Valley folks
share recipes
See B-1
Vol. 44, No. 50
Edition O December 13, 2006
Cold impacts
See B-2
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Interim chief hired
by familiar 3-2 vote
In a familiar 3-2 vote
Tuesday, the St. Johns Board of
County Commissioners
approved a temporary replace-
ment for retiring County
Administrator Ben Adams,
even though some board mem-
bers said they hadn't met him.
At the suggestion of
Commiission Chair Ben Rich,
Wally Kropacek, a. retired U.S.
Customs agent, was approved
to stand in for Adams for no
more than six months until a
permanent replacement is
found. t
Kropacek will start at his
position today during a budget
and operations workshop.
Commissioners Tom Manuel
and Ron Sanchez supported
Rich's nomination of
Kropacek, despite never having
met him and despite strong
opposition from coimmission-
ers Jim Bryant and Cyndi.
Manuel and Sanchez, elected
Nov. 7, voted with Rich on sev-
eral issues Nov. 28, during their
first full meeting as commis-
"I think you [Rich] have
extended yourself or granted
yourself powers beyond what is
Ben Rich
here [as Commissioner
Chairman,]" Bryant said about
Rich's attempts to find a
replacement on his own.
Bryant said the chairman is
responsible for conducting
meetings and is given other
small duties which do not
include the "mayoral" authori-
ty that he said Rich has
Both Bryant and Stevenson
said it would be better to bring
up one of the assistant admin-
istrators who is familiar with
county staff and procedures.
Stevenson ,said she spoke
with Assistant Administrator
Ted Zebrowskv, who is retiring
along with Adams.
Stevenson said Zebrowsky
agreed to stay on for another
six months to help in the tran-
sition between permanent
But both Manuel and
Sanchez said they wanted an
"I don't know a better guy
than Mr. Kropacek to fill this
spot," Rich said.
In an interview Tuesday
afternoon, Kropacek said he
was looking forward to
Charter plan on to state
,, -',,: '
With a lasi-mihute chanige6.to
the agerida Tuesday, the St.
Johns Count)' Commission
voted to send a draft for char-
ter government in St. Johns
Count), to the Northeast
Florida Legislative Delegation.
The delegation is scheduled
to meet today at 4 p.m. in the
County Auditorium in St.
Augustine. The delegation
could present the charter as a
special ,law to the 2007 Floride
Legislature, to be put on the
ballots of St. Johns County vot-
The decision to send the
charter to the delegation came
after more than an hour of dis-
cussion, which included warn-
ings from four of the county's
five constitutional officers.
"It [the charter] will forever Vedra Beach, spokesperson for
change the face of government the 12-member group that
-'IfM -,Sb."bli'._-ECuiif ," ald- .fresearched and. drafted the
Cheryl Sirlckahnd, Clerk of "charter, assured'commissioners
Court. that the proposed charter does
In a Dec. 7 letter to commis- not affect the constitutional
sioners, Strickland, Sheriff officers.
David Shoar, Pr6opert y The charter would allow for
Appraiser Sharon Outland and the recall of elected commis-
Tax Collector Dennis sioners, term limits, campaign
Hollingsworth called for a. contribution limits and
"written comprehensive required electronic filing of
study" on the charter and an campaign financing, among
assessment of the public's other things.
interest to move to such a form But Stevenson said she was
of government, concerned about the ease with
Referring to the letter in which amendments to the
Tuesday's meeting, charter could be made.
Commissioner Cyndi Amendments can be placed
Stevenson suggested following on the ballot by a simple
the constitutional officers' majority of voters and can be
guidance "with some serious- approved by a simple majority'
ness." of voters.
Tina McGough of Ponte
photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Ponte Vedra Beach girls
Addle Sutton, 7, (from left)
Georgia Sutton, 5, and
Perri Truster, 7, show off
their decorated faces
Saturday at Sawgrass
Village, where the village's
annual Christmas
Celebration was held. See
more photos on A-3, A-11.
A1A- Mickler signal gets funds
A traffic light for the inter-
section of State Road AIA and
Mickler Road in Ponte Vedra
Beach planned for years and
repeatedly unfunded has
made it into the budget of the
state Department of
Joe Stephenson, director of
Public Works for St. Johns
County', said Monday that the
project is in the DOT's budget
for fiscal 2008, which begins
July 1.
But don't look for the light
for at least a year after that,
even though the project has
already been designed,
Stephenson said at the meeting
of the Palm Valley Community
The project cannot be adver-
tised for bids until July 1, he
said, after which is takes sever-
al months to get the bids.
The winning contractor
must order the mast arms that
are required by the state, and
delivery of mast arms takes up
to six months, Stephenson
"But at least it's in the budg-
et next year," he said at the
meeting in the Palm Valley
Coh munity Center on Canal
See ROADS, A-3
pholo oy ROB DeANGELO
Seniors Justin Grant, left, and Mario Butler sit dejected on the Nease High bench following
Saturday's 25-21 state championship loss to Tampa Plant. Nease principal Linda Thomson is in
the background. The Panthers finished the season 14-1 overall.
Winning state is tough;
keeping title even tougher
"lWhen they look back at
that 9-1 season, they don't
ask who the hine were." -
Gen. Robert Neyland
ill Bates played on three
Super Bowl champi-
onship teams as a mem-
ber of the Dallas Cowboys,
but he never suited up in a
state championship game
during high school.
Frankie Franklin. played in
a state championship game
as a senior at Sandalwood
High, but his team lost by
less, than a touchdown.
Winning a state title in
high school football is, for
the most part, something
that only comes around once
in a lifetime.
Nease High School, where
Bates and Franklin coach
football, won the elusive
gridiron prize in 2005 and
played for title again last
Saturday in Miami.
But the top-ranked
Panthers (14-1, Class 4A No.
1) fell to No. 5 Plant High of
Tampa 25-21 in the 4A title
game at Dolphin Stadium.
Nease was bidding to
become the first Jacksonville-
area public school team to
win back-to-back state
It was a lofty goal.
Only one other
Jacksonville-area public
school (Raines, 1997) has
won a state football champi-
onship since the state play-
offs began in 1963.
Winning state in football
at the high school level is a
monumental feat. Repeating
is even more extraordinary.
"Everyone wants what
you've got. That's why it's
easier to get there than to
stay there," former Pensacola
Escambia High football
coach Dwight Thomas said
Saturday after the Nease-
Plant title game.
"lust to go undefeated in a
season is amazing in itself."
Thomas should know. In
1984 and 1985, he coached
back-to-back state title teams
at Escambia, where his teams
went 12-2 and 13-1 overall.
His best player, Dallas
Cowboy great Emmitt Smith,
set the state record for all-
time rushing yardage.
Last year, Nease, behind
the state-record-setting
exploits of quarterback Tim
Tebow, went 13-2 and
claimed its first state crown.
This season, the Panthers
of Tampa Plant supplanted
Nease as the 4A champion
behind the equally impres-
sive arm of quarterback
Robert Marve, who broke
two of Tebow's state bench-
Plant finished undefeated
this season, becoming the
first Tampa-area school, pub-
lic or private, to win a state
grid title since 1969.
Altamonte Springs Lake
Brantley (13-2) lost to peren-
nial power Miami
Northwestern 34-14 in the
Class 6A state final Saturday.
The Patriots were hoping to
become only the third
Orlando-area team to win
It was Northwestern's third
state crown and the Greater
Miami area's 16th overall.
Why do some sections of
the state win more state
titles in football than others?
Density of population is
one reason why Miami
schools triumph so often.
One-school towns in the
Panhandle and in many rural
sections of the state domi-
nate because talent is not
spread out such as in the
metro areas of Jacksonville,
Orlando and Tampa.
Nease may not have
repeated as the state champi-
on this year, but it wasn't for
lack of trying.
See NEASE, A-3
Calendar.............B-4 Opinion .............A-4
__ Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader Classified ..........B-7 Police Beat ...........A-5 i EADER
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news. Education............A-1I Sports................B-1 PONTE VEDRA LEADER
sports and advertising information for the Beaches. Obituaries ............A-6 Weather ................A-2
______ ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $25 249-9033 Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc. www.pontevedraleader.com
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Two sections, 22 pages
Paula Deen
visits Beaches
See B-4
An edition of The Beaches Leader
The Rpaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
nyp) A
riage z-
December 13, 2006
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
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Santa in Courtyard
Santa Claus is in the
Courtyard at 200 First Street in
Neptune Beach from 10 a.m. to
1 p.m. the first four Saturdays
in December. Wish lists may be
shared, and photos can be
taken. Pets are welcome.
dance, which is free and open
to the public, takes place from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 15.
"Recycles" will provide the
For information, call 296-
For more information, visit Babes in Toyland
ww'.200firststieet.com or call First Coast Opera's "Babes in
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe at 249- Toyland" will be presented at 7
2922 p.m. Dec. 15, 3 p.m. (for sen-
P iors) and 7p.m. Dec. 16, and 3
Holiday Pops p.m., (a family performance)
The Jacksonville Symphony Dec. 17 in thle St. Augustine
Orchestra's Holiday Pops .con- High School Center for the
cert ill be presented by the Arts, 3205 Varella Road. The
Emma Concert Series at 8 p.m. Dec.'17 performance will be fol-
Dec. 13 and ec 14 at he loed-by a "rmtT-anld-gret"
Flagler College Auditorium in session Mtth the cast. 8 r
St. Augustine. Tickets cost $25. Ticket prices are $18 tor
For information, call 797-2800. adults, $15 for seniors (65-plusi
and military, and $10 for stu-
dents with ID or children under
Beaches Holiday 12. A special family rate of $40)
s ivr tt- artu-1
The Beaches Chamber of
Commerce's Holiday Luncheon
will be held at 12 p.m. Dec. 14
at Sawgrass Beach Club, 9795
Summer Place, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The cost is $15 in
advance and $20 at the door.
The Chamber will be collecting
unwrapped new toys for Toys
for Tots and also canned goods
for the food bank. RSVP by call-
ing 249-3868 or by mailing
Bethlehem Visit
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church presents its annual
Bethlehem Visit from 6:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 14, Dec. 15
and Dec. 16. A live nativity
scene is set up near the church;
along Palm Valley Road. For
information, call 285-8225.
Holiday Hoopla
Art 'Connections at the
Cummer Museum holds an
open studios and has a twist on
holiday music from 6 p.m. to 9
p.m. Dec. -14. The evening will
have a theme, and suitable gifts
can be created through art proj-
ects. Members are free; the cost
fo non-members is .$8. The
Cummer is at 829 Riverside
Ave., Jacksonville. The number
to call for information is 904-
356-6857, or xisit www.cum-
Gifts and Groceries
Day and Night Moves Inc. is
holding. a holiday collection
and charity drive, "Gifts and
Groceries," through Dec. 14.
Requested items are non-per-
ishable foods, as well !as new
children's coats, books and toys.
and games.
Donations may be dropped
off at Day or Night Moves, 1501
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Checks or money orders
payable to Beaches Emergency
Assistance Ministry (BEAM) or
Mission-Uplift for Life
Ministries also will be accepted.
Senior Dance
A Christmas dance'is sched-
uled at Village Oaks at
Southpoint, an assisted living
community at 6895 Belfort
Oaks Place, Jacksonville. The
Sis available ror trwo parents au
two children. The number to
call for tickets is 904-417-5555.
First Coast Opera. a non-prof-
it organization located in St.
Augustine. For information,
visit www.firstcoastopera.com.
Neptune Beach
Food Drive
The city of Neptune Beach is
holding a holiday food drive
through Dec. 15. Donations
should include non-perishable
items. There's a5'collection box
in the main foyer of city hall.
Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry BEAMI) will distribute
the goods to families.
For information, call Terry
Klein at 904-270-2400, ext. 31.
Home for the Holidays
"Home for the Holidays," a
lacksonville Symphony
Orchestra concert presented by
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Florida and the Mavo Clinic,
will Le held Dec. 15, Dec. 16
and Dec. 17 in Jacoby
Symphony Hall. The three
days' performances will feature
the Jacksonville Symphony
Chorus, Jacksonville Children's-
Chorus and dancers from the
First Coast "Nutcracker. Call
904-354-5547 or 877-662-6731
or go to jaxsymphony.org for
Holiday Hors
An Apron's Cooking School
class, to be held at 6 p.m. Dec.
'15, offers instruction on how to
make holiday treats. The class,
which costs $40 per participant,
will be held at the PubliLx at,
10500 San Jose Blvd.
Tea it Up for
A series of Santa's Story Book
Teas is under way at the Ritz-
Carlton Amelia Island. The
Teas, which will be begin at 1
p.m. Dec. 16 and Dec. 23,
include a traditional storybook
performance and part)' favors
for each child attending. Hotel
guests and the public are invit-
ed, but reservations are
Holiday Trip for'
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center plans a day trip
to the Silver Springs Festival of
Lights Dec. 16. Charter trans-
portation leaves the Center at
10:30 a.m., and there will be a
c-aired lunch -en route.
Participants also will have \1P
seating for a Ronnie Milsap
concert, dinner and the park's
festival of lights.
Call 270-1688 to make reser-
Gingerbread Houses
The Apron's Cooking School
at the Publix, 10500 San Jose
Blvd., offers families .of up to
four, to include one parent and
children who should be at least
4 years old, an opportunity to
decorate gingerbread houses.
The class will be held at 12 p.m.
Dec. 16. The cost per family is
$35. .
The number to call for reser,
nations is 904-262-4187.
House Tour
The Christ Church
Foundation's 20th anniversary
Christmas House Tour, to
include a luncheon, will be
held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dec. 16. Luncheon tickets pur-
chased before Dec. 11 are $30,
$35 after. For information, call
Light and Boat Parade
The annual Palm Valley Light
& Boat Parade begins just south
.of the Palm Valley Bridge at
6:30 p.m. Dec. 16 and ends at
the north end of Marsh
Landing, Homes ,.and. docks
along -'.the- I tacb s al
Waterway parade route also will
be decorated.
Pictures with Santa
The Springfield Animal Care
and Rescue Club and the Main
Street Restaurant extend invita-
tions to have pictures taken
with Santa Dec. '16 at the
restaurant, 1544. Main '.St.
Admission is free; each holiday
pet portrait costs $10. All pro-
ceeds will be given to the
Springfield Animal Care and
Rescue Club.
e&se e Za ,74 Gd4e
4056 S. TIRDST.
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Teddy Bear Toy Drive: For every bear
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tory, we'll donate one New Teddy Bear to
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and
Northern Florida.
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Tng aimhe 1V2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Page 3A*
Roads: Roscoe study prompted improvements at Canal, Landrumm Lane
Marcy Silkebaken and Santa share a laugh Monday at the Palm Valley Community
Association meeting.
All the buzz
Continued from A-1
. Stephenson summarized some
road projects begun or planned in
the Palm Valley and Ponte Vedra
area, as follows:
A right turn lane will be con-
structed on Corona Road at the
intersection of State Road AIA. The
project was recently rebid because
of a change order proposal.
Improvements to the intersec-
tion of Roscoe Boulevard and
Canal Boulevard will begin early in
2007. For 1,000 feet around the
intersection, the road will have "a
curb and gutter look," Stephenson
Improvements to the intersec-
tion of Roscoe Boulevard and
Landrum Lane, which like the
Canal intersection grew from the
$1.8 million mosquito choppermulled
What is the best way to kill
swarms of pesky, bloodsucking
mosquitoes living in the most
remote areas of St. Johns
It's not industrial size cans of
bug spray or giant fly swatters.,
According to some staff and
elected commissioners for the
Anastasia Mosquito Control
District, the solution starts
with a helicopter.,
The board of commissioners.
for the Mosquito Control
District will meet Thursday
night to discuss the purchase
of a $1.8 million helicopter so
that it can conduct regular aer-'
ial; sprays of mosquito popula-
tions in the county's swamps.
Two sitting commissioners
say the technology upgrade is
necessary for quickly treating
outbreaks: of mosquito-born
diseases such as. West -.Nile
Virus. ,
Others especially two
newly elected commissioners -
"It's absurd," said John
Sundeman, who was elected to
the board last month'.
Sundeman has spoken out
vehemently about what he
calls frivolous spending on the
part of the Mosquito Control
Another newly elected com-
missioner, Teanne Moeller,
Campaigned ah a platform of
ensuring more scrupulous
Next year's budget for the
Mosquito t.Control District
totals.,$6.6 million.
Without finalized details
such as where the helicopter
will be stored, who will fly it
and hoW much it will cost to
maintain it, Sundeman said he
thinks busing a helicopter is a
mistake. .
Furthermore, Sundeman said
in a recent interview, it makes
no sense to spray mosquito.
populations in remote areas of
the county that cannot even be
reached by vehicle or by foot.
SAccording to Sundeman,
most mosquitos species fly no
more than one mile, from
where they were hatched, so
those swamp populations
would stay put.
Gina LeBlanc, a spokesper-
son for the Mosquito Control
District, said that' statistic .is
not always true.
"Mosquitoes. don't staying
one place," LeBlanc said.
Depending on the species,
she said some can fly as far as
five miles.
And in windy, hurricane
conditions. mosquitoes can be
carried for miles, bringing dis-
ease-infested pests closer to
heavily populated areas. ,
The last reported mosquito-
related death. in. St. Johns
County was in 2004 when an
individual died of West Nile
Virus, LeBlanc said.
That same year, the
Mosquito Control District
requested ah emergency spray,
by their contracted spraying
company, Clark Mosquito
Because several other coun-
ties simultaneously experi-
enced outbreaks, the company
took two weeks to respond,
LeBlanc said.
The Mosquito Control
District monitors mosquito-
born diseases by conducting
blood tests on chickens at 10
stations throughout the coun-
The last outbreak of a mos-
quito-born disease was as
recently as 2005, according to
According to the director of
the Mosquito Control'District,
Rudy Xue, the district would
save $200,000. to $300,000
each year with its own helicop-
,Clark Mosquito Control
charged about $300,000 last
year for its services, Xue said.
The cost of operating its own
helicopter is about $162,000.
each year, Xue said.
That includes about' $50,000
in yearly operation costs
(including fuel, maintenance
and parts), $26,000 for a part-
time pilot, $8,000 in liability
insurance for the pilot and
$3,600 in rent for a hangar.
,That also includes $75,000
every year for required insur-
ance on the helicopter.
Xue said the helicopter will
save the district five or sox full-
time employees.
Commissioner Barbara
Bosanko, who has served on
the board for two years, said
many other mosquito control
districts throughout the state
and the country already have
their own aircraft for aerial
"We need to get ini the 21st
century," she said.
Bosanko said the decision to
purchase the helicopter was
actually made four years ago
and the district's tax was raised
tp pay for it from 22 cents
for every $1,000 in assessed
valuation to 31 cents per
Still, Sundeman said he'sS
going to fight the purchase
"tooth and nail."
county's study of Roscoe Boulevard
several years ago, is to be designed
in 2009 and built in 2010,
Stephenson said.
Design documents are proceed-
ing, according to the county's Web.
site, on improvements to the
Intracoastal area Wilderness
drainage basin, an area of about
3,463 acres bounded by AlA to the
East, the Intracoastal Waterway to
the west, Solana Road to the north,
and Palm Valley Road to the south.
One project with an uncertain
future is the four-laning of County
Road 210 from the Intracoastal
Waterway east to the roundabout'
at MicklerRoad..
Stephenson said the developer of
Inc. The
Heating & Air (
r- 24 -
We Sei
Nocatee is required to pay about $5
million to do the project,, which
according to the Nocatee develop-
ment order is to begin within the
next six months to a year.
At issue for the project is getting
enough right-of-way in the area
that is bounded by the Guana pre-
serve on one side and homes on
the other.
The state "would rather see you
tear down a house" than give up
any Guana land, Stephenson said,
adding, "All options will have to be
The next meeting of the Palm
Valley Community Association
will be held at'7 p.m. Jan. 8.
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14te 1l : .... kJ
Continued from A-i1
working with the board, even though
he felt as if he were "jumping into the "- ^ ,-
frying pan," in preparing for today's
budgei hearing. "
"I'm kinda rusty," he said.
"It's all stuff I've done, and it kind of
becomes second nature to me." ',i'" "
Kiopacek, who has lived in St. Johns :
County for 14 years, served as Rich's
supervisor. in U.S.i Customs for nine
Kropacek said he helped Rich inhis .
campaign for county commissioner ;, '':
two years ago and when the county
administrator position opened up, Rich '
came to him for help again., '
Kropacek agreed to work as interim
administrator for $2,000 a week a'., *'..
reduction in Adams' yearly salary of '
Kropacek said that he doesn't think it
will take very long to adjust, to his posi- ii! _.
tion and that he doesn't anticipate ,-' -
having many problems with Adams U h
there to assist in the transition. m -
As for the comments made by com-
missioners Bryant and Stevenson, he
said, "I understand their concerns."
Kropacek said he introduced himself
to each commissioner after Tuesday's
meeting. r.,o 0,. CHLUCK
"They don't know me, and once they Nicolas Lorin, 4, of Atlantic Beach has his face pa
get comfortable with me, I don't think Saturday by "Susie Q" Mallinson at Sawgrass Villa
there will be a problem," he said. Christmas Celebration 2006.
Nease: State title never a guarantee
Continued from A-1
The Panthers came within
three seconds of raising the
state championship trophy
for the second year in a row.
"What gets lost in the
shuffle is that we lost the'
championship game after a
brilliant performance," Nease
head coach Craig Howard
said Saturday.
"Last year when we played
in this game, we thought it
was a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity because that's
what traditionally happens
unless you're a private
school power..
"In this tournament, there
is only one team that leaves
happy and that's the champi-
on. Our kids were crying
when they were getting the
second-place trophy when
nobody else is playing for. it
but them. So many teams in
the state were done playing
football a month ago."
Nease defensive coordina-
tor Danny Cowgill was an
assistant coach at St.
Augustine High in 2001
when the Yellow Jackets lost
in the 3A state title game.
He said he feels fortunate
to have coached in three
championship games in the
past five years.
"'We tell the kids all the,
time that they can't take this
for granted. It's not like you
are guaranteed this every
year," Cowgill said Saturday
after his defense held Plant
to its second-lowest points
total for the season.
"To win state you have to
have good players, a good
plan and you have to stay
healthy. And it takes a little
luck along the way."
In 1995 when Sandalwood
went 14-0 en route to the 6A
state championship game,
Franklin, the state player of
the year, felt his teammates
couldn't be beaten. They lost
"I couldn't believe that we
lost," Franklin, who went on
to play college football at
Indiana University, recalled
Saturday at Dolphin
"It was like what I'm feel-
ing now with Nease. With
the team we had, I thought
we couldn't lose."
Bates has three Super Bowl,
rings, but he still feels an
emptiness when he thinks
about his high school foot-
ball career in Tennessee.
An all-state performer in
1978 at Knoxville's Farragut
High, Bates was a senior
when the Admirals lost a 28-
27 heartbreaker to Red Bank
in the Class 3A state semifi-
"That's still the best foot-
ball season in Farragut's his-
tory," Bates, who has two
sons on the Nease's football
team, recalled as he waited
for the Panthers buses t8 pull
out of Miami.
In the state record books,
it will go down as Plant 25,
Nease 21, but the game was a
lot closer than the score indi-
No one will question
Plant's 15-0 record. But like
Gen. Neyland said, when
they look back on Nease's
14-1 slate, they won't ask
who the 14 were.
The Jacksonville Beach Planning and Development Department has
prepared a proposed Potable Water sub-element amendment to the
adopted 2010 Comprehensive Plan for transmittal to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs. This is an amendment mandated
by the Florida Legislature to update the current Potable Water sub-
eleiment to include a water supply facilities.work plan covering at least
a 10-year planning period and which is consistent with the St. Johns
River Water Management District's 2005 District Water Supply Plan.
A public hearing on the transmittal of the proposed amendment is
scheduled as follows:
Jacksonville Beach City Council December 18,2006 7:00 p.m.
This transmittal public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers
located at 11 North 3rd Street, Jacksonville. Beach, Florida. Interested
parties may appear at these meetings and be heard regarding the
transmittal of this proposed amendment. A copy of the proposed
amendment (PC #35-06) is available for public inspection at the offices
of the. Planning and Development Department, 11 North 3rd Street,
Jacksonville Beach, Florida, during normal business hours.
If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Board of Adjustment
with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may
need a record.of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, such person may
need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to
be based.
The public is encouraged to speak on issues on this Agenda that concern
them. Anyone who wishes to speak should submit the request to the
recording secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,
Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation
to participate in this meeting should contact the Planning and Development
Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the meeting.
Page 4A NEWSPAPER FOR THE BEACHES December 13 2006
Swww.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated -Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
Letters to the editor:
Life-saving help is
needed for troops
To the editor:
Review of the documenta-
tion of the work of the Iraq
Study Group is needed to bet-
ter understand this letter. The
Study group report was given
to President Bush Dec. 6, 2006.
This report was released to the
national media the same day
when it was made available to
the public. A life saving plan
was outlined by the study
group. The plan consists of a
document of 142 pages sum-
marizing conditions in Iraq
and in the Middle East as a
whole. .It suggests options for
addressing the conditions in
the Middle East.
The Iraq Study Group con-
sists of five Republicans and
five Democrats co-chaired by
Republican James Baker and
Democrat Lee Hamilton. All
members are public servants
with experience in world
affairs. The charter of the
group was to study the condi-
tions that have evolved in
Middle East over the past five
or six years. From that study
the group was expected to
develop options that could
provide direction for the
United States. Options would
also be supplied to present to
national and political entities
in the Middle East. Options
would be suggested for all
nations that could contribute
to the world security that is the
ultimate overall objective.
Bringing the troops home
alive and without injury quick-
ly is the immediate goal for the
United States. Every life saved
is one more family, one more
community that will be able to
give thanks. The honor of the
service personnel involved is
protected at all times. All
actions during resolution
reflect bipartisan cooperation.
Protection of the political posi-
tions of all public servants is
not a consideration except as
the positions support bringing
the troops home alive.
