Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. October 25, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00085
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. October 25, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: October 25, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00085
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 10
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Halloween Happenings
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 8
Full Text

Preparing for
spa opening

See A-8

OCTOBER 25,2006

Where are they now?

See A-10

Vol. 44, No. 36 Serving the communities of Pot


nte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune

SAn edniion of The Beaches Leader


Beach and Mayport since 1963


Tower approval

raises ire in PV

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Nease running back James Wilson signs a sleeve of Kathleen Fumess, principal of Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley/Rawlings
Elementary School during a Red Ribbon rally at the school Tuesday. See more photos on A-3.

Resistant bacteria concerns Nease parents

William Rand, owner of
Verticality, a company that
helps build telecommunica-
tions towers, is 0-2 with many
residents in Ponte Vedra.
Many homeowners on
Roscoe Boulevard didn't like
his proposal for a 155-foot
tower near Lord of Life
Lutheran Church.
That tower was denied by
the St. Johns County Planning
and Zoning Agency (PZA) in
And many residents don't
like his new proposal for a
tower of the same si.e in the
Mickler's Landing commercial
center at State Road A1A and
Mickler Road.
But that tower was approved
Thursday by the PZA, despite
comments from several resi-
dents who oppose it.
"Consumer demand is
requiring more cell sites," Rand
told PZA members Thursday,
explaining that the tower will
improve service aj6rg'A A as it
stretches south past the Guana
With an estimated 250,000
emergency 911 .calls' made
from cell phones nationwide
on a daily basis, Rand said,
providing good cellular service
is a safety issue.

"There's a lot of difficulties
in finding a spot for a good
tower," Rand told PZA mem-
bers last week.
For Rand, one of the major
difficulties has been neighbor-
ing property owners.
Rand held a public meeting
with Roscoe Boulevard resi-
dents in September, after he
decided to appeal the PZA's
denial of the first tower.
The meeting did not go very
well, according to Rand, who
said he did not get a fair
chance to explain his proposal
in the midst of interrupting,
angry homeowners.
This time around, Rand
decided not to hold a public
meeting with residents, which
is not required by law.
"After that experience (with
Roscoe Boulevard residents) I
don't think it was helpful,"
Rand told PZA members
But for many residents of
Seaside, a neighborhood direct-
ly to the west of where the
tower is being proposed, not
being given a chance to com-
ment on the tower is an infuri-
ating, and familiar, circum-
In February, Seaside
Homeowners Association

A "very virulent," treatment-
resistant bacteria has been doc-
umented in a Nease football
player, and several parents
have expressed concern,
according to the head team
physician, Kevin P. Murphy.
In Principal Linda
Thomson's Oct. 20 e-mail mes-
sage to parents, Murphy writes
that a culture has documented
one case of methacillin-resist-
ant staphylococcus aureus
Three other skin lesions were
treated with antibiotics given
from an urgent-care clinic,
where cultures were not taken,
Murphy said.
All infections have been suc-
cessfully treated, and cleaning
recommendations from the
St. Johns County Health
Department were followed,

Murphy said. "It's an opp
"MRSA. is..a very virulent 'ism: It'sgoing
infection- 'that --can "spLead.. one.with a su
quickly if not contained early," system."
Murphy says in the e-mail. "It She said r
spreads by direct contact ahd is have reported
frequently not .. ., .
responsive to Just because one per-
standard antibiot- Just because one per-
ic treatment. It is son's got it, doesn't
important to mean the whole team
obtain cultures" is going to get it.
before starting
treatment, he Carole Cinarron, St. Johns
said. County Health Department
C a r o l e
Cimarron, epi-
demiology pro-
gram director for the St. Johns promote
County Health Department, Cimarron sai
said an outbreak such as the The person
one at Nease is "pretty typical." tion was ads
"Community acquired MRSA skin-to-skin c
is everywhere," she said in a ers until th
telephone interview Tuesday. gone, she saic

portunistic organ-
g to assault some-
ppressed immune
no other schools
ed a staph out-
The Health
that the Nease
locker room
and showers be
cleaned with an
solution and
that the school
post signs to
i with the infec-
ised to have no
contactt with oth-
e infection was

"Just because one person's
got it, doesn't mean the whole
team is going to get it," she
"\Ve washed everything
down," Thomson said this
week, adding that none of the
parents expressed concern to
The outbreak, which sur-
faced two to three weeks ago,
was limited to the football
team, and pads and other
items are being cleaned on a
scheduled basis, Thomson said.
Regular cleaning of common
areas, such as the locker room
and the weight room, is sched-
uled, Murphy said.
Although staph aureus is a
bacteria commonly carried on
the skin or in the nose of


Neighborhood Bill of Rights

gets more county muscle

Jerry Cameron, aide to
Commissioner Ben Rich, said
Monday that a new, stronger
version of the Neighborhood
Bill of Rights is being drafted
by Patrick McCormack, the
new lead attorney for St.
Johns County.
Earlier this year the propos-
al was presented to former
County Attorney Dan
Bosanko for his review.
Bosanko revised the docu-
ment, removing some key ele-
ments such as legal standing
for all registered neighbor-
hoods in a court of law.
Cameron and many other

community organizations
said Bosanko's-version of the
bill of rights greatly reduced
its strength and purpose.
McCormack replaced
Bosanko last month when he
retired and he begun drafting
his own version of the docu-
"Now we have a county
attorney who is actually
excited about giving the citi-
zens of St. Johns County a
good Neighborhood Bill of
Rights," Cameron said
Cameron said he expects
the ordinance to be in place
by the end of this year.

Utility work delays business in JB

Utility outages relating to
Shetter Road construction have
impacted several business in the
Beach Plaza Shopping Center over
the past months, according to
businesses in the shopping center.
The construction on Shetter
Road to replace water and sewer
systems and put in a new
drainage system has been
ongoing since May 1 and has - caused water outages, delivery '
failures, electrical outages and
low water pressure, according
to some of the businesses. '
"It could be a serious prob-.
lem," said Smoothie King
Manager Hampton Murray.
He said water has been shut
off three times in the past two
months and has remained off
for periods of time ranging
from 30 minutes to an hour
and a half.
While some businesses have
only had minor problems
with the construction,'such as
low water pressure in rest-
rooms, others say they have
experienced severe damages.
For example, Max's WO
International Restaurant has so
had to pay more than $4,500 ha
for plumbing problems

caused by bulldozers working on
the construction, according to
owner Abbas Bagheri.
Their water has shut off many
times during business hours with
no warning, hindering their abili-
ty to serve customers, he said. On
some occasions, when the water
came back on, mud was pumping
through the pipes, Bagheri said.
"We've had nothing but bad
experiences," Bagheri said.

ork on Shetter Avenue (above) one blo
uth of Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville
s been trouble for several businesses.

Several restaurants
reported some difficulties with
utility interruption, but other
businesses in the area have also
had problems, managers said.
Distinctive Furniture could not
receive deliveries and its garbage
was not collected for more than
two weeks because access to the
dumpster was blocked, according
to owner Bob Jones.
"It was just a general inconven-
ience," he said.
Jacksonville Beach
Public Works employee
Junior Lilly, project
manager over the con-
struction being done by
a private contractor, has
said one of the problems
contractors have experi-
enced is unmarked utili-
ties that are under-
ground. When contrac-
tors .begin to dig, they
inadvertently hit some
of the utilities that are
not marked or mislocat-
When. this does hap-
pen, Lilly) said they
immediately contact the
appropriate utility

photo by ROB DeANGELO
Nease Panthers quarterback Ted Stachitas (16) avoids a tackle by a Lake City
Columbia player in Friday night's game at Panther Stadium. Nease's 27-0 victory
gives the team another District 5-4A title. See story on B-1 and more photos on B-8.

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
, 5 will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar................A-7 Opinion ................A-4
Classified ..............B-4 Police Beat ...........A-5
Education............A-10 Sports ..................B-1
Obituaries ...........A-6 Weather.............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 20 pages



* r94'~ .g~*'-2- .

October 25, 2006

The RPBechesL T mler/Pnnte Vidra Leader

Published Wednesday and Friday.
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Nocatee traffic stop
Construction crews contin-
uing their work on the inter-
change for the new County
Road 210, or Nocatee
Parkway, have scheduled to
.stop traffic along existing
C.R. 210 for up to twenty
minutes at a time for cranes
to install large steel girders.,
This interruption of traffic
may occur between the hours
of 10 a.m. and '11 a.m. and
from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. today,,
and Thursday.
*:Free lecturer. i u,,," ,,
K\anme .Appiah,._iscboIarof
African and African-American
studies, will speak on "The
Ethics ofldentity" Monday at
7:30 p.m. at the Lazzara.
Performance. Hali, on the
University of North Florida
.His book, "In My Father's
House," placed himn inthe
forefront of the study, of
African struggles for self-
This event is part of the
UNF fall lecture series and is
free and open to the public.
Other lectures in this series
include the following:
Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. at the
Lazzara Performance Hall:
Benjamin Barber, professor of
civil society at the University
of Maryland, will speak on
"Democracy and Education."
His new book is "The Truth of
Power: Intellectual Affairs in
the Clinton White House."
Nov'. 14, 7:30 p.m. at the
University Center: Pulitzer-
Prize winning commentator
David *Broder will speak on,
"Post Election: The Road.

Tickets are required for all
lectures and can be ordered
at http://www.unf.edu. Click
on the Fall 2006 Lectures link.
Attack on Evolution
The University of North
Florida Department of
Biology and the First Coast
Freethought Society are spon-
soring a panel, discussion
titled "Science Under Seige:
The Attack on Evolution" at 7
p.m., Nov. 13, at' the
University Center Banquet
Hall on the UNF campus. This
event is free and open to the
* public
The panel discussion, fol-
lowed by a question-and-
answer session, will be mod-
erated by Ken Hurley, presi-
dent of ACLU Jacksonville.
Panel members include
UNF professors Dr. Anthony
M. Rossi, biologist; Dr.
Matthew R. Gilg, biologist;
Dr. Jay S& Huebner, physicist
and astronomer; and Dr.
Gordon F. NI. Rakita, anthro-
pologist. .
Panelists will outline the
key concepts of evolutionary
theory, its relevance to pres-
ent-day humanity and how
they think it deserves its
rightful place in public educa-
tionr as one Iof the founda-
tions of biology.
For more information
about the panel discussion,
contact Tony Rossi at 629-
2830. or by e-mail at
Summer Museum
The Cummer Museum of
Art & Gardens Education
Department needs art lovers
,to assist with adult tours for

Kelly Voytecek of Ponte Vedra Beach with her triplets (from left)
Carly, Emily and Molly, attend the Jacksonville Parents of Twins
and Triplets convention Friday at the Sea Turtle Inn in Atlantic
Beach. The convention, held Oct. Friday to Sunday, provides
support for parents of multiples.

the upcoming exhibition
"Temples and Tombs:
Treasures of Egyptian Art
from The British Museum. "
Rare Egyptian art and antiq-
uities from the world-
renowned collection of The
British Museum will be on
view in the exhibition com-
prising nearly 85 pieces and
spanning four dynasties of
ancient Egypt.

The exhibition will coin-
cide with the opening of the
new Central Gallery, and
record attendance is expect-
The volunteer position will
be temporary, lasting from
early January through mid-
Docents will be needed for
one tour a week on either a
weekday afternoon, a

The Beaches
are online at:


V convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on.
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;

WV look at -
photo galleries of
people and
events fromI,:-
throughout ,he
V get your
started; and

members of our

Thursday or Saturday
One orientation session. will
be held on Nov. 18 from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. and model
tours will be held in early

For more information con-
tact Susan Gallo at 356-6857
or by e-mail at sgall6o@cum-

photo by
performs Sunday
. outside Christ
Church, Ponte
Vedra. The
women, all mem-
bers of the
church choir,
performed a
Puccini aria in
three parts,
show tunes and
others. From left
are Marianne
Murray, Susan
Calfee and


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October 25 06TeBahsLae/ot er edrPg A

pn.o, p too, CHUCK ADAMS
The chicken dance brings laughs to Rawlings Elementary youngsters at Tuesday's rally for Red Ribbon Week.

It is Red Ribbon Week at many St. Johns
County schools, and as part of the week's anti-
drug activities, Ponte Vedra-Palm
Valley/Rawlings Elementary youngsters were
treated to a pep rally outside Rawlings on State
Road A1A Tuesday morning. Nease High
School's head football coach Craig Howard
brought five players, who talked to the children
about character, strength and honor, then
passed along the team's three rules: Do what's
right, do your best and treat others the way you
want to be treated.

,^* oho'c,' pHUCe. AD SA0S
Teachers, a coach and Nease football pla i l6" kidthe ele-
mentary student how to do the macarena.

"r. ..:. L., H U LI I /
N' IA'a nthe'rClyd Yahidell signs a football lor Nick Pawlick'
at Tuesday's rally at Rawlings Elementary School.

Continued from A-1
discovered that developers of a
commercial project east of
Seaside, called Overlook V,
were attempting to modify
building plans without giving
notice to the neighborhood.
Seaside worked with devel-
opers several years ago in order
to reach an agreement on the
placement of the Overlook
building and a retention pond
in relation to adjacent homes.
Seaside rallied against the
modifications proposed in
February, and later were able to
work out their differences with
The Ponte Vedra Beaches
Coalition and other communi-
ty groups use Overlook as an
example for why St. Johns
County needs a Neighborhood
Bill of Rights ordinance, which
would require developers to
meet with residents before
their plans are approved.
Rand's cell tower at Mickler's
Road is another reason, to
establish the bill of rights,
Coalition President and Seaside
resident Clara Cowan told PZA
members Thursday., ,
"This was a big surprise,"
Cowan said in the meeting.
"This is not going to comple-
ment our community. .. It is
not going to make our scenic
highway (State Road AlA) sce-

Jacksonville Beach residents
who live in proximity to a reg-
istered sex offender will receive
an automated phone alert from
Jacksonville Beach Public
Information Sgt. Tom Bingham
Tuesday said the Police
Department launched the pro-
gram, A Child is Missing, a few
days ago.., "
The free program saves time
and reduces manpower by,
automatically dialing residents
within one block of an offend-
er or predator, Bingham said.
"The department gives, the
address of the offender and the
program creates a box on a
geo-map. It auto-dials people
in the immediate area 'to,
inform them of the offender's
;location," Bingham said. "All
the phone calls are literally
done in minutes when an offi-
cer would normally haveto go
:door to door.'". i ',.
He said residents who have
received calls have been enthu-'
siastically positive about the

One resident who received
the automated call said she was
given the predator's name and
address and urged to stay alert,
but not to retaliate against the
man. She said the call came up
as unknown on her caller ID.
Binghani said officers will
still complete quarterly rounds
. to personally notify residents
living within one block of a
sexual predator or offender.
Once a year, officers make
contact with ,'the offenders
themselves "to make sure they
are still living where they -are
supposed to be," Bingham said.
According to the Sexual
Predator Law, which went into
effect Oct. 1, 1996, cities and
counties must be informed
when convicted sex offenders
involved in cases dealing with
minors are released from jail or
The Florida Department of
Law Enforcement is then
responsible f6or sehdi'ng 'the
name of'th 'violat6i -''tcthe
local government where the
person resides.


Continued from A-I
healthy' people, NfRSA is resist-
ant to antibiotics, according to
the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention Web site.
"Staph bacteria are one ,of
the most common causes of
skin infection, in the United
States and are a common case
of pneumonia, surgical wound,
infections and bloodstream
infections," says the site
t : ww\v.cdc.gov). ..
Athletes are one of the


Continued from A-1
company, but cannot control
how quickly the company will
respond. .' -.
."We do not purposely go out
there and' try to disable, busi-
.hess," Lilly said, explaining
that he .understood business'
owners' concerns.
While several businesses
mentioned problems when.
contacted, Lilly said he has-
only been contacted by three.
"Even under the best coridi-
tions, there's things that are

groups whose skin infections
have been investigated by the
-CDC, according to the site.
Skin-to-skin: contact is, the
most 'common method of
transmission, according to the
"Prevention is through
cleaning equipment and cloth-
ing, covering any skin abra-
sions Or skin lesions and treat-
ing infections with appropriate
antibiotics," Murphy said.

going to happen," Lilly said.
The work is scheduled
to be finished by April 2007,
but Lilly said they are striving
to, be ahead of schedule and
expect it might be possible.
The work is, being done to
move utilities from the state-
owned Beach Boulevard to the
city-owned Shetter Avenue in
anticipation of the realign-
ment of Penman Road' and
Beach Boulevard. That project
is to go out for bids in early

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The Leader




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Flet..c.h.e. Photo by ROB DeANGELO
Fletcher High seniors Johnny OHara and Courtney Collins were voted, king and queen at Friday's homecoming game at Jack
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Automated phone calls in JB

warn of nearby sex offenders

The PZA approved the tower
near Micklers after members
said they didn't believe it
would be very intrusive visual-
ly. The tower is designed to
look like a flag pole with all
antennas mounted on the
But several members agreed
that Rand should have met
with residents beforehand, and
.suggested that he do so before
the tower reaches county com-
missioners for final approval.
. "Just because it. [meeting
with residents] hasn't worked
in the past doesn't mean you
shouldn't try again," PZA
Chairman Henry Green told
"I think they. [Verticality]
have done a very poor PR job."
. Oiln Monday, the Coalition
approved a resolution request-
ing that the County
Commission not allow any
waivers for towers along scenic
According to county statutes,
telecommunications towers
must: be built at least 600 feet
away from a scenic highway.
Exceptions, or waivers, are
allowed if a need for the tower
is established and if the tower
is designed in a way that dis-
guises it.
The PZA granted the waiver,
finding that both requirements
had been met.

October 25, 2006 '

Page 3A*

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader





Page 4A ..------- -I I N L.,,. -J, -.w
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

The Leader's Opinion


should be choice

of district voters

St Johns County voters will get a. chance to improve
their representation on the county commission and hope-
fully the responsiveness of county government as well. A
referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot will ask voters to approve
a change from a five member county commission, all
members elected at large, to a seven member board made
up of five members elected by district vote and two at
S large. '
Ponte Vedra residents, in particular, should line up
behind the idea of a commissioner from their own district.
Current voting laws require electing all five county com-
missioners county-wide. While each commissioner must
live in one of the five districts', all voters in the county get
to vote for any commissioner. This gave rise to the current
situation that has Ponte Vedra Beach represented by a
commissioner who was defeated in Ponte Vedra Beach but
won in the rest of the county. Lest one thinks this is a rare
anomaly, the winner of the September Republican pri-
mary received fewer votes in the district than his oppo-
S One of the arguments for keeping the election of coun-
ty commissioners on a county wide vote has been the idea,
that Ponte Vedra voters will have some influence on the
commissioners who represent the other 'four districts. But
the more common result seems to be that the choice of
Ponte Vedra voters gets vetoed by the rest of the county.
Isn't it fundamentally unfair that a district cannot decide
who it wants for its representative on the county commis-
Another argument advanced in favor of the status quo
complains about the additional cost, maybe as much as"
$200,000 to support the extra commissioners. The com-
mission just approved next year's budget of $732,000,000.:
Who believes an extra $200,000 for better oversight and
fairer representation is a bad idea?
The Ponte Vedra community has been frustrated by. a
lack of responsiveness from county officials, mainly on
issues of growth and development, and any change that
gives more weight to the community and less dictatorial
authority to officials in St Augustine would be a welcome
change ..
In 1994 we opposed the change to all commission
members being elected by county-wide vote. We strongly I
* support an affirmative vote on Nov. 7 to change back to a
more democratically elected commission.

Letters to the editor:

1Trash plan isn't lovely

To the editor:
There is a plan in
Jacksonville Beach to "auto-
mate" garbage pick-up. Here's
how it will work. You will be
issued a very large garbage can,
a jumbo garbage can. You will
have to find a place to keep it
on your property. Where will
you keep it? You can keep it
out by the street, where it will
be susceptible to being hit by
cars or knocked over by van-
dals and high wind.
You can keep the big thing
in your car port or. garage; once
a week you will have to drag it
out to the street, perhaps
loaded with so much garbage
that you will have to be in

excellent physical condition to
drag it.
If you live in a town house
or some other place which
does not have a side yard, you
will have two choices; you can
either leave the can beside the
street 24 hours a day and 7
days a week, or you can place it
against the front of your
home. Under the front win-
dow? Next to the front door?
And wouldn't that be lovely?
The plan to "automate"
received a favorable vote from
everyone on the city council
except Mayor Sharp.
Dexter TManh.
Jacksonville Beach

Thanks to many vets

To the editor .
"Flags of Our Fathers is an
excellent movie about an
exceptionally tough battle in
the Pacific during World War
II. As important as that battle
was, it should be remembered
that there were 126 amphibi-
ous invasions in the Pacific.
Some were major operations
such as Iwo Jima, but others

such as Guadalcanal,
Bougainville, Tarawa,
Kwajaleiri, Eniwetok, Salpan,.
Guam, Leyte, and Okinawa
were equally important and
just as tough.
Our thanks to all those who
participated in those :inva-'
sions. : ,
Tom Goodsite
Atlantic Beach


Editor, The Beachrb Leader

Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Talia Dahlke
Robert DeAngelo
.Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti'
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris.
Ted Lamb



inda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
Director of Sales Editor, Ponte IedraLeader,

Karen Stepp Jennifer Wise

'ie Preisident',

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Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Kristyn Penney
Angela G. Smith

Business Office
Char Coffman-

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Marie Adams
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Katy Stark.

Steve Fouraker

Vice President

Anya Braun
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Jimmy Howle
Donny Milliken
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Kevin Phinney
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Press Room
Paul Corey
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Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay



!'Copyrighted Materiala)

f/ Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

SCostumescanproverldculous / '

Costumes can prove ridiculous

So, hello, Halloween.
When I was doing high
school in New Jersey,- it
appeared as though every day
was Halloween. One year,
some of the boys regularly
wore a pajama top instead of
a shirt. That was particularly
appropriate because too many
of us more or less slept
through our classes, if we
were there at all. As I remem--
ber, just to keep the faculty
off balance, a few sported a
necktie on Halloween, along
with the p.j. part.
The truant officer, inciden-
tally, was always dressed for-
mally as he pursued us, gener-
ally to no avail. One of our
more perceptive rebels, after
remarking about how snazzy
the t.o. looked, said, "He's
impersonating a nice guy."
Sherlock, as we referred to
him, might have made a loyal
operative during the Spanish
Inquisition. Of course, we
lived to regret goofing off.
Around here, at least, don-
ning a costume isn't con-
fined to kids. My late wife,
Lucy, and I went to a
Halloween costume party
once in Jax Beach. As a sou-
venir of a trip to the Middle


East, I owned the type- of.
checked headdress that,
Palestinian leader Arafat
always wore. With that, I had
on a cloak labeled, "Yasir
Maybe even more off-the-
wall were two other male par-
tygoers. One was dressed as
Little Lord Fauntleroy, com-
plete with a kneepants velvet
suit lace collar, and weird
wig, The other came as the
"Good Fairy," wearing a tutu,
the thigh-high ballerina skirt,
and wings. With their hairy'
._ I .* .* 1 I !*'

legs and whiskery mugs, they
had no more sense than to go
out, thus clad, to replenish
the ice and beer supply.
Although the police didn't,
arrest 'em, I can imagine how
they'd have; looked in the
lineup. .
As a prelude to this year's
Halloween, a local Red Hat
group, the Ocean Beaches
chapter, recently went on a
"ghost tour" in St. Augustine.
Maggi, the chapter's "Queen,"
told me that they enjoyed a
guided onighttLme walk. to
spooky spots in the Ancient
City. Wearing their red hats
and purple outfits, they may
have seemed like one of the
attractions, albeit the most
jolly of the featured ghosts
and goblins.
An impressive tour stop was
at the City Gates, the site of a
legend involving a little girl
who died during a long-ago

yellow fever epi
body, in a white d
hat), was found th
unclaimed. Nowa
sometimes seen
the Gates in the
She waves at pass

t, a ,

- .?. ,'C'

Voting is best way to pay tribi

to the sacrifices of veterans

To the editor:.
Voting is a civic duty that'
gets ignored by many. The
turnout for the September
primary was discouraging.
Not even a quarter of those
who were registered cast a
vote. The November 7th gen-
eral election will determine
the direction our State and
Nation will-be heading into
the future. It amazes me that
people still have the audacity
,to complain about decisions
made in Washington and
Tallahassee when they do not
even take the time to vote.
Currently, we are now
offered three options to cast
our vote. You can request an
absentee ballot from your
county supervisor of elec-
tion's office, you can !vote
early starting 15 days prior to
the election, or you may
choose to go to your assigned
polling place on election day.
Throughout the history of
our nation, our military has
Sought to preserve our gov-

ernment and defend our US
Constitution. Lives have
been sacrificed so that we can
cast our vote in a free coun-
try. Today, tens of thousands
of US servicemen and women
are awaiting their absentee
ballots. They will be taking
time away from their mis-
sions to. vote. How :much
time will you be taking out of
your day to vote? These brave
men and women are fighting
to assist two third-world
countries, Afghanistan and
Iraq,, set-up and defend their
own republics after years of
oppressive rule.
Research your candidates
and the proposed State
Constitutional amendments.
If you are a business owner,
consider allowing your
employees ample time to
vote. As a voter, you cannot
always expect to see your can-
didates win, but you need to
be part of the election
process. While our govern-
ment .may not be perfect, it

has survived .ov
quarter centuries.
establishes th
States as the prem
of a democracy an
standard for the v
countries that en
ernment are' wa
Let's show them I
freedom and th
being an Amer
these next two we
ber those who haN
defend our fre
remember those t
rently serving in
, as you cast your \
still cannot muste
reasons to vote,
Spells in their hon<
willing to put th
orn the line to d
right to vote.

