Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Viewpoints
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Get Out
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. November 3, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00088
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. November 3, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: November 3, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00088
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Viewpoints
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 7
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Get Out
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 8
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
        page C 7
        page C 8
Full Text

Weekend Edition November 3, 2006


Lecture series.

uncovers Egypt

See B-7,



Artist does

'eggs'-acting work

See B-1:




handles Bach

See B-I

An edion of The Beaches Leader


Vol. 44, No. 39

Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach. Atlantic Beach. Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mlayport since 1963


full for

Nov. 7

In Tuesday's general election,
Ponte Vedra voters will help
select a governor, attorney gen-
eral, chief financial officer and
commissioner of agriculture.
They will help decide on a
U.S. Senator, U.S. Congressman
and state senator, and will vote
whether to retain three justices
of the Florida Supreme Court
and one judge on the District
Court of Appeal.
They also will decide
between two candidates -
Clvde E. Wolfe and Luis
Bustamante for a new circuit
judgeship in the 7th Circuit.
Closer to home, they and all
other county voters will decide
between Democrat Ken Bryan
and Republican Ron Sanchez
for the District 2, Southwest St.
Johns County seat on the
County Commission.
For the District 4 seat, which
includes most of Ponte Vedra,
all county voters will select
Republican Tom Manuel or will
write in the name of his oppo-
nent: Richard A. Olszewski.
Penny' Halyburton, supervi-
sor of elections for St. Johns
County, said the write-in name
needs onlyv to be recognizable
to be counted. Spelling does
not have to be accurate, she
Also on all ballots in St.
Johns County is the question
of whether to change the

"Copyrighted Material

eSyndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

Crematory in

Valley gets OK

by LAULRA FOWLER services on site: embalming or
STAFF IW'RITER cremation, funeral ceremonies,
burial and reception.
After the gates opened to the "They can literally do it all in
Ponte Vedra Valley Cemetery one place, if they so desire,"
on Palm Valley Road in 1998, West said.
owners Patricia and Tom West Tuesday's decision nearly
came to realize they could do brings an end to a two and a
more. half year building process and
With about 90 percent of a four-year permitting process
those laid to rest in the ceme- for the Wests.
terry being transported from The first step came about
Jacksonville Beach funeral four years ago when the state
homes, the Wests wanted to awarded the business a license
offer ever)' service possible to operate a funeral home.
from the embalming or crema- Then came the building plans.
tion to the reception to West said she and her hus-
make the burial process as easy band thought it wise to include
as possible for families, a crematory in the building,
"More and more people are given that the rate of crema-
thinking along those lines," tion has doubled in the last few
Patricia West said in an inter- years to about 60 percent.
view Thursday. "We lust want- The only other crematory at
ed to provide that security for the beach is at Quinn-Shalz A
the families." Family Funeral Home in
On Tuesday, the Wests were Jacksonville Beach.
officially awarded a special use The Wests' funeral home
permit for cremating human building has been finished for
bodies from the St. Johns a few months, and a certificate
Board of County of occupancy was given by the
Commissioners, one of the county in August, accordir' o
final steps' before t.riq; funeral West. -
home's grand opening Nov. 11. But without permission to
Once. open, West said, the use the crematory, the Wests
family owned and operated, .d.cided to hold off on the
funeral C r~feirrvftM.theast See VALLEY, A-3' -"""-
Florida with all funeral-related

Mom longs to talk to Marines

who helped son in last moments

Second of two parts
Thlou shalt not be afraid for the
terror by night: nor for the arrow
that flieth Lbv dow. For he shall
give his angels charge over thee.
- From Psalm 91

Amy Vasquez is relying on
her deep religious faith to help
her cope with the loss of her
only child, Marine Cpl. Joshua
C. \VdLkins.
A 1999 Nease High School
graduate, \Vatkins, 25, was

killed in action Oct. 21 in Iraq.
Vasquez finds some comfort
in Psalm 91, a passage in the
Bible about, guardian angels
taking "charge over thee."
"I know the angels were
attending to him when he was
shot," Vasquez said earlier this
week in an interview at her
Mandarin home.
"Angels were posting around
him like a guard."
The Marines who were with
Watkins when he was felled by
an insurgent's bullet displayed
their own band of guardian-
ship on that fateful Saturday
afternoon outside Camp

Fallujah, Iraq.
One Marine in particular, a
soldier on his second day in
Iraq, went to Watkins' aid after
the Jacksonville native was
shot while following a trip wire
believed to be connected to an
improvised explosive device
(lED), the biggest killer of
troops in Iraq.
"Josh's replacements were
out on patrol with him when
he went down," Vasquez said,
"and this one boy [Marine]
dragged hirm to the Humvee
and covered Joshua's body
with his own so my son would
not take any more gunfire.

"And this boy was not a
medic, but he did whatever he
could so that Joshua could be
driven back to Camp Fallujah,
which only took about 10 min-
Watkins, a tall, athletic ex-
lifeguard who studied con-
struction management at the
University of North Florida
before enlisting in the Marines
at age 22, was "cutting up"
with doctors at the Marine
base before being helicoptered
to a trauma hospital in
Baghdad, his mother said.
Watkins was sedated on the
medevac flight to Balad
Militaiv Hospital, where sur-
geons lost the battle to save
him around 6:30 that night.
"Hopefully, someday, even if
it's only by e-mail, I can talk
with the people who were with
Josh during his last moments,"
Vasquez said.
Watkins was only days away
from completing his second
tour of duty in Iraq when he
was mortally wounded.
He was scheduled to arrive at
Camp Lejeune, N.C., Oct. 31,
where his mother, grandmoth-
er and best friend, Sam Spearl,
were going to meet him when
he stepped off a bus from
Cherry Point, N.C.
Instead, family and friends
assembled last week at the
Jacksonville airport to grant
Watkins a final hero's salute as
See JOSH, A-3

pnolo suDmnted
Cpl. Josh Watkins with Iraq children near Camp Fallujah. The Marine was killed Oct. 21.

A trick-or-treater (right) stares at a ghoulish figure collecting
donations Tuesday at the Whitman-Allen house. See more pho-
tos under "Boo Boulevard" at www.pontevedraleader.com.

It's a thriller:

Till tops $3,000

The 874 trick-or-treaters who
passed through the spooky
en-irons of a Halloween house
in Marsh Landing Tuesday left
behind $2,330 in donations,
which will be donated to char-
That money, along with the
$874 $1 for every visitor -
pledged by the host family
brings the total to $3,204, said
Shelley Whitman, whose fami-
ly decorates their home for the
annual event.
"It was just thrilling to think
that we actually got over that
$3,000 mark," Whitman said
by telephone Thursday.
For several years, Whitman,
her husband Haddan Allen and
other relatives have decorated
the Whitman-Allen home for
Oct. 31, pledging $1 for every
visitor and accepting dona-
tions, as well.
Some of the money will go to
How 'Bout a Hug for Kids, a

Ponte Vedra nonprofit organi-
zation that benefits foster chil-
Most of the money wiU go to
St. Augustine Youth Services
(SAYS), which provides shelter,
therapy and counseling to
troubled boys ages 6 to 18.
The donation will go to the
organization's development
fund "to build a new house,"
said Whitman, a family and
child therapist who has "done
a couple of stints" for SAYS
therapists on extended leave.
SAYS, started in 1988 in two
houses on Saragossa Street in
St. Augustine, "receives fund-
ing from the Florida
Department of Children and
Families for basic services,"
according to the organization's
Web site (staugustineyouthser-


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Classified..............C- Police Beat ............A-2
Religion ........... A-7 Sports.............A-9
Showtimes ............ B-4 Weather.................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 30 pages



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s m a s o


Holly Danielle Eichholz, 31,
i_-was arrested for possession of
a controlled 'substance on
Oct. 31 in the 400 block of
-:. Seagate Avenue, according to
a police report.
A man was arrested on Oct.
31 for possession of drugs
without a prescription,
,,according to a police report.
,An officer conducted a traffic
stop because the suspect's
vehicle tags were expired.
-,A Oirglar.y. ,,,reple..cp9
-Oct. -30 -in- the- 2000-block -of
J _1 d

a police report. A file with
.bank and credit card records
was taken out of his center
. .
;' Michae l Brandon
$Randoljih, 20, was arrested on
.,.Oct. 29 'for burglary and car-
drying ,a" concealed. weapon,
.accdi='ing to a police report:
'A buTrgary was reported on
Ocf. '25 in the 1700. block of
Seminole Road, according to a
,'police report. The victim
parked her van in the drive-
!:.way of her residence and left
,.'jhqr purse, between the front
"ese.ts and lt;gi-disp5verpd hei
,p'urse was missing:' ,
r' Assault was reported on
m Oct. 30.
,; Allan James Walizer, 41,
was arrested on Oct. 31 in,the
1500 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a
police report. .
Simple battery was reported
"on Oct. 30 in the 90 block of
, West Second Street, according
to a police report.
Larceny was reported on
Oct. 31 in the 300 block of
Sargo Road, according to a
police report. The victim told
police that a suspect took a
prepaid cellular phone and a
gold cross pendant.
Theft was reported on Oct.
28 in the 1 block of Fleet
Landing, according to a
...police report. The victim
rode a bicycle to work and it
was missing when she
St. Johns County), Sheriff's
deputies have charged two
Landrum Middle School girls
with taking more than $300
1 worth of cash and goods from
several purses in a locker
room at the school Oct. 27.
Deputies said a cellular tele-
phone, an I-Pod and $50 in
':cash were stolen from the
A pickup order was issued
for both girls, one of whom
"f was arrested Tuesday and
, charged -with. possession of
' stolen property and theft. The
other girl was out of the
'county, deputies said.
A resident of Great Egret
Way in Marsh Landing report-

ed that someone used her
husband's Social Security
number, birth date and com-
pany ID to open a business
account at a bank in
Massachusetts and an
account with a credit card
A 57-year-old resident of
Cranes Lake Drive reported
early Sunday that ,he was
sprayed with pepper spray by
a taxicab driver. who' picked
him up at a Ponte- Vedra
Beach restaurant.
reported thif iat e com--

pL.all l I la t U p-pe.UJV IV u-t
extremely intoxicated and
had trouble remembering
what exactly happened as
well [as] had trouble standing
while speaking to me."
Contacted by the deputy,
the cab driver said that when
he arrived at the restaurant to
pick up the man and two
women, the women did not
want to ride with the man but
agreed to let him ride with
them after he "refused to
leave the cab," according to
the report.
The man "made multiple
lewd comments to the
women [and] became
enraged that the women were
not coming home with him,
exiting the vehicle and mak-
ing attacking motions
toward" the cab driver, who
sprayed the man "for his safe-
ty" and that of the women,
'the report said.
The deputy concluded that
the cab driver "acted i'n good
judgment in order to protect
himself as well as the other
passengers." No charges were
Auto burglary was reported
Nov. 1 in the 7th Avenue
South end zone. An IPod and
a camera valued at $800 were
stolen from the vehicle. A
witness told the victim that
an unknown man with shoul-
der-length brown hair was
seen in the vehicle that morn-
Grand theft was reported
Nov. I at the Hampton Inn
hotel in the 1200 block of
Marsh Landing Parkway. The
victim told police that his
gold watch worth $3,000 was
stolen from his room. The
watch was last seen on a table
beside the television.
Petit theft was reported
Nov. 1 at Target in the 400
block of Marsh Landing. A
woman took a hand-held tape
recorder into the restroom
and walked out of the store
without paying for it. A loss
prevention officer observed
the woman leave the store
and had the restroom
checked because he recog-
nized her from prior shoplift-
ing offenses. The empty pack-
age was found in a trash can
in the restroom. Loss was
Criminal mischief was

reported Oct. 20 in the first'
block of Oakwood .Road..An
unknown suspect threw a
beer bottle at a vehicle shat-
tering the driver's side win-.
dow of a 1988' Clievrolet-pick-
up truck. Thetruck:was legal-'
ly parked .on'the street in
front oflthe victim's home.
Damage was estimated at'

Armed robbery was report-
ed Oct. 30 ih,the first block of
Beach Proper N. A.50-year-old
Jacksonville Beach man was
truki ,,in t he, hdliAyjd W a
4te gpe for rqstg o y
up his money 'uring a rob-
bery. The victim's wife was
walking home from the bus
stop when she told police she
observed her husband driving
home bleeding from his head
and face. The victim told his
wife that he was walking on
the beach when two male sus-
pects approached and
demanded money. He told
the men that they weren't
getting anything from him.
The suspects struck' the man
with the pipe until he lost
consciousness. When the vic-
tim awoke, he was being

assisted by. a contractor. His
w.ife drove him to the hospi-
tal because of the severity of
his injuries.
Auto burglary was. reported
Oct. 30 in the 1500 block of
The Greens Way. Four hub-
caps valued at $200 were
stolen from a 1992 Honda.
Residential burglary was
reported Oct. 30 in the 170.0
block of 1st St. N. A silver .45-
caliber Smith and Wesson
handgun with an extra maga-
Jy,ere ,tpen fromrm.t victm
bedroom. Te victin s fiend
discovered the front door
forced open. Nothing else was
Auto burglary was reported
Oct. 31 in the 100 block of
2nd Ave. N. The victim told
police that a Taurus 9 mm pis-
tol with a 15-round magazine
and five hollow point bullets
was stolen from her vehicle.
She had the gun under the
driver's seat for protection, a
police report said. The maga-
zine and extra bullets were in
the glove box.

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are online at:



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November,,3, 2QO6.

The Beacbe' Leade'r/Ponte Vedra Leader

*Pno e2 A

Novemb... 2'- 0 Th ....a d

IM, MySpace w ...

Beaches churches deploy

technology to reach youth

by KATHY NICOLETTI, messaging to keep teens up to
STAFF WRITER date on Isle of Faith's Youth
While recognizing that "the Some of the volunteer
est contact with students is youth mentors at the church,
ice to face", area youth min- maintain MySpace' pages, he
ters are. using modern tech- said.
ology to reach young people. "My Space qpens a different
MySpace, text messaging, ,avenue," said Willey. They
ell phones, and e-mail are (students) will communicate
'ays. to make contact, with in ways they might not face to
south, said: David Willey, face....This is a way to see how
south Minister at Neptune they interact with their peers.
aptist Church. The Youth Ministry, howev-
"This is part of their lifestyle er, does not have its own My
nd how they communicate,"/ Space page. Ratchford said
e said. that he is not comfortable
"Students understand com- with some of the content that
unity very well.....They con- might become available
ect with each other," said through the friends' list on a
1illey. ministry page.
Willey and "We minister to youth from
6th grade to 12th
grade," said
They just don't read mail Ratchford.
Willey said that
Neptune Baptist Youth Minister he has seen
n.,.i n;:i.L. .. Christian bands

uuvlu miley

George Ratchford, Youth
Director at Isle of Faith United
Methodist Church, say they
rarely use regular mail to com-
municate with youth.
"They just don't read mail,"
said Willey.
Texting and instant messag-
ing are effective ways to be
connected with youth. A web
site with announcements and
news of the youth ministry is
a way to reach new people, he
Ratchford uses weekly e-
mails, a phone tree, and text

and others use
MySpace pages
very effectively.
"It can be both a blessing
and a curse," he said.
Willey is currently looking
into "how to best create a
The internet has been useful
by providing links to other
student ministries. It is a way
to learn about what other
youth groups are doing, he
At Community Presbyterian
Church, Youth Minister
Robert McCrarv uses the inter-
net for weekly "trash talk"'
meetings for senior high stu-



Josh: Scholarship fund honors Marine

Cont. from A-1
his flag-draped casket was car-
ried off a commercial airliner.
Two Marine sergeants, one
from Camp Lejeune and one
from Watkins' unit in Iraq,
escorted the remains to a
waitifig hearse parked on the
After the plane touched
down, it passed under an arch
of water supplied by two
Jacksonville Fire Department
: puimper trucks.
' Vas'qlez. said between an4l
eight and 10 motorcycle
police officers escorted the

hearse to a funeral home in
Mandarin, stopping traffic
along the route.
"It was awe-inspiring," said
Spearl, Watkins' former col-
lege roommate.
"Josh deserved it."
It was only recently while
reading the Book of Joshua in
the Old Testament that
Vasquez, who attends All
Souls Anglican Church in
Mandarin, realized that
fthl H 'ii' the Bible.'Was-'Wi6t
also a great military leader in
his time.

pholo submned
Josh Watkins at Camp Lejeune, N.C., in March 2005, before he
deployed to Iraq for the first time. Watkins, who received a
Purple Heart, was assigned to the 2nd Tank Battalion, 2nd
'Marine Division.

Continued from A-1
One of the houses has bed-
rooms for the younger boys--
those up'to about 12 in the
upper floor and, downstairs,
administrative offices and
housing, for three older "pre-
independent living" teens,
Whitman said.
The other house is for older
boys., Each house, which is
"unbelievably crowded," has
living' space for two sets of
house parents who alternate,
shifts, Whitman said.
"It's unbelievable -, they use
every little bit of space," she
said. "The big push now is to

get them out of this facility."
The director of SAYS is nego-
tiating for donated land on
which to build a facility,
Whitman said, and building
may begin this year.
, "These kids are there because
they aren't .really capable of
functioning in a foster family,"'
said Whitman, whose family
has taken troubled boys into
their ho e.
Once' the new facility is
operating, the goal is to con-
vert the existing houses, to
transitional- housing for boys
who reach 18 and thus
don't qualify for such pro-

Her son's memorial service
was held last week at All
Souls, a church he first
attended in grade school.
During the service, Vasquez
summoned the courage to
speak, reciting a poem she
wrote to hei son during his
first deployment in Iraq in the
summer of 2005.
The last verse reads: "You
are my hero. But I haven't
told you that until now. How
could 'l?' Who knew that'you
~i'd --be _t.e onie 'to be' the
keeper of my freedom. Yes,
dear Marine, you are my hero,
but also, to me your mom,
you are my very precious
Watkins kept the poem in a
Bible during his first seven-
month tour of duty in
All Souls is where Watkins,
wearing his Marine dress blue
uniform, complete with white
gloves, escorted his mother
down the aisle for Christmas
Eve service last December.
It's also where he prayed at
the church's communion rail
before his second deployment
to Iraq on April 7, a day
before his 25th birthday.
Said church member Dennis
Pittman in an e-mail: "He was
incredibly proud to be a
Marine, and to have the privi-
lege of serving his country.
"Josh, obviously, had come
to All Souls that day to satisfy
himself that he was spiritually
prepared to face what was yet
to come."
"His plan was to try and
make sergeant before the end
of his four-year stint," said
Vasquez, who recently found
the poem she wrote to her son
in a Bible by his bedside in
her home.
"There is nothing I wish I
would have told him.
Nothing was Jeft unsaid. I
don't know how to live with-
out him. 1He was the center of
"It,.gives me great peace to
know that just before he died
he was with his fellow
A college scholarship fund
has been set up in Watkins'
name at Compass Bank. For
details, contact Terri Pope at

grams -- but are still in high
school, Whitman said. :
"Once they hit 18, there's. no
funding for those children,"
she said.
SAYS' Web site says that
"clothing ... household items,
toys, activities and monetary
gifts are always needed and
greatly appreciated."
The organization's phone
; number is 829-1770.
For more photos of the
Halloween house, visit
and click on "Boo Boulevard"
on the list of photo galleries.

"Trash talk" is held at Solid
Grounds Coffee Shop, which
was ifounded'by Pastor Steve
'.McCoy of Beaches Chapel.
'The topic under discussion
at "trash talk" recently has
been "The Merchants of
Cool," a PBS documentary on
how MTV influences' market-
ing to youth, said McCrary.
"I download articles from
the internet that relate to the
issue," he said.
The teens use the wireless
internet available at Solid
Grounds to check different
web sites and download other
articles that relate to the topic
under discussion.
To reach students, McCrary
recommends using "every
avenue you can.... Students
are attached to cell phones,
that's a way to reach them."
He updates news on the
youth group's web site and
every Thursday sends auto-
mated voice messages to the
The, college-age leadership
in Community's youth pro-
gram are "tech savvy," he said.
They use text messaging and
MySpace to contact youth.
At Solid Grounds Coffee
Shop, "the free wifi brings in
teens and college age students
who come in to study and do
their homework," said Dawn
McMinn, an employee of the
shop and wife of Beaches
Chapel Associate Pastor
Howard McMinn.
Solid Grounds Manager
Mike Mastrocinque uses the
shop's My Space page to pro-

Are your surroundings
getting a little

The Beaches Leader/
Ponte Uedra Leader Classifieds
.. 1 '

vide information about
upcoming events.
This has been effective since
people can use .the page to
check out the bands that will
perform at Solid Grounds and
also listen to their music, said
"We make use of technology
to stay connected and they
(students) use it to be connect-
ed with us -...Whether any-
body thinks it's good or bad, ift.
is important for us to recog-
nize where students are," said
Josh Fordenbacher, Director of
Youth Ministries at Christ
Episcopal Church.
"For teenagers, a computer is
a tool of communication. If
kids use My Space, it is impor- -
tant for us to know, if kids use
phones to text message, it is
important for us to know.lf .
kids text message us, we text
message them."
Christ Church does not
have official message boards,:
chat rooms, or anything like
that, he said. A few years ago,
a member of the youth group
started a My Space page for
youth group members to stay
connected but it hasn't been
used for a while.
"Technology gives us an
opportunity to connect with
them instantly," he said. The
Youth Ministry has general
information ,on a web page
connected to the church's web
site. Weekly updates are sent
in a newsletter e-mailed to stu-
dents and their parents.
However, it is more produc-
tive to meet face to face with a
student or a group of students
than, for example, being in a
chat room with them, said


Continued from A-I
grand opening so that all serv-
ices of the home will be avail-
able at once.
The final step in the process
is for Ponte Vedra's
Architectural Review
Committee (ARC) to sign off
on a cover for the smoke stack,
she said.
Because the cover is rather
large, ARC members agreed
that it should be painted black
to adequately disguise it from
Palm Valley Road. They have
yet to sign off on the final
product, but West appears con-
fident that they will.
The Wests will open their
new facility for the public to
tour on Nov. 11 after a Veterans
memorial service.

Vets Day event
The eighth annual
Veterans Day ceremony will
be held at 10:30 a.m. Nov.
11 at Ponte Vedra Valley
Funeral Home, 4750 Palm
Valley Road, Ponte Vedra.
The community is invited.

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Page 3A*

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Yedra Leader


,TUN'WrflQCA T) f rr'TDA t A 'DT

Page A NtlbFAS November 3, 20-06
wwwmbeachesleader~com Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADERIPONTE VEDLR \..EADER

The Leader's Opinion

Be informed

before voting

Election Day is Tuesday.
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
Voter participation is key to the democratic process.
That said, we would add a key adjective to the above
Informed voter participation is key to the demo-
cratic process.
Voters who cast ballots solely based on a candidate's
name, appearance, color choices for campaign signs or'
catchy jingles on the sign are part of the problem, not
the solution.
Better to cast no vote than to haphazardly choose a
candidate e.g. playing eenie, meannie, mighty,
moe at the ballot box.
It is easy to be an informed voter with just a mod-
icum of effort. Those willing to exert that effort are
not anxious to see their time and effort cancelled out
by an uninformed voter who figured showing up, cast-
ing a vote for just anyone and then snagging an "I
Voted" sticker is all it takes to participate in democra-'
Apathy is a real threat to democracy. So is dumb vot-
Newspaper readers are, by definition, literate infor-'
mation gatherers so we encourage you, the well
informed, to vote Tuesday or take advantage of
early voting.
At the same time, encourage those who are unin-
formed and can't be bothered to learn anything about
the candidates and their positions to stay home.
Everybody will be better served.

Letters to the editor:

Child's Halloween

marred by vandals

To the editor:
I know Halloween is about
tricks or treats but there is noth-
ing acceptable about stealing
people's personal property,
My treat bowl wasn't just for
treats. It's the' bowl we use we
bake homemade breads, pitas
and tortillas.
It wasn't cheap either, (as far
as bowls .go). That was a
Tupperware bowl and I paid a
pretty penny for it.
Worse however, was stealing
my daughter's Halloween

pumpkin. She had waited for
weeks to carve her pumpkin
and she was thrilled that carv-
ing night finally got here (last
night). .
It's too bad that someone saw
to it that she couldn't even
enjoy her pumpkin for twenty-
fours hours.
It's a shame that our wonder-
ful night had to end with my
four year old learning what
stealing is. .
Alicia Paley
Atlantic Beach

Jogger warns others
To the editor: the element of surprise against a
Two weeks ago while jogging lone unarmed female jogger -
in the early evening (approx you, guys are real brave) have
imately 7:15 p.m.), I was been bragging about their fun
attacked by two young men in a and someone in this area is
silver SUV. [1 was running on honest enough to call the
First Street from Atlantic Beach Neptune Beach Police
to Jacksonville Beach lifeguard Department and turn them in.
station and back. The attack While I am fine, someone else
happened in from of the church may not be as lucky. This -is a
in Neptune Beach on the sick,dangerous pranlk.
ocean.] I would also like to thank
As I was jogging, they drove Officer Focht, the three
by in the opposite direction and strangers on First Street that
the passenger blew me in the helped me, and the two medics
face with a white powdery sub- from the Atlantic Beach fire sta-
stance (probably a fire extin- tion. Everyone was very kind to
guisher). me.
After several hours of cough- My main concern 'is that I
ing,and a full day of nausea I am don't want this to happen to
fine. i would like to warn other. anyone else. Still jogging at the
joggers and bikers out there of beach!
this terrible prank..
I hope that these two cowards Name provided arid with-
(imagine, two men in a car with held to protect victim



Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader

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President and Publisher

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I -4A-

Private contractors at risk in Iraq

Iam a veteran of the U.S.
Army, Operation Desert
Storm, a combat veteran,
private military contractor of
Operation Iraqi Freedom
(O.I.F.), and have served my
country for the last 20 years. I
want to describe my job as a
private military contractor
properly. I am currently on
medical disability because of
injuries I received in Iraq I
am not alone. There are
approximately 6,000 other
injured private contractors as a
result of their service to the
United States and the Iraqi
For whatever reason, these
other private contractors and I
are being largely ignored
and/or treated as pariahs. It
seems the consensus of the
American public and media is
that we are a bunch of money-
hungry' warmongers. There
may be some private military
contractors like that; however,
for the majority, nothing could
be further from the truth. It is
unjust that the media and
some individuals label private
(military) contractors merce-
Do people realize that 99 per-
cent of the contractors working
in Iraq, Afghanistan', and
numerous other locations are
working in 'SUPPORT OF THE
Do people realize that many
private contractors did not
(and do not) have the benefit
that I did, while in Iraq, to arm
themselves? Not every private
contractor carries a firearm as I
did. In fact, armed security
contractors are the minority of
private contractors in Iraq (and
other war zones or dangerous
The majority of private con-
.tractors are electricians,
plumbers, carpenters, cooks,
I.T. specialists, heavy-equip-
ment operators, doctors, and
nurses. Most Americans do not
even want to drive through a
bad neighborhood, as they are
unarmed, (for the most part),
let alone drive around a war-
torn country where almost
every road, every neighbor-
hood, and every turn have peo-
ple that want to kill you and
very often try to kill you.
I have driven down these
roads. I have driven past trash
and mounds of dirt and every
conceivable item you can think
of, praying that these items did
not conceal an I.E.D. (impro-


vised explosive device).
Rockets, mortars, I.E.D's, small-,
arms fire, and the potential of
becoming a kidnap victim of
terrorists are the everyday con-
cerns of private contractors.
As a private security contrac-
tor, 99.99 percent of the people
I have worked with could best
be described as quiet profes-
sionals. The vast majority of
these men are seasoned mili-
tary veterans. Many have
served America for most of
their adult lives. These same
men aie still serving America as
private security contractors.
Every day private contractors
suffer mentally and physically.
In Iraq, there is no safe place.
You cannot really relax at the
end of your workday. You can-
not sleep soLundly, day or night.
You cannot eat without the
ever-present concern of instant
violence. Every day is a men-
tal, if not a physical, challenge.
Now, people who have not
experienced this will say,
"Then why would you work in
Iraq?" I will say that from my
experience it is because we all
love America. We all believe in
what we are doing, and, yes, we
all are paid 'for what we do.
Some people may say we are
over paid. I would argue that
the amount of our pay is sub-
Many private contractors
have served in the military for
years. Some have retired from
the military. During those
years of military service, those
men and women earned mili-
tary pay -- the pay that many
times had to be supplemented
with ,income earned by a
spouse; the pay that was sup-
plemented with food stamps;
the pay that often resulted in
substandard housing; the pay
that was earned working'100-
plus hour work weeks; the pay
that was earned while separat-
ed from loved ones and often

in austere (to say the least)
working conditions.
How many Americans want
to work at a job that subjects
them to hardships just
described? How many
Americans would not look for a
company and/or job that
would pay them more? How
many Americans are happy
with just getting by? How
many Americans would risk
their lives 'so that their families
would have more? How many'
more Americans would contin-
ue to sacrifice for their coun-
try? Think too about this:
Private contractors often have
no' employer-supplied health
insurance or retirement fund.
The pay received by private
contractors is indeed subjec-
Why am I making this state-
ment? I make it for a number'
of reasons. First, I am an
American. I love my country,
and I will always support my
fellow Americans and country.
I love my family, and I will
always work to support them. I
love our military and will
always support them. I want to
let people know that private
contractors are fathers, moth-
ers, brothers, sisters, sons, and
We are NOT some crazed,
bloodthirsty mercenaries. We
are Americans that deserve sup-
port. We have supported our
fellow Americans, our country,
and countries and people who
are oppressed and victimized.
We are now coming home
injured, maimed, and some-
tirhes in caskets. We deserve
'respect. We deserve and need
medical and mental support
from our fellow Americans and
from our government.
Secondly, America needs to
support our military, riot only
with, a.. magnetic ribbon on
one's car,, but by demanding
our government provide better
pay and. better care for our mil-
itary personnel while serving
and better care for our military
veterans after they complete
their service to America.
Treat us private contractors
as the American patriots that
we are. Many have served our
country while in uniform and
now as private citizens. We
deserve respect and moral sup-
port. Private contractors and
our military are all VETERANS.
Robinson is a resident of
Jacksomnille Beach

I More letters to the editor:

Huge problem with transients,

Mission House is a problem

To the editor:
I agree with Mr. Constant [11-1 letter "We
need to be tougher on transients in JB']. that
there is a: huge problem with vagrants at
Jacksonville Beach. However, the police are not
the problem. There is not much more they> can
do without being sued by the ACLU! Some of
these bums have been arrested more than 50
times! .
It's true we are short-handed at the depart-
ment .and have three unfilled patrol, positions
and a lot of unfilled police-reserve positions.
You would think that since we pay the highest
taxes in Duval County that our officers were the
,highest paid but they are not. Many police
have been called-up with the reserves to the war
in Iraq. Police departments all over the country
are short-handed. We are competing nation-
wide for a smaller pool of qualified candidates.
MWe need to' immediately raise the pay of our
officers to at LEAST as high as the Jacksonville
Sheriffs Office, like at the next Council meeting.
The real cause of the vagrant' problem is
Mission House. With misguided compassion,
free meals [are provided] to the vagrants. They.

would like to think they are helping poor home-.
less people but in reality they are serving as an
enabler for criminals, bums and thugs who have.
CHOSEN to live a defiant lifestyle. Mission
House hands out fishes but they are not teach-
ing anyone to fish..
The result is we have become a magnet for
those who want to get drunk all day, hang at the
beach, catch a free meal, rob a few places, mug
a' couple people and maybe stab somebody.i
When you feed the pigeons you are going to get
more pigeons.
The real solution to the problem is for the city
to immediately and permanently close Mission
House as a public nuisance according to our
Code of Ordinances. Its operation puts my famn-
ily and our community at risk. Just because it is
not a crime to be hoineless does not mean we
have to let criminals take up residency in our
public places. '
If you want to be compassionate, invite these
people to live in your homes, not our parks.
David' Smith
Jacksonville Beach



Bubba Junior
* takes on

Fancy Feast,
.hold off the
garden greens

D decisions, decisions,
will it be the White
Meat Chicken, Wild
Salmon and Whipped Egg
Souffle' or the Yellow Fin
Tuna Florentine? They all
sound so delicious, and each
are served with lovely garden
greens! But for a cat who's
used to Meow Mix this may
be a shock to his digestive
system! Ask your veterinari-
an if Fancy Feast Elegant
Medley is right for your cat!
To put this all in perspec-
tive, a can of quality chunk
light tuna or chicken from
Star Kist or Swanson are
about the same, price per
ounce as Elegant Medley.
Sorry Charley, but even good
tasting tuna doesn't come
Florentine in the can. The
aforementioned cat- food or
people food all come out to a
little less than 29 cents an
Somehow when I think of
spinach and garden greens, I
don't think of something my
cat Smokey is in want of.
But then nobody has.ever
tried serving those produce
items to their cat with Yellow
Fin Tuna on the side! When
my wife and I have a salad,
Smokey is anywhere except
the dining room. However if
we put shrimp on the salads,
he'd be trying to get in our
lap. If we added Yellow Fin
Tuna, he'd be standing in his
own chair with a napkin
around his neck demanding
Now I'm thinking if there
is money in gourmet cat
food, then the opposite
might also be true! I men-
tioned this opportunity to
my buddy, Bubba Junior,
from Palatkey!
"Hoyle, red necks also
want to pamper our cats, but
we're on a budget. Here are
some menu ideas that would
be perfect and for a fraction
of what those Fancy Feast
boys are charging. How does
Vienna Sausage Florentine or
Slim Jims Whipped Egg
Souffle' sound?"
My friend and I discussed
the merits of putting much
cheaper meat in with -the
garden greens that cats are
not known for eating!
I tried to explain, "Bubba
buddy, You're going half
gourmet and half red neck.
It's like serving Grits
Benedict or Catfish
Parmesan. Go all the way
with the theme! How about
Succulent Spam with Red
Eye Gravy?"
It's like a "better idea"
light bulb went off in o1'
Bubba's head.
"You're right as rain Hoyle,
I ain't never seen either of
my two cats, Flats or Scruggs,
grazing on the plants around
here. But let me open a bag
of pork rinds and there they
Before we got 'off the
phone Bubba figured out a
way' to sell his version of
pampered cat food for 10
cents a can. And his cans are
32 ounces, not 3 ounces like
Elegant Medleys. Seems he
has a lot more of those bags
of pork rinds and Slim Jims
stored away than I thought.

Lengthy letters
maybe edited as
space requires.
We will not
consider letters
that do not bear
a signature and
address and we
request a phone
number for

n:P:ii N f r) i\l

Page 5A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

LNove j, LULL IM --I


Gloria Maxine Sholar Taylor
Ashworth a resident of
Savannah Court, Marietta
Georgia died on Oct. 29, 2006
at Metropolitan Hospice fol-
lowing a battle with cancer.
She was born Oct. 9, 1926,'
in Thomasville, Georgia to
Agnes Martin Sholar and
Roland Haves Sholar. She
spent her younger years in
Palm Valley, with her mother
and she graduated from
Andrew Jackson High School.
She attended Florida State
University the first year it was
coeducational where she met
and later married Harrison
LeRoy Taylor Jr. She earned a
BA at the University of
Montana an MA at the
University of Wisconsin and
studied art at The Art Students
League in New York City;
where she specialized in oils
in the style of the Old
She was a dancer, a stew-
ardess with National Airlines,
a stage manager, teacher and
-artist. While in her teens she

danced in' clubs wearing elab-
orate costumes made by her
mother. As a stage manager,
she had a long career working
in Theatre; Opera and Ballet
in New York, throughout the
United States and abroad.
'The original -Broadway prbo-
"ductions of The Odd Couple,
Royal Hunt of the Sun, the
national tour of Advise and
Consent, and The 1967 annu-
al Shakespeare Festival in
Stratford England were
among the productions she
Upon retiring in the 70's
she returned to Jacksonville
Beach, where she always con-
sidered home. A brief mar-
riage to Albert "Ray" Ashworth
ended in' 1981.
She taught speech and the-
ater arts at several schools
including Jacksonville
University. She continued her
art studies returning to New
York from time. to time.
Sholar, as she is known in the
art community, taught art pri-
vately for many years during
which she received numerous
awards for her art and acco-
lades for her teaching ability
and techniques.
While enjoying her mem-
bership at The Ponte Vedra
Inn and Country Club, its
luxuries were indirect con-
trast to the Spartan lifestyles
she personally maintained
throughout her life. She had
a special affinity for critters
wherever they were found. A
woman of definite and some-
times unpopular opinions,
she enjoyed debating politics,
religion and ethics, according
to family..

