Florida agriculture - rural life bibliography- Draft copy

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Florida agriculture - rural life bibliography- Draft copy
Kisling, Vernon N. Jr.
University of Florida -- George A. Smathers Libraries
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
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Subjects / Keywords:
University of Florida. ( LCSH )
Agriculture -- Florida
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States of America -- Florida

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University of Florida
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FLORIDA Agriculture Rural Life Bibliography

Compiled By: Vernon N. Kisling, Jr.
Collection Management Coordinator
Marston Science Library
George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
18 February 1997 / NEH-USAIN Grant Version


1 Agricultural Economics, 1900-1909
1 Agricultural Economics, 1910-1919
2 Agricultural Economics, 1920-1929
3 Agricultural Economics, 1930-1939
5 Agricultural Economics, 1940-1945
6 Agricultural Economics, Pamphlets
7 Agricultural Economics, Theses

10 Agricultural Engineering, 1930-1939
11 Agricultural Engineering, 1940-1945
11 Agricultural Engineering, Pamphlets
11 Agricultural Engineering, Theses

11 ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1820-1899
11 Animal Science, 1900-1909
12 Animal Science, 1910-1919
12 Animal Science, 1920-1929
12 Animal Science, 1930-1939
13 Animal Science, 1940-1945
13 Animal Science, Pamphlets
13 Animal Science, Theses

14 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1900-1909
14 Food and Nutrition, 1910-1919
14 Food and Nutrition, 1930-1939
15 Food and Nutrition, 1940-1945
15 Food and Nutrition, Pamphlets

16 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1900-1909
16 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1910-1919
17 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1920-1929
19 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1930-1939
22 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1940-1945
23 Forestry and Natural Resources, Pamphlets
25 Forestry and Natural Resources, Theses

25 Miscellaneous, Pamphlets

26 RURAL LIFE, 1820-1899
28 Rural Life, 1900-1909
28 Rural Life, 1910-1919
29 Rural Life, 1920-1929
29 Rural Life, 1930-1939
31 Rural Life, 1940-1945
32 Rural Life, Pamphlets
32 Rural Life, Theses

41 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1900-1909
43 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1910-1919
46 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1920-1929
49 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1930-1939
51 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1940-1945
53 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, Pamphlets
59 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, Theses


FLORIDA Agriculture Rural Life Bibliography


Dunn, Martin. Martin Dunn's descriptive circular of Florida groves residences and plantations for
sale. New York, NY: W. P. Kremer, 1882. 36 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 D923m

Florida Department of Agriculture. Agricultural statistics of the state of Florida, collected by the
commissioner of agriculture for the year 1890. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1892. 33 p., illus.

Census report of the state of Florida for the year 1895. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1897. 27 p., illus.

South Florida Railroad. Names and addresses of the orange and vegetable growers of South
Florida located on the South Florida Railroad and all its branches.....showing acreage in
orange groves and estimated yield in boxes. Sanford, FL: South Florida Railroad, 1891. 99 p.
Note: Fourth edition.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 S727n


Burgess, A. F. Interstate shipment of nursery stock in Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1901. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular 75)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.4: 75

SDuggar, John F. Agriculture for southern schools. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1908. 351 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 30 D879a

Florida Department of Agriculture. The third census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1905.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1906. 304 p., illus.

Florida National Land Company. A fortune awaits you in Florida. Fort Wayne, IN: Florida
National Land Company, 1909. 31 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 F6362f


Anon. Florida plantations. n.p.: Florida Plantations Company, 1910. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S13 F:1

SCrosby, M. A. Farm practices that increase crop yields in Gulf Coast regions. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1918. 28 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 986)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 986

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. The fourth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1915.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1915. n. p.

Gould, Vincent W. Government land in Florida with general information, ma showing location of
vacant lands in the state and abstracts of the laws governing the aquirement of same. DeLand,
FL: Author, 1915. 63 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 G698

j (

2 Kennerly, Clarence H. Facts and figures or, the ABC of Florida trucking. St. Augustine, FL: Record
Company, 1911. 137 p., illus.
Note: Third revised edition (1913).
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books; F635 K36f (Spec Coil) & 635 K36f

SPennypacker, J. E., and M. O. Eldridge. Economic surveys of county highway improvement a
compilation and analysis of data in eight selected counties, showing comparative financial
burdens and economic benefits resulting from highway improvement during a period of years.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1916. 86 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Bulletin 393)
Note: Manatee County is one of the eight counties covered.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 393

Rose, R. E. The possibilities of sugar production in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Appleyard, 1912. 62
p., pi.
Note: An address presented to the Florida State Agricultural Society. Previously published in
1900 & 1910.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 R797p

Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. General Industrial Department. Florida's central lake
2 region: citrus fruits, vegetables, forage crops, live stock and poultry. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air
Line Railway Company, 1915. 48 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338.1 F6365

2 Southern Land Congress. Soldier settlements in the south. Proceedings of the Southern Land
Congress. Savannah, GA: Southern Land Congress, 1918. 155 p.
Note: Congress held at Savannah, GA on 11-12 November 1918.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F330 S7273s


S Florida Chamber of Commerce. Agricultural Committee. Proceedings of the agricultural conference.
Miami, FL: Florida Chamber of Commerce, 1926. 84 p.
Note: Conference held at Miami, FL on 6 December 1926.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. The fifth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1925.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. 124 p., illus.

S._ Florida an advancing state 1907-1917-1927. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1928. 352 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; HC107 .F6 A5

Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. Handbook for Florida growers and shippers.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1925. n. p.
Note: Reprinted in 1926.

Official grades for the standardization of Florida fruits and vegetables. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1927. 54 p.
Note: Reprinted in 1929, 1930.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F636o 1927

SGatlin, George O. Marketing southern grown sweet potatoes. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1924. 46 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1206)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1206

2 Hager, John M. Commercial survey of the southeast. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1927. 477 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Commerce Domestic Commerce Series 19.)
Note: Covers agriculture, mining and forestry.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F330 H144c

Mayo, Nathan, T. J. Brooks, and Phil S. Taylor. All Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department
of Agriculture, Bureau of Immigration, 1926. 208 p., illus.
Note: Basic overview of agriculture in Florida and each of the counties.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 F636al

2 Orlando Orange Groves Company. Turning sunshine into gold being the story of the Lake Avalon
orange groves at Orlando. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 1922. 28 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 063 071t

SPensacola Chamber of Commerce. The practical hand book of Florida: a book of comparative facts
and figures, maps routes, statistics and other information, for the tourists, visitors developers,
homeseekers, agriculturalists, horticulturalists and investors. Pensacola, FL: Pensacola
Chamber of Commerce, 1925. 64 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F06 P895

2 Pensacola Junior and Senior Chamber of Commerce. Industrial and economic survey of Pensacola.
New York, NY: Parsons Brinckerhoff Hogan and Macdonald, 1927. 341 p., illus.
Note: Includes a section on agriculture.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P41p

2 Ringling and White, Inc. Floridale farms and groves; west Florida the magic land of fine climate
and homes of contentment. New York, NY: Ringling and White, Inc., 1925. 32 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 R581f

Swinson, Carl R., and W. C. Funk. Economic aspects of citrus fruit growing in Polk County, Florida.
2- Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1926. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Department Bulletin 1435)
U F Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1435

Turlington, J. E., and Frank W. Brumley. Prelininary report on labor and materials required for some
Florida crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of Agriculture, 1927. 16 p.
Note: University of Florida Record, v. 22, no. 2, April 1927.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Archives;


American Agricultural Chemical Company. Citrus profits: a handbook of practical information for
the Florida citrus grower. Lakeland, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Company, 1931. 82
p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 A512c

i Anon. Types of farming in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Agricultural Experiment
Station, 1935. 293 p., 25 p appendix, 132 illus., foldout tables
Preservation Note: Typescript on tissue paper; handdrawn charts and maps.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 F636t

Ballinger, Kenneth. Miami millions: the dance of the dollars in the great Florida land boom of
2 1925. Miami, FL: Franklin Press, 1936. 160 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M61 B192m

SFlorida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association. Statistical information on citrus shipments
prices etc. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association, 1930. 54 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F6363s

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Agricultural statistics of Florida. Twenty-first census 1936-
1937. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 259 p., illus.
Note: Statistics for other years were published in the Quarterly Bulletin [e.g., 1924 in v. 36 (3)
and 1927 in v. 38 (3)].

___ The sixth census of the state of Florida 1935. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1936. 162 p., illus.

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. From field to market with Florida
vegetable and citrus fruits. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. 108 p.,
Note: Reprinted in 1938 as Department of Agriculture Bulletin 88.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F636f

S__ Handbook for poultrymen. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. n. p.

2 Marketing poultry and ggs. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1934. n.
Note: Reprinted in 1936.

2. Standardization and methods of marketing livestock. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1931. n. p.

3 Florida Sun-Land Company. Get enough of our Florida land to yield you $200 per month.
Jacksonville, FL: Welcome News Co., 1935. 35 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 F637

3 Gee, Wilson et al. The cotton cooperative in the southeast. New York, NY: Appleton-Century, 1933.
271 p., illus. (University of Virginia Institute for Research in the Social Sciences Monograph
UF Libraries MSL Books; 281.4 G297c

SMead, Arthur R. The citrus industry and occupations in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: U. S. National
Youth Administration. Florida, 1939. 185 p., pl., illus.
Note: Republished in 1940.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 .U59c 1940 (Spec Coll) & 634.3
U58c 1940 (MSL); 92 M479c 1939 (MSL)

SRhodes, Neill. Marketing Florida truck crops, including shipments, market price and miscellaneous
data. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1932. 188 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; HD9007 .F6 R38x

_. Standard grades for fruits and vegetables. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1933. 60 p., illus.



2 Risher, F. W. Statistics of Florida agriculture and related enterprises. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1932. 62 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1934
UF Libraries MSL Books; 630 .F63 1934

SU.S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Recent changes in the Florida citrus industry: a
graphic review of certain economic factors bearing on the production and marketing of Florida
oranges and grapefruit. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1938. 43 p., illus. (GCM-
5 Marketing Information Series)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.3 U58r

, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Recent changes in the
Florida citrus industry: a graphic review of certain economic factors bearing on the production
and marketing of Florida oranges and grapefruit. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1938. 42 p., illus.

SU.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census. Drainage of agricultural lands. Florida: statistics
for state and counties. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 12 p.
UF Libraries Government Documents;

Farm Census Report (Part I: Federal Farm Census State of Florida Part II: Florida
Statistic by Counties). Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 143 p. (Part
I), 112 p. (Part II)
Note: Reprint of U.S. Census of Agriculture data for 1935.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 U58f

Zeigler, E. A., H. E. Spillers, and C. H. Coulter. Financial aspects of growing southern pine,
Washington County, Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 77 p.,
illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 7)


SCamp, A. F. Citrus industry of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1945.
198 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.3 F636c

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Florida as the nation's editors see it. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1941. 111 p., illus.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 F6366f

Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee. Unified state agricultural program to
meet the impacts of war. Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Agricultural Land Use
Planning Committee, 1941. 36 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 630 F632u

3 Jessen, Raymond J., and Earl E. Houseman. Statistical investigations of farm sample surveys taken
in Iowa. Florida and California. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State
College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1944. 76 p., illus (Iowa Agricultural Experiment
Station Research Bulletin 329)
UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 100 Io9

Johnson, Charles S. et al. Statistical atlas of southern counties. Chapel Hill, NC: University of
North Carolina Press, 1941. 355 p., illus.


Note: Socio-economic indices of 1,104 southern counties.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 280 .J66s

SU.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Florida's production of agricultural perishables in relation
to the development of air freight. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1945. 47 p.,
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F387.7 U58f (Spec Coll) & 338.14
U58f (MSL)

SU.S. Congress, and U.S. Mediterranean Fruitfly Board. Losses sustained by growers incident to
federal campaign for the eradication of the Mediterranean fruitfly in Florida. Washington,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 717 p., illus.
Note: Published originally as a letter from the Sec. of Agriculture to congress (76th Cong,, 1st
sess., House document no. 290 / 146 p. / 1939).
UF Libraries MSL Books; 92.1 U581


SAnon. The Florida citrus exchange 1909-1932. Tampa, FL: Tampa Daily Times, 1932. 8 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 F6366

3 Delta Canal Company. Rich farmlands in Florida. Grand Rapids, MI: Stanton Printing Co., 1895.
16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 D366r

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Comparative data of Florida and other states. Tallahassee,
FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1926. 8 p., illus.

3 Florida agriculture and industries. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
1939. 16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 F5i 1940

List of canning plants in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938.
3 p.

. _. Report of 1935 state census. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 2 p.

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. Graphic charts of commodity prices and
shipments of principal agricultural products. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1928. 7 p., 42 illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F636g

3 Florida Farms and Homes Company. A tour of the lands of the Florida Farms and Homes. Palatka,
FL: Times-Herald Printers, 1916. 8 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F333 F6371t

. Florida Land and Settlement Company. Ten-acre farms for Florida settlers. Jacksonville, FL:
Florida Land and Settlement Company, 1914. 16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 V94 F636t

2. Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board. The state farmers markets of Florida. Tallahassee,
FL: Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board, 1941. 14 p., illus.

SGrimes, A. M. Handling and loading southern new potatoes. Washington, DC: Government Printing
S Office, 1919. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1050)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1050

2 Harper, Roland M. Agricultural conditions in Florida in 1925. n.p.: n.p., 1927. 13 p.
Note: Reprint of an article in Economic Geography (v. 3 no. 3, July 1927).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 H295a

3 Risher, F. W. Pointers on gg marketing methods. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1938. 8 p., illus.

3 Turkey production and marketing. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
1936. 23 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 47.3 R595t

Robinson, M. F. Florida orange groves for sale. Sanford, FL: M. F. Robinson, 1911. 13 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F333 R666f

STomlinson, E. H. and Son. Florida: what has been and can be done on Florida farms. Jacksonville,
FL: Arnold Printing Co., 1915. 23 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 T659f


SBolton, C. J. A study of potato cooperative marketing associations in Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1931. 111 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Bowman, Victor V. The relative importance of the grade-lowering factors of citrus. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1935. 74 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Brooker, Marvin A. Farm tenancy in Jackson County, Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1927. 104 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SBrown, Hamlin L. Marketing Florida tomatoes. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. n. p.
(M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SBrumley, Frank W. The labor requirements of Florida crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida,
I 1926. 104 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Carlisle, Ralph C. Making a long time program in vocational agriculture for Sneads community.
3 Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 56 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


Cooper, John F. A stu of the cost of growing beans in Florida. 1927-28. Gainesville, FL: University
of Florida, 1929. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Dansby, George W. Example of how an enterprise of citrus is analyzed for use in teaching
]' vocational agriculture. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 194 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis
in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Farun, Fred N. An economic study of the Lake Hamilton Citrus Growers' Association. Gainesville,
S FL: University of Florida, 1934. 151 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Graham, George R. The cost of living on one hundred farms Columbia County Florida y ar 1927-28.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 83 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHamilton, H. G. Farm management studies of truck and citrus farms in Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1923. 84 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Haskell, Harold N. An economic study of some farms in Alachua County. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1929. 63 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Howard, R. H. A study of the relation of grade and staple to the price of cotton grown in Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 88 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHutchings, Richard M. Trends in the marketing of Florida citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University
of Florida, 1929. 82 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Business Administration)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

z Larson, Lawrence J. The cost of producing strawberries in the Plant City area for the season 1927-
1928. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 52 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Maloney, Clarence B. Marketing Florida citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1918.
95 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Miley, Douglas G. Farm mortgage loan experience in four Florida counties. Gainesville, FL:
S University of Florida, 1939. 60 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SO'Byrne, Frank M. Cooperative marketing of citrus fruits in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1913. 127 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Roberts, George C. The production receipts costs and profits on ten citrus groves in Polk County
Florida over a period of fourteen years. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 83 p.,
illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

z Rogers, Frazier. The economic use of tractors in Florida for 1929. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1930. 59 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Scarborough, Chaffie A. The cost of producing potatoes in the Hastings area. Gainesville, FL:
S University of Florida, 1927. 60 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SSeiler, Paul R. Production loans made by Florida farmers cooperative associations. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1938. 116 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Smith, H. A. An economic study of twenty-five large citrus groves in central Florida. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1942. 78 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Spurlock, A. H. Marketing of Florida shade tobacco. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1933.
84 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Tod, Carrel I. Local taxation with special reference to the Plant City trucking area of Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 56 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Wann, John L. Florida truck crgo competition, intra-state. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida,
1932. 86 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Woodruff, Hiram T. An economic study of depreciation of farm machinery on one hundred thirteen
S farms of Hillsborough County Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 66 p.,
illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)

Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Wray, Robert. Cost of living on Florida fa a survey of 85 farms in Alachua County and 110
farms in Levy County for 1923. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1925. 87 p., illus. (M.S.
Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SYoung, Martin G. Cost and returns on sixty poultry farms in Florida with comparisons for 1928-1929.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 49 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SZentgraf, Robert L. An economic study of farming in the Plant ity area Hillsborough County,
Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 46 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


2 Ramsey, H. J. Handling and shipping citrus fruits in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1915. 28 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 696)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 696

SRamsey, H. J., and Edward L. Markell. The handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1917. 29 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Bulletin 601)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 601

2 Stanley, F. W. Irrigation in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1917. 62 p., 6
pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 462)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 462

SStubenraugh, A. V. et al. Factors governing the successful shipment of oranges from Florida.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 50 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Department Bulletin 63)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 63


SCumings, Glenn A. et al. Machine placement of fertilizers for snap beans in Florida. Washington,
DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1936. 43 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 399)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 399

SRamser, C. E. The flow of water in dredged drainage ditches. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1930. 60 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 832)
Note: Includes work done in Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 832

SRose, Dean H., and E. A. Gorman. Handling, precooling and transportation of Florida strawberries.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1936. 58 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture

Technical Bulletin 525)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A 1.36: 525


Florida Department of Agriculture. Safety on the farm. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1940. 34 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 281.02 F636f


3 Hawkins, Lon A., and William R. Barger. Cold storage of Florida grapefruit. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1926. 7 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1368


SFifield, W. M. The effect of various wrappers and temperatures on the preservation of oranges in
cold storage. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 68 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

A Freeman, Hiram D. The strength of irrigation pipe as influenced by coarse aggregate. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1934. 63 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Engineering)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Lyle, William R. Studies on the cold storage of avocados. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida,
1932. 51 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

2 Savage, Zach. A study of one hundred thirty-eight windmills in Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1931. 73 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Engineering)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


SLong, Ellen C. Silk farming. Philadelphia, PA: Press of J. Glover, 1884. 47 p., illus.
FSU Libraries Special Collections; SF545 .L85


SAnon. Florida ostrich farm, Tacksonville, Fla. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 190? 32 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636.6 F636f

SSouthern States Lumber Company. The Perdido country: the region embracing the highlands of
Escambia County, Florida, and Baldwin County. Alabama, adjacent to the Gulf coast.
Pensacola, FL: Southern States Lumber Company, 1903. 64 p., illus.
Note: Author also known as Southland States Lumber Company. Also published by Chicago, IL:

Barnes-Crosby Co., 1903. Information on livestock, forage crops, and lumber.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 E74S


Florida East Coast Railway. Feed and hay crops for Florida live stock: a supplement to live stock
farming in Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Land and Industrial Department, Florida East Coast
Railway, 1915. 40 p.
Note: Refer to, Livestock Farming in Florida Along the Lines of the Florida East Coast

Livestock farming in Florida along the lines of the Florida East Coast Railway. St.
2 Augustine, FL: Land and Industrial Department, Florida East Coast Railway, 1914. 60 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636 F6371

2. Florida State Live Stock Association. Florida, an ideal cattle state. Jacksonville, FL: Florida State
Live Stock Association, 1918. 39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636 F636f

2 Florida State Live Stock Sanitary Board. Law, rules and regulations governing the control and
eradication of contagious, infectious and communicable diseases of live stock in Florida.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Live Stock Sanitary Board, 1917. 36 p.
Note: Reprinted in 1921, 1924, 1930.

2 Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Live-stock, dairying and poultry-raising: corn and the
forage crops in Florida. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1915. 64 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 L784

3 Tracey, S. M. Forage crops for the cotton region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912.
48 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 509)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 509


SFarley, F. W., and S. W. Greene. The cut-over pin lands of the south for beef cattle production.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 51 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Bulletin 827)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 827

2. Florida Department of Agriculture. Dairying in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1922. 224 p., illus.

Tracey, S. M. Forage for the cotton belt. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920. 63 p.,
illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1125)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1125

2. Tubbs, W. G. Cattle in Florida. Melbourne, FL: Melbourne Times, 192? 56 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636 T884


SColl, M. W. Sheep-killing in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1933. 29 p.
(U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1268)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1268

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. List of Florida dairymen and addresses. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1930. 31 p.

SScott, John M. Directory of dairymen of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1935. 34 p.


Dacy, George H. Four centuries of Florida ranching. St. Louis, MO: Britt Printing Co., 1940. 310 p.,
UF Libraries MSL Books; 636.2 D119f

2 U.S. Congress. Eradicating cattle tick Seminole Indian Reservation, Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1941. 116 p. (77th Congress, 1st sess, Senate doc ?)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636 U58e


Anon. Laws; federal state, and territorial control of contagious disease on domestic cattle in
Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904. 14 p. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 54)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A4.3: 54

3 Dairy and Ice Cream Machinery Supplies Association. Florida dairy products manufacturers.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 8 p.

STracey, S. M. Some important grasses and forage plants for the Gulf Coast region. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1907. 15 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 300)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 300


SArnold, P. T. Dix. Microscopic observations of smears from the genitalia of cows in relation to the
oestrus cycle. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1937. 15 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

. Camp, Paul D. Methods of managing range cattle in Alachua County, Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1932. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SClark, George L. The use of blackstrap molasses in a ration for the growing and fattening of pigs.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SCrown, R. M. The utilization of dried grapefruit meal as a feed for growing swine. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Dawson, Charles R. A comparison of soy bean silage and alfalfa hay for milk production.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 35 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Futch, Merrill C. The vitamin A assay of one type of dried citrus pulp. Gainesville, FL: University
of Florida, 1938. 44 p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Platt, William J. A study of the breeding management, feeding and marketing of swine in Sumter
County Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 63 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Roesel, Matilda A. The role of livestock in the farm live-at-home program. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1935. 55 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SSkipper, Howard E. The vitamin A content of milk as affected by varying amounts of shark liver
oil in the ration. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (Ph.D. Dissertation in
Animal Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

FOOD and NUTRITION, 1900-1909

SDoane, C. F. Milk supply statistics of cities in the milk supply of twenty-give southern cities.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1905. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 70)
Note: Cities include Jacksonville and Pensacola.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A4.3: 70

FOOD and NUTRITION, 1910-1919

First Presbyterian Church (Miami, FL) Aid Society. The Florida tropical cook book. Miami, FL:
First Presbyterian Church (Miami, FL), 1912. 224 p.
FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections/Florida; 641.59759 M618f

Florida Citrus Exchange. The health fruits of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Citrus Exchange,
1916. 31 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 H434

FOOD and NUTRITION, 1930-1939

Florida Citrus Commission. Citrus fruits and health: clinical and scientific data from the
literature of nutrition as related to citrus fruits, compiled for the use of the medical and dental
professions. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. 73 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 612.39 F636c

, Kellogg, John H. The priceless dietetic value of Florida's tropical fruits. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p.


FOOD and NUTRITION, 1940-1945

SU.S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. A physiological study f carotenoid
pigments and other constituents in the juice of Florida oranges. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1941. 32 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 780)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents ; F634 U58p (Spec Coll)
& A1.36: 780 (MSL)

FOOD and NUTRITION, Pamphlets

3 Florida Citrus Commission. How to freshen your menus with Florida citrus fruits. Lakeland, FL:
Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. 21 p., illus.

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau. Ice cream law. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1929. 3 p.

3 Florida Milk Control Board. Report of the milk control board. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Milk
Control Board, 1935. 19 p.

3 Risher, F. W. Eat more eggs they are one of Florida's health foods. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, n. d. 8 p.

2 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Southern Division.
Feeding farm folks through the farm's own program ..... for use in the states of Alabama,
Arkansas Florida. Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi. Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 8 p., illus.

3 Wilson, H. L. Making American cheese on the farm. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1941. 14 p.
Note: Reprint of USDA Farmers Bulletin 1134.


Drake, S. A. Florida, its history, condition and resources. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co., 1878.

SMillar, C. C. Hoyer. Florida. South Carolina and Canadian phosphates; giving a complete account
of their occurrence, methods and cost of production, quantities raised and commercial
importance. London: Eden, Fisher and Co., 1892. 223 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F553.64 M645f

2 Mohr, Charles T. The timber pines of the southern United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1896. 160 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 13)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F585 M699t (Spec Coll)
& A1.3:13 (MSL)

. Robinson, Benjamin. An historical sketch of Pensacola, Florida. Pensacola, FL: Advance-Gazette
Book and Job Office, 1882. 96 p.
Note: Information on lumber mills (pp. 59-70).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P41R

S U.S. Congress. authorize the drainage of the Ever Glades in the state of Florida.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1848. 141 p. (30th Congress, 1st sess, Senate rep

cor 242)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 U58e

SWescott, J. D. Everglades of the peninsula of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1848. 141 p. (Senate Report No. 242, 30th Cong, 1st Sess)
Note: Report on the drainage, surveying, and cultivation of everglades lands.

Wright, Carroll D. The phosphate industry of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1893. 69 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F553.64 W948p

SWyatt, Francis. The phosphates of America: where and how they occur how they are mined; and
what they cost. New York, NY: Scientific Publishing Co., 1894. Ch. 5, pp. 63-83, 179-181
Note: There are several editions. Chapter 5 covers the phosphates of Florida.
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books; F553.64 W975p (Spec Coll/1892) &
553.64 W975p (MSL/1891)


Florida East Coast Drainage and Sugar Company. The Everglades of Florida: prospectus of the
Florida East Coast Drainage and Sugar Company. St. Augustine, FL: Florida East Coast
Drainage and Sugar Company, 1902. 33 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F6362e

Gifford, John C. Florida trees. Coconut Grove, FL: Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, 1909. 24 p.
Note: May also be titled, List of trees of the state of Florida.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F582 G458

Southern Florida. Washington, DC: Judd and Detweiler, 1904. n. p.
Note: Covers the forest conditions of south Florida.

S Smith, Samuel R. The reclamation of the Florida Everglades. Miami, FL: Miami Printing Co., 1909.
44 p., pl., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F551.4 S659r

Wright, James O. Extract from a report on the drainage of the Everglades of Florida. Tallahassee,
FL: Capital Pub. Co., 1909. 24 p., illus.
Note: Original report published by USDA Office of Experiment Stations.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F551.4 U583e


Anon. A history of drainage and reclamation work in the Everglades of Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1911. Senate Doc. No. 89, 62nd Congress, 1st Sess.
UF Libraries Govt Docs, Lib West? ; n.c.n.

2 Florida Department of Agriculture. List of state, school and internal improvement lands, in the
state of Florida for sale for cash. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1913. 43
p., illus.

j Florida Everglades Engineering Commission. Florida Everglades. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1914. 148 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 F637f (Spec Coil) & 627.5
F636f (MSL)

SGifford, John C. The Everglades and other says relating to southern Florida. Kansas City, MO:
Everlade Land Sales Co., 1911. 134 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F551.4 G458e (Spec Coll) & 917.59
G458e (Lib W)

Isham, Randolph. Florida everglades. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 148 p.,
pl., illus., folding map (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 F637f (Spec Coll) & 627.5
F636f (MSL)

2 Matson, George C. The phosphate deposits of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1915. 101 p. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 604)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F553.64 M434 (Spec
Coll) & 119.3: 604 (MSL Fed Docs)

4 Matson, George C., Samuel Sanford, and Thomas W. Vaughan. Geology and ground waters of
Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 445 p., pl., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.49 M434g (Spec Coll) & 400.4
M434g (MSL)

) Mattoon, G. C. The southern cypress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 74 p.,
illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 272)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 272

Mattoon, Wilbur R. The southern cypress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 75
p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 272)
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F585 M44s (Spec Coll)
& A1.3:272 (MSL)

S Maxwell, Hu. Wood-using industries of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1912. 65 p., illus.

S Mead, Daniel W. Report on the drainage of the Everglades of Florida: with special reference to
the lands of Everglades Land Sales Company, Everglades Land Company, Everglades Sugar
and Land Compnay in the vicinity of Miami, Florida. New York, NY: Daniel W. Mead?, 1912.
39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 M479r

Stevenson, Nellie I. Plants, shrubs and trees of northern Florida. Fayette, IA: The author, 1915. 44

U.S. Congress. Everglades of Florida: acts, reports and other papers state and national relating to
the Everglades and their reclamation. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. 208
p., pl., illus. (62nd Congress, 1st sess., Document 89)

2, Zon, Raphael, and John H. Briscoe. Eucalyptus in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1911. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Bulletin 87)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A13.3: 87


Baker, Harry L. Forest fires in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Forestry Association, 1926. 36 p.

3 Bunker, Page S. Forestry in the south. Washington, DC: American Tree Association, 1928. 40 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 99.123 .B942f

Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation. Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation.
Baltimore, MD: Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation, 1927. 107 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.6 C748

Elliot, F. C. Draining the Everglades. Jacksonville, FL: Farmer and Stockman Press, 1924. 14 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 E46d

Florida Everglades Engineering Board of Review. Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Board of
Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District, 1927. 86 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F637rc

S Marston, Anson, Samuel H. McCrory, and George B. Hills. Report of Everglades engineering board
of review to board of commissioners of Everglades drainage district. Tallahassee, FL: T. J.
Appleyard, 1927. 105 p., illus. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage
District Report)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 627.5 F6362r

2 Mattoon, Wilbur R. Common forest trees of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1925. 98 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1930.

Small, John K. From eden to sahara: Florida's tragedy. Lancaster, PA: Science Press Printing Co.,
1929. 123 p., 22 pl.
UF Libraries MSL Books; QK154 .S681; 582 S635fr

. Smith, H. A. Lessons in forest protection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929.
24 p., 1 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 1)
Note: Reprinted and enlarged in 1929.
UF Libraries MSL Books;

Lessons in forest protection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929. 40 p.

2 Stevenson, Nellie I. A pocket guide to fifty of the plants and trees of the triple cities: giving exact
location of specimens in Daayton Daytona Beach and Seabreeze. Daytona, FL: Mills Printing
Concern, 1925. 27 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F583 S847p

S -- A pocket guide to seventy-five of the plant shrubs and trees which are conspicuously
planted in northern Florida. Fayette, IA: The author, 1925. 44 p.
Note: This may be a reprint of, Plants, shrubs and trees of northern Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 452.1125 S848p; 582 S848p

2 A pocket guide to thirty tropical trees cultivated in southern Florida. Fayette, IA:
Hathaway & Cole, 1928. 44 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 582 S848po

U.S. Congress. Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee drainage areas. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1928. 70 p., illus. (70th Congress, 1st sess, House doc 215; 70th
Congress, 2nd sess, Senate doc 213 (1929); 71st Congress, 3rd sess, Senate doc 225 (1930))

UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 U57c 1928; F551.4 U57ca 1929;
F386.2 041c 1930


SBaker, Harry L. Florida paper making and trade. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forestry Service, 1930.
n. p.

2 Baker, Harry L., and William L. Wilson. Possibilities of pulp and paper making in Florida.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 36 p., 13 illus. (Florida Forest and Park
Service Bulletin 3)
Note: Reprinted in 1932.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

2 Bennett, Russell W. et al. Florida commercial forestry conference. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest
and Park Service, 1931. 24 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 5)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

Campbell, Archer S. Studies in forestry resources in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1932-34. 3 v., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 C187s (Spec Coil) & 634.909759
C187s (MSL)

Copeland, D. Graham. Policy: a report to the board of commissioners of the Everglades drainage
district. Fort Myers, FL: Fort Myers Press, 1930. 92 p. (Florida Board of Commissioners of
Everglades Drainage District Report)

2 Coulter, C. H. Planting forest trees in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service,
1931. 24 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 8)
Note: Reprinted in 1932, 1934.

Dally, George L. Suggested conservation programs. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1930. 40 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 4)

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Scenic Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1939. 36 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1941.
UF Libraries Library West ; 917.59 F6362s

S Florida Department of Public Instruction. Course in conservation of Florida's forest for Florida high
schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Public Instruction, 1937. 91 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 F636c & MSL 634.907 F636c

3 Florida Forest and Park Service. Forest conservation laws state of Florida, 1935 legislature.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1935. 26 p., illus.

_. Forestry, course in conservation of Florida's forests. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and
Park Service, 1937. 91 p.

2 Report of governor's committee on forest conservation. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and
Park Service, 1935. 50 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F6365r

2 Florida Governor's Committee on Forest Conservation. Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Governor's
Committee on Forest Conservation, 1935. 66 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 F635r (Spec Coll) & 634.9
F6365r (MSL)

2 Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee. Farm forestry program for Florida.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee, 1939. 31 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 99.123 F233

3 Florida State Board of Conservation. The conservation law relating to general and special
conservation, shell fish, salt water fish, fresh water fish, game and geological laws.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1933. 222 p.
Note: Reprinted in 1935, 1937.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 C7 1933, 1935

2 Gifford, John C. The reclamation of the Everglades with trees. Coral Gables, FL: University of
Miami, 1935. 92 p., 4 pl.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 G458 (Spec Coll) & 130 G458r

The rehabilitation of the Floridan Keys. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1934. 79
UF Libraries MSL Books; 409.1125 G458r

2 Goulden, J. J. Florida's forest land problem with special reference to forest land income and taxes.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 32 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park
Service Bulletin 6)

Ineson, Frank A., and I. F. Eldredge. Forest resources of northeastern Florida. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 1938. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous
Publication 313)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.38: 313

S Kaplan, Moise N. Big game fisherman's paradise. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1936. 324 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F354 A5b (Spec Coll) & 799 K17b
(Lib W)

3 Neubrech, W. LeRoy. American southern cypress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1939. 30 p., illus. (U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Trade Promotion Series 194)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F585 N478a

S Smith, H. A. Forestry for vocational agricultural schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1931. 32 p., 2 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 2)
Note: Original 1929; reprinted in 1930, 1931, 1932.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b

S. Forestry manual for Florida high schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1933. 37 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 1 Revised)
Note: Reprinted in 1934.

Southern Lumber Journal. Florida forestry: supplement of the Southern Lumber Journal.
Jacksonville, FL: Southern Lumber Journal, 1932. 44 p., illus.

Note: Published as a special issue of Southern Lumber Journal.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 S7271f (Spec Coll) & 634.9
S727f (MSL)

Staley, Lewis E. Growing and marketing pulpwood. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1938. 26 p., 13 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 12)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

3 Stanaland, Rosa. Forestry and timber laws of the state of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest
and Park Service, 1934. 44 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 10)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

3 Forestry, park timber and conservation laws of the state of Florida. Compiled general laws
through 1937. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1939. 88 p. (Florida Forest and
Park Service Bulletin 10 Revised)
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b

S Stringfield, V. T. Artesian waters in the Florida peninsula. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1936. 80 p., illus. (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F551.49 S918a (Spec
Coll) & 119.13: 773C (MSL)

2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Region. Florida national forests.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 46 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 U59f (Spec Coll) & 634.925759
U58f (MSL)

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station. Forest
resources of central and south Florida. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1938.
29 p., illus. (U.S.D.A. Forest Survey Release 38)
Note: Similar report for central Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest Survey
Release 31, 1949); south Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest Survey Release
33, 1949).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 U581f

3 Forest resources of northwest Florida. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
1938. 33 p., illus. (U.S.D.A. Forest Survey Release 33)
Note: Similar report for northeast Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest
Survey Release 30, 1949).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; 582 E37f

3 Wakeley, Philip C. Artificial reforestation in the southern pine region. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1935. 115 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A1.36: 492

2. Wyman, Lenthall, and C. H. Coulter. Florida naval stores. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and
Park Service, 1933. 58 p., 23 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 9)
Note: Reprinted and revised in 1936.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b


3 Abbey, Kathryn T. Florida, land of change. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press,
S 1941. 426 p., pl., illus.
Note: Second edition published in 1948 under the name: Kathryn T. A. Hanna.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F01 H243

Advisory Committee for Everglades Drainage District. Report by advisory committee on the
present drainage system in relation to water control requirements of Everglades drainage
district. Miami, FL: ?, 1944. 41 p., 1 pl., illus. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades
Drainage District Report)
UF Libraries MSL Books; TC977 .F6 A42x

Bitting, Clarence R. Report on the Everglades and contiguous areas. Clewiston, FL: Clarence R.
Bitting, 1943. 76 p., pl.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West ; F551.4 B624r (Spec Coll) & 917.59
B624r (Lib W)

1q Florida Forest and Park Service. Arbor day in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1947. 32 p., 3 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 4)
Note: See also, Suggested conservation programs (George L. Dally / FFPS Bulletin 4)
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b

3. Florida farm forestry. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1942. 33 p., 3 illus.
(Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 14)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

Florida forest fire fighters manual. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1943.
39 p.

