Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Relgion
 Section A: Main: Sports: The Year...
 Section A: Main: Sports contin...
 Section A: Main: Sports: Images...
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend continued
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 29, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00104
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 29, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: December 29, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00104
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Relgion
        page A 6
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Sports: The Year in Sports
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Sports continued
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Sports: Images of 2006
        page A 10
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend continued
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 8
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
Full Text

Weekend Edition December 29, 2006


'Ho y Tonk


See B.2


Vol. 44. No. 55


New Year's

resolutions for home

See B-8



The Year in


See A-8 ,

An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Gen. Jack Quinn 'was driven to excel'

John. T. "Jack" Quinn, a
retired Army general who died
Christmas Eve at the age of 77,
will be remembered for being
many things.
He was a proud, 34-year mil-
itary veteran, a concerned citi-
zen, a God-fearing Catholic, a
doting grandfather, and a com-
passionate, community-mind-
ed volunteer.
But above all, Quinn was

simply "a very good, wonder-
ful person," his wife of 54 years
said Wednesday in an inter-
view at the couple's Ponte
Vedra Beach home.
"My mother and father
never worried when I was out
with him," Kay Quinn recalled.
"Even his sisters talked about
how good he always was."
One of seven children
brought up in a working class
Irish Catholic household in
New Haven, -Conn., Jack

Quinn was the son of a fire-
man/rescue diver.
To earn extra money in high
school, he enlisted in the
Connecticut National Guard,
rising to the rank of sergeant.
A chance appointment in
1949 to the U.S. Military
Academy at West Point became
the gateway for Quinn's long
and distinguished military
career, one that included
three tours of combat duty in
Vietnam, two stints at the

Pentagon and a NATO assign-
ment in Italy.
"His inspiration [for the mil-
itary] was the World War II
guys," said Gen. Quinn's son,
Tom, a Ponte Vedra resident
and'1979 West Point graduate.
"He never wanted to retire
from the Army," added Kay
Quinn, who married her high
school sweetheart a week after
he graduated from West Point
in the summer of 1952.
"He always wanted to be a

Gen. Quinn was the con-
summate infantry officer, his
family members said, a man
who never chased laurels and
never asked his troops to do
anything he couldn't.
An airborne ranger trained at
Fort Benning, Ga., Quinn
trained officers for combat in
Vietnam after spending a year
in Vietnam's Central
Highlands as an American mil-
itary advisor to the 20th

Vietnamese Ranger Battalion.
"He answered President
Kennedy's call for military
advisors in 1962," Kay Quinn
"He felt Vietnam was not
necessarily the place we should
be, but as long as there were
American troops over there, he
felt it was his duty to lead
See QUINN, A-3

Nease coach

huddles with

W. Va. coach

Nease football coach Craig Howard, like many'
coaches always in the market for new ideas, was
picking brains again Thursday.
This time, he was at the University of North
Florida to pick up on any ideas from West
Virginia head coach Rich Rodriguez, a friend of
The West Virginia Mountaineers, who have
been practicing at -NF, pl$a 0 e1 dtj';clt-tj'h
Gator Bowl at Alltel Stadium on New Year's Day.
Howard and Rodriguez have known each other
for 10 years. At that time, Rodriguez was head
coach at Glenville (W.Va.) State and Howard was
football coach at Mandarin High School in
Their association continued when Rodriguez
moved to Tulane as assistant to Tommy Bowden
in 1997-98, then shifted with Bowden to
Clemson in 1999-2000. Rodriguez took over at
West Virginia in 2001.
"We run some similar things offensively,"
Rodriguez said of Howard, who coached mainly
college football for more than 15 years before

Library hubbub

a 'top priority'

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
West Virginia football coach Rich Rodriguez (left) meets with Nease football
coach Craig Howard Thursday during West Virginia's practice at UNF.

Although St. Johns County
library director Mary Jane Little
was cleared this month of an
elections fraud complaint, the
matter has not been laid to
The complaint, filed by Mitzi
Thomas, manager ofthe Ponte
Vedra Beach Branci' Library,
claimed Little pressured
employees at the Ponte Vedra
branch to sign petitions. for
Karen-Sterri;, ho'was seeking.
reelection to the County
But in an e-mail sent earlier
this month to all five county
commissioners, a library
employee says that it was
Thomas, not Little, who asked
the library employees to sign
the petition.
The employee, Jodi Pickler,
claims that Thomas' actions
are part of a plan to help her
career and that of another
library employee, who Pickler
said wants Little's job. Little is
expected to retire in about a

Thomas did not return a
phone call Thursday for com-
Pickler said in the e-mail that
during Little's visit to the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch, which
took place June 5, Little was
not aware that Thomas had
collected signatures for the
Stem petition..
Wally Kropacek, who is in
his third week as interim St.
Johns .County administrator,
said he is takirig the enri'l]'"ver
seriously and considers it a pri-
However, he said County
Attorney Patrick McCormack is
first looking to see if any laws
may have been broken.
Then Kropacek said he will
look to see whether any
administrative policies or pro-
cedures were violated.
"This is not going to go away
until we find out what hap-
pened," Kropacek said, adding
that many personnel issues are
involved, so the county is "pro-
ceeding very cautiously."

Where are they now?

Here's what's happening with some notables from Ponte Vedra's past

Each of the people featured below has made
some kind of an impact in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Some haven't been around in years, others are
still close by.
There is no particular reason for selecting
these particular names, which appear in alpha-
betical order. There are many, many others who
have had an impact, as well, and anyone who
knows or wishes to know about others is asked
to e-mail hartman( Linda Balsavage
Former St. Johns County Commis sioner
Linda Balsavage sold ...
her home in Ponte
Vedra Beach shortly
after finishing o : t
chemotherapy treat- .
ments for breast can-
cer in 2001. Moving "
to Central Florida to
be closer to her chil-
dren, she answered an
ad for the Oakland,
Fla., town clerk, was
quickly hired and
immediately was set to work on a municipal
election, she said.
"The only thing on the ballot was whether or
not to pave the dirt/clay streets," she said. The
issue failed, and tiny Oakland, incorporated in
1887 and located about 20 minutes west of
Orlando, remains a town with mostly dirt roads.
"I love it," said Balsavage, who was the
District 4 (Ponte Vedra) representative on the St.
Johns commission from 1990 to 1994.
"It's the neatest little town," she said. "It's like

Joyce Bishopp
Joyce Bishopp
retired as a
teacher from
Ocean Palms at
the end of the
2005-2006 school
year. Her teaching
career spanned 37
"I've had a
wonderful retire-
ment so far.
During the sum-
mer I was
involved in my' Joyce Bishopp (left)
husband's health
[Sid Bishopp has and Morgan .Hargrove
had brain surgery].
He had to have a little surgery [to have fluid
drained], but he did beautifully and came out of
that perfectly.
"We took a lovely cruise up to Canada, went
to Quebec and Montreal. We visited Anne of
Green Gables on Prince Edward Island. Anne of
Green Gables was a series of books I read as a
young girl. And we visited [the author] Lucy
Maud Montgomery's house.
"Then we went into a coal mine, which I've
never done before. That was the highlight of the
trip. We were led by one of the former miners.
What a hard life they) had, but the brotherhood
was so strong.
"Every night Sid and I had a gin and tonic and
danced to the band on the cruise ship. We had
just a wonderful, wonderful trip."
Joyce was supposed to go to Ocean Palms on

Pajama Day and share the "Polar Express," but
her mother's dementia had progressed and she
was put in a home.
"She's happy now, I think. It will be a differ-
ent Christmas [Joyce lost her 89-year-old father,
Rinaldo "Lefty" Rinaldini, on Dec. 8]. We have a
lot to be thankful for," she said, then referred to
a Robert Schuller quote: "Never look at what
you've lost, always look at what you have left."
Bruce Maguire
Former St. ,
Johns County --' ."'
Commissioner ,
Bruce Maguire 91 b
said goodbye to
his seat on the a 7
commission last
month after los-
ing in the : ,.:
September pri-
Tom Manuel.
Now he's say-
ing farewell not
only to Ponte
Vedra, but also
to bachelorhood.
On Nov. 22, Maguire became engaged to
Virginia Whetstone, owner of Whetstone
Chocolates of St. Augustine, and will be moving
to St. Augustine once the two marry on May 5.
He will also embark on developing some of
the land owned by his family's timberland busi-
ness and will return to real estate brokerage.
Maguire said he will also help his future wife
with her plans for a new Whetstone Chocolate
factory near King Street and U.S. 1 in St.

Pam Mullarkey
Pam Mullarkey was a St. Johns County School
Board member from 1986 to 1994, a period of
time best known for the construction of seven
new schools throughout the county, including
Landrum Middle School and Rawlings
Mullarkey, who now lives in Middleburg, is
still working in schools through a program she
founded in 1993 called Project SOS, or
Strengthening Our Students.
The program, which is, now offered in 10
counties throughout
Florida, teaches middle
and high schoolers
how to set boundaries
and goals instead of
falling into sex, drugs
and alcohol.
Mullarkey said she is
focusing on collecting
more community
funding instead of rely-
ing on government
In the future, she
said she will continue
her efforts at expanding the program.
Chet Stachitas
Chet Stachitas, who led Nease High School to
the 2002 state basketball championship, is play-
ing pro basketball in Portugal. After finishing
four years at Philadelphia's St. Joseph's



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* will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

ClassiFied ..............C-1
Religion ............... A-6
Showtimes ..........B-4

Obituaries ...........A-5
Police Beat ............A-5

Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 24 pages







December 29, 2006

The RBehaE c PnLePr/Pnnte Vedra Leader

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
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(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
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Information about area resi-
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Is also welcome.
Submissions should be
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The Leader maintains
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Microfilm copies of the news-
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BCC holiday hours
Offices of the St. Johns
County Commission will be,
closed Monday for the New
Year's Day holiday. 'Normal
business hours will resume
Tuesday. .
Library holiday hours
All branches of the St. Johns
County Public Library System
will 'bei clAosed -Sundta "'and
Monday for. the NeM, Neat hold-
day. All branches ivill resume
normal operations on Tuesday.
Countdown begins
The New Year's noon bal-
loon drop party for all ages is
scheduled 11:30 a.m. Saturday
at the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Snacks, prizes and more
than 600 balloons will be fea-'
tured, along with cookie-deco-
rating and and mask- and hat- .
making for children.

The event is free for Cultural.
Center members and '$2 for-
others. The center is at' 50
Executive \\ay, Ponte Vedra
Prostate cancer group
M an to Man, a prostate can-
cer support group, is scheduled
to meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday
at 'Baptist Medical Center
rBeaches in conference room A.
,, ,T!hQ ,Amieritan'ov,.Can-cer
Society program provides edu-
cation and support for people
dealing with or interested ,in
learning about prostate cancer.
It also provides a forum for
prostate cancer survivors to
offer support and encourage-
ment to those who have been
newly diagnosed.
\Vednesdav's session will fea-
ture Dr. Morris Dees.. For
information, call 249-0022.
Litter-ally, this is art

Shop owner foils

robbery attempt

.t It is not uncommon for
teenage shoplifters to try and
pilfer bathing suits and skate-
'board shoes at a Jacksonville
Beach surf shop.
But when Gary. Messe.r,
owner of Surf arid Skate in the'
city's downtown area, heard
glass breaking after he closed
his business for-the dayr, he
encountered' a grown man
standing on the north side of,
the business with a large wood-
en baton.
Robert Brookes Vandetrwal,a
39, ,of, Neptune Beach, was
arrested Dec. 11 and charged
with aimed burglary of a struc-
ture in the 200 block of 1st
.Street N., according to a police
report. .
Messer told police that he
was walking away from his

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shop around 7:30 p.m. when
he heard the glass, shatter.
When he was confronted by
NMesser, Vanderwal stepped
inside the store, grabbed three
skateboards valued at $490 and
fled to a vehicle parked in the
2nd Avenue North end zone.
After a brief foot' chase,
Messer caught tip with
Vanderwal who dropped two
of the three skateboards and
. held the wooden baton over-
his head in an ,aggressive
stance. He, swung, it twice at
Messer, striking him in the,
shoulder and the back.
Messer pushed him back and
punched Vanderwal 'several
times in the face.
The defendant attempted to
flee in the vehicle with one of
the stolen skateboards but
Messer pinned him against the.
car until police arrived at the

Buy it Sell it, Find it
in the Classifieds

Sculptures made of litter col-
lected on St. Augustine Beach's
beach will be on display
through May at the Guana
reserve's Environmental
Education Center south of
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Done by artist Laura Braly,
the sculptures are intended to
make the public aware that lit-
ter on beaches can be fatal to
marine life .
Admission .9, .t9 t .th ij .p
center is $2 for adults, $1 tor
ages 10 to 17 and free for those'
under 10.
The center, which is open 9
a..m. to 4 p.m. daily ;except
state holidays, is located near
the Guana dam, off StateRoad-
A1A about 12 miles south of
MNickler Road. For information
call. 823-4500.
Shands gets RITA check
The RITA iResearch is the
Answer) Foundation has

'donated $120,000 to Shands
Jacksonville hospital, using
money raised at the Lexus
Champions for Charity golf
tournament held Oct. 7 at
Hidden Hills Country'Club.
The money will be 'donated
to the hospital's Breast Health
RITA Foundation is an all-
volunteer, nonprofit organiza-
tion thgt raig tjpneey to ben-
,_it.aeliambl.'tnd, programs.
related to breast cancer.
Up a river, with paddle
A kayak tour of the Guana
River will be offered Jan. 10,
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Led by a naturalist, the tour is
for those 15 and older and
costs $45.
',A tour of the Guana's
Environmental Education
Center precedes the tour in
double kayaks through the

The fee includes all kayaking
equipment, instruction,
reserve entry fee and tour, and
bottled water. The tour will last
about two hours.
Reservation must be made in
advance by calling Coastal
Outdoor Center at 471-4144.
RetirementA, B Cs
Stuart Tracy Winfree, senior
financial advisor with
Ameriprise Financial Services,
will be the featured speaker at
the Friends of the Beaches
Library Noon Break on Friday,
Jan. 19.
The program, "Retirement:
Planning .Beyond the
Numbers," will be held noon
to 1 p.m. at the Beaches.
Branch Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. '
. Attendees are welcome to
bring, a bag lunch. For more
information, call the library at,

Beware of health club scams

this time Of year, state says

Florida Agriculture and
Consume-r ;' 'Services
Commissioner Charles H.
Bronson ,is reminding Florida
residents to check out health
clubs before signing any:con-.'
tracts or all they might end up.
losing is money.
Getting, in shape is one of
the top New Year's resolutions
and many people may be con-
sidering buying a gym mem-
bership for a. loved one over
the holiday. But Bronson urges
consumers to do their home-
work and not assume they can
cancel a contract if they simply
change their minds about
attending a club.,
"A gym membership is a
great gift,' but it is an invest-'
ment and buyers should be
sure that it is a gift the recipi-,
ent will use before they invest
the money," Bronson said.
"Health club contracts are
legally binding like any other
contract and require some
thought and investigation."

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Under New American Ownership

The Florida, Department of
Agriculture and Consumer
Services administers .the
Health Studio Law, which pro-
vides consumers with some
rights but also spells out their
responsibilities., Health clubs
are required to register with
the Departmerit's Division of
Consumer Services and many
must also post a bond that can'
be 'used to repay members if
.the facility goes out of busi-
ness. The refunds are provided
in cases where members pay
prepaid memberships.
In fiscal year 2005-06, the

Department registered 1,948
health clubs, of which 422
were, new applications.
Halfway through fiscal .year
2006-07, 752 healthclubs have
registered, 184 of which are
new applications.
"Unfortunately, many peo-
ple are so focused on getting in
shape, they sign up for a mem-
bership without bothering to
read the fine print of a con-
tract," Bronson said.
Call 1-800-435-7352) to
make sure the health studio is
registered and to check its
complaint history.,


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December 29, U006

Continued from A-l
University with a major in marketing, Chet thought he had a
contract with Vilnius of Lithuania in August. When that deal fell
through, he spent some time in the States and was on to Portugal
in mid-September. The team he.plays for is. Casino Sigueira
Ginasio, which plays out of Sigueira da Foz, a coastal resort town
90 miles north of Lisbon. Chet averages 31 minutes and 10 points
a game. His roommate and teammate is Dave Mallon, his four-
year teammate at St. Joe's.

Tucker Stachitas ,
Tucker Stachitas, one of Chet's two.younger brothers and a
2004 graduate of Nease High, became the National Junior
Olympics 50-meter pistol-shooting champion in competition
held earlier this month in Colorado Springs. Now in his third year
at the Naval Academy, Tucker is "doing quite well,"'according to
his father, Len Stachitas. This summer, Tucker was in Hawaii,
,then Mexico for a Spanish language immersion program, then in
Bosnia for the world championships' in pistol shooting. After
graduating from the Naval Academy, he will have submarine
duty,. '

pr.,i1 D,, KITH', HARTM.1AI
West Virginia football player Phil Plank celebrates a
hole-in-one Wednesday at Adventure Landing in
Jacksonville Beach


Continued from A-1
moving to Florida to coach high
"He's always got his coaches
visiting with us. You can tell he's
got a great passion for the
Nease assistant coaches Joe
Conroy, Danny Cpwgill, Frankie
Franklin, Frank Garis, David San
Juan "and Matt Toblin were with
Howard at the UNF campus
"He likes running the spread,"
Rodriguez said of Howard, who,
in his four years at Nease, has
taken the Panthers to one state
title (2005) and a state runner-up
(this month)..
S"We've traded a lot of ideas.
He's got some neat things he's
done with them [the Panthers].
Every year it kind of evolves, so
we keep in touch.
"He's had an outstanding pro-
gram. He's going to send players
to Division I every year."
The two, for whom there are
career parallels, shook hands and
chatted when there was a prac-
tice break. .Each started as, a
defensive coach at a college -that
no longer has a football program
Rodriguez at Salem, W.Va.,
and Howard at Oregon Tech.
And each has evolved into a

spread offense proponent.
"I started studying his offense
when he was at Glenville State.
When he went to Tulane, I was
coaching at Mandarin," said
Howard said that Rodriguez
watched Mandarin's game film,
then suggested the two coaches
get together because their teams
were "doing so many things
The two compared notes when.
Rodriguez was Tulane's offensive
coordinator. After his move to
Clemson, Rodriguez called
"Here he calls out of the blue
and says, 'Craig, why don't you
come up, the first four or five
days, when we put the offense
Howard took Conroy and the
rest of his Mandarin staff to
South Carolina.
"From ground zero, we got to
.listen and watch, just like we're
doing today," said Howard.
"Wherever he's been, he's had
success. We try to -copy and bor-
row as many plays and ideas as
we can."
West Virginia is staying at the
Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra

S, .. rol. by KATHY- HARTMAN4
Tucker Stachitas and Callie Ham, both 2004 graduates of Nease
High, prepare .to leave Wednesday for a military ball at Mayport
naval station. Callie is a theater and international, relations major
at the University of Southern California.

David Wilt
David Wilt, a 1968 Fletcher High School graduate who became
a lawyer,: then business:. owner. and Jacksonville Beach City
Council member, is ministering in historic' St. Paul's Episcopal-
Church in Key West, Fla. He turned to the priesthood in 1996,
spent three years in seminary irr V'irginia and was hired as vicar of
St. Francis in the Fieldon County Road 210 west of Ponte Vedra
Beach, which started as mission of Christ Episcopal Church but .
has been a parish for some time. Wilt, who moved from St.
Francis to Key \VWest in March 2003, is rector of St. Paul's and dean
of the Keys Episcopal churches.


county sued over Roscoe cell tower denial

Verticality, a company
whose proposal for a cell tower
off Roscoe Boulevard was
denied by the St. lohns
County Commission, has filed
a federal lawsuit against .St
J6hns County for deny ing tht
tower without just cause.:
William Rand of Ponte
Vedra Beach, who represent'
Verticality in proposing tha
and a second tower in Ponte
Vedra, said Thursday that the
county's denial of the towe

Violates the have to, but we're trying to
Telecommunications Act of. work out a compromise." '
1996. Rand said he would be will-
That provision prevents .ing to' build a more camou-
local governments from taking flagged tower such as a flagpole
action that essentially denies design with internal antennas
, citizens wireless service, he. or a tower resembling a tree.
explained. l ., He also said perhaps the
* But Rand said he hopes to tower could be moved to a dif-
e drop the case and instead work ferent location on the property
out a compromise with the Where it is being proposed -
e county. the Lord of Life Lutheran
s ;. "WVe're really not frying to Church at 276 N. Roscoe Blvd.
t ump into court over this," he- Rand explained that the
e said in a telephone interview 'company decided to file the
e Thursday. lawsuit because the deadline to
r "..\e will take that path if we file within 30. days of the

written order of denial by the
'St.. Johns County Commission
- was fast approaching.
That deadline was last week,
so Rand filed-the suit to at least
have the option of pursuing it,
he said.
Rand said he, arid his'attor-.
ney had a brief meeting with
County Attornei-': Patrick
McCormack last week to dis-
,-cuss the possibilith.pof a comn-
McCormack said. he would
discuss it with the county
commissioners, according to

i i 4i


Panel irked by developer's damage to trees

-. i -i 'D LAR F E Thursdayduring a special com- Development Services complying with the county
SLAURA 'FOWLER mission meeting when citizens Department told commission- and the PUD order by putting
S.|| ST."5E4FF WRITER jn C .testified that the root systems ers the developer of the land up the appropriate barricades
SThe St. ohns County of two ver'y old and protected next to the trees claimed he to ensure no further damage
'r "' 'Commission is considering oak trees on Oak Bluff Road in was unaware of. the protection' occurs -i, .,-y I
o mandatory' stop work orders as N:fthwest St Jphns County for the trees issued in,,,-the But conimissionel.,,. .reF
.. KATH nihmenHAR any timen .devel- were damaged during the dig- Planned Unit Development unsatisfied Thursday.
is al Chrch in Ke West where Dav is per damages protected natu- going of a 4-foot deep trench. PUD) order. "We're going to need to put
St.:Paul's Episcopal Church in Key West, where David Wilt is ral resources. la Kamvs with the count's Kamys said the developer is some teeth in this protection
rector The discussion surfaced order)," Commission Chair

Qninn: Remembered as consummate soldier and humanitarian I'dust shut them do.
S .don't care if they put a barrier
Continued froni .-1 "He as driven to excel." father often spoke to her class- .... around the tees] up the next'
Gen. Quinn volunteered to Gen. Quinn retiTed from the es about his military service day." .
shepherd soldiers in combat,.1 Army in 1986 as a one-star and what it means to be an ''. Thesuggestionofa10-dayor
twice between 1966 and 1970,' brigadier general. His final mil- American. tw'-week stop order, for any
serving as an infantry battalion itary. assignment was as chief Her son, Jacob, now 10, such violations' of protected
commander during his third of plans arid policy for NATO often rode shotgun in the St. resources was' well received by
tour. Southern Command in Naples, Vincent de Paul Society van, as a majority of the commission-
Tom Quinn said his father Italy. his grandfather delivered furni- ..1 ers, but novote was taken on
yearned to -be with troops Bill Quinn said his father's ture and goods to needy area the issue.

father than serving desk duty
at the Pentagon. .
But it was those stops
between overseas assignments
that allowed Gen. Quinn to,
Invest ample amounts of time
in, his six children five boys
and one girl.
"After the uniform came off,
the sweats came on,", remem-.
bers Father Johh Quinn, the
oldest, of Gen. Quinn's five'
sons and an Army chaplain
recently returned from Iraq.
"He was always working
with children," Kay Quinn
"He taught C.C.D. [cate-
chlism] classes at :Fort Riley,
Kan.,; coached baseball and
basketball and was the com-
missioner of [Little League]
"He always wanted to do it
all," added Bill Quinn, an
Atlantic Beach resident who,
served as, a Navy officer on a
nuclear submarine. .

two biggest accomptisnments
after moving to the Beaches in,
1991 were his volunteer' work
with the St. Vincent de Paul
Society and his involvement in
Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
"He loved the mission of the
St. Vincent de Paul Society,"
;Kay Quinn said about her hus-
band, who served two' terms as,
the local' organization's presi-
"He really enjoyed going out
and helping people."
"Families flocked to him [at
the funeral, home]," added.
Tom Quinn, who along with"
his father, his brother, Bill, and ,
their late .brother-in-law,,
Michael Shal, ,opened Quinn-,
Shalz Funeral Home in 1999.
"He considered it an' honor
to drive the hearse," said Kay
Quinn. "He even cleaned the
Mary1 Shalz, a teacher at
Rawlings Elementary, said ,her

, Gen. Quinn was diagnosed
with brian cancer earlier this
year, and had surgery this past
, He suffered a stroke this
month while in rehab, 'and
died 10 days later in Baptist
Medical Center Beaches.
"His goal was to get back to a
walker," his wife said.
"He was quite a man. It's a
terrible loss, but .it was his
Visitation will be held'frorm 5
'p.m. to 8 p.m. today'in the
Quinn-Shalz chapel. Mass of
Christian Burial will,be cele-
brated at 11 a.m. Saturday in
St. Paul's Catholic Church,
with the Rev. William Kelly as'
In lieu of flowers,, the'family.
requests donation be made to
St. Vincent de Paul Society, 526
1st Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach,
Fla., 32250.

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Jack Quinn often took his grandson Jacob Shalz, seen with his.
grandfather in this, 2000 photo, when driving the St.Vincent de
Paul Society van to deliver furniture to the needy

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December 29 2006

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Swwwbheacheleadercom Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

Letter to the editor:

Quinn selfless helper

To the editor
This is a tribute not only to a
great patriot, but also to what I
believe is the most selfless,
dedicated helper of his 'fellow
man that I have ever met -
John T. (Jack) Quinn, .who
passed away on Christmas Eve.
He was also a good golf partner
and an extremely loyal friend.
Jack loved his country and
his God, and he served both
with devotion and distinction.
He graduated from West Point
in 1952, served in both Korea
and Vietnam, and had a distin-
guished military career.
Moreover, there was a special
place in his heart for those
who had served, fought and
died in the defense of this

country. Every Memorial Day
he honored those men and
women through his public
utterances and writings.
Equally as impressive was his
second career, here at the
Beaches, with the St. Vincent
dePaul Society. His was a full-
time job during which he
helped the less fortunate of the
Beaches communities with
.such things as furnishings,
food and even rent. These
efforts touched and benefited
the lives of so many people,
Jack's world here at the
Beaches is a much better place
because he was here. We shall
all miss him greatly.
Daniel W. MacDonald
Ponte Vedra Beach

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Letter to the '.

Dog training at FHS Kick butts for New Y

To the editor:
I must commend The Leader
for doing a story on dog obedi-
ence at the beach. However, I
would suggest that your staff
writer do a little homework.'
prior to writing such a piece,
especially when many people
could be influenced by the fact
that the story was large, and
front page.
You see, the dog training
business in America is not :cut
and dry. Just because you have
a certificate from some train-
ing school does not make one.
a good dog trainer. In fact, in.
S many, cases one can obtain,
such a certificate just by pay-
ing a fee and answering a cou-
ple of questions.
And who on earth certified
those supposed training.
schools to begin with? There
are no rules, regulations or,
whatever to govern dog train-
ers. Hence, anyone can claim
to be a dog trainer, especially if
they have a certificate to back
their claim. So why even men-
tion that a trainer is certified,
as such a statement can indeed
be misleading? "
Now think about this. Some
supposed dog trainers; .to
include local trainers, teach,
that obedience for dogs is
taught by using food rewards. I
would suggest to you that such
thinking is ignorant.
Obedience is not a trick.
Obedience is what your dog'
does out of respect for you as
the leader of the pack. No
wonder it could take some
trainers several months to'
teach something so simple as,
to not bite the leader. Ouch!
And just for the record,
many supposed trainers who
use food rewards also make
their clients use "pinch col-
lars." Yea,. I know those are
now called "pressure collars"
but the simple,fact of the mat-
ter is that the thing was origi-
nally called a pinch collar and
it was designed to control
extremely aggressive, very
large attack dogs and not youdr
common pet.

Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader

Thomas Wood,
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahlke:
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel

Kristin MacCaulU
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von. Thron
Johnny Woodhouse

Business Office
Char Coffman

Hence, I would suggest to
.one and all that food rewards
and pinch collars are just a
crutch for bad technique. ,
If the reporter had done any
homework, he would never
have suggested that sL\ lessons
(only five for the dogi for $65
is "nominal." A simple call to
Fletcher High School would
have led to learning that you.
can get dog training there -ia.
their Community Education
program for $40 and your dog
can get eight lessons.
And food rewards and pinch
collars are not taught there.
Those classes are also 10 stu-'
dents per class or less,so that
,people can get much more
time with the instructor. It
should also be noted that the
instructor at Fletcher is giving
back to the community where
he actually lives.
Now let's address this situa-
tion where supposed trainers
offer "pupp. classes," "adult
classes" and mpre. 1, you check'
with Fletcher, they will tell you
that they only offer one class
for all dogs. -
,You see, at Fletcher the dog.
owner is doing the learning
and if the dog owner is doing
the learning, then there is no
need for additional classes for-
the dog.
I personally believe that
trainers who offer puppy class-
es, adult classes, etc. are rip-
ping people off. After all, if you
would teach the owner during
the first course, why on earth
would you need to repeat it?
Perhaps it is because you
only tried to teach the dog.
Teach the owner the first time
and save your money. At the
class mentioned in The Leader
story, one has to pay twice -,
once as a puppy and then
again as an adult, equaling
$130 and at Fletcher, one
can learn for just $40 and take
only one course.
So I must ask the reporter,
where is the "nominal" with
the $130 suggested course?
Joe White
Joe the Dog Trainer

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader

Jennifer Wise
Vice Presidet

Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney,

Press Room
Paul Corey'
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin Wray
Kendall Thornes

One of the top ten New'
Year's resolutions is to
quit smoking, paiticu-
larly cigarettes. 'I
For sure, it's also one of the
toughest to fulfill. In fact,
some tolks apparently have ,
given up trying to give u'p
smoking. ..
This is true even though
cigarettes have gotten increas-
ingly expensive and the places.
where you can legally puff
have become almost as scarce
as ice water in Hades .
Nevertheless, kicking butts
is obviously a worthwhile goal
for the new year; There are all
sorts of strategies that can be
My late wife, Lucy, and her
lady friend figured they would
do it in stages.
Thus, they took up cigars.
I'm talking about the big ones
such as George Burns wielded.
'Vhen they each fired up an el
rop.o .i.na public place, .it drew
the attention of amused gawk-
ers. Ne-vertheless, iit worked.
My spouse soon dropped the'
smelly stogies and became a
full-fledged ex-smoker.
Meanwhile, I was still drag-'
ging on cigarettes. Finally, in
1983, I decided that trying to
create shortages of raw materi-
als at the cigarette companies


was about as sensible as
Shmendrick the Shmoe.
I therefore quit cold turkey,
and hot tobacco, too. I was
fed up with considerately
smoking outside.
One route to non-smoking
seems especially ineffective:
Cutting down. A now-decesed
' businessman I knew it'll call
'hirim Joei had an office next to
another exec.
Wanting to decrease his
intake and eventually stop,
Joe got his friend to let him.
.keep his gaspers in the latter's
coat closet, so as to reduce
consumption by inconven-

SA day or so later, un
further resist his nicot
kering, Joe dashed una
nounced into his neig
quarters, where a close
meeting was in progre
Naturally, this went
like the proverbial con
cloud. Arrangement za
Of course, another
squelch or at least lir
rette habit is to work I
organization that proh
smoking on premises.
My employer, the
Prudential Insurance
Company, was probab
of the curve when, I b
the early 1950s, it ban
smoking at one's desk
I was still in a New
home office building.
n't air conditioned, so
the windows open du
Some of the staffers
to do without a nicoti
,would light up.outiinI
room. Our resoju'cetu1
er thereupon had'the
Sdows there nailed snhu
ing in neai-suffocating
mer smoking condition
Better to cut out bu
Remember, the family
smokes together, chok

Mrepaence in New Ye

A t the dawning of each
New Year, my resolu-
tions call for me to do-
less of everything. Spend less,
drink less, eat less, worry less .
.'. blah, blah, blah.
And every year, without fail,
I falter miserably before the
calendar even flips to
In light of recent yet not
completely unexpected
events, I have decided to take
a different approach to 2007
by trying to add more of
something to my life rather
than shaving'it down to a
This year, .1 will work dili-
gently to increase 'my capacity
for patience a character.,
trait of which I am in desper- .
ately short supply.
I am, for the most part, fair-
ly mellow (those of you who
know me stop laughing) but I
do harbor the tendency to
lose my.patience at the drop
of a hat over the smallest
Sure, I know th'e tricks of
the trade designed to help the
patience-impaired get a grip
on whatever situation is caus-
ing the blood pressure to ele-
vate to dangerous levels.
But sometimes, deep cleans-
ing breaths just aren't enough
and a full-blown hissy fit is in
order just because you can't
find the remote control.
At my house, the remote
control is the power source to
peace and tranquility. We are
a family of TV freaks. My list
of resolutions should include
watching less television but I
am a realist.
While it provides endless
hours of mindless channel
surfing, the remote is neces-
sary just to turn on the idiot


box because the power button
is actually pushed into the
front of the set.
It is also needed to turn off
the television lest you endure
the milky green glow of the
screen generated by only turn-
ing off the cable box.
Recently while wrapping
presents in a last minute bid
to beat the Christmas clock,
my beloved remote control
vanished in a sea of bows and
Spongebob paper.
Not wanting to sleep with a
pillow over my face, I scoured
the floor looking like Helen
Keller hunting a lost Tic Tac.
My pulse quickened and as
beads of sweat formed along
my brows. I could feel myself
going to the bad place.
This is the part of the story
where my explosive impa-
tience is replaced with mis-
guided determination.
Often when faced with
insurmountable odds, I gain a
false sense of cleverness,
much like the time I rescued.
my cordless telephone from
an attic wall using standard
garden tools and some super
. Turning off a television does

not require complex t
When in doubt, unpli
in my frenzied state, I
read) to concede to ai
SThe open space whe
power button once liv
offers easy access for c
ing in common sense
an object in to comply
former function.
.Of course, I selected
brimming with the pr
electrocution. Anyone
with my Thanksgivinj
debacle probably kno'
this is going.
I didn't get fried bu
did. It is never a good
place a butter knife or
other object known t(
duct electricity into ai
plugged into a live ou
Deja vu, anyone?
My sink has leaked
past three weeks and
content with a sauce
beneath the counter t
the overflow.
But as soon as I saw
works shoot out from
power button, I loade
son into the family tr
for a trip to the Good
where we scored a ne'
just $30.
It works great except
color which casts evei
sort of a milky green
the same glow that se
entire series of unfort
The remote control
turn off my new TV.
It only works for th
box but I'm not worri
Next year, I will tak
time to find the remo
I need to change the '
rather than blowing u
house just to avoid w
reruns of "Full House.

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Sn out,



The debate will long rage
about what the greatest inven-
tion in history.
Was it the wheel, sliced
bread, the automobile or the
computer? .
Was it something intangible
'r like the merging of Rhythm
and Blues and Country Music.
which created Rock and Roll?
The verdict is still out on that.
able to But the judgment is in on the
ine han- ,worst invention ever!
an- It has to be those birthday-
hbor's cake candles that light back
ed-door, up after you blow'them out!
ss. W hy in the world would
over you tell a little 5 year old kid
icrete -to make a wish and blow out,
capped. his candles, if you'd bought
vay to those stupid things!.'
it a ciga- "Remember son, the wish-
for an won't come true unless you
hibits blow all of the candles out!"
"OK Daddy, whoooosh! Yay
I blew them all out, now I'll
get my... Oh no they lit back
ily ahead up! Waaaah Waaaah!"
believee in There are sensitive parents
Lned who know how traumatic it
would be to a child at such a
ark, N.J., delicate age to have their
It was- young hopes and dreams
we kept dashed by such candle trick-
ring hot ery. So they wait until the kid
is at the obnoxious age of 12
unable to do it. "Sean, the pressure's
ne fix, on. All your friends are here
the rest -.aqd qug new neighbors Mr.
manag- Ho.le and Miss D)'anne! What
win- do you think f6lks?' Cfan-fie
t, result- blow out a whole dozen can-
g sum- dies to get his wish?"
mns. "Watch my smoke y'all!
tts. IWhat the .... Oh it's those
that cool re lighting candles. Here
kes. we go again, WHH-
Matthew, Katelyn, Joshua,
Jeremy help out! HA HA HA
Next, Sean's little 3 year old
sister gets heldup to the cake.
r' "I bet Daddy's little girl can do
the trick! Come on Ashley.
Show 'em how it's done!"
"Here I go Daddy! WHOOO
thought. (Splatter Splatter) OOOSH!"
ug. But There is just so much mois-
was not ture any fire can take before
n appli- it's extinguished. Finally we
were ready for the cake to be
ere the cut. The birthday boy protest-
red now ed "Aw Mom, I'd like a bigger
one lack-, piece than that!"
to stick His friends all yelled.in uni-
ete its son "me too!"
Then Mom smiled over at
Ia tool her new neighbors. "Now I'm.
promise of sure the Dempseys would like
familiar a piece! If I cut it that big..."
g oven My wife interrupted "Please
ws where it's Sean's Birthday. Give him
and his friends as big a piece
t the TV as they want! I insist!"
idea to I jumped in "I doubly insist
any they get an even bigger piece
o con- than they want!! While the
anything cake looks very moist and
itlet. delicious, I have to be
unselfish here and defer to the
for the kids!"
I am One of the little brats, I
pan mean children, openly
:o catch despised the red icing used to
write Happy Birthday, because
the fire- he said it tasted like beets!
the Sean's Dad tried to nip the
d my problem in the bud! "But
uckster Joshua, it's food coloring. It
will tastes identical to the rest of
w set for the icing!"
Little Josh said. "Ooooo, .
pt for the that's even Worse, the whole
ryone in cake taste like beets!"
glow Not a minute too soon, my
!t off this wife told them we had to get
unate up really early the next day
and we were going to have to
won't leave. Our neighbor offered to
wrap us up Joshua's piece of
e cable cake that he had "barely
ted. touched", not to mention all
:e the of the kids who had "barely
te when blown" on it. Before we had a
channel chance to decline, the
ip the Birthday boy's sister Ashley
watching was wearing the unwanted
." cake along with the piece
she'd been served. Her 4th
Birthday is coming up next
month. Unfortunately Dianne
and I have other plans for that
evening. That is if we get
invited to her party. Who
invented those re lighting
birthday candles and why?



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(904) 249-9033




Page 5A

Deeme 29 206TeBahsLaerneVdaLae


Christopher Michael Hazlett,
23, of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested Dec. 22 and charged
with two. counts of uttering
forged bills and making or pos-
sessing instruments for forging
bills in the 1100 block of Palm
Circle North, according to a*
police report. Hazlett was
arrested following a controlled
buy of counterfeit currency
conducted by a special agent
with the U.S. Secret Service. A
computer and printer were
seized along with counterfeit
$5 and $10 bills, police said.

Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 17 in the 1400 block of
Blue Heron Lane East. An Ipod,
radar detector. and key ring
with assorted keys were stolen.
Total loss was $600. The vehi-
cle were unlocked.

Auto burglary was reported
Dec4 17 in the 1500 block of
Blue Heron Lane East. A pair of
prescription sunglasses, and a
cuisinart blender were stolen.
The vehicle was unlocked.
Total loss was $315.

Grand theft was reported
Dec. 27 in the 500.block of
17th Avenue North,. The victim
was notified by her bank that
her account was overdrawn.
Several unauthorized transac-
tions totaling $2,615 were

Ryan Brook Doran, 20, of
Charleston, S.C., was arrested.
Dec. 23. and charged with'
bringing a, controlled sub-,
stance into the state following
a traffic stop in the. 100 block
of 3rd Avenue North, accord-

ing to a police report. Six
grams of cocaine in seven indi-
vidual packages were located in
the vehicle.

Residential burglary was
reported Dec. 22 in the 500
block of 3rd Avenue South. The
suspect stole $70 in cash from
a container in the victim's bed-
room and also tried to steal a
stereo. There were no signs of
forced entry.

Thomas David Williams III,
19,. of Atlantic Beach was
arrested Dec. 22 and charged
with dealing in stolen property
in the 200 block of 3rd Street
S.,. according to a police report.
Williams sold several items
that were reported stolen dur-
ing an October burglary.
." .
James Lee Anderson, 25, of
Jacksonville was arrested Dec.
24 and charged with posses-
sion of a controlled substance
'following a fight, in the 100.
block of 2nd Street North,
according to..a police report.'
Witnesses observed Anderson
chase the victim down- and
punch him several times in the
face. Police:responding to the.
fight found. a controlled sub-
stance: in Anderson's shirt
', O
Lloyd Sherman Turner, 43, of
Jacksonmille was arrested Dec.
25 and charged with grand
theft of a motor vehicle in the
200 block of 13th Avenue N.,
according to a police report.
Turner was driving a silver'
2000 Subaru SUV reported
stolen in jacksonvmille. He was
taken into custody without
incident :following a traffic


Fraud was) reported on Dec.
26 in, .the 1600 block of
Mayport Road, according to a
police report. The complainant
told police that a man came
into the store and asked for
change for a $20 bilL The clerk
used a counterfeit detection
pen, which showed that the
bill was counterfeit, according
to the report;

Grand theft was reported on
Dec. 26 .in the 1500 block of
Ocean Boulevard, according to
a police report.- The com-
plainant told police that he
and his neighbor had an ongo-
ing dispute. .His neighbor told
him that items in his front
yard were an "eye sore". to the
community. The complainant
later noticed that some of the.
items were missing from his
yard and others had been
arranged and organized,
according to the report.

Grand theft of motor vehi-
cle was reported on Dec. 23 in
the. 40 block of 17th Street,
according to the report. The
victim told police that while he
arid his family were out of
town on a cruise; his son's
friend was feeding their dogs
and collecting the mail. The
suspect called the victim to tell
him that he had taken the vic-
tim's car and crashed it while
the family was out of town,
according to the report. The
victim said the suspect did not,
have permission to drive the
car; according to the report.

The owner of a store report--

ed on Dec. 23 that worthless
checks had been passed at his
business in the 1100 block of
Mayport Road, according to a
police report. The owner
flagged down an officer and
explained that the two inci-
dents in November where
worthless checks had been
passed. He had been notified
by the bank that the account
that the checks were written
on was closed, according to the
report. The checks were for
$60 and $280, according to the'

James David Howard, 32,
was arrested for possession of
. cocaine on Dec. 25 in the 2200
block of Florida Boulevard,
according to a police report.
An officer observed a parked
vehicle in the lot of a closed
business. The vehicle also had
its lights off. When the officer
activated the patrol car lights,
the defendant ducked out of
sight. The defendant told the
officer that he was looking for
a lighter on the floorboard.
The officer searched the vehi-
cle' and found one gram of
cocaine, in a plastic bag,
according to the report.

Burglary was: reported on
Dec. 25 in the 1000 block of
Marrone Lane, according to a',
police report. The victim told,
police that two of her vehicles
had been burglarized. A GPS
.device and a cell phone were
stolen from one of the vehicles
and her son's wallet and an
iPOD were taken from another
vehicle, according to the
*' ', .


Page Waddell Farrar

.Page Waddell Farrar; 97, died
Dec. 24, 2006 in Jacksonville
Beach. A native of Virginia,
she moved with her late hus-
band, Russell Farrar, to! the
Beaches more'than 20 years
ago. She atterfded First 'baWi-t
Church; Jacksonville eachc.
Farrar is survived by her
daughter, Betty Stratton; two
grandsons, Bruce (Lori)
Stratton and Robert iSherli
Stratton; and two great-grand-
children, Seth and Addison
A Memorial Service will be
held at 11 a.m. Jan;. 3 in the
Chapel of Hardage-Giddens
Funeral Home, 1701 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach.' In
lieu of flowers, the family sug-
'gests donations to the Beaches
Emergency Assistance
l Ministry. .
Words of comfort may be
shared with the family at

Elizabeth M. Freeman

Elizabeth M. Freeman, 92,
lifelong resident, of.. the
Mayport area, died Dec. 25,
2006,: Known to all as Nana,
she was predeceased by her
husband, George L. Freeman.
Surviving are a brother,
George Brazeale; six children,
George Ann (Clint) Norman,
Dora (Jerry) Barber, George
(Susie) Freeman, ,Marie (Bob)
Eiss, Delmus (Janey) Freeman
and Debbie (Pete) Glenn; 13
grandchildren, 14 great-grand-
children and many neighbors,
friends, nieces and nephews,
Visitation was held Thursday
at Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home, Jacksonville Beach. A
Celebration of Her Life will be
held at 1.p.m. in the chapel at
the funeral home.. Burial will
follow in Mayport Cemetery.
In lieu,of flowers, donations
may be directed to St. Jude'
Children's Research Hospital,
501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
TN 38105.

John T. "Jack" Quinn
John. T. "Jack" Quinn,
Brigadier General, U.S. Army
(Ret.), died Dec. 24, 2006 at 77.
He was born May 7, 1929 in
New Haven, Conn. to John
Emmett and Margaret York
, Quinn enlisted as a private
in the Connecticut National
Guard in 1946, achieved the
rank of sergeant, then earned
an appointment to the United
States .Military Academy at

West Point. In June 1952, he
graduated as a second lieu-
tenant in the 'Infantry and-
married his .high school sweet-
heart, Katherine (Kay) Fallon."
Upon completion ".of
Airborne and 'Ranger training,
Quinn began 34 years of dis-
linguished" mnIlitar\, _iryice,
characterized by moral cIaity,
physical courage and his infec-.
tious commitment to excel-.
lence. He commanded Infantry
units' at the company, battal-
ion and brigade levels While-
serving with the 7th Cavalry:
Regiment. (1st' ,Cavalry
Division), 101st Airborne
Division and 1st, 4th and 25th
Infantry Divisions. His three
combat tours in Vietnam
included service as the
American advisor to the 20th
Vietnamese Ranger Battalion,
executive officer of the 2/28
Infantry (Black Lions) atid,
commanding officer of the
1/14 Infantry (Golden
Dragons). Unwavering in his
commitment, to the training
"and, welfare of. 'the American
"foot soldier," Quinn also
served as assistant division
commander of the 1st, 2nd
and 25th Infantry Divisions.
Quinn was a, devoted hus-
band, loving father and broth-
er, and doting grandfather, the
family said. He and his wife
moved to the Beaches in 1991
to be near their children and
A gifted leader who felt a
keen obligation to. help others,
Quinn's lifetime of community
service included coaching.
youth athletics, local and exec-
utive leadership roles with the,
Boy Scouts, altar boy director,
parish council, and the Knights
of Columbus. For the past 10
years, he was blessed with the
opportunity to serve the less
fortunate citizens of the
Beaches' as a leader 'of the St.
Vincent de Paul Society.
Quinn's fellow, volunteers
and the client.families brought.
great joy and continued mean-
ing his life. The Ponte Vedra
Rotary Club recognized him as
a Local Hero and a Paul Harris
Fellow. He touched many lives
as an executive at Quinn-Shalz
Family Funeral Home.,
True to his Irish roots, Quinn
was a talented musician, public
speaker and writer. While his
unmistakable look of disap-
proval was more than enough
to correct the errant behavior
of sons and soldiers, it was
.more frequent that his smile
and laughter would light up
the lives of those he loved and

led. .
, Quinn is stu\ived by his wife
of 54 years, Kay; sons, Fr. John,
Bill,. Tom (Sheryl), Mike
(Dodiei and .Dan; daughter,
Mary Quinn Shalz; .sisters,
Helen Rollins, Marvy Loui
Suraci, Peggy Yeomans and
KIathleen iNed; Skinner; and
gi'undchildren, Christie Quinn,
Jessica Quinn, Katie Quinn and
Jacob Quinn Shalz. He was pie-
ceded in death by his parents,
;John and Margaret Quinn; his
brother, James Quinn; and his
sister, Elizabeth Rivard.
Visitation will be held from 5`
p,.m. to 8 p.m. Friday in the
Quinn-Shalz Chapel.. Mass of
Christian Burial will be cele-
brated at 11 a.m. Saturday in
St. Paul's Catholic Church. In
lieu of flowers, the 'family
requests donations be made to
St. Vincent's de Paul Society,
526 1st Ave. N., Jacksonville
-Beach, FL 32250.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral
Home, Jacksonville Beach.

Regina Carter Warren
Regina Carter Warren,
daughter of .the late Herbert
Carter and .the former Irene
McCarthy Carter, died Dec. 21,
2006. She was born in
Jacksonville June 2, 1916.
Warren attended St. Joseph's
Academy in St. Augustine and
graduated from St. ( Paul's
School in Jacksonville. She
received certificates from dafic-
ing schools ,in Jacksonville,
Chicago and New York City,
and attended a special school
for ballet in Salzburg, Austria.
She later owned anid operated
several dancing schools in
Warren married Julian
Warren of Blountstown, Fla. in
1938, and the couple made
Jacksonville their home.
During World War II she
returned to teaching dancing,
ballet and tap. Following the
war, her husband went back to
law school at the University of
Florida, and she was asked to
teach ballroom dancing .to
returning veterans.
The Warrens moved back to
Jacksonville after Julian
Warren finished law school.
She served on several commu-
nity service boards, including
the Tuberculosis Association
and the Crippled Children's
Society. She was the first
woman's division chairman for
the Cancer Crusade for Duval
County, and also was President
of The Diocesan Council of St.
Augustine of the Catholic

Woman's Club, St.; Paul's
,Church Guild, Begonia Garden
Circle, Jacksonville ,Garden
Club and President of the.
Women's Club of Jacksonville.
She served as State Society
District Director of the St.
Johns River Chapter of the
Daughters' 'of the Atmerican
Revolution, and also wvas a
member of the St. Vincent's
Warren received the pro.
ecelise medil from Pope Paul II
at the Basilica in St. Augustine
in. June 1970, the,same year
she took 22 pilgrims to all the
Catholic Shrines in Europe.
She continued to travel the
world, and many people
enjoyed traveling with her,
until her retirement. '
Warren is survived by her
four children, Juliana Warren
Howe (Phili, Jacksonville
Beach, Ryan Carter Warren"
(Margaret), Jacksonville Beach,
Tinah Warren Rhea,
Jacksonville, and Timothy
Warren, Jacksonville;. four
grandchildren, Philip G. Howe
Ill (Erini, San Diego, Calif.,
Julianna NM. Howe, Arlington,
,Va., Warren W .'Howe (Toni),,
Cummings, Ga. and Irene R.
Bufkin (Sam), Jacksonville; arid
one great-grandson, Philip
McCarthy ,Howe, Cummings,
Ga. She also is survived by
cousins, Joan Hearty
Goodman, Ponte Vedra Beach,
McCarthy Ward, Monroe, La.,
Betsy Horan, Deland, Fla.,
Arthur Lane,. Birmingham,
Ala., Barney Lane, Deland, Fla.,
and Patrick Lane, Deland, Fla.;,
-nephews, Dr. Walter Warren,
Barney Wahl Carter and
Eugene Carter; and niece, Mary
Elizabeth Carter.
A decade of the Rosary and a
eulogy were recited Wednesday
at St. Paul's Catholic Church,
2609 Park Street. A Mass of
Christian Burial followed
immediately. Interment was in
St. Mary's Cemetery, located in
Evergreen Cemetery.
Warren requested no flowers.
Instead, donations may be
made to the charity of choice.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 4115
Hendricks Avenue,

Note: Details regarding serv-
ices have been added for Ben
Hill Simmons, whose obituary
appeared in Wednesday's
Leader. Inurnment will be held
at 2 p.m. Friday in Eastside
Cemetery, Statesboro, Ga.

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader '

-Areat om
...... ......'.. ". "

Alexander Gregory Pressley,
40, was arrested for driving
when his license was perma-
nently revoked on Dec. 23 in
the 300 block of Third Street,
according to a police report.
An officer conducted a traffic
stop for improper equipment.
The defendant had a perma-
nently'revoked license for sev-
eral citations, according to the

Christy Dianne Chapman,
34, was arrested for possession
of cocaine on Dec. 22 in the
1100 block of Mayport Road,
according to a police report.
An unknown driver informed
an officer that she thought the
driver behind her may have
,been intoxicated. .The officer
made a traffic stop on the vehi-
cle. The defendant had a plas-'
tic bag, which contained .2.4
grams of cocaine, partially
hanging out of a pocket., A
search of the vehicle also
revealed one Xanax, according.
to the report.
',, '" *
Burglary was reported on
.Dec. 22 in the 100 block of
,Bowles Street, according to a
police report An organizer
was found and returned to the
owner. The victim told police
that her grym bag and' organiz-
er were missing, but she wasn't
sure if someone had broken
into her car, according to the.



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Palms Open House -__ -
John Peyton, Mayor of the Bethel Gallery Exhibit.
City of Jacksonville, will be "' hm Christmas Presence" is the
the guest speaker at the Open ongoing art exhibit at Bethel
House Luncheon at Palms 'a Gallery at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church on Presbyterian Church through.
Wednesday, January 17. The Jan.014. The church address is
event will begin at noon. a -4510 Ponte Vedra alley Road in,
Tickets are $7 and reserva- Ponte Vedra. Call 285-8225
tions can be made after -_ for information.
January 2 by calling.' the I fi
church. office at 246-64727. v o i t Meditation Class
Tickets can also be purchased. M Unity at the Beaches will
after services on January 7 and offer "Meditation Made Easy",
14. The Open House will be I .. a class led by Rev. Marleen
held in the Fellowship Hall on Davis at 7:30 p.m. on
the church campus at Third Wednesdays at the Ribul
Street and 34th Ave. S. in 7: Garden Club. The class will
Jacksonville Beach. 3 continue through- early
S E C RDecember. For information
Bowling Party -call 355-5100. The Garden
Destiny. Unlimited, the sin- ..Club is at 705 2nd Ave. N. in
gle adults and single parents VerJacksonville Beach.
ministry at New Life Christian pr
Fellowship, will host a New 7:00 A 11' Prayer for Schools
Year's Eve-Bowling Party at 9 OTh r f 9:3 t
p.m. on Sunday, December 11 a.m, a group meets at the
p1m1 on Sunday, December S a ''WinstonFamilyY10 :30 t
31. The event is for the entire yWinston Family YMCA to
family and the cost of $8 per TcV IAv : lepray for school media, fami-
person includes shoe. rental ""- .lies, and church. The YMCA
and refreshments. Register atM .i ..is on Landrum Lane in Ponte
www.nlcf.org oor contact -s--- Vedra. For information call
Pastor David Wheeler.at 223- .285-0267.
.600 for information,
..Celebrate Recovery
Church Women United A biblical based program for
Church Women United %ill persons facing personal prob-
meet at 10 a.mi on Friday, ..flc.ou ,n., lems, meets every Friday at
January 5 ,lat First Christian Dancer Cade Altenbach of the Beaches Chapel STARS performed at the Beaches Chapel Church Christmas Eve Service. For 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship
,Church bf t --- The hall of BeachoUnited-,
Church of the Beaches. The more details about the STARS program, call 241-4211 or download an application from beacheschapel.com. Open enrollment is ethodst Churh, 3rd Street
meeting will include .theu J 8...Nethodist Church, 3rd Street
Installation of Officers and a u a .. ... at 7th Avenue North,
Silent Auction. The church Watch Night Service will offer an eploraiory church office at ,241-9400. Jacksonville Beach.
address is 2125 Ocean Front The Perfecting Sairnts course on the Meaning of Life The course will be held.at Grief Ministry The. program emphasizes
in Neptune Beach. Church of Mayport will have from the Christian perspec- o Redeemer Anglican Church at The Healing Hearts Ministry that through 'worship and
a Watch Night Srvice at 9:30 tive. The five week course 7500 Southside Blvd. of, Ponte Vedra Presbyterian same-gender small groups,
Blood DriVe p.m. on Sunday, Decemriber begins at 6:30 p.m on church will begin a 10-week people can work on personal
St. Andrew's by the Sea will 31; The theme will be "The Tuesday, January 2nd and Harmony on Tour small group, self-guided jour- struggles such as eating disor-
have a blood drive from 9 Struggle is Overt."The church is continues through Jan. 30. The Cornell University Glee ney through the grief process ders, alcohol/drug abuse, and
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on located at .2294 Nayport Dinner, which is provided Club will perform in concert at 7 p.m. on Sunday, January codependency. The evenings
NMonday, January 22. For Road, Suite 8 in Atlantic at no charge, will be followed at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, an. 9 7 at 7 p.m. Healing Hearts begin with dinner. Call 249-
information call the church Beach. For information call by-the lecture and discussion. at Palms Presbyteian Church." Ministry is led by trained vol- 2343.
office at 2.48-4575. The the church office at 249-2787. Everyone including those The church address is3410 S. unteers Beth. and7 David
church address is 1801 Beach with questions or who are Third Street in lacksonville .-Bolton. For information con
Blvd. Meaning of.Life skeptical are welcome to Beach; call 246-6427 for infor- tact them at 280-7820.or at.
Calvary. Anglican Church attend..To registercall.the mationt etbolton@bellsouth.net. See BRIEFS A-7

400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach 285-6127 L Y r R
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM 5-30 PM Holy Eucharist ., gica n Chur S rb Y o r F ch Oa
10.15 AM Christian Formaition; Saturday Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM es by erian church
Wednesday Holy Euchahist 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 6 PM N Bor Fr.s-cenr ed e .ingenc,]scon,,,soe .1111
Weekday Evening Prayer in Chapel 6 p.m. except Wed. N rre Wbcan -rsr.on
Nursery available for Saturday and Sunday semices lee g at SabalPal m Elementar Week The falis
CHRIST CHURCH SAN PABtF L I N iaoBl, a s C rnuni NurtS Scd 4 1:
2002 San Pablo Rd, Jacksonville, 221-4777 Sunday School: 9:00 am t 7 race Jeus CHrist
Sunday 9 AM Worship; 10 15 AM Christian Formation .s b te oocea,.n a Nursery Provided 5erve God's Mission in the World
For event information, visit www.christepiscopalchurch.org ,
.. S A Sunday Worship Services
COASTAL CHRISTIAN PWorship Opportunities S y Wrsi S- a.m.S
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Ectig, Gro ing9:30 a.m. Contemporary*
Excitg, Grow g11:00 a.m. Traditional* Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
Home Church '*Kids Worship provided
off Kernan Re. Jeff Bennett. Pastor Nursery af all services
off Kernan Adam lers. Youth
553-9910- a Sunday School
Me t un a s_ P N TEA 35 Executie Wa),,PSB All ages 940 a.m.
Sunday PONTE VE tRA Across A IA from Rawlings School 'e 4
M e t''ay N "Behind Prosperity Bank j41ouhT treetJaksovlleBea
10:00 a.m. 11:30 am. United Methodist 280.-si41 www.pv-umc.org. PC.(USA). ,amurhor
vww.coastalchristian.org Church "Connecting the Unconnected"
S (A TraditionalAnglican Church 'Where friends gather to worship" Wed. Evening .7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
247,1442 4510 Palm Valley Road (CR 210)
Holy Communion 1 Www.pVpc.com lRev/ '1ej0 bap s urch Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
eery Sundayat 8:00A.M. To advertise your Sun. Worship & 10:30am 1050 Hihwa A1A* 25-2 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones,Pastor
Holy Trinit Old Chapel Services Sunday Breakfast .(Corner 2nd. Ave. N..and 7th St N.) Phone: 249-5418
a t 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach .egous rNursery & Toddler Ministries Sunday School 9:00am .http://www.blcjaxbeach.Lorg
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 here call Middle, High School, College Wrship -mail 10:15am 355-500 .. Traditional
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32240-0294 Adult Ministries ,newbeginningsbc@clearwire.net [Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
"tn pe. 249-9033 Music & Art Ministries Website: Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar Home of a Bethlehem Visit www.onlinewithnewbeginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) ,,-I IN-THE-FIELD b.. ..E.C Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a~m.
1801 BeaO i Bl d. n/ ,. POWERFUL WORSHIP, PASSIONATE SERVICE -610 R01.DALVt N-.P...EACH Youth Fellowship11:30a.m.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 *_.. ..._ _"_ _.Nursery Provided.d
PASTOR MICHAEL BAKER 895 Palm Valley Road 3 Pastor Steve McCoy CHRIST

8:00 am "& 10:30 aim www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org Childre's Chapel At 10 am Sun WORSHIP SERVICESUNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Sunday School Ault a h r vistian F 9 Sinlies Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Adult ist Fma 9:00am & Singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249.370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am (Children's Chapel during service time) Corner of 5th St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided NrbseryProsded-Intanbr$ough5 ,tr 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
S 150 Sherry Drive, Atlantic Beach,FL L "R2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
.- 411I 6 Rev.Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pastor (ELCA) 8 aptist Church Come worship with us by the ocean. Father Joseph Meehan
''Preschool/Kindergaen office 241-733576 N Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING / Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5Ep.m
www.communitypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 am Sunda 9 a.m. 11 a.m.
.r e,-, ,......... htaF Wm., A Kell,, astor,, Yuaa 9am, 11am

S SUNDAY- uc elebration praise m ai h .". y- m 0 pyu V-
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank,Pastor 9:00 amr- Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Moming Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday, Contemporary Worship 10:30 am Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONCILIATION
Church School0-All Ages 9:45 a.m. 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30, 10:00, Saturda 10:00 a.m. orby appt.
Youth Fellowships 5p.m. 6:30 pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper 11:30a.m. & 7 p.m. RELGIOUS E CATIO
ContemporaryWorshipServ. 5:59p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for EveryAge & Life Situation 6:30 Choir, Bible Study,Youth 1130a.m. & 7 p.m. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
nc Wednesday Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 2462010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3) 7:1p.m. (4-6 gr.
C CW yoSunday 6:00 p.m. (7--H.S.) '
Chancel Choir Wednesdays p.m. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am www.neptunebaptist.org Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Sunda p.
Weekday PreschoolKindergarten (3, 4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor "04-249-2307 www.fccbdoc.com/email:fccbdoc@bellsouth.net 246-6014
a Palm Valey Baptist Church f i OCEANSID.E AT
-4, Palm ValleyRod, Ponte Vedra L Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, PhD. Spiritual Leader OCEANSIDE
S (904),285-2447 .., st-uart willas, President CHURCH OF CHRIST FISTBAPTIST
E. E-mail: palmchurch@bellsouth.net 1025 Snug Harbor Court" ,'
Sunday School for oil ages....9:15am b d 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid
Sunday Worship Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Service 10:30am Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 915 am
Bible Studyvening 6:00pm Satrda 500 m We have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709 y 9:5 a.m.
cBibleSommunity. Please contact our office m-f8.-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Family Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am education. Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Dinner 6:00pm (904) 268-2500 "A borne for Jewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study
for all ages 7:00pm www.MandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. ,: ~ n. n,,-- Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing Impaired

.December 19, 2006

The Beaches LePader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 29, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


photo submitted
Pre-K students from First Baptist Church of Jacksonville Beach present a Christmas program to
the residents of Avante earlier this month.

