Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Viewpoints
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Holiday...
 Section B: Weekend: Get Out
 Section B: Weekend: Festive Flavored...
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 15, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00100
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 15, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: December 15, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00100
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Viewpoints
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 6
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Holiday Happenings
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Get Out
        page B 8
    Section B: Weekend: Festive Flavored Butters
        page B 9
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 10
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
Full Text



Howard's way is

score in bushels

See A-10


Vol. 44, No. 51

Weekend Edition December


Decadent gifts

for the season

See B-10


15, 2006




See A-6

An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Deadline looms

for MSD sewers

The Jan. 1 deadline for con-
necting to JEA's new sewer sys-
tem in the Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District
(lNSDi is rapidly approaching,
and just over half of the 675
properties have connected.
Of the total, 357 had con-
nected by this week and an
additional 242 had paid the
connection fee one of the
first steps needed to connect -
leaving 76 properties still in
But contrary to what one
MSD trustee said at Monday's
MSD meeting, JEA will not
apply a minimum monthly
sewer charge to those who
don't meet the deadline.
"\Ve would not charge until
someone is actually connected
to our system," Greg Corcoran,
spokesman for JEA, said in an
interview Thursday.
Trustee Rob Becker said
Monday that lEA would start
sending out bills for a mini-
mum monthly sewer charge to
those who have not connected
by Jan. 1.
Corcoran said Thursday that
JEA has pledged to work with
customers who have not been
able to schedule a plumber, to
do the work.
Although state law requires
property owners to hook into a
sewer within one year after it is
available that one-year
deadline, August, was extended
to Jan. 1 IEA has no author-
ity to enforce that law,

Holiday hugs

Ocean Palms Elementary students bearing gifts for foster children (above) rush from
the school Wednesday toward vehicles that will deliver the goods. Sophia Lettuca
(right) carries a box full of gifts at the Landrum Lane school', where the program
began several years ago when a class of special needs children collected coins.
The program expanded, and a foundation was formed to benefit foster children at
the urging of Sandra Nasca of Ponte Vedra Beach, who has parented many foster
children over the years. The foundation, How 'bout a Hug for Foster Kids, counts
Ocean Palms as one of its regular benefactors, and this holiday season the school
will provide gift bags for nearly 60 children, with the Sawgrass Women's Club con-
tributing gifts for an additional 44 foster children.
pr.noic b CHUCK ADAMS

Corcoran said.
Enforcement would fall on
the St. Johns County
Department of Code
Becker said Monday that the
county is willing to work with
residents who have shown an
intent to get connected.
John Schwab, special proj-
ects coordinator for St. Johns
County, said the county will
contact homeowners who have
not connected by the deadline.
"Sometimes people just
don't think about it," Schwab
said in an interview this week.
"If there's an intent to con-
nect, we're poing to work with
Because only a few plumbers
are working on the MSD proj-
ect, there is a long waiting list
for their services, Becker said.
He said the best thing to do
is have a written estimate or
contract from a plumber to
show that at least an attempt
to connect has been made.
He said the county also
understands the heavy costs
associated with connecting
and will work with residents
who may have financial prob-
.JEA's original connection fee
was $1,025 per household until,
that, increased to $1,274 on
Jan. 1, according to Corcoran.
Another $778 is charged as a
growth capacity fee.


PV couple on Jeb Bush's holiday cards

The likeness of a Ponte Vedra
Beach couple will find its way to
20,000 of Gov. Jeb Bush's nearest
and dearest friends and family this
holiday season.
The couple, Glenn and Karen
Johnson, are featured in a work of
"art ringhti selected for the gover-
nor's holiday greeting card and cre-
ated by their granddaughter, Blake
Blake, 9, a Beaches Episcopal
School fourth grader, won the
Florida Pride Holiday Card contest,
putting the drawing on the cards.
Her artwork, titled "Together
Always Like Glue and Paper," was
one of 800 submitted by Florida
students in kindergarten through

grade 12.
"She's very excited," said Dana
Johnson, Bryant's mother and an
art teacher at Landmark Middle
School in Jacksonville.
"And we're excited to think that
the current President [George \V.
Bush] and a former President
[George H.W\V. Bush] will both be
receiving her artwork."
Bryant's likeness appears on the
card with those of her mother,
maternal grandparents and pets.
She's a sixth-generation Beaches
resident who comes from a long
line of teachers, among them her
grandfather, who teaches at
Wolfson High School, and grand-
mother, who teaches at Fletcher.
"I'm actually ecstatic," said Dana
Johnson "Any patent would be
pleased, but as an art teacher it was

very rewarding."
Art runs in Johnson's family. Her
grandmother and mother also were
art teachers.
"I was floored when she won,
competing with students almost
twice her age.
"I think it is important for the
community to see examples of how
electives [such as art] support and
reinforce core academic classes,"
Johnson said.
"This contest required the stu-
dents to supply a written artist state-
ment to accompany their artwork."
Blake's statement reads, "Like all
good artwork, my family is made up
of different shapes, sizes, textures
and colors. When my mother,
grandmother, grandfather and I are
put together, we create a great col-

Group helps Rotarian 's

wounded warrior, 20

Ponte Vedra Beach Rotarian
Jim Hoener wasn't aware of a
military support program
called the Wounded Warrior
Project until after a nephew
was critically wounded Sept. 27
in Iraq.
But what followed led
Hoener to introduce Wourided
Warrior and its executive direc-
tor, John Melia, to the Ponte
Vedra Rotary Club at its weekly
meeting Thursday at Marsh
Landing Country Club.
"This is an opportunity to
bring some visibility to that
organization, to let people
know what is being done for all
of our critically wounded men
and women who serve in

harm's way," said Hoener,
whose nephew, Marine Lance
Cpl. John McClellan, 20, was
shot through the head by a
sniper in Haditha, Iraq
Hoener said McClellan was
given "very little chance to sur-
vive." That. prompted a call to
Dan McCarthy, Jacksonville's
director of veterans affairs, to
ask what Hoener could do to
McCarthy suggested a call to
The Wounded Warrior
Project began in 2003 in the
basement of Melia's home,
then in Roanoke, Va.
Melia told the Rotarians that
he recognized there was a gap
in support for wounded

photo by CHUCK ADMS
John Melia speaks Thursday to
the Ponte Vedra Beach Rotary

Valley parade seen as peak event

For some Palm Valley resi-
dents, Saturday's boat parade
along the Intracoastal is a
chance to host a party with
free, live entertainment.'
For some dock owners along
the 'parade route, the event is a
time to decorate with lights
and compete for prizes. (See
story, B-1).
But for the boaters who will
make up the flotilla, the event
is the Holy Grail, the "Super
Bowl of light parades," organiz-
er Phil Kelly said Thursday.
Wednesday's final captain's
meeting at LuLu's Waterfront
Grille was charged with com-
petitive energy, Kelly said..
"We've got all the grand
champions of all the parades
[already held in the area]," said
Kelly, who is in charge of

recruiting boats for the annual
"Now the gloves are off,
'cause this is the last parade of
the year."
From the Westside comes
this year's winner of the
Jacksonville parade in the
under-30-feet category, Capt.
Steve DiPema.
Capt. Don Shirley, winner of
last week's St. Augustine Light
Parade, "is looking to win his
first Palm Valley champi-
onship," Kelly said.
Capt. David Gonzalez and
his musical Rockin' Santa boat
"has added three backup
singers" in his quest for
Saturday's top prize, Kelly said.
Last year, Gonzalez came in
second in Palm Valley while
winning three other contests,
just missing the Grand Slam,

Kelly said.
Also joining in is the "always
popular 'Helga the Viking
Ship,' operated by Capt.
Eric Nord and his 'Sons of
Norway' club," Kelly said.
Last year's Palm Valley
champion, Helga has gotten
"'several new additions" as
crew members, who dress in
Viking costume, try for a
return victory.
"This is going to be the
showdown for braggin' rights,"
Kelly said. Although prizes are
awarded $1,500 went to last
year's winner organizers are
pushing for donations to
sweeten the pot.
"The boaters are viewing our
parade as the championship
parade," he said.
For more on the parade, see B-

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Classified .............C-1
Religion ...............A-6
Showtimes ..........B-4

Obituaries .............A-5
Police Beat............A-2
Weather ...............A-2


www. pontevedraleader.com

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Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections. 28 nages

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A C)


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader'

December 15, 2006

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
ing offices
Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
and $80.
In the event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Copyright 2006

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1114 Beach Boulevard
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The Leader encourages
readers to submitc items of
community interest to the
newspaper for publication.
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome. .
Submissions should be
typed or printed, and a name
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more information must be

Photographs are welcome,'
however, they" must have
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Photographs will be
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purchase. At the time a
reprint is ordered, the photo
must have been printed in an
issue of, The Leader within
the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
8x10"'print is $15.

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The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
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per year in Duval and St.
Johns counties. Out of coun-
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To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.

The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
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In the event of errors in
advertisements, the iLeader-
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the
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The Leader maintains
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Microfilm copies of the news-
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Ponte Vedra Beach branch




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Burglary was reported on
Dec. 12 in the 700 block of.
Seagate Avenue, according to
a police report. Two suspects
entered the kitchen area of
the cafeteria at Fletcher High
School and took snacks from
the concession. One of the
suspects was honest with the
officer about the events and
was released to his mother.
The other suspect only started
to tell the partial truth when
he -was in-custodyr- although
he was not arrested at the
time, according to the report.
L *,. -
Grand theft was reported
on Dec. 11 in the 1400 block
of Atlantic Boulevard, accord-
ing to a police report. An
officer met with the com-
plainant who. said that $300
worth of scrap metal was
stolen from a business. He
also told the officer that it
had to be someone with
knowledge of that air condi-
tioning and heating units
because it would require cer-
tain tools and time, according
to the report.

Burglary was reported on
Dec. ':9 in the 700 block of
Third Street, according to a
police report. The com-
plainant told police that
someone attempted to break
into the office building.
There were pry marks on the
doors and a lock was broken
on a window, according to,
the report.
:Dawn M. Pasquale was
arrested for .possession of a
controlled substance on Dec.
12 in the 100 block of Royal,
Palms, according to a police
report. .,Pasquale was the pas-
senger. in a vehicle that was
,pulled over for a traffic stop.
The driver was arrested on
separate charges and the vehi-
cle was searched. Pasquale's
-purse was left on the driver's
seat and she told the officer
he could search it. The officer
found three pills with no pre-
scription, according to the

Burglary was reported on
Dec. 13 in the 2000 block of
Seminole Road, according to
a police report. Someone
entered the victim's vehicle
and stole an iPOD, according.
to the report.

Battery was reported on
Dec. 11 in the 20 block of
Dudley Street, according to a'
police report.

John Henry Coleman, 53, a
transient, was arrested Dec. 6
and charged with aggravated
assault in the 700 block of
Shetter Ave., according to a
police report. Coleman was
observed chasing the victim
around a stopped taxi cab,
police said. The victim told
police .that the defendant



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threatened him with a' green,
knife and attempted to stab
him, the report said.
S. '. ." ',
Criminal mischief was
reported Dec. 12 in the 300
block of 7th Street S. An
unknown' suspect kicked in-
the front door of a residence.
The victim said' it did not
appear that. anyone had
entered the residence and
nothing was missing. Damage
is estimated' at $100: ..-

Police responded to a report
of an unknown man harass-
ing female patrons Dec. 12 at
South Beach Regional
Shopping Center in the 4100
block of 3rd Street South. A
man matching the suspect
description was observed
driving in the 3900 block of.
Poincianna Blvd. Police initi-
ated a traffic stop and the sus-
pect pulled into a driveway
and exited the car. He refused
orders to stop and ran behind
some bushes out of the offi-
cer's sight. He was later seen
walking along Palm Way and
Jacksonville Drive. The man.
was arrested and charged with

resisting arrest and driving
with a suspended license.

Mark Anthony Gilbert, 18,
of Ponte Vedra Beach was
arrested Dec. 12 and charged
With employee theft in excess
of $300,at a business in the
400 block of Marsh Landing
Parkway, according to a police
report. Gilbert took two store
gift cards and applied $200 to
.,each card without paying for
.them.. police reported. He
used the cards to purchase
$416.92 worth of merchan-
dise, police said..

Grand theft was reported
Dec. 12 in the 500 block of
1st Street north. A purse and
'its contents including a cell
phone, credit cards, check-
book, keys and other personal
items were stolen from a bar..
The victim told police that
she was talking to a man and
left her purse on the table
unattended. When she
returned, her purse was gone.
The suspect is .6'2" with
blondehair in a-flat top cut
wearing wire rimmed glasses
and a 7-Up t-shirt. Total loss
is $433.

Arson was reported Dec. 12
in the 500 block of 5th Street
S. A vehicle was on fire at 1:39
a:m. Witnesses told police
that they heard a loud explo-
sion and turned around to see
what the noise was. They
observed a 2005 white Jeep
Cherokee engulfed in flames
and two men were running
away wearing dark hooded
sweatshirts. The vehicle was
reported *stoleh'from Georgia.-

, Criminal mischief was
reported Dec. 12 in the 900
block of Shetter Avenue. A
chair was thrown the front
window of a business. Cost to
repair the window is $300.
'! "O "* *"
Auto burglary was reported
Dec. 12 in the 1100 block of
20th Street N. A case con-
taining 30 CDs valued at $600
was stolen.

Grand theft was reported
Dec. 12 in the.1400 block of
Beach Boulevard. A safe con-
taining. $600 in cash deposits
was stolen from a sub shop.
The owner said, access to the
safe was limited.

. ,* *

The St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office has launched a
link on its Web site that can
show where sexual offenders
and predators live within one
mile of an address.
The site also allows a resi-
dent to-, register to receive e-
mail notification if any
offender or predator moves
within the person's area:, The
se ice isr'free'. "'' :' r
The program allows users to
click on the Offender Watch
link of the .sheriff's Web site-
to type in an address.
A map showing a two-mile
diameter circle will appear,
showing the typed-in address
as well as the locations of
offenders and predators with-
in the circle.
To access the site, visit
www.sjso.org and choose the
Offender Watch link.

Subscribe Today!
The Leader

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Oar House site OK for offices

The owner of the Oar House
Restaurant in Ponte Vedra is one step
closer to selling the community land-
mark after having it on the market for
about a year.
Chris Beladi, the Realtor who listed the
property on Mickler Road just west of
State Road AlA, met with a St. Johns
County. Development Review
Committee Wednesday to discuss possi-
ble development options for the proper-
The best possible scenario for the 2-1/2
acre property, according to the commit-
tee, is an office complex.
"It's good to have a preapplication
meeting... because they give you a level
of expectation for development," Beladi
said Wednesday.
Beladi submitted two different scenar-
ios, one for about 12 multifamily resi-
dential units a use that would increase-

Ocean Palms
Bert Kim (from
left) Adam d
Jeremiah and i
Igor Kazhuro
tote a heavy gift
bag from their '
classroom to the
school's front
Wednesday. The
gifts are for fos-
ter children in a
program called _
How 'bout a Hug
for Kids. See 3
more photos, A- -

prioir u, cHucV AAUS


Delegation gives charter OK
The St. Johns County Legislative
Delegation agreed Wednesday to take a
charter proposal for St. Johns County
government to the legislative session that
begins March 6.
The delegation, which is made up of
area representatives from the Florida
House and Senate, will consider propos-
ing the charter as a special act to be
placed on a ballot for St. Johns County'
Proponents say the chapter would give'
citizens more control over their local gov-
ernment by, among other things, allow-.
ing for recall of officials.
.Library holiday closings .
All branches, of the St. Johns ,County'
Public Library Systemrwill'beclosed Dec.

the density and one for offices.
According to comments made by
county staff, the property, which is cur-
rently zoned Open Rural, will soon be
rezoned Commercial by county adminis-
Because the county's Comprehensive
Plan prohibits increasing the density of
property in coastal areas, the property
must stay commercially zoned, making
condo's or apartments out of the ques-
Beladi said the meeting helped shed
some light on how the property can be
used so that future interested buyers will
know the property's potential up front.
"Anything that goes there is going to
be a positive thing for the community,"
Beladi said.
"I don't think that any development
there will impact the neighborhood neg-
Beladi said there has been a lot, of
:interest in the property, which is listed
for $2.995 million.

Performing for
gaThe fifth grade eAsemble at
S.. Ocean Palms Elementary
School performs last week for
Ai parents.The group sang and
performed on recorders and
0 W"percussion instruments.
p Accompanying the group on
the recorder are Caroline
Johnson (from left), Casey
J- Boland, Rachel Wise and
Si Madison Martin.

Sewers: 76 properties remain in question

Continued from A-1
Many residents have complained
of escalating costs.'
Some plumber's bills have
reached as high as $20,000, Bruce
Maguire, former County
Commissioner, said at a May com-
mission meeting.
Corcoran said after Jan. 1, JEA
plans on manually checking each

pod, or sewer collection chamber,
to see how many homes are actual-
ly connected to the system.
He said JEA fears plumbers may
be forgetting to notify them when a
connection is made.
Technically, once JEA approves a
plumber's installation of sewer
valves on the pods, the rest of the
connection to each home can ,be'

made, Corcoran said.C
Plumbers or homeowners are sup-
.posed to notify JEA when the con-
nection is made, and that may not
always be the case, he said.
Corcoran said residents with
questions about connection fees or
sewer charges should call JEA's
sewer preservice department at 665-

Warrior: Project helps wounded military

24, Dec. 25 and Dec. 26 for the Christmas
holiday. Normal hours resume on
Wednesday, Dec. 27.
Trash collection holiday schedule
Collection of household trash, yard
trash and recyclables will be delayed one
day during the weeks of Dec. 25 and Jan.
Those who. normally have Monday
pickup! will have pickup on Tuesday;
those who normally have pickup on
Tuesday will have Wednesday pickup;
those who normally have Wednesday
pickup will have pickup on Thursday,
and those who normally have Thursday
pickup will have pickup on Friday.
,, Normal residentiall pickup.w il] resume
.ortQ Mondayjan8,,,:8 "

Continued from A-1
military personnel, who are rushed
out of combat zones, leaving their
belongings behind.
Melia began collecting basic
necessities for' those servicemen,
but the project has evolved into an,
effort to help military personnel get
their lives back.
. "We're involved in counseling,"
said Melia. "We've written and had
passed the most sweeping piece of
veterans legislation in the past 30
years, the Wounded Warrior Bill,
which provides traumatic injury
insurance to wounded service mem-
bers and their families. We.do 62
rehabilitative :sporting events
around the country.
"The project has become so much
more than I ever intended'it to be,"
he said. "We now have 18 people
who work full time.I.It's a national
effort. We have thousands of volun-
The Wounded Warrior Project
and its executive director relocated
this summer to the Jacksonville,
area. It's headquartered off Butler
Boulevard in the Belfort area.
Hoener said McClellan is "doing
remarkably well," given the fact he,
was given virtually no chance to
survive the first night. "
He was transported the next day
to Germany, then to Bethesda (Md.)
Naval Hospital, where he stayed
one, month. He spent. another 30.
days--in the VA Hospital in Tampa,
arid ls"'noxv an outptlient' in

Hoener said McClellan can talk
and see and is .learning to walk,
although he has "lost his joy."
"We're hoping one day the light
comes on," Hoener said.
McClellan's head wound brought
his third Purple Heart. Two others
were given in Afghanistan. .
Hoener said his nephew's latest
award was presented by the' Marine
Corps Commandant, .who said
McClellan was only the second,
Marine to whom he had given a
third Purple Heart. The other came.
in the Vietnam era.
Among other organizations that
help military families in their times
of need are Semper Fi, a Marine
Corps support group that provided
transportation and accommoda-
tions for McClellan's parents.
Also, Homes *for Our Troops
which builds houses for handi-
capped military, and the Fallen
Intrepid Heroes Fund works with
families of servicemen who have
been killed and is involved with a
$40-million project to build a cen-
ter for amputees, slated to open in
January in Texas.
"I think this is a longtime effort,"
Melia said of' all those groups'
"If the war were to end tomorrow,
our work-will continue for the next'
five to 10 years, at least."
\Wounded W\arriors' move .to-.
:Jacksonville brings; it-closer: to one
bof its sfippoffW orgornizations, "the

PGA Tour, with which Wounded
Warrior is about to begin a third
year and which has helped raise
upwards of $1.1 million for WWP,
Homes for Our Troops and Intrepid
Heroes combined.
As part of his presentation, Melia
showed, two. tapes that featured
some of the amputees and one
blinded soldier Wounded Warriors
has helped. The amputees were
running,, biking and skiing wearing
"I'm not disabled, just inconve-
nienced," one soldier said.
"Supporting the troops," two oth-
ers said, "doesn't mean supporting
the war."

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rage. .& '- -tt

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The Leader's Opinion

Hiring unknown

is not businesslike

If you had responsibility for a business, would you hire
someone you had never met to manage the enterprise?
No, probably not. It would not be a prudent or busi-
nesslike move to hire a stranger sight unseen.
Yet that is exactly what the St. Johns County
Commission did this week.
Three of the five commissioners voted Monday to hire
an interim county administrator.
Commission Chair Ben Rich asked Wally Kropacek, a
retired U.S. Customs agent and former campaign worker
for him, to fill the county's top administrative spot. He
convinced two other commissioners, Tom Manuel and
Ron Sanchez, to go along with him and ,hire Kropacek -
a stranger to the two- to oversee operations for up to six
months until a permanent replacement is found. ,
That is not how the public's business should be. done.
Kropacek, who was to begin work Wednesday, acknowl-
edged afterward he is a little rusty, but promised to get up
to speed. After the vote to hire him, he then met his new
To their credit, commissioners Jim Bryant and Cyndi
Stevenson strongly opposed the hiring. Both suggested
filling the interim slot with one of the assistant adminis-
trators who is familiar with county staff and procedures.,
That could have been done. Or Kropacek could have
been asked to meet the.commissionersand nd a vote could
have been postponed for a week. There is no county
emergency that requires an immediate hiie
In a blatant disregard for businesslike hiring processes,
the majority chose to accept Rich'sassurances that his for-
mer boss was a good choice. Maybe he is. but each com-
missioner should have made that determination inde-
pendently after careful review. That is how elected offi-
cials should conduct business -not rubberstamping a
peer's pet pick.
The public's business should be run like a business, not
a fraternity.

Keep JB's advantage

To the editor:
Our south corridor is horri-
bly overdeveloped with
hotel, an office park, a strip
mall, a restaurant and now.
245 condos at the exit from
Butler Boulevard by Marsh
. Landing Parkway.
On April 8, 'your newspaper_
called that junction .with
South Beach Parkway "a'
joke "Some of that laridwas-a
taken b% eminent domain by
Soi mert ot officials. b
t 'In tihe )e-ar 20001, we had 12
high-rises, arid citizens wor-
ried about the six new build-
ings' planned. Now we will
have 40 within the next few.
years, because many have"
been completed'. and the city
is challengining se-eral lawsuits'
and have shied way from
defending the spirit of the 35-'
foot height charter amend-
ment on other projects.
Therefore, we may have up
to 46 high-rises. We have one
building (the Oceanic) plas-
tered against an existing
building iSouthwindi and
built-, several stories higher
than approved through an
address change.
We will have a residential
condominium (the Atlantis)
in the Central Business
District, decreasing the size of
the heart of the city.
If we think not much more
damage can occur, just imag-
ine the congestion coming to

Jacksonville Boulevar
South Beach Parkway
Home Depot opens, a
all of our arteries wh
more condos open. Just
ine the McMfansioils
ingup in all of our nei
The front of one' o
recent editions points
sible loss of funding
affordable housing
Jacksonville Beach;
Neptune Beach aid A
Beach citizens and bi
owners' fight against th
Mart; and the Jacksc
Beach Pla
Commission's dilemr
conforming to the state
dated growth manage
.program without
Planning Depart
updated traffic. circus
data, which is used to a
the impact of each-ind
project on the entire
traffic flow'. these
counts were supposed
updated annually since
Keep Jacksonville B
advantages with oui' r'
oped downtown, our
beach accesses, won
events, beautiful park
boat access by Beach N
the police, fire and eme

Colette Corliss.


d a

f y
to p

le \

"Copyrighted Material

liv Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers" ALEXANDRA


view is

scary sight

Fruitcakes are no joke

Realized at a tender' age
that the holiday season is
divided into two camps.-
S Love Santa and his elves,
kiddie pageants' and parades,
carols, garlands, red bows and
even mistletoe piece of cake.
Who doesn't?
But mention fruitcake and
S.... let's just say I know all the
jokes about re-gifting and
doorstops that make the
rounds at office gatherings.
and cocktail parties each year:
"What do you get if you.
cross a fruitcake with a beef-
:cake? A Richard Simmons.
workout video." .
"How many fruitcakes does-
nd it take to screw in a light
hen bulb? None, fruitcakes don't
on have opposable thumbs!" e p
18 %Vhaaat? From what deep,
lag- dark recess does this vitriol
)ut- spew? ,
0or- I've long thought that fruit-
cake aficionados need a secret
our* handshake to signal our com-
os-n mon bond without 'risking
our exposure to, the guffaws of
'in those. who by some accident
tie of nature-can't appreciate its
,tic buttery, moist repertoire of
-sN --fruit and,.-someti, mes 'InItts-i.
:al- I once made nmy own fruit-
ille cake, using a recipe from The
ing Art.of Caribbean CookinS. 1 lov-
in ingly selected the perfect pro-
tanl portions of.currants to raisins
n^t to minced prunes- one pound
the each- then left them to mac-
nt's erate in red wine in a deep,
ion cool corner of a closet for a
fze ew months. ..
lual W hen the fruit was ripe, I
ty's formed the rich dough with
iffic my own hands, using 'a

to be
ks, the




Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
Editor, The Beaches Leader Dirator of Sale Editor, Ponte Vedra Leade

Thomas Wood -
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahlke
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
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Alexandra Kummernes
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Johnny Woodhouse

Business Office
Char Coffman

Karen Stepp
Vice President

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore,
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Advertising &
S Sales
Marie Adams,
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Katy Stark

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb


Jennifer Wise
Vice President

Anya Braun
Michelle Abraczinskas
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin wray
Kendall Thornes

Steve Fouraker

(904) 249-9033


pound each of flour, brown
sugar and butter, plus a dozen
eggs. Slowly, carefully, I
added the woozy fruit, mixed'
peel, almond essence, nut-
meg, ground clo e, quartered
cherries, vanilla essence,
ground cinnamon and lemon
rind. '
I. baked a half-dozen little
cakes and soaked them gener-
ously with sherry while they
were still' barely warm.
Tenderly, I wrapped each in
cheesecloth before carefully
"inserting into v'gaily-decorat-
ed tin.
dA sense of accomplishment
washed over,me. Not so over
the people on the receiving
end of my good intentions.
They couldn't hide their
,pained looks as they mulled
over the myriad ,of uses for-
my little confections (eating
not among them.
As gifts, they were appreci-
ated about as much as that,
crocheted holiday sweater

- real

from Vour Aunt Edna.
But 1 take comfort th
not alone in my lo
defense of fruitcake. F
mi husband also like
cake. He ate it for b
this morning. What
odds, I asked myself w
first met and I discovi
too, shared a love
Christmas staple. Sure,
Been in the Coast Gi
more than 25 years a
liked ship food and
Ready to Eat. But I dig
Google "fruitcake,"
will get more than 2
hit, and not just just fo
iOK, there is a fie'e-:.
for "How to write a f
joke" for those forcec
i; tsstrange te\ture, i
ward gift quality and i
er disposal."). t,
Why this hatred
away, I say.
On the web you a
find real, honest-tog
family companies wh
nerstones were built c
There is even a Soc
the, Protectio ',
s rvMatniorot Fr i'tca
"I think we could a
to love this wonder
and appreciate its fi n
nature," the Wvebsite s
its introduction. "H
fruitcake then! Pull u]
pour yourself a cupp
thing and have a slice
I couldn't have said
Sidn Perry writes
Fernandina. Beach

Gloating excessive bySJ trio

To the editor:
rs I A letter-writer asserts that
h "Those not in bloc on SJ com-
mission should quit pouting
and whining" '(The Leader
Dec. 8). Funny, I haven't
heard any whining or seen
evidence of pouting from
Commissioners Bryant and
Stevenson, just opposition to
illegal maneuvering. But, I
have heard some aggressive
It was once written, '.Hell
hath no fury..." and when we
" realize that. this bloc .uber
alles diatribe was written by a
woman once scorned and
ejected from the SJ commis-

sion for her unattractive com-
.portment, we can understand
and even sympathize.
"Get over it" she says to the
non-blocers. We 'should be
careful whom we quote. One
cannot help but recall that
,same famous line from anoth-
ert victorious 'politician,
Mayor Marion Barry of
Washington, D.C., who came,
back from a previous electoral
drubbing .after having been
caught "red-whatevered"
sniffing cocaine with a prosti-
It is unfortunate that the
new commissioners, are being
Segged on in what appears to

be a "pay back" attitu
in the life of this
Surely, all will regret'
start when they confr
real issues facing the c
The citizens who:
represent will quickly
fed up with political b
and bloc voting. We
like to think that we
five individuals, each
unique contribution t
I ask, "Commission
you really a bloc or h
been unjustly labeled?

Douglas C
Ponte Vedr,

Time for less negativity in J

so city council can do its jol

To the editor :
Abraham Lincoln said; "You
can fool some of the people
all of the time, all of the peo-
ple some of the time, but you
can't fool all of the people all
of the time".
The Beaches Watch Group
candidate for Jacksonville
Beach City Council Scott
Chestnut, lost. Oh, I know
that Ms. [Sandy] Golding says
that the BWG does not sup-
port candidates. I'll let you be
the judge.
Core members [of the
group] contributed over
$1,600 to Scott's campaign.
As I said, I'll let you be the
The same group supported
Dean Thompson in his losing
. effort to defeat the Home

Depot application for [a] store
in the South Beach Regional
Shopping Center.
[Certain core] members at
one time or another spoke in
opposition to Home Depot at
the Planning Commission
meeting and at both council
meetings when the hearings
were held. Once again Ms.
Golding will say the BWG
does not support issues.
Since the inception of the
BWG, I cannot remember one
instance when they projected
a positive position on any
subject. It has always been
negative, negative, negative.
It has been abundantly
clear to me that the citizens
of Jacksonville Beach want a
positive approach to their city
government. In a Republic

form of government, the peo-
ple elect their officials and
the elected officials make the
Once again the voters in
Jacksonville Beach elected
three excellent new members
to the City Council.
Just as Honest Abe said;
"You can't fool all of the peo-
ple all of the time".
Maybe it's time for Ms.
Golding to take her BWG and
set sail on her boat from St.
Augustine and let the new
Jacksonville Beach City
Council perform their elected
duties Without interference
from such a negative group.

