NOVEMBER 1, 2000
Dr. Charles E. Young, President
Ed. Poppell, Vice-President
Carol J. Walker, Director
James Earl Robbins,Jr., Chief Information Officer
David O'Brien, Director
Dr. Charles E. Frazier, Vice Provost
Dale B. Canclas, Chair
Project Manager
Facilities Planning & Construction Division
232 Stadium, P. O. Box 115050
Gainesville, Florida 32611-5050
Phone: 352-392-1256
FAX: 352-392-6378
Dale B. Canelas
USER GROUP REPRESENTATIVE: Director of University Libraries
P. O. Box 117001
204 Library West
Gainesville, FL 32611-7001
Phone: 352-302-0342
FAX: 352-392-7251
E-Mail: dcanelas@mail.fulib.ufl.cdu
Library West is the "main library" for the University of Florida. Completed in
1968, it was meant to house all of the university's graduate collections in the humanities
and social sciences as well as the natural sciences, provide space for faculty and
graduate student library users in humanities, social science and natural science
disciplines, and house the staff needed to provide library services to this clientele.
Knowing that the building was small at the outset, it was planned so that the building
could expand to the North at a later date. The back (North) wall was designed as a
"temporary" one so it could be easily broken through and space was left between
Library West and University Avenue to extend an addition that would duplicate the
older building's footprint.
Library West ran out of space within two years (by 1970), necessitating joint use
of another library (Smathers) to serve graduate student and faculty needs in addition to
Smathers previous assignment of undergraduate students. By 1987, growing collections
and a growing student body had outstripped the capacity of both buildings and it was
necessary to renovate Library West to hold more books. Between 1988 and 1993,
various departments were removed from Library West to other buildings, the upper
floors of West were renovated to provide more stack space, and most student seats were
removed to house expanding collections. Beginning in the mid-'90's, parts of the
general collections were removed to off-site storage.
In 1999, the director of libraries was asked by the President to consider how
100,000 net assignable square feet could be used to meet the library's needs for at least
ten years. It can be done only if collections are compacted. An engineering study
conducted in 1999 showed that no floor in Library West including the ground floor
could be entirely compacted without danger to the building's stability. Thus was born
the idea to build an environmentally excellent 100,000nasf addition to Library West, to
serve as the "stack" for the rest of the building. The remaining space, 83,000nasf in the
current building, would be renovated to provide the conditions needed to serve
students and faculty in the modern electronic world.
Project Vision. The library is central to flourishing humanities and social
science disciplines. The proposed library addition will help to create, in the physical
heart of the campus, an accessible environment which will open up to the scholar of the
21st century, humanities and social science information in all forms collected and
organized by the library in support of UF academic programs. The addition and the
current building would be designed to emphasize support of the scholarly needs of
faculty and the learning needs of students. Together they would provide for a good
basic research collection of 4 million volume equivalents and would create an
environment where scholars can move easily between books and journals and
electronic, micro and multi-media formats by providing readily available service space
for each, so that the flow of ideas and research need not be interrupted. In increasing
the amount and diversity of reading space for students and faculty, we create habitats
suited to learning and research in multiple disciplines by diverse users. The new
"Library West" would have a stack area closely related on each floor to reading areas
with combinations of carrels, tables, group study rooms, and closed studies so that
scholars at every level would find appropriate working conditions as they use the
needed collections. About 3,500 library users could be seated at once. Each floor would
have photocopiers, workstations, wired group study rooms, wired carrels and tables for
the use of personal computers, etc. Noise producing activities would be isolated from
study areas (photocopiers, group assignments, etc.). The main service areas would be
on the first and second floors, leaving the upper floors for quiet study and reflection.
There would be well-designed workspaces for the use of online databases, digitized
images, video and audio formats and micro-formats. All of these are permanent parts
of research library collections because they provide information that cannot be stored
and accessed in traditional ways and they are essential to meet university requirements
for access to information. There would be training facilities for group instruction in the
use of electronic information or use of library collections. Such a building would create
library conditions supportive of the outstanding faculty and student body, who
currently have a very difficult time pursuing their academic work in the library.
New Addition: The libraries seek a 100,000nasf addition attached to Library
West to serve as a secure and environmentally sound library "stack" to house print,
microform and media collections. Stacks should always be either in the central part of a
building, far from windows or in a windowless building, where they will not be in
direct sunlight since ultraviolet light is as destructive to books as to human skin. Public
access to this addition will be through the current Library West. The HVAC system
must be capable of maintaining a year around temperature of 65 + or 3 degrees, and
humidity of 50 + or 3 percentage points. No people will be housed in the-addition but
faculty and students would be admitted to retrieve books and journals as needed. The
building should be able to house a minimum of 4.5 million volume equivalents on three
floors in movable compact shelving. The shelving should be in reasonably small bays
to permit easier public access.
The stack area represents the primary consumer of space in a research library.
The library's collections, carefully selected and cataloged to support teaching and
research, constitute a major asset of the University of Florida. They must be housed for
convenient access while being protected for future generations of students and teachers.
The primary means of protecting collections is maintaining temperature and humidity
levels within specific limits and protecting them from sunlight and sources of ultra
violet radiation.
Books, periodicals, microforms, maps, documents, films, tapes and other items
are stored on shelves or in drawers, in call number order in this stack. In addition to
environmental standards, primary concerns are quality lighting, logical arrangement,
ease of use, weight of compact collections, and safety of staff and users.
Library West Renovation: The current building, which is 83,000nasf, must be
redesigned and renovated to provide effective library services in support of humanities
and social science undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, visiting scholars and the
general public. It must also supply carefully designed staff space for those who will
provide library services to this clientele. In today's educational environment, building
requirements for extensive use of electronic information are basic to the success of the
library. The building must provide wireless capacity for students to use lap-top
computers and other devices in any location and be adequately wired for high speed,
broad band network access for staff and public workstations. Requirements for
individual spaces follow.
The mission of the George A. Smathers Libraries is "to meet the information needs
of the University of Florida community by providing access to all relevant forms of recorded
knowledge through:
Emphasizing innovation and operational excellence
Understanding our users and their information needs
Identifying, acquiring, and making available within the UF Libraries relevant
information resources to meet those needs
Identifying and enabling access to other needed information resources located elsewhere
Designing, implementing, and continuously refining services which mdke use of the
libraries and accessing information resources as easy as possible
Organizing and archiving locally held material to insure easy retrieval and long-term
The physical environment of Library West does not currently support these
efforts. For example, as collections have grown shelving has expanded to take up most
user space. The shelves are extremely crowded forcing the library to constantly remove
collections to off-site storage, and only a very small percentage of the student body can
be provided with seating in the library. The infrastructure, i.e., telecommunication
pathways, electrical wiring, fire code requirements, HVAC systems, elevators, tables
and chairs are all aging, overused, and badly need upgrading. As the University of
Florida increases its mission to provide more graduate education and research, these
problems are magnifying rapidly. Undergraduate students need instruction in
information retrieval skills that supports their coursework while graduate students,
scholars and faculty need on-site access to the unique resources that only a research
library can provide.
Libraries are physically organized to accommodate collections, reader's services,
user spaces and staff offices and work areas. Each distinct area has its own special
requirement for amount and quality of space and its physical linkage to other areas of
the library. For example, reader services should be placed near the collections and the
users it serves. Staff often need ready access to the collections, yet their work areas
need to be secured from the patrons who might be using the collections too. Readers
often want quiet space; other times they want group study spaces, and at other times
they want to be near user service areas yet as isolated as possible from the noise these
service areas generate.
Undergraduate students will continue to be dependent upon library resources to
complete assignments and to develop critical thinking skills as they pursue topics
introduced in class. For undergraduates to make the most of the UF experience, the
student needs access to librarians and library collections in an environment conducive
to quiet study, one-on-one discussion, group studies where they can work on joint
assignments, and training rooms where they can receive group instruction on
information retrieval skills.
Graduate students are even more dependent on the physical entity of a research
library since the collections we have amassed in all the academic fields researched at UF
are used most heavily by the graduate students familiarizing themselves with the
scholarship of their field. They usually need greater access to special resources such as
microforms, specialized periodicals, films, multi media resources, and specialized
electronic databases.
For many faculty, the library is their laboratory. They come to the library to
review the current literature of their field, to browse the latest issues of scholarly
journals in fields related to their own, and to work with primary resources. They want
to be near the resources that make their work possible and they want a place where
their scholarship can go forward uninterrupted by colleagues and others who compete
for their time. They want a library where the physical environment attracts students
and stimulates learning. They recognize that a usable, well organized research library
is a major advantage for both graduate and undergraduate education.
The overarching goal is a flexible building to house all of the humanities and
social science collections, to provide excellent space for students and faculty to utilize
the latest in information resources including electronic, print, and multimedia, and to
provide adequate space for staff. We want to preserve the time-honored values of an
academic library while at the same time linking the physical entity that is Library West
to the quickening pace of a revolution now underway in information technology. We
envision a structure that is both a comfortable sanctuary for students and scholars as
well as a campus-wide center for the electronic flow between scholars, researchers,
students and the world of information.