Unity Church to hold its Bowl

Burning Service Sunday, Dec. 31

Unity Church will have a
Bowl Burning Service as a way
"to prepare our minds and
hearts for the New Year,". said
Rev. Dolores Vetter of Unity:
Church at the Beaches.
SThe service will be held at at
11 a.m. on Sunday, December
31. Those who.attend the serv-

ice will. be invited to "release
the things from 2006 which no
longer serve us,"' she said.
People will be invited to
place pieces of paper listing
everything they want to release.
in a bowl during the service..
The contents of the bowl will
be burned.
There will also be time dur-
'ing the service for everyone to
write a letter to God about the

upcoming year, said Vetter.
. Next December the letters
will be sent back to the writers
so that they can reflect on
what they wrote as they pre-
pared for 2007.
The Bowl Burning Service
will be held at the Jacksonville
Beach Women's Club at 1315
N. 2nd Avenue, where Unity
Church holds weekly services.

Briefs: 'Bible and Bagels' study group

.ont. from A-6
Men's group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian'
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is
4140 Hodges Blvd.' For infor-
mation call 223-6922.
The men's group from
Calvary Anglican Church
meets at 6 a.m. Friday at
Denny's Restaurant, on,
Atlantic Blvd. Pastor David
ndjfer.wiltitlitate a, study
0"f "Devotional Classics" by
Richard S. Foster. For informa-
tion call. the church office at
A men's Bible study is held
at 7 a.m. Monday at Ponte
Vedra United Methodist
Church, 35 Executive Way,
Ponte Vedra Beach. ,
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at ,7 a.m.
Wednesday in the Youth
Center/Fellowship Hall.,
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Dr. in,
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts for
men at 7 a.m.
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church has a Men's
Prayer Group and Bible Stud&y
which meets on the first and
third Saturday of the month at'
8 a.m. in Stormes Hall. The
men's group also participates
in outreach efforts. All are wel-
come to attend. The address is
465 11llth Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach.
Sunrise Community Church
offers Men's Study Groups at 6
:15 a.m. and 7 p.rm. on
Wednesday. Contact the
church office at 249-3030 for
information; the church
address is 298 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach.

Singles groups
The following are church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church mem-
bership is not required:
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges
Blvd., Jacksonville has month-
ly Single Adult Miristry meet-
ings. A White-Elephant' Gift
Exchange will be held at 7:30
p.m. on Friday. The annual
Singles Christmas Banquet
will be at 7 p.m 6n Saturday at
the Genesis Cafe. Tickets are
$20 and need to be purchased
in advance. Contact Claudia
at 223-6000 for information.
Childcare is provided for some
SBeach United Methodist
Church has Monday Night,
Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on
Monday rights and Singles
Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on
Sunday. For information visit
www.beachumc.org or call
249-2343. BUMC is located at
325 7th Ave. N.
Beaches Chapel Church,

6.10 Florida Blvd., Neptune
Beach. Singles over age '33
.meet the last Saturday of the
month at 7 p.m. at the
church. 241-4211.
Christ Episcopal Church,
400. San Juan Drive in Ponte
Vedra, offers a singles ministry,
called Solo Flight; For infor-
mation contact the church
office at 285-6127.
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Weekly
Bib~~.~~t.y and monthlyl
i-al event bch as square
da icing for ages 30 and up:
280-5813 .,
Ponte ,Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm \Valleyv
Road, Ponte Vedra Beach.
Bible study group at l a.m.
Sunday and occasional other
activities for sifigles ages 30.
and older.

.Retreats at M1arywood
Retreats and. events are
planned a.t the Marywood
Center for Spirituality in the
Switzerland area of NW St.
Johns County at 1715-5 State
Road 13. For information, call
287-2525 or toll-free (888)-
287-253 Or check www.mary-

Church Activities forKids
The following events are
held at Beaches area churches
,on Wednesdays for young-
*Palm Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has a family din-
ner at 6 p.m. and children and
youth Bible study at 7 p.m.
Call 285-2447.
*Sunrise Christian 'Church
youth group .meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., 'beginning with
group praise and worship, fol-
lowed by small groups for fel-
lowship, Bible study arid
prayer. The church is at 298
Aquatic Drive, Atlantic Beach.
Call 249-3030.:
*Bethlehem. Lutheran
Church atl423 8th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach has Junior
High Youth Group activities
from 6:45 to 8 p.m. The Senior
High Youth Group meets on
Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m. Call
*Christ Episcopal Church at
Solana Road and San Juan
Drive in Ponte Vedra offers
dinner .in the parish hall .for
youth and families at 6:15
p.m. A children's art program'
is held from 7 to 8 p.m.
Church choir school to
develop musical skill and
Christian formation is offered
for age 3 through sixth grade
prior to Wednesday evening
dinner. The school is free and
is given by Dr. Timothy
McKee, Music Director of the
church. Call 285-6127.
*Youths in grades. six
through 12 meet at 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. on Sundays follow-

ing Sunset at 'Palms in the
Youth Center/Fellowship Hall
at Palms Presbyterian Church,
3410 3rd St. S., Jacksonville,
Beach. Call 246-6427.
*Dynamic Disciples (grades
K-5) has resumed at First
Christian Church of the
Beaches from 6:30 to 7:45.'
Teens in Motion Youth Group
meets for special events and-
trips. The church address is
2125 Oceanfront, Neptune
Beach. Call 246-2010.
S *Fa ,,Bble Church, at,
46Q-. Patm Valley Road has'
"Building Blocks for children
ages 3 to 6 and Kids Club for
grades one through 5 meeting
at 7:15 p.m. Bridge Builders
for grades 6 through 12 meets
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call 280-
*Kernan Blvd. Baptist
Church at 4000 Kernan Blvd.
S. has YouthAlive with Bible
Study and worship for grades
seven through 12 from from 7
to 7:45 p.m. Preschool and
children's choirs through 6th
grade meet from 7 to 7:45
p.m. Call 641-4588.
*Youth from Beach United
Methodist Church, Third
Street at 7th ,Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, meet 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at various loca-
tions. Directions to
Wednesday meetings are
handed out at 247, the
church's Sunday night wor-
ship service for youths, held 6
p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
*New Beginnings Baptist
Church at 1050 State Road
SAA in Ponte Vedra offers Kids
K'Nextion for ages 3 to fifth
grade, Praise Band, and mid-
dle and high school youth
activities beginning at 6:30
and '7:30 p.m. Call 285-4288.
*Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church at 35
Executive Way in Porite Vedra
has activities for youth meet 5
p.m. to 8 p.m. Cherub and
Children's choir meet at 5:45
p.m. Youth Creative Arts
Ministry is from 5:45 to 8 p.m.
Other youth activities are held
during the week; and Junior
and Senior High Youth Group
meet on Sundays from 6 to 8
p.m. Call 280-5141.
*Neptune Baptist Church at
407 Third Street in Neptune
Beach has games, drama,
music, and topical messages
for youth from grade six
through twelve. Sixth
through eighth graders meet
from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and
ninth through twelfth graders
meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call
*Community Presbyterian
Church has Cherub Choir at 4
p.m. and Junior Choir at 5
p.m. Senior high school stu-
dents meet at 3:30 p.m. to dis-
cuss issues at "Tiash Talk." Call*
249-8698 for information.

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The Leader

*Apron's Cooking School
offers a two-day Teen Survivor
Camp at the Publix at 10500
San Jose Blvd. The session,
scheduled for 3 p.m. Dec. 28-
29, will focus on baking skills
and the preparation of finger
foods. The cost is $70. The
number to call for reservations
is 904-262-4187.
*Cheer for the Holidays, for
kindergarten Jan. 2-5 at
Infinity Allstars, 510-1
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
Activities include tumbling,
arts and crafts, cheer and
dance, and games. Participants
need to bring a lunch. The cost
is $80 per week or $150 for
both weeks. After-hours care is
available from 5 p.m. to 6 pm.
for $10 per hour. For informa-
tion, call 904-247-1031.
*Skatelab Winter Camp will
be held Jan. 2-5 at Skatelab
Indoor Skatepark and Museum,
270 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The camp, for ages 6
and up, includes skateboard
training with Skatelab team.
riders and instructors, breakfast
and drink, games, skate con-
tests and admission for the
week after camp. The cost is
$80 per week. Call 904-249-
2529 for information.
*'Lunch & A Movie'- Winter
Holiday Camp at Artlife
Studios willbe held Jan. 3-5.
The hours are 10 a.m. t6 12
p.m. for ages 5 to 7 and .12 p.m.
to 3 p.m. for ages 7 to 12. The
cost is $20 per day, with dis-
counts for ArtLife members.
Camp activities include
movies and movie trivia, act-
ing and improve games, prizes
and Q&As with film profes-
sionals. Children need to bring,
their own lunch.
Artlife Studios is at 510
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
For information, call 247-8337.
*Winter Ranger Program
Series includes a winter day
camps being offered at Little
Talbot Island State Park.
-Jan. 2-3: "Winter Escapes."
This free, two-day series intro-
duces children to the adven-
tures of hiking. The first day,
they learn the basics of out-
door trekking. The second day,
Park staff and the kids conquer
the 3.8-mile Little Talbot
Hiking Trail. This camp will
run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. both
days -and- is-intended for .chil-,
drenrages 8 and tip. Parents are$
required to remain with the
group and are asked join in the
T,.his day-camp is limited to
15. youngsters; call 904-251-
2320 to reserve .a spot.
Participants will meet at
Pavilion No. 1 at Little Talbot
Island State Park.
*Kids Camps at MOSH fea-
tures winter camp Jan. 3-5.
Camp topics, for kindergart-
ners through sixth graders, will
include "Sleigh Bell Science"
and "Polar Explorers." The
camp will run from 9 a.m. to
3:30 p.m., with before- and
after-care available. The nuinm-
ber to call is 396-MOSH(6674),
ext. 230.
*Creation Stations at MOCA
Jacksonville (formerly JMOMA)
invites children ages 5-12 to
participate in a back-to-school,
one-day art camp from 12:30
p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 6. As the;
winter break wraps up, chil-
dren will have the opportunity
to visit stations featuring mul-
timedia art-making activities.
The cost is $20 for members
and $25 for non-members.
For information, call MOCA
Jacksonville's Education
Department at 366-6911, ext.
*ArtLife Studios offers Drop-
In Fridays-Theatre Games on
Friday afternoons from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Kids ages .7-
12 years will be able to Jet their
imagination run wild during
the high energy playtime.
Parents must sign a waiver for
kids to participate. Donations
only, suggested amount $5.
ArtLife is located at 510
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach,
just off Atlantic Boulevard, two
blocks north of SkateLab, at
5th Street. For information,
call 247-8337.
*Beaches Branch of the
Jacksonville Public Library, 600
Third St., Neptune Beach, has
children's activities. Call 241-
1141 and press 4 for children's
activities and 5 for the refer-
ence desk.
*Carver Community Center,
738 4th Ave. S., Jacksonville

Beach, has many activities for
kids, including karate, tutoring
and games. 247-6218.
*Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens, 829 Riverside Ave.,
Jacksonville, 904-355-0630.
-Drop-In Art in the
Afternoon, for ages 4 to 8, is
held from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday. Activity is based on
the national Start With The
Arts program. Each week, chil-
dren explore the galleries or
gardens and experiment with a
different art process. There is

no pre-registration; early
arrival is encouraged as class
size is limited. The cost is $5
for members, $7 for non-
-Art Adventures on
Saturday, for ages 6 to 12,
offers classes in painting, print-
making, collage and construc-
tion with changing ,themes.
One or all classes, which are
held from 10. a.m. to noon,
may be signed up for. The cost
is $10 per class for members,
$15 for non-members.
-Art for Two, for ages 3 to 5,
runs from p.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday and'offers parents a
fun-filled hour with their child
in a class based on 'the Start
With The Arts program. The
class provides an infusion. of
art, movement, literature and
music to help channel chil-
dren's interests into the devel-
opment of new skills. Pre-regis-
tration is required. The cost for
members is $10 per pair per
class, for non-members $15 per
pair, per class.
*Heartsong offers
Kindermusik ,and' playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7.. For.
Kindermusik, a' music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information.
*Mini MOCA Masters:
Saturday classes for children
ages 8 to 12 will incorporate
components of art history,
touring the, museum's collec-,
tions, literacy and an art-mak-
ing activity. Session One, with
focus on drawing and painting,
runs from Jan. 13 to Feb. 24.
Session Two will be held from
March 10 to April 21, with

1238 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonvwlle Beach, FL
(904) 777-6000 ,ww.,ys arcu.org

i Serting all residents or
S Norlhe,%i Flfurida.

focus on wearable art.
All classes will be held in the
fifth floor educational work-
shop studios and be taught by
the Museum Educator. For
information, call 366-6911.



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. I

SPORTShe Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 29, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 29, 2006

Page 8A


June i 2006

ear in Sports

A pair of college students
rose to the occasion June
I 10 in taking the men's.
and women's titles at the second
of this season's Beaches Fine Arts
Series sprint triathlons.
Twenty-year-old Dustin
McLarty, a member of the
University of Florida swim team,
won the event in 52:57. The
DeLand native led wire-to-wire
and finished a minute and 15
seconds ahead of second-place
finisher Richard Sumrall. .
Florida State's Amanda Hahn,
20 and a member of the ,
Seminoles' cross-country team,
won the women's race in
McLarty completed the day's
first event, the quarter-mile ,
ocean swim in 6:14, more than
a minute ahead of his closest
'"I Would have been shocked
if I wasn't the first one out of
the water because I haven't metf
another triathlete yet who,
comes from quite the swimming
.background my family has,"
said McLarty, who specializes in
the 40(X)-meter individual medley
for the Gators.
"McLarty's 23-year-old sister,
Sara, is a member of the
National Teams Program for elite
triathletes. She lives and trains at
the Olympic Training Center in
Colorado Springs, Colo.

Fletcher head coach Joe
Reynolds picked up his 100th
career football win Sept. 8.

As for his victory Saturday,
Dustin McLarty chalked it up to
two factors: Terrific conditions
and the absence of perennial
BFAS champion Danny
"I've always been the first one
out of the water even during the.
Domingo Era," he said with a
laugh. "It was usually during the
bike race that he'd overtake me.,
"Today I saw him out on the
course, just sitting there as a
spectator. He waved at me right
about at the point he usually
blows by me on the bike
Domingo is taking some time
off from the sprint triathlon
series but may return to com-
pete next season.
rF-ie Jacksonville Beach team
| of the Eastern Surfing
.. Association claimed five
titles at the ESA state champi-
onships in Sebastian Inlet last
June. And from the state champi-
onships'surfers qualify to com-
pete in the USA Championslhips
in Oceanside, CA in luly, and the
East Coast Champion-ships in
Cape Hatteras, NC in 'September.
Winning their divisions were
Girls Champion Cameron Keys
of Neptune Beach; VWomen s
Longboard Champ-ion Tiffany
Laytoni of Atlantic Beach; Junior
Longboard Champion Justin
Quintal of Neptune Beach;
Master Longboard Champion.
Buddy Evans of lacksonville
Beach; and overall Shortboard
Champ-ion Adam McGill of
Jacksonville Beach.
A team of area soccer play-
ers completed a tour of
Holland m June arid fin-
ished 2-2 against. some tough
Dutch competition, according
to coach Nlike Lesine..
The team, dubbed FC Strand
i"strand" is Dutch for.
"beach"), is made up of local
sophomore and junior high
school players. Many of those
players are frhon Fletcher and .
Nease. "
In its first Week of com eti-

Nease High quarterback Ted Stachitas reacts after the final play
onship game in Miami. On first down from the Plant High 20-yard
and trailing by four points, Stachitas was sacked to end the game

tion FC Strand went 1-1.
Levine reported his squad fell
behind by a goal 20 minutes
into its game with FC Schram, i
but rallied to tie things on a '
goal Nease High's Joe
FC Schram scored another
goal in the game's waning.
moments to win, 2-1.
The second game was
against Lemiers Football Club
Rood Groen. McKinley opened
the scoring for\FC Strand and
Bishop Kenny's Jarrett Hoey
added two goals for the beach-
es team.
Fletcher's Donald Grzena
and Filip Ivanov from Nease
added scores to make it a 5-2
final for Strand;
Levine and his players also
attended a World Cup game as
part of the trip. While they :-
saw the U.S. routed 3-0 by the
Czech Republic, the coach
described the atmosphere as :. ..
"an incredible experience." M," ,
M ore than 60 teams
from all over Florida
put on an exciting
show for the Com cast Cable
cameras July 22-23 at the World
Gym Summer Blast volle\ ball
tournament on the sands of
Jacksonsille Beach.
"It was probably the best
we've had in Jacksonville in 10 ,
years," said tournament direc-
tor Jay Miller, who also heads
the Jacksonmille Volleyball
Club. "TV coverage made a big',
The cameras not only drew a
high caliber of competitors to
Jacksonmille Beach but also. ,
brought,out spectators in Jacksonville's Hanna Hove douse
..greater numbers and con- ing the quarter-mile ocean, swim
tribute to an overall feeling of ngt e q tile oea i
excitement. Miller said. It Hove, 23, finished the race in 1:.1
marked the first time the popu- off a major upset. Glenn
lar summer series of beach vol- Stephen and Devon Koopman
leyball tournaments has been were seeded second to last corn-
taped for broadcast. ing into the tournament, but
"It made it seem more of a knocked out the number one
festive weekend," said TMiller team to make the semifinals on
That extia energy maN have"v center court.
helped a lonte Vedia team in /'' MNler noted the weekend
the men's open division to pull. event was only Stephen's and
Coopman's second time play-
.... ... ing in the open division, and
-- :: :they\v were thrilled with their
victory though the pair did not
move on to the finals.
In the men's open division,
Scott Perry and Kent Ammons
took the championship. Tony
Cothron and Reo Sorrentino
finished in second place.
Robin Mignery and Jill Cox
took first place in the women's
open division, with Jenny
'Musser and Julie Chapman fin-
S- fishing second.

C leve.Cooney continued
i n his dominance at the
annual Meninak Ocean
.... ..... ... .Marathon Swim July 29, win-
ning for the second consecu-
tive year and for a record
eighth time overall.
..... The former Atlantic Beach
S ., resident never trailed in the
,-. 3.5-mile, point-to-point swim,
,, crossing under the finish ban-
S tier in 1 hour, 12 minutes and
...* 48 seconds.
",.' 'i .Cooneyv 39, bested a field of
.48 in the lifeguard-only event
for members of the American
Red Cross Life SaOing Corps of
Jacksonville Beach.
S The 73rd annual swim,
sponsored by the Meninak
S Club of Jacksonville, began at
.. the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
and terminated in front ofthe
17 Jacksonville.Beach lifeguard
"It was very crowded the
Sl first mile," said Cooney, who
S last year set the record for the
most wins in event history.
S "There were at least four
; ..,s- y j others around me. I finally got
my rhythm, but I could feel
..; '- ;: '[runner-up] Art [Naidzich]. He
*.. ,.~ .,- was a lot closer than I '
S" .A n early turnover on
S '.. : ". L offense, a bad punt, a per-
lksonal foul on fourth
S"; "- ... down and a blown coverage on
.. ,Y- :." %: -. defense contributed to Fletcher
.:.....: '.,.-. High's 17-6 loss in the kickoff
!'.-"" .... classic August 17 at First Coast
'"" '* High.
Now, the good news: The
S, ., -.-, .".: .:, game didn't count.
: ... .i" ',' '-..- .- ,. Fletcher (8-3 in 2005) was in
.. .. .. a classic rebuilding mode this
season, with fewer than a
Dozen seniors on the roster.
But the Senators could have
......- ,.. '' -, been a team to be reckoned
^ ;-"..'- .-'-, '. .. with in District 2-5A if they
...... ... "'"--.- could have ironed out a few
~ '"' *'" "' : ". ; wrinkles here and there.

of the Class 4A state champi- "We're young. We've got to
I line with 3 seconds remaining make some adjustments,"
e. Fletcher defensive coordinator

es herself with water while running to the transition area follow-
portion of the June BFAS sprint triathlon at Mickler's Landing.
1:12 : ..

'. ,"
".. "t ..@ .:


Melissa Moore ranges to her right to return a shot during
Women's Open pool play last July in the World Gym Summer
Blast beach volleyball tournament.

Kevin Brown said after the
game .
"We have some issues at
strong safety, and we didn't
gang tackle very well. We have
to push the pile the other way."

Tn a spirited battle August 18 at
Fletcher High, the Senators
Lbegan their 2006 swim season
with a pair of victories over the
Nease High Panthers.
Fletcher boys won, 186-128,
while the Senators girls team
edged Nease, 163-152. It was the
girls first victory over the
Panthers since the late 1990s.
The girls swim meet started
with the Nease 200 medley relay
team (Kristin Gerkins, Amanda
Santillo, Ashten Crosby and
Kelsie Wenzel) in a time of 2:03.5
edging out the senators girls team
(Ally Babillis, Samantha Blount,
Sarah Montgomery and Kaileigh
Katie Kahlbaugh (Nease) won
the 200 freestyle with a time of
2:13.55, followed by Kristen
Ghandour (Fletcher), then
Brooke Lockerman (Nease).
Senators captain Samantha
Blount won the 200 individual
medley with a time of 2:16.44, as
Gerkens (Nease) came in second
and Babillis (Fletcher) was third,
Sarah Montgomery (Fletcher)
won a dose race in the 50

freestyle with a time of 27.16,
with Wenzel (Nease) coming in
second and Morgan Jenkins
(Nease) placing third.
In diving, Fletcher girls swept
first through third. Emily Padgett
earned top honors followed by
Emily Jenkins in second and
Victoria Oakely in third.

Tror Fletcher head football
coach Joe Reynolds, win
number one was more sig-
nificant than win number 100.
Actually, the Senators cele-
brated both with a 26-7 victory
over Englewood Sept. 8 at Jack
Taylor Stadium. Fletcher High
ended its two-game skid to
improve to 1-2 on the season,
and Reynolds earned the 100th
victory of his coaching career.
"I know this sounds crazy, I
mean, don't get me wrong this
is great," Reynolds said after he
was presented the game ball
Friday night. "But the one win
is more important. The first win
of the season, for this team is
more important."
Particularly pleasing to the
coach was that Fletcher seemed
to do it the old fashioned way:
Run, run, run, and then run
some more.
See YEAR, page A-1.0

Overweight children suffer more joint problems

Have pictures of several dif-
ferent athletes in mhy office.
Athletes come in all shapes
and sizes, from the diminutive
gymnast to the 400-pound
sumo wrestler.
Seeing the picture of the
sumo wrestler, one of my
* patients asked me "Is that
healthy?" to which I immedi-
ately replied that it was not.
Being overweight puts'a
tremendous strain not only,
your joints, but increases your
risks of heart disease, hyper-
tension, and diabetes.
However, being overweight
not only affects your health
status as an adult, but also
leads to additional health
problems during childhood.
Recent research indicates
that overweight children
appear to have broken bones
and joint problems more often
than kids of normal weight.
According to Dr. Susan


W whatever criticism
might be heard
about the football
season of 2006, no one can
say it hasn't been interesting.
Right at the top, fans can
salute the Florida Gators who.
could be on the verge of a .
national championship. Then
there's Nease High, which
continues to show finesse and
'class even without th'ir
heretofore star, Tim Tebow.
It's Tebow who has taken
his talents to the University of
Florida where he serves as
understudy to starting quar-
terback Chris Leak and gives
Urban Meyer's following a
glimpse of what it can expect
beginning next year.
In past years the saying
around Gainesville was,
"Wait'll next year!" Then, it
meant that surely things
would get better.
Now it means, "Wait until
Tebow takes over the quarter-
back job for his very own."
t.he, Tebow bandwagon .is as
crowded as any Gator band-
wagon has ever been. It's
doubtful that old Steve
Spurrier ever commanded
such adulation as Tebow has
and he's only a freshman.
With the success that Meyer
has brought to Gainesville,
Florida fans can only see
things getting even more
exciting when Tebow logs
some full-time hours behind


Yanovski, director of the
Obesity and Eating Disorders
Program at the National
Institute of Diabetes, Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, "Kids
who are overweight are
already'having problems with
their'mobility, fractures, and
joint pain."

Most of the Gators' enemies
are already going down.
Despite Wednesday night's
victory in the Emerald Bowl,
Seminoles coach Bobby
Bowden wouldn't call 2006
one of his great seasons. But
nobody can say Florida State
football was dull. While
Bowden has had many frus-
trating years at the helm of
the Seminoles, but he's never
had one where his son has
come under such intense fire
as an assistant coach.
There's irony in the prob-
lem the Seminoles have had
at quarterback. For years
Florida had problems deciding
which signal-caller was best -
or which one would hurt the
Gators the least. Meanwhile.
Florida State went through
one good one after another.
The Gators have had some
good quarterbacks, but none
bordering on great.
Yet even in a losing season
Bowden's team has been inter-
esting. This down season
won't carry over into next
year. Uncle Bobby will bring
them back or so he vows.
It was pretty good year for
the Jacksonville Suns. They
fell just short of their bid ior
another Southern League pen-
nant, but set a new atten-
dance record. The owners,
Peter Bragan, Sr. and son,
along with parent club the
Los Angeles Dodgers, were
able to put colorful players on
the field. No matter how
many stand-outs were called
up to the majors, the Dodgers
sent back some fine replace-

In a study led by her hus-
band, obesity researcher Dr.
Jack'Yanovski, it was found.
that children and teens who
were overweight were far more.
likely to have had a fracture
than their ideal-weight peers.
In fact, 13 percent of over-
weight kids had had at least
one broken bone at some
point in their lives, compared,
with less than four percent of
ideal-weight children.
It was also noted that it was
especially common for obese
children to have knee pain
and restricted movement. The
problem of obesity then
becomes-a vicious cycle.
The child is overweight,
which leads to pain. It then
becomes difficult to exercise,
which leads to inactivitv and
increased weight, which leads
to more joint pains, and so
on. In addition, reduced phys-
ical activity also leads to the
bones not forming as strongly

as they could, which increases
the risk for fractures.
Furthermore, if an over-
weight child happens to take a
tumble, there is simply more
weight.coming down on a rel-
atively softened skeleton, and
the bone may not be able to
take the stress, and thus it
Overweight children also
had more bone and hip joint
abnormalities, which can lead
to permanent deformities.
. One such condition is called
"slipped capital femoral epiph-
vsis" in which the hip joint
becomes either slowly or
acutely deformed in part from
the excess weight. Surgery is
necessary when this condition
According to the American
Heart Association, you can
help treat and prevent obesity
through a combination of
exercise and diet. They recom-
mend "maintaining an appro-

Pi,:,l,, D, ROBI[-,:asJGELL",
University of Florida freshman quarterback Tim Tebow (15) picks
,up yardage against Georgia when the teams. nrnewqj their riyalr
'fry Oct. -28.at.Alltel Stadium.:The Galors (12-1) defeated ..
Arkansas to with the SEC championship and find themselves in
the BCS national title game Jan. 8 where they'll face an unde-
feated Ohio Stale squad.

There were losses during the
year, but memories of those
who passed will remind us of
their contributions. Irving
Alsobrook, an important
member of the Recreation
Department, left us in

October and will be missed by
all who knew him.
Charles Catlett, father of
the Gator Bowl guiding hand,
Rick, was a frequent visitorr
from nearby and always a
supporter of both the Gator
Bowl and Jacksonville.

private body weight" and to
"focus on small butperma-.
nent changes in eating" -which'
appear to work better than a
series of short-term changes
that can't be sustained.
Among the Association's
recommendations, reducing
caloric intake is the easiest
change, for highly restrictive
diets that forbid favorite foods
are lkely to fail.
Parental involvement in,
modifying overweight.chil-
dren's behavior is important,
and parents should practice
what they preach, for parents
who model healthy eating and
activity can positively influ-
ence their children's health.

This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports; med-
icine. and safety. It is not intend-
ed to serve as a replacement for
treatment In' rour redar.doctor.
It is onli designed to offer guide-
lines on the prei mention. recogii-

tion, and care of injuries and ill-
ness. Specific concerns should be
discussed with your physician.
Mail your.questions to Gregory
Smith, MDI- Sportsmedicine,
1250 S. 18th Street, Suite 204,
Fernandina Beach, Fl 32034.

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Registration for spring base-
ball and T-ball is taking place
n ow through Jan. 19 online at
pvaabaseball.com or at Play It
Again Sports. There will also be
in-person registration Jan. 13
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and
S.' Jan. 14 from 1 p.m. until 3
p.m. at Cornerstone Park.
Kids ages 5-15 as of April 30,
2007 are eligible. Cost is $120
for baseball, $90 for T-ball.
For more information visit
Web site or contact Pat Dowd
at 251-5103.

