Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Get Out
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified
 Section C: Classified: Just for...

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. October 6, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00080
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. October 6, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: October 6, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00080
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 8
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Get Out
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 8
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
        page C 7
    Section C: Classified: Just for Fun
        page C 8
Full Text



OCTOBER 6,2006
'Camping is Ray's sting,
relative rarely fatal

See B-1 See A-11


This seminar
is glassy

See Get Out!

LE An edition of The Beaches Leader


Vol. 44, No. 31

Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

PV children

play house

for fire safety

Hundreds of Ponte Vedra children helped initi-
ate a new fire-safety program this week when a
$36,000 fire-safety house visited Ponte Vedra-
Palm Valley Elementary School.'
The 36-foot-long mobile home, used.for the
'first time this week at elementary schools in St.
Johns County, has a living room and bedroom,' a
heated door to touch, simulated smoke and a
window with an escape ladder.
Youngsters in kindergarten, first gradeand sec-
ond grade visited the trailer, one class at a time,
getting lessons from firefighters and practicing
the steps for fleeing and reporting a fire.
"Firemen get scared, too," a voice on a video
said Wednesday-to a second-grade class waiting,
outside the house, which was parked between PV-
PV and Rawlings elementary schools on State
Road'AlA in Ponte Vedra. 7
Once seated on bleachers in the living room,
the youngsters were assured by Lt,.'Sheri Medlar
that what they wouild'experience is riot real.
"It's only practice," she said: "Nothing can huirt
On cue, one student pulled a fire alarm and
another called 911 from a wall phone in the'
kitchen, after Medlar stressed that the call must
be made somewhere other than the burning
While Ryan Quintal was on the phone with a
911 operator, the rest of Christine Sloan's class
listened quietly to his part of the conversation.
The 911 operator and questions were real, but
the operator was part of the program.
Later, Medlai'praised Ryan for correctly giving ;
the bopetator his' home phone number and
address -. two "very important" pieces of infor-
Smalori.she-said: -- .. ..: ,
The youngsters heard about the dangers of
paper towels near a stove, objects near a fireplace
and.matches or lighters ivithin reach, '
Some.blocked their ears as a smoke detector
"You cannot smell when you're sleeping,"
Medlar told the class. "It [the alarm] will wake
you up and tell you to get out of'the house."
She asked the children to take the lesson home
to their parents.
"Ask them,to test every smoke detector in the
house," she said.

Kaitlyn Calvin (above) gets a hand from fire Lt. Kevin Winters as she
escapes from the fire safety house Wednesday, after theatrical smoke
elicits a range of reactions (below left) and Ryan Quintal calls 911.

See HOUSE, A-3

Board size choice gets airing Monday

Penny Halyburton,
Supervisor of Elections for St.
Johns County, will speak to
two community groups
Monday about the proposal to
add two commissioners to the
County Commission and
change the way commissioners
are elected.
Halyburton is scheduled to
speak at 10 a.m. at the train
library in St. Augustine and at
7 p.m. at the Palm Valley
Community Center, 148 Canal
The first is the monthly
meeting of the St. Johns Civic

Association Roundtable, and
the second is the monthly
meeting of the Palm Valley
Community Association.
The proposal to change the
County Commission will
appear on Nov. 7 general elec-
tion ballots.
If approved, the mineasure
would change the St. Johns
County Commission from five
members, each selected by vot-
ers countywide, to seven
members, five elected by only
district voters and two chosen
by all voters.
If the measure is approved, it
will return the county, to the

system that was in place in the
In 1988, St. Johns County
voters decided to move to five
single-member districts with
two at-large commissioners.
But- six years later, voters
decided to return to the struc-
ture of five 'commissioners
elected countywide.
Inr its September -meeting,
the Ponte Vedra Beaches
Coalition voted to send out an
informational letter on the
pros and cons of having seven
Most of the Coalition mem-
bers in that meeting informally

voted not to support
change, but rather to focu
switching the county to a c
ter form' of government.
Also at Monday's meeting
Palm Valley, the two ca
dates for the District
'Southwest St. Johns Coi
seat on the Coi
Commission are schedule
speak. .
They are Republican
Sanchez, who ousted K
Stern in the Sept. 5 'prim
and Democrat Ken Bryan.
Both meetings are opei
the public.

-Geta shot of this

Nurse Louise Sineath of Maxim Health Ca
Flu Clinics applies a bandage to the arm o
.'Ellpn. Reilly of Ponte Vedra Beach, the first
,I line for a flu shot Thursday at the Palm
Valley Community Center.
The second of two flu and pneumonia sho
opportunities at the Community Center
SWalts seniors next week, from 12:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. Oct. 12. The number to call to se
tup a shot appointment is 823-4810.
16bst of the flu shot is $25, but It's free wit
Medicare Part B card and photo I.D. It's al
free with an Aetna insurance card and pho
I.D. The cost of the pneumonia shot is $40
". photobyCHUCKADA

LeMaster name

pushed for new

PV high school

School Board vocation and passion. If ever
design t there has been a 'Godfather' or
geS design at de facto 'Mayor of Ponte
Vedra,' it was Ebbie," the letter
Tuesday meet states.
According to the letter,
by LAURA FOWLER LeMaster was instrumental in
STAFF WRITER rerouting State Road A1A to its
present location in Ponte
The "unique" design of the Vedra from its original place
new Ponte Vedra high school is near the ocean, helping to
scheduled, to be presented to establish the beach community
the St. Johns County School seen today.
Board at its regular meeting LeMaster helped establish
Tuesday. the Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley
Though the School District school in 1958 and was later
would not release the design appointed to the St. Johns
plans this week, an e-mail to County Board of Public
..The Leader from Instruction, the let-
School Board mem- ter states.
ber Bill Fehling LeMaster was also
described the If ever there has involved in expand-
school as "unique ing beach access in
in its design," been a 'Godfather what is now the
adding that it "will or de facto 'Mayor Guana reserve and
blend, in with the of Ponte Vedra,' it eliminating parking
natural surround- ,, along. Ponte Vedra
ing." was Ebbie: Botilevard.
The school is- to Letter from Ebbie This is not the
be built or one of LeMaster's friends first time LeMaster's
several sites doriat- name.has been con-
ed' as part of the, sidered for a school
Nocatee develop- in Ponte Vedra.
ment. The site is It was under con-
just east,: of Davis sideration by a
Park.," search committee
Construction on' the when what is now Landrum
school-is not expected to begin. Midcde School was being
until 'Japuary, but already a named.
rop ot Ponte Vedra residents .The i-process of naming a
is Htf, f s'o- tltl86a1 sid'ol starts With s-choldk'
to name it after a well known" Supi'rhtendent Joe Joyner,
and recently deceased member who will first select a principal
of -the community: Edward for, the new high school by
"Ebbie" LeMaster. August, according to Margie
"It is hard to envision Ponte Davidson, spokeswoman for
Vedra Beach today without the the School District..
contributions Ebbie made to Then Joyner will appoint
the community and St. Johns members of the community to
County;" states a letter written serve on a committee for
by a group of LeMaster's selecting the school name, col-
friends. ors. and mascot.
Those friends are listed in Bob Allten, who was the first
the beginning of the letter and principal of Landrum Middle
.include Marcia and Herb, School when it was built'in
Peyton', Jacquie- and Doug 1991, said the principal's role
Crane, 'and Isabelle and Bob in the naming of the school is
Davis members of the Davis one of mediator.
family, which donated the land
for the school.
"Ponte Vedra Beach was his See LeMASTER, A-3
[LeMaster's] lifetime home,

Shootings spark

look at security

security standards merely
tighten them.
That means making sure
drills are regularly performed
and staff are informed about
their roles in the event a crisis
does occur, McLatchey said.
St. Johns County Schools
have two documents in place
to help guide them in emer-
gency situations.
One was approved over the
summer and is being imple-
mented this school year: the
Safety and Security Standards
and Procedures.
This document, which is
universal for all public schools
in the county, outlines the
updated security requirements
and includes a recommended
list of drills for schools to prac-
tice, McLatchey said.
Only fire drills are required
of county schools by law. They
must be completed twice in
August and once every month
after that, said McLatchey swho
was once the principal of
Switzerland Point Middle
School and Mill Creek
Elementary School.

is on
d to

Last week, three shootings at
Ron schools in three' small, quiet
aren towns left about ten people -
nary, mostly children dead.
St. Johns County has .been
n to very "fortunate" in that it has
not experienced any fatal
attacks such as these, according
to George McLatchey, safety
and security coordinator for
the School District.
But the School District is tak-
ing 'no chances and will
remind all principals in a meet-
ing Tuesday to practice the rec-
ommended emergency drills,
ra which include scenarios for
f bomb threats, hostile intruders
and nearby chemical spills.'
'1If you look at the research,
the number one concern of
parents when their kids walk
S out the door is not how much
their going to learn that day.
to It's, 'Will they be safe ?'" said
et McLatchey.
"The school shootings have
la been a terrible thing. but it
SO does bring things to the front
to burner."
I. McLatchey said the School
District is not demanding that
Ms schools "beef up" their current

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
H will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
- 'sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
. 1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar..............B-6 Obituaries ..........A-5
Classified.............C-1 Police Beat ...........A-5
Religion ................A-8 Sports................... A-10
Showtimes ...... .....B-4 Weather.............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages





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The Beahes Lep ader/Ponte Vedra Leader

October 6, 2006

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1'114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)'
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(USPS 584-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
ing offices
249-9033 .
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Copyright 2006

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Information about area resi-
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Submissions should be
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The Leader strives to pro-
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Around the Beaches

Jewish event at Beaches Support for caregivers
Chabad @ the Beaches, Support meetings for care-
Ponte Vedra Beach, will offer a givers of the elderly are offered
day of family fun to celebrate monthly by the St. Johns
the Jewish festival of Sukkot County Council on Aging at
from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday the Coastal Community
at Adventure Landing on Center, 180 Marine St., St.
Beach Boulevard in Augustine.
Jacksonville Beach. Meetings for caregivers of
Adventure Landing's video Alzheimer's patients or those
and arcade room, go-carts, with related illnesses will be
bumper boats, miniature golf held at 7 p.m. Wednesday and
course, laser tag and batting at 1:30 p.m.. Oct. 19.
cages will be offered at a dis- Those caring for victims bf
count. Parkinson's disease can meet
A large Sukkah, or booth, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 22.
'-'willbe-d4vailable At 4ie p jiFk 4 -lAn meetiRg fdrrearegivero
well to enjoy kosher food. of elderly parents) i famit
The event is open to the members or friends will be
public. For tickets contact held at 7 p.m. Oct. 24.
Chabad @ the Beaches at 543- For more information call
9301 or visit Diane Longo at 823-4815.


Guana walk and talk
Angie Golubovich, an envi-
ronmental educator at the
Guana reserve south of Ponte
Vedra Beach, will speak about
the local plants and animals
found at the reserve's beaches
at 9 a.m. Oct. 14.
Golubovich will talk about
the types of animals that used
to inhabit seashells found on
the beach, explaining why the
beach is such a harsh environ-
ment and how the organisms
that live there are especially
adapted to deal with these
The morning will include
seashell show and tell and a
beach scavenger hunt.
Visitors will meet at the
Guana beach south parking
Lot on State Road A1A in
South Ponte Vedra Beach.
The cost is $3 per vehicle for
parking. This program is
geared toward adults, but chil-
dren are welcome. For more
information call the GTMN
Reserve at 823-4500.

Yoga offered at Guana
Yoga classes are now being
offered at the Guana reserve's
Environmental Education
Center Wednesday evenings at
5:30 p.m., sponsored by the
Friends of the GThM Reserve.
Sally Saldana and Spring
Saldana, a mother-daughter
team, will instruct a 75-minute
class of hatha yoga for begin-
ners and up.
The cost is $10 per class.
Bring a mat, beach towel and
drinking water.
The '.Environmental
Education Center of the Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National
Estuarine Research Reserve is
located at 505 Guana River
Road, off S.R. AlA about 12
miles south of Mickler Road.
For more information call

Fine arts festival set
The Peaceful Journey's Fine
,Arts and Crafts Festival will be
held from 6 p.nr. to 9 p.m.
today and 10 a.m. to 6 p;m.
Saturday at Adele Grag
Cultural Center, 716 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
About 20 local artists will
,display their creations, includ-
ing jewelry, pottery, handbags,
clothing and more. .

Celebrate reading
Learn to Read of St. Johns
County will be celebrating its
20th anniversary from 4 p.m.
to 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Learn
to Read office, 70 S. Dixie
Highway, St. Augustine.
Doug Wiles will be the hon-
orary chairman of this event,
which will feature foods from
18 St. Augustine restaurants
and music performed by
Tickets are $10 for adults
and $5 for students. For more
information and to order tick-
ets, call 826-0011.

Art with a heart for kids
An Evening for Art with a
Heart for Children', a fund-rais-
ing event, will be held from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. Oct. 26 at
Stellers Gallery, 240 State Road
AIA, Ponte Vedra Beach.
It will feature a children's art
auction, cocktails and heavy
hors d'oeuvres.
All proceeds will go to bene-
fit Art for a Heart for Children,
a program that takes art to the
bedsides of critically ill chil-
dren at Wolfson Children's
Hospital and Nemours
C h i d r e n s
Hematology/Oncology Clinic.
For more information or
tickets call Kerrie Slattery at,
543-0910 or visit

Egyptian lectures begin.
This month the Cummer
Museum 'of Art & Gardens
opens an Egyptian lecture
series, which explores the art,
literature, mythology and sci-
ence of ancient Egypt.
One of the lectures,
'Uncovering Egypt's Treasures,
Napoleon to the Present," will
be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 8, at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, 50 Executive Way.
The lecture series, which will
run through January,: 'is
designed to coincide with the
opening of "Temples and
Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian
Art from the British Museum,"
which runs from Dec. 22 to
March 18.
In partnership with
Jacksonville University, The
Cummer will present six lec-
tures that will be held in ven-
ues throughout the city.
Individual lectures are $5
anrid the entire series of six lec-

tures is $25.
For more information and to
purchase tickets, call 355-

Sailors return to Mayport
More than 300 sailors from
the guided missile cruiser USS
Hue City are scheduled to
return to Mayport today after
completing a surge deploy-
ment in which the ship con-
ducted maritime security oper-
ations around the Horn of
Africa and relief operations in
the Eastern Mediterranean.
Also returning is the
embaksd kNkc pojl1eliq1)tjlr
detachment HSL 44 detach-
ment nine. Hue City deployed
from Mayport on April 18.

Mayo hospital tops out
Mayo Clinic will top out its
new 214-bed, $254.6 million
hospital at 1 p.m. today at the
clinic's campus, located at
4500 San Pablo Road.
The topping out not only
signals the end of the structur-
al steel work, it also happens to
coincide with' the halfway
mark in the construction proj-
When the hospital opens in
April 2008, it will allow Mayo
Clinic to integrate inpatient
and outpatient services and
bring teams together in one
place, combining hospital and
clinic services on one campus.
The hospital will serve
regional, national and interna-
tional patients and focus on
specialty care, especially can-
cer, heart disease,
neurology/neurosurgery and
The new six-floor hospital
tower will be connected to the
expanded Mayo Building,
where three floors are being
added to the existing two-story
The new tower will be
650,000 square feet and feature
14 operating rooms.
A beam and tree will be used
to represent one of the con-
struction industry's oldest cus-
toms the "topping out" of a
completed project.
The custom of placing a tree
on a completed structure came
with immigrants to the United
States and became an integral
part of American culture in
barn raising and housewarm-
ings, Mayo officials said.

Greek festival in Old City
The Greek influence on the
Nation's oldest city will be cel-
ebrated today, Saturday and
Sunday with music and food.
Hosted by Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church, the
festival will feature an assort-
ment of Greek foods, pastries
and beverages and entertain-
ment with live Greek music by
the Hellenic Band of Jupiter
and traditional Greek dances
by the Nisiotes dance troupe.
The festival is from 4 to 9
p.m. today, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
SSaturday and noon to 6 p.m.
Sunday at the St. Augustine
Amphitheatre, located on A1A
South in St. Augustine
Admission is $1.
For more information call
904.823.5906 or visit

test/ goa.org/greekfest/> .

Contest goes to dogs
Four-legged trick-or-treaters
will be participating in the sec-
ond annual Howling
Halloween Costume Contest &
Paws Park Fundraiser Sunday,
Oct. 29., from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
at Paws Park at Wingate Park
in Jacksonville Beach.
The event will raise money
to help pay for maintenance
and improvements to the dog
park. There will be a costume
contest for dogs and their
owners, with prizes awarded
for the most original dog cos-
tume, best dog & owner cos-
tume, funniest dog costume,
and scariest dog costume.
A $5 donation is suggested
for entry into the contest.
There will be a raffle. Owners
and their dogs can have a
photo taken for $5. Paws Park
t-shirts and DVDs will be avail-
able for purchase.
Discounted pet tattooing
and microchipping will be
offered and pet adoptions will
be available.

Fire fighters host event
A community open house
will be held 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 14, at fire
Station 10 in Ponte Vedra
Beach off State Road A1A.
The free event is hosted by
the St. Johns County Fire-
Rescue/Ponte Vedra Volunteer
Fire Department.
All ages are welcome to the
open house, which will feature
"Patches" the fire-fighting
robot, demonstrations of a fire
extinguisher and a police dog,
Life Flight helicopter tours, a
fire truck slide -and refresh-
ments. *'. A' -

Fall plant sale Oct. 15
The Natural Living Alliance
of St. Johns County will hold
its second annual fall plant
sale from noon to 4 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Coastal
Community Center, 180
Marine St., St. Augustine.
There will be two free work-
shops during the sale:
"Organic Home Gardening
101" and "Seasonal Pruning in
N.E. Florida" from 1 p.m. to 2
For information, call 827-

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receive a complimentary consultation.

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House:L Vo .Mo -

Cont. from A-I
Inside the bedroom, Joseph
Raisor asked each child to
touch the heated door, warn-
ing that a hot door should
always remain closed.
Students answered his ques-
tions, such as "How do you
get out of a burning house?"
(crawl to stay below the
smoke) and "Which window
do you use for escape?" (the
larger one, which also hap-
pens to be farthest from the
heated door).
Then theatrical smoke
began pouring into the room,
and, one at a time, the chil-
dren escaped through the win-
Outside, they gathered at a
fire truck and got lessons in
equipment and geai before
returning to class.
Nearly 2,000 children went
through the house from
Monday, when the program
-. .. *. ,* : L .* *** S "*'-*

started, through Thursday,
when PV-PV school finished,
said Jeremy Robshaw,
spokesman for St. Johns
County Fire and Rescue.
"I think you really can't put
a value on it," he said of the
house, which was largely paid
for with a U.S. Fire
Administration fire prevention
grant, with St. Johns County
contributing 10 percent.
Robshaw said that the
thank-you drawings the
department has received from
youngsters who have been
through the house have
depicted various parts of the
safety house.
"That tells me that they're
remembering it, they're think-
ing about it," he said. a
The fire safety house.is
scheduled to visit Palmer
Catholic Academy on Oct. 30
and Ocean Palms, Elementary
School Oct. 26 and 27.

Martial arts expert Kirk Farber gives his "Don't be a Bully...be a Buddy" program at Seabreeze Elementary School in
,, Jacksonvill: Beach Wedbsday.';' ,

Construction gets limits on

major holidays in Jax Beach

S. phoo by CHOCK ADAMS
Joseph Raisor with St. Johns County Fire and Rescue talks
Thursday to children from Debrah Leonards class at Ponte
Vedra-Palm Valley Elementary School as they ;ake their turn,
through the new 36-foot fire safety house.


Cont. from A-1
Other drills pertaining to
more rare situations are on the
School District's recommended,
list accompanied by a list of
'procedures for each drill. ,
In "lock down" drills those
in which a gunman or violent
person may be on campus -
teachers are instructed to lock
their, classroom doors, cover
the windows and tell all the
students to lie on the ground
and be quiet.
If airborne chemicals spilled
nearby are heading for the
school, teachers and students
must lock themselves in the
school's main building, closing
off all air conditioning vents.
That's is referred to as a "shel-
ter and place" drill, McLatchey
Another document used to
guide and prepare schools for
crisis situations is the
Emergency Operations Plan,
which is unique to each
Two years ago the School
District formulated a general
Emergency Operations. Plan
with the help of the St. Johns
Sheriff's Office, Fire Rescue,
Emergency Operations staff,
teachers and parents.
"It covers every conceivable
critical incident that -we can
put together," McLatchey said.
Those scenarios include
hostage situations, shootings,
stabbings, suicide attempts,


Cont. from A-1
"I had to remain impartial,"
Allten said in an interview
"I was going to have to be
the principal no matter what it
was named."
Allten said ballots were
handed out in the community
for people to suggest names for
the school.
Then the committee present-
ed its top three favorites to the
School Board for a final vote.
The middle school was
named after Alice Landrum,
who held the position as
Ponte Vedra's first postmistress
for 37 years.
She was also instrumental in
the state's purchase of land for
Guana State Park and also
helped the county' acquire the

ir-) i i b -,96bi 1 egnos)
t '_' lt .,IL 1!:-. 112 'l,'.' ,;;).T .-IC.

chemical spills and more.
The schools used the' general
document .created by the
School District as a template to
design their own unique plan,
which details what is to' be
done in each specific situation,
McLatchey said.
The Emergency Operations
Plan also establishes for each
school a Crisis Mahnagement
Team made up of the school's
Usually the leader, or inci-
dent supervisor, is the princi-
pal, McLatchey said, and other
staff members or teachers occu-
py positions such as evacua-
tion coordinator, law enforce-
ment liaison and media
Every school also has a part-
ner school, where students will
go if they must be evacuated,
McLatchey said. And every
principal has a two-way radio
that enables him or her to
directly contact the School
District or any principal in the
county, McLatchey said.
On Sept. 26, a 16-year-old
student was shot and killed at a
school in Bailey, Colo.'
, Three days later a 15-year-
old student shot and killed his.
principal at -4 school in
Cazenovia, Wis.
' Then Tuesday, at least five
Amish girls were shot and
killed by a gunman who later
shot "himself at a school in
Nickel Mines,' Pa..

40 acres for Ponte Vedra-Palm
Valley Elementary School.
LeMaster withdrew his name
from consideration so that the
school could be named after
Landrum, says the letter from
his friends.
Nease High School, built in
1980, was named after Alien D.
Nease, a local cattleman and
forester who served on the
School Board for more than 20
years and helped acquire the
land where the school was
Rawlings Elementary was
named after Marjorie K.
Rawlings, a resident of
Crescent Beach and a talented
author best known for her
1938 novel "The Yearling."

Jacksonville Beach. City
Councilman Dick Matthews
was iot,.thinking about,work as
he mtiade his way to thiecenter
.of.ti'e city to enjoy the Fourth
of July festivities.
But he couldn't help notice
contractors- banging. away on
,.the federal. holiday celebrating
he. nation's, indepen'dence.....
The City: Coticil' Monday
gave preliminary OK to,amend
'tbe portio'.of the city's noise
.ordinance, to -restrict. construc-
tion activities on holidays.
M .Matthews .proposed the
amendment .:after. learning

2 men die


Two unidentified young men
were killed in a fiery, crash in
Atlantic Beach early..ThUisday
morning after they drove a vehi-
de stolen from 'Ponte Vedra into
a tree and overturned on Selva
Marina Drive,. according to the
city's police chief. '
Police officials were awaiting
word from the county coroner's
office on the victims' identities,
said Police Chief David
Thompson, who said the vic-
tims appeared to be "young
white males."
He said police got a call
around 2 a.m. of a crash along
Selva Marina Drive near Saturiba
Drive. About a .minute later
police received another call that
the vehicle was on fire. .
When police arrived at the
scene they attempted to rescue
the victims from the vehicle, but
were hampered by flames and
"several 'small explosions," said
Officers- evacuated residents
from nearby homes duet to, the
flames and explosions, he said.
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue
responded and put out the fire.
Police later learned that the
silver pick-up truck involved in
the crash was stolen from Porte
Vedra, said Thompson. He said
that police retrieved the license
plate from the vehicle and con-
tacted the owner who was
unaware that the vehicle was
missing until police called.

Finance planning

offered by BEAM
Credit counseling services
are .now available to help
clients of the Beaches
Emergency Assistance
Ministry learn how to main-
tain financial security.
Cindy Funkhouser, execu-
tive director of BEAM, said
this week that families can
obtain free counseling from 8
a.m. to 6 p.m. every
Thursday at the office locat-
ed at 850 6th Ave. S. in
Jacksonville Beach.
BEAM offers assistance to
qualified low income families
at the Beaches. The group
also holds an annual back to
school clothing giveaway for
under privileged children.
Contact Funkhouser for
information at 241-7437.

from'the City Manager George
Forbes that the holidays were,
not legally covered in the city's
existing ordinance regulating
permissible hours for building
"We were not trying to
change the times aS they are
from'8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Saturday," Matthews
.said. "That takes care of
Sunday and they can't do any-
thing until Monday morning."
If approved during the sec-
ond reading Oct. 16, Matthews
said contractors and subcon-
tractors would not be permit-
ted to work on LabQr Day, New

Year's Day,. Thanksgiving,
Christmas, Memorial Day and
the Fourth of July.
Planning and Development
Director' Steve Lindorff suggest-
ed that contractors be made to
post a sign notifying subcon-
tractors of the provision.
The noise limitations pro-
.vide a clause that permits such
work .'only "in the case of
urgent necessity in the interest
of public safety and then only
with permit from the City
The permit may be renewed
up to three days while the
emergency continues.

Di R G P.u., DC

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www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

Letters to the editor:

Builders Care's

efforts a service

to community"

To the editor: was contributing all the lum-
I wrote, andxrewrote this let- ber for the project.
ter at least five times because I My wonderful seven volun-
couldn't find the words to say. teers had arrived at 9 a.m., and
"Thank You."" Two small through the heat, hammered,
insignificant words consisting sawed and nailed lumber so
of.eight letters that have such graciously given by Lowes.
meaning. When I finished lunch for
On Sept. 16 at.least six pick- my newfound friends, I was
up trucks pulled into my.!cul- grateful to lower my head and
de-sac at Portside. Mobile Park, say grace for the work being
loaded up with lumber, nails, done and the Builders Care
hammers, and-seven volun- and their wonderful volun-
teers giving up a .precious teers, and the food. we were
Saturday tb help a neighbor in about to enjoy.
need. At approximately 3 p.m. the
I had heard about Builders work was 99 percent finished
Care through the grapevine,; "and my wonderful new friends
and decided to find our more 'went home to their families'for
because I needed help. My ex- a well deserved rest. a '
husband had a leg amputated We love the ramp and [my
and came, to live, with my ex-husband] has zipped up and
daughter and I in our mobile down on his.hoveround.
home. So thank you Builders Care
We needed a wheelchair' and Lowes and thank you to
ramp. all the volunteers who so gra-
My first contact at Builders ciously give up their Saturdays
Care was a man 'named Chris'. to help a stranger in need:.
Simons wlno listened to my tail Ih a world such as our, isn't it
of woe, and took itVunderhand; wonderful to find a whole
leading me to meet Bill bunch of Builders who care
Wilson, and Rick from Lowes. and volunteers who number
Slowly but stirely the., ball into the 100's and Lowes who
started rolling, and Sept. 16 don't advertise this good deed,
rolled around.and my wheel- but without' their- donated
chair ramp started 'to take lumber, we'd have rio wheel-
shape. chair ramp. -
Rick, my friend from Lowes; Doreen R. Davies
measured and drew the.'design Jacksonville
for the 'ramp, because Lowes

Players' Pirates a

greatproduction i

To the editor:
On Saturday night at the.
close of the last act of Players
by the Sea's presentation
of The Pirates of Penzance,
the sell .out audience, young
and old, rose to its feet as one
to cheer -and applaud an'
absolutely superb musical per-
formance.- The: sound' of the
croivd's loud and well deserved
appreciation for this outstand-
ing group of players undoubt-
edly carried as far as 3rd Street.
.Ve have been regulars at
Players by the Sea for several.
years and driving home
after this performance it
struck us how fortunate we at
the Beaches are to have this
-wonderful cultural asset in our.
community. All of the Players',
presentations: are., exceptional
but every so often they really
hit the mark.' The Pirates of'
Penzance was one of those' spe-
cial theatre moments when
everything goes right. Events

-such as "Pirates" and "Piano
Bar" show'that it is not neces-
sary to fly to New York and buy
$200 tickets to erijoy first class.
musical' entertainment. In
many ways .Players by the Sea
and ABET-are even more enter-
taining because often a neigh-
bor or friend appears on stage
and the performance becomes
even more rewarding.
Our many thanks are given
to ,the cast and crew of The
Pirates of Penzance for
making it a great weekend at
the Beaches and to all the vol-
unteers behind- the scenes that
make these performances pos-
For those in the community
that haven't had the opportu-
nity to attend a Players by the'
Sea performancec, "we highly
recommend that .you give it a
try. You will not be disappoint-.,
ed. '
Susie and Mike Miller
Neptune Beach.
.' .' ,1 *


Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader '

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More letters to the, editor:
.Bryant responds to
Bryant responds to' Rich comments

To the editor:
Recently in the wave of political activity and
accusations concerning County Commission
races in St. Johns County, I have been alleged to
have engaged in inappropriate conduct.
Interestingly,, I am not involved in any of these
races. Regardless one of the other commission-
ers (also' not currently running) decided to
completely misrepresent facts concerning me,
presumptively, to forward what appears to be
his rabid desire for media ink. Apparently for
Commissioner Ben Rich, mud and slander are
better tools for his interest than truth. Please
allow me to render the factual account rather
than the fantasies you have heard from my fel-
low commissioner.
On Aug. 25, 2006 I was busy at the pharma-
cy where I work. Apparently, earlier in the day
Ted Zebrowsky had received a communication
from Commissioner Maguire requesting that an
attached press release be issued through the St.
Johns County public affairs office. The release
concerned Commissioner Maguire's proposal
that future development be limited to 50 per-
cent of total allowable density. Mr. Zebrowsky
contacted my office to determine my thoughts
whether such a release should come through
the County public affairs office or from Mr.
Maguire personally or through his campaign. I
am presently the Chairperson of the County
Commission. In turn, I requested the release be
faxed to me at work for review. I had never
been advised nor aware of the release or its con-
tent prior to then. My administrative aide faxed
me the release and Mr. Maguire's request it be
disseminated from the County.
Upon review, I advised Mr. Zebrowsky that it
was not appropriate for release through the
County's affairs office and directed him to'
advise Mr. Maguire that he, Maguire, would

have to find another channel for the release.
Mr. Zebr'owsky agreed with my assessment and
subsequently advised Mr. Maguire of the deci-
sion. Mr. Maguire disagreed with our decision.
Ultimately it was decided by the County
Administrator that the public affairs office
could let the press release be released, but only
with a disclaimer that the document emanate
from Mr. Maguire's desk and was neither a
.release of nor approval-by the County
Commission or County Administration.
I encountered Mr. Maguire soon thereafter at
the County Commission office and he reiterat-
ed his belief that'the release was appropriate for
release through the County and I countered
that it was not, in my view. No other discussion
ever occurred between us concerning these
issues... ever.
Moreover, the allegation by Mr. Rich that I
attempted to pressure Mr. Zebrowsky to release
the material through the County public affairs
office is utter nonsense. I did exactly the oppo-
site as Mr. Zebrowsky has confirmed countless
times since Mr. Rich's media orchestration.
Rather than engage in further waste of time
and energy on this subject (we have taxpayers
to serve) I invite anyone, anytime, to have this
matter investigated so that the truth may be
fully discovered in an objective and profession-
al manner.
Certainly, the allegations have been neither
objective, professional nor truthful thus far and
that is a sad indictment of the political process
exercised 'this season. We should be advocates
and reasoned professionals for our citizens; not
peddlers'of paranoia and misinformation try-
ing to capture the emotions of those who are
uninformed. ,,,.
., '. James E. Bryant
S St. Johns County Commissioner


Up north

when they

say mean

temp it

means just

exactly that

A ea~ther wit once
defined winter as
A "stuff that rich people
go south during."
Fortunately, we're already in
the South. The idea of win-
ter leaves me cold.
That's why I warmly pres-
ent the reason why. I'm
writing this column.
According to the 2007
Southern edition of The
Old -Farmer's Almanac,
"Winter (in Florida) will be
warmer and drier than nor-
'nial. Expect temperatures to
be slightly above normal,
on. average, and rainfall to
be well below normal. The
coldest temperatures will
-occur in 'mid- to late
December, early January,
and late February, BUT A
UNLIKELY." '(Emphasis by
yours truly).,
Ybu might, ask how accu-
rate this prediction is. The
authors state that their
weather forecasts, are
derivedd from a secret,formu-
,-,/lai Sd h ^e ^nWi_,
founder, Robert B. Thomas,
in 1792. They admit that
nobody can predict the
.weather with total accuracy,
but "...our results, are
almost always very close to
our traditional claim of 80
percent." This gives the
forecasters 'some wiggle
room. Still if it's that close
to reliable,' I'm satisfied.
Happily, it's been don-
key's years since we had any
snow in this area. 'At the
time, as I recall, it hardly
lasted long enough to make
a snowball. MOreover, if
you did produce one, by the
time you finished your
wind-up to throw the mis-
sile, it had just about melt-
One of the most dramatic
contrasts between our cli-
mate and that of' northern
climes took place way back
when my sister Eileen.came
down from her home up
there for her first visit here.
I then owned a convertible,
and we were headed -to
Alexander Springs for some
diving and snorkeling.
It was a beautiful, warm
December day, and I had
the top down. On the radio,
the national news .-was
announced, including a
heavy snow storm smother-
ing the part of New England
where Eileen. lived. In
Robert Frost country, Jack
Frost was busy. My sister
was more than impressed.
She was envious. I thought,
Thank you, Mother
Prudential, for transferring
me here.
Then I realized that the
Frozen North has at least
one advantage. Driving a
car there can be economical
in winter, especially with
current gasoline prices.
When the roads are iced up,
you can save fuel by skid-
ding to your destination.
One northern native
claimed that he could drive
most, of the way to work at
55 miles an hour in neutral.
Winter weather report for
Yankee towns and cities:
The mean temperature is.

Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader,
P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, FL
32240, or send e-mail to



I 1

t ,-

6 200

V, Su

Page 5A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte.Vedra Leader



A fire hydrant was.reported
damaged Sept. 28 in the 900
block of Plaza,
S* ,'
The front gate of Dutton:
Island Preserve was reported
damaged Sept. 29. The dam-
age is estimated at $500,
according to the police
,' 5 ,',* ,
A' simple' assault was
reported Sept. 29 i the 900
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Willis Edward Clurry, 31, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested
and charged with possession
of crack cocaine Sept. 29 in
the 30 block of West Ninth
Street, according to a police
*-, ,* *
S A domestic battery was
reported Sept. 29 in the 1500
block of Park Terrace East.
David Robert Garmon, 43,
of Atlantic Beach was arrest-
ed and charged with posses-
sion of a controlled sub-
stance Sept. 30 in the 1800
block of Mayport Road,
according to a police report.
\ .i '* : :, ,,' ",*e o .] .. .
A vehicle was reportedbur-
Sglarized Sept. 30 in the 80
block of West Ninth Street.
** ""
An Atlantic Beach man
told police Sept. 30 that he
was the victim of a robbery
by an acquaintance who
stole his bike at knife point
in the 300 block of Mayport
A 78-year-old Jacksonville
Beach man was robbed of
$250 cash by an unidentified
man Sept. 30 at a gas station
at 2301 Mayport Road.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Sept. 30 in the 600
block of Main Street.
Someone reported that
$23 cash was stolen from' a
residence Sept. 30 in the
1100 block of Violet Street.
Quentin Lamar Joyner, 19
of Jacksonville was arrested
and charged with possession
of crack cocaine and
Attempting' to flee,1'",nd
charged ori a watrdnt'-'for
aggravated battery on a preg-
narit victim Sept'. 30 in the
1000 block of Orchid Street,
according to a police report.

A bicycle valued at $250
was reported stolen Sept. 30
in the 40 block of Stanley

Tiffany Anne Lockett, 29,
of Atlantic Beach was arrest-
ed and charged with posses-
sion of a controlled sub-
stance Sept.. 30 in the 1300
block of Rose Street, accord-
ing to a police report.
*6 0,
N Mary Maureen Jackson, 49,
of Neptune Beach was arrest-
ed and charged with posses-

Carmella Boutot Dubuc, 80,'
died Sept. 29, 2006. She was
born March 4, 1926 to Yvonne
and Dennis Boutot.
Dubuc graduated from
SMaine General Hospital Feb. 2,
1947 and worked as a staff
nurse in Obstetrics, Medical
Surgical Nursing and in the
operating room for many
years. She was accredited to
work in Virginia in 1960,
Florida in. 1961 and
Connecticut in 1972. '
Dubuc was awarded a super-
visory management course
from Aroostook County in
April 1975 from American
Management, Association.
Northern Maine Medical
Center promoted her to Day
supervisor of nursing service in
July 1975, and she was award-
ed the advanced management
program from Aroostook
County, Maine, in 1976.
Dubuc. was. designated ias
patient advocate, teaching and
patient education of Northern
Maine Medical Center in
March 1976. She became the
hospital coordinator for Swine
Flu inoculation in, the region
and also was responsible for
establishing a school/commu-
nity-based' nursing program

sion of a concealed, firearm
Sept. 30 in the 30 block of
Royal Palm, according to a
police report. Jackson was
later charged with possession
of marijuana Oct. 1 in the
500 block of East Adams
Street, according to the
A simple assault was*
reported Oct. 1 in the 2300,
block of Mayport Road.
Samantha Lakisha
Houston, 30, of- Atlantic
Beach was arrested and
charged with a aggravated
batter with a deadly device
Oct. 1 in the 100 block of
Ardella Road, according to a
police report.
A backpack was reported
stolen from a vehicle Oct. 1
in the 1400 block of Jasmine
A set of keys was reported
stolen Oct. 1 in the 40 block
of Stanley Road.
An Atlantic Beach police
officer while on patrol Oct. 1
around 12 a.m. discovered
that a dock at Tideviews Park
was on fire. When the officer
got closer to the fire it
appeared that a trash can on
the dock was the source of
the fire. Firefighters arrived
at the scene and extin-
guished the flames, accord-
ing to the report. The dam-
age is estimated at $9,600,
according to Parks and
Recreation Director Timmy

A stolen tag was reported
recovered Oct. 4 in the 900
block of Mayport Road.
Police reported that $50
cash was stolen from a busi-
ness Oct. 3 in the 1100 block
of Atlantic Boulevard.

Robert Kevin Harris, 45, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested
Sept. 29 and charged with
possession of cocaine and
introducing a controlled sub-
stance, into an couil t1 deten-
iaionhitasilityt:oacEcndiiagita a
police report. Harris was
arrested on a misdemeanor
drug charge in the 600 block
of 15th Avenue North and
transported downtown.
Police found three grams of
cocaine in his pants pocket
while he was being processed
into the Duval County Jail,
police said.

Forgery was reported Oct.
2 at a pharmacy in the first
block of 3rd Street North. A
22-year-old female suspect
filled a fake prescription for
30 pills. The doctor's office
notified the pharmacy of the
fraudulent prescription.
Felony criminal mischief was

with .Fort Kent High School
and the Northern Maine
SMedical Center.
In addition to the school:
program, Dubuc assisted in the
EMT program and the local ,
Candy Stripers Volunteers pro-
gram. When she moved to
Florida,. she was honored by
Wellington Regional Medical
Center for her 44 years of serv-
ice in' May 1988.
Dubuc is survived by her
daughter, Judith (Dubuc)
Phillips (Ray); son, Kenneth IV.
Dubuc (Cindy), and grandson,
Jeffrey (Malia). She was prede-
ceased by her husbarid, John
*M. Dubuc.
Mass of Christian Burial was
celebrated Thursday in
Resurrection Catholic Church.,
A reception followed in the
Parish Center Conference
Room. A Rosary -was recited
prior to the service.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
donations may be made to the
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266.
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32257. '
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home'.

reported Oct. 2 in the 1600
block of 1st Street North.
Unknown suspects entered a
construction site and caused
$2,000 in damage to a mini-
excavation machine.
-' ,
Counterfeit bills were report-
ed Oct. 2 in commercial cash
deposits made to a bank in the
1300 block of 3rd Street South.
Four fake bills three $20 bills
and one $10 bill were includ-
ed in multiple deposits, police
said. The owner of the business
-said he was unaware that the
bills were counterfeit and did
not know where they came
A surfboard signed by the
shaper was reported stolen Oct.
2 in the 400 block of 6th Avenue
North. The victim told police
that she discovered the board
was missing after finding a rear
gate open. Loss is $250.
The fishing pier was reported
burglarized Oct. 1 in the 500
block of 1st Street North. The
suspects climbed over the
locked gate and ripped a picnic
table out from the end of the
pier. The table was thrown over
the railing and recovered par-
tially buried in the sand. Loss
was $125.
1, Attempted armed robbery was
reported Oct. I in the 1200
block of 2nd Street North. The
victim told police that he was
walking home at 1:30 a.m.
when he passed a van with the
hood up and three man stand-
ing beside it. The men followed
the victim for three blocks
before attacking him at the cor-
ner of 13th Avenue and 12th
Street North. The victim said the
men punched and kicked him
in the face and tried to rob him
before fleeing, police said.,
James Allen Hunt, 43, a tran-
sient, was arrested Oct. 2 and
was charged with active war-
rants for grand theft of a motor
vehicle and grand theft in the
600 block of 3rd Street South,
according to a police report.
Strong armed robbery was
Strong armed robbery was

reported Sept. 30 in the 500
block of Beach Proper North. A
22-year-old sailor, stationed
aboard the USSJohn F. Kennedy
told police that he, was on the
beach just south of the pier at
12:30 a.m. when he was jumped'
from behind by an unknown
male suspect. The suspect
punched the man in his left eye
and held the victim down and
demanded his wallet. The vic-
tim said. the suspect took his
wallet and fled, police said.
Robbery was reported Sept. 30
at the Hampton Inn in the 1200
block of Marsh Landing
Parkway. The suspect jumped
the counter at 3:30. a.m. and
stole $309 from the cash drawer.
The night clerk told police that
the man entered the hotel and
inquired about room rates and
availability. The man jumped
the counter while the clerk
checked the computer and was
very quiet while opening the
drawer. The victim also said the
suspect did not have a weapon
and did not touch her, police
Michele Justina Martin, 31,
of P6nte Vedra Beach was arrest-
ed Sept. 28 and charged with
two active warrants for giving
worthless checks during an
unrelated investigation in the
300 block of 3rd Street North,
according to a police report.

John David Geiger, 38, of
Jacksonville was arrested Sept.
29 and charged with possession
of a controlled substance in the
13000 block of Sutton Park
Drive North, according to a
police report.

A security guard at the
Cabana Club in Ponte Vedra
Beach reported Sunday that a
window had been tampered

A resident of South Mill View
Way in Sawmill Lakes reported
Sunday that his daughter's bicy-
cle was stolen from the garage,
which had been left with the
door open. A boy in the neigh-

-Death ruled suicide,
F 1 7. I . f n. I ,' I 1 '-1Fn

Police investigating a body
that washed ashore last week
in Jacksonville Beach have
closed the case after a lengthy
suicide note was found in the
man's vehicle, police reported.
A seven-page letter was
located on the dashboard of a
red 1996 Honda belonging to
the man. The car was located
by Neptune Beach police in
the 100 block of Atlantic
The medical examiner's
office was able to identify the
man as Payin Robles, 30, using
fingerprint analysis.

Robles' family filed a miss-
ing persons report with police
in Plantation, Florida on Sept.
28. He was last seen on Sept.
26 and was listed as being
depressed, police reported.
A Jacksonville Beach woman
looking over the ocean with
binoculars saw what appeared
to be a body floating in the
surf the day after Robles was
reported missing by his family.
Police are not releasing the
contents of the letter found in
the car but noted 'that it was
found in a black portfolio and
included his date of birth and
date of death, which was listed
as Sept. 26. The case is being
ruled a suicide, police said.

S. :, OB ,,ITUARIES :,


Edward Sidorski, 83, born.
Oct. 26, 1922 in Linden, N.J.,
died Sept. 29, 2006 in
Jacksonville Beach. '
Sidorski served in the
United States Navy for 24
years. He was a member of
American Legion Post, 129,
Fleet Reserve Unit 290 and,
VFW Post 32.70.
Sidorski is: survived by his'


wife of' 56 years, Violet
Sidorski. He will be missed
by all who' knew him, she
A graveside celebration of
life was held Tuesday at H.
Warren Smith Cemetery, with
full military honors.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.'

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borhood admitted taking the
bicycle, but the victim said he'
did not want the matter prose-
cuted, according to a police
', ,
A resident of Abercrombe
Lane off County Road 210 west
of the Intracoastal Waterway
was charged in an affidavit
with battery of her husband,
according to a report.
'."* *'
A resident of the 900 block
of Ponrte Vedra Boulevard
reported Tuesday that her mail-
box was missing. A mailbox
arid some mail were found in a
while Oldsmobile, whose driv-
er was arrested for attempting
to elude an officer.

; Dr Lorie Tho nno. DC

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The City of Jacksonville Beach has received application PC#
17-06, (Ord. No. 2006-7928) to amend the Planned Unit
Development: PUD Ordinance No. 7411. as amended,
governing the South Beach Regional Shopping Center, at
3790 South 3rd Street. The applicant proposes to amend the
PUD project narrative text by adding SIC Code 5211 (NAICS
No. 444110) to the list of permitted uses within the K -Mart
Parcel in that shopping center to allow a Home Depot retail
store. The applicant also proposes to amend the approved
preliminary development plan, for the PUD by modifying
the parking layout and landscaping within the former K-Mart
parcel, including changing certain angled parking to
perpendicular parking.

J.T. Butler Blvd. N -

A public hearing on Ordinance No. 2006-7928 is
scheduled as follows:

2nd Reading/Adoption by the Jacksonville Beach City
Council Monday, October 16, 2006 7:00 p.m.

The public hearing will be held on the date and time listed
above, in the City Council Chambers, located at 11 North
3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. This application and
other documents are available for public review at the office
of the Planning and Development Department, located at 11
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach. Florida. during normal
business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm).


In accordance with Section 286.0105, F.S., any personri desirous
of appealing any decision reached at this meeting will need a
record of the proceedings. Such person may need a record of
the proceedings, and, for such purpose. such person may need
to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made.
which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which
the appeal is to be based.

The public is encouraged to speak on issues on this Agenda that
concern them. Anyone who wishes to speak should submit the
request to the recording secretary prior to the beginning of the
meeting. .

In accordance with the Americahs with Disabilities Act and
Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting
should contact the Planning and Development Department no
later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the meeting.

Carmella Boutot Bubiuc

October 6, 2006

Neptune Beach plans

its 75th celebration

The City of Neptune Beach will celebrate their
75th Anniversary in Jarboe Park on Oct. 20-22.
Fourteen.carnival rides for all ages, carnival
games, fun food items, local artists and vendors
will provide a festive atmosphere. The St.
John's River City Band, The Navy Southeast
Ceremonial Band, Gadsden, Sassy Strings, Sassy
Tappers, The John Thomas Group, Idol Rumors,
Lucky Stiffs, Eileen, Kentucky Fuzz, Joyful
Noise, and Rhinestone Carina are some of the
acts lined up for an entertaining weekend. The
festivities are scheduled to kick off at 5 p.m.
continuing to 10 p.m. on Friday; Saturday 10
a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday noon- 6 p.m.
The Men's Beard Contest and' the Lady's
Longest Hair Contest, for participation by
Neptune Beach residents and employees only, is
planned with the winners being announced
from the stage on Oct. 21. The oldest resident
and the longest continuously residing resident
will also be announced that evening.
Applications for these respective contests are
available at City Hall with a deadline for com-
pleting the application of Monday, Oct/ 16 at 5

With October set fox the celebration, a "Bier
Garten" will be open for adult beverage pur-
chases. Soft drinks will also be available in this
comfortable setting across from the Butterfly
Garden. Appropriate I.D. will be necessary to
purchase beer and other assorted libations.
Several local restaurants will also participate
with specialties including Sliders, Sticky Fingers,
Cuthane's, and Tropical Smoothie.
Special parking arrangements have been
made for this three day festival. Parking will be
available at Beaches Chapel west lot on Florida
Boulevard, Fletcher High School's west lot
(Saturday and Sunday only, and the Kmart
parking lot on Atlantic Boulevard. Parking. in
the AmSouth Bank lot is available. The ITA
*Trolley will run between the Atlantic Boulevard
Kmart lot and the Fletcher High School lot for
ease during Saturday and Sunday. Parking in or
around Jarboe Park is restricted to authorized
vendors and permitted vehicles only.
Volunteers from several Beaches service clubs
and organizations will be in place to ensure the
success of the event in every way. Souvenir
posters and tee shirts will be available during
the festival.


Characters (from left) Gloria
(who .eats 'nothing but fat),
Jack Sprat (who eats no fat),
and MC.Hubbard (a profes-
sional cubboard consultant)
perform a program called The
Jack Sprat Low-Fat World
Tour at Jacksonville Beach
Elementary School to educate
children on what constitutes a
healthy diet by using visuals to
teach about protein, carbohy-
drates, fat and fiber.


Lerdy Lordp
Teaie 's Fori

Storage Space
jrq d' ,

On Monday, Oct 2, Engine 55 came to Beaches Chapel School and talked about the importance of trusting firemen when they
come to save you. Pictured are firemen Sam Bass, Jeremy Schiloo, Phil Nadeau and Jesse Gregory with the third grade teacher
Teresa Rogers and the third grade class of Beaches Chapel School




Hayley Snyder
and Olivia
paint tiles at a
family night
event at
Neptune Beach
Elementary. The
school is raising
funds for the
school's new
playground proj-
ect. The tiles will
we used to dec-
orate a new
playground area
pavilion at the
facility, located
behind the
school, and that
is accessible to
all children,
including those
with disabilities..

F N'
ft ~


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The Beaches Leadef/Ponite Vedra Leader,

1P p 6^ A.

- rl, t a- t

October 6, 2006. The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A

'/. % U [ .,. .



SJ e f f r e y
1 Minton has
resigned as a
staff writer for
The Beaches
'. Leader to,
accept 'a posi-
tion with
Landstar in
He has been
Jeffrey Minton with The
Leader since
T May, 2001 and has primarily
covered Atlantic Beach and
Neptune Beach.
Broadcaster Chuick Blore
will discuss the importance of:
memorability in today's.adver-
tising at the; Jacksonville
Marketing and Advertising
Club's Oct. 18, meeting at the
,River City Brewing Club at
noon. Blore created the At&T
"Reach Out and Touch
Someone" commercials. For'
more information on the
luncheon call Liz Hu'x at 380-'
:4239. .

A few months ago I learned of
an archaeological dig on Big
Talbot Island and implored the
park staff to show me the site,
the Grand Shell Ring created by
Native Americans 800 or more
years ago. Although Keith
Ashley, an archaeologist at the
Savannah College of Art and
Design, and his assistant Vicki
Rolland had already finished
the excavation, the site had not
yet been filled back in.
Early one Saturday morning I
met ranger Elizabeth Pavlinsky
at Houston Road and, after a
liberal dosing of insect repel-
lent, off. we went into the
woods to sed'it for ourselves.
The path was unmarked, and,
barely discernible, even to our
'eyes. And, unbelievably, once
:we got to the site itself a ring
of oyster shells about 150 feet in
diameter with walls about 40
feet thick and about 3 feet high,
it was still nearly impossible to'
see. Over the l'ears, vegetation
on the site lihas overgrown the
mound, and tall trees shade it
and obscure its borders. The'
only real sign I had of being.
there was a view of the excavat-
ed area itself, a deep trench in
the ground covered with an
unmistakable blue plastic tarp.
Elizabeth and I carefully uncov-
ered a section of the trench and,
peered into the straight-edged
walls bisecting. the mound
Now,, weeks later, the trench.
has been refilledand the path
from the road, here's hoping, is
gone from view entirely. Until
the state park gets ready to
.interpret this site, there is no
need for people to find it and
plunder it; as others have done

in the past. All they would find
in this 400-year-old shell ring
anyway are shells and animal
bones and more shells and
bones, with barely a few pottery
shards tossed in. For a thief
interested in dillegallyi saleable
archaeological pieces, there is
nothing there. But to a zooar-
chaeologist, these shells and
bones are buried treasure.
Believe me, I know about the
scientific value of animal bohes.
My own Ph.D. work at the
University of Florida in part
involved investigating the diet
of Southeast Asian otters. To do
this work I was based in the
Florida Museum lab of my
major professor. Dr. Elizabethi
Wing, the mother of the field of
zooarchaeology itself. Side by.
side with other graduate stu-
dents, to earn my tuition and
research grant, I spent 20 hours
a '-week sifting and sorting
through .preserved fish, bird
and mammal bones from vari-
ous archaeological sites similar.
to the Grand Ring of Big Talbot
Island. The rest of the hours in
,my work week I spent sifting
and sorting through fish bones'
in otter scats (feces) that I had
brought back from my various
field sites in Malaysia and
It's. amazing what old fish
bones can tell you about
otters, about ancient human
residents, whatever the tech-
niques for both studies are the
same. To begin with you need a
reference collection of dried
bones of entire fish of particular
species; macerated in water
until they rot, or cleaned by
flesh-eating beetles in special
bins, then carefully catalogued
and stored on museum shelves.
Then you sift through your
remains and compare the bone

Small business tips

offered at workshops

Renovations are underway at a former nightclub adjacent to Beach Marine in the 2300 block of
Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville Beach. No plans were filed with the city's planning and
Development Department and crews were ordered to stop work order Thursday afternoon until the
required permitting is secured, according to the city's planning department. Contractors on site
were unable to provide project details. A code inspector this week noted that a new wall was
erected and air conditioning ducts were recently installed without the city's permission. Tsunami's
and H20 were among the clubs that once occupied the site.

The Small Business
Development Center at the
University of North Florida'
(SBDC at UNF).'will offer the
following workshops. To regis-
ter or for more information on
any of the following work-
shops call 904-620-2477 or log'
on to www.sbdc.unf.edu.
All programs will be offered
at the UNF University Center,
12000 Alumni Dr.

How to S-T-A-R-T-U-P
Your Own Business
..When: Oct. 19, 6 p.m. to 9.
p.m. and on Nov. 8,6 p.m. to 9

*Cost: $30 in advance or $40
day of workshop.
*Information: This work-
shopoffers an overview of the
seven basic requirements.for
business STARTUP. A business
startup kit for Duval and sur-
rounding counties is included
in the workshop fee.:'
"* '
The Business Plan:
Roadmap to Success
*When: Oct. 10, 6 p.m. to 9

h 84 rooms *Ceost: -$30 in advance or $40.
Inn at Beach will have 84 roo s t in advance or oor40
*Information: This training
workshop will provide the
Some parkngfornewprocess and information
required for preparing a suc-
e j cessful business plan, including
l ll market analysis and cash flow
XK'VXhotel w ill iXscha g projections.

onto residential roadway

Stephen Ward has launched
karmaeffect, a new business'
offering photographs' of '.lora
scenic 'landmarks .. ir
Jacksonville Beach and sur
rounding areas. The firm's firs
product will be an 18" x 24
poster of the Jacksonville
Beach Pier. Plans are to release
new posters and merchandise
"to contribute to the growth
and progress of our area," said
Ward. Five dollars of each
poster sold will be donated to a
local charity such as the Epic
Surf Ministries, BEAM, and
other foundations. Ward said.


A hotel proposed for a block-long portion of
Beach Boulevard will provide the required num-
ber of parking spaces to support the use,
although seven of the spaces discharge directly
s onto 11th Street North in Jacksonville Beach.
I. Shivam Properties,applied ,for. a variance to
i' .operate a 84-room hotel along Beach Boulevard-
- between llth and 12th streets north at 1101
t Beach Boulevard with the hotel fronting llth
" Street.
e The Board of Adjustment Tuesday approved a
e request for no turning or maneuvering space
e associated with the street parking. I
Original plans for the Inn and the Beach
called for 90 parking spaces six more than the
number of rooms and six less than required.
A variance request for 1.12 spaces (or the first
c 50 rooms in lieu of the required 1.25 spaces was
denied last month because the board said devel-
opers were aware of the parking requirement

before negotiations began to purchase the prop-
Board members approved the second variance
request because the proposed parking area is
included within the property boundaries.
Developer Bobby Bhikha noted in his applica-
tion that the existing building on the proposed
site has 14 spaces on 11th Street North that are
partially located in t.h.ighpt-;l wa y .uP
rently backs directly mintotie,s'treet ..
"We feel this variance request is reasonable
and will not adversely impact the neighboring
properties or our business," Shivam president
Bobby Bhikha said. "On the contrary, this proj-
ect will enhance the area."
To address landscaping concerns, planting
islands were reconfigured to meet the required
width and the additional spaces were added
within the property boundaries along 'llth
Street North.
The prior request also sought to eliminate one
landscape island in the parking strip along Ist

Dollars and Sense:

*When: Oct. 24, 6 p.m. to 9
*Cost: $30 in advance or $40 at
the door. ,
*Information. This workshop
includes what records to-keep
and for how long, a compari-
son of available recordkeeping;
systems, improving cash flow,
understanding financial state-
ments, and how to select an
accountant. This class. is
taught by accounting profes-


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Elizabeth Pavlinsky investigates an archaeological trench dug
by researchers at the Grand Shell Ring on Big Talbot Island,
above., Zoo archaeological remains, upper left, were extracted.

pieces you find with similar
bones in the reference collec-
tion. The many skull bones in
every fish species are different
from' those of other species,
and the details are important.
By studying bones, shells
and other ,animal remains at
the Grand Ring site, archaeol-
ogists can not only determine
what type of fish and other
animals the Native Americans
ate, but also, whether these
prey items were local to the
area, or imported from other
areas, whether they are species
not commonly found now,
but more abundant before,.
whether the size of the prey
caught got smaller over time -
due to overfishing, for
instance and many other
things as well. Radiocarbon
dating on shells or other bits-
can pinpoint the date When
the remains were deposited.
Marks on larger animal bones
can indicate what weapons
were used to kill the animals

in the first place. Careful exca-
vation techniques can also
give indications if the remains
were deposited all at once -
from a single basket, for
instance or gradually over
The Grand Shell Ring of Big
Talbot Island has lots of infor-
mation to tell us about the
former residents. of our area
and you are welcome to hear
it for yourself. Dr. Ashley will
present the final results on
this work at noon on Saturday
at the Ribault Club on Fort
George Island. This event, like
the work itself, is sponsored
by the Friends of Talbot
Islands State Parks citizen sup-
port organization and is -free
to one and all. Come on
Pat Foster-Turley is a Ph.D.
zoologist, biodiversity specialist
and storyteller on Amelia Island.
Contact her at

Taking a walk

through time


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Blessing of the,
There will be a' Blessing of
the Animals at 4. p.m. on
Sunday at Lord of Life
Lutheran Church at 276 N.
Roscoe Blvd. in 'Ponte 'Vedra.
The community'is welcome to
bring their 'pets, either on .a
leash or in a cage, to the
church pavilion for the bless-
ing which will be followed by a'
celebration., For information
call 285-5347.
The church's Elementary
Youth 'Group; Kids of the
Kingdom, is collecting items
for the Humane Society during
the month of October. Pet

owners are invit-
ed to bring donations, of pet
food, clean rags, buckets, and
pet toys.
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church will have an
Oktoberfest with authentic
German food and music at 6
p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14 in
the parish hall.' Reservations
are $12 and can be made at the
parish office or by bringing the
reservation form to services.
through Oct. 8. The church
address is 465 llth Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach; call 249-
4091 for information. '
Beach Bash
A Beach Bash to benefit
Beaches Habitat for Humanity'

will be held at 6 p.m. on
Monday, October 16 at the
Casa Marina Hotel. Tickets are
$75 and include food from sev-
eral popular local restaurants
and 'entertainment by the
Teddy Washington Band.
Tickets are $75 each and are
available from Habitat at 241-
1222 or at www. beacheshabi-
I The October performance
of Youthquake Live will be
todayvfrom 8 to 10 p.m. at
'Celebration Church at 10302
Deer wood Park Blvd. in
Jacksonville, Youthquake,
Live provides relevant
Christian entertainment for
teens. For information con-
tact the Youthquake .office
at Christ 'the Redeemer
Church'at 285-8009.
.Senior .
The' next meeting of'the
Senior Connection at Our Lady'
Star of the Sea Catholic
, Church will be at 10 a.m. on
Friday, Oct. 13. An Oktobeifest
potluck luncheon, is' planned
with entertainment by the
Deutsche, Volkstanzers group
of the German'American Club.
All are welcome. '
Thie event is in the church
cultural center at 545 AlA N in
Ponte Vedra; for information
call Cheryl at 543-1139..'
Aware Women's
New Life Christian
Fellowship will host the Aware
Women's Conference begin-
ning at 7 p.m:. today' and at
9:30 a.m. 'tomorrow. Joni
Lamb, co-founder of Daystar

Television, and Pastor Sharon
Zink from New Life will speak
at the conference that will edu-.
cate women to face today's
issues with hope.
New Life is at 2701 Hodges
Blvd. in Jacksonville; call 223-
6000 for information or visit
Neptune Baptist Church will
have the monthly Encourager's
Luncheon. for seniors on
Thursday, Oct. 12 featuring a
musical program by Bill
Carmichael. Registration.
begins at 10:30 a.m. and the
program begins at 11 a.m. Call
the church office at 249-2307.
for. reservations; the church
address is 407 Third Street in
Neptune Beach.
Health Fair
St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church will have a
Community Health Fair from 9
-a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday,
Oct. 7. Health professionals
and agency representatives will
be available to provide flu
shots, screenings, and medical
information at no charge to
the public. The fire depart-,
ment and the Blood Mobile'
will also be there.
St. Andrew's is located 'at
'1801 Beach Blvd. For informa-
tion call the church office at
Open House
Maarten .'an de Guchte,
Director of the' Cummer
Musetum and Gardens, will be
the guest speaker at the Open
fouse Luncheon on
Wednesday, Oct. 11 at Palms
Presbyterian Chirch. The
luncheon begins at noon in

the Youth Center/Fellowship
Tickets are $7 and are avail-
able from the church office or
after Sunday services on Oct. 8.
Palms is located at 3410 S. 3rd
St. in Jacksonville Beach; call
246-6427 for information..

Divorce Care
Palm Valley Baptist Church
is offering a Divorce Care Class
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on
Wednesday. The 13-week
class will be held in the church
sanctuary at 4890 'Palm Valley
Road in Ponte Vedra. Childcare
is provided. For information,
contact the church office at
The North Florida Women's
Chorale will begin its 15th sea-
son with rehearsals starting on
Monday, Oct. 23 at Christ
Episcopal Church in Ponte
Vedra. Dr. Ted Matthews is the
new Director and Barbara
Sartin is the new accompanist.
The Chorale is looking for
new members; anyone inter-
ested can contact Linda Young
at 223-5344.

Church Women
The Area 2 Church Women
United Annual"Meeting.will be
held today' at Penny Farms.
Car 'pooling will be available
from the beach. For informa-
tion, contact Sara Brooks at

Genesis ,
Rabbi Nbchum Kurinsky will
begin a course titled "Genesis,
an Exploration" at Chabad (@'
the Beaches at 7 p.m. on
Wednesday in October. He
will provide insights on the
book of Genesis based on the
Kabbalah and the Talmud. For
information, contact Chabad
at 285-1588; Chabad is at 521
SR A1A in Ponte Vedra.

Bethel Gallery
Art Show
"The Harvest," will be open
at the Bethel Gallery of Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church
through Oct.15. The show will
include works by Shades of
Grace Artists of "The Harvest"
based on references from the
Viewing hours are Monday
to Friday from 9 a.m..to 5 p.m.
and Sundays from 9 a.m. to
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church is located at 4510 Palm
Valley Road. Questions can be
directed to 280-9075.

The Perfecting Saints
Church will have services to
celebrate, the church's
Founder's/Anniversary Week at
7:30 p.m. today through
Oct.8. The theme for the event
is "It's Time to Stand Firm and
Take Action."'
The church address is 2949
.Mayport Road in Atlantic
Beach. For information' call'

S400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach
7I. 285-6127
'Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM. 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Eucharist
Evening, Prayer in the Chapel
. ,6:00. P L Mpn., Tues., Thurs'.; Fri. ~' ---
Nursery Available for Saturday ~
S& Sunday Services -
All are welcome ChrisiEoiscooalChurch.orA

.- *;553-$9910 ,

.10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.
(r A TradirionalAnglican Churchi
4 247-1442
Holy Communion
every Sunday'at 8:00 A.M.
Hol Trinity meets in the Old Chapel
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar.

To advertise your
Religious Services
here call

A nglican Church
A l'Toratup-cenrered evangehcal congTegator
Sn the Anghcan tra rlaon 1
Meeting at Sabal Palm Elementar-
1201 N. Kernan Blvd
Sunday Worsnlp: 10:30 am
" rnSu rupcJay.Scalogli, i9:pQ.er,...L, A.
Home Groups on weeKnign5 arour.,aj3acd onrille
Praer anad Heo"ng srvice, Secrdom Su.days, 7-pm
OK 'e 7 r.'r a AL., ]1 BAO r. .241-.9400.-cal.arI. "
l'Me.7 .. f c C r. r :


United Methodist

Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Churtch
"'here friends gather to worship."
4510 Palm Villey Road iCR 210)
Sun.Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle, High School, College
Adult Ministries
.Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Visit

Worship Opportunities SUNRISE
9:00a.m. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH
11:15 a.m. Traditional*
*Kids worshipprovided An Evangelical Free Church
Sunday School
10:00 a.m. ror all ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
Rev. Jeff Bennett,Pastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
Adam Myers, Youth '
35 Ex ecutive Way. PVB 298 Aquatic Drive
Across AIA from Rawlings School 98 uac Drive
Behind Prosperity Bank Atlantic Beach
280-5141 *" www.pv-umc.org Phone: 249-3030
."Connecting the Unconnected" Phone 249-3030

1050 Highway A IA 285-4288
Sunday School .9:00am
Worship 10:15am
:newbeginningsbc @Cclearwv ire.net

to -
5ServeG od's Mission in the World

Sunday Worship Services
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunset Service at 5:45 p m

Nursery at all services
Sunday School
All ages 9:40 a.m.

3-110 South Third SIreel J.aci son'.,ile .esc
Pn 504-246-427? \vm palmrisnurcr. org

Wed. Evening 7:30 pm 1 MISSOURI SYNOD IF
Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
(Corner 2g.d. Ave. N. and 7th'St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Idtional
Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Satuirday 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Church of the Daily Word Adtilt Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.

ST. ANDRfW'S ST. FRANCS bSt. Paul's by the Sea
A Stephen MinistryCongregation EPISCOPAL URCH .Episcopal Church .t.
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575.' Valle
PASTOR NiCHAEL BLAKER w 895 -sat n Valley Road rg n s 7e
Sunday Worship 'Ponte Vedra, FL. 543-0112 .Wd a a 1 a
i www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org
8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday, Oct. 8 Welcome Families Children's Chapel At 0 am Sun.
Sunday School 10am HOLY EUCHARIST & & Singles Nursery At 7.30 & 10 am Services Sun.
Children 9:15 am BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS singles Christian Formation At 8:45 am
Youth/Adult 9:15 amn Bring your live and toy animals as we Corner of 5th St. & 111h Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net
Nursery Provided celebrate ST. FRANCIS DAY 904-249-4091


Pastor Steve McCoy
Associate Pastor Howard McMinn
Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM
.Wednesday 7 PM
TEL 241-4211

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m;
Worship Service 10:15 a.m.'
Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
Nursery Provided -

400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Neptune Beach 249.5370
Rev. Patrice Spenser'
Share in the love of Christ

CHURCH II IT AM N E E of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC CHURCH
- 150 SherryDrive,AtlnicBehFL CHURCH jj 21250ceanfront & SeagateNeptuneBeach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
Shb Rev Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pasitor (ELCA) B st Chu rch Come worship with us by the ocean. Father Joseph Meehan
S'Church Office249-898 276 N Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY Traudayices 1st AvenuNorth a 5thStreetEEKEND MASSES
Preschool/Kindergarten Ohice 241-7335 O eSATUPRAVEVENING Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m.
wwwcommunlypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 6:30 pm- Contemporary Worship Senrvice 8:00 & 9:00 amatr day.m.
Schedule: Rev..Julie Frank,Pastor SUNDAY Celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor unay 9 a.m., 1 a.m.
Sced9e.Julie FrankPastor 9o00 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45am Nursery Available Sunday Moing
Sunday Mornng Worship 830 & 11 a.m Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. NurseCONC Available Sunday Moing
Church School- All Ages 9.45 a.m 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEbNESDAY (SEP.MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30,10:00, Saturda 10:00 a.m. or bvat.
Youth Fellowships 5p.m 6:30 pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper S M 0,
Contemporary Worship Serv 559p.m Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for E.er Age & Life Situation 6:30 Choir, Bible Study, Youth 11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Chancel Chor WedneSvdas7pm Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K-3) 7:15 p.m. (4-6 gr.)
Chancel C hoir Wednesdays7pm.SundayLBW Worship 11:00am nepnebaptisLorg Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Sunday 6:00 p.m. -H.S.)
Weekday PreschoolKindergaren (3.4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary. Pastor 904-249-2307 w w.fccbdoc.com/emeil:tccbdoc@bellsouln net 246-6014


I&M Palm Valley Baptist Church
4890 Palm Vallei Road PorieVreda ..d.
285-2447 -
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor
(?teA.et U/ 100 *M- W ull e to Ht eaf
Join us on Sunday for: Sen'ice Times
Sunday Scnool for all aqes 9 15 AM
Worship Service 10-30 AM Saturday 5:00 pm
Evening Bible Study 6:00 PM Sunday 8:00am,9.30am&ll:00am
Wednesday Eveninq opportunities: Sunday8:00am 9:30am& 1:00a
' ramliv Dinner 6:00 PM
Cnlidren and Vouth Bible Stuay ':00 PM (904) 268-2500
Adult Worslip Service 7.00 PM.1
CMic Care and Nursern provided for all ecthiltie, www.MandarinChristian.com
The v.r,r Ilounnhe m, a,," ,,, ,,,P -ism ,", 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwsy.

