Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Holiday...
 Section B: Weekend: Get Out
 Section B: Weekend: Celebrate the...
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 8, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00098
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. December 8, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: December 8, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00098
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 6
        page A 7
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Holiday Happenings
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Get Out
        page B 8
    Section B: Weekend: Celebrate the Season
        page B 9
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 10
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
Full Text

Weekend Edition December 8, 2006


'Tis the season

for Nutcracker

See B-'I


Vol. 44, No. 49


Creature comforts

make life easier

See B-10



Santa Claus

visits PVCA

See A-3

An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the conununities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

___________________ _a_ .. -

Site will

locate sex


The St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office will soon
launch a Web-based program
that will allow residents to pin-
point registered sexual offend-
ers and predators living within
a mile of their address.
The Florida Department of
Law Enforcement I.FDLE) offers
a similar program on its Web
site, although searches on that
site can be done as far as five
S miles from an address.
The Sheriff's Office will have
an additional feature, allowing
citizens to register their e-mail
addresses in the program in
order to be notified any time a
sexual offender or predator
moves in or out of that one-
mile radius.
Sgt. Chuck Mulligan, a
spokesman for the Sheriff's
Office, said Wednesday that
the program has not yet been
launched on the Sheriff's Web
site, www.siso.org.
Mulligan said the Sheriff's
Office is working out the final
details of the program and will
announce the start of the pro-
gram some time next week.
Mulligan said he's not sure
whether photographs will be
included next to each offend-
er's name, as is the case with
the FDLE's program.
Mulligan also said the
Sheriff's Office program will
include a map of the violator's
residence and general informa-
tion about his or her crime, but
not specific details about that
crime. Those features are also
available on the FDLE Web site.

Cornerstone Park

is county property

photo by KATH rIlCOLETTi
Paul Burden (left) and Dean Russell arrange palm branches this week for the set of Bethlehem
behind Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church. The church's annual walk-through live nativity produc-
tion, "A Bethlehem Visit," begins Thursday. See A-7.

After more than a year's
worth of delays, St. Johns
County has closed on the $9.2
million purchase of the New
Beginnings Baptist Church
property, which includes
Cornerstone Park.
The Nov. 15 closing coin-
cides with the finalization of a
land donation of 20 acres oft
County Road 210 near Davis
Park made to the church by the
PARC Group, developers of
For the next two years the
church will lease its current
property from St. Johns
County for a total of $1 per
year until the new church facil-
ities are built.
"It's a very nice deal," Todd
Barfield, head of the building
committee for New
Beginnings, said Thursday.
Once the church buildings
on the 19-acre parcel are
vacant, the county plans to use
the buildings as a community
center in tandem with the
Cornerstone ball fields.
The county has been paying
the church $1 per year to lease
the fields from the church.
Barfield said Thursday that
the church.d4ps,.pot,xpect to
stay at its current location for
the full two-year lease term.
The building of the new
church will most likely take 12
to 18 months, he said.
Barfield said the church is
not ready to release the details
of its new facilities, but he did
say, "The buildings are just

Todd Barfield

absolutely stunning."
The county's quest to pur-
chase the New Beginnings
property began more than two
years ago.
Commissioners asked for the
help of Nocatee land owners
and developers in finding a
new location for New
Beginnings., according to a
news release.
After the Davis family agreed
to donate 20 acres to the
church, a long series of delays
pushed back the project.
Barfield said the reason for
the delays on the county's pur-
chase was so that the church
could work out the details in a
project to widen the Davis Park
entrance road to four lanes. ,
A new high school for P.onte
Vedra is planned for property
east of Davis Park and south of
the new church property, and
businesses are planned nearby
on 210.
All of the parties will use the
Davis Park entrance road, and
so they had to work out a cost-
sharing plan, Barfield said.

POW days recalled


On the 65th anniversary of
the bombing of Pearl Harbor
Thursday, Melvin Van Gundy
of Ponte Vedra Beach recount-
ed his experiences in a
German prisoner of war camp
for guests at the Palm Valley
Senior Center.
"I had a midair collision
over Berlin, at 33,000 feet,"
Van Gundy said. "It's amazing
that I'm here."
Of the 20 airmen on the two
planes that collided, only five
survived, he said.
The collision came after Van
Gundy had flown 13 missions.
That was in June 1944, two
years after he entered the mil-
itary as a glider pilot, he said.
The 85-year-old, a
Jacksonville native and 1939
graduate of Andrew Jackson

High, said, he tried unsuccess-
fully to get into the service in
"the year leading up to Dec. 7,
1941, -.,Pearl Harbor day.
It wasn't until the military
.changed its requirements for
pilots that he was able to get
in to the Army Air Corps,
where he trained in B25s and
B17s, both bombers.
After surviving the midair
collision, Van Gundy eventu-
ally found himself in Stalag
Luft III, the German prison
,-camp for U.S. and British air-
men portrayed in the 1963
movie, "The Great Escape."
Prior to that, he spent sever-
al weeks in a hospital run by
British doctors, who were fel-
low prisoners of war. V'an
Gundy's right leg had been
broken in the crash.

See POW, A-3

Anti-crime tips given

in sheriff's newsletter

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Melvin Van Gundy of Ponte Vedra pauses Thursday after
speaking to seniors in Palm Valley.

A new publication being cir-
culated throughout St. Johns
County is helping people stay
It's called "Community
Watch," a magazine to be pub-
lished quarterly by the St.
Johns County Sheriff's Office.
The thin booklet is filled
with information about law
enforcement programs, crime
trends to watch and important
safety tips generated by actual
Sheriff's officers.
"It's just another way to
reach out to the public and
inform them of the programs
we offer and to inform them of
crime prevention tips," said
Sgt. Chuck Mulligan, a
spokesman for the Sheriff's

"Everything we do here at
the Sheriff's Office goes to pub-
lic safety."
The idea for the magazine
has been developing for a
while, as people within the
Sheriff's Office talked about
options for community out-
reach, Mulligan said.
Not everyone catches the 6
o'clock news and not many
subscribe to all the area news-
papers, he said.
So some of the population
never learns about new safety
programs or crimes that are on
the rise.
The very first edition of
"Community Watch" hit the
stands in early November,
according to Mulligan.


:Am/ 'Forensic Files' taping recounts Barber trial
iL^&f'.-*. ....... ..... t 'S F or ns c Files'

F.r.oc. y, LESLIE M.1ORRIS
Cassie Newman cuddles up with Theresa Castellano
Tuesday at the Pal Valley Senior Center, where Accotink
Academy students sang Christmas songs for the seniors.

Patrol cars, sheriff's deputies
and yellow crime scene tape
seen Wednesday at the north
Guana beach walkover south of
Ponte Vedra were part of a reen-
actment for the television show,
"Forensic Files." :
Sgt. Chuck Mulligan with the
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
said he and other deputies
helped reconstruct a scene from
the Sheriff's Office investigation
into the 2002 shooting death of
April Barber.
Justin Barber was convicted of
murder June 24 in the death of
his wife, whose body was found

near the north Guana walkover
on the beach in August 2002.
Film crews from several
national television shows "have
all been in town covering this
story," both during the trial in
St. Augustine and afterward,
Mulligan said Thursday.
The prosecution claimed that
Barber killed his wife by shoot-
ing her in the face after first try-
ing to drown her in the ocean.
He was motivated, the prose-
cutibn said, by his infidelity and
"debt and a $2.1 million life
insurance policy on April
Barber claimed he and his

wife, 27, were walking on the
beach and were accosted by a
robber, who shot the couple
before fleeting.
After the shooting, Barber
drove north on State Road A1A
about 10 miles before stopping
for help in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Mulligan said that in addition
to the crew from "Forensic
Files," a show on Court TV that
shows how specific crimes are
solved, the Barber case has been
followedby crews from "20/20,"
"Dateline" and "48 Hours
He said all those shows will
likely be aired, given the exten-

sive investments in time, per-
sonnel and equipment. :
None of the crews have given
any indication when their
shows will be aired, he said, not-
ing that the "Forensic Files"
crew working Wednesday was
trying to keep a low profile.
But "the minute we set up the
crime scene tape, we got .
[numerous] phone calls,"
Mulligan said.
Barber was sentenced to life in
prison, although the jury had
recommended the death penal-

-. Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader Calendar ............B-6 Obituaries ........... A-2 V R A EA
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news, Classified ..............C-1 Police Beat ............A-5 PONTE VEDRA LEADER
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Copight 2006 by1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Three sections, 28 pages, Inc. www.pontevedraleader.com
- 1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Three sections, 28 pages

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Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
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Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval'
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
and $80.
In the event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Copyright 2006

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1114 Beach Boulevard.
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Information about area resi-
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must have been printed in an
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A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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For information on placing
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per year in Duval and St..
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To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.
The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
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To request a correction,.
contact the editor at 249-
In the event of errors in

advertisements, the. Leader
will be responsible only for
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assumes no financial respon-
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The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch

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Anthony J. Rivenburg, 49,
died Dec. 5, 2006. A native of'
New York, he served in the U.S.
Navy and moved to Atlantic
Beach in 1984.
Rivenbuig is survived by his,
Wife, Rhiena; two sons,
Michael and Mark Rivenburg;
three daughters, Mary iKevini
\Vyche, Marilyn and Mercy
Rivenburg; one granddaughter,.
Alize Wyche; three brothel s
and three sisters.

The family will receive
friends from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday at Hardage-Giddens
Funeral Home. The funeral
service will be at 2 p.m.
Saturday in the funeral home
chapel. Interment will follow
in Beaches Memorial Park.
Words of comfort may be
shared with the family at
! :.? . .


Harold Jacob Staub of Ponte
Vedra Beach died at home Dec.
3, 2006, surrounded by his fam-
ily. Staub was born Nov. 11,
1919 in Philadelphia, Pa., the
son of Harold Adam Staub and
Mary Agnes McLaughlin Staub.
He served with the U.S. Army
in Europe during World War II.
After returning from the war,,
Staub graduated from LaSalle
College and worked in the dairy
industry for many years in
Pennsylvania. When an oppor-
tunity.arose to continue in the
industry. in Jacksonville, he and
other partners purchased
Foremost Dairies of the
Southeast, which they renamed
Farmbest Dairies.
After the 'sale of Farmbest,
Staub began a new career in real
estate development. According
to family, he was instrumental
,in the creation of Sasvgrass
Country Club in Ponte Vedra
and subsequently served as
General Manager of Suntree
Country Club in Melbourne,
Fla. In the latter position he was
involved in the development of
the Senior PGA Tour, eventually
holding '11 tournaments at
Suntree. .
Staub is survived by Donna,
his wife of 37 years; her daugh-
ter, Donna Newsome
LynamiBruce), and their chil-
dren, Brian, Meredith and
Bethany Lynam. He also is, sur-
vived by his children with the
late 'Katherine Emery Staub:
Carol Rishel(Rick), Jerry Staub,
John Staub(Becky), Mary Beth
Crodm(Jeff), Katherine
Corbett(Peter), and their chil-

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dien, Chnstian and Peter Rishel,
Katie Croom, Chelsea Staub,
Kelly and Austin Corbett, and
great-grandson Lance Rishel.
Staub was preceded in death
by his parents, sister Mary
Sulock and brother John Staub.
He is survived by his brother
'Frank Staub(Maryi.
Staub was an artist and loved
golf, music and animals, his
family said.
The family would like to
express thanks to the staff of
Baptist Beaches Hospital and
appreciates the compassion
shown by Dr. Arnold Fong. In
appreciation of the loving sup-
port and care extended to "J-L.."
and his family by Community
Hospice during his final days, it
is suggested that, in lieu of flow-
ers, any memorials be sent to
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida.
The viewing will be from 5
p.m. to 8..p.m. Dec. 12, at the
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. The funeral will be at 11
a.m. Dec. 13 at Christ Episcopal
Church, San Juan' Drive, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Immediately fol-
lowing the services, remains will
be transported for interment at
Memory Garden, Melbourne,
Services under the direction'
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Support for caregivers
Caregiver support meetings
at the St. Johns County
Council on Aging Coastal
Community Center, 180
Marine St., St. Augustine, are
scheduled as follows:
Meetings for those caring
for Alzheimer's patients or
those suffering from memory
loss will be held Dec. 13 at 7
p.m. and Dec. 21 at 1:30 p.m.
"Full Circle" is a group for
those caring for elderly parents
or relatives. The next meeting
of this group is Jan. 23 For
more..information. call ,Diane
Longo'at 823-4.8.1,.) ,,
Roundtable to meet
A panel of St. Johns County
School Board staff will speak
about FCAT results at a 9 a.m.
meeting of the St. Johns
County Civic Association
Roundtable Monday at the
Main County Library, on the
corner of U.S. 1 and San Carlos
The Roundtable will also
hear a presentation by
Commissioner Tom Manuel
about his goals and ideas for
the county now that he is on
the Board of County
'Book TV' bus to visit
The "Book TV" bus a 45-
foot-long mobile television
studio that records shows for
airing weekends on CSPAN2 -
will visit St. Augustine and
Jacksonville Beach Dec. 15.
The van, which travels
around the country recording
author interviews and talks,
will be at the St. Augustine
main library from 1 p.m. to 3
After traveling to a Barnes &
Noble book store in
Jacksonville, the van will end
up at the Starbucks in.
Jacksonville Beach for the
"Books & Brew" program that
begins at 7 p.m.
"Book TV" is filmed at book-
stores, libraries and book festi-
vals across the country. Local
authors are encouraged to visit
the "Book TV" bus for a chance
to be interviewed for possible
'"Book TV" programming.

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births, engage-
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and more;

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Around the Beaches

County has full agenda
The St. Johns County
Commission will consider
Tuesday whether to allow a cel-
lular tower off Mickler Road
and State Road AIA.
Also on the meeting agenda
are discussions about home
rule charter government, a
neighborhood bill of rights
and a proposed amendment to

the contract of County
Administrator Ben Adams.
Adams announced last
month that he will retire in
The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
in the county auditorium, off
U.S. 1 just north of St. )

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December 8.,'2006

The Beaches L~eader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Pn p A *


- n 4w


Page 3A*

School zone proposals online

Proposed school zones for
the St. Johns County School
District drew a crowd to
Nease High School Tuesday
evening for the first town hall
meeting on rezoning.'
All three .high school zon-

ing plans show the same zone
for the new Ponte Vedra high
school (CCC), as shown
below left. Both proposals for
elementary schools put
Nocatee in the zone for Ponte
Vedra-Palm Valley
Elementary (lower right), to

lessen changes as Nocatee
Maps and other informa-
tion on school zones, which
will be decided by the School
Board in February, are avail-
able at www.stjohns.kl2.fl.us.


Photo by Laura Fowler
Firefighters Jeremy Robshaw (from left), RJ. Sluman and Slu Williams collect new toys
Wednesday at the Ponte Vedra Community Association's annual Christmas party and tree lighting
at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Guests were asked to bring toys :for needy children.

Newsletter: Offenders supply funds

Continued from A-i
The inaugural edition
includes holiday safety tips, a
new program that enables par-
ents to know when their
teenage drivers are stopped by
police,/and even a word search.
It also includes a message
from Sheriff David Shoar, a,
question and answer section
called "Ask Deputy Joe," and a
list of sexual offenders living in
the county. All of these sec-
tions will be common elements,
in every edition, Mulligan said.'
The cost of producing the'
magazine is $2,000 for 'each,
edition. That generates 5,000
copies that are made available

at county libraries, Sheriff's,
Office annexes and some local
But the money doesn't come
from taxpayers pockets. The
Sheriff's Office funds the publi-
cation using ,a portion of the
fees charged to criminals con- .
victed in St. Johns County. -
Through : the Crime
Prevention Act, $20 is charged-
for every misdemeanor and
$50 is charged for every felony.
The people who work on
"Community Watch" are.
employees of the Sheriff's
Office who work on the publi-
cation part time in addition to
their ,other duties for the

Sheriff's Office, Mulligan said.
Ideas for crime trends or safe-
ty issues can come from any
department or from any per-
son, including a traffic safety
deputy or someone who works
in the actual publications'
department, he said.
,The next edition will be
coming out in January.
Mulligan said to look for a spe-
cial section that asks citizens to
turn in humorous stories about
an encounter with a sheriff's
A Web version of the maga-
zine can 'be found on' the
Sheriff's Office site at

POW: Camp shown in 'Great Escape'

Continued from A-1
At the hospital, they held
golftournaments, using toma-
to cans for the holes, mallets
for clubs and cigarettes for
prizes, Van Gundy said, adding;
that he and his partner won
"\Ve were wealthy v had,
about 3,000 cigarettes," he
At Stalag Luft III, Vari Guindy
wound up in a compound that
held 1,500 British air person-
nel. -He was one of 500
Americans. :
His bed had no slats, he said:
They had been taken to shore
up escape tunnels. .
' He learned how to make a
hammock,, which is what 'he

slept in most of the time.
Van Gundy said he shared
his room with nine other pris-
oners.' They got updates virtu-
al.ly every day on the war in'
Europe, using hidden radios.
Ultimately, Van Gundy was
among the prisoners freed by
Gen. George Patton's, 3rd,
Armored Division.
Asked by someone in the
audience whether the Germans
had mistreated him ,in any
wa\,Van Gundv answered
"Officers didn't have to
work," said Van Gundv, who
was a lieutenant.'
l-Tha1 E madeS-..skaftA g rin
and had a theater at Stalag Luft
ill. "The biggest complaint I

had," he said, "was not enough
food." -
His weight fell from 1,80
pounds to 110. He came back
to the United States on a ship
and was taken off it 'on. a
stretcher, suffering from hepa-
titis, he said. After extended

hospitalization, he got out of
the military in January 1946.
Van Gundv said he meets
monthly with the First Coast
POW Organization in
Jacksonville. He said most. of
the former POWs are Veterans
of World War II, although
there are,"a couple of Vietnam
veterans"' anid, a: couple- 'of
Korean veterans."' .

', ,--, ,' ,, .. ..ur,-, .u 6 (l.- tp
Finalizing plans for the Shared Trea.ure estate sale.on Dec. 16 in Ponte Vedra .are Mary Iop
Northrop (from left) Sally Robbins and Diane Cannon. The sale, to be held 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 335
San Juan Drive, is sponsored by the Christ Episcopal Church Foundation. The public is invited.

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December 8, 2006


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December 8, 2006

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Letters to the editor:

Those not in bloc on

SJ commission should

quit pouting, whining

To the editor:
For six of the past 10 years
there have been voting blocs
on the Board of County
C Co m m i s s i'o n er .
Commissioners who were not
a part of the blocs were
Mr. Uiml Bryant has had an
*active role bordering on lead-
ership in all six. years. In the
first bloc, in 1996, Bryant and
his friends fired the county
administrator, Nick Meiszer,
reduced the requirements for
the job and hired Ben Adams.
Mr. Adams didn't question
any decision or give unsolicit-
ed or unwanted advice.
. The -second bloc was pres-
ent during the past four years
of runaway growth. During
the first two years Meiszer,
then a county commissioner,
:.objected to the growth but
was ignored.
In the last two years Ms
[Cyndi] Stevenson took Mr.
Meiszer's seat and joined the
bloc. Mr. [Ben] Rich was then
odd man out. He opposed the
growth and was ignored like
Now here we are with a new

bloc, which the citizens elect-'
ed to stop the runaway
growth and get a handle on
spending. Rich is now chair-
man and, along with Mr.
[Tom] Manuel and Mr. [Ron]
Sanchez, are making the
changes required to get the
county back under better
management and control.
At the last commission
meeting Bryant and
Stevenson made it clear that
they found these efforts very
My dears, all one can say is,
get over it. You don't control
anymore, so stop whining.
Stop walking out early in a
pout and a snit. Isn't that
like quitting? Were you elect-
ed to do that? The very least
you can do, to earn your
salary, is stay and take it, like
Meiszer and Rich had to do.
Remember the words of a
former President. "If you
can't stand the heat get out of
the kitchen."
Mary F. Kohnke
Former St. Johns County
Ponte Vedra Beach

Division growing in JB district

To the editor:
First off, I want to thank
everyone that came out to
support my campaign. This
was clearly a hard fought bat-
tie. Even though I came up
short I am very proud of what
I was able to accomplish. I
want to congratulate Steve
S) Hartkemeyer for his victory.
I However, a. forty vote, victory
i 4s..not.a,.marndate.for-him and
his pro development views. I
will continue to work with
Steve to make this beach and
this district this best beach on
the eastern seaboard. I also am
going to ask that Steve repre-
sent ALL of this district.
It is evident that there is a
growing division in this dis-
trict between those east of 9th
street and those that live back
along the intercostal. It's obvi-
ous that our neighbors to the
west of us do not'have to deal
with the growth issues that
affect us east of A1A. This
showed in the voting num-
bers. I would hope that Steve
would be as concerned about
this as I am. I plan on address-

ing this with him as soon as
.1 also want to publicly
thank my campaign team for
all of their hard work and ded-
ication throughout this
process. I couldn't have gotten
this far without the help of
Ron Whittington, Wendell
Finner, Bonnie Barnes and
Hank W.atson. 1. also ,want d .i
,. thank. Skip, Smith.. for..takiqgA
part in this election. It was
evident by me that Skip has
alot to offer this community. I
look forward to finding ways
to utilize Skip's passion in
order to make this district the
best in Jacksonville Beach.
In conclusion, I want to
extend the proverbial olive
branch to the city council.
While they didn't support me
or my campaign I am going to
publicly ask that they stop
endorsing future candidates.
It doesn't serve our communi-.
ty any good to be "hand pick-
ing" one candidate over the
Scott Chesnut
Jacksonville Beach

Don't defend military budget

To the editor:
SNptune Beach Mayor Dick
Brown denied that he was a
militarist (Leader, Nov. 28,
Why then does he support a

U.S.military budget that is
equal to the military budgets
of all other nations?
Michael Hoffmann
Atlantic Beach

Kathleen Feindt Bailey
. Editor, The Beaches Leader

Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahlke
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Johnny Woodhouse

Business Office
Char Coffman

Kathleen Hartman

Linda Borgstede

Karen Stepp
i'LePn1. nu

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore,
Angela G. Smith.

Advertising &

Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
IKaty Stark

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb


Steve Fouraker

(904) 249-9033

Direr orofSale Editor, Pont Vedra Leader

Jennifer Wise
IHe Presidendt

Anya Braun
Eric Braun
'Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Perry
SKevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin Wray
Kendall Thornes

"Copyrighted Material

VAvailable from Commercial News Providers"


Santa can't deliver immediately

C hristmas is a tricky busi-
ness. Toys made year
round in an area so cold
it supports no life but an elder-
ly couple and their elves are
globally distributed in one
night in a magic sleigh piloted
by flying reindeer.
The toys are delivered by a
jolly heavyset man in a red suit
who inexplicably can squeeze
himself into cramped chimneys
without getting stuck or set
Santa Claus also possesses
keen clairvovance skills that
allow him to know if a child was
naughty or rnce. That type of
voyeuristic behavior is very
unsettling, even if good deeds
are rewarded with dolls that wet
All of this proves difficult for
a child to digest but I felt confi-
dent my childhood would pre-
pare me for my son's questions
and enable me to provide satis-
factory answers without unrav-
eling the mysteries of
As a kid, *,'e xperiens.ed -y:
share of, Christmas conun-
drums, like the Christmas Eve
when Santa sampled some holi-
day cheer before he assembled a
Holly Hobby playhouse in the
garage, then realized it was too
big to fit through the door.
All the ruckus in the living
room roused me from slumber
and what to my wondering eyes
should appear, but my dad.and
my uncle and a 12-pack of beer.
I was told a mix-up was
threatening to compromise the
rest of Santa's night's delivery
schedule so dad had giaciously


offered to reconstruct the play-
house in the living room so
Santa could get on his merry
I accepted that theory as dad
was a pretty stand-up guy and
was quickly ushered back to
bed. By 7 a.m., my cardboard
castle was standing tall but I
noticed that Santa's penman-,
ship looked familiar.
This year, my son River is 4
and fbr the first tire r11lly
-excited .about visiting'Santgjto.
tell him what he wants for-
Christmas. The weather finally
cooperated Sunday and we.
made the trip to the SeaWalk
Pavilion for the annual holiday
Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived
via fire truck and took their
places amid the palm trees to
fulfill the Chnstmas wishes of
the anxious children.
We waited quietly for over an
hour, subdued by free chocolate
chip cookies. But the quiet was
broken once we inched closer to
the bearded man and his mis-

Arms and legs locked securely
around me, River begged to go
t Not wanting to be one of
those parents who threatens a
child into smiling, I nearly gave
up our post but the time we
invested in line made me stand
IWe made it to Santa and
although River refused to make
eye contact, he told him what
he wanted for Christmas and
happily accepted a candy cane
from NMis. Claus.
Santa seemed a little confused
when my son asked for a Barbie
Dancing Princess and looked to
me for confirmation before
agreeing to deliver one on
Christmas Eve.
Heading for the car, I praised
my son for bravely tackling his
fears and silently thanked Santa
for rising above the social stig-'
ma often attached to little boys
playing with girls' toys.
But I was temporarily blind-
-sjde&::tTen t enada D j
jlist"egged to be taken tho
suddenly wailed that he wanted
to stay.
Apparently, at age 4 the poli-
tics of Christmas are unclear
and my son expected that he
would receive the coveted danc-
ing princess immediately in
exchange for waiting in the;
excruciatingly long line.
We went home and I helped
my still-sniffling son complete
yet another draft of his wish list,
moving Barbie up to the top of
the heap. Now all I have to do is
remember to make sure Santa
himself fills out the gift tag.

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Busing is


'R alph Kramden, TV's
famous jitney jockey,
would 1be even more
puffed up than usual. The
December' Reader's ,Digest
reports that the number of bus
trips taken is increasing. No
doubt the trend is related to
the high price of gasoline.
People are' voting with their
seats, exchanging the one in
their car for one on public.,
transportation. Guys and gals
are trying to save some gals, of
-The RD news note also said
that "niche" lines are showing
up everywhere; e.g.,
"Chinatown" carriers that con-
nect East Coast Asian popula-
tions; service to link Los
Angeles and San Francisco with
Las Vegas, etc. Of course, peo-
ple commuting to work and
school must constitute the
largest groups of the bused,
and I'd bet that the number of
Jaxons in them has gone up
dramatically. On extra-busy
routes, possibly the best way to
be sure of getting a seat is to be
the driver.
SI'm a big fan of busing, hav-
ing studied for most of my col-.,
lege and insurance courses
while so ensconced. It seemed
a sinful waste to fritter 'away
the time spent underway. I
really,' Aug tbht moving study
hall'.Ne' rthe)s V,'4.fink that,
of all the' available forms of
unforced busing, the :most
enjoyable is the bus tour.
I'd even include my seem-
ingly endless journey from
Ecuador's mountainous capi-
tal, Quito,: down to the
Amazon River in, a battered
school bus that leaked exhaust
fumes into the passenger area.
I wouldn't do it again, but it
was quite an adventure,
although th, rest room was
mainly the jungle. You didn't
rest--ydu ran!
In '. contrast, Sydney,
Australia, has a topflight sight-
seeing bus arrangement called
the Sydney Explorer. The com-
fortable red vehicles go to 27
city attractions all day, periodi-
cally. For a single fee,' you can'
get on and off at will and just
catch a later one to continue.
There's on-board recorded
commentary to tell about
upcoming spots. As the Aussies
say, you'll have a g'day.
We appear to get pretty effec-
tive bus service at the
Jacksonville Beaches. Still, I
think we could use some niche
carriage. For starters, it would
be nice if there were at least a
weekly round trip to the
Jacksonville Zoo. To maximize
ridership, intermediate stops
could be scheduled.
Considering the expansion
and renewal work done recent-
ly, there must be oodles of new
or improved exhibits to see,
even for folks who've visited
the facility already. (I'd wanna
check the jaguars without hel-
I say take a bus, but please
bring it back!

Lengthy letters
may be edited
as space
We will not
consider letters
that do not
bear a
signature and
address and we
request a phone
number for

fl> A. AA




- -


..... ....


S_ C

uecember o, c.UUI

Page 5A

The p Beahes Lader/Ponte Vedra Leader

A property manager for 100
Executive Drive reported that two win-
dows valued at a total of $600 were
damaged some time Tuesday evening
or Wednesday morning.
A 40-year-old Ponte Vedra woman
called 911' just after 2 a.m. Wednesday
and reported that her doorbell rang
twice then she heard a noise like a door
opening at the rear of her house.
Nothing was found out of place,
according to a report.
The doors of several offices in a
building in the 500 block of State Road
A1A were tampered with some time
Tuesday evening or Wednesday morn-'
ing. One door was forced open and
$147 in petty cash was stolen from a
desk drawer.
Two unlocked vehicles parked at
houses on Overlook Drive were bur-
glarized some time late Sunday or early
Monday, with a wallet, driver's license
and credit cards missing from one and.
a laptop computer missing from the
other. in one case, the victim said she
heard noises outside shortly after mid-
night.. n the other case, the victim
said his dog "began barking wildly" in
the early morning hours. The man's
computer, found in the 600 block of
Ponte Vedra Boulevard,. was returned
to him.
'* '
A worker at an apartment complex
in the Ponte Vedra Lakes area reported'
Monday that someone broke a window
in the apartment's media room some
time during the previous afternoon or
night. Damage was estimated at $100.
Two laptop computers and akey to a
backhoe were reported stolen some,
time Monday afternoon or early
Tuesday from a construction trailer The
computers were valued at $1,000 and

Vandalism was reported on Dec. 5 in
the 300 block of First Street.
Burglary' was reported on Dec. 5 in
the 1700 block of Mayport Road,
according to a police report. Several

,'. by LIZA MITCHEL'";
Donations are coming in to
help replace -an aquatic surf
chair stolen last month from
the Volunteer Life Saving sta-
tion inJacksonville Beach.
Gari Fiske, chairman of the
Board of Directors for the Red
Cross Lifesaving Corps, said he
was surprised by the outpour-
ing of support from" the comt-
munity. :. ,
"We've received about four
calls and a little over $300," he
said Thursday. "People want to
contribute. It's a good thing."
Fiske said chairs are
equipped with special tires
designed to maneuver through
the soft sand and help people
with physical limitations enjoy
the surf.
The station maintains four,
chairs that are available at all
'times for public use. One of the
chairs was stolen Nov. 7 and
was last seen in a blue pickup
truck heading west on Beach
Boulevard. Cost to replace the
chair is $1,000.
'"We are definitely going to
change our policy on where we
keep them," Fiske said. "They
are not going to be kept out in
the open anymore."
Fiske said the surf chairs were
developed in the early 80s by a
Daytona Beach lifeguard who
wanted to help handicapped
people enjoy the beach.
During that time the Beaches
Council of Disabled Persons,
with members including Fiske
.and Jimmy \Wilkins of the city's
Parks and Recreation.
Department, formed to assist'
handicapped persons "who
were not getting a fair shake."
"We helped set up handi-
capped parking spots 'and
made it accessible for disabled"
persons to get to the, beach,"
Fiske said.
The council later obtained
four of the aquatic wheelchairs
for use in Jacksonville Beach.
Fiske said chairs are now avail-
able from Hanna Park to
Flagler Beach.
The chairs are constructed
with standard PVC piping and
webbing similar to lawn furni-
ture and are relatively easy to
Sand and water can fill in the
tires which causes damage over
time. The tires cost over $100
each to replace, Fiske said.
SThere is no charge to use the
chairs. A driver's license or
photo ID will be held at the
station until the chair is
"They can use them any-
time," Fiske said. "They are

items were stolen from a storage unit,
including bank statements, a social
security card, a debit card, checks and a
computer. One of the victims was
deployed for six months and when he
came back to retrieve his belongings
from the storage unit, they were gone,
he told police. A former employee
noted in July that the lock was missing
from the unit. Another' employee
noticed that the unit was empty and
attempted to contact the victim,
according to the report.
Kathleen E. Turley, 42, was arrested
for possession of cocaine and drug
paraphernalia on Dec. 6 in the 500
block of David Street, according to a
police report.
Petit theft was reported on Dec. .5 in
the 300 block of Atlantic Boulevard,
according to a police report. A witness
told police that three men came into
the store and bought cold drinks.
When they left, one of the man ran
back in(o the store and stole a box of
Slim Jims, valued at $24. All three men
drove off in an 'SUV, .according to the

Auto burglary' was reported Dec. 5 in
the 1300 block of Pinewood Road. A.
Glock .40 caliber semiautomatic pistol
valued at $50 was stolen from a fanny
pack under the seat. A credit card and
$50 gift card were also taken from the
." , ,,,
Armed robbery was reported Dec. 5
at a Chevron station in the 300 block
of Beach Boulevard. The clerk said an
unknown male suspect wearing a blue
ski mask and carrying brass knuckles
entered the business at 11:15 p.m. and
demanded money. The victim handed
$50 to the suspect who fled the store.
Strong arm robber was reported
Dec. 5 in the 200 block of 6th Avenue
North. The victim told police he left a
nearby bar at 11 p.m. and was struck
in the left side of his face by an
unknown 'male suspect. The suspect-
allegedly demanded money and. ciga-
rettes before fleeing the area.'

here for the pleasure and
enjoyment of the handicapped
Fiske said people wishing to
contribute can send donations
to the American Red Cross at
751 Riverside Avenue,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32204
with checks designating VLSC
- Volunteer Life Saving Corps
- for the wheelchair account.
All donations will be used to
purchase a new chair and' pro-
vide maintenance of the exist-
ing chairs. Contact Fiske at
237-9512 for information.


