Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Dean's letter
 Charging ahead
 Linking minds and machines
 Unlocking the power of the...
 One step beyond
 Wireless connections
 Strength in numbers
 Airborne lasers aim at underwater...
 Faculty footnotes
 Howard T. Odum awarded honorary...
 Digital arts student designs first...
 Outstanding achievements honored...
 ECE senior receives Intel...
 Exxonmobil minority outreach program...
 Intel donates $2 million to Engineering...
 The Stokes professorship
 In memory: Dr. Charles A. "Andy"...
 College honors grand guard
 Alumni notes
 Request for contact informatio...

Group Title: Florida engineer.
Title: Florida engineer. Winter 2004.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076208/00018
 Material Information
Title: Florida engineer. Winter 2004.
Series Title: Florida engineer
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Engineering Publications, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Winter 2004
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076208
Volume ID: VID00018
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Table of Contents
        Page 2
    Dean's letter
        Page 3
    Charging ahead
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Linking minds and machines
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Unlocking the power of the brain
        Page 8
        Page 9
    One step beyond
        Page 10
        Page 11
    Wireless connections
        Page 12
        Page 13
    Strength in numbers
        Page 14
        Page 15
    Airborne lasers aim at underwater dangers
        Page 16
        Page 17
    Faculty footnotes
        Page 18
        Page 19
    Howard T. Odum awarded honorary Doctor of Science
        Page 20
    Digital arts student designs first UF mace
        Page 21
    Outstanding achievements honored at fall commencement
        Page 22
    ECE senior receives Intel grant
        Page 23
    Exxonmobil minority outreach program celebrates tenth year
        Page 24
    Intel donates $2 million to Engineering College to honor UF President Young
        Page 25
    The Stokes professorship
        Page 25
    In memory: Dr. Charles A. "Andy" Stokes
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
    College honors grand guard
        Page 29
    Alumni notes
        Page 30
        Page 31
    Request for contact information
        Page 32
Full Text

.. .......



Winter 2004

4 Recent Research
4 New Era for ECE
6 Linking Minds and Machines
12 Radiofrequency Electronic Research

16 Inside College
16 Airborne Lasers Aim at
Underwater Dangers

18 Faculty

21 Students
21 Trung Lac Designs UF Mace
22 Student Awards

24 Development

26 Alumni
26 Remembering Andy Stokes

Cover: New forms of signal processing are in the air and on chips at
the Electrical & Computer Engineering department. ECE researchers
have shown that wireless radio signals can be sent instantly across
electronic circuits. Large area wireless networks can use less power by
boosting messages through linked devices. Mind-machine devices can
enable people with paralyzed limbs and improve speech recognition
through cell phones and hearing aids. At the cutting edge, studies of the
way the brain's neural signals fire in time may revolutionize computing,
and one-directional carbon nanotubes may lead to ever faster electronics.
Stories on all these are inside.

Published each semester by
the College of Engineering at the
University of Florida. The
magazine informs College alumni
and friends about the
accomplishments of its faculty,
alumni, and supporters. For
permission to reprint any part of
this magazine, contact the
Managing Editor, The Florida
Engineer, PO Box 116550,
University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL 32611.Telephone: (352) 392-
0984 E-mail: rfran@eng.ufl.edu
Visit the magazine's home page:

Dean & Publisher Pramod Khargonekar

Publications Adviser Marc Hoit

Managing Editor Ron Franklin

Editor Martha Dobson

Contributing Writers Aaron Hoover

Patricia Casey

Photographers David Blankenship

Ron Franklin

Printing Boyd Brothers, Inc.

Designer Christina Loosli

he invention of the
semiconductor transistor was a
landmark event in the history of
technology. It spurred an
amazing sequence of engineering
advances: integrated circuits,
microprocessors, memory chips,
very large scale integration, opto
electronics, to name a few. More
importantly, in confluence with
inventions in computer science
and communications systems, it
A Vled to the information
M Technology revolution.
We are living through this
revolution, so any assessment of
S-_ its impact on our society and its
evolution is likely to be wrong.
Nevertheless, no one can question that the enormous strides in
information technology are bringing about an incredible societal
transformation in the way we live, conduct business, entertain
ourselves, communicate with our fellow beings, and learn. It is also
clear that the IT revolution is inherently global and derives its
enormous power, at least in part, from its ability to "shrink" the
The field of electrical and computer engineering encompasses
much of the knowledge at the center of this revolution. While we
can be very proud of the field's achievements, scientists and engineers
continue to work on exciting ideas that will continue the
advancements and bring about ever faster changes in information
technologies. For example, following the famous Moore's Law
(named after Gordon Moore, who also co-founded the Intel
Corporation), we have been able to reduce the size of the transistor
and pack exponentially increasing numbers of transistors in a single
chip. Emerging work in nano-electronics promises to accelerate this
march down to the atomic and molecular level computing. While
cell phones fundamentally altered the way we communicate,
advances in wireless communications are likely to enable much more
satisfying communications experiences such as real-time video
transmission over cell phones. Advances in sensor and actuator
technologies coupled with computing and communications are likely
to make everyday devices from microwave ovens to tennis shoes
much more "intelligent." While many lives have been improved by
the use of biomedical devices such as pacemakers, tremendous
advances in human health are likely in the future through the
creation of implantable devices for sensing, communications, and
signal processing. Distributed information systems, bridging
language and other cultural barriers enabled through the use of
advanced computing architectures, are likely to make our social and
cultural lives richer. I am reminded of something former President
Reagan said -you ain't seen nothing yet ...
In this issue of The Florida Engineer, we profile our Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. Our faculty and students are
working hard to realize the world of tomorrow. We are also
educating our students at all levels -undergraduate and graduate -in
the fundamental principles behind these advances as well as the new
challenges and opportunities. You will get a glimpse into our plans
for future activities in these fields. After reading these articles, I hope

you will share my excitement about the research and teaching
activities taking place in the laboratories and classrooms in our ECE
As I write this essay, the news is filled with articles about
outsourcing of information technology jobs overseas. This
phenomenon coupled with the "dot com bust" has left many with
doubts about the economic and business impact of the technology
revolution. Given these trends, understandably, our students have a
certain amount of trepidation about their future job prospects as
these trends play out.
What does the future hold for us? We can take some lessons from
history. In the 19th and 20th centuries, we saw an enormous decline
in the number of people employed in agriculture as technological
changes brought about dramatic increases in productivity. More
recently, during the 1970s and 80s, we saw manufacturing jobs move
overseas due to cheaper labor costs. Engineering work in the US in
these areas focused on the more advanced and higher value added
design work.
I suspect that something similar will happen in the field of
information technology. As corporations take advantage of lower
labor costs and move the more mature work overseas, engineering
work in the US will move to higher value added high level systems
design and architecture areas. Based on previous technological
revolutions, it seems very likely that the golden age of information
technology is yet to come. There is little doubt that new fields in
electrical and computer engineering will spring from the advanced
research activities in laboratories at research universities, including
the University of Florida. Technological innovation, in conjunction
with a dynamic culture of new business incubation, will create
wonderful new opportunities. Some of these advances could create
unforeseen disruptive technologies that will lead to major changes in
the way we live and work. Thus, it is critical that our research
enterprise retains its position as the best in the world so that we
remain at the epicenter of these innovations and the subsequent
business creation.
At the University of Florida, we are striving to expose our students
to a state-of-the-art education, provide them with lifelong learning
skills, and get them involved in cutting edge research. We hope these
efforts will allow them to become leaders and innovators and grow as
technologies change and evolve. The creativity of our faculty and
students will
continue to
catalyze new
industries that will
become the new
engines of
economic growth
and provide
exciting and
valuable job
opportunities to
our students.

Dean Pramod Khargonekar and Manuel
Fernandez, Chairman, UF Board of Trustees

hLrd (Cy


Electrical & Computer

Engineering Enters New Era

Professor Mark Law

Mark Law
chair of
Electrical & Computer
Engineering (ECE) last August,
he took on a department
challenged to grow by a
university task force.

ECE should build on its
existing strengths, said the 2002
Task Force on the Future of the
University of Florida.

ECE in fact has many strong
points, and Law, on the faculty
since 1988, is very familiar with
them. With his typical high
energy, he quickly identified
research areas that are
strategically important.

Advanced computing and
information systems
"Professor Jose Fortes is
attracting a tremendous amount
of attention for his work. He is
solely responsible for a 50
percent increase in the number
of awards we won last year,"
Law says.

Radiofrequency and high
frequency electronics "This
lab, with Professor Ken O in
charge, is really exciting. We
have added a new faculty
member there, Jenshan Lin,
who is coming from Agere

Solid state electronics "We
have revitalized this research
area. We hired Ant Ural, who
has been doing carbon nanotube

electronics at Stanford, and
Scott Thompson, who has been
directing Intel's technology
development for the past five
years," Law says.

Wireless communications
New faculty member Yuguang
"Michael" Fang is leading the
Wireless Networks Laboratory.
His research team is working on
linking individual wireless nodes
to boost transmission

NeuroEngineering Laboratory
(CNEL) Headed by professors
Jose Principe and John Harris,
CNEL does multidisciplinary
research into signal processing
in neural networks. This well
established lab has won more
than $2 million in awards over
the past five years and is one of
ECE's most successful research

Law sees multidisciplinary
research as essential to ECE's

"My vision of electrical
engineering is that there is an
electrical component in almost
everything. To really grow and
move toward the future we need
to collaborate more with other
disciplines. There are incredible
opportunities in the biological
world, in chemistry, and in other
product environments in the
engineering college," Law says.

For example, he says, "I think
there are more dollars spent on
electronics in an automobile


than on any other component.
So, even something that you
associate as a classical
mechanical engineering product
is now over half electrical gear. I
see that trend continuing."

Law is actively recruiting
faculty to build up the research

"We are going to work really
hard to recruit some new people.
I would like to hire five or six
new people this year. We have
had just over 40 faculty
members for a long time. A lot
of our peer schools have close to
100. We aren't going to get that
big, but I think growth in the
size of the department is going
to do a lot for our reputation,"
Law says.

Because much of the research
is done by PhD students, an
immediate priority this year is
revitalizing ECE's graduate

"The research is only as good
as the students who are
performing it, so we are going to
be much more aggressive in
recruiting PhD students. We
need to bring students to
campus, excite them about the
program and the research
possibilities, and make them
competitive offers. It's what our
competition is doing," Law says.

One way to get good graduate
students is to encourage
undergraduates to do ECE's
dual bachelor's/master's degree
program, he says.

"I see the master's increasingly
becoming an entry level degree.
And it pays off economically.
The first year salary advantage
for our master's students was
$15,000. If I could tell the
freshmen one thing, I would say
think about getting a master's
and keep your GPA up high
enough to qualify for the

ECE is also offering more
courses to diversify the
bachelor's program.

"Students entering now have
more options available in terms
of courses they can take for
specialization areas. The
electrical engineering field has
gotten very broad and the depth
required to be a contributing
engineer is a lot larger."

Some needed upgrades to
ECE's physical plant will
support the academic expansion,
with $1.1 million authorized to
renovate the Benton Hall clean
room area. ECE will also share
in a new physics facility for
university-wide nanotechnology
research. The result will be a

state-of-the-art fabrication
facility for advanced devices to
be operated as an independent
unit similar to the college's
Major Analytical
Instrumentation Center.