._ The program of forestry and state parks of the Florida Forest and Park Service.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1943. 29 p., 6 illus. (Florida Forest and Park
Service Bulletin 15)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

Gifford, John C. Living by the land; conservation with special reference to proper use of the land.
Florida the southern United States and the Caribbean region: a discussion of the
conservational and farming methods best suited to their particular needs. Coral Gables, FL:
Glade House, 1945. 139 p., pl., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F581 G458 (Spec Coll) & 279 G4581;
333.0973 G4581 (MSL)

SMansfield, George R. Phosphate resources of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1942. 82 p., illus. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 934)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F553.64 M287pr (Spec
Coll) & 119.3: 934 (MSL)

2. Roundy, P. V. Phosphate investigation in Florida 1934 and 1935. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1941. 77 p., illus. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 906 F.)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F553.64 U59p (Spec
Coll) & 119.3: 906F

2 Snyder, Ethel. Florida trees: a practical hand book for the identification of Florida's trees and
palms. Fort Myers, FL: Geddes Printing House, 1940. 150 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 S675f

Sturrock, David. Shade and ornamental trees for south Florida and Cuba. Stuart, FL: Stuart Daily
News, 1946. 179 p., pl.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 S936s

United States Sugar Corporation. The Everglades, agro-industrial empire of the south. Clewiston,
FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1944. 101 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58e

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station. Florida's
forest resources, 1934-36. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1948. 39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F582 U582f


SBaker, Harry L. Growing pine timber for profit in the south. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1928. 14 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 23)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.38: 23

SCoulter, C. H. Cutting timber for increased profits. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park
Service, 1940. 20 p., 5 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 13)
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b

3 Cuno, John B. Use of wood by the fruit and vegetable industries of Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1936. 18 p., 15 pl., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 C973u

2 Dorn, Mabel W. Tree crops for southern Florida. South Miami, FL: South Florida Publishing Co.,
1934. 21 p.

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. List of lads in Everglades for sale by the state of Florida.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1918. 4 p.

SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida: a picturization of resources.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1926. 15 p., illus.

SFlorida Forest and Park Service. Common trees of north and northwest Florida. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 18 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1936.

2 Common trees of south Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 16
p., illus.

S Florida state parks invite you. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1938. 16
p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1941.

S___. Forest fire control. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936. 4 p., illus.

3. The public and forest fires. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936. 12 p.

3 -. The work of the Florida forest service. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service,
1931. 4 p., illus.

SFlorida State Planning Board. Conserving land and water resources. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State
Planning Board, 1941. 12 p.

SFoley Lumber Company. The Foley lumber industries of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Foley Lumber
Company, 1942. 18 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 T23 F663

Fulton, Chester A. Mining practice in the Florida pebble phosphate field. New York, NY:
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1936. 19 p., illus. (AIMME Technical
Publication 662)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 622 F974m

SGulf Coast Lumber Exporters Association. The Gulf coast classification of pitch pine resawn lumber.
Pensacola, FL: H. S. White, 1896. 15 p.
Note: Revised in 1897, 1902, 1908, 1910.

Johnson, J. B. Outline of situation and conditions in Everglades drainage district and efforts and
responsibilities of its board of commissioners. Marianna, FL: Printing Department, Industrial
School for Boys, 1926. 8 p. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District

SLloyd, Edward R. Agricultural possibilities of the Florida Everglades. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1930. 21 p., illus. (71st Cong., 2nd sess., Senate Doc. 85)
Note: Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a report to the division engineer at New
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 L793a (Spec Coll) & 630.9759
L793a (MSL)

SLumber and Timber Exchange (Pensacola). Classification of pitch pine re-sawn lumber sawn and
hewn timber, with pro forma charters and bills of lading. Pensacola, FL: H. S. White, 1887. 16

SMendenhall, Herbert D. What the phosphate industry means to Florida engineers. Tallahassee,
FL: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1938. 14 p.
Note: Presented at the ASCE meeting held at Jacksonville, FL 20-23 April 1938.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F553.64 M537w (Spec Coll) & 553.64
M537w (MSL)

O'Meara, R. G., and J. W. Pamplin. Selective oiling and table concentration of phosphatic sands in
the land-pebble district of Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1932. 7 p. (U.S.
Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 3195)
UF Libraries MSL Books; 553.64 055s

Rose, R. E. The swamp and overflowed lands of Florida. The Disston drainage company and the
Disston purchase, a reminiscence. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1916. 23

3 St. George, R. A., and J. A. Beal. The southern pine beetle: a serious enemy of pines in the south.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1929. 18 p., 17 illus. (U.S. Department of

Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1586)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1586

SU.S. Congress. Forest experiment station. establish and maintain a forest experiment
station in the state of Florida [and for the] purchase of lands in Florida for an experimental and
demonstration forest for the production of naval stores. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1924. 10 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F582 U58f

U.S. Congress, and National Parks Association. The proposed Everglades national park. Report of
a special committee of the National Parks Association appointed to study all the features in
connection with the proposed Everglades National Park in the state of Florida. Washington,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 17 p. (72nd Congress, 1st sess, Senate doc 54)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 N277p

SU.S. Congress, and Southern Commerical Congress. Swamp and overflowed lands in
Florida.....relative to the reclamation of the swamp and overflowed lands of the south.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912. 8 p. (62nd Congress, 2nd sess, Senate doc
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 S727s

SWaggaman, William H. A review of phosphate fields of Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1911. 23 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Soils Bulletin 76)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.3: 76

Webber, Herbert J. The water hyacinth, and its relation to navigation in Florida. Washington, DC:
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Botany, 1897. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Bulletin 18)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 18


Cobb, William F. A study of attitudes toward forest conservation in Duval County, Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 51 p. (M.A. Thesis in Psychology.)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Library West ; 152.7 C653s


2 Gray, Lewis C. History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860. Washington, DC:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1933. 2 vol. (Carnegie Institution of Washington
Publication No. 430)
Note: Numerous references to Florida agricultural history.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 30.7.G779h


SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division. A condensed history of the Chemical
Division of the Department of Agriculture of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1925. 10 p.
Note: Extracts from the State Chemist's reports, 1889-1924.

RURAL LIFE, 1820-1899

S Anon. A home among the range groves in Crescent Cty, Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Tri-Weekly Sun,
1876. 32 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P98c

Beecher, Henry W. (Mrs.). Letters from Florida. New York, NY: D. Appleton and Co., 1879. 85 p.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 B4141

S Brooks, Abbie M. (Silva Sunshine, pseud.). Petals plucked from sunny climes. Nashville, TN:
Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1880. 479 p., illus.
Note: Second edition: 1883 or 1886, Nashville: same publisher, 495 p.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F092 B873p (Spec Coll/lst ed);
917.59 B8731p2 (Lib W/2nd ed)

2 Bush, George G. History of education in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1888. 54 p., 4 pl. (Contribution to American Educational History 6)
UF Libraries Education Library; 370.9 .B978h

j Canova, Andrew P., and L. Sanders Perkins. Life and adventures in south Florida. Palatka, FL:
Southern Sun Publishing House, 1885. 136 p., pl.
Note: Reprinted in 1906 by Tampa Tribune Printing Co. (Tampa, FL).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 C227

. Cory, Charles B. Hunting and fishing in Florida. Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1896. 304 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1970 by New York: Arno (American environmental studies v. 9).
UF Libraries Library West; 799 C833h2

2 Southern rambles: Florida. Boston, MA: A. Williams and Co., 1881. 149 p.

Deland, Mrs Margaret W. (Campbell). Florida days. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co., 1889. 200
p., illus.
UF Libraries Library West & Spec Coll/Florida History; 917.59 D337f (Lib W) & F04
D3377f (Spec Coll)

Hallock, Charles. Camplife in Florida: a handbook for sportsmen and settlers. New York, NY:
Forest and Stream Publishing, 1878. 348 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F093 H192c

Hardy, Iza D. Oranges and alligators sketches of south Florida life. London: Ward and Downey,
1886. 340 p.
Note: Also includes information on citrus and fruit culture, as well as other agricultural subjects.

S Holmes, Francis S. The southern farmer and market gardener. Charleston, SC: Burges and James,
1842. 252 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; S503 .H6

Jenks, John W. P. Hunting in Florida, in 1874. n. p.: J. W. P. Jenks, 1884. 70 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 J53h

Kenworthy, Charles J. Climatology of Florida. Savannah, GA: Savannah Morning News/Steam
Printing House, 1880. 70 p.
Note: Covers climatology from a health perspective. Reprinted from the Florida Medical

Association Transactions.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n.

S Lente, Frederick D. The constituents of climate with special reference to the climate of Florida.
Louisville, KY: Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal Book and Steam Job Printer, 1878. 56
Note: Covers climate from a health perspective.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.5 L574c

S. Florida as a health resort. New York, NY: Appleton, 1876. 34 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F613.1 L574h

2. MacDonald, J. A. Plain talk about Florida for homes and investments. Eustis, FL: J. A. MacDonald,
1883. 50 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 M135p

Munroe, C. Kirk. The Florida annual impartial and unsectional. New York, NY: Vaux and Co.,
1886. 190 p.
Note: Covers lands, schools, traveling, hunting, fishing, silk farming, natural features of areas,
and includes many statistical tables.

Munroe, Kirk. Big cypress, the story of an everglade homestead. Boston, MA: W. A. Wilde & Co.,
1894. 164 p., pl.
Preservation Note: Microfilmed (Library West, MN02018.2).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F813 M968b

Norton, Charles L. Handbook of Florida. New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co., 1890. 240 p.,
illus., folding maps
Note: Several editions were published: 1890 (Part 1); 1891 (NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 380 p.);
1894 (3rd ed, NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 392 p).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F0921 N883h (Spec Coll/1890); F0921
N883h3 (Spec Coll/1894) & 975.9 N883h3 (Lib W/1891)

Reid, Whitelaw. After the war: a southern tour. New York, NY: Moore, Wilstacht, Baldwin, 1866.
589 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1965 (New York: Harper & Row) with the title: After the War: Tour of the
Southern States, 1865-66.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West ; F08 R359a 1866 (Spec Coll) &
917.5044 R359a 1965

0 P Robinson, Leora B. Living in Florida. Louisville, KY: B. F. Avery and Sons, 1884. 95 p.

S. Living in Florida. Louisville, KY: B. F. Avery & Sons, 1884. 95 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 071r

2 Rockwood, Caroline W. In Biscayne Bay. New York, NY: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1891. 286 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M61 R684i

Warner, Helen G. Home life in Florida. Louisville, KY: J. P. Morton & Co., 1889. 433 p.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F092 W281h (Spec Coll) & 917.59
W281h (Lib W)

RURAL LIFE, 1900-1909

Florida Department of Agriculture. Florida. A pamphlet descriptive of its history topography,
climate, soil resoruces and natural advantages, in general and by counties. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1904. 591 p., illus.
Note: First published in 1882.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F091 F636f 1882 (Spec Coll), F354
A5f 1904 (Spec Coll), 917.59 F636f 1904 (Lib W)

2 Hamilton, John. History of Farmers' Institutes in the United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1906. 96 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Experiment Stations
Bulletin 174)
Note: Includes Florida programs.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A10.3: 174

Peeples, Harry A. Twenty-four years in the woods on the waters and in the cities of Florida.
Tampa, FL: Tribune Printing Co., 1906. 174 p., illus.
FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections/Florida; 917.59 P374t

Whitmore, Frederic. A Florida farm. Springfield, MA: Ridgewood Press, 1903. 115 p., pl.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F630 W616f (Spec Coll) & 630.9759
W616f (MSL)

RURAL LIFE, 1910-1919

2, Cammack, Lucius H. What about Florida? Chicago, IL: Laird & Lee, 1916. 175 p.
Note: Includes a section on Florida agriculture.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F093 C184w

3 Chandler, Julian A. C. et al. The south in the building of the nation a history of the southern states
designed to record the south's part in the making of the American nation; to portray the
character and genius to chronicle the achievements and progress and to illustrate the life and
traditions of the southern people... Richmond, VA: Southern Historical Publication Society,
1909-1913. 13 v., plates
UF Libraries Library West; 975 S726

Cowen, Elfrida D. Moses Elias Levy's agricultural colony in Florida. n.p.: n.p., 1917. n.p. (American
Jewish Historical Society Publication 25)
UF Libraries Judaica Collection ; E184 .J5 A5

4 Davis, William W. The civil war and reconstruction in Florida. New York, NY: Columbia
University, 1913. 747 p. (Columbia studies in the social sciences 131)
Note: This was also a Columbia University PhD dissertation. Reprinted in -1964 (Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida Press).
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & Library West; F07 D265c (Spec Coll) & 308 C726
no 131 (Lib W)

2 Florida Farms and Homes Company. Florida the farmer's, sportsmen's and tourist's paradise.
Orange Springs, FL: Florida Farms and Homes Company, 1916. 67 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34 F6365f

2 Weatherford, Willis D. Negro life in the south: present condition and needs. New York, NY:
Associate Press, 1910. 181 p.


Note: Revised edition in 1911; reprinted in 1969 (Miami, FL: Mnemosyne Publishing).
UF Libraries Library West; 325.26 W362n

RURAL LIFE, 1920-1929

Bell, Emily L. My pioneer days in Florida 1876-1898. Miami, FL: McMurray Printing Co., 1928. 55
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 B433m

Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1929. 64 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1930, 1931, 1932.

2.. Florida facts. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. 28 p., illus.

2 _. Some interesting facts about Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
1927. 16 p.

Jones, George N. Florida plantation records from the papers of George Noble Tones. St. Louis, MO:
Missouri Historical Society, 1927. 596 p., pl., 1 foldout map
Preservation Note: Reprinted in 1971, New York: Burt Franklin (American classics in history
and social science 197).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; MSL; Library West; F06 J77f (Spec Coll);
135.29 J77f (MSL); 973.5 77f (Lib W)

Phillips, Ulrich B. Life and labor in the old south. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1929. 375 p.,
illus., 1 foldout map
Preservation Note: Reprinted in 1963, Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 309.75 P5631

Ranson, Robert. A memoir of Captain Mills Olcott Burnham, a Florida pioneer. Tallahassee, FL: T.
J. Appleyard, 1926. 43 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F04 R212

2 Tink, Edmund L. Rural schools of Florida. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1929. n. p.

S True, Alfred C. A history of agricultural education in the United States 1785-1925. Washington,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1929. 436 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Miscellaneous Publications 36)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Books; A1.38: 36 & 630.7 T866h

2 Vanderblue, Homer B. The Florida land boom. Chicago, IL: Northwestern University, 1927. 37 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collection/Florida History ; F333.3 V228f

RURAL LIFE, 1930-1939

,. Crow, Charles L. The Florida Agricultural College. n.p.: n.p., 1932. 37 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F378 FE C953f

S. Florida Agricultural Institute in Osceola. n.p.: n.p., 193? n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F378 FEs Co


SFlorida Department of Agriculture. Florida: a land of homes. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department
of Agriculture, 1934. 125 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 A51

3 Florida sports recreation and points of interest. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1939. 66 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1941.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 A5f 1941

3 Know Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1936, 1938, 1941.

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida, the march of progress.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. 64 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1932, 1934, 1938, 1939, 1941.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 F636fl 1939

3 Florida State Committee on National Soldiers Home. Florida: health, climate, transportation,
recreation and utilities. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1930. 76 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F614 F636 (Spec Coll) & 614.09759
F6364fl (MSL)

3 Garris, Edward W. Special methods in teaching vocational agriculture. Gainesville, FL: The
author, 1933. 184 p., illus.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 275.4 G242s

S Little, R. H. Pioneering in the Everglades 1910-1938. narratives and memoirs. n. p.: n. p., 1938. n. p.
Florida State Library ;

.. O'Neal, William R. Memoirs of a pioneer. Orlando, FL: Orlando Sentinel-Star/Florida Press, 1932.
232 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 071o

Robinson, Solon, and Herbert A. Kellar. Solon Robinson, pioneer and agriculturist; selected
writings. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1936. 2 v., illus.
Note: Reprinted by New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 1968. Travels and experiences in Gulf region
and Florida.
UF Libraries Library West; 977.2 1393 1936

3 Rodriguez, Edward R., C. Lowell Turner, and Thomas T. Valentine. Directory of opportunities for
Negro youth in Florida, a summary of community resources, organizations, and services for
youth. Jacksonville, FL: U. S. National Youth Administration. Florida, 1936. 138 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F326 U58d

U.S. Works Progress Administration. The WPA guide to Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1939. 600 p., pi., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1984 (New York: Pantheon Books).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 F635w 1984

Weigall, Theyre H. Boom in paradise. New York, NY: A. H. King, 1932. 255 p., pl.
Note: Description, economic conditions, and real property of Florida.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 W419b

Willson, Mrs Minnie [Moore-Willson, Minnie]. History of Osceola County Florida frontier life.
Orlando, FL: Inland Press, 1935. 59 p., pl.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 081w

RURAL LIFE, 1940-1945

SAlsop, Ella G. History of the Florida federation of garden clubs. Jacksonville, FL: Cooper Press,
1943. 104 p., pl.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; FA G218a

S Appleyard, Lula D. K. Plantation life in middle Florida 1821-1845. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
State College for Women (Florida State University), 1940. 214 p. (M.A. Thesis in History.)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 A652p

2 Barrow, Bennet H., and Edwin A. Davis. Plantation life in the Florida parishes of Louisiana, 1836-
1846. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1943. 473 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F976.3 B278p (Spec Coil) & 630.973
C726s (MSL)

2 Federal Writers Project of Florida. The negro in Florida. 1528-1940. Tallahassee?, FL: n.p., 194?
167 p.
Preservation Note: UF copy is a photocopy.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F326 F293n

3 Florida Department of Education. Homemaking education for adults and out-of-school youth.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Education, 1943. 88 p., illus. (Florida Department of
Education Bulletin 43)
UF Libraries MSL Books & Education ; 315 F636h (MSL) & 375.009759 F636b (Ed)

2 Florida East Coast Railway. The story of a pioneer: a brief history of the Florida East Coast
Railway and its part in the remarkable development of the Florida east coast. St. Augustine,
FL: Florida East Coast Railway, 1945? 39 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F385 F636s

2. Holley, William C. et al. The plantation south, 1934-1937. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1940. 124 p., illus. (U.S. Works Project Administration Research Monograph 22.)
Note: Reprinted in 1971 (DaCapo Press).
UF Libraries MSL Books; 361.6 U585r no. 22

3 Mosier, Charles I. Evaluating rural housing. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of
Education, 1942. 88 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 331.833 M911e

S U.S. Railroad Administration. Agriculture Section. Florida the land of perpetual farming.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, n. d. 40 p., illus.

Z Wilkerson, Doxey A. Agricultural extension services among negroes in the south. n.p.: Conference of
presidents of negro land grant colleges, 1942. 59 p., 2 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 630.717 W681a; 275.2 W681a

I i

RURAL LIFE, Pamphlets

[ Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida of today. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1927. 16 p., illus.

3 Florida East Coast Railway. Homes on the east coast of Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Florida East
Coast Railway, 1902. 20 p., illus.

3 Jordan, M. B. Vocational agriculture in the P. K. Yonge laboratory school and its values.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of Education. Bureau of Educational Research,
1939. 9 p. (UF Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin 13)
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Archives ; 370 F6367b no. 13

3 Lente, Frederick D. Climatology of Florida. Springfield, OH: Hastings Paper Co., 1882. 16 p.
Note: Covers climate from a health perspective.

2 U.S. Farm Security Administration. Florida migratory labor camp program. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1941. 4 p., illus.

SZemliakoff, Alexander. Information for those interested in agriculture. St. Augustine, FL: n.p.,
1927. 13 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 Z53i


L4 Barnes, Charles O. A study of rural school supervision in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1931. 81 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Archives;

3 Blanchard, Albert C. Some aspects of mortality in Florida 1921-1930. Gainesville, FL: University
of Florida, 1933. 130 p. (M.A. Thesis in Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 312.09759 B639s

SButts, John L. A program for agricultural education in Dade County. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1932. 125 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

' Garris, Edward W. The organd ization and administration of a state program in agricultural
education. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1926. 85 p. (Ph.D. Dissertation in
Note: Also published by the Florida State Board for Vocational Education (Tallahassee, FL),
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Education Library ; 370.82 G349c no. 35

Geiger, Albert J. A study of the farm shop instruction in the vocational agricultural schools of
Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 106 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


SHaimowitz, Morris L. Population trends in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1942.
326 p. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology)
Preservation Note: Typescript
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F312 H151p

3 King, Emanuel L. A plan to improve the organization and teaching methods of vocational evening
classes in agriculture for negro farmers in Florida. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University,
1935. (M.A. Thesis)

2 Laney, Harrison J. Slavia: a culture pocket in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1937.
101 p. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology)
Note: About Slovak agricultural colony in Florida.
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S47 L267s

Loften, William T. Part-time class in vocational agriculture for farm boys in Alachua high school
community. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 59 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

2 Miller, Edward L. Negro life in Gainesville, a sociological study. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1938. 186 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 M647n

3 Moon, Clyde L. The development of higher education for Negroes in the state of Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Education Library; 371.974 M818d

~ Roche, Marion C. Present status of future farmers from Florida who have been awarded the
American farmer degree. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 74 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis
in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

S Smith, Joseph G. A study f supervised programs conducted by students of vocational agriculture in
Plant City high school agricultural department from 1922-1940. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Timmons, Doyal E. What the farm furnishes the home. ackson County Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1927. 81 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

2 Winter, Thurston P. A teaching program for farmer training in the Moore Haven section.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 78 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Wood, Harry E. A study of supervised practice work in vocational agriculture in Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 62 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)

Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


Adams, Sherman. Homeland, a description of the climate, productions, resources, topography, and
soil opportunities of Polk County. Bartow, FL: Tigner, Tatum and Co., 1885. 80 p.

S. Orangeland, a description of the topography, climate, soil productions and resources of
Orange County Florida. Orlando, FL: Mahlon Gore, 1883. 100 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 063 A

2 Alden, George J. Florida: information for those who desire to know the state, its climate and
resources. New Smyrna, FL: Florida Union Printers, 1875. 52 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 A358f

Z Anon. Brief description of Brevard County Fla., or the Indian River country; its climate health.
products etc. Titusville, FL: Florida Star, 1889. 71 p., illus.
Note: Second edition.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B84b

OQ ___ A brief description of Brevard County, Florida, or the Indian River country, its climate
health and products. Titusville, FL: Florida Star Office, 1889. 71 p.
Note: 1889 (2nd ed); 1891 (4th ed, Jacksonville: Da Costa Printing House, 88 p).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B84 1889

Florida: the land of sunshine, orange and health. Chicago, IL: Belmore Florida Land Co.,
1885. 32 p.

S_ Letters from Tallahassee. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Steam Book and Job Printing House,
1885. n. p.
Note: Covers general farming, fruits, vegetables and livestock raising in the area.

Ashby, John W. Alachua, the garden county of Florida its resources and advantages. New York,
NY: Alachua County Immigration Association, 1888. 56 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31 A823a

Z. Ashmead, William H. Orange insects; a treatise on the injurious and beneficial insects found on the
orange trees of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1880. 93 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 A827o

Barbour, George M. Florida for tourists invalids and settlers containing practical information
regarding climate, towns and people. The culture of orange and other tropical fruits, farming
and gardening scenery and resorts, sport, routes of travel, etc. New York, NY: D. Appleton and
Co., 1882. 310 p., illus, 1 foldout map
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 B2395f

Bill, Ledyard. A winter in Florida, or observations on the soil, climate and products of our semi-
tropical state. New York, NY: Wood and Holbrook, 1869. 222 p.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 B596w4 (4th ed/1870)

Carse, George B., and J. H. Foss. Florida: its climate, soil productions and agriculture capabilities.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1882. 98 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Report 21)

UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Spec Coil/Florida History; A? (MSL) & F091 U58f
(Spec Coll)

Chazotte, Peter S. Facts and observations on the culture of vines, olives cars almonds, etc. in the
southern states, and of coffee cocoa, and cochineal in east Florida. Philadelphia, PA: J.
Maxwell, 1821. 24 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 C513f

2 Chipley, William D. Facts about Florida. New York, NY: Economical Printing, 1885. 52 p., illus.
Note: Other publisher information: Louisville, KY: Courier-Journal Job Print. Co., 1885, 84 p.,
illus. It includes information on climate, soils and agriculture.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 C541f

2 __ Pensacola the Naples of America and its environs. Louisville, KY: Courier Journal Press,
1877. 30 p., illus.
Note: Other title, Pensacola (the Naples of America) and its surroundings illustrated.
UF Libraries Library West; 917.5999 C541p

2 Clark, J. O. D. Ocala. Florida. New York, NY: Republic Press, 1891. 149 p.
Note: Covers, climate, soils, mineral, orange culture, etc.

S Cleland, John C. The superior advantages to be derived from the culture of sugar-cane in East-
Florida. Charleston, SC: S. S. Miller, 1836. 72 p., illus.
Preservation Note: Microfilm copy (Xerox University Microfilms, 1974)
UF Libraries Library West; 810.8 A5122 (American Culture Series, reel 616.14 )

Clifford, Paul A. An authentic report and history of St. Andrews Bay, Florida. Cleveland, OH: St.
Andrews Railroad Land and Mining Co., 1888. 76 p.
Note: Covers land, soil, climate, water, industries, etc.

Z. Columbia County Board of County Commissioners. Columbia County Florida: advantages and
attractions, climate, soil health and general features, products and industries; a descriptive
review of all. Lake City, FL: Columbia County Board of County Commissioners, 1889. 60 p.,
Note: Reprinted in 1959 (Gainesville, FL: Florida Historical Reprints).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 C72 C726c

Columbia County Immigration Association. Columbia County, Florida: description of her climate
soil, health, and general advantages. Jacksonville, FL: Columbia County Immigration
Association, 1883. 39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 C72c

2 Daily Sun. Alachua County its resources and advantages. Gainesville, a healthful progressive
city. Gainesville, FL: Daily Sun, 1898. 39 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 A31g

2. Davidson, James W. The Florida of to-day a guid for tourists and settlers. New York, NY: D.
Appleton and Co., 1889. 254 p.
Note: Covers geography, climate, geology, productions and pests.

Davis, George W. A treatise on the culture of the orange. Jacksonville, FL: Charles W. DaCosta,
1881. 60 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books; 92 D261ts (2nd ed., 1882)


S Dewey, L. F. and Company. Florida its climate soil, and productions. Jacksonville, FL: L. F.
Dewey and Company, 1868. 64 p., illus.
FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections; 917.59 F6362

2. Dunne, Edmund F. The Sicily of America: the catholic colony of San Antonio, Florida. n. p.: n. p.,
1885. 48 p.
Note: Covers orange culture, lemon culture, other fruits and crops, the cattle industry, etc.

2 Duval County (Fla.) County Commissioners. Duval County Florida. Showing its statistics,
resources hands, products, climate and population. Jacksonville, FL: Times-Union Printing
House, 1885. 54 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 D98 C855d

Eagan, Dennis. The Florida settler or immigrant guide. A complete manual of information
concerning the climate, soil products and resources of the state. Tallahassee, FL: unk., 1873. 160
Note: Also published as, Sixth annual report of the Commissioner of Land and Immigration of
the State of Florida, Tallahassee: C. H. Walton, 1874, 272 p. (UF copy is this report).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F636fs

2 Edwards, John L. Edwards guide to east Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1881. 148 p.
Note: Covers climate, geography and descriptions of different sections of Florida.

Florida Commissioner of Lands and Immigration. Florida: its climate, soil. and productions.
Jacksonville, FL: L. F. Dewey, 1868. 64 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 .F636 (1868, 1869, 1870)

-- The Florida settler, or immigrants guide: a complete manual of information concerning the
climate, soil, products and resources of the state. Tallahassee, FL: The Floridian, 1873. 160 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 F636fs (1874 ed.)

2 Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida: a pamphlet descriptive of its
history, topography, climate soil, resources and natural advantages. Tallahassee, FL:
Floridian Book and Job Office, 1882. 192 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F636f

-- Semi-tropical Florida; its climate, soil and productions. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 1879.
44 p., illus.
Note: Second edition 1880 (64 p).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F635s

Florida Land Agency. Florida: its soil, climate, health, productions, resources and advantages.
Jacksonville, FL: Florida Land Agency, 1875. 104 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6367f

Florida Land and Improvement Company. Florida: its climate, soil and productions. New York,
NY: Florida Land and Improvement Company, 1881. 33 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6366f

, Fort George Island Company. A winter at Fort George, Florida. Boston, MA: W. G. Crawford, 1886.
30 p.
Note: Covers topography, orange culture, agriculture, etc.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 D98 F736w

Gallesio, Georges. Orange culture: a treatise on the citrus family. Jacksonville, FL: Charles H.
Walton, 1876. 65 p.
Note: Translation of Traite du Citrus by S.D. Wilcox and C.A. Cowgill for the Florida
UF Libraries MSL Books; 92 G166o

2 Gardiner and Pratt. Starke and its neighborhood. An orange region in the most healthful portion of
Florida. New York, NY: South Publishing Co./Gardiner and Pratt, Real Estate Agents
(Starke), 1887. 62 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B79 S795Yg

2 Garriott, E. B. Notes on frost. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1899. 24 p., illus. (U.S.
Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 104)
Note: Includes work in Florida and the protection of citrus fruits. Revised in 1908/31 p.; 1910/
32 p.; 1911/35 p.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 104

Griffing, Jane R. Letters from Florida, on scenery, climate social and material conditions and
practical advantages of the land of flowers. Lancaster, NH: Republican Press, 1883. 122 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 G852

SHackley, Richard S. Documents in proof of the climate and soil of Florida, particularly east
Florida. New York, NY: W. L. Bradbury, 1835. 87 p.
Note: Covers areas surveyed for their value for agricultural purposes.

SHarcourt, Helen. Florida fruits and how to raise them. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1884.
189 p.
Note: Revised in 1886, Louisville, KY: John P. Morton, 347 p. (by Helen G. Warner).
UF Libraries Library West & MSL; In process (Lib W/1884) & 93.1125 W281f (MSL/1886)

S Hawks, John M. The Florida gazetteer, containing also a guide to and through the state ..... New
Orleans, LA: Bronze Pen Steam Book and Job Office, 1871. 214 p.
Note: Includes information on agricultural products.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 H392g

S Ireland, Alleyne. Tropical colonization: an introduction to the study of the subject. New York, NY:
Macmillan, 1899. 282 p., 10 foldout illus.
UF Libraries Library West; 325.3 I65t

Jacques, D. H. Florida as a permanent home: embracing a description of the climate soil and
productions of the state. Jacksonville, FL: C. W. Blew, 1877. 32 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 J36f

SKern, F. L. Florida: its educational status, together with some of its attractions and advantages,
climate, productions, industries, etc. Jacksonville, FL: Times-Union Job Office Printing, 1890. 32
p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F370 K39

Knapp, J. G. Only one Florida. Jacksonville, FL: W. T. Forbes and Co., 1886. 39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 K67o

j Lanier, Sidney. Florida: its scenery climate, and history. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1875.
266 p., pl., illus.
Preservation Note: Reprint in 1973, Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press (Bicentennial

Floridiana Facsimile Series).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 .L287f

Manville, A. H. Practical orange culture, including the culture of the orange lemon lime and other
citrus fruits, as grown in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead, 1883. 122 p.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 M295p (Spec Coll) & SB370.07
M35x (MSL)

Mason, Z. H. A general description of Orange County Florida its soil, climate health
productions resources, and facilities of transportation. Orlando, FL: Orange County
Immigration Society, 1881. 56 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 063 M412g

Moore, Theophilus W. Treatise and hand book on orange culture in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Sun
and Press, 1877. 73 p., illus.
Note: Second edition (1881) expanded to include Louisiana and California.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 M824t (Spec Coll) & 92.03
M824t (MSL)

Treatise and hand-book of orange culture in Florida Louisiana and California.
Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead, 1883. 188 p.
Note: Third, enlarged edition See, Treatise and hand book on orange culture in Florida.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 M824t3 (Spec Coll) & 92.03
M824t3 (MSL)

J Neal, James C. The root-knot disease of the peach orange, and other plants in Florida, due to the
work of anguillula. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, 1889.
31 p., 21 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 20)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 20

Neck, S. Sanders. The present and future productions of Florida. Ocala, FL: Banner Steam Printing
House, 1888. 134 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 N365p

^ Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the South. A guide to the raising of vegetables for northern markets.
New York, NY: Orange Judd Company, 1888. 265 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.13 028t

S Olney, George W. A guide to Florida, "the land of flowers". New York, NY: Cushing Bardua and
Co., 1872. 84 p.
Note: Other editions include, 1873 (New York: Railroad and Real Estate Publishing Bureau, 87
p.); 1874 (New York: Catlin and Lydecker, 110 p.); 1875 (New York: Chas. Dawens, 114 p.);
1876 (New York: J. H. White, 120 p.). This title includes climatic and agricultural statistics.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 G946 (1873 edition)

2 Palatka Board of Trade. A home in Florida. A description of Palatka "the gem city" showing her
many advantages for profitable investments and enterprises. Also a description of Putnam
County, "home of the citrus family".....with an account of the great orange and peach industry.
Palatka, FL: Ed Rumley, 1887. 35 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P98 P1541h

2 Palma, Sola. The youngest and largest town in Florida. New York, NY: Brown and Green, 1884. 108

Note: Covers climate, geography, manufacturing, tropical fruits, vegetables, etc. of the Florida
west coast and Manatee County.

Perrine, Henry E. Tropical plants. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1838. 99 p. (House
Report No. 553; 25th Congress, 2nd Session)
Note: Report on use of land in south Florida for introducing and growing tropical agricultural
and horticultural plants. Eventually, an introduction station was established.

a Pio, Louis. The east coast of Florida: its climate, soil and products. n.p.: n.p., 1892. 48 p., illus.
FSU Libraries Special Collections; S507.F6 P56

2. Rambler (pseud.). Guide to Florida. New York, NY: American News Co., 1873. 144 p.
Note: Various editions: 1875 (NY: same pub, 146 p.); 1876 (NY: same pub, 88 p.)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 R167g

2, Rigby, T. C. Dr. Rigby's papers on Florida. Giving a general view of every portion of the state, its
climate, resources, statistics, society crops and trade. Cincinnati, OH: E. Hendenhall, 1876. 63
Note: Includes information on agriculture, lumber, naval stores, and manufacturing.

2 Robinson, A. A. The resources and natural advantages of Florida, containing special papers
descriptive of the several counties with their resources and natural advantages. Tallahassee,
FL: Floridian Book and Job Office, 1882. 193 p.
Note: Contains information on climate, soil, productions, livestock, fish, fertilizers and

S Rolfs, Peter H. Vegetable growing in the south for northern markets. Richmond, VA: Southern
Planter Pub. Co., 1896. 266 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.13 R747v

S Saunders, William. Observations on the soils and products of Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1883. 30 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Special Report 62)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F631 S257o

S Shackleford, Thomas M. Lake Weir, Florida (Amaskohegen Bright Moon Lake), with practical
articles from successful men on Florida products and how to raise them. Full information on how
to make an orange or lemon grove. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Times-Union Power Printing House,
1883. 96 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M34 S524

Smith, T. F. Verdad Florida and Texas: a series of letters comparing the soil climate and
productions of these states, setting forth many advantages that east and fouth Florida offer to
emigrants. Ocala, FL: East Florida Banner Office, 1886. 39 p.

A South Publishing Company. Florida portrayed: its sections, climate productions, resources, etc.
with practical hints to intending settlers. London, England: South Publishing Company, 1880.
134 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S726f

S. Sunny Florida: a compendium of information regarding "the state of orange groves". London,
England: South Publishing Company, 18?? 142 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S726s

2 Tabault, George A. Chronicles of Florida. Norfolk, VA: J. W. Barcroft, 1886. 226 p.
Note: Covers topography, crops, wildlife and local information, in particular the St.
Augustine, Tampa and Pensacola regions.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F813 T254c

2. Upham, Samuel C. Notes from sunland, on the Manatee River Gulf coast of south Florida: its
climate soil and productions... Philadelphia, PA: E. Claxton & Co., 1881. 83 p., pl.
Note: Enlarged edition published as: Florida past and present, its climate, soil and
productions (Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1883, 115 p).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books; 975.962 U67n

a U.S. Congress. Perrine grant. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1897. 159 p. (54th
Congress, 2nd sess, Senate rep 1574)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F580 U58c 1897

R Report.....on the memorial of Doctor Henry Perrine.....asking a grant of land in the southern
extremity of east Florida for the encouragement of the growth of new and important
agricultural products, exotic vegetables, and tropical plants. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1838. 142 p. (25th Congress, 2nd sess, House rep 564; 25th Congress, 2nd sess,
Senate rep 300)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F580 U58c 1838

Varn, Kline O. Cuban tobacco in Florida. Fort Meade, FL: 1898.