Theie is a bowling league for
seniors 55 and up at Beach
Bowl on Beach Boulevard.
Competition in the Monday
league begins at 1 p.m., with
practice starting at 12:45 p.m.
Call Paula at 249-9849 for

Flag Football
Flag Football for kids ages 5-
17 is about to start. Winter sea-
son leagues, which will run
from December through
February, have been formed
throughout the First Coast area,
including at the University of
North Florida, Ponte Vedra
Beach, Mandarin and Orange
Park. For information, visit
www.i9sports.com or call
(904) 992-4263. ,

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons. Spring pro-
grams take place at various
locations throughout Ponte
Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach
and Neptune Beach. Volunteer
coaches are also.needed to
work with a team of girls. For
more information phone 321-
4315 or visit

L ..'r i i-, i, ; i. l. m l. i 'l j I,, ,Ii,-,i, J, j ,'*'ir ,'. :c n*jlT,.r1l-J N rll I, idl- M ,J l ir .u,-j i:..
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The Fletcher Middle School girls volleyball team went 12-0 and won the Eastern Division of Duval
County Middle Schools, winning two matches each against Arlington. Fort Caroline, Kernan,
Landmark, Oceanway and Mayport Middle Schools. Front row, from left: Megan Bryant (manag-
er),Taylor Harbison, Hayley Chandler, Mykah Nevin, Andi Stevens. Middle row: Kenzie
Schuppert, Carly Brantley, Erin Holston, Alexis Bell, Ashley Collier, Grace McKay, Maranda Lyon
(manager). Back row: Coach Nevin, Natalie Britt. Blair Geissmann, Marlee Harris, Megan
Godwin, Rebecca Pettit, Coach McGiveron.


The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
girls prograni will conduct reg-
istrations from 2 p.m. until 5
p.m. on Jan. 7 at the Landrum
fields. A free clinic will be
given that day from 2 p.m.
until 4 p.m. Signups can be
accomplished by e-mailing
Leslie Santillo at .
pvbgirlslax@aol.com. The girls'
season will run from Feb. 25
through May 6. The cost is
$100 per player.

River Run Training
Registration is now open for
those of all fitness levels that
want to walk or run the River

Run scheduled for' for March
2007. The training camps will
begin Jan. 2 but interested ,.
individuals must register earlIV
because space is limited. Call
Pushpa Duncklee, 403-9568.

Registration for the Ponte
Vedra Sdccer Club's spring sea-
son will end Jan. 10 Electronic
registration is available via the
Internet at PonteVedraSoccer-
Club.com. Cost is $130 and
new players must provide copy
of birth certificate. Children
must have been 4 by July 31,
2006, to play. The season takes
place from March to May.
S, 0

Registration for the Beaches,
Soccer League spring season
sponsored by Fletcher High
School will take place during
January at Soccer Stop, 1518,
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville
Beach during regular business"
hours. BSL is a recreational
league for players 4 years old
through 6th grade. Roster size
is eight players and games are
five-a-side with no goalkeepers;
Registration fee is $60 for an
eight-game season and
includes shirt and socks.'
Games begin the week of
March 5 and are played
Tuesday or Thursday evenings
at 5:30.p.m. at the San Pablo
Elementary School fields.
Contact Mike Levine at
or 635-8969.






Football season has been anything but dull




The Beaches Leadejr/onte Vedra Leader Pagei9A

b 29 2006


December 29, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Photos by Robert DeAngelo

~- d

Clockwise, from top left: Nease QB Ted Stachitas, right,
absorbs a hit during a preseason scrimmage. During August's
lifeguard competition, Bryon Iveson, left, and Ross Giotto battle
for the final beach flag. Terry Mashour is a study in concentra-
tion as she sets the ball during July's beach volleyball event.
Tiger Woods reacts with frustration after missing a short putt in
the final round of The Players Championship last March. A
surfer participates in the Sisters of the Sea classic on Labor
Day Weekend. Florida Gators' Tim Tebow (15) runs for daylight.

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YEAR: Four seasons of sports highlights

Continued from page A-8
T ie Panthers girls golf team
Stopped Flagler Palm Coast
by two strokes Oct. 13 to
win second-place honors in the
Region 2-2A championship and
earn a berth in the state finals.
In the day-long regional tour-
nament played at the
Jacksonville Beach Golf Club,
Nease edged Flagler Palm Coast
325-327 in the nine-team event
to finish second to Lake Mary,
whuch shot a combined 318 to
win the crown.
Sophomore Brighid Hourihan
led the Panthers with a 3-ovei
par 75. Nease No. 1 golfer
Catherine O'Donnell shot a 77.

T e Fletcher High boys golf
team earned a berth in the
.1 Class 2A state tournament
with its second-place finish in the
Oct. 17 regional event.
Senators anchor man Major
Forbess sank a five-foot par putt
on the lSth hole at Killeam Golf
and Country Club in Tallahassee
to put Fletcher in the state final. It
was a familiar position for both
the team and Forbess, who last
year drained an 18-foot birdie
putt on the same hole to lift the
Senators in the Region 1-2A boys
Once Fletcher posted its total of
307, team members and head
coach Ed Lange had to wait for
Femrnandina Beach, Tallahassee
Chiles and Tallahassee Leon to fin-
Lsh to see if the score would be
bettered. Only Leon managed to
unseat the Senators.

A Tith an attitude of,'
"Once we're in the
V final four anything
can happen,' the.Nease High
girls volleyball team advanced
to the state semifinal round
with a four-game victoryy over,
Gtoveland South Lake Nov. 2.
The Panthers downed the vis-
iting Eagles. 25-18, 25-21, 26-
28, 25-17. to win the Class 4A
Region 3-4A final.
Nease's final point, an
emphatic kill by junior outside
hitter Paige DePriesf, touched
off an exuberant celebration as
the team equalled its furthest
voyage into the postseason.
"It still hasn't hit me that we
actually won yet,,' s senior
middle blocker Laura Phillips.
"It's surreal. It's awesome. We're

all stoked that we set this as a
goal and we achieved it."

A after his team went up 21-
17. late in the fourth quar-
A er of the Class 4A state
championship game at Dolphin
Stadium Dec. 9, Nease High
football coach Craig Howard
was an emotional wreck.
Time, not Tampa Plant and
its record-setting quarterback,
Robert Marve, was Howard's
worst enemy down the stretch,
and he knew it.
"You have just scored what
you think may be the go-ahead
touchdown and you're looking
at the clock and it doesn't seem
to be going fast enough,"
Howard reflected Saturday after
his top-ranked team fell to
Plant 25-21 in the title game.
"Your stomach is in a knot,
[penalty] flags are flying around
and they [Plant] have an
offense that can score and
enough time to do it.
"They're one play away from
winning it and we're one play
away from stopping it."
Nease couldn't make that
defining stop.
Marve, who eclipsed three
state passing records during the
game, made a perfect throw to
teammate Derek Winter for the
winning score with 17 seconds
to play to snap Nease's 23-game
winning streak and lift Plant to
its first state title in school his-
tory. '"
No. 1 Nease, the defending
state champion, finished 14-1.
"Marve and his receiving
corps were really sharp," added

Howard, whose team led all
lacksonville-area public schools
in total offense this season.
"He got it done and we have
to take our hats off to him. But
even after they scored, we had a
chance to win it. \Vhat gets lost
in the shuffle is that we lost the
state championship game after
a brilliant performance."
Nease rallied from a 17-0
deficit to lead 21-17 with 3:02
After Plant (15-01 retook the
lead 25-21 on a 12-play, 78-yard
scoring drive that included a 2-
point conversion pass, Nease
had 1' seconds left to write an
alternate ending to a storybook
season that included a school-
record 14 wins.
The script featured a Cal-
Stanford-like kickoff return to
the Plant 23. But needing a
touchdown to-win, Howard
knew his quarterback would
have to buy some time in the
pocket before his receivers got
open in the end zone.
Plant linebacker Patrick Carter
would have none of that.
The junior sacked Nease
quarterback Ted Stachitas for a
4-yard loss as time expired.
"There's three seconds left
and they put a blitz on and we
never get the play off." Howard
said Saturday as he waited to
board the team bus home.
"\Ve just wanted to get
receivers in the end zone and if
the pass was incomplete, well at
least we tried. I'm real proud of
our kids. They showed charac-
ter fighting back the way they

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-------;- ---------


j -- ,
,, '

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


%v1heaches] ader. rcnm

* Dakota Fanning
(right)gets caught in
'Charlotte's Web'
... see B-4
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7

L e. IEcI LL .', -UU .. .. .-.-----------

Cummer opens 'Temples and Tombs'


Chore list for

next 2 months

Now that another year
of gardening is
behind us, it's never
too soon to prepare for next
year. Here are some tips for
the next two months to
start off the New Year on the
right foot.
Possible cold snaps;
North Florida dormancy.
1. Plant balled and
burlapped trees and large
shrubs; remove wrapping
and keep well-watered on a
daily basis.
Water slowly at soil level
for an hour or so at each
The hole needs to be twice
as wide as the football, but
no deeper, refilling the hole
with the same dirt that
came out of it. Add amend-
ments on top of the soil to
leach through.
Transplant any shrub or
tree now.
2. Water 24 to 48 hours
before a freeze warning.
Water after the freeze, but
never during it.
3. Lawns are growing even
though they may appear
dead. Water once a week so
the lawns receive 1/2 to 3/4
inch per watering.
4. Plant tulips, narcissus
and other common spring-
time bulbs that have been
refrigerated for 45 to 60
days. Annuals that can be
planted now include pan-
sies, snapdragons, petunias,
flowering cabbage and kale,
delphiniums and larkspur.
5. Start veggie seeds (pep-
pers and tomatoes) indoors
for transplanting to the gar-
den in March: broccoli, cab-
bage, cauliflower, carrots,
celery, mustard, onions,
radishes, and turnips.
6. Prune dormant fruit
trees, berries and roses. Do
not paint the pruning
7. No fertilizing of any
kind should be done this
month. Spray a dormant oil
spray for scale insects on
evergreen shrubs if they are
8. Be careful of scorpions
hiding in the firewood pile.
Always wear gloves when
handling wood or bark.
1. Finish all transplanting
by mid-February.
2. Finish all pruning of
roses and all dormant plants
such as crape myrtles.
Cut back dead growth
due to winterkill on all
plants. Call the
Cooperative Extension for
help on pruning grapes.
3. Fertilize fruit trees,
ornamental shrubs (except
spring flowering ones like
azaleas and spireal and
young trees. On fruit trees,
use 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 or one
specially designed for the
type of tree.
4. Always broadcast the
product under the entire
canopy of the plant and
water it in. Keep weed killers
away from these plants.
5. Prepare the spring veg-
gie and flower beds by till-
ing the dirt two weeks prior
to planting. Add compost,
leaves and manure at this
6. Aerate the lawn if nec-
essary with a hollow core
7. Plant beets, broccoli,
cauliflower, carrots, cabbage,
collards, lettuces and celery.
Flowers to plant now
include some transitional
ones: calendula, carnations,
dusty miller, marguerite
daisy, and statice.
8. Apply a pre-emergent
herbicide if sandspurs and
crabgrass were a lawn prob-
lem least 'ear.


The intrigue of
Egyptian culture
and history come
to Jacksonville in
an exhibit at the
Cummer Museum of Art &
"Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art
-from the British Museum"
highlights 85 masterworks
from the British Museum in
London, and provides
insight into an ancient cul-
ture rich in custom, supersti-
tion and history.
The exhibit, which opened
Dec. 22 and continues
through March 18, is one of
the largest the Cummer has
ever held and is one of its
most grand.
"The Cummer is making
history," Museum Director
Maarten van de Guchte said
Dec. 21, during a sneak pre-
view of the exhibit for media
As two retracting doors
opened to unveil the exhibit,
adding a dramatic flair, your
eyes immediately fall on a
4,000-pound red granite
sculpture of a majestic lion
dating from 1352 B.C.
"The lion embodies the
power of pharaoh," Dr. Neal
Spencer, the assistant curator
in the Department of
Ancient Egypt and Sudan at
The British Museum, told
members of the media.
Spencer said that the Lion
of Amenhotep III, acquired
by the British Museum in
1835, is the largest object
that has ever been sent away
from the museum.
The museum's collection
spans four dynasties of
Egyptian life and exemplifies
what was most important in
t' ir itcultuTe,- -
For example, the Egyptians
believed that when you die,
your soul resides in a statue,
Spencer said.
The statues were sculpted
to depict an idealized version
of what the person would
look like to better prepare
them for the afterlife. They
also believed that if you
wanted to destroy someone's
legacy, you could remove a
vital part of the statue, such
as the nose or mouth,
Spencer said.
Many of the artifacts were
placed by temples or in
tombs and held religious
meaning. Jewelry served as
more than decoration, for
instance. Many pieces were
amulets for protection,

... -- photo subrnited
"Pectoral Plaque Amenemhat IV Before Alum," which is made of gold and dates to 1799 B.C., is one of 85 Egyptian antiquities in
the "Temples and Tombs" exhibit.

according to Spencer.
Since the afterlife played
such a key role in their cul-
ture, the Egyptians provided
the tools you used in the
present to carry you through
the afterlife. A scribe would
be buried with writing tools
and anything else he may
need in his afterlife.
"These were sacred
objects," Spencer added.
Spells were also provided
in the book of the dead,
which has some of its
papyrus pages on display in
the exhibit, to navigate
through the afterlife, which
was full of monsters, croco-

diles and evil, according to
Ln keeping with the theme
of Egyptian custom and cul-
ture, students from several
Beaches schools were educat-
ed on the subject and pro-
duced art work to replicate
Egyptian drawings and sculp-
tures, which is also on dis-
play in the museum.
Their work is part of an
outreach program, Future
Artists of the Beaches (FAB)
Fest, that the museum spon-
sors every year to encourage
elementary students to
appreciate the value of art
and get them involved,

accordingqto Hope McMath,
director education.
This year, the theme tied
into the Egyptian exhibit.
Museum Educator Rebecca
Hickey went to 10 Beaches
schools and taught them
about Egyptian culture and
then provided them with the
materials to make relief
sculptures and portraitures.
The students were instruct-
ed to use symbolism
throughouttheir .work, espe-
cially personal symbols,
because symbolism was
prevalent in most aspects of
Egyptian culture.
Their work wtll be recog-

nized on Jan. 21 from 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. for a special family
day, where family, friends,
teachers and principals are
invited to view the students'
Admission to "Temples and
Tombs" is $8 for adults, $5
for seniors, military and stu-
dents. Children 5 and under
are free.
The Cummer is located at
829 Riverside Ave. Hours are
10 a.m to 9 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursdays and 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Friday, and Saturdays. The
museum is also open from
noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday.

Stiller fails to follow Allen's footsteps

n last'week's
"Entertainment Weekly,"
critic Lisa Schwarzbaum
said of so-called "harmless"
kids' movies, "Why should
youthful eyeballs be forced
to tolerate anything ours
Her comment repeatedly
came to mind as I watched
"Night at the Museum," a
slam-bang comedy that
explains its every gag for the
benefit of any audience
member who can't be both-
ered to follow its pedestrian
The movie's first few
scenes are bald exposition to
establish the character of
Larry Daley, played by Ben
Stiller in his usual manners
of urban-neurotic tics and
utter cluelessness. Larry is a
divorcee who can't hold a
steady job and is slowly
alienating his young son.
This characterization is laid
out in several scenes that
are so forlorn as not to gar-
ner a single laugh.
In a last-ditch effort, Larry
takes a dead end job as a
security guard at a natural-
history museum. The retir-
ing guard (Dick Van Dyke,
who hasn't had a decent
movie role in at least 30
years) gives Larry some cryp-
tic warnings about the
museum's nightly goings-
The meaning of those
warnings becomes painfully
clear when the museum's
varied still-life figures

(dinosaurs, lions, etc.) come
to life at sundown. The spe-
cial effects are realistic
enough and should evoke
some kind of laughter or
benign terror. But the whole
setting is presently so lack-
adaisically that, after Ben
Stiller skitters around cor-
ners a few times, one is
tempted not to laugh but to
Many of the human fig-
ures come to life, too. But
their scenes resemble any
episode of "Bewitched"
where Samantha accidental-
ly zaps a bland historical fig-
ure into the 20th century.
Robin Williams is positively
strait-jacketed in his role as
Teddy Roosevelt. He's so
constrained by his stiff cos-
tume and forced smile that
you barely recognize him.
And Stiller crony Owen
Wilson does more of his
cute-beatnik routine, only
here he's trying to embody-
an Old West cowboy (in a
role lifted straight from
"The Indian in the

Cupboard," a far,superior
family film).
As with most recent come-
dies directed by Shawn Levy
("Cheaper by the Dozen,"
"The Pink Panther"), the
characters don't begin to be
plausible, even on the
movie's own farcical terms.
Character traits pop up long
enough to be milked for
gags; then they're forgotten
once the movie rushes to its
frantic climax.
The supporting cast looks
lost. A lot of heavy hitters
I"The Office's" Ricky
Gervais, "Spy Kids" mom
Carla Gugino) are brought
in to stand around and be
half-written characters in
service to the star.
And what is it about Ben
Stiller, anyway? People seem
to regard him as some kind
of comic genius, but all I see
is a man trying to follow in
the footprints that Woody
Allen left behind him long
One wants to extend some
goodwill to "Night at the
Museum," because some
obvious effort was put into
it, and heaven only knows
how the special effects all
came together. But as with
most latter-day comedies,
Hollywood always puts the
story in service of the
effects, rather than vice
"Night at the Museum" is
rated PG for minor adult
language, and mildly scary
scenes of peril.

Photo suomMeol
Auditions are Saturday, Jan. 13, at Jacksonville University.

Singers wanted for chorus

The Jacksonville Symphony
Chorus is enlisting new
singers for the. 2007 concert
Auditions will be held on
Saturday, Jan. 13, beginning
at 3:30 p.m. at Jacksonville
University in the Phillips Fine
Arts Building.
Upcoming Jacksonville
Symphony' Chorus perform-
ances include Rossini's The
Barber of Seville (Feb. 24),
Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass
(March 9) and Mahler's
Resurrection Symphony
(April 19-21). This month the
chorus was featured in the
JSO's Home for the Holidays

concerts Dec. 15-17.
Directed by Dr. Jon 0.
Carlson, the all-volunteer JSO
chorus is comprised of singers
from throughout the commu-
nity who share the spirit of
singing great choral music.
Last season, the chorus per-
formed and recorded Carl
Orff's Carmina Burana with
the JSO, which is now avail-
able on CD at the Jacksonville
Symphony box office.
Singers interested in audi-
tioning should call 354-5479,
ext. 221, or inquire online at
for audition information and
to schedule an audition

1 1 I

Dr bmhpr Q 29 l006

December 29, 2006

Wekn 2The__ Bece Ledr/ot VerLae


HEROES" opens today and runs through
Feb. 4 at the Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Doors
open at 6 p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on Saturday
and noon on Sunday. Admission ranges
from $39 to $46 for dinner and show.. Call
641-1212 for information.
Players by the Sea presents the musical
"New Year's Eve at the Pelican Club" at

8:30 p.m. Sunday at the theater, 106 6th
Street N., Jacksonville Beach. A party with
hors d'oeuvres, dessert, dancing, beer and
wine is held after the show. Tickets are $50
in advance. Call 249-0289 for informa-
The musical comedy presents an
extended runb from Jan. 3 through Jan. 27
in the Terry Theater at the Times-Union
Center for the Performing Arts, 300 W.
Water St., Jacksonville. Times and ticket

prices vary. Call 632-3373 for specific
show times and ticket information.
"TOG OUT; YOU'RE ON!" a one-man
show by Derek Coghlan is comprised of
eight monologues,, almost all of which
draw on Coghlan's experiences growing
up in rural Ireland. The show runs at 8
p.m. Jan. 5 and 6 at Players by the Sea
Community Theatre, 106 6th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are $12 and
can be purchased in advance by calling

IA' ~~fora ndtyai
0= t~


242- 2894 Hrs. 11- 4Mon, 10-7Tues-Sat

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Jason Petty (front right) and the cast of "Hank And My Honky Tonk Heroes." The musical
Alhambra Dinner theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd. Call 641-1212.

p..r:lo ubminted
review opens today at the


228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 339-0029. Hours 1
:p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday-
FRAMING, 228 3rd Ave. N.,
lacksonville Beach. 249-2222.
GALLERY, 510 Mayport Road,
Studio No. 9, Atlantic Beach. *
247-8337. Premiere exhibit of
original work by Jay Shoots,
Linda Broadfoot, Missionary
Mary Proctor, Ouattara, and
others. Weekly display of
work by children participating
in ArtLife Summer Arts Camp.
Admission free. Visit artlife-
GALLERY, 1250 Beach Blvd.,
Beach PlIaza, Jacksonville
Beach. Gallery hours are 10
a,.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to
Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday. Phone 247-4341.
Ave., Jacksonville Beach *
241-5657. Exhibits: "Shore
Stories: Down the Boardwalk"
* "The ABCs of Beaches
History" "A View on the
Past." Hours are 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday. Admission $5 adults,
$4 seniors, $3 children 16-17i.
Palm Valle\ Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-8225.
Features themed original art
shows using mixed media.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday to Friday and 9 a.m.
to noon Sunday.
GALLERY at 1514 N. Third St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Hours 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday and 10 a.m.
until 4 on Saturday. Call 249-
PONTE VEDRA, 50 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra Beach *
Riverside Ave., Jacksonville *
Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Tuesday through Thursday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday, noon to
5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is
$8 for adults, $5 for seniors,
military, and students, free for
kids 6 and under. Free admis-
sion from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
2405 3rd St. S. Jacksonville
Beach 247-3750. Hours 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Saturday.

SAWGRASS, 1740 Sawgrass
Village Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach
* 384-7724. Hours 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Frida.y
216 First St., Neptune Beach *
241-6928. Works by local and
regional artists. Monday
through Wednesday, 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.; Thursday and
Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m;
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.
Call 241-6928.
2411 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Tuesday through
Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. Call
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-7321. Selling handmade
work from Ireland, England
and U.S. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday-Saturday, noon to 5
p.m. Sunday.
177 Fourth Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 435-
3200. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday and 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Also
by appointment. Pieces are
available for purchase.
Museum Circle, Jacksonville.
MOSH features planetarium
events and special children's
activities. 396-7062.
630 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune
Beach Hours 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. Wednesday through
Sunday. 403-0031.'
OCEAN 60, 60 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach 247-
AIA N., Ponte Vedra Beach a
273-6065. Gallery for collec-
tors of fine art. Hours are 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday, 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday.
GALLERY, 1266 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach 261-
FEE SHOP, 235 8th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. 247-6869
open seven days a week.
Featuring Christina Norris tra-
ditional black and white pho-
tography and Michael Bell
monotype,drypaint, mez-
zatint, and mixed media
GALLERY. 249-0432.
Maritime painter devoted to
recreating seafarifig history in
oil paintings. Lighthouses,
steamboats and sailing ships
are his specialty.



0s.*. 1C.

C,'- ~







,. .4.
5 .


photo submitted
"The Kneeling Figure of Nekhthorheb" is one of 85 works in the
new Cummer Museum exhibit "Temples and Tombs: Treasues
of Egyptian Art from the British Museum." The quartzite statue
dates from 589 B.C. The exhibit, which opened Dec, 22, runs
through March 18. See story B-1.

"Expect the Unexpected"


New Year





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Nqpwwn~ww--,- ww- -

Weekend 2

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 29, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 3

Area galleries grew in number, quality in 2006

As this year ends we can
look back with pride at
what our art community
has achieved and look forward
to the promise of even better
things to come.
Our museums have given us
blockbuster exhibits, and our
local galleries have grown in
number as well as quality of
Art in public places has
increased gracing our airport,
parks and Riverwalk.
Art funding has remained
level, thanks to our Cultural
Council of Greater
Jacksonville, which supports
theaters, galleries, symphony
and museums. The Cummer
Museum of Art & Gardens
opened an exhibit this past
Week, "Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art from
the British Museum." Not
only can we enjoy viewing
these ancient artifacts, but we
can attend talks and classes to
learn about this ancient civi-
On Wednesday and
Thursday, Jan. 17 and 18, at
1:30 p.m. members and non-
members can attend seated-
gallery talks followed by
Pre-registration is required,
and there will be a $10 fee for
these talks. Monday, Jan. 15,
children can celebrate a
school holiday from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. by attending "A Day
im Ancient Egypt."
Bring a bag lunch and enioy
celebrating the culture of
ancient Egypt. For these and
other activities call 355-0630.
The Egyptian exhibit
includes eighty-five objects,
some of which are more than
4000 years old. They span four
dynasties of ancient Egypt.
e e

We move from the ancient
to the modern world of art.
George Kinghorn, director of
the Museum of Contemporary
Art, formerly the Museum of
Modern Art, explained that
contemporary art places the
beginning of contemporary art
at 1945 and incorporates new
forms of media.
The name change was
appropriate since 92 percent
of the museum's collection is
comprised of works created
from '1960 to the present.
We can learn about contem-
porary art with art education
classes at the museum begin-
ning in January.
A one-day camp for children
ages 5 'to 12 will be held on
Jan. 6. Regular Saturday class-
es for children will begin Jan.
13 for seven weeks. Adult
classes and teens will be held
every Wednesday beginning
Jan. 17. Call 366&6911, ext.
Mark your calendar for the
"Best of Jacksonville Party" on
Thursday, Jan. 18, from 6 to
8:30 p.m. at IMOCA.
Enloy food, music, prizes,
cocktails and friends. Tickets
are $25 in advance; $20 for

JMOCA members In advance.
Call 366-6911 to order.
FOCUS Cummer will pres-
ent "Adventures in Art A
New Poetry, Music and Art
Experience," with Carolee
Bertisch, Dr. Gersen Yesson
and Barbara Sarvis" at 2 p.m.
on Jan. 3 at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Library. This program
is free and open to the public.
The Center at Ponte Vedra
will have a New Year's Noon
Balloon Drop Party tomorrow,
Saturday, Dec. 30, for all ages.
Bring the entire family,
friends and neighbors to a
kid's countdown to the New
Year extravaganza. Snacks,
prizes and art activities for
children will be included in
this festive event. Free admis-
sion. The Center is at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Call 2890-0614. The next art
exhibit to open at the Center
will be "In the Midst of It,"
mixed media works by Mary
Proctor, which will open Jan.
12 with a reception from 5 to
8 p.m.
On Wednesday, Jan. 17,the
Ritz Chambers Players will
present "In Remembrance of
the Dream," honoring
Johnetta B. Cole," at 7:30 p.m.
at Jacoby Symphony Hall in
the Tirnes-Union Center for
the Performing Arts. Reserve
vour tickets by calling 354-
University Gallery at the
University of North Florida
will open an exhibit on Jan.
11, "An International
Printmakers Exchange."
This exhibit includes selec-
tions from six thematically
driven portfolios produced by

an international group of
It will be curated by Emily
Arthur Douglass, UNF instruc-
tor of printmaking. A recep-
tion will be held from 5 to 7
p.m. on Jan. 11. Gallery hours
are Monday, Wednesdy and
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m, Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 7
p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. Call 620-2534.
The J. Johnson Gallery,
which has been closed for the
holidays, will reopen on
Wednesday, Jan. 3. The
gallery is at 177 4th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 435-

The 2007 Florida "State of
the Arts" License Plate Grant
Program grant guidelines and
applications are now available
on the Cultural Council's web-
site at
www.culturalcouncil.org or
call 358-3600 to receive a
copy. The deadline is Friday,
Feb. 16, 2007.
The Wall Art Gallery will
open a new exhibit, "Between
Landscapes," on Jan. 11 with a
reception from 6 to 8 p.m.
The exhibition features the
works of painters Pat Walsh
and Ellen Rand. It will be in
the gallery through March 11.
Debuting Jan. 1, Wall Art
Gallery presents its new col-
lection of limited edition
prints and sculpture, includ-
ing works by Robert
Rauchenberg, Alex Katz, James
Rosenquist and Kild Smith.
The Wall Gallery is at 122 8th
St. S., Fernandina Beach. Call

The South Gallery of Florida
Community College at

pnolo auomitled
An example of portraiture by a Future Artists of the Beaches
(FAB) student is part of a cameo exhibition at the Cummer
Museum of Art & Gardens. The exhibit runs through Jan. 29.

Jacksonville will open a new
exhibit, "Figure," Works by
Yvonne Petkus and Chad
Await, on Thursday, Jan. 11
with a reception from 6 to 8

The exhibit will run
through Feb. 9. Call 646-2023
.for information.
Happy New Year!

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December 29, 2006

ek 4h ae a-nV La



"The Black Dahlia" In this
underrated fictional version of
a famous L.A. murder case,
Jbsh Hartnett and Aaron
Eckhart play detectives in a
love triangle with a sultry
femme fatale (Scarlett
Johansson). "
"The Last Kiss" "Scrubs"'

Zach Braff plays a ."30-some-
thing" who worries about
falling into domestic pre-,
dictability when his girlfriend
becomes pregnant.
"The Simple life 4" -
Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton
compete to see which .of them
would make a better house,
wife.k I opt for "Neither of the

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2006's top 10 hope-providing events

I'm well-known as a cur-
mudgeon, but every so.
often, something happens
in the entertainment world
that pleasantly surprises me.
Sometimes it's a hopeless-
looking movie that turns out
to be a gem. Other times, it's
an egotistic celebrity getting
his or her comeuppance.
They're not always huge
epiphanies, but often enough;
they reassure me that show
biz hasn't completely suc-
'cumbed to the lowest com-
Smon denominator. Here, then,
are 10 events that gave me
hope in the passing year.
1. Conan O'.Brien's spot-on
"Music Man" parody on the
annual Emmy Awards. Close
second: His ongoing televised
threat to kill (in-on-the-joke)
Bob Newhart if the awards
show ran long.
2. Clint Eastwood's movie of

-"Flags of Our Fathers.' One'of
the greatest anti-war films
ever made, directed by a 76-
year-old. Tell me again why
we have an enforced retire-
ment age.,
3. "Rocky Balboa." It took
him five sequels, but Sylvester
Stallone finally got it right.
4. Despite months of
'Internet hype, "Snakes on a

Plane" grossed only $34 mil-
lion. Turns out the public was
just as sick of those bleepin'
snakes as Sam Jackson was.
5. Once a multi-media irri-
tant, Britney Spears is now
reduced to going out in public
sans panties just to get press
coverage. Perhaps the day is
near when her public persona
will be as invisible as her
6. The recent black eyes
sported by ABC's "The View":
' Dahn, DeVito's drunken rant,
Rosie O'Donnell defaming
Donald Trump and much of
the population of China. This
is what happens when a
major network wastes an hour
on a glorified coffee-klatsch.
7. The fall-out from "Borat."
The aftermath of embarrassing
real people in an offensive
movie comedy: The people
come back and sue the

8. "Brotherhood." This
Showtime series looked like a
"Sopranos" knock-off but
quickly came into its own. I'd
take any single episode from
this show over Scorsese's "The
Departed" any day.
9. Jessica Simpson finally
gets her lack of talent thrown
in her face. Appearing at a
Kennedy Center tribute to
Dolly Parton, the buxom non-
star flubbed the words to
Parton's sorg "9 tYo '6i"'r'd'Was
Ltreated to an audience situng
on their hands.
She fled the stage and asked
to be edited out of the trib-
ute's TV.special.
10. "Love," the surprisingly
triumphant new album from
The Beatles. John Lennon and
George Harrison long ago
passed on, and they still had a
better year than I had.

