one of the best industry supporters
the College of Engineering has," says Erik Sander,
director of industry programs for the college,
who coordinated the day's events. In 2003, Harris
signed a blanket intellectual property agreement
with the university to expand the company's research collaborations with the College of Engineering.
Harris funded the Mobile Networking and Communication Laboratory in the college and sponsors
many college projects including the STEPUP program for entering minority students and Integrated
Product and Process Design projects. Harris is also a significant employer of UF engineering
graduates, hiring more than 400 UF alumni so far.

Martha Dobson

12 TheFloridaEngineer


Engineering Names First Woman Associate Dean

Cammy Abernathy, Alumni
Professor of Materials Science
& Engineering (MSE), is
the new Associate Dean
for Academic Affairs in the
College of Engineering.
Abernathy is the first woman
ever chosen by the college to
serve as an associate dean. She
succeeds Marc Hoit, who has
joined the University of Florida
administration as Director
of Student Implementation
for UF's new Bridges
administrative program.

Abernathy, who came to UF
in 1993, has a distinguished
record in the research of III-V
semiconductor materials and

devices. Before joining the
college, she did research at
AT&T Bell Laboratories in
New Jersey. She received her
PhD in materials science and
engineering from Stanford
University and her bachelor's
in materials science and
engineering from MIT.

Academic administration will
be a big change for Abernathy,
but she is looking forward to
the challenges and possibilities
of her new job. "I believe that
every 10 years you ought to do
something different," she says.

She had a chance to sample
the administrative side
when Kevin Jones, the MSE
department chair, asked her to
look into curriculum issues and
graduate recruiting. "I found
it very interesting, and I liked
the idea of doing something
that could have a little impact
beyond just the people in
my own research group,"
Abernathy says.

The choice of Abernathy
as associate dean underlines
the efforts of the college and
university to increase diversity
among the faculty and staff.
Abernathy served on the UF
presidential search committee
and believes that UF's new
president, J. Bernard Machen,
has a real commitment to
increasing diversity at UF,
which she believes to be

"I think there is an
increasing awareness, especially
in engineering, that the
demographics of the country
are changing and our real
growth is going to come from
traditionally underrepresented
groups, women, and minorities.
If we want to recruit those

people, then our faculty and
staff also need to be more
diverse. Industry has already
seen this and made those
commitments," Abernathy says.

She points out that
industry needs a diverse
work force because it sells
to a diverse marketplace
and must understand how
that marketplace thinks.
Industry also knows that
it needs to recruit among
underrepresented groups
because that is where the fresh
talent is coming from.

"Academia seems to be a
little behind industry in those
areas, but we are beginning to
feel the same pressures. I think
there is a lot we can learn from
industry about how we can
develop a work force for the
21st century," she says.

Abernathy, who will oversee
undergraduate curriculum,
believes the college does
have tremendously talented
undergraduates. She also
thinks the college has created
an excellent disciplinary
curriculum, especially at the
upper division level. In the
future, however, she would like
to find ways for the college to
"cross-fertilize" the curriculum
and make it easier for students
to learn in an interdisciplinary
environment, especially at the
undergraduate level.

"We need to look at ways
to bring engineering to
the freshman experience,"
Abernathy says. "We also need
to look at learning modes, how
we can deliver material that
will facilitate learning among
all groups."

continues p. 14

TheFloridaEngineer 13


Chemical Engineering Names New Chair

Jennifer Curtis has accepted
the position of professor
and chair of the Chemical
Engineering department. She
will begin full time in January
after completing a six-month
sabbatical in Australia.

Curtis was formerly
a professor of chemical
engineering and University
Faculty Scholar at Purdue
University. She has also
served as the head of the
Department of Freshman
Engineering and associate dean
of Undergraduate Programs
in the Schools of Engineering
while at Purdue. She received
her BS in chemical engineering
in 1983 from Purdue and her
PhD in chemical engineering
in 1989 from Princeton

Curtis has an internationally
recognized research program
in the development and

continued from p. 13
Abernathy also has
responsibility for the college's
Outreach Engineering
Education Program which
delivers graduate level courses
electronically to students
unable to come to campus. She
sees a new role for the program
in facilitating the college's
recently approved 30-hour,
non-thesis master's program.

"I can envision a program in
which we would partner with
a company and offer a master's
degree in a particular discipline.
Then perhaps we could have
an arrangement where the
top students in that program
could be admitted to the PhD
program, with the company
sending them here. There's a lot
of potential there."

validation of numerical
models for the prediction of
particle flow phenomena and
received the NSF Presidential
Young Investigator Award.
She currently serves on the
board of directors for the
American Chemical Society-
Petroleum Research Fund and
the editorial advisory board
of the journals of Powder
Technology and Pharmaceutical
Development and Technology.

Curtis received departmental
and university teaching
awards while on the faculty
at Lafayette College and
the University of Arizona.
At Purdue, she received the
departmental Kimberly Clark
Mentoring Award and was
named to the university-
wide Teaching for Tomorrow
Program. In 2003, Curtis
received national recognition
with ASEE's Sharon Keillor
Award for Women in

Abernathy sees the outreach
program as a way to help the
engineering alumni, as studies
have shown that successful
engineers need to update their
education every five years or so.

She would like the college
to reach out to the public in
other ways as well. "We do a lot
of great research. I would like
to find avenues to bring that
closer to undergraduates, K-12
students, and the public."

One idea she has is creating
a "UF engineer bus"with
teaching laboratory modules
on board that could visit area
schools. "It would be great to
take around the state and show
that UF isn't just for Alachua
County, but is a real statewide
resource," she says.

Engineering and serves on
the National Academy of
Engineering's Committee
on Engineering Education.
In 2004, she received the
Eminent Overseas Lectureship
Award from the Institution of
Engineers in Australia.

The current interim chair
of Chemical Engineering,
Professor Spyros Svoronos,
will continue in this role until
January. His service has been
critical in maintaining the
great progress and momentum
achieved under the tenure
of former department chair
Timothy Anderson, who
is now associate dean for
Research and Graduate
Programs in the College of

Patricia Casey


Dean Pramod Khargonekar
sees Abernathy's energy and
originality as a strong plus
for the college. "I am very
pleased that Dr. Abernathy
has accepted the position of
Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs. With her excellent
record of scholarship, her
creativity, and interest in faculty
and academic issues, she will be
an outstanding addition to the
college leadership team. I look
forward to working with her,"
Khargonekar says.

For her part, Abernathy
believes the college faculty and
staff will make a great team. "I
am really impressed with the
quality of the staff. I think we
can work together to do some
great things," she says.

Martha Dobson

14 TheFloridaEngineer

Materials Science & Engineering students Brendan Collins (left) and Andrew
Gerger take the opportunity to push Associate Professor Elliot Douglas in his
wagon. Douglas uses the red wagon to carry items to and from classes.

Four Engineering Faculty Members Named UF Research
Foundation Professors

The University of Florida Research
Foundation (UFRF) named four
engineering faculty members as UF
Research Foundation professors for

JamesJones, Agricultural &
Biological Engineering
Kenneth O, Electrical &
Computer Engineering
Fan Ren, Chemical Engineering
Y. Peter Sheng, Civil & Coastal

UFRF professorships are given to
faculty with distinguished current
research and a strong, promising
research agenda. The three-year
award includes a $5,000 annual
salary supplement and a $3,000

The professorships are funded
from the university's share of
royalty and licensing income on
UF-generated products. Founded
in 1986, the not-for-profit
organization provides a means by
which research can be conducted
flexibly and efficiently and by
which discoveries, inventions,
processes, and work products of
UF faculty, staff, and students can
be transferred from the laboratory
to the public. Funds generated
by licensing such discoveries are
used to enhance research at the

Elliot Douglas Rolls into
Teacher of the Year Award

Elliot P. Douglas, Materials Science & Engineering
(MSE) associate professor, is a University of Florida
Teacher of the Year for 2003-2004. UF recognizes
two outstanding teachers each year for superior
undergraduate teaching.

Douglas joined MSE in 1996. He received his PhD in
polymer science and engineering from the University of
Massachusetts Amherst in 1992.

The little red wagon that Douglas uses to carry his
classroom gear symbolizes his dynamic approach to

"Elliot is very dedicated to the teaching profession,"
says Kevin Jones, professor and chair of Materials
Science & Engineering. "He is always looking for
ways to improve his teaching methodologies, be it in
developing novel delivery methods or attending national
seminars and workshops on teaching techniques."

"His efforts are reflected in his classroom teaching
abilities," says Jones. "Elliot has worked hard to become
an excellent teacher and is extremely deserving of this
great recognition."

Douglas also does research in structure-property
relationships in polymers, specifically epoxies for
composite applications, structure-property relationships
of liquid crystalline epoxies, and structure and processing
of collagen for biomimetic applications.

His other awards include the Hoechst Celanese
Excellence in Polymer Science Award, the Los
Alamos National Laboratory Excellence in Industrial
Partnerships Award, and the Ralph R. Teetor
Educational Award from the Society of Automotive
Engineers. In November 1997, he received a Presidential
Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. He is
a member of the American Chemical Society and the
American Society for Engineering Education.

Patricia Casey

TheFloridaEngineer 15

Agricultural & Biological

Wendy Graham, professor
and chair, was named one of
five UF Doctoral Dissertation
Advisor/Mentoring Award
winners for 2003-2004 by the
UF Graduate School.

Bruce Welt, assistant
professor, received the 2003-
2004 Teacher of the Year
Award from the College of
Agricultural & Life Sciences,
which also offers degrees
through ABE.

Biomedical Engineering

Mingzhou Ding will join
the BME faculty as a
professor fall term 2004. His
primary research interest
is in understanding neural
mechanisms of perception and
motor behavior using both
experimental and modeling

Civil & Coastal Engineering

Fazil Najafi, professor,
presented two papers at
Education Engineering
for the InformationalAge,
the American Society for
Engineering Education
Southeastern Section Annual
Meeting, April 2004: "New
Civil Engineering Curriculum"
and "Practical Training in
the Curriculum of the Civil
Engineering Education."

Electrical & Computer

Toshikazu Nishida, associate
professor, received a 2003-
2004 College of Engineering
Teacher of the Year Award.

Kenneth 0, professor,
received a 2003-2004 UF
Doctoral Dissertation
Advisor/Mentoring Award
for his dedication in support
of graduate education and
sponsorship of student

VladimirA. Rakov, professor
and co-director of the
International Center for
Lightning Research and
Testing, has been appointed
associate editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Electromagnetic
Compatibility. He was
appointed a member of the
Technical Committee of the
6th International Workshop on
Physics of Lightning (Sainte-
Anne, Guadeloupe, France,
May 2004), a member of the
Scientific Committee of the
1st International Conference
on Lightning Physics and
Effects (Belo Horizonte,
Brazil, November 7-11,
2004), and a member of the
Program Committee of the
VI International Suzdal URSI
Symposium (Moscow, Russia,
October 19-21,2004). He was
also appointed Co-Convener
of the Lightning Session at the
General Assembly of URSI
(International Union of Radio
Science), to be held in New
Delhi, India, October 2005.

Environmental Engineering

Jean Andino, associate
professor, was selected by the
National Academy of Science's
National Research Council
(NRC) to serve as a member
of the NRC committee to
evaluate the changes in air
quality and public health as
a result of changes in new
stationary source review
programs. She was selected
by the American Association
for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) as an AAAS
Latin America Lecture Series
participant. Andino also
received the John J. McCreary
Outstanding Faculty of the
Year Award from the UF
student chapter of the Society
of Environmental Engineers.

Thomas Crisman, professor
and director of the Howard T
Odum Center for Wetlands,
was awarded the title of
Sagamore of the Wabash by
Indiana Governor Joseph
Kernan in recognition of
Crisman's international
contribution to the ecology
of lakes and wetlands and
his pioneering efforts in the
management and restoration
of Indiana lakes. This is the
highest award given by the
state of Indiana.

Joseph Delfino, professor, was
appointed associate editor for
water quality monitoring for
the Journal ofthe American
Water Resources Association with
a term to run to December

Tim Townsend, associate
professor, received the Iraj
Zandi Award at the 19th
International Conference on
Solid Waste Technology and
Management in Philadelphia,
Pa. The award is given to a
professor who is providing
a strong contribution to the
advancement of solid waste
technology as well as education
in the solid waste field.

Industrial & Systems

Joseph Geunes, assistant
professor and co-director of the
Supply Chain and Logistics
Engineering (SCaLE) Center,
was invited to the editorial
board of the Manufacturing &
Service Operations Management
(M&SOM) journal. He
presented a paper at the
Production & Operations
Management (POM) Society's
2004 joint 2nd World POM
Conference and 15th Annual
POM Conference in Cancun,
Mexico, and participated in the
Emerging Scholars Program,
a special session for fostering
young professionals pursuing
academic careers in the field of
operations management.

ElifAkqali, assistant professor,
received the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers'
2004 M. Eugene Merchant
Outstanding Young
Manufacturing Engineer
Award in recognition of her
significant achievements in
semiconductor manufacturing
and remanufacturing.

16 TheFloridaEngineer


F 0 0 T N 0 T

Materials Science &

Robert DeHoff, professor
emeritus, received the 2005
Educator Award from the
Minerals, Metals and Materials
Society for outstanding
contributions to education,
metallurgical engineering,
and/or materials science and

Elliot Douglas, associate
professor, received a 2003-
2004 College of Engineering
Teacher of the Year Award and
a University of Florida Teacher
of the Year Award for 2003-

Brij Moudgil, distinguished
professor, director of the
Mineral Resources Research
Center, and director of the
Particle Engineering Research
Center, was elected president
of the Society for Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration for
2006. SME is an international
society of professionals in
the minerals and metals
industry and serves around
13,000 members in nearly 100

Mechanical & Aerospace

The Society for Experimental
Mechanics presented its
2004 Peterson Award to an
interdisciplinary team of UF
researchers for the paper titled
"Full-field Strain Measurement
using a Luminescent Coating,"
Experimental Mechanics, Vol.
43, No. 1, 2003, pp. 61-68.
The authors include J. P.
Hubner, adjunct assistant
professor; Peter G. Ifu,
associate professor; Kirk S.
Schanze, professor in the

Chemistry department; David
A.Jenkins, associate engineer;
Bruce F. Carroll, associate
professor; Y. Wang, post doc;
P. He, post doc; Anthony
B. Brennan, Margaret A.
Ross professor in Materials
Science & Engineering; and
W. El-Ratal, an engineer with
Visteon, the company sponsor
of the research. The Peterson
Award is given for the Best
Applications Paper published
in Experimental Mechanics in
a two-year period. The award
was presented at the SEM
X International Congress &
Exposition June 2004 in Costa
Mesa, Calif.

John K. Schueller, professor
and associate chair, completed a
three-year term as the external
examiner/assessor for the
Department of Biological and
Agricultural Engineering at
the Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The Faculty (College) of
Engineering at UPM has
been ISO 9001 certified since
2000 and received the 2003
Award of the Chief Secretary
of Malaysia for quality. The
Faculty of Engineering was the
only university unit among the
public sector finalists for the

Gloria Wiens, associate
professor, was appointed
associate editor for ASME
Journal of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering.

Nuclear Engineering

James E. Baciak, assistant
professor, joined the
department in January. His
research interests include
radiation measurements,
room temperature
gamma-ray spectroscopy,
instrumentation, scintillation
detectors, compound
semiconductor materials,
and national security-nuclear

Glenn E. Sjoden, associate
professor, joined the
department in March. His

heat transfer, computational
fluids, high performance
computing applications, and
nuclear systems analysis:
medical, power generation,
defense programs, NDT, and

Florida Centerfor Solid
& Hazardous Waste

John D. Schert, director,
received an honorary Doctor
of Science degree from
Heidelberg College, Ohio in
recognition of his contributions
to the environmental field.

research interests include
particle transport and
numerical methods, convective

Engineering Faculty Receive Prestigious NSF

Six engineering assistant professors received highly competitive
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awards this year
for their research projects.

