Weekend Edition November 24, 2006
Free jazz concert
See B-1
Panthers playoffs
See A-10
Vol. 44. No. 45
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach. Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Parents get
way to eye
new drivers
The St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office launched a pro-
gram this week that will enable
parents to extend a watchful
eye over their young drivers.
S.T.O.P.P.E.D., or Sheriffs
Telling Our Parents and
Promoting Educated Drivers, is
a program that allows parents
to register the vehicles of their
teen drivers so that they can be
notified when, where and why
the young driver is stopped by
a police officer.
"I think it's going to be very
popular because it just
makes, perfect sense," Sheriff
David Shoar said in a tele-
phone interview Tuesday.
For parents, it means finding
out about a traffic ticket before
all those fliers and pamphlets
about driving school arrive in
the mail.
"We're finding most
teenagers do not go home and
tell mom and dad that they got
stopped," Shoar said.
It also means being immedi-
ately notified through the sher-
iff's dispatch office if their
child is in an accident.
Each year more than 3,000
drivers between. .:.6_.,ai .. '21
years old die in the United
States as a result of car crashes,
according to the National
Highway Safety Traffic
In St. Johns County, young
drivers- -represent 3 percent of
all drivers in fatal crashes and
23 percent of all drivers
involved in personal injury
automobile crashes, according
to the St. Johns County
Sheriffs Office...
Like the more in-depth driv-
ers education program that
began over the summer, Shoar
said, he started this program to
help reduce the number of
teens involved in accidents.
"I'll be signing my daughter
up for it," he said Tuesday.
Shoar said the program is not
unique. Other law enforcement
agencies throughout the coun-
try have used similar programs.
St. Johns County's program
is completely voluntary for par-
ents and is for drivers younger
than 18.
Adam Graham movss ahristmas tree Wednesday at Severt's lot in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Tree-shopping season starts
TodayI- the day after
Thanrksgiving is consid-
ered' the biggest shopping
day of the year.
.It's also,when business
really begins to pick up on
Christmas tree lots, which
began to pop up as early as
the end of last week.
Severt's Fraser Firs, on the
corner of County Road 210
and State Road AlA in
Ponte Vedra Beach, set up
its red and white striped
tent Monday, after receiving
a surprisingly early ship-
ment of trees from North
Carolina on Saturday.
"We did start a little bit
early [this year]," said Adam
Graham, who works at the
Christmas tree lot.
"But we like to get started
before everybody else."'
Severt's is perhaps the
earliest tree lot to open in
Ponte Vedra and is likely to
be one of only a few places
where Christmas trees will
be sold in Ponte Vedra.
Trees at the lot range
from "table top" specimens,
which are only a few feet
tall, to Fraser firs that reach
12 feet in height.
Prices typically range by
size, from about $20 to
$200, depending on the size
and type of tree.
The Fraser firs are the
most popular, according to
Kevin Varnadoe, who runs
the Ponte Vedra lot as well
as several others through-
out Jacksonville.
Varnadoe said the current
Teens attending Nease High
School next year will be able to
sleep in an extra hour and a
half on 15 days during the
school year thanks to a new
schedule approved this week
by the St. Johns County School
School will start
at Nease at 10 a.m.
on those 15 days.
In addition,
Landrum Middle
School students
will have early
release on the
same 15 days -
\V e d n es da y s ,
scheduled about
every other week
throughout the !
school year.
The changes, Bill Fe
approved by the
School Board Tuesday evening,
are designed to give. teachers at
middle schools and high
schools extra time for training
and developimefi,' 'just as
teachers at the county's ele-
mentary schools already have.
The new pla.}, makes no
change in the. "ekisiiig early
release schedule for elementary
schools 1 p.m. dismissal
every .Wednesday.
SchQ6l.Wjtt, t t 10 a.m.
rather than 8:30 a.mi. at 'Nease
under the new early
release/late start schedule.
The other high schools in
the School Distfri-t will'.have
similar late starts, although
exact times may differ.
Landrum students will be
dismissed at 2 p.m. rather than
3:30 p.m. on those days, as
will students at the other five
middle schools in the School
The plan "will provide 15.
days of staff development,
inservice and Professional
Learning Community (PLC)
time that focuses
on strategies sup'-
porting the deliv-
ery of high quality,
instruction and
increased student
achievement," says
a Nov. 21 memo to
School Board. mem-
bers from schools
Joseph Joyner.
SBill Fehling of
"Ponte Vedra Beach,
School Board mem-
hling ber in District 4,
said Wednesday
that the 22.5 hours of teacher
development time will be
made up by adding five .min-
utes to each school day .and
eliminating four existing,, two-
hour early release days..
The extra five minutes for
each of the 180 school days
totals .15 hours. Adding the
eight hours by eliminating the
four early, releases brings *the
total to 23 .hours ,added back
into the school schedule'.?"'
"It's a wash," he said of the
time adjustments.
Fehling said the benefit is
that teachers "get a full hour
and a half of... quality train-
ing that unfortunately is not
collection of trees perched
in front of the Walgreens
were cut from the ground
just last weekend.
Sometimes when it snows
at the farms where the trees
are harvested, tightly
packed snow can be found
in the trees when they
reach Florida, Varnadoe
Workers may occasionally
be found in the middle of a
snowball fight when that
occurs, he said.
Graham said business
over this week has been
slow but steady. Things will
really kick into gear this
weekend and will stay con-
stant for three to four
weeks, he said.
Budding scientists head to regionals
Twenty Landrum Middle
School students who entered
the school's science fair are
advancing to the River Region
East competition for St. Johns
County' schools.
Awards were given Monday
in the Landrum science fair,
which drew about 300 partici-
"We have many exceptional,
really absolutely wonderful
projects," said science teacher
Helen Seymour, in her fifth
year of coordinating the
Landrum fair.
"Mark Lewis, from the [St.
Johns] county [School District]
office, came by. His comment
was if every school could just
interest their children in doing
more of the science fair stuff,
they would be able to get a bet-
ter understanding of the
nature of science, which is like
a fourth of the FCAT require-
ments," she said.
"They really want the kids
to learn about the scientific
process. And in doing these
projects, they work through
that and learn a lot, a lot, a lot
of things."
The students who are
advancing include 14 individ-
ual projects and six team mem-
The regional portion of the
annual competition will be
Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at the First
Coast Technical Institute in St.
The 2007 State Science and
Engineering Fair finals will be
April 11 to April 13 at Florida
Gulf Coast University at Ft.
Seymour said this year's sci-
ence fair was bigger and better
and buffered by volunteers
from the community, includ-
ing 35 judges.
"It's been a real concerted
effort from the whole commu-
nity'. I couldn't do it without
them," said Seymour, who sin-
gled out Dr. Nancy Yurko, dean
of Liberal Arts on FCCJ's South
Campus, for her support.
The Landrum students who
advanced either won or fin-
ished second in their cate-
gories. A list of those advanc-
ing to the regionals, and the
category and title of their proj-
ects, are as follows:
Science/M icrobiology
First: Caroline Snowden (MVe
Are What We Eat: Bacteria on
Behavioral Sciences
First: Annika Goldman
(Name That Tunei
First: Anthony Janocko
(pH The Natural Way
Second: Will Nursery (Race
to Rusting)
Earth and
First: Carson Jeremiah
(Splitting Water for Future
Grace McAmis, a pre-kindergartner at Accotink Academy in
Ponte Vedra Beach, enjoys the school's Thanksgiving activi-
ties this week.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
i will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonvilie Beach, Fla. 32250
Religion ..............A-8
Showtimes ............B-4
Obituaries ............A-6
Police Beat ............A-5
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 26 pages
An edition of The Beaches Leader
15, 10 a.m. starts
next year at Nease
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November 24, 2006
The Reaches l eader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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Around the Beaches
Free eye surgery
is available
Baptist Medical Center and
local ophthalmologists will
.offer complimentary cataract
surgeiv to approximately 15
medically indigent people.
Screenings for the surgery
,will take place from 8 a.m. to
2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.
.29, and will be performed in
the lacksonville office of oph-
thalmologist Jleffrey
Levenson, MD. 751 Oak
Street. Riverside Park, P.la,,e,
,'Suite 200 Call 366.3-81 to
make an appointment. All
Potential participants must be
screened tor eligibility.
Screenings will be done by
appointment only and space
is limited Participants must
be clinically needy and med-
ically indigent in order to
qualify for surgery. The sur-'
geries will take place during
the month of December.
Sign language seminar
A free seminar in'sign lan-
guage for health-related situa-
tions will be held at 6:30 p.m..
Tuesday, Dec. at ;.the
Southeast branch of the St.
Johns'County Public Library
System. ;
The seminar will be given
by the job coach in the'deaf
department of the Florida,
: School for the Deaf 'and the"
Blind in St. Augustine.,
The libatry is at 6670 U.S. 1
S., St. Augustine. For informa-
tion, call 827-6900.
Documentary for
A documentary film that
takes viewers inside the lives
'of soldiers, truck drivers, wid-
ows and children 'will be
shown at; the Ponte Vedra
Democratic Club's meeting
on Wednesday, Dec.6 at 6t30
p.m. at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Iraq for Sale, by
producer/director Robert
Greenwald, details the con-
:nections between private
companies, in Iraq and the
government's :decision mak-
The Ponte Vedra
Democratic, Club meets on
the first Wednesday of the
month, and all meetings are
open to the public. For more
information, call club presi-
dent, Barbara Paterick at 904-
Boaters be advised
The channel beneath the
Bridge of Lions will be closed
at night to marine traffic
from 8 p.m.', until 6 a.m. Nov.
27 through Dec. 1; Dec. 4-8,
and Dec. 11-13.
During each nightly clo-
sure, an opening may be pro-
vided at 2 a.m. upon request.
Requests must be made to the
bridge tender on Marine
Radio Channel 9.
Mayport Road overlay
plan is still urged
Limited staff in the coun-
try's planning and develop-
ment department is slowing
development of an overlay
district on Mayport Road, but
the Mlayport Waterfront
Partnership has decided to
submit a tweaked proposal to
keep the issue active.
The Maypoit Waterfront
Partnership is trying to estab-
lish an overlay district to cre-
ate a uniform set of zoning
laws and continuity along
Nlayport Road, according to
Edward Lukacopic, the part-
nershi'p program manager
Both the city of Jacksonville
and the city of Atlantic Beach
would have to approve such a
district before it could be
Because the process has
been slowed, Lukacovic sug-
gested that the partnership
continue to move forward on
its own and submit a propos-
al that a committee drafted -
basically adopting most of
Atlantic -Beach's regulations.
The draft was tweaked to
meet some of Jacksonville's
codes as well, he said.
The committee was not sure
Woody's Bar-B-Q
Roosevelt Blvd. University Blvd.
Solano Rd. Philips at Baymeadows
Proctor Ace Hardware
University Blvd. Neptune Beach
South Ponte Vedra
Proceeds benefit Pine astle programs
Pine Caiilk. Inc. hai bun tenching th Ihtei l people
how to address sign and
building height regulations,
which are the main sources of
contention for the proposal,
according to Lukacovic.
Raze run-down buildings
in Mayport village
The Mayport Waterfront
Partnership decided Tuesday
to send a "friendly letter "to
the development company
that is redeveloping much of
Nlayport Village, requesting
that certain properties be
cleared. 't
the'- partnership discussed
the health hazards as well as
the run-down look of some of
the buildings in the area and
will ask Vestcor, which owns
the properties, if it would be
willing to clear those build-
Sen. King to speak at
chamber luncheon
Florida State Senator Jim
King, who represents District
8 that includes the Beaches,
will be the guest speakeriat
the November Chamber
minary Ktts
Everything you need to
make 12 beautiful
luminaries S7 .
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100 *or more kits
Accepting orders now
Call Chris at 733-2650 OR
Pick up your Luminary Kits al
Woodys Bar-B-Q
or Proctor Ace
Aih dev'lopmentldisabiliti since 1952.
"Believe in Steve
Lunch & Learn. He will speak
Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 11:30
am at The Sawgrass Marriott
Resort and Spa. The cost to
attend is $20 for members
with a reservation by noon on
Tuesday or $25 for members
after that date and $25 for
guests. Reservations may be
made by mailing info@pon-
tevedrachamber.org or by
calling 285-2004
Beaches Nutcracker
fundraiser 7..;,- ,
A'sg.i au d
for the" 'eachM' "er will
be held Dec. -1 in conjunction
with a comedy show featuring
Andy Hendrickson at Atlantic
Beach Theatre. Bidding starts at
6:45 p.m., and the auction win-
ners will be announced prior to
the show, which begins at 9
p.m. In addition to the show
and silent auction, participants
will be able to sample food from
local restaurants and cafes. All
proceeds will benefit the
Beaches Nutcracker, to be held
Dec. 16. For information call
JB to spend $10 million
on water plant upgrade
The Jacksonville Beach City
Council Monday initially
approved a resolution to allo-
cate $10 million in sales tax
revenue bonds.to improve the
cil"s'wastewater. plant.
City Manager-'-Gebtge Forbes
said the resolution will provide
the money needed to comply
with new federal regulations
that require cities to remove
existing nitrogen from their
water supplies.
A second hearing will be
held Dec. 4.
Sa, ,o y enter
Located at the comer of Beach Blvd. & San Pablo
Restaurants Apparel& Srvics
A.'s Pizza Accessories Check-N-Go
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223-8080 New & Used Video Games LAT Purser & Assoc.
-." "992-4880 at448-8007
3980 South Third
South Beach Re;
(Sandcastle Plaz
Don't forget to t
or insurance b
Please cast your ballot for
Steve Hartkemeyer for
City Council Seat 4, District 1
on Tuesday December 5th
Request absentee ballots fiom Duval County
Supervisor of Elections, at 630-1414, or quest
online at www.duvalelections.com
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Steve Hartkemeyer for
Jacksonville Beach City Council, Seat 4, District 1.
I St.
James A. Homing, O.D.
Diane M. Cates, O.D.
Doctors of Optometry
ake advantage of your flex spending
benefits before the end of the year.
lTNLVh..eLU..L-- n.e )LV J L..ae Page... 3 *--- I
Science: Bacteria, pH, splitting water are among winning entries at Landrum
Continued from A-1
Second: Megan Connors (From
Sea t6 Shining Sea)
Computer Science
First: Devon Hess (What Floats
Your Boat?)
First: Ellie Taliaferro
(Manifestations and Complications
of Eutrophication)
Medicine and Health
First: Joseph Paul (The Cardio-
Pulmonary Effects of Caffeine on a
Virtual Roller, Coaster)
Second: Matt Krepp (The-
Effects of Sound. on the Brain:, a
Neuro-Otological Study)
* Physics
First: David Relihan (The Length
of a Trebouchet'sArm and its Impact
on the Trajectory's Flight)
Second: Kelsey O'Brien (Hot
Fabrics) *
Plant Sciences
First: Andrew Yurko (Absorption
of Phage Viruses by Plants)
Second: Mary Hamel
(Tomatoes, Apples and Peppers, Oh
My) Team
First: Ariel. Koren/Alayna Erhardt
(Is" the Science Fair Really
Second: Braden
Beaudreau/Mitchell Elder
(Generation Station)
Third: Emily Kilpatrick/Madison
Mahaffey (Suntan Lotion in the
photos by CHUCK ADAMS
Landrum science fair entrant Andrew Yurko (far right) stands Nov. 17"
with Landrum Middle School principal Pherbia Engdahl. Yurko's project
was titled, "Cure for the Common Plant II: Absorption of Phage
Viruses." :
TerryRosenberry (in center, right), who directs a Mayo Clinic research
laboratory, looks over a project, "Sweet Tooth," at the Landrum Middle.
School science fair. The project was done by Samantha Newton (back)
and Ellen Hill (foreground).
Drivers: Parents get mail notification
Late Start: 'It's a wash'
Continued from A-1
To register a young driver's'
vehicle, parents must fill out -a
form which is available at area-
schools,' online or at the
Sheriffs Office in the Ponte
Vedra annex, just west of State
Road A1A on Palm Valley
*When a form is submitted,
;parents receive a sticker to
-place in the windshield that
will signal police officers to fill
out and send in the mail a
notification card.,
The card explains the time
and location of the stop, the
driver's name and number of
passengers, the reason for the
stop and whether 'any traffic
tickets were issued.
The sticker does not give
police officers the right to stop_
a vehicle arbitrarily, Shoar said
/ Parents can obtain a registra-
tion form or learn more about
the program .on the She&iffs
,Office Web site at www.sjso.org
or by calling 810-6690.'
Continued from A-,1
available outside of the nor-
mal school day."
PLC, .Fehli'ng explained,
stands for Professional
Learning Communities and
encompasses specialized fac-
ulty gatherings such as all sci-
.ence teachers or all. seventh.
grade teachers in a school.
The following dates were
approved for the new early
releases and late starts:
Sept. 12, and 26; Oct. 10, and
24; Nov. 7; Dec. 5; Jan. 9 and
23; Feb. 6 and 20; March 5;
April 2, 16.and 30, and May
28. "
Also at Tuesday's meeting,
School Board members
approved a raise in their
salaries from. $31,264 to
The new salary was recom-
mended by the Florida School
Boards Association, according
to School District spokesman
Margie Davidson.
In other business, newly.
elected board member Bill
Mignon, former principal of
.' :": /' j.*.. i ".' : :. ,
Nease High School was sworn:
in, as were Fehling /and
Beverly Slough, both return--
ing board members.
Slough was elected' chair-
man and Carla Wright was
chosen 'vice chair. The board
also agreed to keep its present
schedule of meetings:
Workshop sessions at 8:30
a.m. the first and fourth
Thursday of the month, and
regular board meetings at 6
p.m. every second Tuesday..
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pro,5 *3SUBMIriED
Staffers in the office of Dr. Keith Blankenship in Sawgrass Village marked their first year anniver-
sary Nov. 16. From left are Debra Morgan, Blankenship, Delilah Pledger, Debbie Lemaster,
Elaine Parker, Jennipher Gatlin and Laura Lee.
Nease ROTC's
second place
means regionals
The Nease High School unit
of the Navy Junior Reserve
Office Training Corps
(NJROTC) came in second on
Saturday in a drill meet with. 14
other JROTC units.
The 15 schools competed at
Orange'Park High in 11 cate-
gories: uniform inspection,
academic test, armed and
unarmed basic drill, armed and
unarmed, exhibition drill, color
guard, pushups, sit-tips, 220
relay and 100 yard relay.
In all but two categories, the
Nease team came within the
top five and came in second
That qualifies the Nease
NJROTC cadets for regionals in
Atlanta in February. .
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Page 3A*
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Mn~vpml~r 14 NI
OP NI('l~ N "^s
A. i-rb- 24' 2006*Jt*r
Page 4A t- ... ,,... i,
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated u Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
L a ;c' to the editor:
Militarism infectious
To the editor: (Elaine) Brown, who sits on the
I commend Neptune Beach Jacksonville City Council and is
Mayor Dick Brown for publicly said to have aspirations to high-
opposing the return of the Navy er office, remained silent on the
to Cecil Field; no doubt this was issue.
a difficult decision to make. Here are some questions that
Apparently Mr. Brown was put Dick Brown can ask when
off by the way that the issue was queried by his cohorts and wife:
shopped out, that is, like a com- Why isthe W.S. military budget
munity seeking a sports .fran- equivalent' :.th'.military budg-
chise or a prospective civilian ets of the rest of the world? Why
employer, does a country with no serious
Opposing the return of the enemies in its hemisphere and
Navy to Cecil Field was the first that is protected by thousands
step to combating the mental of miles of open sea need a
illness of militarism, which dozen nuclear aircraft carriers?
infects so many of our elected Shouldn't defense policy be
officials and the public at large. made by the central' govern-
Mr. Brown now has to con- ment and not the locales?
front his former co-dependents Mr. Brown has taken the first
te W Nav oRn, Peo "as 'i se
'Parsofls,bAnder Grershaw, Den-'-seenif-lhfe'an-abid-batksUding
Davis, et. al.) who believe that into this form of mental illness
militarism is good for a republic under the baleful iiifluence of
- despite the lessons of history his former co-dependents.
to the contrary. Michael Hoffmann
Moreover, I noticed that Mrs. Atlantic Beach
Attend rally Nov. 30
To the editor:
As one of many concerned
residents of Neptune Beach, I
want to urge everyone to join us
on Nov. 30 at 6:30 at the
Neptune Beach City Hall to
show Wal-Mart we say NO to
their big-box store and tell local
officials we want them to reject
any compromise deal that
brings the unwanted super cen-
ter to our community.
A 24-hour destination store is
far too intense and would gen-
erate excessive noise and over-
whelming traffic on our already
congested roads. There are also
the environmental issues and
concerns caused by parking lot
rain storm run off and excessive
water and sewer usage, not to
mention increased crime. We
do not want property values
and the quality of living
decreasing, while taxes increase,
due to a big-box store being
constructed on the proposed
Atlantic Boulevard site in our
neighborhood. This type of
store does not fit in with our
"bedroom community" and the
reason we chose to live here.
.We need appropriately scaled
businesses that compliment our
small town charm. Please join
your "island" neighbors on the
30th to show Wal-Mart this
fight is not over.
Anne Elias
Neptune Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beatbes Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
Linda Borgstede
Director af Sals
Karen Stepp
Vice President
Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader
Jennifer Wise
Vice President
"Copyrighted Material
iSyndicatoedCo ntentw 'P d
Available from'Commercial News Providers"
\, &&,~mood M "-a-
, The Leader's Opinion
Library needs upgrade
At 25,450 square feet, the Beaches Branch Library is less
than half the size of another nearby facility. It also has less
than half the computers of a neighboring library and a
much smaller budget for part time library employees.
Yet more than a quarter of a million visitors came to the
Third Street library during the first nine months of this year
that's better than 80 percent of the visitors that went to
the newer, better equipped branches nearby.
The numbers, all of which were furnished by the
Jacksonville library system, make it clear that the 20-year-
old Beaches branch needs attention now. The Beaches
Branch was a great addition to our community when it
opened in 1986 replacing a library that was literally
crammed into borrowed space in Jacksonville Beach's for-
mer community center.
The Beaches has grown tremendously since then and
many things have changed.
In 1986, the only surfing being done at the Beaches was
offshore. Now library patrons clamor for computer space to,
surf the Internet.
As the president of the Friends of the Library has said, "lit-
eracy today comes in many forms."
Another thing which was changed since 1986 is the
amount of tax revenue that flows from here to the county.
The inequities continue to grow between what the Beaches,
with its rapidly appreciating tax base, pay into county cof-
fers and what is returned here in county, expenditures.
Some of that revenue should be returned now to improve
the library, a county facility, so that it can adequately serve
the Beaches. Many volunteers work hard to make the library
a key asset for the community. But it is past time for the
county to ante up funds to improve the aging, slightly shab-
by and very inadequate facility
t was a picture-perfect day
with a cloudless sky, a warm,
gentle breeze and bright sun-
shine. My vehicle was front and
center as the Mayport Ferry left
the dock at Fort George Island. I
felt as if my van was gliding
across the water on its own.
Seagulls called from overhead as
the ferry shared the river with
pleasure boats and let Skis.'After
completing my shopping in
Atlantic Beach, I took my place
in the line of other vehicles and
waited for the return trip.
My fellow passengers includ-
ed several carloads of people
headed to a wedding on Amelia
Island. As they dashed between'
vehicles, filled with anticipation
for the upcoming nuptials, I
had no doubt this brief ride on
the ferry contributed to the
excitement of the day and
would be included in their
memories of it.
A family visiting our area
from the Midwest also enjoyed
. the short excursion.
They snapped photographs to
preserve the moment as their
children giggled and chattered
excitedly, watching the boats
and seabirds go past.
The Mayport Ferry has been
in operation since 1948, carry-
ing visitors and locals alike
between Fort George Island and
Mayport Village. But now it
in sda r ,o ein shut
Ue r t ire se in
Suggested ways to prevent
elimination of thie ferry include
using a tax increment to finance
it or turning to the state of
Florida for assistance.
For $3.25 per vehicle, passen-
gers enjoy a short but memo-
rable ride across the St. Johns
River. I believe people would be
willing to endure a slight
increase in the fare if it meant
preserving this important land-
Traveling to Atlantic Beach
on the Mayport Ferry is one of
my favorite things to do. It's a
lovely trip from Fernandina
Beach down Heckscher Drive to
the ferry.
Passing by the sea-oat-cov-
ered dunes of Big and Little
Talbot islands, one gets a sense
of Old Florida, the way it was
,,before .developers, dim iisl.d
its beauty. .i:, ,_
When my son and his girl-
friend recently visited, we all
enjoyed our ferry ride, taking
pictures to remember the day.
Several other photographs were
taken on that same trip, by fam-
ilies visitingg our area from far
and near.
I hope a way can be found to
keep the ferry running so more
memories can be made aboard
it. And if contributing to.vaca-
tion snapshots of visiting fami-
lies doesn't seem a valid enough
reason, maybe those in charge
should remember that the ferry
also brings important tourist
dollars to both sides of the St.
Heather A. Perny is a part-time
reporter at the Fenmandina Beach
-- J h L
-A crusty-piratetiooks down -'
from the wheelhouse of the St.
John's River Ferry.
Players m.ake .the t im great
Players make the team great
To the editor:
It seems everyone has their
opinion of what has hap-
pened regarding the FHSAA
sanctions against the Nease
High School football pro-
gram. These opinions, howev-
er, cannot be based on facts
because everyone involved
has been "silenced" for one
reason or another.
The superintendent has
silenced the principal; who
has subsequently silenced the
Booster Club; and the lawyers
have silenced their clients,
the coaches'.
The FHSAA Web site has
been the only source of infor-
mation, and what is stated
there could use some explana-
tion. An athlete was induced
to enroll after he was
enrolled? The people
involved Oiave not been
allowed to present their story,
and I know there is one.
As a result, much has been
written about Nease's football
program without the facts
getting in the way. The opin-
ions of various local' coaches
that have been defeated by
Nease (e.g., St. Augustine,
Ridgeview) have been print-
ed. Of course, in their minds
the only way they could have
been beaten was if Nease had
violated the rules.
So what do I know? I know
Nease's secret to success is the
kids. Ponte Vedra is fortunate
to have two youth football
programs, Pop Warner and
the Jr. Development Program.
These programs have over
300 kids participating. Nease's
football players largely come
from these programs, not
from transfers. As a former Jr.
Development coach, I know
first hand that we have 19
kids that are playing in the
Nease program and Pop
Warner has many as well.
[ also know that it's not the
weight room that makes the
team; it's the player that uses
the weight room. These kids
work hard, spending many
early morning summer hours
in the weight room.
I also know it's the volun-
teers that help make Nease
successful. It's the many thou-
sands of volunteer hours that
parents put in behind the
scenes to make the program
run. Those selling T-shirts and
working in the concessions
stand help bring in money to
pay for uniforms.
It's all those that painted
the stadium last summer and
those that help with the
games. It's all the fathers that
volunteer their time to coach
in the youth leagues as well as
on the Nease team.
The two Nease coaches
released both [have] sons on
the team. I know these coach-
es, and they would never
jeopardize the success of their
own son's team by doing
something that they under-
stood to be against thie rules.
So, it seems that I know a
lot more than I thought.
Brian Leighty
Ponte Vedra
I'm hot
for chili
O ur weather's getting
chilly, so more chili
pots are steaming. It
was seasonally appropriate,
then, that I was asked recently
to be the judge for a chili
cook-off contest held at the
Jacksonville Beach Women's
Club by the Awakening Heart
Ministries (AHlM), a local reli-
gious group.
One of my main qualifica-
tions for such a function is that,
whenever I cook for others,
they always pray before they
eat. Another reason for having
me as the judge is that I truly
like Chili. I spent a week there
once and thought the capital,
Santiago, was a very nice city.
Despite my outstanding cre-
dentials, I had difficulty decid-
ing on the winning entry. Of
course, each 'sample was in a
separate dish. I believe if they
were all dumped in one dish, it
would have been even harder to
pick the winner. Naturally, each
dish was numbered, no name
shown. That way, I wouldn't
know whose entry it was and
thereby be able4to- determine
who I should sue if I got sick.
No, seriously, all the samples
were delicious, sol was stumped
about designating the one. to
get the blue ribbon.
I considered just counting the
beans in each bowl, because I
love. beans. Then again,, that
.wo.ld .aot have: "bean". f4ir.
Another approach was to-select
the chili that generated the
loudest burp. 1I discarded that
idea -since one of the cooks
might have an advantage, hav-
ing been b6rn in Brussels or
some other place in Belchin.
Not to be too flippant, I con-
fess that, in the end, I relied
completely on my taste buds,
such as they are. I was pleased
to note that no one apparently
had used some weird ingredi-
ents that have found their way
into chili recipes over the years;
e.g., chocolate, peanut butter,
pineapple, coffee, honey, and so
on. (Aaaargh!)