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Officers from various state agencies do a practice
drill Thursday morning atan empty building at
11th Street North and Beach Boulevard. They
were training on high risk warrant service. Police
also used the sitefor training in using a battering
ram to open a door and various other techniques.
,Officers from the Jacksonville Beach police
department also participated.

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T' hf'nJ 6 a-l' nrel i,,:rtaia n hl: i should. no'rhi e hAh i le t'.n' a ti-
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-an --p-r- --n,:e.

Thank You!

To my family & friends

and most

importantly, the

voters of Jacksonville

Beach. If it were not

for your support &

confidence in me,

none of this would

have been possible.

Steve Hartkemeyer

= ..~~ ~~.... ,-2

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Donations to buy

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1 .A 3 ,

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 8, 2006


Grief Ministry Israel Study Jacksonville Beach. The pro- address is 465 11th Ave. N. in HANUKKAH EVENTS
gram emphasizes that Jacksonville Beach.
An introductory gathering Biblical Scholar, L. Johnson through .worship and'same- Sunrise Community AND SERVICES
for the Healing Hearts Sarber, is leading a multi- gender small groups, people Church offers Men's Study
Ministry of Ponte Vedra media Sunday School class at can work on personal strug- Groups at 6 :15 a.m. and 7
Presbyterian church will be at Calvary Anglican Church on gles such as eating disorders, p.m. on Wednesdays. Contact
7.pm. on Sunday. Healing the History of the Modern alcohol/drug abuse, and code- the church office at 249-3030
Hearts Ministry, led by State of Israel. -The three-part pendency.. The evenings for information; the church December 15
trained volunteers, is a small class will continue at 9 a.m. begin with dinner. Call 249- address, is 298 Aquatic dIrive
group, self-guided journey on Sunday and on Dec. 17. 2343.' in Atlantic Beach.
through the grief process. A Calvary meets at Sabal:Palm *Chabad @ the Beaches,521 AlA N in Ponte Vedra, 285-
10-week group will begin Elementary School at 1200 N. Men' group Sin g1 o ups,, 1588.
meeting on Sunday, January 7 Kernan Blvd. For information All r p Singles groups Festival of Hanukkah celebration will be at the
at 7 p.m. Beth and David call the church office at 241- m eetill S The following are church- Jacksonville Landing and includes the lighting of a 15-foot
Bolton are the facilitators. 9400. related singles groups in the Menorah at 6:45 p.m. A parade will leave from Chabad @
The gathering and meetings Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian Beaches area. Church mem- the Beaches and travel to the Landing for a family-orient-
will be held at the Bolton R Meditation Church offers "Bible and bership is not required: ed Hanukkah program prior to the Menorah Lighting.
home at 504 Fresh Pond Road Meditati.: Bagels", a men's Bible study New Life Christian
in' Ponte Vedra. For informa- Class. group, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on Fellowship, 2701 Hodges. *Beth El the Beaches Synagogue, 288 N. Roscoe Blvd.,
tion contact them at 280- : Wednesdays in the Fellowship Blvd., Jacksonville has Ponte Vedra, 273-9100
7820 or at etbolton@bell- Unity at the -Beaches will Hall. The. church address is monthly Single Adult Lighting the Hanukkah Lights will be at 5 p.m. with a
south.net. offer "Meditation Made Easy", 4140 Hodges' Blvd., For infor- Ministry meetings. A White- Family Dinner served at 6 p.m. Services will be held at 8
a class led'by Rev. Marleen mation call 223-6922.. Elephant Gift Exchange will p.m.
S Davis at '7:30 p 'm.. on The men's group from be held at 7:30 p.m. on
Encouragers Wednesdays at the Ribault Calvary Anglican Church Friday. The annual Singles *Congregation Ahavath Chesed,. 8727 San JoseBlvd. in
Luncheon Garden Club. The class will meets at 6 :a.m. Friday at Christmas Banquet will be at Jacksonville, 733-7078.
X :continue through early Denny's Restaurant, on 7 p.m on Saturday at the." First Night of Hanukkah Dinner and Service begins at 6
Saul Ket and his wife, both .December. For information Atlantic Blvd. Pastor David Genesis Cafe. Tickets are $20 p.m. There will be a Family Service and Dinner as well as
Southern Baptist call 355-5100. The Garden Sandifer will facilitate a study.. and need to be purchased in an Evening Service and Candlelight Adult Dinner. The cost
Missionaries, will be the guest Club is at 705 2nd Ave. N. iri of "Devotional Classics" by advance. Contact Claudia at for the dinner is $13 for adults and $7 for children. The
speakers at the December Jacksonville, Beach. Richard S. Foster. For informa- .223-6000 for information, community is welcome; call for reservations.
Encouragers Luncheon at 11 tion call the church office at Childcare 'is provided for
a.m. on Thursday, Dec.14 at 241-940Q0 some events.
Neptune Baptist' Church. ,'Ea .-,1 A men's Bible study is held Beach United Methodist. December 18
There is a $5 donation at the Schools at 7 a.m. Monday at Ponte Church has Monday Night
door. for the luncheon. The Vedra United Methodist 'Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on *Chabad @ the' Beaches will.-have an .interactive
church is at 407 Third Street On Thursdays from 9:30 to Church, 35 Executive Way, M onday nights and Singles Hanukkah program for residents of Avante Nursing and
in Neptune Beach; call 249- 11 .a.m, a group meets at the Ponte Vedra Beach. Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on. Rehabilitation Center. Call,285-1588 for information.
2307.for information. Winston Family YMCA to 'Palms Presbyterian men's Sundays. For information
pray for school, media, fami- Bible study is held at 7 a.m. visit www.beachumc.org or, ..
lies, and church. The YMCA, Vednesdavs in the Youth call 249-2343. BUMC is locat-. December 19
Bethed allery, is on Landrum Lane in'Ponte Center/Fellowship Hall. ed at 325 7th Ave. N.
Exhibit Vedra. For information call Community Presbyterian Beaches Chapel Church, *Chabad @ the Beaches will have a holiday children's
E h t 285-0267. Church at 150 Sherty Dr. in- 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune story hour with crafts and games at the Beaches Branch of
"Christmas Presence" is the Atlantic Beach has Beach. Singles over age 33 the Library in Neptune Beach at 4:30 p.m. Call 285-1588
ongoing art'exhibit' at Bethel Celebrate Wednesday morning prayer meet the last Saturday of the for information.
Gallery at Ponte "Vedra 'CAe rate breakfasts for men at 7 a.m. month at. 7 p.m. at the
Presbyterian Church through Recovery St. Paul's by the Sea church. 241-4211.
Jan. 14. The church address is Episcopal Church has a Men's Christ Episcopal Church, December 21
4510 Palm' Valley Road in A biblical based program for Prayer Group and Bible Study 400 San Juan Driverin Ponte
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-8225 persons facing personal prob- which meets on the first and Vedra, offers a singles min- *Chabad @ the Beaches will have Chanukah program for
for information. :' leems, meets every Friday at third Saturday of the month istry called Solo Flight. For, residents of Fleet Landing. Call 285-1588 for information.
6:30 p.m. in the fellowship at 8 a.m. in Stormes Hall. The information call 285-6127. :
hall of Beach United, men's group also participates
Methodist Church, 3rd Street in outreach efforts. All are
at 7th Avenue North, welcome to attend. The

400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach 285-6127 ALV ARY Vr Wit
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist A n licanC hu rc Your Family pamis
10:15 AM Christian Formation; Saturday Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM p resb y,e r i a n church.
Wednesday Holy Eucharist 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 6 PM A iorr, p-ceneredensaeicongreaon ThiS |
Nursery available for Saturday and Sunday services. Meeting at Saba Palm Elementary Weekalms Oasis
1201 N Kernan Blvd. "l... .l a Communit Nurtured
CHRIST CHURCH SAN PABLO. ..-undaorship: 10:30 am -' r... -isCommueI .Nurtured b
2002 San Pablo Rd, Jacksonville, 221-4777 Sunda, Scrool: 9:00 am l; t..he.raceo4 u nst.
Sunday 9 AM Worship; 10:15 AM Christian Formation H.m. G., C .uor- .. ...knrns a ia.-r ....i.E to
Nursery Provided ,er s HMP., s.... S. unar m o'r ,S 5erve God's Mission in the World
For event information, visit www.christepiscopalchurch.org .. .. ..:... ....
COASTAL CHRISTIAN Worship Opportunities SUNRISE Sunday WorshipServices
Exciting, Gro ng 9:30 a.m. Contemporary COMMUNITY CHURCH 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Exciting, Growing 1 ; 1:00 a.m. Traditional* Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
Home Church I bi I *Kids Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church
off Keran 1Rev. Jeff Beinnett,Pastor Nursery at all services
off Kernan Adam Mvers.YoUth, .. Sunday School & A.B.E's 9:00 am. .
553-9910 Worship Service 10:15 Sunday School
PONTE VpEDRA 35 ExecutiveWay, PVB Worship All ages 9:40 a.m.
M eet Sunday s Across AIAfrom Rawlings School ,
Behind Prosperity Bank 298 Aquatic Drive 1310r
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. United Mletodist 280-5141 www.p-mc.org Atlantic Beach '4o "446-42' pal mAn..r." Or
www.coastalchristian.org Ch urch "Connecting the Unconnected" Phone: 249-3030 P(.USA,
"Where friends father to worsi" Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
Holy Communion www.pppc.com R leR2ffMII S i urh Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. To advertise your Sun. Worship,9:00 & 10:30 a,m. 1050 Highway A1A-285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. DanaA. Brones, Pastor
Tt m n the O' Sunday Breakfast -.. (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
at 610 Florida Bhd., Neptune Beach elig userviceNursery & Toddler Ministries Sunday School 9:00am http//www.blcjaxbeach.org
LMA[LNG ADDRESS:P.O.BOX50294 here call Middle, High School, College Worship E-: 10:15am 355-5100. 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. adiional
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32240-0294 249903 Adult MinlJtries newbeginningsbc@'clearwire.nei Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
wwi.holvrinityneptunebeach.org 249-9033 IMusic & Art Minisries Website: Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Re'. Robert C. Adams. 'icar Home of a Bethlehem isit ww'w.onlinewithnewbeginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.

AStephE(BY I SEA) nation EPISCOPAL ClHiURCH Episcopal Church Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
1801 Beac Bl\ .. :[,& \l POWERFUL WORSHIP, PASSIONATE SERVICE.- B1o0RF.llva NEUNJE BEACH YouthFellowship11:30a.m.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 "*__ \_11 Nursery Provided-
PASTOR MICHAEL BLAKER 895- aim Valley Road ,o
Sunday Worhip Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112 ___________ ____,____, Pastor Steve McCoy CHRIST
Sunay M1o0rshi www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org Chilr'U CaeA1 SAssociate Pastor Howard Mclin|M UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
8:00 am & 10:30 am81 Sunday, Oct.8 W F. ,_ Chldren's Chapel At 10amSun. WORSHIP SERVICES ''
Sunday School 10am HOLY EUCHARIST & Welcome amiies Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am BLESSING OFTHE ANIMALS & Singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am Wednesday 7PM Neptune Beach 249-.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am Bring your live and toy animals as we Corner of 51h St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL* www.stpaulsbylhesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided celebrate ST. FRANCIS DAY. 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapelcom Share in the love of Christ
150 Sherry Dive, Atlantic Beach FL 1 225 Oceanfront & Seagate, NeptuneBeach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
18 Rev. Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pastor (ELCA) B apt ist Churc h Come worship with us by the ocean. a 5 Se FatherJoseph Meehan
Pres Church Office249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING Tradit icesa ne ah St EEKEND MASSES
www.communitypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 am d
:' ludhcS I ,IJ l~. FkP~ ~t SUNDAY Celebration Praise. Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor Sunday a.m., 11 a.m.

Page i6A

v. u. n e ran. r asor. 9:00 am -Contemporary Worship Service. 10-5am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 1 a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship .10:30 am- Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONCILIATION
Church School All Ages 9:45 a.m. 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00, 8:30,10:00, Saturday 10:00 a.m.or by at.
ChurhF Schoowships,9:5a6:30 pm The Gathering 530Su
Conte poraryWorshipSe 5:59 .m Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible StdiesorEveryAge & Life Situation 6:30 Choir, Bible tudy,Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 pm. RELIGIOUS EDUCATO
Chacel Choir Wednes.days p.m. y 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor* 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3)7:1 (4-6 gr.)
oSunday Worship www.eptunebaptistorg Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m.24 -14
Weekday Prescool/Kindergarten (3,4 & 5 yrolds) Nursery Provided TomeBary, Pastor 904-2492307 www.fccbdoc.com/emaift ccbdoc@bellsouth.net 246-6014
PaIr Valley Baptist Church OCEANSIDE
4l-,t', Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra RPle onabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, PhD. Spiritual Leader T BAP
(904)1 85-2447 tiart Williams, President CHURCH OF CHRIST IT F A IST
E mail: palmchurch@bell 1025 Snug Harbor Court
Sunday School for alleges .... 9:15m 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid
Sunday Worship 10:30am Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 .12:00 noon St) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Sunday Eveningervice 10:30am Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Bible Study 6:00pm' Saturday 5:00 pm W'e have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am conmmunit,. Please contact our office m-f8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Minister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Family education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Wedinnesday Bible Study 6:00pm (904) 268-2500 "A home for Jewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
for all ages 7:00pm www.MandarinChristian.com .. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd.near Philips Hwy. L. ... Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A

Decemi r oer u

A -Bethlehem Visit opens Thursday night.

Lucy Rieger, left, and Victoria Parker are angels in the finale
of the Christmas concert at Christ the Redeemer.

Christ the Redeemer

hosts holiday concert

for the community

Christ the Redeemer
Church will have a night of
Christmas music and celebra-
tion for the community on
Sunday. ,
The 60-piece: First Coast
Wind Ensemble will be the
guest performers at "The
Classic Sounds of Christmas"
at 7 p.m. in the church sanc-
tuary at 190 S.. Roscoe Blvd.
in Ponte Vedra., The finale of
Sthe concert will include chil-
dren from the congregatipn
. who "will tell the story of
"We wanted to do some-
thing to touch *the whole
family," said Sean Yost,
Associate Pastor at Christ the
Redeemer Church. This will
be "an elegant way to cele-
brate Christmas."
Not everyone has the
opportunity' to attend con-
certs like those given by the
First Coast Wind Ensemble.
Having them perform here
gives parents the chance to
bring their children to a first-

class concert, said Yost.
From 6 to 6:45 p.m. the
church will also host a recep-
tion for all guests and a spe-
cial reception for children in
the 1st through 5th grades.
The conductor and some
of the musicians hom the
First Coast Wind Ensemble
will attend the reception for
adults.. Childcare will be
availablefor younger chil-
dren and parents are wel-
come to have the children.
attend the concert along
vith them and their siblings.
At the child ru reception,
older children be able to
choose activities and enjoy
refreshments in a climate-
controlled tent set up outside
the main church building.
The children's staff has activ-
ities planned "to make this a
special night for them," he
Christ the Redeemer
Church has made a- special
effort to promote the event,
to the community, said Yost.
The' sanctuary seats
between 500 and 600 people.

December 8
A 'Holiday Concert and
Potluck Luncheon will be held
'by the Senior Connection at
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Catholic Church at 545 A1A N
in Ponte Vedra. Singers by the
Sea will perform. Call 543-
1139 or 285-1932 for informa-
December 9
*An "Advent' Quiet
Morning" sponsored by the St.
Julian of Norwich Chapter of
the Daughters of the King will
be held from 9 to 11 a.m. at St.
Paul's by the Sea Episcopal'
Church at 465 11th Ave. N in
Jacksonville Beach. Call 249-
4091 for information.'
*"When Love Came
Down", a worship concert per-.
formed by the Adult and
Children's Choir and-
Orchestra, will be at 6:30 p.m.
at Neptune Baptist Church at
407 Third Street. For informa-
tion call 249-2307.
*Christmas Carnival with a
rummage sale will be from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Paul's
Catholic Church at 222 North
5th St. in Jacksonville Beach..
Call 249-2600 for informa-
*Contemporary Arts
Ministry will present "Finest
Gifts" at 6 p.m at Beach
United Methodist Church at
3rd Street at 7th Ave. N. Call
249-2343 for information.
December 10
*A Choir Cantata will be

performed at 10 a.m. at Fust
Christian Church at. the
Beaches, 2125 Oceanfront, in
Neptune Beach. Call 246-2010
for information.
*Contemporary Arts
Ministry will present "Finest
Gifts": at 9:30. a.m. at Beach
United Methodist Church at
3rd Street at 7th Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach Call 249-
2343 for information.
*Holy Eucharist with
Lessons and Carols will be at
5:30 p.m. at Christ Episcopal
Church at 400 San Juan Drive,,
in Ponte Vedra.
*I Have Seen the Light: the
Search for Christmas" will be
presented by the Traditional,
Praise, Youth, and Children's
Choirs at Ponte Vedra United
Methodist Church at 9:30 and
11 a.m. services. The church is-
at, 35 Executive Way in Ponte
Vedra; call 280-5141 for infor-.
*Mayport Presbyterian
Church will host a Christmas
Cantata "Gather at the
Manger" at 11 a.m. The
church is at 1300 Palmer
Street in Mayport.
*The Joy Jammer Choir will -
present "Miracle on Main
Street" at 6:30 p.m. at First
Baptist Church of Jacksonville
Beach at 324 5th Street N. For
information call 249-2314.
*"When Love Came Down,"
a worship concert performed
by the Adult and Children's
Choir and orchestra, will be at
9 and 10:30 a.m. at Neptune
Baptist Church at 407 Third
Street. For information call

Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church will present "A
Bethlehem Visit 2006" from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 14,
15, and 16.
"A Bethlehem Visit" is an
8,000 square foot walk-
through representation of
Bethlehem as it might have
been 2000 years ago. -
The cast for the event is
made up of 200 people, said
Diana Patterson, executive
assistant to the Pastor of Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian.
They portray the townspeo-
ple, merchants, craftsmen, and
Roman soldiers who were like-
ly to have been in Bethlehem
the night Christ was born.
After strolling through
Bethlehem,, visitors will find
Mary, Joseph, and the infant
Jesus at the stable.
About 200 people ,work
behind the scenes on "A
Bethlehem Visit," said volun-
teer-Beth Bolton.
The buildings remain stand-
ing throughout the year.
Months before the event, work
begins: to get the town ready,
said Site. Coordinator, Dean

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After Thanksgiving volun-
teers work every weekend to
make sure that any construc-
tion or improvements needed
will be completed on time, he
Final touches are added by
Bolton and a committee to
"accessorize the city," she said.
This weekend, they will
hang draperies, set up the dis-
plays for the market stalls,
and in general have in place
everything that makes Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian's town of
Bethlehem come to life.
For information about "A
Bethlehem Visit", call. Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church at
285-8225 or visit
. Special needs parking is
available at the church at 4510
Palm Valley Road in Ponte
Vedra. Golf carts are available
to -help those who need assis-


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General parking with free
shuttle service to "A
Bethlehem Visit" is available at
Davis Park, west of the Palm

Valley Bridge on CR 210, and
at the PGA Tour Parking lot,
west of AlA on CR 210.

The Inn and other buildings at Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church's town of Bethlehem stand empty before the opening of,
a Bethlehem Visit on Dec. 14


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Church Events

for Christmas

T b-_--i,^ R n006

. Aft

Paz ATeBahsLedrPneVdaLadrDcme ,20

Fall hike warms body, heart and soul

At long last my shingles
have receded to a mem-
ory, and hiking in our
cool autumn woods is- once
again my preferred pastime.
To kick off my delayed solitary
hiking season, I drove to Little
Talbot Island State Park to
revisit my favorite hiking trail
through the woods and down
the beach months since I've
been there. Far, far too long.
Immediately upon embark-
ing down the natural trail
near the ranger station, I was
welcomed into the woods. A
small gopher tortoise, fist-
sized, was crossing the path.
Trying not to disturb it, but
wanting a sense of scale, I
photographed my hand beside'
it. After a momentary startled
close-up response, soon the
tortoise was again walking
along its chosen path, back-
into the brush where it had
come from. It's not often I see
a baby tortoise, and the sight
cheered me. Babies mean
reproduction is happening,
and the Talbot .Island State
Park tortoise population is
keeping pace. Although tor-
toises are crowded out of
much of our area, as concrete
covers their burrows, here at
least they are safe.
Further down the path,
another tortoise chugged.
ahead of me, seemingly lead-
. ing the way along the trail,
going the same way I planned
to, into the woods, toward the


sea. TwO tortoises in just a few
minutes it was a new record
for me along this trail.
Tortoise-like mammals also
rustled in the woods along the
trail armored armadillos -
more common, and in some
areas somewhat of a nuisance,
-but here in the park I wel-
comed the sight of them,
nearsightedly foraging in the
dirt for their insect prey'. A
flock of mourning doves flew
across my path near the
dunes, and here and there a
woodpecker flew from one
tree to another.
It's unusual to walk this trail
- or any other in the woods -
and see so many animals
moving about too. Most often
you can hear the animals
rustling, the birds calling,
twigs snapping, but camou- .
flage and stealth hide most of
the perpetrators from view.
; -,.

Signs of animals their tracks,
their scat, their holes in the
trees, their burrows, are
always visible if you look, but
seeing this many animals out
and about was a treat.
When I reached the beach
there were more animals to
greet me here, too. On the
beach willets were spaced
equidistantly, gleaning prey
amidst the terns and gull. Past
the surf were the expected
floating pelicans, and just
beyond a splash as an osprey
dove for a fish and the dorsal
fins of passing dolphins. I was
the sole human being, alone
but not lonely. The world was
alive with other beings that
kept me company, immersed
in their own explorations as
important as mine.
But, wait, what was that out
beyod-.the pelicans, 'some-
thing dark, a whale, a shark?
No, a surfer! Another human
out enjoying the wildness of
the beach in winter! From the
distance, the surfer looked like
another form of wildlife, as
comfortable in the sea as the
pelicans and dolphins, intent
in-his wait fi just the right
wave. For a long while I
watched-the active marine life
around me, until the storm
clouds caught my attention.
The day was cloudy when I
entered the forest, then driz-;
zling and now, by the time I
hit the beach,:the dark clouds.
in the near distance were rum-
bling thunder. Suddenly I saw

not just the lone surfer but a
dozen of them farther away,.
their survival instincts alert to
the approaching storm.
It was time for all of us
humans to leave the beach. I
walked along the tide line
back to the beach parking lot.
The young surfers stretched
down the beach in front of
me and behind, with their
surfboards in their arms or fas-
tened to their bicycles, black
specks- in the distance, then
coming closer, all heading for
the parking lot too. I felt one
with them, a middle-aged lady
in sneakers and jeans, a part
of the ocean shore as much as
they were. As some of them
caught up to me and passed,
W e exchanged brief pleas-
antries and one asked me for
the time before we returned
again to our own thoughts
and activities..
*By the time I reached the
car, it was raining, and I was
wet but far from cold. My
five-mile hike had warmed my
body from exercise, yes, but
more than this, my heart and
soul were warmed again after
a too-long, healthenforced. .
hiatus. Now, after two months
of shingles, I was whole once
- more, alive and well and
recharged, finally, at last. Ah.
Pat Foster-Turlev is a Ph.D.
zoologist. Contact her at patand-
bucko@ yahoo.cotn report your
own wildlife obsen'ations.


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A gopher tortoise, above left, leads the way down the path at Little Talbot Island State Park. A baby tortoise, above right, is the sign
of a healthy population. .

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December 8, 2006

Page 8A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedrai Leader

- --

- -


* ~




December 8, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A*

Nease line: Strength in numbers

Panthers rotate linemen,

fronts to offset opposition


Will Nease

rise to the


once again?

F rom the season-opener, a
showdown with highly-
regarded but mostly
unknown Memphis University
School, to last week's road
playoff win at Tallahassee
Lincoln, the Nease football'.-
team has prided itself on rising
to the occasion this season.
When critics scoffed that
the Panthers couldn't possibly
repeat as state champs without
uber-quarterback Tim Tebow
and, receivers like Ryan Ellis
and Austin Silvoy, head coach
Craig Howard just smiled to'
himself and took comfort in
knowing what others did not:
Nease boasts a talented core of
players with a burning desire
to shatter the idea that Tebow
was responsible for all of last
year's success .
"Each team has to establish
its own destiny," Howard said
before the start of the 2006
campaign. "The team motto
last year was, 'A team to be
remembered.', They certainly
lived up to that motto.
"This year, it's 'Strengthen
the tradition.' It's taken a few
hard years to build a tradition
'here a tradition of winningg,
a tradition of exciting, football
- and our boys want to
strengthen and protect that
tradition this season."
Ted Stachitas showed
glimpses of what was possible
when he filled in for the
injured Tebow during a couple
of playoff games last year. The
junior signal-caller brings a
quiet intensity to the field on
every snap. After a game, even
a blowout %ictorn, Stachitas
remembers his mistakes with
far greater clarit"' than his
spectacular plays.
All-WVorld guard James
Wilson, whom Howard says is
every bit as good at his posi-
tion as Tebow was at QB, has
dominated in every game he's
played this season. Wilson,
along with Clyde Yandell and
center Mike Ludwick, anchor a
line that triggers the Panthers'
potent offense.
And Zach Tronti, a diamond
in the rough plucked from the.
Nease baseball team, has.
keyed a punishing ground,
attack that wears out oppo-
Add a stifling defensive line,
boosted by Danny Russell and
Kyle Timpane, athletic line-
backers and a fleet, oppor-
tunistic secondary, and it's
easy to see why coordinator
Danny Cowgill's crew posted
five shutouts this year.
And then there's special
teams. Kicker Allen Schaefer
booted a 55-yard field and has
been Mr. Automatic on extra
points. Punter Zack Cooper
has. delivered some soaring
kicks to get the Panthers out
of trouble on a number of
occasions. Return men Hunter
Bates, Mario Butler and Justin
Grant routinely set Nease up
in great field-position.
A talented group of
receivers, led by Christian
Dennis and Quinton Huggins,
emerged right on cue.
Succinctly, those who pre-
dicted Nease's cupboard was
bare after last year's title run
were flat-out wrong.
There were pitfalls along the
way injuries, of course, and
late-season news that the pro-
gram was being penalized for
FHSAA violations but some-
how the Panthers stayed
focused on their one over-
afching goal.
"It won't be easy to get back
to Miami, and we definitely
have a target on us because
we're defending state
champs," Howard said, pre-
sciently last August. "But hav-
ing played in some big games,
we know how to win. That's
valuable experience we can
rely on."

When Tallahassee 'Lincoln's
power-I offense broke the hud-
dle last week during pre-game
warmups, you could feel the
ground quiver.
Offensive tackle Jamielle
Jefferson (330'pounds) and
guard Steven Robinson (300)'
are no pushovers. <
Linemates Chris Leon (280).
and Padric Scott (275) are not.
skimpy, either.
Lincoln's short list of alum-
ni linemen who have. graduat-
ed to the NFL includes Zach
Piller and Kevin Carter.
The Trojans' OL held a siz-
able' weight

against Nease
High's 4-3
defense in last Ours' g
week Class 4A
state semifi-. hungry t
nal at Gene to Miami
Cox Stadium. 'to Miami
But w,,hat inly o
the top-
ranked believed
Panthers (14-
0, 4ANo..1) June W
give up in
pounds they guys In t
make up with room
hustle and room.
m uscle. : ..... -
'"We were ,
outsized, but
we were not rai
out- : Neas
strengthed." head foo
said Nease
head coach
Craig Howard, whose; team
takes on No. 5 Tampa Plant
(14-0) in the 4A state title
game Saturday at Dolphin
Stadium in Miami.
"Our guys were hungry to
,ijicqaqktita i.i and the
only ones who believed it
back in June were. the guys in
the weight room."
Nease may be massive on
the offensive line this season
with the likes of All-American
left guard lames Wilson (310'i
and all-state candidate Clyde
Yandell (305), but it's starting
DL is noticeably light..


Senior Danny Russell (250)
is the heaviest starter on a
rotating front that relies more
*on spry legs thani tree trunks..
"We've learned to keep our
defensive line fresh," said
Howard, who moved Yandell
from nose guard to right tack-
le this season.
"We put Dalton Faulds (6-3,
265) in there at times at nose
guard [against Lincoln] and Ty
Carzoli (5-11, 190), a smaller
and quicker guy, in for the
pass rush."
Nease used a five-man front
to stop Lincoln's run-oriented
I-formation offense last week,
and a Russell and Kyle
Timpane-led lean and mean
unit to count-
er the Trojans
when they
dropped back
uys were into their
o go0 back shotgun
' and the offense.'
I, and .the ,.Timpane
ies who (220) and
.. .... John
it back in Gallagher
(220) are
iere the Nease's other
two starters
he weight on the DL.
When the
Sfust four need
4' "a blow,
men such as
9 HOWard Faulds,a
Se High backup guard,
tball coach Ramon Booi
(348) and
Frank Souza
(253) provide size and
"We're able to shuffle guys
in there and keep them fresh,",
added Nease defensive coordi-
nator Danny Cowgill, whose
first-team unit has only
M Wk1,-eTR sh'c nd-h9af points
in four playoff games..
"They,[Lincoln] were not
going to line up in the I and
beat us. We're good at defend-
ing that."
Nease's strength program is
a big reason why the Panthers
are back in the state champi-
onship game for the second'

S . Photoby ROB DeANGELO
The Panthers defensive line, including anchors Kyle Timpare (22) and Danny Russell (74), is
light, agile and strong. It's a key to why Nease is playing in tomorrow's Class 4A state title game.

year.in a row. .
Cowgill; the school's.
weightlifting coach and a for-
mer state qualifier in the early
1990s, led Nease to a fifth-
place showing at the 2005
state meet: .
Former Nease defensive line-
men Matt Koch 1270) and
Patrick Dooley (292) placed
first and ninth, respectively in
the heavyweight division that
Koch benched a team-high
385 pounds and clean and
jerked a school-record 405.
University of Alabama
signee Charlie Kirschman
(215) was second in the 219-'
pound weight class with a 350
bench and a 315 clean and
Last spring at the 2A state
weightlifting meet, Wilson
placed in the top-15 among"
heavyweights with a 320

bench and 330 clean and jerk.
Five other football players
qualified for state in 2006,
with four benching 300
pounds or more.
"Theyfwon this game
because of their off-season
conditioning, and that's a trib-
ute to their coaches," said
Merntt Island head coach
Lance Jenkins after his team's
second-round playoff loss to
the Panthers.
"We are extremely deep on
both sides of the ball," added
"Our kids are so well condi-
tioned that we know we can
wear teams down with our
run game. Our plan is to keep
hammering away at them." '
Notes: The Nease defense
has intercepted seven passes
in the playoffs and recovered
four fumbles. On offense, the
Panthers have recorded 18

still assessing

-- .. ,-. *" I- .
Panthers forward Mary Scott Moore fires on goal Tuesday night against Clay.
Moore has Nease's second goal of the night in a 5-1 victory.

explosive plays of 20 yards or,
more in four playoff games.
Of the 18, 10 have gone for
touchdowns, five run and five
pass. Zach Tronti (1,475
yards') has rushed for 373
yards in the playoffs and
scored eight TDs. Christian
Dennis leads all receivers with
42 receptions for 755 yards
and 1,0 TDs. Nease has rushed
for 945 yards in the playoffs
versus 787 passing. The
Panthers have only thrown for
184 yards in the second half.
Tampa Plant quarterback
Robert Marve (6-2, 195) is the
son of former Tampa Bay Bucs
linebacker Eugene Marve.
Nease's defense has only
allowed 155 points in 14
games for a 11 points per
game average. Plant (12.8) has
yielded 180.
Nease gave up 242 points in
15 games last season.


By ROBERT DeANGELO J.V., inconsistency has been the biggest
At the midway point of the soccer sea- "If they' couldn't play I wouldn't
son, Dave Silverberg still doesn't have ahn expect it. But you see it, whether it's ii a
accurate reading on how good the Nease practice or a half of a game, and then you
girls team is. There are great expectations know they've'got'it so you expect it and
heaped upon the two-time defending we haven't reached that level yet. We
state champion Panthers and while the haven't reached the level where each
team is undefeated this season, Silverberg game they're performing at the best they
is still seeking consistency, can. And that's part of my responsibility.
'"We haven't been playing with a lot of How do I get them more consistent?"
emotion lately so I saw a little of that Of course, when the name "Nease"
come back," the, coach said following appears on the front of a jersey, an invis-
Tuesday's 5-1 victory over Clay. "We ible target is also evident on the back.
obviously need that [for games this week That's the reality for Silverberg's pro-
against Bartram Trail gram, which has won
and St. Augustine].' back-to-back state
Those are two obvious \ championships and
rivals and teams that have three titlesin the last five
been looking forward to years.
beating Nease for a long "We've got a reputation
time." 'I..- throughout the state now
.The Panthers dispatched so when teams play us they
the Bears 2-0 ,Wednesday to / expect our best and they're
raise their season' mark to 12-0. playing at their highest [level],"
Still, Silverberg claims he won't the coach explained. "It's hard
get an accurate assessment of his every game. There's no way we can
team's readiness for the postseason come out every game and match that
until next weekend's Michelle kin of intensity. We have to pick our
Akers Tournament in Orlando. spots and make sure we're ready for
While those games. will not impact the important games."
Nease's position in the standings, the One of those important games is
event features top-flight competition tonight's match-up against St. Augustine.
including four state champions from last The Yellow Jackets are 10-2-1 and have
year. been nipping at ,the Panthers' heels for
"That's our barometer to where we are several seasons. It's a rivalry, but in recent
because those are the best teams in the years has been about as one-sided as the
state," Silverberg said. "We'll find out rivalry between a hammer and a nail.
then. And then, either that gives you a Despite an unblemished record and
lot of confidence, if you perform well, for giving up only one goal in its last four
the last three weeks of the season or it games, Silverberg said Nease will only be
gives you a little bit of time to regroup." graded on how it performs in the post-
The departure of several stars from last season.
season's Class 4A. state championship "I feel they have the potential," he
team has paved the way for some new said, when asked if this current crop of
ones to emerge. The Panthers have estab- Panthers has that championship look.
lished leaders in forwards Kristin Hoover "Right now we're not playing nearly the
and Stacey Hanburry, defenders Jessica way we have to play if we want to reach
Gambill and.Dani Nelson, and goalkeep- our goal. And I think they know that.
er Catherine O'Donnell all key players "Luckily, there's half a season left ...
on the 2005 squad. and I'm still experimenting a lot. On a
Others, like Mary Scott Moore and veteran team like last year, we pretty
,Kasey Eckstein have blended seamlessly much knew everyone's role and what
with an established core of veterans on they were playing. This year, we're still
the varsity level, searching. There's still probably four or
"There really aren't any surprises," said five spots that could change and I don't
Silverberg. "What I've found is that with know who's going to play there.
a lot of the new players that were either "Honestly, when I look at it right now,
on the team last year but weren't playing we can lose our first playoff game or we
as much, or weren't on the team, or were can win the state."