Chemical Engineering
Jason Butler: Dynamics, Rheology and Microrheology of Rigid
Polymers and Brownian Fibers
Jason Weaver: Growth, Properties and Reactivity of Oxygen
Phases on Noble Metal Catalysts

Computer& Information Science & Engineering
ChristopherJermaine: New Technologies for Online
Markus Schneider: Database Integration of Space, Time and
Uncertainty as a Foundation for Geographical Information

Industrial & Systems Engineering
Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen: Designing Integrated Supply Chain
Systems and Practical Market Mechanisms

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Brian Mann: Measurement and Predictive Dynamics of
Mesoscale Milling

CAREER awards support the early career-development activities
of teacher-scholars who are most likely to be academic leaders in
the 21st century.

TheFloridaEngineer 17

Recent Research

A compendium of
impressions from Team

Professor Carl Crane
Team Leader and Director,
Center for Intelligent
Machines and Robotics

David Armstrong
Project Manager

Danny Kent
PhD student

Tom Galluzzo
PhD student

Michael Griffis
The Eigenpoint Co., High
Springs, FL (former student)

We first heard of the DARPA
Grand Challenge in early
spring 2003. We knew we had
to enter if we wanted the world
to know that CIMAR does
first class robotics. We had to
show what CIMAR can do.

It was clear by mid 2003
that putting together a team
and finding funding would not
be easy. Luckily, Autonomous
Solutions, Inc. (ASI), a
company in Logan, Utah was
just as determined to enter the
race and happy to have us for a

Our plan at first was to take
one of our existing CIMAR
robots and add some new path
planning software furnished by
ASI. We guessed that, the first
year at least, no one was going
to actually finish this race. We
just wanted to build something
that would serve as the basis for
our second year entry.

Reality began to set in
when we checked out the race
environment in the Nevada
desert in August for

At dawn on March 13, a squat brown vehicle
crossed a line in the sand in the Mohave
Desert. It halted less than a mile later,
pinned down by barbed wire that it never
saw coming. But for the UF engineers on
Team CIMAR and their partners, the Utah
company Autonomous Solutions, Inc., it was
a tactical victory. After a year of hard work
and frustration, their robot car NaviGATOR
was in the race called the biggest robotics
competition in history: the DARPA Grand

The car, once identifiable as a 1992 Isuzu
Trooper, was one of 15 vehicles selected for
the race from among nearly 90 contenders.
DARPA the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency and the central research

NaviGATOR at dawn in the desert.

ourselves. We rented two SUVs
and outfitted them with GPS
and other equipment.

We learned it wasn't easy for
us, let alone for a robot.

We drove through canyons,
over mountains, and along
railroad tracks. When we
needed to drive back to Las
Vegas, we decided to go back
over the desert instead of using
the roads. We wanted to get
back before dark and pushed
our luck by driving too fast
... and got both cars stuck in
the sand. It was 106 degrees,

and development organization for the US
Department of Defense sponsored the
competition and offered a $1 million prize to
an autonomous vehicle that could complete
a 150-mile race course within 10 hours. The
course would be across the desert from
Barstow, California, to near Las Vegas,

No one got the money prize. Some racers never
got past the starting line. The experience was
what mattered. Team CIMAR has shared a
little of it with The Florida Engineer.

(CIMAR is the Center for Intelligent Machines
and Robotics, based in the Mechanical &
Aerospace Engineering department at the UF
College of Engineering.)

and we tried to push one of
the SUVs out of the sand with
muscle power. No way, and we
started thinking about how
much it would cost to get the
SUVs airlifted out. Maybe
after dark we could just walk
the 10 miles out to the nearest
railroad and jump a train back.
In the end, we buried rocks and
car floor mats under the back
wheels and got free. The whole
episode lasted only about half
an hour. Seemed longer...

The next reality check was
finding out it was against the
contest rules to use any of our
existing robots or software
because they originally
had been developed with
government funds. We had to
start with nothing.

ASI came to the rescue
with a vehicle, a smelly, beat
up, dented, leaking, rusted,
rolled over, window shattered,
junkyard-ridden Isuzu Trooper.
The challenge was to turn it
into an automated ground
vehicle intelligent enough to
traverse 150 miles of the most
dry, dusty, rugged, cliff hanging,
tortoise riddled, barbed-wire-
fenced stretch of road the
Mojave had to offer.

18 TheFloridaEngineer

NaviGATOR is born
We had, at that point, 60 days
to build the most sophisticated
autonomous vehicle in the

We created a sensing system
so the car could find a smooth
path among obstacles and
developed a database with
information about all the
known routes through that part
of the desert. ASI provided
the components that would
plan the travel path based on
the information shown by the

ASI shipped the vehicle to
Gainesville. On January 21
it arrived. We installed the
software and hardware, and we
named it NaviGATOR.

After we got the vehicle
ready at the CIMAR lab, we
needed to test it. It was too
big (5,000 lbs) and needed
to go too fast (up to 30 to 40
mph) to test it on campus. Don
Robertson, manager of the
Gainesville Raceway, let us use
their road course test track. On
February 20, the NaviGATOR
raced down the quarter-mile
track at 28 mph with an
elapsed time of 35 seconds.
Official timing equipment
established this as a record for
the first unmanned quarter
mile in history.

NaviGATOR's home team. Left to
right: David Armstrong, engineer
Carl D. Crane III, professor
Danny Kent, PhD student
Sanjay Solanki, PhD student
Roberto Montane, PhD student
Carl Evans, MS student
Duk Sun Yun, post doc
Chad Tobler, MS student
Erica Zawodny, PhD student
Donald MacArthur, PhD student

Mary Ahmed, MS student
Bob Touchton, PhD student

Sitting in vehicle:
Tom Galluzzo, PhD student

The next day we started our
road trip west, first to Logan,
Utah, to do final details on
NaviGATOR and then on
to Barstow, California, for
the race. We braved Utah's
cold and snow to fine tune
NaviGATOR. We couldn't test
it properly there the freezing
rain shorted out the steering
control. Conditions looked so
grim, we almost felt like giving
up. With heat guns and towels
and one new component,
however, we were in business
again, and we were off to

By March 5, the entire team
showed up in Barstow. The
road crew was thrilled to see
friends who were energized
and enthusiastic and ready to
face around-the-clock work
days. The weather was dry, the
setting ideal, and in the dark
of night Monday, March 8,
NaviGATOR was moved to
the California Speedway for
the final qualification trials.
The first run was to be that
morning on the obstacle course
to show if the vehicle could
autonomously navigate without
hitting anything.

Because, as it turned out, we
had been using a different start
up procedure than the one used
by the DARPA officials. We
fixed it. We were scheduled for
a second run on Wednesday.
NaviGATOR did fine that
day, going around all the cones,
through two narrow fence
ways, around three parked cars,
under a bridge and ...nowhere,
because we lost the GPS signal
under the bridge.

That night we added an
inertial navigation unit donated
by Smiths Industries that
would maintain the vehicle's
position for the short time it
was under the bridge.

We had fixed one thing
after another. We didn't know
if we were going to qualify
after all. Friday morning, the
DARPA officials announced
that only 15 teams had made
the final cut for the race. They
announced the teams in order
from number 15 to number
one. We were team nine. Relief.

That day we packed up and
moved to the official race
starting point at the Slash

X Cafe (really) in Barstow,
This was it, ready or not. The California. On Friday
tower started the countdown. afternoon, we were allowed
Three, two, one, go. Go! Go to practice getting out of the
you stupid machine! What chute and navigating the first
happened??!! Why didn't it go? 100 meters of the course. At

3:50 a.m. Saturday we were
given the data file about the
course pathway. We had two
hours to process the data
and come up with a path
that would lead us to Primm,
Nevada. We only had time to
plan approximately 20 miles of
the course, but we were happy
with that.

We were pretty excited as
race time neared.The press was
there, the grandstands were
full, and we sent NaviGATOR
off with a final Gator chomp.

We didn't make 20 miles. We
watched NaviGATOR move
into the distance and just stop.
We found out later that it had
clipped a barbed wire fence and
had wire entangled around the
front axle. NaviGATOR had
gone 0.6 miles.

And it was fine. It was great.
It was one of the high points
of our lives, and no amount of
barbed wire can take that from

DARPA says that in about
18 months it will hand out $2
million to anyone who wins
the next Grand Challenge race.
Watch our dust.

Martha Dobson


Recent Research

I, Robot, Will Work forYou

iRobot's robots have searched
hidden passageways in the
Pyramids, scoured enemy caves
in Afghanistan, and journeyed
miles underground to fix
broken oil lines.

But the Massachusetts-
based robotics company's
Roomba Robotic FloorVac
robot vacuum cleaner may
have scored the company its
proudest achievement, said co-
founder and president Helen

"The place we're proudest
of getting into is under your
children's beds," Greiner told a
bemused audience of engineers,
businessmen, students, and
others at a robotics conference
at the University of Florida in

Greiner spoke as part of the
American Nuclear Society's
10th International Conference
on Robotics and Remote
Systems for Hazardous
Environments March 28-31
at the University of Florida
Hotel and Conference
Center. Devoted to the safe
and reliable application of
robotics and intelligent systems
in hazardous and remote
environments, the conference
featured a range of seminars,
exhibits, and meetings and
drew attendees from companies
and universities across the

Robots, Greiner said, have
reached a "tipping point" in
the transition from science
fiction and industrial uses
to commercial and home

She cited the Roomba floor
vacuum as at the forefront of
this trend -"the first of many
robots that will do chores
around the house...without
you ever having to think about
them anymore."

Available in over 4,500 stores
nationwide, the Roomba, the
most expensive version of
which sells for about $250, is a
Frisbee-sized disc that scoots
around vacuuming carpeted
and wood floors without
human direction. Owners need
only periodically recharge the
cordless machine, which is
engineered so that it doesn't fall
down stairs or get stuck in tight
crevices or unforgiving corners.

Many people have been
introduced to robotic vacuums
through the ubiquitous Pepsi
commercial, which features a
jazzed-up Roomba-like vacuum
challenging a man for his Pepsi
- and leaving him to meet his
date in his boxers.

"We at iRobot didn't have
any part of this commercial,"
Greiner said. "It was the
creative minds at Pepsi. But the
ad shows how far these robots
have come."

Greiner also showed off
other iRobot projects, such as
the PackBot, a small unmanned
reconnaissance robot built
for the military. She played a
video showing soldiers sending
a camera-equipped PackBot
to explore enemy territory in
Afghanistan. Another clip
featured a soldier throwing
the robot through a window

into an abandoned home.
Shortly after it slammed
onto the ground, the robot
zoomed off into another room,
demonstrating its hardiness in
tough conditions.

The PackBot which gets
its name from the fact that
it can be transported in a
soldier's backpack could be
used for purposes ranging from
search and rescue missions
to detecting chemical or
biological warfare agents,
Greiner said.

Greiner said iRobot is
working on even more
futuristic robots, including
models that fly and others that
duplicate the vertical wall-
climbing abilities of geckos.
In a brief interview after
her speech, she added that
universities such as UF play an
important role of imagining
future robots and applications.

"I see the universities as
really asking the question
'what's next?'," she said.

The ANS conference was
chaired by James Tulenko,
UF professor of nuclear and
radiological engineering, with
professor emeritus and former
interim engineering dean Jack
Ohanian serving as honorary
chair. It was sponsored by
the ANS Robotics and
Remote Systems Division, the
American Nuclear Society
Florida Section, the Defense
Advanced Research Projects
Agency, Alachua County,
the IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society, the
UF College of Engineering
Nuclear & Radiological
Engineering department, and
the Center for Intelligent
Machines and Robotics.

Aaron Hoover


20 TheFloridaEngineer

UF Engineer Redesigns

SClassic Archery Bow to

SShoot Farther, Easier

Inspired by the workings of a
tape measure, Dave Jenkins says
he has found a way to improve
the bow used by hunters and
warriors since antiquity without
radically changing its form.

Jenkins, a mechanical and
aerospace engineer with a
longtime interest in archery,
has redesigned the classic
bow so it is easier to pull and
shoots farther. Unlike the
modern compound bow, a
popular 30-year-old design
that relies on a complicated
system of pulleys and cables
for its enhancements, Jenkins'
adaptation is not easy to
distinguish from the familiar
model still used by traditionalist
hunters and indigenous people

"My bow has many of the
performance characteristics of
the compound bow but without
all the cables and gizmos,"
said Jenkins. "It doesn't weigh
much, and it's simple and easy
to carry. With these compound
bows, you feel like 'Rambo the
Commando'or something."

The bow, patented by UF
last year, may be of interest
to bow hunters and target
archers. Nationwide, there are
roughly 3.5 million licensed
bow hunters, said Mary Beth
Vorwerk, speaking for USA
Archery, an industry trade
group. The total number of
target and hunter archers

nationwide is unknown, but
the National Sporting Goods
Association estimates the figure
at 6 million.

Invented in 1969, the
compound bow uses pulleys
known as eccentric cams to
make the string easier to pull
as an archer draws the bow.
This draw gets harder with
traditional bows, which is one
of the reasons it was revised.
Compound bows are also
easier to hold cocked at full
draw, which improves shooters'
accuracy because it makes
aiming more comfortable.

With a traditional bow the
string travels at maximum
acceleration the moment it is
released, tending to wobble the
arrow as it clears the bow. This
has the effect of slowing and
shortening its travel distance,
Jenkins said. With a compound
bow, the string hits peak
acceleration near the end of its
movement, which sends arrows
on a straighter and thus faster

Compound bows comprise
the vast share of the archery
market. They are so popular,
Jenkins said, because they
allow hunters and archers who
might otherwise not have the
necessary strength to shoot
arrows forcefully and accurately.

continues p. 25

TheFloridaEngineer 21

Recent Research


Barge vs. Bridge
in Panhandle
Waters Finished

A tugboat captain guided a
150-foot, 800-ton barge up a
bay and pointed it at a bridge
with one goal in mind: to ram

It sounds like the beginnings
of a tragedy. But that's just
what the massive experiments
carried out this spring in
Apalachicola Bay in Florida's
Panhandle were designed to
prevent. Headed by University
of Florida engineers and
sponsored by the Florida
Department of Transportation,
the experiments which
involved several barge vs.
bridge rammings were aimed
at reducing the cost of bridge
construction while making
them safer.

"There is very, very little
information available that
deals with the actual impact
load when a barge strikes a
bridge," said Henry Bollmann,
FDOT's senior bridge designer.
"This will fill in the blanks,
and it will affect national and
international bridge-building

The barge tests were not
designed to bring down the
recently closed "old" St. George
Island Causeway Bridge
spanning the bay from the
small town of East Point to St.
George's Island.

Its replacement, the 4.1-
mile-long Bryant Grady Patton
Bridge, opened early this year,
and most of its 1960s-era
predecessor is now slated for

The tests were intended to
jiggle the innards of more than
150 carefully placed sensors
on the barge and the bridge.
The result: What UF and
FDOT engineers describe as
the first-ever microsecond-by-
microsecond glimpse of the
forces that unfold in a real-
world calamity.

Gary Consolazio, UF
civil engineering assistant
professor and lead researcher
on the project, explained that
when bridge engineers design
structures currently, they
rely on nationally adopted
standards. Those standards
are based on tests using scale

While scale model tests
are thought to provide good
data, they are not as accurate
at determining the forces on
the bridge resulting from the
crash as the real thing, he said.
However, until now, no one
had taken the opportunity to
conduct tests on real barges
and bridges.

"Quite simply put, you
can't run a barge into a bridge
intentionally if the bridge is
in service," Consolazio said.
"There are just massive safety
issues involved."

Today's standards typically
require engineers to design
bridges that will remain
standing while sustaining
several million pounds of
"static" load, or load that doesn't
change over time, Consolazio
said. Those specifications
vastly increase the amount
of concrete, steel, and other
materials used in the supportive
piers, or underpinnings, and
significantly raise the cost of
building the structures, he said.

22 TheFloridaEngineer

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Data from the tests may
reveal that this huge load
declines quite a bit after
impact rather than remaining
constant, which may mean the
standards could be loosened
in some cases, significantly
reducing the cost, Consolazio
said. Alternatively, the tests
could reveal that the standards
are correct or may need to be
strengthened in some cases, he

"If it turns out the loads
are smaller than what we
are currently designing for,
that could have a major
economic impact, because the
foundations of a bridge are
such a massive component of
the cost of construction," he
said. "On the other hand, if
it turns out that the loads are
larger than we are currently
designing for, then obviously
from a public safety standpoint
we want to know that."