Dr. Rona

Ponte V
Club of Ponte V

Principles of justice must prei

regardless of leadership's abili

To the editor:
A leader is required to pro-
tect the lives, the well being,
and safety of service. person-
nel he or she sends into com-
bat to kill and to face the pos-.
sibility of being killed or cap-
tured. Possession .of the'
equipment, intelligence, and
leadership provides the best
possibility of survival, and
insures the best chance of
avoiding lifelong disabling
injury. Capture in combat is
a terrible risk. Assurance of
humane treatment of enemy
combatants is the responsibil-
ity of the leadership of all
nations. Neglect comes from
the inexperienced and ill
Armed conflicts throughout
history have resulted in aban-
donment of the principles of'
humane treatment of prison-
ers of war. A change was
championed by the United

States when the procedures
for achieving humanitarian
justice were adopted at the
Geneva Convention in 1950.
The paragraph below is
taken directly from the
.Geneva Convention.
Common Article 3, in sum-
mary, is implemented by set-
ting standards in military.
manuals, by offering training
to armed forces in humanitar-
ian laws, enacting national
legislation and fixing
accountability on individuals
who are responsible for vio-
lating Common Article 3.
These implementing proce-
dures are seen to be increas-
ingly influenced by (a) effort
towards lowering the thresh-
old of applying international
law; and (b) convergence of
humanitarian law and human
rights law.
The strength and integrity
of the principles of justice is

paramount. The
weakness of our
or the strength or
the government o:
involved in pro
people is not a
.argument;. The ba
principles. The ap
particular princi]
dependent upon t
the leadership.
Modification of
and intent spel
Common Article
the fabric of justice
ership involved
polishing modificat
principles of hu
justice made a po
Citizens must
decision on the p
humanitarian just
Ponte V


A few of the

hundreds of

things I don't


. Why highway people some-
times are so cavalier about
* erecting. signs .to .help
motorists get from one place to
another, but feel compelled to
put up a sign that says:
"Runaway Vehicles Only."
Driving through North Georgia
last week, I was descending a
steep mountain when I saw the
sign warning me to stay off
unless my vehicle was truly a
runaway. As if I had to be told.
The question arises: Has some-
one not piloting a runaway
actually pulled off the road,
parked his vehicle and pic-
nicked in that pile of sand at the
end of the ramp?,

*WVhy politicians continue to
run vicious, mud-slinging elec-%
tion campaigns, especially in
their television advertising,
when the majority of voters say
they despise such tactics. The
answer, a friend said the other
night, is because they work.
That's too bad, isn't it?

demic. Her *Why car manufacturers
Iress ino red think we consumers might be
iere and was impressed by high numbers on
days, she is speedometers. No kidding. My
dancing at wife and I just bought a new car
wee hours., whose speedometer maxes out
ing cars and at 160 miles an hour. And it's
loaded with a powerful four-
cylinder engine. If a car with a
'" '-'- iall'engine is'pushing 1'60 oh
87:octane gasoline '1 don'i want
to be in it because it's falling
off a cliff.

*Why people who have com-
mitted embarrassing acts against
te their families someehave com-
l .- mitted serious crimes agree to
tell it all before millions of peo-
ple watching Dr. Phil on televi-
sion. "Dr. Phil, my husband is a
er two- and compulsive ax murderer, but he
This refuses to get any help for his
ie United condition. So we wanted you to
.ier example tell us what to do." I'll never
id it sets the understand that.
qorld. Other
vy our,gov- Why software companies
itching us. who are giving away their serv-
the value of ices think people are going to
e value of read those 5,000 words in agate
ican. Over type before they "agree" to con-
eks, remem-' editions of their contracts. I don't
ve fought to have time .- and often can't -
edom 'and read those conditions and usual-
vho are cur- ly click on "do: not agree"
harm's way because IT might agree to buy a
'ote. If you $40,000 mainframe operating
r up enough, system complete with a four-
attend the cylinder engine that'll do 160.
or. .They.are
eir lives are Why beautiful 16-year-old
defend your ,,girls want to undergo plastic
surgery to improve or.enlarge
parts of their bodies. Is that a
ald Renuart comment about the pressure on
Physician young women to be volup-
Vedra Beach tuous? Unless we're talking,
Republican about a disfiguring feature, the
/edra Beach standard advice is, "Don't do it."
That's advice from this Dr. Phil,
the father of two lovely daugh-

Va *Why publishers, of do-it-
vail yourself books think nmen will
follow instructions,' even if
cities they're simple instructions. I
know that's unfair. Some men
do actu-ally follow instructions.
strength or But I'm not good at reading and
government transferring that wonderful,
weakness of simple information- to my
f any nation hands. My wife has bought me
)tecting .its books on building -outdoor
part of the struct-(res, plumbing, basic
iseline is the wiring, waterproofing and wall-
?plication of papering. I had a fair amount of
ples is not .success with wallpapering, .with
he ability of help from a video borrowed
from a paint : store.
f the letter Unfortunately, I accidentally
led out in taped "60' Minutes" over the
3. damaged store's only copy. .
e. The lead- And Mike Wallace doesn't
in accom- know anything about \wallpa-,
tions of the pering.

)litical deci-,

make their
principless of
nis L. Lane
r II Veteran
ledra Beach

Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader,
P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, FL
32240, or send e-mail to


Kathleen Feindt Bailey Li

CCrtnber 5 )-Oilf

; ,~~,;4.-. .~T-,,t, .1,1_, I-

~ ~kg~B'


Preschooler Donovan Snook is all smiles, as he schools a fire hose with the help of
Jacksonville Beach firefighter Richie Retaleato recently at First Avenue Montessori School.'
Firemen visited area schools and day cares to teach children the importance of fire safety
during Fire Prevention Month. ,

A burglary occurred in the
'1400 block of Atlantic,
Boulevard on Oct. 22, according
to a police report. Police,
responded to an alarm at a busi-
ness. When they arrived, offi-.
cers discovered the rear door of
the business open and.a glass'
cabinet was shattered. There
were 125 various knives, '60
pipes and bongs and 47.BB guns.
stolen, at a total value of $9,185.
The suspect is unk.nown.
,'" ,"
Kathiyn Rose Kreamer, 27,
was charged with fleeing a law
enforcement officer on Oct. 20
in the 2400 bldck .of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a police
report. An officer was operating
a stationary radar when he
clocked Kreamer speeding at 93
mph in a 45 mph zone, the
report said. He said he attempt-
ed to catch her, but she acceler-
ated in an attempt to flee. The
officer noticed her car was'
swerving between two lanes and
she nearly ran into a wall, the
report said.

A burglary occurred on Oct.
18 at" the 2000 block of
Oceanfront Drive, according to
a police .report. W,\tnqs-ses
obserypd,.three whit ples,!e
' approximately 17-years-old,

leaving a building, one of them
carrying a fire extinguisher.
They got into a, vehicle and
drove west on Seagate Avenue.
O ,' ,

Gerald Lorenzo Wright, 22,
was charged with uttering
forged bills on Oct. 20 in the
900 block of Atlantic Boulevard,
according to a police report.
:.' Aggravated battery occurred
on Oct. 6 at an unknown loca-
tion.' The victim left a bar and
Swas invited to join two women
in a 'hot tub, according to a
.police report. He accompanied
the women to a house and
while they were in the hot tub,
an unidentified man arrived'
and began yelling and hitting
the victim, the report said. The
v, ictim ran to his car and realized
that he had been stabbed, the
police report said. He drove
himself to the hospital.


Oct. 16 in the 100 block of
Ardella Road. On Oct. 14, the
victim had several guests at her
residence. Some spent the night
and others were just visiting. At
1 a.m. the victim noticed her'
wallet'was missing. The victim
called her credit card company,
but.no fraudulent charges had
been made.
P r. ** ,' .
A woman was arrested onr
Oct. 19 in the 1600 block of
Mayport Road for offering or
engaging in prostitution.
S* .. t' -
Daniel Glenn Smith, 44, was
arrested and charged with resist-
ing an officer with violence on
Oct. 22 in the 400 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according to'
a.police report. Police were dis-
,patched in reference to a dis-

A ,7(0)000 loader and 16l-foot

A burglary occurred on Oct. trailer weie reported stolen last
2 in the 300 block of Seventh week from a construction site in
reet, according to a police the area of Palm Valley Road
port. .A wallet wasstolen out and South Perimeter Road. A'
,an unlocked.vehicle and .a police report said the. theft
edit card was used to purchase occurred between the evening
computer., of Oct. 18 and the morning of
S... Oct.-19.--.. A.yellow-and-.black-,
Larceny was committed on Caterpillar skid steer was discov-

ered missing from the site along
with a black trailer, deputies
** 0
A 32-year-old Ponte Vedra
Beach man died early Saturday
when a 2000 Dodge truck he
was riding in hit a tow truck
parked partly on Phillips
Highway in the southbound
lanes,: according to the Florida
Highway Patrol.
Wallace A. Martin died when
the truck southbound on
Phillips and driven by Andrew'
C. :Bishop, 32, of Neptune
Beach, struck the rear of the tow
truck, which was helping a dis-
abled vehicle, the FHP said.
Bishop, who was wearing a
seat belt, was flown to Shands
Jackson\ille hospital with criti-
cal injuries, the FHP said. Martin
was not using a seat belt, accord-'
ing to the report.
'* / '

'Crinmnal mischief was report-
ed Oct. 18 at a pool company in
the 500 block of 10th Street S.
Two company trucks were dam-
aged when unknown suspects
threw rocks and concrete, shat-
tering the windshields ot the
vehicles parked in the rear of the

Phone harassment was report-
ed Oct. 14 in the 300 block, of
1st Street N. A hotel clerk told
police that she received several
menacing phone calls that she
believed to bethe same caller.
The suspect repeatedly asked
the woman if the calls were
recorded and told her he want-
ed to hang her up by her hands.
t ,
Battery was reported Oct. 14
in the 100 block of 4th Ave. S.-
The victim told police that he-
left his cell phone inside a party,
and was struck in the head with
a beer bottle when he tried to
retrieve it. He sustained a lacera-
tion to his head, a police report
said. .
:4.".\ \ "
Arson was reported Oct. 16 in
the 700 block of 12th Ave. S. An
11-year-old boy told police that
he 'observed a male suspect
wearing a dark hooded sweat-
shirt riding a bike away from a
brush fire. The fire burned six
feet of brush around a tree near
...the.ssite-of-.. another .arson-case
reported two days before.

Auto burglary was reported
Oct. 17 in the 100 block of 35th
Ave. S. Stolen items include a
camera, radar detector and .20
CD's. Total loss is estimated at

Ashley LeeAnn Bradley, 23,
of Jacksonville Beach was
.arrested Oct. 17 'and charged
with aggravated battery in the
first block of Fairway Road,
according to a police report.
Police observed the victim out-
side the residence, holding a
towel to a knife wound on the
right shoulder.
Jariice Kiser, 22, of
Jacksonville was arrested Oct. 17
arnd charged with employee
theft at a bank in the 2300 block
of 3rd Street S., according to a
police report. Seven money
orders for a total of $5,650 were
cashed ati the bank and theft
was discovered on Sept, 6, police
said. p o '
' .
Benjamin A. Sessoms, 47, of
Orlando was arrested Oct. 16
and charged with burglary to an
unoccupied structure and fraud-
ulent use of identification at a
hotel in the 1500 block of 1st
Street N., according to a police
report.: "
.'. *' *


Heating & Air (


A 17-year-old Jacksonville
Beach teen was charged with
resisting arrest with ;violence
Oct. 17 after he was found
intoxicated lying on the side of
the road in the 200 block of
22nd Ave. S. The teen refused to
cooperate with medical person-
nel and kicked and scratched a
police officer, police reported.
He was released to a parent and
was issued a court date.

A Charles Gallery

22B 3rd AP-. N. JackUonvilte Beach


"We Do What
The Weatherman Can't"

Conditioning a Lo,.
list a 9seo
vice All Brands I
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SBMC Hospital Auxiliary holds

ceremony to honor localteen volunteers

: Hospital administrator Mark Slyter, below, presents awards to the teenage vol-
C' unteers at their regular monthly meeting. He thanked them, their parents and
the auxiliary officers and chairmen for the successful teen program.

S.... ... .. *.

h-: .. t. [:.f'^;;' ..

Herbert Hartje, a volunteer in the ER for
two years, received a 200-hour pin dur-.
ing the awards program. Pat Durkin, ER' .
chairman, presented [he pin to him for,
his service in the emergency room.. '

Baptist Medical Center Hospital Auxiliary installed new officers for 2006-2007 during their annual meeting atSelva Marina
Country club on Sept. 27. They are, from left, Jim Pepperling president, Madeline Jarvis president elect, Lucy Stewart -

vice president, membership, June Baldwin recording secretary, NancyMcClean corresponding secretary, Dave
Robinsontreasurer and Janice Kiernan the installing icer and community relations manager.
.5 .*-

.: I

i~ 'J ~ ] ,. ,
,'E -,, ,*' "- .- 'Z,-

i. i~t ..t ..... ,.-.- ,. .... -L tlill~ ..



Please join the members of the

Republican Club ofPonte Vedra Beach

In our "Keep the Red State Red" celebration

The Featured Speaker is the
Honorable John L. Mica
US Representative 7th Congressional District

At Sawgrass Country Club
10034 Golf Club Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

On Friday, October 271, 2006
6 PM social hour, 7 PM Introductions and meet the candidates
Hors D'oeuvres and Refreshments will be served

This is a FREE event hosted by the Republican Club of Ponte Vedra.
Beach honoring our 2006 Republican Candidates for Office and
our Club's "Get out and Vote" Campaign

Everyone is encouraged to bring a'friend and let us make this event
one all Republicans can be proud of!

Dress: Red or Patriotic Attire Suggested
For further information and RSVP call Steve Kira at (904) 599-9111
or Chris Demme at (904) 285-0156
Dr. Ronald Renuart, Club President

Cars Trucks Motorcycles
jet Skis -Boats
.T iT m i T T ...g

October 25, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 5A



I Page 6A- The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vecra Leader 'JCLUJL- /. A-

Susan Juanita Aley

Tony Martin, Jr.

Susan Juanita Aley, a lifelong
resident of Jacksonville and
the Beaches, died Oct. 19,
2006. She was born June 23,
Aley was predeceased by her
father, William C. "Capt. Bill"
Aley, Jr., and "Granny" Juanita
Harden. Survivors include her
mother, Billie Brown, and step-
father; Paul; paternal grand-
mother, Mattie Aley; brothers,
Bill, Larry and Mark (Karen);.
"Uncle Bob" Bullock (Cheryl);
nieces, Elizabeth and Tana;
nephews, Billy, Brandon and
Ryan; and cousins, -Rob and
Steve Bullock and Kevin Lee.
A memorial -service will be'

Francis Joseph

Major U.S.

Francis Joseph "Frank" Kirsch
died Oct. 20, 2006. He was born
Feb. 25, 1926 in Philadelphia
and spent his childhood on the
family farm near Quakertown,
Kirsch retired from the U.S.
Army in 1969 after serving his
country for more than 20 years.
His military career included
tours in Vietnam and Korea as
well as duty stations_ in Fort
Rucker Ala.; Jacksonville, Fort
Gordon, Ga.; Japan, Germany
and Africa. He flew helicopters
and fixed wing aircraft as well as
specializing in combat damage
reconstruction projects.
After retirement from the mil-
itary, Kirsch worked in construc-
tion, often as a project manager.
His and thorough knowledge of
building made hiur an expect
con struction.estimator, accord-.
ing to family.
In his retirement, Kirsch
found great joy in his family
arid projects. He contracted the
home he and his wife, "Stelle,"

held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at
Beaches Chapel, Neptune
Beach. Aley's ashes will be
spread offshore in the same.
location as her father's.
The family offers sincere
thanks to the caregivers Aley
had through the years, to
include the doctors and nurses
at Shands and to the
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, and .asks
that, in lieu of flowers, dona-
tions be made to the Beaches
Chapel or to the Community
Arrangements made under
the direction of Eternity
Funeral Home.

"Frank" Kirsch,

Army (Ret.)

lived in, and they played cards,'
socialized .and entertained
often. .
Kirsch's 'sharp mind enabled
him to converse with anyone
on a wide range of topics. He
possessed special talents for
games and history, loved a good
joke and a good smoke and
never forgot anyone's name,
according to his family.
Kirsch is survived by his wife
of 43 years, Margaret Estelle
Kirsch. Family members include
his son, Robert Kirsch
(Louanne); stepsons, John Stose
and Bill Stose iKathy); grand-
daughters, Ashley Stose, Tracy
Gulledge (Keith), Merrill Stose
and Kerrie Stose; great grand-
children, Lane and Linzi
Gulledge; sister-in-law, Trudy
Pyatt iCharliei; niece, Tere
Henderson (Tom); nephews
Steve Jarrett (Robin) and Moker
Jarrett (Cheryl); niece, Tara
Jarrett; nephew, Jason Jarrett
(Jenniferi, and great grand
niece, Teagan Jarrett. Kirsch was
predeceased by his son, Frank,
and his daughter, Karen.
Kirsch's nephews Jason
Jarrett, Parker Jarrett, Austin
Jarrett, Jeff Henderson and Matt
Henderson will serve as pall-
Services were held Monday.
Visitation with the faitdly-las
.on. Sunday .eening at.Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.
Interment followed the services
at H. Warren Smith Cemetery,
Jacksonville Beach.

was born April 4, 1973 to Tony
and Karen Martin.'
Martin was co-owner of
Black Sheep Surf Shop in
Jacksonville Beach. Surfing was
a way of life for him.
SMartin is predeceased by his
aunt, Alexis Keir. Surviving
family members include his,
son, Curren Nesta Martin;
father arid mother, Tony and
i Karen Martin; grandparents.
Laurence and Freda
| -Williamson and Mildred Wood
Martin; brother, Grant'
Laurence. Martin; sister, Alisha
i, Jr., 33, died Michelle,, Martin; ex-wife,
the result of an Heather Martin; his son's
-cident. Martin grandparents, Linda and Ed

David A. Phelps, Jr.

David A. Phelps, Jr., 46, of St.
Augustine died Oct. 20, 2006
after a long battle with cancer..'
Phelps was born May 11, 1960
to David Phelps, Sr. and Priscilla'
Phelps. He was. employed as a
Director for Blue Cross Blue.
Shield of Florida,
Family members include his
wife, Judy Phelps; children,
Jade, Jordan, Jared and Jamison
Phelps; parents, David Sr. and
Priscilla Phelps; sisters, Kimberly

Phelps of Indianapolis, Ind.,
.Teresa (John') Boyd of
Gaithersburg, Md., Sherry,
i Brian) Boudomn of Carmel, Ind.,
and Kelly (Michael) Barksdale of
Fishers, Ind;; and a host of
nieces, nephews and cousins.
A Memorial Service was held
Tuesday in the chapel of Christ
Church of Mandarin.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

fames Eugene Whiddon

James Eugene Whiddon of
Columbia, Md., son of the late
James C. Whiddon and
Elizabeth Whiddon-McRae of
Neptune Beach, died Oct. 22,
2006., ... .
Whiddon was a member of
the Fletcher High School gradu-
ating class of 1958. He also was
a graduate of the University of
Whiddon was a member of St.
John's The Evangelist Roman
Catholic Church in Columbia,
Md. He was a past Grand Knight
and officer of Knights of
Columbus, Council 7559, and
was a Fourth Degree Knight of
Columbus, Elizabeth Ann Seton
Assembly., .
A veteran of the U.S. Army,
Whiddon was active in Boy
Scouts of America. He also was
-btive, at Florence- Bain Senior
Center in Columbia, Mdw-,rl .o m
Whiddon retired from the
National Security Agency after
32 years of service in 1995.
He is survived by his wife of
34 years, Marie C. \Vhiddon;

son, Stephen J. Whiddon
Jennifer) of Columbia, Md.;
daughter, Maureen E. Dausch
(Eric) of York, Pa.; grandchil-
dren, Darunel and Michael
Whiddon and Sullivan, Caleb
and Riley Dausch.
The family will receive friends
Thursday at rWitzke's Funeral
Homes, Inc., of Columbia, Mid.
A Mass of Christian Burial will
be held at noon Friday at St.
John's The Evangelist Roman
Catholic Church. Inurnment
will be private.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that donations be
made to St. John's The
Evangelist Roman Catholic
Church, 10431 Twin Rivers
Road, Columbia, Md., 21044.
Services under the direction
of \Vitzke's Funeral Homes, Inc.
,.i '

LaMoy; aunts, uncles, many
cousins and a group of special
A. funeral service will be held
at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home. A visitation will be held

J d

Anna Kristina Jonsson, 88,
died Oct. 23, 2006. She was
born Dec. ''13, '1917 in
Northern Sweden. She was the
middle child of nine siblings.
Wanting to see the world,
she took a job with a cruise



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one hour prior to the service.
In lieu of flowers, memorials
to the Tony Martin Jr.
Memorial Scholarship Fund are
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

ship in 1939. She met her hus-
band Bo Erling Jonsson on the
ship and they were married in,
1945. She was a member of the
sons of Norway.
Jonsson was predeceased by
her ,husband, Bo 'Erling
Joilsson and her granddaugh-
ter Kristina Elizabeth. Family
members include Earl and Judy
Jonsson, 'Chris and Karen
Jorisson and grandchildren
Zach, Bryce, Taylor, Kelly and
Visitation will .be 1 p.m.,
Thursday, with. a funeral serv-
ice at 2 p.m. in the. chapel of
the funeral home. '
Arrangements by Hardage
-Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville


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Mario Kamenetzky

Mario Kamenetzky, 79, died
Oct. 22, 2006 at his home in
Jacksonville. Born in Santiago
del Estero, Argentina on May
15, 1927 to Abraham and Fany
Kamenetzky, Kamenetzky grew
up in Santiago del Estero, where
he completed high school. He
received his bachelor's degree in
Chemical Engineering from the
Universidad Nacional del
Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina in
Kamenetzky married Sofia
lurcovich in 1953. In 1964 he
attended the ENSIC in Nancy,
France, where he did post-grad-
uate work in Chemical
Engineering. He moved, with
his family,'to the United States
in 1979 to become Science and
Technology Specialist for the
World Bank in Washington,
After Kamenetzky retired, lie

and his wife settled in Palm
Coast, where the couple lived
until 2005, when they moved to
Kamenetzky tackled socioeco-
nomic development issues for
more than 50 years as chemical
engineer, university professor,
corporate' officer, independent
consultant, scholar, poet and
writer. He pursued his interest
through active engagement in
the World Business Academy,
International Sociological
Association, Jean Gebser
International Society and other
organizations. He wrote the
book "The Invisible Player -
Consciousness as the Soul of
Economical, Social and Political
Life," published in 1999.
Kamenetzky was a member of
the Unitarian Universalist
Society of Daytona Beach area.
His family includes his wife of

54 years, Sofia Kamenetzky; two
sons, Ricardo and Eduardo
Kamenetzlk; daughters-in-law,
Julie and Nlichele Kamenetzky;
granddaughters, Elena and Julia
Kamenetzkv; and grandson,
Alex Kamenetzky.
A Service of Remembrance
will be held at the Unitarian
Universalist Society of Daytona
Beach area Wednesday at 3:30
p.m ., . .
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests donations be made to
the Unitarian Universalist
Society of Daytona Beach Area,
56'North Halifax Dr., Ormond
Beach, FL 32176 or Community
Hospice Foundation, 4114
Sunbeam Road, Suite 101,
Jacksonville, FL 32257.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Prominent artist dies at PV home


Painter and writer J. Everett
Draper died Oct.' 22, 2006 at his
home in Ponte Vedra Beach.
He was born Oct. 17, 1915 in
North Atleborough, Mass. to
Anna F. Petersen and Harold W.
Draper was a graduate of Pratt
Institute in New York and
attended the Grand Central'
School of Art, studying illustra-
tion under the late Harvey
Dunn. He also studied with
Edgar Whitney,. Paul Strisik and
John Pike.
During World War II, Draper
served in U.S. Army
Intelligence, where he devel-
oped strategic maps used in the.
invasion of Normandy., He
returned to the United States
and to New Jersey to work and
teach advertising design and fig-
ure illustration at the Newark
School of Fine and Industrial
Art. Draper retired in 1972 from
the Prudential Insurance Co.,"
where he was an art director.
Draper had many one-man
shows and was an awsard-win-
ning signature member of the
American Watercolor Society.
Draper, listed in Who's Who in
American Art, was past presi-

dent of the
F I o ,ti d-a
Society and
past president
of the St.
Augustine Art
Association. He
was a member
of the Whiskey
Painters of

(Robeft), grandson William
' Charles Schmidt (Jen), 'and
niece Sally Jean Draper.
A memorial service will be
'. held at 1 p.m. Thursday Ain
... Christ Episcopal Church 'of
Ponte V'edra Beach. In lieu of
t: flowers contributions may be
made to Northeast Florida
Draper Community Hospice. or the
American Cancer Society.

America and the Salmagundi
Club, New York.
Draper was the author of two
best-selling' watercolor books,
"Putting People in Your
Paintings" and "People Painting
Scrapbook." His paintings are in
more than .,400 corporate gov-
ernment and private collections
in the U.S., Canada, South
America and Europe, as well as
in the permanent collections of
several museums and universi-
Draper, a master at teaching
art, conducted many watercolor
workshops in the U.S. and
Draper is predeceased by his
wife of 53 years, Evelyn, who
also was an award-winning
artist. He is survived by son
Richard Everett Draper, daugh-
ter Pamela Draper Whyte

Services under' the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

.The Family of
Linda Kendrick
wishes to express
our sincere thanks
and appreciation
for the many kind
and loving
during our recent

Anna Kristina Jonsson



-_~ 1 _~.,r



. -~ ~

October 25, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


Wednesday, Oct. 25
Daughters of Confederacy: The United Daughters of
the Confederacy, Mattie T. Wright Chapter, meets at 11
a.m. at Selva Marina Country Club, 1600 Selva Marina
Dr., Atlantic Beach. The speaker will be Beaches Area
Historical Society director. Holly Beasley. Visitors are
welcome. Call 223-1413 for information.

Flu shots available: The Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center, in cooperation with
Solantic, will have flu shots available from
1 p.m. to 3:30:p.m. at the Senior Activity
Center. Doses of the vaccine are limited
in quantity and will be distributed on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Medicare participants must bring
their cards in order that Medicare

be billed directly. The flu shot is
$25 check or cash; charge cards
are not accepted. Anyone who
needs a flu shot is welcome. The
Center is at 2004 Forest
Avenue. For information, call .