B E T E L ., llt t ., Eii>;er e .'.Ir:eh, .-ij. hIhD 'riiuil L,::id,.r
, ..... .. .. .r i.r '.' lb a rc i
288 N. Roieoc Blvd. Ponte Vedrn Beach. 90-1 273-9100 (Ix)273-5567
Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon
We have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish
community. Please contact our office m-f8-5 for infonuation about adult
education. Sisterhood activities and Youth acriviies.
"A home for Jewish Famnilies at the Beach"

_______ ^HA mermjrm^El.-yHtJ ____

1025 Snug Harbor Court tt.11 SJ
(off Mayport Rd. at W 11th St. and Orchid
St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Stud 9:15 a.m
Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30.a.m.
Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired

Paop RA

1 arv- uj-x

October 6, 2006


S !..




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

October o, zL2uo


enjoy Southern gospel

"We just love to sing about,
Jesus, Calvary, God's message of
love, hope,'forgiveness, and the
joy of heaven," said Pastor
,Mahlon Dixon, a member of
,- local .' Gospel group, the
Gospelaires. and Senior Pastor of
7 First Christian Church of the
The Gospelaires have given
concerts throughout Flonda and
.... in several other Southern states.
.. Later this month, they will trav-
U el to Laramie, Wyoming for an
upcoming concert. There, they
"% will be the featured performers
i M at a concert on Oct. 29 celebrat-
ing the 76th annihersary.of the
First Christian Church in
"" Laramie.
This will be followed on Nov,,
5 by the next concert in their
series of semi-annual perform-'
ances at-First Christian Church
of the Beaches. The concert is,
free to all and begins at 6:30
k- ,tp.m.
: The six members of the
_-Gcispelaires came together as a
.., groupthreeNears ago and spe-.
Members of the Gospelaires are from left Bill Rouse, Howard Craven, Salty Thomason, Gcialize in traditional Sou then
Larry Nussmeyer, Jacquita Craven, and Mahlon Dixon... ..Gopmusic uses very basic harmto-,

First Baptist hosts Homecoming

First Baptist Church of
Atlantic Beach will celebrate
its 61st year with a
'Homecoming service and
dinner this Sunday.
Begun as a mission church
in the town of Mayport on
the site of the Naval Station,
First Baptist was originally
called Wonderwood Baptist
Church, according to the
For the past 47 years, the
church has been at its current
location at 1050 Mayport

Road in Atlantic Beach
The Homecoming worship
service will begin at 10 a.m.
Rev. Tom Turner will deliver
the sermon.
Local bluegrass gospel
group, "Woods and Bridges"
will perform.
A Potluck dinner on the
church grounds will follow
the worship service. For infor-
mation call 246-4341.
"The community is wel-
come.... Come out and join us
for great music, worship, and
dinner with your family and
friends," said Rev. Greg
Crocker, pastor of First Baptist
Church of Atlantic Beach.

ny," said Larry Nussmeyer, bass
singer with the Gospelaires;
The people who come to our
concerts love Southern Gospel
music "which is different from
Gospel music," said Dixon, who
sings baritone. "This is the type
of music popularized by groups
like the Statesmen, the
Cathedrals, the Blackwood
Brothers, the Spear Family, the
Florida Boys, and Bill Gaither.
Other members, of the
Gospelaires are Howard Craven
singing ,lead and Salty
'Thomason singing, tenor..
Accompanying the quartet .are
Bill Rouse on drums and
Jacquita Craven on the key-
board. Since the songs are famil-
iar to many people, the response
of the audience holds special
meaning to the group. For this
reason, the Gospelaires said they
enjoy performing locally for
senior citizens at Avante
Nursing Home and Pablo Towers
as well as at other residences for
seniors 'in north Florida. ,
"This is a way to reach out to
people who are incapacitated to
reach people that can't be
reached otherwise, said'
Nussmever. u l.-,e .,
"Music is the universal lah-

Happily Ever After
A marriage skills workshop
called Happily Ever After is
being offered by Viian Bowlus,
M.Ed., LMHC, and certified
Pre-marital Instructor at Ponte
Vedra United Methodist
The workshop is appropriate
for engaged, newly married,
and couples considering mar-
riage. The four-hour sessions
will be held on the first
Saturday of the month and
begin at 8:30 a.m.
For information and registra-
tion visit www.happily-ever-
after-fl.com. The church is at 35
Executive Way in Ponte Vedra.


Sphcilo -ubminear

Op, cal g6bpel group Woods & Bridges will provide specialmusid
at Homecoming 2006 at First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach.

Saw you at the

guage. It reinvigorates everyone
to ministry," said Dixon. "We
enjoy watching their faces light
And watching them mouth
the words," added. Howard
The members of the group
also all participate in the choir
at First Christian Church at the
Beaches. They sing at the 9 a.m.
Sunday service with the rest of
the choir under the direction of
Nancy Barrett.
All of the members of the
group have been interested in
singing or playing music since
childhood although not every-
orne in the group has had musi-
cal training. Rouse is the only
member who has been a profes-
sional musician.
The Gospelaires recently fin-
ished a CD of Southern Gospel
music. The yet untitled CD
should be available later this
month. Plans are also underway
for a future concert tour in
southern Ohio and northern
"We find: that people in all
parts of the country really enjoy
that good old down home male
gospel 'quartet sound,"said

Celebrate Sukkot
Chabad jacksonviflle's three
local Chabad Centers have
teamed together to offer fam-
ilies a day of Sukkot family
fun at Adventure Landing. In
adherence to the dietary laws
of Kosher, Adventure Landing
has agreed to offer kosher bar-
becue. A large Sukkah will be
available at the park.
Adventure Landing 'is located
at1944 Beach Blvd. The event
is open to the public and runs
4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday. The
Chabad @' the Beaches may be
reached by calling 543-9301 It'
is located at 521 AIA N, in
Ponte Vedra Beach.

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For more information Call me... Stop bk..,J-.g on -
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Josiah Nichols, a 7th grade student at Mayport Middle School,
speaks at the See You at the Pole Rally at Neptune Baptist
Church on Sept. 27. Below, students pray,

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Ed and Diane Jellison, above with Vicki McDonald, principal of
Beaches Chapel School, after establishing a scholarship at
Beaches Chapel Christian School in memory of Ed's daughter,
Lu Ann, a registered nurse who died unexpectedly. The Jellisons
are local residents and have been members of Beaches Chapel
Church for 24 years'. They own and operate a painting and car-
pentry business, Jellison Painting. The scholarship will permit
two students to obtain a Christian education from Beaches
Chapel School.

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*Page 10A


Senior leadership sparks Nease success

Senior leadership is the hall-
mark of this year's Nease girls
volleyball team. Of the
Panthers' five seniors, each
has a distinct personality, and
leadership style, but it all
blends seamlessly and has
resulted in plenty of success.
Tara Carrigan provides-
enthusiasm and helps mnoti-
vate the team's younger play-
ers. NMeghan Oakley con-
tributes positive reinforce-'
ment and, with an ever-pres-
ent smile, reminds players
they're supposed to be' having
fun. Laura Phillips is the
enforcer. She's blunt and
won't hesitate to call out a
player not pulling her weight.
Christina Vergo was described
by teammates as ."goofy" with
an ability to lift the spirits of
players in practices and
games. Meghanl Sherman \s.
the team's superstar, it's quar-
terback who can get things
- back on track with a well-
timred kill or perfectpass to
seti.p a' teammate.'
Five separate styles and
attributes, all w workingg togeth-
er to help,this Nease team
reach its goal of going farther
than last'year's district cham-
pion squad.
"The strength of our team 'is
leadership," said Panthers co-
coach C.J. Sherman. "These'
five,don't even realize they're
leading because they're so
good at it." ..
The group has.played
together for 'several,seasons
and anxiously awaited its turn

to shepherd the' Panthers this
"The thing about our team
this year is, in the past when
things have.gone wrong on
the cou't we've always kind of
turned to other people and
wanted to put the blame on
other people,"' Carrigan said.

We expect so much
* out of everybody on the
team .. but it's going
to .help us win games
and has helped us,win
games. If I didip'texpect
Laura to block people
during games, if I didn't
expect Vergo to get
kills, if we. didn't hold
each other accountable
and have those expec-
tations, then it wouldn't
get done.
_----- ---- --*

eghan Sherman
Panthers, outside hitter and
senior leader

"I think this year we're all
more"mnature than maybe
some groups in. the past and
because of that we take
responsibility for things that
go wrong."

Not that much has gone
wrong for Nease this season.
In building a 13-3 record, the
Panthers have had 'a number
of relatively easy three-game
"Even though some of the
teams on our schedule might
be easier than others, we need
those games because it helps
teach us to keep our focus,"
said Meghan Sherman. "What
we'll'do is make goals within
'those games like keeping [our .
opponents] to under 10 points
or something like-that. Our
goal is always to better the
score from the previous
But for this year's Nease
squad, the regular season is
simply a 20-game warm-up for
what really counts: the dis-
trict, regional and state tour-
"Our goal remains to get to
.the state championship," said
"Who doesn't want that?"
added Meglan Sherman.
"We've won districts the past
two years-so now the goal is
to win region. Then take it to
the next step and win there."
In assessing how- this sea-
son's Panthers differ from pre-
vious'versions, the term "ver-
satility" comes up frequently
in conversation.
"This is the most'versatile
team we've had since I've
been here," said Meghan
Sherman, a varsity players
since her sophomore season.
"We have a lot of depth all,
around. Our players can play
' multiple,positions. Last year
we had players who said, 'I
can only play back row. I can't
do anything else,' or 'I can't
play right side; I'm onrily good
on the left.' We don't have
that this year."
Adds Oakley, "It's not depth
like we could put in a second
team that would be as good as
the first, but each player. .
in the senior class can proba-
.bly play 10 different positions
so, that gives us great versatili-
It helps that four of the five
seniors also play club volley-
ball together away from the
high school season. Sherman,
'Vergo, Oakley and Carrigan
have practically grown up
with each other on a volley-
ball court.
"That's why we know when
things get hectic Meghan
[Sherman] is the one we turn
to," said Canigan. "'For exam-
ple, when .we're out of system
on the court she does some-
thing smart so we can regroup
or ends the point with a kill.
She's a good leader because
she gets us back into it."

With just a handful of
games left before postseason
tournament play begins, the
fab five knows its role is to get
younger players focused on
the task ahead. While their
methods may be as varied as
their personalities, accounta-
bility and meeting expecta-
tions are persistent themes.
"We expect so much out of
everybody on the team,"
Meghan Sherman said. "It's
almost bad that we do, but it's
going to help us win games
and it has helped us win
games. !
"If I didn't expect Laura to
block. people during games, if
I didn't expect Vergo to get
kills, if we didn't hold each
other accountable and have
those expectations, then it
wouldn't get done. They're
realistic expectations for all of
our players and as the senior
leaders it's our job to make
sure everyone meets them
That's how we'll have [contin-
ued] success."

Meghan Sherman is the Panthers' superstar. She's the team's
"quarterback" who keeps other players calm and is the one they
turn to when'things turn hectic on the court.

Panthers have little

trouble dispatching

Clay in three games


Tara Carrigan brings a mix of enthusiasm and encouragement
to help motivate Nease High's younger players.

Clay High didth't present'
much of a challenge for Nease
Tuesday night. The Panthers
rolled to a quick 25-11, 25-13,
25-16 sweep.
With the win, Nease improved
to 13-3 on the season and, is'
beginning to fine-tune things for
the upcoming
St. Johns River .
Athletic Con-
ference final
and district
.shortly there-
after.. .
, :-"We have
been working
on staying fo-
cused and I feel
we were able to
do that in this
game," said PANTHEI
Panthers co- BLUE DE
coach C.J. Sher-
Nease was definitely not short
on key players. Paige DePriest
who had eight kills in 11
attempts, Tara Carrigan chipped
in with 10 kills, Meghan
Sherman added 21 service
points, 29 assists and nine aces.
Co-coach Dawn Madden
praised Cierra Pillsbury's "awe-
some passing and defense" in
the three-game victory.
Sherman, who secured the sec-
ond game with a great diving
save on the final point, was
pleased with the Panthers' per-
"We played well," she said.

"We had a good practice that got
us pumped, 'and lead to our
momentum. Last time we played
Clay we were not sharp. This
time we really stepped it up."
With Tuesday's win, the
Panthers improved to' 13-3 on
the season including a 9-0 dis-'
trict record. The team will paitic-
ipate -in the Bishop Moore
Tournament in
S Orlando this
S / weekend, and
S' / while players
are looking for-
ward to the
\" ,- competition,
some aren't
thrilled with
the timing.
"It means we
have to miss the
Nease-St. Aug-
ustine [football]
RS 3 game," said
VILS o Christina Vergo.
"We wish we
could go but we
Following the weekend tour-
nament, the Panthers return
home for Senior Night to host
Keystone Heights High School
Monday at 6:45 p.m.
On Tuesday Nease will travel
to Episcopal for its final game of
the regular season.
The SJRAC final is scheduled
for next Thursday, Oct. 12, and
district tournament play takes
place Oct. 16-19.
The regional quarterfinals take
place Oct. 24, with semifinals on
the 28th and championship
game on Nov. 2.

Christina Vergo keeps things light-hearted at practi
games. She's described by teammates as "goofy,"
that term in an endearing way.

Laura Phillips is the team's "enforcer." Panthers count on her to
be blunt and let players know they're not meeting expectations.

\ *

Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.,* October 6, 2006

. -

, ."


A M06


Stingray stings are painful but rarely fatal

O ne month ago, the
world was saddened to
learn of the death of
"Crocodile Hunter" Steve
Irwin, who died tragically
when a stingray barb pierced
his heart.
In fact, most were shocked
for stingray stings are rarely
fatal. Medical details of Irwin's'
passing remain hard to come
by, and it is unclear whether
or not Irwin died from ven-
omous shock or if he bled to
death from the sting to his -
Still, experts continue to
educate the public that
stingrays are to be respected
but not feared, for again
stingray stings are rarely fatal.
I keep telling you this, for I
had to keep telling myself this
over and over as 1, jumped into
the water for my.first excur-
sion of swimming with
stingrays about:two weeks ago.
My family and I had traveled
to "Stingray City" located in
the northwest comer of the
North Sound in the Cayman
Islands. There you can snorkel
and hand feed stingrays up tpo
six feet-in diameter.
Local legend has it that the
stingrays began gathering in
the area decades ago when
returning fisherman would
clean their fish in the calm
water of the sound. Fish guts
would be thrown overboard
and the stingrays would collect
together to feed. .
-Soon stingrays began to
associate the sound of aboat
engine with feediig time, and'
as soon asour boat pulled up,
sure enough the rays began to
rise from the deep to the sur-
face to meet us. This is not for,
the faint of heart, for the rays
literally get right up next to.
you for you to hand feed them
the raw squid that we had for'
The ray's mouth is on the
bottom of its body, and a pow-
erful suction force is used to
pull in food.


If the ray happens to latch
on to your arm or hand, it will
give you one major hickey.
Nowv, if the ray happens to
suck in a finger, as happened
with me, it will clamp down
hard,;.bit there,is not an'y sig-
nificant tissue damage, for the"
ray does not have true teeth,
but rather a modified jaw
Despite this, having your
finger in a stingray's' mouth
definitely will get your adrena-
line going.
The stingray is a fish, and is
common in tropical coastal
waters throughout the world,
and there are fresh water
species in Asia,,Africa, and
Florida. Rays swim with a fly-
ing motion with large pectoral.
wings, which are often mistak-
en for "fins"' when they ate
swimming in shallow water.
The venomous stinger is a
razor sharp barbed cartilagi-
nous spine which grows from
its tail, and canteach lengths
up to 37 centimeters.
Since their eyes are on top of
theii-body, stingrays cannot
see their prey, Instead, they
use the sense of smell and
electro-receptors, similar to
those of -the.shark,'and feed
primarily,on mollusks and
crustaceans and occasionally
on small fish.'
Rays do not attack or defend
themselves.in an'aggressive.

manner. When threatened,
their primary reaction is to
swim away.
Most commonly someone is
stung when they step on one
by accident while wading.
The tail is thrust into the vic-
tim, usually in the foot or
lower leg, producing a deep
jagged laceration from the ser-
rated spines. The stinger often
breaks off in the wound,
which is non-fatal to the
stingray, and will grow back.
Immediate treatment for
stings includes soaking the -
area in hot water, as hot as
you can stand it, for an hour.
This helps break down the
venom proteins, lessening the
pain, and it's effect can be
almost immediate.
As the venom breaks down,
it may become jelly-like and
ooze from the wound, which
is a desire effect. Pain is ugual-
ly most severe for the first
hour and then begins to fade,
but may last up to 48 hours.
Also, placing meat tenderizer
in the area can help,-again to
break down venom proteins.
Others may suggest.that.you
urinate or pour vinegar into
the wound, but.this has no
effect. Pain may be followed
by local swelling, nausea,
sweating, muscle cramps,
hypotension, fainting,
headaches, fevers, and chills.
Death from stingray stings is
extremely rare, but the exact
numbers of cases are
All stingray stings should be
,medically evaluated for sys-
temic toxemia, as well as local
surgical treatment of the
wound for exploration and to
make sure that nohe of the
stinger is left behind in the
Infections can become
threatening to both' life and
limb, and'all stings should be
treated aggressively. Staph and
Strep infections are most com-
mon, but other.serious bacteri-
al infections such as Vibrio
and Aeromonas may occur.

Pnolo submnled
Swimming with the stingrays at popular tourist attraction Stingray City in the Cayman Islands.
Visitors can feed and pet the stingrays but must use caution around the rays' tails.

Injections of local anesthet-
ics can be helpful in reducing
the pain from the sting, and
antibiotics such as Cipro are
used for several days to help
reduce infection risk.
For the less brave,
SeaWorld's Discovery Cove
offers the opportunity to swim
with stingrays that have had
their barbed stinger removed.
The animals are naturally very
. gentle creatures and to watch'
them swim up close is truly

This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports, mned-
icine, ahd safety. It is not intend-
ed to serve as a replacement for
treatment by your regular doctor.
It is only designed to offer guide-
lines on the prevention, recogni-
tion, and care of injuries and ill-

'Positive attitude' leads to success


iess. Specific concerns should be
discussed with your physician.
Mail your questions to Gregory

Smith, MD Sportsmedicine,
1250 S, 18th Street, Suite 204,
Femandina Beach, Fl 32034.


Aqua Aerobics
Water exercise program pro-
vides a total body workout for
people of all ages and fitness lev-
els. Classes include exercise for
aerobic conditioning, flexibility
and strength.
Shallow water classes take
place Monday to Friday morn-
ings and evenings; deep water
classes Mon. Weds. and Sat.
For more information contact
the UNF Aquatic Center at 620-
2854. .
The fourth annual Georgia's
Colonial Coast Birding &' Nature
Festival will be held Oct. 13-15,
with the.Jekyll Island
SConvention Center"serving as
hub for the activities. ,

Registration for the festival is
open until Sept. 22. To register
for events and for more informa-
tion, visit www.coastalgeor-
giabirdig.org or call 1-877-.

Flag Football
Flag Football registration for
kids ages 5-17 is underway. The
deadline to register is Nov. 4.
Winter season leagues, which
will run from December through
February, are forming through-
out the First Coast area,'indud-
ing at the University of North
Florida, Pontte Vedra Bead, '
Mandarin and Orange Park.
For information, locations,
dates and to register, visit
www.i9sports.com or call (904)

for Jacksonville I

By REX EDMONDSON starting a football program in
In the Pioneer League, they
are meeting their own kind
O ne thing that Steve with.schbols.like Butler,
Gilbert has maintained Valparaiso, Davidson, etc. The
in nearly a decade of victory over Butler was particu-
coaching at Jacksonville larly satisfying because the
University is a positive atti- Dolphins' offense did so well.
tude. After suffering through Junior quarterback Chris
his first two defeats this year, it Horton tied a school record
paid off on a recent Saturday with four TD passes, even
with a blasting of Butler up in though he connected on only
Indianapolis. nine tosses for 156 yards in
To win by a 31-7 margin is the game. He made them
enough for any coach, but to count, however. -
see his team do it on four' Two of those TD heaves -
touchdown passes and with a one for'18 yards and the other
tight defense made it all-the for 6- went to Midael
more beautiful. Jenner. While Jenner may be
"Our. kids have had a very only 5'9", 170 pounds,'Gilbert
positive attitude since we says the receiver makes his size
began suinmmeri practice,' count.
Gilbert said even before.JU's All this while the defense
first victd6y of the season. "We was holding the Bulldogs to
had it last year.and I'nfihappy 162 yards of total offense.
to say they've always had it no Coach Gilbert knows a '' '
matter how 'rough the going coach or two in the.vicinity,
has been. I knew when we got like Mark Richt, Bobby
to playing our class of teams. Bowden and Urban Meyer,
(non-slcholarship) we'd win." who would be delighted to see
The two season-opening their QBs throw four touch-
losses to Gardner-Webb and down passes out of nine com-
Southeast Louisiana were to pletions in any game. Those'
schools with scholarship ath- coaches, and many others,
letes, which gave both a dis- would also be pleased to see
tinct edge. But JU has had to their defenses so sting)', no
contend with that ever since matter who the opponent was.

{ ,-, lr- .... inb,, M '1
Butler was limited to'a mere
26 rushing yards on 27.
attempts. Gilbert noted his
team "did a good job control-
ling both lines of scrimmage.",
.For trie Dolphins, Jerrym
-Brant,. a redshirt junior from
Raines High, rushed for 101
yards on 19 carries. Nate
Conner and Sam' Bell also
caught touchdown passes from'
Horton, a 6'l", 212-pound two
letterman from Boca Raton.
"We have 110 players on
our roster," Gilbert says, "and
they play with all the intensi-'
ty of a major college aiming
for the.bpwls. We were fortu-
nate in lack of injuries from
summer training, but in.foot-
ball you know the injuries are
"One los thathurts the
Dolphins is,thi'right knee
inj.ury. to defensive back' Brian..
Flowers, of, Delray Beach, who
lwas:all-conferenrce last year ,
with 31 tackles and two pass
break-ups. It's not known how
long Flowers will be out of the
Ju lineup..
An encouraging fact is that
Nathan Corner, a 6'0", 190-
pound junior who registered
the longest punt return in
Dolphins history 67'yards
for a touchdown is back,
along with Jenner, who aver-

yfi', -11 fo 1Cl'i sm1.1 eqlU l"jrf 11
aged 23.1 yards per punt
return. Jenner was the
Dolphins' top kick returned
and Conner the best punt
returned last season.
"We're ih-good shape,"
Gilbert contends.."We believe
it's going to.be one'of JU's best
"Our president, Dr. 'Kerry
Romesburg has given us all
the encouragement an athletic
program can ask. That goes for
athletic director Alan
Verlander, too. The whole
school is just tremendous with
its support."

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A*


-Page 12A Th-ece edrPne~edaLae coe ,20


Pnhoto submnaed
The Cyclones U-16 team is undefeated this season and ranked No. 1 in its division. Team
members include Amber Smith, Cris Cumming, Gabriela Pedracone, Katherine Huggett,
Katie Babich, Lindsey Strausser, Mollie Gibson, Rachel Wilkinson, Rachael Vonada, Breana
Cedillo, Ashlyn Denny, Erica Harris, Cassie Jenkins, Erin Rehmer and Emily Gerson.

Pholo suDmmea l
Beaches Chapel School STARS program offers ballet, karate and piano classes and stu-
dents recently performed at the BCS Opera House. Pictured are teachers Joey Black and
Ken Dye along with students Gregory Butcher, Jacob Stueck, Noah Pilon, Bubba
Wohlgemuth, Logan Fifield, Charlie Hrst, Cameron Shaughnessy, Hope Shaughnessy, Topby
Smith' Harnson Butcher, Noah Christenson, Chris Dye, Matt Dye, Benjamin Farris, Micah
Jolley, Jacob Luten and Travis Bickerstaff.

0 0e to your


A bowling league for seniors
55 and older is being formed
at Beach Bowl on Beach
Boulevard. Competition in
the Monday league will begin
at 1 p.m., with practice start-
ing at 12:45 p.m. Call Paula at
249-9849 for information.

Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fan-
tasy football league will pres-
ent this season's Monday
Night Football games on the
mo-ie screen in the main
showroom at Atlantic
Theatres. Doors will open at
7:30 p.m. every Monday
throughout the NFL season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for
others. Proceeds from admis-
sion charges will be donated
to H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity
providing K-12 scholarships
for at-risk youngsters in the
Jacksonvill area.
For more information con-
tact Brvce Pfanenstiel at 249-

A senior men's doubles league
at the "C" level will begin Oct.
10 at Huguenot Tennis Center.
Seniors must be over 50 years
old to qualify.
Matches will take place Friday
mornings from Oct. until April
For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.

St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a
men's 18-and-over basket-
ball league. All games will
be played Monday and
Wednesday between 6:30
p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. A
mandatory captains meet-
ing will be held at 6 p.m.
Aug. 28 at the gym.
For more information,
contact T.j. Jackson at 1904)

Turkey Hunting
spring turkey hunt applica-
tions for the 2007 season
are available from the
Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission


Hunters can obtain appli-
cations at MyFWC.com and
at all FWC regional offices.
Applications will be accept-
ed at MyFWC.com, county
tax collectors' offices or at
any license agent .
Applications must be
received by midnight Oct.
A random drawing
decides who will receive the
permits, the demand for
which is typically greater
than the number available.
Hunters can increase
their chances of being
selected by submitting as
many $5 non-refundable
applications as they like.

Successful applicants pay
an additional $50 $175,
depending on the special-
opportunity hunt area
For more information on
special-opportunity Osceola
turkey hunts, visit the Web
site at MyFWC.com/bunt-
ing. The Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission is headquar-
tered at 620 S. Meridian St.,
Tallahassee, Fla, 32399-
1600. Its phone number is


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j-.umw 3, v-u w.:..j3 Lww rnn LL ir4 b- n iCgo a.e rogi"- b

October 6, 2006

Pape 12A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte V'edra Leader

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


October 6. 2006

* Jack's back (right)
... see B-4
* Calendar
... B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7


killT~ -

Posing Saturday at a camp on Long Lake in the Adirondacks are some of Kathy Hartman's female relatives, who were invited by
the camp's owner, Lynn Colston (right front).

Adirondacks: Roughing it in style

My trip to the
in upstate
New York last'
week had its
ups and downs, even before
we started the 124-mile drive
north from the Albany air-
port Friday.
Months earlier, when my
sisters and I and female
cousins were trying to find a
place for a reunion, the
daughter of Cousin Lee
offered her "camp" at Long
Lake, N.Y.
After a flurry of e-mails, in
which some of us questioned
whether camping was what
we wanted to do, we were
assured that Lynn's camp was
comfortable enough for a
wedding and was nothing
like Girl Scout camp.
We happily made our
plans, anticipating a gather-
ing of 14 women ages 17 to
70-something, the second
and third generation of
women descended from
Eastern European immi-
Then about three days
before our departure, an e-
mail from our hostess was
enough to deflate our bub-
bles: don't bother to pack
your hair dryers, we were
told, because the camp has
no electricity.
Remember that you're
going into the wilderness,
the e-mail said, but with a bit
of style.

My mind took me back to
Camp Chowenwaw in Green
Cove Springs, where genera-
tions of Girl Scouts learned
how to cook over fire, sleep
under the stars and carry a
flashlight for midnight trips
to the latrine.
I didn't know "what to
expect, so I decided to expect
Chowenwaw layering to
stay warm ithe forecast was
for 56 degrees and raining),
reading by flashlight and tol-
erating the discomfort
because it was family.
So when our carload was
greeted at the main house by
the earlier arrivals, and we
stepped from 54-degree
weather into a warm house
with heated floors, we were

This was
camp. This
of several

no Girl Scout
was a collection
buildings, each

pholo oy KATH'v HARTMAN
The main house at camp (above) was constructed within the
past few years using native materials in a style reminiscent of
"Great Camps" of the-late 19th century.

renovated or newly- built
with native wood and stone,
with huge fireplaces every-
where, rich rugs over plank
floors, lodge-like overstuffed
furniture and beautiful trap-
True, there were no electric
lines, but a propane-fueled
generator provided light and
heat and pumped the water
to the numerous bathrooms
and, in the main house, the
well-appointed kitchen with
its commercial-size gas stove.
It seems that 14 hair dryers
blasting once a day could
have depleted the fuel.
Camps such as this one, I
later discovered, line many

of the lakes and rivers in
Adirondack Park, which was
established in 1892.
In 1894, the state set aside
2.7 million acres for preser-
Vation, leaving 48 percent of
park land privately owned,
according to an online histo-
ry of Adirondack architec-
t u r e,
In the late 19th century,
"the region gained national
exposure as a recreational
resort," according to the site.
"Lavish guesthouses and


Electric violin star of Plugged In concert

Last Saturday marked the
first collaboration
between Fusebox Funk
and the Jacksonville
Symphony Orchestra, but
hopefully not the last.
Despite having only the
afternoon of the perform-
ance to practice together,
the show went off as though
they'd been playing together
for years.
The arrangement, done by
newcomer Andrew Chopra,
was a perfect accompani-
ment of odd chords, well-
placed swells, and plenty of
cowbell to compliment
Fusebox's edgy, funky
The most interesting ele-
ments of the concert were
the unusual pairings of
seemingly disparate instru-
For one song, singer and
guitarist Grant Nielson went
briefly offstage to retrieve
his accordian. As he played,
the string sections pertly
plucked behind him, creat-
ing a haunting sound that

photo submitted
Fusebox Funk, a band with musicians from Jacksonville
,, Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach, made its symphonic debut
: last Weekend at Jacoby Theatre.

filled the full concert hall.
Another funky element
was first-chair.violinist
Philip Pan's electric violin,
which undoubtedly became
the star of the show.
A violin on steroids, the
"Viper" (as it's known has
an added level of difficulty
in that it has seven strings
instead of the usual four,

creating a whole new range
of notes in which to learn.
The sound from the Star
Trek-looking instrument was
a mix of guitar, harpischord,
and occasionally violin, and
added yet another layer to
the music.
Pan met the inventor at a
conference two years ago.
It's the only electric violin

in the orchestra, and proba-
bly in Jacksonville.
Fusebox members Nielson,
trombonist Jim "Spaulding"
Starr, and saxophonist Chris
Poland, a Fletcher High
grad, all took turns at the
mic, infusing furiously
paced rap with strong
Bassist Seth Kottler applied
Eddie Van Halen's trick of
playing guitar on the frets,
though on a six-string bass,
in one of the most impres-
sive displays of musicianship
of the night.
Later, he showed his versa-
tility by adding a harder,
chainsaw-like backdrop to
the more aggressive songs.
The one slower, melodic
song, sung by Poland had a
Curtis Mayfield quality to it,
both in voice and lyrical
tone and showed the range
the singers manage to
As happy as Fusebox was
with the performance, each
pointed to the professional-
ism and expertise of the


"Facing the Giants" is a low-
budget football movie with no
drug or alcohol references, no
use of profanity, no sex or
nudity and only a smattering
of violence.
How does such a film get
made in Hollywood, you
might ask?
Easy: it wasn't.
"Facing the Giants," about
an embattled football coach at
a small Christian academy,
was filmed entirely in Albany,
Ga., for $100,000.
Last weekend, the 91-
minute film, written and pro-
duced by two brothers who
are also associate pastors at
Albany's Sherwood Baptist
Church, was the 12th-highest
grossing movie in America,
taking in an estimated $1.4
Despite the film's heavy-
handed spiritual message,
"Facing the Giants" delivers
from an entertainment stand-
Although the' film is pre-
dictable at almost every turn
and cliche-ridden (what
Hollywood film isn't?), direc-
tor Stephen Kendrick surprises
you with one memorable
scene after another.
Head coach Grant Taylor
(Alex Kendrick) of tiny Shiloh
Christian Academy is mired in
a six-lear losing skid.
His best player, a running
back, has transferred to a rival
school where winning is a
given, not an illusion.
Taylor is besieged by med-
dling parents, doubting play-
ers and a fence-sitting assis-
tant coach who is being
groomed to take his job.
. His home life isn't much
TA'y vr's car is-a klunker, his
house smells and his wife
wants something he hasn't
been able to deliver: a baby.
Questioning his faith and
his fear of failure, Taylor""'
comes to the conclusion that a
higher calling will see him
through the hard times.
Eventually, Taylor finds
inspiration in a Bible parable *
about two farmers waiting for
The moral: He who prepares
his field for rain will be'
rewarded when the rain
For Taylor, whose team ral-
lies from an 0-3 start to reach

The University of North
Florida is celebrating Founders
Month during October, com-
memorating 34 years since its
doors first opened to students
on Oct. 2, 1972.
Highlights of the month-
long activities include the
return of Dr. Tom Carpenter,
the University's founding pres-
ident, dedication of the new
Social Sciences Building as
well as the announcement of a
major donation to UNF and a
new flagship program.
Upcoming Founders Month
activities are as follows:
Orlando Magic
Scrimmage-Saturday, Oct. 7,

the state playoffs, the cleans-
ing rain comes in a state title
matchup against the defend-
ing champion Richland
"Facing the Giants" is an
amazing cinematic achieve-
ment when you consider that
the film, shot in sLx weeks
using only one camera, was
made with an all-volunteer
Jim McBride, who plays
Richland head coach Bobby
Lee Duke, is probably the only
bona fide actor in the cast,
having once been a pro
McBride, like everyone con-
nected with the film, is either
employed by or a member of
Sherwood Baptist, which bills
itself as "a contemporary
Southern Baptist church with
traditional values," according
to its website.
The church has its own 24-
hour TV station (WVTOLI that
reportedly reaches 50,000
The Kendricks, Alex, 35, and
Stephen, 32, also collaborated
on an earlier faith-based film,
"Flywheel," whuch can be
found at most Blockbuster
If you're from the Deep
South, you'll love "Facing the
Giants" because the actors are
all honest-to-God southerners
with authentic accents.
And the football scenes are
surprisingly good.
The box office returns are a
good indication that the mak-
ers of "Facing the Giants" dili-
gently prepared their fields for
"Facing the Giants" is rated
PG for some thematic ele-

6:30 p.m.; UNF Arena.
This free event is the culmi-
nation of a six-day training
camp for the Orlando Magic,
marking the ninth time that
the Magic have held camp at
"An Evening with Andrei
Codrescu"-Monday, Oct. 9,
7:30 p.m.; UNF Fine Arts
Center. Codrescu, a National
Public Radio columnist,
screenwriter, poet and novel-
ist, will discuss the power of
This free lecture is part of
.the Distinguished Voices
Inquiry and Insight Lecture
Series. Tickets can be ordered
online at www.unf.edu.

photo submiled
"Coastal Color in Pastel," the First Coast Pastel Society's 11th
annual exhibition, is being held today and Saturday at Fleet
Landing. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Atrium Gallery. For
more details, call 246-9900, ext. 436.

raee LB-

Honest-to-God actors

in faith-based film

UNF hosting free Orlando

Magic scrimmage Saturday

- - I .. ..

