Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Calendar
 Section B: Sports: Holiday...
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. November 15, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00091
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. November 15, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: November 15, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00091
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Weddings
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 10
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Calendar
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Holiday Happenings
        page B 5
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 6
        page B 7
        page B 8
        page B 9
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 10
Full Text

Midweek Edition November 15, 2006

;No -.;



at the Guana

See B-2

Vol. 44, No. 42 Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963 50t
| lll"~~c~"""Y1`C III T IIIN .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ...... ... .. ........ ..... .. .. .. I lllf ...




Dec. 5

A St. Johns County School
District committee is crunch-
ing population numbers that
will help decide who will
attend the Ponte Vedra high
school expected to open in
The first of two Town Hall
meetings on attendance zones
for that and three other
schools to be build will be held
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Dec. 5 at Nease High School.
"Right now we're at the
stage where we're getting our
projected [population] num-
bers," Tom Schwarm, senior
director of school operations
for the St. Johns School
District, said this week.
He said that at the Dec. 5
meeting "we should have a
couple of proposals that we
want to share with the public."
The second Town Hall meet-
ing is scheduled 7. p.m.
Monday, Dec. 11 at Bartram
Trail High School in Northwest
St. Johns County.
All four of. the schools
planned .or started .air ii the
county's north, where growth
has been fastest.
Ground was broken last
month on a high school in
Northwest St. Johns that is
expected to relieve crowding
at Bartram Trail. Bartram,
which opened in 2000 'was
built for 1,500 students and as
of this week had 2,617 stu-
Nease, also supposed to hold
1,500, had 2,076 students as of
this week.
The new high school for
Northeast St. Johns County,
which is expected to house

Parkway in Nocatee

like Butler, but not

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Ponte Vedra teens, who. now
attend Nease, is planned just
east of Davis Park in the
Nocatee development.
Schwarm said the zoning
committee considers housing
ready for occupation, under
construction and planned in
the near and long-term future.
Nocatee, being built on both
sides of County Road 210
between the Palm Valley
bridge and U.S. 1, is expected

to have about 30,000 residents
by the time it is built out in 25
Because the Town Hall zon-
ing meetings will address the
addition of two new high
schools, attendance zones for
Nease and Bartram may also be
affected, according to a news
release from the School
"The projections play a key
role," said Schwarm, adding

that the impact of Nocatee will
affect attendance zones for
Nease and the Ponte Vedra
high school
Both new high schools in
North St. Johns are expected to
open in 2008. Construction on
the school at Davis Park is
expected to begin in late
The School Board is expect-
ed to vote on the zones in

Travelers may soon see an
end to the zigzags and con-
struction delays on County
Road 210'west of the Palm
Valley bridge.
Greg Barbour, president of
The Parc Group, master
developers of the 12,000-acre
Nocatee west of the bridge,
said Monday that two lanes
of the new four-lane, limit-
ed-access Nocatee Parkway
should be open in 90 to 120
traffic will be allowed on
those two north lanes while
the two remaining lanes are
being built, Barbour said.
The existing 210 will remain
for local traffic.
In recent weeks, 210 traffic
west of the bridge has been
reduced to one lane or
stopped altogether at various
times so 82-ton beams could
be placed for overpass
bridges on Nocatee Parkway.
Speaking, at the monthly
meeting of the Palm Valley
Community Association,
Barbour likened Nocatee
Parkway to Butler Boulevard.
But unlike'f '.i;i'.. tion
around Butler, he sa'ld, local
traffic won't have to get back
on Nocatee Parkway to access
. rearby .sb; .,r,. I g;etomenon
that often eeps i"utler
"Traffic moving through
the common if[.QfJf atee]
and in the c r ifAini, will
not impact east-west traffic,"
he said.
One audience inember said
that some persons who live
along 210 and eventually
may be surrounded by
Nocatee are concerned that
County Road 210 will be
Barbour explained that
although Nocatee Parkway
will connect to County Road

210 at the four-lane Palm
Valley Bridge, it will contin-
ue to be called County Road
210 for about one mile west
of the bridge.
There, Barbour said, a traf-
fic light will be placed at a
road leading south to the
high school that planned by
the St. Johns County School
District. The school is
expected to open in 2008.
St. Johns County wanted
210 to retain its name up to
that traffic light, Barbour
said. Nocatee developers
have no say-so in what new
name, if any, is given to 210
west of there, he said.
Between the light and U.S.
1, where Nocatee Parkway
will end at the existing 210,
traffic will be able to enter
and exit the parkway at two
interchanges only, Barbour
Nocatee donated the site
for the Ponte Vedra high
school, which Barbour said
will be nearly half a mile
south of 210.
Just north of the high
school site is property being
donated to New Beginnings
Baptist Church, Barbour said.
The road to the high
school: will lead into the
county-owned preserve
along the Intracoastal
Waterway, he said.
Under the plans approved
for Nocatee, St. Johns
County will be given six
more school sites: five for
elementary schools and one
for a middle school, Barbour
One site will be donated to
Duval County for an elemen-
tary school. About 15 per-
cent of Nocatee lies in Duval
St. Johns County also will
be given sites for one library,
two fire stations, one sher-
iff's substation and one
county annex, Barbour said.

Members of the Florida National Guard fire three times
Saturday at the eighth annual Veterans Day Memorial
Ceremony at Ponte Vedra Valley Cemetery.

MSD sticks

with sheriff

The Board of Trustees for the Ponte
Vedra Municipal Service District
(MISD) decided Monday night to
renew the MSD's contract with the St.
Johns County Sheriff's Office instead
of hiring a private security'company.
The trustees unanimously agreed
that sheriff's officers can provide pro-
tection that private guards cannot
because the officers carry weapons,
have the ability to respond more
quickly and have the power to arrest.
"We determined that the private
security companies possibly cannot
achieve all that the community
'desires," MSD trustee Doug Crane said
in an interview Tuesday.
NMSD Chairman Bob Reesh pro-
posed a switch to a private company
in July after many residents com-
plained that they never see the St.
Johns County deputies assigned to
the MSD.
Reesh suggested that the board
research the pros and cons of hiring a
private company partly because
Sheriff David Shoar refused to install
GPS navigation systems in the cars of
MSD deputies. *
The GPS systems would have
enabled trustees to know exactly
where the deputies were patrolling
and when.

See MSD, A-3

Nease High defenders, including Danny Russell (74), Ben Cowell (54), Ryan Chiodo (33),
Jared McNaught (21) and Al Della Porta (43) wrap up Belleview running back Edwin Shepard
during Friday's game at Panther Stadium. Nease won, 49-13. Complete story on page B-1.

Children learn to be safe sitters

"Are you OK little Tommy?"
demonstrates Safe Sitter
instructor Yvonne Yuhnh as
she performs a rescue breath-
ing technique on an infant
dummy Friday at Baptist
Medical Center- Beaches.
"It's always good to talk to a
baby or child. Your voice will
help soothe them."
The class of 24 children ages
10-14 are learning how to han-

die emergencies and all kinds
of different situations that may
arise while babysitting. The
one-day class offered at Baptist
Beaches is part of the Safe Sitter
national program [www.safesit-
Safe Sitter was founded in
1980 by Indianapolis pediatri-
cian Dr. Patricia A. Keener after
her colleague's 18-month-old
choked to death while under-
the care of an adult sitter.
"We teach child care essen-
tials like diaper care and feed-

ing but the most important
things they'll learn is rescue
breathing and choking tech-
niques," said Yuhnh (pro-
nounced "win").
Safe Sitter students are
taught how to help someone
who is choking by using the
back blow and chest thrust
technique for infants and the
Heimlich maneuver fo/ chil-
dren ages 1 and over.

..... N DE.

SSubscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
Swill be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
i sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar...............B-4 Opinion ...............A-4
Classified .............B-6 Police Beat ..........A-5
Education...........A-10 Sports ..................B-1
Obituaries ...........A-6 Weather ..............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 22 pages



-- -- -

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Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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The- Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
community interest to the
newspaper foi publication.
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free'
of charge for the community.
Information about area, resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome.
Submissions should be
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more information must be

Photographs are welcome,
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Photota'ph""'-: wll bet
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Call the editor for informa-
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taken by staff are available for
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reprint is ordered, the photo
must have been printed in an
issue of The Leader within
the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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For information on placing
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our sales department at (904)

The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
Friday. Subscriptions are $25
per year in Duval and St..
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To start your subscription
call (9041 2-9-9033.

The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news :report-.
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
In the event of errors in

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Holiday Shoppes open
Scott Peacock, one of
America's premier chefs, will
offer tastes of the South as part
of the annual Holiday Shoppes
at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort
and Spa today through
The event, an annual fund-
raiser for the Cultural Center
at Ponte Vedra Beach, features
more than 30 unique shopping
Peacock, a chef from
Atlanta's Watershed
Restaurant, will present a Gift
of Southern Cooking Preiew,
Gala featuring' hs a'fvorite'
'dishes on 6 p.m. to 9 p.m."
On Friday from 10 a.m. to
11:30 a.m., Peacock will pres-
ent Southern Samplings, a
cooking demonstration show-
casing his award-winning
Southern culinary creations.
Champagne will be offered
and local pianist Gene Nordan
will play, followed by a
Southern brunch.
The Holiday Shoppes will be
open to the public 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Thursday and Saturday
and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday.
Admission is S5.
Tickets for Chef Peacock's
Gift o Southern Cooking
Preview Gala are $85 and
admission to his Southern
Samplings lecture is $50.
For more information, call
280-0614 or visit
w w w c c p v b o r g

Fill the boots
Drivers at Solana Road and
State Road AIA and other
intersections in St. Johns
County will be -asked this
weekend to put donations in
boots held by St. Johns County
This year's second "Fill the
Boot" collection will benefit
the Muscular Dystrophy

advertisements, the Leader
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the,
actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial respon-
sibility for omissions.

The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch

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Firefighters decided to do a
second collection this year
because their Labor Day week-
end collection $17,500 -
fell far short of their goal of
$45,000 for the year.
During their "Fill the Boot"
event last year, St. Johns
County firefighters collected

Tax extended to 2035
The St. Johns Board of
County Commissioners on
Tuesday agreed to extend the
length ot time, of. the 6-cent
felt tax so t fl~ e if 'res in'
2035 instladets32O ..- L
The proposal was suggested
by PFM, a company that per-
formed a financial stability'
study on the county earlier
this year.
The extension was unani-
mously approved in order for
the count)' to issue its pro-
posed transportation revenue
bonds, according to informa-
tion provided with the agenda.

Swearing in is Nov. 21
Ron Sanchez and Tom
Manuel, who were elected
Nov. 7 to the St. Johns Board of
Count' Commissioners, will
be sworn into their respective
District. 2 and, District 4 seats
Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 9 a.m. in
the county auditorium, 4020
Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine.
The ceremony will take place
during a special reorganization
meeting, during which a new
chair and \ice chair will be
selected for the board.

Nat. Guard group back
Nearly 20 members of the
Florida Army National Guard's
2153rd Finance Detachment
returned to the United States
this week following a yearlong
deployment to the Middle East
in support of Operation Iraqi

The unit based at the Mark Coastal Outdoor Center at
Lance Armory in St. Augustine 471-4144. .
- deployed from Florida in
September, 2005, and during., Librarians keep learning
the deployment its members St. Johns County Public
provided finance support to Library System staffers Jae Bass
U.S. troops in Iraq and Kuwait. and Harold George have been
The .soldiers arrived in Ft. accepted for the third year into
Stewart, Ga., on Monday after-. the Sunshine State Library
noon, and are scheduled to Leadership Institute.
return to Florida on Thursday Developed by the State
after post-mobilization pro- Library and Archives of
cessing. Florida, the institute is a year-
A ceremony to welcome long comprehensive series of
home the soldiers is scheduled learning sessions that focuses
for 10 a.m. Thursday at the on developing an understand-
Mark Lance Armpry, 190, Spn i of leaership. within a con-
Marco Ave., St. Augustnme, eptuarframeworn an practi-
Those who plan to attend cal appticittLons.-' -" ..'
should call the Florida Participants will attend 10
National Guard Public Affairs days of training throughout
Office at 823-0166. : the year.

Kayaking with friends'
The Friends of the Guana
Reserve in partnership with
the Coastal Outdoor Center
will offer kayak tours of Guana
River Sunday, Nov. 26 from 11
a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursday,
Nov. 30 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The two-hour tour in double
kayaks will start from the
Guana Reserve Environmental
Educational Center, 505
Guana River Rd.
Guests will learn more about
the coastal estuary and will
look for herons, egrets, osprey
and other estuary dependent
species that inhabit the area.
The tour fee is $45 per per-
son and includes entry to the
Education Center, all kayaking
equipment, instruction, and
bottled water. This tour is
appropriate for people age 15
and up.
Meet at the Environmental
Educational Center 15 minutes
prior to the departure time.
Bring sunscreen, a hat, sun-
glasses, a camera and binocu-
lars are recommended.
To make a reservation or for
more information call the

- eQ



* 4a

November 15, 2006

The Beaches
are online at:


V convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;

V look at
:photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the

V- get your
started; and'.

V:' contact
members of our

the library system.
George will receive his mas-
ters degree from the College of
Information at Florida State
University in December.

Library holiday hours
All branches of the St. Johns
County Public Library System
will close atf 6 p.m. on
Wednesday, Nov. 22, and will
be closed all day Thursday,
Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24,
for the Thanksgiving holiday.;
:All branches will resume
normal hours on Saturday,

Each session will cover a. "W
'variety of topics including
mentoring, exemplary leader- Enjoy .*
ship, diversity, community "
advocacy, and the future of '
The primary goal of the
institute is to assist in prepar- -
ing library leaders to provide The
the highest quality library Le ade
services in a highly effective
and innovative manner. YoIur njintl nlespapel
Of the 40 statewide partici-
pants, St. Johns County is the
only library system with more
than one representative.
Bass received her master's
degree in library and informa-. .
tion science in 1999 and is the .. /- ..
technical services director for

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Babysitter: 'It'sjust as importantfor the babysitter to feel safe, comfortable'


Children practice listening for breathing at a Safe Sitter class recently.

Continued from A-i
Students also learn basic first
aid techniques, rescue breath-
ing, and what to do in lots of
-different .scenarios such as if
you find a gun in a house.
"Treat.it like it's loaded,'
answers one student; .
"Take the children away
from the gun and call an
adult."' '
The program not only teach-
es what to do in an emergency
situation, but offers lots of tips
S on- how, 'to 'avoid them.
Avoiding foods children are

most likely to choke on such as
hotdogs, carrots, grapes and,
popcorn are some of the guide-
lines discussed in the class.
And eliminating' unsafe tasks
such as cooking, giving a child
a bath or watching them in 'a
pool are also precautions rec-.
.ommended by Safe Sitter.
The program is also designed
to keep the babysitters safe.
Safe Sitter recommends sitters
find jobs through people they
know and not to publish their
names in newsletters, etc. [The'
participants in Friday's class

signed waivers t'o have' their
photographs published but
under Safe Sitter policy, cannot
have their names published].
"It's just as important' for the
babysitter to feel safe and com-
fortable," said :Jill Witemyre,
the outreach coordinator for'
Baptist Beaches and a certified
Safe Sitter instructor who co-
taught Friday's class.
"A lot of the children in the
class have younger brothers
and sisters or maybe they feel
ready to babysit neighbors. It's
that transitional time where

they see if thev' can handle it
and take on other babysitting
jobs. But it is a job so they
learn to treat it like one."
Yuhnh and Witemyre were
both babysitters and both have
bachelor's degrees in health
education from the University
of North Florida. Yuhnh is cur-
rently in nursing school at
FCCJ and doing an internship
at Baptist Beaches.
"A lot of it is going over dif-
ferent scenarios so if some-
thing happens they don't
panic; they will know how to
handle themselves," Witemyre
said. "This class almost scares
them a little to let them know
they need to take it seriously.
It's a big responsibility."
Baptist 'Beaches offers the
Safe Sitter class several times a
vear. The cost is $30. For more
information call the communi-
ty relations office at 904-627-
1960 or 904-627-2910.: The
website www.sa fesit ter.org
offers tips for sitters, tips for
parent of sitters and tips on
hiring a babysitter. One sugges-
tion for hiring a babysitter is to
have first aid supplies and a
first aid chart available for easy
reference (A first aid chart may
be obtained from the American
Academy of Pediatrics by call-
ing 1-800-433-9016).
:Q -. What information
should my babysitter know
before I leave? .
A It takes time to ori-
ent a new babysitter to your
home, children, and your chil-
dren's routines. Allow 30-45
minutes for orientation before
you go out or at some conven-

lent time prior to the babysit- number and address with clear

ting job.
*Review how to care for your
children, such as feeding, nap
time, and bedtime routines
(with times).
*Discuss how you want your
baby picked up, held, fed, and
*Write out instructions for
warming foods and bottles.
*Discuss your baby's pacifier,
blanket, or comfort toy.
*Be clear about parenting
policies: Should sitter pick up
baby anytime the baby cries?
What if baby won't fall asleep?
How to handle problem behav-
ior for older
*Show the babysitter where
you keep the diapers, clothing,
bottles, formula, food, and
*Discuss any special condi-
tions or medication that the
sitter needs to know.' Be sure
to'write down instructions for
medications- how much, how
often, and how to give. If the
medication is pre-measured,
make sure it is out of the reach
of your children..
*Discuss the rules on the use
of 'the telephone,television,
computer, snacks, and visitors.
*Be clear that smoking or
alcohol is never allowed.-
*Leave list of emergency
numbers iextito your phone.
Include the telephone number
for emergency servicesifire,
ambulance, police), a phone
number for an immediately
available adult, and the Poison
Center l1-800-222-1222).
Include your home telephone

directions on how to locate
your house.
*Take the babysitter on a
tour of your house to locate all
entrances and exits, fire/bur-
glar alarms, first aid supplies,
fuse box, flashlights, and off-
limits areas.
*Discuss what to do in case
of fire escape route, where to
go call for help, and any escape
routines you may have prac-
ticed with your children.
*Be sure your sitter knows
what to do if there is an emer-
gency. Always have first aid
supplies and a first aid chart
available for easy reference.
(A first aid chart may be
obtained from the American
Academy of Pediatrics by call-
ing 1-800-433-9016.)
S*Be sure to tell your sitter
where you can be reached and
when you will return home.' If
a pager is being used, leave
instructions for how the pager
*Once you have oriented a
new sitter, subsequent pre-
ideparture briefings will take
less time. You should allow
15-20 minutes each visit. Not
only does that 'allow you to
give last minute specific
instructions, but it also gives
your child a chance to adjust
to your departure and warm up
to the babysitter.

MSD* Change not worth the risk

Cont. from A-I
At the same July meeting,
Joel Bolante, chief of staff for-
the Sheriff's Office, told
trustees that automated vehicle
locators, which are different
from.GPS systems, are already
in the works 'foi all Sheriff's
Office vehicles..-Bolante said

that was the reason Shoar
refused the MSD's request.
Reesh said he received an
estimate from First Coast-
Security Services, a private
security company, of about
$167,000 to patrol the MSD.
The contract with the Sheriff's
Office for next 'ear will cost

about $230,000. '.' ::: :
But the. trustees agreed that
the amount that would be
saved isn't worth the' risk of
"They [the Sheriff's Office]
have a real interest in helping
Sus up here [in Ponte Vedra,]"
Crane said.

JB woman's club for sale
JB an' t :. u : r

With membership declining
and maintenance coS.tSnthe.q
clubhouse soaring, thd
Jacksonville Beaches Woman's
Club has decided to sell its
home at 1315 2nd Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach.
The 1.5-acte property,
which also includes a 5,152-
square-foot clubhouse, has
been used for many years as
the base of activities for the
clib, which once had more
than, 200 members, but now
has 83 members, according to
club records. Jacksonville
Beaches Woman's Club has
members from each of the
Beaches communities and.
dates back to 1924.
SIn: 1958, '.undeveloped
acreage just east of Penman
Road was deeded to the club
and plans were drawn up for a
clubhouse. A mortgage was
secured and the present con-
crete block building was con-
structed on the site in the
early 1960s.
There was much discussion
and consideration of alterna-
tives before deciding to put
the property on the market,
Eve Steer, a spokesman for the
club, said .this : week 'in
announcing the planned sale.
"One' of the prime factors
which promoted this difficult
decision to sell [the] beloved
property was to concentrate
more fully on the purpose of

the club: t- dedicate itself to
philan ,hropj,? educational;-
cii&"and cultural efforts for
the benefit of 'tH id';ifithj -
ty," Steer said. "To quote one
of the members, 'Ve are doing
this so the club can move for-
The facility now requires:
considerable effort and
expense to maintain, club
members agreed while voting
Nov. 7 to put the property up
for sale. No buyer has been
identified at this time.
Steer said the club expects
to receive $1 million to $2
million for the property.
According to city records, the
land is currently zoned RM-1,
residential multi-family,
which allows'development of .
20 units per acre. :
She said the club will coni-.
tinue to meet regularly and'
willgather in another venue,
such as a restaurant.
"A change in culture that.
includes a membership that is
aging, a membership that is
declining in numbers and
with the conviction of the
active members that the pri-.
mary focus has always been to ,
be contribute to philanthropic
efforts throughout the com-
munity, [the club's] work is
being compromised with the
continued burden of owner-
ship," Steer said. .
Since the building was con-
structed, various improve-,

ments have beenri made and
the facility currently features a
stage.'d bOardroOm, porches, a
Mrf'it e\ctie hd tihree"Uth-
rooms. It has frequently been
leased out to private parties
over the years for weddings,
parties and other civic func-
In. 1924 the group was
known as Pablo Beach Civic
Center and its efforts centered
on civic, educational, cultural
and philanthropic efforts.
Early projects included pro-
moting a road running north
and south to connect Pablo
Beach 'with Atlantic
Boulevard. Other early inter-
ests included obtaining a
Justice of the Peace for Pablo
Beach, public water fountains,
mosquito control, and aid for
travelers. Members also built
and maintained public com-
fort stations on city property
for visitors who came to enjoy
the beach. Over the years the
club became federated and
membership grew to around
200 members.
In: 1964; the 'late
Congressman Charles Bennett
'dedicated the new building."
Twenty years later, in '1983,
the mortgage was paid and
there was a celebration
marked by burning of the
mortgage with dignitaries
from the bank and the past
.presidents of the club atteid-

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Members of the Northeast Florida Chapter of Southern Cruisers
Riding Club lead the parade that begins the eighth annual
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Vedra Valley Cemetery along County Road 210.

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Page 3A*

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Nnvember 15. 2006






www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

Letters to the editor:

SThe Leader's Opinion

Future teams hurt

most bypenalties

Nease High School of Porite Vedra Beach has been fined
$20,000, its football program placed on six years of restrictive
probation, and the school's entire athletic program placed on.
five years of administrative probation for 'major violations" by
its football program.
SOfficials for the Florida High School Athletic Association,
which levied the penalties earlier this month, said the fine is
the largest ever levied. Some cynics note that the fine may not
hurt Nease as much as it rmght another school, given the huge
success of the booster program due to the affluence of many
attending the school. .
To date, no appeal has been filed, challenging the FHSAA's
actions. Indeed, school officials note that they were the ones
to notify the state office of the potential violations, .
Since then, two assistant coaches have been let go.-- despite'
initial comments from administrators that no personnel
changes would be made. The head coach of the undefeated
'team is still at his post, though.
It is also worth noting that the school .as been on adminis-
tration probation for previous violations in its baseball pro-
gram. The repeat offenses in the school's athletic department
would seem to indicate a systemic problem that can and
must be'routed ouit by administrators promptly.
An FHSAA commissioner made it clear the association has
"serious questions about the level of control, if any, the
school's administration has over its athletic program."
Many questions need to be answered openly and immedi-:
ately. For example, do school administrators have adequate
control over funds that benefit sports teams? Are all coaches
well briefed and tested on compliance with regulations
that govern school athletic programs? Do those responsible for
student athletes understand there is zero tolerance for non-
Further violations of FHSAA rules put the school at risk for
additional penalties, which could include expulsion.
School athletic programs offer students many benefits. In
addition to fostering team building and spirited competition,
the athletic programs should provide all participants lifelong
lessons in fair play and good sportsmanship.
Sure, winning is nice but those lessons in sportsmanship are
far more important that the score at the end of the game or the
season record.
Nease High School broke the rules and penalties have been
levied. That is as it should be. \Ve would suggest that some of
the penalties, however, go beyond punishing those responsible
for the current violations.
This year's football team is still eligible to participate in the
2006 FHSAA Class 4A Football Championship. It seems some-
what inequitable that the penalties levied against the school
actually do not impact the 2006 winning team as much as
they do future teams.
As it currently stands, today's seventh-grade students who
are Nease-bound will wind up being penalized more than the
head coach of this year's team, who was the one who allowed
the rules to be flouted either inadvertentl J6Y'it.ntjntiol-'
.lyI._lh e.b ead.coach has. not heen p-n lizied ,iLalJliccording to
school officials.
Punishing students who are still a half dozen years away
from graduating and have not yet donned a Panther jersey
seems unfair. Yet, under the penalties levied against the school
those students will be banned from televised performances,
playing in fall /spring lamborees and playing out of state
FHSAA bylaws state that "students, who are ineligible to par-
ticipate in competition, may seek a reinstatement of eligibility
if they can prove that the rule which makes them ineligible
Spaces an undue hardship on them because of situations or cir-
cumstances beyond their control."
The Nease team of 2012 might want to ready its appeal now.

According to the FHS.L4, the three specific violations were:
1.- The student-athlete's father was offered and accepted employment
with a company oi'-ned he A.4ssistant Coach "A.". This empiotl neit
arrangement i as made prior to the student registering to attend the
school. FHSAA Board police prohibits the offer or acceptance of emplo.y-
Ilent of parents i or guardian s.i in order to entice the family to more to
a certain conmluni if anyi person associated witl the school makes the
offer. ... the FHS.-LA Office found that the violation of the FHS.-L4 Board
Police 38i C (2(iri as unintentional bascd on lack of knowtleide of the
policY ... :
2. The shutentt-athlete and his fi-ther riwr offered and accepted resi-
dence with Assistant Coach "B". This lit ing arrangement was made
prior to the student registerinS to attend the school. FHS.-L Board policy
prohibits the offer or acceptance. of a residence with anmt person associat-
ed with a school.
3. The student-athlete has been transported to and from school byi
.Assistant Coach "B" on numerous occasions. FHS.A4 Board policy pro-
Inbits the offet or acceptance of free transportation l'r n,. person asso-'
'ieated iwith a school.
The Florida Hi h School .lthletic.4 s sociation is the governing body for"
interscholastic athletic competition in Florida Its iemlnbetship includes
more than 700 middle, junior and senior high schools. : ..



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Kathleen Hartman

DiJrctor of' Saje Editoi, Poe Vedra Leader

Editor, The Beath i leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahlke
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gariland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Alexanda Kummemes
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newso'me
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Karen Siepp
Vice President

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith

Business Office
Char Coffman

Advertising &
Marie- Adams,
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Katy Stark

Steve Fouraker

Jennifer Wise
Ee, A',-'Pr'fidmer

Anya Braun
Michelle Abraczinskas
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
J; immy Howle
S.Philip Klumpp
Donny Milliken
'John Newsome
Mark Pegg'
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gera!d Tierney

Paul Corey
'Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Kendall Thornes

Call 249-9033

To the editor: : : .
'Iihave to admit I enjoyed quite of a chuckle
when I read the recent opinions by Ann Von.
Thron and Christina Smith regarding their
viewpoints on quail hunting.
I personally enjoy hunting, fishing and the
conservation oft what is left of our precious
outdoors. I for one am not one who believes
everything I hear and I can tell you that quail
are not as tame as you may think. The great
part of:being a citizen in the United States is
the ability to voice your own personal opinion
and the opinion page of The Leader is a testi-,
mony of that right! '
,I understand the main point of Ann's opin-.
ion and agree with the taking of game, which
will end up in a freezer for years, only to be
.thrown out. I believe serious hunters are, for
the majority, conscious of their limits and if
not should leave their harvested game with
someone who will not let it go to waste. I have
said "Not Bad" to numerous cookouts.
I do have an issue with Christina Smith's

To the editor: 1
Congratulations to Neptune Beach City
Council for making it a priority to protect
their citizens by enacting a strong animal con-
trol ordinance and putting in a substantial
fine for. violators.
Sadly, our "Casey" died, probably because of
the two Pit bulls who attacked our family.
We have neverreceived a "sorry" from the

opinion! Smith has obviously received
facts from 'some PETA anti anything-i
group. I can teltlyou that her beloved qua
looking for a new home in the Nocatee
and if it was not for outdoorsmen/w(
there would not be the wildlife and fish
which are making a comeback today.
management tool for the conversation o
.natural resources is financed through
licenses and revenues generated through
the outdoor industry. ;
I am tired of hearing that hunters and
ermen are destroying our natural resource
there were a group.of'people making an
to allow your precious quail to propagate
have a place to live, it would'be the hur
million plus outdoorsmen/women.
:, After all I believe, that God gave domi
to man over his creation.

Jodf R<
Beach N

owners; nor were all our expenses paid.
Almost every day in our neighborhood we
still see large dogs unleashed, raiding garbage
cans and being a general nuisance to others.
SGood work Neptune Beach City Council!

