Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Holiday Happe...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Community
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 20, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00101
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 20, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: December 20, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00101
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Holiday Happenings
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Community
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 8
Full Text

M December 20, 2006



art camp

See A-8




2007 Beaches





for charity

See A-8

An editon of The Beaches Leader


Vol. 44, No. 50

Searing the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach. Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

PVCA eyes sidewalk

for north boulevard

SCopy-ri iited M .ateri

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers'"

In August, about two dozen
Ponte Vedra Boulevard resi-
dents south of Corona Road
jump-started a sidewalk project
in front of their homes by
agreeing to pay for most of the
cost to construct it.
Now, that notion has spread
to the board members for the
Ponte Vedra Community
Association IPVCA), who
decided Monday to poll boule-
vard residents just south of the
Duval County line to see if
they want to do the same.
"I would not be on that
street (Ponte Vedra Boulevardi
walking or riding a bicycle,"
said PVCA board member
Doug Hudson in Monday
night's meeting.
"It's a safety issue."
Because sidewalks are not
always. desired,'by all residents
- particularly those whose
yards are affected by the con-
struction PVCA Chairman
Tim Ellis said surveying resi-
dents who live in that area is a
critical first step.
"It's good for us to be
involved, but we need to know
. how the people 'in the
neighborhood really feel about
it," Ellis said Monday,
"I dolh't want to-get some-
thing started f tihe resideh'Its
don't want it."
Doug Crane, a Ponte Vedra

A vessel in the Palm Valley Boat and Light Parade passes under the Palm Valley bridge Saturday on its way north along the
Intracoastal Waterway. See A-12 for more photos and a chance to match the photographs with facts.

Panel suggests changes in FHSAA penalties

A Legislature-appointed task
force studying illegal recruiting
of high school athletes told
Gov. Jeb Bush this month that
penalties should focus more on
the individuals who engage in
recruiting violations instead of
the school itself.
A report published this
month recommends that
penalties imposed by the
Florida High School Athletic
Association iFHSAAl be modi-
fied %(o that "coaches who are
found guilty of illegal recruit-
ing not be allowed to coach in
any event, competition, game
or match between two or more
FHSAA member schools."
This comes just a month
after the FHSLAA slapped Nease
High School with $20,000 in
fines and six years of restrictive

probatlin -for violating hiles6
that prohibit giving induce-
ments to attract or keep ath-
letes at a school.
Although the FHSAA con-
cluded that the football player
from out-of-state was not
recruited, it said that one
coach found work for the boy's
father and another coach gave
rides to the boy to and from
school and lived in the same
apartment as the boy and his
The two volunteer, adjunct
coaches involved, Wesley
Haynes and Kenneth Fasnacht,
were fired by the school short-
ly after Nease was sanctioned.
Many Nease parents have
complained that the sanctions
are unfair because they punish
the entire Nease athletic pro-
gram and, consequently, stu-
dents who were not involved
in the violations.

At least one parent of ele-
mentary school children com-
plained at a town hall meeting
this month that her children
will bear an unfair burden
years from now when they are
zoned for Nease.
According to the recruiting
task force report, there have
been 35 recruiting violations
involving 39 individuals in the
past nine years.
More than half 21 of
those individuals were coaches
and one was a former coach,
the report said. Eight were
school employees such as
administrators and athletic
directors; six were parents; two
were boosters and alumni, and
one was a private foreign
exchange student organiza-

"Many task force members
believed the penalties would be
more effective at preventing

recruiting if directed specifical-
ly at the individuals who com-
mit the violations," the report
However. the report noted
that such penalties would have
to be explored carefully "to
ensure that the
employee/employer relation-
ship was not usurped," because
the coaches are employed by
the school board or school -
not the FHSAA.
The report concluded that
any penalties imposed on
coaches could not be related to
the coaches' terms of employ-
ment with the school or school
The former Nease coaches
have appealed the findings of
the FHSAA.

See FHSAA, A-3

Municipal Service District
(MSD) trustee, updated the
PVCA board Monday night on
how the sidewalk in the 800 to
1000 block of the boulevard is
The sidewalk will stretch for
about a quarter mile along 26
households, most of which
have contributed more than
$700 a piece for a total of about
$18,5i00, according to Crane.
In August, the MSD agreed to
contribute $5,000 for the side-
walk, which Southern Home
Exterior Design Inc. said it
would build for-$17,490.
But in October the project
hit a snag, as MSD trustees
attempted to coordinate with
St. Johns County on the proj-
According to Pres Tompkins
Jr., a county engineer, the side-
walk must comply with federal
standards established by the
American Disabilities Act'..
Those standards require the
sidewalk to be increased from 4
to 6 inches in thickness with
ramps that rise no more than 6
inches every 6 feet, Tompkins
said Tuesday.
Furthermore, the downward
slope of the driveways along
the boulevard cannot exceed a
2 percent grade, he said. ,


Sidewalks like those on Ponte Vedra Boulevard north of Corona
Road (above left) are proposed just south of the Duval County
line, where lawns meet the road as they do further south (right).

Library chief cleared of fraud

An election fraud complaint
that was filed in September
against St. lohns County
Library Director Mary Jane
Little was dismissed in
November due to a lack of evi-
dence that would "warrant a
criminal prosecution."
Investigators with the
Florida Department of Law
Enforcement looked into the
complaint and found no
* criminal predicate," according
to several letters within, the
case file.
The complaint was filed by
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library manager Mary
Thomas, who claimed that
Little unethically solicited sig-
natures from library employees
on June 5 for a petition that
would allow then-
Commissioner Karen Stern to
run for reelection without pay-
ing a filing fee.
Stern ended up paying the
$3.371.82 fee on July 17,
according to the St. Johns
County Supervisor of Elections
Web site.
Thomas said Little visited
the library in Ponte Vedra in a
county car and was still on the

clock as a county employee.
She said in the complaint
that Little removed her St.
Johns County name tag, "indi-
cating that she knew she
wasn't supposed to be doing
this in her capacity as a county'
employee, or in a public build-
Thomas said four other
members of the library staff
signed the petition "grudging-
ly" and "only out of fear of los-
ing their jobs."
"I believe that she was there
[at the library] for the sole pur-
pose of campaigning for Karen
Stern. I felt pressured to get her
what she wanted," Thomas
said in the complaint.
According to the FDLE's case
file, Thomas' complaint alleges
violations of two different sec-
tions of Florida statutes. One of
those falls under the jurisdic-
tion of the Florida Commission
on Ethics, and a letter to
Thomas dated Sept. 12 directs
her to contact the commis-
sion's director, Bonnie
Thomas confirmed in an
interview Tuesday that she did
what the FDLE directed her to
do, and a copy of her com-
plaint indicates that she did

file a complaint with the Ethics
Thomas offered no further
comments Tuesday.
Kay Starling, complaint coor-
dinator for the Commission on
Ethics, said Tuesday that there
is no record of the complaint
in the commission's public
However, complaints do not
become public record until the
commission rules on them in a
private hearing, she said.
Starling would not confirm
whether the commission has
received or has given the com-
plaint a hearing.
Little said in an interview
Tuesday that she was not aware
of any other complaints filed
with different state agencies.
She said she was pleased
with the outcome of the FDLE
investigation and supports any
employee's right to file such
Thomas remains as branch
manager and Little said she
still works closely with her.
"I don't feel any awkward-
ness there," Little said, adding
that their relationship is strict-
ly professional.

Linemates Andrew Mathis (from left), Toby Wilke and Mark Leone cheer Tuesday at the Ponte
Vedra Soccer Club's sixth annual winter camp, held at Cornerstone Park on State Road A1A.


TSubscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
- 1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Classified ..............B-5
Education.......... A-10
Obituaries- ............A-5
Copyright 2006 b
Three si

Opinion ................ A-4
Police Beat ............A-6
y The Beaches Leader, Inc.
sections, 46 pages





Mh~idweek Edition

gn') Tedc

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The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
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newspaper for publication. ..
Weddings, engagements,
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Submissions should be
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Photographs are welcome,
however, they must have
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A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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The newspaper is delivered
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To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.

. The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
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is our policy to correct them
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To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-

In the event of errors in
advertisements, the Leader
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The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
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review articles published
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Microfilm copies of the news
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'Memory loss support
A support meeting for those
caring for someone with
Alzheimer's, memory loss or
similar conditions will be held
at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in St.
The meeting is held at the St.
Johns County Council on
Aging's Coastal Community.
Center, 180 Marine St. For
information, call Diane Longo
at 823-4815.

County's holiday break
Offices of the St. Johns
County Commission willbe
closed Monday and Tuesday
for' ChtistiM anrd Mo6dav,
Jan. 1 for New Year's Day.
Normal hours will resume
Dec. 27 and Jan. 2.

Library holiday closings
All branches of the St. Johns
County Public Library System
will be closed Sunday, Monday-
and Tuesday for the Christmas
holiday. Normal hours resume
on WVednesday, Dec. 27.

Holiday trash schedule
Collection ;of 'household
trash, yard trash and recy-
clables Will be delayed one day
during the next two weeks.
Those who normally have
Monday pickup 'will have pick-
up on Tuesday; those who nor-
mally have pickup on Tuesday
will have Wednesday. pickup:
those who normally have
Wednesday pickup will have
pickup on Thursday, and those
who normally have Thursday
pickup will have pickup on

Normal residential pickup
will resume on Monday, Jan. 8.

Foster parents sought
Families, married couples
and individuals to be foster
parents are being sought by
the St. Johns County Family
Integrity Program.
Anyone interested in becom-
ing a foster parent can attend
one of the following orienta-
tion sessions in St. Augustine:
Sessions are at 6:30 p.m. Jan.
16 and 10:30 a.m. Jan. 18 at
1955 U.S. 1 S., suite B-6..
Rotary picks officers
The Rotary Club of Ponte
Vedra Beach last-week selected
officers for the coming year.
Chris Scully will be presi-

dent; Karen McNeal will be
secretary; Lorraine Dorsa will
be treasurer and Joe Scott will
be sergeant-at-arms.

Traffic interruptions
Traffic may be interrupted
on several Ponte Vedra streets
this week because of road
Work, as follows:
Palm Valley Road today

and Thursday for shoulder
Ponte Vedra Boulevard
from Nfickler's to Sawgrass for
tree trimming.
Solana Road, San Juan
Drive, Ponte Vedra Circle, San
Juan Circle, Pablo Road. Pablo
Terrace, Miranda Road and San
Diego Drive for asphalt seal-

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Stanley, on holiday break from the
s residents Monday.





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~~-~~~- --

December 20,' 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

*Pa e 2A

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forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
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V look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
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FHSAA: Coaches' appeal to get hearing Jan. 28
jr l l r.r v ^ d A l (=---^ CI IY =o..-- ,,~tc m ,-1- ,,, -.

Continued from A-1
The coaches' case will go
before the 16-member FHSAA
Board of Directors Jan. 28,
ac-ording to the coaches' attor-
Though Nease did not
appeal the findings of the
investigation, Principal Linda
Thomson said she will try to
appeal the length of the proba-
tion period when about 1,500
Nease students are redistricted
to a new Ponte Vedra high
school in 2008.

The penalties are directed at
a student body that will not be
attending the school in a few
years, she said in a November
John Stewart, the FHSAA
Commissioner who conducted
the investigation said in an
interview last week that
Thomson's intention to appeal
is a "reasonable" one.
He said he could not say
what the school's chances are
of winning their appeal.
As for the fairness of the

sanctions imposed on Nease,
Stewart said the FHSAA is "lim-
ited" in its options for penal-
Part of the rationale behind
penalizing the entire school is
that the coaches were a part of
that school, Stewart said.
'Fair' is in the eyes of the
beholder," he said, noting that
the severe sanctions were a
result of similar violations
.committed by Nease in previ-
ous years.
Stewart equated the FHSAA

punishment to a youngster
gradually losing his or her driv-
ing privileges after getting into
trouble with his or her par-
The first mistake warrants
one punishment, the second a
more severe punishment and
the third usually results in the
car being taken away, Stewart
"The same idea applies
here," he said.

Sidewalks: County went 'out of its way' to help

Continued from A-i
This would affect several.
driveways, which would have
to be repaved with less of an
incline, Crane said.
That could cause costs to rise
dramatically, he said.
But Crane said the county is
working well with the MSD
and the residents involved,
taking into account the tight
"The county wants to make
this happen," Crane said

Tuesday after a morning meet-
ing with Tompkins ,. in St.
"They have actually gone
out of their way to try and
make this happen."
The county standard for the
width of sidewalks is 5 feet, but
T6mpkins said he has agreed to
allow a 4-foot-wide sidewalk,
which will help keep costs
After, the holidays, Crane
said; the. contractor will pres-

ent another estimate based on
the required changes to the
Ultimately, the project must
be approved by the St. Johns
Board of County
Commissioners once all the
details are finalized.
Commissioner Tom Manuel,
who represents most of Ponte
Vedra and who is a newcomer
to the board, has been looking,
to cut back on spending and
carefully examine the level of

service s that the county is
capable of providing to unin--
corporated areas like Ponte
Manuel said in an interview
Tuesday that the MSD sidewalk
project is something he would
support and even encourage in
the future.
"I like things where every-
body contributes," he said.
"I think the county should
encourage that type of behav-

Sue Glawe (left) and Vicky Pappas, both of Ponte Vedra Beach,
load gifts for the needy Monday at BEAM's office in Jacksonville
Beach. Glawe is a BEAM board member.

Gentle, Quality Dental
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Serving beaches
residents for over
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With Santa-visiting time in full gear, the Jolly Old Elf puts a sleigh-bell headband on almost-3-year-old
Emily Roberts (above right) at Adventure Landing this weekend. Three-year-old Elijah Dillard (left).,
donned a Santa cap (above left) to sit on one of Santa's knees during'the breakfast event at
Adventure Landing.

12"X12" Ceramic Tile


DOT moves


A series of projects designed,
to improve traffic flow in south
Jacksonville Beach will be done
one year sooner, transportation
officials confirmed Monday.
Mike Goldman of the Florida
Department of Transportation
said a project to ,synchronize
traffic signals between 9th
Avenue North and Marsh
Landing Park-way will be com-
pleted in 2007/08. rather in the
originally scheduled 2008/09
planning year.
The $1.9 million signalization
project would also tie in to plans
to resurface that portion of State
Road A1A. The cost to repave
the 2.4-mile stretcg is .$5.1 mil-
"It would make more sense
from a construction standpoint
as well as a motorist standpoint

up traffic light project

to have all of this done at once," The improvements also
Goldman said. include an overlay of Beach
. Jacksonville Beach City Boulevard, eliminating one of
Manager George Forbes Monday the traffic lights at 22nd and
said he is also putting some 23rd Avenue South and replac-
added pressure on the PDOT to ing existing traffic signals with
install a traffic signal at 16th mast arm signals to provide a
Avenue South and Osceola uniform look, and improve
Avenue in 2007. safety during a storm.
,"We would like to get that "It is a hurricane-related
area done right away," he said. project as opposed to a conges-
"We'd like the whole project tion-management project,"
moved up if possible." Planning and Development
In May 2005, some members Director Steve Lindorffhas said
of the Jacksonville Beach City previously.,
Council expressed concern that Timer systems will also be
the 2008-09 time frame original- installed at the existing pedes-
ly slated for the A1A signal work trian walk signals to better
was "too far back." indicate when to, safely cross
"I don't see why in the world the street. :
it should take so long to correct "They can be confusing. If
a problem that is so severe," ,you are in the middle of the
councilman Rick Knight said median and it changes colors
referring to signals along AlA from green to red, people don't
from 9th Avenue North to know whether to go," Forbes
Marsh Landing Parkway. said. "What it is telling people

for AiA

on the curb is riot to start
[crossing the street]."
The new timer system will
count down from 60 seconds
to give pedestrians a "real clear
idea how long they have to get
across the street," he said.
City officials have also
worked for years to push the
alignment of the light at Ponte
Vedra Boulevard with
Jacksonville Drive. That proj-
ect, Forbes said, is online for
2008. -
Foibes said the FDOT has
worked,in tandem with the
city to develop a timetable for
construction to appease both
the city and the transportation
"The'y have been very coop-
erative," he said. "We are all
working very hard to get this
done. This is a xery important
and very positive project for

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Page 3A*

December 20,~ 2006


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

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vwww.eachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

Letters to the editor:

Answers lacking for west AB

To the editor.
I want to congratulate Ms.
Bischof for writing a letter to
the editor. She raised lots of
issues which needs to be cor-
rected. Unfortunately, writing a
letter to the editor will not be
We live in a divided city,
where east of Seminole Road get
all the improvements and west
of Seminole Road is ignored.
Ms Bischof is right, there is
only one voice the Commission
hears and it comes from Mr.
[Michael] Hoffman. Residents
from west of Seminole Road do
not attend Commission meet-
ings. That is why Ms. Bischof
thinks that the "median proj-
ect" will take care of the acci-
dent problems on Mayport
If you have attended the pres-
entation(s) on the median proj-
ect, then you would know, that
the inside lanes on both sides of
the median was reduced to 10
feet, 5 inches in order to comply,
with the FDOT requirement for'
a median to allow palm trees on
the median.
Those inside lanes are the
"fast" lanes and also next.to the
waiting lanes for vehicles mak-
ing a left turn. At three (3) meet-
ings I did not receive an answer
for the lengths of those turning

KathleenFeindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, The BeachesLeader

Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahike
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Alexandra Kummernes
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

lanes. The way the traffic lights
will be synchronized, I don't
believe we will be able to stack
enough cars in' those turning
Another problem, is -the
paving between the flowers and
trees on the medians. That
paving will be an invitation for
pedestrians and bicyclists to
save walking ,and cross where
the paving is located.
'It is like the "improved" inter-
section by City Hall. Squeezed
together, the stop signs are
improperly located and confus-
ing who should have the right
In closing, I would like to
comment on the Committee'on
District representation. Their
task should be how to imple-
ment the switch to District
It should be simple: Finish the
job bythe end of January 2007,
so it can be put on the Spring
Election Ballot and have
District Elections with
Candidates who live in the
District they want to represent.
No change in the number of
Commrnissioners, elect them
from their District and elect the
Mayor at Large.

Stephen A. Kuti
Atlantic Beach

Too many rules hurt citizens

To the editor
The' Neptune Beach City
Council is considering further,
encroachment on property.
owners rights. First it was taking
the tree trimming/cutting rights
from home owners, now it's
attempting to regulate the
'building of docks/walkways by
home owners on their property.
The building of docks is already,
regulated by The Florida
Department of Environmental
Protection, the U.S.Army Corps
of Engineers and the St. Johns.
River Water Management.
District. A permit is required.-
Further, Riparian Water
Rights grant property owners
,whose property is adjacent to a
body of water the right to inke'
reasonable use of it....including
the right to wharf out to a point
of navigability; the right to erect.
structures such as docks, piers,
and boat lifts; and the right to:
use the water for domestic pur-
poses. Riparian Rights also
depend upon "reasonable use"
as it relates to other riparian
owners to ensure that the rights
of one riparian owner are
weighed fairly and equitably
with rights of adjacent riparian
The fear of a marina scare tac-
tic was stated by a councilman.
That smoke screen won't work
as marinas are also regulated by
Federal and State laws. Now fear
of blocking the. scenic view of
the waterway from the Kings
Road Bridge is being used. All
docks/walkways to the east of
the bridge are at the level of the
top of the marsh grass and
blend in favorably with the
marsh environment. People do
not stop on Kings Road to view
the scenic marsh..... it is not a,
tourist attraction, and....... it
would be' obstructing traffic.
which of course is against the'
law. What is common in other
Florida waterfront property sites
should be no different in

Neptune Beach.
SIGNS, cluttering both sides of
Kings Road near the bridge, very
tacky and trashy looking for the
environmentally sensitive peo-
ple and others. There are other
ways to prevent parking that are
less obtrusive.
,in discussing this with several
council members all they would
say was "something had to be
done", but. totally, clueless of
"what" had to be done,
and"why', other than scenic
view which is a v'ery shallow
and weak excuse q c.sidering
existing federal and s ate5xegul -
tions and the blending in with
the marsh environment of.
docks/walkways already in
place. Looks like a big power
play for the Neptune Beach gov-
ernment power brokers....
Control, Control, Control. The
Neptune Beach City Attomey is
expected to be involved in these
matters and provide guidance to
the council, not a rubberstamp.
If the city wants to require a
"Permit" for construction....
fine,... lust don't go beyond
what is already required by fed-
eral and state laws. This permit
could be additional income for
'the city and picked up at City
Hall. Citizens should not be
required to go before the coun-
cil to get permission to do some-
thing that is their constitutional
and legal right.
Lawyer tees associated with
citizens to ensure these rights
should be paid for/reimbursed
by the cit.y.
Government for the people
and by the people...... The coun-
cil is elected by the citizens, paid
by the citizens, and should work"
FOR the citizens.