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Db rs On .'^l 5prt AfteriIHours, -61 2-5r7
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Wells classic 'Things to Come' out on DVD

H .G. Wells Merely
mentioning the name
H brings to mind "The
Time Machine," "War of the
Worlds" and many more
classical science fiction
A champion of liberal
social causes, in 1933, he
published an essay called
"The Shape of Things to
Come." Just three years later,
his dark vision was turned
into "Things to Come," a
flick as far ahead of its time
as the German silent classic,
Along with numerous
other works, Legend Films
(www.legendfilms.net) has
colorized a fading print of
S"Things to Come," an act
the firm apparently believes
%will boost such movies'
Though the film's worth
saving, it's the message his

-work conveys that's impor-
Even Ray Harryhausen, the
monster maker in flicks such
as "Jason arid the
Argonauts," has thrown his
skills behind Legend's work.
Although much of this
film's special effects work is
almost laughable, it's Wells'
ideas that are being show-
He grew to manhood in a
world where groups such as
the Fabians (an apparent off-
shoot of Ludditism) actually
fought police in an effort to
stop scientific progress.
Much of this is alluded to in
film, giving today's citizens a
rarely seen perspective.
"Things to Come" stars
Raymond Massey ("Arsenic
and Old Lace"), but in many
ways, the flick won't please
movie buffs.
The colorization apparent-
ly didn't take well in this
unrated, 100-minute film; its

soundtrack is audibly flawed.
Still, this prescient epic of
endless war, pestilence, vigi-
lantism, dictatorship and
hope is both well done and
worth viewing.
In brief, war breaks out in
1940 among the world's
major powers. The already
frayed fabric of civilization
unravels in showers of
bombs, poison gas and dis-
Finally, by 2036, things
begin returning to "normal."
Not everyone wants this; the
world is fragmented into
small city-states.
Massev, a member of an
idealistic group dubbed
Wings Over the World,
becomes an emissary of
He's immediately impris-
oned by "Boss" Ralph
Richardson. His wife,
Margaretta Scott, favors a
different approach.
Without revealing the out-

come, viewers of this $30
DVD must resign themselves
to using imagination. Much
of what you'll see won't
mean squat without it.
Director William Cameron
Menzies ("Gone With the
Wind"i apparently inten-
tionally squeezed most char-
acter development out of it.
It's the flick's overall mes-
sage he wants to drive home!
About the only art this film
displays are its luscious art
deco sets.
Like most DVD's, it offers
numerous extras. They are
surprisingly worthwhile,
especially a segment about
the era's sci-fi toys.
If you're thoughtful and,
for example, enjoyed the
silent German classic,
"Metropolis," this flick's for
you.. : .
The '30s were a different
world, and: "Things To
Come" will give you a peak
behind the curtain.


Regal 18
Black Christmas. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3;15, 7:05,
The Good Shepherd. Rated G.
Fri.-Thurs., Noon, 3:30, 7:00,
Night at the Museum. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:05, 12:45,
2:40, 3:40, 5:10, 7:10, 7:40,
9:40, 10:15.
. We' Are Marshall. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:10, 7:30,
O e ., .
Rocky Balboa. Rated PG. Fri.:-
Thurs., 12:20, 12:55,4:15, 4:45,
7:25, 7:50, 10:05, 10:40.

Charlotte's Web. Rated G.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:10, 1:25, 2:30,
4:40, 5:05, 7:20, 8:00, 9:55,

SEragon. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:35, 1:05, 3:55, 4:35, 7:10,
7:55, 9:40, 10:15..,
The Pursuit of Happyness.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:00,
1:35, 4:00, 4:30, 6:55, 7:45,
9:50, 10:20.
Apocalypto. Rated R. .Fri.-
Thurs., 12:15, 3:50, 7:35, 10:35.
Blood Diamond. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:40, 3:45, 6:50, 10:35.
The Holiday.:, Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:20, 4:20, 7:1.5;
Unaccompanied Minors.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:50.
The Nativity Story. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:25.

p"Copyrighted Material

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Available from Commercial News Providers'

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Casino Royale. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 3:35, 7:05, 10:25.

Happy Feet. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:15, 4:05, 6:40, 10:00.



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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


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The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Weekend 5




Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Southbound is in at 9 p.m.
today and Saturday.
. ,* '*, .:O O
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. Box 543 performs
at :9 p.m. Dec. 30. The
Retrokats is in at 9 p.m. New
Year's Eve. Call for reservations
for the four-course dinner.

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.,
something Distant appears
today and Saturday. Livid and
Mid Life Crisis are in
Wednesday. Spade McQuade is
in every Sunday.

Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. JJ Grey and Mofro per-
form with Gunga Din today,
TRhe Gamble Boys on satur-
day and The Lee Boys for New
Years's Eve. Tickets are $18 for
the first two nights, $28 for
New Year's Eve. Call 246-BIRD
for information.

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Roger That performs
today through Sunday from 10
p.m. to close.

Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 S. 3rd St., Jacksonville
Beach 246-1070. Freeze
Frame is in at 9 p.m. today.

Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.
Soulo is in today. The Ron
Perry Connection performs
Saturday and New Year's Eve.

p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday. Spade
McQuade plays traditional
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays 'traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pill Pili every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in

Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
SBeach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.

WEEKLY STANDARDS Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Aromas Cigar, Wine & Beach 247-6820. John Evans
Martini Bar, 880 AlA N., Ponte plays the piano every Friday
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le and Saturday.
* Monde Quartet plays tLatinvatitI p -4o I .
S mp~c.;'pesdays. Th4e....soa, ,;. p.qpaJs 4.0,1 iistiSitSept
Anderson Group performs North, Jacksonville Beach.
every Thursday. Jose LeBron Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
and The LeMonde Quintet per- every Tuesday. Fifth South and
form every Saturday. the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge ever,'
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth Wednesday. Reggae with Piti
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach Pili from 4 to 8 p.m. every
246-9874. DJs and female Sunday.
impersonators weekly. **
*. Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Brix, Jacksonville Beach. Jazz Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
great Teddy Washington is in Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
every Wednesday through blues, oldies and jazz every
September. Friday and Saturday night.

Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every

Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pill Pill plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.

Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Cloud Nine are in today and

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10

Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
.,' ).':," 6 ,,-" ,,'.'
Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
* 241-8221. Chuck Nash and'
the Zen Twins .rotate every

pnoi 5uubrilnted
JJ Grey (left) and Mofro, featuring bassist Daryl Hance (seated), performs this weekend at
Freebird Live. The swamp-funk rock band joins Gunga Din tonight, the Gamble Brothers Saturday
and the Lee Boys on Sunday. Tickets are $20 at the door tonight and Saturday and $30 Sunday.
Call 246-2473 for more details.

Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every

Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.,,
S"Tee Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.

Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke is held at 9:30 p.m.
every Sunday.

Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every lVednesday.

The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.
Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ [nfader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. 1DJ Ropert Goodman
spins .p P-, tIQ dnd Oc WX6ve
ewrV Wed nesday. Dl 'laze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 and hip
hop inside every Friday. DJs
Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar,"every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indie every Monday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.

The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.

Vinoe, 822 AIA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wall spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every

Note: Acts and perfonnance
days arc not always available for
all clubs at press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.


You can't miss with a
s^ Subscription to
The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
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Grey & Mofro help usher in
the New Year with three per-
formances Dec. 29-31 at'
Freebird Live, 200 N. 1st Street,
Jacksonville Beach. Guests'
include Gunga Din Friday, The
Gamble Bros. on Saturday and'
The Lee Boys on New Year's
Eve. Tickets are $18 for the first
two nights, $28 for the third
concert. Call 246-BIRD for

The Beaches rockabilly band
The Kings of Hell ring in the
New Year Sunday at 8 p.m. at
the Landshark Cafe at 1013
Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic
Beach. Cost is $10 at the door.
Call 246-6024 for information.

Hard rock players
,Sackajaweeda return to the
scene with a show Saturday at
the Landshark Cafe at 1013
Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic
Beach. Call 246-6024 for infor-

The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra will be :in concert
Jan. 4-6 performing
Beethoven's Piano Concerto
No. 5, Emperor, one of the
most popular piano concertos
of all time.
The JSO will be joined by Sa
,Chen, first recipient of the
Crystal Award at the Twelfth
Van. Cliburn 'International
Piano Competition. Chen is
considered as one of the lead-
ing Chinese pianists in the
music world today.
The program will be led by
internationally renowned
guest conductor Maximiano
Valdes, music director of the
Orquesta -Sinfonica del
Principado de Asturias in
Spain. The concert takes place
on Thursday/Jan. 4 -at 7:30
p.m., Friday, Jan. 5 at 8 p.m.
and Saturday, Jan. 6 at 8 p.m.
in Jacoby Symphony Hall.
For tickets, call 354-5547, or
visit jaxsymphony.org.

Maximiano Valdes guest conducts the JSO Jan. 4-6.


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Saturday, Dec.
Community Blood Drive:
Fleet Reserve 'Branch No. 91
holds a community blood
drive from 4 to 7 p.m. at 5391
Collins Road, Jacksonville.
Everyone who registers to
donate receives a commemora-
tive long-sleeved holiday T-
shirt, holiday coffee mug and
2007 Florida Georgia Blood
Alliance calendar. All donors
will be entered into a drawing
for a pair of tickets for the
Gator Bowl game between
Georgia Tech and West
Virginia New Year's Day. at
Alltel Stadium. For informa-
tion, call The Blood Alliance at
904-353-8263 or log. on to

Guana Talk/Walk: GTM
Reserve environmental educa-
tor Angie 'Golubovich shares
her knowledge of the plants
and animals found in the
Guana River Marsh beginning
at 9 a.m. Those interested
should meet at ,the GTM
Environmental Education
Center, 505 Guana River Road,
South Ponte Vedra Beach. The,
cost is $2 for adults and $1 for
children and includes admis-
sion' to the Environmental
Education Center after 'the
.walk. Discussion is geared,
toward adults.
For information, .call the
GTM Reserve at 904-823-45p0.

Monday, Jan. 1
Free New Year's Yoga: Yoga
with Joan & Jim offers a free
New \ear's Day yoga class from
10 to 11:15 a.m. at Let's Dance
Studio, 246 Solana Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach. All are welcome,
beginner through experienced
students. just bring a yoga mat
or a large towel. For informa-
tion, call Joan Ryan at 280-
4628 or Jim Ryan at 280-4130;
e-mail yoga joa n@coincast.net

and yogajim@comcastnet.
Hubbard House Benefit:
Ocean Yoga holds its annual
New Year's Day Yoga to benefit
Hubbard House, which pro-
vides safe haven for victims of
abuse and their children. The
classes, which are free, include
Gentle Yoga with Kate at 10:30,
a.m. and Yoga Flow with Paula
at noon. They will be held in'
the Island Ballroom at Sea
-Turtle Inn. Gentle Yoga is suit-
able for all levels. Yoga Flow is
for' students with some experi-
ence. Students should bring
yoga mats or large towels. For,
information, -call Kate at 742-
4582 or Paula at 613-7394;
email yogakate@bellsouth.net
or www.oceanyoga.biz.

Tuesday, Jan.

DAR: 'The 'Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Da'ughters of
the American' Revolution
meets at 10:45 a.m. at Marsh
Landing Country Club, 25655
Marsh Landing Parkway. The
speaker will be Elaine Hall,.
Certified Financial Planner,
who will. talk' about
"Preventing identity
Theft-What Every Woman
Should Know." For informa-
Stion, call Carolyn Roth at 904-
992-7463 or Babs Hartmann at

Jan. 3
Tap Classes: Beginning and
Intermediate Tap Classes are
offered Monday mornings and
Wednesday nights, starting
Jarn. 3, at the Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center.
Monday's classes are as fol-
lows: Beginning class starts at
10 a.m.; Intermediate begins at
11 a.m. The Wednesday.
Beginrung class starts at 6:30
p.m. Call Jane at 241-0432 for

December 29, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

registration information.

Thursday, Jan.
Legion Auxiliary: Ocean
Beaches American Legion
Auxiliary Unit 129 meets at
7:30 p.m. at the Legion Post,
1151 4th St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Members are encour-
aged to bring a guest. For
information, call.249-2266 or'
242-0042. :' '

Strollerfit: Atlantic Beach
Parks and Recreation offers
seven Strollerfit Classes at Bull
Memorial Park during January:
Jan.i 4;8, 11, 15,18, 22 and 29.
Each class runs from 8:30 to
9:30 a.m. Call 247-5828 for

Friday, Jan. 5
Brown\. Bag Lunch: The
GTM Reserve holds its Tanuary
.Brown Bag Lunch Lecture at
noon, at the GITM
Environmental Education
Center's, auditorium. The
January session will be about
Bears of Alaska,, as presented by
vohinteer Joe Shannon, a fre-
quent visitor to'the northern-
most state. Attendees should
bring lunches .and questions.
The lecture is, free and open.to
the public. Brown Bag
Lectures take place the first
Friday of each month from
,noon'to 1 p.m. at the GTMN
Reserve : Environmental
Education Center, 505 Guana
River Road. For information,
call 904-823-4500.

\Dinners at Fleet Reserve:
Fleet Reserve Association
Branch 290, 390 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach, hosts
dinners from 5 to 8 p.m. each
Friday in January. The Jan. 5
offering is Steak Night for a
$10 donation, followed by Fish
Fry for $8 Jan. 12, Ladies
Auxiliary Fleet Reserve

Association Steak [$10] or Fish
Fry [$8] Jan. 19 and Fish Fry for
$8 Jan. 26. The public is invit-
Late Night Bowl Rides:
Atlantic Beach offers late-night
skateboarding at Oceanside
Rotary Skate Park, 800
Seminole Road, from 6:30 to
11 p.m., Jan. 5, Feb. 2 and
March 2. -The entrance fee is
$10 per person. For informa-
tion, call 247-5828 or email

Mindful Eating: Discover
freedom from the diet mental-
its. A complimentary introduc-
tory session about a step-by-
step group, designed to create
a healthy relationship between
food and oneself, is offered
from 6:30 to,7:30 p.m. at 2344
,3rd St. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 270-1234 or 246-5001 for

Saturday, Jan.

FOP course: A "Certified
Basic Pistol & Advanced
Defensive Tactics and How Not
to Go To Jail" course is offered
from 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge
65 an Nassau County. A CWP
Training Certificate is includ-
ed, and range use is available.
Call Gary Belson 'at 904-491-
8358 for Information.

Healthy Back Yoga: Healthy
Back Yoga is offered four of the
next five Saturdays, Jan. 6, 13,
27 and Feb. 3, from 9:30 to
11:30 a.m. at Let's Dance
Studio, 246 SolanaRoad, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Pre-registration is
required. Classes are designed
to teach participants how to
keep their back healthy or
return their back to health. No
prior experience required. For
information, call Joan Ryan
280-4628 or email

River City Singles Club:
The River City Singles Club,
Inc., a chapter of the Singles
Association of Florida (SAF),
holds a dance from 8 to 11
p.m. at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. Live music, snacks and
refreshments are provided.
For information, call 779-

Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at
St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for informa-
Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from
9 to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
Tennis Center in Jacksonville
Beach. For information, call
Moe at 247-6221.
A senior men's doubles
tennis "C" level league plays
through April at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday
mornings. The league has
home and away matches.
Call Bob Totter at 247-1865
for information.

Kittens and cats that have
been veterinarian-checked
and tested, and that have
shots and been neutered, are
available for adoption from
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo at
Atlantic and Kernan boule-
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S. Visit wwm%.dbsajax.org
for information.


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s peciit a

GTM Offerings
TheGTM Reserve offers two events
Friday: An estuary experience from 1C
a.m. to noon, followed by a musical
celebration from 1 to 2 p.m., led by
GTM volunteer Dr. Gerson Yessin.
The estuarine experience is appro.
private for children 6-13 and is limited
to 25 participants. Registration is
required, and regular GTM Education
Center admission charges apply.
Yessin's program will be played on a
synthesizer, include a musical quiz
and end with a sing-along. Families
and children of all ages are invited to
the concert, free with admission to
the Environmental Education Center.
Registration is encouraged.
Call 904-823-4500 to register or for
information. '

Free New Year's Yoga
'Yoga with Joan & Jim offers a free
New Year's Day yoga class from 10 to
11:15 a.m. at Let's Dance Studio, 246
Solana Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. All
are welcome, beginner through expe-

rieficed students, who need to bring
yoga mats or large towels. For infor-
Smation, call loan Ryan at 280-4628 or"
Jim Ryan at 280-4130; email yoga-
joan@comcast.net and.

Hubbard House Benefit: 'Ocean
Yoga holds its annual New Year's Day
SYoga to benefit Hubbard House,
which provides safe haven for vic-
tims of abuse and their children. The
classes, which are free, include Gentle
Yoga with Kate at'10:30 a.m. and
Yoga Flow with Paula at noon. They
will be held in the Island Ballroom at
Sea Turtle Inn. Gentle Yoga is suitable
for all levels, while Yoga Flow is for
students with some experience.
Students should bring yoga mats or
large towels. For 'information, call
Kate at 742-4582 or Paula at 613-
7394;, e-mail yogakate@bellsouth.net
or www.oceanvoga.biz.

Temples and Tombs
"Temples and Tombs: Treasures of.

Egyptian Art from the British
.Museum": runs through March. 18
after opening last Friday at the
Cummer Museum, .829 Riverside.
Ave., Jacksonville. Exhibition hours
are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
through Monday. Special exhibition
admission is $15 for non-members
and $7 for museum members. For
information, call 904-356-6857.

First Coast Winter
First Coast Winter Lights offers an
evening of holiday entertainment. at
Reynolds Park Yacht Center on the St.
Johns River in Green Cove Springs.
The event is open from dusk to 10:30
p.m. through New Year's. Admission
is $18 per car and $40 per bus. Tickets
are available .at area Wachovia
branches and at the gate. Ice skating
costs $5 for children, $7 for adults.
SSkate rental is $3.

Countdown to 2007
Jacksonville Zoological Gardens'
Countdown to 2007 began Dec. 26
and concludes New Year's Eve. Radio
Disney holds Noon Year's Eve at .the
Zoo Dec. 31. The facility is open from
9 a.m. to 5. p.m. Call 904-757-4462.
for information.:

Photos on Display at
The photography of Wes Skiles,,
producer and modern-day explorer, is
on display and for sale through'
March 15 at the GTM Reserve
Environmental Education iCenter.
Skiles' work has spanned the globe.
The GTM Reserve Environmental
Education Center is located at 505
Guana River Road off. AIA South, 17
miles 'south of Butler Boulevard or
eight miles north of Vilano Beach.For
information, call 904-823-4500.

Art Center Gallery
Art Center Gallery, an artists coop-

erative featuring 22 local artists, some
new and some nationally and inter-
nationally acclaimed, presents a new
show in January Suzzette Solanos',
highly unusual "2 1/2 days .in
Genesis." Art Center Gallery is in The
Carling, 31 W. Adams St.,
Gallery hours are 10;30 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. Monday through Friday and 1 to,
.5 p.m. Saturday. The gallery is closed
Sunday. Call 904-614-5986.

Adventures in Art
The Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library offers a multi-experience in
the Arts at 2 p.m. Jan. 3 as represen-
tatives of the worlds of poetry, music
and art present a program combining
their talents., Sponsored by. FOCUS
Cummer and the Friends of the
Library-Ponte 'edra Beach,, poet
Carolee Bertisch reads one of 'her
poems while Dr. Gerson Yessin,. for-
mer chair of the Music Department at

See GET OUT, B-7

Noon Balloon Drop
The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach's annual New Year's Noon Balloon
Drop Party for all ages w-ill be held from
11:45 a:m, to 12:15 p.m. Dec. 30: Snacks,,
prizes, and art activities for children 'will'
be offered. The cost for non-members is
$2; members are free. For information,
280-0614 or log on to www.ccpvb.org.

Holiday Exhibitions
"An Old-Fashioned Christmas," with
photographs, postcards and other images
that reflect the Beaches' holiday season
over the past 50 years, are- on display
through the holiday season at the Beaches'
Museum and History Center. "Florida
Girls & Boys & Their Toys" is also on dis-
The Beaches Museum is in Pablo
Historical Park at the comer of. Beach
Boulevard and' 4th Street North. The
Museum is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is
$5 for adults, $4 for seniors 65 and older,
$3 for children ages 6 to 17, and free for
children under the age of 6.

Holly Jolly Trolley Tour
The olly Joly Trolley Tour of the
Nights of Lights in St. Augustine runs each
evening through Dec. 30. Tickets are $6
for adults arid $3 for children. Tours

depart from the' Historic Downtown
Parking Facility. .
For information, call 904-829-3800 or,
800-868-74S2 or visit
wwav.trolleytour s.comn. ,

Santa's Big Red

Christmas Train Tour
Santa's Big Red Train departs from 3,
Cordova St. in St. Augustine from 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m. every Friday and Saturday
through Dec. 30. Tickets are $6 for adults
and $3 for children.
For information, call 904-824-1606 or
visit www.redtrains.com.

Noon Year's Eve
Noon Year's Eve will be celebrated at
both Adventure Landing locations, '1944
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, and 4825
Blanding Blvd., Jacksonville, from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Dec. 31. The annual Noon Year's
Eve balloon drop will feature more than
500 prize-filled balloons falling for three
different age groups: 4 and under, 5 to 8
and 9 to 12. A Noon Year's Eve special of
unlimited Go-Karts, Laser Tag and Mini
Golf is offered for $10, but must be pur-
chased in order to participate in the bal-
loon drop.
Visit www.adventurelanding.com for

Make-A-Wish: Rack Room', Shoes is
holding its second annual holiday fund
drive to benefit the Make-A-Wish
Foundation;, which grants the wishes of
children with life-threatening medical
conditions. Customers donating $1 or
more receive holiday gift, tags featuring
artwork designed by wish kids. The more
than 300 Rack Room shoestores nation-
wide are taking part in the fund drive,
which runs through Dec. 31. Donations
will benefit each store's local Make-A-
Wish chapter. Rack Room Shoes has raised
nearly $350,000 for the Make-A-Wish
Foundation in the past two years..

More Make-A-Wish: Donations made
through Dec. 31 at any Adventure
Landing location for Make-A-Wish
Foundation of Central and Northeast
Florida will result in the donor's Shiny Star
being placed on Adventure Landing's
Christmas Tree.

Free New Year's Yoga
Yoga with Joan & Jim offers a free New
Year's Day yoga class from 10 a.m. to
11:15 'a.m. at Let's Dance Studio, 246
Solana Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. All are
welcome, beginner through experienced
students. Just bring a yoga mat or a large
towel. For information, call Joan Ryan at
280-4628 or Jim Ryan at 280-4130; eniail


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Weekendr f6

Twin Heart Meditation
Group: This group meets
from 4 to 5 p.m. at Ocean
Yoga Studio, 60 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. Global med-
itation from Pranic Healing
focuses on creating planetary
healing and world peace,
which begins within. Love
offerings are accepted. Call
Diane at 382-5823 for infor-

Exchange Club: The
Exchange Club of the
Jacksonville Beaches, a non-
profit community service
organization, meets each
week from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
at the Sea Turtle Inn. There
will be no meeting Dec. 29.
First-time visitors receive a
free breakfast. Those decid-
ing to join will get first-quar-
ter membership for $30.
After that, dues are $115 per
quarter. For information, call
Jack Morison at 904-318-
7162 or e-mail
inmorison @ja xbeachex-
changeclub.com. The club
website, for information
about upcoming speakers
and programs, is

Toastmasters: Beaches
Area Toastmasters Club 2862
meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. at the Atlantic Theater
on Atlantic Boulevard. -For
information, call Cvndi Rice
at 273-2759.

Railroad Club: The
Beaches Area Model Railroad
Club meets at 7 p.m. and
also Friday at 941 4th St N.,
Jacksonville Beach, behind
Sportsmania. The club is
open to anyone interested in
scale model railroading. For
information, call Dave Henk
at 641-8800 or Richard Paul
at 223-5133.






n~br 29 200 Th Bece Ledr/ot Ver LedrWekn

Holiday: Hubbard House Benefit

Get Out: First Wednesday Art Walk

Cont. from B-6
yogajoan@comcast.net and
Hubbard House Benefit:
Ocean Yoga holds its annual
New Year's Day Yoga to benefit
Hubbard House, which pro-
vides safe haven for victims of
abuse and their children. The
classes, which are flee, include
Gentle Yoga with Kate at 10:30
a.m. and Yoga Flow with Paula
at 12 p.m. They will be held in
the Jsland Ballroom at Sea
Turtle Inn. Gentle Yoga is suit-
able for all levels, while Yoga

Flow is for students with some
experience. Students should
bring yoga mats or large tow-
els. For information, call Kate
at 742-4582 or Paula at 613-
'7394; email yogakate@bell-
south.net or:

Beach Blast-Off
The South Beaches Area
Council of the St. Johns
'County Chamber of
Commerce holds Beach Blast-
Off 2007 to ring in the New
Year starting at 4 p.m. Jan. 1 at
the St. Augustine Beach Pier.

The Twelfth Night Ball, a
Jan. 6 costurre ball at
Government House in St.
Augustine, celebrates the Feast
of the Epiphany. The event
begins at 7 p.m. Tickets, which
will be sold at the door or at
the Colonial Spanish Quarter
Museum, will cost $10 per per-,
son or $15 per couple. For
information, call 377-0006 or

Cont. from B-6
UNF and an esteemed concert pianist, accompa-
nies the poem and local artist and teacher
Barbara Sarvis paints a portrait that she hears
and visualizes. The event is free and open to the
First Wednesday Art Walk
Jacksonville's First Wednesday Art Walk of the
New Year will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Jan. 3.
The event features local art, live music and his-.
torical tours in the heart of the city. 'Call
Downtown Vision at 904-634-0303, Ext. 230.
Beethoven's Emperor
The Jacksonyille Symphony Orchestra kicks
off the New Year with "Beethoven's Emperor" at

Jacoby Symphony Hall in the Center for the
Performing Arts. The three-night performance
begins at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 4 and continues at 8
p.m, Jan. 5 and Jan. 6. Maximiano Valdes is
guest conductor. For tickets, call 904-354-5547.
Absolutely Abyssinian
Absolutely Abyssinians Cat Club presents
CFA's Greater Jacksonville Cat Show from 10
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 6 and Jan. 7 at the
Morocco Shrine Auditorium, St. Johns Bluff
Road. More than 300 purebreds and household
pets from around the country are expected.
Also, Survival Outreach Sanctuary will be on
hand, for educational purposes, with'a Florida
Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and
children. For information, call 904-269-5871.

wteerS to a New Yol,



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A Special New Year's Eve dinner will be seed in Max's
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The eachs LederPont Veda LederWeekend 7

December 29,1'006,:



Weekend 8 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 29, 2006

Aroun the o
alUUAJLi '

Make some New Year's

resolutions for your home

F ew things fall by the way-
side after the New Year
faster than needles on a
Christmas tree than personal
So, instead of making a res-
olution to exercise, cut calo-
ries, stop smoking or other
things you know have failed
in the past, resolve to make
some changes at home.
These resolutions are more
likely to stick and be good
for everyone in the house,
Do the right thing
One of the first New Year
resolutions you could make
this year for your home is to
go a little greener.
This could include setting
up a recycling center in your
home or making a greater
effort at recycling items such
as newspapers and magazines,
glass, plastic, and cans.
Home centers carry large
stacking bins that you can
place right next to the garage
door and will help you sort
and hold your recyclables.
Doing right by your house
also means doing right by the
Making a few simple
changes like recycling and
changing your light bulbs to
fluorescent bulbs is good for
the earth and your utility
bills. It's a green thing.
Clear clutter
Yes, you've heard me say it
before, but clutter is a huge
problem and when you ask
most people what their No. 1
household problem is, they'll
tell you it's clutter.
\\'e continue to buy and
buy and that makes our
homes stuffed to capacity and
barely livable. Make a resolu-
tion to spend a small amount
of time on a regular interval
(say, dailvi to throw some-
thing away, recycle, or donate.
You know you have stuff
just hanging around the
house that you don't use any-



o C


m -



more, so why hang on to it?
Get clear this year.
Resolution to improve
Topping the list of my
favorite things to do at home
is to make annual goals for
my house. These goals range
from mulching landscape
beds, to painting a room or
even redecorating or buying a
new piece of furniture. I write
down all the things I want to
do on my list going from
smallest or least expensive
down to the largest, most
labor intensive or most expen-
sive. That list usually lives on
the refrigerator door and it's
amazing how great it feels to
scratch those items, one by
one, off my list.
If possible, make resolutions
that will improve your quality
of life. These can include an
item such as a new mattress -
especially when you consider
that one third of your life is
spent in bed a quality mat-
tress makes sense.
Some of the home improve-
ments I've been happiest
about include my pull-out
trash can that I installed
under the sink, the television
that we put in the kitchen so I
don't have to miss the
evening news while I make
dinner, and every single
organizing item I have ever
installed because they make
things easier to find, look
neater, and make me more

Pni..:. uDm.nT.l
This pull-out trashcan gets the trash out of sight and makes it easy to use with its simple, one-step pull-out feature. To make, I pur-
chased a pull-out trash can fixture at my local home center for about $40, removed the cabinet door myself and affixed it with
spacers to the pull-out mechanism, saving me over $150 on the cost of a door-mounted pull-out.

efficient in my home.
Thanks for having me into
your home this year.
It's an honor to write about
something that is so impor-
tant to me personally and to
be able to share my home and
my own struggles with you as
well as exciting tends, inter-
esting decor ideas, and helpful
cleaning tips.
I know 200- will be another
exciting year for us to share
over coffee again.

Please drop me a note this
year. I always write back and I
always enloy hearing from
All the best for a wonderful
2007 for you, your family and
your living space.
Kathnn nI 'eler is a home and.
tccoratin cohlinmiist. For morc
infonnation, go to wiu.A1athiri.n-
iwcbler.comi or e-mail questions to
kIithr1in'(.'kathhn n-weber.comi

Atlantic Blvd.