Janet Folsom
Jacksonville Beach


44: 1rs s-o the etdihto :'

Homelessness at the Beaches

involves many families facing

some very difficult times

To the editor:
This letter is in response to
a recent letter regarding
homelessness at the beach.
There were several distortions
in that letter that represent
many people's misconcep-
tions about the homeless situ-
ation in America. First and
foremost, according to the US
Mayors Conference Report on
Hunger & Homelessness
dated December 2005( a sur-
'vey of 24 cities across the
country the #1 cause of
homelessness in America is
"the loss of affordable hous-
ing". The fastest growing seg-
ment of the homeless popula-
tion is "families with chil-
dren". The beaches communi-
ty represents a microcosm of
this trend. In the past year we
Pi'. 'lt*it ogt' 800 lo-'wt-'
income homes due toacondo
conversions mainly along the
Mayport Road corridor. As a
result, the agencies at the
beach have been over-
whelmed this year with many
desperate families looking for
housing, some of these fami-
lies have become homeless.
The "transitional housing"
that was mentioned ,by the
previous letter writer has been
operating for several years, it
is called Helping Hands
Village. It is run by a faith-
based organization that has
been helping needy beach res-
idents for over a decade. It
certainly cannot be equated
to a "state run hospital".
These are single family homes
where homeless families with
children can reside at a
reduced rate for a period of
time 6-18 months. While liv-
ing in these homes the family
is given access to services that

The homeless crisis

only be solved when
munity leaders, gover

leaders, business Ie

and church leaders cc

the table in good fc

address the issue.

they need such as
counseling, job: place
childcare etc.
The purpose is to hel|
families "pull themsel'
by their bootstraps"
previous letter writer ad
ed'. While in this- h
the' would be saving,'
and working on their cr
hopefully buy their
home. The property
accommodate a maxim
10-12 homes so it will c
ly not "absorb all the
less in the beaches are
will 10-12 families haN
type of impact on "sch(
other ancillary support
These homes will be
affordable houses for b
families to reside in s
they don't have to live
or in the woods.
I don't think that any
our community think'
acceptable for children
on the street but that i'
is happening here ar
across the country. It i
venient to characterize
homeless as "transien
"vagrants" who are me
ill drug addicts. It is cer

true that some are but it is not
"the vast majority". Many
is will homeless people are families
ith children, 35-40% of
i corn- homeless people are working
on a daily basis and 25%' are,
nment veterans. The homeless crisis
will only be solved when
leaders community leaders, govern-
ment leaders, business leaders
ome to and church leaders come to
the table in good faith to
aith to address the issue. We cannot'
,continue to ignore our way
o ut of it or arrest our way out
of it. We need common sense,
.credit 'concrete .solutions like
ement, Helping Hands Village and
additional permanent hous-
p these ing options.
ves up .The Beaches Housing
as the Coalition is made up qf lead-
Ivocat- ers from all' parts' ofthe
lUiAirt1 ,ti3rht-s'umrnunIWfaId iW'W
motnev- formed with one. goal .l.iT
edit to mind, keeping our displaced
own low- income families'at the
would beach from becoming part of
rum of the terrible homeless statistics
ertain- that are sweeping this coun-:
home- try..
a" nor' There is one word that sums
ve any up the solution to the home-
ools or less crisis in America and that
servic- word is "HOUSING".
Permanent, affordable hous-
decent ing especially in the form of
beaches rental units is what is sorely
o that needed and becoming more:
in cars scarce by the day.
The Beaches Housing
one in Coalition remains focused on
s it is trying to bring affordable
to live housing back to our commu-
s what nity and we are doing so in
nd all 'good faith".
s con-
:e the Cindy Funkhouser,
ts" or M.S.W.
'ntally Chairperson, Beaches
rtainly. .. Housing Coalition



all our


l vt. Maudie A. Miller wrote
Ia lot of letters from his part
Sof the war, the First World
War., His father, Eli Miller, count-
ed 45 in all,, plus one postcard.
The card announced only that
he had arrived safely overseas.
"Our regiment is lucky sofar,",
he wrote ina letter dated
Sunday, Oct. 13; 1918. "We
have lost but very few men...."
Maudie was ;writing from
somewhere in France, where he
was assigned to Battery C, 320th
Field Artillery of the United
States Army. He was updating
his family on what.he had seen:
"The Allies sure have been'
doing some good work the last
few weeks," he said in his letter.
"Guess you.have seen in the
paper what they have done, and
still have the Germans on the
runm...,." .. .
But he longed to be home in
Lula, Ga., helping his family at
harvest time: "Guess you all are
busy gathering .your crops.
:Would like to be there to help
you all. Hope you will make a
Good crop."
Maudie's time in the Army
began April 17, 1918, when he'
reported to Camp Gordon, Ga.
He staved there 13 days and
then transferred to Camp Mills,
N.Y. Afew days later, he shipped
ov ses" "to prepare for 'what
became' klown -,s: The' Great,'
War, because no one could
imagine a war being greater.
The private received training
on a machine gun and reported
for duty near the front lines in
Fraice: ..
Maudie assured his family
time and again that he was just
fine. "Tell Momma not to wornr
about.me," he wrote in the Oct.
13 letter. "I will not hurt myself.
unless I do accidentall. I am
not in ver: much danger. I am
so far back of the front lines."
He also. assured everyone he
had kept the faith.
."I have read my Testament
through twice since I have been
over here," he said. "I haven't
been very uneasy, yet I feel like-
the Lord will protect me if it is
his will."
Oh Nov. 1.1, 1918 at the
eleventh hour of'the eleventh
day of the eleventh month -
hostilities on the Western Front
ceased. .,

But Maudie Miller never got
the news. He was severely
wounded and died 22 days
before Armistice Day, the day
Sthe war ended. This Saturday,
Nov. 11, is Veterans Day, a day
:. set aside to honor and remem-
d her; ber America's men and women
based, of the armed forces. People like
il are Maudie.
area About two years and nine
omeri months' after he died, the
series 'remains of Maudie Miller, my
The. late father-in-law's oldest broth-
)f our er, arrived home for burial.
I the His New Testament was
h out among his belongings.
MNaudie had marked one verse
fish- in the. little book. It was the
:es. If 13th verse of the 15th chapter
effort of St. John. Itwas the same verse
e and the Rev. P.M. Webb, read at
idred Maudie's funeral on July 29,
inion "Greater love hath no man
than this, that, a man lay down
his life for his friends."

Lengthy letters
may be edited as
space requires.
We will not
consider letters
that do not bear a
signature and
address and we
request a phone
number for

Page 4A


November 15, 2006

Hunters are some of the very

best conservationists you'll finI

Resident applauds Neptune Beach

for enacting tougher pet laws

November 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A


Criminal mischief was report
ed Nov. 4 in the 400 block c
10th Ave. S. The front windo'
of a home was shattered with a
unknown object. No projectil
was found at the scene. Cost to
replace the window is $275.
Grand theft was reported Nov
11 in the 1200 block of Bead
Blvd. A purse containing a plan
ticket, $200 cash, identification
and credit card was stolen from
a restaurant. The victim tol
police that she doesn't knoU
when it was taken. Total los
was $455.

Burglary to a business wa
reported Nov. 11 in the 100
block of Beach Blvd. The fron
door of a sandwich shop wa
found smashed with a piece c
concrete around 6 a.m. The key
were in the door on the inside c
the business. A total of $167 ii
cash was stolen and the suspect
disabled the surveillance vide
which was playing instead o
recording when police arrived a
the scene.

Two arrested

after stolen,

car identified

An illegally parked car led t
the arrest/of two men Saturda
in the parking lot of the pier i'
Jacksonville Beach.
Alan E. WVehrheim, 59, of S
Augustine and Jeffrey Edwar
Brown, 37, of Jacksonville wer
arrested .because the 199
SMercury the men were driving
was reported stolen fror
Georgia, police reported.
A pier worker told police th
car was parked in a spot ded
cated for employees only. Sh
made contact with the mei
and they refused to move th
vehicle because one of there
rwas on crutches and wanted t
use, the space as handicapped
When the men walked away
the pier employee called police
The car was verified as stolen
and officers were staged around
the vehicle.
Around 1 p.m., Brown .wa
seeu. walking up to the vehici
and nervously looking around
police said. He walked bac
down the boardwalk an
returned with WVehrheim who
got behind the wheel.
Police initiated a traffic sto
and ordered both men to pu
their hands up. Brown corm
plied but WVehrheim continued
to move slowly forward despite
being blocked in by traffic(
police reported.
Brown was arrested and
charged with grand theft of
motor vehicle, police said. H
was taken into custody without
WVehrheim continued ti
refuse, orders to stop an
turned the vehicle toward ai
officer, prompting another offi
cer to get in the passenger sea
and strike him in the chest to
knock his hands off the steel
'ing wheel.
The officer turned the veehi
cle off and Wehrheim va
arrested and charged wit]
grand theft of a motor vehicle
aggravated assault with th
intent to commit a felony, flee
ing and eluding police, driving
with a suspended or revoked
license.as a habitual offended
and resisting arrest with vic
lence, police reported.

t- Police said a 23-year-old mar
Af who told them Saturday that hi
w was threatened by a group o
n people with two handguns anc
e a crossbow while walking or
o 2nd Street S. was under thi
influence of a narcotic and the
story was unfounded. The mar
v. told police two suspects drov
h up at 2:55 a.m. and displayed
e weapons. According to a polio
n report, the victim ran toward
a the beach and met a homeless:
d man who offered him a beer
V The victim said he told his store
ss to the transient who their
threatened him with a hand
Sgun. He ran back to 2nd Stree
s where he was again confronted
0 The man said he was able to flei
It and call police. The entire ind
s dent took nearly three hours
if Investigators took the mar
's home.
>f *
n Petit theft was reported Nov
ts 11 at a restaurant in the firs
o block of Beach Blvd. A male and
if female suspect left without pay
it ing for $85.46 worth of fooc
and drinks.
', ." .'" ,O ,* .* *
Battery was reported Nov. 1'(
at a restaurant in the 600 blood
of 3rd St. N. A verbal argument
between .a restaurant manage
and a customer escalated where
the 47-year-old suspect attempt
ed to go behind the counter tc
confront the 19-year-old man
ager. The man punched the
o manager in the face with
y closed fist after the suspect was
n chastised for being rude to
female employee. The manage
t. then struck the suspect in the
d, head with a fork with a three
e foot handle, a police report said
4, '* O
g Grand theft .of a motor vehi
n de was reported Nov. 9 in thi
700 block of 4th Ave. N. A 1994
e Chevrolet Silverado valued a
i- $15,000 was stolen.
e *
n Battery was reported Nov. 12
e at a sports bar in the 100 blocl
n of Beach Blvd. Two mer
o engaged in a verbal argument
d over a female acquaintance and
agreed to take the fight outside
y, A, physical confrontation
e. ensued and one of the men sus
n trained a bloody nose, swollen
d eve, cuts in his mouth and .
fractured skull. He declined tK
s. press charges,,'a police'repor
el siOA. Itiso wro [' Ittiwbamclo
JI. 1' 1 1 .1 .

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Joseph Lee Schwarz, 25, of
1 Gaithersburg, Fla. was arrested
e Nov. 11 and charged with bat-
f tery on a law enforcement offi-
1 cer at a nightclub in, the 400
i block of 1st Street N., according
e to a police report. Police were
e responding to a report of an
1 unconscious girl inside the dub.
e Schwarz was being belligerent
d and interfering with rescue per-
e sonnel treating the girl, police
d said. The report said an officer
s led him to a nearby squad car to
. get some information about the
,r girl when he became uncooper-
S native and spit on police. He
- resisted arrest and had to be
t physically placed in the car
. Where he again spit at the offi-
e cers, a reports aid.
- L r O e e
. Aggravated battery was
1 reported Nov. 13 in the 800
block of 2nd St. N. The victim
was stabbed in the right thigh
. around 2:30 a.m. The knife used
t to stab the man was recovered
d in the 700 block of 1st.St. M. He
- was uncooperative and did not
d want treatment. Several witness-
es were at the scene but none of
them could provide police with
) any information about the stab-
k bing.
t *
S A $480 refrigerator was stolen
- Thursday from an empty con-
) dominium in Soleil
- Condominiums, 105 Great
ei Harbor Way, Ponte Vedra. It was
a stolen between9:30 a.m. and 4
s: p,m. and the burglar kicked in
a the door.
r **
e A 15-year-old Ponte Vedra
-boy was arrested on domestic
. battery charges Friday night
after reportedly throwing sever-
- al punches at his father, accord-
e ing to a police report.'
4 Responding to reports of a phys-
t ical disturbance, St.. Johns
County Sheriff's officers arrived
at the Ponte Vedia residence
Sand found the boy's father sit-
k ting on top of his son in order to
i restrain him until the police
t came, the report said. The boy's
i father told police his son
.became belligerent after being
Asked to leave his" sister's'room.
- The boy allegedly, refused and
i began to punch his father and
a threatened to throw a chair at
o him, according to the report.
t- The boy was transported to the
i county's Ju.Menile Qete ntWjo
Center and his father was treat-



ed for minor injuries at the

A possible burglary was
reported last Wednesday at 100
Nina Court in Ponte Vedra
between 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
.A screen door was damaged
but the homeowner did not
report any stolen property,
according to a police report.

The tires of a car parked at 240
Nettles Lane in Ponte Vedra
were slashed early Wednesday
morning. Police have no sus-

More than $600 worth of con-
struction materials for a fence
were stolen some time this
month from 3A S. Wilderness
Trail in Ponte Vedra.
a*gu '
A security guard informed
police early Saturday morning
that the back window of a black
Pontiac Firebird parked in a
business lot at 200 Enterprise Dr.
in Ponte Vedra had been shat-
tered; According to a police
report, the car had a tag belong-.
ing to a Rhode Island man and
was traced to a 2001 blue
Dodge. The officer who
responded noted that he had
seen the tar in the parking lot
for the past year and believed it
to be abandoned. The owner
could not be located, the report

A Ponte Vedra man who
reportedly swung at a female
employee of the Gate gas station
at 619 AIA N. in Ponte Vedra
was issued a trespassing warning
that prohibits him from return-
ing to the station, police report-

Robbery was reported on Nov.
8 in the 1300 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a police
report. The \ictim was walking
back to his hotel when he was
grabbed from behind and
thrown to the ground. The sus-
pect stole the victim's wallet,
according to the report.

Criminal mischief was report-
ed on Nov. 11 in the 500 block

someone had run over his
neighbor's lawn. He told police
that he heard vehicles late in
the evening and it sounded like
they were racing or speeding.

Richard Scott Gerard, 46, was
arrested for assault on Nov. 11
in the 1000 block of First Street,
according to a police report,
according to the report.

Burglary was reported on Nov.
7 in the 1000 block of Cornel
Lane, according to a police
report. The victim left his apart-
ment for an hour and when he
returned he found the front
door open and several items
moved in his bedroom. His tel-
evision was wrapped in sheets,
DVDs were in bags and the air
conditioning unit had been.
taken out of the window,
according to the report.

Alexander Fitzgerald Thomas,
41, was arrested for aggravated
assault on Nov. 8 in the 300
block of Third Street, according
to a police report.
.* *
Keith WVarren Markham, 25,
-was arrested on Nov. 8 in the
400 block of NMayport Road for
possession of illegal drugs,
according to a police report.

Forgery was reported on Nov.
9 in the 900 block of Plaza Road,
according to a police report.
.. ,

Trevor Neal Mathew, 20, was
arrested for possession of crack
cocaine on Nov. 10, according
to a police report.
*. O ,,'
Assault was reported' on Nov.
10 in the 100 block of Ardella
Street. The victim told police a
suspect hit her in the face and
threatened her with a gun. She
ran to a neighbor's house to call
the police and the suspect left
while she was gone, according
to the report.
''* '*
Jinewa Diane Simpson, 20,
was arrested for possession of a
controlled substance on Nov. 11
in the 1200 block of Mayport
Road, according to a police

of Valley Forge Road, according *
to a police report. The victim's William Tavares Scott, 22. was
neighbor went out to get his arrested Nov. 11 in the 1200
newspaper and noticed :that Iblock of Mayport Road for pos-

session of more than 20 grams
of cannabis, according to a
police report.

Police say man

shot after failed

pot buy

A robbery Monday after-
noon left a 31-year-old
Georgia man with a bullet
wound in his leg after police
said he tried to buy pot from
the suspect.
Jacksonville Beach police are
investigating the shooting
which occurred around 4:30
p.m. in the 300 block of 6th
Street South.
According to a police report,
the victim and his friend were
attempting to purchase mari-
juana from the suspect who
robbed them at gunpoint.
SWhen the victim tried to get
his friend's money back, the
suspect shot him in the,right
leg with a small semiautomatic
The victim told police that
his friend approached two
young white males in the park-
ing lot of the -pier and asked
them if they knew where to
find some pot.
SSgt. Tom Bingham said the
investigation is still evolving
because of conflicting
accounts of what transpired.
The victim's friend told
police that the suspect robbed
them as they were stopped at a
stop sign. He said the teens
knew the shooter and had his
phone number but denied try-
ing to buy marijuana.
Both boys offered a similar
account of the incident but
were unable to provide specific
information. Each also denied
any involvement with a drug
The suspect is described as a
young black male approxi-
mately 5"10 with a thin build
and' short dreadlocks. He was
wearing a,dark hooded jacket
with blue work pants and has
gold teeth.
Detectives are developing
leads to identify the suspect,
Bingham said.
'. *

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What's happening

this holiday season?

i The Leader will publish complete information
about seasonal events and activities.

S/0 Ifyour organization is planning a holiday program or
activity and would like to let your neighbors know, send
- il the details to editor@beachesleader.com

Whether it's a holiday concert, a visit from Santa Claus
or a benefit for a good cause, let Leader readers know.

In addition to a comprehensive list of holiday
happenings, The Leader will print a directory of
I religious services that are planned during the
; holiday season. Send information, including a
contact name and telephone number, to
i** religion@beachesleader.com




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Page 6A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader November 15, 2006


Mary Abdullah

Mae Vera Funke

Edwin Gordon George IV

Mary Abdullah of
Jacksonville Beach died Nov.
10, 2006 in her home. She was
born in Deir Atieh, Syria and
came to this country in 1956.
Abdullah was a dedicated
teacher, wife, mother, friend
and mentor to all. Her legacy
will influence many, her fami-
ly said.
She is survived by her
daughters, Anita, Rhonda,
Anne and Lily; son, Richard;
daughters-in-law, Joanne and
Dora; grandchildren, Justin,
Garrett, Carson, DeeDee,

Janine, Denise, Paulette and
David; seven great-grandchil-
dren and numerous relatives
and friends.
Visitation was held Monday
in the Quinn-Shalz Chapel.
Services were held Tuesday at
Palms Presbyterian Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
donations may be made to
Palms Presbyterian Church or
the Community Hospice .of
Northeast Florida.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Ernest "Emery" Gray Jr.

Mae Vera Funke, 86, of
Atlantic Beach died Nov. 10,
2006. She was born May 17,
1920 in Meriden, Conn., mov-
ing to Florida in 1970 and.
into Fleet Landing in 1995.
Funke went to the American
School of Design in New York,
and was a member of the Red
Cross Volunteers, the Gray
Ladies and the Coast Guard
Family members include her
husband of 67 years,
,Nathaniel Louis' Funke;
daughters, Priscilla (Allen)

Johnson of Vancouver, Wash.,
and Karin (Larry) Ferres of
Medford, Ore.; grandchildren,
Jeff and Alicia Johnson; great-
grandchildren, Whitney
Brown and Taya Johnson; and
many nieces.
Services will be held at a
later date.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
donations may be made to the
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

* Edwin Gordon "How you
doin'" George IV, born Nov.
12, 1962 in Jacksonville, died
Nov. 12, 2006 at the age of 44.
"43 is for wimps," George
was heard.saying as his family
and friends sang "Happy
Birthday" to him one last
time, then he kindly asked
the nurses to quit flirting
with him and get back to
their jobs, the family related
George is survived by his-
wife, Amy George; .children,
Jenna,;Jamie, Joey, Stacie and
Stephanie; parents, Peggy and
Larry Wessinger; and. many
other relatives and friends.
He fished, surfed and
coached Jax Beach Little

League teams and was an
employee' of Trader
Publishing Company.
Visitation will be from 5
p.m. to 8 Thursday in the
chapel of Quinn Shalz Funeral
Home. A Prayer Vigil will
begin at 7 p.m. A Mass of
Christian Burial will be held
at 11 a.m. Friday in St. Paul's
Catholic Church. -
. In lieu of flowers; the fami-
ly asks that donations be con-
sidered for the Gordon
George Scholarship Fund at St
Paul's Catholic School.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral

then with the company he and
his wife created, Contract
Drilling and Blasting, Inc.
Prior to his career as an explo-
sives engineer, Gray graduated
from the University of
Maryland and proudly. served
his country as a Sergeant in the
5th Group Special Forces. ,
Services were held'Nov. 11 in
the chapel of Quirn-Shalz
Funeral Home. A graveside serv-
ice will be held in Richmond,
Va., where Gray will be laid to
rest in the family plot next to
'his parents, Ernest Emery and
Elizabeth Gray, in Hollywood
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

* Ernest "Emery" Gray, Jr., 62, of
Atlantic Beach and originally
from Richmond,'Va., died Nov.
9, 2006 at home after a battle
with cancer.
Gray is survived by his wife,
Mary; son, Adam, and Adam's
girlfriend, Jennie Mason;' trwo
step-children, Shane Junkins
(Miriam), and Shawn Cole (Les);
one sister, Elizabeth Hull, and
her husband, Robert; his niece,
Margaret Hull; and two step-
grandsons, Noah Junkins and
Jackson Cole. In addition, he
had an array of friends, both
nationally and internationally.
Gray was an explosives engi-
neer for many years and worked
worldwide, first with his compa-
ny, Emery Gray and Associates,

Frances uanita Webb

Frances Juanita Webb, 85, of Buchannan of Hudgins, Va.;
Neptune Beach died Nov. 11. and grandchildren, Jennifer,
She was born in Lenoir City, Rbss Jr. and Angela Urso.
Tenn. A visitation was held Tuesday
Webb was employed by in Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Underwood Jewelers for more A graveside service will be held
than 20 years. She was a mem- at 10 a.m. Wednesday in H.
ber of Christ Episcopal Church Warren Smith Cemetery, 1538
of Ponte Vedra Beach. 2nd Ave. N., Jacksonrille Beach.
c .. 7 asfr ed asediby her .,.n -iea f iqWe ,
Webb. Surviving family mem- a charity of choice.
bers include her daughters, Services under the direction
Sandra (Bill) Starling and Susan of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
(Ross) Urso; sister, Barbara

Donald E. Reed, Sr. 69, of
Ponte Vedra Beach died Nov. 7,
2006. Reed retired from CSX
after 42 years. He was a Past
Master of Potomac Lodge 100
in Cumberland, Md., where he
was born.
Reed is survived by Linda,
his wife of 49 years; brothers)
Bill and Jack (Doris); sister,
Shirley; many brothers-in-law
and sisters-in-law; children,
Norma (Leland) of
Jacksonville, Donald
(ElizabethI of Colorado, Judy
and Lona' (Dale), both of.
Florida; grandchildren,
Brodderick, Ashley (Nate),

Grace M. WoodV, 66, long-
time resident of Atlantic
Beach, died Nov. 12, 2006. She
,was born .in Elizabeth, NJ,
daughter of the late Samuel B.
and Audrey L. (Demarest)
Martin. She and her late hus-
band Guy were active menm-,.
bers of American Legion Post
Surviving are five children,
Theresa Julian of Jacksonville,
HeldtHePIanya" Bell of D.ri;
OH, *&les (Shirley) Trigao'.of
Jacksonville, Lois (Tom)
Johnson of Franklin, NC,
Allyson Lee of Jacksonville, 14
grandchildren, five great-

Dewayne, Austin, Jaitlyn and'
Kayla, with another grandchild
expected in March; great-
grandchildren, Sam and
Declan; and many nieces and
nephews. Reed had- many,
friends, including special
friends Jack and Debbie Nye.
A memorial service was held
Tuesday in the Lord of Life
Lutheran Church, Ponte Vedra
Beach. In lieu of flowers, the
family has asked for donations
to be made to the Heart
Association or the Diabetes
Foundation. .
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

grandchildren, three brothers,
Bob Chamberlain, Kenny and
Johnny Martin and a sister,
Ruth Elmer. She also leaves
behind many friends.
A graveside memorial service
will be held on Thursday, Nov.
16 at 2 pm, at Beaches.
Memorial Park, 1500 Main St.,
Atlantic Beach.
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be directed to NF
Commuitvy, H.Qs5ice.
Arrarna en')i by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville

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AB gives

waiver for

hotel sign

After nearly an hour of
debate, the city of Atlantic
Beach granted the owner of the
Comfort Inn on May-port Road a
temporary waiver to install a
new sign face on his existing
20+-foot pole.
The approval is contingent on
the owner complying with cur-
rent sign codes before July 2007.
The cunent codes would limit
that sign to 10-feet tall. ; '
The sign at the Comfort Inn,
located at 2401 Mayport Road,
suffered hurricane damage two
years ago. Current regulations
require that non-conforming
signs be brought into compli-
ance when any change made to
the display area or face area is
more than 25 percent, accord-
ing to Community
Development Director Sonya
John Shea, the owner of the
hotel, applied for a permit'last
summer to replace the sign face
and was informed of the regula-
tions. Because of a pending cor-
porate logo change, he delayed
further action, according to
Choice Hotels, the corporate
management for Comfort Inn,
requires that the sign be
repaired and that the face be
replaced with the new corporate
logo by the end of this year or
Shea risks being disenfran-
However, in four years, Shea
is moving to a different fran-
chise, he said,: so the current
sign will have to be changed
Commissioners granted the
temporary waiver so that Shea
could meet his'corporate dead'
line. But, they required that
Shea meet with the city before
Juily 2007 and present a detailed
plan and timetable to bring his'
sign into compliance with cur-
rent city codes.
This option gives Shea the
necessary time to research his
options and the requirements
for the future franchise sign,
according to the city.

Obituary notices are published free of
charge as a community service. All
submissions are subject to editing.
Paid advertising space is available for
more detailed or personalized death

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


SPet therapy, aromatherapy, massage, music...

B^ Beaches hospital uses alternative

Sealing techniques in Comfort Care

The Comfort Care Program at Baptist Medical Center Beaches
has several alternative healing programs, including one of its
newest endeavors, comfort pillow cases. Comfort Care Team
Member Karen Long, below, displays some of the vividly col-
ored, handmade pillowcases that staff have created for special

The Baptist Medical Center.
Beaches has made some addi-
tions to its alternative healing
program, according to Kam
Durham, coordinator for the
Comfort Care program.
The Comfort Care Team was
established in 2003 to provide
,alternative healing to hospital
patients and includes pro-
grams such as pet therapy,
massage, aromatherapy,
music and, most recently, art
and comfort pillowcases,
which, provides special
patients with handmade pil-
lowcases, according to pro-
gram organizers.
The program is possible due
to volunteers from the com-
munity who give their time to
help patients in their recov-
ery, Durham said. Most
recently, Dr. Gerson Yessin, a
concert pianist and member
of the Boston Philharmonic,
joined the music therapy
Yessin volunteers once a
week for an hour and a half to
two hours, providing individ-
ual room service to different
patients with his mobile key-
board, playing two or three
classical songs for each.
He also has future plans to
teach patients how to play the
keyboard, Durham said,
laughing at the thought that a
patient could come in for sur-
gery and leave knowing how
to play an instrument.
The program has had signif-
icant effects on patients'

health such as lowering blood
pressure and heart 'rate,
Durham said.
For example, one surgical
patient had high blood pres-
sure after surgery. Someone,
from the music therapy team
played'music for the patient
while a dog was placed in his.
lap. After that, his blood pres-
sure was completely'normal,
Durham said.
Of course, staff enjoys the
music, too. Sometimes the
doctors will. even stand out-
side a patient's room to listen,
Durham said. :
"The atmosphere in the
hospital has changed,"' said
One of the newest pro-
grams, providing pillowcases
,for select patients, also allows
staff members to get involved
in the healing process in a dif-
ferent way than they normal-
ly would.
Beginning in December, if a
staff member would like to
honor a patient in a special
way, they can request a pil-
lowcase for them.
The pillowcases are hand
made by hospital staff 'mem-
ber. Sit-n-sews are planned
and employees spend time
crafting the decorated cases.
So far, they have made 100
Next month, Gus Gonzalez,
a certified art therapist will
join the team and begin
sketching in central areas
where patients, visitors and
staff can participate in the

The programs are "far-
reaching" and "have helped
many patients", according to
Durham, who said she is alsp
grateful to the volunteers who
have'made it possible.

On Dec, 4, the staff will give
a reception to volunteers to
thank and recognize them for
their work.