The possibility of improving
bridges' safety is a top goal
of the tests and one of the
reasons the FDOT is spending
an estimated $1 million on the
project, Bollmann said. Boh
Brothers Construction, the

contractor that just completed
the replacement bridge, also

Although rare, fatal accidents
involving downed bridges
are not that uncommon. In
Florida, the most infamous
dates back to 1980, when a
freighter knocked out part of
the Sunshine Skyway bridge,
plunging 35 people to their
deaths. Two years ago, a barge
struck the Interstate 40 bridge
spanning the Arkansas River
in Oklahoma, killing 14. In
2001, another barge vs. bridge
incident in Texas killed eight.

With its extensive coastline
and lengthy Intracoastal
Waterway, Florida is a hot spot
for barges toting fertilizer, coal,
petroleum products, and other
cargo, Bollmann said. Several
hundred of the state's roughly
10,000 bridges span bays and
waterways deep enough for
barge traffic, he said. Although
there hasn't been a fatal barge
vs. bridge accident here in
recent memory, the FDOT is
concerned about the possibility
- particularly in light of the
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"People are concerned that
terrorists could use a vessel to
knock a bridge down," he said,
adding that the experiment was
already in the planning stages
before the Sept. 11 events.

As part of the tests,
researchers shoved the barge
into two different piers, a large
one near the shipping channel
and a smaller one farther away.
The big pier was scheduled for
the maximum punishment,
with a tug slamming a barge
into the pier at maximum
speeds of about 6 mph, typical
for barge traffic. Load sensors,
accelerometers, and other
sensors recorded the force the
barge imparted to the pier, how
much the pier moved following
the impact, and other data,
Consolazio said.

Initial analysis of the
experimental data will take
about six months. Researchers
will combine the data with
computer models to develop
revised bridge design
specifications, Consolazio said.

Aaron Hoover


The bridge and barge, post
impact, show little visible
damage. Studies of the electronic
data gathered from the tests will
reveal if hidden damage could
weaken the bridge structure.

TheFloridaEngineer 23


UF Hosts ASME 2004 HPV
East Coast Challenge

The University of Florida hosted this
year's American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Human Powered Vehicle
(HPV) East Coast Challenge May
7-9.The competition included a safety
inspection, design presentation, and
sprint and endurance events. Vehicles
were divided into three classes: Single
Rider, Tandem, and Utility. The UF team
won first place overall in the Tandem
class and second place overall in the
Utility vehicle class.

The UF tandem alloy bike, Instigator
II, was built to compete as a multi-rider
utility HPV Two riders sit back-to-back
on the vehicle. The chromoly steel bike
is a front two-wheel steering, single rear
drive wheel (tadpole design).

Patricia Casey

UF Mechanical &Aerospace Engineering students Frank Hartman (rear seat) andJacob Stoval
(front seat) pedal the Instigator II during the safety inspection. Riders must show that the vehicle
abides by safety guidelines. Some requirements include making a complete stop in a distance
of 20 feet or less from a speed of 15 miles per hour, traveling in a straight line for 100 feet, and
negotiating a turn within a 25-foot radius.

ITV Students Create Winning Company

The Integrated Technology
Ventures (ITV) program
virtual company, Enviroflux
Corporation, won first
place and $6,000 in the
undergraduate division of the
Howard J. Leonhardt Business
Plan Competition. The students
who developed the Enviroflux
Corp. business plan are part
of the pilot ITV program.
The business team did an
outstanding job on the business
plan, and the engineering team
completed excellent work
on new prototype designs.
The judges emphasized that
the obvious cooperation
demonstrated between the
business team and engineering
team, even after experiencing
a change in CEOs in late
January, distinguished this

Enviroflux is a start-up
company built around a system
for monitoring groundwater
for organic and inorganic
contaminants. The system was
invented by associate professors
Kirk Hatfield, Civil & Coastal
Engineering, and Michael
Annable, Environmental
Engineering Sciences, and
patented by the University of

Participants on the winning
team included a professional
business CEO, coaches from
the colleges of Business and
Engineering, and business and
engineering students. Members
of the team were:

From the College of
Kirk Hatfield
Michael Annable
E. Dow Whitney
(Engineering team coach)
Nathan Abdalian
(MAE student)
John Ligas (MSE student)
JP Amazega (MAE student)
Brett Washmuth (ISE student)
Beth Bevc (ENV student)

From the College of Business:
Bill Rossi
(Business team coach)
Matt Tilman (MBA student)
Nathan Fuentes (BA student)
Jay Stanard (BA student)

Jared P. Kennedy (CEO)

24 TheFloridaEngineer


UF Hosts ASME 2004 HPV
East Coast Challenge

The University of Florida hosted this
year's American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Human Powered Vehicle
(HPV) East Coast Challenge May
7-9.The competition included a safety
inspection, design presentation, and
sprint and endurance events. Vehicles
were divided into three classes: Single
Rider, Tandem, and Utility. The UF team
won first place overall in the Tandem
class and second place overall in the
Utility vehicle class.

The UF tandem alloy bike, Instigator
II, was built to compete as a multi-rider
utility HPV Two riders sit back-to-back
on the vehicle. The chromoly steel bike
is a front two-wheel steering, single rear
drive wheel (tadpole design).

Patricia Casey

UF Mechanical &Aerospace Engineering students Frank Hartman (rear seat) andJacob Stoval
(front seat) pedal the Instigator II during the safety inspection. Riders must show that the vehicle
abides by safety guidelines. Some requirements include making a complete stop in a distance
of 20 feet or less from a speed of 15 miles per hour, traveling in a straight line for 100 feet, and
negotiating a turn within a 25-foot radius.

ITV Students Create Winning Company

The Integrated Technology
Ventures (ITV) program
virtual company, Enviroflux
Corporation, won first
place and $6,000 in the
undergraduate division of the
Howard J. Leonhardt Business
Plan Competition. The students
who developed the Enviroflux
Corp. business plan are part
of the pilot ITV program.
The business team did an
outstanding job on the business
plan, and the engineering team
completed excellent work
on new prototype designs.
The judges emphasized that
the obvious cooperation
demonstrated between the
business team and engineering
team, even after experiencing
a change in CEOs in late
January, distinguished this

Enviroflux is a start-up
company built around a system
for monitoring groundwater
for organic and inorganic
contaminants. The system was
invented by associate professors
Kirk Hatfield, Civil & Coastal
Engineering, and Michael
Annable, Environmental
Engineering Sciences, and
patented by the University of

Participants on the winning
team included a professional
business CEO, coaches from
the colleges of Business and
Engineering, and business and
engineering students. Members
of the team were:

From the College of
Kirk Hatfield
Michael Annable
E. Dow Whitney
(Engineering team coach)
Nathan Abdalian
(MAE student)
John Ligas (MSE student)
JP Amazega (MAE student)
Brett Washmuth (ISE student)
Beth Bevc (ENV student)

From the College of Business:
Bill Rossi
(Business team coach)
Matt Tilman (MBA student)
Nathan Fuentes (BA student)
Jay Stanard (BA student)

Jared P. Kennedy (CEO)

24 TheFloridaEngineer

Mechanical & Aerospace
Engineering Flies High in

Students and faculty from
the Mechanical & Aerospace
Engineering (MAE)
department continued to show
the right stuff at contests this

The University of Florida
micro air vehicle (MAV)
team won first place in the
overall scoring at the 8th
International Micro Air
Vehicle Competition, April
9-11, hosted by the University
of Arizona. UF has taken
first place every year of the

The University of Arizona
took second place and Brigham
Young University was third.
Fourth place went to RWTH
Aachen University and
KonKuk University, Korea was

In individual events, UF
was first in MAV surveillance
with a plane that set a new
small wing span record of 5.25
inches. Another UF plane with
a record small wing span, 4.5
inches, took first in the MAV
endurance competition. The
plane flew for 14 minutes and
54 seconds.

In the ornithopter
competition, UF took second
place. (An ornithopter is a
machine that flies by flapping
its wings.) UF also took
second place in the design

For more information about
the MAV competition, please
visit the 2004 competition Web
site: http://www.engr.arizona.

Patricia Casey

". V-.
Peter Ifju, aerospace engineering associate professor, shows offUF's
newest micro air vehicle.

continued from p.21
But Jenkins, an experienced
hunter, said the bows
leave much to be desired
aesthetically because they are
so machine-like.

He was casting around for
ways to improve traditional
bows when he was inspired by
a tape measure on his desk.

Tape measures have a
slight curl in their horizontal
surface, which gives them
considerable strength when
they are extended in a straight
line. As soon as gravity or some
other force straightens the
curl, however, they bend easily,

which is how these seemingly
straight objects retract into a
circular coil in the case.

Like a tape measure, Jenkins'
bow has a slight horizontal
curl everywhere but the handle.
As the archer pulls the string,
the curl gradually straightens,
making the bow progressively
easier to pull. When the archer
releases the arrow, the bow's
curl returns, adding power to
the arrow's flight. As with the
compound bow, the moment of
maximum power occurs as the
arrow clears the bow, when the
bow reaches its full curl, which
also improves accuracy.

Jenkins said his bow isn't
as effective as a compound
bow, but it is superior to the
traditional type. Although he
said he hasn't done enough
testing to peg the amount of
improvement with certainty,
he estimates it makes arrows
fly about 10 percent faster than
traditional bows.

As an engineering student at
UF in the early 1960s, Jenkins,
then active in target archery,
said he toyed with the idea
of improving the classic bow
using the concepts he was
learning in his classes. But,
he never followed through,
leaving the compound bow to
be invented by someone else,
he said.

"I kept thinking, there has
got to be a way of making a
better bow with pulleys and
cables," he said. "But I never
did it; I dropped it. This time
I'm going to finish it."

Aaron Hoover


TheFloridaEngineer 25

Have Lively
Engineers Week

The College of Engineering
celebrated Engineers Week
Feb. 19 Feb. 28 with many
activities for students and the

The second annual Graduate
Recruitment Weekend hosted
more than 200 potential
graduate students who met
with department faculty to
learn about research and degree

The Engineering Leadership
Forum brought industry leaders
to the college to share advice
with students. The forum
included career development
and graduate school workshops.

High school seniors who
will enter the College of
Engineering in summer or fall
2004 visited the UF campus
for Gator Shadow Day to
experience a typical day in
the life of a UF engineering

The 59th annual Engineering
and Science Fair brought
students, faculty, and business
leaders to UF to display current
research, provide a meeting
ground for students and
potential employers, and spark

the interest of young visitors in
scientific fields. The Alachua
County Regional Science Fair
also took place in conjunction
with the E-Fair.

College of Engineering
students held an Engineering
Extravaganza on the North
Lawn of the J. Wayne Reitz
Union. Even though the
weather was cold, all UF
students were invited to warm
up by taking a bungee run,
climbing the rock wall, or
jumping in the moon walk.

The Institute of Industrial
Engineers 2004 Regional
Student Conference, hosted
by Industrial & Systems
Engineering department
students, also took place during

For fun, the week
wrapped up with the Florida
Engineering Society 19th
Annual Golf Tournament to
benefit the Ronald McDonald
House of Gainesville and
the Society of Hispanic
Professional Engineers
2nd Annual 5K "Run for
Tomorrow" on behalf of the
School for Chiapas Charity.

26 TheFloridaEngineer



College of Engineering

Endowed Funds

Virtually every aspect of the university benefits in some way
from endowed funds. Endowed cash gifts are invested in the UF
Foundation's investment pool and generate permanent income
for each fund. Endowment income is vital in the support of
scholarships and fellowships, professorships, programs, and other
academic enhancements.

Moreover, endowed funds are perpetual gifts, linking past,
current, and future generations. They enable the university to make
commitments far into the future, knowing that resources to meet
those commitments will continue to be available.

Facu Ity/Staff Support
Alumni Professorship of Materials Science and Engineering 1
Alumni Professorship of Materials Science and Engineering 2
BellSouth Eminent Scholar Chair in Computer Engineering and Science
Dow Chemical Company Foundation Professorship in Chemical Engineering
Newton C. Ebaugh Professorship in Mechanical Engineering
Florida Power and Light Company Endowed Professorship in Nuclear Engineering
Genzyme Professorship of Biomaterials in Materials Science and Engineering
Harbert S. Gregory Distinguished Lectureship
Andrew H. Hines, Jr./Progress Energy Eminent Scholar Chair
Intel/Charles E.Young Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering Endowed Professorship
Ohanian Lecture Series Endowment
Pamphalon Professorship for Electronic Materials Fund
Robert C. Pittman Eminent Scholar Chair in Electrical Engineering
William F Powers Endowed Professorship
Margaret A. Ross Research Professorship
Byron D. Spangler Endowed Professorship in Civil Engineering
Charles A. Stokes Endowed Professorship in Chemical Engineering

General College/Program Support
Accenture Engineering Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bennett Fund
Robert Tyrie Benton Lectureship
Roger B. Broderick Fund
Chemical Engineering 50th Anniversary Fund
Wilson and Marie Collins Excellence Fund
William and Linda Eckhoff Bridge Program Fund
Don D. and Ruth S. Eckis Endowment in Engineering
Ethyl Corporation Educational Fund
Charles and Elisa Gregg Greater Performance Fund
N. L. Griesheimer Memorial Funds
Frank P May Endowment
Knox Millsaps Memorial Endowment Fund
Charles Lamar Pitts Memorial Book Fund
Mary Lee and Paul M. Pope, Jr. Excellence Endowment
J. Crayton Pruitt Biomedical Engineering Excellence Fund

Sally and William Glick Graduate Research Endowment
Barbara Goldsby Memorial Fund
Albert L. Holloway Graduate Research Endowment
Occidental Chemical Environmental Engineering Sciences Research Fund
Howard T Odum Wetlands Research Endowment
James S. Wolf Research Fund

Development Report

Student Support
Robert David Adamson Scholarship
Charles Andregg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Henry Bauch Engineering Scholarship Fund
Biery Scholarship
John B. Boy/United States Sugar Corporation Scholarship in
Mechanical Engineering
Robert A. Bryan Scholarship
Camp Dresser and McKee Endowed Fellowship
Wayne H. Chen Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Class of'59 Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund
Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Fellowship
John W. and Mittie Collins Engineering Scholarship and Fellowship Fund
Wilson and Marie Collins Endowment for Graduate Fellowships
Co-op Student Assistance Endowed Fund
Crom Corporation Scholarship Fund
Cunningham Scholarship Endowment
David F and Cynthia A. Davis Endowed Scholarship
DowAlumni Fellowship
Dow Chemical Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science and Engineering
James E. Dykes Scholarship Fund
H. H. Edwards Scholarship Fund
Environmental Engineering-Solid Waste Endowment
Philip D. and Mary Ann Estridge Scholarship Fund
Fahien Endowed Teaching Scholarship
Manny Fernandez, Sr. Memorial Fund
Florida Environmental Scholarship
Florida Power Corporation Scholarship
Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Scholarship
Guy C. Fulton Scholarship in Engineering
Fyfe Family Scholarship Fund
Gartner Group Graduate Fellowship
Gartner Group Information Technology Fund
Mr. and Mrs.W.A. Godron Engineering Scholarship Fund
Inez Culp Goodrum Scholarship Fund
Vladimir Grodsky Memorial Scholarship
Harris Corporation Communication Graduate Fellowship Endowment
Harold Mills Hawkins Endowed Scholarship
Thomas 0. Hunter Scholarship
Carl E. Johnson Memorial Fund
Keith and Schnars, PA. Annual Scholarship Endowment
Leavenworth/McClaskey Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Lockheed Martin Student Support Program Fund
Addison Franklin Marshall Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Sylvia T McKenney Scholarship/Fellowship Fund
Matthew Martin Memolo Memorial Scholarship
Bucket Milikin Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Dr. Ralph Alexander Morgen Endowed Fellowship in Chemical Engineering
John E. Morton Scholarship
Arnold J. "Red" Morway Memorial Graduate Fellowship
Motorola Named Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Electrical Engineering
H.T. Odum Graduate Fellowship
Leroy C. Paslay Engineering Scholarship
Robert C. Pittman Fellowship Endowment in the College of Engineering
William E. Poole Scholarship Fund
P M. Pope Scholarship
Annie C. Pound Scholarship in Engineering
C.A. Pound, Jr. Scholarship Fund in Engineering
Nilo and Norma F. Priede Excellence Fund
Procter and Gamble Chemical Engineering Scholarship
Robert E. Reed-Hill Scholarship
F N. Rhines and W. R. Tarr Scholarship
Margaret A. Ross Fellowship
Ralph Sias Scholarship Fund
Snelling Scholarship Endowment Fund
Charles A. and Constance C. Stokes Chemical Engineering Graduate Fellowship
James E. Swander Memorial Scholarship Fund
John L. and Marie C.Traina Fund
Iva and Norman Tuckett Scholarship/Fellowship Fund
Joseph and Cyrille Weil Scholarship Fund
Wheat Engineering
Joseph W. Wunsch Scholarship

TheFloridaEngineer 27

Development Report

Our development team is ready to assist with any
questions about gifts to the College of Engineering.

