Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 27, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00077
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 27, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: September 27, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00077
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 7
        page A 8
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 10
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 8
Full Text



Success comes in
many stripes

See B- 2

What is this woman
singing about?

See A- 7 A


Vol. 44, No. 28


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

iCap holds taxes

.... .as values grow

photo by ROB DeANGELO
A Black Sox base runner is out at home plate as the Leprechauns catcher applies the tag during last Saturday's Ponte Vedra
Youth Baseball game at Cornerstone Park. The Black Sox battled the Leprechauns in Major Division action.

Hurricane house offers shoring-up tips


Although this year's hurri-
cane season, now more than
half over, has been quiet for
Northeast Florida, emergency
managers caution that it's still
prudent to be prepared.
One way to prepare is to
shore up an existing home to
withstand strong winds, and a
few miles south of Ponte Vedra
is a house built to show how,
that can be done.
The house, known informal-
ly as the "hurricane house," is
one of five such structures
around the state of Florida and
designed by the University of
"Most of our clients come
from Ponte Vedra or hug the
coastal part of St. Johns
County," said Joanne Cooper, a
family and consumer sciences
agent at the hurricane house in
St. Augustine
Retrofitting is one lesson
that can be learned at the hur-
ricane house at 3111
Agricultural Center Drive, off
State Road 16 about one-quar-
ter mile west of Interstate 95.
"There are so many simple
and inexpensive ways to secure
your home," Cooper said. "It's
just a matter of being prepared.
"Hurricane systems start at
$1.50 a square foot for ply-
wood which is just as good
as anything to $10 a square
foot, all the way up to $90 a

square foot," Cooper said.
"The mistake people make
with plywood is that they
don't secure it properly. We
have different fastening sys-
tems for plywood and every-
thing from shutters to a garage
' b'ace-or $"150,"'she said. --
"Everything meets Florida
building code, which [requires
new construction to with-
stand] ..winds up to 120
miles an hour."
The concept of the house,
which was built in 2001 and is
formally known as the Wind
Mitigation Center, started in
1992 after Hurricane Andrew
devastated South Florida.
The 3,1.26-square-foot, one-
story house is about evenly
divided between a display area
and a training area, according
to the center's Web site
(st johns.ifas.ufl.edu/wind-
The display area contains "a
series of large-scale cutaway
wall section models" showing
internal construction, the site
The insulated concrete foam
walls and a "safe room" are
made to withstand winds up to
a Category 5 hurricane -
maximum sustained winds at
156 mph or higher or 319
mph on a tornado scale.
The center's classrooms are
used for programs to help
"builders, developers, Real
Estate personnel, building
inspectors and other builder

related enterprises," ace6rding'
to the site.
Individual property owners
also can benefit from the infor-
mation about products, materi-
als and methods demonstrated
at tgle house.
--Cooper said many df the
new homes planned for con-
struction, such as the Nocatee
community along both sides of
County Road 210 west of the
Intracoastal Waterway, are
required to have safe rooms.
"We have also had a great
interest in the safe room being

installed in existing homes,"
said Cooper.
Cooper said there were 591
tours of the house last year, but
the number is lower this year.
"Tours are down; people
become complacent," Cooper
Tours are given 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday through
Friday. The staff suggests you
call ahead for a time when
classes are not being given so
you can see the entire house.
For information, visit the
Web site or call 209-0432.

photo 8UBMrITED
Hurricane house staffer Rona Lynch demonstrates a "safe

By the end of this month the
taxing authorities in St. Johns
County will finalize their budg-
ets and the tax rates to be
imposed on properties for the
2006-2007 fiscal year.
And though some of those
taxing authorities such as St.
Johns County and the Ponte
Vedra Municipal Service
District are keeping their tax
rates the same this year, some
property. owners may still see
large increases in their tax bills.
.Those people are feeling the
sting from a 27 percent
increase in property values in
the county, according to Pam
Mann, assistant property
appraiser for St. Johns County.
Forty percent of the increase
in valuation is due to new con-
struction and large renova-
Properties that have not
been improved over the past
year have increased in value by
about 16 percent, although tax
bills for most won't increase by'
that much.
Many homeowners are saved
by Amendment 10, which
allows the assessed value of
homesteaded properties to
increase by no more than 3

The Board of Trustees for the
Ponte Vedra Municipal Service
District (MSDi on Monday
night approved the final budg-
et for the 2006-2007 fiscal year,
which begins Oct. 1.
The millage rate will remain
at .37 or $0.37 for every
$1,000 in assessed property
valuation. The rate has
remained the same for at least
the past four years, according
to Doug Crane, an MSD
For a $500,000 home with
the $25,000 homestead exemp-
tion, for example, the MSD tax
would be $175.75.
The MSD tax goes for extra
police protection, extra
garbage "service, beautification
and street signs within the
The MSD is a special taxing
district that generally includes
the area east of State Road A1A
from the Duval County line to
Corona Road, then south along
both sides of Ponte Vedra
Boulevard for six miles.
Because the value of proper-

percent each year.
That 3 percent cap leaves
about $4.8 billion in property
values on which the county
cannot collect taxes.
Mann said members of the
property appraiser's office are
are obligated to visit properties
only once every three years for
a personal assessment.
When no onsite assessment
is made, the property apprais-
er's office determines the
assessed value based on the
market. If market values are on
the rise, chances are good that
your property value will rise
accordingly, Mann said.
Property values in St. Johns
County have been steadily ris-
ing over the past 10 years,
Mann said.
That means most homeown-
ers are seeing at least the 3 per-
cent increase in their'tax bills
each year especially when a
property falls in the boundaries
of more than one taxing
Also, there are exceptions to
Amendment 10 that can cause
property owners to lose that 3
percent cap and see a large
spLke in their tax bills.

See TAX CAP, A-2

tv in the MSD has increased by
about 16 percent in the past
year to about $1.6 billion -
the same millage rate will bring
in more money.
The projected revenue from
IMSD property taxes for the
upcoming fiscal year is
There was at least one sug-
gestion that the millage rate
could be decreased because of
the property valuation
increase, but Crane said the
board decided not to reduce
the rate because one revenue
source fines and forfeitures
on tickets written in the MSD
- has dried up.
Insurance for the board
members increased by about
60 percent, and the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office
increased the MSD's payment
for extra police service.
The MSD's $756,000 budget
includes about $224,000 in
reserves and $25,000 in an
emergency cleanup fund,
which the board started last
year in case a series of hurri-
canes creates a lot of damage
and debris in the MSD.

Coalition cool on change

The Ponte Vedra Beaches
Coalition decided Monday to
circulate information to its
members on the pros and cons
of moving to a seven-member
County Commission a refer-
endum item on the Nov. 7 bal-
The Coalition decided not to
take a position on the referen-
dum, but most members in the
meeting said they don't sup-
port it. .
Instead of five members on
the County Commission, with
each chosen by all county vot-
ers, the larger board would
have each of five members
elected by district only, with
two at-large members chosen

by all county voters.
"You're giving up a vote,"
said Coalition member Marcy
Silkebaken, noting that with a
seven-member board, each
voter would be able to select
three members (one district
and two at-large) rather than
Each voter would lose his or
her votes for commissioners
from the other four districts.
Silkebaken said, however,
that having district-elected
commissioners may encourage
more people to run for office,
because it would be easier and
less expensive to campaign in
one district instead of five.
But, she said, money spent
onh campaigning has become
less of an issue in St. Johns

This is evident in the recent
District 2 race, in which
incumbent Karen Stern was
defeated by Ron Sanchez
despite having collected more
than$200,000 to his $7,600.
Coalition President Clara
Cowan said she will vote "no"
for the referendum on Nov. 7
and would rather focus on
moving ahead with charter
"We need to stay where we
are and get the charter passed,"
Cowan said Monday.
The Coalition has been
pushing for a switch to charter
government for several


photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Chad Pannell (from left) and Ponte Vedrans Randy Mertens, Mickey Jarboe and Dan
"Rhino" McAuliffe share a laugh Monday with PGA Tour player Frank Lickliter (back to cam-
era) at a charity golf tournament at TPC Sawgrass. See story, A-5.

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar................A-6 Opinion ..............
Classified ..............B-4 Police Beat ..........
Education...........A-10 Sports .................
Qbituaries ............ A-5 Weather...............
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 18 pages




"II: I I IT,


' An edion of The Beaches Leader



MSD OK's new budget

with same old tax rate

----- --------------- -- -----------------

------------- ----------------

The Repacheps pader/Ponte Vedra Leader

rage L

September 27, 2006

Published Wednesday.and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(PO Box 50129 for cornespondencei
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
LISPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid atJ acsofQi-
ville Beach. Florida and additiona.ipalh
ing offices .
Subscriptions: $25 per year In Duval
and St Johns counties. Out bf county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
and $80. ,
In the event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Copyright 2006

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1114 Beach Boulevard
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or visit our Web site at:
www.beachesleadeLcom '

The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
community interest to the
newspaper for publication. -
Weddings, engagements,.
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome.
Submissions should be
t)ped or printed, and a name
and phone number to call for
more information must be

Photographs are welcome,
however, they must have
Good focus and contrast. ,.
Photographs,. .will be
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Call the editor for informa-
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must have been printed in an
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the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
8x10" print is $15,

For information on placing
classified ads, see the front
page of today's classified sec-
tion. Display ads and inserts
can be ordered by contacting
our sales department at (904)


The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and.. '
Friday. Subscriptions are $25
per year in Duval and St.
Johns counties. Out of coun-
ty, $44.
To start your subscription.
call (904) 249-9033.

The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
In the event of errors in
advertisements, the Leader
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the
actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial respon-
sibility for omissions.

The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch


- Dig this presentation
Archaeologist Russell E.
SDarden will give a presentation
,titled "The First Americans" at
7:30 p.m. today in Room 1202
of the Science and Engineering
Building at the University of
-North Florida.
Darden will discuss recent
excavations and finds at the
Cactus Hill site, a possible pre-
Clovis site along the Nottoway
River in southeastern Virginia.
Darden will have some ot
the artifacts found at the dig
on display and will be avail-
able for comment.

Family, tes at UNF
T' The" fitversity" N-ortih
Florida's Child Development
Research Center will host its
third annual Family Fest from
,' noon to 4 p.m. on Oct. 8 at the
.:University of North Florida
' nature trails.
,A light lunch will be fol-.
lowed by a discussion about
language play led by Andrei
Codrescu, author and speaker
-'from National Public Radio.
The authors of "Pelican
Pete" are scheduled to attend
the event.
S-. Among other activities will
, be canoeing and a scavenger
* hunt. Family Fest is free and
open to the public. For infor-
mation, call 620-2372.

Art series kicks off
Adventures in Art, spon-
sored by The Friends of the
Ponte Vedra Branch Library
and FOCUS Cummer, will kick
off at 1 p.m. Oct. 4 for the
fourth year of their series.
The event will feature a lec-
ture on Masterpieces in Irish
Art by Debra Murphy, chair of
the Art and Design
Department at the University
of North Florida.
The series will include five
other lectures involving local
artists. *
A tour of,. tie, Cumrmer
-* seum and an overview, of
Se"' ollecrion 'of fhe
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art will also be
The series is free except for
the tour of the Cummer. For
more information call Carolee
Bertisch. at 273-6578 or Jan
Bialka at 285-1114.

Democrats to meet
The Ponte Vedra Democratic
Club will meet at 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 4 at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
Marcy Silkebaken will dis-
cuss the presentation of the
Pornte Vedra Coalition's plan
-for a charter government to
the County Commission and

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the commission's reaction to
the proposal.
Silkebaken is vice chair of
the Ponte Vedra Architectural
Review Committee, %ice presi-
dent of the Palm Valley
Community Association and
vice chair of the Ponte Vedra
Beaches Coalition.
Also scheduled to speak is
Kelly Barrera, candidate for the
St. Augustine Airport
Authority, Group 1, and
Jeanne Moeller, candidate for
Anastasia Mosquito Control
District Seat 2.
The Ponte Vedra Democratic
Club meets on the ..first
Wednesday of the month, and
all meetings are open -to theiri
For more information, call
club president, Barbara
Paterick at 273-5310.

Views sought on gators
The deadline for public input
on the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission's
iFWCi alligator management
program is 5 p.m. Friday.
The FWVC is conducting a
Web-based survey to receive
public input regarding alligator
management issues. Visit
to learn about the effort and to
access the survey.
After gathering input, FWVC


Continued from A-1
If a home has been renovat-.
ed or improved with new con-
struction, the '3 percent cap
does not apply for the first year
after those improvement have
been made. After that, the 3
percent cap applies.
The cap also does not apply
when the title to a home is
changed, such as when a per-
son buys a new home.
And mixed-use properties
'such as farms require a special
rule. The 3 percent cap applies
. only to the portion of the
property on which the owner
lives the residential portion,
for instance, of a farm.
Republican Charlie Crist, in
his campaign for governor, is
:proposing to make the cap
portable so that a newly pur-
chased property is capped at 3
percent over the property's
previous assessment.

Crist is also supporting a
constitutional amendment to:
double the homestead exemp-
tion to $50,000.
SAbout 46,800- homes are
homesteaded in St. Johns
County, 'meaning they fall
under the current $25,000
homestead tax exemption.
Democrat Jim Davis, who is
running against Grist for the
governor's seat, said in a press
release Tuesday that Crist "had
his chance to stand up for
homeowners and business
owners and lower their proper-
ty taxes, but he failed."
Davis said Crist has had the
opportunity to lower taxes as a
member of Gov. Jeb Bush's
Cabinet for the past six years.
.He said Crist's plan to double
the homestead exemption will
only make matters worse; and
the Florida Association of
Counties has said the plan will

have a "devastating impact,"
according to the release.
Initial application for the
homestead exemption must be
made by March 1, and the
applicant must be living on
the property on Jan,. I of the
year in which he or she is fil-
ing, according to the property
appraiser's Web site.
Only one homestead is
allowed for each person or
family, and proof of residency
is required, which includes a
deed or tax bill, a Florida dri-
ver's license, a voter's registra-
tion card, a Social Security card
and a Florida vehicle registra-
tion, according to the site.
Renewal of a property's
homestead status is automatic
each year, Mann said, unless
the owner has rented the prop-
erty or changed the title to
someone else's name.

staff will summarize and evalu-
ate the data and develop
changes, if warranted. This
information will be reported to
the agency's seven-member
Commission at the Dec. 6-7
meeting in Key Largo. During
that time, Commissioners will
provide staff with feedback on
any proposed changes. A series
of public meetings will follow to
refine any proposed changes.
Call Harry Dutton at (850) 410-
0656 ext. 17279 or e-mail at

Flu shots put off
...The.D.uval .County..Health
.Departm.ent ..and,.the ..Florida
tDepartmnent- ofrHealth. have
postponed flu and pneumonia
immunizations that were sched-

The Beaches
are online at:


V convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
and more;

V look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the

V get your
started; and

members of our

uled to be given Monday, Oct.
2, at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. Delivery of the
vaccine has been postponed
indefinitely, the center was
advised Tuesday afternoon. The
center may be reached at 270-

Business advice offered
Beginning Thursday, Oct. 5,
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., the
Beaches Chamber office at 325
Jacksonville Dr. in Jacksonville
Beach will offer assistance to
small businesses. Bob Baldwin,
Senior Vice President of the
chamber's Small Business
Center .will hold office hours.
He will meet -with interested
businesses in a one-on-one ses-
sion. Call 249-3868.


'The City of Jacksonville Beach has received application PC#
17-06, (Ord. No. 2006-7928) to amend the Planned Unit
Development: PUD Ordinance No. 7411, as amended,
governing the South Beach Regional Shopping Center, at
3790 South 3rd Street. The applicant proposes to amend the
PUD project narrative text by adding SIC Code 5211 (NAICS
No. 444110) to10 the list of permitted uses %\ within the K-Mart
Parcel in that shopping center to allow a Home Depot retail
store; The applicant also proposes to amend the approved
preliminary development plan for the PUD by modifying the
parking layout and landscaping within the former K-Mart
parcel, including changing certain angled parking to perpen-
dicular parking.

J.T. Butler Blvd. N -

A public hearing on this application is scheduled as

1st Reading by the Jacksonville Beach City Council
Monday, October 2,2006 7:00 p.m.

. The public hearing will be held on the date and time listed
above, ini the City Couicil Chambers, located at 11 North 3rd
Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. This application and
other documents are available for public review at the office
of the Planning and Development Department, located at 11
North 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm). Pending the decision of the
City Council, a public hearing will be scheduled and adver-
tised for the 2nd Reading of the PUD Amendment Ordinance
by the Jacksonville Beach City Council.
In accordance with Section 286.1)105, F.S., any person desirous of appealing
any decision reached at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings.
Such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose,
such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.

The public is encouraged to speak on issues on this Agenda that concern
them. Anyone who wishes to speak should submiftthe request to the
recording secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. -

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,
Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to
participate in this meeting should contact the Planning and Development
Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the meeting.
.. . . . . .

. "Copyrighted Material-.



r-s,- X A*

september LI, L UUO- T. ."..--. ---- .------

Coalition: Proposed change in board make-up on Nov. 7 ballot

Cont. from A-1
months. If the charter is placed
on a ballot as a referendum
and approved by voters, it
would implement term limits
on commissioners, more strict
campaign finance regulations
and would allow citizens to
recall elected officials.
'The Coalition is aiming to;
have the charter on a 2008 bal-
lot. .
Dr. Theodore Stumm, chair-
man of the Department of
Political Science and Public

Administration at the
University of North Florida,
told Coalition members
Monday that the decision on
the seven-member commission
and the charter would depend
on how satisfied citizens are
with their current representa-
On the subject of having a
five-member or a seven-mem-
ber commission, Stumm said
"neither one is necessarily bet-
ter than the other, it just
depends on what you want out
,. *

of it."
' If voters are unhappy with'
the results of the recent pri-
mary election, they may be
more inclined, to vote for
changing the structure of the
commission in order to get bet-
ter representation, Stumm said.
If, on the other hand, voters
are pleased with the election
results, Stumm said, most vot-
ers will probably vote to keep
everything the way it is.
Tom Manuel, who. ousted
incumbent )Bruce Maguire

from his District 4 seat in the
Republican primary election
this month, agreed with
Stumm's reasoning.
Manuel said he enjoyed
working with six other mem-
bers on the St. Johns Planning,
and Zoning Agency because.
the discussions presented more
viewpoints and were more pro-
ductive. .
But ultimately, fie said, "the
form is secondary to the quali-
ty of people [elected]."
Stumm 'also noted that the

demographic' characteristics in
Ponte Vedra are different from.
those in the rest of the county.
Ponte Vedra voters are gener-
ally more affluent and more,
'conservative, which makes
their needs different from the
rest of the county, Stumm said.
With a seven-member com-
mission, Ponte Vedra might
find that its commissioner is
always voting against a coali-
tion of the other four district
commissioners, who represent
very different needs, he said.'

"You would have a very
focused population here elect-
ing one district.commissioner,"
Stumm said.
Cowan and several others
agreed there is not enough
time before the general elec-
tion to mobilize voters against
the referendum.
Instead, they will makeevery
effort to inform citizens about
the positives and negatives
associated with a seven-mem-
ber. commission so they can
decide on election day.


A Marsh Landing resident'
reported Monday that -two'
pieces of jewelry, valued at a.
total of $7,695, were missing
from a jewelry box in the master
bathroom of her home in the
'200 block of Royal Tern Road
North. .
According to a report, the vic-
tim last saw her gold tennis
bracelet on April 22 and a gold.
chain and cross pendant two
weeks ago ,
S. .

The theft of a vehicle from
the driveway of her residence in
-the, 900 block of Fiddlers Creek
Road one night last week, was-
reported.'The 2007 GMC Denall
was locked and, there was no
sign of forced entry. Thevehicle
was located, by a JSO officer
abandoned in an apartment
complex in the 1100 block of St.
Augustine Road at 10:30 a.m.
the same morning and it was:
returned to the victim.
..* *'
An affidavit was filed with the
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
Saturday claiming a 45-year-old
Jacksonville man violated a pro-
tection order by speaking to two
of his children at the Nease
'High football game Friday

A resident of the 600 block of
Alhambra Lane reported that
someone stole a credit card of
hers, activated the card and
changed the name on the card.

A resident of Morningside
Drive reported that a counterfeit
check bearing her name and
account number but with a
Miami address was cashed on
Sept. 9. The woman's credit
union credited her account for
the amount, the report said.
A coach at Landrum Middle
School reported vandalism 'to
the recreation area and fields
used by the school. The incident
took place between the evening
of Sept. 18 and the morning of
Sept. 20, when trash cans and
picnic tables were overturned,
the frame for a canvas pavilion
was separated from the connec-
tion points and four bathroom
mirrors worth a total of $200
were shattered.
., O i +' :,, ,
A resident of Deer Lake Drive
in the Ponte Vedra Lakes area
reported Monday that she had
received harassing phone calls
from her mother-in-laiv in
Canada. A police report said
that the Ponte Vedra woman's
husband is being investigated
by the Canadian government
for immigration violations and
that a deputy had responded to
the same residence on Sept. 17
in reference to possible tamper-
ing of a witness.

A resident of Seaside reported
that unknown to her, deposits
were made to her bank account
and checks were cashed and a
withdrawal was made with
forged signatures.
A report said a total of $9,450
was deposited from accounts
closed or checks stopped and a
total of $3,700 was withdrawn.
The woman closed her account,
the report said.
.. i0 .
SA simple assault was reported
Sept, 15 in the 50 block of Lewis

A garage window was report-
ed shattered Sept. 18 in the 300
block of Main Street.
*.' .- .* *. 'o .
Stephen James Stolter, 37, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested and
charged with felony domestic
-battery Sept. 19 in. the 800 block
,/of Seminole Road, according to
a police report.

Susan Mary vantassel, 41, of
Atlantic Beach was' arrested and
charged with aggravated assault
Sept, 19 in the 800 block of
Sailfish Drive North, according
to a police report.

A bicycle valued at $200 wag
reported stolen Sept. 19 in the
300 block of Aquatic Drive.
'"* **
A" computer valued at $2;500
was reported stolen from a
motel room Sept. 19 in the 2400
block of Mayport Road.
'. *'1 r* '* d :. *
A burglary to' a' business was
reported Sept. 20 in the 800
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Justin Taylor Hall, 21, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested and
charged with possession of
more than 20 grams of cannabis
Sept. 20 in the 400 block of
Mayport Road, according to a
police report.

Wayne Keith Pittman, 45, of.
Atlantic Boulevard was arrested
and charged with battery of law
enforcement officer and resist-
ing an officer with violence
Sept. 21 in the 500 block of
Mayport Road, according to a
police report.

An employee at a food mart
establishment in the 400 block
of Atlantic Boulevard reported
Sept. 19 that an unidentified
man. robbed him inside the
store! ht gUnpoint. the suspect
got" away -With roughly- ,$100
cash. No one was injured in the
incident which occurred around
10 a.m.