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AB gives OK

to $20 million

bond issue

for Fleet


Atlantic Beach City
Commissioners Monday
approved a request by Fleet
Landing to obtain bonds in an
amount not to exceed $20 mil-
lion to expand and remodel
some of the facilities at the con-
tinuing care retirement facility.
John NMeserve, executive
director of Fleet Landing and
former Atlantic Beach mayor,
requested the city be the "con-
duit" for the health care facili-
ties revenue bonds. They will be
used for health care facilities,
which is are authorized public
purpose for issuance of tax
exempt bonds, the city said.
This is the third, bond
issuance that Fleet Landing has
had through local go ernment,
according to Chauncey Lever,'
an attorney-who represents
Fleet Landing.
Lever explained that the
issuance is merely a"pass
through" and does not affect
the city in terms of its finances
or liability.
Although city attorney Alan
Jensen was not at the meeting,
he had previously reviewed the
request and reported to City
Manager Jim Hanson that there
is no liability and there would
not be any expenses to the city.
Mayor Don Wolfson said at
Monday's meeting that the city
has no obligations and there
are no risks involved and that
in approving this, the city is
just used as a conduit. Lever
echoed the mayor's comments..
City finance director Nelson
Van Liere also conferred with
the city's bond counsel and
reported that the city is in no
way impaired by this transac-
tion in terms of financing, lia-
bility or the city's ability to
obtain bonds in the future.
"This is a great win-win situa-.
tion .for the city and for Fleet
Landing," said Commissioner
Jamie Fletcher.
According to a proposal pre-
sented to the city, Naval
Continuing Care Retirements
Foundation, Inc., the. not-for-
profit corporation that operates
Fleet Landing, will use the
funds to make capital improve-
The new projects will include
35 independent living units
(consisting of fie homes and 15
duplexes, a community center
with an auditorium, fitness
center, lap pool, technology
center, dining facilities and ren-
ovations to the existing ameni-
ty center.

* ~ :: : .w


I I A vI

I %-I .C --O I -t-c-c .U l r I aII I I I-V- --- -----I

PhIto by Kathy Momor
In recognition of National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, a commemorative candle light-
ing program at Hope Adult Day Services in Jacksonville Beach Thursday night attracted more
than two dozen families. Each received a rose and a hug as candles were lit for those touched by
Alzheimers and related dementias. Pictured from left are Bennie Furlong from the Council of
Aging, Lee Buck from the Jacksonville Beach City Council, Hope Director Carol Neil and Neptune
Beach City Councilor Harriet Pruette.The center is located at 1560 Roberts Road and may be
reached by calling 249-4619. .

Social Security warns recipients of new email scam

A warning has been issued
this month about a new email
scarm that has surfaced recently
involving Social Security recipi-
Jo Anne Barnhart,
Commissioner of Social
Security, and Patrick O'Carroll,
Jr., Inspector General of Social
Security, issued the warning.
They. said the Agency .has
received several reports of an
e-mail message being circulated
with the subject "Cost-of-Living'
for 2007 update" and purport-
ing to be from the Social

Security Administration.
The message provides infor-
mation about the 3.3 percent
benefit increase for 2007 and
contains the following "NOTE:
We now need you to update
your personal information. If
this is not completed we will be,
forced to suspend your account
indefinitely." The reader is thefi
directed to a website designed to
look like Social Security's
Intemet website.
Once directed to the phony
website, the individual is asked
to register for a password and to

confirm identity by providing
personal information such as
the individual's Social Security'
number, bank account informa-
tion and credit card informa-
O'Carroll recommended peo-
ple take precautions when giv-
ing out personal information.

Special Condo Packages
October 2006-November 2006
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ine ounaay songooos are commg.
THE BEACHES LEADER, PONTE VEDRA LEADER is once again publishing a Songbook of
Holiday Favorites just the right size for caroling and sing-a-longs. From Silent
Night toJingle Bells, you'll find the words to your favorite iiusic. Local businesses
and The Leader make this book available at no charge through your community
If your church, club, neighborhood or family would like extra copies to use this
Holiday Season, please call our office to request those copies now. You may also
email your request to linda@beachesleader.com. The Songbooks will be published
December 1, 2006. Call now.

249-033 hilesuppies ast

November 15, 2006


a te.

I 1-marantpPCI LOWARt Prices In I he woricii m






whfle supplies lastl


EA CH Ponte Vedra Leader


Pa e' 8A- L-A' I '7: .-..: .- vw. ibiaches1ader. oni m'>* P.

* Weddings
... See A-9
* Education
... A-10

November 1;.

Group says'.

For a present each backhe past
F ~or:pr'es back

What holiday gift can you
Give to someone who has
S everything?
How about a revealing, icon-
ic image of life in Ponte Vedra,
SPalm Valley or the beaches to
the north in the early part of
the 20th century?
The Palm Valley

Community Association is cir-
culating a catalog of 44 histor-
ical photographs from area
beaches that residents can
order as holiday gifts for those
on their shopping lst.
The dates of the photo-
graphs range from 1898 to the
1950s, with images of every-
thing from sunbathing beau-
ties to the very first digging of

w'e- m

- w~ -
-c -~

"the ditch" in Palm Valley.
The photos were featured in
several historical slideshows
hosted by the association in
2004 and 2005.
"These really are very rare
and priceless gifts for the per-
son who has everything," Greg
Leonard, president of the asso-
ciation, said in an interview
For anywhere from $50 to
$120, the photographs are
professionally enlarged and
mounted on foam core boards
so that they are ready for dis-
The photographs were
donated mainly by area fami-
lies and the Beaches Area
Historical Society, Leonard
Photos of Pablo Beach now
known as Jacksonville Beach -
and the famous boardwalk
and pier are included with
those from Ponte Vedra and
the Valley.
The idea for the catalog
stemmed from the popularity

of the historical slideshows
and. a need to recoup about
$8,000 in renovations com-
pleted at the association's
community center on Canal
Boulevard in Palm Valley.
Leonard introduced the cat-
alog Monday night at a meet-
ing of the community associa-
"We had immediate inter-
est," he said Tuesday, noting
that several orders for photo-
graphs have already been
Leonard said he thinks some
people will buy the photos for
their own use, or perhaps
some businesses will buy them
"to add a little bit of that local
To ensure delivery before
the holidays, orders must be
made before Dec. 2, Leonard
However, the sale of photo-
graphs will most likely contin-
ue through the holidays, he
said. To obtain a catalog, call

The nine-page catalog unveiled Monday by the Palm
Valley Community Association (far left) features enlarged
photos being sold as a fund-raiser for the association.
Among the historical photographs offered for sale is
(below) "Life Savers," an image of lifeguards stretching at
Pablo Beach in 1925. A 36-inch by 15-inch print mounted
on foam board costs $120. The photo above depicts the
Palm Valley bridge in 1948. For $75, a buyer gets a 20-
inch by 16-inchcopy on foam board. For information, call
285- 5175.

"Copyrighted IMaterial

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

Cancer doesn't cramp Jacksonville Beach nurse's lifestyle

Everyone at the party gath-
ered outside and stared as a
small twister ripped through
the street in Jacksonville
Beach. Rick and Pat Hoffman
were having a hurricane party- -
which is nothing unusual for
them. They have a gift for
turning any occasion, no mat-
ter how drastic, into some-
. thing fun.
"There's no party like a
Hoffman party," said Leah
Davis, a longtime family friend
who recalled that particular
hurricane party as well as the
Hoffman's infamous St.
Patrick's Day bashes.
The couple believes in old-
fashioned, all-out entertaining
and having fun in life, an atti-
tude they have relied on to
carry them through severe
Pat, a Jacksonxille Beach res-
ident, was diagnosed with

Pat Hoffman of Jacksonville Beach has been diagnosed with
breast, bone and brain cancer over the years, but doesn't let
that stop her from having a full life. A registered nurse, Hoffman
was also a midwife for 10 years.

.breast cancer eight years ago
and has had several relapses
since then in her brain, bones
and lungs. Three weeks ago she
*suffered subdural bleeding,
which produced similar symp-
toms to a stroke.
"We go through a near death
experience every other year,"
said Rick Hoffman, Pat's hus-
band of 30 years.
Pat has been in and out of
doctor's offices frequently over
the years, but she doesn't look
at it with negativity or anger,
but rather the contrary.
She's developed such strong
relationships with her doctors,
nurses and other patients that
she refers to the other women
who have, also suffered from
breast cancer and have
received chemotherapy in
group sessions as "the girls."
"We all sit in the chemo
room and he [the doctor] has
these chairs with these big old
backs and we talk and we gab,"
she said.

According to her husband,
she was with her oncologist so
often that he teased her about
having another man in her
Pat was diagnosed with
breast cancer on a Friday and
had a mastectomy the follow-
ing Tuesday, "just to get it over
with," she said.
According to her daughter,
Chrissy, keeping a normal life
is what's most important to
"She kind of downplays
everything," Chrissy said.
During one of her relapses,
Pat felt a pain in her side, but
didn't want to cancel a ski trip
that was planned. Instead of
going to the doctor before the
trip, she waited until she
"I took Motrin and I skied,"
she said matter-of-factly.
After her doctor's visit, she
learned that she had bone can-
cer. Not long after that, she
was also diagnosed with brain

cancer and had gamma knife
radiation, which required
screws to be put in either side
of her head.
Instead of being sad about
hospital visits, you'll usually
find Pat telling jokes, Davis
Pat hasn't let her cancer
affect her work life either. She
is a certified nurse practitioner
and was also a midwife for 10
"I love my work," she said,
explaining that she would
have radiation in the morning
and then go to work.
The only problem she had
was that the radiation made
her tired, so she took naps in
the doctor's sleep rooms on
her lunch breaks.
Although she loved being a
midwife, Pat needed a break
from the nights and weekends.
She went back to school, while


Beaches Resource Center selling cookbook '.
'" i: -, ".':.

T he Beaches Resource
Center Foundation,
published a cookbook
earlier this year as a
Sfundraiser and to increase
awareness of the services its
center provides to Beaches-
area students.
The Beaches Resource
Center is located on the
campus of Fletcher High
School at 700 Seagate Ave.,
Neptune Beach.
According to the center,
S"Children who are hungry,
* sick, scared, or disturbed are
not able to learn and per-
form at their optimal
achievement level.
"Beaches Resource Center
services seek to remove these
barriers to empower students
to reach their potential in
the classroom and else-
where." To address
what it terms "the non-aca-
demic barriers to student
success," the Beaches
Resource Center provides


short-term counseling, basic
needs assistance, health edu-
cation and services, sub-
stance abuse prevention
services, legal services, aca-
demic remediation, and
other services.
Beaches Resource Center
receives funds from United
:Way, the Duval County ;:
Health Department,. the'
Duval Cpunty School
District, and the Jacksonville
Children's Commission, pro-
gram coordinator Linda
Hemphill said.
The center's fundraising
arm was established as a
501C(3) organization in,
2003, according to Kathy
Braddock, secretary of the
Beaches Resource Center
Foundation and chairperson,

of the cookbook committee.
"The cookbook is an effort
to raise awareness of who we
are, what we do, and who we
serve," she said.
Services provided by the
Beaches Resource Center are
free of charge. The founda-
tion's fundraising efforts pro-
vide neighborhood grants for
special projects such as
tutoring and reading pro-
An upcoming holiday
event will also be partially
funded by the Foundation.
Hemphill said the Beaches
Resource Center is working
with BEAM on a holiday
party for area children to be
held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:
on Saturday, Dec. 9.
The party, complete with a
visit from Santa; will be held
at the outdoor area behind
the Boys & Girls Club on
SSeagate Avenue.
The foundation has
approximately 200 remain-
ing copies of "Beaches
Resource Center Cooks" for,..
sale. :.The S300-plus recipes in

the cookbook were con-:.
tributed by students at local
schools, parents of students,
teachers and school staff,
local officials, members of'
the business community,
staff and volunteers at other
agencies serving the Beaches,
and members of the Beaches
Resource Center oversight
There are recipes that have
been passed down in local
families for several genera-
tions, gourmet specialties,
children's "favorites," and
recipes for easy meals.
The cookbook features sev-
eial holiday dishes.
Braddock's contributed a
recipe for Cornbread
Dressing that has been
passed' down in her family
for four generations.
Homemade buttermilk
cornbread is the basic ingre-
dient in this dressing that is
baked in a casserole.
The recipe for Aunt Reba's


Linda Hemphill holds a Beaches Resource Center cookbook
with, Gale Leas (left) Kathy Braddock and Dezmond Waters.

1 ry



November 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A


' ; Carrie and Robert Manley II -.--


Burnett and Lauren Donoho


Carrie Lynn Devitt and
Robert H. Manley II, both of
lacksonville, were married on,
Saturday, Nov. 11, on the
beach in Ponte Vedra.
Martin Manley performed,
the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mark and -Michele Devitt of
The groom is the son of
: Maryann Manley of
Jacksonville and Lon Manley
of Tampa.
Jennifer. Ward was the maid

of honor. Trisha Castner. Katie
Devitt, Kelley Hoch, and
Melissa Manley were .the.
bride's attendants.
Flower girls were Lindsey
Devitt, Maddie Devitt and
Juliette Manley. Brett Caseyv
was the best man. Groomsmen
were Mark Devitt, Scott Devitt,
Avery Fogg and Jason Carter.
Chip Devitt and Tom De\itt
were ringbearers.
The couple will reside in

Lauren' Thatcher Shaw and
Burrett Willingham Donroho
Jr., both of Atlantic Beach,'
were married Sept. 8 at the
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club.
The bride is the daughter of
Jim and Jack-N Shaw of Atlantic
Beach. She graduated from the
University of North Florida
with a degree in health science.
The groom is the son of
Burnie Donoho of Miramar


SJacksonville Zpo
The: lacksonville Zoo and
Gardens is hosting a special
training session for volunteers
that wish to participate in the
Florida Butterfly Monitoring
Network. : .
The training sessions will be
held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. J. Akers Pence, Ph.D.,
state coordinator for the
Florida Butterfly Monitoring
Network, will conduct the
Participants will be given a
brief over-iew of the Florida
Butterfly Monitoring Network,
the anatomy of a butterfly, and
will perform a training exercise
in the education butterfly gar-
den on how to identify com-
mon butterflies.
Those who are interested in
volunteering should call 757-
4463, ext. 200 to reserve a
space: Only 50 volunteers will
be accepted on a first-come,
first-serve basis.



Betty Griffin House offers
24/7 advocacy to persons aged'
18 and older that have been
sexually assaulted in St. Johns;
. County..
Volunteer advocates are
needed on call rotation and
meet sexual assault victims at
Flagler Hospital in the new
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam
and Advocacy Unit. The advo-
cate supports the victim, ad\is-
es them of services and
answers any questions they.
may have about the whole
State-certified training is
offered free of charge and con-
sists of 15 hours of self study
and 15 hours of class time.
Monthly advocate meetings
are required. To volunteer one
or more days a .month; call
Kelly Ballantine at 904-808-
Volunteer Opportunities at
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-
.ules in a variety of service
For more information about
the opportunities, call the
Volunteer Services department
at 296-3722 or send an e-mail,
to volunteersmcj@mayo.edu.

The Literacy Program at
the Women's Center, of
Jacksonville is seeking volun-
The all-volunteer group,
which has been in existence
for over two years, serves about

100 women a year and is hop
ing to grow. Volunteer, pbsi
tions are available ih group
Rape Recovery Program.
The Women's Center cd
Jacksonville is at 5644 Colcor
Ave. Call 722-3000 for mor

W Your ART Together!

Some pieces of art are best displayed
alone, while others just look lonely.
Bring us all of your loners and let us make
them part of a group. ,

30% off custom picture framing
,-st. I ,,In

Framing Establishment
Sawgrass Village
'1740 Sawgrass Village Dr.
Ponte Vedra, FL


Lakes and Jane Donoho of
Ponte Vedra Beach..He gradu-
ated from the University. of
Richmond's Robins School of,
Business and is the owner of
Donoho Commercial". Real
The couple spent their hon-
eymoon in Paris and on the
French Riviera. They will reside
in Atlantic Beach.

Beaches Habitat installed three new board members, from left,
Theodore Devos, Deb Testa and her husband, Gary Testa. The
board meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches. For more information,"call 241-1222.


offer Drop-In Fridays Theatre
Games on Friday afternoon
S. from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Kids ages 7-12 years will be
able to let their imagination
', run wild during the high ener-
Sgy'playtime. Parents must sign
,- de~ails. For the -Women's
i- Center of Jackson\ille at.the.
's Beaches, call 241-2027. : .. .


a waiver for kids to participate.
Donations only, suggested
amount $5. AxtLife is located
at .510 Mlayport Rd. Atlantic
Beach, just off Atlantic Blvd,
two blocks north of Skatelab.,
at 5th Street. For irnh j l,
cal 24--8337.

SEducation. Conselnation. Celebration.


A day of discovery at Duttn Island

brought to you by the

Marsh Preservation Society and

the City of Atlantic Beach.

Kayak and canoe tours

bonuts, tea & coffee

Guided walking tours

Live 'Americana' music with the New Traditionals

And more!

Saturday, November 18, 8 3 at

Dutton Island Preserve

Free to the public

/, : For more details,,

contact the
City of Atlantic Beach Parks
& Recreation Department at 904.247.5828.
S(Rain Date: Saturday, December 9)
I &' *I\


Air Force Airman Adam
David Hobbs, a 2005 graduate
of Fletcher High School, and
Air Force Airman Brittany N.
Schmid, a 2006 graduate of
Sandalwood High, both recent-
ly graduated from basic mili-
tary training at Lackland Air
Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
During the six weeks' of
training, the airmen studied
the Air Force mission, organi-
zation, and military customs
and courtesies; performed drill
and ceremony marches, and
received physical training, rifle
marksmanship, field training
exercises, and special training
in human relations.
In addition, airmen who
complete basic training earn
credits toward an associate
degree through the
Community College of the Air
Hobbs, the son of Ron
Hobbs, will now attend the Air
Force Security Forces Technical
school at Lackland.
Schmid is the daughter of
Vicky Schmid of Jacksonville.




Brittany N. Schmid






I e,

0 rl


Yb 1


Page 10A* The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader November 15, 2006

,' Educa tion .

pr.c*I SuBIlTTED
Tenth grade pre-
Baccalaureate stu-
dents at Nease High
School pose with
some of the fruits of
their class service
project. The students
collected nonperish-
able food items and
cash to create
Thanksgiving food
baskets for distribu-
tion to needy fami-
lies. Items for the
baskets were donat-
ed by the entire
Nease community.

Among those attending the Nov. 4 Angel Ball at Sawgrass County Club are Rob and Cathy
Stursberg (left) and Brian and Morie Reed. The event, with live entertainment, food, silent and
live auctions, raised $110,000 for Palmer Catholic Academy, Ponte Vedra Beach.

Teachers get grants
Ponte Vedra teachers were
awarded more than one-third
Sof the $24,000 in grants pre-
sented to 47 teachers Monday
evening by the St. Johns
County Education
Eleven teachers at three
schools attended by Ponte
Vedra youngsters Landrum
Middle, Nease High and Ponte
Vedra-Palm Valley/Rawlings
Elementary received-a total
,of $8,637.01 in Horizon
Teachers can request up to
$750 for programs that
enhance classroom instruc-
Thirty-nine projects at 17
schools: were funded in this
year's annual mini-grants com-
Paula Fryer at Nease High
was granted $750 for "math in
motion 1" and $740.60 for
'math in motion 2."
Rita Andieu at PV-
PV/Rawlings was granted $750
for "Energy."
Landrum projects funded are
as follows:
"Yo! Ho!. Ho! And a Chest
of Books," Patricia Raines and
Margo Hill. $747.44;
"Nature's Lab of Beauty
and Science," Rob Hall,

Recipes: Turkey Tetrazzini by Susie Miller

Cont. from A-8
Biscuits, contributed by
SDena \illard, and Corn
Pudding, contributed by
Lucy Stewart, would be go,
choices to be served with t
SThanksgiving turkey or an
S holiday main dish.
Susie Miller's recipe for
Turkey Tetrazinni is perfect
for leftover turkey.
A day or two atter
Thanksgiving, the turkey
that everyone has gotten
tired of eating has an entity
ly different taste when cor
bined with mushrooms,
spaghetti, and cheese in a
Sicf a asatce he' .id,
SKnle writ Appples and
Cranberries, a recipe con-
tributed by Nancy DeCand
.. is an elegant but easy appe
The creamy flavor of the
Brie is complemented by
baking it with two of the
most popular fall fruits,
apples and cranberries.
S For many, a sweet potato
pie is just as traditional fo
Thanksgiving as pumpkin
Keith, a former fifth grad
student at Mayport
Elementary School, submit
ted the recipe for his favor
. Sweet Potato Pie.
Cooked sweet potatoes a
stirred with eggs, spices,
sugar, and milk until smoc
to make the custard filling
for this holiday treat.
"Beaches Resource Cente
Cooks" can be purchased f
$10. Call 270-8200.

Here are some holiday
recipes from the cookbook

Baked Brie with
Apples and Cranberri
by Nancy DeCandis

one-halt cup chopped
one-quarter cup sliced
S one-quarter cup dried
1 T packed brown sugar
one-quarter tsp. cinnam
1 T melted butter
S8 oz. Brie cheese

Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Coarsely chop
apples. Combine apple,
almonds, cranberries, brov
sugar, and cinnamon' in a
small bowl. Stir in butter.
until ingredients'are mois-
Cut Brie in half horizon
ly. Place one half of Brie
with the rind side down ii
pan. Spoon half of the ap[
mixture onto the bottom
half of the,Brie, spreading
evenly. Top with other hal
of Brie, rind side up and ti
with remaining apple mix
Bake for 12 to 15 minute,
until cheese is soft and
begins to melt; Serve with
crackers dr French bread.

CIornbread Dressing
by Kathy Braddock
S1 qt. buttermilk
i 3 cups white corn meal'
1 cup flour
S2level-tsp. baking soda.

1 tsp. baking powder
3' eggs
1 large onion chopped
1 32 oz. can chicken broth
1 stick of butter

y In large bowl, mix together
the buttermilk, corn meal,
flour, baking soda, baking
t powder, and eggs. Pour into
a greased 9 x 13 inch baking
pan. Bake at 325 degrees
until lightly browned (about
50 minutes). Let cool.
re- Remove cornbread from
n- pan and crumble in large'
bowl, adding the onion and
most of the chicken broth
(heated),,.mix, together, Pour.
- "I'lixi U Ihta '9'1i3 in~c
baking pan top with salt,
lis, pepper and a stick of butter.
e- Bake at 325 degrees for two
hours, adding the extra
S chicken broth slowly during
cooking time to make sure it
doesn't dry out.

Aunt Reba's Biscuits
o by Dena Willard
5 cups flour
1 cup shortening
de one-quarter cup sugar
1 pkg. dry yeast
t- 3 Tbaking powder
rite 2 T.warm water
1 tsp. salt
ire 2 cups buttermilk
I tsp. baking soda
Sift dry ingredients togeth-
er. Cut in shortening.
er Dissolve yeast in warm
or water Add yeast with butter-
milk to dry ingredients, mix
well. Roll dough one-quarter
inch thick. Cut biscuits and
allow to rise for 30 minutes
before baking. Bake at 400
degrees for 15 minutes.
Corn Pudding by
Lucy Stewart

1 can whole kernel corn,
1 can creamed corn
8 oz. sour cream
2 eggs
1 stick melted butter
on 1 box Jiffy corn bread mix
Mix kernel corn, creamed
corn, sour cream, eggs, but-
ter, and cornbread mix
together. Pour into a 2 qt.


greased dish. Bake at 350
degrees for 1 hour.

Turkey Tetrazzini by
Susie Miller

3 cups turkey cut into
one-half lb. spaghetti,
cooked in chicken or turkey
three-quarters cup sauteed
one-half cup slivered
three-quarters cup grated
sharp cheddar cheese
3 T butter
2 I-Tnflour. : '** ... . .
-2 cups broth ,
1 cup heated whipped
- cream
3 T dry white wine
In a saucepan mix butter,
flour and broth. Heat until
almost boiling. Stir into the
sauce the heated whipped
cream and the white wine.
Mix the turkey, cooked
spaghetti, mushrooms,
almonds, cheddar .cheese,
and sauce together in the
order listed. Pour into a 9 x
13 inch pan. Bake in a 375
degree oven until bubbly;
about 30 to 40 minutes.
Serves 8.

Sweet Potato Pie by

2 Ibs. sweet potatoes
2 T unsalted butter, soft-
3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
1 cup granulated sugar
one-half tsp. nutmeg
one-quarter tsp. salt
2 T bourbon
1 T light molasses, option-
1 tsp. vanilla extract
two-third cup whole milk
one-quarter cup packed
dark brown sugar
1 pie crust
Partially bake a pie crust in
the oven. Leave the oven
rack in the middle position
and reduce heat to 350
degrees. The crust must be
hot when the filling is
For the filling: while the
pie crust bakes, prick the

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sweet potatoes several times
with a fork and arrange over
several layers of paper towels
on the floor or turntable of
the microwave, or on a
microwave safe plate.
Microwave at full power for
5 minutes. Turn each potato
over and continue to cook
until tender, but not mushy,
about Sminutes longer.
Remove the potatoes from
the microwave and let stand
until cool enough to handle.
Working with one potato
at a time, slice it in half and
scrape the cooked flesh out
of the skin into a large bowl
usitg a. sQoup.spQPo .yoN'-:.
should have about 2 cups..)
Discard the skin.
Mash the butter into the
potatoes until just a few
potato lumps remain. In a
separate bowl, whisk the
eggs, yolks, granulated 'sugar,
nutmeg and salt together.
Stir in the bourbon,
molasses, and vanilla. Then
whisk in the milk. Gradually
stir the egg mixture into the
mashed sweet potatoes until
smooth and combined.
Sprinkle the bottom of.
the hot, partially baked pie
crust evenly with brown
sugar. Spread the sweet pota-
to mixture evenly over the
brown sugar. Bake until the
filling is set around the
edges but the center wiggles
slightly when jiggled, about
45 minutes. Transfer to a
wire rack and cool to room
temperature before serving.

"You Can't Make me
Read!," $561, and "Who's in
Charge Here," $750, both
Margo Hill;
"Read Around the World,"
Shea Beaudreau, $750;
"Creating a World in a
Room," $709.41, Connie Van
Winkle, Shirley Spohrer, Helen
Crawford-Connelly .and
Angela Bell;
"Hey! Who you calling
Ancient?" $750, M'egan Peek;
and -
"Globally Positioning
Students to Succeed, Serve &
Share," $699.65, Helen
Seymour and Rob Hall.
Also, that project was award-
ed an additional $699.65 as the
Dombrowsky Technology'
The awards were announced
at a reception at the National
Guard Officers Club.


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A Comnm
i 0 Locsions include
127402 12 Atlanti

Band event moved
The fifth annual lasagna din-
ner at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church to benefit
the Nease High School Panther
Pride Band has been resched-
uled because of a conflict with
a School District event.
The dinner, originally sched-
uled for Tuesday, Dec. 5, has
been moved to Monday, Dec.
'4. The band fund-raiser, sched-
uled 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., fea-
tures dinner and a silent auc-
The change was made after
the St. Johns County School
District scheduled a school
zoning town hall meeting 'at
Nease Dec. 5. (See story, A-i).
Tickets for the dinner are
$10 each. A dinner ticket is not
required to take part in the
silent auction.
For dinner tickets, call Janet
Hartrim at 230-2789.

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Ready to Build or Update Your Home?

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Offers One-Stop Expertise

The holidays are almost: here.
And that means family get-
togethers, overnight guests and
holiday parties and not
enough room. If your 'house
feels the pinch space-wise dur-
ing the holidays, now's the time
to start planning that dream.
new-construction or renovation
project to make for roomier hol-
iday gatherings next year, says
Jay Lavale Paulin, president of
Southeastern Structural
Consultants, Inc. in Atlantic
"It's never too early to start
planning for these projects,"Jay
said. "Many Beaches residents
think spring when they think
new-construction or renovation
projects for their homes or com-
mercials properties, but now is
actually the time to meet with
an expert to help you fine-tune'
your plans long before spring
If you're considering a new-
construction or renovation
project, you have questions:
Where do I begin? How do we
start? Where and how do I find
the best experts? The profession-
als at Southeastern Structural

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If you're thinking of updating or building a new home or commercial building and have no
idea where to begin, J. Lavale Paulin, president of Southeastern Structural Consultants, Inc.
in Atlantic Beach, is ready to help and share his expertise.