Support of area congressmen
is required. Congressmen
Ander Crenshaw and John
Mica have intimate knowledge
of the Middle East situation.
These men have reported the
results of their visits several
times during the hostilities.
They reported that they have
intimate understanding of
Middle East affairs through
personal observation and as a
result of their party affiliation.
Crenshaw and Mica still
need public support as they
seek to help the president in
understanding and imple-
, meeting the intent of the Iraq
Study Group report. Please
write letters of encouragement
to your congressman. You are
carrying out a life sa-ing plan
for the good our troops and for
the good of the world as a
Please support our troops.
Life saving help is needed with
deliberate haste.
Dennis L. Lane
Retired, World War II
Ponte V'edra Beach
JTB osprey is missed
To the editor:
A beautiful osprey that sat
each day for many months on
the third light post going east
over the JTB bridge [died]
recently. Every dai- 1miss.see-
ing it as it watched the water
(or fish to catch. It was a joy
sharing the bridge'with a wild
thing. I had to drive over its
body one day. It was right
underneath its post. This is a
letter of tribute to its sharing
its search for survival.
Yours in sorrow.
Judy K Stuck.
Jackson'ille Beach
Regret others' bad manners
To the editor:
I would like to express my
disappointment with the
youth of Jacksonville Beach
and surrounding areas, in par-
ticular students at both the
local university and high
Angie's Subs has been a
beaches landmark for decades.
Owner Ed Malin converted an
abandoned liffy Mart into
,Folio Weekly's "Best Quick
Lunch." Mr. Malin boosted his
restaurant's popularity over the
years, and endeared himself to
Beaches' youth, by implement-
ing a multitude of "freebies"
and quirks one such being
his famous "Question of the
Day" where he gives customers
the opportunity to get a free
sweet tea with the correct
answer to a trivia question.
Ed's never been stiff on how
\you get the answer; after "Who
Wants to be a Millionaire"
debuted he allowed a "phone a
friend" option. Within recent
months, however, certain
school students and others
have been abusing his kind-
After the question posts,
,those who get the correct
answer (mostly by phoning
someone near the Internet)
have been calling everyone in
their phonebook relaying the
new 'information. By noon,
half of the student body at
Fletcher knows the answer.
The dry erase board where
the Daily Question appeared
now reads, "Question of the
day suspended until the
Internet goes away." Thanks to
those who exploited Ed Malin's
good nature, what's gone is a
piece of nostalgia from my
favorite lunchtime hangout.
Leigh Suggs
Former Customer of the
Jacksonville Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
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Call 249-9033
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ai TB^L M,
For the contemporary American male: A spine
A h, yes, the gift-giving sea-
son. So what to get for the
A contemporary fellow who
has everything? The Man Bag.
The Man Bag is a high-style
satchel a purse, though its cre-
ators hate when you call it that.
It's designed to hold the mod-
em man's wallet, keys, sunglass-
es, iPod, cell phone, body spray,
hair goop, diary and whatever
other junk he totes around
these days.
Why was the Man Bag creat-
ed? According to manbag.com,
three fellows Brian, Peter and
Thai "were tired of being
ribbed for carrying their gadgets
around in hand bags. The tor-
ment. reached a boiling point
one night when Thai was called
a 'pursey' at a part.'."
That fellow who insulted him
was lucky Thai didn't yet have a
sturdy Man Bag to smack him
So the three tormented fel-
lows designed a special bag for
men Ithey call theirs the MKAN-
n-BAGI and sold it through
their Web site. The concept took
off. The Nightline people said
it's the latest trend in men's
fashion. A GQ style editor they
spoke with explained why:
"Once you're out in the work
world, do you really want to
carry a backpack when you're
wearing a suit? At the same
time, most guys don't want to
be like their dads and carry a
Which is precisely the prob-
lem. Modern guys don't want to
be like their dads masculine
fellows who defined themselves
by their actions, not their high
style, fellows like my father the
Big Guy.
The Big Guy has long known
that if a thing doesn't fit into a
man's pockets he shouldn't be
,Ah, yes, we're at war with
.:: -..... tough-guy terrorists and our fel-
,- lows are getting injured by their
... ,- = -S.. -wallets. ,
I'm not certain how the
SAmerican male has evolved to
such a sissified state, but I have
S1 a hunch. The reason dates back
40 years or more, when the fem-
: insist movement kicked into
high gear.
Yes, feminism brought us
f *many good things. Women
deserved equal opportunity and
they're doing well. But some
feminists weren't content with
TOM PURCELL just that. They wanted to
GLIESTCOLUMNIST destroy the enemy the
American male.
First they convinced us we
carrying it. He carries his keys in were wrong, that we weren't
his right front pocket. He carries socialized properly as boys.
his change in both pockets, so They changed the socialization
he can dangle it with both process. They changed the edu-
hands while shooting the bull cation process, too. Their goal
with the butcher, the mechanic was to make us more sensitive
and anybody else he encounters and emotional more like
in daily life. women.
The Big Guy's wallet is what a Boy, have they succeeded.
real man's wallet should be Now men spend hours fretting
thick, fat and worn. It holds over their looks and style they
only the basic items a man spend thousands getting their
needs to get through life: hair primped, their skin mois-
license, money and a yellowed turized, their eyebrows waxed.
photo of my mother frpm .1953.i..s -, crn.at .bpl' showers and
He keeps his w'alet' m n'his night clap when }junior does number
rear pocket. 2.
Nobody taught the Big Guy They carry purses.
to carry his keys, change and \Vell, nuts to that. Look, men,
wallet this way. Nobody taught we need to get hold of our
me, either. It's hard wired into testosterone. Women are differ-
male DNA. It is what men have ent than we are. It's best that
always done because it is what way. It's best that we distinguish
we're supposed to do. ourselves from-them in our
But' the genetic code is being actions, manner and dress. They)
rewritten in sensitive new-age carry purses. We don't.
men, such as the fellow who So what to get for the.con-
wrote a testimonial to man- temporary fellow who has
bag.com: "My chiropractor sug- everything? A thick, fat, worn
gested your MAN-n-BAG wallet that he'll knowingly slip
because sitting on my over- into his right rear pocket.
stuffed wallet was misaligning It may misalign his spine, but
my spine." at least he'll finally have one.
Idiot drivers must get their due
rT o many idiots on the
road these days. Too many
drivers think they're the
guy on the -commercial who
kisses his wife goodbye, then
parachutes from his mountain-
top home to his expensive SUV
below and roars away in a cloud
of dust. Or the bozos in all those
stupid zoom-zoom commer-
cials. You know the type. Can't
stay in one lane. Places to go,
people to annoy. They jump in
and out of traffic like kids at a
swimming pool and still end up
just one car length ahead of
where they started. Yahoo!
What we need is a better way
to identify' and deal with knuck-
lehead drivers. Florida should
implement a new driver's
license classification lust for
them. How about a Class I dri-
ver's license? I being for Idiot.
Certain rights and privileges
would accrue to a Class I driver's
licensee. With a Class I license,
you'd have the right to drive
below the posted speed limit at
all times; the right to drive dur-
ing daylight hours 'only; the
right not to use the left-hand
lane; the privilege of not tailgat-
ing the driver in front of you
and the privilege of not using
your high beam switch as a
strategic weapon. 1Above 'all,
you'd have the right to have
your Class I license yanked
upon one infraction.
The cop.who stops a Class I
licensee would have the author-
ity to stop the next 12 passersby.
Those 12 motorists would be
your jurors. The cop would read
the charges' and instruct the
jury to find you guilty, which
they'd cheerfully do because
they want to get to .work on'
time. Your driving peers, guided
by the wisdom of the arresting
officer, would decide your pun-
ishment and sentence you
immediately. At a minimum,
you'd have to spend six months
riding a unicycle like the clown
you are. Severe offenses could
merit lifetime confinement to a
carpool full of people with
morning breath, gas and boring
stories about their grandkids.
No appeals.
Class I Driver's Licenses
would be issued to ,the follow-
ing kinds of drivers:
Left hand lane homestead-
ers. You don't win 40 acres and
a mule, pardner, but here's a big.
red I for trying; jackass.
Cases of DWHD (Driving
While Holding Dogs)- especial-
ly that rare breed of idiot who
tries to turn using one arm
while cradling poochie in the
other. You get the scarlet letter
and go to the doghouse with
bars on the windows.
Drivers who talk on cell
phones and eat at the same
time. A big red I and a bad case
of Montezuma's Revenge,
buddy. By the way, the next rest
stop's closed.
The guy who activates a
turn signal just as he turns. Tell
me something I don't already
know, Einstein. A red I and a car
without a passing gear for you.
Drivers who park backwards
in parking lots and garages.
Wow. Eighteen separate maneu-
vers to get into that spot while
you caused a traffic jam in the
garage. Way to go, hero. A
boarding pass for the next red I
flight and a car that doesn't go
in reverse.
Drivers who drive with their
'parking lights on. Look up the
word park, genius. If you use
only your parking lights, does
that mean you only want to be
seen a little bit? A red-letter day
to you and a car with the park-
ing light switch perma-glued to
the headlamp switch.
Drivers who race by when
there's no one behind you, then
cut you off and abruptly turn at
the next street. If you have the
big red I on your DL, this one's
a hanging offense.
Reading, drivers. I saw a
woman on 1-95 reading a
Stephen King -novel on her
steering wheel. King writes hor-
ror stories. This dim bulb acts
'them but. Step up to the podi-
um and get your big red prize,
you loony.
The driver who thinks he's a
famous race car driver. Got.a
flash for you, bubba. Your first
name' might be Bobby, but.
unless your last name's Labonte,
Jiere's your red I and a window
decal that says, ."Idiot On
These are just a few. You can
probably think of more. Maybe
we can get the DMV interested.
It'd give them something to do
while they're not. answering
their phones.
Joe Palmer is a columnist for the
Femandina Beach News-Leader.
help to keep
past alive
F following is a selection of I
memories from my *
Christmases past:
'Twas the night before -
Christmas. My late wife Lucy
and I had moved to
Jacksonville the previous I
September. She had never '
before been away from her
New Jersey home and family at .
Christmas time, so she was
pretty homesick. We only had .
a few days off from work, and I
suggested we drive to Miami
Beach. When we arrived at the
motel, we found presents from
the management: candy, shav-
ing lotion, perfume, etc. That I
raised our spirits considerably,
as did the bottled spirits I'd I
brought along. I
Afterward, in bathing suits, t
we went out to the beach, but I
she declined to join me in the I
surf. I emerged quickly from [
the surprisingly chilly ocean
singing "Am I Blue?" She I
laughed. Her morale was fully ^
up again.
My spouse used to tell me
about the Christmas Eve when
she was very young and, hav- I
ing been tucked in her second-
floor bed, she broke curfew. I
Sneaking to the stairway, she
peeked down at the Christmas
tree. There, she would swear,
she saw a white-bearded man
all dressed in red. Scared of
being caught, she scampered
back to her room. Her dad
always denied involvement.
The plot thickened on a
much-later Christmas morn-
ing. Our son, Eric, is now a for-
mer Marine but then was a tiny
rug roamer learning to march.
He and we went out to check
on the milk and cookies he had
placed on the porch deck for
Santa. To our joint amazement,
the cookies and milk were
gone, and apparently the glass
hadn't been upset, indicating
to us that the consumer was
human. There were no wild
monkeys or other animals with
hands living in our Jax Beach
neighborhood. So yes,
Virginia, you can believe.
Another year, an elderly, out-
of-town couple spent
Christmas Eve with us. By this
time, we had two children, Eric
and Mary, who were in the pre-
teen stage and needed behav-
ior adjustment occasionally.
The woman had been a profes-
sional violinist and agreed to
perform for us. She was still
good, but age had taken its toll
and some of her notes were a
bit on the sour side. As she
completed the "concert" with
an off-key flourish, one of the
ornaments fell off the
Christmas tree. Our snickering
kids had to be shushed.
In conclusion: Yuletide fes-
tivities can be fantastic and
funny. Visiting the Bethlehem
grotto where Christ was
allegedly born, I was reminded
that the cute little fella in that
manger made it all possible.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
December 13, 2006
. William T. "Bill" Bodnar, 59,
died Nov. 30, 2006. He was
born and raised in Versailles
Borough, Pa., near Pittsburgh,
which he always considered
home. He had lived in the
Jacksonville Beaches area since
1989 and was employed by
Bodnar is survived by his
wife, Bonnie; son, Ryan,. and
daughter, Raena; stepchildren,
Jenifer Coughlin (Mark) -and
her daughters, Ellen (Elinor)
and Caroline (Carly); and Cara
Cook (Barry) and their son,
Nathan, who the family said
was his "BapBap's" heartbeat.
Bodnar also considered
Jennifer (JJ) Ponce his adopted
daughter and movie mate.
Bodnar also is survived by
* his brother, Paul Bodriar (Barba
Lee); sister, Marie Orris, and
her children, Bob (Karen),
Angela, Mike (Tiny) and Steve
(Michelle), who he counseled,
comforted and continually
entertained with his stories
and humor, the family said.
A memorial to celebrate his
.life will be held at 2 p.m.
Saturday in Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home. A reception
will follow.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Michael Louis Callahan,
known as "Big Mike" and "Iron
Mike," died Dec. 10, 2006 of
pancreatic cancer. He was, the
family said, a wonderful son,
loving father, the best brother,
uncle, husband and a loyal
Callahan, who was passion-
ate about his family, friends,
cooking, sports, music and life,
is survived by his mother, Rena
Callahan; son and grandson,
Patrick Michael and Kaleb
Patrick Callahan; sister and
brother-in-law, Joan and Randy
Corlew; sister, Patty
O'Callahan; nephew, Sean
Patrick O'Callahan; niece,
Victoria Maureen Gesell; step-
children, Shannon Lyvers,
Mark and Eric Bain and Crystal
Faucett; former wives Debbie
Bower and Wanda. Callahan;
and many other family mem-
bers and friends.
The service for Callahan will
be at 5:30 p.m. Friday at
American Legion Post 233,
Palm Valley.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests donations be sent to
the American Cancer Society or
Hospice of Northeast Florida.
Arrangements made by
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Capt. August William Elliott,
Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) and a Pearl
Harbor survivor, known to his
friends as "Bill," died at his
home Dec. 7, 2006, the 65th
anniversary of the Pearl Harbor
attack, in the company of his
wife, Tucker, and his children.
A long-time resident of
Ponte Vedra Beach, Elliott was
born Feb. 3, 1918 in Florence,
S.C. to Betty Jordan Elliott and
August William Elliott. After
graduating from Florence High
School he completed two years
at The Citadel in Charleston,
S.C. in 1938, prior to his
appointment to the U.S. Naval
Academy, where he received
early graduation in February
1941 and was commissioned
Ensign. -
Ordered to his first duty sta-
tion, the Destroyer USS Case in
Hawaii, Elliott underwent bap-
tism under fire when the
Pacific Fleet was attacked in
the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
During the battle the Case: was
credited with downing two
Japanese aircraft; Elliott's Naval
Academy roommate,. serving
on the USS. Oklahoma, was
Having served his mandato-
ry two-year sea service, Elliott
was chosen for Flight School in.
Pensacola and received his
Swings as a Naval Aviator in
November 1943, beginning a
distinguished career that car-,
ried him through three wars,
the survival of three airplane,
crashes and 'service promotions
to Executive Officer and later
Commanding Officer of two
fighter squadrons. In one of
the 'crashes, a Navy P2V that
went down at sea, Elliott was
one of only two survivors res-
cued by submarine. Nine crew-
men-were lost.,.
After deployment as
Squadron Commander to the
Korean Theatre aboard the air-
craft carrier Oriskany in 1954,
Elliott served as a member of
the Weapons System
Evaluation Group in.
Washington, D.C., then was
selected to attend the Naval
War College. Upon graduation
in 1956, he ,served as
Operations Officer of the carri-,
er Intrepid, followed by a series
of other senior operational
assignments: at Pacific Fleet
Headquarters, as Op'erations_
Officer of the Seventh Fleet
and, iii 1963, as Commahding
Officer of the fleet oiler
In 1965, while serving as
Assistant Chief of 'Staff,
Readiness, of the Atlantic Fleet
Naval Air Force Command,
Elliott was ordered to.Mallorca,
Spain to take command of the.
aircraft carrier Shangri-La,
homeported in NMayport. Thus
began an enduring friendship,
with the people of Ponte Vedra
Beach, the family said.
After his time aboard
Shangri-La, Elliott was ordered.
to Washington as'a Navy mem-
ber on the Staff of the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, his last duty station.
Upon retirement in 1969,
Elliott was awarded the Legion
of Merit for his outstanding
That same year he joined the
Aircraft Division of Northrop
Corporation in Washington,
D.C., where he remained for 13
years. It was during this period,
-on March 4,.1972, he married
Rabon Tucker Wilson. in
Millwood, Va., according to
Elliott "the smartest decision"
he ever made.
Aptly named August, which
means "revered and honor-
able," he was both ,of these,.
said his family. During his 30
years in service, Elliott earned a.
reputation as an inspirational
leader of extraordinary profes-'
sional knowledge and personal
character, family said, adding
he had boundless enthusiasm
for his work and a contagious
optimism that produced the
highest: loyalty 'and perform-.
ance of those who worked with.
Both on and off-duty, Elliott
radiated social confidence, a
ready wit and' an easy sense of
.humor. The family said he was
widely recognized by the oppo-
site sex,as a Southern gentle-
man of uncommon charm and
personality. They said his peers
knew him as a fellow officer
who never faltered, never
failed his responsibility nor
Melba Smith Gordon of
Ponte Vedra Beach died Dec. 7,
2006, surrounded by family at
Baptist Beaches Hospital in
Jacksonville Beach. She was,
born June 29, 1927 in
Fitzgerald, Ga. and lived many
years in Atlanta and Tifton, Ga.
before moving to Florida in
Gordon graduated, from
Crawford Long/Emory
University School of Nursing
in Atlanta in 1946 and dedicat-
ed her professional life to this
distinguished field until retir-
ing in 1992.
Gordon is survived by her
husband of 59 years, James H.
Gordon of Ponte Vedra Beach;
three children, Jane Gordon
Lucker and her husband Bruce
of Ponte Vedra Beach, William
Donald Gordon and his wife
Debra of' St. Augustine, and
James Hugh Gordon and his
wife Susan of Tifton, Ga.; six
grandsons, Hardy, Adam, Luke,
Marcus, Daniel and Jacob
Gordon; two step-grandchil-
dren, Michael arid Wendy
Lucker; and one great-grand-
son, Maddox Gordon. She also
is survived by her sister, Cecilia
Smith Mann of Ocala.
She was an inspiration to all'
who knew her, said the family,
and although deeply saddened,
her family wishes to celebrate
her remarkable life and cherish
hesitated to help a friend or go
first in harm's way.
Elliott was a member of
Christ Episcopal Church, The
Churchmen luncheon club,
Ponte Vedra and Sawgrass
Country Clubs, and the Early
and Pioneer Naval Aviators
Association, "The Golden
Eagles..' He also held member-
ships in the Army and Navy
Club in Washington, D.C.; and
Princess Anne Country Club in
Virginia Beach, Va. He was an
avid tennis player.
Elliott is survived by his wife
of 34 years, Tucker WilsoA
Elliott;: daughters, Sandra
Elliott Key and Susanr Elliott
Bohlinger; son,'August.William
Elliott III; son-in-law, H. Lloyd
Bohlinger; daughter-law,
Tamara C. Elliott; grandchil-
dren, Sarah E. Key,. Anna L.
Bohlinger, Kelsey M.
Bohlinger, Gena L. Elliott and-
Ke\in M. Elliott: and two great-
grandchildren, Brianna N. Key
and Owen N. Key.
A memorial service was held
Monday in Christ Episcopal
Church of Ponte Vedra Beach.
Private family inurnment was
held in the Garden of Christ
Church, In lieu of flowers, con-
tributions may be made to the
Bill Elliott Memorial Fund at
Friends of the Library of'Ponte
Services uhder the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
the extraordinary love she
imparted to each Of them.
The family also wishes to
.acknowledge the exceptional
care provided for the last five
years and into her final hours
by Dr. Graciela Diez Hoeck of
Beaches Healthcare. The family
also thanks the Critical Care
Unit of Baptist Beaches
Hospital in Jacksonville Beach,
in particular Nurses Jessica
Deguzman, Ludina Shannon
and Melanie Ahmnanson, for
their exceptional attention.
Patrick E. Costello, 77, a res-
ident of Sawgrass Country
Club, Ponte Vedra Beach, died
Dec. 3, 2006 at Northeast
Florida Community Ho6spice
after a long bout with prostate
Costello is survived by his
wife of 55 years, Sheila .(Finn)
Costello; a daughter, Patricia-
C. Selander and her husband,
Robert, of Ponte Vedra Beach;'
a son, Thomas E. Costello and
his wife, Adriane, of Essex,
Conn.; a sister, ,Margaret
Costello, of Hyannis, Mass.; a
brother, Joseph Costello, of
Davie, Fla.; as well as two
grandchildren, Courtney
Costello, of Jacksonville
Beach, and Eric Selander, of
Ponte Vedra Beach. He also
was the father of the late John
K. Costello.'
Costello was born and
raised in Nor wood, Mass. He
received a bachelor's degree
from College of the ,Holy
Cross, Worcester, IMass.Aj in
1951, and an MBA from
Xavier University, Cincinnati,
Ohio. He also' was a graduate
of ,the Naval War College in
Newport, R.I. .
Costello was commissioned
as a regular officer in 1951
and served four years during
the Korean War in various
fleet and staff assignments,
including duty on the aircraft
carrier USS Tarawa, the USS
Gilbert Islands and also the
battleship USS Missouri.
Costello was released from
active duty as a lieutenant in
.1955 and joined General
Electric's advertising and pub-
lic relations department. He
moved to Hingham, Mass. in
1960 and continued his career
in advertising in several
Boston-area agencies, eventu-
ally retiring from his own ad
agency, C & K Advertising,
Inc., in 1981.
Costello and his wife moved
to Centerville, Mass. in 1983.
While living on Cape Cod, he
headed up the department of
Business and Development at
Cape Cod' Community
College and did consulting in
the business community. He
also taught at Bridgewater
State College. The couple
moved to Ponte Vedra Beach
in 2004 to be near their
daughter and her family.
A memorial service will be
held at .11 a.m. Dec. 18 at Our
Lady of Victory Church, 230
S. Main St., Centerville, Mass.
Donations in Costello's mem-
ory may be made to Northeast
Florida' Community Hospice,
4266 Sunbeam Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32257, or'
Office of Development,
College. of the. Holy Cross,
One College St., Worcester,
MA 01601.
:Services under the direction
of Ponte Vedra Valley Funeral
Home and Cemetery.
See more
page A-6
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Page 6A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 13, 2006
Elaine Sheley Harris, 61, died
at home Dec. 10, 2006 after a
hard-fought battle with breast
cancer. She was born in
Savannah, Ga. Sept. 22, 1945
to the late John and Mattie
Sheley and moved to
Jacksonville in 1967.
Described by family as a lov-
ing and devoted wife, mother
and grandmother, Harris is sur-
vived by her- best friend and
husband, Marvin; son, Todd
Smith (Melinda); daughter,
Lori Hill (Alan); brother, John
J, Sheley, Jr. (Alice); sister,
Jackie Hall (David);' and six
loving grandchildren, Matteo,
Parker, Alexia, Elaine (Lainey),
Brayden and Cinnamon. Also
included are two stepchildren,
Michelle Norris (Dennis) and
Karen Harris; two step-grand-
children, Kari and Denny; and
many nieces and nephews.
Harris was proud of a
staffing/secretarial business
she started in 1978. She sold
the company after 25 success-
ful years.
After retirement in 2002,
Harris was quite active in ten-
* nis. and golf at Jacksonville
Golf and Country Club. Her
favorite pastime, though, was
spending time with family and
doting on her six grandchil-
dren, who she called her pride
and joy.
Harris enjoyed attending
I Beach United Methodist
Church and .was pleased to
t become a member in,
: November.
The family will receive
friends horn 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday in Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home. A Funeral
Service will be held at 9:30
r a.m. Thursday in the Sanctuary
at Beach United Methodist
Church, 325 7th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Interment
will be held in Newington, Ga.,
where Harris will be buried
next to her parents.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests contributions be
made to the Donna Hicken
Foundation or Hospice.
Services' under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Fuiieral Home.
Rinaldo Rinaldini, who was
born Aug. 6, 1917, died Dec. 8,
2007. He was married to the
former Antoinette Martinelli
for 64.years.
Rinaldini, known to his
friends as Lefty, grew up and,
lived most of his adult life in
New Britain, Conn., .where he
was the owner of Connecticut
Valley Welding and Forge. His
speciality was fabricating orna-
mental iron railings.
Rinaldini is survived by. his,
wife and two daughters,
Joanne Conrad(oseph) and
Joyce Bishopp(Sidney); and
two grandchildren, Joyce' and
Joseph Conrad, Jr.
His hobbies were gardening
anid painting. He also spent
many' hours in his woodwork-
ing shop, where he enjoyed
making clocks.
Rinaldini was an active
member of the Jacksonville
Senior Center, where he made
many friends since becoming a
Florida resident. He was a lov-
ing husband, father and grand-
father and will be greatly
missed by the many' who cared
about him, the family said.
A funeral mass is scheduled
at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St.
Paul's Catholic Church, 224
5th St. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Memorial contributions may
be made to the American
Diabetes Association, P.O. Box
1132, Fairfax, VA 22038..
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.
Marrarrested after a manr
found stabbed to death
under walkover on beach
A 22-year-old Jacksonville
man made a grisly discovery
during a walk on the beach
early Sunday morning in
Jacksonville Beach.
The body of a homeless man
was found with multiple stab
wounds under a walkover at
the 1st Avenue South end
Police arrested Norton Little,
43, also a transient, and
charged him with murder in
conenction with the incident.