Members of the group obvi-
ously value honesty and fair-
ness. I would bet my Bible that
nobody pulled a gag which I
heard surfaced in another chili
contest. The (im)practical joker
entered a pot of store-bought,
canned chili, and the entry won
first prize! I'm confident that no
fragments of can labels' were
found in any of the AHM chili
No doubt, also, the attendees
of the AHlM affair had their
hunger happily awakened by
the chili served. It's been hap-
pening for ages. Allegedly, the
last words of Kit Carson, fron-
tiersman, were, "Wish I had
time for just one more bowl of
chili." Hey, maybe there's chili
in Heaven.
Chuck Adams
Talia Dahike
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Milchell
Hal Newsonle
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Johnny Woodhouse.
Business Office
Char Coffman
Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith
Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Katy Stark
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Mark Pegg
Betsy Perry
'Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Prss Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin Wray
Kendall Thornes
Help defeat retailing Goliath in NB
To the editor:
What's the point of a non-
binding mediation Nov.
30th? Does anyone seriously
think Wal-Mart is going to
give in and modify their
SuperCenter application to
bring it within NB's ordi-
nances regarding scale, bulk
and mass? Or that the NBW
City Council will concede
that failed Traffic
Concurrency no longer mat-
Their request for a media-
tion after their application for
. a SuperCenter ,in, -Neptune
Beach was rejected seems
more like an attempt at
intimidation by the land-
owners and Wal-Mart. They
offer us an "opportunity" to
avoid their $40 million law-
suit and it only requires that
we abandon the city ordi-
nances that were designed to
serve the community as a
whole to give permission for
unfettered development.
What part of "NO" don't they
get? NB's Planning and
Development Review Board
said "NO" for sound legal rea-
sons. The majority of the
City Council has served the
best interests of their commu-
nity well and said "NO" for
sound legal reasons.
If they haven't figured it
out yet, Wal-Mart should be
informed that the beaches
community also is NOT indif-
ferent to their tactics. Wal-
Mart has been told "We will
not be intimidated". I guess
they need to hear it again!
Let's use this "opportunity"
that Wal-Mart themselves
have created to send THEM a
message loud and clear and
unmistakable. Just imagine:
ALL the people that care
about their quality of life here
at the Beaches RALLYing in
the parking lot at NB City
Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday
NOV. 30, just before the
Public Hearing portion of the
mediation starts at 7 p.m .
We all may not get to address
the' mediator, but what a
'grand opportunity for ALL of
us to show Wal-Mart how we
feel about their plans. The
more people that attend the
rally, the more impressive the
message! TV coverage will
help get the message out that
the Beaches are fighting back.'
Over 300 small towns in
America have defeated this
Goliath. We can too.
Neptune Beach
Hardebeck, right, with
the first prize winner.
Lengthy letters may
be edited as space
requires. We will not
consider letters that
do not bear a signa-
ture and address and
we request a phone
number for
,Steve Fouraker
(904) 249-9033
Keep Mayport Ferry running
. ...... :
Nlnvember 24 2006
Page 5A
The Bedches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
AMore letters to the editor:
Program to teach tol,*r-ance is wrong
To the editor:
I read your paper's article
titled 'MIX IT UP... at Mayport
Middle' in the Nov. 17, 2006
Beaches Leader with great
It is outrageous that school
officials believe that they
have the power to order chil-
dren to have lunch with those
who are not in their social cir-
* It is laughable beyond
measure that they believe that,
ordering children to have
lunch with other children will
defeat the problem of bully-
ing in schools. Just look at
this logically.
People with 'power, i.e.
school officials, compel peo-
ple without power, i.e. school-
children, to eat lunch with
those with whom they other-
wise would not choose to eat.
And this show of brute force
by school administrators issu-
ing mandates, as suit their
whimsy, is supposed to teach
children NOT to engage in
bullying, in precisely what
The presence of uniformed
naval personnel at this event
is merely more evidence of its
essentially totalitarian flavor.
Dictators such as Hitler. to
, Stalin to Saddam have used
the child's admiration of uni-
formed personnel as a means
to compel 'right thinking.'
Simply put, the decisions of
children concerning whom
.they wish to associate with
are theirs alone, subject only
to parental approval. The
opinions of children about
others are theirs alone, as :is
their right in -our allegedly
free society.
If there is a problem with
physical assault in the. school,
then remove the wrongdoers,
place them in' schools for dis-.
cipline problems or juvenile
prisons as needed.
If 'there is a problem with,
students verbally harassing
others, there are legal protec-
tions all Americans (including
children) enjoy regarding a
safe workplace, and there are
more traditional means of.
punishing harassment.
Suspensions, parental con-
ferences, forcing, the wrong-
doer to stay after school, to
attend special counseling, or
even to spend' lunch and
recess away from his peers
and under special supervision
are all traditional means of
dealing with the student who
harasses others.
There, is no need for would-
be commissars to punish
'wrong thinking.'
All children, are entitled to
respect from each other arid
from school personnel. They
are entitled to be free from
bullying, and : from other
forms of harassment.
They, however, are entitled
to associate freely with those
with whom they wish to asso-
ciate, even if their, choices are
not politically cbrrect, with-
out those decisions being
mikromanaged by, taxpayer,
financed busybodies,.
Toss this totalitarian 'Mix It
Up Day" on the scrap heap of,
history, along with the
remains of the Berlin- Wall'
and the Lenin Statues..
Barton L. Knapp
Atlantic Beach
Auto burglary was reported
Nov. 20 in the first block of 36th
Ave. S. A cell phone and a com-
puter was stolen from the vehi-
cle.' which did not show any
signs of forced entry, police said.
Fraud was reported Nov. 20 in
the 100 block of Jardin De Mer.
The victimm told police that she
was the vicutm of a telephone
scam. She said the suspect told
her she won travel vouchers and
needed her bank account infor-
mation to forward her win-
nings. Two unauthorized trans-
actions later appeared on the':
victim's bank statement.
Vandalism was reported Nov.
20 at a construction site in the
900 block of 1st Street N.
Linknown suspects entered the
site and damaged 'one'-ofithe
machines. Damage was eislmat.-
6, d-ht $1',500. ,! .r- "
-- i* ,
False imprisonment was,
reported Nov. 18 in the 1100
block of 2nd Street S.
Calvin D. Sexton, 45, 6if
Jacksonville Beach was arrested'
Nov. 18 and charged with aggra-
vated battery with a firearm or
other deadly device in the. 100
block of 6th Street S., according
to police. ,
Auto burglary was reported
Nov. '18 in the 2400 block of
Costa Verde Blvd. A 9 mm hand-
gun and holster were stolen
from a vehicle. Total -loss is
$550. '
o 'e
Fraud was reported on Nov.,
21, according to a police report.,
Burglary was reported on
Nov. 20 in the 2000 block of"
Third Street, according to al
police report. The victimm left his
house at .10:45 a.mr. and
'returned at I p.m. to find his'
front door kicked in. He discov-'
ered three guns had been stolen
from a closet, according to the
Burglary was reported on Nov.,
17 in the 100 block of Levy,
Road, according to a police,
report. A burglar alarm was
sounding in a business. The
owner heard footsteps on the
roof,and saw items on the flobr
in disarray.
L- Aeniy-was-reported-bn -Noi.
17 in 'thde 2000 blbck of,
Oceanwalk Drive, according to a
police report.
A man working at Voyager
Court reported Tuesday that an
ex-employee took his cordless
drill and C raftsman saw, worth a
total of $400.
" ,O , ,
An employee of the St. Johns,
County 'Recreation and Parks
Department reported that some-
one climbed the balfield safety
netting at Cornerstone Park
between Monday afternoon and
Tuesday morning, causing
$2,000 in damages to'a support
pole and a support.
*g '. e'
A resident of Marlin Avenue
reported earlier this month that
her 14-year-old son parked his
$100 Mongoose bicycle in front
of her garage and later found
that it had been stolen.
A resident of Sea Coast Lane
reported Saturday that someone
apparently had ordered two
credit cards in his name and had
charged purchases to both cards.
A 21-year-old resident of'
Antigua Way in the Ponte Vedra
Lakes area called deputies Nov.
15 and reported his ex-girlfriend
"/was over at his residence bang-'
ing on all the windows and"
pounding on the doors,"
according to a report. A
Jacksonville woman visiting the
man found a long scratch on
the driver's side of her car.
Damage was estimated at
$2,000. .('i .;
A 0
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Vocal criticism of some Nease
fans in the stands must stop
as it is unfair to student athletes
To the editor:
I would like to express my concern over the
behavior of some fans at Nease football games.
For the most part, Nease has wonderful fans
.that come out and support the players, cheer-
ing them on no matter what. The school is
lucky to have such enthusiastic people there
week after week who love to watch the team
play., :
Unfortunately, there are a few people in the
stands that ruin the games for others with their
judgmental comments and negativity. Many of
the players' families and friends have noticed a
couple of people that feel it necessary to tear
apart players' performances. Those boys are out
on the field playing a sport they love. Not only
are these boys athletes, but they are students
who have other responsibilities. These young
mehn put a, lot oiln the line to play football
including physical injury.
In the Merritt Island game, three players were
hurt and more have been hurt in practice and
previous games during the season. Each and
every player has tremendous dedication to
their team and coaches.. Itis so horrible to hear
people in the stands make disparaging com-
ments about the boys if they do something the
slightest bit wrong. j' .. I ,
I imagine those boys feel pretty awful when
they make mistakes out there in front of all the
people that come to watch them. Why is is
that those select few "fans" must announce to.
everyone seated around them the child's mis-
take and proceed to make critical remarks?;
What self-righteous person thinks that player's
friends and family want to hear'other people
talk that way about them and criticize the team
True or False:
Rats carry as many as ten diseases.
as a whole?
We must all keep in mind while Nease has an
'outstanding football team, it is still a group of
high school boys that are not perfect.
These few individuals that have been causing
distress to players' friends and families often do
not themselves have children on the team. I
would like these people to think how they
would' feel if a group of people came and
watched their children for three hours all the
while passing condescending remarks about
their flaws. I find it very discouraging that
these "people are so self-centered and unkind
that they can't think that perhaps their nega-
tivity is unwanted. The boys are fighting to win
on the fields. Your abuse in the stands in
uncalled for and mean-spirited. Those of you
that, are causing a problem, I ask you two
things: First, what are you .so insecure about
that the remedy is to come to a high school
football game and pass judgment on 15 to 18-
year-olds? Second, if a group of players' families
can guess your identify just from hearing about
your ugly running narration of the game from
someone having the bad luck to sit within
earshot of you, isn't it time to direct your focus
To the fans. who are there every game sup-
porting our boys, we thank you. You are a huge
support of the team and the boys are truly
lucky to have that. To the other few who like
to,cut down the players, there is an old saying:
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say
anything at all.
Tricia Carzoli
Ponte Vedra Beach
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Up.kns a'NEIMAGE
Frank John Callahan, 86,
died Nov. 20, 2006. He was
born May 30, 1920 and had
been a resident of Jacksonville
since March 2001.
Callahan was a.well-known
business and civic leader in,
south Florida, havinglived in
Coral Gables for 45 years. He
was born and raised in Iowa
and graduated from Iowa State
University with a degree in
Mechanical Engineering.
Callahan met his wife,
Beverly Matson Callahan, in
college, and they were married
for 62 years. After graduating
from college, he attended
Midshipmen's School at the
U.S. Naval Academy, the
advanced Diesel Engineering
;School at Penn State University
and Submarine Officers School
in New London, Conn. In
World War II he was in sub-
marines in the southwest
Callahan was active in sever-
al fields of business during his
years in south Florida. He start-
ed his own company that sup-
plied high tech metals to the
airline, aerospace and missile
industries. After retirement, he
became a federal court-
appointed trustee of a large
N.Y. Stock Exchange company
that, at the time, was the sec-
ond-largest bankruptcy in the
United States other than Penn
SOL H. ]
Sb-.c .- .
Sol H. Proctor, 78, died Nov.
20, 2006. A lifelong resident
of Jacksonville, he was an
attorney for many years.
Proctor graduated from the
University of Florida and the
University of Florida College
of Law, where he was a mem-
ber of the Pi Lambda Phi fra-
ternity. He was an avid Gator
Proctor served in the' U.S.
Army. He was a member of
the Jacksonville Jewish
Center, where he was a past
president. He also was a mem-
ber of the Brotherhood of the
Jacksonville Jewish Center,
the American Legion, the
Jewish Studies Group, which
he founded; and ROMEO
iRetired Old Men Eating Out).
Survivors include his wife,
Catherine S. Spurling, a true
Floridian, died Nov. 20,. 2006
at the age of 54 after a coura-
geous battle with cancer. She
was born Oct. 31, 1952 to
Michael and Merrell Shuttack.
Survi-ing family members
include Jim Spurling, her hus-
band of 34 years; daughters,
Callie (Tyler) and Claire; her
mother, Merrell Shuttack; and
her brother, Chris Shuttack.
Her family said it is thankful
Central Railroad. He success-
fully reorganized the company,
which today is a successful
public corporation.
In 1969 Callahan became
one of the early partners in the'
Miami Dolphins. He also
enjoyed a busy career in civic,
He was Vice Chairman of the
Miami-Dade Metro Transit
Authority and was Governor-
appointed to the South Florida
Regional Planning Council,
which elected him Chairman
for two terms. He was a mnem-
ber of the Florida Council of
100, a member of the Florida
High Speed Rail Transportation
Commission and was chair-
man of the USS Miami,
Submarine Commissioning
Committee as appointed by
the City of Miami.'
Callahan was President' of
the Miami-Dade County.
Chamber of Commerce in the
'70s and a member of the non-
group. He also was a member
of the Orange Bowl
Committee. He received the
"Man of Action" award of Dade
County and the Bill Baggs
"Man of the Year" award.
Callahan was a director of
the Boy Scouts and chairman
of Junior Achievement of.
Miami. He was a member and
past president of the Florida
Chapter of the Young
Presidents Organization (YPO).
He served on six boards of
directors of various bank cor-
Callahan is survived by his:
wife, Beverly; his son, Gary oft
Blairsville, Ga.; his daughter,
Donna Byrd, son-in-law, Dr.
Thomas Byrd, and two grand-
daughters, Allison and Ellen,
all of Nashville, Tenn. ,
Private family services will
be held. In lieu of flowers, con-
tributions or memorials may
be sent to Mayo Clinic, 4500
San Pablo Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32224.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz .Funeral Home.
Dr -, ,-r -i
.: ,-:, "., .1 ',; i, ,
Rochelle; two daughters, Terri
Proctor and Sandra Proctor
Eaton; two step-daughters,
Maria Rich (Scot) and Pamela
Litwin (Richard); a brother,
Judge George Proctor (Gloria);
three sisters-in-law, Bessie,
Marge and Celie; and five
grandchildren, who were the
joy of his life.
A graveside service was held
WVednesday at New Center
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to
the Jacksonville Jewish
Center, the American Cancer
Society or Community
Hospice of Northeast Florida.
Arrangements were by'.
Hardage-Giddens Funeral
for the love and support from
those who have made this dif-
ficult time as comfortable as it
could be.
A private memorial service
will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, donations
to either Community Hospice
of Northeast Florida or a chari-
ty of choice are preferred.
Services are under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Mary Crump Davis
McConnell died Nov. 20,
.2006. She was born March 24,
1923 in Wilkes Barre, Pa. to
the late William Crump and
Dorothy Lovell Davis.
McConnell attended vari-
ous schools in Pennsylvania
and Tennessee. She went to
Texas Christian University
and graduated from Elmira:
College in New York.
She married *Robert
McChesney McConnell, Jr.,'
Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, on July,
15, 1944, in Dallas, Tex. In
her 59 moves across the coun-
try, with her parents and with
her husband, McConnell'
made many friends and
served each community with
enthusiasm and joy, her fami-
ly said.
She was a member of the.
Pobte Vedra Inn and Club
and University Club and was
a charter member of The
Alexis d'eToqueville Society.
She also was a 50-year mem-
'ber of the DAR and a member
of the Mayflower Society,
Beaches Area Historical
Society, The Order of the
Daughters of the King and
Christ Episcopal Church.
Survivors include sons, Col.
R.M. McConnell III, Colorado
Springs,, and Dr. Wm.
McConnell, Baltimore, Md.;
daughters, Mary Ellen
Hutton, Hong Kong, and
Carolyn Roth, Jacksonville;
nine grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren.
The family offers thanks to
the nurses, CNAs and support
staff of Vicar's Landing Health
Care Center.
A Memorial Service will be
held at 10 a.m. Nov. 27 at
Christ Episcopal Church,
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Inurnment will be in the
Naval Academy Columbarium
at a later dai;e.
In lieu of flowers, memori-
als may be made to St. Mayy's
Outreach, P.O. Box 3243;,
Jacksonville, FL 32206;
Hospice ,of Northeast Florida,
Community Hospice, 4114
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32257; or to a favorite
Arrangements, by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.
Robert "Bob" Alan West, 69,
born Dec. 19, 1936, died Nov..
20, 2006.
West is survived by his wife
and best friend, Jackie
(O'Hare) West. He also is sur-
vived by a brother, Richard'
"Dick" West (Janl of
Arlington, Tex.
In lieu of flowers, donations'
to the American Heart
Association or America Lung
Association are requested.
A Memorial Service will be
held at 10 a.m. Friday in the
Chapel of .. Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Hom`e.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Nancy 'Jean Sekeres A Celebration of,
Yelvington, 56, a resident of Yelvington's Life will be held
the Beaches for more than 30 at 4 p.m. Sunday at Hardage-
years, died Nov. 18, 2006. Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Yelvington is survived by Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
her daughter, Stephanie Joy Beach. Please join us as we
Liuzzi of the Beaches; her take the time ',tleJrtg a
father, Stephen-..-S&keres-Sr..-a---good-- ifiend' .fte,--fd-Ahe -
brother, Stephen J. Sekeres Jr., family.
and a niece, Keirsten Sekeres, Donations in the name of
all of Ohio; and many dear Nancy Sekeres may be direct-
friends. She loved all her ed to the family or to
family, adopted daughters Community Hospice of
and friends, the family said. Northeast Florida. .
Betty Schultz and her
Family would like to
* thank all of' the friends
and famil-, members v.'ho
came to the memonal
service of Bud Schultz. We
greatly appreciated the
cards sent. the beautiful
flowers, the food. and mo.t
of all the comfort and
caring that helped us all to
get through this time of
sorrow. Bud was a
wonderful l husband., father,
grandfather and
Betty' Schultz
Kath, Doug. Gnd,.
.4 and Family
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Obituary notices are published free of
charge as a community service. All sub-
missions are subject to editing. Paid
advertising space is available for more
detailed or personalized death notices.
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:: : : .
November 24, 2006'
Page 6A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader -
, \
INUvVsImhWl r 2,4. 06Te ece Lae/oneVda edr* ae7
Codes violations rise in JB,'
Jacksonville Beach code
inspectors are working to
reduce the number of viola-
tions by educating the com-
munity about the city's poli-.
cies regarding junk, Work per-
mits and tree removal.
Code Inspector Debbie
White said people are often
unaware that canvas carports,
canopies and "Pod" portable
storage containers on their
property are prohibited.
White said one of the most
common violations includes
junk ranging from aban-
doned, inoperable or partially
dismantled vehicles, and nui-
sances classified as junk,
trash, debris or other unsight-
ly properties.
Vehicles, whether or not
they are operational, are also
required to have a' valid tag
affixed to the vehicle. Signs,
however, are prohibited' by
the city's Land Development
White said vehicles are
tagged with an orange sticker
to notify owners of a violation
and a time frame to correct
the infraction before it 'is
towed at the owner's expense.
Parking and storage of
heavy vehicles such, as,
campers, .motor homes, large
commercial trucks and boats
over 20' in length on residen-
tial property also violates city
White said permits are
required to perform work on
structures including building,
electrical, plumbing, mechan-
ical, sign installation, 'addi-
tions, fences, sheds, windows,
driveways, brick pavers and
A stop work order requires
all work to cease until the nec-
essary permits are obtained.
Property owners are also cited
for completing work that was
not included in the permit.,
Zoning violations such as
building too close to property,
lines, exceeding lot coverage,
renting of illegal' dwelling
units and operating a business
in residential district are con-
sidered trouble areas, city
staffers said.
Property owners can also be
cited for lack of maintenance,
.unsafe conditions and over-
grown vegetation in both' resi-
dential and commercial, dis-
Permits are required before
a tree can be removed. Only
pine trees, palms and those
identified on 'a, list off nui-
sance trees can be removed
without a permit. Property
owners that remove protected
trees with a permit still must'
meet the city's mitigation
Questions about any Code
Enforcement issues can be
directed to the Planning
Department at 247-6232 from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday. City Hall is
closed today for the holiday.
Neighbors object saying downtown parking already limited
After two previous rejections, Lynch's Pub
gets permission to add 1,500 square feet
without having to add additional parking
Norri ruorlua nomes nave ncreasea
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After twice being denied permission to expand, Lynch's Irish
Pub finally gained approval to add to its lacksonville Beach
The city's Board of Adjustment Tuesday granted a variance
for the pub at 514 1st Street North to add 1,500-square-feet in
lieu of the five required parking spaces.
General Manager Keith Doherty said the space will not
increase the pub's occupancy.
In the variance application, the size of the bathrooms and
the proximity of the dry storage area to a gas water heater were
listed as the reason for the variance.
"The space is much needed," Doherty said Wednesday. "It
will give us a chance to bring our bathrooms up to code. It will
be nice to have a real office. My office consists of a table at the
back door."
BOA member Keith Hall cast the sole vote against the vari-
ance, claiming that the expansion would increase the lot cov-
erage by 45 percent.
Jud Spence and Thad Moseley, who both own property in the
Central Business District, urged the board to deny the request
because public parking is at a premium, especially in the down-
town area.
Doherty said he believes the request was granted because the
expansion would not add to the patronage.
"I've not known of too many people who want to drink in
the toilet," he said. "It's not new construction. It is what it is."
A prior request to add 4,000-square-feet to construct new
restroom facilities with handicapped access, dry storage, office
and cooler space was denied because the proposal also includ-
ed an additional 2,100-square-feet of pub space to install a
third bar and add four new pool tables.
According to the city's guidelines, BOA members must deter-
mine if a variance request meets certain criteria for approval,
including the nature of the hardship.
The burden of proof is on the applicant to demonstrate the
Variances are not permitted for expansions to existing busi-
nesses that are "manifestly designed to attract new customers,"
according to city code.
. Jb S nl .I 1.,
Uniform medians for
Mayport Road redo
The Mayport Waterfront
Partnership decided Tuesday to
adopt the same design plan as
Atlantic Beach for landscaping
medians along Mayport Road
to maintain uniformity.
There were three concepts
proposed for the medians
planned for the road, which
run through both 'Atlantic
Beach and a portion of
Jacksonville where the part-
nership has responsibility.
The city of Atlantic Beach
opted for a combination of two
of the concepts and the part-
nership decided to follow suit:
so that the look will be consis-
The medians will, have
stamped concrete, perennial
pea for the ground and
Medjool palms alternating
with crepe myrtle and sabal
palms, according to Rick
Carper, Atlantic Beach public
works director.
The work will begin In June
or July after it has been
approved& by the state
Department of Transportation,
the city of Jacksonville and the
city of Atlantic Beach, accord-
ing to Carper.
Affordable housing is
essential to Beaches
Saving affordable housing
and financial counseling are'
"part of the fabric" that makes
a good community, according
to Carolyn Ettlinger, executive
director qf the Housing
Partnership of Northeast
.Ettlinger spoke at a Beaches
Business Association' meeting
Monday about the various pro-
grams the partnership offers to
the community and encour-'
aged business involvement.
The partnership was estab-
lished 14 years ago to address.
the broad spectrum of housing
needs in Duval County,
Ettlinger said.
It now offers several different
services to benefit the commu-
nity such as a neighborhood
rehabilitation, program, a
home ownership center which
offers, financial and credit'
counseling, a community
development program and
multi-family housirig.
Ettlinger encouraged busi-
nesses to participate in team-
building events such as "Paint
the Town," where multiple
groups consisting of 10 to 15
people help with the housing
repairs for a week in a specific
community each year.
Because the partnership is a
diverse reflection of people
from many areas of the
Jacksonville. Ettlinger urged
more businesses to get
involved through volunteering
and help the community as a
whole from 2000-2005 and
had managed country clubs
and hotels in North America
and Western Europe earlier in
his career.
First time homebuyer
information provided
The Beaches Northeast
Florida Association of Realtors
(NEFAR) Council will meet
Thursday morning at the
NEFAR offices at 4130 3rd St.
S., Jax Beach (in the
Sandcastle Plaza at the end.of
JTBi at 8:30 a.m. for coffee
and an informational pro-
gram. The program Nov. 30
will be Penda Tyson of
VI.i- : .
Katie Perrone Hatcher helps children with a quilt blockactivity
during Quilts for Kids Day, held in conjunction with the exhibition
QUILTSI at the Beaches Area Historical Society museum.
Members of the Coastal Quilters Guild were present to demon-
strate various quilting techniques.Children and adults were able
to do on hands-on quilting as well.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 7AA
November 24. 2006~
The Beaches Leader/ e Vedra Leader
November 24, 2006
,Church Women classic film "It's a Wonderful the Bethel Gallery at Ponte
United will be at 10 Life." His topics will be "Throw Vedra Presbyterfan Church
46 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 1 a Lasso Around the Moon" on through Nov. 26. Works in dif-
S at Palms Presbyterian Dec. 2 and 3, "Stuck in Bedford ferent media. by artists ages 6
I' 1341 Church. There will be Falls" on Dec. 9 and 10, and through 18 years old will be
l a Christmas program "The Richest Man in Town" on featured. The gallery is at 4510
and devotional fol- Dec. 16 and 17. Service times Palm Valley Road in Ponte
lowed by a holiday at Christ the Redeemer are Vedra; call 285-8225 for infor-
"kil[ I luncheon. Palms is at 6:30 p.m. on Saturdays and on mation.
3410 South 3rd Street Sundays at 9 and, 10:30 a.m.
in Jacksonville Beach. The address is 190 S, Roscoe Mommy & Me
SBlvd. in Ponte Vedra; call 285-
LSenior 8009 for information. Chabad @ the Beaches offers
ir Connection Meets a fall session of Mommy & Me
Lewise Scrapbooking and Bagel Babies activities for
The annual Workshop children from 6 to 30 months
Christmas Concert Wr o old. Arts and crafts, exercises,
Si I and Potluck Luncheon The Women's Group at baking, music and other expe-
for the Senior Chabad, @ the Beaches will riences will be included in the
." Connection at Our have a Scrapbooking activities "for the children.
"' c g b ae C a1Lady Star of the Sea Workshop on Sunday, Dec. 3. Contact Leah Kurinsky at
Catholic Church will For information, contact Chabad w for information and
Coinbe at 10 a.m. on Chabad at 285 1588. 'The times by calling 285-1588.
'pp., Friday, Dec. 8,. The address is 521 SR AlA in Ponte Chabad is located at 521 AA
S.. n Singers by the Sea will Vedra. N inPonte Vedra .
S. perform. All are wel-
Proicee d come to attend the Meditation Class Prayer for Schools
event which is at the
church's Cultural Unity at the Beaches will On ThursdaDys from 9:30 to
Center at 545 AA N offer "Meditation Made Easy", 11 a.m, a group meets at the
in Ponte .'edra. For adclass led by Rwv. Marleen Winston Family YNICA to pra
information call 543- Davis at 7:30 p.m. on, for school, media, families,
-, 1139 or 285-1932. Wednesday at the 'Ribault and church. The YMNICA is on
Garden Club. The class will Landrum Lane in Ponte Vedra.
S-. .Worship Concert continue through early For information call 285-0267.
December. For information,
,pr*ot,-bum,,ad "When Love Came call 355-5100. The Garden Celebrate Recovery
Lewis Self, from left in the front row, Pastor Greg Crocker, and Michael Patterson break ground for a new Down" will be per- Club is at 7052nd Ave. N. in.r e
building and renovations at First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach at a special service on Nov. 19. formed by thbe per- Club is at 75 2nd Aveh N.A bibiinal based program foin
Standing behind them are, from left, Jesse Abner, Jim Adams'and Ed Whitehead. and children's' choirs persons facing personal prob-
and orchestra of Service Time Changes ., lems, meets every Friday at
Clothing Sale 'the church's Thrift Shop at -SanPablo Road. Neptune Baptist Church. The 6:30 p.. in the fellowship
Beach Blvd. at 6 th Street. worship concert will be at 6:30 Beginnizig Sunday, worship hall. of Beach' United
Thousands of. articles of Sounds of Christmas p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 9 and 9 services at Ponte Vedra United Methodist Church, 3rd Street
women's,.' .men's, and chil- Breakfast with Santa and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Methodist Church will be at at 7th' Avenue North,
dren's clothing ivill be for sale New Life Christian Dec. 10. Childcare will be pro- 9:3. a.m..: for the Jacksonville Beach. The pro-
priced from $1 to $5'at the St. Isle 'of Faith ..United Fellowship will: present vided. The church address is Contemporary Service and 11 'gram emphasizes that through
Paul's Catholic Church Methodist Church will' have "Sounds of Christmas at 10 407 Third Street; for informa- a.m. for the Traditional worship and same-gender
Clothing for Charity Sale. The Breakfast with 'Santa on ,a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 3. Call tion call 249-2307. Service.The church address is small groups, people can work
sale will be from 8 a.m. to 4' Saturday, Dec. 2. Special 223-6000 for information. The 35 ExecutiveWay, Suite l30in- on personal struggles such as
p.m. on Dec. 1, from 8 a.m. to guests, Mr. and Mrs. Santa church address is 2701 Hodges "Wonderful Life" Series Ponte Vedra. eating disorders, alcohol/drug
2 p.m. on Dec. 2, and from 10,,. Claus, will visit everyone at 'Blvd. in Jacksonville. abuse, and codependency. The
a.m. to 2 p.m. on Dec. 3. the pancake breakfast. Tickets Pastor Daniel Williams of Fruitsof the Spirit evenings begin with dinner.