Consultants, Inc. listen to your ideas, answer your questions
and assist you-- from idea.to completion.
Even more important is completing your project on time
and within budget and that's Jay's motto. "My favorite
part.of every project is first completion, and second- see-
ing the smiles on our clients' faces," he said. "We strive to
provide our clients personal attention and detail for their
project," he added. "Because we're a small firm, we attend to
every stage of your project and help you anticipate long-term
growth expectations and current facility planning."
Translation: The experts at Southeastern Structural
Consultants understand all aspects of your project, including
the big and small picture.
That's how Jay runs the firm, which he opened under the
name Southeastern Structural Engineers, Inc. in the Regency
area in 1999 and moved to Atlantic Beach last May. He just-
recently changed the firm's name to Southeastern Structural
S Consultants, Inc. to reflect the comprehensive, one-stop,
start-to-finish services he provides.
"We provide clients consultation for all construction proj-
ects for public, private or commercial organizations from
project inception through completion," he said. "WVe provide
quality professional service with a personal touch," he said.
Residential services include everything from custom home
plans and site and construction approval to custom home
additions, site clearing and preparation, landscape design
and drafting. Commercial services include site development
a'nd design, construction management, structiiral buildifig
design and structural, engineering by Lou Pontigo and
Associates, Inc.
With a background in business, Jay is proud of the one-
stop services Southeastern Structural Consultants offers its
clients. A Jacksonville native, he attended Douglas Anderson
High School and received his undergraduate degree in mar-
keting from Florida A&M University and his master's degree
in public services and administration from Ball State
University in Indiana. After working for IBM for several
years, he returned to Jacksonville permanently.
The Southeastern Structural Consultants concept works
because it not only involves the client but puts the client in

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control," explained Jay. "We provide a team of consultants
who work directly with the client and then we provide top-
notch project management and work for and on behalf of
the client every step of the way."
That means the professionals at Southeastern Structural
Consultants take care of the details. "We make sure the work
is done correctly and in compliance with all city and build-
ing codes, we make sure the workers show up ,and,we make
sure the bills are properly invoiced," Jay said. "In short, we're
problem solvers, we protect our clients, we put ourselves in
their place and we save them time and money in the long
Southeastern Structural Consultants also educates clients.
"We're here to help you with every aspect of a new-build or
remodeling job," Jay said. "For example, we'll even help you
find financing for your project and can arrange for you to
meet with a financial expert right here in our office after
hours, if that's what works best for your schedule."
Educating clients also means pointing out potential pitfalls
in complex projects. "If, part way through a project a client
decides to change a wall or the size of a room, we don't just
say 'okay,'" Jay said. "Instead, we explain the ramifications of
even a small change and how minor alterations can drive up
the price. We educate clients on the added costs, prolonged
schedule and additional city approvals required with one
goal in mind to help you make a good business decision."
The firm's most effective advertising is referral and word-
of-'out said lay, and no- residential job is too large or too
small for Southeastern Structural Consultants.
Give the professionals at Southeastern Structural
Consultants a call now to set up an appointment to discuss
vour new-construction or renovation project. Let them take
the frustration out of your dream project. And think of the
extra holiday entertaining space you'll have next year!
Southeastern Structural Consultants, Inc. is located at 460
Sturdivant St., Suite -62, in Atlantic Beach. Hours are 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. After-hours appointments
are also available. For more information about your next res-
idential or commercial design project with personalized
consultation from start to finish call Jay at 855-1254, fax
855-3210 or e-mail southeastern_arch_eng@comcast.net.

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The Beaches Leader/Pon'te Vedra, Leader 0 Page I 1A

;% 2 '' -


*PaPnP 1)A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 15, 2006

Beaches residents recall service in World War II

Five World War II veterans
reminisced recently, about
their military service some 60.
years ago.
Octogenarians all, these five
Beaches residents served in the
military 'between 1942 and
1946, but only one saw actual
The 'other four may have
never fired a bullet in battle,
but their collective contribu-
tions kept -.the,-. .mighty
American war machine hum-
"They say the WAVES and
WACs won the war, but he
really saw it," said Margaret
O'Grady, smiling at her hus-
band, Fred; a former combat
veteran in the Pacific.
"I carried a piece of shrapnel,
in me for 27 years, but it never
bothered me" added Fred, a.
rifleman in the 3rd Marine
Division who landed on the
Japanese-held island' of
Bouganville in 1943.
"I was wounded on
Thanksgiving Day and then
got dengue fever. I was 89
pounds, down from 160."
Fred and Margaret O'Grady
met six years ago at Pablo
Towers and were instantly
attracted to each other.
During the war, Margaret
served in Navy intelligence in
.the nation's capital, while Fred
was slogging through the jun-
gles of the Solomon Islands,
carrying a 40-pound machine
Both were in their early 20s
at the time and in tiptop phys-
ical condition.
"We marched 20 miles a day
in boot camp," Margaret, a for-
mer Na\v WAVE, recalled.
"I was never in better shape
in all my life."
Jeanne Averill was a recent
nursing school graduate in
Buffalo, N.Y., when the Navy
came calling in 1943.
Like three of the four
women seated at the table, she
met and married her only hus-
band during the war.
"He was a Navy dentist and I
was teaching surgical tech-
niques to Navy corpsman,"
Averill, a former Navy 'ensign,
"Nineteen out of 44 nursing
graduates went into the service
on a two-year program. I got
pregnant in March 1945 and
S was out of the service by July
'45. One of my sons is a lieu-


Cont. from A-8
raising two children, to
become a nurse practitioner
while her husband, now a
retired Navy captain, was hv-
ing in Charleston due to his
Her determination, spirit
-i and lack of self-pity have
helped carry her through diffi-
cult periods and have allowed
her to move on with daily life.
For example, when Pat was
in physical therapy the doctors
raved about her improvement.
Little did they know the puz-
zles that physical therapy
patients are supposed to com-
plete were actually being done
by her daughter and husband.
During occupational thera-
py, doctor's inquired about her
ability to open jars and cook,
tasks that are difficult for many
Pat's husband responded
with "Well, she made home-
made spaghetti and pot roast,
does that count?"
Her desire to continue living
a full life dominates.'
"We just don't want to inter-
rupt our lives and sit.around
and mope," her husband said.
Pat still travels and even has
a trip to Ireland planned with.
her 'daughter.
"If she can physically do it.
she'll go." said her husband.
She has also made several
trips to Hawaii. one of her
favorite places, and describes it
with a wistful'expression.
"Everything is open and all
you smell is flowers," she said.
Her attitude is overtly posi-
tive and humorous. She takes
pleasure in simple things,
showing pictures of her multi-
tude of animals in humorous
poses or with holiday ribbons
perched on their heads.
Another picture is' of an island

off the coast 'of Seattle wheie
you can hear seals, Pat says, as
she imitates the high-pitched
bark of a'seal.
,Pat. has a natural ease and
openness that you feel imme-
diately, but underneath her
warm exterior, you sense that
this woman is in charge of her
own life.
"She's such a.fighter," said
D avis. ,I ..... ..-_.: .... _
Cancer and its treatments.
haven't gotten in the way of
Pat's life, according to her fam-
ily, and friends. She was off to
the gym the second out inter-
I f' I I r, '

tenant commander on a
nuclear submarine."
Alice Laddre, another Pablo
Towers resident, was one of the
first members of the Women's
'Air Corps, or WAC, in 1942..
A clerk typist stationed at an
air base in Richmond, Va., 'she
married a staff sergeant in the
Air Corps who served in the
She and her husband; Andy,
who died in May 2000, were
married 57 years.
Jesse Dunbar of Atlantic
Beach joined the WAVES in
August-1-9-43 out of Niagara
Falls, N.Y. While statiof6nd-a
Naval Air Station Jacksonville,

she fell in love with a sailor
from Massachusetts who went
on to become a pioneer
Jacksonville sportscaster.
"We both worked in the,
overhaul and repair of aviation
instruments at the base,"
recalled Dunbar, whose late
htisband, Walt, was the first
sports director at WTLV-12..
Dunbar married in 1945. She
still livhs in the same house she
and her husband purchased in
Margaret O'Grady, who fin-
ished college on the G.I. Bill,
won't reveaJ what shewvorked
on during her days in Navy

Fred O'Grady, a Purple Heart
recipient, ; was at Camp
Lejeune, N.C., training for the
invasion of the Japanese main-
land when the atom bomb was
dropped on Hiroshima.
Dunbar and Averill were
invited to ride in last
Saturday's Veterans Day parade
in downtown Jacksonville, but
when their ride didn't show
up, they were escorted to.the
VIP .stand, where they were
treated like royalty.
Instead of riding in the
parade, the parade saluted.....
-them.- ---

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r 4 i ~.

Ponte Vedra Leader ni

Fishing Leader B-2.
S* Texans upend Jaguars B-3
Calendar B-4
November 15, 2006 a

Panthers open playoffs with a victory

By JOHNNY WOODHOUSE Holding a precarious 14-13
ASSOCIATE EDITOR lead late in the first half.
Craig Howard is a connois- Nease broke away from
seur of prolific offenses. Belleview with 35 unanswered
He hails from Oregon, home points to win its 20th consec-
of the run-and-shoot. utive game dating to Oct. "
Howard installed a fastbreak 2005.
offense at Bishop Kennv in After Belleview broke a pair
1994, and the Crusaders 17-4) of first-quarter traps plays for
wound up leading the city in TD runs of 67 and 58 yards,
total offense that season. Nease's defense held the
That same year, Don Rattlers to 98 total yards for
Markham, a prep coach in the next three quarters of play.
southern California, set the Nease quarterback Ted
national scoring record t65 Stachitas was 20 of 25 passing
points per game) at for 285 yards and four TDs as
Bloomington High. the Panthers picked apart the
Howard didn't scrap the Rattlers with a balanced run-
run-and-shoot at Kenny, but pass mix.
Markham's run-oriented Stachitas led Nease on a 96-
"super power" offense yard scoring drive to end the
intrigued him. first half and hit Christian
At first sight, the double- Dennis 14 receptions for 105
wing offense doesn't seem yards, 2 TDsi in the hands on
intimidating. But some offen- a '6-yard TD pass to open the
sive looks in football can be game.
awfully deceiving. Senior Ryan Chiodo
"That's a returned a
funny offense Belleview
isn't it?" / interception
Howard 40 yards to set
remarked up Nease's
Friday after top final score, a
ranked Nease 4--ard TD run
(11-0, Class 4A '. by Zach Tronti
No. 1) dealt (52 rushing
visiting yards, 3 TDs).
Belleview High Junior Ben
a 49-13 defeat Cowell recov-
in the first l ered a fumbled
round of the punt snap in
4A state play- RATTLERS 13 the third quar-
offs. ter to set up
"They just PANTHERS 49 the first of
wall you down Nease's three
and double team you [at the short-field scoring drives in
line of scrimmage]. They bring the second half. Justin Grant
a mass of humanity. I studied recorded his team-leading
that offense because when I eighth interception in the
heard somebody had set the first.
national sconng record with Graham Bates 16 for 881 and
it, I wanted to know what Quinton Huggins (7 for 621
they were doing." hauled in TD grabs of 29 and
Belleview (6-5), which has 4 yards, respectively.
reached the state playoffs four Stachitas .24 TDs passing
of the past six years and was rushed for 59 yards.on 10 car-
10-0 as recently as 2004, is a ries and now has 2,500 total
convert to Markham's high- yards for the season.
scoring offense. He also tossed two picks to
Before entering Panther Belleview safety David Alsop,
Stadium last week, the Rattlers buronly one was a misread.
had outscored their past two "I was making bad decisions
opponents 104-32. in the first half," said
But Nease has its own brand Stachitas, downplaying his
of snake poison on offense. performance, which came
Howard's no-huddle, shot- after a limited practice week
gun offense may not have a due to injury.
catchy name like "super "The passes were there the
power," but the option-orient- whole night and so was the
ed attack can light up the run. We have weapons every-
scoreboard like a Christmas where. We know if a team is
tree. weak in one area, we attack it.
"We got them out of their That's the way we go at it
running game, but sometimes every week."
you're sorry for what you wish Stachitas went 9-for-9 for
for," Belleview head coach 110 yards in the second half
Mike Bowe said after the as Nease spread the field with
game. its bunch and five-wide forma-
"We played good for a half tions.
and then things got out of "We went with some bizarre
hand. We lost to a better team formations and Ted was just
tonight." brilliant on those drives,"

A group of Nease High defenders led by Mario Butler, left, Al Della Porta and Jared McNaught (21) stops Belleview ball carrier
Lavone Vareen during action last Friday in the Class 4A regional quarterfinal at Panther Stadium. Nease won, 49-13.

added Howard, whose unbeat-
en team entertains unranked
Merritt Island 15-61 Friday in
round two of the playoffs.
"That one drive [in the sec-
ond quarter], every receiver
got the ball The frst pass ot
the game was a designed post
route to Christian Dennis. \Ve
always adjust our offense to
what we see and take what
they give us."
Nease went into the game
without two of its assistant
coaches, one on offense and
one on defense.
The coaches were fired earli-
er in the week after Nease was
cited by the state athletic asso-
ciation for providing special
inducements to a first-year
varsity player whose father
was leasing a residence from
one of the assistants.
Nease football was placed
on six years of restrictive pro-
bation, but does not have to
forfeit anv victoriess this sea-

son and is eligible for postsea-
son play.
The Panthers are the
defending 4A state champions
and a top seed in the playoffs.
"Everybody on' our staff has
contributed to building this
program," added Howard,
now in his fourth season at
"We started winning and
that gets a lot of detractors.
There are a lot of Nease haters
out there. The venom behind
this is incredible."
Stachitas said losing two
parent assistant coaches was a
blow to the team and the
coaching staff, but not a dis-
traction for the players.
"We wouldn't let it get to
us," said the Ponte Vedra
Beach resident whose older
brother, Chet, led Nease to a
state hoops title in 2001.
"We practiced like normal
and came out and got the vic-

Panthers receiver Christian Briggs (88) eludes the grasp of Rattlers safety David Alsop en route to a 76-yard touchdown on Nease's
opening play of the game last Friday night. After a close first half, the Panthers rolled to a 49-13 victory in their playoff opener.


Duncan's goals help

Panthers tie Bolles

*;I "+' .'.'.'

The Nease boys soccer team
tied Bolles, 2-2, Monday night
in a clash of area powerhous-
The host Bulldogs took a 1-0
lead on a goal from Hunter
Howayeck and that's how it
stayed through the first 45
In the second half, the
Panthers knotted things at 1-
all on a goal by Nick Duncan.
Bolles recaptured the lead
when Howayeck again con-
nected about midway through
the second half.
But with less than five min-
utes remaining in the game,
Nease squared things on
Duncan's second goal of the
With the tie, the Panthers
record is now 1-0-1. Nease
beat Port Orange Atlantic last
Wednesday for their first vic-
tory of the season.
The boys will lace up their
cleats again Friday when they
travel to Palatka in a 7 p.m.
Nease returns to Panther
Stadium for its first hpme
game of the season Monday,
Nov. 20 when Mandarin
comes to town in a 5 p.m.

Volleyball star Meghan
Sherman is slated to make it
official Friday when she signs
a scholarship offer from the
University of Tampa.
Sherman, who helped guide
the Panthers to this year's
state semifinals, is a 5'11" set-
ter/outside hitter who in 99
games this season amassed
233 kills, 846 assists, 115 aces,
422 digs, 536 service points,
23 solo and 48 assisted blocks.
Sherman was also selected
to represent Nease's district in
the Florida Athletic Coaches
Association All-Star game Nov.
18 in Gainesville.

Russell commits
to UConn
Yet another Panthers foot-
ball player has.verbally com-
mitted to attend a Div. I col-
lege. Defensive end Danny
Russell says he accepted an
offer from the University of
Connecticut after an official

visit to the Storrs, Conn. cam-
pus over the weekend.
Russell becomes the fifth
Nease player this season to
commit to a Div. I school.
James Wilson (University of
Southern Californiai, Clyde
Yandell (Georgia Tech), Mario
Butler (Georgia Tech), and
Justin Grant (University of
Florida) have all previously
announced verbal commit-
Russell, who made several
key plays in the Panthers' 49-
13 victory over Belleview last
Friday night, attended
UConn's 46-45 victory over
Pittsburgh Saturday in a show-
down of Big East heavy-
While the Huskies are better
known for success on the bas-
ketball court than the grid-
iron, the football program has
shown steady improvement
since joining the Big East two
years ago.
UConn head coach Randy
Edsall formerly served as a
Jacksonville Jaguars assistant
under former coach Tom

Fletcher High senior and
No. 1 golfer Major Forbess has
signed a letter of intent and
accepted a scholarship offer
from the University of North
Forbess helped lead the
Senators to a berth in the
Class 2A state tournament this
season. The Fletcher anchor
man sank a five-foot par putt
on the 18th hole at Killearn
Golf and Country Club in
Tallahassee to lift his team to a
second-place finish in the
regional finals and a spot in
the state championships.

The Nease boys and girls
basketball teams get underway
this week.
The girls were slated to tav-
el to Bradford on Tuesday and
Mandarin on Thursday before
participating in next week's
Keystone Tournament.
The boys are taking part in
this week's Fernandina Beach
Classic before traveling to
University Christian in next
Tuesday's regular season open-

-..---..-..rr rr rr ii *i ~'i~--.Yrslc~P


A week of smiles for flounder fishermen

November 15, 2006

Flounder fishermen were all
smiles last week as they
returned from Guana Dam
and trips in the river near
Sisters Creek. Speckled trout are
strong.near Dames Point as
well as the canal. B.R. was the
spot for cobia, large grouper, a
few snapper and excellent
catches of stringer fish. At the
jetties, good catches of
sheepshead and redbass are
being reported.
Capt. David King, and Mike
Morris, had to get their feet wet
but used finger mullet for bait
and pulled 29 flounder out of
the sand at Guana on Tuesday
and Wednesday. On Thursday
and Friday, they made a jetty
run and boxed 42 sheepshead,
a drum and two reds. They
released all of the smaller fish.
Six anxious anglers left B&M
bnght and early Monday
morning for Guana. They had
plenty of finger mullet and
mud minnows and needed
them all. At the end of the
morning they divided up 53
big flounder weighing up to
eight pounds. A great bite.
On Sunday, Mike Tandarich
and Buck Gergely used finger
mullet to net nine flounder
weighing up to eight pounds.
Bob Johnston caught the
heaviest flounder reported last
week. He used a finger mullet
for bait and pulled up a whop-
per at 12 pounds.


Phil Thomas and Bill Creech
teamed up for a catch of 16
flounder in the river near
Dames Point. The had several
weighing up to four pounds.
Capt. Dave Sipler continues
to lead his guests to the fish.
On Monday, with Gary and
Mike Hurt, he returned with 25
trout, three reds and a dozen
blues and croakers. Then on
Thursday, with Rick and
Kathey Winder, returned from
the river with 24 trout to six
pounds, a drum and several
small blues.
Greg "Sleeper" Samuels, Scott
Samuels and Dave Capiello had
their hands full when they
wrestled their 65-pound cobia
into the "Fishin' Impossible."
Frank Bisbee and friend Greg
Branham, from Washington,
D.C., fished the canal with
guide John Dyrssen last

.. a -,. -
... ......- 'FL

Phori, suDmined
Captain David King shows two of the dozens of flounder he
caught recently at Nassau Sound..... ..

Wednesday morning and in
just a few hours caught eight
trout, a red and a pair of blues.
John fished the remainder of
the morning near Cabbage
Creek and caught five trout to
four pounds.
Larm "Fishman" Finch fished
the river east of Dames Point
with finger mullet and brought
home several dozen flounder
after each trip. On another trip
last Saturday, the "Fishman"
used live shrimp to account for
50 speckled trout near Dames
Point. He also caught 12 large
i yellowmouth.
Capt. Dennis Young, with
the Willie Chaffe party aboard
the "Sea Dancer," cleaned five
snapper to 12 pounds, a 10-
pound grouper and 40 head of
large seabass last Saturday..
Steven Bohn and his son,
Eric, used fiddlers along the jet-
ties early and caught 10
sheepshead and then took off
for the creeks and caught four
trout and three reds.
Bobby Hamm and his young
son, Dalton, fished several creeks
in their new boat and caught
two reds, a drum, three trout
and a pair of flounder. Dalton
pulled in his very fist fish.
Jetty guide Fred Monow, and
friend Jim Allen, fished the
canal north of Sisters Creek
and picked up 15 speckled
trout and three legal reds at 20
to 24 inches. On Thursday,
while fishing with Dr. Robert
H. Still, Fred's cooler was filled
with its limit of speckled trout
and one flounder. They
released 25 other trout.
'Friday was another banner
day. Fred, along with Bill
Dolphson, his son Bill, and 8-
year-old Chad, fished along the
jetties and caught 14
sheepshead and a dozen
seabass and croakers.
Capt. Fred went back to the
jetties Friday morning with
friends Johnny and Buddy
Nettles. They used fiddlers and
shrimp to catch a 32-inch and
a 34-inch red, seven
sheepshead, three yellowmouth
and 22 croakers.
On the "Mayport Princess"
last Friday, anglers muscled five
cobia over the rails and nine
grouper that included a 20-
pounder and a 16-pound snap-
per by MNrk Tinrmnsr

Pno. cl,, ubrr,.q.d
From left: Sam Sica, James Gergely, Mike Tandarich, Jonathan Moran, Curtis Hoftyzer and Matt
Hamilton with their awesome catch of Guana flounder.

Earlier in the week, Capt.
George Strate and the Eagle
Electric party took the
"Princess" to B.R. where they
caught two big cobia, eight
grouper, two amberjacks and a
great haul of smaller beeliners,
seabass and triggers.
Capt. Kirk Waltz, with Chris
White, Gary Santora and Paul
Boudreaux, fished the mouth
of the river last Friday aboard
the "Enterprise" and caught
seven reds, nine trout and a
flounder. All were caught with

finger mullet arid jig
S On Saturday, with
Reighert party near t
Point Bridge, Capt. K
a catch of nine trout
redbass and eight sea
Fishing on the JacI
Beach Pier was notice
ter last week. Pier me
Faye Corner got thin
Monday afternoon w
good catch of whitin
ers and blues. Cotnei
Jesse used his finger
lure four flounder to

History Picture of the Week features veteran guide Jo
Dyrssen as he brought this stringer of speckled trout t
the early 1960s s a .. ',
.'. ., ,. ",, .; *, ,

s. pounds onto his hook;
the Ryan David Swicegood caught a
he Dames 26-inch red and a 16-inch
irk reports flounder with his finger mul-
, three let. Eleven-year-old Brandon
bass. Murzynski weighed up a four-
ksonville pound black drum. Other
eably bet- anglers released redbass too big
manager to keep and cleaned an .
gs going increasing number of whiting.
'ith her On Veterans Day, decorated
ig, croak- combat vet Joe the Dog
r's son Trairer, along with his fiancee
mullet to Sally C., fished the ICW in
five Palm Valley. They had one of
their best days fishing, with a \
take-home catch of several
trout both yellowrouth
.. .. and speckled---five black
drum, a couple of whiting and
some nice grunts. They also
released some reds and several
.'-.-: small drum.
The best out of town report
we received this week came
from Bubba Ryan and his crew
!;i .-" aboard the "wet Spot." Capt.
.y Bubba, his son, Austin, and
S...- friends Jimmy Steeg and Billy
Menendez took the Wet Spot
S to Cedar Key for a little
grouper fishing. They pulled
Prc o uomiDm.n up 20 grouper and had a
hn dozen additional throwbacks.
home in Great trip last Friday.
, Gfi.isnhn',.

IFlorida Lotto & Lottery Games T


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ICE CREAM iMILK rAtr LargeVine-Rip Golden Ripe
A Flavors Hom., 2%,1% or Skim CAROLINAPRIDER..re,2/$400 WILSON CleanedPork 5$599 TOMATOES BANANAS
la s COCKTAIL SMOKIES pk /40CHITERLINGS ............. 5 1b
B .m." n,! & 1 S A RL.m CAROLINAPRIDE Req. or OO LEE'S HotorMldPork $100
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PICTSWEETWhileAcreor $500 BETTER VALUFrozen $00
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Crisco Del Monte CEESEENdm MRS. 00 SMITH o 2/$700 Medium All Purpose
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Fruit Cocktall, Tropical Fruit KRAFT Green Onion.Y LW-Ehor -TOP psh
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/ HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH :)/$C00 DOLE Sced,.CrushedorChunksA$00
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4. J 5DINNERS....... 10.4- 14 o. APPLE JUICE ... 64z Jis12pk 12 oz
bag 32 oDIXIE CRYSTAL4 ,$ 0 SWANSON BeelarChlcken /$300 b cans or bottles
SUGAR 0,' $3 BROTH....... 14.5oz01 J/
S298MyBrtn aod OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEH 610 AA M 1 MIDNIGHT .t.!.' !^*. 1 .....'.
"",vII llEleBah Atlantic Beaoh I ',',d UQR Y0'Rl-rTS, i'. ',"",iS'

-II1I _L \~~L~~L~l~liI

______ _~__

PDao 2R

The Beaches LeadeCIr/Ponte Vedlra Leader~

November 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B


Oilers or Texans, Houston just owns the Jaguars

TAT at's been said in this
corner before bears
repeating: It's not a
disgrace to lose to a superior
team, and the Houston Texans
have proved this season they
are superior to this year's
Jacksonville Jaguars.
The Texans have now
whipped the Jaguars twice in
their own playground and here,
where coach and players have
bragged about "home cooking."
Apparently the home chefs.
were off dut' Sunday. Jaguars
fans have a right to know why
this team can't beat the Texans,
a club that was originally put
together from Jacksonville play-
er and coaching castoffs.
The same spell cast on
Wayne Weaver's team still
holds true; Jacksonville could-
'. ,. -': *:;i w i'~' h s

: .,,,

n't beat Houston when they"
were the Oilers, much less the
Texans. A rose by any other
name still smells the same.
Only Suntday it wasn't Houston
that smelled ... it was the

One stupid remark by a
Jaguar "guaranteeing" a victory
was enough to ignite the
Texans, they say. Even a team
that has had trouble beating '
anyone, except for the Miami
Dolphins this season.
One could overlook a rookie
making that remark, but not a
seasoned veteran. Especially
one who has been the very
heart and soul of the Jaguars
Sfor several years.
It's time for soul-searching.
Players who can't catch a ball
in their very hands should get
South of the game. Surely there
are saloons who could use bar-
tenders, although the drinks
would probably be dropped
Before getting to the customers.
Good truck drivers are always
needed, too. And the jobs pay

well, although not as much as
pro football; where even the
slightest talefits can afford the
most expensive sports cars.
That leads us to the arrest of
players who booze up and drive
as though they are qualifying
for the Indy 500.
But police are arresting the
wrong Jaguars. The ones who
should be behind bars are those
impersonating NFL players.
Here's a suggestion: If certain'
players can't catch passes a sev-
enth-grader would snare, why
not throw to their feet for a: .
change. Soccer players and
monkeys show good control
with their feet.
Some Jaguars are guilty of
taking money under false pre-
tenses, robbing owner Wayne
Weaver and the fans who pay
for tickets.
To paraphrase the elder Jini
Mora in a memorable melt-
down, "Playoffs? Playoffs? Are
you kidding.me, playoffs?" This
team, with all of its maladies
like injuries and, luh, court
cases, will do well to finish the
Georgia pulls off stunner
of the weekend
Meanwhile, the biggest
shocker of the weekend was
not the Florida Gators beating

Photos by ROB DeANGELO
ABOVE: Jacksonville Jaguars receiver Matt Jones (18) eyes the
ball after it bounces off his hands and is intercepted by Houston
defensive back Demarcus Faggins.
BELOW: Jones reaches for the football after another. pass
glanced off his hands and was picked off by the Texans' Anthony
Weaver during third quarter action Sunday.,

their old boss, Super Steve
Spurrier by the hairs of their
chinny-chin-chins. That game
ended 17-lb and a penalty on
the last drive probably cost
South Carolina an upset.
No, the biggest surprise was
the Georgia Bulldogs finally
playing like Bulldogs instead

of just dogs, soundly whip-
ping Auburn, 37-15, in their
playpen, where Georgia usu-
ally plays best. Congress
should investigate this one.
Auburn coach Tommy
Tuberville was in a state of
shock and who can blame
'him? ,

Basketball League
Beaches Basketball League
winter registration for boys and
girls ages 3 years old through
5th grade is taking place now
through Dec. 1. The season runs
from Jan. 2 until March and
features an 8-game schedule.
For more information visit
beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 3-9-
A new basketball league is
forming for boys 16 and under
who are interested in playing
extra basketball. There will be a
tryout at the beach to partici-
pate in the NAABP winter '
For more information, phone
Jeff or Chris Trano\ich at 1904i
Local GolfY" m-

* Beaches Ladies at Ponte Vedra
Golf & Country Club results
from second round of
Anniversary Tournament played
Nov. 13.
Anniversary Cup winner: Pat
Russo 167, 651. Runner-up
match of cards: Indu Sapra 165,
Ist Right: Diana Reek (1361,
SChris Mover i142i. Low Putts
(31 Pat Russon & Sue Dyches.
2nd Flight: Anita
Kommnick 1138), Marilyn
Ginsburg (142. Low Putts 130i
Kommnick & Delores Adams.
3rd Fight: Norma Bell
1143), Cathy Halter 143 ,1. Low
Putts (28) Ruthanne Groselose.
4th Flight: Lynn Cruger
(149), Sherri Lubin (151),
Debbie Gardner (151). Low
putts ,29) Sally Buckner.
5th Flight: Barbara
Donnelly 1501, Shelley
Dickerson (152). Low putts i
1291 Donnelly

Date:' Nov. 8
Event: Pinehurst
1. Helen Keeler and Rose.
Marie lohns 1681 retro.
2. Lisa Berlin and Suzanne
Fitzgerald 1681.
3. Kate Mitchell and Debbie
NMcWade 1701.
4. Pat Milton and Eleanor
Kerosky (721.
Registration for the Ponte
'edra Soccer Club's spring sea-
son began Nov. 6. Electronic
registration is available \ia the.
Intemet at PonteVedraSoccer-
Cost is $130 and all new play-
ers must provide a copy of their
birth certificate. Children must
have turned 4 by July 31, 2006
in order to play.
Registration will end.Jan. 10,
2007 and the season takes place
from hNarch-toAMay, i..i-,i iij

..... .... ..... .... ...-....... ..... .. ...... ...... .... .. .. ....... ..... ...........................