Keekenl- L-.. ---- -.

Hartman: Adirondacks

Cont. from B-i
hotels sprang up."
"The architectural style
known today as the' 'Great
Camp'" was developed begin-
ning in 1874 by William West
Durant, who returned from
schooling in Europe to devel-
op his father's lands in the
Adirondacks, according to
the site.
Where there had been cab-
ins, Durant built homes rem-.
iniscent of the Swiss chalets
he had seen overseas. "The
primary feature of his Great
Camps was the use of build-
ing materials from' the sur-
rounding forests," says the
"The logs were chosen
for their shape and texture.
Decorative 'twigs' were used

for porches, balconies and
even furniture. Native stone
used for foundations and
chimneys added to the artis-
tic appeal," according to the
"The wealthy streamed in
as guests and inevitably
bought up huge tracts of land
to build their own wilderness
The tract of land surround-
ing our camp is not huge -
28 acres but its buildings
and furnishings are beyond
comfortable (example: a liv-
ing room lap blanket made of
real chinchilla).
Sure, we had to .rough it
with no hair dryers, cell
phones, television or radio.
Small' sacrifice for camping
with style.


228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 339-0029. Hours 1
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday-
GALLERY, 510 Mayport Road,
Studio No. 9, Atlantic Beach..'
247-8337. Premiere exhibit of
original work by .Jay Shoots,
Linda Broadfqot,' Missionary
Mary? Proctor, Oiuattara, and
others. Weekly display of,
work.by children participating
in ArtLife Summer Arts Camp.
Admission free. Visit 'artlife-
GALLERY, 1250 Beach Blvd.,
Beach Plaza, Jacksonville'
Beach. Gallery hours are 10
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to.
Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday. Phone 247-4341.
Ave., Jacksonville Beach *
241-5657. Exhibits: "Shore
Stories: Down the Boardwalk"
* "The ABCs of Beaches
History" "A View on the
Past." Hours are 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday. Admission $5 adults,
$4 seniors, $3 children (6-17).
Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-8225.
Features themed original art
shows_ using mixed .media.'
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday to Friday and 9, a.m.
to noon Sunday.
PONTE VEDRA, 50 Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra Beach *
Riverside Ave., Jacksonville *
Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Tuesday through Thursday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday;
Friday and Saturday, noon to
5 p.,m. Sunday. Admission is
$8 for adults, $5 for seniors,
military, and students, free for
kids 6 and under. Free admis-
sion from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
880 A1A North, Suite 9, Ponte
Vedra Beach 280-2772.
Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Saturday,
noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.
SAWGRASS, 1740 Sawgrass

Village Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach .
* 384-7724. Hours 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday, .' ..
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. -.''.
216 First St.,'Neptune Beach *
241-6928. 'Works by local and .,
regional artists. Monday One of the best places
through. Wednesday, 10 a.m. Anastasia Island, Tile r
to 6 p.m.; Thursday and
Friday, 10" a.m. to 8 p.m;
Saturday, 10 a.m. 'to.6 p.m.,
and Sunday,.:noon to 5 p.m.
Call 241-6928.
2411 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Tuesday through ARTLIFE STUDIOS
Friday' 10. a.rm. to 6.p.m. 11 Ifri' Fdavs.- 'Theatre Gar
a.m. to 6 pm'. Saturday! Call noon from 3:30 p.ni."
247-1050. ages 7-12 years will b
HIBERNIA GALLERY 108' imagination' run wild
1st Street, Neptune Beach energy playtime. Parent
249-7321. Selling handmade er for kids to participate
work from Ireland, England suggested amount $5.
and U.S. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 510Mayport Rd, Atla
Monday-Saturday, noon to 5 Atlantic Blvd, two
p.m. Sunday. Skatelab, at 5th Street
J. JOHNSON GALLERY, call 247-8337.
177 Fourth Ave. N., SEASIDE PLAYGA
Jacksonville Beach *' 435- magic 'of childhood.
3200. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday and 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Also
by appointment. Pieces are .
available for purchase.
Museum. Circle, Jacksonville.
MOSH features planetarium
events and special children's
activities. 396-7062.
630 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune ... .
Beach Hours' 10 a.m. to 6 .
p.m. Wednesday through '
Sunday. 403-0031.
OCEAN 60, 60 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach 247-
A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach *
'273-6065. Gallery .for collec-
tors of fine art. Hours are 11
a.m. to. 6 p.m. Monday ;
through Friday, 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday.
1st Ave, N., Jacksonville Beach
GALLERY, 1266 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach 261-
GALLERY. 249-0432.
Maritime painter devoted to'
recreating seafaring history in
oil paintings. 'Lighthouses,
steamboats and sailing ships
are his specialty.


MUSICAL" runs through Dec.
17 at the Times-Union Center
for the Performing Arts, 300 W.
Water St., Jacksonville. Times
and ticket prices vary through-
out the run. Call 632-3373 for
specific prices and show times.
NOTHING" is staged at 8 p.m.
today and Saturday and Oct. 6
and 7 and at 7:30 p.m. and
Oct. 5 at Theatre Jacksonville ,
2032 San Marco Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Tickets are $5.
Call 396-4425 for. information.
SPEARE" is staged through
Oct. 8 at The Limelight
Theatre, 11 Old Mission Ave.
St. Augustine. Tickets are $22
for adults, $20 for seniors, $15
for students and military. Call
(904) 825-1164 for informa-
"OKLAHOMA!" is present-
ed through Nov. 26 at the
Alhambra Dinner Theeatreo

Saturday and noon on Sunday.
Admission ranges from $39 to
$46 for dinner and show. Call
641-1212 for information.
The Sea will offer adult
improvisation classes taught
by Educational Director
Barbara Williams at 106 6th
Street North, Jacksonville
Beach. The six week sessions
are held from 7 to 9 p.m. every
Tuesday. Student classes are
also underway and focus. on
improvisation, play building,
technical theater, and musical
theater are available for all lev-
els from elementary to high
school. Students who partici-
pate in our year long program
are eligible to audition for our
production of "Looking Glass
Land." Call Barbara Williams
at 249-0289 or e-mail ques-
tions to barbara@'players-
Auditions for "Visiting
Mr. Green" will be held at 6
n m. 9" '90 at Plavers hv the

.. -

,, p tosubmitea
to'taste authentic' reek food is at the annual Greek Festival Oct.,'6-8 at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre on
ninth annual event is sponsored by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of St. Augustine.


. will offer Drop-.
nes on Friday after-
tq 5:30 p.m. Kids
e able to let their
during the high.
s must sign a walv-
:e. Donations only,
ArtLife is located
ntic Beach,'just off
blocks north of
. For information,
UIDEN. Enjoy' the
Come with your

* child and learn ways to support his/her
development while maintaining your own
sanity. With a sense of humor and creativ-,
ity, two master-level teachers will offer
practical ways to enjoy the magic of child-
-hood and theljoys of parenthood. For chil-
dren 3 years old and younger. Call 535-
0014 to inquire or register. Our next six
week session begins on Wednesday, Oct.
11, 3 p.m to 4:30 p.m. at 223 8th Ave. S.
in Jacksonville Beach.
Yu-GI-OH DUELS are staged at 2 p.m.
Saturday at Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville Beach. Call

273-8055 for information.
HEARTSONG offers Kindermusik and
playday.classes Tuesday to Saturday in
"Jackson.vill'"Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach
.for 'children from birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and movement pro-
gram for all ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walkers to 26
months old and includes parachute play,
climbing and musical activities. Preschool
children and up attend without parents,
One trial class is free. Call 249-3828 for
information or visit www.heartsong-


-,, -*~-' U:



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Irish resident Nicola Henley
exhibits her unique wall
hangings at Hibernia Crafts
Gallery in Neptune Beach.
Henley is displaying 18 wall
hangings together with cray-
on studies for these pieces.
Her backgrounds are cotton
calico which is dyed, silk
screened and painted using
collage and other materials
including hand embroidery.
This process results in
pieces that are two-dimen-
sional. Henley was bqrn in
Bristol, England, and lives on
the Shannon estuary in the
southwest of Irelarid.
Henley said the exhibition
reflects the west coast of
Ireland and the ever-changing
light of the western skies on
the Atlantic Ocean. No %iew
exists without the presence of
seabirds, and these birds are
the main inspiration in her
Adds Henley: "Each piece of
work examines our inner
state, using birds to express
these emotions and concepts
of life both on a personal and
a universal level. My latest
works aim to capture the
sense of spiritual liberation
that we search for in direct
contrast to the physical con-
formist world in which, we are
trapped." -
'A reception'for the artist is
from 6 to 9 p.m. tonight at
the gallery and Saturday from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The exhibit will remain at
Hibernia through Oct. 28. The
gallery is at 108 1st St.,
Neptune Beach. Call 247-
Also opening tonight in the
same area is "Paradise
Perspectives" at First.Street

This exhibit includes paint-
ings by JoAnne Adams and
photography by Melinda
Bradshaw. Palm trees and
Florida plants are subjects in
these works. A reception to
meet the artists will be held
from 7 to 9 p.m. First Street
Gallery is lat216-B 1st St.,
Neptune Beach. Call 241-
Another exhibit at the
Beaches will open tonight at
the Adele Grage Cultural
Center in Atlantic Beach.
Local artists will be exhibit-
ing jewelry and gifts from 6 to
9 p.m. tonight and from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday at
716 Ocean Blvd.,, Atlantic
Beach Call 273'-2987 or 273-
0448 for information.
The Adele Grage Cultural
Center will host "Around
Town," an exhibit of original
paintings, photographs and.
prints by the Neptune Arts
Group from Oct. 20 to Dec. 8.
A reception to meet the
artists will be held Friday, Oct.
20, from 6 to 8 p.m. Familiar
scenes and activities around
our beaches will be on display

in paintings, photography
and crafts.
Also familiar will be many
of the artists who exhibited
their works at the former
Beaches Arts and Crafts
Gallery in Jacksonville Beach.
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra will hold its Fall
2006 exhibition, "Precious
Objects," from Nov. 3 to Dec.
20. An opening reception
will be held Friday, Nov.10,
from 6 to 8 p.m. I
The exhibition is culled
'from a myriad of studies on
the First Coast tp provide'one
of a kind cultural shopping.
Jewelry, paintings, functional
ceramics, sculpture in wood,
clay, stone and glass, photo-
graphs, garden art and more
will be featured.
The Center will host 'an Art
and Music Appreciation Series
Oct. 16 to, Nov. 20. Laura
Dwyer of the Jacksonville
Symphony and Dr. Debra
Murphy of the University of
North Florida will be featured
in the first event.
Call the Center at 280-0614
to register. A new class at the
Center will begin Oct. 9 with
Dr. Suzanne Schuenke who
will teach Imaginative
Painting from 6:45 p.m. to
8:45 p.m. Call 280-0614, ext.
SThe Center is located at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
The Cummer Museum, of
Art and Gardens announced a
new lecture series. In partner-
ship with Jacksonville.
University, the Cummer will
present six lectures highlight-
ing Egyptian culture and art.
The first of the series will be

:E A' 'Ii T I cE-T S.

pnolo rutbrntin
'Gulls, Wave, Curl" is part of the Nicola Henley exhibit, "Into the Blue," which opens today at
Hibernia Gallery in Neptune Beach. The exhibit runs through Oct. 28 at 108 1st St. Call 249-7321.

.held 18, at 7 p.m. Admission
to the series is $25 for six lec-
tures or $5 per lecture. Each
lecture will be. held in a differ-
ent location.
The first'lecture will be held

at the Haskell Company Cafe,
111 Riverside Ave.,
Jacksonville. Call 356-6857
for information.
The "Especially for Seniors
Talks and Tea" will take place ,

Oct. 11 and 12 at the
Cummer. The subject will be
"Japan in Jacksonville:' The
Cummer Collection of
Japanese Prints." Seating is
limited. Call 355-0630.

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October 6, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader vveekeniiu -

Henley exhibit opens today at Hibernia

Henley exhibit opens today at Hibernia


- .1U- T The B

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Dinner Now Being ed
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,- Areat rusi.ifi~.f the etiire fwnily
Sii .. . .. *.: .... .. .

Eijoy this timeless musical classic with such
Smiemorb!bleosongss: Oh, What.A Beautiftd
lornin 'I'Su e it th the Fringe On Top and
SPeople. IWilay fe're' l Love.
." .: t .N

Dead weight collapses 'The Departed'

."The Departed" is a drunk-
en movie. Like a familiar
souse who never knows
when to stop, it begins con-
fidently but gets more wob-
bly as it goes along, until it
finally collapses of its own
dead weight.
It begins .intriguingly, as
veteran director Martin
Scorsese weaves intriguing
storylines together. Frank
"Costello (Jack Nic'RdIsbn) is a
,limv boss of Boston's unde-r
In an attempt to infiltrate
Costello's mob, the police
send in new recruit .Billy
Costigan (Leonardo
Dicaprio) as a spy. Costigan
comes from a family with a
nasty reputation, so the cops
think he'll be a plausible
moL guy for Costello.
In'a twist on the police's
own scheme, it turns out.
that Costello has his own
spy within the police ranks:
Colin Sullivan (Matt
Damon), a seemingly clean
cop who nonetheless has


been in cahoots with
Costello since he was a kid.
The movie's set-up is very
promising, with Scorsese
scuttling his major charac-
ters across the screen like a
human game of chess.
Scorsese's usual claustroph-
ic film. style serves him well
here, as the various ,players
end up very nervous about
who's on their 'side and
who's not. So where does the
movie start to wobble? I'd

say it's the scerrn with Billy
and Frank sitting in a bar,
verbally testing and teasing
each other. The scene is
meant to convey the charac-
ters' paranoia and need for
control, but it quite clearly is
two actors just having a- field
day with improve. (There
seems to be such a scene in.
each of Scorsese's movies;
remember the scenein
"Raging Bull" where Robert
DeNiro and Joe Pesci can't
think of anything better
than to fling the F-word
around with abandon.)'
(Spoiler paragraph here.)
After a while, the intricate
story unravels to a single
plot strand of Colin doing
his best to save his own
hide. All this scene does is
make us recall better movies
of mob one-upsmanship
such as "Miller's Crossing."
We have to take it on faith
that Colin could be such a
,Machievellian schemer, *
because Matt Damon's slack-
jawed stare makes him look

more like Moose from the
old "Archie" comics.
The movie climaxes in a
sordid bloodbath that makes
me recall a critic's remark
about the simi-lar lowlifes in'
Scorsese's "GoodFellas:" After
a while, you just wish a brick
wall would fall on all of ,
them. Besides Damon, the.
only really weak cast. link
.(sadly) is Nicholsopn, who '
starts out full ot juice but
eventually devolves into a
*standard .lack Nicholson
impersonation. And when
Nicholson relies on familiar
schtick, it's a sure sign that
the script aloneisfi't enough
to hold a viewer's interest.
. If.you do manage to make
it to movie's end, you just
have to check out the final
shot, easily the most .blatant
and dumbest. symbolism
since Stevert Spielberg's
"Munich" turned assassina-.
tion into an aphrodisiac.
"The Departed" is rated,R
for much graphic violence
and strong language.' .

Like it or not, movies can.
have a profound impact on ,
our culture. A famous'exam-
ple is how T-shirt sales plum-
meted in 1934 after movie-
goers saw a topless Clark
Gable in "It Happened One
Sadly, other examples
aren't so friendly. This past
Monday brought the news of
a mass murder in a small
Amish schoolhouse in
An armed milk driver
injured and killed several
female students before taking
his own life. As of this writ-
ing, the killer's motive was
unapparent. But when I first
heard the news, I thought of
a terrible movie from 1997
titled "For Richer or Poorer."
In this supposed comedy,
Tim Allen and Kirstie Alley
play a rich couple who take
it on the lam after their
accountant steals their sav-
ings and the IRS gets on
their case. The couple hides
out in an Amish town which
they try to "modernize" to
comedic effect. The wife
updates the women's quaint
clothing and creates an
Amish fashion show, while
the husband causes the men
to confront their repressed
As I watched this movie
and squirmed in my seat, I
thought, What have the
Amish done to deserve this?
Did Hollywood decide to
pick on the Amish because
they're an easy target and
wouldn't fight back?
imagine the uprdar that
would ensue if Hollywood

tried to make a similar
"satire" of the Muslim cul-
ture.) Of course, it would be
silly to suggest (hat this
.lame-brained, long-foigbtten
comedy triggered Monday's
massacre. Rather, I suggest
that such a movie was not a
cause, but a very conspicu-
ous symptom.
Pundits expressed,'surprise
that this event could occur
in such a non-threatening
environment. I suggest that
it is not such a great leap
from disrespect of a pacifist
culture to attempt obliterat-
ing. them altogether.
Others noticed the similar-
ity between the killing of
female Amish and a similar
school shooting last week in
Colorado. Women, of course,
can cite countless modern
movies in which' they are
objectified by chauvinistic
A notorious example is last
year's "The Devil's Rejects,"
in which a lascivious killer
land the movie's director?)
forces two women to strip
before they are murdered.
Again, it's doubtful that
the killer saw either of these
movies before he perpetrated
his crime. But I don't think
it's far-fetched to consider
such movies' overall impact
on their viewers.
Moviemakers try to have it
both ways, belittling certain,
groups and then sneering at
the idea that such debasing
has any lasting effect.
After the murders of the
past two weeks, maybe we
ought to consider whether
such cheap laughs or thrills'
might affect our perspectives
a little more deeply.

Regal 18

The Departed.' Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 1:00, 3:50,
4:15, 7:10, 7:35, 10:20, 10:50.
Employee of the Month.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:35, 1:40, 3:40, 4:40, 7:15,
7:45, 9:45, 10:25.
The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre: Tie Beginning.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:55,
1:50, 3:35, 4:10, 7:05, 7:40,
9:55, 10:45.
Facing The Giants. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 1:05, 4:00,
6:40, 9:40.
The Guardian. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:25, 4:25, 7:25,

Open Season. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 1:00, 3:30,
4:00, 5:30, 6:50, 8:05, 10:15.
scoundrels .
School For Scoundrels.

Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:30,
4:50, 8:00, 10:30.,'
All The King's Men. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,10:00..
Flyboys. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:20, 4:20, 7:30,
Jackass: Number Two.
Rated R. Fsi.-Thurs., 12:50,
1:45, 3:55, 4:45, 7:20, 7:55,
9:30, 10:20.

Jet Li's Fearless. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 3:45,
6:55, f0:10.
The Science of Sleep. Rated
R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:45, 4:55,
7:50, 10:25.

The Illusionist. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:05,
6:45, 9:35.
Little Miss Sunshine. Rated
R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:35, 4:35, 7:00,


by STE\ E BAILEY 25th-Anniv. Edition" An,
overlooked but charming
"Monty Python and the Disney cartoon about two for-
Holy Grail Extraordinarily est creatures who don't know
Deluxe Edition" I adore this they're supposed to be ene-
movie, but seriously -- enough mies. (Trivia: Future director
with the DVD sets! Tim Burtoh was one of the
movie's animators.)
"The Fox and the Hound -,

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Movies can have profound

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Weekend 4

Lea rPonte a Lader )cttber 6, 006


The Beaches Leader/ r

Weekend 5

UCUDr u,'t UUU .--...- .. .


Plugged: JU's Chopra



Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
The Ocean rolls in at 9 p.m.
today, and Saturday.

Courtyard at 200 First Street,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach
249-2922. Tropico Solo Steel
Pan plays from 7-10 p.m.

Culhane's Irish Pub, 9.67
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
, 249-9595. The Boxrockers are
in at 9 p.m. today. Michael
Funge plays traditional Irish
music at 6 p.m.Sunday.

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Live music appears at 9:30
p.m. today and Saturday.

Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Maz sized Rate with The
Picture Show, The Prophets
and Sentence To Live plays
hard rock at 9:30 p.m. today.
Besigner, Down Theory,
Shelturd Hell and Autumn
Effect play hard rock Saturday.
onkev's Uncle Tavern,
1850 third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Unky J appears at 9:30 p.m.

Ocean 60 Restaurant & Wine
Bar. 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. Aerial Tribe performs
today. Ya Goza is in Saturday.

Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. The
Paul Lundgren Band performs
at 9 p.m. today and Saturday.
Billy Bowers is in Sunday.

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
The Rumble appears Oct. 9.
. .. .. ,, .; .,


Aromas Cigar, Wine &
Martini Bar, 880A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach a 280-2525. Le
Monde Quartet plays Latin
music Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMonde Quintet per-
form every Saturday.'

Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.

Brix, Jacksonville Beach. Jazz
great Teddy Washington is in
every VWednesday through

Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every

Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pili plays,'reggae every
Friday and Saturday.

Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Cloud Nine are in today and

Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10
p.m.' followed by Jimmy Solari
every Wednesday. Spade
S McQuade plays traditional
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.

SFly's'Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every' Tuesday.
Reggae with Pill Pill every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb




" '- :',' '* ..

ut:,q .t- *;",',* ,
-,- 4 7


Cont. from B-I
symphony organization,
expressing their profound
Most especially, they
pointed to arranger Andrew
Chopra, nicknamed "The
Genuis" by Starr.
With only a month to
write all the music, the 22-
year-old JU student worked
with the band in the studio
several times, and enlisted
some help from teachers,
even though he's not a music
composition major.
"This was a side project for
me," said Chopra, adding
that he might consider a
future JSO project.
Something of a prodigy,
Chopra overcome leukemia
at age .11, a bone narrow
transplant at 12, and five hip
replacements, though he

remains humble about his



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pr i ui i i
Guest violinist Midori (above) will be featured in a Brahms Violin Concerto tonight and Saturday at
the Jacoby Symphony Hall in downtown Jacksonville. The 8 p.m. concert is part of the
Jaqkso ph :etra's Masterworks Series. For tickets, call 354-5547.

Band is in Thursdays. Mystic blues, oldies and jazz every *
Dino and the 420 Band are in Friday and Saturday night. Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
Sundays.. 1850 Third Street S.,
.Jac.sonv- i beacn are

Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.

Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach a
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every'
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.

Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.

Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans
plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday.

Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. Reggae with Pili
Pili from 4 to 8 p.m. every
',' o 'o -:. ,':
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour .Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,

Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
lacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs

Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
* 241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every

Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach peach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary-Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday..


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday. .
.' r ..
Cliff's at, the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday aind
Thursday. ,

Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke every Sunday.

Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksontille Beach. Karaok6
every Wednesday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.

Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
spins Top 40 and Old Wave
every Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside ,every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jetemy spins Top 40 and hip
hop inside every Friday. D.Js
'Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indie every Monday.

Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.
O "..' *'
The Ritz,' 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DI Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DI Marco spins
80's every' Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.

Vinoe 8"22 AA N., Ponte
Vedra Bach 285-0991.'The
DJ Wal spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every


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iinex bigeveiit' .
W'C( n U(liIt.oIMiIZ d el i'l orL v ouI r rotii>. large. -r l or-si lU. lO fit ain,
hu(IsI,'t Mak ,nppointn" ennil Iowi w hilhll Cissel at 241-9771.

Original music is featured at
8:30 p.m. on the first Friday of
every month, at Fisherman's
Wharf Lounge at theSanta
Maria Restaurant in St.'
Augustine. Call 540-6971 for

The Dot Wilder Jazz Quintet
performs from 6 to 9 p.m.

today at Fletcher Park, 1652
Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is free. Call 614-
7814 for information.

The University of North
Florida Jazz Ensemble kicks off
the Amelia Island Jazz Festival
from 3 to 4 p.m. Oct. 8 at the
Amelia Park Bandstand located
between Citrona and 14th
streets, Fernandina Beach.

Admission is free. Call 504-
4772 for information.

The pop trio The Cheetah
Girls with guest Miley Cyius as
Hannah Montana on Oct. 9 at
Veterans Memorial Arena, 300
A. Phillip Randolph Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Tickets are $27.50
to $37.50. Call 630-3900 for


t" _- _'_ ,-., r "1n/


wee Kendo 6 .....u u ------- -- ---- --


Brown bag
lunch: The GTM Reserve holds
a Brown Bag Lunch lecture at
noon at the -GTM
Environmental Education
Center. The free lecture will be
about Northeast Florida
seashells. Attendees should
bringitheir lunches and ques-
tions. Brown Bag Lectures take
place the first Friday of each.
month, from noon to' 1 p.m.,_
at the GTM Reserve'.
Environmental Educationi
Center, 505 Guana River Road.
For information, call 904-823-

Fleet Reserve Fridays: Fleet
Reserve, 290 Mayport Road,
offers a series of dinners, each
from .5 p.m. to 8 p.m., every
Friday in October. The first is
Steak.,Night, for a $10 dona-
tion, Oct. 6. Grilled Chickenl
Dinners, for ;an $8 donation,
are scheduled Oct. 13. Steak
Night returns Oct. 20, again
for a $10 donation The.month
wraps up with a Fish Fry, for an
$8 donation, Oct. 27. The pub-
lic is invited to each, of these
dinners. Call 246-6855 for

"--' I Atlantic Blvd. Donations will
be accepted for the Breast
.6 \ Cancer Research Foundation.
For information, call 234-0038
S hosts or visit
j teeX ms at www.beachespilates.com.

pade tba bccessotese Sunday, Oct. 8
e AS AOVC Church completed: The
eveAt .do di-e completion of
ude a sit- adn V\ Ambassador Baptist
c nd sxe tists "ll Church, 2134
al d the o Lte \Mayport Road, Atlantic
to TceeS Ae TS Beach, will be celebrated at 3
o t o the p.m. The service will be
)3 1 officiated by four former
pastors and the church's
current pastor, Matthew E.
Staley. Refreshments will fol-
Greek festival: The low. Call 821-5431 for infor-
three-day Greek Festival 2006, mation.
hosted by Holy Trinity Greek
Orthodox Church, will be held Monday, Oct. 9
at the St. Augustine Book fair: Ponte Vedra-Palm
Amphitheatre, Hwy AIA Valley/Rawlings Elementary
South. Non-stop entertain- School, 610 A1A North, hosts a
ment will include live Greek Scholastic Book Fair from 8:30
music and traditional dances. a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each school
Admission is $1. Festival hours day through Oct. 17. The book
are 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct. 6, 11 fair wraps up with a family
a.m to 9 p.m. Oct. 7 and 12 event from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
p.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 8. For Oct. 18. Families, teachers and
information, call 904-829- the community are.invited to
0504 or visit attend the fair, proceeds from
http://Greekfest.holytrinity- which will be, used to buy
goa.org. books for the school's media

Saturday, Oct. 7
, Hospice training; The
Community 'Hospice of
Northeast Florida offers three
days' of training for volunteers
at the Commu.iit Hospice's
St. Augustihe Office, 525 State
Road 16, Suite 112. The .first
day runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The' other, training days are
Oct. 10 (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and
Oct. 14 (9 a.m.. to 3:30,p.m.).
For information, call 904-407-
7064 ..

Pil'tes'in Pink: "Pilates' in
Pink" will,be performed from 9
a.m'. to 10 a.m. at Hollie's
Dancn' Dream Studio, 13595

centers and classrooms.

Leave 'em, Laughing: The
Leave 'em Laughing Tent; a
Local chapter of the
International Laurel & Hardy
Appreciation Society, meets
from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at the
Pablo Creek 'Branch Library,
.13295 Beach Blvd. The theme
of the meeting, leading up. to
Halloween, is "Laurel & Hardy
Fright Night." Two silent
shorts, "Do Detectives Think?"
(1927) and "Habeas 'Corpus"
(1928),. will be screened,, as will
sound shorts 'The Live Ghost"
and "Oliver the Eighth' (both
'1934). The event'is free for all
ages. For information,, go to

www.leaveemlaughing.com or
call Steve Bailey at 904-246-

Sushi in the Sukkah:
Chabad @' the Beaches will
hold Sushi in the Sukkah at 4
p.m. at Chabad. The event is
free and open to the public.
For information, call Chabad
@ the Beaches at 904-285-

Tuesday, Oct. 10
Great music resumes: The
Johnston Duo will sing and
play in a 7 p.m. concert at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library in the Friends of the
Library Community Room.
The concert is free and open to
the public.

Kids yoga and art: The first
in a series of 'eight weeks of
yoga and art classes for young-
sters aged 6 to 12 begins at
Ocean Yoga, 60 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. Each class runs
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Call
Paula at 613-7394 for informa-
tion, or visit www.oceanyo-

Women's club fundraiser: A
Ponte Vedra Women's Club
benefit luncheon and fashion
show, "A Fashionable Day,"
will be held at 11:3Q. a.m. at
Maggiano's "Little Italy"
restaurant at St. Johns Center.
SteinMart fashions will be pre-
sented. Tickets are $40. The
proceeds go to local charities.
Call 285-9754 for reservations.

Oct. 11
SFlorida Fall: Roseann
McFarland, from Proctor Ace
Floral Emporium 11, presents
"Florida Fall" at 10 a.m. at the
Ribault Garden Club, 705 2nd
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
This Fun with Flowers, program

costs $15, and reservations are
required. Attendees are asked
to bring their own clippers. For
reservations, call 221-5191.

For the kids: Enjoying the
Magic of Childhood's next six-
week session begins at 3 p.m.
and runs until 4:30 p.m. at
Seaside Playgarden, 223 8th
Ave. S., JacksonvilleBeach. The
program is for children 3 years
old and younger. For informa-
tion, call Sharon Elliott at 247-
8422 or 535-0014.

Get acquainted: Newcomers
of the Beaches, an organiza-
tion for women who are new
to the area, will hold a lunch-
eon at 11 a.m. at the Casa
Marina Hotel, 691 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Executive Director of the
Beaches Museum and History
Center Holly A. Beasley will
' give a slide presentation. The
cost of the luncheon is $20,
payable by October 4 to
Newcomers of the Beaches,
P.O. Box 2421,, Ponte Vedra
Beach, FL 32004. For informa-
tion, call Bonnie Lynch at 904-

Oct. 12
G.O.P. meets: The
Republican Club of the
Beaches meets at Adele Grage
Cultural Center, 716 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. A 6:30
p.m. social precedes the 7 p.m.
meeting. Scheduled to speak
are judicial candidates Virginia
Norton, Dawn Hudson, John
Merrett. and David L.
Thompson. For information,
call Ed Raube at 246-7979.

Friday, Oct. 13
Book sale: A three-day sale
of thousands of gently used
books, offered by Friends of
the Beaches Branch Library,

begins at the Beaches Branch
Library, 600 Third Street,
Neptune Beach. Doors of the
Eloise Clairbome Community,.
Room .will be open from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and
Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 4'
p.m. Sunday. A preview sale for
members will be offered from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday.
Memberships will be available
at the door for $5. Bag "Day,
where shoppers may fill a stan-
dard grocery bag with books
and other items for a bargain
basement price, is Sunday.

Croaker tournament: The
23rd annual Croaker
Tournament, sponsored by
American Legion Post 129 and
open to the public, begins with
a captain's meeting at 7:30
p.m. at the Post, 1151 4th St.
S., Jacksonville Beach. The
competition, in which every
boat wins a prize, will be held
Oct. 14 and Oct. 15. First prize
of $400 is for the largest croak-
er. Entry fee is $60 per boat
and $30 for kayaks. Entry
deadline is Oct. 13. Prizes will
be awarded at a Sunday fish fry
that begins at 5 p.m. Numbers
to call are 249-2266 and 242-

Flower show: The Ribault
Garden Club holds its 67th
annual Flower Show from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The
Club is located at 705 2nd Ave.
N., Jacksonville Beach. The
show, which -is' free and open
to the public, is entitled
"Waterways of the World."
Awards will be given in all cat-
egories. The event will be
judged by nationally accredit-
ed judges. There will be a plant
sale in addition to the Flower
Show. For information, call
Joyce Totter at 904-247-1865.


, Jacksonville Singles
pance Club:,The Jacksonville
Singles Dance Club meets%
from 8 p.m. ,to 11 p.m..at the
Knights ;of Columbus Hall;
1501 Hendricks Ave.,
Jacksonville. Admission is $8,
$7 for members. For informa-
tion,, call' 779-1234 or e-mail

Recovery, .Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at '6:30' p.m. at
St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach..
Call 247-3299 for informa-

Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered, from 9
a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot
Tennis Center in Jacksonville
Beach. For information,, 'call'
Moe at 247-6221.