Dick Matthews
Jacksonville Beach

St was. Saturday night and
though I didn't go out, I
still had to walk the line...
Thanks' to the Beaches
lly police"departnents and a DUI
S awareness program they spon-
sored over the weekend to
educate people on the dangers
of drunk driving, I. learned
at am hat its like to take a sobriety
we and test... my first afid my last.
for one, I tried the ever-so-alluring
es fruit- "intoxication goggles". The
reakast,name alone filled me with
are the intrigue .- are those the
vhen wee "beer goggles" developed after
ered he, several drinks when meeting
of this men in bars?.
he had \ell, they aren't nearly as
guard for fun as they sound. They're the
nd also kind of goggles you would.
Meals wear if you were conducting
gress. lab experiments not what
and you you would wear trying to
million meet a potential date.
)r okes. T he goggles supposedly rep-
tep site resent the world as. seen
ruitcake through the eyes of, well, a
1 to face drunk person. As for me,
tp awk- 'though. I got a little nauseous
i.ts prop-. and dizzy.
?' Trn The first set of three goggles
T Turn is supposed to be a representa-
lso w tion of, Whatyou might see if
iso will you've had about one drink,
oodnessc give or take based on body-
oe cor- weight and other factors. You
i tfruit- would still be under the legal
.. limit of .08.
ciety for I must be an intoxication
' jandr 6 ,'ggIe 'lightwiveight. because
'my ability 'to walk in a
all learn straight line has never been.
I :. cake that impaired after only one
e fruity drink. Afterward, I conducted
states in a bit of my own research to
P a seat compare how accurate those
7a some- goggles really were and while
at ,home sipped one, glass of
e trwine. I could still walk in a
it better straight line and touch my
for ,the nose. .
for the By the third pair of goggles,
News- which represent a blood alco-
hol level between .17 and .20
well over the legal limit -
walking the yellow line that
was taped to the ground took
a lot more attention. I must
have been a sight because I
had two people on either side
of me practically holding me
up as I attempted to walk
straight while wearing my
beautiful goggles. The ground
de early was blurred, I was dizzy, and
board. trying to walk along that little
a rocky yellow, line was nearly. impos-
:ont the sible (yes, I almost fell).
county. But, in my never-ending
m they grace, I managed to get across
become it with my dignity still intact.
bickering I left with the sound advice
Should not to drink and drive and a
:elected' recipe book. filled with
with a instructions for making some
o make. great, non-alcoholic bever-
ers, are ages....which is basically, a
ave you recipe book for smoothies.
?" So, the next time you think
about getting behind the
Worth wheel with "intoxication gog-
a Beach gles," call a taxi, call a friend
or call me, but don't drive
I've seen what the world
S looks like to drunk drivers
B and I can assure you that I
don't want to be in their. sight
lines. We all have an interest
, .in keeping drunk drivers away
from the steering wheels..

Lengthy letters
may be edited as
space requires.
We will not consid-
er letters that do
not bear a signa-
ture and address
and we request a
phone number for.

torre 4dA

December 15, 2006




rVeE.M-5D1-nL 1-a, / --- The B---r


More letters to the editor:

Mayport Road is much too

dangerous and needs attention
To the editor: drivers who run the red lights lic safety hazard. Given the
I am a subscriber. I appreci- at Levy/Donner and Plaza amount of time and effort
ate the service you provide to Roads or cross over Mayport Atlantic Beach spent on FAR, I
our community. Perhaps you against traffic. The speed limit question the benefit of that
can help bring some much is 45 mph which is remark- effort compared to this risk.
needed attention to a growing able given the multiple access We hear talk about the lack
problem. points. Speed and heavy traf- of attention to the communi-
I live in Atlantic Beach on fic seem to contribute to the ties on the westside of
the westside of Mayport Road danger. Mayport. It's true the diverse
in the new housing built by Jim Hanson, Atlantic Beach community is radically and
Bestcom. It's a wonderful City Manager, responded economically diverse. Perhaps
community and we enjoy recently that Mayport Road their voice has not been
great privacy, wildlife (which has the highest rate of traffic raised or heard because I see
is diminishing on the eastside accidents in Atlantic Beach. I little action on this issue. Of
of Mayport) and a diverse suspect it has the highest in course the. 2007 Mayport
community. I lived in Selva the entire Beaches although Road median project should
Lakes and was one of the first Beach Boulevard might pose help address the problem but
owners back in 1987. similar risks. I believe its why are we unable ... unwill-
Having lived on both sides speed limit is 35 mph. ing to devote our resources to
of Mayport I have a different Apparently. Atlantic Beach mitigate the risks now ....
view, of, the safety of our requested a reduction of the before another person, ani-
streets because' I travel both speed limit in prior years but mal, child is injured or killed.
daily to/from the beach in the was refused by FDOT. Coverage by The Leader
morning or visiting friends Friday evening, Dec. 8,, helps, raise awareness.
and going to the office. 2006, a 61-year-old woman Coverage. of both accidents,
Mayport Road is a dangerous was killed on Mayport and causes and results, communi-
road and frankly I fear for my Levy Roads when her small 'ty perceptions, government
safety and those of my neigh- compact car was struck by an 'action or inaction, etc., all
bors who attempt to cross it SUV. The accident is under help.
on foot, bike, skates and even review.
in our autos. I am writing you to request Victoria Bischof
I see daily close calls by more coverage about this pub- Atlantic Beach

Typhoon victims need assistance

SW."Copyrighted Material

S ll Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

Speeding police officer cited

To the editor:
How ironic is this?
I was on my way home form
work [on a] Saturday morning
at the intersection of San Pablo
and Beach Blvd. at, approxi-
mately 6:20 a.m. .
A Neptune Beach Police car
blasted past me like I was going
the other way. I was doing 40
mph and he' had to be going at
least 10 tO 15 miles an hour

Here is where it gets good.
Where do you think he was
headed in such a hurry? Well, I
was able to keep him in sight
to. his destination, the base of
the Intracoastal Waterway
Bridge on Atlantic Boulevard.
I found this very ironic since
he was on his way, to help,
finance Neptune Beach by tick-
eting motorists coming over

the bridge for the exact same
thing he was guilty of.
I won't include the vehicle
number or the tag number
here, both of which. I did
obtain, but I will forward a
copy of this letter to the
Neptune Beach Police
James F. Van Horn

To the editor:
A few days ago, a typhoon
Durain hit hard into the
southern Vietnam. It killed
many people and destroyed
thousands of homes. My vil-
lage called Ben Tre got hit .the
hardest. It blew 4,000 .homes
and damaged another 26,000.
It killed 78 people and injured
800 people.
Now thousands of families
are without a place to live,
food, and clothes. I called
home to ask about them. My
brother told me that it is dev-
astated. The people are hun-
gry and tired, and there is no
clean water to drink. Children
are crying everywhere! The
market place is so damaged
that it's not open. At zhight,
'- i \ ; ., I, _.,.I il i, ,!_ ,!" 11,'

there is no light. And any
houses that are still standing
have to shelter 30 to 40 peo-
ple on tile floor. He asked me
if I can help and, I said I'll try,
I'll try.
For the last 6 years, I'have
raised funds in my nail salon
to help my village because it
is a very poor and rural area.
Their houses are make of
coconut leaves and the floor
is' just plain dirt. They are
lacking many basic needs.
Over 6 years, I 'have raised
over $10,000 and wired
money directly home to the
people I trusted. With the vol-
unteers there, they built wells,
gave out rice and medicine
and hel ed poor children
with c1tes: and, schplssup-

Now the' effects of the
typhoon are much bigger. I
really need your help.
I hope to raise some money
to help them get the basic
needs like food, water, blan-
kets and mosquito nets so
they can feel some comfort
after losing so much to the
natural disaster. Please consid-
er this as another call at
Christmas and share some-
thing .to the people that have
Nothing. Your donation will
go far and it will save many
May God bless you and
* your. family. Thank You!
Jenny Tran
'Ca Nails Owner
acksonville Beach

Schools should stick to basics

To the editor:
I read with interest the letter
from a Mkfayport Middle School
teacher defending "Mix It Up"
Day against my earlier criti-
His first claim is that the pro-
gram was voluntary. The article
does not make this clear. Even
if it were, however, "voluntary,"
my criticisms would still
remain valid. In my experi-
ence, as a victim of American
public education, such pro-
grams are about as "voluntary"
as the Hitler Youth or the
Young Pioneers.
Administrators and teachers:
have a million ways to pressure
a student to be involved, from
lowering grades on schoolwork
which is graded by subjective
'criteria, to ignoring his .ques-
tions in the classroom, or to
refusing to give the otherwise
deserving student his cheesy
"Honor Student" bumper stick-
I did not call the school an
"armed camp," as the writer
alleges. My objection was to
uniform members of the
American armed forces lending
the prestige of their uniforms
and their presence to an event
so perfectly un-American. The
use of military personnel, in
uniform, to encourage children
to engage in any particular
brand of "right thinking" is the
stuff of authoritarian govern-
ments, not free societies.
The writer calls this a "purely
innocent event." It is not that
at all, but is an' attempt to
indoctrinate students. Francis
Xavior, one of the leaders of an
earlier authoritarian period
called the Counter-
Reformation, said "Give me the
child until he is seven."
The people who gave us
"Mayport Mix It Up" Day
apparently feel that having the
child in seventh grade will suf-

fice. It is not the job of a tax-
payer-supported public school
to interfere with children's
thoughts about each other, no
matter how politically incor-
rect they may be. That is the
job of parents; If America still
remains a free country, it
means that (despite the best
efforts of the people who
brought us "Mix It Up" Day) a
Klansman, a Nazi, a
Communist, a follower of the
Nation of Islam, or a supporter
of Osama bin Laden all have
the right to bring up their chil-
dren as they wish without
those rights being interfered
with government functionar-
The only exceptions to this
occur when the child is being
physically harmed by his par-
ents or if he is harming other
children. Schools should focus
on teaching matters like
Language Arts, Mathematics
and Science, and leave the
socialization to the parents and
kids themselves.
SThe writer ignores complete-
ly the fact that I devoted con-
siderable space to means of
solving the alleged problem of,
bullying without infringement
on the rights of all students, or
trampling on the prerogatives
of parents. Punishments such
as in-house detentions, suspen-
sions, transfers of schools for
discipline problems or even
incarceration are available.
There is no need to infringe on
the American sttident's First
Amendment right to free asso-
ciation and there is no need to
infringe on the citizen's Second
and Ninth Amendment rights
to. gun ownership in order to
combat street crime. Such
infringements are the stuff that
totalitarians who want govern-
ment to have at monopoly of
force over the citizenry and or
to indoctrinate children into

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industrial serfdom. Nothing is
further from the intent of the
Founding Fathers or from what
has led to American greatness
in the last two centuries.
Stick to the basics and leave
the other stuff to parents.

Barton L.'Knapp
Atlantic Beach



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Page 5A

The Bepaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader

T-),-rpmher 1



9:0 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45am Nursery Availabe Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am- Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONC LIATION
Church School- All Ages 9:45 a.m. 8-30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass -7400, 8:30,10:00, Saturd 1000 a.m. orby appt
Youth Fellowships 5p.m. 4 6:30 pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper t1a.am Am &7moIrOS'A
Contemporary WorshipSer. 5:59 m. Sunday Church School 9:45am BibleStudiesorEvery Age & LifeSituation 6:30 Choir, BibleStudy,Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 p.. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Chancel Choir Wednesdays 7 p.m. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3) 7:15p.m. (4-6 r.)
ho WeaSunday Worship .neptebaptistorg N ne Beach James Collins, AssIociate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30-5:20 p.m.
Weekday PreschooKindergarten (3,4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Barey, Pastor N h249-2307 www.fccbdoc.comn /ema fcbdocellsouth.net After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. 246-6014
'. Palm Valley Baptist Church abEPhDadrOCEANSIDE
4690 Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra RabbiqN Eilnr-nu PDSiiaLed
S (9o)4 25-2447 VLA f- saft Williami, President CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST BAPTIST
Email:palmchuch@bellsouth '.." 1025 Snug Harbor Court II
Sunday School for all ages ....9:15am 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid
Sunday Worship Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 -12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Service 10:30am Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Stud 9:15 a.m
Sunday Evening Wte have a fil range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709 Bla.m
nB8ble:Study 6:,00pm S0aturd a y 0p m community. Please contact our office m-f 8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30a.m.
Wednesday Family Sunday 8:00am,9:30am & 11:00am education, Sisterhdod activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Dinner 6:00pm (904) 268-2500 "A homeforJewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 700pm
for a ages 7-Opm www.MandarinChristian.com L Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. .. -.? 'n., Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired

December 1-5, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

i Po e 6A


Christmas Dinner offer "Meditation Made Easy", a information; the church Retreats at Marywood
St. Johns Catholic Church class led by Rev. Marleen Davis 1 address is 298 Aquatic Drive in Retreats and events are
will serve Christmas Dinner for at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at Atlantic Beach. planned at the Marywood
senior citizens of the beaches at the Ribault Garden Club. The Center for Spirituality in the
3 p.m. on Monday, December class will continue through Singles groups Switzerland area of NW St.
25. The church address is 2400 early December. For informa- Johns County at 1715-5 State
Mayport Road in Atlantic tion call 355-5100. The Garden The following are church- Road 13. For information, call,
Beach; transportation is avail- Club is at 705 2nd Ave. N. in' '. related singles groups in the 287-2525 or toll-free (888)-287-
able from Dial A Ride at 246- Jacksonville Beach. U Y Beaches area. Church member- 253 Or check www.marywood-
8771. For information call the ship is not required: center.org.
church office at 246-6014. Prayer for Schools New Life Christian
S '' Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd., Church Activities for
Grief Ministry On Thursdays from 9:30 to 4. Jacksonville has monthly Single Kids
11 a.m, a group meets at the ", t Y Adult Ministry meetings. A
The Healing Hearts Ministry Winston Family YMCA to pray L White-Elephant Gift Exchange The following events are held
of Ponte Vedra Presbyterian for school, media, families, and will be held at 7:30 p.m. on at Beaches area churches on
church will begin a 10-week church. The YMCA is on Friday. The annual Singles Wednesdays for youngsters:
church will begin a 10-week church. The YMCA is on Banquet will be at 7 *l Valley Baptist Church
small group, self-guided jour- Landrum Lane in Ponte Vedra. Christmas Banquet will be at 7 *Palm Valley Baptist Church
ney through the grief process at For information call 285-0267., p.m. on Saturday at the Genesis at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
7 p.m. on Sunday, January 7 at Cafe. Tickets are $20 and need Ponte Vedra has a family dinner
,7 p.m. Healing Hearts Ministry Celebrate Recovery .. .. to be purchased in advance. at .6 p.m. and children and
is led by trained volunteers Contact Claudia at 223-6000 youth Bible study at 7 p.m. Call
Beth and David Bolton. For A biblical based program for ."1.- for information. Childcare is 285-2447.
information contact them at persons facing personal prob- i provided for some events. *Sunrise Christian Church
280-7820 or at etbolton@bell- lems, meets every Friday at 6:30 Beach United Methodist youth group meets 7 p.m. to
south.net. p.m. in thefellowship hall of Ghurch has Monday Night 8:30 p.m., beginning with
Beach United Methodist hall o i Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on group praise and worship, fol-
Bethel Gallery Exhibit Church, 3rd .Street at 7th Monday nights and Singles lowed by small groups for fel-
Avenue North, Jacksonville. Coffee House' 10:45. a.m. on lowship, Bible study and prayer.
"Christmas Presence" is the Beach. The program empha- Sundays. For information Visit The church is at 298 Aquatic
ongoing art exhibit at Bethel sizes 'that through worship and B', www.beachumc.org or call 249- Drive, Atlantic Beach. Call 249-
Gallery at. Ponte Vedra same-gender small groups, peo- 2343. BUMC is located at 325 3030.
Presbyterian Church through ple can work on personal strug- 7th Ave. N. *Bethlehem Lutheran
January 14. The church address gles such as eating disorders, .. Beaches Chapel Church, 610 Church at1423 8th Ave. N.,
is 4510 Palm Valley Road in alcohol/drug abuse, and code- 5a,-.-. ; ^= 'I Florida 'Blvd., Neptune Beach. Jacksonville Beach has Junior
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-8225 for tendency. The evenings begin iJ Singles over age 33 meet the High Youth Group, activities
information. with dinner. Call 249-2343. pnoi,., KATHY NIc'OLETTI last Saturday of the month at 7 from 6:45 to 8 p.m. The Senior
This painting by Diana Patterson is one of 40 artworks on dis- .p.m. at the church. 241-4211. High Youth Group meets on
Israel Study Men's group meetings play in the exhibit titled "Christmas Presence" at the Bethel : Christ Episcopal Church, 400 Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. Call
Gallery at Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church. San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedia, 249-5418.
Biblical Scholar, L. Johnson Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian offers a singles ministry called *Chist Episcopal Church at
Sarber, misleading a multi-media Church. offers "Bible and office at 241-9400 St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal Solo Flight. For information Solana Road and San Juan Drive
Sunday School class at Calvary Bagels", a men's Bible study A men's Bible stud\ is held at Church has a Men's. Prayer contact the church office at in Ponte Vedra offers dinner in
Anglican Church on the group,. 6:30 to' 7:30 a.m. on 7 a.m. Monday at Ponte \edia Group and Bible Study which 285-6127. the parish hall for youth and
History of the Modern State of Wednesdays in- the Fellowship United Methodist Church; 35 meets on the first and: third Christ the Redeemer Church, families at 6:15. p.m. A chil-
Israel. The three-part' class will Hall. The church address is Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. 190 S. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte dren's art program is held from
finish at .9 a.m. on Sunday 4140 Hodges Blvd. For informa- Beach. in Stormes Hall. The mien's Vedra Beach. Weekly Bible 7 to 8 p.m.
Calvary meets at Sabal Palm tion call 223-6922. Palms Presbyterian men's group also participates in out- study and monthly social event Church choir school to devel-
Elementary School at 1200 N. The men's group from Bible study isheld at 7 a.m. reach efforts. All are welcome to such as square dancing for ages op.musical skill and Christian
Kernan Blvd. For information Calvary Anglican Church meets Wednesdays in the You th attend. The address is 465 11th 30 and up. 280-5813. formation is offered for age 3
call the church office at 241- at 6 a.m. Friday at Denny's Center/Fellowship Hall. Ave. N. in Jacksonville Beach. Ponte Vedra Presbyterian through sixth grade prior to
9400. Restaurant, on Atlantic Blvd. Community Presbyterian Sunrise Community Church Church, 4510 Palm Valley Wednesday .evening dinner.
Pastor David Sandifer will facil- Church at 150 Sherry Dr in offers Men's Study Groups at 6 Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. Bible The school is free and is given
Meditation Class itate a study of "Devotional Atlantic Beach has Wednesday :15 a.m. and "7 p m. on0 study girup at 11 a.m. Sunday by Dr.. Timothy McKee, Music
Classics" by Richard S. Foster. morning prayer breakfasts for Wvednesdays. Contact ithe and occasional other activities Director of the church. Call
Unity at 'the Beaches will For information call the church men at 7 a.m. church office at 249-3030 for, for singles ages 30 and older. 285-6127.

400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach 285-6127 ALV/ AR
Sunday 7-45, 9:00, 11:00AM- 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist .4 ng/:.an C h.rcr Your Family palms
10 15 AM Christian Formation; Saturday Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM r es oyter r. c' ..r ch
Wednesday Holy Eucharist-7:00 AM, 11.00 AM, 6 PM T hi...tS.,e.i,- ..,,.,. Ths
Weekday Evening Prayer in Chapel 6 p.m. except Wed Y. r ~" .,-c.. m Ia p"
Nursery available for Saturday and Sunday services. Meeung at Saba l Palm Elemen1ra Week lPs almsOasis
I 1HRIST CHUNCH SAN PB.BLO'." .. ,' K.an lu" .1.n .. Communit Nurtured by
CHRIST I H^n U SN 1 Iuri '.:rhhip 1030 .mH1-rC ,H P O.
2002 San Pablo Rd;jacksonville-, 221-4777... Suna, S..nool: 9:00uam e U"o-racelr
Sunday 9 AM Worship; 10 15 AM Christian Formation n. .-.,- ....r.. -.,, ...... to
Nursery Provided .. ... 5erve God's Mission in the World
For event information, visit www.christepiscopalchurch.org ,. ..:.
COASTAL CHRISTIAN Worship Opportunities Sunday Worship Services
9:30 a.m. Contemporary* 8.30 and 11.00 a.m.
Exciting, Growing 1:00 a.m.'Iraditional* Sunset Service at 5:45. p.m.
Home Church *Kids Worship provided
Rev. Jeff BennettPastor Nursery at all services
off Kernan Adam Myers. Youth
553-9910 Sunday'School
PONTE 1VEDRn3A 35 Executive iai. P\B All ages 9:40,a.m.
eetpf un a s d r :\cro M eet Sundays Behind Prosperi Bank h
3410 South Third Street, Jacksonville Beact
10:00 a.m. -'1l:30 a.m. UnitedlMethodist 280-5141 www.pv-umc.org Ph: 904-246-6427 wwW.palmschur.org
\'\.coastalchristian.org Church "Connecting the Unconnected"
(A TraditionalAnglican Church) "Where friends gather to worship," Wed. Evening 7:30 pm I~ MISSOURI SYNOD I
247-1442 : '" 4510 Palm Valley Road (CR 210) MNS OUISf Ri GadA Cln
Holy Communion 5 Pwwwa.pvpc.com Val dmMS20 iUr Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. To advertise your Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 1050 Highway AlA. 285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. DanaA. Brones, Pastor
Christmas Day 10:00 A.M. Sunday Breakfst (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
Holy frinity meets in the Old Chapel Rel gious Services Nursery & Toddleir B] inistries Sunday School 9:00am'n http://www.blcjaxbeach.org
at 610 Florida Bhvd.. Neptune Beach Middle School, Worship 10:15am 855.-100 & 11-ftfam Traditional
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 here call Middle High School, College Worship E-mail 10:15am 355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 1100 a.m. Service
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32MO-0294 2 '0 Adult Ministries newbeginningshc@clearwire.net Dial- A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
www.holytrinityneptunebeach.org 249-9033 Music & Art Ministries Website: PSunday School 9:45 a.m.
Rev.Robert C. Adams, Vicar Home:of a Bethlehem Visit www.onlinewithnewbeginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) r-,INTHE-FILD bty EUC Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
A (BY THE SE egation EPISCOPL'0 CHURCH Episcopcal Church Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 'I'Di M/ -6- !a Nursery Provided-
PASTOR MICHAEL BLAXER 895 Palm Valley Road 'I., Pastor Steve McCoy CHRIST
Sunday Worship Ponte vedra, FLB 543-0112 "" "Associate Pastor Howard McMinn
8:00 am & 10:30 ami www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org hdres hael At am un. WORSHIP SERVICES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
iSunday School a udaltrhisa Welcome Fa&ilies Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Adult Christ Frmin 900am & Singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am Wednesday 7PM Neptune Beach. 249.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 a (Children's Chapel during service time) Corner of 5th St. & 111h Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbylhesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided' N urerPvrie-Intshru .. 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
e** CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH E N of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) ST HOAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH
150 h? Ai L T R CH H/ t2125 Oceanfront& Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
150 ShDre Atrantic Bc F Come worship with us by the ocean 5th Street h Mehan
SJo Rev, Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pastor (ELCA) Bati st C h ur Coh Se i p wit Avenuso brth at5th Street t Father JosephMeeha
S Churchffice249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd Ponte Vedra Bch SATU Y EV ING e sd a s WEEKEND MASSES
Presch001Kindergalen Office 241-7335 ATR YEVNNTraditional Services Jacksonville Beach Salurday 5 p.m.
www-communiypcusa.org 'Ph. ~5-5347 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 ama.m. 11 .
edhc. m, hRul Frank Pastr SUNDAY Celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor Sunday 9 a.m., 11 am.

Djecem. 1er ,' h evaed

Seasonal message set to song

Warmth and cheer are usual-
ly exemplified during the holi-
days and one Beach resident
has harmonized the senti-
ments in a Christmas song she
The song has been recorded
and is being sold in some local
Barbara Hubbard, an Atlantic
Beach resident of 12 years,
began writing poetry when the
events of 9/11 "struck a chord"

and compelled her to begin
writing poems for the first time
in her life.
"They just started coming to
me," she said of the poems,
explaining that the hour
before dawn is when she is at
her most creative.
Hubbard was so inspired by'
the kindness that flourished as
people banded together to help
the victims of 9/11 and their
families that she began to write
"The hero came out in every-
, .,- Tfc :,. g'eg-.

Barbara Hubbard

Photo by STAFF

one," she said.
Hubbard, .who has been a
Realtor for 20 years, said she
strives to exemplify the grace
and generosity :she so much
admires in others, especially
the "everyday heroes" encoun-
tered during 9/11.
"It just makes, you want to
try harder," shie said, "Our
common days catch up with
For the past five years,
Hubbard said h.er writing has
become her passion and she
has written a variety of poems,
some of which have been pub-
lished. She was approached by
a recording studio to turn one
of her poems in to a song.
Hubbard selected two poems.
and sent them, in. Her song,
"There'll Always Be
Christmas," is ia testament to
her faith and reflects her out-
look on life, she said.
"Its just the feeling from my
heart. It's' what Christmas
means to me," she said.
The song begins with the
words "There'll always be
Christmas, fior there will
always be Jesus Christ," some-
*thing, which' she said she,
believes deeply and has taught
her children.
"I've always ;tried to raise my
children to r.iake sure Christ
stays in Christmas," she said.
The sorig is, not only about
Christmas, buikt it is also about
having faith, no matter where,
you are. Hul bard, whose for-
mer husband is a Vietnam vet-
eran, is deeply patriotic. One
of 'the reasons she. agreed to
work with thb recording studio
on the "Home for Christmas"
CD is that some CDs will be
sent to.soldie-rs in Iraq.
"You feel Inke you're doing a
little something," she said.
The record company chose
an artist and; Hubbard collabo-
rated with them to decide how
her song should be put to
music. The !ong is now sold in
some local stores and has been
sent to radio stations.
"I'm just thrilled to be a part'
of it," she sidd.

December 15

*Beth El the Beaches
Synagogue, 288 N. Roscoe
Blvd., Ponte Vedra, 273-9100
Lighting the Hanukkah
Lights will be at 5 p.m. with a
Family Dinner served at 6
p.m. Services will be held at 8

*Congregation Ahavath
Chesed, 8727 San Jose Blvd.
in Jacksonville, 733-7078.
First Night of Hanukkah
Dinner and Service begins at
6 p.m. There will be a Family
Service and Dinner as well as
an Evening Service and
Candlelight Adult Dinner.
The cost for the dinner is $13
for adults and $7 for.chil-
dren. The community is wel-,
come; call for reservations.'

Hanukkah Events

and Services

I December 16'
*Chabad @ the Beaches'
will host Dreidels and
Doughnuts, a Chanukah
Judaica gift and fun fair, at
6:45 p.m. at Adventure
Landing. For information call

December 17
*Chabad @ the Beaches,521
A1A N in Ponte Vedra, 285-
Festival of Chanukah cele-
bration will be at the
Jacksonville Landing and
includes the lighting-of a 15-
foot Menorah at 6:45 p.m. A
parade will leave from
Chabad @ the Beaches and
travel to the Landing for. a
family-oriented. Chanukah
program prior to the
Menorah Lighting.
*Hineni Messianic
Fellowship, 1797 -Old
Moultrie Road, Suite 102, St.
Augustine, 940-5365.
Chanukah Celebration will
be held at 2 p.m. with
singing, dancing, and games.
The community is invited to
attend, please bring a covered

I.rBoys and girl urs e e c s al H'rnels
Boys and girls enjoy the crafts at the Beth El Hanukkah party.

December 18
*Chabad @ the Beaches will
have an interactive
Chanukah program for resi-
dents of Avante Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center. Call
285-1588 for information.

December 19
*Chabad @ the Beaches will
have a holiday children's
story hour with crafts and
games at the Beaches Branch
of the Library in Neptune
Beach at 4:30 p.m. Call 285-
1588 for information.

December 21
*Chabad @ the Beaches will
have Chanukah program for
residents of Fleet Landing.
Call 285-1588 for informa-

*The wrong date for
Chabad @ the Beaches
Festival at the Jacksonville
Landing was printed last
week. The correct date is
December 17.

I i 1
Dr.Loren Thornton,DC



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Jacksonville Beach
* 247-ACHE (2243) e

Church Services

First Baptist Church of
Jacksonville Beach, 324 North
,5th Street, 249-2314 .-
SDecember 24
9:30 a.m. Christmai, Worship
6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service with the

Neptune Baptist Church
December 24
6 p.m. Christmas Service
8 p.m. Christmas Service

Palm Valley Baptist
'Church, 4890, Road, Ponte Vedra, 285-2447
December 24
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
with Cantata, "Emmanuel.

Christ Episcopal Church,
400 San Juan Drive,. Ponte
Vedra; 2002 San Pablo lkoad,
Jacksonville; Serenata Beach
,Club, South Ponte Vedra
Beach; 285-6127
December 24
7:45 a.m. Sunday Holy
Eucharist Advent IV Service
9 a.m. Sunday Holy
Eucharist Advent IV Service
2 p.m., 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8
p.m., 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Celebration at Christ Church
Ponte Vedra
4 .p.m. Christmas Eve
Celebration at Vicars Landing
4 p.m. Christ Eve
Celebration at Serenata
8 p.m. Christmas Eve
Celebration' at Christ Church
at San Pablo
December 25
10 a.m. Christmas Day

St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church, 465
Eleventh Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, 249-4091.
December 24 .
9 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10 a.m. Fleet Landing Service
5 p.m. Family Service
8 p.m. Fleet Landing Service
10:30 p.m. Carols
11 p.m. Holy Eucharist
December 25
10 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra, 285-8009.
December 24,
7 p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service

St. Andrew's Lutheran

Church. 1801 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach, 249-4575.,
December 24
S a.ri. Sunday service
; 10:30 ajn Sijday Sertice
S: tiR,.I4_ is \ ds Ea v'
Family elvice
10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service

Beach United Methodist,
Third Street at Seventh Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, 249-2343.
December 24
10 a.m. Traditional Worship
Service Sanctuary
4 p.m. Family Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service Sanctuary
5:30 p.m. Traditional
Christmas Even .Candlelight
Service Sanctuary
7 p.m. Contemporary
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Service Family Life Center
8:30 p.m. Contemporary
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Service Family Life Center

Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Suite 10, Ponte
Vedra, 280-5141.
December 24
10 a.m. Lessons and Carols
5:00 p.m. Candlelight.
7 p.m. Candlelight Service

Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church, 4140 Hodges. Blvd.,,,
Jacksonville, 223-4826.
December 24
10 a.m. Worship with
Lessons and Carols
5 p.m. Family Service with
9 p.m. Candlelight
Communion Service

Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley
Road, Ponte Vedra, 285-8225
December 24
9 a.m. Christmas Eve Service
10:30 a.m. Christmas Eve
5 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
10 p.m. Christmas Eve

First Christian Church of
the Beaches, 2125 Oceanfront,
Neptune Beach, 246-2010
December 24
8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Sunday Services
6 p.m., 11 p.m. Christmas
Eve Service

Churches may send informa-
tion to be included in this section
by mailing to religion@beach-
esleader.com or mailing to The
Leader, 1114 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach, Fl. 32250.




1423 Eighth Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach

We ivite you to join us for our
t Hoiday Programs and Worship Services

Dec. 17 Christmas Choral Concert- 7pm-

S!Dec. 20 Christmas Children's Program 7pm

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Service with signing
for the hearing impaired 10am -

Family Christmas Service 6pm

Candlelight Service with
Holy Communion 8pm & 10pm

?, Dec. 25 Christmas Day Worship Service 10am

Phone: ?2A9-5418 www.blcjaxbeach.org

of the Beaches
(Disciples of Christ)
2125 Oceanfront &c Seagate,
Neptune Beach, FL
www.fccbdoc@bellsouth.net / 246-2010

Dec. 13- 6:30pm "Joyland" Childrens Choir Musical

Dec. 17- 10:00am "Everything Glorious"'
Praise Band, Praise Choir,
Narrow Way Players
(combined worship)

Dec. 24- Worship Services:
8:00am, 9:00am & 10:45am
Dec. 24- Christmas Eve- 6:00pm Family Time
11:00pm Traditional Candle Light


Worship Services:
Saturday Service 6:30 PM
Sunday Service 9:00 AM
Sunday Service 10:30 AM

Sunday School:

Sunday School

'9:00 AM

Children's ministry and nursery available during all services.

Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 PM

190 S. Roscoe Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
.(904) 285-8009

P r esb y t er a'.

flSegl 4 and Oar&/ -e4

Sunday, December 17
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
The Palms Chancel Choir members of the Jacksonville
,e Symphony Orchestra present the Christmas story
as told in scripture. Contemporary at 5:45 p.m.