Oct. 26
Rose propagation: A class
on propagating roses is
offered from 10 a.m. to 12
p.m. at the St. Johns County
Agricultural Center. A $5 fee
is payable at the door, and
participants must pre-register
by calling 209-0430.

Oct. 27
Cradle Creek: Jacksonville
Beach celebrates completion
of its newest park, Cradle
Creek Preserve, at 11 a.m. The

park is a 43.3-acre natural pre-
serve situated between the
Plantation Oaks and
Marshside subdivisions and
the Intracoastal Waterway.
The park entrance and park-
ing lot is at the corner of 15th
Street South and Fairway
Lane. The public is invited to
attend the dedication ceremo-

, AS u.t &
Persephone Healing Arts.
Center of Jacksonville Beach
holds an all-organic cooking
class from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. The class will focus on
how to include fruit in
favorite desserts. Different
ways of sweetening also will

be demonstrated. Call 246-'
3583 for information or for
class reservations. There is a
materials fee.
No Dough Dinner: A No
.Dough Dinner will be served
free from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at
the Mayport USO Center to
all active duty, reserves and
their families. The USO
Center of Mayport is at 2560
Mavport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The first 100 people
will be served.

Oct. 28
Arts and crafts: FCCJ-.
Deerwood Center holds an
arts and crafts fair from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at Deerwood Center,
9911 Old Bayaneadows Road.
'The event is a fundraiser for
United Community Charities
Campaign. For information,
call Lorna Pryor at 997-2717..
Parliamentarians: First
Coast Parliamentarians meets
at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library,
101 Library Road.
Parliamentary study ques-
tions will be conducted by
Carl Bloesing. Visitors are
welcome. For information, e-
mail sherrycaip@aol.com or
call 744-9074.

Prepare for emergencies:
The American Red Cross
offers a course on Adult,
infant and Child CPR and
First Aid with AED
(Automated External
Defibrillation) from 9:30 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. at the USO, 2560
Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. Anyone with a mili-
tary ID gets a $5 discount. For
information or to register, call
the Mavport Service Center at
Holiday program:
"Christmas Dinner-Fast and
Festive" is one of three holi-
day programs being presented
by the University of Florida
Cooperative Extension Family
and Consumer Services
Program and the Master Food
and Nutrition Education
Program. The others will be
held Nov. 9 and Nov. 14. Each
will be presented at 10 a.m.
and again at 7 p.m. at the
Extension Office, 1010 N.
NlcDuff Ave., Jacksonville.
The cost is $8 per class or $21
for all three. Reservations are
required and may be made
one week prior to each pro-

gram by calling the Extension
Office at 387-8855.

Nov. 2
Ocean Beaches Aux: Ocean
Beaches American Legion
Auxiliary Unit 129 meets at
7:30 p.m.. at 1151 4th St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Memnbeis
are encouraged to bring a
guest. For information, call
249-2266 or 242-0042.

Friday, Nov. 3,
Precious Objects: The
Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach's fall exhibition,
. Precious Objects, opens Nov.
:3 and runs through Dec. 20.
The Cultural Center galleries
are free and open to the pub-
lic from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Saturday.
The opening reception for
Precious Objects, also free and
open to the public, will be
held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Nov. 10. All pieces in the
exhibition will be available
for purchase by holiday shop-
Woman's club craft show:
The Jacksonville Beaches
Woman's Club holds
ChristmaShowcase, a craft
show, at the clubhouse, 1315
2nd Ave. N., through Nov. 5.
Times are 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Sunday. The event will
feature handcrafted items
from 14 local and out-of-town
artisans. Admission and park-
ing are free. For information,
visit christmashowcase@'bell-

Nov. 4
Craft show: The Lakewood
United Methodist Women
sponsor the church's 21st
Annual Craft Extravaganza,
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More
than 75 regional crafters will
participate, and all proceeds
will benefit mission projects
around the world. Lakewood
Methodist is at 6133 San Jose
-BIQd: Calt 733'-8477 fbrTfffor-
m atiofr.l. .* ,*J -' i. -i *
Montessori: More than 150
children and parents are
expected to gather in The
Courtyard in Neptune Beach
to raise money for the


Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call
246-4158 for information.
Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Beaches
Senior Center, 281 19th
Avenue S., Jacksonville Beach.
The cost is $4. For informa-
tion, call 241-3796.
Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. at the
Florida Cancer Center in
Medical Office Building B on'
the hospital campus.,' Call
,247-2910 for information.
Poker tournament: A poker
tournament is scheduled from
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. Tables, cards,
chips, refreshments and
snacks are provided. The
Senior Activity Center is
located at 2004 Forest Ave.
and can be reached by ca lling
'270-1688. '
Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m..to 8:45 a.m. in the
Administration building of.
the Ponrte Vedra Inn, and
Club. Coffee is served;. For
more information, call
Michael Steele at: 904-910-
1982 or visit http://pontve-
Yoga at Guana: Yoga class-'
es are being offered at 5:30
p.m. Wednesday evenings at
the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas (GTM)
Environmental' Education
'Center: Sally and .Spring
Saldana, a mother-daughter
team, will be the instructors.
The cost will be $10 per class.
For information, call 904-823-
Yoga for health: Yoga for

Health & Healing is o
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:3'
at the Neptune Beach
Activity Center. The c
designed for those rel
to attend a regular cla
want to learn the fund
tals of yoga. For. more
miation, contact Leslie L
the Senior Activity C
270-1688, or call. the te
Nancy Rathburn, at 386

Kiwanis Beaches:
Kiwanis Club of Jacksc
Beaches meets at no
Selva. Country Club,
Selva Marina, Atlantic
V i s i

'Recovery, Inc.: Rec
Inc., a mental health si
group, meets at 6:30 p
St. Paul's Catholic Ch

0 p.m.
lass is

Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for informa-

ss but Senior tennis: Tennis for
amen- 'seniors is being offered from 9
infor- a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
.yne at Tennis Center in Jacksonville
.enter, Beach. For information, call
acher, Moe at 247-6221.
-6453..' A senior men's doubles ten-
nis "C" level league also plays
". through April-at Huguenot
5 Tennis Center on Friday
mornings. The league has
The home and away matches.
)nville 'Call Bob Totter at 247-1865
on at for information.

t Saturdays
m for
Adopt A-Rescued-Kitty:
Kittens and cats that have
been vetefinarian-checked
and tested, and that 'have
shots and been neutered, are
over, available for adoption from
support 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo at
.m. at Atlantic and Kernart boule-
iurch's vards.

Parliamentarians: The First
Coast Parliamentarians meet
the fourth Saturday of the
month from 10:15 a.m. to
12:15 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library, 101"
Library Road. Call 744-9074
or 223-1314 for information,
or e-mail.
Ponte Vedra writers: The'
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group
meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Call Vic DiGenti at
285-2258 for information.

Depression' support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches,.
Medical Center, 1350 13th Ave.
S. Visit www.dbsajax.org for

Montessori' Tides Children's
Foundation, Inc. (MTCF), a
not-for-profit organization
that supports the Montessori
Tides School. The children
will model the latest in fall
fashions during, the event,
which begins at 4 p.m.. at The
Courtyard, 200 First Street.
The fashion show, which is
open to the public, will be fol-
lowed .by. a raffle and. bar-
beque. Tickets are. available
for purchase, and all proceeds
benefit the MTCF. For ticket
sales or information, call the
Montessori Tides School at
Sons of Italy: The Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge sponsors
a Yard Sale from 8 a.m. to 12'.
p.m. at 7 Burling Way,
Jacksonville Beach, to raise.
money for scholarships.
Nov. 5
National Torch Relay: The
National Torch Relay, spon-
sored by Marriott and benefit-
ing Children's Miracle
Network, comes to
Jacksonville. A 4.5-mile walk
and 3.5-mile run starts at 7:45
a.m. at the Fairfield Inn inI
Jacksonville Beach and ends
at the Sawgrass Marriott. That
part of the relay is followed by
a 57-mile bike ride to
Daytona. The event began in
Baltimore and ends in
Hollywood, Calif. Anyone can
participate locally. All funds

Special Performance
: Nov. 171, & 18th
Kevin Pollak

raised in this area will benefit.
Shands Jacksonville and
Wolfson Children's Hospital.
Visit www.torch-relay.org to
register and get information.

Nov. 6
Get'acquainted- A Business
Card Exchange will be held
from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
Alterman & Johnson Family
Chiropractors, 423 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. TFor in for-
mation or to make a, reserva-
tion, call 904-247-3933.

Nov. 7
D.A.R.: The Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will
meetat at 10:45 a.m. at Marsh
Landing Country Club, .25655
Marsh Landing Parkway. The
speaker will 'be Margret
Sander, author of "Bad Time
Stories." For information, call
Carolyn Roth at 904-992-7463
or Babs Hartmann at 904-
Leather sale: A two-day
leather sale, sponsored by
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches Hospital Auxiliary,
will be held in the main lobby
of the hospital. 'The, sale,
which begins at 7 a.m. both
days, closes at 5 p.m. Tuesday
and 4 p.m. 'Wednesday. The
public is invited.

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October 25,

_. ."Copyrighted Material

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Available from Commercial News Providers"

p-..1, r,c LAURA FOWLER
The new spa at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club features a 19-foot indoor mermaid fountain.

iPV Inn & Club, spa set tQQpe No

Anyone who finds the
sound of babbling brooks
relaxing may want to spend
a day at the Ponte \edra Inn
and Club's new spa. which is
: set to open Nov. 1.
As one strolls past the 19-
foot indoor mermaid foun-
tain, the jacuzzis, and the
slick stony walls that gleam
with trickling water, the ten-.
sipn just seems to rise off the
shoulders like steam.,
Or it could literally be
steam rising off your shoul-
ders in. one of the spa's
steam rooms.
Either way, stress and ten-
sion melt away when spend-
ing a day at "The Spa", as
the new facility located just
south of the Inn and Club
tennis courts has been
The primary inspiration "
was the ancient Roman
baths, which used water for
medicinal treatments,
according to architect Mike
That water theme is
reflected in everythingfrom
the unique artwork that dec-,

orates the walls to the
smooth black stones that
line the gardens and court-
yards as if they were lying
on the bottom of a river.
SBut what, may be even
more impressive than the
fancy textured walls and
waterfalls is the sheer size of
the spa.
.The 30,000 square foot
,facility is 2/3 larger than the
current spa at the club, mak-
ing it the largest in northeast
SFlorida, according to a news
It's so big that guests will
be given Internal Positioning
System (IPS) bracelets that
allow spa workers to locate
So when guests are loung-
ing in the immense gather-
ing room at the center of the
spa, staff members can locate'
them when it's time for their
spa treatment in one of the
22 treatment rooms.
The other half the gather-
.ing room is a dining area
with an .open kitchen, where
nutritional cooking demon-
strations will be given a few
times a month.
The entire menu at The

Spa is based on such nutii-
tional cooking and was
developed by Hermann
Mueller, a chef from .
.Washington D.C. who served
the likes, of presidents
.George Bush and Bill
Mueller explained
Thursday that he cut hack
on the use of fat and salt for
the menu at The Spa, while
keeping savory flavor .,.
through the use of fresh
ingredients and herbs.
The real treat at TheSpa,
however, is it's unique fea-
For example, the pool con-'
tains four separate alcoves
'that each feature a different
water treatment, including a
whirlpool and massaging
jets. One corner of the pool
even creates a light current
that you can swim against
for a bit of exercise.
And theie's even a special
'space absent of all things
gillieie for male spa patrons,
which make up about 30
.percent of all guests, accord-
ing to Spa Director Theresa,
Clements. ,
This manly retreat, called

the Barbershop, features
large, black leather lounge ,
chairs, two very masculine
pedicure chairs and a flat
screen plasma TV for watch-
ing every sporting match
known to, well, man. *
The Spa is open not only .,
to the vacationing guests
who sta\ at the Inn and
Club, but also to the public .
,But so many of the patrons
at the existing spa are local
residents and club members'
.that visitors of the Inn and
Club can rarely book a spa
treatment while here on
vacation. Unless, of course,
they booked an appointment
about four weeks in advance.
Clements expects that the .
increase in size of the new
facility will help address this
issue so that more Inn and
Club guests can be served.
But the same problem rmay
be surfacing at the new spa
as it is almost completely
booked through November.',
Other Ponte Vedra spas
include the spa at Marriott
Sawgrass, Salon One Ponte
Vedra at 240 A1A N., and
The Face Place in Sawgrass
Village. ,

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The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra will open its
'winter exhibition, "Precious
Objects," on Friday, Nov. 10.
The exhibit will run. until
Dec. 20 at 50 Executive Way.
The Cultural Center gal-.
leries are free and open the
public. Gallery hours are 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Morinday
through Saturday.
Artists who will be repre-
sented include: Enzo
Torcoletti, sculpture;
Gretchen Ebersol, mixed
'media: Wendy Tatter, batik;
Inez Nickmans, furniture;
Gail Prevatt, ceramic;

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Thomas Long, glass and
Deane Kellogg, birdhouses.
The exhibit will also
include: jewelry, paintings,
functional ceramics, sculp-
ture.i. wood, clay, stone,
glass, photographs, and gar-
den art.
A reception honoring the
invited artists will be held
from. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m on
Nov. 10 and is free and open
to the public.
A free lecture by Enzo
Torcoletti will be held on
Saturday, Dec. 2. For more
- details, call 280-0614 or visit

Bento boxes ak schoo lunches easy

B ento boxes, traditional-,
ly used in Japan to
carry food, are becom-
ing increasingly popular in
the U.S. for school lunches.
Atlantic Beach resident
Carol Cullen began packing
her son Erik's school lunch
in a bento box almost a year
Cullen said the task of
packing lunches every day
has been simplified since she.
began using a bento box.
Also, lunch packed in a
bento box is appealing to
children, much the same
way that, pre-packaged com-
plete lunches are.
The food is neatly dis-
played within the'bento box,
which doubles as a serving
tray. Everything is visible
and easily managed, even by
very young children.
Cullen first learned about
bento boxes at a "Lunch and
Learrf" sponsored by the PTA

S-' 3'COOKS.

at J. Allen Axson Elementary
School, where Erik is in pre-
K 4.
The school is the
Montessori magnet in Duval
County that services the
The "Lunch and Learn" on.
bento boxes was led by
Leslie Kaplan, also a parent
at the.school and a member
of the'faculty at the
University of North Florida.
Popular .with both adults
and children in Japan, bento
boxes come in several
shapes. They range from rec-
tangular boxes made from
inexpensive plastic to cylin-
ders and other unique shapes
made from more expensive
and highly decorated materi-

Bento boxes typically have
a number of separate com-
:,partments, either open or
,with lids, to hold food.
The. size, shape, and num-
ber of compartments vary
depending on the size and
shape of the box. The com-
partments fit snugly inside
the bento box, which then
closes securely for ease in
carrying.' Some bento boxes
also have space for utensils..
Bento boxes come in sizes
appropriate for a small
child's appetite as well as for
more generous size portions.
For her son's lunches,
Cullen uses a flat rectangular
bento box made of plastic. It
.fits into a standard lunch-
box and can be washed in
the dishwasher. '
Her son takes his bento
box to school in a soft-sided
insulated lunch box which
keeps cold foods cold.
Each compartment within
the bento box holds a differ-
ent part of Erik's lunch, said

Cullen. The compartments
hold everything neatly and
separately, and nothing
.needs to be wrapped or
: placed in ziploc bags.
Erik's sandwich or other
protein and grain fits into
the largest compartment,
pre-sliced or cut fruit fill
another, and a vegetable,
maybe carrot sticks with a
small sealed container for
dip, fits into the third com-
Nothing. placed inside the
bento box needs to be
wrapped or placed in Ziploe
bags so it takes no time to
put the lunch together, said
If the child likes' some-
thing from the previous
night's dinner, it's easy to
include leftovers in the com-
partments. It also makes it
easier to focus on preparing
a balanced lunch with
healthy food choices.


Packing school lunches in a bento box makes the task easier
and lunchtime more fun for for Carol Cullen and her son, Erik.

PanP e A

4 *F &'--AM

'Precious Objects' opens Nov. 10

at Ponte Vedra Cultural Center


Ocoe 25.-- 206Th echsLadrPnt edaLadr*Pae9


pri'oo -ubrrIn.Sd
Garey and Susan Barnhill of Neptune Beach with their son, Joe, during plebe/parent weekend at the U.S. Military
Academy at West Point, N.Y. Joe Barnhill, a 2006 Fletcher High School graduate, is a member of West Point's Class of
2010. At Fletcher, Barnhill was a three-year starter on the football team and a member of the All-County Academic Football

Bowie and Luisa Kuhn on their wedding day, Oct. 20, 1956, at
St. Patrick's Church in Millerton, N.Y.


Bowie and Luisa Kuhn of Bower and Stephen Kuhn,
Ponte Vedra Beach celebrated helped the couple celebrate
their 50th wedding anniver- their anniversary.
sary last week. The couple have 10 grand-
Bowie Kent Kuhn and Luisa children.
Hegeler Degener were married Bowie Kuhn -was the fifth
Oct. 20, 1956, at St. Patrick's commissioner of Major League
Church in Millerton, N.Y.1,A A Basebtll#epryiig fromp,J96P, ,1o
Theirfpo childr jy,1, ge 1984.,te will celebrate lhiisph
and Paul Degener, Alexandra birthday Oct. 28.


Avery Nicole Aniskevich


Dir. Stephen .and. Kimberly
Aniskevich of Jacksonville
Beach announce the birth of a
daughter, Avery Nicole
Aniskevich, on Aug. 3, 2006, at
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches ,
She was 8 pounds, 12 ounces
and 21 inches long.

She joiris a sister, Jordan
Wolfson, 12.
Maternal grandparents are
Susan Chadwick of Ponte
Vedra Beach and Ken
Paternal grandparents are
Stephen ,and Marianne
Aniskevich of Jacksonville '



Betty Griffin House offers
24/7 advocacy to persons aged
18 and older that have been
sexually assaulted in St. Johns
County. ;
.Volunteer advocates are,
needed on call rotation and
meet sexual assault. victims at
Flagler Hospital in the : new
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam
and Advocacy Unit. The advo-
cate supports the victim, advis-
es them of services and answers
any questions they may have
about the whole process.
State-certified training is
offered free of charge and con-.
sists of 15 hours of self study.
and 15 hours of class time.
Monthly advocate meetings
are required. To, volunteer one
or more days a month, 'call
Kelly Ballantine at 904-808-

Volunteer Opportunities at
Mayo Clinic,

Mayo Clinic is currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-:
ules in a variety of service
For more information about
the opportunities, call the
Volunteer Services department
at 296-3722 or send an e-mail
to volunteersmcj@mayo.edu.

The Literacy Program at
the Women's Center of
Jacksonville is seeking volun-
The all-volunteer group,
which has been in existence for
over two years, ,serves about
100 women a year and is hop-
ing to grow. Volunteer posi-
tions are available in group's
Rape Recovery Program.
The Women's Center of
Jacksonville is at 5644 Colcord
Ave. Call 722-3000 for more

Mayport Middle School seventh grader Crystal Wilson with author Neal Shustorman at an awards
luncheon Oct. 12 in Orlando. Wilson of Atlantic Beach was selected as a recipient of the 2006
Florida Council of Teachers of English Writing Award. Her work will be published in the 2006
award booklet. She received a check for $100 and was among the 10 students from grades 6-12
throughout the state who was honored. Her writing teacher at Mayport Middle is Linda Bishop.
Shustorman is holding one of his own books that he signed for Wilson. Each winning student was
put at a table with a noted author, who shared writing tips with students.


Joshua P. David has gradu-
ated from the Army ROTC
(Reserve Officer Training
CorpsI Leader Development
and Assessment Course, also
known as "Operation Warrior
Forge," at Fort Lewis, Tacoma,
The 33 days of training pro-
vide the best possible profes-
sional training and evaluation
for all cadets in the aspects of
military life, administration
and logistical support.
Although continued mili-
tary training and leadership
development is included in
the curriculum, the primary
focus of the course is to devel-'
op and evaluate each cadet's
officer potential as a leader by'
exercising the cadet's intelli-
gence, conrmmon sense, ingenu-
ity and physical stamina. The
cadet command assesses each
cadet's performance and
progress in officer traits, quali-
ties and professionalism while
attending the course.
Cadets in their junior and
senior year of college must
complete the leadership devel-
opment course. Upon success-
ful completion of the course,
the ROTC program, and grad-
uation from college, cadets are
commissioned as second lieu-
tenants in the U.S. Army,
National Guard, or Reserve.
David is a 2005 graduate of
Fletcher High School and the
son of Eduardo M. David of
Atlantic Beach.

Three University of North.
Florida students were awarded
the Presidential Endowed
Scholarship for the 2006-2007
academic year. The endowed
scholarship was established in
2004 after John A. Delaney
took the helm as the
University's fifth president.
UNF freshmen Angelica
Leybag and Adam Lorenz as
well as sophomore Ashlee
Clark all received $3,000 to

help support their progress
towards obtaining a college
degree. Leybag, 18, and Clark ,
19, are both nursing majors.
Lorenz, 18, has an unde-
clared major.
Criteria for the Presidential
Endowed Scholarship includes
maintaining a 3.0 grade point
average for all four years, earn-
ing a minimum of 24 hours by
the end of the spring term and
maintaining full-time enroll-
ment at the University. The
scholarship is available for
eight semesters.
Former recipients of the
endowed scholarship include
Megan Morris, who graduated
from Fletcher High School.

Lunch served Mon.-Sat. til 3p.m.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

October 25, 2006


Pae 0 p-- -R--ehP- T -aefnt daL drO tbr2,20


An entire lunch fits neatly in a bento box. In these examples,\
Carol Cullen used animal-shaped and holiday cookie,cutters to
make sandwiches for her son Erik's lunch.

Cooking: Bento boxes



Science students from Landrum Middle School visit-
ed the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National
Esluarine Research Reserve just south of Ponte
Vedra Beach this month to take water samples, run
tests and compile data. Above: Youngsters and a
parent volunteer gather to compare collections. They
are (clockwise) Sierra Arnold (in black hat), Sara
Fitzpatrick, Ashley Rea, Anna Wheeler and Kylie
Reiman. At left: Jack Jacobson (from lelt) pours into
a test tube while James Zapala and Anthony
Janocko consult color charts. Below: Michelle
Kunkel (left) gets organized, and Molly Davey (front)
and Anna Rea work at the water's edge. Some of
the students also tested soil samples for nitrates,
phosphate and pH. 'The students use the data to
analyze and draw conclusions about the water and
c!: ,soil. Thdy also will. download the data into a worJd...
wide database for analysis. The Landrum program is
funded through a grant from the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation.


Where are they now?
About 78 percent of. the
Nease High: School Class of
2006 headed to a four-year or
two-year college or universi-
ty, Principal Linda Thomson
According to information
compiled :by Lisa Kunze,
assistant principal, 244 of the'
approximately -1416 graduates
headed to colleges in Flotida
and another 81 headed to
colleges outside Florida.
Kunze said the information
is based on where final Nease
transcripts were sent the
only data available on the
That information, however,
should be reliable, because a
graduate's final transcript' is
sent only to one school, she

Kunze said it is not surpris-
ing that the vast majority of
graduates headed to schools
in Florida, given the tuition,
plans available to those who
maintain certain grades.
She said that the most
recent count indicates 78 of
the 2006 graduates qualified
for 100 percent of the tuition
at a Florida public university,
.and 125 qualified for 75 per-
cent-of tuition.
Another four students qual-
ified for tuition for vocation-
al training, she said.
The top choices for the
Class of 2006 were Florida
State (51), the Urfiversity of
Florida (50),,the University of
North Florida (47) and
Florida Community College

at Jacksonville (43).
Students went as far as.
Aichi in Japan (1), Stanford
University in California (),
and Bellevue Community
College in Washington state
The most attending- any
one college outside Florida
number three: Georgia
Southern University, Troy
,University (Alabama) and
Georgia Institute of

Readers wanted
Gretchen Swisher, (coordi-
nator of the Readers Aloud
Program that puts volunteer
readers in assigned class-
rooms once a week, is looking
for more readers.
Volunteers do not have to

have a child or grandchild in
the school. To volunteer, call
Swisher at 273-6062.

Boosting Nease band
Donations are being sought
for the fifth annual silent
auction to benefit the Nease
High School band program.
The auction' and lasagna
dinner will be held 5:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5 at
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church on Palm Valley Road.
Business owners donating
items should do so by Nov.
13 to be included in the pro-
gram to be printed.
The event is organized by
the Nease Band Boosters. For
information, contact Natalie
Kunkel at 273-3002 or

Cont. from A-8 '
"All Ihave to do is fill this
[bento box]. This is so simple
that it's easy to resist grab-
bing pre-packaged bags of
chips or sweets."
Packing bite-size portions,
of fruit and vegetables also .
make it easy for young chil-.
dren to eat a variety of foods
at lunch. It's easy to provide
a healthful lunch by seeing-
what is in the refrigerator
and making it work, she
The presentation of the
food in the bento box seems
to make it appealing to chil-
dren. When the child opens
the bento box, they are
ready to being eating.
Especially with small chil-
dren, there is no need for
the child to struggle to open
several different kinds of
packaging for one meal.
Cullen goes a step farther
in making the lunch visually,
appealing and fun for her
She chooses colorful com-
binations, maybe bright red
strawberries in one compart-
ment and green peas mixed
with garbanzo beans in
another, to make the con-
tents look interesting.

She uses cookie-cutters of.
different sizes to make
peanut butter and jelly or,
cheese sandwiches into a ,,
For Halloween, cookie cut-
ters turn sandwiches into
bite-sized bats, pumpkins,
and witch's hats. Large heart
shaped sandwiches are spe-
cial year-round, not just for
Valentine's Day, and animal
shaped sandwiches such as
an alligator or teddy bear are
hard to resist.
There are several sources
for information on bento
boxes on the internet as well
as sites that sell bento boxes.
Simple plastic bento boxes
are priced at below $10 with
higher prices for more elabo-
rate or decorated bento
boxes. Specialized boxes, not
meant for school lunches,
can cost a couple hundred
A few sites that are helpful
are www.laptoplunches.com,
www.happymall.com, and
Locally, the availability of
bento boxes varies. Some
stores that specialize in Asian
products may have them in
stock periodically or may be
willing to order them.