At 100,000nasf, the new addition will be somewhat larger than Library West's
83,000nasf. The two wings must operate as one facility in order to provide high quality
library services to faculty and students. It is highly important that options for possible
future expansion of the building be designed into the addition. Thus, this design
project requires. careful consideration of the relationship of all current space to the
proposed addition and a possible future addition. It is extremely important that floor
levels be maintained for operational reasons.
In the renovation of the existing Library West, high use, services and collections
must be easily reached by users, preferably on lower floors. Research collections and
study spaces should be located, insofar as possible, in non-distracting and quiet spaces,
perhaps on upper floors, that allow reflection and concentration.
New Addition: Specific Goals
an environmentally state-of-the-art stack sufficient to unite all of the university's
humanities and social science collections in a single location and to provide
growth space for ten years
collection security provisions
Library West Renovation: Specific Goals
sufficient seating for 16% of the humanities, social science, and professional
school users of Library West (3,500 seats)
appropriate separation of users with differing needs
user and staff security provisions
state-of-the-art facilities for multi-media and electronic information
structure and infrastructure flexibility to accommodate future change in staffing
patterns, resource formats, and technology developments
* provide sufficient power and data cables to support expanding technology easily,
accessible both vertically and horizontally, throughout the building so that any
future additions can be made with reasonable economy
* provide all user seats with electrical outlets and network connections
* effective integration of the new addition stack area and the renovated existing
Library West
Structure. The addition must be a flexible, modular facility with minimum,
strategically placed load bearing walls. Support columns should be arranged to
facilitate compact shelving layouts. This will require careful selection of bay size as
well as a modular layout for walls, lighting, air conditioning, book stacks, etc. to permit
an easy interchange between book stacks and seating at some future time if the building
is enlarged. The floors must be designed to be able to support compact shelving
throughout to ensure adequate flexibility for future storage needs. Footings and
foundations must be adequate to permit a capability to expand vertically. -There should
be adequate electrical and telecommunications wiring to permit installation of
networked workstations. Advancing technologies have changed significantly the
manner in which space is used throughout library buildings but stack space will
continue to be needed as collections will grow for at least the next 20 years. The new
structure must have adequate HVAC to maintain collections at 65 degrees and 50%
humidity year-round. There will be a need to provide special controls and back-up
systems in specified areas for electronic and film based information storage formats
which are highly susceptible to damage with variation in temperature and humidity.
Because of Gainesville's climate, a back-up system to ensure this is essential.
Circulation. Circulation patterns must be simple and logical both vertically and
horizontally. The difficulty of finding one specific book among more than two million
underscores the need for clear public circulation patterns. One can easily lose
him/herself in a large stack since long ranges of book stacks interfere with sightlines.
Traffic patterns should be kept as simple as possible. The stack must be laid out in
blocks so that the flow of the classification sequence for the collections is simple and
natural. Where blocks of ranges are interrupted by building elements (stairwells,
elevators, HVAC or electrical equipment rooms, etc.) there can be considerable distance
between the end of the call number range in one block of shelving and the resumption
of that sequence in the next. These interruptions should be minimized to reduce
confusion for readers. Blind corners or pockets which sometimes result from placement
of assorted building elements should be avoided. If they cannot be avoided, they
should be used for some purpose other than housing the collection.
Every aisle should be useful to the space on both sides of it and the basic pattern
of aisles should be easy to perceive. A bookstack arrangement, that is a simple
rectangle with no more than one center and two side aisles, is desirable. It is also
necessary to make the stacks as comfortable and easy to use as possible. Aisles must
open wide enough so that users can crouch down and read the books on the bottom
shelf, select and remove the desired volumes, pass each other without too much
difficulty, and allow for wheelchair accessibility and for shelves to take a book from a
booktruck and reshelve it. There should be adequate lobby space by stairs and
elevators that empty into the stacks so that passengers and book trucks can get in and
out without difficulty.
Library staff are dependent on vertical transportation systems to return
hundreds of thousands of books to the shelves each year. The smooth and efficient flow
of materials requires excellent behind-the-scenes horizontal and vertical transportation
systems. In addition to public elevators, a secure stack elevator (staff use only) should
be provided that opens onto enclosed sort room space on each floor. Undesirable
design elements such as steep ramps or awkward corners that would make difficult the
use of book trucks, stack movers, and other unique library equipment, should be
Lighting. Lighting is of great importance in a research library, with different
levels and kinds of light required for different activities. Stacks have unique problems
owing to the relatively narrow width of aisles and the need to properly light the bottom
shelves so that they are clearly visible to patrons searching for a particular title. Ceiling
fixtures placed directly over stack aisles so as to be able to read book titles and
classification numbers both near ground level and seven or eight feet above ground
level are most successful. A minimum of 10 foot-candles is required at the base of each
section in the stack. This is not as easy as it may seem shelving is generally seven or
eight feet high, laid out with 36" wide aisles which may run up to 36 to 50 feet in length.
It is not easy to light them well enough that it is easy to read the labels of the books on
the bottom shelf. Parabolic diffusers are the preferred style of fluorescent light fixture
Signs. Finding books, journals, microfilm, maps among a collection of 4 million
items can be very difficult. Floor directories showing the layout of the stack and blocks
of call numbers assigned to specific locations are needed by elevators and stairwells as
readers enter a floor. Each range of shelving should provide space for a call number
label showing the books in that range. Lighted exit signs should be visible down the
main and cross aisles to facilitate egress in case of emergency.
Library West Renovation/Remodeling General Requirements
Entry. A clear, strong sense of entry is desired. It should express invitation,
excitement, and intellectual stimulation and provide glimpses of content. One single
entrance is desired to service both the existing structure and the addition. It is highly
desirable that the location of the entry relate closely to Smathers Library, an integral
part of the graduate research library complex. The entry should be a pivotal element in
the design capable of rousing patron interest, relating those who enter to the building
environment and directing them to the various library functions. A single public
entrance and exit is also desirable to facilitate security measures. The entry/exit area
should encompass sufficient space to provide a staffed security post and security gates.
Structure. A new fire code requires that when major modifications are made to
Library West, several violations will need to be corrected including an open stairwell
between the first and third floors and installing sprinklers in the building. The
renovated structure must be designed to provide staff and reader space with
temperatures comfortable to staff and users.
Circulation. It is exceedingly important to develop the simplest possible
circulation patterns throughout a library, both horizontally and vertically. The building
should be "logical" to first time users and arranged in a manner which allows a patron
to go to a specific area without crossing through others. The main corridors and
reading areas are particularly heavily used by the public. Circulation systems must be
designed with aisles wide enough to conform to building and disability codes. Egress
routes must be logically configured, of adequate width and clearly marked in order that
the building be emptied quickly of the three thousand or more students who may be in
the building in case of emergency.
Stairways should be convenient for use, reasonably conspicuous, and in the same
location on each floor so users may find them readily instead of looking for mechanical
transportation. Building design should encourage use of the stairs for patrons going up
or down only one or two floors. Confining, the library's most heavily used facilities to
the entrance level and the level immediately above encourages readers to use stairs.
Faculty and graduate students, who use the library intensively for long periods, will go
to higher floors for more quiet surroundings; they do not move in and out in such large
numbers for class periods. Replacing the current main stairwell in Library West (cited
as a fire code requirement) is a high priority.
There should be good separation between public and staff areas. Public access to
processing and support activities frequently places library materials at risk of damage
and loss. There should, for example, be distinct separation between public service areas
and loading dock activities.
Noise. Because noise and the transmission of sound is a fundamental
consideration in libraries, noise making activities should be segregated on each floor.
Stairwells, elevators, photocopy rooms, stack sort rooms, group study rooms and other
high intensity use features of the building should be grouped and buffered from study
areas. It is essential that the building's HVAC systems maintain a steady, soft
background sound to mask the annoying people-produced sounds of footsteps, cell
phones, audio equipment, drumming fingers, coughs, whispers, etc. or that another
"white noise" source be planned into the building. Many rooms (including dissertation
cubicles and faculty studies)\will have to be acoustically treated in order to prevent the
transmission of sound.
Lighting. Lighting is of great importance in a research library, with different
levels and kinds of light required for different activities. Reading areas should be
provided with bright, non-glare lighting that allows readers to study in comfort for
many hours. Microform reading areas require zones where light can be lowered to
permit easier reading of material in the backlighted readers. Careful planning is
required to provide proper lighting conditions throughout the building.
Signs. Large research libraries are both heavily used and complex in function
and layout, even for those who are constant users. They require posted room numbers,
name signs, directional guides, and other graphics to assist users in finding their way
without personal direction.
Design consideration should be given to visibly indicating each major functional
area or service location. Signs needed include: a building directory on the main floor,
floor directories providing maps/location charts on each upper floor, list of key staff
offices, room numbers. Signs should be tasteful and compatible with the architecture
and decor. They can be of varying sizes, depending upon whether they need to be seen
from 50 or 100 feet away or whether they need only be seen from two or three paces.
It is particularly important that the signs be easily and inexpensively changed.
They must also be tamper and theft resistant. Student ingenuity being what it is, library
signs must be nearly as impervious to mistreatment as those on the streets.
Wiring. The building must have adequate wiring throughout for electronic and
telecommunications equipment to permit on-campus and world-wide connections for
data, voice, and video communications. Micro-computers providing direct on-line
access will be needed in all staff and public areas.