The witness told police that
he and a 17-year-old acquain-
tance were walking on the,
beach.about 12:38 a.m. when
they noticed a foot sticking
out from. beneath the
He said he retrieved a take-
out box containing some left,
over dinner and a bottle of
water from his truck and pro-,
ceeded back to the beach to
offer it .to the victim. The
other witness remained in the
After several unsuccessful
attempts to rouse the victim,,
the witness told police he.
shook the victim's foot and
was still unable to get 'a
response. The man said he :
returned to the vehicle and
called for help'.
, Police arriving at the scene
observed the body of a man'
identified only as "Calvin"
laying face down in the sand
beneath the wooden walkover.
Blankets. covered the vic-
tim's body from the waist
down and police 'noted a "sig-
nificant" amount of blood on
the back of his head.
Little, who had contacted
police in the 100 block of 1st
Street North, told police that
his friend had been stabbed
and was escorted back to. the
scene of the crime.
He originally told police
that he and the victim were
asleep under the walkover
when an unknown white male
wearing a ski mask and flannel
shirt held a knife to his throat
and bound his hands behind
his back with rope.
Little said the suspect told
him not to speak and began to
stab his friend several times in
the back, neck and stomach
before fleeing in an unknown
The defendant said he man
aged to untie his hands anc
"panicked" when he rolled thi
victim over and realized the
man was dead, the report said
According to an arres
report, Little told police tha
he had changed his blue
sweatpants because they wer
covered in blood. Police also
observed blood stains on two
jackets and a buttondowr
shirt Little was wearing as wel
as a spot in the center of his
palm, the report said.
Police noted that there wer
no ligature marks visible or
the defendant's wrists consis
tent with being tied with rope
and there were no signs of
knife .pressed against his
throat., '
During further questioning
at' police headquarters, Little
said he and the victim wer
involved in a sexual relation
ship for the past couple o.
years, the police report said.
Assistant State Attorney
Sheila Loizos advised thai
Little be arrested and charged
with murder based on the
blood on Little's clothing and
the "significant amount, of
inconsistencies" with his
store .
Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Robert
Kroeger, 67, born Jan. 25, 1939
to Vincent and Ruth Kroeger in
Chicago, Ill., died Dec. 6, 2006
in Jacksonville.
Kroeger is survived by his
wife of 40 years, Valerie; sons,
Vincent, A.J. and Joshua;
daughters, Dannielle and
Michelle; brother, Timothy; sis-
ter, Priscilla; brother-in-law,
William Bell and six graridchil-
A memorial service is sched-
uled for 2 p.m. Wednesday, in
the chapel of Hardage-Giddens
Funeral Home. Jn lieu of flow-
ers, the family asks that memo-
rial contributions be made to
American Legion Post 316,
1127 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.
June M. Reynolds, 86, died
Dec. 7, 2006 at her home. She
was born March 17, 1920 in
Baltimore, Md. and had been a
Beach resident for 21 years.
Family.members include her
sons, James C. (Jana) Jones and
George W. (Bev) Reynolds;
grandchildren, Nicole, Jaimie,
J.C., Craig and Taylor; and
great-grandchild, Dean..
Reynolds' husband, Sanford
Reynolds, predeceased her in
A memorial service was held
Monday in the Quinn-Shalz
Chapel. In lieu of flowers,
memorial donations may be
made to the Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Curtis W. Routzong, 89,
longtime resident of
Jacksonville Beach, died Dec. 9,
2006. Born in Kansas, he
moved to Jacksonville at the,
age of 9 and graduated from
Andrew Jackson High School.,
'After serving in the U.S.
Navy for more than 30 years-,
Routzong returned to the
Beaches area. Hg was employed
by the State Beverage
Department and retired after
20 years of service.
Routzong was a member of
the Scottish Rite of the Free
Masonry, Ribault Lodge 272,,
and Fleet Reserve Branch 290.
He also belonged to the
American-Legion and Fraternal
Order of Police Lodge 17 and
had been a patron member.of
the National Rifle Association
since 1939.
,1 ;
Routzong was preceded in
death by his wife June in 1997.7
He is survived by two daugh-
ters, Jean Leonard (Ronl) of
Okeechobee, Fla. and Pat AllMien
of Jacksonville Beach; five
grandchildren, Christopher WV.
Allen, Kimberly Gutierrez,
Curtis Leonard, Cathy Carrera
and Craig Leonard; six great-
grandchildren; a brother,
Raymond Routzong tFrances)
of Jacksonville; several nieces
and other relatives and friends.
A celebration of his life will
be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at
Hardage-Giddens Beaches
Chapel, with full military and
Masonic honors.
Memorial donations in
Routzong's name may* be
directed to the Masons' Ribault
Jean Cook Trumble Messina
of East Palatka, formerly of
Jacksonville Beach and Keystone
Heights, died Dec. 5, 2006. She
was 80.
Messina enjoyed time with
her family, playing bridge,
laughing and volunteering in
any capacity that would help
others. She had countless
friends of whom she spoke
fondly, and they dearly loved
her, the family said.
Messina is preceded in death
by her husband of 21 years,
Nicholas Messina, and her-sister,
Lois Baum. She is survived by
her brother, Gordon Cook, Jr.;
four children from her marriage
to Ron Trumble, Sr., who died in
1975, Meredith (Joel) Coble,
Ron Trumble, Jr., Mike (Joyce)
Trumble and Tom Trumble;
along with many grandchildren,.
nieces and nephews. They all
treasured her during her life and
they will cherish her memory
always, the family said. ; ,
Friends and family will gather
to honor Messina from 2 p.m. to
4 p.m. Saturday at the Hiawatha
Condominium Clubhouse on
Hiawatha Court in East Palatka.
Johnson-Overturf Funeral
Home in Palatka is in charge of
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Obituary notices are published free of charge as
a community service. All submissions are sub-
ject to editing. Paid advertising space is avail-
able for more detailed or personalized death
notices. Call 249-9033.
Burglary to a residence was
reported Dec. 5 at a condomini-
um in the 100 block of 5th Ave.
. S. The door.to one of the units
was kicked in and items
- totalling more than $2,000 were
d taken. The door framewas bro-
e ken and prints were observed
e on the door.
t Attempted burglary. was,.
t reported at several medical
e offices between Dec. 1 and Dec.
e 4, at a medical complex on the
) hospital :campus in the 1300
D block of 13th Ave. S. The
i unknown suspects tnied to pry
I the door open 'at two of the'
s offices but were unable to gain
access. At a third office a cash
e drawer was found open.
1, Nothing was' taken. The sus-
- pects pried open a filing cabinet
e at another office .and $28 in
a cash was taken from a petty
s cash box. A safe was also pried
open at another office and $61
g was stolen.
e Grand theft of a motor vehi-
- cle was reported Dec. 5 in 'the
f 3600 block Of Sanctuary Way S.
A white 2003 'Chevrolet
. Trailblazer valued at $15,000
t was stolen.
e Aggravated battery was
I reported Dec. 4 at the Sonic
f Drive-in in the 700 ,block of
s Beach Boulevard. The .21-year-
old victim told police that she
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was approached by a woman-at
6:40 p.m. who accused her of
talking behind her back. The'
victimm was punched in the face
and her head was struck on the
concrete until employees pulled
them apart.
NMonique Elisa lorbes, 31,'of
Jacksonville Beach was 'arrested
Dec. 4 and charged with an
active warrant for giving worth-
less checks in the 2000 block of
Beach Boulevard, according to a
police report. The wanant was
confirmed during a traffic stop.
Ronald William Forearm, 47,
a transient, was arrested Dec. 6
and charged with battery on a
law enforcement officer and
resisting arrest with violence in
the first block of 1st Street
North, according to a police
report. He was sleeping on the
sidewalk around 11 p.m. and
became belligerent when police
roused him. He stood up in an
aggressive manner and, pushed
an officer to the ground. The
defendant placed both of his
hands arotmund the officer's neck.
Three bystanders stepped in to
assist the officer, police said.-
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
VecemriIJ 13, ZUU
Cont. from A-6
A 65-year-old resident of
Dolphin Cove reported
Thursday that some time in
the previous three months,
someone stole more than $266
in cash and a 1959 high school
class ring from her home.
A Jacksonville man reported
that a back flow preventer and
four frequency peg valves were
stolen overnight Dec. 6 from a
construction site near Nease'
High School.
A 38-year-old resident of Sea
Lake Lane reported that some-
time late Dec. 5 or early Dec. 6;
someone ransacked his vehi-
cle, which was unlocked. The,
only thing missing, a car
maintenance book in a leather
case, was later found by a
neighbor walking his dog, a
report said.
**0 *
A criminal mischief incident
was reported Friday, when a
21-year-old resident of the
Marsh Cove area reported a
glass window was broken at
his home. Damage was esti-
mated at $50.
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 9 in the 1710 block of
Light Lane, according to a
police report. The com-
plainant told police that some-
one entered his wife's vehicle
and took two batteries and
other items with a total value
of $415, according to the
*. S
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 9 in the 1700 block of
Light' Lane, according to a
police report. Someone
entered the victim's car and
stole a radar detector. The vic-
tim also told police that she
found a Duval County Public
School's gas card at the end of
her driveway, according to the
Forgery was reported on
Dec. 8 in the 400 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according
to a police report. The store
manager told police that a sus-
pect came into the store and
presented a personal check
and Florida driver's license to
pay for her items. The name
on the check and license
matched, but the suspect did
not match the driver's license
ipictture..;'The, sitored1'nkan.gei' !?t1.
questioned the suspect, who
fled the store and said she
would return with a witness
for verification. An officer
requested that the Jacksonville
Police Department respond to
the address on the check to
locate a possible owner,
according to the report. An
officer spoke to the potential W",..".
victim, who said that her purse
and its contents were stolen
on Friday, according to the
Grand theft of a bicycle was
reported on Dec. 7, according
to a police report. The witness
told police that his son parked'
and locked his bicycle in the
rear of Fletcher High School
while .he attended a meeting.
When he returned, the bicycle
was gone, according to the
Kyle William. Paquette, 20,.
was arrested for uttering forged
notes on Dec. 6 in the 800
block of Third Street, accord-
ing to a police report.
Battery was reported on Dec.
8 in the 2100 block of Florida
Boulevard, according. to' a
police report.
John David Geiger, 39, was
arrested for leaving the scene
of an accident on Dec. 10 in -
the 1300 block of Mayport
Road, according to a police
report. The defendant was
stopped for obstructing traffic.
He was driving with a suspend-
ed license and a check revealed
a warrant for his arrest, accord-
ing to the report.
Christopher Chad Martin,
22, was arrested for possession
of a controlled substance on
Dec. 9 in the 100 block of W.
10th Street, according to a
police report. He was pulled
over for a traffic stop. The offi-
cer asked him if he had any-
thing illegal on him and he
said yes, according to the
A bicycle was reported stolen
on Dec. 3 in the 700 block of
Beach Avenue, according to a
police report. The victim told
police that his bicycle was on a M Il
bike rack, attached to the back
of his vehicle, according to the
** '
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 6 in the 100 block of Levy
Road, according to a police
report. The victim had his
truck stored for the past six
months and discovered on
Dec. 5 that several parts had
been stolen from his truck,
.according to the report.
Vandalism was reported on
Dec.. 6 in the 300 block of
Seminole Road, according to a
police report. The back win-
dow and rear left window of
the complainant's house had
been broken by an unknown
object, according to the report.
Burglary was reported on
Dec. 9 in the 200 block of
Poinsettia Street, according to
a police report.. The com-
plainant said her roommate.
discovered pry marks on the
back .door that were not there
when they had gone to bed at
12 a.m., according to the
Police seeking help in
credit card fraud case *
Jacksonville Beach police are
seeking the identify of two
women' in connection with an
investigation of credit card
The women were in posses-
sion of a stolen credit card
when they were captured on a
security video at a cell phone
store in the 200 block of 3rd
Street North, police reported.
A female victim reported the
theft of her Visa credit card last
month. She told police that
several fraudulent, purchases
were made with her credit card
at various locations through-
out Duval County.
The suspects first attempted
to use the card on Nov. 25 at
Walgreen's at Beach Boulevard
and 3rd Street but the store
clerk declined a $94 purchase.
of perfume when the suspects
could not provide identifica-
tion, police reported.
. A $53 purchase was then
made at the T-Mobile Store
located at 212 3rd Street North
where the suspects were
recorded on store video, police
Police said the, suspects
made various purchases worth
approximately $1,000 over the
next couple of days with the
credit 'card in Atlantic Beach
and Jacksonville, including a
$530.94 purchase at Wal- Mart
'on Nov. 26.
Police ask anyone with
information' to call the
Jacksonville 'Beach Detective
.Division at 270-1666 with any
"Copyrighted Material
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Ponte Vedra Leader People & Places
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December 13. 2006
* ~ *,~.... -'
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Many activities on
tap for school break
Prcio ', KATI-I' jiCOLE TIi
Among the people.who contributed to "A Palm Valley, Florida Collection of Recipes" are (from left in the front row) Arlene
Jones, Melita Duran, Patty Riordan, Angie Kees, Sue Hord, and Jack Hord; and (from left in the back row) Ann Cook, Judy
Mills, Joyce Wright. Judy Nagel, Charlotte Solomon, and Cynthia Gaines. .
American Legion Post 233 Auxiliary
publishes cookbook of Valley recipes
"A Palm Valley, Florida
Collection of Recipes" is the
title of a new cookbook
published by the American
Legion Post 233 Auxiliary in
Palm Valley.
The cookbook is dedicated
to "all of the men and
women veterans who have
served .the United States of
America in past wars and to
.those who are presently
serving to allow all of us to
be free."
Post 233, at 12 Wilderness
Road, is in the heart of Palm
Valley. The Post is some-
what of a local icon to those
who have been coming
there for years. "
Palm Valley is undergoing
so many changes and the
Post reminds many of the
way old Palm Valley used to
be, Auxiliary member
Cynthia Gaines said.
The Auxiliary is open to.
all women who'have hus-
bands, fathers, or grandfa-
thers who have served in
the military. The Auxiliary
raises funds for repairs and
items needed at the Post, for
other veteran's causes, and,
for local charities.
Publishing a cookbook as
a fundraiser was Gaines'
idea. The cookbook features
a section on Palm Valley
history along with recipes
from people affiliated with
Post 233.
"Some say the best steak
in town" is at our Friday,
night Steak Nights at the
Post, Gaines said. There are
also weekly Wednesday
night dinners and Sunday
morning breakfasts.
Volunteers, either Auxiliary
or Post members, donate the
food and handle the cook-
ing for these events.
"It.seemed like a natural
to compile a cookbook from
all these great cooks," she
"A.Palm valleyy. Florida
Collection of Recipes" con-
tains recipes for dishes that
have been served at the
post, 'and others that that
have a Palm Valley flavor.
One recipe is Arlene
nes' Vidalia Onion for 12 years.
.sserole, a dish, Gaines The family recipe was
.d, "that. everyone loves..", never written down until it,
In this recipe, slices of was included in the cook- ,
ion are combined with book.
untry gravy, sausage, and Jack and Sue Hord both
eese for a great casserole. contributed recipes to the
The prize-winning recipe cookbook. Jack's Killer.
the Post's chili competi- Fudge makes a great holiday
n is also in the cookbook. treat, Hord said.
udy Mills makes her chili Joyce WVright contributed
her with venison *or beef. the most recipes to the
rhe local chefs who cookbook, and for good rea-
Iged the last competition son.
mpled her chili twice, "Joyce is the bar manager
ce from a bowl and once and cooks all the time for
)m the chili pot, and the Post. Everyone loves her
advertantly awarded her cooking," Gaines said.
th first and second prize, Use Wright's Macadamia
lls said. Nut French Toast recipe for
Gaines' recipe for Lamb a :special breakfast that can
anks Tra-La is a family be put together the night
'orite. The lamb is cooked before and then baked the
th an interesting tomato neict morning.
mint sauce.
Her daughter, Charlotte
Solomon, a member of the
Junior Auxiliary, con- *
tribute the recipe for Egg
Nog Body Lotion. Solomon
has made this creamy and
fragrant body lotion and
bottled it for holiday gift
Long-time Palm Valley
resident Mickey Bass said
she has been making
Tomato Grits for Post 233
The following are a selec-
tion of recipes from "A Palm
Valley, Florida Collection of
The.cookbook can be pur-
chased for $10 at Post 233
or order by calling 280-
3376 .
iee RECIPES, A-10
Vid'alia Onion.Casserole
Latest gift from menopause is dizziness
M y latest gift from
menopause has
come galloping
through my life like an
armed rifleman.
I'm dizzy.
Before you start laughing
and ask me if I'm blonde (
the answer is yes and you
could be also for 50 bucks a
month) let me tell you that
the last gift I got from
menopause was mild hyper-
tension soothe dizziness
stuff kind of makes sense.
But this dizziness has
nothing to do with blood
pressure. It's the hold on to
your stomach, want to fall
on your face, but I only
drank water last night kind
of dizziness.
Being an old chick, dizzi-
ness does not make me
Blood does not make me
panic or faintness of breath
or a loose cannonball com-
ing through the side of the
house. I also have two
teenagers. Dizziness is like
one free beer. It's a little blip
on the radar screen.
At first, I thought I was
dizzy because I'm working
out so much. I'm talking
about gut-busting, bike-ped-
aling, weight-lifting, stretch-
ing, hopping, leaping,
sweating kinds of workouts
that have me limping to the
car like a prize fighter.
I've stepped up my physi-
cal workouts because my
back, which decided to rup-
ture one of its own discs,
has finally accepted the fact
that I will not have surgery,
and it is allowing me to get
better by working it to
This, of course, all hap-
pened as I was beginning
my first leap into -
nrenopause just two years
ago. Two years ago when I
only got dizzy if I lay down
too fast.
So this morning when I
talked to my doctor, who
also happens to be a friend -
well, she used to be a friend
- she had the same hilarious
blonde comments when I
told her this dizziness went
beyond anything I have
ever known, and I told her I
thought I had vertigo.
Well, of course that is
what it is, she told me.
Menopause-induced verti-
go. Can you believe this?
Just when I thought I was
getting over the hump here
and on the downside of
night sweats and mood
swings aind all the other.
goodies that have been
handed to me by this lovely
change in life.
Usually,. I love change. I
write about it all the time. I
embrace it on a personal
level. I encourage it in my
children, but this vertigo
business is 'just too much.
Tonight I am supposed to
go to a two-.hour yoga ses-
sion with my daughter. It's
the kind of sweat until you
drop yoga class that cleanses
you on the inside and on
the outside.
I am now, two hours
before class, trying to figure
out how I will! even be able
to stand in the class, let
alone stand or. my head or
whatever she makes us do.
If worse comes to worse, I
will just sit back in and
sweat in place.
No doubt I'll be dizzy, and
surely, it will be right dur-
ing a hot flash.
The holiday break begins
after school Friday for stu-
dents in St. Johns County
public schools. Classes
resume Jan. 3.
Those in the Duval County
School District begin their
holiday break Thursday, Dec.
21, and return to class
Monday, Jan. 8.
The following are some
activities for children and
families during the break:
Two holiday exhibits at
the Beaches Museum and
History Center in
Jacksonville Beach will be on
display until Jan. 13.
"An Old-Fashioned
Christmas" is a display of
photographs, postcards and
other images reflecting the
holiday season at the.
Beaches over the past 50
"Florida Girls & Boys &
Their Toys" also is part of
the holiday exhibit.
The museum and history
center is the large yellow
building on the northeast
corner of Beach Boulevard
and 4th Street.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday. Admission is $5 for
adults, $4 for ages 65
and older, $3 for ages
6 to 17 and free for
those younger.
Saturday, Dec. 16
A holiday music
show by the
Battersby Duo begins
at 10 a.m at the .. ..
Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library.
The Palm Valley
Boat and Light
Parade features deco-
rated boats cruising
the Intracoastal
Waterway north from,
the Palm Valley .
bridge beginning at
6:30 p.m..
Public viewing is "at
the bridge. Viewing
also will be available
for patrons of LuLu's
Waterfront Grille,
Barbara Jeans at
Ward's Landing and
the restaurant at the
Santa Claus will be
in the courtyard at
200 First St., Neptune.
Beach, from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m. today and An(
Dec. 23. Wish lists pre
may be shared, and Aca
photographs can be per
taken. Pets are wel- Val
,The nature movie
"Water's Journey The Hidden
Rivers of Florida," about the
Floridan Aquifer, is shown at
10 a.m. and 1 p.m. today
and Dec. 17 at the Guana
Environmental Education
Center, off State Road A1A
about 12 miles south of
Mickler Road. Admission: $2
for adults, $1 for ages 10 to
17; free for under 10.
Sunday, Dec., 17'
An easy, two-hour kayak
tour down the Guana River
with a naturalist starts at 3
p.m. at the Guana
Environmental Education
Center. For ages 15 and
above. Admission is $45 per
person and includes equip-
ment, instruction, reserve
entry fee and tour, and bot-
tled water. Reserve a space by
calling 471-4144.
Monday, Dec. 18
"It's a Wonderful Life," a
classic holiday movie, will be
shown at 5:30 p.m. at the
Beaches Branch Library, 600
Third St., Neptune Beach.
Dec. 18 to Dec. 22 and
Dec. 26 to Dec. 29
Holiday arts camp for ages
4 to 10 at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach,
50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Camp for 4- and 5-year-
olds runs 9 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. and costs $25 a day for
members and $35 a day for
Camp for ages 6 through
10-runs.9 a.m.-to 2 p.m., and
the cost is $35 a day for
members and $45 a day for
The Center is at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. For registration, call
Monday, Dec. 18 to
Tuesday, Jan. 2, weekdays
except Dec. 25 and Jan. 1
YMCA holiday camp at the
Winston Family YMCA on
Landrum Lane, Ponte Vedra,
will include arts and crafts,
board games, gym games,
swimming, playground time,
and visits to Skate World and
the IMAX theater. -
The fee is $25 per child per
day for. members and $30 for
others. Register by calling
Wednesday, Dec. 20
Breakfast and a movie, fea-
turing the PG-rated "Snow
Day," begins at 10 a.m. at
the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library.
"Holiday Nature Story and
. Crafts" is held 2 p.m. to 3
p.m. at the Guana
Environmental Education
drea Urquhart, who attends
-kindergarten at Accotink
ademy on Canal Boulevard,
forms last week at the Palm
ley Senior Center.
Center. Ages 3 to 10 are
welcome with a parent. Free
- with entry to center, but reg-
istration is requested at 823-
Saturday, Dec. 23 and'
Sunday, Dec. 24
Nature movie, "Water's
Journey The Hidden Rivers
of Florida," about the
Floridan Aquifer, is shown at
10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the
Guana Environmental
Education Center, off State
Road A1A about 12 miles
south of Mickler Road.
Admission: $2 for adults, $1
for ages 10 to 17; free for
under 10.
Tuesday, Dec. 26, through
Friday, Dec. 29
"The Northern Right
Whale from Whaling to
Watching," nature movie
shown at 12:15 p.m. at
Guana Environmental
Education Center, off State
Road A1A about 12 miles
south of Mickler Road.
Admission: $2 for adults, $1
for ages 10 to 17; free for
under 10.
Wednesday, Dec. 27
Children ages 6 to 13 with
adult chaperone can search
See BREAK, A-10
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Richard D. Germain III advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout on Nov. 6. Germain is shown with Eagle committee members Roy
Clarke, left, Joe Wiggins and Scoutmaster Tom Kohn., Germain is.a member of Venture Crew 23 at St. Francis in-the-Field
Episcopal Church in Palm Valley. His Eagle Scout project was to design and complete permanent handicap parking spaces at The
Day Break Pavilion behind the church. Germain is a senior at Nease High School.
Doug Edwards and Casey Lynn
Casey Lynn of Jacksonville
Beach and Doug Edwards of
Tampa have announced their
engagement to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of the Rev. Don and Barbara
Lynn of Jacksonville Beach.
She earned a bachelor's degree
in finance from the University
of Florida. The groom-e
the son. of John and (
Edwards of, New Port R
He received a bachelor's
in. management from
University of Florida.
The couple plan to W
sunset on June 23, 204
Captiva Island, Fla.
Army. Spec. James E.
Milner, a 1993 graduate of
Fletcheir High School, has grad-
uated, from basic infantry
training at Fort Benning, Ga.
During the nine weeks of
training, Milner received train-
ing in drill and ceremonies,
weapons, map reading, tactics,
military courtesy, military jus-
tice, physical fitness, first aid,
and Army history, core values
and traditions.
Additional training included
development of basic combat
skills and battlefield operations
and tactics, and experiencing
use of various weapons and
weapons defenses available to
the infantry crewman.
f'he son of James A. Miiner
6' of Jacksonville Beach, Milner
received a bachelor's degree in
1997 from the University of
North Florida.
Michael V. Sheehan recent-
.' ly completed 12 weeks of basic
training at Marine Corps
. Depot, Parris Island, S.C,.
"2';. The 2006 Nease High School
graduate arid Naval Junior
.; ROTC student, was named the
honor .graduate of his platoon.
Sheehan capped his basic
training by completing the
Crucible, a 54-hour team effort
and problem-solving evolu-
He will spend the next four
months in combat training at
Camp Lejeune; N.C.
Sheehan is the son of Carol
S. Sheehan of Ponte Vedra
lect is Beach and the grandson of.
Chervl Elizabeth A. Byrnes of Ponte
ichey. Vedra.
degree .
ied at e Y
07, at i
*Holiday Activities at
Adventure Landing include vis-
iting with, Santa from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Dec. 9 and Dec. 16 in
Jacksonville Beach. Also, Gator
Bowl players will be visiting
from 3 p.m. to.5 p.m. Dec. 27
and Dec. 29. And both
Adventure Landing locations,
on Beach and Blanding
Boulevards, will hold a Noon
Year's Eve celebration Dec. 31.