A credit card fraud was report-
ed at a business Sept. 25 in the
200.,block of Third Street.

A vehicle was reported bur-,
glarized Sept. 25 in the 200
block of Lemon Street.

Janice Nicole Kiser, 22, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
and charged with possession of
a controlled substance Sept. 25
in the 13000 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a police

A check f
a business S
block of Atl

stolen Sept.
of Third Str

A credit
stolen Sept.
of Bay Stree
S A license
reported sto
,600 block o
A license

intent to kill Sept. 21 in the
1100 block of Seagate Avenue,
according to a police report.

Police are investigatingg a.
report by a 35-year-old Atlantic'
Beach man who said he was
attacked by three unidentified
men Sept. 25 around 1 a.m. out-
side a business in the' Town
Center area. The victim said the
men 'stole his bicycle valiued,-at.
$600. Details of the incident are
questionable, say police.

Ronald. Karl Mix II, 45, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested'
,Sept. 26 and charged with culti-
vation of marijuana, possession
of over 20 grams of marijuana
and the manufacture/delivery of
paraphernalia knowing to be"
.used to produce a controlled
substance in the 100 block of
12th Ave. S., according to a'
police report. Officers located 35
plants and a growing system
with lights, fans, fertilizer and,
other tools needed to grow the*
plants, the report said. The state
attorney's office gave the okay
to search the property, police

Burglary to a vending
machine was reported Sept. 25
in the 1800 block of The Greens
Way. Approximately $50 in cash
was stolen from a machine on
,an outside deck near a condo-
minium pool. Damage to the
machine is estimated at $500.

Grand retail theft was report-.
ed Sept. 25 at a sports store in'
the 900 block of 3rd St. N. Five
football jerseys and two t-shirts
with a combined value of $540
were stolen. A store employee
told police that three female sus-
,pects stuffed the merchandise
under their shirts in an area of
"thie Store'not shown on security
video. They fled in a white 1994
Mazda four-door when the
employee confronted them,
police said.:

Christopher D. Small, 30,* a
transient, was "arrested Sept. '22
and charged with strong arm
robbery without a weapon in
the 100 block of 1st St. N.,
according to a police report.
Police said Small attacked a 49-
year-old Jacksonville man and
sat on his chest;, striking him
.several times-in the face. He
took the victim's wallet and
other personal items, police

Auto theft was reported Sept.

22 in the 100 block of 13th Ave.
raud was reported at N. A white 1997 Geo Tracker
Sept. 22 in the 1400, Valhied at $2,000 was stolen
[antic Boulevard. 'between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.
while the victim was getting
card was reported ready to leave for work. The
23 in the 300 block vehicle; was recovered in, the
eet. 13th Avenue North end zone.

card was reported Grand. theft was reported
21 in the 600 block Sept. 22 in the 800 block of 10th
t. Ave. S. The victim told police
that she noticed camera equip-
tag to a vehicle was ment and jewelry missing from
olen Sept. 21 in the' her apartment after the landlord
Af Oak Street. *: 1 let a work crew in to replace an
,. air conditioning unit.
ta to a vehicle wa, *,* 0

reported stolen Sept. 21 in the
400 block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Able, Domingo Feblo, 24, of
Neptune Beach was arrested and
charged with aggravated assault'
with a deadly weapon without

Indecent exposure was report-
ed Sept.'22 in the 1500 block of
1st St. S. An 18-year-old woman,
told police that a man began fol-
lowing her just before 5:30 p.m.
as. she walked home from the
beach. The suspect described as

a white male in his late 20's or
early 30's with brown hair and
wearing a white t-shirt knocked
on her -door after she went
inside and asked for Justin. The
victim told the man that no one
lived there by that name and
shut the door but, the suspect
refused to leave .and continued
to stare at her through the glass.
When the victim screamed at
the man to leave, he lifted up
his shirt, exposing his penis
which he grabbed and shook
before leaving the area, police

Auto burglary was reported
Sept. 21,in the 4200. block of
Marsh Landing Parkway. Stereo
equipment, two car batteries,
DVD's and CD's valued at
$1,440 were stolen. The. suspects
smashed the driver side window
to gain access.

Grand theft was reported
Sept.' 21 in the 400 block of Sth
Ave. N. Witnesses observed two
unknown male suspects loading
up a stove and a refrigerator val-
ued at $909 into a two-toned
vehicle with a heating and cool-
ing sign on the side.

Michael Gregory Valentine ,
37, a transient, was arrested
Sept. 20 and charged with bat-
tery on a law enforcement offi-
cer and resisting arrest with vio-
lence in the 100 block of
Boardwalk N., police reported.
\Valentine was struck numerous
times with a taser after he
became violent and struck an-
officer numerous times while
being detained on another
charge, police said.


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Page 4A m i N M r a VY M 'A iW L1S'. "IX i. 'I'-- i-''-) i%-ILr SeptemDer L2, 2uuo
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

The Leader's Opinion

More citizens

needed to seek

elected office

Neptune Beach's municipal election will be a snoozer as
both seats up for election axe being filled by two incumbents
who have no opposition.
In Ponte V edra Beach, the Municipal Service District has
had to advertise to find someone even willing to fill a seat on
the board after no one not a single person filed the
papers to seek election.
In Jacksonville Beach, there are contested races two out
of three anyway.
The lack of people interested and willing enough to
seek elected office at the Beaches is concerning.
If you believe that government closest to home is the best
government, then we should all be worried that so few of our
neighbors are interested in being elected representatives.
Yes, politics can be heated and nasty.
Campaigns can be costly, exhausting marathons.
Those elected are scrutinized and often criticized.
But those who are willing to figuratively throw their hat in
the ring and ofter themselves for public vetting and voting
are due consideration and appreciation.
Quality elected representatives are critical to the future suc-
cess and independence of the Beaches. We are all stakehold-
ers in making sure elections offer citizens real choices.
Those willing to offer themselves for public service do a
real service for all of us and the democratic process we
S prize.. ,. .. ..: .. .
It may be too late to qualify for this election, but future:.,
ones are coming so consider running if you prize public serv-
ice and feel you have something to contribute as a represen-
Your community is depending on you.

Letters to the editor:

If you are lucky enough

to live at the Beach,

you are lucky enough

To the editor:
I'm really over the letters
from the cry babies in Atlantic
Beach that wanted to build on
to their homes with total disre-
gard for their neighbors.
They fought under the dis-
guise of "Property Rights" but
most can see through their dis-'
guise and know it was about
the dollar and wanting more,
'" more, more! They're addicted
to the dollar and this is just as
bad as being addicted to drugs.
Addicts lie, they mislead others

(Halburton,, cheat (Martha
Stewart), purposely miscon-
strue facts (Save Atlantic
Beach, and they even steal
iEN-RON'. We all'know if yor
own property at the beach yIou,
WILL make a profit when you
sell it!
Be thankful for what you do
have and remember "If you're
lucky enough to live at the.
beach you're lucky enough!"
Lisa Glespen

Is Atlantic Beach destined
to sink like the Titanic?i

To the editor:
History repeats itself. Case in
point, the historic sinking of
the great ship, the Titanic, on
its maiden voyage. The ship
was lost through the blind
arrogance of an extremely sea-
soned, experienced captain
because he repeatedly ignored
all of the rules of the sea and
ignored the warnings regard-
:.ing icebergs in the area. He
arrogantly plowed through
-those seas at full speed so he'
could appease his owners quest
to make a record passage on
the ship's maiden voyage.
I liken this to the "great ship,
city of Atlantic Beach." Its cap-
tain, the mayor, ignored advice,

from legal counsel and thou-.
sands of citizens, regarding the
threat of pending legal suits
over the great loss of property
rights under the Bert Harris
act. .. :
But this mayor-captain still
has an opportunity to reverse
his course, slow down, and put
this ordinance up for a referen-
dum vote by all citizens rather
than continue on his course,
'which will very well sink this
"ship, city of Atlantic Beach"
in millions of dollars of law'
suits, which they will lose.
Bob Castro
Oneiof the "passengers"
and citizens of
Atlantic Beach



Kathleen Feindi Bailey
Ediror, The Beach+., Leader
Thomas Wood
+ Predent and Publisher

Chuck Adams,
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee.
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck.:
Jennifer Knoec'hel
Kristin MacCaull
Jeffrey Minton
tiza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome .
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thr6np
Roger Walker'
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolin
SPat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Linda Borgstede

Kathleen Hartman

Diretor ol Sale, Editor, Ponte lidra Leader

Karen Stepp
I iePrweident '

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith,

Business Office
-Char Coffmarin

Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Katy Stark'

Steve Fouraker

,Jennifer Wise
Vice President

Eric Braun,
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
.Donny ,Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry,
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
. Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Heather Nye


A sober table forone
; ,iI


It's a table for: one.,
Occupying a special, revered
spot in the lounge of
Jacksonville Beach's American..
Legion Post 129, it symbolizes
the .fate. of. U.S. military per-
sonnel who are recorded as
prisoners of war and those
missing in action.
A service was held there on
Friday, Sept. 15, to honor them
in absentia. It was conducted
by Tom Williams, a former
Marine and a current Post offi-
cer.. The ceremony consisted
of setting the table in steps'to
underline the symbolism; e.g.,
a single rose in a vase, signif--
ing blood the honorees may
have shed and their families
and friends, faithfully waiting;
a slice of lemon, embodying
the POW/MIA's bitter fate;:salt,
standing for their families'
tears, etc,- :, :.. : *.
- During the long run of the
TV comedy series "Hogan's
Heroes," the officers and"
guards'presiding over a pre-
sumed-typical Nazi World War
II prison camp were often por-
trayed as dupes and fairly
harmless buffoons. (like Sgt,.
Schultz: I 'know NOTH-
ING!"). Moreover, living con-
ditions were represented as not
too terrible. Reality indicates
One former U.S..POW, the,
late David Miles of jax Beach,
was imprisoned in ,one and
definitely didn't consider them
cushy accommodations. .
Dave had been a U.S. P-38
fighter pilot and, on, his 16th
combat mission, was shot
down over'. Czechoslovakia.
During an interview, he told
me that, in the German prison
camp, the.,,' housekeeping
arrangements were "pretty
rank" He and 23 other men
were confined in a 20-by-20.
'foot barracks room. At night,
they must have been stacked
up like cordwood.

Per my column in the
December 16, 1992, Leader: "
\Ve seldom got baths,' he told
me recently. Thus, regardless of
rank, they obviously became
progressively ranker. Heating
was provided by a potbelly
stove, on which they also.
cooked, '...when we had any-
thing to cook' (said Dave). The
Holiday Inn it wasn't."
My gut feeling is there was
much more regarding his time
in the prison camp that he pre-
ferred not to relate. Having
toured Auschwitz, the horren-
dous Nazi death camp in
Poland earlier in 1992, I had
seen what Hitler's minions
were capable of.
But Dave came back.
Those who didn't should
never be forgotten.' When I
was in the Navy,. probably.the
worst thing that happened to
me was being arrested by the
Shore Patrol for wearing white
socks. And they were clean!
Every time [ pass that lone-
some table at Post 129, I say a
silent prayer acknowledging
the tragedy and bravery it rep-

This Table For One is set at
American Legion Post 129 in
Jacksonville Beach.

The table is"
missing ii

set for those prisoners of war and
& action who ?cannot be with us.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t -.1, .., '" ..;

*The table is small and set for one, symbolizing the frailty of one prisQn-
Ser alone against their oppressors.
,.The white tablecloth represents the purity of their response to our
country's call to arms.:.. ,
*The table is round;, to show our concern for them is never ending.
*The Bible is our symbol of faith in a higher power and the pledge to our
country. Founded as one nation under God.
*The black napkin stands for the emptiness these warriors have left in
the hearts of their families and friends..
*. The single rose, displayed in a vase, reminds us of the families and
loved ones that keep the faith, awaiting answers.
*The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of our continued determina--
tion to account for our missing.
eThe yellow candle and yellow ribbon, symbolize the everlasting hope
for a joyous reunion.
*The slice of lemon on thebread plate reminds us of their bitter fate.
*The salt on, the bread plate represents the tears of their families.
*The wineglass is inverted to symbolize their inabilility to join us fo.r a
*The chair is empty -They are missing.

L : 1 1 1 1 1 *

To the, editor:
In our last episode, Atlantic
Beach commissioners, elected
to retain the character of the
community, kept their cam-
paign promises.
Now, deep in their lair, the
shadowy leaders" of a well
funded Special Interest Group
opposed to all size and height
restrictions plan their next
Posing as a "Citizens Action
Group!' they hire expensive
political consultants and poll-

sters to conduct biased tele-
phone surveys. The surveys
use gross exaggeration and.
misleading comparisons to
frighten residents and drum
up support for "property
rights." 0
The pollsters also sound out
how' to sway public opinion
to eventually eliminate the
local .35', height restriction,
and how to best smear the
goody-two-shoes commis-
sioners who thwarted them.
"Sir, did you realize that

property theft is being carried
out by the dictatorial local
commission even as we
Do you support or oppose
government theft? You
oppose theft? And dictators?
Thank you for your time."
Soon the shocking results
will be released: "Citizen's
Survey" shows Atlantic Beach:
residents are against commu-
nity character, against height
limits, and angry at their
commissioners for .having.

stood in the way of the
benevolent "Citizens Action
Will the, special interests
have their way yet again?
Will the citizens be fooled?
Will Atlantic Beach. be'
turned .into. yet another
densely, developed heap ,of
hulking high-rises?

Keith Pecoraro
Atlantic Beach

O the edf or:

Citizens Action Group is just posing

- -



, 4111111111im 4000400 -W



September 27, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A*


Frances Perry Badger

Phyllis Diane "Cookie" Boehnke

William "Bill" Kenneth Essig

Frances Perry_ Badger died
Sept. 21, 2006 in Ponte Vedra
Beach. She. was born in
Camilla, Ga., to
Francis Spence Perry and Eva
Cochran Perry. She attended
Washington, Seminary in
Atlanta, Weslyan College in
Macon, Ga., and was graduated
from Gunston. Hall in
Washington, D.C.
Badger moved ': 'to
Jacksonville with her parents
and married Louie Badger in
1938. They opened Badger
Furniture Company stores in.
Jacksonville and Jacksonville
Badger was Past President of
Ribault- Garden' Club, an
accredited flower show judge,
.member of the Daughters of
.the American Revolution and a
past Regent of the Ponte Vedra
Chapter. She was director of
the junior choir at the First
Baptist Church of Jacksonville
Beach and a charter member of
the Atlantic Shores Circle of
the Beaches Garden Club.
After their marriage, the

SMary E. Faust, 86, died Sept.
24,,i 2006 at Avante of
Jacksonville Beach. She was
born June 23, 1920 in
Portsmouth, Ohio and was a
member of St. Paul's Catholic
Church, Jacksonville Beach.
Faust is survived by one
daughter, Janet Faust; one
son, Dennis Faust, and daugh-
ter-ifi-law, Linda Faust; and
two grandchildren, Courtney
(Jason) Bowles and Robert
Paul Faust. Her husband, Paul
Faust, and son Robert Charles

Badgers planned two vacations.
every year to other sections of
the country, and collected
ceramics, paintings and unusu-
al furnishings in other cities.
They also traveled abroad'
extensively, visiting Greece;
Israel, Egypt, Rio de Janeiro,
Vienna, Budapest, Berlin,
Potsdam, Dresden, Prague,
Japan, Singapore and Thailand.
While Badger didn't take her
flower arranging hobby seri-
ously,.her fellow arrangers did;
.A picture of one of her arrange-
ments appeared in the 1961
Florida State Garden 'Club.
Badger was an active mem-
ber of Christ Episcopal Church
in Ponte Vedra Beach, served
on the Altar Guild, was a Lector
and also served the Christ
Church Foundation Board.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Louie F. Badger;' one'
daughter, Eva'Badger Connell;
'one grandson, Edward (Ted) P.
, Connell, Jr.; and. one great
granddaughter, Frances Sykes'
Connell, all of' Clarksdale,
Badger's funeral service was
held 'Sept. 23 in Christ
Episcopal Church. Burial fol-
lowed in H. Warren Smith,
The family suggested that, in
lieu of flowers, donations in
Badger's' memory be made to-
the Christ Episcopal Church
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home. Words
of comfort may be shared with
the family at wwv.MEM.com.

Faust predeceased her.
Mass of Christian Burial
celebrated Tuesday in
Paul's Catholic Church.
lieu of flowers, the far
asked that donations be rr
to the Community Hospic
Northeast Florida, 4
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonv
Fla. 32257.
Services under the direc
and care of Quinn-Si
Funeral Home .

Phyllis Diane "Cookie".
Boehnke, 58, died September
18, 2006 after lengthy illness.
She was born April 1, 1948 to
Phillip W. and Viola F. Klein of
Jacksonville Beach.
Boehnke, who attended.
Fletcher High School, lived,

GiaryMichael Foulk, 53, for-.
merly of Orange Park, died
Sept. 17, 2006.
Foulk worked for the
National Archives, serving on
the staff of the Presidential
Libraries for Richard Nikon,
Jimmy Carter, George H.W.
Bush and Bill Clinton.
He is survived by his parents,
Donald and Laura Foulk) 'one
brother,, Don, FOulk, Jr.; -and'

Della Koenig, 73, a longtime
resident of Atlantic Beach, died
Sept.20, 2006. She was born in
San Antonio, Tex. .
Koenig is survived by her
husband of 55 years, William
Koenig Jr.; four children,
William Koenig III and wife
was Deborah, Michele Haffey,
St. Teresa Padgett and husband
In Rick, Carla Stewart and hus-
mily band Robert; seven grandchil-
iade dren and one great grandchild.
:e of She is also survived by three



Obituary notices are published free of,
charge as a community service. All sub-
missions are subject to editing. Paid
advertising space is available for more
detailed or personalized death notices.`
'Call 249-9033. ,


,, ace
A il w f '

S.Grace \Vanda Turner, 65,'
born' Sept. 11, 1941 to Lance
and Maude Turner in-
Branford, Fla., died Sept. 20,
2006 in' Jacksonville Beach,
her home most of her life.
STurner attended Fletcher

most recently in St A
but was a native
Jacksonville Beaches.
Survivors include h
er; son, Phillip E.
grandson, Stephen Jef
ter, Lecy Meuse; grand
George Huff; several
one nephew and a bi
law. : .
Boehnke loved be
doors and experience
its fullest, the family'
touched many lives an
missed by all who lov
In lieu of flowers,, ti
asks that donations be
'her name to Hos
Northeast Florida
American Cancer Soci
Arrangements by
Funeral Home, Jackso

three sisters, Laura
Karen Edwards arid

sisters and one
San Antonio; a
tives and friends
Services for
been held.
In lieu of flov
may be directed
Catholic Churcl
330005, Atlant
32233 or Celeb
13720 McCo
Jacksonville, Fla

of the
ier moth-
fords; sis-
0father, L.d
l nieces, 1

oing out-
ed life at
said. She
nd will be
ed her.
he family William "Bill Kenneth Essig,
e madein 77, of Ponte Vedra Beach, for-.
spice I of merely of St. Simons Island, Ga.,
or the died Sept. 21, 2006 after a long
etv. illness. He was born Oct. 5,
Eternity 1928 in Reading, Pa.
nimlle. -Essig retired from the U.S. Air
Force after serving more than
20 years. He continued to work
as a master electrician for
layport Naval Station.
Essig was a member of:
SChrist the Redeemer Church.
He was a master of all trades,
avid coffee drinker," golfer,
Schick, "exterciser" and mentor to
Patricia many in need.
Essig was preceded in death.

Memorial contributions may
be made to "Operation Phone
Home," USO World.
Headquarters, P.O. Box 96860,
Washington, D.C. 20090-6860.
Services under the direction

of Quinn-Shalz

by his wife, Jean R. Essig. He is
survived by two sons, Mark
William Essig and Bert Turner
(Karen); four daughters, Debra
Essig Waters, Dawn Hart (Hal),
Robyn Rhoads (Don), and
Melinda Jean Wheeler (Steve);
14 grandchildren, Emma,
Jonathan and Susannah
Waters; Henry, Christopher
and William Travis Hart; Cari
McGowan (Sean), Maggie Venn
(Jeff), Ellen Gardner (Mitch),
Lauren Rhioads, Michael
(Katie), Joseph, Rebekah and
David Turner; and Darrick
Johnson (Kristi); and six great
He also is survived by one
brother, Jimt Essig (Bea) of
Dumont,N.J.; and three sisters,
Joan Ledwith of New Seabury,
Mass., J lane' Bellet of
Warrington, Pa., and Rita
Deiringer of Scottsdale, Ariz.
Essig's funeral service was
held Sunday at Christ the
Redeemer Church. Interment
was in Lyons, Ga., Tuesday.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Steve Seitz

Funeral Home., Steve Seitz, 53, died Sept. 23,
2006. He was born July 14,
1953 in Syracuse, N.Y., .and
moved to Jacksonville Beach
22 years ago.
Seitz was the eldest of 12
: children born to Robert and
Helen Seitz. He was a' sports
brother, all of enthusiast, favoring the New
nd other rela- York Yankees, New York Giants
s. and Syracuse Orange.
Koenig have Seitz was employed by
Johnson & Johnson Vistakon
vers, donations for the last 14 years. Before
d to St. Johns then, he worked for Home.
h, P.O. Drawer Depot. ,

ic Beach, Fla.
)ration Baptist,
rmick Road,

U '

nda Turner
S ,-.J,. ^; ,. \ ....., ,,',A noi- ..
High School in Jacksonvill
Beach and graduated from the
Arlington School of
Cosmetology in Arlington, Va.
She is survived by her sister,
Sylvia Corley, and several'
cousins. -
A visitation was held
Sunday at the Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, with a
celebration of life Monday at
Oceanside Church of Christ in
Atlantic Beach. Interment
immediately followed at H.
Warren Smith Cemetery,
Jacksonville Beach.
Pallbearers were Bob Ford,
Larry Paulk, Bill Home, Glenn
Cligenpeel, Michael Wilkes
and lim Kerr.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.