E. Stevens Beeland
Senior Director of Development
E-mail: sbeeland@eng.ufl.edu

Edward M. Kominowski
Director of Development
E-mail: ekominowski@eng.ufl.edu

C. Ellis Pope
Director of Development
E-mail: epope@eng.ufl.edu

Engineering Development Office
College of Engineering
University of Florida
P O Box 116575
Gainesville, FL 32611-6575
Phone: (352) 392-6795
Fax: (352) 846-0138

Gifts support:
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil & Coastal Engineering
Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nuclear & Radiological Engineering

Dear Friends,

Herman B Wells' words so aptly capture the mission of higher education; They also
embody the standard of educationfor the College ofEngineering. The college is charged
to provide the state ofFlorida with the resources which are required to benefit society
for the greater good.

The college, 'l.7^o.'g', its research andpublic service, continues to strive to meet the
needs oftodays world with a st,.:.ng wi. to expand the boundaries ofknowledge in
the pursuit of what is possible and that which may only be theoreticalfor the next

As engineers and supporters of the field, you have made it clear through your gifts
that you are taking ownership in this pursuit. Your annual support, special gifts, and
consideration of the college in your wills and bequests underscore your belief in the ideas
of each faculty member and student of the College ofEngineering.

In an almost silentprofession, engineers make the world safer, stronger, and more
able to grow in a myriad of ways imaginable on a scale so grand one can only capture
smallsnapshots of the importance of this noble profession. It is thispursuit of excellence
which drives the University ofFlorida College ofEngineering.

It is also in this pursuit that the College ofEngineering thanks youfor your
acknowledgment of the great achievements of this college now and towards the future.
The quest for new knowledge and the desire to expand the world exponentially are not
free, but require belief in the support of these ideals.

To teach the next generation while remaining grounded in today's c.,a,.'!.':g,''
provides the ultimate task for a university. The University of Florida College of
Engineering is pursuing this task and making great strides as a leader in the state, the
nation, and the world.

Thank youforyourpersonal investment in thepursuit of thisprofession and know
that the ownership you have provided in these pursuits is sometimes boldly, but more
often quietly, changing the world in which we live and will live in.

Your generosity has not gone unnoticed and is gratefully appreciated.

Most sincerely,

Pramod P Khargonekar

28 TheFloridaEngineer

Annual Report of Giving

Fiscal YearJuly 1, 2002 -June 30, 2003

Laureate $5 million or more ($25 million bequest or insurance policy)

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Cabinet $1 million to $4,999,999 ($5 million bequest or insurance policy)

AT&T Information Systems
William P. Bushnell
Theodore R. & Wynona Crom
Newton C. Ebaugh Estate
Encore, Inc.
Florida Power Corp.

Florida Power & Light Co.
GE Fund
Harris Corp.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
International Business Machines

Wayne K. & Lyla Masur
Robert 0. &Ann Powell Family
J. Crayton Pruitt, Sr.
Texas Instruments
Whitaker Foundation

Academy $500,000 to $999,999 ($2.5 million bequest or insurance policy)

Gordon F. Belcher
BellSouth Foundation, Inc.
Dow Chemical, U.S.A.
E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co.
Ford Motor Company
Gartner Group
Genzyme Corp.
Honeywell, Inc.

Intermap Technologies, Inc.
W. M. Keck Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corp. Foundation
Microsoft Corp.
Motorola Foundation, Inc.
Nidek Technologies
C.Addison Pound, Jr.
Procter & Gamble Co.
Progress Energy Florida
Margaret A. Ross Estate

Steven Sablotsky
Charles A. & Constance Stokes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Tampa Electric Co.
United States Sugar Corp.
United Technologies Pratt &

Society $100,000 to $499,999 ($500,000 bequest or insurance policy)

Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of this
report. We sincerely apologize
for any omitted, misspelled or
misplaced names. To report any
inaccuracies, please contact:

Engineering Development Office
College of Engineering
University of Florida
PO Box 116575
Gainesville, FL 32611-6575
Phone: 352.392.6795
Fax: 352.846.0138

Adage, Inc.
Leonard C. & Rachel Adams
Allied-Signal Foundation
Alza Corp.
American Gas Association
Apple Computer, Inc.
Arthur Andersen & Co.
Barr Systems, Inc.
Charles E. Bedford
Robert Bennett
Boeing Co.
Charles H. Bolton, III
Gordon M. (d) & Marion Byrnes
Cabot Corp.
Calma Co.
Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
CH2M Hill, Inc.
Chevron Cos.
Coca-Cola Co.
Container Corporation of America
The Crom Corporation
John H. & Mary Lou Dasburg
David F & Cynthia A. Davis
Dean Steel Buildings, Inc.
Digital Equipment Corp.
James &Yvonne Dykes
Walter E. Earls
Eastman Chemical Co.
Eastman Kodak Co.

William D. & Linda Eckhoff
Melvin & Florence Eickhorst
Manuel & Joanne Fernandez
Fernandez Family Foundation, Inc.
Florida Rock Industries
Foundation, Inc.
Florida Surveying & Mapping
Society, Inc.
Fluor Foundation
Fortune Brands, Inc.
FPL Group Foundation, Inc.
Fyfe Family Foundation, Inc.
Frank & Jane Gillette
GE Foundation
Richard W. Goodrum
Harbert S. & Jane R. Gregory
Harold D. Haldeman, Jr.
Hughes Aircraft Corp.
Thomas 0. Hunter
Elena Irasek
John Hauck Foundation
Leif E. Johnson Estate
Johnson & Johnson
Jones, Edmunds &Associates
George & Helen Karran
Leora P. King
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Michael W. Larinoff
William & Elizabeth Leonard
Eloise P. Marshall
The Frank P. May Family
Khalid Mentak

Microtrac, Inc.
Modular Computer Systems, Inc.
Monsanto Co.
Mick A. Naulin Foundation, Inc.
Neurological Surgery Associates
Nidek Technologies, Inc.
Northern Telecom, Inc.
Occidental Chemical Corp.
M. Jack & Sandra J. Ohanian
Leroy Paslay
Perkin-Elmer Corp.
Herbert E. Pickle
Michael W.& Leslie K. Poole
William F & Linda S. Powers
J. Crayton Pruitt Foundation, Inc.
Arthur W. Jr. & Phyllis P. Saarinen
Thomas & Phyllis Sanford
Schlumberger Foundation, Inc.
Shell Oil Co. Foundation, Inc.
Mildred H. Sias (d)
Side Effects Software, Inc.
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Howard W. & Norma J. Smoyer
Barbara Snelling
Solitron Devices, Inc.
Enrique J. & Irene M. Sosa
Southern Bell Telephone Co.
Sybase, Inc.
Union Carbide Corp.
Eva H. Wheat Testamentary Trust
E. Gex Williams, Jr.
Wind River Systems, Inc.

TheFloridaEngineer 29

Distinguished $50,000 to $99,999 ($250,000 bequest or insurance policy)

Alcoa Foundation
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Allied Corp. Foundation
Alpha One Foundation, Inc.
Amoco Foundation, Inc.
Analog Devices, Inc.
Ardaman &Associates, Inc.
Cadcentre, Inc.
Cargill Fertilizer, Inc.
Conexant Systems, Inc.
Copper Development Association,
John L. Davenport
Robert G. & Phyllis Dean
Dell Marketing, LP
Eagle Capital Management Corp.

Florida Federation of Garden
Clubs, Inc.
Fluid Fertilizer Foundation
Fujitsu Labs
Charles Elman & Marti
General Telephone & Electronics
Halliburton Education Foundation
Larry L. & June W. Hench
Albert L. Holloway (d)
May R. G. Hood Estate
Stanley K. & Edith W. Ink
Intersil Corp.
James River Technical
Theodore Johnson
LH Systems, LLC
Charles D. McLochlin

Katherine A. Milikin
Minnesota Mining &
Manufacturing Co.
Moltech Power Systems
Ralph A. Morgen
O'Quinn & Laminack
John M. O' Quinn
Howard T.(d) & Elisabeth C. Odum
Parallel Graphics
Regeneration Technologies, Inc.
Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc.
Rosemount, Inc.
Semiconductor Research Corp.
Sony Corp.
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Stottler Starmer & Associates, Inc.
Walter R.Tarr

Sustaining $10,000 to $49,999 (prior to October 31,1993) ($25,000 life income or bequest; $50,000 insurance policy)

Accenture Foundation
John Adair, Jr.
Martha A. Clarke Adamson
A Friends Foundation Trust
Agere Systems
Agrico Chemical Co.
Air Products Foundation
Alcon Universal Ltd.
Aluminum Co. of America
Analog Devices, Inc.
Helen M.Andregg
Ernest L. Arbuckle
Ashland Oil Foundation, Inc.
Atlantic Richfield Foundation
Autodesk, Inc.
Automotive Recycling of
Babock &Wilcox
Basic Measuring Instruments
Henry Bauch Estate
Charles L. Beatty
Linda K. Beck
Herbert A. Bevis
Roger B. Broderick &Tonia M.
CIBA Vision Corp.
Cincinnati Milacron Foundation
Computone Corp.
Continental Resources, Inc.
Control Data Corp.

Mather Emory Dawkins
Conrad G. Demro, Jr.
Dranetz Technologies, Inc.
Richard Dylewski
Eagle Environmental Technology,
Econolite Control Products
Ethyl Corp.
Ferro Corp.
Florida Natural Gas Association
Mary G. Goodman
Shirley H. Fulton Estate
GE Fanuc Automation, North
America, Inc.
William & Sally Glick
Alex E. S. & Freda K. Green
Robert M. Handley
George E. Haynam
Charles F & Carol Hazzard
Hercules, Inc.
William E. Herron, Jr.
Andrew H. Hines, Jr.
Intergroup Technologies
International Paper Co.
ION Implantation Systems
ITT Community Development Corp.
John Fluke Manufacturing Co.
Kawasaki Steel Corp.
Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
George & Judy Knecht

W. Tracy Lenocker
Chen Li
David R. MacQuigg
Macy's East
Bryant P. Marshall
McDonnell Douglas Foundation
Charles McLochlin
Velma McLochlin
Maurice A. Milikin
Douglas C. Miller
William H. Mills, Jr.
William H. Mills, Sr.
Morton Custom Plastics
Joyce E. Morway
Moure Foundation
MTS Systems Corp.
John A. & Peggy Nattress
NEC America, Inc.
Nortel Networks
Otec Co. Limited
William H. Palm
PCR, Inc.
Winfred M. Phillips
Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan,
Ronald W. & Dale K. Powell
PPG Industries, Inc.
Nilo & Norma F Priede
Progress Technologies Corp.
QMS, Inc.

John & Kim Teegen
Tektronix, Inc.
John L.Traina (d)
Glenn Tootle &Andrea Valdyke
Toyota Central Research &
Development Labs, Inc.
Varian Associates, Inc.
The Vecellio Family Foundation,
Westinghouse Educational
Weyerhaeuser Co. Foundation
John B. White, Jr.
Bernard & Jessie Wolfson
Xerox Corp.
Herbert G.Yalof
Yokogawa Corp.

Rayonier Foundation
Lois A. Reed-Hill
Walden C. Rhines
Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.
Ricoh Systems, Inc.
ClaudiusA. Ross
Schultz Consulting
Roger F. Schilf
Glen J. Schoessow
Wilard Shafer
Silvaco Data Systems
Michael A. Singer
J. Reginald Smith
Smith & Gillespie Engineers
George A. Snelling
Mildred Spangler
Square D Foundation
Sumitomo Metal Foundation, Ltd.
Sun Co., Inc.
System Dynamics, Inc.
Union Camp Corp.
URS Greiner, Inc.
Utah Scientific of Florida, Inc.
Ellis D. Verink, Jr.
Donald C.Walker
John B. White
J. Fred & Lilly C.Wilkes
Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc.

Associates The Associates levels are renewable annual recognition based on gifts contributed within a fiscal year (July 1 June 30) in cash, securities, real estate, or insurance
premiums; or documented bequests or insurance policies at 20 percent of the face value.

Platinum $25,000 to $49,999
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Integrated Systems Engineering,
National Instruments Corp.

Gold $10,000 to $24,999
Advanced Vision Science, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Global Communication Devices,
MLDesign Technologies, Inc.
Ocean EngineeringAssociates, Inc.
Praireview Trust
Schwartz Family Charitable
Jack R. Smith
Lilly C.Wilkes (d)

Silver $5,000 to $9,999
CyberGuard Corp.
Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation
The Gemesis Corp.
Keith & Schnars, PA.
Sylvia T McKenney (d)
SRC Education Alliance
The Tarr Family Charitable Family
Veterinary Medical Solutions, Inc.

Bronze $2,000 to $4,999
Arthur B. Anderson
John J. Benton
Leah P. Boggs
Larry M. Bowyer
Robert A. & Kathryn W. Bryan
Clay F Carlson
SudhirVasant & Elisia NeSmith

Raymond A. Cocco
Norman A. Cope &Associates
Cordis Corp.
Timothy H. Crawford
Barry B. Diamond
Frances B. Dodson
Florida Section of A.I.M.E.
Charles L. Geer
GKN Foundation
Laurie A. Gower
The Greater Construction Corp.
Charles W. & Elisa Q. Gregg
William H. Keener III
Samuel J. Kolner
Agis Kydonieus
LDX Optronics, Inc.
Roger N. Madariaga
Thomas B. & Debora K.
McDonald III
Knox T Millsaps, Jr.