December 8, 2006

Pape 1OA


Registration for spring base-
ball and T-ball is taking place
now through Jan. 19 online at
pvaabaseball.com or at Play It
Again Sports. There will also be
in-person registration Jan. 13
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and
Jan. 14 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.
at Cornerstone Park.
Kids ages 5-15 as of April 30,
2007 are eligible. Cost is $120
for baseball, $90 for T-ball.
There will also be a holiday
clinic with Rick Wilkins Dec.
18-20 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
For more information visit
Web site or contact Pat Dowd at
0 '

The Dusty Rhodes North
Florida Baseball Christmas
Camp will take place Dec. 16-
17 at Harmon Stadium at UNF.
Camp is for players ages 14-
18 and cost is $75. Advanced
13-year-olds (high school) will
be accepted as will high school
Camp hours are 11 a.m. until
4 p.m. Saturday, and 9 a.m.
until 1 p.m. on Sunday. For
more information phone 620-

Basketball League
Beaches Basketball League
winter registration for boys and
girls ages 3 years old through
5th grade is taking place now'
through Dec. 1. The season
runs from Jan. 2 until March
and features an 8-game sched-
For more information visit

beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-

There is a bowling league for
seniors 55 and up at Bea~ch
Bowl on Beach Boulevard..
Competition in the Monday
league begins at 1 p.m., with
practice starting at 12:45 p.m.
Call Paula at 249-9849 for infor-

Christmas Sports
Two Christmas Sports Camps
willbe held at St. Paul's School.
The first will be Dec. 21 to Dec.
22 and costs $50. The second,
which runs from Dec. 26 to
Dec. 29, costs $90. Single-day
rates are available.
The camps run from 8:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and are
open to kindergarten through
eighth graders. Campers will
participate in team sports and
age-appropriate activities.
Friday are pizza, bowling and
:T-shirts days,
For information, visit
wwvv.beachesbasketball.com or
call Tommy Huliharin t 349-

Flag Football
Flag Football for kids ages 5-
17 is about to start. Winter sea-
son leagues, which will run
from December through
February, have been formed
throughout the First Coast area,
including at the University of
North Florida. Ponte Vedra
'Beach, Mandarin and Orange
Park. For information, visit.

Photo submitted
The Atlantic Beach Athletic Association held its annual Fall
Farewell for the 2006 Season, on November 17. ABAA gives
four $1,000 scholarships each year. This years recipients were,
Andi Stevens, Ryan Syness, Justin Orders and Ann Wilson. All
received a 'plaque and $1,000. .. ,... ,.

www.i9sports.com or call
(904) 992-4263.

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles) run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls. For more infor-
mation phone 321-4315,.
or visit

The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
girls program is going to have
two signups. The first is from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 10 at the
Landrum fields. The second is
.-from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 7,
also at the Landrum fields. A
free clinic will be given that day
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
: Starting this week, forms are
available at school for through-.
the-mail signups. Also, signups
can be accomplished by e-mail-
ing Leslie Santillo at pvbgirl-
The girls season will run from
Feb. 25 through May 6. The
cost is $100 per player.

River Run Training
Registration is now open for
those of all fitness levels that
want to walk or run the River
Run scheduled for for March
2007. ,
The training camps %will begin
January 2 but interested indi-
\iduals must register early
because space is limited. For
more information phone
Pushpa Duncklee at 403-9568.

Registration for the Ponte.
Vedra Soccer Club's spring sea-
son began Nov. 6. Electronic ;
registration is available lia the.
Internet at PonteVedraSoccer-
Cost is $130 and new players
must provide copy of birth cer-
tificate. Children must have
been 4 by July 31, 2006 to play.
Registration will end Jan. 10
and the season takes place from
March to May. ,
* i j i. '1- _



Nease High senior right-side hitter Meghan Oakley has committed to play volleyball at Florida.
Community College in Jacksonville. Oakley was a key player in the Panthers' drive to the Class
4A final four this season. She had 157 kills;, 75 digs, 31 assists and 26 blocks for district dhampi-
on Nease.

Registration for the Beaches
Soccer League spring season
sponsored by Fletcher High
School will take place during
the month of January at Soccer
Stop, 1518 North 3rd Street,
Jacksonville Beach during regu-
lar business hours.
BSL is a recreational league
for players 4 years old through
6th grade. Roster size is eight
players and games are five-a-
side with no goalkeepers.
Registration fee is $60 for an
eight-game season and includes
shirt and socks. Games begin
the week of March 5 and:are
played on Tuesday or Thursday
evenings at 5:30 p.m. at the San
Pablo Elementary School fields.

For more information contact
Mike Levine at le\inem@.educa-
tioncential.org or 635-8969.

Strollerfit --exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their stroller into
portable exercise machines are
talking place in Atlantic Beach .
Thursdavys and Saturdays, and
Fort Caroline Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from"
,9:30a.m. until 10:30 a.m .
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.
A senior men's doubles league
at the "C" level will begin October,
10 at Huguenot Tennis Center.

Seniors must be over 50 years old
to qualify.
Matches will take place Friday,
mornings from Oct. until April
For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.

Women's Fitness
Registration is now taking place
for Beach Girls Fitness, an outdoor
fitness program for women.
Camps involve total body work-
outs designed to help women lose
weight, gain energy and build self-
Camps take place Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays at 8:30
For more information contact
Pushpa Duncklee at 403-9568 or
Visit beachgirlsfitness.com.

Houis suspended for steroids;

no cancer risk for cell phones

S tudent-athletes are under
constant pressures.
Pressures to keep up thefr
grades/to perform, and it
appears that if the)' are
injured,, pressure to return to
the playing field.
And if an athlete is injured,
a University of North Carolina
study suggests that they are
twice as likely to be reinjured
once they do, return to play.
Researchers say the results
suggest that many young \'ar-
sit)' athletes may be under too
much pressure to return :to
play before they've fully
healed and aren't learning,
enough about injury preven-
Lead researcher Stephen
Marshall, professor of epi-
demiology at the University of
North Carolina, reported that
he found the results "shock-'
ing" and related it to a lack of
medical attention and
resources at the time of injury.
and pqor follow-up may be. to
blame. ,
"Less than half of all high
schools in the United States
have even one certified athlet-
ic trainer," says Marshall.
This is in contrast to many of
our local schools, which not
only have an athletic trainer
on staff, but also have a med-
ical doctor as well as their
team physician. Football and
soccer were the most common
sports associated with re-

Saint suspended
New Orleans Saints defen-
sive tackle Hollis Thomas was
suspended' by the NFL for four
games this week for using
steroid medications.
Never mind the fact that
these steroids are used specifi-
cally to treat his asthma, and
were prescribed by the team
doctor, John Amoss, MD.
Dr. Amoss, has written a let-
ter to the league, stating that
Thomas has "severe asthma
and requires high dose
inhaled steroids."
Thomas takes Advair, which
contains the steroid fluticas-
one and a beta agonist salme-
terol, as well as an Albuterol


What makes this suspension
so ridiculous is that Thomas is
a known asthmatic and is a
national asthma awareness
spokesman, visiting schools .
and youth groups to talk
about his condition.

No evidence of cell phones
risk with cancer.
For years, people whb used
cell phones have had a slight
fear that maybe, just maybe,
their phone may cause some
form of cancer.
This was a concern, f6r it
has been shown that cell
phones emit electromagnetic
waves that can travel up to six
centimeters into the human
However, a recent Danish
study shows there is simply
nothing to fear. The study

included more than 420,000
people who have used the cell
phones on average 8.5 years,
but included some who had as
long as 20 years of use.
The study's lead researcher,
Dr. Joachim Schuz; of the
Danish Cancer Society, noted
that there was no increase in
brain cancer, leukemi-
'aleukemia, or tumors of the
eyes or salivary glands among
cell phone users. ,
While there were 14,249
total cancers among the cell ,
phone users in the study, that
is actually less than the rate of
cancer among the general ,
population for a sample of
that size.
"We found no evidence for.
an association between tumor
risk and cellular telephone use
among either short-term or
long-term users," Dr. Schuz

This column is written to dis-
cuss issues 'regarding sports,
medicine, and safety. It is not
intended to serve as a replace-
ment for treatment by your regu-
lar doctor. It is only designed, to
offer guidelines on the preven-
tion, recognition, and care of
injuries ahd illness. Specific con-
cerns should be discussed with
your physician. Mail your ques-
tions to Gregory Smith, MD -
Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
Street, Suite 204, Fernandind
Beach, Fl 32034.

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~-~----- -~~`j~~U~x~~~"~d~~


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


U, V T B h e P V a d g1

Panthers stay unbeaten in

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.rn ,i.., HUB DA.iiJ..L%
ABOVE: Panthers midfielder Brittany Hawkins fires a shot on goal Tuesday night against Clay. Nease won, 5-
1. RIGHT: Nease High midfielder Kasey Eckstein connects on a free kick deep in Clay territory Tuesday. The
Panthers defeated Bartram Trail 2-0 on Wednesday to improve to 12-0 on the season.

.1 9, y, ^ '
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P re s byte ri n

chu rcha'.Sh

Sunday Worship, December 10, and 17
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
Worship and-Dinner December 13, and 20
6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Tickets are available.

,,, 0/i^ anm/ wrrc/'
Sunday, December 17
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
The Palms Chancel Choir members of the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra present the Christmas story
as told in scripture. Contemporary at 5:45 p.m.

Sunday, December 24
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Regular Worship Services
5:00 p.m. Children's Service
8:00 p.m. Worship with Choir and Strings
11:00 p.m. Communion Service with Choir and Strings

3410 South Third Street, Jacksonville Beach



1 1 .i l R .

Worship Services:
Saturday Service 6:30 PM
Sunday Service 9:00 AM
Sunday Service 10:30 AM

Sunday School:
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Children's ministry and nursery available during all services.-

Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 PM

190 S. Roscoe Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-8009

.: 'ATT 2:2
of the Beaches
(Disciples of Chlist)
2125 Oceanfi-ont & Seagate,
Neptune Beach, FL
www.fccbdoc@bellsouth.net / 246-2010
Dec. 10- 10:00am "Canticles of Christmas" Chalice Choir
(combined worship
Dec. 13- 6:30pm "Joyland" Childrens Choir Musical
Dec. 17- 10:00am "Everything Glorious"
Praise Band, Praise Choir, Narrow Way Players
(combined worship)

Dec. 24- Worship Ser'ices at 8:00am.; 9:00am
& 10:45am ,
Dec. 24- Christmas Eve- 6:00pm Family Time
1 1:00pm Traditional Candle Light

Christ Episcopal Church
, ,. ,A dvent ,.' ., 'A
5:30 PM Sun., Dec. 23 Holy Eucharist Rite II at Ponte Vedra
7:45 AM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite. I at Ponte Vedra
,9:00 AM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite II at Ponte Vedra
9:00 AM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite II at San Pablo
8:30 AM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist II at Serenata Beach
9:30 AM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist II at Serenata Beach.

Ponte Vedra Campus
2:00, PM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite II
4:00 PM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Building Creche
5:30 PM Sun., Dec.24 Holy Eucharist Children's Pageant
8:00 PM Sun., Dec. 24 Festival Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30, PM Sun.,' Dec. 24 Festival Candlelight Holy Eucharist
San Pablo Campus
8:00 PM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite II
Serenata Beach
South Ponte Vedra Beach Community Center
4:00 PM Sun., Dec. 24 Holy Eucharist Rite II
actristf otVedr P a
at Christ Church Ponte Vedra

Christ United ^

Methodist Church
400 Penman Road, Neptune Beach
"0 Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the King"
We inv\ie everyone to come join us for our timely yet
traditional worship services at 10:15 Sunday mornings.

December 10

"Christmas Cantata": during

S10:15 service
December 10 Youth Christmas play

December 1
December 2

& chili dinner at 5pm
17 Praise & Worship guests go caroling
25 Regular worship service at 10:15
Christmas Eve Candlelight &
Communion Service at 11pmn
w\w. neprunebeach- umc.org
emaihch ristumcC@bellsouth.net


S1423 Eighth Avenue North. Jacksonville Beach
We invite you to join us for our
Holiday Programs and Worship Services
Dec.13 Advent Service -7 pm
Dec.'17 Christmas Choral
Concert- 7pm
Dec. 20 Christmas Children's
Program- 7pm
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Service 10am
Family Christmas Service 6pm
Candlelight Service with
Holy Communion 8pm & 10pm
Dec. 25 Christmas Day Worship Service 10am
Phone: 249-5418 www.blcjaxbeach.org

s soccer

Christ Episcopal Church
400 San Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach
(904) 285-61.27
Christ Church Christ Church San Pablo
at Serrenata Beach 2002 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville
(904) 273-5965 (904) 221-4777

The B eaches Leader/Ponte Vedra.Leader Pa e, 11A*

Dec'embi 8. 200

i.J ,.,.l.iz i ,. v i v


10.:00 AM Mohi, Dec. 25

Holy Eucharist Rite 11

',. f,.

Pgc I6 T Ba

SSOUNDSA Eclipses other moonroofs.
SOUNDS ,,-,,,

The Fletcher Middle
School Chorus per-
forms during the
Sounds of the Season
holiday concert held
at the Seawalk
Pavilion last weekend. c
Below, the large
crowd enjoys the day-
time portion of the
program. Numerous
groups performed at
the event.

'. ,
Step inside the BMW X3, and you can't help but notice a striking, expansive
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OC.r. ,Ir.m,-; r. and ece.. a I o.e -:arge: :li $ A 20 pEr mile F or mir le. dr..n xce: c -ciO aal air,.IA: p r r ,l a re rrm (3r morc.rh) ,m.l ge ..11 be pr) r ,dr. the
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.r ,c Le.L I r, r f oi 4 r- a ... 000 m Pl ,,h.....r .c.rr.ef ...r :.s. e Sr. e and ,arrar, m ,nlormn-3hon boole or morordtra.l ar.d :per.,
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SSubscribe to The Leader Call 249-9033
Children enjoy a ride on Lil
Toot during the holiday pro-

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109 First Street :13475Atlantic Blvd. 9960 Southside Blvd., #105 "Expect the Unexpected"
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b'~ec'ember 8, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte'Vedra Leader

PaeP 12A


SThe Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

..V V*^* ^* ^

* Hey Clay! (right)
... see B-5
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7

D remehr g .2006



Water deeply

before freeze

T e cooler temperatures
help me get into the
spirit of the season,
and although I am no
longer crazy about a lot of
cold days, I love waking up
to them.
We have had a freeze
warning and tonight we are
to get another one.
As I've said numerous
times, whether your plant
material gets affected by the
cold is a factor of choice of
.plants and your very indi-
vidual micro climate, i.e. do
you live close to a large
body of water, do you have
.a heavy tree canopy, do you
have healthy turf and trees,
These factors will mini-
mize the negative impact of
cold temperatures.
I know how busy every-
one is at this time of year, so
I will be brief in my review
of precautions you need to
take to minimize the poten-
tial damage a freeze could
bring to your landscape.
Perhaps you can just cut
out this next part, put it on
your fridge and refer to it
when need be.

1. Water 24 to 36 hours
prior to the expected freeze.
2. Never water during a
freeze. Never water just prior
to dusk.
3. Turn your irrigation sys-
tem to "Manual" NOW.
4. Avoid mowing, spray-
ing, pruning, fertilizing right
before a predicted freeze.
5. Cover tender plant
material before sunset, and
remove the cover in the
6. Bring any tropical plant
into the garage, porch, or
inside to the coolest room.
7. Bank soil, dirt, or use
insulated foam around the
graft of cold sensitive citrus.
8. Do not plant anything
right before a predicted
freeze, even "freeze tolerant"
9. Poinsettias must have
protection. Bring them into
the garage.
10. Pick citrus fruit from
the tree if temps are predict-
ed in the 20's, and if they
are to stay there for four
11. Mulch shallow-rooted
plants such as azaleas and
dogwoods to give added
protection to roots.
12. Water the day after
the freeze, especially if
winds are present during the
I hate to just give you a
list like this because I
believe that if you know the
logic behind these things,
knowing what to do will
become instinctive.
However, between this
recital and that party you
wouldn't have or take the
time to sit and read a
lengthy column, right?
So, this week you get off
easy, but be prepared for my
fingers will need a workout
next week.
My blessings to you espe-
cially as you celebrate and
prepare for your holidays.
Take a few moments to
reflect on the real meaning
of whatever holiday you are
celebrating, and if you are
alone, find a way to help
someone else, the best medi-
cine in the world.
The IM Sulzbacher Center
for the Homeless, the
Salvation Army, Goodwill,
the City Rescue Mission,
food banks, and all of our
churches would help you
find something to do so you
are not feeling alone.
Next week I'll give you
some ideas for gifts to give a

: i phoio uDfrrf.nea
The Sugar Plum Fairy and the Cavalier dance a Pas De Deux in the finale of Tchaikovsky's timeless "Nutcrack6iBallet'."

JSO stages First Coast Nutcracker today

The 35th annual First Coast
Nutcracker opens today at 8
p.m. at the Moran Theatre in
downtown Jacksonville.
The timeless and enchanting
holiday classic features Leticia
Oliveira and Zdenek Konvalia
as the principal dancers aid
Tchaikovsky's best-loved
melodies performed live by the
Jacksonville. Symphony
Tickets start at $18.
Performances are 8 p.m. tbday
and Saturday and 2 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday. p,
Choreographed by Rhonda
Stampalia, the First Coast
Nutcracker features Oliveira as
the Sugar Plum Fairy and
Konvalina as The Cavalier.
Nlonrihko Nakahara is the
guest conductor.
The story of a young German
girl who dreams of a
Nutcracker prince was first per-
formed by the Kirov Ballet in
1892 at Russia's Nlariinsky
Tchaikovsky was commis-
sioned to write the music a
year earlier. The Nutcracker
March, the Sugar ,Plum Dance

The Nutcrackdr turns into a prince and takes Clara (above) on a
journey to the Land of Snow, an enchanted forest wonderland
where they are welcomed by dancing snowflakes.

and the Dance of Reeds are
among the best-known songs
in the ballet.,
Based on the story "The

Nutcracker and the King of
Mice" by E.T.A. Hoffmam, the
Nutcracker was first performed
in the U.S. in the 1940s.

For every ticket purchased
. to see the Beaches
Nutcracker,at 7 p.m. Dec. 16
at Fletcher High School, a
new pair of shoes.and a hot
meal will be provided to an
orphan in Indi '
Local businesses con-
tributed to a Dec. 1
firndraiser to- support the
performance nd enabled
event organizers to partner
with 1-58, a local,non-profit,
to provide the ."'ded shoes
and meals.
The Beaches Nutcracker
will feature dozens of local
performers of all ages. To
purchase tickets, call 241-

The Jacksonville Children's
Chorus will also perform,
along with some of the area's
finest young dancers.
Audiences are asked to share
the holiday spirit by bringing a
new, unwrapped toy for the
Salvation Army's Angel Tree
Call 354-5547.


Bring a pillow to lengthy 'Holiday'

Writer-director Nancy
Meyers' "The
Holiday" turns out
to be better than expected.
But as with Meyers' previ-
ous movie "Something's Got
to Give"...oh, my word, does
this woman need a good
editor. Like "Give," this
movie is a froths romantic
comey tt.'ould handily
i 'Wi nutes if
M" ,erswouId sfop falling in
love with her every shot.
(This one's 138 minutes;
bring a heinie pillow.)
The premise is that two
women who are overcoming
painful love affairs decide to
do a "house exchange" over
the Christmas holiday --
each will take possession of
the other's home and
belongings for two weeks.
(I'm tragically unhip, so
maybe this trade thing is
the latest trend. Still, in
these days of stalkers and
terrorists, who is so desper-
ate for a holiday that she'll,
essentially, turn her private
life over to a total stranger?)
Amanda iCameron Diazi
is an overworked Hollywood
movie-trailer editor. Iris
(Kate Winslet) is a British
newspaper writer whose
unrequited love with a co-
worker goes completely
kaput when he gets engaged
to a different co-worker.
Naturally, both women are
eager to get away from their
bitter surroundings and go
to some place with no avail-
able men. I don't think I'm
giving away major plot
points to say that if the


women's new settings didn't
get them romantically
involved, there would be no
movie here.
The movie's first half-hour
is like waiting for a punch
line from a comic who has
to include every minute
detail in his joke. When Iris
hits Amanda's L.A. home,
there's shot after shot of her
thrilling to Amanda's elabo-
rate mansion. And you,re
thinking, "Yes, Ms. Meyers,
your movie sets are splen-
did. Can we get on with the
story now?"
We're also meant to be
touched by Iris' ongoing
crying jag (also an overused
gag in "Give"), and not one
but two scenes where each
woman declares her inde--
pendence by rocking out to
a loud CD in the middle of
her new surroundings.
Happily, the movie finally
detours from Clicheville
when Iris comes across her
new neighbor Arthur Abbott
(Eli Wallach), a retired and
incapitated screenwriter.

Wallach is the movie's
pleasant surprise, endowing
Meyers' self-congratulatory
swipes at New Hollywood
with a surprising thoughtful
and original character. As it
happens, \Vallach's 91st i!i
birthday was yesterday, and
vet he's the one giving a
present to the audience.
Once the movie finally
gets its footing, it never
looks back. Amanda's
chance encounter with a
local playboy ilude Law)
gives some real heart to the
movie, as does Iris' meeting
with a local movie composer
jack Black, who tones down
his usual party-animal per-
sona and gives a real per-
formance this time).
Among other debits, Diaz
(as usual) overdoes the tall-
gawky-goddess routine that
Tea Leoni wore to a nub
years ago. (And who but
Diaz would run through
snow and ice without taking
off her high heels?) And
Meyers includes endless
Hollywood diatribes that
will be lost on non-hlm-
buffs (though one of them
leads to a very funny
Yet for every debit in the
movie, there's something to
genuinely charm you. So the
movie gets by on a pass.
Hopefully, Meyers will follow
her own character's (Amanda)
advice and eventually shut up
for a little bit.
"The Holiday" is rated PG-.
13 for some adult language
and sexual situations.

photo submitted
Legendary comedian George Carlin brings his unique blend
of social commentary and hilarious observations of ordinary
life to the Moran Theatre Monday. Call 632-3373 for tickets.

Songwriters night Sunday

at Adele Grage Cul. Center

Songwriter's Night is held
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday
at the Adele Grage Cultural
Center, 716 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. The event is
free arid open to the public.
Doors will open at, 5:45 p.m.
for the alcohol-free event,

where seating is: on a first-
come, first-served basis. ,
Mike Shackleford is the host.
A dozen or so musicians will
Atlantic Beach activities can
be found on the Interfet at


Page B-1


Diaries' to

be staged

Dec. 22-23

The Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre will .
stage a special engagement of
the David Sedaris comedy
"The Santaland .Diaries."
The anti-holiday play about
a wicked Macy's department :
store elf runs Friday and.
Saturday, Dec. 22 and 23, at
716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. The 8:15 show features
local actor/playwright Ian
Mairs in a one-man p.oduc- .
tion. t
The New. Yorker called the
play, "A satirical brazeips'-
that holds up next to Mark
Twain and Nathaniel West."
The Seattle Weekly called it
"quite the funniest pages of
text published in the past quar-
ter century. David Sedaris
slays me."
Mfairs will also present the" "
play at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13, 20
and 21 at the Museum of
Contemporary Art
Jacksonville, 333 N. Laura St.,
Tickets are $10 for the ABET
show and $12 and $10 for the
Jacksonville show. For ABET
reservations, call 249'7.1'77..
For the Jacksonville show, call,
Also being staged:
a comedy about a small town
Texas Christmas, is staged at 8
p.m. today and Saturday and
Dec. 15 and 16 at Players By
The Sea, 106 6th Street. N.,
Iacksonville 'Beach. Matinee
performances will be held at 2 '
p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $18
for adults, $15 for students,
seniors and military. Call 249-
2022 for information.

from Dec. 14-16 at Theatre
Jacksonville, 2032 San Marco
Blvd., Jacksonville. Call 476-
5582 for information.

OLE" runs through Dec. 24 at
the Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m.
on Saturday and noon on
Sunday. Admission ranges
from $39 to $46 for Oinner *
and show. Call 641-1212.

Wooppklnl )

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

SDecember 8, 2006





MYour ART Together!

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cri:..m sun-m'.n-a
The North Florida Women's Chorale recently finished its fall concert season with a concert at Beach United Methodist Church in
Jacksonville Beach. The Chorale sang at the 11 a.m. church service and performed Christmas as well as non-Christmas music.
The Chorale will resume rehearsals on Jan. 8 to prepare for its spring season. Anyone interested in joining this group should con-
tact Lila Elliott at 285-0416.


*Holiday Activities at
Adventure Landing' include
visiting with Santa from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 9 and Dec.
16 in Jacksonville Beach. Also,
Gator Bowl players will be vis-
iting from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Dec. 27 and Dec. 29. And both
.Adventure Landing locations,
on Beach and Blanding
Boulevards, will hold a Noon
Year's Eve celebration Dec. .31.
A family party begins at 10
a.m., with a balloon drop at,
noon. .'
*First Coast Skates Holiday.
Show, "Holidays Around the
World," will be presented from
12 p'.m. to 1:45 p.m. Dec. 16 at
Skate World Ice Arena on
Philips Highway and Emerson
Street. Tickets are $8 in
advance and $9 at the door.
for information, call 904-476-
-2 05.
eApron's Cooking .School"
holds a two-day,. twvo-session
Kids Survivor Camp at the
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
The camp is designed to
improve kitchen survival skills.
Session I will be held at 10 a.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, Session II
at 10 a.m. Dec. 28 and Dec. 29.
Kids may take one session or
both; the cost of each is $70.
The number to call is 904-262-
eApron's Cooking School
offers two. two-day Teen
Survivor Camp sessions at the
Publix at 10500 San lose Blvd.
Session I, scheduled for 3 p.m.
Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, will focus
on knife skills and creating
meal-sized sandwiches. Session
II, slated for 3 p.m. Dec. 28 and
Dec. 29, will focus on baking
skills and the preparation of fin-
ger foods. The cost of each ses-
sion is $70. The number to call
for reservations is 904-262-
*Infinity Altstars Holiday
Camp opens its doors Dec. 26
for an annual camp that runs
through fan. 5 at 510-1
NMayport Road in Atlantic
Beach. Call 904-247-1031 for
*Winter Ranger Program
Two winter day 'camps. will
be offered at Little Talbot
Island State Park.
:-Dec. 27. 28 and 29: "loin
the "Migration." This 'free,,

three-day series introduces
children to animal migration
and teaches them how and
why animals migrate. This
camp will run from 1 p.m. to 3
p.m. each day and is intended
for children ages 6-12. Parents
are required to remain with the
group and are asked join in the
This day-carrp is limited to
25 youngsters, so call 904-251-
2320 to reserve a spot.
Participants will meet at the
Ribault Club on Fort George t
-Jan. 2 and 3: "Winter
Escapes." This free, two-day
series introduces children to
the adventures of hiking. The
first day, they learn the basic
of outdoor trekking. Thie seco-
ond day, Park staff and the kids
conquer the .3.8-mile Little
Talbot Hiking Trail This camp
will run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m
both days and is intended for
children ages S and up.
Parents are required to remain
with the group and are asked
.join in the fun.
*Kids Camps at MOSH fea-
tures two winter camps, one
from Dpc. '27 to Dec. 29 and
the other from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5.
Camp topics, for kindergart-
ners through sixth graders, will
include "Sleigh Bell Science"
and "Polar Explorers." The
camps will run from 9 a.m.' to:
3:30 p.m., with before- and
after-care available. The, num-
ber to call is 396-MOSH.
ext. 230.
*Creation Stations at MOCA
lacksonville formerly
JMOMAi invites children ages
5-12 to participate in a back-to-
school, one-day art camp from
12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. As the
%winter break wraps up, chil-
dren will have the opportunity
to visit stations featuring mul-
timedia art-making activities.
The cost is $20 for members
and $25 for non-members.
For information, call NIOCA
lacksonville's Education
Department at 366-6911, ext.

*Heartsong offers
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra -Beach for children from
birth to age 7. Trial class is flee.
Call 249-3828 for information.

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Jax Beach St. Johns Town Center
113 1st Avenue N. 10281 Midtown Pkwy,
(Between Freebird & Seawalk Hotel) Ste. 125 .
249-2820 Jacksonville 996-3800
An Independently owned and operated franchise of Kilwin's Chocolates Franchise, Inc.

&r".7i, -ud,m,iea
The Dance Department at Fletcher High School will perform a
"Winter Dance Concert" at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, in-the
Fletcher auditorium. Students in all ,four dances classes will per-
form repertoire in ballet, jazz and modern dance. Admission is
$3 at the door.

:.. WINE T

Wine Tastings in and around
the Beaches

ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, 530
TPC Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach,
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday,
Friday and Saturdays, and 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 6. ABC's
70th Anniversary. 285-5760.

ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, 606
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach, a January wine tasting
on a date to be announced.

Broudy's Liquors, 353 Marsh
SLanding Paikway, Jacksonville
Beach, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dec.
16. 273-6119.

, Chef Gerald's. 1108-106 A1A
South, Ponte Vedra Beach, 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Claude's .Chocolate, ,15
Hypolita St.. St. Augustine, 5,
p.m. to 8 p.mi. Friday. 808-

The Grape, St., Johns Town
Center, 10281 Mfidtown
Parkway, Jacksonville, 1 p.m.,
to 4 p.m. Saturday, 5:30 to
7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 642-

JJ's Libeity Bisto,. 330 A1A:
North, Ponte Vedra Beach, 12
p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. 273-


Ocean 60, 60 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, 7:30 p.m. to 9
p.m. Mondays. 247-0060.

Pawnee's Cafe and Fine
Wines, 880 AIA North-#5,
Ponte Vedra Beach, 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. Fridays. 273-4785.
San Sebastian Winery, 157
King St., St. Augustine, 11 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Sunday. 826-1594.

Total Wine & More, St. Johns
Town Center. 4413, Town
Center Parkway-#300,
Jackson-ille, 4 p.m. to p.m.
Friday, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday. 998-1740.

Turtle Island Natural Foods,
363 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, 4 p m. to 6 p.m. Friday
and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday. 247-6400. -

Twisted Sisters, 1266 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, 6
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Wine Warehouse, 645
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
.4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 246-'
6450. :

World, Market, 950 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach, .1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and 2 p.m. to 5. p.m.
Sunday. 543-1133,

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San Pablo Family Center
Located at the corner of Beach Blvd. & San Pablo
Retauranta [ Apparel A&
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Favorite Tu.edo & Gowns 223-4330
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Dick's Wings 992-1492 Tar s5en'ce
U 11 lose our',ns Beall's Outlet 223-7999
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Wok "n' Roll 223-0075 Watch & Clock Repa.r
Clkn F u hc Fod223-4025
Chn821-7878 Fa Beuty The UPS Store
82t-7878 LSrvlC em Maane Bus.nss Easer
P.K. Noodles Hair utlery 223-6061
ietnamse Cuisine Fanil Saic" Smile Care Dental
992-7455 223-9385 Most insurance
S eclalty IElegant Nails accepted
Complete N,'al Sen ces 821-9555
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2'ith More! Floor Care Service
223-5550 Bill Clark's 821-1351
Spillers Framing Karate America, 724-2100
& Art Gallery Game Force For Lng tacto.
223-8080 ,V-.&, L'Ved i Gasn LAT Purser & Assoc.
.,. 992-4880 at 448-8007

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December 8, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 3

R' :..... ..