. "'t fer Drop-In Fridy ,- Theatre Kmderpusik ,, and play.v
Games on Triday afternoon classes Tuesday to Saturday in
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Kids ages 7-12 years will be \'edra Beach for children from
able to let their imagination birth to age 7.For Kindermusik,
run wild during the high ener- a music and movement pro-
gv playtime. Parents must sign gram for all ages,,children are
a waiver for kids to participate. divided by age group. Playday
Donations only, suggested is for walkers to 26 months old
amount $5. ArtLife is located and includes parachute play,
at 510 Mayport Rd, Atlantic climbing and musical activi-
Beach, just off Atlantic Blvd, ties. Preschool children and up
two blocks north of Skatelab, attend without parents. One
at 5th Street. For information, trial class is free. Call 249-3828
call 247-8337. for information.


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October 25, 2006

The Beaches L eader/Ponte Vedra L~eader

T_- f I t A *

% h*0T B h ar ee L e P


Allan Alday, Director
r" 270-1020
Award winning studio for the last ten years
6 Time First Coast Dancesport
Top Teacher, 9 Times Finalist.


Beginners to Competitive Dancers,
F Couples & Singles
Young & Young at Heart
"It's never to late to learn"

Special Discount to military, senior citizens
& students (ages 6to 18 yrs)

1:00 8:30pm Mon-Fri
Saturday by Appointment only
S" 'L5ik Rcg. Leg : iDtSuii480S
rhe only Ballroom k Latin Dance studio at the Beaches

Join S at Jac OnvI es Newest
Upscale Restaurant

1+71- 1 beach lvd.
fWest of the Intracoastal )
*' Wood hre Grill
*. WeeIt Presh Marinade
MonthiLj CooLing Classes people
Private room available (up to +0 people
F. ill P r i c,,-r -i-m4-i ire- & A r+ini-

SD *Tides School

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Nurturing children and families
to help create the leaders of tomorrow.
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MNoement. Ph'sical Education and mulu-sensory
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foreign language., community sen ice and field trips
Exploration of mathematical concepts and computer
Whole language phonenc based program
Full and half day programs available
Fully accredited by SACS, AMS and FKC
"Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge,.
but must take a new path seeking the release of human poqtbtitalies."
--Dr. Maria Montessoi f .
1550 Penman Road. Jacksonville Beach 241-1139

Dream, of dancing like the stars? Dance

Alday instructors can lead the way!

.. .. -..; r L".. :.?.c '.2 ,

It's Friday evening; They arrive at
Dance Alday Studio in Jacksonville .
Beach, ready for fun. They range in "
age from pre-teen to eighty-some-
,thing. They have years of experi- ..-
.ence or practically none. They dress ".. :,
casually or. semi-formally. They
come to see longtime friends or- -:a a.
meet new ones. They bring a part-
ner or come solo. But they all have .f
one thing in common: They have
smiles on their faces because they're
ready to share what they're learning
and dance, dance, dance at Dance
Aldav's weekly: Friday night social ". "
and practice party. -9 '- '' *
Allan Alday, owner and head. '9I
instructor of the state-registered
dance studio that specializes in ball-
room and Latin dance, has been in '
the dance business for more than
15 years and in the same :
Jacksonville Beach location for 44.
more than 10 years. Business' at
Dance Alday is booming, he says.
". A lot of people have a new inter-'
est in dancing thanks to the recent
popularity of ballroom dancing
programs on TV -, like Dancing
with the Stars andj'So You Think it's Friday night at Dance A
You Can Dance and in the movies time -- a fun, festive way fi
- like Shall W\Ve Dance and Mad Hot dance floor.
Ballroom," said Alday. "These shows
and movies have inspired many people to learn how to dance,
from children and teens to adults and young-at-hearts."
The Dance Aldav studio is a bright, comfortable-yet-elegant
place with a big dance floor to learn how to dance like a star, too.
"It's a warm and inNiting place to dance, and almost everyone
who walks in the door for the first time says they immediately feel
at home and like they're already part of the family," Alday said.
"Our goal is to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere where
everyone feels welcome and comfortable." Dance Alday is also a
smoke-free environment.
Alday loves teaching dance and says anyone can learn.
"Watching a student start with 'two left feet' and then transform
into a confident dance partner is such a rewarding experience -
for the student and for me!" he said.
Studying dance provides students more than step combina-
tions, according to Alday. "It gives everyone great confidence,
good posture and wonderful social skills attributes that many of
today's youth and young adults seek and need." It's also a great
workout, for all ages. "It's a great and fun way. to exercise," he
added, "and you don't even feel like you're exercising."
The curriculum at Dance Alday the only ballroom & Latin
dance studio at the Beaches provides a step-wise (pun intend-
ed) approach to learning how to dance. Four types of activities
will get your feet moving private lessons, group lessons, practice
parties and showcase/competition/outside parties.
During private lessons you study with your own instructor on
a one-to-one basis in the studio and not in a private room.
"Private lessons are the foundation of our teaching system, and
vour instructor will become your dance advisor, your dance con-
fidante and your good friend," Alday said. "Your teacher is your
personatirstructor like.hasang.,your.ownr.perstiaatltrairiedat the
gym, so you learn and improve faster."
Group classes supplement private lessons. "Here, you'll get to
learn steps and go over and over them until, thanks to muscle
memory, they become almost automatic," he said. "The fun part
of group lessons is dancing with other members in a pleasant
environment and meeting all types of people with one common
hobby and goal to learn to dance."
Practice parties aie not only important but a fun part of the
learning process, too. According to Alday, they supply the real-
world conditions essential to become an expert on the dance
floor. "They're also a terrific way to meet others and socialize," he
Showcase/competitions/outside parties the most glamorous
events are usually held at fine hotels and dance dubs and halls
and are available on a pay-as-you-go basis.

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lday studio in Jacksonville Beach, and that means practice party
or Dance Alday students to try out newly learned steps on the

Dance Alday is an award-winning studio and home to the cur-
rent United States Professional 10 Dance iBallroom & Latini final-
ists, Svetlana Rudkovskaya and Pavel "Pasha" Cherdantsau, as
well as home to the six-time First Coast Dancesport
Championship Top Teacher and nine-time Top Teacher finalist
Allan Alday.
Dance Alday is based on a club concept that offers expert dance
instruction, a variety of dance programs and membership to fit
every budget. Three types of memberships introductory, variety
and awards are available depending on individual needs and
Introductory membership allows you an inexpensive, short-
term opportunity to try out the club and your own dance inten-
tions. Variety membership includes a dance program designed to
quickly develop the average learner into a comfortable social
dancer. Awards membership, Dance Alday's most popular mem-
bership, includes an advanced social dance program and enough
dance activities to satisfy any dancer.
Club members have the opportunity to learn these dances:
Salsa, Swing, Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot, ChaCha, Merengue, Hustle,
Samba, Mambo, Viennese Waltz, Quick Step, Jive, Rumba, Paso
Doble, Bolero.
Dance Alday also offers instruction in these non-traditional
ballroom and Latin dances: Two-step, Foxy, Line Dances, Polka,
Night Club Slow, Argentine Tango, Peabody, Wedding Dance.
"As a school we teach you to dance with the best of them, and
as a club we provide you the best instructors to dance with,"
Alday said.
"Members are welcome to come and practice, enjoy the club, sit
in on the lessons or watch video tapes as often as they want," he
cded. "Practice makes perfect;,and our club is available for you
Ruse alone or with others during scheduled times."
Looking for a special holiday gift that will build confidence and
keep on giving for many, many years? How about a gift certificate
for dance lessons at Dance Alday.
Dance Alday is located at 317 10th Ave. North in Jacksonville,
lust one block north of Harrv's Seafood Bar & Grill. Hours are I
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment
on Saturday. Dance Aldav accepts all major credit cards, checks
and cash as well as payment plans. For more information, or to
schedule your first lesson or purchase a gift certificate for a special
someone, call 270-1020 or e-mail dancealdaystudio@aol.com.
Check out the Web site, too, at www.DanceAlday.com. Be sure to
mention this article and be eligible for a special introductory


The Bea~ches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 1 IA

October25. 200


LIL re ineL c

q I


ANNIM -0 a, mI~

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.

. ..I .W.L .L. ...

Hall oween Haippeuui ungus

October 25, 2006

Pumpkin; Sales: The
Pumpkin Patch at Lord of Life
Lutheran Church will be open
from 2 p.m to dusk Mondays
through Fridays, from 9 a.m.
to dusk Safirdays~id- cror-lO
a.m. to dusk on Sundays. On
weekends, there will be family
activities and food for sale. The
church is located at 276 N.
Roscoe Blvd. in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 285-5347 for infor-
Oct. 25: First Christian
Church of the Beaches will
have a Hallelujah Hoedown
from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Children shbduld come in
costume for fall activities
and refreshments on the
church's oceanfront lawn.
The church is at 2125
Oceanfront in Neptune
Beach. For informa-
Stion, call 246-2010.
Oct. 26-31: The
31st annual Hall of
Terror Haunted
House, created by
the Jacksonville
Jaycees, is open
for six more days
at Adventure
Landing in
J aJacksonville I
Beach. There's a
free, not-so-scary
HalloWEE Zone for
children 8 and under,
and their parents, too.
Admission to the Hall of'
Terror is $9 per person, or
$12 for a combination
pass that includes one
Adventure Landing activi-
Oct. 27-31: The sixth
annual "Horror Zone"
claims to be the most
haunted house in
St. Johns .
1.County. It .,
can be found
at the Prime 1

Outlet Mall,. State Route 16
east of 1-95. Its hours will be 5
p.m. to 10 p.m. for five more
nights. Admission is $4 per
person, with family discounts
available. Proceeds go to the
St. Johns CodtritySheriffs-- -.-
Office's PAL 'and ACE pro-'

will host a Halloween Party
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Local
.singer/guitarist Karen Kelley
provides live entertainment for
a fun-filled evening. Attendees
are asked to bring a "caldron"
- to share tht ffain t ffree' will
be provided. Costumes are
optional, but prizes for best,
most original, scariest and fun-
niest costumes will be award-.
ed. Reservations are necessary.
Call 270-1688.
Oct. 28: The Beaches Town
Center Halloween Costume
Contest and Parade, a free
family event for children of all
ages, will be held from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. Registration starts at
3 p.m. in the Courtyard at 200
First Street in-
Beach ,

or treating in
participating stores in
Beaches Town Center is
allowed.For information, call
249-2922 or visit

Oct. 28: Beauty and the
Beast is the theme to the annu-
al American Legion Auxiliary
Unit 316 Children's Halloween
Party, which will be held from
2 p.mn.toA, p.m. at the Post
home, 1127 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. There will be a
costume contest, games, Lil
Toot and light refreshments.
Sponsored children 10 years
and under may be signed up at
the Post home. For. informa-
tion, call 249-0202.
Oct. 28: An Adult Halloween
Costume Party will be held
starting at 6 p.m. at Greater
Beaches VFVW Post 3270, 915
8th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Synergy will provide the music
starting at 8 p.m. For informa-
tion, call 249-7366.
Oct. 28: An annual Adult
Halloween Party will be held at
American Legion Auxiliary
316, 1127 Atlantic Blvd,
Atlantic Beach. Dinner starts at
5 p.m., followed by a cake walk
at 8 p.m. Donations will be
used for children and youth
programs. For information,
call 249-0202.
Oct. 29: The Ladies Auxiliary
of Fleet Reserve Association
Unit 290 hosts' a Children's
Halloween Party from 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. Call 246-6855 for
Oct. 29: Christ United
Methodist Youth presents their
third annual Harvest Time
"Wing Ding Doodle with Sauce
and Noodles Fun Raising
Revue" at 5 p.m. There's also a
$5-a-plate spaghetti dinner.
The church is located at 400
Penman Road. For informa-
tion, call 249-5370.
Oct. 29: A Halloween
fundraiser for the Salsa Dance
Company, DSX, will be held
from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at
Pharcyde Dance Center, 6354

. Arlington Rd., Jacksonville.
Music will be by
Boricuban, spinning
salsa, merengue,
bachata, cha cha and more.
,"The attire, is Halloween cos-
tume, and ages 18 and up are
welcome. Admission is $10
in advance and $15 at the
door. For information, call
762-1335 or visit www.dance-
Oct. 31: First Baptist Church
:of Jacksonville Beach wel--
comes all families to a
Hallelujah Night Festival, a 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. alternative to
Halloween. All children are
encouraged to wear non-scary
costumes. For information, call

the church office at 249-2314.
The church is located at 324
Fifth Street N.

Believe in Steve"

Steve Hartkemeyer & Family

Polutcal advertisement paid for and approved b) Steve Harrkemeer for
Jacksonville Beach Cit) Council. Seat 4. District I


safety tips

to get ghouls

and boys

It's almost time for witches,
ghosts and goblins to appear
at parties and on neighbor-
hood streets in search of fun
and treats. In order to make
the Halloween holiday safe,
the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) recom-
mends the following tips:
Halloween Safety Tips
Purchase only costumes,
wigs and props labeled flame-
resistant or flame-retardant.
..When creating a costume,
choose material that won't
.easily ignite if it comes in
contact with heat or flame.
Avoid billowing or long trail-
ing features.
Dried flowers, cornstalks
and crepe paper are highly
flammable. Keep these and
other decorations well away
S from all open flames and heat
sources, including light bulbs,
heaters, etc.
Use flashlights when illu-
minating Jack-o-lanterns. Use
extreme caution when deco-
rating with candle lit Jack-O-
Lanterns, and supervise chil-
dren'at all times when candles
are lit. When lighting candles
inside lack-O-Lanterns, use
long, fireplace-style matches
and be sure to place lit pump-
kins well away from anything
that: can burn including
doorsteps, walkways and
SRemember to keep exits
clear of decorations, ensuring
nothing blocks escape routes.
Use flashlights as alterna-
tives to candles or torch lights
when decorating walkways
and yards. They are much
safer for trick-or-treaters,
whose costumes may brush
against the lighting.
Instruct children to stay
away from open flames or
other heat sources. Be sure
children know how to stop,
drop and roll in the event
their clothing catches fire.
(Stop immediately, drop to
the ground, covering your,
face with your hands,.and roll'
over and over to extinguish
Instruct children who are
attending parties at others'
homes to locate the exits and.
plan how they would get out
in an emergency.
Provide children with
lightweight flashlights to
carry for lighting or as part of
their costumes.
NFPA is a nonprofit organiza-
tion with a mission of providing
and advocating consensus codes
and standards, research, train-`
ing and education.

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v ,

Paoe 12 A

Ponte Vedra Leader

Fishing L-eader, B-2
S2 2 Bad loss for Jaguars B-3
Classifieds B-4
October 25, 2006 ..* S

Volleyball wins another district title

Panthers make itthree-

straight victories over

rival Yellow Jackets

It was a dominating per-
formance for the Nease High
girls voUeyball team last
Thursday as the Panthers took
care of St. Augustine, 3-1, to
earn a third consecutive
District 5-4A crown.
By beating the Yellow
Jackets, 25-12, 25-22, 22-25,
25-14, Nease advanced to the
regional quar-
terfinals where
the Panthers
were set to a
host Lecanto
Tuesday night.
"WVe want to
take it one step
at a time and
not overlook
any teams,"
said Nease co-
coach Dawn
Madden. "We
are peaking at JACKETS
the right time, JACKETS
I feel, and the PANTHER
kids are finally
bringing it and playing their
The victory earned Nease
121-6) the right to host at least
two regional playoff games.
Even with the loss, St.
Augustine qualified for the
state playoffs for the first time
since 1995, though the Jackets
will have to hit the road for
postseason play.
The Jackets and Panthers
could meet again for the
fourth time this season on
Nov. 2 in Lakeland for a state
semifinal spot if both win
their first two playoff games.
But before a raucous crowd
last Thursday night, and for
the third time this season,
Nease simply overwhelmed its
cross-county rival. The
Panthers took a commanding
12-point lead in the opening
game, paced by middle block-
er Christina Vergo (.10 kills,
four blocks, 16 service points
on the night, Paige DePriest
11 kills in four games) and
outside hitter Meghan
Sherman who led all players
with 12 kills and 41 assists.
"We came out really strong
and in the end pulled it all
together," said senior Meghan
Oakley, who had a dozen kills
and 11 blocks for the
While Nease rolled to victo-
ry in the first game, the next

two were back-and-forth strug-
gles with ever-changing
momentum. The Yellow
Jackets opened a four-point
lead in game two, but that was
as wide a gap as the teams
would see until the final game
of the evening.
Nease erased that 5-1 early
deficit in game two through
some outstanding serving by
Sherman. The teams swapped
points and lead
F changes for the
balance of the
game, with the
Panthers even-
tually pulling
even at 22-all
on a kill and
follow-up ace
from DePriest.
In a thrilling,
game three,
the Panthers
1 sought to close
out St.
3 Augustine.
But Jackets
players Kara Gonzalez and
Laura Ray scored crucial
points after things were knot-
ted at 21-all to give the visi-
tors the momentum they'd
need to win the game by three
In the fourth and deciding
game, Nease mixed things up
by switching from the power-
ful kills of Sherman, DePriest,
Oakley and Vergo, to touch
placement and dink shots that
caught their foes out of posi-
Nease's Laura Phillips had
five kills in the fourth game -
most of those well-placed
touch shots that sent the
Ja-ktSi 8thtlnbjltig...PhiIIip6
totile-d-lfills on fie night.
Also aiding the Panthers'
cause was Tara Carrigan, who
had 19 digs, two blocks and
16 service points. Carrigan
ignited a Nease rally in game
four with six of those service
While Panthers players cele-
brated on the court after
sewing up a third straight dis-
trict championship, Sherman
indicated the team won't get
too carried away with the win.
"We want to do better than
the year before," said the sen-
ior, who will attend Tampa
University on a volleyball
scholarship. "We really want
to go to [the state] finals."

Pholo" by ROB DbANGELO
It was a night of jubilation for the Nease Panthers as, clockwise from top left, Laura Phillips (17), Meghan Sherman (12), Sherman,
Tara Carrigan, Paige DePriest (13). Christina Vergo, and Carrigan (6) celebrate during,various points throughout last Thursday's
match against St. Augustine. Nease won its third consecutive District 5-4A championship with a 3-1 triumph.

Panthers wear down Tigers for 5-4A crown

Nease won the turnover battle, the bat-
tie in the trenches, the battle for field posi-
tion and ultimately another District 5-4A'
title with last Friday night's 27-0 victory
over visiting Lake City Columbia.
The Panthers took a slim 7-0 lead into
the locker room at halftime, but imposed
their will on the Tigers throughout the
third and fourth quarters. Nease put up 10
points in each of those
quarters, capitalizing on
Tigers turnovers and the
strong leg of kicker Allen > .
Schaefer. 4
"It was a close ball-
game at the half [but] we
thought we could wear
them down and we did,"
said Panthers head coach
Craig Howard. "We
noticed they had a lot of
two-way players and we
felt like we would wear TIGERS
them down and that's
what happened in the PANTHERS
second half."
But while the Nease offense was
methodical, it was the team's defense that
put the Panthers in good field position
throughout the game.
Perhaps the key play occurred with the
Panthers up 7-0 in the second quarter.
Nease forced a Columbia punt, but after
the ball glanced off a Panther the Tigers
recovered to set up a first-and-goal from
the 8-yard line. But with Columbia on its
way to knotting the score, Panthers safety
Jared MacNaught stripped the ball from
Tigers running back Rene Perry. Nease
recovered on the 1-yard line.
That was the second of Columbia's
three lost fumbles; Earlier, on the first play
of the game, a Tigers' fumble set Nease up
at the Columbia 32-yard line. After failing
to move the ball in two plays, QB Ted

Stachitas found running back Zach Tronti
on a screen pass and the elusive back
broke two tackles on his way to the end
zone for the first points of the contest.
That's how it stayed for the balance of
the first half -a back and forth battle that
saw Nease win in terms of field position,
but a stubborn Columbia defense refuse to
"Defensively, I thought we played well,"
Tigers coach Danny Green said. "We kept
it close there but we had bad field position
and just could never
/ move the ball. That's the
worst, offensively, we've
looked in many, many a
Tronti scored on a 25-
>yard run early in the sec-
ond half to give the
Panthers some breathing
room. Tronti gained 83
yards on 16 carries, most
of his effort coming after
intermission as the
0 Panthers' offensive line
began to impose its will
27 on the Tigers.
"We knew that the)'
were more of a physical team than we've
played this year so far," said Nease guard
James Wilson. "We outweighed St.
Augustine by a lot. But [Columbia] has
more size on the line and we were looking
to mix it up. It was good in the trenches."
Nease was able to move the ball effec-
tively in the final two quarters but had to
settle for a pair of Schaefer field goals of
22 and 35 yards to help put the game out
of reach,.
Afterward Howard indicated he wasn't
concerned with his team's inability to
score touchdowns on those drives.
"When we're playing as well as we
were on defense and getting turnovers,
the important thing is we got points off
those turnovers," he said. "That's impor-
tant during a championship game.

Pholo by ROB DeArJGELO
Panthers Jared MacNaught (21), Hunter Bates (7) and Kyle Timpane (22) corral
a Tigers ball carrier last Friday night. Nease won a second straight district title.

"You've got to win two out of the three
phases and I thought we won all three
phases tonight offense, defense and
kicking game."
Clearly Nease's punting game was a
significant factor. Zach Cooper had punts-
of 48, 51, and 56 yards. But the kicker's
best punt traveled only 16 yards. A bad
snap sailed over the junior's head in the
first quarter but Cooper chased down the
ball and got the punt off with a trio of
Tigers poised to make the tackle. The
play turned a potential 35-yard loss into
positive yardage for the Panthers.
Later in the game Cooper leaped to
snare another errant snap and got off a
good kick.'
"Field position in championship

games is so critical and boy, he saved us a
few times," Howard said.
Late in the game Stachitas scored on a
6-yard run to give Nease a 27-0 lead. The
junior QB was 6-of-14 on the night for
114 yards. Tronti was the Panthers' lead-
ing receiver with two catches for 46 yards
and one TD.
Asked afterward if Panthers' linemen
could tell their punishing ground game
was having an effect on the Tigers in the
second half, Wilson said it became ob\i-
"You can feel it. Especially when ihe
linebackers start throwing up," the 6'5",
310-pound guard explained. "That's
when we knew we were wearing them

Boys swim

team loses

district title

over DQs


The disqualification of two
individuals and two relay
teams cost the Nease boys
swim team the District 3-2A
title it appeared to have won
last Thursday night at Cecil
Aquatics Center.
The Panthers topped Bishop
Kenny, 428-396, for first place
in the 11-team field but a pair
of Nease swimmers was enter-
ed in three relay and two indi-
vidual events prompting the
disqualifications, according to
meet officials.
Meet rules limit participants
to a total of four events.
Matthew Schlytter won the
50-yard freestyle race in 21.81
and was second in the 100.,
freestyle with a time of 48.37.
Matt Jones was second in
diving while Panthers team-
mate Bobby Calorel placed

Nease's Kristen Gerkens
won the 200 freestyle
(2:00.19) and 100 backstroke
(1:00.36) races to help the
Panthers earn a second-place
finish in the district champi-
onship meet.
Panthers sophomore Kirsty
Shepler won the girls diving

~ 1~~!rI~e ~"1 rY- ..S g--fY? X?~KF2)~~



Nassau Sound yields redbass, pompano and whiting

G ood catches of redbass
are being made in the
canal from the
McCormick Bridge to Nassau
Sound. The pompano and
whiting are biting in Nassau
Sound and an occasional tar-
pon will appear following:
large schools, of mullet to the
Guide. Fred Morrow, with.
Jim Bush and Craig Travis,
fished the canal north of
Sisters Creek last Wednesday
and caught 26 redbass, a blue
and a snook. ..'
On Thursday, Fred and Dr.
Robert Still had only three
hours to fish but they made
good use of their time. They.
fished the main canal and
caught 15 redbass and 12
speckled trout.
Then, on Friday, Tri Vu and
Carlos Boque tried the river
near Dames Point and caught
seven redbass to 29 inches, 42
croakers, five amberjacks and a
drum. .. .
The water cleared briefly
unde[ the Jacksonville Beach
Pier last week and anglers
brought up pompano, whit-
ing, flounder and redbass. On
Wednesday, Jimmy Knotts


weighed up a five-pound
flounder. Charlie "Catfish'
Miller was the only angler to
catch a pompano on Friday.
He had three, fat ones.
On Sunday, Charlie Deming
caught a five-pound flounder
and a 26-inch redbass.
Charlie's grandson, Kaigenr
Deming, was happy with his
two-pound speckled trout.
Capt. David King, on his
"Crusty Crab," spent three
days of productive fishing in
Nassau Sound. He caught
dozens of pompano and whit-
ing during the week. On

Phoio suDmhed
History Picture of the Week features K.D. Taylor, Dennis Taylor
and-Dean:TaylorTwith; four larponthey oaughtinmAiagust,. 969
chumrnnigp.go.ff.the:S-e ,Turtle, ic ,. -',l ...i: I'u ,r i ',

TIFlorida Lotto & Lottery Games


Friday, Mike Morris fished
with David and they caught
50 whiting along with a dozen
pompano. The most exciting
moment during the morning
was when a big tarpon took a
,piece of dead shrimp and
sailed into the air. He headed
east and David's tackle could
not hold him.
Larry "Fishman" Finch
returned from a great hunting
trip just in time to take second
place in last weekend's Redfish
Extreme Tournament. He and
George Atelevich caught 20
reds,(and kept two), six speck-
led trout and half a dozen.
flounder. Their catch came in
the canal proper between the
McCormick and Atlantic Blvd,
Pompano appeared in the
surf at Hanna Park last
g Saturday, and Ron Watterman
caught his limit while also cap-
turing 19 whiting.
Capt. Gary Steckney fished
Mill Cove with -

Terry Day and
his son, Kenny,
last weekend.
They filled their
cooler with
their limit of
and speckled
trout, four big
whiting, an
flounder and
two blues. Their
bait included
finger mullet,
live shrimp and
cut bait.
Capt. Lowell
Breeding, Butch
Garvin and
Rusty Borthwick
made a short
trip last week on
"PK's Mistake."
Their catch
included two
grouper and lots
of big seabass.
The big story is
still the number
of throwbacks.
At least 25 snap-
per and seven
grouper had to
be released.
Capt. Pat
Purgason went
back ,into action
last week after,

several weeks of hunting. Pat,
his son Ty, and friends Phil
Puttback and Roy Cox stopped
inshore last Saturday morning
and caught five amberjack and
a dozen triggerfish: Later in
the morning they took the,
"Down Pat" to the Elton bot-
tom where they caught 40
two- to three-pound beeliners.
Capt. Scott Reynolds and his
anglers found the snapper,
amberjack and grouper biting
on each trip last week. They
were also excited about their
excellent catches of triggerfish,
seabass and mangrove snapper.
Veteran guide John Dyrssen,
with his daughter Mary Gear
and her husband, Charlie,
used live shrimp in Cabbage
Creek last Friday to net, 28
fish. Their catch included..
speckled trout, croakers and
mangrove snapper. Three of
their trout weighed 3.35 and
four pounds.
Good fishing .