JohnW. Neely
Daniel A. Nicholson
Northrop Grumman Corp.
George A. Olsen
Pangolin Pictures, Inc.
John F & Louise B. Pearce
J. B. Phillips
Quick-Med Technologies
Steven D. Rausch
Linda & Chih-Tang Sah
James R. Shackleford III
David A. Skowronski
Jack W. Sparks
Sprint Foundation
SunTrust BankAtlanta Foundation
Tektronix Foundation
Triangle Consulting Group
James D. & Nancy J. Tyner
William D.Woodward, Jr.
Woon C.Yeo

30 ThFloridaEngineer

Additional Corporate, Foundation, and Organizational Support

545 Landfill
Actuality Productions, Inc.
Aetna Foundation
AFCO Constructors, Inc.
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Akzo Nobel, Inc.
Albemarle Corp.
Altria Group, Inc.
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical
Andre-Troner LC
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Avid Engineering, Inc.
AWIN Management, Inc.
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
BBA Nonwovens Reemay, Inc.
Bechtel Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation
Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Clariant Corp.
Compaq Computer Foundation
Conoco, Inc.
Crammond Dickens Lerner

Delta Air Lines Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas
Becton Dickinson & Co.
Dominion Foundation
Dunkelberger Engineering &
Testing, Inc.
Dynegy, Inc.
Emergency One, Inc.
Emerson Electric Co.
Entergy Operations
Equistar Chemicals, LP
Ericsson, Inc.
Exelon Corp.
Framatome ANP
Georgia-Pacific Corp.
Georgia Power Co.
Gillette Co.
Golder Associates, Inc.
Hearst Magazines
Hemisphere Capital Partners LLC
Home Depot, Inc.
ITT Industries, Inc.
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Keramos National Ceramic Eng.
KGR Plumbing, Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Kinder Morgan Foundation

L3 Communications Integrated
Law Gibb Group, Inc.
Lexmark International, Inc.
Lucent Technologies
Mallinckrodt, Inc.
Mannington, Inc.
Maytag Corp. Foundation
Merck Company Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,
Warren Miller Entertainment
Miller, Legg &Associates, Inc.
H. Clay Moore &Associates, Inc.
The Murray Co.
National Concrete Masonry
National Rural Electric Coop.
Office Depot, Inc.
OppenheimerFunds Legacy
PACCAR Foundation
Particle Technologies LLC
Pestworks Landcare, Inc.
Philips Electronics North America
Pinnacle Systems, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Professional Engineering
Consultants, Inc.
Public Service Electric Gas Co.
Publix Super Markets Charities,
Raytheon Co.
SBC Communications, Inc.
Science Applications International
Science & Technology Corp.
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Smith & Nephew Richards, Inc.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Sprint Foundation
The Tau Beta Pi Assn., Inc.
Temple-Inland Foundation
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
United Space Alliance Trust
University of Minnesota
UPS Foundation
Verizon Foundation
The Vogel Foundation, Inc.
Vulcan Materials
Walt Disney Co. Foundation
Waste Management Service Center
Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.
Westvaco Foundation

Additional UFAlumni, Faculty, Parents, and Friends

Michael D.Annable
Timothy A. Bell
Rachael P Bender
Gabriel & Nancy L. Bitton
William G. & Carolyn M. Boggess
SamW. Boone, Jr.
Gys Bosman
Marcia 0. Bourdon
Ross L. Bremer & Karen B. Perrin
Rick & Kathleen A. Brown
Pamela M. Bruffey
JodiA. Buckley
Thomas E. Bullock
Emily R. Cacioppo
Leon J. Carrero
Bruce F. Carroll
Sandra D.& B. Dudley Carter
Dorothy H. Chen
Avis S. Chen-Boulter & Joseph R.
Mao H. & Chun I. Cheng
Laura M. Chun
Dennis Collins
David H. Confessore
Carole A. Cosenza
Melissa A. Currin
Kimberly A. Cutler
Douglas D. Dankel, II
Richard E. Davidson
Janet D. Degner
Robert T. DeHoff
Sarah B. & Joshua C. Dickinson III

Linda D. Dlouhy
Bruce A. Duke
Laurie Dunivant
Eva L. Eichhorn
Nicholas L. Ellis
William H. Ellis
Kernaaz K. Engineer
Thomas N. Evans III
Richard L. Fearn
Elliot Field
Edmund A. & Jill D. Fitzgerald
Robert M. Fox
Tonya D. Fulton
Loren P. Furland
Edith L. Gadson
Sharon B. Gilmore
Donald W. & Joyce L. Hearn
Gene & Evelyn Hemp
Paul H. Holloway
Mark L. Homer
Kim K. Hood
Gail S. & Robert H. Howell
Shu-Min & Chung K. Hsieh
Joshua S. Irwin
Bengt-Ove Jansson
Douglas B. Jones
William H. Judd, Jr.
Sumer & Layatee Kahook
Richard L. & Linda Kegg
Jihyun Kim
James N. & Patricia Kremer
Gwendolyn R. Kyles

Haniph A. Latchman
Sheng San Li
Robert R. & Cheryl K. Lindgren
Ralph L. Lowenstein
Emily A. Madden
Gertrude S. Margolick
James H. McClelland
Elizabeth A. McMahan
Rishabh Mehandru
Janet W. Middleton
David W. Mikolaitis
Jack Moore
Robert J. Murphy
Gale E. Nevill, Jr.
Charlotte C. Nichols
Toshikazu Nishida
Esther E. & Frank G. Nordlie
Kathleen W. Pagan
Steven G. Page
Caroline J. Penn
Loretta F Person
Wendy C. Phillips
Mary M. Pitts
Evelyn H. Pringle
S. Caprice Rosato
Robert G. & Peggy S. Royce
Byron E. Ruth
James H. Schaub
John K. & Malini J. Schueller
Sherry G. Seabrook
Rachel K. Seifer
Kathleen M. & John R. Shue

Wendy J. Simpson
J. Michael &Toba M. Smith
Fay A. Snyder
Ramakant Srivastava
Jamie W. Stone, Jr.
Ela K. Sutton
James D.Tanner
Charles E. Taylor
Christine W. Ternenyi
Hana Tlusty
Frank & Marvel Townsend
Quyen T Tran
T. Troupe Turner
Helen T.Twedell
Robert E. Ulanowicz
Martin A. Uman
Chandrashekhar M. &Asha C.
Bettie Jean Walker
Phillip C.Wankat
Robert R. & Patricia A. Weiss
John F C. White
Elwyn M.Williams
Karen C.Williams
Joseph N.Wilson
George W. Wood, Jr.
Alice B.Yen
Dora & Paul Zia
John C. Ziegert

TheFloridaEngineer 31


William R. Clarke

Albert E. O'Neall
Colbert W. Wilkins

Maj. Gen. John R.Alison

John P. Lenkerd
Homer V. Thompson
Joseph P. Woodward

Alvis G. Green

Allan M. Biggar
Burney B. Cowden
Curtis H. Stanton

Robert B. Morton

Colonel John W. Bennett
Lewis E. Cooke, Jr.

Melton L.Augustine
William T French

Ralph C. Harkness
Samuel J. Kolner

Pierson P. DeJager

James C. Bryan
John B. White, Jr.

Gordon W. Dykes
Samuel A. Jordan, Jr.
Melvin A. Shader
J. Pasco Sweat
Thomas F Thompson, Jr.
Eugene L. Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Asche
Robert L. Collie
Frederick B. McNeely
S. Edward Miller
JohnW. Mills
Richard C. Mills
John W. Mueller, Jr.
Ernest T Oskin
Charles H. Sain
Lee H. Scott
Archie Wakefield, Jr.
Furman C.Whitaker
J. Cullen Wright

Harold L. Boyd
Steve A. Carter
Milton Chambers
Arthur R. Finney, Jr.
James D. Gammage
Robert D. Graf
JamesA. Grinnan, Sr.
William E. Gunson
Charles G. Houriet
Stephen B. Hovan
E. Smith Laws
Robert A. Lynch
Charles R. Miller, Jr.
William F Miller
Frederick W. Ogilvie
Robert L. Olive
Mr. & Mrs. John F Pearce
Jack H. Smith
Jack L. Thomas
Samuel M. Thompson, Jr.
JamesYontz, Sr.

Sidney L. Barker
David E. Brandt, Jr.
John M. Buslinger, Jr.
Gordon Hays, Jr.
JamesA. Henderson, Jr.
George N. Henn, Jr.
James D. Mattox
Lester M. McClung, Jr.
Cecil H. Rowland
Robert S. Russ
Arnold J.Sietz
William R.Thompson III
James L. Turnage, Jr.
Henry F.Weisenburger, PE.
David A. Whitston, P.E.
Benjamin F.Wilson
James M.Woodard

Robert B. DeVeny, Jr.
Leslie H. Harvey
Jefferson R. Kirkpatrick
Louis C. Palmer
Vincent B. Pickett
Bartow T. Robbins
Robert K. Sawyer
Paul D. Schulz
Edward J.Telander
William L. Watson

John G. Burrows, Jr.
Frederick R. Crowley
Stanley K. & Edith W. Ink
James W. O'Kelley, Jr.
Harvey H. Purcell
William B. Ruhlin
William L. Wood

Richard H. Boerma
Louis P. Bosanquet
Carl H. Bowles, Jr.
Charles E. Branning
Warren P. Huff
Thomas E. Martin
Elwood P Padgett,Jr.
Ernest M. Salley
Orlo M. Shultz, Jr.
William A. Snell

Morris G. Whitcomb, Jr.
Hillard H. Allen
John A. Andersen
Roger L. Cox
Windell A. Dixon, Jr.
Robert B. Frary
Gordon J. Hennon, Jr.
Robert W. Lamb
Eugene A. Lichtman
SungY. Lu
LeRoy H. Ludi
Park B. Meiter
John V. Searcy
William R. Spenninger

Joseph T Beresheim, Jr.
James E. Blanton, Sr.
H. Norman Bott
James H. Bragdon
ArthurW. Brooke, Jr.
Glenn L. Bryan
Richard F Crabtree
Herbert J. Crenshaw
Eugene Gilmore
Edwin M. Green, Jr.
Vern R. Hammond
Oscar E. Hayes
Ben F Kickliter
Charles E. Langbein, Jr.
Thomas R. Mayhew
Samuel H. Nassiff
Allen J. Richardson
Credo Schwab
Howard L. Searcy
Marvin Y. Shankin
E. Fred Sharp, Jr.
Margaret D.Varner
Robert N.Willis

Nathan M. Banes, Jr.
Roger V. Burry
Arthur F Camp, Jr.
Richard H. Caro
Jerrie L. Chandler
C. James Crooker
Robert W. Duckworth
Herbert S. Hovey, Jr.
Clifford E. Manuel
William C. Morgan
Edwin P. Moure
Richard A. Newell
B. Douglas Pearson, Jr.
Dan C. Pinney
Milton B. Rogers
Jackson S. Simpson
Albert A. Stoddard
E. Thomas Torrence
Robert W. Vincent
Thomas E. Wetmore
Warren O.Woolsey
Cortland E.Young, Jr.

George E. Allen, Jr.
Edward H. Beardsley Ill
Orburn R. Bloodworth, Jr.
Walter L. Elden
Doyle D. Garner
James A. Gerwe
Byron V. Hall, Jr.
Peter E. Hastings
Richard A. Jemison III

Alan G. Krigline
Comdr. Thomas M. Maroldy
William A. Massey
Dayle A. Parkes
Fred & Marjorie M. Pitts
Norman J. Price, Jr.
William J. Rutledge, Jr.
Capt. Albert H. Story
Samuel S. Tucker
James A. Wachob
Loren H. Walker

Jack E. Bond
Robert W. Bowman
Charles E. Brown
Donovan D. Buell, Jr.
Russell S. Buker
Richard H. Dewey
Richard G. Donald
William Y. Harrell
Paul F. Horsman
Samuel D. Hunt
Albert T. Johnson
John G. Kammerer
Dan G. Mizelle
Virgil V. Moore III
Bill G. Oaks
Richard E. Pesola
Lawrence J. Ramaekers
Vernon P. Roan, Jr.
Fred L. Robson
George H. Shipley, Jr.
I. Clay Thompson, Jr.
Ralph C. Unkefer
James R. Wheeler
Edwin L.Wilson

Karl M. Allison, Jr.
Sumpter H. Barker
James K. Channell
Howard A. Davies
J. Gordon Davis
Robert S. Dean, Jr.
Roger E. DeVore
Lowell H. Elliott
James E. Hansen
John J. Harkins
George W. Harper
Richard B. Hellstrom
David W. Henn
James H. Jones
Ronald M. Kaplan
Agis Kydonieus
Marvin J. Lopez
Leonard H. Lund
Richard T. Lynch
Martin E. Perkins
Robert L. Peterson
James R. Piche
Larry P. Robinson
Charles L. Roux
Clifford W. Schoonmaker
David Silber
Robert C. Staiman
Lawrence I. Takumi
Thomas S. Walton

William D.Allen
Paul H. Bedrosian
Manuel V. Benzin
Donald T Branning
Richard H. Chastain

Shang I.Cheng
Arthur N. L. Chiu
Henry 0. Cleare
Donald L. Dickinson, Jr.
Marcelo Lara
John L. McCullough
Walter D. McDaniel
Roger F Moonen
David H. Neely
Stephen R. New
Nilo& Norma F. Priede
James R. Putney
Stephen Arnold Schneeberger
Edgar F. Seagle
W. Kelly Smith
Thomas R. Starratt, Jr.
Lewis H. Strickland
Paul G. Suchoski
Edward B.Thayer
Baxter L. Thorman
Woody Woodall

Lt. Col.William J. Barnes, Jr.
Leonard S. Bernstein
Gordon S. Burleson, Jr.
William S. Caruthers
William L. Million
Hans F Due, Jr.
Murray W. Garbrick
Ferrell L. Gay
Robert M. Handley
Edwin J. Heisel, Jr.
Wayne B. Howard
Walter A. Johnson
John W. King
Robert S. Lawrence
Jeffrey M. Lazar
Mr. & Mrs. E. Woody Lingo
Leonard J. Lyons
George Mayer III
Richard M. Munday
Waylon A. Neese
Thomas E. Ohmstede
Roy B. Simmons
William T. Sprott III
Ronald C.Talcott
Rhea T.Van Arsdall II
William R.Young
George G. Zipfel, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Bolton Ill
James A. Burgess
John P. Church
James M. Degen
Marion 0. Eikeland
Julian G. Farrow
Joseph W. Fennell
Daniel C. Gionet
Robert L. Goodmark
Paul H. Grigsby
Paul M. Hanson, Sr.
Ronald C. Houts
Paul D. Hunter
Stanley L. Livengood
Thomas J. Loomis
Sam H. Mack
George E. Marks
Gary E. C. Minns
William K. Parker
Walter D. Patton
Robert A. Pensa
Kenneth A. Perkins
Jeffrey A. Perls

32 ThFloridaEngineer

James A. Proctor
Thomas T. Raymond
Albert D. Schmidt
Roger K. Seals
William L. Storch
Marshall R.Turner
Maryly Van Leer Peck
Edward E. Warwick, Jr.

Marion C. Bartlett
Edward L. Bernstein
Richard C. Burner
Leo L. Carey
Jay L. Carter
Ransom F. Gladwin III
Michael C. Guidry
Robert W. Haight, Sr.
Robert D. Hutson
John H. McDaniel
Frank J. Munno
James R. Shackleford III
Douglas B. Smith
EdgarA.Starke, Jr.
William L.Vaughters
Bennie G.Williams
John C.Wilsky

Fred S. Aaron
Alva C.Atkins
Thomas P. Barbee
W. Stewart Boots
Philip J. Caliendo
Barry B. Diamond
Dennis N. Frankle
Antonio M. Garcia
James W. Herrington, Jr.
Philip J. Hoffmann, Jr.
George D. Jennings, Jr.
Ronald D. Kaylor
George R. Knecht
Daniel E. Knowles
Barnett J. Mandell
Harley L. Miller
Richard H. Morris
Thomas K. Mueller
Richard B. Reuss
William D. Rigdon
Joseph B.Tong
Robert L. Travis
Manuel R.Vilaret
C. Jeffrey Willis

Brian D.Austin
Joseph W. Beasley
Max M. Brown
Chris A. Catsimanes
John C. Clark, Jr.
Peter M. Daniher
Robert F Ehr, Jr.
Miguel A. Hernandez, Jr.
Lloyd W. Hodge, Jr.
George W. Howell
Donald G. Jackson
Herbert E. Keeler
Ron Kreskey
Samuel A. Leslie
James D. Marks
Ronald J. Michalak
William L. Norris, Jr.
John E. Oliva
Roger E. Osborne
Gerald 0. Priebe, Jr.

Harry M. Schindehette, Jr.
Harry Z. Silsby II
Howard C.Vanzant
Larry W.Whittington
Earl J.Williams
Victor A. Zaloom

John S. Aiton
Warren A. Birge
Charles A. Bisselle
Roger B. Broderick &Tonia
M. Osborne
Leslie K. Clarke III
Jerauld L. Dickerson
John W. Ditsler
Peter R. Garland
Samuel D. Harkness
Curtis B. Joyner
John W. Koger
Richard F. LaFlamme
Vinson F Lamb
Richard F. Malzahn
N. George McRae
C. Dwight Nicholson
James K. O'Steen
Melvin R. Phillips
Reginald J. Rodriguez
Bruce J. Rogow
Alan C. Seraphine
James C. Seymour, Jr.
Nevins C. Smith, Jr.
James H. Steele, Jr.
Michael D. Stephens
Donald Sytsma
Joseph Varon
James D. Wade

Lawrence W. Ackley
Charles G. Annis, Jr.
Emile A. Bernard
Jack L. Bonney
Stephen M. Bull
Raymond M. Clock
Leon W. Couch II
Frank P. Crowder
Curtis J. De Young
Chand Deepak
Jon D. Dickerson
David L. Echols
Richard A. Fifer
Rufus J. Frazier, Jr.
Edmund L. Gallizzi
David S. Handshu
D. Bruce Harris
Robert E. Harris
Kin H. Luk
Arsenio Milian
William S. O'Brien
VictorW. Randecker
A. Lamar Reeves
Paul D. Rodebaugh
Fred J. Salem
Satyendra K. Shoor
William N. Stuart, Jr.