Proceeds from the sale will and seating information is Church Women United Christ the Redeemer Church Call 249-2343.
beneht local charities. The sale available from Deb at 514- will do a three week series of : An exhibit of art work titled
will be held in;a tent next to 9033. Isle of Faith is at 1821 The December meeting of sermons based on the holiday "Fruits of the Spirit" will.beat
400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach 285-6127
Sunday 7:45, 9 00, 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
10:15 AM Christian Formation; Saturday Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM
Wednesday Holy Eucharist-7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 6 PM
Weekday Evening Prayer in Chapel 6 p.m. except Wed.
Nursery available for Saturday and Sunday services.
S"-- 2002 'Sa' Pablo Rd; JitltKOnVille; 22t4l7T7-"'""7
Sunday 9 AM Worship; 10:15 AM Christian Formation
Nursery Provided
For event information, visit www.christepiscopalchurch.org
Exciting, Growing
Home Church
off Kernan
Meet Sundays
10:00 a.m. -'1:30 .m.
\v\\ w.coastalchristian.org
(A TraditionalAnglican Church)
SHly Communion
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M.
Holy Trinity meets in Ithe Old Chapel
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach
w ~M.holytrinityneplunebeach.org
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar
To advertise your
Religious Services
here call
t CALVARY Worship With
A nglcan Ch u rch Your Family
-I .'.rship-cenrereds.i angehalco. grea on This
Um il- IngbLcan tradcon
Meeting at Sabal Palm Elemenran W eek
1201 N. Kernan Bhd.
Sunda,/Worsnip: 10:30 am
Sunaa, School: 9:00 am U
mor.- crr. ; o r. -n l r.ia un. iacl< ...ie i B
Pr.,erana Healing Ser.ic, Secon, Sunda- 7 pm r
.: ,: A ,:r. 24 .94 0.
,.He.-,M. .-.*s,:=,-. c:.v~-.,^,.:"n M^, ,; ,, ^ % 3 *a ^ (S
Worship Opportunities SUNRISE
9:30 anm. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH
11:00 a.m. Traditional*
*Kids Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church
Am Rev. Jeff Bennett,Pastor
SAdam M.ers. Youth Sunday School &A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:15 am.r
PorNTr T/ RA 35 Executive Way, PV ,
UlNT-lI VILEDri'L Across AIA from Rawlings School'
Behind Prosperity Bank 298 Aquatic Drive
United Methodist 280-5141 wvw.pv-umc.org Atlantic Beach
Chil rch "Connecting the Unconnected" Phone: 249-3030
Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church
"Wllhere friends gather to worship""
4510 Palm Valley Road iCR 210i
Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle, High School, College
Adult Ministries
Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Visit
p pr sbyte r i a n church
The Falms Oasis
is a Comhmunift Nurturecd b
"the Grace of Jesus Christ
5erve God's Mission in thie Worl
Sunday Worship Services
8-30 and 11'00 a.m
Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.;
Nursery at all services
Sunday Schol
All ages 9:40 a.m.
3410 S Louiri Tnrird SI el Jacksonville 6dc
Ph 90.-2d6-e427 ViV ps.lmi'c.jrcr, org
,,' 4
Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD F
letv l' UWU @'a lq&Crh Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
1050 Highway A IA 285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
(Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
Sunday School 9:00am http://www.blcjaxbeach.org
Worship 10:!5am 355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Seradvicetional
E-mail:. service
newhbeginningsbc@'clearwire.net Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
Website: Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
ww w.onlinewithnewbeginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
895 -"ralm Valley Road
Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112
Sunday, Oct. 8
Bring your live and toy animals as we
celebrate ST. FRANCIS DAY.
S 150 Sherry Dive, Allanric Beach. FL
S1~ i Rev Dr Gabe Goodman Pastor (ELCA)
Churh Offnice 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra BchD
Prei cho0llKindergarten Office 241-7335
w comrrmunitvpcusa.or, IPh. 285-5347
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank, Pastor
Sunday Moming Worship 8:30&11a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship
Church School. All Ages 9:45 am. 8:30am
CYouth Fellows rshipServ. 5:5p.. Sunday Church School 9:45am
Chancel Choir Wednesdays 7 p.m. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am
Weekday Preschool/Kindergarten (3,4 & 5 yr olds) i Nursery Provided
SPalm Valley Baptist Church
4A') Palm Valley Road, Pontp Vedra
(904) 285-2447 -jd n -
'mail: palmchurch@bells.-:j-t. r.,
Sunday School for all ages ....9:15am Jirauid (lI-dh
Sunday Worship
Service 10:30am Service Times
Sunday Evening
Bible Study 6:00pm Saturday 5:00 pm
Wednesday Family Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am
Wednesday Family
Dinner 6:00pm '(904) 268-2500
Wednesday Bible Study
for a1! ages 7:00pm www.MandarinChristian.com
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy.,
p isc Cc BEACrO, "P L- ,HURCH Sunday School for all ages 9:00a.m.
S Episcopal Church 0 Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
.... ,_ _. ". ..- Nursery Provided -
: m& aPastor Steve McCoy CHRIST
Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Welcome Families Children's Chapel At 10am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICES
elcom e Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AMI 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
& Singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 2495370
Corner of 51h St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stlpaulsbylhesea@spbts.nel TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
N A ( F E of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC CHURCH
E 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
laptist Church Come worship with us by the ocean. Father Joseph Meehan
S B Apt ithrcGh Sundas '. 1st Avenue'North at 5th Street W EEKENS MA
SATURDAY EVENING m S Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m
6:30 pm- Contemporary WorshipService 8:00 & 9:00am S
SUNDAY :00CelebratioPrase Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor Sunday 9 a.m., 11a.m.
9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
10:30 ani- Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m.and 5:30 p.m. RECONCILIATION
WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Maqs.7:00,8:30,10:00, Saturday 10:00a.m. or b at.
6:30 pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper I. 11:30 a.m. & 7 p~m. RELIGIOUS EDU 'I
Bible Studies forEveryAge & Life Situation 6:30 Choir, Bible dyYouth 1130a.m. & 7 pm (K-3p.m. RELGIOUS EDUCA 4-6
407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions SunWe d. ay 6 :p.m 3) 7:1 (4-6 gr.)
wwwneptuebaptistorg Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After9 a.m. Mass & 4:30-5:20 p.m. ay246- 4
Tom Bary, Pastor 904-249-2307 www.fccbdoe.com/emalhfccbdoebellsouth.net f e 246-6014'
WWTHWL iRabbi Eliezer Beni-Yehuda, PhD. Spiritual Leader OCEANSIDE.
. ',,,,, Stuart WMi ams, President CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST BAPTIST
1025 Snug Harbor Court c < s
288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd at W. 11th St. and Orhid
Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
We have a full range of, activities and services for the beaches Jewish ,246-2709 B Study 9:15
com nunity. Please contact our officem-f8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
"A homeforJewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
-. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
"^ a.- ;,... -,-,=uAtAU.. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service Interpreted for the hearing impaired
Pno. QA
A Stephen NMinjstr Congregation
1801 Beach Blvd
Jackson% ille Beach 249-4575
Sunday Worship
8:00 am & 10:30 am
Sunday School
Children 9:15 am
Youth/Adult 9:15 am
Nursery Provided
l ovemoer L2', Luuo
Indians (from left) Mackenzie Boyette, Mark Fontaine, Justine Robbins, Christopher Bennett,
and (seated) Zian Matthews are ready for the Thanksgivinrig party at New Beginnings
The following events are
held at Beaches area churches
on Wednesday for youngsters:
*Palm Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has a family din-
ner at 6 p.m. and children and
youth Bible study at 7 p.m.
' Call 285-2447.
*Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets. 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning .with
group praise and worship, fol-
lowed by small groups for fel-
lowship, Bible studv and
prayer.The church is at 298
Aquatic Drive, Atlantic Beach.
Call 249-3030.
*Bethlehem Lutheran
Church at1423 .8th Ave. N.,
.Jacksonville Beach has Junior
High 'Youth Group activities
from 6:45 to S p.m. The Senior
High Youth Group meets. on
Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m. Call
*Christ Episcopal Church at
Solana Road and San Juan
Drive in Ponte Vedra offers
dinner in the parish hall for
youth and families at 6:15 p.m.
A children's art program is held
Churches sponsoring basketball, cheerleading
San Pablo Baptist Church is
joining with Neptune Baptist
Church' to sponsor the 2007
season of Upward Basketball
and Cheerleading.
"The San Pablo partnership
will enable us to reach out to a
greater populace (not only the
church family but the Vest
Beaches area as .well)," said.
Barry Chandler, the Upward
.League Commissioner from
Neptune Baptist Church.
In 2006, the second year for
Upward Basketball and
Cheerleading at the beach,
about 180 children from first
through eighth grade partici-
pated, said Chandler.
"San Pablo is partnering with
Neptune Baptist and looking to
starting our own league in the
future," said Claude Ingle, San
Pablo's Coordinator for the.
faith-based sports program.
The nationally recognized
program emphasizes Biblical
teachings and Christian values
along with sports skills.
"It's not just about basket-
ball, it's about growing God's
kingdom," said Chandler.
Through Upward Basketball
and Cheerleading. we'vee ad
several decision's tor ( Chrst.'
". Our follow-up with the fam-
ilies encourages involvement-
with a church or children's
ministry program, said
"It's not about building the
membership at Neptune
Baptist or San Pablo," he said.
Age-appropriate devotional
and Bible verses are part oft
weekly practice session for
Upward Basketball or
Positive recognition is given
to the children for demonstrat-
ing Christian values.
pward is -an all-inclusive
program that places every chil-
dren on team and gives each
child equal playing time,
regardless of their experience
or skill level.
Player evaluations for
Upward Basketball and
Cheerleading will be from 6 to
8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 7 and
14 at the Boys and Girls Club
at 820 N. 20th Avenue in
lacksonville Beach.
The registration fee until
Dec. 18 is $75 and is $85 after-
wards. The deadline for regis-
tration is January 8.
The first game of the season
is scheduled for Feb. 4. All
games are held on Sundays at
Fletcher Senior High School
beginning at about noon.
, Coaches are still needed.
Volunteer coaches who are not
members of either church will
be partnered with a coach from
one of the churches, said
An Upward Flag Football
team is the the planning
stages. Details are not available
yet a possible starting date is
spring 2007, he said.
For information about
Upward sports programs and
registration, contact Ginger
(vans at Ne.tune Baptist's
%tIf ice at2 -9 l-3la r Claude
tngle at 463-'l 78.
Since information began
Hayley Chandler driving the lane at a Upward Basketball game
in the 2005/2006 season.All coaches, refs, and players partici-
pate in a pre-game prayer huddle before Upward Basketball
coming .out to the congrega-
tion at San Pablo in earls
November, "everyone is excit,
,re .abou.eth program, saic
e-- os ~l. -,
,fopa t''to help coact
and referee, parents want tc
Tender Chiropractic
Health Center
2i Ilth Ave N.
Jack.lonj lie reach
V,,AV tenderchiropractlc corn
sign-up their children, and
they want to help pass out fly-
ers and work on the set-up and
clean-up at events."
i 0 0 : o c b d ,,. .o in u
i, ',.bJ > t :r, Q:.q' I
-. -^ ."r
from 7 to 8 p.m.
*Youths in grades six
through 12 meet at 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. on Sundays follow-
ing Sunset at Palms in the
Youth Center/Fellowship Hall
at Palms Presbyterian Church,
3410 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 246-6427.
r[ McNeill, Garrison & Fletcher
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Property Policies Do Not Cover Flood
There is a 30-Day Waiting Period
Call us for a Flood Insurance Quote
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We'll start the subscription and send a Q
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
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November 24, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 10A*
Seabreeze will test Nease secondary
Quick jabs
from the
sports page
M emo to Florida
Gators fans: Your
team isn't the sec-
ond best college football
team in the county. Even
beating Arkansas in the SEC
title game won't make it so.
There's no point going to the
BCS Championship Game
only to get waxed by Ohio
State. If the Gators take the
SEC crown, settle for the
Sugar Bowl and a chance to
Speaking of college foot-
ball, have to laugh at all
the "experts" who went
through great pains to
explain why Rutgers
deserved a shot at the
national title if they fin-
ished unbeaten. Yeah,
how'd that work out?
Baseball waits too long to,.
announce it's end-of-season
award winners. Most fans
have already moved on to
the saturation of college and
pro football as well as the
start of the college basketball
season. WVant proof? Quick,
b.La.me Lbe .ruAne-s.Ha ..Ie-..',
Thanks to Byron
Leftwich's ankle surgery,
there is no longer a quarter-
back controversy in
Jacksonville -- for the next
few weeks anyway.
Nease High faces a tough
test tonight in Daytona
Seabreeze. While the -
Sandcrabs finished second to
Merritt Island in their dis-
trict, Seabreeze is clearly a
better team. Look for Nease
to try to control the clock on
the ground, and the
Sandcrabs to test the h
Panthers secondary with an
aerial attack. .
The national media,
much of which is head-
*quartered in New York, can
be very parochial at times.
Before the Giants-Jaguars
game Monday night, most
of the focus was on how
injuries have depleted the
Giants.. No mention was
made of missing Jaguars
Greg Jones, Mike Peterson.
and of course, Byron
Spurrier to Miami? It's a
tantalizing possibility
because of the perception
that Steve Superior would
love'the chance to be college
football king of Florida once
Oscar de la Hoya appar-
ently believes he needs one
last great bout to cement
his legacy. That's why last
week he sighed to fight
welterweight champ Floyd
Mayweather, Jr. It's a huge
risk for de la Hoya --
Mayweather is considered
the best pound-for-pound
fighter on the planet but
the May 5 bout promises to
be a big boost for a sport
that lately has been sagging
on the ropes like a punch-
drunk contender;
Isn't it about time the Pro
Football Hall of Fame conve-
niently "misplaces" O.J.
Simpson's bust? Great player
on the gridiron, deplorable
human being in every other
regard. Thank goodness his
ill-fated book, "If I Did It"
will never hit shelves.
Ironic that the Jaguars
are looking forward to this
weekend's trip to Buffalo as
a chance to experience
Some warmer weather.
Playoff game
could end up
a shootout of
potent aerial
attack teams
Is the Nease defense ready
for "Little Tebow?"
That's the nicknamegiven.
Seabreeze quarterback Troy
Dannehower in the Daytona
area.4 he 6-foot, 210-pound
junior has earned the moniker
this season with 1,384 yards
and 14 touchdowns through
the air, plus 675 yards and
seven TDs on the ground.
That type of production has
earned comparisons to former
Nease QB Tim Tebow,' who
lifted the Panthers to last
year's Class 4A state champi-
Dannehower led the
Sandcrabs to a 28-6 -ictory
over Gainesville Eastside last
week in the Region 2 semifi-
nals. He went,8-of-9 for 89
yards and two touchdowns,
throwing to five different
receivers and also racked up
38 yards and a score on seven
Seabreeze will no doubt test
the Panthers secondary Friday
night a game plan that
may prove costly with Div. I-
bound cornerbacks Mario
Butler and Justin Grant,
among others, patrolling tile
defensive backfield.
Grant, the 6-foot, 170-
pound transfer from Ribault,
has nine interceptions this
season including four run
back for touchdowns. Earlier
this season the senior verbally
committed to the University
of Florida.
Opposite Grant is the 6'2",
185-pound Butler who plays
epprtuni5tic. ,deten.se and Jisi'
threat as one of the Panthers
kick returners.
Throw into the mix Nease
defensive back Hunter Bates,
who had a timely pick in last
week's 49-20 victory over
Merritt Island, and strong
safety Jared McNaught who
caused a crucial Mustangs'
fumble at the Nease 1, and it's,
easy to see why passing
against the Panthers is a tricky
Still, that's been the
Sandcrabs' modus operandi
throughout the season and it
doesn't look to change at
Panther Stadium.
"When we talk about bal-
ance on offense here, we don't
mean it like most programs
do," Seabreeze head coach
Marc Beach told the Daytona
Beach News-Journal last week.
V'We're not referring to the
run-pass balance, we're talking
about balancing the passing
game to get everybody
Among the Seabreeze play-
ers to, watch are 5'10", 150-
pound running back LeRoy
Hueston, who is adept at
catching screen passes and has
Nease High's
Ben Cowell
(54) gets ahold
of Merritt
Island quarter-
back Desmond ..
Newbold dur- .
ing last week's .-
regional semi-
final at Panther
Stadium. '"
Nease won, .
S49-20, to "
advance to this t"
week's region- ::,
al final against ",i- ,
Daytona b
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Panthers defensive back Justin Grant, above during the season-opener against Memphis University School, could be a key player
in Friday night's regional final against Daytona Seabreeze. Grant has picked off nine passes this season, returning four for TDs.
1,111 yards of total offense-
this season, and 6'3" wide
receiver Rashad Hall; who is a
favorite deep threat for
Of course, even a prolific
passing attack has to try to
keep pace with Nease's offen-
sive juggernaut. Coach Craig
Howard's spread offense has
demonstrated remarkable flex-,
ibility this season. Against
Sanford Seminole Sept. 8, the
Panthers began with 16 con-
secutive passes en route to a
48-0 victory. A week later, it
was 10 straight runs to open
the ballgame on their way to
a 49-1,4 victory over Fleming-
Island. .
"We always want you to be
unsure what you're going to
get when you come up against
us," Howard said following
the win over Fleming Island.
"We want to show we can run
the ball and be physical or
pass the football when we
want to."
If it's a shootout Friday
night. Howard must like his
chances. The coach has said
his offensive philosophy is to
put 50 points on the board
and leave opposing defenses
gassed to the point of exhaus-
On the other hand, with
the ground-gaining ability of
Panthers quarterback Ted
Stachitas 1149 rushing yards
last week and the punishing
attack of running back Zach
Tronti, Nease could turn the
contest into a possession-type
game with clock-chewing
drives and a lower point total.
In several games during the
regular season, Howard has
opted to throw the ball and
build a substantial lead in the
first half, then get to what he
calls "Tronti time" and rely on
the ground game in the final
two quarters.
So while the Sandcrabs may
boast "Little Tebow," Nease
has Stachitas to continue
what the original Tebow start-
ed. The 6-foot. 180-pound QB
doesn't have the size of his
predecessor, but has proved an
exceptionally accurate passer
this season and is swift and
elusive when he tucks the ball
and runs.
"He's come up through the
system and was quarterback
behind Timmy," Howard said
in the preseason. "Well now
it's Ted's turn to be that same
kind of quarterback."
Nease girls lose to
Palatka in Keystone
Tournament finals
7:30 p.m. tip-off.
Nease hosts St. Johns
. The good news: Nease made County rival St. Augustine
it to the final of the Keystone next Thursday in a 7:30 p.m.
Heights Invitational girls bas- varsity tip-off.
ketball tournament. The bad
news: The Panthers lost a close GIRLS BASKETBALL
championship game, 61-57, to Nease 44, Hawthorne 36
Palatka. The Panthers
S The Palatka earned their first
Panthers put the / victory of the sea-
game away with a I son ir the open-
second half ing round of the
surge led' by Keystone Heights
Crishea ,Johnson tournament Mon-
who led all scorers day.
with 28 points., Laura Phillips had the
Nease was paced by best all-around game for
Shakia Roche 114 Nease, scoring six points,
points) and Kelsey grabbing eight rebounds and
Swendson (13 points). blocking four shots.
With the loss, the Panthers It was a team effort with
dropped to 1-3 on the season. eight different Nease players
The Panthers renew their scoring in the balanced offen-
Beaches rivalry next Tuesday sive attack.
night when they host the The victory put Nease in the
Fletcher High Senators in a event's championship game.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page- 11A
lf you are hke me, during
I football season you turn into
ESPN to see all of the great
plays as well as the great hits. I
also like to get an update on
who has been injured, and see
the plays on which the injury
While there are many differ-
ent ways to get injured on the
field, over the years it has been
shown that there are many%
S ways to get hurt off the field,.
Stood. These really are reported
injuries, and I promise I am not
making this up.
Quarterback Brian Griese,
after having previously fallen
down in his driveway and
smashing his face, once tripped
over his dog, fell down the
stairs and sprained an ankle.
Former Jaguars punter Chris
Hanson once cut his leg with
an axe, chopping a log in the
locker room in What was sup-
posed to be a motivational
stunt. He had previously
missed time due to second
degree burns on his hands and
ankle from a fondue mishap.
And then there was the saga
of Thomas Jones, Arizona
Cardinals running back, who
" broke his hand while reaching
for the telephone.
However, the most ridiculous
excuse for missing game time
has to be from Kevin Mitchell,
former Redskins LB, who was
unable to play due to "strained
Baseball players seem to have
the most comical methods of
getting hurt. Former Braves'
pitcher Tom Glavine once
broke a rib while vomiting dur-
ing a team flight in 1992, and
John Smoltz once burned his
chest while ironing a shirt -
that he happened to be wearing
at the time.
Former Yankee Hall of Famer
Bill Dickey knocked himself
unconscious when he dove
into the dugout while celebrat-
ing the Yankees' winning the
pennant .
Rickey Henderson once got
frostbite, in August, when he
fell asleep while icing his ankle.
Terry Harper partially dislo-
cated his shoulder while wind-
milling a teammate home from
third base. Mark Quinn, out-
fielder for the Kansas City
Royals, cracked his ribs show-
ing his brother some kung fu
moves before the start of spring
training. Adam Eaton, pitcher,
stabbed himself in the stomach
with a knife trying to get the
shrink wrap. off of a DVD.
Rangers outfielder Oddibe
McDowell sustained a three-
inch gash on his hand while
buttering a roll
It appears that the hotel
room is a common place ,of
injury. Wade Boggs fell into a
hotel couch while trying to pull
on his cowboy boots and sus-
tained bruised ribs.
Oakland A's pitcher Rich
Harden once strained his shoul-
der reaching for the snooze
button on his alarm, Chicago
Cub Glen Allen Hill, was
dreaming he was being
attacked by spiders, and
smashed a glass table top and
cut his hand.
Slugger Sammy Sosa once
missed two weeks due to a
strained ligament in his back.
The muscled home run hitter
for the Chicago Cubs was not.
injured swinging for the fences,
not running the bases, and not
dising for a fly ball. No, he
was injured sneezing. That's
Basketball League
Beaches Basketball League
winter registration for boys and
girls ages 3 years old through
5th grade is taking place now,
through Dec. 1. The season
runs froni Jan. 2 until March
and features an 8-game sched-
: For more information visit
beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-
There is a bowling league for
seniors 55 and up at Beach ,
Bowl on Beach Boulevard.
Competition in the Monday
league begins at 1 p.m., with
practice starting at 12:45 p.m.
Call Paula at 249-9849 for infor-
Episcopal News
Three Episcopal High School
athletes committed to college
teams last week, and one other,
Atlantic Beach resident Brittany
Tumbull, was invited as a pre-
ferred walk-on as a libero to the
University of Central Florida's
volleyball team. The others
were Hadley Ferguson of
Fernandina Beach, a member of
Episcopal's two consecutive
state cross country champi-
onship teams, who has signed
with the University of Georgia;
volleyball player Tory Anderson
of Jacksonville, who signed with
Florida Gulf Coast College; and
volleyball Stacy Byrd of
Jacksonville, who signed with
Vofford College.
Episcopal held a recognition
for the four college-bound ath-
letes Nov. 17.
Golf Champs
Barryn- Sabia and Nathan Boyd
were overall champions of Selva
Marina Country Club's Annual
S Pr..: .u rr, d
St. Paul's boys basketball team (17-1) won the Catholic Grade School Basketball Tournament title
over "Palmer Catholic, 44-32. It was St. Paul's fifth league championship in the last six years. Back
row, from left: Coach Tommy Hulihan, Sean Weglicki (All-Tournament team), Mike Kilcullen, Dillon
McNulty, Matt Rybeck, Matt Kuhlman (Tournament MVP), Wesley Davis, J.J. Kuhlman (All-
Tournament team). Front row: C.J. Thomson, Andrew Kurtz, Brennon Sullivan, Austin Merriam,
Kyle Boudreaux, manager Trey Lynch.-
Member-Guest Tournament, a
three-day event in which 94
players participated. Tom Bush
Mazda-Volkswagen-BMW-M Inii
was the sponsor.
Neil Dixon won the opening
night "Shoot for the Bill," put-
ting a shot 3'9" from the hole
as participants were allowed
one effort from the clubhouse
to the putting green 100 yards
away. .
The Ponte Vedra Lacrosse
boys program, under head
coach Dan McAuliffe, will have
signups for Spring Lacrosse
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov.
20 and 21 at Bogey Grille in
Ponte \'edia Beach. The per-
player cost is $150, and prayers
have to be present in order to
try on shorts and jerseys. This
year, new uniforms will be
ordered for each player to keep.
In order to join the program,
players need a U.S. Lacrosse
number, which they can get
from uslacrosse.org.
The Ponte Vedia Lacrosse
girls program is going to have
two signups. The first is from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec..10 at the
Landrum fields. The second is
from 2 p,m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 7,
also at the Landrum fields. A
free clinic wiIll be given that day
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Starting this week, forms are
available at school for through-
the-mail signups. Also. signups
can be accomplished by e-mail-
ing Leslie Santillo at pvbgirl-
The girls season will run from
Feb. 25 through May 6. The
cost is $100 per player.
right., a sneeze caused him to
throw out his back.
Because of this Herculean
sneeze, Sosa developed back
spasms so bad that he required
epidural injections to calm this
Injuries can be quite a pain
in the butt, as Tiger pitcher
Dave Rozema found out.
Teammate Kirk Gibson pulled a
locker room stool away from
Rozema, who happened to
have a glass bottle of cough
syrup in his back pocket. The
bottle crushed, the glass shards
ended up in his buttocks, and
Rozema missed his next start.
And finally in keeping with
the theme ot missed game time
for ridiculous reasons I give you
the case of Pascual Perez. The
former Atlanta Braves pitcher,
missed a scheduled start when
he got lost and couldn't find
the stadium for an Atlanta
home game.
This i rtt to
This column is written to dis-
cuss isSuies rLarding sports, medi-
cine, ani sMl/n. It is not intitnded l
to sen'e as a replacement for trneat-
menrit 'i your regular doctor. It is
only designed to offer uiidelines
on the prevention, recogpition, and
care of injuries and illness.
Specific concern 5shoulid be dis-
cussed with vour physician.
Mail vour questions to Gregorn
Smith. AID Sporsmnedicine.
1250 S. 18th Street. Suite 204,
FerIhnadihna Beach. Fl 32034.
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Some strange off-the-field injuries
ff7he." il
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Jaguars shine
in prime time
ABOVE RIGHT: Jaguars quarterback David Garrard (9) lunges
for a first down against the New York Giants Monday night in
Jacksonville's 26-10 victory.
ABOVE: Rookie Maurice Jones-Drew returns the opening kick-
BELOW: Receiver Matt Jones checks out the scoreboard
replay of his 49-yard fourth-quarter catch.
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_______________________________- r-~-- -. ___________~
The Beaches Leader[Ponle V'edra Leader
Noveinber 24, ,2006
Paeo 12A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
November 24. 2006
* Club Scene (right)
... see B-5
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7
Christmas trees
dry out quickly
Hope all of you with trop-
ical plants have taken the
steps talked about several
weeks ago so your plants are
A quick rehash: If you
have citrus and have not yet
covered the grafted area
with polyurethane foam,
sand or dirt, you'd better do
that first.
Then get your stash of
blankets, old sheets, newspa-
pers, etc. piled in a conven-
ient spot so you can hustle
to cover tender plants when
predictions for temperatures
in the 30's occur.
Tropical plants like
bougainvillea, mandevilla,
allemande, hibiscus, orchids,
poinsettias, some gingers,
newly-planted cold hardy
annuals, and some of the
more tender palms will need
protection from frosts.
However, some need protec-
tion even when the temp
drops to anything below 40.
Remember to remove the
coverings after morning ,
temperatures get above 40
or your plants will cook.