NSA visual arts contest worth $10,000 to winner

In this season of giving and
good will to men, it seems
appropriate to mentifrn
some of those who.give their
time, efforts and money to
help promising young people
in the arts.
Members of the National
Society of the Arts and Letters
is such a group.
Each year they offer an
opportunity to individuals
between the ages of 18 and 30
to compete in a contest with a
prize of $10,000 and an
opportunity in their artistic
field drama, dance, music,
sculpture and the visual arts.
This year, the competition
will be in the latter category,
and the competition locally
will take place in March.
The local chapter will award
cash prizes of $1,500 for first,
$1,000 for second and $750
for third. The first-place win-
ner also will have an opportu-
nity to compete nationally for
a $10,000 cash prize.
The Naomi Winston
Scholarship in Art for ages 16
to 22 awards a $10,000 cash
prize. For an application or
more information, call Barbara
Sarvis at 285-2196 or 607-

Atlantic Beach artist Karen
Sadler has made art education
for all ages available at ArtLife,
a gallery with studios and'
ArtLife is a large, two-story
building off Mayport Road
that Sadler calls her "space."
Local artists displaying their
work include Jonathan Lux,
Lara Taber, Sara McManus,
Christopher Coleman, Dawu,
Tim Bullard and Ryan
Sadler said she is dedicated

At. -'.

to bringing art to all age
whether it be the visual
performing arts. A trip tc
facility at 510 Mayport R
inspiring. For more detail
call 247-8337.
"Grossology" runs thr
Dec. 31 at the Museum
Science & History. The e.
explores everything you
would ever want to knov
about bodily functions. I
entertaining and educati
The exhibit will be on
play during MOSH's ann
winter day camp, Dec. 2
To register, call.280-0614
On Saturday, Dec. 30,
Cultural Center at Ponte
will host its annual New
Eve balloon drop party.
Snacks, prizes and art ac
will be included in this e
The cost is $2. The cen
at 50 Executive Way, Por
Vedra Beach. Call 280-06
visit www.ccpvb.org.
.* *
The Neptune Arts Grot
and South Beach Gallery
be hosting their Holiday
Exhibit and Christmas P
on Sunday, Dec. 10, front

5 p.m. The gallery is at 1250
Beach Blvd, inside Beach
The public is in-ited to
come and share a cup of cheer
and refreshments with the
artists, whose works are on
display at Piano Expo, 1142
Southside Blvd. Call 642-1136.
The Riverside Fine Arts
Association will present
"Synergy" in concert on
Friday, Dec. 15. The 8 p.m.
concert will be preceded by a
silent auction at 7 p.m. The
pre-concert reception is free.
Concert tickets are $25 for
s adults and $5 for students.
or the Call 389-6222.
o the .
load is The River City Band will
ils, present Yuletide Swing tonight
at Jacoby Concert Hall. Call
355-4700 for tickets.
tough .
of Players By-the-Sea
exhibit Community Theatre opened
"A Tuna Christmas" last week.
Iw The comedy runs tonight and
It is Saturday at 8 p.m. and 2 p.m.
onal. Sunday at 106 6th St. N.,
dis- Jacksonville Beach.
ual Additional performances are
7-29. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15
t. and 16. Call 249-2022 for tick-
et details and reservations.
the ,-,
Vedra Mark your calendars for the
Year's opening date of "Temples and
Tombs: The Treasures of
tivities Egyptian Art'From the British
event. Museum." The exhibit opens
iter is Friday, Dec. 22, at the
nte Cummer Museum of Art &
514 or Gardens.
A reception will be held
from 7 to 9 p.m. on opening
up day. The cost is $35 for non-
will members. Call 356-6035.
arty Our local galleries offer
2 to

pholo uDm.ned
First Street Gallery in Neptune Beach features handcrafted ornaments and handblown glass from
Paul Steinke, Joe Taylor, Virgil Jones, Josh Bergenson and Lance Sanford. Sculptural Santas by
Cheryl Wencel and Dannehl Twomey are also featured. For more details, call 241-6928.

unique gifts for Christmas giv-
ing. First Street Gallery in
Neptune Beach offers hand-
made ornaments, pottery,
glass, wood, and fiber cre-
ations. The gallery is at 216
1st St. Call 241-6928.
Abstract or contemporary
art can be beautiful. See for

yourself and visit thej..
lohnson Gallery where the
works of Yolanda Sanchez are
on display until Jan. 26.
Vibrant colors spread aci~ss
large white canvasses result in
exciting works of art. The
gallery is located at 177 4th St.
N., Jacksonville Beach. Call

On Saturday, Dec. 9, a Sing-
a-long will be held from 6 to 8
p.m. at Bull Memorial Park in
Atlantic Beach. Light refresh-
ments and snacks will be
served. This event is ftee and
open to the public.

' ": "" "." .: : :'7 N ";,,.,, +;'" ... ...: .. '.., = i.,. "... -

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December 8, 2006

W eekend~~ The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News


Weekend 4


Try our New Freshly Ground Chuck,
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Under New Management
* NEW menu items... Appetizers & Burgers
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. -mCaqw40- -o 4oue &9 lqcwq M
4w --M MdF M ROM i m_- q m_ l _w m

Bond griit unsophisticated in 'Casio Royale
"s+ a n" '. o ."

AW hen lari Fleming
-I penned "Casino
S Roale" in the early
1950s even the teal-life
'British spymaster co.uildn',t ,".
have predicted the riches that
would eventually attach to its
half-million words.
As the 21st James Bond
flick, it's Hollywood's most
durable franchise. It intro-
duces the audience to a new
leading man Daniel Craig -
and at the same time, casts a
glaring eye on who Bond real-
ly is.
Craig and experienced
screenwriters Neal Purvis,
Robert Wade and Paul Harris
bring real depth and realism
to the role, something lacking
in most Bond films.
They never forget, though,
that Bond movies are tirst and
foremost action films.
"Casino Royale" begins
immediately after Bond gets
his double zero designation,
Britain's famous license to kill.
As 007, he's tasked with hunt-
ing and bringing to justice a
would-be bomber.
Circumstances dictate he
either kill his quarry on the
grounds of an embassy or
allow the miscreant to go free.
Without a moment's hesita-r
tion the would-be bomber
becomes a late would-be
bomber, sparking an interna-
tional incident. Dame Judy
Dench, one of the greatest
female actresses of our time,
reprises M, Bond's superior.

"Saturday Night Live 1st
Season" If your kids are won-
dering why you're watching, a
31-year-old comedy show,
show them this groundbreak-

=b Syndicated Contient
Available from Commercial News Providers'"

director Martin Campbell.
Though this two-hour plus
film is rated PG-13, it should
be R. A graphic torture scene
with a bizarre twist marks the,
flick's midpoint: bad-guy bod-
ies,, of course,, are s f ,t1wn14,'
ever where. ,.. .,: .i,,,^ A '
As usual go to
.sicaino/roale/site/ and view
the trailer. It's almost immate-
rial, however, 'as this flick is
excellent and perfect for the
silver screen.
The Bond series shows few'
signs of fading into the sun-,
set. That alone should be
enough to make your day!

The Famous Elvis Impersonator

returns for a special New year's Eve
Show in Max's Grand Ballroom
1312 Beach Blvd. Beach Plaza
Jacksonville Beach
Doors open at 7:30pm
Buffet served at 8:00 pm Heavy Hors d'Oeuvres
Fully Stocked Cash Bar Champagne at Midnight
Paut Favors' Dancing
Ticke t Prices $45 per person inclusive

A special New Year's Eve dinner will be
|j served in Max's Restaurant
Entertainment by John Evans on Piano

For reservations call 904-247-6820

doll. 4
m* -m

She's infuriated by his
actions, doubting her recent
'decision 'to give him double
zero status and calling him a
blunt instrument.
The description is apt as
Craig displays none of the
finesse, charm or sophistica-
tion of previous Bonds. Dame
Dench's wariness of her erring
employee turns to menace
when, supposedly seeking
refugee, he breaks fito her
home..Dame Dench tells him
never to do it again and in a
voice that will send a chill
down your spine.
:Craig's next assignment is'
to take down a terrorist
money launderer, a villain
adequately played by Meds
Michelson i"Exit." "King
Michelson has literally been


ing fit.st year, with appearances
by George Carlin and Richard
Pryor, among many others.
"Pirates of the Caribbean:'

playing fast and loose with his
deadly client's ill-gotten gains, .
enjoying life as both a play-'
boy and gambler.
The British Secret Service
learns he'll be playing Texas
Hold 'Em at Casino Royale in
Europe's Montenegro.
If they can bankrupt him,
they reason, he can be
squeezed for information:.
Since even British Intelligence
can't fix the game, they decide
to send in the agency's best
card player, Bond.
Millions are at. stake, so Eva
Green ("Kingdom of Heaven")
is unexpectedly sent to deliver
and watch the Queen's cash.
Later, she becomes the first
woman Bond ever loved.
Spearheading this, almost
gritty, unsophisticated James
Bond flick is "Goldeneye"

Dead N(en's. Chest" Sequel
with Johnny Depp at his most
uninhibited1. Watch at your
own peril.

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St. Paul's School -
presents its

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e Christmas Carnival
'at St. Paul's Catholic School Gym
Saturday, December 9 I Oam-2pm
There will be a HUGE Rummage Sale with lots of great
Christmas decorations, games, crafts, shopping, a bake
sale, raffles for great prizes, inflatables and
pictures with Santa!!!
428 2nd Avenue North /
Jacksonville Beach
249-5934 or 249-2600

(Refres cnnts

Crx'tter Done

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Proudly Serving..

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

flcmY R20 h ece ede/ot er edr ekn




Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Gunslinger is in at 9 p.m.
today and Saturday.

Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd.,. Atlantic Beach *
249-9595, Don't Tell Anne per-
forms at 9 p.m. today. Santa
Claus makes a visit from 4 to 8
p.m. saturday followed by Jax'
Pipes and Drums at 7:30 Lp.m.'
and Don't tell Anne at 9 p.m.
The Glas Tara Dancers perform
at 4 p.m. followed by Bobby
Flynn at 6 p.m. Sunday.

Fionn MacCool'sW Iish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 '1st St.. N;,
Jacksonville Beach, 242-9499.
Cloud Nine.-appears from 7 to
10 p.m. every 'Wednesday.
Spade McQuade is in every

Freebird Live, 200 N. First,
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. ..Allele with; special
guests appear at 9 p.m. today.
Guitar legend Johnny Winter,
with Pat Ramsey and guests
performs at 9.p.m. Saturday.
Tickets are $20., The Asylum
Street Spanklers are in Sunday.,
Peter Rowan plays Thursday.

Lynch's Irish. Pub, 514- N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Trevor and Tanner
appear from 6 to 9 p.m. today.
and 'Saturday followed by
Yankee Slickers from 1.0 p.m.
to close. ,
.* *
IRagtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. El'
Toro Loco appears today and-
Saturday. Ron Perry is in.


Aromas Cigar, \Vine &8
Martini Bar, 880 AlA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach *. 280-2525. Le.
N Monde Quartet plays Latin
music Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMonde Q te per-
form every Saturday.
S, *O
Bo's \Coral Reef, 201 Fifth,
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *'
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.

Brix,Jacksonville Beach. Jazz
great Teddy. Washington is in
every Wednesday through
September. .

Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach' 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday.. County night every'
Sunday., ,. '
*- ," .. ..' ..
Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune. Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pili plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.
O" '
. Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Mairiott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.

Cloud Nine are in today and

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant; 333 1st, St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach *.242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from. 7-10
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every 'Wednesday. Spade
McQuade plays traditional
Irish music ever Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.

Fly's Tie, 177 E.. Sailfish Dr.,
.Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in .'Monday.
Songwriter's -night, with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pill Pill .every
Wednesday, The Wes, Cobb
Band is in Thursdays., Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
Sunidays., ,
,, .. ., *. ,
Giovanhi's, i1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787., Mary Ann Hawkins
plays' piano 'Thursdays. .The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today.' Pianist Matt
. Hall appears Saturday.

Homestead: Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonhille
.Beach'* 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy' every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears

.Lynch!s Irish Pub, 514 N.
.Fist .St., 'Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
SMonday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
: 'r .
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
,'Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach *. 543,-9143. Gene.
Nordan plays piano Tuesday,
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach -. Blvd., acksonville,
Beich 24'7.6S210:. John Evans,
pla'.s the' [iano every Friday
and Saturday.

Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, lacksonville Beach.
NMystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
'the Glass Camels are ,in the
Bubba : Lounge every
Wednesday. Reggae with Pill
Pill from 4 'to- 8 p.m.' every
' ; ', :
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133..
Ralph "E" performs, top 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every -
Friday and Saturday night. ,

Shif1by's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune 'Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m..to 1
p.m. Sunday.
Spare Time Tave and '
Spare Time Tavern and

outside every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 and hip
hop inside every Friday. DJs
Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki. bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indie every Monday.

Spare "Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 :.3rd St. N.,
*Jacksonville Beach 2,6-8360.:
DJ Hook spins Saturday.
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
'is in every ,Monday and
' Tuesday. DJ.Anonymous spins
.Wednesday. -DJ Marco' spins
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in:every friday and Saturday.

:Vinoe, 822 AIA N., Porite'
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
:DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night- every

------ --.

prn. .-uljrr... ..
Clay Aiken joins the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
Thursday, Dec. 21, for a one-night-only concert of all-Christmas
favorites. Aiken will perform many songs from his platinum CD
"Merry Christmas with Love". The Jacksonville Children's
Chorus will make a special appearance. Call 354-5547.

Grille. 1728 .3rd St. N.,
'lacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in- every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every Ftiday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs

Sun'- Dog Tavern; ',20'7
Atlantic Blvd., Ncpt.rnBeec'li
241-8221. Chuck Nash and,
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
month .

Tra VinilItalian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach 'Beach *
273-2442. Tony' Saladino per-
forms lazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.

Tree 'Steakhouse, 725-6
'Atlahtic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mar Ann Hawkins
.is in. Wednesday. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in fiom Saturday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn '&
the Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.
S.. OO'


The FCCJ Chamber Choirs
and Chorale join for' a holiday
performance at 8 p.m. today at
the wilson Center for the Arts
at CCJ's South campus, 11901
Beach Boulevard. Admission is'

free. Call 646-2364 for infor- Jacksonville Landing, 2
nation. IIndependent Drive,.
S Jacksonville. ....
TUBA CHRISTMAS The concert is free and open
Tuba and euphonium players to all players. Rehearsal begins
performing holiday songs at 2- .at,10 a.m. Call 269-9819 for
p.m.. Saturday at The" information.


Cliff's at the 'Beach, 1401"
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke is held at 9:30 p.m.
every Sunday.

Monkev's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S..,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday aind Sunday %with a
contest Qt 11 p.m. every other

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, ,1728, ,3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Wednesday.


The Atlantic, 333 N.;First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop. and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.

Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ, Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
,spins Top 40 and Old Wave
every Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's'

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Weekend 5


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.


Weekend 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 8, 2006


Friday, Dec. 8,
Just a Dumb Kid: Neptu
Beach resident Joe Abb Over
author of "Just a Dumb ]
from Nowhere," will be f
tured speaker at Noon Bre
held from noon to 1 p.m.
the Beaches Branch Libra
Noon Break, a program of I
Beaches Branch Friends-of \
Library, is free and open to t
public. Attendees are welco:
to bring a bag lunch. For ini
nation, call the Library at 2'
Saturday, Dec. I
Anime Club: The Anix
Club meets from 2:30 to 4
p.m. at the Beaches Bran
Library, 600 Third St., Neptu
Beach. Anime/Manga fans
together to watch anime, d
cuss favorites and share
work. Call the branch at 2'
1141 for information.
Beaches Kids Party: A s
ond annual holiday par
given by Beaches Emerger
Assistance Ministry (BEA1
Neighborhood Partnership
the Protection of Children a
Beaches Resource Center'
Beaches children, will be hi
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at t
Beaches Boys and Girls Cl
Santa will arrive on a firetru
and pose for pictures. T
event is free for children. Mi
than 25 Beaches church
businesses and groups i
involved. For information<
contact 241-2437 (BEAI
270-8200 (Beaches Resou
Center) or 249-88
(Neighborhood Partnership)
Beaches League
Storytellers: The Bead
League of Storytellers meets
10:30 a.m. for Storytelling
Members, followed by a luni
eon- at the Ponte Vedra Bea
Branch Library. Anyone int
ested in storytelling is w
come to attend.
Contra Dance: Con
Dances are held every seco
Saturday of the month at I
Cobalt Moon Center, 217 Fi
St., Neptune Beach. TI
week's social dance, from 8
11 p.m., will be to live mu
by Full Circle and called
Oharlie Dyer. The price
admission is $10 at the do
For information, call 904-5;

Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets-at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for information.
Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from 9
to 11 a.rim. at Huguenot Tennis
Center in Jacksonville Beach.
For information, call Moe at
A senior men's doubles ten-
nis "C" level league plays
through April at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday morn-
ings. The league has home
and away matches. Call Bob
Totter at 247-1865 for informa-
Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and test-
ed, and that have shots and

We Cater
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Parties Welcomed
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me Dance .-Association: The'
by, American Ballroom and
Kid Contemporary Dance
ea- Association meets at 8 p.m. at
ak, Bolero's, 10131 Atlantic Blvd.
at Guest admission is $12. For
ary. information or reservations,
the call 246-2858.
the Fall Alumni Social: The
me Alumni Association of the
for- American Red Cross Volunteer
41- Life Saving Corps holds a Fall
Alumni Social from 6:30 to 9
p.m. at Neptune Beach FOP
9 Lodge, 2004 Forest Ave. Past
me members should. call Bill
:45 Reagan at 571-6502 or Richard
ich Riley at 249-8542 for reserva-
ne tions. -
dis Parliamentarians: The First
art- Coast Parliamentarians hold a
41- Christmas luncheon at 11:30
a.m. at Selva Marina' Country
Club, 1600 Selva Marina Dr.,
ec- Atlantic Beach. Guest speaker
rty, Is Charlie Patton. The cost is
icy $15; reservations must be
M), made by Dec 6. For informa-
for tion, call 223-1314 or email
nd SherryCaip@aol.com.
for There will be no regular
eld meeting in December.
ub. POWI: The POWI
ick (Promoting Outstanding
Fhe Writers) Authors/Artists
ore Holiday Open House will be
es, held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
are the Ramada Inn Mandarin on
on, Hartley Road. Area celebrity
M), artists, authors, musicians and
rce photographers will be appear-
'54 ing, and jewlery will be on dis-
play. For information, visit the
POW! website at
of www.powl00.com or call 904-
hes 268-6229.
by VFW Activities: The Ladies
ch- Auxiliary of Greater Beaches
ich VFW Post 3270 holds a Craft &
ter- Gift Item Sale from 8 a.m. to
rel- noon in the Post's parking lor,
9th Street and 8th Avenue
South in Jacksonville Beach.
tra Members, guests and the gen-
nd eral public are invited. Call
the Karen at 247-3861 to reserve a
first table.
his' The Greater Beaches Post
to and its Ladieo Auxiliary host'
sic, an adilt Christmas. party that
by begins at 8 p.m. Members and
of guests, veterarls, -active duty i
)or. military;. gLd tjfqiquailies axe
25- invited. Hors d'oeuvres, snacks
and/or light covered dishes are

been neutered, are available
for adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
Kernan boulevards.
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30"p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
for information.

requested. Music will be pro-
vided by Synergy. For informa-
tion, call 249-7366.
Monday,-. Dec. 11
Craft Class: The Jacksonville
Beaches Woman's Club offers a
craft class at 10 a.m. Numbers
to call for information or to
sign up are 221-9643 or 249-
0786. The club is located at
1315 2nd Ave. N.
FRA Blood Drive/Dinner:
Fleet Reserve Association Unit
290 will have a blood drive at
the Branch Home, 390
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach,
from 3 p.m. 'to 7 p.m., with a
free steak dinner and drink of
choice to all donors. The num-
ber to call for information is
Laurel and Hardy: The
"Leave 'em Laughing Tent," the
Jacksonville chapter of The
Laurel & Hardy Appreciation
Society, a/k/a "Sons of -the
Desert," meets from 6 to 7:45
p.m. at the Pablo Creek Branch
Library, 13295 Beach Blvd.
Admission is free to all ages;
free sodas and light snacks will'
be served, as well
The theme of the meeting is
"A Laurel & Hardy Christmas."
Movies to be screened are the
duo's silent short subject, "Big
Business" (1929), and their
holiday favorite, the "March of
the Wooden Soldiers" (1934).
For information; contact
Steve Bailey at 246-0312 or
visit the group's website at
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Candlelight Service:
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida holds a
Candlelight Service of
Remembrance from 12:30 to 2
p.m. at St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church, 465 11th
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Community Hospice invites
those who have lost someone
this year to celebrate their
memory. Participants may
bring a picture or memento to
display on the Memory Table.
For information, call 904-407-
Wednesday, Dec.%

l(lOcle,:, -ofi- [Fi .,'.1,iThe'.
Beaches Women's
Partnership's Circle of Friends

offerings are accepted. Call
Diane at 382-5823 for informa-
Exchange Club: The
Exchange Club of the
Jacksonville Beaches meets
each week from 7:30 to 8:30
a.m. at the Sea Turtle Inn.
There will be no meeting Dec.
29. First-time visitors receive a
free breakfast. Those deciding
to join will get first-quarter

Benefit Luncheon will be held
at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club.
Donna Hicken will emcee the
event, attendance at which
comes with a donation for at
least $100.
Newcomers: Newcomers of
the Beaches, an organization
for women who are new to the
area, meets at 11 a.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st
Street N., Jacksonville Beach.
Bill Cosnotti will present a pro-
gram about the Jacksonville
Symphony, and flutist
Lorraine Roettges will provide
a musical demonstration. The
price for the luncheon is $20,
payable by Dec. 6 to
Newcomers of the Beaches,
P.O. Box 2421, Ponte Vedra
Beach, Fla. 32004. Call Bonnie
Lynch at 904-821-9002 to join
or for information.
Ribault Garden Club: Misty
Beasley of DeVale's will present
"Christmas Creations" at 10
a.m. at the Ribault Garden
Club, 705 2nd Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach: The cost of
the Fun with Flowers program,
for which attendees must pro-
vide their own clippers, is $15.
Reservations, which can be
made by calling 221-5191, are
a must.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary: The
Ladies Auxiliary .of Greater
Beaches VFW Post 3270 holds
its monthly meeting and also a
Christmas celebration at 7
p.m. at the Post, 915 8th Ave.
S., Jacksonville Beach.
Members should, bring -a cov-
ered dish, dessert or snack and
a $10 or less gift for a White
Elephant Gift Exchange. For
information, call 249-7366.
Thursday, Dec. 14
Seniors Sing-A-Long: The
Dunn Weliness Center holds
its ninth annual Holiday Sing-
A-Long for the residents of
Pablo Towers from 7 to 8:30
p.m. The event will be held in
the Pablo Towers Community
Center, 115 3rd St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation about the sing-a-long
or for anyone wishing to con-
tribute a gift, call the Dunn
Wellness Center at 249-1551 or
email" Rhonda Dunn .at'
rdlit @hl nvellsiSrks, r'. """
Special Needs Workshop:

St. S
an o0

Twin Heart Meditation membership for $30. After Ha
Group: This group meets from that, dues are $115 per quarter. The
4 to 5 p.m. at Ocean Yoga For information, call Jack Show
Studio, 60 Ocean Blvd., Morison at 904-318-7162 or e- 10 p.
Atlantic Beach. Global medi- mail 'jmorison@jaxbeachex- of C1
station from Pranic Healing changeclub.com. The club Jose
focuses on creating planetary website is www.jaxbeachex- Visiti
healing and world peace,- changeclub.com. bers
which begins within. Love 1609

astmasters: Beaches Area
masters Club 2862 meets
7 to 8:30 p.m. at the
itic Theater on Atlantic
evard. Cyndi Rice, 273-

undation Academy: The
ndation Academy, 107 3rd
., Jacksonville Beach, has
pen house from 9 to 11:30
Call 241-3515.
harmony Show Chorus:
Jacksonville, Harmony
w Chorus meets from 7 to
m. at the San Jose Church
church of Christ, 6233 San
Blvd., Jacksonville.
ors and prospective mem-
are welcome. Call 350-
for information.

POLLY B Dance Academy

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lmI"lhmOWof*lePh=) We invte you to jolnI (ew studio In North Beach Center)
246-6662 our Studio 246-6663

Local attorney Dan Armstrong
speaks at 10:30 a.m. at- a free.
Special Needs Trust Workshop,
to be held at 324 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. The work-
shop is presented by Adams &
Marsema, tax and financial
advisers, and hosted by Brett
Brenner, the father of a special
needs child. To reserve a seat,
call 339-0015.
Friday, Dec. 15
Christmas Potluck: The
Persephone Healing Arts
Center at 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, holds a
Christmas Potluck Dinner
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
For those interested in attend-,
ing, RSVP to 904-246-3583
with dish that will be brought.

Saturday, Dec. 16
Life-Saving Christmas: The,
American Red Cross Volunteer
LIfe Saving Corps 'holds its
annual Christmas party. Call
Chrissy Wallis at 591-0451 for
information and reservations.

Monday, Dec. .18
Drive safely: A two-day
AARP Driver Safety Class runs
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
and Tuesday at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The class is designed to pro-
mote awareness of the effects
of aging on drivers over the
age of 50. A certificate of com-
pletion may entitle partici-
pants to an automobile insur-
ance discount. Cost of the
course is $10. To register, call

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Decrember 8.2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Weekend 7



The Springfield Woman's
Club hosts the 20th annual
Holiday Tour of Historic
Homes Dec. 8 and Dec. 9.
Tickets are $15 at the door and
$13.50 in advance; packets of
10 are $125. The ticket price.
includes refreshments and
sleigh rides. An art and craft
show will be held in the Club
at 210 7th Street West.
Advance tickets can be pur-
chased by calling 904-633-
9308 or through the secure
website, www.springfieldworm-

The St. Augustine
Community "Orchestra pres-
ents "Merry Music" at 8 p.m.
Dec. 8' in the Lightner
Museum's Cafe. Alcazar. The
concert, during which the
audience is invited to sing
along, is free. Seating is on a
first-come, first-served basis.

San Pablo Elementary School
holds a Holiday Silent Auction
Family Fun Night from 6 to 9
p.m. Dec. 8. The community is
invited to attend the evening,
which includes, in addition to
the silent auction, a photo
opportunity with Santa, make-'
and-take' crafts, a play per-'
formed by first-grade classes
and singing performances by
all grade levels. The silent auc-
tion will be held in the media
center from 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.-
For information, call the.
school at 247-5947 or Kendra
Robertson, PTA Programs VP, at;


Florida Community College
presents its seventh annual
Sounds of the Season concert,
in which Men's Chamber
Choir and Women's Chamber
Choir and Chorale offer holi-
day favorites Dec. 8. The con-
cert, which is free to the pub-
lic, begins at 8 p.m. in the
Nathan H. Wilson Center for
the Arts on the Florida
Community College South
Campus, 11901 Beach Blvd.
Special guest artists afe 'the
Concert Choir of the
Jacksonville Children's Choir
under director Darren Dailey.
For information, call Choral
Director Wayne- Bailey at 904-

The St. Johns River City
Band presents "Yuletide
Swing" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 8 in
Jacoby' Hall at the Center for
the Performing Arts. Bill White
is the featured artist, along
with the River City Big Band
conducted by Michael Davis.
For event information, visit
Tickets are $20 for adults,
$15 for seniors 60-plus and $10
for children 12 and under.
Tickets can be purchased at
www.rivercityband.com or at
the Symphony Ticket Box
Office at the Center for the
Performng Arts by calling 354-
5547. Tickets and group tickets
also are available by calling


The Winston Family YMCA
hosts a Holiday Family Fun:
Day from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Dec. 9. Santa arrives when the
event begins and will be avail-
able for pictures to its conchi-
sioh. Activities -include cookie
decorating, face painting, arts
and crafts, chair massages and
kids dance class demonstra-
tions. This event is free and
open to the public.
For information, call'
Membership ,Assistant
Whitney Linn at 543-9622.'

There will be three morning
seatings to have' Breakfast with
Santa -at the Museum of'
Science & History'(MOSH) Dec.
9. The seating times 'are 8:30
a.m., 9:30 a.m: and 10:30 a.m.;
the sessions will last about 45
minutes.., .
Member prices are $4 for
children and $6 for adults;
non-membei prices are $7 for
children and $9 for adults.
Prices include Museum admis-
sion, and reservations are
.required. Call 396-
MOSH(6674), ext. 230, to
make a reservation.

A series of Santa's Story Book
Teas is underway at the Ritz-
Carlton Amelia Island. The
Teas, which will be begin at 1
p.m. Dec. 9, Dec. 16 and Dec.


The Atlantic Beach Fire Department is collecting toys, which will
be donated to Toys for Tots. The collection box is located at the
fire department, 800 Seminole Road, for those who wish to
donate during the holiday season. For more information, call

23, include a traditional story-
book performance and party
favors for each child attending.
Hotel guests and the pubic are
invited, but reservations are

Holiday Shop-n-Drop is
offered from 2 to 6 p.m. Dec. 9
at the Adele Grage Cultural
Center in Atlantic Beach. A
holiday party will be held for
children ages 5-12 while par-
ents shop. The cost is $20 per
child, and pre-registration is
The same dayv from 6 p.m. to

The Ladies Auxiliary of Fleet
Reserve Association Unit 290
holds its annual Christmas
party from 7 p.m. until it ends
Dec. 9 at the Branch Home,
390 fMayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. All members are invit-
The LAFRA also holds a
Christmas party for children
up to 10 years of age at the
Branch Home from 2 p.m. to' 4
p.m. Dec. 17.
For information on either
event, call 246-6855. ,


8 p.m., a karaoke holiday sing- St. Paul's Catholic Church
a-long, "Sounds of the Season," holds its annual Christmas
will be held in Bull Memorial Rummage Sale from 8 a.m. to 2
Park. Santa will drop by for pic- p.m. Dec. 9 in the gym at the
tures, and light refreshments corner of 5th Street North and
will be served. The event is free 1st Avenue North in
to the public. Jacksonville Beach. The sale
, / .offers a.rue inventoryof new,
S. s :- "-, tusead a, d n Cristm.s.
' &B *:-, 'Items such a's-.decor'tions,

The 13th annual Holiday
Tour of St. Augustine's bed &
breakfast inns will be held Dec.
9 and Dec. 10, beginning at 2
p.m. each day. Thirteen inns
will welcome visitors Saturday,
and 12 will do the same:
Sunday. The Holiday Tour con-
cludes at 5 p.m. each day..
Area restaurants, confection-
ers and the San Sebastian
Winery will offer treats at each
stop. Old Town Trolley Tours
will provide free shuttle service
between the inns.
Advance tickets may be pur-
chased for $25 by calling 904-
829-3295 or by stopping at par-
ticipating B&Bs. Tickets will be
available for $30 on days of the
event at the inns and at ticket
booths near the St. Augustine
Visitors Information Center
and on the Plaza de la.
For information, visit


Catty Shack Christmas,
when kids come to see Santa,
will be held from 12 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. Dec. 9. Admission to
the Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife
Sanctuary is $10; kids anld
under are admitted free.
Proceeds benefit exotic cats
such as tigers, lions, leopards,
cougar and serval, as- well 'as
Arctic foxes. For information
and directions, call Catty
Shack Ranch executive director '
Curt LoGiudice at 904-757-
3603 or e-mail him /at

The Neptune Beach Seniorr
Activity Center. has two holi-
day trips on tap.
The Mayor's Holiday Festival
is Dec. 9, and the Center has
'tickets available. Charter trans-
portation is also available.
Tickets to to the event are $2, and
round-trip transportation to
the Prime Osborne
Convention Center is an addi-
tional $2.
. The Center also is planning a
day trip to the Silver Springs
Festival of Lights Dec. 16.
Charter transportation leaves
the Center at 10:30 a.m., and
there will be a catered lunch en
route. Participants also will
have VIP seating for a Ronnie
Milsap concert, dinner and the
park's festival of lights.
Call 270-1688 to make reser-
vations for each trip.

ert es, linens and dishes at very
low prices.

Sawgrass Village Christmas
Celebration 2006 will be held
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 9,
with Santa arriving on the
Holiday Train at 11 a..m. The
event will offer face painting, a
balloon artist, pony and train
rides, and a DJ and puppet
shows. Sawgrass Village is at,
A1A South and PGA Tour


The Amelia Island Christmas
Tour of Bed and Breakfast Inns
& Hometown Holiday
Celebration will be held Dec. 9
and Dec. 10. For information,
visit www.ameliaisland-
inns.com or call the Amelia
Island Chamber at 1-866-4-

. The 13th annual Holiday
Tour of Historic Inns of St.
Augustine is held from 2 to 5
p.m. Dec, 9 and Dec. 10.
Tickets are $30 day of event or
$25 if. purchased in advance.
Proceeds from the t'ur will
benefit EPIC Community
Services, from whom tickets
can be purchased by calling
EPIC's event line at 829-3295.'

The, annual Night of Lights
Festival will be held Dec. 9 and
Dec. 10 at Plantation Park and
the grounds of Fruit Cove
Middle School on Race Track
Road. The festival runs from 10
a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

The Apron's Cooking School
at the PublLx, 10500 San Jose
Blvd., offers families of up to
four, to include one parent and
children who should be at least
4 years old, two opportunities
to decorate gingerbread hous-
es. The classes are held at 2
p.m. Dec. 10 and 12 p.m. Dec.
16. The cost per family is $35.
The number to. call for reser-
vations is 904-262-4187.