Law says he wants to improve
the undergraduate teaching labs,
to improve the laboratory
experience and make it more
relevant. He would also like to
revamp the area between ECE's
buildings, Benton and Larsen
halls, to make it a pleasant
gathering area.

Alumni and industry are
invited to participate in the
department, too. Law envisions
two advisory boards. One, made
up of recent alumni and possibly
company recruiting managers,
would focus on curriculum
issues. The other would be an
overall advisory board composed
of industry leaders and well
known academics from other
institutions who might have past
ties to UF

"We need our alumni. We
need their wisdom and
perspective to help us develop
our programs," Law says.
Martha Dobson


neuroscience meets
engineering at the
Laboratory (CNEL)

Engineering is a wonderful
* discipline because it invents
reality, says Jose Principe.

"Technology changes the
world. But sometimes
engineering becomes a closed
loop, repeatedly applying the
same principles to solve
problems. I think we are seeing
some technologies reaching
their full potentials, like silicon
technology and digital
computers. At CNEL, we are
asking what will be the next
step," says Principe, Electrical &
Computer Engineering
Distinguished Professor and
CNEL's director.

Principe believes that biology
brings fresh ideas to the picture.
"We humans are living
examples that there are other
ways of creating intelligence and
interacting with the
environment. What we are
trying to do is distill principles
from biology and then apply
them into engineering,"
Principe says.


Distinguished Professor
Josd Principe

Some of CNELs more
theoretic research is intended to
provide the foundation for its
applied projects. One theoretical
project is exploring a new way of
adapting systems using
information theory. Another
theoretic project is nonGaussian,
nonlinear, and nonstationary
signal processing.

The silicon cortex project is
translating the principles of
brain functioning through
nonlinear dynamics. As Principe
explains it, "Nonlinear dynamics
is going to be the conveyor belt
between biological plausible
computing and analog chips.
This is important because we
would like to understand how
sensory systems like those in
humans and animals are able to
be so sensitive and specific. If we
can achieve that, we can build

and deploy very inexpensive
sensors with the corresponding
processing as low power
appliances that we can just use
in multiple applications. The
idea is to put sensors together
with signal processing on the
same chip, and populate the
world with these things. We are
trying to use the principles of
brain function to help us design
and implement these small, low
power devices in analog VLSI."

Even CNEL's more practical
endeavors push the limits of the
possible. The team is helping to
design better system
identification and controllers for
NASA's LoFlyte unmanned, jet
powered hypersonic aerial
vehicle. LoFlyte's flight control
system, as announced by NASA
in 1996, consists of a network of
multiple-instruction, multiple

data neural processors that
continually alter the plane's
responses. The UF team is
trying out new ways of using
locally linear models that can
self-organize to switch when the
system state varies over time.

In the clinical domain, CNEL
is part of a UF team studying
epileptic seizure prediction,
funded by NIH. The researchers
are interested in understanding
and measuring the
interdependencies between brain
areas with the goal of deriving
signal processing algorithms to
predict seizure activity. Patients
could carry low power, portable
computers that would help them
predict, and activate means to
avoid, epileptic seizures.

CNEL is also a participant in
an extensive, multi-university
brain-machine interface project
that has the potential to improve
the way paraplegics interact with
the world. Researchers have
experimented successfully with
translating the neural signals
that occur when a subject
intends to move an arm into a
set of electronic signals that can
move a robotic arm where the
subject wants to reach.

CNEL is collaborating with
Eminent Scholar Jose Fortes and
the ACIS lab on bio nano-lattice
computing. The goal is to seek a
wholly new way of doing
computation. Computer
memory is a well-understood
building block for computation.

Bio nano-lattice computing
could provide an ideal
implementation medium for
another type of memory,
content-accessible memory, a
system that does not require an
explicit address. It would operate
very much like a human brain by
directly accessing content.

CNEL's contribution is to
model the interface between the
micro and nano scales as a
stochastic process and avoid the
bottleneck of precise geometry
as currently pursued in chip
design. The analogy came from
the human brain, where the local
connectivity, if not random, is
probably very close to it. The
connections between neurons
are made early in life, but the
synaptic connections evolve and

"This is the type of thing that
our knowledge of biology can
bring into the process," Principe
says, "and take engineering past
today's technological plateau."
Martha Dobson


ohn Harris says his
research is inspired by the
brain. There are many
pattern recognition
problems that the brain is
jp" .'nazingly good at and
computers are very poor, says
Harris, an ECE associate
professor and co-director of the
NeuroEngineering Laboratory
(CNEL) with ECE
Distinguished Professor Jose

"When artificial intelligence
first started 50 years ago, people
thought intelligence was playing
chess and doing integral
calculus. As time went on, we
programmed computers that
could do these things better than
the best humans. But they still
don't have intelligence," Harris

Programmers have found that
writing programs for skills
people learn early in life is much
more difficult. The things we
learn in the first two years of life
-speech recognition, how to
talk, how to move, muscle
control -are the most difficult
things to build into computers.

There is a lot of speculation
about how the brain is
organized. It may begin by
working very randomly, but in
the adaptation process
information can be stored. The
key is that brain function is a
very distributed process. The
mission of Harris' research at
CNEL is to study this process,
to understand how it works well
enough to take the ideas and
embed them in engineering

"I'm basically trying to
replicate the skills we learn
during the first two years of life,
things that any two year old can
do. It's humbling when you
think of it," says Harris, who can
see this play out daily in his own
children, ages 2 and 4.

Harris points out that there
are engineering advantages to be
gained from biology, particularly
in power efficiency. A brain uses
only about 12 watts of power,
incredibly low for all the
processes going on. A Pentium,
for example, may use 50 to 100
watts of power to do much less
processing than the brain. So,
one research focus for Harris is
to build very large scale
integration (VLSI) analog
circuits, which work in a manner
much more similar to brain
processes than digital processing.

Subthreshold analog circuits
run at lower power than digital
electronics, by six orders of
magnitude, but can simulate
brain function in another, more
important way. "The biggest
realization that we have made is
that the brain computes using
timing events," Harris says.
Neurons fire as discrete events
along a continuous timeline.
Time can also be an analog
function and is one important
element shared with how the
brain does computation.

The concept is complex.
Usually, analog represents things
in terms of voltage. For example,
light intensity at a given point is
one voltage. A neighboring
point that is darker has a lower
voltage. Light, therefore, is a


Associate Professor
John Harris





continuous range of voltages. As
technology scales, the available
voltage range shrinks. As Harris
explains it, the researchers
decided to use time instead of
voltage because time does not
shrink. If an image takes 30
milliseconds per frame, it doesn't
matter what the voltage is.

"We have more room in the
time domain. We don't have the
constraints we do with voltage,"
Harris says.

To test the concept, Harris
and his graduate assistant built
an imaging sensor that has an
extremely wide dynamic range
using pulses in time. The sensor
has a 140 dB dynamic range, so
that in a single image, the ratio
of brightest to darkest is much
larger than in conventional
CMOS images. A digital
camera can't produce a picture
showing both bright sun and
shadow at the same time. Film,
too, has a limited dynamic

In the prototype, the pixels in
an image fire like neurons. The
brightest pixels in the image fire
first and request to be scanned
off-chip sooner. Darker ones are
quiet and come up later. A
digital processor converts the
time signals to a gray scale so
they can be seen.

Representing information as
spikes in time at the sensor and
the processing level has excellent
potential for use in
nanotechnology because it can
be scaled to work at that level.

CNEL is researching this
concept with Eminent Scholar
Jose Fortes and the Advanced
Computing and Information
Systems Laboratory. The major
problem with scaling down to
the nano level is power
consumption. Gradually the
voltage used in computing has
been scaled down as the circuits
become smaller. But as voltage
shrinks, the power margin
needed for computation is lost.
With nanotechnology, the
voltage will shrink even more,
which makes time-based analog
systems attractive.

Building reliable components
at the nano level likely will also
present difficulty. Understanding
the biology of the brain may
offer insight because it is
estimated that we each lose an
average of 10,000 brain neurons
every day.

For engineers, that is an
amazing fact, Harris says. "How
can you build a system where
randomly 10,000 of your
fundamental units just drop out?
It's very difficult for us to think
about computation when the
elements themselves are failing.
How does biology work in the
face of these failures? There will
be some big breakthroughs once
we understand it," he says.

CNEL researchers have made
some significant breakthroughs
already. The team is part of a
multi-university project
developing a chip that interfaces
directly with the brain with the
goal of enabling a paralyzed

person to control a Prototy
robot arm with imagery
G. Harr
transmitted brain signals This ch
alone. The chip, which capture
has worked successfully 140 dB,
in the laboratory, improve
measures neural CMO
activity and transmits
it as electronic signals
to the robot arm

Understanding how
the brain handles
speech signal
processing has been
important to two other
CNEL research
projects. One project
in collaboration with
Motorola aims to
improve cell phone
speech quality. It uses
the fact that people
hear loudness based on a critical
band pass filter complex.
Loudness, very crudely put, is
how many filters get activated by
sound wave energy. If all the
energy goes into one filter, the
sound is not as loud as if the
energy spreads over all the
filters. In processing speech, the
algorithm widens the
appropriate places in the
frequency domain to hit more of
these critical bands and make
the sound louder even though its
energy remains constant.

CNEL has also developed a
tool to improve speech
intelligibility. When people try
to hear speech along with noise
interference, the first sounds lost
are consonants like the letters b,
d, or t. There is no problem

pe 32x32 pixel, spike-based CMOS
designed by Associate Professor John
is and his PhD student Xiaochuan Guo.
ip, based on biological principles, can
images with a dynamic range up to
,over three orders of magnitude
cement compared to conventional

hearing the "e" sound at the end
of the consonant, but the plosive
sound in front is hard to hear.
The researchers have found a
way to boost the spoken sounds
that is very attractive for hearing

"As an engineer, I work within
reality," Harris says. "By
understanding biology, I can
make the realities work better."
Martha Dobson



Creating virtual computing systems


computer created
virtual reality is
now commonly
used in special
effects films and
computer-based games. The
Advanced Computing and
Information Systems laboratory
(ACIS) in the Electrical &
Computer Engineering
department is reaching beyond
that to create virtual computing

ACIS is the brainchild of Jose
Fortes, professor and College of
Engineering BellSouth Eminent
Scholar. He came to UF two
years ago to explore new systems
of computing and information
processing. To do that, he and
his colleague Assistant Professor
Renato Figueiredo have put
together a laboratory with
hundreds of high-performance
computers and seven terabytes
of computer storage (1 terabyte
S1000 gigabytes). The ACIS
lab allows ACIS researchers to
investigate virtual computing
systems that consist of very large
numbers of virtual machines
emulated by physical computers.

"We are the only lab in the
country, so far as I know, that
has the capability of creating
virtual systems with very, very
large numbers of virtual
machines -in the thousands.
The research that we do looks at
how we can use the
virtualization technology to do
distributed computing," Fortes
says. More than $7 million in
equipment grants from IBM
and the National Science
Foundation helped create the
ACIS laboratory. ACIS has also

received over $5 million in
research awards in its two-year

In addition to distributed
computing, ACIS research
explores systems for distributed
information processing and for
biologically-inspired computing
in the context of nanotechnology,
or nanocomputing.