For those of you who will
be buying Christmas trees,
remember that the stands
that are providing protec-
tion for the trees with tents
or heavy tree canopy are the
best places to look.
Keeping in mind that
these trees were probably
cut back in late September,
they have been slowly dry-
ing out, so by the time they
are unwrapped here, they
are in dire need of a drink of
Your best places will do
that on a daily basis, and
they will also have a chain
saw ready to make a fresh
horizontal cut across the
trunk so that when you get
the tree home, you can
either put it in a water-filled
bucket until you are ready
to take it inside, or if imme-
diately taken indoors, your
tree stand should be the
type that holds water and
you can do fill it right away.
Keeping the tree from dry-
ing out and presenting a fire
hazard is the goal.
The Cooperative
Extension Service has a cur-
rent list of U-Cut Christmas
Tree farms, so if that is your
idea, give them a call for the
locations and phone num-
bers before you head out.
Keep in mind that orce cut,
the tree will start its drying
process, so be sure and
either put it up immediately
or manage its time outside
so it gets sprayed a few
times a day with water, and
the bucket is always full
with fresh water.
Make a fresh cut to the
trunk just prior to bringing
it indoors; sap clogs the
pores preventing the uptake
of water and nutrients once
the tree is cut.
And, there is no research
that proves the addition of
sugar, or other magical
ingredients like baking soda,
vinegar, etc., etc. actually
make the tree flame retar-
dant or fresher. Just thought
I'd throw that in.
So many' folks, me includ-
ed, have resorted to fake
trees, and 1,11 tell you I was
really reluctant to go that
route. I mean, how could a
New Englander buy a fake
Christmas tree? That's about
as hypocritcal as it gets.
My tree always goes in our
family room which has a
wall of windows with full
western exposure. Within
days of putting the tree up,
needles were falling down
.- -. -, ,flr dDmrwcad
yne, iale, now a music profpsor, at. the Vnaiverpity h f North, Forida,"pirforms Tuesday......
Jazz pianist to perform
at Ponte Vedra library
-. FRO CONTRIBUTOR .I. uing in .the tradition of jazz,
L nternatipral e.jazz pianist these talented musicians
Lyn ne Aruale will, perform bring a youthful perspective
with the University of North on America's original musi-
'FL614JzziA'llStars in a free cal art form.
concer.-Tuesdayat the Ponte- This year the.combo won
Vedra Beach fibrar y. awards at the Next
.The con"'edrt 'begins- at 7 Generation 'Festival in
'p n .... Monterey, Calif:., and:. the
-'Arr!le,A ;jazz.pibhno profes- ..1 North Texas Jazz Festivahl:
sop .in UN,F,'s, music. depart-' Next month they will play at
meat, has just returned from' ':' or. ou.rne. the Midwest, Clinic iih
concerts in, England and Lynne Arriale'won'the,Great Chicago.
.'recently released her niht.h American Jaiz Piano The performance is spon-
q). release,'. ".'Come .Competition in 1993. scored by the Friends of the
Tgethe', Library and is part of their
't er'ipu.',u p ."Arise" composernpia'ist':,will, also year-long series of music
dN"i6`.'o 17' botilllboard, .No. perform in:Ganha'da Australia concerts. The concert will be
1; on UPI's Best Jazz CDI's and the Pacific Rim.' held in the .. Fi.rends
and won the Gerdnan Record She 'will :be ,lietforming .Community Room of the
GCillcs Award. ,.'. with UNF's top 'stUdent jazz library at 101 Library Blvd.;
i'Yr piano st'le' is known combo, the All-'$tars, whose Ponte Vedra Beach. '
fpor.,its heartfelt folkloric repertoire rarings'roni classic No tickets are required and
qualiit, and her reinventions jazz standards to contempo- doors open at 6:30 PM. For
of pop classics.,'This year the rary originals. While contin- more details, call 285-5037.
'building sts environment
Lionti building artist's environment
A flamingo rendition of
Groucho Marx'and a red hat
lady hang out near a bottle
tree in the front yard of a
local artist's house.
The yard is the beginning
of an "artist's environment,"
created by F. Caterina Lionti,
a Beaches abstract artist who
wanted to establish a place
that evokes happy feelings,
in part because of her hus-
band's cancer and for others
to enjoy, in general.
i'-ionti is not 'your typical
afrist. Much of her work,
which is mostly abstract, is
created on a computer using
a fractal, which is a geomet-
ric formula, according to
Lidnti. Although her work is
done on a computer, Lionti
equates the process to a dif-
ferent form of painting.
Using several computer pro-
grams, Lionti is able to layer
colors and "paint with light"
as she describes it.
She inputs the formula
into the computer and cre-
ates abstract images, full of
bold color and light. Her art
feels like an ebb between
light-hearted and mysterious
- much like she does.
For example, one of her
paintings, "Glass Worlds,"
actually,looks as if the float-
ing orbs in the painting are
glowing. The effect is other-
Perhaps that is because
many of Lionti's ideas are
inspired by her dreams.
"I get my ideas at 3 o'clock
in the morning," said Lionti,
who can't sleep on an idea
and feels compelled to work
when the thought strikes.
Oneiof her next projects
involves a sculpture that she
has seen repeatedly in a reoc-
curring dream which rotates
so she can see how it should
be made.
Her work today is often
inspired by the images and
cultures she has been sur-
rounded by in her travels.
Many of her pieces are
inspired by the water, which
she loves. For example, she
created "Bayou Mysteries"
from her memories of living
near the swamps in
Mississippi. The painting
evokes feelings of mystery
and intrigue with swirling
tendrils of dark color.
"The swamps fascinated
me," she said.
While some of her work
eludes to a more enigmatic
side of her personality,
Lionti has a playful and
quirky spirit.
She is currently creating an
"artist's environment," a
themed setting that artists
use to express ideas and
thoughts to the world. Some
artists create religious mon-
tages, for example, others,
such as Lionti take a more
humorous approach.
"When people come here,
it'll make them smile," she
said. Her goal is to create a
happy place for she and her
husband to enjoy as well as
to spread happiness to oth-
When the environment is
complete, it will include a
"wall of wisdom," full of
quotes, a geodesic sphere,
covered in glass, and toilets
converted into mosaic chairs
for the front porch.
While Lionti wants her art
to bring some deep meaning
to people, she also likes to
make it fun, she said.
.lames Bond, the dashing.
British secret agent.in Ian
Fleming's debut novel,
"Casino RoVale,"-drove a vin-
tage Bentley, gambled and
smoked heavily and uttered
politically incorrect phrases
such as "women are for recre-
The first of Fleming's 007
novels, "Casino Rovale"
(1953) is the basis for the lat-
est Bond film starring Daniel
Unlike Bond in the film,
Bond never fires a shot or
throws a punch, in the book.
Most of the.action is relegated
to the baccarat!table, .where
007 matches witsyvith a high-
rolling Russianopeirtive "on
the brink of a financial crisis."
And despite having two kills
to his credit, the introspective
secret agent downplays his
Double-O status.
"It's not:difficult to get a
Double 0 number, if you're
prepared'to kill. people," Bond
tells his first and last true
love, Vesper Lynd in the book.
"It's nothing to be particu-
larly proud of. One does what
one is told."
This is a budding Bond,
more emotionally and physi-
cally vulnerable than in later
novels, or films, for that mat-
As much as he likes to play
the field, Bond is smitten by%
the beautiful Lynd, and the
romance has dirqpconse-
quences for both.
In the novel, Bond drives
his battleship-grey Bentley
"hard and well agid .with.an
almost sensual pla'su-e.'" '
To him, woman are like
luck, "to be softly wooed or
brutally ravaged, never pan-
dered to or pursued," the book
You just finished a
Thanksgiving dinner that was
alternately satisfying and
bloating. Now you can check
out some holiday movies that
will have the same effect on
Opening this week:
"Deck the Halls" Two
neighbors iDanny DeVito and
Matthew Broderick) compete
to see who has the biggest, er,
Christmas lights. This one
looks like "Surviving Christmas
2" to me.
"Bobby" Emilio Estevez
wrote and directed this bio-
Gambling, something
Fleming admitted he was
never good at in his personal
life, is the novel's dark under-
"The grass-green base bat-
tlefield soaks up the blood of
its victims," writes Fleming
about the evil-tinged card
"The scent and sweat of a
casino are nauseating at three
in the morning. The soul ero-
sion produced by high gam-
bling a compost of greed
and fear and nervous tension."
If nothing else, the reader
comes away with at least a
rudimentary knowledge of
high-stakes baccarat and
Bond's back story.
Never before "melted" by a
woman, Bond falls in love in
"Casino Royale," but is double
crossed in the end.
The emotional scar silences
his heart and strengthens his
resolve "to take on SMERSH
and hunt it down."
"The business of espionage
could be left to the white-col-
lar guys," the book concludes.
"He would go after the
threat behind the spies, the
threat that made them spy."
flick about the late Sen. Robert
Kennedy. Well-intentioned,
but it's already getting bad
buzz -- and who's dying to see
Lindsay Lohan in a bouffant?
"For Your Consideration" -
Another improv-fest from
Christopher Guest & Co. ("Best
In Show"), about some movie
actors who go crazy when their
flick is said to generate Oscar
"Tenacious D: The Pick of
Destiny" Jack Black and Kyle
Gass do their mock-rock rou-
tine about a musical duo in
search of the Holy Grail of gui-
tar picks. Yes, folks, in today's
world, this passes for a movie
Lionti's bottle tree, decorated with glass bottles hanging from
the branches, certainly adds a flair to her Beaches yard.
rage B-I
Fleming's debut novel
sets the stage for Bond
Plenty of turkeys at
box office this week
I ., -- -Cp
November 24, 2006
The Reache s eader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Drop-In. Fridays-Theatre
Games on Friday afternoons
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Kids ages 7-12 years will be
able to let their imagination
run wild during the high ener-
gy playtime. Parents must sign
a waiver for kids to participate.
Donations only, suggested
amount $5. ArtLife is located
at 510 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach, .'j.tust. off Atlantic
Boulevard, 'two blocks north of
SkateLab, at 5th Street. For
information, call'247-8337.
= Your ART Together!
Some piece
alone, while
Bring us all
them part o
30% o
SKitndermnusik 'and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
S,, Jacksionville Beach and Ponte
:svedra Beach for children 'from
.blith :..t0 to age, 7. For
'.Kind' i.msik, 4 music and
mA6vemenlt program for all
M ages, children are divided by
Sage groip.p Playday is for walk-
Sers to' 26 months 'old. and
includes p4ra hute p y,
'a e n.irib figandO ariiisical activi-
Sties.,Pre'schl children and up
attend without t parents. One Bookl
trial las is free. Call 249-3828 HolidI
Sr a ".0e fs t he Jacksoii ille P4blic -t
'Library, 600 Third'St., leptune ,
Beach also has children's activ- h
bite, o t aitie Call 241 -11'41 and press 4 i e
for. children 's, activities and 5 .1kic(an tstl
o b' for -the refer nce'desk. get ak,
The soulful swamp-funk rock of J.J. Grey and Mofro meshes with the Jdck s6nvill Symphony acvit h s o Iea s, icluding
Orchestra Saturday, as part the JSO's Pluoged in concert series. Call 354 5547for ticket dils karte t ng and games.
247 6218.
:.". ':. SCHOOLERS,suppr-A grou5
Matheson: Select plant material wO iselyg, SCioms o ESsuidren-p g roru
.e younger, meet as folloWs:
Chrlit : t. ie ;ifedt ee
Contd. from B-1 ing a mess of drive eways and Pampas grass ca 'be pruned Ch ur h, 1eS. 'Rcscoe ll l .,
smell didn't last because of months will lose their leaves an.if c be shad f p.m: the. third-Mbnday of the
the sun, ornaments would fall so fastyou will no t even des Besi re eind wea r pro- .mohth(285-8.09 .; -
off, and heaven forbid anyone know it, but-you,ll have tons tective Gckthing t e CO er you aport ha--, ,Station
because then the entire The Live Oak is an fabulous becabese,lie saw tbotih blades .. monday of- i onth -270-
branch would become bare tree for all the right reasons, on the"'talks-are lethal 5212) '
almost instant e obut one was planted in the Sincea.most of th e varieties _LonteHia'TRI n
We had a "Charlie Brown" wrong place can be a pain. We are in' .lIage-oW itis a. Church, 4510' Pam Valley
Christmas tree most of the inherited ne prior to our grattine to hr pmes. Road, PonteYedra Beach, 9 15
time. So a few ears ago we moving in and my sidewalks ,for argang xpehts ato take a..... 1:30m thsond
bit the bullet, bought a fake and driveway look very one t rse if.hat is h and fou th today of the
one complete with lights. unsightly. species you specially wsarit to notth 8 2 .
.Nd- -.rVu--balshf_ 1 f -iel-in. -- S' r"h '. ..Tf.i f "_.i' --C
fresh of cut tree smell. Not synchronized with the drop- that seem to have planned YMCA, on Landrum La, .
proud of it, but I also didn't ping of the seedpods from obsolescence, living about 15 next to Landrum Middle
want a. fire. sI nearby crape myrtles.and we y'earsand then starting to School in Ponte Vedra Beach',
I will touch on the cake ol. will just need to pressure decline for no apparent rea- .has a' heated swimming pool .
poinsettias next week since I wash once. One more thing to son. Nothing will halt the and offers s imming -lessons
know many folks will be buy- add. to the list process for it is genetic. and family swim times. The
ing those right away. Before The popular Drake Elm is W ax myrtles, sycamores, YICA features a teen room
next week's paper, if it gets also giving us (its now. Itis some maples are lust a few and- occasional organized
cold at night, move any you sending it million light that do this. Our huge Wa activities for' youth. The center
have outdoors to the garage. green sieedpods that drop myrtle hedge, planted to also has classes for children
Now, I have justoa few com- everywhere,'anht d wherever thwart golfers from encroach- and youth.
ments to make on a couple of they do drop, a sprout will ing on our property to collect -.YMCA membership d tails
other plants that have noth- grow. their golf balls, is dying,mak- are available by calling .543-
ing to do with the December Did ou kn ow that if ypur 'ing large voids in our land- 9622.
holidays, but with the change tree harigs over into your scape.t.
of the natural seasons. neighbor's yard, the neighbor They are all about 14 years .
This is a very. good time to hasothe-legal right to cut off in age. I knew this at the time-. ...
notice pine trees that are all of the intrusive branches? of selection, but thought it
dying because they stand out This applies to any tree, wouldn't happen to us. Now
against the brilliant blue sky bush, whatever that invades a we are up against a big prob-t
at this time of tear. neighbor's property. If you lem, and an expensive one at "MENOPAUSE: M THE
The tops begin to turn a have this situation, remember that. MUSICAL'' runs through Dec.
light green, then yellow, then to talk to your neighbor about I have plenty of research to 17 at the Times-Union Center
more of the tree exhibits this, it before tempers flare and the do before we purchase for the Performing Arts, 300 W..
and.soon you see brown tree gets decthnated by his replacements, bit I have to Water St., Jacksonville. Times
branches so when a storm incorrect pruning say, I should have knownsbet- and ticket prices varytthrough-
comes along, limbs start nAnd, if-you have a small lot, ter and not planted those. out the run. Call '632-3373 for
crashing down. thinkabout planting a differ- Whether the golfers come- specific prices,ad show times.
The southern pine bark bee- ent type of; tree that will not prowling into the yard is yet-I
tie is doing a nasty job on the encroach on.another,s proper- to be seen, but the void is "OKLAHOMA!" closes its
pines. Tlere is no cure for ty. So many sqbdi'isions are awful. So, be aware of things run Sunday at the Alhambra
this, and you may as well being built with close to zero; like this and select plant Dinner Theatre, 12000 Beach
accept that the tree will have lot lines,, making the selection material wisely. Blvd., Jacksonville. Doors open
to be removed, sooner rather of correct plant material very That's it for today. Next at 6 p.m. for evening shows.
than later. important. week and the weeks following, Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on
Also notice that as beautiful The extension service has I'll be talking about typical Saturday and noon on Sunday.
as Live Oaks are, they have numerous brochures and tips holiday stuff as it relates to Admission ranges from $39 to
seeds which fall all over, stain- that can help you select the plants. If you have topics $46 for dinner and show. Call
ing whatever they hit. They proper plant for the proper, you'd likeh me to discuss, call 641-1212 for information.
lose the seedpods now, riak- .place.' me m'at 363-9872.
s of art are best displayed
e others just look lonely.
of your loners and let us make
f a group.
ff custom picture framing
roaming Establishment
Sawgrass Village
1740 Sawgrass Village Dr.
Ponte Vedra, FL
or- ktlReheatsul Dinnervs
ay Parties Corl orale lundlions
Sm/ Baby or eddin, .Shoers
. S/ f ptSpeiul Bit frlhdluy, 30.40.50 More
Inl.A l M tidoustid d'ock lin ) t I-,olk in, iow IIr.noaslal.
ilbi spi' it i,I 'ttii n '1. f tl A ik itLIe 1i '1,r Ii a f i yo II'I
ieali/i.'lIoii tu oi t u i rgi ohll is dll a t2 l 4i9l7n
e an appoiint me r ,ow wH I ,ill.Cissel at 24F9771.. .
Fresh Fall Color
SGarden Displays
Mums Petunias Pair
ms *Assortment of PotsA
w lS e Everything For Your Holiday N
* Christmas Trees (Delivery & Setup A*
* Wreaths
* Poinsettias
Second Hand Rose
Nursery & Landscaping
510 Shetter Ave., Jax Beach 247-0390 249-6623
Off Beach Blvd., behind Wendy's (5 Blocks from the beach)
,~a ..i.
Beach Blvd.
Sherter A% e.
weeKenall L
*% : ..,. ...
-o ':7 sz
117--. Wr 1
- ".i :
, 0! <
Nnvm r4 Ah eh ae n dL ee n
Scholarly Sanchez exhibit now at J. Johnson
W words of a master
painter with whom I
studied: "Forget
everything you have ever
learned in art classes and put
something down on the can-
These-words came to mind
when viewing the new exhibit
of works by Yolanda Sanchez .'
at theJ. Johnson Gallery in
Jacksonville Beach.
Sanchez's exhibit opened
last week.
Beautiful shades of pink,
yellow, orange, a dab here and
there of deep green and black
lirnes running through all
these lovely colors are dis-.
played on large white canvas-
es. '
This is not what you would
expect from the scholarly
Sanchez with the impressive
educational background.
It is almost childlike and
will provoke adverse criticism
from those who enjoy only
photographic realism.
However, it took courage,
imagination, a knowledge of
color and experimentation to
create these truly original
works of art. They cannot be
copied and represent the
imagination and skill of an
artist who understands color
and is not afraid to use it.
See this exhibit through Jan.
26 at 177 4th Ave. N. Call
435-3200 for more informa-
Eight art galleries are fea-
tured in the Beaches Gallery
Holiday Tour on Saturday,
Dec. 2.
Galleries include First Street
Gallery and Stellers Gallery'
Annex, both in Neptune
Beach, Chao Framing, J.
Johnson Gallery, Electic
Galleries in Jacksonville
Beach, and Stellers Gallery,
Ponte Vedra Cultural Center
and Fairfax Gallery in Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Pick up a map at any one of
the participating galleries.The
hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
First Street Gallery will host
its 7th annual Holiday
Extravaganza and Open House
Nov. 24-26. Spectacular works
in handblown and lampwork
glass, sculptures, fiber works,
wooden items, candles, jewel-
ry and ceramics by local artists
will provide a wide selection
of original gifts for that special
person. As a special treat on
today and Saturday, the first
50 customers will receive a
special ornament with pur-
chase. The gallery is at 216-
First St., Neptune Beach. Call
The Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art will have its
annual Holiday Open House
on Saturday, Nov. 18, from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday,
Nov. 19, from noon until 4
p.m. During Open House,
JMOMA patrons and visitors
will enjoy special discounts,
door prizes and holiday delica-
Original works by local,
national and international
artists will be available.
Saturday Stop-Ins from 2 to 3
p.m. on Nov. 18 and 25 are
welcomed. Enjoy Sunday Art
Fusion on Nov. 19 and 26
from noon until 4 p.m.
Create your own necklace or
make found object sculptures.
For information, call 366-
6911, ext. 215.
Members of the Neptune
Arts Group will feature a new
exhibit, "Christmas
Memories," Dec. 1-30 at South
Beach Gallery, 1250 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach. The
gallery will have an Open
House Christmas celebration
on Dec. 10 from 2 to 5 p.m.
The public is invited to join
this celebration. Works by
members of this group will
also be on display at Piano
Expo Dec. 4 to 30. Call 642-
'* *,
Look forward to "Temples
and Tombs: Treasures of
Egyptian Art from the British
Museum," which opens at the
Cummer Museum of Art and
Gardens on Dece. 22. Art cre-
ated by the ancient Egyptians
in 1300 B.C. will be on dis-
play, and lectures about this
ancient civilization and its
culture are scheduled.
The gift shop at the
Cummer will have treasures of'
Egyptian art. The exhibit will
be on display through March
18, 2007. Call 356-6857.
The Beaches Area Historical
Society will have a Holiday
Open House on Thursday,
Dec. 7, from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Enjoy face painting, refresh-
ments, crafts and other activi-
ties plus a visit from'Santa
Claus at Old No. 71. The
museum is at Pablo Park, at
the corner of 3rd Street and
0Ya 20 UU M WIM
Come visit our showroom:
1086 3rd Street North
(Behind Harry's in Jax Beach.)
We'll Make Your
Home Beautiful
a.w1 10
Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville
Beach. .
"A Tuna Christmas" will
open at Players By-the-Sea
Community Theater on
Friday, Dec. 1, and run
through Dec. 16. Artworks in
'the lobby will be works by
First Coast Artists. For reserva-
tions, call 249-5628. Players is
at 106 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach.
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra will have a
Holiday Arts Camp from Dec.
18 to 29. Register by the day
or by the week. Call 280-0614
for information. The Center is
at 50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Nofa Dixon's Tapestry Series
is part of a faculty exhibit at
the University of North Florida.
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Weekend 3
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
I Noveber 2. 200
I l i i l
I l
Weeen 4Th Bechs eaer/one eda Ladr ovmbe 2, 00
-Copyrighted Miaterial
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,,,Available from Cndommcated Contentws Providers"
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Regal 18
Bobby. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:20, 4:00, 7:35, 10:35.
*" *
Deck The Halls. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs'., 11:55 a.m,; 2:30,.
4:50, 7:30, 9:45.
Deja Vu. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:30, 1:00, 3:55, 4:25,
7:25, 7:55, 10:20, 10:50..
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The Fountain. Rated PG13.
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Tenacious D: The Pick of
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Casino Royale. Rated PG13.
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7:05, 7:40, 8:10, 10:10.
Let's Go To Prison. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 9:35.
Stranger Than Fiction. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:55, 3:50,
6:45, 9:30.
Borat. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
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Flushed Away. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:15, 2:40, 4:45.
The Santa Claus 3: The
Escape Claus. Rated G. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:10, 4:15, 7:00, 10:00.-
Babel. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:20, 3:35, 7:10.
The Departed. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 7:15, 10:35.
The Queen. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:25, 4:05, 6:55, 9:55.
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gift ideas for the holidays?
Why not buy a gift card to World Grill's
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Join friends & new acquaintances as you partici-
pate in hand's on cooking classes with Chef Brett
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Classes also include recipes, souvenirs and
a copy of the menu from that night's feast.
Reservations are required and class is .
limited to 20 people.
Classes will be held the -1
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December 11th. The cost is
$125.00 per person.
World Grill ,
14471 Beach Boulevard W0
I (Intracoastal West) L
www.worldgrillj ax.com
,November 24, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Weekend 4 ,
- --
-T-- -?-
9% kfftol =
Weekend 5
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
The Nomads wander in at 9
p.m. today and Saturday.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach
* 249-9595. Jamski. Luv featur-
ing members of Seven Nations
appears at 9 p.m. Saturday.
Traditionla Irish music with
Michael Funge at 6 p.m.
Sunday. Combover is in Nov.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine appears from 7 to
10 p.m. every Wednesday.
Spade McQuade is in every
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville BeaCh 246-
BIRD. Tempest reign with
Shelturd Hell, Post faction and
Penny For Your Thoughts play
hard rock at 9 p.m. today. The
Led Zeppelin tribute band
Zoso performs Saturday. Los
Lobos are in Thursday."
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach a
249-5181. Trevor and Tanner
appear from 6 to 9 p.m. today
and Saturday followed by
Roger That from 10 p.m. to
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.
The Boogie Freaks are in today
and Saturday. Billy. and
Vinnny appear Sunday.
Aromas Cigar,. Wine &
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach. 280-2525.. Le
Monde Quartet plays Latin
music' Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group-. performs.
every ,Thursday. Jose LeBron-
and .T-e taonde ., t
-V 2 a-'- al ,/ ..
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N.:, Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
Brix, Jacksonville Beach
Jazz great Teddy Washington is
in every Wednesday through
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili. Pili plays reggae' every
Friday a.nd Saturday.
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour
Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach *
285-7777. Cloud Nine are in
today and Saturday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday. Spade
McQuade plays traditional
Irish. music .every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.,
Reggae with Pili Pill every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band ,is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch. Jazz Quintet
performs today. .Pianist Matt
Hall-appeais Satdrday.'
9* *
S.Honiestead- Restaurant, 1712
Beach, Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears
Lynch's -Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live. music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green. men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte.Vedra'
. Beach 543-9:143. Gene
-Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
-Miniqrd. is in Saturday.
Michael Howard .'lays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
photo submitted
The University of North Florida Jazz All-Stars (above) will join international jazz pianist Lynne
Arriale in a free concert at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Ponte Vedra Beach Library.
* ,
Tra Vini Italian 'Restaurant,
216 'Ponte 'Vedra Patk Drive,
'Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and stan-
dards V:Thursday through
S .
aMNdr d.f SteakTpusek25
J -.'-R"%A Mfi8Blvd, ,Mantk cffc
ANTax'3' Restaurant, 1312 -241-5600. N a .Annt T kin'
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville is in Wednesdays. Mike
Beach 247-6820. John Evans Shackelford performs Friday.
plays the piano every Friday Kenhe is in from Sauirday.
and Saturday.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street -
North, Jacksonille Beach. ;-.. The Atlantic, 333 N. First(St.,
. Mystic Roots. in the tikii bar' 'Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn .&
every Tuesday. Fifth South. and ". the Geronimos host karaoke
the Glass Camels are in the ever)' Tuesday.
t. Bubba Lounge' every,' '- **
Wednesday. Reggae with Pill Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Pill from 4'to 8 p.m. every. Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Sunday. Karaoke every Wednesday and
.' .. Thursday'.
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd, .. ." *
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133. Lynch's. Irish Pub, 514 N.
, Ralph "E" performs top 40's, First St., Jacksonville' Beach.
blues, oldies 4nd. jazz every. Karaoke is held at. 9:30 p~m.
Friday and Saturday night. every Sunday.
* *
Shelby's Coffee Shqpppe, 200 Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1st Street, Neptune Beach- 1850 Third Street S.,
249-2922. The John Thomras Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
," Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, .1728 3rd St. N.,'
Jacksonv ille Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Dhnielle
is in every 'Monday' and
Tuesday. DJ Anbonymbus spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins ,
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday 'and Saturday.
Vinoe; 822 AIA N.,' Ponte
Vedra Beach .* 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz .for
Metropolitan Night, every
Note: Acts and performance
days are not always available for
all clubs at press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.
The 60's icon Donovan performs aat 8
p.m. today at 'The Florida Theatre, 126 E.
Forsyth Street, downtown Jacksonville.
Tickets are $32 and $40. Call 355-2787 for
'Mofro joins the Jacksonville Symrphony
Orchestra at 8 p.m. Saturday. in Jacoby
Hall at the Times-Union' Center for the
Performing Arts, 300 W. Water Street,
Jacksonville. Tickets are 414 and $19. Call
354-5547 for information.
.I '- "
Beaches Fine Arts Series presents
:'Measure for Measure: The Music .of
Shikespeare's plays at 7:30 p.m. .Friday,
Dec. I at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1150
5th St. N., Jacksonville Beach. Ensemble
Chaconne featuring Peter H. Bloom,
Renaissance flute; Carol Lewis, viola da
gamba; and Olav Chris Henriksen,
Renaissance lute with Pamela Dellal,
mezzo-soprano. Admission free. 270-1771.
Z, Opportuniy my be closer thai
thin lii fact..at Troy Utitvrsi
S right in our neighborhood Ou
< campuses, located close to where
live and work. offer flexible ida
schedule. so ygou'can pursuetyo
education on your. ternik. The
S lacksonville Site.offder he folalo
S on-site graduite programs at 5
ly. its
Me you
per fourse.
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M'* Naster of Public Administration
Our odnline courses also .offer a
full arrn. of' arduate and
undergraduate programs. TROY has
been recognized in U.S. News &
World Report, The Princetonm
Review. geteducatedxom and
Money Magazine But who(a
miakes.TROY such an ideal choice
for you is how conveniently we fit
your life. This year, continue your
education and create your own
opportunity right here'ih
.Jacksonville where you need us,
when you, need 'us. Apply ohline,or"
call today.