Lt. Col. Richard W. Benton
Kamlesh K. Bhatia
Larry M. Bowyer
Lawrence R. Brady
John D. Caldwell, Sr.
Arthur A. Camero
George W. Clark, Jr.

Edgar T. Clarke
Leland L. Coons
Thomas J. Dorman
Mark I. Farber
Thomas E. M. Fears
Pete Garcia
John P. Giolma
Bruce C. Goddard
George R. Grantham
Ronald D. Hackney
James W. Hamilton, Jr.
H. C. Harden
Geoffrey K. Hart
Frederick 0. Hawkes
Emil E. Herrero
William H. Herrington II
Bruce E. Hoffman
Frederick R. Holmes
Don A. Irons, Jr.
Paul L. Jacobs
Bruce H. Johnston
Colonel Douglas G. Lamb
KraigA. Lenius
Walter 0. Maine
Thomas J. Mihalcik
Daniel A. Nicholson
Charles Radonich
Raymond J. Sero
Harrison B. Smith
J. Keith Wicks

Jacob B. Alagood
J.William Bartos
Larry R. Boyd
Richard E. Chesser
John E. Cunningham
Lester D. & Carolyn A. Curless
Douglas H. Deese
Russell J. DeYoung
James D. Durham
Pierre J. Faucher
Gerald L. Gipson
Paul J. Gross, Jr.
Terry A. Hammond
Halfen L. Hoyt
Howard L. Kalter
Robert A. Kellert
James L. Kotas
Arun M. Kumtha
Joseph M. Langford
Marc Lopatin
John B. Miller, Jr.
Albert W. Morneault
Robert A. Osborne
Richard Osen, Jr.
William Neil Phinney
GaryA. Pitt
Neils R. Poulsen
Dennis C. Prieve
Walter L. Robidoux
Thomas S. Shoenberger
Harold E. Simmons, Jr.
James W. Sloan
Jack W. Sparks
Robert W. Steward
Joseph S. Stonecipher
George H. Weller III
Nicholas Wenri, Jr.

Alan H. Aront
Albert W. Blevins
Timothy P Brodeur
Joseph S. Buck

David T. Buell
Joe Burns
Tom Corley
Richard B. Dalton
KrisA. Dane
Max F Dannecker
John L. Dickens
Frances B. Dodson
Robert T. Dyer
Harry D. Farley, Jr.
Norbert J. Finkelstein
Vernon J. Franke
Robert 0. Frink
Charles T. Frock
Hugh G. Griffin, Jr.
Sant D. Gupta
Carl D. Hamilton
Dennis L. Harrington
Robert H. Heidersbach, Jr.
Jerry W. Ingram
Robert C. Kemerait
Edward R. LaPierre
Thomas G. McRae, Jr.
Monroe A. Miller, Jr.
Doc X. Nghiem
Bruce F Noel
John C. Norrell
John P. O'Brien
Harold R. Palmer
John E. Peer III
Barry D. Portnoy
Paul T Reichert
Floyd G. Rippetoe III
Robert H. Saxton, Jr.
Kenneth R. Schultz
Stephen A. Shepard
Peter J. Stafford, Jr.
John L. Usher
Craig S. Wallace
Jerry M. Ward
Charles W. Williams, Jr.
Edward T. Wood
Richard P.Yeilding

Hector Alonso
Arthur B. Anderson
Robert D. Beebe
Stanley Berger
Frederick S. Betz
Donald W. Calvin
Tsao-Yi Chiu
Lt. Col.William H. Conrad, Jr.
Kenneth R. Craig
Robert V. Croft
Lawrence J. Curies
Carlos M. Del Sol
George R. Dillon
Madelyn G. Freshwater
George L. Gafford
Charles W. & Elisa Q. Gregg
Jerome J. Guidry
Ted C. Hager
Steven G. Harvey
James G. Hayden
William S. Humphreys, Jr.
Richard J. Lane
Howard M. Langley
Frank D. Leonhartsberger
Steven M. Long
Joseph Paul McGuigan
Lawrence G. Merer
Henry C. Okraski
Julio C. Otazo
Bruce M. Parks

J. B. Phillips
John G. Pipes
Michael A. Ponder
William H. Rutledge, Jr.
Richard D. Santangelo
Herbert F Schaake
John H. Schmelzer
Walter N. Thomasson
James G.Thompson
John R.Twitchell
William S.Vilda, Jr.
Jeffrey S. Ward
Bruce M.Weinstein
Charles M. Wiecking, Jr.
Maxwell C.Yao

Marc S. Adler
Jerry A. Ashwood
John 0. Blanton, Jr.
Robert J. Cammack
Richard G. Connell, Jr.
Harry J. Darling
Prem J. Datt
Robert C. Dorsey
Donald A. Eckler
Jeffrey D. Einhouse
Carlos Espinosa
Gerardo B. Fernandez
David L. Freed
Martin M. Fritsch
Larry R. Gawlik
FletcherW. Gibson III
Steven G. Godfrey, Sr.
Wayne R. Gray
Neal J. Gruber
Robert S. Hauge
James E. Laier
Roberta A. Lang
Peter S. Lenk
Michael S. Leonard
Charles B. Littlejohn
Anthony J. Lucas
James M. Lucas
Roger N. Madariaga
Edward L. Masters, Jr.
David L. Mays, Sr.
Peter L. Palmer
John F Pitt
Gary G. Prato
John C. Roberge
Frederick Roth, Jr.
Robert W. Sams
George D. Seuss
Ronald M. Stein
E.W. Franklin Stirrup III
Seyfeddin I.Tanrikut
Thomas G. Tomasello
Chung-Chu Wan
Leon N.Williamson, Jr.

Michael A. Aimone
Gary L.Allen
Stephen L. Brotherton
Robert W. Buhl
Salvatore Cangialosi
Joseph P. Castronovo
Ralph W. Coldewey
John G. Davis
John C. Dillingham
W. Frank Erwin
Lawrence T Fitzgerald
Thomas M. Hearne, Jr.
Rustom F Irani

TheFloridaEngineer 33


Harold V. Julian
Daniel L. Maloney
Arnaldo G. Martinez
Wayne Pandorf
Colonel William B. Poor
Ronald J. Rosenthal
John A. Ruf
Michael S. Rywant
Arthur J. Sepcie, Jr.
Wesley W. Shelton, Jr.
William E. Stevens
Richard E. Strickland
Steven J. Van Wagener
Richard W. Wark
James M. Wheeler, Jr.
Gary K. & Deborah C.Williams
George D. Woodward
Peter A. Zahn, Jr.
Terry D. Zipper

Michael J. Bailey
Harrison H. Barker
Robert J. Behar
Walter R. Boynton
David G. Breskman
Lawrence H. Carson
Michael E. Collins
James R. Covell
Robert W. Crim II
William E. Dietz, Jr.
Wayne C. Fieler
Ronald E. Fuller
J. Michael Gilmer
Joseph R. Gosney
Joseph G. Hand
Edward H. Hodgens
Alexander B. Hull IV
Jamie W. Hurley, Jr.
Robert D. Lauffer
David A. & Christine M. Loucks
HenryA. Malec
David S. Marquis
Gary K. Matthew
Henry N. McKellar, Jr.
David A. McNamara
James A. Mills
Michael P. Murphy
Ray D. Odom
Wayne D. Parsons
Linda M. & Charles M. Perrygo
Larry R. Pitts
William F Pope
Stephen E. Primo
Gordon S. Quesenberry, Jr.
Conrado 0. Quintero
David A. Ramirez
Richard L. Reel, Jr.
Diego C. Rojas
Robert D. Rusinko
Pranab Saha
Dean C. Thomas
John R.Valusek
Manuel A. Vidal
Eldred V. Wilkinson
Woon C.Yeo

Paul W. Arnold
William D. Bain
Gerald C. Cambias, Jr.
Miguel G. Correa
John R. Field, Jr.
Charles L. Geer
Lawrence A. Harlos

34 T'hFloridaEngineer

Jeffrey L. Hilbert
Marshall L. Hyatt
Michael S. Johnson
James A. Keener
Kenneth W. Killian
Robert H. LeGrow
Clifford D. Leitch
John R. Marquardt
Carlos J. Martinez
Richard W. McGinley
Michael B. McMahan
Walid A. Natour
David R. Pokorney
Charles R. Revette
James R. Roche II
Ronald E. Rogers
W. Brick Rosenbaum III
William L. Schultz
Ronald L. Shelton
M. Matthews Smith II
Dr. & Mrs. Wade H. Smith
James S. Taylor
John E.Tutten
George T.Webb
James C. Wilt

Lawrence E.Annen
Brian J. Barnes
Alonzo M. Burns, Jr.
Fred Parker Cone
Fred B. Cook
Richard V. Crlenjak
FranzA. Dill
William J. Dugary
Scott R. Evans
Ronald P. Ferland
Ricardo Fraxedas
David C. Greenspan
Charles R. Hach
Lawrence A. Heyl
Christopher D. Houha
William M. Kemp
Paul S. Klich
Dean M. Larsen
Robert L. Machowicz
Warren E. Maddox
Marc L. Malacoff
Dean G. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. McDonald III
Deborah K. McKinley
Gary L. Messing
Lynn E. Mueller
Timothy E. Myrick
Kathleen A. Niesen
Thomas S. Perusits
Roger D. Polston
Woodrow W. Richardson
Ted H. Risher
David A. Schoen
Suresh K. Shenoy
Capt. John H. Stein, Jr.
Brian J. Swenty
John P. Thompson, Jr.
Terry B. Thompson
William C. Tinsley
John L.Vadnal
David H. Vickrey
Guy J.Wills
Samuel J.Winfrey

Charles R. Albury
John F & Marjorie J.Alexander

Kenneth R. Barnett
Benjamin P. Baum
Jaime M. Benavides
Sandra L. Brown
William F Buholtz
Col. Christopher Caravello
William J. Conybear
Timothy H. Crawford
William R. Dillworth
James J. Dlubac
Gerald E. Doddington
Edward M. Duran, Jr.
John M. Elliott
H. John Healey
Roger S. Hendricks
Gene E. Hosimer
William C. Huffman, Jr.
Edward P. Jacobsen
GaryW. Kuhl
Harry L. Light
Gregory L. Maag
James W. MacLaughlin
Kenneth R. Malin
Marlene H. McKetty
Jay J. Messer
Arthur R. Miller Ill
Col. Arthur E. Miscally, Jr.
Gary K. Mowery
Richard E. Oakley III
Donald R. Paul, Jr.
Mike Ponzio
Donald E. Reed
Mark D. Repasky
James E. Ringo
James M. Rodgers, Jr.
Arturo A. Rodriguez
Thierry M. Ross
Rodolfo M. Sanchez
JigarV. Shah
Gregory 0. Snowden
Geoffrey R. Spencer
Joseph C. H.Stagner
David W. Stewart
Stanley T. Stokes
Ann L. Strab
William Trump
Michael P. Whitesell
James R. Wooden
Adel M. Zantout

J. Michael Adams
Shiv K. Balakrishnan
Michael 0. Blaich
John E. Booth
Curtis D. Boswell, Jr.
Paul A. Bowdoin
Cheryl D. Breevoort
Robert J. Brugman
John G. Cantlin
Edward B. Clark III
Jerome L. Cleveland, Jr.
John A. Corven
Michael J. Cuozzo
Michael B. Daniell
Gary L. Donn
Pamela Callahan Durham
Virgilio A. Fernandez, Jr.
Marcus A. Gilbert
Robert J. Green
Lisa M. B. Guy
Dennis M. Hartley
Ewald A. Hartung, Jr.
Eric G. Heinrich
Richard L. Hester, Jr.

Richard E. Hinkley
Valerie W. Hudson
Dennis W. Johnson
Nicholas M. Klimas
Herman Lam
William H. Lamason II
Douglas A. Leas
Kevin D. Malik
Z. I. Martin
R E. Menendez
Edward E. Moore, Jr.
Robert W. Mullennix
Timothy L. O'Brien
Paul Lee Olson
Neils R. Poulsen, Jr.
Comdr. James E. Power
Gerald A. Richardson
Jeffrey S. Schleher
Hope C. S. Stephenson
Russell H. Stokes
Burton L. Streicher
William B. Tallon
Michael T. Taylor
Dale M.Thomas
Louis R. Tortora, Jr.
William G.Vernetson
Rafael T Villamil
Leonard D.Wert, Jr.
Roger L. Wofford
William D. Woodward, Jr.

David W. Bartelt
E. Joseph Bauerlein III
Mark S. Brock
Col. Randolph 0. Buck
James E. Connell
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Constable
George E. Cooper
Robert Carl Dahlgren
Jeffrey Randell Dean
Bradford W. Dearing
Cynthia M. Decker-Wright
Michael T. Donohue
Robert A. Ellis, Jr.
Edward J. Eng
Michael E. Frye
George G. Ganoe
Lawrence W. Hedges
Hunter W. Jones
Kevin S. Jones
James T. Jordan
Steven W. Kline
Bertha E. Lewis
Thomas J. Logan
Thomas W. Lyons
Michael J. McCarthy
Albert Muniz
M. Keith Neely
Kenneth R. Owens
T. Neil Peters
Gregory M. Powell
Joseph S. Robison
Frank J. Russo
Douglas E. Schepp
Mehdi Sheibani
Mark R. Shelton
Bruce Shockley
John M. & D. Denise West-Smith
Robert S. Thomas
Ronald C.Van Sickle
Elizabeth G. Waring
Mark W. Wheeler
Mark A. Williams
Michael D.Williams
Mark A. Wrightsman

Randall A. Bailey
Christopher L. Blake
Harry Bloodsworth
Kirk E. Born
Alan W. Bradley
John G. Brady
David A. Brenner
Jerre W. Coleman, Jr.
James P. Coughlin
lanA. Craw, P.E.
Albert J. Dancsak
James S. Daniel
Antonio A. Ferradaz, Jr.
Michael L. Funston
Christopher J. Garrett
Glenn L. Gilstrap
Jeffrey S. Haggard
Michael W. Harper
Marcia B. Hartman
Mark C. Haynes
William T Heitman
John S. Hough
Gerald G. Isaac
Keith B. Jackson
Richard S.W. Jang
Michael L. Johnson
Scott T. Johnson
Nejat Kirmaci
Brian R. & Joyce A. Konigsburg
James V. Krohn
Anthony R. Leeman
John D. Lofgren
John D. Marsh, Jr.
Peter J. McGinniss
Michael T. McKelvy
MarkW. McNabb
Caryn Melrose
Susan de Paoli Molm
Catherine L. Morgan
Charles B. Quinn
Trudence B. Ramsay
Satish J. Ranade
Steven D. Rausch
Rufus E. Rose III
Timothy E. Roxey
Michael J. Sabochick
Rodney S. Smith
John J. Sutliffe
Dennis L. Tackett
Donald M.Thompson
Patricia S. Towers
Angel Vanrell III
Agustin E.Veitia
Jack R.Waizenegger
Jeremiah J.Walker
Arthur W. Wiggins, Jr.