The St. Augustine
Community Choir presents
excerpts from' Handel's
Messiah at 3 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. Dec;: 10-at Memorial
Presbtvterftatv'E @ldcrchi!'36t 1 .
St. There's a $5 free-will offer-
ing at the door. For informa-
tion, call 829-6451.

"Behold the Lamb of God," a
contemporary Christmas con-
cert, will be performed at 7
p.m. Dec. 10 at San Jose Baptist
Church by Andrew Peterson,
Derek Webb, Jill Phillips and
Gullahorn. Tickets, which cost
$7, can be purchased by going
to www.sanjosebaptist.com.


oA pair of holiday events are
on tap at Village Oaks at
Southpoint, an assisted living
community -at 6895 Belfort
Oaks Place, Jacksonville.
Village Oaks' Winter
Wonderland craft fair will be
held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Dec. ` 12, followed by ,a
Christmas dance from 1 p.m.
to 4 p.m. Dec. 15. "Recycles"
will provide the music. ,
Both are free and open to the
public. Call 296-2384.


The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra's Holiday Pops con-
cert will be presented by the
Emma Concert Series at 8 p.m.
Dec. 13 and Dec. 14 at the
Flagler College Auditorium in
St. Augustine. Tickets cost $25.
For information, call 797-2800.

Pohte Vedra Presbyterian
Church presents its, annual A
Bethlehem Visit from 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 14, Dec.
15 and Dec. 16. A live nativity-
scene is set up near the church,
along Palm Valley Road. For
information, call 285-8225.

PiEn e Luminanj Kits

Cia e Everything you need to

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San Marco Preservation
Society's 19th annual Tour of
Homes will be held from 4
p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 9 and 2
p.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 10.
Advance tickets cost $20; and
day-of-event $25 at the hospi-
tality tent at Davin Park. For
information; call Stephanie
Edwards at 396-2800.

Youngsters can create orna-
ments that can be eaten at 12
p.m. Dec. 9 and also at 12 p.m.
Dec. 23. The place to go is the
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.,
where, the third Apron's
Cooking School is being held.
The cost -for kids is $25. The
,number to call for reservations
is 904-262-4187.

The second annual St. Johns
County Festival of Trees is
open at the St. Johns County'
Convention Center, adjacent
to the Renaissance Resort at
World Golf Village. The festival
features a display of more than
60 decorated trees and is open
daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. It
will close at 3 p.m. Dec. 10.
Free and open to the public,
the festival is raising funds for
the Empty Stocking Fund and
the :United Way of St. Johns


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Weekend 8 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader December 8, 2006

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First Coast
The First Coast Nutcracker
will be performed in the
Moran Theater at the-Center
for the Performing Arts at 8
p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m.
Saturday, and at 2 p.m.
Sunday. Morihiko Nakhara is
the conductor. Reservations
can be made at 904-354-5547,
877-662-6731 or at jaxsym-
There -also will be a
Wachovia Sugar Plum
Luncheon at 11 a.m. Saturday,.
. a children's fashion show .by
Parisian. Reservations can be
made at 904-358-1479.

First Coast
Winter Lights
First Coast Winter Lights,
created by Midwest Display, is
an evening of entertainment at
Reynolds Park Yacht Center on
the banks of the St. Johns River
in Green Cove Springs. The
event' runs ..Friday through
Sunday and is open each.
evening thereafter through
New Year's. .
First Coast Winter Lights ;is
open from dusk to 9:30 p.m.:
on weekdays and from dusk to,
10:30: p.m. on non-school
nights, including the school
winter break. Admission is $18
per car and $40 per bus,
Tickets are available at area
\WVachovia branches and at the
gate. Ice skating costs $5 for
children, $7 for adults. Skate
rental is $3.

Adele Grage Center, comer of
Ocean Boulevard and Seventh
Street, in Atlantic Beach. The
event is free and open to the
public. ...
Doors will open at 5:45 p.m.
for, the alcohol-free :event,
where seating is on a first-
,.come, first-served basis. On
any given Songwriter's Night,
30 to 50 people will listen to
12 to 20 musicians perform.
Mike Shackleford is host.
Atlantic Beach activities can
be found on the Internet at
http: //www.ci.atl a n tic-

Nilht of Lights
and Art Festival
Julington Creek Plantation
holds a Night of Lights Festival
from noon to 9 p.m. Dec. 9,
and an Art Show from 10 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Dec. 9 and from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 10 at
Plantation Park and on the
grounds of Fruit Cove Middle
School, 3180 Race Track Road.
The Festival offers fun for
the family: live music from
area bands and choral groups,
as well as a sneak preview of
First Coast Opera's "Babes in
Toyland." The St. Johns Art
Show Exhibit attracts
statewide and local artists.
Luminarias also may be pur-
chased.. For information con-
cerning luminaria kits, call Teri
Adams at 904-230-1209 or
Maria Petow at 904-230-8339.
Proceeds benefit missions
and programs of the Betty
Griffin House, www.betty-

Local Authors at griffinhouse.org.
Rising Moon
Authors Patricia Behnke, Holiday Music at
Randy Cribbs and Peter Guinta Florida Theatre
will be signing their books at The Florida Theatre offers
the Rising Moon's Holiday three consecutive nights of
Open House from 5 to 9 p.m. headliner holiday music,
Saturday. beginning with Tony Bennett
The Rising Moon is located at 8 p.m. Dec. 12. Bennett is
at .58 Spanish St. in St. followed by a Peter White
Augustine's historic district. Christmas at 8 p.m. Dec. 13,
featuring the jazz music of
GrT19I Iayaking Peter White, Rick Braun and
The Friends of the GTM Mindi Abair. Ricky Skaggs pres-
Reserve, in partnership with ents a Skaggs Family Christmas
Coastal Outdoor Center, is at 8 p.m. Dec. 14. Call 355-
offering three kayak tours of ARTS(2787) for tickets or visit
Guana River: from 11 a.m. to 1 floridatheatre.com or ticket-
p.m. Saturday, from 3 p.m. to 5 master.com.
p.m. Dec.47and-fre om-40a. m.. ."" ......L. ....,-- ,
tro 12 ..P 23'.Tnatn-"ra'r fgl*a A.lf-effi at ,i
ralist-led tours are for anyone Bookmark
wanting to learn more about Paula Deen, an expert on
the coastal estuary. The tours southern cooking who has her
begin at the GTM Reserve own show on the Food
Environmental Educational Network, "Paula's Home
Center. ':, Cooking," will be at The
Each trip is $45 per person Bookmark from 7 to 9 p.m.
and includes all kayaking Dec. 13, signing her books.
equipment, instruction, Deen will sign just two books
reserve entry fee and tour, and per customer, one of which
bottled water. The tours will must be "Paula Deen
last approximately two hours Celebrates." All books signed
and are appropriate for ages 15 must be purchased from The
and up. Call the Coastal Bookmark. Advance purchase
Outdoor Center at 904-471- with tickets is available. For
4144 to make a reservation, information, call 241-9026.

Songwriter's Night is held
from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the

Sterling ''Joyce's Birthday
Bash, an annual holiday chari-

Dec 1 6 pm- -
Atlantic Theatres 75,1 A..anti, B ,d A. Badch
ty fundraiser for BEAM ,and calling Bryce Pfanensti
From Jacksonville with Love, Atlantic Theatres, 904
begins at 6 p.m. Dec..13 at the 7529. ,
Atlantic Theatres. Admission
price is $25, plus an Holiday Pop!
unwrapped toy for a child aged The Jacksonville Syrnp
2 to 15 and a nonperishable Orchestra's "Holiday Po|
food item. Tickets are avail- Home for the Holidays"
able in advance or at the door. cert will be performed
Call 904-249-7529 or visit p.m. Dec. 15, at 3 and 8
www.atlantictheatres.com. Dec. 16, and at 7 p.m. De
Sterling Joyce, well known in the'Jacoby Symphony
throughout Jacksonville, at the Center for'
shares his birthday with local Performing Aits.
children and' charities. Each.. 'Ticket prices range tron
yeat he spearheads the collect- to $65. Call 904-797-280
ing of toys and canned food tickets or information.
for BEAM and From
Jacksonville with Love. BEAM Beaches
helps families in crisis in the Nutteracker
Beaches and West Beaches. For every ticket purcha-
From Tacksonville with Love see the Beaches Nutcracke
begaln,Locallv aa disaster relief p.m. Dec. 16 at, Fletcher
.organization atter Hurricane School, a new. pani oft
Katrina. and a hot meal will be pr
Many local businesses Will ed to an orphan in India.
contribute to the evening, and.- businesses contributed
local musicians will perform. Dec.' 1, fundraiser to su
D.J. Carlton McGee also will be the performance and en
on hand. '' event organizers to pa
Donations may be made to' with 1-58, a local non-pro
BEAM by calling Cindy provide the needed shoe:
Funkhouser at 904-241-23.26 meals.
or by visiting The Beaches Nutcracke
wwwv.jaxbeam.org. Donations feature dozens of local
to From Jacksonville with Lose formners of all ages. To pur
can be made by calling Frank tickets, call 004-241-1266
Phinizv at 904-726-0565 or by "
going to www.from jack- Big Band
sonvillewith love.com. Broadenast
The Beaches Hospitality The Big Band Broadcast
Network will provide a silent ring Holly Laroque anc
auction for the event. Local Mark Ferguson .:Orch
businesses that would like to takes -the stage at the X\
make a donation may dd so by Center for the Arts on F

South Campus at 2 p.m. and
again at 8 p.m. Dec. 16.
Laroque and the Ferguson
Orchestra combine to perform
a 1940s big. band concert as it
would have been broadcast.
Tickets are $24, 'plus applicable
services and facility fees, and
may be purchased by calling
the FCCJ Artist Series box
office at 904-632-3373. Tickets
also' are available online at-

GirlsN i1 lig t Out
The third Apron's Cooking
School,' being held at the,
Publix at 10500 San Jose Blvd.
at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 16, offers an
opportunity) to relax and enjoy
conversation, fine wine and
good food. The cost" of the
evening is $35. The number to
call for reservations is 904-262-

Busy 1ornnI at
The C-SPAN Book TV Bus
will be at the Bookmark from 9
a.m. to 1.1 p.m. Dec. $17.
Everyone is invited to drop by,
for coffee and take a .tour of
the Book TV Studio.
LINF, professor Carolyn,
Williams also will be at the
Bookmark that morning dur-
ing the same hours, 9 a.m. to
11 a.m., to sign copies of her
new book, "Historic Photos of
FL Jacksonfille." ,
The Book TV Bus, a 45-foot
el at- long motor home with a
-249- .mobile television' production
studio and media demonstra-
tion center on board, launched
is in Sept. 2005. It's toured the
hony nation since, promoting C-
ps SPAN's weekend-long pro-
con- gramming of non-fiction
at 8 books and authors while col-
p.m. lecting literary programming
ec. 17 from communities around the
Ha-ll country.
the "Historic Photos of
Jacksonville" captures the his-
n $25 torical growth of the city in.
)0 for still photography. Black and;
white pictures, many never
published before, follow the
city's history over 200 years.

,ed to Touth Orchestra
r at :The Jacksonville Symphony
High YoiLuh'Orchestti'ccnehJcted'by
shoes Scott Gregg, playsI''Sounds olt
ovid- the Season" at 3 p.m. Dec. 17
Local .'in Jacoby Symphony Hall. For
to a tickets and information, call
pport the Jacksonville Symphony
abled Orchestra box office at 904-
rtner 354-5547, toll free at 877-662-
fit, to 6731 or online at jaxsympho-
s and ny.org. Ticket prices are $7 and
r will
per- Dancinge on Pier
chase The ninth annual
lacksonville Beach Pier Dance
Swill be held Dec' 19 at the Casa
Marina Hotel & Restaurant,
691 1st ,St. N., Jacksonville

Beach. The event produces, for
less fortunate families, items to
be distributed locally by
Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry (BEAM).
There will be two seatings,
the first at 6 p.m. and the sec-
ond at 8:15 p.m. Reservations
'should be made at 270-0025.
BayStreet will provide two sets
of music, the first at 7 .p.m.,
the second around 8:30 p.m.
-Admission comes with an
unwvrapped toy. BEAM asks
-guests to also bring one or
more of the following: non-
p e r i s h a b 1 e
food/soap/diapers/toilet paper
and the like. Monetary dona-
tions also are appreciated.
For those who can't make
the event, items and/or dona-
tions may be sent to BEAM,
850' 6th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250.

Holiday 11li s' at
"Santa vs. the Snowman"
runs through Dec. 23 at the
World Golf Hall of Fame IMAX
Theater, while "The Polar
Express" ends New Year's Day.
Also on the screen is IMAX.
Theater's most recent feature
release, '"Happy Feet," which
runs through January.
"Santa vs. ihe Snowman," a
35-minute animated presenta-
tion, is featured on select
dates.. Tickets are $6 for viewers
of all ages. "The Polar Express"
is a 90-minute film that costs
$10.50 for adults, with dis-
counts for seniors, students,
military, children and groups.
"Happy Feet" also costs $10.50
for adults and-offers discounts
for seniors, students,. military,
children and groups.
A complete schedule, as well
as tickets for the three films,
can be obtained at
www.wgv.com or by calling
the theater's ticket hotline, at
904-940-4022 between 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m. daily. Tickets also
can. be purchased at the box

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Regal 18

Apocalypto. .Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:00,
4:00, 7:35, 10:40.

Blood Diamond. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:30, 3:55, 7:20, 10:35.'
The Holiday. Rated PG 13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:15, 12:45, 3:40, 4:10, 7:10, 7:40, 10:10,
10:40.. .

Unaccompanied Minors. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:05, 3:35, 5:40, 7:45, 9:45.
National Lampoon's Van Wilder: The
Rise ofTaj. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:30, 4:50,
7:25, 9:50.
". .. '' '* d" d" "* d''* "* *, "

The Nativity Story. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
'1:35, 4:50, 7:25, 9:50.
';' "" ,- '. r* 1''
Turistas. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:20, 2:35,
4:55, 7:50.

SBobby. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:25, 4:25;
7:15, 10:05.
Deck' The Halls. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:40.
-. O 0 ,* '
Deja Vu. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:40,
3:45, 7:05, 10:20.

The Fountain. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
6:40, '9:35., '
Casino Royale. Rated PG1"* Fi.-Thurs.
Casino Royale. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,

1:10, 4:40, 7:30, 10:25. 10:45.
S L O O 0* '* *
Happy Feet. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs.; 12:10,
1:20, 2:40, 4:35, 7:20, 9:50. ,

Stranger Than Fiction. Rated PG13. Fri.--.
Thurs'., 12:55, 3:50, .6:45, 9:30.
*, ,
Borat. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35, 4:30,
8:00; 10:00.
The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus.,
Rated G. Fri.-Thurs., 1:05. 4:15,; 7:00.
i .' '-, ', -' 9 o '" "*
Babel. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 10:15.
'1 ; ;',' -* *
The Queeni. Rated' PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:25, 4:05, 6:55, 9:55.

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Weekend 9

fleme 06TeBahs edrPneVdaLae


Celebrate the Season

The Spirit of
It's finally time to sit down
and enjoy a special Christmas
dinner starring beef tenderloin
seasoned with a distinctive
smoky paprika rub and accom-
panied by. a trio of roasted root
vegetables. A fabulous cranber-
ry and orange .snowflake-
shaped.cake makes a spectacu-
lar finale for the eyes and the

Seasonal Savvy
During this busy season, it's
a good idea to order your beef
roast in advance. A tenderloin
yields four 3-ounce cooked
servings per pound. To ensure
perfectly roasted beef, iuse a!
thermometer to determine
doneness. And don't forget to
let beef stand 15 to 20 minutes
for easier carving.
The unique snowflake cake
pan is great for Christmas and
all through the winter. Use it to
make impressive cakes either
from scratch or a mixi, beauti-
ful breads or even your favorite
gelatin recipe. This 10-cup pan
has a premium nonstick sur-
face so foods release perfectly
and cleanup is a breeze. It is
available for purchase at
For more information visit
i vwww. BeefItsW IatsFor-
Dinner.com or www.wil-

Smoky Paprika Beef
Tenderloin With Roasted
Root Vegetables
Total preparation and cooking
time: 1 to 1-1,/4 hours
Makes 6 to 8 servings
I well-trimmed center-cut
beef tenderloin roast i2 to
3 pounds
.- 1-1/2 pounds baby red
potatoes, cut in half
1-1/2 pounds sweet potatoes,
peeled, cut into 1-1/2 x 1-
inch pieces
S 1 pound cipolhni onions,
trimmed and peeled
2 tablespoons chopped
: Salt
1 cup tightly packed parsley
S4 te spcon s, okecd rika
2 large cloves garlic,, minced
1/2 teaspoon gfounhl red
1/2 teaspoon salt .
1/4 cup olive oil
1. Heat oven to 425 degrees
F. Place seasoning ingredients
except olive oil in food proces-
sor; cover and process until
parsley is chopped, stopping
and scraping side of container
as needed. With the motor
running, slowly add oil
through the opening in cover,
processing just until com-
2. Press 3 tablespoons sea-
soning mixture evenly onto all
surfaces of beef roast. Reserve
remaining seasoning mixture..
3. Place roast on rack in shal-
low roasting pan. Insert oven-
proof meat thermometer so tip
is centered in thickest part of
beef, not resting in fat. Do not
add water or cover. Roast in
425 degrees F oven 35 to 40
minutes for medium rare; 45 to
50 minutes for medium done-
4; Meanwhile, combine
remaining seasoning mixture,
red potatoes, sweet potatoes
aridcipollini in large bowl; toss
to coat. Transfer vegetables to
metal baking pan. Place in
oven with beef roast. Roast 35
to 45 minutes or until vegeta-
bles are tender and lightly
browned. Sprinkle with 1 table-
spoon parsley and salt, as
5. Remove roast when meat
thermometer registers 135
degrees F for medium rare; 150
degrees F for medium. Transfer
Sroast to carving board and
Immediately sprinkle with
remaining 1 tablespoon pars-
ley. Tent loosely with alu-
minum foil. Let stand 15 to 20
minutes. (Temperature will
continue to rise about 10
degrees F to reach 145 degrees
F for medium rare; 160 degrees
F for medium.)
6. Carve roast into slices; sea-
son with salt as desired. Serve
with vegetables.

Cran-Orange Snowflake

Total preparation and cooking
time: 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 hours.
Makes 12 servings
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or
margarine, softened
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
1 tablespoon grated orange
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup sour cream

1-1/2 cups fresh or frozen
cranberries, coarsely
3/4 cup finely chopped
pecans, toasted
Confectioners' sugar
1. Preheat oven to 325
degrees F. Spra sno6 laepa-.
with vegetable'ah,,ip'ray; set
2. Combine flour, baking
powder and salt in medium
bowl; set aside. Cream butter
and sugar in large mixing bowl
with electric .
mixer. Add, eggs, one at a
time, beating thoroughly after
each addition. Add orange zest
and vanilla extract. Add flour
mixture alternately with sour
cream; mix well. Gently stir in
cranberries and pecans. Spoon
batter evenly into prepared
3. Bake 55;to 60 minutes or
until cake tester inserted in
center. comes out clean. Cool
in pan 8 to 10 minutes.
Carefully invert cake onto
cooling rackl Cool completely.
4. Dust cake with confec-
tioners' sugar.

The Joy of
Celebrate the Feast of Lights
by gathering family and
friends for a meal- of tender
beef brisket accented with a
sweet-tangv- apple-cranberry
sauce and steamed green
beans. Colorful cookies cut
into festive star, menorah and
dieidel shapes provide a sweet
Holiday Helpers
Browning the brisket is the
key to a richer more full-bod-
ied beef flavor. Gently simmer-
ing in a tightly covered pan"
results in melt-in-your-mouth
tenderness. Cooked brisket will
.iel d 2-1/2 to 3 servings per
Holiday cookie cutters make
cookie baking more fun. And
colored sugars and sprinkles
are an easy way'to'decorate -
no skill required.. Qf, for th'e
more adventurous, use colorful
icings to frost the cookies or to
pipe decorative designs.
Beef Brisket With Savory
Sauteed Apples
J tim,i;t 4i a ghr a ar 1, ._:
Makes 6'to 8 se-in'ihi '
1 boneless beef brisket, flat
cut 12-1/2 to 3-1/2 pounds
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 large onion, coarsely
chopped, divided
1 large clove garlic, minced
1 cup apple cider
2 tablespoons butter
5 cups sliced unpeeled
apples, such as Fuji or Gala
about 1-1/2 pounds)
1 cup fresh or frozen
2 tablespoons packed brown
1/3 cup coarsely chopped
walnuts, toasted
1. Heat oil in stockpot over
medium heat until hot. Place



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-siSM Mwoww-f-- --
Cran-Orange Snowflake Cake and Smoky Paprika Beef
Tenderloin With Roasted Root Vegetables

brisket in stockpot; brown
evenly. Remove brisket; season
with salt and pepper.
2. Reserve 1/2 cup onion.
Add remaining onion and gar-
lic to stockpot. Cook and stir 4
to 5 minutes or until onion is
tender. Return brisket, fat side
up, to stockpot. Add apple
cider; bring to a boil. Reduce
heat; cover tightly and simmer
2-1/2 to 3 hours or until brisket
is fork-tender.
3. Meanwhile, heat butter in
large nonstick skillet over
medium heat until melted.
Add apples and reserved onion;
cook and stir 5 to 7 minutes or
until apples are just tender.
Add cranberries and brown
sugar; cook 4 to 6 minutes or
until cranberries are tender and
juices are thickened, stirring
occasionally. Stir in walnuts.
Keep warm.
4. Remove cooked brisket
from stockpot; keep warm.
Skim fat, from cooking liquid.
Bring cooking liquid to a boil.
Cook, uncovered, 10 to 12
minute's or until reduced by
half, stirring occasionally.
5. Carve brisket diagonally
across the grain into thin
slices. Serve with reduced cook-
ing liquid and apple mixture.
.Al'tU6rid Hanukkah Cookies
Total preparation and cookiwg
time: 1-3. 4 to 2 hours
Chilling time: 1 hour
AMaiks ipproxinatelY 3-1 2
dozen 3-incih cookies
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
.3/4 cup margarine" or butter,
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon clear almond
1/2 cup finely chopped
almonds toptionall
1-1/4 cups confectioners'
2 to 3 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon clear almond
extract optional)
Royal blue icing color
Golden yellow icing color

Blue and yellow colored
1. Combine flour and baking
powder in small bowl; mix well
and set aside. Beat margarine
and sugar in large bowl with
electric mixer until light and
fluffy. Beat in eggs and almond
extract. Add flour mixture, and
if desired, almonds to butter
mixture 1 cup at a time, mix-
ing after each addition. Place
cookie dough on plastic wrap;
shape into a disk. Refrigerate at
least 1 hour.
2. Preheat oven to 375
degrees F. Roll out dough to
about 1/8 inch thick on well-
floured surface. Cut with cook-
ie cutters, dipping cutters in
flour before each use.
3. Place cookies on
ungreas-d cookie sheet. Bake 9
to 11 minutes or until cookies
are lightly browned around
edges. Remove to wire rack;
cool completely.
4. Combine confectioners'
sugar, water, and if desired,
almond extract in medium
bowl; stir. until smooth. (Icing
should pour easily from
spoon.) Divide icing into
thirds; color one third blue,
one third yellow and reserve
one third white. Spoon over
cooled cookies; sprinkle as
desired with colored sutghar.;-4
"For best results, use onl\ the'
stick form of margarine for
baking, not spreads in stick or
tub form.

Everyone s

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December 8. 2006;

. The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

WIeeLknd 1 0

December 8, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Like to think I have good
ideas. However, a few
weeks ago, I found out that
roller skating after the age of
40 is not a good idea because I
fell square on my right wrist
and broke it.
Now, I have a cast on my
arm in a lovely shade of Kelly
green. But, I've learned a few
lessons about coping with the
limitations of being one-hand-
For starters, typing has been
a real struggle. Fortunately, I
had a few columns already
written, so I could stop writ-
ing for almost a month and
let my wrist heal.
Even so, I was faced with a
looming deadline and an
immovable plastic cast as I
pondered topics I could write
And, rather than sharing
my frustrations about my lim-


Citations, I thought I'd share
some of the things that have
made my home suit m:e even
with limited hand use -
things I didn't think I'd have
to worry about so soon, but
glad I planned for anyhow.
Good design

A well designed home is
one that does more than just
stand there looking pretty.
It's what interior designers call.
The function of a home
relates to how you're able to
use the home and.the type of
ease or lack of it that you
have as you interact with it.
When we planned our home, 2
I wanted to build in as much
ease as'possible and the plan-
ning paid off.
Think tall
All the counters in the
house are tall :- including the
bathroom counters in the
kids' bathrooms because they
won't be little forever.
Tall counters are much easi-
er on your back and don't
make you stoop and bend
over as much. Even my bed is
on a high bed frame, and that

helps me because I don't have
to bend over so far just to
make the bed It would be
much harder to make the bed
if I had to bend way down
with one good hand to make
If your bed is low, raise it
with bed risers. These are a set
of four plastic risers that fit
under the bed frame feet. It
makes a bed higher, which
makes it easier to get in and
out of and easier to make in
the morning.
Find them at home centers
such as Bed, Bath, and Beyond
or Linens-n-Things. Taller toi-
lets are also a help.
\Ve installed "comfort
height" toilets, which are the
same height as an average
chair, making them about two
inches taller than regular toi-
lets. "
Because they're the same

height as a chair, they're
much easier to sit on and rise
Simple operation
I also installed toilet paper
hooks instead of the roller-
type hanger. With these, toilet
paper can be changed easily
with one hand versus the two
hands needed for the spring
roller on typical toilet paper
Single-handed operation is
also a feature of the faucet fix-
tures I chose as well.
I have family members with
limited hand use, so I had sin-
gle-lever faucets installed.
Moreover, I thought that
these fixtures would be easier
to operate for anyone regard-
less of hand ability.
Choose ease
This month, I'm more grate-

ful than ever for all of these
decisions to bring ease and
'function into our daily lives
by choosing to incorporate
design elements that make
our living easier.
You can, too. What's nice is
that with today's design
options, beauty and function
are no longer mutually exclu-
Make your living space one
of ease by choosing elements
that will make your home
more comfortable and easier
to use.
You never know when you
might need that ease in your
own home.
Kathrnt Weber is a home and
decorating columnist.
For more information, go to
,mw.kathryn-weber.com or
email questions to kathrynwe-

Phl-'..:. iurrT.inid
Towel hooks are much easier to use than towel bars, especially for someone with limited hand '
use. Consider replacing towel bars and toilet paper holders with hook versions.

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Around the Home

Creature comforts make living easier




DECEMBER 8, 2006

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140 Mlongages
150 Mobde Home:, for S-ale
I1C Comm Propern
165 induri.nal M arehou-e
200 Rental
215 Home:. fuo Rent
225 .\anied to Rent
23i Cond. for Reni
2-O1 M H for Rentr
`0'0 \a3tLon RenL
;70 Renial o, Share
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310 Chid Car'
0' work. \\a.inled
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601 .\ir -Co'odtiO'nifn
t02 Alie.ranioro
t.0 Ais. Boa Detai in.
608 Auto Repair
612 Carpet
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618 Electronics
619 Electrical Serv
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences.

o23 Finan Semcez'
625 Frreood
631 Computer Sercet
o33 Hauling
634 La,,n Mower s.lesen
o35 ban.Land_-cpg
o3,o LocklniLh
n37 Mtanne ContL
n38 Mianne.Boaing
640 Concretie N .,nni
045 Mkt.,nmg SIloraige
0o48 PTre.,ure \'Ls hing
050i Paintin
pil Pe,. Cntrol
n52 Plumbing
o653 rPoc.Ls
b5-1 Phoi-graphl
655 Rin Gutters
660 Remodel Comns
6v5 Repais
6.0 R oofir r
P.55 ,pnnkler Wt \elh
on, Tree e'er.,ce
6;8 Tile
660 LUphosiers
685 Wallpap.ering
690 Water treatment
700 Massage Therapy
.10 Health Care Sen
730 Care ers
.OO For Sale
605 Music & Itrir
810 Anutques
615 Aucuons-
620 %%anied to But
825 Trade
830 Consianmeni
8t0 Garage SleI
850 Girage Sales jar Beach
852 Girage Sales Neptune Beach
854 Garage Sales Alantiuc Beach
857 Garage Saleso Ponie edra
656 Garae Sales of \\e-r
8o0 Flea Market
662 E-stae Sales
L05 Auto Rental
915 BoJaLs
930 MNtorordes
950 C'mper'R
9.0 Tranci. anrs
)80 Automobiles


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ALL REAL Esiale advenised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Acl
which make. ii illegal To advenise any
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call mein LIrnle Siates Depanmenl of
Housing and rDaba n Development -HUD-
118001669-9777. or for the heanng im.
paired 1M8001927-9275

JAX BCH 5 Clocks to ocean. corner lot
consider owner financing. Owner Agent
S$17J4900 4i563-7343.
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lois $500
down. $199 mr,.nih. Owner 352-624-2215
or 1352)236-4579.
! www .rocalaloresliand com.2nd
MANDARIN 1 3 acres on San Jose & Bay
Mteadow-y Resdcenial or Commercial
S485k Cal Ron Selistare Broker.
22-1 66..-1

+--2 878 ACRE tract in Mclniosh County.
GA Excellent delelopmenl' investment
.poienial Located minutes rrom 1.95. Con.
veniernt io Savannah Willing to subdivide
Call Adarrm ai Copper Slation Properties al

.* *
BIKE TO the beach! Solano Woods 104
Maliard Trail Ponie Vedia 3.2. 1500
sq.h p.ol $3349.900. F SBO 285 1678

PVB IACATEE almost new 3BR 2BA.
w'veraiile Ironi room. open floor plan
ligr.i O iri.lhl screened pool covered la-
na. large rile, granite counters wirin up.
graded car.,nels real cnhools, approx.
2000st Asking $357 000. Willing io co-op.
537-3969 Frank.
SAWGRASS 2BR'2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year rool 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding. Seller will pay all
closing costs. $289,900. 463-0505.
JUST REDUCED huge 5BR/3BA, on golf
course. South Hampton, off Hwy. 210,
3800sf, large bonus, 2 car garage, real
bargain, $465,000. Realty Executives,
3/2, JAX Bch, 1100 18th St. N. 1300sf, ga-
rage, new roof, appliances, tile, carpet.
$269,000. 881-8590.
2/2 TOWNHOUSE. 630 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach. $175K. 1100sf. New roof,,
AC, windows, siding. Call 904-536-6945.

Pool Home EAST of A A
This 3BR/2BA pool home is loaded
with designer upgrades and MOVE
IN READY. Spectacular English
gardens, lush tropical poolside
landscaping, and walking distance
to the beach. Once home you won't
want to leave. Zoned in Ponte
Vedra's 'A" rated school district.
$605,000 .

111-C Solana Road
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
S fV"f, 32082

DOWNLOAD MARKET Updales al SAWGRASS TPC Oakbridge. 4i2 on la-
www.JaxBeachCondos.com or call goon w/patio pool, upgraded. $439,000 or
Renee L. Baron Inc. (904) 242-2821 for rent 52300/mo 864-0998.

Senior RE Specialist
Watson Realty Corp. Realtors
Call 904-476-5537
From Condos to Country.

Why nol join us on
Every Wed. Irom 11 am-1pm
Phyllis will be online making
your quesnlons live,
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
$500 gas card at Closing!

4BR'3.5BA, granite counters thru-oul
Large screened porch A Must See!
$585.000. (9041536-7007.
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres. 4/3, 2950sf, Duilt 2002. $469,000
OBO. Independent Brokers & Associates.
247-4333 or 710.3111.

vate. 1.3 acre lot 6 blocks to beach
goil. $239.,000. (9041463-3738
3,2 ATTACHED new rool. appliar
flooring. paint. Below appraisal
$189,000. San Pablo & Beach. Ow
Broker 982-7620

a4-2.662 ACRE Iract in lasi growing El.
fingnam Counry, GA. Great aevelopmenu ..
investment ooportunirv. Surrounded by .. ,'

new residential development. Minutes
Irom 1-95. Convenient to Savannarh. Will.
ing To subdivide. Call Adam at Copper
Slation Propenies at 877-985-5263.
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesvllle NC. Hiawassee River and
Lake Chaluga Build your romre Tor a lile.
time. LOITS range in price irom $54.900
lo $87.900 Call 828-389-8843 or 904-
254 9644.

4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+sf., new roof,
HVAC lence, flooring, windows, garage
door Reduced 0o $369.000.
2BR,2BA orf Hodges Blvd near JTB- 3rd
floor unil. $165.900
TWO 1BR' 1BA -lob Ponle Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including grande S Ille
floors replace custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room 1 unit
currently leased. $189.900 & $195 900
Key West sryle cottage. 2BR. 1.5BA ador-
able witn huge great room. private back-
yard, great lor enterlaining Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $319,900.
Costs paid by seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage.
Offered at $144,900.
Off Solano Rd. 1 has small beach cottage,
been remodeled. Take advantage of golf
views or purchase both for your dream
home... Not many like this! 2BR/2BA
beach cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
3BR/2BA, remodeled kit., 2 car gar.
Call: 904-241-4447

Ponte Vedra
Located on a quiet street this
4B,R/2BA home has been
completely rebuilt from the ground
up. Circular drive, additional parking
for recreational vehicle, and private
backyard with room for a pool. This
is a rare opportunity to own in P.V.
at an affordable price. $330,000
Jacqueline Byram
Office: 904-285-6522
Cell: 571-56531


2/2. NEW: rool, klichen, baths, lence &
laminale throughout, 1 car garage.lIg back-
yard & lanai. $229K OBO. (904)343-2344
or (904)237-6341
BEST BUY in Isle ol Palms 3850 Eunice
Rd. 3BR/2BA. 1590St, $229,900.
MLS#321257. Call Cnrisihna
FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately I
mile to beach, tBRF .5BA w/Ion, new rool.
wood deck. Kitchen upgraded. Laminale
wood IIoors & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready. $217,000 242-7529,
S629-0606;. .

