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 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Holiday...
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 22, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00102
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 22, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: December 22, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00102
Source Institution: University of Florida
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Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 6
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 9
        page A 10
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Holiday Happenings
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 8
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
Full Text

STo all of our readers... have a joyous Christmas


Vol. 44, No. 53

Weekend Edition *December 22, 1



Serving the communities ofPonte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963 500
An ediuon of The Beaches Leader

Carmen Estela gets a gift Thursday from the Jolly Old

pnol:. by CHUCK ADAMS
Elf as he visits the Palm Valley Senior Center on Canal

Children's art joins

rare Egyptian show

This work by an Ocean Palms student for the
Egyptian exhibit hangs at the Cummer Museum.

The intrigue of Egyptian cul-
ture and ancient history has
come to Jacksonville in an
exhibit opening today at the
Cummer Museum of Art and
The Temples and Tombs
exhibit, which continues
through March 18, highlights
some of the "star" artifacts
from The British Museum's
collection, according to Dr.
Neal Spencer, the assistant
curator in the Department of
Ancient Egypt and Sudan at
The British Museum.
The exhibit features 85 arti-
facts, including stone statues,
jewelry and art, which spans
thousands of years, according
to Spencer.
"The Cummer is making
history," said Director
Maarten van de Guchte. The
show at the Cummer is one of
only five such stops the exhib-
it will make in the United

In keeping with the theme
of Egyptian culture, students
from Ocean Palms and
Rawlings elementary schools
and Landrum Middle School,
as well as schools in the Duval
Beaches area, were educated
on the subject and produced
works based on the exhibit.
Some of their work is on dis-
play in the museum.
Their work is part of an out-
reach program, Future Artists
of the Beaches (FAB) Fest, that
the museum sponsors every
year to encourage elementary
students to appreciate the
value of art and get them
involved, according to Hope
McMath, director of educa-
Museum educator Rebecca
Hickey went to 10 Beaches
schools and taught Egyptian
culture and provided students
with the materials to make
relief sculptures and portraits.
The students were instruct-
ed to use symbolism and per-
sonal symbols. *

Wachovia blues heads toward resolution

Wachovia is trying to
close the final chapter in
the ongoing saga over wall
signs on its Palm Valley)
branch. ,
In August, the company
got the OK from
Architectural Review
Committee (ARC) for a
white wall sign, after more
than a year of battling
with .the committee over:I
the sign's size and color -
\Vachovia blue.
But the company is still
seeking approval for a sec-
ond identical sign on the
back side of the building,
which faces Couinty Road
ARC members turned
down WVachovia's request

for the second sign in
August, based on restric-
tions in the Ponte Vedra
Overlay District Code.
But Wednesday night, a
majority of ARC members
seemed to have changed
their minds and said they
had no objection to
another sign.
"I think Wachovia's
done their best to make
this work," ARC member
Bill Warnock said.
"I don't have an issue
with this."
ARC members did not
vote on the sign
Wednesday night. Their
objective was to pass on
their opinions to the St.
Johns County
Commission, which will
vote on a non-zoning vari-

ance for the sign at a
future meeting.
ARC member Marcy
Silkebaken was the only
voice of opposition. She
said allowing the second'
sign could lead to dozens
of similar requests by busi-
The code allows only.
one sign on the front of;
each business, unless that,
business is on the corner
of two public roads.
County staff interprets
the "front" of a business
to be its entrance.
Wachovia's entrance faces
the parking lot to the east,
and its drive-through
teller lanes on the back of
the building face 210.
.A Wachovia representa-
tive argued Wednesday

that the ground sign along
the roadway is hard to see
as drivers travel around
the roundabout, which
connects Mickler Road
and 210.
ARC members agreed
that a wall sign on the
back of the building is
probably needed to help
identify the business.
. It was also noted that
Mercantile Bank, which is
in the same commercial
complex at the corner of
Mickler Road and 210,
also has two wall signs.
One faces Mickler Road
and one faces the entrance
to the shopping center.

*1 .

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Children Wednesday enjoy Hanukkah activities led by Leah Kurinsky (right
front); program director for Chabad @ the Beaches, Ponte Vedra Beach.
The event honoring the Jewish "Festival of Lights" was held 'at the Beaches
Branch Library in Neptune Beach.

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__----- -Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
S1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Three sections, 26 pages r" e

I ~ 111 -c-l 13 111 1 1 r r _

Chase on water,

road nets arrest

Man stopped at Al A
after fleeing victim,
deputies in pursuit

A Jacksonville man was arrested late
Wednesday after a car chase down
Palm Valley Road followed a con-
frontation on the Intracoastal
Waterway, where a 7-year-old boy was
nearly thrown into the water and
heated words were exchanged.
Deputies arrested Alvaro M. Borge,
29, about 9:45 p.m. on Palm Valley
Road, after an SUw pulling a boat
trailer and pursued by three patrol
cars was stopped by traffic at the State Alvaro M. Borge
Road AIA intersection, according to a
Borge was charged by St. Johns his boat "at a high rate of speed"
Countty deputies with three counts of toward his boat, as well. The man said
aggravated assault, fleeting and elud- the assailant veered off, nearly knock-
ing police, criminal mischief and pos- ing him out of his boat.
session of marijuana and drug para- That man said he tried to talk to the
phernalia, deputies said. assailant, who became belligerent and
He was released from the St. Johns appeared intoxicated, according to
County jail Thursday afternoon on the report.
$2,706 bond. Hours later, moments after the last
The arrest came hours after deputies deputy left the bridge area and lust as
were called to the Palm Valley bridge, a tow truck driver was getting ready to
where a man who had been fishing tow the assailant's SLR' and trailer, the
with his two young sons reported that assailant reappeared, the first victim
his boat had been hit by another boat, said.
damaging the boat and nearly throw- The assailant, after speeding away
ing one of the boys into the water. in the boat, apparently had been driv-
"Thank God I caught him," the en back to the area, he said.
man said by telephone Thursday. He The victim said the man got into
asked not to be identified for his fam- the SLUV after emerging from the
ily's safety. woods,and sped east on Palm Valley
The victim said he and his boys, Road.
ages 6 and 7, were fishing from his The victim said he then got in his
boat about 6 p.m. when a sporty', 2- vehicle, which was trailing his dam-
foot boat headed toward thenm.., c u aged boat.
"He was wide open,' -he victim -'Lchased him all the way down
said. "It lust filled up my boat with Palm Valley Road ... [while] pulling
water." my boat," he said Thursday. He said
The police report notes the victim he was determined to see the man
turned on his boat's lights and tried to,, arrested "after what he put me
get out of the way of the boat comingr~'F-thtiou and what he put my kids
toward them. through."
After putting the boys safely ashore, A deputy alerted by the tow truck
the victim said, he chased the other driver caught up with the SUV in the
boater, cornering him under the Palm 4900 block of Palm Valley Road as
\Valley bridge, where another boater both headed east, according to the
was talking to the assailant, report.
The deputy who arrived at the boat Another deputy, heading west on
ramnp told the man "to get off of his the same road, tried to block the flee-
boat and onto the dock," according to ing vehicle, but it went around the
the police report. patrol car using the westbound lane,
Instead, the man backed his boat the report said.
away from the dock and sped away,
the report said.
The other boater at the bridge See ARREST, A-3
reported that the assailant had driven

Page 2A*

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S' Arund the eaches

Gold wins contract
Gold &'.Associates, a market-
ing .and communications
agency' in Ponte Vedra Beach,
recently won the national
advertising contract for
Oceans Casino '.Cruises in
Dania Beach, Fla.
Gold and the Oceans mar-
keting team 'will, direct the
company's, $4 million to $5
million annual print and
broadcast advertising budget,
ap? .gg p ageg st. .LAe of
Jacksonville, Davtona Beach,.
IIKey Laigo,- Mdeira-Beach and
Port Canaveral, Fla., and
Myrtle Beach, S.C. and new
ports to open in the next year.
Oceans Casino Cruises, a rel-
atively new company, pur-
chased the assets of the
SunCruz fleet of casino ships
in April 2004, taking the fleet
from bankruptcy to a prof-
itable position.

Life 'skills program set
:A two-hour program,
"Making Sense (Or Nonsense)
Out Of The Way WVe Live," will!
be offered Jan. 13 at Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church.
Scheduled to speak are Dr.

Drew Edwards, a researcher
and counselor in behavioral
health, and Dr. Peter Giacobbi
Jr., assistant professor of sport
and exercise psychology at the
University of Florida.
The program, presented by
the Winston Family YMCA in
Ponte Vedra, has limited seat-
ing. Tickets are $5 each and are
available at the YMCA on
Landrum Lane or at the event.
The program is scheduled for
7 p.m. at the church, 4510
YPalm Valleyv Road. Free child
caie will be available at tne
\\l''nton family VMtCA.
For information, call Mary
Anne Thomas at the Winston
Family YMCA at 543-9622.

Teens win art awards' '
Two Ponte Vedra teens have
won cash awards in
youngARTS, a program of the
National Foundation for
Advancement in the Arts
(NFAA) that identifies, encour-
ages and rewards talented high
school seniors in nine different
art forms.
lulianne McCarthy received
an honorable mention award
of $250 for her soprano per-
formance. She attends Douglas

.Aderson School of the Arts in
Kelsev Berklev, named a
merit winner in visual arts, was
given $100. Shealso attends
Douglas Anderson.
Honorable mention awards
are given to the top 5 percent
of entrants, and merit awards
are given to the top 10 percent.
More than 7,300 applicants
from across the country took
part in this year's contest.
Winners' will be selected
from ,141 finalists next mgnth
in Miami. ,
' he nine disciplines Cdiisd-
ered by the NFAA are dance;
film and video, classical, pop
and jazz music, photography,
theater, visual arts, voice and.

Marsh walk scheduled
A walk in the marsh of the
Guana preserve with guide
Angie Golubo-ich, an environ-
mental educator at the pre-
serve, is scheduled 9 a.m.
Saturday Dec. 30.
Visitors will learn about the
plants and animals found in
the Guana River marsh and the
estuary, where the river meets
the sea.

New member joins PVCA board

The Board of the Ponte
Vedra Community Association
(PV\CA welcomed a new mem-
'ber at its Monday meeting -
43-year-old Robert Champion
of the 1000 block of Ponte
Vedra Boulevard.
The lifelong Ponte Vedra res-
ident and "avid" tennis player
joined the board for a four-
year term with hopes of keep-
ing his neighborhood beauti-
ful, he said in an interview
"It [the PVCA] is kind of its
own community' enforce-
ment," he said, adding that he
wants to contribute to that.
He said he has been a mem-
ber of the PVCA on and off for
several years. His recent mem-
bership stint began last year
when he moved back across
State Road A1A from Sawgrass,
he said.
Champion said he originally
joined the PVCA to keep up
with community events and to

R. Champion

,'meet new people.
As a member of the board,"
he said, 'he hopes to use the
voice of the PVCA to commu-
nicate .more with the St. Johns
Board *. of County
Commissioners about what
Ponte Vedra needs.'
Champion said some of thie
biggest issues facing the coun-
ty right now are growth and
escalating property taxes.
He said he does have aspira-
tions in the future to pursue

other political offices or board
such as the Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District
(MSD) Board of Trustees.
But for now, his investment
job prohibits him from serving
on the MSD, a board that
works. with public money for'
things such as bonds or bid-
ding contracts.,
Champion and his wife are
expecting their first child, a,
boy, in March.

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* The plant and animal ,life
there are especially adapted to
the tides and brackish water
Participants should meet at
the Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve's Environmental
Education Center off State:
Road AIA about 12 miles
south of Mickler Road.

The cost is $2 for adults and
$1 for children and includes
admission to the, center after
the walk. Children are wel-
come, but discussion is geared
toward adults.
The, walk will last about an
hour and a half. For informa-
tion, call 823-4500.

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December 22, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

. 0


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December 22. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

From Cosby sweaters to Festivus

Holiday party themes offer originality

A large Santa'sits in the corner of the Polan'ds living room.
The house is adorned with Christmas decorations from all over
the world and has an estimated 200 Santas throughout the


Christmas is usually a time for
tradition and custom but some
Beaches residents are mixing
things up this year with some
very nontraditional parties and
A holiday dinner with family
is normal, but a progressive din-

ner at different family members'
houses via a shortbus is definite-
ly out,of the ordinary.
"We're really excited about
it," said Andrea Forsyth, who is,
participating .in the event with
her sisters and cousins and is
also in charge qf the music.
A dozen relatives have rented
a "shortbus," the latest trend as
an alternative to limousines, for

a progressive dinner party,
which will start out at one fam-
ily member's house and move
on to five other house for each
course of the meal.
The bus is equipped with a
video system and speakers and
partiers can bring your own
food and beverages, according
to Forsyth.
But, riding through the
Beaches' on a shortbus isn't the
only unusual event going on
around town.
Remember the Cosby show
and its ever-so-80s style
sweaters? Maybe next year, if
you've exhausted yourself try-
ing to find the perfect outfit to
wear to a holiday party, you
could try what Ponte Vedra
Beach resident Leah Davis sug-
gested and have a "Cosby
sweater" party. As a require-
ment;, everyone must show up
wearing a sweater which resem-
bles what a member of the
Huxtable" family might have
worn back in the day ..No more
black tie affairs and elegant
gowns, just funky sweaters and,
fond 80s memories.
Some party hosts have man-
aged to keep a holiday theme,
but with a.twist.
For example, Jacksonville
Beach residents, Bob and
Jacquie Poland may throw a.
traditional Christmas party,
but their decorating goes far
beyond a wreath, a tree and a.
few ornaments.
The Polands have been col-
lecting Santas of every shape
and. size and holiday souvenirs:
for the past 28 years, since the
birth of their daughter. There

are an estimated '200 santas in
the house, according to Jacquie
One tree is adorned with
ornaments from all over the
world. The family collects
ornaments on their travels, but
also make a lot of their own
decorations, she said.
For example, Jacquie made"
two topiaries that sit by her,
fireplace and she also created
and welded the nativity scene
that is displayed in her front
The house decoration is fit
for a magazine spread. It
requires .so much work that set
up work usually begins in July,
Jacqie said.
"I pretty much do it myself,",
said Jacquie, who does not
enlist the help of a profession-
The Polands have been
throwing the Rotary Christmas
party for the past 16 years and
this year expected 125 people.
Each person was asked to bring,
a teddy bear, each of which
will be donated to. a child at
Wolfson Children's Hospital,
she said.
Other Beacfi hosts have
turned their holiday parties
into humorous events. .
Jamie Odum hosted, a,
Seinfeld-themed "Festivus"
party, complete with argyle
sweaters and the Festivus pole,
an unadorned metal pole. The
non-traditional invitations to,
the party advertised a "tradi-
tion of debauchery" and
"We just wanted to change it
up a little bit," said Odum.

Arrest: No marine police were around to give aid

Continued from A-i
'A third deputy tried to block
the SUv, but the SUV driver
swerved around that patrol car
and onto the grass, the report
After traffic stopped the SUV,
the driver was removed from
: the .vehicle and placed into,
custody, according to' the

Deputies searched the SUV
and found a substance' that
tested positive for marijuana as
well as a small glass pipe, the
report said.
The father said that he tried
to 'reason with the assailant
while the boats were under the
bridge, asking him if he had
children of his own.
The assailant said he has two

children, and the victimm asked
him how he would feel if
someone tried to hurt them.
"He started cussing me and-
telling me he was going to kill
me," the man said, adding that
he was disturbed that no
marine.police were available to
help when the assailant fled.
The victim said he had
fished for many years on. the

"Never one time have I ever
had to worry about anything,"
he said. "It's really upsetting to
know that you have a wild per-
son on the loose and we
couldn't get anybody" to help
on the water.

Activities for children abound during brea

"Everybody had a good time,"
he said;,adding that he plans to
keep up the Festivus theme
next year.
According to Wikipedia,
Festivus is a nondenomina-
tional holiday featured on a
1997 episode of the sitcom
Seinfeld. Festivus was invent-
ed in 1966 when the father of a
future "Seinfeld" writer crafted
a unique family holiday with
nontraditional practices' such
as the wrestling of the house-
hold head to the ground.
According to Seinfeld, Festivus
is celebrated each year on Dec.
23, but many people celebrate
-it other times, often in early
December. Its slogan is "A
Festivus for the rest of us!" An
aluminum pole is' generally
used in lieu of a Christmas tree
or other holiday decoration,
shedding holiday materialism.
Those attending participate in
the "Airing of Grievances" in
which' each person tells each
and everyone else all the ways
they've disappointed him/her
over the past year; and after a
Festivus dinner, the "Feats of,
Strength" are performed.
Traditionally, Festivus is' ot,
over unfil the head of the
household is wrestled to the
floor and pinned.

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The holiday break continues
until Jan. 3 for students in the
St. Johns County public schools
and until Jan. 8 for those in the
Duval County School District.
The following are some activ-
ities for children and families
during the break:


Two holiday exhibits at the
Beaches Museum and History
Center in Jacksonville Beach
will be on display until Jan. 13.
"An Old-Fashioned
Christmas" is a display of pho-
tographs, postcards and other
images reflecting the holiday
season at the Beaches over the
past 50 years.
"Florida Girls & Boys & Their
Toys" also is part of the holiday
The museum and history
center is the large yellow build-
ing on the northeast corner of
Beach Boulevard and.4th Street.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Admission is $5 for adults, $4
for ages .65 and older, $3 for]
ages 6 to 17 and free for those

Dec. 23 and Dec. 24
'Nature movie, "Water's
Journey The Hidden Rivers of
Florida," about the Floridan
Aquifer, is shown at 10 a.m, and
1 p.m. at. the Guana.
Environmental Education
Center, off State Road A1A.
about 12 miles south of Mickler
Road. Admission: $2 for adults,
$1 for ages 10 to 17; free for
under 10.

Dec. 26 through Dec. 29
"The Northern Right Whale
.from Whaling to Watching,"
nature movie shown at 12:15
p.m. at Guana Environmental
Education Center, off State
Road AlA about 12 miles south
of Mickler Road. Admission: $2
for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17;
free for under 10.

YMCA holiday camp at the
Winston Family YMCA on
Landrum Lane, Ponte Vedra,
will include arts and crafts,
board games, gym games,
swimming, playground time,
and visits to Skate World and
the IMAX theater.
The fee is $25 per. child per
day for members and $30 for
others. Register by calling 543-

Art camp at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra.

Daily fees are $25 and $35 for
Sepiter menes an4.53c ,$45 for ythcs ,dp.nd'i cai
age. For information, cal 280-

Dec. 27.
Children ages 6 to 13 with
adult chaperone can search for
"treasures" with a guide on the
orange trail- at the Guana pre-
serve south of Ponte Vedra
beginning at 10 a.m. The 1- 'or
2-mile walk is done at a com-
fortable pace. Space is limited
and reservations are required at
823.4500. Admission is $3 per

Dec. 28
Fun with Fish learning and
craft with 'scientist Rick
Reichard is held 1 p.m. to 3'
p.m.i at the Guana
Environmental *Education
Center south of Ponte Vedra.
Observe the different fish in
.the exhibit hall aquarium and
discuss their adaptations to
swim, eat and survive. Children
will create their own fish mod-
els. ,
:For ages 6 to 10. Free with
regular center entry fee of $2 for'
adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17 and
free for younger. Registration is
required at 823.4500 :

Go-pher a Bike Ride along the
yellow trail in the Guana pre-
serve from 10 a.m. to noon to
learn about the gopher tortoise
and explore its habitat'.

Appropriate for children able to
ride' abike unaided on a dirt
trail fo appropkmatel) .piles
" guests must bring their own
Admission is $3 per vehicle to
the trail head parking lot.
Helmets and water bottles are
required for all riders. Space, is
limited and :registration is,
required at 823-2400.

Dec. 29,
Estuary experience for ages 6
to 13 will be held 10 a.m. to
noon at the Guana
Environmental 'Education
Center off State Road AlA about
12 miles south of Mickler Road.
There will be estuary themed
games, a touch tank and explor-
ing the exhibit hall with the
family. ,
Admission is $2 for adults, $1
foi ages 10-17 and free for

Gerson Yessin leads a critter
concert from 1: p.m. to 2 p.m.
at the Guana preserve's
Environmental Education
Center. Families and children of
all ages are invited to this one-
of-a-kind musical celebration of
the various animals; fish and
birds native to this area. Please.
register at 823-2400. Admission:
$2 for adults, $1 for ages 10 to
17, free for younger children.

Dec. 30, and Dec. 31
"Water's Journey the River
Returns" nature movie is shown
at 10. a.m. and 1 p.m.. at Guana

Environmental Education
Center, off State Road Al1A
about 12,miles pouth of Nfickler
Road. Admission: $2 for adults,
$1 for ages 10 to 17; free for
'under 10.,,

Dec. 30
New Year's Noon Balloon
Drop party,, scheduled 11:30
a.m. to 12:15.p.m. at, the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, features a kids' count-
down, snacks, prizes ,and art
activities. Free. The center is at
50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra


.* Holiday films at the IMAX
theater at' Wbrld Golf Hall of
Fame north of St. Augustine
include "Santa vs. the
Snowman" through Dec. 23
and "The Polar Express" to Jan.
1. Call 940-4022.
A display of gingerbread
houses runs 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
through Jan. 5 at the
Avenues Mall.
"Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art"
opens Friday at the Cummer
Museum of Art & Gardens in
Jacksonville and is appropriate
for school children. The exhib-
it, from the British Museum,
opens today and runs through
March 18 at the Cummer. Call


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Page 3A*

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I www heac hesleader.com

The Leader's Opinion

Merry Christmas

to all at Beaches

Whether you prefer Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas or
Happy Holidays, the messages are all intended to convey
We join the chorus and wish you, Leader readers, the
very best-of this joyful season. "
We offer our warmest appreciation to all of you for giv-
ing your time throughout the year to read The Leader and
electing to be an informed member of this unique seaside
community. Our thanks also to the many who have con-'
tributted photos, news items and other information for
In this time of reflection we are reminded that life at'the
Beaches with great neighbors offers a treasure worth more
than nearly anything that can be boxed and wrapped.
Merry Christmas and may the jovs of Beach living be
enjoyed by you and \ours throughout the coming year.

Many made lighting fun

To the editor: to the Fletcher High School
Several weeks ago, our com- chapters of the National Honor
munity held ;. its annual Society and Interact Club; the
Christmas Tree Lightings at Fletcher Middle School
Jarboe Park and.Town Center. Cheerleaders, Atlantic Beach
.,As I stood watching the fami-: Teen Council, Beaches World
lies, friends and acquaintances Languages and all local busi-
enjoy the holiday festivities, I nesses that provided support.
was once again reminded of Last, but certainly not least, a
how fortunate and blessed we thank you to Santa, Mrs. Claus
*are to have the close, strong and their helpers.
,community environment that Again, thank you all per-
we do; but most importantly, former, directors, maestros,
|how blessed we are to have cit- supporters and all those who
izens and businesses that par- made this year festivities a suc-
ticipate in, support and enjoy cess. It is your support and
that environment. civic pride that make the
A very sincere thank you to Beaches community what it is.
the Fletcher High School
Choir, the Fletcher High Fred "Fel" Lee
School Band, the Mayport Neptune Beach
Middle School Band, as well as

Put the differences behind

To the editor: an extremely low 10.92 per-
In a recent letter to the edi- cent voter turn out. An 8 per-
tor and an interview conduct- cent margin in any other elec-
ed by our staff an unsuccessful tion would in some peoples
City Council candidate said eves dictate a mandate.
several things that I can only As for the writer asking the
hope he didn't believe or mean council to stop endorsing and
to say. "hand picking" one candidate
i irtt, he indicated that he. ,over.. an letr, Rlj q askhim
would propose changes to the he' did nbt request the s
Yvay council districts are div-id-" e`htitFraefl'hs'frTrl fnTlu'ittl
ed because "he doesn't feel people in the community is a
comfortable that- there is no time proven idea that is com-
representation east of Third mon in all elections from the
Street". When in fact four of local to the national level.
the seven current City Council Didn't the unsuccessful candi-
members, including the date not only seek but also
Mayor, live east of third. I secure the endorsement of the
believe that shows more than third candidate to the race? I
ian adequate representation of believe so.
those residents that are fortu- Now that the campaigning
nate enough to live east of and elections are well behind
A1A. us isn't it about time we put
The writer also indicated our difference behind us and
that "A 40 vote victory is not a work together to continue to
mandate" for the successful make Jacksonville Beach the
candidate; when in fact it was finest city in Florida. After all,
;a 43 vote victory. This trans-. isn't that The American Way?
Ilates to an almost 8 percent
margin. Both candidates in Page Waugh
this runoff were challenged by Jacksonville Beach

Lengthy letters may be edited as space
requires. We will not consider letters that
do not bear a signature and address and
we request a phone number for



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Ediur. The Beache. Leader Director of Sale'

. Thomas Wood
Pre ident and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Ddhlke
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Johnny Woodhouse

Business Office
Char Coffman

Karen Stepp
li'ce Preident

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith

Advertising &
Marie Adams
-Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Katy Stark

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Steve 'Fouraker

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Pone i'edra Leader

Jennifer Wise
Vice President

Anya Braun,
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Pierry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin Wray.
Kendall Thornes

(904) 249-9033

Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963





Im easily distracted

this time of the year

have three basic rules for
the holiday season:

-Do not' ask what I am.
doing at some point in time
more than 12 hours before
the time slot. I won't be able
to answer.
-Do not mess with my gift
list. If you wanted to help
plan, buy, and ship gifts for
60 plus people then you
should have spoken up a long
time ago,
And last but certainly not
least: -
LAUNDRY ROOM unless you
want to get lost folding laun-
dry for an hour. That room is
the lethal magnet, the kiss of
death to someone with tight-
ly scheduled agenda.
During the season of frenzy
LsurrQunding ,the. 25h, many
of us get "holiday induced-
S .' T e'r"e o e "o ma ny
projects, unfilled lists, and
unfinished projects going on
that it's hard to know which
way to turn, and harder to
stay on task.
Like man\ of you, if I find
myself in a room but can't
remember why I'm there, I.
Scan usually go back to the
room I was previously in and
a light bulb clicks on. But this
time of year, my mind is
going 90 miles an hour, plac-
ing and replacing items in pn-
ority position on the "list of
things I absolutely have to get
done today", and the usually
fail-safe plan is no longer safe.
I ordered a sculpture from
an artist in SC in Nov. and
received it on Thanksgiving. I
got an email yesterday
reminding me that I hadn't


paid for it yet and asking if
there was a problem. I quickly
replied that the problem was
that the address was down-
stairs. I'm sure she was all
over that lame excuse. That is,
ital.jss she has the dreaded
' ,feared HI-ADD and caq,t
a room without being
mentally rerouted by objects
that enter the visual field. Let
me explain.
Walking through the family
room, I see the sculpture on
my mantle, and think "oh
gosh I've got to mail that
check, and head downstairs
to my bedroom to find the
address. Unfortunately I have
to walk through the kitchen
to get there, 'where there are
always dishes to rinse or spills
to wipe. Even if I make it past
the kitchen and head down-
stairs, Ipass my son's room
on the way to mine, and see
the eternally unmade bed.: o,
I walk in to make his bed, and
pick up the dirty clothes that
I know he has to wear the
next day, and on the way out,
see a test paper on his desk

that needs a parent signature,
then, because the dirty
clothes are in my hand, I
remember to walk into the
laundry room, from which I
emerge one hour later with a
pile of folded clothes, leaving
two other loads mid cycle as I
wonder why my son made
that grade on the test and 1,11
bet that you, the reader of
,this .column, ; can't even
remember why I walked
downstairs in the first place.
Next year I am investing in
a dry erase-board per room to'
jot down the reason I'm leav-
ing the room. The winding
trail that eventually leads me
back to the task that I set out
to do could be cut in half if I
could just look up and see
"artist address", or "green mat
for table". I guess I could
start writing things down on
r Ther. ti atr '
reatisnort on north term

an idea.
I confess the above with
caution, because of the red
flag it waves to the advice-giv-
ing-segment of society. I
know there are herbal and
conventional meds as therapy
for people like me, but I know
the cure: it's called sleep and
lots of it. '
I wish you joy, peace, and
rest for this special season.
At least enough rest to
remember why it is that we
celebrate and to Whom we
are truly grateful. .
Merry Christmas everyone.
vonhThron is a pediatrician
who lives in NeptuneBeach with
her husband, children, and
Daisy. '

Yen for veggies yields garbage soup

I'm picky. I only eat alone
or with someone. To., tell
the truth, as a widower, I,
get mostly solo sustenance.
-Looking back on the eight
years since my wife, Lucy,
,-passed on, I feel a sense .of
accomplishment over .not
having sickened myself with
, my cookers. In other words, I
haven't experienced the die
part of my diet. Now that I'm
trying to watch my choles-
terol, I've said a mostly final'
adios to the fatty meat that I
used to scarf down. May it rest
in grease.'
Anyway, I; have always had
a yen for veggies, including
potatoes. When I was playing
football in high school, I
couldn't seem to get enough
to eat, which was understand-
able in a household contain-
ing six kids with big appetites.-
.You needed, a well-developed
boardinghouse reach at sup-
per time. Back at home after a
date, when everyone else was
in their sack, I'd wash two or
three sizable spuds and roast
them on the gas range burn-
ers. They were burned, alright.


When done, they looked like
black meteorites, but they
relieved the hunger. '
My culinary talent contin-
ues to this day. I employ a
short but -practical recipe for
concocting "garbage soup."
Ingredients: nearly anything
of plant origin that's in the
fridge and pantry. This dish
can be really ecorfomical,
especially if you follow the
practice recommended by a
friend. In brief, you just use
anything under refrigeration
that's not green if it -isn't sup-

posed to be. Then again, I'm
fairl selective. It depends on
the SHADE of green. .
Jokes aside, I'm. really riot
too fussy about food. In fact,.
despite all the grousing over
the grub, I actually liked
U.S.Navy chow. It was hard
formne to see why so many of
the swabbies were griping and
claiming to gulp Tums. I even
savored the powdered eggs.
My ,son apparently wasn't as.
happy, however, with the vict-
uals in the Marine Corps. He
said they often called the
entr6e "mystery meat." When
buzzards circled, there was
always turkey for supper.
Good shoW! I might buy
some turkey legs to gnaw on.
Incidentally, somebody told
me why there are so many in
the grocery stores even when
there aren't very many whole
turkeys. This bird said he visit-
ed a turkey farm and saw a
flock of one-legged gobblers
walking around on: small
I believe he may have been
pulling MY leg.

Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader,
P.O. Box 50129
2 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240,
or send e-mail to
- :^^^,^' ..

of the




Dear Santa,
My kids ask repeatedly 'if
you are real. I trust you are
because it's going to take a
jolly guy with a twinkle in his
eye and a whole, lot of magic
at his fingertips to take care of
my wish list.
My list is written on a'small
yellow legal pad that has seen
far better days the pad is
scribbled, crumpled and hard
to decipher as its cryptic code
is clear to only me -- lest pry-
ing eyes find it before
December 25.
The first four pages on the
pad are a to-do list.
(Any mother with'
schoolage children has a simi-
lar version albeit many
modern mothers keep their
lists updated on a far sleeker
device, such as a Palm Pilot or
a Blackberry. I've always liked
*paper and pen no battery
failures or software glitches to
'orry about.) .
v holiday to-do list
T^ud h detaiued sunmialy
of which child has to be
where, when and bringing
what. If food or beverages are
required, then a quick note
details whether it is to be
homemade or, my favorite
choice, picked up from the
store. (Nonperishables are
what you hope to be assigned
to bring.)' ,
If gifts are to be brought to
the scout meeting, club social
or. other, gathering then the
details,' on age, gender,
wrapped or unwrapped, tags
or no tags are all jotted in the
I know I am not the only
person driving around: with
wrapping paper, scotch tape
and scissors in my car -in
case of emergency.
Finding the perfect gifts for
family and friends is 'an
Obympian task and when you
are a bargain-hunter the task
becomes even more compli-
cated. (Why pay $19.99 when
the same item is' available for
$9.99 with an additional dis-
count from'a 20 percent off
coupon. Yes,, my time is
worth more than the savings
are, but it's hard to break a
lifelong habit of looking at
something and immediately
asking "How much is that?".)
In addition to juggling the
commercial end of Christmas,
there are numerous other
For example, an, intimate
Christmas Eve dinner for 7
has grown to 13 (or more) and
the food still must be pur-
chased, prepped and served.
It's a. pleasure to see every-
one during the holidays, but
my wish list includes a desire
to see the holidays simplified.
Santa, here's where I could
use some help.'
First, please let my guests
realize that I am not a chef
from Food Network and
Martha Stewart will not be
decorating my table. Be glad
we're not using paper plates.
Second, get behind a cam-
paign that only children
receive Christmas presents,
Most adults can and do -
buy throughout the year.
So Santa, pack your bag a
little lighter this year. Let. me
and the other adults fepd for
As I tell the children when
They ask about you, "Only
those who believe, will
(But Santa, if you insist on
bringing gifts to adults, more
yellow pads would be nice.)

ka' w TLx.