A family party begins at 10
a.m., with a balloon drop at
*First Coast Skates Holiday
Show, "Holidays Around the
World," will be presented from
12 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Dec. 16 at
Skate World Ice Arena on
Philips Highway-and Emerson
Street. Tickets are $8 in
advance and $9 at the door. For
information, call 904-476-
*Apron's Cooking School
holds a two-day, two-session
Kids Survivor Camp at the
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
The camp is designed to
improve kitchen survival skills.
Session I will be held at 10 a.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, Session II
at 10 a.m. Dec. 28 and Dec.'29.
Kids may: take one session or
both; the cost of each is $70.
The number to call is 904-262-
*Apron's Cooking School
offers two two-day Teen
Survivor Camp sessions at the
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
Session I, scheduled for 3 p.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, will focus
on knife skills and creating
meal-sized sandwiches. Session
II, slated for 3 p.m. Dec. 28 and
Dec. 29, will focus on baking
skills and the preparation of fin-
ger foods. The cost of each ses-
sion is $70. The number to call
for reservations is 904-262-
. *Infinity Allstars Holiday
Camp opens its doors Dec. 26
for an annual camp that runs
through Jan. 5 at 510-1
Mayport Road in Atlantic
Beach. Call 904-247-1031 for
*Winter Ranger Program
Two winter day camps will
be offered at Little Talbot
Island State Park. -Dec. 27, 28
and 29:
Call 904-251-2320 to reserve
a spot.
photo submitted
Joe Overby.with grandson.
Former Neptune Beach city
councilor Joe Overby. was the
Michael V. Sheehan
featured' speaker at the Dec. 8
Friends of the Beaches Library
meeting at the Beaches Branch
Library. '
Oerby, who served three
terms on 'the Neptune Beach
City Council, recently pub-
lished his autobiography, "Just a
Dumb Kid from Nowhere,"
which chronicles his child-
hood in Depression-era
Overby lived life, in an
orphanage, in sharecroppers'-
shacks, in a log cabin and on a
farm. Overbv joined the Navy
at age 14 and retired as a chief
'warrant officer after 24 years of,
When I joined the Navy, I
blocked out my young life,
thinking it was nothing to talk
-about, always keeping it in the
darkest part of my mind, but it
all came out in my book,"
Overby said.
He and his wife came to
Mayport in 1956 : as newly-
weds. The Overbys have four
grown children who all gradu-
ated from Fletcher High
\\'hen asked, about plans for
another book, Overby said if
may be about a fascinating
woman he and his wife knew
when they lived in Mayport.
He stated that his readers are
also asking, about a sequel to
* He donates all profits from the
sale of his books to charity.
For more information about
the Noon Break, call the
Beaches Branch Library 241-
1141. The program is free and
open to the public.
Volunteer Advocates
Betty Griffin House offers
24/7 advocacy to persons aged
18 and older that have been
sexually assaulted in St. Johns
Volunteer advocates are
needed on call rotation and
meet sexual assault victims at
Flagler Hospital in the new
Sexual Assault. Forensic Exam
and Advocacy Unit. The advo-
cate supports the victim, advis-
es them of services and answers
any questions they may have
about the whole process.
State-certified training is
offered free of charge and con-
sists of 15 hours of self study
and 15 hours of class time.
Monthly advocate meetings
are required. To volunteer one
or more days a month, call
Kelly Ballantine at 904-808-
Volunteer Opportunities at
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-
ules in a variety of service
areas. For more information
about the opportunities, call
the Volunteer Services depart-
ment at 296-3722 or send an e-
mail to
City of Atlantic Beach
Notice of Yard Waste Service Day Change
Effective January 1, 2007
Yard trash (green waste) will no longer
be serviced Mondays.
Your new service day will be Wednesday.
Your first service day will be
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007.
Feel free to direct any questions
to WSI at 904-731-3440.
From everyone at WSI
your Waste Service Provider,
we would like to wish you and your family
a safe and Happy Holiday Season.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Pagie 9A
December 13, 2006i
* 6 Ag The Bece
Break: Fun with fish
The dance department at Fletcher High School will perform a "Winter Dance Concert" at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, in the Fletcher
auditorium. Students in all four dances classes will perform repertoire in ballet, jazz and modern dance. Admission is $3.
Recipes: Macadamia Nut French Toast by Wright
Cont. from A-8
Vidalia Onion Casserole
(Arlene Jones)
4 large Vidalia onions,
peeled and sliced thin
1 lb. sausage, crumbled
and browned
2 pkgs. McCormick coun-
'try gravy mix, prepared ,
2 cups shredded Cheddar
1 sleeve Ritz crackers,
In a 9 x 13 inch greased
pan, layer half the onions.
Cover with half of the
sausage, sauce, and cheese.
Complete the dish by repeat-
ing the layers. Cover with
Ritz crumbs. Bake at 350
degrees for one and one-half:
Mickey's Tomato Grits
(Mickey Bass Williams)
one-half lb. salt pork
one-half lb. bacon
2 large onions chopped
2 large bell peppers,
.3 T. chopped garlic
3 datil peppers, seeded and
1 INo. 2) can chopped.
1 (No. 2) can tomato sauce
2 cups grits (not instant')
8 oz. liquid (water, Major
Peter's Bloody Mary mix, V-8
Tabasco splash
Note: No. 1 can contains
about 2 cups
Fry down salt pork and
bacon. Pour off some grease
if it seems too, much. Add
onions, peppers, and garlic;
saut6 together. Add tomatoes
and sauce and let cook down
45 minutes.
Pour 8 cups liquid in a
* saucepan to get hot. Add
above ingredients, Tabasco
splash, and grits. Cook grits
according to package.
Venison Chili
(Judy Mills)
3. b. ground venison
3 lb. venison sausage
1 large onion, chopped
1 medium green bell pep-
per, chopped
2 cans stewed tomatoes
3 cans dark red kidney
one-quarter tsp. Datil pep-
per spice
chili powder to taste
salt and pepper to taste
(lean beef can be substitute
ed for venison)
Brown ground meat and
'sausage in 3 T of olive oil.
.Saute onions and green bell
peppers until onions are
clear, then mix with the
ground meat in a large pot.
Add tomatoes and kidney
beans and bring to a boil;
reduce heat to simmer and
add Datil pepper spice. Add
chili powder, salt, and pep-
per to taste. Simmer on low
for about 3 hours.
Serve with crackers,
cheese, scallions, or other
favorite condiments.
Lamb Shanks Tra-La
(Cynthia Gaines)
4 to 6 lamb shanks
S1 cup ketchup
1 cup water
one-half cup mint jelly,
2 T lemon juice
1 large onion, sliced'
salt and pepper,
Flour and- season rlatibwts,4
shanks. Brown in.a skillet
and pour off fat ..
Mix all ingredients and
pour over lamb, including
onions. Simmer in the cov-
ered skillet for about one
and one-half hours. Baste
occasionally. '
Macadaiia Nut
French Toast
(Joyce Wright)
4 eggs
two-thirds cup: orange
juice,, chilled,
one-third,cup milk
one-quarter cup sugar
one-quarter tsp. nutmeg
one-half tsp. vanilla .
1 loaf Italian bread
(enriched), sliced
two-thirds cup butter,
one-half cup macadamia
nuts, diced
With a whisk, beat togeth-
er the first six ingredients.
Place bread slices in a sinm-
gle layer in a tight fitting
baking dish. Pour milk/egg
mixture over bread. Cover
and refrigerate overnight,
turning once.
Preheat oven to 400 .
degrees. Pour melted butter
on cookie sheet. Lay bread
slices on cookie sheet.
Sprinkle with nuts.
Bake at 400 degrees for 20
L s25 pinutes,or,until gold-
'nebrown. Serve with butter
afid maple syrup. Serves 4.
Jack's Killer Fudge
(Jack Hord)
one-eighth tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
one-quarter cup butter
two-thirds cup cocoa
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one and one-half cups
cups sugar
Add milk gradually to dry
ingredients, stirring con-
stantly, until boiling. Reduce
heat to medium and don't
stir. When temperature
reaches 232 degrees, remove
from heat. Add butter and
vanilla. Cool at room tem-
perature, 100 degrees, then
beat until gloss disappears.
Eggnog Body Lotion '
iCharlotte Solomon)
2 egg yolks
one-half cup half and half
1 T witch hazel
one-half tsp. vanilla
one-quarter cup canola or
almond oil
1 (8 oz.) pretty glass bottle
S*Use pasteurized eggs if
In a blender, combine egg
yolks, cream, witch.hazel,
and vanilla.until well mixed.
At low setting, drizzle in the
oil until all is well mixed
and consistency is creamy.
Makes a great gift.
Cont. from A-8
for "treasures" with a
guide on the orange trail at
the Guana preserve south of
Ponte Vedra beginning at 10
a.m. The 1- or 2-mile walk is
done at a comfortable pace.
Space is limited and reserva-
tions are required at
823.4500. Admission is $3
per vehicle. ,
Thursday, Dec. 28
Fun with Fish learning and
craft with scientist Rick
Reichard is held 1 p.m. to 3
p.m. at the Guana
Environmental Education
Center south of Ponte Vedra.
Observe the different fish
in the exhibit hall aquarium
and discuss their adaptations
to swim, eat and survive.
Children will create their
own fish models.
For ages 6 to 10. Free with
regular center entry fee of $2
for adults, $1 for ages 10 to
17 and free for younger.
Registration is required at
Go-pher a Bike Ride along
the yellow trail in the Guana
preserve from 10 a.m. to
noon to. learn about the
gopher tortoise and explore
its habitat. Appropriate for
children able to ride a bike
unaided on a dirt trail for
approximately 2 miles.
Guests must bring their own
Admission .is $3 per vehicle
to the trail head parking lot.
Helmets and water bottles
are required for all riders.
Space is limited and registra-
tion is required at 823-2400.
Friday, Dec. 29
Estuary experience for ages
6 to 13 will be held 10 a.m.
to noon at the Guana
Environmental Education
Center off State Road A1A
about 12 miles south of
Mickler Road.
There will be estuary
themed games, a touch tank
and exploring the exhibit
hall with the family.
Admission is $2 for adults,
$1 for ages 10-17 and free for
Gerson Yessin leads a crit-
ter concert from 1 p.m. to 2
p.m. at the Guana preserve's
Environmental Education
Center. Families and children
of all ages are invited to this
one-of-a-kind musical cele-
bration of the various ani-
mals, fish and birds native to
this area. Please register at
823-2400. Admission: $2 for
adults, $1 for ages 10 to 17,
free for younger children.
Saturday, Dec. 30, and
Sunday, Dec. 31
"\Water's Journey the River
Returns" nature movie is
shown at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
at Guana Environmental
Education Center, off'State
Road AlA about 12 miles
south of Mickler Road.
Admission: $2 for adults, $1
for ages 10 to 17; free for
under 10.
Saturday, Dec. 30
New Year's Noon Balloon
Drop party, scheduled 11:30
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the
Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach, features a kids'
countdown, snacks, prizes
and art activities. Free. The
center is at 50 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra Beach.
I. t "
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December 13, 2006
T he Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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,Calice Koerner, 4,and he brother CaseyKoerne siwith nta Satu the Sawgss Vill Chmasce
.Calice Koerner, 4, and her brother, Casey Koerner, 1, sit with Santa Saturday at the Sawgrass Village Christmas celebration.
Nease picks top teacher
Jan Hotson, chair of the art,
department' at Nease High
School for the past 17 years,
has been chosen the school's
teacher of the year. She has
been at Nease since 1988,
received National Board
Certification in 2004, is anew
teacher mentor and helps stu-.
dents participate in -several.
exhibits and, competitions'
.every year.
Let the bidding begin
General contractors this
month are being sent the
plans for the Ponte Vedra;
high school to be built east of
Davis Park. Bids are expected
in early January, and the
School Board plans to select
the winning, bid in late
January. The school is expect-
ed to open in August 2008.
Academies planned
The new high school for
Ponte.Vedra teens, scheduled'
to open in 2008, will have two,
academies: biotechnology arid
international business and
Nease High' School, now
attended by students who will'
be zoned into the new high
school, 'will keep its
International Baccalaureate
program and the Naval Junior
Reserve Officer Training
Nease also will retain its
academies: mechanical engi,
neering and TV production
and marketing.
Those Ponte Vedra students
who will be seniors when the,
new school opens "will have
the option of staying at Nease
aj\-ie 34-eI
to graduate or attend the new
high school," according to
Bill Fehling of Ponte Vedra
Beach, a St. Johns County
School Board member.
Underclassmen enrolled in
Nease's academies but zoned
for the new school also can
stay in the Nease programs.
Groundbreaking is expected
in late spring, and the super-
intendent plans to select a
principal as early as July or as
late as September, Fehling said
in his Dec. 8 School' Board
update via e-mail.
At the Dec. 4 meeting of the
Ponte Vedra Beaches
-*.(Goatt'rn,-"'si? y Kohl'kle sugI
gested the school should b@
named "Ponte Vedra High
School," given that the com-
munity has asked for the
school for such a long time.
Fehling told her she is free
'o suggest that name when
the time comes..
Looking for character
The community is being
asked to submit nominations
for Character Counts! awards
that recognize high school
juniors and seniors who
exhibit the six pillars of char-
acter: trustworthiness,
respect, responsibility, fair-
ness, caring and citizenship.
Deadline for nominations is
Jan. 10, and awards will be
given March 8 at World Golf
Village in central St. Johns
.Applications are available at
each high school and on the
School District's Web site
i www.st ohns.kl2.fl.us/about/,
Presented by your
go-to Beaches Florist
725 3rd Street North
Jacksonville Beach
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The St. Johns County School Board Tuesday approved next
year's school calendar, which reflects the later start date required
by Florida law. Highlights of the calendar are as follows:
Aug. 20 .......... Teachers report
Aug. 24 ......... Students report to class
Nov. 21 23 .... Thanksgiving break
Dec. 24 ........... Winter break begins
Jan. 4, 2008 ....... Classes resume
April 21 25 ..... Spring break
June 12 ........... Last day for students
June 14 ........... Nease graduation
June 16 ........... Last day for teachers
299 Atlantic Blvd.
Atlantic Beach
One block from ocean
extended Holiday
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S Shopping
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: Saturday Service 6:30 PM
SSunday Service 9:00 AM
Sunday Service 10:30 AM
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-7 1423 Eighth Avenue North. Jacksonville Beach
P. We invite you to join us for our +
Holiday Programs and Worship Services
Dec. 17 Christmas Choral Concert- 7pm
u l Dec. 20 Christmas Children's Program 7pm
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Service with signing
for the hearing impaired 10am
Family Christmas Service 6pm
Candlelight Service with
pi. Holy Communion 8pm & 10pm
Dec. 25 Christmas Day Worship Service 10am
Phone: 249-5418 www.blcjaxbeach.org '
Sof the Beaches
(Disciples of Christ)
2125 Oceanfront & Seagate,
Neptune Beach, FL
www.fccbdoc@bellsouth.net / 246-2010
Dec. 13- 6:30pm "Joyland" Childrens Choir Musical
Dec. 17-' 10:00am "Everything Glorious"
Praise Band, Praise Choir,
Narrow Way Players
(combined worship)
Dec. 24- Worship Services:
8:00am, 9:00am & 10:45am
Dec. 24- Christmas Eve- 6:00pm Family Time
11:00pm Traditional Candle Light
Sunday School
Children's ministry and nursery available during allservices.
Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 PM
190 S. Roscoe Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-8009
i- i
Ce 07almd r-
-- e.o, a an/r ,cu o XS
Sunday, December 17
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
The Palms Chancel Choir members of the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra present the Christmas story
as told in scripture. Contemporary at 5:45 p.m.
Sunday, December 24
8:30 a.m. -:11:00 a.m. Regular Worship Services
5:00 p.m. Children's Service
8:00 p.m. Worship with Choir and Strings
.11:00 p.m. Communion Service with Choir and Strings
3410 South Third Stret. JJackonnvilla Beach
9:00 AM
- -
Q-l -v wu ......... 'IWall F w-.DwIIvlgl- v .l..
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader,* Pa& I IA*"
December 13, 2006
:A ~tb
0Pti 2 h ece edr~neVdaLae eebr1,20
Beaches Nutcracker
aids India orphans
Through a special presenta-
tion of "The Beaches
Nutcracker," hundreds of
Beaches-area residents will
help provide a new pair of
shoes and a hot meal to needy'
orphans in India.
The one-of-a-kind perform-
ance with a one-of-a kind
mission will be presented at
Fletcher High School
Auditorium at p.m. Saturday.
f-or every ticket purchased,
one pair of shoes and a meal
v.ill be provided to a child in
need through 1-58 Project, a
nonprofit organization
"This show is special for
many reasons," said Mindi
Nlende. East Coast Ballet
Foundation director. "First,
you didn't have to be a dance
student to be part of this won-
derful classic. The only require-
ment was having the desire to
be part of it.
"These people have worked
side-bv-side with professional
instructors and long-time stu-
dents and have worked very
hard during the last three
months to bring a wonderful
performance to Beaches audi-
ences. This event is not only
helping the proliferation of
art. and culture in our area,
but it's also helping make a dif-
terence for hundreds of chil-
dren in need."
Ihe performance includes
dozens of local performers of
all ages classical ballet
dancers, musicians, gnym'nasts
and vocalists. Tickets aje still
"It's wonderful to be able to
participate in a show and the
rehearsals leading tup to it in
y vour own back yard," said
Beatrice Velez. a Neptune
Beach resident who has two
children performing in the
shotw "\Vithout the conven-
Sience of a local show at the
Beaches, it would be very diffi-
cult for my children to partici-
"'The Beaches Nutcracker' is
a great way to foster perform-
i-'g arts itn our own communi-
ty-. And it's extra special when
you're making a difference at
the same time."
rhe goal of 'The Beaches
Nutcracker' is to sell every sin-
Continued front A-3
Sundeman is-n't scheduled to
be sworn into office until
lanuary, so he is urging the
board to hold off on the final
decision until the new com-
missioners take office.
The Mlosquito Control
District Board will meet
SThursday at 4 p.m. at the dis-
trict's main office, 500 Old
Beach Road. St Augustine.
gle ticket to help more than
900 children," said Mende.
"Dozens of local businesses
and performers have come
together and have worked hard
to bring this special show to
the Beaches area through
donations, and weeks of
rehearsals and lots of hard
work. Now we're counting on
the public to come see the
show and help us make a dif-
To purchase tickets, call 904-
Young dancers (5- and 6-year-
olds) watch during a Dec. 9
rehearsal of "The Beaches
Nutcracker." The show will
take place at Fletcher High
School Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. The
performance Includes more
than 60 performers. Ticket
sales will help purchase shoes
and meals for needy children
in India.
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Decenriber 13, 2006
"Page 1.2A
- -'O
The Beaches Leader[Ponte V'edra Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader Inside
S P T Fishing Leader B-2
S* Holiday cooking B-6
| I* Classifieds B-6
December 13, 2006 ClassifiedsB-6
SupPlanted as champions
*PJL !.. '. *.!
Plant scores with 17
seconds left to dash
Nease comeback
"You don't think about the
close games you win it's the
the close games you lose that you
think about." Frank Broyles
his team went up 21-17 late in
the fourth quarter of
Saturday's Class 4A state
.championship game at
Dolphin Stadium, Nease High
football coach Craig Howard
was an emotional wreck.
Time, not Tampa Plant and
its record-setting quarterback,
Robert Marve, was Howard's
down the
and he
knew it.
have just 0)SisE
may be the go-
ahead touchdown
and you're
looking at the
clock and it _
doesn't seem
to be going ,, Your stone
fast enough,"
Howard knot, penal
reflected flying arou
Saturday after
his top- have an (
ranked team can score
fell to Plant
25-21 in 4A time to do
title game. ne play
"Your one play
stomach is in winning it
a knot, o one play
[penalty] flags
are flying stopping it.
around and -.. ... -....... .- i
they [Plant]
have an
offense that. Craic
can score and Nease h(
enough time
to do it.
to take our hats off to him.
But even after they scored, we
had a chance to win it. What
gets lost in the shuffle is that
we lost the state champi-
onship game after a brilliant
Nease rallied from a 17-0
deficit to lead 21-17 with 3:02
After Plant (15-0) retook the
lead 25-21 on a 12-play, 78-
yard scoring drive that includ-
ed a 2-point conversion pass,
Nease had 17 seconds left to
write an alternate ending to a
storybook season that includ-
ed a school-record 14 wins.
The script featured a Cal-
Stanford-like kickoff return to
the Plant 23. But
down to
knew his
have to
buy some
time in the
pocket before
his receivers
---_ got open in
the end zone.
ach is in a Plant line-
backer Patrick
I [flags] are Carter would
d and they have none of
fense that The junior
nd enough sacked Nease
it. They're Ted Stachitas
iway from for a 4-vard
way loss as time
and we're expired.
iway from "There's
three seconds
left and they
... ... .... put a blitz on
and we never
Howard get the play
Howard off." Howard
ad coach said Saturday
as he waited
to board the
"They're one play away
from winning it and we're one
play away from stopping it."
Nease couldn't make that
defining stop.
Marve, who eclipsed three
state passing records during
the game, made a perfect
throw to teammate Derek
Winter for the winning score
with 17 seconds to play to
snap Nease's 23-game winning
streak and lift Plant to its first
state title in school history.
No. 1 Nease, the defending
state champion, finished 14-1.
:"Marve and his receiving
corps were really sharp,"
added Howard, whose team
led all Jacksonville-area public
schools in total offense this
"He got it done and we-have
team bus home.
"We just wanted to get
receivers in the end zone and
if the pass was incomplete,
well at least we tried. I'm real
proud of our kids. They
showed character fighting
back the way they did."
Said Plant head coach
Robert Weiner about Nease:
"You don't get to be where
they are without character
"They played with class.
They don't talk trash out on
the field. They just play hard.
I knew at 17-0 that we had a
long way to go in the football
Like Howard; Weiner was
willing the clock to run faster
with 17 ticks left.
Howard said Nease practiced
With a stadium scoreboard in the background displaying the final tally, Nease quarterback Ted Stachitas, left, is comforted by offen-
sive lineman Clyde Yandell after the final play of Saturday's Class 4A stale championship game at Dolphin Stadium in Miami.
the Cal-Stanford play for the
past four years for just such an
occasion as Saturday.
The pitch-and-catch drill
went for 64 yards after
Graham Bates took a lateral*
Nease High players including Riley Haynes (51) and Evan Wilhelm (46) react after losing to,
Tampa Plant in the state championship game. Behind the players are Nease cheerleaders.
from Stachitas at the Nease 25
and npped down Plant's side-
line for a 52-yard gain.
Bates might have scored had
it not been for Luke Rorech's
solo tackle.
On the eventual winning
TD pass, Marve (29 of 44 pass-
ing for 276 yards, 3 TDs) hit
Winter (13 for 144, 2 TDs.) on
the outside shoulder in tight
man coverage:
"The quarterback made a
great throw," said Nease
defensive coordinator Danny
"It was a speed cutout'
[route] and Justin [Grant] had
great coverage on the play.
Marve's got a great arm. He
can put it between the num-
Plant built an early 10-0
lead on a 27-yard field goal
and a short-field scoring drive
off a shanked Nease punt.
Nease only got as far as the
Plant 26 in the first quarter,
and fell behind 17-0 after
Marve marched Plant to pay-
dirt on a 10-play, 74-yard scor-
ing drive with 5:06 to play
before halftime.
Bates (3 catches for 8.4
yards) scored on a 28-yard
skinny post route with 2:02
remaining in the second quar-
ter for Nease's first points of
the game.
After the break, Nease got its
running game untracked, scor-
ing on a 94-yard drive in the
third quarter and on a 42-
yarder set up by a Grant pick.
See PANTHERS, page B-3
Nease appearance m
titlegame not tainted
a pretty big deal around
these parts when news broke
last month that the Nease
football program was being
sanctioned by the Florida
High School Athletic
Association for violations
relating to a transfer player.
Two assistant coaches were
dismissed, the school's entire
athletic department was
placed on five years' proba-
tion and the FHSAA hit
Nease with a record $20,000
fine. Other punishments
included barring the Panthers
from spring or fall jamborees,
from appearing on television
and from traveling out of
state to play.
In a nutshell, FHSAA offi-
cials penalized one Panthers
assistant coach for offering a
job to the transfer player's
father, and another assistant
for providing a place for the
player and his father to live,
plus driving the kid to and
from practice. The organiza-
tion concluded the actions
were not "inducements," .but
violated policy nonetheless.
Lots of folks were quick to
point the finger at Nease as a.
"renegade" football program
spinning out of control.
But that "scandal" pales in
comparison to some of what
was revealed last weekend at
the state high school football
Powerhouse Lakeland High
wrapped up the Class 5A
state title on Friday in an
epic game. The contest was
so big, highlights appeared
on ESPN news that night.
The Dreadnaughts were led
by running back Chris
Rainey who shredded the St.
Thomas Aquinas defense for
276 yards on 26 carries and
three touchdowns.
But Rainey entered the
game with storm clouds
above his head. Earlier in the
week, the senior told a
Miami Herald reporter he
,had accepted money as a
local celebrity and traded his
autograph for jewelry and
clothing. Rainey's status for
Friday night's game was up
in the air 24 hours before the
start of the contest.
But despite an audiotape of
See NEASE, page B-3
- a
g ThL Thnhm I me/o Te
December 13, 2006
Cold wind impacts the local fishing scene
T ie cold wind kept the off,
Shore bottom fishermen
close to home most of last
week. The speckled trout, red-
bass, sheepshead and whiting
didn't mind the cold at all and
remained fired up most of the
week. The flounder are still bit-
ing at Guana.
Mike Tandarich used live fin-
ger mullet on several trips to
Guana Dam last week and
pulled 27 flounder out of the
sand. Nine of his fish were over
five ,pounds., and his largest
weighed in at seven pounds.
Mike Morris took advantage
of the northeaster and put his
finger mullet in the Guana
water on Wednesday and it did-
n't take long for him' to pull in
~" "1 '~-d
10 flounder. His largest weighed.
seven pounds.