Sunday, December 24
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Regular Worship Services
5:00 p.m. Children's Service
8:00 p.m. Worship with Choir and Strings
11:00 p.m. Communion Service with Choir and Strings

3410Snouthk Tkird StreetJ aIcksonville Beach



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.* Page -7A

.a,-orbI I5i 20')0nn0


Page 8A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 15, 2006





Evelyn Wilson Beggs died in
Jacksonville Dec. 11, 2006 after
a lengthy illness. She was born
Dec. 8, 1916 in Hartwell, Ga.,
and lived most of her life in
the Atlanta area. The last two
years she resided in
Beggs is survived by her
daughter, Judy Kilgore; three
grandchildren, Traci (Joe)
Towne, Michael (Barbie)
Kilgore and Matt (Amie)
Kilgore; and three great-grand-
children, Logan Kilgore and
Caleb and Holden Towne. She

was predeceased by her hus-
band of 50 years, George W.
A graveside service will be
held at 10 a.m. Saturday at
Decatur (Ga.) Cemetery. In lieu
of flowers, contributions may
be made to Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida,
4266 Sunbeam Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32257, or The
Carriage Club of Jacksonville,
9601 Southbrook Drive,
Jacksonville, FL 32256.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Edith Ronian Larson, 88,
longtime resident of the
beach, died Dec. 13, 2006.
She was born in Middletown,
Conn., daughter of the late
Walter and Clara (Law)
A very active volunteer,
Larson transcribed books into
Braille, .was a member of .the
Beaches Baptist Hospital
Auxiliary and also belonged
to and was secretary of the
Garden Club.
Surviving are two sons,
Chris Larson of. Idyllwild,


Hazel Reardon, 90, died Dec.
12, 2006 at the Earl B. Hadlow
Center in Jacksonville. She was
born Nov. 28, 1916 in
Waterbury, Conn. to John and
Mary Delaiiey.
Reardon, lived in Northeast
Florida for more than 25 years

and was a member of Our Lady
Star of the Sea Catholic
She .is survived by her
daughter, Denise Reardon;
sons, Timothy and .Robert
Reardon; five grandchildren,
James, Stephanie, Barbara,

Christopher and Kaitlyn;' four
great-grandchildren, Emily,
Wilson, Thomas and Nicholas.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Timothy H.
Reardon; sisters, Mae and
Mildred; land brothers, John
arid Chris.

. A memorial, mass will be
held at 11 a.m. Monday at Our
Lady Star of the. Sea Catholic
Church, with a reception to
Arrangementts. by Craig
Funeral Home & Crematory,
St. Augustine.

Calif., and Don Larson of
Herndon, Va.; two grandchil-
dren, Brett Larson and
Kimberly Larson; and a spe-
cial cousin, Kay Cooper.
A memorial service will be
held at 2 p.mn. Tuesday in the
Chapel at Cypress Village.
Memorials ini Larson's name
may be directed to the
National Spasmodic
Torticollis. Association,
www.torticollits.org. ,
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.

Guy Irvin Putnam, 80, born
June 20, 1926 to Guy and
Mabel Putnam in Payette,
Idaho, died Dec. 13, 2006 in
Jacksonville. He was preceded
in death by his daughter,
Joanne McLennon.
Putnam is survived by his
wife of 58 years, Ilse Putnam;

Obituary notices
are published free
of charge as a
community serv-
ice. All
submissions are
subject to editing.
Paid advertising
space is available.
for more
detailed or person-
alized death
notices. Call 249-




* ~~


Paula Deen, hostess of
"Paula's Home Cooking"
on The Food Network,
snacks on pizza from
Joseph's and, with hus-
band Michael beside
her, signs books
Wednesday at The
Bookmark in Atlantic
Beach while some of
the more than 800
patrons peer through
the shop's window and
take pictures while.
awaiting their turn.

ayport Hardware, Inc.
TV Big Screen
Computers Laptops
Cellular Phone Repairs
Free Estimates.

Phone Accessories from $499
Used Phones from $3999
Trade Your Old Phone
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1221 Mayport Rd. Atlantic Beach


Relieve your loved ones of the burden of wondering what
you would have wanted by prearranging your own cre-
mation or funeral plans. The advantages of prearranging
are not only emotional, but financial as well, by freezing
today's price.
Direct Cremation Package $1295.00*
Price Includes: Professional Services Refrigeration Removal from
Place of Death .* Service Vehicle Crematory Fee Minimum
Cremation Container

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Price Includes: Professional Services Embalming Dressing/
Casketing Visitation Funeral Service Removal from Place of
Death Hearse Service Vehicle
Call for an in-home or office consultation.

Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home
1701 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 249-2374

* Does not include urn or cash advance items
** Does not include casket or cash advance items


one son, Pete (Sherry) Putnam;
four grandchildren and five
A visitation is scheduled
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday
at Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home. A graveside service will
be held at 11 a.m. Monday at
Beaches Memorial Park, 1500
Main St., Atlantic Beach.
In recognition of Putnam's
27 years of service in the
United States Army, he will
receive full military honors
graveside with a military chap-
lain officiating.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that memorial contri-
butions be made to Northeast
Florida Community Hospice,
4266 Sunbeam Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32258.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.

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Serving All Your Needs
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4750 Palm Valley Road
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

.Th,2r,-smbpr 1 2006


Home office permit from JB

snagged by condo's rules

With 1 employee, nations that include lifting
restrictions on "home profes-
home-based sional pursuits."
"These type of uses were
business needs characterized as not having
frequent public visits by
city approval pedestrian or vehicular traffic,
no nonresidential storage or
nonresidential levels of mail,
byLIZA MITCHELL .deliveries or trash," Mann
STAFF WRITER noted in his staff recommen-
A Jacksonville Beach roof- dation.
ing contractor will not be A second letter from
allowed by the city to operate Bannister to Fouraker dated
his business from his condo- Nov. 13 stated that the pro-
minium until the building's posed amendments were
regulations are amended to approved by the Governing
permit a home office use. Documents Review
Herbert Fouraker, a resident Committee.
of Ocean 14 condominiums at "The condominium doc'u-
1301 1st Street South, applied ments were written ,over 30
for a type 2 home office occu- years ago. The language is a
patio permit to run a busi- little bit outdated. That's the
ness out of one room in his reason they want it updated,"
home. Fouraker said.
"I live by myself in a three "The intent is not to have a,
bedroom condo and I use one condo turned into a business
of the bedrooms for my rather to not restrict'someone
office," he. said. "That's the from having a home office."
extent of it." Dean, who was replaced as
But several of the residents, president Dec. 4 when the
spoke out against allowing new board members were
home office use because it installed, contends that the
would open the door for oth- process to amend the con-
ers. venants is incomplete.
"We don't want to change She'also argued that the ini-
the perception of Ocean 14 as tial review of the proposed
a home, not a business," said changes was invalid because it
Fazil Dean, former president was conducted .electronically
of the homeowner's associa- instead of in a meeting.
tion. ""The. board simply did not
On Monday, the city's pass this motion," Dean said.
Planning Commission voted "It was not valid to even pres-
.4-1 to deny Fouraker's request ent to the board."
because the use would con- Fouraker, who 'also sits on
flict with the existing govern- the board of directors,, said.
ing documents; for the condo- the request must be consid-
minium., :ered by. the new board. The
. Paul Schmidt cast the sole decision of the former board
vote in favor of Fouraker's was split 3-3 because Fouraker
request.. recused himself from the
"There are plenty of. people vote.
who use a computer from Once the review committee
home,"'" said .Commission makes its recommendation, it
chair Terry .DeLoach.' "The is submitted: to the board of
issue seems to be that he has' directors for consideration.
an employee." The residents must also be
DeLoach suggested that if notified of the pending action
Fouraker did hot have an and the change must' be
employee, the situation favored by at least 60 percent
would be resolved. of the total number of occu-
But senior planner Bill yants..
Mann, said the board cannot.. -. Af approved, thelf'tftrne
recommeind that an applicArnit tst draft a nevPW T 'pe -
modify a request that would training to the change for final
eliminate the need for an consideration of the entire
application at all. homeowIner's association.
"\Ve need to step softly.to One of the residents who
resolve this within our ordi- spoke out against the change
nance but offer him some said she understood
relief as well," DeLoach said. Fouraker's situation but did
"Otherwise you have the not agree with changing the
chance to come 'back in 12 rules for the benefit of a single,
months. Hopefully by then resident.
this will be resolved." "\Ve can't change it for one
According .to city code, person," resident Ann Wales
Fouraker cannot .reapply for said. "It would change things:
the type.2 license for one year. for a lot of people. and we
Home office occupational don't want that."
licenses are issued by city staff
for ,small-scale. businesses
within a personal residence.
Home-based operations are McNeill, Garr
limited to office space with no L e s r
pedestrian traffic, signage or Insuranc
other visible advertising using
the home address or storage COMMERCIAl
of vehicles or equipment. LINES OF I
Zoning approval is required
for home occupations. A type. HURRICAN
2 permit was required because has b
Fouraker had an additional has
employee on site, city plan- .* Property Policies I
ners said.
Fouraker said he has no There is a 30-Day
pedestrian, or vehicular traffic Call us for a Flood
in conjunction with his busi-
ness and "at nO time would I insuraIce
use my address in an adver-.
tisement." f Trusted C
He also said he uses a cell. '- ''"
phone for business calls and ZURICH '
receives mail at a post office
I believe I comply and Call us tod
have always complied with all Serving The B
the rules for type 1 occupan- 1211 North Third Stre
cy," he said. www.1IGFA
, "There is a lot of paperwork www.MGFA
and it became overwhelming
to do it all.myself; I had to get : ,.
an assistant and' that drove
the need for a type 2 permit."
Fouraker said his employee '
walks to work and does ,not .-.
interfere with any of the other -
125 occupants.
The application was carried ..''" "
over from the Nov. 13 meet-. ".' ''" -
ing to allow Fouraker to sup- In- 'l
ply the city's planning staff
with additional information comes 1
regarding his request. ,

At'that meeting, Dean, then You'll get a full year's interest paid
the president of the home- to you'just 21 days after opening.
owner's association, told the 12 month term
commission that the condo's $5,000 minimum to open
declaration specifically states Interest deposited to your
that each unit should be savings In 21 days
maintained "as a residence
and for no other purpose." a'/r ,FLORIDA TELC
Fouraker later submitted a A CommuityCedt
letter to the the condo's Board A Community Credit Uni
of Director from Ron 10 Locations including Intracoastal We:
Bannister, chairman of the 127402-12 Atlantic Blvd @ Girvin Road
Bannister, chairman of the
Governing Documents ,
Review Committee, outlining .' .'. '
proposed changes to the regu- ',, ..' :' . .

Workers attempt to fix a water pipe on Pine Street in Neptune
Beach. The pipe burst whenworkers tried to run a cable wire
underground and accidentally hit the pipe. The leak caused a
massive sink hole which.covered a large portion of the street.

.;T < .,.

W a t s o. n
Realty Corp.'s
Intracoa stal
Office's new
sales manager .
is Crissie Cudd.
Cudd has .
earned the ".
B u y e r
Certified Site Cudd
Professional, -: I
Fine Homes Specialist, and
Certified Career Development
Specialist designations during
her 16 years in residential real
estate. Three of those years
Cudd served as a coach and
trainer, with over 71 -percent of
her training program graduates
going on to earn national
awards the following year. The
IntTacoastal Othce is located at
13001 Atlantic Blvd. inl
i O O .
MIaish Landing Realty, Inc.'s
top sales agents for the month
of November were Dee Walker
and Hazel Cooksev. .
., .
Adventure Landing swept the
awards ceremony. last month:in
Atlanta at the annual IAAPA
(International Association Of
Amusement Parks &
Attractions) Convention and
Trade Show and. in Orlando at

ison & Fletcher
ce Agency --
Do Not Cover Flood
Waiting Period
I Insurance Quote

.the annual WWA' (World
WVaterpark Association)
Convention and Trade Show.
Adventure Landing,. who .han-
dles all of its marketing and
advertising in-house, competed
against family entertainment
centers and waterparks world-
wide. Adventure Landing
received three first place market-
ing awards at WVWA for best
media kit, website and billboard.
Two marketing awards were
won at IAAPA. Adventure
Landing received first place for
best media kit and billboard.
The Beaches Business
Association meets at noon on
Monday at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course clubhouse on
South Penman Road. BBA rep-,
resentatives may be reached at
247-2350. Annual dues are $35.
The buffet lunch costs $7. Those
attending should arrive by noon
for lunch, with the program
starting at 12:30 p.m. Monday's
program will be a holiday
Coldwell Banker Walter
Williams Realty, Inc.'s top listing
and selling agents from the
Ponte Vedra office for the
.,month of; November were
Jacquelyn Bates for listing and
Jenny Fraser for sales.

INSTALLATION AVAILABLE........,,,,,,,,,,ONLY sq.ft.

BEAUTIFUL 50oz. $ 67

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Starting at$ sq. ft. I

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Laser Bleaching

Dr. Leslie Platock and staff invite you to visit their state of
the art facility including digital x-rays (80% less radiation).

Leslie G. Platock, D.D.S.
Cosmetic and General Dentistry
700 N. Third St., Neptune Beach Atrium Building

City of Atlantic Beach
Notice of Yard Waste Service Day Change

Effective January 1, 2007

Yard trash (green waste) will no longer .
be serviced Mondays.
Your new service day will be Wednesday.

Your first service day will be
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007.

Feel free to direct any questions
to WSI at 904-731-3440.

From everyone at WSI
your Waste Service Provider,
we would like to wish you and your family
a safe and Happy Holiday Season.



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S P O R T Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader *December 15, 2006

*Page 10A

Howard's Way


Quick jabs

from the

sports page


WA ith the signing of
/jIJapanese pitcher
V Daisuke Matsuzaka
for six years and clauses that
could bring the amount to
$62 million, the Boston Red'
Sox have now spent more
than $180 million this
month. Factored into that
amount is the $51 million it
cost the team just to negoti-
ate with Daisuke, and a five-
year, $70 million contract for
free-agent outfielder J.D.

If you were an NBA gen-.
eral manager, wold you
want Allen Iverson on your
team?'. ',

The undefeated Nease High
girls soccer team gets a teal
test this weekend at
Orlando's Michelle Akers
Tournament. State champs :
from four classifications, plus
four runners-up will take

Bowl season actually
begins next week with
Tuesday's Poinsettia Bowl,
but with the exception of
"',gambling addicts-few will
pay attention until the sig-.,.: :
nificant games take place
:beginning Jqnuary 1. The
BCS title contest is slated
for Jan. 8 at 8 p.m. when
Ohio State and Florida go

Prior to last Sunday, the
Jaguars' biggest win of the
season came during the sea-
son-opener Sept. 10 against
Dallas. Interesting that nei-
ther QB in that game remains
the starter. The Cowboys'
Drew Bledsoe was benched in
favor of Tony Romo, and
Byron Leftwich's injury put
David Garrard behind center.

Next year's Baseball Hall
of Fame ballot, mailed to
writers last week, is already
causing angst among voters.
Cal Ripken, Jr. and Tony
Gwynn are shoe-ins. The
question, of course, is Mark
McGwire. An informal sur-
vey of voters conducted by,
the AP revealed only about
20 percent said they
planned to vote for
McGwire on the flist ballot.

It was a good win for coach
Corey Jackson's Fletcher boys
basketball team Monday-"
nightover Beaches rival
Nease. The Senators had
struggled through their first
seven games before finally
posting a 72-66 overtime vic-
tory on the Panthers' home

With running backs
Warrick Dunn and Jarious
Norwood banged up, the
Atlanta Falcons have report-.
edly discussed using
Michael Vick as a tailback
and starting Matt Schaub at,
QB. Atlanta has a key NFC
game Saturday against the
Dallas Cowboys .and if the
running backs aren't
healthy enough to play,
Vick and Schaub may share
time in the backfield.

A pit bull registered to ten-
nis star Serena Williams
allegedly nipped at a security
guard's buttocks outside her
Palm Beach Gardens home. A
Palm Beach police report
describes the dog as a tan, 5-
year-old.named Bambi.
Williams has denied owning
the dog claims she was
watching it for a friend -
but her Web site shows two
photos of a tan pit bull
named Bambi. Williams'
spokesman had no comment.

The Plan: Nease head coach Craig Howard ponders a 4th-and-one situation with Panthers quarterback Ted Stachitas during last
Saturday's Class 4A state championship game at Dolphin Stadium in Miami. Stachitas had been injured on second down but sat'
out only one play before returning.

High-octane offense is the calling card

of Nease High's successful head coach

"You get a maverick, you get
one kid and that starts the
pipeline going. If it works for one
kid, it works for another."
-Darrell "Mouse" Da'is

O ut of work four years'..
ago, Craig Howard
almost took a rare hia-
tus from football.
He had briefly toyed with
the thought of moving his
family cross country to take a
college coaching job in
But the timing wasn't right.
With few high school, foot-
ball positions open in Florida,
Howard, a journeyman coach
since 1974, had resigned him-
self to the fact that maybe
unemployment had its bene-
It was August 2002, six
months before Howard landed
at Nease High School; where
he is 41-10 overall with one
state title and one state run-
ner-up trophy.
"I thought I was going to sit,
out a year and study football,
but I just couldn't do that,"
Howard,.who turns 54 in
January, -recalled in a postsea-
son interview this week.
"I had to coach.; The head
football job at Apalachicola
High was open so I took it.
When I got there, the field
hadn't been cut, there were,

II L-'


only 13 kids out for football
and two dads were coaching
the Wing-T.
"I said, 'Dads, Ilove ya, but
go sit in the stands because-
I'm going to coach these boys
my way.' "
Howard's way of coaching is
to blaze down the gridiron
with a wide-open, thrill-a-
minute offense that scores in
bushels. :
It's a potent scheme that
leans heavily on the run-and-
shoot, a high-powered offense
developed in the Pacific
Northwest by former Oregon
high school coach Darrell
"Mouse" Davis.,
Howard coached against
Davis as a budding defensive
assistant in the mid-1970s at
Oregon's Roseburg High.

The Result: Howard reacts as Stachitas scores on a QB keep-
er on the fourth down play late in the third quarter.

When Howard was hired in
1981 as the defensive coordi-
nator at Portland State '
University, he was able to
study a wealth of game tapes
leftover from Davis' run-arid-
shoot regime.
The spread offense Howard
runs at Nease is the-same'one
he installed at.Apalachicola-,;-
Mandarin, and Bishop Kenny
highs between 1994-2002.
It's the same no-holds-
.barred attack he employed at
Raines in 2000 and at Edward
Waters College .in.2001, where
he served as offensive coordi-
"The origin of the whole
thing is run-and-shoot,"
Howard said this week, only
days after his top-ranked and
previously unbeaten Nease
Panthers lost 25-21 to Tampa
Plant in the Class 4A state
championship game at
Dolphin Stadium.
"I spent 25 years as a defen-
sive coach studying all the
good [offensive] stuff, and it
was really at Bishop Kenny
where I said I'm going to run
the offense this way and with
a little bit of Howard style to
"At Oregon Tech [where he
was head coach from 1990-
92], I brought in Mouse Davis
and June Jones to work with
our quarterbacks because I did-
n't know how. I was a line-
backer coach. At Kenny, they
needed something to get the
kids out for football. I knew
we would have to build the
program with a offense that
had some excitement to it."
In two years at BK (1994,
1995), where his teams went
7-3 and 7-4 overall, the
Crusaders led the Greater
Jacksonville area in total
He ran the same offense at
Mandarin from 1996-99, set-
ting school records that still
But tiny Apalachicola would
be a real litmus test.
The Class 1-A Sharks would
need a major infusion of
excitement to overcome their
annual state of fall football
Enter Craig Howard, a start-
up specialist.
No, Howard didn't turn
Apalachicola into a overnight
state power. Far from it. The
Sharks tasted victory only
once in 10 games in 2002, but
they definitely had some bite.
The school put up some big
numbers offensively, and man-
aged at times to put much
larger opponents on the ropes.
It was the ultimate David
versus Goliath'story in Florida
high school football that sea-
son, but also a story that
nobody knew because nobody
cared about a small school in
the Panhandle with 13 players
and one coach.

Howard's statement game
came at season's; end when the
lowly Sharks, everybody's
Homecoming game that year,
traveled to Fort Walton Beach
High for a so-called "gate
game" with the state playoff
bound Vikings.
-irthdink theytp.Aida, smraea
thifgelik 1 90Q0tto play:,Anq
them," Howard fondly
"We were a single-A school
and they were a big 4A school
playing Tallahassee Lincoln in
the playoffs the next week. We
ran the no-huddle and scored
28 points. I used every trick
play in the book."

I spent 25 years as
a defensive coach,
studying all the
good [offensive]
stuff, and.it was
really at Bishop
Kenny where I said
I'm, going to run the
offense this way and'
with a little bit of
Howard style to it.

Craig Howard
Panthers head coach

Howard threw his well-trav-
eled hat into the ring when
the Nease football job came
open in January 2003.
A few members of the Nease
selection committee ques-
tioned whether a 1-9 coach
with a wide-open offense
could turn around the for-
tunes of a Panthers program
that .was well on its way to
becoming a perennial loser.
But Howard got the job,
interesting enough on his
birthday, and then did what
he has always done: Play flat-
out on offense and treat the
players like they were his own
"So many offenses are a one-
tailback type and everybody
knows who is getting the
ball," Howard said.
"When the ball is snapped
at Nease, we're hoping you
don't know who's getting it.
And balance and tempo are
important to me.
"Balance means you can run
and pass and it also means
that you can go to this guy
and that guy. Some coaches
don't take into consideration
that there is a 25-second clock.
We have different tempos dur-
ing the game. Our goal is to
score 50 points and make the

defense throw up."
And Howard never runs a
play the same way in a game,
or in succeeding weeks for that
He's always tinkering or
window-dressing plays, always
keeping one or two set-up
plays in his back pocket for
just the right down and dis-
tance situation.
"It's not the same offense
from week to week," he added.
"Some coaches adhere to the
philosophy..that they are going
to run five plays and master
them. With us, what you see
in Week 1 is'different in Week
"When you say spread
offense, it can go from A to Z.
Some are no-huddle, some are
not. Our offense has always
been no-huddle.".
Last year, Howard said Nease
took more big aerial shots
down the field. This past sea-
son, the Panthers ran a more
high-percentage passing attack
and mixed in more option
But the key is the no hud-
dle. It dictates the defense
and controls the tempo.
At Kenny, Howard ran a
more under-center spread
offense that dropped back into
the shotgun only 25 percent
of the time.
During his first three years
at Nease, record-setting quar-
terback Tim Tebow was in the
shotgun 75 ,percent of the
time. This past season with
junior Ted Stachitas at the
controls, Nease went to the
gun 90 percent of the time,
Howard added.
S"I've always been able to
adapt the offense to, the play-
ers I've got," he said.
"I didn't know we were
going to have Zach Tronti
until he showed up. I knew
what I had in Stachitas. He's a
high-percentage passer with
4.4-second speed."
Over the years, Howard has
studied different offenses to
sharpen his play-calling acu-
men. He has a vast collection
of football books in his home,
and operates it as a sort of
lending; library ;fpr the benefit
of other coaches.',-,' '. '."
And he's not shy about
swiping plays from other suc-
cessful programs.
"There are four plays that
I've taken out of Coach Urban
Meyer's offense and run the
past two years," Howard
"They've 'gotten away from
them at Florida, but I'm still
running them. When
Clemson put in its offense
under Tommy Bowden, I
spent four days up there with
Rich Rodriquez Ithen the
offensive coordinator, now
head coach at West Virginia].
"I still talk to Mouse Davis
and [former NFL head coach]
June Jones. Before Meyer
came to Florida, I was study-
ing his offense at Bowling
Green. There's even elements
of Steve Spurrier in our
Howard's spread option this
past season is a lot like what
West Virginia will run in the
upcoming Gator Bowl at Alltel
When Howard watches
West Virginia quarterback
Patrick White and tailback
Steve Slater, he sees Ted
Stachitas and Zach Tronti,
albeit on a different level.
When Tebow played at
Nease, he resembled
Clemson's scrambling Woody
Danzler and Tulane's Shaun
And Howard had a backup
plan if Stachitas ever went
down this past season.
In his library of football
source material are tapes on
Don Markham's potent dou-
ble-wing offense.
Markham, a prep coach in
southern California, set the
national scoring record (65
points per game) in the mid-
Howard calls the run-orient-
ed scheme "super power."
"That was our change-up
offense this season," said
Howard, whose team scored
more than 460 points in 15
"We practiced it every day
for 10 minutes. We started
that back in two-a-days. We
spent 10 minutes every day
running an offense we never
"We were going to go to

tight splits on the line and
hammer you with Tronti. So,
if Ted got hurt, our plan was
to set the state record for scor-
And knowing Howard, that
just might have happened.


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A

Gearing up for the 4th annual Christmas Hash

dd, isn't it, how things
so often happen in
pairs? Just as we got a
new spy flick, 'Casino
Royale," with none other
than 007, James Bond him-
self, I found myself confront-
ed by another mystery man.
"The name is Quickly; just
Quickly," he furtively whis-
pered to me in the telephone.
"I have an upstanding career
in' the local area and I am in
no mood to lose it, so it is
best that you just refer to me
as Quickly."
That worried me; what had
I gotten into? "Of course," I
replied, as though I was Bob
Woodward talking with
Deepthroat and an entire-
government was teetering,
about to fall with Quickly's
every utterance, "Your secret's
safe with me."
This was too much; too
much danger, too much
intrigue, too much too much
for a nervous columnist just
trying to gather facts for his
next piece..
I had the feeling that my.
source would bolt; hang up
the phone and be gone, but-
to my surprise Quickly con-
"No one uses their real
name. Some have a code
name already attached when
they arrive; some don't. After


you've done it three times we
.give you a name depending
on the little quirks and char-
acteristics you've exhibited ;
While you were doing it."
"It?" This doesn't sound
good, I imagined.
"This will be the fourth
time that we've done it,"
Quickly said. Then he
uncharacteristically 'revealed
something about himself: "[
am not usually the one who
organizes these things, but
this time it just happened to.
fall to me."
Then, "We are not as
organized and hard-core as
some, but we know what

we're doing and we get on
with it.
"It will go on for three or
four miles or so, who .
knows?" Quickly said. "There
will be some Stops. Some of
the Stops will be at perfectly
innocent looking establish-'
ments-restaurants, bars, that
sort of thing. But some of
them may be pre-set, like
maybe out in the woods or at
the abode of someone known
to us. The Stops could be
brief or they could be long;
maybe over half-an-hour if
we'are in the mood."
I swallowed hard and
inquired sheepishly: "What:
will be at these places that,
you call Stops?"
"That's for me to know and
you to find out," Quickly said
in a tone that made me want
to be the one to bolt. "But
this much I will tell you:
There will be beer, lots of it,
and camaraderie too, it'll
blow your mind." .,
. My knees buckled, "Oh
please don't.talk of mind
blowing; I have children!" I
thought to myself.
"You know how it started,
don't.you?" Quickly slyly
asked. "It began with a bunch
of British soldiers stationed in
Egypt years ago. It was, based
upon the old chase of the
Hare and Hounds .
"The Hare sets off with the

Hounds in hot pursuit. No
one knows which way the
Hare is going but he leaves a
'trail' of flour behind him as
goes. The Hounds must fol-
low until the "trail" leads to

not coming to the On-In; our
most magnificent, end-of-the-
year, end-of-the-run party.
And it's pure torture to miss
"Right," I said. "The On-In

We rendezvous on Saturday,
December 23rd. Tell everybody
to bring ten bucks. That covers
the essential ingredients like
beer. Tell 'em to be prepared
for a late night. It could go on
'til 7:30, and bring along
a designated driver.

one of the Stops. Then, the
beer left at that Stop, must be
completely consumed before
the Hounds can go on."
He continued: "Those are
the rules. Too bad for him
that breaks the rules." '
Warily I enquired, "What
might happen to him?"
"\ell," said Quickly
emphatically, "he's definitely

sounds like real fun, in fact it
all does, but could you give..
me the details one more
Somehow I could tell he
was growing impatient: ,
"Again? All right, listen up!
We're calling it the 4th'
Annual Christmas Hash. ,
"It starts at the FCCI Kent.
Campus at 3939 Roosevelt

Boulevard on the West side.
We are pretty loose about the
exact starting time but we're
shooting for four o'clock;
that's p.m., clown.
"We rendezvous on
Saturday, December 23rd. Tell
everybody to bring ten bucks.
That covers the essential
ingredients, like beer. Tell 'em
to be prepared for a late
night. It could go on 'til 7:30,
and bring along a designated
driver. Sounds wimpy, but it's
a good idea."
"You coming? he asked in
a rather threatening voice.
"Sure," I shakily replied. "I'll
.do everything I can to be
there, but I don't have a code
Quickly quipped: "I can
think of plenty of names for
you but they're all unprint-
able. Ha! Oh, and if anyone
needs to know more about it,
tell-'em to call you, not me."
So if you are out in the
Avondale/Ortega area on the
23rd and you hear voices
yelling, "On-on!" don't think
it's Santa screaming at his
reindeer. It's actually a bunch
of hash-house.harriers out
enjoying the ; annual
Christmas Hash Run.
"On-on!" A unique event
for the strong at heart and
strong at spleen. Call me at
743-3161 for more informa-


Registration for spring base-
ball and T-ball is taking place
now through Jan. 19 online at
pvaabaseball.com or at Play It
Again Sports. There will also be
in-person registration Jan. 13
from 10 a.m. until 2p.m. and
Jan. 14 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.
at Cornerstone Park.
Kids ages 5-15 as of April 30,
2007 are eligible. Cost is $120
for baseball, $90 for T-ball.
There will also be a holiday
clinic with Rick Wilkins Dec.
18-20 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
For more information visit
Web site or contact Pat Dowd at

The Dusty Rhodes North
Florida Baseball Christmas
Camp will take place Dec. 16-17
at Harinod Stadi4m at' tN'i.1n1
Camp is for played' ag I'41''
18 and cost is $75. Advanced~
13-year-olds (high school) will
be accepted as will high school
Camp hours are 11 a.m. until
4 p.m. Saturday, and 9 a.m.
until 1 p.m. on Sunday. For:
more information phone 620-
2556. : '
Basketball Leagiue
Beaches Basketball League
winter registration for boys and
girls ages 3 years old through
5th grade is taking place now
through Dec. 1. The season runs
from Jan. 2 until March and fea-
tiries an 8-game schedule.
For more information visit
beachesbasketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
There is a bowling league for
seniors 55 and up at Beach
Bowl on Beach Boulevard.
Competition in the Monday
league begins at 1 p.m., with
practice starting at 12:45 p.m.
Call Paula at 249-9849 for infor-
Christmas Sports
Two Christmas Sports Camps
will be held at St. Paul's School.
The first will be Dec. 21 to Dec.
22 and costs $50. The second,

which runs from Dec. 26 to
Dec. 29, costs $90. Single-da.y
rates are available.
The camps run from 8:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and are
open to kindergarten through
eighth graders. Campers will
participate in team sports and
age-appropriate activities.
Friday are pizza, bowling and
T-shirts days.
. For information, visit
www.beachesbasketbtll.com or
call Tommy Hulihan at 349-
Flag Football
Flag Football for kids ages 5-
17 is about to start. Winter sea-
son leagues, which will run
from December through :
February, have been formed
throughout the First Coast area,
including at the University of
North Florida. Ponte Vedra
Beadey, Maladatn andOri)rke
Park:'FbIt rtf6t riation;0islt-' .
w'wv.i9sports.com or call (904'i

The. Beaches Chapel Boys Basketball Team won second place
in the Jacksonville Athletic Leagues Annual Christmas
Thournamimeit.HI From left:: Steven Trent, Josh Pierce, Connor
Hobbs,J:P.L Pa'rce, Warren.
Robbins, and Ross Henderson.

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...your community newspaper

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

-rag cL~

December 15, 2006

Hits and misses

ABOVE: Hunter Bates avoids
a Plant defender on the sec-
ond-half kickoff return at
Dolphin Stadium in Miami.