Military benefits from golf tourney at TP

What is becoming an'
annual event to benefit U.S.
military .personnel or their.
families, a charity golf tour-
nament was held Monday, at
TPC Sawgrass, when 3'2.four-
somes, each with an enlisted
i member of the U.S. Armed
Forces, took part.
Among those on hand to
show support was Ponte
Vedra Beach resident Pete
.Braud, who wore desert cam-
ouflage fatigue pants to
honor the, troops in atten-
dance, even though he is not'
a veteran. ..
Also at the TPC to play in"
the tournament was Army
Capt. Tony .Odierno, who
wears a prosthetic left arm.
Odieriio is aide to Army Gen.
Peter Pace, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Playing on "Team Rhino,"
named for its captain, Dan
McAuliffe of ,Ponte. Vedra
Beach, was fellow Ponte'
Vedra resident Mickey Jarboe',
a Navy' lieutenant and. heli-
copter pilot based 'at
Also on Team Rhino were
Chad Pannell: of San Marco,'
Chris Colton of Orlando arid
Randy Mertens' of Ponte.
Vedra Beach.
The golf tournament is part
of America Supports You, a
nationwide program
launched by the'Department
of Defense. It recognizes citi-

zens' support for military
men and women and com-
municates that fact to merm-
bers of the Armed FOrces' at
home and aboard.
;;Benefitting organizations
are Homes for .Our Troops,
Intrepid Fallen Heroes .Fund
and Wounded Warrior
Homes for Our Troops,
which PGA Tour player Phil
Mickelson supports, provides
homes for severely disabled.
veterans. Intrepid Fallen
Heroes Fund, supported by.
Tour player Rory Sabbatini,.
provides financial support
'for the families of military
personnel lost in the .per-
formance of their duty. And
-Wounded Warrior Project,
supported by Tour .player
'Frank Lickliter, .provides pro-
grams and services to meet
the'needs of severely Wound-
ed military personnel.
Lickliter, who lives 'in
Ponte Vedra Beach, served as
host for Monday's event. Also
on hand were John
Gonsalves, president of
Homes. for Our Troops,, and
John Melia, executive direc-
tor of Wounded. Warrior
"All the homes are 'donat-
ed, all the services are donat-
ed. Everything we do is based
.on the individual veteran
and what their disability is,"
Gonsalves said of Homes for
Our Troops.
"Our relationship with golf
is really the best thing we

have as an organization. To
have the PGA Tour involved,
Phil Mickelson 'involved,
every TPC across .the country.
This is 'Homes for Our
Troops' second year with
"It's just huge for a new
organization to get that level
of 'sport," Gonsalves said of
the PGA Tofur's involvement.
Homes for Our Troops and
Wounded 'Warrior Project
both began in 2003.
:"Wounded Warrior's. an
organization that, was start-
ed, basically, to aid and assist
service members coming
back severely "wounded, in
Iraq and Afghanistan," said
"We.. kind of filled an.
immediate need, and' have
grown to being at the bedside
of those: wounded service
members and saying, 'Here's
what we think you need to
do to rebuild your life.'."
Wounded Warrior uses
sports to raise money to help
those in need.
"We do 62 sports programs.
around the country," said
Twenty-six fund-raising
events are conducted around
the Tournament Players Club
"It's been a great experi-
ence," said Melia. "Last year
we raised somewhere in the
neighborhood of -$650,000.
This year we hope to crush
that, probably $1.5 million.
"We've all proven, in a rel-

atively short amount of time,
how much we can really
accomplish," said Gonsalves.
"It's been less than three
years for us, and we've taken
on close to 25 families that
we're going to do handi-
capped-accessible ,,homes

Seitz is survived by three
sons, Steven Seitz, Jr., Patrick
Rogers and Ben Seitz; one
daughter, Victoria Brown; and
his significant other, Susan
Rogers. Seitz lived his life for
his children and loved them
more than anything in the
world, the family said.
No formal memorial service
will be held as Seitz wished to
be remembered by all in his or
her own way.
Services under the direction
and care of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home.

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Meg Lagodski selects prints from the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens Tuesday after the
Art Enrichment Program volunteer orientation. Lagodski, whose daughter Maggie is a kinder-
gartner at Jacksonville Beach Elementary, will be taking prints into the classroom toteach
students about the artwork. The program is available to anyone who would like to volunteer
, in a public elementary school. For more information, contact Fran Phelps at the Cummer at a

Wednesday, Sept. 27
Annual meeting: Baptist
Medical Center Beaches
Hospital Auxiliary i holds its
annual meeting and luncheon
starting at 10 a.m. at Selva
Marina Country Club. All auxil-
ians are invited, and reserva-
tions are required. A raffle w ill
be part of the event.

Beaches Library.: Three dif-
ferent children's programs will
be held at the Beaches Librar',
600 Thild St., Neptune Beach.
Toddler Time is held at 10:30.
a.m., Mother Goose Storytime
at 11 a.m. and Pre-school
Stor-time at 11:30 a.m.

Daughters of Confederacy:
The United Daughters of the
Confederacy, Mlattie T. Wright
Chapter, meets at 11 a.m. at
Selva Marina Country Club,
1600 Marina Dr., Atlantic
Beach. The speaker is"Louise
Roberson W\addell. Visitors-"are
welcome. Call 223-1413 for

Thursday, Sept. 28
Navy thrift shop: The Nearly
New Shop, the only thrift store
at Naval' Station Mayport, is
open every Tuesday, Thursday
and the third Saturday of each
month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in
Building 27, across from the air
traffic control tower and two
blocks from McDonald's. The
shop is supported by Mayport
Chapter #201 of the Navy
Wives Clubs of America. All
itens sold are locally donated,
and profits go to charity organi-
zanons or to families in need.
Donations are accepted during
the hours of operation, or items
can be dropped off after hours
In the donation box next to the
'shop. For information, call 904-

Friday, Sept. 29
Art in jail: The "2006 Art in
the Jail Exhibit," a collection of
artwork created in the Duval
County Jail' or at the Inside-
Outside House, opens at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach and runs through Oct. 9.
The public is invited to attend a
reception from 3 p.m. to '5:30

p.m. on opening day. The
exhibit is presented through a
partnership between the.
Cultural Center of Greater
Jacksonville and the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach.
For information, call the
Cultural Council of Greater
Jacksonville at 358-3600.

French view: Alliance
Franchise will present David
Schwam-Baird, a professor of
political science at the
University of North Florida and
*an expert on Middle Eastern
affairs, at 7:30 p.m. Schwam-
Baird will speak on "The French
View of the Middle East Today"
in Building 10, Room 1102, at
UNF. The speech is free and'
open to the public. For informa-,
tion, call 354-9000, ext. 236.

Saturday, Sept. 30.
Beaches Nutcracker: Open
auditiosis for the new,,Beaches
Community ,uferacketywJlbbte
held from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at
East Coast Ballet, '1401-E
Penman Road, Jacksonville
Beach. The auditions are open
to 10 years old and up. There is
a $10 audition fee. For informia-
tion, call Beatrice Velez at 545-
5006 or Mindi' Mende at 241-

Benefit evening: floridareal-
tyweb.com and Ace Mortgage,
Funding, LLC host a "Black and
White Night" social affair at the.
. Seawalk Hotel in Jacksonville
Beach. Guests are invited to get"
creative in black and white'
attire for a night of music, danc-.
ing and door prizes. Doors open
at 7:30 pm. All proceeds from
the event will be donated to'
Children's, Miracle Network'
benefitting Shands Jacksonville
and Wolfson Children's
Hospital. For details or ticket
information, contact Dan.
McCarthy at 200-2660.

National Estuaries Davy:
.National Estuaries Day will be.
celebrated at Guana Tolomato
.Matanzas National Estuarine.
Research Reserve (GTM NERR)'.,
Activities, that run from 9 a.m.n
to 3 p.m. are planned for the'
entire family to honor what is a

nationwide event. Friends of
the GTM Reserve annual meet-
ing will 'be held at 3:30 pm.
Admission is $2 for adults and:
$1 for children 10 and over.
Youngsters under 10 are admit-
ted free. Call 904-823-4500 for
more information..

Adoption seminar: A free
adoption seminar, presented by
Commonwealth Adoptions
International, Inc., will be held
from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at
the Beaches Regional Library,
600 Third Street, Neptune-
Beach. The seminar will be host-
ed by Deborah Lee, an adoptive
parent and family mentor. If
interested, respond to
tampa.cai@verizon.net or call

Monday, Oct. 2
Prenatal Yoga: Prenatal Yoga
private and semi-private
instruction is offered in Atlantic
Beaqh. A fall-winter 12-session
package is available. Call Dana-
Peacher at 372-0116 or visit

Tuesday, Oct. 3
DAR: The Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will meet
at 10:45 a.m. at Marsh Landing
Country Club, 25655 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Speaker Marjorie
Ramseur will be in costume as
she talks about the
Constitution. For information,
contact Carolyn Roth at 904-

Wednesday, Oct. 4
Adventures in art: The
Friends of the Ponte Vedra
Branch Library and
FOCUSCummer start off the
fourth year of their series
Adventures in Art with a lecture
by Debra Murphy, chair of the
Art and Design Dept. at the"
University of North Florida.
Murphy's talk, titled
"Masterpieces of Irish Art,"
begins at 1 p.m. at, the Ponte
Vedra Beach. Branch Library,
101 Library Blvd. During the
series there. will be five other
lectures involving local artists, a
tour of the Cummer Museum.

and an overview of the collec-
tion of the Jacksonville Museum
of Modem Art. For information,
call Carolee Bertisch, 273-6578,
or Jan Bialka, 285-1114. There
will be no fee for the series
except for the Cummer
Museum tour.

Prostate support group: Man
to Man, a prostate cancer sup-
port group, is scheduled to meet
at 6 p.m. at Baptist Medical
Center, Beaches, Conference
Room A. The session will focus
on new treatments for .impo-
tence. For information, call

Thursday, Oct. 5
Historical dance: The
Douglas Anderson School of
the Arts Dance Department
offers an historical dance con-,
cert starting at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday in the
Douglas Anderson Theater. ,

Legion Auxiliary: Ocean
Beaches American Legion
Auxiliary Unit 129 meets at 7:30
p.m. at 1151 4th St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Members
are encouraged to bring a guest.
For information, call 249-2266 '
or 242-0042.

Senior Cruise: The Neptune
Beac.a Senior Activity Center
has arranged a luxury day trip
to Port Canaveral aboard the
Sterling Casino Lines, leaving'
the center at 7:30 a.m. and
returning at 7 p.m.
Reservations can be made at the
center, located at 2004 Forest
Ave. Call 270-1688 for informa-

Women of vision: Women' of
Vision, ,a fundraiser for Girls
Inc. of Jacksonville, holds a '
wine reception and exhibition
from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach. The cost is $50 per per-
son. Former Olympian Nancy
Hogshead-Makar is honorary
chair. For information, call 904-

Friday, Oct. 6
Artscapade: Patrons of the
HeARTS hosts its second annual
event, Artscapade 2006,z--that..
.begins at 6:30 p.m. at Fogle Fine fi
Art & Accessories, 3312 Beach
Blvd. For information call
Baptist Health Foundation, 904-

Greek festival: The three-day
Greek Festival 2006, hosted by
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
Church, will be held at the St.
Augustine Amphitheatre, AlA
South. An assortment of Greek
foods, pastries and drinks will
be served. Entertainment will
include live .Greek music and
traditional dances. Cosr is $1.
Festival hours Are 4 p.m. to 9.
p.m. Oct. 6, 11 a.m to 9 p.m.
Oct. 7 and noon to 6 p.m. Oct.,
8. Call 904-829-0504 or visit

Saturday, Oct. 7,
Hospice 'training: The
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida offers three
days of training for volunteers
at the Community Hospice's St.
Augustine Office, 525, State
Road 16, Suite 112. The first day
runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The
other training days are Oct. 10
(6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and Oct. 14 (9
a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). For informa-
tion, call 904-407-7064.


Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center,
281 19th Avenue' S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. For information, call 241-
Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. at the Florida
Cancer Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hospi-
tal campus. Call 247-2910 for
Poker tournament: A poker
tournament is scheduled from
1 .p.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity.
Center. Tables, cards, chips,
refreshments and snacks are
provided. The Senior Activity
Center is located at 2004 Forest
Avenue and can be reached by
calling 270-1688.
Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 alm. in the
administration building of the
Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Coffee is served. For more

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information, call Michael adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
Steele at 904-910-1982 or visit Friday p.m. at PetCoat Atlantic and
http://pontvedrabeach.free- Jacksonville Singles Dance Kernan boulevards.
toasthost.net. Club: The Jacksonville Singles
Yoga for health: Yoga for Dance Club meets from 8 p.m. Sunday
Health & Healing is offered to 11 p.m. at the Knights of Depression support:
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Columbus' Hall, 1501 Depression Bipolar Support
at the Neptune Beach Senior Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville: Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
Activity Center. The class is Admission is $8, $7 for mem- meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
designed for those reluctant to bers. For information, call 779- Medical Center, 1350 13th
attend a regular class but want 1234 or email Ave. S. Visit www.dbsajax.org
to learn the fundamentals of jaxsinglesdc@aol.com. for information.
yoga. For more information, Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
contact Leslie Lyne at the Inc., a mental health support Tuesdays
Senior Activity Center, 270- group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St. Beaches Arts Center: A
1688, 'or call the teacher, Paul's Catholic Church's beginner watercolor class is
Nancy Rathbum, at 386-6453. Family Life Center, 578 1st offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. and watercolor for all levels is
Thursday Call 247-3299 for information. offered in the evening, as well
Kiwanis Beaches: The Senior tennis: Tennis for as Wednesday and Thursday
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville seniors is being offered from 9 mornings. Figure drawing
Beaches meets at noon at Selva a.m. to 11 a.m. at Huguenot classes are held from 7 p.m. to
Country Club, .1600 Selva Tennis Center in. Jacksonville 9 p.m. The Beaches Arts Center
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit Beach. For information, call is at 228 3rd Ave. N.,
www.beacheskiwanis.com for Moe at 247-6221. Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
information. mation, call 241-3515.
Weight loss: Free body fat Saturdays Foundation Academy: The
analysis and weight loss con- Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty: Foundationr Academy, 107 3rd
sults are offered at Metabolic Kittens and cats that have been St. S., Jacksonville Beach, has
Research Center, 274 Solana veterinarian-checked and test- an open house from 9 a.m. to
Road, in the Winn-Dixie Plaza ed, and that have shots and 11:30 a.m. Call 241-3515 for
in Ponte Vedra Beach. been neutered, are available for information.

return on your rhoney
all in advance


September 27, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Pacr f6A


EAH Ponte Vedra Leader


* Wedding (right)
... See A-8
* Education
... A-10O

w nr x n-nfrn* n fl/arn Ioflop r'nm

i'agh (A '.viiiv veuiLLrc k L(,

Arguing before high

court rarifiedd practice'

S. r... SUBMI ED
Sopranos Susan Calfee (from left), Clarissa Chandler and Marianne Murray, all members of Christ Episcopal Church's
chancel choir, perform together as "Nightingale," with sounds reminiscent of the Andrews Sisters or the McGuire Sisters.
The women are scheduled to perform at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 21 and Oct. 22 in the outside courtyard of the church, 400 San
Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach. The women tackle tunes from sacred to Gershwin, opera to Broadwayand Latin. Admission
is free. and hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served.

Seal uators at Oct antiques fair

Guests will be able to have'
antiques appraised, sell their
hand-crafted items and art-
works or shop for one-of-a-
kind creations at an antiques
fair in St. Augustine Oct. 7.
The event, sponsored by '
the St. Johns County Council
on Aging, will be held 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. at the Coastal
Community Center, 180
Marine St.
Two of the antiques evalu-.
ators scheduled to take part

are Charlbtte and Fraikk '
Thorpe, who recently gave
appraisals for dozens of items
at the Palm Valley Senior
Center on Canal Boulevard.
Other evaluators partici-
pating Oct. 7 are Sarah
Browder and Ruth Schneider'
of the Ponte Vedra area, as
well as Maurine,Boles, retired
curator of the Lightner
Museum in St. Augustine.
These appraisers' areas of'
expertise are Victorian jewel-
ry, furniture and general

items, vintage and costume'
jewelry ahd fine antique
Items will be appraised for:
$15 each, and individual
appraisers' schedules will
vary, so those seeking
appraisals are asked to check
before the event to see when
the evaluator of your choice
is scheduled to attend.
Local artists and crafters
will display their items for
sale at the COA Antique-
Craft Fair, where about 50

spaces are available.
A full menu of cafe items
will be available for purchase
such as deli sandwiches,
soups. salads and desserts.
The- Council on Aging is
accepting donations of furni-!
ture, jewelry or household
items in .good condition for
sale at a yard sale, with pro-
ceeds going to programs and.
services of the COA.
Spaces for crafters or artists
are available for $35'per,
space.'Call 823-2228.

Assistant U.S. Attorney
Kathleen O'Malley hit the
ground running out of law
At 23 and a recent graduate
of Penn State's Dickinson
School of Law, O'Malley, a
Jacksonville Beach resident,
went to work for the, ... ',
Harrisburg, Pa., firm of Ball &
Skellv, Attorneys for the
Ball & Skelly was not-your
average law practice.
SWilliam Bentley Ball was a
counsel before the U.S.
Supreme Court in numerous
religious liberty cases, and was
Regarded as an excellent l itiga-
tor. .
O'Malley was employed by
Ball & Skelly for almost four
years. She was on hand when
Ball argued before the high
court, and she helped write
the color-coded, 50-page peti-:
tioner's briefs that Supreme
' Court justices read before they
issue any opinions. ,
"I used to put on my
William Bentley Ball hat and
write like the boss," O'Malley
recalled at a recent meeting of
the Citizens Police Academy
Alumni Association of
Jacksonville Beach.
,"It's a very rarified practice.
Most lawyers never have the
privilege to argue in front of
the Supreme Court. I've never
seen anyone not use all of
their time."
O'Malley, a federal prosecu-
tor in the Middle District of
Florida since 1983, was refer-
ring to the 30 minutes of
time attorneys are allotted
during oral arguments, "The
lbhdSuiperieitelouirt'sideiision .
process," according to a 1987
book by former Chief Justice
William H. Rehnquist.
"And the justices can get
very lively with their ques-
tions. When your 30 minutes
are up, a red light comes on
and the microphone goes
O'Malley, who left Ball &
Skelly in 1983 to try cases in
federal district court, dis-
cussed, among other things,
the role and appointment of
law clerks, how a case gets to
be heard, and a brief history
of the high court heading into
its next term, which begins on
the first Monday in October..
A Supreme Court law clerk
is a coveted position. Only 30
or so are selected from hun-
dreds of applicants.
Law clerks serve a one-year
term and are handpicked by
each of the nine justices.
Harvard and Yale law schools
are fertile ground for Supreme'
Court law clerks.
"They are lawyers who sum-



marize the petitions," said .
O'Malley about the' role.of law
clerks, some of whom have
gone on to become Supteme
Court justices, such as
Rehnquist and current Chief
Justice John Roberts Jr.
"Roberts clerked for
Rehnquist. Justices tend to
pick law clerks who are philo-
sophically like them."
O'NMalley said more than
7,000 cases are filed with the'
Supreme Court each year.
Only about 100 cases are actu-
ally heard, she added.
More than two-thirds of all
cases are petitions for certio:
rari, that is, a review of a
lower court decision, either
from a federal court Qf appeals
or a state supreme court.
Justices determine what
action to take after reading the
summary memos the law
clerks draft. Opinions are
issued after oral arguments are
."They will either overturn a
ruling and issue no binding
opinion, or reverse a ruling
with a written opinion,".
O'Malley said.. vio _,wn.
S"WVritt-n decisions become.,;
the law of the land."
Supreme Court justices are'
appointed by the President
and approved by the Senate. ;
They serve for life.
Roberts, a former federal
prosecutor who argued 39
times before the Supreme .
Court, is the 16th chief jus-
Rehnquist. who was chief
from.1986 until his death in
2005, made only one argu-'
ment before the court prior to
his appointment in 1971.
"After the one argument I
'made when I was an attorney
in the Justice Department, I,
was drenched in sweat,"
Rehnquist recalled in his
book, "The Supreme Court."
Rehnquist said he was over-
whelmed by the grandeur of
the Supreme Court building
.when he first arrived there in
1952 as a law clerk to associate


Greek festva set Oct. 6-8 in St. Augustine M

One of the best places to
taste authentic, Greek
food is at the annual
Greek Festival Oct. 6-8 at the
St. Augustine Amphitheatre,
on Anastasia Island.
The ninth annual event is
sponsored by Holy Trinity .:
Greek Orthodox Church of St.
Augustine. .
Ellen Kelbert, the publicity
chair for the event, said Holy
Trinity's parishoners have
been working since July
preparing Greek specialties to
serve the 10,000 people who
are expected to attend the
three-day festival.-
Stuffed grape leaTes (dol-
mathes). Greek lasagna (pastit-
sio) and, souvlaki, which is
pork or chicken skewered with
vegetables for grilling, a;e
among the most favored items
at the festival, Kelbert said.
Several of the festival dishes
are from recipes published in
Holy Trinity Church's cook-,
book, "A Taste of St.
Augustine, Greek and
American Favorites."
Kelbert's mother, Gerry
Sarris, a Holy Trinity member,
serves as kitchen coordinator,
for the event. Sarris worked,
with a team of volunteers to

-- ,


prepare both the dolmathes
and'the pastitio for this year's.
Last year, 3,800 dolmathes
sold out a few hours before
the festival ended, Sarris said.
This year's festival has been
expanded to three days, so
parishioners prepared 7,800
dolmathesto meet the antici-
pated demand.
Starting, in late July, four
work days at the church
kitchen were designated for
preparing the dolmathes,
which must be filled and
.rolled individually by hand.
During several all-day ses-
sions, groups of more than 20
women made enough dol-,
mathes to meet a mid-August
goal of 7,800.
The stuffed grape leaves are
stored in the church freezer
until festival time.
Later in August, Sarris and
the kitchen volunteers began
the task of preparing 1,652
servings of pastitio.
Teams of about a dozen

women volunteered for two
work days to make 59 pans of
pastitio. ,
According to Sarris, making
the Greek-style lasagna is a
multi-step process that.
includes preparing both a
. meat sauce and the Bechamel
sauce, which makes this dish
so different from classic Italian
Sarris, who has volunteered
at the festival every year, said
there is no shortage of volun-
teers to help with the food
preparation. cn
"We always have coffee in
the morning, and people.
bring cheese and crackers; and
other food to share for lunch,"
said Sarris.
Another group of volunteers
will be in the church kitchen
for two days this week prepar-
ing the souvlaki for the festi-
'val's grill booth, a traditional
area where the men of the .
parish are involved.,
The festival is a large under-
taking for Holy Trinity, which,
has a congregation of approxi-
mately 100 families, said
Friends of the church and
relatives of the parishioners
also lend a hand to help with
the festival. Proceeds from the
event will benefit the church,
which earlier this year moved

to a new sanctuary on County
Road 214 in St. Augustine.
Some of the other food
items featured at the festival
are grilled lamb, Greek salad,
tiropites and spanakopites,
which are filb pastry filled
with cheese or cheese and
.. 'The pastry booth will have
baklava, a sweet dessert made
with filo, honey and nuts,
Greek cookies and other pas-
tries.. Some of these 'items will
be provided by Greek busi-
nesses in Tarpon Springs, said
At the festival, there will
also be a Taverna with import-
ed Greek beer and wine and
other beverages, a Bakaliko or
grocery store, an Agora or
market place, children's activi-
ties, Greek music, Greek danc-
ing; dance lessons, and an
Admission is $1. Festival
hours are 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on
Oct..6, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Oct.
7, and 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Oct.
The following are recipes for
from the Holy Trinity Greek
Orthodox Church's cookbook,
"A Taste of St. Augustine,
Greek and American


photo submitted
Pete Darius, a member of the grill team, is an annual volunteer
at the Greek Festival in St. Augustine.