Varnum, John P. Florida! Its climate, productions and characteristics. Jacksonville, FL:
Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway, 1885. 104 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1982 (DeLand, FL: Saint Johns-Oklawaha Rivers Trading Co.).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6364

I Verdad (pseud.). Florida and Texas. A series of letters comparing the soil climate and productions
of these states setting forth the advantages that east and south Florida offer to emigrants.
Ocala, FL: T. F. Smith, 1866. 39 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F08 F635

Q Volney, Constantin F. C. A view of the climate and soil of the United States of America, to which
are annexed some accounts of Florida ..... Philadelphia, PA: Mercier, 1804. 503 p., illus.
Preservation Note: Microfiche available; Reprint edition available (New York, NY: Hafner
Pub. Co., 1968).
UF Libraries Library West, UNF Libraries; Z1215 .S48 1966 (UF/Microfiche); E164 .V933
1968 (UNF/Reprint)

Wall, John P. Climatological and sanitary report of Florida. Philadelphia, PA: Collins, 1875. n. p.
Florida State Library?;

2 Webb, Wanton S. Historical, industrial and biographical Florida. New York, NY: W. S. Webb and
Co., 1885. 306 p., illus.
Note: Covers climate, soils, land, commodities, tropical fruits, woods, stock raising, etc.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 W368h

2 Webber, Charles H. Description of the citrus groves strawberry fields, vegetable farms, climate
and people of Alachua County, Florida. n. p.: n. p., 1883. n. p.

2 The eden of the south descriptive of orange groves, vegetable farms, strawberry fields.
peach orchards, soil, climate, natural peculiarities and the people of Alachua County

Florida. New York, NY: Leve and Alden, 1883. 132 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 A31w

2 White, J. W. Guide to Florida and her famous resorts containing a brief history of Florida: her
climate, health soil. agricultural products, fruits and phosphates. Jacksonville, FL: DaCosta
Printing and Publishing House, 1890. 112p.
Note: There were several later editions, including 1891, 1892 and 1893
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 W85g3 1893

2 ___ Only one Florida considered from every point of view. Jacksonville, FL: DaCosta Printing
and Publishing House, 1890. 39 p.
Note: See Knapp, J. G. (Same title different book?)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 K67a

Whitner, J. N. Florida gardening manual for 1881. Jacksonville, FL: C. W. DaCosta, 1885. 246 p.
Florida State Library? ;

S Gardening in Florida a treatise on the vegetables and tropical products. Jacksonville, FL:
DaCosta Printing and Publishing House, 1885. 346 p., illus.
Note: This is the second edition.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W616g2

S.__ A manual of gardening in Florida. Fernandina, FL: Florida Mirror, 1881. 73 p.

2 Whitney, John P. Whitney's Florida Pathfinder. New York, NY: Pathfinder Office, 1874. 38 p.
Note: Editions: 1874 (1874-75/38 p.); 1875 (1875-76/80 p.); 1876 (1876-77/64 p.); 1878 (1879/96
p.); 1881 (1880-81/96 p.). Covers geography, soil and productions for different places in the
state for the time period covered by each edition.

2. Whitney, Milton. A preliminary report on the soils of Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1898. 47 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Division of Soils Bulletin 13)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.3: 13

Williams, John L. A view of west Florida, embracing its geography, topography, etc.
Philadelphia, PA: H. S. Tanner, 1827. 178 p., illus.
Note: Information on trees, plants and crops (cotton, rice, corn, sugar, potatoes, tobacco, indigo,
citrus, etc.).
Preservation Note: Reprint published Gainesville, FL: University Presses of Florida, 1976.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F04 W724v 1976 (Spec Coll) &
917.59044 W724 1976 (Lib W)


SAnon. Sanford, the celery city Florida: center of winter gardening in Florida. Sanford, FL: Sanford
Herald, 1909. 24 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S22 5226

SCollins, C. N. The avocado, a salad fruit from the tropics. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1905. 52 p., 8 pl. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 77)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.3: 77

3 Florida National Tobacco Company. Prospectus of Florida National Tobacco Company.
Jacksonville, FL: Florida National Tobacco Company, 1908. 32 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F633.7 F636p

Girardeau, J. H. Pecan industry in Florida. Atlanta, GA: A. B. Caldwell, 1909. n. p.

Hooker, W. A. Observations on insect enemies of tobacco in Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1907. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 67)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 67

Hume, H. Harold. Citrus fruits and their culture. Jacksonville, FL / New York: H. & W. B. Drew /
Judd, 1904. 597 p., illus.
Note: Several editions, e.g.: 1907 (2nd), 1911 (4th), 1915 (6th).
UF Libraries MSL Books; 92 .H921c

j Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Letters to L & N from people who formerly lived
north, about west Florida. Louisville, KY: Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, 1907.
40 p., illus.
Note: Information on agricultural productivity and description of the kudzu vine.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F06 L8881

SMorrill, A. W. Fumigation for the citrus white fly, as adapted to Florida conditions. Washington,
DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, 1908. 73 p., 7 pl., illus. (U.S. Department
of Agriculture Bulletin 76)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 76

-0 Fumigation for the citrus white fly as adapted to Florida conditions. Washingtion, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1908. 73 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 76

2 Orton, W. A. Sea Island cotton: its culture, improvement and diseases. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1907. 48 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 302)
Note: Includes information and recommendations for Georgia and Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 302

2 Rolfs, Peter H. The avacado in Florida: its propagation, cultivation and marketing of the avocado.
Washington, DC: Goverment Printing Office, 1904. 36 p., 4 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 61)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.3: 61

.__ Citrus fruit growing in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1906.
48 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 238)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 238

Pineapple growing. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901. 47 p., illus. (U.S.
Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 140)
Note: Includes work in Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 140

2 Thornton, C. B. Fancy pineapples of Orange County. DeLand, FL: E. O. Painter Printing Co., 1903. n.

2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil conservation Service. Soil survey (...b county). Washington,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1903 1927.
Note: The time period covered by these surveys actually covers 1900-1945, but only a few
surveys were published during this time: Bradford (1913), Duval (1921), Escambia (1906),


Flagler (1918), Fort Lauderdale Area (1915), Franklin (1915), Gadsden (1903), Gainesville Area
(1904), Hernando (1914), Indian River Area (1913), Jacksonville Area (1910), Lake (1923), Leon
(1905), Marianna Area (1909), Ocala Area (1912), Orange (1919), Pinellas (1913), Polk (1927),
Putnam (1914), St. Johns (1917).
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.38:

Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company. Florida vegetables. Jacksonville, FL: Wilson and Toomer
Fertilizer Company, 1909. 84 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W754f 1909


SAmerican Agricultural Chemical Company. Citrus culture, fertilization, grove and soil
management. Jacksonville, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Company, 1918. 64 p., illus.

SBradley Fertilizer Works. Market crops of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Bradley Fertilizer Works,
1919. 98 p., illus.

3 Darrow, George M. Strawberry culture: eastern United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1919. 50 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1028)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1028

3 Strawberry culture: south Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1919. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1026)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1026

SDuggar, John F. Southern field crops. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1911. 579 p., illus.
Note: Revised edition published in 1925 (444 p., illus.).
UF Libraries MSL Books; SB185 .D8 1911; 31.112 D866s2 1925

Fawcett, H. S. Citrus diseases of Florida and Cuba compared with those of California. Berkeley,
CA: Agricultural Experiment Station, 1915. 58 p., illus. (California Agricultural Experiment
Station Bulletin 262)
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 100 C12S

SFlorida Citrus Groves Company. Florida grapefruit and oranges. Chicago, IL: Florida Citrus Groves
Company, 1913. 30 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 F6363f

Florida East Coast Railway. Climatic data of the east coast of Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Land
Department, Florida East Coast Railway, 1912. 32 p., illus.
Note: Compiled from records of the U.S. Weather Bureau reports for 1912.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; 551.5 F636c

2 Gould, H. P. Eig growing in the south Atlantic and Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1919. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1031)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1031

. Grossenbacher, J. G. Experiments on the decay of Florida oranges. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1913. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Circular
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.4: 134


3Groveland Farms Company. Groveland farms, the garden spot of Florida. n.p.: Groveland Farms
Company, 1917. 31 p., illus.
Note: Describes farms in Lake County.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 L19 G:1

I Hedges, Florence, and L. S. Tenny. A knot of citrus tree caused by Sphaeropsis tumefaciens.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912. 74 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 247)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.3: 247

Hollingsworth, Shelby. 35 Years among the trees: or the quintessence of orange culture. Arcadia,
FL: Enterprise, 1914. 31 p.
Florida Southern College/Citrus Archives; 634.31 H741y

2 Mooney, Charles N., W. J. Latimer, Herman Gunter, and Emil Gunter. The Florida freeze of 1894-
1895 and the effect on citrus fruit growing in the Ocala area. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1912. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Soils Survey Advance Sheet)
Note: Other title, Survey of the Ocala, Florida Area.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.38:

SMorrill, A. W., and E. A. Back. Natural control of white flies in Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1913. 78 p., 9 pl., illus. (U. S. Department of Agriculture
Entomology Bulletin 103)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 103

2 White flies injurious to citrus in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1911. 109 p., 10 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 93)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 93

2 Okeechobee Fruit Lands Company. The garden of the glades. Jacksonville, FL: Okeechobee Fruit
Lands Company, 1914. 46 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 G218

2 Orton, W. A. Sea island cotton. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916. 40 p., illus. (U.S.
Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 787)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 787

3 Pensacola Commercial Association. Farm facts and forage crops of Escambia County. Pensacola?,
FL: Pensacola Commerical Association, 1911. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F12 E74 F:1

2. Pinellas Development Company. Sugar cane and the Pinellas Peninsula, Florida. St. Petersburg, FL
?: Pinellas Development Company, 1913. 25 p., illus.

3 Piper, Charles V. The Florida velvet bean and related plants. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1910. 26 p., 7 pl.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 633.363 P665f

,2 Prange, Nettie M. Citrus culture for profit. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 1911. 90 p., pl., illus.
Note: Second edition published in 1913.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 92 P899c

2.. Rolfs, Peter H. Subtropical vegetable-gardening. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1916. 327 p., pl.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.17 R747s


3 Rose, R. E. Soil analysis. Analyses of Florida muck soils. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 191? 24 p., illus.
Note: Extracts from a variety of sources compiled by Rose, the State Chemist.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.42 R795s

Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Fruit and vegetable growing in Manatee County. Florida.
Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1911. 64 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M26sf

3 Sellards, E. H. Classification of the soils of Florida. Tallahasssee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1914. 53 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted from twelfth biennial report of the Florida Department of Agriculture.

Simpson, Charles T. Ornamental gardening in Florida: a treatise on the decorative plants adapted
to Florida and their cultivation. Little River, FL: Charles T. Simpson, 1916. 198 p., pl.
Note: Republished in 1927 (243 p).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635.9 S613o 1916; F635.9 S613o 1927

Spencer, C. Lyman. The sugar situation. Jacksonville, FL: Drew Press, 1918. 89 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 S845s

The Florida Grower. The Florida grower's atlas of Florida. Tampa, FL: The Florida Grower, 1914.
50 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History & MSL Books; F912 S431f (Fla Hist) &
912 .F636f (MSL)

Thomas Advertising Service. Multiplying opportunities (three great money-making crops combined
into one: orange grapefruit and Natal hay on the same land). Leesburg, FL: Buckeye Orange
Growers Corp., 1916. 39 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 T463m

SUnited States Colonization Company. Farm lands in Florida, the land of three crops and
prosperity. Chicago, IL: United States Colonization Company, 1910. n.p.
Note: Describes farm lands in Columbia County.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 C72 U58f

S Waldin, Walter. Truck farming in the Everglades. Chicago, IL: Walter Waldin, 1910. 139 p., illus.
Note: Republished in 1912 (Chicago: E.F. Harman).
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 W163t (Spec Coll) & 635
W163t (MSL)

SWilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company. Florida vegetables, Irish potatoes, melons and cucumbers;
Florida strawberries. Jacksonville, FL: Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company, 1919. 32 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W754f 1919

S Wright, James O. The Everglades of Florida; their adaptability for the growth of sugar cane.
Tallahassee, FL: Appleyard, 1912. 83 p., pl., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 W951e

3 Yothers, W. W. Spraying for the control of insects and mites attacking citrus trees in Florida.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1918. 39 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 933)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 933


SAlachua County News. Alachua County Florida: the hub the f he greatest state of the greatest
nation agricultural, educational and industrial center. Gainesville, FL: McCreary Pub. Co.,
1924. 72 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31a

SAnon. Imperial Polk County: Florida's banner citrus county. Lakeland, FL: Imperial Polk Book,
1921. 61 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P76 134

3 Ballard, W. W., and D. M. Simpson. Behavior of cotton planted at different dates in weevil control
experiments in Texas, South Carolina and Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1925. 43 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1320)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1320

2 Bennett, Hugh H. The soils and agriculture of the southern states. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1921.
399 p., 4 illus., 56 pl., 1 foldout map
UF Libraries MSL Books; 56.112 B471s

SCoville, Frederick V. Directions for blue berry culture. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1921. 24 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 974)
Note: Includes a section on blueberry culture in Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 974

Dietz, Harry F., and James Zetek. The black fly of citrus and other sup-tropical plants.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920. 55 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Department Bulletin 885)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 885

SFellsmere Farms Company. The Fellsmere farms of Florida. n.p.: Fellsmere Farms Company, 1922.
54 p., illus.
Note: Describes farms in Stuart / Indian River County.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 139 F:1

Florida Department of Agriculture. Central Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1929. 82 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 A5ce 1935

2 North and northwest Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929.
141 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F354 A5n 1929 (Lib W), 917.59
F636n 1930? (Lib W), 917.59 F636n 1935 (Lib W), F354 A5n 1935 (Spec Coll)

._ South Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 82 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 A5s 1935

SGadsden County Chamber of Commerce. Gadsden County, the famous tobacco county. Quincy?, FL:
Gadsden County Chamber of Commerce, 1921. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G12 G:1

SGainesville Chamber of Commerce. Gainesville the agricultural center of Florida. Gainesville,
FL: Gainesville Chamber of Commerce, 1929. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 C:4

2 Tung oil. Gainesville, FL: Gainesville Chamber of Commerce, 192? n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 T:1

Hume, H. Harold. The cultivation of citrus fruits. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1926. 561 p., illus.
DPI; SB369 .H95

SLord, E. L. The tung oil tree. Gainesville, FL: Pepper Printing Co., 1924. 48 p., 1 color pl., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F583.9 L866t (Spec Coll) & SB299
.T8 L6 (MSL)

S Mathews, A. L. The tung oil industry in Florida. DeLand, FL: Painter Printing Co., 1929. 48 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F583.9 M429t (Spec Coll) & 75
M429t (MSL)

SMiami Chamber of Commerce. Industrial and agricultural advantages. Miami, FL: Miami Chamber
of Commerce, 1928. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M61 I:1

SMiller, W. T. How to plant citrus trees. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928.

2 Moznette, G. F. The avocado, its insect enemies and how to combat them. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1922. 31 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 1261)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1261

SPittsburgh-Florida Fruit Growers Association. Pittsburgh-Florida orange and grapefruit groves.
Sebring?, FL: Pittsburgh-Florida Fruit Growers Association, 1922. 35 p., illus.
Note: Describes area around Sebring / Highlands County.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H63 P:1

3 Popenoe, Wilson. Manual of tropical and subtropical fruits, excluding the banana, coconut
pineapple, citrus fruits, olive, and fig. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1920. 489 p., 14 pl., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books; 93.4 P826m

SRandall, G. M. Dutch and French bulb culture in Florida also diversified farming. DeLand, FL:
Painter Print. Co., 1926. 96 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F635.9 R188d (Spec Coll) & 96.4
R188d (MSL)

Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Orange grapefruit and vegetable growing in Manatee and
Sarasota Counties, Florida. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1921. 56 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M26 so

S Orange, grapefruit and vegetable growing in the land of Manatee [Couny]. Norfolk, VA:
Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1920. 72 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M26s

SSeminole Plantation Company. Orange and pecan groves i Florida. Harrisburg, PA: J. Horace
McFarland Co., 1922. 47 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 S471o

3 Smith, George D. Studies in the biology of the Mexican cotton boll weevil on Short Staple Upland
Long Staple Upland and Sea Island cottons. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921.
44 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 926)
Note: Study was made at Madison, Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 926

SStockbridge, Frank P., and John H. Perry. Florida in the making. New York, NY: deBower
Publishing Co., 1925. 351 p., pl., illus.
Note: General summary of natural resources, agricultural products and economic potential.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F093 S864f

SStuart, William. Potato production in the south. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1921. 39 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1205)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1205

3 Truskett, E. E. Bunch grapes in Florida. Mount Dora, FL: Unknown, 1927. 47 p.

S Vosbury, E. D. Citrus fruit growing in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1920. 46 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1122)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1122

3 Vosbury, E. D., and J. R. Winston. Pineapple culture in Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1921. 35 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1237)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1237

2 Vosbury, E. D., and T. Ralph Robinson. Culture of citrus fruits in the Gulf states. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1923. 42 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 1343)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1343

Walker, Marvin H. The story of the Mediterranean fruit fly. Tampa, FL: Florida Grower, 1929. 40
p., pl., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F632.7 W182s

3 West Florida Publicity Association. West Florida, rich in agricultural resources, rie for industrial
development, the delight of sportsman and tourist, an ideal all the year climate. Pensacola,
FL: West Florida Publicity Association, 1924. n.p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 W5221

3 Wheeler, Homer J. Citrus culture in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Co.,
1923. 154 p., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 W563c (Spec Coll) & 92 W563c

3 Wilder, Mrs C. M. Agricultural resources of Florida. DeLand, FL: E. O. Painter Printing Co., 1926. n.
Note: Supplement to Florida Department of Agriculture Bulletin 1 (v. 5).

3 Wilson, Mrs Millar, and Mrs. John A. Ferguson. In Florida gardens. Harrisburg, PA: Mount Pleasant
Press, 1924. 194 p., illus.

Young, Robert A. The dasheen: a southern root crop for home use and market. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1924. 35 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 1396)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1396


SAdderley, Joseph C. American tung tree: propagation and production. Pensacola, FL: American
Tung-Oil Institute, 1936. 33 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F583.9 A323a

SBall, E. D. et al. Biological and ecological factors in the control of the celery leaf tier in Florida.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1935. 56 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Technical Bulletin 463)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.36: 463

2 Bitting, Clarence R. Sugar notes. New York, NY: B. N. Tyrrel/United States Sugar Corporation,
1937. 4 v., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 B624s

3 Cook, O. F., and C. B. Doyle. Sea Island and Meade cotton in the southeastern states. Washington,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1937. 20 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department
Circular 414)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 414

S Davis, Thomas F. Early orange culture and epochal cold of 1835. n.p.: n.p., 1936. var. pp. (1 v.)
Note: Republished in 1941 refer to, A Narrative History of the Orange in the Floridian
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 D264e

3. Dean, Nina O. Golden harvest the romance of Florida citrus. Ocala, FL: Florida State
Horticultural Society, 1937. 30 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 .D282g

2 Dunn, Elias B. Florida weather and climate. Coral Gables, FL: Unknown, 1934. 41 p.

4 Florida Chemurgic Conference. Condensed proceedings. Gainesville?, FL: Florida Chemurgic
Conference, 1937. 105 p., pl., illus.
Note: Serial or was this the only year the conference was held? Proceedings of conference
held at Gainesville, FL on 20 February 1937.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630.6 F637c

3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division. Enforcement of arsenical spray law, 1931-
1932. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1933. 55 p., illus.

2. Florida Department of Agriculture. Citrus Inspection Bureau. Citrus fruit laws. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1939. 153 p.
Note: Reprinted in 1941.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 614.31 F636c 1939, 1941

SFlorida State Plant Board. Cooperative extension, mission and accomplishments. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 64 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

2 Protection: vital to continued success of Florida's agricultural industries. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 31 p.
Note: Reprinted in 1938.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 632 F636p

3 Research. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 76 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

2 Summary: Mediterranean fruit fly eradication. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant
Board, 193? 28 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

3 Galloway, B. T. Bamboo: their culture and use in the United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1935. 44 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1329)
Note: Includes experiments conducted at Brooksville.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1329

Gardner, Henry A. Questions ad answers on ung oil production in America. Washington, DC:
American Tung Oil Corp., 1930. 60 p., illus.
Note: 3rd. ed.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 75 .G227q3

Gifford, John C. The tropical subsistence homestead. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1934.
158 p.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F631 G458t (Spec Coll) & 038 G458t

2 Hoagland, Dennis R., and D. I. Arnon. Growing plants without soil by the water-culture method.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 39 p., illus.
Note: Reprint of C.R.E.A. News Letter 17.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 581.138 H678g

3 Longfield-Smith, L., and W. Y. Cary. The determination of juiciness in grapefruit. The effect of
freezing on oranges. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.3 F6d

SNehrling, Henry. The plant world in Florida. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1933. 304 p., pl.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F580 N396p (Spec Coil) & 582
N396p (MSL)

L Polhamus, Loren G. The rubber content of two species of Cryplostegia and of an interspecific hybrid
in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1934. n. p. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Technical Bulletin 457.)
UF Libraries MSL Books & Federal Documents; 583.73 P765r; A1.36: 457

3 Rhodes, Neill. Florida citrus fruit marketing: its volume, distribution and sale. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida Department of Agriculture, 1933. 79 p., illus.
Note: Reprinted in 1934.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F354 .M3c 1933 (Spec Coll) & 631.18
F6f 1934 (MSL)

S Rolfs, Peter H. Founders and foundations of Florida horticulture. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State
Horticultural Society, 1935. 150 p., pl.

UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; 630.9 R747f (Spec Coll) & 630.9759
R747f (MSL)

SSouthern Chemurgic Conference. Condensed proceedings. Dearborn, MI: Farm Chemurgic Council,
1936. 186 p., illus.
Note: Serial?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F583.9 S727c

< Spencer, A. P. Vegetable crops of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
0 1930. 56 p., illus. (Florida Department of Agriculture Bulletin 50)

2. Tolkwsky, Samuel. Hesperides: a history of the culture and use of citrus fruits. London, England:
Bale Sons, 1938. 371 p., 113 pl., illus.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 T649h (Spec Coil) & 92 .T650h

STrue, Alfred C. A history of agricultural experimentation and research in the United States 1607-
1925. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1937. 321 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Miscellaneous Publications 251)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Books; A1.38: 251 & 630.7 T866hi

United States Sugar Corporation. Sugar and the Everglades. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar
Corporation, 1939. 55 p., illus.
Note: Revised and enlarged editions in 1941 (New York: Tyrrel) and 1944 (Clewiston: US Sugar
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58s 1939; F338.1 U58s 1941;
125.229 U58e 1944 (MSL)

2 U.S. Congress. Mediterranean fruit fly. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1930. 1,483
p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F632.7 U58m

2 U.S. Congress, and U.S. Mediterranean Fruitfly Board. Losses sustained by growers and farmers in
Florida as a result of the campaign to eradicate the Mediterranean fruitfly. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1939. 146 p., illus. (76th Congress, 1st sess, House doc 290)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F632.7 U59f

SVolusia Board of County Commissioners. Agriculture in Volusia County. n.p.: Volusia Board of
County Commissioners, 1936. 47 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 V94 A278

2 Workers of the Writers Program (of the Works Projects Administration). Growing Sea Island cotton
under Florida conditions. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 53 p.,
UF Libraries MSL Books; 633.51 U58g


Davis, Thomas F. A narrative history of the orange in the Floridian peninsula. Jacksonville, FL:
n.p., 1941. 39 p.
Note: Previously published in 1936 refer to, Early Orange Culture and Epochal Cold of 1835.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 D264n


Florida Citrus Commission. Florida freeze of January, 1940: a special temperature report covering
the abnormally cold period in peninsular Florida from January 17, 1940 to February 1, 1940.
Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1941. 81 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 632.112 F636f

2 Florida Southern College. Marshaling Florida's resources. Lakeland, FL: Florida Southern College
Press, 1945. 96 p.
Note: Proceedings of a planning conference held at Florida Southern College on 25-26 October
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338 F636m

2 Harding, Paul L., and D. F. Fisher. Seasonal changes in Florida grapefruit. Washington, DC: U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture, 1945. 100 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.36: 886

Perkins Development Company. Walnut Hill farms, Walnut Hill, Escambia County, Florida.
Pensacola?, FL: Perkins Development Company, 1941. 31 p., illus.

3 Stevens, H. E., and R. B. Piper. Avocado diseases in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture, 1941. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 582)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 582

3 Sturrock, David. Notes on the mango. Stuart, FL: Stuart Daily News, 1944. 127 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 93.45 S936n

Tropical fruits for southern Florida and Cuba and their uses. Jamaica Plain, MA: Arnold
Arboretum, Harvard University, 1940. 131 p.
Note: Rewritten and published in 1959 as, Fruits for southern Florida.
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 S936t (Spec Coll) & 93.4 S936t

3 Traub, Hamilton P. Avocado production in the United States. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1941. 28 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 620)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F634 T777 (Spec Coll)
& A1.14/2: 620 (MSL)

Papaya production in the United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
3 1942. 36 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 633)
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F634 T777p (Spec Coll)
& A1.14/2: 633 (MSL)

3 United States Sugar Corporation. Everglades sugar institute. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar
Corporation, 1940. 36 p., illus.
Note: Consists of lesson sheets and discussion summaries.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F551.4 U59e

S U.S. Works Projects Administration. Florida. Rehabilitation of the Sea Island cotton industry in
Florida. Jacksonville, FL: U.S. Works Projects Administration, 1941. 270 p., illus.
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F633.5 U58r

SWebber, Herbert J., and Leon D. Batchelor. The citrus industry: Volume 1. History botany and
breeding; Volume 2. Production of the crop. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1943. 1,028
p., illus.
Note: Revised and enlarged (5 Vols.) in 1967.
FSU, DPI, UF; 634.3 Webber 1943 (FSU), SB369.W43 1943 (DPI), SB369.C491 1948 (UF),
SB369.C492 1967 (UF)

3 Workers of the Writers Program (of the Works Projects Administration). Broomcorn growing.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 29 p.

2 Tropical fruits in Florida with commercial possibilities. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1941. 43 p., illus.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634 W956t


Agricultural and Immigration Association. Florida soil, climate and productions. New York, NY:
Bradstreet Press, 1868. 23 p.

2 American Tung Oil Company. Tung oil: a necessity which grows luxuriantly in Florida and the Gulf
region. Gainesville, FL: American Tung Oil Company, 1927. 18 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F583.9 T926

SAnon. Climatic data of the east coast of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: H. & W. B. Drew, 1898. 13 p.

Description of the climate soil and products of Suwanee County Florida. Savannah, GA:
Geo. N. Nichols Printer, 1871. 8 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 S96 D449

S Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company. Sugar lands.....chartered by
special act of the Legislature of Florida. Philadelphia, PA: Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and
Okeechobee Land Company, 1881. 20 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 A881s

Bailey, Liberty H. Florida plant immigrants. Coconut Grove, FL: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 1940.
8 p., illus. (Fairchild Tropical Garden Occasional Paper 7)
Note: Similar item published in 1938.
UF Libraries MSL Books; SB108 .U6 F61 1938; QK495 .P17 B341 1940

3 Barger, W. R., and Lon A. Hawkins. Coloring citrus fruits in Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1926. 20 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1367)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1367

S Berger, E. W. State nursery stock inspection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock,
1914. 4 p.

Blackman, William F. Sugar and cane syru in Florida. n.p.: n.p., 1921. 9 p.
Note: Cover title, The development of the sugar and cane industry in Florida.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338.1 B629s

SBolles, William E. Commercial banana growing. Oldsmar, FL: Florida Banana Growers
Association, 1924. 4 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634.7 B691c

SBurgman, Charles F. Port Orange Florida: a place for health and home seekers" its past history
present condition, future prospects, agricultural resources and climatic conditions. Seabreeze,
FL: Peninsula Publishing Co., 1907. 20 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 V94 B956p

2 Burton, R. P. Citrus fruits in Florida. Wauchula, FL: Wauchula Development Co., 1913. 16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 B974c

SChittenden, F. H., and H. H. Russell. The Florida fern caterpillar. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1913. 11 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 125)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 125

SClayton, B. S. Subsistence of peat soils in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1936. 15 p., pl., illus.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F553.21 C622s

SCorey, Merton L. Florida's opportunity. n.p.: n.p., 1932. 16 p.
Note: Includes a section on the Florida citrus industry.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 C797f

SDavis, Thomas F. History of the orange in Florida 1575 to 1900. n.p.: n.p., 1937. 16 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630.5 D264h

SDrake, Samuel A. Florida its history conditions and resources. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co.,
1878. 15 p., 1 illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 D763f

SFairchild, David. Reasons for a large general plant introduction garden in southern Florida.
Orlando, FL: Florida State Horticultural Society, 1934. 5 p.
Note: A paper read before the Florida State Horticultural Society at Orlando, FL on 2 May

SFairchild, David, and Edward Simmonds. The grafted papaya as an annual fruit tree.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 13 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Plant Industry Circular 119)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.4: 119

Federal Writers Project of Florida. The history of citrus in Florida. Tallahassee?, FL: Works
Progress Administration, 1940. 11 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 W956h

2 Ferran, H. Ray. Early Florida citrus fruits in northern markets. Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture, 1934. 20 p.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F372e

j Florida Farms and Industries. Florida, the land of sunshine and perpetual farming. Green Cove
Springs, FL: Florida Farms and Industries, 1921. 4 p., illus.
Note: Supplement to Clay County Times, v. 24 (16), 15 April 1921
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 C61 F637f

2 Florida Muck Farms, Inc. America's everproducing soil. Miami, FL: Hollywood Press, 1926. 22 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F636

Florida State Plant Board. Citrus plantings in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant
Board, 1932. 4 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

3. List of certified Florida nurseries and dealers authorized to sell nursery stock. Tallahassee,
FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1940. 23 p.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

3 Fulton, Harry Rascoe, and John J. Bowman. Effect of spraying with fungicides on the keeping
quality of Florida citrus fruits. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1927. 14 p., illus.
(U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 409)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 409

2 Gano, W. Florida: the healthiest state in the union orange park near Jacksonville. Jacksonville,
FL: Sun Job, 1877. 21 p.
Note: Covers orange culture, strawberries, other crops, and information on water.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F04 G198f

3 Graf, J. E., and B. L. Boyden. Eradication of the sweet-potato weevil in Florida a report of progress.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 13 p., 2 illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Circular 201)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 201

SGray, Richard W., Grady Norton, and U.S. Weather Bureau. Florida hurricanes. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1936. 3 p., 1 pl., illus
UF Libraries MSL Books; 551.55 U58f

SGriffing Brothers Company. About Redlands co-operative grove plantings. Miami?, FL: Griffing
Brothers Company, 1912. 17 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 D12 G:I

SGulf Ridge Groves, Inc. Growing oranges where the sun shines. Lakeland, FL: Gulf Ridge Groves,
Inc., 1921. 15 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 L21 G:1

3 Hillsborough County Chamber of Commerce. Plant City, world's largest winter strawberry market.
Plant City?, FL: Hillsborough County Chamber of Commerce, 1935. 10 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H65 P:1

SHowey (W.J.) Company. The story of Howey-in-the-Hills, world's largest citrus development.
Howey-in-the-Hills, FL: Howey Company, 1937. 16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 L19 H859s

SHyatt, H. S. Facts about the Gulf Coast districts of southern Mississippi, southern Alabama and
western Florida. Louisville, KY: Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 1903. 19 p.
Note: Covers livestock, crops, and agriculture.

3 Kyle, C. H. Growing corn in the southeastern states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1920. 19 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1149)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1149

Malabar Sugar Company. Florida sugar lands. New York, NY: Malabar Sugar Company, 1924. 4 p.,
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338.1 M236f

Marks, M. R. The advantages and resources of Orange County, Florida. Home of the orange and
center of semi-tropical fruit culture in America. Orlando, FL: Orange County Reporter, 1880. 16
p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 063 M346a

3 Marlatt, C. L. The mango weevil: danger from mango weevil in Florida. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1911. 3 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.4: 141

SMason, Arthur C. Biology of the papaya fruit fly, Toxotrypana curvicauda, in Florida.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1922. 10 p., 2 pl. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Bulletin 1081)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1081

SMatthews, J. O. A new enterprise! The Florida orange grove company. n.p.: Sun Printing Office,
1876. 8 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M34 M439n

L McMurran, S. M. The anthracnose of the mango in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture, 1914. 15 p., 4 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 52)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 52

SMolina. Escambia County. Florida. A manufacturing town in the midst of a rich agricultural section
of western Florida in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Pensacola?, FL: City of Molina?,
1925. 4 p.

3 Morgan, A. C., and F. S. Chamberlin. The tobacco budworm and its control in the Georgia and
Florida tobacco growing region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1927. 10 p., illus.
(U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1531 / Bulletin 819 Revised)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1531

SMoznette, G. F. Insects injurious to the mango in Florida and how to combat them. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1922. 23 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers
Bulletin 1257)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1257

SOrlando Chamber of Commerce. Pertinent facts about Orlando, Florida: geographical location,
agricultural wealth transportation, etc. Orlando, FL: Orlando Chamber of Commerce, 1943. 14
p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 071cc

1 Perrine, Henry E. Biscayne Bay, Dade County. Florida, between 35th and 36th degree of latitude.
Albany, NY: Weed Parsons and Co., 1876. 18 p.
Note: Covers the regions climate, soils and products.

SPleas, C. E. All about kudzu, greatest feed and greatest need of the south today ..... St. Augustine,
FL: Record Co., 1913. 15 p., illus.

.2 Porter, Charles N. How to have an orange grove in Florida, facts and figures about orange culture.
n.p.: Banner Lacon Print., 1882. 13 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 P844h

SRaley-Hamby Company. Florida farms at Lawtey Florida.....the home of the early strawberry
and pecan. Jacksonville, FL: Raley-Hamby Company, 1910. 16 p., illus.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 B79L

SRobinson, Brittain B. Ramie fibre productions. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
1941. 15 p.

3 Rolfs, Peter H. Culture, fertilization and frost protection f citrus groves in the Gulf states.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of
Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 542)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 542

3 Propagation of citrus trees in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1913. 16 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 539)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 539

3 Sites, soils and varieties for citrus groves in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1913. 15 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 538)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 538

3 Rose, R. E. Fake fertilizers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1925. 4 p.

When is an orange mature and wholesome. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture, 1914. 17 p.
Note: Address at the Association of American Food, Drug and Dairy Officials.

SRose, R. E., and M. E. Jaffa. The artificial coloring of immature citrus fruit. The artificial ripening
of oranges, and the propaganda of reform. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture,
1915. 12 p.
Note: Papers read before at the Association of American Dairy and Food Officials.

3 Sherman, Wells A., Dexter Gail Jr, and Faith L. Yeaw. Cantaloupe marketing in the larger cities
with carloads supply. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 20 p., illus. (U.S.
Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 315)
Note: Includes data from Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 315

Smith, Erwin F., and R. E. B. McKenney. A dangerous tobacco disease appears in the United States.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 6 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Circular 174)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 174

3 The present status of the tobacco blue-mold (peronospora) disease in the Georgia-Florida
district. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Circular 181)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 181

Suggestions to growers for treatment of tobacco blue-mold disease in the Georgia-Florida
district. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Department Circular 176)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 176

SSmith, Eugene A. A general description of the climate, and of the geological topographical, and
agricultural features of the cotton-producing states. Washington, DC: Government Printing

Office, 1884. 21 p., 2 foldout maps
Note: Extracted from U.S. Entomological Commission's fourth report.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.5 S646g

3 Speare, A. T. Natural control of the citrus mealybug in Florida. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1922. 19 p., 1 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 1117)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1117

SStevens, H. E. Market diseases of strawberries from the southeastern states 1926-1930.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture
Circular 319)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 319

SStickney, L. D. Florida soil, climate and productions. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1862. 7 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Report 1862)
Note: Article from a USDA report.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S954f

SStockberger, W. W. Genseng culture. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 11
p., illus.
Note: Reprint of USDA Farmers Bulletin 1134.

SStout, H. R. The climate of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: H. R. Stout, 1895. 10 p.

3 Tampa Board of Trade. Farming, a profitable year-around business in Hillsborough County the
Tampa district of Florida. Tampa?, FL: Tampa Board of Trade, 1926. 19 p., illus
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H65 T

U.S. Congress. Report.....on encouragement of the cultivation of tropical plants in Florida.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1846. 7 p. (29th Congress, 1st sess, Senate rep 94)
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F580 U58p

SWall, John P. The climate and diseases of the gulf coast of the Florida peninsula ..... Charleston,
SC: H. P. Cooke, 1874. 16 p.