LEFT: Panthers running back
Zach Tronti fights through Ihe
Plant defense for yardage.

Prnolo, b, ROB DOAflGELO
Panthers quarterback Ted Stachitas absorbs a hit against Tampa Plant last Saturday in the Class
4A state championship game in Miami. Stachitas rushed for 96 yards in the 25-21 loss to Plant.

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Gift Suggestions
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, your service.
To all, charity.,

To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

~ o .r.-
Vishes Ever,'one A Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

285-4625 or 241-4895
General Liability \Y Worker5 Compuen-aion

The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
girls program is g6ing to have
signup from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Jan. at the Landrum fields. A
free clinic will be given that
dav from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Signups can be accomplished
by e-mailing Leslie Santillo at
pvbgirlslax@aol.com. The girls
season will run from Feb. 25
through May 6. The cost is
$100 per player.

Rhier Run Training
Registration is now open for
those of all fitness levels that
want to walk or run the River
Run scheduled for for March
2007. The training camps will
begin Jan. 2 but interested indi-
viduals must register early
because space is limited. Call
Pushpa Duncklee, 403-9568.

Registration for the Ponte
Vedia Soccer Club's spring sea-
son will end Jan. 10 Electronic
registration is available via the
Internet at PonteVedraSoccer-
Club.com. TCost is $130 and
new players must provide copy
of birth certificate. Children
must have been 4 by July 31,
2006, to play. The season takes
place from March tc May.
Registration for the Beaches
Soccer League spring season
sponsored by Fletcher High
School will take place during
January at Soccer Stop, 1518
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville
Beach dunng regular business
hours. BSL is a recreational
league for players 4 years old
through 6th grade. Roster-size
is eight players and games are
five-a-side with no goalkeepers.
Registration fee is $60 for an
eight-game season and includes
shirt and socks. Games begin
the week of March 5 and are
played Tuesday or Thursday
evenings at 5:30 p.m. at the
San Pablo Elementary School
fields. Contact Mike Levine at
or 635-8969.

Sunday, December 17

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*PJnp 1 A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Gift idea? Massage

at home (right)
... see B-10
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7



Wheelbarrow is

worth its weight

Tr'he freezes of last week
| may have caught some
of you off guard, but it'
would not have been due to,
the weatherman's lack of
adequate warning.
\\e are fortunate that
technology can pretty accu-
rately predict weather pat-
terns so that if we miss a
given evening's forecast, it is.
likely we will be able to pick
one up the next day and
still be prepared.
i hope your plant material
faired well, and that you
have followed through with
ample watering, especially
since it has been a warm
week thus far.
I continue to watch sod
being laid and am con-
cerned that the homeowner
is in the dark about the risks
Involved with planting at
this time of year. Be a good
neighbor and talk to them
about the necessity of daily
waterings for at least the
fust two weeks.
Today's article will again
be short. I want to offer a
few ideas for the gardener in
your life in the form of gifts.
For me, the best gift has
l'wvav. been in extra pair of
hands and feet to do some
of the jobs my husband and
1 simply are not able to per-
form any longer. And sec-
ond to that, having some-
one who can haul off plant
debris that would otherwise
form a mountain at my
curb! I live in a community
where we are not allowed to
leave yard trash curbside
except for the evening lust
prior to pickup.
Great for the neighbor-
hood's appearance, but quite
impractical, as I know many
of y'ou would agree. I miss
the ability to have a huge
compost pile where this
stuff would go; but so it
goes, and my yardman's
truckbed often,contains my
yard trash which he is then
able to take to his huge
piece of property somewhere
out there in the country.
He is a jewel and I will
not share h:m with you.
So, onto more practical
things such as gifts: Ones
that can be purchased
always include my number
one item, a pair of hand
pruners, usually the curved
anvil type. About the size of
a good pair of scissors, these
puppies do tons of work,
and if the money is spent
on a decent pair, they will
not need sharpening, will
not rust, can fit into your
pocket, and do a multitude
of tasks. They even will
chop gigantic Landlubber
grasshoppeis into bits.
Another favorite of mine
is the longer handled
pruners for branches about
an inch or larger in diame-
ter, used frequently on my
crepes, vitex and angel
trumpets, all very vigorous
The instrument is called a
lopper, and to get a'good
pair, you'll probably be
spending about $25, but it is
well worth it. These two
tools, the hand pruners and
the loppers are a must for
the gardener/homeowner.
They cost a total of $50.
Good quality steel is the
Personally I like to carry a
folding, curved hand saw
which easily slips into my
pocket. It takes away the
frustration of trying to
prune a branch which is just
a tad bigger than what the

lopper can handle; you can
whip it out of your pocket


ESPN revisits Marshall

tragedy in new DVD

-1 W
,'ro0 ,ubm.nrle,
The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra's ever-popular "Home for the Holidays" concert featuring
the adult and children's chorus runs this weekend at Jacoby Hall. Tickets range from $25 to
$65. Call 354-5547.

Docks decked out for parade

While the push is on to
attract more boats to the
annual Palm Valley Boat and
Light Parade, the event has
long been the battleground
for a fierce yet friendly -
competition ainong dock.
owners on the parade path.
The parade of decorated
boats along the Intracoastal
Waterway heads north from
the Palm Valley bridge at 6-30
p.m. Saturday.
Public -iewing is available
at the bridge and three restau-
rants along the path.
Moving at a leisurely pace as
far north as Marsh Landing,
the boats making the nine- or
10-mile trek pass within yards
of numerous private docks at
properties on Roscoe
And although many of the
Roscoe residents decorate for
the terrestrial half of the com-
petition, two in particular
have become known for their
dueling docks.
"We've always been decorat-
ing," Mike Holtsinger, one of
the big two, said this week of
his family's holiday tradition,
which started more than 10
years ago.
Holtsinger uses multicol-
ored lights to bring a tropical
theme to his dock, with light-

Fr .i.u L. au3 F l'%I&
Mike Holtsinger, a Palm Valley homeowner, decorates his
dock with scads of lighted tropical figurines every year for the
Palm Valley Boat Parade and dock decorating contest.
Holtsinger is one half of an ongoing dock decorating rivalry
with Angelo Pindili, who lives about a mile to the north.

ed dolphin figurines and palm
Living in the 100 block of-
North Roscoe, Holtsinger's
main competition lives about
a mile to the north in the 300
block Angelo Pindili.
As far as dock-decorating

goes, Pindili is said to be a leg-
end in these parts.
"It's really not a competi-
tion," Holtsinger said in an
interview Tuesday.

"W\Ve Axe Marshall," an inspi-
rational sports film due out
Dec. 22, pays tribute to a
small West Virginia college
and its hard-luck football team
that experienced what one
journalist termed "the worst
tragedy in American sports."
Marshall University football
players, coaches and several
fans perished in a horrific
plane crash on Nov. 14, 1970.
Southern Airlines Flight 932,
a chartered DC-9, clipped a
West Virginia hillside and
crashed nose first into the
All 75 on board died.
The movie picks up the
story as Marshall attempts to
rise from the ashes with a new
coach and a few players who
were not on the ill-fated
On the 30th anniversary of
the crash. ESPN broadcast
"Remembering Marshall:
Looking Back at the Tragedy
that Touched the Nation."
The 49-minute documen-
tary, recently released as a
DV'D by ESPN Home
Entertainment, features inter-
views with surviving family'
members and several players
who helped bring Marshall
football back from the abyss.
Reggie Oliver, Marshall's
quarterback from 1971 to
1974, said teammate Larry
Sanders gave him $3 before
Sanders boarded the plane.
"Larry said, 'Have me a 6-
pack of Colt 45 ready when I
get back,' Oliver says on the
A post-game recruiting trip
spared the life of assistant
coach Red fLawsoh, a Florida
State University graduate who
helped recruit many of the
players who lost their lives.
"The last time I saw the
players and the coaches was
outside the dressing room
after the game," Dawson
"I was heading up to Ferrum
(Va.) [to recruit a junior col-
lege player] and they were
going back to Huntington."
Marshall's team had traveled
by plane to East Carolina
University for a game they
believed they would win.
A late field goal by the host
team dealt Marshall a crush-
ing 16-14 defeat. /
Robert Harris, whose son,
Bobby, was a quarterback,
drove down to the game with
his wife.
"We were the only parents
that made it to that game,"
Harris said.

"We sat with the boosters
who came down on the plane
and who returned on the
Harris wanted to drive his
son back to Marshall but head
coach Rick Tolley was so upset
by the loss that Harris' son
didn't have the nerve to ask
the coach if he could ride
home with his parents.
"That's the thing that
haunts me to his day," said
Robert Harris, who blames
himself for not being more
Florida native and defensive
back Nate Ruffin was bumped
from the flight so a booster
could have his seat. He said
the team was excited about
making its first plane trip.
On the return flight, the air-
port near Marshall was socked
in with fog and rain.
Seconds before the crash as
the plane prepared to land,
the co-pilot asks the pilot, "Is
that the approach?"
Ruffin, now a high school
football coach, helped identify
many 'of the dead.
Back at Marshall, students in
a high-rise dorm where many
of the football players lived
were fielding phone calls from
distraught parents wondering
if their sons were on the
Pay phones were ringing in
the halls and girls were
"pounding on the doors of
their dead boyfriends," sports-
writer and former Marshall
student Chuck Landon recalls.
After viewing the crash
scene, a Marshall spokesman
told the press: "I saw no sur-
vivors or evidence of sur-
West Virginia Gov. Archie
Moore described the incident
as "a tragedy that is beyond all
Said local sportswriter Ernie
Salvatore: "We lost not only a
football team, but also some


See DOCKS, B-2

Denzel plays smart copin 'Deja Vu'
Den jasarVcoui

"Deja Vu" is surely the
most ironic title of onre of
the best movies of the year.
The only way in which
this movie is formulaic is
that it resembles John
Travolta's "Blow-Out".
(1981), another Superb and
underrated thriller in which
the hero grasps at technolo-
gy to try and save a
woman's life.
Denzel Washington plays
vet another cop, but after
'Out of Time" and "The
Inside Man," what a treat to
see him play a 'smart' cop.
Here he's Doug Carlin, a
New Orleans ATF agent
called in to help find an
assassin-terrorist who set off
a bomb that killed hundreds
of people on a ferry.
Carlin is put on the case
because he has a way of
sniffing out relevant details.
This turns out to be
extremely helpful when the
New Orleans police are
shown to have technology
that can show, the where-
abouts of anybody, any-
where, three-and-a-half days
before a given event.
!* Carlin has discovered that
an innocent and now-dead
woman was a pawn in the
assassin's plot, so he has the
technologists look at her life
just prior to her death.


The late woman is, of
course, too beautiful for
words, and we're given long,
loving shots in which Carlin
beholds her gorgeousness.
At this point, you figure
that the movie will be a bar-
gain-rate version of "Laura"
in which a slack-jawed cop
falls in love with a dead
woman. And you wonder
why the brilliant techno-
geeks are letting this guy use
their up-to-the-minute soft-
ware to pursue some lurid
fantasy. And it is at precisely
this point that you have
gotten it all wrong.
I can't bear to give away
any more plot points.
Suffice.to say, the cop is far
smarter than we thought,
and so is the movie a film
with extremely thoughtful
ideas, that engages its audi-

ence instead of allowing
them to be passive viewers.
The last movie I can think
of that offered so many
clever concepts to chew on
was "Contact" (and that was
10 years ago).
"Dela \u" is worlds
removed from that sci-fi
gem, yet it has the same sort
of plot twists that come out
of left field and yet seem
wholly plausible when they
add up to the bigger picture.
For once, credit goes to
everyone. To screenwriters
Bill Marsilii and Terry Rossio
for writing such a satisfying
convoluted script. To direc-
tor Tony Scott, who (like his
brother Ridley) seems to be
making better movies in his
later years than he did two
decades ago.
And to stars Washington,
Val Kilmer (his best work in
years), and just about every-
one else in the sterling cast.
Like most viewers, I put
off seeing "Deja Vu" after
seeing middling reviews that
complained how convoluted
its plot is. I think a lot of
people have forgotten that
you can engage your brain
at a movie and still have a
great time with it.
"Deja Vu" is rated PG-13
for adult language, and
graphic images of violence.

photo submitted
"A CHRISTMAS CAROLE" runs through Dec. 24 at the ,
Alhambra Dinner Theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd. Doors open at
6 p.m. for evening shows. Call 641-1212 for information.

Thpc'pmhp 15. 2006



Pane B-1

IV illlip

Wep~rTenl 2

December 15, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Matheson: Simple gifts for gardeners

Tom Ming, left, and Anthony Hodge in a scene from "A Tuna Christmas." The play closes
Saturday at 106 6th St. N., Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are $18 and $15. Call 249-2022.


David Sedaris is staged at 8:15
p.m. Dec. 22 and 23 the-
Atlantic Beach' Experimental
Theatre, 716 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. Tickets are $10.
Call 249-71.77 for reservations.
Ian Mairs will also present
the one-man play at 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 20 and 21 at the Museum
of Contemporary Art
Jacksonville, 333 N. Laura
Street, lacksonville. Tickets are
$12 for the general public, $10
for museum members and

Oasis Theater subscribers. Call
386-5675 for reservations.
"ED SCROOGE" is staged
at 7:30 p.m. today and
Saturday and : 2:30 p.m.
Saturday at Theatre
Jacksonville, 2032' San Marco
Blvd., Jacksonville., Call 476-
5582 for information.
CAL" runs through Dec. 17 at
the Times-Union Center for
the Performing Arts,. 300 W.

Water St., Jacksonville. Call
runs through Dec. 24 at the
Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jackson-ille. Doors open .at 6
p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m.
on Saturday and noon on
Sunday. Admission ranges
from $39 to $46 for dinner and
show. Call 641-1212 for infor-

Docks: Fierce but friendly rivalry on tap

Cont. from B-1
"He [Pindili] always wins."
Pindili was not available for
comment, but the head of the
parade committee, Philip
Kelly, agreed: that Pindili may
be the one to watch.,
"Our 'big dog' is clearly"
' Angelo Pindili;"-Kelly said in
an e-mail message. "He always
does a big theme, and has won
many of our past yearss"
Holtsinger admitted with. a
chuckle that he has only won
the dock contest once.
Pindili has won almost every
year with his elaborate themes,
which change every year and
usually include people in cos-
tumes, Holtsinger said.
The competition between
the two is nothing more than a
friendly neighborhood rivalry,'
which climaxes every year
with the crowning of the best
dock decorator, Holtsinger
The docks are judged, by the
contestants in the boats as
they cruise past each dock, and
a; judge's panel made tip of
people watching from the "
docks grade each decorated
boat. -
As of Monday, 28 boats were
,registered for the Palm Valley
parade, said Kelly, adding that
there may be 30 or 31 by show-
'Although the parade has
grown over the years, becom-
ing the second-biggest of the,
major boat parades in
Northeast Florida, Kelly said,
organizers hope to one day be
No.. .
The Jacksonville light
parade, held Dec. 2, had 57
boats this year, Kelly said at
Monday's meeting of the Palm
Valley Community
The St. Augustine parade,
usually the second-biggest,
had 19 boats in its Dec. 9
event, Kelly said.
Boat owners are attracted by
better prizes, Kelly said,
adding, "That's what has built
the [Palm Valley] parade."
This year, the parade com-
mittee was expanded, and

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requests for donations went
out to more than the usual
donors, Kelly said.
As of Monday, $7,000 had
been raised, compared with
last year's $5,000 plus $1,500
worth of gift certificates.
Last year, the first-place
boater won $1,500 and- the
first-place dock owner got
$1,000, Kelly said. This year's
prizes will be similar, he said.
All boat entrants and most
dock entrants get some kind of
.prize, he said.
One hurdle :to attracting
boats to the Palm Valley
parade has been the distance
boat. owners have to travel to
get to the parade. -
Palm Valley has no marina,
and a 'boat owner .from
Jacksonville might spend $500
to bring his or her craft to the
valley, Kelly said.
To get around that, Kellyr

said, boaters entering the Palm
Valley parade can get a free slip
at Palm Cove Marina, on the
north side of Beach Boulevard
on the west side of the
"\e need boats, and we
need people talking about-the
parade,^ Kelly sald. --
"We've advertised it as Palm
Valley's Christmas card to
Northeast Florida."
In addition to viewing at the
Palm Valley bridge, guests can
watch the parade from the
restaurant at the bridge, from
Barbara Jeans at Wards
Landing, 15. S. Roscoe Blvd.,
and at LuLu's Waterfront
Grille, 301 N. Roscoe.
Kelly said the parade should
reach LuLu's about 9 p.m. to
Ponte Vedra Leader editor
Kathy Hartman contributed .to
this report.

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Cont. from B-1
like a large pocketknife, and
get .that branch without hav-
ing to walk back to the house
for more tools. If you do hik-
ing, it is a must.
The next item I recommend
is a subscription to a maga-
zine written just for
Floridians. It is called "Florida
Gardening" and is written by
gardening experts from across
the state of Florida: Its, writers
address only our specific gar-
dening needs, not ones that
Virginia or Tennessee might
Florida is complicated
enough with its several grow-
ing zones, much less mixing it
with all the southern states.
The magazine can be pur-
chased at local bookstores or
ordered online. It is about $18


Cont. from B-1
of our community leaders."
"That crash humanized
Marshall. It was flesh and
blood people who lost their
From the ashes, Marshall
regrouped, hiring coach Jack
Lengyel and fielding a team of
mostly injured players who
didn't make the flight, walk-
ons and freshmen, according
to Ruffin.
The university's comeback is
the jumping off point in the
film starring Matthew
McConaughey as Lengyel and
David Strathain as the univer-
sity president.
Marshall went on to become
the winningest college foot-
ball program of the 1990s and
is the alma mater of several
NFL players, including
Jacksonville Jaguars quarter-
back Byron Leftwich.
Marshall's first game back
on the field after the tragedy
was one of storybook propor-
Years later, when the school
was winning conference titles
and college bowl games, fans
unfurled banners in the stands
that read: "From the ashes of
tragedy to the glory of cham-
pions. We are Marshall."
Oliver said the 1970 team,
mere mortals, you might say,
who have gone on to play at
the next level, lives on
"through myself and people
-like me."
Adds Ruffin: "\Ve still
believe that there is a 12th
player out there. And that
12th player is the people who
died in that crash."

for a year's subscription, and
comes out every other month
with a wealth of information.
My last suggestion is a sim-
ple one: a wheelbarrow.
Yes, there are all kinds, all
expense levels, all sizes from
which to select, but every
homeowner who does any
work in the yard needs a
Sometimes we forget the
most obvious items and go for
the specialty snazzy lights or
sparkly water fountains, but a
plain old wheelbarrow is
worth its weight in gold. .

And if you want to give the
gift that keeps you from hav-
ing to put it together, buy one
already assembled and ready
to rumble.
The list could go on and on,
but these items are the back-
bone of any gardener's stash
of stuff.
Gardening in Florida is not
an easy task. Let's keep the
challenges manageable so the
trend to go to zero lotlines
and colored stones, rubber
mulches and fancy pavers do
not eliminate all the green
spaces that we have.

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Cummer Museum nets $5

million from benefactor

Art is good for the econo-
my, good for our city
and good for all of us.
Announcement this week of
a $5 million donation to the
Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens is a gift to all of us.
The Cummer brings us art
from far away places and edu-
cates us in the history of civi-
lizations ranging from ancient
Egypt to the present day.
Congratulations to Dr.
Maarten van de Guchte and
his staff for attracting this sup,
When "Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art From,
The British Museum" opens
this coming week we shall be
able to see nearly 85 master-
pieces, spanning four dynas-
ties of ancient Egypt.
This exhibit is heralded as
one of the foremost collec-
tions of pharaonic artifacts in
the world. It will educate
adults and children to the
wonders of ancient civiliza-
How fortunate we are to live
in a city that can offer us this
opportunity. "Temples and
Tombs",opens Friday, Dec. 22.
with a reception from 7 to 9
p.m. It will be on display
through March 18. Call 356-
6857 for' information.
The Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art has announced
.extended holiday hours for
December. On Monday,
Tuesday and Friday, the muse-
um will'be open 11 a.m. to 5
p.m., Wednesday from 11 a.m.
to 9 p.m., Thursday, 11 a.m.
to 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to
4 p.m. and Sunday Noon until.
4 p.m.
"The Santaland Diaries" by
David Sedans, starring Ian
Mairs, will be at the museum

AI 4

theater on Dece. 20 and 21 at
7:30 p.m., Call 386-5675 for
Bethel Gallery at Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church is
presenting a new'Christmas
show entitled "Christmas
Presence" by Shades of Grace
The show, which opened
Dec. 8,,will run through Jan.
14. Viewing hours are ,
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 9
a.m. to noon.
Forty pieces of artwork are
on display. The church.is at
4510 Palm Valley Road,
approximately two miles from
AIA South.
0 .e
The Bethlehem Visit (Live
Nativity Scene) runs Dec. 14,
15 and 16 at the church. Call
285-7241 for information.
The Jacksonville Children's
Chorus will be performing
with the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra Dec. 15
through 17 injacoby ,
Symphony Hall, Times-Union
Center for the Performing
Arts. For information and .

ph.:.io "u.,mcn-,i.
Charles Payne (above) is the featured artist at A Charles Gallery. Payneis known for his delightful renderings in pen and watercolor
of the Jacksonville areas historical points and large canvas acrylic paintings. A Charles Gallery lis at 228 3rd Ave. N. in Jacksonville
Beach. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 339-0029.

Tonight, Friday, Dec. 15, at
7:30 p.m. the Florida Ballet
brings you The Nutcracker at
the Florida Theater.
.Performances will also be on
Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2:30 p.m.
and, 7:30 p.m. For tickets call.
the Florida Theater at 344-
The Riverside Fine Arts
Association will present
QSmnerrr at-R 8 m ntodrla. There

will be free pre-concert and
post-concert receptions
including a silent auction. For
tickets and information call
A Holiday Arts Camp will be
held at The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra beginning
Monday, Dec. 18. You may
register by the week or by the
day. Every day a different ,
activity will be offered.
The camn runs from

.MEAL oT C l T

Monday to Friday Dec. 18 to
22 and from Dec. 26 to 29.
On Dec. 30 all ages can partic-
ipate in the Noon Balloon
Drop Party. Bring the entire
family, friends and neighbors
to a kid's countdown in the
New Year extravaganza. .
Snacks, prizes and art activi-
ties for children will be
included in this festive event.
Members are free and non-
members pay $2.
The Cultural Center is at 50

Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614.
The A Charles Gallery will
discount on all gallery items
20 percent now through Dec.
,25. You will find paintings,
sculpture, jewelry, mixed
media and collage by local
artists in the gallery is at 228
3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 339-0029 for-infor-

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Weekend 3

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Weekend 4

Th RBeaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


"'Copyrighted Material

Synd cated Coitent

Available from-Commercial News Providers"


"World Trade Center" -
Director Oliver Stone's contro-
versial bio-drama about 9/11,
as seen through the eyes of one
of its firefighter heroes (Nicolas
"Talladega Nights: The
Legend of Ricky Bobby" Will
Ferrell as an egotistic NASCAR
driver. "Borat" fans can also
rejoice in Sacha Baron Cohen
'playing Ferrell's French rival.

"The Devil Wears Prada" -
Anne Hathaway stars as the
put-upbn apprentice of a
maniacal fashion editor (Meryl
"Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C 1st
Season" Am I the only one
who found it strange to see a
bunch of Marine recruits
spending six years at a six-
week boot camp?
"Full House 5th Season" -
This was the season where ...
oh, yeah, they were all the
same, weren't they?

-.m~ ~

'Quiet Earth barely makes a ripple in America

licks about the end of the
world fascinate adults and
children alike.
Perhaps it has something to
do with the world's major reli-
gions, all of which recognize
some kind of afterlife or rein-
Conjecture about. what hap-
pens when we leave this veil
of tears can't help but worry
and/or amuse: one day every
one of us will find what lies
beyond mortality. -
Over the years, there have ,
been many such films, 'the
genre perhaps reaching its
peak in the 10 years following
World War II.
People believed nuclear war
was inevitable and coming
soon. One of the best of the
end-of-the-world films, lensed
in the '80s, was titled "The
Quiet Earth."

It hardly made a ripple in
North America because it was
filmed in New Zealand; distri-
bution to both theaters and
on videotape here suffered
greatly for lack of promotional
cash. .
Now, though, Anchor Bay
Entertainment has acquired
the rights to "The Quiet
'Earth" and is selling it for $25.
.~b 'ome standacrds; it's bizarre;
despite this, it's interesting to
The flick opens slowly. The
late Bruno Lawrence wakens
one morning to an unusual
quiet. The unending sound of.
passing traffic heard from his
tiny apartment is missing; no
birds twitter in the trees.
Even the radio and televi-
sion are silent. That our hero's
apparently some kind of reclu-
sive weirdo is evident from
the opening scenes, though
exactly what kind is never

defined. Eventually, he wan-
ders outside: even if no one's
around he still has a living to
Things become even
stranger on his way to work.
Planes with no one in them
have fallen from the sky.
Even a baby carriage with:
all the signs of a nearby dot-
ing mother is empty. Finally.
he arrives at his w rkplace, a
binational installation work--
ing on Project Flashlight.
Supposedly, both New
Zealand and the U.S. are
working together to keep
planes aloft 24 hours daily
without using conventional
Lawrence suddenly realizes
Project Flashlight has gone
ghastly wrong, perhaps even
being responsible for life's
Lawrence then wanders
aimlessly, and either mentally'

snaps or acts appropriately in
view of mankind's catastro-
phe. Suddenly, he finds he's
not completely alone: Alison
Routledge has survived too.
Later, they encounter Pete
Smith, another survivor, but
no one knows why anyone
was spared.
Unlike other disaster
moues, the trio only loosely
bonds or' the common' good.
All three cast members in
this 91-nminute, R-rated film
do a fine job; even director
Geoff Murphy, best known for
his work on "The Lord of the
Rings" trilogy, shows meticu-
lous behind-the-scenes vision.
Though unconventional,
the flick's available every-
where in addition to
If you're a fan of apocalyptic
sci-fi, "The Quiet La r th" is a
flick for yoiu!

Own your own

piece of the


. ,- -


Regal 18

ve A l e F .t,
2:30, 4:40, 5:10, 7:20, 7:50,

Eragon. Rated PG. FrL.-Thurs., 12:10,
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*' *. .'
The Pursuit of Happyness. Rated PG13.
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Unaccompanied Minors. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:50, 3:45, 7:25, 9:35.
The Nativity Story. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:45, 4:55, 8:00, 10:30.-
'"'' O O*.
Deck The Halls. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:55, 4:05, 6:40, 9:40.
,. O* *
Deja Vu. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35,
'3:55, 7:45, 10:40.

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Casino Royale. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
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Borat. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 6:45, 10:10.
The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus.
Rated G., Fri.-Thurs., 1:05, 4:10.
The Queen. Rated. PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
4:15, 6:50.
American Hardcore. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:20, 2:45, 5:00, 7:55, 10:15.



December 15, 2006

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December 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5




Brix, 300 2nd Street N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Teddy
Washington performs jazz
from 7 to 11 p.m. every
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Freeze Frame is in at 9 p.m.
today and Saturday.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. Yancy Clegg per-
forms at 9 p.m. today. Dawn
Patrol appears at 9 p.m.
Saturday Bobby Flynn and
Derek Coghlan is in at 6 p.m.
Sunday. I
Fionn MacCool's 'rish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine appears from 7 to
10 p.m. every Wednesday.
Spade McQuade is in every
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-'
BIRD. Mortar, Lift, Inner
Demons and The Viscilla
Incident play hard rock at 9
p.m. today. Blueground
Undergrass performs at 9 p.m.
Saturday. A benefit concert for,
B.E.A.M. featuring The;
Autumn Effect, 20 weight,
Slackjaw, Shawn Fisher and
more is held Sunday. The
Wailers with Aerial Tribe is in
Dec. 20.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Trevor and Tanner
appear horn 6 to 9 p.m. today
and .Saturday followed by
Yankee. Slickers from 10 p.m.
to close.
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.:,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.
The Company appears today
and Saturday. Normal. Town is.
in Sunday.
Aromas Cigar, Wine &
Martini Bar, 880 A A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le
Monde Quartet plays Latin
music Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMonde Quintet per-
form every Saturday.
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
Brix, Jacksonville Beach, Jazz
great Teddy Washington is in
every Wednesday through

Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today' and
Saturday. Country night every
Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pili plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.
I* *
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Cloud Nine are in today and
Fiorin MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday. Spade
McQuade plays traditional
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is .in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pili every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Diio arid the 420 Band are in
i * "
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
,249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The'
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 2-49-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears
.Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby.is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans

Spnoto submrrnc
The Mark Ferguson Orchestra with Holly Larocque perform a 40's-style big band radio concert at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday at the
Wilson Center for the Arts at FCCJ's)South Campus, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are $24. Call 632-3373.

plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North,. Jacksonville Beach.
Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. Reggae with' Pili
Pili from 4 to 8 p.m. every
S* ;
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
O* "
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
. Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
* 241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
month. .


Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
0. ,
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in WVednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in; from Saturday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.
Cliff's "at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and

The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday'th rough Saturdays..
"' *'O O O '
Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba 'Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman.
spins Top 40 and Old Wave'
every 'Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday..DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 and hip
hop inside every Friday. DJs
Mike Bruce and Flava'spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indie every Monday.

Thursdayy, ,. _o'i .' "
I.'f *'*?*9 t *p.r I's p -,i "mer "rp ,an'
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N. Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
First. St., Jacksonville Beach. Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Karaoke is held at:9:30 p.m. DJ Hook spins Saturday.
every Sunday. *"*
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Monkey's Uncle Tavern, Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
1850 Third Street S., is in every Monday and-
Jacksonville Beach.: Karaoke 'Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
every Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
Saturday and Sunday with a 80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
contest at 11 p.m. every other in every friday and Saturday.
Thuirsda,. *

r 1
Spare Time Tavern and'
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. ,Karaoke
every Wednesday.

Vinoe, 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wall spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every

The Beaches'only
alternative nightclub
Happy Horrink Prices

Thursday nights
0 f" 'iliight

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Christiana SinClair,. ,

The rpand Diva
Nliss PeI Vision

Friday & saturday showtime
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With the best in
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The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra performs its holidays
pops concert at 8 p.m. today in
the Jacoby Symphony Hall at
the Times-Union Center of
Performing Arts, 300 W. Water
Street, Jacksonville. Tickets
range from $25 to $65. Call
354-5547 for information.
The Jacksonville Symphony
Chorus sings holiday classics at

Closed ndays
1mesday Thursday, 6a4pm
Sunday 7anm3pm
Eggs Benedict & Bottomls Mlosm
Try Our Loco Moco
Inner Served on
Friday & Saturdays

We Cater
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Special Occasions
Parties Welcomed
Plan Your Holiday Parjy
With Us! ''
The Galley Restaurant .
Palm Cove Marina
14603 Beach Blvd. 400,
*Reerat al( 992

Spnoio suDmmate
Pops maestro Nicholas Palmer

the JSO Coffee Series held at 11
a.m. today in the Jacoby
Symphony, Hall at the Times-
Union Center of Performing
Arts, 300 WV. Water Street,
Jacksonville. Tickets are $23 for
general admission, $5 for stu-
dent-family rush tickets. Call
354-5547 for information.
The Jacksonville Beach
Youth Orchestra performs at 3
p.m. Sunday at Jacoby Hall.
Tickets are $7 and $12. Call
354-5547 for information.