Kittens and cats that have
been 'veterinarian-checked
and tested, and that have
shots' and been neutered, are
available for adoption from
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo at
Atlantic and Kernan boule-

Lab Rescue: Labrador
Retriever Rescue of, Florida
meets the first Saturday of
every month from 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. at ,PetCo, 317 Marsh
Landing Parkway,
Jacksonville Beach.
Information on how to adopt
a Lab and how to volunteer to
rescue a Lab in need is
offered. The group's website is

Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S. Visit www.dbsaiax.org
for information.

Sierra Club: The Sierra
Club's Northeast Florida
Group meets at 7 p.m. Oct. 9
at Tree Hill 'Nature Center.
The center's director, Lucy
Cortese, will talk about the
non-profit, 50-acre, urban
wildlife preserve. Social time
.is 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The
program starts at 7 p.m. and

is open to the public.
The 'Sierra Club's
Jacksorwille meeting is helcb
7t 'p'inrmthe sqoqlffM Mondal
of each month at 'Lakewood
Presbyterian Church, 2001
University Blvd W. For infor-
mation, call Janet Lars6n at
247-1'876.- .

Beaches' Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class- is
offered from 9 a.m. to 11
a.m., and watercolor .for all
levels is offered in the
evening, as well as
Wednesday and Thursday
mornings,. Figure drawing
classes are held from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m., The Beaches Arts
Center is' at 228 3rd Ave, N.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation, call 241,13515!

Foundatibp Academy: The.
Foundation Academy, 107 3rd
St. S., Jacksonville Beach, has
an open house from 9 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Call 241-3515 for

Harmony Show Chorus:
The Jacksonville Harmony
Show 'Chorus meets from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. at the San
Jose Church of Christ, 6233
San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville.
Visitors and prospective
members are welcome. Call
350-1609 for information.

Railroad Club: The
Beaches Area Model Railroad
Club meets at 7 p.m. and also
Friday at 941 4th St. N.,
Jacksonville. Beach, behind
Sportsmania. The club is open
to anyone interested in scale
model railroading. For infor-
mation, call Dave Henk at
641-8800 or Richard Paul at

Rollaways: Rollaways
Square Dance Club leads
modern western square danc-.
ing and offers lessons at
Sandalwood High School. The
dance caller is Ken Miller. For
more information, call 249-

Senior Center: The Palm
Valley Senior Center, 148
Canal Blvd., is open from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. and also on
Thursday. Lunch is served at
noon. Call 280-3233 for
lunch reservations or for
information on activities. For
transportation to lunch, call
280-3753 between 7:30 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m.

Senior workshop: Edward
Jones, 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
utq 3A00, Jacks.nnville,;offers'
a'reVe 'ior Worlh'o '10
a.m. on a variety of topics,
including retirement income
planning, wealth transfers,
.IRAs, annuities and life insur-
ance. Reservations are
required. Call 221-8501.

Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Call 246-4158 for informa-

Ballroom' dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m., at the Beaches
Senior Center, 2&1 19th
Avenue S., Jacksonville Beach.
The cost is $4. For informa-,
tion, call 241-3796.

Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. at the
Florida Cancer Center in
Medical Office Building B on
the hospital campus. Call
247-2910 for information.

Poker tournament: A
poker tournament is sched-
uled from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. Tables, cards,
chips, refreshments and
snacks are provided. The
Senior Activity Center is
located at 2004 Forest Avenue
and can be reached by calling

Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the
administration building of
the Ponte Vedra Inn and
Club. Coffee is served. For
more information, call
Michael Steele at 904-910-
1982 or visit http://pontve-

VFW Auxiliary: The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Greater
Beaches VFW Post 3270 meets
the second Wednesday of
each month at 7 p.m. at 915
8th Avenue South,
Jacksonville Beach. Members
are encouraged to bring a
guest. For information, call

Yoga for health: Yoga for
Health & Healing is offered
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. The class is

I 'FRIDaY, O O 1T I.


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~October .6. 2006,~

-the Beaches Leader[Ponnle Vedra Liader

,117--1o, .1 ,


Weekend 7,

Tlie Reachrs eader/Ponte Vedra Leader

L.JLLU L o, JLJVE) L 11C U'a- ---- ------



S Ilulu o vUIve II -.U
Heisey glassware such as these pieces will be featured in a seminar Sunday at Avonlea Antique Mall. I
Barbara and Richard Bartlett of Ponte Vedra Beach are giving a seminar on Heisey glassware from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8, at the Avonlea Antique Mall, on Philips Highway about one mile south of Butler Boulevard,
Jacksonville. The glassware was hand made from 1896 to 1957 in Newark, Ohio, home town of the Bartletts,

I who are Heisey glass collectors.

Arts night in Neptune "Midori Plays Brahms," part
Tonight is arts opening of the Fidelity National
reception night in Neptune Financial Mlasterworks
Beach. There will be one Series.
artists reception at First
Street Gallery and another 'Florida Cracker'
at Hibernia. The "Real Florida Cracker
JoAnne Adams and Storyteller," Butch
Melinda Bradshaw's open- Harrison, will share his
ing reception will be held at blend of colorful story-
7p.m. at First Street Gallery. telling and Florida history
Adams, a ceramic painter at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the
and Gallery partner, joins Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
with Bradshaw, a photogra- Library.
pher, in a colorful feature "I've been a storyteller all
show. Their works will be my life," said Hlarrison,
on display until Nov. 8. For "and I've entertained peo-
information, call 241-6928. pie 'from all over the
At Hibernia, an opening world...with stories of the
reception will be held,from Florida that.used to be."
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to meet Harrisoni, who worked for
artist Nicola Henley, who's 20 years as a guide and pho-
coming to the-U.S. for the tog'rapherin the Everglades,
first time. Henley's "Intd is a past president of the
the blue" exhibition, which Concerned Citizens for the
focuses on the west coast of Everglades:.
IrePm1 d.yl '' -e /" ,
skies on the Atlantic Ocean, Animals.' "
will be on display until Oct. The Jacksonville Humane
'8. She returns to Hibernia Society hosts a Blessing of
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Animals at 10:30 a.m.
October 9. tomorrow at the shelter,
For information, call Niall 8464' Beach Blvd. The bless-
Falloon at 247-0491. ing will be' presided over by
Father Michael J. Larken of
First Friday Art Walks Prince of, Peace, Catholic
' One of St. Augustine's Church in honor of St.
most popular. cultural Francis of Assisi Day, tradi-
events, First Friday Art tionally observed Oct. 4.
Walks, takes place tonight. The 'blessing is free: and
The art walks are held the 'opeh to all pet owners and
first Fiiday of every month, pets. For information,, call
Tours begin at Chere Garrard -at the
Rembrandtz Fine Gifts for Jacksbnville Humane
Fun People, 1-1 King Street. Society, 725-8766, ext. 206.

More than 20 participating

galleries are open. from 5 Fun Day/Camp Out
p.m. to 9 p.m. Atlantic Beach s 2006 Fun
For more information, Day/Camp Out Under. the
call 904-829-0065 or visit Stars will be held at lack
www.staugustinegalleries.co Russell Park tomorrow. All
m. activities begih at 11 a.m.
with check-in and tent set
Steel drums up. The cost is $10 per
Tonight's Music in, the camp site.
Courtyard is "Tropico Solo Activities, which are free,
Steel Pan," featuring Barry include pony rides, Uncle
Olsavsky performing as a Mike's Hug-n-Farm, Mike
one-man band, along with Rossi with Wild. Wonders,
background tracks and storytelling, juggling show
strolling steel pan, from 7 and' workshops. There also
p.m. to 10 p.m. It's a free 'will be performances by
event open to the public at local' acoustic musicians,
200 First S,treet in Neptune Polly B Dance Studio,. tie
Beach. V Woking Warrior program
For information, call 249- and'Disconnected K9s..
2922. Lights out is at 10 p.m.
Saturday. Wake up willbe at
Midori in Symphony 8 a.m.'Sunday, followed by
debut -a pancake breakfast pre-
Two. days remain to see pared by a Boy Scout .troop.
and hear the renowned vio- Call 247-5828 for more
linist Midori, who opiened'a information.
three-performance. stav last Turtle Island Open
night in Jacob' S%,mpihony Housee ',
Hall. Midori, who is making Turtle Island` Natural
her Jacksonville Symphony Foods, holds"its-third annual
debut, also plays at 8 p.m. open house from 11la.m. to
tonight and tomorrow. 5 p.m. tomorrow. Those
Fabio Mechetti conducts who attend are invited to
.249-3739 '

sample Turtle Island's chef
organic seasonal specialtie:
ast-well as organic.'micrc
brew-beer, organic wine an
homeriade desserts. Their
also will be door prizes.
Call 247-6400 for info
Grand Shell Ring
Talbot Islands State Part
hosts a free archaeologic;
presentation tomorrow c
noon at the Ribault Club o
Fort George Islan
Archaeologist Keith Ashle
will present the findings (
his archaeological research
project and show artifact
that,were excavated at th
Grarfd Shell'Ring, a Nativ
American shell moun
located within. Big Talbc
Island-State Park.
Arts and crafts festival
-rDfflrF'lift in:'bne of Spdih
SrOt1-inrip6'rtan't outposts i
the New World will -b1
recreated from 10 a.m. to
p.m. tomorrow and Sunda
at the 18th Annual Colonii
Arts and Crafts Festival i
St. Augustine. Admission
free. -
Held on the grounds
the Colonial Spanis
.Quarter Museum, the fest
val will feature craftsmen i
authentic clothing 'demor
strating crafts that wei
essential for survival in ft
1700s. In addition; the fest
.val will feature storyteller
colonial music and speci
activities for children.
For information, call 90'
Family Fest
The University of ,Nort
Florida's Chil
Development Research
Center hosts its 'third anni
al Family Fest4from noon I
4 p.m, Sunday at the UTI
Nature Trails.
Other, activities incluc
canoeing, scavenger hun
presentation by thl
Museum of Science an
History and poetry, present
ed bv'UNF students..Thei
also will be crafts. :.
Family Fest is free an
open, to the public; bi
donations, which will bei

Child Devel
Research Center a
UNF Nature .Trai
appreciated. :'
For information,
Pamela Bell,
Development Cente
tor, at 904-620-2372
Political scene
David Cook, senior
and Washington
chief for the C
Science Monitor, wi
at the Oct. 10
College Forum abo
political scene and
-look .for the. 200
tions." Forums beg
p.m. in the Flagler
.Auditoriur .' '
Call 904-819-64

nd the
Is, are
;r direc-

)r editor
ill speak.

ut "The
the out-
'6 elec-
in at 7

[00' for

Castaway Island
l Pr ese e
Sages 'Oct'. Z ,at 'Castaway
)e .Island Preserve, 2885 Sari
5 Pablo Road South. The pro-
y. gram, Spiders!!, runs from
al 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Those
n who attend will discover
is the benefits of coexisting
with. native spiders of
of Northeast Florida, while
h. learning 'how to identify
- those that are more haz-
n ardous. For information,
n- call 630-CITY.
,e Haunted House
i'- The 31st annual, Hall of
s' Terror Open House opens
al on Friday the 13th at
Adventure Landing, 1944
4-1 Beach Blvd., ad' will be
open, starting at 7. p.m., for
13 days: Oct. 13-15, Oct. 19-
22 and Oct. ,26-31 There
h will be a free,' not-so-scary
d HalloWEE -Zone for kids..
h The Halloween' tradition
u- starts with a kickoff party at
o Adventure Landing 'on
IF Friday the 13th. Space is
limited, and reservations for
le the party are required.
it, Admission to the. Hall of
ie Terror is $9 per person, or
d' $12 for 'a combo pass that
t-, includes ne '...Adventure
re Landing activity.', The
HalloWEE Zone 'is openri
id every night the Hall of
ut Terror is.

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Around the Home

Gals also love tht
earlierr this summer I
S received one of those
-.funny emails that circu-
late in big groups.
This one was about how
men help out in the kitchen
and give-their wives the night
off when they grill.
The story goes that the
woman buys the food, pre-
pares the food, puts it on a
platter, brings it out to her
husband dutifully, waiting by
the grill (and brings him a
cold drink, too). .il E
Then, he hands tier the KATHRYNWEBER
platter as she sets the table HOME COLUMNIST
and prepares the side dishes in minutes and a meal put on
and then cleans up. In short, the table in no t.ime.
it's niot much of a night off Not only that, but if your
and.everyone tugh-fives family likes grilled food, the
hubby for the great meal he inconvenience of getting a
prepared. Sound familiar? If charcoal ready won't stand in
so, it's time for the ladies to your way. That's what I like
"ma" the grill. best about having a gas grill.
nills arethrirlsA gas ghill also gives you an
Ulats are for girls opportunity totcook outside
at's right, fire isn't only a and not make the kitchen
m is domain. To be sure, I've smell or heat up the whole
lo i enjoyed cooking over'a house. The one, Icpnven-
charcoal fire and smoking, ence, about gas grills is the
chickens and ribs over oak all gas.
afternoon .until they'fall apart. Most use propane inrf small
Then orne summer we propane tanks. But even
moved back to Texas. Yes, hot when they're empty they can
for five months, can't stand be heavy. And, depending on
the heat get out of the how much you use your grill,'
kitchen, will this heat ever tank refills can add up.
end?,Texas. However,, if vou have natu-
That's when I decided-to g. ,t yi- afour-house \ou may
a sdiall' ga.s gfil; just for' Off '~e- a e ab ,'uenatural gas and
enience .sakey se. bell'-,-,~ hve fo':lug' a gas iylih-
that: little grill took a beating derto be exchanged or pay
that summer and [haven't the high fee for-replacement
looked back since. tanks.-
When we movedinto our
Kitchen convenience current house, the plumber
One of the best things added a gas line on the patio
about gas grills is that they for the gas grill I wanted to'
make meal preparation very buy. If you do this, you'll
convenient. Some hamburger want to make sure your gas
patties, a chicken breast or grill is compatible with natu-
filet of fish can all be fired off ral gas; many aren't, so do be

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"ir grills
sure and check with a knowl-
edgeable salesperson. That
brings me to my next tip, and
that is: if you want to buy a
gas grill, you need to check
them out in person.
Grilling has become serious
business and there are now
more options than ever; too
many, in fact, to cover here.
Visit your local merchants
that carry grills and ask them
about the pros and cons of all
the various options. Then,
check the grills on
People write some incredi-
ble reviews of products and
you can get a first-hand,
account of the grills and what
actual users think about indi-
vidual grills. And.right now,
you might find. one on sum-
mer clearance, making this
the right time to get grilling.
Make your living space a
grilling place with a gas grill.
that any girl would love.
October. is Bust Clutter
Month in Living Space
Everyone is talking about
clutter these days. If your
house has you at your wits'
end, this is the perfect time of
year to attack all that stuff'
that's driving you crazy.
October is great because it's
before the holidays arrive
when even more stuff invades
your house.. It's also a terrific
time to schedule a garage sale
and pick up some cold cash'
from your old'stash.
So get ready to get organ-
ized arid get ready to declutter
all month long in October.
By mid-November, you're
house will be ready for the
holidays, your load will be
lightened, and, hopefully,
your wallet fattened and your
sanity restored.

PhcIo -ur.mell
Gas grills come in every variety and style now to suit most any homeowner. This one is outfitted
in an outdoor kitchen.and even includes a rotisserie. Get a gas grill and you'll find you can give
your family a grilled meal at a moment's notice.

.: -a -bMm

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-90Ala"ic ld

33-413.. Te tJn,~

I Looking for help with home repairs?
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i' The Leader


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need to be removed '
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte V'edra Leader

Weekend 8

:: LE::::EE. :



REAT ESTATE 63 Finan Senices
100 Real Estate 625 Firewood
110 L.wLand For Sale 631 Computer Service
120 Homes for Sale 633 Hauling
125 Real Esalte Wanted 634 La.n MoNer Sales
130 Condos for Sale 635 Law iLandscpg
I-1i0 Mongages 636 Locksmith
150 Mobile Homes for Sale 637 Marine Consi
180 Comm Propent 638 Manne.'Boliang
185 IndusmatWarehouse 640 ConwreMasonn
RENT AL.5 M Moing & Storage
200 Rental 68 Pressure va.shnmg
215 Homes lor Rent 650 Painntng
225 Wanted ro Rent 651 Pest Control
230 Condo lor Renti 52 Plumbing
240 M H for Rent 63 5 PooL
260 Vacation Rental 654 Phoio raphs
2 '0 Rental to Share n55 Ra Ln uler,
275 Room for Rent 660 Remodel'Conit
280 Once Spice 665 Rpairs'
285 Comm Renul o7n0 R ,oin ,
PEI & ANI-?.IL', 675. Spnnlder & \\iels
301': Free Pets 677 Tree Ser:e
310 Pets lor Sade 678 Tile
330 Stables.ltestock 680 photer
340 Lost & Found Pets M5 %allpapennr.g
ANNOLUNCFMENTIS 60 aterI reatmen
400 NouCes .HEAL-IT .ERlCE'
40Q T00 Stas.I..ge Therap%
4t5 PTr il 10 Health Care Serv
420 LepI encs c30C evser
425 Legal Nouc 00 For
+40 Mi-c. Lost & Found 800 For Sale
450 .ntnonMSchool- 0 In.tr
450 in-;mructioiia'schhI8-10 Anucque-
460 ie=ddings 815 Auctions
MiPLO MEN I 820l ^"d to Bu)
500 P-T Help %%anted 82 Trade
510 F-T Help Wanted 830 Consinmen
520 job Senice ARAGE SALE
530 Bus OLpportun 840 Garage Sales
540 Chld Care850 Garage Sales Jla B
530 'aork \%anied 852 Garage Sales Nep,
SERM\CEGLDE 8654 Garage Sales Atlar
('00 Sernee Guide 857 Garage Sale. Ponte
601 Air Condiionng 858 Garage Sale-. of e
602 Alveration Baches
607 AuravBoat Detailing 860 Flea Market
608 Auto Repair 862 Estate Sales
612 Carpet 905 Auto Rental
613 Catering 915 Boats
61 Cleaning 930 Mlotorc)les
618 Electronics 950 Camers/RVs
o69 Elecmical Sen 970 TrMs.Vans
620 Equip Rentals 980 Automobiles
622 Fences


une Beidi
ine Beach
e %edra

Call or come by our office:
1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach


Fax: 249-1501

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
1114 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

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Cash, Checks, Visa or
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I I TiM *-= e

Why not join us on
Every Wed. rom 11am-1 pm
Phyllis will be online making
your questions livel
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
$500 gas card at Closing!

e,-, ;r; tr,r .',,. a

National Association of Realtors
NE Florida Association of Realtors

FOLKSTON GA. nouse' Oarn/ pona,
acres/ stream. $153,000, Deautilul

ALL REAL Estale advertised herein is
subject to the Federali Fair -lousing Act.
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paired 1(8001927.9275.

-A R A.V ANTGEf for buyers and sellers, and d, e y:.way for
INVESTORS to find out the best deals as they hit the nitketl

YAHOO Prudential
Network Realty .o rav o,, a
YAHOO AND PRUDENTIAL TEAM UP in exclusive relationship
At last, finding the best deal on a property or selling at the best price could be a click away!
YAHOO reaches 95 million visitors each month
Simply go to YAHOO, enter property WEB ID number (as seen on listings below) and you're there
PRU20G97 Ponte Vedra ,,. I Concrete block home/walk
to beach in PV $349,900

PRU4K2L7 Peaches- Mfravista.at-lathont ewnow ..
3BR condo on Intracoastal 6.'O00 -

We'i ame by 1A*
;..:i ;: ,; ,; :;, ,. -... ..m, w n s; :: :!:::,v


A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
(& $39,900 to $99,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $109,900
to $139,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-652-8700





Ponte Vedra 2-story. 4BR/4.5BA, Sawgrass PlayersClub ,
g golf course views 8525,too

Ponte Vedra Sawgrass CC home, short walk to beach,
3BR/2BA, 1989 sq. ft, 8529,000

For more Information on YAHOO real estate:and PRUDENTIAL and the
(904) 710-8121 or (904) 285-8449 x 3036
e-mail at: mebeachhomes@bellsouth.net
visit website: www.,mcbeachhomes, net

k Open House *

Saturday & Sunday IPM-4PM
D 'n'aco35assa'Ita Vav Arac,"3 i
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Sunday 12-5pm
k Watersedge at Harbortown will include 20 nigh-end
4 story Mediterranean-slyle town homes with
private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your front yard. Only
3 left!! Prices starting at $999,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

4BR/2BA, 2062 SF.' Perfectly maintained home in Ibis Point!
Absolutely stunning home w/screened lanai that overlooks pre-
serve! Priced below appraised value! Come and see for yourself
on Saturday! MLS# 319948


Buyers & Sellers Real Estate


Townhomes, condos,
beach homes, apartments
single-family, mansions,
single story, two story,
three story homes
S* Spacious, Flexible
floor plans
S.Custom interior, and
exterior designs
Attached garages
Community center
w/pool, tennis courts,
S*.Nature preserve trails
Fenced yards "
Gated communities

This award-winning
newspaper arrives in your mailbox -
.every Wednesday and Friday, for = 1
only $25 per year, filled with in-depth
coverage ofall the information you
need :from buying ---
a home to renting a flat!.

OCTOBER66 2006~

~ ---I-I I- II ---



i. rr Irrr rr r r RA


El- I=



"" """' **="" """="""




. .....

C1I2CJlfll -, h c o d d o 200

20 minutes West of St. Augustine. 500
yards from Sl Johns River. High & dry,
heavily wooded, covenant protected,
deeded river access, $225,000. 1808 Riv-
er Pt. Cl. 32092. (904)247-1198.
1+ ACRE Mountain Lots. Minutes from
Hayesville, NC, Hiawassee River and
Lake Chatuga. Build your home for a life-
time. Lots range In price from 554,900
to $87,900. Call 828-389-8843 or 904:


Sawmill Lakes under $400,000!!

Gorgeous 3/2 w/office. Custom paint and shutters/blinds
thruout. French doors frame a picturesque view of the
private backyard. Great floorplan offers plenty of
privacy. Meticulously maintained
home on wooded preserve. $379,900 WEI

Call Kelly Hobbs
@ 904-993-3803

Love the Water?
Enjoy life close to the Ocean, River and the Intracoastal; This casual
floor plan delivers 4BR/2.5BA, spacious greatroorp, new open kitchen
with all appliances included. SepeTate .. ,,,. ,
laundry room and bonus room round
out this exceptional value in Atlantic .:
Beach. $234,900..'

3BR/2.5BA, 2556 SF. Huge loft area, big master suite w/large
walk-in closets. Beautiudful lot that backs to woods! Come see the
best priced home in Intracoastal West area!! $285,000
MLS# 314507 .


Buyers & Seliers Real Estate
," www.jaxbesthomes.com. '

Gorgeous Custom Built Home, 3 years old. Over 2 100sf, master
BR on Ist floor; 3BR/2.5BA, .Key West Style w/stone front and
Lush Tropical Landscaping. Call for appt. 5.68-6909 Asking
$369,900 MLS 326063
$ 9 L 6Buyers & Sellers.Real Estate
". 247-4442
..y.iI'i. wwww.jaxbestihomes.com

.Call Roemary Naughton -

"She KNOWS ihe beaches!"
Lakefront L'Atrium-Birdwatcher's Paradise
Serene waterfront setting, huge screened lanai. Endless glass in, ites nature
into LR. DR' Kit, & MBR..Spacious 212, high ceils. indoor utility, 2 ca.
quiet cul-de-sac Meticulously maintained. Take AIA S. to L into
L'Atrium. $342,000..
Nept. "Beach Walk" Bungalow- Total Restoration
Absolutely' peeci 3BR gem wkend getaway. 4 blks to bch, 72xt18 16t!
All new; kit/s. s. appliances., 18" tiled LR, DR, Kit, Mly BA, office/study,
new windowss UR washer & dryer, conc. bik/stucco ext. spr sys. -
landscaping. Newer roof, plumb, elec, upgrades. Space galore for future
expansion. $459,000
P.V. Executive -E. of AIA
Sparkling, spacious 2346 s.f. 4/3.5 custom 2 sty. Gorgeous. upgrades,
high ceils. plantation shutters, priv. guest qtrs. down. Elegant M.Suite w/'
balcony up, versatile loft. Lots of style! Easy stroll to beach, nearby best
shopping/schools! $645,000 '. .
S. Jax Bch Twnhouse -2Years New!
Beautifully kept 3/2.5 just I bik. W.' of 3'd-hop, skip, jump to ocean!
Full\ tiled downstairs, granite Kit & Baths, huge GR/DR/Kit for casual
bch living! Generous closets/storage, inviting MBR balcony w/ sweet
beach breezes. $423,000
Ocean's Edge Condominiums- "Elegance by the Bch!"
Magnificent new ly completed 1/2/3 BR homes only 1/2 blk off oceanfront
in favorite S. Jax Bch! Solid bIk. construction, designer tile, granite, elite
fishes. Edgless pool/amenities exceed anything at bch! From high 200's.
Amazing values!
Catch the Waves Before Work
Beach living, pure & simple! Charming classic haven. I house off
sandfront, N. Bch. Orig. hrdwd floors; sunny, vintage tile Sunroom,
oceanviews form your yard or add 2'" sty f6r maximum views. Exudes
appeal, in and out! $849,000
New Listing ... A.B. Classic "Surf's Up!"
Grab your chance! Rustic, 3/2 just 3 blks to ocean on favorite 10th St.
Gorgeous 85' x 135' lot w/room for pool, expand or total re-build. Lrg.
tiled gameroom, orig. wd. floors ... all so beachy fun & unique! Bike to
Sliders! $684,000
Secret Garden Hideaway... 1/2 Bik to Ocean!
It's a storybook beach retreat in heart ofA.B. charm. Designer renovation
in LR. DR, Kit, w/elite granite/stainless finishes. 3BR's offer good space,
handsome orig. brdwd floors, pristine setting takes you back in time w/
all the modem conveniences. $795,000 *
S. Jax Bch "Near Ocean" 2 Story REDUCED!
Fun, unique 3/3 just 5 biks to ocean jogs & short bike ride to great hotspots.
Hrdwd/tile floors, versatile Bonus/office up, deep, private lot, low
maintenance stucco exterior. Seller is ready to make it happen NOW!
Super value. $410,000

1 ACRE Fernandina Bcr. High and dry.
near river. 159K. 759-3103.

FREE 2007 Toyota Avalon w/ So. PVB lot,
90X120 Ocean/ Intracoastal views Beach
access $344,900. 993-3397
PV FSBO 94X125, easl of A1A
$369.000 Seller financing. Call
CLOSE TO ocean, large corner lot. Moti-
vated seller- make offer. Call Chuck
228-0553, Klllebrew & Co.
3175 Pulllan Ct. 50x120
$275,000 (904)536-8268

1600SF starting at $198 per SF.
G MFIAI l tl. i M410 KIEgo I
$205,900 3/2, open fir plan,
fenced backyard, move in

OPEN HOUSE (2-6pm)
Waterfront on 1/3 acre, price reduced
3BR/2.5BA + loft. Bulkt 2004,231T'SF,
$5k CC & 1 yr assoc tee paid. Dir: N
Kernan from Atlantic, L Waterleaf, L
Candlebark $339,000 MLS 322357
NEW 3BR2/594 2 STORY
Beautiful home on large Jax Beach
lot'mncludes scrnd lanai & deck -,-
many upgrades throughout. Ready
nowl Price Reduced $25k! $429,900
MLS 329831
4BR/2 5BA. new root, wd floors &
windows, p!antatton shutters, SS
apple, & custom entertainment cntr.
5769,900 MLS 329841
2BR/2.5BA, ground floor condo just1
minutes from shopping & San Marco.
Boat dock & pool amenities.'
5225,000 MLS 325495
Changing area just 2 blocks W oft
Intracoastal. Great double lot home.
Super investment $195,000 MLS
Beautiful 3BRi2BA + den, lakeview
from living rm & office- + screened
porch located in lovely community.
$219,500 MLS 310245
Elegant 7,000 SF home in Jax Bch
'w/tldal, access. 6BR/6.5BA; 4-car.h
garage. New 'nstructlon. Luxury
home w/beautilful marsh views &*
Intracoastal access. 2,790,000 MLS
312575' -. '- -" "
Easy Ivlnvn at the beach in this'
spacious 3BR/2BA cbndo w/flreplace,
lake view,,club house, pool & tenhiij
BEAUTIFULI $259,900 MLS313390
Gorgeous Indian Trails,
'contemporary 3BR/2BA- + loft.1
includes spacious .kit w/breaktast
room, formal DR & fabulous scrnd
pool. $596,000 MLS 317498
Immaculate home on tranqul lake
*setting, features include eat-in kit, .
great room w/FP, split BR's --
iconvenierit location close to beach!
$244,500 MLS.318817 ..
Gated 2BR/2.5BA, 2'story + garage,
p new fully equipped CBS construction.
-Mediterranean style clubhouse,:pool,
etc. $329,900 MLS 314413
Steps to ocean in S. Jax Bch, E pf
A1A, 3BR/2BA w/scrnd lanai,deck &'
Cigar. Available furnished 'or
unfurnished $659,000 MLS 289386
1 BR/1 BBA w/odean views & sparkling
pool. No restriction on rentals. Great
investnientl $325,000 MLS. 310185
14BR/5.5BA overlooking 10th hole of'
golf course. Features formal dining &
living.rooms, media room,.downstairs
mstr suite & .wonderful pool &. spa.
i$1',999,900 MLS 324584 ,
: JAXBCH.iL ,, '
Build-able lot In S. Jax Bch. 50-x 1331
convenlent to restaurants, shopping,
JTB' & Beaches. $239,900 MLS

.Wow.alr- t.io-W!1
Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804

806-A 3rd SL Neptune Beach
1700 SF home sits on premier lot
in nea subdivision, tons of.
upgrades. Built in 2005 $234,900
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
$3,20.00000 O
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large. buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900 "-
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-59147 mobile

Walk To ThleuOcea

Reinforce your love of the ocean
by living within walking.distance
in this 2BR/2BA concrete block
bungalow. This floor plan delivers
the best in minimalist living with
everything brand new inside. .
Located in 'Neptune east of Third.
$469,000. Call Kes

in Folson (904) 612-1191'

Best in Show -.
Beautiful 3/2 in awesome location. Close
to the beach, schools, parks & Town,
Center. $399,900 ,

Beach Lover's Dream
Ocean view, 'large 2/2.5 town-home in
North A.B. is only steps from the beach.
With just a little TLC, this home is a
beach lover's dream. Enjoy the peaceful
ocean views and breezes in your large
master bedroom. $549,900 ,


This charming Bch Bungalow is newly renovated and just
blocks the beach. 3BR w/granite, tile, new windows, AC,
hot water tank, elec. panel and more. Great fir plan and
over 1300 sqft. Motivated Seller! $285,000.

This beautiful 3BR/2BA PV condo w/gar has a split ,
floor plan and over 1200sqft. New carpet, kitchen, scm
lanai, RV/boat stor, tennis, pool, and beach access.

This spectacular home is Tri-level w/2 car gar and 3BR/2.5BA.
Just steps to the beach, 1st fir has sep. suite, deluxe master,
gourmet kit, private yard and NO HOA fees. $625,000

CALL Connie Grubbs

esville, lakeview, upsiars master suile
w'ohice, 4.3. 2950sr. 5 acres, built 2002
$469,000 Independent Brokers 904-710.

Sunday, 10/15, 1pm-4pm
For more into look lor our ad next week or
Phyllis Staines 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Esiate

Access to Intracoastal POOL + SPA'
Atlantic Beach Hidden Paradise

Watson Realty Corp. Realtors
MLS#4 326993

Oceaflfront 8275M
6782 AAve
5/4., 4725 sf, pool, spa,
private beach, ICW views
Waterfront S889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
Water to Golf $750,000
241 Hampton Club Wy
5/5, 5056 sf, 3 car gar, loaded '
$25k below, appraisal
5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Laketront, screened pool
4/2.5 w/Loft $499,500o
W88 Bonaire Cr, Ocean Cay
Walk to beach, comm ool,
Snew carpet/paint. WOWi

All Brick-4/2 480k.
13858 Weeping Willow:
'.Pablo Bay lakefront, tile
fml Ir/dr ph .32 acres.