What's happening
this holiday season?
'The'I leader will publish complete information
about seasonal events and activities.
If your organization is planning a holiday program or
activity and would like to let your neighbors know, send
the details' to editor@beachesleader.com
.Whether it's a holiday concert, a visit from Santa Claus
or a benefit for a good cause, let Leader readers know.
In addition to a comprehensive list of holiday
happenings, The Leader will print a directory of
religious services that are planned during the
holiday season. Send information, including a
contact name and telephone number, to
STo 's '
The Newspapers in Education program (NIE)
offered by The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra .
Leaded is-an excellent way to.prepare our children
for their future. Children who are exposed'to
information in their community through
reading the newspaper generally do better
in math; reading, and social science classes-
and generally have better comprehensive skills.
Best of all, this program is FREE for our teachers to sign.up their
whole classroom and get a paper in every child's hand. It is a
wonderful way for them to learn and explore their .
surroundings. There are lots of ways you can use the ()-
newspaper to learn, including writing assignment,
investigative projects and even arts & crafts. Hurry up and let's get your
children started in getting them prepared for the future. To get started please afta= eao
contact Linda Borgstede at 249-9033 or email her at linda@beachesleader.com.' r_ .
You can also go to our website WWW.VVBEACHESLEADER.COM and fill out
' the enrollment form under the NIE Irik and fax it to our location'249-1501.
/ ~am~
prure ,f ofmftwznas
1-ovriu e LtLU O lqc uwa M
Monday, Nov. 27
Monday Movie Matinee:
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center Monday Movie
Matinee is "Over the Hedge,"
which begins at 1:30 p.m. A
soft drink, candy bar and pop-
corn are available' for $1.
Reservations aren't required.
Tuesday, Nov. 28
Computers for Seniors: The
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center offers computer classes
for seniors that begin Nov. 28
and end Dec. 14. The classes
are scheduled for Tuesdays and
Thursday. Beginning
Computers is slated from 9:30
a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and
Intermediate Computer Class,
including the Internet, is
scheduled from 12:30 p.m. to
2:30 p.m.
The cost is $40 for six ses-
slons. Call the Center at 270-
1688 to reserve a seat.
Thursday, Nov. 30
Free Screenings: Free dia-
betes screenings, sponsored by
Kmart, will be held through
Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Kmart
store, 500 Atlantic Blvd. The
number to call for information
is 800-713-3301.
Saturday, Dec. 2
Adopt-A-Highway: Beaches
Democratic Club members
meet at 9 a.m. at Jarbo Park for
; the club's fourth Adopt-A-
Highway cleanup service proj-
ect of the year. The October
sweep resulted in more than
200 pounds of trash being col-
lected. This pickup will be sev-
eral blocks along Highway A 1A
between Beach and Atlantic
Boulevards. Deborah
Courtney, coordinator of the
collections, can be reached at
Library Book Sale: Friends
of the Library of Ponte Vedra
holds a Christmas book sale
from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to
raise money for the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The sale will be held in
Seymour's Bookstore in the
library. All sales over $10 will
receive a 25 percent discount,
S. and those over $20 will be dis-
counted by 50 percent. For
information, call 273-3990..
t.SQ:...PalDa... ..aolfers.,actie...
duty military personnel, in
uniform, and their families an
opportunity to enjoy the
attractions of St. Augustine
free of charge all day long. Free,
lunch also will be served..
Those interested need to stop
by the USO to pick up free
lunch vouchers. .
For information, visit
Sunday, Dec. 3
Birthday bash: Cobalt
Moon celebrates another year
of providing healing energy
and body work for the Beaches
community with an early holi-
days party from 2 p.m. to 6
p.m. at Cobalt Moon Healing
Center, 217 First St., Neptune
Beach. The event, which offers
music and tasty treats, is open
to the public. Contact Kristen
at 525-5867 for information.
Monday, Dec. 4'
Comfort Care: The second
annual Comfort Care thank
you. reception is scheduled
from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the
Conference Center at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches,
Jacksonville Beach. The
Comfort Care Team, part of
the hospital's healing environ-
ment, was established in 2003
to provide alternative methods
of healing. The newest mem-
ber' of the -music therapy team
is Dr. Gerson Yessin, chairman
of the. Music Department at
Jacksonville University and the
University of North Florida
and a member of the Boston
Philharmonic. Next month,
Gus Gonalez, a master's-pre-
pared certified art therapist,
will introduce art therapy as
the newest modality.
For. information, contact
Kam Durham, Baptist Beaches
Comfort Care coordinator, at
Kiwanis golf: The Kiwanis
Club of Jacksonville Beaches
holds its annual charity golf
tournament, which benefits
the Beaches Boys & Girls Club,
at Jacksonville Golf and
Country Club. Registration
starts at 10 a.m., with tee off at
11 a.m. Call Ed Robinson at
610-3740 to sign up.'
Life Line Screening:
Beaches residents can be
screened Dec. 4 to reduce their
...s ha\ing a sb'oe, ranked
as the, third-leading killer in
the world and the second
among women. Life Line
Screening will be at Watson
Realty, :1117, Atlantic Blvd.,
Neptune Beach, starting at 9
a.m. Four total screenings take
less than an hour. A complete
vascular screening package
includes the Stroke/Carotid
Artery, Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm and Ankle Brachial
Index (hardening of the arter-
ies). There's also an osteopero-
sis screening.
For information about the
screenings or to schedule an
appointment, call 1-800-697-
9721. Pre-registration is
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Healing In Progress:
Micah's Place, the only certi-
fied domestic violence center
serving the residents of Nassau
County, offers free and confi-
dential, open-ended, weekly
group meetings to address a
variety of issues related to
domestic, violence. Free child
care is provided. The
Fernandina Beach facility also
offers outreach programs,
including legal advocacy, and
community education and
awareness programs. Call 548-
4646 or 879-6270 for informa-
tion, registration and direc-
Ponte Vedra D.A.R.: The
Ponte Vedra Chapter of the
Daughters of the American
Revolution meets at Marsh
Landing Country Club, 25655
Marsh Landing Parkway, at
10:45 a.m. Mike Clark will talk
about current events. For
information, call Carolyn Roth
at 904-992-7463 or Babs
Hartmann at 904-242-0025.
Friday, Dec. 8:
Just a Dumb Kid: Neptune
Beach resident Joe Abb Overby,
author of "Just a Dumb Kid
from Nowhere," will be fea-
tured speaker at Noon Break,
held from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at
the Beaches Branch Library.
Noon Break, a program of the
Beaches Branch Friends of the
Library, is free and open to the
public. Attendees are welcome
to bring a bag lunch. For infor-
mation, call the Library at 241-
The "Leave 'em Laughing
Tent," the Jacksonville chapter
of The Laurel & Hardy
Appreciation Society, a/k/a
"Sons of the Desert," meets
from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at the
Pablo Creek Branch Library,
13295 Beach Blvd. Admission
is free to all ages; free sodas
and light snacks will be served,
as well
The theme of the meeting is
"A Laurel & Hardy Christmas."
Moies to be screened are the
duo's silent short subject, "Big
Business" t1929), and their
holiday favorite, th'e "March of
the Wooden Soldiers" (1934).
For information, contact
Steve Bailey at' 246-0312 or
visit the group's website at
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Candlelight Service:
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida holds a
Candlelight Service of
Remembrance from 12:30 p.m.
to 2 p.m. at St. Paul's by the
Sea Episcopal Church, 465
llth Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. Community Hospice
invites those who have lost
someone this year to celebrate
their memory. Participants
may bring a picture or memen-
to to display on the Memory
Table. For information, call
Wednesday, Dec. 13
Circle of Friends: The
Beaches Women's
Partnership's Circle of Friends
Benefit Luncheon will be held
at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club.
Donna Hicken will emcee the
event, attendance at which
comes with a donation for at
least $100.
Newcomers: Newcomers of
the Beaches, an organization
for women who are new to the
area, meets at 11 a.m. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st
Street N., Jacksonville Beach.
Bill Cosnotti will present an
informative program about the
Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra, and flutist Lorraine
Roettges will provide a musical
demonstration. The price for
the luncheon is $20, payable
by Dec. 6 to Newcomers of the
Beaches, P.O. Box 2421, Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL 32004. Call
Bonnie Lynch at 904-821-9002
Sto join:or for minformatiorn.
'I,1 -
November 24, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
River City Singles Club: The River City Singles Club, Inc.,
a chapter of the Singles Association of Florida (SAF), holds a
dance from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus
Hall, 1501 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville. Admission is $8, $7
for members. Live music, snacks and refreshments are pro-
vided. For information, call 779-1234.
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery, Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st-Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. Call
247-3299 for information.
Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty: Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and tested, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available for adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and Keman boulevards.
Ponte Vedra Writers: The Florida Writers Association Ponte
Vedra Writers Group meets at 10 a.m. the fourth Saturday of
each month at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library. Call Vic
DiGenti at 285-2258 for information.
Depression support: Depression Bipolar Support Alliance-
Jacksonville Beaches meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches Medical
Center, 1350 13th Ave. S, Visit iwww.dbsajax.org for informa-
Twin Heart Meditation Group: This group meets from 4
p.m. to 5 p.m. at Ocean Yoga Studio, 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. Global meditation from Pranic Healing focuses on
creating planetary'healing and world peace, which begins
within. Love offerings are accepted. Call Diane at 382-5823
for information.
The Exchange Club of the Jacksonville Beaches, a non-
profit community service organization, meets each week
from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Sea Turtle Inn. There will
be no meeting Dec. 29. First-time visitors receive a free break-
fast. Those deciding to join' will get first-quarter membership
for $30. After that, dues are $115 per quarter. For information,
call Jack Morison at 904-318-7162 or e-mail
jmorlson@jaxbeachexchangeclub.com. The club website, for
information about upcoming speakers and programs, is
www. jaxbeachexchangeclub.com.
Toastmasters: Beaches Area Toastmasters Club 2862 meets
from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Atlantic Theater on Atlantic
Boulevard. For information, call Cyndi Rice at 273-2759.
Beaches Arts Center: A beginner watercolor class is offered
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and watercolor for all levels is offered
in the evening, as well as Wednesday and Thursday morn-
ings. Figure drawing classes are held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Beaches Arts Center is at 228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. For information, call 241-3515.
Railroad Club: The Beaches Area Model Railroad Club
meets at 7 p.m. and also Friday at 941 4th St. N., Jacksonville
Beach, behind Sportsmania. The club is open to anyone inter-
ested in scale model railroading. For information, call Dave
Henk at 641-8800 or Richard Paul at 223-5133.
Rollaways: Rollaways Square Dance Club leads modem
western square dancing and offers lessons at Sandalwood
V Ihool e dyed e is Ken Miller. For more infor-
0" .
. "'CopyrightedjMaterial
a I 0. l |
ilable from Commercial News Providers"
* i S
WMM St. Paul's Catholic School
", November 30 December 24 ,
SAsk about $20 children's special ,
1.57.2 5cch. fva jEca~Ii j'a= -Jadwor46 Nachi, ririJu
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Weektrondt fe
__ ___ __
Weekend 7
lend a feeling of opulence to
B i'ii "r ~ collectibles andi Wte. '
3. Fabric can also be put to
use as gift.wrap. It can cover
awkward-shaped gifts not easi-
who are especially handy,
fabric can be sewn to form
gift sacks, stockings or
wine cozies. Stock up on
reduced-price novelty pat-
-__._ tern fabric at a local craft store
at the end of the season, so the
When wrapping
your loved ones,
'Think Unique'
1. Gift boxes come in a vari-
ety of colors, so why hide them
Under gift wrap? Use the box
itself to. create a personalized
package. Simply cut out pat-
terns in the box, such as a
snowflake, snowman, candle,
etc., depending upon the occa-
sion. Use a sharp cutting tool
like an X-acto knife. Line the
box with colored tissue paper,
and the color will show
through the cutouts you've cre-
2. Wallpaper can be used for
much more than just home
decor. With its varied color
palettes and styles, -creating
one-of-a-kind gift wrap is easy.
While more expensive than'
paper gift wrap, wallpaper can
fabric will be on hand come
next year. Or browse the rem-
nants bin for small pieces of
fabric that can form a patch-
work or wrap small gifts.
4. Other housewares items
can also be used when wrap-
ping. Use drapery tassels to tie
up gifts in lieu of ribbon. It can
make the gift look elegant and
expensive. With some drapery
tassels costing about $1.00 at a
discount store, this can be an
inexpensive touch that just
looks like a lot was spent on it.
S. Make the wrapping part of
the gift. Use decorative scarves,
hair clips, towels and similar
6. Don't throw out all of
those' scraps of ribbon that
often become left over. Weave
them together so that they
cover the lid and bottom of a
gift box completely. The result
will certainly be a unique gift
7. For,.tbose with a "Dollar
Store" nearby, browse the aisles
for other inexpensive trinkets
or ideas into thoughtful and
creative gift wrap.
8. Sometimes simple materi-
als have the most impact.
Brown postal paper stamped
with a pattern and tied off with
raffia will set gifts apart.
9. Creativity should not only
lie in the gift wrap. Think of
clever ways to present the gift
........ ia litffif,
Dinner Specials 5-9pm
Tues. Turkey & Ham Buffet
All You Can Eat BBQ Rib
12oz Prime Rib Dinner
12oz Prime Rib Dinner
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Gifts, home decor fashion accessories,
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Reser-vations Call 9928040
to heighten the sense of antici-
pation. Have the gift recipient
follow a set of clues on a "treas-
ure hunt." Or hide the gift
inside something else. For
example, a ring set inside of a
rosebud that has not yet
opened will yield a wonderful
surprise when the flower
Storage Spec.
Great Jax Beach Locaon ,
Fully Fenced Secured Property
Gate Hours 6:3Oarmi-7pm'
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The Beaches, Leader/Pontent Vedra Leader
x'=T ..____1^ ", "1 t rt "
iN ovem ber ', uuo ... .. .. .. ..- .. ..-- ....
W *V Vl* 1 r SEEB-3
.and make y ou r week end spe ct ac u l a r
Christmas Made in Augustine Art Association, of Fame NIAX Theater. $10.50, for adults. with dis- participants learn more Reynolds Park Yacht Center
South the fall festival is one of the "Santa vs. the Snowsman" counts for seniors, students, about the coastal estuary. on the banks of the St. Johns
The 18th region's largest. starts a run Friday that goes military, children and Reservations must be made River on State Route 16 in
The 18th annual Christmas For more than 40 years, the through Dec. 23, while "The groups. in advance. Those interested Green Cove Springs.
this weekend at the Prime St. Augustine Art and Craft Polar Express" opens Dec. 1 A complete schedule, as should call the Coastal The event will be open
Osborn Convention Center, Festival has showcased the and runs through New Year's well as tickets for the three Outdoor Center at 904-471- through this weekend, open
1Oborn Conventi., Jackson ille. work of outstanding artists Day. films, can be obtained at 4144. again on Nov. 29 through the
1000 Water St., acksonvile.rafts and artisans. Already on the screen is www.wgv.com or by calling The trips, in a stable. dou- weekend, the same on Dec. 6
Hours of the arts and crafts The festival, which will IMAX Theater's most recent the theater's ticket hotline at ble kayak, are $45 per person and open each evening there-
festival are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. include food and live musical feature release, "Happy Feet," 904-940-4022 between 10 and include all kayaking after through New Year's.
SauFriday, 10 and a.m to S p.m performances, will be held at which runs through January. a.m. and 6 p.m. daily. equipment,' instruction, First Coast Winter Lights
p.m. Saturday. Cost of admis- the Special Events Field, "Santa vs. the Snowman" Tickets also can be purchased reserve entry fee and tour, will be open from dusk to
sin is $5. Cost for adults; chis- located behind the new will be featured on select at the box office. and bottled water. The tours, 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and
dren 12 and under are admit- Historic Downtown Parking dates, with tickets $6 for which will last approximate- from dusk to 10:30 p.m. on
dren 12 and under are adm Facility on 'Castillo Drive. viewers of all ages. The film is On-water nature ly two hours, are appropriate non-school nights, including
ted free. Festival hours are 10 a.m. to a 35-minute animated pres- experience for people age 15 and up. the school winter break.
St. Augustine Art 5 p.m. Admission is $1. entation. The Friends of the GTNM Admission is $18 per car and
andSt. Aug tine Art For details, call the St. "The Polar Express" is a 90- Reserve, in partnership with First Coast $40 per bus.
and Craft Augustine Art Association at minute film that costs $10.50 Coastal Outdoor Center, are Winter Lights Tickets are available at area
More than 140 artists from 904-824-0716 or visit their for adults, with discounts for offering kavak tours of First Coast Winter Lights, Wachovia branches and at
around the U.S. will display website at www.staaa.org. seniors, students, military, Guana River from 11 a.m. to created by Midwest Display the gate.
their work Saturday and children, and groups. Tickets 1 p.m. Sunday and from 2 and designed as an evening Ice skating costs $5 for
Sunday at the St. Augustine Holiday films at IMAX will be available starting p.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 30. The of entertainment for the children, $7 for adults. Skate
Art and Craft Festival. Holiday films are on the Friday. naturalist-led tours will help whole family, is open at the rental is $3.
Sponsored by the St. screen at the World Golf Hall "Happy Feet" also costs
to~a how, mv memp rn-y6~p~~k2~
t u a & W P ,- '
Weekend 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
November 24, 2006
the Home
Eight ways I make my kitchen cook
Love to cook and am pretty
good at it, too. Dinner's on
the table every night at six
and no one leaves hungry.
But, what helps me most is
not the years I've spent refin-
ing my culinary skills, it's the
tools that I've built into the
kitchen that makes me the
most efficient and able to turn
out great-tasting food quickly.
See if these tips don't help
you, too.
1. Large sink. The problem
with double sinks is that few
use the double-bowl wash and
rinse method anymore.
Today, a large one bowl sink
makes the most sense. In my
kitchen, I have one extra large
bowl with a small disposal
bowl and built-in drain board.
Farm or.
2. Spice storage. For season-
ings I use daily, I attached a
wall hanger next to the stove
and put my cooking spray,
favorite spices, salt and pepper
here. I even keep a bottle of
olive oil here so it's at the
3. More refrigeration.
When people complain about
the refrigerator, it's usually
because there's not enough of
it. An often overlooked option
is the single door "all refriger-
ator" and "all freezer."
Instead of the combination
unit, I have an individual
refrigerator and freezer in my
With these two units, I have
a whopping 35 square feet of
space instead of the usual 25
or so square feet of space
available in a combination
Best of all, I got a high-end
amount of storage with a reg-
ular.refrigerator price tag.
4. Go big. Recently I needed
a utensil holder but the ones
at the home center only held
about six items. So, I took a
spatula to my garden center to
size up a new utensil holder. I
bought a beautiful ceramic
pot to hold all my utensils.
Think about size in your
kitchen. You need items large
enough to suit your needs. If
you don't find what you need
off the rack, improvise or have
something custom made for
you. I had a giant platter cus-
tom made for me by The
Hairy Potters nvi that holds a
whole pound of cooked pasta.
Don't think custom is out of
your reach.
5. Kitchen garden. Nothing
makes your good cooking sing
like fresh herbs and vegeta-
bles. I have a kitchen garden
that I couldn't live without.
Take the time to take your
kitchen outdoors and plant
some herbs and lettuces.
Nly kitchen garden consists
of mesclun lettuce, radishes,
dill, basil, thyme, shallots,
mint, and oregano.
6. Towel bar. If you're like
me, you're always looking for
a dishtowel to handle a hot
pan or to place a wet dish on.
Instead of hooks in a cabinet
door, install a small towel rail
on your island or cabinet.
7. Quality cookware. If
you're tired of scorching your
foods, try cast iron. Funny,
but this old stand-by is now
being favored by cooks like
Emeril Lagasse.
Yes, it's extremely heavy
and that's what I don't like
about it, but it goes from'
stovetop to oven and doesn't
cost an arm and a leg. Even
simple combrnbad can be ".i
transformed from yellow
blandness to gustatory heights
with the crunchy-golden crust
cast iron makes.
8. Organization. Kitchen
organization makes every-
thing go easier. Whether it's a
cabinet over the dishwasher
where dishes can be unloaded
without walking or a well-
organized pantry, organization
will make you work less and
be more efficient in the
Even unsightly trashcans
can be put under the sink
with a pull-out trash can.
Pull out organizers and bas-
kets are extremely useful and
easy to retrofit into most cabi-
E-mail questions to kathryn-
, weber@sbcglobal.net. Visit
wo w.kathrvn-weber.com.
he Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
S ii-* vi--O 5F1.:-, ilT- -T % miA.ti a txldi )r e rt ai-ieWtii .
(jBIiW Orange Park
The Tom Bush Family of Dealerships is proud to announce the opening of Tom Bush BMW Orange Park,
a state-of-the-art dealership featuring sales, service, parts, and certified pre-owned BMW's.
Photo submimed
A kitchen garden with lettuces and herbs ready for snipping is a wonderful addition to anykitchen
and can be planted in a small amount of space. Many kinds of herbs and lettuces, radishes, and
other small salad items can be grown in many parts of the country in,the winter.
Timely Tip
"*- a| m... .. .
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So many options. We understand
."n.. it's hard to nhnoose ist one
BMW Jacksonville
9850 Atlantic Blvd.
2007 328Ci
2007 525i
BIMV LfliiJifmle 5re.:
Pa5 rsinwr 4 er M.Ert.i['w :fifr riov csic'mnefaiiis.ar Tasiq-nvic plrM. *p riraol?tsrJan'li'bisier ir.m silse s
Lesea or ,Ir,3,,', anidjases*, &ar rear Mor.itly le 3 p6i.ar'. based on MiRP iol5 570 24. 34 310 2806 S5 4170 525i1 rIlnolini
r:,.. aue aQ a sn,.j .ricu.r3 ., 25WZ4 si :.'8 r~i 525'145i O~r1r '&. >.6 mo (328 5251?i 28rro Z4)osed end lease aain 1 000 lO nrryr
20 eros merearrer 1389 3280 6 49 525' 299 241 4la[r rrt (140 3280C..S450 5251' S3 Z4) real sc dep 12.500 Down Payrreei. %
(5328 328C. 1379 ,5.5. O130W Z4r aue a lease agning Tol payents t328C. 14e 295 55. $16 iOS Z4 18 9,71 ELPO (328C. 122 135,
55. S28 646 24 .25.568) Ofle enos 1i3.27 PncW irceiruies al c to b paid by e ai c.bnsytee eSceg l I ensling rng rg lees & mtae. Nt re
lor tqfi khrures io lyr .Il usranse purrosea O|ry Ali BMW s co e wee n BMW Ulrrnate Service arn Warrrany standard or 4 years or 50000 ma
Ari,a.,er ocus frst Rsroadne ASisdnce c-na Eo ndraro I 4 yeaT. BUWf Assist com standard or 4 years on every M 200 5 Senpr. 6 Senes
ar.., Senesn vihcle a3nd J araLae as part c .1ne pr mum package on every M'? 20073 Seies 74 X 3 an) X
t.'u Hare a F'rind an t Bi n"
BMW Orange Park
I IL %.# I MAI %A LW %.FI JAJL Wl 1%.I.
... i LS IL L NOVEMBER 24, 2006
kAI ',Ih' :6 .,.... 23- irun S.-ervices
I100 Real Estate 625 Freeeood
110 LoLs/Land For Sale 631 Computer Services
120 Homes for Sale 633 Hauling
125 Real Estate Wanted 634 Lauin MoMer Sales/Sen
130 Condos for Sale 635 La.n/Landscpg
140 Morngages 636 Locksmilh
150 Mobiteromes for Sale 637 Manne Consi
180 Comm Property 638 Manne/Boaring
185 lndusLnalA4arehouse 640 Concrele/Ma.onrmr
RENTAL 643 Moaiug& Storage
200 Rental 648 Pressure \ahihng
215 Homes for Reni 650 Pamntng
225 'uaned to Rent 651 Pest Control
230 Condo for Rent 652 Plumbing
240 M H for Rent 653 Pool
260 \acnaion Renal 654 Pholographs
270 Rental to10 Shiare 655 Rain Gutters
275 Room for Rent 660 Remcdel'Consr
280 Office Spuie 665 Repur
285 Comm. Rental 6;0 Rofi .,n
PET'S ANIMALS 075 rmer waels
301) Free Peu 677 T're SSer l
310 Pets for Sile 678 Tile
330 Stables'ljnesrock o80 LUholster
340 Lo-r & Found PeL 685 W allpapenn g
4 n TreO700 .Maage Theraps
-w.0 Trael ;10 Health Care Sen
415 Personals 73 CHea mer.e
420 Legal Semlces -Ceers
425 Legal Noune. FOR SALE
424 Legal Nogue, n 00 For Sale
450 nism cnons/Schools 80 Musc & LInst
810 Antiques
460 Wedding' 815 Auctonr
EMPLOMIENT 820 \arned to Bu)
5C0 P-T Help Wanted 825 Trade
510 FT Help Wanted 830 Consignment
520 Job Service GARAGE SAL S'
530 Bus Opportmuty 840 Garage Sales
540 Child are 850 Garage Sales Jax Beach
550 %\ork Wanted 852 Garage Sales Neptune Beach
SERViCE GUIDE 854 Garage Sales Alannc Beach
600 Servce Guide 857 Garage Sales Ponte Vedra
601 Air Conditionmg 858 Gara ales of esi
602 Altertions Beanes
607 Auto/Boat Detailing 860 Flea Market
608 Auto Repair 862 Estate Sales
6 2 Carpenl 90 Auto Rental
613 Calenng 915 Boais
61a Clearun 030 Motorcyde,
'618 Electronics 930 Camper'R\%
619 Elec'ical Sen 070 TruTkv'ans
620 Equip,. Rentals 980 Automobdes
622 Fences
Call or come by our office:
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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Phyllis Stalnes, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
$500 gas card at Closing!
National Association of Realtors
NE Florida Association of Realtors
LOT FOR Sale, Jax Beach, appraised
$110K, 2005. Will sell lo besi serious offer
over.'$75K 1904)821-4744.
*' r:* M~i
A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $99,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots.. $500
down, $199 monih. Owner 352-624-2215
or (352)236-4579
.'-2.662 ACRE Irac in fasl growing El-
lingham County. GA. Great development'
investment opportunity Surrounded by
new residenlial development. Minutes
Irom 1-95. Convenient to Savannan. Will-
ing to subdivide. Call Adam at Copper
Stalion Properlies at 877-985-5263.
JUST REDUCED nuge 5BR/3BA, on golf
course. South Hamplon, oflt Hwy 210,
3800s1. large bonus. 2 car garage, real
bargain. $465,000. Realty Execulives,
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA. fireplace,
new carpeting, tile, appliances, lenced
yard. $165,000. 1904)993-9191.
ATLANTIC BEACH home wi2 buildable
lots. 1 block from sea. also Intercoaslal
townhome. homebytheseallorida.com
I home, 5 blocks io beach, 3 blocks to
Town Center, large Kitchen with oak cabi-
neis Priced to sell at $220,000.
NEPTUNE BEACH fixer upper; perfect,
for investor or owner/ occupant, con-
crete block. 4 blocks from ocean,
$285,000, call Mark, 591-6976.
LOWEST PRICE 2 1/2 blocks to ocean in
old Aillanic Beach. 3BR/2BA, all brick,
50'Xi 30' lot. $479,900 Call Deborah Ba.
ley, Remax Allanlic. 234-7725.
VILANO BEACH. Marsh View lownhome,
3/4, 2900 sqh $599.000 Owner; reallor.
504 3430
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2BA, built in 1987.
S 1? acre, Irorn circular drive in cul-de-sac,
soaking fireplace, large family room, cus-
tom bull bookcases. $335K Call
. Completely remodeled., $213.900.
PRICE REDUCED 4BR/3BA. very pri-
vale. 1I3 acre lot. 6 blocks to beach and
goll $269. 000. (9041463-3738
SAWGRASS 2BR,2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof. 42' hickory
cabinets traveline slone floor. Berber car-
pel and crown molding. Seller will pay all
closing cosls. $289,900 463-0505.
OFF SAN PABLO. Covington CreeK. all
brick. 3'2. over 2200 sq ft. on cul de sac.
i-2.878 ACRE raci in Mclnlosn County,
GA. Excellent development investment
potential Located minutes from 1-95 Con-
venienl to Savannan. Willing io subdivide.
Call Adam at Copper Station Properties al
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minules from
Hayesville. NC, Hiawassee River and
Lake Chatuga. Build your home lor a tlie-
time. Lots range in price from $54.900
to $87,900. Call 828-389-8843 or 904-
First $345,000 takes 249-1020.