Bob Cooper
Neptune Beach

Kathleen Hartman

Director ofSales Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader

Karen Stepp Jennifer Wise
Vice President Vice President

Michelle Abraczinskas
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Kendall Thornes

Call 249-9033


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Available from Commercial News Provi(

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It's time to celebrate our many

differences and religious freedom

I had lunch with Billy
Emmett the other day. Hadn't
seen him but once since he,
and I graduated' from high
school in 1958. That, you
'know, was back when folks'
were more tolerant of each
other's religious beliefs.
Or were they? ,
Sure, we had devotionals
during homeroom, and some-
body usually was called on to,
pray. In our class, it was often
Billy Emmett, now the Rev.
Billy Emmett, retired after a
long career in the ministry.
Everybody knew then that
Billy would be a preacher.
As you might have expected,
our school was all white, near-
ly all Protestant and mostly
Baptists and Methodists. If we
had a kid of the Jewish faith,
none of us knew who he was. I
remember just one Catholic
student. There was no cream at
the top of our milk. We were
homogeneous to a fault.
So no one objected when
Mrs. Rogers tead the third
chapter of Ecclesiastes for the
27th time, even though we all
suspected she had an ulterior
motive as she raised her voice
just a little when she said, "a
time to keep silence and a time
to speak." And no one objected
when Billy prayed "in Christ's
But then schools and the

nation changed and became
more diverse, and some people
objected, saying the state must
not sanction a particular reli-
gion in public schools. The
U.S. Supreme Court outlawed
public school-sponsored
prayer, and those regular devo-
tionals, as we knew them,
faded away.
Most people, I think, under-
stood the court's ruling. Later,
as a parent, I thought of it this
way: It is important that the
teachers or school officials
directing devotionals in school
embrace pretty much the same
faith my family and I embrace.
But I shouldn't depend on
them to teach our daughters
about God anyway. That was
my job and the church's.
But then, as human beings
are wont to do, we overreacted.

School officials, f
might violate the
editing speeches of
ans, making sure
mention God or
deity. Some tried
religious clubs': r
school grounds.
grader in New Jets
she couldn't sing
God" in an after-s(
show because the
inappropriate for a
Hentoff, an author
First Amendment,
cipals and school I
know the law.,
amendment's Fre
Clause, he said in
piece in USA Today
can express his or.]
religious beliefs., in
ment or as a val
And if a second-gr
chooses to 'sing
God," let her.
The Supreme C
our enemy. In ma
Pogo said, we ar
enemy. We dwell o
can't do instead o
can do. We have gr
in this country, fell
Surely there's
accommodate diffe
So, as a Christian
wish you God's bl
Merry Christmas.

'Twas the

Night Before
Christmas in
Bubba's World

aturday night I got a call
from my old buddy, Bubba
LJr., in Palatkey, as he calls
it. "Hoyle, I've re-written the
words' to 'Twas the Night
before Christmas. There's lots
of stuff in that original version
that folks around these parts
can't relate to!"
Bubba went on to tell me
that; he thought the classic
*B written by Clement Clark
Moore was intended for
lers Yankees. He gave as an exam-
ders" ple the line about the "breast
a of; the new fallen snow!" He
e also thought that "Mama wear-
a ing.a kerchief" was degrading
a to real women who slept in
* their curlers.
S Suddenly I. heard Bubba's
-- ,- m wife, Shirley 'Q 'yell,
S W "Somebody's done been to the
* V Wal-MNart!"
S.-- Bubba hollered, "Shirley Q
* y'all go hold your choir prac-
- 9 tice at the' other end 'of the
- trailer!: I'm on the 'dawgone
phone here! Sorry 'Hoyle,
they're going Carolin' tonight
_m___ and they were trying to get
0 that Redneck 12 days of
e* Christmas song down! Some.
0 4 of the neighbors last year com-
* M plained that they never sang
anything but Grandma got run
.over by a Reindeer."
* -m p Patiently I. got my friend
S* back on subject, "Other than
Snow and women who don't
O- = wear curlers to bed, is their
--, anything else that folks in
W 41 Ral atka.don't identify with?" ''
* c-.Holdi the.' phone Hoyle.
Shirley Q 'tell )our cousin
Thelma it's supposed to be 9
S- years probation and 8 table
S dancers, she's got it backwards.
Now back to that Night before
- Christmas 'thing Hoyle. -.All ;
that stuff about Santy Clause
coming down the chimney is
S*- just un-Floridian. I covered
.that early in my better shorter
- version!"
*- Old Bubba cleared his throat
and began to recite, "Twas the
night before Christmas and all
* through the double wide, not a
creature was stirring 'cept .my
huntin' dog Clyde.' He was
S guardian' the stockings the
younguns had hung with mag-
nets on the Frigidaire, in hopes
that old Santy Clause .soon
.- would be there!"
"Mama's hair was in curlers
with an attractive net on,
^- when I heard a racket out front
* goin' on. It was an elf, jolly
was he, in what looked like a
flying Mustang GT. These rein-
deer were pulling and making
it glide, with NASCAR numbers
all on their side!"
"Santy Clause called them all
S by name. On Kyle and Jeff, hey
... Ryan you're looking' great. And
your Daddy would sure be
hearing, they proud of you number 8! Now
law, started dash away Kurt and the other
f valedictori- Dale too. And y'all folks in the
.they didn't trailer, Merry Christmas, this
some other poem is through!"
to prohibit Bubba then said a quick
meeting on goodbye, so he could go watch
'A second- his wife and her cousin and
ey was told "them" go Carolin'. You know
"Awesome that would never work with
school talent .Santa and NASCAR reindeer.
e song was All they'd know how to do was
school-run steer to the left. Think about
it! Merry Christmas y'all, this
said ,Nat column is through!

irity on the
many prin-
boards don't
Under the
ee Exercise
an opinion
y,. "a student
her personal
an assign-
rader herself

ourt is not
ny cases, as
e our own
on what we
of what we
great freedom
low citizens.
enough to
rent faiths.
n, I'd like to
blessings and

Lengthy letters may be edited
as space requires.We will not
consider letters that do not
bear a signature and address
and we request a phone num-
ber for verification.

&.J~A' tO~I1

.~~~~ ~ ~ -- -.* ..



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S The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A




Thelma W.' Arnold, 66, for-
mer owner of Shear Freedom
Beauty Salon in Atlantic Beach,
died Dec. 14,. 2006. Born-in
Bristol, Va., she was the daugh-
ter of the late Claude C. and
Sally M. (Galliher) Willis.
Arnold and her husband, the
late Sam A. Arnold Jr., moved
to Atlantic Beach in the early
1960s. She was a member of
the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW
Post 3270 in Jacksonville
Surviving are two children,
Sam A. Arnold III and Pam

Pendergraft; a brother, Preston
(Gay) Willis; three sisters,
Bonnie (B.S.) Crumbly, Shirley
(Paul) Jones and Freida Hobart;
three grandchildren, Sam A.
Arnold IV, Kylie Pendergraft
and Kris Peridergraft; and
many dear friends.
Visitation was held Sunday
at Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home. The Funeral Service was
Monday at the funeral home.
Burial followed in Memory
Arrangements by .Hardage,
Giddens Funeral Home.,


Nicole Lynn Kilbarger, 35,
died Dec. 14; 2006 at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches. She
was born Dec. 14, 1971 in
Washington Court House,
Ohio and,' due to her love for
the beach, moved here several
years ago. She also loved to
read and her coffee club.
Family members include her,
father, Roy Kilbarger of New
Holland, Ohio; grandmother,
Marjorie Kilbarger of
Washington Court House,
Ohio; step-sister, Jean Ann
Justice (Larry) of Washington,
Court House, Ohio; half-sister,

Lindsay Good, and half-niece,
Sasha Good, both of Toledo,
Ohio; numerous aunts, uncles,
nieces and nephews and count-
less friends.
A Memorial Service was held
Monday in the :chapel of
Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral
Home. In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions may be made to the
American Heart Association,
5851 St. Augustine Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32207.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral
Home. .


Laura Longshore died Dec.
16, 2006 in Jacksonville. She
was born in Atlanta March 15,
1924 and was active at
Colonial Hills Baptist Church.
She settled in Ponte Vedra
Beach, volunteering at Beaches
Hospital and the Jacksonville
Airport Ambassador Program,
where she received special
recognition as a member of the
Super Bowl XXXIX Host
Committee in 2005.
Longshore's first job was as
an usherette at Lowe's Grand
Theatre, Atlanta. She retired
three times: U.S. Civil Service;
First Union Bank and
Psychiatric Associates. She was
known for her perseverance
and strong work ethic.
Longshore spent many
happy hours with her grand-
daughter, Dee; son-in-law,
Mike; and her great-grand-
daughters, Zoe and Kathleen,
all of .whom live in

Jacksonville. She was known as
"Mo-Mo" to her great-grand-
Longshore also enjoyed
attending church, walking on
the beach, line dancing, exer-
cising at the pool with friends
and playing bridge. She also
loved gardening and roses, par-
ticipating as an officer of many
garden clubs. She remained a
loyal fan of Elvis Presley.
Laura was beautiful, the fam-
ily said. Her eyes and smile lit
up any room. She will be great-
ly missed.
She is survived by her daugh-
ter, Gloria; brother, Perry
Strickland iAnn); granddaugh-
ter, Dee Roland (Mike); grand-
son, Scott Patman (Kathy);
grandson, Todd Patman.
(fiancee' Kirsten); five great-
grandchildren;ri nephews,
nieces and many. friends. .o1
Longshore was preceded in
death by her husband, Col.
John Longshore; her parents,
Perry and Minnie Southard
Strickland; and five sisters.
A Celebration of her life will
be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in
Neptune Beach Baptist Church.
Family will receive friends at
the church starting at 10 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, the family
suggests contributions to
Neptune Beach Baptist Church,
407 Third Street, Neptune
Beach, FL 32268.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral


Joann Williams, '59, died
Dec. 16, 2006 due to complica-
tions from,lung cancer, sur-
rounded by her family in the.
Morris Center of Shands
Jacksonville. A native of
Jacksonville Beach, Williams
was born Sept. 7, 1947 in St.
Vincent's Hospital to Calvin
and Agnes Williams."
Williams married and moved
to Connecticut for a short
time, then returned to
Jacksonville Beach, where she
lived until her death. She was a
fun-loving, free-spirited'
woman who loved to garden
and have fun with her family

and friends.
Family members include her.
son, Michael lfitchell (Lisa) of
Jacksonv'ille; granddaughter,
Erin Grace Mitchell of
Jacksonville; brothers, Brian
Williams of Jacksonville Beach,
David Williams of Jacksonville
Beach, Terry Williams tTammy)
of Jacksonville and Gary
Williams of Lohgwood, Fla.;
aunts, Linda,. Randal and
Vonnie Carter, both of Hilliard,
Fla.; and many nieces,
nephews and very close
friends. '" .'
The family would like to
than k the doctors and nurses
of Community Hospice for the'
care, they provided Williams in
her last days.
Graveside Services will be
held at 1:3,0 p.m. Thursday in.,
Beaches Memorial Park
Cemetery of Atlantic Beach. In
lieui of flowers, donations may
be made to ,Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida,
4266 Sunbeam ; Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32257.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral

Anita Marie Borgstede died
Dec. 10, 2006 in Jacksonville
Beach. She was born June 4,
1917 in Detroit, Mich., the
daughter of Selma Clucas
Peiker and Edwin Peiker..
After several moves with
her husband, George J.
Borgstede, Sr. and theiryoung
family, she moved to St.
Louis, where she lived for
more than 46 years. In 2002
she moved to Florida .to be
near her son, George
Borgstede, Jr., and his wife,
Linda, of Jacksonville Beach.
An active member of Salem
Methodist Church and then
Bonhomme Presbyterian
Church, Borgstede taught
Sunday School for many
years, and later assisted in the
church offices where needed.

Jorge Rodriguez, 70, of
Jacksonville Beach, died Dec.
18, 2006. He was born Oct.
23, 1936 in Cuba and relo-
cated here 35 years ago.
Rodriguez retired from the
State of Florida as an
Insurance Examiner. He was
a faithful member of St.
Paul's Catholic Church.
Rodriguez is survived by
his wife of 43 years,
Conchita; son, Dr. Jorge 0.
,(Lorii Rodriguez of Cary,
N.C.; daughter, Maria
(Michael) Yost of
Jacksonville; brother, Alberto
Omar Rodriguez; sister, Lucia
C. Rodriguez; and four

She ,enjoyed active participa-
tion in the Ballwin Rotary
Club's Rotary-anns and a local
club, the Tuesday
Contemporary Club. She
worked part time for the St.
Louis County Library and had
a lifelong love of books. She
joined Palms Presbyterian
Church, Jacksonville Beach,
after moving to this area.
Borgstede is survived by her
daughter, Dr. Barbara Mason
of Lees Summit, Mo., and her
two _sons,. Lloyd Wayne
Borgstede of Catawissa, Mo.,
and George J. Borgstede, Jr.
and his wife, Linda Waller
Borgstede, of Jacksonville
Beach; her grandchildren,
Carl Mason, his wife, Toni;
Cathy Mason, Laura
Borgstede, Dr. Gregory
Borgstede, his wife, Karla
Silvestre; Jason Borgstede,
Christopher Mason, his wife,
Jennifer; and seven great-
grandchildren. Her survivors
also include her brother,
Edwin Piker and his wife,
Joann, of Independence, Mo.,
and Evelyn Holman of
Kingwood, Tex. She is held
dear by many nieces, nephews
and their children.
Services were held Dec. 14
in St. Louis County. If desired,
contributions may be made to
The Alzheimer's Association.


Lydia De Las Nieves Storch,
born in Morovis, P.R. in 1913,
died Dec. 14, 2006. Her hus-
band, Fernando "Caney"
Storch; sons, Fernando J.
Storch and Ronald W. Storch;
and sister, Felicita Fernandez,
all preceded her in death. She
-spent her last years under the
care of the staff of St. Catherine
Laboure Manor in Jacksonville.
In 1929 Storch moved from
Puerto Rico with her mother
and sister to Manhattan, N.Y.,
where she met the popular
Latin music bandleader,
"Canev." They were married in
Storch often traveled with
her husband when his band
played at nightclubs in New
York, Chicago and Miami. She
was a vivacious woman who
loved to dance to his music,,As
theirtboys gew older, theam-
ilyv moved from Miami to New
York so they could be together.

For many years, Storch's
career was in sales. She was a
successful associate at a mater-
nity boutique. As her health
failed, she moved to
Jacksonville to be with her
older son, Fernando, and his
Storch is survived by her
daughter-in-law, Anne Storch;
three married grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren,
Anthony (Suzanne) Storch,
Jeanna (David) Houston and
little Frida AnnaMarie, Amy
Connor (Ethan) Barnas and
Magdalena June and Augustus
Wolfe; and a very dear friend,
Isabel Calderon.
A Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated Monday in St.
Paul's Catholic Church of
Jacksonville Beach.
....Services under the direcjin
of Quinnr-Shalz Fqmily. ,uneral

grandchildren, Garrett,
Chase, Sawyer and Reagan.
Visitation will be held
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday in Quinn-Shalz
Family Funeral Home, with ;
the Rosary at 7 p.m. A Mass
of Christian Burial will be
celebrated at 11 a.m. Friday
In St. Paul's Catholic
Church, Jacksonville Beach.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions are preferred to St.
Jude's Children's Cancer
Hospital, 910 Blackford St.,
Chattanooga, TN 37402.
Services under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Family:,
Funeral Home.

Obituary notices are published free of charge as
a community service. All submissions are sub-
ject to editing. Paid advertising space Is available
for more detailed or personalized death notices.
Call 249-9033.

Relieve your loved ones of the burden of wondering what
you would have wanted by prearranging your own cre-"
mation or funeral plans. The advantages of prearranging
are not only emotional, but financial as well, by freezing
today's price.

Direct Cremation Package $1295.00*
Price Includes:.Professional Services Refrigeration Removal from
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a gae. -POLICE BEAT ---


Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 12 in the 1200 block of
21st St. N. A laptop computer,
Ipod and bass guitar were stolen
from a vehicle. The total loss
was $1,050.
Grand theft of a motor vehi-
cle was reported Dec. 13 in the
300 block of 10th Street S. A
1992 blue Oldsmobile valued at
$3,000 was involved in a hit
and run crash. Officers respond-
ing to the scene noted that the
ignition had been tampered
with and there were no keys in
the vehicle.
** *
Michael Clements Foerster,
45, of Jacksonville, was arrested
Dec. 11 and charged with pos-
session of a controlled sub-
stance and two counts of felony
possession of a controlled sub-
stance while in physical control
of a motor vehicle in the 900
block of Beach Boulevard,
according to a police report.,
Foerster was arrested following a
-traffic stop for reckless driving.

Burglary to a residence was
reported Dec. 11 in the 4000,
block of Grande Boulevard. A 9
mm Smith & Wesson pistol and
a .45 caliber handgun were
stolen from a bedroom closet. A"
witness told police a male sus--
pect between the ages of 20 and
25 with black hair in a pony tail
was observed leaving the vic-
tim's residence around 2 p.m.
The man walked to Jacksonville
Drive and left the area in a
green Pontiac Firebird. He was
Wearing a plaid shirt and beige
shorts. The total loss was
.' O' O "
Herbert C. Adams, 58, a tran-
sient, was arrested Dec. 10 and
charged with criminal mischief
in excess, of $1,000 and inter-
ruption of business or utilities
in the first block of Beach
Boulevard, according to a police
report. The mailbox of a restau-
rant was smashed and several
cars in the area were vandalized.
He jumped on the top of the
cars, broke mirrors and threw
sand on them, police said.

Witness tampering was
reported Dec. 15 in the 100
block of Boardwalk N. The vic-
tim -told police that he was
threatened by a transient in
.c-onnection with a prior strong
armn robbery case in which he
was also the victims The trial ii
the case is scheduled for
January. According to a police
report, the suspect held his fin-
gers to the victim's head like a
gun and told him he would put
a bullet in his head if he testi-
fied against the defendant.
Police told -the victim to stay
away from the Boardwalk for
his safety.

A 21-year-old man stationed
at Mayport Naval Station was
arrested Dec. 16 and charged.
with a misdemeanor of disor-
derly intoxication and resisting
arrest without violence in the
100 block of 6th Ave. N. Police
responded to reports of a man
laying face down in the middle
of the roadway around 12:30
a.m. Several cars were stopped
and the man was blocking traf-
fic. He told police to leave him
alone and let him sleep when
.the attempted to rouse him.
Officers helped him to his feet
and the man jerked away and
continued to be belligerent, the
report said.

Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 17 in the 600 block of
Marsh Landing Parkway. A car,
stereo and a CD were stolen.
Total loss was $215.

Petit theft was reported Dec.
18 in the 100 block of
Boardwalk N. An employee of
the SeaWalk Hotel told police
he observed a male suspect car-
rying a bar stool from the court-
yard out of the back of the busi-
ness. Three other stools were
also missing. -A dark colored
Chevrolet Silverado with an
extended cab was observed in
the 200 block of 1st Street North
with three barstools in. the bed
and three males in the truck.
The, witness *knocked on the
window but the vehicle drove,
away west on 1st Avenue.North.
The loss is $240.

Property damage was report-
ed Dec. 18 in the 300 block of
3rd Street N. Two store windows
were observed broken at an auto
parts store. No entry was made
into the business.. Police con-
ducted a traffic stop on a vehicle
seen leaving the area and deter-
mined that the windows were

damaged during a fight at that
location involving the occu-
pants of the vehicle. Cost to
repair the damage was $1,300.
Kevin Michael Starnes Jr., 25,
of Jacksonville Beach was arrest-
ed Dec. 13 and charged' with
burglary/conveyance to an
occupied structure at a hotel.in
the 1500 block of 1st Street
North, according to a police
report. A hotel maintenance
worker told police he observed a
man open the door to a vehicle
and snatch a purse off the seat
with the victim in the car. He
took off running and the wit-
ness gave chase on foot. Police
established a perimeter and fol-
lowed his footprints through
the dunes to a home in.
Neptune Beach.
Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 13 in the 7th Avenue
:South end zone. Two CD cases
containing 300 CDs valued at
$4,740 were stolen. The suspect
cut the canvas convertible top
to gain access to the vehicle.
Damage estimated at $1,000.

Dennis L. Lyles, 32, a tran-
sient, was arrested Dec. 13 and
charged with eight counts of
burglary/conveyance to an
unoccupied structure and three
counts of criminal mischief
resulting in the interruption of
business or utilitie-s in the 7%0)
block of 2nd Street'S., according
to a police report. A woman
told police that she observed a
male suspect breaking into her
vehicle about 7:10 a.m. She
gave a description to police and
said he was last seen on foot
heading west on 7th Avenue
North. While police were com-
pleting the report, several other

neighbors reported having their.
cars burglarized around the
same time, police said.
Burglary to two trailers was
reported in the Nocatee area off
County Road 210. Police said
that some time between the
evening of Dec. 14 and the
morning of Dec. 15, two pieces
of heavy equipment were start-
ed and moved to gain access to
the trailer doors and then locks
were cut.. Reported stolen were
18 boxes of copper wire valued
at $5,450.
A 45-yeaf old St. Johns
County man reported a theft
from the back yard of his prop-
erty in the first block of Dolphin
Boulevard that occurred
between Dec. 14 evening and
Dec. 15 morning. According to
a report, someone jumped the
fence to gain access to the yard.
Reported' stolen were a pressure
washer, an edger and a back-
pack blower. Total value stolen
was $2,725.