Motivated seller, bring all' offers. 3085 Pa-
blo Bay Cl, Jacksonville Enjoy living in.
the most convenient section ol lown, close
to the ocean and great school locations.
Home features 4BR/3BA with a molner-in-
law suite seperate entrance. Now is the
lime to buy, don I delay. Call for a private
viewing or directions (904)553-9502.
REDUCED. INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA, split plan. w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399.900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller
Will co-op (904)463-7245
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3BR/2BA, fireplace.
new carpeting, tile, appliances, fenced
yard. $175.000 (904)993-9191
MOVING -HOME reduced below apprais-
eo market value Privale Sale 4/2 Lake- .
Iront pool and spa home nestled on con-
servarion oversized lot in gated Highland
Glen Subdivision Too many upgrades to
lisi $590,900 Call 904-223-4032 for ap-.
Spanish PI. 14158 Tomas PI. Lane, 312/2.
2032st., '13 acre, clean and modern. Wa-
lerlroni community w/boat ramp, pool.
clubhouse, 5 n;ie.s rom beach $269,900.'.
Call Paula Killebrew. 465-2363

4/2, on .27-acres$335k -'
1502 4th Ave.:N. Jax:Beach
SUpdated, hot tub, dick, lanai

New 3/2.5 w/Loft $315k
820 Pissaro, P6nte Vedra -.
Lakefront, on cul de sac,-:'
$40k in upgrades.,
Why wait to btild?
3/2.5 $2a79,900
14417:Peliban Bay
large lake lot, on
cul de sac, upgraded
Lakefront 3/2 $29,900
4758 Mountain Brepze
1934sf, open tile, ;
", .'WOW !': F ;.'\
3/2 + office $249,9QO
2465'Misty Wtbe Drr,-W.'
Fncd yrd, -reduced $30k
Adorable 312 $204,'900 /M
S 1718 Ashmor.Gr Green'-
New.Carpet, paint, treed;lot

* N'' '- 't -**; *.' *

IFrom Cottages to Castles

This traditional three-story home Oyster Bay model with almost 4,2A30 sq.
occupies a gorgeous wooded lot ft., 5 BRS/5 5 BA, hardwood Iloors,
overlooking a lagoon. Set on a cul-de- spacious screened lanai with pool,
sac, it is a peaceful place to relax and waterfall and hot tub on deep lot that
enjoy the wonders ot nature. The home backs to preserve. Two-story living room
features five bedrooms, all on the second with dual gas fireplace, first floor library
and third floors, four baths and a kitchen, and a gus ite. M st sieoad 3BR
family room and porch which span the and a guest suite Mastersuite and 3 BR
hidth of the house and overlook the suites plus laundry room on 2nd floor.
lagoon. $998,500 $929,000
Elizabeth1 Hudgins
Prudential Network Realty's
"The Real Estate Professionol who sells the best of the First Coast liestyle
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
Network Realty
Visit Elizabeth and all her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Independently owned and operated 2
1000 Sawgrass Village Drive, Suits 10f, Poite Vedra Beach, FL 32082



BeqOliil Home in
Plantaisnn Oaks!
Unmatched quality &
a Plantation Oaks address that is second
to none. 4,000 SF, 5BR/5BA, Italian
W marble, tile, granite, custom cabinets,
screened pool & lanai overlooking the
i lake & bordered by a preserve for extra
privacy. $869,900
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul
904- 859-9100

Tw\o-houses off JacksonvilleDrive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5. the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both
levels. Storm Windows, and doubly-insulated 12in walls and 10ft
ceilings make these houses very energy-efficient. Large Kitchens
have GE Profile appliances,. 42in IMaple cabinets, and Granite
Countertops. Also. Gas Package for Cooktop. Dryer --
and BBQ grill. Each offered at $649.000- -
N Major Price Reduction! WP
Linda Pomerantz
923-8030 :-ha n Iea
REALTORS-Novw paying 3% Commission. ..PRC PEFTIE

Sellers Will Negotiate!
"Original" Ponte Vedra 5BR
(5 walk-in closets), 4BA Home!
.3200 LA Sq Ft-*,Oversized Rooms
New Kit Large Lot $1,288,000
"Original" Ponte Vedra
4 bedroom home
280 LA Sq. Ft with Pool
*" Move-[n or Renovate
Trust Savs "Sell" $987,000

.. ,, ..SP Bd.Oceanfront Lot
".. ) '- ..'' .^r, '+;?'7 -" froQttge,. all plans. permits'
/^ffi);rs v-^ approved. '2-Years to build:3700 SF
home w/pool. $995,000

Cal Janet Wells PiB 1inc.
635-6375 543-2545
Ponte Vedra Beach Realty, Inc...


.October 6, 20066

The Beaches' Leader[Ponte Vedia: Leader'

(-Inccifierl 2


I I ~

1 -1

frtl-nhor f 6- .1

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

The Inniel @ PV By the Sea, 2BR/2BA,
end unit, one level, $1600st. updaled,
large deck overlooking pond, home war-
ranty., pnvate walk way lo the beach and
The Lodge. $487.000, 904-962-6876.
& Beach. New Iloors. paint, roof, applian-
ces Below appraisal. 982-7620.
FSBO 4BR/3BA, large corner lot, Royal
Palms In Allantic Beach, $285,000,

OPEN SUN 1-3. 98'x120' lot! Sep LR & DR, eat-in kitchen,
breakfast bar, vaulted ceilings, windows in every room! Screened
deck perfect for entertaining! $349,900. 1342 Pinewood Rd. Tk
Penman to Arden Way to rt on Pinewood.

Call Amy Wilson at

*(M Marvin & Floyd

\Realty Inc.

'Website http://marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
1/1 Oceanfront Condo -.Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyslde Ave. Jacksonville, FL
'Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with,2/2-750sq' house (sold as is).
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views,of the ocean &.lIntracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3-buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near 6cean. $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to purchase property
near the Intracoastal and within walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000

3/2 house, 1896sq'. Fenced back yara. Lawn maintenance included' $1,600 mth
2/2 condo, 1260sq'. Ground Iloor. Pool, Tennis Courts. $975/mth

ISLE OF Palms, gorgeous 3/2, new paint
inside & out, fixtures, carpet, windows,
landscaping, sprinkler system A/C & rool.
$244,900 Tim 509-9071.
3BR/2BA VERY nice, modem. open floor
plan, 2 car garage, Oakrldge Subdivision,
VB, $419.000 (904)699-2906

Wtf]91U*til. -

JAX GOLF & CC. 3801 Biggin Church Rd "
W, 4BR/4BA, 3306 sq.h., only $629,000.
Grace Ells, All Pro Reality Specialists.
2300sl. gated golf community. $549,900

TIDAL WATERFRONT in Atlantic Beach,
1550 sqh. 3/2 w/ updated bathrooms, tile
& carpel. 100 II dock w boatl i11f, access to
ICW, 5$300K. (904)813-5315
JUST REDUCED lor a quick sale 2 or 3
BR, 2 full BA, extra large lot. In ground
pool w/lacuzzi. pool house, fireplace, lots
ot uTgrades, $379.000. Call Dee
170 VISTA Grande 3/2/1. 1100sf. beauli-
fully appointed, $209,900, no condo fees,
327-0558. Candlerhomes.com

Two Blocks to Beach
, Neptune Beach cottage East of AIA. Historical
charm with modern updates. 3/2, 1708 SF, new
roof, new AC. Priced to sell at $599,900.

'#Deborah Courtney





416 UPPER 36TH AVE. S.- 2BR/2BA with one car
garage, eat-in kitchen, and sunroom. $275,000.

3515 SO. 1" ST.- 3BR/1BA with detached one car
garage, wood floors, large front porch, furnished.
Reduce'dto $625,000

119 37m, AVE. SO.- 3BR/2BA with 2 car garage
attached by Fla. room, wood floors, vaulted'ceiling,
Snew kitchen, updated electrical & plumbing. $699,000

A 'NALUjRE LOVERSPARADISE M MIS 324073 Life changing lifestyle -
I 27 arng B /n, .newly constrtownhome. 4/365plusstud)
kidchen/breakfast area & sunroom across the bad- -.',
of home tlocaid among did oaks oserooldng-car gar on Ig lot steps m bmown center &.
thepservetI/sctidpool, spa&summerhotchen; the teach. Handwd firs, FP, chefs kitchen.;
this is-a unique & charming home' $1,200,000 2700 + SF. $889,000 241-2417 ..
285-1800 WIt L IJRV CONDO
MI. 3POVi'E. 4 e It f l lE A MLN S 295607 With ameities-that cater. to
ceiling, dthis.4R/35B. home %aith almost areso tlifestyle.CostaVeranoreisale. Fitness
300) SEt,cugom reencdpoolw/spia& terall. cti, theatre.room, billiards, pool and much
This is a totally prim.ae tropical pardse which more are included. $895,500,241-2417
backs to preserve & wetlands $975,0(K)0 OCANFRON VFW
PON" l A BLVD- IAKEF' Oi MIS 285302 Prestigious Acquibus II, new
MIS 324297 One of the besi lts on west side I F, Sc i 1h
of The Boulevard, oerlooks Lake Ibis & PVC const3/3 ondo,2.471 SF.SEenc unit, 10th
golf course.;ot is bulkheaded s/a dock, pool & ft. Expansive oceanfin & .w balconies, park'
spaciousdeck.The3BR/3BAhome&po house gar, resort amenities incl: 2 pls, fit cntr,
are begging to' be re-done. Ownerlageni. clubhouse. $1,100,000 241-2417
2,: 795 S 0 s-18 OCANFRON PENIUOISE!
S W.TRW. RASS E AVRS U ILS 316555 4BR/3BA. Spectacular
MLS 295201. Charming & s) lish 3BR/2BA views, formal dining, open ingarea, wet
home /lake vis fiom largescreenedlaiiai;GR, bar, private elevator. $2,850,000 241-2417
formal DR,cathedral ceilhgs inmmo BRs, eat-in OCEANFlRONif IhDEi. WA
kithen, great closet space,securinh system & 2- -- ......
tar earage 4t c s. ) 85- 18 tv00 em&2 S 320031 Unique north end unit with
SQUEEN'S iARBOUR NEW IICE spectacular views and custom gourmet
M IS 299292 Enjoy the Iniac9astal breze & kitchen. 4/3.5 with distressed wide plank
golf course view. from beautifully maintained-wood flooding thrnouL $1,425,000
4R/3BA + study home w/opeh floor plan, 241-2417 '
hardwood floors imain livm ing areas, new carpet OORGEOIUIS OEANI4 WS
in BR1, private lanai,-screened pool, oversized
lot s/oak canopies $653,900 285-1800 MS 281588 3/2, no updates necessary.
S4tRWR4SS w 7 nON POerfect decor. Enjoy outdoors from deck. All
MIS.302736Greatiserting&eeellenqcondition, appis Stay. Bldg elevator. 2rid'fr end unit.
beauitfully decorated & furnished $475,000241-2417
2BR/2BA condo ,'vN et bar & FP, located across: 3/2 FAMLLOUiS CON1DO1
from theAp & in&Playei Club Villas. $385,i0ff
85-180 MPlayerClubVillas.385,000 LS 303970 Completely remodeled. All
OCEANFRONr- PONTE VEDRA stainless steel appliances, travertine floors,
BLVD & GRET IOCAllON & showers, wet bar,.granite countertops.
MIS 312373 5BR/4 full & 2 half BA w/paneled Exquisite! $539,000 -241-2417
librar), large LR w/FP, FR M/lots of'windoS, .
setting roorrm c.fl BR, spacious deck thai spans "OI "CEAN VIEWS
entire length of home, stone & .Lood fIrs. budt- MILS 310308 3BR/2BA condo with 1500
Ins & fleuble flr plan $5,'0.-i,0oi) 285-1800 SF, wood floors, spacious floor plan, elevator
IMMAClT41E INSIDE & OrF REDUCED! in budding. Close to everything $449,000
MLS 313075 lax Golf & CC-4BR/35BA home 241-2417
on large comer lot v/water & golf views of 6th
fairway & green, lush landscaping & a sparkling ENDlNN OCEANFUONl
pcol Light&:openwll/l.'eitings,3BR+study MLS 326476 Luxury SE exposure 3/3
down. 3-car garage, & great club amenities condo-Oceania. Expansive ocean views.
i.674,O 285-1800 Immac, like new, repainted, upgraded &
OCEAN VIEW LIVING neutral.- Spac balcony, 2 gar sp & storage,
MLS 255024 Ne,. Ocean Park Condos pool/hottub, excrm. $899,000 241-2417
%/unnoibslicted ocean %ieis., across iromOce0an
Vie0 Park, Ja\ Bcfh. firs 3-9. 2-unsislr, JAX BEAC OPPORI1JNYl]I
3BR/3BA,.oer 2200SF mtenorchoose finishes; MLS 297779 Cute 2/1 cottage on lot to be
crirs. frs &ccabnes.polpa parking&storage developed. H.4ve plans for two, 3000 SF
$897.ff 1-$ .257.000 285-1800 townhouses. $349,000 241-2417
MLS 276602 Beautiful oversized 3/4 acre estate
lot inpark-.likesettingwith lake viems& gorgeous MLS 319703 2/2.5 Solid concrete bik
, ateroaks Ths is the last remaining lotinplanned Beautiful wd floors, open floor plan, 42 in
community with 23 hnmes Choose your builder cabinets and'2 balconies. Only 5 blocks to
& build )our dream home $549,. J 285-1800 Atlantic Ocean $377,000) 241-2417
MLS 281989 This 3BR/2BA condo w/garage is MIS 310337 Check out this 3BR/2.5BA
locatedina.\Beach, ve, spaciouss/largerooms condo 2 blocks from the sand. This unit
&an opcnl loorplan. brealaasi baropenstodining features beautiful new teakfloors and a flesh
& uving area. masler bedroom features French light & bright paint scheme. One car garage
double doors to balcony $135,0X0 285-1800 with entry directly to unit. $459,900
IN O09S li tlIKu T1 EM
MLS 304635 Jui 5minueL to the beach! Picture DBKETOl 'MIE BEACH
perfect 4BR/3BA home s light. bnght & ain, v/ MIS 307167 4BR/2BA, concrete, vinyl
screened lanai, man) upgrades, gas FP, lois of siding. Lots of improvements, nice plan. FL
file. fresh pain 3-car garage & more! $550,000 room, wood floors newer kitchen and roof
285-1800 replaced. $475,000 241-2417


S JAX Bch, 4/2, newly painted. $350,000. 3BR/2BA ON 314 acre- 2 lois,. near Beach
655-3951. & Hodges $270k, 904-)22348P2i

MLS 299269 This magnificent home is a Wm .'' .; .
Morgan masterpiece & recd the 'Excellence
In Design Award' from the Amer.lnst.of
Architects In Jax. Home has over 1800 SF of .-
cov. porches. Home is built around a lovely
bay tree. The microneslan metal roof design
affords beautiful ocean views, artist's studio,
dumb waiter or elevator, huge 3 car gar& sep
entry to full guest suite. One of the most
unique homes In Jax. $1,895,000

Network Realty :'-.. as,.,
Iridependentl Osned & Operated

Neptune Beach beauty.
3BR/2BA, 2200sf completely
remodeled to the tee!lIll! You
won't believe your eyes. Fenced
rear, in-ground pool, large
patio/deck You will want to live
herell $499,900. Alicia Benson

Great opportunity for acreage in
Mandarin. Approximately .64
acres on Mandarin Road close
to San Jose Boulevard near
Manoarin ParK. Zoned CRO
(Commercial Office) Call Chris
Beladi for details $425,000

-40 acres w/1320' along each
external boundary Nocatee DRI
borders property on east, west,
north & south: DRI has New
Town (NT) Future Land Use
Designation & is zoned PUD
Call Chris Beladi $20,000.000

Remodeled condo in beautiful
Ocean Grove This spectacular.
*2-' floor, lake view unit features
2BR/2BA with spacious 1 116$f
Garage available: Just reduced
to an unbelievable $214 500.
Please call Alicia Benson

Charming home nestled in the
heart of Marsh Landingi Set on
, a quiel side road & offering
privacy + beautiful lake views!l
Great floor plan & a lovely
screened lanai/pool! Michelle
Floyd/ Jayne Hoffman $695,000

Equestrian estate, 11.23 acre
w/brick home. screened porch,
brick fireplace, granite counters,
- ceramic ile, hardwood floors, 3
fenced pastures, 2. fenced
arenas, pond & tons more Pis
call Bob Kroner $1.600'000

Beautifully remodeled condo at
The" Venetian w/boal slip.
2BR/1.5BA','granite cntrs, wood
firs. community- pool, filiess
center. Nb upstairs neighborss
and beautiful river view Please
call Paul Sandiford'$298,000

WLS 308395 Totally remodeled
home on quiet street with open
floor plan and lots of living
spaces. Lovely end of street
location. Adjoining lot future
option available to buyer.

759-8827 (cell)
241-2417 ext. 209(office)

Traditional Marsh Landing home
set on a spectacular lot r,Mer-
looking scenic lake! Renovated
kitchen with granite tops &
fabulous master suite w/sitting
area & fireplace Micnelle Floyd
or Jayne Hoffman $995 000

Don't miss new I.sting on pop-
ular Anastasia Isle in St Aug-
ustine' Remodeled Irg 1/1 spa
w/Jacuzzi & steam, granile tile.
nicely fum View for miles, 34 ,
45001b boat lih, deeded slip
Call Judy or Gypsy. $439.900

Gated community, charming
condo with wonderful views of
tne Atlantic Ocean Fabulous
Sawgrass Beach Club just steps
away Club amenities incl golf
tennis, fitness, fine dining.
$659 000 Dennis DeSmrone

4.4 acres just south of
Baymeadows Road at Freedom
Crossing Trail. at traffic lignt -
wonderful location With easy
access! Zoning is CGC PUD.
Great opportunity Priced to sell
at $2,000,000 Call Susan Fort

Only a privileged few will find
sanctuary at the Beach House.
a new exclusive community bt'w
PVB & St. Augustine on A1A
Oceanfront ICW w/18 luxury
units $994,270 $1 840.050.
Jayne Hoofman / Micnelle Floyd

Distinctive home in the nevw &
unique community of Sage
Beach! Ideally set btiv Guana
Preserve & Atlantic ocean, this
home offers elegant & related
waterfront living!'Jayne Hoffrman
& Michelle Floyd $1 390 000 .

Two.ready to build lots located
in established S Jacksonville
Beach neighDorhood Close Ic
schools 50'x115' lot prced .al
$185.000 plus 50'x150 lot priced
at $235.000 Pis call Denotan
Childers for more eltails

A Iliddln Treasure
Just Waiting to..Be Discovered
Lovely one level 3BR/2BA patio -home in
Desirable Sawgrass Players Club..Large Great
RM opens to brick paved screened lanai &
stunning POOL, split floor plan, eqt-in kit, FP,
great storage. Very private, fully fenced rear yard w/fruit trees &
gardens backs to lagoon. $329,000
:Wonderfully Inviting Garden Home
inm Sawgrass Country Club
Outstanding 2BR/2BA Garden Home
w/lovely golf course views, exquisite Spanish
-...."die, raised DR, soaring ceiling, FP. Private ard
w/lush landscaping & courtyard entry. great
deck w/hot tub, oversized 2CG. $495,000 ,
Lovely Villa in Gated PVB Community ,
Least expensive 3BR/2BA ground floor condo .-'
plus garage at the beaches, 18" tile thru-out, '

in kit, new glass front cabs & apple FP, Flat X rl
Screen PLASMA TV! New AC & Hot Water *- i
Heater. Great Storage. Private screened lanai
w/ lovely views. $239,900
Open House 1-3 Sun,
1617 Westwind Dr, Jax Bch '
4 Wonderful furnished 3BR/2BA home on
picturesque eco-shaped pond conveniently
located on quiet cul-de-sac. Beautiful
hardwoods & tile flooring thru-out Ist level.
Kit w/Corian surfaces, 3 large bedrooms
upstairs, master'w/vaulted ceilings. $299,000 (Dir: JTB to N. on
3rd St, West on Osceola, cross S Bch Pkl\y, RT at stop sign on
America, LT on Westwind #1617 on RT.)
Fabulous & Affordable 3BR in Player Club Villas
Beautiful 3BR/3BA single level villa w/
wonderful water views in sought after gated
community, soaring ceilings, large kit, FP, .''''
formal LR & DR, spacious FR, each bedroom OF,.'
has own bath. 2 decks & fishing dock to enjoy
the water/woodlands views and abundant
wildlife. Community pool & club house. Increcible Buy! $379,000
Best Bargain at the Beach!
SLovely 2BR/2BA & 1IBR/IBA + den condos
w/open floor plans & large screened lanais.
Plenty.of storage. Great buys in lovely, private
& gated PVB community. Pool, fitness center
& club house. Easy walk to shopping &
restaurants. Close to beaches. $189,000 &
Wonderful Pool Home on
Spectacular Treed Lot
4BR/2.5BA home on 1/2 acre lot close to
beach. Family RM w/FP, gorgeous kitchen
w/granite/SS appl/Shaker cabs. Bamboo
floors in LR & DR. 2nd FP in LR, New Roof
& AC. A bargain at $489,000!
Great Buy in Sawgrass Players Club
Well maintained, one owner, 3BR home in the
very desirable Cypress Creek section of
,? i-........ Sawgrass Players Club. Large lot, room for
pool, backs to golf course. New roof. freshly
painted exterior & new tile in kitchen, priced
right at $429,500

New Price!

UC U M VV -. .. -- --

= ralT, I M a 11; M.. I

"-' ..At.:'' Z

Classified 4

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

October 6, 2006

FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-,
ces. By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
2BR/2BA ATLANTIC Beach home on golf
course, $188,500, 247-9850.
DESPERATE! MUST Sell. Owner to
lease purchase beautiful home in Ponte
Vedra Beachl Must have down payment.
Call 904-891-5073.,
BEACH/SAN PABLO area, 3501 Claridge
Rd. E. Newly-remodeled concrete block,
2BR/1BA,. large backyard. $138,000.
MOVE IN Condition. This 3BR/2.5BA,/
Jax beach, home has,been completely up-
dated and remodeled. Located at 1404
Declaration -Dr. ;this home is close to the'
JTB, beaches and shopping.' Just re-
duced. 904-56311516.
Dolphin Cove. 3BR/2BA. huge comer ol,,
all brick. cul-de-sac, updated tile in main
living area Ready to go! Just Reduced.
2BR/ 2BA condo. upgraded tile & carpet,
Dacks to preserve. vaulted ceilings.
Moltivated seller $201,999
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and tennis, minutes To Ihe Beaches
A. school $288,900.
4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+sf.. new rool
HVAC. lence. flooring, windows, garage
door Offered al $384,900
TWO 1BRt 1BA -loft Ponle Vedra Beachr
Condos. upgrades including granite & lile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, Illness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195.900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able wiln nuge great room, private back-
yard. great for entertaining, Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $319,900
Motivaled seller! 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace wood Iloors, icar garage.
Offered at $144,900
3BR/2.5BA, comer lot, exc. condition
close to beaches & schools. $254,900.
Seller to pay $ 1000 closing cosisl
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle.
3BR/2BA nome w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den. immaculate-
ly maintained Offered at $326,900.
4/2 HOME in Walden Chase off CR 210
never lived in huge great room. $349,900.
Oil Solano Rd. 1 has small beach conage,
been remodeled. Take advantage ol goll
views or purchase both for your dream
home Not many like this 2BR/2BA
beach cortage, $499,900 Additional lot is
Call: 904-241-4447

S Jax Beach living below August '06' ap-
praised value 3BR/2 5BA townhome Liv-
ing/ dining combo, wood burning fireplace,
kilcnen w/breadfast bar & pantry is equip-
ped w/new side by side relngeralor (water
8 ice in door), smooth Top self cleaning
slove, microwave oven, dishwasher & dis-
; posal Large private 14x18 master bed-
room with bath Is downstairs with glass
doors leading to covered palio and fenced
back yard New carpel and ceramic tile
floors, ceiling lans throughout. Upgraded
Safetouch security system w/remole con-
irol entry & paid monitonng lor 3 years.
Arnmeritan Home'Shield" wrraanty. lermile
oro.no and ilood insurance inot in flood
zone) paid Inrough Septembet 2007.
Maintenance free vinyl siding and newer
roof, 4x8 storage room 10hp gas operat-
eo generator comes with home for the un-
expected power outage. See
www.Nelar com, MLS#325324 for pholos.
884 11th Ave. South. Will co-op 3*o.
$268,500 904-502-6165.

\ em Bfi.a n IME

SAWGRASS. 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof, 42"' hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
INVESTOR'S DREAM Lot w/ house,
60x125, 9th Ave. N. Make offer.
DEERFIELD LAKES- 2/1.5 condo,
THE COURTYARDS- 2/2 condo, no
stairs, private courtyard, $119,900. ,
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem.
& Wonderwood. Nice 3/2, 2 car gar.,
freshly painted, new vinyl & more.
$189,900. ,
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5' condo. 'Almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades.
$285,000. .
ARLINGTON HILLS- 312 nice staner
home, good area. $149,900
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open. beaul slone
frplc., lenced yard, comer lot Close to
schools/ beaches. Reduced io $214,900
area 4/3. over 30K in upgrades. Below
appraisal Berter than a model home.
4/2, near schools 8 shops. $234 500
221-1711 OR 241-5501
A GEM' FSBO. All Bch. 3/2 home.
1267s1. frpic. 2 car gar., scrn prch in
beautiful quaint community Bit 02, per-
lect condition. $279,900 1608)213-3397.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach,
2BR/1BA on 60'x150' lol. 255 Sherry Dr
$459,000 349-2504
home. Close to good schools, base and
Wonderood Connector $123,000 Call
Intracoastal West
1 35 acres 01 pnstine wateniont privacy in
popular Marsh Sound. Tnis is an absolute-
yimmaculate 4BR/3BA home thal oilers
the best ol all worlds Great home, great
location and in lanlastic shape. $450.000
Call Mark ol The Dilworlh Realty Group of
Vanguard GMAC 904-591-6976
NEPTUNE BEACH fixer upper; perfect
for Investor or owner/ occupant, con-
crete block, 4 blocks from ocean,
$285,000, call Mark, 591-6976.
INDIAN SPRINGS. 4BR/2.5 BA, approx.
3000 sl. 2 car gar, new rool, $329,000,
ATLANTIC BEACH: 3/2 Charming Beach
Cottage: 937 E Coast Dr; 2 biks ocean/
park/ playground/ tennis, irrigation gor.
geous landscape; org pine food walls
Ihroughoul, pnvale backyard; move-in
condition, walk-in closely large master
bath: nome warranty, will co-op; $795K,
FSBO 3/2, 1800 sq ft., one car gar on
lake, $299,900, by appointment, 655-

LIVE IN AB <$400,000. 6 blocks to ocean,
laketront, pool. 3BR/2 5BA 2 car garage.
See to appreciate. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle $395.000. 904-994-4220
On Intracoastal
New construction. completion late '06.,
cortage style, 4200sf. 4BR/4BA $1.975M.
Call now to see floor plans.
Galed community. 4BR/3BA, 3000+sl., in-
ground pool, dock, summer kitchen, water
views front and rear Built in '95
Call Linda 525-2638
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
-ATLANTIC & KImen area 3BR/2BA, on
lake. 1580sl, $234,900. Call Terry

Neptune Beach comer lot 2000i1 2car
garage new .roof ,Ktolnenli Treeds jnip
$329K worth $385K 591-7392.
RELAX UNDER the big oak trees or gaze
at the stars by the pool and spa., Come
see the best neighborhood in Jax Beach.
10 Quail Lane 4BR/3BA tothice. 2450sf.,
premium upgrades. $579,900. Come by
and see (904)241-3214

mHnf ImFITT imilan^ i-A

SOUTHSIDE- Secret Woods, all brick,
3/2/2, 1895 sf, built 1987, $284,900 OBO,
,lIndeoendent Brokers 710-3111.
'* *
BEST PRICE In old Ponte Vedra, 3BR/2.5
BA, w/ office & pool, on over-sized lot In
cul de sac, granite counter tops In kitchen
and new master bath, walk. to beach,
$529,000, 58 Jefferson' Ave. Call

ATLANTIC BEACH, 562 N Nautical Bou.
levard. 32/2. walking distance ro the
each Completely Renovaled, New Kitch-
Owner/ Agent, CGmerstone Realty, Inc.
NEPTUNE BEACH cotlage, completely
restored, will co-op $397,900. 440 Hop-
k.ns Si .945-1068

issM~m awiw -

PVB, 2/2, flat, end unit, fireplace, gated
.community w/5 star amenities. Lease/ op-
tion possible. $295,000. Call Broker/ Own-
er, Kirk Killebrew 463-1131.
$215,000- 2/2, garage, all appl. incl., Jar-
din De Mer, 247-4211,;

2/1, apartment, 101C 16th Ave. S. CH/A,
WDHU. No dogs $995/mo. +$500/deposit.
211 N. 8th St., 1/1 apartment. No dogs.
$625/mo. Broker/ Owner, 249-8766. Call

Only $6K down new 2/2/+ lakeview,R FINANCE 2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOME in Atlantic
Only $6K down 4 new 2/2/+ lakeview, Beach, 5 blocks to ocean, $1200/mo +
$209K, last one 727-458-4230. $1200 dep., 591'1226.

PV BCH 2BR/2BAw/ fireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $175,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell).
vaulted ceiling, beautiful lile Bighr open
floor plan No dogs $455,000.
(4041325-0820 (4041784-6601
OCEANVIEW 3/2 exc cond. Condo lee
$239/mo Morivated seller $699 000 Day
phone 553-0509, aher 5pm 241-2443
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA Allantic Bcr, condo.
Incredibly low priced al $113.900
n805)377.-2430 (904)803-5359 i

I BUY Houses- Cash Slop Foreclosure/ .'3 '
Double Payments. .Cash/ Terms. OCEAN VIEW 3/2. upgraded appliances,
1904)891-5073 great south end view, $474,900 Vanguard
P .,r.' .,-'. ..V,"v r. ,RR ,.. i..... Realty, 568-4818

SEEKIMIU EFFIrCIEN.lCl i 1: i aptl. inear
ocean Call collect (864)967-3051

ATL BCH, 2BR 1.5BA. 1250sl. completely
remodeled- kitchen. baln, tile carper &
more Custom closes. stone Irpic.
$113,600 773-3777
PONTE VEDRA, 1BR/IBA, 750s1. open
floor plan, icar garage, hickory cabinets,
granile counlenops, Travenine slone
Iloors, slate shower. $199,900

PRICED TO SELL 1 br w garage! The
Paims $149.9001 568-1613.

SINGLE WIDE ?BR,'2BA + storage sned.
'87, PEAC, $10.500 firm, excellent condi-
ion, 14036 Downs Lane "580. PonsidP.
708-0731, 241-8718.
JAX BEACH Golfair ,2BR/1.5BA.
screened patio new carpel. $14,500.

....' ..... 3BR/2BA, DOUBLEWIDE. Owner linanc-
PVB 2BR/2BA walk Io beach, newly reno- ing available. lo0 112 Admiral's Walk 2268
vated. $189.900, possible leaseipurchase Mayport Rd Call Doug 571-5083 1
(215)598-7488 nADMIRAL'S WALK. T n'DW WD.n dek &

San Marco. 1BR/1BA. $85,000.
2BR/1 5BA, $133,900 Sea State Realty
Corp (904)537-0679
AWESOME OCEAN fronl condo, south
Jax Beach, very nice, 1/1 w/ glassed-in
porch, ceramic tiles, new appliances,
$399,000 OBO (904)881 5793.
BELLEZA 1BR.1BA w gorgeous view.
new appliances, tile Exc amenities.
$164.900 708-3809
OCEAN & PIER VIEWS, 3/2 71h Iloor,
1572 sl, garage, The North Shore.
$590,900. 568-1613
BEAUTIFUL SAWGRASS .each club villa
locally updated $258,000. 1904i280-5170
or 616-5274
Sal Sun only 12-5pm Park setting,
lakeview, new unit. Reduced $20K, FSBO,
(904)284-5251, Ocean Grove, $210K.
2BR/2BA w/garage, walk to the beach?
The Lodge. new carpet & paint Tenant
will slay or go. Reduced or quick sale.,
$229,90., The Colony PVB.-
1/1 CONDO in Ponte Vedra. New applian-
ces and a ron of community ammenties.
$168,000. 1904)504-8864 or
ikespohl@daealerlawyer corn
APPROXIMATELY 1 mile to beach,
1BRrl 5BA w/iotl, new root. wood deck,
kitchen upgraded. $217000. 242-7529.

*f^|I j~4H:Mlp

scr porch. Great conda. $42,500 Call

4-PLEX, 1 block to ocean, zoned 6 units,
100x96, Nonrth Jax Beach, 1.3 million
Owner Broker, (904)223 5355

2850s1.. 32850/mo includes unlrites Call
Bart @ 241-3111 (Exl. 11).

2BR w/ 2 master sunites, laundry nook-up
and hall bath on lirst loot, new ceramic
tle & carpet, no pels, $875/mo t sec.
dep. 249-6150
223B HOPKINS Si, NepBch. 1BR/1BAel-
iciency Apt. 1.5 blocks from ocean
$775/mo Lewis Realty (9041291-7229.
Shon Term Leases Studo $850 per
monih/65Q sq fIt. Houst $1450 per
month/ 1300 sq n Extremely beaurlul res-
idences. only 4 houses from ocean, views
of ocean Irom property, gated carport, pri-
vale swimming pool, washerdryer Sludio
giant 20X30 h deck & fireplace House
screened paltio First and Last monln.s
renr & $1.000 deposit. One renler per res-
idence No Pels Call 904-887 9595.