Fortes explains that
distributed computing
essentially covers everything to
do with linking computers on
networks such as the Internet to
collaborate on information
processing tasks. Together, the
computers can solve problems of
far greater complexity.

The distributed computing
project ACIS has developed is
called In-VIGO. It enables
scientists, particularly in
engineering and in physics, to
link resources around the world,
providing them with the ability
to run simulations and to use
computational tools to study
new materials, devices,
computers, and models of all

Fortes says that the In-VIGO
project has resulted in one
particularly important web
based application called
nanoHUB, which focuses on
enabling web-based usage of
computational tools to
investigate nanoelectronics
technology. The
Nanotechnology Simulation
Hub (nanoHUB) is supported
and sponsored by the multi
university NSF center, Network
for Computational
Nanoelectronics (nCn), which is

led by Purdue University. The
nCn center asked ACIS to
provide the software necessary
for the computational part of the

"The nCn center does studies
in physics and materials, and in
mathematics needed to do
modeling. One relatively small
component, relative to the size
of the center, is determining
how all the scientists can be
provided with computational
services and capabilities. They
trust us to do that," Fortes says.

The work in distributed
computing led ACIS naturally
into a very large distributed
information processing project
called Transnational Digital
Government. This project
mostly handles information,
databases, text, and images -bits
of information rather than

Fortes describes the project as
one of their most challenging.

Transnational Digital
Government involves
researchers from seven
universities: UF, Carnegie
Mellon, U. of Colorado, U. of
Massachusetts, NC State, one
university in the Dominican
Republic and one in Belize. It
also involves the Organization
of American States, which
coordinates the political aspects
of the project. The goal is to
create a framework to enable
different national governments
to work together to solve a
problem affecting all the


Eminent Scholar Jose Fortes, Assistant Professor Renato Figueiredo, and ACIS lab System Administrator Bill Noffsinger

The project is currently
studying the problem of
monitoring the impact of illicit
drugs on society. Typically,
problems like illicit drugs know
no boundaries. It's a challenge
for governments to get a handle
on them. The first step to
solving the problems is
monitoring how bad the
situation is. Governments have
to officially collect data, do
surveys, and satisfy international
agreements; then they need to
share that data, exchange views,
and coordinate actions to
eliminate or minimize the
problem, Fortes says.

Coordinating the information
is complicated because the
people doing it use different
languages and may be unfamiliar
with computer equipment. They
may not know how to type, so
they try to talk to the computer
or terminal. They often have
very different communications
infrastructures. In the US, the
Internet is almost everywhere. In

other countries, they barely have
dial up lines. It's up to the
research team to make
everything work together.

The bottom line is that each
person on the team has a specific
focus: Fortes and Distinguished
Professor Stanley Su at UF are
working to create a computing
infrastructure that government
agencies can use to generate,
gather, and analyze data. This
work benefits greatly from the
ACIS lab expertise on
distributed computing.

The connection to
nanocomputing is more
serendipitous. "Our distributed
computing work entails
designing, developing, and
implementing software to make
different computers work
together. Some of the people
who use our software are
working in nanotechnology, and
other collaborators work on
biologically-inspired signal
processing. Because of our

collaboration with them, we are
in a good position to put
together nanotechnology, bio
inspired computation, and
computer architecture," Fortes

A brain uses intervals of time
to do computation, Fortes
explains. If all the electrical
pulses that go around a brain are
monitored, it doesn't really
matter whether the pulses are
sharp or wide, tall or short.
What matters is when they
occur, relative to each other or in
relation to a fixed point in time.
Most likely, Fortes says, both are

Fortes' collaborators include
UF professors Jose Principe,
John Harris, and William
Eisenstadt who are specialists in
biomedical signal processing,
analog circuits, and hardware
interconnect modeling,
respectively. "We are
investigating how such a use of
time could be made for

computing, and whether or not
that is something that could be
used in future nanoelectronic
technology. If we can
understand how that happens in
the brain, which works in an
analog manner, perhaps we can
make it work in a digital world,"
Fortes says.

Fortes is not trying to
duplicate what a brain does. "A
good analogy is flying. When
people build planes, they are not
replicating the bird, but they are
using inspiration from their
understanding of how a bird flies
to build an airplane.

"It appears that time is a
fundamental aspect of
computation. It is not well
understood how time is used. It
is not clear how we can make it
into an engine, but if we
succeed, it could become very
important in the future," Fortes
Martha Dobson





from Your
Local Microdot
Tiny, high-frequency
radios are happeningin

Ken 0 says he is looking for
the "holy grail."

,. His goal is not a legendary
artifact. O and his research
team are aiming for something
really amazing a cheap, micro
size single chip radio that can
broadcast at 100 Gigahertz up
to 25 feet on several
frequencies. 0, an electrical
engineering professor, works in
radiofrequency (RF) electronics,
which are used in the integrated
circuits that make wireless
devices like cell phones and
PDAs possible. In the future, 0
believes, almost everything will
have a wireless communication
function. Machines will be
talking to machines.

A wireless signal will even
start your coffee brewing.

The current holy grail version
under development is a single
chip radio that will be about 3
mm by 3 mm in size. The chip
called mnode will include the
antenna, the transmitter, the
clock that times it, and the
power source. It will be
disposable. It will communicate
up to about 5 meters away.

Professor Kenneth 0


The single-chip radio project
is being sponsored by DARPA
and carried out in cooperation
with Motorola Labs, in
Plantation, Fla. This program is
being managed by Industry
Professor Joe E. Brewer who is a
member of O's research group in
the Electrical & Computer
Engineering (ECE) department.
It is the next generation of the
single chip wireless system O
and his team created three years
ago. That system featured the
first antenna ever integrated
onto a silicon chip, which the
team developed for the
Semiconductor Research
Corporation. The system was for
communication within an
integrated circuit. The signal
went a distance of 22 mm, to a
receiver also placed on the chip.
Antennas are already on circuit
boards, especially in wireless
local area network (LAN) cards.
O and his team took it one step
beyond by placing the antenna
on the chip itself.

O and his team started
working on the new generation
of faster, better, cheaper RF
electronics about 10 years ago.
RF was considered a "mature"
technology back then, O says,
using small but separate
components in radios, pagers,
and similar devices. Around
1994, the devices began to be
built with integrated circuits,
which reduced the number of
components and drove prices

0, who had then just arrived
at UF, began looking at CMOS
technology to build RF
integrated circuits. CMOS
(complementary metal oxide
silicon) technology is commonly
used now to build
microprocessors and memory

Next will be the disposable
radio, O hopes. Two additional
factors must come into play to
accomplish this. First, the radio
needs a power source. Right
now, an external power
connection is the likely solution.
In the near future, however, the
radio may be powered by a thin
film battery integrated into the
chip. Batteries like this are being
researched at other institutions.

Second, the crystal timing
device has to be integrated into
the chip. Motorola Labs is
working on this as a
subcontractor on the three-year,
$3.5 million project from

A separate, but highly
relevant, area of research for the
RF team is multi-standard,
multi-frequency band radio. 0
points out that radio
applications use different
frequency bands, standards, and
protocols around the world.
Future devices need to be able to
communicate to any kind of

The disposable radios will
need to function at low voltage,
so this area is also being studied
by the RF team. As the devices
get smaller and faster, the power
supply voltage will also decrease.
The team is working on power
circuits of .1 to .3 volts, far lower
than the 3 volts used by cell

The antennas on chips will
also be used in another area, RF
ID tags. Simply, the tags will
serve to replace bar codes and
have broad applications for
security purposes. The tags can
carry far more information than
a bar code and can be embedded
invisibly into a product. ECE
Associate Professor Jenshan Lin
is leading the effort to develop
tags that are as small as 2 x 2

ECE is also building
programs on testing RF
integrated circuits. The cost of
RF testing is becoming a
significant part of overall
integrated circuit costs, and
reducing the cost of testing is a
key. This activity is spearheaded
by ECE associate professors
William Eisenstadt and Robert

RF CMOS has found a
strong place in industry, O says,
and he believes that ECE has
done a lot to make industry
comfortable with the
technology. He cites work by his
graduate students who are now
working with companies on

products that use CMOS,
including Texas Instruments, RF
Micro Devices, and Intersil.

The ECE connection with
Intersil (now part of Conexant)
is unique, and O points to it as
an example of the benefit UF
research can have in Florida's
communication industry.
Intersil, a Palm Bay spinoff of
Harris, dominates the wireless
LAN market. Intersil sponsored
a PhD student whose mission
was to do their RF CMOS
research work as the basis for his
dissertation. O reports the
collaboration was highly
successful, and was an important
factor in the company switching
its manufacturing of newer
generations of radios to CMOS

O hopes the RF radio project
with Motorola Labs will be
equally productive. It's an
incredible interaction between
the university and industry, he
says, to bring together these
kinds of creative ideas.
Martha Dobson




Solitary cell phone users may find that there is

Strength in Numbers

PDAs, and
the like -seem to be ubiquitous
these days. But gaps in the
infrastructure and competing
technologies mean that wireless
communications aren't as
effective as they might be.
Electrical engineer Yuguang
(Michael) Fang is researching
ways to boost and enhance
wireless services.

Fang, an associate professor in
Electrical & Computer
Engineering, has received the
prestigious National Science
Foundation CAREER Award
to work on intelligent resource
management and integrated
services for wireless mobile

The problem, Fang says, is
that all the different wireless
technologies overlap, but don't
work together in harmony. The
differences in the technologies
create bottlenecks in providing
seamless wireless services to
users on the move. Intelligent
resource management in the
wireless mobile networks has
become a critical issue. Fang and
his students are developing
intelligent resource allocation
schemes by taking user mobility
information and resource

Associate ProfessorYuguang Fang

availability into consideration so
that the best services can be

One solution, he says, is to
gang up cell phones and other
devices so they work together.
In a wireless network, multiple
communications devices in close
proximity form a natural
distributed antenna array. If
nearby devices transmit and
receive signals in a cooperative
manner, then the system
performance can be significantly

The key is knowing where the
devices are relative to each other.
Like all devices that transmit
radiowaves, mobile phones can
be tracked. If a group of mobile
phone users can be shown to
move around in a predictable
manner near a base station, the
network signals coming through
the base station can be allocated
among the group members to
overcome weak areas.

The ability to boost signals
would be important in military
situations like Iraq, where there
is no infrastructure and a hostile
environment, Fang says. Fang
has received a highly
competitive Young Investigator
Award from the Office of Naval
Research to develop a
framework for network
protocols for tactical military
applications. The goal is to
develop a device and energy


Nanotubes the New Shape of Electronics

Aware routing protocol (DEAR)
that would take advantage of
heterogeneous networked
devices with different
capabilities and design a secure
protocol for reliable data
delivery (SPREAD). The
solution is to create a wireless ad
hoc network that can send
messages the enemy cannot
intercept. Security could be
achieved by transmitting
message segments (or shares) of
the entire message over multiple
routes. Spreading the
transmissions over many devices
would also optimize battery
power usage.