L Wellman, F. L. Control of southern celery mosaic in Florida by removing weeds that serve as sources
of mosaic infection. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1937. 16 p., illus. (U.S.
Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 548)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.36: 548

2 West Florida Development and Investment Company. What can be done in Florida, the wonder
state, and in west Florida, "the new empire", its most substantial section, agriculturally,
horticulturally, industrially. Pensacola, FL: West Florida Development and Investment
Company, 192? 12 p.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F06 W522w

3 Whitney, Milton. Tobacco soils. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1898. 23 p., illus.
(U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 83)
Note: Includes information on Florida.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 83

3 Yothers, W. W. Some reasons for spraying to control insects and mite enemies of citrus trees in
Florida details, cost and results of tree spraying. Washington, DC: Government Printing

Office, 1918. 19 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 645)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 645

3 Spraying for white flies in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 8
p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular 168)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.4: 168

3 -- The woolly white fly in Florida citrus groves. Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1919. 14 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1011)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1011

3 Young, Robert A. Cultivation of the true yams in the Gulf region. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1923. 15 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1167)
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1167


Arboleda, R. J. Vincente. A study of the value of starter solutions for transplanting certain
vegetable seedlings. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1944. 27 p. (M.S. Thesis in
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

2 Batista y Cuba, Juan W. The effect of mulch and chemical treatments on microbiological action in
soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 44 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Bedsole, Malcolm R. The effect of time of turning and method of supplementing green manures on
the yield of succeeding crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 38 p., illus. (M.S.
Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Benson, Nels. The leaching of nitrogen from certain Florida soils after the application of nitrogen
fertilizers. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 26 p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Z Blackmon, G. H. Pecan growing in Florida and conditions suitable to maximum production.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 90 p., illus. (M. S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

14 Borda, Eugene. Ammonia toxicity in the fertilization of shade tobacco. Gainesville, FL: University
of Florida, 1940. 22 p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

A Brinkley, Harry J. A study f the effect of the length of the daily light period upon certain growth
reactions of the plant and upon the composition of the tubers of the Irish Potato (Solanum
tuberosum). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 28 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Brooks, Richard L. A comparison of citrus fruit grown on various rootstocks. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1934. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SBurgis, Donald S. An investigation of some uncultivated native shrubs to determine methods of
propagation and culture which may adapt them for landscape and garden use in Florida.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. n. p. (M. S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Caldwell, Robert E. A spectrographic study of certain Everglades soils with special reference to
the growth of sugar cane. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 54 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis
in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

q Camp, John P. The effect of copper sulfate and potassium aresenate on the accumulation of nitrates
and ammonia in some Florida soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 23 p., illus.
(M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SClayton, H. G. A study of some varieties of Tapanese cane with special reference to the
development of the sugar content, in connection with their use as a Florida silage crop.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1916. 48 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agronomy)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Coleman, John M. The effect of fertilizers and soil types on the mineral content of plants.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SCooke, Alfred F. The growing of Easter lily bulbs under Florida conditions. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1927. 90 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SCrevasse, Joseph M. A study of various ground covers in Florida gardens. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1941. 113 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

- Dean, Arnold W. A search for hafnium in Florida minerals. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida,
1930. 31 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SDeonier, Marshall T. Identification of the leading citrus rootstocks by microscopical and chemical
examination. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 41 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Dukes, Hugh. The textural and color characteristics of some important red and yellow soils of the
middle coastal plain of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p., illus. (M. S.
Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Dunscombe, Aubrey E. The root system of the tuhng oil tree with further observations on its growth
and fruiting habits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 64 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SDupont, Louis E. On hastening the natural coloration of citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1926. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.

3 Dyal, Robert S. The rate of decomposition of organic matter in soils of different degrees of acidity.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Edsall, Robert S. The relation between growth and yield of grapefruit trees as affected by season
and nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 21 p., illus.
(M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SFawcett, H. S. Fungi parasitic upon Aleyrodes citri. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1908.
41 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 (or 92.1 F278f)

SFloyd, W. L. The plum Curculio conotrachelus nenuphar, Herbst. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1906. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.

Garrett, Harold T. Studies in the propagation of the tung tree. Aleurites fordi. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Gonzalez Rios, Policarpo. Studies on the histology and cause of storage pitting of citrus fruits.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 84 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SGuzman, Victor L. A study of the growth characteristics of plants grown in sand cultures deficient in
some minor nutrient elements. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 48 p., illus. (M.S.
Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHammar, Harald E. Some chemical and physical properties of the Florida Everglades soils.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 53 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)

Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHenderson, Joseph R. The effect of soil reaction on the assimilation of certain primary nutrients hy
various plants. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 30 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Hester, Jackson B. The effect of limestone on decreasing the crop yield on the Norfolk andy soils of
the coastal plains. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

j Hill, Maoma F. The nutritive range of opper in some typical Florida soils. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1933. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Hiner, Lovell D. Mint oils in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 94 p., illus.
(M.S. Thesis in Pharmacognosy)
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Archives;

Hubbard, Donald. Causes of the failure of the cement pipe used in sub-irrigation. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1924. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHuff, Otis P. A study of essential oils occurring in the different organs and products of the citrus
group in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1917. 35 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SHundertmark, Burton W. The relation of nitrogen sources to otato production in the Hastings area.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. 22 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Hunter, Patrick T. Studies of the variations in the growth and fruiting habits of certain pepper
varieties. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 36 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780

3 Jones, H. W. Some transformations of urea and their resultant effects on the soil. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1931. 53 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SKime, Charles D. A study of the cobaltinitrite turbidimetric method for determining exchangeable
potassium in soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1940. 44 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Laird, Addison S. A study of the root systems of some important sod-farmin grasses. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1927. 30 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agronomy)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Lauphit, Tse. The sub-tropical fruits, other than itrus, and their culture in Florida. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1919. 67 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SLemon, James M. Analytical studies of sugar cane grow in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1925. 27 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SMerrin, George A. The effects of oil sprays on the transpiration of citrus. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1929. 135 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SMiles, Ivan E. The effect of varying amounts of nitrogen and potassium on the yield and quali of
potatoes. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 30 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SMotts, George N. Some observations of the growth and fruiting habits of the ting oil tree.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 74 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Neff, Sam F. Physiological effects of growth promoting substances on Rhizobium meliloti
Dangeard. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 54 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SNettles, Victor F. A study of the effects of several methods of applying fertilizer on certain
S vegetable crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 50 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

t Pavageau, Moacyr. Studies on the physico-chemical characteristics of some Florida soils.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 40 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SPeterson, Earle B. The spectrographic determination of exchangeable potassium in soils.
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 23 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SPurvis, Ernest R. A chemical study of colloidal phosphate. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida,
1929. 36 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)

Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

2 Richardson, Linton A. A study of certain properties of the hardpan soils in Florida. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1929. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Schrader, Otto L. Study of some factors influencing the yield of Fordhook lima beans. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1942. 56 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

Sciutti, Walter J. Chemical analysis and physical tests of some Florida clays. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1929. 48 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Selem Ramirez, Rodolfo. Relation of pollination to seed formation and fruit setting in citrus
varieties. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1945. 42 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SSikes, Robert F. Studies dealing with the nitrogen fertilization of potatoes. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1929. 70 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SSims, Guilford T. Calcium cyanamide as a source of nitrogen for citrus on Florida soils. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1942. 51 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SStuhr, Ernst T. Medicinal plants of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. n. p., 3
vol. (M.S. Thesis in Pharmacognosy)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; 615.32 S933m

3 Sturrock, Thomas T. A study of the identification of mango varieties in Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida, 1943. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

h West, Erdman. Some histological studies in scaly bark of citrus. Gainesville, FL: University of
Florida, 1931. 25 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Botany)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SWhitehead, Thomas. The effect of substituted cations in the soil complex on the decomposition of
organic matter. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Willson, George C. Comparison of phosphate carriers for establishment and maintenance of clover-
grass pastures. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1940. 32 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

W Wilmot, R. J. The effect of hydrocyanic acid gas fumigation on the subsequent growth f pecan
nursery stock. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 35 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

SWinters, R. Y. Experiments with regard to the pollination of the Florida velvet bean. Gainesville,
FL: University of Florida, 1909. 38 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agronomy)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

3 Wooten, Robert B. The effect of soil type on the nitrification of dried blood and ammonium
sulphate. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780

U Young, Thomas W. A study of the comparative physical effects of quick and slow freezing of certain
plant tissues. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 46 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture)
Preservation Note: Typescript.
UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


SAgricultural field notes. n.p.: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Agricultural Department, n.d.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 A881f

SThe alliance farmer. Selman, FL: 1890 1891. v. 1 2

2 American farming and farm implements. St Petersburg, FL: 1909 -. v. 1 -

2 American tung oil. Pensacola, FL: Tung Oil Association of America, 1934 1937. v. 1 4
Note: Publication history American Tung Oil News (1934-1935); American Tung Oil (1936-
1937); merged with Southern Conservationist in 1938.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F 665.3 A512

2 American tng oil news.
Note: Refer to the title, American tung oil.

3 Announcements and bulletin. DeFuniak Springs, FL: Thomas Agricultural and Industrial Institute,
1913 1928. v. 1 ?

Annual digest. Orlando, FL: Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association, 1947 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F 635 F636d

3 Annual fruit and vegetable report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing
Bureau, 1925/26 -. 1st-
Note: Title varies.

Preservation Note: Mimeographed.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F648p

C Annual report. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
SAgricultural Extension Service, 1915 -. 1st -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636a

Jti: Annual report. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Agricultural Experiment Station, 1889 -. 1st -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 100 F636a

gT Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1908 1933. 1st 23/24th
0Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office.
UF Libraries MSL Books; QE99 .A2

Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books; F354 C52r (Spec Coll) & 338.1743
F636r (MSL)

Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, 1913 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL Books; QH322 F67 F6

Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division, 1890 -. 1st

Note: Annual (1890-1900, 1907+); biennial (1901/02-1905/06)
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F644r

Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Citrus Inspection Bureau, 1930
-. 1st-
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F646a

Annual report. Tampa, FL: Florida Citrus Exchange, 1926/27 -. 1st ? -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; FA C581 (Spec Coil) & 631.18 F63a

Annual report. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Production Credit Association, 1942 -. 1st -
Note: Also published a mid-year report.

Z, Annual report. Clewiston?, FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1932 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58r

Annual reports of extension service field representatives: Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. General
Services Administration, 1909-1944.
Preservation Note: Microfilmed (by National Archives Microfilm Publications / 101A-102T).
UF Libraries Government Documents; GS 1.1:

The beekeepers item and dixie beekeeper. Gainesville, FL: Florida State Beekeepers Association,
1916-. v. 1 -

t-O. Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1933 -. 1 st -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office.
UF Libraries MSL Books; QE99 .A21

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District,
1925/26 1927/28. 1st 2nd?

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1889/90 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636a

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Division of Oil Inspection,
1921/22 1923/24. 17th 18th
Note: These are the only two reports published; they are numbered to coincide with the
numbering of the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports.

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1911/12 -
1932/34. 12th- 23rd
Note: These are the only reports published; they are numbered to coincide with the numbering
of the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports.

2 Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Land Division, 1911/12 -.
12th -
Note: Reports are numbered to correspond with the numbering on the Department of Agriculture
Biennial Reports.

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1917/19 -.
1st -
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F648b

2 Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Prison Division, 1911/12.
Note: This is the only report published; it is numbered to coincide with the numbering of the
Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports.

2 Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Shell Fish Division, 1913/14
1931/32. 1st- 10th

SBiennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1928/30 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636w

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1933/34 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 333 F636b

Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915/16 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F641a

S Biennial report. Gainesville, FL: Florida State Soil Conservation Board, 1943/44 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F354 S6r (Spec Coll) & 631.4506
F636b (MSL)

Biscayne Bay (Agricultural). Cutler, FL: 1896 1903. V. 1 ?

SBulletin. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
0^ Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888 -. No. 1 -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 100 F636b

Bulletin. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
SAgricultural Extension Service, 1915 -. No. 1 -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636b

S Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1908 -. no. 1 -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office.
UF Libraries MSL Books; QE99 .A3

SBulletin. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1935 -. no. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 338.1743 F636b

Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928 -. no. 1 -
Note: Published irregularly; numbering is erratic and several titles have the same number.
Previously published as Monthly Bulletin, then Quarterly Bulletin. Refer to Florida
Department of Agriculture Quarterly Bulletin.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636b

Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929 -. no. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b

Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1932. v. 1 16
Note: Quarterly (v. 1-11#3); monthly (v.11#4-16)
UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F641b

3 Bulletin. Deland, FL: Florida Rose Society, 1932 -. no. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 96.9 F636b

SBulletin. Orlando, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1942 1949. v. 1 8
Note: Continued as Florida Agriculture (1950 -).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FA F233

Canners bulletin. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. no. 1 -
Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

2 Catalogue. Lake City, FL: Florida Agricultural College, 1884/85 1904/05.
Note: This school was incorporated into the University of Florida in 1905/06.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F378 FH

SCircular. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
O Agricultural Extension Service, 1917 -. No. 1 -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636c

Circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock, 1911 1914. no. 1 8
Note: Issued irregularly.

2 Circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915 1917. no. 1 68
Note: Issued irregularly.

3 Circulars. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1939? 1944. no. 1 5

j ; Circlar. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1912? 1924. no. 1 9
Note: Most not seen by Lloyd and not at MSL.

2 Citrus.
Note: Refer to the title, Citrus and vegetable magazine.

2 Citrus and vegetable magazine. Tampa, FL: Kyle Pub Co, 1960 -. v. 23 -
Note: Publication history Citrus (Tampa, FL), 1938-1941, v. 1-3; Citrus magazine (Tampa,
FL), 1942-1960, v. 4-22. ISSN 0009-7586.
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; SB369 .C571

Citrus bulletin. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. no. 1-2
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

S Citrus fruit law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Inspection Bureau, 1925? -.

SCitrus grower. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Growers, 1938 1942. v. 1 4
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; SB369 .C576

SThe citrus industry. Bartow, FL: Citrus Industry, 1920 -. v. 1 -
Note: Continued as Citrus Industry Magazine (Oct 1972 -). ISSN 0009-7594.
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; F634 C5813 (Spec Coll) &
SB369 .C572 (MSL)

Citrus magazine.
Note: Refer to the title, Citrus and vegetable magazine.

SClimatological data, Florida. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Commerce. Weather Bureau,
1909-. v. 13-
UF Libraries MSL Reference; QC983 .A5

3 Commercial feed law rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Inspection Bureau, 1939? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645f

SCommercial feeding stuffs law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1927? -.

3 Commerical fertilizer law rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1931? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645e

3 Consumption of fertilizer materials by counties of Florida for month of ... Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1938 -. v. 1 -
Note: Published monthly.

SConsumption of gasoline, kerosene and signal oil by counties. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department
of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1929? -. v. 1 -
Note: Published monthly. Title varies slightly.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

3 Consumption of mixed fertilizers by counties of Florida for month of ... Tallahassee, FL: Florida
Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1938 -. v. 1 -
Note: Published monthly.

2 Datil pepper (agricultural). Evaville, FL: 1898 1903. v. 1 ?

Dauntless. Lakeland, FL: 1904 -. v. 1 -

Divisional bulletin I. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Defense Council. Division of Agriculture, 1941
-. no. 1 -
Note: Issued irregularly.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

SDivisional bulletin IV. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Defense Council. Division of Food, 1941 -.
no. 1-
Note: Issued irregularly.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed?

Egg classification lawi rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Inspection Bureau, 1930? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645g

1 The Everglades magazine. Chicago, IL: n.p., 1910 -. v. 1 -
Note: Same as title, Florida Everglades review?

2 Express shippers bulletin. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. no. 1 -
Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

SFacts and figures: an authoritative food trade magazine. Jacksonville, FL: National American
Wholesale Grocers Association, 1915 1935. v. 1 21
Note: Started as an association bulletin.

2 Farm review and settler's guide. Laurel Hill, FL: 1898 1899. v. 1

SFarmer and fruit grower.
Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower.

Farmer and fruit grower and semi-weekly Times-Union.
Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower.

. Farmer and miners journal. Cordeal, FL: 1898 1902. v. 1 4

. Farmer and stockman.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer.

2 Farmer and trucker. Hastings, FL: 1904. v. 1

S The farmer's alliance.
Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower.

Farmers' Institute Bulletin. Lake City, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences. Agricultural College and Experiment Station, 1903-1914. No. 1-4:
Note: No. 1 (1903), 2 (1904), 3 (1910), 4 (1914)
UF Libraries MSL Books (#2) and Archives (#1-2); 630.715.F636f

2. Florida agriculture. Gainesville, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1942 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; FA F233 (Spec Coll) & S1
.F561 (MSL)

Florida agriculture. Yearbook issue. Winter Park, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1945 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Spec Coil/Florida History & MSL Books; FA F233y (Spec Coil) & 31.19 F635y

SThe Florida agriculturist. Jacksonville, FL / Deland, FL: E. O. Painter & Co., 1874 1911. v. 1 38
Note: Publication history v. 1-4, 1874-77; v. 1-38, 1878-1911.
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; S1 .F564

2 Florida cattleman.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida cattleman and livestock journal.

SFlorida cattleman and dairy journal.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida cattleman and livestock journal. For the Southeastern edition
of this serial refer to the title, Southern livestock journal.

SFlorida cattleman and livestock journal. Kissimmee, FL: Florida State Cattlemen's Association,
1936-. v. 1 -
Note: Early issues were also titled, Florida cattleman; Florida cattleman and dairy journal.
ISSN 0015-3958.
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; FA C368f (Spec Coll) & SF191
.F561 (MSL)

I The Florida citrus reporter. Winter Haven: n.p., 1940 -. v. 1 -

SFlorida clearing house news. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House
Association, 1928 1933. v. 1 5
UF Libraries MSL Books; SB369 .F5

S The Florida college farmer. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida College of Agriculture, 1930 -.
v. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S1 .F79

The Florida conservator. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1934 1935. no. 1 -

SThe Florida cultivator. Palatka, FL: 1887. v. 1

2 The Florida dairy news. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Milk Inspection
Division, 1929 1932. v. 1 3
Note: Published monthly.
Preservation Note: Some are mimeographed.

SThe Florida dispatch.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer and fruit grower.

The Florida dispatch and farmer and fruit grower.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer and fruit grower.

SFlorida east coast homeseeker.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer.

SThe Florida entomologist. Gainesville, FL: Florida Entomological Society, 1917 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; FA E61 (Spec Coll) & QL461
.F6 (MSL)


Florida Everglades Review. Chicago, IL: Florida Everglades Land Co., 1910. v. 1
Note: Only six issues were published. Same as title, The Everglades magazine?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F6365

Florida farmer. St. Augustine, FL: Record Co., 1899 1932. v. 1 35
Note: Publication history Florida east coast homeseeker, 1899 1914, v. 1-16(5); Florida
farmer and homeseeker, 1914 1916, v. 16(6)-18(12); Florida farmer and stockman, 1917 1918,
v. 19(1)-20(18); Farmer and stockman, 1918 1924, v. 20(19)-27(2); Florida farmer, 1925 1932,
v. 27(3)-35(9).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 F6365

S The Florida farmer and fruit grower. Jacksonville, FL: Chas. W. DaCosta, 1860 1899. v. 1 ?
Note: Publication history The Florida dispatch (Newnansville, FL), 1860-1876, v. 1 ?; The
Florida dispatch (Live Oak, FL; Jacksonville, FL), 1876 1889, v. 1 ?; Florida farmer & fruit
grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1887 1889, v. 1 3; The farmer's alliance (Jacksonville, FL), 1887 -
1892, v. 1 5; Florida dispatch and farmer and fruit grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1889 1893, v. 9 -
?; Florida farmer & fruit grower, 1893 1899; Farmer and fruit grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1908;
Farmer and fruit grower and semi-weekly Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL), 1909-?; Semi-
weekly Times-Union (a non-agricultural serial).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; n.c.n.

S Florida farmer and homeseeker.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer.

Florida farmer and stockman.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer.

S Florida field report.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher.

The Florida fruit and produce news.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher.

2 Florida fruit and truck grower. Ocala, FL: 1905 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34 F636

2 Florida fruit digest. Jacksonville, FL: 1936 -. v. 1 -

I Florida fruit grower. Highland Park, FL: 1886 1888. v. 1 2

S Florida fruit grower and investor. Jacksonville, FL: 1904 1905. v. 1

SFlorida fruit lands review. Kansas City, MO: 1909 -. v. 1 -

Florida fruit world. Tampa, FL: 1928 1929. v. 1

. Florida fruits and flowers. Bartow, FL: Florida Grape Growers Association, 1924 1926. v. 1 5
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 F6365

The Florida future farmer. Kissimmee, FL: Future Farmers of America, 1938 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; S534 .F5 F561

Florida grove and garden. Jacksonville, FL: 1887. v. 1

SFlorida grower.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher.

Florida grower and rancher. Middleburg Heights, OH: Harvest Pub. Co., 1908 -. v. 1 -
Note: Publication history The Florida fruit and produce news (Tampa, FL), 1908 1911, v. 1-3;
Florida grower (Tampa, FL), 1911 1953, v. ?; Florida grower and rancher, 1953 ; Absorbed
Florida field report. ISSN 0015-4091.
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; S1 .F563

Florida homes and flowers. St Petersburg, FL: The Craft Publications, 1936 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 S14 F636

2 The Florida home-seeker. Avon Park, FL: 1890 1891. v. 1 2

SFlorida horticulturist. 18?? 1887, v. 1 ?:

S The Florida land register. Jacksonville, FL: 1870 1872. v. 1 ?

Florida life. Jacksonville, FL: n.p., 1893 1894. v. 1 2
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 F636

Florida patron. Wellborn, FL: 1874. v. 1

2, Florida planter. Fort Myers, FL: All American Sugar League, 1919 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 F6363

SFlorida poultry and agricultural journal. Tampa, FL: 1906 1909. v. 1 ?

Florida poultry and dairy journal. Zephyrhills, FL: Florida State Poultry Producers Association,
1916 -1951. v. 1 ?
Note: Published as, Florida poultry and stockman, v. 1-? See also the title, Florida

SFlorida oultry and stockman.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida poultry and dairy journal.

. Florida poultry journal. Lakeland, FL: 1923 -. v. 1 -
Note: Published as, Poultry in Florida, v. 1-?

3 Florida poultry law with rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1935? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645h

SFlorida poultryman. Tampa, FL: 1956 -. v. 22 -
Note: Publication history Florida poultryman, 1935 -1939, v. 1-5; Florida poultryman and
stockman, 1939-1948, v. 5-14; Florida poultry and dairy journal, 1948-1951, v. 14-17; ??, 1952-
1956, v. 18-21. There is some confusion with a similar title, Florida poultry and dairy journal
(Florida poultry and stockman).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636.5 F636

, Florida poultryman and stockman.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida poultryman.

3 Florida products journal. Orlando, FL: 1936 -. v. 1 -

Florida review. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration, 1926 -
1930. v. 1 5
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 A6

2 Florida rural home.
Note: Refer to the title, Southern sun (Palatka).

Florida ruralist. Interlachen, FL: 1894 1895. v. 1 2
Note: Continued as, Southern ruralist.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 F6366

2 Florida strawberry journal. Lakeland, FL: 1902 1906. v. 1 5

Florida tobacco leaf. Tampa, FL: 1897 1898. v. 1

Florida's financial and industrial record. Jacksonville, FL: 1900 1912. v. 1 22
Note: Publication history Weekly industrial record, v. 1-10 (4); Industrial record, v. 10 (5)-19
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338 F6365

3 For sale want and exchange bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Marketing Bureau, 1919? -. v. 1 -
Note: Monthly (1919-1921); semi-monthly (1921+)
Preservation Note: Some are mimeographed.
U F Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F648bc

Freeze or No Freeze, a monthly journal devoted to protection, horticulture and agriculture.
Titusville, FL: n.p., 1900 -. v. 1 -

3 Gasoline inspection law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1925? -.

SGrove and garden. Jacksonville, FL: 1894 1902. v. 1 ?

SIndustrial Florida. Jacksonville, FL: 1894 190? v. 1 ?

2 Industrial record.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida's financial and industrial record.

S Insecticide and fungicide law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1937? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645p

Z The irrigator. DeLand, FL / Winter Park, FL / Orlando, FL: 1893 1894. v. 1 2
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F631.7 171

3 Leaflets. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936 1944. Unnumbered

Letter to nurserymen. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915 1916. no. 1 3
Note: Issued irregularly.

SLime regulation. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1941 -. no. 1 -
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

3 Marketing papers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1918-
1919? no. 1 -12
Note: Irregular.

S The mile post. Live Oak, FL: Power Farming Association of America, 1920 -. v. 1 -

3 Minerals yearbook. The mineral industry of Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the
Interior. Bureau of Mines, 1932/33 -.
Note: Each annual edition has three volumes, one of which covers the United States with a
chapter on the mineral resources of each state.
UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; 128.37:

S Miscellaneous Publication. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Extension Service, 193? -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636mp

2 Mitchal's journal. Ocala, FL: 1889 1890. v. 1 2?

S Monthly bulletin. Florida Department of Agriculture:
Note: Refer to, Florida Department of Agriculture Quarterly Bulletin.

The new Florida a magazine full of Florida facts. Chicago, IL: n.p., 1910 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M34n

z Northwest Florida official guide ..... a descriptive compilation of the worthwhile natural,
recreational, fishing agricultural, industrial advantages and opportunities of northwest
Florida. Pensacola, FL: Northwest Florida Travel and Publicity Bureau, 1937. 72 p., illus.
Note: This information pertains to the 1937 edition, but it was published annually.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F06 N879n

SNursery inspection circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board. Department of Nursery
Inspection, 1915 1917. no. 1 8

SOrange blossoms. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Production Credit Association, 1942 1967. v. 1 25
UF Libraries MSL Books; 280.8 063

Our southern home. Laurel Hill, FL: Farmers Union, 1905 1910. v. 1 ?

2 Pabor house news. Avon Park, FL: Pabor Lake Colony, 1893 1902. v. 1 ?
Note: Incorporated in 1903 with the title, South Florida Sun.

2 Pabor lake pineapple. Pabor Lake, FL / Avon Park, FL: 1892 1907. v. 1 10?
Note: Incorporated into the title, South Florida Sun.

SPacking house news. Tampa, FL: 1922 1926. v. 1 5
Note: The early title for this serial was, Skinner packing house news, v. 1-2, 1922-1923.
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; 286.83 P119

3 Port and railway inspection notice. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1918. no. 1 -
Note: Issued irregularly.

SPoultry in Florida.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida Poultry Journal.

Press Bulletins. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901 -. No. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 100 F636p

SProceedings. Hollywood, FL: Soil Science Society of Florida, 1939 -. v. 1 -
Note: ISSN 0096-8382.
UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S590 .S65

SProceedings. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Fruit Growers Association, 1874 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; FA F945p

Proceedings. n. p.: Florida Mango Forum, 1938 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 93.9 F636p

S Proceedings. Jacksonville, FL: Florida State Grange, 1870? -. 1st -

Z Proceedings. Tallahassee, FL: Citrus Growers Convention, 1912. 20 p.
Note: Information based on this issue was this the only one published? Convention was held
at Gainesville on 15 August 1912.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 C581r

, Proceedings. n.p.: Southern States Forestry Congress, 1886? -. 1st -
Note: See also, Southern Forestry Congress Proceedings (name change?).

S Proceedings of the annual convention. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Farmers Union, 1910 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FA F232p

SProceedings of the annual meeting. Gainesville, FL: Southern Shade Tree Conference, 1937 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634.9 S727p (Spec Coll) & SB436

Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. Varies: Florida State
Horticultural Society, 1892 -. v. 5 -
Note: 0886-7283; Volume 1-4, 1888 1891, was eventually published UF Libraries have two
versions of the first four annual meetings. The Proceedings of the first four meetings were
published in two agriculutral serials of the day. The Florida Agriculturist [v.10(50); 16(19, 20,
22); 17(19, 20); 18(20)] carried one version, which was copied from microfilm and bound by the
library one known copy is at MSL Ref. The Florida Farmer and Fruit Grower carried an
account of the first meeting and the Florida Dispatch, Farmer and Fruit Grower carried an
account of the second, third and fourth meetings. This version was published by the Society
and one known bound version of the four proceedings is at MSL Ref.
UF Libraries MSL Ref (1 set) & MSL Books (1 set); SBI .F55

3 Proceedings of the annual meetings. Deland, FL: Florida Rose Society, 1926 -. no. 1 -
UF Libraries MSL Books; 635.93337 F636p

SProceedings of the Southern Forestry Congress. Chapel Hill, NC: Southern Forestry Congress, 1916 -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 S727p (Spec Coll) & SD 118 .S6

3 Pure food and drugs law rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1925? -.


3 Ouarantine notice. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1928. no. 1 47
Note: Issued irregularly. Title varies (sometimes called Quarantine Circular).

SOuarterly bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1889 1936. v. 1 45
Note: Issued monthly (1889-1905 / v. 1-15), then quarterly (1906-1936 / v. 16-45). Title varies:
Florida (Department of Agriculture) Monthly Bulletin; Quarterly Bulletin of the Department
of Agriculture. Some issues of the Quarterly Bulletin have monographic titles and are devoted
to a single topic. It was continued as the Bulletin (new series) beginning in 1928.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636b

2 Regulation. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1935 -. no. 1 -
Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season.
Preservation Note: Mimeographed.

Regulations governing the Florida pure seed labeling law. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of
Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1939? -.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645s

Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Commissioner of Lands and Immigration, 1869 1887/88.
UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636a

SReport. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Fish Commission, 1898 1903/04.
Note: Annual (1898); biennial (1899/1900 1903/04).

Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock, 1911 1912/14. 1st 2nd
Note: Annual (1911-1912); biennial (1912/14)

Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Weather Service, 1892 1896.
Note: Monthly. Continued by the Florida section of the USDA Weather Bureau.

2 Report, Florida state farmers markets. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Marketing Bureau, 1934/35 -. 1st -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 M4r

2 Report of the ... annual meeting. Clearwater, FL: Florida Anti-mosquito Association, 1922 -. 1st -
UF Libraries MSL Books; RA640 .J7

Z Report of the president. Lake City, FL: Florida Agricultural College, 1884/85? -. 1st -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F378 F Cr

SReport of the superintendent. Gainesville, FL: Florida Farm Colony for Epileptic and Mentally
Deficient Children, 1919/20 1955/57. 1st 19th
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F 354 F2r

,, Reports of Investigation. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1934 -. no. 1 -
Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office.
UF Libraries MSL Books; QE99 .A32

SSan Mateo item. San Mateo, FL: 1904 1911? v. 1 ?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P98 S196

S The semi-tropical (Tacksonville). Jacksonville, FL: Chas. W. Blew, 1875 1878. v. 1 4
Note: Monthly periodical devoted to southern agriculture, horticulture, immigration, etc.
FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections; 050 S471


The semi-tropical (Lake Eustis). Lake Eustis, FL: Benj. H. Vogt, 1887 1889. v. 1 ?
Note: Weekly newspaper incorporated into Eustis Lake Region.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; n.c.n.

3 Semi-weekly livestock market report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture.
Marketing Bureau, 1929? -. no. 1 -

2 Skinner packing house news.
Note: Refer to the title, Packing house news.

2 Soil of the south.
Note: Refer to the title, Tropical farmer.

Soil of the south and tropical farmer.
Note: Refer to the title, Tropical farmer.

SThe south Florida home. Charlotte Harbor, FL / St. Petersburg, FL / Glenoak, FL: Young G. Lee,
1889 1899. v. 1 -?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n.

2 Southeastern cattleman and dairy journal.
Note: Refer to the title, Southern livestock journal.

2 The southern field and home: a journal for soil tillers and housekeepers. DeLand, FL: 1897 1908. v.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 S7272

, Southern livestock journal. Kissimmee, FL: Florida State Cattlemen's Association, 1941 1957. v. 1
UF Libraries MSL Books; 40.8 S727

2 Southern ruralist. Interlachen, FL: 1896 1899. v. 3 6
Note: Publication history Florida ruralist (v. 1-2); continued as, Southern ruralist (Atlanta,
GA; v.7- ).
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; F630 F6366 (Spec Coll) & S1
.S65 (MSL)

Southern sun (Ocala). Ocala, FL: William H. Royal, 1853 1854 ? v. 1 2 ?
UF Libraries Special Collections/ Florida History; n.c.n.

SSouthern sun (Palatka). Palatka, FL: Jos. H. Warren & Chas. E. Warren, 1884 1886. v. 1 3
Note: Publication history Florida rural home, 1884-1885, v. 1-2; Southern sun, 1886, v. 3;
continued as a nonagricultural paper.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; n.c.n.

a Statistical bulletin. Unknown: Florida Citrus Exchange, 1929/30 -. 1st ? -
UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F63s

2 The stockman. De Funiak Springs, FL: 1901 1908. v. 1 ?

0 Subtropical gardening. Orlando, FL: 1938 -. v. 1 -
Note: Publication history Subtropical gardening and fruit growing (Brooksville, FL), 1938-?,
v. 1-?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; 635.9 S941


Subtropical gardening and fruit growing.
Note: Refer to the title, Subtropical gardening.

2 The sugar cane press. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar Corp., 1938 -. v. 1 -
Note: Irregular newspaper.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; n.c.n.

3 The tatler of society in Florida. St. Augustine: n.p., 1892 1908. v. 1 17
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 T219

2 Timely topics for the Florida farmer and grower. Tampa, FL: Gulf Fertilizer Co., 1927 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 T583

3 Timely topics, for the Florida Farmer and grower. Tampa, FL: Gulf Fertilizer Company, 1927 -. v. 1

UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 T583

STropical farmer. Ocala, FL: Lewis C. Gaines, 1852 1853. v. 1 2
Note: Combined with Soil of the South (1853), which became Soil of the South and Tropical
Farmer (1853?).
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n.

2 The tropical farmer and Florida progress, devoted to the agricultural, horticultural and industrial
development of the Everglades and tropical Florida. West Palm Beach, FL: 1930 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 T856

SThe tropical sun. Juno, FL / West Palm Beach, FL: Guy I. Metcalf, 1887 1926. v. 1 ?
Note: Title varies. Continued as a nonagricultural weekly.
Preservation Note: Available on microfilm from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; n.c.n.

STung il. Orlando, FL: Tung Oil Publishing Co., 1930 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F665.3 T926

2 Tung oil chronicle. Lakeland, FL: Isaac van Horn, 1925 -. v. 1 -
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F665.3 T9261

2 United States census of agriculture. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of
Census, 1860 -. 8th Census -
Note: Issued every ten years (1860-1920); every five years (1925-1945).
UF Libraries MSL Reference; HD1753 1945a

. Weekly bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Weather Service, 1895 1896.
Note: Weekly. Continued by the USDA Weather Bureau.