December 22, 2006



Page 5A

The Beaches Leader/Po a Leader

LciemPO ci ,U


Petit theft was reported on
Dec. 19 in the 500 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according
to a police report. The suspect
stole a tool, valued at $150,
from a shopping cart, accord-
ing to the report.
Criminal mischief was
reported on Dec. 19 in the
1000 block of Third Street,
according to a police report.
The victim told police that
someone threw a small object
through the driver's side win-
dow, breaking the glass. The
window is valued at $200,
according to the report.
Randolph Regan Hicks, 41,
was arrested for being a habit-
ual traffic offender on. Dec. 18
in the 700 block of Third
Street, according to a police.
report. His license has been
suspended for 60 months and
the officer found drug para-
phernalia in the car, according
to the report.
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 18 in the 400 block of
Lora Street, according to a
police report. The victim dis-
covered damage to his proper-
ty, which is vacant. A/wall-
mounted air conditioning
unit had been moved and a
window screen was pushed
up.. The victim also found a
chair in the backyard which
was supposed to be at the
front of the house, according
to the report.
Burglary was reported on,
Dec. 14 in the 400 block of
Sherry Street, according to a
police report. Several items,
including a camera; were
stolen out of the victim's vehi-

cle, according to the report.
Marcus Daron Moultrie, 30,
was arrested for being a habit-
ual traffic offender on Dec. 19
in the 50 block of Dudley
Street, according to a police
Lenathan Tyrone Gee, 26,
was arrested for being a habit-
ual traffic offender on Dec. 18
in the 800 block of Amberjack
Lane, according to a police
Grand theft was reported on
Dec. 18 in the 1600 block of
Richardson Lane, according to
a 'police report. The victim
flagged down an officer to
report that her washer and
dryer had been stolen. ,
*, .*
Grand theft was reported on
Dec.' 16 in the 1900 of Oak
Circle, according to a police
report. The victim told police
that two packages had been
delivered and left on her
porch. Sometime between
5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. they
were stolen, according to the
report. ,
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 16 in the 400 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according
to a police report. .Police
responded to an alarm at a-
business., The front door had
been shattered and the cash'
register was missing, accord-
ing to the report.
Ricky Lenard Davis, 46, was
arrested for aggravated assault
on Dec. 18 in the 40 block of
Lewis Street, according to a
police report. A caller report-
ed that a man was assaulting a
female and was armed with a
stick and a knife, according to

the report.
Battery was reported on
Dec. 15 in the 500 block of
Camelia Street, according to a
police report.
A 27-year-old Philadelphia
man reported Dec. 15 that his
car was stolen from a driveway
on San Juan Drive some time'
between 11 p.m. Dec. 14 and
8 a.m. Dec. 15. The victim said
the vehicle was unlocked and
the keys were in the glove
box. The Jacksonville Sheriff's"
Office reported that the vehi-
cle, a 2007 Dodge Charger,
had been towed at about 4:15
a.m. Dec. 14 because it was
involved in a hit-and-run acci-
A 47-year-old resident of
Rutile Drive reported Monday
that some time over the week-
end, someone stole an XM
radio from inside his automo-
bile, which was left unlocked.,
The radio is valued at $350.,
The owner of a house on.
Wilderness Trail reported
Tuesday that. a shotgun, a sub-
woofer and two setsof speak-
ers were stolen froin the house.
some time between Dec. 13
and Tuesday. The house was
found to be in disarray, with
some items missing, by a fam-
ily friend who checks the
house regularly, according to a-
report. The items stolen are
valued at $375.
A van belonging to a trans-
portation ; company was
reported stolen from
Jacksonville Beach Tuesday
and was later found in
Sawgrass Country' Club,
according to a report. The

vehicle's GPS system led
employees to the 1999
Chevrolet van, the report said.
A 51-year-old resident of a
condominium on State Road
A1A reported Tuesday that
someone keyed her 2002 silver
Toyota while it was parked at
the condominium. Damage
was estimated at $300.
A state Department of
Corrections employee report-
ed that his wallet, about $20
in. cash, credit cards, a debit
card, Social Security card and'
DOC, ID were stolen Ifrom a
locker at the Winston Family
YMCA Wednesday. The, man,
25, said he left the wallet and
shirt in an unsecured locker
while he used the YMCA facil-
Burglary to a business was
reported Dec. 20 in the 1300
block of 13th Avenue South. A
cabinet in the rear of a med-
ical office building was found
by an employee to be pried
open when she arrived' at
work. Nothing was missing'
but the lock was tampered,
with to gain access.
* "* o o
Burglary to a, home was
reported Dec. 20Q in the 1000
block of 10th Street V. Tools
valued at $960. including a
pressure washer were stolen.
The victim told police he
arrived home at 9:20 p.m. and:
observed a green Dodge pick-
up truck backing put of his
driveway. The driver described
as a white male in his late 40's
,fled north on 10th Street
North. The victim followed
the suspect's vehicle but lost
sight of him. The truck was a
late 90's model 4x4. with a

small lift kit and a silver tool
box in the bed. Police said the
suspect entered the house
through an unlocked rear
door and exited out the front
Petit theft was reported Dec.
20 at a hotel in the 1st block
of 1st Street N. An unknown
male suspect stole a six pack
of beer and two bottles of
Chardonnay valued at $35
and fled without paying for
Residential burglary was
reported Dec. 20 at an apart-
ment in the 800 block of 2nd
Street S. The victim arrived
home at 11 p.m. to find her
front door open. An unknown
suspects entered the home
and stole 13 designer purses
and six bottles of liquor val-
ued at approximately $5,000.
Aggravated battery was
reported Dec. 20 'in the 200
block of 13th Avenue North. A
62-year-old man told police
he was struck in the head with
a bottle during an argument,
with the suspect over damage
to a vehicle. He sustained a
small cut' over his ear but
refused niedical' treatment.
The suspect fled prior to
police arriving.
'Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 18 in the 1700 block of
The Greens Way. A car stereo.
and an Ipod were stolen from i
the vehicle. An unknown sus-
pect used a tool to pry out the
left window to gain access to.
the vehicle. The lock was bro-
ken and the frame was dam-



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Paul Enarb Byers, 96, died
Dec. 19, 2006. A native of
Richmond, Ind., Byers had
been a resident of Jacksonville
fpTrthe last five years, preceded
by 15 )eats in Ocala and about
75 %ears in Ohio, mostly in
Cincinnati. As a child, he lived
for two years in the western
Canadian prairie in Edmonton,
Byers worked more than 40
years at Cincinnati Union
Terminal as an agent, selling
passenger train tickets, and
never missed a day of work. He
was an active member of St.
Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church in Jacksonville Beach,
where he' was a proud member
of the .Brotherhood of St.
Byers was an eternal optimist
and life-long Cincinnati Reds
fan who dearly loved his wife,

his family and his church.
Survivors include his wife of
62 years, Ruth M. Byers; two
sons and daughters-in-law,
Ric'h'rd hd 4atherin4n ''ils'n
yers..and 1obert ad arica
Byers; five grandchildren,
Elizabeth, Jennifer, Steven,
Andy and Suzanne; and one
great-grandson, Nicholas.
Memorial services will be
held at 11 a.m. Saturday at St.'
Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church. Interment will follow
in the church memorial gar-
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be made in Byers' memo-
ry to the St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church Foundation,
465 l1th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250.
Arrangements' by Corey-
Kerlin Funeral Home, 940
Cesery Blvd.,Jacksonville.


James M. Marlett, Sr., 82, a
resident of Neptune Beach for'
the past 19 years, died Dec.
18, 2006. He was born Nov.,
29, 1924 in Altoona, Pa.
M.arlett was employed by
the. National Bureau, of
.Standards' in Maryland, then
started his own painting busi-
ness when he relocated to
Florida. He served in th.e U.S.
Army during World War II as a
Staff Sergeant and was a faith-
ful member of South Baptist
Church on Dean Road for
many years.
Marlett is survived by his'
daughter, Doris. Marlett;
brother, James Jr. (Marsha)


Claudia Ann Winn, 66, a res-
ident of Atlantic Beach, died
-Dec. 20, 2006 at her home with
family by her side.
She was ,a devoted wife,
tremendous mother and was
very talented in everything she
did, the family said.
Winn was an avid golfer and
an enthusiastic sports fan. Her
hobbies included boating,
camping and fishing. Her great
interests and talents were in
the Arts; she created many
sculptures, oil paintings and

Marlett; three grandchildren;
six great-grandchildren and
six great-great-grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his
wife of 62 years, Nora Marlett,
in 2004..
Visitation will be from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 27 in
Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral
Home. The Funeral Service
will be held at 10 a.m. Dec. 28
in the Quinn-Shalz Chapel.
Interment will follow in
Beaches Memorial Park of
Atlantic Beach.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family
Funeral Home:.

Winn is survived by' her hus-
band, Ernest Winn; son, Steven
R. (Deborah) Winn of
Chesapeake, Va.; daughters,
Karen D. Winn and Debra A.
Winn, both of Jacksonville;
and grandchildren, Jason,
Michael, Joshua and Craig.
Winn preferred to be remem-
bered by those who loved her
in his or her own way.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral

Antoinette "Toni" Lobb
Denver died Dec. 11, 2006 at
the age of 86. Born in New
Brighton, England May 25,
1920, she moved to the
United States in 1929 with her
sister, Angela. They settled in
Philadelphia, where Denver
attended Olney High School.:
She married Charles
Thomas Denver, also of
Philadelphia, in 1941, and the
two made their home in
Maple Shade, N.J. She volun-
teered in the Red Cross Motor
Pool during World War II, and
also worked as a hairdresser.
Denver enjoyed painting,
ceramics, sewing, walking the.
beach and collecting shells.
She was an avid animal-rights
activist, and supported a Wide

% variety of animal welfare
organizations. '
After being "snowbirds" for
more ,thanrl "15 ye''s' I-he
Derivern moved permane'cirly
to Atlantic Beach in 1998.
Denver is survived by her
husband, Tom Denver; daugh-
ter, Susan Denver MNariani
(Franki; one granddaughter,
Kimberly Mariani Hernandez
(Josei; nephew, Lou Schaefer
(Joan); sister-in-law, Kathryn
"Kitty" Denver; nieces,. Diane
Denver Boyle and Sharon
Denver Brossman (Mark);
nephew. Edward Denver; and
many extended family mem-
bers and friends.
DIenver was preceded in
death' by her sister,. Angela
Lobb Schaefer, and brother-
in-law, Edward J. Denver.
A 'Mass of Christian Burial
will be celebrated at 11 a.m.
Dec. 29 in St. Paul's Catholic
Church, 224 5th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests
that donations in Denver's
memory be made to the
Jacksonville Humane Society,
8464 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville, FL 32216.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family
Funeral Home.


Dr. James M. Strickland died
Dec 7, 2006 in Knoxxille, Tenn.
Strickland, who practiced den-
tistry in Neptune Beach and
lived in Atlantic Beach for
many years, had been fighting
pneumonia for several weeks.
Strickland is survived by his

wife, Dorothy; son, Jim; and
daughters, Stephanie and
Laurie. All were with him dur-
ing his last week.
Strickland lived in Corryton,
Tenn. with his wife and son for
the past 11 years.

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Christmas Dinner
St. Johns Catholic Church
will serve Christmas Dinner
for senior citizens of the
beaches at 3 p.m. on Monday,
Dec.r 25. The church address
is 2400 Mayport Road in
Atlantic Beach; transportation
is available from Dial A Ride
at 246-8771.. For information
call the church office at 246-
Watch Night Service
The Perfecting. Saints
Church of Mayport will have
a Watch Night Service at 9:30
p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 31. The
theme will be "The Struggle is
Over."The church is located' at
2294 Mayport Road, Suite 8 in
Atlantic Beach. For informa-
tion call the church office at
Meaning of Life
Calvary Anglican Church
will offer an, exploratory
course on the Meaning of Life
from the Christian perspec-
tive. The five week course
.begins at 6:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, Jan. 2 and continues
through Jan. 30.
,Dinner, which is provided
at no charge, will be followed
by the lecture and discussion..
.Everyone including those
with questions or who are
skeptical are 'welcome to
attend. To register call the
church office at 241-9400.
The .course will be- held at
Redeemer Anglican Church at
7500 Southside Blvd..
Harmony on Tour
The Cornell University Glee
Club will perform in concert
at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9
at Palms Presbyterian Church.
The church address is 3410 S.

ipr.r:. .lsmu.mnea
The Palms Chancel Choir, soloists, the Chancel Bells, and the Jacksonville Symphony, as seen last year, presented Lessons and
Carols at Palms Presbyterian Church at 3410 S. 3rd Street in Jacksonville Beach last week on the third Sunday of Advent.

Third Street in Jacksonville
Beach; call 246-6427 for infor-
Grief Ministry,
The Healing Hearts Ministry
of Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
church will begin a 10-week
small group, self-guided jour-
ney through the grief process
at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 7 at
7 p.m.. Healing Hearts

Ministry is led by trained vol-
unteers Beth and David
Bolton. For information con-
tact them at. 280-7820 or at
Bethel Gallery Exhibit
"Christmas Presence" is the
ongoing art exhibit at Bethel
Gallery at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church through
Jan. 14. The church address is

4510 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra. .Call 285-8225
'for information.
Meditation Class
Unity at the Beaches will
offer "'Meditation Made Easy",
a class led by Rev. Marleen
Davis at 7:30 p.m. on
Wednesday at the Ribault
Garden Club. The class will
continue through early,

December. For information
call 355-'5100. .The Garden
Club,is at 705 2nd Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach.
Prayer .for Schools
On Thursday from 9:30 to
S11 a.m, a group meets at the_
Winston 'Family YMCA to
pray for school, media, fami-
lies, and church. The YMCA
is on Landrum Lane in Ponte

Vedra. For information call
Celebrate Recovery
A biblical based program for
persons facing personal prob-
lems, meets every Friday at
6:30 p.m. in the fellowship
hall of Beach United
Methodist Church, 3rd Street
at 7th Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach. The pro-
gram emphasizes that
through worship and same-
gender small groups, people
can work on personal strug-
gles such as eating disorders,
alcohol/drug abuse, and code-
pendency. The evenings begin
with dinner. Call 249-2343.
Men's group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is
4140 Hodges Blvd. For infor-
mation call 223-6922.
The men's group from
Calvary' Anglican Church
meets at 6 a.m. Friday at
Denny's Restaurant, on
Atlantic Blvd. Pastor David
Sandifer will facilitate a study
pf "Devotional Classics" by
Richard S. Foster. For informa-
tion call the church office at
A men's Bible study is held'
at 7 a.m. Monday at Ponte
Vedra United Methodist
Church, 35 Executive Way,
Ponite Vedra Beach.
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at 7 a.m.
Wednesday in the Youth
Center/Fellowship Hall.,
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Dr. in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts for
men at 7 a.m.

400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach 285-6127
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
10:15 AM Christian Formation; Saturday Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM
Wednesday Holy Eucharist- 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 6 PM
Weekday Evening Prayer in Chapel 6 p.m except Wed.
Nursery available for Saturday and Sunday services.
>-,., .... ,.CHRIST CHURCH SAN PABLQ,:-,-...,

Sunday 9 AM Worship; 10:15 AM Christian Formation
Nursery Provided
For event information, visit www.christepiscopalchurch.org

Exciting, Growing
Home Church
off Kernan
Meet Sundays
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
T r iA TradifionaLtnglican Churchi
Holy Communion
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M.
Christmas Day 10:00 A.M.
Holy Trinity meets in the Old Chapel
at 610 Florida Blvd.. Neptune Beach
Rev. Robert C, Adams, Vicar

To advertise your
Religious Services
here call


.4 nghi.an C hurchb

Mfeering at Sabal Palm ElemeniarN
120IN Kernan Bl~d.
Suricdav Worship: 10:?0 am
Suroa, School;- .'9:0.arn
.i.-ne -u.v0r. ~on ek~ni~c hts arrur- :tao~sno"e
Heall,) .'n.n 0.r -,,r i. ay'. 7'an.
F '.: ..4.,., Ar ,:. .24J.94400. : 3..l,- &-g.
'It-, .** .v.rff.:'.Ir N :.'


United Methodist

Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church
"Where friends gather to worship"
.4510 Palm Valley Road (CR 210)
Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle. High School, College
Adult Ministries'
Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Visit

Worship With
Your Family

E ,l

Christmas Eve
10:00am Lessons & Carols
5:00pm Candlelight
7:00pm Candlelight

Re%. Jeff Bennett, Pastor
Adam Myers. Youth
35Executive \%a).PVB
Across AIA from Ra"lings School
Behind Prosperity Bank
280-5141 www.pv-umc.org
"Connecting the Unconnected"

Nev w aptist Church
1050 Highway A1A* 285-4288
Sunday School 9:00am
Worship > 10:15am
E-mail: :

Wed. Evening 7:30 pm
Ribault Garden Club
705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch
(Corner 2nd. Ave. N. arid 7th St. N.)

Dial A Prayer 355-7044
Church of the Daily Word

palil s
presby te r an c h u r C ch

The rans Oasis
isC Communit Nurtured b4
elthl. Cj'c e- Jl'.-s Chrst
5,erve CodI' Mission in the World

Sunday Worship Services
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
.Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.

Nursery at all services
Sunday School
"All ages 9:40 a.m.

3410 South.Third Street, Jacksonville Bead
Ph: 904-246-6427 www.palmschurch:org

1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
Phone: 249-5418
8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Serinal
Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.

A Stephen Ministry Congregation
1801 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575
Sunday Worship
8:00 am & 10:30 am
Sunday School
Children 9:15 am
Youth/Adult 9:15 am
Nursery Provided


895 Palm Valley Road
Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112
Christmas Eve Services
10am Holy Eucharist Rite II- 4th Sunday of Advent
6pm holy Eucharist Rite II Family Service &
Children's Pageant
10:30pm Holy Eucharist Rite II Midnight Mass

St. Paul's by the Sea ....

Episcopal Church

Welcome Families' Children's Chapel At 10 am Sun.
S iNursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun'.
& Singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am
Corner of 5th St. & 111h Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net


Pastor Steve McCoy
Associate Pastor Howard McMinn
Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM
Wednesday 7PM
TEL 241-4211

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:15 a.Tn.
Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
Nursery Provided -
400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Neptune Beach 249-5370
Rev. Patrice Spenser
Share in the love of Christ

5'_"\ CHURCH
- S 150 Sherry Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL
"- )UJ6b Rev. Dr. Gabe.Goodman, Pastor
.... Church Office 249-8698
Preschool/Kindergarten Office 241-7335
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 11a.m.n
Church School- All Ages, 9 4. am
Youth Fellowships 5 p.m.
Contemporary Worship Serv. 5:59 p.m.
Chancel Choir Wednesdays 7 p.m.
Weekday Preschool/Kindergarten (3, 4 & 5 yr olds)

276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch.
Ph. 285-5347
Rev. Julie Frank,Pastor
Sunday Contemporary Worship
Sunday Church School 9:45am
Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am
Nursery Provided

Baptist Church
6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Service
9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service
10:30 am -Traditional Service
6:30 pm The Gathering
Bible Studies for Every Age & Life Situation
407 Third Street
www.neptunebaptist.org Neptune Beach
Tom Bary, Pastor 04.249-.2307

of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ)
2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach
Come worship with us by the ocean.
,7 Sundays:
Traditional Services
8:00 & 9:00 am
Celebration Praise
10:45 am
5:30 Supper
6:30 Choir, Bible Study, Youth
Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010
James Collins, Associate Pastor

1st Avenue North at 5th Street
Jacksonville Beach
Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor
Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Mass 7:00, 8:30, 10:00,
11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.
Saturday Confessions
After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m.

2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
Father Joseph Meehan
Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Saturday 10:00 a.m. or by appt.
Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3) 7:15 p.m. (4-6 gr.)
Sunday 6:00 p.m. (7-H.S.)"

Palm Valley Baptist Church OCEANSIDE
4. rl:f Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra P abbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, PhD. Spiritual Leader
(904) m 285-27 FStuCart Willams.PresidentC RCH OFCHRIST
Etirmed. palmchurch@bellsouth.net-F-R- ,T. .APTIrT
Sunday School for all ages ...9:15am h.iian (hlirh 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid
Sunday Worship Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 -12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Service 10:30am Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Sunday Evening Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Bible Study 6:00pm Saturday 5:00 pm We have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709
Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am community. Please contact our officern-f8-5 forinformation about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Family education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
WeDinne ay Bible Study 6:00pm (904) 268-2500 "A home for Jewish Familes at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
for all ages 760Opm wwwMandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. =n -0 r.L Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired




December 22, 2.006

Pag-e 6A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Deeme 21--- 200 The Bece Ledr/ot Ver Ledr Pg




rr.:.. iuCr..nea

Four classes of pre-K students from the
Weekday Ministry at First Baptist Church of
Jacksonville Beach presented a Christmas pro-
gram for the residents of Avante. This is the
sixth year students from the ministry have given
a Christmas performance at Avante, said
Denise Elliot, a pre-K teacher at First Baptist.
Pre-K student Zachary Kelley gives a hand-
made cross to a resident of Avante.


i '" ""

Gifts have a very special place at Christmas

Iwas talking to my daughter,
Marley the other day. She's
six, so-you can just imagine
how excited she's been about
Christmas. So, I had to ask,
"What are you most excited
about?" And she knows her
dad.. She knows what to say. So
she said, "Daddy, it's Jesus
birthday!" So I asked, "Wh at is
it about Jesus birthday that you
like?" Can you guess what she
said? Presents! That's what I'm
talking about!
The thing is, as a family, we
try so hard to keep the focus of,
Christmas in the right perspec-
tive. We don't want to make it
all about what you get. But with
children in the house there's so
much momentum going in that
direction that you can't help but
get excited about gifts both
giving and receiving; And you
know what? I think there's
. something to that.
There's a word we -throw
around here a lot at Hodges -
this word grace,, and it simply
means an undeserved gift.
Here's the cool part though, in
our scriptures it implies both a
receiving and a giving. It's
almost like the more you are
open to receive, the more you
want to give. .
I 'mean, can you remember
the last time you had an experi-
ence that was just beautiful?
Something just touched you?
Maybe someone did something
wonderfulul for you just when
Ivou needed it most. .t 'mAbe
you saw an act of kindness that
took you by surprise.
I saw a little boy at a homeless
shelter once bend down and kiss
his little sister who was crying
on the forehead. it was moving.
You see that kind of thing and
:you want to respond you want
to do something: You experi-
ence grace and it's compelling.
S .You know the guy that wrote
that book Charlotte's Webb -
E.B. White? Years and years ago,
he said it is getting harder and
harder to perceive Christmas
through its wrappings.
That may be true, but I think
there is still something about
the Christmas season that'
reminds us that there is beauty
and good in the world around


us. And even as over-commer-
cialized as the season is I imag-
ine that most of us can't help'
but feel that there is something
.deeper going on. There is some-
thing compelling, or should I
say Somebne, that touches and-
inspires the hope, the generosi-
ty, the love that is in every one
of us.
My daughter had it right, at
Christmas we do celebrate Jesus
birthday. But it's no ordinary
birthday. It is a celebration that
God loves us so much that
God would actually break into
our world to 'touch and change
our lives for the better- and not
just for today, not just for this
season but forever. In a sense,
Christmas is about what we
But unless we respond, we
may never see beyond the wrap-
pings. Tonight, we are going to.
ltave an loppdhitnity to e.)pei- '
U e_ ^,.i-'gra''.' tog Atgr,' Otis
giving and receiving.
\\-hen the children came in
this evening, they were given an
object, a gift. W\e are going to.
invite you to come to the,
manger, to bring your gift and
lay it at the stable. When you
leave your gift, we invite you to
sit up here, and at the end we
Swill finish the message together.
Our first gift is a Heart: We
bring you the gift of our hearts,
Lord Jesus, because you came
into this world to.show us how
much you love us. With this gift
we promise you our love, our
worship, and our praise.
ur second. gift is a loaf of
Bread: You are the Bread of Life,:
and you have promised that
whoever comes to you will

never be hungry. Because you
have fed us so richly, we want to
feed others. With this gift of
bread, we promise to feed the,
hungry and take care of those in
Our third gift is a Hand, Foot,
.Ear, or Eye: You have given us
the beautiful gift of the human
body, Lord Jesus. Thank you for
our hands, feet, ears, and eves.
We promise to use what we have
to reach out to serve others: to
hug, to cook, to build, and to do
whatever your work may be
here on earth.
Our next gift is an Olive
Branch: You are the Prince of
Peace. With this gift of an olive
branch, We promise to try to live
in peace with all people every-
Our fifth gift is a sheet of
music: You have given us the
gift of voices and rhythm, Lord
Jesus. So we offer to you the gift
of our music so that we may
praise and worship you in beau-
tiful and unique ways. We want
to joyfully celebrate your grace
and love through song and
Our, ne.t gift is an Empty
Cross: We humbly give you the
gift of this holy cross, Lord Jesus,
for on the cross you offer us the
gift of forgiveness and new life.
With this gift we say to you that
we will work hard to forgive
others, even our worst enemies.
And we will continue to turn
1'-toward y, voi:&id. away from
San'gei, bi t ti ind hatred.
Our seventh gift is a silver
coin: We remember that all that
we have and all that we are, are
gifts from you, Lord Jesus. We
give you the gift of our money,
that it can be used to help take
care of people and to make this
earth more like you want it to
be. \Ve give our gift of money to
you, so that you know that you
are our true treasure.
Our eighth gift is a Fish: We
give you this gift of the fsh. It
is an early symbol of Christian
Community. We are so thank-
ful that you have given us this,
family of faith so that no" one!
would have to' go through life,
alone. \With this gift we give
you a faith that is made stronger
because we are loved, chal-

leriged, and encouraged our
Christian family.
Our next gift,is a Globe: We
gift you this gift of the globe,
Loid Jesus, recognizing that this
world and all the people in it are
sacred and beautiful because
you created them. With this gift
we promise to take care of all of
your creation.
Our tenth gift is either a,
Football, Baseball, Fishing Pole,
Surfboards, Book, or Toy: Lord'
Jesus, we remember that you
said you came so that our joy
would be complete. With the
gift of our laughter and fun,
Lord Jesus, we give you our
promise to gratefully enjoy and
celebrate all the wonders of life.
We want to show you that we
appreciate life and all that you
have given us. '
Our final gift is a Star: We.
bring you the gift of this star,.
lord Jesus, for on. that cold
night many years ago, you.sentL
the brightly shining star, to
announce your birth. So with
this gift we promise to let your
light shine through us so that
we may spread your Good News
to all
Did you notice that these are
all gifts that Jesus has given us?
These are all gifts that make our,
life rich and joyful and whole.
And, they are gifts that all of us,
no matter how young or old,
can share with others every day,
one way or another.
For. those, of us who- follo'tv
Jlesus;' Ch r.istmas stretches
throughout the whole year. It
does not begin and end in one
My Christmas prayer for you
is that you would make room in
your heart for the Christ child,
that these gifts, and so many
more would be yours, yours to
enjoy and yours to share. Amen.
Rev. Joseph Albright is Pastor of
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian Church.
The 5 p.mn. Christmnas Eve t'orship
Sehice at the church is designed for
children's participation. As the'
arrive, the children will be given an
object that represents a gift. As the
gifts are highlighted in his mes-
sage, the children will be invited to
come forward and leave the gift at
the manger for the Christ child.

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Church Christmas Services

Calvary Anglican Meets at
Sabal Palm Elementary School
at 1200 N. kernan Blvd. in
Jacksonville, 241-9-100
December 24 .
10:30 a.m. Les-ons and Carols,
7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Service at Redeemer Anglican i
.Church, 7500 Southside Blvd.
in Jacksonville

First Baptist Church:of Atlant ic
"Beach, 1050 Mayport Road,
Atlantic Beach, 246-4341 .
December 24
10:30 a.m. Service with "The
Lord's Supper"
7 p.m. Christmas Eve Service

First Baptist Church.of
Jacksonville Beach, 324 .North'
,5.th Street, 249-2314.
December 24th '
9:30 a.m. Christmas Worship
6:30.p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service with the
.Lord's Supper

Kernan Blvd. Baptist Church,
4000 Kernan Blvd. Jacksonville,.
December 24
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
5.p.m. Christmas Eve Service

Neptune Baptist Church, 407
Third Street, Neptune Beach,
December 24
10 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
8 p.m. Christmas Eve Service

New Beginnings Baptist
Church, 1050 SR A1A-, Ponte
Vedra, 285-4288
December 24
10:15 a.m. Morning Service,

'An Advent wreath, hangs' near
the altar at St. Paul's by the
Sea Episcopal Church.
6:30 p.mn. Christmas Eve
Service, "The Light of
Christmas for Your Dark Days"
December 2'7
6:30 p.m. Special Lord's Supper

Palm Valley Baptist Church,
4890 Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra, 285-2447
December 24
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
with Cantata, "Emmanuel.

Our Lady Star of the Sea
Catholic Church, 545 SR A1A
TN., Polite.'edra, 285-2698
December 24
7:30, 9. 11 a.m. Mass
2 p.m. Children's Mass
4 p.m. Mass.
6 p.m. Mass ,'
12 a.m. Midnight Mass
December 25
10 a.m. Mass

St. John's Catholic Church,
2400 Mavport Road in Atlantic
'Beach, 246-6014.
December 24
9, 11 a.m. Mass
6 p.m. Children's Mass
12 a.m. Midnight Mass
December 25
10 a.m. Mass

St. Paul's Catholic Church,
First Avenue at 5th Street
North, Jacksonville Beach, 249-
2600. .
December 24
7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m. Mass
4 p.m. Children's Mass in the
Church and Family Life Center
5:30 p.m. Mass in the Church,
Family Life Center, and Gym
.7:30 p.m. Mass
9:15 p.m. Chancel Choir
Christmas Concert
10 p.m. Mass
11:15 Chancel Choir Christmas
12 a.m. Midnight Mass
December 25
7 a.m. Mass
10 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass

Christ Episcopal Church, 400
San Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra;
2002 San Pablo Road,
Jacksonville; Serenata Beach

Club, South Ponte Vedra'.
Beach; 285-6127 -
December 24
7:45 a.m. Sunday Holy
Eucharist Advent IV Service
9 a.m. Sunday Holy Eucharist
Advent IV Service
2 p.m.,.4 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8
p.m., 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Celebration at Christ Church
Porite Vedra
4 p.m. Christmas Eve
Celebration at Vicars Landing
,4p.m. Christmas Eve
'Celebration at Serenata
8 p.m..Christmas Eve
Celebration at Christ Church
at San Pablo
December 25
10 a.m. Christmas Service

St. Francis in the Field, 895 CR
210, St. Johns County, 543-
December 24
10 a.m. 4th Sunday of Advent;
Holy Eucharist '
6 p.m. Holy Eucharist Family
Christmas Worship and.
Children's Pageant
10:30 p.m. Midnight Mass and
Holy Eucharist

St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church, 465 Eleventh Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, 249-4091.
December 24
9 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10 a.m. Fleet Landing Service
5 p.m. Family Service
8 p.m. Fleet Landing Servicef
10:30 p.m. Carols
11 p.m. Holy Eucharist
December 25
10 a.m. Holy Eucharist


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page. 7A

December 22, 2006f


Page 8A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 22, 2006



Only the statues of the animals are in the creche at St. Paul's by
the Sea Episcopal Church until Christmas.