To date, the NSF, ONR, and
other funding agencies have
invested more than $2 million
in Fang's research, which may
ultimately result in a more
efficient all-access wireless
system. Development of the
technology to do this might
have been further along, Fang
says, had it not been slowed
down because of the
telecommunications downturn.
Fang hopes that some of the
surviving companies will push
the technologies further.
Meanwhile, Fang and his
colleagues, ECE assistant
professors John Shea and Tan
Wong, and over 25 graduate
students will work together to
close the gaps.
Martha Dobson

Carbon nanotubes are the
newest trend in
electronics research. They
are the special interest of
Electrical & Computer
Engineering's newest
assistant professor, Ant
Ural. Ural joined the
faculty in November
2003 and will do research
Assistant Professor
Ant Ural into nanomaterials
integration with ECE's
Device and Physical Electronics laboratory.

Ural began exploring the use of nanotubes
while doing postdoctoral work at Stanford
University. His specific interest is in developing
organized nanotube architectures for molecular
level electronics.

Ural explains that electronic chips and
integrated circuits have constantly been shrinking
for years, but as is well known, they are reaching
the physical limitations of size and cost. A new
research thrust is investigating how electronics
can be built from the bottom up, using
nanomaterials with suitable electronic

Carbon nanotubes have demonstrated excellent
electronic characteristics in experiments.
However, the way nanotubes are created does not
make them automatically suitable for electronics.
Nanotubes are typically grown in a bundle. The
resulting tubes are not identical, but can have
different diameters and structure. This matters
because the way nanotubes conduct electricity
depends on their structure. To be useful in
electronic circuitry, nanotubes need to be uniform
and directional.

Ural's research is on the directional growth of
single-walled carbon nanotubes built on a silicon
substrate. He creates the nanotubes by flowing
gases such as methane or ethylene at high
temperatures -900 degrees C -over the substrate
which is covered with nucleation sites, made from
transition metals, which are iron, nickel, or
similar materials. The nanotubes grow from the
nucleation sites, which serve as anchors for the

Directional growth is obtained by adding an
electric field during the growth phase. The tubes
can be persuaded to grow in one direction,
following and aligning with the electric field.
Nanotubes are sensitive to mechanical
deformation, Ural says. Mechanical deformations
affect their electronic characteristics. Ural believes
the use of nanotubes in electronics will likely
complement silicon technology in roles such as
Martha Dobson

Atomic force microscopy image of 10-microns-long
single-walled carbon nanotubes (yellow color) on
oxide aligned by an electric field applied in situ
during chemical vapor deposition growth.




may soon probe
new depths thanks
to an advanced laser
system based on
single photon technology. UF civil
engineers are developing a new,
unique Coastal Area Tactical
mapping System (CATS) in
cooperation with the Navy,
Dynetics, Inc. and Optech
International to map land and
underwater surfaces in coastal surf

CATS will be a new generation
airborne laser scanning system able
to penetrate water in surf zone,
which could make it invaluable to
Marine expeditionary forces
needing to detect mines for a
planned landing. Based on an
initiative sponsored by
Congressman Cliff Stern and
Senator Bill Nelson, the US
Congress has provided $2 million
for the first year of the program.

The goal is to make an
expendable, small, low-powered
laser scanning system that could be
deployed on an unmanned aerial
vehicle over a coastal landing zone,
says Professor Ramesh Shrestha, a
researcher in geosensing systems
engineering, who is leading the

The laser pulses should be able
to penetrate the surf zone about 10
or 15 feet deep, which is where
most mines are placed during low
tides. This would enable the Navy
to know precisely what would be
waiting in a landing zone so they
could remove the mines before the
Marines land. CATS could also
detect small land mines, provided
they are not buried.

Airborne laser swath mapping
(ALSM) is accomplished with an
aircraft-based laser firing tens of
thousands of pulses of light every
second at the ground. A sensor in
the aircraft detects the pulses

Professor Ramesh Shrestha

bounced back from the
topography. The round-trip
travel time of each pulse
translates into a precise range
which, when combined with
aircraft position determined by
GPS and the orientation by
Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU),
provides three-dimensional
coordinates of ground points.
Post-processing of the
measurements produces high
quality, three-dimensional,
digital topographical maps.

The CATS system is the next
step in laser scanning which will
be able to penetrate shallow
water because of the 0.53
micrometer wavelength of the
light derived from the frequency
doubled NdYAG micro laser.
This advanced technology will
enable CATS to operate with
much less power and fit into a
small space such as in a
unmanned aerial vehicle.

"Our current ALSM system
uses return signals of thousands
of photons per pulse which
requires a lot of power," Shrestha
says. "Thousands of photons are
needed because the current
sensor is not sensitive enough to
detect single photons. The single
photon system, in theory, will be
able to detect every single
photon fired that comes back.
The ability to detect a single
photon is what makes the
equipment very small," Shrestha

Among academic institutions
UF has led the way in ALSM
research for past six years. Most
notably, it was the only
university invited by the
Department of Defense Joint
Precision Strike Demonstration
(JPSD) Group to participate in
mapping the World Trade
Center site after the Sept. 11,
2001 attack.

UF has operated its own
airborne laser mapping system,
jointly owned with Florida
International University, for
about five years. The system has
been used in more than 50
projects to support local, state,
federal agencies, and private
companies. The success of the
program has led the National
Science Foundation (NSF) to
fund a new Center for Airborne
Laser Mapping (NCALM) to
be operated jointly by UF and
the University of California,

NCALM -The Potential is
NCALM is intended to
provide research-grade data
collected by airborne laser swath
mapping to scientists doing
NSF-funded studies of land
forms, hydrology, erosion, land
slides, sinkholes, and beach
storm damage, Shrestha stated
when the center was announced
in the summer of 2003.

"NSF is supporting the facility
so that scientists on projects will
not have to purchase or hire
their own equipment for
gathering data. The effect is to
spread support for geoscience
research over many projects on a
nationwide basis," Shrestha says.

UF's Civil & Coastal
Engineering department and
UC-Berkeley's Earth &
Planetary Sciences department
will manage the center. Initial
funding is $1.2 million for a
two-year period. Co
investigators on the project are
Bill Carter, adjunct professor at
UF, and Professor Bill Dietrich
at Berkeley.

NCALM has gone right to
work, providing data on several
active fault lines in the Mojave

Shrestha says half a dozen or
more researchers have already
applied to the NSF for
NCALM support. "We would
like to have 20 universities
involved annually. The potential
contribution to research is really
international," he says,
mentioning that he has had
inquiries from researchers in
more than one European
country already.

Shrestha hopes that NSF will
fund a laser mapping system
identical to the one at UF for
permanent use on the US west
coast because there is so much
geologic activity there. For now,
NCALM's only laser mapping
system is based in Florida.

Florida Benefits, Too
The benefits of airborne laser
swath mapping began in
Florida, with a study of beach
erosion from Hurricane Opal for
the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
(FDEP) and mapping of a
section of the Interstate I-10
corridor for the Florida
Department of Transportation
(FDOT), and continue to come
back to the state. The FDEP is
currently funding a five-year
research program to map all of
the state's beaches. The work is
being done in phases, beginning
this year with a stretch of
northeast Florida Atlantic coast
beach extending 105 miles south
from the Florida/Georgia state
line. In 2004, the target will be
the entire Panhandle coast.

Ideally, Shrestha says, Florida's
entire coastline should be
mapped every year, and the
researchers have proposed this.
Even better, he says, would be to
map the beaches seasonally
because changes occur that
often. "The state economy relies
heavily on beaches. The entire
coast could be mapped for less
than a million dollars a year,"
Shrestha says.

The impact of UF's laser
mapping research is remarkable,
especially considering the team
has only three faculty members,
plus a postdoc and one PhD
student. But the level of
expertise is unique.

Bill Carter came to UF after
20 years with NOAA, and 34
years ago he was a member of a
team that used laser ranging to
measure the distance from an
observatory on earth to retro
reflectors placed on the moon by
Apollo 11 astronauts. Later he
led the construction of a second
generation observatory in
Hawaii to range to five reflector
packages put on the moon by
US and Russian lunar missions.

Clint Slatton, a new joint
faculty member of Civil &
Coastal Engineering and
Electrical & Computer
Engineering, is an imaging
specialist who combines
adaptive signal processing and
pattern recognition methods
with laser swath mapping and
the new photon-counting

Mark Lee is a postdoc who
recently completed his PhD at
UF, whose dissertation dealt
with combining airborne laser
bathymetry and hyperspectral
imaging for benthic mapping of
shallow coastal water.

Michael Sartori is a research
associate and professional
surveyor and mapper who has
more than five years of hands-on
experience in planning,
collecting, processing, and
analyzing ALSM observations.

Recruiting is under way for
another faculty member who
will be joint-appointed with
UF's Geological Sciences
department in fall 2004.
Martha Dobson


Agricultural & Biological
C. Direlle Baird, professor emeritus,
received a 2003 Special
Recognition Award from the
American Society of Agricultural
Engineers. As former chair of
ABE, Baird helped develop a new
packaging science degree, a
biological engineering option, and
minors in precision agriculture and
information technology.

Rush Choate, professor emeritus,
received a 2003 Lifetime Service
Award from the American Society
of Agricultural Engineers for his
service and contributions to the
agricultural engineering profession.
Choate contributed to the
groundbreaking of Frazier Rogers
Hall in 1954, personally recruited
agricultural engineering students at
high schools and community
colleges, and served as acting chair
of ABE three times.

Byron French, associate professor,
received the 2003 North American
Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture John Deere Award for
Teaching Excellence.

Jim Jones, distinguished professor,
was named a "Highly Cited
Researcher" by Thomson ISI
(founded as the Institute for
Scientific Information). Jones
demonstrated great influence in his
field as measured by citations to his
work. Jones was also selected to
receive a 2003 Distinguished
Engineering Alumni award by
Mississippi State University.

Jasmeet Judge, assistant professor
and associate director of the Center
for Remote Sensing, received a
$400,000 research grant from the
National Science Foundation
geosciences directorate. The grant
will support investigations on how
remotely sensed observations can
be used to improve model
prediction of soil moisture and
groundwater recharge.

Carol Lehtola, associate professor,
received a North American
Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture Teaching Award of
Merit and a USDA Secretary's
Honor Award in 2003. The USDA
award is for Lehtola's role in
developing the national Extension
Disaster Education Network

Allen Overman, professor, was
recognized for Outstanding Service
by the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers. He has
shown dedication, not only to the
Florida state section, but also as
professor and major adviser for

Glen Smerage, associate professor,
was recognized by the American
Society of Agricultural Engineers
for 25 years of service.

Biomedical Engineering
William Ditto, professor and chair,
was named a Fellow of the
American Physical Society.

Chemical Engineering
Timothy J. Anderson, associate
dean for Research and Graduate
Programs and professor, received
the 2003 ASEE Annual
Conference & Exposition Best
Paper Award for a paper he
coauthored titled "Demographic
Factors and Academic
Performance: How Do Chemical
Engineering Students Compare
with Others?"