We should plan to have a combination network/telephone jack panel anywhere
there is an electrical outlet. There must be communications closets on each floor, with
fiber vertical connections between them. It is highly likely that computers that don't
wander around will be better served by wired connections for well into this decade.
We should also include a backup generator/power supply that will serve both
Library West and Smathers Library. Many UF buildings have this capacity and the
Libraries are highly computer-dependent and open 100 hours per week. The regular
building power should have surge suppressors for all circuits as well.
It is important that the design of the building allow for great flexibility in order
to utilize new technologies with a minimum disruption to occupied space, without
major building alterations, and at minimal expense. There must be both horizontal and
vertical electrical and telecommunications wiring to permit the libraries to tap into
established networks at some later date.
Wireless communication should also be provided for. The standards for wireless
are in major flux at the moment, such that it isn't possible to say anything specific about
what will be advisable four years out. However, sufficient access points (that hook the
wireless stations into the wired network) should be should be installed to handle traffic
as if students using the Internet occupied every seat in the building.
Building Layout. The building should be laid out with the heavily used public
service areas on the first two floors. This includes Circulation, Reference and Research
Assistance, ILL, Reserves, Multi-Media, Documents, Current Periodicals, Microtexts,
and training rooms. There should be some general study areas on each floor and some
spaces can be double assigned that is Reference seating can double for the 24-hour
study area. Individual study spaces and group studies can be located on each floor,
with or without service desks.
Distances from stairwells and elevators should be kept as short as possible to
reduce distraction to those trying to study. Noise generating activity should be
grouped in one location on each floor as much as possible and surrounded by walls to
reduce transmission of sound. Examples are photocopiers, bill dispensers, coin
machines, training rooms (large numbers come and go each hour), etc. Photocopy
rooms need to be especially well ventilated and air-conditioned because of the heat and
the machine odors given off by large numbers of them in one location.
Given space constraints, there should be only one staff conference room per
floor, situated so that all departments can use it. If needed, staff offices for the main
floor and or administrative offices currently on the second floor can be moved to upper
floors to provide user space on the main and second floors. None-the-less, it should be
kept in mind that staff should generally be located as close as possible to their service
point. Following is a sample of preferred space zoning.
Main Floor (approximately 20,000nasf)
Multi-Media Resources
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery
Research assistance
SAdjacent User Resources
Self-Check Computer Workstations for Circulation
One hundred Electronic Workstations with networked printers
One hundred spaces adjacent to above for expansion
One hundred reading spaces at carrels and tables
Four Group Studies (4-6 person)
Twenty-five AV workstations
Two AV Group Studies persono)
Public photocopy machines, scanners
Card Dispensers, change machines
Adjacent User Resources
Four Group Studies (4-6 person)
Public Reading Areas. Open reading areas should be distributed throughout the
building in such a way that users can find a place to read near the collections or services
they wish to use, e.g., Reference, Multi-media, or Reserves on the main floor, etc.
Readers seating preferences vary, so that a variety of reading accommodations is
desirable. Reading accommodations should be of five kinds: open areas (wired around
the perimeter and with access to wireless telecommunications sufficient for the number
of seats in the area) for the general use of all library users, wired quiet zones with
lockable oversize carrels for the use of beginning graduate students or undergraduates
writing honors theses, blocks of wired, lockable dissertation cubicles for the use of
doctoral candidates writing their dissertations, wired faculty studies, and wired group
study rooms. Students also frequently enjoy carpeted mounds to sit on, lean against
and drape themselves over. \It allows them to study in a different position and can be
easier on their back than sitting in one chair for many hours.
Reading areas should be quiet, serene, and aesthetically pleasing with an
attractive and welcoming environment. The majority should have exterior windows.
Generally, reading areas should not be cited along heavy traffic arteries and each
should provide seating for only a moderate number of persons to reduce the noise and
distraction that come with large numbers of people in one area. Faculty studies, group
study rooms, or dissertation cubicles might divide them. It should be kept in mind that
these areas will be unsupervised by staff, so security should be a design consideration.
There should be about 2,000 seats in small study areas.
Because of the change of classes on an hourly basis, university libraries tend to
have a good deal of "hustle and bustle." Students may be coming into a reading area for
twenty minutes after a class period while others are beginning to leave ten or fifteen
minutes before the next class period. Access to reading areas should therefore, be
provided through as many well-distributed entrances as possible. If students can find a
seat near where they enter, they can be expected to leave the same way keeping visual
and auditory distraction for others to a minimum. There should be a mix of seating:
most should be in carrels with back and side walls high enough to limit visual
distraction and arranged so that readers do not sit side by side. Tables should be
limited but there should be a few in each general reading area so that all kinds of users
can be accommodated. They should seat only two to four persons and four person
tables should be cloverleaf in form to provide sufficient space to spread out books and
papers when writing. Each reading area should have a few lounge chairs to provide
different kinds of back support for readers spending hours in the library (7-8% of the
total seats).
Graduate "quiet zones." Graduate students work under considerable pressure.
Because they are developing a mastery of their discipline, they will often spend long,
concentrated hours reading and be required to write a number of lengthy papers.
Students in the humanities, in particular, will frequently consult multiple sources
simultaneously while writing. They need a carrel that provides sufficient space to
spread out their work, and they need a convenient, lockable storage space near their
carrel and near the collections they use most intensively. They also need to be assured
of a quiet environment. Solutions to this need might be enclosed rooms distributed
throughout the building or some other arrangement of space that meets the criteria of
quiet, security for materials currently in use, and appropriate size work surfaces. They
should be wired for use of a personal computer with access to the campus network.
There should be 500 seats of this nature.
Dissertation Cubicles. Graduate students who have been advanced to
candidacy and are actively working on their dissertations, spend long hours reading
and writing. They often assemble a sizable group of reference materials and extensive
notes which must be accommodated in their writing space. They require quiet, secure
space that allows for reflection and study for significant time periods. They should be
provided cubicles that should be securely closed off from use by others. The cubicles
can be single or in multiples of two or four with an individual study area for each
occupant. They should be wired for use of a personal computer with access to the
campus network and should be soundproof. There should be 250 dissertation
Faculty Studies. The humanities and many social science faculty use the library
as their laboratory. This is often the place where they encounter and evaluate new
ideas. Their work is sufficiently unlike that of scientists and experimental social
scientists that library support must be substantially different for them. Like graduate
students working on dissertations, they spend a large amount of time reading and
writing to document new research findings and to develop new courses and update
older ones. As active scholars, they have many pressures-teaching, advising, serving
on university and state committees providing assistance to state agencies-as well as
keeping up in their field and developing new ideas. They need a quiet, secure space
that allows concentrated work to be done in limited time. They should be provided
studies that are small enclosed rooms with space for a 6' work surface, 2-drawer file,
two sections of shelving, and a side chair. They should be wired for use of a personal
computer with access to the campus network. There should be 75 faculty studies.
Group Studies. Many students need to work on joint projects together, gather in
small groups to discuss assignments, or study with others. On each floor there should
be at least four group study rooms where students can talk over their work without
disturbing others. Most rooms should seat four; no more than one per floor should seat
six. Rooms should be equipped with one table, 4-6 chairs and a marker board. The
walls should be acoustically treated. They should be wired for the use of a personal
computer with access to the campus network. The AV studies should also provide
screens for projecting videos. There should be 12 group study rooms seating 4 to 6 and
2 AV group studies seating 6-8.
PHASE I: Specific Building Requirements
Because the stack is to be designed with high density compact shelving, there must be
standing height consultation tables near the ranges so that readers can briefly examine
books and bound journals to determine that they want to take these items with them.
There will also need to be locations on each floor where an electronic catalog
workstation can be consulted perhaps near the elevator and stairwells. There will also
need to be an enclosed room on each floor where photocopiers are located.-
PHASE II: Specific Building Requirements
General: This area creates definition between the library and the campus,
introduces the internal arrangements of the facility, and establishes the building's
hospitality, security, and decorum. It includes the security exit through which all
library users must pass. The area should be constructed so that it inhibits drafts, damp,
and debris from coming into the building. Reduced lighting may be used to aid the eye
in adjusting to interior light from bright sunlight. Good graphics to present the library's
organization and the locations of major services and collections are an essential feature
of the lobby area. The area outside the security exit should contain campus and
outgoing telephones.
Furnishings: Graphic display, telephones. Sufficient space must be allowed and
the design must accommodate electronic security control. Telephone and electronic
connections to the security station are required.
Art Display and Donor Recognition: A special design challenge in the lobby area
is to provide a secure and beautiful display area for the library's Henry Moore sculpture
and the large painting by Hiram Williams. The Henry Moore must be secured as well
as displayed although we would like it in a visible position. It might be placed on a
high round pedestal, spotlighted, and surrounded by a lower round sofa. In any case,
its placement should make it difficult to touch the object. An appropriate display for
the bronze memorial to George A. Smathers is also required.
General: Graduate students and faculty in particular are attracted by displays of
new books in their discipline. The renovated building should contain a New Book
Alcove capable of displaying about 500 volumes. The alcove should be located near the
entrance to the building and readily visible to library users, but away from loud noise
and out of traffic patterns. An appealing appearance and soft, non-glare lighting,
comfortable and inviting seating, and attractive shelving for the display of new books
should characterize the area. This area could be combined with the Exhibit Area.