" -g ,- ...,, .. ..,. .,.. o ,

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College of Arts
Department of Music

& Sciences

Upcoming Concerts at UNF

Mvasterworis for Wind an Percussion
UNF Wind Ensienhkm with Bartram Trail High School Band
S. :: Sinda, Not'mbr 1'th :0l] pm :
Fmne Ar-T Ccrller L;zzanra HaU

Percussion fEnsemlCe affa Concert
Tuesday', November 21st 7:.30 pm
UL. NF Campus Roinisnn T'heater

I MagnfTicent Bacfi
UNF Chamber Orchestra
S' cdnesd.ay, Nrovember 29th 7:30 pm
Fine Aris Center Recital Hall

S east of Carols
SUNF Choral Groups with Local Guest Choirs
TI.hursda. November30th 730 pm.
SFine Art; Center Lazzara Hall

NMusl Department 9-folida Showcase-
N L F Faculry, Students, and Ensembles
esdad, Lrcember th 7:31.1pm Fiiie .Ars (enter Lat arrn Hall .i.
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Tickets: $25, $15 Students: $8
Order Online at: www.unf.edu/coas/music/calendar.html
; Or Call 620-2878

University of North Florida Department of Music
4567 St. John's Bluff Road South
Jacksonvlle, FL. 32224
(904) 620-2961 mbovenzl@unf.edu


November 15, 2006

The Rnparch I eader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Incredible Edibles:
St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal. Church's 11th annu-
al Incredible Edibles sale begins at 8 a.m. and runs
-until 2 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 18. Incredible Edibles,
will offer holiday foods, crafts, books, collectibles,
boutique items and themed gift baskets. It again
will feature the French Cafe, serving coffee and
fresh homemade beignets in the morning and lunch
beginning at 11 a.m. Shoppers may eat in or order
ahead for take out. St. Paul's by the Sea is located
on 5th Street between I Ith and 12th Avenues North
in Jacksonville Beach. Call the church office at 249-
4091 for information.

Wednesday, Nov. 15:
Children's book week:
. Children's Book Week will 'be
celebrated through Friday at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library, which also has other
special events coming up. The
Friends of the Library presents
its Great Decisions program at
7 p.m. Nov. 20 and also offers
Great Music-UNF Jazz Combo
at 7 p.m. Nov. 20.
St. Johns County Fair: The
SJC Fair runs through Nov. 19
at the St. Johns County
Fairgrounds, State Route 207 in

Elkton. Hours are 5 p.m. to 11
p.m. Wednesday and Thursday;
4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday; 10 a.m.
to 1 a.m. Saturday; and noon
to 9 p.m. on Sunday.
Admission is $7 for adults
and $4 for students and seniors
65 and over. Children under six
are admitted free. Admission is
free on Sunday with a church
bulletin, and on Saturday a
library card is good for a $2 dis-
A $15 ticket piorides unlim-
ited carnival midway rides
Wednesday through Friday and
on Sunday. On Saturday, 15

hours of carnival rides cost $20.
Each day, helicopter rides will
be available for $10 per person.
Thursday, Nov. 16
Catch rides: Symphony
patrons can ,get -rides to
Masterworks from the Ponte
Vedra Inn and Club starting at
6:30 p.m. tonight. Other dates.
on the Masterworks round-trip
schedule are March 1, March
29, April 19 and May 3. The
cost is $15 per person. Rides
begin flom the new parking lot
south of the conference center.
Call 285-1385 or email
vjb@'bagli.net for information.
Cystic Fibroris walk: The
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's
2006 Riverwalk Great Strides
will be held at the Riverwalk on
the :Southbank. Registration
and a poolside celebration
begin at 5 p.m. at Crowne
Plaza, with the walk starting at
6 p.m.
Get Fit for Life: Beaches
Pilates Classes are offered horn
9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thursday
and also Tuesdays at Hollie's
Dancin' Dream Studlo, 13595
Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville. For
information,. call 234-0038 or

go to www.beachespilates.com.
SWoodward speaks: Pulitzer
Prize-winning author Bob
Woodward speaks at 7 p.m. in
".the Florida Theatre as part of
the 2006-2007 Florida Forum
sponsored by. the Women's
Board of Wolfson Children's
Friday, Nov. 17
Healing arts: Dr. Andrea
Schaeffer-Pautz holds an open
house from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. at the Persephone Healing
Arts Center, 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation, call 904-246-3583.
Saturday, Nov. 18
Catty Shack: An Autumn
Feast of steak, Caesar salad and
baked potato for a $25 per-per-
son donation will be held at
Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife
Sanctuary starting at 5 p.m.
Gates will open at 4 p.m. The
event will benefit lions, tigers,
cougars, leopards and serval.
For reservations and directions,
RSVP to 9Q4-757-3603 or e-
mail curt@cattyshack.com.
Curt LoGiudice is executive
director of the non-profit facility.

Gentle, Quality Dental
Care in a Friendly Atmosphere

y Dr. Michael Dukes
Serving beaches
Residents for over
a decade

SCosmetic Dentistry Crowns Bridges Dentures
SRoot Canals : Implants Emergency Dentistry

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New Owner, Newly Remodeled, New Low Prices

l 1360 Beach Blvd.
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Be sure to join us for our Grand Opening celebration
Nov. 18th 5-9 pm
DJ, food, fun & giveaways! .

$29.95 month unlimit d Tanning ,
1st. Tan FREE
$15.00 off lhr. massage

Gift Certificates Spra anning

From your movie screen to our stage!

Ballroom danc
Ballroom dancing is,offere
7:30 p.m. at the Beaches Se
Center, 281 19th Avenue
Jacksonville Beach. The cc
$4. For information; call
Cancer support group:
Cancer Support Group
Baptist Medical Ce
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. at
Florida Cancer Center
Medical Office Building B
the hospital campus. Call
S 2910 for information.
Poker tournament: A p
tournament is scheduled f
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
Neptune Beach Senior Act
Center. Tables, cards, cl
refreshments and snacks
provided. The Senior Act
Center is located at 2
Forest Avenue and can
reached by calling 270-168
Toastmasters: Toastma
of Ponte Vedra meets f
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in
administration building ol
Ponte Vedra Inn and C
Coffee is served. For r
information, call Mic
Steele at 904-910-1982 or
Kiwanis Beaches:

Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets at noon at Selva
ing: Country Club, 1600 Selva
ed at Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
nior www.beacheskiwanis.com for
e S., information.
)st is
241- Fridays
River City Singles Club:
The River City Singles Club,
The, Inc., a chapter of the Singles
at Association of Florida (SAF),
enter holds a dance from 8 p.m. to
t the 11 p.m. at the Knights of
in Columbus Hall, 1501
B on Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
247- Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. Live music, snacks and
refreshments are provided. For
oker information, call 779-1234.
the Senior tennis: Tennis for
ivity' seniors is being offered from 9
hips, a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
are Terinis Center in Jacksonville
ivitv Beach. For information,. qall
!004 Moe at 247-6221.
be A senior men's doubles ten-
18. nis "C" level league also plays
through .April at Huguenot
sters Tennis Center on Friday morn-
rom ings. The league has home
the and away matches. Call Bob
f the Totter at 247-1865 for informa-
:lub. tion.
hael Saturdays
visit Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty:
free- Kittens and cats that have
been veterinarian-checked and
tested, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available
The for adoption from 10 a.m. to 6

p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
Keman boulevards.

Ponte Vedra Writers: The
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group
meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Call Vic DiGenti at
285-2258 for information.
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350. 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
for information.

Twin Heart Meditation
Group: This group meets from
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. every.Sunday
at .Ocean Yoga Stud;tiod i60
Ocean Blvd:,, Atlantic -Beach.
Global meditation from'Praffic
Healing focuses on creating
planetary healing and world
peace, which begins within.
Love offerings are accepted.
Call Diane at 382-5823 for
NAIC: The local NAIC
Investment Club meets at 7
p.m. the fourth Monday of
each month at the Beaches
Library. Visitors are welcome.
Call Dick at 476-4260 for

Partial Filmography
A Few Good Men
Wayne's World 2
Grumpy Old Men
Canadian Bacon
The Usual Suspects
She's All That

'seating is assigned
and tickets are
on sale now'

Kevin Pollak
this weekend
Nov 17th & 18th
pm ($25]* & 10:30 ($20:

Recently voted by
Comedy Central as one
of the "Top 100
Comedians of All Time"

End of Days
The Whole 9 Yards
3000 Miles ~o
The Wedding Planner
Dr. Dolittle 2
The Santa Clause 2
The Santa Clause 3

"seating is assigned
and tickets are
on sale now"

NLA: The NLA meets the
third Monday of every month
at 7 p.m. in the public meeting
room at the St. Augustine
Record, corer of State Roads
312 ahd 207. This month's
meeting will be held from 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Nov. 20.
Wendy Manucy, manager of,
St. Johns County Solid .Waste,
will present "St. Johns County
Recycling Program," and Al
Esposito, supervisor of St.
Augustine's Solid Waste, will
present "Recycling in the city."
The general business meeting
of the NLA will follow from
8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
The public is welcome to
attend. For information, email
naturallivingall@'bellsouth or
call 904-827,1208.
-Toastmasters: Beaches Area
,,Ttoastmasters.Club 2862.meais 1
S-frortm 7(p..m: to 8:,30,ptnutattheq'
Atlantic Theater on Atlantic
Boulevard. For information,
call Cyndi Rice at 273-2759..




The preferred choice of patients.

The first choice of their physicians.
.--Wmen Join Us for an Open House, celebrating our

; th :;Anniversary at our new location on the
e2nd Floor of the Atrium Buildifg at- :

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".... ..From 5pm 9pm

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treatments to enhance your active lifestyle.
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communication is -key.
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Call today and start making a positive

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Allanic Theatres Comedy Club
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Atlantic Beach, FL32233


INovember 15, 206- u uu-- -- --

The lBeaches Leadr/Pnnt Verdra- Leader


The Holiday Shoppes Southern Style at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach begins with a
Gift of Southern Cooking Preview Party from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. today. Chef Scott Peacock also
offers Southern Samplings from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friday. The Holiday Shoppes are open to the
public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.
The per-person entry fee for the Shoppes is $5.

The Ladies Auxiliary of Greater Beaches VFW Post 3270 holds a crafts and gifts items sale from 8
a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday in the parking lot of the Post at 9th Street and 8th Avenue South,
Jacksonville Beach. Call Karen at 247-3861 to reserve a table. Members, guests and the general pub-
lic are invited.

St. Augustine gets the holiday season off to a bright start with the 13th edition of its Nights of
Lights Saturday. Opening ceremonies begin at 4:30 p.m. in the. historic Plaza de la Constitucion.
The lighting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., when two million lights will be turned on.
Nights of Lights also features a full schedule of special events. For a detailed listing of tours and
events, go to www.nightsoflightscelebration.com or call 1-800-653-2489.

St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal Church's 11th annual Incredible Edibles Sale begins at 8 a.m.
Saturday. Incredible Edibles will again feature the French Cafe, serving coffee and fresh homemade
Sbeignets in the morning and lunch beginning at 11 a.m. Shoppers may eat in or order ahead for
take out. ,
St. Paul's by the Sea is located on 5th Street between 1 Ith and 12th Avenues North in Jacksonville
Beach. Call the church office at 249-4091 for information.


Greater Beaches VFW Post 3270 and its Ladies Auxiliary will hold a traditional Thanksgiving din-
ner from 2 p.m. until all food is gone Nov. 23 at the Post, 915 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Members, veterans, active duty military and their familiesare invited. For information, call 249-

First Street Gallery's sixth annual Ornament Show will be held in Neptune Beach Nov. 24 to Nov.
26. All ornaments, handcrafted and distinctive, come from the hands of Gallery artists. For infor-
S:mation, call 241-6928.


Captains and crews are invited to register for the Jacksonville Light Parade, which kicks off at 7
p.m. Nov. 25. The Jacksonville Light Parade has illuminated the St. Johns River for more than 20
years. The Light Parade is open to sailboats and powerboats of all shapes and sizes. There are five
prize categories limited to 100 vessels. To register online, visit
http://apps2.coi.net/CMS Forms/LightParade.asp.


A recent celebration marks head football coach Joe Reynolds' 100th win at Fletcher High School.
Pictured from left are Reynolds, Elaine Mann, Chief Officer- High School Education, Dane Gilbert,
Principal, and Kevin Brown, assistant football coach.

Benefit meals

Pancake breakfast to aid Dial-A-Ride

Dial-A-Ride will host a benefit breakfast
Saturday to raise money for the organization that
provides transportation for seniors.
The second annual old fashioned pancake and
bacon breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to 11
a.m. at the Senior Center in Jacksonville Beach.
Cost is $3.50 per person.
Dial-A-Ride is available to persons age 60 and
over and to handicapped people of all ages. The
service runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday

through Friday in the three Beaches communities.
The service also.offers rides to the Mayo Clinic
on San Pablo Road in Jacksonville.
The program is sponsored by the Beaches
Council on Aging with an operating budget of
approximately $70,000 per year.
Donations to Dial-A-Ride can be sent to the
Beaches Senior Center at Huguenot Park, 281 19th
Ave. S., Jackson\ille Beach. Call 246-1477 for
information or to schedule a trip.

The choirs of Jacksonville University present "Sir Cristemas Has Come," a Christmas choral con-
cert at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 30 in Terry Concert Hall on the JU campus. The concert will be led by direc-
tor of choral music Jon Carlson. The public is invited to attend the free event. For information, call
the College of Fine Arts at 256-7370.

Holiday Magic, an annual community event that rings in the holiday season, will be held from 4
p.m. to 10 p.m. Dec. 1 at San Marco Square, near Jacksonville's Southbank area. Santa and Mrs.
Claus will make their grand entrance at 6 p.m.
Local celebrities will be featured readers in the Children's Story Comer, located in front of the San
SMarco Book Store, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event is open to the public.

The Ponte Vedra Woman's Club wi(L|.aga bla t Dec~.alatthe Bonte Vedrailnn-and
Club. The y BaR begins at person, represents the cldb'stargest
fund-raisib ffrt die 'ear. All pr ec arities,'cluding the Betty Gliffin
S House, Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, B.E.A.M., Beaches Habitat and Mission House.
Louise Gentry is the event's chairperson. For information and tickets, call 285-7236.


Christmas in the Park, a city of Neptune Beach event for children of all ages, begins at 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 1 in Jarboe Park. Entertainment provided by children from area schools will herald the arrival
of Santa, Mrs. Claus and their elf.

The Scandinavian-American Society of the South invites Scandinavians to a Dec. 2 Christmas
part) at Selva Marina Country Club. Doors open at 6 p.m., and a traditional dinner is served start-
ing at 7 p.m. The cost is $32.50 per person; reservations must be made by Nov. 25. Contact Anna
Large at 743-2214.

Seaside Playgarden holds its fifth annual Holiday Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 2 at the
school, 223 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach. There will be a wide variety of booth vendors, and cof-
fee and breakfast will be available. Call 536-6333 or 735-9272 for



The Beaches Town Center Holiday Celebration will start at 2
p.m. Dec. 2 with a bike parade. The free holiday event will be held
where Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach meet the ocean. The
mayors of both cities will light the community tree, and Santa
and Mrs. Claus will arrive by sleigh at 6 pm. Dawson Pickett's
annual food drive will collect donations of food, toys or money
for the LISO.
For information, contact Timmy Johnson at 247-5828

Santa Claus will be in the Courtyard at 200 First Street in
Neptune Beach from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday in
December. Wish lists may be shared, and photos can be taken.
Pets are welcome.
For more information, visit www.200firststreet.com or call
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe at 249-2922.

Asku IFauI

SSan Pablo Family Center
Located at the corner of Beach Blvd. & San Pablo
SRelsaurants ? f Apparel & Services
Al's'Pizza LA's Check-N-Go
The Beaches Black Tie Formals Payday Advance Company
Favorite, TuueAdo & Gowns 223-4330
223-4991 Renota &a Sales Jackson Hewitt
Dick's Wings 992-1492 Tax Sernice
You'll love ousr wi,, qs Beall's Outlet 223-7999
223-0115 Famnl lfashron for less Lothar's
Wok n' Roll 223-0075 'Watch & Clock Repair
Chinese Food i Baeaut} 223-4025
821-7878 I Services The UPS Store
K. Noodles HMaking Business Easier
P.K. Noodles Hair Cuttery 223-6061
Vietnamse Cuisine Family Salon S e Care Dental
992-7455 223-9385 Most insurance
fSpecialty Elegant Nails accepted .
SShops Complete Nail Services 821-9555
op 992-8122 Aerus
Your Dollar Store Fun & Games ElectroluxAuthorized
With Moret Floor Care Service
223-5550 Bill Clark's 821-1351
Spillers Framing ,Karate America, 724-210 .
& Art Gallery Gaime Force For LasingtInfo
e & G ContactP...
t 223-8080 'g '. New & Used Video Games LAT Purser & Assoc.
992-4880 at 448-8007

Mission House seeks donations to

Thanksgiving meal for the needy

b LIZA MITCHof love for many men, women and children in our
by LIZA MITCHELL community who have no one or no where else to
STAFF WRITER eat together on this special day."
The Mission House will offer a free Donations of prepared food are needed to pro-
Thanksgiving meal at,3 p.m. Nov. 23 at St. Paul's side a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
Catholic Church at the comer of 5th Street and Items needed include turkeys, hams, sweet
1st Avenue North in Jacksonville Beach. potatoes, green bean casseroles, cooked vegeta-
The dinner is open to the homeless and anyone bles, mashed potatoes, rolls, coffee and Hawaiian
,;,in needaof a liliday meal. u A~nL ',ueA. 5- m:,.unchand5Seven-Up .... ni. ,', m -
1- "The care and concern of the. people 'in.the RJasticvare such as plates, :cups, silvei.wareqnd
'Beaches communities that' come forward eveiy'' dipkins aie'also needed.
year to provide for those in need is inspiring," Call Debbie Giroux at 221-1700 ext. 208 to
Mission House Executive Director Jan Flager said. coordinate all food donations.
"This special Thanksgiving dinner is a true gift

Amish food samples available Seniors dinner slated

Friends of the Library of St. Johns County
extend a.n after-hours invitation to visit the
main library in St. Augustine at 6 p.m.
Thursday to enjoy an evening of Amish her-
itage and cooking right out of Lancaster
County, Pa.
Homemade peppermint sticks, Friendship
Bread,- Orange Pickles, jams and other tradi-
tional Amish recipes will be available to be

74 '

Have Breakfast With Santa
Only $9.99 includes Breakfast
Buffet and a Picture with Santa!
Saturday, December 9 and 16
Call 246-4386 for details

.. r~tate! Pass

Buy !50 Get sl0 S
worth for free
Buy0 GetOn Sale.wl

qiqq Beach Blvd.

0Jax Beach 246-4386
- - -
. Free Game of 60 Game ,
Miniture Golf Tokens
w/purchase of one game at I I
regular price I Must be used by the same quest. Not valid with
Must be used by the same quest. Not valid with other I other Discounts or offers. Expires 1/15/07
Discounts or offers. Expires 1/15/07

L 12658 -- 12B -- .


The parishioners of St. John's Catholic
Parish, 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach,
again will serve a traditional dinner of turkey,
ham and all the trimmings to the senior citi-
zens of the Beaches at 3 p.m. Thanksgiving
Day. For information, call the parish office at
Call Dial-A-Ride at 246-1477 for transporta-
tion information.

a **~_
T.-.. .. .. ..



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The RBahlsp e T pader/Pnuite Vedra Leader

rage UD.. ..L.. V.. .

November 15, 2006

Pets & Animals Service Guide cont.
300 Pets 650 Painting
310 Pets for Sale 651 Pest Control
330 Stables/ivestock, 652 Plumbing
340 Lost/Found Pets 653 Pools
Announcements -: 654Photography.
400 Notices 655 Rain Gutters
405 Travel 660 Remode/Consi.
415 Personals 665 Relairs'
420 Legal Services 670 Roofing
425 Legal Notices 675 Spriner & Wells
440 Misc. Lost/Found 677 Tree Service
450 InstruciionsScrools 678Tie .f

460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
'601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering,
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electncal Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
631 Computer Services
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Manna/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing

strucilon Golf Community. Large lots &
condos w/ deepwaier, marsh, golf, nature
views Gated. Goll, Ftness Center, tennis,
Trails. Docks. 570k's- $300k. (877)266-
7376 www cooperspoint.com.
NC GATED Lakefront Community. Pleas-
antly mild climate 1.5 acres plus. 90 miles
ol shoreline. Never offered before with
20o' pre-development discounts, 90% fi-
nancing Call 1800)709-5253.
lordable Homes in the Mountains. Afforda-
Die Homes. Mountain Cabins and Land.
Call lor Iree brochure (877)837-2288 Exit
Realty Mountain View Properties www.ex-
.imurpny com
BEAUTIFUL N. Carolina Escape the heat
in the beautiful, peaceful mountains of
western NC, homes, cabins, acreage & in-
vestments. Cherokee Mountain GMAC
Real Estate. cherokeemountain
realty.com Call for tree brochure.
Why not join us on
Every Wed. from 11am-1pm
Pnyllis will be online taking
your questions Ihvel
Phyllis Stalnes, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
1. ACRE TN homesite 1.8 ACRES large
lot with nice view. level building site on
top Sione outcroppings for natural land-
scaping. Pond on the east side. Close to
large state park Only $89,9001 Call
GULF FRONT lots $595k Homes starting
mid $300k New master planned ocean
Iront community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Chrisi. TX. www.cinna-
monshore com, (866)891-5163.
GULF FRONT lots $595k. Homes starting
mid 5300K New master planned ocean
front community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Chnsti, TX. www.cinna-
monshore.com. (866)891-5163.
NC MOUNTAINS 7 acres on mountain
top view, trees, waterfall & large public
lake nearby, paved private access, gated
community $99.500 owner (866)789-

680 Upholsiery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Trealmeni
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Serc
730 Caregivers
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales
840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantc Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedra
858 West Beaches
859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RV s
970 Trucks/Vans
980 Automobiles

NORTH CAROLINA Cool Mountain Air,
views & streams, homes, cabins & acre-
age. Free Brochure (800)642-5333. Realty
1 Murphy 317 Peachtree St Murphy,
N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.

1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesville, NC, Hiawassee River and
Lake Chatuga Build your home lor a life-
time. Lots range in price Irom $54.900
to $87,900. Call 828-389-8843 or 904-
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots. $500
down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
.or (352)236-4579.
+/-2,878 ACRE tract in Mclntosh County,
GA. Excellent development/ investment
potential. Located minutes Irom 1-95. Con-
venient to Savannan. Willing to subdivide.
Call Adam at Copper Station Properties at
+/-2.662 ACRE tract in fast growing El-
fingham County, GA. Great development/
investment opportunity. Surrounded by
new residential development. Minutes
from 1-95. Convenient to Savannah. Will-
ing to subdivide. Call Adam at Copper
Station Properties at 877-985-5263.
WYOMING RANCH Dispersal. 35 acres -
$49,900; 50 acres $59,900. Snow-cap-
ped mountain views. Surrounded by gov t
and. Abundant wildllle. Recreational para-
dise. Low taxes EZ Terms. Call Utah
Ranches, LLC. (808)541-5263.
N. FLA 1-350 Acres 30 Act/- low as
$6500/acre Only 4 parcels Owner Fin
avail (800)294-2313 Ext 1285 A Bar Sales
Inc 7 days 7am-7pm
Views. 8+ Acre Mountain Estate. Heavily
Wooded with Stream. EZ Financing-
$49,900. (800)230-6380, ext.120.
VIEW WESTERN North Carolina, North
Georgia. Eastem TN. Real Estate. Excel-
lent retirement area Very affordable
homes, cabins, land. Low taxes. Good
paying lobs available www.mtlakesre-

lor first lime home owners. Single family
nomes. duplexes, condos. Help on down
payment, low rates Call today. Kay Hew-
ings. Magnolia Properties, 904-553-4019.

www.JaxBeachCondos.com or call
Renee L. Baron. Inc. at (904) 242-2821

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein Is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes il illegal to advertise any
reference. limitation, or discrimination
asked on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap. familial status or national on-
gin, or the intention to make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
he Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available- on an
equal opportunity basis.
II you believe tnat you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing.
call the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777. or for the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275

ATLANTIC BEACH. Totally remodeled,
3BR/.1BA, 1000sf +, 50'x150' beautiful lot.
Granite, Jacuzzi new carpel and paint.
Kitchen & bath redone in 2004. $625,000
OBO. 366 5th Street. Owner/ Broker.
JAX. BCH- 1170 14th Avenue North,
1500sf. 3BR/2BA, fenced yard, screened
porch, large great room, tile floors, pets
OK. $1300/mo. 412-4618.
LOWEST PRICE 2 1/2 blocks to ocean in
old Atlantic Beach. 3BR/2BA. all brick,
50'X130' lot, $479,900. Call Deborah Bai-
ley, Remax Atlantic, 234-7725.
OPEN HOUSE, 1013 6th Ave. N Jax Bch.
Walk to the beach, large lot, pool, and
guest house. Sat & Sun. 1-4.
NEPTUNE BEACH fixer upper; perfect
for Investor or owner/ occupant, con-
crete block, 4 blocks from ocean,
$285,000, call Mark, 591-6976.






SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods, brick,
3/2/2, 1895sf, $283,500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associales. 247-4333 or

blocks from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
Granite. upgrades. $369000 Call Jonn
R/E Broker (904)699-8887
PRICE REDUCED 4BR/3BA, very pri-
vate, 1/3 acre lot. 6 blocks to beach and
golf. $269.,000. (904)463-3738
OFF SAN PABLO. Covinglon Creek. all
brick. 3/2. over 2200 sq.t.. on cul de sac.
too many extras to list, reduced for quick
sell, must see $359.900. 221-1630.

Dolphin Cove, 3BR/2BA, huge corner lot,
all bncK, cul-de-sac, updated Ille in main
living area. Ready to go! Just Reduced.
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lol community
pool and tennis, minutes to the Beaches
A. school. $288,900.
4BR/2BA w/pooll 20004-st., new roof,
HVAC, fence, flooring, windows, garage
door. Offered at $384.900.
TWO 1BR/ IBA lolt Ponte Vedra Ieach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace. custom lgnting. private
beach access, tennis. Illness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195.900
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with huge great room, private back-
yard, great tor entertaining, Low mainte-
nancelandscaping. $319,900.
Motivated seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood loors, tcar garage
Offered at $144,900
OH Solano Rd. 1 has small beach cottage,
been remodeled. Take advantage ol golf
views or purchase both lor your dream
home... Not many like this! 2BR/2BA
beach cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
Call: 904-241-4447

REDUCED TO sell. 3/2/1 In Villages ol
Pablo off San Pablo Rd. Fireplace, dining
room, eat in kitchen, fenced yard. new
carpel, new paint inside and out, asking
$199,000. 220-6911, 553-6105.

DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1 5 condo.
Near Maypon Elem. & Wonderwood Nice
3/2, 2 car gar, Ireshly painted, new vinyl &
more. $179,900.
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo. Almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades.
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3/2, nice staner
home,good area $149,900.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut. stone
Irplc., fenced yard, comer lot Close to
schools/ beaches. Reduced to $214,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- Lg 4/2. better than
newly Many upgrades. $298,000.
HARBOR WINDS- Model like home. 3/2,
upgrades everywhere $239,900.
HARBOR WINDS- Approx. 1600st, 3/2,
like new. $234,900. .
4'2. neai-school1 &'sndlps 234.-50d:
221-1711 OR 241-5501



SOUTH JAX Beach, reduced thousands
below recent appraisal. Owners moving
out ol slate. 3BR/25BA, rownnome.
1327sl. 884 11th Ave 'So. Wil' co-op 3"'
$258 500 (904)502-qt6 '
ATLANTIC BEACH: 3/2 Beach Cottage;
937 East Coasl Dr; 2 blks. to ocean: Fully
restored: Hardwood floors and walls
IhroughQul, Walk-in closet; Large baih-
room w/claw foot tub and separate rain
shower; Loft guest room/ ohice: Sunroom;
Private backyard/ patio area; Lush land-
scape & gardens w/irngallon; Home
warranty, will co-op 2.51o; $775K.
MLS 332857; visit:
www.oceanwalk us/937eastcoast him or
call (904)993-1707.
A GEM! FSBO home in beautiful, charm-
ing Paradise Cove One owner home is
immaculate. 3/2. 1267 sqfi 616 Paradise
Court, Allanlic Beach. $279,900. Call Le-
na, (608)213-3397.
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres. 4/3. 2950sf, built 2002. $469,000
OBO. Independent Brokers & Associates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.

CONDO close to the beach,
Jardin de Mer, 3/2, 1500 sq.ft.
with garage. MLS #310655,
$230,000 or rent for 1200 mo.

OSPREY POINTE home on cul
de sac, private back deck, wooded
view, 340,000. Decorating
Call allowance. MLS #320085.
Mary Beth Lonergan,
Watson Realty Corp. ,... .....