CUTE LITTLE duplex at 536 Beach Ave.,
AB, asking $575,000.,, 247-7550, 612-
8080 '
INVESTOR'S DREAM Lot w' house,
60,1.25, 91h Ave. N Make offer.
ATLANTIC BEACH home wl2 buildable
lots, 150 h walk to Deach and intracoasial
townhomes with boat slips.
www.nomebytheseallorida corn
Below appraisal and recent price reduc-
lion vlus sell Bring all ohera, Best buy at
the beach. Gail with Vanguard GMAC

BEAUTIFUL ATL.- Bch. 2BR/2BA town-
home, 5 blocks to beach, 3 blocks to
Town Center, large kitchen with oak cabi-
nets Priced to sell at $220,000
, ra O T JAX Bec... ..... -3B ./_.A

50'x100' lot w/irrigation System, pool,
ouldoor kitchen, tile, SS appliances,
nces, 1400sl, walk to beach. $365.000 OBO.
@ (904)247-3879

High Quality Brick
Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!

5bd/3ba w/4,400 s f & sep hung. dining, family rmsIn
Man' construciion upgrades! Oversized 2 car garage
w/il'l 8'8 workshop area. water oftener. security. &
central vacuum s) siems Full bnck floors, Berber carpel,
,- !" 0, d ood fl c,nng. 12 '\9 4 brick fireplace. huge kichen
,.'.I panrtrie. Cornanri courier,. SSappliance'. I .0i_ plu. ,f rni'ier Stiie% &,
200 i lu ,' f of cl,,et space, 6' .hirlpol tub 4'\4' shwer & s,. m,.hh
more' 90 -1041' li a/s,'\' 'iorage shed. t bnck pauo. ukti huLt,. big F
'id' Call ouncriagent for appir 1,175,000.

SEHen Poling -Wright
l Prudential Cell: 838-4562
NlkorimR ,a.... Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
incdpenaerniiy O ned & Operated Email: ellenpoling@aol.com _

Come and see this awesome BEACH HOME
in a very mature neighborhood! From Beach
Blvd. head N. on Penman, L. at 11th Ave.,
R. on 20th St. to home 1277 on right. Huge
1298 sqft 2/2 with 2 car garage for $299,900
MLS#3360 18
Contact Shawn1 Norton for
an appointment 534-9518.

For More Info:
Call Cara Doud
571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon


Saturday 12-3PM
Huge Price Reduction!
Granite, hardwoods, fresh paint int. & ext.,
and location make this home outshine the
rest. Park your car in the large 2-car garage,
and ride your bike to the beach or Ragtime!,
Or just relax by the cozy fireplace. Whatever
you do, you'll be thrilled you made this
awesome 3/2 in Selva Linkside your new
home! Hurry, it won't last at this price!
1161 Sandpiper Ln. E. Atl. Bch
(Dir: N. on Seminole Rd., Left on 11t St., Rt.
on Linkside Dr., Left on Sandpiper to 1161)

804 Templeton Lane Walden Chase Subd.
Enjoy the New year in your new 4BR/2BA home. Best price in Ponle
Vedra, $294,900 & located in the Ponte Vedra School District.
Dir: A IA to CR2/10 Palm tlle./ Rdi dtn e West .S -9 tiaes to Walden Chaie Blvd.
(2nd Walden Chase entrance). turn L vta\ on Iatlden Chase'
thint round a bou, LAston, R Devonihursi, L Ttrmpletori Arrnie
aS4 Terpleron. ammiei. qfwmas e[tor '

. ) KELLER HtLLAIS.P.ealt ,'
A'-- Artmuc Piumer: Keller Williams Realty
www.jacksonvillebeach -realestate.com
Cellular 904 422-8842 cammiejthomasC@ comcast.net


Ocean Forest Built '99.
Best of all worlds.
m Narshside community.
2400 sq. ft., 4BR/3BA + office & formal DR,
-Grlefroom w/fplc. Brkfst rn. Screened porch,
updated baths & kit, tile. stainless appliances. $545 K


O0er 540K has been Wrested in this wonderful Home
%%ith pool side entenartaimng area You don't need to dIo a
thing to mo'e in to this Dream Home! Located in a
Tree shaded communiru min Neptune Beach
Reduced to419.000 Shon be Couerop. Gaappi
PatrickPalmer JCookop. Danet Palmerill. GRI
Linda753 Pomeran 5923-80 5-8830

A i
Two houses off Jacksonville Drive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both
levels. Large Kitchens. GE Profile appliances. 42in
Maple cabinets. and Granme Countertops. Gas-
Package for Cooktop. Dryer and BBQ grill.
Each offered at $649,000 ha n Ie a
Linda Pomerantz 923-8030 F IE J p -

Oceanfront- Newer custom built 5BR,
4.5BA, with4725 SF, views of the ocean
from the east and ICW the west Office,
formal living and dining, tile and
hardwood Doors., pool and spa. screened
lanai with hot rub, and pnmale beach.
Isle ofPalms Former model with 2705
SF and 571,000 in upgrades on
navigable water ..just bring your boat'
Family room with tfueplace, formal
dining, and deluxe master suite. Two
screened lanais, deck, balcon), dock w/
boat lift. $889.(00
South Hampton Water to golf views
compliment this 5BR, -1BA executive
home on the 17th green Chefs kitchen
with cherry cabinets, island, conan, tile,
3 car garage. screened lanai, two bonus
room., comm pool pnced 525k below
appraisal 5750.000
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai,
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat, in-
law suite, wood and tile floors, corian
counters, formal having and dining. 3 car
garage, comm pool. $679,000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded, light and bnght 4BR,
2.5BA with loft, formal living and dining
room, new carpet and paint. tile floors,
oersized screened lanai, lots of storage,
comm. pool $499.500
Pablo Bay Why wait to budd? This
4BR, 2BA all bnck home is ready now '
Enjoy relaxing evenings on yourcosered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake
Upgrades include tile. 4L inch cabinets.
open kitchen with island. corian.

Fiddlers Marsh If .u are looking for a
true Florida home. look no further'
Adorable 3BR. ?BA patc. home on
premium cul-de-sac lakefromn lot in Ponte
Vedra' Florida room with private lake
news no backdoor neighbors! Enjo;
nature at its finest with beautiful water
fowl. Egrets. Herons and morer $339.000
Laurel Springs 4BR. 2BA pool home
on beautiful lakefront lo' Upgraded Itle.
covered lanai overlooks screened pool.
split bedroom plan. fireplace Enjo\
entenaining in sour spacious, pool area.
mans upgrades' $345.0001
Ibis Point 4BR, 2.5BA wiloft on prniate
culdesac. lush landscaping, fenced yard.
sprinkler., open kitchen with breakfast bar.
formal dining, designer molding, master
bedroom is down with garden tub. comm
pool/tenms $335.000
Ja\ Beach Updated 4BR. 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot 1 27 acres) lusi
blocks to the beach' Wood floors. fireplace.
open kitchen, formal dining, large great
room, inside laundn, screened porch. shed.
hot tub with deck. 5335,000
Florentine This 3BR. 2 5BA wiih loft is
onl) one year old and read. now! Enjoy
peaceful lake views from aour open patio.
spacious knichen i th breakfast bar. formal
living and dining. oversized laundry. over
5-ICk in upgrades! $299.9(f)i
Hunters Haen Honey cui up the credit
cards' Adorable and affordable 3BR/2BA
is minutes to St. Johns Town Center'
Spacious floor plan with wood laminate
and ule Ifloors. open eat-in kitchen, formal
dining room, and oversized wooden deck
lead to pri.aie fenced backyard iilh
spnnkler and mature trees $22'9.000






S. A new mountain development
in Westeri-North Caroi naoiering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700

I I I -


IlLI --~----W-L~L~-~-~---D~-





Z-I- -.

o IIi I l'p%4b*Q


. ... ---.- =. ..

I ~ _

December 8, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

|ITU 1UI^ii iK ] tml II L Great location, community pool, nearly
$ 100K less than the nearest comparable. condo in JB.
SPricl to csll nt 170 000 0. r I7



Gorgeous two story condo 2BR/2BA,
features granite counter tops, oversized
microwave, and washer/dryer. Fully
equipped club' house with tennis and
basketball courts. $194,500 MLS 318903
11B'R/1BA condo. New granite'counter tops,
appliances, kitchen cabinets, and new tile.'
This second floor unit with large owners
suite, wall to wall carpet and opens up to
beautiful balcony. Beautiful park like setting.
$199,000 MLS 331882.
Beautiful 2BR/2BA two story condo:
Features stainless steel appliances, 42
cabinets ceramic ile anrd ,creenedr porc h
Mecerrarne.an sryle FabulCjIus clubD nhouie
lenrn. and hai.elbcaII coiiuris, irines- cener,
pool. a3una3 3nd n:il lub A ,real buvi
S204,000 MLS 314435
This 2BR.2 iBA condc, rverlrcni wirth
marvelOus vies oi me river Boa1 slip
available B':,ai.er- are only live minutes ironm
donrilon CIlo-e to Sari Maj::. shopping,
and hospitals. Ground level condo. A must
see! $219,000 MLS 325495
221 COLIMA ST 1018
Beaulilul condo upgraded 2BR12BA
artacined one car garage with wo.r rShC' c
space All 'lainiesa levell appliances and 412
cat'irinel in kiCl,]hfn Turrtiled sione co:unler
iops in ki.:hen and rainr- Screen prch in n
big iiorage area o..erlooking wooded area
5223.950 MLS 325561
Peaceful 3BR.2BA lake view nome win large
-creened porch ilr, doors from master
bedo,:.rr, and living room. Built in audi,
speakers in living room and screened porch
Well ma.inamed home beauliiully
landscaped. Howne warranty inciudea
S266.500 MLS 32783
Deligr,0ui 3BR'2BA home in a lquiel cut se
sac min I:ow mrainlernance vinyl siring
a twocar garage Close IcC.chroolu .in,:,pping
and JTB Sellers are eoirerriely moivalead
5324,900 MLS 326083
Charming 3BRBA horrme Pool reuurtaced
lovely laridcaping eriarncespi ol Extenor
,indocS and doors nave been replaced
upgraded ilainle.-. sieel appliance:s
Sepaiaite large storage shed A pleasure to
Inol $419.000 MLS 321428
JBRi28A riTme rbeiroorri rerndeled. All
wridows updaled new kIich.n a plriances
two car garage asde eniry semi .cirr.ular drive
way in Iron 3an.l large yard wiin mature Oaksi
Covered paie makes Cookouts a tireeze,
$419,900 MLS 306611
625 N 15TH ST
.Lovely 3BR/2.5BA two story traditional
home. Cedar shake.vinyl sliding. :,:covered
front porch, entry foyer, great 'oom and
dining area. All ngh-eid Elainies s i eel
appliances dir,iar,;r, microwave Oven
and retreralior LOhl area i. designed and
Wre $4419,900 MLS 329831
1901 1ST ST N #1404
2BR'2BA waterfront condo Hardwood TiCrSi
in main living areas Fjn,sried and ready
lOr living or reniing Nec hurricane grade
windowS. ano d.oors Fac'rulou:- .ce3n views
from master bedroom and living area.
Prinvale terrace 5545,000 MLS 308971
Gorgeous 3BR/2BA two story contemporary
home in sought after Indian Trails. Features
wod loors li;icr-ireri iiti granite ct.uriier ic-ps
and newer appliances Fabulous scraen-d
lana, and pjci area Private master SuuiT
upiairs wnl, screened cal,;ony overlooking
pool anO rear yard S596,000 MLS 317498
immaculate 2BR.2BA c.nd.:, nine SI Johns
River Well appointed gourmet Kitchen,
spacious bedroom wanin op-.of the line
updaics in ainrr.com 2.4nr security and
underground parking. $649,900 MLS
Charming 4BR/3.5BA custom home with
beautiful details throughout. Enjoy the two
sided unique floor plan to' the spacious
outdoor lanai area as well as in the family
room. Home is like brand' newly $889,000
MLS 335881
33010TH ST
5BR/3BA Atlantic Beach home. New front
elevation with cedar shake exterior. Huge
great room with fireplace, sliding door to
fenced back and unbelievable deck, lots of
room for a pool. Updated bath with pedestal
tub and shower. $1,085,000 MLS 334558

Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804







This nearly new 3BR/2BA home is located on a quiet street.
Beautifully landscaped. FP, 2 car garage. 2 years new.
Perfect starter home. Must see to appreciate. MLS 332827
This 1 acre lot is located in The Hills Subdivision which is
located off Mt. Pleasant Rd. in desirable Ft. Caroline. Bring
your builder. MLS337367 $169,900
This beautiful 3BR/2BA PV condo w/gar has a split floor
plan and over 1200sqft. New carpet, kitchen, and beach
access. MLS 327266 $21P.900
This spectacular home is Tri-level w/2 car gar and 3BR/
3.5BA. Just steps to the beach, 1st fir has sep. suite, deluxe
master, gourmet kitchen, private yard and NO HOA fees!
MLS 329743 $625,000

S CALL Connie Grubbs

: PV --

,4 %, ---

Beah. (0)- 2"-2 EA

proper (904) 249-8261


$ii .99.1luii RI LS 3 30r95
E~iate ar"Is naierfronr
Nvnir'il hncr,,oraj lll .piml & .5. I:'nin ..
lr--id AI'.k lr'.BF, 4BA \lair
$1.220.01(l NILS. 331889
C uslom buili
T.a,.rve ivltr..rho'aJ Cirun ii..or'plan.
$ I'.6,0mihIietLS 3 35491

Newv Ocean Park

'uO t *oI Cz ,I >i
Sp..., B b r n~rJI,.. Jii.i ,.
I-,d-ii. ,,e S I bc..
S694,ni'dM IS 314,756
Lux Oceanfront
N Jax Bc~h.-neautitbt, Almost new, ocean views,
Inc Id; .1 nit. nig,,re. pool &n'ic *0.01
NkILS 3.17491

Amating rcnosaiion
i rn.: i ,p, l >'.cinr'Tn i Icond,'? G,-i.ci K %t.i e' r,r
&. i ri n .' iler. .Gi 'cea ii en '
; $660,(000 MILS332203
Odom, Mill of P\
' '..riderful' c,:.rrm uill hoi.ue a t Lof' I.A
,..: ri.'T. IhrI. r i Lh i, r. a mall pri, r ne., rb:.r-
h,:d 629.1100) MLS 336281
Like New
6"E'[cL'.: In r(Gl-in CaN. Fe aiure are inc[ numrTr-
1 .. it i he teclih. community r,,o.l A
mrc.r $549,901 MLS 31448(I

CUJnder $5OOK)

WindsorParke Golf CC
.:..,Je-ri.ul..ommTirr, bear, 'BR iBAt ." ,
ri.kc Gn ii .rn in n area $460,1Qii MLS 311581
-LJ. ; Mnd.r P ark .
Hir i. l lhe ne" ieurralcolor. In' clni;.
b. -,l v aitili Koi Pc.r..l All appincs -la',
$429,911fl LS M337516
S' \Will. r.. bch' 3BR'2 5BA hm bir 2000 FanTiraic
l..) d ero.r~,si dc,: ing & li' .rh ih
$399,900 MLS 339356

The Sancuar)5!
W.BP. 2'B\ in nAqul llai. ciiened
poh' 3rd Ihib h...m immacul ie'
$ 98,1itil MILS 34087
Nowl Ren.)'aled
2BR Cc.rd.:.,. .pacio u.npgrmdwe riclude
SS applnc. granne. plasma% T. A &T.Uch
n ic' I uni. ..ilabi l .
From $385.1J00 ILS 329696
Ocranside Lie
Lim the beachilde lie.ile.i ; :'2BR ci:.nd
on the E side of' Ii Si as \ ra Del' M.,
$379.900 MLS 339024
Dolphin Cove
\lul Sec PP B' BIaJuntrl iorfne in En
lot r.r'.n .3BRP. BA i. hidj 1 rr. 'pn i.,
S spa.:c A& .'p.:.:is FL rm
$3 55.000NML'S 33,593 '*
A' AMustSee!
E icellenti rierfr.. i copd.. I IIIi1 r Op.Fn
l1rpln Girea imrT, ine. fI r nr o dio,Ti, er.
$329,900 MLS 339203
SJaxBch lot
i EofA1A.Wtr,swr,&elecutils incld.
Xanrimnce 1 .de .. hie pin, aie incid
$328.700 MLS 326667

w 1326 South Third StreetJacsonville Beach (904) 249-8261

2607 Americas Cup Cr E, All Bch..
$205.100, 3Br:2BA, 1732sl Formal
LR.DR. FR w'Sliding Glass Doors
Huge Bkyd 247.4442
829 1st SI S Unit 1E.$399 900. 1BR
2BA, MLS310280 1si Fir Unit, Fenced
yd w.ocean views 247-4442
411 1st St 'S #401, $449,900,
Beachcomberl II, MLS321203, 2BR/
2BA, Priwate bch access, hrdwd ilrs
galed pool 247-4442
527 Pelican Key, Selva: Lakes,
$309.900 MLS 338324 3BR'2.5BA,
1404 SF gorgeous lownhome
845 Amberjack Lane, $229,900 MLS
338465, 3BR/2BA, 1.251 SF,
completely updated 'bungalow.
2196 Fairway Villas Ln N. $199 900
MLS 338445, 3brrl 5ba. 1075c.1,
hrdwd firs, new a/c, new roof, huge Irt
w/ fp. 247-4442
1256 Galapagos Ave, $184,900, Oak
Harbor, MLS 334839, 3br/2ba, scrnd
porch w,'hot tub L. LR w/ Hrdwd Firs,
New Tile. Huge BKyd. 247-4442: ,
1483 Laurel .Way, '$369,900, Hidden
Paradise MLS 326063, 3br/2.5ba,
2179si Lush Ldscp scrnd porch.
Huge FR w. Gas FP. 247.4442
62Q Orchid St, $374,900, 'MLS
327695, 4br/3ba,' 2500sf, New
Construction, Custom Mst. Bath.
600 Alhambra Lane North, Sawgrass,
$399,500, 4BR/2BA, 1636 SF, golf
course views. 247-4442
365 Sailfish Dr E, $259,900, MLS
332363, 4BR/3BA, 1967sf, Mst Ste on
1st Fir, Bkyd w/ pool. 247-4442
475 Skate Rd:$219,900, MLS 330053,
3BR/1BA, 1218sf, Lg Fenced. Bkyd,
Open LR W/ separate Dr. 247-4442

13848 Harbor Creek PI., Pablo Bay. 2118 ForesT iate Dr W. Kensmngton,
$489 500 4BR'2BA. 2468sf, Lakefronl $229,900, MLS 335038, 4BR/2BA,
Gorgeous FR w/Marble FP, Upstairs Loht. 1617sf, Fenced Bkyd, ceramic tile, LR/
Plush Msi. Sie 247-4442 DR Combo wa. FP. 247-4442

190 Naadia Michelle Ct S. Harbour
Springs, $184,900. 3BR/2BA. 1138sf,
Fenced Bkyd, LR'DR Combo, Screened
Porch 247-4442
1-1390 Pelican Bay Ct, Pelican Bay,
$259.000. 2BR/2BA, 1315stf. All Appl.
Slay, Ceramic Tile, Soaring Ceilings.
Wood Deck, Covered patio 247.4442
4531 Aniler Hill Dr E $237,500, MLS
326538. Hunters Ridge, 3BR/2BA,
1448s1, Lakeviews, FR A/tiled FP, LG Lot.
Ealin KIT 247-4442
735 Harbor Winds, Harbor Winds,
$26-1 000, MLS 337634.3BR/2BA. 1696
SF, corner lot, big. kitchen w/upgraded
cabinets 247-4442
12311 Kensington Lakes Dr 92603,.
Seasons @ Kensington, $150,000.2BR/
1 5BA. 1100sl. Hrdwd Firs. scrnd atrium
w'pond views. 247-4442
12301 Kernan Foresi Blvd. #2305,
Hammock Grove, $227,900, MLS
333924,. 3BR w/bonus room, 2.5BA,
1.779 SF, like new condo seldom used.
13044 Chets Creek Dr S, Johns Creek,
$312,800, 3BR/2BA, 1964sf, Charming
FR w/FP, screened porch w/ tile firs.
1040 Collinswood Dr W, Collinswood,
$249,900, MLS 314507, 3BR,2.5BA,
.2556sf, 2 Stry, Big Loft, Backs to Wds,
LG Mst Ste. 247-4442
13727 Richmond Park Drive #208,
Windsor Pointe, $191,900, MLS 334459,
3BR/2BA, 1500 SF,FR w/cozy fireplace,
corian countertops. 247-4442
2615 Crystal Cove Ct, Villages of Pablo,
$269,000, 3BR/2BA, 1717sf, Private
Bkyd, screened porch, HG Eat-in KIT, FR
w/FP. 247-4442

3817 Tropical Terrace, $339,900,3BR/ 13767 Deer Chase PL, Pablo Bay,
2BwdA, MLS315008, 1603sf, Tile & $578,880, MLS 333195, 4BR+Bonus
ew WaFiter HeaterLG Bkyd, Glassed FL247RM,442 Rm/4BA, 2803sf, Pool w/lakeviews, mst
New Water Heater. 247-4442 ste w/ sitting area, LR/DR Combo.
14180 Washburn Ct, $234,900, MLS 247-4442
0a7Q1/00,0QiII'M, I rd0SI, -erce

.381786 3Dl-il/2 1030ST, renced
Bkyd w/ Patio, LR/DR Combo, Big Mst
Ste. 247-4442

S Don't Let
t Friends
S Pay 6% /

12382 Eagles Claw Ln, Eagles Creek,
$199,900, MLS 328307, 3BR/2BA,
.1393sf, Lakefront Lot, Shag Carpet, FR
w/ WB FP, New Appl. 247-4442

2466 Glade Springs Dr, Bentwater.
$274,900. MLS 328629. 4BR/2BA,
2062sf, Lakeviews. ceramic iile/Hrdawd
Firs, FR w,' marble FP. 247-4442
1974 Ibis Point Ln, Ibis Point.
$335,900, MLS 319948, 4BR/2BA,
2062sl, Scrnd Lanai, Bks to Preserve.
LG KIT LR/DR Combo. 247-4442
4690 Kernan Mill Ln E, Heather Glen.
$319 000. 3BR'2BA, 1634sl. Scrnd
Pool. LG Mst Ste, Cheeriul KIT W/Brkft
Bar 247-4442
1835 Wildwood Creek Ln, Kensington
Pines, $199.900. MLS 315948,
3BR/2BA. 1352st. New Carpel, FR
w'FP, 1 yr Home Warranty. 247-4442
13433 Stone Pond Dr, Wolf Creek,
$244,900, MLS 381585,3/2.5,1665sf,
Attached 1 car gar. Scrned Lanai, BRs
on 2nd FIr. 724-1200

11033 Englenook Dr, Sulton Lakes,
$235,000, MLS 332020. 4BR/2BA.
1744sf, Reduced' Scrnd Patio. LG Eal-
IN KITw!AIIAppl. Big Mst Ste. 247-4442
12106 Autumn Sunrise Dr, Hawkins
.Cove. $245,900. MLS 337575.
4BR,2BA, 1719 SF, open floor plan.
9126 Catherine Foster Court,'East
Arlington; $259,900, MLS 328167,3BR/
2.5BA, 2133 SF, quiet cul-de-sac, FP,
big yard. 247-4442
1746 Chandelier Circle, Ft. Caroline,
$199,900, MLS 312657, 3BR/2BA,
1381 SF, split floor plan, new flooring.
12015 Shooting Star Ct, Hawkins Cove,
$237,900, MLS 331589, 3BR/2BA,
1570sf, Big Bkyd, Hrdwd Firs, LG Eat-
in KIT, FR W/tiled FP. 247-4442
2358 Huckins Court, Ft. Caroline,
$299,900, MLS 316146,4BR/2BA, 2013
SF,.huge yard, neutral interior. 247,4442
10519 Running Oak Ct, Lantana Lakes,
$206,000, MLS 329567, 3BR/2.5BA,
1547sf, New A/C Unit, 2 Stry, Berber
Carpet, Hrdwd Firs. 247-4442
12111 Brightmore Way, Hawkins Cove,
$257,000, MLS 323470, 4BR/2BA,
1692sf, scmd tile lanai, Big FR, LG KIT,
Separate DR. 247-4442

ne Most 'Powerlul MarKeting Loncept Avaiiaole loaay!
Agents Show Your Home / Newspaper Advertising /
Buyer Prequalification / Internet Marketing */
Prepare all Paperwork / No Up-Front Fees /
Free Market Analysis No Obligation I

. .


today! !

,The Beaches


Ponte Vedra



rl"acci'iol .


~gssgr7~i~m~r~ LYnr~l~


249-2299fb ~


10 elI'vAl-no -R;xkiiiiiiiO

Classified 3

The BPeachsP T eadelr/Pnnte Vedra Leader

Q0 ntAA

4 blocks ocean, 2BR/2BA, brand new car-
pet, custom blinds, large kitchen,
screened porch, sprinkler system, fenced,
attached garage, approx. 1200sf.
$289,000. By appt. (904)247-1490.
Villas at Marsh Landing, 1800 The Greens
Way #1506. FSBO willco-op, 2/2 lux con-
do w/ garage, marsh views, screened
porch, hardwood floors, frplc. Gated resort
style, pool. $219,900. (904)254-6162.
2BR/1.5BA, $259k. 5 blocks ocean, im-
mediate occupancy with short term rental.
MAKE YOUR offer Open House, Sat. 2-
4pm, 1624 Sunset Dr., Jax Bch. Must see,
don't miss outl Trina Swanstrom, realtor,
Watson Realty, www.tdnaswanstrom.com
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods, brick,
3/2/2, 1895sf, $283;500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associates, 247-4333 or

Charming 3/3 Cedar shake home. Beautifully
remodeled in 2002, Steps to the ocean and move
p in condition. Large fenced .
backyard. $549,000

Doris Stein Farber

I'll Be Home For Christmas...
You can easily be in one of these homes for.
the holidays. Just give us a call!

416 UPPER 36T" AVE. S. 2BR/2BA with attached one car
garage, atrium off master bath and bedroom, freshly
painted exterior, fenced back yard, all in quiet enclave
neighborhood 4 blocks from the ocean. $275,000.

3515 SO. Is ST.- 3BR/1BA furnished cottage w/one car
garage, front porch, fenced back yard. Completely
renovated, including windows, wood floors and custom
trim. 1.5 blocks to beach! $625,000..

119 371' AVE. SO.- 3BR/2BA renovated 1950's bungaloW
with att. 2 car garage, FP, Florida room, wood floors,
Vaulted wood ceiling, & white picket fence out front. 2
blocks to beach! $699,000.

3276 PUJlAN C(. 50'x150' cul-de-sac lot in south Jax
Beach w/water view, adjacent to new park and fire
station. Architect owned, ready to assist with plans, if

NILS# 326229 3/3.5 plus loft, lakeftont, N ELS337627Coniimp:rnr &elegaI 3BRBBA.,
large .R. teauuful master swae. .paclous Ucthen
master downstairs, cathedral ceiling;. ,,aleo Cr.m. aiers une /hs & her closeL, .cTwn
laminate flor, screened porch. patio, deck rm:idaing hr:.,,:.uct. md hid p.-ol & .pa. fenced
w/hot rub. 1$379.910 241-2417 bac.k ard. bcks oi10 preere & 2-car garage
I 39S.(r, 2&5-1800
MLS# 302741 Coastal home overlooking MLS#3372.5Grea .me Afromr'ra e.ale'el.
Sall Runlntracoasial Waterway. 3BR/2BA,rne.er appinceM.cari& rile.gassone
n e. e e t le P.an nepri,u.zl ighit & bringhl BRs. ramc space.
ContemporarN finishes, relied elegant zed 2,r garge. saio oceafror deck.
living near hisionc St. Augustine sun oanded .,,u.x.r sh:,r h &more' $1.2.10 285-1800
bh spectacular views. $649.900-$1595.0H)0 t44RSil IANDING PNORMIC VIEWS'
241-2417 NILS# 335658 ,:of I',ih & I lIh tai waiN, Eegani
SIMPLV' RESIS I BLE ,e' BR4 tuhl & 2 hall BA, 78)i SF. 3 FP in
S FR. NIBR & gamrie rm. l r, 'learares p0.3l '/
NLS# 310324 5/3 in Odoms Mll. Open u.wartall& iobrunuan. .nd& opri ,eranda.,2nd11lr
floor plan. man', upgrades and designer b:,nu. ha. plumbing f:r suie & 4-car garage
lwuches thughouL Pti ate lot bordering on 11 .575.018-I8
preserve on wvo sides. S 565,000 241-2417 LOWESl PRICE in
MLS#325791Concreteblockconstruction, Renovated2BR/IBA concrete block home on 60 x
totalremodelw/woodfloorsdesignerpaint120' lot, value is in thelo Build a deahome
ta w/ ,desierpaintwithin walking distance to the beach A great
kohler fixtures, spacious lot, great beach opportunity!! $349,900 285-1800
location. $299,000 241-2417 OCE FRON' PONIE VEDRA
HOME BY CUSTOM BUILDER LS# 280396 wdun the SaAgrass Beach uClub
NILS# 333635 BR/2.5BA Flonda style gates, o") 4 pn.rileged homeowners have Lhus
oe anorei t jdjde'en.rrl]C ro)rnL hI',,e diejn'ie,,.
home with 5 Star Raing, open floor plan. 5BR'a6.5Bd. 5.iSF.tudl,.lofL,.:nus.oceanstin
10' ceilings. e\l molding, stone floors, pool. dune Aalko.er & 15(1' ocean frontage
granite counters, 42" wood cabinets 6,8 ),x?1285-1800
$579,0) 241-2417 CROSS FROM OCEAN IN
$79 RON (i 241 2417PONIW EDRA BEACH
OCEAH r PEN1IOULSEI ML 31075 e f r remaining undeveloped
MLS# 321492 5/3 Total remodel "/stone iuo norh of Nticklers wvbeach access, 150 FT bv
floors.granmecounernops.42'cabs,SSappl, 655 FT for a to.-al of 225 wires. Tlhu fabulous
custom closets, 1 AC units; hurricane ,ceLd : lot is on the we~. side of the Bouleard
S 1,699, 000 285-1800
shutters. 2 overfrontbakonies plu ssundeck. WIOWPONDIN
$95.000 241-2417 S4WGRASS OW "r
BIOTCKS 'W E T ACf MLS# 325427 Renovated & stunning 3BR/3BA,
MIS#304479Charmingspacious homein 1918 SF, upgrades include bamboo & tile floors,
S 479aimgspacousomemn granite counters, stainless appliances, formal LR
Atlantic Beach. Huge comer lot, wood w/FP&DR,screened&coveredporch&oversized
floors, open kitchen, screened porch, two 2-car garage. $469,000 285-1800
car garage. $375,000241-2417 3 BUMIIB lS IN
car garageOZ CHM 41 W SOUlll JAX BEACH & EAST OF AA!M
COZ -A UiJI ,AOW ''MLS# 327242 Popular area near shopping,
MLS# 331674 Best value at the bch. Clean entertainment, schools, JTB & beaches. Duplex on
3/l.Lgmanicuredyd,newwindows,newer 100' x 120' lot, otherdot 50' x 120'. If duplex
roof, 8 blks to ocean. $258,000 241-2417 removed will be 3buildable lots at50' x 120' each.
rof8 t oea C0 $1,350,000285-1800
MLS# 338544 Great 3/2 condo in Ponte MLS 255024 New Ocean Park Condos
Vedra/ Very private setting. Priced to sell. w/unobstucted ocean views, across from Ocean
$250024-47 View Park, Jax Bch, firs 3-9,2-units/f1, 3BR/3BA,
$235,000 241-2417 over 2200 SF interior, choose finishes; cntrs, firs&
WAlK TO llEBE4NA I cabinets, pool, spa, parking & storage $897,000-
MLS# 337406 Remodeled duplex. 2/1.5 $1,27,00,2NEW85-1800
both sides (259K each in quaint AtdBchE M W2R NEW PRIM
both sides (259K each in quaint A Bch. MIS299292 Enjoy the Intracoastal breeze & golf
Close to shop & schools. $290,000 courseviewsfrombeautifullymaintained4BR/3BA
241-2417 + study home w/open floor plan, hardwood floors
INVESR E U in main livingareas,new carpetinBRs, privatelanai,
KSrECMAU screened pool, oversized lot w/oak canopies.
MLS# 338058 One ofthefew 3BR/2BAin $630,000 285-1800
area. Tm roof and HVAC, 5 years new. SAWORASS PAYERS CLUB
$225,000 241-2417 WARS EDGE NEW PRICE
MLS 295201 Channing & stylish 3BR/2BA home
lOWEST PCE IN AB w/lake views from large screened lanai, GR,formal
MLS#33761063BR/lBAonlargelotwith DR, cathedral ceilings in two BRs, eat-in kitchen,
many upgrades. Quiet neighborhood, short closet space, security system & 2-car garage
walk to beach. $216,000 241-2417 HOME ON PRESERVE lIf IN ODOMS MIll
NP UJNE BEAG1I MLS# 304635 Just 5 minutes to the beach! Picture
MLS#310189 3/2.5 completelyupdatedon perfect 4BR/3BA home is light, bright & airy
cude sac. Deck, FP, 2 car garw/screned lanai, many upgrades, gas FP, lots of
culde sac. Deck P, 2 car garage, vaulted tile, fresh paint, 3car garage & more! $535,000
ceiling. $264,500 241-2417 285.1800
Independently owned and operated


HANDY MAN Special, 2/1 concrete block;
5 blocks to ocean, 80'X120' lot, $275,000
OBO, 553-7203.
FSBO Atlantic Beach, 63 West 4th St. (off
Mayport) 3/2/2, 1234sf, 3 years old. Re-
duced 20k for quick sell. $229,000.