Orange Park



*EFT ony. Enollment fee and monthly dues required. Terms and condilions apply See dub or details. Focifies. house services, and memberships
may vary Offer expires 1/31/07. HS-5828, HS -6274
Cal Toayfora FEE1 -ayPas an Cub ou


Mou ta nReaa a azine.co rn




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piece of the


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The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader


I...L.5.SS IF IE D DECEMBER 29, 2006


100 Real Estate
110 Lots/Land For Sale
120 Homes for Sale '
125 Real Estate Wanted
130 Condos for Sale .
140 Mortgages
150 Mobie Homes for Sale
180 Comm: Property .
185 Industrial/Warehouse
200 Rental
215 Homes for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rental
270 Renul to'Sluire
2 5 Room for Rent
260 Oifie space
265 CCmm Rental
300 Free Pets
310 Pets for Sale
3?0 SaIl~E.ilsroi,
3-1i Lht ai Found PeL-
40O Nore_:
405 Trasel
415 F'er-.rais
420 LetlI Seinice..
4-5 Le.il Nonces
440 M4 C Lo r ,St Found
450 itruintonsriJ.-olo
4o0 V\\ddn
500 P-T Help %%anted
510 FTIT Heilp nied
520 lob Sernue
530 Boas Opponrtumn
510 Chdd Care
550 %%rlk \\anted
600 Ser.ice Guide
6'-1 .1 ; Cond.ioning
602 .thermtanon
60; ,al,:. Boti DeUdui,
6'6 Auh.' Repwr
6,9 B.;s sn'.:.4
612 Carp.l
613 Caierng
615 Cleaning
OI8 Elecmtmi os
61" tlecimcal ier,
620 Equip RenuLs
22 Fece;

623 Fumar Sen i~e
625 Firewood
631 Computer Services
633 Hauling '
634 Lawn Mower Sales/Serv.
635 Lawn/Landscpg
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain ouiiter
6o01 RemodeLCon .
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Spinler & Wells
677 Tree Service
678 Tile,
680 Upholstery
b6 \\Wallpapenng
oO tdiert Treanment
700 Mlasiage Thenpy
;10 Healtl, C re .ern
730 Care oere
800 For ile
605 MU-Ic & Inn
6I10 Anoques
815 \uinons
620 %%anted to BuK
825 Trade
630 Conigmneni
8-O Girige _Sle-
850 Girage Sale- Ji. Beach
852 G Iige .ijes Niprune Beach
854 Girage Sales N runnc Beach
657 Garage Sles Ponte edra
858 GCarae Sales of %cstr
80n Fle MNlarike
8ii] EsUlte S3ale
905 'uio Rentral
915 BOiL-
930 MolorcLcles
950 Ci iper sR%1
980 WTroL\'an-s
980 Aulowobilca


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A: N: Seagate Ave.
: S:' J. Turner Butler Blvd.
I'E: Atlantic Ocean
W: St. Johns River -
t4.5 i W hlrsie ;riiAs S' r...y.i .i 3 ..,; i U a1 t,.urn..ar.6;
sI -m :.r CIl. :'.el .' ir-. i -,r r e.gIa, ar' '.r :.r
S. i rnl, rIr.E riar I "rr-a area
1.50-1.75 (RU); 3.0-3.25 (CA); or
4.75-5 (S) Acres(s)
4,800 (RU); 8,800 (CA); or 18,067
(S) SF Net Interior
36 (RU): 62 (CA); or 108 (S) Parking
Spaces (exclusive use preferred)
'.January 19, 2007

PROPOSAL PACKAGES may be ootanead rom Mary Reed, Facilities Contract
Techncian. Soulheasi Facillies Service OHce. U S. Poslal Service 1735 Normi Brown
Road. Suile 200 Lawrenceville GA 30043-8153, 678.442.6061 or picked up locally
lrom the PoIlmasler in Jacksonville, FL 32250-9998 Assislance on Real Esiale
quealcions should be direclec to Doug Reed, Real Eslale Specialist, atl he aoove address
or cy calling 678'442-6050.


down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
or (352)236-4579.
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesville, NC, Hiawassee Riyer and
Lake Chatuga. Build your home for a life-
time. Lots range in price from $54,900
to $87,900. Call 828-389-8843 or 904-

MANDARItJ i 3 acres or. San .lose & B& ,
Meadows Resideniial or Commercial
$485k, Call Ron, Selisiaie Broker
IF YOU are interested in advertising
under Ihis calegory please call 904-
249-9033) or email:
classified @ beachesleader.com

DEERFIELD LAKES- 2.1 5 condo
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4.2. 2 car gar
Newer area very open. oeaui. sore
irpic lenced yard. corner lot Close Io
icroois' beaches Reduced io $214,900
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg .12 bener than
newly Many upgrades $298.000
HARBOR WINDS- Approx 1600sl. 3-2
like new $229,900.
HARBOR WINDS 3.2, 2 car gar. owner
musl sell lasl' 5204.900.
4 2 near schools & shops. $234,500
221-1711 OR 241-5501
Below appraisal, and recent price reduc.
lion Musl sell Bring all offers Best buy ai
ine beacr.. Gail wiin Vanguard GMAC.
2BR!2BA, completely remodeled new 30
year rool 42' ncKory cabinels. Iravenne
lone lloor, BerDet carpel and crown
molding Seller wil pay ai r cloing cosi..
$28'Q,900 463-0505.

JAX BEACH 38R 1 5BA I S.nsqh t-iF
new bain, CH&A Florida room. tenced
yard. laundry room. carporl. sprinkler sys-
tem. well, new windows., blinds, move in
ready 12 blocks Io ocean, $289 000, 7t10-
2600 534.3411
PRICE REDUCED! 4BRs3BA. very pri-
vale, 1 '3 acre o 6 blocks io beach and
goil. $239.,000: (904)463-3738.

HO 120, .

B "' .-|:<(j' '. 60x125, 91n Ave N. Make otter rool. windows & plumoing. lmi 10 beach.
305-304-9473. $259,900. (904)509-9432, (904)509-1167

s1 High Quality Brick
I[cal.lrour ;- '.-, : : ,. Executive Pool Home in
11 Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
FALY28 C0TIc BShCH Sl0 5bd/3ba w/4.400 s f & ,ep ItHing, dining. ianmjii rrm.
ardILY 8 aCH Si Gb Many con lruclor, Lipgrade.' Olersized 2 cr garage
Yad 7 cargarag' t. ~GLE 10s 8 workshop area xsaier softener. -ecurin. &
$184 Onced certrilcumsnstems Fullc.nckloc.r-.BerbercaLrpeL
NcELVe LIN' "- g90mood flo oring. 12'i-)'\4 brick fireplace. huge kitncren
Dce CoSveredsL KSIDE /3ipantrie.Corian counters. SSappliances. I. .xnplas .i mna~er eite i
DR. Open reen poPrch K 3,2 200 plui* i c :t closet [pace. 6 'iturlpooil tun 4'\4' .o o.r, &. ~s much
Slo 63 r new fLR& 'more' 90,,140' lot &/8'S\ storage shed. 6-' bnck pAiuo. nut htl. & big
-1S6a30 arpo et, new yard' CallI oner/agent for appti $,175.000.

A 5 ENNSH CAS Ellen Poling -Wright
Consi'tf onf and~ rnrieNe reA, ,C Prudential Cell: 838-4562
pgraof g, IC.F r..,kii pa." Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
"rIBR-GRAND RE e -'I25,000 Indeperaenhif O*ned & Opalera.a Email: ellenpoling@aol.com .-
#294998 Sgo RVE CON

0C 13"U3,000 re. rtitestO

h 8"91 00B0 pst Great location and price! 2/2 with
e hardwoodfloors, vaulted ceiling ,
breakfast nook; gas fireplace and 2
car garage. This home is ready for
IR : p y I e you to move in! $299,900 MLS#

From Cottages to Castles

S ',

\ ill'k to the beach from thic all-brck home Ovrtrcr Bay model v ih almost -t.200 sq.
onr oloLse,.ir o IAA Thr, homt has been ft. 5 BRS/5 5 BA TV.o-storv bying room
lovingly rrantained. I fe.arure 4-i bedroom,, '.ith dil gas fireplace, h[r floor lbranr
3 5 bahd',. a Florda room slmuch opens [ t and gu.e' Sule it.ter suite and 3 BR
beauuul h landsca ed. enced baIckard plu, sttit plu, laIndr room on 2nd floor.
3 -c.tr gctigsn anda ieparse 3-car gile hp -ou' screened d lanai w/puol, Iareral]
'.ri a g c. a separ-at-e-a $-,r giU and ho tub. ,n deep lot that bcks to pre-
Aich ar, ajr-c.ondit oned bai $-90.,00) n .

S EElizabeth H-udginS
Prudential Network Realty's
Th-e Peal Eitote o rot c ;:.:.r,,al h cell the tE of the Fr'it Cooct lhfestle
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
( Prudential
Network Realty
i EI;t El;,beth arnd all her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Independently owned and operated 11'
1000 Sawgrasi Village Drive,'Slte 101, Poite Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Oceanfront Newer custom built 5BR.
4.SBA. with 4725 SF. Eiews ofl the ocean
fTom the east and ICW the west Office.
formal tlling and dining, tle and
hard ood floors. pool and spa. screened
lanai with hot tub, and pnvate beach.
Isle of Palms Former model tiih 2705
SF and $71.000 in upgrades on
navigable. sater..,ust bring your boat'
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluxe master suite Two
scTeened lar.ais, deck, balcony, dock wI
boat jilftl 89.000
South Hampton Water to golf tiews
compliment this 5BR, 4BA executive
home on the 17th green Chef's kitchen
n th cherry cabinets, island, conan, tile,
3 car garage. screened lanai. two bonus
rooms. corrmm pool, pnced 525k below
appraisal $750.000
Odoms Mill- Lakefroni 5BR. 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai.
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat, in-
law suite. wood and nle floors. corian
counters. t'ortral imng and dinuig. 3 car
garage, comm. pool $679.0001
Ocean Ca. Walk to the beach from
this upgraded, hght and bright 4BR.
2.5BA with loft. formal hing and dining
room. new carpet and painL tile floors,
o ersized screened lanai, iots of storage,
comm pool. $499.500
Pablo Bay Why wait to budd? This
4BR. 2BA all bnck home is ready now
En O relaung eenings on your covered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake.
Upgrades include tle. 42 inch cabinets.
open kitchen with island. corian
-I 70 I. t

Fiddlers Marsh If you are looking for a
true Florida home. look no further!
Adorable 3BR. 2BA patio home on
prerruum cul-de-sac lakefront lot in Ponie
Vedra' Florida room with pnvate lake
iews. no backdoor neighbors! Enjoy
nature at its finest iith beautiful slater
fol I. Egret,. Herons and more! $339.0010
Laurel Springs 4BR, 2BA pool home
on beautiful lakefront lot' Upgraded ule.
covered lanai overlooks screened pool.
split bedroom plan, fireplace. Enjoy
entertaining in your spacious pool area,
man\ upgrades' $345,000u
Ibis Point 4BR. 2 5BA w/loft on pnvate
culdesac. lush landscaping, fenced yard.
spnnkler. open kitchen with breakfast bar.
formal dining, designer molding. master
bedroom is dov. n iAth garden rub, comm.
poolnennis $335.000
Jax Beach Updated 4BR. 2BA coquina
home on an oersized lot t.27 acres) just
blocks to the beach! Wuood floors. fireplace,
open kitchen, formal dining. large great
room, inside laundry, screened porch., shed.
hot tub with deck 5335.000
Florentine This 3BR. 2 5BA with loft is
onlh one year old and ready now! Enjo.
peaceful lake views from your open pano.
spacious kitchen with breakfast bar, formal
It ing and dining, oversized laundry, oser
540k in upgrades' $299.00
Hunters Haven Honey .cut up the credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR/2BA
is minutes to St. Johns Town Center!
Spacious floor plan with wood laminate
and tile floors, open eat-in kitchen, formal
dining room. and oversized wooden deck
leads to private fenced backyard with
sprnrlnklpr and mtifre Irees, 2?,flio

I Contact Shawn Norton for
an appointment 534-9518.


Ocean Forest Built '99.
Best of all worlds.
Marshside community.
2400 sq. ft., 4BR/3BA + office & formal DR,
Great room w/fpic. Brkfst rm. Screened porch,
updated baths & kit, tile, stainless appliances. $545K


Call Rosemary Naughton

"She KnOWS the beaches!"

Eclectic A.B. Opportunity
Beachy, fun home, huge 85xl 35 lot, 3 blks to bch! Such rustic person-
ality & possibilities for expansion! 3/ 2, inviting LR/DR, gorgeous Wood
firs. Giant Mex. tileA Gameroom, beautiful 10th St., surrounded by
magnificent million $ new constructions. $684,000.
Nept.Beachside Elegance
Adorable 3BR gem, I home off oceanfront on corner lot! Vintage
charm, wood firs. throughout, large rooms! Sunny FL Rm invites sun-
shine in, huge brick f-place w/ cool log bin. Perfect bch. retreat! It's a
treasure! $849,000.
Lora St, Nept.-Fully Redone
Perfect home, just 4 blks to breaking waves! Totally remodeled, in &
out! Solid conc. blk., 3BR plus Office, oversized 72x 125 lot w/ room to
grow! Stunning silestone/ss kit, Italian tiled main rooms, designer de-
tails. Prof. landscaped, easy stroll to "corner." $459,000.
S.Jax. Bch.Value
Comfortable 3/3 just 5 blks to water's edge. Handsome wd. firs. dwn,
versatile Bonus up, all appliances stay, fully fenced, quiet location next
to private easement. Motivated owner is ready to go! Short walk to
Seabreeze Elem. & super restaurants. $412,000.
Immaculate South Jax. Bch.Townhome
Better than new 3BR 2.5BA, perfect condition,-2 yrs old! Barely
lived in, 2212 s.f. of casual living. Open-plan GR/DR/Kit, high ceils ideal
for entertaining! Granite/ss kit, Priv. MBR offers a "beach-peak" cov-
ered balcony. Just delightful! $423,000.
Sharp P.V. Executive Gem
Lovely 4/3.5 gem, 3 yrs. new! Plantation shutters, elegant M. Suite,
ideal guest suite dwn. Huge GR/Kit combo. High ceilings, stately foyer,
quality details. E. of AIA for easy beachwalks in A+ school district.
Seller is so ready! $590,000.
PonteVedra Patio Delight
Crisp, waterfront 2BR 2BA on large lake, enjoys amazing wildlife &
serenity. High ceilings in GR/DR/Kit, Peaceful water views, brand new
hardiboard exterior, large 2 car garage, convenient indoor utility room.
All appliances convey. $319,950

TIe Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
(904) 249-9033



I '

.. 1 .% I .. 1 .. X -r


Classified 2 ---- ----- ---- -----

Iii I~ &
- ,~, ,~, -


For More Info:
Call Cara Doud
u571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon



Hurry, it won't last at this price! $380,000
No Open House this weekend. We are available
- for personal tours. For a sneak peek, visit:
' httn'//Uwww realetatahowS.(m/115088

Need a New Home for the New Year?

Here are two options...

Option #I is ready arid waiting for you...
Enjoy daily walks on the beach when you live in this
3BR/2BA only 2 blocks away. Also featuring attached 2
car garage, new kitchen, original wood floors, vaulted
wood ceiling, newer roof and even a white picket fence
out front! $699,000.


Option# 2 can make your dreams come true...
Build your dreafn home on this 50'x120' cul-de-sac lot
in south Jax Beach w/water view & adjacent to new park.
Short bike ride to the beach. Enjoy living close to
shopping & dining areas with easy access to JTB.

We can help you find your new home,
Just call us.

Sherri Beno Realtor'
Lisa DiStefano Realtor'
PI-1 1,1h lv-i'i **f *[: H *:

MIS#316811EasiiofAIA!Beautid3ilBR ,BA I
home offers large open LR/DR u/lmarble *odl Mi LS# 318386 7 blocks to ocean. 3BR/
bumingFP.Rvaultedcetnlgs.isreenedlani, water 2.5BA, located on corner, lot, anached
sofiener.2-argarage& communir pool& ienni garage over 1600 SF.9ftceilings. $39,000
coun- 534.ifi 285-1800 241-2417
ELS# 327071 Lut, u> ,,ierfor-l I.ng i rann, AT1ANIC BEAC TOWNOMEWU
commumnn on the nlrtracoa-al. 3BR/ 5?BA. 2'730 LS# 293201 2 THS, 4/4, 3296SF each
SF,-.l-stc.ri, ,rbome w/hig -end inishie.coered Ne,. coast., elevator. 2 car arage. 2 blocks
4h Ilir r.:,f iop mi-n-ce. conc e lbk.keoraicruction
tile r,i& minutes from the beaches,. $1,184,91'00 ocean! $869,000 241-2417
ONE BLO 0 T7.LS# 318702 31 on coer. Oginal
UMLS# 331235 & ean %iew, form the LR & NMLS# 318702 31 on comer. OngnaJ
Mal:ier. ioel. 2BR/?BAcondoon 2nd floor. full, hardwood floors, fenced yard and 2 car
equip.d kitchen u/ uaher & di3er, main iing garage. Close to shops, restaurants and
areas v/ile lc.:,r. recendh painted, nee carpet & ocean. $329,900 241-2417
covered parking Great location' $39.00r
so 285-1800 CHl BEACH HOME
PERIECT HOfE INf DOPN COFI MLS# 314652 Atlanic Beach 3/2 plus den.
MIS5333525Cumpletel., updated& menculousl 155- SF. Updaud kit oak floors. 70 x 130
mairit.ned 3BR/2BA home, formal LR & DR.
iatkhen %iladlaceni FR, nie11 ,x-r & 2-car garage lot. Room forespansion Walk to the ocean!
2(.o,:, 1285-1800 $539.000 241-2417
MLS# 2%296 3BR/3BAunii /almos[t .n$' :iI
Ln upgrades.SEiomeron6thi1 r.corndo riemrnes MLS# 339138 Enjo. giving 5 blocks Irom
include s round sound theatre. s'ate-ol.the-an beach in this 4BRJ2BA pool home Nice
nmescenter */sp. saun ,itea. rroo:.ouidc,.r beachside neighborhood on qmet street.
recrationarea& pool Agenitowned $1.2500." $, 0 21-2417
ON9E'LOT-NEW PRKICE MLS# 315343 Wood floors, granite
NLS# 297456 Located on S Ponte Vedra Bl,.d.
,xLigoral 3BRt.BA auted ceilings,. hardwood couners. stainless steel appliances. upgaded
lco.rs. stamJless appbancu. coiarn., lacizza. full lightingfans & plumbing titures 1$399,9.10
fumished. Twrp-amund deck. built to ithsund 241-2417
categor, 5 force mindss $l1.250.iO) 285-1800 VACAlr LAND
MI.S#316033,inth raec.pponruraytor purchase ML S#.333601 South Ja\ Beach lot and a
a cond)o in The Carl\le on Ponie \c-dra Bld. 12 witrh ocean views. Corner lot one block
3BRfBA.-c.oer 20)0SF.etrwaordinary master BA. to the beach. $749,000 241-2417
upgrades ihrughoui Ot. 26 htakeron .ierluoksGuari.ia e
Prtse & lag,.:,n lor grea sunses 575.(00) DAVIS SHORES LOT
I85-1800 PTON IN MLS#319570 Build \our home on tius
MLS# 310037 Like-ne% 2-story brick 50xIll lot, steps liom the Conch House in
4BR/3 5BA. 3152 SF. home offers a Iloor plan St. Augustine. $249,000 241-2417
great I:or enenrarung. formal LR & DR. FR '/FRP Iw' FURNISHED HOME
FlRonda room, r nc & large .-ooded back vard that
back ro preserve. comruniry amenines include MLS# 321462 Well kept 3r2 m Hunters
pool. t.enns& more ,579.0, i285-1800 Green. Large fenced yard. Available
UllZ IEACK COSSI funmished. $234,900 241-2417
M1LS318778Absolutelycharming2BR2 5BA IAKTFO POOL OME
rornhome. LR u./hood burning FP. vaulted MLS# 3161094/2, laminate andfile floors,
ietlhng. first l..r master. filed screned patn, plant shelves, new A/C, pool, fenced ard
pniate coiirtard. garage. 2 ,earold rool, neker
berbercarpeL Pnriced rosell $305i.(i 2Z85-1800 on stocked lake. $274,900
MLS# 333229 4-ple%. 2 blocks ro beach & VACA1 COMMERIIAL LOMT
eicelleri ,ornidijrun'T1co I BR'IBA iriL. I 'i./FP.
orne 2BR/IBA +FT'.orie 3BR/IBA*- FPtirLi.alp MNL S#300576 Atlantic Beach lot.Greal tfor
p'ol & ;pa. hardni.ood & tle firs. l parking FpaceS 75.97*i.i 285-1800 2417
MS. 30l025 Luur) I g in rree ntl. rend tOed (ANW CONDO!
2. uior 3BR/2 5BA home AiappromacIlv 2200 NILS#332502 Atlantc Beach 2BR/2.5BA.
SF. gorgeous FR A/.,usiom FPopens to pool. ,-pa toiallyrenovated. Pnvae panow/greatocean
pergola & summer kitchen Many upgrades' %
.,' ,i 285-1800 lew. $4S9,000 241-2417
MIS 318482 Gorgeous e ,ae ,/169 F1ron the MLLS# 335155 Fabulous 4BR house with
Sti lohrins Rii.er overlooking downtown
Jucklonville This majestic 3.sionr home is 2-story, 1BR/1BA detached guest'
eleganJy appointed & features 5BR'5 rU & 2 half houise.Ocean views,large lot, inground po)l.
BA. game roem, a ine cellar. pool & spa +d.:k & granite counters, tle, hardwood floors, and
tl.at houas.. 4.2,,l. 285-1800 move-m ready! $1,599,000 241-2417

HIDDEN PARADISE. 2-story 3/2.5 w/ig.
bonus room, FP, pool, jacuzzi. Motivated.-
$380,000, (904)246-1760. ,
WEST BEACHES, Pablo Point, 3/2 +loft,
$299,000. 631-3029.
'2BA, 2300sqft., hardwood floors, mint
condition, $579,000, Steve McGuire,
4BR/3 5BA, granite :ounlers Inu-oul
Large screened porcn A uusi Seei
$585.000 (9041536-7007
NEPTUNE BEACH, concrete block. 4
;h blocks from ocean $268,000. 372-4-177.
(e JUST REDUCED $20.000 lor a quick
sale 2 or 3 BR, 2 lull BA. enlra large lot
Dy in-ground pool wilacuzzi. pool house lire-
place. ic 0O- upgrades. 5359.000 Carl
Dee. 219-1620

2BR/1BA, CH&A, large yard, Florida
room, new flooring, owner will pay closing
costs. 4155 Eve Dr. East. $116,000. Call
ATLANTIC BCH, Large Duplex, 2BR
1.5BA, .tile floors, wood floors in bed-
rooms. Nice backyard. $250,000 each
side. Owner 241-8508.
PONTE VEDRA/N Sawgrass/ Oakbridge.
Cute, 3/2/2, on lake, park like getting, cul-
de-sac, newly remodeled.. $299,000.
3BR/1BA, great sianer home or invest-
menri rce loi w/screened porch & fenced
yard concrete block, 100'o financing
available $199.000. Call 247-9244 or
3BR/2BA. laroe mailer w/oafh, hardwood
Iloors, iireplare. 1400sqn. $249,000 Call
247-9244 or 651.6748

v,,11 1%MLS# 337406 (Duplex) Whole duplex is for
. sale or $259,000 each side excellent condition.
SBoth units well cared for new kitchens, Spanish
tile floors and carpet, private backyard, walk to
beach, schools and shopping. Price is $499,000

MLS# 299269 (Residential) 1927 Beachside Ct
Price: $1,895,000 4 Bed 3 bath 1 half bath.
This magnificent home is a Wm Morgan masterpiece
& recd the 'Excellence in Design Award' from Ihe
Amer.Inst.of Architects in Jax. Home has over 1800
SF of cov. porches. Home is built around a lovely
bay tree. The micronesran metal roof design affords
beautiful ocean views, artist s studio, dumb waiter or
elevator, huge 3 car gar & sep entry io full guest
suite. One of the most unique homes in Jax.

759-8827 iceUF
241-2417 ext. 209(office)

network Realty c -,
Ir, i pcp n cnily
Om neJ & Operated

Marvin & Floyd Realty Inc.
Website http://marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
Il Oceanfront Condo Furnished 3ra IloG lacing Ihe counyard. Pool. clubrnouse 5309,000
212 Oceanfronl Condo- 1346sq'. 41n floor. 264sq' balcony overioc.oling ire each $699,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Near Intiacoasial and million $ condos. 3 lois with 2/2 750sq' rcuse1 i sol as is). $250,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville. FL
2/1 house 940sq; on .14 acres Near Imnracoasial and million $ condos S175,000
Luxury Ocearilro:ri Condo 21 36.1. /2 125 plus den 436sq le:P Iriiraccaslal & ccearview $881,100
Residenial,'cormmeicial 1626sq in 3 buildings Dusinress plus 2 et apfi Nr ocean $799,000
22 condo 1261:isq' Ground floor Pool, Tennis Couns $199,500
3/2 house l896se'. Fenced back yard. Lawn mainlenanrce included $1,600 mth

Find a Home

, -to GOQW in!

When it's time to find your
dream home, check out our
Homes for Sale Section
of the Classifieds.
Have you been looking for a new home for your family'
A place where neighbors really know each olher.
where people put down roots, where you know
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Subscribe today!

margi -petitt



Updated Seaplace 3bdnn Condo,
Ground Fir 1/2 block to the Ocean in
Old Atlantic Beach!
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC, updated baths, fresh paint, new
stove & microwave. $298,000
Contemporary Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba Open Fir Pin Rich wood
accents throughout extensive deck & tree
canopy, Perfect mix of home, privacy, and
nature. Seller will pay $5000 towards buyers
closing costs. $625,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator. 2-car garage!
Construction complete in 3 months. High-
End Finish Levels Offered at $1,175,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Seha Marina
3-story w/elevator. 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq
ft, office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot
size: 85 x 142. Maintenance free: concrete
block & stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl
shake on 2nd & 3rd levels. $1.175,000
Completely Remodeled
Old Atlantic Beach Home -
I Block to Ocean

Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence -
perfectly manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba. master
upstairs, 2700 Sf, 62.5x125 lot size, room for
pool. Maple hardwood floors throughout. 2-car
garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Atlantic Beach -
Seaside Gated Community Luxury HOMEI
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-art
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with
this quality in finish levels at this price today.
IT's AWESOME! 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story, all
bdrms up, 3486 sq ft, Mediterranean style with
barrel tile roof. Private Beach access.

Awesome Investment Property
3Bdrm 2Ba Townhome-Great condition! 2-
story, 2Bdrm and 1 Ba up and Master bdrm
down, 1400 sq ft, currently renting for
$900/per month. Taketwith or without tenants.
Raw Vacant Land Available W. Atlantic Bch.
Parcel size 150 x 630 Can subdivide into 9-
12 residential lots Duval County. $469,000.
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow
Awesome Investment 5204,000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1-story, new red oak floors
throughout, new roof, approx. 1300 SF, lot size

Great Investment Opportunity -
East of 3rd Street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent Studio
Apartments. Only steps to the ocean!
Offered at $639,000

"Hot" Oceans Edge Condos:,
East of 3rd Street NEW South Jax Beach
3 BR/2BA $395,500,
Lowest price 3 Bedroom: $437,544
-The Palms: 2 bdrm/Zba Condo
that is a 10+++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss it! 2Bdrm/
2Ba 2r'l floor condo with custom
cabinets, new sinks and granite in
Kitchen and baths. $187,000
Completely Remodeled w/the finest
CORNER Unit w/wrap around porches
3 bdrm/2ba. custom cabinets, granite
and much, much morel!! Furnishings
optional. $799,000
Investment Property Mult-family
I" St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views.
West side of 1st Street, multi-family, 2
bldgs, corner lot 62.5x85, updated over
last 3 yrs $949,000



Former model home 4/BD 4/BA 4.239 sq. ft. and on a
corner lot thai backs 10 a-conservaiion preserve.
Gorgeous dining room. gourmet lichen, spacious
'.- ', master saiie Loft area/bonus room upstairs overlooks
spacious FR & wonderful %iewks of preene, lanai, & gorgeous screened pool
w/spa area. $1,199,000

S~ay~-.t 3/,,J& 2/W. ., /*.l

Large Great Room slidingg glass doors to
gorgeous screened pool & spa Crown molding
throughout, spacious kitchen, beautiful master
suiite w/his & her closets. Garden rub & separate
showers. Fully fenced backyard backs to preserve, Senmcon & spnnkler systems
& many other exuas. $398.000

Rosemary Kristoff REALTOR-'
Prudental Network Realt'"s Muln-Million Dollar Producer
904-333-4841 cell or 904-2:5-1800 est. 3074 office
(.i Prudential Email: rosemkl@bell'outh.net ...
Network Realty go Independend:, ow ned and operated ';

Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 3, Atlantic Beach

L ~m



(ight off JTB) in neighborhood setting w/no cdd fees or
restrictions in one of these large, beautiful executive homes.
Room for children, hobbies and entertaining
in these amazingly efficient 5 bed/4 bath or .
4 D1 /.. Dar norti i e_ at- -'j 's'f

_I________ _________

4 bed/3.5 bath bomes. .1. 1 N i
Call Linda Pomerantz at h ia, l
923-8030 o ER r.'O E RT _



I -~ I




The Bear~es Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

,,'I- 1_ .t':; ^ J


NhwIdT.Wo -.1w. q*mm



Awesome 3bd/2ba with granite, hardwoods, fres
paint inside & out, and the perfect location! Bik
to the beach or Town Center! Or simply relax b
the cozy fireplace --the choice is yours..