Cont. from A-7
Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
1423 Eighth Ave., Jacksonville
Beach, 249-5418
December 24
10 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Family Worship
8 p.m. Candlelight Service with
Holy Communion
10 p.m. Candlelight Service
with Holy Communion
December 25
10 a.m. Worship Service

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church,
1801 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach, 249-4575.
December 24
8 a.m. Sunday service
10:30 am Sunday Service
5:30 p.m. Christmas ,Eve
Family Service
10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service

Lord of Life Lutheran Church,
276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte
Vedra, 285-5347
December 24
7 p.m. Candlelight Worship
with Communion
10 p.m. Candlelight Worship
with Communion

Victory Lutheran Church,
4651 Keman Blvd., lacksonville,
9 9a.m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
Christ the Redeemer Church,
!190 S. Roscoe'-,'lvd .Ponte
i Vedra, 285-800Qg?,^ i.
December 24,
7 p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service

Beach United Methodist,
Third Street at Seventh Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, 249-2343.
December 24
10 a.m. Traditional Worship
Service Sanctuary
4 p.m. Family Christmas Eve
Candlelight Senrice Sanctuary
5:30 p.m. Traditional
Christmas Even Candlelight
Service Sanctuary
7 p.rm. Contemporary
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Service Family Life Center
8:30 p.m.. Contemporary
Christmas' Eve Candlelight
.Service Family Life Center

Isle of Faith United Methodist
Church,1827 San Pablo Road,
Jacksonville, 221-1700
December 24
9 a.m. Worship (No 10:30 am
5 p.m. Children's Service
S7 p.m. Candlelight Service
and Communion IChildcare
provided i
9 p.m. Candlelight Service
and Communion (No childcare

Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church, 35 Executive
Way, Suite 10, Ponte Vedrai, 280-
December 24
10 a.m. Lessons and Carols,
5:00 p.m. Candlelight Ser-ice
7 p.m. Candlelight Sertice

Community Presbyterian
Church, 150 Sherry Drive,
SAtlantic Beach, 249-8698
December 24
4p.m. Candlelight Children's
Service with Live Nativity
6 p.nm. Candlelight Service
with Choir Music
'J8 P.m.: Candlelight Service
with Choir Music

Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian'
Church, 4140 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville, 223-6922.
December 24
10 a.m. Worship with Lessons
and Carols .
5'p.m. Tamtly Service with.
9 p.m. Candlelight
-Communion Service
Palms Presbyterian Church,
3410 S. Third Street,
Jacksonville Beach, 246-6427
December 24
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
11 a.m. Worship Service
5 p.m. Children's Candlelight
8 p.m. Traditional
Candlelight Serice with Choir
and Strings
{ 11 p.m. Candlelight
Communion Service with Choir
and Strings

Ponte Vedra Piesb\terian
Church, 4510 Palm \allev Road,
Ponte Vedra, 285-8225
December 24
9 a.m. Christmas Eve Service
11p:30 a.m. Christmas. Eve-'
Ser~ic& :A'", ."
5 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
10 p.m. Christmas Eve Serxice

Church at Chets Creek, 4420
Hodges Blvd., lacksonville, 223-
S 595-4 :
December 24
9 a.m Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
5 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship
6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Worship Service

First Christian Church of the
Beaches, 2125 Oceanfront,
,Neptune Beach. 246-2010
December 24
S8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Sunday Services
6 p.m., 11 p.m. Christmas Eve

New Life Christian Felloiwship,
2701 Hodges Blvd., Jacksonville,
December 24
10 a.m. Worship Service

Sunrise Community Church,
298 Aquatic Drive, Atlantic
Beach,. 249-3030
.10:15 a.m. Worship Service.
6 p.m. Candlelight Family
Service *

Unity Church, Meets at
Jacksonville Beach Women's
Club at 1113 N. 2nd Ave.,
Sacksonville Beach, 254-9683
December 24
7 p.m, Christmas Eve Service

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ing. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information' about my qualifications
and experience..

Julia Heimke and
Hadley Edwards, own-
ers of Where Ya Bean
in Jacksonville Beach,
have opened a coffee
shop and bakery at
235 8th Ave. S. Where
Ya Bean features a
serve-yourself coffee
bar and fresh-baked
items including blue-
berry scones, oatmeal
breakfast bars and; low
fat banana apple or
pumpkin cranberry
breads. The two own-
ers have tried to
reflect the local beach
culture and feature
the work of two local
artists every month
and host artist open-
ings once a month.
The shop offers free.
W i-Fi o. .


Dr. David
Harvey, has
b e e n
to the
M medical -.-
Ad visor y
Board for H
a publica- ':
tion of the
Florida 'i
Ti m e s
Union. His
two year Dr. David Harvey
term will
begin in January. .Harvey is.
owner of Ponte Vedra
Dermatology -& Aesthetic
Surgery. He is also a past presi-
dent of the Florida Society of:'
Dermatologic Surgeons and
the Florida Society of
Dermatology and
Dermatologic Surgery, and he
is head of dermatology at
Beaches Baptist Hospital. He is
a widely-recognized expert in
Mohs Surgery and cosmetic
laser surgery who frequently
lectures on topics from skin
cancer to biologic therapies in

- James P. Ryan will be giving
free presentations at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Library on
Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 10 a.m..
and 6:15 p.m. He will share his
definition of what hypnosis is
and how it works. He will also
share specific applications for
various physical and 'mental
challenges. He will cover the
use of hypnosis for pain man-
agement and discuss applica-

tions to many varieties of pain
including acute and chronic
pain. Back and neck pain,
headaches including
migraines, and pain following
injury and and/or surgery. He
was certified as a Pediatric
Hypnotist by the National
Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.
recently after training and test-
ing with Don Mottin, Cl,
DNGH. He works with chil-
dren 4 years and older to help
them improve behavior, atti-
tudes and habits. He has
offices in Ponte Vedra Beach
and in Southpoint.

Leigh Cort has been re-elect-
ed to serve on the 2007 Board
of Directors of International
Food, Wine & Travel Writers,.
This is the 5th Term for Cort as
global membership Chairman.
The organization unites profes-
sionals in the travel, food and
wine industries, disseminating
information to the public
through global media mem-
bers. They maintain an
endowment fund to provide
scholarships, research and pro-
fessional development pro-
grams within these industries.
Cort., creates publicity cam-
paigns and special events for
.many clients in the NE Florida

Univera LifeSciences a
leader in the direct selling
industry has launched a non-
profit group to provide nutri-
tional support to needy chil-
dren. Cam Altee Brown in
Atlantic Beach is a Univera

S, I.
7 A

The Northeast Florida Association of Realtors make an $8,100
donation of tools to the Housing Partnership for use in rehabili-
tating the homes of the elderly and low income. From left are
Sandra Harrision and. Gina Birmingham of the Housing
Partnership, Glenn East of NEFAR, Carrie Davis, Sherrill
Douglass, Bill Jernigan, Sean Watts, Chris Petitpas, all of the
Housing Partnership, and Kay Seitzinger, Sandy Holdren and
Paul Gruenther of NEFAR.

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LifeSciences '
Univera -
founded in '- "..
1999 -
offers natu- .
ral products |
based on

aging, Brown said.
Re Esta, a state-of-the-art-
facility, has opened in
Jacksonville Beach offering
non-invasive aesthetic
enhancements with complete
health & wellness senrices plus
spa services.
Tax credits are available for
making energy. efficient.
improvements, according to
Ocean State Heating and Air
Conditioning. Homeowners
can receive up to $500, a life-
time credit, for energy improve-
ments to the home in areas
s.it" ht equipthent-,'" t'wld .,,
doo!;'4Kdinsdifobfh tg'
to the press release. The tax
credit has two components: a
credit for qualified energy effi-
cient HVAC equipment or a 10
percent credit for energy effi-
cient improvements.
'*. *
Fresenitrs Medical Care North
America has opened a new,
modernized dialysis treatment
center in Jacksonville Beach.
The 6,100-square-foot facility
features 13 dialysis stations. The
new facility, known as Fresenius
Medical Care of Jacksonville
Beach and located at 1711
South 5th Street, gives dialysis
patients in the Jacksonville
Beach area access to a local

treatment center, in addition to
Fresenius Medical Care's six
other dialysis clinics in the
Jacksonville area. Plans are to
expand, with the capacity to
treat up to 50 patients before
offering an evening shift. Dr.
Dinesh Jayadevappa is Medical
Director of Fresenius Medical
Care of Jacksonville Beach,
which recently received its
Medicare certification. Clinic
Manager Kelly Cooke heads up
a staff that will include two
nurses and six technicians, a
dietician, a social worker and
administrative staff. "With this
new facility, [patients] will n4t
longer have to travel 10 to 15
miles to downtown Jacksonville
for twice-weekly dialysis treat-
ments," said Susie Mersal, Area
Manager for Fresenius Medical

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December 22 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

tA Sabina to direct BFAS triathlons


Which way

will Gator

haters lean?

A friend of mine sarcasti-
cally wondered aloud
, across a crowded restau-
rant last weekend, "Hey, John,
are you gonna write about the
Gators again next week?"
: Well let me see, Mike. I hap-
pen to be a big-time follower
of college football and college
basketball.'The University of
Florida football team is slated
to play for a national champi-
onship next month, while the
basketball team just won a
title in April and is currently
ranked fifth in the country.
A large percentage of UF
alumni live in Northeast
Florida and Gainesville is
about 90 miles down the road.
So, yeah, I think I will write
about the Gators again this
week. Thanks for your con-
cern. .,. .
Mike, by the way, is a
Georgia fan. I'm sad to tell
him that I have no plans to
amp up my coverage of the
Chick-fil-A Bowl any time
soon ...
Speaking of college football
fans, I'm curious as to how
the hon-Gators will approach
the title game between Florida
and Ohio State. How many of
you Dawgs and 'Notes and
'Canes will put aside the hate
for one night to pull for the
team close to home?
My friend Ray Lee, a Florida
State fan, put it like this:
"'This is North against

iit I hope they beat Ohio
State up and down the field."
As it stands, nobody outside
of this area seems to believe
- Florida has a chance to win
the game and many feel the
Gators don't belong on the
same field with the Buckeyes.
Considering that Florida
recruits its talent' from the
same pool as
Florida State, Miami and
many Southeastern
Conference teams, calling the
SGators an overwhelmingly
inferior opponent is an indi-
rect slap to the face of all
Southern college football fans.
I know there are those who
would pull for Lucifer's Army
to beat Florida and that's cer-
tainly understandable. But
given that the Gators will be
representing the South on col-
lege football's biggest stage,
will you reserve a four-hour
window on Jan. 8, 2007, to
forget that you hate pretty
much everything they stand
The University of Miami did
the right thing by hiring long-
time Hurricanes defensive
coordinator Randy Shannon
as its new head football coach.
Though it- seems like they,
stopped just short of inter-
viewing Pee Wee Herman
before making the hire, athlet-,
ic director Paul Dee and uni-
versity president Donna
Shalala must have awakened
and realized that Shannon's
recruiting ties in South Florida
are key to Miami's survival.
Think Ron Zook here. L
While he's an unproven
commodity as a head coach,
Shannon will at least keep the
talent coming to Coral Gables
much like Zook did in
Gainesville when he had the
formidable task of following
Steve Spurrier as Florida's head
coach. Mix in a good offensive
coordinator, who has yet to be
named, and the 'Canes could
be back in business in no
The Jacksonville Jaguars
found a new way to look bad
on Sunday, holding Tennessee
to just 98 total yards on the
day but giving up four
turnovers, three of which
went for touchdowns in a 24-
Maybe QB David Garrard,
who tossed three interceptions
(two for scores), isn't the
answer after all.
John L. Crawford's column
appears in the Fernandina Beach
News-Leader, a sister publica-
tion of The Beaches Leader.

A background in competitive
sports isn't the only thing Doreen
Sabina brings to her new job as race
director for the Beaches Fine Arts
Sprint Triathlon Series..
A former state champion swimmer
and Stanford University graduate
also is a lover of the arts who has
experienced the thrill of finishing a.
triathlon from both ends of the
competition spectrum.
"I saw it from the back of the,
pack, and that's given me a great
perspective of the event," said*
Sabina, a former BFAS age-group
winner who finished near the back
in 2002 after volunteering to assist a
first-time triathlete. )
"I got to see how some other peo-.
ple do the race." -
Sabina, 44, placed third overall
among women in the series stand-
ings in 2000, and was third overall
in a BFAS event in 2001.
She took a hiatus from triathlons
after the 2002 race to care for her
ailing mother in Boston, but she
continued to swim and run on a
daily basis.



11th in


obby McCray's size alone
makes him a force to be
reckoned with.
But it's speed off the edge
that has made the 6-foot-6,
260-pound Jacksonville
Jag. s .delnf"ye epd on9f,
iMcCray has something else
going for him: durability.
In his first three seasons
with the Jaguars, McCray has
yet to miss a game due to
A seventh-round draft pick
in 2004, the Homestead
native played in 16 games as a
rookie, 16 in 2005 and in all
13 this year.
The starting left defensive
end, NMcCray leads the Jaguars
in sacks with nine and is
ranked 11th in the AFC in
that category.
He needs three more tackles
for loss to tie the club record
of 12 set by Tony Brackens in
That alone makes McCray,
who played his college ball at
the ubiquitous University of
Florida, a draft day steal.
Jaguars coach Jack Del Rio
said he especially likes the
way McCray gobbles up quar-
terbacks. He's especially fond,
it seems, of the Manning,
On Sept. 24 at Indianapolis,
McCray sacked Peyton
Manning for a loss of seven
yards to earn his 11th career
During a Monday Night
Football Game on Nov. 20 at
Alltel Stadium, McCray, start-,
ing at right defensive end,
moved into eighth place in
Jaguars history with a QB sack
of Eli Manning.
Besides determination,
McCray and Jacksonville QB
David Garrard have another

Doreen Sabina is a two-time state.
champion freestyler who swam for '
Stanford University.

"I still credit my love of swimming
from only competing a year in col-
lege," said Sabina, a former middle
distance freestyler who swam for
Stanford, in 1980.
"We had five Olympians on our
team. I've been swimming since I

was 8 and had my hand in competi-
tions my whole life.
A Massachusetts native, Sabina
broke a national record in.the 200
freestyle as a youth swimmer and
won back-to-back state titles in the
event during high school.
Her 1976 time in the 200 free is
.still a record at her high school alma
In 1990, she started competing in
triathlons in Massachusetts and
entered her first BFAS tri in 1997,
while working for AT&T.
A communications major in col-
lege with a master's degree in public
relations from Boston University, .
Sabina did some marketing for the
BFAS prior to executive director
Kathy Wallis offering her the race
director position.
"I had never heard of triathlons'
before 1990," said Sabina, who spent
two years in Africa with the Peace
Corps after college.:.
"Kathy said she was losing a race
director and asked if I would consid-
er it. One of her former race direc-
tors, Steve Curran, is also from
1Massachusetts and was also in the
Peace Corps."
Curran was the BFAS race director

from 2000 to 2004. He was followed
by Massachusetts native Charlie
O'Brien the past two years.
Sabina's affection for the fine arts
also makes her a good fit for the
"Kathy knows how important the
arts means to me and I know what
we are raising money for," added;
Proceeds from the annual BFAS
triathlons help underwrite eight free
concerts at St. Paul's By-the-Sea
Episcopal Church and local educa-
tional outreach activities.
The triathlon series, which began
in 1986, is sponsored by Lifestyles
Sabina will have her hands full
this coming year as both a race
director and a new mom.
She gave birth four months ago to,
her first child, a boy.
Fittingly, the endurance athlete
trained right up, until two days
before the birth of her son, Ellis, at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches.
Said Sabina, who trains year round
at Beaches Aquatic Center in,
Atlantic Beach: "I swam on a
Tuesday and gave birth on a

Photos by ROB DeANGELO
Bobby McCray, the Jacksonville Jaguars sack leader, flushes Tennessee Titans quarterback Vince Young out of the pocket. McCray
who has nine sacks on the season heading into Sunday's game with the New England Patriots, is ranked 11th in the AFC in that
'defensive category. He needs three more sacks to tie a single-season club record set in 1999.

thing in common: Both broke
into the starting lineup due to
Garrard replaced starter
Byron Leftwich last month,
when the latter went down
with an ankle injury.
McCray was pushed into
service in 2004, his rookie.
year, after four defensive ends
were lost to season-ending ail-
He started seven games that
season, finishing with 18 solo
tackles and 3.5 sacks.,
The big defensive end cred-
its his strength and determi-:
nation to his father, also
Named Bobby, and now th'e

head football coach at
Homestead High, south of.
"He never let up on me,"
McCray recalled in an inter-
view last Friday at Alltel.
"Every day'he'd ask me,
'How much did you lift'
today?' And no matter how
many I'd done, he'd say it
wasn't enough.
"He was tough and a stick-
ler for conditioning. I owe it
all to him."
Despite missing half of his
senior season due to injury,
McCray still managed to
record seven sacks and was

considered one of the top 20
defensive line prospects in the
He was part of a 1999
recruiting class at Florida that
included current NFL players
Jabar Gaffney; Rex Grossman
and Lito Sheppard.
At Florida, McCray was a
second-team All-SEC selection
as a senior with 9.5 sacks and
11.5 stops for losses. He
totaled 31 QB pressures in col-
McCray's cheering section
on game day includes his par-
ents, Bobby and Brehda, wife
Alexandria and son, Bobby III.
Thanks, in part, to his size,

strength and speed, and also
his father's constant prod-
ding, McCray, 25, is clearly
one of the NFL's top young
pass rushers.
"He wasn't much for corn-,
pliments,".McCray said about
his father, who led Class 6A
Homestead (7-4) to the sec-
ond round of the state play-
offs this.year.
"If you did well, he thought
you could do a little better.
That's what keeps me trying
even harder."
Associate editor Johnny.
Woodhouse contributed to this

Glavine spurns Atlanta, says New York growing on him

What in the world was New York
Mets starting pitcher Tom Glavine
Glavine and CEO Jeff Wilpon came
to an agreement on a dual option on
Glavine's 2007 contract. Glavine
responded by telling Wilpon that he
would make a decision by the end of
Glavine was torn between returning
to the Mets and pitching again for the
Atlanta Braves, the team he started his
career with.
I don't want to come across being'
harsh, or sounding ungrateful for
Glavine's services during his tenure in
New York, but is he pulling the
Shaquille O'Neal disappearing act that
Shaq did to the Orlando Magic in

1996? Obviously, Glavine's heart and
dedication have always been with
Atlanta, but he is staying put in New
York, agreeing Dec. 1 to a $10.5 mil-
lion, one-year contract.
Glavine is 10 wins shy of 300 after
going 15-7 with a 3.82 ERA this year.
The two-time Cy Young Award winner
also went 2-1 with a 1.59 ERA in three
playoffs starts, helping the NL East
champions reach Game 7 of the
league championship series before
New York lost to St. Louis.
"I wrestled with it," Glavine said.
"Everybody who knows me knows
how important my family is."
Glavine's family lives in the Atlanta
area, but he was surprised by how
much he wanted to stay in New York.
"After four years, it's grown on me,"
he said.
Glavine's four-year tenure with the
Mets: 2003 (9-14 4.52 E.R.A.); 2004 -
(11-14 3.60 E.R.A.); 2005 (13-13 3.54

E.R.A.); 2006 (15-7 3.82 E.R.A.).
, Other Mets News: Starting pitcher
Pedro Martinez says he is making
progress in his rehab from shoulder
surgery. Martinez is expected to return
to the rotation after the All-Star break.

Free Agent News:
The Milwaukee Brewers signed
infielder Craig Counsell to a two-year
contract with a club option for 2009.
L.A. Dodgers signed pitcher Randy
Wolf, who had been with the
Philadelphia Phillies, to a one-year,
$8-million contract with a club option
for 2008.
,The St. Louis Cardinals signed sec-.
ond baseman Adam Kennedy to a
three-year contract and pitcher Kip
Wells to a one-year contract. Re-sighed
catcher Gary Bennett to a one-year
contract. Signed outfielder Eli
Marrerro to a minor league contract.
The Toronto Blue Jays re-signed

catcher Greg Zaun to a two-year con-,
The Baltimore Orioles signed pitcher
Danys Baez, who had been with .the
Atlanta Braves, to a three-year con-
The New York Yankees re-signed
pitcher Mike Mussina to a two-year
contract. Mussina won 1Tgames in
The Chicago Cubs had one of the
biggest signing in the free-agent mar-
ket. They signed outfielder/infielder
Alfonso Soriano, who hit 46 home
runs and had 41 steals, to an eight-
year, $136-million contract. Re-signed
third baseman Aramis Ramirez to a
five-year $73 million contract. The
Cubs finally broke into the bank's
And for the other grand prize, the
Houston Astros signed Carlos Lee to a
six-year, $100-million plus contract.
Lee hit 30-plus HR in last five years.


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 22, 2006

Holiday shopping for the sportsman

W ith Christmas Day
just around the cor-
ner, many shoppers
are still wondering what gifts
will bring a wide smile and'
welcome thank you from fam-
ily members and friends.
Certainly giving at Christmas
time is not only to enjoy giv-
ing gifts, but enjoying the
feeling of having the recipient
open up their present and don
a thankful smile with gleam-
ing eyes of joy. .
Such was the case last ,
'Christmas when I received a'
fish cleaning kit; including
gloves, a knife sharpener and
four different filet knives, all
designed for a multitude of
fish cleaning jobs. The fish
cleaning kit-also included a
watertight case. During last
year's fishing season, I used
the fish'cleaning kit numerous
times and for a.variety of fish-
ing cleaning projects. More
importantly, the case kept
everything in a safe place so
they couldn't be lost or mis-'
There are a multitude of
outdoor gifts that will make
your family and friends happy
Christmas Day. A good place'
to start is to simply visit one
of the many local tackle
shops. Christmas time is a
very busy time of year for
local sporting goods stores and.
they often stock up With a
variety of outdoor items for
the Christmas holiday.'
In many cases if they are
out of a particular item, they
can have it shipped in the .
next day and in plenty of time
for Christmas. If it just hap-
pens to be the wrong gift, it is:
a lot easier to return the gift
locally than it is to drive out
of town or ship it back to a
mail order company.
A popular item for stocking
stuffers is pliers. There are two
popular brands of piers on the
market today for hunters,
campers and fishermen.
Gerber and Leatherman pliers:
are made from stainless steel
and have all of the accessories'
outdoorsmen will need while
out on the water or in the
woods, including a knife,
screwdriver tips, file and even
scissors. The Gerber pliers are
a little easier to open; with

.W' EVa I
just a snap of the wrist, the
pliers are instantly ready to
unhook a fish or cut a fishing
Fishing scales also make
excellent.Christmas gifts and
come in a wide variety. Boga
Grips have been on the mar-
ket for a few years and allow
fishermen to land their catch
with the gripping end of the
fish scale. The fisherman sim-
ply holds the Boga Grips
straight up and a scale tells
how much the fish weighs.
You can also take a quick
photo of your catch and.
release it back in the water, all
without harming or touching'
the fish with your hands.
You will also find a variety,
of fish scales at local tackle
stores that keep track of your
heaviest catch of the day.
Digital fish scales not only
weigh your catch, but some of
the more expensive fish scales
will keep a record of all of the
fish that you have caught and
their exact weight.
Raingear also makes an
excellent Christmas present
for the outdoorsman. There is
nothing worse than getting
caught in a rainstorm without
rain gear. Frog Tog raingear is
very popular with both fisher-
men and hunters, because not
only is it waterproof, but it is
light and it breathes well. This
is very important for us
Southern outdoorsmen, partic-
ularly during the summer
Binoculars also make for
excellent Christmas presents.
Fishermen need them to not
only identify rock jetties,'
channel markers and towers,

Fishing lures make excellent stocking stuffers.for the outdoorsman. Other popular gifts include fishing pliers, fishing rods and reels
and a hand-held VHF radio.

but also to see striking game
fish on the surface at a dis-
tance. Hunters.are frequently
using their 'binoculars to get a
better look at the quality of
game animals before they
make any decisions concern-
ing either killing the game or
waiting for a chance at a
much larger game animal.
Fishing lures make excellent
stocking stuffers. Some of the
more popular topwater plugs
include the Zara Spook, Skitter
Walk, Top Dog and the
Johnny Rattler. All of these
fish-catching surface plugs
resemble fun times on the
water when quality-size game
fish come to the surface when
least expected with heartstop-
ping strikes.
Fishermen can always use a
new fishing rod and reel at
Christmas time. Selecting the

proper rod and reel is very
important. I would recom-
mend talking with one of your
loved one's fishing partners to
see exactly what fishing rod,
reel or combo would be well
suited for an exciting
Christmas gift.
The new soft tackle boxes
are excellent Christmas gifts
and come in a wide variety of
sizes and styles. You can also
place a few new lures in the
soft tackle box as an added
gift and surprise.
Fishing and hunting boots,
shoes and sneakers also make
excellent Christmas gifts.
Don't forget the socks!
One of the most popular
Christmas gifts this year for an
outdoorsman is a digital cam-
Merry Christmas!


Duval mianatee Life jackets for'

zone :. gifts

The Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
approved proposed changes to
manatee zones in the down--
town Jacksonville area, align-
ing them with recently revised
federal manatee zones.
Commissioners unanimous-
ly approved the change to the
zones in the St. Johns River,
generally south of Reddie
In 2003, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service established
manatee zones that were con-
sidered too restrictive by the
city of Jacksonville. The city
issued a notice of intent to sue.
However, the city, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife and FWC reached'
an agreement in January 2005
that resulted in changes to the,
federal zones.
As part of the agreement,
FWC officials agreed to pro-
pose revised state zones that
would match the new, less-
restrictive'federal zones in the
St. Johns River.
"The proposal will reduce,
confusion about the manatee
zones and allow for a more
consistent and coordinated
enforcement effort throughout
the zones," said Kipp Frohlich,
section leader for FWC's
Imperiled Species Management

Gator manage-
The Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
directed its alligator manage-
ment staff to meet with stake-
holders to find out if better
options exist for managing the
reptiles. During a meeting in
Key Largo, commissioners
heard a staff report regarding a
recent online survey concern-
ing public attitudes about
Florida's alligator management
program. The report indicated
Floridians. are fairly evenly
divided over whether alligator
harvest regulations are too
restrictive or too lenient.
Public comments during the
meeting reflected similar divi-
Commissioners unanimous-
ly passed a motion to continue
gathering public input to eval-
uate all possible options for
improving management and to
report back at a later meeting. .

This time of year, it would be
especially tragic to loose a
loved one. Unfortunately, all
too often, the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission is called to inves-
tigate boating accidents which
result in drowning deaths, dur-
ing the holidays as well as
throughout the year.
The death of her son, just
prior to the Christmas holiday,
was how Gay Kite became
involved with FWC.
Gay Kite said her son, John,
was someone who loved the
outdoors and a good swimmer.
John and a friend, Allan
Morone, died while boating on
Half Moon Lake near Ocala on
Dec. 19, 2004. FWC investigat-,
ed their deaths.
"I worried about him driving
his motorcycle," Kite said.
. John and Morone were test-
ing a new boat motor, which
may have been too large for
their small johnboat when
they tried, it .out on the lake
near Kite's home.
Investigators suspect water

;came over the st'fn aild'lob~-'d.
ed the vessel. Neither of the
men was wearing a life jacket.
"I never thought this would
happen in my own backyard,"
Kite said.
John was 23 years old when
he died. Morone was 22 and
had served with the Marifies in
Iraq. They had been friends
since elementary school.
As a way of coping with her
son's death, Kite educates oth-
ers on the importance of wear-
ing life jackets all the time
while out on the water.
"People don't realize how
quick something can happen,"
Kite said. "I live and breathe it
(the loss of her son) every day.
It's riot something you get
Kite and FWC are encourag-,
ing friends and relatives of
boating enthusiasts to give life
jackets for Christmas and other
The price of the new type of
comfortable, inflatable life
jackets starts at around $60.
So far this year, nearly 70
deaths have been attributed to
boating accidents statewide.

Are your surroundotgs
S gettingalittlee
C' mped?

The Beaches Leader/

Pote Vedra Leader Classifieds

The author is pictured wearing a full seet of raingear, which
makes for an excellent Christmas present for both hunters and
.fishermen. The redfish is secured with a pair of Boga Grips, a
must for the avid fisherman who wishes to land his catch, weigh
it and release it without touching the fish.

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December 22, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

*Por 1 27 A

Spring sports signups

under way at Beaches

Registration for spring sports in Ponte Vedra
Beach is available for some sports online and
is scheduled in upcoming weeks for others.
Also, registration for sports at other Beaches
locations is under way, with much of the sign-
ing up available online.
Ponte Vedra Beach
For the Ponte Vedra Athletic Association,'
registration and information is available
online for boys baseball-
svwww pvaabaseball.comi, girls softball
tvww.pontevedragirlssoftball.com.i, Pionte
.edra Lacrosse Club
Snvww.pontevedralax.comi and Ponte Vedra
Soccer Club
ni-ivw.pontevedrasoccerclub.com). For a com-
mon Ponte Vedra Beach site, go to the Ponte
Vedta Athletic Association's site at
Registration for girls softball in Ponte Vedra
Beach will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan.
6 and from noon to 2 p.m. Jan. 7 at
Cornerstone Park, 1050 State Road A1A inr
Ponte Vedra Beach. Registration also can be
accomplished at Play-It-Again Sports in Ponte
Vedra through Jan. 19. Softball registration
closes Jan. 20, the day of spring evaluations.
Boys baseball registration will be held from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 13 and from 1 p.m. to 3
p.m. Jan. 14, also at Corneistone Park. In-per-
son registration can done at Play-It-Again
Sports. Online registration closes Jan. 19.
Ponte Vedra Lacrosse Club registration can
'be accomplished, on the boys' side, through
rhinogolfer@bellsouth.net, the handle for

h Christmas Sports Camp for kindergarten
:through 8th graders runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3
p.m. Dec. 26 to Dec. 29 at St. Paul's Catholic
-Church, 428 2nd Ave. N., lacksonville Beach.
Campers will participate in team sports and
,age-appropriate activities, including basket-
ball, soccer, flag football, kick ball and tag
games Campers must bring lunch Tuesday to
:Thursday. On Friday, pizza and drinks will be
;provided, and the children will take a bus to
Beach Bowl for bowling. The fee is $90, or $301
-per day except Friday, when it is $35. Call 349-
2611 tor information.
Cheer for the Holidays, for kindergarten
through 6th graders, runs from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. Dec. 26 to 29 and Jan. 2-5 at Infinity
Allstars, 510-1l Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
Activities include tumbling, arts and crafts,
cheer and djnce, and games. Participants need
to bring a lunch. The cost is $80 per week or
$150) for both weeks. After-hours care is avail-

coach Dan McAuliffe. Practice for the boys
begins Feb. 26.
On the girls side, registration that began
Nov. 27 runs through Jan. 12, and the final of
two on-site signups will be held from 2 p.m. to
5 p.m. Jan. 7 at the soccer fields at Landrum
Middle School A free clinic will be held from
2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The girls season runs from
Feb. 25 to May 6. Signup forms are available at
pvbgirlslax(@'aol.com; the contact person is
Leslie Santillo at 285-8891.
All members of the Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
Club must hold U.S. Lacrosse membership.
Online registration for the Ponte Vedra
Soccer Club runs through Jan. 10. The number
to call for information is 273-9439.
The Atlantic Beach baseball web site is
www.abbaseball.com. Online registration for
Spring 07 is available. The baseball hotline is
249-2985, its e-mail address postmaster@'abbase-
Julie Markus [249-8470] is Jacksonville
Beach Baseball/Softball Association contact,
James Greek [641-5553] the contact for
Northeast Florida Girls Softball. Terry Darr
[247-4197] is Babe Ruth Baseball contact, 249-
2524 is the number for Jacksonville Beach
Little League.
Online registration for First Coast Soccer is
available at www.firstcoastsoccer.com. Mail-in
registrations can be sent to First Coast Soccer,
2850 Hodges Blvd., Jacksonville 32224.
Registration for Spring 2007 Recreational [U5S
to U119] is open until Feb. 1, Spring 2007
Academy [US to U12] until Feb. 16.
The First Coast Soccer Association may be
reached at 223-3606; its email address is

able from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. for $10 per hour.
For information, call 247-1031
Skatelab Winter Camp will be held from 8
a.m. to 10 a.m Dec. 26 to Dec. 29 and Jan. 2
to Jan. 5 at Skatelab Indoor Skatepark and
Museum, 270 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
The camp, for ages 6 and up, includes skate-
board training with Skatelab team riders and
instructors, breakfast and drink, games, skate
contests and admission for the week after
camp. The cost is $80 per week. Call 249-2529
for information.
Winston Family YMCA on Landrum Lane
adjacent to Landrum Middle School in Ponte
Vedra Beach has a heated swimming pool and
offers swimming lessons and family swim
times. The YMCA features a teen room and
organized activities for youth. It also has class-
es for children VfMGA programs and member-
ship details ate available at 543-9622.