Furnishings: Shelving that is easily browsable, 8 comfortable chairs, and small
convenient end tables (or equivalent) are required for this area.
General: Research libraries generally exhibit materials from their collections that
relate to current campus activities. Exhibit spaces will generally have only a small
number of people looking at the exhibits at any one time. There should be a small
exhibit area of six cases, both horizontal and vertical. They should be lockable to
protect the contents from damage or theft. Indirect, non-glare lighting is required to
contribute to an inviting appearance. An appealing appearance is- particularly
important here. The exhibit area could be combined with the New Book Alcove. Both
should be readily visible from the entrance to attract those who enter the library.
Furnishings: Six lockable exhibit cases.
The main floor of the library is a heavy traffic area that should house the most
frequently used services of the building. These include:
Borrowing and return of library materials
Library information services
Course reserve services
Referral to library'subject specialists
Access to \
UF library catalog via computer workstations
General reference materials
Electronic resources provided by the libraries or accessible via the Internet
Equipment to support use: Photocopiers, computer workstations, printers, and
There are three departments on this floor: Access Services (AS), Humanities and
Social Sciences Services (H&SSS), and Collection Management (CM). AS and H&SSS
are very large departments with multiple sections. This plan provides for a single
service desk that combines all the user services provided by the three departments.
The Access Services Department is responsible for providing circulation and
reserve services for the humanities and social science collections and interlibrary loan
and document delivery services for all Smathers Libraries users. The staff maintains
order and security in the general collection book stacks, assists those using the
collections, oversees general reader space and assigned user spaces in the building, and
processes returned materials. It is important to locate the direct user functions of this
department on the main floor of the building, easily accessible to library users, near the
entrance and exit.
The Humanities & Social Sciences Services Department provides assistance to
students and scholars using the collections. H&SSS staff hold primary responsibility for
the library's programs in information literacy/bibliographic instruction, computerized
information services, and assistance in accessing computer files.
The Collection Management Department is responsible for building and
maintaining the collections. Its staff have a great deal of interaction with individual
faculty and students, participate in the general reference program, provide research
level assistance and teach upper division and graduate students bibliography and
research techniques.
It is desirable (but not essential) to locate offices for the H&SSS and CM staff near
the main service desk. If not located on the main floor, easily accessible to entrance and
service desk, their offices should be easy to locate and access on the second floor. The
staff most critical to be located on the first floor near the service desk and user space are
the circulation services staff, the materials processing staff in H&SSS, and the electronic
resources unit.
Main Floor Service Desk
The main floor service desk is the library's primary service point and will be the
one location staffed during all hours of library operation. It will provide "one-stop
shopping" and will enable people coming to the library to seek basic information about
locations and services, obtain course reserve materials, request and retrieve interlibrary
materials, seek reference assistance, obtain assistance in using library resources or
equipment, check out materials, and return them. It should be located adjacent to the
library exit and book security system. There should be good eye control of the entry
from the desk and easy access from desk to entry. There should be ample space in front
of the desk to accommodate up to 20 users waiting for service at busy times. Counter-
height, the desk should be of adequate length to accommodate at least six
workstation/reader positions during peak periods and reduce to two staff periods
during quieter times. One of these workstation/patron service points should
accommodate patrons with disabilities. Each service point should include a telephone,
workstation, counter space, and easy access to a printer.
There should be bookshelves and cabinets behind the desk to hold a variety of
print and electronic materials including ready reference materials heavily used by staff,
course materials, and items requested by and being held for library patrons. There
should also be adequate space to house equipment used by patrons, including
headphones for computers and TV/VCRs and circulating laptop computers. Staff
should be able to exit from behind the desk into the lobby easily when security
problems exist.
A book return area must be provided and must not be placed to interfere with
other desk activities. Since the book check-in function will be done behind the scenes to
minimize errors that occur when it is done under the pressure of interruptions at the
service desk, the return should be designed so as to make it easy for staff to gather
returned items and take them back to a check-in/sorting area. Conceivably, books
could be returned into a slot that feeds into the behind-the-scenes work area. A
prominently placed, secure outside book return that feeds into the section directly is
also needed. The return area should be fireproofed if possible.
This desk also handles course reserve materials and materials borrowed by or
being returned to Interlibrary Loan. The desk area should be separated by wall or
partition from the staff work/processing areas, but staff in work areas should be able to
be summoned quickly to assist at the desk.
This must be located behind the Circulation Services Desk to provide security for
high use items and must provide for both print and non-print material, including
videos and CD's.
General: This area provides space to change the online computer record for an
item to indicate that it has been returned to the library and to resensitize it for the
security system. It should be adjacent to the circulation desk and near the processing
and pre-shelving area but out of traffic. This area should not be accessible tb the public.
Furnishings: 2 workstations, work surfaces, and chairs, 2 sections of wall
shelving and space for 4 booktrucks.
Department Chair, Access Services
General: Office should be located centrally within the AS Department and
should be accessible to the public and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation, telephone, and chair. Table and four
chairs, file cabinet, shelving, carpet.
General: Located adjacent to Department Chair. Must provide space for
Department secretary and administrative assistance plus departmental files (150nasf)
Furnishings: Two desks with workstations and chairs, worktable with six chairs,
file cabinets, supply cabinet, laser printer, photocopy machine, and fax machine,
Departmental mailboxes, and shelving, carpet.
Circulation Services Section
General: Office should be adjacent to the service desk, easily accessible to the
public and the staff area.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, two visitor chairs, file cabinet,
shelving carpets.
General: The staff office should be adjacent and easily accessible to the
Circulation Services Desk. It should be near the Collection Access Section so that
returned materials can be taken there quickly for sorting and reshelving. There should
be individually defined areas for nine staff members and two student assistants.
Furnishings: Twelve desks with landscaped workstations and chairs.
Supervisors should, in addition, have two guest chairs each. Two six-person work
tables. Shelving, storage space for six booktrucks.
General: Should be adjacent to the Circulation Service Desk and to the Reserves
Shelving Area. Must accommodate reserves supervisor and two additional staff
members and provide space for handling incoming material and scanning materials for
electronic reserve.
Furnishings: Three desks with workstations, scanners, and chairs. Supervisor's
desk landscaped, 2 guest chairs. Work table with six chairs, supply cabinet, file cabinet,
storage for four book trucks, shelving, carpet.
Staff in this area are involved with shelving and shelf reading the book
collections, performing collection inventory work, completing the final stages of new
book processing, and managing the library's recall and search services. While much of
the section's work is done behind the scenes throughout the building, it is important
that there be an ample space provided for sorting materials, for storage of book trucks,
and for easy access to the stack elevator. Staff in this area interact closely with the
Circulation Services Section and the Periodicals/Microforms areas. They also receive
books regularly from Resource Services and Preservation in the Smathers Library.
These should be delivered without passing through public areas.
Collection Access Coordinator
General: Office should be located near section staff work area and be accessible
to the public.
Furnishings: Landscaped desk with workstation and chair, two guest chairs,
shelving, file cabinet, carpet.
Staff Office
General: Should be located with good access to the Circulation Services Desk
and to collections throughout the building. Landscaped desks for four staff members
along with space to accommodate student employees (lockers, time clock, sign in area)
Furnishings: Four desks with workstations, chairs, one guest chair, shelving, and
space for two booktrucks in areas clearly defined by partitions or building design. Two
six-person worktables with chairs, time clock sign-in alcove, lockers for student
employees, shelving, carpet.
General: Space is needed to sort and shelve approximately 10,000 volumes
returned from circulation, newly added to the collection, or recently bound or repaired.
Furnishings: Shelving, work table with four chairs.
Pre-Shelving/Book Truck Storage
General: Preshelving area is needed to store book trucks and the stack mover
and to provide space to sort and shelve project materials.
Furnishings: Shelving plus a worktable with six chairs.
Interlibrary Loan Section
Staff in this Section borrow materials from other libraries to meet the needs of UF
students and faculty, lend material to other libraries, and handle both borrowing for
and lending to off-campus UF facilities (such as the IFAS Research and Education
Centers) throughout the state. Interlibrary Loan combines the functions of both a high-
volume, behind-the-scenes, operation with interaction with individual users of its
services. Materials it borrows for UF clientele are distributed from and returned to the
circulation services desk. Materials borrowed from other libraries and materials UF
lends to other libraries go through the mailroom. Future services may include campus
delivery. Consequently, it is desirable for this unit to be located near the circulation
services desk, the mailroom, and library vehicles. Proximity to the Reference collection
is also desirable to facilitate bibliographic work. And, it is desirable to have access to a
non-public entrance and exit to facilitate movement of materials to and from other areas
of the libraries.
General: The office should be located in AS Department space, adjacent to
section staff and near the Access Services Department Chair and the Circulation Desk.
It should be accessible to the public but acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk, chair, and workstation, two side chairs, file cabinet, shelving,
General: Space should include individually defined areas for three supervisors
(for borrowing, lending, and document delivery) space for eight additional staff, and
work area for four student assistants. It must accommodate bibliographic searching
activities along with handling large volumes of incoming and outgoing mail including
wrapping, unwrapping, and physical processing.