' A.





The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Supreme: 16 columns

Cont.. from A-7
justice Robert H. Jackson.
O'Malley said the building's
16 Corinthian columns on the
main portico are made from
white marble originating from
The building, which was
dedicated in 1935, cost tax-
payers $94,000, according to
"But the Supreme Court is a
lot more than just a building,"
she added.
"And the chief justice does a
lot more than just sit in the
middle and preside over oral
arguments. These are brilliant
men and women."
O'Malley said she would
like to see more women serve
on the Supreme Court. Only
two have. Current Associate
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
replaced Associate Justice -
Sandra Day O'Connor, who
retired last year because of
health issues.
In his book, Rehnquist dis-
counted the notion that presi-
dential appointments to the
Supreme Court are politically
"I think history teaches us
that those who have tried
have been at least partially
successful, but that a number
of factors mitigate against a
President's having anything

more than a partial success,"
the book says.
"The Sqpreme Court is an
institution far more dominat-
ed by centrifugal forces push-
ing toward individuality and
independence, than it is by
centripetal forces pulling for
hierarchal ordering and insti-
tutional unity."
As for O'Malley, her tutelage
with William Bentley Ball paid
She was hired as a federal
prosecutor after Ball recom-
mended her to a mutual
friend in Florida's Middle
Today, she is a senior litiga-
tion counsel who handles a
wide range of complex crimi-
nal cases, including bank,
mail and wire fraud, identity
theft, cybercrime and internal
security offenses.
O'Nalley is a past president
of the Jacksonville chapter of
the Florida Bar Association
and a Jacksonville Jaguars sea-
son ticket owner since 1995.
"When I was offered the
job, It was January [in
Pennsylvania] and there was
an ice storm outside,"
O'Malley, a Beaches resident
for 23 years, recalled.
"They were offering twice as
much money and palm trees.
It was an easy decision."



'Scott Gormly, of Acworth,
S* ^ Ga., and Lauren. Hanchey of
M '-arietta, Ga., have annou nced
t'their engagement to be mar-
The bride is the daughter of
Bill and. Susan Hanchev of
Lilburn, Ga. She is a graduate
P-1 of Parkview High School in
.. Lilburn, andc. attended the
S. ,,.. University of-Alabama.,.
The groom, the son of Dick
and Margaret Gormly, former-
.. of Atlantic Beach, is a 1996
'' graduate of Fletcher High
School, a 2000 graduate of
":'-, Furman Universitv, and a 2006
graduate of the New Orleans
; ."Baptist Theological Seminary,
where he received a master's
S'degree in christian education.
He is employed as the stu-
..-' ent minister at Cedar Crest
S... .. Church in Acworth, Ga.
The couple plan to wed Nov.

Linda and Bill Stucki


Scott Gormly and Lauren

11, 2006, at 4 p.m. at Johnson
Ferry Baptist Church in
Marietta, Ga.


Bill and Jean Beaver of
Jacksonrville Beach celebrated
their 50th wedding anniver-
sary on Saturday, Sept. 23, at
American Legion Post 316 in
Atlantic Beach.
The couple were married on
Sept. 25, 1956, in Aileen, S.C.
She is the former Norma lean
Coeval of Bath, N.H.
The couple have six chil-
dren, Sharon Walker, Terry
Sealer, Tony Patna, Mark
Beaver, Tom Beaver and Randy
They also have 16 grandchil-
dren and 12 great-grandchil-

The Beavers in 1956.

Linda Wynn and Bill Stucki,
both of BlairsvilUe, Ga., were
married Wednesday, Sept. 13,
at the Misty Mountain Inn in
The groom is the son of

Marilyn and, Carl Stucki of
Jacksonville. He is a Fletcher
High School graduate.
Following a cruise to the
Bahamas, the couple will
reside in Blairsville.


pn01o iubmina.3
Asst. U.S. Attorney Kathleen O'Malley, a Jacksonville Beach..
resident.,, has beena'federaltprosecutornsince 1988i She is a.-6
past president of the Jacksonville chapter of the Florida Bar'


.. offer Drop-In Fridays Theatre
Games on Friday afternoon
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Kids ages 7-12 years will be
able to let their imagination
run wild during the high ener-
gy playtime. Parents must sign
a waiver for kids to participate.
Donations only, suggested
amount $5. ArtLife is located
: at 510 hidNport Rd, Atlantic
Beach, just off Atlantic Blvd,
two blocks north of Skatelab,
S.at 5th Street. For information,
call 247-8337.
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
Kindermusik, and playday'
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
* movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free.. Call 249-3828.
for information or visit
wwivw. heartsong-km.com.
Sof the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach also has children's activ-
ities. Call 241-1141 and press 4
for children's activities and 5
for the reference desk.
MOMMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy
Dance Studio. For information
call 241-8349 for information.
,CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for. kids, including
karate, tutoring land games.
247-6218. .
SCHOOLERS, support groups
for moms of children ages 5 or
younger, meet as follows:
Christ the Redeemer

Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd..
Ponte Vedia Beach, 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. the third Monday of the
month (285-8009).
Nlayport Naval Station
chapel, 9:30 a.m. the third
Monday of the month 1270-
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
Ponte Vedra Beach, 9:i5 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m. the second and
fourth Monday of the month
is on Landrum Lane, next to
Landrum Middle School in
Ponte Vedra Beach.
It has a heated swimming
pool and offers swimming les-
sons and family swini times.
The center features a teen
room and occasional organized
activities for youth. The center
also has classes for children
and youths.
YMCA membership details
are available by calling 543-

Alina Simonsen of
Jacksonville Beach has been
selected to be among 24 area
high school juniors and sen-
iors of th'e performing arts
group "The Dance Troupe."
The students travel around
the state gi in free perform-
anef Z commu-
it id i 'vic
The group is comprised of
students who are mainly
deaf/hard-of-hearing and who
have met stringent academic
Simonsen, a student at the
Florida School for the Deaf &
Blind in St. Augustine, is
among four students touring
with the group for a second

Kaylie Barker of Neptune
Beach was awarded a scholar-
ship grant for her leadership,
academic excellence and com-
munity involvement by the
Former Agents ot the FBI
The foundation provides 95
scholarships during the 2005-
06 academic year. To be eligi-
ble, a student must be a child
or granchild of a former FBI
agent, or the children of grad-
uates of the FBI National
Barker is the granddaughter
of former Special Agent Judson
L. Rigby. She attends the
* University of North Florida.
*" .,"" .' !" .. ,O* .
' Jeffrey Glasgow 'vas named
to the John M. Olin School of
Business Dean's List for the
2006 spring semester at

Washington University in St.
Louis, Mo.
To be eligible, students must
earn at least a 3.6 grade-point
Glasgow is a graduate of
Episcopal High School. He is
tlhe son of Karen and William -
*';'- ': i .\ **


Volunteer Opportunities at ules in a. variety' of service
Mayo Clinic areas.4
1 For more information about
Mayo Clinic is currently the opportunities, call the
seeking volunteers, to work at Volunteer Services department.
the San Pablo Road campus at 296-3722 or send an e-mail
and at St. Luke's Hospital. to volunteersrncji@mayo.edu.
Mayo offers flexible sched- *

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* I

01 h 7 0Te ae eeoe d II r PVVV

Stimulate your
imagination for
creative gifts and
traditional trophies
at Atlantic Engraving.
* Traditional Engraving
* Laser Engraving
* Glass/Marble
Visit our showroom at:
228 14th Ave. N.,
Jax Beach
www.atlanticengraving net

Family Owned and
: 'Operated Since 1969
Same Day Service a Leather and Suede
2-Hour Shirt Service Expert Alterations
2-Hour Dry Cleaning Wedding Gowns
Service *,Conveniently Located
Flat Finish Available *s. aIvd
9 3 5 Atlantic IIlvd.

Nev Location!

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Jacksonville Beach
(Across from Burger King)

Atlantic Beach
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1312 S.3rd Street
Jacksonville Beach
(Next tol il Champ)

152 A1A
(Next to Steve's Seafood)


Chef's Specials 112'99

LPegcwa< 4faVre

1589 Atlantic Blvd.
Across from Pier 1

For Custom Engraved Specialties,

Visit Atlantic Engraving the

Best-Kept Secret
When you enter the showroom
of Atlantic Engraving &
Graphics, LLC, in Jacksonville
Beach, you just know you've
found some answers answers
on how best to recognize excel-
lence, celebrate achievement and
honor friendship.
In fact, David W. Humphrey,
the owner of Atlantic Engraving
- formerly Atlantic Trophy and
Awards is ready to help you
find just the right trophy., award
or specialty item to celebrate.
life's events and friendships.
"Our company mission is to:
create an artful, innovative, rep-
utable business that exceeds
expectations and provides aan I ,
efficient, nurturing, prosperous
atmosphere in whicheveryone
thrives," he said. "My personal
goal when I bought the business
was to establish a quality little i
engraving shop at the Beaches."
The goal has become reality.
Under a half dozen or so different
owners the "Atlantic" engraving o'n
shop has' beer in business in
lacksonville Beach' foi approxi-
mately 25 years. Little did David
know he'd end up purchasing his Offering more than trophies
own Beabches business, given his vide you with everything fro
background. engraved medals and plaqi
He grew up in Tacksonville's
Arlington neighborhood, where his mother still lives, and grad-
uated from Terry Parker High School in 1970. After earning a
bachelor of arts in visual communication from Florida State
University in 1974, he began a career in graphic design, adver-
tising and marketing. One of his jobs took him to Orange
County, California, where he worked 15 years in the marketing
department of Remedy, a large temporary-help firm.
"Even though my background has been mainly with large
corporations, I've always wanted to have my own business -
where I could establish iivself and my own ideas could guide
my creativity," he said. That opportunity arrived when David
moved "back home" to North Florida in December 2004 and
bought his Beaches business in'February 2005.
David renovated the showroom and production area and
upgraded the shop to feature state-of-the-art and cutting-edge
(pun intended equipment including a new laser engraver,
which can engrave virtually everything, even plastics, acrylics
and wood. He added etching with new sandblasting, equipment

Open 7 Days a IWeek = ,
The Atlantic Engraving showroom is a showcase of trophies,
loving cuDs, etched glass and laser engraved acrylics.

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Same Same
ous auners Alantkc Blvd.

at the Beaches

and awards, Atlantic Engraving in Jacksonville Beach can pro-
m name tags and money clips to marine-life figures, custom
for glass and marble to complement the existing traditional
rotary engraving diamond scratch and burnishing tools) and
sublimation, which allows color heat transfer to metal and
other materials.
Atlantic Engraving's emphasis is on quality engraving and
diversity of applications to metal brass and aluminum),
acrylics, plastics,'wood, glass and marble, according to David.
"We have a family-oriented work environment," he said. "My
Mom, Dorothy who has learned an accounting software pro-
gram, does the books, and my 21-year-old son, Andrew, works
with me in the shop, where he's an excellent sandblaster and
diamond engraver."
David's impressed with the loyalty of Beaches residents and
businesses to local enterprise. "I appreciate the continued busi-
ness of our established clients, including business, schools,
community organizations, churches and sports organizations,"
he said. "Now we're expanding and diversifying our client list
and welcome corporate accounts and personal engraving
Indeed, Atlantic Engraving's bright and cheery showroom
does have answers to your trophies and awards questions...and
then some. Here you can find everything from name tags and
money clips to marine-life figures, custom engraved medals and
plaques, and giant scissors for ribbon-cutting ceremonies.
Atlantic Engraving's displays showcase trophies, loving cups,
etched glass and laser engraved acrylics.
Need some ideas for.holiday gift-giving?-:Davidsuggests.per-
sonally engraved wine bottles, door knockers and candy dishes.
Atlantic Engraving is ready to engrave or etch one item for a
special celebration or 800 trophies for a huge event. "We also
accommodate last-minute orders to the best of our ability,"
Dave added.
Atlantic Engraving & Graphics, LLC, is located at 228 14th
Ave. North in Jacksonville Beach. The showroom is open 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday by appoint-
ment. Major credit cards are accepted.
For more information on ways you can recognize excellence,
celebrate achievement and honor friendship, call 246-1266, fax
246-1278 or e-mail dhumphreyOl@hotmail.com. Stay tuned for
Atlantic Engraving's new Web site, too, at www.atlanticengrav-

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The Beaches Leader/Pon'te Ve~dra Leader Page 9A

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---o- ----


Susann Reed (from left), Janie Kratzert and Mary Betz, members of the Nease High School PTSO, chat at a reception Thursday
evening at the school. After the reception, Nease Principal Linda Thomson gave a speech on the "state of Nease."

ritiolo ty CHUCK ADAIMS
Nease Academy program
specialist Libby Jones
(center) talks with PTSO
member Debbie Selvagn
at a reception held
Thursday evening prior to
a "State of the School"
address by Principal Linda


Cont. from A-7
Favorites," which will also be
for sale at the festival.
Dolmathes Stuffed
Grape Leaves by
Katherine Gaetanos,
Despina Xynidis
1 lb. ground chuck
one-half cup rice, uncooked
1 stick butter, melted
luice of one lemon
I large onion, grated
one-half cup parsley,
2 tbsp. fresh dill, chopped
14 oz. can tomatoes,
chopped or pureed
salt and pepper
1 lb. grape leaves
Take grape leaves and put in
a pot of water and bring to a
boil for five minutes. Drain
and rinse well with cold water.
Separate leaves to keep from
sticking together.
To make filling, add beef,
one-half stick of butter, rice,
juice of one-half lemon,
onion, parsley, dill, mint,
tomatoes, salt and pepper
together in a large bowl and
mix well. To fill leaves, place a
grape leaf on a plate shiny
side down, add 1 tablespoon
of filling in center and roll
leaf butcher style.
Stack in at least a 4 quart
pot layering dolmathes as you
go. When finished, pour half
the lemon juice and half of
the melted butter over the
top. Place an inverted
stoneware plate over the dol-
mathes and cover with just
enough hot water to barely
cover leaves. Cover and cook
until rice is done, about 45
Kourambiedes or Greek
Wedding Cookies by
Vasso Poulos
1 lb.unsalted butter soft-
three-quarters cup confec-
tioners sugar
1 tsp.baking powder
1 oz.whiskey or brandy
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
5-6cups of flour
Cream the butter and sugar

pholo iuDmiflne
Greek pastries, such as baklava, are fast-selling items at the
annual Greek Festival in St. Augustine.

together until fluffy. Add the
eggs, brandy and vanilla and
beat 2 minutes. Sift one cup
of flour with baking powder
and add to butter mixture.
Begin adding flour, a cup at a
time, until mixture pulls away
from the side of the bowl.
Finish by kneading the dough
5 minutes, adding more flour
if it is too sticky.
Pinch off a small piece of
dough and shape into cres-
cents, balls, stars or other
shapes. Place on an ungreased
cookie sheet. Bake at 350
degrees for 20 minutes.
Cookies should be lightly
golden but not browned. As
cookies are baking, sift 1 cup
of confectioners sugar on
waxed paper which is spread
on the counter. After you
remove cookies from oven,
place the warm cookies direct-
ly on the powder sugar. Sift
more sugar on top of warm
Let cookies cool completely.
Cookies can be stored in an
air-tight container for many
weeks. Makes 50-60cookies.
Tiropita by' Vasso
1 lb. pkg. Filo dough,
1 lb. feta cheese, grated,
1 lb. Ricotta cheese
one-half cup grated Romano
and Parmesan cheese
6 eggs, beaten

I tsp. parsley, finely minced
2 stick salted butter, melted
Crumble or grate feta
cheese, add Ricotta and
Romano cheeses, eggs and
Prepare filo following direc-
tions given on package. Using
a 12x18 pan or two 9x13 pan,
brush pan with butter. Layer
bottom and side with filo, let-
ting excess lap over edges,
sprinkling each layer with
warm butter. Use half the filo
110 sheets) on the bottom.
Spread cheese mixture evenly
over the filo, including the
corners. Fold filo over filling
and continue layering filo,
buttering each sheet until all
are used. With a sharp knife,
cut the top layers only into
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Sprinkle top of tiropi-
ta with 2 tbsp. of water and
bake on the bottom rack for
approximately 30 minutes.
Then move to the middle rack
to continue baking until gold-
en brown. Total baking time is
50-60 minutes.
Serves 24
Spanikopita by Mary
1 lb. Filo dough, defrosted
4 10-oz. pkgs. frozen,
. chopped spinach
2 medium onions, chopped
2 bunch green oniruons
including tops), sliced .

one-half cup fresh dill,
one-half cup fresh parsley,
one-half cup olive oil
1 lb. feta cheese, crumbled
1 lb. ricotta cheese ior cot-
tage cheese.i
one-half cup grated Romano
4 eggs beaten
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 cup melted butter or one-
half cup olive oil and one-half
cup butter
Defrost frozen spinach and
squeeze out excess liquid. In
a heavy dutch oven, saute
onions, green onions, dill and
parsley in one-half cup olive
oil for 5 minutes. Add drained
spinach and salt; saute gently
and slow for 10 more min-
utes. Transfer to large bowl
and let cool slightly. Blend
feta, ricotta, Romano and pep-
per into spinach mix; fold in
beaten eggs thoroughly.
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Use a 12 x 18 inch
pan or two 9 x 13 pans.
i Spread a layer of plastic
wrap on your work area; place
filo on plastic and then cover
with another layer of plastic
wrap to keep dough from dry-
ing out.
Brush pan with butter ior
butter & oil). Layer bottom
and sides of pan with 1 layer
of filo, brush with butter
Continue spreading filo on
bottom of pan until 10 filo
sheets have been used, brush-
ing each with butter. Spread
spinach mixture evenly in
pan. Fold edges of filo over
the spinach. Place the rest of
the filo over the spinach
brushing each layer with but-
ter. With a sharp knife, cut
the size squares you wish to
Sprinkle top of Spanikopita
with 2 tbsp. of water and bake
on bottom shelf of oven for
approximately 45 minutes,
then moving to middle rack
until golden brown. Total
baking time is 1 hour to
hour and 20 minutes.
Serves 24-40 depending on
size squares cut.



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Pag~e 1 OA

Septeniber.27,; 2006,

The Beaches Leader[Ponte V'edra Leader

Ponte Vedra Leader


September 27. 2006

* Fishing Leader
* Colts overcome Jaguars
* Classifieds

Nease survives thriller with Palatka

Panthers eschew air

attack; rely on ground

game for close victory

Pr.,,t: tr,, ROB DeArUGELO
Nease High running back Zach Tronti breaks the tackle of Palatka's Junior McRae along the sideline during last Friday night's game
at Panther Stadium. Tronti rushed for 194 yards as Nease relied on a punishing ground game to grind out a thrilling 35-32 victory.
The Panthers gained 315 yard rushing the ball and Tronti scored on runs of 51 and two yards.

Nease defen-
sive back Justin
Grant. left, gets .'
ahold of Palatka I-
High quarter-
back Josh Miller
during fourth
quarter action
last Friday night.
The play, which
resulted in a 16-
yard sack, was
wiped out by off-
setting penal-
ties. Miller, a -
senior, rushed
for 105 yards as
Palatka ran the

ballgame. -.
ope ak utionwt great "
Gatlefetivgenes ,-
tHroghoquat ter- '


Craig Howard, Nease High's
air-oriented head football
coach, took a page out of Bud
Wilkinson's 1954 Oklahoma
Sooners playbook last Friday
night at Panther Stadium.
Howard ditched his always-,
reliable pass attack for the
ground-hugging option in
Nease's thrilling 35-32 victory'
over visiting
Palatka High.
Nease (4-01
ran the ball 44
times in the
game, and
passed only
twice in the
second half to
hold off a furi-
ous Palatka
ground game
that tolled up
276 rushing
yards. PALATKA
The visiting
Panthers 1-3) NEASE
also exposed
Nease's secondary with touch-
down passes of 22 and 39
yards in a down-to-the wire
game with five lead changes.
State-ranked Nease iClass 4A
No. 21 put the game on ice
with 2:21 to play after senior
Justin Grant broke up a
fourth-and-6 pass to Palatka's
J.R. McRae.
The fourth-down stop was
Nease's third of the game, one
decided by the run, not the
"When the game was on the
line, I went to guys I knew I
could trust to carry the load,"
Howard said after the victory,
Nease's L3,1--in a row dating
to Oct. 14 of last year.
"Ted Stachitas and Zach
Tronti. Boy,
am I proud of
those guys.
\Ve started
out throwing When thE
and then we on the linE
the option. guys I kn
We could trust to cai
never open it
up [with the Ted Stachit
pass], so I Tronti. Boy
kept it conser-
vative and of those gu
close to the ed out th
Tronti and then we
Stachitas the option
combined for
the bulk of never opei
Nease's 315 the pass],
yards of rush-
ing offense conservative
with 194 and to the vest.
119 yards,
Tronti, who
scored on
runs of 51 -- ',
and 2 yards, Pasthe
also had a 36-
yard gallop in
the first half.
Stachitas ran for 119 and a
3-yard score. He also was 8 of
13 passing for 74 yards and
one touchdown. _
Palatka's countered with a
sterling rushing performance
by slippery senior quarterback
Josh Miller 1105 yards, who
broke options keepers of 43
and 30 yards.
Senior tailbacks Leonard
Battles 195 yards and
Tyshawn Anderson 74., 2 TDs)
ran roughshod through
Nease's 4-3 defense, most
notably to the backside.
"They slanted to our
strength, so we ran weakside
away from their slant and
were pretty successful," said
third-year Palatka head coach
Wilson Edwards.
"Nease has a great football
team, but our kids gained a lot
of respect tonight. We were
right where we wanted to be
with six minutes to go, but we
couldn't convert on fourth
Nease opened the scoring
midway through the first
quarter on a 32-yard intercep-
tion return by Hunter Bates.
Palatka answered with an 89-
yard scoring drive to open the
second quarter, capped by a
22-yard TD pass from Miller to
Emanuel Lookadoo
Nease led 14-10 at the half






behind a 66-yard scoring
drive, all running, capped by a
3-yard Stachitas blast.
Palatka's Dominic Piscitello
booted a 31-yard field goal to
keep the visiting Panthers
close at the break.
Palatka took the lead, 17-14,
on a 16-yard TD run by
Anderson, but Nease answered
three minutes later with a 3-
yard TD pass from Stachitas to
Quinton Huggins.
The host Panthers took their
largest lead,
Tronti's 51-
-yard option
run with 1:47
to play in the ^
third quarter.
retook the
lead, 32-28,
with 8:56 to
play with a 1-
yard TD run
by Anderson.
32 The drive was
set up by
35 Lookadoo's
blocked punt
at the Nease 19.
Nease stamped out Palatka's
comeback with a ground-
pounding 61-yard scoring
drive with 5:56 remaining,
capped by Tronti's 2-yard run.
The eight-play drive was
keyed by a 12-yard keeper by
Stachitas and Tronti runs of
13, 9 and 8 yards.
"Initially, we came out pass-
ing, but their defense did a
great job, so we went to the
run and got on a roll," said
Tronti, who carried the ball 26
times, including 19 in the sec-
ond half.
"The offensive line opened
up some great holes out there.
\We'll do whatever we have to
do to score points."
played with-
out the servic-
es of senior
game was guard lames
I went to Wilson, who
was out of
w I could town for his
y the load. father's wed-
ding. Senior
s and Zach Sean
am I proud Cochrane (6-
5, 270) started
s. We start- admirably in
owing and Wilson's
established "I thought
We could sean
it up [with stepped in
3o I kept it and did a very
capable job,"
and close said Howard,
whose line
gave up only
one sack, a 4-
yarder on
Tronti's first
Howard car'r of the
ead coach game.
"What a
ball game. We
didn't take
Palatka lightly. They came in
with a good plan. They gave
us some problems with
Anderson running inside and
Miller running outside. You.
could see how physical they
Nease defensive coordinator
Danny Cowgill had no
answers and only praise for
Palatka's shotgun option
attack, which booked 337
total yards. Palatka also ripped
Nease for 91 return yards, all
by McRae (130 all-purpose
The last time Nease gave up
more than 300 yards on
defense was to Armwood in
the 2005 state title game.
"We didn't tackle very well
tonight," said an exasperated
Cowgill after the game.
"Their two running backs
were big bruisers and their
quarterback was a jitterbug.
We were there, we just didn't
make the tackle. This was one
of those games where you are
just happy to come away with
the win. WVe know what we
have to work on."
The Panthers travel to Pedro
Menendez High Friday night
in a 7:30 p.m. kickoff. Then
comes the big one an
October 6 meeting with the
Yellow Jackets at St. Augustine
in another 7:30 p.m. start.