Fan Ren, professor, and John C.
Zolper, Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency,
published a new book, Wide
Energy Bandgap Electronic Devices,
World Scientific. The book
provides a summary of the current
state-of-the-art in SiC and GaN
and identifies future areas of

Civil & Coastal Engineering
Robert J.Thieke, assistant
professor, received the ExCEEd
(Excellence in Engineering
Education) Career Award for
Excellence in Teaching from the
American Society of Civil

Electrical & Computer
James Fitzgerald, assistant chair
and associate in engineering, retired
in August 2003 after 23 years of
distinguished service. Martin A.
Uman, distinguished professor and
director of the International Center
for Lightning Research and
Testing, presented Fitzgerald with
an engraved clock as a token of
thanks and appreciation for his
leadership, commitment, and
concern for the overall welfare of
the department. Fitzgerald, now an
emeritus faculty member, began
working for the university in 1970
and joined the ECE department in

Vladimir A. Rakov, professor and
co-director of the International
Center for Lightning Research and
Testing, was named a Fellow of the
Council of the American
Meteorological Society "for
outstanding contributions to the
atmospheric or related oceanic or
hydrologic sciences, or their
applications, during a substantial
period of years." He also was
named a Fellow of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics
Engineers and was appointed a
member of the National Fire
Protection Association Committee
on the Standard for the Installation
of Lightning Protection Systems
(NFPA 780). Rakov gave an invited
lecture on "A Review of Ten Years
of Triggered-Lightning
Experiments at Camp Blanding,
Florida" at the International
Conference on Nonlinear
Phenomena in Environmental
Research, Nizhny Novgorod
Moscow, Russia, Sept. 6-12. He
also served on the program
committee for this conference.
Rakov was invited to join the
Underwriters Laboratories
Standards Technical Panel (STP)
for Surge Protective Devices. This
panel covers the Standard for
Transient Voltage Surge
Suppressors (UL 1449), which will
become a national standard when
approved by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).


Vladimir A. Rakov and Martin A.
Uman, professors and co-directors
of the International Center for
Lightning Research and Testing,
published a new book, Lightning.
Physics andEffects, Cambridge
University Press, 2003. The book is
the first monograph that covers
essentially all aspects of lightning,
including lightning physics,
lightning protection, and the
interaction of lightning with a
variety of objects and systems as
well as with the environment.

Environmental Engineering
Gabriel Bitton, professor, was
awarded the title of Docteur
Honoris Causa (honorary
doctorate) by the National
Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine,
France and by the French Foreign
Affairs Ministry. The ceremony
was held Nov. 24 in Nancy, France.

Joseph J. Delfino, professor,
presented a paper titled "Pollution
of Waters and Sediments by
Organic Contaminants in Sub
Tropical Florida, U.S.A.
Watersheds" to the 13th
Stockholm, Sweden Water
Symposium, August 11-14, 2003.
The symposium, part of the annual
Stockholm Water Week, was on
drainage basin security, balancing
production, trade, and water use.

Industrial & Systems
Elif Akcali, assistant professor,
received the 2004 M. Eugene
Merchant Outstanding Young
Manufacturing Engineer Award in
Dec. 2003. This award recognizes
her significant achievements and
leadership in the field of
manufacturing engineering as a
young engineer.

Panos Pardalos, professor and co
director of the Center for Applied
Optimization, was an invited
plenary speaker at the annual
AMASES conference of the Italian
National Association for
Mathematics Applied to
Economics and Finance, in
Cagliari, Italy on Sept. 4. His talk
was titled "On the structure and
dynamics of financial networks."
He also gave an invited lecture on
"Recent advances and trends in
deterministic global optimization"
at the Argonne National
Laboratory on Sept. 9.

Edwin Romeijn, associate professor,
Ravi Ahuja, professor and co
director of the Supply Chain and
Logistics Engineering Center, Jim
Dempsey (College of Medicine,
Radiation Oncology department),
and Arvind Kumar, ISE PhD
student, were named winners of the
2003 Pierskalla Best Paper Award
of the Health Applications Section
of INFORMS for their paper "A
column generation approach to
radiation therapy treatment
planning using aperture
modulation." The award was
presented Oct. 20 at the
INFORMS conference in Atlanta.

Mechanical & Aerospace
Carl Crane, professor, was named a
Fellow of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.

Nicolaie D. Cristescu, graduate
research professor, published a new
book, Mechanics ofElastic
Composites, with co-authors
Eduard-Marius Craciun,
University of Constanta, Romania,
and Eugen Soos, Emeritus
Institute of Mathematics
Romanian Academy, Romania,
Chapman & Hall/CRC. The book
offers a complete, authoritative
presentation of the advanced theory
behind elastic composites.

Peter Ifju, associate professor, is the
new associate editor for the Journal

John Schueller, professor and
associate chair, was named a Fellow
of the Society of Automotive

Edward Walsh, professor, presented
a paper titled "A Flight Test
Engineering Program" at the recent
AIAA/ICAS International Air &
Space Symposium and Exposition
which had the theme The Next 100
Years and celebrated the centennial
of flight. The symposium was held
in Dayton, Ohio, the home of the

Wright Brothers who designed and
built the aircraft that performed the
world's first sustained, controlled,
heavier-than-air powered flight in

John Ziegert, professor, was named
a Fellow of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.

Nuclear & Radiological
Alireza Haghighat, professor, chair,
and director of the UF Transport
Theory Group was named a Fellow
of the American Nuclear Society.

Professor W. Emmett Bolch, Jr.

Professor W. Emmett Bolch, Jr., died
December 27, 2003, at age 68. Bolch came
to the University of Florida in 1966 to join
the faculty of Environmental Engineering
Sciences, then a new department in the
College of Engineering.

Bolch was born in Lenoir, N.C. He
studied pre-engineering at Southwest
Texas State Teacher's College. He later
transferred to the University of Texas at
Austin, earning a BS degree in civil
engineering in 1959. Upon graduation, he
was commissioned as a lieutenant in the
U.S. Air Force and served as a sanitary and industrial hygiene engineer at
Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas.

In 1962, he returned to the University of Texas at Austin to obtain an
MS degree in radiological health. He received his PhD degree in health
physics in 1967 from the University of California at Berkley under a US
Public Health Service Fellowship.

Bolch directed a variety of research programs in radiological health
including a 20-year contract with Florida Power Corporation for
environmental surveillance of the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant. He
received two departmental and one college Teacher-of-the-Year awards; he
was a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Florida; and in 2002
he was named a Fellow of the national Health Physics Society.

Bolch was the father of Professor Wesley E. Bolch of the Nuclear &
Radiological Engineering department at the University of Florida. He is
also survived by his wife, Sandra; his daughter, Elizabeth; and his mother,



(1924- 2002) AWARDED



Dr. Howard T Odum, graduate research
professor emeritus, the honorary degree of
Doctor of Science, posthumously, in
recognition of his extraordinary career as a
leader in the field of environmental sciences. The award
was given at the December commencement ceremony.

Odum was one of the most creative minds in the fields of
ecology, environmental science, systems ecology,
environmental policy, and energy studies. The fact that it
is so difficult to pin down his field is testimony to his
creative genius.

In 1950, Odum came to UF as an assistant professor in
biology. After spending four years at UF, in quick
succession over the next 11 years, Odum was a faculty
member at Duke University, the director of the University
of Texas Marine Sciences Center, and chief scientist at the
University of Puerto Rico's Nuclear Sciences Center.
He returned to UF in 1971 and was appointed graduate
research professor in Environmental Engineering
Sciences. In 1973, he founded UF's Center for Wetlands
and directed the center for nearly two decades. In 1991, he
also founded and was director of UF's Center for
Environmental Policy.

It was at Florida, during his 31 year tenure, that ideas
generated from the study of many systems during his
earlier career began to mature into a generalized theory of
energy systems and the biosphere. He pioneered research
on the recycling of wastewaters in wetlands, developed the
concepts of "net energy" of renewable and non renewable
energy sources, and created the field of "emergy" analyses.
He also initiated two separate academic fields of study
ecological economics and ecological engineering. Odum
published 14 books, 11 of which were written during his
tenure at UF.

Odum was awarded numerous honors while at UF, including the 1976 Institute de la Vie Prize,
Paris; the 1976 University of Florida Presidential Medal; distinguished service awards from the
Universities of North Carolina and Puerto Rico; the Distinguished Service Award from the American
Institute of Biological Sciences; an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from The Ohio State
University, election to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the prestigious Crafoord Prize
the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in ecological sciences from the Royal Swedish Academy of
Mark Brown, associate professor



The University of Florida unveiled
its first official ceremonial mace this
December at the closing ceremonies
of the UF sesquicentennial. Trung
Lac, a 2003 digital arts and sciences
(DAS) graduate, designed the mace,
which was built as a cross-campus
cooperative project.

A competition open to all UF
faculty, staff, and students was held
to select the mace design. The
original thought was that possibly
ideas from several entries would be
combined into a final design. The
selection committee was so pleased
with Trung's design that they
decided to use it without changes.
Trung received a $250 prize for the

The mace design motif expresses
the concept that UF Gators help
shape the world. Trung says he drew
inspiration from the brick facades of
campus buildings and from the UF
gator logo. He also researched UF's
history for ideas to apply to the

Construction of the mace drew
on the talents of many UF
departments. Mechanical &
Aerospace Engineering used its
rapid prototype machine in the
Center for Intelligent Machines and
Robotics to model some full scale
parts of the mace. The machine

built the model by depositing ABS
plastic one 0.010" thick layer at a
time from bottom to top.

The wood staff was constructed
in the Art department from a cherry
tree homegrown in Gainesville and
cut, by necessity, some 15 years ago.
The Physics department machine
shop created the metal acorn at the
bottom as well as the metal rings
and center of the staff. The
Chemistry department machine
shop fabricated the metal cone. The
metal is aluminum.

The metal center of the staff has
a pattern reminiscent of the bricks
used in campus buildings. The rings
are incised with the names of all the
UF presidents, both permanent and
interim. The rings are loose and
jingle when the mace is moved. The
globe and gator at the top are the
plastic of the original prototype,
covered with gold and silver leaf.

Trung Lac originally was a
mechanical engineering major, but
switched to digital arts and sciences,
through the Computer &
Information Science & Engineering
department track. He was a member
of the first DAS graduating class.

"I love being creative and I love to
draw. I also love the technological
aspect of art, too," Trung says.

Trung is Vietnamese. He was
born in Malaysia during an enforced
layover while his parents were on
their way to the US. He lived for a
while in San Francisco, then moved
to Gainesville. His father works for
the university. Trung's brother also
graduated from UF, and he hopes to
interest his sister in attending UF.

Trung is currently working in
retail in Winter Park while hoping
to get into the animation industry.
He is primarily interested in doing
2D hand-drawn animation.

"My ambition is to become an
animation director and bring some
of the animation industry to the
East Coast. I enjoyed my time at
UF," Trung says. "I want to do
whatever I can out in the world to
make UF proud."
Martha Dobson





Honored at Fall


The College of Engineering recognized several
individuals for exceptional achievement at the fall 2003
Engineering commencement ceremony.