Capt. Dave Sipler fished the
river last Sunday with live
shrimp and caught 20 speckled,
trout, two flounder, a
sheepshead and two goliath
grouper weighing up to seven
On another trip, Capt. Dave,
with George Pieper and friends
Jim and Cliff, netted 23 speck-
led trout, two reds and a dozen
sheepshead and blues.
James Gergley, Rob Harvey
and friend Greg fished the feed-
er creeks toward Nassau with
live shrimp and artificial last
Tuesday. They had an outstand-
ing morning catching 40 red-
bass, 30 trout, five flounder and
a drum. .
Larry "Fishman" Finch used
sandfleas for bait and had a
great day on the whiting in the
surf at Flagler Beach. He caught
* 90 whiting and a few small'
pompano last Tuesday mom-
On Wednesday, the
"Fishman" and Capt. Mike
Gaibo anchored along the big
letties and used live fiddlers to
pull 28 sheepshead out of the
rocks. Some of their sheepshead
weighed five pounds.
Capt. Mike and Larry partici-
pated in last weekends'
sheepshead tournament and
they won first place with their
three largest sheepshead weigh-
ing 18 pounds.
Ron Watterman used sand-
fleas in the surf at south Ponte
Vedra last Wednesday and
caught 20 big whiting, two
drum and a pair of redbass.
Capt. Fred Bridges used artifi-
cials in the feeder creeks last
Tuesday and caught 20 trout,
three redbass and a flounder.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow, his
son Scott and their friend Greg
Williams, fished the river last
Monday and caught thirteen
speckled trout to 17 inches,
nine redbass to 19 inches and a
b On'Wednesday, Fred took
guests A. J. Wright and his
uncle Glen to the feeder creeks
north of Sisters Creek and
caught 12 speckled trout and
nine redbass to 26 inches.
Jacksonville Beach Pier fish-
ing has been sporadic. A few
whiting, sheepshead, redbass
and drum have come over the
rail but the big bite of large
whiting has vet to occur.
Spencer Brogden caught six
sheepshead last Monday with
fiddlers. Ron Twomey weighed
up a six-pound sheepshead.
Al Wiltshire and John
Burroughs on the "Sharkey's
Den II" anchored not too far
from the old Fort in St.
Augustine last Wednesday and
caught 30 big whiting and 40
Good Fishin'.
Pholos subi.T;tled
ABOVE: Don Webb
caught this redbass in
the river recently with
guide Fred Morrow.
LEFT: Captain Mike
Morris displays one of
the dozens of pom-
pano he recently
caught fishing at
Nassau Sound.
Photo submitted
Christopher Lesage, 19, grandson of Tommy Dunn, caught this
62-pound amberjack recently while fishing on the "Jody Lynn"
w.itGapt.- Robert-Johnson out ft.St. Augustine.
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TISSUE ........... 4rolipk 400 NILLAWAFERS .. iioz /$600
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I HiUTERFlU Il1n 2... RArCl ....A oz7.-/ 0
Golden Ripe
Fresh Jumbo Florida
Western I 48s t
Paop 2B
The Beaches'Leader/Ponte'Vedra Leader
<. a. NEASE: Earned trip to Miami
Continued from page Bl
the interview which found its
way to the Internet, the Polk
County School Board cleared
Lakeland's star running back
to play after a hasty "investi-
gation" concluded there was
no credible evidence that he
had accepted gifts. Well,
except for Rainey's gloating-
on-tape remark that "It's real-
I' nice to be me."
The FHSAA has said it will
launch its own inquiry, but
for now the Dreadnaughts
have a fifth state champi-
onship trophy to add to their
Following Nease's appear-
ance in the Class 4A title
game Saturday, Miami
Northwestern won the Class
6A state championship, led by
19-year-old running back
Anrwain Easterling, who was
arrested Thursday and
charged with lewd and lascivi-
ous battery stemming from
his admission to taking part
in consensual group sex with
a 14-year-old.
Despite the incident alleged-
ly having taken place in a
Northwestern High School
bathroom, principal Dwight
Bernard gave the green light
for Easterling to play in the
championship game.
There are those who will
lump Nease, Lakeland and
Northwestern into the same
heap and say, "Wrong is
wrong is wrong."
3Pr.... r*. OC I AAIJC'ELO
'ATOP LEFT: Nease's Zack
SCooper executes an onside
-' "kick.
V ABOVE: Panthers cornerback
Justinh Grant makes a fourth-
quarter intbrception.
LEFT: Head coach Craig
won Howardand QB Ted Stachitas
S .a i s discuss strategy..
PANTHERS. Fall in state title game
Continued from page Bi
Stachitas (7 of 15 for 175
yards, 2 picks) rushed for the'
bulk of his team-high 96 yards
in the first half, while Zach
Tronti ran for 76 of his 88'
yards irn the second stanza.
"I wanted to keep Marve off,
the field by running the ball
more," said Howard, whose,
team outrushed Plant .188-90.,
"Ted's effort on-the go-.
ahead touchdown was great ,
stuff. Some guys might not
have finished the game after
the hit he took to his hip [in.
the third quarter]."
"Nease is tough," added
\\einer, who turned Plant into-
a 15-0 state champion after
posting a 3-7 record two years
ago. -..
"They plowed it down the
field in the second:half. We
knew we had to corral their
quarterback because he's such
a good player. Even though he
hiad his moments, I thought
we handled him pretty well."
Boqth quarterbacks tossed-
interceptions, but two poten-
tial Plant giveaways on the
game-winning drive will
haunt Nease in the offseason.
Senior Al Della Porta forced
a fumble on the kickoff that
Plant's Chris' Kuzdale recoy-
ered at his own 22.
Marve fumbled 11 plays
later on the Nease 4 after Ben
Cowell barred the ball loose.
Plant center Mike Walsh was
credited with the recovery.
Grant also had a potential
pick in the first quarter, but
dropped the ball inside Plaht's
30-yard line.
The difference maker:
,Winter's heads-up 2-point pass,
to-backl'up ullback Chris
-Hesson came after'a high-snap
from Walsh. .
'"We had our chances,"
added Cowgill, whose defense
allowed only three second-half
scores in five playoff games.'
"You have to give Plant,
credit. They executed and
made plays'when it counted."
Final Notes: 'Stachitas '
rushed for 1,130 yards and
passed for 2,51-4 in 15 starts.
He threw 29 TDs.versus 10
picks. Tronti finishes with a
team-high 1.563 yards and 18
pushingg TDs. Grant had 10
picks this season. The
Panthers return nine starters,
including kicker Zack Cooper.
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Some will say every big-
time program cheats in one
form or another and Nease,
Lakeland and Northwestern
just happened to get caught.
Rainey and Easterling prob-
ably shouldn't have played in
their respective title games. If
the FHSAA eventually strips
the Dreadnaughts of their
2006 championship, lots of
players who had nothing to
do with receiving gifts or
money will suffer a loss.
But those who say Nease's
appearance in the Class 4A
title game is tainted because
of what occurred with the
transfer player are wrong. The
penalties passed on by high
school football's governing
body did not include a ban on
postseason play.
Take that as an indication
that despite FHSAA officials'
pronouncements that Nease
had committed "major viola-
tions," the infractions really
didn't amount to much more
than lapses in judgement.
Nease-haters can take solace
in the fact that the two coach-
es involved paid the price by
losing their jobs. The school is
paying the price not only in
terms of the $20,000 fine, but
in the embarrassment of being
on probation until 2012.
Yet despite the distractions
and attention that follow a
team defending its state title,
Panthers players earned their
trip to Miami on the field. As
it should be.
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For this weeks events visit
r Pla I PauJe h Ston
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedrif! Leader
Page 3B*
December 13, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
December 13, 2006
Deen at Bookmark: Paula Deen, an expert on
southern cooking who: does "Paula's Home
Cooking" on the Food Network, will be at The
Bookmark from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.:, signing her
books. Deen will sign just two books per cus-
tonier, one of which must be "Paula Deen
SCelebrates" For information, call 241-9026.
Newcomers: Newcomers of Beaslev of DeVale's will pres-
the Beaches, an organization ent "Christmas Creations" at
for women who are new to the 10 a.m. at the Ribault Garden
area, meets at 11 a.m. at the Club, 705 2nd Ave. N.,
4,Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st Jacksonville Beach. The cost of
Street N., Jacksonville Beach. the Fun with Flowers program,
Bill Cosnotti will present a for which attendees must pro-
program .about the vide their own clippers, is $15.
Jacksonville, Symphony, and Reservations, which can be
flutist. Lorraine Roettges will made by calling 221-5191, are
provide a musical demonstra- a must.
tion. Call Bonnie Lynch at .
904-821-9002 to join or for Sterling's Birthday: Sterling
information. Joyce's Birthday Bash, an
annual holiday charity
Ribault Garden Club: Mistv fundraiser for BEAM, which
helps families in crisis, and
for From Jacksonville with
Love, which began as a disas-
ter relief organization after
Hurricane Katrina, begins at
6 p.m. at the Atlantic
Theatres. Admission price is
$25, plus an unwrapped toy
for a child aged 2 to 15 and a
nonperishable food item.
Joyce, Maitre' D and
Manager at Casa Marina in
Jacksonville Beach, shares his
birthday each year with chil-
dren and charities by spear-
heading, the collection for
BEAM and From Jacksonville
with Love. Many local busi-
nesses contribute to the
evening, and local musicians-
will perform. For infortma-
tion, call, 904-249-7529 or
v s i t
Donations may be made to
BEAM by- calling Cindy
Funkhouser at 904-241-2326'
or by visiting
w w w j a x bea m. or g.
Donations to From
Jacksonville with Love can he
made by calling Frank
Phinizy. at 904-726-0565 or,
.by going to :www.fromjack-
V'FW Ladies Auxiliary:
The Ladies Auxiliary of
Greater Beaches VFW Post
3270 holds its monthly.
meeting and also a Christmas
celebration at 7 p.m. at the'
Post, 915 8th 'Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Members,
should bring a covered dish,
dessert or snack and a $10-or-
less gift for a White Elephant'
gift exchange. For informa-
tion, call 249-7366.
Thursday, Dec. 14
Seniors Sing-A-Long: The'
Dunn \Vellness Center holds.
its ninth annual Holiday Sing-
A-Long for the residents of
Pablo Towers from 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. The .event will be
held, in the Pablo Towers,
Community Center, 1.15 3rd
St. S., Jacksonville Beach. For
information about the sing-a-
long or foi anyone wishing to
contribute a gift, call the
Dunn Wellness Center at 249-
1551 or email Rhonda Dunn
at rdunn@dunnwellness.com.
Special Needs Workshop:
Local attorney Dan Armstrong
speaks at 10:30 a;m. at a free
Special Needs Trust Workshop,
to be held at 324 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. The work-
shop is presented by Adams &
Marsema, tax and financial
advisors, and hosted by Brett
Brenner. To reserve a seat, call
Friday, Dec. 15
Christmas Potluck: The
Persephone ,Healing .Arts
Center at 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, holds a
Christmas Potluck Dinner
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
For those interested in attend-
ing, RSVP to 904-246-3583
with whatever dish will be
brought '
Saturday, Dec. 16
Beaches Nutcracker: The
Beaches Nutcracker takes the
stage, at Fletcher High at 7
p.m. and: features local per-
formers of.all ages. For ever
ticket purchased, a new pair of
shoes and hot meal will be
provided to an orphan in
India. To buy tickets, call 904-
241-1266. .
Life-Saving Christmas: The
American Red Cross Volunteer
LIfe Saving Corps holds its
annual Christmas party. Call
Chrissvy Wallis at 591-0451 for
information and reservations.
Sunday, Dec. 17
An annual holiday social
event, opento all women, will
be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
in the Vista Del Mar clubhouse
of the Vista Del Mar condos
on 1st Street, South' between
22nd and 26th'Avenues South
in Jacksonville Beach. A White
Elephant gift exchange begins
at 3 p.m. Refreshments will be
served, and a raffle will be'
conducted. There is no charge,
but donations will be accept-
ed. If planning to attend, send
an email to infoi('untamedad-
ventures.org or call 241-9920
and leave a message. For infor-
mation, visit
Monday, Dec. 18
Drive safely: A two-dayk
AARP Driver Safety Class runs
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
and Tuesday at the *Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The class is designed to pro-
mote awareness of the effects
of aging on drivers .over the
age of 50. A certificate of com-
pletion may entitle partici-
pants to an automobile insur-
ance discount. Cost of the
course, for which class size is
limited, is $10. To register, call
904-823-9208 or 904-273-
'Smokin' Red Hats: The
Smokin' Red Hat Ladies of
Greater Beaches VFW Post
3270 meet between 5 p.m. and
6 p.m. at the Post, 915 8th
Ave, S.,-Jacksonville Beach, to
head to Fleet Landing for
Christmas \ -caroling. After
singing, the Red Hats return to
the Post for a Christmas cele-
bration. The Ladies are asked
to bring a covered dish and a
gift, $10 or less, for a gift
exchange. ;For information,
call 247-3861 or 242-0042.
Tuesday, Dec. 19
Chabad @' the Beaches:
Chabad @ the Beaches invites
all families to its Children's
Story Hour at 4:30 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Library, 600
Third Street. Program director
Leah Kurinsky will present an
interactive program with
games and crafts for the chil-
dren. During the-week of
Chanukah. she will teach chil-,
dren about the Festival of,
Lights, including the proper
way to light a menorah and
how to play dreidel.
Admission is free and open to,
the community. For informa-
tion, call Chabad @ the
Beaches at 285-1588 or e-mail
Dolphin Cove: 'The
Dolphin Cove Coimunity
Association meets at 7 p.m. in
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. There will be a meet-
and-greet session at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 21
Healing open house: Dr.
Andrea Schaeffer-Pautz, 'with
Persephone Healing Arts
Center at 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, hosts an
open house from 5:30 p.m. to
7 p.m. For information, call
Wednesday, Dec. 27
Camp Bike 06: The
Triumph Foundation Inc.
hosts "Camp Bike 06," a five-
day event at Jane Macon
Middle School-in Brunswick,
Ga. The camp, sponsored by
Southeast, Gebrgia Health
Systems, is designed to teach
individuals with disabilities
how to ride a bicycle without
training wheels. Space is limit-
ed. For information or to sign
someone up, contact Cynthia
Lupi at 912-634-6828. The
event is being sponsored by
Southeast Georgia Health
Sunday, Jan. 7
LAX signup: The Ponte
, Vedra Lacrosse Club's girls pro-
gram holds its final of, two
signups from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
at the Landrum Fields: A free.
clinic will be held that day
from 2 p.m.;to 4 p.m.. The
girls' season, the cost of which
is $100, will run from Feb. 25
to May 6. Signup forms are
available at
pvbgir lsla x@'aol.com. ,
Tuesday, Jan. 16
"Einstein Alive, "sponsored
by the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation, begins
a two-day run;in Ponte Vedra
Beach. "Professor Einstein"
speaks of his life and guides
audience's through the adven-
tures of his mind at 9 a.m. for
Rawlings fifth graders, and
again for fifth graders at 1
* p.m., at Ocean Palms
Elementary. He moves on to,
seventh graders at Landrum
Middle, School at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 17.
tIi J--, 1 ?,Iam
Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call
246-4158 for information.
Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Beaches Senior
Center, 281. 19th Avenue S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. For information, call 241-
Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group : at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. at the Florida
Cancer. Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hospi-
tal campus. Call 247-2910 for
information. .
GTN Family Fun Hoiur: The
GTM Reserve hosts a Family
Fun Hour the third Wednesday,
Sof each month. The hour of
Stories, activities and nature
crafts is suitable for ages 3 to
10 with parent. All materials
will be supplied. The Family
Fun Hour is open to groups.
However, reservations must be
made by calling 904-823-4500.
'"Holiday Nature Story and
Crafts" is the theme from 2
p.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 20. The
holiday story, "Stranger in the
Woods," provides an opportu-
nity to take home a holiday
nature craft just in time for.
last-minute stocking stuffers.
Crafts will include oyster shell
Santa ornaments, palm frond
reindeer and seashell wreaths.
Sons of Italy: Sons of Italy
Beaches Lodge 2821 conducts
its monthly general meeting at
7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday
of eyery month at the Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716,
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. A
social time starting at 6:30
p.m. precedes the meeting.
Anyone, male or female of
Italian heritage or not, who6 is
interested in attending a meet-
ing is welcome as a guest. For
information, call 904-242-
Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets at noon at Selva
Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskliwa nis.com for
River City Sinigles Club:
The River City Singles Club,
Inc., a chapter of the Singles
Association of Florida iSAF),
holds a dance fhornom 8 p.m, to
11 p.m. at the Knights of
.Columbus : Hall; 1501
Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. Live music, snacks and
refreshments are provided. For
information, call 779-1234.
Recovery. Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's,
Family Life Center, 5,78 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for information.
Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from 9
a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
Tennis Center in Jacksonvi\lle
Beach. For information, call
'Moe at 247-6221.:
'A senior men's doubles ten-
nis "C" level league plays
through April at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday morn-
ings. The league has home
and away matches. Call Bob
Totter at 247-1865 for informa-
Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and test-
ed, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available
for adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
Kernan boulevards.
, Depression, support:
,Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
for information.'.
Exchange '
Club of
lacksonville Beaches, a non-
profit community service
organization, meets each week
from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at
the Sea Turtle Inn. There will
be no meeting Dec. 29. First-
time visitors receive a free
breakfast. Those deciding to
join will get first-quarter memi
bership for $30. After that,
dues are $115 per quarter. For
information, call Jack Morison
at 904-318-7162 ,or e-mail
club.com. The club website,
for information about upcom-
ing speakers and programs, is
A gift certificate from the award-winning Spa at the Ponte
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Page 4B
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Start 2007 with a sound game plan
from the Hughes Financial Group
j I
\N I o m.PUKNT Ffhm
Whether you're already
retired or seriously planning for
retirement, the team of finan-
cial service professionals at the
Hughes Financial Group in
Jacksonville Beach has valuable
knowledge they'd like to share ',
with you. They also understand -
the financial challenges you ",
as a retiree or retiree wannabe
- might face as you chart your
financial, course and develop a s ""
game plan for your future. _
As, an independent and local-
ly owned firm, the team at the
Hughes Financial Group stands
ready to help you make intelli-
gent and informed decisions
about your finances. The driv- ... :.'
ing force behind the team is-
father Neil Hughes, a Raymond
James Financial Planner and
Investment Advisor ...; *
Representative and a gradu-
ate of the United States Military ..' .
Academy, West Point.
' Daniel "Dan" Hughes, a' ,
Virginia Tech business graduate, .,.. .i-H
.PLANNERTM professional, and With more than 60 years
Chartered Financial With more than 60 years c
Consultant. Dwayne Hughes, a at the your financial game p
business finance graduate of the tune your financial game
University of North Florida, is a Hughes, Dan Hughes and
NERTM professional, and Jason Hughes is a Raymond James
Financial Planner arnd Investment Advisor Representative
and finance graduate of the University of Georgia.
The Hughes team has a combined 67 years of financial
and investment experience.
"Financial planning goes beyond advice on investments,"
said Neil. "It's the development and implementation of an
integrated and coordinated plan for achieving your overall
goals and dreams through a mixture of wealth accumula-
tion, risk management and insurance, retirement and dis-
tribution planning, tax planning, estate planning and -,for
business owners and execs business planning."
When helping clients design a personalized financial
plan, they get down to the basics. "Basically, people invest
for two reasons they're already in retirement and wait
money now or they're seriously.planning for retirement and
want money later," Neil said. "So in reality that includes
almost everybody and if they're .not planning for retire-
ment, they should be!"
What's one of the biggest mistakes investors make?
Making investment decisions based on emotion, rather
than facts, Neil said. "It's difficult not to let' emotions inter-
fere, so you have to have a disciplined approach that will
allow you to make investment decisions based on supply
and demand rather than emotion," he-said. :'That's where
most individuals and professionals get in- trouble not
being able to separate decision-making from the emotion."
Another challenge investors face in today's financial
arena is not a lack of, but rather an abundance of informa-
tion, according to Dan Hughes. "A lot of people are afraid to
make moves that they think are suitable investment moves
because they actually have too much information, and too
much information can add to the complexity of making a
sound decision," he said. Neil has a name for this too-much-
info mode: Paralysis by analysis. -
To help their clients avoid the pitfalls of emotion-based'
decision-making, round-the-clock numbers-watching and
paralysis by analysis, they use a different strategy, one
which helps benefit their clients in the long run, according
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if combined experience, the Raymond James financial advisors
roup, Inc., in Jacksonville Beach can help you develop and fine-
lan. Pictured above are (left to right) Dwayne Hughes, Neil
Jason Hughes.
to Dan. "We help our clients avoid yet another big mistake
that trips up many investors not knowing which side of
the market to be on at any given time," he said.
"For example, we need to ask the question should we
be in a wealth-accumulation mode or in a wealth-preserva-
tion mode?" Dan said, "And this is not just a function of
novice investors not knowing, because a lot of professional,
investors don't know either."
To help answer this question, they use an important tool.
"We use technical analysis, which is not paralysis by analy-
sis but something most of us learned in Econ 101 in college
or high school supply and demand," Dan said. "If more
people are looking to buy, the price usually goes up, and we
have different gauges to determine if that's occurring in.the
market as a whole ."
"Somewhere you have to separate what's important from
what's not important," added Neil. "The use of technical
analysis helps us do that and at the same time remove emo-
tions from those decisions."'
The concept is not as complex as it sounds. Dan compares
it to football. "It's a matter of knowing whether you're on
defense or offense," he said. "If you're on offense, you're
trying to score, and if you're on defense you're trying to
protect the score you already have and hopefully get the
ball. back and run offensive plays again to increase your
If the Hughes Financial Group's game plan rings a bell for
you during this holiday season, give Neil, Dan, Dwayne or
Jason a call today. "It's never too late and it's never too early
to start your financial game plan," Neil said.
Hughes Financial Group, Inc., An Independent Firm, is
located. at 131 Second Ave. N., Suite 100, in Jacksonville
Beach"-- one block east of the intersection of North Third
Street and Second Avenue North. Securities and Investment
Advisory Services are offered through Raymond James
Financial Services., Inc., Member NASD/SIPC. For more
information on developing your financial game plan, call
241-1214, fax 241-3606 or visit
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Page 5B
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Decemer 13 200
~' ~-4'n
/ and E
December 13, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
There is a bowling league for seniors 55 and up
at Beach Bowl on Beach Boulevard. Competition
in the Monday league begins at 1 p.m., with prac-
tice starting at 12:45 p.m. -Call Paula at 249-9849
for information.
Christmas Sports Camps
Two Christmas Sports Camps will be held at St.
Paul's School. The first will be Dec. 21 to Dec. 22
and costs $50. The second, which runs from Dec.
26 to Dec. 29, costs $90. Single-day rates are avail-
able. The camps run from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each
day and are open to kindergarten through eighth
graders. Campers will participate in team sports
and age-appropriate activities.' Fridays are pizza,
bowling and T-shirts days. For information, visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or call Tommy
Hulihan at 349-2611.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for Girls on the Run of
N.E. Florida, an after-school program for girls that
.combines running and training for a 5K (3.1
miles) run/walk, along with healthy living educa-
tion and life lessons. Spring programs take place
at various locations throughout Ponte Vedra'.
Beach, Atlantic. Beach and Neptune Beach.
Volunteer coaches are also needed to work with a
team of, girls. For more information phone 321-
4315 or visit www.GOTRneflonda.org.
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse girls program is going
to have signup from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 7 at the
Landrum fields. A free clinic will be given that
day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Signups can be accom-
plished by e-mailing Leslie Santillo at pvbgirl-
sla.x@aol.com. The girls season will run from' Feb.:
25 through May 6. The cost is $100 per player.
Rh'er Run Training Camps.
Registration is now open for those of all fitness
levels that want to walk or run the River Run-
scheduled for for March 2007. The training camps
will begin Jan. 2 but interested individuals must
register early because space is limited. Call Pushpa.
Duncklee, 403-9568. ,
Registration for the Ponte Vedia Soccer Club's
spring season will end Jan. 10 Electronic registra-
tion is available via the Internet; at
PonteVedraSoccer-Club.com, Cost is $130 and
new players must provide copy of birth certificate.
Children must have been 4 by July 31, 2006, tq
play. The season takes place from March to May.
Registration for the Beaches Soccer League
spring season sponsored by Fletcher High School
will take place during January at Soccer Stop, 1518
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach during regu-
lar business hours. BSL is a recreational league for
players 4 years old through 6th grade. Roster size
is eight players and games are five-a-side with no
goalkeepers. Registration fee is $60 for an eight-
game season and includes shirt and socks. Games
begin the week of March 5 and are played Tuesday
or Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. at the San
Pablo Elementary School fields. Contact Mike
Levine at levinem@educationcentral.org or 635-
Strollerfit exercise with your baby. Outdoor
classes where mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are taking place .in
Atlantic Beach Thursdays and Saturdays, and Fort
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from
9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Call Siobhan Reigle at
A senior men's doubles league at the "C" level
will begin October 10 at Huguenot Tennis Center.
Seniors must be over 50 years 'old to qualify.
Matches will take place Friday mornings until
April 2007. For more information phone Bob
Totter at 247-1865.
Women's Fitness
Registration is now taking place for Beach Girls
Fitness, an outdoor fitness program for women.
Camps involve total body workouts designed to
help women lose weight, gain energy and build
self-esteem. Camps take place Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. For more
information contact Pushpa Duncklee at 403-
9568 or visit beachgirlshtness.com.
Hall of Fame Class of 2006
Five exhibits recognizing the Class of 2006,
Larry Nelson, Vijay Singh, Marilynn Smith and
the late Mark McCormack and Henry Picard, are,
on display at the World Golf Hall of Fame. Each
exhibit features personal memorabilia that repre-
sent the inductees' historical influence on, the
sport of golf, significant moments in their lives on
the course aid also their personal interests. For
more informationcall 904-940-4123.