A 38-year-old resident of
Lemaster Drive reported several
items of jewelry worth a total of
$8,810 were missing' Thursday'
after a cleaning crew was in her
house. A deputy said the clean-
ers denied touching 'the
woman's jewelry box.. The
deputy translated affidavits'
from two employees, which
were written in Spanish. Listed
missing were 24 gold earrings, a
diamond ring, two gold neck-
laces and a gold necklace with a
cross pendant.

Burglar alarms at four busi-
nesses on State Road A1A in.
Ponte Vedra were tripped early
Saturday, and all the businesses
were burglarized, according to a
report. At one business, two
glass panes were shattered but
no entry was made. At another
business, the front door was
smashed in and $136 was taken.
The other two businesses also
had smashed front doors,
according to the report.
Petit theft was reported on'
Dec. 17 .in the 200 block of:
Third Street, according to a
police report. Several men left a
restaurant without paying a bill
for $41.03., according to the
+ '* 1 4 :
A man was arrested for on
misdemeanor charges of writing
worthless checks on Dec. 15 in
the 1100 block of Seagate Ave.,
according to a police report. An
officer made contact with the
defendant who was sitting in
his vehicle at an apartment
complex. A check revealed 10


m-Happy Hoidays! 904-249-0908


listed warrants for worthless
checks through the Jacksonville
Sheriff's Office, according to the
A man was arrested for misde-
meanor reckless driving on Dec.
17 in the 200 block of Cherry
Street, according to a .police
report. The defendant ran three
stop signs and then abruptly
stopped. When the officer
asked him what he was doing,
he replied "acting stupid,"
according to the report.

An officer arrested a juvenile
for prowling on Dec, 18 in the
200 -block of Spindrift Lane,
according to a police report.
The officer, saw the suspect
walking through the yard of a
residence at 12:46 a.m. The offi-
cer made contact with the sus-
pect, who attempted to walk
away. When the officer ordered
him to stop, he turned around,
but was hiding cotton gloves
and, a flashlight behind his
'back, the report said. The sus-
pect said he lived in the area,
but could not give his address,
according to the report,.
Battery was reported on Dec.
14 in the 1100 block of Seagate
Avenue, according to ;a police
report, The victim told police
the suspect stabbed him in the
calf after an argument ensued,
according to the report.
A $20 counterfeit bill was
passed'in a store on Dec. 12 in
the 1200 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a police,
report. The bill was originally
given to an unknown cashier
and a customer later recognized
it as counterfeit, according to
the report.
'* .+ 4 N "'O* O ';
Burglary was reported on Dec.
14 in the 300 block of.Ninth-
Street, according to a police
report. The victim left her resi-
dence at 1:30 p.m. When she
returned, her garage door -was
open, the side door to the
garage had been kicked in and
the garage entry door to the
house was. open, according to
the report. Officers did not find
anyone in the house, but there
were lights on that had been off
when the victim left and a jew-
elry box was on the floor,
according to the report.
n o I n : ..
Gland. thet w.sPP, 1 pPoed, n
Dec. 14 in the 500 block of
Nautical Boulevard, according:
to a police report. The corm-

plainant said that when he
walked outside that morning
his work van was gone. The van
has an estimated value of
$40,000 and had $50,000 worth
of items in it, including surf-
boards, wet suits and a tent.
Burglary was reported on Dec.
14 in the 300 block of Skate
Road, according to a police
report. Several tools were stolen
from a truck, according to a
Larceny was reported on Dec.
12 in the.90 block of Levy Road,
according to a. police report.
The driver's side window of a

vehicle was smashed and a
radio was taken, according to
the report.

Oscar Maxwell Clark, 22, was
arrested for burglary on Dec. 17
in the 300 block of Fourth
Street, according to a police
report. A witness saw the sus-
pect enter several cars and
called the police, the report
said. Police said in the suspect's
pocket they found $15.02, a
pack of cigarettes and a can of
pepper spray, which the suspect
told them he had sprayed him-
self with because he thought it
was cologne.

Teddy Bear Toy Drive: For every bear
youpurchase from our Teddy Bear Fac-
tory, we'll donate one New Teddy Bear to
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and
Northern Florida.

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Dec' ember 10, 2006

The Beaches eader/Ponte Vedr~a Leader



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


Santa in Courtyard
Santa Claus is in the
Courtyard at 200 First Street in
Neptune Beach from 10 a.m. to
1 p.m. Saturday. Wish lists may
be shared, and photos can be
taken. Pets are welcome. For
more information, visit
www.200firststreet.com or call

Holiday Exhibitions
"An Old-Fashioned
Christmas," with photographs,
postcards and other images that
reflect the Beaches' holiday sea-
son over the past 50 years, are
on display through the holiday
season at the Beaches Museum
and History Center. "Florida
Girls & Boys & Their Toys" is
also on display.
It is in Pablo Historical Park
at the corner of Beach
Boulevard and 4th Street North.
The Museum is open 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday., Admission is $5 for
adults, $4 'for seniors -65 and
older, $3 for children ages 6 to
17, and free for children under
the age of 6.

Holiday Arts Camp
The Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach is offering a
Holiday Arts Camp for children

ages 4 to 10 that runs to Dec.
29. Participants may register
daily or weekly.
For information, call 280-
0614 or log on to

Tea it Up for
The final in a series of Santa's
Story Book Teas at the Ritz-
Carlton Amelia Island will
begin at 1 p.m. Dec. 23 Hotel
guests and the pubic are invit-
ed, but reservations are

Edible Ornaments
Youngsters can create orna-
ments that can be eaten at 12
p.m. Dec. 23 at the Publix at
10500 San Jose Blvd., where the
third Apron's Cooking School is
being held. The cost for kids is
$25. '
The number to call for reser-
vations is 904-262-4187.

Christmas Dinner
St. John's Catholic Church,
2400 Mayport Road, continues
a tradition started in 1977 and
holds its annual dinner for sen-
ior citizens at 3 p.m. Christmas
Day. A full holiday meal will be
served in the parish hall, and a

special guest is expected.
Transportation can be arranged
by calling Dial-A-Ride at 246-
For information, call the
parish office at 246-6014.

Noon Balloon Drop
The Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach's annual. New
Year's Noon Balloon Drop Party
for all ages will be held from
11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Dec.
30. Snacks, prizes, and art activ-
ities for children will be offered.
The cost for non-members is
$2; members are free. For
information, 280-0614 or log
on to www.ccpvb.org.

Holly Jolly Trolley
The Holly Jolly Trolley Tour
of the Nights of Lights in St.
Augustine runs each evening
through Dec. 30. Tickets are $6
for adults and $3 for.children.
Tours depart from the Historic
Downtown Parking Facility.,
For information, call 904-
829-3800 or 800-868-7482 or
visit www.trolleytours.com.

Santa's Big Red
Christmas Train Tour
Santa's Big Red Train departs

from 3 Cordova St. in St.
Augustine from 6 p.m. to 9
p.m. every Friday and Saturday
through Dec. 30. Tickets are $6
for adults and $3 for children.
For information, call 904-
824-1606 or visit www.red-

Homes for the Holidays
Nights of Lights Tour
A storyteller in period cos-
tume shares holiday traditions
covering 400 years of St.
Augustine history on tours that
begin at 7 p.m. every Friday
and Saturday through Dec. 31.
Tours depart from. Old St.
Augustine Village, located at
143 Cordova St. Tickets, which
cost $20 per person, may be
purchased at any Old Town
Trolley ticket booth and at Old
St. Augustine Village. Village
gates open at 6:30 p.m. for tick-
et purchase.
For information, call
904.823.9722 or e-mail

Nights of Lights
Heritage Tour
A guide explains the architec-
tural elements of the Gilded
Age buildings and the charm of
St. Augustine's Spanish

Colonial houses as the city is
explored at night. The tour
departs at 7 p.m. Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evenings
from the Tour Saint Augustine
Office, 6 Granada Street. Tickets
are $20 per person.
For reservations, call 904-
825-0087 or 904-829-1122.

Holidays at the
Oldest House
The Gonzalez-Alvarez House
in St. Augustine, a National
Historic Landmark, is the oldest
surviving Spanish Colonial
dwelling in Florida. Known as
the Oldest House, it's located at
14 St. Francis St. Tours are con-
ducted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is $8 for adults and
$18 for families, with children
,under 6 admitted free.
For information, call 904-
824-2872 or .visit www.oldest-

North Florida Tours
Nights of Lights Tour
Narrated tours of St.
Augustine's Nights of Lights for
small groups 'are scheduled by
request nightly through Jan.
20; For information,. call 904-

Helicopter Tours
of the Nights of Lights
Old City helicopter tours of
the Nights of Lights leave each
evening through Jan. 31 from
the St. Augustine airport. Tours
are priced from $149 to $249
for up to three passengers.
For information and reserva-
tions, call 904-824-5506 or go
to www.oldcityhelicopters.com.

Nights of Lights
Carriage Rides
Carriage rides through the
historic streets of Old St.
Augustine take place from dusk
until 10 p.m. daily and depart
from the bayfront. Prices are.
$85 for a private carriage with
up to four people, or $20 per
person to share a carriage with
others. Children 5-11 can ride
for $10 each.
For information, call Jennifer
at Country Carriages, 904-669-

Beach Blast-Off
The South Beaches Area
Council of the St. Johns County
Chamber of Cominerce holds
Beach Blast-Off 2007 to ring in
the New Year starting at 4 p.m.
Jan. 1 at the St. Augustine
Beach Pier.


Healing open house: Dr.
Andrea Schaeffer-Pautz, with
Persephone Healing Arts Center
at 485 6th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, hosts an open house
-from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. For
information, call 904-246-3583.

Art garage sale: Artlife Studios,
at 510 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach, holds an Art Garage Sale
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A wide
variety of original artworks by
regional artists, to include paint-
ings, sculpture, jewelry and pot-
tery, will be offered. There also
will be a children's art section,
featuring young artists and their
work, to benefit children's char-
ities. .
Those interested in establish-
ing a table should call 247-8337.
Sponsorship opportunities for
kids tables are available; the cost
of table sponsorship is $30.
Sponsors get a table poster and
bae isteIi d on ,o tlitf Studios'
i^ebsyaiiMldX ioss.ni ~ials. I,

Camp Bike 06: The Triumph
Foundation Inc. hosts "Camp
Bike 06," a five-day event at Jane
Macon Middle School in
Brunswick, Ga. The camp, spon-
sored by Southeast Georgia
Health Systems, is designed to
teach individuals with disabili-
ties how to ride a bicycle with-,
out training wheels. Space is
limited. For information or to
sign someone up, contact
Cynthia Lupi at 912-634-6828.
The event is being sponsored by
Southeast Georgia Health

Concert for World Harmony:
A Family Concert for World
Harmony, with a special chil-
dren's art exhibition and
refreshments, will be presented
at ArtLife Studios from 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $5
per person for ArtLife members
and $7 per person for non-
mere m ocalt
ed 'l eh irI!~doad in
Atlantic Beach, is enrolling for

its January session of programs
in Visual Arts, Theater, Dance
and Film. For information, call

DAR: The Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution meets at
10:45 a.m. at Marsh Landing
Country Club, 25655 Marsh
Landing Parkway. The speaker,
will be Elaine Hall, who will -
talk about "Preventing Identity-
Theft-What every woman,
should know." For information,.
call Carolyn Roth at 904-992-
7463 or Babs Hartmann at 904-

FOP course: A "Certified Basic
Pistol & Advanced Defensive
Tactics and How Not to Go To
Jail" course is offered from 7:45
a.in. to 5 p.m. at the Fraternal
Order of Police Lodge 65 in
Nassau Couht'. Call Gary,
'961kb a' -964f- -8358.'' ,

LAX signup: The Ponte Vedra
Lacrosse Club's girls program
holds its final of two signups
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the
Landrum Fields. A free clinic
will be held that day from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. The girls' season,
the cost of which is $100, is
from Feb. 25 to May 6. Signup
available at

Newcomers at Casa Marina:
Newcomers of the Beaches
holds its first monthly luncheon
of the New Year at 11 a.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st St.
N., Jacksonville Beach.
Registered yoga teacher Kate
Cordell presents "Gentle Yoga,
Soothing the Body and Soul."
The price for the luncheon is
$20, payable by Jan. 3 to
Newcomers of the Beaches, P.O.
Box 2421, Ponte Vedra Beach,
FL 32004. Call Bonnie Lynch at
904-821-9002 for informatlOh

auNyc&:QiP~wytlrwrd3.!r "'DJ{ tntader LJ(.Kevin L)urrq.in. ,U J,
aseyse separate Casino Room, hotfoods-,3 movie screenings,
S Champagne.Toast, and live music byJon'Ra. Dress to Kill. I

Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call
246-4158 for information.

Ballroom dancing: Ballroom
dancing is offered at 7:30 p.m. at
the Beaches Senior Center, 281
19th Avenue S., Jacksonville
Beach. The cost is $4. For infor-
mation, call 241-3796.

Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches meets
at 6 p.m. at the Florida Cancer
Center in Medical Office
Building B on the hospital cam-
pus. Call 247-2910 for informna-
Grief Support Group: Grief
Support Group meets the third
Thursday of every month at 7
p.m. in the Library of the Family
Life Center of St. Paul's Catholic
Church, 578 1st Ave. ,N.,
Jacksonville Beach. The group is
for men and women grieving'
the death of a family member or
friend. For information, call
Margaret at 280-08711
River City Singles Club: The
River City Singles Club, inc., a

chapter of the Singles
Association of Florida (SAF),
holds a dance from 8 p.m. to 11
p.m, at the Knights of
Columbus Hail, 1501 Hendricks
Ave.r Jacksonville. Admission is
$8, $7 for members. Live music,
snacks and refreshments are
provided. For information, call

Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's Family
Life Center,' 578 1st Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 247-
3299 for information.

Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and tested,
and that have shots and been
neutered, are available for adop-
tion from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at
PetCo at Atlantic and Keman

Ponte Vedra Writers: The
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group
meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach ,Branch
Library. Call Vic DiGenti at 285-
2258 for information.

San Pablo Family Center
Located at the comer of Beach Blvd. & San Pablo
r Restaurants Apparel & [ Services
A'sPizza Accessories
At's Pizza Check-N-Go
The Beaches Black Tie Formals Payday Advance Company
Favorite Tuxedo & Gowns 223-4330
223-0991 Rentals & Sales Jackson Hewitt
Dick's Wings 992-1492 Tax Service
You'll love our wings Beall's Outlet 223-7999
223-0115 Family fashion for less Lothar's
Wok 'n' Roll 223-0075 Watch & Clock Repair
Chinese Food Beauty 234025
821-7878 (Services i The UPS Store
t -Making Business Easier
P.K. Noodles Hair Cuttery 223-6061
Vietnamse Cuisine Family Salon Smile Care Dental
992-7455 223-9385 Most insurance
[Specialty Elegant Nails accepted
I Shops Complete Nail Services 821-9555
Your Dollar Store F 1992-8122 Aerus
Your Dollar Store f Fun & Gainesht ElectroluxAuthorized
With Morel Floor Care Service
223-5550 Bill Clark's 821-1351
Spillers Framing Karate America, 724-2100
& Art Gallery Game oe Force For easngInfo
S New & UsedVideo Games LAT Purser& Assoc.
S992-4880' at 448-8007


Read this monthly feature for your own Home Improvement Projects.

With home heating bills smoldering
through the roof, it's no wonder that many
homeowners are contemplating a wood
burning stove to help handle some or all of
their home heating needs. Firewood is
abundant and inexpensive in many parts
of the country, and technological advance-
ments have made woodstoves and other
wood burning appliances safer and more
efficient than ever. ,
Unfortunately, wood burning appliances
still pose a danger if common sense safety
precautions are ignored. Here's a quick look
at some key steps you can take to reduce
the likelihood of a fire.
Find A Professional Installer
Few homeowners have. the technical
"know-how" to properly install a wood-
stove, fireplace insert or other wood bum-
ing appliance, and fewer still understand all


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r Ba

Safety Tips
of the pertinent building code require-
ments in their community. For example,
clearances between the wood burning
appliance, the venting system and any
combustible materials above, below or
beside the appliance are critical. What's
more, installation errors in a wood burning
appliance rarely prevent it from "working."
This can all too easily-leave a homeowner
with a false sense of security-until it's too
Learn How To Bumrn
Before the installer leaves, ask him or her
to show \ou how to use your wood burner.
Include all family members in the disctis
sion, if possible, and use this opportunity
to set strict rules about who is permitted to
operate the new appliance. Much of what.
you learn will be. specific to the make and
model of the wood burning appliance you
buy. Other safety tips will be more general
in nature, but are every bit as important:
Keep a properly maintained fire extin-
guisher nearby at all times.. .
Move combustible items as far away
from the wood burner as possible.
Use only clean paper, newsprint and
dry kindling to start a fire. Never use an
accelerant like gasoline, kerosene or lighter
Bum seasoned wood only. Wet or green
logs may cause a combustible residue to
build up inside your chimney.
Never bum trash or garbage in your
wood burner.
Close the door of your wood burning
appliance as soon as it's lit and immediate-
ly after loading new logs.
Talk to your local file department. They
may be able to offer additional information
about burning wood safely, and they may
be able to provide additional information
about local ordinances that. affect when
you can use your wood burner.-
Follow Maintenance Guidelines
Make sure you read and follow the main-
tenance guidelines provided with your
wood burning appliance to help keep it
working properly. Many manufacturers rec-
ommend an annual inspection, and your
installer can often perform this service or
recommend an inspector. Remove ashes
regularly, and have your chimney inspect-
ed and cleaned each year by a certified
chimney sweep.
Install Smoke And Carbon Monoxide
If you haven't already done so, now is a
great time to install smoke and carbon
monoxide detectors throughout your
home. These devices can potentially warn
you about a fire or wood burner malfunc-
tion, and may save your life. Talk to your


nprpmhe 20 200

SEA\CH II Ponte Vedra Leader


* People & Places
(right) ... A-9
* Education ... A-10

December 20, 2006 www.beachesleader.com

Daughter reconnects

with Donald Ray saga

D .ebi Baker was not
quite 2 years old when
her father, Rhodes
Wylie, was lost at sea in I'
1957, the victim of a tragic
shrimp boat sinking off
Ponte Vedra Beach.
For years, Baker searched
the Internet for any mention
of his death, desperately try-
ing to learn details of a
tragedy that cast a-dark shad-
ow over her family.
Last month her search led
her to an article I did in May
2005: "Requiem for'the
Donald Ray."
Rhodes Wylie was the skip-
per of the ill-fated Donald
Ray, a Mayport shrimp boat
that sank in high seas on
March 8, 1957.
Wylie, 26, and two.other.
Mayport fishermen, John
Gavagan, 35, and Melvin
"Sweet Pea" Singleton, 4l,
went down with the boat.
Their bodies were never
Wylie's wife, Beulah, was
pregnant at the time with
the coupe's second child, a
boy. She also had a 9-year-
old son, Donald Ray, from a
previous marriage.
After the incident, Baker's
mother married a Mayport
sailor and moved to Long
Beach, Calif., but she never
got over Wylie's death.
"She remarried out of des-
peration and loneliness. It
was a painful and sad life for
her," Baker said in a recent e-
mail from her Valencia,
Calif., home.
"Unfortunately, because of
her sadness and depression,
and my abusive_ alcoholic
stepfather's jealousy, we
weren't given much informa-
tion about my father or
opportunity to grieve."
Baker's mother died of can--
cer 20 years ago, and,
according to her daughter,
"never stopped grieving until
the day she died."
The tragedy also affected
Baker's younger brother,
Rhodes Wylie Jr., who died
at age 39 on the anniversary
of his father's death from
what she believes was a
depression-induced drug
Baker lost touch with her
Florida relatives years ago
and a disconnect continues


to this day. \When she
learned that an article about
the Donald Ray sinking had
been published, she asked
for a copy and I quickly
obliged; .
"I'm sure it would be hard
for most people to under-
stand, but at 51 years old I
still cry when I think of the
tragedy of my family,"
Baker's e-mail said. "This is
not just for idle curiosity. I
need to hold something that
acknowledges the existence
of a man I loved."
A day before Thanksgiving,
Baker said in an e-mail that
she had received copies of
the article I sent her.
The 2,700-word stpry was
accompanied by eight pho-
tos, including an image of
Baker's smiling father on his
older brother's boat with the
bow of the Donald Ray in
the background.
"My son looks just like my
dad," Baker said in a phone
interview before
"My extended family
knows so little about my
dad. This has come at a per-
fect time to share. Thank
you. for. taking an interest in
this. in-the first place'. t.,
affected so Tnany lives."
Bo VWylie of Atlantic
Beach, who helped me
immensely with the story in '
2005 and provided the only
photo of Rhodes \Vylie and
the Donald Ray, died last
December of cancer. He is
buried in Tillotson's
Cemetery off Gir-in Road,
near a grave that bares the
name but not the body -
of Rhodes W\ylie.