The Tavares Family of Ponte Vedra Beach line up inside a 14,000-square-foot exhibit of
ice sculptures at the Gaylord Texan hotel near Dallas during a visit last month. The exhib-
it, called '"Icel", is carved from 1,000 tons of ice by 40 carvers working for 25 days.
Parkas alre provided visitors to ward off the 9-degree air temperature. From left are Joe,
Madeleine, Diana and Matt Tavares.

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader



* Movies (right)
... see B-4
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7

Page B-1


Poinsettias are

plant of season

The holiday season is
underway, and there
are poinsettias at
doorways and in offices all
over town. This plant seems
to have become the official
plant of the season, no
doubt because of its luscious
red leaves.
And although growers
have hybridized the leaf
color to be pink, apricot,
white, and all shades and
combinations in between,
the red continues to be most
people's favonte.
The care of the poinsettia
is what keeps it looking
lovely throughout the entire
holiday season and long
afterward. It is not unusual
to see plants that are just as
beautiful as the day you
bought them, still looking
that way two or three
months down the road. The
care prior to your buying
them, and then the care
they receive while under
your control, is what deter-
mines this.
I would caution you to
think twice before investing
in those that are windblown
and dry. Many of our larger
stores purchase these plants
in such large quantities that
they run out of indoor room
and therefore place them
outside, in the sun no less.
Day to day.. they burn up
out there, and the employ-
ees rarely remember to water
them until they look so
droopy, you'd think they
had Bassett hound in their
Needless to say, you w-ill
not have much success with
the plant once you get it
home if it has already
undergone such neglect at
the store.
So, while shopping, look
for ones that are taut, their
leaves firm and the color
that you like. Goodness
knows, you can spend as lit-
tle as a dollar on them, and
even the tallest and fullest
can be had for under $30.
There are a few tips I can
give you that will help yours
to stay nice-looking
throughout the holidays.
First, let me talk about
using them as interior deco-
rations. The first step is to
poke holes in that pretty foil
wrapper that they often
come in. This will allow for
drainage, which is critical
each time you water the
plant. Be sure to place the
pot onto a saucer so that
any liquids will not stain
table tops or carpets.
The second step is to
select a spot where the plant
will ideally receive a mini-
mum of six hours of dav'-
This does not mean it has
to sit and cook in the sun-
shine, but it should not be
in a dark room either.
Let me give you an exam-
ple: I had a dining room
that always had a few poin-
settias on the table along
with many native greens.
The dining room was rather
dark unless the overhead
chandelier was on.
After one year of dismal
failure, I realized that the
poor poinsettias needed
some more light besides
what they got when we had
So, during the day, I
removed them from the din-
ing room table and placed
them in a room where they
got plenty of bright day-
light, taking them back to
the table in the late after-
After doing that, I found


ph.l.:. ;ubrnmin.l
The husband-wife team of Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi perform at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Florida Theatre. Call 355-2787.

Sedaris' 'SantaLand' for adults only

David Sedaris was an aspir-
ing writer with an infatuation
for daytime soap operas when
he reluctantly took a seasonal
job as a Macy's department
store elf.
The humorous and often-
times humiliating experience is
retold in "SantaLand Diaries,"
a tart, anti-holiday essay first
published by Sedaris in 1994.
A stage version'of the Sedaris
piece runs tonight and
Saturday at the Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre, 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
"The Santaland Diaries," a
production of Stage Two, stars
Ian Mairs in a one-man show.
Tickets are $10. Performances
are at 8:15 p.m.
Sedaris, now a best-selling
author, playwright and
National Public Radio com-
mentator, was a newly arrived
New York City resident in 1990
when he was hired as a "full-
time elf" at Nlacy's Herald


71....~ V

lan Mairs as "Crumpet," a Macy's department store

Square, the largest store in the
"I'm a 33-year-old man
applying for a job as an elf,"
Sedaris recounts in the 41-page
essay,' an excerpt of which first
aired on NPR's "Morning

Edition" in 1992.
"I'm certain I fa
test, ... but still th
because I am sho
inches. ... It r
mouth hurt to spe
forced merriment.

In the essay, Sedaris, now 49,
recalls how he took the lob as a
full-time elf, as opposed to a
"evening and weekend elf"
because it wouldn't be "quite
as sad as standing on some
street corner dressed as a
french ft v."
As a Macy's elf (according to
Sedalls' ssay there are 17 dif-
ferent versions, his uniform
consisted of green velvet knick-
ers, a yellow turtleneck, a forest
-,'--- green elvet smock and a
S. "perk stocking cap decorated
with spangles."
Taking photos of children on
Santa's lap, running a cash reg-
ister and keeping people in line
were his primary duties
The eighth floor of Nlacy's is
Pr,.-.i.:. -.umninm a wonderland of Christmas
elf. lights, fake snow, tree displays
and "really tall candy canes,'"
the essay said.
iled my drug But inside the faux
hey hired me Christmas scene people were
Xrt, 5 feet, 5 anything but merry.

nakes one's
'ak with such

Stallone on

deck again

I swallow deeply as I write
that "Rocky Balboa" is the
"Rocky" sequel Sylvester
Stallone should have made
25 years ago. It truly has
everything."the original had
- wit, heart, and a genuine-
ly engrossing climactic fight.
The first "Rocky" was a
fine, touching movie about a
likable Everyman who got a
long-wished-for shot at being
a champ.
Though Stallone had been
doing minor movie roles for
years, "Rocky" opened peo-
ple's eyes to him, and his
own rags-to-riches story par-
alleled that of his creation.
But each successive sequel
seemed a bit more removed
from reality. (The only one I
haven't seen is "Roc' y V,"
which even Stallone now dis-
Now, both Stallone and
Balboa have come full circle,
and the new movie is actual-
ly "about" something in
which the audience can have
a stake.
The premise is that Rocky
and heavyweight champ
Mason "The Line" Dixon
iAntonio Tarverj have their
stats fed into a computer and
are put into a simulated
match. The computer's
results show that Rocky
would still come out a win-
.Naturally, the real, trash-
talking Tarver doesn't buy it,
and he reluctantly agrees to
an exhibition match with
Balboa. At this point, you're
probably rolling your eyes
and guessing.that Tarver
doesn't have wait for it -
the eve of the tiger, and
you'd be right.
But for a change, the
movie is *showing* us that
rather than telling us. As
with "Rocky I," the movie
shows that everyone
involved in the match really
needs its old, resigned Rocky,
his resentful son, and his bit-
ter brother-in-law Paulie
(Burt Young, back to being a
likable doofus instead of an
embarrassing caricature).
(The only emotional tug
that seems forced on us is
the long-past death of
Rocky's beloved wife Adrian.

See ABET, B-2 See ROCKY, B-4

'Apocalypto' dwells on bloodletting

With "Apocalypto,"
Mel Gibson spent
an awful lot of
time and money making a
movie about the Mayan peo-
ple that won't fool anyone
who's seen "Gladiator."
Heaven knows there's an
audience for macho epics
with copious amounts of
slo-mo blood-letting, but [
ain't it.
For all intents and purpos-
es, the primary Mayan of
the story is .Jaguar Paw la
charismatic Rudy
Youngblood). The movie
focuses on his attempts to
avenge the mercenaries who
destroy his home village,
kill most of its people, and
take the remainder of them
to either be sold off as
slaves, sacrificed to pagan
gods, or used as target prac-
One searches hopefully
throughout the movie's 139
minutes for a reason to care
about anyone in it Ibesides
the panther-like Jaguar Paw,
at least). The movie begins
with what amounts to a old-
school take on "Fear Factor,"
with a boar graphically
speared and gutted, its
innards given to the hunters
as symbols of manhood.
The movie's lone attempt
at comic relief comes from a
lone oaf who is hesitant to
eat a particular part of the
late boar's anatomy (and
with good reason). It turns
out that he's the butt of the
town's jokes because he has
a nagging mother-in-law
and he can't impregnate his

wife. I wonder how many
people are attending this
movie in the hope of seeing
a Mayan version of "The
Then the mercenaries
come to -- as Mel Brooks
exquisitely described it in
"Blazing Saddles" -- stam-
pede the women and rape
the cattle. Then some of the
guys are led into town and
get painted blue, and there's
an eclipse of the sun that
fools the locals just like in
that old Mark Twain story,
and then... No, sorry, I.
can't make any sense of it
The movie might have
more impact if writer-direc-
tor Gibson didn't linger on
every little bit of exposition
and violence. Scenes are
dragged out long after we
get their point. At the sacri-
fice, severed heads roll
down the steps of a Mayan
pyramid with the frequency
and finesse of Fred
Flintstone's bowling bawls.
Then there's the beaut of a
stunt where a huge trees
falls and nearly kills many

of the prisoners, lust so that
Gibson can turn it into a
homage to (believe it or noti
Dustin Hoffman in
"Midnight Cowboy."
And yes, the movie is just
as violent as everyone
claims. I hate to come off as
a prude about this subject,
but when a movie lovingly
dwells on its every excuse
for bloodletting, you won-
der how much of it is meant
to make a point about the
uselessness of violence, and
how much of it is just a
movie director getting his
And you'd never guess at
the riches that Mayans con-
tributed to our culture if
you're going from their
depiction in this movie.
Most of the women parade
around like 15th-century
divas, and the men act like
slack-jawed avengers from a
Martin Scorsese movie.
When the sacrificing Mayan
leader cries out to the gods
for deliverance, you feel like
telling him that his group is
getting what it deserves.
For all I know, this movie
might have been well-
researched and achingly
authentic. The trouble with
"Apocalypto" is that it never
gets you to care about any-
one or anything in it. After
viewing characters with
names such as Flint Sky,
Curl Nose, and Smoke Frog,
Poison Pen just has to give
the movie a Bronx cheer.
"Apocalypto" is rated R
for mild sexual situations
and graphic violence.

Cummer hosting FAB Fest

The Cummer Museum of Art (Friends from the_ Ocean
& Gardens is hosting a cameo Communities United to
exhibition featuring Future Support The Cummer).
Artists of the Beaches (FABI. .Museum educator Rebecca
FAB Fest, which opened Hickey provided 10 beaches-
Thursday, culminates with an area schools with a lesson and
exhibition showcasing student activity about ancient Egyptian
artwork on Sunday, Jan. 21. culture. Admission to the event
FAB Fest is an outreach pro- is free to the public. For more
gram, which combines the information, call Amy
efforts of the Art Connections Chamberlin at 899-6034.

December 22 2006

dl-IF-I %Jw-j Cp- -

Wpp rltrenl

December 22, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

ABET: Mairs' one-man show is tonight

photo submitted
The cast of "A Christmas Carole." The musical runs through Saturday at the'Alhambra Dinner
theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd. Call 641-12'12.


David Sedaris is staged at 8:15
p.m. Dec. '22 and 23 at the
Atlantic Beach Experimental
Theatre, 716 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. Tickets are $10.
Call 249-7177 .for reservations.
runs through Dec. 24 ,at the
Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows.

Cont. from B-1
that the poinsettia lasted at
least twice as long as it had
the year before.
Another important tip is
rr-vet to place the plant under,
,vent.. ou''l see itshimmer-
ing each time the heat or air
kicks on, and this air will dry
it out very quickly. The last
tip has to do with the water-
ing practices one must follow.
Watering is always such a
bummer to try and write
about because there is no
magic formula. I could simply
tell you to "water when it
needs it." I'know the response
you'd utter at home as you
read this if I gave you that
advice! 4
Watering is a.tad complicat-
ed if you make it be, but not
if you understand that most
poinsettias, and most nursery
material for that matter, are
grown in a very peaty mix
which is very lightweight, and
therefore very porous.
It is easy for the nursery
man to keep the plants prop-
erly watered because he does
it with micro-irrigators that
come on every two hours,:in
some cases. It is all automatic,
and barn, he produces a gor-
geous plant. Remember,
though, that the mixture is
always very lightweight and
very porous.
For the homeowner, then,
PING, BUT DAMP. And yes, in

NMatinees are,.held at 11 a.m.
on Saturday and noon on
Sunday. Admission ranges
from $39 to $46 for dinner and
show. Call 641-1212 for infor-
mation .
CAL" begins an extended run
Jan. 3 in the Terry Theater at
the Times-Union Center for
the Performing Arts, 300 W.
Water St., Jacksonville. Call

some cases, that means we'll
have to water every day.
However, the important thing
is to keep the ball of that
mixture damp.
So here's what I recorif "i
mend: Gather all yowu poin-
settias and place them on the
sink counter. Take off their
foil wrappers. Put the stopper
in the sink, and start filling
the sink with lukewarm
water. Place the poinsettias
into the sink, do not let the
leaves get water on them, and
let the whter fill each pot.
Turn it off, and allow the
plants to sit in the sink for
about a half an hour, absorb-
ing the water into this light- .
weight mixture. Empty the
sink of water, leave the plants
there to drain, replace their
wrappers, and place them
wherever you had them
throughout the house. I think
that if you do this every few
days, you should be fine.
If you are using poinsettias
as temporary decorations out-
doors, you'll need to monitor
their soil even more.
You may need to water
them every day, especially if'
the\ receive the afternoon sun
and/or if it is windy. If the
temperatures drop into the
low 40's, definitely cover
them or move them to the,
garage for the night. Those
that are temporarily planted
need to be protected as well if'
those temps drop, so don't
forget them.
Lastly, if you have one that

TONK HEROES" opens Dec. 29
at the Alhambra Dinner
Theatre. Jason Petty returns as
Hank Williams. The plays runs
through Feb. 4 at 12000 Beach
Blvd. Call 641-1212.

interactive dinner-theatre at
113 Anastasia Blvd., St.
Augustine. For show hours and
reservations, call 829-0870.

Cont. from B-1
Parents "art-directed" their
kids, broke ranks in line and
were rude to the elves, who
were rude right back.
"There was a line for Santa
and a line for the women's'
bathroom, and one woman
asked, 'Which is the line for
the women's bathroom?' "
Sedars recounts in the essay.
"I shouted that I thought it
was the line with all the
women in it."
When the irate customer
threatened to have Sedaris
fired, the author cracked, "I'm
wearing a green velvet cos-
tume; it doesn't get any worse
than this."
At bustling Macy's, Sedaris
watched patents lose it after
standing in line for up to two
hours to have their children's
picture taken with Santa-for
Remember this is 1990: Back
in the days before digital.
"Lots of people want their
money back after learning the


*Holiday Activities at
Adventure Landing include
Gator Bowl players visiting
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 27
and Dec. 29. Both Adventure
Landing locations, on Beach
and Blanding Boulevards, will
hold a Noon Year's Eve celebra-
tion Dec. 31. A family part
begins at 10 a.m., with a bal-
loon drop at noon.
*Apron's Cooking School
holds a two-day, two-session
Kids Survivor Camp at the
PublLx at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
The camp is designed to
improve kitchen survival skills.
Session I will be held at 10 a.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, Session fl
at 10 a.m. Dec. 28 and Dec. 29.
Kids may take one session or
both; the cost of each is $70.
The number to call is 904-262-

*Apron's Cooking School
offers two two-day Teen
tias n Survivor Camp sessions at the
tias as needed Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
Session I, scheduled for 3 p.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, will focus
is growing in the ground, on knife skills, and creating
chances are it has not started meal-sized sandwiches. Session
to turn red. It will when it has II, slated for 3 p.m. Dec. 28 and
received an adequate amount Dec. 29, will focus on baking
of nighttime hours, and it skills and the preparation of fin-
usually happens the week-n ger foods. The cost of each ses-
before Christmas. 'I :.. 'sion is $ 70. The number to call
You are one. of the few who for reservations is 904-262-
are very fortunate, since your 4187.
plant will probably stay in *Infinity Allstars Holiday
color for months. We can Camp opens its doors Dec. 26
plant the poinsettias into the: for an annual camp that runs
ground in March, so if you through Jan. 5, at 510-1
should decide you want to Mayport Road in Atlantic
try this, after the holidays, Beach. Call 904-247-1031 for
Simply put your plants in a information.
protected spot like the garage *Winter Ranger Program
and let them fizzle naturally. Series'
Come March. I'll tell you Two winter day camps will
what to do to plant them for be offered at Little Talbot
future\ years of color. Island State Park. -Dec. 27, 28
By the way, there is always a and 29:
question about the toxicity of Call 904-251-2320 to reserve
the poinsettia. It has been a spot.
researched and researched, *
and finally proven that the --Jan. 2 and 3: "Winter
plant is not poisonous. Escapes." This free, two-day
However, it does have quali- series introduces children to
ties that can cause severe aller- the adventures of hiking. The
gic reactions to people and to first day, they learn the basics
pets, especially if parts of the of outdoor trekking. The sec-
plant are eaten. The white sap ond day, Park staff and the kids
can cause burning or raised conquer the 3.8-mile Little
bumps. If you, a child or a pet Talbot Hiking Trail. This camp
seems to be having any kind will run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
of funky reaction to the both days and is intended for
plant, call the Poison Control children ages 8 .and up.
Center or 911. Parents are required to remain
Personally, I believe that a with the group and are asked
home with toddlers and chew- join in the fun.
ing puppies need not have This day-camp is limited to
poinsettias...or at least keep 15 youngsters, so call 904-251-
them high enough so you 2320 to reserve a spot.
needn't ever be concerned Participants will meet at
about a potential problem. Pavilion No. 1 at Little Talbot

Island State Park.

pictures will arrive after
Christmas, in January, when
Christmas is forgotten,"
Sedaris writes.
,"The best part of the job is.
watching their faces fall. ... I
just love to see that look on'
someone's face, the mouth a

perfect 0."
Sedaris' profanity-laced essay
was written for an adult audi-
ence, and ABET warns that the
. play is not suitable for chil-
For reservations or more
information, call 249-7177.

Dinner Specials 5-9pm
Tues. Turkey & Ham Buffet
Wed. All You Can Eat BBQ Ribs & Chicken
Fri. 12oz Prime Rib Dinner .
Sat. 12oz Prime Rib Dinner


Daily Lunch Buffet $7.49 Weekend Breakfast Buffet $6.95

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Gift Suggestions
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Matheson: Water poinset



December 22, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 3


Artistic tribute to Fowler planned for riverwalk

,U ending existence and
lasting fame are words
that describe immortali-
ty in the dictionary.
Artists in past centuries such
as Michelangelo and Raphael.
have received lasting fame
through their works, and
many artists have done so in
the history of art.
A rare opportunity is being
offered, on a much smaller
scale, to create a lasting
memorial to a prominent lady.
who lived in our time.
The artist or artists who cre-
ate this work of art will receive
priceless recognition as well as
monetary reward.
The Cultural Council of
Greater Jacksonville
announced that the City of
Jacksonville, Art in Public
Places Program, is seeking an
artist or an artist team to
design, create and install an
original, site-specific artwork
to memorialize the life and
work of Representative Tillie
Kidd Fowler.
The artists) selected must
interpret Fowler's integrity
and dedication in a significant
work of contemporary public
The work will be installed
outdoors in a circular plaza on
the city's northbank riverwalk.
For a complete prospectus,
application rules and more
information go to www.cultur-
alcouncil.org under "For
Artists" page.
The art in Public Places pro-
gram may be contacted at
358-3600. The estimated total
public art budget, which must
include and cover all aspects
of design, structural engineer-
ing, lighting, fabrication and
installation, is currently


After the excitement of
Christmas day and the open-
ing of gifts, what are your
plans to keep the kids busy?
Activities are planned for chil-
dren at several locations.
The Center at Ponte Vedra
will have an art camp. You
may register by the day or by
the week. Everyday a different
activity will be offered.
The camp will run from
Dec. 26 to 29. On Dec. 30 all
ages can participate in the
Noon Balloon Drop Party.
Snacks, prizes and art activities
are included in this event.
Members are free, and non-
members pay $2. The Cultural
Center is located at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedia
Beach. Call 280-0614.
ArtLife in Atlantic Beach
will offer a Winter Holiday
Camp, "Lunch and a fovie,"
Dec.. 27, 28, 29 and Jan. 3, 4
and 5. The time for 5 to 7
year olds is 10 a.m. to noon,
and 7 to 12 year olds from
noon until 3 p.m.
Activities include a movie,
movie trivia, prizes, acting and

games and questions and
answers with filmmakers.
Bring your lunch. ArtLife will
have a garage sale to benefit
children's charities on
Saturday, Dec. 23, from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
ArtLife will have a concert
for world harmony on
Thursday, Dec. 28, 6:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. at its location,
510 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. Call 249-8337.
"Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art From

the British Museum," opens
tonight at the Cummer
Museum of Art and Gardens
with a reception from 7 to 9
This much heralded exhibit
will be at the Cummer
Museum through,March 18.
On Tuesday, Jan. 9, an open-
ing celebration for the public
will be held including art
activities and live music
throughout the museum cele-
brating Egypt and its culture.
Admission to the celebra-
tion is free with special exhibi-

tion admission for "Temples
and Tombs" is $7. Children
under 6 are free. Call 689-
6021 for information.
The Jacksonville Museum of
Contemporary Art offers free
admission to families ever
Sunday from noon until 4"
p.m. Enjoy the art and art
activities with your kids at this
Bank of America Family Free
The museum is at 333 North
Laura Street, Jacksonville. Call
366-6911 for information.

photo submitted
Cederberg, a
artist who has
recently relo-
cated to
Beach, is the
featured artist
at Chao
1. i Framing and
Gallery at
1514 N. Third
Beach. Her
include old
cars, ethnic"
peoples and
Chao's hours
are from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m.
through Friday
and 10 a.m.
until 4 on
Call 249-4053.,

For those last-minute
Christmas gifts do not forget
'our local galleries for original
and hand-crafted works of art.,'
Works by local artists can be
found at South Beach Gallery,
1250 Beach Blvd. (Beach
Plaza), Jacksonville Beach,
First Street Gallery, 216 First
Street, Neptune Beach, A.
Charles Gallery, 228 3rd Ave.
N., Jacksonville Beach, and
Hibernia, 108 1st St., Neptune


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December 22, 2006

Weeknd..Th Bece.edrPneVdaLae



AlbCopyriihted MatePrioe

____ Syndicated Contet

available from Commercial News Providers'-

om y

Here's your ideal TV schedule for Christmas

Y you're snowed in for the
weekend, right? Well,
not really (unless some-
thing unusual happens as
this column goes to press).
But you want to act like it.
',So here's your ideal TV
. uchde .while you wait up
to see if reindeer really know
how to flv.
Tonight, 8 p.m., CBS "8th
Annual A Home for the
Holidays with Rod Stewart" -
Why do I get the feeling he
won't be singing "Hot Legs"
or "Stay with Me"?
Tonight, 11:40 p.m., TBS -
"Tim Burton's The
Nightmare Before
I know, I already raved
about this flick two months
ago, but it's just the gift that


keeps on giving.
Sat., 8 p.m., ABC "The
Sound of Music." Maria, I
don't care how hot the
Captain is, you were sent

over from a convent. Think
twice and act nice.
Sat., 10:30 p.m., TBS -
"National Lampoon's
Christmas Vacation."
Seriously, isn't it past time to
.,gjy.,Ra.dy Qua.id. a. national
I pro-qmren01 o r sop-thing.
Sat., 12 midnight, Turner
Classic Movies, "Meet Me in
St. Louis." Watch long
enough to see Judy Garland
'sing "Have Yourself a Merry
Little Christmas."
Then you can cry yourself
to sleep.
Sun., 2 p.m. through
Mon., 6 a.m., ANMC, "Miracle
on 34th Street." OK, hlie's
Santa Claus, we get it
already! Ilf you think this
one's a marathon, see
below. j

Sun., 7:30 p.m., TBS -
Cartoon version of "How the
Grinch Stole Christmas." Jim
Carrey? Who's that?
Sun., 10 p.m., Cartoon
Network Adult Swim,
"Futurama." If youIwaan,t.pi.,
altenat.e tak op the.Spp4,pi
legend, you'll never do better
than this.
Mon., 1 a.m., Comedy
Central' "Denis Leary's
Christmas Special." Or this.
There's a reason it's being
broadcast at 1 a.m.
And here's the clincher:
Sun., 8 p.m. to Mon., 8
p.m. TBS shows nothing
but the movie "A Christmas
Story" for 24 everlovin'
hours. Before long, you'll be
able to do a diagram of that
leg lamp from memory.


Regal 18
The Good Shepherd. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs.,
Noon, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30.
Night at the Museum. Rated PG. Fri.-"
-Thurs., 12:05, 12:45, 2:40, 3:40, 5:10, 7:10,
,:40, 9:40, 10:15. .
S* "
We Are Marshall. Rated PG. 'Fri.-Thurs.,
1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 10:20.
Rocky Balboa. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,"
12:20, 12:55, 4:15, 4:45, 7:25, 7:50, 10:05,
10:40. .-
Charlotte's, Web. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs.,

12:10, 1:25, 2:30, 4:40, 5:05,, 7:20, 8:00,'
9:55, 10:30. ...
-- : .,""* ," O * '."
Eragon. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35,
: 1'05, 3:25, 4:35, 7:10, 7:55, 9:45, 10:15.
The Pursuit of Happyness. Rated PG13..
Fri.-Thurs., 1:00, 1:30, 4:00,,4:30, 6:55,
7:45, 9:50, 10:20.
Apocalypto. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:15,
3:50, 7:35, 10:35.
** '
Blood Diamond. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:40, 3:45, 6:50, 10:35.
*h, .Ho ', .Raed 'Fi, s,* *
The Holiday. Rated PG 13. Fri.-Thurs.,

1:20, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10.
Unaccompanied Minors. Rated PG.'Fri.-
Thurs., 12:50.
The Nativity Story. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12 :2 5. ,. : '
Deja Vu. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thtus., 3:55,
6:45, 9:35.
Casino Ro'ale. Rated PG13;. Fri.-Thurs..,
3:35, 7:05, 10:25.
Happy Feet. Rated PG. Fri.-Thus:., 1:15,
4:05, 6:40, 10:00.


The Famous Elvis Impersonator

-_J Rick Marino *
iaf special New Year's Eve
" j.. Max's Grand Ballroom
I :-l'flea ch Blvd. Beach Plaza
S+'i Iksonville Beach

Party Favod
,'Tlcket Pr

i peat 7:30pm
i UO Heavy Hors D'oeuvres
la', champagne at Midnight
iper person inclusive

A Special New Year's Eve dinner will be served in Max's
Restaurant, Entertainment by John Evans on Piano.

For reservations call 904-247-6820

"Lady. in the Water" Writer-
director M. Night Shyamalan
hit a. brick wall with this odd
fable about an otherworldly
creature who turns .up in an
apart men t-house swimming'
pool .
"All the King's Men" Sean
Penn plays a thinly disguised
version of La. governor Huey
Long in this remake of, the`
1949 classic. e :
"Little Miss Sunshine" -
Indie favorite about a dysfunc-
tional family including Steve


Cont. from B-i
This is the movie's one
instance where Stallone
rather too obviously stacked
the deck.i
After 30 years, the first
"Rocky's" blatantly tearlerk-
ing formula is shown to still
have some real power.
"RB" even shamelessly re-
does the original's training
montage, and it and most of
the other heart-tugging
moments had the audience
cheering. And for the first
time in a long time, the
cheers were earned.
Stallone is 60 years old
now, and like an aging boxer,
he must have felt he wanted
Rocky to go out with some
dignity. Happily he, and the
audience, all got what we
"Rocky Balboa" is rated PG
for minor adult languages
and scenes of boxing vio-

Carell and Toni Collette) tak-
ing a cross-country RV tour.
"Walt Disney Treasures"
Collections "Mote Silly
Symphonies," "Your- Host,
Walt Disney," and four "True-
Life Adventures." Put on your
coonskin cap and make believe
you're 10 again. ,'- 'r
"W-hen the, Levees Broke" -
Director Spike Lee's much-
lauded HBO documentary
about the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina and its vic-
tims. (Warning: If you're a
Dubva fan, definitely don't lis-
ten to Lee's epithet-filled alter-
nate commentary.)

Tropical & Trendy Gifts

Funky Gifts

109 First Street
Neptune Beach

mon.-sat. 10-8
sun. 11-5


P ,'.... .. "+ "D r.
v, r + z ,.;t ,l I .; l'r ,,
: ... .: r



. Ftidefli Porcage
' Edward Secunda
erron Johnson, f
rse Practitioner
rbara Forster,
liatric Nurse Practitioner

Wish to announce the beginning of construction of our
new'office located on Beach Blvd. at Sunni Pines Blvd.
just West of the "Golden Coral" scheduled to open late
spring 2007.

Until that time Dr's Porcase, Secunda and Mrs. Johnson
will continue to serve all your family's health care needs
along with Barbara Forster available for your pediatric
healthcare needs at our current location.
14444 Beach Blvd.
in the Memorial Healthcare Plaza next to Publix
Mon. 8-8, Wed. 8-7, & Tue., Thur., Fri. 8-5

Les Sortileges Danses du Mofide, the concert originally
scheduled for this date, has cancelled their appearance. We are
very fortunate to have contracted the services of this remarkable
All tickets for Les Sortileges will be honored for this concert.

SUNDAY-JANUARY 7,2007 -2.00 PM
celebrated pianist.and arranger Mac Frampton,
accompanied by The ThreePenny Symphony,
in a production that merges his conservatory
1 training with his mastery of pop and jazz. They
bring to the stage fresh and original
S. interpretations of revered classical works with
a sound "as powerful as fireworks and as
soothing as a sunset." Listen to Rachmaninoff,
Bach, Chopin and Gershwin, the classical
music we all know and love, but with a twist of pop. The
ThreePenny Symphony is an ensemble of six world class musicians
trained in the classics that has bridged the gap to the pop arena for
an unforgettable musical experience.
Tickets $18.00-- Students $5.00

Call 797 -2800--- Reserved Seating
4 Visit EMMA at www.emmaconcerts.com
email: emmalnfo@bellsouth.net

IIWeekend 4

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


;IJ3~rC ~_

December 22, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5


OWN = M #.:


Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Red & the Red Hots is in at 9.
p.m. today and Saturday.
Southbound is in Dec. 29-31.

Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. Box 543 performs
at 9 p.m. Dec. 30. The
Retrokats is in at 9 p.m. New
Year's Eve. Call for reservations
for the four-course dinner.
,". * *
Fiomn MacCoo6l's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St., N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Hard Living is in today and
Saturday. Livid and Mid Life
Crisis are in Wednesday.
Something Distant appears
Dec. 29 and 30. Spade
McQuade is in every Sunday.
.. .. e '*
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Solace, Twisted Lemon,
Caih was Able, Standing Room
only and& The Prophets' play
hard rock at -9' p.m. today.
EFFED, Penny For Your
Thoughts and Last call for"
Closure are in Saturday. The"
Wailers with Aerial Tribe are in
Dec. 28. ,

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Spade McQuade
appears from 6 to 9 p.m. today
and Saturday followed by
Rathkeltair from 10 p.m. to
', :" :'
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 S. 3rd St., Jacksonville
Beach 246-1070. Unky J is in
S,- at 9 p.m. today. Freeze Frame
appears Dec. 29.
* Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. 3
IWay Street appears today and

Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas

,Saturday. Country night every

Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pili plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.

Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
CCIoud Nine are in today and

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday. Spade
NMcQuade plays traditional
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Trish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.

Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pili every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in

Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.

Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.

,Group performs, on ChriS a js .; ackeanzia$Steakhwea.. ,
JEve. i ,' '' S.a ss Village, Ponte \edra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
WEEKLY STANDARDS Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Aromas Cigar, WVine & Miniard is in. Saturday.
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Ponte Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le Will Hurley performs Fridays
Monde Quartet plays Latin and Monday.

music Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMonde Quintet per-
form every Saturday.

Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.

Brix, Jacksonville Beach. Jazz
great Teddy Washington is in
every Wednesday through

Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and

a *
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans
plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday.

Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. Reggae with Pili
Pili from 4 to 8 p.m. every

Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,

hOIro SuCmn13ea
The Celtic folk band Seven Nations (above), accompanied by 16 fiddlers and two bagpipe players from the Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra, performs Saturday, Jan. 13, as part of the JSO's Plugged In concert series. Call 354-5547 for ticket details.

blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.

Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.

Spare Time Tavern and
G Ill'e:. 1728 3rd St.' N ,
Jackionvill Beach 246-S360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions'
of Jah every Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
* 241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
. .,, ",' -O O- "
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedia Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike

Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.

Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd:, Neptune'Beach.
Karack''eetelV Wednesd.vytiHd

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke is held at 9:30 p.m.
every Sunday.

NMonkey's Uncle Tavern,
185() Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Wednesday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DIs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.

Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
spins Top 40 and Old Wave
every WVednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 49 and hip
hop inside every Friday. D.s
Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indie even'ry Monday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.

The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., lay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.

Vinoe, 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: Acts iand perfonnance
days are not always available for
all clubs at press time. Send to


Derek Trucks and Susan
Tedeschi will play the blues at
8 p.m. Wednesday at The
Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth
Street, Jackson-ille. Tickets are
$37.50 and $47.50. Call 355-
2787 for information.

The reggae legends perform

at 9:30 p.m. Thursday at
Freebird Live, 200 N. 1st Street,
Jacksonville Beach. Aerial Tribe
opens the show. Tickets are $18
in advance, $23 at the door.
Call 246-BIRD for information.

Grey & Mofro help usher in
the New Year with three per-
formances Dec. 29-31 at

Freebird Live, 200 N. 1st Street,
Jacksonville Beach.
Guests include Gunga Din
Friday, The Gamble Bros. on
Saturday and The Lee Boys on
New Year's Eve.
Tickets. are $18, for the first
two nights, $28 for the third
Call 246-BIRD for informa-

JJ Grey ad uo at F d Le D 1.
JJ Grey and Mofro at Freebird Live Dec. 29-31.

St. Paul's Catholic School

NO" zeBa'p& OturchN

Nq~ep ze~eacFL 3M266

(%4 29-Wp~3qk~'




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35 years..Disc Brake.

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f^ theBeacht

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W]Doors Open 1:15pm After Hours 612-5787
Non-Smoking room available

The Beaches' onl
alternative nightclub

SJoin Us.

New Year's Eve!

Free Buffet
After Midnight
Free Champagne
& Party Favors
4 Great Shows
6 Incredible Entertainers
Open till 4am
Serving Cocktails till 4am

Great Dance Music
Christiana SinClair.
Miss Chastity Ross
Boen, Dixie Crystal,
Lillian Ross,
Ashley Michaels,
and Jasmine Storm
Ashley Sinclair,
Destiny Michaels and
Sonja de la Cruz
Tickets On Sale Now
Call For More Info
201 5th Ave. North
Jax Beach


Weeken d 6

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 22, 2006


*...-... ...... oe............**.@0000*******************0000*********

*. 6
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s-.. 0

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*, '0, .

AS saturday, Dee. 23 ,
Artlife Studios, at 5i0 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, holds an Art Garage Sale from 9 a.m. ,
to 5 p.m. A wde variety of original artworks by regional artists, to include paintings, sculp- .
ture, jewelry and pottery, will be offered. There also will be a children's art section, featuring :
young artists and their work, to benefit children's charities.
SThoe intoeretdr in e tabhlichinr a table. hhnoldrI rail 747-8R37 Snnnonr',hin onnnorhinitiep for

kids tables are also available; the cost of table sponsorship is $30. Sponsors get a table poster
* and are listed on Artlife Studios' website and in press materials.
Established in 1999, Artlife Productions, Inc. offers classes for youngsters, teens and adults
and is committed to generating arts events, programs and initiatives that cause a new vision
* for the future of art,in our communities. It's enrolling for the January session in Visual Arts,
: Theater; World Dance and Film.
SO....... O....*O ............ ... O 0 *************************************

Dec. 97V
Camp Bike 06: The
Triumph Foundation Inc.
hosts "Camp Bike 06," a five-
day event at Jane Macon
Middle School in Brunswick,
Ga. The camp, sponsored by
Southeast Georgia Health
Systems, is designed to teach
individuals with disabilities
how to ride a bicycle without
training wheels. Space is limit-
ed. For information or to.sign
someone up, contact Cynthia
Lupi at 912-634-6828. The
event is being sponsored by
Southeast Georgia Health

Dec. 2S
Concert for World
Harmony: A Family Concert
for World Harmony, with a
special children's art exhibi-

L Friday
River City Singles Club:
The River City Singles Club,
Inc., a chapter of the Singles
Association of Florida (SAF),
holds a dance from 8 p.m. to
11 p.m. at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave., 'Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. Live music, snacks arid
refreshments are provided. For
information, call 779-1234.

Recovery ; Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299'for information.

Senior tennis: Tennis' for
seniors is being offered from 9
a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
Tennis Center in Jacksonville
Beach. For information, call
Moe at 247-6221.
A senior. men's doubles ten-
nis "C" level league plays
through April at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday morn-
ings. The league has home
and away matches. Call Bob
Totter at 247-1865 for informa-
Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked arid test-
ed, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available for
adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
Kernan boulevards.

Parliamentarians: The First.
Coast Parliamentarians meet
the fourth Saturday of the
month from 10:15 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., September through
May, at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, 101, Library
Road. The December and May
meetings are luncheon ses-
sions. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for
information, or e-mail
There will be no regular
meeting in December.,

Ponte Vedra Writers: The
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group

tion and refreshments, will be Center, 505 Guana River Road,
presented at Artlife Studios South Ponte Vedra Beach. The
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. cost is $2 for adults and $1 for
The cost is $5 per person for children and includes admis-
Artlife members and $7 per' sion to the Environmental
person for non-members. Gift Education Center after the
certificates are available. walk. Discussion is geared
Artlife Studios, at 510 toward adults.
Mayport Road in Atlantic For information, call the
Beach, is enrolling for its GTM Reserve at 904-823-4500
January session of programs in
Visual Arts, Theater, Dance Tuesday, Jan. 2
and Film. For information; call DAR: The Ponte Vedra
247-8337. Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution
meets at 10:45 a.m. at Marsh
Saturday, Landing Country Club, 25655
Dee. 30 Marsh Landing Parkway. The
Guana Talk/Walk: GTM speaker will be Elaine Hall,
Reserve environmental educa- Certified Financial Planner,
tor Angie Golubovich shares who will talk about
.her knowledge of the plants "Preventing Identity
and animals found in the Theft-What every woman
Guana River Marsh beginning should know." For informa-
at 9 a.m. Those interested tion, call Carolyn Roth at 904-
should meet 'at the GTM 992-7463 or Babs Hartmannr at
,_Environm,ental" Education 904-2 2-0025. ,,


meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday' of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Call Vie DiGenti at
285-2258 for information.

S, undays :
Depression support:
Depression, Bipolar Support
Alliance-lacksonville Beaches
nieets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center,, 1350' 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
.for information.

Twin Heart Meditation
Group: This group meets from
4 pnm. to 5 p.m. at Ocean Yoga
Studio, 60 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. Global medi-
tation from Pranic Healing
ffocuses on creating planetary
healing and :world peace,
which begins within. L Love
offerings are accepted. Call
Diane at 382-5823 for informa-

Exchange Club: The
Exchange Club of the
Jacksonville Beaches, a non-
profit community service
organization, meets each week.
from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at
the Sea Turtle Inn. There will
be no meeting Dec. 29. First-
time visitors receive a free
breakfast. Those deciding to
join will get first-quarter iem-
bership for $30. After that,
dues are $115 per quarter. For
information, call Jack Morison
at 904-318-7162 or e-mail
club.com. The club website,
for information about upcom-
ing speakers and programs, is

Toastmasters: Beaches Area
Toastmasters Glub 2862 meets
from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the
Atlantic Theater on Atlantic
Boulevard. For information,
call Cyndi Rice at 273-2759.
Foundation Academy: The
Foundation Academy, 107 3rd
St. S., Jacksonville Beach, has
an open house from 9 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Call 241-3515 for

Harmony Show Chorus:
The jacksonville Harmony'
Show Chorus meets from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. at the SanJose
, Church of Church of Christ,
6233 San Jose Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Visitors and
prospective members are wel-
come. Call 350-1609 for infor-

L.T.N.: The Long Time
Newcomers Club of the
Beaches meets the fourth
Tuesday of each month at
Selva Marina Country Club in
Atlantic Beach.; Social hour
starts at 11 a.m., followed by'a
short meeting. For information
or to join, call 270-1741. The
Long Time Newcomers Club's
next meeting will be in

Railroad Club: The Beaches
Area Model Railroad Club
meets at 7 p.m. and also Friday
at 941 4th St. N., Jacksonville'
Beach, 'behind Sportsmania.
The club is open to anyone
interested in scale model rail-
roading. For information,' call
Dave Henk at 641-8800 or
Richard Paul at 223-5133.

Senior' Center:, The Palm
Valley: .Senior Center, 148
Canal Blvd., is open from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. and also on
Thursday. Lunch is served at
noon. Call 280-3233 for lunch
reservations or for information
on activities. For transporta-
tion to lunch, call 280-3753
between .7:30 a.m. and 2:30

Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call
246-4158 for information.

Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. at the Florida
Cancer Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hospi-
tal campus. Call 247-2910 for

Poker tournament: A poker
tournament is scheduled from
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity

Jan. 3a
Tap Classes: Beginning and
Intermediate Tap Classes are
offered. on Monday mornings
and Wednesday nights 'start-
ing January 3, 2007 at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center. Monday's classes are as
follows: Beginning class starts
at 10 a.m.; Intermediate
begins at 11 a.m. The
Wednesday Beginning class
starts at 6:30 p.m. You have
always wanted to dance; come
to tap! 'Make your dreams
come true! Call Jane 241-0432
for registration information.

Friday, Jan. 3 .
Dinners at; Fleet Reserve:
Fleet Reserve Association
Branch 290, 390 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach, hosts
dinners from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
each Friday in January. The
Jan: 5 offering is Steak Night
for a $10 donation, followed
by Fish Fry for $8 Jan., 12,
Ladies Auxiliary Fleet Reserve
Association Steak [$10] or Fish
Fry [$8] Jan. 19 and Fish Fry
for $8 Jan. 26. The .public is

Saturday, Jan. "
FOP course: A "Certified
Basic Pistol &, Advanced
Defensive Tactics and How
Not to Go To Jail" course is
offered from 7:45 a.m. to 5
p.m. at the Fraternal Order of
Police Lodge 65 in Nassau
County. A CWP Training
Certificate is included, and
range use is available. Call
Gary Belson at 904-491-8358
for information.
Sunday, Jan. 7
LAX signup: The Ponte
Vedra Lacrosse Club's girls pro-
gram holds its final of tvo
signups from 2 p.m. ,to 5 p.m.
at the Landrum Fields. A free
clinic will be held that day
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The
girls' season, the cost of which
is $100, will run from Feb. 25
to May 6. Signup forms are
available at
Tuesday, .Jan. 9
Computers for Seniors: The
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center offers three weeks of
computer classes for seniors,
ending Jan. 25. The, classes,

Center. Tables, cards, chips,
refreshments and snacks are
provided. The Senior Activity
Center is located at 2004 Forest
Avenue and can be reached by
calling 270-1688.
Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the
'administration building of the
Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Coffee is served. For more
information, call Michael
Steele at 904-910-1982 or visit
http://pontvediabeac h.free-

Yoga at Guana: Yoga classes
are offered 'at 5:30 p.m. at the
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
(GTM) Environmental
Education Center. Sally and
Spring Saldana, a mother-
daughter team, are the instruc-
tors. The cost is $10 per class.
For information, call 904-823-

scheduled on Tuesdays and
Thursday, are Beginning
Computers (9:30 a.m. to 11:30
a.m.), Intermediate Computer
Class, including the Internet
(12 p.m. to 2 p.m.); and
Advanced Computing (2:30
p.m. to 4:30 p.m.). The classes
cost $40 for six two-hour ses-
sions. Call the Center at 270-
1688 to reserve a seat.

Wednesday, .
Jtan. 10
Bracey at Fleet Reserve:
Doug Bracey provides the
music for four consecutive
Wednesday at Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290, 390.
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
Also offered, between 5 p.m.
and 8 p.m. Jan. 10, 17, 24 and
31, are darts and fleet'

Newcomers at Casa
Marina: Newcomers of the
Beaches, an organization for
women who are new to the
area, holds its first monthly
luncheon of the New Year at
11 a.m. at the Casa Marina'
Hotel, ,691 1st St. N.,.
Jacksonville Beach. Registered
yoga teacher Kate Cordell
presents ."Gentle Yoga,
Soothing the Body and Soul."
.The price for the luncheon is
$20, payable by Jan. 3 to
Newcomers ,of the Beaches,
P.O. Box 2421, Ponte Vedra
Beach, FL 32004. Call Bonnie
Lynch at 904-821-9002 for
information or to join the

Jun. 13
Career Transition: Christ
Episcopal Church offers a full-,
day Career Transition
WVorkshop, scheduled from 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 208 of
the Christian Education
Building, 400 San Juan Dr.,
Ponte Vedra Beach. The work-

Storage Space

5'x 10'
10' x 10'
10' x 20.

The Storage Bin
Great Jax Beacheefaon
Fully Slesferereprs
Gate Hours 6:30am-7pm
Resident Manager
Mon.-Fri.8-5, Sat. 8-12
Call Today 241-4171
1001 13th Ave. S., Jax Beach
(Across from Beaches Hospital).

For Shopping Ideas


www.BeachesLeader.com and click on

the dancing penguin on the home


He will take you to a

/? wonderland of local

shop's goal is to prepare those
in the Beaches community
who are unemployed, under-
employed or unhappily
employed for a successful job-
search process. The public is
invited free of charge. Those
planning to attend should reg-
ister by e-mailing Charlie
Hoskins at crhbeach@com-
cast.net or calling 285-0525.

Tuesday, Jan. 16
"Einstein Alive," sponsored
by the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation, begins
a two-day run in Ponte Vedra
Beach. "Professor Einstein"
speaks of his life and guides
audiences through the adven-
tures of his mind at 9 a.m. for
Rawlings fifth graders and
again for fifth graders at 1
p.m. at Ocean Palms
Elementary. He moves on to
seventh graders at Landrum
Middle School at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 17'

Jan. 1@
Healing Arts open house:
Dr. Andrea Schaeffer-Pautz, of
the Persephone Healing Arts
Center, plays host to an open
house from, 5:30 p.m. to, 7
p.m. Pautz is board certified in
internal and holistic medicine.
The center is at 485 6th Ave.
N.,, Jacksonville Beach. For
information, call 246-3583.


: Closed Mondays
Tuesday -Thursday, .am-3pm
Friday & Saturdays 7am4~l3pm
Sunday 7am-3pm
Eggs Benedict & Bottomless Mimosas
Try Our Loco Moco
Dinner Served on
Friday & Saturdays

We Cater
(Delivery Available)
Special Occasions
Parties Welcomed
,Planyopur Holiday Party
Withb i -
Open Christmas Eve &
New Year's Eve 7-3am
The Galley Restaurant at
Palm Cove Marina
14603 Beach Blvd. 400, Jacksonville
R vtio 1 Ca -8040

businesses who have great holiday

specials just for you.

Shop The Beaches F*rst!



December 22, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 7


Holiday Arts Camp
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach is offering
a Holiday Arts Camp for chil-
dren ages 4 to 10 that runs to
Dec. 29. Participants may reg-
ister daily or weekly. For infor-
mation, call 280-0614 or log
on to www.ccpvb.org.

Tea it Up for Christmas
The final in a series of
Santa's Story Book Teas at the
Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island
will begin at 1 p.m. Dec. 23
and include a traditional sto-
rybook performance and party
favors for each child attend-
ing. Hotel guests and the
pubic are invited, but reserva-
tions are required.'

Edible Ornaments
Youngsters can create orna-
ments that can be eaten at 12
p.m. Dec. 23. The place to go
is the Publix at 10500 San Jose
Blvd., where the third Apron's
Cooking School is being held.
The cost for kids is $25.
The number to call for reser-
vations is 904-262-4187.

Christmas Dinner
St. John's Catholic Church,
2400 NMayport Road, contin-

ues a tradition started in 1977 visit www.trolleytours.com.

and holds its annual dinner
for senior citizens at 3 p.m.
Christmas Day. A full holiday
meal will be served in the
parish hall, and a special guest
is expected. Transportation
can be arranged by calling
Dial-A-Rlde at 246-8771.
For information, call the
parish office at 246-6014.

Santa in Courtyard
Santa Claus is in the
Courtyard at 200 First Street
in Neptune Beach from 10
a:m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday
in December. Wish lists ,may
be shared, and photos can be
taken. Pets are welcome.
For more information, visit
www.200firststreet.com or call
Shelbv's Coffee Shoppe at 249-

Holly Jolly Trolley Tour
The Holly Jolly Trolley Tour
of the Nights of Lights in St.
Augustine runs each evening
through Dec. 30. Tickets are
$6 for adults and $3 for chil-
dren. Tours depart from the
Historic Downtown Parking
For information, call 904-
829-3800 or 800-868-7482 or

Santa's Big Red
Christmas Train Tour
Santa's Big Red Train departs
from 3 Cordova St. in St.
Augustine from 6 p.m. to 9
p.m. every Friday and
Saturday through Dec. 30.
Tickets are $6 for adults and
$3 for children.
For information, call 904-
824-1606 or visit www.red-
Holiday Exhibitions
"An Old-Fashioned
Christmas," '' with photo-
graphs, postcards and other
images that reflect the
Beaches' holiday season over,
the past 50 years, are on dis-
play through the holiday sea-
son at the Beaches Museum
and History Center. "Florida
Girls & Boys & Their Toys" is
also on display.
The Beaches Museum and
History Center is in Pablo
Historical Park at the corner of
Beach Boulevard and 4th
Street North. The Museum is
open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday.
AdMission is $5 for adults; $4
for seniors 65 and older, $3 for
children ages 6 to 17, and free

for children under the age of

Noon Balloon Drop
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach's annual
New Year's Noon Balloon
Drop Party for all ages will be
held from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15
p.m. Dec. 30. Snacks, prizes,
and art activities for children
will be offered. The cost for
non-members is $2; members
are free. For information,
280-0614 or log on to
Noon Year's Eve
Noon Year's Eve will be cele-
brated at both Adventure
Landing locations, 1944 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, and
4825 Blariding Blvd.,
Jacksonville, from 10 a.m. to,2
p.m. .Dec. 31. The annual
Noon Year's Eve balloon drop
will feature more than 500
prize-filled balloons falling for
three different age groups: 4
and under, 5 to 8 and 9 to 12.
A Noon Year's Eve special of
unlimited Go-Karts, Laser Tag
and Mini Golf is offered for
$10,' but must be purchased in
order to participate in the bal-
loon drop.

Visit www.adventureland-
ing.com for information.

Beach Blast-Off
The South Beaches Area
Council of the St. Johns
County Chamber of
Commerce holds Beach Blast-
Off 2007 to ring in the New
Year starting at 4 p.m. Jan. I at
the St. Augustine Beach Pier.

Celebrating Epiphany
' The Twelfth Night Ball, a
Jan. 6 costume ball at
Government House in St.
Augustine, celebrates the Feast
of the Epiphany. The event
begins at 7 p.m. Tickets,
which will be sold at the door,
or at the Colonial Spanish
Quarter Museum, will cost $10
per person or $15 per couple.
For information, call 377-0006
or 794-2507.

Holiday Charity
*Rack Room Shoes is hold-
ing its second annual holiday
fund drive to benefit the
Make-A-Wish Foundation,
which grants the wishes of
children with life-threatening
medical .,, conditions.
Customers donating $1 or
more will receive holiday gift

tags featuring artwork
designed by wish kids. The
more than 300 Rack Room
shoestores nationwide will
take part in the fund drive,
which runs through Dec. 31.
Donations will benefit each
store's local Make-A-Wish
chapter. Rack Room Shoes has
raised nearly $350,000 for the
Make-A-Wish Foundation in
the past two years.
*Donations made through
Dec. 31 at any Adventure
Landing, location for Make A
Wish Foundation of Central
and Northeast Florida will
result in .the donor's Shiny
Star being placed on
Adventure Landing's
Christmas Tree.

Free New Year's Yoga
Yoga with Joan & Jim offers
a free New Year's Day yoga
class from 10 a.m. to 11:15
a.m. at Let's Dance Studio, 246
Solana Road, :Ponte Vedra
Beach. All are welcome, begin-
ner through experienced stu-
dents. Just bring a yoga mat or
a large towel. For information,
call Joan Ryan at 280-4628 or
Jim Ryan at 280-4130; email
yogajoan@comcast.net and

(let Cut... clnsmas

Sd a e ays o r wntil
and make your weekend spectacular r *

Temples and Tombs
"Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art from'
the British Museum" opens
Friday at the Cummer Museum,
829 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville.
This collection of nearly' 85,
pieces runs through March 18.
Exhibition hours are 10 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday through Monday.
Special exhibition admission is
$15 for non-members and $7
for museum members. For
'information, call 904-356-6857.
: "Temples and Tonibs" holds a
members opening from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. Friday. The opening
will feature Middle Eastern
music and cuisine, traditional
dancing, art activities and cos-
tumed presentations that cele-
brate Egyptian culture.'
Members pay $10 and guests.
Reservations for the members
Opening may be made by call-
ing 899-6021.

First Coast Winter
First Coast Winter Lights
offers an evening of holiday
entertainment at Reynolds Park
Yacht Center on the St. Johns
River in Green Cove Springs.
The event is open through New
Year's,. from dusk to 9:30 p.m.
weekdays, .and dusk to 10:30.
p.m. on non-school nights.
Admission is $18 per car and
$40 per bus.
Tickets are available at area
WachoVia branches and at the

gate. Ice skating costs $5 for
children, $7 for adults. Skate
rental is $3.

GTW Kayaking
The Friends of the GTM
Reserve, in partnership with
Coastal Outdoor Center, offers a
kayak tour of Guana River from
10 a. m. to 12 p.m. Saturday.
The naturalist-led tour, which
begins at the GTM Reserve
Environmental Educational
Center, is for people wanting to
learn more about the coastal
The cost of $45 per person
includes all kayaking equip-
ment, instruction, Reserve
entry fee and tour, and bottled
water. The tour will last approx-.
imately two hours and is appro-
priate for ages 15 and up. Call
the Coastal Outdoor Center at
904-471-4144 to make a reser-

Homes for the,
Holidays Nights of
Lights Tour
A story-teller in period cos-
tume shares holiday traditions,
-covering '400 years of. St.
Augustine history on tours that
begin at 7 p.m. every Friday and
Saturday through Dec. 31. In
Old St. Augustine Village, an
entire city block of historic
homes is trimmed and decorat-
ed to reflect the season, arid a
,guided' lantern tour of the
homes is offered. Tours depart
from Old St. Augustine Village,
located at 143 Cordova St.
Tickets; which cost $20 per per-

Six Days of FunFunun!!!
..movies, trivia, prizes, acting
& improve games, Q&A's with
filmmakers! Bring your own
Dates: Dec 27, 28, 29
& Jdn 3, 4, 5th Cost: $20/day
Times: 10-12noon (5-7yrs)
and 12-3pm (7-12yrs)

son, may be purchased at any'
Old Town Trolley ticket booth
and at Old St. Augustine
Village, Village gates open at:
6:30 p.m. for ticket purchase.
For information, call
904.823.9722 or email

Nights of Lights
Heritage Tour
A guide explains the architec-
tural elements of the Gilded
Age buildings and the charm of
St. Augustine's Spanish
Colonial houses as the city is.
explored at night. The tour
departs at 7 p.m. Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evernings
from the Tour Saint Augustine
Office, 6 Granada Street. Tickets
are $20 per person.
For reservations, call 904-825-
0087 or 904-829-1122. '
Holidays at the
Oldest House
The Gonzalez-Alvarez House
in St. Augustine, a National'
Historic Landmark, is the oldest
surviving Spanish Colonial
dwelling in Florida. Known as
the Oldest House, it's located at
14 St. Francis St. Tours are con-
ducted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is $8 for adults and
$18 for families, with children
under 6 admitted free.
For information, call 904-
824-2872 or visit www.oldest-

North Florida Tours
Nights of Lights Tour
Narrated tours of St.

Augustine's Nights of Lights for
small groups are scheduled by
request nightly through Jan. 20.
For information, call 904-823-

Helicopter Tours of
the Nights of Lights
Old City helicopter tours of
the-Nights of Lights leave each
evening through Jan. 31 from
the St. Augustine airport. Tours
are priced from S149 to $2'49
for up to three passengers.
For information and reserva-
tions, call 904-824-5506 or go
to www.oldcitvhelicopters.com.

Nights of Lights
Carriage Rides
Carriage rides through the
historic streets of Old St.
Augustine take place from dusk
until 10 p.m. daily and depart
from the bayfront. Prices are
$85 for a private carriage with
up to four. people, or $20 per
person to share a carriage with
others. Children 5-11 can ride
for $10 each.
For information, call Jennifer
at Country Carriages, 904-669-

Co"ntlown to 2007
SJacksonville C ,1n Zoological
Gardens' Countdown to 2007
begins Dec. 26 and concludes
New Year's Eve. Radio Disney
holds Noon Year's Eve at the
Zoo Dec. 31. The facility is open.
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 904-
757-4462 for information.

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J J.-

Weekend 8 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 22, 2006



Artificial Christmas trees,
just like real ones, take a
beating with time.
With the passing of numer-
ous holidays, your artificial
Christmas tree could even end
up with a significant number
of aesthetic challenges.
However, it is possible to
breathe new life back into a
faux fiasco and make it a
respectable-looking Christmas
tree again.
And, if you can't resurrect
new life out of it, there are
ways to convert it for other
uses. So before you ditch the
tree after this Christmas, see if
these ideas can help you sal-
vage your old tannenbaum.

Balding branches
One of the most common
problems with artificial trees
is the balding branch..
A quick fix for thinning
foliage is to wind'a contrast-
ing garland through the
branches. A contrasting gar-
land looks more like a pretty
addition and not like your try-
ing to create a decorating
comb over for your tree.
You can also buy large
foliage picks to stick in and
fill up the bare spots, but this
can get expensive and.it
might be hard to find enough
picks. But two full garlands
could really fill out your tree.

Oh Hole-v tree
In dragging a tree in and
out year after year, branches
are often lost. If this happens,
a large hole can result.
Instead of tuning the hole
around to the wall, do as dec-
orators often suggest, and
make the minus into a plus.


Fill in the hole with some-
.thing natural a bird and
birdhouse. After all, birds live
in trees and it could be a cute,
and unexpected, addition to
your tree.
Start by painting a small
bird house from a home decor
store with your Christmas col-
ors and embellish with a bird
Be sure to choose a bird-
house that's close to the same
. size as the hole in your tree so
the hole is filled up. Or, you
could stuff the hole with an
element that matches the
theme of your tree such as a
stuffed bear, a wrapped pres-
ent, a wagon, or other kind of
holiday element.
Big, oversized items like this
are a fun decorating surprise
and great camouflage.

Top and bottom
Other problem areas for
artificial trees are the top and
bottom. The top often teeters
or looks disconnected from
the rest of the tree.
A quick fix for the teetering
top is to create an arranged

Purchase foliage picks and
filler such as ting ting, .over-
sized pine cones, or some
poinsettias to create a topper.
This will help to pull the
top together and connect it
with the rest of the tree. Still
too wobbly? Try replacing the
top altogether with a cande-
labra or something similar.
A quick fix for the sagging
bottom is to place the tree
into a large urn or planter.
This looks tres chic arid res-
cues those sagging bottom
limbs. lust make sure the tree
is adequately anchored in the

Repurpose your tree
If the tree can't be saved,
then repurpose it. \\ire two
branches together and you *
have a mini tree. Sink the
branches into plaster in a
nursery container.
Create various sized trees
and you can have a Christmas
tree forest. Mini trees look ter-
rific next to a Christmas tree
and can be placed into trunks,
in a child's wagon, a planter
that matches the tree, or as
outside decorations.
Or, make a swag by attach-
ing two branches together
pointed away from each other
and decorate. Use one of the
ends as the hanger.
If vour artificial tree looks
bad, don't despair. There's no
need to trash \our tree when
just a few faux fixes could
save it from the dumpster.
Katlhmn i'ebelr is a hoine and
deco.iting Lcohlinnist. For mare
information. o to wwiw.kathnln-
iweber.coi or t'vail queiicstiOs to
I ,tlm'(a'katlhm'-w\ r.comn

Pnoto suOn-mind
Create swags from artificial Christmas tree branches by wiring two branches by overlapping the
ends and wiring together. Decorate with ribbon, pinecones, or other embellishments.

I 1erI In-

"Copyrighted Material

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Ideas to salvage artificial Christmas tree

iw -

December 22, 2006

Weekend 8

The Beachies Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader






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690 Water TreJnmeni
700 M issage Theraps
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?30 Caregiers
800 For Sale
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810 Anuques
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8W0 Garage slik.
850 Garage salesJa.\ Beach
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85A Garage ales Atlantc Beach
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858 G'rahe Sales of \esl
8b0 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rnual
915 BoaL.u
930 Motror cles
950 CamprLC 'R\
970 TnAck..ans
980 Autom.bitlea

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S The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

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A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700

UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE is seeking a site and/or existing
space for a new postal facility in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32250-9998
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W: St. Johns River
4016e fWris 16S iei.l.' or l ni.gh ly i 3i. uid r35 t.:.undarie.i
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De within mne prererrea area.
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BLDG SIZE: 4,800 (RU); 8,800 (CA); or 18,067
(S) SF Net Interior
PARKING REQ: 36 (RU); 62 (CA); or 108 (S) Parking
Spaces (exclusive use preferred)
CLOSING DATE: January 19, 2007
PROPOSAL PACKAGES may be obtained from Mary Reed, Facilities Contract
Technician, Southeast Facilities Service Office, U. S.,Postal Service, 1735 North Brown
Road, Suite 200, Lawrenceville GA 30043-8153; 678/442-6061; or picked up locally
from the Postmaster in Jacksonville, FL 32250-9998, Assistance on Real Estate
questions should be directed to Doug Reed, Real Estate Specialist, at the above address
or by calling 678/442-6050.