2 Weekly industrial record.
Note: Refer to the title, Florida's financial and industrial record.

2 Yearbook. Tampa, FL: Florida Canners Association, 1937/38 -.
Note: Previously, Yearbook (Florida Grapefruit Canners Association). Absorbed Year Book
(Citrus Processors Association); continued by Statistical Summary (Florida Canners
Association) both occurred after 1945.
UF Libraries MSL Books; HD9259 .C54 U587


SYearbook. n. p.: Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, 1927 -. no. 1 -
UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & AFA ; FA G218y (Spec Coll) & 710.6 F636y

; Yearbook. Tampa, FL: Florida Grapefruit Canners Association, 1932/33 1936/37.
Note: Continued as, Yearbook (Florida Canners Association).
Florida Southern College Citrus Archives ; Vertical Files

% Yearbook. Lakeland, FL: Associated Citrus Growers and Shippers of Florida, 1937. 116 p.
Note: Information based on this issue was this the only one published?
UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 A849y

Full Text


FLORIDA Agriculture Rural Life Bibliograp . hy Compiled By: Vernon N. Kisling, Jr. Page Collection Management Coordinator Marston Science Library George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida 18 February 1997 / NEH-USAIN Grant Version 1 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1820-1899 1 Agricultural Economics, 1900-1909 1 Agricultural Economics, 1910-1919 2 Agricultural Economics, 1920-1929 3 Agricultural Economics, 1930-1939 5 Agricultural Economics, 1940-1945 6 Agricultural Economics, Pamphlets 7 Agricultural Economics, Theses 10 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 1910-1919 10 Agricultural Engineering, 1930-1939 11 Agricultural Engineering, 1940-1945 11 Agricultural Engineering, Pamphlets 11 Agricultural Engineering, Theses 11 ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1820-1899 11 Animal Science, 1900-1909 12 Animal Science, 1910-1919 12 Animal Science, 1920-1929 12 Animal Science, 1930-1939 13 Animal Science, 1940-1945 13 Animal Science, Pamphlets 13 Animal Science, Theses 14 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1900-1909 14 Food and Nutrition, 1910-1919 14 Food and Nutrition, 1930-1939 15 Food and Nutrition, 1940-1945 15 Food and Nutrition, Pamphlets )


15 FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1820-1899 16 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1900-1909 16 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1910-1919 17 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1920-1929 19 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1930-1939 22 Forestry and Natural Resources, 1940-1945 23 Forestry and Natural Resources, Pamphlets 25 Forestry and Natural Resources, Theses 25 MISCELLANEOUS 25 Miscellaneous, Pamphlets 26 RURAL LIFE, 1820-1899 28 Rural Life, 1900-1909 28 Rural Life, 1910-1919 29 Rural Life, 1920-1929 29 Rural Life, 1930-1939 31 Rural Life, 1940-1945 32 Rural Life, Pamphlets 32 Rural Life, Theses 34 SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1820-1899 41 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1900-1909 43 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1910-1919 46 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1920-1929 49 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1930-1939 51 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, 1940-1945 53 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, Pamphlets 59 Soils, Crops and Atmospheric Science, Theses 65 x.SERIALS ii


1 1 1 1 z 2 1 3 1 FLORIDA Agriculture Rural Life Bibliography AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1820-1899 Dunn, Martin. Martin Dunn's descriptive circular of Florida groves. residences. and plantations for sale. New York, NY: W. P. Kremer, 1882. 36 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 D923m Florida Department of Agriculture. Agricultural statistics of the state of Florida. collected the commissioner of agriculture for the year 1890. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1892. 33 p., illus. __ . Census report of the state of Florida for the year 1895. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1897. 27 p., illus. South Florida Railroad. Names and addresses of the orange and vegetable growers of South Florida, located on the South Florida Railroad and all its branches ..... showing acreage in orange groves and estimated yield in boxes. Sanford, FL: South Florida Railroad, 1891. 99 p. Note: Fourth edition. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 S727n AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1900-1909 Burgess, A. F. Interstate shipment of nursery stock in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular 75) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A9.4: 75 Duggar, John F. Agriculture for southern schools. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1908. 351 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 30 D879a Florida Department of Agriculture. The third census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1905. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1906. 304 p., illus. Florida National Land Company. A fortune awaits you in Florida. Fort Wayne, IN: Florida National Land Company, 1909. 31 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 F6362f AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1910-1919 Anon. Florida plantations. n.p.: Florida Plantations Company, 1910. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S13 F:1 2 Crosby, M. A. Farm practices that increase crop yields in Gulf Coast regions. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1918. 28 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 986) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 986 1 Florida Department of Agriculture. The fourth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1915. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1915. n. p. 2 Gould, Vincent W. Government land in Florida. with general information, map showing location of vacant lands in the state and abstracts of the laws governing the aquirement of same. DeLand, FL: Author, 1915. 63 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 G698


2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 ' I 2 Kennerly, Clarence H. Facts and figures; m:, ABC of Florida trucking:. St. Augustine, FL: Record Company, 1911. 137 p., illus. Note: Third revised edition (1913). UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F635 K36f (Spec Coll) & 635 K36f (MSL) Pennypacker, J. E., and M. 0. Eldridge. Economic surveys Qf county highway improvement fl compilation and analysis of data in eight selected counties. showing comparative financial burdens and economic benefits resulting: from highway improvement during a period of years . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1916. 86 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 393) Note: Manatee County is one of the eight counties covered . UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al . 3: 393 Rose, R. E. The possibilities of sugar production in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Appleyard, 1912. 62 . p., pl. Note: An address presented to the Florida State Agricultural Society. Previously published in 1900& 1910. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338 . 1 R797p Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. General Industrial Department. Florida's central lake region: citrus fruits. vegetables, forage crops. live stock and poultry. Norfolk, VA : Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1915. 48 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 F6365 Southern Land Congress. Soldier settlements in the south. Proceedings of the Southern Land Congress. Savannah, GA: Southern Land Congress, 1918. 155 p. Note: Congress held at Savannah, GA on 11-12 November 1918. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F330 S7273s AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1920-1929 Florida Chamber of Commerce. Agricultural Committee. Proceedings of the agricultural conference. Miami, FL: Florida Chamber of Commerce, 1926. 84 p. Note: Conference held at Miami, FL on 6 December 1926 . Preservation Note : Mimeographed. Florida Department of Agriculture. The fifth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1925. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928 . 124 p., illus. __ . Florida. an advancing: state. 12.QZ-1917-1927. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. 352 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; HC107 .F6 AS Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. Handbook for Florida growers a.fill shippers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1925. n. p. Note: Reprinted in 1926. __ . Official grades for. the standardization Qf Florida fruits and vegetables. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1927. 54 p. Note: Reprinted in 1929, 1930. UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F636o 1927


3 2 Gatlin, George 0. Marketing southern grown sweet potatoes. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1924. 46 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1206) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 1206 2 Hager, John M. Commercial survey of~ southeast. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1927. 477 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Commerce Domestic Commerce Series 19.) 1 Note: Covers agriculture, mining and forestry. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F330 H144c Mayo, Nathan, T. J. Brooks, and Phil S. Taylor. All Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Immigration, 1926. 208 p., illus. Note: Basic overview of agriculture in Florida and each of the counties. UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 F636al 2 Orlando Orange Groves Company. Turning sunshine into gold, being tog story of the Lake Avalon orange~ at Orlando. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 1922. 28 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 063 071t 2 Pensacola Chamber of Commerce. The practical hand QOOk of Florida; .ii book of comparative facts and figures, maps, statistics and other information, for the tourists. visitors, developers. homeseekers. agriculturalists. horticulturalists and investors. Pensacola, FL: Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, 1925. 64 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 P895 2. Pensacola Junior and Senior Chamber of Commerce. Industrial and economic survey of Pensacola. New York, NY: Parsons Brinckerhoff Hogan and Macdonald, 1927. 341 p., illus. Note: Includes a section on agriculture. 2 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P41p Ringling and White, Inc. Floridale farms and groves; west Florida. !Ill!gk land Qf fine climate and homes of contentment. New York, NY: Ringling and White, Inc., 1925. 32 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 R581f 2 Swinson, Carl R., and W. C. Funk. Economic aspects of ci1rn fruit growing in Polk County. Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1926. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1435) U F Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 1435 2 Turlington, J. E., and Frank W. Brumley. Prelininary report on labor and materials required for some Florida crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of Agriculture, 1927. 16 p. Note: University of Florida Record, v. 22, no. 2, April 1927. UF Libraries Special Collections/Archives ; AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1930-1939 2 American Agricultural Chemical Company. Citrus profits: .ii handbook of practical information for the Florida citrus grower. Lakeland, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Company, 1931. 82 p., illus. 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 A512c Anon. Iyp of farming in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, 1935. 293 p., 25 p appendix, 132 illus., foldout tables Preservation Note: Typescript on tissue paper; handdrawn charts and maps. UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 F636t


_ l 4 2 Ballinger, Kenneth. Miami millions: the dance of the dollars in~~ Florida land boom of 1925. Miami, FL: Franklin Press, 1936. 160 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M61 B192m 2. Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association. Statistical information on citrus shipments. prices. gk. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association, 1930. 54 p. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F6363s 1 1 2.. l 2 2 3 3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Agricultural statistics of Florida. Twenty-first census 19361937. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 259 p., illus. Note: Statistics for other years were published in the Quarterly Bulletin [e.g., 1924 in v. 36 (3) and 1927 in v. 38 (3)). __ . The filX!h census of .the state of Florida. 1935. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1936. 162 p., illus. Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. From field !,Q market with Florida vegetable and citrus ~Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. 108 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1938 as Department of Agriculture Bulletin BB. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F636f __ . Handbook for poultrymen. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. n. p. __ . Marketing poultry and ~Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1934. n. p. Note: Reprinted in 1936. __ . Standardization and methods of marketing livestock. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. n. p. Florida Sun-Land Company.~ enough of our Florida land to yield~ $200 l2fil month. Jacksonville, FL: Welcome News Co., 1935. 35 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 F637 Gee, Wilson et al. The .CQllim cooperative i.u ~southeast.New York, NY: Appleton-Century, 1933. 271 p., illus. (University of Virginia Institute for Research in the Social Sciences Monograph 17) UF Libraries MSL Books; 281.4 G297c 2. Mead, Arthur R. The citrus industry and occupations in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: U. S. National Youth Administration. Florida, 1939. 185 p., pl., illus. Note: Republished in 1940. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F634 .U59c 1940 (Spec Coll) & 634.3 U58c 1940 (MSL); 92 M479c 1939 (MSL) 'l Rhodes, Neill. Marketing Florida truck~ including shipments. market price and miscellaneous I. data. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1932. 188 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; HD9007 .F6 R3Bx l __ . Standard grades for fruits and vegetables. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1933. 60 p., illus.


5 2.. Risher, F. W. Statistics of Florida agriculture and related enterprises. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1932. 62 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1934 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 630 .F63 1934 2. U.S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Recent changes in .fug Florida citrus industry: .l! graphic review of certain economic factors bearing on the production and marketing of Florida oranges and grapefruit. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1938. 43 p., illus. (GCM5 Marketing Information Series) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.3 U58r U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Recent changes in .fug Florida citrus industry: .l! graphic review of certain economic factors bearing on the production and marketing of Florida oranges and grapefruit. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1938. 42 p., illus. 2. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census. Drainage of agricultural lands. Florida: statistics for state .and counties. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 12 p. 1 2. UF Libraries Government Documents ; __ . Farm Census Report (Part I: Federal Farm Census State of Florida: Part II: Florida Statistic~ Counties). Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 143 p. (Part I), 112 p. (Part II) Note: Reprint of U.S. Census of Agriculture data for 1935. UF Libraries MSL Books; 31.1125 U58f Zeigler, E. A., H. E. Spillers, and C.H. Coulter. Financial aspects of growing southem pine. Washington County. Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 77 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 7) AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 1940-1945 2. Camp, A. F. Citrus industry Qf Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1945. 198 p., illus. 3 3 3 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.3 F636c Florida Department of Agriculture. Florida as the nation's editors ,s,eg ilTallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 111 p., illus. UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 F6366f Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee. Unified state agricultural program to meet the impacts of war, Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee, 1941. 36 p. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 630 F632u Jessen, Raymond J., and Earl E. Houseman. Statistical investigations cl farm sample surveys taken in Iowa. Florida and California. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1944. 76 p., illus (Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin 329) UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 100 Io9 Johnson, Charles S. et al. Statistical atlas oi southern counties. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. 355 p., illus.


6 Note: Socio-economic indices of 1,104 southern counties. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 280 .J66s 2 U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Florida's production of agricultural perishables in relation to the development of air freight. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1945. 47 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F387.7 U58f (Spec Coll) & 338.14 USBf (MSL) 2. U.S. Congress, and U.S. Mediterranean Fruitfly Board. Losses sustained~ growers incident to federal campaign fur the eradication of the Mediterranean fruitfly in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 717 p., illus. 2. 3 3 3 3 3 .3 Note: Published originally as a letter from the Sec. of Agriculture to congress (76th Cong,, 1st sess., House document no. 290 I 146 p. I 1939). UF Libraries MSL Books ; 92.1 U581 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, Pamphlets Anon. The Florida citrus exchange.12.Q2-1932. Tampa, FL: Tampa Daily Times, 1932. 8 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 F6366 Delta Canal Company. Rim farmlands in Florida. Grand Rapids, MI: Stanton Printing Co., 1895. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 D366r Florida Department of Agriculture. Comparative data of Florida and other states. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1926. 8 p., illus. __ . Florida agriculture and industries. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1939. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 FSi 1940 __ . List of canning plants in. Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 3p. __ . Report of~ state census. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 2 p. Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau. Graphic charts of commodity prices and shipments of principal agricultural products. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. 7 p . , 42 illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F636g Florida Farms and Homes Company. A tour of the lands of the Florida Farms and Homes. Palatka, FL: Times-Herald Printers, 1916. 8 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F333 F6371t 2, Florida Land and Settlement Company. Ten-acre farms for Florida settlers. Jacksonville, FL: 2 Florida Land and Settlement Company, 1914. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 V94 F636t Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board. The state farmers markets of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Agricultural Marketing Board, 1941. 14 p., illus.


7 3 . Grimes, A. M. Handling and loading southern new potatoes. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1050) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1050 2, Harper, Roland M. Agricultural conditions in Florida in 1925. n.p.: n.p., 1927. 13 p. Note: Reprint of an article in Economic Geography (v. 3 no. 3, July 1927). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 H295a 3 3 2. Risher, F. W. Ponters on~ marketing methods. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 8 p., illus. __ . Turkey production and marketing. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1936. 23 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 47.3 R595t Robinson, M. F. Florida orange groves for sale. Sanford, FL: M. F. Robinson, 1911. 13 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 R666f Tomlinson, E. H. and Son. Florida: what has been and can hg done on Florida farms. Jacksonville, FL: Arnold Printing Co., 1915. 23 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 T659f AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, Theses 2 Bolton, C. J. A study Qf potato cooperative marketing associations in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 111 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 3 Bowman, Victor V. The relative importance of the grade-lowering factors Qf. citrus. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 74 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Brooker, Marvin A. Farm tenancy in Jackson County. Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 104 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Brown, Hamlin L. Marketing Florida tomatoes. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) 1 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Brumley, Frank W. The laJ2Qr requirements of Florida~Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1926. 104 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Carlisle, Ralph C. Making 4 long time program in vocational agriculture fur Sneads community. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 56 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


8 3 Cooper, John F. A study of the cost of growing beans in Florida. 1927-28. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Dansby, George W. Example of how .fill enterprise of citrus lli analyzed fur use in teaching l\ vocational agriculture. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 194 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Farun, Fred N. An economic study of fug Lake Hamilton Citrus Growers' Association. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 151 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2. Graham, George R. The cost of living on one hundred farms Columbia County. Florida. year 1927-28. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 83 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 '2. Hamilton, H. G. Farm management studies Qf truck and citrus farms in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1923. 84 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Haskell, Harold N . An economic study of some farms in Alachua County . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 63 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Howard, R. H. A study of fug relation of grade and staple to~ price of cotton grown in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 88 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) 2. Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Hutchings, Richard M. Trends in the marketing of Florida citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 82 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Business Administration) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 .2. Larson, Lawrence J. The cost of producing strawberries in~ Plant~ area for the season 19271928. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 52 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) 1 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Maloney, Clarence B. Marketing Florida citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1918. 95 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


9 3 Miley, Douglas G. Farm mortgage loan experience in four Florida counties. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. 60 p. (M . S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 1 O'Byme, Frank M. Cooperative marketing of citrus fruits in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1913. 127 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 l Roberts, George C. The production receipts. costs and profits on ten citrus in Polk County. Florida. over .il period of fourteen years. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 83 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2. Rogers, Frazier. The economic use of tractors in Florida fur 1929. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 59 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 /4 Scarborough, Chaffie A. The cost of producing potatoes in the Hastings area. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 60 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 l Seiler, Paul R. Production loans made~ Florida farmers cooperative associations. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 116 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 :2. Smith, H. A. An economic study of twenty-five large citrus groves in central Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1942. 78 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 4 Spurlock, A. H. Marketing ol Florida shade tobacco. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1933. 84 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Tod, Carrel I. Local taxation with special reference to the Plant City trucking area of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 56 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Wann, John L. Florida truck crop competition. intra-state. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 86 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Woodruff, Hiram T. An economic filllily of depreciation of farm machinery on one hundred thirteen farms Qf Hillsborough County. Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 66 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics)


10 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 2 Wray, Robert. Cost of living Qil Florida farms; 9 survey of~ farms in Alachua County and 110 farms in Levy County fur. 1923 . Gainesville, FL : University of Florida, 1925. 87 p . , illus . (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 l Young, Martin G. Cog and returns on sixty poultry farms in Florida with comparisons for 1928 1929. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 49 p., illus. (M.S . Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2. Zentgraf, Robert L. An economic study of farming in the Plant City area, Hillsborough County, Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 46 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note : Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 1910-1919 l Ramsey, H.J. Handling and shipping citrus fruits in the gylf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 28 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 696) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A1 . 9: 696 ,'.2. Ramsey, H. J., and Edward L. Markell. Ib,g handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1917. 29 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 601) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 601 2 Stanley, F. W. Irrigation in Florida . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1917 . 62 p., 6 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 462) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 462 2, Stubenraugh, A. V. et al. Factors governing the successful shipment of oranges from Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 50 p., illus . (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 63) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3 : 63 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 1930-1939 3 Cumings, Glenn A. et al. Machine placement of fertilizers for snap beans in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1936 . 43 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 399) UF Librari e s MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 399 /, Ramser, C. E. The flow of water in dredged drainage ditches. Washington, DC: Government 1 Printing Office, 1930. 60 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 832) Note: Includes work done in Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 832 2. Rose, Dean H., and E . A. Gorman . Handling, precooling, and transportation of Florida strawberries. Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1936. 58 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture


.. . . . -----------------------11 Technical Bulletin 525) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A 1.36: 525 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 1940-1945 3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Safety on the farm. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1940. 34 p., illus. 3 UF Libraries MSL Books; 281.02 F636f AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, Pamphlets Hawkins, Lon A., and William R. Barger. storage of Florida grapefruit. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1926 . 7 p. (U . S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1368) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.3: 1368 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, Theses / 1 Fifield, W. M. The effect Qf various wrappers and temperatures Q!1 the preservation of oranges in 7 cold storage. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 68 p., illus. (M.S . Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 /i Freeman, Hiram D. The strength of irrigation~ as influenced coarse aggregate. Gainesville, 7 FL: University of Florida, 1934. 63 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Engineering) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 3 Lyle, William R. Studies Q!1 the cold storage of avocados . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 51 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Savage, Zach. A study of one hundred thirty-eight windmills in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 73 p., illus . (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Engineering) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1820-1899 3 Long, Ellen C. Silk farming. Philadelphia, PA: Press of J. Glover, 1884. 47 p., illus. FSU Libraries Special Collections; SF545 .LBS ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1900-1909 ;2. Anon. Florida ostrich farm. Jacksonville. Fla. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 190? 32 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636.6 F636f 2 Southern States Lumber Company. The Perdido country: the~ embracing~ highlands of Escambia County, Florida. and Baldwin County. Alabama. adjacent .tQ the Gulf coast. Pensacola, FL: Southern States Lumber Company, 1903. 64 p., illus. Note: Author also known as Southland States Lumber Company . Also published by Chicago, IL:


12 . .. . . -------------------------------Barnes-Crosby Co., 1903. Information on livestock, forage crops, and lumber. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 E74S ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1910-1919 2 Florida East Coast Railway. and hay crops for Florida live stock: .11 supplement to live stock farming in Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Land and Industrial Department, Florida East Coast Railway, 1915. 40 p. 2 Note: Refer to, Livestock Farming in Florida Along the Lines of the Florida East Coast Railway. __ . Livestock farming in Florida along the lines of fug_ Florida East Coast Railway. St. Augustine, FL: Land and Industrial Department, Florida East Coast Railway, 1914. 60 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F636 F6371 2.. Florida State Live Stock Association. Florida. an ideal cattle state. Jacksonville, FL: Florida State Live Stock Association, 1918. 39 p. 2 3 2 2 3 2 :3 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F636 F636f Florida State Live Stock Sanitary Board. Law. rules and regulations governing the control and eradication of contagious. infectious and communicable diseases of live stock in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Live Stock Sanitary Board, 1917. 36 p. Note: Reprinted in 1921, 1924, 1930. Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Live-stock, dairying and poultry-raising: com and the forage~ in Florida. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1915. 64 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 L784 Tracey, S. M. Forage crops for the cotton region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912. 48 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 509) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 509 ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1920-1929 Farley, F. W., and S. W. Greene. The U1-over pine lands of the south fur beef cattle production. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 51 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 827) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 827 Florida Department of Agriculture. Dairying in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1922. 224 p., illus. Tracey, S. M. Forage for fug cotton belt. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920. 63 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1125) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1125 Tubbs, W. G. in Florida. Melbourne, FL: Melbourne Times, 192? 56 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F636 T884 ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1930-1939 Coll, M. W. Sheep-killing in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1933. 29 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1268) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1268


2 2 1 2 -" ------------13 Florida Department of Agriculture. List of Florida dairymen and addresses. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1930. 31 p. Scott, John M. Directory of dairymen of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 34 p. ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1940-1945 Dacy, George H. Four centuries of Florida ranching . St. Louis, MO: Britt Printing Co., 1940. 310 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 636.2 D119f U.S. Congress. Eradicating cattle tick, Seminole Indian Reservation, Florida . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 116 p. (77th Congress, 1st sess, Senate doc ?) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F636 U58e ANIMAL SCIENCE, Pamphlets 7Anon. Laws: federal. state, and territorial control of contagious disease on domestic cattle in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904. 14 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 54) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A4.3: 54 3 Dairy and Ice Cream Machinery Supplies Association. Florida dairy products manufacturers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 8 p. 3 Tracey, S. M. Some important grasses and forage plants fm: .fug Gulf Coast region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1907. 15 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 300) it UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 300 ANIMAL SCIENCE, Theses Arnold, P. T. Dix. Microscopic observations of smears from the genitalia of cows in relation to fug oestrus cycle. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1937. 15 p . , illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Camp, Paul D. Methods of managing range cattle in Alachua County, Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2. Clark, George L. The~ of blackstrap molasses in i1 ration fm: the growing and fattening of ,Pig_. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Crown, R. M. The utilization .of dried grapefruit as i1 feed for growing swine. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


14 3 Dawson, Charles R. A comparison of~ bean silage and alfalfa hay for milk production. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 35 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Futch, Merrill C. The vitamin A assay of one .typg of dried citrus J;2.lli.ll Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 44 p. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) 3 2.. Li Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Platt, William J. A study of the breeding. management. feeding. and marketing of swine in Sumter County. Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 63 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Roese!, Matilda A. The role of livestock in the farm live-at-home program. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 55 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Skipper, Howard E. The vitamin A content of milk a.s. affected~ varying amounts of shark liver oil in the ration. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (Ph.D. Dissertation in Animal Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1900-1909 L\ Doane, C. F. Milk supply statistics of cities in the milk supply of twenty-give southern cities. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1905. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 70) 2 Note: Cities include Jacksonville and Pensacola. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A4.3: 70 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1910-1919 First Presbyterian Church (Miami, FL) Aid Society. The Florida tropical cook book. Miami, FL: First Presbyterian Church (Miami, FL), 1912. 224 p. FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections/Florida; 641.59759 M618f 2. Florida Citrus Exchange. The health fruits of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Citrus Exchange, 1916. 31 p., illus. 3 2 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 H434 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1930-1939 Florida Citrus Commission. Citrus fruits and health: clinical and scientific data from the literature of nutrition a_s_ related to citrus fruits. compiled for the use of the medical and dental professions. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. 73 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 612.39 F636c Kellogg, John H. The priceless dietetic value .of Florida's tropical fruits. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p.


15 FOOD and NUTRITION, 1940-1945 j U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. A physiological study oi carotenoid pigments and other constituents in the juice of Florida oranges. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 32 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 780) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents ; F634 U58p (Spec Coll) & A1.36: 780 (MSL) FOOD and NUTRITION, Pamphlets J Florida Citrus Commission. How to freshen your menus with Florida citrus fruits. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. 21 p., illus. 3 Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau. cream lfily. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 3 p. 3 Florida Milk Control Board. Report of fug milk control board. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Milk Control Board, 1935. 19 p. 3 Risher, F. W. Eat more ggg.s., are one Qf Florida's health foods. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, n. d. 8 p. 2 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Southern Division. Feeding farm folks through the farm's own program ..... for use in~ states of Alabama. Arkansas. Florida. Georgia. Louisiana. Mississippi. Oklahoma. South Carolina. and Texas. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 8 p., illus. 3 1 1 2. 2. 1 Wilson, H. L. Making American cheese on the farm. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 14 p. Note: Reprint of USDA Farmers Bulletin 1134. FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1820-1899 Drake, S. A. Florida. its history. condition and resources. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co., 1878. n.p. Millar, C. C. Hoyer. Florida. South Carolina and Canadian phosphates: giving a. complete account Qf their occurrence. methods and cost of production. quantities r~ and commercial importance. London: Eden, Fisher and Co., 1892. 223 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F553.64 M645f Mohr, Charles T. The timber pines of the southern United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1896. 160 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 13) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F585 M699t (Spec Coll) & A1.3: 13 (MSL) Robinson, Benjamin. An historical sketch of Pensacola, Florida. Pensacola, FL: Advance-Gazette Book and Job Office, 1882. 96 p. Note: Information on lumber mills (pp. 59-70). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P41R U.S. Congress. Report.. ... 1Q authorize the drainage of fug Ever Glades in the state of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1848. 141 p. (30th Congress, 1st sess, Senate rep


1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I.. -------------------16 com242) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F551.4 U58e Wescott, J. D. Everglades of .th.e peninsula of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1848. 141 p. (Senate Report No. 242, 30th Cong, 1st Sess) Note: Report on the drainage, surveying, and cultivation of everglades lands. Wright, Carroll D. The phosphate industry of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1893. 69 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F553.64 W948p Wyatt, Francis. The phosphates of America: where and how they occur: how .they are mined: and what .they cost. New York, NY: Scientific Publishing Co., 1894. Ch. 5, pp. 63-83, 179-181 Note: There are several editions. Chapter 5 covers the phosphates of Florida. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F553.64 W975p (Spec Coll/1892) & 553.64 W975p (MSL/1891) FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1900-1909 Florida East Coast Drainage and Sugar Company. The Everglades of Florida; prospectus of the Florida East Coast Drainage and Sugar Company. St. Augustine, FL: Florida East Coast Drainage and Sugar Company, 1902. 33 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F6362e Gifford, John C. Florida trees. Coconut Grove, FL: Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, 1909. 24 p. Note: May also be titled, List of trees of the state of Florida . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 G458 __ . Southern Florida. Washington, DC: Judd and Detweiler, 1904. n. p. Note: Covers the forest conditions of south Florida. Smith, Samuel R. The reclamation of the Florida Everglades. Miami, FL: Miami Printing Co., 1909. 44 p., pl., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 S659r Wright, James 0. Extract from a,_ report Qil the drainage of the Everglades of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Capital Pub. Co., 1909. 24 p., illus. Note: Original report published by USDA Office of Experiment Stations . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 U583e FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1910-1919 Anon. A history of drainage and reclamation work in the Everglades of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. Senate Doc. No. 89, 62nd Congress, 1st Sess. UF Libraries Govt Docs, Lib West? ; n.c.n. Florida Department of Agriculture. List of state, school and internal improvement lands. in .the state of Florida. for sale for cash. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1913 . 43 p., illus. Florida Everglades Engineering Commission. Florida Everglades. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 148 p . , illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 F637f (Spec Coll) & 627.5 F636f (MSL)


1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2. 1 2. 17 Gifford, John C. The Everglades and other essays relating tQ southern Florida. Kansas City, MO: Everlade Land Sales Co., 1911. 134 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F551.4 G458e (Spec Coll) & 917.59 G458e (Lib W) Isham, Randolph. Florida everglades. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 148 p., pl., illus., folding map (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District Report) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F551.4 F637f (Spec Coll) & 627.5 F636f (MSL) Matson, George C. The phosphate deposits of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 101 p. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 604) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F553.64 M434 (Spec Coll) & I19.3: 604 (MSL Fed Docs) Matson, George C., Samuel Sanford, and Thomas W. Vaughan. Geology @d ground waters Qf Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 445 p., pl., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.49 M434g (Spec Coll) & 400.4 M434g(MSL) Mattoon, G. C. The southern cypress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 74 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 272) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 272 Mattoon, Wilbur R. The southern cypress. Washingt~n, DC: Government Printing Office, 1915. 75 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 272) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F585 M44s (Spec Coll) & Al.3: 272 (MSL) Maxwell, Hu. Wood-using industries of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1912. 65 p., illus. Mead, Daniel W. Report Q!1 the drainage of .fug Everglades of Florida: with special reference to the lands of Everglades Land Sales Company, Everglades Land Company. Everglades Sugar and Land Compnay in the vicinity of Miami. Florida. New York, NY: Daniel W. Mead?, 1912. 39p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 M479r Stevenson, Nellie I. Plants, shrubs and trees of northern Florida. Fayette, IA: The author, 1915. 44 p. U.S. Congress. Everglades of Florida: acts. reports and other papers state and national. relating to .fug Everglades and their reclamation. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. 208 p., pl., illus. (62nd Congress, 1st sess., Document 89) Zan, Raphael, and John H. Briscoe. Eucalyptus in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Bulletin 87) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A13.3: 87 FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1920-1929 2Baker, Harry L. Forest fires in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Forestry Association, 1926. 36 p.


3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2. 2 2 2 2 1 18 Bunker, Page S. Forestry in !he south. Washington, DC: American Tree Association, 1928. 40 p. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 99.123 .B942f Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation. Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation. Baltimore, MD: Conference on Florida Everglades Reclamation, 1927. 107 p. UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.6 C748 Elliot, F. C. Draining the Everglades. Jacksonville, FL: Farmer and Stockman Press, 1924. 14 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 E46d Florida Everglades Engineering Board of Review. Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District, 1927. 86 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F637rc Marston, Anson, Samuel H. McCrory, and George B. Hills . .BeI2Q!1 of Everglades engineering board of review to board Qf commissioners of Everglades drainage district. Tallahassee, FL: T. J. Appleyard, 1927. 105 p., illus. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District Report) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 627.5 F6362r Mattoon, Wilbur R. Common forest trees of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1925. 98 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1930. Small, John K. From eden to sahara: Florida's tragedy. Lancaster, PA: Science Press Printing Co., 1929. 123 p., 22 pl. UF Libraries MSL Books ; QK154 .S681; 582 S635fr Smith, H. A. Lessons in forest protection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929. 24 p., 1 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 1) Note: Reprinted and enlarged in 1929. UF Libraries MSL Books ; __ . Lessons in forest protection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929. 40 p. Stevenson, Nellie I. A pocket guide ill fifty Qf the plants and 1 of~ triple cities: giving exact location of specimens in Dayton, Daytona Beach and Seabreeze. Daytona, FL: Mills Printing Concern, 1925. 27 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F583 S847p __ . A pocket guide ill seventy-five of the plants, shrubs. and trees which are conspicuously planted in northern Florida. Fayette, IA: The author, 1925. 44 p. Note: This may be a reprint of, Plants, shrubs and trees of northern Florida. UF Libraries MSL Books; 452.1125 S848p; 582 S848p __ . A pocket guide ill thirty tropical trees cultivated in southern Florida. Fayette, IA: Hathaway & Cole, 1928. 44 p. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 582 S848po U.S. Congress. Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee drainage areas . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1928. 70 p., illus. (70th Congress, 1st sess, House doc 215; 70th Congress, 2nd sess, Senate doc 213 (1929); 71st Congress, 3rd sess, Senate doc 225 (1930))


2. 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 19 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 U57c 1928; F551.4 U57ca 1929; F386.2 O41c 1930 FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1930-1939 Baker, Harry L. Florida making and trade. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forestry Service, 1930. n.p. Baker, Harry L., and William L. Wilson. Possibilities fil l1!ll12 and making in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 36 p., 13 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 3) Note: Reprinted in 1932. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Bennett, Russell W. et al. Florida commercial forestry conference. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 24 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 5) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Campbell, Archer S. Studies in forestry resources in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932-34. 3 v., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F582 C187s (Spec Coll) & 634.909759 C187s (MSL) Copeland, D. Graham. Policy: il report iQ the board Qf commissioners of the Everglades drainage district. Fort Myers, FL: Fort Myers Press, 1930. 92 p. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District Report) Coulter, C. H. Planting forest trees in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 24 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 8) Note: Reprinted in 1932, 1934. Dally, George L. Suggested conservation programs. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 40 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 4) Florida Department of Agriculture. Scenic Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1939. 36 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1941. UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 F6362s Florida Department of Public Instruction. Course in conservation of Florida's forest for Florida high schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Public Instruction, 1937. 91 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F582 F636c & MSL 634.907 F636c Florida Forest and Park Service. Forest conservation laws. state of Florida. 1935 legislature. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1935. 26 p., illus. __ . Forestry. course in conservation of Florida's forests. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1937. 91 p. __ . Report Q.f governor's committee QI\ forest conservation. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1935. 50 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636Sr


2. 3 2 1 3 3 2. 20 Florida Governor's Committee on Forest Conservation. Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Governor's Committee on Forest Conservation, 1935. 66 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F582 F635r (Spec Coll) & 634.9 F6365r (MSL) Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee. Farm forestry program fQr Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Agricultural Land Use Planning Committee, 1939. 31 p., illus . UF Libraries MSL Books ; 99.123 F233 Florida State Board of Conservation. The conservation law relating to general and special conservation. shell fish. salt water fifill, fresh fil1fil: fish. game and geological laws. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1933. 222 p. Note: Reprinted in 1935, 1937. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 Cl 1933, 1935 Gifford, John C. The reclamation of the Everglades with trees. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1935. 92 p., 4 pl. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F551.4 G458 (Spec Coll) & 130 G458r (MSL) __ . The rehabilitation .of the Floridan~Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1934. 79 p. UF Libraries MSL Books; 409.1125 G458r Goulden, J. J. Florida's forest land problem with special reference to forest land income and taxes. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 32 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 6) Ineson, Frank A., and I. F. Eldredge. Forest resources of northeastern Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1938. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 313) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.38: 313 Kaplan, Moise N. Big game fisherman's paradise. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1936. 324 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F354 A5b (Spec Coll) & 799 K17b (Lib W) Neubrech, W. LeRoy. American southern cypress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 30 p., illus. (U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Trade Promotion Series 194) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F585 N478a Smith, H. A. Forestry for vocational agricultural schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 32 p., 2 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 2) Note: Original 1929; reprinted in 1930, 1931, 1932. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b __ . Forestry manual for Florida high schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1933. 37 p., illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 1 Revised) Note: Reprinted in 1934. Southern Lumber Journal. Florida forestry: supplement of~ Southern Lumber Journal. Jacksonville, FL: Southern Lumber Journal, 1932. 44 p., illus.


2. 3 2. 1 3 3 .2. 21 Note: Published as a special issue of Southern Lumber Journal. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F582 S7271f (Spec Coll) & 634.9 S727f (MSL) Staley, Lewis E. Growing and marketing pulpwood. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1938. 26 p., 13 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 12) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Stanaland, Rosa. Forestry and timber laws Qf the state of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1934. 44 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 10) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b __ . Forestry. park. timber and conservation laws of the state of Florida. Compiled general laws through ]m. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1939. 88 p. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 10 Revised) Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Stringfield, V. T. Artesian waters in the Florida peninsula. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1936. 80 p., illus. (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-C) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F551.49 S918a (Spec Coll) & 119.13: 773C (MSL) U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Region. Florida national forests. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 46 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F582 U59f (Spec Coll) & 634.925759 U58f (MSL) U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station. Forest resources Qf central and~ Florida. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1938. 29 p., illus. (U.S.D.A. Forest Survey Release 38) Note: Similar report for central Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest Survey Release 31, 1949); south Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest Survey Release 33, 1949). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 U581f __ . Forest resources of northwest Florida. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1938. 33 p., illus. (U.S.D.A. Forest Survey Release 33) Note: Similar report for northeast Florida (SE Forest Exp Station, Asheville NC, Forest Survey Release 30, 1949). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; 582 E37f Wakeley, Philip C. Artificial reforestation in the southern pine region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1935. 115 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 492) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.36: 492 Wyman, Lenthall, and C. H. Coulter. Florida naval .s.tQru. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1933. 58 p., 23 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 9) Note: Reprinted and revised in 1936. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b


3 1 1 3 3 2. 22 FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, 1940-1945 Abbey, Kathryn T. Florida. land of change. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. 426 p., pl., illus. Note: Second edition published in 1948 under the name: Kathryn T. A. Hanna. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F01 H243 Advisory Committee for Everglades Drainage District. Report lzy advisory committee on the present drainage system in relation to water control requirements of Everglades drainage district. Miami, FL: ?, 1944. 41 p., 1 pl., illus . (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District Report) UF Libraries MSL Books; TC977 .F6 A42x Bitting, Clarence R. Report on the Everglades and contiguous areas. Clewiston, FL: Clarence R. Bitting, 1943. 76 p., pl. Preservation Note: Mimeographed UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F551.4 B624r (Spec Coll) & 917.59 B624r (Lib W) Florida Forest and Park Service. Arbor day in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1947. 32 p . , 3 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 4) Note: See also, Suggested conservation programs (George L. Dally / FFPS Bulletin 4) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b __ . Florida .fu.rm forestry. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1942. 33 p., 3 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 14) UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b __ . Florida forest fire fighters manual. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1943. 39p. __ . The program of forestry and state~ of .the Florida Forest and Park Service. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1943. 29 p., 6 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 15) UF Libraries MSL Books; 634.9 F636b Gifford, John C. Living~ the land: conservation. with special reference 19 proper use of the land. Florida. the southern United States and the Caribbean region: .1! discussion of the conservational and farming methods best suited to their particular needs . Coral Gables, FL: Glade House, 1945 . 139 p., pl., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F581 G458 (Spec Coll) & 279 G4581; 333.0973 G4581 (MSL) Mansfield, George R. Phosphate resources of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1942. 82 p., illus. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 934) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents; F553 . 64 M287pr (Spec Coll) & 119 . 3: 934 (MSL) 2 Roundy, P. V. Phosphate investigation in Florida, 1934 and 1935. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 77 p., illus. (U.S . Geological Survey Bulletin 906 F.) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents ; f 553.64 U59p (Spec Coll) & 119.3: 906F


2 2. 1 2 3 3 2 3 22 23 Snyder, Ethel. Florida trees: s!. practical hand book for .fug identification of Florida's trees and palms. Fort Myers, FL: Geddes Printing House, 1940. 150 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 S675f Sturrock, David. Shade and ornamental trees for south Florida and Cuba. Stuart, FL: Stuart Daily News, 1946. 179 p., pl. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 S936s United States Sugar Corporation. The Everglades, agm-industrial empire of the south. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1944. 101 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58e U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station. Florida's forest resources, 1934-36. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1948. 39 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 U582f FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, Pamphlets Baker, Harry L. Growing pine timber for profit in the south. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1928. 14 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 23) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.38: 23 Coulter, C. H. Cutting timber for increased profits. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1940. 20 p., 5 illus. (Florida Forest and Park Service Bulletin 13) UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Cuno, John B. Use of wood~ the fruit and vegetable industries of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1936. 18 p., 15 pl., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F582 C973u Dom, Mabel W. Tree crops fQr southern Florida. South Miami, FL: South Florida Publishing Co., 1934. 21 p. Florida Department of Agriculture. List Qf in Everglades for Silk~ the state of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1918. 4 p. Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida: a picturization of resources. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1926. 15 p., illus. Florida Forest and Park Service. Common of north and northwest Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 18 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1936. 2. __ . Common trees of south Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1930. 16 p., illus. 3 __ . Florida state parks invite you. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1938. 16 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1941. __ . Forest fire control. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936. 4 p., illus. __ . The p1!hlic_ and forest fires. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936. 12 p.