OPEN HOUSEI 600 Alhambra Lane N,
Sawgrass. PV Beaci 4BR2BA., 636sl.
plus 476sl Florida room overlooks goll
course. Asking $399,500, MLS ,S337729
Sunday, 12pm-4pm. Assisl2Seli Buyers
and Sellers Real Estate, 247-4442. View
online: www.laxbeslhomes.com
Saturday, 11/25, 12pm-3pm
688 Bonaire Circle $499,500
4BR'2.5BA, 2573sf
Pnyllis Slaines, 476-7653
Directions from JTB. lake Marsh Lsarnding
Pkwy, FL on south Beach PKwy, RT inlo
Ocean Cay. follow signs.
RERMAX Coaslal Real Eslate
JUST REDUCED for a quick sale. 2 or 3
BR 2 lull BA. extra large lot. in ground
pool w.'Jacuzzi, pool house, fireplace, lots
of upgrades, $379,000. Call Dee
Neplune Beach, 3BR/2BA. comer lot
100'x130' 2000sf.. 2car garage, new iool,
kilcren heeds help $329K wonr m 385K
ATLANTIC BEACH- 3/2 Beach Cottage,
937 East Coasi Dr. 2 biks. to ocean; Fully
restored:; Hardwood floors and walim
throughout; Walk-in closet; Large baln-
room wlclaw iool tub and separate rain
shower, Loft guest room' otice; Sunroom,
Private backyard/ palio area. Lusn land-
scape & gardens w.'irrigalion; Home
warranty; will co-op 2.50, $775K.
MLS 332857; visit,
www oceanwalk.us'937eastcoast him or
call (904)993-1707.
IUU rldVe UAx d Il 1e 11 It, UUle U IUIed fo qUIlk .
sell must see $359.900. 221 1630.
Calling All Buyers!
4br/2ba 1675 sqRft move in
ready home can be yours by
Christmas. Close to beach '
& schools. MLS #337479 :
Premium Lakefront Home!
S 5br/4ba 3013 sq ft home on
cul de sac. Enjoy lake views
From screened lanai in your
hot tub. This and more
awaits you. MLS # 336410
........ L1E-I u-A L.IANM S Realty1 '' "
'ti' Atlantmic Parners
Cammie YJ. 9fiomas *altor
Keller Williams Realty
Cellular 904 422-8842 cammie thomas@comcasLnet
This nearly new 3BR/2BA home is located on a quiet street.
Beautifully landscaped. FP, 2 car garage. 2 years new.
Perfect starter home. Must see to appreciate. MLS 332827
This 1 acre lot is located in The Hills subdivision which is
located off Mt. Pleasant Rd. in desirable Ft. Caroline. Bring
your builder. MLS337367 $169,900
This beautiful 3BR/2BA PV condo w/gar has a split floor
plan and over 1200sqft. New carpet, kitchen, scrn lanai, RV/
boat stor, tennis, pool, and beach access. MLS 327266
This spectacular home is Tri-level w/2 car gar and 3BR/
3.5BA. Just steps to the beach, 1 st fir has sep. suite, deluxe
master, gourmet kitchen, private yard and NO HOA fees!
MLS 329743 $625,000
Dollar view at about hall the price. Beautih.
ful 4BRi2.5BA home w/pool. on Ihe marsh
in Jax Peach. $549.900. For into see
w wwwason-realty com. MLS 314671.
Call. Kathy Ritter al Watson Realty
SOUTH JAX Beacn, reduced thousands
below recent appraisal. Owners moving
outl of slae. 3BR/2.5BA. townhome,
1327sf. 884 11lh Ave So Will co-op 3'.
$258,500 (904)502.6165.
NEW CANAL Iront home, Isle of Palms
4/3, $765,000. Call 219-3050.
garage. This home is ready for you to
move in! $299,900 MLS#336018
Contact Shawn Norton for
an appointment 534-9518.
Option #1. '2BR/2BA with one car attached garage,
atrium off master bath and bedroom, freshly painted
exterior, fenced back yard, all in quiet enclave
neighborhood. 4 blocks to beach! $275,000.
Option #2'3BR/1BA furnished cottage w/one car
garage, front porch, fenced back yard. Completely
renovated, including windows, wood floors and custom
trim. 1.5 blocks to beach! $625,000.
Option #3-3BR/2BA renovated 1950's bungalow with
att. 2 car garage, FP, Florida room, wood floors, vaulted
wood ceiling, & a white picket fence out front. 2 blocks
to beach! $699,000.
Sherri Beno, Realtor
Lisa DiStefano, RealtorI / ,
o i Marvin & Floyd
Realty Inc.
Website http://marvin.group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219.7638
1/1 Oceanfront Condo Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is).
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 nouse. 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to purchase property
near the Intracoastal and within walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000
2/2 condo, 1260sq'. Ground floor. Pool, Tennis Courts.
3/2 house, 189sq. Fenced bac yard. Lawn maintenance included. $1,600 mth
9/19 r n 1,n 1 nf'n,' ,frl In r D Pnl Taninis CQurts-975/rnlh
OR A, STROLL TO DINNER -- this new condo community
provides all this and more for it's residents. Beachside homes
starting in low $300,000's w. granite counters, tile, elegant
clubhouse, edgeless pool, fitness center, summer kitchen
-- East of A1A in South Jax Beach.
S Call Sleerri Beno,
Rosemary R It
Naughton r
S568-1523 651-1830
II- L a ~-
T e s eoaL rv r 2
1550 sqft, 3/2 w/updated
bathrooms, tile & carpet, 100
ft dock w/boat lift, access to
ICW, motivated seller, bring
offers, $299K.
(904 ) 813-5315
NEW CONST E ol 3rd ST, 2600 sq ft+. $749k
4BR/2BA. 900 h to ocean. $699k
New to Be Buill 3 Story 7000.Sq Ft
New to Be Bull 2 Story 3000+Sq Ft
Zoned Duplex 1/2 block to beach,
$899 500
3 OeO/2 oalh nome E ot A1A A474,900
Call Michelle PIsula 651-1006, Realtor
Omni Realty of N FL 904-247-5678
806-A 3rd St.* Neptune Beaih
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, tons of
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large budable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office
~ie aches Leader, Ponte Ve~ra Leade.
Charming 3/3 cedar shake home. Beautifully
remodeled in 2002. Steps to the ocean and move
in condition. Large fenced
'backyard. $549,000
Doris Stein Farber
904-651-8218 .
ForMore Info: .
Call Cara Doud
571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon
Beach lifestyle for under $160,000!
Top-floor 1/1 w/ garage in the Palms at Marsh
Landing. Beautiful views from your balcony.
Tennis, swimming, and fitness are all part of the
package in this awesome community! $159,900
Bring your bike!
Granite, hardwoods, fresh paint int. & ext., and
location make this home outshine the rest. Park
your car in the large 2-car garage antiride'tdr
bike to the beach or Ragtime! Or just relax by the*
cozy fireplace. Whatever you do, you'll be thrilled
you made this awesome 3/2 in Selva Linkside
your new home! Hurry, it won't last at this price!
Ocean views under $550.000!
Ocean views at an unbeatable price, and it is not
a condo! This 3-story town home is large,
spacious and bright. Tucked away in North A.B.,
it is only steps from the sand and surf! With just a
little TLC, this home can be your haven! Start and
end your days with the peaceful ocean views and
breezes from your large master bedroom.
High Quality Brick
Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
5ba/3ba u./4,400 SIf sep i ing, dining. family rrns
an y construcuon upgrades! Osersized 2 car garage
S- w/lO'8' workshop area., water softener. security. &
central vacuum ststemrs Full bnck olcors. Berber CarpeL
J. oda f'loonng. 12'x9'x4' nbrick fireplace. huge kitchen
w/3 pantres.Conan corners, SS appliances. 1,00) plus s.f master ~uiune ,.
200 plus s f of closet space. 6' whiulpool rub, 4'\4' shower, & so much
more' 90'x140' lot w/8%8' storage shed. 64' bnck pauo, uki huL, & big
yard' Call onerageni for appL $1,175,000.
Ellen Poling -Wright
Prudential Cell: 838-4562
SR Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
Indepasdeantly Oirs a & Onpal6a Email: ellenpoling@aol.com
MLS# 300576 Atlantic Beach lot. ega0901edcommuniorBRsBAucrnetoerhkicrang
Great for small business. .013 acres appnce conv, grea a nes ludng
$147,000 241-2417 clubhouse, tennis courts, pool. fimess center.
WINDSOR PARKE OPORed a room & more. $ 4,) 285-1800
MLS# 303041 4/2 with rose garden, tLS 333224 Rogers Joseph custom home on
neutral colors, gleam tile. Tile molding, spectacular comer cul-de-sac lot overlooking
whirlpool tub, private screened porch. lagoon to driving range and clubhouse. 5BR/
299000 241-2417 5.BA, study, almnly rom wih wet bar, 3-car
OCE9,0O21 "I-I garage. huge back porch iuth seeping tews.
OCEANFRONT CONDO I S769,0O 285-1800o
MS# 332502 Atlantic Beach 2Br/2BA LUXARIOUS OCEANFRONT
totally renovated.Pdvate patio w/great ocean MARBEUA CONDO
view. 5489,000 241-2417 NEIS# 312126 2nd Ilr 2BR/2 5BA. 329nl nernor
SF, 255 SF terraces. many upgrades, :ichen/FR.
UlVE ON BEACH AVEI gas FP, ste,. wine cellar, siorjge, .'-car garage,
MLS# 335155 Fabulous 4BR house with condo amenjues. concierge, time-s ntr. 24-hr
two siorv 1BR/IBA detached guest house. secunb, oceatnroni pool & more .$1I.Ws0(.)
Ocean siews, large lot, inground pool, 285
granite counters, tile. hardwood floors and QUEENS IHABOUR ISIAND!
in,$1,599.000 241-2417 32OS65Oncetn.a-3l'e-nurne oppiarrnl-rt ha,
mouse in ready. 1,599.000 241-2417 on an island in Queens Hart.:,ar & nio subject ito
OCEANFRONI 5/5.5 theI dies. 2 25 acre k.t ,'unobictcd Inunciatal
MLS# 324511 Atlantic Beach. Granite & tie%%s. high ele,0rion. mrare Eee & surrounded
travertine countenops, wet bars, bamboo 25-18rei h
floors. Large 3rd floor balcony overlooks BESF B INWONDERFlJL o4tD
ocean, pool, and hot tub. $3.299,000 241- OCE0NF.IONI COMMtlIE'!D
2417 NLS# 322646 Tiffany.b -tlhe-Sa ir, Atlantiuc
EXCEPHiON4L QUAlIlY & DESIGN! Beach. 3BR/2 5BA casualji elegant home, formal
LR & DR, gas FP. I stflo ms'ter suite. man,,.
MLS# 247758 Spectacular oceanfront LR & de gs l Ip nivatej tcgar age u.,t
views. Custom stone, marble & granite flow 285-1800
throughout this 3/3.5 home, The perfect OCEANFRONT PONIE VDR Bl VD
place for hosting an intimate gathering or MLS#265659Timeless4BR4BA.homeron lil'
large formal pany! $4.475,000 241-2417 oceanfront lot. waiting to be restored lo ib finrmer
charm. It learures a sunroom. guest apartment
OCEANVIEW ATL4NTIC BEACH! w/BR. sitting rm & BA.- nek t concrete ue roof.
NMLS# 299269 Losely architecturally fabulous ccean ies & 6' 10imile to 5-sLarPVLnn
designed 4 bdrm 3.5 bath. 3500 sf home $5.8,0).O 285-1800
with wrap around porches, sep suite MFDilEIRR N EST11 iin
entrance, artist studio, office, balcon) .- ~IS# 308931 St on almost 2 aires in Grana,
adj lot avail. $1,875,000 241-2417 .ers pmate & gorgeous 3BR,'4.5BA home cffer
lAS PAIMAS CONDO! a theater, wine. game & hobb, rms. guest conage
MLS# 275042 Beautiful 2/2 condo in Las wGR kitchen. IBR/IBA. piano '/pool surar
Palmas. Move-incond. Fantastic amenities. 85-18 00
3/2J FABULOUS HOME! MLS# 281048 Magnilicent Marsh Landing
ML S#337147Wonderful I story floorplan Medterranean-style on 2 wooded acres. 10 on-
w/surround sound& many upgrades. Club ICW. 40 boat slip in yacht ba-,in, 6BR7 5B1-,
amenities include pool, exercise room & s i p /s pa. sumntei k.uhen & FP
'child area. 494,9c0 241-2417 $5,950,000285-1800
uLS# 338068 Large 3BR/2.5BA on cul- MINS# 310419 NEIH PRICE! Sturrung 5BR/4
. de-sac in Ponte Vedra; screened lana ull & h2 al BA home v/epansive lake ,teaxs,
many upgrades: a home theatre. lbraty/study, a, me
overlooks lake. Bonus room; granite cellar, gourmet kichen. 3-car garage, huge t-mnd
counters.light&bfighL$711,000241-2417 lanai healeded pool & in a private etling.
GATED BEAC COMMUNNY 1,650,000 2ss-o800
' MLS#.226454BR/2.5BAhomeonqmei ASH L DIN i NE PRICE ,,
lagcn in TheSancruan Over2200 SF le MIL# 291847 Or, Sprig.BAd l te .a k ea o:.,
flors & gteat neighbohibd. $489,900 500 SF, eble loor plan. maKer 'suie & 2BRs
241-2417 ,n I st. plenty of air-coridu:'ned storage. screened
PAK BMo BEA V & heated pi:,lsp. & pma, e tack' ard 5965.0(
28z-t180 "
MIS# 311738 4BR with bonus plus loft. 2 t IN POIE VEDR4
3 full baths. Lots of upgrades. Very large MIS# 271640 Clo'se Ic the beach. sh,:ppmtg.
private lot. Don't wait Priced to sell. I4h.xis&IO..rarnaturelouerdhght' 5a.'re;,
$569,000 241-2417 a grea, place to build cur rr.in-rarch' & horse;
QUEENSHARBOUR welcome $485 285-1800
MINS# 336755 One stoo,4BR/3BAhome VlLAE WALk
on golf course in Queens Harbour. Huge NMLS# 33600Greai ll1x.rplan. er l.ghrt&bnghl'
backyard with custom patio. summer 3BR/2 5BA, 2331 SF. LR 'FP. FL room, bnus/
kitchen & outdoor fireplace. $629,000,. oc, huge screen lanu ,aro.ipxe & bnck pors.
241'-2417 & club amenities $645,()u W85-1800 )
tndp ently oanid ind api J
Oceanfront Newer custom built 5BR,
4.5BA, with 4725 SF, views of the ocean
from the east and ICW the west. Office.
formal living and dining, tlte and
hardwood floors, pool and spa, screened
lanai with hot Lwb, and pnvate beach.
Isle of Palms- Former model with 2705
SF and $71,000 in upgrades on
navigable water ..just bring your boat!
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluxe master suite. Two
screened lanais. deck, balcony, dock w/
boat lift. $889,000
South Hampton Water to golf views
compliment this 5BR. -4BA executive
home on the 17th green. Chefs kitchen
with cherry cabinets, island, conan. tile.
3 car garage, screened lanai. two bonus
rooms, comm. pooL priced 525k below
appraisal $750,000
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR. 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lana.
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat, min-
law suite, wood and tile floors, corian
counters, formal living and dining. 3 car
garage, comm. pool. $679,000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded. light and bnght 4BR.
2.5BA with loft, formal living and dming
room, new carpet and paint, tile floors,
Oversized screened lanai, lots of storage.
comm pool. $499.500
Pablo Bay Why wait to build? This
4BR, 2BA all brick home is ready now'
Enjoy relaxing evenings on vourco, ered
lanat overlooking the peaceful lake.
Upgrades include tile, 42 inch cabinets,
open kitchen with island. corian.
Fiddlers Marsh If you are looking for
a true Florida home, look no further!
Adorable 3BR. 2BA patio home on
premium cul-de-sac lakefront lot in Ponte
Vedra! Florida room with private lake
views...no backdoor neighbors! Enjoy
nature at its finest with beautiful water
fowl, Egrets, Herons and more! $339,000
Laurel Springs 4BR, 2BA pool home
on beautiful lakefront lot! Upgraded tile,
covered lanai overlooks screened pool,
split bedroom plan. fireplace. Enjoy
entertaining in your spacious pool area,
many upgrades! $345,000
Ibis Point 4BR, 2.5BA w/loft on private
culdesac, lush landscaping. fenced yard,
sprinkler., open kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal dining, designer molding, master
bedroom is down with garden tub, comm.
pool/tennis. $335.000
Jax Beach Updated 4BR. 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot t.27 acres) just
blocks to the beach' Wood floors,
fireplace. open kitchen, formal dining,
large great room. inside laundry, screened
porch, shed, hot tub with deck. $335,000
Florentine This 3BR. 2 5BA with loft
is only one year old and ready now! Enjoy
peaceful ake views from your open patio,
spacious kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal living and dining, oversized
laundry, over $4k in upgrades! $299,900
Pelican Bay 3BR, 2.5BA just steps to
the Intracoastal! Enjoy peaceful lake
views from your screened lanai or
enieram on your open deck. Move-in
ready with newer carpet and paint,
upgraded kitchen.with tile, corian
counters $279.900
D k.
Call Rosemary Naughton
Sf "She KnOWS the beaches!"
The Ultimate Beach Homel
Adorable beach retreat. 37short steps to ocean in "Old Nept. ", I
home off bchfront!. Vintage hrdwd. floors, quaint orig. "brokeh-
tile" sun-drenched Florida Rm, laden w/ sliders to invite nature
in. Huge hearthed f-place, generous rooms, open plan for casual
gatherings, windows galore on corner lot .Easy stroll to best bch
schools. $849,000.
Newly Redone Bungalow on "Old Dirt!"
Magnificent renovation, head to toe. 3BR hideaway, 4 blks to ocean,
Nept. Bch. Solid blk construction, new everything! Neutral
18"porcelain. tile. gourmet kit, s.s appliances, elite details
throughout." Massive 85 x 135 parcel to accommodate any
additions, pool. whatever you can dream! Short walk to
neighborhood schools. Perfect starter or weekend 2"1 home.
This is the Happening Spot!
Impeccable tnnhome. 4 blks to bch, 2 yrs.newv & ready for you.
3BR, 2 1/2BA beauty rich w/upgrades. Granite kit & baths, totally
tiled 1" fit: voluminous ceilings, huge closets, small lot for low
maintenance living. A gem! $423.000.
Ocean Strolls After Work
Come home to the good life, just 4 blks to ocean. 2 sry. delight,
3BR 3BA. plus Bonus Office/Guest Rm. Warnn wd. floors, private
a. la~aente4aks ea wu-a-alrv.dvbeJuitWi.o! Seller ready to go so
New. Magnificent Oceanside Condos
Be among the elite! Fabulous new conc. blk. Ocean's Edge homes,
1. 2 & 3BR's, across from Panera's, 1/2 blk off the Atlantic!
Exquisite detail...granite, tile, crwt'n mold. corian, huge windows,
stunning pool/amenities. Resort living so affordably offered from
low $300's. There is nothing else like it at the beach! Ideal beach
hideaway or 2' home.
An Inviting, Unique Beach Charmer
Really a fun house, loaded t/ character & style all its own! 3BR
2BA, orig. wd. floors. Mexican riled Gamerooni w/nisric paneling.
Magnificent treed lot 85 .r 135 to accommodate any expansions or
pool/decks. Only 3 blks to surf and sun, short jaunt to the corner
eateries. $684.000.
Delightful Waterfront in L'Atrium-Reduced!
What an opportunity to live in P. V. affordably! Charming 2/2 6n
big water, peaceful view abounds from large screened lanai.
Lovingly kept by orig. owner, all new hardiboard siding,
appliances. Choice neighborhood near all conveniences. 2 car
garage. $419,950
E. of AIA-Better Than New -Reducedl
Beautiful 4BR 3 BA family home in desirable St. Johns Cty school
district, just short walk to beach. Crisp tiled downstairs, inviting 2
sty. foyer, ideal, private in-law suite down, elegant M. Suite up.
Lots of upgrades, plantation shutters throughout. Only 3 yrs
"new with motivated seller ready to close quickly. A superb value.
margin =p et itt
Updated SeGplace 3bdrm Condo, Oround
FIr 1/2 block to the Ocean In Old Atlantic
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC, updated baths, fresh paint, new
stove & microwave. $298,000
Contemporary Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba Open FIr Pn' Rich wood
accents throughout extensive deck & tree
canopy. Perfect mix of home, privacy, and
nature. Seller will pay $5000 towards buyers
closing costs. $590,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Constuctiond!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car garage!
Construction complete in 3 months. High-
End Finish Levels Offered at $1,050,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Selva Marina
3-story w/elevator, 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq
ft, office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot size:
85 x 142. Maintenance free: concrete block
& stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl shake
an 2nd & 3rd levels. $1,175,000
Completely Remodeled
Old .Atlantic Beach Home I Block to Ocean
Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence -
perfectly manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba, master
upstairs, 2700 Sf, 62.5x125 lot size, room for
pool. Maple hardwood floors throughout. 2-car
garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Seaside Gated Community Luxury HOME!
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-art
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with this
quality in finish levels at this price today. IT's
AWESOME! 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story, all bdrms up,
3486 sq ft, Mediterranean style with barrel tile roof.
Private Beach access. $1,395,000
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow
Awesome Investment $199,000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1 -story, new red oak floors throughout,
new roof, approx. 1300 SF, lot size 60x125.
West Atlantic Beach Updated Home w/Pooll
Huge lot 120x1 -car garage, fully
updated bat0lFl fJI move-in condition.
Perfect for inv smnent or to live Inl
West Atlantic Beach
Brand New Construction $399,000
Seems too good to be true but it's REAL! 4 bdrm,
2.5 ba, 2397 SF, bbr.-' West Style home
on 60x1 25 lot d UUIrd exterior, vaulted
ceilings, gra n .",ters. ss appis, hardwood firs
throughout, detached 1-car garage, privacy fence,
room for a pool!
Awesome Investment Property
3 bdrm, 2 ba Townhome in great conditionI 2-story,
2 bdrms and 1 bath up and master bdrm down, 1400
sq ft, currently renting for $900/per month. Take with
or without tenants. $158,900
Great Investment Opportunity -
East of 3rd Street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent efficiencies. Only
steps to the ocean! Offered at $639,000
"Hot" Oceans Edge Conads:
East of 3rd Street NEW Soat Jax Beach
2 Bedroom $395,500,
Lowest price 3 Bedroom: $437,544
The Palms: 2 bdrm/2ba Coado that is a 104++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss itl 2Bdrm/2Ba,
2nd floor condo with custom cabinets, new sinks
and granite in Kitchen and baths. $187,000 *
East olf 3rd.St. In Jan If- 59,1
This home inch",,' -a plus. 2-Car
Garage. Aid-- *I d'iportunity, less
than 1 bic -.cean. Residential
grandfather rcin but zoned commercial.
Great Ocean Front Comdol
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition-in South Jax Bch, Covered Parking.
Priced to sell at $599,900
Completely Remodeled w/the finest finishes.
wrap around porchesI 3 bdrm/2ba, custom
cabinets, granite and much, much morelt
Furnishings optional. $799,000
Investment Property M lti-family
Is St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views. West side
of 1st Street, multi-family, 2 bldgs, corner lot
62.5x85, updated over last 3 yrs $949,000
Cali Margi Petitt
.Top Producer
60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 3. Atlantic Beach
a ol
November 24, 2006
The Beiches Leader/Ponte yedra Leader,
lC sifted 2
T mllllLli ~ ~ I
November 24. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 3
= l 1*1$]l-. OT Ia42
829 1st St S Unit 1E,$399,900, IBR/
2BA, MLS,310280, 1st Fir Unit, Fenced
yd w/ocean views. 247-4442
411 1st St S #401, $449,900,
Beachcomber II, MLS321203, 2BR/
2BA, Private bch access, hrdwd firs,
gated pool, 247-4442
527 Pelican Key, Selva Lakes.
$309,900 MLS 338324, 3BR/2.5BA,
1404 SF, gorgeous townhome.
845 Amberjack Lane, $229,900, MLS
338465, 3BR/2BA, 1251 SF,
completely updated bungalow.
2196 Fairway Villas Ln N, $199,900,
MLS 338445, 3br/1.5ba, 1075st,
hrdwd firs, new a/c, new roof, huge Ir
w/ fp 247-4442 .,
1256.Galapagos Ave, $184,900;, Oak
-Harbor, MLS 334839, 3br/2ba, scmd
poch tW/ hot tub, Lg LR w/,Hrdwd FIrs,
New rile, Huge Bkyd. 247-4442'
1483 Laurel .Way, $369,900, Hidden
Paradise, MLS 326063, 3br/2.5ba,
2179st, Lush Ldscp., scrnd porch,
Huge FR w/ Gas'FP 247-4442
620 Orchid St, $374,900, ML.9
327695,' 4br/3ba, 2500sf, KIT w/
island, 6. Jet. Whirlpool Tub in 'Mst.
600 Alhambra Lane North, Sawgrass,
$399,500, 4BR/2BA, 1636 SF, golf
course views. 247-4442
365 Sailtish Dr E, $259,900, MLS
332363, 4BR/3BA, 1967sf, Mst Ste on
1st Fir, Bkyd w/ pool 247-4442
475 Skate Rd $219,900, MLS 330053,
3BR/1BA, 12,18sf, Lg Fenced Bkyd,
Open LR w/ separate Dr 247-4442
3817 Tropical Terrace, $339,900, 3BR/
2BA; MLS 315008, 1603sf, Tile &
Hrdwd Firs, LG Bkyd; Glassed FL RM.
New Water Heater 247-4442
14180 Washburn Ct, $234;900, MLS
317861, 3BR/2BA, 1538sf, Fenced
Bkyd w/ Patio, LR/DR Combo, Big Mst
Ste 247-4442
4531 Antler,Hill Dr E'$237,500, MLS
326538, Hunters Ridge, 3BR/2BA,
1448sf, Lakeviews, FR w/tiled FP, LG
Lot, Eat-in KIT 247-4442
Don't Let
, av ll6/o
12311 Kensington Lakes Dr #2603, 1835 Wildwood Creek Ln. Kensington
Seasons @ Kensington,$150,000,2BR/ Pines,' $204,900, MLS 315948.
1.5BA. 1100st, Hrdwd Firs, scrnd atrium 3BR/2BA, 1352si, New Carper, FR
w/pond views247-4442 w/FP, 1 yr Home Warranty 247-4442
12301 Kernan Forest Blvd. #2305,
Hammock Grove, $227,900, MLS
333924, 3BR w/bonus room, 2.5BA,
1779 SF, like new.condo seldom used.
458 Shanna Isle Ct, Arbor Poinle,
$259,900. MLS 319419. 4BR'2.5BA,
2288sf, 2 Stry. New Carpet, Huge FR.
Large Lot 724-1200
247-4442 13433 Stone Pond Dr, Wolf Creek.
13044 Chets Creek Dr S, Johns Creek,' $244,900, MLS 381585.3/2.5., 1665sf,
$308,900, 3BR/2BA, 1964sf, Charming Attached 1 car gar. Scrned Lanai. BRs
FR w/FP, screened porch w/ tile firs on 2nd'Fir 724-1200
247-4442 2109 The Woods Dr, The Woods.
1040 Collinswood Dr.W, Collinswood, $315,000,,MLS 314853, 3BR/2BA,
$264,900,. MLS 314507, 3BR,2.5BA, 2186sf, Pool Hm, Great RM w/FP, Split
2556s(; 2 Stry. Big Loft, Backs to Wds,. Fir Plan 724-1200
LG Mst Ste 247-4442 .
13727 Richmond Park Drive #208,
Windsor Pointe, $19,1,900,,MLS 334459, .11033 Ehglenook Dr,' Sutton Lakes,
3BR/2BA, 1.500 SF, FR 7i/cozy fireplace, $239,900, MLS 332020, 4BR/2BA,
corian countertops. 247V'4442 1744sf; Reducedl Scrnd Patio, LG Eat-
2615 Crystal Cove Ctl Villages of Pablo, IN KIT w/AllIAppl.. Big,Msf Ste 247-4442
$269,000, 3BR/2BA, 1717sf, Private 12106,Autumn Sunrise Dr., Hawkins
Bkyd, screened porch, ;HG Eat-in KIT, FR Cove, $245,900. .MLS 337575.
w/FP 247-4442 4BR/2BA, 1719 SF, open floor plan.
ii olon1o ni"-- D I 13 T1,Pl TA-.^ -ri 247-4442
2925 Deep Lagooni'UUl r ., ih oovvuuos,
$314,900, MLS 321326, 3/2 2000sf,
Corner Lot, FL RM, LR/DR Combo, LG
Mst Slte247-4442 : ,
13767 Deer Chase 'PL, Pablo Bay,
$578,880, MLS 333195, 4BR+Bonus
Rm/4BA, 2803sf, Pool w/lakeviews, mnst
ste w/ sitting area, LR/DR Combo
247-4442' '
12382 Eagles ClaW' Ln;.Eagles Crieek,
$199,900, MLS 328307, 3BR/2BA,
1393sf, Lakefront Lot, Shag Carpet, FR
w/ WB FP, New Appl. 247-442
2994 Lantana Lakes Dr E, Lantana
'Lakes, $204,000, MLS 328926, 3BR/
2.5BA, 1551st, Berber Carpet. LG KIT
w/ New Appl., 2 Stry Hm, 247-4442 '.