Th Bece Ledr

6 LOTS West of Mayport Rd., Atlantic
Beach, next to junkyard. $35.000 to,
$70 000 buy one or all. (904)571-4211
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots $500
down, $199 month Owner 352-624-2215
or 1352)236-4579.
MANDARIN, 1.3 acres on San Jose & Bay
Meadows. Residential or Commercia.
$485k, Call Ron, Sellslale Broker.
JAX BCH 5 blocks to ocean, comer lot
consider owner financing Owner/ Agent
$174.900. 463-7343
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes Irom
Hayesville. NC, Hiawassee River and
Lake Chatuga. Build your home for a life-
time. Lots range in pnce Irom $54,900
to $87,900: 'Call 828-389-8843 or 904-

3BR/IBA, great starter home or invest-
ment: nice lot w/screened porch & fenced
yard, concrete block, 100o financing
aVailable. $199,000. Call 247-9244 or
651 Q748

2BR/2BA, completely remodeled, new 30
year rool, 42" nickory cabinets. Iraveline
stone floor, Berber carpet and crown
molding. Seller will pay all closing costs
$289,900. 463-0505.
BEACH COTTAGE, priced to sell.
3BR/IBA, CH&A. WDHU. carport, new tile
throughout, very large lot, walk to the
beach, $284.500 3436391.

Sea State Realty Corp.
^....., "The Listing Specialist"
\ic MLSI NEFAR Member
Great Starter Home!
3BR/1BA, Northside, concrete
block. Newer roof, CH&AC.
replumbed. 2 car garage & carport.
Ready to move in.
MLS 324721 $110,000 '
Call- Larry Dukes, Broker
(904) 537-0679

Call semarY Matta


:.. "She Kn17O the beaches!"


SAT. & SUN, 12-3
Magnificent lakefront vistas from prime rooms!
.Spacious 2/2,'choice cul-de-sac in hub of P.V.
amenities & conveniences. Meticulously cared,
orig. owner, open plan BR/DR/Kit, solid blk.
construction. New hardiboard ext. w/coquina
accent, Irg. 2-car garage. Super value at $319,950.
(TakeA1A S. fiom JTB, L at L'Atrium, across from
Sawgrass Village, L to 2452 Lorraine Ct. S.)

(right off JTBI in a neighborhood setting w/no cdd fees or
restrictions in one of these large, beautiful executive homes.
Room for children, hobbies and entertaining A
in these amazingly efficient 5 bed/4 bath or A
4 bed/3.5 bath homes.
Call Linda Pomerant: at h a lea
923-8030 PR 0 E K T E


Ocean Forest Built '99,
-: Best of all worlds.
Marshside community.
2400 sq. ft., 4BR/3BA + office & formal DR,
Great pwin w/fplc. Brkfst rm. Screened porch,
updated baths & kit, tile, stainless appliances. $545K


S High Quality Brick
Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
: .... '. ....^ 5bd/3ba A.4,400 I" & iep It ing. dining. I lairnily im-
"H H Man' constru.i,.,ri upgrade' IOversized 2 car garage
.K "-" v u.'1 b'\n' roirk nhip area, aler slofiener. security. &
|; 3 |' :entr.l acuum sternn. Full bnck flocirs. Berbercarpei.
S........nng, 1'2 9'\4' bc..k fireplace, huge kitchen
vl'3 parulriC.lConanri:unier. SS appl'-.'hce l.iJi0Yiplu r masile salle /
200 pl'., I" cf cl.:er Sp.ice. r %', nirlr.:,o l rub, 4'% inL.'C er. & -,:, much -dus ..
.mtre' i'\1-i I ,:,i i&,'\m io.rjge ;hd. 64'. hrick pjuo tuki hi, &. b iw
yard! Call owner/g nt for ippi S 1.175.000.

For More Info:
Call Cara Doud
571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon


Awesome 3bd/2ba with granite, hardwoods, fresh
paint inside & out, and the perfect location! Bike
to the beach or Town Center! Or simply relax by
the cozy fireplace the choice is yours..

Seller to pay closing costs
w/ accepted offer!

Hurry, it won't last at this price! $380,000

No Open House this weekend. We are available
for personal tours. For a sneak peek, Visit:

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R ec ycle!!,_.::: ::. ..

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Cl,, r o,-A1

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 22, 2006

I'll Be Home For Christmas:..
You can easily be in one of these homes for
the holidays. Just give us a call!

416 UPPER 36" AVE. S. 2BR/2BA with one car attached
garage, atrium off master bath and bedroom, freshly
painted exterior, fenced back yard, all in quiet enclave
neighborhood. 4 blocks to beach. $275,000.

3515 SO. 1" ST.- 3BR/1BA furnished cottage w/one car
garage, front porch, fenced back yard. Completely
renovated, including windows, wood floors and custom
trim. 1.5 blocks to beach! $625,000. ,

119 37H AVE. SO.-.3BR/2BA renovated 1950's bungalow
with att. 2 car garage, FP, Florida room, wood floors,
vaulted wood ceiling, & a white picket fence out front. 2
blacks to beach! $699,000.

3276 PUlUAN C. 50'x 150' cul-de-sac lot in south .lax
Beach w/water view, adjacent to new park and fire
'station. Architect owned, ready to assist with plans, if
needed. :

Sherri Beno Realtor e

Lisa DiStefano Realtor!* $'6 ""
904-514-3167 :._ ." _


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This i orne of the rneer T'hms buil in 1996
Ver wNell appointed ihat sho% like a model
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Your search has ended here
3BR.2 5BA hm features refurbished hrdwd tir
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area S339,001) MLS 294251

Ponte Vedrahm :
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A must C! 3BR'2 5BA w/new crpt, tile,'
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Great Vacation get away Rem oui while
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: Atlantic Beach! 4BR/2BA Immaculate
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Oceanfront Newer custom built 5BR.
4.5BA, with 4725 SF. views of the ocean
from the east and ICW the xesi. Office,
formal living and dining, tile and
hardwood floors.pool and spa, screened
lanai .ith hot tub.; -d private beach,
Isle ofr Palms- Former model with 2705
SF and $71.000 in upgrades on
navigable water...just bring your boat!
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluge master suite. Tvo
screened lanais. deck. balcony. dock %t
boat ift $889.000
South Hampton Water to golf viewk s
compliment this 5BR. 4BA execute
home on the 17th green. Chef's kitchen
with cherry cabinets, island, corian. tile.
3 car garage, screened lanai, r o bonus
rooms, comm pool. pnced $25k below
appraisal $750.000
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai.
bonus room is perfect teenage rereaL in-
lan suite, -cood and tile floors. corian
counters, formal i\ iing and dining. 3 car
garage. comm. pool. $679.000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded, light and bright 4BR.
2.5BA with loft. formal lie ing and dining
room. new carpet and paint. rile floors.
oversized screened lanai, lots of storage.
comm. pool $499.500
Pablo Bay Why talt to build? This
4BR. 2BA all bnck home is ready noe%'
Enjoy relating evenings on your covered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake.
LUpgrades include tile, 42 inch cabinets.
open kitchen vxith island, corian.
47n 0nni

Fiddlers Marsh If you are looking for a
Lrue Florida home, look no further!
Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio home on
premium cul-de-sac lakefront lot in Ponie
\edra! Florida room with private lake
viecs. no backdoor neighbors! Enjoy
nature at its finest with beautiful water
fowl. Egrets, Herons and more' $339.000
Laurel Springs 4BR. 2B1A pool home
on beaunfui lakefront lot' Upgraded tile.
covered lanai overlooks screened pool,
split bedroom plan. fireplace. Enjo,
entertaining in your spacious pool area,
man% upgrades' $345,000
Ibis Point 4BR. 2.5BA aloft on prinvale
culdesac, lush landscaping, fenced yard,
sprinkler. open kitchen % ith breakfast bar.
formal dining, designer molding, master
bedroom is do'n seith garden tub. comnm.
pool/iennis. $335 000
.lax Beach Updated 4BR, 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot 1 27 acres just
blocks to the beach! Wood floors1 fireplace,
open kitchen, formal dining, large creat
room. inside laundry, screened porch., shed,
hot tub "siih deck. 5335.000
Florentine This 3BR, 2.5BA with loft is
only one year old and ready no%'! Enjoyi
peaceful lake sievs from Odur open patio,
spacious kitchen v ith breakfast bar. formal
li\ ing and dining. o ersiZedlaundrl .er
$ ti. ir, upgr.destL 5~7.900 ..., ,
Hunters Haven Honey...cao op the credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR.2BA
is minutes to St Johns Town Centerl
Spacious floor plan ith wood laminate
and iile floors, open eat-in kitchen, formal
dining room. and oversized wooden deck
leads to private fenced backyard with
.nnnk.Ir an. mrn.-.atre rrree 970 ii00



Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo,
Ground Fir 1/2 block to the Ocean in
Old Atlantic Beachl
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC, updated baths, fresh paint, new
stove & microwave. $298,000
Contemporary Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba Open Fir Pin Rich wood
accents throughout extensive deck & tree
canopy. Perfect mix of home, privacy, and
nature. Seller will pay $5000 towards buyers
closing costs. $625,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
SBrandNew Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car garage!
Construction complete in 3 months. High-
End Finish Levels Offered at $1,175,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Selva Marina
3-story w/elevator, 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq
ft, office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot
size: 85 x 142. Maintenance free: concrete
block & stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl
shake on 2nd & 3rd levels. $1,175,000
Completely Remodeled
:' Old'Atlantk Beach 'lhme-
I Block to Ocean

Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence -
perfectly manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba, master
upstairs, 2700 Sf, 62.5x125 lot size, room for
pool. Maple hardwood floors throughout. 2-car
garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Atlantic Beach -
Seaside Gated Community Luxury HOME!
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-ari
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with
this quality in finish levels at this price today.
IT's AWESOME! 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story, all
bdrms up, 3486 sq ft, Mediterranean style with
barrel tile roof. Private Beach access.

Awesome Investment Property
3Bdrm 2Ba Townhome-Great condition! 2-
story, 2Bdrm and 1 Ba up and Master bdrm
down, 1400 sq ft, currently renting for
$900/per month. Take with or without tenants.
Raw Vacant Land Available W. Atlantic Bch.
Parcel size 150 x 630 Can subdivide into 9-
12 residential lots Duval County. $469,000.
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow
Awesome Investment 5204,000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1-.story, new red oak floors
throughout, new ropf, q rox. 1300 SF lot size
60x125.' -. -

Great Investment Opportunity -
East of 3rd Street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent Studio
Apartments. Only steps to the ocean
Offered at $639,000 .

"Hot" Oceans Edge Condos:
East of 3rd Street NEW South Jax Beach
3 BR/2BA $395,500,
Lowest price 3 Bedroom: $437,544
The Palms: 2 bdrm/Zba Condo
that is a 10+++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss it! 2Bdrm/
2Ba 2"" floor condo with custom
cabinets, new sinks and granite in
Kitchen and baths. $187,000
Completely Remodeled w/the finest
CORNER Unit w/wrap around porches!
3 bdrm/2ba, custom cabinets, granite
and much, much more!!! Furnishings
optional. $799,000
Investment Propery Multi-faily
I'1 St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views.
West side"bf I"Street,' muffifamily, 2
ildgs -Metl t62-: 5x85,, tipdateetover
last 3 yrs $949,000

Call Margi Petitt

Top Producer

60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 3, Atlantic Beach

SA Perfect Gift

Let someone else in on

our community.

Give the Leader for 1/2 price!

New or current subscribers can give
S, 104 issues of The Beaches Leader or, ,"
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* j

2607 Amencas Cup Cr E. All. Bch.,
$205,000, 3Br/2BA, 1732sf, Formal
LR/DR, FR w/Sliding Glass Doors,
Huge Bkyd. 247-4442
829 1st St S Unit 1E,$399,900, 1BR/
2BA. MLS310280, 1st Fir Unit, Fenced
yd w/ocean views. 247-4442
411 1st St S t401, $449,900,
Beachcomber II, MLS321203, 2BR/
2BA, Private bch access, nrdwd firs,
gated pool. 247-4442
527 Pelican Key. Selva Lakes.
$309,900 MLS 338324. 3BR/2.5BA.
1404 SF, gorgeous townhome.
845 Amberjack Lane, $229,900, MLS
338465. 3BR/2BA, 1251 SF,
completely updated bungalow.
2196 Fairway Villas Ln N. $199.900,
MLS 338445, 3br/1.5ba, 1075sf.
hrdwd firs, new a/c, new roof, huge Ir
w/ fp. 247-4442
1256 Galapagos Ave, $184,900, Oak
Harbor, MLS 334839. 3br/2ba, scrnd
porch w/ hot tuD, Lg LR w/ Hrdwd Firs,
ew Tile, Huge Bkyd 247-4442
1483 Laurel Way, $369,900, Hidden
Paradise. MLS 326063, 3br/2.5ba,
2179sf, Lush Ldscp., scrnd porch.
Huge FR wI/Gas FP. 247-4442
[7elih'I;W~iun 911 620 Orchid
St. $374,900, MLS 327695. 4br/3ba,
2500sf. New Construction, Custom
Mst. Bath. 247-4442
600 Alhambra Lane North, Sawgrass,
$399,500, 4BR/2BA, 1636 SF, golf
course views. 247-4442,
365 Sailfish Dr E, $259,900, MLS
332363, 4BR/3BA, 1967sf, Mst Ste on
1st Fir, Bkyd w/ pool. 247-4442
.475 Skate Rd $219,900,; MLS330053,
3BR/1BA, 1218sf, Lg Fenced Bkyd,
Open LR w/ separate Dr. 247-4442.
3817Tropical Terrace, $339,900,3BR/
2BA, MLS 315008, 1603sf, Tile &
Hrdwd Firs, LG Bkyd, Glassed FL RM,
New Water Heater. 247-4442
14180 Washbum Ct, $234,900, MLS
317861, 3BR/2BA, 1538sf, Fenced
Bkyd w/ Patio, LR/DR Combo, Big Mst
Ste. 247-4442

4210 Chelsea Harbor Dr W, Johns Creek,
$314,900, MLS 339735. 3BR/2BA,
1880sf, Formal LR/DR Covered patio
overlooks Preservel 247-4442
2312 Meadow Lark Ct,. The Woods,
$449,000. MLS 326258. 4BR/2.5BA,
3496sf, tiled Florida Rm, Inground Pool,
Huge Rms' 247-4442
13848 Harbor Creek PI, Pablo Bay,
$479,900, 4BR/2BA, 2468sf, Lakefront,
Gorgeous FR w/Marble FP, Upstairs Loft,
Plush Mst. Ste. 247-4442
190 Nadia Michelle Ct S, Harbour
Springs, $184,900, 3BR/2BA, 1138sf,
Fenced Bkyd, LR/DR Combo, Screened
Porch. 247-4442
14390 Pelican Bay Cr, Pelican Bay,
$259,000, 2BR/2BA, 1315sf, All Appl.
Stay. Ceramic Tile, Soaring Ceilings,
Wood Deck, Covered patio 247-4442
4531 Antler Hill Dr E $237,500, MLS
326538, Hunters Ridge, 3BR/2BA,
1448sf, Lakeviews, FR w/iled FP, LG Lot.
Eat-in KIT. 247-4442
735 Harbor Winds, Harbor Winds,
$264,000, MLS 337634,3BR/2BA, 1696
SF, corner lot, big kitchen w/upgraded
cabinets. 247-4442
1?11 Kansingion I nkps Dr nP6f0
Seasons @ Kensington, $150,000, 2BR/
1.5BA, 1100st. Hrdwd Firs, scrnd atrium
w/pond views. 247-4442
12'30ani Kernan CFt flvd, 4#2305

.12382 Eagles Glaw Ln, Eagles ;reeK,
$199,900, MLS 328307, 3BR/2BA,
1393st, Lakefront Lot, Shag Carpet, FR
w/ WB FP, New ADpl. 247-4442
2118 Forest Gate Dr W, Kensington,
$229,900, MLS 335038, 4BR/2BA,
1617sf, Fenced Bkyd, ceramic tile, LR/
DR Combo w/ FP. 247-4442
2466 Glade Springs Dr, Bentwater,
$274,900, MLS 328629, 4BR/2BA,
2062sf, Lakeviews, ceramic tile/Hrdwd
Firs, FR w/ marble FP. 247-4442
1974 Ibis Point Ln. Ibis Point,
$324,900, MLS 319948, 4BR/2BA,
2062st, Scrnd Lanai, Bks to Preserve,
LG KIT, LR/DR Combo. 247-4442
4690 Kernan Mill Ln E, Heather Glen,
$319,000, 3BR/2BA, 1634sf, Scrnd
Pool, LG Mst Ste, Cheerful KIT W/Brkft
Bar. 247-4442
13433 Stone Pond Dr, Wolf Creek,
$244,900, MLS 381585,3/2.5, 1665sf,
Attached 1 car gar. Scrned Lanai, BRs
on 2nd Fir. 724-1200

11033 Englenook Dr, Sutton Lakes,
$235,000, MLS 332020, 4BR/2BA,
1744sl, Reduced! Scmd Patio, LG Eat-
IN KIT w/AllAppI., BiQ Msr Ste. 247-4442
1-2106 Autumn Sunrise Dr., Hawkins
Cove. $245.900. MLS .337575,
4BR/2BA. 1719 SF, open floor plan.

Hammock Grove, .$227,9009 ML.S 9126 Catherine Foster Court, East
333924, 3BR wibonus room, 2.5BA, Arlington,$259,900, MLS 328167,3BR/
1779 SF, like new condo seldom used. 2.5BA, 2133SF, quiet cul-de-sac. F
247-4442 bg yard. 247-4442
13044 Chets Cree k Dr S, Johns Creek, 1746 Chandelier Circle, Ft. Caroline,
$31280 3BR2RA, 1 Charming $199,900, MLS 312657. 3BR/2BA,
$312.800, 3BR'2BA, 1964sf, Charming 1381 SF, split floor plan, new flooring.
FR w/FP. screened porch w/ tile firs. 247-4442 .
247-4442 ...... i,. ,, i...,.i.,.,...

13727 Richmond Park Drive #208;
Windsor Pointe, $191,900. MLS 334459,
3BR/2BA, 1500 SF, FR w/cozy fireplace,
corian countertops. 247-4442
2615 Crystal Cove Ct, Villages of Pablo,
$269,000, 3BR/2BA, 1717sf, Private
Bkyd, screened porch, HG Eat-in KIT, FR
w/FP. 247-4442 .
13767 Deer Chase PL Pablo Bay
$578,880, MLS 333195, 4BR+Bonus
Rm/4BA, 2803sf, Pool w/lakeviews, mst
ste w/ sitting area, LR/DR Combo.

1 2U1 S hnooutng oSr t.,, Hawkinsi o Ve.
$237,900. MLS 331589, 3BR/2BA,
1570sf, Big Bkyd. Hrdwd Firs, LG Eat-
in KIT, FR W/liled FP. 247-4442
2358 Huckins Court, Ft. Caroline,
$299,900, MLS316146,4BR/2BA, 2013
SF, huge yard, neutral interior. 247,4442
10519 Running Oak Ct, Lantana Lakes,
$206,000, MLS 329567, 3BR/2.5BA,
1547sf, New A/C Unit, 2 Stry, Berber
Carpet, Hrdwd Firs. 247-4442
12111 Bndghtmore Way, Hawkins Cove,
$257,000, MLS 323470, 4BR/2BA
1692sf, scmd tile lanai, Big FR, LG KIT,

t-iassijuxu z








The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

3/2 ATTACHED new roof, appliances,
flooring, paint. Below appraisal 0
$189,000. San Pablo & Beach, Owner/
Broker 982-7620.
ADORABLE BEACH home, 3/2, 1 car car-
port, large backyard for entertaining
w/new swim spa and decking throughout,
sitting on two large city lots, beautiful
oaks. Reduced to $339,000, as is. 941
Ruth Ave. Motivated seller,(904)338-4303.

Great location and price! 2/2 with
hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, A
breakfast nook, gas fireplace and 2 .
car garage. This home is ready for
you to move in! $299,900 MLS#
Contact Shawn Norton for
an appointment 534-9518. : -

Call Rosemary Naughton 209
904-568-1523 C E

"She KnOWS the beaches!"

Eclectic A.B. Opportunity
Beachy, fun home, huge 85x 135 lot, 3 blks to bch! Such rustic person-
ality & possibilities for expansion! 3/2, inviting LR/DR, gorgeous wood
firs. Giant Mex. tiled Gameroom, beautiful I Oth St., surrounded by
magnificent million $ new constructions. $684,000.
Nept.Beachside Elegance
Adorable 3BR gem, I home off oceanfront on corner lot! Vintage
charm, wood firs. throughout, large rooms! Sunny FL Rm invites sun-
shine in, huge brick f-place w/ cool log bin. Perfect bch. retreat! It's a;
treasure! $849,000.
Lora St, Nept.-Fully Redone
Perfect home, just 4 blks to breaking waves! Totally remodeled, in &
out! Solid conc. blk., 3BR plus Office, oversized 72xI 25 lot w/ room to
grow! Stunning silestone/ss kit, Italian tiled, main rooms, designer de-
tails. Prof. landscaped, easy stroll to "corner." $459,000.
Comfortable 3/3 just 5 blks to water's edge. Handsome wd. firs. dwn,
versatile Bonus up, all appliances stay, fully fenced, quiet location next
to private easement. Motivated owner is ready to go! Short walk to
Seabreeze Elem. & super restaurants. $412,000.
Immaculate South Jax. Bch.Townhome
Better than new 3BR 2.5BA, perfect condition,-2 yrs old! Barely,
lived in, 2212 s.f.of casual living. Open-plan GR/DR/Kit.high ceils ideal
for entertaining! Graniteiss kit, Priv. MBR offers a "beach-peak",cov-
ered balcony. Just delightful! $423,000.
Sharp .V. Executive Gem
Lovely 4/3.5 gem, 3 yrs. new! Plantation shutters, elegant M. Suite.
ideal guest suite dwn. Huge GR/Kit combo. High ceilings. stately foyer,
quality details. E of AIA for easy beachwalks in A+ school district.
Seller is so ready! $590.000.
PonteVedra Patio Delight
Crisp, waterfront 2BR 2BA on large lake, enjoys amazing wildlife &
serenity..High ceilings in GR/DR/Kit. Peaceful water views, brand new
hardiboard exterior, large 2 car garage. convenient indoor utility room.
All appliances convey. $319.950. ,. ,li '

N!LS# 318816 Spectacular vies of the MNLS# 330385 All bhi: 4BR JBA. 5-'74 SF.
ice-in, one block 10 the beach New condo l. I ., -r1 d ., l.'lciih"p ihugie FR '/FP &i
biosting loftiyle 12+ ceilings. covered ,,ijl" I' r lt .i .cr .y l KM I n.i erg'.,
.etd I, plush cjrpel. cequisi fuulics. trtcInc, upgra.cle, incloeJln 'C holee
'JcC III j c hi M *' i i.c flii.iii''n. 2 s 2'.ut. ;?if-'.s'.'usI pis.x"rp,1
parking tcesu n it'opsuindecklkh cub.l'l.l i- .v N25-18
$730 )( .1-" 417':. iC. Ll ,111 9 tliN1285-1800
-"73 "1) 4 N MNEW U RIN4 COMMUNmY
OCENSDE 932 MI a S#327078 Lnic:,istail-i1un.ous j.ilerfront
Enjoy beach living w/luxury & style. t hnL'Cl...'T..-li-iSl:dcl.,,ilqus:&sl-pec,.all
Amenities incl pool. spa, gated entrIy, li.:,p.--i..r. 4BRi2 5BA. 77311SF. t.v.n hime
elevlor & garage Step;iO ihe ocean Uniiis .''i-Ji hir o1 r ,-,f..i ihp Irii., ,or.rcic hi a\ ablee from $749.901 10 1 $1.05L0,0Aii '1 T o. i:. .upgr'l. 1l I.'.'11.. 285-1800(
6 NEMW TOWNHOMES! MlLSIt 327603 Located in highly de,iabich
MLS# 319703 2/2.5 Solid concrete bl. ne ighbi.h-d. Il be uiul & upgr added
Beaiuti wd floors, open floor plan.2 J- BRn I.."le f;ers ne' .. FL r,', m ni SF.
in cabinetsand 2 bakcones Onl\ 5 hloc.ks pip,i' ,.,i.ill. la jnd..,cl..d ,.ad & 2-car Pnl.c
i. Atlanuc Ocean $377,000 241-2417 .i.i(ni..i25.-18n "
MLS# 316555 4BR/3BA. Spectacular MLS# 327854 Meticulously-maintained brick
Jews,' formal dining, open living are.i. ', et home on largest lot on Harbour View between
her. pnirte ele%..ior 1$2.850,00 12I(41-2417 Marsh Landing Pkwy & HirIt.:ur iJand. h I,
.C..MWW rNDO 11v,, & .i.;Il,'.-I hiddl >l.il.. 5BR4BA +
I OCF. NIONT CONDO bn .i:,pl, ..irn,"..ural', 43 i.i F, I-.rrd p..l, ,ar
MLS#325283 1 2enurely fLiniised New I,-,iii,,l,3i1, ",].niF: ii285-1810
kitchen cabinets & granite countertops, tile LIOTADMACENT TO BEACH BLD
throughout $473,900 241-2417 MLS#249009Dimensions 80x 188 x71 x225.
FANWASTIC OMWAN VIEWS $299,000 285-1800
MI-Sf# 277726 N coni,nl, qualun mled-style ONE-OF.A.-INDn IIEPIANLAJION"
bide 2 unnis/lh. 3BR/2BA + media mi. NEWPWRICE
rooftop garden area w/spa. Lux appts incl MLS# 268344 Designed w/utmost attention to
high ceilings, archway, granite counters, detail, this Frank Gamel home features 4BR/4 full
great ocean view, $839,415 241-2417 &2halfBA,astudy, scmdlahai, heatedpool/spa, a
gourmnnet kitchen w/Miele appliances, work island,
UOE 'N vr& I.& / 14 U I built-in espresso/coffee machine & more.
MI.S# 3164111) Br-ti/uian teal. Ilrs. custom $1,777,000 285-1800 11
fabric drapes, onetrized garage, awesome pONM VEwRCONDO REDUCED
vews from the kit, LR, MBR and balcony MLS# 279733 The larger of the 2BR/2BAflr plan
move in ready! Plus a custom designed 95 & has garage! Totally renovated w/granite cntrs,
gal aquarium. $829,500 241-2417 stainless steel appliances, cathedral ceilings &
I OCEANFRONT IDEAWA, community amenities including pool, spa, media
MLS#320031 unique northend untl -ith room. vm. cllubhouse, barbecue area & more!
spectacular views and custom gourmet 1 225'l 128'i-1W8I00
kitchen. 4/3.5 with distressed wide plank OCE ONTLOTNO
wood flooding thmrout. $1,425,000 of VIAN BEACHtNEWPR
241-2417 MIS# 301698 Terrific opportunity! 100 FT
A ocean frontage, 214 FT deep, excellent value in
3/2 FAUL 1S CONDO! developing rea&previouslypermittedforhome
MLS# 341692 Completely remodeled. All $879,000 285-1800
stainless steel appliances, travertine floors PONIE VEDRA HOME
& showers, wet bar, granite countertops. MLS# 306851 East ofA1A! walking distance
Exquisite! $499,999 241-2417 to beach, community pool, tennis & basketball
MND j L I pNFRO Nt courts, 2BRI2BA w//large screened room w/tile
M # 326476 Luxuy SE exposure 3/3 floors, kitchen has tile counters, wood floors &
n MLS# 326476 Luxury SE exposure 3/3w newer appliances, vaulted ceilings & new roof
condo-Oceamia. Expansive ocean views. 2005. $269,000 285-1800
Immac, like new, repainted, upgraded & DEERWOOD-PRWI ED OATWED ESTA1E!
neutral. Spac balcony, 2 garsp & storage, MS# 326449 Old world detailing in 5BR/3
pool/hot tub, exc rm. $899,000 241-2417 fall + 2 half BA main house; mstr ste on Ist,
OCEANFRONf DELIGHT! 3-car garage & detached 3-car garage w/2BR/
MLS# 339434 Outstanding 2BR/2BA, lBAguest apt,lgscmdporchwv/summerkitchen,
Pelican Point. 4ew staiess steel appl. po house, w pool, a & moreAll on 16
granite counters, tile, carpet, and HVAC. acres $2,495,000 285- M800
Covered garage space & storage unit. ViiES OF l1IE I GREE
W/D incl. $619,000 241-417 IN QUEENS hARBOUR
d ic -2417 MS#328965 Great floorplan forentertaining,
JAX BEACH OPP01OR NlY 5BR/4BA, formal LR & DR, bonus w/BA,
MLS# 297779 Cute 2/1 cottage on lot to FR/kitchen combo, new carpet, hardwood floors
be developed. Have plans for two, 3000 SF in formal areas, gas FP, 3-car garage, great club
townhouses. $349,000 241-2417 facilities & wonderful golf views! $644,900
MLS# 329226 Check out this MIS# 329998 Casually elegant 5BR/5.5BA
3BR/2.5BA condo 2 blocks from the home w/soaring ceilings, exceptional finishes
sand. This unit features beautiful new teak through out including a walnut paneled study.The
floors and a fresh light & bright paint 3000SFstablesoffers l0interiorstalls,washrack
scheme. One car garage with entry & commercial ventilation system on
directly to unit. $459,900 241-2417 approximately 5 acres. $2,849,000 285-1800
ndendenrly owned and operated
Look Us.UA
P~ruIdenil3FI I2twork 1 eaIISy(S]of31hma

4BR/3.5BA, granite counters thruout.
Large screened porch. A Must Seel
$585,000. (904)536-7007.
3BR/2BA, large master w/bath, hardwood
floors, fireplace, 1400sqft. $249,000. Call
247-9244 or 651-6748.

Fabulous 4BR/2.5BA home across from
Mayo. Boat lovers dream! Great views of
water. Floating dock and a 12,000 pound
boat lift. Huge kitchen and Florida room.
Wonderful for entertaining. $869,900
MLS 339677
174 15TH ST
Cute 3BR/2BA home sold as is on two
separate building lot. Three houses from
the ocean. Gorgeous remodeled end unit.
Large side.yard, paved patio and two car
garage. Wall to wall carpet and great room.
$1,150,000 MLS 316675

%Wsw "alta pCOifATOMa
Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804
------ .^.i .^*'t5is.. ^^

SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods, brick,
3/2/2, 1895sf, $283,500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associates, 247-4333 or
2/2 TOWNHOUSE. 630 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach. $175K. 1100sf. New roof,
AC, windows, siding. Call 904-536-6945.
PONTE VEDRA/ Sawgrass/ Oakbridge.
Cute, 3/2/2, on lake, park like setting, cul-
de-sac, newly remodeled. $299,000.
blocks from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
Granite, upgrades. $369,000. Call John
R/E Broker (904)699-8887

WEST BEACHES, Pablo Point, 3/2 +loft,
huge lot, all cedar, many upgrades,
$305,000, 631-3029.