Walter E.Anderson
Howard W. & Diane M. Bergendahl
Alireza Boghrat
George A. Borchik
Gregory A. Boshell
Kenneth J. Boydstun
Robin E. Brady
Thomas A. Brice
Austin C. Brown
Jesse N. Cannon III
Bruce R. Carter
Raymond A. Cocco
John T. Fitzgerald
Robert A. Garren
Terri B. Giardina
Paul L. Gmerek

Farideh V. Gozleveli
Gary L. Guenthner
Michael M. Hawkins
Randall A. Hensley
John T. Hockensmith
Robert M. Hurley
Densak Kajonpong
Lee P. Kennedy
David J. Kirks
Michael J. Koch
David A. Koscielniak
Jack L. Kouloheris
Robert P. Learnard, Jr.
John P. Leedy
Richard B. Lewis
Bill Lewis
Charlotte W. Lieberman
Whit Logan
John J. Mahoney III
Nancy M. & Patrick V. Malone
John H. McCoy
Vernon C. McGrew
Earl W. Metcalf III
Dennis J. Miller
Joseph W. Milton
Brian Monprode
William Z. Morgan
Mark E. Newell
Stephan J. Nix
Xavier L. Pellicer III
Robert A. Pincus
Keith P. Ponitz
Mark A. Powell
Pradeep D. Reddy
Scott A. Reynolds
Jennifer L. Rhatigan
Chris A. Rice &WendyWussow
Earl M. Ridgell
Scott A. Russell
Hinson L. Stephens, Jr.
Raymond R.Taylor
Robert M.Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Teegen
Kurtis D.Vanarsdall
Mark Warenko
Jeffrey D. Westbrook
Jacqueline M.White
Christopher R. Woodyard
John E. Wright
Thomas P. Young

John T. Bell
Sheila C. & Dane R. Boyington
Humberto Carlo
Carol W. Carlson
Kathleen P. Cooke
Jean E. Davis
Paul A. de Paoli
Deborah P. Divine
Lt. Col. Edward K. Doskocz
Michael B. Duich
Carl A. Everatt
Ricardo L. Fabrize
Kelly L. Furlong
William P Geers
Karen G. Gratton
James M. Greer, Jr.
Mark A. Halverstadt
Earl J. Hayter
David A. Hopkins
David L. Israel
David J. Jennings
Jacquelyn W. Jones
Arie Lagerwaard

Scott I. Langenthal
Kevin T Langston
Roger K. Lawton
Kenneth L. Lee, Jr.
Robert W. Leggett, Jr.
David B. Martin
P Ted McGowan
Michael H. McKinney
Timothy J. Miller
Knox T Millsaps, Jr.
John W. Moliski
William V. Murray
David W. Nelms
Bradley D. Noe
Timothy H. Osborne
Donald J. Polmann
Stephen L. Precourt
Edward A. Rikansrud
William F Ryan
Mario J. Scarabino
Rossana A. Sexton
Jonathan S. Silver
Carl V. Strukely
Ravishankar Sundaresan
Kathleen D.Thomas
Timothy E.Thomas
Ronald C.Toifel, Jr.
Douglas C. Voorhees
Shang-Yih Robert Wang

Scott H. Barton
George X. Boulton
Mark A. Burgess
Michael Z. Bush
Daniel E. Campbell II
Vickie P. Cavey
Thomas M.& Sandra R. Clark
Sandra M. Cleaves
Glen M. Colkitt
Mr. & Mrs. FrankA. Consoli
Steven R. Croyle
Christopher C. Downing
Eric M. Etters
Alan J. Foster
Marina D. Freeman
Jeffrey R. Glassburn
Matthew M. Gordon
Richard J. Hankin
Robert E. Hansen
Gary S. Jacobsen
Scott S. Joffe
Kevin F Kett
Robert T. Love
Sharon K. Manning
Hugh E. McCoy III
Bernard S. Morgan III
Deborah P. Noble
Gale K. Oates
Phillip E. Partin
Scott L. Porter
Cynthia L. Ragan
James T Russell
Scott A. Saunders
Thomas J. Schanze
Phillip R. Scheuerman
John M. Segler
Ted A. Self
Azmat H. Siddiqi
Frank E. Skirlo
Jack E. Strieter
Frank M. Travassos
David A. Ulrich
Michael P. Williams, Jr.

Daniel E. Baker
Jerald D. Baldwin, Jr.
Raymond M. Barnett
Brent A. Baumgartner
Bobby G. Beach
Barry I. Bockian
Donald G. Bolden
Andrew J. Bolton
Theodore E. Brown, Jr.
Robert J. Browning II
Martin A. Brungard
JohnW. Caldwell
Daryl R. Cook
John K. Cowart, Jr.
Kenneth Y. & Mrs. Camella
G. Curren
Charles W. Deaver
Dev N. Devadoss
Charles Goldberg
Laurie A. Gower
Jerald A. Hallmark
John H. Henderson
Michael G. Hole
Lloyd T. Hulme
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ingerto
Robert A. Intrater
Dwayne R. Jackson
Carmen D. Johnson
Vincent Carroll Jones
Joel B. Junker
Christine M. Karas
R. Glen A. Knaust
Alan J. Krause
Scott P. LaPointe
Luis Lopez-Blazquez
Clay M. Lovell
Christopher D. Maholm
Richard J. Merriman
Michael A. Miller, Jr.
Malcolm G. Minchin
R. Clifford Mobley
Mindy L. Myers
Philip M. Newhall
Gilbert P. Nguyen
John A. Paramore
Jim Porterfield
Raymond 0. Reid
Michael D. Rowand
Thomas J. Saam
T Richard Thompson
Dennis E.Walter
Gregory T.Williams
James J. Wilson
Ronald J.Wilson, Jr.
J. Mark Ziel

Annette L. Baird
John R. Bils
Stephen C. Binard
Brian C. Braziel
James B. Cornette
Dale E. Cronwell
Chris Desoiza
Gary M. Dockter
Laura J. Ensley-Stanton
Susan H. Gaines
Andre M. Gallet
Jimmie Lee Hamilton
Douglas W. Hantula
C. David Henley, Jr.
Deborah J. Hill
Paul D. Johnson
Steve Johnson

Fred R. Jones, Jr.
Thomas S. Knuckey
Blake D. Kresl
Douglas B. Lang
Brett W. Lassa
Christopher W. LeDew
Burtrand I. Lee
James T.LeGrone,Jr.
Paul F Linton
Jonathan W. Lott
John M. Lushetsky
Sanjoy Malik
Shawn K. Martin
Laureen A. McClure
Murray C. McDonough
Robert S. McKinney
Kathy Novak-Johnson
Brent M. Peyton
Daniel S. Powers
Rafael A. Rodriguez
Lesa B. Roe
Joseph H. Schaefer
Vay L. Scott
Norman E. Shain
Keith E. Sibley
Bruce Sieck
John D. Spahn
Diane L. Stewart
Douglas A. Warren
Kenneth J.White
Michael L.Whitehead
Kenneth A. Wolking
Tess Zbuchalski

Jeffrey G. Alber
Andres F.Alberdi
John P.Albright
Stephen P.Ambrose
Douglas A. Asbury
Robert H. Bacchus, Jr.
George H. Baldwin III
Marie A. Boyette
Colonel John G. Campbell
Keith B. Campbell
William 0. Charland
John E. Cocanower
Harold H. Collins, Jr.
Maj. Joel W. Cornell
Melissa A. Costello
Carl D. Crane III
Kevin P. Culligan
Carla M. Curtis
Terrence Diaz
Steven E. Doyle
Brian J. DuChene
Douglas L. Dycus, Jr.
John J. Ferrell
Clark W. Furlong
Patrick Harshman
Daniel A. Haycook
John F Hayford III
Todd B. Hines
Robert H. Hoffman
John G. Hutton
Paul E. Ina
David R. Jones
Robert J. Kanaskie
Dale E. Kostamo
Robert P. Lauderdale II
Tien-FengT. Ling
Rafael E. Lorenzo-Luaces, Jr.
Philip H. Love
David V. Madonia
Daniel J. Mashburn

Michael A. Moore
Julia E. Nemeth
Matthew J. Ossi
Laurie L. Ottinger
Michael S. Palgon
Linda M. Parlatore
Amy B. Reiss
William C. Rowe
Robert Ray Saltsman
Norman W. Scheffner
Michael S. Smith
George B. Sykes
Yvette A. Tramount
Zane J. Ullman
Debra B. & David R.Wiley
Richard C.Wohlfarth

Kevin T.Abell
Steven M.Anderson
Gabriel Araos
DargarW. Bjorksten
Daniel W. Bowholtz
Jerry A. Byers
Richard M. Cratem
Michael J. Dion
Dale L. Dowden, Jr.
Catherine M. Duke
YorikoT. Funke
Ray Garcia
Tania M. Hake & Charles
Bruce A. Holms
Mark H. Inman
Lt. Sean L. Jersey
James Koppenberger
Patricia Kuta
Joseph W. & Mary M. Lawrence
Kong C. Lim
Nadia G. Locke
Richard D. Mahaley
Charles W. Manzione, Jr.
Stephen P. Nootens
Joseph T. Palaganas
Fernando Perez & Maria
E. Cardenas
Eric A. Rail
OrlandoA. Rubio
Betty T. Rushton
Kirk A. Russell
Jeffrey T. Schnars
Charles R. Schramm, Jr.
Charles E. Shemwell
James S. Sirkis
Marc R. Solnet
Gerald B. Stanley
Lee Strickland
Mark L. Swinson
William L.Verboncoeur
Mark T.Weinberg
Christopher W. Weldon
Blair P.Wunderly

Andrew Z. Adkins III
JohnA. Bowlus
SudhirVasant & Elisia NeSmith
Michael D. Condon
William M. Corson
Christine A. Davis
Capt. David B. Gerlach
Ronald J. Green
GaryW. Gunther

TheFloridaEngineer 35


Dennis L. Havlin, Jr.
David J. Isaacs
Junhaur Jih
Major D. Jones, Jr.
Sharon T Joyce
Chin-Hung Jwo
John S. Kempton
Harbans Lal
Marc E. Levenston
Marie W. Mahan
Colin D. Miles
Ronald B. Morahan, Jr.
Kevin C. Neelands
Fred T. Ogden
Mathew M. Panicker
Thomas A. Pool
Eduardo A. Prieto
Carmine A. Priore III
Richard A. Rayos
David R. Reed
Mark L. Stephens
Adam K. Switzer
Timothy H.Vath
Kenneth C.Whedbee, Jr.
Joseph A. Zimny

Judy Awong-Taylor
James B. Badgerow
Dean W. Brenner
Deryle I. Calhoun, Jr.
Robert C. Campbell
Stephen R. Carsello
David J. Cheney
Julia A. Cunningham
Lawrence E. Davis
Thomas M. Dugger
Jeff J. Elsner
Janie G. & Jeffrey L. Hagberg
William E. Harter
Albert L. Holloway
Kristianto Iskandar
Steven A. Keyes
Mark C. Kilby
Michael 0. Kingham
William S. Kirchhoff
Jeffrey W. LaCroix
James G. Lance, Jr.
Jeffrey R. Lance
Jon C. & Katherine M. Leverette
Frank C. Lin
Mark A. Lowery
Thomas J. McComas
Michael G. McCorkle
Kirby E. McCrary
Cynthia S. McKee
Damon M. Meiers
David J. Mendez
Timothy R. Newell
Paula G. Oakes
Ananth K. Prasad
Ann M. Quillian
Leslie C. Roberts
Roger A. Ross
Leslie A. Rozic
Luis J. Ruiz
Brian M. Rustia
Todd A. Shrader
Mark E. Springgate
Steven J.Thomson
Jeffrey P. Vaughn
James W. Vearil
David S. Wantman

John G.Austin Ill
Juan C. Barinaga
Craig H. Barker
Mark L. Baumgartner
Michael H. & Marcy K. Biller
Isin G. &Temel H. Buyuklimanli
Dawn M. Courtley
Scott W. Dalton
Scott P. D'Antoni
Thomas E. Davis
Michael A. Gedwill
Noyes F Hart, Jr.
Maj. Dean H. Hartman
David W. Hostetter
J.Paul Hubner
Pamela A. Kistner
Virgil C. Lewis
Timothy D. Macaluso
Paul A. Manuel
Michael B. McFarland
John K. & Mary L. McKinney
Marni B. Mirowitz
Mark H. Mitchell
Maj. Christopher C. Morton
Denese Murrin
George A. Olsen
David J. Oriente
Harsha K. Pelimuhandiram
Clifton F. Reynolds
Jon W. Roberts, Jr.
Christopher H. Rountree
Daniel R. Rua
Christopher A. Schreel
Christopher M. Stillo
Claude D. Tankersley
Robert L. Wells
Robert E.Williams

Joseph D.Acker Ill
Joann L.Archer
Salvatore Aurigemma
Gregory C. Bessette
James N. Brouillette
Caryl B. Brown
Rui P. Cerejo
Kefeng Chen
Lance C. Davies
Laura C. DiGruttolo
R. Chris Fore
Reginald F. Glick
Caroline R. Holland
John M. Hornick
Paul J. Karch
David G. Keefer
Scott J. Kenner
Theodore R. Kilpatrick
Frederick C. Loper
Rodger D. Lower, Jr.
Noel R. Mateo
JayA. Maupin
Alfoncio Michel
David M. Milburn
Jeyakumar R. Muthuraj
Brian K. Nelms
Daniel A. Nieten
Susanne C. Openshaw
Matthew R. Overholt
Steven D. Peery
Eric L. Poole
Archana V. Ray
Joan M. Rice
David N. Rocheleau
Brian J. Rooney

Roger W. Rossitto
Thomas R. Steger, Jr.
Xin Wang
Bobby A. Warren

Jeffrey E. Banks
Anindya Basu
Michelle E. Beauchemin
Michael P. Brady
Steven M. Burke
Keith L. Butts
Michael J. Calvo
Gregg D. Costabile
Robert E. De Pierre
Michael Joseph Delate
Dino S. DeLeo
Deborah B. DiFrancesco
Lennox I. Foster, Jr.
Eric C. Gallo
Paul J. Guariglia
Naeem U. Haq
John H. Hoertz III
Mark A. Hoffman
Yongkee Hwang
Janet S. King
Kha V. Le
Ernesto G. Leon
Shaofan Li
Walter F Loomis
David P. McKienzie
Joseph P. Mecca
Khalid Mentak
Edwin F Mojena
Edmund H. Moore
Russell J. Poole III
Captain Sean P. Rucker
Paul R. Salazar
Susan M. Sansalone
Eric M. Shaw
Mark C. Smiley
Lenard A. Smith
Phillip L. Stutzman
Richard S. Traverse
Asa R.Williams
James M.Williams
Daniel M. Wright
Ling-Zhong Zeng
Fugang Zhou

Teresa L. Andre
Jorge J. Beltran, Jr.
Dana R. Branscum
J.Alexander Cabanilla
Robert L. Cannaday
Shawn D. Chesney
Thomas H. Copps
Stephen D. Croll
Comdr. James J. Cummings
Holly C. Dalton
William W. Dyess, Jr.
Kimberlee M. Freudenberg
Frederic F Gaines III
Rodney E. Gamble
Luana E. Gibbons
Kurt R. Gies
Nickey E. Gillette
Gregor Gramlich II
Tamala L. Gulley
Steven M. Hadfield
Richard H. Hamilton
Amy C. & Michael I. Hessel, Jr.
Kristin C. Hoffman
Eric E. Jensen

AzharA. Khan
David A. Klein
Renee M. Knez
Carlos M. Kunigk
Wayne S. Lee
Joseph K. Lek
Charlotte A. Maddox
Michael F March
S. Joseph Mather
Mark M. Montoya
Kenneth E. Paquette
John M. Restrepo
Ramon I. Serrano
Joyce T. Siegele
Jennifer A. Takeshita
Gina M.Tillis
Mrs. Carrin B.Tunney
Dale E. Walter
Jeffrey J. Wang
Timothy S. Wattleworth
James A. West
Paul A. Wise
Lev Zilberman

Peter S.Ahmed
Sreeram Akunuri
Besjon J.Alivandi
Scott H. Andersen
Jennifer S. Arms
Darren Bensley
Jeffrey A. Berringer
Gerard P. Biagi
Steven M. Botwinik
Michael J. Bouchard
Allan J. Caban
Liang-Ming Chen &An-Nie Guu
Van R. Culver
Kimberly A. Gregory
Robert T. Healy, Jr.
Gregory R. Howell
Michael G. Jones
MubeenA. Khan
Michael R. Krecic
Kevin J. Kwitkowski
Thad E. Larson
Carlos Liendo
Arnry J. Mijon
Michael W. Morris, Jr.
J. Jeffery Nauful
Albert F. Schultz
Melanie A. Soto
Vanessa K. Stelly
Gregory E. Thoman
Deavon C. Uter
James J. Wallace
Derek L.Yachanin
Chi-Lin Young