"School's Out

S, Abstract icicles (left), created Tuesday by Jo Skinner's holi-
: day art camp class at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
ai, ABeach, hang from the ceiling. Below, students make color-
ful drawings around one of the long art tables at the art
camp at the center, 50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach.
With youngsters if the St. Johns County School District out
..of class until Jan. 3, activities for children are on the holi-
Sday wish lists of many parents. Art camp at theCultural
r *'. .. Center continues through Friday and is also sc-heduled
Tuesday through Dec. 29, with daily fees at $25 and $35

on the age. For information, call 280-0614. For more chil-
-- -. dren's activities see B-4.
S..ll photos by CHUCK ADAMS

ft o@ ,

4b41911 W bMO .alit0

Hostesses Nancy Hibben (third from left) and Sunny Brooks (fourth from left) mingle with their guests Winkie Chalfont, far
left, Donna Hefner, and Sharon Hunt (far right) at the annual Cookie Exchange Party at Hibben's Jacksonville Beach home.

10th annua l hrimas Cook ie

"Copyrighted Material E.xchange benefits TPC Village

i Syndicated Content
aged to bring ment for youth. It was Brownies looked festive fo
Aao Cl Nw something else formed more than 10 years Christmas with crushed pe
Available from Co they enjoy ago by The Players permit candy sprinkled
Ar making. Championship charities. over the frosted brownies.
0( Even, those Through the generous gifts Marlene Edwards used a
hwhon "refuse to o f the ladies attendingr last recipe for Green BRundt Cal

-m hom40GM- bdm m m* 4f
4000op aoemw ft- 4f4mm
4 1m mb 00 w -b
"a- -Nae me NN a 4 ft w 4"
qb400u -am ONI m w

F or almost 10 years, two
local women, Nancy
Hibben of Jacksonville
Beach and Sunny Brooks of
Ponte Vedra -Beach, have
hosted an annual Christmas
Cookie Exchange.
From the beginning, the
women had a dual purpose
in mind for their party.
They wanted to have ,a fun
holiday social event and
they hoped to raise funds for
a local charity, Hibben said.
Guests are asked to bring
four dozen cookies wrapped
in packages of one dozen
each. They in turn are wel-
come to take home a selec-
tion of cookies from the
bountiful table filled with
the holiday treats.
If cookies are not their spe-
cialty, the ladies are encour-

bake" are wel-'
I0 K KS come to come,
While the.
ladies mingled.
and looked over Hibben's,
dining room table laden '
with Christmas cookies and
other treats this year, they
also enjoyed finger sand-
wiches and other light
Hibben and Brooks always
have a basket at the party for
any donations the guests
want to give to a local chari-
ty they have designated.
At their first Cookie
Exchange, according to
Hibben, the guests donated'
$3,300 for Mission House,
the Jacksonville Beach
agency that serves the home-
This year, proceeds from
the party will go to the TPC
Village off Beach Boulevard.
TPC Village is operated by
Gateway Services and is a
residential facility that pro-
vides substance abuse treat-

year's party, the. funds donat-:
ed to TPC'Village furnished
the new girl's cottage there,
Hibben said.
."Ten years ago We wanted
to do something for some-
body else and have an old-
- fashioned Christmas party,"
said Brooks.
"The ladies seem to like
this -old-fashioned way to
celebrate Christmas with
friends and to give to oth-
The party gives the ladies a
break from the holiday rush.
They come from in town and
not just from the beaches,
said Hibben, whose sister
Jane Champion comes from
Tallahassee every year for the
Champion and a few of
the other guests shared
recipes for the holiday treats
they brought to the Cookie
Champion brought
Cinnamon Glazed Pecans
made from an Emeril-
inspired recipe.
Sharon McKinnon's Mint



from Allrecipes.com and
adds either chopped dried
cranberries or cherries to
make the cake even prettier
for the holidays.
Denise Getsy's recipe for
Cheese Crackers is fun to
read and the crispy, cheesy,
bites were a good change of
..pace from holiday sweets.
The following are recipes for
some of the holiday treats
brought to Nancy Hibben .and
Sunny Brooks, Cookie
Cinnamon Glazed Pecans
(Jane Champion)

1 large egg white (3 T)
1 tsp. water
one-half cup sugar
6 T brown sugar
1 tsp. kosher salt.
1 tsp. cinnamon


mr m2TheIIBehsedPneerL er Pa





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-. *, : pi..'.T .:.T 1 'r.,BITTED
Walter Frumerie, right, receives the Coast Guard Auxiliary's meritorious service award from Coast Guard Chief Robert Garris. The
award was handed during a recent change of watch ceremony for Flotilla 14-4.


.................. ..,..,': .:i: .: ..

Kelly Silvers and Charles Ca ,e '~~I -


Casey Lynn of Jacksonville
Beach and Doug Edwards of
Tampa have announced their
engagement to be married.,
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of the Rev. Don and Barbara
Lynn of Jacksonville Beach.
She earned a bachelor's degree
in finance from Florida State,

The annual Palm Valley Boat
and Light Parade Saturday
attracted crowds-to the Palm
Valley bridge, to restaurants
along the Intracoastal and to
private parties lining the water-
The event, the last of this
season's several such parades in
Northeast Florida, attracted.
vessels that have won recent
contests, that have long
entered the Palm Valley event
and that are new to the con-
Photographs on A-1 and A-
12 were taken at the event,
which began about 6:30 p.m.
just south of the bridge and
proceeded north to Marsh
Here are the answers to the
matching quiz on A-12*:
A 3. Maureen Van Doren
was one of the original Palm
Valley residents who started
the event in 1994 and is the
only. captain in this year's
parade who lives in Palm
Valley. This year, she entered
her boat and her dock.
B 5. Jason Sessions, entering
the Palm Valley event for the
third year, suffered defeat two

University. The groom-elect is
the soni of John and Cheryl
Edwards of New Port Richey.
He received a bachelor's degree
in management' from the
University of Florida.
The couple plan to wed at
sunset on June 23, 2007, at
Captiva Island, Fla.

years ago when his boat broke
C 7. Don Shirley, who won
in his' category in the St.
Augustine parade this month,
was out due to illness last year
but is back in top form.
D 1. Captain Carl.Pegel uses
the Sorry Dog for charters.
E 2. Captain Brad Reckamp
of Jacksonville made his first
appearance in the Palm Valley
F 6. Captain Jaqui Welti,. a
native 'of London, shows patri-
otism and support for the
troops on her sailboat. ;
G 4. On the keyboard is
"Rockin' Santa" Mike
Vogelsen, owner of the boat
captained by David Gonzalez.
In addition to braggin'
rights, this year's winner will
get a cash award at a party in
early January at LuLu's
Waterfront Grille,' 301 N.
Roscoe Blvd.
Last year, the top boat got
$1,500 and the winner of the
dock-decorating portion of the
event got $1,000.
Source: Phil Kelly of Palm
Valley, who recruited captains'
for the parade.

Kelly A. Silvers and Charles
M. Carpenter, both of
Jacksonville, have announced
their engagement to be mar-
The bride-elect is the daugh-.
ter of Susan Silvers, of
Williamsburg, Va. She received
a Global MBA from the
University of North Florida


Volunteer Advocates
Betty Griffin House offers
24/7 advocacy to persons aged
18 and older that have been
sexually assaulted in St. Johns
Volunteer advocates are
needed on call rotation, and
meet sexual assault victims at
Flagler Hospital in the new
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam
and Advocacy Unit. The advo-
cate supports the victim, advis-
es them of services and answers
any questions they may have
about the whole process.
State-certified training is
offered free of charge and con-
sists of 15 hours of self study
and 15 hours of class time.
Monthly advocate meetings
are required. To volunteer one
or more days a month, call
Kelly Ballantine at 904-808-
Volunteer Opportunities at
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
- Mayo offers flexible sched-
ules in a variety of service
areas. For more information
about the opportunities, call
the Volunteer Services depart-
ment at 296-3722 or send an e-
mail to
The Literacy Program at the
Women's Center of
Jacksonville is seeking volun-
The all-volunteer group,
which has been in existence for
over two years, serves about
100 women a year and is hop-
ing to grow. Volunteer posi-
tions are available in group's
Rape Recovery Program.
The Women's Center is at
5644 Colcord Ave.

and is employed by, Lexicon
The groom-elect is the son of
Michael and Linda Carpenter
of Jacksonville Beach. He
attended the University of
Florida, and is employed by
. The couple plan to wed on
July 7, 2007.

Doug Edwards and Casey Lynn



The.Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader Page 9A

nee-eber 2. 200




Substitutes get pay hike
The St. Johns County School
Board has approved a pay
increase for substitute teachers,
effective Ian. 1.
For level 1, current substi-
tutes with less than 60 college
credits, the new pay is $80 per
day. Level 2, current substi-
tutes with an AA degree or 60
college credits, will get $85 per
day and Level 3, current and
new substitutes who have at
least a bachelor's degree, will
get $90 per day.
Drivers, aides get more pay
Substitute bus drivers and
substitute school bus aides will
get pay hikes because of the
continued growth in the num-

ber of students riding buses in
the St. Johns school district.
The pay for substitute drivers
is going from $8.50 per hour to
$9 per hour, and that for sub-
stitute aides will go from $6.40
per hour to $7 per hour. The
School Board OK'd the raises
this month.
Principals named
Kyle Dresback, assistant
principal at St. Augustine
High, has been named princi-
pal of Switzerland Pointe
Middle School and Mary Ford,
assistant principal of Durbin
Creek Elementary, has been
named principal of Mill Creek
Elementary School.

Lr1 = 17D)flO

utr ui L[M ME
Accepawe YOUR CAR
Co pnCars *, ,: Trucks *Motorcycles
et Skis Boats

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rph.-..- SUBl, r.11 T EO
Gathering in Ponte Vedra Beach at the Butensky & Cohen Financial Security Christmas party are principals Jan Butensky and
Allan Cohen, along with staffers Jacqueline Bos, Deb Halpin and John Murphy. The Dec. 7 event was the seventh annual holiday
party for clients and guests .

Recipes: Christmas Cookie Exchange for charity

Cont. from A-8
1 tsp. vanilla
4 cups raw, unsalted
pecans (substitute or mix
raw walnut halves or skin-on
Preheat oven to 225
degrees. Line a baking sheet
with parchment paper.
Whisk egg whites to a
froth. Add water, sugar,
brown sugar, kosher salt, cin-
namon, and vanilla. Toss
pecans into the mixture
until well coated. Pour
pecans onto the lined baking
sheet. It is important to
arrange a single layer of nuts
Sand turn every 15 minutes to
^ ensure even roasting: '
Remove from oven when
meringue coating is dry,
approximately 45 minutes.
Savory: Add to the above
recipe 1 tsp. Worcestershire,
1 tsp. chili powder, and one-
quarter tsp. ground cayenne
Cinnamon and Spice: Add
to the above recipe one-half
tsp. cayenne pepper and
one-half tsp. ground cumin.
Orange and Cinnamon:
Add to the above recipe an
additional tsp. of cinnainon, ,
1 T grated orange peel, one-
quarter tsp. ground nutmeg,
one-quarter tsp. ground gin-
ger, and one-quarter tsp.
ground cloves.
Denise's, Cheese Crackers
(Denise Getsy)
The Stuff: one-half lb.
sharp cheddar cheese
2 sticks of butter or Parkay.
margarine (do 'not use low
fat or low cholesterol butter)L
2 cups all purpose flour
one-half tsp. Cayenne pep-
per (or more for extra kick)
one-,quarter tsp. salt
2 cups Rice Krispies
The Mixin, (hope you,re
not afraid to get your hands
Grate the cheese, then mix
the butter and cheese togeth-:
er. It helps to soften the but-
ter and cheese slightly.
Sift the flour, cayenne pep-

per, and salt into the mix-
ture. iThe sifting spreads the
ingredients evenly.i Mix
thoroughly. Lastly, mix in
the Rice Krispies.
The Fixin: Roll the dough
into a ball the size of a quar-
ter and placed on a greased
or non-stick cookie sheet.
Mash with a fork to desired
thickness. I like mine thin
and crispy, says Getsy.
Bake at 300 degrees for 20
to 25 minutes.
Tips: Most flour is pre-sift-
ed, but sifting again can
increase volume. Sifting is a
suggestion but not required.
Use a tablespoon or two less
flour because of the sifting.
-;, Putting the cheese' in 'the
microwave for about a
minute and the butter for 10
to 20 seconds can make
hand mixing a little easier.
Keep'a close eve towards
the end of the cooking time.
Turn the cookie sheets dur-
ing the baking. The cookies
will continue to harden if
left on the cookie sheet to
Mint Brownies
(Sharon McKinnon)
1 brownie mix
1 extra egg
1 tsp. mint extract .
1 can buttercream frosting
2-3 drops green food color-
one-half to 1 tsp. mint
1 2-inch square semi-sweet
chocolate or one-half cup,
semi-sweet morsels, melted
crushed peppermint candy
Bake brownie mix as
directed, adding 1 tsp. mint,.
extract' and extra egg to bat-
ter. The extra egg will make a
more cake-like brownie. Add
}an additional half tsp.
extract for movie minty fla-
Add green food coloring
and a half a teaspoon of
mint extract to frosting.
Frost cooled brownies.
Drizzle with melted choco-
late. For the Christmas holi-
days,' sprinkle crushed pep-.
permint candy over top.

New Hours: Pe ti "
Sunday-Thursday: 5pm 9:30pm i FR
Friday & Saturday: 5pm-.10pm

.1227 S. Th rd St., ,ax Beach 241-8450

pnoto suDmitea
Cookies, candy, and other holiday treats fill, Nancy Hibben's din-
ing. room table.

Green Bundt Cake'
(Marlene Edwards)
1 yellow cake mix (18.25
2 pkgs. instant pistachio
pudding mix (3.4 oz.)
1 cup sour cream
one-half cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
one-half cup packed brown
one-half cup chopped wal-
nuts .
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
one-quarter cup confec-
,tioners, sugar for dusting'
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Grease and flour a
9-inch bundt pan.
In a medium bowl, stir

together the cake mix and
instant pudding. Add the
sour cream, oil, and eggs;
mix well. Pour half of the
batter into the prepared pan.
Combine the brown sugar,
walnuts, cinnamon. Sprinkle
over the batter in the pan.
Cover with the remaining
Bake for 1 hour in the pre-
heated oven, until cake
springs back when lightly
touched. Cool for 15 min-
utes in pan before inverting
onto a wire rack to cool ,
completely. When cake is
cooled, dust with confection-
ers sugar.
*For Christmas flair add
one-half cup chopped dried
cranberries or candied cher-
ries to the cake batter.

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*e .

es and More, LLC, in Atlantic Beach sells golf carts, street-legal
hicles. Pictured above are some of the energy-conscious, elec-
y have in stock for lease or purchase on their lot.

No longer confined to courses
only, the golf cart and its laIger -.
equivalent the electric-pow- .'
ered shuttle have become the
wave of the future and soon will
conquer the world, according to
Ted Jackrel, Gator Motor UVLN l
sales manager.
"At least that's what we believe
here, and we've established our
business based on that fact," he
said. "W\Ve provide businesses arid
the public with golf carts, street-
legal.golf carts and electric vehi-
cles that not only take riders
around g61f courses but also
serve as their general means of
Also available at Gator Motor Gator Motor Utility Vehicli
UViM are shuttles and delivery- golf carts and electric veh
type vehicles for businesses and tric-powered vehicles they
community usesthat can carry
from two to 15 people for service-related fields without
using an ounce of gasoline while doing so.
"We opened Gator Motor UVMI to take advantage of
what we believe is a growing trend toward the use of elec-
tric-powered vehicles, with the goal to make their use and
operation as easy as operating a conventional automobile
or truck," Jackrel said.
Gator Motor UVM sells three distinct products to both
individual and commercial buyers. The first is the tradi-
tional golf cart capable of traveling up to 13 miles per
hour that can be used on private property such as golf
The second is a street-legal golf cart that can travel
from 20 to 25 miles per hour- on certain public roads. "By
federal law, all styles of 'street legal' vehicles must travel
between 20 and 25 miles per hour and have specific safety.
features including a horn, brake lights, driver side mirrors,
headlights, parking brakes, tail lights, seat belts,' signals
and windshields," Jackrel said. "Also required by federal
law is a 17-digit VIN number you can use to get a license
plate and registration from the Department of Motor
The third category,is a "real upgrade" from the golf cart
category, according to Jackrel.. "It's what we call our
Electro-Bubble Buddy a little electric car that is decked:
out with items like AM/FM CD players and speakers, flip-
down TVs so you can go to a football game and watch the
pre-game show on the TV, a digitized dash board, mag
wheels, leather steering wheels, captain's chairs with arm
rests, speedometers and a climbing axle ratio high enough
that you have power to go over hills as well as a rear lock-
,able .rurik,for. carrying-groceries and other such items,".he,
"We're even building some units for die-hard football
fans in the colors of your favorite team, including the.
Georgia Bulldogs, Florida Gators, Florida State Seminoles
and the Jaguars," Jackrel said.
Gator Motor U\NI also sells and leases vehicles to both
businesses and private individuals anything from two-
to six-passenger golf carts (street legal or for the golf course
only to 15-passenger electric shuttles.
"Electric-powered shuttles can be used for security pur-
poses and for shuttling passengers in parking lots, on
motel andamusement park property and any situation,
really, that requires people to be moving around private

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Your community newspaper.


property in areas conducive to low-speed vehicles," Jackrel
said. "Our Delivery-Buddy vehicle even has an insulated
back box that could be used to deliver piping-hot pizza or
other applications such as room service or housekeeping
duties in a resort setting."
"According to federal statistics, 50 percent of a person's
errands are within 10 minutes of travel, so it's not always
necessary to turn to a gasoline-powered vehicle to run
errands," Jackrel said. "Electric-type vehicles can be used in
those applications as well, whether you're going to the
restaurant, running your daily errands or picking up your
kids. Everywhere there is a need for a car, there's an appli-
cation for electric-style cars."
The golf cart, shuttle and 'Electro-Bubble Buddy are eco-
nomical and practical answers to most short-term trans-
portation needs, he said. "It takes six hours to achieve full
charge at a cost of 50 cents so just plug it in when you
finish your day and you'll be ready to go the next morn-
ing," Jackrel added. "It's powered by a 48-volt system con-
taining eight 6-volt deep cycle batteries that will recharge
on 110-volt house current, and all of our packages contain
a smart charger that simplifies this process, so all you do is
plug it in."
Gator Motor UVNI offers both buying and leasing plans
as well as complete financing available with minimal down
payments. Plus, all vehicles can be serviced right here at
the Beaches. Gator MoNtor LRU\ has service centers in
Atlantic Beach and on Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville. A
mobile service truck is also available to perform repairs at
clients' homes or businesses..
"We're local, we're trying to keep our prices as low as
possible and if someone comes in here and talks to our rep-
resentotives and wants something like this, ivell rnake sure
it happens," Jackrel said.
Prices are $4,495 for a two-sdat standard golf cart, $5,995
for a street-legal two-seat golf cart and $6,545 for the two-
seat Electro-Bubble Buddy. Jackrel said the only competitor
to the Bubble-Buddy is priced 30 percent higher than the
Bubble Buddy. "For comparison, competitors' six-passenger
golf carts/shuttles run at about $10,000 while the Gator
Motor ULVN's six-seater golf carts are priced at $5,995."
Gator Motor Utility Vehicles and More, LLC is located at
5-4 W. 10th St. in Atlantic Beach. Hours are 8:30 a.m; to 5
p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment on
weekends. For more information, call '247-1818 or visit
Gator Motor UVMT' Web site at www.gatormotouv.com.