806-A:3rd St. Neptune Beach
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, tons of
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
M IRFRONT LOT: .99 acre
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
$2,900,000 '
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900 ,
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office

Gorgeous .two. story condo 2 B B I .
features granite countertops, :,.cr .i zcd
microwave, and washer/dryer. Fully
equipped clubhouse with tennis and'
Sb.rkei.all c.ur S194.,500s MILS 318903
2107 F F1RA1 \ 1LL. S LN S
SFai, u ',: 2BR, ,B h:rii, ..' ,ih i gre ,il '
c\'i :. 1 .,c- (]OL'i zed ,h":,,f ind bi g
h-rJge d *.re 4.ea'lail 31 Ine tcaci'n ''er, nFie
hrme I.-r a r g 0ocld pri,:.; LOOK N(\\
$194,900 MLS 33321j5
9745 TOlICHTON RD [UNIT 1826
SB.aiuuliul 2BR 2BA iA> .)i.r, lk', n hornet
Fcjiur ralsless. it-, l if.pl',jiar. e... -12"
rcapin',. dcra~1mic lke arin ricfcn"cil porch
iM edlerr[lc F t uul-:,,- clt b ltiou .
i ,,, :3unri .nr hol lut 1 r e- hu, '.
$204,000 MLS 314435 .
2BR/2BAinPonte VcLri Be jch OneU c:ar
garrgr ii, ..' rk.n r' *.j il .liciri" I
Ie l jr r ,liarnce: : Tum bl;,J. 1[,r, :.,u Tie i
I'. : in 'irichen td i.,r h I'1-inch e rjmiC
tile throughout living area and porch.
'Amerncanr.-.,:,me 4hI, *Iid ". manu, o!'efed bm,
S; lier 1223.950 MLS 325561
S 12145 TRItML.\\'N L'NE
"\BRI. IB- r :.~in, .n :ifr i.I i hri.h.-e
t, ,'i r; rh,: r.i. _c, ,: ', :i,,'h 1. -: i,: T .,'
carg.r.a,i l .,lppline ;,, Nc' ltc Ir,
kltchcn ri.t akl'Jit iiea.a arn rraier bI .ih
Lo'.ri el) ,:cid burning 'replhce
I .229.900 NILS 3366119
\W.:.nJcriul BR 2 3B; B I,in home.
Desirable Gate Parkway area T,'n c ,i
garage. Tile in kitchen, entry, ird dir,,ng
Sioo.m \ar and dryer included. Many
ul', gjdc. !$259.901) MLS 340U'1
120 SsND CASTLE\\' ]
Ah-.,lEl n', .unnineg R'2 5BA h.:.m rr
Toelel., r:-modeldl Ir.mrrI.,p Io, bi.nom ih
large ..de )ird arnd pui i pjiio ir, bal,
jNc m Up, l-k ch r,.ctr m i ti; jndlijiilf.k "
tlcci: .ippiiJnc; Built in enicril.,irler.nie
I*. ibine r .\li r-e li111n .a ,.I d bA l l uturi, -
F i,a-I'u. rn-ticr b.ili 295.9011 M NI
S liiit.nl. m tL l '>BR 2 B ,L '.,n r..ire
S\ ',,iiJrful i .)~:a I n.' r. i, I L i.,
41,d ,ii c I r:,l riiroft ..,p decl, Ointlade
bar..Additional ro.ornm i.:iudc hb>.:':,, I
great room, storage rooni, and laundry
utility sinc ..- 314.000 MILS 337028
I L.o'cI. 4BR."B.- B r, on Hiiii *,reened
,,"'jl. i ind i '. i d i lld n,.c ,irhi irc r. in i
.. il y in, i, i ii' rl.g]li Lfii: ri,,ile G(anni ,acdrd,.ii
lub i.id "' 1'd li,,:.. o Lhroi. i..-il A nue
ec' iT37').lllllt NILS 342344
Great -iRi2RR A dupk. ,:., 'i.:.r,'-;t il..
family home with mother in law suite. Two
blocks from the ocean. Wood floors and.
.ircircd prtiri ".ith .a t' o car garage.
1'449,995 M1.S321364
5BR/3BA home on preserve'lot, three car
garage, huge master suite, loft area.
Eral,-Ld l 'r, Tri c.,r p1. li. .inirg a nd
d i Iiii JrL'd liiien. iqLii,):h for i:ric[l iIilr li *j
r, ar .: 'iJ l. l l lC i '. i iL ''i i.: "e ,:, ah e
i,.K.h jnd Jr. .nn,...' 153ln.0l)0 MLS
340762 .
Delightful 5BR/3.5BA family home with
a three way split BR plan. Family room
with fireplace, separate living and dining
rooms. Enjoy the screen lanai overlooking
the private wooded lot. Bring your canoe
or kayak' to launch from your backyard.
$574,900 MLS 331124
Beautiful 5BR/4BA spacious brick home
Sin PVB on preserve lot. Extra large dining
Room. Huge great room with wet bar and
sliding glass wall out t9 enclosed family
room overlooking preserve. Lots of storage
in garage and laundry room. Great buy!
$599,000 MLS 309764

4BR/2BA, OPEN/ split plan, oversized, ex-
tremly large fenced yard, large shed in
backyard, All brick, 2 car garage, close to
beach, in quiet neighborhood, ,Lots of
t-ees No homeowners assoc. $380,000.
Below appraisal, and recent pride reduc-
tion. Must sell. Bring all offers. Best buy at
the beach. Gall with Vanguard GMAC.
FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately 1
mile to beach, 1 BR/1.5BA w/loft, new roof,
wood deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood: floors & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready. $217,000. 242-7529,
629-0606. .

ATLANTIC BCH, Large Duplex, 2BR
1.5BA, tile floors, wood floors in bed-
rooms. Nice backyard. $250,000 each
side. Owner 241-8508.

JUST REDUCED $20,000 for a quick
sale. 2 or 3 BR, 2 full BA, extra large lot,
in-ground pool wfjacuzzi, pool house, fire-
place, lots of upgrades, $359,000. Call
Dee, 219-1620.
PRICE REDUCED 4BR/3BA, very pri-
vate, 1/3 acre lot. 6 blocks to beach and
golf. $239.,000. (904)463-3738.
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres, 4/3, 2950sf, built 2002, $469,000
OBO, Independent Brokers & Associates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.
NEPTUNE BEACH, concrete block, 4
blocks from ocean. $268,000. 372-4477.
INVESTOR'S DREAM! Lot w/ house,
60x125, 9th Ave. N. Make offer.
ATLANTIC BEACH home w/2 buildable
lots, 150 ft walk to beach and intracoastal
townhomes with boat slips,
2BA, 2800sqft., hardwood floors, mint
condition, $579,000, Steve McGuire,

3/2, JAX Bch, 1100 18th St. N. 1300sf, ga-
rage, new roof, appliances, tile, carpet.
$269,000. 881-8590.
HIDDEN PARADISE. 2 story 3/2.5 w/lg.
bonus room, pool, jacuzzi. Motivated.
$380,000, 246-1760.
DEERFIELD LAKES- -2/1.5 condo,
QUICK SALEI 3/2, 2 car gar., freshly
painted, new vinyls. Near schools & Won-
derwood. $179,900.
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo. Almost
brand new w/ garage & many. upgrades.
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3/2;; nice starter
home, good area. $148,000.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut, stone
frplc., fenced yard, comer lot. Close to
schools/beaches. Reduced to $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4/2, better than
newly Many upgrades. $298,000.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600sf, 3/2,
like new. $229,900.
HARBOR WINDS- 3/2, 2 car gar., owner
must sell fast! $204,900.
4/2, near schools & shops. $234,500.
221-1711 OR 241-5501

J Marvin & Floyd

_ ~Realty Inc.

Website http://marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638

1/1 Oceanfront Condo Furnished 3rd floor facing the courtyard. Pool, clubhouse. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo'- 1346sq', 4th floor. 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach. $699,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Near Intracoastal-and million $ condos.,3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is). $250,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq; on .14 acres. Near Intracoastal and million $ condos. $175,000
Luxury Ocealronl Conrdo 2136;q' 225pluiden 436s51q aec-'.Intracoastalsoiceanview $881,100
Residential/commercial. 1626sq' in 3 buildings business plus 2 eff. apts. Nr ocean. $799,000
22 condo t1260sq Ground floor Pool, Tennis Couns $199,500


3/2 house, 8196sq. Fenced bacv. yard Lawn rrainlerance included
9/9 condon 1 2fiR'.a Grodnd floor.-Pool Tennis Courts.

Rare find in this prime location. Spacious,
.3BR/2BA. Recently remodeled- kitchen,
beachside covered porch, pool and private
pier $725.000 Dunson Real Eslale. Inc
Reallor 19041247-5153

3/2 1500 i cordo in liKe new ccndiionr
Below current markel price
$234 900
Kellei Wiliams Realry Jacksonville

OCEANVIEW 3/2. Great views from most
rooms. Ceramic tile, two balconies'
$449,900. Vanguard Realty 463-7343
FSBO VILLAS a' Mar'h Lan.a3mn ch.rm.
Sing 1i8R 1A condo w.i.replace ne* ce-
ramic tiled floors;' glass enclosed lanai, all
appliances included, beautiful golf course
view,- garage, $160,000. (904)536-6065.

$1,600 mth

COZY CONDO in PVB, FL $249,900.
View Infotube Ad No. 154740. A MUST
SEE! 2BR/2BA in quiet cul-de-sac, fully
remodeled w/tile, new carpet, huge
.creerneo-in pailo ,verlookng late, new
kitchen camineis appliances replace &
private eniry garage w.'plenry o01 iorage
space Full access o10 pool tennis couns, 3
blocks rnom the ocean Call 7)7-7986 or
334-4651.. .
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, Views
from every room. $495,900. Lease option.
PV, 2'2 fireplace, screened palio onr.
looKng lake $214,900. Vanguar.' Realry
WATERFRONT ICW condo (townhome)
w/40'+ dock, large 2BR/2.5BA, all. tile.
down.iairs w'vv61 bar. clubhouse w'pol
low mIonmnly lees Will aciice loi
.$'-4 IL" t- A:k t-.,ul Ir 2e 6 r. oPl. Bstl
247-924-4or 651-6 748
BEAUTIFUL SAWGRASS beach club villa
totally updated $258,000, (904)280-5170
pr 616-5274.

Brand New Oceanfront Condo
3BR/3.5BA/2,600SF of luxury living,& unparalleled amenities..
Located on one of the lower floors close to covered garage &
amenities center. Approx. $40,000 in upgrades. Great location,
incredible ocean views.$1,479,000

Newly Listed Sawgrass CC Condo
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.5BA condo w/popular townhome floor
plan w/wood floor approx. 1700SF.Water to. golf views, large lanai,
new roof and newly remodeled exterior.$395,000

"Tifton Cove in Sawgrass CC
Beautifully renovated 2BR/2BA condo, hardwoods, kit w/new
cabinets, stainless steel appliances, Corian countertops, fully
furnished & overlooking lagoon. Great for second home or
investment. $337,000, ,

REDUCED Ocean View 3/3 2,1 00SF!
Developer unit released. Saturnia flooring & beautiful appointments.
7th FL end unit condo wlopen views of the Atlantic Oceani.
Large BR's w/spacious BA for each, large walk-in closets.
Large kitchen open to family room w/ocean views.. $895,000

Call Lynn Saul 904-859-9100
Over 20 Million in Sales in 2005.



1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Available
Ig screened lanai. Gated, pool, clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495 647159 REDUCEDI 149,500

VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING WOQDED VIEWS from your lanai. 3/2 with 18" tiles -.re be-t.er carpet.
Gated, garage, Pool/ clubhouse. Corner unit. HUGE REDUCTION!LS ,6' S219.900 MLS#328788
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block. Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach,
1 block to shopping. MLS# 307553 $438,800 Bldg C #32

THE COLONY WALK to the BEACH. 2 bedroom. Beautiful ground floor with wooded views. Wood
floors, tile, fireplace, crown moulding. GARAGE. MLS# 326635 $229,900 OBO

1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Available
STONEBRIDGE LARGEST 3bdrm with 2 master suites. 1408 SF, tile, screened lanai, roomy & bright.
CARPORT. MLS# 327334 Reduced $164,500.

STONEBRIDGE CARPORT with condo, 3/2 top floor, no one above end unit. New carpet, fresh paint,
ready for move in. A* cond. Gated community. MLS#300731 $156,900


234CNN I7N

JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A, Florida room, fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem, well, new windows,, blinds, move in
ready, 12 blocks to ocean, $289,000, 710-
2600, 534-3411.

2BR/1BA, CH&A, large yard, -Florida
room, new flooring, owner will pay closing
costs. 4155 Eve Dr. East. $116,000. Call

PVB/ NACATEE, almost new, 3BR/2BA,
w/versatile front room, open floor plan,
light & bright, screened pool w/covered la-
nai, large tile, granite counters with up-
graded cabinets, great schools, approx.
2000sf. Asking $357,000. Willing to co-op.
537-3969 Frank.

I BUY Houses. Best prices paid. Call John


4BRi2BA it/pool 1 2l3i"+.t nev,
roof, H\AL. -terice. li, :..rini .
i Lndows. garage door Reduced iot
2BR/2BA. o ff Hodge; Bld near
iTB- ?rd fli,-r unitt %165.900.
TWO IBR/ IBA +loft Ponte Vedra
Beach Condos, upgrades including
granite & tile floors,fireplace, custom
ughiing. prn ate beach access.tennii.
fitnes room I unit current leased
$189.9001) & sil45.90.
15TH AVE. S.
Key West style cottage,.2BR/1.5BA,
adorable -with huge.great room,
pri ale backNard, great for
enlertalning. Lo%% maintenance
landscaping 319.900.
2BR/2BA. do'.nstairsurul, fireplace,
%,ood floors, Icar garage Offered jl
Off Solano Rd. one has small beach
cottage, been remodeled Take
advantage of golf \%e% or purchase
both for our dream home .. Not
man% likt ihis! 2BR/2BA beach
collage, $499,500. Addinonal loti .
3BR/2BA lust minute- to ocean,
remodeled kitchen, 2 car garage.
Steps to playground w/tennis courts!
v. ww.helpusell.com/coastalreallN

MCCCM CL/./I vv -L.-I -.

Derembepr ?-1 2006nf





aCsICIf.cJiA i Th Ba e .......

El is ia

.rStocin st ffer?

Give TLTH -. L.
for 1/2 price!

Subscribers can give a Leader
subscription to someone in St. Johns
or Duval Counties for 1/2 the regular
$25 yearly-price.

We'll send a gift card to either the giver or receiver.

SpaCouc and well rrmainlanecd 2 bedroorm
& 1-1 2 bains. Approximately 1100i1 1
block to Ine beach No pelr lull kitchen
wasrier' dryer conneciions lois 01 closeis
126 3 1 :'ir., AI. Ja'.. Beach. $950 monlh-
Iv. rental uiliies rnol inclludedl $550 secur-
iry depc'ii Minimum 7 month lease
Available in December. 285-1852

JAY BEACH. EasI of 3rd 985-B 2nd
Sireel Souin, 2BR.1BA. washer/ dryer
'*875 mno VlP Realty 962-6190
JAX BEACH. 2BR'1BA 2 Blocks Ito
OCEAN.-CH&S-a-$8,0ri'mc 409-Soulh 2r.d:

NEPTUNE BCH, near o.-ean. Nice mod-
ern well ,taken care ci1 2BR ApI All amen.
iles. .980,mo Also 1 BR Apt $775/mo.

PVB. 3BR'-21A Towrnno u. 1280si. W'D.
::reer.c, por.:n. $1100.rri. Ma' give
.:,plin to buy 904-53.7- .472
$850-m.-, 287 Arrem St $800.'mo. 2
blocks t10 ocean a:rcross Irom Town Cen.
itr 2BRF1.BA CH&A hardwood floors, tile
Dair. & kitchen No pelt $800 deposit. wa.
ler garage & sewer included in rent

JAX BEACH. 3BR 2BA spacious bright
crid unit. garage lanaI pool, gained, close
10 JTB blocks 10 beacr $1350.'mo.
BEACHES' PVB 1 2. & 3BR with ocean
view-. Irom T800 mo 233-4545
JAX BEACH. 2BR icwnrhouse near
Ocean. CH'SA, WDHU no pels $950.mo
rl',00 dep. 246.3i 30.
IJORTH JAX Beacn. Erirciercy $495.mo.
1BR $595'mo 1 bloct: to Ocean Pool. No
peis 249-5368
JAX BEACH. 2 1.2 blocks to ocean 1'1
large upstairs. $770mrro 821-9751'
rJEPTuNE BCH charming r2BR BA apt,
1 bh,:.:k Irom beacr storage & laundc,r
rc.',k up. wood loors, new appliances &
AC $1000.mo Call Rick 891.2345.
ATLANTIC BEACH ott Seminole Rd-
Beaullfui newer 3.2 5 townhome, 10fl ceil.
rgs lighl ri birghl. hardwood lIoors. 1 car
.ar small lenced backyard. 8 blocks o10
beach $1495mco Ileyible terms And atl
:O .ai ail

Jax Beach. Jardin De- Mer condo Beauti.
ilu. new- 2'- Irpic & garage First floor
$1095,'mc Call June First Trusl Reairy.

IrEPFTLi.fE. GORGEOUS duple^. 3/2
1 5 biks to ocean,. gar Downsiair.
'1t400 rTi U ipSar. rsira edral ceilings.,
Irpi.: .BOri n'ro Avail. 1,'1 993.9191

.0 WFrankie
Parks-Lyon 1


Jax Beach
2BR' _B c...n.Jo, Flaglcr Cr'ssing.
block tfrom ocean. ile & carpel
'$1 50/mo
+ 2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing;
'$750', $795/mo..
+ 3IBR,-BA. NMayport Landing,.
i nc, carpel. ne'.'. appl nce.

+ 3/2 H,'Hidden Cove, 2 car garage on
pond, freshly painted, 1500 SF -
$1200/mo ..
+ 2/2 Condo, Deqrfield Lakes, nice unit,
pool, W/D hookup $800/mo
Neptune Beach
+ 3BR'1 5BA.pt \cr:-- rroim Ocean.
'.xlod 1:rs r ter included Ocean
views'! $1400/mo
Call Us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322

NEAR PONTE vedra. 1 block beach. Best
area quiel, sale. residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR'ABA lower duplex. New paintl.
GH&A. W..'D included No smoking. Small
pel considered. $950'"mo., lease deposit
MAYPORT LANDING Townhome 2/2 end
uni, CH&A, dIe Iloor 1177 Songbird Lane.
$825rrrmo 280-2728 leave message.
JAX BEACH Elticienc,' garage apt lust 4
blocks to ocean .500.'mo. All Soulh Real-
[, 241-4141
BEACHFRO-t.T 1BR' iBA 108 Orange
SI, Nep Bcri. ,1owns.l.air $1050-mo incl.
ulil I16611803-627 .. ,
908 isl Si S JB Apr 3 888-259-0783.
JAX BCH- 116 13lh Ave N downstairs,
1.2 Ilk 10 bcri. 2BR'1BA CH&A, $995/mo.
aep Avail April 07 (9041.72-3699
ATLANTIC BEACH. 706 Cavalia Rd
'BR 1 iSBA, WDHu enclosed porch
$775,mo v.775dep 1Sil-8761
Iloors CH&A. WDHU, 1 5 blocks 10to
teacr.. 1Et' last mo. rent. SD, 1 year
lease $9P0,'mo Donna Ross Real Es.
latdle, Inc. 246-4862

JAX BEACH 2BR 1BA apanment. WDHU
L"H&A iireplace. 1 lock irom ocean
1875.mo Call 566-1287
ATLANTIC BCH Townhouse 3BR, 1.5BA,
1-850 mo plus see c. 1501 Jordan (East ol
Maypon, ot: Donnern 642-1003
Walk to Ocean CH&A. WDHU. Some util-
ii.es included ro pets. i1100,mo. lease.

LARGE I bedroom E:..cellen location 2
blocks to ocean Very clean rNo Pets
,675 mo. 6421214 and 241-12i9
iloor Large, deck. I block to beach.
$1050'mo includes water 241-0897
2BR 2BA. bonus room, covered palip.
CHS,M, VVDHU 1207 ,.aypp..rt Landing Dr
$79Cmr.r,. j700i depo.il. 280-2728. leave
PVB, 3BR,2BA Townhome, WDHU. lyr
lease No peis. $950.mo. *$950/sec
249-6501, 233-7224
PONTE VEDRA. 2BR.'2BA patio home
Club pool., ennis & more! $1200'mo. All
Souiln Really 241-.4141.
TWO IBR Aparimenis. 2 blocks Irom
beach $650 mo. 1 Ertiifency apanment, 2
blocks Irom beach $550.mo 249-6748.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment. excel-
lent location 2 blocks Io Ocean, very
clean. No pels $575.'mo. 642-1214 or
241 1219


PELICAN Point $730k, LanaMark $950k,
-WaterMark $996k: Call Renee L. Baron,
Inc. for a tour (904) 242-2821.



Off the beaten path. 3BR/2BA condo w/garage and a view. Separate entrance, large corner
balcony, vaulted ceilings, FP, all appliances, storage robm. Gated, 2 pools, tennis, movie.
theater, RV/boat parking. $248,500.

Peace & quiet is yours! 3BR/2BA with garage,/ end unit, no one above you,'water & Wooded
views FP, all apple, Mncl. washer & dryer, screened lanai Gated, clubhouse, pool, hot rub,
boat R\'V storage, & more $255,000.

Listen to the ocean from your balcony at this 2BR 2BA condo in quaint Atlantic Beach.
Renovated with new kitchen & baths Only 1 2 block to the ocean. Community pool Mo fee
includes water .sewer. $310,000.

IBR, 2BR, and 3BR condos east of AIA in south lax Beach Brand new & beau[tiul!
Elegant clubhouse, pool, fitness center .FROM LOW $300,000'S. Call for pricing
and availability

Atlantic Beach 1BRI'lBA lo 4BR/2BA No
credit check w/additional deposit. Fursi
Trusi Really 249-2640
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/1BA studio apt, just
steps to ocean! $650/mo. Also 2BR/2BA
for $995/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.

1.5 BLOCKS to ocean, 174 1st Ave. S.
2BR 1 BA, CH/A,. no pets, $875/mo.
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vaie lots Near Maypor Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579
PONTE VEDRA Townhouse 2/2, includes
wasneri dryer, screened in porch, lake
view $1300/mo 571-5517
LUXURIOUS Pelican Pomr 2BR/2BA,
available now $1700-$2600.'mo 3 month
minimum rental I9041241-7206.

CH/A, WDHU East ol 1St St. $795-
S895/mo. 2417368. 733-3730.

1984 SINGLEWIDE 2BR 1BA Beauniul,
completely remodeled w.enclosed porch,
$7000 379-2504.
Former manager's residence on a peace-
ful lot in beauiliul community of Ponside.
JusI 5 minutes to he BeachI 1981 Twin
Manor. 23x68. 3BR.'2BA. double wide in
excellent condition. Upgrades include:
newer rool newer carpet, newer gutners,
27xi10 sceened, covered patio, large
sned, huge RV carpon & cement pad. all
appliances stay Beauitui mobile home
community .wilh 2 pools, tennis courts &
clubhouse. Lot rent $300tmo Will rent to
own s18.000 Can Dan @ 509-4382

2800s1., $2800imo includes utilities Call
Ban @ 241-3111 tExt 11).

Lease Space Available

Heritage Bank Building
3,000 square feet of prime ground floor space located on
AIA and CR 210 (Across from the PonteVedra Post Office).
High visibility location with ample parking spaces.
Availability for occupancy on January I, 2007.
Interested parties should call 280-5655
and ask for Jim Strickland or Greg Totten.
>~~~ P...

2/1, $895/MO plus dep.(will work wiln de.
posit) Walk to beach. 115 18th Ave N .
Unit B. (904)525-5551:

NEPTUNE BEACH lownnouse.
2BR, 1 5BA, newly renovated, Kiuchen
equipped. WDHU. tenced yard No pels
3800.mo +deposii 19041221-5833.


We have OCEANFRONT properties as well

As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,

All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:


4-Beaches Realty at: 904/249-3077

from 1, 2

Ocean Oaks

Walk to Beach, (

Schools & 'Shopping

& 3 Bedroom Apts & Townhomes
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

Corner of Penman & Seagate)


OCEAN CAY. 3.2. rel rig./ wash,' dry,
lawn maint 52200rmor, 477-3183
NEPTUNE BEACH, 219 Cherry St., 1
DIock to ocean. 2 story beach home
3BR.'2BA. 1BRIlBA guesI collage. Flori-
da room w/hreplace. ohice' bonus room,
large p2ao appliances WDHU garage
$2150rmo 246-7792.210-8002

PVB, SOLANO Cay. 32. rvvo stories.
lacuzzi, 1600sqn S1550mo JH Finders.

JAX BEACH Holly Drive. 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage. fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1200sqh.,3'2 spItI
floor plan. makes for great roommate liv-
ing 2 driveways and tronl enrines. newly
remodeled. $1500/mo, deposil and ufhlii-
ies extra, small pet considered w/ deposit
Call 237-6655 or 514-6092.

WBEACHES IBIS Poinl. 3/3 w/ohice.
2400st, GR w/lireplace, LR. DR, ElK. cov-
esed patio. sprinkler system, water sohten-
er, $1575/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125.

3BRi,35BA, 3400sl, long term Lease
$3500,'mo, no pets., 904)998.2703.
PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3, updated, large ;
lot on pond. $1650/mo.. Call 234-6854 :
Ron, Realtor
ADORABLE, 3/2. newly renovated home
in Ponte Vedra. Wood L floors, fenced
yard, quiet neighborhood. $1295/mo
Lawn service incl. Call 476-5071 for an
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, : $1975/mo, call
Mark, 591-6976.
Eagle Ridge Drive. 4BR/2.5BA, 2000sf.
$1495,mo. 241-RENT or 733-3730.
JAX BCH- Lake Sanctuary. Beautiful 3/2
on quiet cul-de-sac. 1800sf., open floor-
plan, fireplace; 2 car garage, new carpet
and paint. $1500/mo. (904)568-0428.
1129 Sebago Ave So / Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA, rie' carpel, lenced, no
pels $1200'mo.
1123 Sebago Ave So 3BR'2BA, great
shape fenced, screened porch, carport, no
pels, $1300/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.

ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR, 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail. Jan.:
'07. Short term lease avail. $1100/mo +
Security, (904)928-3661.
PVB- SAWMILL Lakes, 3/2 all tile, ,up-'
i. grades, $1700/mo. JH Finders 536-2349.
W/ BEACHES, Ibis Point, 3/2, LR/ DR/
Greatroom.w/fplace, new carpet, ceramic
tile, sunroom,' fenced yard, lawn service,
sprinkler system. $1650/mo. TDO Man-.
agement, 246-1125:

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Sherri B eno, IReaftorah

904- 651-1830

Unfurnished Homes 131 Magnolia NB 2BR/I1BA. ground floor LUnurnished Condos
Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA. new top floor large duplex, plus den, Jess than block to bch. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
Scndo, direct oceanfront v.ews, amenmes. $1000/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
garage. $3000mo. Intracoastal West 1BR/IBA. 3rd floor with garage. S925/mo.
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA. condo has 2BR/2BA, ground floor. 1000m.
0l luUrout features. ocean porch., sunset porch, Bishop's Court Hodges 2B/B g o u f l "
garage. $2800/mo. -- End units /, ies. all appliances, amenities. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted ,
0 430'9th Aenue N.. JB 3BR/.5BA. two IBR/IBA, ground floor. $875/mo. ceilings. $1050/mo. .
- story home ,w/pool, fenced yard, hardwood 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit, I
floors, 2 car garage. $2295/mo. Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA, ground floor .fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded. '
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA,; brand new condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/private $1000/mo.
, construction v/hincredible ocean views, water view. $1000/mo 2BR/2BA,2ndfloorw/privateviews.$1100/mo. .
Supgrades-. garage, amenities. $2000/mo' '
Pablo Beach So r '- .3BR 35BA three IL Vilagio-Southside 2BR'2.5BA two story Ocean Links -PV
SPator eacnhoust JB/3vR/3.5BA, three condo w/upgrades throughout, screened porch, 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/fireplace, screened
story townhouse w/ocean views, balconies,
attached garage. $o900/rwo. amenities. $1200/mo. porch, amenities. $1100/mo
Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV Brightwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end Jardin De Mer JB
1 4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai; on uniit townhouse, screened porch, attached 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo %/all the upgrades. .
5 lagoon, 2 CJt garage, comm. pool $1700/mno garage, club pool. $1250/mo. garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
S Solano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Point Meadows Place- OatePkwy Villas at Marsh Landing:- JB
home, two car garage, comm. pool. 3BR/2BA, newer topfloor condo, porch, 3BR/2BA,ground floor end unit, screenedporch,
T $10u/mo.. t u elevator, amenities, carport. $1290/mo amenities. $1200/mo.
.The Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse -
SA" ood floors.new carpet,. enclosed tiled Windsor Parke Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two 0
porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. story home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed porch,' REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
porc, l upgrades /mofened backyard. $1995/mo.REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
The Courtyards Mayport of AB S.. ,S,., Shannon Smith
S3B,/2.5BA,, priv-ate, updated -i Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home, (904) 285-5640
w/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks lagoon. 3 car garage pat www.rentthebeaches.om
$1100/mo., comm.pool. $2200/mo.

S'W 10 1 0E 1 11 1 11 1 1 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 11 111 1 1 S 4 4

1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South.
1BR/1BA $685/mo (904)891-0606.

r '' PVB "'' '
Ocean Grove Condo, 1/1, ground
floor. $850/mo.
Fabulous 4/2, pool, $2200, 2300 SF
The Palms, 2/2, $1095 includes
cable, 1100 SF
210 & 195
2/2.5, 1300 SF, Brand new $1100
3 & 4 BR $1200-$1350
Near UNF 3/2. 1400 SF $1295


December 22, 20061,~

Cl difi d 4


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

lnprprmhr 79) (('2006

The Beaches. Leader/Ponte Vedia Leader

Classified 5

WALK TO Beach, schools & Jogging
Park. 3BR/1BA, garage, CH&A. New tile &
carpet, remodeled kitchen. Well & Irriga-
tion system, covered patio, WDHU.
$1325/mo 1120 South 8th Street, J.B.
PVB, RENT or RTO, 3BR/2BA townhome,
1300sf. $1100/mo..$179,900. 333-2845.
OAK HARBOR, 3/2, CH&A, WDHU, re-
modeled kitchen, $1050Jmo + deposit.
249-3214 or 945-3303.
S. PONTE VEDRA- Like new, 3BR/2.5BA
in Turtle Shoresl Club pool, tennis & morel
$1950/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141. .
ATL BCHI 2/1, carport, w/ WD/HU,
1000sf, large fenced yard, open floor plan,
lawn service;, $1000/mo., TDO Manage-
ment Services, 246-1125.
3BR/.1.5BA, Ponte Vedra, close to Beach
. &JTB,$1200/mo.,294-1114.
fireplace, fenced yard, 3 blocks to ocean.