After completing a comput-
er class at J.U., she enrolled in
a variety of on-line course. In
her late sixties and early sev-
enties she -began piano les-
sons, which she continued
when she bought her first
piano in 2005. Her many
other hobbies included
astronomy, opera, reading,
studying religions, traveling
and the observation of the
interplay between humanity
and nature.
She is survived by her step-
mother, Loraine Sholar of
Marietta, GA; her brother,
Hayes Sholar of McDonough,
GA; her sister and brother-in-
law, Pat and Bill Henslee of
M-arietta, GA; nephews,
Johnathan Sholar, Walter
Sholar and his wife' Robyn,
Joseph Hensiee and his wife
Sharon Shahan; niece, Karen
Henslee; many cousins and
countless friends.
.A Memorial Service will be
held at 2 p.m., Monday in the
chapel of SouthCare Funeral
Home in Marietta, GA. In lieu
of flowers, the family suggests
memorial contributions to
Metropolitan Hospice, 200
Village Parkway, NE, Marietta,
GA 30067 or The Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach,
50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL 32082.
A celebration of her life will
also be held at The Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach
from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday,
The Cremation Society of
the SOUTH is in charge of the

Mary C. Cook

Mary C. Cook, 87, died Nov
2, 2006. She was active with St
Paul's by the Sea Episcopa
Church. She. served for. many
years as a member of the vestr
and on the altar guild.
She is survived by her daugh
ter, Grace-Anne Roese dKarll o
Jacksonville and her sor
Kenneth C. Cook iTrudiel o

Belinda Cruz, 46, of St/
Augustine died Oct. 31, 2006.
She is survived by her hus
band, Hudson; daughter
Crystal; future son in law Mike
granddaughter Melinda; moth

. Wellington, OH.
. Visitation will be from 5 to 8
I p.m., Monday,* Nov. 6 in
\ Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral
y Home. Funeral service will be
held 11 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7
- in St. Paul,s by the Sea
f Episcopal Church in
n Jacksonville Beach with The
f Reverend Penny Pfab officiat-

Belinta Cruz

. er Jan; 'father Larry; brother
Bobby; nephew Tyler; and
- aunts uncles and cousins.
r A celebration of her life serv-
.; ice will be 'held at Atlantic
- Beach Assembly of God,

ing. Interment will be held 10
a.m., Friday, Nov. 10, in
Eastlawn Memory Gardens of
Brunswick, OH.
Services under the care of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd St. South,
Jacksonville Beach.

' ,JL ..1'- _.. ... .

Mayport Road today, Friday, at
6 p.m. Donations can be made
to NE Florida Community

Marc Gibson

Marc Gibson, 18, died Oct.
31, 2006. He was born Dec. 19,
1987 in Worchester,
Massachusetts. He was a musi-
cian, comedian, and artist.
Gibson is predeceased by his
grandparents, John and
Kathryn Pratt. He is survived
by his parents, Brian Gibson
and Kathy Pratt; his siblings,

N Mary Grace Likins, 59, died
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006. She was
the daughter of Harold S.
Money and Agnes B. Cooper of
Lexington, Kentucky.
She was a graduate of the
University of Louisville and
held a Master's Degree in
Music. She continued her stud-
ies at Asbury Seminary where
she received her degree in
Christian Education and
. Religious Music. She exempli-
fied the ecumenical life of

Adria Pratt, Eric Gibson, and
twin brother, Trevor Gibson;
his dog, Nadia; and his vast
extended family.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8
p.nri. Sunday in Quinn-Shalz,
A Family Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be held 11
a.m., Monday in Christ
Episcopal Church of Ponte

Mary Grace Likins

Christian service and was a
devoted wife and mother.
She is survived ,by her hus-
band and daughter, David and
Helen Likins. Other family
members' include' mother-in-
law Jean Likins Peggy
Templeman iNeil), Chris Likins
i.lennifer) and her niece
Andrea Templeman and sev-
eral cousins.
A Memorial service will be
held 11 a.m. today, Friday, in
the First United Methodist

Vedra Beach with The
Reverend Chip Seadale officiat-
ing. Interment will follow in
Oaklawn Cemetery of
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd Street South,
Jacksonville Beach.

Church, 225 East Duval St. A
private family interment will
be held.
The family requests that all
memorials be made to Shands
Jacksonville Hematology
Oncology 580 West 8th St. Jax,
FL. 32209.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd St. South,
Jackson\ille Beach.


.0 to 6 th t edot

Howling Halloween a success

To the editor:
What a HOWLING suc-
cess the 2nd Annual
Howling Halloween'
Costume Contest and
Fundraiser was for Paws
Park on Sunday, Oct. 29.
SWe had wonderful weather,
an amazing turnout for the
event and raised a phenom-
enal $2,500 for mainte-
nance and improvements
to Paws Park! The money
raised at this event triples
what we raised at last year's
Howling Halloween event
and that is fantastic!!!
There are manv TIFANK
YOU'S in order.
I want to thank all the
volunteers who helped
organize and work at the
Special thanks to those
on organizing committees
for all the time and effort
over the last three months
getting the event organized.
Thanks to these great vol-
unteers: ,
Ross Bratlee, Norma
Bnzzi & Eddie and Micah,
Leslie & John Chew & their
boxers, Holley- & Gayle
Davis, Lance and Janet
Folsom, Bennie Furlong,
Dione Garnand, Courtney
George, Jim Golding, Jason
Heuermann, Doris Houser,
Patty Mall, Ilona Meeks,
Maureen Moore, Thomas
Murray, Nancy Peacock"\,
Suzanne Rinebarger &
Onyx & Jade, Keisha
Rodriguez, Ricardo
Rodriguez, Jakki Roberts,
Connie Smith, Steffanie &
Tara Stuart, Mike & Mikel
Thibodeau, Kimberly
\Vichlan & Sandy her gold-
en retriever, Velma Wood &

Honey, Melissa Wright and
The costume contest was
great fun with 52 contest-
ants! Thank you to the
judges for volunteering
their time:
Rick Knight Jacksonville
Beach City Council; Harriet
Pruette Neptune Beach
City Council; Fland Sharp -
Jacksonville Beach Mayor;
Leona Sheddan
Jacksonville Humane
Society Board President ;
and Susan Stanton
Shorelines columnist
A big congratulations to
the costume contest win-
Funniest Dog Costume:
Tula the flower with Susie
Scariest Dog Costume:
Louie the devil with
Heather Martin
Most Original Dog
Costume: Oakley the cow
and Gamble the horse with
Priscilla Merkel
Best Dog and Owner
Costume: Heather Peeples
and Bentley who were
dressed as Raggedy Ann and
We want to thank Jason
Heuermann for being the
master of ceremonies for
the costume contest!
This year we had over
$1,800 in prizes donated
and we raised over $1,600
in raffle ticket sales! That is
awesome!Special thanks
goes to: Kimberly Wichlan
and Connie Smith, our
event raffle coordinators,
Holley & Gayle Davis for
printing the raffle tickets,
and Heuermann for being
our raffle emcee

Special thanks to the
people and businesses who
donated prizes for the raffle.
We thank them all for their
support of Paws Park!
We would like to recog-
nize and thank all the event
table participants (vendors,
non-profits and rescue
groups) that supported
Paws Park by participating
in the event.
We hope that everyone
visited the rescue group and
non-profit tables at the
event to learn more about
the wonderful things these
organizations are doing for
animal welfare and for pets
in our communities. Also,
please consider supporting
and helping these organiza-
tions continue to do the
important work that they
are doing.
We sold 48 Halloween
photos this year and all the
photos were great! Thanks
to all the volunteers who
helped with the photo area
the day of the event.
We want to thank the
City of Jacksonville Beach
Parks and Recreation
Department for providing
the tent, tables, chairs and
power. We also want to
thank the city's special
events department for their
help and for advertising the
event on the city web site.
Most importantly, we
want to thank the City of
Jax Beach for everything.
they have- done to make
Paws Park a reality and
everNthing they continue to
do in support 01o the park.
Sandy Golding
Jacksonville Beach

Horse access not necessary
C, : 1 4 I, I.1 I-.J
tr6 the editor: ,population in thiis' area t.as Nockatee,
In a nutshell the PVB Riding Club is Palencia and a dozen or so other devel-
seeking access to Guana Beach by taking opments emerge.
over several very limited parking spaces The edge of Nocatee is six miles from
and bulldozing some of the dunes at the the Guana beach north parking lot.
preserve to walk horses across. When Mickler parking overflows as it
This is a really bad idea for many rea- does many times each summer, Guana is
sons. Foremost among these. is the idea the next beach access just four miles
that you would wal-k a horse across a two south. Add another five to ten thousand :
lane highway where vehicles are fre- newcomers in just the next few
quently ticketed at 70 MPH. It is danger- years.....and getting on the beach will
ous now for families to cross over A1A to become a much harder problem.
and from the beach. 1 hope you will provide coverage of
The proposal will be addressed tomor- this somewhat strange proposal, given
row evening 16:00 pm) at the Guana that 'access to the beach for horses is
Preserve. already provided at Mickler and Guana
The environmental negatives are obvi- is a national preserve. It is also one that
ous. In addition, Guana parking is Governor Bush would not let the Ponte
already getting overloaded as NMickler Vedra High School use despite excep-
Beach fills up in the summer months. tional pressure to do so.
The proponent for this idea shows no A.G. "Gus" Slayton
appreciation for the doubling of (he Ponte Vedra Beach

Commission should stay at

To the editor:
Don't give up your vote.
With the 5-2 option you get to vote
for only three commissioners out of
Think about it. If someone wants to
put a cell tower near you. Do you want
to trust the four you don't get to vote for
to care about you or even listen?
Or if someone wants to change your
communities sign ordinance for bigger
and more signs. Will they care?
I don't think so. We have been there,
done that and lost.
Remember' most politicians are con-
trolled with money or votes.

Which do 'you have?
Me. I say vote no.
Mary F. Kohnke
Ponte Vedra Beach

Send letters to the editor to ,
The Leader, 1114 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach,
Fl. 32250 or mail to edi-


Obituary notices are published free of charge
as a community service. ,
All submissions are subject to editing. Paid advertising
space is available for more detailed or personalized
death notices.,

Call 249-9033.

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Freebird eyes bigger stage in JB

A Jacksonville Beach night-
club owner is "back to square
one" after scrapping plans to
relocate the concert venue to-
Atlantic Beach.
Judy Van Zant-Jenness
Tuesday said she will resume
her search for a location with
room for a larger stage to better
accommodate the dub's roster
of national acts.
"We just really don't know
what we are going to do at this
point," she said. "Our biggest
issue is the stage. Some bands
won't play because the stage is
not big enough."
Van Zant-Jenness applied for
a use-by-exception permit to
move into the Atlantic
Theatres 'building at 751
Atlantic Blvd.
She withdrew her applica-_
tion Oct. 18 because she could
not reach an agreement over
parking and other issues with
the owner of a fitness center
that is also. moving into the
Bailey's, Powerhouse Gym
plans to open a 16,000-square-
foot facility next to the
Atlantic Theatres. Van Zant-
Jenness said she met with
owner David Bailey about park-.
ing constraints because the
businesses would operate at the
same time.

Atlantic Beach officials also
had concerns that noise from
the club would negatively
impact nearby residents. Van
Zant-Jenness said she. was not
sure if the City Commission
was ever "going to go for it."
"There was just too many
demands. It was ridiculous,"
she said. "I can't run my busi-
ness like that with someone
telling me what time I can start
my shows, how many people I
can have, how much security I
need. It was just not the right
place for us."
.With plans to relocate the
,club or hold, a restaurant and
VIP club proposed at the site by
former Jacksonville Jaguar
player Kevin Hardy is also in
limbo. '
"Kevin 'is waiting oh me'
because his deal is contingent
on my deal," Van Zant-Jenness'
said. "He is being very patientt"
The Board of Adjustment
granted a parking variance
Sept. 5 to 'allow Hardy to
expand- the nightclub-into- a-
fine dining restaurant and
lounge called Reign.
Hardy with the investment
group The Pacific Partnership is
considering the purchase of the'
Freebird Live building at 200 N.
1st St. to develop Reign with an,
upscale eater' on the ground
floor and lounge upstairs.
A variance was required

because the development plans
would close an existing gap in
the existing upper level mezza-
nine, adding approximately
780 square feet of floor space if
the project moves forward.
Van Zant-Jenness said she is
looking at sites in Jacksonville
* Beach and is considering the
vacant parcel sought by 'Wal-
Mart in Neptune Beach.
"We just don't know what all
might be available," she said.
"It's really hard."
If Freebird Live remains at its
present location at 200 First
Street Nprth, Van Zant-Jenness
said she is looking at ways to
reconfigure the existing floor
plan to enlarge the stage with-
out increasing capacity.
The club's current capacity is
690. There would be, 1,000
seats at Atlantic Theatres site.
Van Zant-Jenness said a
kitchen not in use since the
dub changed its name from
the Freebird Cafe to Freebird
Live, and stopped serving food,
could be 'converted into floor
She- said she would, also
.-determine how to. relocate'
some of the building's weight
bearing colunns to make room
for a bigger stage.
"We have a lot of space that
we're not using so we'll just
have to see," she said. "We are
in no hurry."

Community benefits organized at club:

'Tis the season for giving
and the owners of the Freebird
Live nightclub in Jacksonville
Beach are encouraging their
patrons to do just that.
Lend a Helping Hand, a
drive initiated by club owner
Judy Van Zant-Jenness, will
provide holiday help to the
Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry (BEAM), begins
today and will 'continue
through Dec. 20.
: Van Zant-Jenness said for
every ticket sold at the dub at
200 1St Street. North, patrons i
'il- Jhave the option to donate
$1 to BEAM, a non profit
organization that provides

help to low income Beaches
families. :
"We like to do things that
help the community," she
I Past efforts have included
toy and food drives for BEAM,
concerts to help fight the war
against terrorism and raise
funds to help offset medical
expenses for. community
members in crisis.
Freebird Live hosts an annu-
al benefit to help the family of
Ben Cabacungan Jr. who was
killed by a drunk driver in
front of the cl4b in' 2004.
Van Zan n ess also
reached out to elp the family
of Charlie Stephens of

Jacksonville Beach who suf-
feied a broken neck in a surf-
ing accident. ;
Two upcoming benefit
shows with local bands are
scheduled with all proceeds to
benefit BEAM. Contributions
will 'also be accepted inside
the club.
A portion of the donations
collected as part of the Lend a
Hand program will be present-
ed to BEAM in time to assist
with Thanksgiving prepara-
The remaining contribu-
ti be given1jp "the
.gn.'..z~2 n .& help during
the Christmas season.,

Staff and guests enjoy the grand opening this week at Re Esta' Medspa, Beach, Plaza,
Jacksonville Beach. Pictured are Dan Wilson, Rick Hoening, Beth Maguire, Jamie Bremer,
Deborah Emerson, Allison Jawor and Jennifer Moody.

NB may tap into

county's GIS info,


Neptune Beach may have
the opportunity to tap into a
valuable resource, according
to Neptune Beach city coun-
cilor Eric Pardee.
The city of Jacksonville has.
updated its geographic infor-
mation system (GIS) to
include high resolution aerial
photographs which now
include Neptune Beach.
If Neptune Beach were to
gain access to this system, it
would allow city officials to
zoom in to specific areas and
get aerial views of any proper-
ty in the. city, Pardee said.
' For example, if a. citlzep
were to. request a', buildintr
permit .for a shed and says
that there is an existing shed,

the GIS could zoom into the
property to verify that there is
an existing shed on the prop-
erty, according to Pardee.
The .system could also be
-used for building inspections
arid to show property lines,
he said.
The city of Tacksonville has
let the the city of Neptune
Beach use its system before
and'the council may request
the use of .the system again,'
he said.
Because the count-y already
has the information internal-'
ly, it would only require a
password for Neptune Beach
to access the_ system and
would not cost the city any
addition l .rr y, af ,0:,
said. .. .

6%I,= !flnM rw1.i mf

Find it! Ot

Sin the.



ruim uw

I. P. P W BI


BBA to listen to.
website expert.
The Beaches Business
Association. meets at noon on
Monday at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course clubhouse
on South Penman Road. BBA
representatives may be
reached at 247-2350. Annual
dues are $35. The buffet
lunch costs $7. Those attend-,
ing should arrive by noon for
lunch,with the program start-
ing at 12:30 p.m. The speaker
for Monday will be Lesley
Foster from Brown Dog
Creative speaking on What
makes a Business Website

Franchising Info
An Alternative for
Entrepreneurs program will
be held Nov. 14 from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at the UNF
University Center. The Small
Business Development Center
at UNF is sponsoring a semi-
nar aimed at helping people
determine .if purchasing a
franchise is right for them,
answer questions about fran-
chising and, in -some cases,
helping them know what
(questions to ask. Designed
for those who may be consid-
ering business ownership or a
franchise purchase, this
evening offers a unique
opportunity to hear from
franchise and finance experts.
Speakers will, discuss -the
importance of sound business
planning, the ins and outs of
franchising, and financing
options for your.business ven-
ture. The cost to register is
$20. .To register or for more
information: call (904) 620-
2477 or log on to
www.sbdc .unf. edu
Ryan Beck & Co.

Ryan Beck & Co. has
opened a new office in Ponte
Vedra Beach. The new office
is headed by Branch Manager

Ron Wilkins, who joined the
firm last year from Advest
Securities. The new office is
the third office for Ryan Beck
in Florida. "We look forward
to working with both individ-
ual investors and. businesses
to serve their short- and long-
term financial needs,"
Wilkins. said, In addition to
Wilkins, the new office is
staffed by Kevin Koski, a
financial consultant who also
joined from Advest, and
Leslie Lashley as the branch
office's administrative man-
ager. Wilkins indicates that
the firm plans to hire addi-
tional financial consultants
in the months ahead.' The
new office is located at; 115
Professional Drive,Suite 104,
Ponte Vedra'

Home Sweet Home
topic of meeting
The Beaches Northeast
Florida Association : of
Realtors (NEFAR) Council will
meet Thursday morning at
the NEFAR offices at 4130 3rd
St. S., Jax Beach (in the
Sandcastle Plaza at the end of
JTB) at 8:30 a.m. for coffee
and an informational' pro-
gram. The program will be
Carolyn Ettlinger of The
Housing Partnership of

Northeast Florida speaking on.
"Home Sweet Home" for
Everyone in Jacksonville.
*' ,

*Top agents
Marsh Landing Realty, Inc.'s
top sales 'agents for October are
Hazel- Cooksey and Dee

Preferred traveler
program debuts
Vigilant Solutions, a private
security firm, will be operat-
ing a 'Preferred Traveler.
Program at Jacksonville
International Airport for the
next 10 years. .
The Preferred Traveler pro-
gram at Jacksonville
.International Airport will
have three levels; Silver, Gold
and Platinum. The Silver level
members will have access to a
dedicated security line for
speedy transit through airport
security. Gold level members
will have "JAX-PASS" (which
allows non-stop entry and
exit) for parking, in addition
to the Silver level benefits.
Platinum level members will
have access to the VIP lounge
at the airport, scheduled to
open in early 2008, in addi-
tion to the Gold level bene-

"What we want to. do is
enhance, the level of services
were providing to our cus-
tomers," Bing. Parkinson,
President, JAA's Enterprise
Division, said.. "Travelers. are
spending more time at the
airport. They need to spend it
more effectively.",
Costs for the program are
not available at this time but
pre-registration is planned.
The program will include a
JAX-PASS system in the park-
ing garages (with special
entrance and exit lanes),
access to a special lounge
(scheduled to .open in early
2008), and the ability to use a
smart card to pay for purchas-
es made at airport merchants.
For more details about the
program visit www.jax-
vip.com. ,

Get checking tips

offered for free

The Duval County Extension
Service is offering a free Get
Checking seminar on Saturday,
Nov. 18, 9:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.
at the Duval County Extension
Service, 1010 N McDuff Ave.
"This workshop is especially
helpful for those who have had
accounts closed because of
.bounced checks," says Anita
McKinney Extension Educator
and coordinator for the pro-
gram. There are eight credit
unions and banks in the
Jacksonville area that will open
accounts when the class is
completed. Participants devel-

op a spending and saving plan,
learn 'the latest tips for using
credit wisely and choosing and
using financial services. There
is a $40 materials fee. Call 387-
8850 to register. Five credit
unions Community First,
Florida Telco, HealthAmerica,
Jax Federal, and VyStar and
three banks Atlantic Coast,
Everbank and SunTrust are
financial institution partners
and recognize the Get
Checking Certificate.
Additional information is
available at www.coj.net,
(search for get checking).

Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Bennie Furlong for City Council Seat 6, District 3


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November 3, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra, Leader

November 3, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


church's Council of Catholic Jackie Souza from Second at 5461 Commonwealth
ST A LUTHERAN CHURCH Women is hosting the event Hand Rose Nursery will be the Avenue in Jacksonville. A
T* rlLU r RAN'. CH URCH which is open to all women. guest speaker at the family-friendly comedy show
SThe theme for the World Encourager's Luncheon on featuring Tim Hawkins will be
R B A E :ALE Community Day meeting is Thursday, Nov. 9 at Neptune held at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. on
; "Siginsof Healing." The church Baptist Church. Her topic will Saturday at the Robinson
Pholo SUBMITTED IA 1 MANkii i i address is First Avenue at 5th be the care of house plants. Theatre on the UNF campus.
~IFT'i C! ANDLI 'APR^S Street N. in lacksonville Call the church office at 249- Tickets are $10 in advance and
Members of St. n j "' Beach. 2307 for reservations for the $15 at the door. The event is a
Andrew's,, -L,',, event that is for adults 55 and fundraiser for Youthquake
Lutheran, Christian Concert above. There is a $5 donation Live.
Church, from The Stevenson Family will at the door. The church
Chm The Stevenson Famil will address is 407 Third Street in Book Sale
left, Allan. Martin, perform at 9 a.m. on Sunday Ne B
Lynda Padrta. at Christ Upited Methodist eptune each. St. Paul's Catholic Church
-Carol -Laird,P aand -" "' Church in a concert blending Incredible Edibles Book Sale will hold a Book
music, humor, praise, and Sale today through Nov. 5.
Carla Irle offer ....music, humor, praise,a
items for sale at insight. All are welcome to The th annual Incredible Used books, CD's, DVD's. and
temsattend and united to join the Edibles will be held from 8 videos will be available for
the church's fall 10:15 a.m. Sunday service fol- a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, sale in the parish gym. For
Craft and Bake : lowing the concert. The Nov. 18 at St. Paul's by the Sea information call 249-2600.
Salechurch address is 400 Penman Episcopal Church. Containers The parish gym is at First
Saturday. oad in Neptune Beach.of homemade soups, Avenue and Fifth Street in
casseroles, and baked goods Jacksonville Beach.
: will be for sale along with
Holiday Concert craft items, books, and theme Family Matters
S '' Pnolo SUBMITTED A holiday concert featuring baskets. The French Cafe will "Family Matters, a Parenting
harpists Kayo Ishimaru and serve breakfast and lunch. Conference" will be held on
Volunteers help Richard Fleisher and violinist The church is at 465 11th Ave. Nov. 10-12 at Christ Episcopal
at the yard sale Jennifer Carsillo will held at N in Jacksonville Beach. Church. Speakers will include
to benefit St. 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. three nationally recognized
Andrew's 18 at Palms Presbyterian Fine Arts Concert parenting experts. The confer-
.... .. ... "Lighthouse at St. Church. The concert, which is The next concert in the ence is free and open to the
.' .Andrew's part of the church's Fine Arts Beaches Fine Arts series will be public. Free childcare will be
Series, is free and open toLutheran Church Series, is freeprovidedwie th pre-registand open to thera-
Lutheran The church is lcch atd performance by organist
public. The church is located tion. Christ Episcopal is at 400
SraftandBake at 3410 S. Third Street in ve P San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra;
Sale Saturay. Jacksonville Beach. th Sea call 285-7390 for information.
From left, Wanda the Sea Episcopal Church. For
Giuian,.Jdyinformation contact the
.Bell,and Kathy Fruits of the Spirit church office at 249-4091. The Youth Minstry
Ma.tx hlp ith An exhibit of art work titled concert will be in the church The Youth Ministry at
Mat the yard sale. "Fruits of the Spirit" will be at sanctuary at 465 11th Ave..N. Christ Church is also organiz-
Sthe yard sale. the Bethel Gallery at Ponte in Jacksonville Beach. ing a teen camp-out on Nov.
Vedra Presbyterian Church 10-12. Speakers from the
through Nov. 26. Works in dif- Youthquake Live Parenting Conference will
Hope for the Holidays expectations for the holidays the church's Christian Family through ent media. 26. Worktis agesin di- Youthquake Live Parenting will perform to the yre Area
A bereavement specialist for those who have lost a Center. ferentmediabyartstsages6 outhquake Live will perform churches are welcome to bring
from Community Hospice of loved one. For information through 18 years old will be from 8 to 10 P.M today at.their youth groups; contact
Northeast Florida will lead a contact Terry Totman at 285- Church Women United featured. The gallery is at 4510 Paxon Revival Center. For Josh Fordenbacher at Christ
7390 t 231 ChstPalm Valley Road in Ponte information, contact the Church for registration for the
pastoral care program from 7 7390, ext. 231. Christ The November meeting of Vedra; call 285-8225 for infor- Youthquake office at Christ youth camp.
to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday at Episcopal Church is at 400 San Church Women United will.be nation. the Redeemer Church at 285-
Christ Episcopal Church. The Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra; the held today at 10 a.m. at St. Encourager's Luncheon 8009. Paxon Revival Center is
program will focus on positive event will be in Room 208 in Paul's Catholic Church. The

I i CUHRIST EPDISCOflPAi Ci. URCiHci III n-7 1Wr_.7 hi7 Wit771h 1

T- ; AlN.J.J.KhLa A .a. Z .-J..rA J 'UIJ.. A J. JA.L
.400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
: ., ',.. ,." WeOO0.d _.:00PM-Aoly/e harisfnOJir, r
S EvefhingPrayer in theik hapel '
6:00 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. -
Nursery Available for Saturday -'
& Sunday Services
All are welcome ChristEpiscopalChurch.org
O'f Coqgregarion meets at
Castiloo de Mlexico
1222 S. Third Street
*53-9910 | -
Surlay s
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
r A TraditionalAnglican Churchi
Holy Communion
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. To advertise your
Holy Trinity meets in the Old Chapel Religious Services
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 here call
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32240-0294 249-9033
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar

A n,,gcan Ch rch Your Family
A i'orstup-centered e angelical congregation ThI is
in heAnglican tradition
3Mfleqring ah,Sabal Palm Elementary ve .
iibliiurl201 N:K'ernan Blid 1 .rr,
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am
Sunday School: 9:00 am
Howne Groups or. weeknights around Jacksornvlle
Prayer and Healing Sen ce, Secono Sundays. 7 a pn
OWffe -95 Ma,0 ad At' e.n 242-1.9400. caiar., org
IMe.- .c e. .-.j..ar c om.ui.. et- .n '<- -c ~ e ^


United Methodist

Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church
S"Where friends gather ro worship"
4510 Palm Valley Road (CR 210)
Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle, High School, College
Adult Ministries
Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Msits

ST. ANDREW'S ( ELA, ST. FRANCIS St. Paul's by the Se
(BY THE SEA) gafon EPISCOPAL CHURCH Episcopal Church
,, A Stephen Ministry Congregation 89 Roa
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575
PASTOR MICHAEL BLAKER 895- alm Valley Road .,
Sunday Worshi Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112 'I rl1e .9f
Sunday Worship www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org
8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday, Oct. 8 Welcome Families Children's Chapel
Sunday School 10am HOLY EUCHARIST & & Singles Nursery At 7:30 &
Children 9:15 am BLESSING OFTHE ANIMALS & Singles Christian Formati
Youth/Adult 9:15 am Bring your live and toy animals as we Corner of 5th St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL w
Nursery Provided celebrate ST. FRANCIS DAY. 904-249-409'

Worship Opportunities SUNRISE
9:00 a.m. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH
11:15 a.m. Traditional*
*Kids Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church
Sunday School
10:00 a.m. for all ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
Rev. Jeff Bennett.Pastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
Adam Myers, Youth
35 Executive Was, PVB, 298 Aquatic Drive
Across AIA from Rawlings School
Behind Prosperity Bank Atlantic Beach
280-5141 www.pv-umc.org
"Connecting the Unconnected" Phone: 249-3030

1050 HIighway AIA 285-4288
Sunday School 9:00am
Worship 10:15am
newbeginningsbc @clearnvire.net
wu w.onlinewithnewbeginnings.com-

'- "'.r

ICE .- .-. .

At 10 am Sun.
& 10 am Services Sun.
on At 8:45 am

S p:r.$ ,. er a n c rurch

T6-e.Paltn&.0asis! iiri
the Grace of Jesus Ckrist
,rerve God's Mission in the World

Sunday Worship Services
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.

Nursery at all services
Sunday School
All.ages 9:40 a.m.
34 0 South rid Street. Jacksonv.ile Beac
Pn 904-246-6427 sww paimrns:hurcn or

Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
(Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Traditional
Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
Bio M ARIMuA NE PnUPBE M Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
Nursery Provided -
Pastor Steve McCoy CHRIST
Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249.5370
TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ


50 HURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH eAlantc Beach FL 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
D Rev.Dr. Gae Goodman, Paslor (ELCA) Bpmis rh Come worship with us by the ocean Father Joseph Meehan
"Church Ofice 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING Traditi ices Street WEEKEND MASSES
Preschool/Kindergarlen Office 241-7335 P4CTraditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m.
www communitypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Serice 8:00 & 9:00 amSuday.m.
Schedule: Rev Julie FrankPastor SUNDAY Celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor Sunday 9 a.m., 11 am.
Sunday Moring Worship 8:30 & 11a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship m r on Senice 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
ChurCh School All Ages 9:45 a m. 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00, 830, 10:00, RECONC LIATION
Youth Fellowships 5pm m 30am 6:30pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper Saturday 10:00 a.m. or by appt.
Contemporary Worship Serv. 559p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for Every Age & Life Situation 6:30 Choir, Bible Study,Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. RELGIOUS EDUCATION
Chn Wednesdays Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3) 7:15p.m. (4-6gr.)
ChancelChoir Wednesdays7p. en olds unday LBW Worship 11:00am www.nepunebapist.org Ntune Beach James Collins, AssocatePastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Sunday 6:00 p.m. (7-H.S.)
Weekday PreschooltKindergarlen (3, 48& 5 yr 01ds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 94-249.2307 www.fccbdoc.com/emalh:tccbdocObellsouth.net 246-6014

V, Palm Valley Baptist Church
489LI Palm Valle- Road. Ponte Vedra
a- :Mandrin--
rx ,. Emeril:pemlmcrhunh(4bells,-.uLhrter
Sunday School for all ages ...: 9:15am
Sunday Worship
Service 10:30am rviTim
Sunday Evening Service imes
Bible Study 6:00pm Saturday 5:00, pm
Wednesday Family. Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am
Dinner 6:00pm (904) 268-2500
Wednesday Bible Study 6:pm (904)268-2500
for all ages 7:00pm www.MandarinChristian.com
A Southern Baptist Church 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy..

UBETlf H&L r. abb Eli E-r Y'elrida, PhD Sprnrtual Leader OCEANSIDE
-.,,.. 3.,.. an ,U, .F. F~,enJdnt CHURCH OF CHRIST T FIRST BAPTIST
N.o- c Bld. Pn"daBc. 941025 Snug Harbor Court
288 N. Roscoe Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach. 904273-9100 (f) 273-5567 (off MayportRd. atW. 11th St. and Orchid
Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 -12:00 noon S St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 B 5ibl tudy 9.m.
We have, a fill range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish Atlantc Bch,246-2709 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
community. Please contact our office m-f 8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
"A bomeforJewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
.,m5 y"aa -UAL Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing Impaired

U- U _



_ ___


rage 8A -

Sewing for the good of others

Annual project brings holiday cheer

to many children at the Beaches


Jo Schiebler stitches together a holiday stocking for the,
Presbyterian Women's Christmas project..

The Presbyterian Women of
Community Presbyterian
Church met last week. to
begin work on their annual
Christmas stocking project.
The women spent several
hours cutting and stitching
together 140 Christmas
In December, the stockings
will be filled and then donat-
ed to Atlantic Beach
Elementary School, Mayport
Elementary School, and
Jacksonville, Beach'
Elementary School for distri-
bution to students at each
school, said Jean Lindsay,
Vice-Moderator of special
events for the group.
"When they are delivered,
the stockings are.overflowing.
Each one has a stuffed ani-
mal at the top," she said.
The congregation and fami-
lies of. students in .,the
church's nursery school and
kindergarten donate the
stuffed animals, other small
toys, books, crayons, and per-
sonal care .items fo fill the
The women's' group has
been doing this project "for-
ever" or, at least for over 20
years, said Mary Lee Heaton,.
the group's Historian.
In addition, they will again

-.* -- a~l --

this year donate the proceeds
,from the sale of "Community
Cooks", the church cookbook
to local charities.
"All of the proceeds from
selling the cookbook go to
local charities. Last
Christmas, we donated a total
of $3000 to six local chari-
ties," said Lindsay.

Briefs: Continued from A-7

Mommy & Me
Chabad (@, the Beaches offers-
a fall session of Mommy & Me
and Bagel Babies activities for
children from 6 to 30 months
old. Aits and crafts, exercises,
baking, music and other expe-
Ilences will be included in the
activities for the children.
Contact Leah Kurinsky at
Chabad for information and
times by calling 285-1588.
Chabad is located at 521 Al1A
Nin Ponte Vedra.

Gqspel Night
,1 e Gospelaires..will perform
in concert at 6:30 p.m. on
Sunday at First Christian
Church of the Beaches.
Tapestree will also perform at
the gospel music concert,,
which is free and open to the
public. The church address is
2125 Oceanfront in Neptune

Divorce Care Class
Palm Valley Baptist Church
offers a Divorce Care Class
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on
Wednesday. The 13-week
class is held, in the church
sanctuary at 4890 Palm Valley
Road in Ponte Vedra.
Childcare is provided. For
information, contact the
office at 285-2447.,

Prayer for Schools
On Thursday from 9:30 to 11
a.m, a group meets at the
Winston Family, YMCA to
pray for school; media, fami-

lies, and church. .The YMCA
is on Landrum Lane in Ponte
Vedra. For information call

Happily Ever After
A marriage skills workshop
called Happily Ever After is
offered.: by Vivian Bowlus,
M.Ed., LMHC,. and, certified
Pre-marital Instructor at Ponlite
Vedra United Methodist
'Church. The toui-hour ses-
sions will be held on the first
Saturday of the month and
" begin at R-30 am. I or inalmifa
tron and' reglstrjtion visit
www. happily-.ever-after-
fl.com. The church address, is
35. Executive Way 'in Ponte
Celebrate Recovery
A biblical based program for
persons facing personal prob-
lems,. meets every Friday at
6:30 p.m. in the fellowship
hall of Beach United
Methodist Church, 3rd Street
at 7th Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach. The pro-
gram emphasizes that through
worship and same-gender
small groups, people can. work
on personal struggles such as
eating disorders, alcohol/drug
abuse, and codependency. The
evenings begin with dinner.
Call 249-2343.
Thrifty fashions
The Mandarin Christian
Women's. Club November
Luncheon will feature
"Holiday Fashions for Less" on
Nov. 14 at the Ramada Inn in

Mandarin. The luncheon cost
$13.50 and will be held from
noon to 1:30 p.m. Doors open
at 11:30 a.m. Holiday fashions
from local thrift shops will be
displayed. Speaker Meryl
Bishop of Stonecroft Ministries
International will discuss, "You
Cannot Discover New Oceans
Unless You Have the Courage
to Lose Sight of the Shore!"
Reservations for lunch and a
free nurser\' can be made by
calling Cande at 908-5609 or
,Char 287-6814.
I MerfW:group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
,Hall. The church address is
4140 Hodges Blvd.'For infor-
mation call 223-6922.,
The men's group from
Calvary Anglican Church
meets at 6:15 a.m. Friday at
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach
Boulevard at San Pablo Road.
A men's Bible study is held
at 7 am. Monday at Ponte
Vedra United Methodist
Church, 35 Executive, Way.
Ponte -Vedra Beach.
Palms Presbyterian 'men's
* Bible study is held at 7 a.m.
Wednesday in the Youth
Center/Fellowship Hall.
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts for
r men at 7 a.m.. .
I St. Paul's by the rSea
1 Episcopal Church has a Men's
1 Prayer Group and Bible Study

Church Activities for Kids

The following events are held at Beaches area
churches on Wednesdays for youngsters:
*Palm Valley Baptist Church 'at '4890 Palm
Valley Road in Ponte Vedra has a family dinner at
6 p.m. and children and youth Bible study at 7
p.m. Call 285-2447.
*Sunrise Christian Church youth group meets 7
p.m. to 8:30 p.m., beginning with group praise
and worship, followed by small groups for fellow-
ship, Bible study and prayer.The church is at 298
Aquatic'Drive, Atlantic Beach. Call 249-3030.
*Bethlehem Lutheran Church atl423 8th Ave.
N., Jacksonville Beach has Junior High Youth,
Group actii ties from 6:45 to 8 p.m. The Senior
High Youth Group meets on Tuesda\s from 7 to 8
p.m. Call 249-5418.
*Christ Episcopal Church at Solana Road and
San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra offers dinner in the
parish hall for youth and families at 6:15 p.m., A
children's art program is held from 7 to 8 p.m.
Church choir school to develop musical skill
and Christian formation is offered for age .3
through sixth grade prior to Wednesday evening
dinner. The school 'is free and is given by Dr.
Timothy McKee, Music Director of the church.
Call 285-6127. .
*Youths in grades six through 12 meet at 7 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. on Sundays following Sunset at
Palms in the Youth Center/Fellowship Hall at
Palms Presbyterian Church, 3410 3rd St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 246-6427.
*Dynamic Disciples (grades K-5) has resumed at
First Christian Church of the Beaches from 6:30
to 7:45. Teens in Motion Youth Group meets for
special events and trips. The church address is
2125 Oceanfront, Neptune Beach. Call 246-2010.
. *Family Bible Church at 4760 Palm Valley Road
has Building Blocks for children ages 3 to 6 and
Kids Club for grades one through 5 meeting at

7:15 p.m. Bridge Builders for grades 6 through 12.
meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call 280-5694.
*Kernan Blvd. Baptist Church it 4000 Keman
Blvd. S. has YouthAlive with Bible Study and wor-
ship for grades seven though 12 from fiom 7 to
7:45 p.m. Preschool and children's choirs
through 6th grade meet from 7 to 7:45 p.m.. Call
641-4588. ; '
*Youth from Beach United Methodist Church,
Third Street at 7th Avenue North, .lacksonmille
Beach, meet 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at various locations.
Directions to Wednesday meetings are handed
out at 24 7, the church's Sunday night worship
service for youths, held 6 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
*New Beginnings Baptist Church at 1050 State
Road AlA in Ponte Vedra offers Kids K'Nextion for
ages 3 to fifth grade, Praise Band, and middle and
high school youth activities beginning at 6:30
and 7:30 p.m. Call 285-4288.
*Ponte Vedra United Methodist Church at 35
Executive Way in Ponte Vedra has activities for
youth meet 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cherub and
Children's choir meet at 5:45 p.m. Youth Creative
Arts Ministry is from 5:45 to 8 p.m. Other youth
activities are held during the week; and Junior
and Senior High Youth Group meet on Sundays
from 6 to 8 p.m. Call 280-5141.
*Neptune Baptist Church at 407 Third Street in
Neptune Beach has games, drama, music, and
topical messages for youth from grade six through
twelve. Sixth through eighth graders meet from
6:30. to 7:30 p.m. and ninth through twelfth
graders meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call 249-2307.
*Community Presbyterian Church has Cherub
Choir at 4 p.m. and Junior Choir at 5 p.m. Senior
high school students meet at 3:30 p.m. to discuss
issues at "Trash Talk." Call 249-8698 for informa-

which meets on the first and
third Saturday of the month
at 8 a.m. in Stormes Hall. The
men's group also participates
in outreach efforts. All are
welcome to attend. The
address is 465 11th Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach. .
Sunrise Community Church
offers Men's Study Groups at 6
:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. -on
Wednesday. Contact the
church office at 249-3030 for
information; the church
address is 298 Aquatic Drive
in Atlantic Beach.