Two engineering students received University of
Florida Outstanding Leadership Awards. Bodhi
Rader, BS in Digital Arts and Sciences through the Bodhi Rader Marisa Arvesu
Computer & Information Science & Engineering BS in Digital Arts and Sciences BS in Industrial & Systems
department, earned the Outstanding Male Leader through the Computer & Engineering
Award for his exceptional leadership and mentoring Information Science & Outstanding Female Leader Award
skills as a member of the Air Force Reserve Officer Engineering department
Training Corps. Marisa Arvesu, BS in Industrial & Outstanding Male Leader Award
Systems Engineering, received the Outstanding
Female Leader Award for demonstrating outstanding
leadership qualities as team leader for numerous class
projects and as president of the Institute of Industrial
Engineers student chapter.

For academic excellence, the College of Engineering
selected Carrie Ross, BS in Materials Science &
Engineering, for the Gator Engineering Four Year
Scholar Award. Alisa Marchionno, BS in
Environmental Engineering, received the Gator
Engineering Two Year Scholar Award.

In addition to student accomplishments, the Carrie Ross Alisa Marchionno
University of Florida awarded the late Dr. Howard T. BS in Materials Science & BS in Environmental Engineering
Odum, graduate research professor emeritus in Engineering Gator Engineering Two-Year
Environmental Engineering Sciences, the honorary Gator Engineering Four-Year Scholar Award
Scholar Award
degree of Doctor of Science, posthumously, in
recognition of his extraordinary career as a leader in
the field of environmental sciences. For the full story,
see page 20.
Patricia Casey



Intel Corp. selected electrical
engineering senior Nicole
Staszkiewicz this fall to receive a
$2,000 grant from the Intel Student
Research Contest for
Undergraduate Students. The grant
will help support her research on
gallium nitride based MEMS
sensors. She is working on the
project as part of the University
Scholars Program at UF under the
mentorship of electrical engineering
professor Mark Law.

Her project is about
microelectromechanical systems, or
MEMS, which are revolutionizing
the parameters of communication
between and among integrated
circuit chips. MEMS are small
electromechanical devices fabricated
using thin film and semiconductor

processing technologies. MEMS
make possible communication
between circuits and other
components. The devices are smart,
allowing the interaction of many
systems whether they are chemical,
biological, or other forms.

When MEMS microsystems are
placed on an integrated circuit, they
give eyes and arms to the circuit as
well as adding some decision
making capability. MEMS can
sense and control the environment
by feeling out the surroundings and
making decisions based accordingly.
A MEMS device placed on a chip
has the ability to interplay smartly
with other devices and systems,
allowing an interdependent control
of environment. This intelligent
approach to networking is

groundbreaking, and Staszkiewicz
proposes to research sensors by first
modeling a gallium nitride-based
device in a computer simulation,
and then building a working model.

As a participant in the University
Scholars Program for 2003-04,
Staszkiewicz will be invited to
publish her paper with the Journal
of Undergraduate Research and to
present at the 2004 University
Scholars Symposium at UE She has
been a participant of the University
Honors Program and named to the
College of Engineering Dean's List.
She intends to pursue a master's
degree at UE

Courtesy UF News and Public

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f the 68,000 US
students who
earn bachelor's
degrees in
annually, only about 8,000 11
percent -are black, Hispanic, or
other minorities.

Considering that the
minority population is growing
far more quickly than that of
whites, those figures raise the
troubling prospect of a decline
in engineering graduates at a
time when engineers are crucial
to the nation's technology
dependent economy. That could
put the US behind other
nations with growing
technology economies such as
China, Korea, and Japan.

Last November, the College
of Engineering and
ExxonMobil marked the 10th
year of a unique collaboration
effort that has shown success in
addressing the problem. The
Gator Engineering Outreach
Program -the only such
collaboration in the country
brings hundreds of minority
and low-income middle and
high school students from all
over Florida each year to visit
and tour the engineering

Jonathan Earle, the college's
associate dean for student
affairs, said the outreach
program is aimed at students
age 12 to 18 who have ability in
science and math, but lack
motivation or exposure to
careers in technical or scientific

Students have visited from as
far away as Miami and as near
as Gainesville. For some, the
visits are more than just a first
look at a university. "For many
of these students who visit the
campus from inner city schools
in particular, the first time they

leave their communities is when
they come out on these tours to
visit this campus," Earle says.

The visits begin with a
welcome and a talk on the
crucial role of technology in
today's society. The students get
advice on how and when to
prepare if they expect to study
engineering or other technical
or scientific fields. UF
engineering students, some who
have backgrounds similar to
those of the visitors, also talk
about engineering and their
experiences at UF The students
next divide up and tour the
engineering departments, with
each group visiting at least two
labs. After lunch, they return to
their school.

Although the program is not
intended as a recruitment tool,
the college's undergraduate
minority enrollment has
increased significantly since it
was started, Earle says. Today,
nearly 19 percent, or over 800,
of UF's 4,400 engineering
undergraduates are minorities,
including more than 5.5 percent
black and 12.5 percent Hispanic
students. That compares to 3.9
percent black and 6.5 percent

L-RTruman Bell, ExxonMobil
Education Program Officer;
Dean Khargonekar; Margie
Williams, Student Affairs
Program Assistant; John
Schellenberger, ExxonMobil
Security and Controls Manager

Hispanic students a decade ago,
Earle says. "I think what the
program has done for us is
provide exposure for youths
who might never receive it
otherwise," Earle says.

ExxonMobil provides
$30,000 annually to cover the
costs of the program.
"ExxonMobil is proud to
partner with the University of
Florida to attract the brightest
minds to math, science, and
engineering," says Truman Bell,
education program officer at the
ExxonMobil Foundation. "By
partnering with the University
of Florida, ExxonMobil and the
Gator Outreach Program can
help prepare a diverse range of
students for fulfilling and
successful careers, particularly in
the field of engineering."

Earle says that more progress
is needed at UF and all other
universities. Today, he says,
Japan graduates over 100,000,
India over 150,000, and China
over 200,000 engineers
annually. To remain competitive
on a global scale, the US needs
to keep up with these numbers.
The scarcity of minority
students among US engineering
graduates represents a missed

"We have this tremendously
underdeveloped resource that
we have to begin tapping into,"
he says.
Aaron Hoover





Intel Donates $2 Million to

Engineering College to Honor UF President Young

The Intel Foundation, the
philanthropic arm of the California
based microprocessor
manufacturing company, made a $2
million gift in December to the
University of Florida College of
Engineering in honor of retiring UF
President Charles E. Young.

The gift will fund a permanent
faculty position, the Intel/Charles
E. Young University Chair, in the
Electrical & Computer Engineering
(ECE) department.

"Charles Young has been a
member of Intel Corporation's
board of directors for over 30 years.
To honor our long association, we
are proud to establish a chair in his
name in Electrical & Computer
Engineering," said Craig Barrett,
chief executive officer of Intel and
chairman of the Intel Foundation
board of directors. "Dr. Young has

played a key role in Intel's success
over the years. We know that this
chair established in his name will
serve to expand his positive energy
and influence by supporting talented
ECE faculty at the University of

Young served as UF's president
since 1999 and as a director on Intel
Corp.'s board of directors since
1974. He retired from UF on Jan. 5.

Electrical & Computer
Engineering, which has a current
enrollment of 760 undergraduates
and 516 graduate students, is
nationally known for its research in
solid-state technology and devices,
electronics and computer
engineering, and the Intel gift will
help take that research to the next
level, UF officials said.

"Intel's gift is a meaningful
tribute to Dr. Young's many
contributions and the vision he has
provided for Intel and UF," said
engineering Dean Pramod
Khargonekar. "We are now
extremely anxious and optimistic to
begin the process of recruiting a
world-class scholar to strengthen
the ECE department's ongoing
research and education programs in
computer engineering and
semiconductor electronics."

Intel's gift is one of the largest
ever received by UF to create a
university chair. The gift is eligible
for a dollar-for-dollar match
through the state of Florida's
matching gifts program.

The Stokes Professorship

The late Dr. Charles Anderson
"Andy" Stokes and his wife,
Constance, established an
endowed professorship in
Chemical Engineering at the
University of Florida to
"represent the values of the
profession in the broadest
context and provide a role model
for students embarking upon a
career in chemical engineering
that will demand responsiveness
to societal needs."

Mark Orazem currently holds
the Stokes Professorship in
Chemical Engineering. A large
part of the funding associated
with the professorship supported
Orazem's sabbatical leave in
Paris, France, during which he
began writing a textbook on
impedance spectroscopy, an
important but often poorly
understood experimental
technique. He is collaborating
on the book with Dr. Bernard
Tribollet, a scientist working at
the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique in Paris.

He is also organizing the 6th
international symposium on
electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy to be held in
Florida in May 2004.

"The professorship provided
much needed flexible support
which enabled key aspects of
this activity," Orazem says.

Impedance spectroscopy is an
experimental technique in which
an oscillating signal is used to
elicit the response of an
electrochemical system. Analysis

of impedance response provides
the basis for new generations of
sensors used in applications
ranging from corrosion detection
to measurement of glucose levels
in blood. Orazem's research
group has used impedance to
study delivery of therapeutic
agents through skin, corrosion of
pipeline grade steel, and
electronic processes in large
bandgap semiconductors.
A memorial tribute to Andy
Stokes follows on page 26.


Former UF President
Charles E.Young

Intel Donates $2 Million to

Engineering College to Honor UF President Young

The Intel Foundation, the
philanthropic arm of the California
based microprocessor
manufacturing company, made a $2
million gift in December to the
University of Florida College of
Engineering in honor of retiring UF
President Charles E. Young.

The gift will fund a permanent
faculty position, the Intel/Charles
E. Young University Chair, in the
Electrical & Computer Engineering
(ECE) department.

"Charles Young has been a
member of Intel Corporation's
board of directors for over 30 years.
To honor our long association, we
are proud to establish a chair in his
name in Electrical & Computer
Engineering," said Craig Barrett,
chief executive officer of Intel and
chairman of the Intel Foundation
board of directors. "Dr. Young has

played a key role in Intel's success
over the years. We know that this
chair established in his name will
serve to expand his positive energy
and influence by supporting talented
ECE faculty at the University of

Young served as UF's president
since 1999 and as a director on Intel
Corp.'s board of directors since
1974. He retired from UF on Jan. 5.

Electrical & Computer
Engineering, which has a current
enrollment of 760 undergraduates
and 516 graduate students, is
nationally known for its research in
solid-state technology and devices,
electronics and computer
engineering, and the Intel gift will
help take that research to the next
level, UF officials said.

"Intel's gift is a meaningful
tribute to Dr. Young's many
contributions and the vision he has
provided for Intel and UF," said
engineering Dean Pramod
Khargonekar. "We are now
extremely anxious and optimistic to
begin the process of recruiting a
world-class scholar to strengthen
the ECE department's ongoing
research and education programs in
computer engineering and
semiconductor electronics."

Intel's gift is one of the largest
ever received by UF to create a
university chair. The gift is eligible
for a dollar-for-dollar match
through the state of Florida's
matching gifts program.

The Stokes Professorship

The late Dr. Charles Anderson
"Andy" Stokes and his wife,
Constance, established an
endowed professorship in
Chemical Engineering at the
University of Florida to
"represent the values of the
profession in the broadest
context and provide a role model
for students embarking upon a
career in chemical engineering
that will demand responsiveness
to societal needs."