Pnoto submilleO
Ten-year-old Doug Speed III caught this 39-
inch red fish (about 35 pounds) with his
uncle, Karl Manges, Sunday, Oct. 15th at the ,
St. Augustipe jetties on live mullet.

. Phtsubmitted
Jerry Blount prepares to release his big redbass caught recently
in the river with Capt. Kirk Waltz.

Sw.key scill.corm

OCTOBER 25, 2006
OCTOBER 30, 2006


Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Gold Kist USDA Inspected USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western
Fresh Pork Boston Butt CHICKEN Semi-Boneless Boneless T-BONE

Fresh Lean 'N' Meaty Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Gold Kist USDA Inspected IBP Fresh Lean 'N' Tender USDA Select Western Beef
Country Style PORK Any Size Pk. lit Pork LONDON BROIL or

lbldblb I

F OM .DSA Il. .'8
n LYKES Jumbo $139 FARM LAN) QQt -V
MEATFRANKS .......... lb I JUMBOFRANKS......... .,1
LYKES Smoked.HaneyorCookedSkIced $ 49 FARM LANDReq.orThickSllced $19
HAM Ooz., BOLOGNA.......... b
BALL PARK AIMeatJumbo $199 FARM LANDo Hirm oeced $229
FRANKS .......:............. lb 9 I BACON ......... ,2oz '1 a
-JIMMY DEAN AllVaretIesPork $ 5 9 CARL BUDDIG Siced $"99
SAUSAGE ROLLS ........ ,b. SANDWICH MEATS .......... ,. l Cl
LEE'S HIckorySmoked-SllcedRindOnSlab $1 99 FOSTER FARM N$D99
BACON..... .... 1 V CORN DOGS ....... 21b6oz $499
LAND'O' FROST ,~~ $, 700 WELLS BLUE BUNNY .iV-d$e00
FOXDeluxeAtVarietles $ 0O0 PICTSWEETBabyok..wo ieo $AO0
PIZZA...2.......2.22-S32oz '/ 0 CROWDER PEAS. ,oz .,/$4 0
FARM RICH Mo=rellaDlppro2t$500 STOUFFERSRe..orllll.n.. $5-99
z CHEESE BITES ........ t0.L 2 LASAGNA.............. 0. ,3,
FARM RICH Mexican .$"O HY-TOP M.argarine 00
CHEESE BITES ...... .s.oz ./ SPREAD ........lb tub 2/$3
CRYSTALFARM ,A I jL=ci/ OO COFFEEMATE hadivan lloor l $
CHEESE .............. I0 CR~rR $4/$400 C
ALLENSItalianc ut ,$ 00r MERICOButoerlorut.emi lklumbo $500
' GREEN BEANS .. I6.z 3 BISCUITS.........I 6 oz/
MARGARETHOLMES T0rnal00 or 'ka LARSEN Re,..u,. .,$ 00 5 4
CUT OKRA t-o z8 OO rVEG-ALLo ............. soz. 3
z SUGARY SAM cut /$ 00 IDAHO spr a $1 00
YAMS .............. 29oz3 IDPOTATOES..............., I 3o-
SUN MAIDeedless /$300 GA-RED /$1 00
RAISIN ..........T. 4.5,z TOMATOES... u.so.z2/ I Fo
i RITZAIavors $ 00 NESTLE Pure-Lifeavored2 l/$ 00
SODAS..... 12ok12ozcons 2/50 WATER...... 6pk.5t 2/' YEI
NABISCO 4llVarletlesPremlu-- O0 KA CTYTERPIE Al Vrietie/$500
SALTINE ...................lb MARINADES .......16o.
CAMPBELL aONlcnHdleorT..a 3 /$200 MASTERPIECE. or t.wn i3/$500
SOUP .................. 75oz 2 SAUCES............ oz
1z UAKER AIVaretles.nstant 3$ 00 TETLEY.ysi.z 3 $5oo
GRITS ,,12.3/$'5 TEA BAGS ......) .....,.3'$50

Premium Chiquit
Golden Ripe

White, Whole, Sliced, or Baby Portabe

Red or Golden
Delicious APPLES

d6 l Ib

Wells Blue Bunn)

White, AstsL or Print

.October 25, 2006

The Beaches LeadeTIPr/PonteP Vedra LeaderP

PDnrp 2R



IT:bqy LZ-rlnd%T:Dlw

Vcto er --- ------ -


That was one bad performance from the Jaguars

ne comforting
thought about Jack
Del Rio's team -
there are times when it looks
like the Jaguars can't .get any
worse. But somehow they
The return trip from
Houston must have been the
longest of the season, even
eclipsing those from
Indianapolis and
Washington, as stinking as
those performances were.
To lose to the Houston
Texans, as inept as they have
been (against everyone else)
is bad enough, but to show
their rears and humiliate
everyone back home is the
pits. Losing' is one thing; los-
ing by 27-7 to a bunch, of
losers who suddenly look

Wednesday, Oct. 25'

NEASE at State Finals,
Vero Beach


like Super Bowl champions
is unforgivable.
There have been fingers
pointed in all directions but
the truth is no one player,
booted Sunday's game .away.

Thursday, Oct. 26

Ed White at FLETCHER,
7:30 p.m.

A blanket indictment is in
Did Lord Byron Leftwich
have such a bad ankle that
he shouldn't have played?
On most teams such a quar-
terback would have been
sidelined for the day.
Leftwich was determined
to play. Gutsy, right? Or
maybe he didn't want any-
body taking his .place behind
center again..No use stirring
up a quarterback controversy
when you're in the option
year of your multi-million:
dollar contract, right?'
However, Leftwich can't be
blamed for all the dropped,
balls, missed tackles and
'other mistakes. After a week
of rest (Jacksonville's bye
week) one would have
expected the Jaguars to come

Friday, Oct. 27

NEASE at Middleburg,
7:30 p.m.
NEASE at Regional Meet,
9 a.m. in.Tallahassee

roaring out, rested, and as
frisky as a young cat.
It's really not a mystery
why they lost to Houston.
That team, whether the
Texans. or Oilers, has always
been a fright for the Jaguars.
But 27-7?
Jack Del Rio shouldn't be
blamed for not .taking
Leftwich out. The team's
brass spent a lot of dough to
draft the former Marshall
star QB. They want their
decision to be right and '
never doubted.
Leftwich can't be a valu-
able star unless he plays -
hurt' or not. Make no mis-
take, -Byron is the star of this
team, not replacement David
Garrard ... and don't forget
There has been criticism of.

the Jaguars' consistency.
They're consistent consis-
tently hard to predict. One
thing seems certain, though.
No team can be a consistent
winner when key players are
injured all the time. Few
games are won in the train-
ing room.
Maybe playing on the road
again next Sunday at
Philadelphia is actually a!
break. The law of averages
says Jacksofiville can't lose
on the road forever. Of
course, the Jaguars may
repeal this law themselves.
But at least they have a
chance to erase that horrible
Houston memory for the
fans if they play well.
The next home game will
be against Boogie-man team
Tennessee. Remember the


Aqua Aerobics
Water exercise program pro-,
vides a total body workout for,
people of all ages and fitness
levels. Classes include exercise
for aerobic conditioning, flexi-
bility and strength.
Shallow water classes take
place Monday to Friday morn-
ings and evenings; deep water
classes Mon. Weds. and Sat.
For more information contact
the UNF Aquatic Center at 620-
2854. ,

Flag Football
Flag Football registration for'
kids ages 5-17 is underway. The
deadline to register is Nov. 4.
Winter season leagues, which
will run from December
through February, are forming
throughout the First Coast area,
including at the University of
North Florida, Ponte Vedra
Beach, Mandarin and Orange
For information, locations,
dates and to register, visit
www.i9sports.com or call (9041

Jaguars Trip
Action Sports Tours is plan-

Sing atrip to Miami to see the
Jacksonville.Jaguars play the
Dolphins on the weekend of
December 2-3. Hotel, game tick-
ets, refreshments and a pre- ,,
game tailgate party are included
in the $250 price.
For more information contact
Jack at (9Q4) 707-7805 or Alex
at (904) 728-0029. Or e-mal

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles) run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls. For more infor-
mation phone 321-4315 or
visit www.GOTRneflorida.org.

Islarid FC is forming boys and

girls 'travel soccer teams for tle'
2006-7 season. Teams will be
offered in'the following age
groups: U-12 (born on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-,
14 bornn on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/94); U-16 (born on
or after 8/1/90 but before
7/31/92) and U-18 for those
born on or after 8/1/88 but
before 7/31/90..
For more information contact
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.

Strollerfit exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are
taking place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and
Fort Caroline Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from
9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.

Ryder Cup
A recently opened exhibit
at the W6rld Golf Hall of
-Fame features a historical

overview of the Ryder Cup,
video of significant moments
and artifacts donated or
loaned by Hall of Fame mem-
bers for the exhibit, which
will be open through January
The 36th Ryder Cup,
played between American
and European golf profes-
sionals, took place Sept. 22-
24 near Dublin, Ireland.
World Golf Hall of Fame
exhibits are open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through
Sat. and noon to 6 p.m. Sun.
Admission is $16 for adults,
$14 for seniors and military

and $11 for children 4-12.
Youngsters under 4 are
admitted free. For more
information, call (904) 940-
A senior men's doubles league at
the "C" level will begin October
10 at Huguenot Tennis Center.
Seniors must be over 50 years old
to qualify.
Matches will take place Friday
mornings from Oct. until April
For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.

As a change of pace, one
reader suggests that Georgia
and Florida State play at
Alltel Stadium, with the
loser to play the Jaguars.
Both games will be billed as
"The Battle of the Great
Quarterbacks." It would fill
the stadium.
Before that, though,
Saturday is the annual
blood-letting. Florida will be
rested. Georgia will be
Georgia. Even those who
imbibe too much will have
Prediction? The Gators by
three touchdowns, maybe
even one by Tim Tebow him-,

Happy 18th Birthday

Mom, Dad & Max

The Newspapers in Education program (NIE) is a cooperative effort between
newspapers and schools to promote the use of newspapers as an educa-
tional resource.The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader brings you award-
winning coverage of your community directly to your classroom.The news-
paper is a "living" textbook which helps our children get excited about learn-
ing what is going on in their community. Students involved in NIE generally do
better in their math, reading, and comprehension skills. Let's get our kids
..... /.A..A volved in our. community and get the.newspa-,
Si.- i 8 sw jl per in the classroom. For more information about.
NIE please contact Linda Borgstede at 249-9033
or e-mail us at linda@beachesleader.com

The Beachles Leader

The Ponte Vedra Leader





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Page 3B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader,

O\ p b ) 15n006


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

October 25, 2006

The Beaches Leader!

Ponte Vedra Leader




THURS., 11 AM.
$7.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'! word

$8.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word

Hours: Mon. Thurs.
8:00am 6:00pm
Fri. 8:00am 5:00pm
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250

Real Estate Rentals
100 Real Estate 200 Rental
110 Lots/Land lor Sale 215 Home for Rent
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240 M.H. for Rent
130 Condos for Sale 260 Vacation Renta
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room for Rent
for Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm Property 285 Comm. Rental
185 Industria l


All advertising
accepted subject to the
approval of the publisher,
who shall have the right tto
revise or reject in whole or
in part anv aiTvetiseirt 1 tr.i
Publisher reserves the right
to place classified under
appropriate classifications.
Please read your ad
the first day it runs so any
necessary changes may be
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in advertisements shall not
exceed the cost of the space
occupied by the error. All
errors are to be brought to
our attention within 15
days of publication to
receive consideration for
adjustment. Publisher
assumes no financial
responsibility for omis-

Homes in Ihe Mounlains Affordable
Homes. Mountain Cabins and Land. Call
tor Iree brochure 1877)837-2288 Exit Real-
ly Mountain View Properties www.exitmur-
phy com
BEAUTIFUL N Carolina. Escape the heat
in the beaulilul, peaceful mountains of
western NC. homes, cabins, acreage & In-
vesimenms Cherokee Mounlain GMAC
Real Estate cheroKeemountaln
realty.comn. Call for iree brochure.

NORTH CAROLINA gated lakefront com-
munity. Pleasantly'mild climate 1 5 acres
lus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never offered
before with 20o predclevelopment dis-
counts, 901, financing. Call (800)709-
VA MOUNTAIN log cabin unfinished In-
side. view hrees, private. large creek & riv-
er nearby. $139.500 owner (866)789-8535

Why not loin us on -
Every Wed from 11am-1pm
Phyllis will be online taking
: your questions lively
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

'GULF FRONT lots $595k. Homes starting
mid $300k. New. master planned ocean
front community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinna-,
monshore.com, (866)891-5163.



The Beaches


Ponte Vedra



Pets & Animals
300 Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel '
415 Personals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost/Found

Service Guide cont.,
:650 Painting .
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
665 Repairs
;i.0 Rooling
675 Sprinkler & Wells
677 Tree Service

: 450 Instructions/Schools .678 Tile
460 Weddings 680 UphI
Employment 685 Walll
500 PT Help Wanted 690 Watt
510 F-T Help Wanted ,HealthI
520 Job Services 700 Mas
530 Bus. Opportunity 710 Heal
540 Child Care, 7, 1CaHe
550 Work Wanted 730 Cai
For Sa
Service Guide 800 For
600 Services 800
,601 Air Conditioning 805 Mu
602 Alterations 810 Ant
607 AUto/Boat Detailing 815 Au
608 Auto Repair 820 Wa
609 Bus. Services 825 Tra
C 612Carpet 1 830 Co
. 613 Catering ,. Garage
615 Cleaning 840 Gar
618 Electronics 850 JaxI
619 Electical Services 852 Nep
620 Equip Renials 854 Alla
622 Fences 856 May
623 Finan. Services 857 Pen
625 Firewood 858 Wes
631 Computer Services 859 Jack
634 Lawn Mower 860 Flea
Services 862 Esta
- 635 LawnSvc/ Transpi
Landscpg 905 Ault
636 Locksmith 91 Boa
637 Marine Const. 930 Mot
638 Manne/Boating 950 Car
640 CaoncretefMasonry 0 Tru
645 Moving & SloIage 980 Aui
648 Pressure Washing

er Treatment
sage Therapy
lh Care Sere
le -, -
r ale
sic & Instr.
ntied to Buy
de I .,'-
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age Sales
lune Beach
niic Beach
te Vedra
sl Beaches
a Market
ate Sales
o Renial
ipersiRv s

munity-Coastal Georgia Large lots w/
deepwater. marsh, goil, nature views. Gal-
ed, golf, illness center. lenns trails, oak
park, docks. $70k's.$300k 1877)266-
7376. www.cooperspoint.com
EAST TENNESSEE- Norris Lake 5.6 acre,
wooded, lakeiont lo01- $66,500 5 1 acre
wooded view oit- $28.900 Call Lakeside
Realty @ 14231626-5820 Or visit
www lakesiderealty-in corn
For services designed to save you money
visit www.rebalelhebuyef.com.
Realty Executives of Ponte Vedra.

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act.
which makes it illegal lo advertise any
preference, limitation. or disor.mnation
based on race, color, religion, sex.
handicap, familial status or national on-
gin, or Ine Intention to make any such
preference Imitation or discrimination. ,
he Leader Group will not, knowingly ac-'
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
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ings advertised are available on an
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If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against in connecuon with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,'
call the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.

Remodel existing cottage or build 2 new
oceanfront homes which can be sold sep-
arately. FSBO/ Lic. Agt. 246-0000.

LAKE LOT close out sale Saturday, No-
vember 11. We'll make your payments for
Sthe 1st year! 3 acre lake access bargain
$34,900. Free boat slips! On spectacular
34,000 acre recreational lake in Eastern
Tennessee, Surrounded by state forest.
Limited # available. Call. today for early
appointment (800)704-3154 X 880, TN
Land Partners, LLC 10% down, balancefi-
nanced 1 year @ 7.25% fixed, 1 year bal-
loon, OAC, payment $189.77/mionth.
VIEW WESTERN North Carolina, North
SGeorgia, Eastern TN, Real Estate. Excel-
lent retirement area. Very affordable
homes, cabins, land. Low taxes. Good
paying jobs available. www.mtlakesre-
OCALA NATIONAL Forest Lots. $500
, down, $199 month. Owner 352-624-2215
or (352)236-4579.
JAX BCH 5 blocks to oqean, corner lot
consider owner financing. Owner/ Agent
$174,900. 568-4818.
$49,900, with boat slip. Call It: (877)293-
5253 or Click it.
www GrandeVistaBay com Walers-Edge
Properties. Inc /Broker
BEAUTIFUL 1 3 acre lot, neavy woods.
high & dry 500 yds Iron. Sr. Jonns River,
Views 8+ Acre Mounlain Estate Heavily
Wooded wiih Stream EZ Financing-
$49,900. (8001230-6380. exi 120

- 349,900; 50 acres $59 900 Locaied 90
minutes east o01 Salt Lake ine I oothills ol
the Uinla Mounlains Snow-capped moun-
lain views Surrounded by govi land. Rec-
reational paradise EZ Terms. Call Utah
Rancnes, LLC 18881541-5263
FREE 2007 Toyola Avalon w/ So PVB lot,
90X120 Ocean, iniracoaslal views Beach
access $344.900. 993-3397.
boat slip waler-access homesiles Below
appraisal! Lake ChaTuge CGANC Moun-
lains! Excellent Financingl Two Day Sale
Nov 41n & 5Sn! Appornimemn Only!
(877)234-8850 exl 102
N. FLA 80 Ac $6200 per acre. Pines.
hardwoods & creek Homesites, nuni or
recreation (800)294-2313 Exi 1185 A Bar
Sales, Inc. 7 days 7am-7pm

SW GEORGIA 203 Acres ol planned
pines. 170 Acres. 17 years old located 4
miles west el Pelham Excellent Hunting'.
Priced to Sell! Call 12291890-2589
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesv'Tle, NC Hiawassee River and
Lake Chaluga. Build your home lor a life-
lime Lots range in price Irom $54,900
to $87,900. Call 828-389-8843 or 904.
Home. Rustic Elegance, 2 7 ac, Capival-
ing mtn. views, stream ponds. porch
w/ouldoor fireplace. 3BR, 3BA. Loll & Un-
tin Basemeni (7701998-0856
www.ThePondatFealnerslone corn
5 blocks Irom ocean! Includes builders
plans for 2000si home, $214.900 Exit
Realty Arlihates Call Bill 904-874-4948.
40 ACRES wiln pond near Slale & Nanr
parks Camp, Fish. Hunt $149,900 owner
htin $7995 down 1800.i35252-523-Florn.a
Woodland Group. Ic, L.E1; RE Br.--kj
1908 & T922 2na St. N. 2 lots logeiher
157 Front m 110 Deep Zoned RM1 up to
13 Units Residential. Artist Renderings &
Architect Plans available. 12 biks. to ocean
MLS#310353 $1 59 M Will co-op 3.:

GREAT CORNER location CBS Dunga-
low, ready lor 2nd slory $314,900 Call
Carolyn Francis 904-521-5000 REIMAX
Neptune Beach, corner lot. 2000si, 2car
garage new rool. kilcen needs help.
$329K worth $385K. 591-7392.
ATL BCH RENT TO OWN. 9tf St, 2blks
Irom ocean and park. 4/2. 1607st. 50x130
lol. Call 4 derails 904-568-6004.
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA. split plan. w'2 story
workshop. Upgrades Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave Molivaled seller
Will co-op. 1904)463-7245.
NEAR GAINESVILLE lake view home on
5 acres, 4/3, 2950sl, bull 2002, $469,000
OBO. Independent Brokers & Associates.
247-4333 or 710-3111
2200 sqhl. 4BR.'2BA. f r. w/. stone tr.pl.
nice 1000 homesile community.
priced Io sell. 705-9384.
2433 BROOK Park Way. MLS# 322657
$285.000. 3BR'2BA, liled loyer. formal
dining, spacious kitchen opens to break-
fast room big family room, large master
w/garden tub and sep shwr covered lanai
Call Paula Powell (904)707-1050 Watson

Oceanfront Newer custom built 5BR,
4.5BA, with 4725 SF, views of the ocean
from the east and [CW the w.est. Office.
formal living and dining, tile and
hardwood floors, pool and spa, screened
lanai with hot tub, ahd pnvate beach.
Isle of Palms Former model with 2705
SF and $71,000 in upgrades on
navigable water..jusl bring your boat!
Family room with fireplace, formal
dining, and deluxe master suite. Two
screened lanajs, deck, balcony, dock w/
boat lift. $839,000
South Hampton Water to golf views
compliment this 5BR, 4BA executive
home on the 17th green. Chefs kitchen
with cherry cabinets, island, corian, tile,
3 car garage, screened lanai, two bonus
rooms, comm. pool. priced $25k below
appraisal $750,000
Odoms Mill Lakefront 5BR, 5BA on
culdesac with screened pool/spa, lanai,
bonus roqm is perfect teenage retreaL in-
law suite, wood and tile floors, conan
counters, formal living and dining, 3 car
garage, comm. pool. $679,000
Ocean Cay Walk to the beach from
this upgraded, light and bingbt 4BR,
2.5BA with loft, form living and dining
room. new carpet and paint, tile floors.
oversized scr ed lana, lots of storage.
comm. pool $499,500
Pablo Ba} Why wait to build? This
4BR, 2BA.all brick home is ready no%&!
Enjoy relaxing evenings on your covered
lanai overlooking the peaceful lake.
Upgrades include tile. 4_ inch cabinets,
open kitchen with island, cortan
Laurel Springs 4BR. 2BApool home
on beautiful lakeEront lotl Upgraded tile,
covered lanai overlooks screened pool,
split bedroom plan, fireplace. Enjoy
entertaining in your spacious pool area,
mranvl u~nirr~ade $345.000

Creek, all brick, 3/2, over 2200 sq.ft., on
cul de sac, $369,900, 221-1630.

Can't sleep? Is our real estate market
keeping you up at night?
Chat about it online at:
Saturday, 10/28, 8pm-Midnight
Phyllis will be online
taking your questions live!
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
home. Close to good schools, base and
Wonderood Connector. $114,000 (buyer
pays all closing costs). Call 614-5859.

JAX .BEACH, New construction Town
homes, 3BR/3.5BA, ocean-: view,
1.5 blocks to beach, 1910 sf.; no HOA,
granite, upgrades. MLSt#279276 $569K,
Will co-op 3%. 904-728-2338.

FREE Plasma TV. tUp to $4000 value)
or $4000 appliance upgrade allowance to
buyer at closing! 3BR.2BA home, new
Berber carpel Fresh paint inside and oul.
privacy fenced yard LR wFP.
dining room, eat-in kitchen Community
pool. lennis courts, close to be-ach in de-
..rable VlIIaggs ol Pablo Comniuniry Sell-
er pays Buyer closing cosis $215.000
904-220-6911: 553-6105.
LOVELY 3BR.-2BA w.spacious master
suite, 2 car garage fireplace and
screened-in poich $212.900 220-8389.
SOUTHSIDE 7388 Secrel Woods brick.
3 2.2, 1895sf $283,500 OBO. Independ-
ent Brokers & Associales. 247-4333 or

1661 E Hawkins Cove MLS# 331590
$249,900. Approx 1627sl. 3BR/2BA, well
maintained w'oig family room. sep wing
dining combo huge filed loyer. spacious
equipped klicnen. and a greal Florida
room wilree standing heal and air. Call
Paula Powell 19041707-1050. Walson Re-

'Dolphin Cove. 3BR/2BA huge corner lot.
all Drick cul-de-sac updated tile in main
living area Ready ao go' Just Reduced.
2BRi 2BA condo, upgraded file & carpel,
backs to preserve, vaulTed ceilings
Molivated seller. $199.900
4BR'2BA huge cul-de-sac lot. community
pool and tennis. minutes lo ire Beacnes
At school. $288,900
4BR-2BA w'pool! 2000,st. new rool
HVAC, fence, Ilooring. windows. garage
door Oftered at $384.900
TWO 1BR- 1BA +loh Ponle Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & lile
Iloors, fireplace. custom lignling. private
beach access tennis, litness room 1 unit
currently leased $189,900 & $195,900
Key West style cottage. 2BR1'l 5BA, ador-
able wiln huge great room. private back-
vard. great ior entenaining Low mainte-
nance landscaping $319,900
Motivated seller! 2BR. 2BA, downstairs
_unil,_lireplace. wood floors icar garage
.Ofeaaffir6l144 900 H:) 4 -4I')IT- ifA
OPEN HOUSE. SAT.-10/21.11-2PM *
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle.
3BR/2BA home wispacious master suite
Fenced back yard. large den, immaculale-
ly maintained. Offered at $326.900.
412 HOME in Walden Chase off CR 210,
never lived in huge great room. S349 900.
Off Solaro Rd. 1 has small beach corlage,
been remodeled Take advantage of golf
views or purchase boin lor your dream
home... Not many like ihis' 2BR/2BA
beach corlage $499.900 Addimonal lot is
$449.500. ?
Call: 904-241-4447

1550 sqft. 3/2 wi/updated'
bathrooms, tile & carpet. 100
ft dock w/boat lift, access to
ICW, motivated seller, bring
offers, $299K.