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- ," 'j

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 15, 2006

Friday, Dee. li
Christmas Potluck: The"
Persephone Healing Arts
Center at 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, holds a
Christmas Potluck Dinner
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
* For those interested in attend-
ing, RSVP to 904-246-3583.
with whatever -dish will be
Dec. 1
Beaches Nutcracker: The
Beaches Nutcracker takes the
stage at Fletcher High at 7
p.m. and features local per-
formers of all ages. For every
ticket purchased, a new pair of
shoes and hot meal will be
provided to an orphan in'
India. Local businesses con-
tributed to a Dec. 1 fundraiser
to support .the performance:
and enabled event organizers
to partner with 1-58, a local
non-profit, to provide the
needed shoes and meals. To
buy tickets, call 904-241-1266.
Life-Saving Christmas: The
American Red Cross Volunteer
LIfe Saving Corps holds its
annual Christmas party. Call
Chrissy Wallis at 591-0451 for
information and reservations.
Sunday, Dec. 1
An annual holiday social
event, open to all women, will
be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m,
in the Vista Del Mar clubhouse
of the Vista Del Mar condos
on 1st Street South between
22nd and 26th Avenues South
in Jacksonville Beach..A White
Elephant gift exchange begins
at 3 p.m. Refreshments will be
served, and a ,raffle will be
conducted. There is no charge,
but donations will be accept-
ed. If planning to attend, send
an email to info@untamedad-

ventures.org or call 241-9920
and leave a message. For infor-
mation, visit

11onday, Dec. 1I
Drive safely: A two-day
AARP Driver Safety Class runs
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
and Tuesday at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The class is designed to pro-
mote awareness of the effects
of aging on drivers over the
age of 50. A certificate of com-
pletion may entitle partici-
pants to an automobile insur-
ance discount. Cost of the
course, .for which class size is
limited, is $1.0. To register, call
904-823-9208 or 904-273-
Smokin' Red Hats: The
Smokin' Red Hat Ladies, of
Greater Beaches VF W Post
3270 meet between S p.m. and
6 p.m. at the Post, 915 8th
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach, to
head to Fleet Landing for
Christmas caroling. After"
singing, the Red Hats return to
the Post for a Christmas cele-
bration. The Ladies are asked
to bring a covered dish and a
gift, $10 or less, for a gift
exchange. For information,
call 247-3861 or 242-0042.
Tuesday, Dee. 19
Chabad @' the Beaches:
Chabad @( the Beaches invites
all families to its Children's
Story Hour at 4:30 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Library, '600
Third Street. The story hour,,
led by program director Leah
Kurinsky, will focus on the
universal theme of acts of giv-
ing.and kindness.
SKurinsky will present an
interactive program with
games and crafts for the chil-
dren. During the week of

Chanukah, she will teach chil-
dren about the Festival of
Lights, including the' proper
way to light a menorah and
how to play dreidel.
Admission is free and open to
the community.
For information, call
Chabad @ the Beaches at 285-
1588 or email
Dolphin Cove: The
Dolphin Cove Community
Association meets at 7 p.m. in
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. There will be a meet-
and-greet session at 6:30 p.m.

.Thursday, .
]Dee. M1
Healing open house: Dr.
Andrea Schaeffer-Pautz, with
Persephone Healing Arts
Center at 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, hosts an
open, house from 5:30 p.m. to'
7 p.m. For information, call..
Dee. V
Camp Bike 06: The
Triumph Foundation Inc.
hosts "Camp Bike 06," a five-
day event at Jane Macon
Middle School in Brunswick,
Ga. The camp, sponsored by
Southeast ,Georgia Health
Systems, is designed to teach
individuals with disabilities
how to ride a bicycle without.
training wheels. Space is limit-
ed. For information or to sign
someone up, contact Cynthia
Lupi at 912-634-6828. The
event is being sponsored by
Southeast Georgia Health
Sunday, Jan.
LAX signup: The Pohte
Vedra Lacrosse Club's girls pro-

gram holds its final of two
signups from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
at the Landrum Fields. A free
clinic will be held that day
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The
girls' season, the cost of which
is $100, will run from Feb. 25
to May 6. Signup forms are
available at

Tuesday, Jan.
"Einstein Alive," sponsored
by the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation, begins
a two-day run in Ponte Vedra
Beach. "Professor Einstein"
speaks of his life and guides
audiences through the adven-
tures of his mind at 9 a.m. for
Rawlings fifth graders and
again for fifth graders at 1
p.m. at Ocean Palms
Elementary. He moves oil to
seventh graders at Landrum
Middle School at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 17. .
Tuesday, Jan.
Financial Aid Night:
Seniors and their parents are
invited to attend the annual
Financial Aid Night hosted by
Fletcher High School's guid-
ance department at 6 p.m. in
the school's auditorium. An
expert on the "Free
Application for Federal
Student Aid" (FAFSA) and post-
secondary financial aid will
present information.
Ohn Jan. 29 and Jan. 30, sen-
iors will meet in small groups
with trained volunteers from
Duval County's "Beacon" pro-
gram. The meetings will offer
students an opportunity to
receive additional financial
aid information, ask questions
and receive more post-second-
ary direction.


River City Singles Club:
The River City Singles Club,
Inc., a chapter of the Singles
Association of Florida (SAF),
holds a dance from 8 p.m. to
11 p.m. at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. Live music, snacks and
refreshments are provided.
For information, call 779-
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at
St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for informa-
Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at
Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation, call Moe at 247-
A senior men's doubles ten-
nis "C" level league plays
through April at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday
mornings. The league has
home and away matches.
Call Bob Totter at 247-1865
for information.
Kittens and cats that have
been veterinarian-checked
and tested, and that have
shots and been neutered, are
available for adoption from
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo at
Atlantic and Keman boule-
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonrille Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches

Gift Certifates


Open Christmas Eve &
ew Years Eve 9-7pm
Mon-Sat Hours: 9-7pm

ence Quality Satisfaction Guaranteed

Since 1993

1508 N. Third St.
Comer ofN. 14th Ave. & 3rd St.
(Down from the Rite Spot Restaurant
in North Beach Plaza)


Carpet Sale

Oak Wood Flooring Sale

,, $3.99 sf


Flooring & Decorating,

; 618 South 3rd Street
Jax Beach
Sre r h 249-7448 Ck h
33 years' s


Iewo w


Nutrition Workshop

December 18, 2006, 6:30 p.m.
Ponte Vedra Library
101 Library Blvd. (offAlA South)

Presented by
Cullum Chiropractic
Guest Speaker
Dr. Foster Cullum
Principled Chiropractor

RSVP @ 249-2049
Limited Seating
1427 S. Third Street, Jacksonville Beach 32250

Zza6eti's Tea Room

D's Tea Time Jfl the Time

Serving Lunch & Tea
* Gift Boutique Adult & Children's Birthday Parties Showers
Red Hat Society Church Groups Special Occasions
Jvailuble for Privafe Parties
cReservations qccepWe
Mon. Sat. 11 am-3pm 270-1980
568 Atlantic Blvd. Neptune Beach


Adantk Custom Framew

at its

25% discount on COMPLETE order
(thru 1/01/07)
1250 Beach Blvd.
Jax. Beach (Beach Plaza)
Next to Twisted Sisters Restaurant
(904) 247-4341
Owned ,Operated by award winning artist
Deborah ,S Dellinger

Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
for information.
Twin Heart Meditation
Group: This group meets
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at
Ocean Yoga Studio, 60 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Global
meditation from Pranic
Healing focuses on -creating
planetary healing and world
peace, which begins within.
Love offerings are accepted.
Call Diane at 382-5823 for

Exchange Club: The
Exchange Club of the
Jacksonville Beaches, a non-
profit community service
organization, meets each
week from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30
a.m. at the Sea Turtle Inn.
There will be no meeting
Dec. 29. First-time visitors
receive a free breakfast. Those
deciding to join will get first-
quarter membership for $30.
After that, dues are $115 per
quarter. For information, call
Jack Morison at 904-318-
7162 or e-mail
imorison @jaxbeachex-
changeclub.com. The club
website, for Information
about upcoming speakers
and programs, is
NLA: The NLA meets the
third Monday of every
month at 7 p.m. in the pub-
lic meeting room at the St.
Augustine Record, the corner
of State Roads 312 and 207.
General business meetings
follow from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. The public is welcome
to attend.
For more information,
email naturallivingall@Ibell-
south or call 904-827-1208.

:* *6- :*i


242- 2894 Hrs. 11 4 Mon, 10 7Tues-Sat
.4 11 food is imported
Prosciutto di. Parma
Parmigiano Reggiano
Hamon Serano
S J *. 14 Different Panitoni
,, Gift Baskets .
'., ;,.'.\"\,'t i i ^Large Assortment of Holiday Sweets

__ ___ .


' Wekn


December 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Weekend 7


Rethlehem Visit.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church's annual Bethlehem
Visit, which began Dec. 14, con-
tinues from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. Dec. 15 and Dec. 16. A live
nativity scene is set up near the
church, along Palm Valley
Road. Call 285-8225.

Senior Dance
A Christmas dance will be
held Dec. 15 at Village Oaks at
Southpoint, an assisted living
community at 6895 Belfort
Oaks Place, Jacksonville. The
dance, which is free and open
to the public, takes place from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. "Recycles" will
provide the music.
Call 296-2384.

Babes in Toyland
First Coast Opera's "Babes in
Toyland" will be presented at 7
p.m. Dec. 15, 3 p.m. (for sen-
iors) and 7 p.m. Dec. 16, and 3
p.m. (a family performance)
Dec. 17 in the St. Augustine
High School Center for the Arts,
3205 Varella Road. The Dec. 17
performance will be followed
by a "meet and greet" session
with the cast.
Ticket prices are, $18 for
adults, $15 for seniors (65-plus)
and military, and $10 for stu-
dents with ID or children under
12. A special family rate of $40
is available for two parents and,,
two children. The number to
call for tickets is 904-417-5555.
First Coast Opera, a non-prof-
it organization, is a regional
repertory opera company locat-
ed 'in St. Augustinoe. Visit
'wwwv.firstcoastopeta.com. '

Neptune Beach
Food Drive
The city of Neptune Beach is
holding a holiday food drive
through Dec. 15. Donations
should include non-perishable
items. There's a collection box
in the main foyer of city hall.
Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry (BEAM) will distribute
the goods to families.
For information, call Terry
Klein at 904-270-2400, ext. 31.

Home for the.
"Home for the Holidays," a
Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra concert presented by
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Florida and the Mayo Clinic,
will be held Dec. 15, .Dec. 16
and Dec. 17 in Jacoby
Symphony Hall. The three days'
performances, with matinee
and evening shows, will feature
the Jacksonville Symphony
Chorus; Jacksonville Children's
Chorus and dancers from the
First Coast Nutcracker. Call 904-
354-5547 or 877-662-6731 or go
to jaxsymphony.org for tickets.

Holiday Hors
An' Apron's Cooking School,
class, to be held at 6 p.m. Dec..
15, offers instruction on how to
make holiday treats. The class,
which costs $40 per participant,
will be held at the PublLx at
109500 San Jose Blvd.

Tea it Up for
ChA series of Santtmas
A series of Santa's Story Book

Teas is underway at the Ritz-
Carlton Amelia Island. The
Teas, which will be begin at 1
p.m. Dec. 16 and Dec. 23,
include a traditional storybook
performance arid party favors
for each child attending. Hotel
guests and the pubic are invit-
ed, but reservations are

Holiday Trip for
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center plans a day trip
to the Silver Springs Festival of
Lights Dec. 16. Charter trans-
portation leaves the Center at
10:30 a.m., and there will be a
catered lunch en route.
Participants also will have VIP
seating for a Ronnie Mil Isap
concert, dinner and the park's
festival of lights.
Call 270-1688 to make reser-

. The Apron's Cooking School
at the Publix, 10500 San Jose
Blvd., offers families of up to
four, to include one parent and
children who should be at least
4 years old, an opportunity to
decorate gingerbread houses.
The class will be held at 12 p.m.
Dec. 16. The cost per family is,
The number to call for reser-
vations is 904-262-4187.

Foundation House
The Christ Church
Foundation's 20th anniversary
Christmas House Tour, to

include a luncheon, will be held
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 16.
Luncheon tickets are $35. Call

Light and Boat
The annual Palm Valley Light
& Boat Parade begins just south
of the Palm Valley Bridge at
6:30 p.m. Dec. 16 and ends at
the north end of Marsh
Landing. Homes and docks
along the Intracoastal
Waterway parade route also will
be decorated.

Pictures with
The Springfield Animal Care
and Rescue Club and the Main
Street Restaurant extend invita-
tions to have pictures taken
with Sanra Dec. 16 at the restau-
rant, 1544 Main St. Admission
is free; each holiday pet portrait
costs $10. All proceeds will be'
given to the Springfield Animal
Care and Rescue Club.

Annual. .i-minaria
The Riverside-Avondale
Historic District holds its annu-
al Luminaria event Dec. 16. For
information, call 389-2449. ,

Santa at Adventure,
Santa Claus will be at
Adventure Landing in
Jacksonville Beach, 1944 Beach
Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Dec. 16.
Pictures of children sitting on
Santa's lap cost $3.
A breakfast buffet with the

Jolly Ole Elf will be served from
8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and costs
$9.99, to include a picture with
Santa. For $12.99, one
Adventure Landing attraction
pass is added.
Call 246-4386 for reserva-

Holiday Arts Camp,
The Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach offers a Holiday
Arts Camp for children ages 4 to
10 Dec. 18 to Dec. 29.
Participants may register daily
or weekly. Call 280-0614 or log
on to www.ccpyb.org.

Jimmy Stewart in
Neptune Beach.
The Beaches Branch Library,
600 Third St. in Neptune Beach,
shows "It's a Wonderful Life,"
the classic holiday movie star-
ring Jimmy Stewart, at 5:30
p.m. Dec. 18.
The Library also will have
Family Preschool Stontime at
10:30 a.m. Dec. 21 and Dec. 28.
Call 904-241-1141.

Edible Ornaments
Youngsters can create orna-
ments that can be eaten at 12
p.m. Dec. 23. The place to go is
the Publix at 10500 San Jose
Blvd., where the third Apron's
Cooking School is being held.
The cost for kids is $25.
The number to call for reser-
vations is q04-262-4187.

Santa in Courtyard
Santa Claus is in the
Courtyard at 200 First Street in
Neptune Beach from 10 a.m. to
1 p.m. every Saturday in

December. Wish lists may be
shared, and photos can be
taken. Pets are welcome.
Visit www.200firststreet.com
or call Shelby's Coffee Shoppe
at 249-2922.

Christmas Dinner
St. John's Catholic Church,
2400 Mayport Road, continues
a tradition started in 1977 and
holds its annual dinner for sen-
ior citizens at 3 p.m. Christmas
Day. A full holiday meal will be
served in the parish hall.
Transportation can be arranged
by calling Dial-A-Ride at 246-
For information, call the
parish office at 246-6014.

Noon nRalloon Drop
The Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach's annual New
Year's Noon Balloon Drop Party
for all ages will be held from
11:45 a.m. to 12:15 'p.m. Dec.
.30. Snacks, prizes, and art activ-
ities for children will be offered.
The cost for non-members is $2;
members are free. Call 280-

Holly Jolly Trolley
The Holly Jolly. Trolley- Tour
of the Nights of Lights in St.
Augustine runs each evening
through Dec. 30. Tickets are $6
for adults and $4 for children.
Tours depart from the Historic
Downtown Parking Facility.
For information, call 904-
829-3800 or 800-868-7482, or
visit www.trolleytours.com.

We will wrap Xmas presents for you!
Size determines price.


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Beaches Nutcracker
The Beaches Nutcracker takes the stage at Fletcher High at 7 p.m. Saturday and features
local performers of all ages. For every ticket purchased, a new pair of shoes and hot meal.will
be provided to an orphan in India. Local businesses contributed to a Dec. 1 fundraiser to sup-
port the performance and enabled event organizers to partner with 1-58, a local non-profit,
to provide the needed shoes and meals. To buy tickets, call 904-241-1266.

First Coast Winter
First .Coast Winter Lights,
created by Midwest Display, is
an evening of entertainment'
at Reynolds Park Yacht Cenett
on the banks of the St. Johns',
River in Green Cove Springs.
The event is open each
evening through New Year's.
First Coast Winter Lights is
open from dusk to 9:30 p.m.
weekdays, and from dusk to.
10:30 p.m. -on nobr-school
nights, including the school
w inter break. Admission is $18
per car and $40 per bus.
Tickets are available at area
Wachovia branches and at the
gate. Ice skating costs $5. for
children, ,.$ for adults. Skate
rental is $3.
Babes in Toyland
First Coast Opera's "Babes in
'Toyland" will be presented at
7 p.m. Friday, 3 p.m'. (for sen-
iors) and 7 p.m. Saturday, and
3, p.m. (a family performance)
Sunday in the St. .Augustine
High School Center for the
'Arts, 3205 Varella Road:'
Sunday's performance will be'
followed by a "meet and
greet" session with the cast.
Ticket -prices are $18 for.
adults, $15 for seniors (65-
plus) and military, and $10 for'
students with ID or children
under 12. A special family rate
of $40 is available for two par-.
ents and two children. The
number to call for tickets is
First Coast Opera, a non-
profit organization For infor.-.
mation, visit www.firstcoast-
Holiday Pops
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra's "Holiday .Pops--
Home for the Holidays" con- i
cert will be performed at 8'
p.m. Friday, at 3 p.m.. and 8
p.m. Saturday and at 7 p.m.
Sunday in the Jacoby'
Symphony Hall at the Center
for the Performing Arts.
.Ticket prices range from $25
to. $65., Call 904-797-2800 for

tickets or information.

and good food. The cost of the
evening is $35. The number to

Handa Cup call for reservations is 904-
Theinaugural Handa Cup, 262-4187.
an LPG.A Legends Tour team
mnatch-play competition, 'will Busy Morning at
"be helkd Saturday and Sunday Bookmark
on the Slammer and Squire at The C-SPAN Book TV Bus
World Golf Village. The tour- will be at the Bookmark from
nament will feature 24 U.S. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday.
and international golf profes- Evervone is invited to drop. by
sionals, including World Golf for coffee and take a tour of
Hall of Fame members Nancy the Book TV Studio.
:Lopez-, at:Br.y d- -'.'. F,'professor Carolyn
Sheehan. Williams also will be at
The event begins Saturday Bookmark that morning dur-
with three nine-hole team ing the same hours, 9 a.m. to
matches, four teams in each 11 a.m., to sign copies of her
match. Morning matches will new book, "Historic Photos of
be played at 8:30 a.m., mid- Jacksonville."
day matches at 11 a.m. and The BookTV Bus, a 45-foot- ,
afternoon matches, at 1:30 long motor home with a tele-
p.m. On Sunday, players will vision production studio,
compete individually; 12 sin- launched in Sept. 2005. It's
gles matches start at 8:30 a.m. toured the' nation since, pro-
The public can purchase sin- moting C-SPAN's weekend-
gle-day grounds passes for $10 long programming of non-fic-'
per person. Passes will be tionr books and authors while
available at the Slammer' & collecting literary program-
Squire beginning Saturday. ming around the country.
for information on the "Historic Photos of
Handa Cup, visit www.thele- Jacksonville" captures the his-
gendstour.com. torical growth of the city in
still photography, many never
Big Band Broadcast published before, follow the
The Big Band Broadcast, 'city's history over 200 years.

starring Holly Laroque and the
Mark Ferguson Orchestra,
takes the stage at the Wilson
'Center for the Arts on FCCJ's
South Campus at 2 p.m. and,
again at 8 p.m: Saturday.
Laroque, and the Ferguson
Orchestra combine to perform
,-a 1940s big band concert as it
would have been broadcast.
Tickets are $24, plus applica-
ble services and facility fees,
and may be purchased by call-
ing tie FCCJ Artist Series box
office at 904-632-3373. Tickets
also are available online at
Girls Night Out
The third Apron's Cooking
School., being held at the
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, offers an
opportunity to relax and
enjoy conversation, fine wine


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Some pieces of art are best displayed
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Sawgrass Village
1740 Sawgrass Village Dr.
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GTM Kayaking
The Friends of the GTM
Reserve, in partnership with
Coastal Outdoor Center, offers
two kayak tours of Guana
River, the first from 3 p.m. to 5
p.m. Sunday and the. second
from 10 a. m. to 12 p.m. Dec.
23. The naturalist-led tours,;
which begin at the GTM
Reserve Environmental
Educational Center, are for
people wanting to learn more
about the coastal estuary.
Each trip is $45 per person,
and includes all kayaking
equipment, instruction,
reserve entry fee and tour, and
bottled water. The tours will
last approximately two hours
and are appropriate for ages 15
and up. Call the Coastal
Outdoor Center at 904-471-
4144 to make a reservation.
,Youth Orchestra
The Jacksonville Symphony
Youth Orchestra, conducted
by Scott Gregg, plays "Sounds
of the Season" at 3 p.m.
Sunday in Jacoby Symphony
Hall. For tickets and informa-
tion, call the Jacksonville.
Symphony Orchestra box
office at 904-354-5547, toll
free at 877-662-6731 or online
at jaxsymphony.org. .Ticket
prices are $7 and $12.
Dancing on Pier
The ninth annual
Jacksonville Beach Pier Dance
will be held Dec. 19 at the
Casa Marina Hotel &
Restaurant, 691 1st St. 1 .
Jacksonville Beach. The event
produces, for less fortunate
families, items to be distrib-
uted locally. by Beaches
Emergency Assistance
NMinistry IBEAMI.
There will be two seatings,
the first at 6 p.m., the second,
at 8:15 p.m. Reservations .can
be made at. 270-0025.
BayStreet will play two sets,
the first at 7 p.m., the second
around 8:30 p.m.
Admission comes with an
unwrapped toy. BEAM asks
guests to also bring one or
more of the following: non-
p e r i s h a b 1 e
food/soap/diapers/toilet paper
and the like. Monetary dona-
tions also are appreciated.
For those who can't make
the event, items and/or dona-
tions may be sent to BEAM,
850 6th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250.
Aiken joins with
Clay Aiker sings with the
Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21
in the Moran Center of the
.Center for the Performing
Arts. Tickets can be obtained.
by calling 904-354-5547 or by
v i,. s. i t i n n g
Temples and Tombs
Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art from
the British Museum, opens
,Dec. 22 at the Cummer
Museum. This rarely seen col-


pi days until
rnsMas -

priate for
children 6-13
and an adult chaperone who
can walk two miles. Admission
is $3 per vehicle to .the trail
head parking lot. Space is lim-
ited to 20; registration is
The bike ride, is appropriate
for kids of all ages who. can
ride a bike unaided, or at least
catch a ride with an adult, on
a dirt trail for two miles.
Admission is $3 per vehicle to
the trail head parking lot.
Helmets and registration are
required; space is limited to

Dinner Specials 5-9pr
Fri. 12oz Prime Rib Dinner
Sat. 12oz Prime Rib Dinner


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A gift certificate from the award-winning Spa at the Ponte
Vedra Inn & Club is sure to be at the top of anyone's wish list
this iolid4a sadSun Select from a menu of more than 100
soothing services. A perfect stocking stuffer' For easy ordering
of gift certificates, please call 273-7700 or tisit our websile at
www.pvspa.com. #MM1481.



An excit.iing. aImenu of MeAdIOM*6servi[ceUis coming January 2.

\(; _--zJ-~~;i

election of nearly 85
pieces runs through.
March 18 at the
Cummer. For information,
call 904-355-0630.
Holiday films
"Santa vs. the Snowman"
runs through Dec. 23 at the
World Golf Hall of Fame IMAX
Theater, while "The Polar
Express" ends New Year's Day.
Also on the screen and run-
ning through January is IMAX
Theater's "Happy Feet."
"Santa vs. the Snowman," a
35-minute animated presenta-
tion, is featured on select
dates. Tickets are $6 for view-
ers of all ages. "The Polar
Express". is a 90-minute film
that costs $10.50. for adults,
with discounts for seniors, 'stu-
dents, military, children and
groups. "Happy Feet" also
costs $10.50 for adults..and
offers discounts for seniors,
students, military, children
and groups.
A complete schedule, as well
as tickets for the three films,
can be obtained at
www.wgv.com or by calling
the theater's ticket hotline at
904-940-4022 between 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m. daily. Tickets also
can be purchased at the box
Year-End GTM
The GTM Reserve offers a
series of five events 'heading
toward the New Year: an
Orange Trail Treasure Hunt
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dec.
27, a "Go-pher a bike ride!"
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dec.
28, "Mad Scientist Volunteer"
Rick Reichard from 1 p.m. to 3
p.m. Dec. 28, an Estuary
Experience from 10 a.m. to 12
p.m. Dec. 29 and a mriusical
celebration from 1 p.m. to 2
p.m. Dec. 29, led by GTM vol-.
unteer Dr. Gerson Yessin.
The Orange Trail activity is"


December 15, 2006

The Beaches L~eader/Ponte Vedra Leader

k,12-p d


Decmbe 15 06TeBahsLae/PneVdaLae ekn


for Holiday


D dressing up your holiday table is as simple as
taking a second look at a holiday standard -
Real Butter; With the addition of a few choice
ingredients, butter can take on an unexpected
but appetizing new flavor one that is sure to
have your guests reaching for more. Flavored
butters, both savory and sweet, are perfect for spreading on
breads, melting on vegetables and embellishing the main
dish, from turkey to steak.
Use the following recipes to incorporate some of the sea-
son's most popular ingredients and flavor combinations -
from fragrant clementines and sweet pomegranate to honey
sesame and marjoram shallot.
For additional flavored butter recipes and a short video
demonstrating how to make flavored butters, visit

Tips for Serving flavored Butters
Remember that you can make flavored butters ahead of
time and freeze them for up to one month.
Allow refrigerated crocks or containers filled with
flavored butter to sit at room temperature 15 minutes
before serving.
Refrigerate flavored butter logs until chilled solid; slice
into 1/2-inch-thick rounds and arrange on a butter dish
prior to serving.
Dress up a butter log by rolling it in colorful chopped
nuts, fresh herbs or dried fruit before refrigerating.
Present flavored butter as a delicious hostess gift wrap
it up with a holiday bow and attach your favorite ways
for using the butter.

From left: Pumpkin Five-Spice Butter and Honey Sesame Butter

From left: Bittersweet Chocolate Orange Butter, Old-Fashioned Butter and
Pomegranate Clementine Butter

Marjoram Shallot Butter
Sen'e this herb-flecked butter on
everything fromi mashed potatoes to
dinner rolls. It's also wonderfid for
nrubbing under the skin of turkey or
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon (2
sticks plus 1 tablespoon)
salted butter, room tempera
ture, divided
1/4 cup finely diced shallots
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons dry vermouth
(or dly white wine)
2 tablespoons finely chopped
fresh sweet marjoram, (or 2
teaspoons dried)-
1/8 teaspoon finely ground
white pepper
1. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in
small saucepan over riedium
heat. Add shallots and season
with pinch of salt. Saute until
soft, but do not brown. Add ver-
mouth, and simmer until pan is
almost dry. Set aside to cool com-
2. Place remaining butter in,
medium mixing bowl and beat
with electric mixer or wooden
spoon until light and fluffy.
Scrape down sides of bowl.d .
3. Add marjoram and pepper;
beat to incorporate, scraping
down sides. Add cooled shallot
mixture and beat to combine.
Taste for salt and pepper.
4. Scrape butter into small
bowl, crock or butter molds and
cover tightly; or shape into long
roll on grease-proof paper (plas-,
tic, wax or parchment), for stor-
ing and slicing as needed.
*You'll find fresh marjoram in
the herb section 'of the -produce
department; dried will be in the

Pomegranate Clementine
With its beautiful magenta hue
and sweet, tart flavor, Pomegranate
Clementine Butter is perfect for
breakfast, lunch or dinner. Serve
alongside bread, muffins, waffles,
turkey, ham, sweet potatoes or veg-
1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter,
room temperature
1/4 cup reduced pomegranate
syrup* or pomegranate
molasses (do not reduce),
2 tablespoons clementine
1 tablespoon confectioners'
sugar (or more to taste)

, Hone Sesame Butter
This versatile butter turns simple
vegetables into stunning side dishes.
The sweetness from the honey also
makes it ideal for spreading on rolls,
breakfast breads, or pancakes.
1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter,

For additional flavored butter
recipes and a short video demon-
strating how to make flavored but-
ters, visit www.ButterlsBest.com.

Weekend 9

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 15, 2006

..... .... 7 -- v --


December 15, 2006

Wve---d Tr

Around the Home

Finding gifts that stand out a challenge

W hen Christmas rolls
around, finding the
gift that stands out
can be a challenge.
Over the course of this past
year, I've written topics rang-
ing from in-home massage
rooms to outdoor showers.
Many of these had items
that can help you fill out your
shopping list and some are
items I truly love. Best of all.
they re a far cry from the
usual holiday gifts.
1. Towel warmer. Just like a
swimming pool, a towel
warmer is a decadent luxury
to someone who doesn't have
one and a must-have for
someone who does. Another
plus? No more cold, damp
towels. Put your bathrobe
around it and it wjll be snug-
gly warm on a chilly morning.
1. Martha Stewart's
Homekeeping Handbook.
This weighty tome answers
everything you wanted to
know about homekeeping.
Just like the Joy of Cooking,
Martha's Homekeeping
Handbook is a good all-
around home reference book
that every home should have.
3. Massage table. If you
know someone who gets regu-
lar massages, nothing could
be better than having a per-
sonal massage table to use at
home. No more driving away
from a massage appointment
a greasy, slimy mess. A decent
table runs between $100 and
-1. Eureka Quick Up Cordless
Stick Vacuum. This is a god-
send that I use every single
dav and wouldn't live with-
out. At $29 it's a bargain for
the amount of clean it can
give you oil both hard and
carpeted floors.
5. Fun at the door.
Beautiful doors can be ruined
Sb a "ding-v" doorbell.
Instead, why not go for fun?
Musicaldoorbell.com sells a
doorbell with over 100 pro-
grammable sounds and
chimes. Live on a ranch?


Make your door "moo" when
someone comes. Trophy
hunter? An elephant trumpet-
ing could signal the arrival of
guests' It's fun and only
about $50.
6. Fountain. Whether it's a
simple whisky barrel or a
more elaborate waterfall, hav-
ing a fountain around the
house creates a relaxing and
enjoyable sound and they're
beautiful to look at. I have a
fountain at the front door and
in the backyard and the
minute I hear them, I relax.
7. DVR. This will revolu-
tionize the way you watch TV
- and that's not an over-exag-
geration. Simple recording is
the biggest benefit. Most can
record just by selecting a show
and pressing "R." Anyone can
do it. Check with your local
satellite or cable service or
purchase a Tivo system from
an electronics store. It's the
electronic must-have for this
8. Luggage rack. If "ou have
guests often, buy a luggage
rack from your home and
linen store. They cost about
$40, but a real back saver for
your guests and they make
the guest room look neater,
too. Again, it's one of those
things that if you don't have,
it doesn't seem important. If
you do have it, you can't live
without it.
9. Custom items. Every

A massage is great but a massage at home is incredible. Put a massage table on your holiday shopping list for the massage
enthusiast in your life.

home needs something hand-
made and custom. This year
my handmade item was a
beautiful custom-sized pasta
platter ithehairypotters.comi.
Or, turn your photos into
paintings cra-pro.com,
paintyourlife.com, or check
with your local photo shop.