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December20- 200

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December 20, 2006-:-

*Pagep 12A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Ponte Vedra Leader Inside

Fishing Leader B-2
PR* Jaguars let one get away B-3
Classifieds B-5
December 20, 2006

Panthers fall in Akers tournament final


A couple of weeks ago, Nease
head coach Dave Silverberg said
the way his team performed in
the Michelle Akers girls soccer
tournament would serve as a
good indicator of how ready
the Panthers are for the bal-
ance of the regular season and
upcoming playoffs.
The Panthers made Monday
night's championship match of
the Akers
tournament ..
in Orlando,
but fell 2-1 to
Lake Mary..
The teams '-
were tied 1-all
after the first
40 minutes,
but Lake M1 far'
Harpe scored
the game-win-
ner midway LAKE MAR'
into the sec-
ond half. Nc E ASE
Lake Mary
forward Rachel Brown was
named offensive NMIP while
Nease's Meagan Thomas picked
up defensive MVP honors.
The Akers event featured sev-
eral 2005 state championship
teams, along with a number of
others that finished second or
third in their classifications.
Nease, the two-time defend-
ing Class 4A state champs,
scored a 2-0 opening round vic-
tory over Oviedo last Friday to
advance in the winners' brack-
et. Stacey Hanburry headed in a
corner kick by Kristen Hoover
about 10 minutes into the
game to give the Panthers a
one-goal lead.
About 29 minutes later,
Hoover and Hanburry connect-
ed again on the same type of
play to secure Nease's victory.
"Not our best, but we did
what we had to do," Silverberg
told the Orlando Sentinel.
"They were a physical team and
made us earn everything."
Defense, which has been the
Panthers' song suit for most
of the regular season, played a
prominent role in Friday's win.
Goalkeeper Catherine
O'Donnell saved two good
Lions chances in the first half,
then thwarted OCiedo's best
opportunity off a comer kick in
the second to preserve the
The Panthers 116-11 advanced
to Monday's championship
round with a semifinal victory
Saturday over Edgewater in a
game that went to penalty
Five minutes into the game,
Edgewater took a 1-0 lead as
Jennifer Nisbett worked
through the Panthers' defense
and beat O'Donnell from short

That's the way things stood
until Nease's Emily Whidby
found the equalizer with less
than ten minutes to play in the
Tied 1-all after regulation and
two overtime periods, the game
went to six penalty kicks before
the Panthers finally prevailed.
With a second-place finish
against top-flight competition
in the Akers tournament under
their belts, the
,/ Panthers will
/ turn their atten-
I t tion to the rest
of the regular
"That's our
barometer to
where we are
because those
are the best
teams in the
state," Silverberg
said earlier this
Y 2 month in assess-
ing the Akers
I competition.
"We'll find out
then [how good we are.]
"And then, that either gives
you'a lot of confidence, if you
perform well, for the last three
weeks of the season or it gives
you a little bit of time to
If Silverberg discovered any
areas of weakness in his team,
they'll have to addressed during
practices for the next couple of
weeks because the Panthers
don't return to game action
until Jan. 4 when they host
But Nease will also get a shot
at avenging its only loss of the
season on Saturday, Jan. 6 when
the team travels to Lake Man.
After that, a home game
against Bolles on Jan. 9 wraps
up the regular-season slate
before distinct play begins
Tuesday, Jan. 16. The district
tournament will take place at
St. Augustine and conclude
with a championship game
Friday, Jan. 19.
Yet despite a stellar season-
long campaign, Silverberg
knows his squad will only be
graded on how it performs in
the postseason.
"I feel we have the poten-
tial," the coach said when
asked if his current crop of
Panthers has that champi-
onship look. "Right now we're
not playing nearly the way we
have to play if we want to
reach our goal."
But Silverberg said he's still
experimenting with players'
roles and will have a better
grasp of his team's potential as
the postseason nears.
"Honestly," he said, "when I
look at it right now, we can lose
our first playoff game or we can
win the state."

Phc.ic. by ROB DeANGELO
ABOVE: Panthers midfielder/forward Kristen Hoover heads the ball on goal during action earlier this season against Episcopal.
BELOW LEFT: Nease midfielder Kasey Eckstein has been a solid presence at-midfield all season for the 16-1 Panthers. -
BELOW: Junior forward Mary Scott Moore has emerged as a scoring threat and a leader along the front line of offense.

~B~n~~nia I I l

,) ,'I %a I f I II I-II i i t "h I4

The Beaches Leader/ edra Leader

December 20, 2006


Despite fog problems, the fish are biting

Earlier in the week, David,
rT he fog has been worr- with friend Mike Morris, took
Some but the fish are bit- .. the "Crusty Crab" to the jetties
ing. Redbass, trout and where they pulled up 18
sheepshead reports are excel- sheepshead on Monday mom-
lent from the river and creeks, ing and 23 toothy ones on
and the whiting in the surf Tuesday.
have been strong all week. Jetty guide Fred Morrow
The "Mayport Princess," with fished the river with his friend
Capt. George Strate and lots of --: Jim Allen on Monday and
anxious anglers, was able to caught 10 sheepshead to five
make several productive trips pounds and five speckled trout.
to the party grounds last week.' On Thursday, with Dr. Robert
On each trip anglers were WIMPY SUTTON Still in the canal, Capt. Fred
pleased with their limit of bee- FISHING LEADER reports a catch of nine redbass
liners and seabass and several ,to 18 inches, nine speckled
grouper and snapper. trout and a pair of flounder.
On Wednesday, Buck Gergley Back on the beach last Friday On Friday morning, TriVu
led all.the anglers on the and Saturday, Capt. David King ahd John Blount, with Capt.
"Princess" with his 18-pound took the "Crust)' Crab" to the Fred, lifted 12 sheepshead into
grouper. There were other snap- red tops. Anchoring in about the "Little Yvonne" and on
per caught and three additional 35 feet of water, Capt. David Saturday I.L. Flemming, with
grouper to go with great catch- brought home 90 whiting each his four-year-old son Charles,
es of beeliners and seabass. afternoon. and Ricky Jackson found 26
S .. hungry sheepshead in the
'. .ro Capt. Bob Cosby, with John
rWright, Rocky Coqley and
S Dave Dell, used live shrinimp
,I near Sisters Creek and caught
26 redbass to 22 inches, 14
I i trout, a flounder and two blues.
.I- -James Gergley, Matt
'' F. .. Hamilton and Mike Tandarich
S-'teamed up last Monday at the.
.jetties for 14 redbass to 31
inches, seven sheepshead,i
seven trout and a pair of drum.
Capt. Dave Sipler made a.lit-
tle scouting trip last Mbnday
and found great action along
'ilk. the river. He had four flounder
to 26 inches, four sheepshead,
: 15 trout and a 27-inch redbass
before noon..
On Tuesday morning. Capt.
Dave and fishing partner Ken
Hubbard fished the river with.
live shrimp and caught 20
trout, three flounder, a
sheepshead, four redbass and
an octopus.
Veteran canal he guide John
Dyrssen fished several of his
History Picture of the Week: Russell Smith, father of Marilyn ahot spots last Thurednesdaywith
thLaycaught thisbig drum at the jetties inthelatnend Daight Hibbard. and they're
used live shrimp on float rigs,
of course, and caught 25 speck-
led trout and a four-pound
inie .. flounder. Five of their trout
L-- weighed between three and
five pounds.
Butch Garvin and John
,cm.,- Campbell anchored the "B. E."
History Picture of the Week: Russell Smith, father of Marilyn along the rocks last Thursday.
Snithlay caught ibi drum at the jet' in ttesand caught4trout and three

a. a

ir ja.:. ma. at...n-a
Dan Beers with a redbass he recently caught along the big jetties. Dan was using dead shrimp
for bait.

, flounder and on Friday from
the "Early Times" they caught
more trout along with three
redbass isix to 10 pounds) and
three flounder.
Larry "Fishman" Finch
fished the surf with sand fleas
last Saturday at Flagler Beach
and caught nine pompano and
50 large whiting. ,
Charlie Bosco put his sand
fleas far into the sloughs at
Talbot Island and caught sever-
al dozen whiting and a five- ,
pound drum.
Ron \Vatterman also used
sand fleas in the same Talbot
Island area and caught 18
whiting and a nine-pound ,
On the Jacksonville Beach'
Pier; manager Faye Cotner
reports several great catches of
whiting out of the sloughs last
Willie Hendrick had 70 whit-
ing in his cooler each of his
two days of fishing. George,
Burr lifted an eight-pound
sheepshead.over the pier rail.-"
Vwr ^l* 'a 'a Of*^f: ax"'! I tariq 1

Other big sheepshead were
caught during last week
around the pier's pilings. Small
flounder and blues were also
caught and released.
Capt. Kirk WValtz, on his
"Enterprise" with Robert
Merritt, worked the edge of the
river riot too-far from'Dames
Point Bridge last Tuesday with
shrimp and jigs. They caught
seven redbass and 30 speckled
On Sunday morning, Capt.
Kirk and the Joe Wolf party
met at the Mike Scanlan city
boat ramp and made the brief
trip to the same area west of
Sisters Creek. They used live
shrimp and jigs and caught
.another 40 trout, eight redbass,
a sheepshead, a drum and a
Capt. Al Wiltshire and John
Burroughs, fishing from
"John's Toy" just inside the:
north jetties, used fresh dead
shrimp to catch 30 whiting last
Wednesday morning.
Good Fishin'.. .
-v :cis ^ ..':-f^.-(? ^ r(l-

Photo submitted
Jody Rodgers, fishing. with
Capt. Jerry Moulton on "Another
Tangle," caught this. 58-pound
wat'oo 60 miles from Mayport.

Pag P BR



Pr,:.-, j r.y ROB EleI iGELO
Jaguars QB David Garrard (9) threw three interceptions and lost
a'fumble in Sunday's 24-17 loss to the Tennessee Titans.

bag from Jacksonville again?
The reason is simple. The
Titans wanted Sunday's game
more than the Jaguars did.
The Jeff Fisher gang was hot
and after the shellacking it
took here earlier this season,
revenge was boiling in the
players' veins.
Throughout last week, sto-
ries out of Nashville kept men-
tioning that fact.-
In the Jaguars locker room,
on the other hand, one would
never know there was any fear
of retribution. At least in the
days preceding Sunday's con-
"Niaw," one player told us,
"they might be hot now, but
we took 'em earlier and we'll
do it again.".
From Sunday's stats, which-
say that the Jaguars won, one
would believe that except
the stats don't always put
points on the board. One
hates to use the word "choke,"
but that's about what hap-
pened to the boys wearing
Teal and Black.
Jacksonville tried to give the
game away and succeeded.
You might say the Jaguars
offense scored 31 points 17

.v ,- .. --.


for themselves and a generous
14 for Tennessee. That was a
result of giving the Titans
three interceptions and an
untimely fumble.
Sure, the 24-17 score doesn't
tell the whole story. Several
"what-ifs" tell it better.
What if Fred Taylor's tender
hamstring hadn't give way on
his 35-yard run that seemed
destined to end with a touch-
down?: Instead it was just a
nice run instead of six points.
That play alone might have
turned the game around.
It also took Taylor out of
commission for the rest of the
day. That. was a devastating
loss for Del Rio's boys.

all me chances mthey needed to
get the victory.
The Byron Leftwich-lovers
haven't stopped cheering yet.
But what if the offensive
line had
Garrard the
protection .i iw hii
any quarter- theJSg
back needs? ol ol
At times it
looked like t h t- e
Open House *as Jr
Tennnessee's I 6,1
defense. e b r On
Come oneu, -[
come all.
What if ch e
Matt Jones .bou*
had lived up
to his draft *hap -
reputation b os we
.and played ndI
better when
he had a
What if the Jaguars hadn't
gone.for a fourth down pass
on the goal line and bulled it
over with Maurice Jones-Drew
instead? That would have
been a key fourth quarter TD
and also might have changed

I bi

it v

nead coacn Jack Del Rios
With two games remaining
- one of them against the
New England Patriots, alas, it
appears that
May's the Jaguars
have once
Byo thatwagain played
sl won, a themselves out
from t of the postsea-d,,
son. It might
[ep h b sbe just as well
n hal s a the way they
were tackling
a A a against the'
F ha tes t Titans Sunday.
One thing
irked a viewer:
t Some Jaguars:
w players were
seen laughing
Stand as jolly as
Ing Te they'd be ata
beer fest. The
Titans had a
right to laugh.
They had done it again to
their favorite patsies.
Byron Leftwich is probably
still laughing, and it's not
from the anesthetic used dur-
ing his ankle surgery.
Oh, well, men. Wait'll next
year. Again.

Marshall Universit players remembered

SA never the Jags win,
j/j it seems people in our,
V ity are simply in a
betterimood come Monday.
Jacksonville's emotions often
rise and fall with our team.
Folks tend to make Jaguars
games a part of their weekend,
and feel they have some bond
with the Jags.
Now imagine that it all sud-
denly disappeared. Imagine
that while traveling to say,
Denver, there was a terrible
crash and all on board the
Jaguars plane were killed in the
accident. All of the players. All
of the coaches. The medical
staff and the trainers.
Can you imagine? Think of
the grief that the families
would have, and that this area
as a whole would feel as well. ,
Unfortunately this very situa-
tion happened in Huntington,
W.Va. over 35 years ago. The
year was 1970 and the Marshall
University Thundering Herd
was returning from Greenville,
N.C. where they had lost to
East Carolina University.
It was a raim)n and windy
night and the plane was'
approaching the Tri-State
Airport on the West Virginia
border. At 7:42 p.m., on
.descent, the plane clipped the
top of the trees, and slammed
into the Appalachian hillside.
The plane burst into flames
and all 7"5 on board were killed.
Along with the coaches and
players who died, lost Were four'
physicians, a city councilman,
a local car dealer, the local .
radio announcer, and several
prominent businessmen. This
remains the worse disaster ever

involving an American sports
Fate has a funny way of deal-
ing people in and out of
tragedy. Assistant coach Red,
Dawson made the trip to
Greenville with the tei m by
plane, but then decided to
drive back with another assis-

tanit to make some recruiting
visits. The Thundering Herd,
team captain, Nate Ruffin, had
stayed behind on campus due
to a right arm injury. The
team's leading rusher, Arthur
Harris [r. was thrilled that his
dad had made the trip along
with the team.
Room was available to Mr.
Harris Sr. only because an assis-
tant coach had given up his
seat. Mrs. Harris lost her son
and husband suddenly on. that
terrible night.
There are many stories relat-
ed to the crash and the unenvi-
able task of rebuilding the foot-
ball program after the tragedy.
This is the subject of the movie,
, "\e are Marshall" which opens
in theaters nationwide on
December 22.
University president Donald
Dcdmon appointed Jack
Lengyel, portrayed by Matthew
McConaughev, to coach the

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"Young Thundering Herd,"
after the crash. With few expe-
rienced players, the team won
only two of its 10 games that
year- including an upset win
over Xavier on the last play of
the game.
The "Young Thundering
Herd" however set the stage for
what has become one of the
most successful NCAA pro-
grams, including 20 consecu-
tive winning seasons, two of.
them undefeated. Marshall has
won eight conference crowns,
five bowl wins, and two I-AA
national championships.
Marshall has also sent several
players to the NTL, including
Randy Moss of the Oakland
Raiders, Chad Peruington of
the NewYork Jets, and Byron
Leftwich of the Jacksonville

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Page 3B

Tnerember 20'2006


... Jaguars let another one slip away
What if David Garrard had- the outcome.
A Thy did the Tennessee n't played like a raw rookie? The "what-ifs" are always
: i / Titans do it to their He tossed three interceptions there in any loss, but there
SV favorite punching and fumbled to give the Titans were more of them Sunday for
., -. '. ;';- .. ... "a ... me cnances tne ne. ..u _.e to .fled ....i J. T__I. L",_l tS --,

The Beaches L~eader/Ponte Vedra Leader


SagL a-.* T-- ------- n--- n -L


Child-friendly activities

scheduled over holidays

The holiday break continues until Jan. 3 for stu-
dents in the St. Johns County public schools and
begins Thursday for those in the Duval County
School District.
The following are some activities for children
and families during the break:


Two holiday exhibits at the Beaches Museum
and History Center in Jackson\ille Beach will be
on display until Jan. 13.
"An Old-Fashioned Christmas" is a display of
photographs, postcards and other images reflect-
ing the holiday season at the Beaches over the
past 50 years.
"Florida Girls & Boys & Their Toys" also is part
of the holiday exhibit.
.The museum and history center is the large yel-
low building on the northeast comer of Beach
Boulevard and 4th Street. .
Hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for ages
65 and older, $3 for ages 6 to 17 and free for those

Now until Tuesday, Jan. 2, weekday's except
Dec. 25 and Jan. 1
YMCA holiday camp at the Winston Family
YMCA on Landrum Lane, Ponte Vedra, will
include arts and crafts, board games, gym games,
swimming, playground time, and visits to Skate
World and the IMAX theater.
The fee is $25 per child per day for members
and $30 for others. Register by calling 543-9622.

Today, Dec. 20
Breakfast and a movie featuring the PG-rated
"Snow Day," begins at 10 a.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
"Holiday Nature Story and Crafts" is held 2
p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Guana Enviionmental
Education Center. Ages 3 to 10 are welcome with
a parent. Free with entry to center, but registra-
tion is requested at 823-4500.

Saturday, Dec. 23 and Sunday, Dec. 24
Nature movie, "Water's Journey The Hidden
Rivers ,of Florida," about the Floridan Aquifer, is
shown .at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Guana
Emironmental Education Center, off State Road
A1A about 12 miles south' of Mickler Road.
Admission: $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17; free
for under 10.

photo by CHUCK ADAMS.
Noah Skryd takes a break Tuesday from action
at the Ponte Vedra Soccer Club's sixth annual
winter camp at Cornerstone Park in Ponte
Vedra Beach. The 8-year-old girl's father was
transferred to New.York after she was signed
up for the camp, so Noah's visiting her grand-
mother in Ponte Vedra Beach so she can par-

Education Center off-State Road A1A about 12
miles south of Mickler Road.
There will be estuary themed games, a touch
tank and exploring the exhibit hall with the fam-
.Admission is $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10-17
and free for younger.

Gerson Yessin leads a critter concert from 1
p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Guana preserve's
Environmental Education Center. Families and
children of all ages are invited to this one-of-a-
kind musical celebration of the various animals,
fish and birds native to this area. Please register at
823-2400. Admission: $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10
to 17, free for younger children.

Tuesday, Dec. 26, through Friday, Dec. 29
"The Northern Right Whale from Whaling to Saturday, Dec. 30, and Sunday, Dec. 31
Watching," nature movie shown at 12:15 p.m. at "Water's Journey the River Returns" nature
-Guana-Envuonmental Education Center, off State. movie s' shoq,,\a Q A.m. and 1 p.m-rat-Guana
Road A1A about 12 miles south of' Mickler.Road' Erwi aBptta* l-ibEli'.Center; .fSfate Road
Admission: $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17; free AlA about 12 miles south of Mickler Road.
for under 10. Admission: $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17; free

Carol Barbour helps children at the workshop make their gifts at the annual Children's Christmas
workshop hosted, by Palms Presb\ ter':,n Church. Preparation by members of the church ensures
that the event runs smoothly and the children go home with gifts they can give to family and
friends at Christmas. The children heard stories from the Rev. Katie Day and sang Christmas carols
and then made gifts in Fellow ship Hall.

-',',. ,, .:y ..- : *" : .. ,

Wednesday, Dec. 27
Children ages 6 to 13 with adult chaperone can
search for "treasures" with a guide on the orange
trail at the Guana preserve south of Ponte Vedra
beginning at 10a.m. The 1- or 2-mile walk is done
at a comfortable pace. Space is limited and reser-
4ations are required at 823.4500. Admission is $3
per vehicle-. ,.

Thursday, Dec. 28
Fun with Fish learning and craft with scientist
Rick Reichard is held 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Guana Environmhental Education Center south of
Ponte Vedra.
Observe the different fish in the exhibit hall
aquarium and discuss their adaptations to swim,
eat and survive. Children will create their own
fish models. ,
For ages 6 to 10. Free with regular center entry
fee of $2 for adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17 and free
for younger. Registration is required at 823.4500

Go-pher a Bike Ride along the yellow trail in"
the Guana preserve from 10 a.m. to noon to learn
about the gopher tortoise and explore its habitat:
Appropriate for children able to ride a bike unaid-
ed on a dirt trail for approximately 2 miles. Guests
must bring their own bicycles.
Admission is $3 per vehicle to the ,trail head
parking lot. Helmets and water bottles are
required for all riders. Space is limited and regis-
tration is required at,823-2400.

Friday, Dec. 29
Estuary experience for ages 6 to .13 will be held
10 a.m. to noon at the Guana Environmental

for under 10.

Saturday, Dec. 30
New Year's Noon Balloon Drop party, scheduled
11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach, features a kids' countdown,
snacks, prizes and art activities. Free. The center is
at 50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach.


Holiday films at the TAIMX theater at World
Golf Hall of Fame north of St. Augustine include
"Santa vs. 'the Snowman" through Dec. 23 and
"The Polar Express" to Jan. 1. Call 940-4022.
A display of gingerbread houses runs 11 a.m.
to 8 p.m. through Jan. 5 at the Avenues Mall.
"Temples and Tombs.: Treasures of Egyptian
Art" opens Friday-at the Cummer Museum of Art
& Gardens in Jacksonville and is appropriate for
school children. The exhibit from the British
Museum is making only five stops in the United
States and runs through March 18 at the
Cummer. Call 356-6857.
The Museum of Science and History (MOSH)
in Jacksonville has holiday art camp from 9 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. for children in kindergarten through
fifth grade. Call 396-MOSH, ext. 230.
Hands On Children's Museum, 8580 Beach
Blvd., has playful exhibits for children to learn
while having fun. Call 642-2688.
The Jacksonville Zoo has holiday camp 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. for ages 6 to 11 by the day or the week.
Call 757-4462.

Karen Jackson performs at Sterling's Birthday party, which is a fund-raiser for Beaches Area
Assistance Ministry (BEAM). Sterling Joyce, a local restaurant host, has tlre event annually to
raise funds for area charities. Jackson surprised BEAM executive director Cindy.Funkhouser with
a check for $500 from UPS, where she works.

,. ........ .

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Children enjoy holiday art camp Tuesday at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach.

Winners of the Ponte Vedra Golf and Country Club Women's Golf Association Christmas tour-
nament are Ginny Hoffman (from left, front), Donna O'Rourke, Ruthanne Groseclose and
Kate Clifford and (in back) Alessandra Sage, Cathy Crowther, Shelley Dickerson and Peggy
Widicus. The annual event and luncheon were held Thursday.

December 20, 2006

Pore 4B*


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Dece~mber 20.2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

The Beaches Lead


Ponte Vedra Leader





THURS., 11A.M.