(904) 813-5315

Ibis Point 4BR, 2.5BA w/loft on private
culdesac. lush landscaping, fenced yard,
sprinkler, open kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal dimng. designer molding, master
bedroom is down with garden tub, comm.
pool/tennis. $335,000
Jax Beach Updated 4BR, 2BA coquina
home on an oversized lot (.27 acres; just
blocks to the beach! Wood floors,
fireplace, open kitchen, formal dining,
large great room, inside laundry, screened
porch, shed, hot tub with deck. $335,000
Florentine This 3BR, 2.5BA with loft
is only one year old and ready now! Enjoy
peaceful lake view s from your open patio,
spacious kitchen with breakfast bar,
formal living and dining, oversized
laundry, over $40k in upgrades! $315,000
Pelican Bay 3BR, 2.5BA just steps to
the Intracoastal! Enjoy peaceful lake
views from your screened lanai or
entertain on your open deck. .lMove-in
ready with newer carpet and paint,
upgraded kitchen wilh tile. corian
counters. $279.900
Kernan Mill f you are looking for a
true Florida home, look 4o fmtherl 3BR,
2BA open floor plan with tile throughout,
family room fireplace, deck leads to
private backyard with peaceful lake
views...no backdoor neighbors! $269,900
Windsor Chase 3BA, 2BR with office,
stucco front, ;lush landscaping, fenced
yard with room for a pool, formal dining.
open kitchen with extra cabinets, full
irgation, inside laundry room, tons of
shelving, storage, comm. pool. $249,900
Kensington Adorable 3BR, 2BA patio
home is perfect for first time buyer or
someone looking to doLwnsize. Move in
ready with new carpet, paint, open kitchen
with all appliances, open deck. private
yard. comm pool/tennis $204.900

NEPTUNE BCH home, 3BR/2BA. 1870si,
huge lof. jacuzzi $329 900. Vanguard Re-
airy. Inc, GMAC. Brandon Buckley, 904-

2300s1 vaulted ceilings, fireplace, on cul-
de-sac, private, wooded back yard
$549,900. (9041537-4083.

CONDO -FOUNTAINS", Ponle Veara, 695
A1A N 3BR/ 2BA. Lease $1295 or
buy $239.900. Very clean 246-6649
BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA, Atlantic Beach
condo; move-in condition, distressed prop-
erty, sell lor only mortgage balance ol
$113,480, 1805377-2430, (904)803-5359
AWESOME OCEAN front condo. soulh
Jax Beach, very nice, 1/1 w/ glassed-in
porch, ceramic ties, new appliances,
$399.000 OBO 1904)881-5793.
PVB, 1BR/1IBA w/gorgeous view, new ap-
pliances, tile. Exc. amenlies $159.900
OCEANVIEW 3/2, exc. cond Condo lee
$239/mo Motivaled seller $699.000. Day
phone 553-0509, after 5pm 241-2443
Only $6K down, new 2/2/. lakeview,
$209K, last one! 727-458-4230.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile Bright, open
floor plan.' No dogs $455,000
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601

Ready 2008. Prices start at $499k. Call for
details. Renee L. Baron, Inc. 242-2821..
.* -*
San Marco, 1BR/1BA, $85,000.
2BR/1.5BA,. $133,900. Sea State Realty
Corp. (904)537-0679.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views'
from every room. $514,900. Owner/ agent
PVB, 2/2, flat,, end unit, fireplace, gated.
community w/5 star amenities. Lease/ op-
tion possible. $295,000. Call Broker/ Own-
er, Kirk Killebrew 463-1131.
LOS BRISAS- Oceanfront- 2BR/2BA
w/beaches "greatest" deck. Garage park-
ing- great rental property- fully fumished.
$520,000. 241-0267.
PV BCH 2BR/2BAw/2fireplace, all applian-
ces .stay, $175,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro,Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell).
FSBO, SAWGRASS Beach Club Ocean-
side Condo, 1100sf. 1BR/1BA, garage,
$340,000. (904)635-9349,
COSTA VERONA- Direct Oceanfront,
2BR/2BA +deh. Located on amenity floor
with 14' ceilings. -Unbelievable .pnce of
$790,000. December move-in. 241-0267.
.MIRA VISTA- 3BR/3BA. Third floor loca-
tion overlooks intracoastal & marina.
GREAT LOCATION. $595,000. m Also
available, 60' boat slip $185,000.
MARSH VIEWS, 2/2 condo w/ garage.
Brazilian hardwood floors. Fireplace w/
mantel. Designer finishes. Tiled bath/
kitchen/ entry. All appliances stay. Move In
ready. $229,000. (904)254-6162.

Pape 4B




A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long

range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcelsstarting
@ $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,

underground utilities and beautiful private wooded

sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $109,900

to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700

A fAr

NEPTUNE BEACH, 4BR/2BA, 1500sf.,
70'x118' corner lot, remodeled kitchen,
mexican tile throughout, rental income for
the next 12 months. 662-6522.
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Starter Home! 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
Saturday 1-4. $424,500. Awesome
4BR/ 2.5BA, 2-story, pool. Selva Linkside,
1660 Linkside Ct. N.. Call Kimberlee
472-5558, Magnolia Properties.
FSBO 4BR/3BA, large corner lot, Royal
Palms in Atlantic Beach, $285,000,
NEPTUNE BEACH fixer upper; perfect
for investor or owner/ occupant, con-
Screte block, 4 blocks from ocean,
$285,000, call Mark, 591-6976.
BY OWNER, Jax Beach, 3/1, pool, fp,
close to beach, $309,500, 247-0168 or
ATLANTIC BEACH Totally remodeled,
3BRP.1BA. 1000sl 50 x150' beauilul lot
Granile, Jacuzzi. new carpel and paint.
Kitchen & balr. redone in 2004 $625,000
OBO 366 5th Street Owner' Broker.
FSBO TOWNHOUSE approximately 1
mile o10 beach 1BR.'1.5BA w/loh. new rool
wood deck. kitchen upgraded. Laminate
wood floors- & carpet. Community pool,
move in ready $217.000 242-7529,
412 w'loh pool home on preserve, approx
2100 sq hi. $299,000. 221-1630
FSBO. 6 blocks to S Jax Bch 3.1 5 new-
ly remodeled $279.900 710-5200
2967 SANS Pareil St $264.900
MLS# 326649. Approx 1828s1., 3BR'2BA,
open & spacious wieat-in kitchen, sep
DR huge GR wivaulled ceilings and FP
spint BR s ceramic rile throughout. private
backyard w.iacuzzr Call Paula Powell,
Watson Realry (9041707-1050.
& Beacn New Iloors, pain. rool. applian-
ces Below appraisal 982-7620
$229.900 ATLANTIC Beach. 845 Ambbr-
lack Lane Royal Palms 312 +small office
or large walk-rn closely 1252st.. lully reno-
vated. Adorable house close o Deacn wilh
great yard & privacy fence 904-838-1218
FSBO, PONTE Vedra Beach, 3/2, 1800 sq
fl, one car gar on lake. $299.900. by ap-
pointment 655-8245.
Spanish Pi 14158 Tomas Pi. Lane. 3/2/2
2032si 1/3 acre. clear, and modem. Wa-
Terlioni community wiboat ramp. pool,
clubhouse, 5 miles from beach $269 900.
Call Paula Kiilebrew. 465-2363
www killebrewreally com
ICW FSBO. 3.2 home on cul-de-sac in
Kensinglon. Only $229.900 221-6263
ATLANTIC BEACH-. 3BR/2BA, fireplace,
new carpeting. ile appliances, fenced
yard $175,000 1904)993-9191
Pelersburg 1 mile Trom Gull of
Mexico Don Cesar. On Isla Del Sol olt
course Completely lurnished $370,000.
Call (859)608-2213
MOVE IN Condition. This 3BR.2.SBA.
'inax oeachn nohnme has been completely up-
Sdated ar-d. r-mrodried L',cared -a 1404
Declaration Or. ir.is home is closeeio ime
JTB. beaches and shopping Just re-
duced 9041-563-1516
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled. new 30 year rool 42" ricKory
cabinetss, Iravei-ne stone floor, Berber car-
per and crown molding. Seller will pay all
closing costs $289.900 463-0505
BEACH/SAN PABLO area, 3501 Claridge
Rd. E. Newly-remodeled concrete block.
2BR 1BA, large backyard $138,000
223-5149. 339-4685
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3/2 Charming Beach
Collage. 937 E Coasl Dr: 2 biks oceah/
park/ playground tennis, irrigaliorn; gor-
geous landscape, orig pine loor/ walls
througnoul: private backyard: -move-in
condition, walk-in CIose, Ilarge master
bath. home warranty; will co-op; $795K;

~_ ~~~~~~~_~~ ~_~ ~_ ~


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.SINGLE WIDE 2BR/2BA +. storage shed,
'87. PEAC, .$9000, excellent condition,
14036 Downs Lane #580, Portside, Gall
708-0731, 241 8718 .
JAX BEACH Goltair 2BR/1.5BA
screened patio new carpelt 14.500.

NEAR PONTE Vedra. 1 block beach Best
area quiet. saie. residential neighbor-
hood 2BR/1BA lower duplex New pain,
CH&A. W'D included No smoking Small
pel considered $950'mo, lease deposit.
993-1118 ,* .
Townnome, VERY CLEAN. 1500sq
3/2 5, W/D garage pool, No Pers. Non.
Smokers $1280.'mo 655-2718
TWO APARTMENTS 1BR, 2 blocks from
beach $675.'mo lotr each 249-6748.
PONTE VEDRA. 2BR/2BA condo' Club
pool. exercise & more! $875'mo
3BR'2BA. $1200,mo All Souin Realry.,
JAX BEACH, east of A1A. 2/1. large up-
stairs. CH&A W.'D, pnvale decK, $1120
821-9751' 803-3099.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 1 1/2 blocks ocean.
2BR/1BA notice, 1092si CH&A. W/D,
disriwasner $1025/mo. 4$850/dep. No
dogs 246-8220
ATLANTIC BCH ort Seminole Rd Beauti-
lul newer 3'2.5 townnome 10h ceilings.
light & brigr.i, hardwood Iloors. 1 car gar.
small enced Dackyard. 8 blocks to beach.
$1495'mo flexible terms Call June, First
Trust Realty, 994-3608. ,
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apanmeni. excel.
lent location 2 olocks to -Ocean- very
clean No piel $575'mo 64-?12t4 c.r
241-1219. ; -
ATLANTIC BEACH Conage Beach Ave.,
oceanview 2BR' BA. fireplace. skylights.
cable TV No smoking no pets
$1450lmo. 241-6913, 887-9596.

1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1 BR/1BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606,
2/1, 201 N. 9th St. $700/mo + $700 dep.
Non-smoking, no pets. 246-9162, ext 5#.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon $1100/mo.
247-1417... 1BR, near ocean. $750/mo.

CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, just steps
to ocean Club pool. $875/mo. All South
Realty, 241-4141.
CLEAN 3BR Townhouse, near ocean,
Neptune Bch. $1295/mo. Charles Leo-
nard, Broker, 241-7675. '
NEPTUNE BEACH- large 1BR apt 1 1/2
blocks to ocean. CH&A, skylights, carport,
tile floors, WDHU. $850/mo. 246-3739.
JAX BEACH block & hail Irom water.
2BR'1BA. CH/A, WDHU. FP. $695/mo
904-891-0606 or 352-478-2161.
OCEANFRONT- 3BR/2BA condo in S.
Jax Bch. Convenient to shopping. JTBI
Club pool, garage & morel $1700'mo Al-
so. 2BR/2BA $1400/mo. All South Really
JAX BEACH- Immaculale 3BR,2BA unit In
the Palms, ground floor. lakeview unit Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1200/mo. 904-372-9222.
2BR, 1 5BA TOWNHOME In Atlantic
Beach, 5 blocks to ocean, $1200/mo
$1200 aep, 591-1226.
2/1. apartment. 101oC 61h Ave. S. CH/A.
WDHU No dogs $995;mo +$500/deposit
211 N 81h St., 1/1 apartment No dogs.
$625/mo Broker/ Owner, 249-8766. Call
1BR 1BA condo at The Palms at Marsh
Landing. Country Club amenities.
$850/mo, 616-6617
TOWNHOUSE, 2BR/1 5BA. Klichen
equip.' wshr, aryr, 4-blocks to ocean,
$750/mo 425 Upper 8th Ave. S. Jax. Bch.
home CH&A. WDHU, 1239 Maypon
Landing Dr. $790/mo. $700 dep; 280-
2728. leave message.
2BR/1BA, 1.5 blocks from beach w/beach
access $750/mo. 241.2077.
LARGE 1 bedroom Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean Very clean. No Pets
$675'mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
ATLANTIC BEACH Studio garage apt,
near ocean $650/mo. All South Realty,
1,2 BLOCK to ocean 2BR/2BA, large
deck, wet bar Musl see! $1300/mo. 904.
JAX BEACH. East ot 3rd. Walk to beach!
2BR'1 5BA townhome. $1050/mo Pels
OK 242-9195.
SI. Nep Bch, downstairs, $1050/mo mcl
Ltil 1661)803-6275
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
2BR,'1BA, 1 year lease. NO pets, 800st
includes W/D. $1000/mo. 4$1000/sec.
dep. 918A First Sireet, between Bay &
Pine Call 246-8970 or 591-1218
floors. CH&A, WDHU. 1 5 blocks to
beacon, 1st/ lasi mo. rent, SD, 1 year
lease $900/mo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tale, Inc. 246-4862.

JAX BEACH, 2BR townhouse, near
'ocean CH&A, WDHU, no pets. $950/mo.
4+500/dep 246-3130.
223B HOPKINS St. Nep Bch 1BR/1BA
efflicierncy Apr. 1 5 blocks Irom ocean.
$775'mo Lewis Realty 19041291-7229.
ATLANTIC BEACH DupleaAfIcAnstdirs)
- 1, 2 blocka'tr/in ah',-pali.'backv ard
WID: sibrage'foome. 300'd9. s'1 4 /mo.
BEACHES 22,ON lakefront,. many extras
Avail immed. $1200/mo. 382-6145.

ACROSS STREET from ocean, 2BR/1BA,
CH/A, WDHU, 808 First St., So, Jax
Beach, Apt. 3, 888-259-0783, credit
MOBILE HOMES. $525 to $575, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $825/mo, $825/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
PVB, 3BR/2BA Townhome, WDHU, lyr.
lease. No pets. $950/mo. +$950/sec.
249-6501, 233-7224.
2BR TOWNHOUSE, 5 blocks from ocean.
$725/mo. Call John (904)813-9723.

1'2 BLOCK to ocean, 1BRiIBA studio.
electric & waler included laundry room
S750/mo 1904)318-0044

1129 Sebago Ave So Oak Harbor
All new 3BR'2BA ile/ carpel, lenced yard.
no pets, year lease $1200.'mo 631-3583
or 612-8868
1901 Challenger Ci. West/Courtyards
2BR/2BA loft, tile/ carpet, new appliances,
private courtyard, no peis, year lease.
$950/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.

PONTE VEDRA Beacn, 3/2, one car gar,
excellent schools, many extras and built in
tiled floors ls lasl. will consider RTO,
leave call back message, 247.5116
Long/ short term 2/1, fenced yard, pels
OK 4 blocks liom beach. $1600/mo Call
Broker/ Owner, KirK Klllebrew. 463-1131
SO. JAX Beach/ Riptide 4/3, furnished or
.unlurnlshed, 2400 sf, $1950/mo,
JB, 3/1. CH&A. WDHU, quiel street, new
kitchen & carpet, 1012 9th St No.; $1175,
no pets 249-1104
JAX BCH, 3BR'1BA, furnished, huge yard,
close to ocean. No pels. $950#mo. +dep
254-8662, 710-0540
OLD ATLANTIC Beach 1 block from
ocean. Charming french country style
home w/deck overlooking courtyard
3BR/2BA, garage and parking Avail. Irom
Nov $2200/mo Call Rick 891-2345
Backyard $850/mo. Call 1904)249-2840.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage, fenced yard. $1250/mo deposit,


c inqn

$1 UU0


OCEAN VIEW home! 3/2 5 beautiful home
1,2 block to the beach. All appliances,
wood floors, berber carpet, crown mold-
ing. Fumished'or unfurnished. $2400/mo..
68- 29th Ave. South. (904)536-3308.
SOUTH JAX Beacn 3BR,'1.5BA, 6 blocks
to ocean $1300/mo. 710-5200
ST JOHNS Forest- New. lovely. 4BR/3BA,
3car, community pool and irails, great
schools. Avail now. $1750/mo w/garden-
mg. 1 yr.. lease, QOcl Iree (4151302-0514.
PVB, 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, newly
remdiled, fenced yard, $1450/mo Joe.
923-7066. ..

2BR/1BA, 326 6th Street Atlantic Beach.
$1600/me. with 1st and last monltns reni
payable upon signing 1 year lease. Pets
allowed Call Vickl or Tami at 241-1656.
SOLANO WOODS, 3/2/2, fenced yard.
hardwood floors throughout, Florida room,
exc. cond., $1600/mo 864-6590
huge great room w/tireplace, pool w'water
fall and covered palio. $1600/mo. Availa-
ble now Call 247-5317.

New Large 3 BR-2.5BA luxury townhome
7 blocks to ocean. $1620mo rent or
$1820/mo Rent to Own w/Reasonable dn
904-838-4133. www.wesell axhomes.com
Cove. spacious 3/2. .bonus room, trre-
place, lenced yard, great condillon! No
smoking/peis. $1100/mo t deposit. 755-
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA townhouse.
1475se., garage. W/D. fireplace.
$1495/mo Steve Snaughnessy.
904-537#0570 Preview al
www sleveshaughnessy.com

202-4E Villa del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/1
703 Villas of Mar-h Landing Ja\ Beach 2/2
36 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2
535 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 2/2
9757 Rough Creek Ponte Vedra/Sa grass CC 2/2
804 Templeton Lane Punme Vedra/Walden Chase4/2
744- Summerhouse [1 Beach Ponte Vedra 3/2
97 Voyager Court Ponte \edra/San grass TPC 3/2
144 Shelby Cove Court Ponte Vedra 4/2.5
104 Crosscove Circle Ponte Vedra/Seaside 4/3
505 Seascape Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfront 3/2
906 Mira Vista Atlantic Beach 3/3.
905 2" Street North, PC Jax Beach 3/3
117 Deer Cose Drie P.nrs VCdral/Marsh Landing 4/2 5
-10302 Ocean Graide South Ponie Vedra ,~, 3
.201_Porn'oin .. .' Paim \alle' ,4 3%.- 1L
68-29" Ae enue South Jax Beach 3/2 5
9910 Prestlon Trail Ponr Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5
80-1 Merropolitan Ja\ Beach/Oceaniew 3/2
165 BarberrN Lane Ponie Vedra/SaWgrass TPC3/2.5
S570 Ponte Vedra Bkd. PonteVedra 3/2 5
605 Landmark ConrdomrninumJa. Beach/Oceanfront 4/3.5

1550 Beach AMenue

$ 900/wk Beach Club Villas
$1 100/wk49Tifton Way North
$1300/wk Deer Run
$1400 The Colony
$1500 741 Spmnnaker's Reach
$1500/wk2503S Ponte Vedra
Special Rate"
$1600 Sea Place t3rn mn.i
$1600/wk 2839 S. Ponte Vedra
$1600/wk The Retreat
$1800/wk Ocean Manor
$1800 602 Tournament Road
$1800 Vista Del Mar
$2000 Las Brisas
$2000 2011 Beach Ave 3mo.mn'
$2100 Rough Creek ,
$2200 Quail Pointl 1
$2300 92 Tailon \VWa North
$2500 Pelican Point
$2500/wk 728 Oceanfront
$2700/wk2824 Coastal Hwy
$2900 68-29" A\ enue South
03100/0k7'25 Ponte Vedra Blvd
$3300 133 Sea Hammock Way

Adantic Beach


Saw grass Beach Club Eff.
Saw grass Country Club '2/2.5
Sawgrass Country Club 3/2
Ponte Vedra 2/2,
Sawgrass Beach Club I/1

S. Ponte.Vedra 4/2.5.
Atlantic Beach 2/2
S Ponte Vedra 3/1.5
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
Ponue Vedra/Oceanfront 3/2
Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2
Ja., Beach/Oceanside 3/2
Ja\ Beach/Oceanfront 2/2
i Ailanuc Beach/Oceanfront 3/2
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 .
Sawgrass Country Club 3/2
Ja\ Beach/Oceanfront 2/2

Siockion..A Tradition Since I88-1 I

* 4020

. 1500


Neprtune BerchiOeanfromnt 3/2.5 w/gamerm2600
\'ilano BeachiOcearrioni/Pool 6/4 4000
lax Beach 3/2.5 '2132
P.one VedraOceanfront/Piool 5/3 3000
Ponie Vedra/Oceanfroni 2/2 1614,

$5500 1931 Beach \,ei mo mini Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.*
Call today to book your next vacationll
574 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882 1-800 FLA HOMES

IWC WEST, Kensington Lakes, 1200 sft,
2BR/2.5BA, W/D, CH&A, screened porch,
gated community with pool. Free water
and basic cable. No pets., $1025,
435 WHITING Lane, AB; 3/2, Florida
room, WDHU, CH&A. No pets. $950/mo
+dep., 246-4098.
4/2 w/ loft, pool home on preserve,
$1650/mo. + sec. dep., 221-1630.
3BR/2BA, great condition, 1654sf, over
looking golf course, low maintenance,
$1500/mo. 904-219-7962
ATL BCH, 9th St., 2 biks from ocean and
park, 4BR/2BA. Rent $1495/mo. or rent to
own. (904)568-6004.

3BR 2 5BA, washer/ dryer, pool. water-
Iront w/ dock. garage. fenced yard Isle of
Palms $1600,mo 1352)636-2151.
JAX BEACH, 930 S 1st Ave, 3/1, 1200sf .
CH&A. W/D, $900/mo +$600/dep. Avail
11/1/06. (904)4765147.
JAX BCH. 4 blocks from' ocean, 3BR
1 5BA, CHA, tile & carpets. new kit. cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep Dogs
30IDs and under considered. 514-4229
Broker/ owner
INTRACOASTAL WEST. 3/2/2, 1540sf.,
fireplace, new. carpet.. yard svc. No pels
I 1000Omp 220 4098, .. ,
IATLANTIC BCH 4BR 2BA -ike,new. com-,
plelely remodeled! Bike to beach & park.
Avail. 11/1 $1375/mo 247-4527.
NEP BCH, large 4BR 2BA, new paint. Tile
& carpel wilh gar, plus covered parking
for boal & RV $1650'mo. 904-704-1828.
SOLANO WOODS. 3/2, 1600s1.. split BR's
w/wood Iloors, ceramic tile throughout.
open kitchen w/eai-in-area, screened pa-
li. $1700/mo TDO Mgmni 246-1125
BEAUTIFUL 3/2 South Jax Beach
home, 5 blocks Irom beach, recently reno-
valed inside and out. W/D included.
$1400/mo. 280-2341.
2BR/1.5BA. otlice, cute cottage. No Pets
No Smoking $1700/mo.. 904-571-3863.
S. JAX Bch 2BR/2BA lully furnisned, 1
car garage, lenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
lternet, & cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beach For photos e-mail ma-
naeugeniarjolo@beilsouh.nel $1500/mo.
Long term lease (407) 394-5858
ell Rd. 3i1 bnck rent to own $1200/mo
VIP Realty. 962-6190.
JAX BEACH, 3/2 5 cul-de-sac, 1 car ga-
rage. washer/ dryer. lenced yard, small
dog OK. $1295/mo TDO Management,
1365 SEMINOLE Rd, 3,2, CH/A, garage
$1300'mo. 707-9954
INDIAN SPRINGS. 4BR/2.5 BA, approx
3000 st. 2 car gar., asking $1650/mo. +
$1650 deposit ready to move in,
(904)270-8515. 472 5913
Creek, 312 over 2200 sq.ft., $17001mo. +
sec. dep., 221-1630. ,
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA, 1450sf., 1212
15th Ave. N., "2 blocks to beach. close 1to
Fletcher HS, Florida room, lage kitchen
W/D, lenced yard. Avail. 11/1/06.
$l350'mo. 710-2600, 534-3411. "
ATLANTIC BEACH. stunning 3BR/2 5BA.
townnome. lust t10 homes from beach, ex-
ceptional quality and condition; large mas-
ter bedroom suite, 1.5 car garage; awe-
some rootlop deck. Available now No
pels $1950/mo. 242-8081.
JAX BEACH, 3/1 new remodel, all apple.
lawn service; 809 8th Ave. So. $1300/mo
+ dep. 246-2634. ,
DEEP WATER ICW. 2/2. dock, acre. St
A85us6ne Beach, $1500/mo, (904)471-
856., N' ,

BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,.
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, S2200/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
ADORABLE NEPTUNE Bch cottage, 2/2,
,$1200/mo., recently updated, wood floors,
fireplace, steps to the beach.. Call
904-962-1729. '.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA,
everything new, ceramic tile throughout,
marsh 'view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Mayport
Landing. Must seal $1100/mo: 465-2163.
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA home, 2car,
updated, fireplace, close to park/ pool.
JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. North,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch,
fenced yard. CH&A. $950/mo.
(904)891 -0606 or (352)478-2161.
S. PONTE VEDRA- Like new, 3BR/2.5BA
in turtle Shoresi Club pool, tennis & morel
$2000/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.
MOVE-IN SPECIAL, PVB, no sec. dep..
3/2, 2 gar, com. pool, $1400. 315-6558
3BR/2BA+ office, 2000sf., 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool, lawn/pool service includ-'
ed. Pets OK. $1900/mo. (904)703-0242.
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $775/mo,
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
VILLAGES OF Pablo, 4/2,. 2360sf. FR,
DR, office, sunroom. $1450/mo. TDO
Management. 246-1125 .
WEST BEACHES, Ibis Point, 3/3 w/office,
2400sf., GR w/fireplace, LR, DR, ElK, cov-
ered patio, sprinkler system, water soften-
er. $1575/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices. 246-1125. .