Reduced for quick sale, $424,500. Won-
*derful 3BR/2.5BA, 2 story, pool. Easy to
see. 1660 Linkside Ct. N. Call Kimberlee
472-5558, Magnolia Properties.

NEPTUNE BEACH, concrete block, 4
blocks from ocean. $268,000. 372-4477.

DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
QUICK SALEI 3/2, 2 car gar., freshly
painted, new vinyls. Near schools & Won-
derwood. $179,900.
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo. Almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades.
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3/2, nice starter
home, good area. $148,000.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut. stone
frplc., fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/beaches. Reduced to $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4/2, better than
newl Many upgrades. $298,000.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600sf, 3/2,
like new. $229,900.
HARBOR WINDS- 3/2, 2 car gar., owner
must sell fast $204,900.
4/2, near schools & shops. $234,500.
221-1711 OR 241-5501

Call Lynn Saul
Over 20 Million in Sales in 2005.

j44 Marvin & Floyd

Realty Inc.

Website http:l/marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638


Brand New Oceanfront Condo
3BR/3.5BA/2,600SF of luxury living & unparalleled amenities. Located
on one of the lower floors close to covered garage & amenities center.
Approx. $40,000 in upgrades. Great location, incredible ocean

Newly Listed Sawgrass CC Condo
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.SBA condo w/popular townhome floor plan
w/wood floor approx. 1700SF.Water to golf views, large lanai, new roof
and newly remodeled exterior.$395,000
Tifton Cove in Sawgrass CC
Beautifully renovated 2BR/2BA condo, hardwoods, kit. w/new cabi-
nets, stainless steel appliances, Corian countertops, fully furnished &
overlooking lagoon. Great for second home or investment. $337,000

REDUCED Ocean View 3/3 2,100SF!
Developer unit released. 'Saturnia flooring & beautiful appointments.
7th FL end unit condo w/open views of the Atlantic Ocean. Large
BR's w/spacious BA for each, large walk-in closets. Large kitchen open
to family room w/ocean views. $895,000

Beautifully Furnished Condo in Sawgrass Country Club
Beautifully furnished 2BR/2.5BA condo w/popular townhome floor
plan. Enjoy water to golf views, wood floors, enclosed Florida RM &
remodeled kitchen. Large lanai, new roof and newly remodeled exte-
rior. $395,000

Motivated Seller! Reduced, Great Buy!
Enjoy the Lifestyle of Queens Harbor! Lake & golf views w/in the beau-
tiful 3,800SF/5BR/4BA/3CG residence w/stunning hardwoods., screened
pool and beautiful open floor plan. Great deal at $867,000!

Eclectic A.B. Opportunity
Such a fun home on' huge.85x 35 lot, loaded w/ trees, 3 blks
to bch! Exudes rustic personality & possibilities galore. 3BR
2BA, inviting LR/DR, gorgeous hrdwd.firs. Giant Gameroom,
Mex. tile & wd. panel walls. Beautiful 10th St, ambience sur-
rounded by magnificent million $ new constructions.

Nept.Beachside Elegance
Simply wonderful 3BR gem, 1,home off sugary-white bch on
corner lot! Retains vintage charm, hrdwd. firs. throughout,
generous closets. Sunny FLRm invites sunshine in, huge brick
f-place w/ cool log bin. Perfect retreat for understated, ulti-
mate bch. life, affordably! $849,000.

LoraSt, Nept. Restoration
Perfect retreat, just 4 blks to breaking waves! Totally remod-
eled, head to toe.Solid conc. blk., 3BR plus Office,oversized
72xl25 lot w/ room to grow! Stunning silestone/ss kit, 'ltal
ian tiled main rooms, designer upgrades thru-out. Prof. land-
scaped, fenced, easy stroll to "corner." hub. $459,000.

S. Jax. Bch.Value
Comfortable 3BR 3BA just 5 biks to water's. edge. Hand-
some wd. firs. dwn, versatile Bonus up, indoor utility rm., all
appliances stay, fully fenced bkyard on quiet location next to
private easement. Motivated owner is ready to go! Short
walk to Seabreeze Elem. & super restaurants. $412,000.

Immaculate South JaxTwnhome
Good as new 3BR 2.5BA inr perfect condition-2 yrs new!
Very gently lived in, 2212 s.f. of classy, casual living. Open-
plarn GR/DR/Kit w/ high ceils ideal for entertaining!-Granite/
ss kit, luxury baths. Priv. M. Suite offers sep. tub/shower &
"beach-peak" covered balcony. Just.delightful! $423,000.

Sharp P.RV. Executive Gem
Lovely 4/3.5 spacious gem, 3 yrs. new! Plantation shutters,
elegant M. Suite w/ priv. deck, ideal mtr.-in-law suite dwn.
Huge GR/Kit combo accommodates the whole gang! High
ceilings, stunning foyer, quality details. E. of AIA for easy

ma.g ..-f/4' et/
margi petite


Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo,
Ground Fir 1/2 block to the Ocean in
Old Atlantic Beach!
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC, updated baths, fresh paint, new
stove & microwave. $298,000
Contemporary Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba Open Fir Pin Rich wood
accents throughout extensive deck & tree
canopy. Perfect mix of home, privacy, and
nature. Seller will pay $5000 towards buyers
closing costs. $625,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car garage!
Construction complete in 3 months. High-
End Finish Levels Offered at $1,175,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Seha Marina
3-story w/elevator. 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq
it, office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot
size: 85 x 142. Maintenance free: concrete
block & stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl
shake on 2nd & 3rd levels. $1,175,000
Completely Remodeled
Old Atlantic Beach Home -
I Block to Ocean


Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence -
perfectly manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba, master
upstairs, 2700 Sf, 62.5x125 lot size, room for
pool. Maple hardwood floors throughout. 2-car
garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Atlantic Beach -
Seaside Gated Community Luxury HOME!
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-art
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with
this quality in finish levels at this price today.
IT's AWESOME! 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story, all
bdrms up, 3486 sq ft, Mediterranean style with
barrel tile roof. Private Beach access.

Awesome Investment Property
3Bdrm 2Ba Townhome-Great condition! 2-
story, 2Bdrm and 1 Ba up and Master bdrm
down, 1400 sq ft, currently renting for
$900/per month. Take with or without tenants.
Raw Vacant Land Available W. Atlantic Bch.
Parcel size 150 x 630 Can subdivide into 9-
12 residential lots Duval County. $469,000.
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow
Awesome Investment $199.000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1-story, new red oak floors
throughout, new roof, approx. 1300 SF, lot size

Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 3, Atlantic Beach

Great Investment Opportunity -
East of 3rd Street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent Studio
Apartments. Only steps to the ocean!
Offered at $639,000

"Hot" Oceans Edge Condos:
East of 3rd Street NEW South Jax Beach
3 BR/2BA $395,500,
Lowest price 3 Bedroom: $437,544
The Palms: 2 bdrm/Zba Condo
that is a 10+++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss itl 2Bdrm/
2Ba 2nd floor condo with custom
cabinets, new sinks and granite in
Kitchen and baths. $187,000
Completely Remodeled w/the finest
CORNER Unit w/wrap around porches!
3 bdrm/2ba, custom cabinets, granite
and much, much more!!! Furnishings
optional. $799,000
Investment Property Multi-family
I"St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views.
West side of 1st Street, multi-family, 2
bldgs, corner lot 62.5x85, updated over
last 3 yrs $949,000


1/1 Oceanfront Condo Fulily furnished on the 3rd floor facing the.
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is):
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned.residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,0001
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to purchase property
nearthe Intracoastal andwithin walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000
2/2 condo, 1260sq'. Ground floor. Pool, Tennis Courts. $199,500
3/2 nouse, 1896sq' Fenced back yard. Lawn maintenance included. $1,600 mth
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, December 8, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

806-A 3rd SL Neptune Beach
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, ions of
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
MA FRONT LOT: .99 acre
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office

PELICAN Point $730k, LandMark $950k,
WalerMark $996k. Call Renee L. Baron,
Inc. for a iour (904) 242-2821.

2BR/1.5BA CONDO in Deerfileld Lakes,.
Unit #1005 All buyer closing costs paid..
$108.000. MLS#339500, Call Christina
Only $6K down, new 2/2/. Iakeview,
$209K, last onel 727-458-4230.
PV, 2/2. fireplace, screened pano over-
looking lake $214,900. Vanguard Really
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $495,900 Lease option.
Owner/ agent 463-7343.
PVB LOWEST priced/ best location
2BR/2BA, Ip. ,in Ocean Grove, walk to
beach, newly renovated/ never occupied,
$187,500, possible lease/purchase,
OCEANVIEW 3/2. Great views Irom mosi
rooms. Ceramic tile, two .balconies.
$459,500. Vanguard Really 463-7643.
CONDO -FOUNTAINS". Ponie Vedra. 695
A1A N. 3BR/ 2BA. Lease $1295 or
buy $229,900 Very clean. 246-6649

Buyer's Market Reduced $18K for
2006 sale (209K-191K). New unit. lake-
view, prime location AiA, resort style.
FSBOI No closing cosil Only $191KI Open
Sat.-Sun., Dec. 10 (727)458-4230.

Save big money!
Do not register with any
developer or other agent
before you call me.
Larry Dukes,
(904) 537-0679
Sea State Realty Corp.
d2. "The Listing Specialist"
W4.' MLS/ NEFAR Member

Open House *

Saturday & Sunday IPM-4PM
or. In/acoastat laterlay a/At,/an.'cBwd
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Friday 12-5pm
Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 high-end
4 story Mediterranean-style town homes with
private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
So purchase 50 ft boat slip in your front yard. Only
3 leftIIl Prices starting at $999,900
Call Marg Petitt Top Producer

from Ig screened lanai. Gated, pool; clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495 $154,900 OBO From JTB, go S.
on A1A to rt. on Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd. Go approx 1 mile to left on The Greens Way to-The Villas.
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block. Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 'block to the beach,
1 block to shopping. MLS# 307553 $438,800 East on JTB. N on A1A, rt on 23' St. S. to bldg C #32

VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING WOODED VIEWS from your lanai. 3/2 with 18" tiles and berber carpet.
Gated, garage, Pool/ clubhouse. MLS#328788 $254,900
THE COLONY WALK to the BEACH. LOWEST PRICED 2 bedroom. Beautiful ground floor with
wooded views. Wood floors, tile, fireplace, crown moulding. GARAGE. MLS# 326635 $229,900
STONEBRIDGE LARGEST 3bdrm with 2 master suites. 1408 SF, tile, screened lanai, roomy & bright.
CARPORT. MLS# 327334 Reduced $164,500.
STONEBRIDGE CARPORT with condo, 3/2 top floor, no one above end unit. New carpet, fresh paint,
ready for move in. A cond. Gated community. MLS#300731 $156,900




CONNEC IN ,, :-I .

Lease Space Available
Heritage Bank Building
3,000 square feet of prime ground floor space located on
A A and CR 210 (Across from the Ponte Vedra Post Office).
High visibility location with ample parking spaces. ,
Availability for occupancy on January 1, 2007.
Interested parties should call 280-5655
and ask for Jim Strickland or Greg Totten.
.-.. .. .-.O

NEPTUNE BEACH. 2BR,1BA. CH&A. 2nd FURNISHED 21 apt $775/mo. + $775
Iloor Large deck. 1 block Io beach deposit No smoking. No pets. 246-9162
$1050,mo includes water. 241-0897 ext 0#
NEPTUNE BCH- 2BRil 5BA townhouse ATLANTIC BEACH: 263 Ahem St,
1 5 blocks Ic. ocean, dishwasher. WDHU. $850/mo. 287 Ahern St, $800/mo., 2
T.995/mo 246-3739. biocKs to ocean, across Irom Town Cen-
t ler, 2BR/1BA CH&A. hardwood Iloors, lie
ATLANTIC BCH beaullui aparnmeni lotr bath & kitchen. No pels. $800 denosil wa-
rent Avail immediately, 374 81n Street e, garbage & sewer included in rent .
Call 904-233-4784 or 904-521-7707. 234-77age & sewer include n rent.


We have OCEANFRONT properties as well
As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,
All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:

4BeachesRealtycom or call:

4-Beaches Realy at: 904/249-3077

BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St. Nep Bcr, downstairs. $1050'mo incl
ulil. t6611803-6275.


. IjjM~lM

NEW VALENCIA 2/2 condo, avail early 2 BLOCKS from ocean, 2BR/1BA. W/D TWO 1BR Apartments, 2 blocks from
2007, super amenities, $373,800, and waler included, lenced-in yard. beach $650/mo. 1 Efficiency apanmenl. 2
(757)258-8697 pcason830@aol com .$1250/mo +dep. (9041571-6142 blocks from beach $550/mo 249-6748

- Personalized Celebrate
Solutions And
Consultation On -
All Real Estate --
Financirig Needs.
Best Ratesh l
A. 1 A Best Service
A 1A : Best Solutions Ilkd
MORTGA.GE Check Rates
Get Info
Get Pre-qualified jB at e
1328 T,rcc. STAFF JNrO .
J.,:." Oi ,','LL BE%:,. FL 32250i
Pr,E, 904i-217-7414 FC 9Ci4-47-7475 '
www.alaloans.com ny a

JAX BEACH Gollair. 2BR,1.5BA,
screened patio, new carper $14.500
YOU FURNISH pain and carpet and save _
a bundle on his 14'x70, 3BR/2BA. vinyl *
siding, new skirlting, wooda sleps wrh plain. 3"
form $6000. 221-8458
3BR DOUBLE WIDE In ponside Near
beaches. Built-in 2000. $28,000 \
614-6875. S
MOBILE HOME, 3BR/2BA. 9 years old,
lurnirure included. Asking $33,500. price f 'O 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts & Townhomes
negotiable Call 246-3262.
negotiable Call 246-326n Oaks Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
BEACH TOWNHOUSE Walk to Beach, (Corner of Penman & Seagate)
Spacious and'well maintained 2 bedrooms 2
blo-cK o those beach Nppro Tls.ey l 1 Schools & Shopping 249-5611
washer/ dryer connections. lots of closels.
126 S 13thAve jax Beach $950 month-
ly rental utilitiess not included s$550 secur-
iry deposil. Minimum 7 monin lease.
Available In December. 285-1852
311 NORTH isi SI Large 2BR'IBA apl
wden. rarawood nis. W/D. CH&A. block,. &i & i-I
Irom Town Cenler & beach $1200imo. STA
273-7338 ..
NEPTUNE BEACH townhouse,
2Bai1 5BA, newly renovaled. kitchen
equipped. WDHU. fenced yard No pets.
$800'mo .deposit (9041221-5833
JAX BCH 1BR upper, 1 DIblock ocean,
$695,'mo+ $300tdep. Incl water. Military, RENT/MO .ADDRESS AREA BR/BA
senior discount 1720- N. 1st St. i3. 5 900 202-IE Vila del Mar Ponie Vedra 1/1
708-0731. 950 .2C Ponie V\edra Court Poane Vedra 2/2 5
JAX BEACH. 2 1/2 blocks to ocean. 1/1 5 975 695 AlA North. 462 Ponte Vedra 2/1 5
large upstairs. $770.'mo, 821-9751i 5001) 2115 The Palms Jax Beach 2/2
803-3099. $1000 36 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2
SMALL 1 BR Guest House on scenic ca- $i100 33.5 N. Roscoe Palm Valley 2/1 5
nal near imercoasial waterway. $225/wk 51000 303-14 Villa Del Mar Ponte Vedra 2/1
Includes cable TV, wireless niernei. wa- $1100 214 BeUeza Ponte Vedra 2/2
ler, and limited electric. Available now. $1100 535 Ocean Lnks Ponie Vedra 2/2
349-0683 $1200 1027 Belleza Ponte'Vedra 2/2
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location 2 $1300 15 Arbor Club Dr #105 Pome Vedra 3/2
blocks to ocean Very clean. No Pets. S1400 1037 Kings Rd Neptune Beach 3/2
$675.mo 642.1214 and 241-1219 $1500 1 Loggerhead Lane Savgrass 2/2.-otice
PVB. 3BR/2BA Townhome. WDHU. lyr. $1500 695 A IA North. #85 Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
lease. No pels $950/mo. *$950/sec. $1500 9757 Rough Creek Sawgrass 2/2
249-6501.233-7224 1500 806 Tournament Road Ponie Vedra 3/2
1.5 BLOCKS io ocean. 174 1is Ave. S. $1550 97 Voyager Court S,'.graIs 3/2
2BR IBA. CHA, no pels. $875/mo $1650 t,26t Pontie \edr Bl\d. #B2 Ponie \edra 3/2
891-0606. S1750 144 Shelb\ Cose Court Ponte Vedia 4/2.5
BEACH/ SAN Pablo area, 2BR IBA, new $1800 54 Frankl Aerue Ponte Vedra 3/2
carper, WDHU. large back yard, 5850'mo $1800 1208 S 2. Steet. 4A Ja.\ Beach 3/25
223-5149., 339-4685 $1800 4300 S. Beach Pkwv, 41211 lax Beach 2/2 5
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apanment, excel- 000 91 San Juan Dne #CC-2 Ponie Vedri 4/2
lent locaTion. 2 blocks lo Ocean, very $2000 160 Beachbide Drive South PonieVedra 3/2
clean No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or $2000 228 Shell Bluff Court Ponie Vedra 4/2 5
241.1219. $2200 .13S46 Adanuec Blvd. #906 Atlantic Beach 3/3
$2270 90 Qns 5 It'rT eer Nnnh #C axn Reach 3/3

NEPTUNE. GORGEOUS auplex. 3/2,
1 5 blks to ocean gar Downstairs.
S Irpic ,$1,.8n0,mo ,a. 11 9a-i,1 ,.1 .
MOBILE HOMES $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Maypon Naval Stalion, no
dogs 333-5579.

ATLANTIC BEACH, 62 Ocean Blv,.
2BR 1BA, W,D included. CM&A, hie Iloor,
1 block to ocean. 11000'mo. 1si, last and
security. 838-6333.
808 1st Sl S JB. Apt 3. 888-259-0783.
JAX BEACH. 2BR townhouse. near
ocean. CH&A. WDHU. no pels 5950,mo.
.$500..dep 246.3130.
JAX BEACH 2BRIlBA apartment. WDHU,
CH&A fireplace. 1 block Irom ocean
$875/mo Call 566-1287
$1000OMO.. NEWLY renovated, spacious,.
2BR/1BA, Jax Beacn, no smoking. 247-
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point 2BR,2BA,
available noW. $1700.$2600/mo 3 monin
minimum renlal. 19041241-7206
Walk to' Ocean. Separate dining room,
CH&A. WDHU No pets $1100/mo. lease.
JAX BCH. 1301 2nd St. N. 2BR 1.5BA
iowvnhome. Steps to Ihe beach. Renovat-
ed. No pets. $995.'mo. 233-8208
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA spacious bright
end unit, garage, lanal, pool, galed, close
to JTB, blocks to beach, $1350/mo
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA. $685,'mo (904)891-0606.
ATLANTIC BEACH off Seminole Rd.
Beautiful newer 3/2 5 townhome, 10tt cel-
ings, lighl & bright, hardwood floors, 1 car
-gar., small lencea Dackyard, 8 blocks to
beach. $1495/mo.. flexible terms. And al-
so avail.

Jax Beach, Jardin De Mer condo. Beauti.
lul. new 2/2 w/ frplc. & garage. First Iloor.
$1095/mo Call June, First Trust Realty.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block Io ocean.
2BR, sunporcn WDHU, CH&A Lease.
deposit. 5900/mo. 1904;398-0470

- -Ma e yours a V.EeY ^MrryC rstmas. -

in one of these homes!

Get away from it all when you come home to this 2BR 2BA condo in PVB. Living this close
to grocery, restaurants, movies & more you can leave your car parked. Gated, pool. fitness
center. REDUCEDTO $190,0001!!

Off the beaten path 3BR 2BA condo w garage and a view. Separate entrance, large corner
balcony, vaulted ceilings, FP, all appliances, storage room. Gated, 2 pools, tennis, movie
theater, RV boat parking. $248,500.

Peace & quiet is yours! 3BR 2BA with garage, end unit, no one above you, water & wooded
views. FP, all apple, incl. washer & dryer, screened lanai. Gated, clubhouse, pool, hot tub,
boat R\ storage, & more. $255,000.

Listen to the ocean from your balcony at this 2BR 2BA condo in quaint Atlantic Beach.
Renovated with new kitchen & baths. Only 1. 2 block to the ocean Community pool. Mo. fee
includes water sewer. $310,000.

IBR, 2BR, and 3BR condos east ofAIA in south lax Beach. Brand new & beautiful! Elegant
clubhouse, pool, fitness center FROM LOW $300,000'S.
Call for pricing and availability.


Sherri Beno, ,(Rea.tor"

904- 651-1830

Unfurnished Homes The Courtyards Mayport of AB Brightwater Gate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA. end ''

Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA, new top floor 3BR/2.5BA. private, updated unit unit townhouse, w/porch, garage, club pool. $
g condo, direct oceanfront views, amenities. w/garage. patio. balcony. overlooks lagoon. 51250/mo. .
garage. 53000/mo. $1100/mo. Windsor Parke- Hodges 3BR/2.5BA. two story
q' Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, condo has 131 Magnolia NB 2BR/I BA, ground floor home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed porch, fenced .
S luxurious features, ocean porch, sunset porch, large duplex. plus den, less than block to bch. backyard. $1995/mo.
I garage. $2800/mo. $(100/mo. Kensington -StAug 4BR/3BA, new'home, all .
430 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/2.5BA,. t .vo Intracoastal West tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, comri. .
story home w/pool. fenced yard, hardwood .Bishop's Court Hodges pool. $2200/mo6.
floors. 2 car garage. $2295/mo. End units w/view, Unurnished Condos
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand new all appliances, amenities. Palms at MarshLanding-JB
construction % /incredible ocean views, 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
upgrades, garage, amenities. $2100/mo. 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. 1BR/1BA. 3rd floor with garage. $925/mo.
Pablo Beach South- JB 3BR/3.5BA, three Lakecrest Southside 2BR/2BA, ground 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
story townhouse w/oCean vie\s, balconies. floor condo w/upgtades, attached garage, ceilings1050/mo.
attachedd garage. $1900/mo; screened porch. $995/mo. Belleza P 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end unit,
Oakbridge atSawgrass PV Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA, ground floor fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded .
4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on condo, upgraded, screened porch, w/private $1000/mo.
lagoon, 2 car garage, comm. pool. $1700/mo water view. $1000/mo. Jardin De Mer JB
O Solano Cay PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Herons Way Hodges 2BR/2BA, brand new 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo wall the upgrades.
, home, two car garage, comm. pool. townhouse with attached garage, amenities, garage, fireplace, balcony. $1150/mo.
$1500/mo. o$1100/mo. .
Sawgrass Players Club PV Wolf Creek- Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, townhouse, i k
2BR/2BA,, home has wood deck all upgraded, screened porch, amenities. COASTA iESTATE .
Sw/lagoon to golf course views, remodeled. $1100/mo. REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
i $1450/mo ILRVllagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA two tory (p4 Sh 5
The Fountains PV 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse condo w/upgrades throughout, amenities. (904) 285-5640om
w/wood floors,new carpet, enclosed tiled, $1200/mo. www.rentthebeaches.com
:'porch, lots of upgrades. $1250/mo. .
I-z'I-r!If I I II I III ^i I11 W'l



Will A lix rt NT-1 4 a.-Tal 94 1.1 CAT-no

M410,100-1 ft-tolu. 4--lik Fm

Claccifi ir 4.

Deembmhr 8 .2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

2/1. 201 N 91h St $700/mo + $700 dep
Non-smoking no pels 246-9162, ext 5#.
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean nice modem
well taken care ol 2BR Apl all amenities.
$980/mo. 247-1417.,
NEPTUNE BCH, charming 2BR 1BA apt,
1 block from beach, storage '8 laundry
hook up wood lioors, new appliances &
A/C $1000/mo Call Rick 891-2345.
PVB/ L'ATRIUM- patio ome, 2BR/2BA,
garage $1295/mo uniumisned.
1/1 apt.. 211 No. 8n Sl., CH&A. No dogs
$625/mo, $350 deposit. Broker/ owner.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block Io ocean.
efficiency. Lease. deposit $650/mo
loors CH&A, WDHU, 1 5 DIocks to
beach, 1sl/ last mo rent. SD, 1 year
lease $900/mo Donna Ross Real Es.
late, Inc 246-4862

2BR/2BA, oonus room. covered palio.
CH&A WDHU. 1207 Maypord Landing Dr
$790/mo. $700 deposit 280-2728 leave
CH/A, WDHU East ofl sl Si $795-
$895/mo 241-7368. 733-3730

Dolphin Cove 3/2, $1295. 1400 SF
(first month free with 12/mo lease)
Ocean Grove Condo, 1/1, ground
floor. $850/mo., 2/2. $1050/mo
Fabulous 1/2. pool, $2200, 2300 SF
The Palms, 2/2, $1095 includes cable,
1100 SF
Landings at Belle RI e Ne" 2/2 w/
garage, $995, 1300 SF
Kendall Pointe. New, free cable &
internet, 2/2, $950. 1100 SF
210 & 195
2/2.5, 1300 SF, Brand new $1100
3 & 4 BR $1200-51350
Near LINT 3/2, 1400 SF $1295
210 & VWorld Golf Village area.
4/3. $1650-12400
W / in vrm Isum

A PERFECT 10,, Fully fumished studio
condo In Ponle Vedra. walking distance to
beach and Sawgrass Beach Club
$1100/mo Includes utilities 273-0213,
QUIET AND SPACIOUS, 1 mile to Atlan-
tic Beach Town Center, 1500sf. town-
home, 2BR/2.5BA +office, W/D, garage.
No smokers/ pels, $1225/mo 655-2718.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN. CH&A, $800/mo 409 South 2na
Street. (415)-306-2530.
ATLANTIC BCH Townhouse, 3BR/ 1 5BA.
$850/mo plus sec., 1501 Jordan (East of
Maypon, o1f Donner). 642-1003.

3BR/2BA E. of 3rd $1500/mo All new
house for rental, ss appliances, W/D. gran.
ite, tile Ithoughout- all two blocks from tne
beacon! 245 Norin ST. 273-7338.
ARLINTGON AREA, 3/2, fpl., LR, DR. 2
car, sun porch, fenced yard. Avail Jan.
'07. Snort term lease avail $1100/mg +
security, (904)928-3661.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3/2.5 SFH, open floor
plan, travenine floors/ counter tops, carpeT
in bedrooms, walk-in closets, vaulted ceil-
ings, 1'place, study, screened pool, corner
lot, $2000/mo TDO Management Serv-
ices, 246-1125
RIVERSIDE- HUGE. beautiful, lower,
2BR/1.5BA. W/D, dishwasher, security
system. CH&A, lenced. 614-0845
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA, Irplc., CHiA,
2 car gar, pets ok. $1125/mo. Call
PVB. RENT or RTO. 3BR/2BA lownnome,
t300sl. $l100omo. $179,900 333-2845.
PONTE VEDRA, Plantallon Oaks.
5BR/4BA, 3800sf., 6mo. rental, basic fur-
nishings. pool, jacuzzi. tennis courts.
$38001mo. Call (904)571-4173.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3 5BR/ 2BA.
everything new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing Must seel $1100/mo 465-2163.
ISLE OF Palms newly remodeled
3BR/2BA, 2250sf, large Florida room with
fireplace. Lawn service included,
$1350/mo. 246-2627.
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, lurnished or
unfurnished; 2400 si, $1950/mo,
PVB PLAYER'S Club 4/3, updated, large
lot on pond. $16501mo. Call 234-6854.
Ron, Realtor.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 2BR/2.5BA, 1400sl:
comer unit. well kept townhouse, W/D,
screened porch faces nature, $1425/mo.;'

3/2,1005sf, $850/mo.
2/1 5 townhome. $850/mo
21 duplex. $1200/mo
1/1 condo, $900/mo.
312. 1 car gar,. 1700sl, $1495/mo.
3/2, 1 car gar., $950/,'mo.
3/2.5. 1 car gar, $995/mo.
2,2 condo. $895'mo
3/2, 1450s1.' $1195/mo.
4/2. 1774sl, $1275/mo
4/4. 2800sl, $2495/mo.
3/2. 1544si, $1195/mo
3'2 1400st, $1150/mo
3/2, 2 car gar., 2000sl, $1450/mo.
4 units, 2/2 & one 3/2
from $940. $1250/mo
g, l... ,s1, $1359(90-,,
!"' 41/2';'2 caigar.'D1932sl. $1375/mno.
4,2, 2 car gar., 1990sf. $1525,'mo.
3/2. 2 car gar. $995/mo.
3'2. 2 car gar.. 1425sl. '$1095/mo.
3.'2, 1310st. $1395/mo.
4/2.5 2200sf, $1195/mo.
4/2, $1525/mo.
2.2. $895.'mo.
Nine 3 & 4 bedroom houses
Priced from $1195/mo to $1825/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

All newly renovated, 2BR/1.5BA Walk 5
blocks to ocean. New A/C, kitchen
appliances. paint, carpel, tile, wood blinds.
W/D connection, large rear fenced yard
No pels. No smokers $995/mo + 1 mo
deposit. Call 866-5575 or 241-8057. 1
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA w/fireplace
and pool 2 car garage. $1800/mo in-
cludes lawn and pool care. Call Susan
4 5 blocks to ocean, $1300/mo. +700 dep.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE. ceramic rile
floors, CH&A. laundry room, palio. lenced
yard, .1 yr. lease, no pets, $950/deposil,
$950/mo. 615 7th Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270.1284.
3BR/3 5BA, 3400st., long term Lease
$3500/mo, no pets, (904)998-2703.
ATLANTIC BCH. 4BR 2BA. like new, com-
pletely remodeled! Bike to peach & park.
$1175/mo. 247-4527.
2300sf., wooded lot, fenced-in yard. block
to elementary school. Pets OK $1750/mo
.$1000/dep. Call 509-9310.
N JAX Beach, 4BR/2BA. living, dining.
fireplace, large covered 'palio, newly
remodeled: avail Dec ist, $1300/mo
*depopil, 241-4630
Ra., 3BR/2BA, CH8A, garage, $1300/mo.
lyr lease. (9041707-9954.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass gated com-
munity. Bermuda CI, across the street
Irom the park Beautiful canal front,
1700si, 2BR 2BA patio home. $1250/mo.

BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
home. galed community, 2900t sf,
4BR/35BA, 2 car garage, $1800'm6.
$499,900. (9041608-2579.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage, lenced yard, $1250/mo deposit.
NICE 2BR/IBA townhouse HIal. Large
kitchen/ appliances, ceramic tile LOIS Of
closets. Close to beaches & Mayport 66
West 5th Sr., AB. $950/mo, 465-2163.
PONTE VEDRA First month free!
3BR/2BA, lenced yard, Bonus room
Excellent school district $1295/mo Avail
immediately. Call Angele al Realty Execu.
lives 273-3939. 334-6094
1129 Sebago Ave. So./ Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA, lile/ carpel. lenced no
pets. $1200/mo
1123 Sebago Ave So 3BR/2BA, great
shape lenced, screened porch, carpon, no
pets. $1300/mo 631-3583 or 612-8868
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops.
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, $1975/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
COTTAGE ACROSS irom ocean. 512 1si
St S. Jax Beach, S850/mo. VIP Realty.

NEPTUNE BCH house. 3/2, 1250sf,
CH&A. New bathroom. Fenced backyard.
Nice neighborhood, close to ocean. 524
Oceanwood Dr. So., $1250/mo +deposit.
WEST BEACHES. 3/1, carpel, FL room,
CH&A, Ig. yard. $950/mo. TDO Manage.
ment Services. 246-1125.
Eagle Ridge Drive. 4BR/2.5BA. 2000sl.
$1495/mo. 241 -RENT or 733.3730.
JAX BCH- Lake Sanctuary. Beaulilul 3/2
on quiet cul-de-sac. 1800si., open floor-
plan, fireplace. 2 car garage,' new carpet
and paint. $1500/mo. 1904)5680428.
JAX BCH, nice neighbornood. 3BR 2BA.
huge real room w/ Irpic., tenced back-
u yar,'sw 1irnrrigpol & waterfail.A3rmust'
seel $1500.'mo oep wdrkaole '247'5317'
2800sf., 4BR/2 5BA. 3 blocks to ocean.
$1600/mo. 1904)476-7320

backyard; $850/mo.; Call 1904)249-2840
ICW 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr W,
3BR/2BA, large eat in kitchen, new appli.
ances, ceiling fans, 2 car garage.
$1250/mo Call 704-4003

room. fireplace. 2 car garage, no pets
$1200/mo. Call 535-6338.
3BR/2.5BA, TOWNHOUSE, in desirable'
AB. Selva Lakes, very clean, newer model
wiin over 1900st 2 car garage w/WDHU
Community pool.: 5min. bike to beach.
Walking distance to park. $1800/mo.

ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo/
lease. 2BR/1 5BA, A/C. security. New ap-
pliances No pets $850/mo. +$850/dep.
PVB THE FOUNTAINS. If you demand
clean, newly renovated ownhouse condo
Call 571.8449. 3BR 2 5BA, scr tiled
porch. ready for occupancy 12/8 No pets.
no smoke! $1300/mo
maculaie, vaulted ceilings & imagination
room perfect for office or sitting room On.
ly minutes to the beach. UNF, and the
Town Center w!easy access to downtown
Within Windsor Park $900/mo -deposil,
includes water. 904.502-8619
Galed 5-star community, W/D incl over-
looks gollcourse. Close to beach. Pets
limited. $975,mo Call Karen 705-8853.
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, S1099/mo.
2BRj2BA PALMS at Marsh Landing,
wigarage. Recent upgrades and washer;
dryer., Pools, tennis couns and fitness
center. $950,mo 246-2500
Call 1904)859-5357.
CONDO -FOUNTAINS",. Ponle Vedra. 695
A1A N 3BRi 2BA Lease $1295 or
buy $229,900 Very clean 246-6649.
pool, fully furnished, pets, immaculate.
$2300/mo 379-6997.
AAAH BEAUTY ocean .front luxury 2;2,
$1850,'mo Available 12/15. 1-800-758.
7658. .,
ML LUXURY. gaied. 3BR'2BA, newly ten-
ovated, lake view, pool'i witness. big clos-
ets, garage. $1295/mo. 303-3936.
THE PALM, 3i2. lower level, tie.' carpet,
washer' drye garage. $1250/mp TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.

BRAND NEW 3/2 condo in Heron's Land-
ing Gated community w/ anached garage,
new kitchen w/ appl. Washer/ dryer, se-
cunty system, inlernel, phone, satellite TV.
water & sewer incI Minutes to Inlercoastal
waterway, beach & local universities.
$1350/mo. 998-8550 or 651-8118.
adull condo community in AIlantlic Beach.
1BR/1BA, ground floor, covered parking,
pool. 55 and over, Selva Madna furnished
or unfurnished. $1000/month includes wa-
ter & cable Must see! 571-5517
PONTE VEDRA condo, 2BR/1.5BA, newly
remodeled $1050/mo., 241-2931 or 207-
1BR/ 1BA w/loh, Ponle Vedra. VERY
pool S1000/mo only, Call (904)249-2840.
3BR/2BA SPACIOUS: close to the Beachi
$1195/mo. Call 1904)249-2840.
PVB SPACIOUS, 1200st.. 2BR/2BA. Lots
of amenities. $950/mo Call 234-2646
Rental $1100,'mo 2/2, preserve view,
ICW, elevator- call 866-1009.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty


'The Condo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
long Term Rentals
1/1 furnished $850-$900
All new interiors!!
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
Pool..Tennis..Ilho use
Planned Activities
Too much to Ils..you us visit
Suncoast Management, LLC
(904) 285-4840

NMI" .

PVB 2BR/2BA. w/fireplace, new applian. MAYPORT ROAD. 2BR, crei check.
ces. washeri/dryer, many amenies. P va rop 60im.
$1000/mo 472-0914. 00enced vae 246-4461 property, 00/mo.
$600,9deo 246-4461.

1BR/1BA CONDO in The Palms at Marsh
Landing, lirsi Iloor, newly remodeled. W'D,
refrigerator, gated community pool. bym,
$900/mo, 339-3500 or 220-6603

OCEANFRONT NEW 3.3, garage, consid-
er lease option, $2650/mo. 463-7343.
2BR/2BA in PVB, next to TPC Goll Vil-
lage, 5-slar amenities walk lo each,
$12501mo 'Call Laura lor details
GRAND CAY, spotless. 2BR12BA: beaull.
tul gated community, 2nd floor
w/screened balcony overlooking
woods, W/D, dishwasher. mircowave, out-
side storage unil, pool. nonub. work-out
facility,& nice playground for children
$1000,'mo. -deposit 472-9654
ugil. 1 story, East of A1A, $1195/mo
(904)612-6532. (904)641-5564.
PONTE. VEDRA- 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage, lurnisrie, all appliances, includes
W.D. $1200/mo. Mark 338-3230
PONTE VEDRA, Spacious 2BR/2BA,
9 ctnn. rnrno n. iitl /iroinlao W/ NDiNij

S. JAX Bcn. 2BR. lully furnished ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267
3BR HOUSE, walk to ocean & resTau-
ranis. $1600'mo, 1904J993-3226
OCEANFRONT 1 OR 2BR. weekly/
monthly, pool, 463-7343
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly yearly. Call
homes Weekiyimonthly. Visit us alt
laxbeacnrental.com or 535-3911' or

LOOKING FOR roommate to share new
condo. Must be clean, neat, mature ,1/3
rental. utilities. & fees, 463-2845.
ATLANTIC BEACH, $100/wk. includes
utilities No pets. 654-3998 or 254-3010
ROOMMATE FOR 3BR/1 5BA. renovated,
8 miles ocean. Non-smoker. Scott 904-

renovated. $1100/mo. -,elecTric. 635-6375 OPPORTUNITY BY THE SEA. Neplune
Beach. Room with a view. Outdoor lacuz-
SEE THE OCEAN 2BR;2BA newly remod- zi, pool. cable, ioitemet. uities included
ele w'grannie. maple caOineis., ew 11t, Merry Chrislrrs,.Ca itotio .,-S6095no.
Grbat localiorti a h 'viC'J" 1 im .... ... .
1904)710-8878 ROOMMATE WANTED, $600/mo. in-
cludes utilities. Jax Beach, no smoking.
JAX BAYMEADOWS,' Lake Cresi Condos. 247-0354

NEW OFFICE SPACE in prestigious
shopping center on Beach Blvd' In Jax
Beach Jonathan 866-6937
3010 South 3rd St 2nd floor West, prof
space consisting of 4 indiv. offices and a
waiting/ recp. area. Call 247:1770 for
apple. to view.
tune Beach, 1200sf w/5 large offices,
1400sf open floor plan (build to suit), or
combine space for 2600sf. Recently reno-
vated, ample parking, water included, no
CAM For more information, Call 992-9344
or 514-6092
OFFICE RENTAL space on South 3rd St.
avail. immed. downstairs, carpeted, wilh
built in work/ copy area including storage
& file cabinets; 1400 sq. ft.. consisting of
5-6 indiv. office/wk areas, & 2 bathrooms,
plumbing avail. for break room/ kitchen
area. II desired, space can be subdivided
Call 247-1770 lor appt to view

(2) OFFICE Condos. 1140sf. each, 210
west of 195. Avail 1/1/07 904-687-3000.
NEPTUNE BEACH office/ retail space.
500sqht; 2232 Florida Blvd. 241-2781.
WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE 3500sl, new con-
siruction in Atlantic Beach. 514-1090
leasp, 3629sl. Office included Large park.
ing. tlot, beach side "of intracoasial
(770)929-1721. 1678)525-0854.
side 514-1090.
Space slaying at $500/mo. 514-1090.
NEPTUNE TOWN Center. House 'for
office, shop. gallery, etc 247-9774.

LOOKING FOR male Shin-tzu to male
w/beaufilui lemale. Call Mindy 403-9474
FREE CATS and Kirtens to approved
nomes. Call 242-0224.
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062
FREE KITTENS Io good home. Orange:
SealpoinI & others. 247-1227
VIVSLA STUD wanted. Must be AKC cer-
tified 372-4102

CHIHUAHUAS, 3 cnocolale males. CKC.
H/C, POP. $500. Call 241-2132.
BOXERS, 4 Brindle, 2 fawn, X-mas pups,
$400. Kevin 536-1076.
BLUE Healer puppie,, Make real Itsbie.
dogs Born Oct 14f ,i-,.5pl7i1o3315
neims, AKC/ CKCSC, shots Ready Xmas/
New Years. 230-0808.
SMALL BREED puppies $50. Free to
good home- young cat. 742-7633.
SHAR PEI puppies, just in time for
Christmas! $500 neg., 334-3063

FOUND YELLOW tabby cat, no front
claws in Publix Shopping area in Jax Bch.
Call 223-0301.

rl'til/i' L ,, l/

SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models, $49.50.

S .'l:I lle6 1 itel ll5[tWII
We service & sell all makes & models
Free estimate Family owned & operated
CAC1814887, Padgetts A/C. 588-5222.

Commercial/ residential carpel & vinyl in-
slallailon & repairs. Call for free estimate.



S1IWl Q ZPTr9r1PhA

TOP NOTCH office cleaning. Beaches
area Licensed & Insured 868 4088


FOX'S CONSTRUCTION. custom stone.
concrete and all types of repairs. Free es-
Iimates, call 445-8677

Sale root cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
i.n..,9 M IT A L191n2

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals Licensed. Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240

Installation and repairs. Call 246-5649

FRESHENING UP your paint tor the
Christmas holidays, great prices. Free es-
timates. Call Michael at 228-4775 or 642-
.. ... L ..... ... .... .. ..w,

dependable lor quality Trepairs. service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628
QUALITY HOME Repair. Painting, Wood
Repair, Pressure Washing and more
17yrs. experience. Licensed, Insured
C&J REPAIR Services Carpentry, Dry.
wall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling. etc
Licensed, Insured 955-0593, 241-1461.
Painting. pressure washing, wood floors.
carpentry, tile work, drywall. 241-7023.


lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.



-----^----- -EI-.-C-M- -1


- -.-- ----

I i



iB~rP~;ull a.-rr 4 z I rMEM



'lcc1 fl^l A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

December 8, 2006

FOUND MALE Shepherd mix, no collar, 5-
6yrs old, target area Marsh Landing. Call

her medical practice on 12/31/06. Address
to request medical records is: 4205 Belfort
Rd. Suite 3004, Jacksonville, FL 32216.
NEED A Santa for your party. Call
241-0136. No all adult parties please.

tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.

TUTORING, ALL subjects, all ages. Rea-
sonable rates, Jax Bch. 379-0345.

All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300.

flexible hours. American Legion Post 316.
Call 249-0202.
COCKTAIL SERVERS needed weekend
evenings-only..Applyin person lo Giovanr,
ni's, 1161 Beach Blvd., Jax beach. 249
PART TIME. 3 davstweek, secretarial
small Law Ol)'ce, NB: $1200/hour; unlil
July, 2008; send resume by lax 1904)247-
1696, or mai lo Law Ohice. 1122 Third SI
(Suite 6), NB. FL 32266.

SECRETARY NEEDED tor insurance
agency, $10/hr., Mon.-Fri., 9am-1pm. Cal
992-9638. ,.
PAYROLL HR Admin. Must have ADP
PayEm and EZ Labor experience E-mail
resume to. ,


NEEDS FULL time Servers, Host/ Hostess
with open availability. Apply within 1018
North 3rd St., Mon- Fri, 2pm- 4pm.
Baptist Pediatrics, Inc. an affiliate of Bap-
tist Health is currently seeking a full-time
Medical Assistant for the Family Practice
office located In the Ponte Vedra branch.
Duties will 'include giving immunizations,
plotting graphs, plating throat & urine cul-
tures and handling babies/ children.
Strong team player with ability to work un-
der pressure is needed. MA certification
preferred. For consideration, please apply
on line at www.e-baptisthealth.com or tax
resume to Attn: Office Manager at
(904)737-1548; Baptist' Health, .Equal Op-
portunity Employer.
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement 'Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE' Drug-Free Workplace
NOW HIRING Teachers. Assistanis. and
Subsitules Experience preferred Musl
love children and be reliable Call Kalhy.
HOME CLEANERS full-nme, pan-lime re.
l.aDle car & prone. $101.12 per hour call
223-5033. :. ,
DRIVERS Local Snunle $800.iweek'
BCBS, 401K, Profit Sharing Vac & Holi-
days' CDL-A. 3yrs exp.
browniruck.ng corn 800-241-5624 xi 06
PREP COOK,' line cook needed al Bru,-.
ci's Pizza in Ponte Vedra Beach Apply in
person at 880 Hwy A1A. Suite 8 or call
.an at 280-7677

.$13 plus per hr. Top Beneflis Supercuis
273-2888, 223-1824

rsheffler@jandjimpprtsandfab.com. Office Manager
FRONT PERSQN needed; Chizu Japa- Local Swimming Pool Company located al
nese Steak House. 1227 So. 3rd St. the Beaches, looking lor Office Manager
... .. I for nigh-paced Pool Service Maintenance
NURSES (RN OR LPN) and Repair Dtvision. Dulres include cned.
Weekends. 7am to 7pm, at a Premier uling service tecnnic3ns lor repairs, man.
Retirement Community Health Center. aging depanimenlal billing. handling cus
Applications available at Fleet Landing lomer requests and penorming office sup.
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., port functions for this department. Need
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447; excellent customer service and orgarnza-
enai 10to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' lional skills, computer experience with
Drug-Free Workplace Word, Excel. and Accounting software Ol-
PQNTE VEDRA area counter help want- fice management experience required. Ex.
ed, morning, 285-5644. perlence working in a service rype env,-
rr, onment' such -as Numbing. electrical,
f A ". HVAC a maj6r plus. Email resume to ju"
Slie@surisidepools nel or fax to 904-249-
Cook and Counter. up lo 40nrs Days, 8801 or complete application al SunSita
Mon -Sal availabDiit Flexible starting Pools 313 Beacr, Blvd Jacksonville
date Some onetiis Fun place 10 work. Beach, FL 32250 Compensalion depend.
273-4785. ent on experience. Beneit package avail-
r111 1*** f tAiA 0 '' f able

at .icar': Landng iPonie Vedral Compel-
iiive pay oenelis bonus and schlorships
awarded annually Drug Iree workplace.
EOE Call 273-1734
DRIVER hEEDED for company vehicle
Split shin Early mornings, miosi aher.
noons Guaranteed 25 ours per wk
$10 00 per nr Call 242-0140
GIRLS NEEDED lor pholo school, musl be
18 or over Evcelleni pay 19041422-0463
COOK POSITION available, Monkey s
Uncle TaBiern Apply in person. 1850 S
3rd Si ,l B
.:o.nring cans It, Venus Corporale Ohice.
DIeci call: 10 proper individuals MeeL
Igrel ,.'iiors, Open mail and olher clerical
,duies Monday Friday. 10am-3pm Send
re.umerh- wir, salary requirements to
IcO-'.4,.enijs corn or lax 645.5370 EOE
P/T, SAT./ SUNJ MON. Detail oriented in.
div.dual Siariing pay negotiated. Goll
Pri.ileqe:S Phone 904-246-4827. email
.arr;ncourdit,nq-elvarriarina com or lax re.
SSuie t1o 46-9121, DFWP
MUST LOVE KIDS. Loc,.i church hiring
. nurser.,/ ,-,rkers Pan-ime 5-10 hrs, wk.
Sunday & Monday mornings and Wednes-
,a$, iverinos Call Casey al 221-1700
X, 204 or lax resume 10 221-9191

2550-7A Maypon Rd. Nail Tech. Hair
Srylisi & Bairer Call lor details 525-2164
a .tor DiarDe EOE
REAL ESTATE oh.:e. experienced secre-
tar',, wori computer knowledge. license
Ipelerr ed Ia. resume to 273-4-1848
JANITORIAL HELP needed. Seeking PiT
.& -T :leanin ,.:rew 10 work in K-Marl in
l.eplune eacsin 3rd snh Cleaning and'
Or iloor care exp is a plus but not re-
quired. Plea e call 1-800-860-8057 Job
relerenc, -e?899
FULL-TIME 1 30Lpm to 930pm in main
dirnin rooni Kilchen. Deperdaoiliry and
pur..iuality a must. Excellent benefits and
greal w*r6, environments To apply- appli-
caiions available at Fleel Larding Security
Gale On,- Fleet Landing Blvd. Allantic
Beacr. FL 32233 Fax 10 (9041246-9447
errmai i,:.jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE
Drug-Fre.e Workplace

Full tirrme 3pm ri 11pm Mondav-Friday al
a ,premier reiiremeni commuiiry Healih
Center E'.ceileni benehls and pleasant
work environment. Applicaltons. at. Feel
Landing Securiry Gale, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
(604)246-9447;- email:
jobs@fleellanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able 'to' Work days,
nights, weekends,, and holidays. Must
pass drug lesl and background check
Call Roben 't' 465-0149
LADIES WORKOUT Express is now seek-
ring lull Irre Iiness and sales consullanis
Ior our Beaches location $11-12.'hr .
commission Benelirs, paid holidays, paid
.acation No experience needed, we are
willing to train. Call' Amy,. 743-3990 or e-
mail resumee to: workouiexpress@bell-
dent and CFO of rapidly growing company
in the real estate industry. Southside loca-
tion, near JTB and 9A. Must be proficient
in Word and Excel Excelleni benelils in-
cluding paid holiday- vacation, health
care and free parking Fax resume to
GENERAL MANAGER needed for Ger-
man restaurant in Jacksonville. Must
speak German fluently & have min. 10yrs
'eslaurani exp Call 514-6092.

Beaches location. Flexible schedule.
Must be proficient in QuickBooks and
Excel, and have Accounting/ Budgeting
experience. Fax resume to 241-6012.
MOVING AND Slorage Co is currently
seeking professional. coureous and expe.
rienced Laborers and Dinvers Drivers
must posses. a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License Drug testing is required For
more inlormalion call 241-2921.
showroom sales duties as needed at a
well esiabcished marble and granile im-
porter located at the beacri Knowledge ol
sione materials and design rielplul. Salary
and benefis negotiable upon experience
Fax resume to 241-3204.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April. 246-9999
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Previous expert.
ence in A/P required. Advanced skills in
Word.' Excel. Detail oriented. organized in
dependent worker Dealing with vendors,
process moninly and liscal year closing.
Send resume with salary requirements Io
lobs@'venus com-or lax o-645-6370- E-OE
Seeking responsible reliable individuals
Music oe condable Serous inquiries only.
Leave msg at 716-8824

Temporary Full Time Posilicr, midnirgni
sutli at a premier retirement ,:ommuniry
Experence in law enlorcemeni required
Applications al Fleel Landing Securiry
Gale. One Fleel Landing Blvd Atlaniic
Beach FL 32233. Fax to10 904-246-9447.
e-mail jobs@tleetlanding.com
EOE Drug-Free Workplace
LUNCH and Dinner Servers & Kitcr.en.
You make good money working with good
people in a Dusy watenront restaurant.

PERSON Mainly Beaches area. Fax re-
sume 247-9036
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull I me help
needed Wages negotiable+ lips Benelils
Aail Appl, i n person, 1401 Beacr BL.d
OPTOMETRY, West Beaches. From
desk. customer service. all office aspects
Friendly personality. ability to mull-lak.
'bookkeping PC, medical office e.peri-
ence a blus. Fax resume to 221-6504
mal hospital 285-7924

FULL time Monday Friday with excellent
benefits at Premier Retirement Communi-
ty. Applications available at Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax resume to
(904)246-9447; 1 email to:
jobs@fleetleandlng.com Website at
www.fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free

GOLF SHOP Merchandising &, Sales.
TPC .Sawgrass, a prominent resort golf
club & home of PGA TOUR's
THE PLAYERS Championship. We are-
seeking team 'players with a positive atti-
tude and a commitment to excellence. F/T
positions include: Golf Shop Coord.: Mer-
chandises', Slls, & Assists at Counter.,
Sales Associate: Assists Guests w/ Mer-
charndise Sales. Reservationist: Schedule'
Tee Times & Process Sales. Prior golf or
retail exp., basic golf knowledge helpful.
Must have great attitude, service oriented,
team player. Benefits include competitive
pay and OrT, medical/ dental/ life ins.,
paid time oh, ADD & STD/ LTD plans, em-
ployer funded retirement plan, 401k plan+
3% employer match, free employee meals
& much more! Apply with salary require-
ments to: fax (904)285-7970, email:
man needed. Must have 5 yrs manage-
ment experience. $25K per year. Call

Full T rme Small Engine Mechanic ai a,
premier retierreeni conmmuniry Excellent
beneiis Applications at Fieel Landing Se-,
curNt, Gale. One Fleel Landing BIl\ At-
lannc Beach, FL Fax 10 904-246-9447;
email, to jobs@fleetlahding.com. EOE.
Drug-Free Workplace
HANDYMAN HELPER Must .have valid
driver's -license. Experience helpful, but.
will train Mr. Green, 246-4203.
employs individuals in a-variety of posi-
lions For a lisiinrg ol current opponrluniiies
please vi'sil us in person 11 1J. 3rd St. 2nd
Iloor call 247-6263 send an email 10:
personnel@javbch[l.net. or visit our web-
site www JacksonvilleBeacn org
Drug free work environment EOE, VP
Landing Couniry Club Retlail sates expe-
rience and rasrion merchandising experin
ence high end Cusiomer service, Iasl
pace environment computer knowledge
sales and purchasing 01 apparel Respon.
saile lor Ie changing and tresnening or
displays purchasing ol new merchandise
Maintain sales goals. Salaried position
with commission, FT, w.oenelits Apply in
person Tuesday Saurday Call 285-6459
Ior diiecions or additional inlormaiion
Drug lesing.'EOE

Glamorojus, new upscale saion Beacrihe
area. Career proiessionais only. 220-8900
or see"- www.mysalonlavie.com

i valid Florida Driver s License Experi.
ence nilpiul but ;ill train Good salary, ,A-
benelhli Apply SurisiOde Pools. 313
Beacn Blva. 246-2666 or lax resume
249-8801. e-mail. surisidepools 'Laaoi.comn
EXP ELETRICAL Helper Musi nave drive.
ers license & be able 10o pass backgrounri
& drug lesI. Call 270-"070 10-4pm or
lax resume io 246-724(,
CNA/ HHA- night shift including week-
ends, PVB; References required. Nonr,
smoker 19041612-4055
small opanlrori hotel Experienced appli.
cants only Wxekends required Apply in
person 120 AIlanic Blvd Neplune
Beach. '
CARPENrTR'' Latoreis Slan ai $9'nr
.Bracrec area WC ex.mnpi. Transpona.
Ionr a music Call Rocky. 509-0500
Mon -Fri, 9-5. Phones Scheduling,
Clerical Good computer skills and friendly
personally needed. Opponunity lor
advancementi Fax resume lo. 270-0690
SMALL LOCAL Landscape tu'reess
looking lor people whio WANT to work and
nave iransponation Will tain Call


I J oi t e ea m th t aks carin f


!00rno. '

.. '-



Positions Available
SR. Executive Admin. Assist. Reservations Group Coord.

Human Resources Coord. Sales Admin. Assist.

Engineering Admin. Coord. Event Mgmt Admin. Assist.

Front Desk Supervisor Golf Shop Coordinator

Recreation Attendant Section Housekeeper

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, ,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard: Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
S Job Hotlne: (904) 280-7070

SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro. Ponte Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.

We are currently accepting applications
for permanent full-time' & part-time sales
nd full-time delivery personnel. Sales
should have excellent typing and commu-
nication skills, good spelling ability and
must be highly motivated. Delivery drivers
must have a current valid driver's license.
We offer competitive salary, paid vacation
and medical & dental insurance. We are a
drug free work place. Apply in person at
3802 Beach Blvd. or 832-10 AlA N. Tour-
nament Plaza, Ponte Vedra No phone
calls please.

I- I

See the World. Room & Board Excellenr
Pay. Excellent Benefits. Military Seatime
Counts. Vacation Pay 190-J891-6330

DIRECT SALES Opportunity in met
Greeting Card Industry Begqin as an Em-
ployee on slraigni commission quickly
earn your way 0o owning your own busi-
ness Contacil Maran 904 685-2336
ICE CREAM Snop lor sale in Ai Bch
Owner moving. 241-6664

CHILD CARE days or evenings- good
references Background check OK. 998.
OPENING FOR children in my home, rin
.lani io 3yir Full or pan lime. Rets. rea.
sonable. School children welcome during
Cnnrismas vacalion Call 220-7493
ACTIVE NArNNYr.' nonesi dependaoie
iransponaion & references $10$12,rnr.
any area CPR & FirsI Aid P'T or F T

FULL-TIME' PART-TIME housekeeper &
laundry Isabel al 540-6499

.CERTIFIED NURSES Aide I am seeking
a live-in position Monday Friday. Wit as-
sistl patient w rit loial care 19041885-2200

CARE GIVER. experence-d honest & de.
pendaole CPR & First Aid ceniled: Call
Nel 353-5390.910-0878

tel. excellent conaiion. 175 339-1447
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam manress & boxspring new in
plastic w warranty IK379 MuSI tell
i904 858-"9350
WHITE GOLD diamond slud earrings. .50
ci iw Appraised $1400 asking $475
SWriiie gold diamond siud -arrings. 1.50 ci
1w Appraisix, $8900. asking $3500 Call
803-4 349
Saturday 7am-2pm Boxes :1i scrap glass.
ornaments, stained glass panels, girrware
$1 00 and up 1079 Allannti Blvd.
AT&T PARTNER prone system 5 phoneiz
installed for $899 249.8877
QUEEN SLEEPER sola loveseai. $200.
26 men's 15-speed & gqrls 24' 10-speed
$20 each Musi.go inis weekend 246-
CLEAN. OUALITY Deds w.irames Oueen
$120: lull $90, 2 twins $60 each Can de-
liver. 246-1832

BED. FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed
w'malress & box spring Must sell. $395
Can deliver 19041858-9350
gles, doubles. six-lops black Great lor
your kitchen at home. eo! Vince pr Tom.
JOIN US now lor our largest annual sale'
E&eryirvng in slore 70'c oft Donna s Cnhc,
Boutique 544 Marsn Landing Pkwy, Jay

HP LASER Printer Model 2300-N, needs
cartridge, $50. Call 221-7788.
ELECTRIC STOVE, new Fngidaire slove.
never been used $250. 249-1253

WOODEN TRAILER w/lights, 4'x8, heavy
duty suspension, $195; beautiful artificial
Christmas tree, looks real, 7', blue spruce,
assembled, $30; 8' huge artificial Christ-
mal tree w/pinecones attached, $50, 477-
PRIDE SONIC Mobility chair. Adjustable
elec. bed w/ headboard & memory foam
mattress. Each 1 month old. Make offer.

condition. 18.5ft. 1998. $7800 firm w/trail-
er 864-0998.
'88 CHRIS Craft, 21', red & white, looks
great, needs work, $4000 OBO, 241-9459.
BOAT SLIP For Rent, Harbortown Marina,
40' with water & electric, $500. 463-2845.

WOODBURNING STO VE $100 Firm 40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
904-241-0597 after 4pm. bortbwn Marina. $164K. 463-2845.
SURFBOARDS: 10' Autrey $420; 7' Rozo
$220; 8'11" Greenough $420. 249-1236.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,

BED- 'BRAND name queen set,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
1989 PONTIAC Firebird, best offer.Ken-
more washer/ Dryer $150, Computer
desks $40 & misc. items. 403-5734:
BEAUTIFUL, UNUSUAL large qrmoire,
medium pine color (78"hx46"w) $4.00..
Jewelry armoire (Thomas Pacconi) 40"
high, oak color, $30. Coffee table, light
pine, 38"x38", $25. Glass & wicker coffee
table, 40"Lx21"w. $25. Dining table, glass
top' w/pedestal base, $50 (904)509-3107.
All in excellent condition.
billiard balls, set'of 16, $100; Tickle Me El-
mo TMX, make offer, 247-9542.
2 TICK ETS, Tony Bennett concert, 12/12,
Florida Theatre, 3rd row, face value $126
each. 635-2517.
ROLEX SUBMARINER, like new, stain-
less steel & 18kt gold, date display,
Champagne Serti dial W/ diamond & sap-
phire markers, flip lock clasp. $6,700
OBO. (904)207-9245.

QUEEN SLEEPER Sofa, caramel, $90.
Midsize truck plastic tool box, $30. Crafts-
man 4.6 HP Edger, $70. 241-5074..'
BEDS like new. twin mattress sels,
$150'sel. 982-1715

HEART PINE T & G flooring cui locally
from antique Pine climbers Large quanl iv
w' incredictle dark paiina Li C" ST5903
Florida Heanwood 249-8310
AVONLEA ANTIOUE Mall's Holo3ay Open
House. Jewelry Snow Dec 8 & 9, AnI.que
Radio Show. Dec 10 Sales, Prizes I Free
grt wrap' 8101 Pnilips Hwy. at Baymead.
ows 636-8785

If-M- 4JLl ul -M

SATURDAY 8-11AM. 710 16hn Ave So.
Misc household items, bikes, eTc. Name
brand clothes iwomens sizes 7-14) De-
signer shoe=E size 8 Ski clothes
MOVING SALE Friday & Saturday,
7:30nia-2:30pm, 1156 4th Ave. North. Fur-
niture, clothing, household' items, and-
much more.
NEW. SOCK dolls & tlqwns rotnsser'e, Sil-
verware, shoes & more. Used toys, tIuck,
carseat. Iricycle. hignchair. 2 baby beas.
lols more 18 San Pablo C.r S, odr 131h
Ave. N Sat Sun.

CHRISTMAS DECOR rummage new.
used, and vintage Si Paul's Caiholic
Churcn. in gym 5In SI. ai isi Ave. No..
Sal, 8am-2pm.
The Ladies Auxilairy. Greater Beacnes
VFW Post 3270, Salt 12,09. 8am-12pm.
9th Sl So, Jax Beach in parking lot. Call
Karen, 247-3861 lo reserve a able.

JEWELRY -.. ol, e &strin sler

JEWELRY ,- old, new & sterling silver. 2
chess sets, 1 jade 1 ivory; collectables,
Christmas decor & conages. Great gifts.
Sat. 9am. 618 9th Ave. No.


Moomba en i K
SupraS Out!
Stihgray 7
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat,
Sea Boss
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks

S Power ,1_

14539 Beach Blvd.


(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal

HARLEY V-ROD. 2004. smokey gold/
black, spon windscreen. some chrome, 2k
mites $14,000 821-9106
2004 HARLEY Davidson, black. Sponsler
Roadsler 1200cc, 4460mi $7900.
KAWASAKI ZRX 1100, 1999, team green,
super clean, super quick. 16k. miles,
$3650. 821-9106

1997 NISSAN ex-enaed cab XE. exc
cond low mi., A'C. splil rear window, new
lures, absolutely perfect! $5200 OBO.
1996, TOYOTA 4 Runner, 183K miles, '5
speed, 4x4, PW/PL, CD player, $5000-
OBO. 422-2318 .

2001 SILVERADO low mileage ow/ haul
package Bedliner and well mainlained
$8600, 477-9287

1993 CHRYSLER New Yorker. all power
runs good, $750. 866-9881.

1996 MERCEDES E320, 133K mides
WHITE VINYLplpastic ncng80 i wih SUNDAY 12/10g, 7AM-12PM, 2003 East- Leather, CD player, PW/PL, $8000. OBO,
posts nd. cap $150 247-7550 or ernDrive. Moving sale!. 422-2318.

6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499
Can deliver. 858-9350.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015. .
MOVING SALE- Beautiful dining,room ta-
ble, 70" round, glassaw/ gold base & 8 up-
holstered chairs, must' see! Sofa, antiques
& 2 king size & 1 queen size beds w/ up-
holstered headboards, like new. Many
other items. 285-3021 or 382-7290.

FURNITURE. MUSICAL Chrisimas ilems
and muchd more Sal. 7am-noon 1501
Windward Lane
SATURDAY 9AM, furniture, new &. used
.misc. items, 1900 Strickland Road.
WOODEN CHRISTMAS decorations for
outdoors- and lawn furniture. Sat. 12/9,
8am-3pm; 730 Oak St.

Pressure washer whose, Briggs & Strat- FRIDAY, 9AM-2PM. SATURDAY 8am-
ton, $150. Dryer, almond, works good, 12pm Big Sale. Furniture, Xmas decor.
$50. Local delivery 477-7736 or 477-6.103. Lots of misc. 449 Margaret St.

'1995 FORD Explorer Eddie.Bauer Ed.;
green AC. power everything. 4WD. new
brakes & muffler Runs greal $3250 OBO,
1989 HONDA Prelude 165K miles; runs
great, very clean, $1400, 285-1443, 704-
BMW 525 '01, 4door, auto, loaded 96K
miles, excellent condition $13,500 OBO,
662-3913 or 422-1599.

1999 FORD Mustang convertible, 35
Year Anniversary Model, black, 121K
miles, $7000, 314-8922.

BABY ITEMS, children clothing, toys, fur-
niture, and much more. Sat. 7-11am, 1002
Big Pine Key.
WOMENS CLOTHING, some maternity,
Baby clothes, household, miscellaneous.
Fri. & Sat. 8am-1pm, 1965 Seminole Rd.

LOTS OF children items, Sat., 12/9,
9am-12noon. 4510 Palm Valley Road.

net w/doors, $50, 280-4153.

We Loo6Forwrd toMeetig YouSoon





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