$7.10 First 10 Words

470 each add'l word


$8.10 First 10 Words

470 each add'l word


Hours: Mon. Thurs.
8:00am 6:00pm
Fri. 8:00am 5:00pm
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250


Real Estate Rentals
100 Real Estate 200 Rental
110 Lots/Land for Sale 215 Home for Rent
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240 M.H. for Rent
130 Condos for Sale 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room for Rent
S for Sale 280 Office Space '
180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental,
185 Industrial/
Warehouse -

? ,-' -

Pets & Animals
300 Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel
415 Personals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost/Fouid
450 Instructions/Schools
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet"
613 Catering
.615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood,
631 Computer Services
634 Lawn Mower
63i Lawn Svc/
.636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating

645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing

Service Guide cont.
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Const.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Spriner & Wells
677 Tree Service
678 Tile
680 Upholstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710'Health CareSerc.
730 Caregivers.
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales
840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedra
_858 West Beaches
859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
.950 Campers/RVs,
970 Trucks/Vans
980 Automobiles

All advertising accepted subject to the
approval of the publisher, who shall have the right
to revise or reject in whole or in part any, adver-
tisement. Publisher reserves the right -to place
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Please read your ad the first day it runs so
any necessary changes may be made. Liability for
errors in advertisements shall not exceed the cost
of the space occupied by the error. All errors are
to be brought to our attention within 15 days of
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ment. Publisher assumes no financial responsibil-
ity for omissions.






0-1 A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets'
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700

S uibscribe,:-

The Beaches:


Ponte Vedira,-



JAX BCH 5 blocks to ocean, corner,iol
c.''Td.n o*ner financing Owner Ageni
,,, $.174,900. 46'3-7343. t
S6 LOTS WesI of Mayport Rd Allaniic
Beach, next to junkyard. $35.000 0o
$70,000 buy one or all. (904)571-4211.
mountain propenies Low property lraes
No stare income lax Four seasons- Souin.
ern hospilality For more inlo Call Lak.c
side Realry (888)291-5253 wwwlakesr
derealty-in corn ,

NORTH CAROLINA- Beaumul Blue Ridge
Mounlain Views 3.2 Acre Mounlain Es.
Isle Heavily Wooded wilh SIream EZ F,.
nancngq $29.900 i800i230-6380.

Whether ,ou ,e loohn,
,r antique bum,rure
S err., oni cr unique
n.diralthi Jch
lie do e'.'.iclr lr'.i '
we i al i ..a

ne Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
(904) 249-9033

WEST BEACHES, Pablo Point, 3/2 +loft,
huge lot, all cedar, many upgrades,
$305,000, 631-3029.
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods, brick,.
3/2/2, 1895sf,' $283,500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associates, 247-4333 or
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres, 4/3, 2950sf, built 2002, $469,000
OBO, Independent Brokers & Associates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.

rAD F.

Below appraisal, and recent price reduc-
tion. Must sell. Bring all offers. Best buy at
the beach. Gail with Vanguard GMAC.
PRICED TO Sell. Villages of Pablo, 3/2,
fenced yard, community pool & tennis,
new carpet, new paint in & out. Asking
$189,000 OBO. 220-6911 or 553-6105.

NC GATED Lakefront Community. Pleas-
antly mild climate 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles
of shoreline. Never offered before with
20% pre-development discounts, 90% fi-
nancing. Call (800)709-5253.
GULF FRONT lots $595k. Homes starting
mid $300k. New master planned ocean
front community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinna-
monshore.com, (866)891-5163.
acres on the headwaters of Valley Riverl
Drive & house pad cleared. High eleva-
tion. $119,500.
valleytownrealty@verizon.net (800)632-
2212 valleytownrealty.com .
Why not join us on
Every Wed. from 11 am-1 pm
Phyllis will be online taking
your questions live!
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
struction Golf Community. Lar'e lots &
condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature
views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, tennis,
Trails, Docks. $70k's- $300k., (877)266-
7376 www.cooperspoint.com.
NC MOUNTAINS Log Cabin shell on
mountain top, view, trees, waterfall & large
public lake nearby, paved private access,
gated community, $139,500 (866)789-
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina. Must see.
beautiful & colorful fall flolagel Western
NC Mountains Homes, Cabins, Acreage &
Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty
GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. cherokee-
mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure
ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to. advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the intention to make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
sons are hereby Informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,,
call the Urited Siales Deparmeni of
Housing and Urban Developmen -HUD.
1(8001669-9777, or lor Ihe nearing im.
paired 11800)927-9275
www.JaxBeachCondos.com or call
Renee L Baron. Inc 19041 242-2821

PRICED TO Sell Reduced 40 acres @-
$5500.ac. Building lots (all sizes to large
acreage Owner financing 1800129-1-2313
ExI.1385 A Bar Sales inc. 7 days, 7am.
* 7pm. .:
WYOMING RANCH Dispersal 35 acres -
$49.900: 70 acres $89 900, 110 acres -
$132,900 Snow-capped mountain views.
Surrounded by govl land Abundant wild-
lile. Recreaiional paradise Low laxes. EZ
Terms. Cal' Ulah Rancnes, LLC.
OCALA. NATIONAL Foresi Lois $500
down, $199 monin Owner 352-624-2215
or t3521236-.4579
www ocaialoreilland com/2d
MANDARIN, 1 3 acres on San Jose & Bay
Meadows. Residential or Commercial
$485k, Call Ron, Sellsiate Broker
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesviiie. NC. Hiawassee River and
Lake Cnaluga. Build your home 'or a lie.
rime. Lots range in price from ',54.900
rTo $87,900. Call 828.389-884-13 or 904-

PVB/ NACATEE, almost new, 3BR/2BA,
w/versatile front room, open floor plan,
light & bright, screened pool w/covered la-
nai, large tile, granite counters with up-
graded cabinets, great schools, approx.
2000sf. Asking $357,000. Willing to co-op.
537-3969 Frank.
NEPTUNE BEACH, concrete block, 4
blocks from ocean. $268,000. 372-4477.
3BR/2BA, large master w/bath, hardwood
floors, fireplace, 1400sqft. $249,000. Call
247-9244 or 651-6748.

FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately 1
mile to beach, 1 BR/1.5BA w/Ioft, new roof,
wood deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready. $217,000. 242-7529,
629-0606. .
3/2 ATTACHED new roof, appliances,
flooring, paint. Below appraisal @
$189,000. San Pablo & Beach, Owber/
Broker 982-7620.
3/2, JAX Bch, 1100 18th St. N. 1300sf, ga-
rage, new roof, appliances, tile, carpet.
$269,000. 881-8590.
ATLANTIC BEACH home w/2 buildable
lots, 150 ft walk to beach and Intracoastal
townhomes with boat -. slips,
www.homebytheseaflorida.com ,
PONTE VEDRA/ Sawgrass/ Oakbridge.
Cute, 3/2/2, on lake, park like setting, cul-
de-sac, newly remodeled. $299,000.

DEERFIELD' LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
$99,900: .
QUICK SALE! 3/2, 2 car gar. ireshly
painred new vinyls. Near schools & Won..
derwood S 179,900
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo. Almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades.
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3 2, nice starter
rome. good area $148.000.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4.2. 2 car gar.
Newer area., ery open. beaul stone
Irplc. lenced yard. corner loi. Close to
schnols beaches Reduced Io $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4.2. oener than
new' Mary upgrades. $298.000.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600sl, 3/2,
like new. $229,900
HARBOR WINDS 3i2 2 car gar. owner
ms.j5lselli asl $204.900
4 2. near SCroOlS & snops $234.500
221-1711 OR 241-5501

ADORABLE BEACH home, 3/2, 1 car car-
port, large backyard for entertaining
w/new swim spa and decking throughout,
sitting on two large city lots, beautiful
oaks. Reduced to $339,000, as is. 941
Ruth Ave. Motivated seller,(904)338-4303.
INVESTOR'S DREAM Lot w/, house,
60x125, 9th Ave. N. Make offer.
blocks from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
' Granite, upgrades. $369,000. Call John
R/E Broker (904)699-8887
3BR/1BA, great starter home or invest-
ment; nice lot w/screened porch & fenced
yard, concrete block, 100% financing
available, $199,000. Call 247-9244 or

I H m e f uth

Oceanfronl Newer custom buIlt 5BR.
4 5BA, a-th 4725 SF. viewss of the ocean
from the east and [CWLhe west Office.
fomnial liing and dining, tile and
hardwood floors, pool and spa, screened
lanai ith bhot tub. and pnsale beach.
Isle of Palms- Former model with 2705
SF and 571.000 in upgrades on
navigable water. just bring your boat!
Family. room %ith fireplace. formal
dining, and deluxe master stute Two
screened lanais. deck. balcony. dock 'wi
boat lift $889.000)
South Hamplon Water to golf iev, s
compliment this 5BR, 4BA executive
home on the 17th green. Chefs kitchen
% ith cherry cabinets. island., corian. tile.
3 car garage, screened lanai. ro bonus
rooms. comum pool, pnced 525k below
appraisal 5750.1)000)
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai.
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat. in-
law suite, wood and We floors, corian
counters, formal living and dining, 3 car
garage. comm pool. $679.000
Ocean Ca3 Walk to the beach from
this upgraded. light and bright 4BR.
2 5BA with lof formal uving and dining
room, new carpet and paint, tle floors,
oversized screened ianai. lots of storage.
comm pool. $499.500
Pablo Bay Wh) wait to build1 This
4BR. 2BA all bnck home is ready now!
Enjoy rela.ung evenings on yourcovered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake
Upgrades include nie, 42 inch cabinets.
open kitchen with island, cornan
U70 nr i'r

Fiddlers Marsh ifI ou are looking for a
true Florida home, look no further!
Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio home.on
premium cul-de-sac lakefront lot in Ponte
Vedra! Florida room with prnale lake
liets.. no backdoor neighbors! Enjoy
nature at is finest &ith beautiful water
fol, Erets. Herons and more! 5339.000
Laurel Springs 4BR. 2BA pool home
on beautiful lakefront lot! Upgraded ule.
covered lanai a\erlooks screened pool,
phlit bedroom plan. fireplace Enjoy
entenaining in your spacious pool area,
man, upgrades! '345.,000
Ibis Point 4BR. 2 5BA k 'loft on private
culdesac. lush landscaping. fenced sard,
sprinkler. open kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal dining. designer molding, master
bedroom is down w iLh garden rub. comm.
poc.itennis $335.000
Jax Beach Updated 4BR, 2BA coquina
home on an o' erized lot i 27 acres. just
blocks to the beach! WO od floors, fireplace,
open kitchen, formal dining, large great
room. inside laundry screened porch. shed,
hot tub n ith deck 1$335,000
Florentine This 3BR, 2.5BA iith loft is
only one year old and ready now'! Enjoy
peaceful lake views from sour open patio,
spacious kitchen iLth breakfast bar. formal
living and dining, oversized laundry. over
$40k in upgrades' $299.900
Hunters Ha'en Honey'...cut up the credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR/2BA
is minutes to St Johns Towvn Center!
Spacious floor plan with wood lanunate
and ule floors, open eat-in kitchen, formal
dining room. and oversized wooden deck
leads to private fenced backyard with
c.nnrLl.r an.d mattn rre>e. $'2'Q .nn

2/2 TOWNHOUSE. 630 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach: $175K. 1100sf. New roof,
AC, windows, siding. Call 904-536-6945.
4BR/2BA, OPEN/ split plan, oversized, ex-
tremly large fenced yard, large shed in
backyard, All brick, 2 car garage, close to
beach, in quiet neighborhood. Lots of
trees. No homeowners assoc. $380,000.
4BR/3.5BA, granite counters thru-out.
Large screened porch. A Must Seel
$585,000. (904)536-7007.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A, Florida room, fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem, well, new windows,, blinds, move in
ready, 12 blocks to ocean, $289,000, 710-
2600, 534-3411. I
ATLANTIC BCH, Large Duplex, 2BR
1.5BA, tile floors, wood floors in bed-
rooms. Nice backyard. $250,000 each
side. Owner 241-8508.
SAWGRASS SINGLE family home.
2BR/2BA, completely remodeled, new 30
year roof, 42" hickory cabinets, travetine
stone floor, Berber carpet and crown
molding. Seller will pay all closing costs.
$289,900. 463-0505.

4BR/2BA w/pool! 2000+sf., new
roof, HVAC, fence, flooring,
windows, garage door. Reduced to
2BR/2BA, off Hodges Blvd.- near
JTB- 3rd floor unit. $165,900..
TWO 1B I/ 1BA +loft Ponte Vedra
Beach Condos, upgrades including
granite & tile floors, fireplace, custom
lighting, private beach access, tennis,
fitness room. 1 unit currently leased.
$189,900 & $195,900.,
15TH AVE. S.
Ke\ West s le cottage, 2BR/1.5BA,
adorable v.ith huge greal room,
private backward, great for
entertaining, Low maintenance
landscaping. $319,900.
2BR/2BA. downstairs unit, fireplace.
uood tloor,. ICar garage. Offered at
Off Solano Rd. one has small beach
cottage, been remodeled Take
ad% antage of golf \ ei s or purchase.
both tor Vour dream home Not
man\ like thi-s! 2BR/2BA beach
cottage. 5499,900. Additional lot is

3BRI2BA fust minutes to ocean.
remodeled kitchen. 2 car garage
Steps to playground tklenrmj courts!

Call: 904-241-4447

OCEANVIEW 3,2. Greal views Irom mosi
Rooms Ceramic lile. Two balconies
$449 900 Vanguard Realry 46373 '3.

H Personalized
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
A.A : Best Service
_A 1A.__ Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
*Get Info
Get Pre-qualifled
PHONE: 904-247-74,14 FAX: 904-247-7475
www.a aloans.com

Former manager's residence on a peace-,
ful lot in beautiful community of Portside,
just 5 minutes to the Beachl 1981 Twin
Manor. 23x68. 3BR/2BA, double wide in
excellent condition. Upgrades include:
newer roof; newer carpet, newer gutters,
27x10 screened, covered patio, large
shed, huge RV carport & cement pad, all
appliances stay. Beautiful' mobile home
community with 2 pools, tennis courts &
clubhouse., Lot rent, $300/mo. Will rent to
own. $18,000. Can Dan @ 509-4382.
PALM HARBOR factory liquidation sale.
2006 models. National Builder 0% down
when you own your own landll Call for
free brochures. (800)622-2832.

2800sf., $2800/mo includes utilities. Call
Bart @ 241-3111 (Ext. 11).

2/1, $895/MO plus dep.(wilrwork with de-
posit). Walk to beach. 115 18th Ave. N.,
Unit B. (904)525-5551.

Page 5B

I BUY Houses. Best prices paid. Call John

PVB LOWEST 'priced/ best location,
2BR/2BA, fp, in Ocean Grove, walk to
beach, newly renovated/ never occupied,
$187,500, ..possible, lease/purchase,
3/2, 1500sf condo in like new condition.
Below current market price.
Keller Williams Realty Jacksonville
Rare find in Inis prime location. Spacious,
3BR/2BA. Recently remodeled kitchen,
beachside covered porch, pool and private
pier. $725,000. Dunson Real Estate, Inc.
Realtor (904)247-5153.
FSBO. VILLAS at Marsh Lahding, charm-
ing 1BR/1BA condo w/ireplace. new ce-
ramic tiled Iloors, glass enclosed lanai all
appliances included, beautilul goll course
view. garage, $160,000. (904)536-6065
PV. 2/2. fireplace, screened paro over-
looking lake. $214,900 Vanguard Realry
COZY CONDO in PVB, FL $249,900.
View Inlolube Ad No: 154740. A MUST
SEEI 2BR/2BA in quiet cul-de-sac, 'fully
remodeled w/lile, new carpet, huge
screened-in patio, overlooking lake, new
kitchen cabinets, appliances, fireplace &
private entry garage w/plenty of storage
space. Full access to pool, tennis courts, 3
blocks from the ocean. Call 707-7986 or
.LIVE MINUTES from the beach, 2BR/2BA
Condo, attached garage, for ONLY
$167,000. Weichert Realtors 1st Coast.
WATERFRONT ICW condo (townhome)
w/40'-+ dock, large, 2BR/2.5BA, all tile
downstairs w/wel bar;'clubhouse w/pool;
low monthly lees Will sacrifice for
$340,000. Ask about free 26' boat. Call
247-9244 or 651-6748.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool views
from every room. $495.900 Lease option.
Owner.' agent 463-7343
PELICAN Poini $730k. LandMark $950k
WalerMark $996k. Call Renee L. Baron
SInc lor a rour (9041 242-2821.


Ocean Forest Built '99.
iBest of all worlds.
Marshside community.
2400 sq. fl., 4BR/3BA + office & formal DR,
Great room w/fplc. Brkfst rm. Screened porch,
updated baths & kit, tile, stainless appliances. $545K


44444444 4 BEACH RENTS ^4^
Unfurnished Homes 131 Magnolia NB 2BR/1BA, ground floor Unfurnished Condos
' Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA, new top floor large duplex, plus den, less than block to bch. Palms at Marsh Landing JB' -
condo, direct oceanfront views, amenities, $1000/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities. .
Garage. $3000/mo. Intracoastal West 1BR/1BA. 3rd floor with garage. $925/mo.
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, condo has 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1000/mo.
luxurious features, ocean porch, sunset porch, Bishop's Court Hodges 2BRI2BA, ground floor $1000mo.
garage. $2800/mo. End units w/views, all appliances, amenities. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
430 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/2.5BA, two 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. ceilings. $1050/mo.
story home w/pool, fenced yard, hardwood 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit,
< floors, 2 car garage. $2295/mo. Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA, ground floor fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded.
< North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand new condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/private $1000/mo.
construction w/incredible ocean views, water view. $1000/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor w/private views. $1100/mo. i
Supgrades, garage, amenities. $2000/mo. IL Villagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA two story Ocean Links PV
stPablo Beach Seuth JB 3BR/3.5BA, three condo w/upgrades throughout, screened porch, 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/fireplace, screened

Attached garage. $1900/mo. amenities. $1200/mo. porch, amenities. $1100/mo
SOakbridge at Sawgrass PV Brigtwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end Jardin De Mer JB
4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on unit townhouse, screened porch, attached 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo w/all the upgrades,
lagoon, 2 car garage, comm. pool. $1700/mo garage, club pool. $1250/mo. garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
Solano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Point Meadows Place Oate Pkwy Villas at Marsh Landing JB
home, two car garage, comm. pool. 3BR/2BA, newer top floor condo, porch, 3BR/2BA, ground floor end unit, screened porch, o
$1550/mo.. elevator, amenities, carport. $1290/mo amenities. $1200/mo.
The Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse Ae w e 3R 5A to
w/wood floors,new carpet, enclosed tiled Windsor Parke Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two
porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. story home w/deck fireplace, enclosed porch, REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
SThe Courtyards Mayport of AB fenced backyard $1995/mo. Shannon Smith
3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home, (904) 285-5640
w/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks lagoon. tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, www.rentthebeaches.com 0
w $10,/mo. comm. pool. $2200/mo.1

JY ILc~luvl ZL 5AIV V

PRICE REDUCED! 4BR/3BA, very pri
vate, 1/3 acre lot. 6 blocks to beach and
golf. $239.,000. (904)463-3738.



= : -: _-__ ------ -- --- -- -



pq p OKI


Page 6B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader uecemDer 2U, uuvo

1.5 BLOCKS to ocean, 174 "fst Ave. S.
2BR 1BA, CH/A, no pets, $875/mo.
BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St, Nep Bch, downstairs, $1050/mo. Incl.
util. (661)803-6275.
NEPTUNE BCH, charming 2BR 1BA apt,
1 block from beach, storage & laundry
hook up, wood-floors, new appliances &
A/C. $1000/mo. Call Rick 891-2345.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $800/mo. 409 South 2nd
Street. (415)-306-2530.
JAX BEACH, 2BR townhouse, near
ocean, CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo.
+$500/dep. 246-3130.
JAX BEACH, 2 1/2 blocks to ocean. 1/1
large upstairs, $770/mo, 821-9751/
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very,
clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
floor. Large deck, 1 block to beach.
$1050/mo. includes water. 241-0897.
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 985-B 2nd
Street South, 2BR/1BA, washer/ dryer,
$875/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190.
MAYPORT ROAD MH, 2BR, credit check,
fenced private property, No pets.
$600/mo. +$600/dep .246-4461. -.
ATLANTIC BCH Townhouse, 3BR/ 1.5BA,
$850/rho. plus. sec., 1501 Jordan (East of
Mayport, off Donner). 642-1003;
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA patio home!
Club pool, tennis & more!, $1200/mo. All
South Realty, 241-4141. 1
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA spacious bright
end unit, garage,, lanai, pool, gated, close
to JTB, blocks to beach, $1350/mo.
BEACHES/ PVB 1, 2, & 3BR with ocean
views, from $800/mo., 233-4545.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to.Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1 BR/1 BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606.
PVB, 3BR/2BA Townhome, WDHU, lyr.
lease. No pets. $950/mo. +$950/sec.
249-6501, 233-7224.
MAYPORT LANDING Townhome 2/2,. end'
unit, CH&A, tile floor,; 1177.Songbird Lane,
$825/mo. 280-2728 leave message.
JAX BEACH Efficiency garage apt. just' 4
blocks to ocean. $500/mo. All South Real-
ty, 241-4141,
2BR/2BA, bonus room, covered patio,
CH&A, WDHU. 1207 Mayport Landing Dr.
,$790/mo, $700 deposit. 280-2728. leave
TWO 1BR Apartments, 2 blocks from
beach $650/mo. 1 Efficiency apartment, 2
blocks from beach $550/mo. 249-6748.