IP^m@ l0 iR


Market Value
'Thisg.th floor end u ptcondo W/I
eeh'n.viewS-is loaddIbW e lto
$50,000 in upgrades! 1,700SF 3BR/3BA
condo. You deserve a home that mirrors -
your achievements! $699,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul 859-9100

Ocean Sde


Ocean 9 Villas, First Coasts Premier ocean side condo a
community is accented by an entire top floor roof top 9 W
penthouse. Approximately 5.800SF of living area
including pnvate sundeck terrace w/ palm garden & Jacuzzi options. 4BR/4 5BA.
Panoramic ocean view w/wrap around balconies, 11' ceilings & over 1,000SF
luxury master suite. Offered for $1,950,000
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul 859-9100

Steps From
Sthe Ocean
A-- perfect 10, studio condo in Ponte
Vedra, walking distance to the beach in Sawgrass Beach Club.
Totally renovated w/custom cabinets, Murphy beds, custom
tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully furnished & equipped. Great
investment opportunity. Ready to rent or sell. $269,000
Call Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul 859-9100

Islan Udub

J iJ r [ It:, m !: l io n thel b c.h: ilani l ,-lu l., a i, VUrI, c u l. _c I I'-It' 1', ulladI IrC [ C the
c.r:i,.d bc it ,.iii': :1'. i, lrc rncdJ OL' ti an unb6lieval'ic lni,. \i,'irli ipacou.
ofl ort Tplc ii:, rt dc.-.i nii Ic aniniar uI, .uiILjiijt i. ,u iU ,pk',, S 111.11t. tir i :Ulli jliblt' b urr
iin-ciin id: ui1 ind Clib i. .t ho oiiit'ic naiL.iIuLp upp.rniirui '.iiA i.: 't Iu:.i' l.n It uin:
"_ ;' ':'" ,uu .Lt;rLd h% ut) JLc I uJI d In 't ,': *'" ":' S. :

2160 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach
S SI Sbicndoco

WA (effe1Sci*0if

Club villa. $850/mo. Please Call 838-9598
between gam-5pm. i
NEPTUNE BEACH. one block to ocean.
2BR/1BA. 1 year lease, NO pels. 800sf
includes W/D. $1000/mo *$1000/sec.
dep. 918A First Slieet, between Bay &
Pine. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
LARGE BEDROOM, Jax Beach, 1 1/2
blocks to ocean. CH/CA, real nice. Call
PONTE VEDRA Bch 3BR split, 2BA, sih-
gle gar Upgraded including all new appli-
ances. & monthly lawn care. 177 Del Pra-
do $1250/mo. Isl & last deposit required.
No pels, non-smoker. Avail Oct.' Call
JAX BEACH block & nall from waier,
2BR/1BA. CH/A. WDHU. FP. $750!mo
904-891-0606 or 352-478-2161

JAX BCH near ocean 1BR unfurnished
apt., lease, references, $725/mo, 222 4th
Ave. So., 221-4134, 703-5518.
ACROSS STREET frpom ocean,
2BR/1BA, CH/A, WDHU, 808 First St., So,
Jax Beach, Apt. 3, 888-259-0783, credit
ATLANTIC BCH off Seminole Rd. Beauti-
ful newer 3/2.5 townhome, 10ft ceilings,
light & bright, hardwood floors, 1 car gar.,
small fenced backyard, 8 blocks to beach.
$1495/mo., flexible terms. Call June, First
Trust Realty,.994:3608.
SFURNISHED DOWN to the kitchenware.
1/1, long or short, term, 1 block to beach.
Includes util. & Ikundry room. As low as
$1000/mo. 318-0044.
1129 Sebago Ave. SoJ Oak Harbor
All new 3BR/2BA, tile/ carpet, fended yard,
no pets, year lease. $1200/mo. 631-3583
or 612-8868.
1901 Challenger Ct. West/Courtyards
2BR/2BA loft, tile/ carpet, new. appliances,
private courtyard, no pets, year lease.
$950/mo. 631-3583 or 612-8868.
Townnome, 3'2 5. W/D. garage, pool. No
Pels, Non-smokers, $1280'mo. 655-2718

.. PVB. 3BR/ 2BA Townhouse, 1280sf.,
MOBILE HOMES. $500 lo $550, on pr- W/D,. screened porch, i$1100/mo.
vaie lols. Near Mayport Naval Slauon, no ,904-537-4072.
dogs, 333-5579
AI" AKI, TI( uAN U la P v I/, p

NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beacon Best
area, quiet, sale. resioenrial neighbor-
hood 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint
CH&A, WiD included. No smoking, no
pels $950,'mo lease deposit 993-1118
WALK TO Beach Efficiency $550/mo
1BR $650/mo., 2BR $800/mo., secunty
deposit. no pels, 12mo lease 514-8530.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR.2BA unit in
the Palms, ground iloor, lakeview unit Fia-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis. dclub-
rouse, & more! $1250/mo 904-372-9222.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent localion 2
blocks 0o ocean. Very clean. No Pels
$675,mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219

blocks from -:each, Ig deck & backyard.
W/D, storage room $1200.mo. 318-2121
BEACHFRONT 1BR/. 1BA, 108 Orange
St. Nep Bch. downstairs, $1050/mo incl.
uiil t661)803-6275. :
W/D, CH/A, premo beach location, 1 block
o10 beach, tile floors, 10' wood ceiliings,
greal vibe. avail. 117. $975 + deposit;
refs. req'd., (904)246-5168..
BEACHES 2/2, lakefront view, many ex-
tras Avail immed Will pro-rate 1st
monlh's rent $1200/mo. 382-6145.
2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard. tile, new carpet Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1195/mo.i.
Deposit. 273-5653.


Our owners enjoy rented properties.
If you are tired of excuses and want results,

Visit us or call:


4-Beaches Realty, LLC.
m i- .


A Realty

Charming 3BR/2BA home
loqgted on a luslyy lapdscaped
1/3:acre. $539,900 L. ,
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086

Sea State Realty Corp.
"The Listing Specialist"
Waterfront Community Condos
2BR/2BA w/den -$134,900
1 BR/1BA -$85,000
Waterfront Condo
2BR/2.5BA -$137,500
Call: Larry Dukes, Broker
(904) 537-0679

H Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
AlA : Best Service
IA Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
Get Info
SGet Pre-qualified
1328 T.IiD S-eEr NORrNH
Pion.e 904-247-7414 FA 904-247-7475


30 yr. FXED- 5.75% w/WAC
15yr. FIXED- 5.5% w/WAC
1%5 Syrs FIXED/WAC
Borrow PaymeniIMo..
$175,000 $562.87
$200,000 $643.28

S12041 Beach Blvd., Suite 5
Jacksonville, FL 32246


- .-.- Buying, building or
reiaC: ng a- --noe

-I ^ refinancing a home?
SWe can put together

o the perfect mortgage.

Wally Sears Donna Theiss CONSTRUCTION- LOANS

610-9771 472-6173 PURCHASE OR REFINANCE

i / Su_ us_

Karen Jackson Tom Rankin MORTGAGE
614-3056 982-7101 Seeing beyond money
,.,. ; .. ,.,.. i1...,. ,1 i,, -.. n .- n. o....,,-,' -, '., ., n.... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ,n .. ,, .. .

JAX BEACH, East of 3rd Walk to beach
2BR,1 5BA lownhome $1050/mo Pets
OK. 242-9195.
JAX BEACH 1- & 2- bedroom rentals near
ocean, no pets, $725-975. 246-3130.
S JAX Bch, 3/2, $1450/mo. 2 cleaning
services mncl per mo. 655-3951
2BR/1BA, 2 blocks from ocean, garage,
large fenced backyard. upslairs or down-
stairs unil available. $1100/mo 866-2645.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1sl Ave. South
1BR/1BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606, ,
311 NORTH 1st St Large 2BR/1BA apt.
widen, hardwood firs., W/D, CH&A, block
from Towh Center. $1200/mo. 273-7338.

SHADY & Ouiel. 1BR/1BA, near base,
a'idal tor-single person,-small pet OK, utiF.
, inqjluded,' i-qon laundry on ptemiset-
$575/mo., 247-4221.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean-
Ironl Neptune Beach. Just remodeled.
$1800'mo including utilities. 545-1046

ATLANTIC BEACH. 62 Ocean Blvd,
2BR/1BA. WID included CH&A, tile floor,
1 block to ocean $1200/mo. 1st, last and
secunry 838-6333.
1BR/1BAon waler. fisherman's delight,
near beach. $770 + down includes utilit-
ies, 221-0847
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 322 3rd Street,
2BR'1BA, 3 blocks from ocean, large
backyard, no dogs, $1200/mo + dep., 246.
2BR/1 5BA, CH/A. fp, $950/mo, 463-4912,

2 large bedrooms- 1 1/2 baths including
refrigerator w/ ice maker, dishwasher,
washer & dryer, separate dining area, fire-
ace in living room, newly carpeted (sorry
O DOGS). fresh & clean. Includes pool,
security system plus additional oulside
locked storage facility. $850/mo, 1lyr
lease, deposit & references required. Call
evenings 285-8325 or cell 403-9297.

JAX BCH, 2BR 1BA upper, 2 blocks
ocean. $795/mo.+ $500/dep Small pets
ok Military/ senior discount. 214-B 13th
Ave N 708-0731 or241-8718

Grand Cay Villas 2/2 $1050 1100 sl.
Dolphin Cove.3/2 $1350 1400sf.
Seaside 4/2 5 $2200 2300sf.
Tne Palms, 2/2. $1150 1100sf.
Landings at Belle Rive New 2/2 w/ garage
$1150, 1300st
Kendall Pointe. New, free cable & internet,
2/2, $950 1100 sT.
Close to Base. 2/1, 91 Stanley Road #4,
Ashley Wds. Beautiful 4/3, $1500, 2200 sl,
(904)273-3939 or (904)610-6460.
Iloors. CH8A. WDHU. 1 5 blocks to
beach, 1sVt/ last mo rent, SD. 1 year
lease. $900/mo. Donna Ross Real Es-
tate, Inc 246-4862.

Parks-Lyon M

P R 0 P E R T I,1E S

Atlantic Beach
o- 3BR/2BA condo, Seaplace-fuimished,
pool, walk to ocean $1200/mo6
+ 2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing,
$750 $825/mo
+ 3BR/2BA,'Mayport Landing.
new carpet, new appliances
+ 2518 America's Cup 3/2 home, 2 story
+ 3/2 H, Hidden Cove, 2 car garage on
pond $1200/mo
Neptune Beach .
+ 3BR/.1 5BA Apt. Across from Ocean.
Wood floors water included. Ocean
iiewS' $1400/mo '
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322

f E oy a carefree Cifestye!


GRAND CAY VIAS 2BR 2BA condo in quiet,
woodsy setting with screened ,balcony. Close to
shopping & restaurants. $199,900.

5EAPIACE 2BR 2BA condo 1 2 block from ocean
with ocean view, all appliances, new kitchen & baths,
steps from the pool. $310,000.

w/ marsh views, corner balcony, yalited ceilings,
fireplace, all appliances + GARAGE. $248,500.

GARAGE; end unit, FP, all appliances, incl. washer &
dryer, 1258 sq.ft., screened lanai. $255,000.


condo ground floor w lots of windows, extra built-
iris; large walk-in closet, extra locked storage room.,
$145,000 '

ground floor condo w 'garage, lake views. Seller to
pay lyr HOA fees AND some closing costs, $159,900..

0SUTHERN GROVE 2BR/2BA condo w/preserve
view, all appliances, surround sound, mo. fee inl. '
cable & water. Built as a condo, concrete construction.
$154,900. "

Let me idey youfind your dream home!,

Sherri Beno,

904- 651- 1830
.. .. ,., .- ,

---`-------- ~

Il--- --------



Classified 5

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

JAX BCH, 3/2.5, ocean view, S1450/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044.
JAX BEACH- 1 block to ocean,.
3BB/1 5BA Iownhome, CH&A, WDHU.
balcony & patio, 520 S. 2nd St. $1350/mo,
$1000 deposit, 280-2728 Ive message.
ah 4 L

CLEAN 3BR Townnouse, near ocean, 5t" l'g'U,
Neptune Bch. $1295/mo. Charles Leo- SOUTH JAX Beach, 3BR/2 5BA, I car ga-
nard. Broker, 241-7675. rage on quiet cul-de-sac. Available
........ ..... .... .. ... 10/1/06. $1350/mo. 655-3491.

NEPTUNE BUCH 1/2 blocK t ocean,
2BR/1BA, deck, large garage, CH&A,
WDHU, No dogs, $1250/mo t deposit,
Call Trish 463-0222
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA. 900sf., W/D,
CH/CA. $900/mo + $900 deposit, 1 yr
lease, no pets. Call 221-6816.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks lo Ocean, very
clean. No pets. $575/mo 642-1214 or
NEPTUNE BCH- studio apt, all utilities
paid & cable. A view of the Inlracoastal
$625/mo Call 543-1150.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenifes, avail. soon, $1100/mo.
247-1417... 1BR. near ocean. $750/mo.

3BR/2BA, FURNISHED or unumrished,
PVB, new KItchen, 285-4772.
WEST BEACHES, Ashley Woods, 3/2,
2100sf, formal LR/DR. GR, open kitchen
w/EIK area, huge master BR/ BA,
$1425/mo. TDO Management Services.
NEPTUNE BCH, 4/2, 1500sl, ig corner lot,
newly remodeled, 4 blocks to ocean.
$1590/mo. 662-6522.
3BR 2BA, CH/A, 1800sl $1300/mo. Call

I jT1

Brand New Town home
1/2 block to the Ocean,
South Jax Beach
3-story, 3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage, Absolutely Beautiful!
Stucco SS A 1.-Granite countertops, Open floor plan-

from master balcony. $2200/month,
SCall Margi Petitt
Top Producer

Stockron...ATradition Since 1884 I
Il'If Nt# IkT I I^

$ 875 -

713 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1
412 The Palms- Jax Beach 2/2
703 Villas of Marsh Landing Jax Beach 2/2
36 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2
535 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 2/2
.728 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2
748 MaRsh Cove Lane Ponte Vedra 3/2+loft
9757 Rough Creek Pone Vedra/Sa'.grass CC 2/2
1106 Valencia Jax Beach/Beach Pkrwy 2/2
744 Summerhouse 11 Beach Ponte Vedra 3/2
1979 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pablo Rd 3/2
804 Templeton Lane Ponme Vedra/Walden Chase4/2
97 Voyager Court Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass TPC 3/2
144 Shelby Cove Court Ponte Vedra 4/2.5
104 Crosscove Circle Ponte Vedra/Seaside', 4/2
6033 Bndge afterr Circle Ponte Vedra/S4wgrass TPC3/2.5
505 Seascape Jax Beach/Oceanfront 3/2
10302 Ocean Grande South Ponme Vedra 3/3

905 2nd Street North, sC Jax Beach



$2400 201.Portofino Palm Valley 3/2 2460
$25,00( 70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
52500 117 Deer Cove Drive Ponme Vedra/darsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
,$2600 408 Seaspray Lane 'Pome Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
$2600 : 9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
$2700 804 Meuopolitan Jia Beach/Oeanvie.w 3/2 1799
$3000 628 Preserve Viei. Drive .Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor4/4.t-bonuwrm3100
$3000 165 Barberry Lane Ponme Vedra/Sa*grass TPC3/2.5 3800
,t3200 ., it.6Be .edere P',e,,-,, ~plpteg edra/Belvederex'4/4.5 -'3200
153300. ',570,Pcnre\'edra- BId-uPhFhlte 'edra 0C'' ''?P ra
53400 549 Lake Road nt leecG; .". 4/3 ... 0.,
$4500 1550 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach .4/3:5 4020

$ 900/wk Beach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 6100
$1100/wkl49Tifton Way North Saywgrass CountryClub 2/2.5 1500
$1300/wk Deer Run Saywgrass Country Club 3/2 1600
$1400 The.Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Saw grass Beach Club 1/1 700
$1500/wk 2503 S. Pome Vedra
*Special Rate' S. PoriteVedra 4/2.5 2100
$1600 Sea Place Atlantic Beach 2/2 1200
$1600/wk -2839 S. Ponte Vedra S Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
$1800/ IkThe Rerceai. Ponle Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
.$1800/k Ocean Manor Ponte Vedia/Oceanfronm 3/2 1800
$2000 Las Bnsas Jax Beach/Oceanfront' 2/2 1200
$2000 Loggerhead Lane Sawgrass/Players Club 3/2.5 1600
$20001 Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 170 .
$2000 2011 Beach Ave i 3mo.nun .i Atlanuc Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1500
$2200 Quail Point [1, Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 1800
*52300 92 Tifton WayiNonh Sawgrass Country Club ,3/2 1900
$2500 Pelican Point Jla Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200
$2500 31 Little Bay Harbor Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5 1680
$2500/v% k728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/25 /ig~ie hn2600
$2700/%wk2824Coastal Hw VilanoBBacctdOeanfront/Pool6/4 4000
$3000 703 Landmark 17 mo min i Jax Beach Oceanfront 3/2 1829
$3100/wk 725 Ponre 'edra Blvd. Pome Veera/Occ.nftdot/Pool 5/3 3000
$3300 133 Sea Hammock VWa) Ponte Vedra/Oceanfroni 2/2 1614
$3800 105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC. 3/3.5+office 3200
$5500 1931 Beach A.ei 3rno.min I Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400'
Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman Pinecher. **
"Other furnished properties als6 available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.*"
Call today to book your next vacatlonll
www.Stockton RealEstate.com
574 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra, Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882 1-800 FLA HOMES

NB, 2/1 upper, eat-In-kitchen. large living
room, new carpet & lile $995/mo. TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.

Properly Subdivision Rent
6503 Burnham Circ. Hammock Cove TPC $2,000
12909 Hunt Club Rd.N Jax Golf & CClub $2.100
732 Selva Lakes Cir. Selva Lakes $1.795

JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A. fenced yard. $775/mo.
1904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161
backyard. $850/mo.; Call (904) 249-2840.
Long/ short term. 2/1, fenced yard. pets
OK. 4 blocks from beach $1600/mo. Call
Broker/Owner, Kirk Killebrew. 463-1131.
Near Mayo 3 ER/2 BA house with view of
ICW Fireplace, 2 car garage. Recently
renovated. 51299/ mo. includes all utilities.
home,,long-term rental (904)354-4400
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA, tile floors. updal.
ed bathroom, new carpet No smoking. No
pels. $1250tmo. +$1000/dep 673-6335.


www.WatsonRent.com ::
Property Management ___


$1.900 4/2

2039 Selva Marina Dr. Selva Norte

1901 N. 1st St. #1603 Pelican Point-Oceanfront $1,875 2/2

$1,950 3/2

Ocean Cay Cir. Ocean Cay

691 Paradise Ln. (New, Paradise Preserve $1,499 3/3

Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
For Management INFO
Call 285-5409
E up.ar, WVe also have vacation and short tenn rentals!




Management, INC.

It's the LEASE we can do!

1/i Jacksonville Bch Apt 211 N 8th St 5 $625
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 409 2nd Street $800
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 101 16th Ave C $995,
3/2 Jacksonville Bch. C 1301 S. 11' St. #1204 -
$2500 (furnished)
S1/1 Neptune Bch H 1132 Hamlet Lane $1150
'* 3/2 Ponte Vedra Bch T -100 Bermuda Bay #106 $1795'
i *.4/2 Savannah Creek H 2352 Longmont Dr $1300'
4/2.5 Waterleaf H 12363 Hindmarsh Circ N $1750:
4/2 IC/Windsor Parke H 4412 Ridhmond Park Ct $1750,
4 3/3 Mira Vista C 13846 Atlantic Blvd #415 $1950
L Call us'to sqe why you should have
a member of the National Association,
of Residential Property Managers-
to.manage your property!"
SFor more details pieae check out our website at
,. ._... ,WWW.rentalsiniax.com ,.; s.-:


JAX BEACH 1719- 10th St N. 3BR/2BA,
1100sf, 4 car garage, large screened
porcn, fenced yard. all appliances, sprin-
kler system, lawn service Included.
$1600/mo, Independent Brokers
PVB Solano Cay, 3BR/2BA. garage,
large backyard In quiel neighborhood
Comm. pool $1250/mo. 315-6558.
ICW NEAR San Pablo Rd 3BR/1BA,
LARGE lenced yard CH&A, WDHU
$950/mo 241-1857. 2460248.
BRAND NEW construction, 4BR/2.5BA,
hardwood floors, granite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, fenced, 4
blocks from ocean, 52200/mo., call
Mark, 591-6976.
CUTE 3BR/2BA. PVB home. renced back
yard. w/a, $1500/mo, Call 1904)386-7792.

NEP BCH, large 4BR 2BA. new paint, tile
& carpet with gar., plus coveiea parking
for boal & RV. $1650!mo. 904-704-1828.
PALM VALLEY For Sale; For Rent, 2/2
2400sl wipool. Nicely appointed. -
$1650imo. 2.5 acres. 904-339-0231 Own-
er-Agent www dare2dreamteam.com
3BR/2BA E. of 3rd .$1600/mo All new
house for reni, ss appliances, W/D, gran-
ite, hardwood floors- all two blocks from
ine beach' 245 North St. 273-7338.
WEST BEACHES, Sunon Lakes. 4/2,
2300sl, Formal LR/DR, Family room
w.ifreplace, carpei,, calh ceilings, lenced
yard, $1450.'mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices 246-1125
PONTE VEDRA L'Atrium, 2BR/2BA, ga-
rage, pool, tennis, orange, lemon and
grapefruit trees. $1150/mo. Available im-
medialely. 285-9884.
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA townhouse,
1475sl,, garage, W/D. fireplace.
$14951mo.- Seve Shaughnessy,
904-537-0570. Preview at

1649 LANDING, Nep Bch..3BR 2BA, com-
pletely updated, oeautilul neighborhood, Ig
fenced yard, 2 car gar. 8' RV parking.
$1600/mo, deposit req'd. By apple. only
S. JAX Bch. ledar ocean. 3BR 2BA,
$1650Amo. yr lease. New bedroom carpet,.
paint. Dep.246 6865 or (919)358-0244.
PONTE VEDRA Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Coun. 2BR/2BA pantio hbme,
$1150'mo. 655-5990.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1 5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. 4S1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pipnewood Rd. oft Penman and North 12th
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo +- deposit,
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2BR/1BA, spacious,
secluded.' fenced yard. $900/mo. +sec.
ATLANTIC BCH. completely remodeled
4BR/2.5BA, 2-story w/ 2 car garage, ofi
street parking & lenced yard. Near May-
port school, beaches & base $1500tmo
+dep 869 Gayagan. Call for appl.
JAX BCH, 4 'blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CH/A, tile & carpels, new kit cabi-
nets. $1250/mo. plus '$1100/dep. Dogs
30lbs and under considered. 514-4229 sI-
ter4pm Broker/ owner.

3BR/1BA, 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A.
WDHU wilarge separate, utility. shed.,
fenced backyard w/hiki bar, BB9 pil. Must
see to appreciate 814 3rd Ave S JB.
$925/mo. '+dep. Must pass. credit check
Donnie 992-0088, 246-3690. 333-1822.
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA,, 1660sf. 2 car
Sar.,$1550'mo...14525 Luth Dr. N.. Call
Cindy 962-3713.
-,ble 5!$,850/mo, ,.+deposit. -Includes- pest
.aonlt:u lnianda lewrservjce.(1904)476-300Q:
VILLAGES OF Pablo; 4/2,. 2360sf. FR,
DR, office: suhroom. $1450/mo! TDO
Management. 246-1125.

--". A 3/2, ONE car gar., excellent schools,
many extras and built in tiled floors, first &
last, will consider. RTO, leave call back
*'- ~- J message, 247-5116.

WEST BEACHES, Ibis Point, 3/3 w/office,
2400s1., GR w/fireplace, LR, DR, E1K;cov-
ered paho. cbmm. pool, sprinkler system,
water softener. $1575/mo TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
ATLANTIC BCH 3BR/1BA all new. inside,
51000/mo. 925 Sailfish. 476-7607.
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required.. 218.4th Ave.
South. .$1195/mrid. (904)221-4134. 703-
5.518 .. .
3/2, 1 car garage. $1795/mo.
2/2, $800/mo
3/2 house, $995/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage. 51175/mo.
3/2 2 car garage, $1195/mo
3/2, .2 car garage, $395/mo
Executive home- 5/4. 2 cai garage,
2/2; 1 car garage, 5995/mo
4/2, 2 car garage $1395/mo.
3/2, $1050/mo.
3/2.5 townhouse, 1 car gar. $1350/mo.
2/2, $950/mo.
3/2, 5$1195/mo.
4/2, $1525/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail 11/1, $1525/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, 1425st, $1195/mo.
3/2, $1395/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sl.,
$1900/mo. '
2/2.5, 1042sl, $950/mo.
2/2. built 2005 10s0s, $895/mo.
2/2, 1125st, built 2005 $950/mo.
4/2, 3 car garage, $1400/mo
4/2, 2 car garage, 200sl, 1495/mo.
4/3, 3 car gar, $1825/mo.
4/3, 3 car gar. $1795/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

II IY HI N111- 14 k =BB

S. JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA lully furnished, 1
car garage, fenced yard Incl. wireless, In-
lernet. 8 cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beach For photos e-mail ma-
rlaeugeniarojo@bellsouth net. $1500/mo
Long term lease. (407) 394-5858.
BEAUTIFUL 3/2 South Jax Beach
home. 5 blocks from beach, recently reno-
vated inside and out, W/D included.
$1500/mo. 280-2341
OLD ATLANTIC Beach. 1 block from
ocean. Cnarming trench country style
home w/deck overlooking courtyard.
3BR/2BA, garage and parking. Avail from
Nov $2650/mo. Call Rick 891-2345.
INDIAN SPRINGS. 4BR/2 5 BA, approx
3000 sl, 2 car gar., asking $1800/mo. +
$1800 deposit., ready to move in,
SOLANO WOODS. 312, 1600st., split BR's
w/wood floors. ceramic tile throughout,
open kitchen w/eat-in-area, screened pa-
t.o, $1700/mo. TDO Mgmnt. 246-1125.

2/2 OCEANFRONT Condo, 71h floor Oce.
ania Condos, $2500/mo.. pool & gym
Available October. Call Seana 910-3644
3BR/2.5BA, 1700 s(. Ocean views from
MB, garage, CH&A No smoking. No pets
$1700/mo. 1208 S 2nd SI 655-7365.

The Palms $900/mo. Call Ron 654-6223
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA,, split, floor plan,
fireplace. 1028 41h St N., blocks trom
beach., $1050tmo. 728-3000 (aays),
786-2757 (evenings)
PVB 2BR/2BA walk to beacon, newly reno-
vaied, $1100/mo possible lease/pur-
chase. (215)598-7488.
1/1 PLUS porch w/TV $850/mo,,,includes
water. New: tile, carpet, W/D, gated. pool,
gym. Please call 509-6895 Avail 8/1

PVB OCEAN Grove Condos 1BR3' IBIh -
Pnme Lake View, W/D, screened patio.
cable, alarm. Club house/ pool facilities.
private beach access. $900/mih
(904)704-7907. -
LUXURY NEVER occupied 1/if Condo,
Oceans Edge, walk to restaurants, beach
& shopping, fabulous kitchen, lake & foun-
tain views. pool, club house, gym.
$1200/mo. Call 612-9943
IBR/1BA WATERFRONT Condo: ohering.
a each lifestyle with Clubhouse. Reson
Style Pools. $1000/mo. only. Call (9041
PVB IN TPC, 3BR/2BA townhouse.
1475sf., garage. .W/D. fireplace.
$1495/mo. Steve Shaughnessv
904-537,-0570. Preview : ai
www.steveshaughnessy.com '
PVB, 'SUMMERHOUSE. brand -new.
2BR/2BA vy/fireplace and appliances
-.5-star -ampnries&--.gated., cfrrmun atity
S950.'mo...Kimmrnie ,904- 33-8694., AkvailLrr.-
'meaialelyr .'- -- -

'The Condo Lifestyle"
in Ponte Vedrd
Enjoy 'five star' services
and amenities!
Long Term Rentals a -
1/1 furnished $850-$900
All new interiors!!
/Ill. w/fp/screened lanai $995
2/2 w/fpand w/d $950-$1000'
2/2 w/fp and screened lanai
Pool.. Tennis..Clubhouse
Residential Acdivities
Too much to list..you must ist!
Suncoast Management, LUC
(904) 285-4840

1-800-835-0882 EXT 1032

For Rent:
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath,
1000 sq ft,
parking garage,
beachside pool,

Additional photos:
wwwg i l eAFMRAe nHt

-Real Estate, LLC

W [1'11*311;1 BE1

4Bdrm/3Ba -Open Fir Pin- Rich wood accents

throughout extensive deck & tree canopy. Perfect
mix of home, privacy, and nature.

'CAl Margi Petitt 571-9821

ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse. 1 blk 10
ocean. 3BR/2:5BA, 1850sq n avaialoe
now. 219-2481
SOUTH JAX Beach, 3BR/2BA 2 car ga.
rage w/ opener, 655 9th Ave. So New tile'
carpel/ paint, approx. 1400 sq I1 Fenced
yard. No smoking. $1350/mo. rent, $950
deposit. (904)860-4875
OCEAN VIEW home 3/2.5 beautiful home
1/2 block to the beach All appliances
wood floors, berder carpet, crown mold.
ing. Furnished or unlurnished. $2400/mo.
68- 29th Ave. South. (904)536.3308
JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. Nonh,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch.
fenced yard, CH&A, $950/mo
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
3BR/2BA, great condition, 1654st. over
looking goll course, low maintenance.
$1500/mo 904-219-7962
NB, 2BR/2BA, 2 houses from ocean.
fenced backyard. garage. $2000/mo
3BR/1BA HOUSE, 421 11h St S, quiel
street,. no smoking, no pets. 994-5861.
ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport, Spacious 3/2.
+bonus room, fireplace, fence yerd, pest
control included No smoking/pels Availa.
ble 10/3 $1150/mo deposit. 755-4038.
SOUTH JAX Beach 3BR1m.5BA. 6 blocks
to ocean. $1300/mo. 710-5200.
3BR/2BA+ office 2000sl., 2 car garage
Courtyard pool, lawn/pool service includ-
ed Pels OK. $1900/mo (904)703.0242

2BR/2.5BA INTRACOASTAL waterfronm
condo with spectacular view, end unit,
newly remodeled, granite, travertine. new
appliances, no smoking/ pets $1200/mo
without boat slip. $1400/mo w/boat slip.
3BR/2BA SPACIOUS Contemporary style
Condo; Walking distance to Ihe Beacn!
$1200/mo., Call (904) 249-2840

MWe're almost full...

Come See Why!

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom k q

! starting at $710

,.Walk tothe Ocean,

& Shopping -


3 Pools, Balconies

' "Ask about

our specials!" .

(Corner of Penman & Seagate)


SUnfurnished Homes The Courtyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, Riverbrook at '
; Serena Point JB 3BR/3BA. new private, updated unit w/garage, patio, Glen Kernan Hodges
,top floor condo. direct oceanfront balcony, overlooks lagoon. $1175/mo. 5BR/3BA brick home w/fenced
o view. amenities, garage. $3000/mo. Furnished Homes backyard, comer lot, 2700sqft, two car
Oceanside 932 JB 3BR/3.5BA, Sawgrass Beach Club PV 1BR/ garage $1895/ma.
condo has luxurious features, ocean IBA. end unit. 1st floor condo, garage, Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
' porch, sunset porch, garage. bacon, comm. pool. $2000mo. home on water, upgrades throughout,
Intracoastal West
$2800/mo. Bishop's Court Hodges open floor plan. $1900/mo.
North Shore JB 3BR/2BA, brand End units w/views Unfurnished Condos .
new construction w/great ocean views, all appliances, amenities. Ocean Links PV
garage, amenities. $2400/mo. IBR/IBA, ground floor. $875/mo. 2BR/2BA, second floor, screened porch,
Sawgrass PV 2BR/2BA, home has IBR/IBA, ground floor. $900/mo. fireplace, amenities $1000/mo.
wood deck w/lagoon to golf course Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate Palms at Marsh Landing JB ,
i views, remodeled. $1500/mo. Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/ile Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
, 434 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/IBA, floors, upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. IBR/IBA, 3rd floor, vaulted ceilings.
' home has hardwood floors, all new Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, $850/mo.
interior, fenced backyard. $1495/mo. townhouse, all upgraded, screened 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit,
Villages of Solano PV porch, amenities. $1100/mo. vaulted ceilings. $1100/mo.
3BR/2.5BA, townhouse has loft, IL Villagio Southside 2BR/2.5BA 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, w/wood floors,
. garage, patio, very neutral and clean. two story condo w/upgrades place, private arage. 1150/mo
$1450/mo. throughout, amenities. $1200/mo. fireplace, private garage. $1150/mo
Beach Avenue Al 2BR/IBA, 2nd Brightwater Gate Pkwy
story duplex, oceanviews. wood deck, 2BR/2.5BA, townhouse w/upgrades RElAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
story duplex, ocean views, wood floors.deck, 1200/moroughout, porch, garage. $1250/mo. Shannon Smith
wood floors. $1200/mo. Stonefield at Bartram Park (904) 285-5640 ,
Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Mandarin 3BR/2.5BA, newer two www.rentthebeaches.com
w/tile floors, screened porch, fenced story courtyard home, 1975 sqft, 2 car w.ren eaes.com
^ backyard, on large lot. $1200/mo. garage, amenities. $1600/mo., '

-p. 1-i. SS.S-4.,--. 0.S-p. -p. -pp. -I!p.- ;-' PS s

kiio eru,/-vu--- ---





* .'. ,

r't... A "annA0

' I

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

October 6, 2006

NEW LUXURIOUS large 1BR overlooking
lake, steps to ocean, $1450. Call 708-
ed, pool, short/ long term. $1350/mo. 904-
JAX BEACH new luxury comer unit
3BR/3BA w/ocean view, amenities
$2100/mo 223-6896.
VILLAS @ MARSH Landing- 2BR/2BA,
marsh view, screened porch, fireplace,
new appliances, Illness, pool. gated,
$995/mo, 247-9727.
1200sf, Ilreplace. W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
pet. huge ceilings $1050/mo. 635-6375.
3BR/2BA, WOLF Creek, Beach Blvd-
Clubhouse, Pool, Fitness, $1200/mo.: Call
1904) 249-2840.
PVB, 2BR/2BA, 1100st., 2nd floor unit,
w/garage, fireplace, W/D, vaulted ceilings,
walk to beach,' quiet location. $1000/mo.

2/2 new condo in PV Bch. 2nd Iloor. frplc,
washer/ dryer, pool, spa & gym In quiel
gated community. $1100/mo. Call Steve

2/236-7133. Jax Bch. $110 Call PET SITTING, in your home Dog walking
S Responsible, mature Call Kitty,, 874-6062
OCEAN FRONT 2/2 furnished w/ W/D. FREE KITTENS cute 280-4415
$1800/mo,',386-5008. FREE KITTENS, cure 280-4415.

3/2, 2 garage spots, pool, spa, $1795/mo.
LUXURY CONDO directly on Inlracoasial
in MiraVisia w/garage, 3BR/3BA. 2050st,
$2275/mo Boat slip available. Call Jay
343-1897. .

ATLANTIC BEACH Cloister Condo.
3BR/2BA. All amenities, all appliances, in-
cluding washer/dryer. 219-2481.

FHREE TO good nome, amle DB&W luxeao
cat. 2 1/2 years old. loving & gentle. excel-
lent hositl Call Kirsten.
FREE TO loving home a female, de-
clawed 7 year old black and while cat.
"Violet" loves to sit-by you while watching
TV or reading. Her elderly "mother'
passed away. 241-0476

SHIH TZU puppies, males & females,
962-5466.. '

PVB SUMMER house, luxury fop IIloor 2/2,
rock star amenitles.WsD, no pets/smokers, CHIHUtAHUA/ MALTESE, 4yrs., male,
Won't last $999/mq depositt, 755-4038. neutered, all shots. Best offer. 285-8Q08

ATLANTIC BEACH, Deerfield Lakes. For
lease, newly remodeled condo, 2BR/ 1 t+
1/2 BA,.AC, security system,,electrical ap-
pliances, no pets, $800/mo.,deposli $800
'904)781-6528. ,
VILLAS AT Marsh Landing. 1/1, EIK, patio
laces wooded area, access Irom LR/ BR,
double fireplace, $850/mo. TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
Club villa. $850/mo. Please Call 838-9598
between 9am-5pm. i,
1BR W/ GARAGEt The Palms $900/mo.,
2BR/2BA, CH/A. Bike to Hanna Pnvate
Courtyara. Pool. Small' pets OK.
$850/mo. 233-2719.
side End unit, 1-story. May give option to
buy. $1250/mo. (904)612-6532.
FURNISHED,' PVB, 2/2, flat; gated com-
munity w/5 star. amenities, east ol A1A
$1500/mo. Lease? Option available Call
Broker/ Owner, Kirk Killebrew, 463-1131
PONTE VEDRA Summer House
2BR/2BA $1050/mo.: 1st mo' $525,' 904-
NEW VALENCIA, 2/2.5, gated, upgrades,
elevators, fabulous clubhouse. $1700/mo.
PVB, OCEAN GROVE, 2BR/2BA, garage,
$1100/mo. 391-0029, 399-5511 (eve-
IBR/1BA, pool,' fabulous, upscale. You
are worth it. $1550/mo, 249-6166.
OCEAN FRONT, new 3/3 garage, pool,
consider. lease option 6 months plus,
$2575/mo. 568-4818.

qe.^, Af TWRENTAL.,
4BR.eBA .,eakly, imotnly' yerly Cdli
monthly, pool, 463-7343.,
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnishfed., ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly: 241-0267.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit. us at:
jaxbeach ental.com or 535-3911 or

Luxury tarnished *1 &'2 Bedroom Suites
-High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Streel &' 51h'Ave. South

ROOM TO rent in furnished 2BRi2,5BA
home, 1/2 block Irom ocean: $675/mo. 4
util. r deposn. (310)666-7754.
LARGE BEDROOM', full private bath,
large walk-in, closet. Hodges and JTB.
Pool, hot' tub. 1411 amehities -S600/mo.
CLEAN. OUIET, alcohol/.drug free home.
Beach/San Pablo S400/mo. 333-2624.
NON-SMOKING, CLEAN' person to share
2700sl.. 4BR-home, 6 blocks Irom ocean.
$500/mo.,.+dep. +1/2 utilities. 241-3752.
PVB, LOTS of amenities, furnished,
$150/wk. or $600/mo.. 235-9304.