Oceanfront Newer custom buit 5BR,
4.3BA, with 4725 SF, vieWs of the ocean
from the east and ICW the west. Office
formal living and dining, tile and
hardwood floors. pool and spa, screened
lanai with hot rub, and private beach.
Isle offalms Former model with 2705-
SF aid $71,000 in upgrades on
navigable water...just bring your boat!
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluxe master suite. Two
screened lanais, deck, balcony, dock w/
boat lift $889,000
South Hampton Water to golf views
compliment this 5BR, 4BA executive
home on the 17th green. Chefs kitchen
with cherry cabinets, island, corian, tile,
3 car garage, screened lanai, two bonus
rooms, comm. pool priced $25k below
appraisal $750.000
Odoms MiD Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai,
bonus room is perfect teenage retreat, in-
law suite, wood and die floors, corian
counters, formal living and dining, 3 car
garage, comm. pool. $679,000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded, light and bright 4BR,
2.5BA with loft, formal living and dining
room, new carpet and paint, tile floors,
oversized screened lanai, lots of storage,
comtp. pool. 5499,500 *
Pablo Bay Why wait to build? This
4BR, 2BAall brick homes ready nowl
Enjoy relaxing evenings on your covered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake.
Upgrades include ile, 42 inch cabinets,
open kitchen with island, corian.

Ibis Point 4BR, 2.SBA w/lott on private
culdesao, lush landscaping, fenced yard.
sprinkler, open kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal dining, designer molding, master
bedroom is down with garden ntb, comm.
pool/tennis. $335,000
Jax Beach Updated 4BR, 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot (.27 acres) just
blocks to the beach! Wood floors,
fireplace, open kitchen, formal dining,
large great room, inside laundry, screened
porch, shed, hot tub with deck. $335,000
Florentine This 3BR. 2.5BA with loft
is only one year old and ready nowl Enjoy
peaceful lake views from your open patio.
spacious kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal living and dining, oversized
laundry, over S40k ip upgrades $299,900
Pelican Bay 3BR, 2.5BA just steps to
the Intracoastal!' Enjoy peaceful Lake
views from your screened lanai or
entertain on your open deck. Move-in
ready with newer carpet and paint,
upgraded kitchen with tile, conan
counters. $279.900
Kernan Mill If you are looking for a
true Florida home. look no further 3BR,
2BA open floor plan with tile throughout.
family room w/fireplace. deck leads to
private backyard with peaceful-Jake
views...no backdoor neighbors $269,900
Windsor Chase 3BA, 2BR with office,
stucco front, lush landscaping, fenced
yard with room'for 4 pool, formal dining.
open kitchen with extra cabinets, ull
irrigation, inside laundry room, rns of
sheing, storage, comm. pool. 5249,900
Kensington, Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio
home is perfect for first time, buyer or
someone king todoWfnsize. Move in
ready with new carpet paint, openaktchen
with all appliances, open deck, private
yard, comnLpool/ennis. $204,900

FSBO, SAWGRASS Beach Club Ocean-
side Condo. 1100si 1BR/1BA. garage
$340000. (904)635-9349
, i 'I
Q~JNDO "FOUNTAINS" Ponle .ed, 6.95
.PA A j:N 31BR' 2BA. ltda'e' S129' -o
buy $239,900. Very clean. 246-6649.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/1 5BA, 1250sl,
completely remodeled- kitchen, bath. ile.
carpet & more. Custom closes, sione lire-'
place -Best Deal Around. Must Sell .
$109,500. (904)773-3777
SEVILLA- OLD Allantic Beach
1BR/1.5BA. Beaulilul enclosed sun room
Must see $209.000, 904-249-2639
PVB 2BR/2BA, FP. walk to beach, newly
renovated, $189,900, possible lease/pur-
chase, 12151598-7488.
OCEAN VIEW Ponie Vedra Blvd. 2BR
/2.5BA end unit, backs up to Guana
Preserve: 1800+sqh. $550,000
LandMark 1910sf $950k
WaterMark 2202st $996k
Acquilusl I 2124s5 $998k
Renee L. Bason.lnc. 242-2821
w/ 42' boat dock; 1700sqh, 2BR/2BA: all
lile downstairs, w/ wet bar & remodeled
bath. Great amenities! $350.000. 651-
6748 or 247-9244
OCEANVIEW 3/2. Great views from most
rooms. Ceramic tile, two balconies.
$459.500 Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
Only $6K down. new 2/2/-- lakev.ew.
$209K, lasi one! 727-458-4230
COZY CONDO in Marsh Landing/
PVBch. Address 3012 Sea Hawk Dnve.
A Must See 2B82B in quiel cul-de-sac,
fully remodeled w/tlle and new carpet,
huge screened-in patio overlooking view
of lake, new kitchen cabinets & upgraded
appliances, fireplace & single car garage
w/private entry & plenty of storage space
Full access to pool & tennis couns
View www.infotube.net: ad #154740.
$249.900. Call 904-221-1883 or
$215,000- 2/2, garage, all apple incl., Jar-
din De Mer. 247-4211.
PELICAN POINT, #204, 2/2/1, 1212sl,
,$500.000, OBO, Independent Brokers &
Associates. 247-4333 or 710-3111

* Best Rates
* Best Service
SBest Solutions
- Check Rates
*Get Info
Get Pre-qualifled

PALM HARBOR factory Iquidation sale
2006 models. National Builder O0o down
when you own your own landlI Call for
free brochures. (800)622-2832.

MOBILE HOMES lor everyone Why rent
when you can own in 60 months or less.
Special deals for cash buyers Homes are
located in a gated community'In central
Jacksonville.- Convenient to buses and-
shopping. For appt please call Donna'
3BR DOUBLE WIDE in portside. Near
Beaches. Built-in 2000. $28,00.

FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately 1
mile to beach, 1BR/1.5BA w/loft, new roof,
wood deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors & carpet. Community'pool,'
move in ready $217,000. 242-7529,

PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, built in 1987
.1/2 acre, Iront circular dnve in cul-de-sac.
soaring fireplace, large family room. cus-
lom built bookcases $335K Call
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof. 42 hickory
cabinets, Iraverine stone Iloor. Berber car-
pet and crown molding. Seller will pay all
closing costs. $289,900. 463-0505.
4/2, OCEAN Foresl. large yard, boat & RV
parking. pool 59 Oakwood Rd Quick
sale As is. Call-lor appr $375.000.
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dunon Island Dr. West.. 3BR!1.5BA New
A/C. rool, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
JAX BEACH, 3BR.2BA home on over-
sized wooded lot in great beacon neighbor-
hood; huge delacned two car garage'
workshop, 982-8715.
PV. 5BR/4BA w/loft, 2454sl..'lmmac. new
rool, granite passthru, wine cooler & more,
below appraisal $379,900. See
www.6salllish.com Call Randy Bran @*
USA Realty Mart; 904-213-8287
Completely remodeled.. $213,900, 339-
Dollar viewat about half Ine price. Beauti-
ful 4BR/2.5BA home w/pool. on the marsh
in Jax Beach $549,900 For info see
www.walson-realty.com MLS 314671.
Call Kathy Ritler at Watson Realty
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Monvated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245
OPEN HOUSE Jax Beach. Sunday 12-
2pm pool, fireplace. 3BR/1BA. close to
beach, $309,500. 803 13th Ave No.
247 0168.
Reduced lor quick sale. $424,500. Won-
derful 4BR/2.5BA, 2 story, pool Easy to
see. 1660 Linkside Ct. N Call Kimberlee
472-5558, Magnolia Propenres.
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 11/19, 1-4pm,
Atlanlic Beach home $227.500, 3BR/2BA.
1251s1., lully remodeled. 845 AmberjacK
Lane: Irom Mayport lake Plaza east. then
2nd left. Irom Atlannc Blvd lake Saillish
nonh. leh on Plaza then first right 904.
5 ACRES. Solana Rd.. Easr of AlA Wa-
teriront with expansive water to goll views.
4BR 2 5BA. FSBO 1904)242-7979.
WATER FRONT home. Palatka, cozy col-
lage, 2BR/1.5BA, totally renovated
24800R nnn0; (904)501-3314

NEP BCH, 1/2 block from ocean. Efficien-
cy, CH/A, kitchen equipped, avail. Dec;
1st. $650/mo plus dep. & electric.
ATLANTIC BCH, 2 blocks from ocean.
2/1, water furnished 242-9845.

SOUTH JAX Beach, apt for rent, 2BR 1.5
BA. Remodeled, $1000/mo., $400 deposit,
Call 249-0119.
2/1, 201 N. 9th St $700/mo + $700 dep.
Non-smoking, no pels. 246-9162, ext 5#.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 62 Ocean Blvd;
2BR/1BA, W/D included, CH&A, tile floor,
1 block to ocean. $1200/mo. 1st, last and
:security. 838-6333.
JAX BEACH block &: half. from water,
2BR/1BA, CH/A, WDHU, fireplace,
$695/mo. 904-891-0606..

NEW CANAL front home, Isle of Palms.
4/3, $765,000. Call 219-3050.
JUST REDUCED for a quick sale. 2 or 3
BR, 2 full BA, extra large lot, in ground
pool w;iacuzzi, pool house, fireplace, lots
of upgrades, $379000 .Call Dee
NEPTUNE BEACH duplex, 2/1 each. 2
blocks ocean, $499.000 920 No. 2nd Sl.
at Bay St ,708-0731 or 241 8718
FSBO- THE Palms at Marsh Landing 1/1
condo. Tile/ berber brand new A/C scr.
balcony to enloy peaceful marsh views
$155.900. 891-2324.
home. 5 blocks to beach. 3 clocks to
Town Center, large kitchen with oak cabi.
nets Priced to sell at $220.000.

No Turkeys..Just Turn-Keyl
Thursday. Nov 23rd, 12pm-2pm
13858 Weeping Willow
All brick, lakelront
4BR/2BA. 2552s1., $470K
JTB, N on San Pablo, LF ai Pablo Bay
LF at Weeping Willow
Pnyllis Siaines. 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coaslal Real Estate
OPEN HOUSE, Atlantic Beach, Saturday
11/12, 1.4pm. 63 West 41h SI. (off May-
port) 3i2,2, 1234st. 3 years old Reduced
20k tor quick sell. $229.000. 463-2006.
ICW FSBO, 3'2 home on cul-de-sac in
Kensington. Only $229.900. 221 6263
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR.2BA. fireplace.
new carpeting. tile. appliances, lenced
yard. $165.000. 1904)993-9919
BEACH/SAN PABLO area, 3501 Clandge
Rd E Newly-remodeled concrete block
2BR/1BA. large backyard. $138.000
223-5149, 339-4685
large comer lot. tile Ioors, new rool, F/P.
many upgrades. 992-2249 or'514-7152.
Nepiune Beach, 3BR/2BA. corner lol
100'x130'.'2000si.. 2car garage, new rool.
kitchen needs help $329K worth $385K
VILANO BEACH. Marsh View townhome.
3/4, 2900 sqh.. $599.000. Owner/ realor.

WANTED TO buy 2-3BR home in Ponle
Vedra. Old or fixer upper OK. Private par-
ty. No realtors. 725-3933.

AMAZING OCEAN views Irom every room
in this 3BR/3BA sixth floor comer unit
$50,000 in decorator upgrades and appli-
ances makes this a Musr See. Lease/ pur-
chase available $689,000. Adele
Ocean Grove New Unit. open Sat.- Sun.
Nov. 4, 5. 10. 11. Auction Nov 16. 6pm
Only $6K deposit, 30 day close. Delails -
pics (727)458-4230.

SINGLE WIDE 2BR/2BA + storage shed,
'87, PEAC, $6000, excellent condition,
14036 Downs Lane #580, Portside, Call
708-0731, 241-8718.

FOR SALE 415 3rd St South 850sl. Busi.
ness zoned, next lo Conage by the Sea
537-0503 $395.000

2850sf.. $2850'mo includes utilities Call
Badrt 241-3111 (Ext 11).

house on cul-ae sac. WDHU, dishwasher
and large yard $850/mo (9041242-0257
JAX BCH near ocean 1BR unfurnished
apt. lease, references, $725/mo, 222 4th
Ave. So.. 221-4134. 703.5518.
3BR/2BA DUPLEX, Lora & Firsl. Iree in-
ternel. 51500/mo. 249-2865
OCEAN FRONT beaulrul lurnished/ un-
lurnished. terms" 242-8644
NORTH JAX Beach Erficiency, $495/mo.
1BR. $595/mo 1 block to Ocean Pool. No
pels. 249-5368
1,2 BLOCK to ocean 2ER/2BA. large
deck, wet bar Must see' $1300'mo 904-
NEP BCH. 2BR/1 5BA. clean, W/D near
ICW. lenced yard. $885;mo. 631-8607
CH/A, WDHU. East ol 1st iS $795.
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.

JAX BEACH- Immaculale 3BR/2BA unit in
the Palms. ground Iloor. lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club.
house. & morel $1200/mo. 904-372-9222.
2BR/2BA, bonus room, covered patio,
CH&A, WDHU. 1207 Mayport Landing Dr.
$790/mo. $700 deposit 280-2728 leave
LARGE 1 bedroom Excellent location 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo 642-1214 and 241-1219
CH&A, fireplace, 1 block trom ocean
$875/mo Call 566-1287

2 large bedrooms- 1 /2 baths including
refrigerator w/ ice maker, dishnwasner.
washer & dryei, separate dining area, fire-
place in living room, newly carpeted Isorry
NO DOGS). fresh & clean Includes pool,
security system plus additional outside
locked storage lacdlily. $795-mo, lyr
lease, deposit 8 references required Call
evenings 285-8325 or cell 403-9297

223B HOPKINS St.' Nep Bch 1BR/1BA
ehlciency Apt 1 5 blocks Irom ocean.
$775/mo. Lewis Realty t904)291-7229.
ATLANTIC BEACH oft Seminole Rd
Beaullul newer 3/2 5 townhome, 10f ceil-
ings. lighi & bright. hardwood floors. 1 car
gar, small fenced backyard, 8 blocks to
beach $1550/mo, Ilexible terms And dl-
so avail
'Jax:Beda6',Jardin De Mer condo Beau.i-'
Sful, rnew .'22./:'lrplc & gbiage F.rsr l oo
-$1125/mo. Call June, Firsr Trust Realry.r
994 3608
JAX BEACH, 2BR Townnouse. near
ocean, CH&A. WDHU, no pets 5950/mo
+$500,dep 248-3130
2BR/1.5BA, WDHU. garage, pnvacy
fenced yard, screen porcn No pels
$925/mo 247-3718
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean renovated
2BR, all amenntes, avail soon, $1100/mo.
2BR 1BA Allanric Bcn. 2 blocks Irom
ocean. $1000/mo incl. ulil. Please call
NEPTUNE BCH- 1 block to beach,
2BR/1BA New kitchen & bath, $895/mo.
No dogs 384.1805
floors, CH&A WDHU. 1.5 blocks to
beach 1st' lasI mo. rent, SD, 1 year
lease $900/mo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tale, inc. 246-4862
BEACHES 2/2,ON lakefront, many extras.
Availimmed $1200/mo 382-6145
BEACHFRONT 1BR' 1BA, 108 Orange
St. Nep Bch, downstairs. $1050/mo incl
utll (661)803.6275
NEP BCH. 1/2 block from ocean. 1BR
1BA CH/A. carpet $850/mo plus dep. &
electric 249-4159
JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A.
1BR/1BA $700/mo to $1000/lro.
(904)859-1301. (904;553-1354
1/2 BLOCK to ocean, 1BR/1BA. studio,
electric & water included, laundry room.
$750/mo (904)318-0044
ATLANTIC BEACH, 706 Cavalla Rd
2BR/1 5BA, WDHU, enclosed porch.
$775/mo +$775/dep. 514-8761.
2/1. $895/MO plus dep Walk to beach.
115 181h Ave. N Unit B. (904)525-5551
NORTH JAX Beach 2BR/1 5BA apt
1012 2nd Ave N. Walk'to beach, lots of
hardwood floors/ woodwork Large Living
Room, DR. Mstr BR w/ftreplace, small 2nd
BR, includes- washer/ dryer. Iridge, stove,
ceiling plans, CH&A, deck overlooking
Gonzalas Park, Large outside storage
unit, carport. off-street parking New pain,
No pets, No smoking Yard service
included $795/mo -deposit and utilities
2BR 1.5BA townhouse, PVB 1000sf. all
appl.. wood floor, porcelain tile, scr. lanai.
many upgrades. $990/mo Move in now
and no rent due tI Dec 1st. Please call

Spacious and well maintained 2 bedrooms
& 1-1/2 baths. Approximately 1100sl, 1
block to the beach No pets, full kitchen,
washer/ dryer connections, lots of closets.
126 S. 13th Ave. Jax Beach. $950 month-
ly rental (utilities not included) $550 secur-
ity deposit. Minimum- 7 month lease.
Available In December. 285-1852

..... ..PVB- SELLER pays closing costs No
HANDY MAN Special, 2/1 concrete block; binder deposit. 1BR/BA, 550sl, Iiled.
5 blocks to ocean. 80'X120' lot, $275,000 ground floor, galed, goll course view,
OBO. 553-7203. $137.900 285-6325

- rm

_~_ ~__


Novemhbr 15. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

$ 900(
$ 950

$I 00()




$4500 '

PONTE VEDRA Beach Townhouse, 2/2.5,
new carpet, paint, and furniture, all appli-
ances, screened porch, fireplace, tile, pool
and tennis. $1650/mo. (904)631-1245.

Srockron A Tradition Since 1884

"Gm7. v

202-4EVila del Mar.
2C.Ponte Vedra Court
2115 The Palms
36 The Colony.
53 The Colon
64 The Colon)
535 Ocean Links
201 Cranes Lake
9757 Rough Creek
80-4 Templeton Lane
S06 Tournament Road
97 \oyager Coun'

Ponte Vedra
-Ponte Vedra
Jax Beach
Ponle Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponte Vedra/Cranes Lake
Ponle cdra/Sa:,grass CC
Pomne \idra/Walden Chase
Ponte \edra/Fairfield
Ponie Vedra/Sawgr.ai TPC

4 10 S Beach Pk, #1211 Ja.\ Beach/Valencia
o'6 Polne .edra Bild OB2 Ponme Vedra/Beach House
144 Shelby Cove Court Ponte Vedra
10-4 Crosscoe'Crircle Ponte Vedra/Seaside
54 Franklin Arenue Ponte \edra East
1208 S 2nd Street. #A .Ja Beach
Ill Ocearn Dne South ~i5)5i Ja.k Beach/The Seascape
91 San luan Dn\e #CC-2 Ponmte Vedra/The Pointe

228 Shell Bluff Court
13846 Atlantic Bird 19. 6
905 2" Street North. #C
117 Deer Cove Dn\e
10302 Ocean Grande
201 Hidden Palms Lane
6.-29" A% enue South

Palm Valle./Old Palm Valle
Adanuic Beach/Mira Vis.ta
Ja. Beach
Ponle \edradMarsh Landirng
South Ponie Vedra
Palm Vallev/Ponofino
Ja\ Beach

l565.8a [Wland Circle .. !a\ Be -h.'O.-ean R i
.k23 Sea. Hanmock Y"iy., j'in './'i^14i.lrPtc ,
320 N 1st Stree(,'#804 la. BeachrThe hMetropoilta
165 Barberm Lane Pc.nre Vedra/Sangras TPC
2451 South Ponie Vedra South Ponte Vedra/Oceanfr
570 Ponte Vedra BId Ponte Vedra East
1331 N. Is[ Steet, #605 Ja\ Beach/The Landmark
1550 Beach A.enue Atlanuc Beach

$.45101) 1415 N I tSleic xlu/til iJh. Berch/Ocean'ront


$ 900/wkBeach Club VdlJas Sangrass Beach Club
$1100/ak49 Tiflon \Waa North Sau grass Country Club
S1300)/. k Deer Run San grass Country Club :
$151Xr 741 Spinnaker's Reach Sawgrasi Beach Club
$1500 0/\k 2503 S. Ponte Vedra *SPECIAL RATE* S. Ponte Vedra
$ lb60:O/"k 2839 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponle Vedra
$1600'nklJhe Retreat Ponie Vedra/Oceanfront
$180i(u'\ kOcean Manor Ponie VedradOceanront
$1800 602 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield
$1800) ~isa Del Mar lax Beach/Oceanside
$2000 (11 Beach Ae I )m.mim i Atlantic Beach/Oceanfron
$2100 Rough Creek Saw %grass Countrn Club
$2200 Mtarsh Point Ponte Vedra Blvd.
$2200 QuailPointI SarigrasICountnr Club
$23100 94 Plagers Club ir la Sasgrass TPC
$251)0 Mitra Vis ta Allantic Beach/lniracoasil
$250 Pelican Point : a la Beach/Oceanfront
$2500/ k 728 Oceanfront Neprune Beach/Oceanfroint i .3/2.5
$270(0/) k 2824 Coastal Hwy \Vilannr Beach/Oceanfrio.niP.-ol
2900) 68-29' Avenue South' Jax Beach
$3000 TheiPointe Ponte Vedra
$3300 :133 Sea Hammock Way Ponte 'edra/Oceanfront
$3800/A'k514 Poite Vedra Blid" Ponte Vedrda
$5500 1931 Beach A.ei 3momin i Atlannc Beach
"Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."


2 '
: /2


S 3/2

*' 4/3
y... 4/2
1/' '

3/2 5
nt 3/2.5
3/2 5
S 4/3 5

2/2 5S

4/2 5
: 3/I 5



, ,: "3/3.


Call today to book your next vacation!!
574 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponfe Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882.* 1-800 FLA HOMES

LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very
clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or

NEAR PONTE Vedra, 1 block beach. Best
area, quiet, safe, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA lower duplex. New paint,
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking. Small
pet considered. $950/mo., lease deposit.

PVB, 3BR/2BA Townhome, WDHU, lyr.
lease. No pets. $950/mo. +$950/sec.
249-6501, 233-7224.
NEPTUNE BCH- 2BR/1.5BA townhouse,
1.5 blocks to ocean $995/mo. 1BR Apt,
1.5 blocks to ocean $850/mo. 246-3739
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1 BR/ BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606.
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.

ATLANTIC BEACH Home. Ocean side of
Ocean Blvd 4in house from ocean. Large
gaied grounds wi'swmmmg pool, carport
and parking area Like new. 2BR/2BA. lust
painted days ago Giant walk-in closets,
Bia new kitchen w/office and kichen eat-.
ing'area, dishwasher 150 n walk to beach
w/parking lot. Washer & Dryer. Airy lots of
windows, screened porch oy swimming
pool, All tile Iloonng Ceiling lans in all
rooms. View ol ocean Irom driveway
Shower/ tub. Cable TV & internal already
hooked up $1450'mo .ulilities. First &
last months rent and $1000.dep 1515
Ocean Blvd Allannc Beach. FL 32233.
Call 904-887-9595.
PV BCH, RTO. 3,2 w! Donus room & Flori-
da room overlooking lake w/ garage
Frplc.. weibar, tiled floors. $1400/mo Call
for details 247-5116
SOUTH JAX Beach, 3/1. newly remod-
eled, tile floors & Dlinds throughout All
apple, DW & WD Large yard: quiel neigh-
bornood. 809 81n Ave. So, $1200 + dep.,
JAX BEACH-'3BR/2BA house, $1400/mo.
3BR/1BA 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHU w/large separate utility sned,
lenced backyard w/liki bar, BBO pit Must
see to appreciate! 820 3rd Ave. S. JB.
$850,mo tdep. Must pass credit check.
Donnie 992-0088, 246-3690. 333-1822.
2BR 2BA Sun Room. 1500sqh
Pool / Tennis
$1200 per monin
$1000/MO.. 2BR/1BA, near beach, no
smoking, 247-0354
BEAUTIFUL 3/2 South Jax 'Beach
home 5 blocks from beach, recently reno-
vated inside and out, WiD Included
$1290/mo. 280-2341
JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. Nonh.
2BR/1BA house wiscreened in porch.
lanced yard, CH&A. $850/mo
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave So. 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A lenced yard, $775/mo,

2/2 condo, $795/mo
3/2, 2 car gar. 1340sf, $995/mo
3/2. 1005s51. $850/mo.
2/1 5 townhome. $850/mo.
3'2. 1 car gar. 1700sl, $1495'mo.
3/2 1250sl, $1050/mo
3/2. 1450sl, $1195/mo.
4/2, 1774s1, $1275/mo.
...-,,, Ff. f, 2800,'m% ,, ,
S** U AKES., ..
--- .3,2,_54,sl,$ 1195.m,, --
3/2. 14001. $t150/mb
3/2, 2 car gar. 2000s1, $1450,mo
3/2, 2 car gar., 1900st, $1395/mo
3/2, 2 car gar, 16751s. $1195/mo.
2/2 condo, $950/mo
2/2, 1 car gar. 1100st. $995/mo.
4.-2. 2 car gar. 2000sf, $1395/mo.
2/2, 1212sf, $1100/mo
3/2 5, 1 car gar.. 1764st, $1200/mo
4/2. 2 car gar.. 193251, $1400/mo.
4/2. 2 car gar. 1990sl. $1525/mo
1/1 condo. 770st, $875'mo. avail. 12/15
3/2.2 car gar., 1425sl. $1195/mo.
3/2. 1310sf. $1395/mo.
4/2.5, 2200si, $1250/mo.
2/2.5, 1042si, $795/mo
2/2, 1000s. galed, W/D incl pooll
$850mo .
3/2.5, $1195.mo
4,2. 2 car gar.. 2000sf. W.D.
stainless steel apple $1395/mo.
1/2. 2 car gar. 2114sl. $1400imo
4/2 5, 3 car gar, 2860sl, $1800/mo
S3/2, $1195/mo.
3/2 5. 2 car gar. 2220sf. $1395/mo.
4;3, 2340sl, $1750/mo
4/3, 3 car gar. 2065sl. $1825mo
4i3, 3 car gar. 2065sl $1795/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

WEST BEACHES, Ibis Point. 3/3 w/office.
2400sl, GR w/lfreplace. LR, DR, EIK, cov-
ered pallo, sprinkler system, water sohen-
er $1575/mo TDO Management Serv-
ices. 246-1125.
1129 Sebago Ave. So / Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA, nle/ carpet, fenced, no
pels $1200/mo.
1123 Sebago Ave So. 3BR/2BA. great
shape fenced, screened porch, carpon, no
pets. $1300/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.
PVB IN Sawgrass Players Club, 3BR/2BA
townhouse, t475sf. garage, W/D lire-
place. $1496, me }r._e, 537,$D Pi6rpIn ,
..w-it. wyt Se u ghne. iy.cor.r,:.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA, 1650st..
2 car garage. $1400'mo +$1000/dep

PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA home. 2car,
updated, fireplace close to park/ pool.

PVB, 3/2. 2 car gar lenced yard. newly
remodeled. $1350/mo Joe 923-7066.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A. laundry room, patio, fenced
yar, 1 yr. lease, no pels. $950/deposil,
$950/mo 617 7rh Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270-1284
BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
home. galed community, 2900+ s.
4BR/3 5BA. 2 car garage, $1800/mo
$499.900 19041608-2579
Eagle Ridge Dnve 4BR/2 5BA. 2000sl.
$1495/mo 241-RENT or 733-3730.
ATLANTIC BCH. 4BR 2BA, like new, com-
pletely remodeled Bike to beach & park.
Avail 11/1 $1250/mo 247-4527.
ell Rd 311. bricK. $900/mo. VIP Realty.
ICW, ATLANTIC at Kernan, Kensington.
3BR/2BA 1840sl 2CG. $1300/mo. ssec
deposit. 904-891-7729.
3BR 2 5BA. washer/ dryer, pool, water-
Iront w' dock, garage, fenced yard. Isle of
Palms $1600/mo 1352)636-2151
ISLE OF Palms newly remodeled
3BR/2BA, $2250sf. large Flprida room
with fireplace Lawn service included.
$1350/mo. 246-2627.
PONTE VEDRA, Plantalion Oaks,
5BR/4BA. 3800sf, 6mo rental, basic fur-
nishings, pool, lacuzzi, tennis courts
$3800/mo. Call (904)571-4173.

1365 SEMINOLE Rd., 3/2, CH&A, garage,
$1300/mo. 1yr. lease. (904)707-9954.

CHRISTIAN'MALE seeks roommate, near
Mayport Rd. $440mo+ dep. 923-6482.

2BR/1.5BA, 3 blocks from ocean. ROOM W/ BATH, $400/mo. w/delposit un-
$975/mo. + deposit. 710-5200 cludes utilities, Mayport. Raul, 241-4608.

2BR/1BA, 326 6th Street, Atlantic Beach.
$1600/mo. with 1st and last months rent
payable upon signing. 1 year lease. Pets
allowed. Call Vicki or Tami at 241-1656.
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA, frplc., CH/A,
2 car gar., pets ok. $1350/mo. Call
SS. JAX Beach, 3BR/1.5BA, 1380sf, wash-"
er & dryer included. 4 blocks to ocean,
screened porch, fenced yard, fireplace.
$1325/mo. 662-2648.
through- out, 2car'gar., $1250. 315-6558.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
IWC WEST, Kensington Lakes, 1200 sf,
2BR/2.5BA, W/D, CH&A, screened porch,
gated community wilh pool. Free water
and basic cable: No pets. $1025,
SSPACIOjUS 4BR/2BA brick home on Jax
Beach golf course, pool/ hot tub, tiled/ en-
closed patio, back yard fence, 2 car ga-
rage washer/ dryer, approved pels wel-
come, $2150/mo. .$2150 deposit 25
Fairway Lane Call 1904)813-0304
fireplace, fenced back yard, 3 blocks to
ocean, 2 blocks to Town Center. Available
12/20/06, ...$1185/mo. Call

corner unit: well kept lownnouse W:D.
screened porch laces nature: $1425/mo.,
*JAX BCH, 3BR/1 BA, CH&A, washer dryer
hook up. large yard, new kitchen, new car-
pel: $1050 249-1104
modeled kitchen, $1050.'mo + deposit
249-3214 or 945.3303.
3BR!2BA. 1700SF. 4 blocks from beach.
bonus room. $1800/mo. (904)631-9643
* Travels.