Mark Orazem currently holds
the Stokes Professorship in
Chemical Engineering. A large
part of the funding associated
with the professorship supported
Orazem's sabbatical leave in
Paris, France, during which he
began writing a textbook on
impedance spectroscopy, an
important but often poorly
understood experimental
technique. He is collaborating
on the book with Dr. Bernard
Tribollet, a scientist working at
the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique in Paris.

He is also organizing the 6th
international symposium on
electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy to be held in
Florida in May 2004.

"The professorship provided
much needed flexible support
which enabled key aspects of
this activity," Orazem says.

Impedance spectroscopy is an
experimental technique in which
an oscillating signal is used to
elicit the response of an
electrochemical system. Analysis

of impedance response provides
the basis for new generations of
sensors used in applications
ranging from corrosion detection
to measurement of glucose levels
in blood. Orazem's research
group has used impedance to
study delivery of therapeutic
agents through skin, corrosion of
pipeline grade steel, and
electronic processes in large
bandgap semiconductors.
A memorial tribute to Andy
Stokes follows on page 26.


Former UF President
Charles E.Young



"Andy" Stokes of
Naples, Florida,
died September
27, 2003 at the age of 87.

Andy Stokes was a native
Floridian, born on October 28,
1915, in the hamlet of Mohawk
in Lake County, where his
family had settled in the 1880s.
His parents were Harry K.
Stokes, a Lake County
commissioner for 28 years, and
Laura Chapman Stokes.

Andy grew up in Lake
County's backwoods and was
educated in the public schools of
Clermont. He studied by the
light of kerosene lamps and
warmed himself in winter by the
oak wood fire in the kitchen
cook stove and the hearth. He
was to grow up to become one
of this country's leading experts
in energy and fuels.

Andy graduated as class
valedictorian from Clermont
High School in 1933. He
obtained a Bachelor of Science
degree Cum Laude in chemical
engineering from the University
of Florida in 1938. He played
trumpet in Duke Bernard's
"Troubadours" dance band,
waited tables, and worked
summers on a Florida
Department of Highways survey
crew to pay his way through

He left Florida for the first
time on the day of his
graduation to attend the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, where he obtained

his Doctor of Science
in chemical
engineering in 1951.
While in Boston he
met his wife of 65
years, Constance
Wickes Currier of
Newport, Rhode

At MIT, Andy
served as an instructor
and assistant professor from
1940 to 1945. He volunteered as
a "dollar-a-year" man in
Washington, D.C. as part of the
War Production Board effort,
and went to work for the Cabot
Corporation as Director of
Research and Development. He
stayed with Cabot until 1955,
becoming a leader in the field of
carbon black manufacture. He
also became vice president and
director of Petrocarb, a Cabot

During the Korean War, he
helped found Texas Butadiene
and Chemical to manufacture
top grade aviation fuel
synthetically from natural gas
liquids for the emerging
synthetic rubber industry. He
served as vice president and
technical director until 1959. In
1960 he became vice president
of Columbian Carbon
Company, in Princeton, N.J.
When this company was
acquired by the Cities Service
Corporation, he became vice
president for technology and
planning of the Cities Service
Chemical Division. He also
served on the board of directors
of three Cities Service subsidiary

In 1969, he formed Charles
A. Stokes, Sc.D. Inc. and the
Stokes Consulting Group to
provide expertise to energy
companies and the synthetic
fuels industry. His expertise
came into increasing demand
with the first major oil crisis of
1973 and the rising interest in a
national energy policy. An early
project was the first in-depth
study of how to manufacture
fuel methanol from eastern
bituminous coal, funded by the
DuPont de Nemours Company
and the U.G.I. Corporation.

The Stokes Group and
Charles A. Stokes, Inc. went on
to advise such clients as Air
Products and Chemicals,
Alberta Gas Chemical, Alco
Standard Corporation, Amoco,
Bayer AG and Mobay
Chemical, the California
Energy Commission, Davy
Power Gas (Kvaerner), the
Electrolux Corporation, Fluor
Daniels Corporation,
International Synthetic Rubber
(ANIC), the Israel Institute of
Mining and Industry, Methanex
Corporation, Monsanto, Nynas
Petroleum, the Polymer
Corporation, Public Service
Marine, Inc., Southern
California Gas, the US





Departments of Commerce and
Energy, the US International
Trade Commission and many

During this time Stokes co
founded and developed the
World Methanol Survey, still
published today under different
ownership. He chaired for many
years the University of
Pittsburgh International
Conference on Coal
Gasification and Liquefaction,
known today as the Pittsburgh
Coal Conference. He organized
and chaired many technical
sessions at the annual World
Methanol Conference and was
considered to be one of the
world's leading experts on
methanol manufacture and

In 1976, Andy moved his
business to Naples, Florida,
where he practiced full time
until November 2001. He
maintained a part time practice
until August 2003.

In Naples, he focused on
alternative and renewable energy
technologies, including solar
energy and the conversion of
biomass and waste to energy. He
helped develop a process to
produce power and synthesize
gas from biomass. He assisted
and invested in the development
of a Florida solar thermal
equipment company. He
provided his expertise free of
charge to state and county
governments, particularly Collier
County, to assist with difficult

environmental problems relating
to the management and disposal
of municipal wastes. In October
2003, the Collier County
commission recognized Andy
for his extensive public service.

Most recently, Andy worked
intensively on an international
development project with a
European client to bring clean
fuels and safe appliances to
poorer households in
underdeveloped countries. He
provided free consulting to
several national governments
seeking to develop energy
resources, and addressed the
difficult issue of reducing carbon
emissions to the atmosphere. He
remarked that he was serving
people who depended on the
same fuels he had as a youth in
the backwoods of Florida. He
spearheaded an effort to equip
Habitat for Humanity homes in
Florida with solar water heaters
and donated a number of these
heaters to Habitat.

Andy wrote many technical
articles for journals and
encyclopedias. His work appears
in basic reference works such as
the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of
Chemical Technology,
Encyclopedia of Chemistry and
McGraw Hill publications. He
was an inventor with many

Andy was a registered
professional engineer in Florida,
Massachusetts, and New Jersey.
He served on the US Coast

Guard Transportation Advisory
Committee. He had many
affiliations, including the
American Chemical Society
(Life Member); the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers
(Fellow); the American Solar
Energy Society; the Florida
Engineering Society; the Florida
Solar Energy Center; the
Founders' Club of the
Petrochemical Industry; the
Industrial Research Institute; the
MIT Center for Technology,
Policy and Industrial
Development; the National
Society of Professional
Engineers; the University of
Florida Chemical Engineering
Advisory Committee; and the
University of Pittsburgh.

Andy received many awards,
including an honorary degree
from UF in 1951. He was voted
New Jersey Engineer of the Year
in 1977 and Florida's Engineer
of the Year, Calusa Chapter, for
1984-5. The Florida
Engineering Society recognized
him for outstanding technical
achievement in 1979 and he was
named Outstanding Alumnus of
the University of Florida
Chemical Engineering
department for 1990.

Andy and Connie established
a scholarship fund in the Center
for the Study of Technology and
Policy at MIT. They also
provided a scholarship fund at
the University of Florida and in
1996 established an endowed
professorship in chemical
engineering which would

"represent the values of the
profession in the broadest
context and provide a role model
for students embarking upon a
career in chemical engineering
that will demand responsiveness
to societal needs."

Andy recently donated a
conservation easement on the
Stokes family land to Lake
County to assure that a little bit
of "Old Florida" would be

Andy and Connie lived in
many communities, including
Cambridge, MA, Pampa, TX,
Wellesley Hills, MA, Houston,
TX, Greenwich, CT, Princeton,
NJ and Naples, FL. Andy is
survived by Connie and their
three sons, Jeffrey of San Diego,
CA, Harry of Gettysburg, PA,
and Christopher of Memphis,
TN, and five grandchildren.
Andy was a devoted father who
loved to do things with his
family. He camped with his sons
and took them canoeing on the
wilderness waterways of Florida
and the Northeast. Connie
taught him to be an
accomplished sailor, and he
spent many happy days sailing
with his family and friends.

Courtesy of the Stokes family
Andy Stokes wrote an
entertaining reminiscence of
his time at UF. It appears on the
web at http://www.che.ufl.




Your Gifts That Count

Corporate and

private donations

are vital to the



of the College of


The college wishes to express its
thanks for the following:

The Lockheed-Martin Student
Support Program

Lockheed Martin has been
very generous with its
contributions, says Jonathan
Earle, associate dean. Lockheed
Martin created an endowment
in 1998 for student services
programs in the college with a
$400,000 commitment, which
received $200,000 in state
matching funds. Particular
emphasis has been on programs
and services that attract and
retain minority students through
the baccalaureate degree.
Currently, in addition to
specific support provided to
individual student organizations,
Lockheed Martin provides
college-wide financial
sponsorship of scholarships, the
STEPUP program, EFTP,
Engineering Day, Engineering
& Science Fair, and other
student support activities.
"We are certainly grateful and
appreciative of Lockheed
Martin's involvement in our
college," Earle says.

Ford Motor Company
Fuel Cell Laboratory

Ford awarded $250,000 in
1999 to the College of
Engineering to support the Ford
Fuel Cell Research and Training
Laboratory. The funds were
used to purchase state-of-the-art

equipment and instrumentation
as well as other fuel cell related
technology which are housed in
a new 9,000 square foot facility.
The grant also supports
graduate fellowships and
scholarships for students in the

J. Crayton Pruitt Gift to
Biomedical Engineering

St. Petersburg heart surgeon J.
Crayton Pruitt donated $2
million in 2000 to the
Biomedical Engineering
graduate program. The donation
provided the core funding to
launch Biomedical Engineering
as an independent department.
A significant portion of the
donation has beed used for
recruiting faculty: two offers
have been tendered to faculty
candidates and more offers will
be made soon, with hope of
achieving a total of five new
faculty this year. Some of the
gift has also been applied to
recruiting students and to
planning a new Biomedical
Engineering building.
Pruitt is the inventor of an
arterial shunt widely used in
vascular surgery today. His
donation is an expression of his
interest in biomedical
engineering and of his
appreciation for UF College of
Medicine surgeons who
performed his life-saving heart

The Thomas O. Hunter
Scholarship Fund

The Thomas O. Hunter
Scholarship was created in 1998.
It is open to undergraduate and
entering students throughout
the college. Emphasis is given to
demonstrated leadership,
economic need, and academic
excellence. Preference is given to
graduates of Putnam County,
Fla., high schools. Hunter is a
native of Interlachen, Fla.,
which is in Putnam County.
Thomas Hunter is senior vice
president of Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque,
N.M. He graduated from the
College of Engineering in 1966
with a B.S. in mechanical
engineering. He is a member of
the Dean's Advisory Board and
received the Distinguished
Alumnus Award from the
University of Florida in 2001.