On Oct. 24 at Community Presbyterian Church, members of the
Presbyterian Women sew stockings. They are, from left, .Florine
Ames, Jo Schiebler, Mary Ann Grigsby and Lura St. Clair..

St Paul's 3rd AnnualI

Book Sale

^ November 3rd, 4th & 5th

8 AM 1 PM Daily
1/2 Price & Bag Sale
on Sunday, Nov. 5th

Corner of 5th Street & 1' Ave. North


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November 3, 2006

The Beaches Leadelr/Ponte Vedra. Leader

nm 0 A



"V-yS-"'WfWhg p;*-,**asigsafs* tir s .

1.1'I 1


November 3, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A*



Quick jabs,

from the

sports page


S somewhat ironic that

track coach Trevor
Graham has been indict-
ed for obstructing the govern-
ment's steroid probe since he,
was the one who started it. In
2003, a disgruntled Graham
mailed a half-filled syringe of
the previously undetected"
steroid THG to the U.S. Anti-:
Doping Agency, triggering the
now infamous BALCO case.
Graham, who faces charges of
lying to investigators, appar-
ently had a falling out with
sprinter Marion Jones over
money and sent the designer '
steroid to authorities as
revenge. At one time the
coach trained Jones, Tim
Montgomery and Justin
Gatlin among others. At least'
seven of Graham's former
athletes have tested positive.
for performance-enhancing
drugs. ..

And speaking of steroids,
Mets reliever Guillermo
Mota has been suspended
for 50 games after testing
positive. The 33-year-old
pitcher issued an immediate
apology and took responsi-
bility for his actions and
that's commendable, but
the fact is he cheated and
the suspension is warranted.

Florida head basketball
coach Billy Donovan says just
because the Gators won last
season's national champi-
onship it doesn't mean they
were the best team. "I don't
think the [NCAA
Tournament] crowns the best
basketball team,' Donovan
told USA Today. "I think it
crowns the team that was
able to win six games. And if
you look at the field of 65,
there's 59 teams we didn't
play," With an outlook like
that, it's clear Donovan won't
let his team become overly-,
Byron or David? While
Jaguars head coach Jack Del'
Rio may be playing coy
about the team's starting
quarterback Sunday against
the Titans, it's pretty clear
that if Leftwich is even 70-
percent healthy, he'll be
behind center.'
Though the NBA season
started Tuesday, it's such a
long grind that even players
don't get into it until after
Christmas, according to
Charles Barklev. The former
Houston Rocket and
Philadelphia 76er says the the
first two months of the sea-
son are for getting into shape
and evaluating the team.
After the holidays, Barkley
claims, it gets serious.,

Whether Chris Leak had a
concussion in last week's
game against Georgia or
not, expect Florida Gators
freshman QB Tim Tebow to
see more significant action
this week against
Vanderbilt. Coach Urban
Meyer lamented not getting
Tebow any passing attempts
against the Bulldogs, so he's
likely to rectify that situa-
tion on Saturday.

Best bet for the weekend:
The Nease High Panthers to
complete their first undefeat-
ed football season since 1992.
Nease will host the Bartram
Trail Bears, a team they beat
last year, 7-6, with freshman
QB Kam Fasnacht playing in
place of Ted Stachitas who
had suited up for a junior var-
sity game earlier in the year
and was out of regular-season

Panthers seek berth in Final Four

SBy ROBERT-DeANGELO to be an advantage for Nease
SPORTS EDITOR against the Eagles. At times
S-- With a chance to equal the this season the Panthers gym
best performance in Nease vol- has been packed with Nease
leyball history, Panthers co- : fans emitting a cacophony of
Sc. oach Dawn Madden support for the home team.
described her players as "excit- But it is the Panthers' with-
ed and confident, but not ering attack that was likely to
r over-confident" prior to give South Lake trouble in the
SThursday night's regional final regional final. Led by senior
against South' Lake. setter/outside hitter Meghan.
The Panthers were set to Sherman, the Panthers also
take the court against a potent feature height (middle blocker
: A: Eagles squad that lost only Christina Vergo), power
two games all (Sherman, Paige
S season both DePriest, Laura
Orlando's Bishop /Phillips), experi-
.Moore. ence tfiv'e seniors)
", "They've got a and good defense
.,v 'great record but from Tara Carrigan,
the fact that we \ W\Vesley-Ann Barden
S.. = : beat Bishop Moore and others.
last week gives us a bit "If we play well, we
of confidence,' Madden should beat South Lake,"
i. :.', .. > -S said. Madden said. "I think it's
From what we've seen tough for teams to prepare
on film and the scouting for us because we have a
S reports we've gotten from number of players who can
coaches, they've got a ball- step up and play key roles.
.-. .. ,j~ pjl W~ I r | ....i,.- ,control offense, good blockers "If a team sees tapeofus
S" and a scrappy defense. We've from one game, they may try
.-- L-''........ been able to prepare for them to stop a certain player. But
S' all week.' this is the most versatile team
South Lake took care of St. we've had since I've been
Augustine in three games, 25- coaching and there's always'
'- .'''"13, 28-26, 28-19, in the,' someone else who can elevate
: .. J regional semifinals, utilizing a her game whenwe need it."
stead, attack and a front line Nease High's, 1994 team
..... :, ... -' : ... "n .- .A that.features 5'9" Amber made it to the state's final four
S. .,i Pederson, 6'l" middle blocker anida .winIhursday would put:
S.. Madeline Zecman and outside this year's squad in the same
hitter Danielle Sewell, who position. Should the Panthers.
-. -..... .--.r- stands 5'11'. advance, they'll likely face an
_If the St. Augustine team :undefeated Fort Lauderdale
phoir i m uR that showed up to play us Cardinal Gibbons team. The
The Nease Hh Path three times thi eaon had thifampis,ons7-0, have on fol-
entered Thursday nlght'shown up for that match, I 'state volleyball champi-
al final led by senior outside hit- think they could have won,' onships.
ter/setter Meghan Sherman. A said Madden. "But [the Yellow The state semifinals take
win puts Nease in the state vol- Jackets] just didn't play very place in Lakeland on
Sleyball final four to be played in swell and certainly didn't have WVednesday, No,, 8 with the
Lakeland next week. their best game." championship game the fol-
A home crowd was certain lowing day.

Football poised to finish perfect season
'P O. .. .

Every football player who wore a Nease High jersey
last year received a state championship ring.
For more than 20 seniors on the 2005 squad, it was
the capstone to their careers.
But for many underclassmen,
including several who started in the
Class 4A state title game, winning
state was just the start of something It's 'o
great in their prep careers. It going
"We had some really good players same as
last year," Danny Cowgill, Nease's
defensive coordinator, remarked last played St.
week after the Panthers routed We can't
Nliddleburg 49-0 to run the table in
District 5-4A and improve to 9-0 on mistakes.
the season.
"But this year guys came out at the
beginning of this season on a mission. fCraiC
They said, 'We are going to show
them that we are not done.' And what Panthers
is really cool is that last year's team
was great; but this team has a chance to eclipse them."
Nease finished 13-2 overall last season, and went 8-2
in the regular season.
This.year, the top ranked Panthers (9-0, 4A No. 11 are
bidding for an unbeaten regular season, something that
hasn't been done at Nease since 1992.
"An undefeated season is the greatest thing ever,".said
junior quarterback Ted Stachitas after last week's
shutout win.
"We want'to go 10-0."
"It's fairly significant for us," added head coach Craig

Howard, whose .ltant,,epitex;.tai4ns county .Nal BartMam
Trail k9-1l today at Panther Stadium.
"It's a standard, and something that has only been,
done once in school history. But, by the same token, it's
the 10th game of the season, it's a non-district game and
the playoffs are next week.
"'You don't want to go into the play-
offs on a downer. You want to have
momentum. And you have to play it
Close to the vest with your injuries."
o to be the Nease ,sat bout high school All-'
when we Americari lineman James Wilson last
Week, and played all-state tackle candi-
Augustine. date Clyde 'Yandell sparingly on
make any offense.
Star running back Zach Tronti took
only one handoff in the first half.
But Howard is going to need all his
horses tonight against the visiting and
Howard state-ranked, 5A No. 6 Bears, who lost
oach a one-point, Week 10 game to Nease
head coach last November.
"It's going to be the same as when
we played St. Augustine," said Howard, whose team
beat the 3A No. 2 YellowJackets 19-1 earlier this season.,
"We can't make any mistakes. The kicking game is
going to be really important. Both teams have good
quarterbacks, defenses and linemen. Their defense has
given people fits. they run a 3-3 stack and do a lot deal-
ing and moving so it will be an exciting challenge for
our guys to block it."
Bartram's only loss this season was to St. Augustine, so
a Bears win would essentially mean that no team can,
claim a mythical county title. ,

. Cowgill believes Bartram's balanced 'o6 ise'i' % e
his unit's best test of the season. The Bears have passd
for 1,293 yards in nine games and rushed for 1,316.
Junior quarterback Kyle Parker is the X-factor in
Bartram's spread option.
"He's a good one. He can run," said Cowgill, whose 4-
3 defense recorded its fifth shutout last week, one more
than last year's state title team.
"They have always been an option team, but the dif-
ference this year is that they are running more' out of
the shotgun and they throw the ball a lot better than in
"And when there is nothing open, [Parker] cab run
around and make stuff happen. We'll watch the films
and come up with something."
Howard said Bartram's stacked defense takes away a
lot of running lanes. And on top of that, the Bears like
to blitz.
"So, they can hurt your passing game," said Howard,
whose team has rushed for more than 2,100 yards and
passed for more than 1,300.
"And they have an ability to stop great running backs.
They're two-time district champions just like us so it's a
good matchup. It's a meaningful game and it will be
special to watch."
A win will be special to players such. as Stachitas,
Wilson, Yandell, Danny Russell and Kyle Timpane, sen-
iors who hope to enter the playoffs with a supreme reg-
ular season behind them.
"You play to win the games," Cowgill, a 1991 Nease
grad, added.
"One of the battle cries they had this. season was a
new identity."
10-0 will certainly do that.

Big andmean or a Teddy Bear?


27. 1

:. ,'I '
,,,. ,' ..
Jaguars defensive tackle John Henderson snarls after making a
play against the New York Jets Oct. 8 at Alltel Stadium.

When they talk about great
defensive linemen in the NFL,.
no list is complete without the
name of John Henderson. The
Jaguars defensive tackle, literally
towers over most of the other,
men on that list.
Taken in the first round of
the 2002 draft by Jacksonville,
the 6'7", 326-pounder
out of Nashville,
Tenn. is-not only a .
fearsome competi-
tor with, a ,
bulk to halt .
enemy attacks,
but Henderson has
deceptive speed that. allows
him far more mobility than
would be expected. In short,
he's just the kind of defensive
tackle that coaches dream of
and seldom find in the draft.
"Mean John," as he's been
jokingly referred to by Jaguars
on the home front, comes clos-
er to that long-ago advertising
slogan for razor blades tough
but oh, so gentle. Opposing
players who have been
stonewalled and bounced
around by Henderson might
find the "gentle" aspect stretch-
ing the truth a bit. They'd be far
more likely to put the defensive

tackle more in the class of a
not-so-jolly green (teal, anyway)
giant. Or the.ogre that con-
fronted Jack at the top of, his
But big number 98 denies his,
"My mom used to call me her
teddy bear," Henderson recently
confided with a sheepish grin.
"I'm not mean; I just like to take
guys out who are in my way."-
Uh-huh. That's.
; what mob bosses
in the moves say,
Not only is
WI,& Henderson danger-
V.,y ous to foes, but he's
} very durable a rare trait
U among his teammates,
most of whom are in and
out of the medical and training
rooms with regularity. Big John
has not missed a game in his
four-year pro career and has
started 61 of 65 games,
When he arrived in the NFL,
Henderson let them all know
from the start he meant busi-
ness. He tied a single-game
record with three sacks in his
first Jaguars start and finished
with 6.5 sacks in his rookie sea-
Last year, Henderson started
15 games and played in all 16
during the season. He led the
defensive line with 83 tackles

(62 solo), which ranked fifth on
the team. Big John finished the
year with nine tipped or
blocked passes and 20 quarter-
back pressures.
Add to those totals three
sacks, four tackles for a loss and
one forced fumble, and it's easy
to see why Henderson was such
an intimidating presence in
2005. He recorded a season-
high 12 tackles, eight of them
.solo, two for a loss, and batted
down two passes at Indianapolis
against the Colts on his way to
becoming a Pro Bowl selection.
Henderson's best game of the
season came at Houston on
Dec. 24 while registering two
sacks of Texans QB David Carr
He also forced a fumble in that
game and recorded seven tack-
les, six of the solo variety.
In Jacksonville's first-round
playoff loss at New England,
Henderson had five tackles (two
solo) and deflected one Tom
Brady pass.
Off the field and aside for his
accomplishments as a top
defensive tackle, Henderson is
one of the most active Jaguars
in the community. He gives his
time and money to a variety of
causes and charities.'
If that makes Big John mean,
the Jaguars head coach Jack Del
Rio would like to have a team
stocked with "meanies."

) I


November 3, 2006

Pa0r -O Th-ece edrPneVdaLae







TERRY'S 1-11
BRIX 10-3
G.D.M. 4-10
Oct. 30

Aqua Aerobics
Water exercise program pro-
vides a total body workout for
people of all ages and fitness
levels. Classes include exercise
for aerobic conditioning, flexi-
bility and strength.
Shallow water classes take
place Monday to Friday morn-
ings and evenings; deep water
classes Mon. Weds. and Sat.
For more information contact
the UNF Aquatic Center at 620-
Basketball League
Beaches Basketball League
winter registration for boys and
girls ages 3 years old through
5th grade is taking place now
through Dec. 1. The season
runs from Jan. 2 until March
and features a 38-game sched-
For more information sisit
beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-

Flag Football
Flag Football registration for
kids ages 5-17 is underway. The
deadline to register is Nov. 4.
Winter season leagues, which
will run from December
through February, are forming
throughout the First Coast area,
including at the University of
North Florida, Ponte Vedra
Beach, Mandarin and Orange
For information, locations,
dates and to register, visit
www.i9sports.com or call
(904) 992-4263.
The Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation's Red Trout Classic
will take place Nov. 3-4 at
Camachee Cove Marina in St.
Augustine. This is a catch-and-
release event.
Guides and anglers will team
up to fish for redfish and tout
while raising money to help
fund cystic fibrosis medical

Aneurism claims veteran pitcher Niekro

F' ormer Major League ,
F pitcher Joe Niekro passed,
away last Friday from a
brain aneurysm at the age of
6,1. Known for his knuckle-
ball, Niekro pitched for seven
teams between 1967-88 and
finished with a record of 221-
A brain aneurysm, also -
known as a cerebral or
intracranial aneurysm, is an
abnormal bulging of one of
-J the arteries in the brain.
Unfortunately, brain
aneurysms are often discov-'
ered when they rupture, caus-
ing bleeding into the brain..
This bleeding can lead to a
stroke, brain damage and in
Niekro's case, sudden death.
It is estimated that up to
one in'15 people in the ,
United States will develop a
brain aneurysm during their
lifetime. The annual incidence
'of -hemorrhage from a brain
aneurysm in the U.S. exceeds-
31),000 people. .
Sadly, 10-15 percent of
these patients will die before
reaching the hospital, and ,
nearly 50 percent die within
30 days after rupture.
Of those who survive rup-

ture of their aneury sm, about
half suffer some permanent
neurological deficit.
While a person may be free
of symptoms of unruptured
cerebral aneurysms, in
approximately 40 percent of
cases people will report such
complaints as penpheral
vision deficits, altered concen-
tration, altered speech, behav-
ioral changes, altered memory,
and fatigue.
Symptoms of ruptured cere-
bral aneurysms include
headache, often described as
"the worst headache in my
life." Other symptoms include

nausea and vomiting, stiff
neck or neck pain, blurred
vision or double vision; pain
above and behind the eye,
dilated pupils, hypersensitivi-
ty to light, and loss of sensa-
tion., .
Brain aneurysms can occur.
in people of all ages, but are
most commonly detected in
those ages 35 to 60.
Women are actually more
likely to get a brain aneurysm \
than men, with a ratio of 3 to'
Cerebral aneurysms are
diagnosed by a CT brain scan.
The main goals of treatment
are to prevent rupture, or
once ruptured, to stop the
bleeding, reduce permanent
damage to the brain, and
reduce the risk of recurrence.'
Treatment may include surgi-
cally clipping the aneurysm,
or embolizing it through a
mnicrovascular technique.
loe Niekro and older broth-
er, Phil, won 539 games, a
malor league record for broth-
ers. Joe went 21-11 for
Houston in 1979 and 20-12 in
1980, becoming the first' Astro
to win 20 games in consecu-
tive seasons.
,' In 1985, the Astros traded

the 40-year-old Joe Niekro to,
the New York Yankees. He
then finished out his career in
Minnesota, where he pitched
in his first and only World
Series in 1987.
Joe Niekro is probably
most famous for being caught
on the mound with a nail file
in his pocket, while trying to
scuff up the ball to increase
the action on his knuckleball
during a game. He was sus-
pended for 10 games when
umpires discovered the file.
Niekro claimed that he was
filing his nails in the dugout,
but baseball officials of course
knew better and handed him
his suspension.
This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports,
medicine, and safety. It is not
intended to serve as a replace-
ment for treatment by your regu-
lar doctor. It is only designed to
offer guidelines on the preven-
tion, recognition, and care of
injuries and illness. Specific con
cerns should be discussed with
your physician. AMail your ques-
tions to Gregon' Smith. MD' -
Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
Street, Suite 204, Femrandina
Beach, FL 32034..

, On Friday and Saturday,
check-in and breakfast begin at
6 a.m. with the first lines cast at
7 a.m. For more information
call CFF at (904) 733-3560.
Registration for the Ponte
Vedra Soccer Club's spring sea-
son will begin Nov. 6.
Electronic registration is avail-
able via the Internet at
I Registration will also take
place Saturday, Nov. 4 at Davis
Park from 10 a.m. until noon:.
Cost is $130 and all newplay-
ers must provide a copy of their
birth certificate. Children must
have turned 4 by July 31, 2006
in order to play.
Registration will end Jan. 10,,
2007 and the season takes place
from March to May. ,

Strile rfit
Strollerfit- exercise with your.
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are
talking place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and
Fort Caroline N ondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from ,

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Anew ub-4mi nte ilerits

the Jacksonville running scene

A. never there is a
sub-four minute
V V miler around you car
expect things to get stirred up
a bit. It is like putting the
proverbial cat in among the
For the next nine months o01
so, Jacksonville's running elite
may find themselves watching
a clean pair of heels.
New to town is Aaron
Lanzel, a 26-year-old Navy
man stationed at NAS
Jacksonville and a 3 minute 59
second miler. Lanzel won last
Sunday's Evergreen Pumpkin
Run 10-mile race. His time of
51 minutes and 36 seconds,
about 5 minutes and 10 sec-.
onds per mile, may, for him,
seem pedestrian but then we
must keep inmind that it was
ten times the distance of his'
preferred race. : ".:I
"I expect to be stationed.
here until at least May or June
next year," Lanzel said. "I ran
3:59 at the Prefontaine Classic
(track meet in 2004, now I
want to run all' these races'
around here and get fit again
to run;the mile at some track,
meets next summer."
Lanzel's speed paid off in
the last few yards of the race
as he out sprinted Ryan
Woods, 27, of Daytona by one
A pack of SLX, including
Lanzel, Woods and local

I4 A M


speedsters Owen Shott, Paul.
MacRae, Justiri Jacobs and
John Steinberg led the race. At
five miles Shott threw in a
surge and went to the fiont.
But he was unable to maintain
it and by the six-mile point
Lanzel and Woods cruised past
him for an unchallengeable
Shott and Jacobs finished
third and fourth in 52:52 and
53:14, respectively.
The women's race was won
by a Gainesville-based Russian,

TatianaTitova, 41, in the
excellent time of 59:55.
Local stalwart, Kimn Paivelek,
i:was second in 61:37. Familiar
faces.J.C. Pinto and Michelle
Krueger were third and fourth
in 61:56 and 62:57. Lanier
Drew (47) won the women's
masters division' in 71:01..
Orange Park's running sen-,
sation, John Metzgar (44), won
the masters division in 54:10.,
Metzgax is the current leader
in the Jacksonville G rand Prix.
Conditions for the race,
'Which was accompanied by a
5K, could not have been bet-
ter. A record crowd of over 900
turned out to take advantage
of the cool, dry day.
The Evergreen Pumpkin
Run, held inside the Evergreen
Cemetery on NorthMain
Street downtown, continues to
be. one of the most enjoyable
and competitive 'runs all year.
This Saturday look for the
Native Sun Mandarin Run. ,
S101K. This will be the 27th run-
ning of the race, making it
one of the oldest races in
Despite being one of the
oldest it is also one of the
most endangered. The 6.2-mile
distance appears to be stuck in


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a sort of no-man's-land: Too
long for the typical 5K.runrier
but too short to entice a
Consequently this once-popu-
lar race distance is losing its
following and despite being
the only 10-kilometer in town
the Mandarin Run's atten-
dance figures have been slip-r
ping for several years.
According to a very
informed source, even if it is a
Jacksonville Grand Prix race,
the Mandarin Run 10K may ,
become a casualty of the times
and more than likely will soon
be gone.
In any case, the race goes off
as usual this Saturday morning
from Mandarin Park at 8 a.m...
The course is a good, flat, fast
one complete with pretty, tree-
lined streets. $700 in prize
money is up for grabs as well
as age group awards. Interested
'runners can phone 731-1900
for more information.

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Ryder Cup
A recently opened exhibit
at the World Golf Hall of
Fame features a historical
overview of the Ryder Cup,
video of significant moments.
and artifacts donated or
loaned by Hall of Fame mem-
bers for the exhibit, which
will be open through January
The 3,6th Ryder Cup,
played between American
and European golf profes-
sionals, took place Sept. 22-
24 near Dublin, Ireland.
World Golf Hall of Fame
exhibits are open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through
Sat. and noon to 6 p.m. Sun.
Admission is $16 for adults,
$14 for seniors and military,
and $11 for children 4-12.
Youngsters under 4 are
admitted free. .
For more information, call
(904) 940-4133.

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Election: Airport authority, mosquito control board candidates on ballot

Continued from A-1
existing structure of the
County Commission.
The commission's five mem-
bers are elected by voters
throughout the county, but
each must live in the district to
which he or she is elected.
A "yes" vote would change
the County Commission to a
seven-member board. Five
members would be elected by
district, and two at-large mem-
bers would be elected by all
county voters.
Also on Tuesday's ballots are
the names of several persons
trying for places on two lesser-
known boards: The St.
Augustine-St. Johns County
Airport Authority Board and
the Anastasia Mosquito
Control District board.
The following summaries
introduce the candidates and
their platforms:

Airport Authority Board
Group 1:
Kelly Barrera
A resident of Ponte.Vedra for
18 years, Barrera brings experi-
ence from both the commer-
cial and private sides of the
aviation industry.
She has a bachelor's degree
from Jacksonville University's
College of Business with a spe-
cialty in aviation manage-
ment. In working for two
major airlines, Barrera has
experience in the management
and instruction of general
flight operations and has
worked at the Jacksonville
International Airport.
One of her biggest goals for
the Airport Authority is
becoming self sufficient in four
to six years by removing the
authority from the county's
tax rolls.
Barrera said she is interested
in taking advantage of eco-
nomic opportunities at the air-
port, such as possibly building
a light industrial park and
bringing more local businesses.
Barrera said she would focus
on finding solutions instead of
dwelling on problems.
She is married and has two

Joseph A. Ciriello
Joseph Curiello, who has four
years of previous experience
on the Airport Authority
Board, said he %will be the main
voice of the everyday people.
Ciriello served in the Air
Force, attended Northrop
Aeronautical School and
worked for Grumman and
Northrop corporations. He is
also a private pilot.
On his Web site, Ciriello
promises to ask "hard ques-
tions" and pledges to represent

all of the citizens of St. Johns
County not just. the special
interest groups that focus on
the airport. He also says he has
never missed an Authority
board meeting in the past 12
Ciriello has five children,
nine grandchildren and two
great-grand children.

Group 2:
John C. Gorman
Incumbent John Gorman
said he brings a "common
sense nview point" to the
authority board. He has lived
in St. Augustine since 1976
and currently lives three miles
north of the St. Augustine
If reelected, his primary
focus would be bringing "mom
and pop" aviation-related busi-
nesses to the airport.
Costly mandates by county
and state codes such as parking
and restroom facilities can
make starting a business more
expensive than it has to be,
Gorman said. With those facil-
ities already in place, the air-
port can make starting a local
business more affordable while
bringing in money by leasing
hanger space.
Gorman said he is also
interested in budget reviews,
saying that many expenditures
are not properly scrutinized by
the board.

James E. Havard
James E. Havard, making his
first bid for public office, said
his experience around numer-
ous airports makes him a good
candidate for the Airport
Authority board.
A former resident of Ponte
Vedra who now lives in St.
Augustine, Havard, 42, is a cor-
porate pilot who flies for a
number of owners.
"My experience around air-
ports [and] ... a little common
sense about how airports
work" make Havard "believe
that I have something to
offer," he said this week.
Havard said he would like to
"make sure that they get the
airport off the tax rolls .
which is what they're working
He says his is a "low-profile
candidacy" and he would be
"fresh blood" on the board.
"If people want to change,
I'd be happy to step in and
help out," he said.
Havard is married.

Group 3:
NM. Wayne "Buzz" George
Seeking reelection to the
Airport Authority, NM. Wayne
"Buzz" George, 66, said he
wants to finish the job he

vowed to do when he ran four
years ago: get the airport off
tthe county's tax roll.
"When I came on board
there was no financial plan on
how do you get oft the tax
rolls," George said Thursday in
a telephone interview.
"We put a plan together ..
[but] every year we've had to
tweak the plan a little bit"
because of things such as rising
costs, he said.
"We'll be off the tax rolls in
four years," according to the
plan right now, he said, "and I
think we can do it."
George was a captain in the
Air Force, with a specialty of
aircraft maintenance manage-
ment. He worked on the
Apollo space program for IBM
and worked in the hospital
software field.
A licensed pilot, George is
married with three children
.and three grandchildren.

Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones, a 36-year St.
Augustine resident, said he
would bring a practical mind-
set related to construction
projects for the airport.
With about 18 years of expe-
rience as a superintendent for
R.B. Gay Construction,
Jacksonville, Jones said he has
ideas for making construction
projects more efficient and less
That would keep the author-
ity board from having to raise
taxes, he said. The authority's
plan to become self sufficient
would be aided by raising rent
on the existing hangars,
instead of planning to build
more corporate hangars that
take 20 years to pay for them-
selves, Jones said.
Jones said he would bring
"common sense and basic
math" to the board.

Mosquito Control District
Seat 2:
Gary Howell
A lifelong resident of St.
Johns County and a former
member of the Mosquito
Control board, Gary Howell
said he thinks he can work bet-
ter with current board mem-
bers than his opponent.
He is retired from the St.
Johns County School District
and a former dean of discipline
for the First Coast Technical
His three main goals for the
board are customer satisfac-
tlib, Improviiig public infor-
mation about the board and
being conservative with tax
He said he does not support
the board in considering pur-
chasing a $2 million helicopter

to help spray pesticides in
swamp areas. He also said he
opposes a plan to consolidate
the four satellite stations
throughout the county, noting
that high fuel costs make the
plan impractical. He said he
would seek taxpayer input
before making any decision on
the board.'

Jeanne J. Moeller
Jeanne Moeller has a bache-
lor of arts degree from the
University of North Florida
and owns a small business.
She has served as a board
member of St. Johns County
United Way, the Association of
Retarded Citizens, Adams
Acres and the Daisy Adams
Center, and she is a current
member of the Learn to Read
According to a news release,
Moeller is primarily concerned
with educating the public
about the use of natural mos-
quito control techniques, plac-
ing term limits on board mem-
bers and developing a hands-
on instructional program
about mosquito control for use
in county schools.
Moeller is also concerned
with conserving taxpayer dol-
lars, especially regarding the
board's purchase of a $1.2 mil-
lion parcel to consolidate serv-
ices and the consideration of a
helicopter purchase.

Seat 4:
Tim Chiu
VWith a Ph. D in chemical
engineering, China-native Tim
Chiu wants to use his back-
ground to find the best mos-
quito protection chemicals
possible. He is owner of several
businesses which include A1A
Court Motel, A1A Hardware
and AIA Climate Controlled
Chiu wants to reduce operat-
ing costs by using "unmanned
deployment methods." This
includes unmanned, battery-
operated helicopters with the
capabilities of dispensing
Chiu said computer moni-
toring of field data collected
throughout the county will
also reduce costs. As far as
plans to consolidate the dis-
trict's substations, Chiu said
installing solar panels for hot
water and electricity will help
save money.

John Sundeman
Lifelong St. Atigustirit tesl-
dent John Sundeman said he
has more than 30 years of
experience in mosquito.con-
trol. As a former auditor of the
Anastasia Mosquito Control
District and its chief of finance

for the past three years,,
Sundeman said his main goal
is fiscal responsibility.
Sundeman said he supports
the sale of the $1.2 million
property recently purchased,
because consolidation would
be "a big mistake." He said
shutting down substations -
particularly one in Palm
Valley, which has a large mos-

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quito population would
increase response times.
He also opposes the pur-
chase of a helicopter, and
believes the board should
focus on controlling mosqui-
tos in populated areas.

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"Believe in Steve"

Six proposals would amend Florida's constitution

Ponte Vedra voters, like
those throughout the state,
will decide on six amendments
to the state constitution in
Tuesday's general election.
Following are brief descrip-
tions of what each amend-
ment, if approved, would do.
Also included with each is an
estimate of financial impact.
The information was taken
from a free, nonpartisan
voter's guide to the amend-
ments www.votesmartflori-

Amendment 1
Title: State Planning and
Budget Process
The measure "would estab-
lish a long-range budget-plan-
ning process, putting both
budget and revenue estimates
together in one document."
There is no direct financial

Amendment 3
Title: Requiring
Public Support


Constitutional Amendments
or Revisions.
No. 3 "would increase the
number of votes needed to
approve ballot initiatives from
50 percent plus 1 to 60 percent
of those voting on the meas-
There is no direct financial

.Amendment 4
Title: Protect People,
Especially Youth, from
Addiction, Disease, and Other
Health Hazards of Using
Amendment 4 "would
require that 15 percent 1$57
million of the 2005 tobacco
settlement payments to Florida
would fund a statewide tobac-
co education and prevention

.Amendment 6
Title: Increased Homestead
The measure "would author-
ize the Legislature to allow
coufities to increase the maxi-

P "Copyrighted Material

7W^ Syndicated Content &

Available from Commercial News Providers",

SAW OW- Q*'OW p O- p~t 401
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mum additional homestead
exemption for low-income
seniors from $25,000 to
$50,000 effective January 1,
2007. Local counties have an
existing option of adding an
additional $25,000, therefore,
a low-income senior could
receive an exemption from
property taxes as high as
"If all counties were to fully
implement the increased
exemption and millage rates
remain the same, it could have
an impact of negative $36 mil-
lion to local revenues.

Amendment 7
Title: Permanently Disabled
Veteran's Discount on
Homestead Ad Valorem Tax
No. 7 "would lower taxes for
certain disabled veterans bv
allowing them to take a dis-
count on their homestead
property tax equal in propor-


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tion to the amount of disabili-
ty as determined by the U.S.
Department of Veterans
"The Office of Economic and
Demographic Research has
estimated the fiscal impact to
be $20.1 million.

Amendment 8
Title: Eminent Domain
This amendment "would
require that private property
taken by eminent domain
must be retained for 10 years
before it may be transferred to
another private entity. The
Legislature may provide excep-
tions to this limitation if
passed by a 3/5 votes of the
membership of each house.
"There is not a direct finan-
cial impact on taxpayers, state
or local government."




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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader




There are no

greener pastures

,M any of you know I,
have one place I go
to where I totally
unwind, become revitalized,
and thoroughly love.
It is what we in my family
refer to as "the cabin," and
it is in New Hampshire at
the foot of the White
Mountains, very close to
Squam Lake where "On
Golden Pond" was filmed.
It is a seasonal place built
back in the 1950s, and in
the summer it is my get-
away. I bellyache every fall
that I am missing the glori-
ous colors the "leafpeepers"
plan driving trips around,
and occasionally have been
there for a short week in
mid-winter when the place
is covered with snow and
the lake frozen solid.
Even then, I drive many
of you nuts, to the point
that I imagine you might
say, "Well, if you love it so
much, then go live there, or
quit whining about it."
Well, I'd like for you all to
know that I just returned
from there helping my hus-
band close the place up, and
it was as far from being
Somehow he managed to
go into the lake and unbolt
the dock and drag it to
shore. He also worked on
the boat in the frigid water.
The winds were tornado
force and it was so nasty
cold I was frozen through
the three layers of pants and
four top layers.
I tried to keep warm with
a kerosene heater, a fire in
the fireplace, and sLx heavy-
wool blankets on the bed,
but this wimpy Floridian
couldn't contend with the
Canadian weather front.
I was frozen to the bone,
and was never happier to
leave. So, I am permitting
you to remind me of that
when I carry on about how
wonderful the cabin is in
Believe me, what we do
here to prepare for winter is
a breeze when compared to
what has to be done up in
those parts. Suffice it to say,
I am glad to be home.
"If you don't play bingo,
don't go ice fishing, don't
go snowmobiling or skiing,
and don't have a wife, you
go to Florida," a local told
me while I was eating break-
fast at diner up there. I .
guess that's why we have so
many snowbirds on 1-95
now. '
Anyway, there are no '
greener pastures. So, back to
preparing for winter in
North Florida. To be perfect-
ly honest with you, I do not
know what has been pre-
dicted, but even if I did, I
wouldn't give it much cre-. .
As I've said so many
times, Jacksonville is huge,
and its micro climates are
many, typically depending
on your home's closeness to
water, so there is no stead-
' fast preparedness rule that
fits all of us and our plants.
However, we do have a
guideline which is good for
anyone no matter where
you live: get your plants as
healthy as possible. They
will be able to get through
the winter less stressed, thus
reviving more quickly and
starting spring with vigorous
Here are some ways we
can do this:
< 1.Eliminate all weeds by
either handpulling them or
spot treating them with a
weed killer like Atrazine.


* Legend visits (right)
... see B-7
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7

rage D-1

'Rising star'

plays BFAS

A "dynamic" young organist
from Britain will have a whirl-
wind visit this weekend when
he performs in the Beaches
Fine Arts Series in lacksonsille
Clive Driskill-Smith, 28, will
give a free concert at 3:30 p.m.
Sunday at St. Paul's By-The-Sea
Episcopal Church, 1150 5th St.
N., between 11th and 12th
"I think he's a rising star in
the organ field," Kathy \Wallis,
executive director of the Fine
Arts Series, said this week.
"He really has impeccable
Born in 1978, Driskill-Smith
in 1990 won a music scholar-
ship to Eton College, a board-
ing high school that is popular
with Britain's royal family.
During high school, he
played the bassoon in the
National Youth Orchestra of
Great Britain and in the
National Youth Chamber
Orchestra, according to his
Web site

See BFAS, B-2

Charles Ross

1-man 'Star

Wars' show

Charles Ross' infamous "One
Man Star Wars Trilogy" is now
showing through Sunday at the
FCCJ South Wilson Center.
The one-hour show is a non-
stop blast through the first
three "Star Wars" films
(Episodes 4, 5 and 6).
The catch: there's only one
cast member Charles Ross,
The Canadian actor plays all
the characters, recreates the
effects, sings the music, flies
the ships, and fights both sides
of the battles.
Ross first performed: the
show in January 2001.
His other act is "One Man
Lord of the Rings."
Tickets are $24-$28. The
show is presented by the FCCJ
Artist Series.
Call 632-3373 or visit

Clive Driskill-Smith brings "impeccable credentials" to Sunday's Beaches Fine Arts Series concert at St. Paul's By-The-Sea Church.