Custom items are extra special
and aren't as expensive as you
might think.
10. Family Handyman mag-
azine. This magazine is a
wonderful gift for both
women and men. It features
all kinds of handy things to
make, clever ideas for the

home, and even shows igulpi
women using power tools. I
look forward to it every
month as much than my
Food & \Wine magazine.
This year, put your living
space on your shopping list.
A gift for your home is always
appreciated and is more likely

to be something you'll use
regularly making it even
that more special.
For more infonnation. go to
wvw.kaithrn'-weber.conn at
ciemail ,lutestions to
kiatimn@'(kiithin -w'eler.coInI



HEEL FIX Most women
have been in this predicament.
You're walking along and sud-
denly, your heel breaks off
Vour shoe. I'm always prepared
tor this eventuality. I carry a
tube of super bonding glue in
my purse. I use it to glue the
heel to the shoe. I then slip on
the shoe and apply pressure
with min foot until the heel
holds. Karen Z.
Like most kids, m- children
aren't exactly thrilled when
thev receive clothes for
Christmas or birthdays.
However, my sister came up
with a great idea. If she gives
them clothing, she slips little
goodies into the pockets, such
a, loose change, small toys, etc.
tie kids are always delighted.
Melissa C.
W\hien I'm pressed for time and
need to get dinner on the table
in a hurry, I stop at the local
supermarket on my way home
frion work. I then pick up vari-
ous vegetables at the salad bar.
Since they're already washed
and chopped. it makes it a lot
easier for me to prepare the
meal with little fuss and cuts
down'on prep time. Ella D.
inevitable that honey will crys-
tallize over time. However, that
doesn't mean it's rancid. To get
the honey back to usable con-
sistency, place the unopened
jar in a pot of simmering water
(one inch over a very low
.flame After it's cool, you can
use it as you normally would.
It will take several weeks for it
to harden again, but you can
repeat the process. If you like,
use the microwave, on high, at
intermittent 10-second inter-
vals. Beatrice A.
0 0
haiie uI'ri special Timely Tip
ii ith our ruadlei. Send it to Kate
: DBR Aldia., Inc., P.O. Box 21.
HL'ptell let.. NY 12533. or e-
I'n1l: dieckrt@edbnnedia.com.

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in the Classifieds

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10-8 Monday Saturday 12-6 Sunday

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at San Pablo

The Beaches Leader/Ponte V'edra Leader

Weekend 10


,L .... S S' IFIIEDECEMBER 15, 2006


100 Rejl E-o1ec
110 LAs,'Land for Sale
S20 Homei for Sale
I 2; Real Esutle ined
130 Condos for Sale
h40 NlonEga
150 Mobile Homes for -;le
60 (Comm Propem,
85 ai lndiuarunAIi ,arehouse
200 Rental
215 HomesIlor Rein
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Renm
240 NM H for Rent,
260 \.claon Rental
270 Renul to S'-hare
275 Room for Rent
80 ) OTice Spice
285 Comm Renul
300 Free PCL-
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340. Lost& Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel
415 Pers.-orlt
420 Legal Ser',ices
4 2; Le. Nrcs
4-10 MLc Losi & Found
450 imCrucnon-.,chooL
4.O \\tWddu-,g
500 P T Help \arntd
510 F.T Help %rinied
520 job Semce
530 Bu; Oppolrrunrl
510 Child Care
550 orik Wanted
c-0.1 Serle Guide
D01 Air Cund,noninig
n02: Aientrtonr
607 AuLi.Bot Deauilng
61,8 Au:., R.pnrr
609 Bi. ser nr
012 C(irpet
613 C.aknrig
615 Clemning
ol8 Electron, ,-
61" Elecncal Scr.
o20 Equip Rentb
o22 Fen.,e;

623 Fn.mn Sienices
621 Fitre ood
o31 Computer Sen~ie
633 Hailing
o3-i LtnT, Moer Sale"Si,-
o35 LaT,'Land.cdpg
63t LocksmniLh
o3 Mannre Cpn.li
o3A Nlanne&.Btng
o-I, Concrete.t'ALorn
6-i Moing & Storage
b48 Pres-ure achingng
o50 Paining
651 Pest Control
tb52 Pliumbing
653 PooLi
o5- Phto6raphs
o55 Rain Gutters
o60 RemodelConri
oo5 Repairs
670 Roor.m
o75 S.pnrdi&er ," Iell.
6; Tree Ser lce
o78 rile
680 Upholstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
700 .Massage Therapy
710 HealhC.iare er.
30 Ciaregiers
8001 For Sale
80S MNiiC ilrl tr
81il AntiquRs
815 Aucuonf
820 .ianmed ro Cu,
825 Trade
830 Conihnmernt
8-Ik1 Girage Sales
850 Garage Sales Ja\ Beach
t85'. Garage Sie, Neprune Beiah
654 Garage Sales Atnanu> Bec:h
857 Grame Sili- P.,nle \ .dr
858 Gira-e Sales ol \WeEt
860, Flea tIlrktci
8o2 Etaile Sules
105 AUro Rental
,115 Bo3L-
030 MoircIldeS
050 CImrpem'RR".
970 TruMk%.ins
816 Au1,:,mobik-.


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List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
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563-2390 0




A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700

2,2 TOWNHOUSE 630 Aquanc Drive in 3/2 ATTACHED new rool appliances,
Allan1c Beach. 175K I100sI New rool. flooring, paint. Below appraisal @
AC windows siding Call 904-536-6945.' $189,000 San Pablo & Beach. Owber'
Broker 982-7620.

FSBO 5,4 3000sf gaied community. 5
miles to ocean As is 5290.000. Emily
ATLANTIC BCH, Large Duplex. 2BR
1 5BA, lile tloors wood Iloots in bed-
rooms Nice backyard $250,000 each
side. Owner 241-8508.
PRICE REDUCED! 4BRi3BA, very pri-
vale 1.3 acre o10 6 blocks Io beach and
.30ft $239 .000. 1904)463-3738

WEST BEACHES. Pablo Poini. 3 2 iobh
huge loi. all cedar, many upgrades
$305,000, 631-3029. r
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secrel Woods. brnck
312i2, 1895sf $283,500 OBO Independ.
enl Brokers & Assoc1aies, 217-4333 or
NEPTUNE BEACH concrete bliocik. 4
blocks from ocean 3268 000. 372-4-177


Ocean Forest Built'99.
Best of all worlds.
Marshside community.
2400 sq. ft., 4BR/3BA + office & formal DR.
Great room w/fple. Brkfst rn. Screened porch,
updated baths & kit, tile, stainless appliances. $545K


Reuse the News!

- -- ------

Pool Home EAST of Al A
This 3BR/2BA pool home is loaded
with designer upgrades and MOVE
IN READY. Spectacular English
gardens, lush tropical poolside
landscaping, and walking distance
to the beach. Once home you won't
want to leave. Zoned in Ponte
Vedra's "A" rated school district.
Ill -C Solana Road
Ponie Vedra Beach, FL
V A '32082

Ponte Vedra
Located on a quiel street this
4BR/2BA home has been
completely rebuilt from the ground
,up. Circular drive, additional parking
for recreational vehicle, and private
backyard with room for a pool. This
is a rare opportunity to own in P.V.
at an affordable price. $330,000
Jacqueline Byram
Office: 904-285-6522
Cell: 571-5653

SMLS 337406 (Duplex) Whole duplex is for
s ale or $259.000 each side excellent condition.
Both units well cared for new kitchens, Spanish
... .... tile floors and carpet, private backyard, walk to
p-., beach, schools.and shopping. Price is $499,000

MLS# 299269 (Residential) 1927 Beachside Ci
Parice- $1895,000 4 Bed 3 bath 1 half bath.
This magnificent home is a Wm Morgan masterpiece
& recd the 'Excellence in Design Award' from the
Amer.Insi ol Architects in Jax. Home has over 1800
SF of cov porches. Home is built around a lovely
bay Iree. The micronesian metal roof design affords
beautiful ocean views, artist's studio, dumb waiter or
elevator, huge 3 car gar & sep entry to full guest
suite One of the most unique homes in Jax.
La( Qmaw Network Realty e
759-8827 (cell Independentil
241-2417 ext. 209(officei o0 ned & Operated

CuSinig a COnIunoois O oO

4263 Tadewinds
Isle of Palms 4BR/2BA Home on the
Bi ~ carnal vv/boat lift & dock. Separate dining
room, living room and family room & family
room has wood burning brick fireplace &
sliding glass doors that lead to an open pa--
tic. and relaxing ..ater views. Large master suite and more!
Reduced, n-ow $564,900.

7875 'nottinqham teace
Features Galore and in
Sutton Lakes this 4BR/2BA l
homn,e I :.3 Sq Ft .., itt a full,
equipped eat-in kitchen, washer
and dryer, fenced .yard, security system, sprinkler system and
screened-in lanai. E, erThing that is'needed to help you enjoy
Florida livingiat its. best. Reduced from $289,900, now .
$249,900. .

Rosemary rUistroIffI A UKR
Prudential Network Realty's Multi-Million Dollar Producer
904-333-4841 cell or 904-285-1800 ext.3079 office
(k,, Prudential Emad: rosernkl@beUsouth net
Network Realty l Independently owned and operated


6 LOTS West of Mayport Rd., Atlantic
Beach, next to junkyard. $35,000 to
$70,000 buy one or all. (904)571-4211.
JAX BCH 5 blocks to ocean, corner .lot
1 consider owner financing.. Owner/ Agent
$174,900. 463-7343.
MANDARIN, 1.3 acres on San Jose & Bay
Meadows. Residential or Commercial.
$485k, Call Ron, Sellstate Broker.

JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A, Florida room, fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem, well, new windows,, blinds, move in
ready; 12 blocks to ocean, $299,000, 710-
2600, 534-3411.

4BR/3.5BA, granite counters thru-out.
Large screened porch. A Must See!
$585,000. (904)536-7007.
PRICED TO Sell. Villages of Pablo, 3/2,
fenced yard, community pool & tennis,
new carpet, new paint in & out. Asking
$189,000 OBO. 220-6911 or 553-6105.

DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
QUICK SALEI 3/2, 2 car gar., freshly
painted, new vinyls. Near schools & Won-
derwood. $179,900.
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo. Almost
brand new W/ garage & many upgrades.
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3/2, nice starter
home, good area. $148,000.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut, stone
frplc., fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/beaches. Reduced to $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4/2, better than
new! Many upgrades. $298,000.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600sf, 3/2,
like new. $229,900.
HARBOR WINDS- 3/2, 2 car gar., owner
must sell fast! $204,900.
4/2, near schools & shops. $234,500.
221-1711 OR 241-5501

:OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots. $500
down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
or (352)236-4579.
-1+ ACRE Mountain 'Lots. Minutes from
Hayesville, NC, Hiawassee River' and
Lake Chatuga. Build your home fdr'a life-
time. Lots range in price from $54,900
to $87,900. Call. 828-389-8843 or 904-

4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+sf.; new roof,
HVAC, fence, flooring, windows, garage
door. Reduced to $369,000. ,
2BR/2BA, off Hodges Blvd.- near JTB- 3rd
floor unit. $165,900.
TWO 1BR/!1BA +loft Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile'
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
Beach access, tenfiis, fitness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with huge great room, private back-
yard, great for entertaining, Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $319,900.
Costs paid by seller! 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage.
Offered at $144,900.
Off Solano Rd. 1 has small beach cottage,
been remodeled. Take advantage of golf
views or purchase both for your dream
home... Not many like this! 2BR/2BA
beach cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
3BR/2BA. Just minutes to ocean, reniod-
eled kitchen, 2 car garage. Steps to play-
ground w/tennis courts! $294,000.,
Call: 904-241-4447

WN M-1 TM'-~

Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo,
Ground Fir 1/2 block to the Ocean in
Old Atlantic Beach!
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC. updated baths, fresh paint, new
stove & microwave. $298,000
Contemporary Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba Open Fir Pin Rich wood
accents throughout extensive deck & tree
canopy. Perfect mix of home, privacy, and
nature. Seller will pay $5000 towards buyers
closing costs. $625,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car garage!
Construction complete in 3 months. High-
End Finish Levels Offered at $1,175,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Seha Marina
3-story w/elevator, 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq
ft, office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot
size: 85 x 142. Maintenance free: concrete
block & stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl
shake on 2nd & 3rd levels. $1,175,000
Completely Remodeled
Old Atlantic Beach Home -
I Block to Ocean

miargi -


Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence -
perfectly manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba, master
upstairs, 2700 Sf, 62.5x125 lot size, room for
pool. Maple hardwood floors throughout. 2-car
garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Atlantic Beach -
Seaside Gated Community Luxury HOME!
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-art
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with
this quality in finish levels at this price today.
IT's AWESOME! 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story, all
bdrms up, 3486 sq ft, Mediterranean style with
barrel tile roof. Private Beach access.

Awesome Investment Property
3Bdrm 2Ba Townhome-Great condition! 2-
story, 2Bdrm and 1 Ba up and Master bdrm
down, 1400 sq ft, currently renting for
$900/per month. Take with or without tenants.
Raw Vacant Land Available W. Atlantic Bch.
Parcel size 150 x 630 Can subdivide into 9-
12 residential lots Duval County. $469,000.
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow
Awesome Investment S1909,000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1-story, new red oak floors
throughout, new roof, approx. 1300 SF, lot size

Great Investment Opportunity -
East of 3rd Street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent Studio
Apartments. Only steps to the ocean!
Offered at $639,000

"Hot" Oceans Edge Condos:
East of 3rd Street NEWSouth Jax Beach
3 BR/2BA $395,500,
Lowest price 3 Bedroom: $437,544
The Palms: 2 bdrm/Zba Condo
that is a 10+++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss itl 2Bdrm/
2Ba 2nd floor condo with custom
cabinets, new sinks and granite in
Kitchen and baths. $187,000
Completely Remodeled w/the finest
CORNER Unit w/wrap around porches!
3 bdrm/2ba, custom cabinets, granite
and much, much morel!! Furnishings
optional. $799,000
Investment Property Mal-fan ly
I St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views.
West side of 1st Street, multi-family, 2
bldgs, corner lot 62.5x85, updated over
last 3 yrs $949,000

Call Margi Petitt

Top Producer

60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 3, Atlantic Beach

A i



I I .. I I ..

I i I I





WTIMT1.3-1-1.7 W,



rbcfp heBahsLadrPneVdr edrDcebr1,20

High Quality Brick
Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
5bd/3ba w/4,400 s.f. & sep. living, dining, family rms.
M.n n construction upgrades! Oversized 2 car garage
I /IO x8' workshop area, water softener, security, &
c nr-idl 'acuum systems. Full brick floors, Berbei carpet,
A od flooring, 12'x9'x4' brick fireplace, huge kitchen
w/l pantries. Cc.rin counters. SS appliances 1.100 O plus f masier suile i ;
200 plus Iof clc et space. 6' ,hi'lpo,:l ub. 4'%4' ih-,Aer. & ;c. much
more' 90' 110' lo 1,1 lStS .rage ned. 6.. bril. pat.p Inki hul. & big
.ard' Call o neragr icnt :f." app i 1,175,000.
Ellen Poling -Wriglht
Prudential Cell: 838-4562
Nm..,,, ... Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
Ir,-epos,,,.'.ny o n &Da i operaia Email: ellenpoling@aol.com

Linda Pomerantz 923-8030 R o T. |

F eInfo:
IEAUTECallCara Doud

Awesome 3bd/2ba with granite, hardwood, fresh

paint inside & out, and the perfect location! Bike
to the beach or Town Center! Or simply relax by
the cozy fireplacnd G e the choice is yours.
Package for Coto paying closing costsrill.
Each offered at $649,000 accepted offerha
Hurry,Linda it won't lastat this price! $380,000
No Ope 3bd/bathis weekend We are available
for personal tours. For a sneak peek, visit:
http:he cozy fiwww.realestateshows.com/115088

1LS# 339752 E.astof A I.1 ,'imah e, s' MI S# 323'119 6 blocks to the beach. 2/2 5
,._2B4 '1,,d wupJradep.rGR s.FP.granl, to .ihbn n feid.garage. c ul de1-s.
courier,. i.: fir r- enin. GR. dmminil-g aa &tO
-lWfeWhn. grani cni.tr. cidr lan.u. 2 ar g rage ale tloors. quiet neighborhood. 5299,k900
& communrti amriernue S3J.')4.1i 285-1800 241-2417
MLS# 339340 Saj.grjs CC. fabulous
reno.ated2.-ior, 3BR,3AB..3195SF.tfrmal LR MLS# 323940 3(00X)8 SF gorgeous home
& DR. ale firs. granne. FT'. ct bar, v ajr ii, % on Ig pre'sere IOL Open kitchen ih granirte
from jall rcormr, huge mdlanaIjiiahilpx'lIp, French doors to balcony. 3 car garage. Only
d e*J.c i 2 I can rage on 285-c800 u 4 ears old Decoraors Dream $842.000
Stl(IR.4SS COtNlF lI t'B-ORThIalF 241-2417
MLNS#339091 Greai .c ,:,.later.l, -golffroirn AllAInlC BFACH LOT
loIely 3BR/2 5BAhome.,ecellenil1..rplan.LR NILS# 310715 Largest available in AB/
AFP & ei bar, appro'mrrAutki l 221i SF. 2?-car Sehla %Manna area Offers .43 acres meeting
garage & or, nul-de.sc S599.-)) 285-1800 Atlantic Beach requirements The Besi of
PLANT ON O&PS. PB the Best' $1,0f5,txl
MLlS# 338773 Eleganti BR,4BA adinonal. .
formal LR, gorgeous DR gourrnei kJiihen v AllANIC BEACH BLIN&ALOWI
granitecntrs,FRw/gasFP,spaciousmstrste,loft, MIS# 334683 2BR/I B3A. 1,211 St. Open
scmd & htd pool/spa, 3-car garage, large comer plan Granite .it/ hue cabinets. 60\ 150.
lot w/great preserve views & lush landscaping. Grai i"e "601 .
$1.275.00W 285-1800 a \lk 10 beach & Town Center. $-169,0)
NMLS 276602 Beuauful ot ersied /4 acre NESIIE AMONG "REES
etLate loii n parl..likt sieun$itah Ule .ijcs &
es u iter loak. mn s Iae si r.mising MLS#320017 Completelyredone 3/2 with
o[1 in planned commurunk with 23 hofres. cathedralceiling,greatroom,teakfloorsthmu
Choioo. your budder & htuld 'our dream'r home out, new gourmet kitchen w/stainless
5$449.u)1 285-1800
'O_"FARONT appliances and custom master retreat A one
S.PONE VER4DIBLVD of a kind home 7-19,900 241-2417
MIS 303278 Auihenuic Cape Cod style beach Iic i mi
home 75' ocean fiontage, fullrfunished cottage- FANT OPO Jl'
style decor; 4BR/3BA, sleep 14 comfortably, MILS# 306477 Zoned res/comm use;
separateliving&sleepingareaonlstfloorforsi property has tremendous potential due to
wooflors, FP 2ar garage. outstanding location! $590,000 241-2417
MIS 327247 Former Symphony Showhouse. MLS# 312004 Overlooks small lake.
4BR/6.5BA, 2 bonus rooms, exercise room v..u Sp a a4 25 .
sauna & steam shower, theater w/wet bar, loft/ Spectacular 4BR/12.5BA, tons of upgrades.
gameroom, scmdlanai w/sunmmer kitchen, pool $499,000 241-2417
& waterfall on 2 lots w/exansive views of the MI O D# 0 00 D
harbor $2,997,000 285-1800 wo. ENOVA D DU IEXES!
OCE0 RONr PON VEDRA MIS# 301100 Top of the line appliances
BLVD & GREAT IOCA1ON. includes washer/dryer. High efficiency heat
MIS 312373 5BR/4 full & 2 halfBAw/paneled & air. Two balconies, plantation blinds,
library, large LR w/FP, FR w/lots of windows, fenced ear. $644,500 241-2417
sitting room off MBR, spacious deck that spans
enure lengilh of home. stone & 1, rlls. budt- G" ITNEIOGIORlOOD! -
iLms & eublel fr pliar,S i5.C).a 285-1800 MLS# 339359 2BR/2BA. Walkto schools
MLSa 302736 great setting & excellent ,. V 1
condition, beautifully decorated & fumished fteshlypaintedin&out.$325,000241-2417
2BR/2BA condo w/wet bar & FP; located across
from the ool'&in PlayersClub illas. $385,000 GEM T GROU ND FLOOR NT
285-1800 MLS# 326685 Tile. in living and dining
PONIE VEDRA BI E SEA NEW PRICE room and kitchen. Easy living. Great pool
MIS 325471 Open one-story floor plan w/I2 and club facilities. $189,000 241-2417
ceilings, in this 4BR/3.5BA home with almost
3000 SF, custom screenedpool w/spa &waterfall. COTA GE SiIE CONDO!
This is a totally private tropical paradise which MLS# 319376 3BR/2BA with fresh paint,
backs to a preserve & wetlands. $899,900
1(IUANAPRESERVE newcarpet,1;cargarageingatedcommunity.
A NA IURE LOVERS PARADISE $219,900 241-2417
MIS 327773 Charming 3BR/2BAw/entry, LR, l i iS A AClI
kitehen/breakfastarea& sunroom across theback- .
of home. Located among old oaks overlooking MLS# 341496 Living in this 2BR/2BA
thepreservew/scmd pool, spa& summerkitehen, 2nd floor unit Enjoy sunsets on the marsh!
this is a unique & charming home! $1,200,000 $172,450 241-2417
MIS# 315239 Brand new 1st floor 3BR/2BA MLS#3048194BR/3BA, dream backyard,
condo,upgradesgaloreincluding granite counters heated pool& spa,proflandscaped, splitBR,
& stainless appliances, garage. & parking, high ceiings Calif Closets, summer kit,
overlooking the-marina & Intracoastal Gited
community w/pool, clubhouse, fitness center & Viking Grill $488,000 241-2417
elevators. $569,000 285-1800 .
Lok sUpA

Elizabeth Hudg rins
Prudential Network Realty's
'T-e A tl oEtate Pro- nl "Y ,, h.r :. t IN ? t- .:r'rd the First Coast lifestyle"
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
( Prudential
Network Realty
Visit Elizabeth and all her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Indlpendentli owned mndaoperated i
1000 Sawgrass Village Drive, Suite 101, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Call Rosemary Naughton

"She KnOWS the beaches!"

Eclectic A.B. Opportunity
Beachy,fun home, huge 85xl35 lot, 3 blks to bch! Such rustic person-
ality & possibilities for expansion! 3/ 2, inviting LR/DR, gorgeous wood
firs. Giant Mex. ciled Gameroom, beautiful 10th St., surrounded by
magnificent million $ new constructions. $684,000.
A 'd Nept.Beachside Elegance
Adorable 3BR gem, I home off oceanfront on corner lot! Vintage
charm, wood firs. throughout, large rooms! Sunny FL Rm, invites sun-,
shine in, huge brick f-place w/ cool log bin. Perfect bch. retreat! It's a
treasure! $849,000.
Lora St, Nept.-Fully Redone
Perfect home, just 4 blks to breaking waves! Totally remodeled, in &
out! Solid conc. bik., 3BR plus Office, oversized 72x 125 lot w/ room to
grow! Stunning silestone/ss kit, Italian tiled main rooms, designer de-
tails. Prof. landscaped, easy stroll to "corner." $459,000.
S.Jax. Bch.Value
Comfortable 3/3 just 5 blks to water's edge. Handsome wd. firs. dwn,
versatile Bonus up, all appliances stay, fully fenced, quiet location next
to private easement. Motivated owner is ready to go! Short walk to
Seabreeze Elem.& super restaurants. $412,000.
Immaculate South Jax. Bch.Townhome
Better than new 3BR 2.5BA, perfect condition,"--2 yrs old! Barely
lived in. 2212 s.f. of casual living. Open-plan GR/DR/Kic, high ceils ideal
for entertaining! Granite/ss kit, Priv. MBR offers a "beach-peak" cov-
ered balcony. Just delightful! $423,000.
Sharp P.V. Executive Gem ," "
,.pIs 413,5 gem.. 3 yr5 new! Plantauioi shutters, elegant, M, Suite.
ideal guest suite dwn. Huge GR/Kit combo. High ceilings, stately foyer,
:quality details. E. of AIA for easy beachwalks in A+ school district.
Seller is so ready! $590,000.
. :PonteVedra Patio Delight
Crisp, waterfront 2BR 2BA on large lake, enjoys amazing wildlife &
serenity. High ceilings in GR/DR/Kit, Peaceful water views, brand new
hardiboard exterior, large 2 car garage, convenient indoor utility room.
All appliances convey. $319,950

for the

best car

Today! !

You'll find

them in




How to write a
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that works...

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Include Price.
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The Beaches


Ponte Vedra







December 15, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

eifissalC d 2

u,. ,


" CVClc:l. N,
=-- W7

D~cember 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres, 4/3, 2950sf, built 2002, $469,000
OBO, Independent Brokers & Associates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.
4 blocks ocean, 2BR/2BA, brand new car-
pet, custom blinds, large kitchen,
screened porch; sprinkler system, fenced,
attached garage, approx. 1200sf.
$289,000. By appt. (904)247-1490.

blocks from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
Granite, upgrades. $369,000. Call John
R/E Broker (904)699-8887
14390 Pelican Bay Ct., Pelican Bay.
Asking $259,000. 2BR/2BA, 1315sf.
Gorgeous home Soaring ceilings, wood
deck & covered patio. Call for direction
247-4442. Assist2Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate.


Oceanfront Newer custom built 5BR,
4 5BA, with4725 SF. views ol the ocean
from the east and ICW the west. Office,
formal living and dining, tile and
hardwood floors, pool and spa, screened
lanai with hot tub, and pmate beach
Isle of Palms Former model with 2705
SF and $71,000 in upgrades on
navigable water.. just bring your boar!
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluge master suite two
screened lanai s, deck, balcony. dock w/
boar lift .889.C000
South Hampton Water 10 golf views
compliment this 5BR, 4BA executive
home on the 17th green. Chet's kitchen
t ith cherry cabinets, island, corian. tile.
3 car garage. screened lanai. two bonus
rooms. comm pool, priced 525k below.
jpprais.l 5750,000
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdes.ac with screened pool/spa, lanai,
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat, in-
law suiune, wood and ule floors, corian
counters, formal li ng and dining, 3 car
garage, comrnm pool. $679,000
Ocean Ca. Walk to the beach from
this upgraded. light and bright 4BR,
2 5BA with loft, formal living and dining
room. new carpet and paint, rile floors,
veriized screened lanai, lots of storage.
comm pool $499,500
Pablo Bay WhN wait to build? This
4BR. 2BA all bnck home is ready now!
Enjo\ rela.tng evenings on yourco ered
lanat overlooking the peaceful lake.
Upgrades include tile, 42 inch cabinets,
open kitchen with island, corian.

Fiddlers Marsh If you are looking for a
true Florida home, look no further!
Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio home on
premium cul-de-sac lakefront lot in Ponme
Vedral Florida room with private lake
ilews. .no backdoor neighbors! Enjoy
nature at its finest with beautiful waier
fc.w I. Egrets, Herons and more! $339,X00
Laurel Springs 4BR, 2BA pool home
on beauurl lakIefront lot! Upgraded tile,
covered lanai overlooks screened pool,
split bedroom plan, fireplace. Enjoy
entertaining in >our spacious pool area,
mans upgrades! $345.0000
Ibis Point 4BR, 2 5BA w/lofi on private
culdesac. lush landscaping. fenced yard.
sprinkler, open kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal dining, designer molding. mazter
bedroom is down with garden tub, comm.
pool/tennis 5335.000I
Jax Beach Updated 4BR. 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot (27 acres just
blocks to the beach! Wood floors, fireplace,
open kitchen, formal dining, large great
room, inside laundry, screened porch, shed.
hot rub with deck. 335.000
Florentine This 3BR, 2 5BA with loft is
only one year old and ready now! Enjoy
peaceful lake views from your open patio,
spacious kitchen with breakfast bar. formal
rIl ing and dirung, oversized laundry, over
$40k in upgrades! $299,900
Hunters Haven Honey.. cut up the credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR/2BA
is minutes to St Johns Town Center!
Spacious floor plan with wood laminate
and tile floors, open pat-in kitchen, formal
dining room, and oversized wooden deck
leads to private fenced backyard with
cn-inklIer and m-nr.aturea tree VA000~

~Waterfront H Pro[[ rty

Exclusively offered

5.80 acres 6.69 acres
Individually or Combined
~ Create your Estate ~
Riding Arena Miles of Trails -Tot Lot
RV Boat Parking

for your consideration:

Best Per-Acre Price
Close to Downtown

Laura E. Gage

Ill BeHo0me for Christmas...
You can easily be in one of Sese horme.,fpr
the holidays. Just give us a call!

416 UPPER 36T' AVE. S. 2BR/2BA with attached one car
garage, atrium off master bath and bedroom, freshly
painted exterior, fenced back yard, all in quiet enclave
neighborhood 4 blocks from the ocean. $275,000.

3515 SO. 1P ST.- 3BR/1BA furnished cottage w/one car
garage, front porch, fenced back yard. Completely
renovated, including windows,.wood floors and custom'
trim. 1.5 blocks to beach! $625,000.

119 37" AVE. SO.- 3BR/2BA renovated 1950's bungalow
with att. 2 car garage, FP, Florida room, wood floors,
vaulted wood ceiling, & a white picket fence out front. 2
blocks to beach! $699,000.

3276 PU AN CT. -50'x150' cul-de-sac lot in south Jax
Beach w/water view, adjacent to new park and fire
station. Architect owned, ready to assist with plans, if
needed. ...
.,. i^ ^ ^ ^ss a

Sherri Beno Realtor"
Lisa DiStefano Realtor

A1 Marvin & Floyd

Realty Inc.

Website. http://marvin-group.com
__ Call Joe Floyd 219-7638, -

1/1 Oceanfront Condo Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyslde Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is).
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to purchase property
near the Intracoastal and within walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000

2/2 condo, 1260sq'. Ground floor. Pool, Tennis Courts.


3/2 house, 1896sq'. Fenced back yard. Lawn maintenance included. $1,600 mth

PVB/ NACATEE, almost new, 3BR/2BA,
w/versatile front room, open floor plan,
light & bright, screened pool w/covered la-
nai, large tile, granite counters with up-
graded cabinets, great schools, approx.
2000sf. Asking $357,000. Willing to co-op.
537-3969 Frank.
INVESTOR'S DREAM Lot w/ house,
60x125, 9th Ave. N. Make offer.
ATLANTIC BEACH home w/2 buildable
lots, 150 ft walk to beach and intracoastal
townhomes with boat slips,

3/2, JAX Bch, 1100 18th St. N. 1300sf, ga-
rage, new roof, appliances, tile, carpet.
$269,000. 881-8590.