Clockwise from left: Bubbly Cheddar Pesto Tomatoes; Cheesy Dubliner Polenta: Apple, Cheese
and Smoked Turkey Cups; and Steak Bites
It's the most exciting time ,
S of the year but also the
busiest. How can you host
. a spectacular holiday get-
together and still have time to
enjoy your guests?
Keep it simple. Build your.
refreshments around two pop-
ular and reliable party
favorites, wine and cheese.
Make up easy hors d'oeuvres
and plate them with flair.
Start with a no-fuss cheese
tray, and build your menu
around it. Imported cheeses
from Ireland, widely available
from the supermarket, add
affordable elegance.
To accompany your menu,
serve guests several different.
wine varietals to satisfy every
taste. Look for easy-drinking
wines that offer great quality
and value, such as those com-
ing from Australia.
Try These
Additional Tips
for Fabulous,
No-Fail Holiday'
The Food
A cheese tray is simple to
prepare and always welcome.
Arrange a selection of delec-
table cheeses, such as
Kerrygold's Dubliner, Aged
Cheddar, Blarney Castle and
Swiss on a large platter or
wooden board. Serve with a
scattering of toasted nuts,
fruits and a basket of
baguettes or crackers.
You don't have to make an
extra trip to a specialty cheese
store for your party fare..
Imported Kerrygold cheeses
and butter are available locally
at many leading supermarkets.
All milk used in these dairy
products comes from gAss-fed
cows roaming freely, on small
family farms in Ireland; the
milk is crafted into cheeses
and butter using centuries-old
To purchase cheese for a,
party, estimate about 4 ounces
per guest. Always serve cheese
at room temperature for best
texture and flavor.
For more scrumptious hol-
iday recipes, visit www.kerry-
The Wine
Save time and avoid the
stress of fumbling with a
corkscrew by choosing wines
with screw cap closures, such
as Wolf Blass Yellow Label .
Riesling and Shiraz. In addi-
tion to their convenience,
these wines are extremely
food friendly and pair well
with a wide range.'of holiday
Screw caps offer the added
benefit of capturing the wine's
peak flavor without the risk of
spoilage from a faulty cork.
"For quality wines, the screw
cap closure is the way of the
future because it preserves the
wine the way the winemaker-
intended it to taste," says
Chris Hatcher, chief winemak-
er for Wolf Blass IWVines of
How much wine do you
need for your party? Experts
at Wolf Blass estimate about.
five to seven glasses per bottle.
If you're having a large party,
set out several varietals and let
guests choose. Always include
bottled water and soft drinks
for designated drivers.
For more information on
Australian wines, regions and
more, visit
/ \ ,
Bubbly Cheddar Pesto
Makes 40 appetizers
40 large cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup prepared pesto
;3 ounces (1/4-inch cubes)
Aged Cheddar Cheese
1/4 cup crushed herb
1 tablespoon Kerrygold Pure,
Irish Butter, melted
Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
Cut small piece off the bot-
tom of each tomato to sit flat
on baking sheet. With sharp
knife, cut top off each tomato;
remove seeds with small
spoon. Spoon pesto into
tomatoes and top with cheese,
'dividing equally. Combine
crumbs and butter and sprin-
kle over tomatoes. Bake 5
minutes or until bubbly. Serve
Pair with Wolf Blass Yellow
Label Riesling or Chardonnay.
Apple, Cheese and Smoked
Turkey Cups
Makes 30 appetizers
1/2 cup (1/4-inch cubes)
Kerrygold Blarney Castle
1/2 cup (1/4-inch cubes) red
1/2 cup (1/4-inch cubes)
smoked turkey
3 tablespoons minced fresh
2 tablespoons sliced green
onion (green part only)
2 tablespoons each lemon
juice and extra virgin
olive oil
Pepper to taste
2 (2.1-ounce) boxes mini
filo shells, thawed
In bowl combine all ingredi-
ents except shells Chil.l"l
hour or up to se eraIl hours
ahead. Spoon mixture equally
into shells and serve immedi-
Pair with Wolf Blass Yellow
Label Riesling.
Cheesy Dubliner Polenta
Makes 24 appetizers
4 cups low-sodium.chicken
broth .
1/4 cup pure Irish butter
1 cup polenta
2 cloves garlic, minced ..
7 ounces shredded
Kerrygold Dubliner
1/2 cup minced roasted red
bell pepper-
1 tablespoon minced fresh
Pepper to taste
Butter a 13- by 9-inch bak-
ing dish. In medium
saucepan, bring broth and
butter to boil. Add polenta;
cook and stir over low heat 10.
minutes. Add remaining
ingredients and cook 5 min-,
utes more. Pour into baking.
dish and chill at least 1 hour.
Cut into 2-inch squares or dia-
monds. Serve at room temper-
ature or grill a minute or two
on each side.
Pair with Wolf Blass Yellow
Label Shiraz.
Steak Bites
Makes 8 to 10 appetizers
1/4 cup pure Irish Butter,
1 pound beef tenderloin
steaks, 1 1/2 to 2 inches
3 tablespoons grainy Dijon
2 tablespoons chopped fresh
rosemary or thyme
1 1/2 teaspoons coarse
ground pepper
24 baguette slices
Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
'In ovenproof skillet, melt 1
tablespoon of the butter. Sear
steaks over medium-high heat
about 2 minutes each side. In
bowl combine remaining but-
ter, mustard, herbs and pep-
per. Spread 1 tablespoon of
the mixture onto the baguette
slices; spread remaining on
top and sides of steaks. Bake
steaks 8 to 10 minutes,
remove from oven and let
stand 5 minutes. Thinly slice
on diagonal and place on
baguette slices, dividing equal-
*You can substitute with
Kerrygold Garlic & Herb
Butter; omit fresh herb.
Pair with Wolf Blass Yellow
Label Shiraz or Cabernet
.v over, 50%
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December 13, 2006
The Leader
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based on race, color, religion, sex,
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.in ,:r ihe intention to make any such.
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The Leader Group will rol knowingly ac-
cept any advenising lor real estate
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paired 1 (800)927-9275.
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WY.OMING RANCH Dispersal 35 acres -
$49 900 70 acres $89.900. 110 acres -
$1 32.90( Snow-capped mourniain views
Surrounded by gov't land. Abundant, wild-
life. Recreational paradise. Low taxes. EZ
Terms. ,Call Utah Ranches, LLC.
JAX BCH 5 blocks to ocean, corner lot
consider owner financing. Owner/ Agent
$174,900. 463-7343.
1+ ACRE Mounlain Lots. Minutes from
Haye'sv ile trC, Hiawassee River and
Lake Chaiuga Build your home for a life-
time. Lots rrnge in price from $54 900
to $87,900 Call 828-389-8843 or 904-
-'54.9644 .
NORTH FLORIDA land lor sale 20-acre
Chestnut Orchard, Suwannee Counry: 10:
and 20-acre irarcts r,igh & dry'. Madison
County; $8,500.9,500.'acre (850)971-
7208 '
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots. $500
down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
or '(352)'236-4579.-
MANDARI'J 1 3 acres on San lose & Bay
Meadows. Resideninal or Commercial.
$485k, Call Rnr,. Selisiaic Broker
.234-6854 .
NORTH CAROLINA- Beautiful Blue Ridge
Mountain Views. 3.2 Acre Mountain Es-:.
tatS. Heavily Wooded with Sirarre EZ F.
nancing- $29,900. (800)230-6380,
Below appraisal, and recent price reduce
tion. Must sell. Bring all offers. Best buy at
the beach. Gail with Vanguard GMAC.
NEPTUNE BEACH, concrete block, 4
blocks from ocean. $268,000. 372-4477.
4BR 3 5BA granite counters thru-out.
Large screened porch. A Must See!
$585,000. (904)536-7007.
BIKE TO the beach! Solano Woods 104.
Mallard Trail Ponte Vedra, 3/2, 1500
sq.ft., pool, $349,900, F.S.B.O.; 285-1678
JUST REDUCED huge 5BR/3BA, on golf
course. South Hamptdn, off Hwy. 210,
3800sf, large bonus, 2 car garage, real
bargain, $465,000. Realty Executives,
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A, Florida room, fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem; well, new windows,, blinds, move in
ready, 12 blocks to ocean, $299,000, 710-
2600, 534-3411. .
3/2 ATTACHED new roof, appliances,
flooring, paint. Below appraisal @
$189,000. San Pablo & Beach, Owber/
Broker 982-7620.
WEST BEACHES, Pablo Point, 3/2 +loft,
huge lot, all cedar, many upgrades,
$305,000, 631-3029.
2/2, NEW: roof, kitchen, baths, fence &
laminate throughout, 1 car garagelg back-
yard & lanai. $229K OBO. (904)343-2344
or (904)237-6341.
FSBO 5/4 3000sf gated community, 5
miles to ocean. As Is $290,000. Emily
blocks from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
Granite, upgrades. $369,000. Call John
R/E Broker (904)699-8887
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acrps, 4/3, 2950sf, built 2002, $469,000
OBO, Independent Brokers & Associates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.
2/2 TOWNHOUSE. 630 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach. $175K. 1100sf. New roof,
AC, windows, siding. Call 904-536-6945.
60x125, 9th Ave. N. Make offer.
PRICE REDUCED! 4BR/3BA, very pri-
vate, 1/3 acre lot. 6 blocks to beach and
golf. $239.,000. (904)463-3738.
All advertising accepted subject to
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the error. All errors are to be
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Publisher assumes no financial
responsibility for omissions.
Oceanfronlt Neiercustom built 5BR,
4.SBA, uh 4725 SF. \iewi of the ocean
from the east and ICW the west. Office,
formal living and dining, rile and
hard ood floors -pool and spa, screened
lanai wih hot tub, and private beach.
Isleof Palms- Former model %ith 2705
SF and $71.000 in upgrades on
navigable water...iust bnng your boat!
Family oom with fireplace. formal
dining, and deluge master suite. Two
screened lanais, deck. balcony. dock c/
boat hit. $.%9.000
South Hampton Water to golf \iew.
compliment this 5BR. 4BA execuuve
home on the 171h green. Chefs kitchen
SiLh cherry cabinets. island. conan, tile,
3 car garage. screened lanai, two bonus
rooms, comm pool, priced 525k below
appraisal 5750.000
Odoms Mill Lakefroni 5BR. 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai.
bonus room is perfect teenage reveal, nm-
law suite. isood and tile floors. conan
counters., formal having and dining, 3 car
garage. comm. pool. 679.000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded. light and bright 4BR.
2.5BA ith loft, formal living and dinmcn
room. new carpel and patnt, tile floors.
c ersized screened lanai. lots of storage.
comm pool 5-199,500
Pablo Bay W\%h. % ait to build? This
4BR, 2BA all bnck home is read\ now!
Enjoy relaxing e'erungs on your co ereqd
lanai overlooking. the peaceful lake
Upgrades include tile, 42 inch cabinets.
open kitchen with island. cornan
U7i 0lO0
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
struction Golf Community. Large lots &
condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature
views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, tennis,
Trails, Docks. $70k's- $300k. (877)266-
7376 www.cooperspoint.com.
GULF FRONT lots $595k. Homes starting
mid $300k. New master planned ocean
front community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinna-
monshore.com, (866)891-5163.
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elevated homesite, good access, view,
trees, nearby river, $59,500 (866)789-
NORTH CAROLINA Cool Mountain Air,
views & streams, -homes, cabins & acre-
age. Free Brochure (800)642-5333. Realty
Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy,
N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina. Must see
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NC Mountains Homes, Cabins, Acreage &
Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty
GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. cherokee-'
mountainrealty.com Call for free brochure
A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700
U -
DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
QUICK SALE! 3 2, 2 car gar, Iresnly
panied new vinyls Near schools & Won-
Oerwood $179.900 :
WOLF CREEK- 3 2.5 condo Almost
Drand new w*, garage & many upgrades;
$249,900 -
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3.2, n.ce starter
home. good area $148.000
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut. stone
irplr.. lenced yard. comer lot. Close to
scnoois/ Deaches. Reduced to $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4/2, better than
newly Many upgrades. $298,000.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600sf, 3/2,
like new. $229,900.
HARBOR WINDS- 3/2, 2 car gar.. owner
must sell lasi' $204 900
4.2 near schools & shops $234 500
221-1711 OR 241-5501
ATLANTIC BCH, Large Duplex, 2BR
1.5BA, tile floors, wood floors in bed-
rooms. Nice backyard. $250,000 each
.side. Owner 241-8508.
,* ,
4 clocks ocean. 2BR/2BA, brand new car-
pel, cuslom blinds, large klicrien,
'creened porch, sprinkler system, fenced,
attached garage, approx. 1200sf.
$289 000. By appt. (904)247-1490.
FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximalely 1
mile to beach, 1BR/1.5BA woron, new root,
wood deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready. $217,000. 242-7529,
PVB/ NACATEE, almost new, 3BR/2BA,'
w/versatile front room, open floor plan,
light & bright. screened pool w/covered la-
nai large mtie granite counters with up-
graded cabinets, greai schools appros.
2000sl Asking $357 000. Willing io co-op
537-3969 Frank
4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+sf., new roof,
HVAC, fence, flooring, windows, garage
door. Reduced to $369,000.
2BR/2BA, off Hodges Blvd.- near JTB- 3rd
floor unit. $165,900.
TWO 1BR/ 1BA +loft Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with huge great room, private back-
yard, great for entertaining, Low mainte-
nancelandscaping. $319,900..
Costs paid by seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage.
Offered at $144,900.
Off Solano Rd. 1 has'small beach cottage,
been remodeled. Take advantage of golf
views or purchase both for your dream
home... Not many like this 2BR/2BA
beach cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
3BR/2BA, remodeled kit., 2 car gar. Steps
to playground w/tennis courts $294,000.
Call: 904-241-4447
3 2. J.AX Bren. 1100 18in S i ir300si. ga-
raael, new roof. appliances. Ile. carpel
$269,0'IO 881-8590.
ATLANTIC BEACH home w/2 buildable,
lots, 150 ft walk tobeach and intracoastal
townhomes with boat slips,
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods', brick,
3/2/2, 1895sf, $283,500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associates, 247-4333 or
710-3111. I
Villas at Marsh Landing, 1800 The Greens
Way #1506. FSBO will co-op, 2/2 lux con-
do w/ garage, marsh views screened
o. orc. hardwood floors irpic Galed resort
s.rle, pool. 1219 900 1904)254.1-6162
I BUY Houses Best price- paid Cail John
904-4 72-3070
OCEANVIEW 3.2 Greal views om m.:i.l
roomrn. Ceramic ime, two Daiconles
$459,500. Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
PRICING! Jax Beacn, Ocean views, 1
block '.from beach, 3BR/3BA. 2200sf.
Luxury leaiures and upgrades $728 900.
Owner, agent 904)219-1689
COZY CONDO in PVB. FL $249.900
View Inlolube Ad No 154740 A MUST
SEE! 2BR,2BA in quiei cul-de-sac. lully
remTiodeled w.ie. new carpel, nige
screened-in pairio ovelooking lae. new
k.ichBn cabirneis. appliances. lirepiace &
private eniry garage w'plenry of si.orage
pace. Full access to pool, tennis courts, 3
oiccks irom the ocean. Call 707-7986 or
PV. 2.2 fireplace. screened pai-o over-
looking lake. $214 900. Vanguard Realty
PELICAN Point $730k, LandMark $950k,
WaterMark $996k. Call Renee L. Baron,
Inc. for a tour (904) 242-2821 .
JAX BCH Must sell by o.ner $209K
2BR.'2BA. new condo 249-7501
CONDO 'FOUNTAINS". Pome Vedra 695
AlA' N. 3BR/ 2BA. Lease $1295 or
- buy,, t ?9.900,V.ery clear, 2464, 9
NEW VALENCIA 22 condo, avail early
2007, super amenities. $373,800,
(757)258-8697. pcason830@aol.cm
Only $6K down, new 2/2/+ lakeview,
$209K, last one!. 727-458-4230.
PVB LOWEST priced/ best location,
2BR/2BA, fp, in Ocean Grove, walk to
beach, newly renovated/ never occupied,
$187,500, possible lease/purchase,
(215)598-7488. 1
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $495,900. Lease option.
Owner/ agent 463-7343.
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PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAX: 904-247-7475
PALM HARBOR factory liquidation sale.
2006 models. National Builder 0% down
wien you cwrn you' own larial Call ror
tr.e brochures i800i62?-2832
'OU FURNiSH painl and carpel and save
a bundle on this 14'x70', 3BR/2BA, vinyl
siding, new skirting, wood steps with plat-
form, $6000, 221-8458.
2800sf., $2800/mo includes utilities. Call
Bart @241-3111 (Ext. 11).
1 1 api 211 No. 8th St., CH&A. No dogs.
$,25 nmu ,, $350 deposit. Broker' owner
249-8766. .
Walk to, Ocean. Separate dining room.
CH&A WDHU. Nopeii too1100o lease
49.-4668. '
FURNISHED 2/1 apt., $775/mo. + $775
deposit. No smoking. No pets. 246-9162
Sext. 0#
BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St, Nep Bch, downstairs, $1050'mo mncl
util. (661)803-6275.
JAX BCH -128 7in Ave fj. 2,1. CH,A gas
slove, 187.5 mo .35 credilI ee Call
$10100 MO NEWLY renovalea spacious
,BR 1BA. Jax Beach, no smoking, 247.
035.14 .
ATLAiTIC BEACH 706 Cavalia Rd
.BR 1 5BA WDHUL enclosed porcn
$.77..,m. ,i775dep 514-8761
3BR 2BA. 2 car gar vaulted cielinqs, on
cul-de-Sac 5 mrinules to Deaches. close io
Mayo & AIm.can. School. Avail. 2/15i07
$999.mo Call Edna 19041221-7398.
ATLANTIC BCH .beautiful apartment for
rent. Avail. immediately, 374 8th Street.
Call 904-233-4784 or 904-521-7707.
808 1st St S., ,B Apl 3 888-259-0783
?BR 2BA END Unin on marsh no pets. pri.
or relerernce6 & credit check a musI. $850
En.dy, 349'-479,.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st -St. $795-
$895'm. 241-7368 733-3730
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block Io ocean
2BR sunporcn. WDHU. CH&A Lease.
deio..ii 900 mo 19046398-0470
Fiddlers Marsh If you are looking for a
true Florida home, look no further!
Adorable 3BR, 2BA patIo home. on
prernumni cuil-de-sac lakefront lol in Ponte
Vedra! Florida room Aith private iaLe
\ie-s ..no backdoor neighbors! EnE
nature at it; finest with beauuful waier
fow I. Egrets. Herons and more' $339,0r"0
Laurel Springs 4BR, 1BA pool bome
on be.auuiful laketronr lot' Upgraded tile.
covered lanai overlooks screened pool.
split bedroom plan. fireplace Enjoy
eni:rtaining in ,our spacious pool area.
nan:, upgrades' $345,000
Ibis Point 4BR. 2.5BA w/loft on pmante
culdcsac, lush landscaping. fenced ;ard.
spnnkier. open kiichen wilh breakfast bar,
formal dining, designer molding. master
bedroom is doon wvih garden rub, commit
poolitenrni $335.(00
Ja.x Beach Lipdated 4BR. 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot ( 27 acres) just
blocks io the beach' obod floors. replace.
open kitchen., formal dining, large great
room inside laundry, screened porch. shed.
hot tub wilh deck 335.1(.100
Florenline This 3BR. 2.5BA .Aih lotr is
onlk one %ear old and r-ad% no' i Enjoy
peaceful lake views from your open paun.
spacious :kchen i ith breakfast bar. fornira
living and dming. oversized laundry o' er
$40k in upgrade !! 5299.9011
Hunters Ha\ en Hone', cur up ihe credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR11BA
1, minutes to Str ohns Tourn Center'
Spacious floor plan waih ood laminate
and tile floors. open eat-in kitchen, formal
dining room, and oversized wooden deck
leads to private fenced backward cl th
'r.rinkler and mn.iir rrtees 'Q 9000(1
.- .. .
Page 7B
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA,
available now. $1700-$2600/mo. 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
NEPTUNE BCH, charming 2BR 1BA apt,
1 block from beach, storage & laundry
hook up, wood floors, new appliances &
A/C. $1000/mo. Call Rick 891-2345.
Spacious and well maintained 2 bedrooms
& 1-1/2 baths. Approximately 1100sf, 1
block to the beach. No pets, full kitchen,
washer/ dryer connections, lots of closets.
126 S. 13th Ave. Jax Beach. $950 month-
ly rental (utilities not included) $550 secur-
ity deposit. Minimum 7 month lease.
Available in December. 285-1852
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very
clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $800/mo. 409 South 2nd
Street. (415)-306-2530.
JAX BEACH; 2BR townhouse, near
ocean, CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo.
+$500/dep. 246-3130.
2 BLOCKS from ocean, 2BR/1BA, W/D
and water included, fenced-in yard.\
$1250/mo. +dep. (904)571-6142.
. 1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1stAve. South,
1 BR/1 BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606.
floors, CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks to
beach, 1st/ last mo. rent, SD, 1 year
lease. $900/m6. Donna Ross Real Es-
tate, Inc. 246-4862.
2BR/2BA, bonus room, covered patio,
CH&A, WDHU. 1207 Mayport Landing Dr.
$790/mo, $700 deposit. 280-2728. leave
QUIET AND SPACIOUS, 1 mile to Atlan-
tic Beach Town Center, 1500sf. town-
home, 2BR/2.5BA +office, W/D, garage.
No smokers/ pets, $1225/mo. 655-2718.
JAX BEACH; 2 1/2 blocks to ocean. 1/1
larger upstairs, $770/mo, 821-9751/
PONTE VEDRA Townhouse 2/2, includes
wasner dryer screened in porch, lake
view. $1300.mo 571-5517.
TWO IBR Aparlmenls, 2 blocks iron
beacr, S650,mo 1 Efficiency apanmeni 2
blocks Irom beach $550/mo. 249-6748.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA spacious bright
end unit, garage, lanai, pool, gated, close
to JTB, blocks to beach, $1350/mo.
(904)327-9788. ; "
ATLANTIC BCH Townhouse, 3BR/ 1.5BA,
$850/mo. plus sec., 1501 Jordan (East of
Mayport, off Donner). 642-1003.
SMALL 1 BR Guest House on scenic ca-
nal near intercoastal waterway, $225/wk.
Includes cable TV, wireless internet, wa-
ter, and limited electric. Available now.
1 5 BLOCKS to ocean, 174 1st Ave. S.
2BR 1BA. CHIA, no pets, $875/mo.
PVB, 3BR/2BA Townhome, WDHU, 1yr.
lease. No pets. $950/mo. +$950/sec.
NORTH JAX Beach. Efficiency, $495/mo.
1BR. $595imo 1 block to Ocean. Pool. No
pets 249-5368.
ATLANTIC BEACH off Seminole Rd.
Beautiful newer 3/2.5 townhome, 10ft ceil-
ings, light & bright, hardwood floors, 1 car
gar., small fenced backyard, 8 blocks to
beach. $1495/mo., flexible terms. And al-
so avail.
.* *,
Jax Beach, Jardin De Mer condo. Beauti-
ful, new 2/2 w/ frplc. & garage. First floor.
$1095/rim C-t,, Q )Jun ,iisl-Trusi Re 1lty,
994-3608" '
MAYPORT LANDING Townhome 2/2, end
unit, CH&A, tile floor, 1177 Songbird Lane,
$825/mo. 280-2728 leave message.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
NEPTUNE, GORGEOUS. duplex, 3/2,
1.5' bIks to ocean, gar. Downstairs,
$1400/mo. Upstairs- 'cathedral ceilings,
frplc., $1800/mo. Avail. 1/1. 993-9191,
N. JAX BCH, 310 #6, 4th Ave. N. Small,
'cute 1BR 1BA, great location. Water incl.,
laundry avail., $625/mo. 434-4499.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. nice modern
well taken care of 2BR Apt. all' amenities,
$980/mo. 247-1417.
ATLANTIC BEACH: 263 Ahern St.,
$850/mo., 287 Ahern St., $800/mo., 2
blocks to .ocean; across from Town Cen-
ter; 2BR/1BA, CH&A, hardwood floors, tile
bath & kitchen. No pets. $800 deposit, wa-
ter, garbage & sewer. included in rent.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block to ocean,
efficiency. Lease, deposit. $650/mo.
NEPTUNE BCH- 2BR/1.5BA townhouse,
1.5 blocks to ocean, dishwasher, WDHU,
$995/mo, 246-3739.
NEAR PONTE Vedra, 1 block beach. Best
area,, quiet, safe, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA lower duplex. New paint,
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking. Small
pet considered. $950/mo., lease deposit.
NEPTUNE BEACH townhouse,
2BR/1.5BA, newly renovated, kitchen
equipped, WDHU, fenced yard. No pets.
$800/mo. +deposit. (904)221-5833.
PVB/ L'ATRIUM- patio home, 2BR/2BA,
garage, $1295/mo unfurnished.
311 NORTH 1st St. Large 2BR/1BA apt.
w/den, hardwood firs., W/D, CH&A, block
from Town Center & beach $1200/mo.
floor. Large deck, 1 block to beach.
$1050/mo. includes water. 241-0897.
BEACHES/ PVB 1, 2, & 3BR with ocean
views, from $800/mo., 233-4545.
3BR/2.5BA, TOWNHOUSE, in desirable
AB, Selva Lakes, very clean, newer model
with over 1900sf. 2 car garage w/WDHU.
Community pool. 5min. bike to beach.
Walking' distance to park. $1800/mo.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sqft., tile,
new bath, CH&A, Florida room, fenced
yard, laundry room, carport, sprinkler sys-
tem, well, new windows,, blinds, 12 blocks
to ocean, $1200/mo.; month to month
lease, 710-2600, 534-3411.
2300sf., wooded lot, fenced-in yard, block
to elementary' school. Pets OK. $1750/mo.