24 J __ . The work of fug Florida forest service. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1931. 4 p ., illus . 2 Florida State Planning Board. Conserving land and water resources. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Planning Board, 1941. 12 p. 2 Foley Lumber Company. The~ lumber industries of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Foley Lumber Company, 1942. 18 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 T23 F663 3 Fulton, Chester A. Mining practice in fug Florida pebble phosphate field. New York, NY: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1936 . 19 p., illus. (AIMME Technical Publication 662) UF Libraries MSL Books; 622 F974m 2 Gulf Coast Lumber Exporters Association . The Gulf coast classification of pitch~ resawn lumber. Pensacola, FL: H . S. White, 1896. 15 p. Note: Revised in 1897, 1902, 1908, 1910. 3 Johnson, J.B. Outline .of situation and conditions in Everglades drainage district and efforts and responsibilities of its board of commissioners . Marianna, FL: Printing Department, Industrial School for Boys, 1926. 8 p. (Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District Report) 2. Lloyd, Edward R. Agricultural possibilities of the Florida Everglades. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1930. 21 p . , illus . (71st Cong., 2nd sess . , Senate Doc. 85) 3 Note: Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a report to the division engineer at New Orleans. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 L793a (Spec Coll) & 630.9759 L793a (MSL) Lumber and Timber Exchange (Pensacola). Classification of pitch~ re-sawn lumber. sawn and hewn timber, with pro forma charters and bills of lading. Pensacola, FL : H. S. White, 1887. 16 P 3 Mendenhall, Herbert D. What the phosphate industry means to Florida engineers. Tallahassee, FL: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1938 . 14 p. Note: Presented at the ASCE meeting held at Jacksonville, FL 20-23 April 1938. Preservation Note: Mimeographed UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F553.64 M537w (Spec Coll) & 553.64 M537w (MSL) 3 O'Meara, R. G., and J . W. Pamplin. Selective oiling and table concentration of phosphatic sands in the land-pebble district .of Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1932 . 7 p. (U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 3195) 1 UF Librari e s MSL Books; 553 . 64 055s Rose, R. E. The swamp and overflowed lands of Florida. The Disston drainage company and the Disston purchase. s reminiscence . Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1916. 23 p. J St. George, R. A., and J. A. Beal. The southern~ beetle: s1 serious enemy of pines in tlIB south. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1929. 18 p . , 17 illus. (U.S . Department of


2 1 1 25 Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1586) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al . 9: 1586 U.S. Congress. Forest experiment station. Hearing .. .. . to establish and maintain g forest experiment station in the state of Florida [and for~] purchase of lands in Florida for an experimental and demonstration forest for .the production of naval stores. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1924. 10 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F582 U58f U.S. Congress, and National Parks Association. The proposed Everglades national park. Report of g special committee of the National Parks Association appointed to fillliiy, all the features in connection with the proposed Everglades National Park in~ state of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 17 p. (72nd Congress, 1st sess, Senate doc 54) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 N277p U.S . Congress, and Southern Commerical Congress. Swamp and overflowed lands in Florida ..... relative to the reclamation of~ swamp and overflowed lands Qf. the south. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912 . 8 p . (62nd Congress, 2nd sess, Senate doc 734) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 S727s 2 Waggaman, William H. A. review of phosphate fields of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. 23 p . (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Soils Bulletin 76) 1 2 2 UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A57.3: 76 Webber, Herbert J. The water hyacinth. and its. relation to navigation in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Botany, 1897. 20 p., illus. (U.S . Department of Agriculture Bulletin 18) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 18 FORESTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES, Theses Cobb, William F. A. study of attitudes toward forest conservation in Duval County. Florida . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 51 p . (M.A. Thesis in Psychology.) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Library West ; 152.7 C653s MISCELLANEOUS Gray, Lewis C. History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1933. 2 vol. (Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 430) Note: Numerous references to Florida agricultural history. UF Libraries MSL Books; 30.7.G779h MISCELLANEOUS, Pamphlets Florida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division . A condensed history of the Chemical Division of~ Department of Agriculture of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1925. 10 p. Note: Extracts from the State Chemist's reports, 1889-1924 .


2 1 1 z 1 :2. 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 RURAL LIFE, 1820-1899 Anon. A home among the orange groves in Crescent City. Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Tri-Weekly Sun, 1876. 32p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P98c Beecher, Henry W. (Mrs.). Letters from Florida. New York. NY: D. Appleton and Co., 1879. 85 p. UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 B4141 Brooks, Abbie M. (Silva Sunshine, pseud.). Petals plucked from sunny climes. Nashville, TN: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1880. 479 p., illus. Note: Second edition: 1883 or 1886, Nashville: same publisher, 495 p. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F092 B873p (Spec Coll/1st ed); 917.59 B8731p2 (Lib W/2nd ed) Bush, George G. History of education in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888. 54 p., 4 pl. (Contribution to American Educational History 6) UF Libraries Education Library; 370.9 .B978h Canova, Andrew P., and L. Sanders Perkins. Life and adventures in south Florida. Palatka, FL: Southern Sun Publishing House, 1885. 136 p., pl. Note: Reprinted in 1906 by Tampa Tribune Printing Co. (Tampa, FL). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 C227 Cory, Charles B. Hunting and fishing it1 Florida. Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1896. 304 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1970 by New York: Arno (American environmental studies v. 9). UF Libraries Library West ; 799 C833h2 __ _.Southern rambles: Florida. Boston, MA: A. Williams and Co., 1881. 149 p. Deland, Mrs Margaret W. (Campbell). Florida days. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co., 1889. 200 p., illus. UF Libraries Library West & Spec Coll/Florida History; 917.59 D337f (Lib W) & F04 D3377f (Spec Coll) Hallock, Charles. Camplife in Florida: ~handbook for sportsmen and settlers. New York, NY: Forest and Stream Publishing, 1878. 348 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F093 H192c Hardy, Iza D. Oranges and alligators sketches of south Florida life. London: Ward and Downey, 1886. 340p. Note: Also includes information on citrus and fruit culture, as well as other agricultural subjects. Holmes, Francis S. The southern farmer and market gardener. Charleston, SC: Burges and James, 1842. 252 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; S503 .H6 Jenks, John W. P. Hunting in Florida, in 1874. n. p.: J. W. P. Jenks, 1884. 70 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 J53h Kenworthy, Charles J. Climatology of Florida. Savannah, GA: Savannah Morning News/Steam Printing House, 1880. 70 p. Note: Covers climatology from a health perspective. Reprinted from the Florida Medical


2 1 2. 2. 1 1 1 2 1 27 Association Transactions. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c . n. Lente, Frederick D. The constituents Qf. climate with special reference 1Q the climate Qf. Florida. Louisville, KY : Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal Book and Steam Job Printer, 1878. 56 p. Note: Covers climate from a health perspective. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.5 L574c __ . Florida as fi health resort. New York, NY: Appleton, 1876 . 34 p . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F613.1 L574h MacDonald, J. A. Plain talk about Florida for homes and investments. Eustis, FL: J. A. MacDonald, 1883. sop. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 M135p Munroe, C. Kirk. The Florida annualimpartial and unsectional. New York, NY: Vaux and Co., 1886. 190p. Note: Covers lands, schools, traveling, hunting, fishing, silk farming, natural features of areas, and includes many statistical tables. Munroe, Kirk. Big cypress, the filfilY Qf. an everglade homestead. Boston, MA: W. A. Wilde & Co., 1894. 164 p., pl. Preservation Note: Microfilmed (Library West, MN02018.2). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F813 M968b Norton, Charles L. Handbook of Florida. New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co . , 1890. 240 p., illus., folding maps Note: Several editions were published: 1890 (Part 1); 1891 (NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 380 p.); 1894 (3rd ed, NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 392 p). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 N883h (Spec Coll/1890); F0921 N883h3 (Spec Coll/1894) & 975.9 N883h3 (Lib W/1891) Reid, Whitelaw. After fug~: .!l southern tour. New York, NY: Moore, Wilstacht, Baldwin, 1866. 589 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1965 (New York: Harper & Row) with the title: After the War: Tour of the Southern States, 1865-66. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; FOB R359a 1866 (Spec Coll) & 917.5044 R359a 1965 Robinson, Leora B . Living in Florida. Louisville, KY: B . F. Avery and Sons, 1884. 95 p. __ . Living in Florida. Louisville, KY: B. F. Avery & Sons, 1884. 95 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 071r Rockwood, Caroline W. In Biscayne Bay. New York, NY: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1891. 286 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M61 R684i Warner, Helen G. Home life in Florida. Louisville, KY: J.P. Morton & Co., 1889. 433 p. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F092 W281h (Spec Coll) & 917.59 W281h (Lib W) .


1 2 2 1 3 1 :2 2. 28 RURAL LIFE, 1900-1909 Florida Department of Agriculture. Florida. A pamphlet descriptive of its history. topography. climate. soil. resoruces and natural advantages. in general and~ counties. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1904. 591 p., illus. Note: First published in 1882. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F091 F636f 1882 (Spec Coll), F354 A5f 1904 (Spec Coll), 917.59 F636f 1904 (Lib W) Hamilton, John. History Qf Farmers' Institutes in the United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1906. 96 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 174) Note: Includes Florida programs. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A10.3: 174 Peeples, Harry A. Twenty-four years in .fug woods. on the waters and in the cities of Florida. Tampa, FL: Tribune Printing Co., 1906. 174 p., illus. FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections/Florida; 917.59 P374t Whitmore, Frederic. A Florida farm. Springfield, MA: Ridgewood Press, 1903. 115 p., pl. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F630 W616f (Spec Coll) & 630.9759 W616f (MSL) RURAL LIFE, 1910-1919 Cammack, Lucius H. What about Florida? Chicago, IL: Laird & Lee, 1916. 175 p. Note: Includes a section on Florida agriculture. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F093 C184w Chandler, Julian A. C. et al. The south in the building of the nation: .s. history of the southern states designed to record the south's part in the making of the American nation: to portray the character and genius, tQ chronicle the. achievements and progress and .to. illustrate the life and traditions of the southern people ... Richmond, VA: Southern Historical Publication Society, 1909-1913. 13 v., plates UF Libraries Library West ; 975 S726 Cowen, Elfrida D. Moses filiM Levy's agricultural colony in Florida. n.p.: n.p., 1917. n.p. (American Jewish Historical Society Publication 25) UF Libraries Judaica Collection; E184 .JS AS Davis, William W. The civil war and reconstruction in Florida. New York, NY: Columbia University, 1913. 747 p. (Columbia studies in the social sciences 131) Note: This was also a Columbia University PhD dissertation. Reprinted in (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press). UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F07 D265c (Spec Coll) & 308 C726 no 131 (Lib W) Florida Farms and Homes Company. Florida. the farmer's. sportsmen's and tourist's paradise. Orange Springs, FL: Florida Farms and Homes Company, 1916. 67 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34 F636Sf Weatherford, Willis D. Negro lifu in .fug south: present condition and needs. New York, NY: Associate Press, 1910. 181 p.


1 2 2. 2. 1 1 1 2 2. 29 Note: Revised edition in 1911; reprinted in 1969 (Miami, FL: Mnemosyne Publishing). UF Libraries Library West ; 325.26 W362n RURAL LIFE, 1920-1929 Bell, Emily L. My pioneer Florida. 1876-1898. Miami, FL: McMurray Printing Co., 1928. 55 P UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 B433m Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 64 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1930, 1931, 1932. __ . Florida facts. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. 28 p., illus. __ . Some interesting facts about Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1927. 16p. Jones, George N. Florida plantation records from the papers of George Noble Jones. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Society, 1927. 596 p., pl., 1 foldout map Preservation Note: Reprinted in 1971, New York: Burt Franklin (American classics in history and social science 197). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; MSL; Library West ; F06 J77f (Spec Coll); 135.29 J77f (MSL); 973.5 J77f (Lib W) Phillips, Ulrich B. Life and labor in .fug old south. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1929. 375 p., illus., 1 foldout map Preservation Note: Reprinted in 1963, Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 309.75 P5631 Ranson, Robert. A memoir of Captain Mills Olcott Burnham. 2 Florida pioneer. Tallahassee, FL: T. J. Appleyard, 1926. 43 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F04 R212 Tink, Edmund L. Rural schools of Florida. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1929. n. p. True, Alfred C. A history oi agricultural education in the United States. 1785-1925. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1929. 436 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publications 36) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Books ; Al.38: 36 & 630.7 T866h Vanderblue, Homer B. The Florida land boom. Chicago, IL: Northwestern University, 1927. 37 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collection/Florida History ; F333.3 V228f RURAL LIFE, 1930-1939 Crow, Charles L. The Florida Agricultural College. n.p.: n.p., 1932. 37 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F378 FE C953f __ . Florida Agricultural Institute in Osceola. n.p.: n.p., 193? n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F378 FEs Co


3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 30 Florida Department of Agriculture. Florida: .?land of homes. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1934. 125 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 A51 __ . Florida sports. recreation and points of interest. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1939. 66 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1941. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 AS/ 1941 __ . Know Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1936, 1938, 1941. Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida. the march of progress. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1931. 64 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1932, 1934, 1938, 1939, 1941. UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 F636fl 1939 Florida State Committee on National Soldiers Home. Florida: health. climate. transportation. recreation and utilities. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1930. 76 p'., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F614 F636 (Spec Coll) & 614.09759 F6364fl (MSL) Garris, Edward W. Special methods in teaching vocational agriculture. Gainesville, FL: The author, 1933. 184 p., illus. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 275.4 G242s Little, R. H. Pioneering in~ Everglades. 1910-.1,2;lli, narratives and memoirs. n. p.: n. p., 1938. n. p. Florida State Library ; O'Neal, William R. Memoirs of ,1:1 pioneer. Orlando, FL: Orlando Sentinel-Star/Florida Press, 1932. 232p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 0710 Robinson, Solon, and Herbert A. Kellar. Solon Robinson. pioneer and agriculturist; selected writings. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1936. 2 v., illus. Note: Reprinted by New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 1968. Travels and experiences in Gulf region and Florida. UF Libraries Library West; 977.2 1393 1936 Rodriguez, Edward R., C. Lowell Turner, and Thomas T. Valentine. Directory of opportunities for Negro~ in Florida. ft summary of community resources. organizations. and services for youth. Jacksonville, FL: U.S. National Youth Administration. Florida, 1936. 138 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F326 U58d U.S. Works Progress Administration. The WPA guide to Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 600 p., pl., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1984 (New York: Pantheon Books). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 F635w 1984 Weigall, Theyre H. Boom in paradise. New York, NY: A.H. King, 1932. 255 p., pl. Note: Description, economic conditions, and real property of Florida. UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 W419b


z. 3 1 2 2 3 3 2. 3 3 2. 31 Willson, Mrs Minnie [Moore-Willson, Minnie]. History of Osceola County: Florida frontier life. Orlando, FL: Inland Press, 1935. 59 p., pl. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 081w RURAL LIFE, 1940-1945 Alsop, Ella G. History of the Florida federation of garden clubs. Jacksonville, FL: Cooper Press, 1943. 104 p., pl. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; FA G218a Appleyard, Lula D. K. Plantation life in middle Florida. 1821-1845. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State College for Women (Florida State University), 1940. 214 p. (M.A. Thesis in History.) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 A652p Barrow, Bennet H., and Edwin A. Davis. Plantation life in the Florida parishes of Louisiana. 18361846. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1943. 473 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F976.3 B278p (Spec Coll) & 630.973 C726s (MSL) Federal Writers Project of Florida. The negro in Florida. 1528-1940. Tallahassee?, FL: n.p., 194? 167p. Preservation Note: UF copy is a photocopy. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F326 F293n Florida Department of Education. Homemaking education for adults and out-of-school youth. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Education, 1943. 88 p., illus. (Florida Department of Education Bulletin 43) UF Libraries MSL Books & Education ; 315 F636h (MSL) & 375.009759 F636b (Ed) Florida East Coast Railway. The story of .a pioneer: .n brief history of the Florida East Coast Railway and its part in the remarkable development of the Florida east coast. St. Augustine, FL: Florida East Coast Railway, 1945? 39 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F385 F636s Holley, William C. et al. The plantation south. 1934-1937. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1940. 124 p., illus. (U.S. Works Project Administration Research Monograph 22.) Note: Reprinted in 1971 (DaCapo Press). UF Libraries MSL Books; 361.6 U585r no. 22 Mosier, Charles I. Evaluating rural housing. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of Education, 1942. 88 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books; 331.833 M911e U.S. Railroad Administration. Agriculture Section. Florida the land of perpetual farming. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, n. d. 40 p., illus. Wilkerson, Doxey A. Agricultural extension services among negroes in the south. n.p.: Conference of presidents of negro land grant colleges, 1942. 59 p., 2 p. UF Libraries MSL Books; 630.717 W681a; 275.2 W681a


Lt 3 3 3 2 32 RURAL LIFE, Pamphlets Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida of~Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1927. 16 p., illus. Florida East Coast Railway. Homes .on the east coast of Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Florida East Coast Railway, 1902. 20 p., illus. Jordan, M. B. Vocational agriculture in ~1:K Yonge laboratory school and ,rn_ values. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. College of Education. Bureau of Educational Research, 1939. 9 p. (UF Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin 13) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Archives; 370 F6367b no. 13 Lente, Frederick D. Climatology of Florida. Springfield, OH: Hastings Paper Co., 1882. 16 p. Note: Covers climate from a health perspective. U.S. Farm Security Administration. Florida migratory labor camp program. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 4 p., illus. 3 Zemliakoff, Alexander. Information for those interested in agriculture. St. Augustine, FL: n.p., 1927. 13 p., illus. Lt 3 3 3 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 Z53i RURAL LIFE, Theses Barnes, Charles 0. A study of rural school supervision in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 81 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Special Collections/Archives ; Blanchard, Albert C. Some aspects of mortality in Florida, 1921-1930. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1933. 130 p. (M.A. Thesis in Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 312.09759 B639s Butts, John L. A program fur agricultural education in Dade County. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 125 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Garris, Edward W. The organization and administration of g_ state program in agricultural education. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1926. 85 p. (Ph.D. Dissertation in Education.) Note: Also published by the Florida State Board for Vocational Education (Tallahassee, FL), 1926. Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Education Library ; 370.82 G349c no. 35 Geiger, Albert J. A study of the farm .shm2 instruction in the vocational agricultural schools of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 106 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780


3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2. J 33 Haimowitz, Morris L. Population trends in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1942. 326 p. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology) Preservation Note: Typescript UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F312 H151p King, Emanuel L. A plan to improve organization and teaching methods of vocational evening classes in agriculture for negro farmers in Florida. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 1935. (M.A. Thesis) Laney, Harrison J. Slavia: a culture pocket in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1937. 101 p. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology) Note: About Slovak agricultural colony in Florida. Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 S47 L267s Loften, William T. Part-time in vocational agriculture for farm boys in Alachua high school community. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 59 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Miller, Edward L. life in Gainesville. a. sociological study. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 186 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Sociology) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 M647n Moon, Clyde L. The development of highgr education for Negroes in the state Qf Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Education Library; 371.974 M818d Roche, Marion C. Present status of future farmers from Florida who have been awarded~ American farmer degree. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 74 p., illus. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Smith, Joseph G . A study of supervised programs conducted ey students of vocational agriculture in Plant City high school agricultural department from 1922-1940. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Timmons, Doyal E. What fug farm furnishes fug home. Jackson County. Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 81 p . , illus . (M.S. Thesis in Agricultural Economics) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Winter, Thurston P.A. teaching program for farmer training in the Moore Haven section. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 78 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Wood, Harry E. A study of supervised practice work in vocational agriculture in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 62 p. (M.A. Thesis in Education)


2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 34 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 SOILS, CROPS and A1MOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1820-1899 Adams, Sherman. Homeland .u description of the climate. productions. resources. topography. and soil opportunities of Polk County. Bartow, FL: Tigner, Tatum and Co., 1885. 80 p. __ . Orangeland .u description of the topography. climate. soil. productions and resources of Orange County. Florida. Orlando, FL: Mahlon Gore, 1883. 100 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 063 A Alden, George J. Florida: information for those who desire to know the state. its climate and resources. New Smyrna, FL: Florida Union Printers, 1875. 52 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 A358f Anon. Brief description of Brevard County. Fla., or the Indian River country: its climate, health. products. etc. Titusville, FL: Florida Star, 1889. 71 p., illus. Note: Second edition. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 B84b __ . A brief description of Brevard County. Florida, or the Indian River country. its climate. health and products. Titusville, FL: Florida Star Office, 1889 . 71 p. Note: 1889 (2nd ed); 1891 (4th ed, Jacksonville: Da Costa Printing House, 88 p). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B84 1889 __ . Florida: the land of sunshine. orange and health. Chicago, IL: Belmore Florida Land Co., 1885. 32p. __ . Letters from Tallahassee. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Steam Book and Job Printing House, 1885. n. p. Note: Covers general farming, fruits, vegetables and livestock raising in the area. Ashby, John W. Alachua . .the garden county of Florida: lli resources and advantages. New York, NY: Alachua County Immigration Association, 1888 . 56 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31 A823a Ashmead, William H. Orange insects: a_ treatise Qil the injurious and beneficial insects found on the orange trees .Qf. Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1880. 93 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 A827o Barbour, George M. Florida for tourists. invalids and settlers, containing practical information regarding climate. towns and people. The culture of orange and other tropical fruits. farming and gardening. scenery and resorts, sport. routes of travel. etc. New York, NY: D. Appleton and Co., 1882. 310 p., illus, 1 foldout map UF Libraries Library West; 917.59 B2395f Bill, Ledyard. A winter in Florida. or observations on the soil. climate and products of our semi tropical state. New York, NY: Wood and Holbrook, 1869. 222 p. UF Libraries Library West; 917 . 59 B596w4 (4th ed/1870) Carse, George B., and J. H. Foss. Florida: lli climate. soil. productions and agriculture capabilities . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1882. 98 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Report 21)


35 UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Spec Coll/Florida History; A? (MSL) & F091 U58f (Spec Coll) 2 Chazotte, Peter S. Facts and observations .on the culture of vines. olives. capers, almonds, eg;. in the southern states, and of coffee, cocoa, and cochineal in east Florida. Philadelphia, PA: J. Maxwell, 1821. 24 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 C513f 2 Chipley, William D. Facts about Florida. New York, NY: Economical Printing, 1885. 52 p., illus. Note: Other publisher information: Louisville, KY: Courier-Journal Job Print. Co., 1885, 84 p., illus. It includes information on climate, soils and agriculture. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 C541f __ . Pensacola the Naples .of America and its environs. Louisville, KY: Courier Journal Press, 1877. 30 p., illus. Note: Other title, Pensacola (the Naples of America) and its surroundings illustrated. UF Libraries Library West; 917.5999 C541p Clark, J. 0. D. Ocala, Florida. New York, NY: Republic Press, 1891. 149 p. Note: Covers, climate, soils, mineral, orange culture, etc. Cleland, John C. The superior advantages ,to)2g_ derived from the culture of sugar-cane .in East Florida. Charleston, SC: S. S. Miller, 1836. 72 p., illus. Preservation Note: Microfilm copy (Xerox University Microfilms, 1974) UF Libraries Library West; 810.8 A5122 (American Culture Series, reel 616.14 ) 2, Clifford, Paul A. An authentic report and history of fil. Andrews Bay, Florida. Cleveland, OH: St. Andrews Railroad Land and Mining Co., 1888. 76 p. Note: Covers land, soil, climate, water, industries, etc. 2. Columbia County Board of County Commissioners. Columbia County, Florida: advantages and attractions, climate, soil, health and general features, products and industries: a descriptive review .of all. Lake City, FL: Columbia County Board of County Commissioners, 1889. 60 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1959 (Gainesville, FL: Florida Historical Reprints). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 C72 C726c 2. Columbia County Immigration Association. Columbia County, Florida: description of her climate, soil, health, and general advantages. Jacksonville, FL: Columbia County Immigration Association, 1883. 39 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 C72c 2 Daily Sun. Alachua County, its resources and advantages. Gainesville, .s. healthful progressive city. Gainesville, FL: Daily Sun, 1898. 39 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31g Davidson, James W. The Florida .of to-~ p. guide for tourists and settlers. New York, NY: D. Appleton and Co., 1889. 254 p. Note: Covers geography, climate, geology, productions and pests. 1 Davis, George W. A treatise on .fug culture of the orange. Jacksonville, FL: Charles W. DaCosta, 1881. 60p. . UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books ; 92 D261ts (2nd ed., 1882)


1 2. 2. 1 2. 1 1 2. 1 1 2. 36 Dewey, L. F. and Company. Florida; i climate. soil. and productions. Jacksonville, FL: L. F. Dewey and Company, 1868. 64 p., illus. FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections; 917.59 F6362 Dunne, Edmund F. The Sicily of America: the catholic colony of San Antonio. Florida. n. p.: n. p., 1885. 48p. Note: Covers orange culture, lemon culture, other fruits and crops, the cattle industry, etc. Duval County (Fla.) County Commissioners. Duval County. Florida. Showing its statistics. resources. lands. products. climate and population. Jacksonville, FL: Times-Union Printing House, 1885. 54 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 D98 C855d Eagan, Dennis. The Florida settler or immigrant guide. A complete manual of information concerning the climate. gill, products and resources of the state. Tallahassee, FL: unk., 1873. 160 p. Note: Also published as, Sixth annual report of the Commissioner of Land and Immigration of the State of Florida, Tallahassee: C. H. Walton, 1874, 272 p. (UF copy is this report). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F636fs Edwards, John L. Edwards guide to east Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1881. 148 p. Note: Covers climate, geography and descriptions of different sections of Florida. Florida Commissioner of Lands and Immigration. Florida: i climate. soil. and productions. Jacksonville, FL: L. F. Dewey, 1868. 64 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 . F636 (1868, 1869, 1870) __ . The Florida settler. or immigrants guide: s! complete manual of information concerning the climate. soil. products and resources of the state. Tallahassee, FL: The Floridian, 1873. 160 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 F636fs (1874 ed.) Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration. Florida: 9 pamphlet descriptive of its history. topography. climate. soil. resources and natural advantages. Tallahassee, FL: Floridian Book and Job Office, 1882. 192 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F636f __ . Semi-tropical Florida: i~ climate .s.oil and productions. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 1879. 44 p., illus. Note: Second edition 1880 (64 p). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F635s Florida Land Agency. Florida: its soil. climate. health. productions. resources and advantages. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Land Agency, 1875. 104 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6367f Florida Land and Improvement Company. Florida: its climate. soil and productions. New York, NY: Florida Land and Improvement Company, 1881. 33 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6366f Fort George Island Company. A winter at Fort George. Florida. Boston, MA: W. G. Crawford, 1886. 30p. Note: Covers topography, orange culture, agriculture, etc. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 D98 F736w


1 2 2 1 1 2. 1 1 1 2 3 1 37 Gallesio, Georges. Orange culture: n treatise on the citrus family. Jacksonville, FL: Charles H. Walton, 1876. 65 p. Note: Translation of Traite du Citrus by S.D. Wilcox and C.A. Cowgill for the Florida Agriculturist. UF Libraries MSL Books; 92 G166o Gardiner and Pratt. Starke and fu. neighborhood. An orange region in .fug_ most healthful portion of Florida. New York, NY: South Publishing Co./Gardiner and Pratt, Real Estate Agents (Starke), 1887. 62 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B79 S795Yg Garriott, E. B. Notes on frost. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1899. 24 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 104) Note: Includes work in Florida and the protection of citrus fruits. Revised in 1908/31 p.; 1910/ 32 p.; 1911/35 p. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 104 Griffing, Jane R. Letters from Florida, on scenery, climate. social and material conditions and practical advantages cl the land cl flowers. Lancaster, NH: Republican Press, 1883. 122 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 G852 Hackley, Richard S. Documents in. pr.oQf of the climate and soil of Florida. particularly east Florida. New York, NY: W. L. Bradbury, 1835. 87 p. Note: Covers areas surveyed for their value for agricultural purposes. Harcourt, Helen. Florida fruits and how to raise them. Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1884. 189p. Note: Revised in 1886, Louisville, KY: John P. Morton, 347 p. (by Helen G. Warner). UF Libraries Library West & MSL; In process (Lib W/1884) & 93.1125 W281f (MSL/1886) Hawks, John M. The Florida gazetteer. containing also g guide to and through .fug_ state ..... New Orleans, LA: Bronze Pen Steam Book and Job Office, 1871. 214 p. Note: Includes information on agricultural products. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 H392g Ireland, Alleyne. Tropical colonization: an introduction to .fug_ study of .the subject. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1899. 282 p., 10 foldout illus. UF Libraries Library West; 325.3 I65t Jacques, D. H. Florida as .s:1 permanent home: embracing a description of the climate, soil and productions cl .fug state. Jacksonville, FL: C. W. Blew, 1877. 32 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 J36f Kern, F. L. Florida: its educational filfilll.S, together with some of its attractions and advantages, climate. productions. industries. etc. Jacksonville, FL: Times-Union Job Office Printing, 1890. 32 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F370 K39 Knapp, J. G. Only one Florida. Jacksonville, FL: W. T. Forbes and Co., 1886. 39 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 K67o Lanier, Sidney. Florida: fil scenery. climate. and history. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1875. 266 p., pl., illus. Preservation Note: Reprint in 1973, Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press (Bicentennial


1 2 3 3 .2 z 2. :2. 38 Floridiana Facsimile Series). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 .L287f Manville, A. H. Practical orange culture, including !hg culture of !hg orange, lemon, lime and other citrus fruits, as grown in Florida . Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead, 1883. 122 p. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 M295p (Spec Coll) & SB370.07 M35x (MSL) Mason, Z. H. A general description of Orange County, Florida; its soil, climate, health. productions, resources, and facilities of transportation . Orlando, FL : Orange County Immigration Society, 1881. 56 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 063 M412g Moore, Theophilus W. Treatise and hand QQQ}s on orange culture in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Sun and Press, 1877. 73 p., illus . Note: Second edition (1881) expanded to include Louisiana and California. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 M824t (Spec Coll) & 92.03 M824t (MSL) __ . Treatise and hand-book of orange culture in Florida, Louisiana and California . Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead, 1883. 188 p. Note: Third, enlarged edition See, Treatise and hand book on orange culture in Florida. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 M824t3 (Spec Coll) & 92 . 03 M824t3 (MSL) Neal, James C. The root-knot disease of the pegcl1, orange, and other plants in Florida, due to the work Qf. anguillula. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, 1889. 31 p., 21 pl., illus . (U . S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 20) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 20 Neck, S. Sanders. The present and future productions of Florida. Ocala, FL: Banner Steam Printing House, 1888. 134 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 N365p Oemler, A. Truck-farming at~ South. A guide to the raising of vegetables for northern markets . New York, NY : Orange Judd Company, 1888. 265 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.13 028t Olney, George W. A guide to Florida, "the land of flowers". New York, NY: Cushing Bardua and Co., 1872. 84 p. Note: Other editions include, 1873 (N e w York: Railroad and Real Estate Publishing Bureau, 87 p.); 1874 (New York : Catlin and Lydecker, 110 p.); 1875 (New York: Chas. Dawens , 114 p.); 1876 (New York: J. H. White, 120 p.) . This title includes climatic and agricultural statistics . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 G946 (1873 edition) Palatka Board of Trade. A home in Florida. A description of Palatka "!he gem city" showing her many advantages fur. profitable investments and enterprises. Also .1! description of Putnam County, "home of the citrus family" ..... with an account of the great orange and peach industry. Palatka, FL: Ed Rumley, 1887. 35 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P98 P1541h Palma, Sola. The youngest ill1d largest town in Florida. New York, NY: Brown and Green, 1884. 108 P


1 2 2. 2. 2 2 2 2 1 2 39 Note: Covers climate, geography, manufacturing, tropical fruits, vegetables, etc. of the Florida west coast and Manatee County. Perrine, Henry E. Tropical plants. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1838. 99 p. (House Report No. 553; 25th Congress, 2nd Session) Note: Report on use of land in south Florida for introducing and growing tropical agricultural and horticultural plants. Eventually, an introduction station was established. Pio, Louis. The east Q.Mt of Florida: fu climate, soil and products. n.p.: n.p., 1892. 48 p., illus. FSU Libraries Special Collections ; S507.F6 P56 Rambler (pseud.). Guide to Florida. New York, NY: American News Co., 1873. 144 p. Note: Various editions: 1875 (NY: same pub, 146 p.); 1876 (NY: same pub, 88 p.) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F0921 R167g Rigby, T. C. Dr. Rigby's papers on Florida. Giving a general view Qf. portion of fug state, its climate, resources, statistics, society, crops and trade. Cincinnati, OH: E. Hendenhall, 1876. 63 P Note: Includes information on agriculture, lumber, naval stores, and manufacturing. Robinson, A. A. The resources and natural advantages of Florida, containing special papers descriptive of the several counties with their resources and natural advantages. Tallahassee, FL: Floridian Book and Job Office, 1882. 193 p. Note: Contains information on climate, soil, productions, livestock, fish, fertilizers and manufactures. Rolfs, Peter H. Vegetable growing in the south fur northern markets. Richmond, VA: Southern Planter Pub. Co., 1896. 266 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.13 R747v Saunders, William. Observations on .thg soils and products of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883. 30 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Special Report 62) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F631 S2570 Shackleford, Thomas M. Lake Weir, Florida (Amaskohegen Bright Moon Lake), with practical articles from successful men on Florida products and how to raise them. Full information .on how !Q~ an orange or lemon grove. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Times-Union Power Printing House, 1883. 96 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34 S524 Smith, T. F. Verdad Florida and Texas: g series of letters comparing the soil, climate and productions of these states, setting forth many advantages that east and fouth Florida offer !Q emigrants. Ocala, FL: East Florida Banner Office, 1886. 39 p. South Publishing Company. Florida portrayed: fu; sections, climate, productions, resources, etc. with practical hints to intending settlers. London, England: South Publishing Company, 1880. 134p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S726f __ . Sunny Florida: g compendium of information regarding "the state of orange groves". London, England: South Publishing Company, 18?? 142 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S726s