ROOM 4 entr Nap Bch.'2 blocks to ocean,
$6751mq+ dep. Incl. until. 521-8473.
NEPTUNE BCH- 2 rooms to rent.
3BR,'1BA house, $500/mo 4 1/2 utilities
NEW RESIDENCE. master bedroom w/
private bath for rent. $650/mo. 237-4354
TWO ROOMS for rent in attractive home
on waterfront Close to the beach, all utilit-
ies mcl. $460/mo. each. 221-4117.
JAX BEACH, walk to beach, bottom floor
bedroom, private 'bath, $500/mo.
CHRISTIAN MALE seeks roomale. near
Maypon Rd. $425/mo,- dep. & ulil
MINUTES FROM Maypon Naval Station.
quiet community, private & beautiful. 235-

.o --

LAB MIX, PUPPIES. Females Shots and
wormed. $20 t ogoopdhonie. 743-2042.

LOST BLACK female cat, pink collar, 151h
Ave. No., reward, 249-50,04.

HOMELESS PETS .for adoption- Gats &
dogs; 246-3600,. .
FOUND CAT iq PVB. off Solana Rd,, do-
mestic medium hair, female,' white with or-
armge patches, declawed In front. 285-

VETERAN SURFERt seeks .person to
share expenses on surf trip to Rincon,.Pu-
erto Rico In first week of November 294-
5498. '

'.* *,' ,".
JANACE REEVES Pool If you read this
please call illy @ 248-8205 or

tested div6rcetpapers. Without Kids (while
you, wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/by appt. only (904)641-2187.


3 OFFICE Rental Spaces In Jax Beach/
South 3rd St.- two upstairs units @ 700sl
ea. (one has a kitchen/ lunch area); one
downstairs unit @ 1400sf.- rental rales
are Irom $760 base per month, depending
on size and amenlies. Call 247-1770 lor
appl. 1o view.

SMALL OFFICE at Comer of 5th Ave. N.
& 3rd St. 874-8843.
APPROXIMATELY 750 st. quality office
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15.

shop space and lol for lease. Starting @
$500/mo. (904)514-1090

FREE RESCUED Siamese kitten needs
TLC. 8/wks old, blue eyes. 996-0621.
FREE EIGHT year old Cockapoo Moving.
Coco needs responsible Mom and/or Dad
to devote lots of love and attention
FREE KITTENS, 2, Black, 2 Tqaby, 2
Grey, & 1 Orange. So cutel Please call

LOST WEDDING ring at Michlers Beach,
shallow water, near public access, live
small diamonds, original owner will pro-
vide a picture to finder and a $250 reward.
(603)860 5521.

NEED A Math Tutor? I lutor up through
Algebra I. 247-8609.
MATH TUTOR- Experienced, Certified
Math Teacher will lutor students grades
K-12. Call Slacle @ 249-2293
All levels, styles & ages Will come to your
home Piano Tuning also available
241-4954, 655-3300.
YES YOU can stlan painting better Open
Art Classes i rming now al new South
Beach Gallery in Beach Plaza. Weekly
workshops and painting demos. Pre-regis-
tralion and into. 247.4341, 708-2911

PREMIERE DANCE Studio seeks Teach.
ers Energetic, outgoing personality a
must. Call 504 2029.
ONLINE BUSINESS seeking person
w/internel and some web design knowl-
edge. Grow with us. Big money polenial.
ANIMAL LOVER needed to promote & sell
super premium dog food, must be sales
driven, have great presentation skills &
transponalion, P/T weekends 4 hr snifis,
needed in Marsh Landing & Atlantic Blvd
areas. $11.00/hr, call 1800)939-7387, exld
jHardage-Giddens Funeral Home In Jax
'Bch, has a position available for a week
end secretary/ receptllonlst to join their
team of professionals. This .is a mulri-rask
pqsllion that requires working every other
weekend and occasionally in ,the eve-
nings.. Mst be computer literate. Respon-
slbilities InclUde answering telephones,
preparing malerlals for funeral services,
-light housekeeping duties, communicating
service Information'to client families, and
directing lamllles and friends for visita-
tions. Interested parties should e-mail re-
sumes to rgs@hardage-giddens com

'SEEKING AFTERNOON Teacher Must11be SALES HiRPl-b. lop pay. no wkos, nnoouno
' responsible and oving.ea249-9080 ie inside sales, flexible hrs., advancement
responsible and ovng. Call 249-9080 opportunity, 730-2031 ext 210.

lor beaches church coordinating Christian
program lor children grades K-5. 20
s/wk, salary. 246-2010.
BUSY PV Salon has opening' for Recep-
tionist. Evenings, Saturdays. 285-7776.
son to work at furniture consignment store
., lp6pm, 2-3 days per week. 241-5558.

,BEACHES CHURCH seeking.Nursery At-
tendant to provide care lor Infants to.3 yr.
olds on Sun.. mornings & Wed. evenings.
$10/hr, references & experience required.

ogy, handles all of the following: pl. billing
(receivables & payables), month end pt.
statements. month- & year-end pt. reports,
month- & year-end practice financial re-
ports, A/P, must have knowledge of Med-
ics Elite/ Medical Manager, deals with all
financial aspects of practice. 20-25
hr/week position. Fax resume to 242-
VENUS DISTRIBUTION Center is looking
for Pickers/ Packers. If you like working in
a last paced, climate controlled environ-
ment, you'll love working -in our ware-
house. Warehouse experience a plus.
Full time or part time. .'Call our job line at
645-6000 prompt 2. We also take applica-
lionns In our lobby at 11711 Marco Beach

PUBLIC NOTICE ", Dnve from9am-4pm Mon-Fn.EOE, .
Notice Is hereby given that a public hear- PART-TIME evenings in our main ,dining
inn will be h held onn the following proposed room. Flexible schedule. Some holidays
ordinance at 6:00 p.m. on Mndy,0cto- and wekends necessary. Great work en-
bar '16, 2006, in the City Hal. Counciln vironment Applications at Fleet Landing
Chambers,'.16 Firsl.Street, at which time Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.
oe olinanet I 'Pae c 215~e h, FrL; Fax to.(9 46-944
lint ln taw Th..oriln ,,f.%.r t el s@fle 1 g14dtdg..-m
lirety may be inspected at the Olfice 6'1h, se. ite._lo.nainrg.corn.m. .QEC,. Drugir...e')
City Clerk during regular working hours. Workplace._ -i .
All interested parties may appear, at the' WEEKEND POSITON'open for 'Secuity.
meeting, and be heard with respect to the' Olfcer at Vicar's Landing.: 'Flexible' hours.
proposed ordinance. Please.call 285-1055 or apptL. '

The Planning.Commission tor the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meel anq
hold a public hearing on Monday, Octo-
ber 23, 2006 at 7:00 p.m..In the Council
Chambers. located at 11 North 3rd Street.
Jacksonville; Beach lo consider the lollow-
Ing two applications:
PC#30-06 Conditional Use approval of
outdoor restaurant seating in a Commer-
cial General: C-2 zoning district, pursuant
to Section 34-343(d)(t14) of the Jackson-
ville Beach Land Development Code. The
property is located at 1500 Beach Blvd.
nit 111, more specifically described as B
de Castro y Ferrer Grant. (Mojo Kitchen
PC#3'1-06 Conditional Use approval of
outdoor restaurant seating in a Central
Business District: CBD zoning district, pur-
suant to Section 34-345(d)(7) of the Jack-
sonville Beach Land Development Code.
The property' Is located at 311 Nonh 3rd
Street, more specifically described as Lots
6, 7. 9. and 19. Block 33 (Rita's Italian

The above referenced applications are
available for review in the office of the
Planning and Development Department,
City Hall, 11 North 3rd Street, during nor-
mal business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm).
Planning Commission
City.ol Jacksonville Beach

II a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered al any meeting.
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
lim record of the proceedings Is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be

The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans wilh
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to parlici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 10/6/06

TOR. Preferably w/ Real Estate License;
e-mail resume ai
irsttrustreal ty@bellsouth.nel
GIRL FRIDAY, clerical and project work
for Ponie Vedra office. 273-1669.

Self motivated, last moving,'flexible, mulli-
task person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm-10:30pm, or later Call Debbie ahfer
-2pm. 285-3400, ext 3352. DFWP.
HHA, CNA; & Companion Sitters wanted
tor SS, ARL, Beaches areas. Top Pay!
Apply @ 3515 Hendncks Ave Underhill
Staffing, Inc. NHHA21206096

Weekends 7pm to 7am and every other
weekend 7am -to 7pm every Saturday
and 'Sunday at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
FL: "Fax to (904)246-9447; email to:
jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free
P/T DRIVER for upscale retirement com-
munity. CDL required with P endorsement.
20 hours per week. Apply withinThe At-
rium Retirement Community. 9960 Atrium
Way, for' directions please call 724-4726
or. fax resume to 721-3972.
hours per week. Fax resume Io 249-0741.
nights per-wk,. good pay, call Tim, 404-
OUTBOUND SALES Reps $8/hr., bonus
per job, benefits. Atlantic Blvd., near
Regency square. 1yr. exp. +.
Jobs@FlueTechlnc.com 371-4153.
COUNTER HELP, Ponte .Vedra area,
PT/FT. afternoons. & Saturday. Call 285-
5644. -
RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach. 249-9395.


BE YOUR Own Boss Work in a casual at-
mosphere. Booth rental for hair stylists.
Reasonable rent. Call Dennis or Vickie ',

PREP COOKS, Pizza makers, Cashiers
and Servers. F/T & P/T Apply at all Al's
Pizza locations.
LAWN MAINTENANCE Foreman & help-
ers. Apply 7am, TNT Landscape. 1074
10th Ave. South, Jax Beach. 247-4477
GROWING .FAST paced lawn mainle.
nance company looking for F/T help.
LEARN THE trade, become an Optical
Lao Technician, no experience necessary.
This opportunity does not come around of-
ten, act on ill It you are dependable, eager
to learn, and ready lor a rewarding career
we will rain you in being a vital leamr
member in constructing the World?s Best
Sunglasses. Apply in person al 76 Levy
Road Allantic Beach, FL 32233
FAST PACED Ortnopaedic Practice local.
ed at the beach looking for full-time Tele-
phone Operator/ Appointment Scheduler
Monday- Friday. 40 hours per week Must
have 2 years experience either in a medi-
cal practice or on telephones. Full Bene-
fits Please lax resume to: 1904)241-7331

Requisition #64030628
Beaches Family Health Center at 1522
Penman Road has an opening for a Reg-
isiered Nurse. Pediatrics experience.and
licensure as RN is required. Background
check., ingerprints and drug screening re-
quired. Closing dale is 10/11,06 Apply on-
line hhtps /peoplelirsl.mytlonda com
CUSTOM Interior Trim.Carpenter or help-
ers needed, any carpentry experience a
plus Beaches and Pconle Vedra areas.
Call Tim 509-9071.
HIRING EXPERIENCED cooks & servers.
mm 1 year, pay top $$1 Apply in person
Fionn MacCools 333 Ist Si. N. Suite 150.
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer.
Must have tools, truck. WC exemptIion FT
position, lop pay. 476-3086 r
Seeking Service Techs In Jacksonville Io
provide PM & Demand Repairs lor Hieel.
Tools required. Benefits. M-F days.
Bckgrnd & drug lest req'd. Contact Misty.
mgreen@buller.com 800-916-9664
C... .. ...DC..

BUSY ANIMAL hospiTal is looking for re-
ceiptionist. Strong customer service skills
required. Apply Ponte Vedra Anima Hos-
plital. 28 Corona Rd. 285-7924
LMT NEEDED for busy chiro office. NMT
'training a must. Clinic exp preferred Fax
resume to 904-645-3483

City'of Atlantic Beach. Must have current
law enforcement cenification acceptable
to the State of FL ana be eligible to com-
plele Florida training and certiticalion with-
in 6 months of hire. $16.75/hr., $670/wk.;
$34,840/yr. ,benefits. Applications must
be received by 10/18/06, a 800 Seminole
Rd., Atlantic Beach. FL 32233. Testing on
10/28106. For more info vlsil"
www.coab.us- or call 1904)247-5820 No
smokers.' tobacco users. Drug testing con-
ducled EOE
HELPER FOR vinyl floor covering. .Driv.
her's license required. 403-5115.
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull lime help
needed, Wages negotiable* ips. Benelils
Avail. Apply in person. 1401'Beach iBlvd.

MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice Full /pan lime secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent malch. Fax
resume with references; no .phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Cenler,
FAX; (904)246-377.


- i




Pool Maintenance. Clean dnving record a
must. 246.2455
Beaches area condo. Salary based on
experience and desire to work. Benefits
Call 904-553-9946
Established company in Ponie Vedra
Beach seeking hard working person with
excellent telephone manner Able to han-
ole mulli-iask responsibilities and dead-
lines Light computer work 9am lo
5 30pm. M-F Fax resume to 285-4961 or
call 285-7608

FULL-Time. 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
lirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive wages, good work-
ing environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gale. One Fleet
Landing Blvd Altlanc Beach, FL. Fax to
(9041246-9447- email to- jobs@fleetland-
ing.com EOEI Drug-Free Workplace.
BUSY ANIMAL hospital seeks Techni.
cans & Kennel Aitendenis, Mon.-Fri ,
plus weekends. Apply Ponie Vedra Anima
Hospital, 28 Corona Rd, 285-7924.
VETERINARY TECH needed lor nigh vol-
ume vet clinic. Ai least lyr. experience re-
quired Competitive salary, excellent ben-
ehiat Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-2045 lor more into Beaches Animal
Clinic. 937 Beacr. Blvd. Jax Beach
seeking experienced Sales Representa-
tives lor last growing office with new mar-
keting campaigns and expansion plans
Must have sales experience with strong
work ethic and great attitude. Excellent
opportunity lor flexible nours, top pay, high
commission wiln advancementU manage.
ment opportunity and no weekends. Call
207-7757 ext 210.

FULL TIME Receptionist/ Data Entry.
30 year old consulting company located
on Hodges Blvd. is seeking a Reception-
isv/Dala Entry person. Must have profes-
sional appearance and a polite speaking
voice Experience in answering a multi-
line telephone system is desired. Basic
computer skills are required. Must be able
to accurately input customer information
into a computerized database system.
Olner duties include creating repons.
maintaining inventory and oiner general
clerical luncirons. Working hours are Mon.
day- Friday. 9:00 to 6:00. 'Please e-mail
your resume Ido rmail'balescompany.com
or tax to 421-2100.

i,, :- PositopsAvailable,,.,,, ,. -i ,
A/RClerk, i i 't i '' HostHostess :.
Sales Administrative Asst. Storeroom Attend;

Maintenance Engineer

Honor Bar Supervisor

Spa Receptionist


Part-time in Recreation Department, Sun-
days and Holidays at a Premier Retire.
meni Community Must have ability to help
sei-up and, or break-down for special
events. Must have C CDL Passenger En-
dorsement License Applications at Fleet
Landing Secunty Gale, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Allanmic Beach. FL: Fax to 904-246-
9447, email to jobs@fleetlandlng.com.
Webste lleeilanding com EOE/Drug-lree
workplace. "

lies Duties include cleaning, cooking, spe-
cial projects, errands, some child care.
Non-smoker Must have own transporta-.
lion $10'nr. 307-9107, 246-8190
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
compassionate, live-in & hourly caregivers
for Ine elderly Must be able to work week-
ends 247-7495
SMALL OCEANFRONT Hotel seeking de-
pendable housekeepers Weekends re-
quired. Please apply In person, 120 Atlan-
tic Blvd Neptune Beach
HIRING I experienced Bartender, days
and nights. Harbor Tavern. Call 208-
seeking an expenenced Sales Floor Man-
ager Must have call center/ sales man-
agement experience; Security and Surveil-
lance (SSI) preferred with W.l.T.mentality
and work ethic, Established start-up com.
pany with big plans flor rowth in market-
ing and sales force, lacility expansion in
cluing brDand expansion and industry
identity Prolessional wanted ro assist in
sales and marketing edorts. Salary +com-
mission +bonus and opportunity for
advancement with no weekends Call
207-7757 ext. 215

"Be Part of the Best"
Front Desk-Night Auditor
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites-
S1616 N. First St.
We offer great py. paid vacation &
personal time. Hdarth/v-ison/denrLal
insurance. -101 K


U. I

Banquet Houseperson

Lead Banquet Server

Ocean View Server

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a.caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4'p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com.
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

Bece 'IIaoa


I WeLookForwardtoMetingYouS

uiassinea o



, : "


A .





I -

Orcto're 6& 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

- I;~~-I ~a

PAINTERS WANTED for custom home
painting. Transportation & experience re-
quireO. 635-9249
pay, Ilexible hrs no wkds.. must have 0 -
lice AR/AP experience, 730-2031. ext.
HAIR ARTIST needed for up-scale salon/
spa. Come join a team of creative profes-
sionals. Contact KIm. 821 -4845.
seeking an experienced Executive Level
Assistant for President Must have
AR/AP and payroll experience, professlo.
nal attitude with the aoiliry to prioritize.
multil-lask, manage, delegate, and career
ambition Great opportunity lor high In-
come with advancement and no week-
ends. Call 207-7757 ext 215.

FULL-TIME (Split Shift) in our main dining
room. Must be available weekends. Holi-
days a must. Great benefits and work en-
vironment. Applications al Fleet Landing
Secunty Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd,
Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email to" jobs@fleetlandlng.com Web-
site- fleellanding.com EOE/. Drug-Free
w/valid Florida Driver's License Experi-
ence nelptul bultwill rain. Good salary &
benefhs. Apply: Suriside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or lax resume
249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools @aol.com
HAIR STYLIST rental! commission sla-
lions available in a new tanning salon in
Atlantic Beach Will consider booth rental
or commission basis. We are seeking 2
stylists who are upbeat, Inendly & crea-
tive professionals who are willing to work
hard & grow with us We will be ready in
about 6 weeks for two stylists Please call
it you nave an outgoing personality and
want something. different 235-9529.
BREAKFAST & Dinner cooks F/T & P/T,
experience required, Players Cale, PVB,
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
olDie and granite Importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of sione materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
liable upon experience. Fax resume to
WILLING TO educate highly motivated in-
dividual lor career in financial services.
call Janet, 707-1263
Join our team II you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opportunity tor you. You will join a Nation-
a company & work in Ponre Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1+ years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
Skills Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions FT/PT. no
evenings or weekends.. Fax, resume:
(904)285-0010 or email-

w/rwo leaves and 4 chairs. Like new, $750
OBO. New lift recliner chair $800 OBO.
BODY SOLID Home Gym $100,
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed.
w/matlress & box spring. Must sell $395.
Candeliver 1904)858-9350.
FILL DIRT- Cneapl Dig ponds free for
dirt.Call 497-9666.
SOLID OAK Oueen bedroom set. In-
cludes rounded headboard w/rattan inlay
design, 72" six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror arid rattan inlay, two
2-drawer nightstands, four drawer plus
storage Armoire, Good condillion $500,
PELICAN STAINED glass window, $500
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspring, new In
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
LIKE NEWI Lincoln electric welder. $175,
Kobalt upright 150psi compressor $175;
Husqvarma 20" chain saw, $275: iull-size
truck louvered alum. tailgate, $300, Yo-
kum diamond cut tool box, $300; 2006
Ford F350 6.0 diesel, 11,000 mi., $41,000.
Call todayL 502-6629.,
FIREPLACE SCREEN, contemporary
style from Crate & Barrell, $60. 247-6484.
2 NICE twin mattress/box sets w/frames.
$75ea. Can deliver. 246:1832
BED- BRAND name, queen set,
new. w/warranry $129. Can deliver
1904)858-9350 ;
FR)EE TO good home, lovely old upright
piano: inner' workings need repair.

TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re. GE DRYER $75. Sears Stove & Over
cord required Call April, 246-9999 $75, very clean. 993-9550.

CARPENTERS & Helpers.' Beaches area.
Transportation & phone a musl. 535-7356
SALES PERSON needed Full lime, Part
time Apply in person Sea Shells & Coral,'
230 Nonh Boardwalk; Jax Beach.

GATEWAY COMPUTER Profile 4; all in 1,
17" LCD monitor, 512 mem, 60 gig HD,
2.8 GHZ processor, built in .wireless with
card. wireless keyboard & mouse. Cost
$2000 new. $475.241-4204

FT UPHOLSTERER needed, experience GAS POWERED Weed Ealer, like new
required Call 246-8981 condition. $60. Call 613-1610.

Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
InTercoastal areas, at' least 23, yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
CLEANERS HOMES and Commercial.
day hours, above average pay. Southside
and'Beaches area. Must have' ransporta-
lion Call 607-1919.

ICON TREADMILL in 'armoire w. builr-in
TV, inclines. $695:285-4769.
OAK HOME 'Office Equipment:. (2) lile
cabinets, lateral file, desk, work .table,
chair. $150 lot all 343-0161,241-4950.
Hotpoin sell cleaning range w/hood $200.
cabinets $100, double sink $75, micro-
wave $75, 859-7279.

OFFICE CLEANERS needed for cleaning .BED- KING mattress set. $289. Can de-
nightly. Will,Irain, must have transportation liver (904)391-0015..
and phone: Call 273-2761
MANAGER. SUPERVISOR for .DeAil SRaDo/OFiaH draeneme
siaor,, expeiencp. ,aEp.ul but, will tra.n rary 'ark1i- d'J'il yr old, use ,anodei
Carnmake between $400 -$700 per week home. Pd. $3000, asking $1200 Call Sea-
Must have valid driver's license & trans- na 910-3644.
ponation. Only serious, responsible, hard
workers need apply. Eric, 716-4413 KING POSTER bed. brand new, complete
iii9iii di Qcnic i mb, iiiiuiiU Li mni

Ciay of Atlantic Beach Siarting pay
$11.87/hr. ($24,689/yr I. to $14.84'hr
i$30.867'yr.) DOQ tbenet1s Work hours
vary One year exp. in animal handling
preferred,. Valid driver's license with a sat-
islacory driving record required. Applica-
tions accepted until 10/18/'06. Test dale
,10/28/06 800' Seminole Rd.. Atlantic
Beach. FL. 32233.. For more info call
19041247-5820 or visil wwwcoab.us. No
smokersiobacco users. Drug tesling con-
ducled. EOE.

w/2 l nighl standslU, armoire base, armoire
lop: new unslept kingsize mattress, asking
$1500. 434-6346.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box new still in boxes $499
Can deliver. 858-9350.
CUSTOM STAINED'glass windows, eic.
MAYTAG FULL size dryer, excellent con-
dinon, $65, 534-1353.
WHIRLPOOL HEAVY duty washer & ironic
load dryer .5300. Mission Oak dinning
room, seats six with side bar $450.
3PC LIVINGROOM set, $375. China cani-
net.& diningroom table $300. 899-3442.
$1500. 993-'1118..

15 YEAR established Atlantic Beach Hair
Salon $28.000. Call 248-9781.

I AM looking for a large hard plastic tod-
dler swimming pool Tor puppies. Call Ka-
ten 742-3315.

HB^ HH^If'iR ffi4llon

SCARLET KINGSNAKE non-poisonous, 780 ORCHID St., Friday, Saturday, 8am-
red nose. Call snake man 246-2105. 4pm Lots of good stuff.

WANTED. CHILDS bicycle seal or ull
along trailer for carrying child on bike. Call
646-359 Iv. msg.

HUGE MOVING Sale, Sal. Octl. 7, 4090
Glennurst Dr No.. Jacksonville, FL 32224,
cell 1904)434-6346.

7th, Hampton Bay iighling, wicker. lurni-
lure, colleciaoles. & tools. Lots more. Pen
man Ro to 1 I21n Ave N. lo .1320 Pinewood
Lane. 8 a.m
BAMBOO ETAGERE $25, Benchcratl
sectional $35. PS, PS2. Xbox games $2
each. kitchen. cookbooks. home decor.
Too much to list Saturday Oct 7th, 8am-.?,
529 6th Ave N.
FRIDAY & Saturday 9-ipm Baby, fishing,
furniture items. 2291 Oak Forest Dr.
SATURDAY. 10/07,06,,8am-3pm, Numer-
ous household, furniture & kitchen Items:
oid pump organ, child's wooden' ,table
w/chairs, Nortake sel ot china circa 1933,
elephants, lamps, 30 yis. o0 accumulated
stuff, 103 Rita Rae In Seabreeze Woods.
FURNITURE. MISC. 8am-2pm.' Saturday
& Sunday, 1202 2nd Ave. N.
BABY ITEMS, maternity clothes, all like
new. kitchen Items, luturie. Saturday.
8am-12pm. 3869 Grande Blvd. '
Sale Includes 1976 Mercedes 450SL,
Saturday, Oct 7, 8am-2pm,' 957 9th Ave
EVERYTHING MUST go! Office,. kitchen.
dining, bedrooms, good to great shape
Sat 7-11am, 429 7th Ave. So.
HUGE COSTUME Sale! October 9th-
121h, 3-7pm; 1368 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch.
8am-12prh Saturday. Oct 7. Off South
Beach Parkway, to Jacksonville Dr., to
Sancluary Blvd., raindale Oct 14.
MOVING SALEI Everything must goi
Friday, Saturday, 9am-3pm, 728 Palmlree
YARD SALE, Saturday Oct 7th, '8am-
12pm. 418 17th Ave. North.

FRIDAY & Saturday,-9am-1pm, 217 Mag-.
nolia St. Tools, furniture. misc.
clones, home decor and morel Saturday,
9am- 1pm, .2138 Acacia Road,

FIDDLER'S MARSH community sale, Sat
Oct 7. 8am-? Turn east Info LAtrium, op-
posite Publix Sawgrass, go around circle
to Fiddler's entrance.
tore Mickler Rd. Saturday Oct. 7th, 8am-

2006 SCOOTER 150cc, 4 stroke. 800 mi.,
listed $2995. sale $1495. 241-0361.

2003 NISSAN Murano SL. gold w/ tan in-
terior, loaded w/ moon root, make offer.
1990 FORD Aeroslar van, power every-
thing, digital dash, dual A/C's, $1700
OBO. 504-6840.
1994 FORD Explorer, loaded, well rnain-
rained, one owner $5300 241-5078.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, baby items, msc,
& clothing, Sat., 8am-4pm, 14605 Lagoon "98 BMW 3281 convertible, white, 127,000
Dr., (Isle of Palms) mi, $9800, 614-8083

RAGE SALEI 14001 Beach Blvd Fri.-
Sun.. 8am-4pm. Entrance next to Golden
Sale (near Atlanlic Blvd.. on San Pablo
Rd.) Salurday, October 7, 8am-12pm

FURNITURE, WASHER. dryer, everything
must go, Sat & Sun., 7am-? 1320 Fourth
St.. Neptune Beach.

MAXUM 2000 FR2, excellent condition,
sk.'s included. Asking $14,900. valued @
$17,000. (904)613-5854.

2004 DODGE DURANGO SLT, rear air,
third seat,. running boards, roof rack,
cruise, tilt, AM/FM/Disc stereo, power
locks, steering, windows, 32K miles, exc.
condition. V8 5.7 hemi magnum engine,.
dark grey w/light grey interior. $17,900.
Silver w/ black interior, hard top convert-
ble, tully loaded, AT. 9;200mi., $49,600.
Call 571-.9821
2000 PONTIAC Grand Prix. excellent
condo. black w, black clothn int., 69K miles
Asking $7000 OBO, call 220-3939. Mells-
1995 THUNDERBIRD, great condition,
teal green. $3700 OBO 343-5373.
1976 MERCEDES 450 SL Classic, dark
red, beige leather, 2nd owner. $8500.


Clear Panels, aluminum, sleel, bahama,
accordion, colonial For all your hurricane
protection needs. (904)449-1638 or *
807-0174 ext 131.
SEWING -MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49.50.

Services Do you need your home' or of-
lice cleaned or repaired? Please call
W/10 years experience has ,openings. It
would be my pleasure to assist you in
cleaning, laundry. ironing, running errands
And aninn r .411 r-'fthrlrv At 79.9-7_174

free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
.knotch work guaranteed. Palming, Trim,
carpentry wood -repair, pressure washing.
Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates
competent & competitive, pressure wash.
ing, painting, drywall repair. lexture &-wall
coverings. 25 years experience. Lic, in-
sured. rels 403-7389.
WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs. expert.
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
SAVE NOW' Inlenor & Exterior painting
Presiire washnn 1yrs. at Beac.hes

SALE OF the year / One "BAMF" Ga- an,.9.oi,,....,y. ,,,-y Free Esbmales. 881-4a223 '
rage Sale! 10/7, Saturday 623 Selva BEACHES CLEANING
Lakes Circle, across from park Take Residential. commercial, move in/out CUSTOM PAINTING & Repairs by Dean.
Seminole to 5pls.. left on plaza then 1st cleaning, and construction clean up. Call Inlenor/exterior painting Ail types 'of
righl. Mulliple couple & friends sale, too for free estimate, 718-5471. i repairs, business &' residential Fully
much to listl Corda-Roy Beanbag, Lreather N licensed & insured. 309-4720.
Couch Bike Parts, Tons of urban skate, HOUSECLEANING, honest, fast, reliable,
& surf clothes men & women. Golf clubs & ir pricing, call Maria, 777-4830. UALITY INTERIOR & exterior painting
_a % lak.-salel Be Dur PCLA 'by unn eer..license innsured, court.
SAj )~b A '. "C~'roBERo 7 .'a it '" P,, 1 ,, ,-........'.... -.. -, 59 .0 '- "

257 Jasmine Street. -Household-items.
Small furniture, 'mens clothing. rhisc
items and more.

Commercial clean-up. Senior discounts.
Call 612-8060

MULTI-FAMILY SALE! Saturday, 8am- FAST DEPENDABLE house cleaning,
1pm 1035 East Coasi Dr. Tons of men's .reasonable rales. experienced and refer-
clothes. Nascar, collectibles, furniture, ex- ences, Sue 249-6162 '
excise equipment, holiday decor, much
more mi .: j

MULTIPLE FAMILY Sale Beautiful slate
cohee tables,.dining table, & other greal
items. 147 Magnolia St..-Sat., 8am-12pm

- ---------


STOP FORECLOSURE. Save your home,
24 hour message, 904-722-9159.

tifled. 15 years experience. House calls.
References. Call Mark --,(904)553-2343.

NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
paint Resiaential and commercial. Men-
Ion this ad. 246-1529.

State Certified Contradtor (Hands-on)
New consruciionladdtions. remodeling,
kitcheh 8 baln,*lermite damage, Plan &
Design' Services avail. Member NFBA
Bob 626-1165.

Remodeling Renovations
New Construction Repairs


c 1253069

Painting. Slucco, misc. Ouaiity Work
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091. ,
dependable for quality repairs. service
calls painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs. DAVE. 246-6628
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets, balh-
rooms, tile, doors, windows, rorled wood,
termite damage, roof leaks, drywall
decks, etc. Honesl. lop quality work-
Painiqng.',:rStiry "water proofing. 'pAes.
sure washingg. -hie" work," drywail.


We service thousands of beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer com 241-3409.

O L 653


ing in drywall & home maintenance. Lic. &
Ins. (904)509-284q..
TNT REMODELING, Start to Finisn.
Affordable & dependable. Licensed/ Insur-
ed Call Tony (904)221-6586.

ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esti-
mates Professional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, trimming- treeS,
shrubs. Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
Q. n .. JI. I.. ... m. ..... ..r e.. I

Residential Lawn Service
Pro Lawn Service

m iammu31

Improvement needs: Tile, Wood, Carpel,
Laminates, Painting, elc. Free estimates.
Licensed/ Insured. Jim 813-6756.

Repairs, specializing in letmite damage.
DRYWALL: REPAIRS. Replacement,
Renovation. Joe 525-7724 or Joyce
tilled CBC 1253980. New Construction.
Room Additions. Remodeling. Repairs
Decks. 904-307-2214.

SUNRIZE TILE. New construction, remod-
el and repairs, all phases of tile work. Free
estimates, Mike 514-1241.

QUALITY WORK Install. Removal. &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Expenence. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

I*ri:M.l:1:^vc.7 llre>Wr
Licensed and Insured. Call 294-6116.

- U""'"


1997 CAMARO, 5spd 1 owner. 72.000
miles $3800. Call 838-0662
1996 BUICK Century, 6cyl, auto PS. PB.
this is Granma's car. 75K miles $1295
2 VOLKSWAGENS, 1962 and 1967. Both
for $2500. Call 223-5891
1995 TOYOTA Camry 4 cylinder, greal
shape, $4400. 246-6820
2005 MAXIMA SL 36K mi. sun root, white
w/ tan leather tully loaded, never smoked
in, $16,600, Craig. (646)724-9649.
'92 4/D Cadi, runs great, AC, sunroof,
overhaul motor & irans, must sell, besi of-
ter. 223-0003.
1999 WHITE Infiniti 130, exc cond,
65,000mi., new tires, $7495. 285 2317

..ni ..... m.. .OK ..nOM. M .1



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