806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
1700.SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, tons of .' '
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting
all brick home in quiet beach,
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office

Gorgeous two story condo 2BR'2BA.
features granite counter lops,.
oversized microwave, and washer
dryer. Fully equipped club house wiln
tennis and basketball courts.
S194,500 MLS 318903 D
Fantastic 2BR/2BA home. wilh a greal
golf course view Oversized shower
and big storage sned. A seal at the
beach. Very nice nome lor a very good
price. LOOK NOW! $194,900 MLS
13781 CORAL
2BR/' BA mobile home wiin nice yard
Very livable wim recent carpet
througnput. Kitchen remodeled. Front
screened porch frame room addition
and central A'C Couni/ry living near Ine
beach $195,000 MLS 304680
Beautiful 2BR/2BA Iwo story town
home. Features stainless steel
appliances, '12' cabinets, rcerarmic tie
and screened porch. Mediterranean
style. Fabulous clubhouse, tennis and
basketball courts, fitness center, pool,
sauna: and hot tub. A great buv!
$204,000 MLS 314435 .
3BR/2BA home, nicely maintained wirh
wood lloors througnoul main living
areas Great room wiln fireplace. split
bedroom. lully equipped Kiiccheri rear
pario and two car garage $219,000
MLS 320579
Wonderful 4BR,2BA nome Brand new
roof, new wiring pain doors, crown
molding, carpet, and lixrures Great
price Bring all otleis Inveslor special!
$220,000 MLS 300745
Greal 3BR'2BA condo on 2nd aloor
Charming unit win liled screened porch
and fireplace. rile in living areas and
carpet in bedrooms. Live al Ihe beach
with a maintenance free lifestyle.'
$242,000 MLS 297206
825 8TH ST S
Spacious 2BR/2.5BA town home on
large fenced corner lot. New vinyl
siding. Newer roof, living room, kitchen,
bath and laundry room tiled. Sliding
glass doors oi kitchen io backyard.
Good conidiliror $259,900 MLS 336084
Fantastic curb appeal 3BR/2BA home
with a side entry garage and is situated
or, large nicely treed lot Cozy rireplace
is viewed Irom boln the lamily room and
the breakfast room area. Splendid deck
for outdoor entertaining. $335,000 MLS
Immaculate 4BR/2BA home with large'
kitchen, split bedrooms, and a sparkling,
In ground pool as well as a fenced
backyard. Comer otl A must seel With
in five minutes to Mayo Clinic and
beaches $389,900 MLS 323560
5BR/3BA home on preserve lot, three
car garage, huge master suite, loft
area. Enclosed glass, open floor plan,
living and dining area large enough for
entertaining a crowd. Convenient
location, close o10 me each and
downtown $530,000 MLS 340762
Lovely 4BR/3BA home with gorgeous
landscaping and terrific views from
screened lanai and party deck. Home
is perfect for entertaining large crowds.
Hot tub works but offered as is.
$572,500 MLS 324468
Beautiful 5BR/4BA spacious brick
home in PVB on preserve lot. Extra
large dining room. Huge great room
with wet bar and sliding glass wall out
to enclosed family room overlooking
preserve. Lots of storage in garage and
laundry room. Great buyl $599,000
MLS 309764
5BR/4.5BA home on a darling lot with
spectacular intracoastal Views.
Renovated interior with cherry
cabinets, stone flooring, kitchen with
Granite counter tops, stainless steel
appliances. Enjoy Queen's Harbour at,
its best $849,900 MLS 334091
Fabulous 4BR/2.5BA home across
from Mayo. Boat lovers dream Greatj
views of water. Floating dock and a
12,000 pound boat lift. Huge kitchen
and Florida room. Wonderful for
entertaining. $869,900 MLS 339677

Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804

Below appraisal, and recent price reduc-
tion. Must sell. Bring all offers. Best buy at
the beach. Gall with Vanguard GMAC.
FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately 1
mile to beach, 1BR/1.5BA w/loft, new roof,
wood deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready. $217,000. 242-7529,

4BR/2BA, OPEN/ split plan, oversized, ex-
tremly large fenced yard, large shed in
backyard, All brick, 2 car garage, close to
beach, in quiet neighborhood. Lots of
trees. No homeowners assoc. $380,000.

l ilTA1143 L*'7 [ i4

I BUY Houses. Best prices paid. Call John

Only $6K down, new 2/2/+ lakeview,
$209K, last onbel 727-458-4230.
LIVE MINUTES from the beach, 2BR/2BA
Condo, attached 'garage, for ONLY
$167,000. Weichert Realtors 1st Coast.
(904)673-1026, .
COZY CONDO in PVB, FL $249,900.
View Infotube Ad No. 154740. A MUST
SEEI 2BR/2BA in quiet cul-de-sac, fully
remodeled w/tile, new carpet, huge
screened-in patio overlooking lake, new
kitchen .cabinets, appliances, fireplace &
privateentry garage w/plenty of storage
space. Full access to pool, tennis courts, 3
blocks from the ocean. Call 707-7986 or
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $495,900. Lease option.
Owner/ agent 463-7343.
CONDO "FOUNTAINS", Ponte' Vedra, 695
A1A N. 3BR/ 2BA Lease $1295 or
buy $229,900. Very clean. 246-6649.
FSBO. VILLAS at Marsh Landing; charm-,
ing 1BR/1BA condo w/fireplace, new ce-
ramic tiled floors, glass ernctosed lanai. ali
appliances included, beautiful goil course
view, garage, $160,000. (904)536-6Q65:
PRICING! Jax Beach, Oceanr views, 1
, block irom beacon. 3BR.3BA, 2200sf.
Luxury leatures and upgrades $728,900,
Owner agent i904 219-1689
PV 2!2, fireplace, screened palo over-
lo.oking lake. $214,900. Vanguard Realry
OCEANVIEW 312 Great views Irom mosi
rooms Ceramic tile, rwo balconies.
$449.900 Vanguaro Realty 463.7343
3/2. 1500s condo in like new conadiron
Below current market pFica.
I $234,900 .
Keller Williams Realty Jacksonville
Rare find in ihis prime location. Spacious.
3BR.2BA. Recently remodeled Rirchen.
beachside covered porch, pool ari prvalc G
pier. $725,000. Dunson Real Estate, Inc.
Realtor t904)247-5153
JAX BCH Must sell by owner. 5209K
2BR 2BA, new condo 249.75011

Sea State Realty Corp.
.-... "The Listing Specialist"
Waterfront Community Condos
2BR/2BA w/den -$134.900
2BR'/2BA'-$113 900 '
1 BRJ/1BA -$85.000 llani']lmMoliviI t I
$137.500 II5i0]a;n9[]ni *eilTi. "
Call Larry Dukes, Broker
1904 1 537-0679

PVB LOWEST priced/ best location,
2BR/2BA, fp, in Ocean Grove, walk to
beach, newly renovated/ never occupied,
$187,500, possible lease/purchase,

PELICAN Point $730k, LandMark $950k,
WaterMark $996k. Call Renee L. Baron,
Inc. for a tour (904) 242-2821.

k Open House k

Saturday & Sunday 1PM-4PM
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Friday 12-5pm
Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 high-end
4 story Mediterranean-style town homes with
private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your front yard. Only
3 leftI Prices starting at $999,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

Timberin Prk Investor Special

Lovely 2/2 in Timberlin Park, new paint/carpet. 2nd
floor w/woods view, garage & all appliances. MLS#
330283 $ 151,500. Tenant occ./perfect for investors.

Call Mike Evans Dn D
424-4650 TvDINE iN

Brand New Oceanfront Condo
3BR/3.5BA/2,600SF of luxury living & unparalleled amenities.
Located on one of the lower floors close to covered garage &.
amenities center.Approx. $40,000 in upgrades. Great location,
incredible ocean views.$1,479,000

Newly Listed Sawgrass CC Condo
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.5BA condo w/popular towrihome floor
plan w/wood floor approx. 1700SEWater to golf views, large lanai,
new roof and newly remodeled exterior.$395,000

Tifton Cove in Sawgrass CC
Beautifully renovated 2BR/2BA condo, hardwoods, kit. w/new
cabinets, stainless steel appliances, Conan countertops, fully -
furnished & overlooking lagoon. Great for,second home or
investment. $337,000

REDUCED Ocean View 3/3 2.100SF[
Developer unit released. Saturnia flooring & beautiful appoint-
ments. 7th FL end unit condo w/open views of theAtlantic Ocean.
Large BR's w/spacious BA for each, Jarge walk-in closets.
Large kitchen open to family room w/ocean views. $895,000

Beautifully Furnished Condo
in Sawgrass Country Club
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.5BA condo w/popular townhome floor
plan. Enjoy water to golf views, wood floors, enclosed Florida RM
& remodeled kitchen. Large lanai, new roof and newly remodeled
exterior. $395,000

Call Lynn Saul 904-859-9100 '
Over 20 Million in Sales in 2005.
.. ) I.



Off the beaten path. 3BR/2BA condo w/garage and a view. Separate entrance, large corner
balcony, vaulted cetdng,. FP, all appliances, storage room. Gated, 2 pools, tennis, movie
theater, R\/boat parking. $248,500.'

Peace & quiet is yours! 3BR/2BA with garage, end unit, no one above.you, water & wooded
views. FP, all apple, incl. washer & dryer, screened lanai. Gated, clubhouse, pool, hot tub,
boat 'R storage, & more. $255,000.

Listen to the ocean from your balcony at this 2BR/2BA cohdo in quaint Atlantic Beach.
Renovated with new kitchen & baths. Only 1/2 block to the ocean. Community pool. Mo. fee
includes water/sewer. $3 10,000.

1BR, 2BR, and 31R condos east of AlA in south Jax Beach. Brand new & beautiful!
Elegant clubhouse, pool, fitness center. FROM LOW $300,000'S. Call for pricing
and availability. ,


Sherri,.,Beno, PReator

904- 651-1830

1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Available
from Ig screened lanai. Gated, pool, clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495 $154,900 OBO '

VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING WOODED VIEWS from your lanai. 3/2 with 18" tiles and berber carpet.
Gated, garage, Pool/clubhouse. Corner unit. HUGE REDUCTIONI B $219,900 MLS#328788
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block. Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach,
1 block to shopping. MLS# 307553 $438,800 Bldg C #32

THE COLONY.- WALK to the BEACH. LOWEST PRICED 2 bedroom. Beautiful ground floor with
wooded views. Wood floors, tile, fireplace, crown moulding. GARAGE. MLS# 326635 $229,900

1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Available
STONEBRIDGE LARGEST 3bdrm with 2 master suites. 1408 SF, tite, screened lanai, roomy & bright.
CARPORT. MLS# 327334 Reduced $164,500.
STONEBRIDGE CARPORT with condo, 3/2 top floor, no one above end unit. New carpet, fresh paint,
ready for move in. A, cond. Gated community. MLS#300731 $156,900



r.nfNNFrT InN




r1-Icp ,> A

The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 15, 2006

Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
A1A Best Service
__ Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
Get Info
Get Pre-qualified
PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAX: 904-247-7475

2800sf., $2800/mo includes utilities. Call
Bart @ 241-3111 (Ext. 11).

PVB -TOWNHOUSE, Villages of Solano,
.3BR/2.5BA. $1400/mo. (904)629-2141. .
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
.blocks to ocean. -Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 arid 241-1219.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 706. Cavalla Rd.
2BR/1 ;5BA, WDHU, enclosed- porch.
$775/mo. +$775/dep. 514-8761.
floors, ,CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks to
beach, 1st/ last mo. rent, SD,. 1 year
lease $900/mo -Donna Ross Real Es-
iai- Irnc 246.4862
1,2C BLOCKS to Ocean. 1sl Ave. South.
IBR/IBA ,685/mo 1,904)891 0606.
PONTE VEDRA Townhouse 2/2, includes
washer/ dryer, screened in porch, lake
view. $1300/mo. 571-5517 '.
ATLANTIC BCH Townhouse, 3BR/ 1.5BA.
L85,)m.' plus scc 1501 Jordan lEasl ol
M.laypr-.n. on l Donrner) 642-1003.

CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.:
TWO 1BR Apanrmenis. 2 blocks from
.Dea.i,:n i..0 rrm.c 1 Etliciency apanment 2
l.-k,:k- irc.nr, beach $,'50 mo 249-6748
PVB. 3BR.2BA Townnome. WDHU. lyr
-.ease uo oels E950:.'mo 4$950/sec
. 249.5-i .33. 7224
2 BLOCKS Irom ocean 2BR/1IBA, W,D
Sand w-aler included lenced-in yaro
i2l50'.mro +.de.p 19041571-6142.
JAX BEACiH 2 1'2 clocks Io ocean 1/1
lirj.? upsi.ats. $770,mo. 821-9751'

SBR 2BA ..car ,ar vaulted clelings. orn
,ulI.de.-a, 5 minutes 10 Deaches, close to
rlMa.:-. S Almican. School Avail 2/15,07.
1999 m,:. Call Edna 1904)221-7398
: ri4J76.4951

IA:\ BCH 428 7in Ave N. 2'1. CH,A gas
,i.,.'e i,8S mo $35 credit lee Call
_'1 -539
IjEPTUJE BCH. 2BR.1 5BA townhouse,
i1 5. .i l,.:. oceaneanr, diinwasher, WDHU.
i,'9I mnc. i6; -39
PvB L'ATRIUIjM palio home 2BFR2BA.
garage, $1295.mo unlurnished.
ATLANTIC BEACH ofl Seminole Rd
B. auhiul newer 3 2 5 lownhome 10tt cell
: ,r lig r i S Drgni hardwood Iloors. 1 car
mar. small ien.:ed backyard. 8 blocks to
S achra,:h i 495.-'rT,o. lejDie lerms. And al-
so avai'

Jdax-Beacho,,arij.,rn Mer condo. Beauh.
ruj pe rpl. rage F,,'- l lcor
',io 109S.rr Call .June. Fir Trust Realty,
JAN BEACH, 2BR 1BA 2 Blocks to
OCEAN. C.HSA $800 mo 409 Souin 2nd
Zireel ii4 5i.306.2530
'08O 1sti St S JB Apor 3 888-259-0783.
SI, Ilep Br. c.:,rwn.rtars 11050'mo. incl
u1il i661i1, -3.6275
SlEPTul'E BCH. near ocean nice modem
well taken :are ofl 2BR Apl all amenites.
'?8i.mo 247. 1417
o550 rri.:. 28- Anern Si $800'mo.. 2
u~1-'. Ic o.,:ar, across irom Town Cen-
tir 2B R IBA CH&A, hardwood floors tile
,1air. & k,.iicren IJo pels. $800 deposit. wa-
ler .arr.age sewer includedd in rent
J J.-77
38- BA ErIJC Unit on marsh, no pets. pri-
or references & credit check a must, $850
SEmily, 349-4759.
-BR 2BA ..:,nus roorrm. covered patio,
CHAA VVDHLI 1207 Maypon Lanading Dr.
.'u mrr.-. ,7.'C, ,eposil 280-2728. leave
rrmessage. .. .
311 NORTH 1st St. Large 2BR,1BA apl.
w/den, hardwAood firs., VV D CH&A. bloc.K
from' .:r, Center & bea.:n $1200'mo.
S 273-7338..
BEACHES/ PVB 1, 2, & 3BR with ocean
views, from ,800 mo 233.4545.
NEAR PO,.TE vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, cuiei. sale, residential neighbor-
hood. `BR 1A4 lower duplex New paint,
CH&A, W/D included No smoking Small
pet considered. $950/mo., lease deposit..
993-1118. .
-iEPTLiIIE. GORGEOUS duplex, 3.2
1 5 Dlks 1i, ocean, gar Downslairs.
l.1400 mo Upsiairs- cainedral ceilings
irpic ir800. mo Avail 1.1 993-9191
JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA spacious bright
-,-ri uni. garage.I lanai, pool, gated, close
o, .ITB ltio.:ck to beach, $1350/mo.
r/ii-1i32 .9 8 6
r.IAYPORT ROAD MH, 2BR, credit cneck.
i,-nc.d private property. No pels
600 m.:. r,,.ij.600 dep 246-4461
riEPTUriE BEACH, 1 block o0 ocean.
2BR, sunporch, WDHU, CH&A. Lease,
,aep,.,.,. $9'f0'mo 19041398-0470
riEPTIJIlE BCH. charming 2BR 1BA apr.
i I. ,:,: ir.-.r, beach storage 6 laundry
I,:,,, up ':.a llors rew appliances a
C ti u ) rri:,. Call ARc' 891-2345.
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd,. 985-B .2nd,
Street South, 2BR/1BA, washer/ dryer,
$875/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190.
floor. Large deck; 1 block to beach.
$10.50/mo. includes water, 241-0897.
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no.
dogs, 333-5579.
MAYPORT LANDING Townhome 2/2, end
unit, CH&A, tile floor, 1177 Songbird Lane,
$825/mo. 280-2728 leave message.

Ocean Grove Condo, 1/1, ground
floor. $850/mo., 2/2. $1050/mo.
Fabulous 4/2, pool, $2200, 2300 SF,
The Palms, 2/2, $1095 includes
cable, 1100 SF
210 & 195
2/2.5, 1300 SF, Brand new $1100
3 & 4 BR $1200-$1350
Near UNF 3/2, 1400 SF $1295

942 -9

Lease Space Available

Heritage Bank Building

3,000 square feet of prime ground floor space located on
A I A and CR 210 (Across from the Ponte Vedra Post Office).
High visibility location with ample parking spaces.
Availability for occupancy on January 1, 2007.
Interested parties should call 280-5655
and ask for Jim Strickland or Greg Totten.

LUXURIOUS Pelican Point; 2BR/2BA,
available now $1700-$2600/mo. 3 monih
min,mum rental. 904 1241-7206

Walk lo Ocean CH&A, WDHU. Some util-
ties includedd No pets. $1100/mo. lease.

JAX BEACH, 2BR townhouse, near, LARGE-EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
ocean, CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo. lent location, 2 blocks io Ocean, very
+$500/dep. 246-3130 clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
1 Oi174 i A 241-1219.
.J L4 tJ,.S C, ,J..o I~^ C A A ~ n 4J, ^ Ai-?

I 5 DLL rti to Uocean, s vIIi 1 tve. t..
2BR 1BA, CH/A, no pets, $875 nio.
QUIET AND SPACIOUS, 1 mile to Atlan-
tic Beach Town' Center, 1500s5 town-
home, 2BR/2.5BA +office, W'D, garage.
'No smokers/pets, $1225/mo. 655-2718

JiORTH JAX Beach. Eficiency. $495/mo
1BR. '595 mo t block to Ocean Pool No
Dels 249-5368.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block to ocean.
efficiency. Lease, deposit. T.650 mo


We have OCEANFRONT properties as well

As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,

All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:

4BeachesRealty.com or caln:

4-Beaches Realty at: 904/249-3077

WoolillI I14 I.

from 1 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts & Townhomes
Ocean Oaks Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

Walk to Beach, (Corner of Penman & Seagate)

Schools & Shopping- 249-561 _

-. .-- .-

Manpagement, INC. "|

It's the LEASE we can do!! ;"
2/1 Atlantic Bch Dup 1395 Rose St $700 .|
S. < 2/1.5 Atlantic Bch Dup 532 David St $995 ,k--
S 2/1.5 Atlantic Bch Dup 890 Hibiscus St $725
3/2 Atlantic Bch H 1174 Cape Charles $975 ...
2/1.5 Atlantic Bch T 851 Main St $750
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 403 S 2nd Street $850
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 409 S 2nd Street $800 ..
4/4 Neptune Bch H 213 Lora Street $2600
| 3/2 Ponte Vedra Bch T -100 Bermuda Bay #106 $1595 j
3/3 Vilano Beach C 220 N. Serenata Bch#612 $2300 =
3/2 Kernan Lakes H -12137 Millford Lane $1499
3/2 Bentwater Place H 12954 Canyon Creek S $1300
2/2 The Moorings C 14750 Beach Blvd#75 $1150 '
(partially furnished)
3/2 Wolf Creek C -13364 Beach Blvd #704 $1200
3/3 Mira Vista C 13846 Atlantic Blvd #102
$2600 (furnished)
Call us to see why you should have
a member of the National Association
of Residential Property Managers i
to manage your property!" I :
For more details please check out our website at
www.rentalsinjax.com j

T i N t e .ch F326



Jax Beach
+ 2BR/2BAcondo, Flagler Crossing,
2 blocks from ocean, tile & carpet
$1150/mo '
+ 2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing,
$775 $795/nio.
+ 3BR/2BA, Mayport Landing. /
new carpet, new appliances:
$825/mo.Ask about our
move-in special.
+ 3/2 H, Hidden Cove, 2 car garage on
pond, freshly painted, 1500 SF -
+ 2/2 Condo. Deerfield Lake.. nice unit,
pool. WD hookup $ I00/m1o
Neptune Beach
+ 3BR/I 5B.Api. p Across from Ocean
W :.\d floors -.iater included Ocean
views! $1400/mo
. 1BR.'I BA Apt, water/electric
included, across from ocean. $800/mp
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322

PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3, updated, large
Slot on pond, $1650/mo. Call 234-6854.
Ron, Realtor.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/2.5BA, 1400sf;
corner unit; well kept townhouse, W/D,
screened porch faces nature; $1425/mo.;
5/4, GATED community, 3000sf,
$1800/mo $1750 dep, Emily -349-4759.
2800sf., 4BR/2.5BA, 3 blocks to ocean.
$1600/mo. (904)476-7320.
BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
home, gated community, 2900+ s,
4BR/3.5BA, 2 'car garage, $1800/mo.
$499,900. (904)608-2579.
3BR/2.5BA, TOWNHOUSE, in desirable
AB, Selva Lakes, very clean, newer model
with over 1900sf. 2 car garage w/WDHU.
Community pool. 5min. bike to beach.
Walking distance to park. $1800/mo.
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, furnished or
unfurnished; 2400 sf, $1950/mo,
3BR/2BA E. of 3rd $1500/mo All new
house for rent, ss appliances, W/D, gran-
ite, tile throughout- all two blocks from the
beach 245 North St. 273-7338.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/2.5 SFH, open floor
plan, travertine floors/ counter tops, carpet
in bedrooms, walk-in closets, vaulted cell-
Ings, f'place, study, screened pool, corner
lot, $2000/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125.
NEPTUNE BCH house- 3/2, 1250sf,
CH&A. New bathroom. Fenced backyard.
Nice neighborhood, close to ocean. 524
Oceanwood Dr. So., $1250/mo +deposit.
ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR, 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail. Jan.
'07. Short term lease avail. $1100/mo +
security, (904)928-3661.

% % % % BEACH RENTALS %%%5
Unfurnished Homes 13.1 Magnolia NB 2BR/1BA, ground floor WindsorParkie-Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two story
'S Serena Point JB 3BR.3BA, new top floor large duplex, plus den, less than block to bch. home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed porch, fenced .
,condo. direct oceanfront views, amenities. $1000/mo. backyard. $1995/mo.
garage $3000/mo latracoastalWest Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home, all
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, condo has tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, comm.
Luxurious features, ocean porch, sunset porch, Bishop's Court Hodges pool. $2200/mo.
' garage. $2800/mo. r End units w/views, all appliances, amenities. Unfurnished Condos
430 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/2.5BA, two 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
story home w/pool, fenced yard, hardwood 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities. L
floors, 2 car garage. $2295/mo. Lakecrest Southside 2BR/2BA, ground 1BR/1BA. 3rd floor with garage. $925/mo. 7'1
S North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand new floor condo w/upgrades, attached garage, 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
construction w/incredible ocean views, screened porch. $995/mo. ceilings. $1050/mo.
upgrades, garage, amenities. $2000/mo. Kenaa 2BR2BA ground floor Belleza PY 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit,.
SPablo Beach South JB 3BR/3.5BA, three screened porch, w/p fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded.
story, townhouse w/ocean views, balconies, condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/pivatee $1000/mo.
' attached garage. $1900/mo. water view. $1000/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor w/private views. $1100/mo.
. Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV Herons Way Hodges 2BR/2BA, brand new Ocean Links PV
S4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on townhouse with attached garage, amenities. 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/fireplace, screened
lagoon, 2 car garage, comm. pool. $1700/mo $1100/mo. porch, amenities. $1100/mo
o Solano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story ILVilagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA two story Jardin De Mer JB
home, two car garage, comm. pool. condo w/upgrades throughout, anienities. 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo wall the upgrades,
S$1500/mo..$1200/mo. garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
SThe Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse
w/wood floors,new carpet, enclosed tiled Brightwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end
porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. unit townhouse, w/porch, garage, club pool. RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
S The Courtyards Mayport of AB $1250/mo. Shannon Smith
3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit Point Meadows Place Gate Pkwy (904) 285-5640
w/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks lagoon. 3BR/2BA, newer top floor condo, elevator, www.rentthebeaches.com
% $1100/mo. amenities, carport. $1290/mo

^^%^ :- A..- I.-

uiassinect t

Cattar Realty, Inc.
,, Home Is Where
DBg The V Heart Is
NB: Jarbo Park, 1000 3rd St.,
#8D, 2/2, C/H&A, W&D-hookup,
2nd floor balcony, screened in
porch $800
NB: 216 Seagate, 3/1, CH/A,
W/D hookup, porch. $950
NB: 209 Margaret St., Upstairs,
2/1, deck with -ocean view, W/D
hookup. $1000
PVB: Belleza Condo, 2/2, 2nd
floor, screened porch, W/D
included, Unit remodeled last
year, new appliances, microwave
and cabinets, gated community
with pool and many, other
amenities $1100 .
JB: 1311-1 4th St, Townhouse,
2/1.5, 1200 sqft Living area, with
300 sqft. Garage with opener,
WID hookup. $975
JB: 40213R"Ave. N., 2/1.5, W/D
hookup, CH/A $775
AB: House, 176 Ocean Blvd,
Avail. Now, 3/3, 2000+ sqft.,
hardwood floors, Fenced yard
with wooden storage building,
cedar lined closet, amenities
galore $1975 .
Call Fred, Cattar Realty, Inc.
V 270-0015 V
*Bun Sell Build Invest....

Spacious and well maintained 2 bedrooms
& 1-1/2 baths. Approximately 1100sf, 1
block to the beach. No pets, full kitchen,
washer/ dryer connections, lots of closets.
126 S. 13th Ave. Jax Beach. $950 month-
ly rental (utilities not included) $550 secur-
ity deposit. Minimum 7 month lease.
Available In December. 285-1852

fireplace, fenced yard, 3 blocks to ocean.
$1150/m6. (904)742-6423.
ADORABALE, 3/2, newly renovated home
In Ponte Vedra. Wood L. floors, fenced
yard, quiet neighborhood. $1295/mo,
Lawn service incl. Call 476-5071 for an
ATLANTIC BEACH Beach cottage,
: 3BR/den, 1.5BA, hardwood, carpet & tile
floors, ceiling fans, large fenced backyard
w/deck. 5 blocks to beach, 1 year. lease,
260 Belvedere St., $1200/mo. Call 246-
ATLANTIC BEACH townhome for lease,
2BR/2.SBA+loft area. Many extras includ-.
ing jetted jacuzzi tub, oversized shower,
built in Murphy Bed and desk space, gran-
ite counters, enclosed patio and two car
garage. Community podl and only
7 blocks to beach access. Call Kevin Fol-
som Lifestyles at 904-612-1191 to see.
1129 Sebago Ave. So./ Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA,.tile/ carpet, fenced, no
pets. $1200/mo.
1123 Sebago Ave So. 3BR/2BA, great
shape fenced, screened p6rch, carport, no
pets, $1300/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A,. Florida room; fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem; well, new windows,, blinds, 12 blocks
to ocean, $1200/mo., month to month
lease, 710z2600,-534-3411.
NEPTUNE BEACH 3BR'2BA w/fireplace
and pool 2 car garage $1800/mo. In-
cludes lawn and pool care. Call Susan
1904)514-7150 .
PONTE VEDRA. Sawgrass galer cmrn.
munriy Bermuda Cl across me sireei
hom ine park Beaulul canal irc.nl.
S1700sf, 2BR 2BA patio home. $1250/mo.
Rd 3BR.2BA. CH&A. garage $130.0-mo
lyr lease l904)707-9954
ATLANTIC BCH. 4BR 2BA, like new comr
pleiely remodeled' Bike Ico beach & park
$1175,mo. 247-4527
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite counterlops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean. $1975/mo., call
Mark. 591-6976.
3BR,3.5BA, 3400st. long lerm Lease
$3500'mo. no pets, 19041998-2703
2300si., wooded lot. lenced-in yard block
o10 elementary school Pets OK $11750'mo
S$1000,dep. Call 509-9310
COZY BEACH house. 2 blocks 0 oeacn
2BR1 5BA. $1300,mo, $1300.sec. No
pets. 135 No 171m Ave Call 463-7020.
249-3967 .
'A.'e S $975moc. 246-3197 220.S797
ISLE OF Palms newly rmoaeled
3BR/2BA. 2250sl, large Fior-da room wlh
fireplace La*n service included
$1350'mo. 246-2627
OAK HARBOR. 3/2. CH&A. WDHU, re-
modeled kitchen, S1050Jmo 4- deposit.
249-3214 or 945-3303.
NICE 2BR/1BA iownnouse ilal Large
kitchen appliances, cerarrmic ile LOIS cl
closes Close iO beaches & Mslaypon i66
, Wesi..5.h Si., AB $950 m.:, 46.-.2163
ATLAF'ITIC -BEACH. ,'1 large .en.e,'
yard new kitchen, WDIHU Iie iioors 1300'
sqhl $975,mo. +deposn Available Jan. 2..
249-4349. ..
RIVERSIDE- HUGE beaurlul. lower.
2BR.1.5BA W'D. dasnwasher. security
sysrem. CH&A. lenced. 614-0845
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave So. 2BR/1BA,
house CH&A. fenced yard. .$775.'mo
JAX BEACH, 3BR,1 5BA, 1450-'., 1212
15th Ave. N., 12 blocks to beach, close to,
Fletcher HS, Florida room, large kitchen,
W/D, fenced yard.., $1250/mo: 710-2600,
$1l500mo. $100 non-relundable dieposil
Call 19041200-8977
ATLANTIC BEACH, 1200sqht 32 splil
Iloor plan, makes for greal roomrrmate liv-
ing 2 driveways and Ironi entries. newly
remodeled, $1500;mr.,. deposit and uilai
Ies exIra. small pet considered wi' deposit
Call 237-6655 or 514-6092
ATLANTIC BEACH Tnis beauiirul. waler-
Iront, 2-slory townhome with vauiled ceil-
ings leaiures 2 bedrooms wirin lolt; ed.
room and 2.5 baths. For additional record.
ed information, please call 861-4636, and
when prompted, enter the location number
61190. Would consider a 7 month lease.
Eagle Ridge Drive 4BR.2.5BA, 2000st.
$14951mo. 241-RENT or 733-3730
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A. laundry room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950/deposit,
$950.mo 615 71r. Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270-1284 :,
4.5 blocks to ocean, $1300/mo, +700 dep.
372-4477. .
ATLANTIC BEACH, beautiful,, large
2BR/2.5BA townhome, 5 blocks to beach,
fireplace, WD, $1150/mo. (904)742-6423.
4BR/2BA HOME in S. Jax Bch, large
fenced yard, 2 car garage, No Pets, No
Smokers. $2000/mo, +security deposit.
Available spring. Possible lease option.
JAX BCH- Lake Sanctuary. Beautiful 3/2
on quiet cul-de-sac. 1800sf;, open floor-
plan, fireplace, 2 car garage, new carpet
and paint. $1500/mo. (904)568-0428.


December 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Classified 5

3/2.5, 2 blocks to beach, w/shade yard,
FP, W/D no dogs, no smokers, 356 10th
St., $1475/mo 728-2477.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
3BR/ 1.5BA, Ponte Vedra, close to Beach
& JTB, $1200/mo., 294-1114.
Townhouse, 1100st. 1415 4th St N. Jax
Beach. $1000/mo, first and last to move
in. Call (904)868-7702 or (904)333-9785
Sto see.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everything new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Must seel $1100/mo. 465-2163.

All newly renovated, 2BR/1.5BA. Walk 5
blocks to ocean. New A/C, kitchen
appliances, paint, carpet, tile, wood blinds,
W/D connection, large rear fenced yard.
No pets. No smokers. $995/mo + 1 mo.
deposit. Call 866-5575 or 241-8057.'

JAX BAYMEADOWS/ Lake Crest Condos,
2BR/2BA, 1st fI, garage, w/d, fireplace,
pool, gym, tennis, $995/mo+ utilities,
Available Jan 1st, Shannon Smith
THE PALM, 3/2, lower level, tile/ carpet,
washer/ dryer,, garage. $1250/mo. TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.
3/2 JAX Bch, gated community with pool,
open floor plan, spacious closets, his/ her
sinks, beautiful views of marsh. $1450/mo.
6 months lease. Call 407-896-9405.
pool, fully furnished, pets, immaculate.
$2300/mo. 379-6997.
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur-
nished/ unfurnished. Available immediate-
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
2/2 CONDO w/marsh view. Wood floors,
granite counter-tops, and fireplace; Call
ed for details (904)537-7896.
ML LUXURY, gated, 3BR/2BA, newly ren-
ovated, lake view, pool/ fitness, big clos-
ets, garage. $1295/mo. 303-3936.


MArM, 4 t/ ,. ou/n.
PVB, RENT or RTO, 3BR/2BA townhome,. (904)859-5367.
1300sf. $1100/mo. $179,900. 333-2845.

RIP TIDE, 3BR/2BA, 1760 sqft., up dated
home, $1700/mo., very private tropical
back yard, summer kitchen, 465-1310.