Seller to pay closing costs
w/ accepted offer!

flcemmher 29. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, tons of
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits.on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office

Gorgeous two story condo 2BR/2BA,
features granite countertops, oversized
microwave, and washer/dryer. Fully
equipped clubhouse with tennis and
basketball courts. $194,500 MLS 318903
Fantastic 2BR/2BA home, with a great golf
course view. Oversized shower- and big
storage shed. A steal at the beach. Very nice
home for a very good price. LOOK NOW!
$194,900 MLS 333205
Beautiful 2B/2R/2BA two story town home.
Features stainless steel appliances, 42"
cabinets,; ceramic tile and screened porch.
Mediterranean style. Fabulous clubhouse,
tennis and basketball courts, fitness center,
pool, sauna, and hot tub. A great buy!
$204,000 MLS 314435
2BR/2BA in Ponte Vedra Beach. One car
garage with workshop space. All liicilesz
steel appliances. Tumbled stone c.inier
tops in kitchen and bath, 18-inr, cerrmc
tile throughout living a nd porch.
American home shield warranty offered by
,elilc .223.950 MILS325561
3BR.'BrA hm on tcomia ui T hi,:.ome
boD i; mal e pr,. C1., Of i, ,', Cul dea r ac; T.. *:i
caIE rgeC All pplrar-c, "UNei, if,: -
kitchen. breikil.' rea. and rSter bar,
o,el, .-..:d burmig fireplace
$229,900 MLS 336609
11039 CASTLE% [N CR E
\\rLdcerl'ul .3BR: 25B i..' -n homre
De-irJble Galt Parl."a", arei T io c jr
gifge Tie ini kilchen.r cnirh. i,.l dining
roo:,m \%ahef jri, d.er ,c-rlcJ Med k n.
L. F.jfadJ $259.900 MNL.S 340901
Ab l.ei ei nrnng ?BR2 5BA h'om-
Toijll', remu.Jeled from >-to p 10 t oiiou ,-h 11
large ide 'Ad and ra '.01 pt in b tack
Ne'. mrnple pitcher, cabiriet. rnid tarilenk
Le- 'r-r.hlji,- e. B u d in ni i ll c riie rrij -l.u I
'.,bo ,ici l ri-% lighi rand ath 4h'r i '
F.uie.,i. c Lr i-._.,ih $295,900 IMlS,
Immaculate 3BR/2.5BA town home.
island liecA' fror ro.fo or.F deck Outli&de
shower Ver, fn.ce kichn h itn hIhrik'.ri
ba.r \jjdd lrfiil r.':.rri. include Djl:,'''. '.
Igeii rooe m. *rl'l rige r.i.mn. and laundry [
utility inside. $314,000 MLS 337028
Lovely 4BR/'BA home with screenedd
,. Ia.r-l J. %i.', I .I r' cijie ,'lrL c and inkacrei'T I
'ecuriii throughout the hu e Graci g alden
iab a.,n ':.'od "1,oor hr,,u'ghC'ur A mu ,[
.cee' 379.000 MLS 342344
Lreit -IBR'2B durple, :r. cme'On rni'. a
imnali home inh mother in la., tuiie TA.:.
b.lc.Ci from f l': ,ne- ir l V,., d i... ri and
Leerrd F..clhe, -th a I ,o- arc ia
$449,995 MLS 321464
' 5BR 'BA hi:rme on pirecr.e loi inie cCar
garage, huge master suite, loft area.
SEnlioed ila ..open 11.'.'r pln. I. ung and
dinirq: J'ea lirg e -rio.-.u h ,r reriai ,,i-rn ja
crowd. Convenient location, close to the
beach and downtown. $530,000 MLS
Delightful 5BR/3.5BA family home with
a three way split BR plan. Family ro:":m
with fireplace, separate living and dining
rooms. Enjoy the screen lanai overlooking
the private wooded lot. Bring your canoe
or kayak to launchh from your backyard.
$574,900 MLS 331124
Beautiful 5BR/4BA spacious brick home
in PVB on preserve lot. Extra large dining
room. Huge great room with wet bar and
sliding .glass wall out to enclosed family
room overlooking preserve. Lots of storage
in garage and laundry room. Great buy!
$599,000 MLS 309764
Fabulous 4BR/2.5BA home acro from
Mayo. Boat lovers dream! Gre.,i .. ,'
water. Floating dock and a 12,i.i, fo u.rd
boat lift. Huge kitchen and Florida room.
Wonderful for entertaining. $829,500
MLS 339677
174 15TH ST
Cute. 3BR/2BA )some sold as is on two
Separate building lot. Three houses from
Sthe ocean. Gorgeous remodeled end unit.
t Large side yard, paved patio and two car
garage. Wall to wall carpet and great room.
$1,150,000 MLS 316675

AtIlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804



Put the Leader

to Work for You!

4BR/2BA w/pool! 2000+sf., new
roof, HVAC, fence, flooring,
windows, garage door. Reduced to
2BR/2BA, off Hodges Blvd.- near
JTB- 3rd floor unit. $165,900.
TWO 1BR/ 1BA +loft Ponte Vedra
Beach Condos, upgrades including
granite & tile floors, fireplace, custom
lighting, private beach access, tennis,
fitness room. 1 unit currently leased.
$189,900 & $195,900:..
15TH AVE. S.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA,
adorable with huge great room,
private back ard, great f.or
entertaining, Low maintenance
landscaping. $319,900. .
2BR/2BA. downstairs unit. replace,
%kood floors, I car garage. Offered at
Off Solano Rd. one has small beach.
cottage, been remodeled. Take
advantage of golf views or purchase
both for your dream home... Not
many like this! 2BR/2BA beach
cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
3BR/2BA. Just minutes: to ocean,
remodeled kitchen, 2 car garage.
Steps to'playground x/tennis counts'

I BUY Houses. Best prices paid. Call John

PELICAN Point $730k, LandMark $950k,
WaterMark $996k. Call Renee L. Baron,
Inc. for a tour (904) 242-2821.
BEAUTIFUL 1/1 condo! Relocating, must
sell -$132,000. Vaulted ceilings, bonus
room and much more. Within Windsor
Parke golf community. Minutes from the
beach, Town Center, Mayo Clinic & UNF.
Amazing amenities: pool, jacuzzi, club-
house, fitness center, -sand volley ball,
tennis, basketball, and car wash. No more
time wasted on yard work! Walking dis-
tance to grocery store, dining, and coffee
shop. (904)502-8619.
WATERFRONT ICW condo (townhome)
w/40'+ dock, large 2BR/2.5BA, all tile
downstairs w/wet bar; clubhouse w/pool;
low monthly' fees. Will sacrifice for
$340,000. Ask about free 26' boat. Call
247-9244 or 651-6748.
COZY CONDO in PVB, FL '$249,900.
View Infotube Ad No. 154740. A MUST
SEE! 2BR/2BA in quiet cul-de-sac, fully-
remodeled w/tille, new carpet, huge
screened-in patio overlooking lake, new
kitchen cabinets, appliances, fireplace &
private entry garage, w/plenty of storage
space. Full access to pool, tennis courts, 3
blocks from the ocean. Call 707-7986 or
BEAUTIFUL SAWGRASS beach club villa
totally updated $258,000, (904)280-5170
or 616-5274. .
PVB- 1BR/1BA, 550sf, -tiled, ground floor,'
Stated, golf course view; $135,900.

SeaState Realty Corp.
The Listing Specialist
A. MLS/ NEFAR Member
SWaterfront Community Condos
2BR/2BA w/den -$129,900
2BR/2BA -$113,900 '
1BR/1BA-$85,000 ,IEE: '
$137,500 III1uni]iM:a i:.slmat
Call' Larry Dukes, Broker
(904) 537-0679

Timberlin Park Investor Special
i///////////////////////////////////////// / // ////////////
Lovely 2/2 in Timberlin Park, new paint/carpet.
2nd floor w/woods view, garage & all appliances.
MLS# 330283 $151,500. Tenant occ./perfect for
Call Mike Evans -I JUNUU

Brand New Oceanfront Condo
3BR/3.5BA/2,600SF of luxury living & unparalleled amenities.
Located on one of the lower floors close to covered garage &
amenities center. Approx. $40,000 in upgrades. Great location,
incredible ocean views.$ 1,479,000

Newly Listed Sawgrass CC Condo
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.5BA condo w/popular townhome floor
plan w/wood floor approx. 1700SF.EWater to golf views, large lanai,
new roof and newly remodeled exterior.$395,000

Tiffon Cove in Sawgrass CC
Beautifully renovated 2BR/2BA condo, hardwoods, kit. w/new
cabinets, stainless steel appliances, Corian countertops, fully
furnished & overlooking lagoon. Great for second home or
investment. $337,000

REDUCED Ocean View 3/3 2,100SF!
Developer unit released. Saturniaflooring & beautiful appointments.
7th FL end unit condow/open views of the Atlantic Ocean.
Large BR's w/spacious BA for each, large walk-in closets.
Large kitchen open to family room w/ocean views. $895,000

Call Lynn Saul 904-859-9100
Over 20 Million in Sales in 2005.


* Best Rates
* Best Service
* Best Solutions
* Check Rates
* Get Info
* Get Pre-qualified

PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAX: 904-247-7475




Lease Space Available
Heritage Bank Building
3,000 square feet of prime ground floor space located on
A I A and CR 2'10 (Across from the PonteVedra Post Office).
High visibility location with ample parking spaces.
Availability for occupancy on January I, 2007.
Interested parties should call 280-5655
and ask for Jim Strickland or Greg Tot ten.
..- .gy.

We're exploding with news
you want to hear!

Find the latest local news,
sports, and weather

+information in one place.
I' i "* Get up-to-the-minute.updates
po online at
Sr IkIP fI V www.beachesleader.com.
., : l L l4 Call today
DONNA DIANE 904-249-9033
SANDIFORD BARR to subscribe
386-5800 234-9997 BeL

FbL kowue t ecouL kmwLea

One 6 t8eae ctd0a wiewe!k!

Get away from it all when you come home to this 2BR/2BA PVB condo. Living this
close to grocery, restaurants, & more you can leave your car parked on weekends.
Gated, pool, fitness center. Seller paying 1 year condo fees for you! $195,000.

Surrounded by marsh in this 3BR/2BA condo tucked out of the way. Garage, all
appliances, fireplace & more. Gated" community with 2 pools, movie t eater, witness
room, cabanas & more. $248,000.

Peace & quite is yours! 3BR/2BA w/garage, end unit, no one above you, water &
wooded views. Incl. washer/dryer & kitchen appliances, screened lanai. Gated, fitness,
pool, hot tub, boat/RV storage. $255,000.

Listen to the ocean from your balcony at this 2BR/2BA condo in quaint Atlantic
Beach. Renovated with new kitchen & baths. Only 1/2 block to the ocean.
Community pool. Mo. fee includes water/sewer. $3 10,000.

1BR, 2BR, and 3BR condos in new Ocean's Edge community east of AlA in
south Jax Beach. Brand new & beautiful! Elegant clubhouse, pool, fitness
center. From low $300,000's Call for pricing and availability. .

The Condo


FLOOR 1 bedroom w/GARAGE. Marsh views from ig screened
lanai. Gated, pool, clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495
REDUCED! $149,500
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block.
Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block td the beach, 1 block to
shopping. MLS# 307553 $438,800 Bidg C #32
lanai. 3/2 with 18" tiles and berber carpet. Gated, garage, Pool/
clubhouse. -Corner unit. MLS#328788 HUGE REDUCTION to
' 2 bedroom. Beautiful ground floor,with wooded views. Wood
floors, tile, fireplace, crown moulding. GARAGE. MLSi 326635

STONEBRIDGE LARGEST 3bdrm with 2 master suites. 1408
SF, tile, screened lanai, roomy & bright. CARPORT. MLS#
327334 Reduced $164,500.
STONEBRIDGE CARPORT with condo, 3/2 top floor, no
one above end unit. New carpet, fresh paint, ready for move
in. A' cond. Gated community. MLS#300731 $156,900


'WO4, --ft




As of

The Beaches Leader,

Pontc Vedra Leader


rar~Tlri~[rl~rYEicl i~j~L~-

How to write a
classified ad
-that works,..

( *+Be Complete. ,

Put yourself in the reader's place.
If you were considering buying this
item, what would you want to
know about it? Give the item's
age, condition, size, brand name
and any other information needed
to describeit accurately and

(Don't Exaggerate.

Misleading information may bring
potential buyers to your home but
it won't help you make the sale.

(Include Price,)

Price is one of the biggest
concerns of classified shoppers.
Ads that list prices will get their
attention. Including price also
helps you avoid inquires from
callers not in your price range.

C Be Available. ,

List your telephone number or
address so that the potential buyer
will know how to contact you.
State best hours to call so they'll
know when they can reach you. If
you're not home when an
interested prospect call, the
chances are that prospect will not
call you back.

(Need Helpj.

Feel free to ask for help because
help is free for the asking. Our
staff of professional sales
representatives write dozens of
ads every day and they know the
information and action words that
will help make the sale.

Let me Help You Find Your new home!

Shlerri eno, Reaftoir

904- 651-1830

-- '-~---Cr~- --) -~~~

m iIII-sill: MA k

Former manager's residence'on a peace-
ful lot in beautiful community of Portside,
just 5 minutes to the Beach! 1981 Twin
Manor, 23x60, 3BR/2BA, double wide in
excellent condition. Upgrades include:
newer roof, newer carpet, newer gutters,
27x10 screened, covered patio, large
shed, huge RV carport & cement pad, all
appliances stay. Beautiful mobile home
community with 2 pools, tennis courts &
clubhouse. Lot rent $300/mo. Will rent to
bwn. $18,000. Can Dan @ 509-4382.

ST JOHNS Bluff/ Beach Blvd. Condo
warehouse for sale, 2400sf. $220,000.
Call 246-1152.
2800sf., $2800/mo : includes utilities. Call
Bart @ 241-3111 (Ext. 11).

W Personalized
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.


MW ORI -I mo~lb I'4rlll LF;I"rB

W-milTa fm gn i1


R 1. 1 1, 1 1) R


December 29, 2006

The BpeahePs T LaIdr/Ponte Vedra Leader

,'1i r i A

ATLANTIC BEACH, 706 Cavalla Rd.
2BR/1.5BA, WDHU, enclosed porch.
$775/mo. +$775/dep. 514-8761.

CH/A, WDHU. East of let St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
JAX BEACH 2BR/1BA apartment, WDHU,
CH&A, fireplace, 1 block from ocean
$875/mo. Call 566-1287
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. Nice mod-
emr well taken care ol 2BR Api All amen.
les, $980/mo Also 1 BR Apt $775/mo

POITE VEDRA Townhouse 2/2 includes
washer/ dryer, screened in porch. lake
view $1300/mp. 571-5517
JAX BEACH. 3BR/2BA spacious bngni
end unit, garage, larai. pool. gated, close
to JTB, blocks to beach. $1350tmo
(904)327-9788 .
NEAR PONTE Vedra, 1 block beach. Best
area. quiel. sale esiadential neighbor.
nood. 2BR;lBA lower duplex. New paint,
CH&A, W'D included. 1o smoking Smaill
pet considered $950,mo, lease deposit
993-1118 .

Ocean Grose Condo, 1/1, ground
floor. $850/mo.
Fabulous 4/2, pool, $2200. 2300 SF
The Palms, 2/2, $1095 includes
cable, 1100 SF
210 & 195
2/2.5, 1300 SF, Brand new $1100
3 & 4 BR $1200-$1350
Near UNT- 3/2, 1400 SF $1295

Parks-Lyon .


Jax Beach
+ 2BR 2B.\ cordc, Fl -,glr Ci.-.isir.g
2 bt)lckF lrom ,:ccarn. lie carpel
$1 iiU/mo
_BR/2B.-THI, Mi.-,yp.i L.rindiig.
$75ij $795,'rT,:.
+ 3BR/2BA. M. l',poir Larndinrg,
new c.trpei. no., ppli.rinces
+ 3/2 H, Hidden Co'e, 2 car garage ,'n
pond, freshly painted 1500 SF -
$1 1951'mo
2'2 Condo. Deerfield Lakes. nice u1.,I,
pool. \VW/D h,,oo-.,p Soinm
Neptune Beach
3BR/i 5B.Api A r:; i tri (O):.a.i 1
Wood Floor i---'..ier' iric.ludc-d. O 1 jh =

Call us for
Professional Property Management

PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA patio home
Club pool, tennis & morel $1200/mo. All
South Realty, 241-4141.
NEPTUNE BCH,'charming 2BR ,1BA apt,
1 block from beach, storage & laundry
hook up, wood floors, new appliances &
A/C. $1000/mo. Call Rick 891-2345.
JAX BEACH Efficiency garage apt. just 4
blocks to ocean. $500/mo. All South Real-
ty, 24'1-4141.
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 985-B 2nd
Street South, 2BR/1BA, washer/ dryer,
$875/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190.
NEPTUNE BEACH lowrnnouse
2BR. 1 5BA newly renovated. ktcnen
equipped, WDHU, tenced yard No pels
$800/rno. deposit (904)221-5833
BEACHFRONT 1BR, 1BA 108 Orange
Si Nep Bch, downslairs, $1050-mo vinci
until (661)803.6275
PVB, 3BR/2BA Townhouse, 1280sf., W/D,
screened porcr, $1100;imo May give
oplion Io buy 904.537-40'2
LARGE 1 bedroom E~celleri location 2
blocks 10 ocean Very clean H.o Pels
$675'mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219..
. 2,1 $895.'MO plus dep.iwili work with de-
posil) WalK to beacn. 115 18th Ave. N:,
Unit B. (904)525-5551;
JAX BCH emrciency api. $650/mc.'
$650trep. 1BR apl $750-mo $750-dep
7-12 mos. lease Sea Villa. 920 2nd Sil N

JAX BEACH, 2BR townhouse, near
ocean, CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo.
+$500/dep. 246-3130.
,2BR 1.5BA townhouse, PVB. r000st, all
appl., wood floor, porcelain tile, scr. lanai,
adequate storage, many upgrades.
$850/mo. Please'call (904)246-5818.
2BR/2BA AT The. Palms in Jax Beach,
great amenities, recently remodeled, ga-
rage. Small pets OK. $1050/mo.

floor. Large deck, 1 block to beach.
$1050/mo. includes water. 241-0897.
ATLANTIC, BCH 2BR/1.5BA Townhome.
$800/mo. +$800 security, dep. Avail'
1/14/07, 241-8508. .
$850/mo., 287 Ahem St., $800/mo., 2
blocks to ocean, across from Town Cen.
let 21BR. BA, CH&A hardwood floors, Wile
bath & kitcnen. No pels. $800 deposit, wa-
let garbage & sewer included in renl
OCEANSIDE, 1BRjiBA studio api lusl
sieps to ocean'i 650imo Also 2BR/2BA
lor $995mo All South Realty, 241-4141I
MOBILE HOMES $525 to $575, on pn-
,ale lots Near Mayport Naval Statnon no
,logs, 333-5579
NEPTUNE, GORGEOUS duplex, 3/2,
1.5 Diks to ocean, gar Downslairs,
$1300'mo Upsiairs- caihearai ceilings.
irpic $1700.'mo (9041993-9191.


We have OCEANFRONT properties as well

As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,

All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:

4BeachesRealty.com or call:

4-Beaches Realty at: 904/249-3077

WMay the coming year

S9 1be full ofgood things

Hfor you,

"" ( ) *your family

I f and friends.

S Best wishes

\ for the new year!

BEACH Living at its Finest
* 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments & Townhomes
* Walk to Ocean, Schools & Shopping
* Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

,,_ (Corner of Penman & Seagate)


808 1st St S., JB. Apt 3. 888-259-0783.

LUXURIOUS Pelican. Point. 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
1-1/2 BLOCRS to Ocean, 1st Ave South,
1BR/1BA $685/mo (904)891-0606

JAX BEACH 1BR/1BA Apt. 119 5th Ave.
So. Pool, off street parking, across street
from beach, hardwood floors/ carpeting.
$850/mo. (904)273-5206.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2. blocks to Ocean,. very
clean., No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
JAX BCH- 116 13th Ave N., downstairs,
1/2 DIK to ben, 2BR/1BA, CH&A, $995/mo,
tdep Avail April '0I. (9041472-3699

BEACHES/ PVB 1, 2, & 3BR with ocean
views, from $800/mo., 233-4545.
MAYPORT LANDING Townhome 2/2, end
unit. CH&A, tile floor, 1177 Songbird Lane.
$825/mo. 280-2728 leave message
NORTH JAX Beach. Efficiency. $495/mo
1BR. $595rmo. 1 block to Ocean. Pool. No
pets. 249-5368.
ATLANTIC BEACH off Seminole Rd.
Beautiful newer 3/2.5 townhome, 10ft ceil-
ings, lignt & bnght, hardwood floors, 1 car
gar., small lenced backyard, 8 blocks to
beach $1495/mo.. flexible terms And al-
so avail.

Jax Beach, Jardin De Mer condo Beaunl
Slul, new 2/2 wi frplc. garage First looir.
$1095/mo. Call June, Fi Trust Realty,.
S994-3608 :

ATL BCH, 2/1, carport, w/ WD/HU.
1000sf, large fenced yard, open floor plan,
lawn service, $950/mo., TDO Manage-
ment Services, 246-1125
3BR 2BA, lile floors. trplc., lacuzzi lub.
lenced bacKyard. $1400/mo. 1123 19th St
N Jax Bch 571-9248.
$850/mo Easl Coast Really. 962-7766
JAX BEACH. 3+BR'4BA, remodeled,
charming old Florida sryle home. pool, oft
street parKing, across sireel Irom beach/
park. 115 5th Ave. So, $3200/mo,
JAX BEACH. 3BR,1.5BA. 1212 151h Ave.
No. $1200/mo, 710-2600. 534.3411.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/2.5BA, 1400sf;
comer unit; well kepi townhouse, W/D,
screened porch laces nature; $1425imo.:
NEPTUNE BCH. 3BR/2BA, large yard, car
port, walk to beach, includes washer/ dry-
er. $1299/mo. 2852952.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive. 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage. fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit.
W'BEACHES IBIS Point. 3/3 wolt.ce,
2400sf. GR w/iireplace,'LR. DR, EIK, cov-
ered palio, spnnkler system, water sohen-
er, $1575/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125 .
:OCEAN CAY, 3/2, rel. rig./ wash/ dry.
lawn maint., $2200/mo, 477-3183.

PVB- SAWMILL Lakes. 3'2 all ,tle. up- modeled kitchen, S1050Jmo + deposit.
grades, $1700/mo JH Finders 536-2349 249-3214 or 945-3303.


A,1 Al;* 11 l BEACH RENTALS5 5555S5S5,55,S
SUnimrnished Homes 131 Magnolia NB, 2BR/lBA, ground floor Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home, all
Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA. new top floor large duplex, plus den, less than block to bch. tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, comm.
condo, direct oceanfront views, amenities, $1000/mo. pool. $2200/mo. .
garage. $30I00/mo. Intracoastal West l in' Uurnished Condos
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, condo has C o a Pahlmsat Marsh Landing JB
luxurious features, ocean porch, sunset porch, Bishop's Court Hodges til f amni
garage. $2800/mo. End units w/views, all appliances, amenities. eenedporchl twie floors, ageni2tes. .
430 9th Avenue N. -JB 3BR/2.5BA,twoBA, two BA, ground floor. $850/mo. 2BR/2BA, ground floor..$1000/mo.
1 stort home w/pool. fenced yard, hardwood 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $865/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
SIloors. 2 car garage $2295/mo. Overlook Southside 2BR/2BA, ground ceilings. $1050/mo. .
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA. brand new floor w/new carpet & pint, upgrades, Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit, &
construction %/incredible ocean views amenities. $975/mo. fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded. 1
0 upgrades. garage, amenities. $2000/mo. Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA, ground floor $1000/mo. .
I Pablo Beach South JB 3BR/3 5BA. three condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/private Ocean Links PV
* story townhouse w/ocean views, balconies, water view. $1000/mo. 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/fireplace, screened
Attached garage 1900/o IL Villagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA two story porch, amenities. $1100/mo
Oakbridgeat Sawgrass -PV condo w/upgrades throughout, screened porch, Jardin De Mer JB
S4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on amenities. $1200/mo. 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo wall the upgrades, ,

z Solano Cay Pg 3BR/2.5BA, two story Brightwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
Some, two car garage, comm. pool. unit townhouse, screened porch, attached Villas at Marsh Landing JB
$1500/mo. garage, club pool. $1250/mo. 3BR/2BA, ground floor end unit, screened porch, -
amenities. $1200/mo.
'! The Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse Point Meadows Place Gate Pkwy
w/wood floors,new carpet, enclosed tiled 3BR/2BA, newer top floor condo, porch,
porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. elevator, amenities; carport. $1290/mo RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
-The Courtyards Mayport of AB Windsor Parke Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two Shannon Smith
S3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit story home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed porch, (904)h285-640
w/garage, patio, balconN. overlooks lagoon. fenced backyard: $1995/mo. www.rentthebeaches.com
S- $1100/mo. NI

or 101- 0.1 .0-1Ir 101 0Z 1".I 1ZI: lo- 4 07-AX1 lr r-Ir I- V- I- 7-OV, 1Z0.-

JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sf., 1212
15th Ave. N., 12 blocks to beach, close to
Fletcher HS, Florida room, large kitchen,.
W/D, fenced yard.. $1250/mo. 710-2600,
ATLANTIC BEACH, gorgeous 3/2. No
pets. No smokers. $1000/mo. +security,
ADORABLE, 3/2, newly renovated home
in Ponte Vedra. Wood L. floors; fenced
yard, quiet neighborhood. $1295/mo.
Lawn service incl. Call 476-5071 for an
Eagle Ridge Drive. 4BR/2.5BA, 2000sf..
$1495/mo. 241-RENT or 733-3730.

'JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
Some, gated community, 2900+ s,.
4BR/3.5BA, 2 car garage, $1800/mo.
$499,900. (904)608-2579.
PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3, updated, large
lot on pond, $1650/mo. Call 234-6854.
Ron, Realtor.
N. JAX Bch, 4BB 1.5BA, newly remod-
eled, fenced backyard, garage plus shed.
Great neighborhood. $1200/mo.
3BR/1BA, 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHU w/large separate utility shed.,
fenced backyard w/tlki bar, BBQ pit. Must
see to appreciate 820 3rd Ave. S., JB.
$850/mo. +dep. Must pass credit check.
Donnie 992-0088, 246-369.0, 333-1822.
ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR, 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail. Jan.
'07. Short term lease avail. $1100/rho +
security, (904)928-3661.
fireplace, fenced yard, 3 blocks to ocean.
$1150/mo. (904)742-6423. ,
JAX.BCH, 1503 Tanglewood Rd. 3/1,
WDHU, fenced yd. $1200/mo. +sec. dep.

Classite ICD~tLtb --er/rL L-VVU

---- -- ---------
w Z a; -Zi low.111MEW.

--- ---------



Decrii iher 2Q 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 5

3BR/1.5BA, Ponte Vedra, close to Beach,
& JTB, $1200/mo., 294-111.4.
JAX BEACH, 421 17th Ave. N. 3BR/1BA,
FR w/fireplace, carport, screened porch.
$1100/mo. +$500/dep. No smoking.
543-9749, 5Q4-9200.
SOLANO WOODS, 3/2, 1600sf,, PR
w/wood floors, ceramic Iile throughout,
open kitchen with eat-in area, screened
patio, $1600/mo. TDO Management Serv-
Ices, 246-1125.
W/ BEACHES; Ibis Point, 3/2, LR/ DR/
Greatroom w/fplace, new carpet, ceramic
tile, sunroom, fenced yard, lawn service,
sprinkler system. $1650/mo. TDOe Man-
agement, 246-1125.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 1200sqft.,3/2 split
floor plan, makes for great roommate liv-
ing. 2 driveways and front entries, newly
remodeled, $1500/mo., deposit and utilit-
ies extra, small pet considered w/ deposit.
Call 237-6655 or 514-6092.
3BR/2.5BA, TOWNHOUSE, in desirable
AB, Selva Lakes. very clean, newer model
with over 1900sl 2 car garage w/WDHU.
Community pool. 5mm. bike to beacon.
Walking distance to park. $1800/mo
4.5 blocks to ocean, $1300mrno. +700 dep.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA WDHU, 1103 51h
Ave. S. $925/mo 220-5797
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhome lor lease.
2BR,2.5BA .Ioh area Many extras includ-
ing jened jacuzzi luP, oversized shower,
buili in Murphy Bed and desk space. gran-
ite counters, enclosed patio and two car
garage Community pool and only
7 blocks to beach access. Call Kevin Fol-
som Litesryles at 904-612-1191 Io see.
ATLANTIC BEACH This beautiful, water-
Ironi, 2-story lownrome with vaulted ceil-
ings features 2 bedrooms with lob/ bed-
room and 2.5 oams For additional record-
ed information. please call 861-4636. and
when prompted, enter the location number
61190. Would consider a 7 month lease.

3/2 house 1 car garage, $925'mo.
201 house. 1 car garage $950/mo.
3/2 1005s.1 5850 mo
2/1.5 iownnome. 5850/mo
2'1 duplex, $1195.'mo
3/2. 1 car gar. 1700st $1495/mo
4,2, $1795,'mo
3/2, 2 car garage, $995/mo
3/2 2 car garage. $1395/mo.
includes yard service
S 3,2. 1450sl., $1195mo.
4/2, 1774sl. 51275'mo.
-4,4 2800s1, $2495,mo.
4/2.5 $1575/mo
3'2. 154-1sl. $1195,mo
3/2. 2 car gar., 2000s1, $13951mo.
3 units. 22 & one 3/2
.. irom $990. $1250'mo
S 42, 2 car gar, 2000sl, $1350,'mo.
4 2.2car gar, 1990sl $1525,mo
4.2 5, $1950'orio
3'2. 2 car gar $950/mo
3.2. 1310st. $1395 mo
2'2 $895-mo. .,,,.'
Nire 3 & 4 bedroom houses
Pricerd Irom $1095.mo to $1825'mo
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
S. PONTE VEDRA- Like new. 3BR'2.5BA
in Turtle Snores' Club pool, tennis 8 more'
* $1950'mo All Souin Realty 241-4141
1129 Sebago Ave So.' Oak Harbor
All new 3BR.2BA, lie' carpel, lenced, no
S 12 pels. $1200,mo.
1123 Sebago Ave So 3BR/2BA. great
shape lenced, screened porch, carport no
pets. $1300/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.
PVB. 2 extremely clean 3BR homes avail-
ab le. $1550/mo and $1750,mo 285-6551,
S 614-8440
NICE 2BR/1BA townhouse Ilal Large
kitchen, appliances, ceramic tile Lois of
closely Close to beaches & Maypon 66
West 5ir Si AB. $950/mo. 465-2163
ATLANTIC BEACH Beach collage.
3BR,'aen. 1 5BA. hardwood. carpel & tile
floors, ceiling plans. large lenced backyard
wideck 5 blocks to beach, 1 year lease,
260 Belvedere ST $t200.'mo Call 246-
8294 571-1769
NEPTUNE BEACH 219 Cherry St. 1
block to ocean. 2 story beach home
3BRi2BA. 1BR'IBA guest conage. Flon-
da room w'lireplace. office/ bonus room.
large patio. appliances, WDHU. garage
$2150,mo 246-7792. 210-8002

Townhouse, 1100sf. 1415 4th St N. Jax
Beach. $1000/mo, first and last to move
In. Call (904)868-7702 or (904)333-9785
to see.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/1, large fenced
yard, new kitchen, WD/HU, tile floors,1300
sqft., $975/mc. +deposit. Available Jan. 2.
ATLANTIC BEACH, beautiful, large
2BR/2.5BA townhome, 5 blocks to beach.
fireplace, WD, $1150/mo. (904)742-6423

ATLANTIC BCH townhouse. 3.5BR/ 2BA,.
everything new. ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Musl seel $1100/mo. 465-2163.
PVB/ SOLANO Cay, 3/2, two stories,
lacuzzi, 1600sqfi., $1550/mo.. JH Finders,
536-2349, .. .
RIP TIDE, 3BR/2BA, 1760 sqit., up dated
home. $51700/mo.. very pnvate tropical
back yard, summer kitchen, 465-1310.