Christian J. Alexander
Scott W. Bailey
Magda I. Berlingeri
Christopher J. & Julianne
M. Birdsall
AndrewJ. Boeckl
George A. Brown
Chad A. Bruender
Ali N. Burumcekci
Clay F Carlson
lan J. Davidson
GerardoJ. Delgado
Micheal L. DiPaolo

Kevin G. Ferguson
Sean M. Froelich
Christa L. Gandenberger
John M. Garland
Julio C. Goya
Guobao Guo
Ann R. Guthrie
Kenneth A. Head
David E. Heumann
Corey D. Hines
Christopher M. Izzo
Kevin E. Krut
Sunil K. Kunisetty
Captain Joshua A. Lane
Cinnamon B. Larson
Gretchen H. Letvin
Jian Liu
Egbert N. Maben
Sean E. Manson
Beth A. Melendez
Thomas E. Murphy
David R. Nute
WendyT. Osucha
Hong Ouyang
Fan Qian
Matt Reilly
Shaji Samuel
Christopher J. Santana
Gregg M. Schoppman
Mark A. Sochacki
Jason W. & Sheila W. Stettler
Daniel P. Stetzer
John M.Theobald
Joseph A. Thompson
Randall W. Watts
Susan A. Welsh
Brian D.Wichman
Shoulian Zhu

Jesse J. Arnold
Nikole B.& Patrick L. Bethea
Mark W. Bower
Guillermo Cevallos
Christopher L. Davidson
Julio C. Delgado
Stephen W. Dickison
Jian Fan
Paul C. Flury
Valarie L. Hoffman
Daniel P. Huskey
LTJG Michael A. James
Craig M. Kerchner
James F Kirk
James B. LeBleu, Jr.
Hui Liao
Christian A. Lopez
Melissa M. Lovell
Robert B. Mann
James S. Marotta
David J. Meriwether
David L. Mickler
Shawn K. O'Brien
Pedro R. Quiros-Pierce
Melinda F. Robinette
Ernesto C. Roedenbeck
Jose A. Sanclement
Sergio Schuler
Karsten A. Sedmera
Lt. Col. George T Shepard, Jr.
Chuanxue Wang
LesterA.Welch III
David B.Wilkers
Michael P. Zamora

36 ThFloridaEngineer

Bradley R. Atherton
Fanny N. Atwood
Ryan K. Baderschneider
Russel J. Brockman
Pamela A. Burke
Fengting Chen
Yu-Ming Chiang
Robert B. Conerly
Kreg R. Everleth
Keith B. Fosen
Brian L. Fuller
Carlos R. Gamero
Philip H. Gliedman, Jr.
George F Harder
James H. Hoffmann
William H. Keener III
Andrew K. Kilpatrick
JeongTae Kim
William E. Lawton
Roger A. D. Le
Kenneth R. Lockwood
Salvador Magana, Jr.
Michael Mahon
Matthew J. Orme
Michael C. Pappas
LuisA. Pardo
Chad A. Rohde
Marina Santarpia
Jon Sinnreich
David A. Skowronski
Jason G. Sloan
Shiby Thomas
Luis G. Velazquez Villares
Victoria Cannon Webb
Ronald J. Zink II

Richard J.Allain
Dhyan Appachu
Salvador G. Arnaldo
Anthony M. Bevilacqua
Maj. Robert G. Bozic
Jeffrey R. Brigman
Gregory A. Call
Timothy J. Campbell
James G. Curlee
Benjamin R. Dawson
James L. Edens
Marc C. Fontana
Kee Bum Jung
David H. Kaczowka
Sean M. Kelley
Michael A. Kerlan
William G. King II
Charlene M. Leary
Hongbin Li
Shao-Jen Lim
Robert L Lybarger, Jr.
John D. Matthew
JayA. Murphy
Raleigh D. Myers
Gwen E. Pace
Mauricio P. Pincetic
Barry M. Prince
Felix G. Rivero, Jr.
David R.Tilley
Joseph M.Vekasi
Vincent Vigna
Ted O.Welch
Andrew C. West
Robert P. Wood

Brian J. Basterrechea
Glen R. Behrend
Alejandro A. Bellon
Richard D. Bruns II
Edward E. Bryan III
Hitakshi K. Buch
Ping P. DeLucia
Andre L. Desilet
Richard I. El-Kadi
Keith R. Giffels
Damian M. Gonzalez
Jeffrey A. Hirsch
Philippe A. Jolicoeur
Rhone N. Kelly
Laura Line
Raphael J. Lyman
Thomas G. Morgan
Matthew P. Phillips
Benjamin D. Pohl
Robert B. Simpson
Heather M. Spencer
Andrea L.Williams
Mark A. Wortham
Kun Zhang

Anick G. Ambroise
David P. & Jennifer L. Arnold
Alexander F.Ashkar
Kevin P. Courtney
Tony Crease
Ward L. Dougherty
Herman A. Glenn IV
Paul V. Mazzeo
Christopher P. McLaughlin
MarcosY. Montes De Oca
Matthew P. Sapp
Christian J. Sloan
Bradford J.Youngers
Jorge L. & Jennifer E. Zapata

Igbetsape A. Abu
Theodore R. Howell
Shriram Lakshmi
Matthew D. Markel
Rodrigo J. Pastrana
Gregory L. Porter
Kimberly A. Schlitt

Wen-Ben Luo

Friends We Will Miss

1924 JohnW. Mellor, BSME, of Logona Hills, California, died December 1, 1974.

1934 Kaleel S. Rizk, BSEE, of Rockville, Maryland, died February 15, 2004.

1935 Sterling A. Fielding, BSME, ME 53, of Baltimore, Maryland, died January 13, 2004.

1939 Alfred J. Ormston III, BSME, of St. Petersburg, Florida, died February 15, 2004.

1943 John G. Simmons, Sr., BCHE, of Loxahatchee, Florida, died January 27, 2004.

1948 A. Ray Miller, Jr., BSCE, of Winter Park, Florida, died November 14, 2003.
Wilfred 0. Roehrig, BME, of Rochester, NewYork, died August 21, 2003.

1950 John M. Sims, Jr., MSCE, of Pensacola, Florida, died November 29, 2002.
Stanley W. Smith, BSEE, of Atlanta, Georgia, died December 13, 2003.

1951 Jack L. Holloway, BSIE, of Panama City, Florida, died December 15, 1987.

1952 Allen R. Dickhaus, BSIE, BSEE, of Miami, Florida, died January 29, 2004.
William A. Snell, BSCE, MSE 54, of Sarasota, Florida, died February 10, 2004.

1954 Maloy E. Kirkland, BEE, of Gainesville, Florida, died January 6, 2004.

1955 William M. Lambert, BSEE, Longwood, Florida, died October 17, 2000.
Mark H. Smallwood, BEE, MSE 63, PhD 69, of Grottoes, Virginia, died June 30, 2000.

1956 Saadallah Habbaba, BSCHE, of Gainesville, Florida, died February 25, 2004.

1957 Arthur A.West, BSEE, of Jamesville, NewYork, died December 6, 2003.

1958 Ronnie C. Davis, BCE, of Newberry, Florida, died February 8, 2004.

1961 Donald T. MacClellan, BCHE, of Pomona Park, Florida, died August 6, 2002.

1965 Walker W. Reinschmidt, BSCE, of Cantonment, Florida, died December 3, 2003.
C. Jeffrey Willis, ME, of Huntsville, Alabama, died January 30, 2004.

1970 Michael P. Bouchard, BSEE, of Lawrenceville, Georgia, died November 23, 2003.

1972 Russell K. Juhl, Jr., BSNES, of Milton, Florida, died November 15, 2003.

ThomasA. McDonald, MS, PhD NES 76, of Woodridge, Illinois, died June 4, 2002.

1979 Andrew J. French, BSME, of Aurora, Colorado, died December 31, 2002.

1993 Joseph A. Bach, BSEE, MSEE 96, of Jackson, Mississippi, died April 13, 2001.

1996 Catherine S. Nicholas, BSEE, of Woodburn, Oregon, died April 13, 2002.

2002 John S.Walker, BSEE, of Milton, Florida, died January 1, 2003.


Editor, The Florida Engineer

University of Florida
PO Box 116550

Gainesville, FL 32611-6550


r ite

Alumni Updates

John L. Sanders, BSEE, retired from
Florida Power & Light in Fort Myers in 1974.
He recently celebrated his 95th birthday,
and spends time in both Fort Myers and
Frankfort, KY.

Arnold M. Rader, BSChE, has been
retired for many years. Rader, who once took
a summer school French class at UF to be
able, as he says, to get a job in food service,
had a long career with the Minneapolis
(Minn.) Gas Company. He began as the
assistant plant superintendent and was vice
president when he retired. He resides in

Curtis Henderson Stanton, BME,
1979 University of Florida Distinguished
Alumnus, is the retired CEO of the Orlando
Utilities Commission, where he worked from
1947 to 1983. Stanton was a member
of Florida Blue Key, Phi Kappa Phi, and
Tau Beta Pi before his graduation from
UF with high honors. He was president
of the American Water Works Association
in 1978-79, which honored him with its
Distinguished Public Service Award and
election to the Water Industry Hall of Fame.
He is a past chair of the Orlando Regional
Chamber of Commerce and received the
John Young Award. He is a past president
of the Central Florida Fair and the Florida
Electric Power Coordinating Group, and is a
member of the Central Florida Business Hall
of Fame. He resides in Orlando.

A. Ray Miller,Jr., BSCE, died November
14, 2003. He was a Navy veteran of both
World War II and the Korean War. He worked
with the Hubbard Construction Company
from 1955 until 1986, serving as president
and CEO from 1980-65 and vice-chairman
of the board in 1986. Following retirement,
he worked with his son's firm, A.R. Miller
Engineering, Inc. Among many activities,
he served as president and state director
of the East Central Branch of the American
Society of Civil Engineers in 1970 and as
state president and national director of the
Florida Engineering Society in 1977-78.
He received the National Professional
Development Award for Engineers in
Construction from the National Society of
Professional Engineers in 1985.

ArthurA. West, BSEE, died December
6, 2003. His wife, Peggy, reports that
West had worked for GE after graduation
from UF until retirement in 1990, primarily
as a program manager with their Heavy
Military Department. West had an MBA
from Syracuse University. After retirement,
West was the full-time volunteer business
manager for the Syracuse Symphony
Orchestra. He served on many not-for-profit
boards in the Syracuse area and received
numerous community service awards during
his retirement years, including the JC Penny

Carroll Shelby and Chris Gremley'93


Curtis Henderson Stanton '40 Yvette Kirrin (Chapanar) '92

Golden Rule award in 1999 and Rotary of
Syracuse award in summer 2003. He also
did taxes for the IRS/AARP/TCE program
for 11 years. As Peggy says, "He had a real
reason to get up every morning and he WAS
useful until the very last moment."

Curtis C. Whitney, BEE, retired in
2000 from BellSouth Cellular in Atlanta,
where he was director of operations. After
graduation, Whitney first worked at Bell
Laboratories and received his MSEE from
NewYork University in 1965. In 1970, he left
it all to live with his wife and two children
on his sailboat and manage a sailboat
charter business in St. Thomas, US Virgin
Islands. He returned to Florida and worked
for Southern Bell, then moved to Atlanta in
1983 to start BellSouth Mobility as General
Manager-Network Design. He then was vice
president for engineering and operations
at Houston Cellular, before returning to
Atlanta at BellSouth Cellular. He has just
completed his dream log house in the North
Carolina mountains alongside Caney Fork
Creek, near Cullowhee. He follows Gator
athletics regularly on TV and the internet.
Hobbies include SCUBA diving, snow skiing,
and work around the house... and of course
Web surfing.

Whitney's three brothers also received BEE
degrees from UF Donald L. Whitney,
'65, died of cancer April, 1997. Charles
F. Whitney,'61, is retired and lives
west of High Springs, FL. Richard O.
Whitney,'64, just retired from Hewlett-
Packard and lives in Houston, TX.

Donald H. Esry, BCE, retired on
March 31 from the Florida Department of
Corrections after 13 years as a professional
engineering administrator, and a total of 29
years with the state of Florida. He resides in

Steve S. Spector, MSNES, MD 1975,
is an ophthamologist and eye surgeon at
the Presidential Eye Center in West Palm
Beach, Fla. Spector has been active doing
volunteer eye surgery for the indigent
blind in Namibia, Vietnam, and Jordan.
His volunteer work is coordinated through
Surgical Eye Expeditions, a nonprofit,
humanitarian organization that recruits eye
doctors, nurses and technicians to perform
free, sight-saving surgery around the world.
Spector is also a member of Partnership
2000, which provides non-Israeli medical
personnel to fill in for Israeli doctors who
are serving in the military. Back at home,
he is a board member of the Jewish Arts
Foundation in Palm Beach.

Bill Mitsch, MS, PhD EES, received
the prestigious 2004 Stockholm Water
Prize for his pioneering development and
global dissemination of ecological models
of lakes and wetlands, widely applied as
effective tools in sustainable water resource
management. He is a professor at Ohio
State University.

Yvette Kirrin (Chapanar), BSME,
is an associate vice president with AZTEC
Engineering in California. Earlier, after
seven years with the Florida DOT, she joined
Parsons Corporation as deputy project
manager of a multimillion-dollar effort to
bring maglev (magnetically levitated) high-
speed rail to Southern California. She is
continuing with the maglev project at AZTEC.

Chris Gremley, BSME, is employed
by the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn,
Michigan. He attended the 2004 North
American Auto Show Black Tie Charity
Preview Event, a fundraiser for 11 Detroit-
area children's charities. "It was very
amazing to see so many people in black
tuxedos in one place. It almost reminds
me of the 'Mr. Smith's' from the film The
Matrix. It was a very glamorous event with
lots of limos, champagne and everyone in
the best attire," he says. The Ford Motor
Company released the new 2005 Shelby
Cobra Mustang Concept at the show, with
car designer Carroll Shelby in attendance.
Chris had his picture taken with Shelby, who
he reports to be quite personable.

lanJohns, BSCEN, has relocated to
Caribou, Maine. To keep a little bit of
Florida with them, lan and his wife have
replicated Florida Field in his home office.
He has shared a photo showing the work in
progress. The scene was finished this spring
and is ready to go for the next football

38 TheFloridaEngineer

Charles R. Benton, 86, son
ofJohn R. Benton, the first
University of Florida Dean of
Engineering, visited the UF
campus April 1 for the first
time in more than 30 years.
He stopped by to see the
portrait of his father. Benton
was accompanied by his
grandnephews Caleb Benton,
4, (left) andJoshua Benton, 7,
of Gainesville. Benton, a retired
medical doctor, has lived in
Pensacola for 50 years.

Portraits of all seven former
engineering deans are on display
on the first floor of the New
Engineering Building.

Please fill out this form or drop us a note-with your photo, comments, and
suggestions. Please include mailing label on opposite side.


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TheFloridaEngineer 39

Upcoming Events

August 5, 2004

College of Engineering Dean's
Reception at the Florida
Engineering Society Annual

The College of Engineering Dean's
Reception will be held at the Ritz-
Carlton Palm Beach on Thursday,
August 5,2004, from 5:30-6:30
p.m. For additional information
please contact Marianna McElroy
at (352) 392-6795.

September 30 October 2, 2004

Grand Guard Reunion, honoring the
Class of 1954 and all prior years,
will be held September 30-October
2,2004 by the University of Florida
Alumni Association. For additional
information on this festive weekend
of events, please visit their Web site
at www.ufalumni.ufl.edu or contact
the special events office at ('2

November 13, 2004

Homecoming Alumni Barbecue

This year the University of Florida
Alumni Association and Florida
Blue Key will hold a university-
wide barbecue preceding the
University of Florida versus the
University of South Carolina
football game on November 13,
2004. Engineering alumni, family,
and friends will enjoy free barbecue
tickets sponsored by the Harris
Corporation, Melbourne, Fla. For
additional information, please email
RJ Stamper at: rstamper@uff.ufl.
edu or call (352) 846-3579.


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