Egg art all its cracked up to he

.A. "Pat" Kilpatrick does
not put all of his eggs
nto one basket- they
would not fit
Trhe Cypress Village resident
creates decoupage eggs -
using various materials to dec-
orate their surface and has
turned his art into a crafting
business K'Eggs.
Kilpatrick opens an exhibit
of his work Saturday at
Cypress Vilage off San Pablo
Kilpatrick and his wife,
Louise, established K'Eggs in
1976 and they had their first
exhibit a year later. Since
then, K'Eggs' eggs have been
worn or exhibited in 103
countries and all seven conti-
Kilpatrick, whose nickname,
Pat, comes from his last name
and whose initials, R.A., don't
stand for anything, said he
works with the full spectrum
of birds' eggs, from the small,
such as finch eggs, to the
large, such as ostrich eggs.
For decoupage materials, he
uses postage stamps, shedded
snake and lizard skin, Origami
paper, cicada and dragonfly
wings and photographs.
Kilpatrick said he works pri-
marily with bobwhite quail

R.A. "Pat" Kilpatrick at his Cypress
Kilpatrick has 1,085 subjects
on eggs and has collections
displayed throughout his
home. In a dining room china
cabinet is a decorated ostrich
egg whose rock base is esti-
mated to be 10 million years
old, he said.
His displays include eggs
covered with snake skin. He
also uses the snakes' heads
and has covered eggs with 21
different species of snakes.
His collecting'passion also
extends to stamps, and he has
40,000 stamps in his collec-
tion, some of which are on his

prior.o r CHUCK ADAMS
Village workshop.
"It's a type of work where
you use your hands,"
Kilpatrick said of his egg col-
lection. "You're by yourself.
And if you can't get along
with yourself, you don't
belong working on eggs."
Kilpatrick was with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture for
30 years, much of that time
working in different states. He
finished up in the depart-
ment's main office near
Washington, D.C., where
spent 13 years.
After retiring in 1980, he
was offered a similar job by
the government of South

Africa, where he worked for
three years in the small town
of Bethlehem.
A native of Oklahoma,
Kilpatrick, 86, has a Ph.D. in
plant pathology.
The Kilpatricks moved to
Florida in 1995. They also
lived in Florida during World
War II, when he was based in
West Palm Beach.
The Kilpatricks have visited
all seven continents.
"Both my wife and I enjoy
traveling," he said, "so that
makes it nice. We have just
sent our papers off for going
to Ireland next July. Still trav-
eling and enjoying it."
. The Kilpatricks visited
Antarctica in 2003.
"We saw an iceberg that was
40 miles long, and our captain
said, 'Oh, that's probably
about 1,000 feet deep,' "
Kilpatrick recalled.
"It was an interesting trip.
We really enjoyed it. It was
cold, but we were dressed
The Kilpatricks have been
married 47 years. Each lost
their first spouse. Louise has
two boys, Pat one daughter.
Decoupage is the art of dec-
orating surfaces by applying
cutouts, such as paper, then
applying several layers of fin-

See EGGS, B-2

MOSH exhibit just plain gross

lovely mother-son after-
noon turned into an ulti-
mate grossfest last Friday
following a visit to the
Museum of Science & History.
Thanks to the museum's
Grossology exhibit, which runs
through Dec. 31, 1 now know
more about the human diges-
tive system than I ever cared to .' .
My 4-year-old son, River, and
1 originally set out to feed the i
ducks at Riverside Park and LIZA V. N
wander about the shops of Five STAFF
Points, but as we entered
downtown, I thought a trip to
MOSH would be a fun and educational way
to spend some quality time together.
That idea had also been realized by six
dozen other parents along with what seemed
like the entire Clay County school system,
whose buses clogged the entrance like a 30-,
foot chili dog lodged in an artery.
Even as we waded through shrieking chil-
dren and exhasperated parents in the midst.
of the MOSH melee, the Grossology exhibit
was not hard to find.
Just follow the nose.
A larger than life snoot and a walk-in
stomach are just a couple of the components
that make up this digusting display of poop,
snot and flatulence.
If you O1on't have children, kids particu-
larly boys think farts are funny. But there
was no shortage of little girls waiting to gen-
erate some mechanical "wind" on something


* akin to a gasometerr" that actual-
ly tours the steps the body goes
through just to expel a little gas.
Thankfully, it was only a visual
romp and did not include the
olfactory senses.
The exhibit also describes in
graphic detail the human waste-
expelling process at a station
aptly titled "Poo to You." This
requires no further explanation.
A large nostril fashioned into a
real, dripping faucet offers a
IITCHELL glimpse into snot production,
WRITER just a drop in the bucket when
up against the 20-foot nose.
Fancy a round of Booger Golf?
You don't even need a tee time to experience
the force and speed in which a nose goblin is
released during a power nose blowing ses-
When one of the little green "booger" balls
are lobbed into the nasal cavity, they are dis-
charged much to the delight of the players
Swho punctuate every shot with a chorus of
Another nose is available for public inspec-
tion, kind of like an open house in your
mucus membranes which was by far the
highlight of my son's gross experience.
Over a week has passed since our excursion
to Mosh and River keeps asking when we are
going to go back to the Nuseum of Science
and Mystery.
"Soon," I told him because as a reporter, I
know how important it is to stay "in the

pholo submrfi-d
"Burp Man" allows children to generate the burping experience.


iIveYY -),LLLU -1VN. ,.-



NluT.,mh-r 1 )00

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 3, 2006

Cont. from B-1
This product is safe on St.
Augustine lawns, and there
may be others, but this is safe
to use now when following
the directions.
Recognize that there are sev-
eral'products also available 'as
weed killers that say ."non-
selective" killer on the label,
meaning it will kill anything
it hits. So, if this is the chosen
product, be sure you use it on
a non-windy day, be sureto
follow the label directions,
and be sure you do not inad-
vertently get it on any plant
you do not want to die.
Weed and feed products are
tricksters and they fool us into
thinking they will kill weeds
we see. They do not. 'They act
as a pre-emergent and will
attempt to kill any weed seeds
before they germinate in your
This is great for potential
winter weeds; but not for anNy-
thing you see now. Of all the
millions of calls I have gotten
over. 22 years, questions about
weed and feed products far
outrank any others. It is a. ,
confusing product.
2. Eliminate all insect trou-
bles in the lawn and gardens.
I am still seeing small tan
moths so I know I have some
sod webworms out there. My
pest control company is com-
ing back for a third time to
address that issue. If you have

chinch bug troubles, mole
crickets, or other insects that
are in the lawn, get rid of
them for they will only weak-
en the lawn over the winter,
making it more susceptible to
cold damage.
3. It is too late to resod
unless you happen to live in
one of those few micro cli-
mates where you do not get
frosts. However, even if you
do, be willing to waste your
money if the sod dies. This is
a very risky time to attempt to
get this stuff established
before cold periods.
* 4.,Get on top of your water-
ing. Now is the time to reset,
your sprinkler system..The
lawns should not need to be
watered anymore than once
every 7-10 days, with an out-
put of about to one inch. Use
handheld hoses to water
newly planted flower beds
that encroach the sprinkler
areas so as not to overwater
the grass.
5. Speaking of watering, it is
advisable to water your plants
and lawn 24-48 hours before a'
predicted freeze, and then to
repeat this right after the
freeze if,'it was accompanied
by winds. Do not water dur-
ing a freeze.
6. Do a major cleanout and
gather all the old sheets and
blankets you have, stack them'
in a handy spot to be
retrieved for covering tender

plant material in the event of
a freeze.
Anything tropical in nature
will need cover, newly planted
annuals will, as will several
palms, such as the Rdbellini,
and the crown of the Sago.
Be sure to remove the cover-
ings the next day so the
plants can breathe. Never use
plastic because it holds so
much heat it can scorch the
,covered plants.
7. If you have a citrus, tree,
you'll need to protect the
scarred area called the graft on
the lower trunk. All of the cit-
rus we can grow has been
grafted on some type of other
rootstock, and in doing so,
the fruit is luscious, but the
grafted area is very sensitive to
dieback in a frost.
You'll see this area easily as
it looks like a scar. You can
bank that grafted area from
the ground up with soil, sand,
insulating foam, or mulch;
leave it alone throughout the
: Satsumas should be ripening
soon, and since citrus does
not ripen any after you,ve
pulled it from the tree, let it
sit there as long as possible,
gathering sweetness, juice and
However, if a hard freeze is
predicted you may need to
pull off some of the almost-
ripened fruit or it will be com-
pletely lost due to the frost.

BFAS: Children can play organ Mon.

Cont. from B-.1
He graduated with an lihon-
ors degree in .music in 1999.
Now serving as sub-organist at
Christ Church Cathedral in
Oxford, DriskiUll-Smith also has.
an active touring schedule.
"He's really making his way
as a career concert organist,"
Wallis said. "My contacts have
told me he's a very charming
The organist is scheduled to
arrive about noon Saturday,
and Wallis said she will take
him to St. Paul's Episcopal
Church to practice before tak-
ing him to St. John's Cathedral
in downtown Jacksonville to
practice on its "huge organ."
Driskill-Smith will stay
Saturday and Sunday at the
Sawgrass Marriott Resort in
Ponte ,Vedra, Wallis said. .,.
Although series performers
usually stay at the Sea Turtle
Inn in Atlantic Beach, Wallis
said the two-night stay was a
gift from someone who won it
in a golf tournament.

at 8 p.m. today at the Atlantic
Beach 'Experimental Theatre,
716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. The production runs
every Friday and Saturday
through Nov. 18. Tickets are
$15. Call.249-7177 for infor-

is staged at 8 p.m. every Friday
and Saturday through Nov. 11
at Players By The Sea, 106 6th
St. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Tickets are $15 for general
admission, $10 for students
and seniors. Call 249-2022 for

TRILOGY" is staged at 7:30
p.m. today through Sunday in
the Wilson Center for the Arts
at FCCI's South Campus,
11901 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Call 632-3373 for
ticket information.
MUSICAL" runs through Dec.
17 at the Times-Union Center
for the Performing Arts, 300 W.
Water St.. Jacksonville. Times
and ticket prices vary through-
out the run. Call 632-3373 for
specific prices and show times.
"OKLAHOMA!" is present-
ed through Nov. 26 at the
Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd.,

It is at St. John's Cpthedral
that elementary school chil-
dren, including those from
Neptune Beach Elementary
and Beaches Episcopal School,
will get a teaching concert
from Driskill-Smith, Wallis
At that concert, scheduled
10 a.m. Monday, the organ will
be placed so that the audience
can see the organist, Wallis
Children will be allowed to
play and will be shown how
organ, pipes create music, she
"It'll be a fun morning for
them, and they'll learn a lot,"
Wallis said, adding that
Driskill-Smith's youth will be
helpful in making a connec-
tion with the youthful audi-
. Drismkill.-Sn!ith's '.. repertoire r"
"spans six centuries," accord-
ing to his Web site.
At St. Paul's, he is scheduled
to open with "Mr. Handel in
the Strand" by Percy Grainger
(1882-1961), an Australian-

born composer who moved
with his mother to the United
States in 1914. .
A symphony with four
movements by French organist
and composer Charles-Marie
Widor (1844-1937) will com-
plete the first half of the con-
cert, Wallis said.,
Music from Johann
Sebastian Bach opens the sec-
ond, half, which also will
include music from English
organist and composer-Henry
Thomas Smart (1813-1879),
Wallis said."
The concert will conclude
with music from another
French organist and composer,
Alexandre Guilmant (1837-
1911), she said.
"Everything I've heard by
him is very melodic, easy lis-
tening," Wallis said.
S-Seating at-Sunday's concert
is first-come, first-served, and
doors open at 2:45 p.m.
Watercolors and acrylics by
artist Desiree Kantrim will be
featured in a reception at St.
Paul's after the concert.

pnoli3 uDmitlea,
Clive Driskill-Smith will perform a children's concert at 10 a.m.
Monday at St. John's Cathedral.



pnr.:, CHUCK OAt.1
"Pat" Kilpatrick's cupboards are never bare of egg-decorating supplies.

Eggs: Exhibit now at Cypress Village

ish, such as lacquer or var-
Kilpatrick took his artwork
to elementary schools when
he lived in Maryland. He also
has taught at Cypress Village.
Kilpatrick made his first egg,
with a nativity scene, while
was enrolled in a class in
"I learned about decorating
eggs in a class of seven
women." he said.
"I was the only male in the
class. They were asked if they
would object to a male being
in the class. They said, 'No,
but if we have a man here,
we'll have to watch our lan-
Kilpatrick was in that class,
from 1976 to 1980.
'"I'm the only one of the
group who still works on
eggs," said Kilpatrick, who

stays in touch with a couple
of his classmates. "I sent one
of them some eggs a couple
weeks ago."
Kilpatrick has given more
than 2,000 of his eggs as pres-
ents. He occasionally sells his
eggs at arts and crafts shows,
such as the one coming up
next month at Cypress
"It's more of a question of
which do I think might sell,"
he said.
"In some cases, I don't have
any trouble. Necklaces and
earrings are ones that do sell."
Decoupage eggs are shown
around the country.
"There was a big show in
Washington in June. They had
over 200,000 people attend,"..
said Kilpatrick.
In addition to his stamps
and decorated eggs, Kilpatrick


ARTLIFE STUDIOS will activities for kids, including
offer Drop-In Fridays Theatre karate, tutoring and games.
Games on Friday afternoon 247-6218.
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOTHERS OF PRE -
Kids ages 7-12 years will be SCHOOLERS, support groups
able to let their imagination for moms of children ages 5 or
run wild during the high-enef----yeuflger, meet-as-felews.-----
gy playtime. Parents must-sign ry .G0trit, 11he" ,"Redeem~e '
a waiver for kids to participate. Church, 190 S. Roscpe Blvd.,
Donations only, suggested Ponte Vedra Beach, 7 p.m. to 9
amount $5. ArtLife is located p.m. the third Monday of the
at 510 Mayport Rd, Atlantic. month (285-8009).
Beach, just off Atlantic Blvd, Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
two blocks north of Skatelab, church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
at 5th Street. For information, Ponte Vedra Beach, 9:15 a.m.
call 247-8337. to 11:30 a.m. the second and.
*. Yu-GI-OH DUELS are fourth Monday of theimorith-
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at (285-8225).
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
HEARTSONG offers .
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in GE
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte YOUR H
Vedra Beach for children from READY F(
birth to age 7. Preschool chil-
dren and up attend without HOLIDAYS
parents. One trial class is free. 2-WEEK PRE-HC
Call 249-3828 for information 20% OFF A
or visit www.heartsong- 04 *
km.corp. 0-45% OF
of the Jacksonville Public .0% O OFF PILL(
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune 20% OFF ALL
Beach also has children's activ- r
ities. Call 241-1141 and press 4 OFF OUR EVERY D
for children's activities and 5 APPLIES TO IN-STOCK ITEMS ONLY
for the reference desk.

MOMMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy
Dance Studio. For information,
call 241-8349 for information.
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many

St. Paul's Catholic School

collects other items.
He has a letter dated 1810
from a sergeant in Napoleon's
army. He has the seal of
.Henry V.III of England, as well
as governors' autographs and
official state seals from 48 of
the.50 states, and two territo-
"I can't get Georgia or
Virginia," he said, "because
they say it's not anr official
document. I have one letter
from, I assume it was a secre-
tary, from New York, saying,.
'The Governor regrets that he
can't send the seal. And I
shouldn't, but I'm enclosing
the seal, and let your con-
science be your guide.' "
New York's governor at that
time was Averell Harriman,
who served from 1954 to

Storage Space

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mNoi verR 3, AUr r- -----r----e----de- e e--


'Temples and Tombs' Dec.


Art can be many things,
such as a decoration, a
hobby, a business, but
most importantly it is a
recording of the history of civ-
The Cummer Museum of.
Art and Gardens educates us
through its exhibits, such as its
recent Japanese prints exhibi-
tion. Next month, the
Cummer opens "Temples and
Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian
Art from the British Museum."
The Dec. 22 opening will
feature live Middle Eastern
music, cuisine, traditional
dancing, art activities and cos-
tumed presentations that cele-
brate Egyptian Culture.
There will be a $10 admis-
sion fee for members and $35
for guests. Reservations can be
made now by calling 899-
6026. The exhibition will run
through March 18, 2007.
In partnership with
Jacksonville University, the
Cummer is presenting a lec-
ture series for this exhibit with
lectures on Nov. 8 and 15'at 7
p.m. .
The Cultural Center at,
Ponte Vedra will unveil.
"Precious Objects" on Friday,
Nov. 10, with a reception from
6 to 8 p.m. The exhibit
includes jewelry, ceramics,
sculpture in wood, clay, stone
and glass, garden art, photo-
graphs and paintings which
may be purchased.
A presentation by sculptor
Enzo Torcoletti will take place
.on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m.
It is free and open to the pub-
The next installment of the
Art and Music Appreciation
Series, Impressionist Era: The
Quiet Revolution, will take
place at the Center on Nov. 13


at 7 p.m. Performs will be
Aida Ribeiro and Fablo
The Center is at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614.
Stellers Gallery in Ponte
Vedra will host a new exhibit,
"Old Florida Remembered,"
the works of Henry Von Genk
III, on Friday, Nov. 10, with a
reception fr6m 6 to 9 p.m.
The exhibit of colorful
paintings of our Florida
marshes and Waterways runs
through Dec. 2. at 240 ALA;,
Suite. 13. Call 273-6066.
The Jacksonville Watercolor
Society Fall Show will open
Sunday, Nov. 10, at the St.'
Augustine Art Association
Gallery. A reception will be
held from 2 to 5 p.m. and
awards will be handed out at
that time. The gallery is at 22,
Marine Street, St. Augustine.
On Nov. 7, Sue Archer will
demonstrate her watercolor
techniques at the Watercolor
Society's monthly meeting of
at FCCJ South Campus. The
meeting begins at 7 p.m. For
information call 273-2987.
** *

"Fall Fantasy," member
works of the Jacksonville
Coalition of the Visual Arts,
opened Nov. 1, at Gallery L,
second floor of the Modis
Building, One Independent
S This juried exhibit will
remain at the gallery through
Nov. 29. Gallery hours are 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to
Friday. Call 730-2413 for
The Alexander Brest
Museum and Gallery at
Jacksonville University opened
its annualJuried Student
Show. The Fine Arts
Department show is juried by
Emily Arthur Douglas of the
University of North Florida.
The exhibit runs Monday to-
Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Call 256-7371.
*. '
The University of North
Florida opened a new exhibit
by itsArt and Design Faculty,
last night. Twenty-two mem-
bers are represented. The
exhibit will run through Dec.
The South Gallery at Florida
Community College at
Jacksonville opened an exhibit
of paintings by M'ichael Torlen
and Don Bied last night which
will run through Nov. 22. For
information call 646-2023.
An exhibition of photo-
graphs, "Inanimations and
Other Questions," by Brent
Valeski, opened Nov. 1, at the
Bell South Tower, second floor
lobby, downtown Jacksonville.
The exhibit will be on dis-
play through Dec. 1. You can
view this exhibit while enjoy-
ing Art Walk which takes
place on the first Wednesday

of each month.
Pick up a map of the partici-
pating galleries at JMOMA.
The Beaches Fine Arts Series
will present Clive Driskill-
Smith, one of the leading
organist of his generation, on
Sunday, Nov. 5, at. 3:30 p.m.
The featured visual artist at
the reception following the
program will be Desiree
Kantrim, exhibiting watercol-
ors and acrylics.
. The program will take place
at St., Paul s By-the-Sea
Episcopal Church, 1150 5th,
St. N., Jacksonville Beach. Call
Bethel Gallery is presenting
its youth show, "Fruits of the
Spirit," through Nov. 26. "
Gallery hours are Monday to
Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at 4510 Palm Valley Road.
*' *
The annual "Bethlehem
Visit" will take place Dec..14-
16. Call 280-724-1.
Do not forget "Water in
Motion," the official after-
hours party of the 2006 Gala.
at .IMOMA tonight from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Call 366-6911
ext 216 for details.
An anthology of the works
of Samuel Beckett performed
by Bob Jaffe will be held today
at the University of North
Florida's Fine Arts Center.
This is a tour de force solo
piece that is a lionizing tribute
to the great Irish writer.
For ticket information, call
62041921 or,visit
On Nov. 16, Douglas
Anderson School of the Arts,
will draw back the curtains on

pnolq suOmilea
Stephen Heywood's "Double Lipped Pitcher" is one of the
selected works in the annual UNF Art and Design Faculty show,
which opens Nov. 2. The works of 23 faculty members in the
visual arts will be on exhibit until Dec. 7. Call 620-2534 for
gallery hours.

the main stage to the ever
popular musical production of,
Cabaret by John Kander and
Fred Ebb.
The production will show-
case students from the theatre,
vocal, dance, and instrumen-

tal departments. Tickets are
$10 on Nov. 16 and $12 oh
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17-
18. Call 346-5620, ext. 122, oi
visit w m.educationcen-

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Weekend 3

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader

b 2006


A 14 14'

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November 3, 2006

Weked Te. eahe.Ladr. .ne..V.raLede

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Regal 18 7:30, 10:15.
Flushed Away. Rated PG. Fri.- The Prestige. Rated PG 13.
Thurs., 12:30, 1:00, 2:35, 3:30, Fri.-Thurs., 12:45, 3:40, 7:35,
4:40, 5:35, 7:15, 7:45, 9:50, 10:20.
10:25. *
S. Infamous. Rated R. Fri.-
The Santa Claus 3: The Thurs., 12:50, 3:45, 8:05, 10:35.
Escape Claus. Rated G. Fri.- **
Thurs., 9:55, 10:25, 11:35, Man of the Year. Rated PG13.
12:05, 2:10, 2:40, 4:45, 5:15, Fri.-Thurs., 1:20, 410, 8:00,
7:20, 7:50, 9:55, 10:25. 10:30. r :
Catch A Fire. Rated PG13. One Night with the King.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:00, 7:55, Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:55,.
10:20. 3:50, 6:40, 9:30.
Saw Ill. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., The Departed. Rated R. Fri.-
12:40, 1:15, 3:15, 4:05, 7:05, Thurs., Noon, 3:20, 7:00, 10:10.
7:40, 9:45, 10:15. *
Employee of the Month.
Flags of our Fathers. Rated R. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:05,
Fri.-Thurs., 12:10, 3:05, 7:10, 3:55, 6:55, 9:35. :
10:00. sa
The Guardian. Rated PG13.
Flicka. Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., Fri.-Thurs., 12:15, 3:10, 6:50,
12:25, 3:00, 7:25, 9:40. 4 10:05.
Marie Antionette. Rated. Open Season: Rated PG. Fri.-
'PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:20, 3:35, Thurs., 12:35, 3:25, 6:45, 9:25.



"Mission: Impossible III" For a change, Tom
on a villain instead of Oprah Winfrey's couch.

Cruise jumps

"It's a Wonderful Life 60th-Anniv. Edition" Good movie,
but I'm starting to wonder if Mr. Potter's
the one who keeps making money
off the movie's DVD sets.
"Martin & Lewis Collection,
Vol. ," Seven movies from
the comedy team's salad days:
at Paramount. Hey, lady, buy
my DVD set!
'"Ghost Whisperer 1st
Season" -. Dead. people see
'her'...and yowza, what an eyeful! .

- W -MM


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S.ip yard FPump;nhead

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Minute Pale Ale
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-r -r -

The Beaches Leader/PonteVedra Leader

Weekend 4

Weekend 5

November 3. 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Red & the Redhots are in at 9
p.m. today and Saturday.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. The Retrokats are in
at 9 p.m. today and Saturday.
Irish storyteller Derek Coghlan
appears at 6 p.m. Sunday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Live music at 9:30 p.m. today.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. UNF Surf Club Party fea-
turing Last Laugh, NO KA OI
and more today. Pete Yorn per-
forms with guest Minibar on
Saturday. Tickets are $20.
Donovan Frarikenreiter is in
Monday. Tickets are $20. The
Dirty Dozen Brass Band perfo-
erms Thursday.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Spade McQuade
performs from 6 to 9 p.m.
today followed by Rathkeltair
at 9:30 p.m. Spade McQuade
performs from 6 to 9' p.m.
Saturday followed by Paul
'Lundgren at 9:30 p.m.; '
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &-
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. The
Ron Perry Connection per-
forms at 9 p.m. today and
SSaturday. Billy & Vinnie are in
Sunday. is in Sunday.
:Aromas Cigar, Wine .&
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Pdnte
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le
Monde -Quartet plays Latin
music Tuesdays. :The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMonde Quintet per-
form every Saturday. ''
... : -* :\
Bo's Coral. Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jackson\ille Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
.* *O ,;* .
Brix, Jacksonville Beach. Jazz
great Teddy Washington is in
every Wednesday through
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m.. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
..* ,. -' 0 o* ,
Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pill plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte V'edra Beach 285-77'.
Cloud Nine are in today and
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St.. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10.
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday." Spade
McQuade plays traditional
Irish music .every Thursday.

Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
.Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night, with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pill every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
Giovanni's,, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *o
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkihs
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda, Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday..'
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.!
First St., Jacksonville Beach *'
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, d100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach 513-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
'Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.
,* .
Max's: Restaurant, 1312"
'Beach 'Blvd.,' Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans
plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday.
,, O "* '
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, .acksonville Beach.
Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
the 'GYfEss 'amels ariLI th
Bubba '-"-'i' ounge .ever
SWednesday. Reggae with Pili
Pill from to 8 p.m. every
,Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte \'edra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to I
p.m. Sunday.
5. *-. .* '
Spare Time Tavernh and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every .Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
Sunday. '
: *, 0o
Siun Dog' Taeirn, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
241-8221. Chuck Nash and'
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every

The Ron Perry Connection performs at 9 p.m: today and Saturday at Ragtime Tavern,
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Call 241-7877 for weekly music schedule.

Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mlary Ann Hawkins
is :in. Wednesdays, Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday..
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocely~l' &
tfhe; eroTii 'ios :host 'karaoke
'every Tuesday.
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and
'* "
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jackson\ille Beach.
Karaoke every Sunday,

M6nkey's Uncle Tavern',
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other
.. .* *
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd. St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Wednesday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338:
DJs spins "hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.
Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
spins Top 40 and Old Wave


every Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins' Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside' every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 arid.hip
hop inside every Friday. DJs.
Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins'
indie every Monday.
S.. :,

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille,,,, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday..
b ;
The Ritz, 139 'lhird'Avewtha
Beach, 246-2255. DT Danielle
is in .every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. Di Marco spins
80's every Tlhursday DJIbayis
in every triday and Saturday.
Vinoe, 822 A1A N.,' Ponte
Vedra Beach 285;0991, The
DJ: Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: Acts and perfonnance
da)'s aire not ali nt's nla'ilable for
all clubs at press time. Send to
in itcihelle'beac hesleader.cotn.
Call 2-19-9033 for infonnation.

: JUMP 21
'Unicue '.ent Plannin &
Caterinn,at the Beac es
Ior Any Occasion :

(90o+) 5)-752+
vwWv.ju mp21event5.com

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W- New Hours'w 0 eI AreNow
Closed Mondays
Tuesday-Thursday, 6am-3pm Ai":r
Friday & Saturdays 7am-830pm
Sunday 7am-3pm
Eggs Bepedict Bottolpless Mmosas Dinner Served eni,
'"iry'OUrLoco MOCo' Fridays '& Saturdays:
The Galley Restaurant at Palm Cove Marina
14603 Beach Blvd. 400 Jacksonville 992-8040


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4% 4IThanksgiving Day
11:30 am 3 pm
S "M- jA' ., Enjoy our Special Holiday Menul

Friday & Saturdays: John Evans on the Piano
S'it "Golden Spoon Award Winner"
S.by Florida TrmndMagazine
": Il TTop 25 Restaurants
.Av ab by Jacksonville Magazine

Military Discounts Available for Large Parties
1312 Beach Blvd. (Beach Plaza) Jacksonville Beach (904) 247-6820
www. maaxsrestau rant. us

Photo submitted
The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra will be joined by
Romanian-born pianist Mihaela Ursuleasa (above) playing the
poetic music of Chopin, as part of the Nov. 2-4 Masterworks
Series. She also performs at 11 a.m. today at the Mayo Clinic.

Members of the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra will per-
form at the Mayo Clinic Coffee
Series at 11 a-m. today at
Jacoby Symphony Hall in the
Times-Union Center for the
Performing Arts, 300 W. Water
St., Jacksonville. Call 354-5547
for ticket information.
The Beaches Fine Arts series,
presents 'organist Clive
Driskell-Smith at 3:30 p.m.
Sunday at St. Paul's By-The-Sea
.Episcopal Church, 1150 5th St.
N., Jacksonville Beach. Artist
Desiree Kantrion displays her
watercolors and acrylics.
Admission is free. Call. 270-
1771 for information.
Scott Watkins performs
Schumann's "Carnival" at 3
p.m. Sunday in terry Concert
Hall at Jacksonville University,
2800' University Blvd, N.,
Jacksonville. Watkins will also
perform works of Haydn and
Rachmaninoff. Call 256-7345
for information.

Fresh Fall Color

Expanded Garden Displays

CrotOns Mums Petunias Palms

Geraniums Assortment of Pots S
G e; r ".a"- :u t7;

ytl ""*" I
We Have Everything For Your Holiday Neds.',:,;

Christmas Trees (Delivery & Setup Avaii.b '.


Poinsettias .

Second Hand Rose
Nursery & Landscaping
510 Shelter Ave., Jax Beach 247-0390 249-6623
Off Beach Blvd., behind Wends's (5 Blocks from the beach)


Are your surroundings
getting a little

Check out
The Beaches Leader/
Ponte Vedra Leader Classifieds

The Beaches'only.
alternative nightclub
Wednesday night
9pm til close
Free Pool
Happy Hour Drink Prices
Thursday nights
9pm til 1am
$1 Well Drinks
$2 Calls
$3 Premium Cocktails
$1 Draft Beer
Showtime llpm
One Show Only Starring
Miss Jacksooville Beach
Christiana SinClair
The Grand Diva
Miss Pearl Vision
Friday & Saturday showtime
10:30 & midnight
With the best in
the art of female
201 5th Ave. North
Jax Beach

S Glass of
1 ( Wine
hen you
-is acI'


November 1, 2006

I . 7 .

The-Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Plan Renal FrYor peil ccsin



I 'S A

Welekcnrd f6

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 3, 2006


Friday, INov. 8
Brown Bag Lunch: The
GTM Reserve hold its next
brown bag lunch lecture at
noon at the GTM
Environmental, Education
Center. The lecture will be
about Little Salt Spring.
Participants are. invited to
bring their lunches and ques-
tions. There is no cost to
attend the lecture. Brown Bag
Lectures take place the first
Friday of each month at the
GTM Reserve Environmental
Education Center, 505 Guana!
River Road off A1A'South, 17
miles south of Butler
Boulevard or eight miles north
of Vilano Beach. For informa-
tion, call 904-823-4500.

Precious Objects: The
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach's fall exhibition,
Precious Objects, opens Nov. 3
and runs through Dec. 20. The
Cultural Center galleries are
free and open to the public
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Saturday.
The opening reception for
Precious Objects, also free and
open to the public, will be held
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 10.
All pieces in the exhibition will
be available for purchase by
holiday shoppers.

Woman's club craft show:
The Jacksonville Beaches
Woman's Club holds
ChristmaShowcase, its 21st
annual craft show, at their
club, 1315 2nd Ave. N.,
through Nov. 5. Times are 4
p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Sunday. The event will
feature handcrafted items from
14 local and out-of-town arti-
sans. Admission and parking
are free. For information, visit

S Saturday,
I- .ov. 4
Craft show: The Lakewood
United Methodist Women
sponsor the church's 21st
Annual Craft Extravaganza
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More
than 75 regional crafters will
participate, and all proceeds
will benefit mission projects
around the world. Lakewood
Methodist is at 6133 San Jose
.lvd. Call 733-8477 for infor-

KofC: The Father Murphy
Council of the Knights of
Columbus hosts a Filipino
Dinner from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

phOlo -ubmileid
"OKLAHOMA!" is presented through Nov. 26 at the Alhambra Dinner Theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd. Doors open at 6 p.m. for
evening shows. Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on Saturday and noon on Sunday. Admission ranges from $39 to $46. Call 641-
1212 for information.

at the Knights of Columbus
Hall off Penman Road. The
cost is $10 fqr adults and $5 for
children; tickets may be pur-
chased at the door. The event
will benefit the Sharon DiVita
medical fund. For information,
call Norma Scott at 221-2850.

Montessori: More than 150
children and parents are
expected to gather in The
Courtyard in Neptune Beach
to raise money for the
Montessori Tides Children's
Foundation, Inc. (MTCF), a
not-for-profit organization
that supports the Montessori
Tides School. The children will
model the latest in fall fash-
ions' during the event, which
begins at 4 p.m. at The
Courtyard, 200 First Street. The
fashion show, which is open to
the public, will be followed by
a raffle and barbeque. For tick-
et sales-or information, call the
Montessori Tides School at

Sons of Italy: The Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge sponsors a
Yard Sale from 8 a.m. to 12
p.m. at 7 Burling Way,
Jacksonville. Beach,4o ."ais~
money for scholarships. 'A
"'' '" % ,', ,:, m i .

Nov. S
National Torch Relay: The
National Torch Relay, spon-

scored by Marriott and benefit-
ing Children's Miracle
Network, comes to
Jacksonville. A 4.5-mile walk
and 3.5-mile run starts at 7:45
a.m. at the Fairfield Inn in
Jacksonville Beach and ends at
the Sawgrass Marriott. That
part of the relay is followed by
a 57-mile bike ride to Daytona.
The event began in Baltimore
and ends in Hollywood.
Anyone can participate locally.
All funds raised here will bene-
fit Shands Jacksonville and
Wolfson Children's Hospital.
Visit www.torch-relay.org to

M onday,
Nov. J0
Get acquainted: A Business
Card Exchange will be held
from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
Alterman & Johnson Family'
Chiropractors, 423 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation or to make a reserva-
tion, call 904-247-3933.

Nov. T
D.A.R.:. The Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Daughters of
-the American Revolution will
'm'net at'at 10:45 a m: at Marsh
Landing Country Club, 25655
Marsh Landing Parkway. The
speaker will be Margret Sander,
author of "Bad Time Stories."
For information, call Carolyn

Roth at 904-992-7463 or Babs
Hartmann at 904-242-0025.

Matchmaking: The U.S.
Small Business Administration
(SBAi will participate in
Jacksonville's third annual
Business Matchmaking Event
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
University of North Florida's
University Center, 12000
Alumni D)r., Jacksonville. The
event pairs small businesses
with purchasing agents from
federal, state and local govern-
ment agencies and private cor-
porations. Register by visitingg

Nov. 8
Fun with Flowers: Tifany
Turner from Floriade will pres-
ent "Autumn in Tuscany" at
the Ribault Garden Club at 11
a.m. The program costs $15
and reservations are needed.
For registration call 221-5191.

Newcomers: Newcomers of
the Beaches, an organization
for women who are new to the
area, meets for lunch at 11
a.m. at the Casa Marina, 691
1st -SLN., Jacksonllfe- ,&#ch.
F, itfv"tuR" i' -ill
be presented. Cost of the
luncheon is $20, payable by
Nov. 1 to Newcomers of the
Beaches. P.O. Box 2421, Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL 32004.Call


Bonnie Lynch at 904-821-9002
for information.

Man to Man: Mlan to Man,
the Prostate cancer support
group, meets at 6 p..m. at the
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches. Conference Room A,
Jacksonville Beach. Mlan to
Nlan is an education and sup-
port program for people deal-
ing with or interested in learn-
ing about prostate cancer
while providing a forum for
survivors to offer support to
those newly diagnosed. For

. information, call 249-0022.

VFW Ladies Auxiliary: The
Ladies Auxiliary of Greater
Beaches VFW Post 3270 meets
at 7 p.m. at 915 8th Ave: S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Members
are encouraged to bring a
guest. For information, call

Women's Connection:
Jacksonville Women's
Connection holds its annual
fundraiser from 10 a.m. to
.12:30 p.m. at Jacksonville Golf
'and Country Club Clubhouse
on Hodges Boulevard. The
event is a silent and live auc-
tion and bake sale. Lunch will
be served by the country club.
The cost is $17 inclusive, and
complimentary child care is
available. For reservations,
contact Pat Manko at 221-3186
by Nov. 1.

Final Store Closing
Antiques Furniture *Accent Items
Plants Topiaries & Herbs

Friday & Saturday,
Nov. 3rd & 4th 9 am 4 pm
Frances Beaver
319 12th St., Atlantic Beach
We want to thank our many patrons who
have made these years memorable"

A Parenting Conference
November 10-12, 2006
Free and Open to the Public
Hosted by: Christ Episcopal Church
400 San Juan Drive. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
This educational conference is for parents with children,
from newborns through teens. This event features:
Four nationally renowned parenting authors
S Usable strategies for healthy parenting
.'*., F'.e cl~"d'ri~ eprn through 5th grade.)
STeen "Family Matters" camping program .
Deadline for childcare registration is Nov. 6;
deadline for lunch sign ups is Nov. 8.
For more information on the Family Matters Conference, contact
Malinda Harris at 285-7390, ext 237 or
visit www ChristEpiscopalChurch.org. Family Matters Link
9Onlner t ra ai l.abl!,

Jacksonville Singles Dance
Club- The Jacksonville Singles
Dance Club meets from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m. at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, or $7 for
members. For information, call
779-1234 or email jaxsingles-

Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N. Call 247-3299 for

Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from 9
a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
Tennis Center in Jacksonmille
Beach. For Infonpation, call
Moe at 247-6221. A senior
men's doubles tennis "C" level
league also plays at Huguenot
Tennis Center on Friday morn-
ings. The league has home
and away matches. Call Bob
Totter at 247-1865 for informa-

Parliamentarians: The First
Coast Parliamentarians meet
the fourth Saturday of the
month from 10:15 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., September through
May, at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, 101 Library
Road. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for
Information, or e-mail

Ponte Vedra writers: The
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group
meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Call Vic DiGenti at
265-2258 for information.

Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and test-
ed, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available for

adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
SKeman boulevards.
Depression support:
Depression. Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave, S. Visit wivw.dbsajax.org
for information.

Harmony Show Chorus:
The Jacksonville Harmony
Show Chorus meets from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. at the San Jose
Church of Christ, 6233 San
Jose Blvd., Jacksonville.
Visitors are welcome. Call 350-
1609 for information.

NAIC: The local NAIC
Investment Club meets at 7
p.m. the fourth Monday of
each month at the Beaches
Library. Visitors are welcome.
Call Dick at 476-4260 for infor-

Beaches Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class is
offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
and watercolor for all levels is
offered in the evening, as well
as Wednesday and Thursday
mornings. Figure drawing
classes are held from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. The Beaches Arts Center
is at 228 3rd Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation, call 241-3515.

Foundation Academy- The
Foundation Academy, 107 3rd
St. S., Jacksonville Beach, has
an open house from 9 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Call 241-3515 for

L.T.N.: The Long Time
Newcomers Club of the
Beaches meets the fourth,
Tuesday of each month at
Selva Marina Country Club in
Atlantic Beach. Social hour
starts at 11 a.m., followed by a
short meeting. For information
call 270-1741.

Railroad Club: The Beaches
Area Model Railroad Club
meets at 7 p.m. and also Friday
at 941 4th St. N., Jacksonville
Beach, behind Sportsmania.
The club is open to anyone
interested in scale model rail-
roading. For information, call
Dave Henk at 641-8800 or
Richard Paul at 223-5133.

Rollaways: Rollaways
Square Dance Club leads mod-
em western square dancing
and offers lessons at
Sandalwood High School. The
dance caller is Ken Miller. For
more information,, call 249-

Senior Center: The Palm
Valley Senior Center, 148
Canal Blvd., is open from' 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. and also on
Thursday. Lunch is served at
noon. Call 280-3233 for lunch
reservations or for information
on activities. For transporta-
tion to lunch, call 280-3753
between 7:30 a.m. and 2:30

Senior workshop: Edward
Jones, 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
Suite 300, Jacksonville, offers a
free senior workshop at 10
a.m. on a variety of topics,
including retirement income
planning, wealth transfers,
IRAs, annuities and life insur-
ance. Reservations are
required. Call 221-8501.

Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call
246-4158 for information.

Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Beaches Senior
Center, 281 19th Avenue S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. For information, call 241-

Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. at the Florida

Cancer Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hospi-
tal campus. Call 247-2910 for

Poker tournament: A poker
tournament Is scheduled from
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center. Tables, cards, chips,
refreshments and snacks are
provided. The Senior Activity
Center is located at 2004 Forest
Ave. and can be reached by
calling 270-1688.

Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the
administration building of the
Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Coffee is served. For more
information, call Michael
Steele at 904-910-1982 or visit

Yoga at Guana: Yoga classes
are being offered at 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday evenings at the
Guana Tolomato' Matanzas
SGTM I Environmental
Education Center. Sally and
Spring Saldana, a mother-
daughter team, will be the
instructors. The cost will be
$10 per class. For information,
call 904-823-4500.

Yoga for health: Yoga for
Health & Healing is offered
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. The class is
designed for those reluctant to
attend a regular class but want
to learn the fundamentals of
yoga. For more information,
contact Leslie Lyne at the
Senior Activity Center, 270-
1688, or call the teacher,
Nancy Rathburn, at 386-6453.

Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets at noon at Selva
Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskiwanis.com for

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The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

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Rooney visits

Film, stage and singing star Mickey Rooney and
his wife Jan will visit the Mayport USO today,
Friday, from. 1,0 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. to meet mili-
tary personnel and their families. This visit is in
conjunction with Rooney's participation in the:
USO's 65th anniversary event taking place at the
Times Union Center for Performing Arts Moran
Theater on Saturday, Nov. 4. There are still tickets
,available for military personnel to attend in uhi-
form with a guest of their choice. The Bob Hope.
inspired variety show will be hosted by Ed
McMahon. It will feature local and national
celebrities accompanied by music evokingg the
style that has entertained troops for decades.
Tickets are available at

Film screening 26th Annual
Cinema/Club atArtLite lincolnville
Studios holds a film screening
at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3. ArtLife festival
Studios is at 510 Mayport Celebrate St. Augustine's rich
Road, Atlantic Beach. The African-American cultural her-
screening will be of "Music itage! Lincolnville is.one of St.
Farmers-An Americana Music Augustine's oldest neighbor-
Documentary: Sowing the hoods with more than half of'
Seeds of Americana." It's a film. its buildings dating from the%
about "a community of mu-si-.CLIte -tFitERn irs b~f3Ac'settle-t
Cans & fans; modern-day ment. 'Funds raised from the
"Mlusic Farmers" who gather at festival will be used for exhibits
music festivals like Suwannee at the Fort Mose Museum. The
Springfest and MagnoliaFest." ,festival kicks-offon Friday with
The ArtLife Studios event is live R&B music, food, and arts
free. Donations will be accept- and crafts. Then on Saturday,
ed to provide support of there will be narrated tours of
ArtLife arts programs for chil- historic Lincolnville depicting
dren. Cinema/Club is spon-, .the.civil rights movement sites
scored by ArtLife Productions.. in: the area, live country/pop,
Call 247-8337 for informa- jazz and dance music, all day
tion or visit ivww.artlifepro- along with more arts and crafts
ductions.com. and a "Soul Food Contest". On
Sunday from 2-4 p.m., the fes-
'Dinner for the tival features an exciting per-
";g, formance by blues great Eddie
irds Kirkland and special guest
HAWKE, the Humane Willie Green followed by
Association of Wildlife Care inspiring gospel music. The
and Education, Inc., holds its Lincolnville Festival is free and
ninth annual "Dinner for the takes place on Granada and
SBirds" at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Washington Streets, Friday 5 to
Raintree Restaurant on San 10 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 10
Marco -Boulevard in St. p.m. and 2. to 6 p.mi. .on
Augustine. The event will ben- Sunday. For more information
efit HAWKE's mission .of call 904.827.6893.
wildlife rescue rehabilitation .:

and environmental education.
In addition to the dinner, a
"birds of prey" demonstration
will be given by HAWKE
Curator and President Melanie,
Cain-Stage. Call 904-692-1777
to make'a reservation.

Samuel Beckett
BobJa ffe, who has produced,
an off-Broadway Work called
"And then you go on," pays
tribute to famous Irish writer,
Samuel Beckett'at: 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 3 at the. UNF Fine Arts
Center. After Jaffe's perform-
ance, those who ,attend are
invited to take their ticket
stubs to' Culhane's Irish Public
House- 'and Restaurant for a
complimentary well cocktail or
beer. Culhane's is at 967
Atlantic Blvd., east of Publix,
Atlantic Beach.

First Friday
Art Walk
Join one of St. Augustine's
most popular cultural events
on the first Friday of every
month. Enjoy the latest
exhibits, music, entertainment
and refreshments at over 20
participating galleries. Tours
begin at Rembrandtz Fine Gifts
for Fun People, 131 King St.
Galleries are open from 5 p.m.
to 9 p.m. St. Augustine
Sightseeing Trains and Old
Town Trolleys offer attendees a
complimentary shuttle service
to most of the galleries.
Shuttles run on a continuous
loop every 30 minutes. For
information call 904.829.0065
or visit www.staugustinegal-
leries.com gustinegalleries.com/> .

5TH Annual
Ponte Vedra
Beach Food
and Wine Fest
Explore the food and. wine
scene of Ponte Vedra while
sampling the 'variety of culi-
nary delights and wines avail-
able in the community. The
Ponte Vedra Beach Food and
Winefest kicks-off Friday

evening with a 5-course dinner
at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort
& Spa. Chef Charles
Charboneau has prepared a
menu that is complemented
with a variety of featured
wines. Then on Saturday after-
noon, there will be a wine tast-
ing presented by area wine dis-
tributors set to the live music
of the University of North
Florida Jazz Quartet. Then on
Sunday, enjoy wine' brunch
prepared by Chef Brett A.
Smith. Each of eight courses of
this meal is served with an
appropriate sparkling wine or
champagne. Each event will
include brief seminars led by
experts in the wine industry
All events take place at 'the.
Sawgrass Marriott Resort & Spa
in Ponte 'edra Beach. Tickets
for Friday's dinner are $110.
Tickets for the Saturday tasting
are $40 in advance and $50 at
the door, and the Sunday
brunch tickets are $40. For
more information call
904.285.2004 or visit
ber.org/>, .

22nd Annual
great chowder
Looking,for the best chow-
der on the east coast?, Satishf
your passion for great seafood
at the Conch House Marina's
celebrated annual Great
Chowder Debate on Sunday.
SMore than 30 area restaurants
compete to see who has the
best chowder. Participants are
treated to an almost limitless
variety from local favorites
like the Menorcan chowders to
an assortment of New England
chowders made with clams,
conch, lobster, scallops and
crab and laced with secret con-
coctions of herbs and-spices.
The event starts at noon and
runs throughout the day. All
proceeds benefit the Shriners'
Hospitals for Children. The
Conch House Marina is located
at 57 Comares Avenue. For
more Information call

presentation '
e Opera'per ormances will be
given at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3 in:
the Jacksonville University
Fine Arts Hall. The evening
will,-as billed, "Celebrate the
spirit of the Voice with a mix-,
ture of styles."

National Scenic-

Friends o the A'. Scenic
and Historic -Coastal Byway
invite the public to celebrate
the designation of AIA as a.
'National Scenic Byxvay from 10:
:a.mi. to 2 p.m. Nov. 4 at the
River-to-Sea Oceanfront Park
in fMarineland. Events will'
include a ribbon-cutting cere-
mony and speeches.
Admission is free. Go to
iwww.ScenicA1A.org or e-mail
scenicA1A@bellsouth.net .for
more information.

Walbot Islands
Talbot Islands State Parks
holds a Volunteer Orientation
Presentation at 2 p.m. Nov. 4.
Ranger Brian conducts the ses-
sion at the Ribault Club on
Fort George Island. The club
1is located off Heckscher Drive
on Fort George Road.
STalbot volunteers spend any-
where from four to 20 hours
per week helping out at the
park. Anyone who has ques-

Friday, November 17
Presented by

Rick K: Harrison, D.M.D., P.A
The staff at Dr. Harrison's will be dedicating a day to
Invisalign'. Dr. Harrison will be doing Invisalign
screenings at no cost to you which is up to a $500
savings. He will also answer all of your questions
regarding Invisalign.
Food & Refreshments Provided!
Space is limited, please reserve your spot by Nov. 15th.

Quality Dentistry for Adults
& Children
Call for your appointment today
New Patients Welcome Most Insurance Filed
227 11th Ave. S., Jax Beach
Corner 11th Ave. S. and 3rd St. S.
Includes codes
Mon. -Thurs. 8am 6pm 0330, D0350, 41-4237
Fri. 8am 3pm D0470, D8660
Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed
for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of
responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment.

tions about the volunteer pro-
gram or is interested in volun-
teering but cannot attend the
orientation, call the Talbot
Islands Ranger Station at 904-

Celebrity model and DJ Sky
Nellor will perform at the
Jacksonville Mu'seum of
Modern Art (JMOMA) during
the 2006 gala "Water in
Motion" after party, "AqtUa
Lounge," at 9 p.m. Nov. 4.
The gala. which starts at 6
p.m.. \\ill benefit INIOIA chil-,
dren's art education programs
and the Educational
Endowment Fund and feature
a iater-themed evening.
For more information "on
"Water in Motion" and' "Aqua
Lounge," visit www.jmrma-
gala.com or tall 904-366-6911,
ext. 216.

Cypress Village
arts and crafts
Cypress Village's annual arts
and crafts show will be held
Nov. 4, near the Mayo Clinic.
Cypress Village is off San Pablo
Road. ,

Thanksgiving Technique
Cooking. Classes, are being,
offered at the, Williams-
Sonoma stores at The: Avenues
Sand at St. Johns -Town Center.
Classes are being held Nov. .5
and Nov. 6 (Turkey 101), Nov.
12 and Nov. 13 (Roasting and
Carving and Nov. 19 and Nov.
20 (Gravy and Sidesi. For infor-
mation, call the stores directly..

Laugh for Life
If you re concerned about
local animal welfare issues or
just plain love animals, benefit
the animals at the Jacksonville
Humane Society by attending
its upcoming membership
drive from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Nov. 7 at the Comedy Zone in
the Ramada Inn, 3130 Hartley
Rd., Jacksonville. A $20 dona-
tion includes entry to the
event and an introductory
annual membership for non-
members. Meet loca I et
%lovers'Ha,''a"' good Ila h and
save lives.
A short introduction to JHS
begins at 7:30 p.m. and the
performance starts at 8 p.m.
The comedian scheduled to
perform is Spanky Brown,
regarded as one of the brightest
young comedians in the coun-
Tickets are available online
at wws\w.3axhumane.org, or call.
904-725-8766, ext. 240. The
Jacksonille Humane Society is
a non-profit organization dedi-
cated to the welfare of animals.

The Cummer Museum of Art
and Gardens' series of six
Egyptian lectures reaches the
Cultural Center at PonteVedra
at 7, p.m. Nov. 8, .'when
"Uncovering Egypt's Treasures,
Napoleon to the Present," will
be presented. The lecture,
series, which started Oct.' 18
and ends Nov. 15, coincides
with the opening of "Temples
and Tombs: Treasures of
Egyptian Art from the British
Museum" that runs at the.
Cummer from Dec. 22 until
March 18.
:The lecture series .will.
explore the art, .literature,.
.mythology and science of.
ancient Egypt. The lectures are
presented in partnership with
Jacksonville Liniversity, where

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Laser Bleaching

Dr. Leslie Platock and staff invite you to visit their state of
the art facility including digital x-rays (80% less radiation).

Leslie G. Platock, D.D.S.
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700 N.Third St., Neptune Beach Atrium Building
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...your community newspaper

the final lecture will be held at
7 p.m. Nov. 15 in Terry
Concert Hall, 2800 University
Blvd. N.
Individual lectures cost $5,
and the series of all six $25. For
information or to purchase
tickets, call 904-355-0630.

The University of North
Florida Women's Center,
Books-A-Million, and UNF
Continuing Education's
Lifelong Learning Institute'
bring New York Times best-sell-
ing author Nora Roberts to
LTNF's University Center at 7
p.m. Nov. 9.
Roberts is'promoting her lat-
est release, "Born in. Death,"
About which she will speak and
participate in a question-and-
answer session moderated by
First Coast News anchor
Donna Hicken. A book signing
will follow.
For information about this
event, contact Brian Dunmire
or. Dr. Annabel Brooks, UNF
Women's Center, atr 904-620-

Nature walk
Join the Friends of GTMf
Reserve and birding experts
Linda and Jefr- Harrison Nov.
11lfbr a "Birds, Botanv .and
Breakfast" nature 'walk. The
walk will begin at 8 a.m. at the
Guana River Damn trailhead
parking lot, located off A1A at
Guana River Road, and take
about two hours. It will be fol-
lowed by coffee, orange juice.
and ddnuts. -
The cost isl $10 per person for
the guided walk and continen-
tal breakfast, $5 for Friends of
GTMNERR members..
Reservations can be made by
calling the GTM Reserve at
904-823-4500; space is limited.

Contra Dance
*A Contra Dance at Cobalt
Moon will be held from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m. Nov. 11 in the Water
Studio, 214 Orange Street,
Neptune Beach. Contra Dance
is community dance in which
a caller, working with a group
of live musicians, guides new
and experienced dancers alike
through a variety of dances. All
levels of interest and skill are
welcome. For information, call

Tellabration! offers story-
telling, for the whole family
from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Nov.
12 at the .Jacksonville
Southeast Library, 10599
Deerwood Park Blvd., off Gate
Parkway near Butler Boulevard.
The event, which is fiee and
open to all ages, is sponsored
by the Beaches League of
Storytellers, founded in 1983.
For information, call 280-2976.

STheory, of
Find out why teaching the
evolutionary theory, in the
classroom is so important. Four
UNF science faculty members
will present "Science under
Siege: The Attack on
Evolution" from 7 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. Nov. 13 at UNF's
University' Center.
A panel discussion and a
Q& A session, will be moderat-
ed by Ken Hurley, president of
ACLU Jacksonville. Panel
members include UNF profes-
sors Dr. Anthony M. Rossi,
biologist; Dr. Matthew R. Gilg,
biologist; Dr. Jay S. Huebner,
physicist and astronomer; and
Dr. Gordon F, NM. Rakita,
For information contact
Tony Rossi at (904) 629-2830
or by e-mail at arossi@unf.edu.

h ..T 1. ~* { 7nn


Weekend 8 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader November 3, 2006

ArIun the o
Ar nd *n e&l.lA~ L1V .-^Al-.*"*

Front door focal point

Quick what element on
your home says "come
in" or "go away" first?

If you answered the front
door, you're exactly right.
More to the point, the front
door unites the exterior design
of your home. It's also the
point of entry for everyone to
come in to the house and it's
the exterior focal point for the
In fact, pulling your home
together design-wise often
starts at the front door.

More than an entry
A front door is not just a
barrier between the inside and
outside of your home.
A front door says a lot about
your home. In terms of
design, a front door either
offers the zing akin to that
sprig of parsley you see on
restaurant meals or it offers up
a disinterested yawn. The
front door is an opportunity
to unit' the design of your
home and create a visual

Start with the design
In order for a door to really
work for a home, it needs to
complement the home's
design. Some homeowners
think that having a pretty
door with leaded glass inserts
will do the design trick. -
But, if the design of the
door is very formal and the
home design is country, the
door will seem out of place
and won't work. So the start-
ing point should always be
your home.
For instance, craftsman
doors look best on craftsman-
style houses. Formal, six
panel doors with shiny brass
hardware look best on red
brick colonials.
A rustic Tuscan'home
should have a front door with
iron accents or a rough-hewn

feel. Matching the design of
the door to the style of the
house harmonizes both -- and
enhances both.
Better still, a well-matched
door adds instant curb appeal
(especially important if you're
trying to-sell your home).
Door dress-ups
Fortunately, many door
manufacturers have websites
where you carl search for the
door style best for your home.
Even if a new door isn't in
your budget, then simple
changes to your door can
make a big difference. Where
to start? Try the color. If pos-
sible, take a picture of the
front of your house and take
paint colors to a paint store.
Show the paint store employ-
ee your picture and paint
chips. They-can help you
select an attractive paint oTdof
based on the style of your
home and the existing colors.
Rather than a home center
where paint department
employees simply mix colors,
try going to your local paint
Paint professionals are
accustomed to selecting.his-
torically accurate and stylisti-
cally correct paint colors.
Other inexpensive changes
include changing the door
handle hardware, and accents

like kick plates can also be
changed or added inexpen-
A warm welcome for the
A beautiful door dresses up
your home and creates a
warmer welcome than a ho-
hum entry any day. Yes, a
beautiful door and entry way
makes a guest want to enter
your home and a blah door-
way leaves guests less than
enthused about entering.
Think about the kind of
welcome you'd like your
home to make. It's especially
key during the holiday season
which is fast approaching.
A beautiful door and entry-
way will put guests in a warm
and cozy frame of mind from
the moment they're on your
If you're thinking about
sprucing up the exterior of
your home, you may only
need to make a change at the
front door.
That's because the whole
house looks better with a
beautiful entryway. Paving
attention to your front door
can make all the difference in
the design and welcome of
your living space.

Quick change ideas for
front door
Use an accent color
Add new doormat
Place a bench close to
Add new planters
Hang a pretty seasonal
Add fountain
Trim or remove overgrown
Change light fixtures
Kathni Weber is a ihone iand
decorating columnist. For more
information, go to www.katlmnn-
weber.corn or e-mail questions to

kathrn 7iieberC@'sbcglobal.net.

Amy Royster and Mark Mayfield rehearse a scene from "Cavedweller," which opens today at the
Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre. The off-Broadway hit is making its local premiere at the
Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Under the direction of Barbara
Evans, the drama was hailed as "engrossing and even piercing" by The New Yorker, and
"focused on the morally-unassailable theme of the redemptive power of love," said The New York
Times. The play runs through Nov. 18. Curtain is-at-8 p.m.-with twoSunday matinees on Nov. 5
and 12 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 and $12 (for seniors, students and military, and Thursday per-
formances.) Reservations are encouraged due to limited seating. Call 249-7177.

I^ S "i hJS

MILKING IT To keep milk
fresh for a longer period time,
pour it into a glass tea jug.
Harriet K.

COOL. TRICK Keep foods
chilled while on a picnic or
other outdoor adventure by
substituting ice in your cooler
with frozen sponges. Soak the
sponges in water and freeze
them in plastic bags. They will
keep foods cold for three
hours. Have additional bags of
ice and cold packs on hand.
Millicent C.
DUST IT OFF Moisten thin
terrycloth towels'with a mix-
ture of water and a little mild
cleanser. Keep the towels in a
plastic zipper-type bag, and
they're ready to use anytime

the banister needs a quick
cleaning. Use the towels for
other cleaning needs, and they
eliminate the need to drag a
messy bucket of soapy water
around the house. Cheryl F.
Refill an automatic toilet-bowl
cleaner dispenser (after rinsing
thoroughly with household
bleach (five percent) and
return it to the toilet tank.
Jeannine D.
of sifting the dry ingredients,
put them in a bowl and whisk
to combine them no more
messing with.a sifter. Judy C.

HEAT TIP Wear layers of
clothing instead of turning up

the thermostat in the house.
For every degree you lower the
thermostat, you save three per-
cent on your heating bill. Try a
hooded sweatshirt, lightweight
sweaters or slacks made of
closely woven fabric. Anita M.
SEE HERE! Combine four
parts water with one part rub-
bing alcohol in a spray bottle
for a terrific eyeglass cleaner.
Spray the solution on lenses
and wipe clean with a tissue.
Chrissy G.
-Share your special Timely
Tip with our readers. Send it to
Kate c/o DBR Media, Inc., P.O.
Box 21, Hopewell Jet., NY
12533, or e-mail: deckert@dbr-

Pr,.',o tuobmaned
An inviting welcome begins at the front dpor. Creating a welcoming front entry often begins with
coordinating the style of door with the style of house. Beautiful planters and a cozy bench com-
plete the scene.

tie to Your s

Fletcher Middle School's PTA President, Karen Arlington,
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^/V^ l I '

NOVEMBER 3, 2006

100 Real Estale
110 Lots/Land For Sale
120 Homes for Sale
125 Real Estate Wanted
130 Condos for Sale
140 Mortgages
150 Mobile Homes for Sale
180 Comm. Property
185 Industrial/Warehouse
200 Rental
215 Homes for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rental
270 Rental to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Rental
300 Free Pets
310 Pets' for Sale
330 Stables/Livestfock
'340 Lost & Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Traiel
415 Persimals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost & Found
450 Instructions/Schools
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help wanted
l50 F-T Help \anmed
520 Job Service
530 Bus. Opportunity'
540 Child Care
550 ei L VWanled
b00 Service Guide
601 Air Conditiuoning
602 Alterluon3.
607 Auti'Boat Detaildging
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Serces
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Sen
620 Equip RentaLs
b22 Fences

623 Finan Senrces
625 Fire',o-d
o31 Compuier erices
633 Hauling
634 Lawn Mower Sales/Serv.
635 Lawn/Landscpg
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Const.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinkler &Wells
677 Tree Service
678 Tile
680 Upholstery
685 UWallpaplerin
690 Water treatment
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Serv.
, 730 Caregivers
800 For Sale
805 Music & lr.itr
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trale
830 Consignment
840 Garage Sales
850 Garage SalesJax Beach
852 Garage Sales Netune Beach
854 Garage Sales Atlanic Beach
857 Garage Sales Ponte Vedra
858 Garag le of Wes
S860 Fles Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorccle,
950 Camners'RV,s
970 Trueaan
980 Auomobiles


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interested prospect, calls,, the
chances are that prospect will not



Friday 2-6 & Saturday 1-4

New Fully Furnished Model
Exclusive New Harborside Living
140 Inlet Drive, St. Augustine
Dir: From San Marco Ave. in Downtown St. Augustin.e turn left at Bridge of Lions
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Call or come by our office:
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S249-9033 Fax: 249-1501

Mail us:
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

1114 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

SE-Mail for information: classified@beachesleader.com
Visit our website: ww'w.beachesleader.com
All classified liner ads appear on the website.

_I am I I IIC

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M&M-1Z. =-O

L~~~Y+r~9~-lya(gpllllDIlll~l~ ne

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 3, 2006

For services designed to save you money,
visit www.rebatethebuyer.com.
Realty Executives of Ponte Vedra.
www.JaxBeachCondos.com or call
Renee L. Baron, Inc. at (904) 242-2821

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes It Illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the Intention to make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per- '
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
If you believe that'you may have been
discriminated against In connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,
call the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.

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Ei* lm W PS

OPEN HOUSE 1542 Emma Lane, on the
marsh. Saturday 12-2pm, Sunday 3-5pm.
Call for directions, Gail @ .Vanguard Real-
ty, 803-6560.
LOWEST'PRICE 2 1.2 blocKs to ocean in
old Atlantic Beach. 3BR'2BA. all brick
50'X130' Ic. $479 900 Call DeDoran Bal-
ley, Remax Atlantic, 234-7725.

WALDEN CHASE. 4BR'3BA. 3200s1.
new, lots of. upgrades $422,900.
SOUTH JAX Beacne. reduced thousands
below recent appraisal: owners moving
out ol stale; 3BR.2.5BA. rowhome.
1327-qtl 884 1lln Ave So Will co-op
3%, $258.500, ,904)502.6165

JAX BCH 5 blocks to ocean, corner lot
consider owner financing. Owner/ Agent

52'x105' $129,900. Located in active
fishing village.' Broker/ Owner, O'Malley
Real Estate, Inc. (904)241-3141.

OCALA NATIONAL FOrest' Lots. $500
down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
or (352)236-4579.

JUST REDUCED for a quick sale. 2 or 3
BR, 2 full BA, extra large lot, in ground
pool w/jacuzzi, pool house, fireplace, lots
of upgrades, $379,000. Call Dee
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine.stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding. Seller will pay all
closing costs. $289,900. 463-0505.

2300sf, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, on cul-
de-sac, private, wooded back yard.
$549,900. (904)537-4083.

blocks -from ocean, 1602sf. No HOA.
Granite,' upgrades. $369,000. Call John

$210.000 TIFFAN' PINES 3BR.2BA
large corner loi, ile floors. new rool. FP
many upgrades 992-2249 or 514-7152

NEPTUNE BEACH. 4.3.5 pre-construc-
lion. 2007 completion. 2 blocKs ocean wi
ocean view, luxury home w a ll ameni.es.
51.300.000 920 No. 2nd Si at Bay S .
708-0731 or 241-8718 for appoinimenl to
view plans
$229.900 ATLANTIC Beach 845 AmDer.
lack Lane. Royal Palms 3 2 +small office
or large walk-in closer. 1252st.. fully reno-
valed Adorable house close to each wiln
great yard & privacy fence. 904-838-1218

I'TRACOASTAL WEST, Indian Springs,.,, blocks ocean. $499,000. 920 No 2nd ST
4i2 w'loht, pool home on preserve approx. at Bay St..708-0731 or 241 -8718
2100 sq h, $299.000. 221'1630 FSO TiOWNHOUSE a ..roimah, I

A GEMI FSOt home in beautiful. charm-
Sing Paradise Cove: One owner' home is,
immaculate. 3/2: '1267 sqh. 616 Paradise
,Court, Atlantic Beach $279.900. Call Le-
na, (608)213-3397.

I.bV 1_U % *V I IVN U b I- ap| x U^l i, i
mile lo beach, 1BR, .5BA w'loh. new rool
wood. deck, kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors & carpet. Community pool,
move, in ready: $217,000. 242-7529,

OpenHos. 2-4S
Cyres rek ,t laerCub

DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
Near Mayport Elem. & Wonderwood. Nice
3.2. 2 car gar Ireshly painted, new vinyl &
more $184,900
WOLF CREEK- 3,2.5 condo. Almost
brand new w. garage & many upgrades
ARLINGTON HILLS- 3/2, nice starter
home, good area $149,900
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4.2 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut. stone
frplc.; fenced i ard, corner lot. Close to
schools, Deacnes Reduced To $214,900.
HARBOR WINDS- Model like home. 3/2,
upgrades everywhere' $239.900
HARBOR WINDS- Approx 1600sf, 3/2,
like new. $234,900.
area. 4.3, over 30K in upgrades Below
appraisal. Better than a model home.
,4/2, near schools shops 234 500
221-1711 OR 241-5501

DI_ --^i,- i-N
No Turkeys...Just Turn-Keyl
Thursday, Nov. 23rd, 12pm-2pm
13858 Weeping Willow
All brick, lakefront
4BR/2BA, 2552sf., $480K
JTB, N. on San Pablo, LF at Pablo Bay
LF at Weeping Willow.
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
Dolphin Cove,,3BR/2BA, huge comer lot,
all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile in main
living area. Ready to gol Just Reduced.
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and tennis, minutes to the Beaches
A+ school. $288,900.
4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+sf., new roof,
HVAC, fepce, flooring, windows, garage
.door. Offered at $384,900.
TWO 1BR/ 1BA +loft Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with nuge great room, private Dack-
yard, great lor enrenaining, Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $319.900
Motivalea selle l 2BR2BA, downstairs
unit. fireplace, wood Iloors. icar garage
Olfered at $144.900
Oh Soiano Rd 1 has small beach.cottage,
been remodeled Take advantage of golf
views or purchase both lor your dream
home. rNot many like ths' .2BR/2BA
Beach cottage, $499,900. Additional lot is
$449.500 .
Call: 904-241-4447


Atlantic Beach Hidden Paradise
Watson Realty Corp. Realtors@
Call 904-476-5537
Careful Attention to Detail
From Condos to Country':

3/2.5 + Bonus rm, Pool, spa near
Dutton Island Reserve.

Causing a Commotion On the Ocean!

4BR/2BA home on the canal w/boat AND IN SUTTON LAKES
lift & dock. Separate dining room. This 4BR/2BA home is 2.138 sq. ft.
li ing room and family room has "\vth 3 fully equipped eat-in kitchen,
wood burning brick fireplace & washer and drer. fenced )ard. Iecunr
sliding glass doors that lead toan system sprinkler s stem and screened-
io W W an -'th g it s lan. u .i
Large m3;ter suite and mnre e"'Puen.o'', Flonoda i ingat itsbet.
Reduced, no\ $584.900 Reduced from s$29.90i0. now 269.000
Rosemary Kristoff REALTOR '
Prudential Network Realt)'s Multi-Million Dolar Producer
904-333-48-1 cell or 904-285-1800 ex 3079 office
( Prudential Email rosemkl@bellHouth net
SNetwork Realty [Independentd owned and operated

/ i

Great features throughout the 2,241 SF 3BR/2BA home. Hardwoods
in the main living areas, vaulted ceilings, crown & chair rail moldings,
French doors to a Mexican Saltillo tiled outdoor & screened porch.
neutral colors. Peaceful lawn & landscaping.
Open House special asking price
$479,000 reduced price 8449,000 with s
5,000 towards closing costs. Dr.A 1A to
Sawgrass Players Club, proceed to Cypress
Creek, turn HT on Cypress Creek Drive,
#3028 on RT.
Call Top Producer Lynn Saul 904-859-9100

For More Info: "
Call Cara Doud
571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon

Free car-wash coupons to first 10 visitors!
Bring your bike!
Granite, hardwoods, fresh paint int. & ext., and
location make this home outshine the rest. Park
your car in the large 2-car garage, and ride your
bike to the beach or Ragtime! Or just relax by the
cozy fireplace. Whatever you do, you'll be thrilled
you made this awesome 3/2 in Selva Linkside your
new home! Hurry, it won't last at this price!
1161 Sandpiper Ln. E. ( N. on Seminole Rd. to Left
on 11 '" StRt. o. Linkside. r.,.Left on Sandpiper,
Ocean.,views under $550,000! m
Ocean views at an unbeatable price, and it is not a
condo! This 3-story town home is large, spacious
and bright. Tucked away in North A.B., it is only
steps from the sand and surf! With just a little of
your TLC, this home will take your breath away!
Start and end your days with the peaceful ocean
views and breezes from your large master
bedroom. $549,900

SCall Rosemary Naughton E -
Tl" 904-568-1523

:'. "She KnOWS the beaches!"

OPEN HOUSE Sat. 12-2
"South Beach Twnhouse-Beachie Fun"
409 12th Ave. S., Jax. Bch.
Easy stroll to ocean walks, 3BR 2 BA attached home begs for
new owners! Impeccably kept, 2 years "new." gorgeous tiled
downstairs, 10' ceilings, gourmet stainless/granite kit, huge closets.
crisp stucco ext., just 4 blks to the bch! $423,000
"S. Jax Bch 2 Sty-5 Easy Blks. to Ocean!"
511 13th Ave. S., Jax. Bch.
Comfortable 3BR 3BA home on quiet setting-no rear neighbors!
Wood & tile floors down, all BR's up-ocean breezes every night!
Owner motivated so come see today! Reduced from $440,000 to
$410,000. A real opportunity! '
"A Million Dollar View"
S. on AIA in P.V., E. at L'Atrium to 2452 Lorraine Ct. S.
Welcome home! Beautifully maintained 2/2 L'Atrium home on
'big water." Generous screened lanai invites:nature into all main
rooms. High ceilings, openGR/Kit for comfortable lifestyle. 2 car
gar, all new appliances. A gem! $342.000.
REDUCED 'P.V. Executive-Shops, Schools, Value!
Elegant, spacious 4BR 3.5BA hospitable home in P.V.1 Exudes
style & pizzazz, just 3 years new! Plantation shutters, spacious
GR/DR/Kit w/ vol ceils, upscale tile. luxury Master, study loft,
and perfect in-law/guest suite down. Short jaunt to the sea & sand!
Neptune Classi i"Total Re-Creation!"
Gorgeous re-do, A to Z, 4 blks to ocean! Conc. blk. 3BR on poer-
sized 72 x 118 lot! Magnificent upgrades: gourmet kit. iw/ stainless,
silestone, maple. Sparkling new windows, beachie tile, ideal sep.
office, beautifully'landscaped HUGE yard. Perfect retreat!
Stunning "Ocean's Edge"-Best of the Beach!
'Be in 1st place! Brand new beachside condosjust_ blk to ocean in
"hip" S. Jax Bch! Solid blk. construction, tile roofs, luxury granite/
tile finishes, unparalleled amenities-edgeless pool, bus. center,
elite gym. Hear the waves! 1,2,3 BR's affordably. Values from the
low 300's for discriminating beach-lovers!
Oceanwaves Within Walking Distance!
Rustic, 3/2 just 3 blks to ocean on 10th StA.B. Massive 85' x 135'
lot w/ room for pool, expand or total re-build. Lrg. beachy tile
gameroom, wd..floors, eclectic, delightful charm. Stroll to Al's
Pizza! It's the ultimate "old beach" ambiance! $684,000

Call Kelly Hobbs To
SFind The Home That
Works For You!!


uiassinect zL

. .... .... ... ...... ... .


ris..r-crar:' )


416 UPPER 36TH AVE. 4 blocks to the beach!
2BR/2BA with one car garage, freshly painted, in quiet.
enclave neighborhood. $275,000.
3515 SO. 1" ST.- The beach is just 1 '/2 blocks away
from this 3BR/IBA with detached one car garage,
totally renovated, wood floors & large front porch from
which to meet vour neighbors. $625,000.
119 37H AVE. SO.- 2 blocks to the beach! This.3BR/
2BA has a 2 car garage, Florida room, wood floors,
vaulted ceiling, new kitchen, updated electrical &
plumbing. $699,000. '

Sherri Beno Realtort
Lisa DiStefano Realtor ':

Kelly Has 'he

HOme 3or W YOU!

717 Lake Stone Circle. Ponte Vedra Beach. 3/2.5
-Wooded Preserve. Large Back)qard. Open Floor plan.
$379,900. Location, Location, Location!
765 Sea Oats Bay. Ponte Vedra Beach. 2/2 at
SummerHouse. Gated. Beach Access. Clubhouse. 2
years HOA. You can't afford to miss this!! $299,000.,
805 Boardwalk Dr. #522. Ponte Vedra Beach. 2/2
with spiral stairs to Loft! Stunning Condo with wood
views and sides to Lake. Private location in desirable
comm. w/ ammen. galore. $299,900.
Gerona Drive East. Or Build Your Own Home on
this 150x190+ lot in the Intracoastal West area.
FSBOwner/'Agent $149,000.


I ,,1.

Nlrevmher 3. 7006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

U -n~'^ui


VILANO BEACH, Marsh View townhome, n sa In
3/4, 2900 sqft., $599,000. Owner/ realtor. ICW FSBO, 3/2 home on cWl:de-sac.in
504-3430. sqft $599000Kensington. Only $229,900. 221-6263.