Furnishings: Landscaped desks with workstations and chairs in individually
defined areas for three supervisors, desks with workstations and chairs for 5 additional
staff, a bank of additional specialized workstations, a photocopy machine with sorting
and processing space, a fax machine, at least 2 large worktables for wrapping and
unwrapping materials, bookshelves, file cabinets, storage closets, space for six
booktrucks, carpet.
CM is responsible for building and maintaining the collections of the University
Libraries. CM staff have a great deal of interaction with faculty and graduate students
as they provide guidance in research methods and use of library collections. Their
offices must be publicly accessible. They join H&SSS in providing assistance to library
H&SSS provides assistance to students and scholars using the collections. It
holds primary responsibility for the Library's programs in information
literacy/bibliographic instruction, computerized information services, and assistance in
accessing computer files.
Together, the two departments provide a complete range of reference and
research services to the library's clientele. The offices of both departments should be
located near the reference desk, training rooms, electronic workstations, and each other.
Department Offices
Department Chairs, CM and H&SSS
General: Two offices should be located centrally within the staff work area, near
the Secretaries' Office and should be accessible to the public while maintaining acoustic
and visual privacy. The HSSS office should be near the Assistant Chair's-Office while
the CM office should be near the coordinating bibliographer's offices.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation, telephone, and chair. Table and four
chairs, file cabinet, shelving, carpet.
Administrative Staff Support Office/File Room
There should be a combined CM/H&SSS office area for department secretaries
modeled after the current arrangement of the Administrative Office with space for 2
secretaries, student assistants, and a reception area for receiving faculty, students, and
other visitors to the departments.
General: This office should be centrally located in the CM/H&SSS area and be
publicly accessible. It should include a reception area and the file/workroom should
open off of it.
Furnishings: Desk, chair, and workstation for CM secretary, desk, chair, and
workstation for H&SSS secretary, desk, chair, and workstation for student assistant, file
cabinets, shelving, guest chairs and table for reception area.
General: The new office area should be designed with adequate space for a
photocopier, bulletin/message boards, and a maximum amount of built in shelving to
aid in selection/de-selection and staging of new receipts.
Furnishings: Fax Machine, typewriter, laser printers, worktable, file cabinets,
departmental mailboxes, supply storage cabinets, message boards.
CM Humanities Section
Humanities Bibliographer
General: This office should meet proximity criteria specified above and should be
near other humanities staff in particular the Humanities Selectors and the CM Support
Unit. It should be publicly accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, table with four chairs, shelving,
file cabinet, carpet.
Humanities Selectors (5)
General: These offices should meet proximity criteria specified above and should
be near the Humanities Bibliographer and the CM Support Unit. They should be
publicly accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs, two guest chairs, shelving, file
cabinet, carpet.
CM Social Sciences Section
Social Sciences Bibliographer
General: This office should meet proximity criteria specified above and should
be near other social science staff in particular the Social Science Selectors and the CM
Support Unit. It should be publicly accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, table with four chairs, shelving,
file cabinet, carpet.
Social Sciences Selectors (7)
General: These offices should meet proximity criteria specified above and should
be near the Social Science Bibliographer and the CM Support Unit. They should be
publicly accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs, two guest chairs, shelving, file
cabinet, carpet.
Collection Management Support Unit
General: The CM Support Unit consists of an A&P Coordinator, 3 LTAs and 3 to
5 OPS students. This unit provides support to all the CM bibliographers and should be
in close proximity to their offices. Separate landscape space is required for each
member of the unit with a central workroom with workstations, shelving, and a staging
area for student assistants.
Furnishings: Landscape office, desk, chair, and workstation for A&P
Coordinator, landscape offices, desks, chairs, and workstations for 3 LTAs, workroom
desks, chairs, workstations, tables, shelving for student assistants, file cabinets.
H&SSS Faculty Office Section
H&SSS Department Assistant Chair
General: This office should be centrally located within the department and
should be near the Department Chair and the Secretaries' Office. It should be publicly
accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, table with four chairs, shelving,
file cabinet, carpet.
Faculty Offices (9)
General: These offices should meet proximity criteria specified above and should
be near the Chair and Assistant Chair of H&SSS. They should be publicly accessible and
acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs, two guest chairs, shelving, file
cabinet, carpet.
Electronic Resources Section
General: The Electronic Resource Unit provides support for both staff and public
workings. The unit currently consists of 2 librarians, 1 A&P, and 2 to 3 OPS students.
Separate office space is required for each member of the unit (near the InfoSwamp) with
a secured central workroom for storing software, hardware, servers, etc. The secured
area should contain several large tables and be wired for setting-up and repairing
Furnishings: Offices, desks, chairs, and workstations for 2 faculty members,
landscape office for A&P, shelving for documentation and software, file cabinets, work
tables for workstation set-up and repair, workroom desks, chairs, workstations, tables,
shelving for student assistants, secure space for network server, network wiring for
testing and set-up of equipment.
H&SSS Departmental Support/Processing Unit
General: The "H&SSS Support Staff" consists of 3 LTAs and 2-3 OPS students.
This unit receives and processes new reference materials, orders new titles, and is
responsible for withdrawing material from the collection. Separate landscape office
space is required for each member of the unit with a central workroom with
workstations, shelving, and a staging area for student assistants.
Furnishings: Offices, desks, chairs, and workstations for 3 LTAs, workroom
desks, chairs, workstations, tables, shelving for student assistants, file cabinets.
Public Reading Area and Reference Collection
A reference collection of about 65,000 is slated to grow to approximately 75,000
volumes. This is ideally placed near to the Service Desk described above. Because
many reference books are large and heavy, and because use of reference material is
frequently for short duration, it is useful to have consultation shelves readily available
where a large books can be laid down counter height and consulted. However, this
collection can be placed in the stack if there is a lack of space.
Furnishings: Shelving, index tables/counters, built-in counter tops, storage for
electronic media, secure area for Reference Reserve material.
Reader Space
General: The H&SSS Reference area should include seating for at least 100 people
and should contain two wired group studies. Networked study carrels, both open and
assigned (and lockable) should be available throughout the area. In addition, if the
reference collection remains in Library West, additional reader space (accommodating
approximately 25 users) should be integrated throughout the main Reference
Collection. This space and the space below can double as a 24-hour library study area.
Furnishings: Variety of user seating, network connectivity, display furniture,
built-in counter tops.
Public Workstations
General: Electronic databases are heavily used in this area as the library
provides students and faculty networked workstations to the Internet, CD-ROMs,
online databases and stand-alone electronic media. One hundred workstations are
needed with wiring, space, and climate control available to increase this number to 200.
This area has emerged as a library focal point. It should be in close proximity to and
easily accessible from the Reference desk. This area and the one above can double as a
library study area.
Furnishings: Computer tables, chairs, workstations for 100 with infrastructure in
place to double this number, servers, scanners, printers.
H&SSS Business Section
General: The multitude and variety of business programs offered at UF has
necessitated the creation of a. separate Business Collection within the H&SSS Reference
area. The collection should include 20 workstations, 2 networked group study rooms,
index tables, shelving, photocopiers, and office space for two librarians. Workstations
allocated to this area would reduce the overall number needed in the Public
Workstations described above but the group study areas are in addition to what is
being requested for the general reference area. Librarian offices should be publicly
accessible and acoustically and visually private.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, table with four chairs, shelving,
file cabinet, carpet for each librarian. Shelving, workstations, computer tables, chairs,
index counters, and a variety of seating for patrons and group study rooms.
Multi-Media Section
General: There is a growing availability of and demand for information in non-
print formats. Increasingly the UF libraries are collecting formats such as
audiocassettes and CD's, video (tapes, laser disks and DVD's) and electronic
information (such as streaming video). At present the library provides very inadequate
space and equipment for the use of these materials; we expect to make major
improvements with the renovation. Audio, Video and electronic information are being
used individually and in-group settings for classroom work and for research. Library
activity in these areas will continue to grow. However the technology is changing so
rapidly, it is essential that the renovated space provide great flexibility for future
developments relating to audio, video and data communication. User areas should be
available on the main floor.
Furnishings: While most formats can be used by computer workstations with
earphones, it is also important to have at least two AV group study rooms equipped for
use of video and audio works. These must each seat 6 8 students with a movie screen
and equipment for playing videotapes, DVD's and Laser disks, CD's and cassettes.
There should also be 6 AV workstations with headphones to listen to cassettes and CD's
The area adjacent to the main workstation area on the first floor (100 carrels) should be
equipped with 12 TV/VCR stations. It is desirable to have these in an area of low light
to enhance viewing. Twenty-five additional workstations should be equipped with
earphones to be used with audio CD's and streaming video presentations. This area
should be adjacent to the service desk for both checkout of resources and assistance in
their use.
Main Floor Conference Room
General: Should be centrally located for use by staff throughout the three
departments for personnel evaluations, small group meeting, departmental meetings
and training sessions.
Furnishings: Large table with seating for 25, workstations, counter for beverage
and snack service, storage area, projection screen, and dry erase board.
General: Four training rooms of varying size (e.g., seating 25, 25, 50, and 100) are
needed to accommodate basic instructional programs and advanced research methods
classes taught by the H&SSS, CM, and Documents staff. The two 25 seat-training rooms
should be configured in a manner similar to the current electronic training room (Room
148) and should be capable of opening into one large room which would accommodate
a group of 50 students. The other two training rooms should be capable of opening into
one large meeting room capable of seating up to 150 people. All training rooms should
have state-of-the-art wiring and telecommunications links to make possible an array of
traditional and electronic teaching methods. Secure closets should be available for
storing servers, and other electronic equipment.