JAX BEACH, 3/2.5, 1700sf., 2car gar-
gage, big backyard, avail. Dec, $1450/mo.
338-3351 ...
house. 1450s.f, 3BR'2 5BA. 1 car ga-
rage, gas Ilreplace, fenced backyard.
open floor plan $1150/mo 608-2579.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Selva Manna area,
4BR/2 5BA. 2800sqh. wi large lenced
yard. walk to beacon and Jack Russell
Park, $2000/mo Available mid-Dec., 476-
4 5 blocks to ocean. $1300/mo, +700 dep.
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, S2300/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
S JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully lumished, 1
car garage, fenced yard. Incl. wireless, n-
lemet. & cable Completely updated 3
blocks Irom beach For photos e-mail ma-
riaeugeniaroio@bellsouth.net $15001mo.
Long lerm lease (4071 394-5858.

ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport, spacious 3/2,
plus bonus room. fireplace, fenced yard,
greal condition' No smoking/ pets only
$1025/mo + deposit 755-4038.

435 WHITING Lane, AB; 3/2, Flonda
room, WDHU, CH&A. No pets. $950/mo
+dep., 246-4098. ,
SOLANO WOODS, 3/2/2, fenced yard,
hardwood floors throughout, Florida room,
exc. cond., $1600/mo. 864-6590.

1901 Challenger Ct. East; 2BR/2BA loft,
tile/ carpet, new appliances, private court-
yard, no pets..$895/mo. 631-3583 or 612-
THE PALMS at Marsh Landing, 1/1 con-
do. Gated community w/pool, fitness cen-
ter and tennis courts. Immaculately kept.
$850/mo Call 651-1895
JAX BEACH 2BR'1 5BA. 3blks Irom
ocean $1000,mo $600/dep. Call Derek
CONDO "FOUNTAINS", Ponte Vedra, 695
A1A N. 3BR/ 2BA. Lease $1295 or
buy $239,900..Very clean. 246-6649.
JAX BCH, 2/2 CONDO wigarage Gated
@. Villas- $1100)mo. 5$1000/sec dep No
dogs. 608-0718.
2BR/2BA condo, gated community, 2005
restoration, walk-in closely, screened bal-
cony, top floor end unit, 3 community
pools, alarm, vaulted ceilings. The Palms
@ Marsh Landing. Priced to Rent this
month.$995. Serious. responsible renters
only 973-715-1176
JAX BEACH- Luxury 2BR,2BA condo in
galed community 10'ceilings, granite
counter-tops, SS appliances Minutes to
beacon. shopping, restaurants $1800/mo.
904-891-5843, Accent Propenies
New 3i2 luxury condo on 81h floor, incredi-
ble ocean and beach views, granite coun-
ters, ceramic tile, covered balcony. all'ap-
pliances included, steps to beach.
$2000'mo 891-5843 Accent Properties
maculate, peaceful. $1550/mo. 249-6166.
2BRi2BA. GROUND Iloor, end until w/ga-
rage, close to pool. plenty of storage. In
SThe Palms Marsn Landing. $1100/mo,
Bren. (619)819:5222
1800 The Greens Way #1506 FSBO, 2/2
lux condo w/garage, marsh views,
screened porch, hardwood floors, fre-
place Gated. resort style. pool $229K
1 904)254 -6162.

PONTE VEDRA- 2BRi2BA, anached ga- FREE PUREBRED Yellow Lab to good
rage. furnished, all appliances, includes home 5 years old, lots of energy, great
WID $1200'mo. Mark 338-3230. dog. 241-7077.

ATLANTIC BEACH Remodeled condor
lease 2BR/1.5BA. A/C, secunty. New ap.
pliances. No pels. $850/mo .$850/dep
Brand new in Costa Verano. 2600sqth.
3BR/3 5BA, covered garage & amenities
center w/ Iheatre room. billiard room. in-
door spa. sauna & steam room. out door
heated pool, overlooking ocean, approx
540.000 in upgrades. $3500/mo 1404)-
PV BCH. 2BR/2BA. gated, luxury condo in
great loc Pool/ clubnse/ illness ctr, great
view htom screened lanai. W/D incl.. stor-
age area.. 2nd lIr. $935/mo Call 285-5064
aher 5pm
Mira Vista Condo. 3BR/2BA, Allanuc Blvd
on the Inlercoasial Waterway, Bldg #2,
first tloor overlooking Ine Marina. Fitness
center. pool, garage included 6 or 12
month lease. Lease to own option. Financ-
ing available. 30 yr lixed loan at 5 8750o.
Please call (904)347-3724.
BIKE TO the beach 3BR/2BA. 1500sl.
$1200/mo Call 904-708-0391
PVIB' StMrilndHOtSE ee "w'L21 washe '"
smoking/ pels, only, S925/mo. + deposit
JAX BCH, new 3BR 3BA North Shore
condo. 61n floor. 1126 N Ist St
$2100/mo 1904)251-4319

Galed 5-slar community, WID mcl, over-
looks golfcourse. Close to beach. Pets
limned $975/mo Call Karen 705-8853.
1/2 MONTH FREE rent, Villas At Marsh
Landing, 1/1, upper, Iplace. garage.
$835/mo TDO Management Services.
2/2 CONDO in Jax Beach/ Marsh Landing,
totally remodeled in '05' $850/mo..
New 3/2. 20ft balcony facing East, granite.
all appl.. 7th floor. Steps to the beach
$2100/mo 651-1012.
PVB 2BR/2BA walk to beach, newly reno-
vated, $1100/mo possible lease/pur-
chase. (215)598-7488.
2BR/ 2BA, ground Iloor, galed community.
5 solar living $925/mo. Call Steve Macn,
Country Club Real Estale (904)662-9015
PVB, 2BR/2BA, ready to move in, Saw-
grass CC, 285-6423.
PVB IN Sawgrass Players Club, 3BR/2BA
townhouse, 1475sf. garage, W/D. tire-
place. $1495/mo. Steve, 537-0570. Pie-
view at www.sleveshaughnessy.com
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
PALMS AT Marsh Landing, 1BR/1BA
beautiful marsh views, 3rd floor, $850/mo.
NEPTUNE BCH- 3BR/2 5BA townhouse.
1 car garage, fenced yard. pool. $1250/mo
No pets. Available 12/1. 534-3411.

PONTE VEDRA By the Sea 4BR/2.5BA 2 :
car garage.. walk to beach. $2600/mo. CEAN FRONT condo 2BR/2BA
472-0914. $1700/mo.Call 716-1608.
472- 914. BAcodoner i


PVB- IBRIDEN/ 1BA condo near all
S amenities: new carpet, paint, finess ctr,
pool. gaed. Greal location. $840/mo.
285-5064 after 5pm

OCEAN FRONT, new 3/3 garage, won-
derful views, consider lease option,
$2695/mo. 568-4818.

homes. Weekly/monthly Visill us at'
jaxbeachrenlal.com or 535-3911 or
GORGEOUS OCEAN front condo, short
term available, weekly/ monthly 2BR/2BA,
jacuzzi, hardwood floors, granite counters,
ocean side pool, private .beach access,
covered parking.. Call '568-6909. or
4BR/4BA. weekly. monthly, yearly. Call
S. JAX Bch 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241 0267

LOOKING FOR roommate to share new
condo. Must be clean, neat, mature. ,1/3
rent,' utilities, & fees, 4634845.
N. ATLANTIC Beach/ Spectacular Ocean-
front, THE BLUFFS. SHARE huge 2500sf
'luxurious tri-level home. Furnished,

decks, private garden & entries, garage
prkg..Huge pool, wooded & secluded The public is encouraged to speak.on is-
$1050/mo incl: tel. Id., util., cable, wireless sues on this Agenda that concern them.
networking. 12 mos lease. Will consider Anyone who wishes to speaknshould sub-
short term @Incr. ,rent. Avail. Dec. 1 or mit the request to the recording secretary
sooner. 716-4232 .. prior to the beginning of the meeting.

ROOMMATE WANTED, $600/mo. in-
cludes utilities, near beach, no smoking,

ICW, FURNISHED room private bath,
$150/wk incl. util.. 210-8877 or 996-8341.

ROOM FOR rent Atlantic & Keman.BL
$500/mo. includes utilities. 221-6646. BL 11/15/06

In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes,. persons with 'disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.

ROOM, FOR rent, AB, private bath/ kitch-
en privileges, W/D, No drugs.'$145/wk.
JAX BEACH, walk to beach, top floor
bedroom, private bath, $500/mo.
CHRISTIAN LADY Seeks roommate to
share 3BR apartment. (904)249-1711,

2 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
South 3rd St.- two upstairs units @ 700sf
ea. (one has a kitchen/ lunch area); one
downstairs unit @ 1400sf.- rental rates'
are from $760 base per month, depending
on size and amenities Call 247-1770 for
appt to view.
EXCELLENT SPACE for lease, Beach
Plaza on Beach Blvd. Call Jonathan, 866-
BEACHES OFFICE space available. Met-
ropolilan Building in Jacksonville Beach 2
offices witn assistant stanons available. In-
cludes lull use of reception area, conter-
ence room wiocean view. kitchen, high
speed internet, copier and reserved park-
ing space in oulding garage Snare space
with 2 anorneys Call 247-1755 or email
bgoode @ ponlevedralaw com
overlooking golf course in S. Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15.
JAX BEACH- 3rd & Beach 748sf, 3 offi-
ces reception area, conference room
available. 687-8682.
APPROXIMATELY 750 sl quality office
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax
Beach Call 241-5553 x15.
tune Beach. 1200sf w/5 large offices.
1400sf open loor plan (build to sull). or
comonie space tor 2600sf Recently reno-
vated, ample parking, water included, no
CAM. For more information, Call 992-9344

NEPTUNE BEACH. 2113 Florida Blvd lor
miied use. plenty of parking, on two lots.
3450s1. dividable 993-4011.
(2) OFFICE Condos 1140si. each, 210
west of 195 Avail. 1/1/07. 904-687-3000

- -- ---

Page 7B

PET SITTING in your home. Dog walking
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062.

GOLD TEGU Lizara-tupinambis teguixin
ssp--19 inc lail-see ReptileAIISorts com
for care Feisty. $75 280-2309
DOLL FACED Himalayan killens and
smIall breed puppies, $50 each, 742-
CHIHUAHUAS- 4 rare choc males, 1
biktwhl male. Ready 11/17. $500/POP
Call 241-2132

HOMELESS PETS for adoplion- Cals &
dogs. 246-3600
LOST, 30LB brown female dog w/curled
up Chow tail. "Brownie", worn brown collar
w/sluds. $100 Reward 982-7734.
FOUND MINI Pin puppy, approx lyr. old,
in Neptune Beacn Call 249-3229 to claim

-- =1IOQ ---
WHAT DEStRY Ial4 nI'ps.n1
;vver pi146 e Scy ana' RearDranelit.S byJ
L Ron Hubbard Send $8 00 to- Hubbard
Dianelics Foundation, 3102 N. Habana
Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722

IF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- ciassiried@beachesleader corn
POLLY, WHY won't you talk lo me?
Please, lets lalk. Larry.
checkwiih.blogspol com

NEED A LAWYER' Protect Your Rights
Now! Cnminal. Personal Inlury.. Bank-
ruplcy.. Divorce.. Labor Law Hurl Har-
assed. Immigrallon... Wills All legal mal-
lers A-A-A Anomey Referral Service Pri-
vale Trial Lawyers Stalewide 24 Hours
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kds (a little longer) Since
1981/ by apple. only (904)641-2187.
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers cnldren.
elc. Only one signature required! Excludes
govl leesi Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext.600 (8am 6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC
Established 1977.

The Board o Adjustment for the City ol
Jacksonville Beach. Florida will meel and
hold public hearings on Wednesday,
December 6. 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers, located at 11 North
3rd Street. Jacksonville Beach lo consid-
er the following variance applications:
BOA 06-100241 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (eK1) e, for 44% lot cover-
age in lieu of 39% maximum to allow
for a swimming pool addition to a sin-
gle family dwelling, for property locat-
ed at 139 South 36th Avenue, more
specifically, Lot 15, the east 32 feet of
Lots 13 and 14, and the south 25 feet of
the east 32 feet of Lot 12, Block 4,
Atlantic Shores Ocean Front Section,
Division "A".
BOA 06-100264 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-377, for 0 parking spaces in
lieu of 3 required to allow for a profes-
slonal/business office conversion in
one unit of an existing two-family
Swelling, for property located at 234
South 9th Avenue, more specifically,
Lot 2, Block 93, Pablo Beach South.
A copy ol the above referenced applica-
tion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Developmen Depart-
ment, 11 North 3rd Street. dunng normal
business hours (M-F. 8a-5p).
Board of Adjustmernt
City of Jacksonville Beach

If a person decides to appeal-any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may heed to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record Includes the testimony and
evidence upon which, the appeal is to be

== == == = BEACH RENTALS Q ...... 4
Unfurnished Homes 131 Magnolia -NB 2BR/IBA, ground B.rightwater- (ate Pkwy 3BR/2.5BA, end ,
Serena Point- JB3BR/3BA, new top floor large duplex, plus den, less than. unitno house. w/porch. garage, club pool.
o floor condo. direct oceanfront views, block to bch. $1000/mo. Bentwater Place Hodges 3BR/2B, A
Amenities garage. 3000/mo. Intracoastal West home backs up to reserve, screened porch,
, Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, Bishop's Court- Hodges fenced backyard, 1992 sqft.. $1400/mo.
' condo has luxurious features, ocean End units w/views, Stonefield at Bartram Park Mandarin .
Sporch, sunset porch, garage. $2800/mo. all appliances, amenities. 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story courtyard s
home, 1975 sqft, two car garage, amenities.
Seawalk PV 3BR/2BA, home w/long 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. $145 /mo
o water views. private beach access, 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. Kensington-StAug4BR/3BA,newhome,
Scommm. pool2700/ Avanti Kernan 2BR/2BA, ground all tiled and upgraded, 3 car garage, patio, '
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand floor condo, upgraded, screened porch, comm. pool. $2200/mo.
.new construction w/incredible ocean w/private water view. $1000/mo. Unfurnished Condos
views, garage,. amenities. $2195/mo. Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/end u
Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV r A o e unit, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all upgraded. <
SOakbridge at Sawgrass PV Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile $1000/mio.
S4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, on floors, upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing-JB
r- lagoon, 2 car garage. $1700/mo. Herons Way Hodges 2BR/2BA, brand Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
Sawgrass Players Club PV new townhouse with attached garage, 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
2BR/2BA, home has wood deck amenities. $1100/mo. ceilings. $1100 Mer o.
Jinin Dc Mer JB-
w/lagoon to golf .course views, Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo wall the -
.remodeled. $1450/mo. townhouse, all upgraded, screened upgrades, garage, fireplace, balcony.
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story porch, amenities. $1100/mo. $150/mo.
Sduplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood 3BR/2.5BA, townhouse w/attached
floors., $1200/mo. garage. $1200/mo. RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
SThe Courtyards Mayport of AB IL Villago Southside 2BR/2.5BA two Shannon Smith
S3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit story condo w/upgrades throughout, (904) 285-5640
Sw/garage, patio, balcony, overlooks amenities. $1200/mo. www.rentthebeaches.com I
i lagoon. $1175/mo.

1ff4: l SiI 01% S 0i0115's5sr 05 55 s5f1s i

IjV4vVCU11 1u -vI


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 15, 2006

Notice is hereby given'the CityCommis-
sionof, Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold a
Public Hearing in City Hall, 800 Seminole
Road, at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, Novem-
ber 27, 2006 for the purpose of hearing
and considering the views of the public
concerning the following proposed ordi-
ORDINANCE NO. 20-06-82
The full text of the above ordinance is
available for public inspection in the office
of the City Clerk.
All persons interested are notified to be
present at the time and place listed above
and.they shall be heard, If any person de-:
cides to appeal any decision at any meet-
ing or hearing, he will need a record of the
proceedings, and for such purpose he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made, which record
shall include the testimony and'evidence
upon which appeal isitd be based.
In accordance with the Americans with
D.sablitres Act. persons needing a special
accommodation lo panicipate in these
proceedings should contact .the City
Clerk's office at 247-5809, or at City Hall,
800 Seminole Road.:

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
'Self-Storage Facility Act' Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982; The personal property
consisting of clothes, personal items, and
household goods of:
Marie Flores Unit 75
Lorena Flores Unit 403
Will be sold or olnerwise disposed or at
11:00 am Saiurday. November 18,
2006 to satlsty lienis) or past due reni(s)
Disposition will lake place at THE STOR-
AGE BIN, 1001 131n Ave S., JacKsonville
Beach, FL 32250. THE STORAGE BIN
reserves the right to reject any and all
BL11/8, 11/15


Cook and Counter, up to 40hrs., Days,
Mon.-Sat. availability. Some benefits. Fun
place to work. 273-4785.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
PONTE VEDRA area counter help want-
ed, morning, 285-5644.
person to work at furniture consignment
store 10-6pm, 2-3 days per week.
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business oppdrtu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is olenrng a product or service rather man
Sa ob opening, please nolity The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033
KMART NEPTUNE Beach- Hiring Sea-
sonal Part-Time Associates. Apply at store
at hiring computer or online at
2 PHYSICAL Therapy Aids Dusy orthope.
dic clinic, experience preferred but nol re
quired, flexible hours rale depend on ex-
erience. Fax resume to 285-4663
computer knowledge. Real Estate back-
ground desirable, but not required.
Call Parvin 294-2945.
9am-6pm. Prolessional lelephbne voice
and general office/computer experience
required. (up to $9 00/nr) Non-smoker pre-
lerred. (904)247-6683.

ESTHETICIAN 'needed for busy day, spa.
Must have a minimum of 2 years experi-
ence, professional appearance, the ability,
to travel for training on occasion and be
willing to work evenings. Saturday and
some holidays. Benelis available Pis
send resume to:
eslieposition@yahoo com.
MOVING AND Storage Co Is currently
seeking professional, courteous and expe-
rienced Laborers and Drivers Drivers
must possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License Drug eslling is required For
more inlormation call 241-2921.
Jax Bch Microsoh proficient. bookkeep-
ng. marketing. Mail resume io-
letan@bellsoulh net

IN RE: Te cnse practice GOLF COURSE Maintenance full-lime
: opticary Queens Harbor. good pay, good benefits
"Dan 221-5259.

AnInony J Gervasini
2147 Benha Street
S Jacksonville. FL 32207
CASE NO.: 2005-01422
Tne Departmenl o Healln has iled an
Sminisiralive Complailn against you a c
of which may be obtained by contac
William Miller, Assistant General Cour
Prosecution Services Uni 4052 Bald
press Way, Bin C65. Tallanassee. F
da. 32399-3255, (8501245-4640
II no conlactl as been made by you I
cerning Ine above Dy Decemner 20. 2(
the master ol ine Administraiwve Comp
will be presented at an ensuing meeiin
the Board of Opiicianry in an informal

BUSY NEPTUNE Beach Family Practice
office has immediate opening for full time
medical assistant. Experience preferred;
patient oriented team player with commu-
nication and computer skills necessary.
Fax resume to (904)270-2106.

Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab facility, currently
seeks dedicated CNA's to perform excep-
tional resident care. Must have current
CNA certification and a positive, caring at-
titude toward the elderly. Join our team 'of
professionals and make a differences
Avante offers excellent compensation and
premium benefits, including 401(k).
.lease fax resumes to (904)249-8208 or
apply in person at 1504 Seabreeze Ave-
nue, Jacksonville Beach, FL. E.O.E.
PRE-K/ PRE-SCHOOL Teachers Assis-'
tant, must have background screening
clearances; 8:30am-12:30 pm or 5:30
p.m., 1851 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach,
32250. EOE, 242-9645. ToApply@com-
NEED INTERIOR trim carpenters and
helpers. Dependable, own transportation.
Call 635-1395.
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm atPremiere Re-
tirement Community. ,Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleel Landing Security Gale, One Fleet
Landing Blvd Atlantic Beach FL; Fax lo
1904)246-9447; email to- jobs@fleetland-
Ing.com EOEi Drug-Free Workplace.
FULL lime Monday Friday wiln excellent'
benelils at Premier Relirement Communi-
ty. Applications available at Fleet Landing
Security Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd ,
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, Fax resume to
k904)246-9447, email lo:
*Jobs@fleetleandlng.com Website at
yww.fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
FULL-TIME. 1.30pm'to 930pm in main
dining room kitchen Dependability and
punctuality a must Excellent benefits and
great work environment. To apply. appli-
cations available at Fleel Landing Security
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd Atlanic
Beach, FL 32233- Fax o 1904)246-9447.
email iojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE,
Drug-Free Workplace.
CUSTOM Interror Trim Carpenters need-
ed., any carpentry experience a plus
Beaches and Ponte Vedra areas. Call Tim
DRIVER- Hiring qualiled drivers for Cen-
Iral Florida local and national OTR posi-
tions Food grade banker, no hazmal, no
pumps Great benefits, competitive pay

CNA and new equipment Need 2 years expen-
ence Call Bynum Transport for your op-
HEALTH CENTER porfunity loday; 18001741-7950
FULL-TIme, 3pm-l1pm at Premiere Re-
Ft rement Communiy Excellent benelt TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re.
package, compeuilve wages, good worK cord required Call April. 246-9999.
ing environment. Applications available ai
n, Fleet Landing Secunty Gate. One Fleel IVEY MECHANICAL seeks. plumbers,
Ad- Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach. FL: Fax to. sheet metal journeyman & helpers DeFu-
Copy (904)246-9447, e-mail to jobs@fleetland- niaK Springs (850)892-2768. Graceville
:Ing. ina.com EOE' Druq-Free Workplace '8501263-0982. Florida Cirv 1305)246.


Ig ot

In accordance with the Americans with'
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to participate in Inis pro-
ceeding should contact the individual or
,agency sending this nolice.not later than
seven days prior to tre proceeding at the
laddress gten n th nice. Telephone:
18501246-4640, 1.800-955-8771 ITDDI or
1.80 0955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay
Service.' ,
.BL 1115, 22. 29& 12 6,06


All levels, styles & ages Will come to your.
home Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300
paying Aviation Mainlenance Career FAA
approved program Job placement assis-
lance Call Aviaion Institute ol Mainie-
nance 18881349-5387
IF YOU are inieresled in advertising under
Ihis category please call 904-249 9033 or
email class.led@Dbeachesleader corn
Fleet Landing in partnership with the
American Red Cross is offering a Iraining
program lor inieresled individuals with a
desire lo become a certified nursing assis-
lanm The program is being ohlered with no
cost to quallied individuals. The course
will be pan-lime and meet in the evenings
lor 10 weeks We are a premier retirement
community located in Atlantic Beach For
more intormallon, please call us al 904-
246-9900 ext. 437.
your driving career lodayl Offering course.
es in CDL A. Low tuition feel Many pay-
ment options! .No registration feel
(866)889-0210 info@americasdrivingaca-
HEAVY EOUIPMENT Operalor Iraming lor
employment Bulldozers, B3ckhoes. Load-
ers. Dump Trucks, Graders Scrapers, Ex-
cavators. National Cenilicalion. Job Place-
meni Assistance. Associated Training
Services (800,25113274 wwwequiprrmen-

HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Certified
Hands on Training Job Placement Assis.
tance. Call Toll Free 18661933-1575. As-.
sociated Training Services, 5177 Homo.
sassa Tral, Lecanlo. Florida, 34461.
ATTEND COLLEGE online from home..
Medical. Business. Paralegal Compulers.
Criminal Justice Job placement assis-
lance Compuier provided. Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
waterTech.com. :

SMALL JAX Ben' based company seeks
Bookkeeper/ Olfice Manager 20-25hrs
per week. Fax resume to. 247-3200

$240, full day Mon/ deep cleaning; Tue.
thru Fri.; half days/ light cleaning, laundry,
& ironing. References required, 894-3299.
PRE-K TEACHER, 8am-12pm; Must have
CDA and background clearances, 1851
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach, 32250. EOE,
242-9645. ToApply@comcast.net:
PERSON TO keep house for 1 male,
beaches 'area. 25-35hrs./wk. $500/wk.

Every Saturday and Sunday, 7pm to
7am, and 7am to 7pm, at a Premier Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Ap-
plications available at Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-
lantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
BONO'S BBQ in Neptune Beach is ac-
cepting applications for kitchen help, F/T
and P/T available. Apply In person 2-5pmr
EXPERIENCED BATHER for busy groom-
ing shop; fun place to work; Tues. thru
Sat., 7:45am-approx. 2pm. Hard work,

Part-time, weekends and nights. Must
have clean driving record. Call 241-1013.

BACK OFFICE medical assistant lor
busy primary care office Experience re-
qured. Competitive salary & benefits
reat work environment Fax resume 247-
9736 .
WE'RE RAISING pay for Florida Regional
drivers! Home every weekend! Home dur-
ing Ihe weekly Solid weekly mllesl 95'c no
louchl Preplanned freightl S 43 per mile
Heartland Express 1800)441-4953
www.heartlandexpress com
PAINTERS WANTED: Must .have basic
hand tools and transportation DFWP.
Scott Painting Inc 190417106732.
MIDDLE SCHOOL Teacher lor mall p.-
alte school, Deache' area. Please send
resume Io depaulbeachi@bell'oulfl.ne'l
Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoaslal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360
Hosts, Servers. Bartenders, Prep Cooks.
Line Cooks. Dishwashers New restaurant
in Jax Bch offers employees great pay &
lun atmosphere. Apply in person: 1500
Beach Blvd #111.
CARPET CLEANING & Pressure washing
technicians needed. Must nave valid
driver's license. Benefits available
REAL ESTATE office, experienced secre-
lary wirh computer knowledge, license
preferred, lax resume to 273-4848
NOW HIRING, Jagmania. New Beaches
location Call 338-9191 or 242-9300.
Company seeking experienced individual
lor Receptionist Admin Suppon position
At least 3 years experience in a last-
paced environment required. Must have
excellent oral and written communication
skills, outstanding customer service skills.
the ability to multi-task, be familiar with
general ortice procedures and be proti-
cien with MS Office tools If Interested.
go to
htp:/iwww.lexlsnexis comicareerstapply
and apply lo requisition #220484,

8411 M'- oore Haven l86E 946-9166.
Competitive pay/benelis AAiEEO
SALON. BOOTH rental, Atlantic Beach
Conrac Susan, 241-1020
TAYLOR LANE Day Spa, beaches loca-
lion, hiring for hairstylist lo rent station
Call Pamie 591-1683.
showroom sales dulies as needed al a
well eslablisned marble and granite im-
porter located al the beach. Knowledge of
stone materials and design helpful Salary
and beneils negotiable upon experience
Fax resume to. 241-3204
F IMtLYPARTNERO- Bedcfles" Seekiing
Inrani e Toddler Caregivers Preschool
Teachers and VPK Teachers. Full and
Pan-lime positions available Experience
preferred. Will Irain enthusiastic individu-
als wiin lois ol common sense and a gen.
uine love for cnldren. Call 246-0882 or lax
resume 249-1033.
We are currently accepting applications
for permanent lull-lime & pan-time sales
and lull-lime delivery personnel Sales
should have excellent typing and commu-
nication skills good spelling ability and
must be highly molivaled Delivery drivers
must have a current valid driver's license
We offer compelttive salary, paid vacation
and medical & dental insurance. We are a
drug free work place. Apply in person at
3802 Beach Blvd or 832-10 A1A N Tour.
namenm Plaza. Ponie Vedra No phone
calls please
OTR & Local Drivers- New Equipmenlt
Great Benelits; Premium Pay Package
Call Oakley Transport, (877)882-6537:

Join our teaml II you can excel al inside
sales & desire a tast-paced work environ-
ment, we may nave an excellent
opportunity for you. You will oin a Nation-
al company & work in.Ponte Vedra Beach.
Preler candidate with experience in inside
sales, customer service, or telemarKeting
Excellent communication skills a must
Ability to handle business accounts Base
pay plus commissions FT/PT. no eve-
nings or weekends Fax resume.
(904)285-0010 or email:


i.. & ..... .. Expect Nothing Less
.'^'i11",r/ Than "Five Diamonds"

Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:

Spray Technicians
Retail Associates
Pastry Cooks
Dining Room ServerS.
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax,: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

Oceanfront Excellence

NOW HIRING pizza maker & line cooks.
Call 821-4350 or apply at: 4765 Hodges
BI vd.
Full Time Golf Course Maintenance staff.
Excellent benefits for FT include vacation,
sick, 401k, health benefits. Apply in per-
son Tues-Sat, call 285-6514 for
directions. Drug testing/EOE.
skills. Health insurance after 90 days,
close to beach. Call 591-4385.
Flexible hours, no weekends, excellent
pay. Transportation & phone required.
591-5901, 514-1188.
LINE COOKS needed, FT/PT. Must be
able to work weekends. Top wages! Tired
of the chains? Come to work at a good,
fun independent restaurant. Apply in per-
son, Campeche Bay Cantinai 127 1st Ave
No, 249-3322.
DRIVERS -CAR hauling career. GREAT
HOME TIME! Exceptional Pay & Benefits!
Paid Training! Min. 1 yr. Class-A CDL exp.
req. The- Waggoners Trucking. (912)571-
9668 OR (866)413-3074.
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage/ Facialist
wanted to rent spacious private room in,
Jax Beach. hair salon. $150/wk. Call
270-0997,ask for:Debi.
LAWN CARE Technician needed for
Beach company. No ex~perlenie required
$30K+' 1st yr or lop performers earn
$40K+.. Benellis retirement Drug free
workplace Full raining provided Call
'or local house cleaning business vlust
nave own Iransponallon. pass background
check and be avail M-F. rrwn 8-5 30pm
RAGTIME TAVERN now accepting. appli-
cations for experienced Line Cooks; Apply
in person, 207 Ailanlic Blvd. 'Atlantic
Company seeking experienced individual,
for Administrative Support position. Re-'
quiremenls include ai least 3 years previ-
ous administrative experience, highly pro-
icienil with MS Ortice tools. experience
working with databases excellent oral and
written communication skills. outstanding
customer service skills and Ihe abilityto.
multi-task II interested, qo to.
hrlp-i,*www lexisnexis.com.'careersiappi
and apply to requisilion #219084
tact Sgi Barnnhan 12391867-2107'2108
or Apply on-line ai rinp:/.wwwadc
BEACHES CAR Wasn- full tme help
needed. Wages negotiable+ Ips Beneits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
EXP ELETRICAL Helper Must nave driv-
ers license & be able to pass background
& drug lest Call 270-0070 10.4pm or
lax resume to 246-7240.