JAX BEACH Oceans Edge Condo Brand
new 1/1 & 2/2, granite kitchen, assign
parking, reason style pool, summer kitchen,
IlIness center, clubhouse and more. Start-
ing at $1200/mo. Call Kathryn for details
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur-
nished/ unfurnished. Available immediate.
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
tolally remodeled 8 absolutely new. New
granite & cabinets in kitchen & bath. New
tile, paint, windows & appliances. Walk-in
custom closet with Duill-ins. Covered park-
ing. Water included, $1375/mo.,
adult condo community In Atlantic Beach.
1BR/1BA, ground floor, covered parking,
pool, 55 and over. $1000/month includes
water & cable Must seel 571-5517.
AB. 3BR/2BA, furnished, ground floor.
pool $1400/mo. No peis. (904)608-4325.
the intracoastal Waterway. 3/4BR. 3.5BA,
approximately 2700st. w/marina view Re-
son style living. $2450/mo. Includes 1 -car
garage, water, sewer, cable, pool, spa,
clubhouse, health club. Marina Walk, gat-
ed communityMarsh and marina views.
40' boat slip available. Call 463-2845.
A1A/JTB NEW 3/2.5 condo. 1868 si, lull
amenities, covered parking, walk to shops,
dining. $1825/mo. Realtor/ Owner 1904)-
2BR/ 2BA. ground floor, gated community.
5 star living. $925/mo. Call Steve Macri.
Country Club Real Estate (904)662-9015.
PVB. 2BR/2BA. w/fireplace, new applian-
ces, washer/dryer, many amenities.
$1000/mo. 472-0914.
2/2 CONDO w/marsh view. Wood floors,
granite counter-tops, and fireplace Locat-
ed 12 blocks from beach ip private com-
munity. $1200/mo Call Ted for details
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo/
lease. 2BR/1 5BA. A/C, security New ap-
pliances. No pets. $850/mo. *S850/dep.
781 -6528.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA, oceanfront, 1st
floor, pool. WiD. $1800/mo. 655-6533
2BR/2BA w/garage,. 2nd floor, screened
porch, all amenities, resort life. $11751mo.
_ !

OCEANFRONT NEW 3/3, garage, consid-
er lease option, $2650/mo. 463-7343.
3/2 JAX Bch, gated community with pool,
open floor plan, spacious closets, his/ her.
sinks, beautiful views of marsh. $1250/mo.
6 months lease. Call 407-896-9405.
SEE THE OCEAN 2BR/2BA newly remod-
eled w/granite, maple cabinets, new tile
and carpel,. fireplace, WiD and balcony.
Great location In Jax Bch $1150/mo

PVB WALK/ bike beach. Large 2BR/2BA
w/garage, FP & W/D Excellent $ $1050 -
$1150/mo 635-6375.
THE PALM. 3/2, lower level, tile, carpel,
washer/ dryer, garage. $1250/mo TDO
Management Services. 246-1125
1.5BA, 2-story. Ireshly painted, new tile,
fireplace, fenced backyard. WiD
$925imo. t90l)806-2516.
BRAND NEW 3/2 Condo at Oceans Edge
in Jax Beach Fantastic location, fabulous
amenities. $1650/mo. No pets. 553-8634

terranean 3/3, 2100sf condo. Kitchen
w/granite, stainless steel appliances & 42"
cabinets. Oversized rooms, large closets,
huge screened lanai & peaceful views 1st
floor w/backyard All appliances included.
Garage w/siorage. Intracoastal waterfront,
gated community w/pool & witness center.
Minutes to Beach/ Southside for easy
commute to work, malls & restaurants
Dock space also available, $1895/mo.,
JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA, 1500st w/garage.
Jardin de Mer, vaulted ceilings, like new.
$1500/mo *deposit. No pets. Avail 2/1,
Call Jefl 613-1580.
consider lease option. $1750/mo.
MAYPORT, 2BR/2BA, $850/mo. Call

4BR/4BA. weekly, monthly, yearly Call
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
www.rentiacksonvilleDeach corn
nished homes & condosI From $500 per
weeKI All South Realty, 241-4141.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at.
laxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or

LOOKING FOR roommate to share new
condo. Must be clean, neat. 1/3 rent. utilil-
'ies, & lees, 463-2845.
roommate to share nice house in quiet
neighborhood in Atlantic Beach. 3BR/2BA.
$700 plus hall utilities. 219-4307
FURNISHED ROOM in nice apanment
near beach. $100/wk +dep. 343-2163.
ROOMMATE TO share house near
FCCJ & UNF. Fully tumished, cable.
lenced yard. $580/mo. (includes uhlites).
ROOM AVAILABLE in 3/2 house w/hot tub
in Neptune Beach, 2 blocks from beach.
Available January 1st tor $500/mo. +utilit-
ies. Call (904)662-2336

ROOM FOR RENT, $380/mo. Responsi-
ble. Non smoker. 247-2818
ATLANTIC BCH rental Looking for 2
roommates $850/mo each. includes elec-
tric & water. Phone & cable not included
Avail 1/01/07 200-8977.

OFFICE RENTAL space on South drd St.
avail, immed. downstairs, carpeted, with
built in work/ copy area including storage
& file cabinets; 1.400 sq. ft.; consisting of
5-6 indiv. office/wk areas, & 2 bathrooms,
plumbing avail. for break room/ kitchen
area. If desired, space can be subdivided.
Call 247-1770 for appt. to view.
NEPTUNE BEACH 650 sqil business ol-
lice, ample parking, 3rd Street signage,
convenient location, available January.
Call 246-9520.
tune Beach, 1200st w/5 large offices.
1400sf open floor plan build to suit), or
combine space for 2600st. Recently reno-
vaied, ample parking, water included, no
CAM. For more information. Call 246-0009
or 514-6092
NEW OFFICE SPACE in prestigious
shopping center on Beach Blvd. in Jax
Beach. Jonathan 866-6937
3010 South 3rd St. 2nd Iloor Wesl, prol
space consisting of 4 indiv. offices and a
wailing/ recp. area. Call 247-1770 for
appt. to view.

(2) OFFICE Condos. 1140sf. each, 210
west of 195 Avail 1/1/07. 904-687-3000
lease, 3629sf. Office included Large park-
ing lot, beach side of intracoastal
17701929-1721, (678)525-0854.

FREE CATS and Kihens to approved
homes Call 242-0224.
o10 the right home on a breeding contract.

FOUND DOG, short black coalt, white
markings, ihree legs. Found 12.25, 10am
between Beach & Atlantic on San Pablo
Rd.. 705-3883
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cars &
dogs. 246-3600
REWARD! I am a lost Border Collie mix
5 months old. Please call my Mommyl!!
343-3865, 422-0835.

The Board of Appeals for the City of Nep-
tune Beach, Florida will hold a Public
Hearing on Wednesday ,January 17,
2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the Neptune Beach
Municipal Building 116 First Street, to
consider Ine following
V06-21: Variance request of Ms. Melissa
Merritt for the property located at 108 Flor-.
ida Blvd. to the existing east side yard and
proposing continue the. east side yard
non-conformity and to vary the floor area
ratio. The request is to add a two-story ad-
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the board with respect to any
matter considered at'such meeting or
hearing, he or she will need a record ol
the proceedings, and for such purpose he
or she may need to ensure that a verbatim
record ol Ine proceedings are made.
which record included the testimony and
evidence upon which Ihe appeal is to be
in accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286 26, Flon-
da Stalute, persons witn disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in iris meeting should coniaci the City
Clerk's office no laler than 5 00 p.m. the
day ol the meeting.
BL 12/29/06

Missing since 12,22,06, losI in 1200 block
6th Ave. N. "Woody" is a write male cal.
with black patches on his back & black
ears, nose and tail. He is neutered and
has current rabies shots. REWARD
OFFEREDI Please call 241-4344. He is
much loved and missed.II

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category-please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classifiea@beachesleadercom

tested divorce papers WilnouI Kids (wanie
you wa1) Withln kids a little longer) Since
1981/by appi only. (904)641-2187.

,homn, Atlantic Beach S400/mo + 1/2 unlil.
les ; bvplfl9P. 24q-4646 -
SOUTH JAX Beach, large private room,
w/ bath, furnished, cable, private entrance,
CA/H, $140/wk + 5140 deposit, on bus
tine, 246-0862



tice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to
sell these vehicles on 01/15/2007,
9:00 am at 153 LEVY ROAD ATLANTIC
BEACH, FL 32233. pursuant to subsec-
tion 713.78 ofl'me Florda Statures
the right to accept or relecl any and/or all
1983 1G6AD4782D9201804 CADILLAC
1984 YV1AX8847E1037841 VOLVO
1984 1FDEEI4F4EHA42770 FORD
1985 1G1GZ37Z6FR149424 CHEVY
1986 1B3BA64E9GG253044 DODGE
:1987 1G4AH51WOHD434495 BUICK
1987 1G1JC5112HK100920 CHEVY
1988 JN1HT21S2JT127342 NISSAN
1988 1GBEG25K7J7113139 CHEVY
1988 2BCHV81S5JB545003 JEEP
1988 2GTDC19HOJ 1503654 GM CORP
1988 1G2FW2189JL240855 PONTIAC
1989 2G3AM51N5K2366425 OLDS
1989 2G TCG 15Z8K4514822 GM CORP
1989 1G1FP21S2KL163826 CHEVY
1989 1G1FP21S4KL174732 CHEVY
1990 WVWDB4500LK023539 VW
1990 4A3CS34T3LE136480 MITSUBISHI
1990 1FACP42E9LF191983 FORD
1991 4A3CS34T9ME044940 MITSUBISHI
1991 1B4GK54R2MX529023 DODGE
1991 1G3CW53LXM4332234 OLDS
1991 1G6DW54E1MR722004 CADILLAC
1992 WAUBJ54A2NN057t104 AUDI
1992 1G1JC5444N7310505 CHEVROLET
1992 4T1SKI11E2NU050879 TOYOTA
1993 4T1SK12E8PU190758 TOYOTA
1994 2CNBE 18U6R6915670 CHEVY
1994 JM1BG2248R0718540 MAZDA
1994 1G8ZK5578RZ104419 SATURN
1995 1GDEG25ZOSF524698 GM CORP
1995 1GNDT13W1S2253034 CHEVY
1996 1G8ZK527XTZ149616 SATURN
1996 3VWHD81H5TM052586 VW
1996 1G2JB5249T7545268 PONTIAC
1996 1G3AJ55MOT6333617 OLDS
1996 3B7HC13Y TM137617 DODGE
1997 1GNFK16R7VJ435140 CHEVY
1997 4C3AU52N6VE 134801 CHRYSLER
1999 JT2BG22K8X0295205 TOYOTA
1999 1GNDU06E6XD249809 CHEVY
1999 2C3HD46R1XH842361 CHRYSLER
2001 1G2NE52T01M515977 PONTIAC
2001 2C3HD46R01H620188 CHRYSLER
2004 3C4FY48B14T275062 CHRYSLER
2001 1G3GR64HX14295027 OLDS
1996 2G1FP32PXT2165342 CHEVY
BL 12/29/06

All levels styles & ages. Will come to your
home Piano Tuning also available
241-4954., 655-3300.
TUTORING, ALL subjects, all ages Rea-
sonable rates, Jax Bch 379-0345

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classified-@beacnesieader com

pendable and loving. CDA or equivalency
needed. Also looking for aheinoon Teach-
ers & Subs Call The Red School House

HELP WANTED classifications in his
newspaper are intended Io announce gen
une current ioo openings. No tees may be ;.
charged Io the prospective employee Ada
for sell-employment or business opporlu-
nilies appear under the Business Opponu-
nivies category Ads which may require
payment of lees for employment informa-
lion. guidance or Iraining may appear unr
oer Jot Service Snould anv Help Wanied.
advemser ask for a lee or if ne aveniser
is offering a product o1 f.rvice kither man
a lOb.Opening pl64 % Tni accnes 1
Leader. 2419-9033 ,
M-F, 3-6pm. for ,church preschool Some ,
experience require. 246-2891 for inter-
view Dependable applicants only
Sell moivaied, last moving. flexible, multl-
lask person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must
6pm-10:30pm. or later. Call Debbie after
2pm 285-3400. ext 3352 DFWP

at Vicar's Landing (Ponle Vedra) Compelt-
ilive pay, benefits, bonus and schlorships
awarded annually. Drug Iree workplace,
EOE Call 273-1734

bargainf bound :

WhI ., r' ur I. ',n, I '.
or onrqu trnirurv .. .i ..., ,
rctL 5if or uv','q-
ihcl rothirs rci rl d
We -. got all ,,3 ar,. *
c.erh,,ng ,n berver-,
iThe.Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
(904) 249-9033

yA mi'"r.'/ -u:"rr'' -7t-c:'7', "t"7." ~' -~~ ,'',",',, +,1' "' ," ,, ,n, ..........

-- ~,- 'in,:-,_ -


tune-up All makes, all models, $49 50. e e. -6
241.2112 Seasoned oak. Any quanlity. Pickup or
delivery. 994-2067.


from changing a lighibulb
to changing the color of your house



We service & sell all makes & models.
Free estimate. Family owned 8 operated
CAC1814887, PaagensAC. 588-5222.

HOUSE CLEANING. babysitting or care-
giver services Experienced Rels Call
Jacqueline 19041 620-7995.

CLEANING BY Cnristopher. calenring to
the beaches area., 19041725-2738
14 years experience Reasonable prices,
low minimum raies, weekend appoint-
ments available k904)525-7419.

WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.'

WINTER IS HERE Be readyl Seasoned
firewood; cords & half cords available,
with free delivery. Call 334-3157.

SEASONED FIREWOOD full size truck
load, twice the size of small truck. David
993-8348. Bubba 651-4564. Free delivery.
STACKS/ Truckload or Cordwood. Pickup
or Delivery Call 285-6427.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com ,

applications, house calls, training, repairs,
upgrades, websites, graphics Free phone
tech 904-249-3034 or emall- :

WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301. -

lawns Free estimates 246-0967.

Landscaping Design
Sod Work -
Weed Control

Specializing In "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Lawn care,
Janitorna Service, etc Call Hermon. 246-
4238, 612-1755.
PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups. Mulching. Sodding. whatever it
fakes, etc Dave 249-4724.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esti-
mates. Professional customer service.
Mowing. edging, weeding inmming- Irees,
shrubs Licensed & Insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.

WE DO Concrete Repair New Driveways,
Patios. Sidewalks, Slabs. Stamp Con-
crete. Call 880-2994.

Safe roof cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045.,

free eslimales, work guaranteed, licensed

Lawn Services
Weed Eat
Pressure Washing
Bush/Tree Trimming
Hauling & Cleanup

Contractor will paint any avg. size room
$95 1904)613-1271.

NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and'
repaint. Residential and commercial Men-
lion this ad. 246-1529.
knotch work guaranteed. Painting, trim.
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing.
Licensed, Insured. Free estimates.
sure washing. painting, drywall repair, tex-
ture & wallcoverings. 25 years experience..
Lic, insured, refs (904)403-7389.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
.email: classified @ beachesleader.comw

IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.

IF -OU are inierested in advertising under
his category please call 904-249-9033 or
email cassilied beacnesieadercom

Repairs, specializing in termile damage
An dining you need Kilchens, baths, file,
walls, texture & painting., Roofs gutters,
doors & windows; Room, additions; dryer
wall, decks & flooring. Licensed & Insured.
S10 yrs exp. (904)509-2857. -
CGC 1505263. Commercial & Residential.
New homes, room additions, remodeling,
Stucco, siding. Any small rush repairs;
Quality Guaranteed.. Affordable .prices.
Free estimates. (904)234-1179. Visit us

QUALITY HOME Repair Panting, Wood
Repair, Pressure Wasning and more
17yrs. expenence Licensed/ Insured

ROOFING IN-TOWN prices @ Ine
Beach. 25yrs experience. 880-9908
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing Trust a li-
censed professional. See our ad under
Remoaeling/Construction Stale Certilied
Rooler ,CCC 1325888. Member BBB
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com

Quality work at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. -'Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 285-1778.

dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628.


'The Condo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
Long Ternm Rea'l
1/1 fiurnised $900
All new interiors! .
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
$1195 $1250
New dubhouse, heated pool
& fitness center!
Too murh to sf..you must visll
Suncoost Management, LLC
(904) 285-4840

Chris Rick
(904) 537-7284 www.thoughtsofparadise.com (904) 361-8256

, ,




Classified 6

Weekends, 7am to 7pm, at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available at Fleel Landing
Se:uiity Gate One Fleel Landing Blvd.,
Aflanlic Beach. FL. Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail lo iobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace
ihopedic clinic Experience preferred, bul
not required Flexible hours. Rare de.
pends on experience. Fax resume to
CHILD CARE P/T. experienced. Early
A M Must nave vehicle Call 285-4165
PAYROLL/ HR Adm.n. Must have ADP
PayEx and EZ Labor experience E-mail
resume 10
rihelle liaridimportsanolab.com.

Cook, Pan inme Manager, Days, available
Mon Sai Flexibie starting date Some
denehlis Fun place to woir 273-4785.
P/T, SATJ SUNJ MON. Derail oriented in.
divrdual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
Prviliege= Phone 904-246-4827. email
.-.counling,,selvamarina com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121 DFWP.


experienced Teachers & Assistant'"e'ach-
ers F.T & P/T available. We otfer a com-
pelilve salary & benefits package. Call
273-6960 o.r lax resume lo: 280-5742.

Lawn service seeks individual to:pertorm
dependable quality work. Excellendpay &
overme available Crew Leaders wahlnted.
Perscnei Brotrers Services, Inc '246-

WE ARE look"ingta-r specai1-person-to
manage projects and support activities ol
a unique marketing company located in
Ponte Vedra Beach. Requirements in-
clude at least 3 years expenence as an
administrative assistant, proficiency with
MS Office tools including Power Point and
Access, experience maintaining a data-
base, basic bookkeeping skills wiln know.
edge of QuickBooks, excellence In oral
and wniten communications, a commit-
ment to providing outstanding customer
service and the ability to set priorities and
meet deadlines. Please FAX a resume to

Join our team of
cleaning professionals

*No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
alpp ittwpeuon'-to:
(C'~- mmat:

2201 Florida Blvd.
Mon Fri 8 -4-30




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Taxi Drivers needed to worK, acn and
Intercoaslal areas, al least_ ,'rY old,
good driving record Call 249-0360:
OFFICE CLEANERS needed for cleaning
nightly. Will train, must have iransportalion
and phone Call 273-2761

ARE you looking for a career with ad-
vancemeni opponunity?' SUBWAY is now
recruiting Managers, Assistant Managers,
lull and parltime Clerks If you are Inend-
ly, reliable and a great leam player then
we would like Io talk loyou.

1 U/6 Beacmilvo
CNA Jacksonville Beach, FL
HEALTH CENTER I Please apply in person from 9am-11am
FULL-Time, 3pm-.lprrn at Premiere Re- Monday trirough Friday
tirempti Community Excelleni benelil NANNY. GOOD Pay. PT.'FT, days. Trans-
.Vckagev competitive wages, good work- porlalion. references needed 241-2723
ing environment Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gale. One Flept; LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Landing Blvd, Allantic Beach, FL, Fax to Person, Must be able to work days
1904)246-9447, email to jobs@fleetland-' nights. weekends, and holidays. Must
ing.com EOEi Drug-Free Workplace pass drug rest and background check
Call Robert 465 0149.

DRY CLEANERS experienced counter
help. Full time, benefits. The Cleaners,
1519 Penman Rd. Call Mrs. P. 246-1705.

LUNCH and Dinner Line Cooks & Kilcnen
Utility. You make good money working
with good people in a busy wateriront res.
laurani. 285-0139.
TAXI DRIVERS Warned. Clean driving ie-
cord required. Call April. 246-9999
EXP. TEACHERS needed lull & part Ime
KinderCare Allantic Bcn Call 249-0888.
NOW HIRING All shins, all positions. Ap.
ply in person Monday Friday. 9am-11 am
or 2pm-5pm Ask aboul our 90 day sign.
on bonus d
Full time 3pm to 11pm Monday-Friday at
a 'premier retirement community. Health
Center. Excellent benelts,,and: pj:ani
work environment.. Appll'alionsE'1 Fleet
Landing Security Gale, OneFteet Landing
Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Fax Io
19041246-9447: email:
jobs@fleetianding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
PONTE VEDRA Preschool Teacher
Assistant, CDA a plus, variable hours.
Call 285-2965
2550-7A Maypon Rd Nail Tech, Hair
Stylist & Barber. Call tor.derails 525-2164
ask for Diane. EOE.
Country Cl6b. iPonte Vedra Beachi is now
hiring a ciub accouriiarii Must nae mini.
mum 5 years general accounting experi.
ence AiR. AiP,.prolicieni in Excel, proc.
essing ol daily sales. Jonas POS experi--
ence a plus but riot required Full lirrie.po.
sition wilh excellent benefits including
401k. sick, vac Apply in person Tuesday-
Saturday Call 285-6514 tor directions.
Background check.,'drugiesling EOE
PRESSURE WASHING technicians and
construction cleanup, help needed. Must
have valid driver's license Benelits avail-
aole; 881-2071.
OFFICE ASSISTANTi Customer Service
Beaches area. Answer phone Word' Ex-
cel necc Good pay & Denelils Fax re-
sume (904)249-8870
SERVERS' WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Sleak House. Apply aher 2pm, 1227
South 3rd St.
Non-smoking once M.F 815.5.15 57.hr
Fax resume 247-6535 or mail to 599 At-
lantic Blvd #4. Atlantic Beach. FL. 32223
SERVERS. LINE Cook. Disrhwasrers..
Fine Dining JJ s Bisiro Ponie Vedra,
273-798n 0(ale Parkwav 996.7,557

employs individuals in a variety ot posi-
lions For a living of current opponunities
please visit us in person 11 N. 3rd St., 2nd
Iloor. call 247-6263, send an email lo:
personnel@laxbchll nel or visil our web-
sile www JacksonvilleBeach.org
Drug Iree work environment, EOE. VP.
TEACHER FOR early learning center
Must have CDA or AS. and be child cen-
lered,. patient. energetic. and ready to
play. 1851 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach. Email-
ToApplyv@comcast.net or call 242-9645

ADVERTISERS IN this category are nol
offering lobs They are oetiing job-retated
services and may charge lees Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv.
ing credit card inlormarron over Ine phone
wiihoul knowing whal specific produce or
service they will receive.

WARNING: WHILE Ihis newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a lee to get
iniormaiion or that reler you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub.
sianiial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee tme vaiidiry
ol oflerings in this classilicallon. If any ad-
verniser requires you to incur phone serv-
ce charges or pay a lee IO learn ihe na-
lure oi ihe opporluniry, please report it lo
The Beaches Leader. 249-9033.

AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed lor $899 249-8877
BED- BRAND name queen set.
new, w/warranty $129 Can deliver
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mahlress & boxspnng, new in
plastic w/wairanry $379. Must sell.
LAWN MOWER, Honda. 48" walk Dehind
deck mower, 110 his $995. 322-7636.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed.
wBmarliess & box spring. Must sell $395
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
6 PIECE Bedroom Sel includes queen
martress & box new still in boxes. $499.
Can deliver 858-9350
42 VIZIO Pias-rna HDTV, new in box.
$1050. Call 221-1917
BED- KING manress set. $289 Can de-
liver 19041391-0015.

U S. SILVER Coins, paying 5X tace value
and a While's XLT Melal detector
IF YOU are rnieresled in savertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classifiedc@beachesleader com


for your
\ \\Diamonds/,

246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd.

..S -- --

FURNITURE- CHEAP. Misc. pieces Sat-
urday only iam-Ham 319 10in.Ave.N
irexi 10 Love Nesi

sale on Phil!ps H;gnway. 504-2667. www.MarinaClubPV.com

LOVING. FULL Day Care lormirg a new 2
year old class. Beaches Academy Accred-
ited Florida Gold Seal Enrichment Cenler.
1725 Penman Rd. 246-3885.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
iranzponation S references. $10-$12,r-r,
any area CPR & First Aid. PT or F.T

NEW otice open excelliem nerapisis
Walk-ins wel,:ome 9am.6pm. A1AI JTB,
MM 19028.

DENTAL PLAN, only $11 95'mo includes
vision, Rx & cnIopraclic Web site is
www.everyonebenetils com/40451399 or
call 5611674-6333. Member, BBB.

-..1... .--- ---IF YOU are interested in advertising under
PRODUCTION COOK. 5 days per week. iris category please call 904-249-9033 or
Creole experience preferred Call Rick mail classifiea@beachesleader.com
~~~ ~ ~ ?* AlD> f'IW -D -.^ .^ ~ r t

It may be tIt




i AIir c t i o n.
Take a look at this key opportunity right here at the Beach.

Sales position at the Beaches!
The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches
community. Growth potential and established accounts working
tor an award-winning, locally owned newspaper. Candidates
should have sales experience, and should be goal-oriented.
Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beachesledder.com or bring it to 1114
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Start the New Year with a

New Career!
:.""- 4

Are you tired of your dead end job? Are you ready to
begin a career? Are you ready to work for a City that
is committed to its employees and;citizens?

If you answered YES, we may have thei-ight career for

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to fill the
following positions:

SPolice Records Specialist, FT &-PT- -

911 Dispatcher

4- Mechanic Helper, Grounds '

A4 Variety of other positions available
You can find a c6xiMplete listing of opportunities,
descriptions and applications online at
www.JacksonvilleBeach.org or in person ,1.1 North
3rd Street, 2nd floor. For questions or if you need
information mailed call Amy at 247-6263.
Drug free work environment, EOE, VP

.nnIE ir- nL experienceiL u, nonesiat i je.
bendable, CPR &s Frs Aid cerrnied, Call
Jell 353.5390 910-0878

LAZY BOY gold cotln sleeper sola & Lazy
Boy red cloth recliner; like new $250
each, 568-2424
KING & Queen size head boards w/chest
or drawers, dresser w.'mrror. one night
stand charcoal, marble and black $250.
Love seai & recliner $1Q50. Rainsort waler
sohener w/warranty 18 yrs on parts, 3 yrs
on labor $1500. Walnut klchnen able
w Inree chairs $30. Brass chandelier $30
Two rolls ot new beige carpet & padding.
covers 1600si besI Odier. Call Laura
317.8254 or 707-5729.

January 131h and 141h. Saturday, 9am.
5pm Sunday 9ami-4pm at Ihe Morocco
Shrine. 3800 Si. Johns Bluft Road. Jack-
sonville Nonh Florida Arms Collectors
Inlo 904-1461-0273
Avialor,, 4'x8', reconditioned excellent la-
ble $3000 OBO Call Joel 190.11535-5293

Scoolers -Altv's Dirt Bikes Mopeds
Golf Karts. Electric Cars and more!!
We will beat all prices in the counrn
with same' arrant (! '
Best pnces of the year
sa.e on our holiday saJe"
Store locjion-s' Pecan Park. Ramona,
Johnson, Beach Blvd Flea Markets
Phone 9104-716-3358
\'ebsite: www.Jaguarpowersports.com

40' BOAT SLIP for sale. exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. S164K. 463-2845.

North Florida's Largest
fBoat & Yacht Dealer

Moomba Check
Supra U S Out!
Malibu -
Stingray I
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats' Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
S6i D0o Sport Bats'
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks

Power -7i
14539 Beach Blvd.
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal

December 29, 2006

BOAT SLIP For Renl. Haroortown Marina,
40' wilh water & electric, $500. 463-2845



Beach Marine


Over 40 Vessels
for Sale


1990 FORD F150 XLT V8 Aulo A/C, re.
manulaciured engine, excellent condition.
$3750, 241-8508.
1996 NiSSAN extended cab XE. exc.
cona., low ml.. A.C. split rear window, new
ures. absolutely perfectl $5200 OBO
1997 CHEVROLET Astro Van. auto. V6,
A.C, PS. PB. AM/FM/CD. Greal work
Ituck. runs good $3000 219-1276.
1996 CHEVY Blazer, -4.3L, V6. 4X4, only
75,000 miles, 4-door, aulo, runs greall
$4100 OBO Call 813-8280

2000 FORD Muslang convertible. Slereo
CD new trans., $8000 838-9786.
MAZDA MPV, runs good, $1800 cash.
2002 HONDA CRV LX. dark green. Ian in-
lerior 33,000 miles, auto, A/C
AM/FM/CD, power windows/ locks, cruise.
Like new. $14,950. Call 724-0444

PV Visit 1991 CAMARO RS, 25hI Anniversary edi-
lion. need some work. $1200. 247-4749.

2000,TOYOTA I-Runner SR5 A/C, stereo
CD. $10000. 838-9786.

2001 FORD Escort, new tires, stereo. Dat-
iery, brakes. excellent condition $2500,
1991 CADILLAC Ailanie, 2-door convert-
ole. 27.000 miles, asking $11.500 OBO.
1999 DODGE Caravan. some body dam-
age, runs greai, $700 OBO 343-2163.
1988 JEEP Wagoneer Woody, greal surt-
er ride, runs. $500 OBO 398-2535
1996 ACURA Integra 'Special Edilon'
Power everything. sunrool, AM.'FMACD.
A'C. Ialher. Nice condition Asking
$3800. 514-3304.
2000 CADILLAC EI-Dorado, 2 door, pearl
while leather Excellent condition. $5900
OBO 190-4838-8847.
2001 LEXuS RX 300. low miles, 57000
champagne color. leather, rool rack, sun-
rool. CD changer. exienaed warrant rom
manuiaciurer. $18.250 9041669-9008

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P w

front desk clerk for night shift Weekends
treud.r..j Please apply in person 120 Atl
lantic Blvd., Neptune Beacn.
PEST CONTROL Lawn Technician
needed. opponuniry to learn a trade win
greal career potential for hard worker.
$10/hr to rain, medical. denial, relire-
ment, ile, 26Kt Must have ,alid FL driver
lisence. Call 726-9332
We clean top to borlomi Our jobs sparkle
If you lake pride in your work call me No
weekends, M-F 7 30am- 4pm Good pay
musl have car Random drug lesling Ask
tor Pele 607-1919
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull lime help
needed, Wages negoriaoies ips. Benelits
Avail Apply in person, 1401 Beacn Blvd
PERSON Mainly Beaches area Fax re.
sume 247-9036.
Office Manager
Local Swimming Pool Company located al
the Beaches, looking lor Of ice Manager
for high.paced Pool Service Mainlenance
and Repair DIvision Duties include schedc
ruling service technicians tor repairs, man-
aglng depanmenlar calling, handling cus-
tomrer requests and penormning ohice sup-
pon'lunctions for mihs depanmenl Need
excellenti customer service and organiza-
iional skills, computer experience with
Word, Evcel, and Accounling software 01-
lice management experience required. Ex-
perience working in a service type envi-
ronmenl such as plumbing, electrical,
HVAC a malor plus Email resume lo lu-
li esunsidepools.net or lax to 904-249-
8801 or complete application at SurISide
Pools .. 313 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250 Compensation cepend-
enl on experience. Beneti package avail
NEED INTERIOR irim carpenters and
helpers. Dependable own transportation
Call 635.1395.

hi bus

* .1

- qp
Mb. 4,dmm.





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