-Sought After '
MarstI. Sound!!
Spacious 4BR/3BA 2467 sq ft home, on
Scul-de-sac corner lot. The open floor
plan has knockdown ceilings with'
custom tile and carpet; Wired for
surround sound in the great room,
master bedroom and the screened porch.
The home office has French doors ,and custom cabinetry. Master
bath with garden tub, separate shower and walk-in closet. Jack
and Jill bath connects to front bedrooms, has separate vanities and
linen closets. ADT alarm and fire systems, irrigation system with
own meter. Offered at: $364,000

"Isle of Palms On the Canal"
Beautiful inside and out. Tius 2074 sq ft home
has high ceilings, ceramic tile. IBR
downstairs, Master & Nursery upstairs
w/hardwood floor and screened balcony. Net.
dock & 10Klb boat lift. 2500 Ib ski lift. vinyl
bulkhead. Tiled screen
patio. Financing incentives
avail. $159,900
ava. 549 Call Evelyn & Steve Martin,
1, and "Double the Magic"
(904) 887-7053 Evelyn's Cell
( 904) 887-7409 Steve's Cell
A Put the "Martin Magic" to work for you today!

4i Marvin & Floyd

Realty Inc.

Website http://marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638


1/1 Oceanfront Condo Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyslde Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is).
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apanments. Near ocean. $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to purchase property
near the Inlracoastal and within walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000



3/2 nouse, 1896sq'. Fenced back yard. Lawn maintenance included. $1,600 mth

2/2 condo, 1260sq' Ground floor. Pool, Tennis Courts.


I I I %

L, J. J ', .RO W ,"
Newr Rat

MLS# 333229 4-pies, 2 blocks i beach : INS# 336832BR/IBA 1211 Sf. &pen
ecellenicrndioacn! Tao IBR/IBAunis. I FP, S#334683 2BR/1BA1,211 St.Open
one RBRIBA +FP.Rone 3BR/3BA + FPRnt, lap plan. Grarute \/whrie cabinets. 60x150.
poGl & &pa. barduc:.. & ule tls. I -car garage & 1 Walk to beach & Town Center. $479,000
pada ng pac. $975.0i 1285-1800 .1-217
MLS# 291739 Close to shopping. resiuranL. NESHED AMONG TiEES
enterunmmenit aJros the sree from beach NILS#320017Completely redone 3/2 with
access l, Ilo oI r 3BR/2BA unit ,Ieang ,oe,
from balcon, mrany upgrades. ell-nintauned, cathedralceiling.ga room, teakfloors th
waterpu ficat.n Ssieim & reserved parking out, new gourmet kitchen %l/siainless
4M65..:i 285-1800 appliances and custom master retrat. A one
COSTI VERANO of a kind home. $749,900 241-2417
MLS# 296296 3BR3B lunit w/almosti $.NiI
in upg:rdes. SEcomeron 6th h1r. condo nam nines FANrASTIC OPPORINTII!
include surround sound theatre. state,-ol-the-an NLS# 306477 Zoned res/comm use;
imesrs center ,/ipa. salna, seam room, ould:":r
rectraurlria& pit e-l.Ageraohn rid $1.rll..1O property has tremendous potential due to
285-1800 outstanding location $590,000 241-2417
MLS# 297456 Locaed on S Pone edra Bld. NILS# 312004 Overlooks small lake.
l:agonal 3BR.3BA vaultedalihngs. hard- od Spectacular 4BR/2.5BA, tons of upgrades.
floors., sinless appliantc.s,conan.jacuzzi. fulv $5119.90) 241-2417
fumirhel. wrap-around deck. buili io wiitstaril
category 5 force minds $1.250.X000I 285-1800 10O RENOVAlED DUPlEXESI
HIlPTONl OEN NMLS# 301100 Top of the line appliances
MLS# 310037 Like-re, 2-stor bnck 4B R/ s asher/dier High eiciency heat
3 5BA, 31.K SF. home c-ffers a f63or plran great mludes her/dner High efciency heat
for entenrumng. normal LR & DR. FR 'FP. & air Two balconies, plantation blinds,
Flonda room, pano & large wtoded back yard fenced rear. $644,501 241-2417
thai bac.j: 10 prciere, commrunnyl arn'tiens
include p.ll.tenn,l & more. $79(.1:.i285-1800 GREAT (OUND FLOOR UNIW
CiOMENIENTIOCITIION inPONIFIWDRI r ILS# 326685 Tile m living and dining
REDLCEDI rooms and latchen Eas living. Great pool
IIS# 319213 5BRi41 BA immaculate home.
gourmet kitchen A/grard brea.irast bar.r mr and club facities. 5189,Ui0 241-2417
s'e u/'imng area, hi' her B,. guest iste i COTTGE ST.E COWDO
pnvate entrance. heautilfl, lndcpJ U, dsA epn'ate
backard& 3-car garage i'595,x. 285-1800 UILS# 319376 3BR/2BA with resh paint,
PRESERTIEtrfSIN~HIRtS 4RBOR new carpet, Icargarage ingatedcommumniy.
NEW PRICE $239,500 241-2417
MLS# 317198 mrrosi 41.200 SF in thji like-
nei 5BR'3 5BA home wilhbraur. 2-slor, LR LIFE ISA BEAC
i/gas FP FR, %,oo floors. spaiowus creened MINS# 297172 Livig in this 2BR/2BA
ianai /pl.terfall & hoi tub. 3-cararage& 2nd Or unit Enov unets on the marsh
unadepoilnthaibacks totieprc .are 5y'a9ini unit Env-
285- 1800 $175.555 241-2417
MNE PR31733 CP E 5 5 I/ NLS# 31816 4BR/2 5BA with in ground
tLS# 31733.. Pnr,ate /almcil 55 aSre'i, th l
one-of-a-kind custom.4BR/lIBA .- 2 powder pool, hot tub, wood floors, plantation
rooms, 6000 SF home offers a wme cellar, pool, shuters, 2 stor- over &. lush landscaping.
& p.a p:Vl/Fiigue house. espanisic lajns. $149,0 I 241-47
a dren-. Lo l pond. terrae. & lush Iforest
Sl,.,9,,,, 285-1800 QLUEEIS 14RBOt ,
PONIT VEDR4 CONDO RFDI CEDI ML1S# 330279 4BR3.5BA with water to
.lS# 273074 ClNe, ren baed 2c hopB A ng g golf panoramic views. Upgraded latchen
N eh %,. !' e\ ,,, re nc Led 2B R W 2B A ,. / arageR r
2nd floor unit uw/TP. appliances included, \ih granite. Room for a pool. $649000
lake,.ew s. gaied community i/pool. fines 241-2417
center, Uieat reorL tierinin.oun~u & full, eCquipped
kitchen 5224.l( 285-1800 WINDSORPA4 PL UIS
nlRlIEBAC CROSSING NILS #304819 4BR/3B, dream back yard,
IN SA~iRASS 1TC heated pool & spa, prof landscaped, split BR,
NILS#318778AkIlurelrcharinmng 2BRP' 5B34
iowShor3e. LR -klood burning FP. 1J2led highceilings, Calif Closets; summer kit,
ceilngs, irsil n11oc master, nled s reened pau,,, Viking Grill $488,000 241-2417
private ourt',ard. garage. 2 ,ear old nx.f. r e'er PABL V '
K-rber tcTai Pnced ihl iJ $l0,S.i:: 1285-1800 M
LKSIE $S iomn FJR ER.H IVS COIE MLS# 320012 4BR/3BA not a drive by.
S4WOR4SS CC RER FED! This beauty inside. Lots of closets andvery
ILS# 309469 inlcreble 'it'.e of L ke clean.Wiedforhometheaterinbonusroom.
Elizabeth! 2BR/2BA+loftw/largescreenedpch $494000241-2417
&open.decks, new A/C,waterheater& kitchen $494,000241-2417
appliances, Master w/built-ins, LR w/FP, BEAUIFUL OME
community pool & more! $399,000 2854800 GAR COIMUNIIM
MLS# 270205 Traditional 3-story on wooded ILS# 331715 4BR/3BA, 2 car garage,
cul-de-sac lotoverlookinglagoon, 5BR, allon the over 2,500 SFtile/wood flooring. Backing
2nd & 3rd firs, 4BA, R, den/office & a porch to nature preserve w/arge screened lanai.
that spans the width of thehouse,a peaceful home
in which to relax & enjoy the wonders of nature. $564,900 241-2417
$998,500285-1800' ..
'f ...IndeDendentlv owned and-ooeated' I


Two houses off Jacksonville Drive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both
levels. Large Kitchens, GE Profile appliances, 42in
Maple cabinets, and Granite Countertops. Gas ,
Package for Cooktop, Dryer and BBQ grill.
Each offered at $649,000 han le
Linda Pomerantz 923-8030 .. _L P

IFrom Cottaqes to Castles


MLS# 308395 (Residential; 903 17th ST
North Price: $299,999 3 Bed 2 batn
Totally remodeled home on quiet street with
open floor plan and lots of living spaces.
Lovely end of street location. Adjoining lot
future option i. I
available to buyer

MLS# 299269 (Residertial) 1927 Beacnside Ct
.Price' $1,895,000 4 Bed 3 bath 1 half bath.
This magnificent home is a Wm Morgan masterpiece
& recd the 'Excellence in Design Award' from the
Amer.lnst.of Architects in Jax. Home has over 1800
SF ol cov. porches. Home is built around a lovely
bay tree. The micronesian metal roof design affords
beautiful ocean views, artists studio, dumb waiter or
elevator, huge 3 car gar & sep entry to full guest
suite. One ol the most.unique homes in Jax.

dcf 4 Ni
759-8827 (cell)
241-2417 ext.209(office)

network Realty .,..~ reim
Independent rr
J ned & Operaied

One of the last remaining This luxurious 7,300 square foot
undeveloped pieces of land across Sabatier custom home features
from the ocean, just north of exquisite finishes throughout, iugh-tech
Micklers with beach access. This concrete construction. six bedrooms.
fabulous wooded lot is 150' %ide by six full and two half baths, a separate
655' deep on the west side of the au pair apartment. a heated pool and a
Boulevard, with a total of 2.25 acres. fifty-oot dock on a deepwater harbor
$1,699,000on the Intracoastal. $3,250,000
I,690 Elizabeth Hudgins
Prudential Network Realty's
'The Real Estate Profesisc.roat n ho sells fhe tbesl cf lhe ,r tt Co in'lfe si le
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
I Prudential
Network Really
Visit Elizobeth and oil her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Independently owned and operated
1000 Sawgrass Village Drive, Suite 101, Ponts Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Oceanfront Newetustom bmo BHK, bts rPoint 4BK. 23-ISA wilon on private
4.5BA. with 4725 SF, views 6fte ocean culdesac, lush landscaping. fenced 'ard,
from the east and ICW the west. Office, sprinkler, open kichen with breakfast bar,
formal living and dining, tiliand ft'rimal dining, designer molding, master
hardwood floors, pool and spa. screened bedroom is down with garden rub. comm.
lanai with hot rub, a nd pnyate beach. pool/toania. $335.000
52.750,000 ax Beach Updated 4BR,2BAcoquina
sle of Palms-Fonrerriodelwih 2705 hpme on an oversized lot (.27 acres. just
SF and $71,000 in upgrt~i es:.on. blocks to the beach! Wood floors.
navigable water.. ust bring your boatd fireplace, open kitchen, format dining.
Family room with fireplace, formal largegreat oom, inside laundry, screened
dining, and deliue master miete. Two porch, Abed, hot tub with deck. $335,000
screened lan*is, deg, balcony, docknt7 PoreithK This 3BR. 1 5K 2 i-h )ft
isdonly on i ldtII1iM?40' nI -N,
ipunBlHjieqtpfr ltr.'s o; saqf faWw~s:, egqail Jake yi34s1tOiur pieqp4^
compliment iLs Bl, 4BA executive spacious kitchen ith reakftast bar.
home on the 17th green. Chefs kitihen formal living and dining, oversized
with cherry cabinets, la orian,- t laundry, over $40k in upgrades! $315,000
3 car garage, screened lanai, two bonus Pelcan Bay 3BR, 2.5BA just steps to
rooms, comm. pool, pied $5k below the Itracoastal! Enjoy peaceful lake
appraisal $750,000 views fiom your screened lanai or
Odoms Mill Lakefroot 5BR, 5BA on entertain on vour open deck. Mo e-in
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lapai, -trady with newer carpet and paint,
bonus roomisperfect leenageietrit, in upgraded kitchen with tile, corian
law suite, wood and.dle floors; corian counters. $279.900
counters, formal linand dining 3 car K;erman Fm l-- If you ate looking for a
garage. comm. pool. 679,000 true Florida home, look no further! 3BR,
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach rom 2BA open floor plan with tile throughout.
this upgraded, light and bright 4BR, family-room w/tueplace, deck leads to
25BA withloftformal.livinganddining private backyard with peaceful lake
room, new carpet and paint, tile floors, views...no backdoor neighbors! $269,900
oversized screened lnlai, lots of storage, Wndsr Chase -.3BA. 2BR with office,
commr pool. 5499,500 .stucco front, lush landscaping, fenced
Pablo Bay Why wait to build? TldS yard with.roo for a pooL formal dining,
4BR, 2BA all brick home is ready nowl open kitchen with extra cabinets, full
Eniov relaxingeveningson yourcovred irrigation, inside laundry room. tons of
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake.: shelving, storage, comm. pool $249.900
Upgrades include tile, 42 inch cabinets, Kensington Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio
open kitchen with island, cofia.. home is.perfect for first time buyer or
5480,000 someone looking to downsize. Move in
Laurel Srigs 4BR, 2BA pool home ready with new carpet, paint, open kitchen
on beauXu i lae fontlotl Upgraded tile, with all appliances. opendeck, private
covered lanai overlooks screened pool,. yard, comm. pool/tennis. $204,900
split bedroom plan. fireplace. Enjoy.
entertaining in your spacouspool are,:
mnnv upgnades! $345.000 --

i: tt

Atlantic Beach
Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo, Ground Fir
I/2 block to the Ocean in Old Atlantic
Large Patio w/privacy fence. All new carpet,
new AC, updated baths, fresh paint, new stove
& microwave. $298,000
Old Atlantic Beach Priced to Sell 489,900!
3 bdrm/2ba home, approx 1300 sq ft, 2.5
blocks to the ocean, lot size 50 x 130. Original
hardwood floors thru-out. Needs remodeling
but has loads of charm.
Contemporay Gem Selva Norte
4Bdrm/3Ba- Open Fir Pin Rich wood accents
throughout extensive deck & tree canopy.
Perfect mix of home, privacy, and nature. Seller
will pay $5000 towards buyers closing costs.
Awesome Atlantic Beach Home
4 blocks to the Beach-in Seha Marina
5Bdrm/4Ba completely updated 3640 SF -
low maintenance gourmet kitchen Hardwood
thru-out. Priced to sell! $975,000
Roof Top Ocean Views 1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Constrction!l
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/4.5bath,
3 story w/elevator, 2-car garage Construction
complete in 3 months. High-End Finish Levels
- Offered at $1,050,000
New Home in Atlantic Beach
3 Blocks to the Ocean Selva Marina
3-story w/elevator, 6 bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq ft,
office, high ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot size: 85
x 142. Maintenance free: concrete block &
stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl shake on
2nd & 3rd levels. $1,175,000

Completely Remodeled Old Atlantic Beach Home -
I Block to Ocean
Cedar Shake home w/white picket fence perfectly
manicured. 4Bdrm, 3 Ba, master upstairs, 2700 Sf,
62.5x125 lot size, room for pool. Maple hardwood floors
throughout. 2-car garage w/garage-tek. $1,200,000
Atldntic Beach Seaside
Seaside Oated Community Luxury HOME!
Magnificent custom home with state-of-the-art
kitchen. You could not rebuild this home with this
quality in finish levels at this price today. IT's
AWESOMEI 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, 2-story all bdrms up,
3486 sqft, Mediterranean style with barrel tile roof.
Private Beach access. $1,395,000
West Atlantic Beach
West Atlantic Beach Bungalow -
Awesome Investment SI ,000
3 bdrm 2 ba, 1-story, new red oak floors throughout,
new roof, approx. 1300 SF, lot size 60x125.
u U19 0 ] I[f1
West Atlantic Beach Updated Home w/Pooll
Huge lot 120x125, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2-car garage, fully
updated baths and kitchen, move-in condition.
Perfect for investment or to live in!
1 iSI U hl~l I] I ri
West Atlantic Beach -
Brand New Construction $399,000
Seems too good to be true but it's REALI 4 bdrm,
2.5 ba, 2397 SF, brand new Key West Style home
on 60x125 lot. Metal roof, hardiboard exterior,
vaulted ceilings, granite counters. ss appls,
hardwood firs throughout, detached 1-car garage,
privacy fence, room for a pool!

Neptune Beach
Completely Rovated Contemporary -
Awesome bracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Bch on the marsh w/an 85'
dock on a small cieek leading to the
Intracoastal. Remodeled inside & out. 3bdrm/
2ba, 2-Car Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered
at $499 000
ieat Investment O portunlty -
East of 3rd street
Quadraplex with 4 easy to rent efficiencies.
Only steps to the ocean! Offered at $639;000
Jacksonville BeacB
The Palms: 2 bdrm2ba Condo
that is a 16.++
This is truly a 10+, Do not miss it! 2Bdrm/2Ba
2"n floor condo with custom cabinets new
sinks and granite in Kitchen and baths.
East et 3rd St. in Jax Beach $359,000
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba plus 2-Car
Garage. Awesome Investment opportunity.
less than 1 block to the Ocean. Residential
grandfathered in but zoned commercial.
Great Ocean Front Condo!
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition In South Jax Bch, Covered Parking.
Priced to sell at $599,900
Completely Remodeled w/the finest finishes.
w/wrap around porches! 3 bdrm/2ba, custom
cabinets, granite and much much more!!!
Fumishings optional. $799,000
Investment Property -
Mumn-family I- St. South
Awesome unobstructed ocean views. West
side of 1st Street, multi-family, 2 bldgs, corner
lot 62.5x85, updated over last 3 yrs 949,000

Call Margi Petitt P L m1

Top Producer s

571-9821c Bea
60 Ocean Blvd. Site 3. Atlantic Beach 6.n

r~ur rururs ~) -uuv







The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

November 3; 2006

OFF SAN PABLO, Covington Creek, all
brick, 3/2, over 2200 sq.ft., on cul de sac,
too many extras to list, reduced for quick
sell, must see $359,900, 221-1630.
NEPTUNE BEACH fixer upper; perfect
for investor or owner/ occupant, con-
crete block, 4 blocks from ocean,
$285,000, call Mark, 591-6976.

9745 Touchton Rd. Unit 126
Gorgeous two-story condo 2BR/
2BA. Features granite countertops,
oversized microwave, washer/
dryer. Fully equipped clubhouse
with tennis courts and basketball
courts. $194,500 MLS 318903
1256 Galapages Ave S.
3BR/2BA Oak Harbor-New
kitchen, cabinets, tile, laminate
flooring. Close to beaches,
Mayport Naval Station, and
Hannah Park. Home warranty
included. $199,900 MLS 316548,
9745 Touchton Rd. Unit #725
2BR/2BA Mediterranean Style.
Barrel tile roofs, All appliances
'included. Screened porch. 7,000
BSF Clubhouse, with tennis and
Basketball courts. $204,900MLS
211 Collma St.
2BR/2BA, delightful ground floor
unit with tile floorsthroughout,
plantation shutter screened
porch, two storage areas, built-
in bookshelves, and club
amenities. $219,700 MLS 312084
5811 Atlantic Blvd Unit#125
2BR/2BA panoramic views of the
river! Boat slip available. Five
minutes from downtown close to
San Marco, shopping and
hospitals Extra utility room with
washer/dryer hookups. $225,000
SMLS 325495 f
1701 The Greens Way Unit P621
2BR/2BA, private end unit with
water view screened porch plus
fireplace. Resort amenities and
arage included. $249,990 MLS
628 Ocean Pond C
Great 3BR/2BA beach home in a
quiet cul de sac with low
maintenance vinyl siding, split
bedrooms, eat-in kitchen. Close
to schools, shopping and JTB.
$329,900 MLS 326083
2173 A*alan P
Stunning 4BR/2BA in Osprey
Point. French doors, great room
with fireplace and Pergo floors.
Lovely master bedroom with
renovated master bath. $389,900
MLS 334570
2002 MaryeBrant Loop S
Neptune 4BR/2BA, high ceilings,
open floor plan makes this home.
look spacious. Only a short bike
ride to beach. Close to schools \
and shopping. $415,000 MLS
1828 Forest Ave
Large 4BR/2BA corner lot.
Upgraded windows, doors, and
roof. Open and bright, bedroom
remodeled. Large great room for
big gatherings. $419,900 MLS
306 11
1 656 Marshview Drive
v Beautiful 5BB/2BA brick home
with Golf course views. Bring
SVy6ur'canoe or Kayak tO launch-
rom backyard. Marshfront lot is
670' deep. $574,900 MLS
228 Odoms Mills Bird
Beautiful spacious 5BR/4BA
bbnck home. Large dining room.
Huge great room with wet bar
and sliding glass wall. Great suite
has separate sitting room.
$599,000 MLS 309764
505 Lancaster St 2B
Riverfront condo 2BR/2BA. 4
executive living, well appointed
Sand spacious bedroom with top
of the line updates in bathroom.
,24- hour security and
Underground parking. $649,900
MLS 318803
1229 N 3rd St
7BR/4BA, property zoned
commercial. entralC in front
: of building with hardwood floors
and fireplace. Plenty of parking.
nice patio and deck areas. Great
location or office or business.
.$935,000 MLS 316902
330 10th St
Marvelous 5BR/3BA, new front
elevation with cedar shake
exterior. Brazilian hardwood
floors. Unbelievable deck with
plenty of room for pool. Updated
shower. $1,085,000 MLS 334558

; 1 1,., (i- I'..1 '.ll "
Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804

ATLANTIC BEACH. Totally remodeled,
3BR.1BA, 1000sf.+, 50'x,150' beautiful lot.
Granite, Jacuzzi, new carpet and paint.
Kitchen & bath redone in 2004. $625,000
OBO. 366 5th Street. Owner/ Broker.
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
MOVE-IN READY in Villages of Pabloll
3/2, 1877sf. on a waterfront lot. Complete-
ly renovated and updated with new
appliances. A must seel $299,000 Call
FSBO- THE Palms at Marsh Landing 1/1
condo. Tile/ barber, brand new A/C, scr.
balcony to enjoy peaceful marsh views.,

806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in new subdivision, tons of
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sfhome
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office

rslrtaggy ( n

:Sea State Realty Corp .
S "The Listing Specialist"
Waterfront Community Condos
2BR/2BA w/den -$134.900 0I21
2BR/1.5BA -$133.900
1BR/1BA -$85.0001mtlel:]le]i:l it
Waterfront Condo f
2BR/2.5BA -$137.500 '.:
Call Larry Dukes, Broker -j-:
(904) 537-0679 "

L u x u r O S id P I S -

Ocean 9 Villas, First Coast's premier ocean side condo
community is accented by an entire top floor rooftop
penthouse. Approximately 5,800SF of living area including
private sundeck terrace w/palm garden & Jacuzzi options.
4BR/4.5BA. Panoramic ocean view w/
wrap around balconies, 11' ceilings &
.iB ;over 1,000SF luxury master suite.
Offered for $1,950,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul 904-859-9100





iatUrday, November 4th, lpm-4pm

#2231 iBRJ1/BAui/garage $159,900
Host: Tom Gibbon, Realtor, 904-566-6501

#13.1 iBR/IBA ll/garage $164,900
Hst: Leigh Hodges, Realtor, 904534-4559

#3z222 BR/2BA : $187,000

Host: Mike EvanS, Realtor, 90442-4650

#25 3BR/2BA $239,000
Hot: San Hahalingam, Realtor, 904-327-3329

#1725 3BR/2BA


Host: ]an Foiller, Realtor, 904-294-4766

#1924 3BR/2BA m/garage $248,900
Host: Sherri Beno, Realtor'. 904-651-1850

Come join us! Visit each home
and you'lll have 6 chices to li.

a gift certificate to Bonefish Grill!

Directions: 1TB east to South Beach Phki exit, turn right at
Marsh Landing Pllty, right on The Greens UIfag (look for
FOP sign), go to end to The Palms.

OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block. Clubhouse w/infiiity pool. 1 block to the
beach, 1 block to shopping. MLS# 307553,$448,800
screened lanai. Gated, pool, clubhouse, boat parking. MLS# 324495 $159,900
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING WOODED VIEWS from your lanai. 3/2 second floor with 18" tiles and
berber carpet. Gated, GARAGE, clubhouse. $254,900
OCEAN GROVE 2/2 w/ GARAGE, totally renovated condo. Tile, screened lanai overlooks lake w/
fountain. MLS#308439 REDUCED $242,900
THE COLONY WALK to the BEACH. LOWEST PRICED 2 bedroom. Beautiful ground floor with
wooded views. Wood floors, tile, fireplace, crown moulding. GARAGE. MLS# 326635 $229,900

STONEBRIDGE LARGEST 3/2 with 2 master suites. 1408 SF, tile, screened lanai, roomy & bright.
CARPORT. Close to shopping, restaurants. Priced $6000 below appraisal. MLS# 327334 $168,800.
STONEBRIDGE GROUND FLOOR 2/2 screened lanai, exit to your CARPORT. Arched doorways,
upgraded lighting. Inspections done. Close to shopping.' $149,900.

A 234-9997

SOUTH JAX Beach FSBO 3BR,2BA. PV. 5BR/4BA wloft. 2454sI, immac. new
50'x100 lot wilrngalnon system, pool. roof, granite passlnru, wine cooler & more
ouldoor kilcnen, Tlia. SS appliances below appraisal $379 900 See
1400st., walk lo Deach. $387,400 OBO ww6saillish.com Call Ranav Bran @
(904)247-3879. USA Realty Mart, 904-213.8287
Adorable 2/1 just updated home w ith detached garage. Also includes plans
for a 7000 Sq. Ft Duplex. Great lot. All this for $349,000
Beauuful 2/2 Ammenjues include pools, putting green, tennis. work-out
room. Just blocks from restaurants, golf, Lmax theater, and spa. Seller
offering to buy dow n mortgage rate for up to 3 years Don't wait Onls

4/3, fenced ,ard. like ne% 2664 Sq. ft. $494.000
5/3. ~.er large lot backs up to ooded area. $569.000
4/2 2600 Sq. ft. hugh yard fenced on lake $519.000
All shown hb appt. call Lea
or go to ww\w.homesbvlea
,i Indrwan,
Leat ,.atnderwoo

for virtural tours

(, Prudential
Network Realty


Cell (904) 571-0790
Office (904) 241-2417 ext. 212
Multi-Million Dollar Producer
Independent COwned and Operated

Open House *
Saturday & Sunday 1PM-4PM
D '.ci1t.u ar ,wao,,y a Ar3'ac!,: B a
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Friday 12-5pm
2 L E Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 high-end
4 story Mediterranean-style town homes wilh
private courtyard and roof fop terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your front yard. Only
3 left!! Prices starting at $999,900
i G call Margi Petitt Top Producer

A perfect 10, studio condo in Ponte-B '
Vedra, walking distance to beach in
Sawgrass Beach Club. Totally renovated w/custom cabinets,
Murphy beds, custom tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully'
furnished & equipped. Lease or purchase. $269,000
Call Lynn Saul
Over 20 Million in Sales in 2005.


This nearly new 3BR/2BA home is located on a quiet street.
Beautifully landscaped. FP, 2 car garage. 2 years new.
Perfect starter home. Must see to appreciate. $249,900 MLS
This charming Beach Bungalow is newly renovated and just
blocks to the beach. 3BR w/granite, tile, new windows, AC,
hot water tank,' elec. 'pael' and_ more._Greatfit hnfih'.and
over 1300 sqft. Motivated S6ller!"$285,000. MLS' 84350'
This beautiful 3BR/2BA PV condo w/gar has a split floor
plan and over 1200sqft. New carpet, kitchen, scr lanai, RV/
boat stor, tennis, pool, and beach access. $219,900 MLS
This spectacular home is Tri-level w/2 car gar and 3BR/
2.5BA. Just steps to the beach, 1 st fir has sep. suite, deluxe
master, gourmet kit, private yard and NO HOA fees.
$625,000 MLS 329743

S 0CALL Connie Grubbs
Ik *I 904-612-9911



The Beaches


Ponte Vedra


* .f

rpom tCantic Beach to

Po te Vre' ra Beachi

Tve Go Your ConCd!

CAND) CAY W1$AS No.car needed! All the stores
you need are within walking distance. 2BR/2BA condo
located in a quiet, woodsy setting in PVB. Gated
community. Motivated Seller. $199,900.'

O6EAN'S EDE 1BR, 2BR, and 3BR condos east of
A1A in south Jax Beach. Brand new & beautiful! Call
for pricing and availability..

SSEAPCLt Quaint Atlantic Beach is the setting for
this 2BR/2BA renovated condo, just a 1/2 block from
the ocean. You can hear the ocean from your balcony
-& see it from your bedroom door. New kitchen &
baths, too & just steps to the pool. 1168 sq.ft. $310,000.

; w/ garage. Large corner balcony to relax & enjoy the
views. Vaulted ceilings, FP, all appliances, storage. All
this and no one above you! $248,500.

GARAGE, end unit, no one above you, water &
wooded views, FP, all appl. incl. washer & dryer,
screened lanai which can be glassed in. $255,000.



P aCtor@
904- 651-1830


m ilm-mill-&-mR .

I --- .. lmm

I- j2


List & Save $$$







The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

I sITUM 1l40


Wally Sears

Donna Theiss

Buying, building or
refinancing a home?
We can put together
the perfect mortgage.


Karen Jackson Tom Rankin MORTGAGE
614-3056I 982-7101 Seeing beyond money
" ; ,.. . ;, :. .. .
,:,] ,, ,,,;,, Ii'*p ,'.-s'\r ., l,:eu ... .=: ,._',.,, M ..... : I ... .. .. ..:,,_ ,,- ...11 ............1 ._.,, .. .... ,:..:; ,. ,,.: -- ,..; ;' ,,.,,- -, '1...
u ., il. ,,l~- ~ i ir l L l- VI. L- I.|', = m ., r* I-'' -, .J IL ,. .L Ll w. -t r. .... ..., ,. .. . .- .

LOVELY 3BR/2BA w/spacious master
suite, 2. car garage. fireplace and
screened-in porch. $212 900 220-8389.
FSBO, 6 blocks to S. Jax Bch. 3/1.5,:new-
ly remodeled. $279,900. 710-5200.
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres, 4/3,. 2950sf, built 2002, $469,000
OBO, Independent Brokers & Asociates,
247-4333 or 710-3111.
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secret Woods, brick,
3/2/2, 1895sf, $283,500 OBO, Independ-
ent Brokers & Associates, 247-4333 or
REDUCED,,INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Moitvated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245
Dollar view at abput half the price. Beauti-
ful 4BR/2.5BA home w/pool, on the marsh
in Jax Beach. $549,900. For Info see
www.walson-realty com. MLS 314671.
Call Kalhy Ritler al Watson Realty.
NEW' CANAL lioni home, Isle ol Palms
4/3. 765.000 Call 219-3050

COSTA VERONA- Direct Oceanfront,
2BR/2BA .den Locatea on amenity IIoor
wlih 14' ceilings Unbelevable price of
$790,000. December move-in 241-0267.
LOS BRISAS- Oceanfront- 2BRi2BA
wiDeasrces 'greatest deck Garage park-
ing- greal rental property lully furnished
$520,000. 241-0267
:* LandMark 1910st $950k
WaterMaik 2202si $996k
Acquilus II 2124st $998k
Renee L. Baron Inc. 242-2821

PVB- SELLER pays closing c6sts. No
iinader deposit 1BR'IBA, 550sl, lied.
ground Iloor gated. goil course view.
$137.900 200-1029.

SEVILLA- OLD Atlanlic Beacn
1BR/1 5BA. Beautiful enclosed sun room
Must see. $209,000. 904 249-2639.
OCEANVIEW 3,2 Greal views from mosl
rooms Ceramic tile. two balconies.
$469,900. Vanguard Realty 463-7343
PVB 2BR,2BA. FP. walk to beach, newly
renovated. 5189 900, possible,.lease'pur
chase. 1215)598-7488- '.

SHome Is Where
The V Heart Is

NB: Jarbo Park, 1000 3 St., #8,
2/2, C/H&A, W&D-hookup. $800
PVB: Belleza Condo, 2/2, 2nd
floor, screened porch. $1100
JB: 1311 4rh St, Townhouse,
2/1.5, with garage, W/D hookup.
AB: House, Oak Harbor, 3/2
1300sft, remodeled, fenced yard.
AB: House ,176 Ocean Blvd,
avail. Dec. 1 3/12 $1900
CallFred, Cattar Realty, Inc.
V 270-0015 Y

FSBO, SAWGRASS Beach Club Ocean-
side Condo, 1100sf. 1BR/1BA, garage,
$340,000. (904)635-9349.
FOR SALE or Rentl 2BR/2BA, rare 3rd
floor at Palms at Marsh Landing.w/garage.
Recent upgrades and washer/ dryer.
$269,500 or $950.mo No brokers.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/1.5BA, 1250sf,
completely remodeled- kitchen, bath, tile,
carpet &more. Custom closets, stone fire-
place. "Best, Deal Around, Must Self'.
$109,500. (904)773-3777.
MIRA VISTA- 3BR/3BA: Third'floor loca-
tion overlooks intracoastal & marina.
GREAT LOCATION. $895,000 Also
available, 60' boat slip $185,000
OCEAN VIEW Ponte Vedra Blvd., 2/2.5
end unit, backs up to Guana Preserve.
1800+ sqft. $550,000, 280-8281


ATLANTIC BEACH, 62 Ocean Blvd,
2BR/1BA. WiD included, CH&A. tile floor,
1 block to ocean. $1200.'mo. 1st, last and
security. 838-6333
JAX BCH efficiency apt., $650/mo./
$650'dep 1BR apt., $750/mo/ $750/dep..
7-12 mos. lease. Sea Villa, 920 2nd St. N.

NEAR PONTE Vedra, 1 block beach. Best
area, quiet, safe, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA lower duplex. New paint,
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking. Small
pet considered: $950/mb.,, lease deposit.
BEACHES 2,'2,ON lakefronl, many extras
Avail mmed $1200'mo. 382-6115

Only $6K down, "new 2/2/+ lakeview, lease Fo pels '950/mo .$950.sec
$209K, last onel 727-458-4230. 2496501, 233-7224

Ocear. Grove. New Unit. open Sal Sun
Nov. ?, 5, 10, 11 Auction Nov 15, 5pm
Only $6K deposit. 30 day close. Details -
OCEANFRONT 2/2. garage, pool, views
from every room. $509,900. Owner' agent
CONDO FOUNTAINS". Ponle Vedra, 695
A1A N 3BR! 2BA Lease $1295 or
buy $239 900. Very clean. 246.6649.

Fieay 2008 Pnces stan at $499k. Call cii
deltals Renee L. Baron, Inc. 242-2821

DOUBLEWIDE IN Ponside. 24'x40,
3BR.2BA. $15.000 Call 502 8326.

2850t.. $2850 mo includes utilities. Call
Bart .' 241.3111 1Exl 111

South, 1 block from ocean $1150/mo
+deposit. 514 2985
3BR.2.5BA 8 blocks from beacn, tle
Iloors, granite counter lops. stainless steel
appliances: 2 car garage. $1500Omo
$150Q, deposit. no. peis. call,, Cnd,,,
24511 l r _4.1-920& -rr, .
CH&A, 1 block Irom ocean $875/mo Call

Dolphin Cove 3/2, $1350, 1400 SF
11/2 uo first month's rent silh 12/mo lease
Seastde 4/2, $2200. 2300 SF
Grand Ca Villas 2/2. $1000,1101) SF
The Palms, 2/2, $1150, 1100 SF
Landings at Belle Rihe. New 2/2
I/garage. $1100, 13(00 SF
Kendall Poine New. h-ee cable &
mternet. 2/2, $950. 1100 SF
Close to base, 2/1,91 Stanle\ Road
#4,,$625:.. ',

90427-3 -


We have OCEANFRONT properties as well
As properties from Mayport to Ponte Vedra,

All with PHOTOS Visible at our Web Site:

4BeachesRealty.com or can:

4-Beaches Realty at: 904/249-3077

1/2 BLOCK to ocean 2BR/2BA. large
deck wel bar. Must see! $1300,mo 904-
2BR TOWNHOUSE 5 blocks Irom ocean.
$725/mo. Call Jonn (904)813-9723
NEPTUNE BEACH- large 1BR apt.. 1 1/24
blocks lo ocean. CH&A, skylights, carpon
tile floors, WDHU. $850!mo 246-3739.
2BR/2BA, bonus room. covered palio,
CH&A, WDHU. 1207 Mayport Landing Dr.
$790/ro, $700 deposit. 280-2728. leave



Srwww.WatsonRent.com ,
Property Management





l2909 Hunt Club Rd.N Jax Golf&CClub. $2.100 ',. 3/2

732 Selva Lakes Cir. Seva Lakes
691 Paradise Ln. NewI Paradise Preser e
13533 Aquiline Cir. Osprey Point
695 Hy AIA #135 The Founiains

BA Area

$1,695 3/2.5
$1,499 "3/3
$1,800 4/5/2.5
$1,295 3/2

PV '

206 Hopkins St. Neptune Beach $1,500 3/3 ,NB
!L}76l-Night HJu C Ospre' Poipite 5$1.800 4/2 JV_
Pbnte Vedra Beach Office 28A-5S49 or i-.6242- 1 .
SFor Management INFO
m ,l= Cll 285-5409
S ..Il iC also have 'acatioh and short Ierm retllal!