'~ "~. ~




September 27, 2006


Good week for redbass in the river and creeks

It was a good week for
anglers targeting redbass in
the river and up the creeks.
Surf fishing has been slow bu,t
what a difference four weeks
will make. Great catches of
beeliners are coming in and
this,,also, should continue to
improve. -
Capt. Kirk Waltz enjoyed
another week of great fishing
in the river not far from the
Dames Point Bridge. On
Monday, Dr. Nick'Chandler
-and Bob Garza took the short
trip with Capt. Kirk. They used
crabs for bait and caught 21
redbass along the drop off.
On Saturday, Blake and Kelly
Britt fished the Dames Point
drops on the "Enterprise" with
Capt. Kirk and caught 14 red-,
bass to 40 pounds. All too big
to keep.
Excellent catches of redbass'


are coming in daily. George
State, Dennis Young, Butch
Garvin and Admiral Bob
. heiman puL crabs on the.
bottom near the Dames Point
Bridge and caught eight red-,
bass weighing up to 30'
Sounds. They were fishing
along the drop off inabout:
forty feet of water.

Jetty guide Fred Morrow,
with friends Jim Padgett and
John Edwards, stayed in the
river last Monday morning and
caught 13 redbass, eight trout
and a flounder.
On Tuesday, Glen Frazier
and Tom Youman fished the
canal with Fred near the
Nassau Sound and caught 19
redbass to 24 inches, five
speckled trout, two flounder
and four lacks.
It was back to the river on
Wednesday for Capt. Fred with
David Moore and Phil Hover.
They caught five big redbass to
30 pounds, a mangrove and
eight blues. Then on Friday
with Johnny and Buddy
Nettles, Fred reports a mixed
catch of five reds to 30 inches,
61 croakers, seven ringtails,
four blues, a pair of mangrove
snapper and two redbass.
Capt. Larry "Fishman" Finch
used live finger, mullet around
the pilings and rocks of
Mayport to catch 18 flounder
last Tuesday.
Ron WVatterman and George
Alelevicb teamed up on
Wednesday in the same area of
Mayport to catch 19 flounder.
They also used live finger mul-
let for bait.
John Burroughs and Al
Wiltshire fished the river twice
last week near Dames Point
and netted a cooler full of
croakers, a seabass and several
yellowmouth trout.
Veteran canal guide John
Dyrssen fished several spots
north of McCormick Bridge
last Friday with Al Roberts who
was visiting from
Pennsylvania. They used live
shrimp to pull up five speckled
trout, three redbass and a four-
pound flounder.
Capt. Dennis Young fished
from his "Sea Dancer" last
Monday with the Scott Wilson
party. They' brought home 40
beetiners, 27 triggerfish and a

mangrove snapper.
On Saturday, with Ray
Timms from Lake City, Capt.
Dennis cleaned a cooler full of
seabass. They also released 60
snapper too small to keep.
On the Jacksonville Beach
Pier last week, Spencer
Brogden released several large
redbass before icing down two
sheepshead and a black drum.
On Thursday, Philip
Cressman used sandfleas for
bait and caught three
sheepshead at three pounds
Pier manager Faye Cotner
reports that a lot of muddy
water hurt the fishing last
week. A few flounder, whiting
and reds that had to be
released came over the rail, but
everything changed with clear-

Capt. Mike Morris, with
Bruce and Bob Darnall from
Michigan, used live shrimp,
mud minnows and artificial
in the Mill Cove area to haul
in a mixed catch of 25 speck-
led trout, five flounder, two
redbass and dozens of ladyfish
and blues. They even released
a small grouper and cobia.
Capt. Whit Whitlock, on his
"Blackhawk," had a chumming
trip filled with action last
week. Ron Rozeto and his
brother-in-law Chick lost one
tarpon after a 45-rminute battle
but the blacktips were hungry
and they fought a dozen
before calling it a day.
Anglers on the "Mayport
Princess" brought in plenty of
fish for the freezer last week. a
lot of snapper are stilt too
small to keep but fishermen :

were happy with the dozens
and dozens of large beeliners,
triggerfish, true muttons and
amberjack they caught.
Fishing aboard the "King
Neptune" was also much
.improved last week. Anglers
brought in three big grouper
on Sunday, lots of big beelin-
ers, triggerfish and a lot of
snapper throw-backs.
Bottom fishing should just
get better and better as the
water cools.
Capt. Eddie Smith, with
John Brobble and his brother-
in-law Chris on the "Turtle"
last week fished the bottom
around the A.J. hole and
brought up three grouper to 22
pounds, a snapper, 10 seabass,
one kingfish and several trig-
Good Fishin'.

History Picture of the Week features Benny Rodriguez and
buddy Terry McCue with a big tarpon they caught chumming off
Ponte Vedra in 1985.



October 7th, 2006



Photo submitted
Three-year-old Christian Michael Tette recently caught a 21-inch
flounder with his grandfather, Mike Tette, aboard the "Fishfry."
Christian also caught a 27-inch redfish on the trip, which was
his first.

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Photo submitted
From left: Christina Massey, Nell Roland, Jonah Ch'asen and Brian D'Haeselegr recently fished
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-\" o"l'~J ~


Jaguars are. good, Colts just a little bit better

ack Del Rio's Jaguars are a
good team. They're a color-
ful team. They're an excit-
team to watch.
But they are not a great
team. Not yet, anyway. Maybe
it's time that will take care of
them defeating the Indy Colts.
Remember when they couldn't
beat those Tennessee bullies,
the team with a coach who
loved to insult Jacksonville? It
caught up with them.
All things come to they who
wait, as the poet said, but poets
don't own or coach football
teams. A fellow on the magic
picture box echoed what oth-
ers had already said the
Jaguars could have beaten the
Colts Sunday.
They should have. But they
didn't. Jacksonville came close,
21-14, even dominating the
first half up there in that hall
of horrors called the RCA
Dome. But footballgames are
still won in two halves.'Many
teams could go to the Super
Bowl if they just played the
first half.
So what happened to the Del
Rio circus in the second half?
All kind of reasons have been
suggested, from stupid penal-
ties to "mis-firing" (to use a
Del Rio expression) on field ,
goals (two by usually "dead
eye" Josh Scobee) a punt by
usually reliable Chris Hanson
that was returned for a touch-
down ta punter's biggest night-
mare any time even, intercep-

tions that shouldn't have hap-
pened,, misconduct leading to
vital penalties, and so on.
The bottom line is that the
Jaguars played at first like those
who shamed the Pittsburgh
Steelers a week before and
strangers just off a freight train
.in the second half.,
While the offense was doing
cute things one minute, the
defense was uncertain. While
the Jaguars were stopping
Peyton Manning earlier, they
were letting him out of his
cage in the nightcap. And, as
the TV fellow said, you don't
give opportunities to Peyton
Manning he takes that as an
insult. You don't flirt with dis-
aster when meeting the Colts
of Coach Tony Dungy, espe-
dally up there, where you can
expect goblins or other bad
things to get you in the heat of
fans' explosive temperaments.
One pregame story, the writ-

er thrilled with the perfor-
mance of quarterback Byron
Leftwich early, went so far as to
predict he could be on the.
verge of having a "breakout"
Another game like Sunday's.
and he could be on the verge
of having a breakdown peri-
There were, even though Del
Rio didn't use excuses, certain
.injuries to Mr. Weaver's heroes
that didn't help. When you go
to Indy to play the Colts you
want everybody to be as hale
arid hearty as possible and
tougher than a tattooed landla-'
dy. :
They kept the Arkansas
Traveler, Matt Jones, practically
under wraps due to his groin
injury. He told one snooper
Friday afternoon in the Jaguars'
locker room he would play, but.
finally admitted he was still in
pain. Jones is hard to stop if
he's able.
There were others missing in,
.action, as well. If anyone has
seen safety star Nick Sorenson,
:'notify next of kin. His familiar
No. 41 hasn't been seen in a
game, except for special teams,
since summer frolics,
Sorenson missed the final six
games of the 2005 season with.
a broken ankle (at Tennessee),
.but assured a reporter early this
year he knew he was ready to
'go. He must have gone,
because we haven't seen him
on the field.
The Jaguars defense didn't

embarrass their old nemesis,
Marvin Harrison, but he was
loose without a leash to addito
the punishment.
How about Jaguars intercep-
tions? The Colts did a good job
of keeping Rashean Mathis in
tow, recalling, no doubt, his
two interceptions against the
Good old Fred Taylor. did his
job, but the old Gator can't
carry the offensive load alone
as he once did.
The best story was the emer-
gence of running back Maurice
Jones-Drew, who scooted ,
around, under and over Colts
almost before his minute frame
could be spotted. "J-D" is'
worth the.price of admission.
He's not going 'to be a pro star,
he already is. If he were only
Question now is whether Del
Rio can get them up. to beat
Washington and exiled Jaguars
quarterback Mark Brunell next
Sunday. They'd better be ready.
They need this one .
Meanwhile, on the college
front', the Florida Gators
regained consciousness late
and still did their old thing
.against poor old Kentucky, 26-
7. Chris Leak set a new passing
mark, 722 coinpletions.
. Florida State finally found an
offense, probably cleaning out
their old keepsakes, socking
poor old Rice, 55-7.
Georgia escaped with a 14-13
comeback over Colorado, of all

Jaguars rookie running back Maurice Jones-Drew had a break-
out performance against the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday, rush-
ing for 103 yards on 13 carries in Jacksonville's loss.

Aqua Aerobics
Water exercise program pro-
vides a total body workout for
people of all ages and fitness
levels. Classes include exercise
for aerobic conditioning, flexi-
bility and strength.
Water provides a safe and
refreshing way to exercise while
limiting impact on joints.
Shallow water classes take place

Q. Dr. Smith, I am consid-
ering letting my son play
peewee football. How danger-
ous is it? I mean, how likely
is he to get hurt?

A. Letting your son play pee-,
wee or little league football is
not without some risk of
injury, but overall, this risk is
pretty low. Injury rates tend to
increase as forces at impact
Force is determined by mass,
(weight) and velocity (speed).
Because the players are smaller
and really don't move all that
fast, they cannot generate
enough force to typically inflict
serious harm.
Standard-issue helmets and,
shoulder pads also protect
players from injury. In fact, a
recent Mlavo Clinic study
found that athletes in grades ,
four through eight were just as
likely to get injured in other L
recreational or competitive
sports, as they' were to get:
injured playing football.
Significant risks begin to
increase once the. players reach
the high school ranks.
The Mayo study followed
about 900 kids over a season
and tracked injury occurrences.
Taking into account even,
minor injuries such as cuts or
lacerations, there was only a
six percent prevalence of
The most common type of
injury was a bad bruise (con tu-
sion). There were four fractures
, that occurred during the time
frame of the study.
The Average Joe
Q. Dr. Smith, what is the
average height and weight'
for a man and woman?

A. The average male is 5
feet, 9.5 inches and the average.
woman is 5'4". Ninety percent
of men are between 5'6" and
6'3", and 90 percent of females
are between 5'1" and 5'7".
Women tend to stop grow-
ing around the age of 14,
where men tend to stop grow-
ing around the age of 16.
However, if you are a guy near-
ing the age of 18 and hope to
get a little taller, you can con-
tinue to see height increases in
some cases for a couple of'
For a small child, you can
calculate their expected height
based on how tall they are at
the age of two. On their sec-
ond birthday, measure the

Monday to Friday mornings
and evenings; deep water class-
es Mon. Weds. and Sat.
For more information contact
Sthe UNF Aquatic Center at 620-
A bowling league for seniors
55 and older is being formed at
Beach Bowl on Beach
Boulevard. Competition in the


heights double it, and you will
have the expected height at
We did this for my son when
he turned two, and he can '
expect to be slightly taller than
I am now. Another way that.
you can calculate an expected-
height is through a simple for-
mula. For males, add morn
i and dad's height in centime-'
ters, then divide by two, then
add another four cm. This,
would be your expected height
in centimeters when you are,
done growing.
For females, you would use.
the same formula; but instead

Monday league will begin at 1
p.m., with practice starting at
12:45 p.m. Call Paula at 249-,
9849 for information.

Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fantasy
football league will present this
season's Monday Night Football
games on the movie screen in
the main showroom at Atlantic

you'would subtract four.
It is hard to classify what:
exactly is an average weight
given the many factors involved
in control of weight. Diet, dis-
ease, and heredity all play a role.
It is without question, how-
ever, that optimal weight is
associated with better health,
with a reduced risk of diabetes,
high blood pressure, lower
cholesterol, and reduced inci-
dence of heart attacks.
Your weight should be rela-
,tive to your height. So for our
average man of 5'9", on aver-
age he should weigh between
.148 and 160. For our average
woman of 5"4", she should
weigh 124-138.
Your percentage of body fat.
,is something that can easily be
measured. Your age does factor
in here for you tend to store
more fat as you get older.
Using a typical 25-year-old,
male, a reading of 13 percent
body fat would be excellent, 16
percent good, 20 percent fair,
and over 25 percent poor.
For a typical 60-year-old
male, excellent isless than 20
percent, good 23 percent, fair
26 percent, and poor over 30
percent. Your can have your
body fat percentage measured
at most health clubs, or ask
your doctor.


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0 1 a'a on> k. 1 1 W V i.-ii el1r'. o 'rl ,' (1kinH;: thie in tl ,.aI!.,-Il

SlIh"-Vt1 l) nr i Rill Ck Sel t 241 9771.

I}tge ~i,-,llq ,l -l 1,'' hBl i~ ld 4 -97/

Theatres. Doors will open at
7:30 p.m. every Monday
throughout the NTL season.
The league has a $20
entrance fee. Proceeds will be
distributed to winners at the
end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for oth-
ers. Proceeds from admission
charges will be donated to
H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity pro-
'iding K-12 scholarships for at- '
risk youngsters in the
SJacksonville area.
For more information contact
Bryce Pfanenstiel at 249-7529.
The Ponte edra PredaItors
Lacrosse League will conduct
registration for interested 4th
graders to 8th graders for the
fall season. Practices and ,
games, will be take place,
SMondays and Wednesdays
from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
'The season will continue until.

A senior men's doubles league
at the "C" levelwill begin Oct. 10'
at Huguenot Tennis, Center.
Seniors must be over 50 years old
to quali'. ,

ema -**

Matches will take place Friday
mornings from Oct. until April
For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.

St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a men's1
18-and-over basketball
league. All games will be
played Monday and
Wednesday between 6:30
p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. For
more information, contact
T.J. Jackson at (904) 209-

Hunters and fishermen
who repeatedly violate
Florida's fish and wildlife
laws may face enhanced
penalties. A new law increas-
es penalties for repeatedly
violating saltwater or fresh-
water fishing and hunting
laws. The law also increases
the penalty for hunting or
fishing with a suspended or
revoked license. Hunting or
fishing with a suspended or
revoked license is now a first-
degree misdemeanor. Anyone

convicted of violating the
law now faces a mandatory
$1,000 fine arn'd five-year sus-
pension of all FWC recre-
ational licenses, and also.
could be sentenced to up to a
year in jail.
The new law classifies vio-
lations at four levels and
includes increased penalties
at each level for repeat viola-

y #16 .irt.hd
1^^_ |

~ffoa~ ~

..- .-. ,' f',, "
Join us for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and you'll experience a truly inspiring event. By
stepping up with others in your community, you'll support those who are facing breast cancer, as well
as the fight itself. For more than three decades, the American Cancer Society has led the way against
breast cancer from advocating for mammography, to pioneering support programs, to funding vital
research. And with your help, we'll reach our destination.
MAKING STRIDES Join the fin, noncompetitive walk the Third Annual Beaches
Against Breast Cancer Making Strides Against Breast Cancer a 5K walk on
s the beach with a fun-filled opening and closing at the Sea Walk Pavilion.
Saturday October 14, 2006

Registration begins at 8:00am Walk begins at 9:00am
Sea Walk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach
Walk welcomes individuals, teams, cancer survivors and
anyone who wants to join the fight against breast cancer.
THE BEACHES LEADER For more information, call
PONTE VEDRA LEADER :249-0022 ext. 111 or email:
...your community newspapers christine.hoffman@cancer.org.
Ho pe. Pro g ress.Answers./1.800.ACS.2345/www.cancer.org/stridesonline

How dangerous is peewee

foot all for youngsters?

11 1 :1

C.entember 27 2006

Page 3B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

September 27, 2006

The RPBearPh I PLIPr/P nte Vedra Leader


rFagf IpL

Pets & Animals Service Guide cont.

The Beaches Leader/

Ponte Vedra Leader

300 Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets

CLT A SIS Announcements
400 Notices





THURS., 11 A1A.M.



$7.10 First 10 Words

470 each add'l word


$8.10 First 10 Words

470 each addlI word,



Hours: Mon. Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250

Real Estate
100 Real Estate
110 Lots/Land for Sale
120 Homes for Sale
125 Real Estate
130 Cnnd6s for Sale
I.'l4 Mdrtgages',,
150 Mobile Homes
for Sale
180 Comm. Property
185 Industrial/

200 Rental
215 Home for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rentl-
'276'Rental to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Rental

405 Travel
415 Personals.
420 Legal Servi
425 Legal Notic
440 Misc. Lost/I

650 Painting
.651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography,
655 Rain Gutters

'660 Remodel/Const,
665 Repairs
ces .670 Roofing ,
es 675 Sprinkler & Wells
Found 677 Tree Service

450 Instructions/Schools 678 Tile
460 Weddings 680 Upho
Employment 685 Wallp
500 P-T Help Wanted Wate

510 F-T Help Wanted Health
520 Job Services
530 Bus.Opportunity 700 Mas
710 Healt
540 ChildCare

550 Work Wanted 7 ar
For Sal
Service Guide F
600 Services 800 For
601 Air Conditioning 805 Mui
602 Alterations 810Ant
607 Auto/Boat Detailing 815 Auc
608 Auto Repair 820 Wa
609 Bus. Services 825 Tra
612 Carpet 830 or
613 Catering: Garage

S615 Cleaning
618 Electronics

840 Gar

850 Jax

or Treatment
sage Therapy
th Care Serc.

isic& Ihstr.
noted to Buy

age Sales

619 Electrical Services 852 Neptune Beach

620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood

854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedra
858 West Beaches

631 Computer Services 859 Jacksonville

634 Lawn Mower
,O635,LawA-y{Syc/j l (,'("
636 Locksmith:.
637 Marine Const..
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing

860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
i Transportation;iou4

. 905 Auto Rental

915 Boats
930 Motorcycles

970 Trucks/Vans
980 Automobiles



All advertising accepted subject to the approval of the publisher, who
shall have the right to revise or reject in whole or in part any advertisement.
Publisher reserves the right to place classified under appropriate classifica-
Please read your ad the first day it runs so any necessary changes
may be made. Liability for errors in advertisements shall not exceed the
cost of the space occupied by the error. All errors are to be brought to our
attention within 15 days of publication to receive consideration for adjust-
ment. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for omissions.

community with spectacular views, public
water including fire hydrants, DSL acces-
sibility, paved roads, nearby lakes, presell-
ing phase IV $35,000+ (800)463-9980,
www.neridgealsouthmounlain.com. .

The assifiedra Leader

Cla ssif ieds.

Ine neat in Ine beauliful. peaceful moun.
lains of western NC, nomes. cabins, acre.
age & investments Cherokee Mountain
GMAC Real Eslate. cherokeemounlain re-
alty.comrn Call for free brochure. (800)841-
ASHEVILLE, NC Area Breathtaking moun-
tain view & river parcels. 1 to 8 acres
hIrom he $80s nature trails, custom lodge,
river walk & much more. 5 min. Irom
lown. 18661340-8446
GULF FRONT lots $595k Homes starling
mid $300k. New master planned ocean,
front community on beautiful Muslang Is-
land, near Corpus Chnstl. TX. wwwcinna-
monshore.com, (8661891 -5163
munity-Coastal Georgia. Large lots w/'
deepwaier marsh. golf. nature views Gat-
ed, goll. Illness center tennis Iralis,oak
park docks $70k s-300k. 1877)266-
7376 ww.cooperspoint.com
BEACHES AREA building lot with mobile
home $64 900 241-0657.
ACRE LOTS Irom $79,900 Gated en-
Irance, great schools Lakefront and
Marshlronl available Premium amenities
package. Excellent financing. PRE- CON-
18881525-3725 X 1796
1. ACRE within pond TN, 1 2 acre wood-
ed parcel wiln a gentle slope, Iron[ to
back. Pond on northeast side. Some bluff
views available after clearing. Close to
huge state park. Only $89,9001 Call
VA MOUNTAIN log cabin unfinished in-
side, view trees, private, large creek & riv-
er nearby, $139,500 owner (866)789-8535
FOLKSTON GA, house/ bam/ pond,
4acres/ stream. $153,000, beautiful.