The James E. Dykes
Scholarship Fund

The James E. Dykes
Scholarship is open to students
in the Electrical & Computer
Engineering department. The
scholarship was established in
1997 by Jim Dykes and his wife,
Yvonne. Dykes earned his B.S.
in electrical engineering in 1962.
He served as the founding
chairman of the college's
Engineering Advisory Council.
He is a former senior executive
of several companies in the
semiconductor field, including
Intellon in Ocala, Fla.








he College of Engineering honored its 1.- '1
Grand Guard at the 2003 Grand
Guard Reunion held Oct. 2-4. This
distinguished group of alumni includes
all Gators who graduated 50 or more t
years ago. UF's Alumni Association hosts the
weekend festivities each fall. This year, the Grand Guard joined its
Alma Mater in celebrating UF's sesquicentennial as the class of
1953 celebrated its 50th anniversary and induction into the Grand
Some of this year's events included the president's welcome
reception and dinner, guest speakers, campus tours, a cocktail
reception, dinner, and dancing at the induction ceremony, and the
home football game UF vs. the University of Mississippi.
On Friday Oct. 3, the College of Engineering hosted 18 alumni
at the Grand Guard reunion luncheon at Emerson Alumni Hall.
Dean Pramod Khargonekar presented an overview of the college.
Grand Guard members spoke about World War II, their careers,
and memories of the college.

Maxwell G. Battle, Sr. BSCE 52
John G. Burrows, Jr. BSIE 53
Frederick R. Crowley BME 53
Roland L. Fraser BEE 50
James A. Henderson, Jr. BIE 51
Raleigh E Keeter BEE 49
Jeff R. Kirkpatrick BCE 52
Virgil D. Martin BSEE 53
Robert S. Mogyorosy BIE 51
Robert L. Olive BME 50
William E Roberts BANE 50
Alfred D. Schmidt BME 42
C. Vernon Shaffer BEE 44, MSE 60
Norman Singletary BS 50 (Eng. Science)
Curtis H. Stanton BME 40
Cyrus Q. Stewart, Jr. BSME 49
Yu-Sun "Tom" Tang PhD 52 (Chemical)
James C. Williamson BSCE 53

Patricia Casey



Of Douglas M.
Darden, PE, BSCE,
ME, was elected to
PAI the board of
0 directors of the
-V Florida Engineering
Society. He
represents the
Ridge Chapter of
FES. He was also
selected as the
2002 Engineer of the Year by the Ridge Branch.
Darden is a licenced professional engineering
in Florida, five other states, and Washington,
DC. He is the founder and chairman of the
board of Envisors, LLC, of Winter Haven. Since
1975, Envisors has provided civil and
environmental engineering, surveying, and
planning services to public and private clients
throughout Florida.

Gordon D.
Ziecina, PE, MSCE,
joined TEI Engineers
& Planners as a
senior project
manager in the
Traffic Engineering
e department in TEl's
Sarasota office. He
has worked for
more than 24 years in signal system timing,
intersection improvement, street lighting, timing
plan implementation, and the design and
construction of traffic related data collection
sites. He has also been involved in numerous
computerized traffic signal systems in Florida.
He is a member of the Institute of
Transportation Engineers.
Rear Admiral Richard E. Cellon, CEC,
USN, MSCE, has taken command of the Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic
Division, in Norfolk, VA. Cellon was previously
commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering

Command, Pacific Division, in Pearl Harbor, HI.
Prior to that, he was commanding officer of
NAVFAC Southern division in Charleston, SC.
Cellon is a 1978 graduate of the U.S. Naval
Academy, with master's degrees from UF and
the Naval War College. He also attended the
Wharton School's Advanced Management
Program at the University of Pennsylvania. He is
a registered Professional Engineer in California,
a member of the Acquisition Professional
Community, and a Seabee CombatWarfare

AmyY. Lee, MBA, BSME, is manager of New
Business Development for a subsidiary of The
Carlyle Group. In this role, she is involved in
strategy development, business growth, new
products, and marketing. Previously, Lee was
market analysis manager and product manager
for the same company. After graduating from
UF, she was a sales engineer with Eaton
Corporation. Her industry involvement has
included power transmission, HVAC and
building systems, and solid state motor
controls. Lee earned her Master of Business
Administration degree, and is a member of the
National Honor Society. She and her husband
live in Wisconsin.

John L. Avery, MSAE, BSAE 96, hasjoined
Lockheed Aircraft as a senior structural
engineer on the Joint Strike Fighter project.
Previously, he was a design engineer with
Scaled Composites in Mojave, CA, where he was
involved in the design and building of state-of-
the-art composite aircraft for both military and
private applications. While with Scaled
Composites, he designed, built, and
successfully test flew his own aircraft, the

Jason K. LaRoche, MS ISE, has left the Intel
Corporation in Santa Clara, CA. He has moved
to Philadelphia tojoin the national rowing team
training camp to prepare for the 2004 Olympic
Games. During his training he is working with

Friends We Will Miss

1922 Anson Borden Dewolf, BSME, of Brooksville, FL, died September 1,1986
1923 Lawrence H. Cobb, BSEE, of Milton, FL, died April 1,1967
1929 Robert H. Glass, BSCE, of Boston, MA, died October 1,1986
Pettus K.Wilson, BSEE, of Tallahassee, FL, died December 15,1999
1930 William R. Clarke, BCHE, of Cleveland, GA, died January 27, 2003
1931 William E. Dean, Jr., BSCE, of Atlanta, GA, died December 1,1965
Frederick E. Leggett, BSEE, of Tampa, FL, died June 1,1977
1932 Clark P. Douglass, BSAE, of Tampa, FL, died October 1,1982
1933 Gerald W. Hostetler, BSEE, of Elkhart, IN, died December 15,1989
1935 Delmont E.Wood II, BSME, of East Lake Weir, FL, died November 3,1998
1937 James C. Burgoyne, BSCE, of Atlanta, GA, died August 1,1981
Charles A. Stokes, BSCHE, of Naples, FL, died September 27, 2003
Linwood A.Walters, Jr., BSCHE, of Miami, FL, died May 8,1991
Richard E.Warren, BSME, of Jacksonville, FL, died January, 1979
1939 George B. Ashmore, BSCE, of Orlando, FL, died October 5, 2003
1941 A. Darby Jones, BME, of Tampa, FL, died June 1,1999
1942 JohnW. Carefoot, BSCHE, of Olympia,WA, died July 1,1976
Joseph N. Green, BSIE, Lake Placid, FL, died March 20,1995
1945 Hans W. Schrader, BEE, of Gainesville, FL, died August 4, 2003
1947 Francis R. Claro, BIE, ofWilliston Park, NY, died March 28, 2000
Edwin C. Douglas, of Stone Mountain, GA, died November 18, 2000
Albert L. Fox, BME, of Largo, FL, died October 26,1989
Isaac M. Huddleston, BCE, of West Palm Beach, FL, died August 31,1989
Kenneth R. Pollock, BCHE, of Fort Myers, FL, died October 11,2003
Col. CharlesW. Putnam, BCHE, of Lakeland, FL, died July 25, 2003
1948 Frank H. Breen, BSCE, of Jacksonville, FL, died November 26,1981
George Breisch, BSME, of Clearwater, FL, died August 15,1991
John R. Ferguson, BSCE, of Marrero, LA, died June 30, 2003
Theodore H. Malone, BSCE, of Interlachen, FL, died September 16, 2003
Richard K. Penn, BSIE, of Reading, PA, died April 1,1974
1949 David F. Bryan of Edinburg,TX, died March 25, 2002
Earl W. Jeter, BME, of Atlantic Beach, FL, died October 19, 2003
William F.Woodward, Jr., BSAE, ofTitusville, FL, died January 10, 2003
1950 David H. Estevez, BSIE, ofTampa, FL, died May 1,1982
Brown L.Whatley, Jr., of Jacksonville, FL, died September 15,1994
1951 Emmett L. Cochrane, MSE, BSIE 1947, of Charlotte, NC, died August 19,1991
1952 Marvin S. Friedland, BSEE, of Melbourne, FL, died August 4, 2003
1954 Robert M. Baker, BSIE, of Cumming, GA, died May 10, 2002
Emory J. Barrow, BSEE, of Tampa, FL, died January 14,1997

1955 Robert J. Bovard, BCHE, of Panama City, FL, died March 1,1986
James L. Bowen, BSEE, of Roanoke, VA, died September 23, 2003
Benjamine J. Garland, BSEAE, of San Leon, TX, died April 2,1997
Stobo H.Wright, BSEE, of Lexington, MA, died March 15, 2002
1956 Newton H. Bullard, MSCHE, BSCHE 1936, of Grand Rapids, MI, died January 1,1988
1957 Roy E. Jones, BCHE, of Atmore,AL, died January 1,1987
1959 Henry A. Blyth III, BME, of Simpsonville, SC, died august 1,2003
Andre S. Perez, BCE, of Jacksonville, FL, died June 7, 2002
1960 ClarenceW. Parham III, BCHE, of Irving,TX, died September 3, 2003
Charles S. Phillips, BEE, of Atlanta, GA, died July 1,2003
1961 William C. Blasky, BCHE, of Clermont, FL, died December 5, 2001
Richard C. Harden, PHD EE, MSE 1957, BEE 1956, of Eustis, FL, died January 4, 2001
Gordon W. Harvey, BME, of Houston, TX, died May 22, 2003
Charles R. Jones, BSEE, of Switzerland, FL, died November 11,1986
1962 John J. Boswell, Jr., BSCE, of Satellite Beach, FL, died April 8, 2000
Bruce S. Dobbs, BSEE, of Tampa, FL, died February 16,1996
Salvatore A.Villani, BCHE, of Kokomo, IN, died April 22, 2002
1963 Edward F. Bishop, BSCE, of Montrose, CO, died February 15,1999
Louis Lopez, MSE, BME 1961, of Houston, TX, died March 3,1999
1965 Norman Halem, BEE, of Cocoa, FL, died March 23, 1991
James H.Walters, MSE, BSEE 1956, of Gainesville, FL, died April, 1980
Dale W.Washburn, ME, of Los Angeles, CA, died December 3,1993
Ronald Zimmerman, MSE, BSIE 1964, of Tampa, FL, died January 1,1976
1966 Roger A. Capel, BSCE, of Jacksonville, FL, died September 1,1983
Stephen D. Moore, BSIE, of West Palm Beach, FL, died October 4, 2003
1967 William H. Broadway, BIE, of Winter Park, FL, died March 1,1985
1968 Friedrich W. Grothman, BSEE, of Newport Beach, CA, died September 1,1992
1969 Juan C. Haayen, Sr., BSEE, of Miami, FL, died August 15,1989
1970 William L. Haynes, BCHE, of Jacksonville, FL, died April, 1980
Robert K. Pence, BSIE, of Gainesville, FL, died December 1,1976
1971 Larry L. Foster, BSEE, of Miami, FL, died April 1,1980
1975 Kaied F. Barot, MSISE, of Wharton, NJ, died May, 1981
1977 Hugh M. Adams, MEEE, of Reston, VA, died February 6, 2003
Thomas C. Hall, BSENE, of Chicago, IL, died September 1,1989
1979 Danny S. Pao, PHD EE, MEEE 1974, of Azusa, CA, died September 1,1982
1982 Jeffrey M.Walz, MEEE, of Colorado Springs, CO, died December 18, 2002
1984 Gary F. Groselle, BSEE, of Hollywood, FL, died June 2, 2002
Eugene D. Powell, BSEE, of Zephyrhills, FL, died September 9, 2003
1985 Lee J. Lacroix, BSEAE, of Gainesville, FL, died October 4,1988
1996 Eric F.Wood, BSAE, of Tucson,AZ, died August 2, 2003




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