Furnishings: Movable seats, podiums, instructor workstations, sound system,
video display, lockable closets and shelving for each training room, and 50 individual
workstations for hands-on teaching in the two 25 seat-training rooms.
General: The Libraries would like to establish (space permitting) a
student/faculty indoor/outdoor lounge where patrons can take a break and get some
coffee or a snack. Other libraries have found them to be -an effective method for
keeping food and drink out of the library proper. It should be comfortable and inviting,
accessible from a 24-hour study area, able to seat 100. There must be no access to the
library except past a staffed entrance.
Furnishings: Sales counter, food display cabinets, tables, chairs.
General: The Library Facilities Maintenance Office is responsible for the
development, review and implementation of all building services for the seven libraries
making up the library system. It also operates a printing facility for library
departments. Services include building maintenance, safety and security, repair,
cleaning, remodeling, handyman and telecommunication services. The Office prepares
and maintains space and equipment inventories and provides responses to
administrative directives concerning space allocation and library construction projects.
In addition, the office coordinates, plans for and manages the mailroom, the supply
room, the courier service and the library printing service.
Facilities Officer
General: Office should be located near staff office, mailroom, loading dock, and
supply room.
Furnishings: Desk with chair. Drafting table with stool, workstation, 5 drawer
flat storage file, bookcase, carpet, 2 visitors chairs.
Facilities Assistant
General: Office should be located close to mailroom (with visual control, if
possible), close to Planning Officer, and convenient to exterior exit.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, workstation, file cabinet bookcase, carpet, 2 visitors
Supply Room
General: Ground floor location, convenient to loading dock, mailroom,
handyman office, and internal service elevator. Must have security system.
Windowless space is ideal.
Furnishings: 300 linear feet of shelving; deep bins for storage of computing and
AV equipment, large deliveries of sheet and roll paper, and other oversized items; small
stacking bins for storage of small items. Tile floor.
Staff Office (4 staff, 2 students)
General: Should be located to provide easy visual and physical control over mail
and supply rooms, service entrance to library, and easy accessibility to loading dock.
Furnishings: 4 landscape desks and chairs with workstations, two student
assistant workstations, one networked printer, bookcases, and file cabinets.
Loading Dock and Mail Room
A new, well designed loading dock and mailroom is a high priority. Truck
access from University Avenue must be easily negotiable for semi-tractor-trailers. The
present loading dock, which services both Libraries East and West, is totally inadequate
for truck access as well as being inadequate in size and configuration for the volume of
mail and book deliveries.
General: Direct access to loading dock and staff room, oversized delivery door,
access to supply room, alcove designed for printing library publications.
Furnishings: Two desks and chairs for mail clerks, sorting table, bins for letter
and bulk mail, appropriate counters for printing machines, image maker,
folder/inserter, storage for paper inks and printing supplies, wall shelving, book case.
The Documents Department processes, houses, and provides assistance in the
use of publications issued by the U.S. Federal government, the European Communities,
the United Nations, and state and local planning agencies. Documents from Florida,
other U.S. states, foreign countries, and various international organizations are selected,
received, and processed by Documents staff and then housed throughout the libraries.
Because an increasing amount of government information is available only in electronic
format, the service area requires multiple computer stations. The receipt of information
in microformat will continue (the Department currently houses over a million units) as
will the receipt of material in traditional book format (the current collection of 600,000
documents is equivalent to more than 100,000 volumes).
The Documents Department is open 67 hours per week for reference and
circulation. As the Regional Federal Depository for Florida and the Caribbean the
Department must permanently house and provide public access to all documents
distributed by the Government Printing Office. Although staff currently page material
from a closed stack, in the new building it is desirable to open the documents stacks for
The Map & Imagery Library located in Marston Science Library is part of the
Documents Department. Many of the current maps received and housed by this
collection are Federal Depository items. In addition, the recently hired Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) librarian divides his time between the two locations. It is
therefore desirable to merge\these two collections and their staff. The use of the maps
collection is hands-on and there must be tables adjacent to the map cases for viewing.
Many of the maps are not cataloged and are arranged by geographic location. It is
therefore desirable to have this material in an open area available for browsing. Rare,
lesser-used maps can be stored in compact storage and retrieved and/or scanned by
staff for patrons thus limiting the handling of this material.
Currently, close to fifty per cent of the Federal Documents received are in
microform format. This department now houses more microfiche than the microforms
area. It makes sense to house the now separated microform collections together and to
share viewing and printing equipment in one area. Proximity of this collection to the
current periodicals and newspapers is desirable since the microforms collection is
largely made up of back issues of newspapers and journals.
The Current Periodicals section is responsible for receiving, check-in, binding,
housing and assisting in the use of current periodicals, newspapers and microforms for
the social sciences and humanities. It is an area that is heavily used at all hours, and
this use ranges from the person who stops in between classes to peruse a hometown
newspaper to the serious researcher who spends extensive time reading materials in
microform. The current periodicals section should be readily accessible from the
entrance to the second floor. It will share a service desk with the Documents and Maps
areas. Because many users will go directly to this area without consulting reference
staff on the first floor, it must be designed to help them find materials independently. It
should provide suitable space for people who wish to come in for brief consultations
and also for those who need secluded and quiet space for concentration.
Periodicals could be replaced in the future by electronic publication (online
access to the full test of each article published). However, for the foreseeable future, the
library will need to provide access to hard copy journals. The humanities, in particular,
have been slow to convert to electronic formats and periodicals remain one of the most
heavily used library collections. The library's microform collections are growing
rapidly as is their use. Primary access to all collections on this floor is provided by
databases accessible via the online catalog in-house and remotely and by hard copy
indexes located in the Reference and Documents Departments.
The current periodicals collection now located on the third floor of Library West
will be housed in this area along with the processing staff for current receipts. This will
enable processing staff to assist patrons locating material and will facilitate the
identification of missing issues and the preparation of loose issues for binding.
Service Desk
General: The counter-height desk, which houses both reference and circulation
services for the four collections, should be located near the entrance to the area between
the maps/documents collections and the current periodicals. It should include four
workstations, and space for a small ready reference collection. It should provide good
visibility of reader space and of the entrance to the stack area and the current
periodicals collection. The security of the Map collection is an important consideration;
map cases should be visible to the reference desk staff. The security and atmospheric
conditions should be equal to what currently exists in the Map & Imagery Library.
Furnishings: Coulnter-height desk with four chairs, four computer workstations
(with scanner and printer) and sensitizing/desensitizing equipment.
Reader Space
General: This area provides space for a variety of users and types of use.
Seating for this area should be zoned in terms of both level of activity (browsing recent
issues vs. studying several publications) and type of lighting required (reading vs. use
of microform readers). It should provide space for those reading paper materials,
needing good reading light, and those who need a darkened area to use equipment to
read microforms. The area must be wired to support the equipment necessary to read
and print microforms and use electronic information.
There must be multiple computer workstations (20) in close proximity to the
service desk. Seating for at least 100 users must be provided at tables for the use of
maps and documents. They should be located adjacent to map cases that house those
maps not in compact storage. In addition, there should be 50 carrels housing microform
readers and printers and additional carrels for quiet study. A combination of carrels,
tables and lounge chairs should be located adjacent to the current periodicals and
newspapers to accommodate 125 readers along with 25 carrels for readers using
electronic data. Two wired group studies are required -- one for 6-8 people with screen
and one for 4-5 people.
Furnishings: Facilities for library patrons should include 20 electronic
workstations, 10 photocopy machines in a sound-proof area, shelving for a reference
collections of 1,000 volumes, 35 map cases, a variety of user seating as described above
and 1 group study room.
The map collection is an active collection used by a variety of departments and
often caters to large class assignments. The Map & Imagery Library participates heavily
in hands-on classroom instruction. Library training rooms will be utilized as will the
large group study outlined above. 10 workstations dedicated to GIS will be required,
close to the group study and perhaps in an alcove between the study and the main
workstation area, but separated from the general public seating area.
General: This space will be used for instruction, workshops and training
sessions, and for staff meetings. This area would house the GIS workstations. Location
should be easily accessible to the public, and acoustically private.
Furnishings: Workstations for 10, seating for 20, instructor workstation
Collection Space/Documents and Microforms
General: This space houses the central collection of government publications,
atlases and maps currently housed in compact shelving, and microforms currently
housed in the Documents Department and Microforms area in Library West. The stack
should be easily accessible from the service desk. Both the Documents and general
collections of microforms will be housed in the compact shelving adequate to store
material now housed in 70 microfilm cabinets and 130 fiche cabinets.
Furnishings: Compact shelving.
Collection Space/Maps
General: This space hQuses 50 map cases, display cases, light table & aerial photo
interpretation station, and shelving for a ready reference collection. Security is an
important issue and this space should be able to be secured if necessary.
Collection Space/Current Periodicals and Newspapers
General: Shelving to display and store the unbound issues of 4,000 periodicals is
needed in the reading area. Shelving to house 100 hard copy newspapers is required as
well as space to house some heavy use items of the general collection of microfilm,
fiche, cards and prints. All collections, but particularly the current periodicals should
be accessible to library users but able to be secured if necessary.