RIP TIDE, 3BR/2BA. 1760 sqth. up aaled
home, $1700/mo., very pnvare tropical
back yard, suinmer kitchen, 465-1310.
SOLANO WOODS. 3/2. 1600st. BR
w/wood floors, ceramic tile throughout,
open kitchen win eat-in area, screened
patio, $1600/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1 5BA. 1450st. 1212
15th Ave N. 12 blocks to beach, close to
Fleicher HS. Florida room, large kitchen.
W/D, laenced yard.. 51250/mo. 710-2600
BRAND NEW Keywest. single family
home, galed community, 2900* s,.
4BR/3.5BA, 2 car garage, $1800/mo.
$499,900 (904)608-2579.
ATLANTIC BEACH. This beaul;iul. waler-
front, 2-story townhome wilh vaulted ceil-
ings leatures 2 bedrooms wiln lowt bed-
room and 2.5 baths. For additional record
ed information, please call 861-4636. and
when prompted, enter the location number
61190 Would consider a 7 month lease
JAX.BCH, 1503 Tanglewood Ra 3/1.
WDHU, lafenced yd $1200/mo. +sec, dep.
COZY BEACH house, 2 blocks to beach.
2BR/1.5BA, $1300/mo. $1300isec. No
pets 135 No 17ln Ave. Call 463-7020,
ATLANTIC BEACH Beacn cottage,
3BR/den. 1.5BA, hardwood, carpet & tile
Iloors, ceiling plans large fenced backyard
w/deck. 5 blocks o10 beach, 1 year lease,
260 Belvedere SI., $1200 mo Call 246-
8294, 571-1769.
PVB. 2 extremely clean 3BR homes avail-
able. 51550/mo and $1750/mo 285-6551.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA w/f.replace
and pool. 2 car garage. $1800/mo. in.
cludes lawn and pool care. Call Susan
4BR22BA HOME in S. Jax Bch, large
fenced yard, 2 car garage, No Peals, No
Smokers. 52000/mo, .security deposit
Available spring. Possible lease opnon.
JAX BEACH -428 3rd Ave So.. 2BR/1BA
house. CH&A. fenced yard $775'mo,
NEPTUNE BCH house- 3,2, 1250sf.
CH&A. New balntoom Fenced backyard
Nice neighborhood, close to ocean. 524
Oceanwood Dr. So, $1250/mo .deposil.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/1. large lencea
yard, new kitchen, WDiHU, ile floors.1300
sqt $975/mo. .deposit Available Jan 2.

ATLANTIC BEACH townhome for lease,
2BR/2.5BA +loft area. Many extras includ-
ing jetted Jacuzzi tub, oversized shower,
built in Murphy Bed and desk space, gran-
ite counters, enclosed patio and two car
garage. Community pool and only
7 blocks to beach access. Call Kevin FPor
som Lifestyles at 904-612-1191 to see.
W. ATLANTIC BCH Duplex, 2BR/1.5BA,
$850/mo. East Coasi Realty, 962-7766
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/2 5 SFH, open floor
p lan; travertine floors/ counter tops,,carpet
n bedrooms, walk-in closets, vaulted cell- .
wings, f'place, study, screened pool, comer
lot, $2000/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125.
3BR/2 5BA, TOWNHOUSE, in desirable
AB, Selva Lakes, very clean, newer model
with over 900sl 2 car garage w/WDHU.
Community pool. 5min. bike 10 beach.
Walking distance 1o park $1800/mo.
249-8159. .

ATLANTIC BCH Iownhouse. 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everyining new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view 2979 Bayshore Dr. Mayport
Landing Must seel $1100/mo 465-2163.
11500/mo. .$100 non-refundable deposit.
Call (904)200-8977.
356 10th St. 3/25. 2 blocks to beach,
w/shade yard. FP. W/D, no smokers,
$1475/mo. 728-2477.

3/2 house. 1 car garage. $925,mo.
2/1 house, 1 car garage, $950/mo.
3/2.1005sl, $850/mo
2/1.5 lownnome, $850/mo.
2/1 duplex. $1195/mo
1,1 condo, $900,'mo.
3/2. 1 car gar., 1700st. $1495/mo.
3/2. 2 car garage., 1050/mo.
3'2. 2 car garage, $1395/mo.
includes yard service.
3'2. 1450sf. $1195/mo.
4/2, 1774s1, $1275/mo
4/4, 2800st. $2495/mo.
4.2 5., 1575/mo.
32 1544st. $11951mo.
3.2, 1400sl, .1150/mo
3,'2 2 car gar., 2000sf, 51395/mo.
3 units, 2/2 & one 3/2
from $990- 51250/mo
4/2, 2 car gar., 2000sl, $1350/mo
4'2 2 car gar.., 990sf. $1525/mo
3/2, 2 car gar, $995/mo.
3/2, 1310sl. 1395/mo
4/2. $1525,mo.
2/2, $895/mo
Nine 3 & 4 bedroom houses
Priced from $1095/mo to $1825/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

ADORABLE BEACH cottage, 3BR/1BA. OCEANFRONT NEW 3/3, garage, consid-
4 5 blocks 10o ocean, $1300/mo. +700 dep. er lease option, $2650/mo. 463-7343.

PONTE VEDRA. Sawgrass galed com-
munity. Bermuda Ci, across ine sireel
Irom ihe park. Beautiful caqal, Ironi.
1700sf. 2BR 2BA palio, home $1260/mor.

MAYPORT. 2BR/2BA, .850,mo. Call

JAX BEACH. ye,ry,.nice 2BR/'2BA ,unt
11ithi Ave. No -2 ,.blocks, .to ocea[itB
$1175imo. 631-8292. -

ATLANTIC BEACH, beautiful, large PVB 2BR/2BA, w/lreplace. new applan-
2BR/2.5BA townhome. 5 blocks to beacn, ces, wasner/dryer, many amenities.
fireplace WD. $1150/mo. 1904)742-6423 $1000/mo. 472-0914.

JAX BEACH. 2BR,1BA, WDHU 1103 5th
Ave. S. $975/mo 220-5797.
NICE 2BR/1BA lownhouse llai. Large
Kichent appliances, ceramic tile Lols ol
closes. Close to beaches & Maypon. 66
West 51h Sl, AB, $950/mo 465-2163
3BR/1BA. 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHU w/large separate utility shed.
lenced backyard w/tki bar. BBQ pit Must
see to appreciatet 820 3rd Ave S JB
$850'mo +dep. Must pass credit chec.
Donnie 992-0088, 246-3690, 333-1822.
ATLANTIC BEACH. gorgeous 3,2. No
pels. No smokers. $1000/mo +security
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1212 15th Ave.
No.. $1200/mo. 710-2600. 534-3411
ATLANTIC BCH, Mayport area. 4-2 in cul-
de-sac Avail 1'31/07: 51275'mo plus
dep 655 1533.

AB. 3BR,2BA, lurnished, ground floor,
pool 51400-mo No pets. 1904)608-4325.
unit; I story. East of A1A. $1195/mo.
19041612-6532, (904)641-5564.
312 JAX Bch. gated community with pool,
open floor plan. spacious closes, his/ her
sinks, beauildul views of marsh $1250imo
6 months lease. Call 407-896-9405.
terranean 3/3. 2100sl condo. Kitchen
wigranile stainless sleel appliances & 42"
cabinets Oversized rooms, large closets,
huge screened lanai & peaceful views. 1st
iloor wbackyard All appliances included.
Garage w/storage inIlracoastal waterfront,
galed community w/pool & fitness center.
Minutes to Beach Souihside for easy
commune to work, mails & restaurants.
Dock space also available.. $1895/mo .

JAX BEACH Oceans Edge Condo. Brand
new 1/1 & 2/2, granite kitchen, assign
parking, resort style pool, summer kitchen,
fitness center, clubhouse and more. Start-
ing at $1200/mo. Call Kathryn for.details
the Intracoastal Waterway. 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sf w/marina view Re-
sort style living $2450/mo. Includes 1-car
garage, water, sewer. canle. pool, spa,
clubhouse, health club Marina Walk,. gal.
ad communltyMarsn and marina views
40' boat slip available. Call 463-2845
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo,.
lease. 2BR/1.5BA, A/C, secunry New ap-
pliances: No pets. $850.'mo. +5850/dep.
78t1-6528..R .

2/2 CONDO w/marsh view. Wood floors,
granite counter-tops, and fireplace. Call
Ted for details (904)537-7896.'

adult condo community in Atlantic Beach.
1BR/1BA, ground floor, covered parking,
pool, 55 and over. $1000/month Includes
water & cable. Must see! 571-5517.

homes. WeeKly/monlhly Visit us at:
laxbeacnreniai.com or 535-3911 or
OCEANFRONT 1 OR 2BR. weekly/
monthly. pool. 463-734-3

LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach- nished homes & condos From $500 per
3BR/2BA, Furnished, right on Ocean. week! All South Realty, 241-4141
Awesome view. 242-0411.
S. JAX Bch 2BR, lilly furnished, ocean.
THE PALM. 3,2. lower level, ile/ carpel. front condo Monihly. Weekly 241-0267
washer!, dryer, garage $1250/mo. TDO www.rentiacksonvillebeach com
Management Services. 246-1125.
consider lease option $1750/mo 4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly Call
463-7343. 1904)249-8269

totally remodeled & absolutely rew. New
granite & cabinels in kitchen & bain. New
rile, paint, windows & appliances Walk-in
custom closely with buili-ins. Covered park-
ing. Waier included, $1375/mo,

roommate lo share nice house in quiet
neighborhood in Arlanlic Beach 3BR/2BA
$700 plus hall ulillies 219-4307

2BR/ 2BA. ground Iloor. gated community. LOOKING FOR roommate to share new
5 solar living. $925/mo Call Steve Macn, condo. Must be clean. neal 1'3 rent, u'll,
Country Club Real Estate (904)662-9015 les. & lees, 463-2845
AAAH BEAUTY ocean Iront luxury 2/2. ROOMMATE FOR 3BR 1' 5BA. renovated.
$1850/mo. Available 12,15. 1-800.758- 8 miles ocean Non-smoker $500'mo in-
7658. eludes ulllllies. Scotn 904-403-7389.

COSTA VERANO luxurious building and
amenities Two enclosed parking spaces
First month free. $2800'mo

CLEAN. OUIET, alcohol/ drug free room.
furnisned/ unfurnished, $400, 3332624.

Elm= 49M1110ll31.1 M O

OCEANFRONT. S. Jax Bch. 2BR.2BA, 3BR/2BA LAKEFRONT home, Mayport
pool. lully furnished, pels, immaculate Atlantic Bch, $375'mo + 1/2 utilities
$2300'mo. 379-6997 Available December 27. 249-4646.

PVB WALK/ bike beach. Large 2BR/2BA
w/garage, FP & WiD Excellent S $1050
NEPTUNE BCH- 3BR/2 5BA townhouse
1 car garage, fenced yard. pool, $1250'mo
No pals. 534-3411
SPACIOUS IBR'BA in Ponte Vedra. rully
renovated with stainless sleel appliances
and tile floors; private screened in lanai.
Walking to beach. shops, & restaurants
Pool & work-out lactilles included. East of
A1A in Summerr.ouse. $975/mo E-mail:
renipvbcondo @yahoo.com.
JAX BAr'MEADOWS, Lake Crest Condos,
2BR/2BA, 1st II. garage, w'd, fireplace,
pool, gym, tennis, $995/mo+ utilities
Available Jan 1st, Shannon Smith
Villas @ Marsh Landing- 2BR.'2BA- Com-
pletely riled, W/D included $1000mo. Call
SEE THE OCEAN 2BR'2BA newly remod-
eled w/granire, maple cabinets, new tile
and carpel, fireplace. W,'D and balcony.
Great location in Jax Bch $1150/mo.
OCEANFRONT. 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur.
nished/ unlurnishea. Available immediate.
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR,2BA, anached ga-
rage, furnished. all appliances includes
W/D. $1200/mo Mark 338-3230.
1.5BA. freshly painted, new tile, fireplace,
lenced backyard, W/D $925/mo
1904 806-2516
GRAND CAY. sporless 2BR/2BA. beaull.
tul gated community, 2nd lloor
w/screened balcony overlooking
woods, W/D. dishwasher mircowave. outl
side storage unit, pool honub, work-oul
facility.& nice playground for children
51000/mo. .deposit 472-9654

SOUTH JAX Beach, large private room.
w/ bath, furnished, cable, private entrance,
CA/H, $140/wk + $140 deposit, on bus
line, 246-0862
JB, FURNISHED room. all utilities cable.
inlernet, phone. $125'wK 9041314-7901

NEW OFFICE SPACE in prestigious
shopping center on Beach Blvd in Jax
Beach. Jonaihan 866-6937.
lune Beach. 1200sl w/5 large offices
1400sl open floor plan iuild to suili or
combine space lor 2600sf. Recently reno-
vaied. ample parking, water included, no
CAM. For more information, Call 992-9344
or 514-6092.
3010 South 3rdd 2 Iloor West. prol
space consisting ol. 4 indiv. offices and a
wailing, recp. area Call 247-1770 lor
appi. to view
3010 South 3rd SI 2nd floor Wesi. prol
space consisting of 4 mndiv offices and a
wailing' recp. area. Call 247-1770 for
appi. to view



Short or Long Term
Secretarial Services
Conference Room
East of A1A/I
. walka.oiheach .,, i
Close to shopping/
For more information,

(904) 543-7000

side, 514-1090
12) OFFICE Condos 1140st each, 210
west of 195 Avail 1/1,'07. 904-687-3000
NEPTUNE BEACH olfice/ retail space.
500sqh. 2232 Flonda Blvd 241-2781
lease. 3629sl Ortice included. Large park-
ing lot, beach side of iniracoasial
1770)929-1721, 1678)525-0854


WAREHOUSE. WORKSHOP Office TUTORING,ALL subjects, al ages. Rea-
Space starting at $500/mo. 514-1090 sonable rates, Jax Bch. 379-0345.

WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE 3500sl. new con-
struciion in Atlantic Beach. 514-1090

FREE CATS and Kittens to approved
homes. Call 242-0224.

LOOKING FOR male Shih-tzu to male
w/beautilul female Call Mindy 403-9474.
PET SITTING Dog walking. Responsible.
mature. Call Kirly, 874-6062.

CHRISTMAS FERRET w/3 tier cage. gen-
tle and fnendly Great pet for a child.
$100 339-1228.

CHIHUAHUA- FEMALE. 9 months old
Very pretty dog, all snois up to date, $550
OBO. 894-3352.

C-SIDE FARMS of Palm Valley has stalls
available! Call tor nlo 568-1613

LOST LARGE Grey Male Striped Manx-
mix ino tail Adult Car. South Jax. Bch.
33rd Ave. & Ocean Drive It you've found
or seen him Please call 246-6098. 673-
HOMELESS PETS lor adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600

her medical practice on 12/31/06. Address
to request medical records is. 4205 Belfon
Rd. Suile 3004. Jacksonville, FL 32216
NEED A Santa lot your party Call
241-0136 No ail adul parties please.

Cook and Counter, up to 40hrs., Days,
Mon.-Sat. availability. Flexible starling
date.. Some benefits. Fun place to work.
hildng part-time for the Tennis Pro Shop.
Shift hours are Saturday's 12pm-5pm and
Sunday's lpm-5pm. Other hours may be-
come available In the future. $7/hr Call
285-0753 lor more Inlormalion. Apply in
person Tuesday-Saturday in the main
clubhouse. Drug testing/ EOE

Weekends, 7am to 7pm, at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available at Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
SEEKING 3 dynamic, compassionate sell-
starters 1o join our healing chiropractic
team: 1) upbeat, organized front desk per-
son; 2) enthusiastic, canng chiro assislani
w/BMO Xray license: 3) high energy, li-
censed massage therapist. FAX resume
to: 241-1401 or call 241-7907
P/T, SATJ SUNJ MON. Detail onented in-
dividual. Starting pay negotiated Golf
Privileges. Phone 904-246-4827. email
accounting@selvamanna com or lax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.

M-F, 3-6pm, for church preschool Some
expenence required. 246-2891 lor inter-
view. Dependable applicants only
at Vicar's Landing (Ponle Vedra). Compel-
dlive pay, benefits, bonus and schlorships
awarded annually. Drug Iree workplace,
EOE. Call 273-1734

IF YOU are interested in advertising under BAR TENDER needed P/T days and
this category please call 904-249-9033 or gh. Apply wih255Harbor Tavem. 160
email: ciassified@beachesleader.com Maypon Rd 246-2555.

lesled divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you waitl Wim kids (a little longer) Since
1981/by appi only (904)641-2187.

The lull text o1 the above ordinance is
available for public Inspection in the office
ol the City ClerK.
All persons interested are notified to be
present at the time and place listed above,.
and Iney shall be heard II any person de-
ciOde to appeai .any decision at any meet-
ing or hearing, he will need a record of the
proceedings. and for such purpose he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made. which record
snall include ire testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the Americans wiln
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodaiion to participate in these
proceedings should conlaci the City
Clerk's office at 247-5809, or at City Hall,
800 Seminole Road.
BL 12/22/06

Ail levels, styles & ages Will come to your
home Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954. 655-3300
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classified @ beachesleader.com

HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current lob openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for sell-employment or business opponu-
nilies appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanied
advertiser ask for a fee or itf the advertiser
is offenng a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
Receptionist PIT- position open for our
24 hour receptionist. 11pm-7am, Friday
& Saturday..
Receptionists also wanted for other
shifts when needed.
Security Officer needed for on call
position P/T,
Call 285-1055.
thopedic clinic. Experience preferred, but
not required. Flexible hours. Rate de-
pends on experience. Fax resume to.
PAYROLL/ HR Admin Must have ADP
PayEx and EZ Labor expenence. E-mail
resume lo:
rshettler @ landjimportsandiab.com.

Several immed positions avail, FT/PT,
Days or Evenings. Excellent benefits! Up
to $10/hr. Call Tracy Colombo, HR Man-
ager, 1-866-299-0540, 9-5pm, Mon-Fn.
Drug Free Workplace. EOE M/F/D/V
LISC AB2000006.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted' Clean'drnMiihgrd'
cord required Call April. 246-9999

City of Atlantic Beach $12.92/hr.;
$26,873/yr +benehis. Performs 911 8
normal dispatch duties Shill work to in-
clude weekends and holidays Applica-
tions accepted until 12/27/06, al 800 Sem
inole Rd., Atl. Beach, FL 32233 Testing
on 1/13/07 For more into visit
www.coab.us or call (904)247-5820 No
smokers/ tobacco users. Drug testing con-
ducted. EOE.
employs individuals in a variety of pos-
tions. For a isting ol current opportunities
please visil us in person 11 N. 3rd St.. 2nd
floor, call 247-6263, send an email to-
personnel@laxbchfl.net. or visit our web-
site www.JacksonvilleBeach org
Druilree work environment. EOE, VP.
front desk clerk for night shih. Weekends
required. Please apply in person- 120 At-
lantic Blvd., Neptune Beach

Fireplace repair & dryer vent cleaning.
904-718-8034. Eric

SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49 50

CRYSTAL CLEAN Housecleaning with a
personal touch. PV area & beaches. 10yrs
exp in private residential homes & vaca-
lion rentals. Bonded Krista 377-3052.
14 years experience. Reasonable prices,
low minimum rales, weekend appoint-
ments available. 1904)525-7419

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
emairl classified @ beachesleader corn
QT11.te? F:QlMTPAT,.,.n.,?. rn i .nh Ali.

WE DO Concrete Repair New Driveways
Palios, Sidewalks. Slabs, Siamp Con-
crete. Call 880-2994.

Sale roof cleaning. Deck & lence
restoration Pressure washing Licensed &
insured. Call Kevin 994-0045


ing Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier 285-0240.
mI KffelIilmlwH '
IF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classified@beachesleader.com

0S *-- -- 66

*I EP H MIM" 66

Beach 25yrs. experience 880-9908.


NEW CONSTRUCTION. remodeling and
repair Residential and commercial. Men-
tion Ihis ad. 246-1529

TNT REMODELING, Start to Finish.
Affordable & dependable Licensed/ Insur-
ed Call Tony 1904)221-6586.
FRESHENING UP your paint for the
Christmas holidays, great pnces Free es-
timates. Call Michaelat 228-4775 or 642-

Repairs, specializing in termite damage.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail classilied@beachesleader com


We service & sell; all makes & models.
Free estimate. Family owned & operated
CAC1814887, Padgetts A/C,,588-5222.

* a [,aawn' mairbtenance. Yi0-10i30

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

B&C Marble Tile & More, LLC. Ucensed
& Insured for Duval & St. John's County.
Free estimates. Quality Is not an option, it
comes with every job we do.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381

* .A i*H I6S65

ii ,, experience ..

'TheCondo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
Long Term Rentals
1/1 furnished $900
4All new interiors!!
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
$1195- $1250
New clubhouse, heated pool
& fitness center!
Too much to fist..you must visit!
Suncoast Management, LLC
(904) 285-4840



-------- ------- -


i 1, *

C1Arecraifel d

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 22, 2006

2550-7A Mayporl Rd Nail Tech, Hair
Stylisl & Barber. Call lor details 525-2164
ask for Diane EOE
WE ARE looking for a special person to
manage projects and suporl activities ol
a unique marketing company located inr,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Requirements in-
clude at least 3 years experience as an
administrative assistant, prolciency with
MS Office tools including Power Point and
Access. experience maintaining a data-
base. basic bookkeeping skills with knowl.
edge 01 QuickBooks, excellence in oral
and written communications, a commit-
ment to providing outstanding customer
service and the ability to set priorities and
meet deadlines. Please FAX a resume to

DRY CLEANERS experienced counter
help. Full time, benefits. The Cleaners.
1519 Penman Rd. Call Mrs. P. 246-1705.

PERSON Mainly Beaches area. Fax re-
sume 247-9036
FULL-Time, 3pm-llpm at Premiqre Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benetit
package. competitive wages, good work-
ing environment Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd.. Aliannic Beach, FL. Fax to
(9041246-9447; e-mail to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE.' Drug-Free Workplace
SERVERS, LINE Cook. Disnwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro Pone Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway. 996-7557. '
NANNIES AND Nanny Nurses needed
F/T and P/T positions available Call 904-
Steak House Apply after 2pm. 1227
South 3rd St.
experienced Teachers & Assistant Teach.
ers FiT & P/T available We orfer a corn
pettive salary 8 berelits package. Call
273-6960 or lax resume to. 280-5742
PEST CONTROL Lawr. Technician
needed. opponunity to learn a trade with
great career potential for hard worker.
$10.'hr to train. medical, denial, retire-
meni lite. 26K< 3. Muil have valid FL dr,,er
lisence Call 726-9332

BABY SITTER needed Ponte Vedra area.
References and experience required. CPR
& lirst aid a plus Good Pay. 894-3352
Taxi Drivers needed lo work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at. least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360
DEBT CONSULTANTS wanted for newly
opened settlement company Experience
preferred. Fax resume 1904)730-9420
BEACHES CAR Wash- full Ime help
needed, Wages negotiable- lips Benefils
Avail Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
KENNEL ATTENDANT, no exp. necc
Must be energetic, personable & hard
working Apply in person. 1210 N. 3rd St.,
Jax Bch.
Full t;me 3pm to 11pm, Monday-Friday at
a premier retirement community Healin
Cenler. Excellent Denetits and pleasant
work environment Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gale, One Fleel Landing
Blvd.. Atlantic Beach. FL 32233. Fax to
(9041246-9447; emaill
obs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
City 01 Atlantic Beach Mus have current
law enforcement cerlilicaton acceptable
to the Slate ol FL and be eligible to com-
plete Florida training and certification wihn-
in 6 months ol hire $16.75h'nr., $670/wk,
$34,840iyr +beneftis. Applications must
be received by 12/27/06 at 800 Seminole
Rd., Alantic Beach. FL 32233. Testing on
1/13/07 For more Into visit: www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820, No smokers' tobac-
co users. Drdg testing conducted EOE.
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed Learn a trade Healthln bane-
his, good hours, advancement opportuni-
ties Must have valid FL Drivers License.
Call 249-5381 lorappt.
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149
ELDER CARE., weekends Live in Option-
al 285-2196.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted
Peischel. Brothers Services. Inc 246-

It may be that


n ew


mar.... direction .
Take a look at this key opportunity right here at the Beach.

Sales, position at the Beaches!
The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches
community. Growth potential and established accounts working
ftar an award-winning, locally-owned, newspapers Candidates
should have sales experience, and should be goal-oriented.
Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beachesleader.com or bring it to 1114
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

OPTOMETRY, West Beaches. Front
desk, customer service, all office aspects
Friendly personality, ability to multi-lask.
bookkeeping. PC. medical office experi-
ence a plus Fax resume to 221-6504
PRESSURE WASHING technicians and
construction clean-up help needed. Must
have valid driver's license. Benefits avail-
able, 881-2071.
NEED! INTERIOR tnm carpenters and
helpers. Dependable, own transponation
Cal 635-1395..-' .
showroom sales dultes as needed at a
well established marble and granite im-
porter located at me beach. Knowledge of
stone materials and design helpful. Salary
and oenelits negonable upon experience
Fax resume to- 241-3204

Perfect Part-Time Job!
(Full-Time Too!)
Home Cleaners
$200 $400/wk.
Flexible Daytime
Work Near Home
Own Transportation

Join our team of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
appti in pe-.n to:

2201 Flonda Bhd
Mon Fn S 4.30

ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-relaied
services and may charge lees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv.
ing credit card information over the phone
winout knowing whal specific, product or
service they will receive

WARNING- WHILE ihis newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads whicr, require you lo pay a lee to gel
inlor.imailon or inat reaer you to.97.6-or 900.
phone numbers whicr will result in sun-
sianiial charges to your phone Dill, Ihe
newspaper cannot guarantee Ihe validity
at orffenngs in this classilicahion. II any ad-
vertiser requires you Io incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a lee Io learn the na-
ture o Ithe opportunity please repon it to
The Beaches Leader. 249-9033

ACTIVE NANNY honest. dependable.
transportation & references $105%12 hr..
any area. CPR & Firsi Aid. PT or FT

NEW office open, excellent therapisis
Walk-ins welcome. 9am-6pm A1A' JTB,
MM 19028.

CERTIFIED NURSES Aide- I am seeking 6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
a live-n position Monday Fnday Wil as ma- ess & 0ox. new still S n boxes. 5499.
sisi pahient with total care (904)885.2200 can deliver 858-9350e. .
Can deliver 858-9350.
DENTAL PLAN. only $11 95,'mo includes PORCH FULL ol Palm Casual outdoor
vision, Rx, & chiropracntic Web site is furniture. Excellent condition. 241-6912.
www.everyonebenefits.com/40451399 or
call (561)674-6333. Member, BBB. LIKE NEW white crib, converts to a day
bed Paid $400, asking $150. Matching
dresser $75, matching changing table
*$50, 537-4083

IF YOU are nieresied in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: ciassilied@oeachesleadear com

CARE GIVER, experienced, honest & de HEART PINE T & G tlooting cut locally
pendable; CPR & First Aid cerihed, Call hom antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
PNel 353-P390. 910.0878 w/ incredible dark patina. Lic nST5903
Fl 35orida Heartwood 249-8310

BRUNSWICK ANTIQUE Pool Table, 1922 ART "GARAGE' SALEi Sat. Dec 23rd,
Avwator. 4'x8,. reconditioned excellent la- 9-5pm. 510 Maypon Rd (Near Allanlic
lie $3000 OBO. Call Joel (9041535-5293. Blvd al 5th SI / 2 elks North of Skale
Lao) All Bch Kids anrt loo! 247-8337

condlron calorie pulse monior. $150,

BED. BRAND name queen sel, IF YOU are interested in advertising under
new, w.warranty $129. Can deliver lhis category please call 904-249.9033 or
19041858-9350 email: classified eacresleadercomn

NEW BOYS BIKE Rea Mongoose
'Strike'. Assembled 21 great under
Xmas ree! $80 270.2160.
SPORTCRAFT 4 6 Treadmill. Great
conditions 2yrs old $200 246-6247.
30HS420 (tlube) and stand $600 Michael
LAPTOP 512R, Windows XP Prol, DVD-
CD burner. WI-FI ready, 40GB. $800.
Windsurt,' Paddle. Brand new cost $400
Sale $200. 246 4037. ,
BED- KING manress set. $289. Can de-
liver. 19046391-0015
LAWN MOWER. Honda, 46" walk behind
deck mower 1I10 his. 5995 322-7636.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed
wmanress & box spring Must sell $395.
Can deliver 19041858-9350
BOSE SURROUND Sound System w/CD.
AM1FM, 5 speakers and base twhiiei
$500 0O0 246.4104.
MAYTAG DRYER & Kenmore washing
machine. good condition, $200. orownr
spindle oaby crib. $75 Call 19041537-
BOY'S SCHWINN Slingray Chopper Bike.
almost new $125. 270-2032.
AT&T PARTNER phone syierrm 5.phones
installed lor $899 .-249-8877
FUTON- LIKE new. exira ihick mattress
Paid $340 asking $150 22.1-7354..
PLAYSTATION 3! New, in box. Best offer,
SCOOTER, 50CC, low mileage $800
Call 349-04 1
WHITE GOLD diamond stud earrings.
.50 ci tw Appralsed $1400. asking $475
White gold diamond slud earrings 1.50 cl
rw. Appraised $8900, asking $3500 Call
WASHER & dryer $150. Sola w/ slip cover
$75. Ail exc cond. 993-3226
PLAYSTATION 3, 20 GB. Brand new
factory sealed $600 OBO. 545-3211
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam manress & boxspring, new in
plastic w.'warrarty $379 Must sell.
ARTIST'S LIGHT work table, excelleil
condition, $45. Great gihi 249-9387
ALMOST NEW, GE relrigeralor,. range,
microwave & dishwasher. 285-9278
OAK COFFEE Table w 2 bookcase and
storage, 5'x2'x1-l-Z. $75. 502-, ],4 .
new in box $80. 19041651-7071.
Scoolers Atv's Dirt Bikes Mopeds
Golf Karts Electric Cars and more!!
We w il beat all prices m the country
with sane i %an[i
Best pnces of the year
save on our hohida sale"!
Store locanons- Pecan Park, Ramona,
Johnson, Beach Bld Flej Markets
Phone: 904-716-3358
Website: www.Jaguarpowersports.com

S- .i

for your

1977 GOLD
246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd.

PROGRESSIVE YARD sale. Ft., 12_22 &
Sal. 12.23. 10am-5pm, lools. house-
ware', misc., Iree relreshments No early
birds., si day one price, 2nd day nail off
all. 876 Rudder Rd
SATURDAY 12.23. 8am-.lpm 1955
Bnsiat De Mar Circle. 10-in-1 game tale
includes foosbail, air hockey, and pool
Mise toys games and riousenold items.

North Florida's Largest
Boat & Yacht Dealer

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items, Sat, 7am, 1790 Maypon Rd.

40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $164K. 463-2845.
BOAT SLIP For Reni, Harbortown Marina.
40' wilh water & electric, $500. 463-2845.



Beach Marine

Over 40 Vessels
for Sale


'MAMAHA 125CC Scooter, exc cond.,
3100mi, $1195 891-8225.

1990 GRANVILLE motor home, 30 tn.
$10,000, neg. 460 Ford molor, 881-1255.

1996 TOYOTA 4 Runner 183K miles 5
speed. 4x4. PW/PL. CD player. $5000
OBO 422-2318.
2003 F-150 Ext. Cab, *V-8, A/C, CD,
cruise.67k $9900 0BO 249-2921.
1996 NISSAN extended cab XE, exc.
cond. low mi., A/C. split rear window, new
ires. absolutely perfecl! $5200 OBO.

1999 BMW 3281 convertible, while w/auto-
malic black lop. beige leather interienor,
garaged. 64K miles, exceileni condition
auomaiice $17,500. 422-6602
2001 FORD Escape XLT 89k miles, cloth
interior. very clean $8000 OBO.
1904 992-0652
1996 MERCEDES E320, 133K miles,
Leather. CD player. PW/PL. $8000. OBO
' 422-2318.
1993 CHRYSLER New Yorker, all power.
runs qood $450. OBO Must sell.
1997 MERCEDES-BENZ E420 beaulilul
two owner car, while dove, car nas been
serviced ai all intervals. amng 17" wheels
as well as 16" laciory sport. Immaculate
car in, oul $9995 OBO. 904-699-9680
2002 HONDA CRV LX dark green, lan in-
terior 33.000 miles, aulo. A'C,
AM.FMiCD. power windows' locks, cruise
LiKe new $14 950 Call 724-0444

of Junk Cars/Trucks
in 30 Minutes
Top cash on all that runs!


r ~ 4 ?


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