WITH TENNESSEE'S Beautiful Lakes &
Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect
spot to call home.. Call Nancy Gaines, Ga-
bles & Gates (865)388-7703,
(865)777-9191 www.nancygaines.com..
NEW HOMES in Ocala, FL Pre-construc-
tion Pricing, zero down for investors, real-
tor inquiries welcome. Call Kinder Homes
at (352)622-2460 or
www.lnvestOcalaFL.com. "

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation, or d.scrminai'on
ased on race, color, religion, sex.
handicap., amilial status or national ori-
gin, or the intention to10 make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising -for real estate
which is in violation ofl the law. All per.
sons are hereby inlormed rai all dwcell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
1i you believe Inal you may have been
discriminated against in connection withr
the sale. rental or financing ol housing
call the United States Depanment of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
paired 11800P927-9275.
Why not join us on
Every Wed Irom 11am-1pm
S Phyllis will be online lacking
your questions live
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

5 BLOCKS to ocean. comer lot, consider
owner financing, $114.900. Owner/ agent.
568-4818. 1 ...1 ..1 .:
LOT- 50'X100', 504 12TH STREET, Vila-
no Bch. $199,000 Grace Ellis. All Pro Re-
ally Specialists 655-7923 cell)
3175 Pullian Ct. 50x120
$275,000 (904)536-8268
1+ ACRE Mountaiq I ots. Minu l$. rgm
Hayesviile. NC. Hiawvassee Rive'r al
A 'Lake Chaiuga Build our' home'lo a'lit
time Lots range in price from $54.900
to $87,900. Call 828-3898843 or 904-
PV FSBO. 94X125, east of AlA.
$369,000. Seller financing. Call
"WESTERN NEW Mexico 62 .acres
$110.990 Trees. mm views, wildlife. close
to BLM. Horseback riding, hiking, nunling.
Perfect for vacation, investment. retire-
ment Electriciry 1000o financing Larger
acreage available 1866)365-2825
loric Pon City Coastal Development The
Bluffs on the Cape Fear. Faslest growing
county in NC. Grand opening Iall 2006
Direst ocean access Preconslruclion in.
centnves o10 call now
www iheblutsnc.com (8661725-8337
Cape Fear Blurts, LLC Broker
GEORGIA' NORTH Carolina. Caplivating
mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls.
Homesites slaying @ $39,900. Log home
kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call
(888)389-3504 X700
PRIME NORTH Flolida hunting propenies
Irom 60 acres to 480 acres. Slaning at
$3,000 per acre Call J W Hill, Lic. RE
Broker (888)821-0894
20 ACRES wiln pond near Stale & Nat'l
parks. Camp. Fish, Hunt $89,900 owner
tin $4995 down (800)352-5263 Florida
Woodland Group, Inc. Lic RE Broker.


46 sleps to Neptune Elementary play-
gound, 3BR/2BA, 1998s1, new root large
comer lot, ,1495 Forest Ave. $329k,
esvllle, lakevlew upstairs master suite
w/office. 4/3 2950sl, 5 acres, built 2002.
$469.000. Independent Brokers 904-710-

ATLANTIC & Kimen area 3BR/2BA, on
lake. 1580sI, $234,900. Call Terry
1904)472-6254 :
Petersburg 1 mile trom Gull of
Mexico/Don Cesar On Isla Del Sol golf
course. Completely rumrised $370,000
Call (859)6082213
2BR/2BA ATLANTIC Beach home on golf
course, $188,500, 247-9850
Oak, FL. Totally renovated with upgrades,
near schools and shools and spping. This is a true
must seel $239,500 Call J.W. Hill, Lic RE
Broker, (888)821-0894. '
ICW, 4BR/2.5BA,, on lake, new carpet,
paint, ceramic tile, Fenced yard. $318,000
(seller pays $5000 closing costs).
703-5508, 732-9376.
S. JAX Bch, 4/2, newly painted, $350,000.
Neptune Bch Townhouse, -2BR/1.5BA
+bonus room with 10x12 storage shed.
Great location, 2118 Rosewood Dr.
$219,000. Call Russell 343-2206.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach,
.2BR/1BA on 60'x150' lot, 255 Sherry Dr.
$459,000. 349-2504.
OPEN HOUSE .12-2pm Saturday. Located
off 6f San Pablo. Please Call Angela Car-
ter. 553-9502.
3/2/1 VILLAGES of Pablo, eat-In kitchen,
DR. Ip, fenced yard, new paint, new car-
pet, asking $215,000, 220-6911, 553-
ATLANTIC BEACH, 562 N. Nautical Bou-
levard, 3/2/2 walking distance to the
beach. Completely Renovated, new kitch-
Owner/ Agent, Cornerstone Realty, Inc.
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).

SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Ber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
LIVE IN AB <$400,000. 6 blocks to ocean,
lakefront, pool. 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage.
See to appreciate. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle. $395,000. 904-994-4220.
INVESTOR'S DREAM Lot w/ house,
60x125, 91h Ave. N Make oiter

Intracoastal West
1.35 acres of pristine waterfront privacy in
popular Marsh Sound This Is an absolute-
ly immaculate 4BR,3BA home thai offers
the best or all worlds Greal home. great
location and in fantastic shape.' $450,000
Call Mark of The Dilworth Realty Group of
Vanguard GMAC 904-591-6976.
MOVING -HOME reduced below apprais-
ed market value! Private Sale 4-.2 Lake-
front pool and spa rome nestled on con-
servation oversized lot in gated Highland
Glen Subdivision. Too many upgrades to
list. $590,900. Call 904-223-4032 For ap-
GORGEOUS. 4BR,3BA low country
charmer in P.V. Beach sits on large Con-
servaton Iol and is loaded w'cusiom up-
grades $624 900 Call Susan Kennedy &
Tnhe Kennedy Team @ Vanguard GMAC.
ISLE OF Palms, gorgeous 3/2, new paint
inside & out, fixtures, carpet. windows,
landscaping, sprinkler system, A/C & rool
$244,900 Tim 509-9071
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neplune Bch
nome 4BR/2BA, split plan, w-2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399.900 Drive by
1525 Foresl Ave Molivated seller
Will co-op 1904)463-7245.

LARGE CORNER lor 5 blocks offl ocean
$289.900 Call Chuck 228-0553, Killebrew
& Co

JAX BEACH Waler Lovers Dream 3'2
healedd pool. new root. Kitchen and
baths, wood looking paint $369,900. Call
Elhan Gregory 904-502-9700. CCIN Real
Eslale Services
large corner lol, ile floors, new rooft. F/P,
many upgrades 992-2249 or 514-7152.
FSBO $173,900 3/2 RENOVATED. 1142
Hibiscus Sl Call 923-2097.
Custom home- 2800SF, dock 2 boal 1htis,
bulkhead. 4BR 3BA. pool delached 3 car
gar 100x440 oeauliully treed lot
$1.475M. 285-0489.
PONTE VEDRA Laketront, 5/3. 2740sl.
ienced yard. Walk to och, many upgrades.
FSBO- 285-4715 5559K.
On Intracoastal
New consiruchon completion lale '06..
cottage STyle, 420051.. 4BR/4BA. S1.975M
Call now to see floor plans.
Gated community. 4BR/3BA. 3000tsI., in-
ground pool, dock summer kricnen. water
views Iront ana rear Built in '95.
$924,900. '. : : : -
Call Linda 525-2638
.Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
Total relIDrb, 31 homn nor72l'tI814F cfi-
creie block/ stucco Walk to beach/
schools. New S/S appliances & W/D.
Move-in ready Will co-op. 446 Lora St.
$459,000 (904)241-5564
3BR/EBA. large lot, walk to parks/beach.
Newer kilcnen loors and CH/A, sell below
appraisal at $200.000. $2500 paint & sod
allowance. Greal investment opportunity.
651-6748 or 247.9244.
TIDAL WATERFRONT in Atlantic Beacn,
1550 sqh, 3/2 w/ updated bathrooms, tile
& carpel. 100 h dock w/ boar lin, access to
ICW, $300K, (904)813-5315.

2300st. gated goll community $574.000

CYPRESS CREEK- Near Maypon Elem
& Wonoerwood Nice 3/2, 2 car gar.,
Ireshly painted new vinyl & more.'
WOLF CREEK- 3/25 condo Almost
brand new wi garage & many upgrades.
$285 000
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2, 2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaul. stone.
irpic lenced yard, corner lot Close to
schools. beaches Just listed $219,900.
Supd. Nice 3/2, 2 car gar, minutes from
beaches, shopping. Newer home, Ig yard.
Reduced to $239.900!
FORT CAROLINE. Duplex- each side
has 2/2, 1 car gar. &'RV/ boat parking.
$292,400. i .
area. 4/3, 'over 30K .in upgrades. Below
appraisal. Better than a model home.-
$289,900. .
4/2 near schools & shops $234.500.-
221-1711 OR 241-5501
Dolphin Cove. 3BR/2BA, huge comer lot.
all brick, cul-de-sac, updated rle in main
living area Ready to gol Jusl Reduced.
2BR/ 2BA condo. upgraded tile & carpet,
backs to preserve, vaulted ceilings.
Motivated seller $201.999.
4BR/2BA huge' cul-de-sac lot, community
.pool and tennis, minutes to the Beaches
A+ school. $288,900.
4BR/2BA W/pooll 2000+sf., new roof,
HVAC, fence, flooring, windows,' garage
door, replumbedl Offered at $384,900.
TWO 1BR/ 1BA +loft Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with huge great room, private back-
yard, great for entertaining, Low mainte-
nancelandscaping. $323,900.
Motivated seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, icar garage.
Offered at'$144,900.
4BR/ 3BA w/large 'bonus room, popular
floor plan w/formal living/ dining room,
covered lanai, in ground swim spa. Seller
to pay $5000 of closing costs. Offered at'
3BR/2.5BA, comer lot, exc. condition ,
close to beaches & schools. $269,500.
Seller to pay $1500 closing costs
Upgraded home on San 'Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900.
4/2 HOME in Waldep Chase off CR-210,
never lived in, huge great room, $349,900.
Call: 904-241-4447

Sunday, 10/1,12pm-3pm.
365 Sawmill Lane
.210 to Odoms Mill
LF on Odoms Mill Blvd.
RT on Sawmill Lane
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX CoastalReal Estate

A GEM!. FSBO, Atl Bch, 3/2 home,
1267sf., frplc, 2 car gar., scrn prch in
beautiful quaint community. Bit '02, per-
fect condition. $279,900. (608)213-3397.
The Inniet @ PV By the Sea, 2BR/2BA,
end unit, one level, $1'600sf, updated,
large deck overlooking pond, home war-
ranty, private walk way to the beach and
The Lodge. $487,000, 904-962-6876.
3BR/2BA, VERY nice,, modem, open floor
plan, 2 car garage Oakridage Subdivision.
PVB, $419,000. (904)699-2906
JAX GOLF & CC, 3801 Bigg.n Church Rd
W. 4BR,4BA 3306 sq n only $629,000,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Reality Specialists.
SOUTHSIDE Secret Woods all brick,
3'202 1895 si. built 1987 $284,900 OBO.
Indeoendent Brokers 710.3111
'170 VISTA Grande '3/2/1, 1100sf,.beauti-
fully appointed, $209,900, no condo fees,
'327-0558. Candle6rhomes.com
Dolphin Cove. 6 Barracuda PL; This 3/2
home has been updated in 2004 to in-
clude new kitchen with Granite counter.
tops. lile & carpet Iloors. new trim & doors,
new vanities & water closets, AC extend-
ed patio Large shed w/ cable & A/C in
landscaped yard w/ ,rrgaiion system
$287.500 Owner Agent 887-6479

it an accepted o er
on any of these homes!

Oceanfront S2.75M
6782 A Ave
5/4.5, 4725 sf, pool, spa,
private beach, ICW views

Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
Water to Golf $750,000
241 Hampton Club Wy
5/5, 5056 sf, 3 car gar, loaded
$25k below appraisal
5/5 Pool in PVB S679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Lakefront, screened pool
4/2, on .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded
Lakefront 3/2 $269,900
4758 Mountain Breeze
1934 sf, open, tile, WOW!
1,27-3 + office $260,000, ,
.2465 'Misty Water Dr W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $30k

Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot

TIRED LIVING on the beach and would
like to live on a quiel wooded acre 1/2 lot
with 382 hI. or nverroni in a goll and
equestrian community lusl 45 miles south
of Atlantia I m looking to swap for a condo
or nouse on/near Jacksonville/Nep tune/AI-
lantic beach. Check oul River Foresi @
www.nverlores.inlo1 I interested, contact
me ai www.kwbinson@toellsoulh.net

Sal. Sun. only. 12-5pm. Park seating.
lakev;ew, new unil Reduced $18K. FSBO,
1904)284-5251, Ocean Grove, $212K
$215.000- 2/2, garage. all appl. incl.. Jar-
din De Mer, 247-4211.
JAX BEACH- 2 yr old 3/2 garage, consider
lease option, 249,900. Owner/ Agent.
568-4818. .. .
1/1 CONDO In Ponte Vedra. New applian-
ces and a'lon of community ammentlies. i
$168,000 (904)504-8864 or
OCEAN VIEW 3,2. upgraded appliances.
great South end view, $474,900, Vanguard
Realty, 568-4818.
PV BCH 2BR/2BA w/ fireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $179,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace. Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists
655-7923 (cell).
PV 2/2 Gated, totally renovated, golf
course, spa w/trainer, pub room, beach
shuttle, WBFP, W&D; $205,000. Torn
PVB. 1BR/1 BA, 550sf, tiled, new applian-
ces, ground floor. $139,900. 285-6325
OWNER WILL fintince, oceanview 2/1
condo. $295K. Call (904)891-6710.
OCEAN & PIER VIEWS, 3/2 7th floor,
1572 sf, garage, The North Shore,
$590,900, 568-1613.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $455,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
PRICED TO SELL! .1 br w/ garage The
Palms $149,900! 568-1613.
PONTE VEDRA, 1BR/1BA, 750sf., open
floor plan, icar garage, hickory cabinets,
granite countertops, Travertine stone
floors, slate shower. $199,900.
APPROXIMATELY 1 mile to beach,
1BR/1.5BA w/loft, new roof, wood deck.
kitchen upgraded. $217,000. 242-7529,
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $519,900. Owner/ agent
DAYTONA BEACH, 6 income producing
condolets w/sdeller assisted financing.
$279K-$695K. See seminar for Sept. 30th
at www.larrybruner.com. Photos:
www.daytonaoceanfrontsuites.com. All
buyers will be approved.
FSBO, 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor w/garage,
wood floors, fireplace, patio, great
view. $164,900. Owner/ Agent. 534-
PVB 2BR/2BA walk to beach, newly reno-
vated, $192,000, possible lease/purchase,

Atlantic Ocean' Brand nev.,
simultaneou. closing end of '06.
$829,X00 2/2/1716 If. 7th nr. South
$1,590,000 3/3 5/2605 sf. 2nd fIr,
direct ocean In.
Priu1i i I .I 14 II W33 A AIIK'IIJ
Priced reduced! Marsh & natural
preserve! 3/2/2028 sf, open tfr plan.
die thru-out. ne SS lokit appliances.
re-plumbed '06 $424.900

m mAlii] !Uin'a iii Nl i S IIE'

$582,100 4/3 5/2760 if, Ke Westi
st)le 3 stones. St Johns River view/
marsh fri near fee community boat
ramp. ,





i I

Selotemher 27. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

ATL BCH, 2BR 1.5BA, 1250sf, completely
remodeled- kitchen, barn, tile, carpel &
more. Custom closets, stone frplc.
.$113,600. 773-3777.

FSBO 1BR/iBA. Palms at Marsh Land-
ing. Perfect location, private marsh view,
846 sq. ft. Newly renovated in 2004. Ask-
Ing only $156,000. 476-5280,
2BR/2BA w/garage, walk to the. beach/
The Lodge, new carpet & paint. Tenant
will slay or go. Reduced for quick sale,
$229,90., The Colony @ PVB,

_" Best Rates
A 1A Best Service
_I_* Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
Get Info
*Get Pre-qualifled
1328 Tni n SrAF.e N.r.,
JCK,:riuI,.Ec Bac.,, FL 32250
PNon' 904-247-7414 FA- 904247-47574



PALM HARBOR factory liquidation sale.
2006 models must go' Modular, mobile &
still homes 0% down when you own your
own landll Call our laclory for free color
brochure (800)622.2832

4-PLEX, 1 block to ocean, zoned 6 unils,
100x96 North Jax Beach, 1 3 million,

2850s ., $2850/mo includes utilities. Call
S Bart@ 241-3111 lExi 11)

$895t'$795/mo. 1500 block Ot Jordan SI.
off Donner. E of Mayport Rd. Drive by.
Ihen call 642-1003
JAX BEACH 2BR/1 5BA, 900st., W/D,
CH/CA. $900.mo $900 deposit, 1 yt,
[ease. no pets Call 221.6816
ilEPTUN'lW' 0bA ,'e tblokIoK oceanr
2BR/1BA. 1 year lease. NO pels, 800sl
includes W/D $1000/mo +$1000/sec.
dep. 918A First Streetl. between Bay &
Pine. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.

2 large bedrooms- 1 1/2 baths including
refrigerator w/ ice maker, dishwasher.
washer & dryer, separate dining area, fire-
place In living room, newly carpeted (sorry
NO DOGS), fresh & clean, includes pool.
security system plus additional outside
locked storage facility, $850/mo, lyr
lease, deposit & references required. Call
evenings 285-8325 or cell 403-9297.

2/1 townhouse. W/D included, CH/A. ce-
ramic tile. approx. 900sf. 405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. No pels. $825/mo, $900/sec
dep (904)343-9908.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1stAve. South,
1BR/1BA. $685/mo (904)891-0606,
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
ihe Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis. club.
house. & more! $1250/mo 904-372-9222.

CHIA. WDHU East of 1st St $795-
$895/mo 241-7368, 733-3730

WALK TO Beacn. Efficiency $550/mo.
1BR $650/mo, 2BR $800/mo., secunty
deposit, no pels. 12mo lease. 514-8530,
FAIRFIELD PV- 2BR/2BA townhome
wigaragel hardwood floors. lakevew, club
pool & more! $1200/mo. All South,Realty,

223B HOPKINS St, Nep Bch. 1BR/1BA el-
ficiency Apt. 1.5 blocks from ocean.
$775/mo. Lewis Realty (904)291-7229.
JAX BCH. 2BR 1 5BA duplex, CH/A,
WDHU, fenced yard, $800/mo. +security
deposit. Call (904)631-4373.
S. JAX Bch, 3/2, $51450/mo. 2 cleaning
services incl. par mo. 655-3951.
PVB TOW HOUSE- 2BR/1.5BA, com-
pletely remodeled, all new. appliances,
next to Sawgrass, great amenities,
51000/mo deposit. 904-571-6967
NEAR PONTE Veora 1 Dlock beach. Best
area. quiet, sate, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint.
CH-&A, W/D included. No smoking, no
pets $950/mo., lease deposit 993-1118.
MAYPORT, 2BR/iBA apt., $675/mo.
.$600/dep. CH&A. 280-2728 Iv. msg.
NEPTUNE BCH 1/2 block to ocean,
2BR/1BA, deck. large garage, CH&A.
WDHU, No dogs. $1250/mo t deposit.
Call Trish 463-0222
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, lust steps
to ocean Club pool. $975/mo All South
Realty, 241-4141.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse, 1000f to
beacon. 2/2, 1 car gar., year lease Private
beach access. $925/mo. (904;294-5498
NEPTUNE BEACH, 'Summer Sands
Townhome, 3/2.5, W/D. garage, pool. No
Pets, No-Smoking $1280/mo. 655-2718.
NEP BCH townhouse, very contemporary.
2BR plus office, 2BA, tile floors, lrpc., pa-
rio. WDHU. No pets please. Walk to Town
Center, shops & restaurants $1200/mo.
JAX BEACH. 1 block to ocean,
3BR/1.5BA townhome, CH&A, WDHU,
balcony & patio, 520 S. 2nd St. $1350/mo.
$1000.deposit, 280-2728 Ive message.
PONTE VEDRA. galed townhouse 2/2
anached garage, pool, gym. $1100/mo All
South Realty, 904-241-4141
2BR/2.5BA, wdhu, veryclean & spacious,
n6 smokers or pels, avail. Oct. 1, $875/mo
Ssec. dep., 249.6150.
NB, 2/1 upper, eat-in-kitchen, large living
room, new carpet & tile. $995/mo TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.

OCEANFRONT- 3BR/2BA condo .in -.8.
Jax Bch. Convenient to shopping. JTBI
Club pool, garage & morel $1700/mo. Al-
so, 2BR/2BA $1400/mo. All South Realty.

MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots Near Mayport Naval Stalion, no
dogs, 333-5579.
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen,
lile floors. WDHU, CH&A. detached 1 car
garage $950/mo. +$950/dep. $200 non-
refundable pet deposit. 993-8597.
JAX BCH near ocean 1BR unfumished
apt, lease, references, $725/mo, 222.4th
Ave. So., 221-4134, 703-5518.

JAX BCH, 3/2.5. ocean view, $1450/mo.
185 5thAve S. 318-0044
over 1000st., just remodeled! W/D. ga.
rage, 212 Seagate. E. of 3rd $1195,mo
furnished for additional. (9041642-1003
CLEAN 3BR Townhouse, near ocean,
Neplune Bch. $1395/mo Cnarles Leo-
nard, Bioker. 241-7675.

Lovely 4BR/2BA, 2 car, side entry garage,
many upgrades, comm. pool, only 2 yrs.
new, over 2000 sAt, walk to schools and
shopping, 12371 Kiwi Ct., $1500/mo, Call
Margo, 463-0343.
ATLANTIC BCH Townhome off Mayport
Rd. 2BR/1 5BA. Totally remodeled, new
appliances, $900'mo. 536-0784.

BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA 108 Orange
St, Nep Bch, downstairs, $1050/mo incl.
util. (661)803-6275.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 62. Ocean Blvd,
.2BR/1BA, W/D included. CH&A, tile floor.
1 Dlock to ocean S12001mo 1st. last and
security 838-6333.
FURNISHED DOWN io the kilchenware
1/1, long or short term, 1 block to beach.
Includes uld & laundry room. As low as
$1000'mo. 318-0044

PVB. 3BRi2BA Townhouse. 1280st., W/D PONTE VEDRA 2BR/2BA condo, Club
screened porch. $1100/mo May give pool. exercise & more $975/mo
opton to buy. 904-537-4072 3BR/2BA, $1200/mo. All Soumn Really,
tmI 241.4141
,niO IQ I i n l-inl, IO' i- i U1,, i Di/n IiA

OU850/M U TIL ITIES includedU. IDBR/IBD.
near beach. No smoking/ pets. 247-0354.
2.5BA 1700sf, master suite w/ lacuzzi.
balcony, tile first floor. laundry hookup, 2
car garage, fenced yard. Small dogs con.
sidered. 893 6th Ave. S $1500,mo. plus
1mo dep. Call 249-6150.
One bedroom with separate study and
lajge. covered balcony facing ocean
Wood floors. washer/ aryer, oft-street
parking 2224 Ocean Drive South

'. ` .

NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovate
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon. $1100/n
247-1417.. 1BR, near ocean. $750/mo.

2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOME in Allantic
Beach. 5 locks 1o ocean. $1200/mo +
$1200 Oep.. 591-1226
PONTE VEDRA Bch 3BR split. 2BA. sin-
gle gar. Upgraded including all new appli.
ances. 6 monthly lawn care. 177 Del Pra-
do $1250/mo. 1si & last deposit required.
No pets, non-smoker Avail Ocl Call
VILANO BEACH. 41BR/4BA, 2850st., over-'
looking Intercoaslal, walk to beach, home
only 4yrs. old er1800imo. Call Jan Hoff-
man 537-7777. Owner,' agenl.