+$1000/dep. Call 509-9310.
3BR/2BA E. of 3rd $1500/mo All new
house for rent, ss appliances, W/D, gran-
ite, tile throughout- all two blocks from the
beach 245 North St. 273-7338.
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, furnished or
unfurnished; 2400 sf, $1950/mo,
BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
home, gated community, 2900+ s,
4BR/3.5BA, 2 car garage, $1800/mo.
$499,900. (904)608-2579.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 1200sqft.,3/2 split
floor plan, makes for great roommate liv-
ing. 2 driveways and front entries, newly
remodeled, $1500/mo., deposit and utilit-
ies extra, small pet considered w/ deposit.
Call 237-6655 or 514-6092.
WEST BEACHES, 3/1, carpet, FL room,
CH&A, Ig. yard. $950/mo. TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass gated com-
munity. Bermuda Ct., across the street
from the park. Beautiful canal front,
1700sf, 2BR 2BA patio home. $1250/mo.
HomsIo LeAM th
^^ ^<^ 4BEACH RENTALS5 5555N 5-s,5555
S" Unfurnished Homes 131 Magnolia NB 2BR/1BA, ground floor Windsor Parke Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two story
I Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA, new top floor. large duplex, plus den, less than block to bch. home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed porch, fenced
condo, direct oceanfront views, amenities, $1000/mo. backyard. $1995/mo.
garage. $3000/mo. Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home, all,
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, condo has coastal West tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, comm.
luxurious features, ocean porch, sunset porch, Bishop's Court Hodges pool. $2200/mo. S
I garage. $2800/mo. End units w/views, all appliances, amenities. Unfurnished Condos
430 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/2.5BA, two 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
. story, home w/pool, fenced yard, hardwood 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities. '
floors, 2 car garage. $2295/mo. Lakecrest Southside 2BR/2BA, ground 1BR/1BA. 3rd floor with garage. $925/mo.
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand new floor condo w/upgrades, attached garage, 2BR/2BA. 2nd-floor, top/end unit, vaulted
construction w/incredible ocean views, screened porch. $995/mo. ceilings. $1050/mo. .
I upgrades, garage, amenities. $2000/mo: A .l. Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit, -
1 Pablo Beach South JB 3BR/3.5BA, three Avant- Kernman 2BR/2BA, ground floor fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded.
story townhouse w/ocean views, balconies, condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/private $1000/mo.
o attached garage. $1900/mo. water view. $1000/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor w/private views. $1100/mo.
W Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV Herons Way Hodges 2BR/2BA, brand new Ocean Links P
I 4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on townhouse with attached garage, amenities. 2BR/2BA, ground floor w/fireplace, screened 1,
. lagoon, 2 car garage, comm. pool. $1700/mo $1100/mo. porch, amenities. $1100/mo '
SSolano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, .two story IL Villagio Southside 2BR/2.5BAtwo story Jardin De Mer JB
Shame, two car garage, comm. pool. condo w/upgrades throughout, amenities. 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo wall the upgrades,
I $1500/mo.. $1200/mo garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
SThe Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse 20 o
w/wood floors,new carpet, enclosed tiled. Brightwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end
I. porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. unit townhouse, w/porch, garage, club pool. REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
The Courtyards Mayport of AB $1250/mo. Shannon Smith
S3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit Point Meadows Place Gate Pkwy (904) 285-5640
w/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks lagoon. 3BR/2BA, newer top floor condo, elevator, www.rentthebeaches.com ,
I $1100/mo. amenities, carport. $1290/mo
Page 8B
Rd., 3BR/2BA, CH&A, garage, $1300/mo. OCEAN FRONT S. PONTE VEDRA
lyr. lease. (904)707-9954. 3BR/3.5BA, 3400sf, long term Lease
$3500/mo. no pets, (904)998-2703.
5/4, GATED community, 3000sf,
$1800/mo $1750 dep, Emily -349-4759.
Eagle Ridge Drive. 4BR/2.5BA, 2000sf.
$1495/mo. 241-RENT or 733-3730.
3/2.5, 2 blocks to beach, w/shade yard,
FP, W/D no dogs, no smokers, 356 10th
St., $1475/mo 728-2477.
4.5 blocks to ocean, $1300/mo, +700 dep.
PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3, updated, large
lot on pond, $1650/mo. Call 234-6854.
Ron, Realtor.,.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/2.5 SFH, open floor
plan, travertine floors/ counter tops, carpet
in bedrooms, walk-in closets, vaulted ceil-
ings, f'place, study, screened pool, comer
lot, $2000/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125.
1129 Sebago Ave. So./ Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA, tile/carpet, fenced, no
pets. $1200/mo.
1123 Sebago'Ave So. 3BR/2BA, great
shape fenced, screened porch, carport, no
pets, $1300/mo: 631-3583 or 612-8868.
NICE 2BR/1BA townhouse flat. Large
kitchen/ appliances, ceramic tile. Lots of
closets. Close to beaches & Mayport. 66
West 5th St., AB, $950/mo, 465-2163.
ATLANTIC BCH, 4BR 2BA, like new, com-_
pletely remodeled Bike to beach & park.
$117.5/mo. 247-4527.
PVB, RENT or RTO, 3BR/2BA townhome,
1300sf. $1100/mo. $179,900. 333-2845.
3/2 house1 1 car age, $925/mo.
2/1 house, 1 car garage, $950/mo; '
3/2, 1005sf, $850/mo.
2/1.5 townhome, $850/mo.
2/1 duplex, $1195/mo,
1/1 condo, $900/mo.
3/2, 1 car gar 1700sf, $1495'mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, $1050/mo.
3/2.5, 1 car gar., $995/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, $1395/mo.
includes yard service.
3/2, 1450sf $1195/mo.
4',2. 1774sl, $1275/mo.
4'14, 2800sl, $2495/mo.
4,2.5. $1575/mo.
3/2. 1544sl. $1195/mo
3/2, 1400sr. $1150/mo.'
3/2, 2 car gar.. 2000st, $1395;mo
4 units 22 & one 3'2
from $895. $1250'mo
4/2,.2 car gar, 2000st. $1350/mo
4/2, 2 car gar. 1990Os. $1525'mo
3/2, 2 car gar., $995/mo.
3/2,,2 car gar 1425sf. $1095',mo
3.2, 1310sl. $1395'mo
4/2.5, 2200sf, $1195/mo.
4,2. $1525imo. ,
2/2, $895/mo.
thre 3 S 4 Jearoom hnu',.es
Priced from $1095.mo lo $1825.mo.'
241-5501 OR 221-1711.:
ATLANTIC BEACH townhome for lease,
2BR/2.5BA +loft area. Many extras includ-
ing jetted jacuzzi tub, oversized shower,
built in Murphy Bed and desk space, gran-
ite counters, enclosed patio and two car
garage: Community pool and only
7 blocks to beac9 access. Call Kevin Fol-
som Lifestyles at 904-612-1191 to see.
ATLANTIC BEACH Beach cottage,
3BR/den, 1.5BA, hardwood, carpet & tile
floors, ceiling fans, large fenced backyard
w/deck. 5 blocks to beach, 1 year lease,
260 Belvedere St., $1200/mo. Call 246-
8294, 571-1769.
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
PVB. SPACIOUS, 1200sf., 2BR/2BA. Lots
of amenities. $950/mo. Call 234-2646.
THE PALM, 3/2, lower level, tile/ carpet,
washer/ dryer, .garage. $1250/mo. TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.
Rental' $1100/mo. 2/2, preserve view,
ICW, elevator- call 866-1009.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur-
nished/ unfurnished. Available immediate-
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
JAX BCH condo, The Palms, 2/2, marsh
view, $1100,mo. 434-3456.
pool, fully furnished, pets, immaculate.
$2300/mo. 379-6997.
SEE THE OCEAN 2BR/2BA newly remod-
eled w/granite, maple cabinets, new tile
and carpet, fireplace, W/D and balcony..
SGreat location, in Jax Bch. $1150/mo.
.1BR/1.BA CONDO in The Palms at Marsh
Landing, first floor, newly remodeled. W/D,
refrigerator; gated community, pool, gym,
$900/mo, 339-3500 or 220-6603.
PVB WALK/. bike beach. Large 2BR/2BA
w/garage, FP & W/D. Excellent $. $1050 -
ML LUXURY, gate. 3BR/2BA, newly ren-
ovabed. lake view, pool/ fitness, big clos-
els, garage $1295/mo. 303-3936.
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled, condo/
lease. 2BR/1.5BA, A/C, security. New ap-
pliances. No pets. $850/mo. +,850'dep
AAAH BEAUTY ocean front luxury 2/2.
$1850/mo Available 12 15 1-800-758-
7658 .,
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
lease, 3629sf. Office Included. Large park-
ing lot, beach side of intracoastal.
(770)929-1721,. (678)525-0854.
WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE 3500sf, new Con-
struction in Atlantic Beach. 514-1090
NEPTUNE TOWN Center. House for
office, shop, gallery,.etc., 247-9774.
NEPTUNE, BEACH office/ retail space,
500sqil, 2232 Florida Blvd 241-2781
e(2) OFFICE Condos. 1140sf. each, 210
west of 195. Avail. 1/1/07. 904-687-3000.
Space starting at $500/mo. 514-1090.
side, 514-1090.
PET SITTING. Dog walking. Responsible,
mature. Call Kitty, 874-6062.
FREE CATS and Kittens to. approved
nomes. Call 242.0224.
VIVSLA STUD wanted. Musl be AKC cer-
tnied. 372-4102
LOOKING FOR male Shh.izu lo male
HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS? w.'beaultui female Cail Minay 403-9474
PVB 'THE FOUNTAINS. If you demand FREE KITTENS to good home Orange.
clean, newly renovated Iownhouse condo. Sealpoint & others. 247-1227.
Call 571-8449 3BR 2 5BA. scr. tiled
porch, ready tor occupancy 1218. No pets,
no smoke! $1300,mo ,
OCEANFRONT NEW 3i3, garage, consid- BOXERS. 4 Brindle, 2 lawn. X-mas pups
er lease opionr $2650'mo 463-7343., $400 Kevin 536-1076
3 2 JAX Bch, gared community wilh pool, CHIZU PUPPIES born 9'2'06 $250 each.
cpen floor plan spacious :closes nis/ her Call 372-4645, leave msg. Great Xmas
sinks, Deaullul views ol marshn $1450mo gih
6 months lease Call 407-896.9405 SHAR PEI puppies, just in time for
PONTE VEDRA, Spacious 2BR/2BA, Christmas! $500 neg., 334-3063
2 story corner unit w ireplaace. WO. Newly CHRISTMAS PUPPIES! AUSTRALIAN
renovated 11'm .eecc 356375 BLUE Healer puppies, Make great trisoei
CONDO "FOUNTAINS'. Ponme Vedra. 695 dogs. Born Oct 141h, $150 742-3315.
A1A N 3BR 2BA Lease $1295 or CAVALIERS, BEAUTIFUL baby ble
buy $229.900 Very clean 2466649 helms, AKC/ CKCS, shots. Ready Xmas/
, PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA, attached ga- New Years. 230-0808.
rage lurnisned. all appliances, includes
W/D $1200/mo. Mark 338.3230 .
2BR/2BA, PALMS at Marsh Landing,
w/garage. Recent upgrades and washer/ FOUND MALE Shepherd mix, no collar, 5-
dryern. Poois. tennis courts and "fitness 6rs oldtarget areaMarsh Lading.Call
center. $95,0 mo 246.2500 ,,S ,
OCEANFRONT FURNISHED 2/2 pool LOST CAT missing hom Selva Linkside;'
consider lease 'option. $1750/mo. Atlanlic Bch Newly adopted male Siam-r
463-7343. eceri gray labDy mix. Siamese gray color
ATLANTIC BEACH, Seiva Marina. 2BR/2BA in PVB, next to TPC Golf Vil-
.2800s 4BR/2 5BA, 3 blocks lo ocean. lage. 5.star amenities, walk to beach,
$1600/mo: (904)476-7320. $1250/mo Call Laura, for details,
All Inewl renovated, 2BR'I 5BA Walk 5 GRAND CA', spotless. )B 2BA beaui,.
blocks io ocean New A/C, kilcnen lul gaied community. 2nd loor
appliances, paint, carpel, tile, wood blinds. w/scr.eened baco. .ny overlooking
WiD connection large rear lenced yard woods, W/D dishwasher microwave our-
No pels t11o smokers $995'mo + mo. side storage unil pool hronub workout
depos. Call 866 5575 or 241-8057 'acility. nice playground tor children I
$l000'mo .deposir. 47.9654
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR,2BA wilieplace M1000RmoT epos.B72-9.650m C
and pool 2 car garage $1800/mo in-MAYPORT. 2BRBA. $850mo Call
Clues lawn and pool care Call Susan (904)859-535,.
'(904)514-7150, JAX BEACH, very. nice 2BR/2BA unit,,
2BR 5BA TOW Pl-IOUSE, ceramic ile Ave. No. 2 blocks to ocean,
1oots, CHSA. laundry room, pario. lenced
yard. 1 yr lease, no pels, $950/deposil. PVB. 2BR/2BA, w/fireplace, new.applian-
"$950'mo 615 7in Ave S, Jax Bch des, ..washer/dryer, many amenities.
993-1114 or 270-1284. $1000/.mo 472-0914
OAK HARBOR, 3/2, CH&A, WDHU. re- Villas @ Ma11r, Landin. 2BR 28A- Comn-
modeled kitchen, $1050J./mo + deposit. plelely liled, WD included .$1000'mo Call
249-3214 or 945-3303. 334.4321
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA, JAX BAYMEADOWS. Lake Crest Condos,
hardwood floors, granite countertops ,28R,'2BA. 1st it garage, wv fireplace,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4 'pool, gynrr, tennis, $995mo.. utilities,
blocks from ocean, $1975/mo., call Available Jan 1st, Shannon Smith
Mark, 591-6976.. ..- 85-5640. .
fireplace. lencea yard, 3 blocks to ocean. 1 car garage rtenced yard pool, T,1250'mo
$1150mo 1904t742.6423. No peis 534.3411
JAX BEACH, 3BR/t 5BA, 1450si, 1212 BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED exclusive
15th Ave. N., 12 blocks to beach; close to adult condo community in Atlantic Beach.
Fletcher HS, Florida room, large.kitchen, 1BR/1BA, ground floor, covered parking,
W/D, fenced yard.. $1250 mo 710-2600, pool. 55 and ,:.ier Selva Marina furnished
.534-3411. or unfurnished $1000 monir, includes wa.
ler & cable Must seel 571-5517
RIVERSIDE- HUGE, beautiful, lower,
2BR/1.5BA, W/D, dishwasher,. security PVB SUMMER HOUSE 2BR/2BA, end
system, CH&A, fenced: 614-0845 unit,. 1. story, East of AA, $1195/mo.
S. (904)612-6532, (904)641-5564.
CUZY BBEAU house, 2 blocks to beach,
2BR/1.5BA, $1300/mo., $1300/sec. No
pets., 135 No. 17th Ave. Call 463-7020,
room, fireplace, 2 car garage, no pets,
$1200/mo. Call 535-,6338. '
ISLE OF Palms newly remodeled
3BR/2BA, 2250sf, large Florida room with
fireplace. Lawn service. included,
$1350/mo. 246-2627.
Townhouse, 1100sf. 1415 4th St N. Jax
Beach. $1000/mo, first and last to move
in. Call 9)041868-7702 or (904)333-9785
to see.
JAX BCH- Lake Sanctuary. Beautiful 3/2
on quiet cul-de-sac. 1800sf., open floor-
plan, fireplace, 2 car garage, new carpet
and paint. $1500/mo. (904)568-0428.
NEPTUNE BCH house- 3/2, 1250sf,
CH&A. New bathroom. Fenced backyard.
Nice neighborhood, close to ocean. 524
Oceanwood Dr. So., $1250/mo +deposit.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everything new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Must seel $1100/mo. 465-2163.
ATLANTIC BEACH, beautiful, large
2BR/2.5BA townhome, 5 blocks to beach,
fireplace, WD, $1150/mo. (904)742-6423.
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR, 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail. Jan.
'07. Short term lease avail. $1100/mo +
security, (904)928-3661.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/1, large fenced,
yard, new kitchen, WD/HU, tile floors,1300
sqft., $975/mo. +deposit. Available Jan. 2.
RIP TIDE, 3BR/2BA, 1760 sqft., up dated:
home, $1700/mo., very private tropical
back yard, summer kitchen, 465-1310.
ICW 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr. W,
3BR/2BA, large eat in kitchen, new appli-
ances, ceiling fans, 2 car garage,
$1250/mo. Call 704-4003.
MAYPORT ROAD, 2BR, credit check,
fenced private property, $600/mo. +
t600'dep 246%4461
4BR/4BA. weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
OCEANFRONT 1 OR 2BR, weekly/
monthly, pool, 463 7343
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
$420 + 1/2 utilities, $200 deposit; great
location, pool, quiet, 333-3368.
ATLANTIC' BEACH, $100/wk. includes
utilities. No pets. 654-3998 or 254-3010.
Beach. Room with a view. Outdoor Jacuz-
zi, pool. cable, internet, utilities included.
Merry Christmas, Call Robin $695/mo.
JAX BEACH. Teriffic 3BR/2BA spacious
home. Near Ocean. $600/mo. 247-8913.
ROOMMATE FOR 3BR/1.5BA, renovated,
8 miles ocean. Non-smoker. Scott 904-
LOOKING FOR roommate to share new
condo. Must be clean, neat. mature. ,1/3
rent, utilities, & fees, 463-2845.
ROOMMATE WANTED, $600/mo. in-
cludes utilities, Jax Beach, no smoking,
ROOM FOR rent, AB, private bath/ kitch-
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, WDHU, 1103 5th en privileges, W/D, No drugs. $145/wk.
Ave. S. $975/mo. 246-3197, 220-5797. 302-1170.
w/gray striped abbDDy marKings on face
legs and iail, whiiie Iron paws and big blue
eyes. Declared ana very iiand Wearing
red collar with a bell 249.8000.
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
her medical practice on 12'31/06. Address
to request medical records is 4205 Belfort
Rd Suite 3004, Jacksonville, FL 32216
NEED. A Santa for your party. Call
241-0136.-No all adull pansies please.
IF YOU are interested in advertising'under
this category' please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
lesied divorce papers. Without Kids while
you w3ali With kids (a line longer) Since
1981 byappi only 19046.41-.2187
DIVORCE $2754$350. Covers cnhidien
etc. Only one signature required! Excludes
govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext 600 18am-6pm) Alia Divorce, LLC
Establsned 1977.
Beach Body Towing Co., Inc. gives
Notice of Foreclosure ol Lien and Intent to
sell these vehicles on December 27,
2006, 9:00 am at 922 7th Ave S., Jack-
sonville Beach, FL 32250-4208, pursuant
to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Stat-
utes. Beach Body Towing Co., Inc. re-
serves the right to accept or reject any
and/or all bids. Cash only, day of sale. No
titles, warranties or guarantee of titles. "As
1,0801612021009 1969 MERCEDES
12319012011971 1980 MERCEDES
1 B4FK443XKX677953 1989 DODGE.
1FAPP6249PH119244 1993 FORD
1FMDU64EOYZA36286 2000 FORD
1FMYU22XOXUC1.8564 1999 FORD
1G1AW69K9BD443200 1981 CHEVY
1G1ND52F65M126560 2005 CHEVY
1G2NE52M4VM509775 1997 PONTIAC
1G4AH54N7L6480003 1990 BUICK
S1G4AL3539G6440110 1986 BUICK
1G6KS53B1MU823891 1991 CADILLAC
1GNEV18K2KF150184 1989 CHEVY
1GTCS14B4F2532048 1985 GMC
1GTEC19R6VE552584 1997 GMC
1 HGCA563XJA40238 1988 HONDA
1 HGEJ8645YL016024 2000 HONDA
1Y1SK5460NZ057621 1992 CHEVY
2C1 MR529XV6745494 1997 GEO
2C3HD56F5SH590733 1995 CHRYSLER
2C3HD56T5SH603194 1995 CHRYSLER
2FMDA5145SBC38534 1995 FORD
2P4FH4133HR255578 1987 PLYMOUTH
3FALP6534WM108292 1998 FORD
4S2CK58W6W4312665 1998 ISUZU
4T1 SK1 2EXPU196707 1993 TOYOTA
JT2AE94A8L3323950 1990 TOYOTA
JT2EL45FXN0054472 1992 TOTOTA
YS3CK48BOM1009259 1991 SAAB
BL 12/13/06
Case No. 06-CV-2027
Code No. 30404
Foreclosure of Mortgage
Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00
2700Sanders Road
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070
unknown spouse of Patrick E. Kean, II
3738 Southeast 19th Street
Des Moines, IA 50320
103 Atoka Drive
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter -considered at any'meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to. ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes ihe fesiirrmony and
evidence upon which thie appeal is to be,
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should-sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Slaruies. persons with disabilities
needing-spec ai accommodaor, 10o partici-
pate in ih;h neeiing should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 12/13/06
NOTICE IS hereby given that pursuant to
the "Self Storage Facility Act", Florida
Statutes Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83,
Laws of Florida, 1982; the personal proper-
ty consisting of the following vehicles or
vessels will be sold at a public sale, auc-
tion, or otherwise,. to satisfy owner lien for
rent due in accordance with Florida Stat-
ute 83. will be sold at All Aboard Sales
and Storage, located at 277101 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233.
TENANT- Johnny M. Jackson Jr.
ITEM- 1983 35' Hopcap Travel Trailer
VIN 1HY211P23D1001515
DATE- 12-16-06
BL12/6, 12/13/06
your driving career today Offering cours-
es in CDL A. Low tuition feel Many pay-
ment options! No! registration feel
(866)889-0210 info'.ameri:asdrivingaca-
demy.com. ,.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Load-
ers, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Ex-
cavators; National Certification, Job Place-
ment Assistance; Associated Training
Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmen-
AIRLINES ARE hiring Train for high pay-
ing Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap-
proved program. Job placement assis-
tance. Call Aviation Institute of Mainte-
nance (888)349-5387
TUTORING, ALL subjects, all ages. Rea-
sonable rates, Jax Bch. 379-0345.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Certified.
Hands on Training. Job Placement Assis-
tance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. As-
sociated Training Services, 5177 Homo-
sassa Trail, Lecanto, Florida, 34461.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
ATTEND COLLEGE online from home.
Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided. Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300.
P/T, SATJ SUNJ MON. Detail oriented in-
dividual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
Privileges. Phone 904-246-4827, email
accounting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
3BR/2BA LAKEFRONT home, Mayport/
Atlantic Bch., $375/mo + 1/2 utilities.
Available December 27, 249-4646.
ICW, FURNISHED bedroom private bath,
$150/wk incl. until. No kids, pets, non-
smoking. 210-8877 or 996-8341.
ROOM AND bath with household privi-
ledges, $500/mo. 543-1860. Ref.
OFFICE RENTAL space on South 3rd St.
avail, immed. downstairs, carpeted, with
built in work/ copy area including storage
& file cabinets; 1400 sq. ft., consisting of
5-6 indiv. office/wk areas, & 2 bathrooms,
* plumbing avail. for break room/ kitchen
area. If desired, space can be subdivided.
Call 247-1770 for appt. to view.
3010 South 3rd St. 2nd floor West, prof.
space consisting of 4 indiv. offices and a
waiting/ recp. area. Call 247-1770 for
appt. to view.
NEPTUNE BEACH 650 sqft. business of-
fice, ample parking, 3rd Street signage,
convenient location, available January.
Call 246-9520.
tune. Beach, 1200sf w/5 large offices,
1400sf open floor, plan (build to suit), or
combine space for 2600sf. Recently reno-
vated, ample parking, water included, no
CAM. For more information, Call 992-9344
or 514-6092;
NEW OFFICE SPACE in prestigious
shopping center on Beach Blvd. in Jax
Beach. Jonathan 866-6937.
M UMMA ---------- -
December 13, 2006
- a
we a
no S S
0- a
e e
Winchester, VA 22602
2963 Woodtop Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32277
unknown tenants
1009 Park Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
JENNIFER KEAN, 2963 Woodtop Drive,
Jacksonville, FL 32277 OR 1009 Park
Avenue, Racine WI 53403.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit
or other legal action against you. The
complaint, which is also served upon
you, states the nature and basis of the
legal action.
Within 40 days after December 11,
2006, you must respond with a written
answer, as that term is used in Chapter
802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the
complaint. The court may reject or
disregard an answer that does not follow
the requirements of the statutes. The
answer must be sent or delivered to the
court, whose address is:
Clerk of Circuit Court
Racine County Courthouse
730 Wisconsin Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
and to O'Dess and Associates, 'S.C.,
Plaintiff's attorneys, whose address is:
O'Dess and Associates, S.C. .
1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213
You may have an attorney help or rep-
resent you.
If you do not provide' a proper answer
within 40 days, the court may grant judg-
ment against'you for the award of money
or other legal action requested in the
complaint, and you may lose your right to
object to anything that is or may be
incorrect in the corfplaint. A judgment
may be enforced as provided by law: A
judgment awarding money may become a
lien against any real estate you own now,
or in In Iluiure, and may'also be enforced
by garnishment or seizure of property.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Bar Code No. 1017869
1-414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403
WauwaTs3a, WI 53213
O'Dess and Associates, S.C., is at-
tempting to collect a debt and any in-
formation obtained will be used for
that purpose:
If you have previously received a Chapter
7 Discharge in Bankrupicy., Thi corre-
sporidence should not De construed as an
atLempi Io called a debi.
BL 12/13, 20, 27
The Board 01 Adjustmeni for the City of
Jacksonvlle Beach. Florida will meet
and nold public hearings on Tuesday,
January 2. 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers. located at 11 North
3rd Street .la.-ksornuille Beach i. consid.
er the following variance applications
BOA 06-100284 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34 337 teiil c 3 lot a rear vard oI
26 2 ieei in lieu ol 30 leel required to allow,
for improvements to a single family dwell.
ing. for property located at 586 Soulh
14th Avenue, more specifically, Lot 6,
Block 146 Oceanside Park, '
A copy of the above, referenced applica-I
tion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart-'
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p).