3/2 house, 1 car garage, $925/mo.
2/1 house, 1 car garage, $950/mo.
3/2, 1005st, $850/mo.
2/1.5 townhome, $850/mo.
2/1 duplex, $1195/mo.
1/1 condo. $900,'mo
3/2, 1 car gar.. 1700sl, $1495/mo
3/2, 2 car garage, $1050/mo.
3/2.5, 1 car gar., $995/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage; $1395/mo.
includes yard service.
3/2, 1450sf, $1195/mo.
*4/2, 1774sf, $1275/mo.,
4/4, 2800sf, $2495/mo.
4/2:5, $1575/mo.
3/2, 1544sf, $1195/mo.
3/2, 1400sf, $1150/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar 2000sI. $1395/mo.
4 unns. 212 & one 3.'2
from $895- $1250 'mo
4/2. 2 car gar, 2000si $350/mQn
4.2, 2 car gar. 1990s1 $1525/mo.
312. 2 car gar., $995'mo
3/2, 2 car gar., 1425sf, $1095/mo.
S3/2, 1310sl $1395mo
4.2 5 2200sl $1195/mo
4/2 $1525/mo.
22. $895'mo.
Nine 3 & 4 bedroom houses
Priced Irom $1095 mo Io $1825.'mo
241-5501 OR 221-1711.


GRAND CAY. spotless. 2BR 2BA: beauti-
ful gated community. 2nd floor
w/screened balcony overlooking.
woods. W.D dishwasher. mi:r'.,wr..e., 'u r.
side storage un.1, pool. honuO, "work-oul
facility & nice playground for children.
$t000mo +deposil. 472-9654
BRAND NEW 3,2 Condo ar Oceans Edge
in Jax Beach. Fanlasic location fabulous
amenilie. $1650'mo. No pels. 553-8634
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo
lease 2BR/i.5BA. A'C. security New ap-
pliances No pels. $850.'mo .850'dep
PVB THE FOUNTAINS. It you demand
- clean, newly renovated townhouse condo.
. Call 571-8449 3BR 2 5BA, scr Wiled
porch, ready ior occupancy 128 No pets
no smoke! $1300/mo

lEPr I UNL D Ln- 3ur ..b/- iow n vuo.use
1 car garage, fenced yard, pool, $1250'mo
No pets. 534-3411. .
ROOM WITH A VIEW. This 1 BR 1 BA con-
do, has spectacular view-of Intercoastal.
$8751mo Jacqueline Byram, Realtor
Ponte Vedra Beach Realty 571-5653.
OCEANFRONT NEW 3/3, garage, consid-
er lease opinion $2650/rno 463-7343.

PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home.
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
PONTE VEDRA. Spacious 2BR/2BA.
2 slory corner unit w/lreplace, WD. Newly
renovated. $1100/mo electricc. 635-6375.
1 5BA, Ireshly painted. new lile. fireplace.
lenced backyard. W/D $925/mo
PVB. SPACIOUS; 1200sf., 2BR/2BA. Lots
of amenities. $950/mo. Call 234-2646.

JAX BEACH, very nice 2BR/2BA unit,
11th Ave. No., 2 blocks to ocean,
$1175/mo., 631-8292.
2BR/2BA, PALMS at Marsh Landing,
w/garage. Recent upgrades and washer/
dryer. Pools, tennis courts and fitness
center. $950/mo. 246-2500.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage, furnished, all appliances, includes
W/D. $1200/mo. Mark 338-3230.


'The Condo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
Long Term Rentals
1/1 furnished $900
All new interiors!!
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
$1195 $1250
New clubhouse, heated pool
& fitness center!
Too much to lisL.you must visit!
Suncoast Management, LL(
(904) 285-4840

homes Weekly/monthly Visil us ai
laxbeacnienlal corn or 535-3911 or
monthly pool. 463-7343.
4BR/4BA weekly. monthly, yearly. Call
i 01249-8269. OQ

AAAH BEAUTY ocean front luxury 2.2, "'/ ,- ...
$S1850mo Availaole 12.15, 1-800-758- S. JAX Bch. 2BR lully furnished. ocean.
7658. .. front condo Monlnly' Weekly. 241 .0267
PVB WALK. bike beacn. Large 2BR/2BA www.ientjackscnvlllebeach corn

wigarage. FP & WDu. Excelenr $1iuu
$1150'mo 635-6375
adult condo community in Atlantic Beach.
1BRi1BA, ground floor. covered parking.
pool. 55 and over $1000,month includes
water & cable. Must see, 571-5517
CONDO FOUNTAINS', Ponte Vedra. 695
A1A N. 3BR., 2BA. Lease $1295 or
buy $229.900 Very clean 246-6649.

ROOMMATE FOR 3BR. 1.5BA renovated,
I 8 miles ocean Non-smoker. Scon 904-
I roommate io snare nice house in quiel
neighnoomood in Allartic Beach 3BR.'BA.
$700 plus nail uliilnies 219-4307

ROOMMATE TO share house near FCCJ
Villas @ Marsh Landing- 2BR/2BA- Corn- & UNF Fully lurnisned. cable, lenced
pleiely led, W.D included 51000/mo. Call. yard $580 (include. utilites) 564-2601
I IJAX BRACH- Tit.H, ..03BR2, .- -,.-

unit. 1 siory. East ol A1A. $1195/mo
19041612-6532, .1904)641-5564
LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach.
3BR/2BA. Furnished, right on Ocean.
Awesome view. 242-0411.
SEE THE OCEAN 2BR'2BA newly remod.
eled w/granie, maple cabinets. new iile
and carpet., replace. WID and balcony
Greal location in Jax Ben $1150/mo

1BR, 1BA CONDO in The Palms al Marsh
Landing, first floor, newly remodeled W D
refrigerator. gaied community, pool gym
$900/mo, 339-3500 or 220-6603.

Renial $1 00,mo 2.2, preserve view,
ICW, elevator- call 866-1t 009
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
ATLANTIC BEACH townhome condo,
3,8R 1 5BA, lois il rp~e linisheK' Sgno
9i ,9. 2.2 962 .... .. .
consider lease option. $1750,'mo
PVB 2BR,2BA. w.'ireplace, new applian.
ces, wasner/dryer, many amenities.
SOO$1000'mo 472.0914.
2BR,2BA in PVB. next to10 TPC Goll Vili
.age. 5-siar amenities. walk 1o beach.
$1250 mo Call Laura for details.

jAN/ [.lA e.i n r. ic jt, .ui spacious

home. Near Ocean $600 mo 247-86913
ROOMMATE NEEDED to snare 3200sl
home in S Jax Beacn Master w bair,
available $600,mo. 4$250/dep all uhilit-
ies included. 19041568-5555
ATLANTIC BEACH home. walk to Rag.
time, beach, or Russell Park. $650'mo
LOOKING FOR roommate Io share new
condo Musi be clean, neat mature. .1.3
rent. ulililies & lees 463-2845.

ICW. FURNISHED bedroom private bain
$150,wk incl. uiil No kids, pels non-
smoking 210-8877 or 996-8341

ROOM AND baih wiln household privi-
, ledges $500.mo. 543.1860 Rel

3BR/2BA LAKEFRONT home Mayport'
Ailanlic Bch $375,mo r 1 2 ulililies.
Available December 27. 249-4646
ROOM FOR rent. AB. private bath/ kitch-
en privileges W.D, No drugs $145'Wk.
3CQ21 ;Il p i, .. ', 1 .

NEPTUNE BEACH 650 sqh business ofl
fice, ample parking. 3rd Streel signage.
convenient locarlon. available January
Call 246-9520
lune Beach, 1200sl w,5 large onices,
1400sl open Iloor plan build to suill, or
combine space lor 2600sl Recenily reno-
aitea. ample parking waier included. no
CAM. For more intormarron, Call 992-9344

I j -At

NEPTUNE TOWN Center. House for
office, shop, gallery, etc., 247-9774.
'ease. 3629s1 Onice included Large park.
ng lot, beach side ol inrracoasiai
17701929-1721., 678i525-0854.
NEPTUNE BEACH orice, retail space
500sqI. 2232 Flonda Blvd 241-2781
side, 514-1090
Space starting al $500,mo 514-1090
WAREHOUSE OFFICE 3500sl, new con-
siruclon in Ailaniric Beach. 5 .-1090
('2 OFFICE Condos 11-0sr each 210
west o 195 Avail r 1'07 9C-1-687-3000

LOOKING FOR male Shih-lzu o10 male
w,'beautitul lemale Call Mindy 403-9474
FREE CATS and Kinens ic approved
homes. Call 242.0224.
PET SITTING Dog walking. Responsible.
mature Call Kirry. 874-6062
FREE PUPPIE. 3 small males. 127B 161th
Ave NJ B IBack Apl.i

neims AKC.' CKCSC, shots. Ready Xmas,
New Years 230-0808.
CHIZU PUPPIES Dorn 9.'206 $250 each
Call 372-4645. leave msg. Great Xmas
CHIHUAHUAS 2 cnhocolale males. CKC,.
2nd snoois H'C. POP Call 241-2132 ;,
2 CKC Chihuahuas females. $350
993-3940 or email elselph.4,bellsoulh nwe
COCKER MIX, bull male puppy, all shois,
loo aclive for owner with medical conl,.
I-on, needs lots ol space 10 run and corn.
panionship $100 OBO 233-5533

HOMELESS PETS for adoplion- Cais &
dogs. 246-3600.

NEED A Santa ror your pany Call
2411-0136. No all aduli parties please
ner medical practice on 12/31!06. Address
ic request medical records is 4205 Bellon
Rd. Suiie 3004, Jacksonville, FL 32216.

IFYOU j re inter-rei in asienrna under
Iis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classilied@beachesleader comn

lesied divorce papers. Wir ouL Kids (while
you wail WVih kids a itlile longer Since
1981/ by appl. only 19041641-2187.

IF YOU are ,nieresled in aidernising under
Inis category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail classiled@beachesleader cornm

ATTENDANT/ DRIVER needed for wheel-
chair dependent female. Flexibility/ ref's a
must. Male or Female. Call 629-3251 for
P/T, SATJ SUNJ MON. Detail oriented in-
dividual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
Privileges. Phone 904-246-4827, email
accounting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
PART TIME Lot Attendant/ Driver wanted
for used car lot. Call 722-0005.
hiring part-time for the Tennis Pro Shop,
Shift hours are Saturday's 12pm-5pm and
Sunday's 1pm-5pm. Other hours may be-
come available in the future. $7/hr Call
285-0753 for more information. Apply in
person Tuesday-Saturday in the main
clubhouse. Drug testing/ EOE.

HELP :WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current ob openings. No fees may De
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
ior sell-employmeni or business opponu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than.
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.

Weekends, 7am to 7pm, at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available al Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleel Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL, Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to10 jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
PART TJME receplionisl and publications.
124 hours per week. Monday Ihrough
Thursday. Must be computer literate, non-
smoker. Please iax resume to First Baphsi
Church 0o Jacksonville Beach, 247-4154

COOK POSITION available, Monkey's
Uncle Tavern. Apply in person: 1850 S.
3rd Si. J.B
DRIVER NEEDED for company venicle.
Sphlil shin Early mornings. mosi after
noons Guaranleed 25 hours per wk
$10'hr Call 242-0140
PAYROLL HR Adm.n Musl have ADP
PayEx and EZ Labor experience. E-mail
resume 10

ATRIA SENIOR Living is seeking an expe-
rienced. sell-morivaied pari-time driver for
ineir bus Faciliry located al 14199 Wm
Davis Parkway Please fax resume to

REAL ESTATE office. experienced secre-
lary with computer knowledge, license
preferred Fax resume to 273-4848.
SERVERS LINE Cook. Disnwasneis,.
Fine Dining Jiis Bisiro. Ponte Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway. 996-7557.
OPTOMETRY, West Beaches, Front
desk. Customer service, all office aspects
Friendly personaiiry, ability to mulli-lask,
bookkeeping, PC. medical office expen-
ence a plus. Fax resume to 221-6504

Beaches Idbation. Flexible schedule.
Must be proficient in QuickBooks and
Excel, and have Accounting/ Budgeting
experience. Fax resume to 241-6012.
experienced Teachers & Assistanl Teacn-
ers FT & PT available We otter a com-
pel;live salary & benells package. Call
273 6960 or lax resume to 280-5742.

NEEDS FULL lime Servers Host/ Hostess
wiln open availability. Apply mlihin 1018
North 3rd Si Mon- Fri, 2pm 4pm.
Ci ot0 Atlanlic Beach Must nave current
law enlorcement cenilcallon acceptable
to10 me Stale oi FL and be eligible to com-
piete Florida training and certification w*lh-
in 6 months ol hire $16 75,nr. $670,wk.,
$34 840'vr .benelirs. Applications must
be received by 12,27/06 at 800 Seminole
Rd Allanic Beach FL 32233. Testing on
1'13,07 For more inio visil www.coab.us
or call 1904 247-5820. No smokers/ tobac-
co users Drug testing conducted EOE

l I tY-'O119'll
2550-7A Mayport Rd. Nail Tech, Hair
Stylist & Barber. Call for details. 525-2164
ask for Diane EOE
City of Atlantic Beach. $12.92/hr.;
$26,873/yr. +benefits. Performs 911 &
normal dispatch duties. Shift work to in-
clude weekends and holidays. Applica-
tions accepted until 12/27/06, at 800 Sem-
inole Rd., .Atl. Beach, FL 32233. Testing
on 1/13/07. For more info visit
www.coab.us or call (904)247-5820. No
smokers/tobacco users. Drug testing con-
ducted. EOE.
MAKING CHANGES. Prep cooks, line
* cooks, and a breakfast cook needed. Ap-
ply at 13170-22 Atlantic Blvd. Jerry's
Sports Grille. 220-6766
GOLF SHOP Merchandising & Sales.
TPC Sawgrass, a prominent resort golf
club & home of PGA TOUR's
THE PLAYERS Championship. We are,
seeking team players with a positive atti-
tude and a commitment to excellence. F/T
positions include: Golf Shop Coord.:. Mer-
chandises, Sells, & Assists at Counter.
Sales Associate: Assists Guests w/ Mer-
chandise Sales: Reservationist: Schedule
Tee Timep & Process Sales. Prior golf or
retail exp., basic golf knowledge helpful.
Must have great attitude, service oriented,
team player. Benefits include competitive
pay and O/T, medical/ dental/ ife ins.,
paid time off, ADD & STD/ LTD plans, em-
ployer funded retirement plan, 401k plan+
3% employer match, free employee meals
& much more! Apply with salary require-
ments to: fax (904)285-7970, e-mail:

Temporary to possible Full Time Position
(midnight shift) at a premier retirement
community. Experience in law enforce-
ment required. Applications at Fleet Land-
ing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
EOE/Drug-Free Workplace.

Taxi Drivers heeded to work Beach and
. Intercoasiai areas,. at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
$13 plus per hr. Top Benefits. Supercuts
273-2888, 223-1824 ,
DEBT CONSULTANTS wanted lor newly
opened serllement company Expenence
prelerred. Fax resume 19041730-9420
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile Help-
ers needed. Learn a trade. Health bene
bits good hours, advancement c'pporiuni-
lies. Must nave valid FL Drivers License
Call 249-5381 for appi.
NEED INTERIOR Tm carpenters and
helpers Dependaole own Iransponailon
Call 635-1395.

Full time 3pm to 11pm, Monday-Friday at
'a premier retirement community Health
Cenler Excellent benefits and pleasant
work environmenI Applicalions at Fleel
Landing Security Gate. One Fleet Landing
Blvd.. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Fax to
1904)246-9447; e-mail
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Drug-Free
PONTE VEDRA Preschool Teacher
Assistant, CDA a plus, variable hours
Call 285-2965
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ lips Benelils
Avail. Apply in person 1401 Beacri Bitd.
GENERAL MANAGER needed lor Ger.
man restaurant in Jacksonville. Must
speak German fluently & have min icyrs
restaurant exp Call 514.6092
showroom sales dues as needed at a
well established marble and granite im-
poner located at lhe'beach Knowledge ol
siorne maienria anra gi'i r n r-plul S1ai3rv
and benefits negoirable upon experience.
Fax resume to. 241-3204

Lawn service seeks individual io perform
dependable quality *ork Excellenl pay &
ovenime available. Crew Leaders wanted
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc 246.
LOOKING for:a change? Established Sal-
on has opening for stylists. Excellent
working conditions. 60 % Commission'
Health and Dental insurance All inquiries
confidential Conlact Bob at Susan Mer-
nck Hair Designs 246-7272 or 246-1579

. HOLIDAY CHANGE OUT SPECIAL WiNSOR LAWN Service. Inc Compaeii;ve A oi i1 111UALITY PAINTI' G. INC. TOn "i ... ...... ..... .i

SEASONED FIREWOOD, full size truck
load. rwce ihe size of small truck. David
993-8348, Bubba 651-4564. Free delivery.

Seasoned oak. Any quantity. Pickup or
-delivery. 994-2067.
WINTER'S ON the wayl Be ready! Seas-
oned firewood; cords & half cords availa-
ble, with free delivery. Call 334-3157.


WE DO Concrete Repair. iew Driveways.
Patios, Sidewalks, Slabs Siamp Con.
create. Call 880-2994.

FOX'S CONSTRUCTION, custom stone,
concrete and all types of repairs. Free es-
timates, call 445-8677.

Have your home or business washed be-
fore the holidays. Insured. 294-6116.
Safe roof cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin ,994-0045.


NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.
ens, etc. Free estimates. Fair prices:, 314-
3322 or 241-6688..

IF YOU are interested, in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
emair ciassified@beacnesleader.com

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed; Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader:com

REMOE3 63H66

SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
Pressure washing. 19yrs. at Beaches.
Free Estimates. 881-4223.

PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
1L 'A AP SV 63 takes, etc. Dave 249-4724.

FRESHENING UP your paint for the
Christmas holidays, great prices. Free es-
timates. Call Michael at 228-4775 or 642-
TNT REMODELING, Start to Finish.
Affordable & dependable. Licensed/ Insur-
ed. Call Tony (904)221-6586.

ing in drywall & home maintenance. Lic. &
Ins. (904)509-2849.

E:&-i':In-m [$I

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

I RS /HOMEIMR -* 6 65


-- i

"""vufssfms~s-s -sa-v^"-^-" sssyKV~ad i-ywsa~faee




December 15, 2006

t"re-,c c; The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

MAINTEriANCE TECH & Supervisor
needed, 241-1657
employs individuals in a variety of posi-
tions. For a listing of current opportunities
please visit us in person 11"N. 3rd St., 2nd
floor, call 247-6263, send an e-mail to:
personnel@jaxbchfl.net, or visit our web-
site www.JacksonvilleBeach.org
Drug free work environment, EOE, VPR
DRIVERS Local Shuttle: $800++/weekI
BCBS, 401K, Profit Sharing, Vac. & Holi-
days! CDL-A, 3yrs. exp.
browntrucking.cbm. 800-241-5624 x106.
KENNEL ATTENDANT, no exp. necc.
Must be energetic, personable & hard
working. Apply in person, 1210 N. 3rd St.,
Jax Bch.

Office Manager
Local Swimming Pool Company located at
the Beaches, looking for Office Manager
for high. paced Pool Service Maintenance
and Repair Division. Duties include sched-
uling service technicians for repairs, man-
aging departmental billing, handling cus-
tomer requests and performing office sup-
port functions for this depanment Need
excellent customer service and Organiza-
tional skills, .computer 'experience with
Word, Excel, and Accounting software. 'Of-
fice management experience required. Ex-
perience working in -a service type envi-
ronment, such as plumbing, electrical,
HVAC a major pluS. Email resume to ju-
lie@surfsidepools.net or fax to 904-249-
8801 or complete application at SurfSide
Pools 313 Beach ,.Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach; FL 32250. Compensation depend-
ent on experience. Benefit package avail-
FULL-Time. 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benehli
package, competitive wages, good worK.
Ing envronmeri. Applications available at
Fleel Landing Security Gatle One Fleet
Landing Biva. Atlantic Beach FL- Fax 10to
(904)246-9447 email 10 jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE' Drug-Free Workplace

NOW HIRING Hair Stylist & Nail Tech with
a following. Good pay. Please Call
NANNIES AND Nanny Nurses needed
F/T and P/T positions available Call 904-
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149.

FULL-TIME, 1:30pm to 9:30pm in main
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
punctuality a must. Excellent benefits and
great work environment. To apply: appli-
cations available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail tojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace. .

Join our team of
cleaning professionals

e No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
ppph in pe wm ta:

2201 Florida Blvd.
Mon- Fri8-4'30

It mav be that

ne ed

i r e ctton

Take a look at this key opportunity right here at the Beach.

Sales position at the Beaches!
The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches
community. Growth potential and established accounts working
for an award-winning, locally owned newspaper. Candidates
should have sales experience, and should be goal-oriented.
Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beachesleader.com or bring it tcp1114
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250


Are you tired of your dead end job? Are you ready to
begin a career? Are your ready to work fora City that is
committed to its employees and citizens?

If you ans1\ ered YES, \ e may have the right career for you!

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to fill the
follow ing positions:

Police Records Specialist. FT & PT

911 Dispatcher

Mechanic Helper (Grounds)

Meter Reading Technician

System Operator (SCADA)

Variety of other positions available

For further information call Amy 247-6263, visit us
in person at 11 North 3rd Street, 2nd floor, Or online
Sw w\.JacksonivileBeacnh.org.

Drug free ork environment. EOE. VP

Landing Country Club. Retail sales expe-
rience and fashion merchandising experi-
ence, high end customer service, fast
pace environment, computer knowledge,
sales and purchasing of apparel. Respon-
sible for the changing and freshening of
displays, purchasing of new merchandise.
Maintain sales goals. Salaried position
with commission, FT, w/benefits. Apply in
person Tuesday -Saturday. Call 285-6459
for directions or additional information.
Drug testing/EOE
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.

Perfect Part-Time Job!
(Full-Time Too!),
Home Cleaners
$200 $400/wk.
Flexible Daytime
Work Near Home
Own Transportation

^^ d242-8235

6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still In boxes. $499.
Can deliver. 858-9350.
JOIN US now for our largest annual sale!
Everything in store 70% off. Donna's Chic
Boutique, 544 Marsh Landing Pkwy., Jax
GE STOVE, black & white, self-clean,.
timer, clock, coil burners, great condition,
$200. 254-4174.
Windsurf/ Paddle. Brand new cost $40C0
Sale $200. 246-4037.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015.
TWO SCAN Design leather recliners with
ottomans $350 each. 3 piece Oak Street
bedroom suite $450, 246-4445.
MOVING SALE- Beautiful dining room ta-
ble, 70" round, glass w/:gold base & 8 up-,
holstered chairs, must see! Sofa,,antiquesi
& 2 king size & 1 queen size beds w/ up.-
holstered headboards, like new. Many
other items. 285-3021 or 382-7290.
WASHER, DRYER, .heavy-duty/-super-ca-
pacity, exc. cond.; $175 ea.. Can deliver,&
guarantee, 874-1747.
LAWN MOWER, Honda, 48" walk behind
deck mower, 110 hrs., $995, 322-7636.
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new,: w/warranty $129. Can deliver.!
(904)858-9350. '
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones,
-Installed for $899. 249-8877.
HAF ID TOOLS & hiner m6icellaneous'
shop machinery, excellent condition.!
249-5956 for appt.
SCOOTER, 50CC, low mileage $800
Call 349-J0-14

BIKE- MEN'S new Mango Salty Dogi
Cruiser w/3 hidden gears. Was. $300 Self
I for $165. 568-0322.

ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-related
services and may charge fees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing, what specific product or
service they will receive.

WARNING WHILE irs newspaper does,
noi knowingly ac:eptl ruine55 opponpunit.
ads ,,nicn require you h' pa., a lee 10 gelt
intormacon or rai irlef you 'i. 976 or 900.
phone numbers wh.ch will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannoil uaraniee ihe .,aiidir,
of ohf-erngs in ihi ,.: las iIcial,0r. II any a'.i
vertiser requires you I0 inrur prone Senr..
ice charges or pay a fee to learn the.na-
lure mi ne :opponuniry, please report it to
Tne Beac'ne Leader. 249.f.9'31

ACTIVE NAr'ir'' ron.-'l dIepenridable
transponation & re rei.'-r 1ce r 2 rnr
any area CPR FirSi Aio F' T or F T

NEW office open, excellent therapists.
Wari-inrs wei:i:rme rr,.6pm Alt JTB,

CARE GIVER, Fpere.r.,:ed. h ;._nstl de.
pendabie CPR S Firt.l Ad deniedd Call
Nell 353-5390, 910-0878.
IF YOU are ,riierE-.lid ir, aao.eniinq under
riis caiegor, piase *:E-II 9904.249.9- .33 or
email: cl.aslhied3'beahel c der corr,

C'ie s cut live trees from 2000 shaped
Cedar & Leyland Cypress. 1-10 West to
Hwv 125, exit at Glen St. Mary, go 12
milei tonr, on MiH ,' 12, WVvaircrl to igrq ,,
Rudolph's Cr.rirnia, Tre Farm
1960S 'STANLEY Danish Modern dining
table, 1 leaf, 4 captain's chairs, 2 side
chairs, exceiieni condition, $175, 246-
0963. ,
WOOD DESK $65 Cherry dbl bed
manre-. 175 Compuler dei w '.ver.
rhad siorage .$35 34.Si"6)0
TMX ELMO hard ic iin, ri.. c ,n ur:.-. Ju-.i
in time for Christmas. Minimum price
$200. 859-6866.
WHITE GOLD diamond stud earrings
50 ci tw Appraii-.ed 1,1400 a-.,ng 1,475
Wnmle gold diamond ltud earrings 1 50 CI
t. Appraised $8900 asking $35.00 Call

OLHAUSEN POOL table, mint condition
with marble balls, includes all cue sticks
and racks. Asking $2500 OBO, 553-6105.
BRAND NEW Playstation 3 (PS3), in box
w/receipt. Comes w/Taladega Nights Blur-
ay DVD. $1000 OBO. Serious inquiries
only. John, 476-2528.

YOUNG CHANG Piano w/bench, black,
excellent condition. $1500. Great Xmas
Gift! Call 249-0712.

HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
w/ incredible dark patina. Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.comr

S, for your

1246-1933"- 619 Atlantic BIVd.
I 1I]0 Film il

BLtrNK BED. desk c bookcase -& cnesl
j150 in greatrcondciiion 246-3153 TOOLS, CHRISTMAS. and new. items,
Sgr on Sun 12/17, 7am-noon, 1216 10th St. No..

,leou'i, hgra wood, king poster bed w IOot-
udar,.1 ai',3 rails Inple dare ierW mirror
nigriliiarid1. arnd large enienrainment ar-,
rnrcire 3yrs necw 13700 OBO 568-0322.
BABY ITEtMS Brand new double logger in
bc,' ringie logger Gracc travel sysiemr'
Gracrc pia.,' yard vih lent cover Call
Healher lor more miin 207-0549
DiNIIlG ROOM sei wood able, 6 cars
& crna cab.ne $200 OBO HEAVY DU.
Tr' IndusIrial Siainless Steel Sneill
79 wiXs6 hk,19 deep $75 OBO Call
93044i.2i 296 i
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boCasprng., new n
plastic w/warranty. 37'9. Must sell
STERLING SILVER Strascbourg 8 sentings
151 6 Serving pie-e.s $1450 Other
partnerr -.23-535 .... .
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed.
w manrriEsz- & DO> spring Must sell $395
Can d-i.ver l904-8589350.

MOVING SALE, art,. stained glass, pot-
tery. kitchen items. Saturday. 8am-1pm.
617 5in Streei Nonr,
FRIDANY & Saturday. 8am- unlil. 1826
Ocean Pond Dr. Pressure washer & other
HUGE 8 family benefit. Baby, Clothes,
Toys,, Lots of Furniture, Pillowtop King
Beds, 1 year like-new Refrigerator +much
more 918 10Th St N. Saturday. 8am
SATURDA.' 7AM. Mull.ilamliv Furnilure
hrousenhod. Christmas, .jys, 20 Sandra Dr
GIANT GARAGE sale. Sat.,, '9am-2pm.
Greai holiday sale, ioys-. 100 of childrer.s
books. .'deos. coileciables. 3326 SlIver
Palm, Isle ol Palms
2 FAMILY Garage Sale, 14 & 16 Tallwopd
Rd. Saturday 8-12.

SAT, 12:16 8.30am lpm: lurriiure. CIoIh.
ing m; .c iiems 2009 Marsh Poini Ra

HOT TuLB pa 4i s-eaer 1 /ear old. never f-M-
u'ECd, .ian up kr, siep ; & cESc'e included. 2
$9750BO. 887-338, 247.33.22 HUGE GI.RANGE Sale. Furniture, holiday

LE,.iFiGTCOI. SOLID Oak Dresser., glass
tlu edrawc[r mailnMng mirroti $50
GOOD USED washer & dryer $250 OBO
used, gorgeous designs. .Cost $330. Wilj
sell $140. May exchange in store for oth-
er. 568-0322.
NEW PIER 1 kids bunk'beds w/trundlet &
bunkie boards: No mattress. Converts to
twin beds. Paid $700, Asking 5T450-
223-1404 .
KErJ.1iORE WASHER & dryer. 2vrs old.
Perieci ,conrr,don 15,300 246-4695
TOTAL SFORTS Amerca 2300 fitness;
machine, lie rnew, $100. 246-5668
LIKE NEW central neal & air until for irsid-d
& :'ul 3 5 Ion, great conali, on hr 500. 1 "-,
y0,ar '.ld Wrirlpool wasrer dryer set
$350, 247-0193.

Scooters Atv's Dirt Bikes Mopeds
Golf Karts Electric Cars and more!!
We.will beai a! pnc ; in ihe counmn
v.th isanre wvarrTanI
Best prices of the year
sxae-e 'n our p:holida.l sale"
Store locations: Pecan Park. Ramona.
Jo,'hns:in, Beach BId Fled Markets
Phone 904-716-3358
Websile: wwwJaguarpowersports.com

and much more Fri. & Sat.t7am-2pm.
Ocdeanwaiw 222 LauRgnirg Gui Cicie.
FURNiTURE. PRI!JTER eelwEry misc
612 Aqualic Dr Saiurday, 7am. ipm.



Beach Marine


Over 40 Vessels
for Sale



1997 TOYOTA CaMhry LE, immac. condi-
tion, 83k miles, leather interior, power win-
dow/locks, cruise, new tires, $6400 OBO,
887-9030. .
1990 ACURA Integra $1700. 4DR. 5spd
20,0K miles. runs greal, all new Dells and
vaier pump Call 742.-7078
1993 CADILLAC Seville: looks and runs
great, $2500 firm, 625-6870, 249-4865..

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,the water at l'"

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Available from Commercial News Provid

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LOTS OF good stuff. Saturday, 8am-?
750 Cavalla Rd.

1625 INDIAN Springs Dr., Saturday
7:30am-12pm. DVD's, and much more.

ESTATE SALE, Christ Church Charitable
Foundation, 335 San Juan Drive, Sat.
Dec. 16, 10am-3pm.

www.MarinaClubPV.com .
BOAT SLIP For Rent, Harbortown Marina,
40' with water & electric, $500. 463-2845.
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $164K. 463-2845.

North Florida's Largest
Boat & Yacht Dealer

Moomba ]Check
Supra S ut!
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks


Boats -

14539 Beach Blvd.
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal

1996 NISSAN-extended cab XE, exc.
cond., low mi., A/C, split rear window, new
tires, absolutely perfectly $5200 OBO.
887-9030. .
2003 F-150 Ext. Cab, V-8, A/C, CD,
cruise, 67k. $9,900 OBO. 249-2921.
04' JEEP Wrangler, Willy's Edition. AT,
A/C, CD, lots of extras, 19K miles. Exc.
coid. $15,500, 285-3228 or 838-4858.

BMW 525 '01. 4dc.r auio. loaded 96K
mkles, exceiienl ndiior $13 500 OBO.
66:2-3913 or 4.2-1599

o Po B

ft -

Q Ib


- M.-.

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