PVB, 3BR,'2BA Townhouse. 1280sf W/D
screened poich. .1100 mo May give
Option t, bUy 904-537-4072
JAX BEACH 2BR/1BA apanrieni WDHU,
CH&A, fireplace, 1 bloc-k Irom ocean
$875/mo. Call 566-1287
PVB -TOWNHOUSE, Villages of Solano,
3BR 2 5.BA. $.1400/rno. (904)629-2141.

NEPTUNE, GORGEOUS duplex, 3/2,
1.5 blks to ocean, gar. Downstairs,
$1400/mo. Upstairs- cathedral ceilings,
frplc., $1800/mo. Avail. 1/1. 993-9191.
808 1st St S., JB. Apt 3. 888-259-0783.
ATLANTIC BEACH off Seminole Rd.
Beautiful newer 3/2.5 townhome, 10ft ceil-
ings, light & bright, hardwood floors, 1 car
gar., small fenced backyard, 8 blocks to
beach. $1495/mo., flexible terms. And al-
so avail.
Jax Beach, Jardin De Mer condo. Beauti-
ful, new 2/2 w/ frplc. & garage. First floor.
$1095/mo. Call June, First Trust Realty,
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/1BA studio apt. just
steps to ocean! $650/mo. Also 2BR/2BA
for $995/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.
Spacious and well maintained 2 bedrooms
& 1-1/2 baths. Approximately 1100sf, 1
block to the beach. No pets, full kitchen,
washer/ dryer connections, lots of closets.
126 S. 13th Ave. Jax Beach. $950 month-
ly rental (utilities rot included) $550 secur-
ity deposit. Minimum 7 month lease.
Available in December. 285-1852
.MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.

ATLANTIC BEACH: 263 Ahern, St.,
$850/mo:, 287 Ahern St., $800/mo., 2
blocks to ocean, across from Town Cen-
ter; 2BR/1BA, CH&A, hardwood floors, tile
bath & kitchen. No pels $800 depios.i, wa-
ter, garbage &' sewer included in rent.
234-7777. '
PONTE VEDRA Towrnhouse 2 2. includes
washer! dryer, screened in porch lake
view.;$1300/mo. 571-5517.
floors, CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks'.to
beach, 1st/ last mo. rent, SD, 1 year
lease. $900/mo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tate, Inc. 246-4862.
Walk to Oceqn. CH&A, WDHU. Some util-
ities Included: No pets. $1100/mo. lease.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.'
NORTH JAX Beach Efficency l -495'mo
1BR $595'mo 1 block ic'Ocean Pool No
peTi 249-5368.

ATLANTIC BEACH. 706 Cavalla Rd
2BR/1.5BA, WDHU, enclosed porch.
$775/mb. .-775 dep. 514-8761.
NEAR PONTE Veara. 1 block beach. Best
area, quiet, sale resideriial neignbor-
hood 2BR,1BA lower duple> New painl.
CH&A, WD included No smoking. Small
pet considered $950 'mo. lease deposl
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean Nice mod-
ern well lakern care 1 ?2BR ApI All amen-
ileS, $980 mc Also 1 BR Apt $775/mo

ATLANTIC BCH, 4BR 2BA, like new, com-
pletely remodeled Bike to beach & park.
$1175/mo. 247-4527.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass gated com-
munity. Bermuda Ct., across the street
from the park. Beautiful canal front,
1700sf, 2BR 2BA patio home. $1250/mo.
$1500/mo. +$100 non-refundable deposit.
Call (904)200-8977.
ATLANTIC BEACH, beautiful, large
2BR/2.5BA townhome, 5 blocks to beach,
fireplace, WD,'$1150/mo. (904)742-6423.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sf.,' 1212
15th Ave. N., 12 blocks to beach, close to
Fletcher HS, Florida room, large kitchen,
W/D, fenced yard.. '$1250/mo. 710-2600,

adult condo community in Atlantic Beach.
1BR/1BA, ground floor, covered parking,
pool, 55 and over. $1000/month includes
water & cable. Must seel 571-5517.

the Intracoastal Waterway. 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sf. w/marina view. Re-
sort style living, $2450/mo. Includes 1-car
garage, water, sewer, cable, pool, spa,
clubhouse, health club. Marina Walk, gat-
ed communityMarsh and marina views.
40' boat slip available. Call 463-2845.
ML LUXURY, gated, 3BR/2BA, newly ren-
ovated, lake view, pool/ fitness, big clos-
ets, garage. $1295/mo. 303-3936.
ATLANTIC BEACH townhome/ condo,
3BR/1.5BA, lots of new finishes. $900/mo.
(904)962-2962. 0

S. PONTE VEDRA- Like new, 3BR/2.5BA LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach.
in Turtle Shores! Club pool, tennis & more) 3BR/2BA, Furnished, right on Ocean.
$1950/mo. All South Realty, 241-41,41. Awesome view. 242-0411.

Eagle Ridge Drive.'4BR/2.5BA, 2000sf.
$1495/mo. 241-RENT or 733-3730.
ATLANTIC BEACH townhome for lease,
2BR/2.5BA +loft area.- Many extras includ-
ing jetted jacuzzi tub, oversized shower,
built in Murphy Bed and desk space, gran-
ite counters, enclosed patio and two car
garage. Community pool and only
7 blocks to beach access. Call Kevin Fol-
som Lifestyles at 904-612-1191 to see.

NEPTUNE BCH house-, 3/2, 1250sf,
CH&A.-New bathroom. Fenced backyard.
Nice neighborhood, close to ocean. 524
Oceanwood Dr. So., $1250/mo +deposit.

ADORABALE, 3/2, newly renovated home
in Ponte Vedra. Wood L. floors,' fenced,
yard, quiet neqnbomrhod. $1295'mo .
Lawn service ,ncl'. Call 476-5071 lor an

PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
JAX BAYMEADOWS/ Lake Crest Condos,
2BR/2BA, 1st fl, garage, w/d, fireplace,
pool, gym, tennis, $995/mo+ utilities,
Available Jan : 1st, Shannon Smith
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage, fumished, all appliances, includes
W/D. $1200/mo. Mark 338-3230.
MAYPORT, 2BR/2BA, $850/mo. Call
2/2 CONDO w/marsh view. Wood floors,
granite counter-tops, and fireplace. Call
Ted, for details (904)537-7896.
AB, 3BR/2BA, furnished, ground floor,
pool. $1'400/mo. No pets. (904)608-4325.
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo/
lease. 2BR/1.5BA, A/C, security. New ap-
pliances. No pets. $850 mo. .$850 dep
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur-
nished/ unfurnished. Available immediate-
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
2BR.' 2BA. ground Iloor. galed communitV
5 star Invng $925 mo Call Sieve Macr,
Country Club Real Eslale i90-4j662-9015.

consider lease option. $1750/mo.
463-7343. .
GRAND CAY, spotless, 2BR/2BA: beauti-
ful gated community,.. 2nd floor
w.'screered balcony overlookIrg
woods, W,'D dishwasher. mlrcowave. oul-
side storage un.I. pool. notlub. work.-ul
tacliry,& nice playground lo:.r crilldren
$1000'mo *depocil 472.9654

3B -" 5A TOWNHOUSE. in desir 2BR/2BA AT The Palms ;n Jax Beach
3BR2 5BA, TOWNHOUSE. in desirable convenient location; greal amenies, re.
AB Selva Lakes. very c ean. newer moel l remodeled, garage Small pels OK
wIih over /9UOst. 2 car garage w'DHU_ $1100'mo. 553-8634
Community pool. 5min bike to beach
Walking distance to park. $1800'mo. JAX BEACH. very nice 2BR'2BA unit
249-8159. 11lh Ave No. 2 blocks to ocean
PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3 updated. large $1t75.mo 631.8292.
lot on pond, $1650/mo. Call 234-6854. 32 JAX Bch. gated community with pool,
Ron, Realtor. *. open tlcor plan, spacious closets. nis nher
e sinks beauilul views or marsh hi250'mo
lenced yard. 2 car garage. No Pels, No
Smokers $2000'mo, .security deposit BRAND NEW 3 2 Condo at Oceans Edge
Available spring. Possible lease option. in Jax Beacrh Fantastic location. labulcous
(904)249-3477. : .. amenities $1650,'rmo No pels 553.8634.
SOLANO WOODS 312. 1600si BR ROOM WITH A VIEW. Triis iBR 1BA con-
w.,wood floors ceramic tile throughout, do hras spectacular vie-w 01 In[ercoasial
open kitchen withn eat-in area. screened $875.imo Jacqueline Byram. Realtor
patio, $1600imo TDO Management Serv- Porne Vedra Beach Realry 571.5653
Ices, 246-1125 _SEE THE OCEAMN ,BR.-RA ne w.i riemo,-.

NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA w/ilreplace
and pool. 2 car garage. $S800,mo. in.
cludes. lawn and pool care. Call Susan
BRAND NEW Keywest. single lamily
home, gated community, 2900+ a sf,
4BR,'35BA. 2 car garage, $1800'mo.
$499,900. k904)608-2579.

W. ATLANTIC BCH Duplex, 2BR/1.5BA,
$850.'mo. Easl Coast Reairy. 962-7766
W/ BEACHES. Ibis Point, 312. LR,' DR,"
Greatroom witplace. new carpel, ceramic
Nie, sunroom lenced yard lawn service.
rpr.nkler' s'Siem 51650-mo -TDO Man
adjmenr, 2-16-1125
fireplace, fenced yard, 3 blocks to ocean.
$1150/mo. (904)742-6423.
OCEAN CAY, 3/2, ref. rig./ wash/ dry,
lawn maint., $2200/mo, 477-3183.
RIP TIDE, 3BR/2BA, 1760 sqft., up dated
home, $1700/mo., very private tropical
back yard, summer kitchen, 465-1310.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/2.5 SFH, open floor
plan, iravertine floors' counler tops, carpet
in bedrooms walk-in closes, vaulted ceil-
ings. I'place. Study. screened pool, corner
lol. $2000'mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices. 246-1125

eled wl'ranite., maple cabinets new iwe
ano c.3rpe, fireplace. W D and balcony
Greal location in Jax Bch $1150.'mo

S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.,
OCEANFRONT 1 OR 2BR. weeklv/
monthiv. pool, 463.7:343
homes Weekly,morinly Visl us al
laxoeachrenlal com or 535-3911 or"


* 0.
* -

* -~
* ~


* ~




- :o



* *.


COCKER MIX, buff male puppy; all shots;
too active for owner with medical condi-
lion, needs loIs of space to run and com-
panionship. $100 OBO, 233-5533.
CHIHUAHUAS 2 chocolate males. CKC.
2nd snots. HC. POP Call 241-2132
heims. AKC CKCSC, shots. Ready Xmas'
New Years 230-0808.
CHIHUAHUA- FEMALE, 9 monmis old
Very pretty dog. all shots up lo date, $550
QBO, 894-3352.
2 CKC Cnihuanuas females $350
993-3940 or email e|selph@bellsouln.nel

C-SIDE FARMS ol Palm Valley nas sialls
available' Call for into 568-1613

S N iSThOiiiW1

Clerk of Circuit Court
Racine County Courthouse
730 Wisconsin Avenue
S Racine, WI 53403
and to O'Dess and Associates, S.C.,
Plainltl's anorneys, whose address is:
O'Dess and Associates, S.C.
1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213
You may have an attomey help or rep-
resent you:.
I. f you do nol provide a proper answer
within 40 days, the court may grant judg.
meni against you for the award of money
or other legal action requested irn ne com-.
plaint, and you may lose your rignl 10o OD-
jeci to anything Irial is or may be incorrect
in Ine complaint. A judgment may be en-
lorced as provided by law. A judgment
awarding money may become a lien
against any real estate you own now or in
the future, and may also be enforced by-:
garniphment or seizure of property.

dogs 246.3600. Attorneys for Plaintiff

LOST LARGE Grey Male SIriped Manr
m.y inr trll i Adullt iaCe.Souih.Jax. Bcv
33rd Ave & Ocean Drive It yoave tound
or seen hnm Please call 246-6098 673.

Bar Coal- No. 10178.69
1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403
Wauwatosa, WI 53213

OCEANFRONT- FURNISHED & unfur- NEED A Santa for your arty Chll O'Dess and Associates, S.C., is at-
nished lomes & condos! From $500 per 241-0136. No all adult parties please. tempting to collect a debt and any in-
week. All South Really 241-4141 .formation obtained will be used for that
WHAT DESTROYS Relationships? An- purpose.

roommate to snare nice nhcuse in quiel
neighbomnood in Allaniic Beach 3BR.BA
$700 plus hail utiities 219-4307

ROOMMATE FOR 3BR I 5BA, renovated,
JAX BCH. 1503 Tanglewood Rd 3 1, 8 -miles ocean Norin-smoker $500'mo ;ri-
WDHU tenced yd. $1200,'mo .sec dep. eludes uliilies S.-on 90-.403.-389

356 10th Si. 325. 2 olOjcks o beach,
w/shade yard. FP, W.D, no smokers,
$1475/mo. 728-2477.
JAX BCH-,Lake Sanctuary. 'Beautiful 3/2
on quiet cul-de-sac. 1800sf., open floor-
plan, fireplace, 2 car garage new carpet
and paint. $1500/tnro i904i568 0428.
PVB, 2 extremely clean 3BR homes .avail-
able. $1550/mo and $1750/mo. 285-6551,
3/2 house 1 car garage $925 mc,
2/1 house, 1 car garage, $950/mo.
3/2, 1005sf, $850/mo.
2/1.5 townhome, $850/mo.
2/1 duplex, $1195/mo.
1/1 condo, $900/mo.,
3/2, 1 car gar., 1700sf, $1495/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, $1050/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, $1395/mo.
includes yard service.
3/2, 1450sf, $1195/mo.
4/2, 1774sf, $1275/mo.
4/4, 2800sf, $2495/mo.
4/2.5, $1575/mo.
3/2, 1544sf, $1195/mo.
3/2, 1400sf, $1150/mo."
3/2, 2 car gar., 2000sf, $1395/mo.
3 units, 2/2 & one 3/2
from $990- $1250/mo
4/2, 2 car gar., 2000sf, $1350/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., 1990sf, $1525/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., $995/mo.
3/2, 131 Osf, $1395/mo.
4/2, $1525/mo.
2/2, $895/mo.
Nine 3 & 4 bedroom houses
Priced from $1095/mo to $1825/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/2.5BA, 1400sf;
corner unit; well kept townhouse, W/D,
screened porch faces nature; $1425/mo.;
PVB- SAWMILL Lakes, 3/2''all tile, up-
grades; $17,00/mo. JH Finders 536-2349.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/1, large fenced
yard, hew kitchen, WD/HU, tile floors;1300
sqft., $975/mo. +deposit. Available Jan. 2.

ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR, 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail. Jan.
'07. Short term lease avail. $1100/mo +
security, (904)928-3661.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 219 Cherry St. I
block to ocean 2 story beach home.
3BR/2BA+ 1 BR/1 BA guest cottage. Flori-
da room l.'lireplace ottice bonus room,
'large patio, appliances, WDHU, garage
$2150/mo. 246-7792, 210-8002.
4 5 blocks to ocean. $1300'mo. *700 dep
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave So., 2BR, 1BA
.house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from' ocean, $1975/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
ATLANTIC BEACH, gorgeous .3/2. No
pets. No smokers. $1000/mo. +security,

: I I .,...ATLANTIC BEACH,.' Selva' Marina,
3BR/ 1 .5BA, Ponte Vadra, close to Beach ATLANTIC BEACH, Se'va Marina,
& 3BRJT.5BA nte ra, $1200 m., 294-1114. 2800sf., 4BR/2.5BA, 3 blocks to ocean.
& JTB, $200 .,294-114 $1600/mo. (904)476-7320.

-PVB, RENT or RTO. 3BR.2BA lownriome.
1300sf. $1.100/mo. $179,900 333-2845
COZY BEACH house, 2 blocks to beach,
2BR/1.5BA, $1300/mo., $1300/sec. No
pets. 135 No. 17th Ave. Call 463-7020,

ATLANTIC BEACH. This beautiful, water-
front, 2-story townhome, with vaulted ceil-
ings features 2 bedrooms with loft/ bed-
room and 2.5 baths. For additional record-
ed information, please call 861-4636, and
When prompted, enter the location number
61190. Would consider a 7 month lease.

W'BEACHES. IBIS Point, 3/3 w/office,
2400sf, GR w/fireplace, LR, DR,. EIK, cov-
eredl patio, sprinkler system, water soften-
er, $1575/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125.
NICE 2BR/1BA townhouse flat. Large
kitchen/ appliances, ceramic tile. Lots of
closets. Close to beaches & Mayport. 66
West 5th St., AB, $950/mo, 465-2163.

ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everything new, ceramic 'tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Must see!l $1100/mo. 465-2163.

AAAH BEAUTY ocean front luxury 2/2;
$1850/mo. Available 12/15, 1-800-758-

LOOKING FOLUR roommate i share new
condo MusI be dean. nea 1'3 reni uhi.'-
es. &a lees, 463-2245
ROOMMATE TO share house near FCCJ
& UNF. Fully turpished, cable, lenced
yard. $580 includes umlhiles; 564-2601
ATLANTIC BEACH nc.me, walk to Rag.
time, beach, or Russell Park. $650/mo.,
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 3200sf.
home in-S. Jax Beach. Master w/bath
available. $600/mo. +$250/dep., 'all utilit-
ies included. (904)568-5555.

1-1--,UO 0-i-
,3BR/2BA LAKEFRONT home,, Mayport/
Atlantic Bch., $375/mo + 1/2 utilities.
Available December 27, 249-4646.
SOUTH JAX Beach,, large private room;
w/ bath, furnished, cable, private entrance,
CA/H, $140/wk + $140 depo.sil on bus
line, 246-0862.
JB, FURNISHED room, all utilities (cable,
internet, phone). $125/wk. (904)314-7901.

3010 South 3rd St. 2nd floor West, prof.
space consisting of 4 indiv. offices and a
waiting/ recp. area. Call 247-1770 for
appt. to view.
3010 South 3rd St. -,2nd floor West, prof.
space consisting of 4 indiv. offices and a
waiting/ recp. area. Call 247-1770 for
appt. to view.

Rental $1100/mo. 2/2, preserve view,
ICW, elevator- call 866-1009.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
unit, 1 story, East of A1A, $1195/mo.
(904)612-6532, (904)641-5564.

PET SITTING. Dog walking. Responsible,
mature. Call Kitty, 874-6062.

swer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetiqs by
L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard
Dianetics Foundation, 3102 N. Habana
Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722.
THE DAVIE Area Land Trust is dedicated
to preserving undeveloped land in western
Broward County. Florida For information
and donalions, visit us online at www.da-
vielandirusi org
her medical practice on 12/31/06. Address
to request medical records is: 4205 Belfort
Rd. Suite 3004, Jacksonville FL 32216

IF YOU are interested in advertising under,
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govt. fees Call weekdays (800)462-2000
Sext.600. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while,
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.
TAX DEED Title Insurance without a quiet
title action easier & cheaper. Dave Schu-
macher, President, Tax Title Services
(949)798-1180 www.taxtitleservices.com

Case No. 06-CV-2027
Code No. 30404
Foreclosure of Mortgage
Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00
2700Sanders Road
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070
Plaintiff *
unknown spouse of Patrick E. Kean, II
3738 Southeast 19th Street
Des Moines, IA 50320
103 Atoka Drive
Winchester, VA 22602
2963 Woodtop Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32277
unknown tenants
1009 Park Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
JENNIFER KEAN, 2963 Woodtop Drive,
Jacksonville, FL 32277 OR 1009 Park
Avenue, Racine WI 53403.
You are hereby notified that the plain-
tiff named above has filed a lawsuit or oth-
er legal action against you. The complaint,
which is also served upon you, states the
nature and basis of the legal action.
Within 40 days after December 11,
2006, you must respond with a written an-
swer, as that term is used in Chapter 802
of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the com-
plaint. The court may reject or disregard
an answer that does not follow the re-
quirements of .the statutes. The answer
must be sent or delivered to the court,
whose address is:

If you have previously received a Chapter
7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this corre-
spondence should not be construed as an
attempt to collect a debt,
BL 12/13, 20, 27

AIRLINES ARE hiring Train for high pay-
ing Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap-
proved program. Job placement assis-
tance. Call Aviation Institute of Mainte-
nance (888)349-5387
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Load-
ers,'Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Ex-
cavators; National Certification, Job Place-
ment Assistance; Associated Training
Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmen-
YOUR ACCREDITED High School Diplo-
ma in 30-days or less. No classes. FREE
evaluation. www.FinishHighSchool.com
ATTEND COLLEGE online from home.
Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided. Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-.
TUTORING, ALL subjects, all ages. Rea-
sonable rates, Jax Bch. 379-0345.
your driving career today Offering cours-
es in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many pay-
ment options No registration feel
(866)889-0210 info@americasdrivingaca-
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Certified.
Hands on Training. Job Placement Assis-
tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. As-
sociated Training Services, 5177 Homo-
sassa Trail, Lecanto, Florida, 34461.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

DRIVER NEEDED for company vehicle.
Split shift. Early mornings, most after-
noons. Guaranteed 25 hours per wk.
$10/hr.. Call 242-0140.