9126 Catherine Foster Court, East
Arllngton,:$269,900;.MLS 328167.3BR/
2 5BA, 2133 SF, quiet cul-de-sac,, FP,
big yard. 247-444.2 ". '
.1!746',Chandelier- ircle; Ft. Carolinb,
$199,900;''MLUS 312657, 3BR/2BA,-
1i81 SF, .spli floor-plan, new.flogring,
247-4442-.: ,.
2118 Forest Gate Dr W, Kensington, ,12015.,Shooting Star Ct, Hawkitri'Cove,
$229,900, MLS 335038, 4BR/2BA, $237,900,,1MLS 33,1589,,3BR72BA,
1617sf; Fenced Bkyd, ceramic tile, LR/ 1570sf,tBigl'Bkyd, Hrdwd Firs; IG-Eat',
DR Combo w/ FP 247-4442 in.KIT, FR.W/tiled FP 247-4442:..
2466 Glade Springs Dr, Bentwater,
$274,900, MLS 328629, 4BR/2BA,
2062sf, Lakeviews, .ceramic tile/Hrdwd'
Firs, FR w/ marble FP 247-4442
1974 Ibis Point Ln,. Ibis Point, $335,900,
MLS 319948,'4BR/2BA, 2062sf, Scrnd
Lanai, Bks to Preserve. LG KIT, LR/DR
Combo 247-4442
2358:Hutckin' Codrt, Ft. Caroline,
$299,900, MLS 316146,4BR/2BA. 2013
SF..hdge yard, neutral interior. 247,4442
10519 Running Oak Ct, Lantana Lakes,
$206.,000 MLS 329567, 3BR/2.5BA,
15.47sf,-New A/C Unit, 2 SIry. Berber
Carpet, Hrdwd Firs 247-4442
12111 Brighfmore Way, Hawkins Cove,
$257,000, MLS 323470. 4BR/2BA,
1692sf, scrnd his lanai, Big FR, LG KIT.
Separate DR 247-4442
ne iviost rowerru iviarKetng-.LoncepI availauoe iouay:
'Agents Show Your Home / Newspaper Advertising /
Buyer Prequalificadon '" Internet Marketing /
Prepare all Paperwork / 1, No.Up-Front Fees /
Free Market Anajysis No Obligation, a.
a-ig- --M -^ --- -^B^ B- IB
rllllCgl~,~;l~,3~YJ It.)
from Ig screened lanai. Gatecd, pool, clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495 $154,900 OBO.' .From JTB, go
S. on A1A to rt. on Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd. Go approx 1 mile to left on The Greens Way to Th.e Villas. .
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING WOODED VIEWS from your lanai. 3/2 with 18"'tiles and berber carpet.
Gated, garage,-Pool/ clubhouse. MLS#328788 $254,900 '.
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block. Clubhouse w/infinity,'pool. 1 block to the beach,
1 block to shopping. MLS# 307553 $438,800 East qn JTB. N. on A1A, rt on,23' a.St.Sito bldg,C.#32 .'
THE COLONY WALK to the BEACH. LOWEST PRICED 2 bedroom.' Beautiful 'ground floor with
wooded views. Wood floors, tile, fireplace, crown mqulding. GARAGE.'MLS# 326635 $229,900
STONEBRIDGE -. LARGEST 3bdrm with 2 master suites..1408 SF, tile, screened lanai, roomy &
bright. CARPORT. MLS# 327334 $168,800. :
STONEBRIDGE GROUND.IFLOOR 2/2 screened lanai, exit to your. CARPORT. Arched, doorways.
Inspections done. MLS#32882.1. $149,900. '
STONEBRIDGE .- CARPORT with condo, 3/2' top floor, no one above end unit. New carpet, fresh
paint, ready for move in. A' cond. Gated community. MLS#300731 $156,900 .
11 ,ITlai -10
Gorgeous two story condo 2BR/2BA,
Features granite countertops,
oversized microwave and washer/
, dryer. Fully equipped clubhouse with
tennis and basketball courts.
$194,500 MLS 318903
Fantastic 2BR/2BA home, with a great
goll course view. Oversized shower
and big storage sned,. A steal al the
beach. er y nice home or a very good
price LOOK NOWI 5194,900 MLS
13781 CORAL
2BR/1BA double lot wi r.nice yard
Mobile home is nice and very livable
with recent carpet Ihroughout. Kitchen
remodeled and additional Irame room.
Country living near the beach
V $195,000 MLS 304680
1810 SE'ILL% BLVD 209
1BR/1BA condo This unit has been
redone New granite counters,
'appliances, kitchen cabinets and tile.
Features pool, club house exercise
Room, sauna and not tub. Beautiful
Spark life selling. $199.000 MLS
Beautiful 2BR/2BA two story town
home. Feaitures slainless steel
appliances,'42" cabinets, ceramic tile
and-screened porch. Mediterranean
style. Fabulous clubhouse, ,tennis and
basketball courts, fitness center, pool,
sauna, and hot tub. A great buyl
$204,000 MLS 314435
Bright and spacious 3BR'2BA condo
for easy living. Beautiful lake view,
wonderful fireplace to warm you up on
Those cold nighns and a screened
balcony All new appliances stay
$259,900 MLS 313390
,413-S1 It ST 301
Great 1 BR/1 BA condowilh wonderful
ocean views. Covered parking, all
(appliances stay, can De used as a
.rental. No resirictons. Gated
comrrlunihy and.cluo pool Features a
breaklasi bar and a beautiful balcony
where you can feel the ocean breeze.
'$325;000 MLS 310185
2147 BIRCH B4Rk CTE ,
Charminng 4BR/2BA upgraded nomel
ori gorgeous lake front on water,.dut1
de sac lot. Top .ofthe line wood
laminate tfloring ih foyer. glazed
maple cabinets, ail new carpet and
paint throughout. Screened lanai
overlooking lake and a fenced
backyard with room for a pool.
5355,000 MLS 328339
3BR'2BA rome wtr, a Key West rlopr
plan Back deck overlooks lagoon and
marsh Very pivale Counyard entry!
Garage enormous master suite, wood
deck, and wet bar of family foom.
Super buyt $340,000 MLS 320085'
Below markerl ,aluel Beautiful 4BRI
2BA home in the hean of Secluded
Woods This home is ready to move
into High ceilings and open floor plan'
make this home seem much bigger.
Very close to schools and shopping
Only a short bikdede to beach.
$415,000 MLS 295080 .
( 220 MARRr t .:.
s\4BR/2BA home, two locks'from the
ioceari. Wood floors, screened
porches,' and two'car, de asced garage
Swilh launary.oom. All new appliances.
Priced lower than' The land.;$449,995
IMLS 321474' '
,4BR/3BA spacious home with
gorgeous landscaping, and terrific
ialwsildrosirspreand lanaibtoeasi
dectk Th.. r hi.re is earlpqt,'for
enlenaining large crowds. New I-VAG
and appliances, air condition utility
room in garage. nd a steamy hot I'ub.
5572,500 MLS 324468
3BR/2BA'brick"iwo story 'home.
- Beautiful settlling on- 1.3 acre6i'otdn
Pottsbirg Creek and Arlington River.
, Dock and pier to bring your jet skis:pr
to lust admire life on the creek.
$595,000!MLS335124 :,,.
117"MIRA -
5BR/5BA customm, built home.
Incredible views from many windows,
deck and porch.'Hear The gentle roli
of tne surf and feel the constant ocean
breezes. 3BR/3BA at the main nouse
and 2BR/2BA guest apartment. House
features many, extras: gourmet
kitchen, gas fireplace, and more .
$1,350;000 MLS 295202 "
307 15TH STS '
Magnificent 6BR/6.5BA estate will
panoramic sunset marsh views andtI
tidal access lo-The inlercostals.
Experience gracious living on a grand
scale with 1400"sq ft. Master suite,r
two wine cellars,. and marble floors
throughout. $2,790,000, MLS 3412575,
Atlantic Beach .
t Watson Office j
'^Biasa^~f^isS S~i*c^
AMAZING OCEAN views from every room
in this 3BR/3BA sixth floor comer unit
$50,000 in decorator upgrades and appli-
ances makes this a Must See. Lease/ pur-
chase available. $689,000. Adele
COZY CONDO in Marsh Landing/
PVBch. Address- 3012 Sea Hawk Drive.
A Must See 2B/2B in quiet cul-de-sac,
fully remodeled w/ilde and new carper.
huge screened-in palio overlooking view
of lake. new kitchen cabinets & upgraded
appliances, fireplace & single car garage
w/pnvate entry & plenty of storage space
Full access to pool & tennis courts
View www.lnfotube.net: ad #154740
$249,900. Call 904-221-1883 or
Only $6K down, new 2/2/-- lakeview.
$209K, last onel 727-458-4230
PELICAN POINT. 204. 2/2/1, 1212s1;
,$500,0,000, OBO. Independent Brokers &
Associates, 247-4333 or 710-3111.
Ocean Grove. New Unit, open Sat.- Sun,
Nov. 4, 5, 10, 11. Auction Nov. 16, 6pm.
Only $6K deposit, 30 day close. Details -
pics (727)458 4230.
Sea State Realty Corp.
.- --, "The Listing Specialist"
4. MLSI NEFAR Member
Waterfront Community Condos
Living at the aBeach...
ALT AIR S5UNSHINE Winter, Spring, Summer or,
Fall! It's all yours in this 2BR 2BA architecturally
,interesting condo in Atlantic Beach. 20ft. LR ceiling,
FP, and an ocean view from bedroom. 1.5 blocks to
beach, steps to pool. $310,000.
ON THE ENNIS COURT It all awais you from
this 3BR,2BA condo in south Jax Beach. Garage, FP,
alF.appliances, & 'marsh views included! $248,500--.
It's'all at your disposal as the owner of this 3BR. 2'BA"
condo just off the beaten path. Garage, FP, and ali'
appliances, including washer & dryer.: $255,000.
.0 t-, W .IU.J
magic from the screened balcony of yodr 2BR '2BA.'
condo nestled- in 'wooded setting; Gated conriimnitV
in Ponte Ved'ra Beach. All appliances inclIddd.
SLiving on t Sout
. condo is conveniently located on the ground .fl9.
,with easy access to handicap parking in.front. Ldts.f"
.light & storage. Convenient Southside location. es-rt
style amenities. $145.000.
halfway between downtown.& the beaches & surrounddd"
by, trees! Concrete construction,.-not a. oontversiont; ,E 6:.
monthly fee includes cable "&w water! $154,9001. '
La e K4,. y* FW t4 g
Se errv eno,'
Sind, a- Home
When it's time to find your
dream home, check out our
Homes for Sale Section
of the Classifieds.
Have you been looking for a new home for your family? '
A place where neighbors really know each other,
where people put down roots, where you know .. '
that you're part of a community? '
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Subscribe today!
-`-~-~~---- --1----
$215.000- 2/2, garage, all appi incl. Jar-
din De Mer, 247-4211
CONDO "FOUNTAINS", Ponte Vedra, 695
A1A N. 3BR/ 2BA. Lease .$1895 or
buy $229,900. Very clean. 246-6649;,.
FSBO, JAX BEACH, 2/2 lux Condo
w/Garage, Marsh Views In desirable
Marsh Landingi Screened porch, hard-
wood floors, fireplace, walk-in closes
Gated, resort-style community w/pool and
hot tub. Motivated to Sell. $219,900. Call
NEW VALENCIA 2/2 condo, avail early
2007. super amenities, $373.800
(757)258-8697. pcason830@aol corn
PVB- SELLER pays closing costs No
binder deposit 1BR/1BA, 550st, tiled
round floor, gated, goll course view
137,900. 285-6325
OCEAN VIEW Ponle Vedra Blvd.. 2BR
/2 5BA end unit, backs up to Guan.na
Preserve, 1800+sqft $550,000
www.marsripoinlcondos corn
2BR/2BA w/den -$134,900 [Li232
2BR/1.5BA -$124.900
1 BR/1 BA -$85,000 1i1le1icv;i['112 I :
Waterfront Condo
2BR/2.5BA -$137,500
Call: Larry Dukes, Broker
(904) 537-0679
S Personalized
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
IA I Best Service
A*. Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
Get Pre-qualified
Ja,'.'c iv'iLLE BE,:,', FL 32250
PorNi: 904-247-7414 FPA. 904-247-7475
Classified 4
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
November 24, 2006
I E U -TAL_200
I ~:l~rII
NORTH JAX Beach. Efficiency, $495/mo. JAX BEACH- East of 31d. walk to beach, ISLE OF Palms newly .gremodiled
1BR, $595/mo. 1 block to Ocean. Pool. No studio. $550/mo dep Pets Ok,'.' 3BR/2BA. 2250sf. large Florlda'room wtln
pets. 249-5368. 242-9195. replace. Lawn service included,
NEPTUNE BEACH townhouse, LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel- $1350/mo. 246-2627
3BR DOUBLE WIDE In portslde. Near
beaches. Built-In 2000. $28,000.
DOUBLEWIDE IN Portside. 24'x40',
3BR/2BA. $15,000. Call 502.8326.
MOBILE HOMES for everyone. Why rent
when you can own In 60 months or less.
Special deals for cash buyers. Homes are
located In a gated community in central
Jacksonville. Convenient to 'buses and
shopping. For appt please call Donna
FOR SALE 415 3rd St. South. 850sf. Busi-
ness zoned next to Cottage by the Sea.
537-0503. $395,000
2850st., $2850/mo includes ulildies Call
Ban @ 241.3111 tExt. 11).
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very
.clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
ATLANTIC BEACH off Seminole Rd.'
Beautiful newer 3/2.5 townhome, 1Qft ceil-
ings, light & bright, hardwood floors, 1 car
gar., small fenced backyard, 8 blocks to
beach. $1550/mo., flexible terms. And al-
so avail. .
Jax Beach,' Jardin De Mer condo. Beauti-
ful, new 2/2 w/ frplc. & garage. First floor.
$1125/mo. Call June, Firs't Trusi Realiy,
S.994-3608. -. I I
NEP BCH, 2BR/1 5BA, clean. W/D. near
PVB, 3BRi2BA Townhome. WDHU. lyr ICW, lenced yard. $885/mo 631-8607
.lease. No pels $950/mo $4950!sec
249.6501 233.7224
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR.2BA palmo nome'
Club pool and morel $950'mo. 3BR.2BA
condo. $12001mo All Soulri Realty.
. 241 4141. .
Spacious and well maintained 2 bedroom
& 1.1'2 oaths. Approximately 1100sil, 1
DICck lo the oeacr No pers. lull kitchen,
washer/ dryer connectons loIs ol closets
126 S 13in Ave. Jax Beach. $950 monlr,
ly rental (lulilies nor included i 550 secur-
iry deposit Minimum 7 monin lease
Available In December. 285-1852
3BR/2BA DUPLEX Lora & First, Iree in-
lernel $1500,'mo. 249-2865
LARGE I bedroom Excellent location. 2
blocks t10 ocean Very clean No Pets
$675/mo 642-1214 and 241-1219
1BR APT, 2nd St. S, Jax Bch. Call
ATLANTIC BEACH, 706 Cavalla Rd. 2 BLOCKS Irom ocean 2BR/iBA. W/D
2BR/1.5BA, WDHU, enclosed porch and water included, lenced-in yard
$775/mo. +$775/dep. 514-8761. $1250.'mo adep 1904)571-6142
Walk io Ocean. Separate dining room,
CH&A, WDHU. No pets $1100/mo. lease.
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo. just steps
to ocean Club pool. $875/mo. All Souin
Realty, 241-4141.
QUIET AND SPACIOUS, 1 mile l1 Allan.
tic Beach Town Center, 1500si lown-
home. 2BR/2.5BA +olihce. W,D, garage.
No smokers/pals, $1225/mo 655-2718.
CH/A, WDHU. East of '1sl St $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
ATLANTIC BEACH Suadio garage apt.
near ocean $650/mo. All South Realty,
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1sl Ave. South,
IBR/1BA $685/mo 1904)891-0606.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon. $1100/mo.
JAX BEACH block & half from water.
2BR'IBA, CH/A, WDHU. irepiace
$695/mo. 904-891-0606.
2BR/1.5BA, balcony, ceramic iile Iloors.
assigned parking, laundry room Ocean
Front Apis, 801 I1s Street Souin $1050
993-2555, www.BeachesApartments.com
S JAX Bch. small 1/1. 1 DIk 10 ocean
Electric. water & caole, W/D inci. Small
pet ok No lease necc Avail approx
12,'15. $500/dep $800.mo. 707-3641 or
Dolphin Coue 3/2. $1295, 1400 SF
11/2 off first month's rent ith 12/mo lease i
Ocean Grove Condo, 1/I, ground
floor. $S50/mo, 2/2. $1050/mo
Fabulous.4/2, pool, $2200, 2300 SF
2/1.5, $ll00/mo, 1464 SF.
The Palms, 2/2. $1150, 1100 SF
Landings at Belle Rive New 2/2 w/
garage, $995. 1300 SF
Kendall Pointe Ne%, free cable &
mlernet. 2/2. $95)0, 1100 SF
ATLANTIC BEACH/ Mayport area 1350
Tulip SI 3BR/IBA, CH&A. 1000sl, big Iol
marsr, views $975'mo Available 12/5/06
4 5 blocks 1o ocean, $1300/mo. +700 aep
372 4477
ATLANTIC BEACH Home. Ocean side ol
Ocean Blvd, 41h house from ocean. Large
gated grounds w'swimming pool carport
and parking area Like new, 2BR.2BA. just
paled days ago. Giant walk-in closets,
Big, new kitchen w/offlice and kitchen eat-
ing area disnwasner 150 t1 walk lo beach
w,,parking lol Washer & Dryer Air. loIs ol
windows, screened porch by swimming
pool. All ile flooring. Ceiling plans In all
rooms View ol ocean Irom driveway
Shower/tub Cable TV & internet already
hooked up. $1450/mo. +ulllllies, FirsI &
as months rent and $1000/dep. 15151
Ocean Blvd Alianric Beach, FL 32233.
Call 904-887 9595
re -
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, furnished or
unfurnished; 2400 sf, $1950/mo,
Eagle Ridge Drive. 4BR/2.5BA, 2000sf.
$1495/mu. 241-RENT or 733-3730..
JAX. BCH- 1170 14th St. North; 1'500sf,
3BR/2BA, fenced yard; screened porch,
largq great room, tile floors, pets OK.
$1300/mo. 412-4618
OAK HARBOR, 3/2, CH&A, WDHU, re-
modeled kitchen, $1050./mo +, deposit.
249-3214 or 945-3303.
Rd., 3BR/2BA, CH&A, garage,,$13300/mo.
:1yr. lease. (904)707.9954.
2BR/BA 2 car garage, $1200/mo, off
Hodges Blvd.,'greal neighborhood. 651-
8114, : ..
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3/2. 1400sqh greal
arrangement lor roommate w/ 2 entries
and driveways $1600/mo. + unl No pels.'
includes lawn & pest control. (904)237-
SJB. 4BR/2BA w/2car garage. Roomy
floorplan, large yard Close 10 beach/
shopping $1595/mo. (904)476-7831.
ICW, ATLANTIC at Kernan. Kensinglon
3BR/2BA 1840st. 2CG., $1300imo -sec.
deposit 904-891-7729.
ATLANTIC BCH, 4BR 2BA, like new, com-
pletely remoaeledl Bike o10 beach & park
$1250/mo 247.4527
-- --- ----
We have OCEANFRONT properties as well
As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,
All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:
4BeachesRealty.com or can:
4-Beaches Realty at: 904/249-3077
ps IT4; 0 is]; 167" 3 R
SJAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave So 2BR.'1BA
house. CH&A, lenced bard, $775.'mo.
S. PONTE VEDRA- Like new. 38R'2 5BA
in Tunle Snoresl Clur pool, tennis & more!
$2000/mo All Souih Realty. 241.4141
ceramic tile
ahn It.lnceri
floors. CH&A. laundry roomr. p
yard, 1 yr lease, no pels, $9
$950-mo 617 7in Ave S,
993.1114 or 270-1284:.
4BR.3BA. BRAND new Tidewater Home
$1800 mo Call 19041249-2840
PVB SUMMERHOUSE new 2i2 washer/
dryer., replace 5 star amenities, no
smoking, pets, only $925/mo + deposit
PONTE VEDRA. Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches. pond view, pool
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
New 3/2. 20h balcony lacing East, granite.
all appi, 71n Iloor. Steps to the beach
$2100'mo. 651-1012
3BR/2BA. WOLF Creek, Beacn Blvd;
CluDhouse. Pool. Ftiness. $1200imo Call
19041 249-2840
NEPTUNE BCH- 3BR/2 5BA townhouse.
1 car garage. lenced yard. pool. $1250,mo
No pels. Available 12.1 534-3411
PVB. 2BRi2BA, ready to move in. Saw-
grass CC, (904)285-6423 or 1732)872-
PONTE VEDRA. Spacious 2BR'2BA.
2 story corner unit w fireplace. W0D Newly
reno,'aied $1100'mo. eiecric. 635-6375
PVB IN Sawgrass Players Club, 3BR/2BA
townhouse. 1475sl garage, W/D Tire-
place $1495/mo. Steve, 537-0570 Pre-
view at w.ww.steveshaughnessy corn
2BR/1.5BA, newly renovated, .kitchen
equipped, WDHU, fenced yard. No pets.
$800/mo. +deposit. (904)221-5833.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 block to ocean,
efficiency. Lease, deposit. $650/mo.'
floors, CH&A, WDHU, 1.5 blocks to
beach, 1st/ last, mo..rent, SD, 1 year
lease. $900/mo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tate, Inc. 246-4862.,
JAX BCH near ocean 1BR unlurnisned
apt., lease, references 1725,mo 222 4in
Ave. So., 221-4134, 703-5518,
950"depos'l JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. North,
Jax Bcn 2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch,
fenced .yard, CH&A, $850/mo.
BIKE TO the beach. 3BR/2BA. 1500sf.
$1200/mo. Call 904-708-0391.
PVB. SPACIOUS 1200sf 2BR/2BA. Lots
ol amenies $950/mo. Call 234-2646
1BR/1BA CONDO in The Palms at Marsh
Landing, iirsi Iloor newly remodeled VW/D,.
relrierator, gated community, pool, gym,
$900imo. 339-3500 or 220-6603
OCEAN FRONT new 3/3 garage, won-
dertul views consider lease option,
$2695/mo 568-4818.
Mira Visla Condo, 3BRi2BA, Atlanlic Blvd
on the Inlercoaslal Waterway, Bidg #2,
hirst Iloor overlooking the Marina. Fitness
center pool, garage included '6 or 12.
monln lease Lease to own option Financ-
ing available. 30 yr fixed loan at 5 8750o
Please call (904)347-3724
JAX BCH. new 3BR 3BA Nonh Shore
condo. 61h floor, 1126 N 1si Sl.
52100, mo. (904)251t-4319.
2BR,2BA, GROUND floor. end unil w/ga-
rage, close lo pool. plenty or storage In
The Palms @ Marsh Landing, $1100/mo,
Bren, (619)819-5222.
JAX BCH condo, The Palms. 2/2 marsh
view, $1100/mo. 434-3456.
JAX BCH. 2/2 CONDO w.'garage. Galed
@ Villas. $1000/mo + dep. No dogs PVB, BEACH House, 3/2, furnished.
608-0718. beach access. $2200/mo 285-9613.
2BR/2BA condo, galed community. 2005
resioranon. walk-in closely screened oal-
cony, lop floor end unit, 3 community
pools., larm, vaulted ceilings, The Palms
@ Marsh Landing Priced to Rent this
month $995 Senous. responsible renters
only. 973-715-1176.
1BR 1BA PONTE Vedra Condo wion,
house. Pool $1000/mo only; Call (9041
JAX BEACH. Luxury 2BR'2BA condo in
galed community. 10'ceings. granite
counter-tops, SS appliances Minules Io
beacon, shopping, restaurants. $1800/mo.
904-891-5843, Accent Properties.
2BR' 2BA, ground floor. gated community.
5 siar living $925.'mo. Call Steve Macri.,
Country Club Real Estate 1904P662-9015.
Galed 5-siar communry. W/D incl over-
looks gollcourse. Close to beach. Pets
limned. $975,mo Call Karen 705-8853
New 312 luxury condo on 81h floor. incredi-
ble ocean and beacr, views, granite coun-
ters. ceramic tile. covered balcony, all ap-
pliances included, sleps to beacon
$2000imo. 891-5843 Accent Properties
PVB. 2BR/2BA. w/hieplace. new applian-
ces, washer/dryer, many amenities.
$1000/mo. 472-0914
1901 Challenger CI. Easi 2BR/2BA Ion.
tile/ carpel, new appliances, private coun-
yard, no pels $895/mo 631-3583 or 612-
3BR/2BA SPACIOUS Condo; close to the
BeachI $1195/mo., Call 1904)249-2840
ATLANTIC BEACH, Remodeled condo/
lease 2BR/1.5BA, A/C. security. New ap-
pliances No pets $850/mo. -5850/dep
K MIKK Inl ^l :111 iH d
3BR/2BA, BRAND NEW Condo; Williams
Walk, Banram Park: $1295/mo. Call
CONDO -FOUNTAINS", Ponte Vedra, 695
A1A N. 3BR/ 2BA Lease $1295 or
buy $229,900 Very clean 246-6649
Brand new in CostayVer.Ano, 2600sq ,
3BR,3 5BA coverep garage & amenities
.ennler w1 iheaire room. oilliaro ioom, in-
door spa, sauna & steam room ou door
healed pool, overlooking ocean, approx
$40,000 in upgrades. $3500/mo. (404)-
2BR/2BA in PVB, next to TPC Goll Vil-
lage, 5-star amenities, walk to beach,
$1250/mo Call Laura for delails,
'The Condo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
Long Term Rentals
1/1 furnished $850-$900
Al new interiors!!
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
Planned Ativities
Too much to list.you must visit!
Suncoast Management, LLC
(904) 285-4840
Unfurnished Homes Intracoastal West Stonefleld at Bartram Park Mandarin I
i Serena Point- JB 3BR/3BA, new top Bishop's Court Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story courtyard g
floor condo, direct oceanfront views. End units \v/views, home, 1975 sqft, two car garage, amenities.
amenities, garage. $3000/mo. all appliances, amenities. $1450/mo.
' Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA. IBR/IBA, ground floor. $875/mo. Windsor Parke Hodges 3BR/2.5BA, two
, condo has luxurious features. ocean 1BR/iBA, ground floor. $900/mo. story home w/deck, fireplace, enclosed ,
porch, sunset porch. garage. $2800/mo. Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA. ground .porch, fenced backyard. $1995/mo.
Seawalk PV 3BR/2BA. home w/long floor condo, upgraded, screened porch, Kensington St Aug 4BR/3BA, new home,
*k water views, private beach access, w/private water view. $1000/mo. all tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio,
comm. pool. $2700/mo. Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate comm. pool ;$2200/mo..
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile Unfurnished Condos
new construction \\/incredible ocean floors, upgrades,-balcony. $1095/mo. Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end
; views, garage, amenities. $2100/mo. Herons Way Hodges 2BR/2BA, brand uiit, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded. a
5 Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV new townhouse 'with attached garage, $1000/mo;
o 4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on amenities. $1100/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing JB.
, lagoon, 2 car garage. $1700/iro. Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
- Sawgrass Players, Club PV townhouse, all upgraded, screened .1BR/1BA. 3rd floor with garage. $925/mo.
2BR/2BA, home ,has wood deck porch, amenities. $1100/mo: 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
w/lagoon to golf course views, 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse w/attached ceilings. $1100/mo. .
remodeled. $1450/mo. garage. $1200/mo. Jardin De Mer JB
SBeach Avenue -AB 2BR/BA, 2nd story IL Villagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA two 3BR/2B, floor codo w/al the
duplex, ocean view s. wood deck, wood story, condo w/upgrades throughout, upgrades, garage fireplace, balcony.
floors., $1200/mo. amenities. $120/mo. .. $1150/mo.
The Cou.tyards ayport of AB Brightwater -ate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA,
3BR/2.5BA. private, updated unit end unit to% house. w/porch, garage, club CT
w/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks pool. $1250/mo. l' COASTALRE' STATE
lagoon. $1175/mo. I Bentwater Place Hodges 3BR/2BA, Sha ( S m54
131 Magnolia NB 2BR/1BA, ground home backs up to preserve, screened porch, (904) 285-5640
floor large duplex. plus den, less than' fenced backward, 1992 sqft.. $1400/mo. .www.rentthebeaches.com ,
block to bch. $1000/mo. ...