Board of Adjustment
City 01 Jacksonville Beach
* 915
* *
.. o
- a
0 0
0 -
. e 0
:* 0
HELP WANTED classilicalions in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No lees may be
'charged to Ihe prospective employee Ads
lo sell-employmenl or business opponu-
nines appear under the Business Opponu-
nities category. Ads which may, require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a lee or itI he advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
DRIVER NEEDED for company vehicle.
Split shift. Early momings, most after-
noons. Guaranteed 25 hours per wk.
$10.00 per hr. Call 242-0140. i
COOK-tiaPOBITjON, taiajlable. Mnprkeyv'
Uncle Tavern Apply in person: 1850 S.
3rd St. J.B.
Cook and Counter, up to 40hrs., Days.
Mon.-Sat. availability. Flexible starting
date. Some benefits. Fun place to work.
Weekends, 7am to 7pm, at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available at Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to: jobs@fleetlanriding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
PART TIME Lot Attendant/ Driver wanted
for used car lot. Call 722-0005. .
GIRLS NEEDED for photo shoot, must be
18 or over Excellent pay 19041422-0463.
at Vicar's Landing (Ponte Vedra): Compet-
itive pay, benefits, bonus and schlorships
awarded annually. Drug free workplace;
EOE. Call 273-1734.
PAYROLL/ HR Admin. Must have ADP
PayEx and EZ Labor experience.. E-mail'
resume to: .
rsheifler -'landimponrsandlab.com
1-- ----- --------I
Seeking responsible reliable individuals.
Must be bondable. Serious inquiries only.
Leave msg at 716-8824.
CARPENTRY Laborers. Start at $9/hr
Beaches area, W/C exempt. Transporta-,
tion a must. Call Rocky, 509-0500 .
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help.
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
employs individuals in a variety of posi-
tions. For a listing or current opportunities
please visit us in person 11 N. 3rd St, 2nd
floor, call 247-6263, send an email to
personnel@jaxbchfl nel. or visit our web-.
sile *www JacksornvilieBeach.org
Drug tree work environment, EOE, VP
DRIVER- REGIONAL runs, Home Weekly
or: Temp Control, Team Xpedited ($5K
si9n-on bonus), Dedicated (guaranteed
miles). Solos, Teams, CDL-A Grads, UP,
O/Os. Covenant Transport (866)684-2519.
PREP COOK/ line cook needed. at Bruc-
ci's Pizza in Ponte Vedra Beach. Apply in
person at 880 Hwy. A1A, Suite 8 or call
lan at 280-7677.
man needed. Must have 5 yrs manage-
ment experience. $25K per year. Call
DRIVER BYNUM Transport needs quali-
fied drivers for Central Florida Local & Na-
tional OTR positions. Food grade tanker,
no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits,
competitive pay & new, equipment.
(866)GO-BYNUM; Need 2 years experi-
PONTE VEDRA Preschool Teacher
Assistant, CDA a plus, variable hours.
Call 285-2965.
NEEDS FULL time Servers, Host/ Hostess
with open availability. Apply within 1018
North 3rd St., Mon- Fri, 2pm- 4pm.
Glamorous, new, upscale salon. Beaches
area. Career professionals only. 220-8900
or see: www.mysalonlavie.cbm
REAL ESTATE office, experienced secre-
tary wirh computer knowledge, license
preferred. Fax resume to 273-4848.
PERSON. Mainly Beaches area. Fax re-
sume 247-9036.
KENNEL ATTENDANT, no exp. necc.
Must be energetic, personable & hard
working. Apply In person, 1210 N. 3rd St.,
Jax Bch.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.
0 .
2550-7A Mayport Rd. Nail 'Tech, Hair
Stylist & Barber. Call for details. 525-2164
ask for Diane. EOE.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work.' Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders Wanted.;
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc.' 246-
LOOKING lor a change? Eslablihned Sal.
on has opening for styhsis Excellent
working conditions, 600 Commission
Health and Denial insurance All inquiries
coniaenrial. Contact Bob at Susan Mer-
*mic Har Designs 246-7272,or 246-1579.
showroom sales duties as needed at a'.
well established marble and granite im-
poner located at the beach Knowledge oa
stone materials and design neiplul Salary
and benefits negotiable upon experience
Fax resume to 241.3204
Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. 'Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149.
$13 plus per hr. Top Benefits. Supercuts
273-2888, 223-1824.
GENERAL MANAGER needed for Ger-
man restaurant in Jacksonville. Must
speak German fluently & have min. 10yrs
restaurant exp. Call 514-6092.
Office Manager
Local Swimming Pool Company located at
the Beaches, looking 'or Office Manager
for high paced Pool Service Maintenance
and Repair Division. Duties include sched-
tiling service technicians for repairs, man-
aging departmental billing, handling cus-
tomer requests and performing office sup-.
port functions for this department. Need
excellent customer service and organiza-
tional skills, computer experience with
Word, Excel, and Accounting software. Of-
fice management experience required. Ex-
perience working in a service type envi-
ronment, such as plumbing, electrical,
HVAC a major plus. Email resume to ju-
lie@surfsidepools.net or fax to 904-249-
8801 or complete application at SurfSide
Pools 313 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250. Compensation depend-
ent on experience. Benefit package avail-
Mon.-Fri., 9-5. Phones/ Scheduling/
Clerical. Good computer skills and friendly
personality needed. Opportunity for
advancement. Fax resume to: 270-0690.
OPTOMETRY, West Beaches, .Front
desk, customer service, all office aspects.
Friendly personality, ability to multi-task,
bookkeeping, PC, medical office expert-
ence a plus. Fax resume to 221-6504.
w/valid Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply: Surfside Pools, 3131
Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax resume:,
249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools @aol.com
OTR drivers deserve more pay and more;
hometimel $.38/mi. 1 year experience.
More experience makes morel Home
weekends Run our Florida Region! Heart-.
land Express (800)441-4953 www.heart-,
SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro. Ponte Vedra,;
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.
Landing Country Club. Retail sales expe-
rience and fashion merchandising exper-,
ence, high end customer service, fast;
pace environment, computer knowledge,'
sales and purchasing of apparel. Respon-,
sible for the changing and freshening of,
displays, purchasing of new merchandise.
Maintain safes goals. Salaried position;
with commission, FT, w/benefits. Apply in-
person Tuesday -Saturday. Call 285-6459
for directions or additional information.:
Drug testing/EOE
needed, 24.1-1657.
MAKING CHANGES. Prep cooks, line!
cooks, and a breakfast cook needed. Ap-'
ply at 13170-22 Atlantic Blvd. Jerry's!
Sports Grille. 220-6766
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-,
ers needed. Learn a trade. Health bene-!
fits, good hours, advancement opportuni-;
ties. Must have valid FL Drivers License.'
Call 249-5381 for appt.
experienced Teachers & Assistant Teach-:
ers. F/T & P/T available. We offer a com-
petitive salary & benefits package. Call:
273-6960 or fax resume to: 280-5742.
The PBachesp 1 eaer/Pnnte Vedra Leader
uecember Ii, .-VVU
DRIVERS -CAR hauling career. Great
home time! Exceptional Pay & Benefitsl
Paid Trainingi Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp.
req. The Waggoners Trucking (912)571-
9668 OR (866)413-3074.
FULL-TIME, 1:30pm to 9:30pm in main
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
punctuality a must. Excellent benefits and
great work environment. To apply: appil-
cations available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail tojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
Beaches location. Flexible schedule.
Must be proficient in QuIckBooks and
Excel, and have Accounting/ Budgeting
experience. Fax resume to 241-6012.
Temporary to possible Full Time Position
(midnight shift)' at a premier retirement
community. Experience in law enforce-
ment required. Applications at Fleet Land-
ing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
904-246-9447; .
EOE/Drug-Free Workplace.
OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipment;
Great Benefits; Premium Pay Package.,
Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537.
NEED INTERIOR ,trim carpenters and
helpers. Dependable, own transportation.
Call 635-139&5.
City of' Atlantic Beach. $12.92/hr.;
$26,873/yr. +benefits. Performs 911 &
normal dispatch, duties.. Shift work to. in-
clude weekends and holidays. Applica-
tions accepted until 12/27/06, at 800 Sem-
inole Rd., Atl. Beach, FL 32233. Testing
on 1/13/07. For : more info visit
www.coab.us or call (904)247-5820; No
smokers/ tobacco users. Drug testing con-
ducted. EOE.
Full time 3pm to 11pm, Monday-Friday at
a premier retirement community Health
Center. Excellent benefits and pleasant:
work environment.. Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic' Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
(904)246-9447; e-mail;
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
!Be aIdes 7trc a l
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
Ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
NANNIES AND Nanny Nurses needed
F/T and P/T. positions available Call 904-
City of Atlantic Beach. Must have current
law enforcement certification acceptable
to the State of FL and be eligible td comrn-.
plete Florida training and certification with-
in 6 months of hire. $16.75/hr.; $670/wk.;
$34,840/yr. +benefits. Applications must
be received by 12/27/06 at 800 Semninole
Rd., Atlantic Beach. FL 32233. Testing on.
1/13/07. For more info visit: www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820. No smokers/tobac-
co users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
GOLF 'SHOP Merchandising & Sales.
TPC Sawgrass, a prominent resort golf
club & home of PGA TOUR's
THE PLAYERS' Championship. We are
seeking team players with a positive atti-
tude and a commitment to excellence. F/T
positions include: Golf Shop Coord: Mer-
chandises, Sells, & Assists at Counter.
Sales Associate: Assists Guests w/ Mer-
chandise Sales. Reservatiornist: Schedule
Tee Times & Process Sales. Prior golf or
retail exp., basic gilf knowledge helpful.
Must have great attitude, service oriented,
team player. Benefits include competitive
pay and O/T, medical/ dental/ life ins.,
paid time off, ADD & STD/'LTD plans, em-
ployer funded retirement plan, 401k plan-i-
3% employer match, free employee meals
& much morel Apply with salary require-
ments to: fax (904)285-7970, e-mail:
DRIVERS Local Shuttle: $800++/weekl
BCBS, 401K, Profit Sharing, Vac. & Holi-
days! CDL-A,' :3yrs. exp.
browntrucking.com. 800-241-5624 x106.,
Take a look at this key opportunity right here at the Beach,
DRIVER: YOU wantIt, we have itl Solo,
teams, owner operators, company drivers,
students, recent grads, regional, dedicat-
ed, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21.
CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778.
See the World. Room & Board. Excellent
Pay. Excellent Benefits. Military Seatime
Counts. Vacation Pay. (904)891-6330.
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30 machines, free candy. All
for :$9995. (888)629-9968. BO02000033.
Call us: We will not be undersold!
WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not. knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper.cannot guarantee'the validity
of offerings in this classification. If.any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
.ice charges or'pay a -fee to learn the na-
ture of the opportunity, please report it to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033..
DIRECT SALES ,Opportunity in the
Greeting Card Industry. Begin as an Em-
ployee on straight commission, quickly
earn your way to owning your own busi-
ness. Contact Maran., (904)685-2336.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & references. $10-$12/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. P/T or F/T.
260-4915. .
NEW office, open, excellent therapists.
Walk-ins welcome. 9am-6pm. A1A/ JTB,
'MM19028. .
": : .270-1777 ,.: :
CERTIFIED NURSES Aide: .I am seeking,
a live-in position Monday Friday; Will as-
sist patient with-total care. (904)885-2200.
CARE GIVER, experienced, honest &: de-
pehdable; CPR & First Aid certified; Call
Nell 353-5390, 910-0878
IF YOU are interested in advertising under.
this category; please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com
MOVING SALE- Beautiful dining room ta-
ble, 70" round, glass w/ gold base & 8 up-
holstered chairs', must see 'Sofa, antiques;
& 2 king size & 1 queen size beds w/ up-,
holstered headboardsd; like *new. Many
other items.:285-3021 or382-7290.
BED- FULL-SIZE- cherry:. sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350
STEEL BUILDINGS, factory deals. Save
",$ 40X60' to 1000X200'. Ex: 50x100x12'=,
$3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid-
2 TICKETS, Tony Bennett concert, 12/12,:
Florida Theatre, 3rd row, face value $126
each. 635-2517.
WHITE; GOLD diamond stud earrings,
.50 ct tw. Appraised $1400, asking $475.
Whitegold diamond diamond stud earrings, 1.50 ct.
tw. Appraised $8900, asking $3500. Call
1960S STANLEY Danish Modern dining
table, 1 leaf, 4 captain's chairs, 2 side
Chairs, excellent condition, $175, 246-
Clearance,, Deposit will hold ill spring,,
25'x40'x12' $4800. 40'X60'xl 6'.fs'
Front end optional.-Rear -end- inlude.d.,
Others' Pioneer. (800)668-5422
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
TOTAL SPORTS America 2300'fitness
machine, likenew, $100,.246-5668: ...
HP LASER Printer Model 2300-N, needs
cartridge.$50. Call 221-7788.
GOOD USED washer & dryer $250 OBO.
514-4648.: -
PRIDE SONIC Mobility chair. Adjustable
elec. bed w/ headboard & memory foam
mattress. Each 1 month old. Make offer.
223-9291.. .: -
gles, doubles, six-tops, black. Great for
your kitchen at home, too! Vince or- Tom;
249-3322. -
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
.30 day warranty; Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
BED- BRAND name queen set,.
new, w/warranty $129, Can deliver.'
TWO SCAN Design leather recliners with
ottomans $350 each. 3 piece Oak Street
bedroom suite $450, 246-4445.
Choose & cut live trees from 2000 shaped
Cedar & Leyland Cypress. 1-10 West to
Hwy 125, exit at Glen St. Mary, go 12
miles North on Hwy 125. Watch for signs.
Rudolph's Christmas Tree .Farm,
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available (352)498-0778. Toll free
net w/doors, $50, 280-4153.
JOIN US now for our largest annual sale
Everything in store 70% off. Donna's Chic
Boutique, 544 Marsh Landing Pkwy., Jax
Bch. .
SURFBOARDS: 10' Autrey $420; 7' Rozo9
$220; 8'11" Greenough $420. 249-1236,
KENMORE WASHER & dryer. 2yrs. old.
Perfect condition. $300. 246-4695.
used, gorgeous designs. Cost $330. Will'
sell $140. May exchange in store for oth-
er. 568-0322.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
7.liver. (904)391-0015. .
BRAND NEW Playstation 3 (PS3), in box
w/receipt. Comes w/Taladega Nights Blur-
ay DVD. $1000 OBO. Serious inquiries
only. John, 476-2528.
HAND TOOLS .& other .miscellaneous
shop machinery, excellent 'condition.
249-5956 for appt.
SCOOTER, 50CC, .low mileage $800.
Call 349-0414. ; ,
LIKE NEW central heat & air unit for inside
& out. 3.5 ton, great condition, $500; 1-.5.,
year old Whirlpool washer/ dryer set;,'
BMED BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic. Memory:'
Foamh' .mattress. & boxsprlhg;' new in':
SlastIc w/warranty. $379 Must sell.
BEDS like new, twin mattress sets,
$150/set, 982-1715. .
IRS PUBLIC auction!!!l 10 beautiful wood-
ed acres in Gainesville horse country.
Sale 12/18/2006, 11 a.m. in Gainesville,
FL. Visit www.irssales.gov or call
(850)445-4625 (Gary) for info.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
MOVING SALE, art, stained glass, pot-
tery, kitchen items. Saturday, 8am-1pm,
617 5th Street North.
TOOLS, CHRISTMAS and new items,
Sun 12/17, 7am-noon, 1216 10th St. No.
2 FAMILY Garage Sale, 14 & 16 Tallwood
Rd. Saturday 8-12.
HUGE 8 family benefit. Baby, Clothes,
Toys,' Lots of Furniture, Pillowtop King
Beds, 1 year like-new Refrigerator, +much
more. 918 10th St N., Saturday, 8am
SATURDAY, 7AM, Multi-family. Furniture,
household, Christmas, toys, 20 Sandra Dr.
SAT, 12/16 8:30am-1pm; furniture, cloth-
ing, misc.,items 2009 Marsh Point Rd.,
HUGE. GARAGE Sale. Furniture, holiday
.and much more. Fri.; & Sat. 7am-2pnm.
Oceanwalk, 2227-Laughing Gull Circle.
FURNITURE,. 'PRINTER, jewelry, misc.
612 Aquatic Dr., Saturday, 7am-1pm.
-1625 INDIAN Springs Dr.) Saturday
7 30am-12pmrn DV's, and much more.
ESTATE SALE, ChristChurch Charitable
Foundation, 335 San Juan Drive Sat.
Dec. 16; 10am-3pm.
BOAT SLIP For Rent, Harbortown Marina,
40' with'water & electric, $500. 463-2845.
6. PIECEBedroom Set includes queen 40' BOAT SLIP.for sale., exclusive Her-
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499 bortown Marina. $164K; 463-2845.
Can deliver.'858-9350. .'' ,' .w -.,",,-,p ,-'..., ..., .h,..... .. "nq
geous, light wood, king poster bed w/foot-
board and'rails, trile dresser w/mirror, 2.
nightstands arid large entertainment- ar-
moire. 3yrs. new. $3700 0BO. 568-0322.
,BIKE- MEN'S new Mango Salty Dog
Cruiser w/3 hidden gears. Was-$300 Sell
for $165. 568-0322...' '. .
,808 CRIS Graf, 21' red& white, looks
great, needs work, $4000 OBO, 241-9459.
19'6 NISSAN extended cab XE, exc.
cond' low mi, A/C, split rear window, new
tires, absolutely perfect! $5200 OBO.
887-9030. .
WOODBURNING STOVE $100 Firm. 2003 F-150 Ext. Cab, V-8, A/C, CD,
904-241-0597 after 4pm .... cruise, 67k. $9,900 OBO. 249-2921.
ROLEX SUBMARINER, like new, stain- .
less steel & 18kt gold, date display,
Champagne Serti dial wv/diamond & sad p- --....lo. M 11
phire markers, flip lock clasp. $6,700 2004. DODGE Durango'.SLT, 5.7L Hemi
OBO (904)207-9245. 32k 'miles 3 sweater, loaded, $17,900,
DOUBLE SLEEPER Sofa, caramel, $90. 221-8458
full truck plastic'tool box, $30. Craftsman 2001 SILVERADO, low mileage, tow/ haul
3.8 HP Edger, $70. 241-5074 package. Bedliner and well' maintained,
.NEW PIER I kids bunk beds w/trundle & $8600, 477-9287.
bunkie boards. No mattress. Converts to 1997 TOYOTA Camry LE, immac. condi-
twin beds. Paid $700, Asking $450. tion, 83k miles, leather interior, power win-
'223-1404 dow/ locks, cruise, new tires, $6400 OBO,
ILAViN MUVVft M, MO W U, 40 W"-n, ~i- ~i nj-iUo
LAWN MOWERI H onda, 48"-walk behind
deck mower, 110 hrs., $995, 322-7636.
,WASHER, DRYER, heavy-duty/ super-ca-
pacity, exc. cond.; $175 ea.. Can deliver &
*guarantee, 874-1747 .'i :. .: '
DINING BROOM set, wood table, 6,chairs
& 'china cabinet, $200 OBO. HEAVY DU-
TY' Industrial Stainless Steel Shelf
79'wX56r"hxl9'deep, $75 OB .Call
(904)4242-29p6,';.' '
WOOD DESK $65;, Cherry dbl bed
vadWtofregags$7 3 Imppter d6sKw/oyer.e
head storage 35234A5660.o .9 0n9
FREE DIABETIC supplies Medicare -pa4
tientsl Call Us Toll .Free (866)294-3476
and receive a free meters Am-Med Quality
Diabetic Supplies.
WOODEN TRAILER w/lights;: 4x8', heavy
duty suspension; $195; beautiful' artificial
Christmas tree, looks real, 7', blue spruce,
assembled, $30,. 8' huge artificial Christ-
mal.tree w/pinecones attached, $50, 477-'
YOUNG CHANG Piano' w/bench, black,'
excellent condition. $1500. Great Xmas
Gift! Call 249-0712.
HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large. quantity
w/ incredible dark patina Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.
1993 CADILLAC Seville, looks and runs
great, $2500 firm; 625-6870, 249-4865..
1990 ACURA Integra $1700- 4DR, 5spd
200K miles, runs great, all new belts and
,water pump.Call 742-7078.
1995 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed.;
green, AC;' power gyerything, 4WD, netO
ke (904)619-8103ff .lusgreat. $3250 OBO,
[' (904)61t9-810o3;' !.'' ; :* !"
1993 CHRYSLER New Yorker, all power,
runs good, $750. 866-9881.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes; all models, $49.50.
1 ~
------W ----------- ---------~ -i-------
FRESHENING UP your. paint for the ~ ~ ----i------~r~pdl.r'~lLllV~U
WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.
CASH NOW for future payments We will
'buy your Annuity, Structured Settlement,
Lottery or Owner Held Mortgage Note.
Call R&P Capital Resources Inc;
WINTER'S ON the wayl Be ready Seas-
oned firewood; cords & half cords availa-
ble, with free delivery. Call 334-3157.
Seasoned oak. Any quantity. Pickup or
delivery. 994-2067.
STACKS/ Truckload' or Cordwood. Pickup
or Delivery. Call'285-6427.
FREE STACK of'firewood with, purchase
of Christmas tree. Best price at the beach;
large truck or small, you pick up 6r we de-
PECIAL liver. Beach Boys lot on Penman Rd. 759-
& models. 1612. Also, free tree trimmings for
& operated wreaths. Merry Christmas!
Commercial/ residential carpet & vinyl in-
stallation & repairs. Call for free estimate.
CRYSTAL CLEAN Housecleaning with a
personal touch. PV area & beaches. 1.pyrs
exp: in private residential homes & vaca-
tion rentals. Bonded. Krista 377-3052.
TOP NOTCH office cleaning, Beaches
area. Licensed & Insured. 868-4088.
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
.Clean-ups, Mulching; Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724,
Specializing. in "Complete Flowerbed,
Cleaning and Workoer"'. 'Lawn care,
Janitorial Service, etc. Call Hermon, 246-
4238, 612-1755.,.
'ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare.'Free esti-
mates. Professional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, trimming- trees,
shrubs. Licensed & insured.'Resident ia &
commercial. CALL US FIRST! 270-2664.
lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
FOX'S CONSTRUCTION, custom stone,
concrete and all types 'of repairs. Free es-
timates, call 445-8677; .
WE DO Concrete Repair. New Driveways,
Patios, Sidewalks, Slabs, Stamp Con-
crete. Call 880-2994.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com
sure washing, painting, drywall repair, tex-
ture & wallcoverings. 25 years experience.
Lic., insured, refs. (904)403-7389
SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
Pressure washing. 19yrs. at Beaches.
Free Estimates. 881-4223.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint.'Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.
knotch work guaranteed. Painting, trim,
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing.
Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates.
8c-9 OSAA
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
imlms i=1i 14S Zili M
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
FRESHENING UP your, paint for the
Christmas holidays, great prices. Free es-
timates. Call Michael at 228,4775 or 642-
CGC 1505263. Commercial & Residential.
New homes, room additions, remodeling,
stucco, siding. Any small rush repairs.
Quality Guaranteed. Affordable prices.
Free estimates. (904)234-1179. Visit us
TNT REMODELING, Start to Finish.
Affordable & dependable; Licensed/ Insur-
ed. Call Tony (904)221-6586.
ing in drywall & home maintenance. Lic. &
Ins. (904)509-2849.
QUALITY HOME Repair; rPainruting, Wovvuoduu
Repair, Pressure Washing and more.
17yrs. experience.. Licensed/ Insured.
pairs, Free Estimates. Call anytime. All
work 100% guaranteed. 904-484-6077
Painting, pressure washing, wood floors,
carpentry, tile work, drywall. 241 -7023.
dependable for quality repairs, 'service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628.
--- --I --. --
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
censed professional. See our ad. under
Remodeling/Construction. State Certified
Roofer #CCC1325888. Member BBB
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach; 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call'904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.
SPage 9B
Are you tired of your dead end job? Are you ready to
begin career? Are your ready'to work for a City that is
committed to its employees and citizens?
If you answered YES, we may have the right career for you!
The'City of Jacksonville ,Beach is seeking to fill the
following positions.:
Police Records Specialist, FT & PT
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'Meter Reading, Technician
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Variety of other positions available
For further information call Amy 247-6263, visit us.
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Drug free work environment, EOE, VP
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*You choose providers*
Call today for FREE quote
Lenny & Latia Dienoff
249-0199 448-8980
Agents: 256-0123
;.;.;. -
-~-~~~-- -~~~~~- ~-
l---l ----
TA_ -)Ln %
xgar LD6e
Proio t., ROB D,.4J1GELO
ABOVE LEFT: Nease linebacker Ben Cowell (54) pressures Plant OB Robert Marve in
Saturday's state championship game.
ABOVE RIGHT: Quarterback Ted Stachitas bursts through a hole in the Plant defense.
BELOW: Panthers lineman Kyle Timpane (22) bears down on Marve during third quarter action.. .
RIGHT: Nease High receiver Christian Dennis tries to shed a defender after making a key third- : -
quarter reception that led to a Panthers touchdown.. A. ,
T .. I.- ,'- J
44 '
If you subscribe now, or are a current :In-county gift subscription is $12.50
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or call our Customer Service Representatives City/State: Zip
That's only $12,40 for a-full year! We.
wilat ard" in your904-249-9033. This offer good for subscriptions in Duval and St.Johns
to thelucky recipient. THENo other offers or discounts made.ADER
"T'e L e a d e r P h n:'" .2 -, .'., ,." r ,,.. -- :
.P-..,.....:..,. ; -: ... ..., ,.i ..- ., r,., ... _,
December 13,:2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
*PaoP 1n0B