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Page 7B

December 20, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

BAR TENDER needed P/T days and
night. Apply within Harbor Tavern. 160
Mayport Rd., 246-2555.
P/T, SATJ SUNJ MON. Detail oriented in-
dividual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
Privileges. Phone 904-246-4827, email
accounting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.

SEEKING 3 dynamic, compassionate self-
starters to join our healing chiropractic
team: 1) upbeat, organized front desk per-
son; 2) enthusiastic, caring chiro assistant
w/BMO Xray license; 3) high energy, li-
censed massage therapist. FAX resume
to: 241-1401 or call 241-7907.

Weekends, 7am to 7pm, at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available at Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail to: jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
PAYROLL/ HR Admin. Must have ADP
PayEx and EZ Labor experience. E-mail
resume to:
Receptionist P/T- position open for our
24 hour receptionist. 11pm-7am, Friday
& Saturday..
Receptionists also wanted for other
shifts when needed.
Security Officer needed for on call
position P/T,.
Call 285-1055.
ATTENDANT/ DRIVER needed for wheel-
chair dependent female. Flexibility/ ref's a
must. Male or Female. Call 629-3251 for

HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser.
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
ATRIA SENIOR Living is seeking an expe-
rienced, self-motivated, part-time driver for
their bus. Facility located, at 14199 Wm
Davis Parkway. Please 'fax resume to

2550-7A Maypon Rd. Nail Tech. Hair
Srtylil & Barrier Call for details. 525-2164
a'k lor Diane EOE

Beaches location. Flexible schedule.
Must be proficient in QuickBooks and
Excel, and have Accounting/ Budgeting
experience. Fax resume to 241-6012.
PERSON Mainly Beaches area. Fax re-
sume 247.9036.
DRIVER. B'i'NUM Transpon needs qusi .
lied drivers ior Ceriral Florida. Local &
rlaiionai OTR po-siions. Foc.d grade lank-
er no' riazrriai no pumps, greal brerielis.
mTipeiiiive pay & new equipment
1866iGO-B,'riUM Need 2 years expert.
' IIANJNIES AND Nanny Nurses needed
F T ana PT postioris availanie Call 904.
ELDER CARE; wee ends. Live in option.
al. 285-2196.
ATTN: DRIVERS /O /OPS: The best ca-
reers star w*ir- Blue & you 1500 Sign-onr
bonus 0d,'-d.le ouentaiion pa'. equal-
$2000 in your Rocker. Ey.celie.ni Oenellis &
guaranteed gome lime' 1866'5. 6-2679
www.marten.com. .
ernpios individuals in a variety 01 pOi-
ni;.ns For a sling of current opponuniiies
please visit us in person 11 N 3rd SI .2no
inlor. call 247-6263. send an email o
personn;.I,'laxbcnli.net or vi'ii our web-
5.ii www.JacksorvilleBeach.org
Drug Iree work environment. EOE. VP.
froni desk clerk for rnignr sniti. Weekends
required Please apply inr person 120 Ai.
laniic Blvd. Neptune Beach.
s:rioiwronm sales dunes as needed ai a'
well eslabiisred marble ari. grane im-
Sponei located ai the beach Knowledge ol
stone materials and design helpful. Salary
and benefits negoliable upon experience.
-Fax resume to 241.3204
KENNEL ATTENDANT no exp. necc.
.Musi be energetic. peisonable & hard
working Apply in person. 1210 N. 3rdSt.,
Jax Bch.

S"Lawn servi,:c seel-s individual in perform
dependiable qualrry work Ecelleni pay &
.oenrtme aiaiaoie Crew Leaders wanted.
Fiers.'rel Bronthers Services Inc 246-

a. Inter6oastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good'driving record. Call 249-0360.

BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
experienced Teachers & Assistant Teach-
ers. F/T & P/T available. We offer a com-
petitive salary & benefits package. Call
273-6960 or fax resume to: 280-5742.
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed. Learn a trade. Health bene-
fits, good hours, advancement opportuni-
ties. Must have valid FL Drivers License.
Call 249-5381 for appt. "

SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro. Ponte Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.
BABY SITTER needed Ponte Vedra area.
References and experience required. CPR
& first aid a plus. Good Pay. 894-3352
DEBT CONSULTANTS wanted for newly
opened settlement company. Experience
preferred. Fax resume (904)730-9420.
NEED INTERIOR trim carpenters and
helpers. Dependable, own transportation.
SCall 635-1395.

DRY CLEANERS experienced counter
help. Full time, benefits. The Cleaners,
1519 Penman Rd. Call Mrs. P. 246-1705.

.DRIVER ASAP 36-43cpm.' $1 20pm +
Sign On Bonus $0 Lease New Trucks
CDL-A+ 3 m-nos OTR 1800)635.8669 ,' -

Fireplace repair & dryer vent cleaning.
904-718-8034. Eric.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
lune-up All makes, all models. $49.50

TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.
OPTOMETRY, West Beaches, Front
desk, customer service, all office aspects.
Friendly personality, ability to multi-task,
bookkeeping, PC, medical office experi-
ence a plus. Fax resume to 221-6504.



FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149.
PRESSURE WASHING technicians and
construction clean-up help needed. Must
have valid driver's license. Benefits avail-
able; 881-2071.

B e c h e s I n r a o a

PLEASE CALL Lynne s Cleaning Service
lor your cleaning needs HonesI depend-
able. silver polishing Pel & house sling
available. 343-4018.

WOOD Fence Specialisil niall. replace
35yrs Experience Relerences Mick Out-
door Enierprises 241-77.76, 838 9599

SEASONED FIREWOOD full size truck
load, twice the size of small truck. David
993-8348, Bubba 651-4564. Free delivery.

------ -----

DRIVER YOU warit 1, we nave il' Soleo.
learns, owner operators. company drivers.
students, recent grads, regional, dedical-
ed, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21.
CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778.
www.drivelorcrsi cor.

ADVERTISERS IN ih-s calegorv are nor,
cierng O3.s Tney are otlering lob related
services and may ,:riarqe lees::. Reader:.
are advised 10 exercise cau iin before giv.
ing credit card iniormalion over the pnone
wilhCul knowing wnha specihc produce or
service Iney will rece.-e

ALL CASH candy rouie Do ',ou eain
$800day"' 30 macrnne.. iree candy All
lor $9995 18881629-9968 B02000033
Call us- We will not be undersolda'

WARNING WHILE this newspaper does
rnol knowingly accept Ousiness opponrunity
ads which require you 10 pay a lee to gel
iniormailon or ihat reler you to 976-or 900.
phone numbers wnicn will reull in sub.
sianiial changes TC Vour prone 0111. inc
newspaper cannot guaranilee he validiry
oi offerings in this classilicaiorn It any ad-
veniser requires you io incur proi.ne serv-
,ce charges or pay a lee to learn ihe na-
lure of ine opporluniPr, please repon ii IT
Tnhe Beaches Leader 249-9033

ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
iransponanton 8 references. $1'0-$12.rir
any area. CPR & First Ai P T or F T
. 260-4915.
-- -

HWoEW tihe dpeh,,, .kcellarii Irierpil;
Vild'iyi;r welconr 9arr',-prnI. .mi'A L
MM 19028

CERTIFIED NURSES Aide I am seeking
a live-in posillon Monday Friday Will as-
sisi palieni win iloialcare 1904 885-2200

CARE GIVER experienced,. nonesti de-
pendaDle, CPR & Firsi Aid -enlied. Call
Nell 3535390 910-0878
F YOU are interested in advenming under
irhs category please call 904-249.9033 or
emal cia-s.i.iled',.6,eaCriesleader corn

Clean ups. leaves sod. mulcn, mow inr.m.
edge, shrub Irimming pruning, hauling
Insured. 207-4037.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc Compeiltl.e
rales. Call Alan 237-5301.

MAYTAG DRYER & Kenmore washing
machine, good condition, $200; brown
spindle baby crib, $75. Call (904)537-
STEEL BUILDINGS, factory deals. Save
$. 40X60' to 100X200'. Ex: 50x100x12'=
$3.60 sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid-
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
PLAYSTATION 3! New, in box. Best offer,
LAWN MOWER, Honda, 48" walk behind
deck mower, 110 hrs., $995, 322-7636.
WHITE GOLD diamond stud earrings,
.50 ct. tw. Appraised $1400, asking $475.
White gold diamond stud earrings, 1.50 ct.
tw. Appraised $8900, asking $3500. Call
BABY ITEMS: Brand new double jogger in
box; single jogger; Graco travel system;
Graco. play yard 'with tent cover; Call
Heather for more info. 207-0549.
PORCH FULL of Palm Casual outdoor
furniture. Excellent condition. 241-6912.
OLHAUSEN POOL table, mint condition
with marble balls, includes all cue sticks
and racks. Asking $2500 OBO, 553-6105.
BO'rYS SCHWINN Stingray Cnopper Bike,
almost new $125 270-2032
SCOOTER, 50CC, .low mileage $800
Call 349-0414
TMX ELMO, hard to find. New in box. Just
in time for Christmas. Minimum price
$200. 859-6866.
HOT TUB spa, 4 seater, 1 year old, never
used, sian up kiI, sieps & cover included
$975 OBO 887.3384. 247.3322
STEEL BUILDING Salel...Huge savings.
Manufacturer direct, 26 years. Withstand
high wind and heavy snow; Limited quanti-
ties. For specials, call Pioneer. (800)668-
5422 or visit www.pioneersteel.com.
FUTON- LIKE new, extra thick mattress.
Paid $340, asking, $150.. 221-7354.
PLAYSTATION 3, 20 GB. Brand new,
factory sealed $600 OBO. 545-3211.
LAPTOP 512R, Windows XP Prof. DVD-
CD burner WI-FI ready, 40GB, $800C
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver (904)391-0015.
WOLFF TANNING beds. Buy Direct and
save! Full body units from $22 a month;
Free colbr catalog. Call today. (800)842-
1305, www np eisian com
BED- BRAND name queen set.
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam manress & boxspring. new in
plastic w.wairanry. $379. Must sell
BUNK BED, desk a.Dookcase & chest
$150 In great condition. 246-3153
LEXINGTON SOLID Oak Dresser, glass.
top, drawers, matching mirror. $50.
GE STOVE. nDaci; & wn.ie selt-clean
tirner, clock. coil burners, greal condition.
$200. 254-4174. .
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box. new still n boxes $499.
Can deliver. 858-9350.
METAL ROOFING Save $. Buy direct
Irom rrmanulaciurer 20 colors in Stock iilh
all accessories Quick lurn around Deliv.
ery available i352i498-0778 Toll tree
18881393-0335. :
new in DoA $80 19041651-7071

Windsun.' Paddle Brand new cost $400
Sale$20(0 246-403'.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry slegn bed.
w,'manress & box spring. Music sell $395
Can deliver 1904j858-9350
3r.t-S 4.0 -Ii, ,i ad ijand.600 Micr-.aal

LIKE NEW wnhie crio, convene lo a day
be.d. Paid $400, asking $150 Maicring
dresser $75 matching changing raDle
$50, 537-4083.
MOVING SALE- Beaulilul dining room tla
ole. 70' round, glass w,' gold base & 8 up-
hoisered cnairs, music see! Sola. antiques
& 2 king size & 1 queen size bDes aw. up.
holslered headboards like new. Many
other iiems 285-3021 or 382-7290
condo r.inr, calorie pulse monitor. $150,
ARTISTS LIGHT work labie. excellent
condition. T-45 Greal gtin 249-9387

STERLING SILVER Strasbourg, 8 settings
(5), 6 serving pieces, $1450. Other
patterns. 223-5355

Scooters Atv's Dirt Bikes- Mopeds
Golf Karts Electric Cars and more!!
We will beat all prices in the country
with same warranty!
Best prices of the year
save on our holiday sale!!
Store locations: Pecan Park, Ramona,
Johnson, Beach Blvd Flea Markets
Phone: 904-716-3358
Website: wwwjaguarpowersports.com

HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
w/ incredible dark patina. Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
,email: classified@beachesleader.com

items, Sat., 7am, 1790 Mayport Rd.
SATURDAY 12/23, 8am-11pm, 1955
Brista De Mar,Circle. 10-in-1 game table,
includes football, air hockey, and pool.
Misc toys games and household items.
MOVING SALE1 Junior's clothing size 4 -
8. Dishes, household items. Great prices.
Wednesday 2- 6pm. 393 4th'St.

40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $164K. 463-2845.
BOAT SLIP For Rent, Harbortown Marina,
40' with water & electric, $500. 463-2845.

YAMAHA 125CC Scooter, exc. cond.,
3100mi., $1195. 891-8225.

1990 GRANVILLE motor home, 30 ft.
$10,000, neg. 460 Ford motor, 881-1255.

1996, TOYOTA 4 Runner, 183K miles, 5
speed 4x4. PW/PL, CD player, $5000
OBO 422-2318
04' JEEP Wrangler, Wdly's Edilion AT.
A'C, CD, lois ol extras, 19K miles Exc
cond. $15,500, 285-3228 or 838-4858.
2003 F-150 Ext. Cab, V-8, NC, CD,
cruise, 67k. $9,900 OBO. 249-2921.
1996 NISSAN extended cab XE, exc.
cond.. low mi A.C, split rear window, new
tires. absolutely perfect $5200 OBO.
887.9030. .
--------- ---- ------

BMW 525 '01 4dooi. aulo, loaded 96K
miles, excellent condlion $13,500 OBO.
662-3913 or 422-1599.

1999 B3MW 328. converitle. wnie w auto-
malic black lop. beige leather irnerror
garaged. 64K miles, eAcelleni condilion.
aulomatice $17,500 422"-6602
1996 MERCEDES E320 133K miles.
Leatner. CD player PW PL. $8000 OBO.


ens. eic Free estimates Fair puces, 314- Painling. pressure washing, wood Iloors,
3322 or 241-6688. carpenry,. ile work. drywall 241-7023

Contractor will pain any avg size room
$95 19041613-1271

IF I'C'U are inleresied in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.comi


pairs. Free Eshimates Call anyi-me All
work 100%o guaranteed. 904-484-6077

dependable for quality" repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

WE DO Concrete Repair. New Driveway
Patios, Sidewalks, Slabs, Stamp Con-
crete. Call 880-2994.

We service & sell all makes & models.
Free estimate. Family owned & operated
CAC1814887, Padgetts A/C, 588-5222.

WINTER'S ON the wayl Be ready! Seas-
oned firewood; cords & half cords availa-
ble, with free delivery. Call 334-3157.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

FRESHENING UP your paint for the
Christmas holidays, great prices. Free es-
timates. Call Michaelat 228-4775 or 642-

ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @. the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.

free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

We are looking for associates with a positive attitude
to serve our customers, ensure merchandising quality
an'd pr-'O uJct:reslhesh s-s .... s o I 'I ,:AA-)-

Now hiring for the following departments:
Grocery Market

Dairy/Frozen Food Bakery

Floral Front End

Please apply at your local Winn-Dixie
or online at www.winn-dixie.com
A Better Company. A Better You. Better Apply Now.

I .1 I I -.1. 1 q I 1 .1 1 M= 9

fmm- -

=0 W -2 --

- --- --------- -


__1_ ___I KIC_ rCr%_

..I.A..^C millinco I, nf-lln lkld

i I L I


December 20, 2006

Page 8B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Registration for spring base-
ball and T-ball is taking place
now through Jan. 19 online at
pvaabaseball.com or at Play It
Again Sports. There will also be
in-person registration Tan. 13
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and
Jan. 14 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.
at Cornerstone Park.
Kids ages 5-15 as of April 30,
2007 are eligible. Cost is $120
for baseball, $90 for T-ball.
There will also be a holiday
clinic with Rick Wilkins Dec.
18-20 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
For more information visit
Web site or contact Pat Dowd at
The Dusty Rhodes North :
Florida Baseball Christmas ,
Camp will take place Dec. 16-'
17 at Harmon Stadium at UNF.
Camp is for players ages 14-
18 and cost is 7.5. Advanced
13-year-olds (high school) will
be accepted as will high school
Camp hours are 11 a.m. until
p.m. Saturday, and..9 a.m.
until 1 p.m. on Sunday. For
more information phone 620-
h: Bowiling
There is a bowling league for
seniors 55 and up at Beach
Bowl on Beach Boulevard.
S Competition in the Monday
league begins at 1 p.m., with
practice starting at 12:45 p.m.
SCall Paula at 249-9849 for infor-

Christmas Sports
Two Chris.mias Sports Camps
Swill be held at St, Paul's School.
The fist will be Dec. 21 to Dec.
22 and costs $50. The second,
Which runs from Dec. 26 to
Dec. 29, costs 590. Single-day
rates are available.
The camps run from 8:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and are
open to kindergarten through
eighth graders. Campers will
participate in team sports and
age-appropnate actnities.
Friday are pizza, bowling and
T-shirts da\ s.
For ifo-rmation, visit
%": www.beachesbasketball.com or
call Tommy Hulihan at 349-

Flag Football
Flag Football for kids ages 5-
S1 is about to start. \\inter sea-
son leagues, which will run
from December through
February. have been formed
throughout the First Coast area,
S including at the University of
S North Florida, Ponte Vedra
Beach, Mandarin and Orange
S Park. For information, visit
w~V- w.19sports.corm or call
19041 992-4263.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
Gurls on the Run of N.E.
S Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and trairung for a 5K
(3.1 miles run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons. Spring pro-
grams take place at vanous
locations throughout Ponte
Vedia Beach, Atlantic Beach
and Neptune Beach. Volunteer.
coaches are also needed to'
work with a team of girls. For-
more information phone 321-
4315 or visit
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
girls program is going to have
signup from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Jan at the Landrum helds. A
free clini will be given that
day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Signups can be accomplished .
by e-mailing Leslie Santillo at,
pvrbgirlslax@aol.com. The girls
season illrun from Feb. 25
through May 6. The cost is

Tropical & Trendy Gifts

t .

i -.




109 First Street
Neptune Beach

mon.-sat. 10-8
sun. 11-5

$100 per player.
River Run Training
Registration is now open for
those of all fitness levels that
want to walk or run the River
Run scheduled for for March
2007. The training camps will
begin Jan. 2 but interested indi-
viduals must register early
because space is limited., Call
Pushpa Duncklee, 403-9568.
Registration for the Ponte
Vedra Soccer Club's spring sea-
son will end Jan. 10 Electronic
registration is available via the

Internet at PonteVedraSoccer-
Club.com. Cost is $130 and
new players -must provide copy
of birth certificate. Children
must have been 4 by July 31,
2006, to play. The season takes
place from March to May.
Registration for the Beaches
Soccer League spring season
sponsored by Fletcher High
School will take place during
January at Soccer Stop, 1518
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville
Beach during regular business
hours. BSL is a recreational
league for players 4 years old
through.6th grade. Roster size
is eight players and games are

five-a-side with no goalkeepers.
Registration fee is $60 for an
eight-game season and includes
shirt and socks. Games begin
the week of March 5 and are
played Tuesday or Thursday
evenings at 5:30 p.m. at the
San Pablo Elementary School
fields. Contact Mike Levine at
or 635-8969.
Women's Fitness
Registration is now taking
place for Beach Girls Fitness, an
outdoor fitness program for
women. Camps involve total
body workouts designed to
help women lose weight, gain

energy and build self-esteem.
Camps take place Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays at
8:30 a.m. For more informa-
tion contact Pushpa Duncklee
at 403-9568 or visit beachgirls-
All different levels of Yoga
classes are offered at the
Ageless Yoga & Massage Center,
391 Third Ave. South. All class-
es are taught by Joy Savitz, the
only certified Anusara teacher
in North Florida.
For more information phone
249-1111 or visit www.jack- .

Hall of Fame Class
of 2006
Five exhibits recognizing the
Class of 2006, Larry Nelson,
Vijay Singh, Marilynn Smith
and the late Mark McCormack
and Henry Picard, are on dis-
play at the World Golf Hall of
Fame. Each exhibit features
personal memorabilia that rep-
resent the inductees' historical
influence on the sport of golf,
significant moments in their
lives on the course and also
their personal interests. For'
more informationcall 904-940-

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An independent Licensee of ihe
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*Based on a comparison of our lowest Premium Part D Plan in 2006 to our lowest Premium Part D Plan for 2007.
Approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida contracts with the
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.. ... ... ....... .. ... .............. .. ........... ...... .... ........ ................... ........... ...... .. ... ..... ... .' "' : ---- -- "' ~ '~ ~ '~ ~'


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