2. 1 1 l 1 2. 2. 2 2 40 Tabault, George A. Chronicles Qf Florida. Norfolk, VA: J. W. Barcroft, 1886. 226 p. Note: Covers topography, crops, wildlife and local information, in particular the St. Augustine, Tampa and Pensacola regions. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F813 T254c Upham, Samuel C. Notes from sunland. Qil the Manatee River. Gulf coast of south Florida: its climate. soil and productions ... Philadelphia, PA: E. Claxton & Co., 1881. 83 p., pl. Note: Enlarged edition published as: Florida past and present, its climate, soil and productions (Jacksonville, FL: Ashmead Brothers, 1883, 115 p). UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books ; 975.962 U67n U.S. Congress. Perrine grant. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1897. 159 p. (54th Congress, 2nd sess, Senate rep 1574) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F580 U58c 1897 __ . Report... .. on the memorial of Doctor Henry Perrine ..... asking a grant of land in the southern extremity Qf. east Florida for the encouragement of thg growth of new and important agricultural products. exotic vegetables. and tropical plants. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1838. 142 p. (25th Congress, 2nd sess, House rep 564; 25th Congress, 2nd sess, Senate rep 300) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FSB0 U58c 1838 Varn, Kline 0. Cuban tobacco in Florida. Fort Meade, FL: 1898. Varnum, John P . Florida! Its climate. productions and characteristics. Jacksonville, FL: Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway, 1885. 104 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1982 (DeLand, FL: Saint Johns-Oklawaha Rivers Trading Co.). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 F6364 Verdad (pseud.). Florida and Texas. A series of letters comparing the filill, climate and productions of these states. setting forth the advantages that east and south Florida offer to emigrants. Ocala, FL: T. F. Smith, 1866. 39 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FOB F635 Volney, Constantin F. C. A view of the climate and .sml of the United~ of America. to which are annexed some accounts of Florida ..... Philadelphia, PA: Mercier, 1804. 503 p., illus. Preservation Note: Microfiche available; Reprint edition available (New York, NY: Hafner Pub. Co., 1968). UF Libraries Library West, UNF Libraries; Z1215 .S48 1966 (UF/Microfiche); E164 . V933 1968 (UNF/Reprint) Wall. John P. Climatological and sanitary report .Qf Florida. Philadelphia, PA: Collins, 1875. n. p. Florida State Library? ; Webb, Wanton S. Historical. industrial and biographical Florida. New York, NY: W. S. Webb and Co., 1885. 306 p .• illus. Note: Covers climate. soils, land, commodities, tropical fruits, woods, stock raising, etc. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F092 W368h Webber, Charles H. Description of the citrus groves. strawberry fields. vegetable farms. climate and people Qf Alachua County. Florida. n. p.: n. p., 1883. n. p. __ . The eden of the south descriptive cl orange groves. vegetable farms, strawberry fields. peach orchards, soil, cl . imate, natural peculiarities and the people of Alachua County,


2 2 2. 1 2 41 Florida. New York, NY: Leve and Alden, 1883. 132 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31w White, J. W. Guide to Florida and her famous resorts. containing a brief history ol Florida: her climate. health. soil. agricultural products. fruits and phosphates. Jacksonville, FL: Dacosta Printing and Publishing House, 1890. 112p. Note: There were several later editions, including 1891, 1892 and 1893 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 W85g3 1893 __ . Only one Florida considered from every point .of view. Jacksonville, FL: DaCosta Printing and Publishing House, 1890 . 39 p. Note: See Knapp, J. G. (Same title different book?) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 K67a Whitner, J. N . Florida gardening manual for 1881. Jacksonville, FL: C. W. DaCosta, 1885. 246 p. Florida State Library? ; __ . Gardening in Florida a treatise on .fug_ vegetables and tropical products. Jacksonville, FL: DaCosta Printing and Publishing House, 1885 . 346 p., illus. Note: This is the second edition. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W616g2 __ . A manual of gardening in Florida. Fernandina, FL: Florida Mirror, 1881. 73 p. Whitney, John P. Whitney's Florida Pathfinder. New York, NY: Pathfinder Office, 1874. 38 p. Note: Editions: 1874 (1874-75/38 p.); 1875 (1875-76/80 p.); 1876 (1876-77/64 p.); 1878 (1879/96 p.); 1881 (1880-81/96 p.). Covers geography, soil and productions for different places in the state for the time period covered by each edition. Whitney, Milton. A preliminary report on the soils of Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1898. 47 p. (U.S . Department of Agriculture Division of Soils Bulletin 13) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.3: 13 Williams, John L. A view .of west Florida. embracing ira geography. topography. etc. Philadelphia, PA: H. S. Tanner, 1827. 178 p . , illus. Note: Information on trees, plants and crops (cotton, rice, corn, sugar, potatoes, tobacco, indigo, citrus, etc.). Preservation Note: Reprint published Gainesville, FL: University Presses of Florida, 1976. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F04 W724v 1976 (Spec Coll) & 917.59044 W724 1976 (Lib W) SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1900-1909 Anon. Sanford. the celery city. Florida : center of winter gardening in Florida. Sanford, FL: Sanford Herald, 1909. 24 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S22 S226 Collins, C. N. The avocado. cl salad fruit from the tropics. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1905. 52 p., 8 pl. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 77) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A19.3: 77 Florida National Tobacco Company. Prospectus of Florida National Tobacco Company. Jacksonville, FL: Florida National Tobacco Company, 1908. 32 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F633.7 F636p


2 3 1 1 3 2 2. 2 42 Girardeau, J. H. Pecan industry in Florida. Atlanta, GA: A. B. Caldwell, 1909. n. p. Hooker, W. A. Observations on insect enemies of tobacco in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1907. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 67) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A9.3: 67 Hume, H. Harold. Citrus fruits and their culture. Jacksonville, FL / New York: H. & W. B. Drew / Judd, 1904. 597 p., illus. Note: Several editions, e.g.: 1907 (2nd), 1911 (4th), 1915 (6th). UF Libraries MSL Books ; 92 .H921c Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Letters to L & N from people who formerly lived north. about west Florida. Louisville, KY: Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, 1907. 40 p., illus. Note: Information on agricultural productivity and description of the kudzu vine. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 L8881 Morrill, A. W. Fumigation for the citrus white fly, as adapted to Florida conditions. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, 1908. 73 p., 7 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 76) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 76 __ . Fumigation for the citrus white fly, as adapted to Florida conditions. Washingtion, DC: Government Printing Office, 1908. 73 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 76) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 76 Orton, W. A. Sea Island cotton: its culture. improvement and diseases. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1907. 48 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 302) Note: Includes information and recommendations for Georgia and Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 302 Rolfs, Peter H. The avacado in Florida: its propagation, cultivation and marketing Qf the avocado. Washington, DC: Goverment Printing Office, 1904. 36 p., 4 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 61) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.3: 61 __ . Citrus fruit growing in .the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1906. 48 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 238) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 238 __ . Pineapple growing. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 140) Note: Includes work in Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 140 :2. Thornton, C. B. Fancy pineapples of Orange County. DeLand, FL: E. 0. Painter Printing Co., 1903. n. p. 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil conservation Service. Soil survey( ... county). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1903 -1927. Note: The time period covered by these surveys actually covers 1900-1945, but only a Jew surveys were published during this time: Bradford (1913), Duval (1921), Escambia (1906),


1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 43 Flagler (1918), Fort Lauderdale Area (1915), Franklin (1915), Gadsden (1903), Gainesville Area (1904), Hernando (1914), Indian River Area (1913), Jacksonville Area (1910), Lake (1923), Leon (1905), Marianna Area (1909), Ocala Area (1912), Orange (1919), Pinellas (1913), Polk (1927), Putnam (1914), St. Johns (1917). UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.38: Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company. Florida vegetables. Jacksonville, FL: Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company, 1909. 84 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W754f 1909 SOILS, CROPS and A1MOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1910-1919 American Agricultural Chemical Company. Citrus culture, fertilization. grove and soil management. Jacksonville, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Company, 1918. 64 p., illus. Bradley Fertilizer Works. Market crops of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Bradley Fertilizer Works, 1919. 98 p., illus. Darrow, George M. Strawberry culture: eastern United States. Washington, DC: Goyernment Printing Office, 1919. 50 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1028) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1028 __ . Strawberry culture: south Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1026) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1026 Duggar, John F. Southern field crops. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1911. 579 p., illus. Note: Revised edition published in 1925 (444 p., illus.). UF Libraries MSL Books; SB185 .DB 1911; 31.112 D866s2 1925 Fawcett, H. S. Citrus diseases of Florida and Cuba compared with those of California. Berkeley, CA: Agricultural Experiment Station, 1915. 58 p., illus. (California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 262) UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 100 C12S Florida Citrus Groves Company. Florida grapefruit and oranges . Chicago, IL: Florida Citrus Groves Company, 1913. 30 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 F6363f Florida East Coast Railway. Climatic data of the east coast of Florida. St. Augustine, FL: Land Department, Florida East Coast Railway, 1912. 32 p., illus. Note: Compiled from records of the U.S. Weather Bureau reports for 1912. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; 551.5 F636c Gould, H.P. fig growing in the south Atlantic and Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1031) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1031 Grossenbacher, J. G. Experiments on the decay of Florida oranges. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Circular 134) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A19.4: 134


44 3 Groveland Farms Company. Groveland farms. the garden spot of Florida. n.p.: Groveland Farms Company. 1917. 31 p., illus. 2 2 2 2 2 Note: Describes farms in Lake County. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 L19 G:1 Hedges, Florence, and L. S. Tenny. A 1mm of citrus trees caused~ Sphaeropsis tumefaciens. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912. 74 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 247) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.3: 247 Hollingsworth, Shelby. 35 Years among the trees: Qr the quintessence of orange culture. Arcadia, FL: Enterprise, 1914. 31 p. Florida Southern College/Citrus Archives; 634.31 H741y Mooney, Charles N., W. J. Latimer, Herman Gunter, and Emil Gunter. The Florida freeze of 18941895 and the effect on citrus fruit growing in the Ocala area. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1912. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Soils Survey Advance Sheet) Note: Other title, Survey of the Ocala, Florida Area. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A57.38: Morrill, A. W., and E. A. Back. Natural control of white flies in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 78 p., 9 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 103) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.3: 103 __ . White flies injurious to citrus in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911. 109 p., 10 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 93) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A9.3: 93 Okeechobee Fruit Lands Company. The garden of the glades. Jacksonville, FL: Okeechobee Fruit Lands Company, 1914. 46 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 G218 Orton, W. A. Sea island cotton. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916. 40 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 787) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 787 Pensacola Commercial Association. Farm facts and forage crops of Escambia County. Pensacola?, FL: Pensacola Commerical Association, 1911. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F12 E74 F:1 Pinellas Development Company. Sugar cane and the Pinellas Peninsula. Florida. St. Petersburg, FL ?: Pinellas Development Company, 1913. 25 p., illus. J Piper, Charles V. The Florida velvet bean and related plants. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1910. 26 p., 7 pl. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 633.363 P665f 2, Prange, Nettie M. Citrus culture for profit. St. Augustine, FL: The Record Co., 1911. 90 p., pl., illus. Note: Second edition published in 1913. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 92 P899c ,2. Rolfs, Peter H. Subtropical vegetable-gardening. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1916. 327 p., pl. UF Libraries MSL Books; 91.17 R747s


3 . . . ---------------------~ 45 Rose, R. E. fuill analysis. Analyses of Florida muck soils. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 191? 24 p., illus. Note: Extracts from a variety of sources compiled by Rose, the State Chemist. UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.42 R795s 2. Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Fruit and vegetable growing in Manatee County, Florida. 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1911. 64 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M26sf Sellards, E. H. Classification of the soils of Florida. Tallahasssee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1914. 53 p., illus. Note: Reprinted from twelfth biennial report of the Florida Department of Agriculture. Simpson, Charles T. Ornamental gardening in Florida; ft treatise .on the decorative plants adapted to Florida and their cultivation. Little River, FL: Charles T. Simpson, 1916. 198 p., pl. Note: Republished in 1927 (243 p). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635.9 S613o 1916; F635.9 S613o 1927 Spencer, C. Lyman. The sugar situation . Jacksonville, FL: Drew Press, 1918. 89 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 S845s The Florida Grower. The Florida grower's atlas Qf Florida. Tampa, FL: The Florida Grower, 1914 . 50 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History & MSL Books ; F912 . S431f (Fla Hist) & 912 .F636f (MSL) Thomas Advertising Service. Multiplying opportunities (three great money-making cr:.QIIB combined into one: orange. grapefruit and Natal hay .on fug same land). Leesburg, FL: Buckeye Orange Growers Corp., 1916. 39 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 T463m United States Colonization Company. Farm lands in Florida, the land of three crops and prosperity. Chicago, IL: United States Colonization Company, 1910. n.p. Note: Describes farm lands in Columbia County. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 C72 U58f Waldin, Walter. Truck farming in the Everglades. Chicago, IL: Walter Waldin, 1910. 139 p., illus. Note: Republished in 1912 (Chicago: E.F. Harman). UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F551.4 W163t (Spec Coll) & 635 W163t (MSL) Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company. Florida vegetables. Irish potatoes. melons. and cucumbers; Florida strawberries. Jacksonville, FL: Wilson and Toomer Fertilizer Company, 1919 . 32 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F635 W754f 1919 Wright, James 0. To!! Everglades of Florida; their adaptability for the growth of sugar cane. Tallahassee, FL: Appleyard, 1912. 83 p., pl., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 W951e Yothers, W.W. Spraying for fug control Qf_ insects and mites attacking citrus trees in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1918. 39 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 933) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 933


2 2. J 2 2 3 3 46 SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1920-1929 Alachua County News. Alachua County. Florida: .fug hub of .fue greatest filfilg of th..e greatest nation. agricultural. educational and industrial center. Gainesville, FL: McCreary Pub. Co., 1924. 72 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 A31a Anon. Imperial Polk County: Florida's banner citrus county. Lakeland, FL: Imperial Polk Book, 1921. 61 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 P76 134 Ballard, W. W., and D. M. Simpson. Behavior of cotton planted at different dates in weevil control experiments in Texas. South Carolina and Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1925. 43 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1320) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 1320 Bennett, Hugh H. The soils fil1d agriculture of the southern states. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1921. 399 p., 4 illus., 56 pl., 1 foldout map UF Libraries MSL Books; 56.112 B471s Coville, Frederick V. Directions for blue berry culture. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 24 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 974) Note: Includes a section on blueberry culture in Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 974 Dietz, Harry F., and James Zetek. The black fly, of .cih:ID. and other sup-tropical plants. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920 . 55 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 885) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 885 Fellsmere Farms Company. The Fellsmere farms of Florida. n.p.: Fellsmere Farms Company, 1922. 54 p., illus. Note: Describes farms in Stuart I Indian River County. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 139 F:1 Florida Department of Agriculture. Central Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 82 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 A5ce 1935 __ . North and northwest Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 141 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & Library West; F354 A5n 1929 (Lib W), 917 . 59 F636n 1930? (Lib W), 917.59 F636n 1935 (Lib W), F354 A5n 1935 (Spec CoII) __ . South Florida . Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1929. 82 p . , illus. Note: Reprinted in 1933, 1935. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F354 A5s 1935 1, Gadsden County Chamber of Commerce. Gadsden County. the famous tobacco gmnty. Quincy?, FL: Gadsden County Chamber of Commerce, 1921. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 G12 G:1


1 1 3 3 2 2. 2 47 Gainesville Chamber of Commerce. Gainesville. the agricultural center Qf Florida. Gainesville, FL: Gainesville Chamber of Commerce, 1929. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 C:4 __ . Tung oil. Gainesville, FL: Gainesville Chamber of Commerce, 192? n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 G14 T:1 Hume, H. Harold. The cultivation of citrus fruits. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1926. 561 p., illus. DPI; SB369 .H95 Lord, E. L. The tung oil tree. Gainesville, FL: Pepper Printing Co., 1924. 48 p., 1 color pl., illus . UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F583.9 L866t (Spec Coll) & SB299 .TB L6 (MSL) Mathews, A. L. The tung oil industry in Florida. DeLand, FL: Painter Printing Co., 1929. 48 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F583.9 M429t (Spec Coll) & 75 M429t (MSL) Miami Chamber of Commerce. Industrial and agricultural advantages. Miami, FL: Miami Chamber of Commerce, 1928. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M61 I:1 Miller, W. T. How to plant citrus trees. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928. n.p. Moznette, G. F. The avocado. its insect enemies and how to combat them. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1922. 31 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1261) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 1261 Pittsburgh-Florida Fruit Growers Association. Pittsburgh-Florida orange and grapefruit groves. Sebring?, FL: Pittsburgh-Florida Fruit Growers Association, 1922. 35 p., illus. Note: Describes area around Sebring I Highlands County . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H63 P:1 Popenoe, Wilson. Manual of tropical and subtropical fruits. excluding the banana. coconut. pineapple. citrus fruits. olive. and fig.. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1920. 489 p., 14 pl., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Rare Books; 93.4 P826m Randall, G. M. Dutch and French bulb culture in Florida. also diversified farming. DeLand, FL: Painter Print. Co., 1926. 96 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F635.9 R188d (Spec Coll) & 96.4 R188d (MSL) Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Orange. grapefruit and vegetable growing in Manatee and Sarasota Counties, Florida. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1921. 56 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M26 so __ . Orange, grapefruit and vegetable growing in the land of Manatee [County]. Norfolk, VA: Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, 1920. 72 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M26s


2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 J 3 48 Seminole Plantation Company. Orange and pecan groves in Florida. Harrisburg, PA: J. Horace McFarland Co., 1922. 47 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 S471o Smith, George D. Studies in the biology of the Mexican cotton boll weevil on Short Staple Upland. l&ng Staple Upland and Sea Island cottons. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 44 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 926) Note: Study was made at Madison, Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 926 Stockbridge, Frank P., and John H. Perry. Florida in the making. New York, NY: deBower Publishing Co., 1925. 351 p., pl., illus. Note: General summary of natural resources, agricultural products and economic potential. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F093 S864f Stuart, William. Potato production in the south. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 39 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1205) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1205 Truskett, E. E. Bunch grapes in Florida. Mount Dora, FL: Unknown, 1927. 47 p. Vosbury, E. D. Citrus fruit growing in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920. 46 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1122) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.9: 1122 Vosbury, E. D., and J. R. Winston. Pineapple culture in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921. 35 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1237) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1237 Vosbury, E. D., and T. Ralph Robinson. Culture of citrus~ in .fug_.GY.lf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1923. 42 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1343) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 1343 Walker, Marvin H. The story of .ilJg_ Mediterranean fruit fu. Tampa, FL: Florida Grower, 1929. 40 p., pl., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F632.7 W182s West Florida Publicity Association. West Florida, rich in agricultural resources, ripe for industrial development. delight of sportsman and tourist. an ideal all the year climate. Pensacola, FL: West Florida Publicity Association, 1924. n.p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 W5221 Wheeler, Homer J. Citrus culture in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: American Agricultural Chemical Co., 1923. 154 p., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 W563c (Spec Coll) & 92 W563c (MSL) Wilder, Mrs C. M. Agricultural resources of Florida. DeLand, FL: E. 0. Painter Printing Co., 1926. n. P Note: Supplement to Florida Department of Agriculture Bulletin 1 (v. 5). Wilson, Mrs Millar, and Mrs. John A. Ferguson. In Florida gardens. Harrisburg, PA: Mount Pleasant Press, 1924. 194 p., illus.


3 3 3 ?. 3 1 3. 3 2 3 49 Young, Robert A. The dasheen: a southern root crop for home use .fillQ market. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1924. 35 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1396) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1396 SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1930-1939 Adderley, Joseph C. American !llng tree: propagation and production. Pensacola, FL: American Tung-Oil Institute, 1936. 33 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F583.9 A323a Ball, E. D. et al. Biological and ecological factors in fug control Qf ,tM celery leaf tier in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1935. 56 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 463) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.36: 463 Bitting, Clarence R. Sugar notes. New York, NY: B. N. Tyrrel/United States Sugar Corporation, 1937. 4 v., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338 . 1 B624s Cook, 0. F., and C. B. Doyle. Sea Island and Meade cotton in the southeastern states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1937. 20 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 414) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 414 Davis, Thomas F. Early orange culture and epochal cold of 1835. n.p.: n.p., 1936. var. pp. (1 v.) Note: Republished in 1941 refer to, A Narrative History of the Orange in the Floridian Peninsula. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 D264e Dean, Nina 0. Golden harvest. the romance of Florida citrus. Ocala, FL: Florida State Horticultural Society, 1937. 30 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 .D282g Dunn, Elias B. Florida weather and climate. Coral Gables, FL: Unknown, 1934. 41 p. Florida Chemurgic Conference. Condensed proceedings. Gainesville?, FL: Florida Chemurgic Conference, 1937. 105 p., pl., illus. Note: Serial or was this the only year the conference was held? Proceedings of conference held at Gainesville, FL on 20 February 1937. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630.6 F637c Florida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division. Enforcement of arsenical law. 19311932. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1933. 55 p., illus. Florida Department of Agriculture. Citrus Inspection Bureau. Citrus fruit laws. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1939. 153 p. Note: Reprinted in 1941. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 614.31 F636c 1939, 1941 Florida State Plant Board. Cooperative extension, mission and accomplishments. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 64 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed.


2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 50 __ . Protection: vital to continued success of Florida's agricultural industries. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 31 p. Note: Reprinted in 1938. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 632 F636p __ . Research. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1933. 76 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. __ . Summary: Mediterranean fruit fu eradication. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 193? 28 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Galloway, B. T. Bamboo: their culture and use in the United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1935. 44 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1329) Note: Includes experiments conducted at Brooksville. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A1.3: 1329 Gardner, Henry A. Questions and answers on tung oil production in America. Washington, DC: American Tung Oil Corp., 1930. 60 p., illus. Note: 3rd. ed. UF Libraries MSL Books; 75 .G227q3 Gifford, John C. The tropical subsistence homestead. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1934 . 158p. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F631 G458t (Spec Coll) & 038 G458t (MSL) Hoagland, Dennis R., and D. I. Amon. Growing plants without soil~ fug water-culture method. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 39 p., illus. Note: Reprint of C.R.E.A. News Letter 17. UF Libraries MSL Books; 581.138 H678g Longfield-Smith, L., and W. Y. Cary. The determination of juiciness in grapefruit. The effect of freezing on oranges. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1935. 30 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.3 F6d ,2Nehrling, Henry. The plant world in Florida. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1933. 304 p., pl. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F580 N396p (Spec Coll) & 582 N396p (MSL) 3 1 Polhamus, Loren G. The rubber content of two species of Cr_yplostegia and of an interspecific hybrid in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1934. n. p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 457.) UF Libraries MSL Books & Federal Documents; 583.73 P765r; A1.36: 457 Rhodes, Neill. Florida citrus fruit marketing: its volume. distribution and sale. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1933. 79 p., illus. Note: Reprinted in 1934. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F354 .M3c 1933 (Spec Coll) & 631.18 F6f 1934 (MSL) Rolfs, Peter H. Founders and foundations Qf Florida horticulture. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Horticultural Society, 1935. 150 p., pl.


51 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; 630.9 R747f (Spec Coll) & 630.9759 R747f (MSL) Southern Chemurgic Conference. Condensed proceedings. Dearborn, MI: Farm Chemurgic Council, 1936. 186 p., illus. Note: Serial? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F583.9 S727c Spencer, A. P. Vegetable crops of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, '0~ 1930. 56 p., illus. (Florida Department of Agriculture Bulletin 50) '2. 2 2 2 3 1 Tolkwsky, Samuel. Hesperides: !l history of the culture and use of citrus fruits. London, England: Bale Sons, 1938. 371 p., 113 pl., illus. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 T649h (Spec Coll) & 92 . T650h (MSL) True, Alfred C. A history of agricultural experimentation and research in the United States. 16071925. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1937. 321 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publications 251) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents & Books; Al.38: 251 & 630.7 T866hi United States Sugar Corporation. Sugar and the Everglades. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1939. 55 p., illus. Note: Revised and enlarged editions in 1941 (New York: Tyrrel) and 1944 (Clewiston: US Sugar Corp). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58s 1939; F338.1 U58s 1941; 125.229 U58e 1944 (MSL) U.S. Congress. Mediterranean fruit fl. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1930. 1,483 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F632.7 U58m U.S. Congress, and U.S. Mediterranean Fruitfly Board. Losses sustained~ growers and farmers in Florida as result of the campaign to eradicate the Mediterranean fruitfly. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939. 146 p., illus. (76th Congress, 1st sess, House doc 290) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F632.7 U59f Volusia Board of County Commissioners. Agriculture in Volusia County. n.p.: Volusia Board of County Commissioners, 1936. 47 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 V94 A278 Workers of the Writers Program (of the Works Projects Administration). Growing Sea Island cotton under Florida conditions. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1938. 53 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 633.51 U58g SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, 1940-1945 Davis, Thomas F. A narrative history of the orange in the Floridian peninsula. Jacksonville, FL: n.p., 1941. 39 p. Note: Previously published in 1936 refer to, Early Orange Culture and Epochal Cold of 1835. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 D264n


3 1 2 2 3 3 2. 3 3 3 2 ! _ 52 Florida Citrus Commission. Florida freeze of January, 1940: fl. special temperature~ covering the abnormally cold period in peninsular Florida from January 1Z, l2.4Q to February 1, 1940. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1941. 81 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 632.112 F636f Florida Southern College. Marshaling Florida's resources. Lakeland, FL: Florida Southern College Press, 1945. 96 p. Note: Proceedings of a planning conference held at Florida Southern College on 25-26 October 1944. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338 F636m Harding, Paul L., and D. F. Fisher. Seasonal changes in Florida grapefruit. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1945. 100 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 886.) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.36: 886 Perkins Development Company. Walnut Hill farms, Walnut Hill, Escambia County, Florida. Pensacola?, FL: Perkins Development Company, 1941. 31 p., illus. Stevens, H. E., and R. B. Piper. Avocado diseases in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1941. 47 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 582) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al.4: 582 Sturrock, David. Notes on fue. mango. Stuart, FL: Stuart Daily News, 1944. 127 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 93.45 S936n __ . Tropical fruits for southern Florida and Cuba .ailQ. their uses. Jamaica Plain, MA: Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, 1940. 131 p. Note: Rewritten and published in 1959 as, Fruits for southern Florida. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634 S936t (Spec Coll) & 93.4 S936t (MSL) Traub, Hamilton P. Avocado production in the United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1941. 28 p . , illus. (U.9. Department of Agriculture Circular 620) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents ; F634 T777 (Spec Coll) & Al.14/2: 620 (MSL) __ . Papaya production in fue. United fila.te.s.. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1942. 36 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 633) UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Federal Documents ; F634 T777p (Spec Coll) & Al.14/2: 633 (MSL) United States Sugar Corporation. Everglades sugar institute. Clewiston, FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1940. 36 p., illus. Note: Consists of lesson sheets and discussion summaries. Preservation Note: Mimeographed UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 U59e U.S. Works Projects Administration. Florida. Rehabilitation of the Sea Island cotton industry in Florida. Jacksonville, FL: U.S. Works Projects Administration, 1941. 270 p., illus. Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F633.5 U58r


53 3 Webber, Herbert J., and Leon D. Batchelor. The citrus industry: Volume 1. History. botany and breeding: Volume i. Production of the Q'.Qll Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1943. 1,028 p., illus. Note: Revised and enlarged (5 Vols.) in 1967. FSU, DPI, UF; 634.3 Webber 1943 (FSU), SB369. W43 1943 (DP[), SB369.C491 1948 (UF), SB369.C492 1967 (UF) 3 Workers of the Writers Program (of the Works Projects Administration). Broomcorn growing. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 29 p. 2 1 2 3 1 1 J .3 2 3 __ . Tropical fruits in Florida with commercial possibilities. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 43 p., illus. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634 W956t SOILS, CROPS and A1MOSPHERIC SCIENCE, Pamphlets Agricultural and Immigration Association. Florida soil. climate and productions. New York, NY: Bradstreet Press, 1868. 23 p. American Tung Oil Company. Tung oil: s necessity which grows luxuriantly in Florida and the Gulf region. Gainesville, FL: American Tung Oil Company, 1927. 18 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F583.9 T926 Anon. Climatic data Qf. the east coast of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: H. & W. B. Drew, 1898. 13 p. __ . Description of the climate. soil and products of Suwanee County. Florida. Savannah, GA: Geo. N. Nichols Printer, 1871. 8 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 S96 D449 Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company. Sugar lands ..... chartered special act Qf. the Legislature of Florida. Philadelphia, PA: Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company, 1881. 20 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F333 A881s Bailey, Liberty H. Florida plant immigrants. Coconut Grove, FL: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 1940. 8 p., illus. (Fairchild Tropical Garden Occasional Paper 7) Note: Similar item published in 1938. UF Libraries MSL Books; 5B108 .U6 F611938; QK495 .P17 B3411940 Barger, W.R., and Lon A. Hawkins. Coloring citrus fruits in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1926. 20 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1367) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1367 Berger, E.W. State nursery stock inspection. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock, 1914. 4p. Blackman, William F. Sugar and cane~ in Florida. n.p.: n.p., 1921. 9 p. Note: Cover title, The development of the sugar and cane industry in Florida. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 B629s Bolles, William E. Commercial banana growing. Oldsmar, FL: Florida Banana Growers Association, 1924. 4 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 . 7 B691c


54 2 Burgman, Charles F. Port Orange, Florida: .fl place for health and home seekers: its past history, present condition, future prospects, agricultural resources and climatic conditions. Seabreeze, FL: Peninsula Publishing Co., 1907. 20 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 V94 B956p 2. Burton, R. P. Citrus fruits in Florida. Wauchula, FL: Wauchula Development Co., 1913. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 B974c 3 Chittenden, F. H., and H. H. Russell . The Florida fem caterpillar. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 11 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Bulletin 125) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A9.3: 125 ft Clayton, B. S. Subsistence of pgs1 soils in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1936. 15 p., pl., illus. 3 2 1 3 3 1 2 Preservation Note: Mimeographed UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F553.21 C622s Corey, Merton L. Florida's opportunity. n.p.: n.p., 1932. 16 p. Note: Includes a section on the Florida citrus industry. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 C797f Davis, Thomas F. History of the orange in Florida, 1575 to 1900 . n.p.: n.p., 1937. 16 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630.5 D264h Drake, Samuel A. Florida its history, conditions and resources. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co., 1878 . 15 p., 1 illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F091 D763f Fairchild, David. Reasons for i! large general plant introduction garden in southern Florida. Orlando, FL: Florida State Horticultural Society, 1934. 5 p. Note: A paper read before the Florida State Horticultural Society at Orlando, FL on 2 May 1934. Fairchild, David, and Edward Simmonds. The grafted papaya as .an annual fruit tree. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 13 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry Circular 119) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A19.4: 119 Federal Writers Project of Florida. The history of citrus in Florida. Tallahassee?, FL: Works Progress Administration, 1940. 11 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 W956h Ferran, H. Ray. Early Florida citrus fruits in northern markets. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1934. 20 p. UF Libraries MSL Books; 631.18 F372e Florida Farms and Industries. Florida, the land of sunshine and perpetual farming. Green Cove Springs, FL: Florida Farms and Industries, 1921. 4 p., illus. Note: Supplement to Clay County Times, v. 24 (16), 15 April 1921 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 C61 F637f Florida Muck Farms, Inc. America's everproducing soil. Miami, FL: Hollywood Press, 1926. 22 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.4 F636


3 55 Florida State Plant Board. Citrus plantings in Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1932. 4 p. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. 3 __ . List of certified Florida nurseries and dealers authorized to sell nursery stock. Tallahassee, FL : Florida State Plant Board, 1940. 23 p. 3 2 3 3 3 J 3 3 2 Preservation Note: Mimeographed . Fulton, Harry Rascoe, and John J. Bowman. Effect Qf spraying with fungicides illl the keeping quality Qf Florida citrus fruits. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1927. 14 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 409) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A1.4: 409 Gano, W. Florida: the healthiest state in the union, orange park, near Jacksonville. Jacksonville, FL: Sun Job, 1877 . 21 p. Note: Covers orange culture, strawberries, other crops, and information on water. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F04 G198f Graf, J. E., and B . L. Boyden. Eradication of the sweet-potato weevil in Florida a~ of progress. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 13 p., 2 illus . (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 201) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 201 Gray, Richard W., Grady Norton, and U.S. Weather Bureau. Florida hurricanes. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1936. 3 p., 1 pl., illus UF Libraries MSL Books ; 551.55 U58f Griffing Brothers Company. AJ;1.Qyt Redlands m-operative grove plantings. Miami?, FL: Griffing Brothers Company, 1912. 17 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 D12 G:1 Gulf Ridge Groves, Inc . Growing oranges where .the sun shines . Lakeland, FL: Gulf Ridge Groves, Inc., 1921. 15 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 L21 G:1 Hillsborough County Chamber of Commerce . Plant City, world's largest winter strawberry market. Plant City?, FL: Hillsborough County Chamber of Commerce, 1935. 10 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H65 P:1 Howey (W.J . ) Company. The filQ.I.Y. of Howey-in-the-Hills, world's largest citrus development. Howey-in the-Hills, FL: Howey Company, 1937. 16 p . , illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 L19 H859s Hyatt, H. S. Facts about the Gulf Coast districts Q.f southern Mississippi, southern Alabama and western Florida. Louisville, KY: Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 1903. 19 p. Note: Covers livestock, crops, and agriculture. Kyle, C. H. Growing min the southeastern states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920. 19 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1149) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1149 Malabar Sugar Company. Florida sugar lands. New York, NY: Malabar Sugar Company, 1924. 4 p., illus . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 M236f


2 .3 2 3 3 56 Marks, M. R. '.I1Jg advantages and resources of Orange County. Florida. Home of the orange. and center Qf semi-tropical fruit culture in America. Orlando, FL: Orange County Reporter, 1880. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 063 M346a Marlatt, C. L. The mango weevil: danger from mango weevil in Florida. Washington, DC: . Government Printing Office, 1911. 3 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular 141) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.4: 141 Mason, Arthur C. Biology of the papaya fruit fly, Toxotrypana curvicauda. in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1922. 10 p., 2 pl. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1081) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.3: 1081 Matthews, J. 0. A new enterprise! The Florida orange grove company. n.p.: Sun Printing Office, 1876. 8 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 M34 M439n McMurran, S. M. The anthracnose of the mango in Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1914. 15 p., 4 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 52) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; Al . 3: 52 Molina. Escambia County. Florida. A manufacturing town in the midst of a rich agricultural section of western Florida in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Pensacola?, FL: City of Molina?, 1925. 4p. Morgan, A. C., and F. S. Chamberlin. The tobacco budworm and fil control in the Georgia and Florida tobacco growing region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1927. 10 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1531 / Bulletin 819 Revised) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 1531 3 Moznette, G. F. Insects injurious to the mango in Florida and how tQ combat them. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1922. 23 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1257) 3 1 2 UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.9: 1257 Orlando Chamber of Commerce. Pertinent facts about Orlando. Florida; geographical location. agricultural wealth. transportation. fil. Orlando, FL: Orlando Chamber of Commerce, 1943. 14 p., illus. UF Libraries, Special Collections/Florida History; F02 071cc Perrine, Henry E. Biscayne Bay. Dade County. Florida. between 35th and 36th degree of latitude. Albany, NY: Weed Parsons and Co., 1876. 18 p. Note: Covers the regions climate, soils and products. Pleas, C. E. All about kudzu. greatest feed and greatest need of the south~ ..... St. Augustine, FL: Record Co., 1913. 15 p., illus. Porter, Charles N. How to have an orange grove in Florida. facts and figures about orange culture. n.p.: Banner Lacon Print., 1882. 13 p. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F634 P844h


3 3 3 3 3 2. 3 3 'i 3 J 3 57 Raley-Hamby Company. Florida farms at Lawtey, Florida ..... the home of the early strawberry and pecan. Jacksonville, FL: Raley-Hamby Company, 1910. 16 p., illus. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 B79L Robinson, Brittain B. Ramie fibre productions. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 15 p. Rolfs, Peter H. Culture, fertilization and frost protection of citrus groves in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 542) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 542 __ . Propagation of citrus trees in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 16 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 539) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 539 __ . Sites, .smls. and varieties for citrus groves in the Gulf states. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 15 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 538) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 538 Rose, R. E. Fake fertilizers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1925. 4 p. __ . When is an orange mature and wholesome. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1914. 17 p. Note: Address at the Association of American Food, Drug and Dairy Officials. Rose, R. E., and M. E. Jaffa. The artificial coloring of immature citrus fruit. The artificial ripening of oranges. and the propaganda of reform. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1915. 12 p. Note: Papers read before at the Association of American Dairy and Food Officials. Sherman, Wells A., Dexter Gail Jr, and Faith L. Yeaw. Cantaloupe marketing in the larger cities with carloads supply. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. 20 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 315) Note: Includes data from Florida. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 315 Smith, Erwin F., and R. E. B. McKenney. A dangerous tobacco disease appears in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 6 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 174) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 174 __ . The present status .of the tobacco ~-mold (peronospora) disease in the Georgia-Florida district. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 181) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 181 __ . Suggestions to growers f.Q.t treatment Qf tobacco blue-mold disease in the Georgia-Florida district. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Circular 176) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 176 Smith, Eugene A. A general description .of the climate, and of the geological, topographical. and agricultural features of the cotton-producing states. Washington, DC: Government Printing