4w 4

Positions Available 0
Senior Executive Assist. Cafe on the Green Server

a, Engineering Admin. Coord. Front Desk Supervisor .
RESORT Event Mgmt Admin. Assist. Spa Supervisor
Golf Shop Coordinator Banquet Supervisor u
dAarrnot .,. ,
Recreation Attendant
* e
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
,u; Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt. .
i' 1000 PGA TOUR BouleVarad Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.32082
'Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.coim
*. Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

We Lo o orw r o M i"- 6 So I oSo

Exci e


.i..Y our

Si .j! ^ i i i '" .

A key opportunity is here.

Sales position

^ at the Beaches!

The Beaches Leader, Ponte
Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches community.
Growth potential and established accounts working for an award
winning, locally owned newspaper. Candidates should have sales
experienceand should be oal-oriented. Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beac esleader.com or bring it to 1114
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250


We are currently accepting applications for energetic, customer
'service oriented team members for the following positions:

Security Officer
Diningroom Server
Men's Locker Room Attendant
Overnight Guest Services/Bellperson
Night Auditor
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.

Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

For additional information call 280-6076
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE

At Ponte Vedra Beach


-i> -




4 w



t 7 =ov:

llF e4

p. *'*
~ 6 a

City or Ailanic Beach, $10.90'hr:
S436'wk: $i22 672yr Responsible lor
custodial & grounds Keeping activities in
maintaining parks & recreation areas win-
in MIn ciry Must nae \ialid FL drivers ti-
cense & be able to obtan Firsi Aid & CPR
cenilicaiion witnin 6 mins ol nlre. Applica.
tons accepted uniil 11,29,06. 800 Semi-
nole Rd. Allanlic Beach. FL 32233 For
more Inio call 19041247-5820 or visit
www.coab.us No smokerst tobacco
users Drug-iE~lingcondicled EOE
PERSON Mainly Beacnes area Fax re-
BREAKFAST & Lunch Servers at a fasi
paced restaurant in PVB. experience pre-
etrrea Call lor appointment Players Cale.
2-r.g555 -
& PM Line Cook. Weekends required. Pay
neg. ilr,. exp Fax 904-246-9121. email
accounltng@'3selvamarina com. or apply in
person DFWP
'* -* ; k
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable 'quality work. Excellent pay. &
overtime-available. Crew Leaders wanted.
.Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
TEAMS NEEDED Home weekly. Class A-
CDL wr hazrnal Top pay & benefits.
(800)428-0678 *ww Armellini com
Full Time: Small Engine Mechanic at a
premier reliremeni community. Excellent
benellts Applicalions at Flet Landing Se-,
curiy/ Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd At-
lantic Beacn. FL Fax to 904-246-9447-
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE
Drug-Free Workplace.

Dishwasners. Fine Dining JJ's Bistro
Ponie Veara 273-7980. Gate Parkway,
fold Erectors, Carpenters. Skilled person-
nel. Call 249-8147ior 726-5661.
Nortn Florida Real Estate Broker is cur-
rently seeking new agents to assist with
the company's grown Ihrough the next
decade. Prospective Sales. Associates
must be goal oriented, self-starters who
can prospect for new clients, understand
the importance of relationship marketing,
and possess an ability to close real estate
Iransaclions. Successful agents will earn
nigh incomes wilih company's individual
training inilalives and assistance with
their personal business development pro-
gram. Full and Part-time Positions availa-
ble immediately Florida Real Estate Li-
cense Required Please 'FAX cover letter,
resume and contact information to Corpo-
rate Trainer,at 813-225-1630, mail infor-
mation to PO Box 26312 Tampa, Florida
33623 or e-mail information to

DRIVER: YOU want it; we have iti Solo,
teams, owner operators, company drivers,
students, recent grads, regional, dedicat-
ed, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21.
'CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778.
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-related
services and may charge fees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive.

ICE CREAM Shop for sale in Atl Bch.
Owner moving. 241-6664.
IMAGINE YOU are... Looking To Buy Or
Sell A Business & Are Matched With The
Right Opportunity Quickly NBCS Worlds
Largest Match Maker Of Businesses Call
(800)999-SALE Or Visit www.
IMAGINE YOU are... Looking To Buy Or
Sell A Business & Are Matched With The
Right Opportunity Quickly NBCS Worlds
Largest Match Maker Of Businesses Call
(800)999-SALE Or Visit www.

WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
of. offerings in this classification. If any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a fee to learn the na-
ture of the opportunity, please report it to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.

Dino Rl

ra gtO




November 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader rage v9

relocate, looking for investor/ partner,
$100k. Only serious calls please.
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30 machines, free candy. All
for $9995 (888)629-9968. BO2000033.
Call us. We will not be undersold!


ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
tlansponation & references; $10-$12/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. P/T or F/T.
BOWLING FAMILY' Daycare has openings
for 1 yr..olds and up starting immediately.
For info call 220-6059 or 476-4251;

MATURE woman (27) cookingg for lull lime
or, part time watching children cleaning
house, doing laundry. I can be a full time
live-in or just part time. Very flexible. Ref-
erences upon request. Isabel at 540-6499.

CNA. I am seeking a live in poslion,. M-F
or FSS 10 years exp in lotal care Rel &
Background. (9041885-2200

Indiv Family Self employed
S *100 tax deductible
.HRSA earns APR FDIC bank
6.49%o interest*
*100% Maj Med Coverage*
S 3 year level price guarantee*
*You choose providers*

Call today for FREE quote

Lenny & Laura Dienoff
249-0199 448-8980
Agents: 256-0123

pendaDle exc rels. Licensed insured
Avail 24.7 Will consider live- In 476-9492
CNA NEEDS work 27yrs exp. Call
wonny lady will give loving care to the eld.
Serly Incl. light housekeeping Please call
Gerda 733-2473.
SIF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail. classleied'4beacnesleader com
COMPANION SITTING or child care,
housekeeping and more. PVB referen-
ces 534-3732.

OAK LOFT bunk bed, twin/ full sz, built in
desk & dresser $65. 32" Magnavox sur-
round sound TV $25. 247-7286.
BEDROOM SUITE, queen, white wash,
$200; table w/4 chairs, white wash, $280;
etagere w/glass shelves, $75, 514:5384.
48' ROUND natural wooc able w/ drop
Sleaf sides & 4 chairs $65. 65' oak oval ta-
ble w/ leaf & tile top w/ 6 chairs $350. 992-
6706, 210-8741.
BLUE LOVE seat sleeper sofa $150, tall
entertainment center $150, two piece Tho-
masville entertainment center $150, Pier
One white wash wicker bedroom suite
with tall entertainment center, f/q head-
board, night stand and chair'$250, white
bassinet with under storage hardly ever
used:'$50. 294-1121.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
STEEL BUILDINGS. Drastically reduced
on existing iroentory 4 only 25x30 30x40
45x60. 50.. 10) general storage. work-
snops, alarming, brand new still cried. will.
deliver. 1-800-211-9593 ask lor Bill
t."lI IU Li I \IC. ) C AT R -.el.-in r kel.no

- .uU n, .. Lv Ii -Iiinc oi'gyj
leather exc condition $800 349-6398.

ROLEX LADIES, SS & 18KW, 2003. dia-
mond bezel, diamond dial Paid $9600.
Sell $5000. 280-2530
WHITE GOLD diamond slud earrings, .50
ci rw Appraised 14C-00. asking 1800
While gold diamond slud earrings. 1 50 ci.
iw Appraised $8900, asking $5000 Call
FREE DIABETIC supplies, Medicare pa.
nenisl Call us Toll Free 18661294-3476
and receive a free meier! Am-Med Ouairy
Diabelic Supplies.
BABY FURNITURE- Manogony crib, mal-
iress, toddler bed Pack and Play, gale,
baby bike seal 5220. 343-1682
2 TICKETS, $25 earn. Giant's Game.
Monday nignh Section 436. 642-3364 Ive
message .
BED- BRAND name queen set
new. w warranty $129. Can deliver
ICON TREADMILL in armoire w/ built-in
TV. inclines, $495. 285-4769.
2 TICKETS ror Giant's Game. Monday
nigni @ $25 each 2,lickeis Sectlion 105,
$350 total wilh Iront door parking
642-3364 Ive message.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed
w.'manress 8 box spring Must sell $395
Can deliver 1904)858-9350
WASHER. DRYER neavy-duty.' super-ca-
pacity. exc cond $150 ea Can deliver &
guarantee. 874-1747
KErNMORE UPRIGHT Ireezer. works
great, $75 249-8606
USED STOVE and Rerngerator. light yel-
low, Hot Point Make offer 742-7614
BOSE STEREO Litestyle 12, Surround
Sound. CD, sub 5 dbl cubes lanlastic
sound, $400. 10 gig Apple ipod, sync
cord home/car chargers & speakers,
BLACK LEATHER living room sel in.
cludes coffee able end tables, & lamps
$1200. (9041241.4085

USED ELECTRIC Hospilal Bed w,mat-
Urs $150 ad rand new ieaBed CLEAN QUALITY Full-size mahress, box/
$100. 1904403-2510. frame $00 Can deliver 246.1832

Aviator. 4'x8'. recondaioned, excellent la.
o:le. $300080 Call Joel 1904535-5293
METAL ROOFING, Save $ Buy direct
Irom manutaclurer 20 colors in slrck wilh
all accessories QOuck turn around Deliv-
ery available 13521498-0778 Toll free
2 JAGUAR vs Giants, Monday Night
Football tickets available, November
20. Call 673-8978.
BOWFLEX XTL exercise machine w' leg
extension &8 al pull down bar. $350 OBO.

TREADMILL BY Keys Fitness Model
HT502. folds up venical w hean monitor
and many senings. Purchased new in
2006 lor 600. Used 17 limes only! Will
sell for $400 OBO Call 838-9897.
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
installed lor $899 249-8877

Combo, purchased in Sept. includes wall-
mount, remote, 4 yr. warranty $900.
L-shaped, frosted glass-top computer
desk, verynice $150. Outdoor Wicker Bar,
new glass-top w/2 barstools $50 Also
have couch,, big chair, coffee/ end table
CRAFTSMAN, 12" Band ,Saw w/stand
$100. Call 246-8911.
2005 VW convertible, cream w/ tan top,
20,000 mi., 5 speed, asking $18,000
OBO; (904)280-9062.
GRANITE TABLE, square box base, 4
1/2ft hexagonal top, seats 4-6 people,
$450 OBO. 635-4388.

I l^Ni~~i

YAMAHA M305, cherry finish piano,
$1800.080, 241-6890.

HEART PINE T&' G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers.' Lrge quanlry
w/ incredible dark patina. L.c #ST5903
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.

AUCTION- 74-'- acres Divided. Excel-
lent Colqutn Counrv Farmland Friday, No-
vember 24. 10:00 am Rrwell Auctions.
Inc. 18001323-8388 10"' buyers premr-
um GAL AU-C002594 w*w roweliauc-
ABSOLUTE REAL Eslate Auclins"
Homes Condos Commercial, Land. Wa.
tenronl. All will sell at Auction, Brokers &
Prone Bidding Welcome. rNeal VanDeRee
Realor!Auctioneer 019411488-1500
www.vanderee comn
12/2'06 14 Residential Condominiums. =
Pompano Beach, FL Financing and Online
Bidding Available 2" Broker =
Cooperallon wwvv lfsherauclion com L
Fisher AU93, AB106 (800)331-6620 x =
16 In Cooperation with Lauro Auclioneers
Sale subject to all lerms.
Divided 17+ acres Leslie. GA, Salurday
December 2. 10am. Rowell Auctions, Inc.
(8001323-8388 GAL AU-C00259J 10L%
buyer s premium www rowell auctions.
LAND AUCTION 230 Props Must be Soldl
Low Down EZ financing Free catalog
East. LLC Auclion Business License
AB2509 Bulez:uk AU3448. Jonnston
AU3449, Mauck: AU3447.
AUCTION- 208+'. acres Divided. Excel.
lent Row Crop Farm Salurday December
2 1000 a.m. Irwin County. GA. Rowell
Auctions inc 18001323-8388 GAL AU-
C002594 10%. buyers premium
Iront estate subdivided intl 5 iracis. 3624
Topside Road, Knovville, TN. Saturday
Nov. 18. 1) 30 AM. WWW
LiC. #62.
ONrLINE AUCTION MerrvGro Farms in-
cludes Iraciors semis, van railders, thou-
sands ol shipping cans and nursery wag-
ons, warehouse equipment, lools. sup
plies and more. Details as www weslauc.
lion com.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classified,'be3chesleader corn
WANTED USED Tandem bike Call


GREAT STUFF, 90 San Juan Dr. Satur- 1972 VW Camper for sale. $1500. Call
day & Sunday 9am-12pm, 246-4098.

and lots of miscellaneous. SATURDAY,
8:30am-2:30pm. Corner of 9th St. and 7th
Ave South.
dra Dr behind Bonefish.
THREE FAMILY, must go. Make offers.
Quilts, new & old Items, weed eater, up-
right freezer, everything. Fri.,' gam-3pm,
820 8th St. So.
14th Ave North.
FAX COPIER machine, HP printer, 2 Dell
monitors, artificial Christmas tree, custom
wreaths, Christmas decor, silk plants, dd-
signer decor, children books, tennis rack-
ets, 6-man tent, surf board,- Ethan Allen
bedroom furniture (armoire, full head/foot
board, desk w/chair, night stand), 59 Tall-
wood Rd, Sat., 8am-12noon.
KING PILLOW top beds. lull queen & rwin
bed., electronics car stereo system, bed.
room sel. kicker table, desks, baby and
children clothes and Ioys Saturday 8am
918 10in St. N
SATURDAY, 8AM-1PM. 12 Palmwood CI
Kitchen Ilems, clothes DoCos. CDs
household items.
BIG GARAGE SALE. Sat. 8am-lpm
Grand children collecting for needy.
Sealed packaged ooda & can goods ac.
copied One Iree pick in Give Away Box
We give riar.ksl
1214 5th Avenue North

UPRIGHT PIANO $250. furniture.
glassware. collectables ohice school
supplies, ile cabiners, loys. games.
clothes, Dooks, holiday items. plants
1001, Florida Blvd, Fri & Sa
Driftwood oil Penman. Sal. 11 18. 8-1
FRIDAY ONLY Bam-12pm Somelhing or
everyone 600 Davis SI
LITTLE TYKES outdoor'r play, taIgalong.
kid s clothing boys 6.7 & lien girisl kid's
lurnilure. crib & more!. Saturday, 8anm.
1421 Penman i' 5-wav inlersecTioni
FRIDAY 8AM-1PM Furniture, household.
and misc. 449 Margaret ST.

SATURDAY, 9AM-2PM. Cr.rsimas and
much more. 75 Saraloga Cir S
-5 GAL tisn lank wsiand. li or01 l hier
lisn ranks books, computer pans clothes.
and lurniture Sal. 8am-12pm 1055 Palm
Landing Dr So
HUGE 3 Family Friday, Saturday
8am-4pm 525 Royal Palm

PONTE VEDRA Ct., Unit 11 F, Sat. 9-3pm.
Furn., appliances, art work, household
SATURDAY, 8:30AM-4:30PM, 349 San.
Juan Dr. Ping pong table, soccer net, lots
ST. JOHNS Plantati6n, off 210. Communi-
ty Sale, Sat. 11/18, 8am. Jukebox, fum.,

COMMUNITY SALE Gately Oaks. Satur-
day 8-12pm, E. Atlantic, N. Girvin, West
at Wonderwood Bridge, 1/2 mile to left on
Gately Rd:.Ck out,Tiger Creek Ln. for
compressor, welder, chainsaw, end/ cof-
fee tables, treasures; Gately Oaks Ln. la-
dies golf clubs, organ, decorations; Gly-
dene Ct is cleaning outl
MOV'N SALE, washer, dryer, gas stove,
area rugs, kitchen items, clothes, garden
items, a variety of treasures, Sat., 9am-
2pm :3.091 Pablo Bay Drive East.
HUGE GARAGE sale' Dishes. lawn mow-
ers Crrmsimas items, lawn rumiiure, Sal .
7am-3pm 3866 B. Ward SI
of Atlantic. Frn. Sal. Mulitamily books,
clothes. eleclronrcs, furniture, records
miscellaneous & more 8"30. unirl

ART AND ANTIQUES! Full house Work.
ing mini cannon. Snip. Eskimo, Whaling
lems Map. engravings and great orig an.
Carloons- New Yorker anrsl Antiques inci
Pr Rose Canion lamps, Imart, export
pore Banquet table. chairs, brkiront, sec-
felary sm chesis game table- all very
line Automalon Sets Queens & Calyx
china. Slerling galore Tools, book morel
University Park. N o0 Fi. Caroline Take
'Sanders to 3861- Wayland China Cat
i241!-0344. Thurs.. and Fri., 9am-3pm.
ncnnacalanitques com
FULL'' LOADEDI Furniture galore! Jaack-
sonvlle Beach home featuring while wash
living room kllchen sel meal bisiro set
queen bed, cnests, nignislands. book-
shelves. sun porch wicker ouldoor metal
sel, several chairs 3 sotas, side tables
Lkke+ new Crasnmaiic queen bed & Sonic
Pride Sccooer Lamps. decor & general
household including linens. pots. & pans.
dishes, eic Crafsman, tisble saw, more
lools & man Slunt. Washer dryer and re-
trigerator Books holiday items, artwork
Fri & Sal 9am- 3pm 2354 Oak Foresl Dr
Take Penman to 12th Ave Nr.., West lo
Oak Forest. House available. Follow the
pink signs,

--- -- -
10'4' BASSTENDER w Irolling motor
new barter. raller & all accessories.
$1600 Call Mike 24 7-6744
SEASOUIRT 16 h. 90hp. outboard. cen-
ter console bimini lop, runs greal Good
condiiorin $3000 838-8043

1993 RM250. very last. clean $1300 Call
1994 HONDA Magna V-4 cruiser, 4 into 4
exhausl. 2 new fires. cover, stand, man-
ual. 12600 (8501292-3179.

Dodge lurbo diesel.,23fl. Must sell 904.
220 6964

--fff.... ,,

~.~~4ersa~smr-,,r c -. ~~s ea n re r'x. wvv-R.---~w'rrnes,'s9wssww---&ws- yrarysx"?

- ----

WOOD Fence Specialsl install replace
35yrs Experience Relerences Mick Oul-
door Enrerprises. 241-7276, 838-9599

1EI~T~~i~l 4

r~cl~ti~r ~ -TJira

m IN-~

Dependable Ouality Service. Reasonable
rales 821-0737

DRIVEWAYS; PATIOS, .sidewalks, ex-
posed river rock. demolil;on, & room addi-
lions RK Ballard Construction; Inc. Call
Chuck 874-6692

NEW CONSTRUCTION. remodeling and
repair Residenlial and commercial Men-
hon in.s ad 246.1529

We service Ithousands of beach residents
www.perschelandmeyer com 241-3409

S,.g I -l.... ..i.t 3

Patios. Entryways Top quality, fasl esli-
males www.mooernapavers com

SEAMLESS GUTTERS installed call tor a
free eslimale 652-6336 or 651-5835

Inslallalion and repairs. Call 246-5649.




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- -- iiiiimmmw

1991 CHEVY Conversion Van, detailed
by Sherrod, good.condition. Must See!
$5000 OBO. 246-2758.
TOYOTA 4 Runner, 4WD, 6 cyl. Good
shape, 195,000 miles., $7600, 553-3304.

1993 TAURUS GL 3.8, equipped, 21,000
miles, perfect. $1900. (904)246-1173.
1995 FORD Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed.;
green, AC, power everything 4WD, new
brakes & muffler. Runs great. $4900 OBO,
FORD EXPLORER Ltd., 2004, low miles,
extended warr. Exc. cond., one owner,
$17,900. 864-6569.
2001 FORD Escort, new paint, tires, ster-
eo, battery, brakes; excellent condition,
$2950, 242-7218.
2002 LINCOLN Towncar, Cartier, black,
.loaded, leather interior. $10,900.
1993 TOYOTA Camry LE Station Wagon.
156k miles good engine and A/C. $1200
OBO. 6101.4188
2001. LEXUS GS300 SUV, loaded, 60,000
miles, warranty. $18,700 OBO. 349-6000.
1999 HONDA Accord, V-6, low miles, very
clean, fully loaded, $8000 OBO. 2002
Lexis IS300 .fully loaded, very clean,
$18,000 OBO. 10' dump trailer; 7000
pound axles, 14000 pound gross.weight
$7000 OBO. 894-3352.
1986 THUNDERBIRD 2 door. one owner..
37.000 onginal miles Looks and runs
greal $8000 334-7842.
1994 SEVILLE SLS. loaded. runs and
looks real $3950 537-6853.
1995 CHEVY Blazer. -DR. purple
exc cond Must see! $3750 2462758
1990 MERCURY Marquis, very good con-
adion $2000 285-6549
1994 HONDA Accord LX. greal shape. de-
pendable $2'900 Call l904)65577365
2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, blue. 50k
miles, A/C, CD. Great car. $6400 OBO
Must sell 904-619-8103
1997 TOYOTA Camery LE excellent con-
dillon, low miles, leaner interior, power
window/ locks, cruise, new tires, $6500
OBO, 887-9030.
1995 OLDSMOBILE 88, ArC power locks/
windows, cruise, leaner, new paini. sap-
phire. $1975 OO8 477-7736
WANTED OLDER model car mih low
miles. Like Toyoia. Nissan etc.

g h~e

ME.-Tvp (Aluel


- ----------

Panthers begin defense of their state title

Phoil,5 L, ROB DeIArjGELO
ABOVE LEFT: Nease High running back Zach Tronti (36) scores the second of
his three touchdowns last Friday night against Belleview in the Class 4A region-
al quarterfinals.
ABOVE RIGHT: Panthers defensive back Justin Grant (1) intercepts a pass
intended for Rattlers tight end Zack Lamb.
RIGHT: Nease defensive tackle Danny Russell (74) is about to deflect a pass
from Belleview quarterback Thomas Carty during second-half action.

ABOVE: Nease's Graham Bates takes the ball into the end
zone on a 29-yard TD reception in the Panthers' 49-13 victory.
BELOW: Grant races up the sideline after picking off a
Belleview pass. The Panthers will host Merritt Island Friday
night in the regional semifinals.


Read this monthly feature for your own Home Improvemient Projects.

interior Decorating Is Looking Up As Homeowners

'l s igar ., --
* Party Patters
*Boxed ChocolatesBy G it Pater oI r
* Holiday Decorated Baskets Basket & get a
*'Chocolate Fountain available I FR
for Special Events
* Ice Cream Socials slice of Fudge
Beach Hours:L i .- i
Sun. Thurs 12-9pm Fri. & Sat. 12-10pm
Jax Beach st. Johns Town Center
113 1st Avenue N. 10281 Midtown Pkwy,
IBcenuen Fruebird & Seawalk Hotetl Ste. 125
249-2820 Jacksonville 996-3800
An Idaenrr. .n;-nl,A Own an l op.eraIa lfar,.an .hl-:eS : KIImr, 5 Cr.ciarlcole FFra cr. -, I.:

Look To The Ceiling As A Room's '
Ceiling tiles are popular because they and plank ceilings mainly as a means of
have no visible grid system. These Tin hiding a stained, deteriorated or other-
Look ceiling tiles from Armstrong have wise problem ceiling. Now, those same
been painted copper to add the look of a homeowners are starting to think of the
stamped metal ceiling to this kitchen. ceiling as a room's fifth wall and realizing
More and more of today's homeowners that they can obtain a great deal of archi-
are looking at tile and plank ceilings as a tectural detail in it at an affordable cost.
decorative interior finish for a variety of As a result, they're looking at the ceiling
rooms, including family rooms, living with a whole new eve.
rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and more. Tile Ceilings
Homeowners are realizing that a room Another reason for this trend is a move
is more than just four walls and a floor. by manufacturers to respond to home-
The ceiling used to be the most neglected owners' aesthetic needs and offer ceilings
surface in a room. The floor and wall sur- that have more design appeal. New and
faces got all the attention. Homeowners exciting designs are available, especially
would install a ceiling and then forget in tile and plank ceilings. There are a vari-
about it. ety of textures, designs and patterns to
For years, homeowners installed tile choose from, regardless of your decor or
ENGIFor example, tin look tiles, sculpted
tiles that feature the arstis, charm and
!,| i SC classic beauty of turn-of-the-century
metal ceilings, but at a fraction of the
R.1Iut'' ,fer istrful'ji,'j. ',"''I ''i cost. Patterns range from lightly
I bRr...,L1:1 '3lN ninicrl..iid r p^ ^n
Re"ul. 0n""l *i"lli:' ~ embossed patterns to bold geometrics to
Professi onal (Con tuci (on sulting: classic fans.
Cnnstruitiin Prijedi Manaerment Tin look ceiling tiles can be painted to
SAr'ctilectualDeiin match any color in a room's decorating
scheme. They can also be painted copper,
SltitualEngieriDg silver, pewter, bronze, gold or any other
(unimmeriil & Residenti.il Planning & llDeeltpment shade to mimic nearly an)' metallic finish.
SRinon \ddiion Siructural Enginieering The patina that develops on tin ceilings as
S a result of age can even be duplicated.
C',ll nit nnd fltn im oral iiurune-lupstim pirthensve Laminate ceiling planks add the rich,
,criL'L, and hIamr hoss u sa tan ioy lime and mmnmy...
Swarm look of wood to any room in the
904-855-1254 house. Planks are offered in many natural
460 Sturdivant St. Suite 462 pre-hnished woodgrain colors.
Atlantic Beach, FL Plank Ceilings
S. The latest plank ceilings feature a wide
range of contemporary and traditional
PLUMBING by: wood finishes. Armstrong's WoodHaven
laminate ceilings planks, for example, tea-
SFA R ture knotty pines, cherries, maple, beech,
FEW 1 and traditional white finishes in a tongue-
F AinR and-grooved plank with end matched
The planks not only provide homeown-
PLUMBING ers with the rich, warm look of wood, but
/ -7 1 also the carefree maintenance and tough,
241i-7 l I long-lasting durability that results from
the planks' pre-finished laminate surface,
FRED FAIR OWNER/MASTER PLUMBER -all at an affordable price.
Tile and plank ceilings have no visible
grid system. As a result, they are a popular
choice anywhere in the house. In addi-
tion to their visual appeal, tile and plank
PROMPT PROFESSIONAL-SERVICE ceilings are also quicker, cleaner and easi-
SERVING THE BEACHES AREA SINCE 1973 er to install than a drywall ceiling.
The end result is that more and more
F... a \ RF0037503 homeowners are now looking at ceilings

'Fifth Wall"

from a decorative point of view these days
as well as a functional one. And, in doing
so, they're discovering that tile and plank
ceilings can deliver both eye-appealing
aesthetics and problem-solving perform-

Design & Sales

of Cabinetry

(904) 241-5831
205 South Third St. Jacksonvlle Beach

( McNeill. Garrison & Fletcher
Insurance Agency
i, Whether you need life,
fir' auto, homeowners, health,
'or commercial insurance.
we can make your life a
da) at the beach.
SCall today for your free
^.a- evalution.
Call us today 249-2345.
1211 North Third Street
Jacksonville Beach


Njovenibe'r 1, 2'006

Paoe 10 R

I i

The Beaches Leader/Ponte V'edra Leader

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