Classified 5

101 A 0.1to 4i11c~

S Personalized
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate*
Financing Needs,
C* Best Rates
A 1 A Best Service
__i____ Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
SGet Info
SGet Pre-qualified
PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAX: 904-247-7475

223B HOPKINS St, Nep Bch. 1BR/1BA
efficiency Apt. 1.5 blocks from ocean.
$775/mo. Lewis Realty 19041291-7229
1BR/1BA APARTMENT, kitchen, LR:.
WDHU, off-street parking. 714 2nd St.S.,
Jax Bch. No Pets. $650/mo. +650/dep.,
1/2 BLOCK to ocean, 1BR/1BA, studio,
electric & water included, laundry room.
$750/mo.. (904)318-0044.
2/1, apartment, 101C 16th Ave. S. CH.A,
WDHU; No dogs $995/mo. +$500/deposit.
Broker/Owner, 249-8766. Call anydayl
South, 1 block from ocean. $500.mo +de-
posit 514-2985
nome CH&A. WDHU, 1239 Maypon
Landing Dr. $790,mo. $700 dep. 280.
2728. leave message
SHADY PORCH, 2BR/1 5BA loinnouse
w.' WDHU $950mo. 1904)242-0257.
JAX BEACH. Immaculate 3BR.'2BA unl in
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning tennis. 'club.
house & morel $1200/mo. 904-372-9222
2BR 1.5BA townhouse. PVB 1000sf. all
appl. wood loor, porcelain Ile. scr lanai
many upgrades $1050 mo Move in now
and no rent due III Dec 1st Please call
Aloen Schall. 1904)725-6510.
ATLANTIC BEACH StudiO garage apt.
near ocean' $650'mo All Soulh Realty.
Iloors. CH&A WDHU, 1 5 blocks to
beacn, 1s' last mo. Tent. SD 1 year
lease $900imo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tale. Inc. 246-4862
BEACHFRONT 1BRi 1BA, 108 Orange,
St, Nep Bcn, downstairs $1050;mo mnc
ulIl. (661)803-6275.

$ 950
2200 .


202-4E Vrila del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/1
703 Villasof Marsh Landing Ja. Beach 2/2 ./
36 The Colon\ Ponie Vedra 2/2
535 Ocean Ltnks Pone Vedra 2/2
9757 Rough Creek Ponte Vedra/Sangrass CC 2/2
801 Templeton Lane Ponme \edra/Walden Chase4/2
626 Pn dra B Pone dr Bi 3Ponte Vedra/Beach House 3/2
97 \ovager Court Porite Vera/Sawgrass r TPC 3/2
144 Shelby Cove Court Ponie Vedra 4/2.5
104 Crossco\e Circle Ponte Vedra/Seaside 4/3
54- Franlim Ponte Vedra Eas 3/2
505 Seascape Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfronl 3/2
91 San Juan Drne ffCC-3 Ponte VedrafThe Pointe 3/2 "
906 Nura Vista Atlantic Beach' 3/3
Wr 5 2 Street North. #C lax Beach 3/3
117 Deer Coe Drve Ponie a dra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5
10302 Ocean Grande South Ponte \edra 3/3
560 LeMaster Drive Ponte Vedra East 3/2
201 Poortino Palm Valley 3/2
68- e i tes'Sutli-;a. Beach /2.5
' &?'SbifatD W\ayFon0 ia VJracOllPnlerr 2/2 .
9910 Preston Trail PConte Vedra/Sawgras CC 3/2.5
804 Metropoinan Ja\ Beach/Ocean\iew 3/2
165 Barberry Lane Ponie Vedra/S3wgrass TPC 3/2.5
2451 South Ponte Vedra Oceanfront 3/2.5
570 Ponte Vedra Bl.d .Ponte VedraEast 3/2.5
, (5 Landmark Condi;mrnium Ja.x Beach/Oceanfront 4/3.5
1550 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach. 4/3.5

$ 900/ak Beach Club Villas
$ I00/wk49 Tifion Way Nonh
$1300/ wkDeer Run
$1400 The Colony
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach
$1500/wk 2503 S. Ponte Vedira
'Special Rate'
$1600 Sea Place I 3mo mmn I
$1600/wk 2839 S. Ponle Vedra
$1600/wkThe Retreat
$1800/w k Ocean Manor
$1800 602 Tournament Road
$1800 Vista Del Mar
$2000 : Q7r, l R-.u h Crl. i n T i, rLt, :n I
$2000 2011 BeacrhA..e 3mo rrun

$2100 Rough Creek
$2200 Quail Point l
$2300 92 Tiftoi Way North
$2500 Pelican Point
$2500/w k 728 Oceanfront
$2700/wk2824 Coastal Hwy
$2900 68-29'h Avenue South
$3100/wk725 Ponte VedraBlvd.
$3300 133 Sea Hammock Way
$5500 1931 Beach Ateli mo mm
"Other furnished
Daily, Wee


!I lI lDiI
Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 600
Sa grass Country Club 2/2.5 1500
Sawgrass Country Club 3/2 1600
Ponte Vedra 2/2 .1100
Saw grass Beach Club 1/1 700

S.PonteVedra 4/2.5 2100
Atlantic Beach 2/2 1200
S Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
Pone Vecdra/Oceanfront 3/2 1800
Ponte Vedra/Fatrfield 2/2 1300
Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 17.00
iSawgrass Country Club 2/2 1800.
I Auannc Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1500
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 1800
Saw grass Country Club 2/2 1800
Saagrass Country Club 3/2 1900
Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2. '1200
Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w/game nn 2600
Viian, Bech/jcOceanfront/Pmol 6/4 4000
Jax Beach 3/2.5 2132
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront/Pooi 5/3 3000
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1614
Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
d properties also available.
ekly and Monthly.**

Call today to book your next vacatlonll
574 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882 1-800 FLA HOMES

Management, INC.

It's the LEASE we can do!!
2/1 Atlantic Bch Dup 1395 Rose St $750
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 409 2nd Street $800
3/2 Jacksonville Bch C 1655 The Greens Way
#2315 $1350
*3/2 Jacksonville Bch C 1301 S. 1" St.
#1204 $2500 (furnished)
4/4 Neptune Bch H 213 Lora Street $2800
* 3/2 Ponte Vedra Bch T -100 Bermuda Bay #106 $1795
3/2 Kernan Lakes H -12137 Millford Lane $1600
4/2.5 Waterleaf H 12363 Hindmarsh Circ N $1595
3/2 Wolf Creek C -13364 Beach Blvd #704 $1200
2/2 IC/Bishops Court H -13700 Richmond Pk Dr
#2506 -$1100
3/3 Mira Vista C 13846 Atlantic Blvd
#102- $3300 (furnished)

Call us to see why you should have
a member of the National Association
of Residential Property Managers
to manage your property!"
For more details please check out our website at



NTvPmbPr 3 -206

VWre're almost full...
Come See Why!

S*1, 2 &3 Bedroom

starting at $710

/* ,Walk to the Ocean,"


& Shopping

S* Clubhouse,

3 Pools, Balconies

S"Ask about-

our specials!"

(Corner of Penman & Seagate)


"^%%%^%%%^ BEACH RENTALS i55555.95
Unfurnished Homes The Courtyards Mayport of AB Stonefield at Bartram Park -
SSerena Point JB 3BR/3BA, new 3BR/2.5BA, private, updated unit w/ Maddari 3BR/2.5BA, newertwo story
I '"courtyard home, 1975 sqft, two car
top floor condo, direct oceanfront garage, patio, balcony, overlooks garage amenities.1 f two car -
views, amenities, garage. $3000/mo. lagoon. $1175/mo. Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA,
SOceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, 133 Magnolia NB 2BR/1BA, top newer home on water, upgrades
% condo has luxurious features, ocean throughout, open floor plan. $ 9Do/mo.
condo has luxurious features, ocean floor large duplex, plus den, less than throughout, open floor plan. $190/mo.
porch, sunset porch, garage block tobch. $1150/mo.Unfurnished Condos
$2800/mo. Ocean Links PV
SNorth Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand Intracoastal West 2BR/2BA, second floor, screened porch,
new construction w/incredible ocean Bishop's Court Hodges fireplace, amenities $950/mo.
Views, garage, amenities. $2195/mo. End units w/views, Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/
SOakbridge at Sawgrass PV all appliances, amenities. end unit, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, all
4BR/2BA, home has screened lanai, 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. upgraded, $1100/mo.
onlagoon, 2car garage. $1700/mo. 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. cre s ratM rh fls r en Jes.
Sawgrass Players lub P2BR/2BA, 'es t PScreened porch, tile floors, ame.ties..
Sawgrass Players Club PV 2BR/2BA, Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings.
Some has wood deck w/lagoon to golf Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile $850/mo.
course views, remodeled. $1450/mo. floors, upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit,
%, 434.9. vaultedceilings. $1100/mo. 1 5
44 th Avenue N.- JB 3BR/1BA, Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, Jardlin De Mer JB
% home has hardwood floors, all new
townhouse, all upgraded, screened 3BR/2BA, 2nd floor, condo wall the
interi fenced Sobackyard $140/mo. porch, amenities. $1100/mo. upgrades, garage, balcony. $1150/mo.
V llages of Solano PV I v
S3BR/2.5BA, townhouse has loft, IL ilagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA
Garage, patio, very neutral and clean. two story condo w/upgrades BEMAX COASTALREAL ESTATE
S$1350/mo. throughout, amenities. $1200/mo. Shannon Smith
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd Brightwater Gate Pkwy (904)2855640
Story duplex, ocean views, wood deck, 3BR/2.5BA, end unit townhouse, www.rentthebeaches.com
wood floors. $1200/mo. w/porch, garage, club pool. $1250/mo.

^^^^^^^^^^^% % % % % %^^^^F^eF^^^^^^^

L-4vvr-llur~l .P, VVV
------ -----

N. JAX BCH, 310 #8 4th Ave. No.;
2BR/1 BA, real nice; carpet & tile through-
out; great'location; laundry available; In-
cludes water; $925/mo. 434-4499.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condol Club
pool, exercise & morel $875/mo.
3BR/2BA, $1200/mo. All South Realty,
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail: soon, $1100/md.
247-1417... 1BR, near ocean. $750/mo.
NEP BCH, 2BR/1.5BA, clean, W/D, near
ICW, fenced yard, $885/mo. 631-8607.
JAX BEACH, 2BR townhouse, near
ocean, CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo.
+$500/dep. 246-3130.
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
2BR/1BA, 1 year lease, NO pets, 800sf.
includes W/D, $1000/mo. +$1000/sec.
dep. 918A First Street,. between Bay &
Pine. Gall 246-8970 or 591-1218.
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA, 900sf., W/D,
CH/CA $900pmo m $900 depos;i. 1'yr.
lease, no pets 210, 222 17th Ave: No.
Call 221-6816.
JAX BEACH: 2BR/1 BA duplex $765/mo.;
1 BR/1BA cottage, 305 South 5th St, $750.
S1-1'2 BLOCKS to Ocean. Ist Ave. South
BR,'IBA $685.'mo (904)891-0606

3BR/2BA DUPLEX, Lora & First,.
$1500,mo 249-2865 : .
JAX BEACH block & half from water;
2BRI1BA, CH.'A. WDHU, replace.
$695 mo 904-891-0606
JAX BEACH, east ol A1A. 2/1, large up-
stairs, CH&A, W/D, private deck, $1120,
821-9751' 803-3099
ATLANTIC BEACH Conage Beacn Ave..
oceanview, 2BR/1BA. replace, skylights.
cable TV No smoking, no pels.
$1450.mo 241-6913 887-9596
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location 2
blocks Io ocean Very clean No Peis.
$675imo 642-1214 and 241-1219
Townnome. VERY CLEAN, 1500sq.
32 5 W/D. garage.pool. No Pels. Non-
Smokers $1280,mo 655-2718

CH.A. WDHU Easl or Isl SI. $795.
$895 mo 241-7368. 733-3730

Parks-Lyon .

P R 0 P E RT I E S

Jax Beach
+ 2BR/2BA condo. 2 blocks from ocean
S 1200/mo
4 2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing,
$750 $800/mo Afore-in special
+ 3BR/2BA, Mayport Landing.
new carpel, new appliances
$8501mo Mlove-in special
4 251 Amenca's Cup 3/2 home, story
+ 3/2 H, Hidden Coe, 2 car garage on
S pond $1200/mo
* 2/2 Condo, Deerfield Lakes. nice unit,
pool SO00/mo
Neptune Beach
*f 3BR/1 5BA Apt.Across from Ocean.
Wood floors after included. Ocean
views' $1400/mo
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322

R 200: I

JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A.
1BR/1BA, $700/mo. to $1000/Imo.
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354.
TWO APARTMENTS 1BR, 2 blocks from
beach $675/mo. for each 249-6748.
OCEAN FRONT beautiful furnished/ un-
furnished, terms? 242-8644.
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, just steps
to ocean Club pool. $875/mo. All South
Realty, 241-4141.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very
clean. No pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or

Srock-ion...A Tradiuon Since 1884 I1






. i


Classified 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader November 3, ZUUO

2BR 1BA, Atlantic Bch, 2 blocks from
ocean, $1000/mo. Incl. util. Please call
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd. Walk to beach
2BR/1.5BA townhome. $1050/mo. Pets
OK. 242-9195.
water w/ boat slip. Near beach. $770/mo
Incl. util. plus down. 221-0847.
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
PVB, 3BR/ 2BA Townhouse, 1280sf.,
W/D, screened porch, $1100/mo.

OCEANFRONT- 3BR/2BA condo in S.
Jax Bch. Convenient to shopping, JTBI
Club pool, garage & morel $1700/mo. Al-
so,'2BR/2BA $1400/mo. All South Realty,

ATLANTIC BCH, 4BR 2BA, like new, com-
pletely remodeled! Bike to beach & park.
Avail. 11/1. $1375/mo. 247-4527.
1365 SEMINOLE Rd.,.3/2, CH/A, garage,
$1300/mo. 707-9954.
3BR/2.5BA, SO Jax Bch, Lakefront, quiet
cul-de-sac, newly renovated w/hardwood
floors, carpet, kitchen & appliances. Avail-
able 11,15. $1700.'mo. 904 537 7740
BEAUTIFUL 3/2 South Jax Beach
home, 5 blocks from beach, recently reno-
vated inside and out, W/D included.
$1300/mo. 280-2341.
JAX BCH, 4 bio,:ks from ocean, .3BR
1.5BA, CHA lle & carpets new kit. cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep. Dogs
301bs and under considered. -514-4229
S1129 Sebago Ave. So/ Oak Harbor
:All new 3BR/2BA, tile/ carpet, fenced, no
pets. $1200/m6.
1123 Sebago Ave So. 3BR/2BA, great
shape fenced, screened porch, carport, no,
pets, $1300/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.

JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
1292.ROSE St., 2BR/2BA, new carpet &
tile; sunny lanai, $925/mo., 367-1818 Duv-
al Realty.
2300sl wooded lot, tenced-in yard, block
to elementary school Pels OK $1750/mo.
+$1000Oidep Call 509-9310
S. PONTE VEDRA- Like'new, 3BR/2.5BA
in turtle Shores! Club pool, tennis & morel
$2000/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.. 1
.,IWC WEST, Kensington Lakes,. 1200 sf,
2BR/2.5BA, W/D. CH&A, screened porch,
gated community with' pool Free water
and basic cable. No pets $1025,
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA, Irplc. CHIA,
2 car gar.. pets ok $1350/mo Call
SOLANO WOODS. 3.2,2. lenced yard,
hardwood loors Inrougnioul, Florida room,
exc. condo $1600/mo. 864 6590
SJB. 4BR.'2BA w2car garage. Roomy
floorplan, large yard. Close to beach/
shopping $1595'meo i904)476-7831.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 601 Camellia,
3BR2BA, tile floors, vaulted ceilings.
replace. $1100mo 1100,ll dep 1904)
COTTAGE ACROSS Irom ocean, 512 1st
St. South. Jax Beach, $850/mo. VIP Real-
ty. 962-6190.
ell Rd 3 1, brick rent tc ovwn. $1200'mo
VIP Realry 962-6190.
.3BR/1BA, 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHUL w/large separate utility shed..
fenced backyard w/tiki bar, BBO pit. Must
.see to. appreciate 820.3rd Ave S, JB
$925 mo. .dep Mlusl pass credit check
iornie 992-0088 6'146.3690 333-1822
*WSESP-BEACHES. Ids 'Point. 3.3 woohlce.
24Osi GR wireplace. LR. DR, EIK, cov.
ered palio sprinkler system waler sofen-
er $1575.rro TDO Managemenl Serv.
ices 246-1125.

3BR/2BA, great condition,, 1654sf, over
looking golf course, low maintenance,'
$1500/mo. 904-219-7962
ATLANTIC BCH Iowrnhouse. 3 5BR/ 2BA,
everyining new. cerarmnc ile throughout.
marsh view 2979 Bavshore Dr. Maypon
Larndng Must see' $1100,;mo 465-2163.
SPACIOUS 4BR 2BA 1870sl. trplc. cul.
Sde-sac avail 11.1 Washer, dryer, reirg.
1631 Bearskin Ln, .Hunters. Mill.
$1250/rmo, $1250/dep. 813-0304.
house, r450.sr. 3BR.2.5BA. I car ga-
rage. gas replace lenced backyard
open loor plan $1150 mo 608-2579
3/2,1 car gar., 1700sf, $1495/mo
3/2,1 car ar.1347sf, $1150/mo.
3/2,2c3rgar 1340si, aval 11'10.
$995 mo.
S/2, 1 car gar.. 141Osi. avail 11/10,:
S $995 mc
3/2, 1005sf, $850/mo.
.3/2 2cargar 2000sl. avail 11i1,
('.1495 mo.
3/2, 2 car gar.,1900o s, avail. 11 '10,
3/2, 2 car gar., 1675sf, avail., 11/15,
2/2,1 car gar 1100si avail 11/1,
$995 mo)
4/2, 2 car gar., 2000sf, avail, 11/10
$1395 mo
3/2, 2 car gar. 1227st. $1050 mo.
2'2. 1212sf $1100.'mo.
3/2.5, 1 car gar., 1764sf, $1200/mo.
4/2,2 car gar., 1932sf, avail. 11/1,
4/2, 2 car gar., 1 90sf, $1 525/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar.; 1425sf,avail. 11/1
3/2, 1310sf $1395/mo.
4/2.5,'3 car gar., 2760sf, $1750/mo.
2/2, 1292sf, avail. 11/10, $895/mo.
2/2.5, 1042sf, $800/mo.
2/2, 1000sf, $895/mo.
2/2, 1120sf, $895/mo.
3/2.5, $1195/mo.
.4/3, $1450/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., 2000sf, $1450/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., 2114sf, $1400/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar., 2860sf, $1800/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., 2003sf, $1295/mo.
3/2, 2 dar gar., $1195/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., 1730sf, avail. 12/1,
3/2.5, 2 car gar., 2220sf, avail., 11/10,
4/3, 3 car gar., 2065sf, $1825/mo.
4/3, 3 car gar., 2065sf $1795/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

3BR/2BA+ office, 2000sf., 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool, lawn/pool service includ-
ed. Pets OK. $1750/mo. (904)703-0242.
sqft,; comer unit; well kept townhouse,
W/D, screened porch faces nature;
$1495/mo.; 241-5221.
2BR/1BA, 326 6th Street, Atlantic Beach.
$1600/mo. with 1st and last months rent
payable upon signing. 1 year lease. Pets
allowed. Call Vicki or Tami at 241-1656.
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA home, 2car,
updated, fireplace, close to park/ pool.
through- out, 2car gar., $1250. 315-6558:
435 WHITING Lane, AB; 3/2, Florida
room, WDHU, CH&A.. No pets. $950/mo
+dep., 246-4098.
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, furnished or
unfurnished; 2400 sf, $1950/mo,
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, $2300/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
'JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
PV BCH, RTO. 3/2 w/ bonus room & Flori-
da room overlooking lake w/ garage.
Frplc welDar, tiled Iloors $1400 rmo. Call
lor details 247-5116
JAX BEACH- 909 7mt Ave Nornn,
2BRPJBA house w.screened in porch.
fenced yard, CH&A, $875/mo.
(904)891.006 or 1352)478-2161;.'
BRAND NEW Keywest, single family
home, gated community, 2900+ s,
4BR/3.5BA, 2 'car .garage, $1800/m6.
$499,900. (904)608-2579.
JAX BEACH, 3.25. 1700sl.. 2car gar.
gage big backyard, avail. Dec. $1450'mc.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1 5BA home. I year
lease, $1250/mo. $1000/sec dep 1310
Pinewood Rd olt Penman and Nonh 121n
Ave Call 246-8970 or 591-1218


JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sf., 1212
.15th Ave. N., 12 blocks to beach, close to
Fletcher HS, Florida room, large kitchen,
W/D, fenced yard. Avail. 11/1/06.
$1350/mo. 710-2600, 534-3411.
INTRACOASTAL WEST, 3/2/2, 1540sf.,
fireplace, new carpet, yard svc. No pets.
$1300/mo. 223-4058.
2BR/1.5BA, office, cute cottage. No Pets.
No Smoking. $1700/mo., 904-571-3863.
INDIAN SPRINGS, 4BR/2.5BA, approx.
3000sf, 2car gar., asking $1650/mo.
+$1650 deposit.. Ready to move-in,
(904)270-8515, 472-5913.
Luxurious, 2100sq, 3BR/2.5BA townhome.
Impeccable condition Steps to beach. No
pets. $1875/mo, 242-8081.

1 car garage; CH&A, stove, microwave,
dishwasher, refrigerator, W/D, much;
much more; $1500/mo, first & last +
dep.; references & credit check,
476-3500 or 803-2520.
1AV Dr^ 00/ 13 r'L ^ .A ..

SOUTH JAX Beacr. 3BR 1 5BA, 6 blocks
ti ocean $1300,mo. 710-5200
ADORABLE NEPTUNE Bch cottage, ,2/2,
$11 00'ro, recently updated, wood floors,
fireplace, steps to .the beach. Call*

3BR 2;5BA; washer/ dryer, pool, water-
front w/ dock, garage, fenced yard. Isle of
Palms $1600/mo. (352)636-2151.
S.,JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully furnished, 1
car garage, fenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
ternet, & cable' Completely updated. 3
blocks Irom beacn For photos e-mail ma.
riaeugenjarcilo@ballsoulh.nel $1500 mo.
Long lerm lease 1407 394-5858.
S. JAX Beach. 3BR/1 5BA. 1380sl, wash-
er & dryer included 4 blocks to ocean
screened porch, lenced yard., replace
$1325'mo. 662-2648


1/2 MONTH FREE renl. Villas Al Marsh
Landing, 1/1, upper, Iplace, garage
$835imo. TDO Managem-ent Services
2BR,2BA. GROUND Iloor, end unit w ga-
rage close to pool. plenty or storage. In
The Palms Marsi Landing. t1100,.mo
Bren. 16191819-5222
NEW NEW Condo. 1000st, new applan.
ces including WD. East of A1A
$1095.mo. 1904)708-2867
ocean front condo, living room and master
'bedroom overlooking ocean balcony
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, lully
lurnisned. great amenities including cov
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach Call
3989.o80 't'l -' ,_"
PONTE VEDRA Walk To Beacn. Furnish.
ed 1BR/1BA. water-to-goll view. pool.
tennis $1250mo. includes utIlities
396-9544 or 1904)608-0962
maculale, peaceful. $1550.mo 249-6166
PVB, 2BR'2BA, ready to move in, Saw-
grass CC. 285-6423
$1800, 6 mo pool Consider Lease Op-
tion 568-4818
PONTE VEDRA ocean grove completely
renovated 1BRI/BA screened porch lake
view, gated community. $850.'mo. Susan
JAX BEACH- Luxury 2BR'2BA condo in
gated community. 10'cellings. granle
counter-lops, SS appliances Minules to.
beach, shopping, restaurants $1800 mo
904-891-5843. Accent Propeies
ATLANTIC BEACH. Deertield Lakes For
lease, newly remodeled condo, 2BR' 1
1,'2 BA, AC. securirv system, electrical ap-
pliances. no-pers, $850imo..deposil '$850
19041781 6528.
JAX BCH, new 3BR 3BA North Shore
condo...6th floor, 1126 N. 1st St.
$2500/mo. (904)251-4319.
PVB- 1BR'DEN. 1BA condo near all
amenities: new carpel, paint .fitness ctr,
pool. gated. Great location, $840,mo.
285-5,:64 after 5pm r .

New 3/2 luxury'condo on 8th floor; incredi-
ble ocean and beach views; granite coun-
ters, ceramic file. covered balcony, all ap-
pliances included, sleps to beach.
,2000.mo 891-5843 Accent Properties.

The Palms Lols ol ameriiiLes. $850/rmo
Call Rachel (904)504:9793
3.2 CONDO w.great ocean views RE-
DUCED $1500rmo. No dogs 477-4640
JAX Beach. VALENCIA. 2BR'2BA, 2car,
garage, brand new, guard galed, reason
style amenities. Non smoking. $1475/mo.
eat in Kdicnen washer' dryer, new carpel
& paini Like new $900'mo
1901 Challenger Ct. East. B2BR2A loft,
tile/ carpet, new appliances, private court-
:yard, ribpets. $895/mo. 631-3583 or 612-
[CONDO "FOUNTAINS", Ponte Vedra, 695
A1A' N.-.aBR/'l 21BA, Lease $1295 or'
buy, $239,900. Very clean. 246-664.
2BRi 2BA. ground tilor. gated community.
5 star living. $995'mo. Call Sieve Macri,
Co.tnlr.v Qluoh Real Eilsie in90>629.Gn015

PV BCH, 2BR/2BA, gated, luxury condo In
great loc. Pool/clubhse/ fitness ctr, great
view from screened lanai. W/D incl., stor-
age area,, 2nd fir. $935/mo. Call 285-5064
after 5pm.
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo, fully fur-
nished/ unfurnished. Available immediate-
ly. Long-term lease. 465-4101.
PVB 2BR/2BA walk to' beach, newly reno-
vated, $1100/mo. possible lease/pur-
chase, (215)598-7488.
THE PALMS @ Marsh Landing 2/2,
1150sf, 2nd floor, screened patio.
$1100/mo., Call Toma 333-4371.
1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1125/mo. 635-6375.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA spacious bright
end unit, garage, lanai, pool, gated, close
to JTB, blocks to beach, $1350/mo.
(904)327-9788. .

U ~ .

4BR,4BA weekly monthly, yearly Call
homes Weeklymonlhly Visil us at
isxbeachrenial.com or 535-3911 or
ruined homes & condos! From $500 per
week! All Souln Realty. 241-4141
S JAX Bch 2BR, lully lurnisned. ocean-
ironl condo. Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267

ROOM IN large home. swimming pool,
pool table, exercise equip. 874-0130
N. ATLANTIC Beach/ Spectacular Ocean-
Iront. THE BLUFFS. SHARE huge 2500sl
luxurious in-level condo. Furnished,
decks, private garden & entries, garage
prkg Huge pool, wooded &' secluded .
$1250'mo ncl lel. id. utll.. cable, wireless
nerworking 12 mos lease Will consider
snort lerm rnmcr rent. Avail. Dec 1 or
sooner 716-423?.
LOOKING FOR roommate to snare new
condo Musi be clean. neal, mature .1,3
rent. utilities. & lees 463-2845
3 ROOMS- $500/mo. .ulhll.es & cable
Full kitchen, large backyard. Close to
Beach 233-6528
ATLANTIC BCH- responsible person
$450mrio 1'3 ulliies. 8 blocks to beach,
CLEAN OUIET place, needs respeciable
individual. $400 deposl, 333-2624.

JaX' BACH, walk'1k beach- io"'Tdoo
bedroom, pr;.aie baih.. 3T00/moI
CHRISTIAN LADY Seeks roommate 'o
snare 3BR apanment (9041249-1711,

UoUn I y t"i~o rjeai C51 ale I IU41t)Ue- in
.. .. ~ .' .. ROOM FOR renl. AB. private balni kitch-
AB HALF block Irom ocean: lurnisned; en privileges, W'D No drugs $145.wK.
3BR/2BA $1500.mo; no pes;: 247-1049 .249.7926
6084325. FURNISHED ROOM lor rent, $500imo,
JAX BEACH OCEANVIEWS Nonh Ponie Vedra. telephone number,
New 3/2. 20h balcony lacing East. granile, ret & $200 deposit. 543-1860.
all apple 7in Iloor. Sleps to Ihe beaCcr, FO
$2100.'mo 651-1012 ROOM FOR rent Allantic & Kernan
$500,mo. includes uhilhes 221 6646

JAX BEACH. New 3BR;3BA Nonnshore
Condos. 1126 N 1sl Sr consider 7mo.
lease $2100/mo. 904-614-3128.

Mira Vista Condo, 3BR/2BA, Allaniic Blvd
On the Intercoastal Waterway. Bldg #2,
lust floor overlooking Ine Marina Fitness
center, pool garage included 6 or 12.
monln lease Lease to own option Financ-
ing available 30 yr lixed loan at 5 875"%.
Please call 19041347-3724.
Brand iew,rin Costa Verano, 2600sqft.,
3BR/3.5BA, covered garage & amenities
center w/ theatre room, billiard room. in.
door spa, sauna & steam room. out door'
nealedpool. overlooking ocean approx.
$40,000 in upgrades, $3500'mo. k404).

EXCELLENT SPACE lor lease. Beach
Plaza on Beach Blvd. Call Jonalhan, 866-
APPROXIMATELY 750 sf qualaly ohice
:pace overlooking goll course in S Jax
Beach Call 241-5553 x15
$345'mo. PVB. Furnished; Unlurnished
3 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
South 3rd St Iwo upstairs units i 700sl
ea lone nas a Kitchern luncn real; one
downstairs unit @ 1400s1.- rental rates
are from $760 base per monlh. depending
on size and amenities Call 247-1770 lor
appt. to view.
overlooking goll course in S. Jax Beach
Call 241-5553 x15. ..

2/2 OCEANFRONT Condo. Jax Bch PROFESSIONAL OFFICE 'suite; approx.'
$1800'mo. Garage/ pool' gym No smok- 1000 sqfi: signage, avail, at 3010 S. 3rd
ng Call 724.65594 St. Call 247-1770 tor mnto '

lease, 3629sf. Office included. Large park-
ing lot, beach side 'of intracoastal.
(770)929-1721; (678)525-0854.

PlC- .. i aBii t

AKC & CKC Pomeranians, prices start at
$300. Call 904-859-4310.
AKC DOBERMAN, BIk/ Tan, 2 Female,
12 weeks, $250. 904-945-4043.

LOST -NORTH Neptune Beach, very
scared, small, gray/tan tabby kitty 1-year-
old, wearing brownish red patterned har-
ness. Needs to be trapped. Please call
246-3050 Reward.
LOST MALE Boxer, Reward. Brindle/
white chest, needs medication:'476-0697,
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.

NNIM4.T00 VVENI~ai~t~~,$B~~

All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

energetic person that can treat our pa-
tients like royalty, multi-task and keep
smiling. Computer skills required. 8-2 or 2-
8 shifts available Call Ponte Vedra Chiro-
practic Medicine & P.T. 285-ACHE (2243).
HOSTESSES WANTED, must be 16 or
older and be able to work'weekends. Top
wages! Apply in person, Campeche Bay
Cantina, 1271 st Ave. No., 249-3322.

'IB --n--Pve -ud' b SMALL JAX Bch based company seeks
IF YOU are interested in advertising under Bookkeeper/ Office Manager. 20-25hrs
this category please call 904-249-9033 or per week. Fax resume to: 247-3200.
email: classified@beachesleader.com

POLLY, WHY won't you talk to me?
Please, let's talk. Larry.
MALE SEEKING live-in companion. Will
compensate for light housework duties,
etc. Ok if employed. Call 247-2706.

tested divorce papers. WNthout Kids twhlle
you wait) With kids (a ihrlle longer) Since
1981/by appt. only (904)641-2187.

.. .. ,:.I- .

II a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board ol Adjusimenl with respect ro
any master considered at any meeting.
such person may need a record ol Ihe
proceedings, and. lor such purpose, such
person may need to ensure rnai a verba-
lim record ol the proceedings is made,
which record includes Ihe testimony and
evidence upon which Ihe appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them
Anyone whno wshes to speak should sub.
mit the request o Ithe recording secretary
prior to Ine beginning ol Ihe meeting
In accordance wilh lne Americans win
Disabilities Act and Seclion 286 26. Flonr,
da ..-Slalutes, persons with disabilities
pate in iris meeltng' should contact mne
Planning and Development Departmenl
no later than 5 00 p m on the day preced.
ing the meeting.


The Board ol Adluslmenl lor ihe City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florda will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 21, 2006 al 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Cnambers, located at 11 Nortn 3rd Sireet.
Jacksonville Beach to consider the follow-
ing variance applications:
BOA 06-100111 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-377 (b)9. for 0 additional park-
ing spaces in lieu of 15 required to al-
low for a 1500 square foot addition to
an existing bar/tavern/restaurant, for
property located at 514 North 1st
Street. more specifically, the north ? of
. Lot 7, except the south 4.75 feet of the
west 37.5 feet thereof, and all of the
north ? of Lot 8, Block 52, Pablo Beach
BOA 06-100229 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-373 (f), for a gravel vehicle use
area in lieu of paving, associated with 5
parking spaces and 34-377, for 11 park-
ing spaces (1/300) In lieu of 17 spaces
(1/200) required for a 3350 square foot
gym, for property located at 1100 Shet-
ter Avenue, more specifically, part of
Lot 4, of an Unrecorded Subdivision
known as WEST PABLO situated In
Government Lot 6.

BOA 06-100258 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) e, for 47% lot cover-
age in lieu of 35% maximum to allow
for a swimming pool addition to a sin-
gle family dwelling, for property locat-
ed at 47 Tallwood Road, more specifi-
cally, Lot 10, Block 25, Ocean Forest
Unit 11.

A copy of the'above referenced applica-
tionis) is available foi review in the office
of Ihe Planning and Developrent Depart-
ment, 11 Nor n 3rd Stree, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p).
Board of Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach .


Ifa person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.'
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning otthe meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation'to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 11/3/06

B -

handles all of the following: pt. billing (re-
ceivables &' payables), month end pt.
statements, month- & year-end pt. reports,
month- & year-end practice financial re-
ports, A/P, must have knowledge of Med-
ics Elite/' Medical Manager, deals with .all
financial aspects of practice. 20-25
hr/week position. Fax resume to 242-
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426:
PT/ FT. Work from home. Must be able to
work with spandex; using a serger with
cover stitch. Non-smoker. Call for details.
904-406-2541. .
WANTED, PART time attorney toreview
legal documents. Please send resume to
4600 Touchton Rd., Suite 1150, Jackson-
ville, FL 32246.
GOLF RETAIL/ Sales/ CSR. Part-time/
Full- time. Some travel possible. Hourly:
Caddyshack Golf, Beaches. Area. Fax
resume: 270-0437 Email:
cadaysnacklla' @an net

P.T OR F/T receptionist w/ lighl secretarial
duties, 285-3730

Every Saturday and Sunday, 7pm to
7am. and 7am to 7pm. at a Premier Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Ap-
plications available at Fleet Landing Se-
curnry Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-
lantic Beach. FL- Fax to (904)246-9447:
erairl : jobs@fleetlanding.com EOEJ
Drug-Free Workplace.
PiT EXPERIENCED Dietary Servers.
Must be able to work weekends. Must en-
j0y working with the elderly in a prolesslo.
nal atmosphere Apply in person @ 1700
The Greens Way in Marsh Landing Busi-
ness Park EOE'DFWP
NANNY NEEDED, PVB. requires lignh
housework & reliable transportation to pick
up toddler from school, P/T 12pm-6pm
weekdays. 923-7796 .,
.NANNY NEEDED, reliable transportation,
8am-6pm, Mon Wed. & Tnurs. Referen-
ces required. Susan. 610-2031.

PART-TIME evenings in our main dining
room. Flexible schedule Some holidays
and weekends necessary Great work en
viro.imeni Applications at Fleet Landing
Security Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd.
Allantic Beach FL. Fax to 1904)246-9447.
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com Web-
siie' Ileellanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
Now hiring a pan-lime tennis shop attend.
ant lor allernor-ns and weekends
SPHYSICAL Tneripy Aids ..Dusy onhope-
dic clinic, experience preferred but not re-
quired, llexible hours, rate depend on ex.
peience Fax resume to 285-4663.
OUICK BOOKS non-payroll two 4-hour
days per week. Good pay small PV office
Send resume to. SBT PO Box 3039
PVB, FL 3004-3039
WANTED, PART time Dookkeeper to re-
view business documents. Please send
resume to 4600 Touchion Rd., Suite 1150,
JacKsonville, FL 32246.
BARTENDER WITH experience needed;
please apply in person to Giovanni's, 1161
Beach Blvd JB, 249-7787.
BONO'S BBQ In Neptune Bcn is accept-
ing applications for Cooks, full & partime.
Apply in person brown 2-5pm.
WEB' GRAPHIC Designer needed Must
have web site design experience.
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience preferred. Apply in
person; Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
Beach Blvd Jax Beach. 246-2045

SERVERS. Marsh Landing Country Club
Shas lull lime & part time positions availa-
ble. Starung at $10/hr. Excellent benefits
for FT. Apply in person Tuesday-Salur-
day Call 285-6514 for directions. Drug
testing/EOE. .. .
Company seeking experienced individual
lor Administrative Suppon position Re-
quiremenlt include al least 3 years previ.
ous administralive experience, highly pro-
licient wiln MS Otfice tools, experience
Working with databases, excellent oral and
written communication skills, outstanding
customer service skills and mte ability to
Imulti-task II interested, go to
ntflp//www lexisnexis cor/careers/apply
and apply to requisition #219084.
Marsh'Landing Country Club ,is hiring ex-
perienced lihe cooks arid dishwashers.
Excellent benefits for full time. Apply in
'person Tuesday-Saturday. Call 285-6514
for directions Drug testing/EOE
DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches full-time,
some experience necessary. Call or fax
resume 285-3128.
PERSON. Mainly Beaches area. Fax re-
sume 247-9036.
LINE COOKS needed, full time or part
time. Must be able to work weekends. Top
wages Tired of the chains? Come to work
at a good, fun independent restaurant. Ap-
ply In. person, Campeche Bay Cantina,
127 1st Ave. No, 249-3322.