58 Office, 1884. 21 p., 2 foldout maps Note: Extracted from U.S . Entomological Commission's fourth report. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F551.5 S646g 3 Speare, A. T. Natural control of the citrus mealybug in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1922. 19 p., 1 pl., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 1117) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 1117 3 Stevens, H . E. Market diseases of strawberries from the southeastern states. 1926-1930. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1932. 4 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 319) 1 3 2 3 1 2. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.4: 319 Stickney, L. D. Florida soil. climate and productions. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1862. 7 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Report 1862) Note: Article from a USDA report. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F091 S954f Stockberger, W.W. Genseng culture. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1941. 11 p., illus. Note: Reprint of USDA Farmers Bulletin 1134. Stout, H. R. The climate of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: H. R. Stout, 1895. 10 p. Tampa Board of Trade. Farming. a profitable ~-around business in Hillsborough County. the Tampa district of Florida. Tampa?, FL: Tampa Board of Trade, 1926. 19 p., illus UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 H65 T U.S. Congress. Report ..... on encouragement of !he cultivation of tropical plants in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1846. 7 p. (29th Congress, 1st sess, Senate rep 94) UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FSB0 USBp Wall, John P. The climate and diseases of the gulf coast of the Florida peninsula ..... Charleston, SC: H. P. Cooke, 1874. 16 p. Welhnan, F . L. Control of southern cele:r:y mosaic in Florida b, removing weeds that serve as sauces of mosaic infection. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1937. 16 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 548) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; Al.36: 548 2 West Florida Development and Investment Company. What can be done in Florida. the wonder state, and in west Florida. "the new empire", its most substantial section. agriculturally. horticulturally. industrially. Pensacola, FL: West Florida Development and Investment Company, 192? 12 p. 3 3 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F06 W522w Whitney, Milton. Tobacco soils. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1898. 23 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 83) Note: Includes information on Florida . UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents ; A1.9: 83 Yothers, W.W. Some reasons fur spraying to control insects .a!1d mite enemies Qf citrus trees in Florida details. s:Qfil and results of tree spraying. Washington, DC: Government Printing


3 59 Office, 1918. 19 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 645) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3: 645 __ . Spraying for white flies in Florida. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913. 8 p. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Entomology Circular 168) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A9.4: 168 J __ . The woolly white fly_ in Florida citrus groves. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919 . 14 p., illus. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1011) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.9: 1011 .J Young, Robert A. Cultivation of the true yams in the Gulf region. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1923 . 15 p., illus. (U.S . Department of Agriculture Department Bulletin 1167) UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; A1.3 : 1167 SOILS, CROPS and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, Theses l..\ Arboleda, R. J. Vincente. A study of the value of starter solutions for transplanting certain vegetable seedlings . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1944. 27 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) 2 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Batista y Cuba, Juan W. The effect of mulch and chemical treatments on microbiological action in soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 44 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Bedsole, Malcolm R. The effect of time of turning filld method of supplementing green manures on the yield of succeeding crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 38 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) 3 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Benson, Nels. The leaching of nitrogen from certain Florida soils after the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 26 p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2. Blackmon, G. H. growing in Florida and conditions suitable to maximum production. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 90 p., illus. (M. S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Borda, Eugene . Ammonia toxicity in .the. fertilization of shade tobacco. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1940. 22 p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Brinkley, Harry J. A study of the effect of the length of .the. daily light period upon certain growth reactions Qf the plant and upon the composition of the tubers of .the. Irish Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1935. 28 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


60 3 Brooks, Richard L. A comparison of citrus fruit grown on various rootstocks. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Burgis, Donald S. An investigation of some uncultivated native shrubs to determine methods of propagation and culture which may adapt them for landscape and garden use in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. n. p. (M. S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 3 Caldwell, Robert E. A spectrographic of certain Everglades soils with special reference to the growth of sugar cane. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 54 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) 3 3 2. Lt 3 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Camp, John P. The effect of copper sulfate and potassium aresenate on fug accumulation of nitrates and ammonia in some Florida soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 23 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Clayton, H. G. A study of some varieties of Tapanese cane with special reference to the development of the sugar content. in connection with their use as .11 Florida silage Q'..QP.• Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1916. 48 p. (M.S. Thesis in Agronomy) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Coleman, John M. The effect of fertilizers ands.oil~ on the mineral content of plants. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Cooke, Alfred F. The growing Qf Easter lily bulbs under Florida conditions. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 90 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Crevasse, Joseph M. A study of various ground covers in Florida gardens. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 113 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Dean, Arnold W. A search for hafnium in Florida minerals. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 31 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Deonier, Marshall T. Identification of the leading citrus rootstocks microscopical and chemical examination. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 41 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


l 61 3 Dukes, Hugh. The textural and color characteristics of some important red and yellow soils of the middle coastal l2lfilil of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n . p., illus . (M . S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 J Dunscombe, Aubrey E. The root system of the tung oil tree. with further observations on~ growth and fruiting: habits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 64 p . , illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 2.. Dupont, Louis E. On hastening the natural coloration of citrus fruits. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1926. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture) Preservation Note: Typescript. 3 Dyal, Robert S. The rate of decomposition of organic matter in soils of different degrees of acidity. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. 3 3 UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Edsall, Robert S. The relation between growth and yield of grapefruit trees i!S. affected hy_ season and nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 21 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Fawcett, H. S. Fungi parasitic upon Aleyrodes citri. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1908. 41 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 (or 92.1 F278f) 3 Floyd, W. L. The plum Curculio conotrachelus nenuphar. Herbst. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1906. n. p . (M.S. Thesis in Agriculture) 2 Preservation Note: Typescript. Garrett, Harold T. Studies in the propagation of the tung tree, Aleurites fordi. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Gonzalez Rios, Policarpo. Studies on the histology and cause of storage pitting of citrus fruits . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932 . 84 p., illus . (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 ; , Guzman, Victor L. A~ of~ growth characteristics Qf plants grown in sand cultures deficient in \ some minor nutrient elements. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 48 p., illus. (M.S . Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Hammar, Harald E. Some chemical and physical properties of~ Florida Everglades soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 53 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science)


62 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 h Henderson, Joseph R. The effect QI soil reaction on .fug assimilation of certain primary nutrients~ t various plants . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 30 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) 4 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Hester, Jackson B . The effect of limestone on decreasing~ crop yield on the Norfolk sandy S.Qili of fug coastal plains. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1930. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Hill, Maoma F. The nutritive range of copper in some typical Florida soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1933. n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 J_ Hiner, Lovell D. Mint oils in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 94 p . , illus . (M.S. Thesis in Pharmacognosy) 3 3 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Archives ; Hubbard, Donald. Causes of .fug failure QI the cement~ used in sub-irrigation. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1924. 42 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Huff, Otis P. A study of essential oils occurring in the different organs and products of the citrus group in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1917. 35 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 L; Hundertmark, Burton W. The relation of nitrogen sources to potato production in the Hastings area. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1939. 22 p . , illus . (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 "'1 Hunter, Patrick T. Studies of the variations in .fug growth and fruiting habits of certain pepper ;;; varieties. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 36 p. (M . S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 .J Jones, H. W. Some transformations of urea and their resultant effects on the soil. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 53 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 1f Kime, Charles D. A study of the cobaltinitrite turbidimetric method for determining exchangeable potassium in soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1940. 44 p . , illus . (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


------------------------------------------2 3 63 Laird, Addison S . A study of~ root systems of some important sod-farming grasses. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. 30 p . , illus. (M . S. Thesis in Agronomy) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Lauphit, Tse. The sub-tropical fruits, other than citrus, and their culture in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1919. 67 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Lemon, James M . Analytical studies of sugar cane grown in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1925. 27 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry) Preservation Note: Typescript . UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Merrin, George A. The effects of oil sprays on fug transpiration of citrus. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida , 1929. 135 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. Lt UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Miles, Ivan E. The effect of varying amounts Qf nitrogen and potassium on the~ and quality of potatoes. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 30 p., illus. (M . S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript . . UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 3 Motts, George N . Some observations of the growth and fruiting habits of the tung oil tree. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 74 p . , illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note : Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Neff, Sam F. Physiological effects of growth promoting substances on Rhizobium meliloti Dangeard. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 54 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Nettles, Victor F. A study of~ effects of several methods of applying fertilizer on certain vegetable crops. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1938. 50 p., illus . (M . S . Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Pavageau, Moacyr. Studies on the physico-chemical characteristics of some Florida soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943. 40 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Peterson, Earle B. The spectrographic determination Qf exchangeable potassium in soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. 23 p . , illus. (M.S . Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Purvis, Ernest R. A chemical~ of colloidal phosphate. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 36 p., illus . (M . S. Thesis in Soil Science)


2 3 3 64 Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 Richardson, Linton A. A study Qf certain properties of .the. hardpan soils in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 39 p., illus. (M . S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Schrader, Otto L. of some factors influencing the yield of Fordhook lima beans. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1942. 56 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Sciutti, Walter J. Chemical analysis and physical tests of some Florida clays. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 48 p. (M.S. Thesis in Chemistry) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Selem Ramirez, Rodolfo. Relation of pollination 1,Q seed formation and fruit setting in citrus varieties. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1945. 42 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Sikes, Robert F. Studies dealing with the nitrogen fertilization of potatoes. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1929. 70 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; LD 1780 3 Sims, Guilford T. Calcium cyanamide as .!l source of nitrogen for QtrY.s. on Florida soils. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1942. 51 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 2 Stuhr, Ernst T. Medicinal~ of Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1927. n. p., 3 vol. (M.S. Thesis in Pharmacognosy) J Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books ; 615.32 S933m Sturrock, Thomas T. A study of the identification of mango varieties in Florida. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1943 . n. p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 West, Erdman. Some histological studies in scaly bark of citrus. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 25 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Botany) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 j Whitehead, Thomas. The effect of substituted cations in .the. soil complex Q!1 the decomposition of organic matter. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1941. n. p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780


65 3 Willson, George C. Comparison Qf phosphate carriers for establishment and maintenance of clover pastures. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1940. 32 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Wilmot, R. J. The effect of hydrocyanic acid fumigation on~ subsequent growth of pecan nursery s..tQd. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1932. 35 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 3 Winters, R. Y. Experiments with regard to the pollination of the Florida velvet bean. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1909. 38 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Agronomy) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 '3 Wooten, Robert B. The effect of soil typg Qil the nitrification Q.f dried blood and ammonium sulphate. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1931. 39 p., illus. (M.S. Thesis in Soil Science) Preservation Note: Typescript. 2 1 2 2 2 3 UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 Young, Thomas W. A~ of the comparative physical effects of quick and slow freezing of certain plant tissues. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1934. 46 p. (M.S. Thesis in Horticulture) Preservation Note: Typescript. UF Libraries MSL Books; LD 1780 x.SERIALS Agricultural field~n.p.: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Agricultural Department, n.d. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 A881f The alliance farmer. Sehnan, FL: 1890 1891. v. 1 2 American farming and .frn implements. St Petersburg, FL: 1909 -. v. 1American tung oil. Pensacola, FL: Tung Oil Association of America, 1934 1937. v. 1 4 Note: Publication history American Tung Oil News (1934-1935); American Tung Oil (19361937); merged with Southern Conservationist in 1938. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F 665.3 A512 American tung oil news. Note: Refer to the title, American tung oil. Announcements and bulletin. DeFuniak Springs, FL: Thomas Agricultural and Industrial Institute, 1913 -1928. v. 1 ? 2. Annual digest. Orlando, FL: Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association, 1947 -. 1st UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F 635 F636d 3 Annual fruit and vegetable report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1925/26-. lstNote: Title varies.


66 Preservation Note: Mimeographed. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F648p Annual report. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Extension Service, 1915 -. 1st Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636a Annual report. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1889 -. 1st Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 100 F636a 0 6.\-~e Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1908 1933. 1st 23/24th Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office. UF Libraries MSL Books ; QE99 .A2 Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. 1st UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F354 C52r (Spec Coll) & 338.1743 F636r (MSL) Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, 1913 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL Books ; QH322 F67 F6 Annual report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Chemical Division, 1890 -. 1st Note: Annual (1890-1900, 1907+); biennial (1901/02-1905/06) UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F644r 2 Annual~Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Citrus Inspection Bureau, 1930 -. 1st 1 UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F646a Annual report. Tampa, FL: Florida Citrus Exchange, 1926/27 -. 1st? UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; FA C581 (Spec Coll) & 631.18 F63a (MSL) Annual report. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Production Credit Association, 1942 -. 1st Note: Also published a mid-year report. Annual report. Clewiston?, FL: United States Sugar Corporation, 1932 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338.1 U58r Annual reports of extension service field representatives: Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. General Services Administration, 1909-1944. Preservation Note: Microfilmed (by National Archives Microfilm Publications I 101A-102T). UF Libraries Government Documents; GS 1.1: The beekeepers item and dixie beekeeper. Gainesville, FL: Florida State Beekeepers Association, 1916-. v. I Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1933 -. 1 st Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office. UF Libraries MSL Books ; QE99 .A21


1 1 2. 2 2 .2. l 2 2. 2 67 Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Board of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District, 1925 /26 1927 /28. 1st 2nd? Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1889 /90 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636a Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Division of Oil Inspection, 1921/22 -1923/24. 17th -18th Note: These are the only two reports published; they are numbered to coincide with the numbering of the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports. Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1911/12 1932/34. 12th 23rd Note: These are the only reports published; they are numbered to coincide with the numbering of the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports. Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Land Division, 1911/12 -. 12th Note: Reports are numbered to correspond with the numbering on the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports. Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1917 /19 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F648b Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Prison Division, 1911/12 . 12th Note: This is the only report published; it is numbered to coincide with the numbering of the Department of Agriculture Biennial Reports. Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Shell Fish Division, 1913/14 1931/32. 1st 10th Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1928/30 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636w Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1933/34 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL Books ; 333 F636b Biennial report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915 /16 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F641a Biennial report. Gainesville, FL: Florida State Soil Conservation Board, 1943/44 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; F354 S6r (Spec Coll) & 631.4506 F636b (MSL) Biscayne Bay (Agricultural). Cutler, FL: 1896 1903. V. 1 ? Bulletin. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888 -. No. 1 Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 100 F636b


2 1 2 2. 3 68 Bulletin. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Extension Service, 1915 -. No. 1 Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636b Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1908 -. no. 1 Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office. UF Libraries MSL Books ; QE99 .A3 Bulletin. Lakeland, FL: Florida Citrus Commission, 1935 -. no. 1 UF Libraries MSL Books; 338.1743 F636b Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1928 -. no. 1 Note: Published irregularly; numbering is erratic and several titles have the same number. Previously published as Monthly Bulletin, then Quarterly Bulletin. Refer to Florida Department of Agriculture Quarterly Bulletin. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636b Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1929 -. no. 1 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 634.9 F636b Bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1932. v. 1 16 Note: Quarterly (v. 1-11#3); monthly (v.11#4-16) UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F641b Bulletin. Deland, FL: Florida Rose Society, 1932 -. no. 1 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 96.9 F636b Bulletin. Orlando, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1942 -1949. v. 1 8 Note: Continued as Florida Agriculture (1950 -). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; FA F233 Canners bulletin. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. no. 1 Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Catalogue. Lake City, FL: Florida Agricultural College, 1884/85 1904/05. Note: This school was incorporated into the University of Florida in 1905/06. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F378 FH Circular. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Extension Service, 1917 -. No. 1 Preservation Note: Microfilmed by NAL/Spaulding Project. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 101 F636c Circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock, 1911 1914. no. 1 8 Note: Issued irregularly . Circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915 1917. no. 1 68 Note: Issued irregularly. J Circulars. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1939? 1944. no. 1 5 1 , Circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1912? 1924. no. 1 9 Note: Most not seen by Lloyd and not at MSL.


2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 69 Citrus. Note: Refer to the title, Citrus and . vegetable magazine. Citrus and vegetable magazine. Tampa, FL: Kyle Pub Co, 1960 -. v. 23 Note: Publication history Citrus (Tampa, FL), 1938-1941, v. 1-3; Citrus magazine (Tampa, FL), 1942-1960, v. 4-22. ISSN 0009-7586. UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; SB369 .C571 Citrus bulletin . Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1939. no. 1-2 Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Citrus fruit law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1925? -. Citrus grower. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Growers, 1938 -1942. v. 14 UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; SB369 .C576 The citrus industry. Bartow, FL: Citrus Industry, 1920 -. v. 1 Note: Continued as Citrus Industry Magazine (Oct 1972 -). ISSN 0009-7594. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals ; F634 C5813 (Spec Coll) & SB369 .C572 (MSL) Citrus magazine. Note: Refer to the title, Citrus and vegetable magazine. Climatological data. Florida. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Commerce. Weather Bureau, 1909 -. v. 13 UF Libraries MSL Reference ; QC983 .AS Commercial feed law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1939? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645f Commercial feeding stuffs law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1927? -. Commerical fertilizer law, rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1931? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F645e J Consumption of fertilizer materials~ counties of Florida for month of .. . Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1938 -. v. l Note: Published monthly. j Consumption of gasoline. kerosene and signal oil~ counties. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1929? -. v. l Note: Published monthly. Title varies slightly. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. 3 Consumption of mixed fertilizers~ counties of Florida for month of ... Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1938 -. v. l Note: Published monthly. 2 Datil pepper (agricultural). Evaville, FL: 1898 1903. v. 1 ?


2 2 j 1 3 2 2 1 2 2. 2 1 1 2. 70 Dauntless. Lakeland, FL: 1904 -. v. 1Divisional bulletin I. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Defense Council. Division of Agriculture, 1941 -. no. 1Note: Issued irregularly. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Divisional bulletin IV. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Defense Council. Division of Food, 1941 -. no.1Note: Issued irregularly. Preservation Note: Mimeographed? Egg classification law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1930? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F645g The Everglades magazine. Chicago, IL: n.p., 1910 -. v. 1 Note: Same as title, Florida Everglades review? Express shippers bulletin. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1936 -. no. 1 Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season: Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Facts and figures: an authoritative food trade magazine. Jacksonville, FL: National American Wholesale Grocers Association, 1915 1935. v. 1 21 Note: Started as an association bulletin. Farm review and settler's guide. Laurel Hill, FL: 1898 -1899. v. 1 Farmer and fruit grower. Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower. Farmer and fruit grower and semi-weekly Times-Union. Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower. Farmer and miners journal. Cordeal, FL: 1898 1902. v. 1 4 Farmer and stockman. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer. Farmer and trucker, Hastings, FL: 1904. v. 1 The farmer's alliance. Note: Refer to the title, The Florida farmer and fruit grower. Farmers' Institute Bulletin. Lake City, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural College and Experiment Station, 1903-1914. No. 1-4: Note: No. 1 (1903), 2 (1904), 3 (1910), 4 (1914) UF Libraries MSL Books (#2) and Archives (#1-2); 630.715.F636f Florida agriculture. Gainesville, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1942 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals ; FA F233 (Spec Coll) & S1 .F561 (MSL)


71 2., Florida agriculture. Yearbook issue. Winter Park, FL: Florida Farm Bureau, 1945 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books; FA F233y (Spec Coll) & 31.19 F635y (MSL) 1 The Florida agriculturist. Jacksonville, FL/ Deland, FL: E. 0. Painter & Co., 1874 1911. v. 1 38 Note: Publication history v. 1-4, 1874-77; v. 1-38, 1878-1911. UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S1 .F564 2. Florida cattleman. Note: Refer to the title, Florida cattleman and livestock journal. 2. Florida cattleman and dairy journal. Note: Refer to the title, Florida cattleman and livestock journal. For the Southeastern edition of this serial refer to the title, Southern livestock journal. 2, Florida cattleman and livestock journal. Kissimmee, FL: Florida State Cattlemen's Association, 1936-. v. 11 2 1 1 2. 1 1 2 Note: Early issues were also titled, Florida cattleman; Florida cattleman and dairy journal. ISSN 0015-3958. UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; FA C368f (Spec Coll) & SF191 .F561 (MSL) The Florida citrus reporter. Winter Haven: n.p., 1940 -. v. 1 Florida clearing house news. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Citrus Growers Clearing House Association, 1928 -1933. v. 15 UF Libraries MSL Books ; SB369 .F5 The Florida college farmer. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida College of Agriculture, 1930 -. v. 1UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S1 .F79 The Florida conservator. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Board of Conservation, 1934 1935. no. 1 11 The Florida cultivator. Palatka, FL: 1887. v. 1 The Florida dairy news. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Milk Inspection Division, 1929 1932. v. 13 Note: Published monthly. Preservation Note: Some are mimeographed. The Florida dispatch. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer and fruit grower. The Florida dispatch and farmer and fruit grower. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer and fruit grower. Florida east coast homeseeker. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer. 2,.. The Florida entomologist. Gainesville, FL: Florida Entomological Society, 1917 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals; FA E61 (Spec Coll) & QL461 .F6 (MSL)


1 1 1 1 1 2. 2 1 1 2 1 l 3 1 72 Florida Everglades Review. Chicago, IL: Florida Everglades Land Co., 1910. v. 1 Note: Only six issues were published. Same as title, The Everglades magazine? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F551.4 F6365 Florida farmer. St. Augustine, FL: Record Co., 1899 -1932. v. 135 Note: Publication history Florida east coast homeseeker, 1899 1914, v . 1-16(5); Florida farmer and homeseeker, 1914 1916, v. 16(6)-18(12); Florida farmer and stockman, 1917 1918, v. 19(1)-20(18); Farmer and stockman, 1918 1924, v. 20(19)-27(2); Florida farmer, 1925 1932, v. 27(3)-35(9) . UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 F6365 The Florida farmer and fruit grower. Jacksonville, FL: Chas. W. DaCosta, 1860 1899. v. 1 ? Note: Publication history The Florida dispatch (Newnansville, FL), 1860-1876, v. 1 ?; The Florida dispatch (Live Oak, FL; Jacksonville, FL), 1876 1889, v. 1 ?; Florida farmer & fruit grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1887 1889, v. 1 3; The farmer's alliance (Jacksonville, FL), 1887 1892, v. 1 5; Florida dispatch and farmer and fruit grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1889 1893, v. 9 ?; Florida farmer & fruit grower, 1893 1899; Farmer and fruit grower (Jacksonville, FL), 1908; Farmer and fruit grower and semi-weekly Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL), 1909-?; Semi weekly Times-Union (a non-agricultural serial). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n. Florida farmer and homeseeker. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer. Florida farmer and stockman. Note: Refer to the title, Florida farmer. Florida field report. Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher. The Florida fruit and produce news. Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher. Florida fruit and truck grower. Ocala, FL: 1905 -. v. 1UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34 F636 Florida fruit .digefil. Jacksonville, FL: 1936 -. v. 1 Florida fruit grower. Highland Park, FL: 1886 -1888. v. 1 2 Florida fruit grower and investor. Jacksonville, FL: 1904 1905. v. 1 Florida fruit lands review. Kansas City, MO: 1909 -. v. 1 Florida fruit world. Tampa, FL: 1928 -1929. v. 1 Florida fruits and flowers. Bartow, FL: Florida Grape Growers Association, 1924 1926. v. 1 5 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 F6365 The Florida future farmer. Kissimmee, FL: Future Farmers of America, 1938 -. v. 1 UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S534 .FS F561 Florida grove and garden. Jacksonville, FL: 1887. v. 1


2. 2 2 1 .2 2. 2 2 2. 3 2 3 73 Florida grower. Note: Refer to the title, Florida grower and rancher. Florida grower and rancher. Middleburg Heights, OH: Harvest Pub. Co., 1908 -. v. 1 Note: Publication history The Florida fruit and produce news (Tampa, FL), 1908 1911, v. 1-3; Florida grower (Tampa, FL), 1911 1953, v. ?; Florida grower and rancher, 1953 ; Absorbed Florida field report. ISSN 0015-4091. UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S1 .F563 Florida homes and flowers. St Petersburg, FL: The Craft Publications, 1936 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 S14 F636 The Florida home-seeker. Avon Park, FL: 1890 1891. v. 1 2 Florida horticulturist. 18?? 1887, v. 1 ?: The Florida land register. Jacksonville, FL: 1870 1872. v. 1 ? Florida life. Jacksonville, FL: n.p., 1893 1894. v. 1 2 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F092 F636 Florida patron. Wellborn, FL: 1874. v. 1 Florida planter. Fort Myers, FL: All American Sugar League, 1919 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F338.1 F6363 Florida poultry and agricultural journal. Tampa, FL: 1906 1909. v. 1 ? Florida poultry and _dgiry journal. Zephyrhills, FL: Florida State Poultry Producers Association, 1916 -1951. v. 1 ? Note: Published as, Florida poultry and stockman, v. 1-? See also the title, Florida poultryman. Florida poultry and stockman. Note: Refer to the title, Florida poultry and dairy journal. Florida poultry journal. Lakeland, FL: 1923 -. v. 1 Note: Published as, Poultry in Florida, v. 1-? Florida poultry law with rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1935? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645h Florida poultryman. Tampa, FL: 1956 -. v. 22 Note: Publication history Florida poultryman, 1935 -1939, v. 1-5; Florida poultryman and stockman, 1939-1948, v. 5-14; Florida poultry and dairy journal, 1948-1951, v. 14-17; ??, 19521956, v. 18-21. There is some confusion with a similar title, Florida poultry and dairy journal (Florida poultry and stockman). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F636.5 F636 Florida poultryman and stockman. Note: Refer to the title, Florida poultryman. Florida products journal. Orlando, FL: 1936 -. v. 1


1 2 2 2 1 i 3 1 J 2 ,. 2 3 2. 3 2. 74 Florida review. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Immigration, 1926 1930. v. 1-5 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 A6 Florida rural home. Note: Refer to the title, Southern sun (Palatka). Florida ruralist. Interlachen, FL: 1894 1895. v. 1 2 Note: Continued as, Southern ruralist. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F630 F6366 Florida strawberr:yjoumal. Lakeland, FL: 1902 -1906 . v. 1 5 Florida tobacco leaf. Tampa, FL: 1897 1898. v. 1 Florida's financial and industrial record. Jacksonville, FL: 1900 1912. v. 1 22 Note: Publication history Weekly industrial record, v. 1-10 (4); Industrial record, v. 10 (5)-19 (42). UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F338 F6365 For sale. want and exchange bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1919? -. v. 1 Note: Monthly (1919-1921); semi-monthly (1921+) Preservation Note: Some are mimeographed. U F Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F648bc Freeze or No Freeze. i! monthly journal devoted to protection. horticulture and agriculture. Titusville, FL : n.p., 1900 -. v . 1 Gasoline inspection law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1925? -. Grove and garden. Jacksonville, FL: 1894 1902 . v. 1 ? Industrial Florida. Jacksonville, FL: 1894 190? v. 1 ? Industrial record. Note: Refer to the title, Florida's financial and industrial record. Insecticide and fungicide law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1937? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645p The irrigator. DeLand, FL / Winter Park, FL / Orlando, FL: 1893 1894. v. 1 2 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F631.7 I71 Leaflets. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Forest and Park Service, 1936 1944. Unnumbered Letter 1Q nurserymen. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1915 1916. no. 1 3 Note: Issued irregularly. Lime regulation. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1941 -. no . 1 Preservation Note: Mimeographed.


3 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 .2 1 2 2. 2 j 2 75 Marketing papers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 19181919? no . 1-12 Note: Irregular. The mile post. Live Oak, FL: Power Farming Association of America, 1920 -. v. I Minerals yearbook. The mineral industry Qf Florida. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Mines, 1932/33 -. Note: Each annual edition has three volumes, one of which covers the United States with a chapter on the mineral resources of each state. UF Libraries MSL Federal Documents; 128.37: Miscellaneous Publication. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Extension Service, 193? -. 1st UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 101 F636mp Mitchal's journal. Ocala, FL: 1889 1890. v. 1 2? Monthly bulletin. Florida Department of Agriculture: Note: Refer to, Florida Department of Agriculture Quarterly Bulletin. The new Florida .a magazine full of Florida facts. Chicago, IL: n.p., 1910 -. v. 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F02 M34n Northwest Florida official gY.i4e. ..... .a descriptive compilation of the worthwhile natural. recreational. fishing, agricultural. industrial advantages and opportunities of northwest Florida. Pensacola, FL: Northwest Florida Travel and Publicity Bureau, 1937. 72 p., illus. Note: This information pertains to the 1937 edition, but it was published annually. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F06 N879n Nursery inspection circular. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board. Department of Nursery Inspection, 1915 -1917. no. 18 Orange blossoms. Orlando, FL: Florida Citrus Production Credit Association, 1942 1967. v. 1 25 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 280.8 063 Our southern home. Laurel Hill, FL: Farmers Union, 1905 1910. v. 1 ? Pabor house news. Avon Park, FL: Pabor Lake Colony, 1893-1902. v. 1-? Note: Incorporated in 1903 with the title, South Florida Sun. Pabor lake pineapple. Pabor Lake, FL/ Avon Park, FL: 1892 -1907. v. 1 -10? Note: Incorporated into the title, South Florida Sun . Packing house news. Tampa, FL: 1922 1926. v. 1 5 Note: The early title for this serial was, Skinner packing house news, v. 1-2, 1922-1923. UF Libraries MSL Periodicals; 286.83 P119 Port and railway inspection notice. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1918. no. 1 12 Note: Issued irregularly. Poultry in Florida. Note: Refer to the title, Florida Poultry Journal.


1 3 76 Press Bulletins. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901 -. No. 1 UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 100 F636p Proceedings. Hollywood, FL: Soil Science Society of Florida, 1939 -. v. I Note: ISSN 0096-8382. UF Libraries MSL Periodicals ; S590 .S65 .2 Proceedings. Jacksonville, FL: Florida Fruit Growers Association, 1874 -. 1st UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FA F945p 3 1 2 1 3 i Proceedings. n. p.: Florida Mango Forum, 1938 -. v. 1 UF Libraries MSL Books ; 93.9 F636p Proceedings. Jacksonville, FL: Florida State Grange, 1870? -. 1st Proceedings. Tallahassee, FL: Citrus Growers Convention, 1912. 20 p. Note: Information based on this issue was this the only one published? Convention was held at Gainesville on 15 August 1912. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F634 C581 r Proceedings. n.p.: Southern States Forestry Congress, 1886? -. 1st Note: See also, Southern Forestry Congress Proceedings (name change?). Proceedings of the annual convention. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Farmers Union, 1910 -. 1st UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; FA F232p Proceedings Qf annual meeting. Gainesville, FL: Southern Shade Tree Conference, 1937 -. 1st UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F634.9 S727p (Spec Coll) & SB436 .S681 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. Varies: Florida State Horticultural Society, 1892 -. v. 5 Note: 0886-7283; Volume 1-4, 1888 1891, was eventually published UF Libraries have two versions of the first four annual meetings. The Proceedings of the first four meetings were published in two agriculutral serials of the day. The Florida Agriculturist [v.10(50); 16(19, 20, 22); 17(19, 20); 18(20)] carried one version, which was copied from microfilm and bound by the library one known copy is at MSL Ref The Florida Farmer and Fruit Grower carried an account of the first meeting and the Florida Dispatch, Farmer and Fruit Grower carried an account of the second, third and fourth meetings. This version was published by the Society and one known bound version of the four proceedings is at MSL Ref UF Libraries MSL Ref (1 set) & MSL Books (1 set) ; SBl .F55 3 Proceedings Qf the annual meetings. Deland, FL: Florida Rose Society, 1926 -. no. 1 UF Libraries MSL Books; 635.93337 F636p 2. Proceedings of the Southern Forestry Congress. Chapel Hill, NC: Southern Forestry Congress, 1916. 1st .3 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Books ; F582 S727p (Spec Coll) & SD 118 .S6 (MSL) food and d..I:l!g law. rules and regulations. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1925? -.


3 1 2 3 1 77 Quarantine notice. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Plant Board, 1916 1928. no. 1 47 Note: Issued irregularly. Title varies (sometimes called Quarantine Circular). Quarterly bulletin. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture, 1889 1936. v. 1 45 Note: Issued monthly (1889-1905 Iv. 1-15), then quarterly (1906-1936 Iv. 16-45). Title varies: Florida (Department of Agriculture) Monthly Bulletin; Quarterly Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture. Some issues of the Quarterly Bulletin have monographic titles and are devoted to a single topic. It was continued as the Bulletin (new series) beginning in 1928. UF Libraries MSL State Documents ; 102 F636b Regulation. Tallahassee, FL?: Florida Citrus Commission, 1935 -. no. 1 Note: Issued irregularly during the citrus fruit season. Preservation Note: Mimeographed. Regulations governing the Florida pure~ labeling law. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Inspection Bureau, 1939? -. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F645s Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Commissioner of Lands and Immigration, 1869 1887 /88. UF Libraries MSL State Documents; 102 F636a Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Fish Commission, 1898 1903/04. Note: Annual (1898); biennial (1899/1900 1903/04). 2 Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Inspector of Nursery Stock, 1911 1912/14. 1st 2nd Note: Annual (1911-1912); biennial (1912/14) Report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Weather Service, 1892 1896. Note: Monthly. Continued by the Florida section of the USDA Weather Bureau. 2, Report. Florida state farmers markets. Winter Haven, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1934/35 -. 1st UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F354 M4r ?.. Report of .till! ... annual meeting. Clearwater, FL: Florida Anti-mosquito Association, 1922 -. 1st UF Libraries MSL Books ; RA640 .fl =<, Report of .till! president. Lake City, FL: Florida Agricultural College, 1884/85? -. 1st UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F378 F Cr 3 Report of the superintendent. Gainesville, FL: Florida Farm Colony for Epileptic and Mentally Deficient Children, 1919/20-1955/57. 1st-19th 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; F 354 F2r Reports of Investigation. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, 1934 -. no. 1 Preservation Note: Microfilmed by UF Preservation Office. UF Libraries MSL Books ; QE99 .A32 San Mateo item. San Mateo, FL: 1904 -1911? v. 1-? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F02 P98 S196 The semi-tropical (Jacksonville). Jacksonville, FL: Chas. W. Blew, 1875 1878. v. 1 4 Note: Monthly periodical devoted to southern agriculture, horticulture, immigration, etc. FSU Libraries Strozier Special Collections; 050 S471


1 3 2 2 :2 78 Th~ semi-tropical (Lake Eustis). Lake Eustis, FL: Benj. H. Vogt, 1887 1889. v. 1 ? Note: Weekly newspaper incorporated into Eustis Lake Region. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n. Semi-weekly livestock market report. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture. Marketing Bureau, 1929? -. no. 1 Skinner packing house news. Note: Refer to the title, Packing house news. Soil of the south. Note: Refer to the title, Tropical farmer. Soil of the~ and tropical farmer. Note: Refer to the title, Tropical farmer. 2 .The south Florida home. Charlotte Harbor, FL/ St. Petersburg, FL/ Glenoak, FL: Young G. Lee, 1889 -1899. v. 1 ? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n. 2. Southeastern cattleman and dairy journal. Note: Refer to the title, Southern livestock journal. 2, The southern field and home: si journal for soil tillers and housekeepers. DeLand, FL: 1897 1908. v. 1-? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; F630 S7272 2 Southern livestock journal. Kissimmee, FL: Florida State Cattlemen's Association, 1941 1957. v. 1 -17 2 1 2 2 l UF Libraries MSL Books ; 40.8 S727 Southern ruralist. Interlachen, FL: 1896 1899. v. 3 6 Note: Publication history Florida ruralist (v. 1-2); continued as, Southern ruralist (Atlanta, GA; v.7). UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & MSL Periodicals ; F630 F6366 (Spec Coll) & S1 .S65 (MSL) Southern sun (Ocala). Ocala, FL: William H. Royal, 1853 1854? v. 1 2? UF Libraries Special Collections/ Florida History; n.c.n. Southern .5lID. (Palatka). Palatka, FL: Jos. H. Warren & Chas. E. Warren, 1884 1886. v. 1 3 Note: Publication history Florida rural home, 1884-1885, v. 1-2; Southern sun, 1886, v. 3; continued as a nonagricultural paper. UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; n.c.n. Statistical bulletin. Unknown: Florida Citrus Exchange, 1929 /30 -. 1st ? UF Libraries MSL Books ; 631.18 F63s The stockman. De Funiak Springs, FL: 1901 -1908. v. 1 ? Subtropical gardening. Orlando, FL: 1938 -. v. 1 Note: Publication history Subtropical gardening and fruit growing (Brooksville, FL), 1938-?, v. 1-? UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History; 635.9 S941


79 Subtropical gardening

3 80 Yearbook. n. p.: Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, 1927 -. no . 1 UF Libraries Spec Coll/Florida History & AFA; FA G218y (Spec Coll) & 710.6 F636y (AFA) Yearbook. Tampa, FL: Florida Grapefruit Canners Association, 1932/33 1936/37. Note: Continued as, Yearbook (Florida Canners Association). Florida Southern College Citrus Archives; Vertical Files 2_ Yearbook. Lakeland, FL: Associated Citrus Growers and Shippers of Florida, 1937. 116 p . Note: Information based on this issue was this the only one published? \ 1 UF Libraries Special Collections/Florida History ; f 634 A849y \