3/2, 1 car gar., 1700sf, $1795/mo
3/2, 2 car gar.,1347sf, $1150/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., 1340sf, avail.'11/10,
3/2, 1 car gar., 1410sf, avail. 11/10,
3/2,1005sf, $850/mo.
5/4,, 2 car gar., 3200sf,.$2995/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., 1854sf, avail 11/1,
3/2, 2 car gar.. 2000sl. avail .'11/1,
3/2, 2 car gar.,I900sf, avail. 11/10,
3/2, 2 car gar. 1675sl, avail, 11/15,
2/2, 1 car gar. 1100sf, avail. 11/1,
4-2, 2 car gar, 2000st, avail. 11/10
3.'2. 2 car gar, 1227st, $1050/mo.
2/2. 1212sl, $1100imo
3/2.5, 1car gar. 1764st. $1200.'mo.
4/2.2 car gar. 1932sl, avail. 11.1.,
S2'2. 2 car gar. 1100st. $900/mo.
4/2.2 car gar, 1990st, $1525/mo
32. 2 car gar.. 1425sl.avail 111i
3/2,1310s1. $1395/mo.
4/2 5. 3 car gar, 2760sf. $1750tmo
2/2. 1292st, avail 11110. $895imo
2/2 5, 1042sl, $800/mo.
2;2, OOOsl. $795/mo
2'2, 1120s1. $895/mo
3/2 5, $1195/mo
' 4/2, 2 car gar, 2000sl, $1450/mo.
4/2. 2cargar. 2114sl, $1400/mo.
4/2 5, 3 car gar. 2860sl, $1800/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar, 2003si. $1295imo.
3,2 2 car gar.. 1730si. avail 12/1.
3/2.5 2 car gar., 2220s avail 11/10,
S43. 3 car gar 2065st. $1825/mo
413. 3 car gar. 2065sf $1795'mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

3W2 CONDO w/greal ocean views RE-
DUCED $1500/mo. No dogs 477-4640.
THE PALMS @ Maisn Landing 2/2.
1150st. 2nd Iloor. screened patio.
$1100/mo., Call Toma 333-4371

PVB OCEAN Grove Condos 1BR/ 1BIh -
Prime Lake View, W/D, screened patio
cable, alarm.' Club house/ pool facilities
private beach access $900/min
maculate. peaceful. $1550imo 249-6166.
PV BCH, 2BR/2BA, gated, luxury condo in
great loc Pool/ clubhse/ fitness ch, greal
view Irom screened lanai W/D mcl. slot-
age area.. 2nd lIr. $935/mo. Call 285-5064
aflei 5pm.

CONDO -FOUNTAINS', Ponte Vedra, 695
A1A N 3BR/ 2BA. Lease $1295 or
buy $239,900 Very clean. 246-6649.
OCEANFRONT, 2BR/2BA condo lully lur-
nisned/ unfurnished Available immediate.
ly. Long-term lease 465-4101.
1/2 MONTH'FREE rent, Villas Al Marsh
Landing, 1/1, upper, Iplace garage
$835/mo. TDO Management Services
246 1125.
$1800. 6 mo. + pool. Consider Lease Op-
tron 568-4818
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA, attached ga-
rage, lumished. all appliances, includes
W/D $1200/mo. Mark 338-3230.
L marsh -view, screened porch., fireplace.
new appliances, fitness, pool. gated.
$995/mo 247-9727.
1BR/1BA WATERFRONT Condo; offering
a beach lifestyle with Clubhouse, Reson
Style Pools. $1,000/mo only, Call (904)
2BR/2BA, GROUND Iloor, end unit w/ga-
rage, close to pool, plenty of storage. In
Tne Palms @ Marsh Landing, $1100/mo.
Brett, (619)819-5222
PVB VILLAS at Marsh Landing, 2/2.
$975/mo.: w/garage $1050/mo. TDO Man-
agement Services. 246-1125.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA, split floor plan,.
fireplace 1028 41h St N., blocks from
beach. $950/mo. 728-3000 (days), 786.
2757 (evenings).
PVB- Summer House. 2BR/2BA, end
unit, 1-story, large yard. $1195'mo
(904)612-6532 or (904)641-5564
NEW 3BR/2BA condo. IL Villagio. South-
side, $1150/mo. Call 955-1357
3BR/2BA SPACIOUS Contemporary style
Condo; Walking distance to the Beach!
$1200/mo, Call (904)249-2840.
FURNISHED. PVB. 2/2. flat, gated com
munity w/5 star amenities, east ol A1A
$1500/mo. Lease/ Option available Call
Broker/ Owner, Kirk Killebrew, 463-1131
ATLANTIC BEACH. Deerfield Lakes. For
lease, newly remodeled condo. 2BR/ 1 +
1/2 BA, AC, secunty system, electrical ap-
pliances. no pelts, $850/mo ,deposit $850
SUMMER HOUSE. PVB, luxury top floor
2/2, live star amenities.W.D. no
pels/smokers OCT. FREEI $999/mo .de.
posit; 755-4038.
'AB, HALF block from ocean; fumished;
3BR/2BA $1500/mo; no pets; 247-1049,
608-4325. .. ,
$1700/mo.Call 716-1608
JAX. BEACH, New 3BR/3BA, Northshore
'Condos, 1126 N. 1st St., consider 7mo.
lease $2100/mo. 904.614-3128.

PONTE VEDRA Walk To Beach Furnish
ed 1BR/1BA, waler-lo-goll view, pool.
tennis. $1250/m6. includes : utilities.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962. ;
ocean Iront condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, including cov-
dred parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and'
sandy beach. Call for more details,
3989080 ext 211
PVB- IBR/DEN/ 1BA condo near all
amenities: new carpet, paint, fitness ctr,
pool, gated. Great location. $840/mo.
285-5064 after 5pm
The Palms Lots of amenities. $850/mo.
Call Rachel (904)504-9793..
MUST SEEI 3BR/2BA spacious bright end
unit, garage, lanai, pool, gated, close to
JTB, blocks to beach, $1450/mo.
1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2hd floor, new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1125/mo. 635-6375.
PONTE VEDRA ocean grove completely
renovated 1BR/1BA, screened porch, lake
view, gated community, $850/mo. Susan
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA, 3btks from
ocean. $1000/mo. $600/dep. Call Derek

S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call

S. JAX Beach, Oceanfront Condo, com-
pletely furnished, short/ long-term.
nished homes & condos From $500 per
week All South Realty, 241-4141.

Page 5B

S S S S ''S-r BEACH RENTALS S ^ ^ ^ ^
SUnfurnished Homes The ,Courtyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, Stonefield at Bartram Park -,
S Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA, new private, updated unit w/garage, patio. Mandarin 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story
top floor condo, direct oceanfront balcony, overlooks lagoon. $1175/mo.ouard home, 1975 sqft, two car
views.armenities,garage.-. $3000/mo._-I1m garage, amenities. $1550/miio..'

a v ews, an g- .$133 Magnolia NB. 2BR/1BA., to Pablo Bay -San Pablo 4BR/3BA,
SOceansde 932 JB 3BR3.5BA, floor large duplex, plus den, less than newer home on water, upgrades
S"condo has luxurious features, ocean block to bch. $ 1150/mo. throughout, open floor plan. $1900/mo.

rc 2800/msunset porch. garage. IntracoastalWest Unfmrnished Condos
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand Bishop's Court Hodges 2BR/2BA, Links- PV rch
End 2BR/2BA,second floor, screened, porch,'
new construction w/incredible ocean End units /-views, fireplace, amenities $950/mo.
^ views, garage, amenities. $2300/mo. all appliances, amenities. Be P 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor top/ .
Oakbridge at Sawgrass PV 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $875/mo. end unit, fireplace, vaulted.ceilings, all
4BR/2BA,,homne has screened lanai, 1BR/1BA, ground floor. $900/mo. upgraded. $1100/mo.
on lagoon, 2 car garage. $1700/mo. Reserve at Pointe Meadows;- Gate Palms at Marsh Landing JB .
, Sawgrass Players Club- PV 2BR/2BA, Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile Screened porch, tile floors, amenities. I
home has wood deck w/lagoon to golf floors, upgrades,, balcony. $1095/mo. 1BRA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings.
course views, remodeled. $1450/mo. Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, $850/mo. n
S 434 9th Akvenue N., JB 3BR/BA,WNs2R5BA, A. 2nd oor, topend unit,
S434 9th Avenue IN.- JB 3BR/BA, townhouse, all upgraded, screened vaulted ceilings. $1100/mo. ,
home has hardwood floors, all new porch, amenities. $1100/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, w/wood floors,
Smteior, f aky $1400/mo. IL Villago Southside 2BR/2.5BA fireplace, private garage. $1150/mo

S3BR/2.5BA, townhouse has loft, two story condo w/upgrades
garage, patio, very neutral and clean, throughout, amenities. $1200/mo. RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
'$1350/mo. Brightwater Oate Pkwy Shannon Smith
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd 2BR/2.5BA, townhouse w/upgrades (904)r285-5640
story duplex, ocean views, wood deck, throughout, porch, garage. $1250/mo. www.rentthebeahes.com
wood floors. $1200/mo. 3BR/2.5BA, end unit. $1250/mo.

1 5 1; % 1 1 1 i 5 0% 1 oil5 5 1 Oi 4 5

October 25, 206iC uul-bJojU;/V&L L

JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. +$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. off Penman and North 12th
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 601 Camellia,
3BR/2BA, tile floors, vaulted ceilings,
fireplace. $1100/mo. +$1100/dep. (904)
1292 ROSE St., 2BR/2BA, new carpet &
tile; sunny lanai, $925/mo., 367-1818 Duv-
al Realty.
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA, frplc., CH/A,
2 car gar., pets ok. $1450/mo. Call
COTTAGE ACROSS from ocean, 512 1st
St. South. Jax Beach, $850/mo. VIP Real-
Aty., 962-6190..
ATLANTIC BCH, completely remodeled
4BR/2.5BA, 2-story.w/ 2 car garage, off
street parking & fenced yard. Near May-
port school, beaches & base. $1500/mo
+dep. 869 Gavagan. Call for. appt.

2/2 OCEANFRONT, Condo, Jax Bch.
'$1800'mo, Garage/ pool/ gym. No smok-
ing. Call 724-6594.
2BR/2BA, SCREENED patio with marsh
view, like new The Greens Way, Marsh
Landing, fireplace and all kitchen applian-
ces plus washer/ dryer $1100imo Call
NEW NEW Condo. 1000ss, new applian
ces including WiD. East ol A1A
$10951mo (9041708-2867
OCEAN FRONT. new 3/3 garage, pool,
consider lease opuon 6 months plus
$2575/mo 568-4818.
3BR/2BA, WOLF' Creek, Beach Blvd;
Clubhouse, Pool. Fitness, $1200'mo Call
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA townhouse,
1475s1.. garage, W/D. Fireplace -
$1495/mo Sieve Shaughnessy,
904-537-0570. Preview at
JAX Beach, VALENCIA, 2BR/2BA, 2car
garage, brand new, guard gated, resort
style amennites. Non smoking $1475/mo
eat in Kitchen. washer/ dryer, new carpet
& paint Like new. $925/mo

OXIIsainLl m 101

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

October 25, 2006

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
"Self Storage Facility Act", Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982; the personal property con-
sisting of clothing, personal items and
household goods of:

ma. Leave message. 333-2624. Rashad Washington, Atlantic Beach,'
ROOMS, $500/mo. utilitiess & cable. Full A111, 10x20, furniture, clothing, misc.
kitchen, large backyard. Close to Beach. boxes. I
233-6528. Kelly Gates, Atlantic Beach, A119, 10x20,
LOOKING FOR roommate.to share exclu- misJaueine Johnson, Jacksonville, B206,
sive Miravista, gated, pool, hot tub, health 5x0, misc. boxes, furniture.
club, waterfront w/marina view. Room has Jerry Lamb, Atlantic Beach, A135, 10x20,
own bathroom, brand new large unit, misc. boxes.
2700sf. $650/mo. +1/3 fees and utilities. Gayle Phillips, Atlantic Beach, B271,
Call (904)463-2845. 10x10, misc, boxes, furniture.
NEAR Mayport Navy Base, master bed- Timothy Bowers, Chattahoochee, F547,
room w/ bathroom; $500/mo., 235-9304. 10x20, misc. boxes, furniture,
FEMALE SEEKING Roommate, 3BR Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
home, drug-free. NB area. 11/1. 10:00 a.m., Saturday November 18th,
861-8522. 2006 tn satisfy lienis) Inorast due rent(s)

CHRISTIAN LADY Seeks roommate to
share 3BR apartment. (904)249-1711,

cost and fees. Disposition will take place
at: Pan Am Mini Storage, 2383 Mayport
Rd., Auantic Beach. FL 32233. Pan Am
,Mini Storage deservess the rigni to reject
any and all bids and eslaolish minimum
bids to compensate lor all costs

3BR/1.5BA, COMPLETELY renovated,. 9 BL 10125, 11/1/06
miles from ocean, $425/mo.-+ deposit; in-
cludes utilities. 403-7389. wim a'l

3 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
South 3rd St.- two upstairs units @ 700sf
ea lone has a kitchen.' lunch area); one
downstairs unil -4 1-100s1 rental rates
are from $760 base per month, depending
on size and amenities Call 247-1770 for
appt.to view.
$345/mo. PVB. Fumishdd/ .Unfurnished.
1000 sqft; signage; avail at 3010 S. 3rd
St. Call 247-1770 for info.:
EXCELLENT SPACE tor lease Beach
Plaza on Beach Blvd. Call Jonathan, 866-
overlooking goll course in S Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15..
APPROXIMATELY 750 sl quality office
space overlooking goll course In S Jax
Beach Call 241-5553 x15.

lease. 3629i5. Ohice included Large park-
ing lot. beach side ol intracoaslal
(7701929-172t. 1678)525-0854.

PET SITTING, in your home Dog walking.
Responsible. mature. Call Kitty, 874-6062
2 JACK Russell terrrers, can I be separal-
ed, need loving nome wienced yard,
greal family pel. 8 yrs. old. tree to good
home 333-1111.
9 WEEK old kinens. orange & white, free,
call 246-1410 or 708 6359

FULL BLOODED Shin Tzu puppies. 1
male & 1 lemale, ,$250 each, 9 wks old,
TVIO BIRDS Sun Conure & Indian Rin-
ne:k born w/cage $495, or $250 eacn
LAB MIX, PUPPIES Females. Shots and
wormed. $20 to good home. 743-2042.
champion bloodline blkl/an, red/rusl.
railsioc. POP 339-4579

HOMELESS PETS lor adophon- Cats &
dugs. 2-1463600

WHAT DESTROYS Relatonshlps' An-
swer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetrcs by
L Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to Hubbard
Dianehcs Foundation. 3102 N. Habana
Ave Tampa FL 33607 1813)872-0722

IF YOU are inlsresied in advertising under
This category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classic iedo eachesleader.com
JIM FROM Air Tran Fl.ght 931 on 10/9
ATL ico JAX. Owe you a dinnerll Call MP
POLLY WHY won I you lalk to me9
Please. let's talk. Larry
checkwilh blogspot.com

DIVORCE 275-5350 Covers children,
cic Only one signature required! Excludes
govt. fees' Call weekdays 1800462-2000
exm 600 (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce. LLC
Esiartltshed 1977
tlested divorce papers Without Kids while
vou wall) With kids la little longer) Since
1981 by appi only 19041641-2187

The Planning Commission lotr the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
inol a public nearing on Monday,' No-
vember 13, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Inr the
Council Chambers. located at 11 North
3rd Street. Jacksonville Beach to consider
S he Iollowing two applications '
PC#32-06 Conditional Use approval of a
commercial'recreational use (scooter rent-
als) in a Commercial Limiled: C.- zoning
district, pursuant to Section 34-342(d)(17)
ol Ine Jacksonville Beach Land Develop-
ment Code in conjunction with the Irans-
fer oI ownership The property is located
ai 702 Southr 3rd Sireet Tenanrt # 754).
more specifically described as Lots 1. 2. 3.
-0. 11. and 12. Block 74. Pablo Beach
Soutit, (Tne Scooter Hul)
PC#33-06 Conditional Use approval of a
"ype II Home Occupalon in a Residential,
Multipie.Family 2. RM-2 zoning district.
pursuant to Sec2ion 34-340(d)i3) ot the
Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code. The property is located at 1301
South 1st Street, more specifically descri-
bed as Ocean 14 Condominiums. Unit
908..: .
The above referenced applications are
available for review in the office ol Ihe
Planning and Development Depanmeni,
City Hall, 11 Normh 3rd Street, during nor-
mal business hours (M-F, 8arh-5pm).
Planning Commission
City of Jacksonville Beach

If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includesthe testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
based. '
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.

Index No :13366,06 .
Date Summons hiled. 05,02/06
Plainlirt designates KINGS County as the
place of trial.
The basis of venue is Plaintiff's Residence
Plaintiff resides at-
216084thn #3F ,
Brooklyn. NY 11214
To the above named Defendant:
serve a notice ol appearance on nthe Plain-
Stiff's Attorney(s) within twenty (20) days al-
ter the service or this summons, exclusive
ol the day of service, where service is
made by delivery upon you personally
within the state, or wilnin thirty 30) days
after completion of service where service
is made in any other manner. ,In case of
your failure 'to appear, judgment will be
taken against you by default for the relief
demanded in the notice set fonh below.
Dated April 27,2006
/s.'Oiga Suslova
Atlorney(s) for Plaintiffis):
Olga Suslova, Esq.
2875 West 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
NOTICE: The nature of Inis action is to
dissolve the marriage between the pan-
ties, on the grounds: DRL 170(2)- Aban-
The relief sought is a judgmenI of absolute
divorce in favor ol the Plaintiff dissolving
the marriage between the panies in this
action Tne nature of any ancillary or addi-
tional relief demanded is- maintenance.
exclusive possession of the manual resi-
dence and its contents, lile, nealln and
disability insurance for the benefit of Ihe
Plaintiff, an equitable distribution ol marital
property and/oa distributive award: counsel
lees, experts tee; and any other relief the
court deems lifting and proper.
BL 10/11. 10,18, 10/25.'06


All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available
241-4954, 655-3300.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classified@beachesleader.com

AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training for
high paying Avialion Career. FAA predicts
severe shortage Financial aid i quality
Job placement assistance. CALL AIM
HEAVV EQUIPMENT Operator Cerlitied
Hands on Training Job Placement Assis.
lance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. As-
socialed Training Services. 5177 Homo.
sassa Trail, Lecanio, Florida, 34461
ATTEND COLLEGE online Irom home
Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers.
Criminal Justice Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnllneTide-'
waterTecn com.

your driving career today Oltering cours-
es in CDL A Low tuition feel Many pay-
ment ophionsl No registration feel
1866)889-0210 ino@americasdrivingaca-
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment: Bulldozers, Backnoes, Load-
ers. Dump Trucks, Graders. Scrapers. Ex-
cavalors: Nalionai Certification, Job Place-
ment Assistance, Associated Training
Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmen-
ioperator cornm
UTILITY JOB Training Certificallion Train-
ing and Job Placement Program Train in
as little as 10 days Jobs Available NOWI
Contact UTA at (918)225-0825 visit
', f : .

HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee Ads
lor sell-employmeni or business opponu-
nilies appear under the Business Opporlu-
nilies category. Ads which may require
payment ao fees for employment inorma-
lion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service Should any Help Wanlea
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rainer than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 2499033

Weekends 7pm to 7am and every other
weekend 7am to 7pm every Saturday
and Sunday at a Premier Retirement
Community HealthI Center. Applications
available at Fleel Landing Security Gate.
One Fleet Landing Blvd. Atlantic Beach.
FL; Fax to 1904)246-9447, email to
jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free

In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 10/25/06


P/T SITTER, regular basis for weekdays, PREP COOKS, Pizza makers, Cashiers
occasionally weekends. References a and Servers. F/T & P/T. Apply at all Al's
must, 372-9633. Pizza locations.

homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or

GREAT PLACE, for right person, no dra-


At Sea. Part-time Instructors are needed
In geography, anthropology, math, philos-
ophy, sociology, speech, psychology and
government. A master's degree in the
subject being taught or a master's degree
with 18 graduate hours in the discipline
being taught Is required. Classeswill be
held aboard deployed US Navy ships.
Each teaching assignment is approx. 8
weeks. Contact: Central Texas Col-
legeJohn Hunt. Fax: 757-440-5317. EEO.
ACTIVE NANNY needed, 35 flex hours in-
cludes Fri. or Sat. night, $12/hr., occasion-
al travel. (904)858-3799.
FRY COOKS and Grill Cooks needed for
Georgia/ Florida and ACC games. Call
249-8269 or ,591-5175.
needed; must be able to work min. 3 days
.a week; new restaurant opening in No-
vember; apply in person at World Grill,
14471 Beach Blvd.
AMW COOK, 9:30am-1:30pm; Afternoon
Teacher, 3-6pm, for church pre-school at
the beach Some experience required
Dependable applicanils only 246-2891 ror
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for bus
veterinary cinic. compelilive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience preferred Apply in
Person: Beaches Animal Clinic. 937
Beach Blvd., Jae Beach. 246-2045
at Vicar's Landing (Ponte Vedra). Excel-
lent pay. Drug free workplace. EOE. Call

PART-TIME evenings in our main dining.
room. Flexible schedule. .Some holidays.
and weekends necessary. Great work en-
v-ironment. Applications at Fleel Landing
Security Gate One Fleel Landing Blvd.
Atlantic Beacn, FL. Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to. jobs@fleetlandlng.com Web-
site: fleellanding com EOE' Drug-Free
HHA. CNA. & Companion Sitters wanted
for SS. ARL, Beaches areas. Top Payl
Apply @ 3515 Henoricks Ave. Underhill
Slatffng, Inc /#HHA21206096
Substitute or ipm-6pm, M-F in Beaches
Pre-school Call 246-0433.
DRIVER- ACT NOW. Hiring OTR & Local
Drivers "Earn $4,000 in bonuses your Isi
year *New Equipment "Premium Pay
Package "No HazMat Required -Call
COUNTER HELP, Ponie Vedra area,
PT/ET, afternoons & Saturday Call 285.
energetic person that can treat our pa-
.tienis like royalty mulli-iask and keep
smiling. Computer skills required 8-2 or 2.
8 shifts available. Call Ponle Vedra Chiro-
prachic Medicine & P T. 282-ACHE (2243).
NANNY NEEDED. PVB. requires light
housework & reliable transportation to pick
up toddler Irom school. PIT 12pm-6pm
weekdays. 923-7796
per week, Sl15hr. Must have experience
with kids 904-881-7612 or email resume:
dordiie'@yahoo corn
DOG DAYCARE needs pan-time help, 20-
30 hrs./wk. Exeprience wiln dogs. Fun tool
Call for inrerivew. 270-8411.
Sell motivaled, last moving. flexible, mulli-
task person Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm.10:30pm, or later Call Debbie after
2pm. 285-3400, exi 3352. DFWP
GOLF RETAIL/ Sales/ CSR. Pan-Time/
Full Time. Some travel possible. Hourly.
Caddyshapi< Goll. Beaches Area Fax
resume.- .-,,. 2700437 .Email
cadayshacKfia an rnef ,

Central Texas College- Mayport seeks
full-time Office Assistant. High school di-
ploma and a passing typing test are re-
quired. Must possess strong oral/ written
communication, skills and the ability to
work independently, prioritize, multi-task
and meet deadlines. Computer literacy
and a valid driver's license with clean driv-
ing record is required. Must be able to
pass a background check. Contact: Cen-
tral Texas College, Karl Jaeger, Fax: 904-
247-7670. karijaeger@earthlink.net
FULL-TIME (Split Shift) in our maii dining
room. Must be available weekends. Holi-
days a must. Great benefits and work en-
vironment. Applications at Fleet Landing,
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com Web-
site: fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
Country Club has lull lime position availa.
ble. Salary plus commission based on ex-
perience Excelleni benefits Apply in
person Tuesday.Saturday Call 285-6514
for directions. Drug testingiEOE
SERVERS. Marsh Landing Country Club
has lull lime & pan time positions availa-
ble. Starting atl 10.'hr: Excellent benefits
lor FT. Apply in person Tuesday-Satur-
day. Call 285-6514 for directions.'Drug
DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers for Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no
pumps: Great benefits, .competitive pay
and newequipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport lor your op-
portunity today, (800)741-7950
seeking an ADMIN. ASSISTANT Must
have professional attitude with the ability
to prioritize. multi-lask,. manage, delegate.
and career ambition Great opportunity for
high income with advancement ana no
weekends. Call 207-7757 ext 215.
Marsh Landing Country Club is hiring ex
erienced line cooks and dishwashers.
Exceileni benefits for lull lime Apply in f
person Tuesday-Saturday. Call 285-6514
for directions. Drug tesling/EOE
needed for a new restaurant opening in
November: apply in person at World Griltl.
14471 Beach Blvd.
LIQUOR STORE Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person. Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check
Call Robertn 465-0149
ed for Faith Based Office. FT. 55 wpm. 2
yrs College required, QuickBKs. Word, Ex-
cel. Rel. Tequited. Fax resume 645-0067
or Ph 996.0070.
Johns River Ferry Service, contact Fred
Berley. (904)241-9969 exi 11. or Wayne
Toole 1904)241-9969 exi. 10
Beach co seeks an individual with a
pleasant personality and professional alii-
,rude. FT/ 8-5, M-F., dues include answer-
ing the phone customer service, and ad.
ministrative work Experience in Word, Ex-
cel. & Outlook 36 months experience in
an office environment Up to $32,000 in
benefits Fax resume (9041280-2959 or a-
mail ignsso@cntre.com EOE
& PM Line Cook. Weekends required Pay
neg. with exp. Fax 904-246-9121. email
accounting@selvamarina.com, or apply in
person DFWP

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TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean driving re- TEAMS NEEDED. Home weekly Class A-
cord required Call Apnl, 246-9999. CDL w/ hazmar. Top pay & benefits
.. 1800)428-0678. www Armellini.com.