Staff Office/Processing Area for Documents and Maps
General: Space is required for 8 regular staff plus 3 FTE student assistants. The
primary responsibility of staff is processing several thousand documents and maps
received annually. It is desirable to locate this office on the same floor as the service
desk and in close proximity to the collections.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs for 8 staff, four large
worktables, shelving, and lockers for student assistants, carpet.
Staff Processing Area for Current Periodicals, Newspapers and General Microforms
General: Space is required for 8 regular staff plus 6 FTE student assistants. The
primary responsibility of staff is the check-in, claiming binding and maintenance of
current serials. It is desirable to locate this area adjacent to the current periodicals
collection so that staff can assist patrons in locating missing material and monitor and
maintain the collection.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs for 8 regular staff, tables and
shelving for mailroom area, and binding and processing area.
Department Chair
General: Office should be located within the Department and be publicly
accessible. It should provide acoustic and visual privacy.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, table with four chairs, file
cabinet, shelving, carpet.
Assistant Chair
General: Office should be located within the Department and be publicly
accessible. It should provide acoustic and visual privacy.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, file cabinet, shelving, carpet.
Faculty Offices (7)
General: Offices should be near the collections for which the faculty members
are responsible. They should provide acoustic and visual privacy.
Furnishings: Desks with workstations and chairs, two visitor chairs, file cabinet,
shelving, carpet.
General: Space should be adjacent to Department Chair.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and chair, file cabinet, shelving, carpet.
Area Studies
The space envisioned as the new location for the Area Studies Collection should
bring together four physically separate units into an area that will enable them to
combine functions so as to maximize staff and spatial resources. The space should be
clearly identifiable for the university community as well as for potential donors while
harmonizing with the Library West environment. At the same time, the identities of the
four units should not disappear into an amorphous whole because each unit has
developed a unique clientele, and has the opportunity for donor development and
The area studies collections should support researchers at all levels, provide an
exhibit area to showcase its holdings, insure adequate office space for staff, include a
working and processing area as much as possible to support all four units, and
depending on overall instruction requirements, perhaps encompass a separate area for
class sessions and smaller, subject specific presentations, such as class seminars, invited
faculty, etc.
The Area Studies areas should have an increased level of security in order to
preserve and protect their valuable research collections. As much as possible the future
growth of the collections should be accommodated within the building program.
Beyond the need to shelve an aggregate number of printed materials (perhaps 700,000
volumes by 2015), there will need to be microfilm storage sufficient to store current
collection (approximately 63,000 rolls of film) and provide for expected growth to more
than 75,000 rolls. There will be an additional need to shelve current issues of
periodicals for all four areas studies collections (some 2,000 titles), including providing
some growth space, in an area designated specifically for such material and including
display shelving.
As with other sites in Library West, the Area Studies should anticipate a
continuing increase in the use of technology. Sufficient wiring and electrical capability,
as flexibly laid out as possible, should be available to enable researchers to use portable
computers as well as wireless technology for data entry from microfilm and traditional
print sources, networked access to local finding aids in databases, stored full-text and
image collections, and specialized bibliographic databases, all of which represent not
only the holdings of UF/SUS, but also the world's major research libraries. Researchers
working with such specialized format materials should expect to have access to
necessary equipment, such as microfilm readers and reader/printers, as well as
equipment required for audio and visual resources.
Co-locating the four separate public service points for the area studies collections
into a single area with a single general information/reception desk should permit more
effective information and resource sharing among their own staff as well as the staff of
the general libraries. Serving as a focal point both for first-time users of the collections
as well as an access control point for general users of the collections, this single point of
initial contact would direct users to the various physical sub-areas of the area studies
(reference, current periodicals, stacks, electronic resources) and serve as a conduit
between the user and the individual managers for the area studies.
All staff assigned to the area studies collections will fulfill some time at this
central information point. Using a successful model within the former special
collections department, it would be logical to assume that there will be a public services
coordinator as well as an access services manager. Again, because of the number of
publicly accessible and staff computers, it would be logical to expect a consequent
significant systems liaison presence, likely a .25 or .5 FTE position.
Although reference services will become more dependent on electronic formats,
the nature of the area studies collections also implies that there will continue to be a
need for a general reference area, with imprints and CD-ROMs, as well as online
resources. The reference collection (extent yet to be specified) should not be in the
stacks, but rather in the public space assigned to support users of the collections, in
which space the materials would be more easily to hand for both staff and users of the
The public space should be sufficient to allow collections users to be effectively
positioned to use the resources. Again, as with the reference collections, there will be a
growth in the amount of material that is available electronically, but the nature of the
area studies is such that the coefficient of use between paper and electronic resources in
the general collections will be significantly different in the area studies. Thus, the
number of patron seats for imprint materials will not reflect a drastic decrease from
current levels. Traditional seating for 30 users of the collections; an additional 15 seats
for computer workstations; seats assigned to microforms at least four, and for other
formats two. Total patron seats: 51.
6 collection managers (Gallant, Hickey, Malanchuk, Phillips, Reboussin, Singerman)
1 public services coordinator
1 access services person
1 serials person
1 binding person
1 circulation person (if circulation does not move to general circulation desk)
1 systems liaison/student assistant supervisor
Staff work areas:
Processing room for all collections
Classroom /instruction / meeting room
Computer workstations
Information desk
15 public workstations
12 staff workstations (individual offices)
3 Processing room for student assistants
Area Studies Statistics
Monographs/Bound Serials
Microforms: (Film and Fiche)
Judaica: 800 (7000 fiche)
2,300 (10K fiche)
Current Periodicals: Title count
The upper three floors lend themselves to reading rooms, dissertation cubicles
and faculty studies. The sixth floor in particular is a design challenge. Windowless, it is
not an attractive space but could probably be made very attractive by skylights, and
careful design. It might make a good quiet reading area for graduate students.
Offices for library administration can stay where they are (second and third
floors) or be moved to any other floors.
Directors' Office
The Directors' Office is designed to bring together a number of senior management
functions into one area, and if possible, to group other support functions nearby.
Ideally the area will include the Libraries' Personnel and Business Services Offices
Projected growth rate
Annual increase
along with offices for the Director of Libraries, the Administrative Assistant, the
Associate Directors, the Library Development Officer, the Public Relations Officer, a
Secretarial and Reception area (with good separation for the reception function and
acoustical privacy for the individual secretaries), a Filing/Workroom, and a Conference
Room. The suite should be accessible from the main lobby, but not necessarily located
on the first floor. The suite should be approachable and hospitable but also provide
privacy to ensure work can be done without interruption. Acoustic privacy is required
in all areas. A separate, private entrance to the suite for the directors is highly desirable
and special care needs to be taken with access to Personnel.
Director of University Libraries
General: The Director's Office should be private with accessibility controlled by
the Secretary/Reception Area. The office should be close to the Administrative
Assistant and to the Conference Room.
Furnishings: Large desk with chair, seating area with sofa and chairs to
comfortably seat six, space for a workstation with printer, large built-in
bookcase/storage unit behind or beside desk. Carpet. Private 1/2 bath and closet.
Associate Director, Collection Mgt.
Associate Director, Technical Services
Associate Director, Public Services
Associate Director, Support Services
General: These -offices should have security control similar to that of the
Director's Office. The office should be close to each other and to the conference room.
The Collection Management Office should be readily accessible to visitors as this is the
most likely to have visiting faculty. The Support Services Office should be readily
accessible to Business and Personnel Offices.
Furnishings: Large desk and workstation with chair, table with seating for four.
Built-in bookcases. Filing cabinets. Carpet
Assistant to Director
General: Office should be close to the Director of Libraries, the
Secretary/Reception and the Filing/Workroom.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation, desk chair, two side chairs, shelf files, filing
cabinet, bookcase.
Development Officer
General: Privacy for conferring with donors. Should be close to Director of
Libraries, secretarial support services, and the Public Information Officer.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, credenza, workstation with printer, visitor
reception area, shelf files and bookcase, carpet.
Public Information Officer
General: Distraction free area, space to work with one or two others, space for
layout and other publishing equipment.
Furnishings: Desk with workstation and printer, drafting table with stool, 5
drawer flat storage file, bookcase, carpet, and 2 visitors' chairs.
Secretarial /Reception
General: Five workstations for secretaries, desk chairs, small bookcases, side
chairs. One workstation for receptionist all traffic should be funneled there. Acoustic
privacy for secretaries and office security is high priority. There should also be two
workstations for student assistants either here or in the workroom.
Furnishings: Reception area with sofa, two lounge chairs, end tables and lamps
as needed. Should be situated so as to reduce disruption for secretaries
General: Adjacent to the Secretary/Reception area. Separate entrance for
delivery of mail and supplies.
Furnishings: Fax Machine, typewriter, two laser printers, 3' x 6' work table, 2
workstations for student assistants, 12 file cabinets, shelf files, supply storage cabinet.
Conference Room
General: Centrally located in the suite to service all offices. Wired for electronic
usage (teleconferencing, Internet presentations, etc.) Room is for directors' meetings
and small receptions. Acoustic isolation is important. Room should be warm and
inviting. There should be an entrance that does not involve going through the
directors' (or secretarial)'office area.