JAX BEACH block & hail Irom water.
LARGEI 1BEDROOM, Jax Beach, 1 1/2 2BR/1BA, CHA, WDHU, FP, $750imo.
blocks lo ocean. CH/CA. real nice Call 904-891.0606 or 352-478-2161.
613-7377 .

PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (lop), end
unit. vaulted ceilings. W/D, completely
renovated.' Resort amenities. $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.

Great 1BR apartment at 1204 1st St. No.
$690/mo, lease. Call Margo 463-0343

Iront. Neptune Beach. Just remodeled
$1800.'mo Including utilities 545-1046
JAX BEACH Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors. Dishwasher, CH&A.
1BR/1BA, $800/mo. $850/mo $1000/mo.
(904)859-1301. (904)553-1354.

$ 875 713 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 875
51000 412 The Palms Jax Beach 2/2 1156
$1000 703 Villas ol Marsh Landing Ja\ Beach 2/2 1080
$1050 36 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1050 72 The Fountains Ponte \edra 2/2 1260
$1100 535 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 2/2 1200
$1150 565 Lora Street Neptune Beach 2/2+office 1000
$1200 728 Belleza Ponie Vedra 2/2 1012
$1350 1227 18th Street North Jax Beach 3/2 1700
$1400 748 Marsh Cove Lane Ponte Nedra 3/2+loft 1650
$1500 9757 Rough Creek Ponie Vedra/Sa'1graIs CC 2/2 1465
$1500 1106 Valencia Ja.\ Beach/Beach Pkv.y 2/2 1356
$1600 744 Summerhouse U Beach Ponte Vedra 3/2 1500
$1600 1979 Spoonbill St Ja./San Pablo Rd 3/2 1700
$1600 804 Templeton Lane Ponte Vcdra/Walden Chase 4/2 17(00
$1600 1029 Hanover Lane Pon[e \edra/\Valden Chase-4/3 2318
$1750 97 Voyager Court Porne Vedra/Saugrass TPC 3/2 1750
$1750 224 Seamist Court PonteVedra/Seaside 3/2 21'00
$1800 104 Crosscove Circle Ponte Vedra/Seaside 4/3 2345
$2000 6033 Bndgewater Cucle Ponie Wedra/Sagra~ss TPC 3/2.5 2000
$2000 810 Mira Vista Atlantic Beach 3/3 2050
$2260 10302 Ocean Grande South Ponte Vedra 3/3 2239
$2400 905 2nd Street North, #C Ja. Beach 3/3 2444
$2400 505 Seascape Jax Beach/Oceanfroni 3/2 1300
$2500 70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
$2500 117 Deer Cove Dnve Ponte Vedra/Marsh Lading 4/2.5 2000
52600 408 Seaspray Lane Ponie Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
$2600_-' 9910 Preston Trail" Penie itra/Sawgrias, CC 3/2 5 2900
:50Oii8 .' e1ropohitn ,1,-i.fA\ Bqch/O*tMOlf'f.?itflt i 1799
'3000 605 Landmark lax Beach/Oceanfront 4/3.5 2650
$3000 628 Preserve View Dine Palm Valley//arsl H.arbor -/4+bonui rm 3100
$3000 2451 South Poaie Vedra Blid. South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
$3300 133 Sea Hammock Way Ponie Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
$3300 570 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponre Vedra 3/2.5 3158

$ 900/wk Beach Club Villas
$1100/wv k 49 Tifton Way North
$1300/wk Deer Run
$1400 The Colony
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach
$1600 Sea Place
$1600/wk 2839 S. Ponte Vedra
$1800/wk2503 S. Ponte Vedra
$1800/wkThe Retreat
$2000 Las Bnsas
$2000 Pelican Point
$2000 Loggerhead Lane
$2000 Vista Del Mar
'$2200 Quail Point I1
$2300 92 Tifion Way North
$2500 31 Little Bay Harbor
$2500/wk 728 Oceanfront .
$2700/wk 2824 Coastal Hwy

Sawgrass Beach Club Eff
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 5
Sawgrass Countr Club 3/2
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Saw.grass Beach Club 1/1
Atlantic Beach 2/2
S. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5
S. Ponle Vedra -4/2.5
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2
Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2
Sawgpass/Players Club 3/2 5
Ja.\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2
Sawgrass Count.n Club 3/2
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5
Neptune Beach/Oceanfri.nt 3/2.5
\'ilan,.- BeadIOceajnt..rn/P...l 6/4

wigaie mi 2600

$2800 2841 S. Ponte Vedra Blvd. S Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 4/2 2100
$3000 703 Landmark 17 mo.min I Jax Beach Oceanfront 3/2 1829
53900 105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/3.5+office 3200
$5500 1931 Beach Ave(3mo min..i Adannc Beach 3/3 2400
Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman PinsCher. "
"Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly."

Call today to book your next vacatlonll

JAX BEACH- 428 3ra Ave So, 2BRi1BA
house, CH&A. lenced yard, $775,'mo,
(904)891-0606 or 1352)478-2161.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 2BR/1BA, spacious,
secluded, fenced yard $900/mo. +sec
Walk to beach and Town Center from this
lovely 4BR/2.5BA each bungalow,
charming Iront porch & lenced yard plus a
detached bldg. with 2 car gar. huge stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home otice/ studaro) Available late October
$1850/mo Call 242-0203 soon.
PONTE VEDRA Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court.' 2BR/2BA patio home,
$1150/mo., 655-5990
PONTE VEDRA L'Atrium. 2BR/2BA, ga-
rage, pool. tennis, orange, lemon and
grapefruit trees, $1150/mo. Available im-
mediately 285-9884
ICW NEAR San Pablo Rd. 3BR/IBA.
LARGE lenced yard CH&A. -WDHU,
$950/mo 241-1857, 246-0248
ell Rd. 3/1. brck. rent to own $1200/mo.
VIP Realty, 962-6190
COTTAGE ACROSS from ocean, 512 ist
St. South $850/mo. VIP. Really.
WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2,
2300s1,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/fireplace, carpet. cath ceilings, lenced
yard. $1450/mo. TDO Management Serv-
ices 246-1125
JAX BCH. 4 blocks Irom ocean. 3BR
1 5BA, CH/A., tile & carpels, new kit. cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep Dogs
30lbs and under considered. 514-4229 atl-
ter 4pm. Broker/ owner
1129 Sebago Ave South. Beautilul 3/2.
fenced yard, all new kitchen, appliances,
bath. ile & carpel 51200'mo year lease,
no pets, 631-3583
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3BR/2BA w/ garage,
large yard, $1050/mo, 1904)242-0257.
NEP BCH. large 4BR 2BA with gar, plus
covered parking lor boal or RV
$16500mo. 904-704-1l828. -


2BR,1.5BA, CH&A. WDHU, carpet & por-
celain hie, fenced In back yard 2112 Flori-
da Blvd. Neptune Bch. $800/mo, credit
check, 888-259-0783
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 322 3rd Street,
2BR/1BA, 3 blocks from ocean, large
backyard, no dogs, $1200/mo + dep., 246-
7-blocks to beach $1050/mo. +deposit.
amenities,, beach access. $875/mo.
Call 338-7321.
pliances, washer/dryer, CH&A. $900/mo
Ist, last, deposit. 803.2520, 338.1766.

2/1, KERNAN/ Beach Blvd. area, large
separate storage. $895/mo. 247-1333
WINDSOR PARK, 3/2, 1800si w/garage.
Available now. Hardwood, carpel
$1500/mo 904-652-9271


I,4,JOAHd(R A'RBUR $1100,'ro. dep., 1BR/1BA, 3RD floor, wood floors, paio,
references, available Oct. 1, 1291 Nan- fireplace, great view. S850/mo. Avail.
luckel, call 553-6266. ASAP. 534-4559.

3BR/2BA, qreat condition. 1654sl, over
looking gorl course, low maintenance
$1500/mo. 904-219-7962
SOUTH JAX Beach. 3BR/2.5BA. 1 car ga-
rage on quiet cul-de-sac Available
10/1/06 $1450/mo. 655-3491.
3BR/3BA BEACH HOUSE, 227 North St
. 7 houses from ocean, peis welcomed,
$1950 call 233-2151.
SOUTH JAX Beach 3BR/1 5BA, 6 blocks
to ocean. $1300/mo. 710-5200
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA, lile floors. updat-
ed bathroom, new carpet. No smoking. No
pels $1250/mo. +$1000/dep. 673-6335,
3BR/1BA, 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHU w/iarge separate utility shed.
fenced backyard w/lik. bar, BBQ pit Must
see to appreciate 814 3rd Ave. S., JB.
$925/mo. +dep. Must pass credit check
Donnie 992-0088, 246-3690 333-1822.
3BR/2BA. DOUBLE garage, bnck home,
screened pano, inground pool. Recently
remodeled. East side of Penman, close to
schools. $1400/mo. (904)631-1825.
3BR/2BA+ office. 2000s1., 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool, lawn/pool service includ-
ed Pels OK. $1900/mo (904)703-0242.
JAX BEACH- 909 71h., Ave. North,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch,
fenced yard, CH&A, 5950/mo.
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161,.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pels $950/deposil,
$950/mo 617 7In Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270-1284

side. End unit, 1-story. May give option to
buy. $1250/mo. (904)612-6532
2BR/2BA. 1100SF. 2nd floor unit. wiga.
rage, fireplace. W/D, vaulted ceilings, walk
to the beach, quiet location. $1000/mo
1/1 PLUS porch w/TV $850/mo. includes
water New: tile, carpel, W/D, gated, pool,
gym. Please call. 509-6895 Avail 8/1.
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
ATLANTIC BEACH 2/2 beautiful furnished
vacation condo, $1300/mo. 887-5005.
1BR/1BA. pool, fabulous, 'upscale. You
are worth if. $1550/mo, 249-6166.
2/2, SAIL Cove Town Center, newly reno-
vated Great location on gate Pkwy
$1150/mo 476--5280
1BR W/ GARAGE! The Palms $900/mo.,

ATLANTIC BEACH Cloister Condo.
3BR/2BA. All ameniues, ail appliances, in-
cluding washer/dryer. 219-2481
PVB HOTSPOT Summer House, East ol
A1A, 2BR/1BA condo. $1100/mo
PVB 2BR/2BA walk to beach, newly reno-
vated. $11001mo. possible lease/pur-
chase, (215)598-7488.
w/loh as bed/ office/ gym. Pels OK. All
new inlenor in 2005. Extras: W/D. ceiling
fans, fireplace, tile in laundry ano
screened porch. $1100/mo. +1mo. depos-
it. Call Bruce at 377-5051.+.

--I s

JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase, $1350/mo 568-4818.
W/D, screened porch, gated, fitness, pool,
close to beach, $995/mo + deposit Availa-
ble November 1st. 247-9727.

Page 5B

JAX BEACH- near ocean. 3BR/IBA.
Lease, references required. 218 41h Ave
South. $1195/mo k904)221-4134, 703.
5518 ,- ,
JAX BEACH. 3BR/1 5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. *$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Ra. off Penman and Northn 12t
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218
dler's Marsh. o1500/mo Pets welcome,
WEST BEACHES, Ibis Poiht, 3/3 w/office,
2400sf., GR w/fireplace, LR, DR, Elk, cov-
ered patio, comm. pool, sprinkler system,
water softener $1575/mo. TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1.125.
NEW HOME, Atlantic Beach,. 3BR/2BA,
lots of curb apeal, $1150/mo., (904)242-

.. .. .. K A C l ~CAAJUIlCl --f. -

...... .--:..... .. ... .... ..


ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse, 1 blk. to
ocean, 3BR/2.5BA, 1850sq. ft., avaialbe
now, 219-2481.
CUTE 3BR/2BA, PVB home, lenced back
yard. w/d. $1500tmo, Call (904)386-7792
1650sf. Ig fenced'rear yard, pels negoia.
ble. $1350/mo -deposil Includes pesi
control and lawn service (904)476.3000
1649 LANDING, Nep Bch. 3BR 2BA. com-
plelely updated, beautiful neighborhood, Ig
lenced yard, 2 car gar & RV parking
$1600,mo.. deposit req'd. By appi only
JB 3BRi1BA, CH&A, WDHU, large fenced
yard. great neighborhood, 1012 9th Sireet
Nonh$1100/mo. 249-1104 or 254-7752.
3BR/2BA, FURNISHED or unfurnished.
PVB. new kitchen, 285-4772
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit.
WEST BEACHES, Ashley Woods, 3/2,
2100st, formal LR/DR, GR, open kitchen
w/EIK area, huge master BR/ BA,
$1425/mo. TDO Management Services.
NEPTUNE BCH. 4/2, 1500st, Ig corner lot,
newly remodeled, 4 blocks to ocean.
$1590/mo 662-6522.
PALM VALLEY. For Sale/ For Reni
2BR/2BA, 2400si. w/pool, 2.5 acres. Nice-
ly appointed $1650/mo. 904-339-0231
Owner-Agent. www.dare2dreamteam com
home. Iong-term rental. (904)354-4400
PONTE VEDRA- nice, clean, 3BR/2BA
garage, very private, maintenance Iree,
pets ok. $1200/mo 241-4750.
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR/2BA. 1660sl. 2 car
gar..$1550/mo. 14525 Luth Dr. N Call
Cindy 962-3713
PVB Solano Cay. 3BR/2BA. garage,
large backyard in quiet neighbomood
Comm. pool $1350/mo 315.6558

terview, 2nd, floor, garage, appliances
$995/mo. (727)686-1708.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 bik to
ocean. 2/2, pool side Remodeled. No
pets. $975/mo., yr lease, dep 249-7967
OCEANFRONT 3BR/3BA, 2124st, 71h
floor, brand new plus garage! $3000/mo
Renee L Baron. Inc. 242-2821
PONTE VEDRA 2/2.5, 1220si., large bed-
rooms, W/D, comm. pool, tennis. No pets/
no smokers. $900/mo 631-1736
JAX BCH, like new 3/2 unfurn Ocean-
view. $1700/mo. 612-9172.
OCEAN FRONT 2/2 lumished w/ W/D.
$1800/mo, 386-5008.
3BR/2.5BA. 1700 sl. Ocean views from
MB, garage CH&A. No smoking. No pets.
$2000/mo 1208 S 2nd St. 655-7365 -

S Paoe 6BR

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

September 27, 2006

ATLANTIC BEACH, Deerfield Lakes. For
lease, newly remodeled condo, 1/1.5, AC,
sec. sys., elec. appl., no pets. $800/mo.
Deposit first + last month, (904)781-6528.
PVB. OCEAN Grove, 1BR/1BA w/loft.
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must rent.
$1,000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370.
PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities. $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046. .
2/2 new condo In PV Bch. 2nd floor, frplc.,
washer/ dryer, pool, spa' & gym. In quiet
gated community. $1100/mo. Call Steve
PVB, 1 BR/1 BA. Elegantly furnlshed..Steps
to Ocean. Garage, $1600/mo. 708-4022.
PVB, OCEAN GROVE, 2BR/2BA, garage,
$1100/mo. 391-0029, 399-5511 (eve-
1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, .new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
LIKE NEW 2/1, 2 blocks to ocean. SJB.
$1000/mo. 904-537-4732.
ocean front condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach. Call for more details,
398-9080 ext 211.

floor. First month FREE wilyr agreement.
$950/mio. +deposit. (904)466-0230.

LUXURY CONDO directly on Intracoastal
in MiraVista w/garage, 3BR/3BA, 2050sf,
$2500/mo. Boat slip available. Call Jay

ENJOY A week or two at beautiful Jax
Beach. 2nd floor oceanfront condo. Nicely
furnished with fully equipped kitchen, w/d.
635-1055 for more Info.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at"
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
nished homes & condos From $500' per
week! Al South Realty; 241-4141 .
Luxury furnisned 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites
High Quality King Beds. i
Equipped Kitchens. .
2nd Street & 5th Ave. South

S" JAX Bch. 2BR, fully turnisned. ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267.
www rentlacKsonvillebeach.com
4BR/4BA weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
monthly, pool, 463-7343.

NICE CLEAN 3BR'2BA $350/mo +utilil.
es Call I intereiled 334-6266
ROOMMATE WANTED -flF $650 +1 '3
fees aand ullilies Exclusive Mirsvista,
galed. pool. hor ltu, nealin club, waler-
front w/marina view Room nas own balh-
room, brand new large unit. 2700s1.
ATLANTIC BCH- beaul;fui, rent 1sl floor of
2-story Townnome 235-9304,

tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govt. fees Call weekdays (800)462-2000.
ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.

Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the
"Self Storage Facility Act", Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
FlorIda 1982; the personal property con-
sisting of clothing, personal items and
household goods of:
Arlisa Tisby, USS The Sullivans, B215,
5x10, misc. boxes.
Annette B. Williams, Atlantig Beach, B184,
5x10, washer, misc. boxes, misc. furni-
Jacki Martin, Atlantic Beach, C309, 10x15,
misc. boxes, misc. furniture. .
Freddie Guillen, Atlantic Beach, B276,
10x10, misc. boxes.
Daniel Silva, Atlantic Beach, C335, 10x10,
misc. boxes, misc. furniture. '
Deborah Welch, Atlantic Beach, C340,
5x10, bikes. Tool boxes, misc. boxes.
Reginald RoOinson Angie. LA, C380,
- 10x20, misc lunilure, misc. boxes.
Romana Blanlon, Jacksonville, D447 '5x5,,
misc. boxes.
Kimberly Johnson, Atlantic Beach, D404,
5x5, misc. boxes.;
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
10:00 AM, Saturday, October 14th, 2006
to satisfy lien(s) for past due rent(s) costs
and fees. Disposition will take place at:
Pan Am Mini Storage, 2383 Mayport Rd:,
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Pan Am Mini
Storage reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and establish minimum bids to
compensate for all costs. '..
BL 9/27, 10/4/06
The Board 01 Adoustment for the City of'
Jacksonville Beach. Fioida will meet and
nola public hearings on Tuesday, Octo-
ber 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers. located at 11 North 3rd SIreel,
Jacksonville Beach to consider the tollow-
'ng variance applications
BOA 06-100226 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-,
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) e, for 41o lot cover-
age In lieu of 35% maximum to allow
for an accessory building on a single
family property, for property located at
1202 North 19th Street, more specifical-
ly, Lot 5. Block 19. Section "A" Jack-
sonville Beach.
BOA 06-100227 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of
18 feet in lieu of 30 feet required, 34-
336 (e)(1) d, for no garage In lieu of a
one car garage required, 34-336 (e)(1)
e, for 49% lot coverage in lieu of 35%
maximum and 34-373 (d), for a parking
area set back of 1 foot in lieu of 5 feet
required to allow for Improvements to a
single family dwelling, for property lo-
cated at 1517 North 4th Avenue, more
specifically, Lot 17, Block 6, Pine Grove
Unit No. 4.
A cdpy of the above referenced applica-
lion('s is available lor review ininne onrice
of the Planning and Developmeni Depart.
meant. 11 Norin 3id Sireet. during normal
business hours (M-F. 8a.5p)
Board of Adjuslmeni
City ol Jacksonville Beach

-. I. i T3.I- h If a peson declcdes to appeal any decision
by Ihe Board ot Adjuslment with respect i.
ROOM FOR rent Atlantic & Kirnen any matter considered at any meeting '
$500'mo includes utilities 221-6646. sucn person may need a record ofl ne
S CHRISTIAN LADY Seeks roommate to proceedings, and. lor such purpose, such
e.nate 3BR apartment 1904)249-1711. person may need to ensure that a veiba-
:--- 1 lim record O ye-iocen. a maden
(904)349-9969. 'a. ". whr' record" In, t'oeein n i o
.OPPORTUNITY NEAR THE SEAL fip. evidence upon which'the' -'pp#i iTWft"e
lune Beach L6oking lor speciali-erson or based .
couple Ito help maintain estate Pool. oul .
door iacuzzi. cable included Caregiving The public is encouraged to speak on is-
qualiies helpful In exchange for room & sues on this Agenda inal concern them
board Relerences. Call RoDin 246-2203 Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
ROOM 4 rent Nep Ben. 2 blocks to ocean. m, Ithe request to the recording secretary
$675.'rmo dep ncl ultl. 521-8473 rior to Ihe beginning ol Ihe meeting
ROOM or renr in anttracive nome ai wa- In accordance with the Americans withI
erironi Close to the beach, all ulilithes Disabilities Acl and Section 286.26. Flor-
inci $450'mo. each 221-4117 da Slatutes, persons wrlh disabilities
needing special accommodation to panici
-- ..-... --.-.- ...... ...... pale in this meeting should contact the
H itg: L t ~Planning and Development Department
APPROXMATELY 750 si quality office 'no later han 5.00 p.m. on the day preced-
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax g te meeting.
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15. B, BL9'27.06
994-2945. 226.9788. NOTICE OF ACTION
overlooking golf course in S Jax Beach:*
Call 24.1-5553 x15. IN RE: The license to.practice nursing of
200C0i1. $2400m rro call Patick. 514-4335. Liza C Russell, L.PN ,
5042 Sharon Terrace
3 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/ Jacksonville; Florida 32207 ,
Souin 3rd St.- two upstairs unils @ 700st .
ea lone has a kil'chen. lunch area. one CASE NO: 2005-69302
downslairz unit *i 1400si- rental raies LICENSE PN 332001
are from $760 oase per month. depending
on size and amenities Call 247-1770 lor The Departmeni ot Health has liled an Ad.
appt. to view. ministrative Complaint against you. a copy
of which may be obtained by conlaciing.
5iM..t1"tq.ffl'7t14flT Ollie Evans, Asslslant General Counsel.
Prosecution Services Unit. 4052 Bald Cy.
FOR RENT. 750-1000sf. office space press Way. Bin #C65, Tanlanassee Florida
localed in Jacksonville Beach Reasonibly 32399 3265. 18501245-4640
priced from $1304-$1750 Utilities includ- '
ed. Call Vicki or Tam 1904)241-1656 If no contact has been made by you con-
MNEW COMMERiCAL WAREHOUSE ernig the above by October 25. 2006:
;shop space and I forI ease Starting @, the matter ol the Adminishliative Complaint
op$500', spacr 90and i?41090 or lease ang will be presented at an ensuing meeting.of
... the Board of Nursn in an Informal 'pro-
S.c deeding.
l Mi s1. In accordance with, the Americans with
FREE KITTENS; 12wks old, assorted col- Disabilities Act, persons needing special
ors. Call 234-2692;-. accommodation to participate In this pro-
PET SITTING in your nome Dog walking. ceeding should contact the individual of
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062 agency sending this notice not later Than
s" seven days prior to the proceeding at the
'. address given on the notice. Telephone:
_.!J. q (850)245-4640, 1.800-955-8771 (TIDD) or
.-. 1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay
TEACUP YORKIES Cute as a button Service.
,Males. AKC Shots. 8 weeks. $900 irrri '
859-0872 or 2.19-1425. BL9/20, 9/27,10/4, 10/11 ?06
wormed $20to good nome 743.-2042 N O AT
BLACK LAB Mik; 5 monthold, shots & BEFORE THE BOARD OF Emergehcy
wormed, neutered & microchip Includes Medical Services
vet records, crate, and invisible pet fence
kit. $150 Call (904)242-2749. IN RE: The license to practice Emergency.
55 GAL aquarium w wood storage cabi- Medical Services of
net, UV light, accessories, $225, 273; F o y
42n08. Keith Foley '
400 E. Bay Street, Suite 1201
,, .... ...-. Jacksonville, FL 32202
)jSB" *e8 .f M* t} ^WI tit'Ii SS" fCASE NO.: 2005705ii85
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats & CASE NO. 200570585
dogs. 246-3600. .LICENSE NO.: 506198 (Paramedic)

go 4 u The Department of Health has filed an Ad-
AW ministrative Complaint against you, a copy
BEACHESLAW Firm would like' to speak ofwhich may be obtained by contacting,
with the woman who fellinthe Neptune Reginald Dixon, Assistant Attorney Gener-
Bch Winn Dixie on or about August 20-22, a Office of the Attorney General PLOl
2006. Our firm is investigating another fallThe Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-
on Aug 23, 2,006 in The same',store. If you 105Cait(850)414-33029
have any nlormatio Please call 242-105, (850)414-3300.
0222. Thank you If no contact has been made by you con-
WHAT DESTROYS Relationships? An- corning the above by October 18, 2006,
swer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by the matter of the Administrative Complaint
L. Ron Hubbard.Send $8.00 to: Hubbard will be presented at an ensuing meeting of
Dianetics Foundation, 3102 N. Habana. the Board of Emergency Medical Services
Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. in an informal proceeding.
In accordance with the Americans with
*I Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
IF YOU are interested ip advertising under accommodation to participate in this pro-
this category please call 904-249-9033 or ceding should contact the Individual or
email: classified@beachesleader.com agency sending this notice not later than
seven days prior to the proceeding at the:
i ssisal n, M address given on the notice. Telephone:
(850)414-4706, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or
NEED A LAWYER? Protect Your Rights 1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay
NEED A LAWYER? Protect Your Rights ice.
Nowl Criminal... Personal Injury... Bank- Serilce.
ruptcy... Divorce.. 'Labor Law.. Hurt.. Har- BL 9/13,9/20,9/27,10/4/06
assnd Imminration WllsI ALL I EGAI L13,9/20,9/27,1/4/06

MATTERS A-A-A Attorney Referral Serv-
ice Private Trial Lawyers Statewide 24
Hours (800)733-5342.