5 I^^51
house, 1450+sf., 3BR/2.5BA, 1 car ga-
rage, gas fireplace, fenced backyard,
open floor plan. $1150/mo. 608-2579.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
PVB IN Sawgrass Players Club, 3BR/2BA
townhouse, 1475sf., garage, W/D, fire-
place. $1495/rho. Steve, 537-0570. Pre-
view at www.steveshaughnessy.com
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, $1975/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
.2BR/1 5BA, 3 blocks from, ocean.
$975/mo. + deposit. 710-5200.
ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport, spacious 3/2,
plus bonus room, fireplace, fenced yard,
great condition! :No smoking/ pets. only
$1025/mo + deposit. 755-4038.
TOWNHOME IN Atlantic Beach 2/2 plus
loft. Jacuzzi tub, enclosed patio and two
car garage. $1600/Mo. Contact Kevin Fol-
som, Lifestyles (904) 612-1191.
ell Rd. 3/1, brick, $900/mo. VIP Realty,
S JAX Bcn 2BR/2BA lully lurnisned. 1
car garage, tenced yard Incd wireless. in.
lernei, & caole Complelely updated. 3
blocks irom Deacr For prhotos e-mail ma-
tiaeugeniarooio@bellsouth.nei $1500.m,.,
Long lerm lease -107l 394-5858
NEPTUNE BCH- 2BR/1.5BA townhouse,,
1 5 blocks to ocean, dishwasher, W/D
connections, $995/mo. 246-3739
MOBILE HOMES $525 lo $575, on pri-
vale lois. Near Mayponrt Naval Sralon, no
dogs, 333-5579.
JAX BEACH Oceanview Renovated
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A
,. 1BR1BA, $700fmo. Io $1000/Imo
., (904)859-1301, (904)553-1354
NEPTUNE BEACH,' 1 block to ocean
2BR, sunporch, WDHU, CH&A. Lease.
deposit. $900/mo (904)398-0470.
PVB TOWNHOME, 3/2. 1500sqft, w/lanai.
attached garage. $1195/mo. (904)742-
''--`-------- ~
PONTE VEDRA By the Sea 4BR/2.5BA, 2
car garage, walk to beach, $2600/mo.
fireplace, fenced back yard, 3 blocks to
ocean, 2 blocks to Town Center. Available
12/20/06, $1185/mo. Call
WEST BEACHES, 3/1, carpet, FL room,
CH&A, Ig. yard. $950/mo. TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
JAX BEACH, 3/2.5, 1700sf., 2car gar,
gage, big backyard, avail. Dec, $1450/mo.
3BR/2BA, 1700SF., 4 blocks from beach,
bonus room. $1800/mo. (904)631-9643
JAX BCH, 3BR/1 BA, CH&A, washer dryer
hook up, large yard, new kitchen, new car-
pet; $1050. 249-1104.
PONTE VEDRA, Plantation Oaks,
5BR/4BA, 3800sf., 6mo. rental, basic fur-
nishings, pool, jacuzzi, tennis courts.
$3800/mo. Call (904)571-4173.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everything' new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Must see! $1100/mo. 465-2163..
1129 Sebago Ave. So./Oak Harbor .
All new 3BR/2BA, tile/carpet, fenced, no
pets. $1200/mo;.
1123 Sebago'Ave So. 3BR/2BA, great,..
snape tenced, screened porch, carport, no
pels, $1300/mo 631-3583 or 612-8868.
BRAND. NEW Keywest,. single family
home: gated community, 2900+ sf,
4BR'35BA, 2 car garage. $1800/mo.
$499,900 (904)608-2579.
4BR/2 5BA. WESTSIDE, $1400/mo. Call
The Beaches Leader/Ponte 'edra Leader
Classified 5
nA' lob UIiAE ~kyDIIImjl' i,*n n~'I MON"'. ~i~AI I i.7N... ., OULT HM epi:PaniWo
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49.50.
from changing a lightbulb
to changing the color of your house
BARON & Betn's Cleaning Service; com-
mercial & residential. Call for your free
quote, 248-9950.
CLEAN TO SHINE. Our company commit-
ment Is 100o. Customer Satisfaction at
Affordable Prices. We clean homes; apart-
ments, offices, RV's, new construction and
restaurants. For a free estimate call 514-
7009 or (904)779-0158. We will beat any
company prices.
CLEANING BY Christopher, catering to.
the beaches area, (904)725-27389 '
ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices.. Free estimates for repair/ Installation.
Comm/Res. Standby generators and
transfer switches. All electrical needs.
Visa/MC. 343-5535. Great rates
WOOD Fence 'Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises 241-7276, 838-9599
759-1612.. Free Deliveryl Ranger load
special! $75.'
WINTER'S ON the wayl Be ready! Seas-
oned firewood; cords & half cords availa-
big, with tree delivery. Call 334-3157.
applications, house calls, training, repairs,
upgrades, websites, graphics Free phone
tech. 904-249-3034 or email:
Dependable Quality Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737.
sional Lawn & Landscape Maintenance
Co. FREE ESTIMATES. 535-2515.
PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, license & insur-
ed. Call for free estimate, 312-0249 or
Sale roof cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045.
Have your home or business washed be-
tore the hoildays Insured. 294-6116.
*A G
Contractor will paint any avg. size room
$95. (904)613-1271.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
ilon this ad. 246-1529.
knotqh work guaranteed. Painting, Irim,
carpentry, wood repair,- pressure washing.
Licensed/ Insured., Free estimates.
sure washing, painting, drywall repair, tex-
ture 4 wallcoverings, 25 years experience.
Lic., -insured, refs. (904)403-7389
& Wa .ll4pa ring.,
Pressure Washing
Quality craftsmanship by
Joe DiMauro
-30, years -expenence,.
Licensed'., InSured References
Now Accepting' 9 ~2
(904) 373-0680 (904) 229-9542
Dt ;AnLi; n IUIVIl bl..nV 1U1 i liiillllg,
free estimates, work guaranteed. licensed.
IMPROVEMENTS. Intenor/Exterior Paint-
ing, Faux Finishes Rotten Wood Replace-
ment, Pressure Washing. (904)894-4257.
e service thousands o beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409.
ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.
SEAMLESS GUTTERS installed call for a
tree estimate. 652-6336 or 651-5835.
Installation and repairs. Call 246-5649.
Patios, Entryways. Top quality, fast esti-
mates. wyvw.modernapavers.com
Paint, tile, carpet, plumbing, electrical.
block, and more. 10 years experience;
free estirtmate. 'Licensed & Insured. 534-
3732/803-9937. 1.
ANGELS DECKING & Fence. All decks,
fence & concrete needs. Licensed & Insur-
-ed, Free estimates. Call 400-0392.
r.- r-i;t. I iul ,LJr yVv IL ll nc. bpeciaIc
ing in drywall & home maintenance Lic. &
Ins (904)509-2849.
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
GREG FIELDS Carpentry & Painting
35yrs experience. All types of wood work
Specializing in interior trim carpentry.
Licensed & Bonded in all counties.
Specializing in Remodeling,
Additions, Decks, Repairs,
Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
for thdie home or office.
(904) 247-3777
All Credit Cards Accepted
Certified Builder Certified Roofer
Lie. CB-C059536 Lie. CCC 1325888
Member of the Beeter Buiness Bureau
State Certified Contractor
New Construction / Addiuons
Remodeling. Kitchen & Bath
TenruLe Damage Repair
Condominium Upgrades & Remodels
Plan & Design Sernices A\ailable
Member NFBA
', Call Bob 626.-1165
Fax 246-0289
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs. DAVE. 246-6628.
Repair, Pressure Washing and more.
17yrs experience. Licensed/ Insured.
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beacn. 25yrs experience.- 880-9908.
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing Trusl a li-
censed professional. See our ad under
Remodeiing/Conslruction Siare Certiied
Roofer #CCC1325888. Member BBB
247-3777. All creadt cards accepted.
Reroof, new rool, repairs all types of roots
Mention this ad for a $100 discount on all
rerool or repairs over $750. Call
Ouallry work ai reasonable rates. Stump.
gnnding. Since 1986
WOODARD TREE Service Free esti-
mates, licensed & insured Firewood for
sale $50 1/2 cord, $100 full cord. Will De-
liver. Call 234-9757
QUALITY WORK Inslall, Removal. &
Painting. Residential. Commercial.
25yrs Experience References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.
Available from Commercial News Providers"
C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
wall Paintining, Paperhanging, Tiling, etc:
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.
I A Perfect Gift
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Remodeling Renovations
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CBC 1253069
Nnvpmhi-r 74 70M
IS _-- v -WM w
Cl'ccifiprd 6
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
November 24, 2006
GORGEOUS OCEAN front condo, shortW
term available, weekly/monlhly 2BR/2BA,
jacuzzi, hardwood floors, granite counters,
ocean side pool, private beach access,
covered parking. Call 568-6909. or.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
rn.sned homes & condos! From $500 per
week' All Souin Realty, 241-4141.
homes Weekly/monthly. Visil us at
laxbeachrental corn or 535-3911 or
ROOMMATE FOR 3BR/2BA wipool. Jax
Beacn $550/mo -deposit includes uihil.
ies (9)4)2-19-1890
ATLANTIC BCH. master bedroom, washer
dryer $500;mo ulilities included
1904 463-0928
RETIRED GENTLEMAN seeks roommate
w/ cooking skills to share Ponte Vedra
.condo Call 280 8782
ICW. FURNISHED room private baih,
115:i.'wk inci uJli 210 8877 or 996-8341.
tEAR ASSSISI Lane, room lor rent to qui-
el lenant uihlies S cable included. WD,
O1t00.vw 241-5192.
JAX BEACH. 3rd'& Beach 748sf. 3 offli-
ces + reception area. conference room
available 687-8682
1000 sqh signage; avail, at 3010 S 3rd
Si Ca.ill 247.1770 for ,ro.
PRIME 650SOFT Neplune Beacri orice,
ample parking, 3rd Street signage. handi-
cap access, January availiilily. Possible
sale ol entire 2800sqh building. Call 241-
lune Beach, 1200sl w/5 large offices,
1400sif pen Iloor plan (build to sui), or
combine space icor 2600sl. Recently reno-
vaied ample parking, water included, no
CAM For more information. Call 992-9344
or 514-6092
S overlookingg golfl ,ourie in S Jax Bea.-h
Call 241.5553 x15
2 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
Souiri 3rd St.- one upstairs unit 4, 700sl
a" kicher.' lunch area. one downstairs unit
1400si- rental rates are Irom $760
base per month. depending on size and
amenities Call 247-1770 for appi to view.
LARGE 1 room realihcare office Share
,:.:-.mmon ar.eas. ,alhnrooms, office manag.
er ample parking. 3rd Streel, Neptune
Ecr, 241 .-666.
APPROXIMtATELY 750 sl quality otfice
space overlooking goil course in S Jax
eacr CGall 241.5553 x15
Short or Long Term
Secretarial Services
Conference Room
East of AlAV
walk to beach
Close to shopping/
For more information,
(904) 543-7000
NEPTUIJE TOWN Cenler. House lor
oni.:e shc.p gallery, eic 247-9774
l21 OFFICE Cond:os. 1140sl each. 210
, weal i995 Avail 1'1 .0 904-687-3000
FREE PUREBRED Yellow Lab to qo,:,d
r,:,mc 5 yea.r: old lo1 01of energy. greal
0', d.j 2.1 7077.
DOLL FACED Himalayan kirlens and
'milali creek, puppile. $50 each 742.
.. .
HOMELESS PETS lor adopl.or- Cats &
. 03 :46-.3600.
IF r'OU arte Ireresied in advertising under
inis category please call 904-249-9033 or
emai classiied'@beachnelsieader.com
We're exploding with news
you wani 10 hear.
=ind ihe lately local news,
sports, and weather
information in one place.
Get up-to-the-minute updates
online at
Call today
io subscribe
resled divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wall Wnith kids la lltile longer) Since
1981/,by appi. only (904)641-2187
Taxi Drivers needed Io work Beach and
intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record Call 249-0360.
CNA TRAINING PROGRAM Bushong insurance Assocites, Inc., a
,Ponte Vedra Insuranc.Broker, desIres
Fleet Landing _In partnership--wl.tha.- .o..ndiledst -b-r Property & Casualty Lines
American Red Cross Is offering a training account service position primarily servic-
program for Interested Individuals with a Ing upscale condominium unit-owner poll-
desire to become a certified nursing assis- cles. Take this opportunity to expand your
tant. The program is being offered with no professional knowledge and experience
cost to qualied Individuals. Tne course our innovative approach to doing busi-
will be parlt-ime and meal in the evenings ness. Minimum 440 license required. Fax
lor 10 weeks We are a premier retirement resume to 285-5161
community located in Allantic Beach. For
more information, please call us at 904- MEDICAL ACCOUNTING department*
246-9900 exi. 437 (tilling/ ins.) at busy pediatric office, has
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classlihed@beachesleader com
All levels, styles & ages Will come lo your
riome Piano Tuning also available.
241 -4954. 655-3300.
Weekends, 7am to 7pm. at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center.
Applications available at Fleel Landing
Security Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Al.antic Beach, FL: Fax to 19041246-9447:
mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOEB
Drug-Free Workplace.
DRIVER NEEDED Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426
PONTE VEDRA.area counter help want-
ed, morning, 285-5644.
EXPERIENCED BATHER for busy groom-
ing shop, tun place to work; Tues. thru
Sal 745am-approx 2pm. Hard work,
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-.
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business opponu-
rniies appear under the Business Opportu-
nilies category. Ads wnich may require
payment o fees for employment inlorma-
ion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a lob opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
6pm. [or church preschool. Some experi-
ence required 246-2891 for interview
MUST LOVE KIDS. Local church hiring
nursery workers Part-time 5-10 hrst wk
Sunday & Monday momings and Wednes-
day evenings Call Casey at 221-1700
X204 or tax resume lo 221-9191.
SALON. BOOTH rental, Allantic Beach.
Contacl Susan. 241-1020.
Office Manager
Local Swimming Pool Company located at
ine Beacnes. looking for Office Manager
lor high paced Pool Service Maintenance
and Repair Division. Duties include sched-
uling service technicians lor repairs. man-
aging depanmenial billing, handling cus-
lomer requests and performing office sup-
port lunciions for tis department Need
excelleri customer service and organiza-
tional skills, computer experience with
Word. Excel, and Accounting software. 01-
lice management experience required. Ex-
perience working in a service type envi-
ronmenl, such as plumbing. electrical,
HVAC a maior plus Email resume -eoju-,
lie'surisidepools nel or fax to 904-249-
8801 or complete application at SurtSide
Pools 313 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville
Bea:hn. FL 32250. Compensation depend-
eni on e.
FULL-TIME 1-30pm to 9 30pm in main
dining robinom K.chen. Dependability and
punctuality a must Excellent benefits and
great work environment To apply- appli-
cations available at Fleel Landing Security
Gale. One Fleel Landing Blvd.. Allantic
Beachn. FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail iojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
skills. Health insurance after 90 days.
clc.se Io beach, Call 591-4385
CARPENTER- INT Trim wicrown mould-
ing exp tools and Iransp a must- need
immediately. Call Kevin 339-4276.
,room and board. Call 285-8082 for
MOVING AND Storage Co. is currently
seeking professional. coueous and expe.
rienced Lab.:rers and Drivers Drivers
music possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License. Drug testing is required For
more inlormaiion call 241-2921.
City ol Atlanlic Beach. $10.90/hr;
$436 wk ; $22,672,yr. Responsible for
custodial & grounds Keeping acliviltes in
maintaining parks & recreation areas with-
in the city. Must have valid FL drivers Ii-
cense & be able Io oblain First Aid 8 CPR
cenl.calon wilnin 6 mins of hire Applica-
liors accepted unlil 11.2906, 800 Semi-
nole Rd.. Allantic Beach. FL 32233 For
more inlo call 1904i247-5820 or visit
www.coab.us No smokers tobacco
users Drug-lesling conducted EOE
GENERAL MANAGER needed for Ger-
man restaurant In Jacksonville. Must
speak German Iluenily & have min. 10yrs
reslaurani exp Call 514-6092.
Perfect Part-Time Job!
(Full-Time Too!)
Home Cleaners '
$200 $400/wk.
Flexible Daytime
Work Near Home
i* Own Transportation
Beaches Location
STop Pay for
Right Individual
with Positive
Full Benefits.
Immediate opening for a mature applicant
Experience preferred, compeialive salary
and benefits package. Send resume to
lax: 642-2344. e-mail. jpaadmin@bell-
Company seeking experienced individual
for Receptionist] Admin Support posihlon
At least 3 years experience in a fast-
paced environment required. Must have
excellent oral and written communication
skills, outstanding customer service skills,
the ability to multi-task. be familiar with
general office procedures and be proli-
cent with MS Office lools. II interested.
go lo
htp //www.lexisnexis.com/careersiapply
and apply to requisition #220484.
Company seeking experienced individual
for Administrative Support position Re-
quirements include at least 3 years pievi-
ous administrative experience, highly pro-
ticient with MS Office tools, experience
working with databases, excellent oral and
written communication skills, outstanding
customer service skills and the ability to
multi-task. It interested, go to
and apply to requisition #219084.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed for cleaning
nightly. Will train, must nave transportation
and phone. Call 273-2761. '
NANNY. GOOD Pay, PT/FT days. Trans-
portation. references needed. 241-2723.
FAMILY PARTNERS- Beaches- Seeking
Infant & Toddler Careglvers. Preschool
Teachers and VPK Teachers Full and
Part-time positions available. Experience
preferred -Will train enthusiastic indlvidu.
als withdlots of common sense and a gen-
uine love lor children, Call 246-0882 or tax
resume 249-1033
NEEDS FULL time Servers, Host/ Hostess
with open availability. Apply within 1018
North 3rd St., Mon- Fn, 2pm- 4pm.
PA OR Nurse Practitioner needed for busy
ediatric office. Salary. Ilex. hours, full
benefit pkg. Email or fax Resume to:
jpeadmin@bellsouth.net 904-642-2344.
North Florida Real Estate Broker is cur.
rently seeking new agents to assist with
the company's growth through the next
decade. Prospective Sales Associates
must be goal oriented, sell-starters wno
can prospect for new clients, understand
the importance ol relationship marketing.
and possess an ability to close real eslale
Transactions. Successful agents will earn
high incomes with company's individual
training initiatives and assistance with
their personal business development pro.
gram. Full and Par-time Positions availa-
ble immediately Flonda Real Estale Li.
cense Required. Please FAX cover letter,
resume and contact information to Corpo.
rate Trainer al 813-225-1630, mail Intfor-
mation to PO Box 26312 Tampa, Florida
33623 or e-mail information to
FULL time Monday Friday with excellent
benefits at Premier Retirement Communi-
ty. Applications available al Fleet Landing
Security Gae, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. FL 32233: Fax resume to
(aQ41a4&i9447, ....emal. -. ro:
jobs Q.fleeLleandlng.com. Websile al
www.fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
PAINTERS WANTED: Must have basic
hand tools and transportation. DFWP
Scott Painting Inc. (904)710-6732.
employs individuals in a variety ol posi.
tions. For a listing of current opportunities
please visit us in person 11 N. 3rd Sr., 2nd
floor, call 247-6263, send an email to per-
sonnel@laxbchfl netl, or visit our websile
www.JacksonvilleBeach.org Drug tree
work environment, EOE VP.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotlablea tips. Benelils
Avail. Apply In person, 1401 Beach Blvd
FULL-rTime, 3pm-1lpm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. .Excellent benefit
package, competitive,/wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate. One Fleel
Landing Blvd. Allantic Beacn. FL, Fax to
1904)246-9447; email to jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOEi Drug-Free Workplace.
Atffordable Residential Communities
tARC). a unique & growing company thna
operates manufactured housing communi-
lies across Ine country and is seeking mo-
livated self-staner person to increase oc-
cupancy of MH communists in ihe East-
ern Region Florida TN. Carolina and
Georqia Districts) Resp include. Training
Sales/ Leasing Mgr budget organization,
supporting community managers in sales,'
leasing activities, developing and imple.
menling marketing plans. coordinates ad-
venising programs and many more. Re-
quires 5-7 years of related management
experience (i.e.. sales marketing, promo-
lions & public relanons) Must be able to
travel extensively Musi be a learn player.
creative, professional, sell-moivaled &
possess excellent communication & inier-
personal skills along with strong sales
ability..Bilingual (Spanish) is a plus. Salary
base on exp/qualilications, excellent bene.
ills and an aggressive commission plan.
ARC sirlves to maintain a sale and drug.
free workplace We may condition an offer
ol employment on Ine satisfactory comple-
tion ol a drug screen and background
check, subject to applicable laws. Please
submit resume/ salary requirements to:
Wendy altt904)-223-5111.
We are currently accepting applications
for permanent full-time & part-time sales
and full-time delivery personnel. Sales
should have excellent typing and commu-
nicailon skills, good spelling ability and
musl be highly motivated. Delivery drivers
must have a current valid driver's license.
We offer competitive salary, paid vacation
and medical & dental insurance. We are a
drug free work place. Apply in person at
3802 Beach Blvd. or 832-10 AlA N. Tour-
nament Plaza, Ponte Vedra No phone
calls please.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call Apiil, 246-9999
showroom sales'duties as needed at a
well established marble and granite im-
porter located at the beach. Knowledge of
sione materials and design helpful. Salary
and benefits negotiable upon experience.
Fax resume to: 241-3204;
if you are 55 and older, wiln limited or no
income and need help. We may have the
training and employment opportunities
Irial can help solve your problems.
Find out if you quality.,
call Experience Works toay.
Ask lor VicK.
Funded.by the State 6f Florida
Department of Elder Affairs. -
iCE CREAM Shop for sale in All Bch.
Owner moving. 241-6664.
ABSENT ANSWER is looking lor ha pyACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
people to work FT/PT flexible shis. Will Iransponaon & references. $10-$12,nr
train. Greal pay. Call today 270-2357. any area PR & First Aid. P/T or F.iT
New restaurant in Jax Bch offers employ-
ees great pay & fun atmosphere Apply in
person: 1500 Beach Blvd. #111.
EXP. ELETRICAL Helper. Must have driv-
ers license & be able to pass background
& drug test. Call 270-0070 10-4pm or
lax resume to: 246-7240.
CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenters need-
ed., any carpentry experience a plus.
Beaches and Ponle Veara areas Call Tim
$13 plus per hr. Top Benelis Supercuts
273-2888, 223-1824.
Full Time: Small Engine Mechanic at a
premier retirement community. Excellent
benefits. Applications at Fleer Landing Se-
curity Gale, One Fleel Landing Blvd At-
lantic Beach, FL Fax lo 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE.
Drug-Free Workplace.
NOW HIRING pizza maker & line cooks
Call 821-4350 or apply at 4765 Hodges
Bl vd.
BUSY NEPTUNE Beach Family Practice
office has immediate opening for lull rime
medical assistant. Expenemce preferred;
patient oriented leam player waih commu-
nication and computer skills necessary
Fax resume to (904P270-2106.
Multi-line phones, clerical & lioni desk du-
lies. Must have strong computer & people
skills. Fax resume lo. 273-2475
Seeking responsible reliable individuals.
Must be bondable. Serious inquiries only
Leave msg at 716-8824.
expenenced Teachers & AssisianI Teach-
ers. F/T & PRT available. We otfer a com-
petitive salary & benelis package. Call
273-6960 or lax resume to 280-5742
CARPENTRYLaborers Sartr al $9,hr
Beaches area, W.'C exempt Transpona-
lion a musl. Call Rocky, 509-0500.
Glamorous, new, upscale salon. Beaches
area Career professionals only. 220-8900
or see. www.mysalonlavie.com
Lawn sea
overnme i
OPENINGS FOR 1-3yrs old. Full or pan
lime. Good hours Rels Call 220-7493
Indiv Family Self employed
*100% tax deductible
HRSA earns APR FDIC bank
6.490o interest*
*100o Maj Med Coverage-
*3 year level price guarantee*
*You choose providers*
Call today for FREE quote
Lenny & Laura Dienoff
249-0199 448-8980
Agents: 256-0123
CARE GIVER, honest & dependable CPR
& First Aid cenified: 353-5390 910-0878
IF YOU are inieresied in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email ciassilied'@ beacnesleader.com
COMPANION SITTING or child care.
housekeeping and more. PVB referen-
ces 534-3732.
pendable. exc rels. Licensed insured.
Avail 24,7. Will consider live- in. 476-9492
CRAFTSMAN. 12 Band Saw wisiand
$100. Call 246-8911.
LOEHR 7X.1 Epoxy. Tn-lin, new condition
$300.334.71.55 ....
Cnoose & cur live Irees Irom 2000 shaped
Cedar & Leyland Cypress. 1-10 West to
Hwy 125. exit al Glen St. Mary go 12
miles Nonh on Hwy 125 Watch for signs.
Rudolph's Cnrislmas Tree Farm.
* OAK DINING room set, 6 crairs & leai.
like new, $300; Nascar memorabilia many
rvice seeks individual to perform items autographed. 1991 Fora Taurus.
3le quality work Excellent pay & good aor pans, $250, 716-1812.
available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services. Inc. 246-
G Get
SYo u r
A key opportunity is here.
Sales position
at the Beaches!
.. .,... The Beaches Leader, Ponte
... .. Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches community.
Growth potential and established accounts working for on award-
winning, locally owned newspaper. Candidates should have sales
experience, and should be goal-oriented. Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beachesleader.com or bring it to 1114
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
The City of Jacksonville Beachis seeking to fill' the
following positions:
Relay-Substation Crew Leader .
Building Codes Inspector
t Police Records Specialist
r. 911 Dispatcher
PT Utility Plant Operator (PCP)
I. Variety of other positions available
For further information call Amy at 247-6263,
visit us. in person 11 North 3rd Street, 2nd floor,
or online 'www.JacksonvilleBeach.org.
Drug free work environment, EOE, VP
WHITE VINYL 4h picket lencing 94h incl
15 posis, caps & brackets. dismanmed.
$550. 249-3229.
gles, doubles, six-tops, black. Great for
your kitchen ai home. loo! Vince or Tom.
BED- KING mattress sel, $289 Can de.
liver (9041391-0015
PROFORM C630 elliptical exerciser 4
bu.il-in workouts. New in box. bought
$400, selling $200, 249-1829
STEEL BUILDINGS. Drastically reduced
on existing inventory 4 only 25x30, 30x4O0.
45x60, 50x100 general storage, work-
shops. alarming, brand new, still craed, will
deliver. 1.800-211-9593 ask lor Bill.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleign bed,
wimanress & box spring Must saiell. $395
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
insallead for $899 249-8877.
BED- BRAND name queen sel
new, w.'warranty $129. Can deliver
MATCHING OFFICE furniture, 2 desks
$125ea Credenza $100 Greal shape.
Black leather office chair $25 Kingsize
wicker headboard $125 372-9052
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new Still in boxes. $499.
Can deliver 858-9350
Experience t'e boating lifestyle on
the water at Cl
North Florida's Largest Selection
:* 20% for all work scheduled before 12/1/06
Contact BoatTree Service Dept.
-P-. 2 a0 '1B ea&, B ou i. ..
Jackionville BeachiJ1 -2 0 .
: Office: 90 4.219.0Q09 0
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspdng, new in
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
PIANO 1927 Marshall & Wendall, up-
right, recently tuned. $850 OBO, 241-
'HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
w/ incredible dark patina. Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.
SAT., 8AM-1PM, 333 4th St. Antiques &
sporting goods. Something for everyone.
ESTATE SALE- house full of Chinese an-
tique fum. By appt. Also; request our.
booklet Don't Be Creaied By Estate Sale
Managers". 249-1020. Jane Morgan & As-
sociales 4In generation Anriquarians.
Beach Marine
Over 40 Vessels
for Sale
North Florida's Largest
Boat a Yacht Dealer
Moomba C eck
Supra SOut!
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks
... .. Power r
14539 Beach Blvd.
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal
1993 RM250, very last, clean $1300 Call
ATVS. 4-WHEELERS, dirt bikes. sales &
service. LJ iJohnson's Flea Markel.
Boolnms 65 & 66) 5800 Ramnona Blvd .
(904)563-4439, 1904)305 6518.
2006 NISSAN Quesi van, while w an, on.
y 250 mi, private owner, beaulilul,
TOYOTA 4 Runner, 4WD, 6 cyl Good
snape, 195,000 miles., $7600 553-3304
1995 JAGUAR Vanden Plas. 4 door se-
dan. darK Dlue. very good condition
$5600. 1904)808-1329 or t904)501-0934.
2002 LINCOLN Towncar Canrer, black.
loaded, leather interior $10.900
2001 FORD Escort, new paini, lires, ster-
eo, battery, brakes; excellent condition.
$2950. 242-7218
1990 PLYMOUTH Laser, urDo. 22000
mi., on rebuilt motor, power everything.
AC&H. $2500 OBO, 535-3852.
I BOATS7~~ll~
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