'The Condo Lifestyle'
in Ponte Vedra'
Enjoy 'five star'services
and amenities!
SLon Term Rentals
1/1 furnished $850-$900
All new interiors!!
1/1 w/fp/screened lanai, $995
2/2 w/fp and w/d $950-$1000
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
Pool.. Tennis..Clubhouse
Planned Adivities
SToo much to list.you must visit!
Suncoast Management, LLC
(904) 285-4840

dbm-.i- '. --W&

_ L .. __._.

rAI29:9:1 IM 129:A S:QTATI:

____~_~~~_ __ _

- '** **

I I --

?yd~.-...ker. -~ -) Aft

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 7

seeking' an ADMIN. ASSISTANT. Must
have professional attitudee with the ability
to prioritize, multi-task, manage, delegate;
and career ambition. Great opportunity for
high income with advancement and no
weekends. Call ?07-7757 ext 215.
Join our team If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we ..may have an excellent
opportunity for you. You will loin a Nation-
a company & work In Ponte Vedra Beach.
Prefer candidate with experience in Inside
sales, customer service, or telemarketing.
Excellent communication skills a' must.
Ability to handle business accounts. Base
pay plus commissions. FT/PT, no eve-
nings or weekends. Fax resume:
(904)285-0010 or e-mail:
TRAINERS FOR day program. Work w/
adults who have M.R./D.D. M-F, 8am-
4pm. Apply 850 6th Ave. South, Suite 500,
249-8556. EOE/DFWP
FULL-TIME (Split Shift) In our main dining
room. Must be available weekends. Holl-
days a must. Great benefits and work en-
vironment. Applications at Fleet Landing.
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail to: jobs@fleetlandlng.com Web-
site: fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
Workplace. : s -
LUNCH and Dinner Servers. You make
good money working wimn good people in.
a busy watertronl restaurant 285-0139
Seeking service Tecns in Jacksonville to.
provide PM & Demand Repairs [or fleer
Tools req'd Beneihts. M-F days. Bckgrnd
S& drug test req'd. Contact Misry
mgreen@butlercorn/ 800-916-9664.
'Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
GOLF RETAIL/ Sales/ CSR Full-time/
Pan- lime. Some travel possible. Hourly
Caddyshack Goil, Beaches Area Fax
resume h 270-0437 Email:
Dishwashers, Fine Dining..JJ's 'Bistro.
Ponte. Vedra, 273-7980. Gate Parkway,
NOW HIRING Nail Technician & Estheti-
clan Chair rental for pan time Harstylisi.
Jax Bch. 246-2122
TAYLOR LANE Day Spa beaches loca-
tion, hiring for hairstylist to rent station.
Call Pamle 591-1683

seeking an experienced SALES FLOOR
MANAGER Must nave call center sales
management experience, Security and
Surveillance (SSI) preferred within
W.I Tmenalahiy and work ethic Eslablishn
ed slart-up company wrin big plans for
growth in marketing and sales force. lacii.
ry expansion including brand expansion
and industry identity Prolessional wanted
to assist in sales and marketing ehons..
Salary +commission +bonus and opponu.
niry for advancement, with no week.
ends Call 207.7757ext 215.
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage, Facialist
wanted to rent spacious private room in
Jax Beach hair salon. $150.wk Call
270-0997 ask lor Debi
& PM Line Cook. Weekends required Pay
neg. with exp Fax 904-246-9121. e-mail
accounting selvamarina com, or apply in
person DFWP
house Help Needed in Atlantic Beach
area Hours are 9am-6pm. Apply in per-
son at 725 Atlantic Blvd. P16. iBehind Tia-
luana Flaisl or call 904-246-0687 Hourly
pay rate based on experience
WAITSTAFF.NEEDED breaklast_&.luncbh
wNeekends.a mius 241.1985 J I

New restaurant in Jax Bch offers employ-
ees great pay & fun atmosphere. Apply in
person: 1500 Beach Blvd. #111.
Full Time: Small Engine Mechanic at a
premier retirement community. Excellent
eneflts. Applications at Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd. At-
lantic Beach, FL. Fax to 904-246-9447;
e-mail to jobs@fleetlandlng.com. EOE.
Drug-Free Workplace.
LAWN CARE. Technician needed for
Beach company. No experience required.
$30K+ 1st yr. or top performers earn
$40K+. Benefits; retirement. Drug free
workplace. Full training provided. Call
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work 'days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must.
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @, 465-0149.)
showroom sales duties 'as needed at a,
well established marble and granite im-
porter locatedat the beach. Knowledge of
slone materials and design nelplul Salary
and benells negorlable upon experience
Fax resume Cto 241-3204
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean driving re-
cord required Call April. 246-9999
Full Time Colt Course Mainlenance staff
Excellent benesll ror FT include vacation
SICK. 401K. healing benefits Apply in per-
son Tues-Sal call 285.6514 lor
directions Drug teslingEOE
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull time help
needed Wages negotiable- lips Beneints
Avail Apply in person 1401 Beach Blvd
Company seeking experienced individual
for.Receptionist/ Admin Support position
At least 3 years experience in a last-
paced environment required Must nave
excellent oral and wrlnen communicallon
skills, oulslanding customer service skills
the ability to multi-task, be familiar witn
general oflce procedures and be proli-
clent with MS Offlice tools. if interested
go to
htp:i,, ww.iexisnexls.com/careers/appiy
and apply to requisition 4220484.
NEED .INTERIOR trim 'arpenters 'and
helpers Dependable, own transportation

seeking experienced SALES REPRE-
SENTATIVES lor last growing office wiln
new maiketing campaigns and expansion
plans. Must nave sales experience with
strong work elhic and great attitude. Ex-
celleni oppornuniy lor flexible hours, top
pay, high commission with advancement
management opponunary and no week-
ends Call 207-7757 exi. 210
Baplist Pediatrics at boln Pones Vedra and
San Jose offices currently nave positions
available Tor Office Specialists Ideal can-
didaies will have a HS Diploma or GED
and 1 2 years ot healthcare clerical expe
rience along with excellent customer serv-
ice and pnone skills. Duties include patient
iegisiraiion. charge entry and payment
posting and assisting patients with busi-
ness makers. Medical terminology and pri.
or medical front desk experience, preier-
Baptisi Pedialrlcs is currently seeking a
Medical Asssisant at the Ponle Vedra ol-
ice Responsibdliles will include giving
immunizalions. plontng graphs. plating
throal & urine cultures and Deing able to
handle baoies'children MA certification
For consideration please apply online at:
or lax resume to Ann Office Manager at
eitlfL' J.u .pE,qual ._fpPiHi .,-,
m p e r, -.

FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; e-mail to: jobs@fleetland-
Ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
Beach Co. seeks an individual with a
pleasant personality and professional atti-
tude. FT, 8-5, M-F, duties include answer-
ing the phone, customer service, and ad-
ministrative work. Experience in Word, Ex-
cel, & Outlook. 36 months experience in
an office environment. Up to $32,000
+benefits. Fax resume. (904)280-2959 or
e-mail igrisso@cntre.com. EOE
PAINTERS WANTED for custom home
painting. Transportation & experience re-
.quired. 635-9249 -
Seeking responsible reliable individuals.
Must be bondable Serious inquiries only
Leave msg at 716 8824
CUSTOM Inierior Trim Carpenlers need.
ed. any .-arpentry experience a plus
Beaches and Ponie Vedra areas. Call Tim

I J oi t e ea t at m a es ca ing S


a ,aarrott.
* i


JANITORIAL HELP needed. Seeking P/T
& F/T cleaning crew to work In K-Mart in
Neptune Beach. 3rd shift. Cleaning and/
or floor care exp. is a plus but not re-
quired. Please call 1-800-860-8057 Job
reference #8884.
Jax Bch. Microsoft proficient, bookkeep-
ing,. marketing. Email resume to:'
CHIRO CLINIC seeks a motivated, pois-
ed, indiv. w/personallty plus to serve as
Front Desk Asst. Heavy phones, data en-
try, appoints and maintaining patient files.
,Excellent interpersonal and communica-
tion skills a must Send resume to
pvbdr@aol.com or fax 904-273-4607..
Approximately 35hrs. per week.
PAINTERS WANTED: Must have basic
hand tools 'and transportation. DFWP.
Scott Painting Inc. 1904)710-6732
EXPERIENCED F/T help needed for kitch-
en Please apply al Gene's Seafood Res-
tauranl 1249 Penman Rd.

'.HOLLY OAKS Lawn & Landscaping has
an opening lr a Landscape Mainienance
person Candidaie must have a Valid,
Clean Drivers License and experience
East Arlington and Beaches areas.

Positions Available
Senior Exec. Assistant Stewarding Supervisor

Sales Admin. Assistant Honor Bar Supervisor

Front Desk Supervisor Room Service Server AM

Maintenance Engineer Spa Supervisor U

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Webslte: www.sawgrassmarrlott.com
S Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

lVIT. iUSo61: [o = 11 161 PeV to re I I i [m IMoll lJZ I ]
".. .. -",.-' .


'E x c i t ed


= -i Your

A key opportunity is here.

Sales position

t at the Beaches!

The Beaches Leader, Ponte
Vedra Leader is looking for an
advertising sales representative to work in the Beaches community.
Growth potential and established accounts working for an award-
winning, locally owned newspaper. Candidates should have sales
experience, and should be oal-oriented. Base plus commission.
Send resume to linda@beachesleader.com or bring it to 1114
Bpach Blvd., Jacksonville. Beach, FL 32250- ..- -.- '-i. u
I, I .1-,, -

FULL-TIME, 1:30pm to 9:30pm in main
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
punctuality a must. Excellent benefits and
great work environment. To apply: appli-
cations available at Fleet,Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail tojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; e-mail to: jobs@fleetland-
Ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.

"Be Part of the Best"
H' housekeepers
Front Desk-Night Auditor
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1.616 N. First St. '
We offer great pay, paid vacation &.
personal tnme. He ih [ -i-n' .'dental
insurance, 401K

Currently hiring for.
Chief Engineer
Flexible hours

Apply at: greatjobs.marriott.com
Or in person at:
4600 San Pablo Rd.,
Jacksonville, FL

Perfect Part-Time Job!
(Full-Time Tool)
Home Cleaners
*$200 $400/wk.
Flexible Daytime
Work Near Home
Own Transportation

U.- 7%XKU U M I73U

Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
SNF is seeking a file clerk to support two
departments. Must be a HS graduate,
have prior office and telephone experi-
ence, and be familiar with Microsoft Word
and Excel. Duties include filing, copying,
answering telephones, pulling records and
mailing out invoices and letters. Hours are
Mon.-Thurs., 8am-4:30pm and Friday
8am-12:30pm. Salary is $9/hr. Please
e-mail resume to www.avantegroup.com,
attention Human Resources, or apply in
person at: 1504 Seabreeze Avenue, Jack-
sonville Beach, FL 32250.
fold Erectors, Carpenters. Skilled person-
nel. Call 249-8147 or 726-5661.

Join our team of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
(Ippf in peWat to0:

2201 Florida Blvd.
Mon Fri 8-4:30

Positions open for the
following Depts.
Part time orfull time.
Must be able to w ork weekends.
S9/hr to start.
Duties to include Pressure
washingg painting, some
carpent., plumbingjaniiorial
services. Must be able to lift
50 lbs. Experience preferred.
Must have transportation &
valid FL Drivers license.
Hourly plus excellent benefits.
We offer excellent salary. and
benefits including paid Vacation
and Holida\ s. Health and Dental
Insurance. 401K.

Drug Free Workplace
Equal Opportunity Employer

Apply in person
Human Resources
101 Plantation Drive
Ponie Vedra Beach. FL 32082
543-7529" ,' --


FIEI I9]iIfllW I[ m

SEWING MACHINE. Repairs. Complete FrW ses
tune-up All makes, all models. $49.50. CAC1814
BARTENDER SERVICE: friendly, experi- .
enced, licensed bartender available or
holiday season luncltons PV to Ail Bcn.
area. Call Russ at 561-703-2577

Service & Repair
Sewing, Serger
Eiibroiderv and .
Vacuum Cleaner
Residential Commercial

FREE pick up
and deli en

Phone (904) 874-4181

from changing a lightbulb
to changing the color of your house



GET YOUR AC Unit ready to1 mhe winter
monlns. Maintenance cneck-up $59 95 &
Freon it any is needed Family run & oper-
ated since 1967.
CHANGE OUT vour old A'C lor a new er-.
ergy efficient unit today Call & set up ap-
pointment or Ins MONTH SPECIALS


ice & sell all makes & models
Male Family owned & operated
4887 Padgens A'C, 588-5222


R"BARON & Beth's Cleaning Service. com-'
mercia. & residential Call'lor your Iree
..quote, 248-9950.
CLEANING BY Christopher, catering to
the beaches area 1904)725-2738. ,..
14 years experience. Reasonable prices,
low minimum rates, weekend appoint-
menis available. (904)525-7419.
opening 2 days a week Honest. Depend-
able, with itransponalion. 221-1504

ANOMOTEC. QUALITY' Electrical Serv-
ices Free estimates for repair: Installation.
CommiRes Siandoy generators and
transfer switches All electrical needs.
VisaMC 343-5535. Greal rates!

WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. Relerences. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599

759-1612. Free Deliveryl.
WINTER'S ON the wayl Be ready. Seas-
oned firewood; cords & half cords availa-
ble, with free delivery. Call 334-3157.


Computer and printer -epair services, vi-
rus protection: upgrades, networks. Com-
mercial & -esidential service throughout
Duval and.St Jonns Counties Our shop;.
your business, or home. Atlantic Laser,
1521 Penman Rd, Jax Beach: Call 247-

applicanons house calls. training repairs
upgrades websites, grapnics Free phone
tech 904.249 3034 or email.
callrobD@comcasl net

WINSOR LAWN Service. Inc Compeilive
rates Call Alan 237 5301
Fall Yard Clean-up Specials
lawns. Free estimates 246-0967
SDependable Quality Service Reasonable
rates 821-0737.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free est.-
males Professional customer service
Mowing. edging weeding. trimming, trees.
shrubs Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial CALL US FIRST! 270-2664.
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching. Sodding. whatever ii
takes, etc. Dale 249-4724
* *"
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Lawn care,
Janitorial Service,' etc. Call Hermon, 246.
4238, 612-1:755. .

DRIVEWAYS; PATIOS sidewalks ex.
posed river rock, demolition, & room addi-
Slions RK Ballard Consirucihon, Inc Call
:Chuck, 874-6692.

Safe roof cleaning.', Deck & fence
resioralion Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured Call Kevin 994-0045

a% noCacomcast.nel
r e Cell: 483-7979
Smart Sleek & Modern Kitchens By Licensed & Insured
"TEGAC f We accept: ,Ill~l -
Now Offering competent & competitive, pressure wash-
Full Remode ing, painting, drywall repair, texture & wall
Full Remodeling, coverings. 25 years experience. Lic., in-

Rse i tExp. Licensed & Insured Residential&
( ? '1 lBRoom Additions & sured-refs. 403-7389.

Commercial. New Business Specials.
iFirst Consultation $0 Free Estimates. (904)859-7529. Verifiable
.9 4 298 9 I knotch work guaranteed. Painting, trim,
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing.
www.legacythreebuilders.com icTe0d0 Insured Free estimates.
State Licensed & Insured Residential Contractor CRC1326448
9310 Old Ki Road S., Suite92 J onvil, FL 3 6 SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
9310 Old Kings Road S., Suite 1902 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Pressure washing. 19yrs. at Beaches.
-. J Free Estimates. 881-4223.

NEW CONSTRUCTION remodeling and
repaint Residential and commercial Men-
tion this ad 2J16-1529.
Iree estimales, work guaranteed, licensed

Just Joe
^ Painting
& Wallpapering.
Pressure Washing
Qualin' craftsmanship by
Joe DiAlauro
30 years experience
SLicensed. Insured References
Sww a.justjoepainting.com
iVii .Acciplins W!ZL
(904) 373-0680 (9041) 229-9542

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail classified'5beacnesieader com
We service thousands 01 beach residents
*ww perschelandmeyer.com 2411-3409.

ing. Most residential pools $25/w6ek+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make.
your lite a litile easier 285-0240

SCrystal Pools
\our pool is too valuable.
Avoid costly cleaning & repairs
in the spring.

.4 P, censed & Insured Ij

904) 537-280

SEAMLESS GUTTERS installed call for a7
free estimate. -652-6336 or 651-5835.

Roofing, vinyl siding, screen porches and
additions. Kitchens, baths, tile, walls &
texture. Lowest prices and all work guar-
anteed. Licensed. Call (904)304-9476.

All fields of Construction.- Renovations &
Remodeling & morel 25yrs. experience.
Lic. & Ins. Free Est. 703-2054, 223-5720.
Patios, Entryways. Top quality, fast esti-
mates. www.modernapavers.com
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
HOME IMPROVEMENTS: Painting, floor-
ing, drywall, etc. No job too small or too
big. Free estimates. Licensed and insured.
Call Brad at 904-962-6782

State Certified Contractor
*N' CN 'r.ln 'rru;l'n 'Addition;
*Re odeling Kircher' & BaUn
*Termrre Damurge Repir
P aConJornr iur n UpgrjldeS & RemiJdeli
Plin & Deiigr Seriicr A.ii.ihale
Member NFBA
Call Bob 626-1165
Fax 246-0289



Specializing in Remodeling.
Additionri. Deckl. Repair. ,
Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
for the home or office.
(904) 247-3777
All Credit Cards Accepted
Certified Builder Cerlified Roofer
Lie. CB.-i 59j3o Lic. CCC1325888
Member of ihe Better BusinessBureau

Remodeling *Renovations
New Construction Repairs

SCBC 1253069

dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628.
C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
wall,, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling, etc.
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.
Painting, pressure washing, wood floors,
carpentry, tile work, drywall.. 904-

HoneyDoBees i
No job too'big or small,
if your honey can't do it, -C.
cal the handymen who do it all.
Complete renovations, turn key
service, All types flooring, custom
tile work, carpet repair & installa-
tion. Pressure washing, construc-
tion & deck repair. Drywall repair
& painting. Garage cleaning,
debris removal.

Licensed & Fully Insured

QUALITY HOME Repair Painring Wood
Repair Pressure Washing and more
1 yrs experience. Licensed insured

All Types of Repairs
Commercial & Residential
Fully Licensed & Insured


ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
*censed professional. See our,ad. under.
Remodeling/Construction. State Certified
Roofer #CCC1325888. Member BBB
247-3777. All credit cards accepted.
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach.: 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
Installation and repairs. Call 246-5649.
Reroof, new roof, repairs all types of roofs.
Mention this ad for a $100 discount on all
rerof, or 'repairs over $750. Call
246-5649. ,

Quality work, at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986.

Exclusive 8000 sq.sf. showroom with over
20,000 different flooring selections at
builder's prices. Call Mark for an appoint-
ment to showroom. (904)807-7571.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

SCopyrighted Material 3

Syndicated Conten

Available from Commerial News Provider"

iYVoveMIer. /.v --- ---

*n Inallr In nmlrlrr ulln* nll*lr unonnu~:rnllmnl ~LPmno~mlln~~n~WIIn~'~~n~YI~~1I~UL~~'

i'9yi'ili ; 7. .;e:,,, ~ J1 1 F !;':PA"'.
7477 IN,;~:::rl "~.;4'[p~:t




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classmfe o

November 3, 2006

MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical;
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
MEDICAL ASSISTANT- Immediate open-
ing for fast paced intemal medicine office.
Must have 1 year experience working
back office with physician. Competitive
salary & benefits. Call 241-8300 or fax re-
sume: 241-0831.
NANNY,'GOOD Pay, PT/FT, days. Trans-
portation, references needed. 241-2723.
.* ":' .* ..
Lawn service seeks individual to perform.
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-

Marsh Landing Country Club (Ponte Ve-
dra Beach). FT, Tuesday- Saturday with
excellent benefits including 401k, vac.,
sick. Looking for personable individual for
receptionist and administrative duties for
country club. Must be able to multi-task.
Excellent phone skills and computer skills
required. Apply in person Tuesday- Satur-
day. 285-6514. Drug testing/ EOE.
City of Atlantic Beadh. Starting pay
$14.09/hr.+beneflts. Starting pay f CMC
designated is' $15.37/hr.+benefits. Must
be Notary Public for State of FL or be able
to obtain within 6 mos. of hire. Must be
able to attend evening meetings and take
& transcribe minutes. Performs a :variety
of detailed administrative/ secretarial
tasks. Applications accepted until
11/08/06 and may be- obtained--at
www.coab.us or 800 Seminole Rd., Atlan-
tic Beach, FL (904)247-5820. No smokers/
tobacco users. Drug neslng conducted.

* Hilton

Garden Innr J

*Front Desk Clerk

F/T & P/T Positions Available
Excellent Starting Salary
Benefits include Health Ins.. Paid Vacation,
Travel Discounts & Flexible Schedules
Apply in person @ 45 PGA Tour Blvd., Ponte Vedra

Baptist Medical Center-Beaches
1350 13th Avenue South
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250
Apply online at:www.ebaptisthealth.com:

* Patient Access Rep II 3p-11:30p M-F
* Unit Secretary 7a-7p
medical terminology completed required
Radiology Technologist Lead 10a-6:30p M-F
Radiology Technologist 3-11:30p M-F
SUltrasound Sonographer Lead 9a-6p M-F
Ultrasound Sonographer 2:30-1 ip M-F
Exercise Specialist BA-BS required 7:30a-4p M-F
Medical Lab Assistant II 4a-12:30p
Lab Supervisor 1lp-7:30a
Physical Therapist 8a-4:30p
MRI Technologist 10a-6:30p M-F
Nuclear Medicine Technologist 9:30a-6p M-F
Associate Care Providers (CNA) 7a-7p or 7p-:7a
rotating weekends
Dietary-Food Service Associates 11a-6:30 +
rotatngn weekends
Environmental Service Technician 8a-4:30p +
rotating weekends
Environmental Service Technician 11p-7:30a +
rotating weekends
Groundskeeper 7:30a-4p M-F


Depend On Us For Lif6e. EOE

We can help
It you are 55 and older with limited or no
inc'.m:e vwe may a rave the Iraining and
emr-ployment opponunilies Inal can help
' ou pay ine bills.
Call Experience Works, Inc
Mynie Collins
Funded by the Stale ol Florida
Deparment ol Elder Alairs.

YOU! Very successful restaurant located
on 2 acres in hne heart ol Sequaltchee Vai-
ly' ius nroh ol Pieville. TN is loo1 ing lor
a new owner thInal can lake it lo the next
level Tne business consists of three lev-
S ei, upper living quaners of over 1800 si .
main restaurant level ol 4,000 sl and a
S power level J-1 000 st Tremendous po-
leni.al awaits the enterprising ernrepre-
neurl Did I mention thal an undetermined
amouni ol antique toys go wlln nhe sale'
Sertrious inrqulle only Please contact
Donna Kerley with Third Tennessee Real-
r, at 931-26.0-9614.

CONVENIENCE STORE lor sale in Talla-
hassee. earns 535.000 selling groceries
Irom inside: includes gasoline commission
checks ; contact Adam (850)574-6125
ALTERATIONS & Tailoring Business for
sale Call 349-9969 lor details.

ACTIVE NANNY honest dependable.
transponation & references. $10-$12/hr..
any area. CPR & Firsl Ad. PiT or FiT.
BOWLING FAMILY Daycare has openings
tor 1 yr olds and up starting immediately
For inlo call 220-6059 or 476-4251

ing cooking, errands, bill paying, organiz-
er. secretarial, etc. Part -l;me only 30
years exp .318-9216
NEASE HIGH School senior dependable.
honest, reliable, seeks baby siting, organ
izlng, small errand lob References avalla-
ole Call Melissa. 535-0431

MATURE woman (27) looking for full time
or part time watching children, cleaning
house, doing laundry. I can be a full time
live-in or just part time. Very flexible. Ref-
erences upon request. Isabel at 540-6499.

CERTIFIED NURSES Aid, ten yrs. exp. In
total home health care. $10/hr.; will live in
weekend FSS. Also relief work holidays,
etc. (904) 885-2200.

IF YOU are interested In advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com.

KENMORE WASHER & dryer. 2yrs. old.
Perfect condition. $300. 246-4695.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box. new Sti l in boxes $499
Can deliver. 858-9350.
SALT WATER aquarium wi lisn and
stand; over $1000 invested, sell lor $250;
queen size bed (box spring, mattress &
frame), $100, inversion table, like new.
$50. 465-4232.
QUALITY RESTAURANT booths, singles.
doubles. x-iops black. Great I:r your
kitchen at home. too, Vince or Tom, 249.
MOVING SALE baby lurnilure everything
a bay needs iclb. eic.); winter circa 1940
upright piano- misc. items. 2414-1403.
OLD WOOD. iron scrolled, shabby cnic
mirror $65i Park bencn $25, lazy boy chair
dk. green corduroy- practically new $400,
iron plant stand $35, unframed mirrored
glass (40"x44 ) $50. framed oil painting.
red wood forest $200 246 6564
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed
w,mantess & box spring Must sell. $395
Can deliver (9041858-9350.
LAPTOP 1.7 gnz. 85 gig hd, dvd.
widescreen, remote control. 4 USB s, me-
dia card slot, paper work and case $475.
65' Mitsubishi Diamond Series HDTV,
$5900 new. Asking $1900. 821-4367
November 4th & 5in. al the Morocco
Shrine 3800 St. Johns Bluf Road. Jack-
sonville. Nonh. Florida Arms Collectors
Into: 1904)461-0273
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & Doxspring, new in
plastic w!warranty $379 Must sell
Avialor,, 4'x8', reconditioned, excellent la-
ble. $3000 OBO. Call Joel 19041535-5293.
TWO SPRING sults, good condllon,
small, $20 each, 234-4533
58' SONY big screen TV w/entertainmeni
center. 4 Pioneer speakers. Ine equalizer
and 310 CD disc changer. 51700 OBO
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75'ea
30 day warranty Deliver. $20. 318-8173.
RECORDS- 50'S 60s 70s. Hardly used
to new Jazz to Beelnoven, 100+
10'2' BEN AIPA Surfboard wired rails.
brand new $700. 246-3383
big screen TV. Cnerry colee 2 end la-
bles Teak bookcase. 994-2422
LAWN MOWER. 46in. under. 21np. aulo-
matic. like new, warranty $925 OBO
MusI Sell, 254-4174.
WASHER, DRYER. ex. cond, $150 ea..
can deliver & guarantee, 874-1747.
MAYTAG PRO-FORMA washer, dryer
$400 OBO. 859-7900.

CHAPEL HILL Tandem Gardens mausole-
um. The last one left lor two Many extras.
unit F Pier one, $5900 904-287-1815
WICKER FULL size sola & Ig chnar like
n6~cv nbrne colored exita side piilo-w
custom, quality cushions. Tropical Sunbrel-
la Upholslery, $349. 285-0516.
AT&T PARTNER pnone system 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
BOWFLEX SPORT 1 yr new. $700
OBO, 57 in. JVC HD-TV. $800 OBO. 607-
QUEEN MAT' ,ox.' trame, $100. leather
love seal, beige. $150 223-6850.
CUSTOM GOLF karts. Hunting kans.
Workhorse kans Located here atl ne
beach We stan where me competition
ends Now accepting Christmas orders.
Order yours lodayl Check us out at


1246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd.I
U,] 1 E1I i

QUEEN SIZE mat/box/frame $100. 2 twin
mat/box/frames $60ea. Clean, quality
beds. Can deliver. 246-1832.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
Sliver. (904)391-0015.

HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
w/ Incredible dark patina. Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310:


r n~~2~~rr~rr~r

SATURDAY. 12 noon, 1117 Atlanlic Blvd
at Waisor. Realty Several sellers House-
hold items, collectibles, jewelry. toys. etc.
Proceeds Irom company table to Jax Hu-
mane Society Noi sponsored by JHS
SAT, 8AM lols of baby items, toys.
clothes, lurnilure household, 624 McCol-
lum Circle ilNeptune by the Seal.
MISC. ITEMS, something lor everyone
Early birds welcome. Saturday. 7am-uni|,
2021 San Piper Point ioH ol Florida Blvd.
& Kings Rd 1.434 0480
TWO FAMILY- misc adult & kids clothes.
home goods, electronic gadgets & lurnish-
nmg Saturday 8am-12pm,' 812 Cedar
8AM HOUSEHOLD, fishing, clothing, &
misc.. 225 Margaret SI. Nov 4. Rain dale,
Nov 11
Bowles S Saturday, 11/4. 8am-2pm.
Kids toys, books ana games Clotes'
men's. women. girl's: Ralph Lauren. Gap
and more Hals. lies. and tons of i-shirts
Goli clothing, clubs and baggy Travel bags
kilcnen slul. computer nems, laser discs
eleclron cs and much more

Paradise Cove, turn on Maypon Rd. lo
Levi Follow signs Homelile generator,
4400W. line hockey equipment Glass
lor table lops, lamps. B&D grass hog
(new), electronics, books, clothing, tools,
computer furniture, framed art, table &
chairs, loosbail table, CB radios
MULTI-FAMILY SALE preteen clothes
water bed. & household misc SATURDAY
8am1lpm 379 Skate Rd
3 condos with lots of good 'sluif', Satur-
day Bam-lpm, 2025 Seminole Rd.
MOVING SALEI Household & misc. items.
8am-12pm, Saturday 1145 Sebago Ave.
SATURDAY 8AM-12PM 175 151h St Fur-
niture. pressure washer, prints, household
& decorative iems, good slufl.
MOVING. SMALL appliances, household
items, lurnilure Saturday. November 4th.
8am.4pm, 2101 Hidden Cove Cir.
5-FAMILY SALE, Friday. 8am-unlll, 2643
Slern Dr. E



Beach Marine


Over 40 Vessels
S for Sale


IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904;249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

TWO BIG garage sales in: Ocean Cay
community. Furniture, household items &
misc., 3288 & 3341 Antigua Dr., Sat.,
i l.', 8anm-1pm.
HUGE BOOK SALE' Thousands of books
lor children and adulls. Movies and music
too-Si Paul s Calholic Church, in the gym,
Nov 3, 4 & 5. 8aml-pm, bag sale on Sun.
CHAIRS. WICKER, lamps, books, and lots
of misc Salurday 9AM-2PM. 317 51h Ave
MULTI-FAMILY SALE lo01 ol misc. & turn.
lure Saturday 8am-unnil. Riptide Subdivi-
sion lot ol Soutn Beach Parkwayl.
MULTI FAMILY. Sal 8am: lurn., tools,
housewares, much more, 1214 1sl Ave.
8:30-11AM, SAT., round oak table & 2-
Scnairs, rugs. wo awnings, while laminate
lile cabinet, Ig steamer trunk, sm. while
pine cnesi. nousenold items, and more..
1869 2nd Si So.
DON T MISS Ihis one Watch next weeks
Leader lor November 11th sale
QUEEN HEADBOARD' footboard, break-
fast nock w' table & chairs. wood dining
set w/ drop leaf. lealher loveseat- like
new lamps, end tables, eic. Eaiiry birds &
dealers welcome. Sat & Sun,. 539 Upper
81h Ave S
SAT. 7-3PM, small apple. furniture. Coca
Cola memorabilia, children's toys. :045
23rd SI. N

- BU
* *
mmi *

*115 South Third Street'"
Sat.. November 4th *
S 9 a.m. p.m.
Staff will be selling *
Hot Dogs from
S O10am 2pm. *
Proceeds will go to
SAmerican Cancer
Association *
er 4**-A '**

STORE CLOSINGI Gift/ antiques/ garden
items. Friday, Saturday, 9am-4pm 319
12th St.
HUGE THREE family sale, 940 ,Paradise
Cir. (Mayport Rd. North to Dutton Island
Rd. West to Paradise Preserve SD); office
copier, furniture, and loads of other stuff,
Sat. & Sun., 8am-2pm.

Big Tree Road, Odom's Mill Subdivision.
Kid's toys,:furniture, small kitchen applian-
ces, video: equipment, clothes and morel
ESTATE/ MOVING sale; Nov. 9; 8am-
3pm; sofa bed, like new; computer, print-
er, desk & chair bookcases; large chair;
lamps. pictures, & rugs; microwave;rTV;
work bench & tools; 'and much, much
more; 236 Patrick Mill Circle (Seaside).
COMMUNITY SALE- The Woodlands.
Saturday 8am-12pm, HWY 210 & AlA.
SATURDAY, 8AM-IPM, 134 Solano Cay.
Female clothing, furniture, miscellaneous.
COMMUNITY YARD Sale! Sat, 11/4, 8am
Ponte Vedra Court Townhomes, bldg 3
on PV Ct Furniture, clothes, home acces-
sories e. .

Copper Springs Rd. Saturday 8-1 Lots of
children & babies clothes & toys Jumper
pack & play, misc items.
TWO FAMILY sale, Intracoastal west; In-
dian Springs & Turtle Lake Ln.: Sat
11 4.8am-lpm
COMMUNITY YARD Sale. Covington
Creek, San Pablo Rd. Saturday, 11/4,
Sale Beach Blvd. at Intetcoastal. Salur-
day, 8am
THE HAMMOCKS (off San Pablo Rd.
near JTB). Sandy Run Lane N Saturday.
8am-noon Oueen mattress. box springs
and frame, bedside tables, lamps, recliner.
bookcase and misc. items.

UNDERWOOD ESTATE, founderr Under-
wood Jewelry). Much sterl: sets, Ig pcs
Kirk- pitchers. bowls, etc 42 Ig Boehm
birds. Set Herend Rothschild Bird. Pic-
ard, Royal Doulion, Minion, Worcnester.
moprel Old oils, hand colored engrvgs. Old
Staffordshire dogs, etc. Lovely DR set
ncl, orklrnt. buffel. server. Baldwin piano.
Fabulous linens. Ton crystal. Lalique,
Waterford, Galle cameo, 25+ Bacarrat
weights Hs full ol line furn. Jewelry. Nut-
iing prnt. '96 Buick Regal. 1133 Onental
Gardens Rd off San Jose. Th & Fri. 9-4.
CHINA CAT 241-0344. See @ chmnaca-
lantique.com. Great sale
......- *_
60' BOAT Slip. Haroonowne @ Mira Visla.
$185.000. 241-0267.
BOAT SLIP For Rent, Harbonown Marina,
40' wth water & elecinc. $500. 463-2845.
18FT 2004 Regal. Runabout, garage kept.
low hours, fish dephm tinder. $13,500 firm
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. S164K. 463-2845.
10'4" BASSTENDER w/ trolling motor.
new bakery, trailer & all accessories
$1600. Call Mike 247-6744.

Experience the boating lifestyle

on the water at

Be* t ri '*L C? 1ee i^^'';'
North FloridaPs Largt Seec

YACHTS .i~ .m. ..
-.II .. ....... e l o .f .. .

Sacsonvi.lle Beach,

Office: 904 20.00

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North Florida's Largest
SBoat &Yacht aler

Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane "
Windy Boats" Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
.Cobalt Azure'
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks

14539 Beach Blvd.

(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal

- L -- -L -- -- --


law" I

1972 VW Camper for sale. $1500. Call
1996 CHEVY Lumina Van, 97K, needs
work $800 OBO. 249-3368.
03 GMC Sherard custom van, 50,000 mi.
factory warranty. 15 seats, 36.000 mi.,
bronze, $18,500 OBO, contact Bnan at

'93 INFINITY. 4 DR, AT: air, all options.
Exceptional condition, 79K miles; 4 cyl.,
30 mpg. $3000, 705-5426.
2004 DODGE Durango SLT, w/ towbar,
excellent condition, $14,900, 241-2723.
94 JEEP Grand Cherokee. 4-wheel drive,
6cyl.. AT. COLD A/C, faclory.aluminum
wheels, $1850 cash. 241-4012.
1983 CHEVROLET Blazer, V-6, auto..en-
gine runs good. trans. problem, 1993 Pon-
tIac Sunbird. cosmetically looks good.
runs needs work. Both will turn over and
run Boln lor 5450. 945-0226.
1990 DODGE Van, equipped for the disa-
bled Lift. hand-controls, good condition.
Low miles. $2500 OBO. 241-0585.
1996 NISSAN Maxima SE, black, AT, A/C,
fully loaded, $3200. 708-3595.
1994 SEVILLE SLS, loaded, runs and
looks great. $3950. 537-6853.
1967 CADILLAC Coup Deville Conveni-
ole. See pictures in web. nlp://home-
page.mac com/purdueiim,'PhoioAIbum4 .h
ml Senous oilers only, Jim 249-4292.

of Junk Cars/Trucks
in 30 Minutes
Top cash on all that runs!

S- Fre-Tow

0 40M


lo 4911b

mnm, P o


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