FRONT DESK- physician office Experi-
ence required for last paced internal med,
cine office. Answer phones, schedule ap-
pointments, collections etc Immediate
opening, competitive salary & benelts
Call 241-8300, or lax resume.241-0831
OTR divers deserve more pay and more
hometime! $.48.'mi. 1 year experience.
More expenence makes more! Home
weekends' Run our Florida Region' Heart-
land Express (800)441-4953 wwwhean-
landexpress com.

DIETARY SERVERS ui- UtL:.LtrtlEbS needed for cleaning
DIETARY SERVERS nightly. Will train, musl have iransponhlion
A.M & P.M., F/T & PrI and phone. Call 273-2761.
DISHWASHERS, P/T NEED INTERIOR trim carpenters and
at.V.car's Landing tPonie Vedra) Compelt helDeL&-Daependable. nwn iran-prtraiinn
iive pay, benaelis. bonus and schlorsn.p Cal:635-.1395 ..
awarded annually Drug Iree workplace,' LAWN'MAINTENANCE tech needed alo
EOE. Call 273-1734. 'experience necessary, will train. Must be a

country LIUbO seeks a naionaiit accredit- HOUSEKEEPERS MONDAYFRIDAY
ed certified personal trainer witn expen- HOUSEKEEPERS MONDAY-FRIDAY.
ence to design safe and effective pro- Seeking responsible reliable individuals
grams aor our members Flexible sched- Must be ondable Seous injuries only.
ule, CPR cen. Apply in person. Tues Leave msg al 716-8824.

Sun. PVBeacn, 285"1909. Drug EDUCATIONAL SALES
lesling/E.O.E Join our leam! II you can excel at .inside
ASSISTANT FOR Physical Therapy Wril sales & desire a fast-paced work environ.
Irain cheenul energetic person that can ment, we may have an excellent
Ireat our patients like royalty. Call Ponle opponunity lor you. You will loin a Nation-
Veora Chiropractic Medicine & P T. al company & work in Ponme Vedra Beach.
285-ACHE 12243) Prefer candidate wilh experience in inside
WANTED, PART time bookkeeper Io re- sales, customer service, or telemarketing
view business documents Please send Excellent communication skills a must.
resume to 4600 Touchion Rd.. Suite 1150, Ability to handle business accounts Base
Jacksonville, FL 32246.' pay plus commissions FT/PT. no eve.
inings or weekends. Fax resume.
S( 904)285-0010 or email.
.. lim@mediakids.com

,Cashier, Fri. night winrie party, wine Knowl-.
edge helpful Mon.-Sat. counter/ kitchen,
HOUSEKEEPER FOR elderly apartment
building lo care for public areas. Flexible
hours Apply in person Pablo Towers. 115
'South 3rd Street. EOE.
CHURCH PARKING lot attendernt, Sun.
mornings. 9.45am-12 30pm, $27.50 per
shit, 710.8370
JOIN OUR winning leam at Julian LeCraw
& CoI We are currently seeking a Part
Time Pool Attendant Porter (under 30
hours per weekly to work at one ol our
beautiful condo conversion projects in
Ponle Vedra Beachl Flexible schedule.
some weekends required. This position
will include passing out towels and chilled
waler to homeowners, siraighiening chairs
by the pool, shuttling homeowners to and
from the beach and the golf course. In-
terested candidates should tax resume-to
WANTED, PART time attorney to reviow
legal documents. Please send resume to
4600 Touchlon Rd., Suite 1150. Jackson-
ville, FL 32246.
HOSTESSES WANTED, must 'be 1'6 or
older and be'able to work weekends; Top
wages Apply in person, Campeche Bay
Cantina, 127 1st Ave; No., 249-3322.

Dishviwasners. Fine Dining. Ji's Bistro
Ponte Vedra, '273-7980. Gate Parkway,
fold Erectors, Carpenters: Skilled person-.
nel. Call 249-8147 or 726-5661.
FULL-TIME, 1:30pm to 9:30pm in main
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
punctuality a must. Excellent benefits and
great work environment. To apply: appli-
cations available at Fleet Landing Security;
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email tojobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace. 1,
MEDICAL ASSISTANT- immediate open-
ing for fast paced internal medicine office.
Must have 1 year experience working
back office with physician. Competitive
salary & benefits. Call 241-8300 or fax re-
sume: 241-0831.
NANNY NEEDED. Must travel w/family.
$750/wk.. Experience required. 904-858-
Office Manager
You will spend your day on the computer
and on the phone keeping the team on
schedule and transactions ready to close
by utilizing Top Producer database man-
ager. Grow as our team grows, starting
salary $25K-$30K with bonus and bene-
fits. Candidate requirements include: Ex-
tensive. Computer skills: Word, Excel,
Publisher and contact management. Good
decision making skills Professional de-
meanor. Detail oriented. Very organized.
Positive attitude-mandatoryl Self-motivat-
ed. Proven track record. Great at prioritiz-
ing tasks. Must enjoy working in a busy
office. Email resume, why you are inter-
ested in this job, references and salary
history to kmalin@comcast.net.

BEACHES CO. seeking computer literale
customer service oriented individual for
entry front office position Call 246-9162,
ext. 0 :: ,
BEACHES CAR Wash. lull time help
needed, Wages negotiable, lips. Benefits
Avail Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
Marsh Landing Country Club has full time
position available Salary plus commis-
sion based on experience Excellent bene-
its. Apply in person Tuesday-Saturday.
Call 285.6514 for directions Drug
CUSTOMER SERVICE- Tired ot spending
gas money to get to the city' Looking for
smaller office setting w/great benefits in-
cluding profit sharing? Atlantic Beach of-
fice. Minimum 3 yrs. AiR, / A/P 3yrs. cus-
tomer service. Compuier/intemel literate.
Looking for self motivated detail oriented
person. Job entails. purchase orders, data
entry, coordination of drivers, warranty fitd
ings, price comparisons, general office
work. www.transitplus,com. Smoke free
office. Fax resume 221-2705. Specify po-
sition desired on fax.

VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet clinic Ai least lyr. experience re-
quired. Competitlive salary, excellent ben-
efits Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-2045 for more info. Beaches Animal
Clinic, 937 Beach Blvd Jax Beach.
SMALL FULL Service Landscape Compa-
ny now nirng tfor all field positions Call for
details 998-9677.
City of Atlantic Beach Starting pay
$14.09/hr.+benefits. Starting pay If CMC
designated is $15.37/hr.+benefits. Must
be Notary Public for State of FL or be able
to obtain within 6 mos. of hire. Must be
able to attend evening meetings and take
& transcribe minutes. Performs a variety
of detailed administrative/ secretarial
tasks. Applications accepted until
11/08/06 and may be obtained at
www.coab.us or 800 Seminole Rd., Atlan-
tic Beach, FL'(904)247-5820. No smokers/
tobacco users. Drug testing conducted.
FULL time Monday Friday with excellent
benefits at Premier Retirement Communi-
ty. Applications available at Fleet Landing
Secunty Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233' Fax resume to
,(904)246-9447; e-mail : to:
jobs@fleetleanding.com Website at
www.fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-Free
LA PETITE Academy seeks teachers.
Course work in child care preferred. For
immediate consideration, contact Natishia
L. Carter, 13957 Beach Blvd., Jackson-
ville, FL 32224, (904)223-3758, Fax
(904)223-5576, E-mail:
lpaflb@lpacorp.com. EOE M/F/DN/
needed for Industry Leading Auto Trans-
portation Company. We offer an excellent
pay & benefits package to qualified candi-
dates. Applicants must perform with con-
sistent accuracy and possess the ability to
manage crisis and emergency situations.
Extensive DOT background and experi-
ence with a proven track record is essen-
tial. Email Resume:

non-smoker while a work. $8/hr. to start.
more $ with experience. Call AAron
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted Monday-Fri-
day. Call Bob, 241-5311.
LINE COOKS needed, lull time or pan
time. Must be able to work weekends. Top
wages! Tired ol the chains? Come to work
at a good. lun independent resiauranl. Ap.
ply in person, Campeche Bay Cantina.
127 1st Ave. No, 249-3322.
DOG GROOMER, experienced. tor very
busy beaches shop. Great earning poten-
tial, great clients 280-9696
INFANT TEACHER needed Mon- Fri, 9.
5pm. Must be patient, flexible, dependa-
ble, sense of humor 1851 Beach Blvd..
Jax Bch, FL 32250 EOE 242-9645. email
resume. ToApply@comcasi.net
DIRECTOR FOR child development cen-
ter serving ages 6 weeks to 5 years Must
nave Director's credentials and expen.
ence, excellent organizanon and people
skills. Positive personality a musl. Beach-.
es area EOE. Email resume
ToApply@comcast net.
LUNCH and Dinner Servers You make
good money working with good people in
a busy waterfront restaurant 285-0139

MANAGER in holistic intlemal medical of-
lice Full 'pad time secretanal. clerical,
and suppon rt M.D a unique semng. Ex- A
penence required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
laihons. Must be enlhusiaslic, dependable.
consislentl and an excellent malch. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Ans Center,
FAX- 19041246-3778.
penrence preferred but willing to train right
person Apply in person al 1210 N. 3rd
St., Jax Beacn. I : : -
EXPERIENCED FiT help needed for latch.
err-Pfea.'apply at Gene's Seafood Res-
taurant 1249 Penman Rd. ..
seeking an experienced SALES FLOOR
MANAGER Must have call center/ sales
management experience: Secunty and
Surveillance ISSI preferred wilh
W I T eniahty and work ethirrc. Establish-
ed sian-up company with big plans for
growth in marketing and sales force, facili-
ty expansion including brand expansion
and industry identity. Professional wanted
to assist in sales and marketing efforts.
Salary +commission +bonus and opportu-
rnity lor advancement, with no week-
ends Call 207-7757 exr 215
Full Time Goil Course Maintenance staff.
Excellent benefits for FT include vacation.
sick, 401k. health benefits. Apply in per-
son Tues-Sat. call 285-6514 for
directions Drug lesiing/EOE.
seeking experienced SALES REPRE-
SENTATIVES lor fast growing office with
new marketing campaigns and expansion
plans Must have sales experience with
strong work ethic and great attitude Ex-
celleni opportunity for flexible hours, top
pay, nigh commission with advancement/
management opportunity and no week-
ends Call 207-7757 ext 210
SALES REPS, top pay, no wkds, inbound
inside sales. flexible hrs.. advancement,
opponuniry 730-2031 ext 210

.. aVaVa swa -- E "xpecti INoing Less
I VI. J Than."Five Diamonds"

Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
,one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:

Utility Workers
Pastry Cook
Gourmet Shop Retail Attendant/Cashier
Set-Up Attendant
Beach Reception/Front Desk
Equipment Operators
Assistant Director of Facilities
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa, For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

Oceanfront Excellence

Pao p tR













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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


PAINTERS, WORK at't the beach; $8-
14/hr., call Jeff, 728-8398.
LITTLE EXPLORERS' Preschool is now
hiring P/T and F/T Assistants and Substi-
tutes. Experience preferred, but not re-
quired. All employees are eligible for ben-
efits immediately. Please apply In person
or call April at 241-7075.
Full-Time :
Earn $7-$12 per hour & cash bonuses
Telemarketing for newspapers nationwide.,
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirerment Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gale, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlaninc Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
Taxi Drivers' needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least.23 yrs. old.
good driving record. 'Call'249-0360.

6 week:asignriment to assist in Health Cen.
ter Activities Departmenl, 410 hour week
wthn some weekends required Experience
in long-ierm care environment preferred
Applicarions available at Fleet Landing
Secunly Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd.
Allantc Beach. FL 32233. Fax to
(904)246-9447, Websile lleelanding.com
email to" jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace
CHIRO CLINIC seeks a molvaied. pois-
ed. indiv. w/personality plus lo serve as
Fronl Desk Assi. Heavy phones, dala en-
Iry, appoints and mainalnng patient liles
Excellent interpersonal and communica-
lion skills a musl Send resume Io
pvbdr@Dellsouth.net or fax 904-273-4607.
Approximately 35hrs per week
LEVEL, Openings in growing marketing
firm for management position No experi-
ence necessary. $28K-$40K Call Audrey
LAWN CARE Tec:nncian needed for
Beach company No experience required.
$30K+ 1sl yr or iop performers earn
$40K+ Benelils. reiremeni. Drug free
workplace Full training provided Call
BUSY PV Salon has opening for Salon
Assistant Daytime hours 285-7776.

Lawn service seeks individual To perform
dependable quality work Excelleni pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted
Perscnel Brotrhers Services, Inc 246.

Executive Assistant
Premier resorrn weeks a candidate
ibh 5 years of complex.
confidential,. senior le\el
adminjisraue experience with
command of Word, Excel.
PowerPoint and keyboarding
skills of 60++ v pm.
SApply in person:
Sawgrass Marrion Resort and Spa
1000 PGA Tour Blvd.
Ponle Vedra Beach, FL 32082

I ', ,

WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result In sub-'
stantial charges to, your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
of offerings n this classification. If any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ture of the opportunity, please report it to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.

,ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30 machines, free candy. All
for $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033.
Call us: We will not be undersold!
VENDING ROUTE: Snacks, Drinks, Ener-
gy DrinksmTool AII Brands. Professional
Equipment, Professional Support. Financ-
ing w/ $7,500 down 1877)843-8726. Lo-
cal. BO#2002-037.
LEARN TO buy Foreclosures, tax liens
and rehabs for pennies on the dollar Men-
lor walks you through each deal A-Z to en-
sure success 800$)433-4556.

ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & references. $10-$12/hr
any area CPR & First Aid PT or F.T.
2604915. .
OPENINGS FOR i-3yrs old. Full or pan
time. Good ours Refs. Call 220-7493

ing, cooking, errands, bill paying, organiz-
ei secretarial. etc. Pan -ilme only. 30
years exp., 318-9216

IF YOU are interested In advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classiied@beachesleaaer corn
COMPANION SITTING or child care,
housekeeping and more. PVB referen-
ces 534-3732.
ELDERLY COMPANION, Assistant. avail-
able Mon- Fri 12yrs exp. Rels upon
request 246-8387'

REMODELING SALE. Sawgrass. 904-
333-6301. Excellent sola. neutral. Traver-
tine coffee table. sunroom furniture, art-
METAL ROOFING. Save $ Buy direct
from manufacturer 20 colors in slock wiln
all accessories Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available Toll Iree (888)393-0335.
MAYTAG PRO-FORMA washer,' dryer.
$400 OBO. 859-7900.
NORITAKE CHINA Set. Call 246-7371 1or
WASHER, DRYER, Hotpoint, matching
set, looks ano works great $175 for both
BEAUTIFUL 3 piece black Italian leather
sola set. Like new. $1000. OBO. Will de.
liver. 333-7299.
WASHER. DRYER. ex. cond: $150 ea.:
can deliver & guarantee, 874-1747

6 PIECE Bedroom Sel includes queen
manress & box. new still in boxes $499
Can deliver 858-9350
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.

WOLFF TANNING beds Buy Direct and
save! Full body units Irom $22 a month.
Free color catalog. Call loday 1800)842-
1305, www.np.erstan.com
FISH, DEPTH finder,Humminbird Wide
Eye. like new $60, call 868-2617.
ZIPP-303'S ROAD bike rims, like new-
$400 Call 759-3103.
Mir-' C91. T/r -D A nr--

STEEL BUILDINGS. laciory deals Save
S. 40X60' to 100X200' Ex: 50x100x12'=
$3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.ngid-
FREE DIABETIC supplies! Medicare pa-
tienis! Call Us Toil Free (866)294-3476
ana receive a free meleri Am-Med Quality
Diabetic Supplies. .,
BOWFLEX SPORT 1 yr. new. $700
OBO: 57 In. JVC HD-TV. $800 OBO, 607.

AL MERRICK Flyer surf board, must see,
*must sell; SCS included $360 OBO, 735-

1850'S PENNSYLVANIA Corner Cup-
board, a true handcrafted gem. Mint con-
dition. Hand-hewn open top shelves with
plate racks. Bottom cupboard, dark honey
wood. $1250, Sawgrass. (904)280-2783.
HEART PINE T & G flooring cut locally
from antique Pine timbers. Large quantity
w/ Incredible dark patina. Lic. #ST5903.
Florida Heartwood 249-8310.

AUCTION- NOVEMBER 4, 10am, Sylva-
nia, GA. Prop 1- 15 Res. Bldg lots & 8+/-
acres. Peop 2-52+/- acres divided. Row-
ell Auctions,- Inc. (800)323-8388.. 10%
buyer's premium. GAL AU-C002594
Auction, (SCHLEY CO GA NOV 4) Of-
ferea in Parcels -Pona. Two Creeks Tim-
ber. Paslure land. Wiidiile an Equipmenti
ESTATE AUCTION. Nov. 3, 10am. 487+/-
acres divided No% 4 10am. brick home &,
personal property Ro*eli Auciions Inc
800)323-.838 10:. .u,,er'i prerrium.
GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.

IF YOU are inrieresied in d'.eriising under
iThis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classified treacnesleader corr.

TWO FAMILY sale on Ocr 28 & 29,
8'30am Ipm: 2607 America Avenue
items, household, misc Sal 10,28 8am-
tpm. 1210 41hn Ave. No Jax Bch
OCEAN CAY Salurday 8am.11 am
Queen bedroom sel, dishes baskelis,
flames. toys, sIrollers household items
and more! 607 Bonaire Circle

759-1612. Free Delivery'

applications house calls, training, repairs,
upgrades, websiles. graphics Free phone
tech 904-249-3034 or email
callrob@comcasl net.
itied 15 years experience House calls
References. Call Mark 19046553-2343.

CLOTHING SALE: funky ladies/ juniors
size 1-5; shoes 6-7, new and gently dsed.,
Sat only, 12-4pm; 1414 9th St. No.
10-6pm Wed thru Sat., Beach Blvd. & 11th
(next to Subway). Dealer #28. 10-30% off.
French Country mantel, bookcases, di-
nette & dressers. Plus, set leather barrel
chairs, mirrors, lighting & paintings.
SAT. 10/28, 8am, 442 10thAve. So. Frig-
Idalre fridge, furniture & household. /
misc. Saturday, :8:30-until, 1091 Osceola

Bowles St., Saturday, 8am-2pm Kids
toys, books and games. Clolnes: men's,
women's, girl's; Ralph Lauren, Gap and
'more. Hats, lies, and tohs of t-shirts. Golf
clothing, clubs and bags. Travel bags
Kircnen sluff, computer riems, laser discs.
electronics and much more
SATURDAY, 9AM, 625 Oleander Cl.
Cleaning garage Tile-top Table w/4 chairs.
Tiffany light shampoo chair, manicure
chair, lois 01 knick-knacks New dumping
lawn can Come see!

SATURDAY, BAM-?, 366 East PRindle Dr.,
(off Atlantic Joeandy & Hodges), turn be-
tween Starbucks .& Walgreen. Third Sub
on" right, Arbor Pointe. Decorator items,
floral, digital cameras, dream cast &
games, furniture & lots more.
SATURDAY, 8AM-NOON, 3419 Wash-
bum Rd. Household, tools, and more.
HOLIDAY HARBOR off San Pablo Satur-
day, 8am-3pm. 2445 Caplain Hook Drive
Tools, clothes, .oys. 2 bird cages, lols of
misc items Proceeds go to Ine Children
Tumor Foundation.
MOVING SALE' House lull of lurniture for
all rooms & linens. 4128 Tradewinds Dr
-hurs- Sun, 8.12
l......L. e* ) ... .

SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models. $49.50.
Services included Organizing and manag.
ing daily ahiai's Evenr and social plan.
ning, Make travel arrangemeriis Peirsonai
shopping. Menu planning and preparation.
House shining and mare Contaci info
904-303-6405 or emal
aryourserv'bellsouirn nel

Repairs, specializing in lermite damage
mnUmmmm Ummm

32" PANASONIC HDTV. 3 yrs new. 2 vrs
left on ext'd. warranty. $400 OBO Call
QUEEN SIZE mal/box/frame $100. 2 twin
mar/box/frames $60ea Clean. quality
beds Can deliver. 246-1832


1990 FORD Bronco, full-size, newly rebuilt
engine, needs work. $950 OBO 992-6715.
03 GMC Sherard custom van, 50,000 mi.
factory warranty, 15 seats, 36,000 mi.,
bronze, $18,500 OBO, contact Brian at
1987 FORD Ranger Ext. cab, V-6, solid
body, doesn't run, $650, 247-7849

1967 CADILLAC Coup Deville Converti-
ble. See pictures in web: http://home-
ml. Serious offers only, Jim 249-4292.
TOYOTA COROLLA, '97; loaded, runs
great, new tires, $3000, 910-7737.

12 FOOT ocean kayak (lifeguard style) w/ 1990 DODGE Van, equipped for the disa-
seat, paddle & pole holder; $400, 755 bled. Lift hand-controls, gdod condition.
6461.seat, paddle & pole older 7 Low miles. $2500 OBO. 241-0585.

40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har- 1995 TOYOTA Camry power windows/
bortown Marina. $164K. 463-2845. doors & mirrors, great shape. 246-6820.

MAXUM 2000 FR2. excellent condition,
ski's included Asking $14 900. valued @
$17.000. 19041613-5854.
60' BOAT Slip Harbonowne @ Mira Vista.
$185.000 241-0267.
17 FOOT Gruman aluminum canoe. Cood
condition. $250. 241 -7853.
BOAT SLIP For Rent. Harbonown Manna.
40' with water & electric $500 463-2845.

2005 HARLEY Sponsier, Custom 1200
$9500 247.1042
1994 HONDA CR125. new excel rims,
new moose, pro taper handle Dars.,runs
greal, plus racing gear $950 207-3485.
1982 HONDA CB750. 24,600 mi.. looks/
runs grean $1800 OBO 894-8121

1999 F-350 Dooley Crew Cab. Lariat pkg..
loaded, 75 turbo diesel. Very nice.
!615.0 nnn0 n037-7611

Iree estimates, work guaranteed. licensed.
WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs. experi-
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
competent & competitive, pressure wash-
ing, painting, drywall repair, texture & wall
coverings 25 years expenence. Lic in.
sure. rela. 403-7389
KEN & Sons Painting Inc. Over 30 years
Evp Licensed & Insured Residential &
Commercial New Business Specials.
Free Estimates (904)859-7529. Verifiable

2000 RED. Dodge Intrepid, excellent con-
dition, 74,000 mi., auto. $4900, 687-7463.
2003 WHITE Volvo S-80, excellent condi-
tion, 64,000 mi., sun roof, auto, $19,000,
1992 OLDS 98 Regency, 2 owners, excel-
lent condition, 76,000 miles, 25mpg., air-
bag, ABS. $3300 negotiable. 608-2418.


HOME IMPROVEMENTS Painting, tloor-
ing, drywall, elc No lob too small or too
big Free estimates Licensed and insured
Call Brad at 904-962.6782

Custom Building, Renovations, Repairs.
Residential and Commercial Over 20
years of experience CBC 1253550.

--- -- -- --- --- --- -

Installation and repairs. Call 246-5649

IF YOU are interested in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified beachesleader com

WOM11 1,1'MX


.3 42-82357*

WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
992-1470. ,
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w.'maflress & box spring Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
2PC. WICKER Set, loveseat/ chair, white
w/custom cushions, 2 matching end ta-
bles. $285. Sawgrass. (904)806-3613.

WINSOR LAWN Service. Inc Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.

DRIVEWAYS PATIOS, sidewalks, ex-
posed river rock, demolition, & room addi-
tions. RK Ballard Construction, Inc. Call
Chuck, 874-6692. .

*JE a^It iter ?

Exclusive 8000 sq.sf. showroom with over
20,000 different flooring selections at
builder's prices. Call Mark for an appoint-
ment to showroom. (904)807-7571.

Page 7B


We service inousanas oi beach residents.
wwwpersenelandmneyer- comrn -241-3409- -

WINTER'S ON Ihe wayi Be readyl Seas-
oned firewood; cords & nail cords availa.
bie, with Iree delivery. Call 334-3157

--- -- -- ----

Painting, pressure washing, Wood floors,
carpentry tile work, drywall. 904-
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.



-------- ---- -----



~-~-~~ -- ~~



------ ------ -- ---

------------- --



ng-tnlkp ->i nnrA

SATURDAY. 10 28. 8am-2pm, 73 Garden
Court Compuler, TV.. lawnmower, knives
and swords inflatable bed Too much to
lisi 241-0585
SATURDAY, 8AM-2PM, 392 4th St cor
ner ol 41h St. & Sherry Drive Misc. house-
rhold items. clothing, books, brand new
kitchen sink.

PABLO BAY community sale Salurday
10,28. 8am-12pm, San Pablo North ol
Mayo clinic
MOVING SALE. Oct 28, 8am-3pm, 13865
Deer Chase Place Pablo Bay)
Pelican Bay Court Lois ol misc.

mzmmm 12.

October 25, 2006

District titles in football, volleyball


-r N

r. ,41

*Iflr 4
~ 1'~ NI
~'v- -~.

I, I" 4.

LEFT: Panthers line-
backer Al Della Porta
tries to tackle
Colmbia's Rene Perry
during last Friday
night's game at
Panther Stadium.
setter/outside hitter
Meghan Sherman spts
the ball for a team-
mate during last
Thursday's district
championship game
victory over St.
ABOVE: Panthers QB
Ted Stachitas steps
through the tackle of a
Tigers defender in
Nease's 27-0 victory.
RIGHT: Nease guard
James Wilson (76)
opens a hole near the
goal line on a
Panthers second half
drive against Lake
City Columbia._


at a fraction of bottled water prices

Reverse Osmosis Purifier
with each new Kinetico
Softener Purchase
S389 Value. Expires: 8/31/06


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Great cEvent Higlights
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In-county subscription or renewal is L ]25 One Year D 140 Two Years
Outside Duval and St. Johns Counties 0 144 One Year 0 I80 Two Years
City/State: Zip
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