Furnishings: Large table (preferably round or open square to permit conferees to
see each other) with seating for 24, built in kitchenette with counter for beverage and
snack service, storage space for flip charts, (10) stackable chairs. Projection screen or
surface, Dry Erase board.
Budget and Business Services Office
The office of Budget and Business Services oversees the library's day-to-day
financial transactions. The office orders supplies and equipment, processes payment of
invoices and reconciles departmental ledgers, invoices patrons and receives payment
for services rendered, manages travel for 350 staff. The office also monitors library
budgetary balances, makes projections of available funds, and provides management
information to the chairs and office heads. Two offices are required and workstations
for other staff.
Business Services Officer
General: Located near Directors' Office or Facilities Planning offices.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, credenza, workstation, 2 side chairs, end tables,
bookcase, file cabinet.
General: Located near Business Services Officer and Business Staff Office.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, workstation, 2 side chairs, file cabinet, bookcase.
Staff Office/File Room
General: Located near Supervisor and Conference Room
Furnishings: Desks, workstations and chairs for 6 occupants. Filing cabinets,
bookcases, copy machine, and computer printer.
Library Personnel Office
The Library Personnel Office currently consists of 6 employees. It serves the personnel-
related needs of ca. 350 library staff and 500 student assistants annually. Primary
functions includes faculty and staff recruitment, employment, personnel records
management, position classification, compensation and benefits, staff development,
training and diversity education, employee relations, and organizational development.
Office staff is responsible for working with committees to establish or clarify library
personnel policies and procedures, and for managing the libraries' relationship with
University Personnel. Much of what this staff do and have access to on a daily basis is
of a confidential or sensitive nature. Therefore, it is essential that the department have
its own discretely defined space. Each staff member has an independent set of
responsibilities. The staff should have easy access to one another, to central files and
shared equipment. The office suite should be centrally located and easily accessible to
job seekers, staff, students and visitors. However, it is important that the entrance to
Library Personnel have visual privacy from other office areas. In addition, it is
important that offices in this suite have acoustic and visual privacy. They need a small
reception area and a lockable file room in addition to three offices and a joint
Personnel Officer
General: Located near' the Director's Suite, it should be a typical administrator's
Furnishings: Desk with chair, small table with four chairs, filing cabinet,
bookcase, workstation.
Staff Development Officer
General: Located near the personnel officer.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, workstation, two side chairs, filing cabinet,
Officer Manager
General: Located near the Personnel Officer ard the staff office.
Furnishings: Desk with chair, workstation, two side chairs, filing cabinet,
Staff Office/Filing
General: There should be landscaped space for four personnel assistants who
process a heavy load of payroll actions and other paperwork. A file room able to hold
12 filing cabinets is necessary. One of these workstations should be placed so as to
provide access control for the Library Personnel Officer and the Staff Development
Furnishings: Individual landscaped workstations that provide some privacy, side
chairs for visitors.
Waiting Area
General: This area should be placed in such a way that the conversations of
office staff remain reasonably private.
Furnishings: Four comfortable chairs, sofa table or end tables
Staff Lounge and Rest Rooms
General: The staff area consists of a number of adjoining rooms that should
provide good space for the activities for the 150 regular staff + student employees who
work in Library West. Needed are two small "quiet" rooms with two cots in each for
staff who become ill at work, a kitchenette, a lunch/break area, and rest rooms. Rest
rooms should meet code requirements for numbers and included in each should be
lockers and two small gym-style showers with dressing areas for staff who bicycle to
work or exercise at lunch.
Furnishings: The kitchenette should be totally closed off from the lounge and
have excellent air circulation to remove cooking odors. The kitchen should contain a
system for making coffee and tea, two microwave ovens, two refrigerators with
icemakers, a double sink, cupboards, reasonable counter space, and vending machines
with soft drinks and snacks. There must be ample closed trash receptacles to
discourage vermin and insects.
The lounge area should seat 50 in a variety of seating composed of small tables
with two to four straight chairs, and conversation areas with lounge chairs, and sofas
with adjacent end tables and coffee tables. There should also be a wall clock. The
ambience should be comfortable, quiet and restful.
The total project budget is: $30,000,000. The estimated construction budget is: $17,000,000.
Estimated shelving budget is: $3,000,000. Estimated renovation budget is $10,000,000. During
construction document development phase, provisions for additive alternates, as required, should
be included to ensure that the basic program scope is met within budget constraints.
Strict adherence to the program requirement as described in this facilities program is desired.
During the program verification phase and subsequent design reviews, the Architect will interact
with the User Group to make necessary program adjustments to maintain budget integrity.
Once the project schedule is established at the start of the design and construction phases, long
range planning for classes and funded research will take place. Consequently, strict adherence to
the agreed design deliverable and construction schedule will be required.
D. DESIGN OBJECTIVES University wide planning and design cultures. These items are required in all
Facilities Programs submitted to the Office of the Vice President for review and approval. For interior
renovation projects, modify as required.
Tree preservation and protection is a high priority at the University of Florida. Existing trees
should be saved and incorporated into the total design whenever possible. Planning, design and
construction of this building must strictly comply with the current University Tree Protection
Landscaping and exterior lighting shall be incorporated into design not only for function and
aesthetics but also for security and safety.
Bicycles and walkways are the primary modes of transportation to, on, and around campus. Site
design for this project must include adequate walkways fully integrated with the existing
pedestrian circulation network, convenient, safe and aesthetically pleasing bicycle parking
facilities in sufficient numbers.
Separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and separate service vehicles from automobile traffic
will be maintained. The first priority in circulation shall be ease of access for pedestrians and
bicyclists within the campus. Second priority is the provision for service vehicles necessary to
maintain the campus buildings and grounds. Use of privately owned automobiles on the campus
will be discouraged. Unimpaired access for emergency vehicles is considered essential in all site
development plans.
Within program and budget constraints, the site and building will be designed to allow flexibility
for future growth and change. The usable life of the facility shall be extended by incorporating
features for remodeling and expansion designed to reduce future renovation costs.
Site and building shall emphasize the design of the total campus entity rather than the individual
buildings. While each building is required to be designed as an appropriate response to its
particular program, budget, and site requirements, it must also be compatible with the existing
fabric of the campus. The design of the building must enrich the campus both functionally and
aesthetically, relating to adjoining buildings, not competing with them.
The University of Florida campus contains numerous significant historical properties and sites
which are listed on or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The
University strongly supports maintenance and restoration of historical buildings. All capital
improvement projects must comply with the Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement between
the University of Florida and the Division of Historical Resources dated October 27, 1989.
The use of Gainesville Range Red Brick for the major portion of the exterior finish is required in
order to serve as the primary visual element consistently used in unifying all campus facilities to
form a unified University entity.
The University of Florida builds its buildings to last, it promotes environmental quality and
resource conservation through sustainable design, green architecture and recycling in its physical
planning and development.
The University expects the architect to develop design and contract documents, which will be
consistent with the established project budget. This obligation is mandatory. The Architect shall
work with the University and/or University's construction management consultant to prepare a
cost breakdown at each stage of the project design. If these estimates exceed the budget at any
stage the architect will work with the University to modify the design or the program to conform
to the budget. However, the design may not vary from the program without University approval.
PROJECT DESIGN OBJECTIVES Add additional remarks if required.
1. Outline of desired project specific design objectives.
E. CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY METHOD Return to: Schedule Worksheet
Proposed construction delivery method (e.g. construction management, design-build, conventional bid,
etc.) and justifications. Following responses to 6C-14.0055 F.A.C. requirements must be included for
election of CM or D/B project delivery method.
Modify following for conventional bid method, delete otherwise.
The project delivery method desired for this project is the conventional Design, Bid, and Build.
Modify following for CM method, delete otherwise.
In accordance with F.A.C. 6C-14.0055.(2), the following responses are presented for Chancellor's approval
for the selection of Construction Management as the project delivery method:
(2).(a): Size of the project is sufficiently large and/or complex to require major emphasis on the qualification of the
contractor to provide specific expertise in highly specialized cost estimating, value engineering, and scheduling
during the design process with continuity of construction management through both design and construction
phases. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
(2).(b): The initial construction funding is appropriated and construction is begun with the expectation of
substantial appropriation in subsequent years, thereby making it advantageous to retain a single contractor for the
duration of the project. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
(2).(c): The project is an alteration of an occupied facility which requires working around or relocating occupants
while keeping the facility fdlly operational. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
(2).(d): The project is a repair or renovation where the conditions requiring correction can not be determined and
specified without extensive contractor involvement in the removal and examination process during the design phase.
Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
(2).(e): The timely completion of the project is critical to the University's ability to repay debt services or to meet
grant obligations. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
Modify following for Design/Build method, delete otherwise.
In accordance with F.A.C. 6C-14.0055.(3), following responses are presented for Chancellor's
consideration in approval for the election of Design/Build construction delivery method:
(3).(a): The need for the facility is of significant enough to require a substantial reduction of normal delivery time,
requiring overlap of design and construction phases. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.
(3).(b): The design and construction of the facility require minimum interface with the users. Add "Not
Applicable" as appropriate.
(3).(c): Project is performance based and require the development of a plan for life cycle cost savings and a design
solution which will accomplish savings. Add "Not Applicable" as appropriate.