3. A copy of this Order that is published
shall further notify the defendants they
must answer or otherwise respond to the
Complaint in this action within thirty (30)
days of the fourth week of the publication
of this Order, if they do not answer or oth-
erwise respond, a. default judgment may
be entered against them. .
4. A copy of this Order that is published
shall also ,serve to notify the defendants
this matter is set for trial on December 13,
2006, at 9:30 a.m. in the Cocke County
Chancery Court in Newport, Tennessee.
ENTER this 11th day of August, 2006.
/s/ Telford E. Forgety, Jr.
/s/ Barry 'H Valentine
Barry H. Valentine
BPR #021732
Attorney for Plaintiffs
335 East Main Street
Newport, Tennessee 37821
BL 9/27, 10/4, 10/11,10/18/06

06 CVD 6984
Karen Denise Roundtree-Topey, Plaintiff
Linden Alanzo Topey, Defendant
To: Linden Alanzo Topey
TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking
relief against you was filed on the 25th
day of September 2006, In the above-enti-
tled action. Notice of Service of Process
by Publication began on the 27th day of
September 2006. The nature of the'relief
being sought Is as follows:
An 'absolute divorce based upon more
than one year's separation.
You are required to make defense to
such pleading not later than November 10,
2006, and upon your failure to do so the
party seeking service against you will ap-
ply to the Court for the relief sought.
This the 27th day of September 2006.
Edward Y Brewer
Attorney for Plaintiff
Davis & Brewer Attorneys
PO Box 786
Clemmons NC 27012
BL9/27, 10/4,10/11/06

No: 06-7-00045-7
In re the Dependency of:
DOB: 04/17/03
Minor C ild. .
Whom It may concern, unknown biological
father, or anyone expressing a paternal In-
terest in the above-named children:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a pelilion
has been filed in this court by the Wash-
ington State Department of, Social and
Health Services, on Match 24, 2006, In,
which il s alleged thai dependency should
be established on behalf ot Ine above-
ramed Chnld. c .
HELD on this matter on:
TIME: 1:00 p.m. ,
PLACE: Mason County Juvenile Court-
house I" 'I
419 N. 4th Street. Shelton, WA 98584
IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may
enter an order in your absence which:
establishes, dependency, placing the
above-named child in the custody of
TO APPEAR at'the hearing on'the date,
time and place indicated. The purpose of
ine rearing is 10 near and consider evi-
dence on ine pelilion
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be represent-
ed by an attorney at any hearings on ihe
petidon regarding Ihe above-named cnild.
to introduce evidence, to oe heard on your
own behall, to examine wanesses. 10o re-
ceive a decision based solely on Ine evi-
dence adduced al Ine hearing and to an
unbiased lacl-tinder
,YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi-
gent and cannot afford an attorney, to
rave an attorney appointed lor you by ine
court In order to apply lor a coun-appoint-
ad attorney, contact Mason County Juve-
nie Courtn by telephone al 3601427-9670
or in per son at 419 N 4th Street. Shellon.
WA 98584 An anoiney can look at the so-
caai.axrptegal tiles 'in tri.s.cae., alK to the
d.orlj ,w~ar'e. ~ll ,yor about #thelayv help
you understand your r.gnis andr nelp you
al Inal.
YOU MAY BE responsible for the financial
support of the above-named child if the
child is placed in oui-oi-home care
HEARING. If you do not come, the judge
will not hear what you have to say. If you
desire, additional information. about your
child, you should contact the Department
of Social and Health Services at 360-432-
2050. .
.DATED AUGUST 31, 2006
/s/ Pat Swartos, County Clerk
/s/A.Nussbaum, Deputy Clerk

BL 9/13,9/20,9/27/06
v. No. 04-082
BEN W. HOOPER III, Trustee for
Defendants '....

SThe plaintiff, Wayne Nelkirk, has filed a
Motion for an order allowing service of
process upon defendants, Peter N. Masci,
d/b/a Creative Stone, Co. and Pamela J.
Masci, by publication in lieu of personal'
.setvice. Plaintiff has demonstrated that
the residence' of said defendants Is un-
known and cannot be ascertained upon
diligent inquiry.
ll It itheorfore, ORDERED, that the
Clerk of this Court shall:
S1. Forthwith..cause a copy of this order
to be published, for four consecutive
weeks in the Beaches Leader, which
newspaper is the newspaper of general
circulation in Atlantic Beach, Florida, the
last known residence of defendants, Peter'
N. Masci and Pamela J. Masci.
2. A copy of this Order that is to be
published shall include the names of the
parties of this action, the name of this
Court, and the location at which this Court
Is held.

ANIMAL LOVER needed to promote & sell
super premium dog food, must be sales
driven,, have great presentation skills &
transportation, P/T weekends 4 hr. shifts,
needed in Marsh Landing & Atlantic Blvd.
areas, $11.00/hr, call (800)939-7387, ext.
NANNY NEEDED Atlantic Beach, Monday
& Thursday. 9 hrs per day. 247-0984.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
hours. per week. Fax resume to 249-7556.
Self motivated, fast moving, flexible, multi-
task person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm-10:30pm, or later. Call Debbie after
2pm. 285-3400, ext. 3352. DFWP.
hrs/wk, Mon-Wed morning. MS Office and
Quickbooks exp. preferred. Fax resume,
249-8134 or e-mail: gener9@yahoo.com.

Notice is hereby given that 'a regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of
Neptune Beach, Florida, will be held on
Monday, October 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m.,
In the City Hall Council Chambers, 116
First Street, Neptune Beach, Florida.
If a person decides to appeal any
decision made by the City Council with
respect to any matter considered at any
meeting, such person may need a record
of the proceedings, and, for such
purpose, such person may need to
ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record
includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal Is to be
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in this meeting, should contact the City
Clerk's Office no later than 5:00. P.M., the
day of the meeting.
Lisa Volpe, CMC .
City Clerk .
BL 9/27/06

The Planning Commission for the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet
and hold a public hearing on Monday,
October 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.' in the
Council Chambers, located at 11 North
3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach to consider
the following three applications:
-PC#28-06 Conditional Use approval of. a
proposed multi-family residential use In'a-
Commercial Limited: C-1 zoning district, .
pursuant,tq Section 34-342{d)(15) of the
Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code. The applicant proposes to redevel-
op the existing muiliamlly use property in-
to a new 5-unit townhouse style condo-
minium. The property is located at 1102-
1108 South 2nd Street, more specifically
described as Lots 11 'and 12i Block 113,
Pablo Beach South.
PC#29-06' Conditional Use approval of an
existing multi-family residential use in a
Commercial Limilted: C-1 zoning district,
pursuant Io Section 34-342(d)(15) of the
Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code. in conjunction with a transfer of
ownership The property is located at 207
South 7th Avenue, more specifically de-
scribed as Lot 10, Block.63, Pablo Beach
South. ,

The above referenced applications are
available for review in the office ot the
.Planning and Development Depanrmenl.
City Hail. 11 North 3rd Streel during nor-
mal business hours IMF., 8am-5pmi.
Planning Commission
City of Jacksonville Beach
II a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure lhat a verba-
lim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes 1he testimony and
evidence upon which Ine appeal is to be
Tne public is encouraged io speak on is-
sues on mis Agenda that concern them
"Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mi lthe request Io the recording secretary
pnor to me beginning of the meeting
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Acl and Section 286.26. Florin
da Slaiutes. persons wilnh disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pale in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on Ine day preced-
ing the' meeting.
BL 9/27/06

LOST SMALL black cell phone while
shopping 9113. Call 223-8046

MATH TUTOR- Experienced. Certidea
Main Teacher will luior students grades
K-12 Call Siacie @ 249-2293
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
his category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classdiled@Dbeachesleader corn
Dig it" Let us teach you. 24 day Program
Local Job Placement, financing available.
Classes start weekly 1888)707-6886 Slart
NEED A Math Tutor? I tutor up through
Algebra 1. 247-8609
'Medical "Business "Paralegal, "Comput-
ers "Criminal Justice Job placement as-
sislance Computer provided. Financial
Aid it qualified. Call (8661858-2121
www onihne TiewalerTecn.com
YES YOU can slart painting better! Open
Art Classes forming now al new Soulh
Beach Gallery in Beach Plaza. Weekly
workshops and painting demos Pre-egis-
Stration and inlo 247-4341, 708.2911.
MATH TEACHER/ Tutor, 3 mornings a
week. $60 00-75 00 an nour depending on
experience. To leach 4 children ages 13,
11 10. & 7. A Christian home schooling
lamily in the beaches area is looking for a
caring, intelligent, energetic person who
loves children & math Positions will re-
,quire a BS in math and previous teaching
experience You must be a non-smoker
without pel allergies and be able to pro.'
vide own transportation to and from work
E-mail your resume to jobslorseven@ya-
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Load-
ers, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Ex-
cavators; National'Certification, Job Place-
ment Assistance; Associated Training
Services 1800)251-3274 www.equlpmen.
All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300. ,
AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training lor
high paying Aviation Career. FAA predicts
severe shortage Financial aid if qualify -
Job placement assistance. CALL AIM
(888)349-5387. ,

PT NANNY needed in PVB for after.
school care, 465-0830.
P/T DRIVER for upscale retirement com-
munity. CDL required with P endorsement,
20 hours per week. Apply within The At-
rium Retirement Community ,9960 Atrium
Way, for directions please call 724-4726
or fax resume to 721-3972.
P/T RECEPTIONIST. Good computer &
phone skills, fl exible hours w/ non-profit
housing. Fax resume to 339-0263. EOE.
WEEKEND POSITION open for Security
Officer at Vicar's Landing. Flexible hours.
Please call 285-1055 for appt..


p 0



* 0




* 0

Weekends 7pm to 7am and every other
weekend 7am to 7pm every Saturday
and Sunday at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Fleel Landing Blvd Atlantic Beach,
FL. Fax to (904)246-9447, email to:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Diug-Free
ONLINE BUSINESS seeking person
w/internet and some web design know.
edge. Grow with us. Big money potential.
314-7901. ,
son to work at furniture consignment store
10-6pm, 2-3 days per week 241-5558
PREMIERE DANCE Studio seeks Teach-
ers Energetic, outgoing personality a
imlusl. Call $04-2029 r *, '
'&_ k6U coordinaidi'/ acmnisiraibr
needed lor beaches condominium,
Sal/Sun 12-5: computer literate, detail on-
ented, people person wilh good communi-
cations skills. condominium or aparimeni
management experience preferred. lax re-
sume (9041998-5366 or call 998-5365.
WEEKEND/ EVENING Recept /Sec for
funeral home & cemetery Polite and pro-
lessional a must Stan $8.25 hr. Hardage-
Giddens FH @Chapel Hills iSt. Johns
Bluti Rd.) Contact Jennifer Crews
641-9755 MIF/D'V/DFWP.
COUNTER HELP. Ponte Vedra area Prr.
ahemoons & Saturday Call 285-5644
ORGANIST,' PIANIST. Sunday, Wednes-
day. First Christian Church Neptune Bch
Part Time/ Temporary job, up to five
months to drive a shuttle van between
Ponie Vedra office complex and nearby
parking area Must have valid CDL license
wiln passenger endorsement. $11 00 an
hour. Monday Ihru Friday only, days
worked and hours flexible No weekend
work. E-mail qualifications to
msarkissian@cntre.com or lax resume
to 904-280-2862 EOE
RECEPTIONIST- EXP office work. com-
puler literate. muli- line phone. Send re-
sume to. Receptionist. 3102 Sawgrass Vil-
lage Cir., Ponte Vedia Bch, FL 32082.

Join our learml If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a last-paced work environ-
ment,' ;we .may have an excellent
opportunity Ior you. You will oin a Nation-
al company & work in Ponte Vedra Beacn
Ideal candidate will have 1 years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. FT/PT, no
evenings or weekends Fax resume:
1904)285-0010 or e-mail
limit mediakids com
SMALL OCEANFRONT Hotel seeking de-
pendable housekeepers Weekends re-
quired. Please apply in person' 120 Atlan-
tic Blvd., Neptune Beach. ,
DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers for Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
tions. Food grade tanker, nd hazmat, no
pumps. Great benefits, competitive pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport for your op-
portunity today; (800)741-7950.
2 people needed. Beaches area. Good
pay & good hours. Must have own trans-
portation. Drug testing. Call 607-1919.

FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at'Premiere Re-
tirement Community. Excellent benefit
package, competitive -wages, good work-
ing- environment. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate,. One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email to: jobs@fleetland-
Ing.com EOE/ Drug-Free Workplace.
COOKS needed, must be able, to work
evenings & weekends, top wages,.apply in
person, Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st
Ave. No., Jax Beach, 249-3322, see Vince
or Tom.
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage/ Facialist
wanted to rent spacious private room in
Jax Beach hair salon. $150/wk. Call
270-0997 ask for Debl.
Pool Maintenance. Clean driving record a
must. 246-2455.
LATITUDES CAFE and Martini Bar at
Jacksonville Beach is NOW HIRING ALL
POSITIONS: Cooks, Dishwashers, Bar-
tenders, Servers, Bussers; Hosts/Hostess.
Experience preferred. Apply in person
Mon.-Frl. 10am-5pm at 2429 South 3rd
St., or send resume via fax 904-247-6607.

" *'

- Cm*>

o CD
m0 3m
= 0

e- CM a3
o^ 0

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r rwwr


or .local house cleaning business Must
have own Iransportaion, pass background
check and be avait. M-F. btwn 8-530pm.
BE YOUR Own Boss. Work in a casual at-
mosphere Booth rental for hair stylists.
Reasonable rent. Call Dennis or Vickie @
SOO Dnver The I/s is higher here! Zero
down/low payments $1 11 Avg $2,000
Productivity Bonus $2.600 Relerral Bonus.
Base plate provided. FFE (800)569-9298
MANAGER in holistc, internal medical ot-
lice Fdll part lime secretanal, clerical,
and support ol M.D a unique setting Ex-
perience required in answenng phones,
ornpuiters communicationss andpuolic-re-
Iailon_-lu'. oe enrhusiastic, dependable,
coniisleni, tand an excellent matcH. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Arts Center.
FAX: (904)246-3778.
BUSY ANIMAL hospital seeks Techn- -
clans & Kennel: Attendents, Mon.-Fri.,
plus weekends. Apply Ponte Vedra Anima
Hospital, 28 Corona Rd,,285-7924.
LMT NEEDED lor busy chiro office. NMT
training a must Clinic exp preferred.Fax
resume to 904-645-3483,.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed for cleaning
nightly. Will train, must have transportation
and phone. Call 273-2761.
-SURVEY FIELD Personnel, PLS/Project
Manager & CAD Tech- F/T, benefits,
EEO Fax 407-926-8160, call 904-641-
0123, or email HRJobs@drmp.com
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stdne installer.
Must have tools, truck, WC exemption. FT
position, top pay. 476-3086.
$300 HIRING BONUS. D-Licensed Secur-
iry Officers needed to work upscale gated .
communities and condominiums in Jax
and Ponle Vedra Beach. Apply in person
or online at First Coast Secunty Services,
68,17 Southpoint PKwy #1001. Jackson-
ville, FL 32216 (904)281-0070
www.firstcoastsecurityonline.com .
OTR drivers deserve more pay and more
homeimelme$.48rm. 1 year experience.
More experience makes morel Home
weekends Run our Flonda Regioni Heart-
land Express (800)441-4953 www.heart-
lawn/landscape company. Excellent pay.
Must have own transportation & clean DL
Experience required.- Contact Ron,
334-3311. :. ,
FULL TIME Receptionist/ Data Entry.
30 year old consulting company located
on Hodges Blvd. is seeking a Reception-
ist/Data Entry person. Must have profes-
sional appearance and a polite speaking
voice. Experience in answering a multi-
line telephone system is desired. Basic
computer skills are required. Must be able
to accurately input customer information
into a computerized database system.
Other duties include creating reports,
maintaininging inventory and other general
clerical functions. Working hours are Mon-
day- Friday, 9:00 to 6:00. Please email
your resume'to mail@balescompary.com
or fax to 421-2100. .

Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas;, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
ence preferred, licensed realtor, fax re-
sume 904-249-2841. or email:
HOME CLEANERS full-time/ part-time, re-
liable car & phone, $10-$12 per hour, call
Provides services to clients in all pro-
grams, developing individual case plans,
referrals to other agencies, follow-up and
direction to meet short and long term
gdals. Supervises Operations staff. De-
gree and/or experience in social work re-
quired. Full-time,plus benefits. Send 're-
sumes to Director, 800 Shetter Ave., Jack-
sonville Beach, FL 32250 or FAX to 241-
.7340. Daytime phone number must be in-
cluded for call back to schedule interview.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply In person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
Part-time In Recreati6n Department, Sun-
days and Holidays at a Premier Retire-
ment Community. Must have ability to help
set-up and/ or break-down for special
events. Must have C CDL Passenger En-
dorsement License. Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to 904-246-
9447; email to jobs@fleetlardlng.com.
Website: fleetlanding.com EOE/Drug-free

ragc V"

* 0


- a



September 27. 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-

CARPENTERS & Helpers. Beaches area.
Transportation & phone a must. 535-7356.
BEACHW PEST control company needs
lawn care tech, no exp. req. hardworking,
stable techs earn 30K+ DFWP, call 241-
TIRE STORE is looking lor sales & once
help Full or Pan lime. Mon- Fri Call Bob
241-5311 .
lies Dulies include cleaning, cooling. spe-
cial projects, errands, some child care.
Must have own transportation. $10/hr.,
PASTRY CHEF *i exp. & creaiiviry neEd-
ed. Cocktail wairess needed, Too Please
apply in person to Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., JB. 249-7787.'
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-
day. Call Bob, 241-5311.
LAWN MAINTENANCE Foreman & help-
ers Apply 7am. TNT Landscape 1074
10thAve Souln, Jax Beach 247-4477

knowledge ol all phases of consiructic'n
valid driver license & overnight. travel
Call 246-8970.
3 Pool Techs needed. Experience prefer
red, but will train. Clean dr vinq record
401k, health benefits Please call
241-5811. .
We need helpers and crew leaders. We
are busy installing hurricane systems
on homes and businesses around the
First Coast. Must have Installation and
construction experience. Drivers
License and Transportation required.
Starting $12 and S18 per hour
Call 232-3000.
have transportation. Some experience
helpful, 993-7328.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean driving re-
cord required Call April. 246-99399
.. *
Adminnsiraiive Secretary Dars emnry &
computer exp Mm 30wpm 'Good ieie.
phone sills. customer friendly. rrganiza-
lional skills innovaive mhinking apply a31 .
159 19Th SI N, Jax Bch 242-9002 ask lor
' David. .. .

hiring experienced Line Cooks and Disnh.
Washers Apply ir, person Tuesrda- Sal-
urdav. Call 285-6514 lor direciions Drug
lesing.' EOE
LEARN THE trade, become ..an Optical
L3D Technician. no experience necessary
-his opportunity doec not come around of-
ten. aci or, it, If you are dependable,I eager
to leain and ready lor a rewarding career
W e ;Il ira;n ou in being a vilal iel m
member in -costrcirng qine Wo.ri' 'Pee
Sunripga.l '.: Appl: ,in per-.n j'.,4' L-e,' ..
Ro' AllaniAcBeach. FL 32233
SHOWROOM SALES wimh administrative
dulles available Ior a *wll eslablsried mar-
*' le and granite imponrter located at he
Deacn Knowledge of slone malerials and
design helpful Salary and Denehis negc.-
iiable upc.n experience Fax resume ic
241-3204 f
WINIDOV BLIND Cleaning Tecrinician. re.
Quiire valid drivers Icerne ,Cuslomer n
service skills Full or pan-limre. Wrll Iraln -:
Call 246-3184
BUSY ANIMAL hospital is loohig lor re-
ceipionili Strong Customrer Servc s.e Sk.ii.
required Apply Po.nle Vedra Anirria Hos-
pital. 28 Corona Rd. 285. 792-1.
SMALL LOCAL Landscape DuSine.s is
looking Ior pecpie *no WANT o0 work and
nave iransponaIlon Will rain. Call

FAST PACED Orthopaedic Practice locat-
ed at the beach looking for full-time Tele-
phone Operator/ Appointment Scheduler.
Monday- Friday- 40 hours per week. Must
have 2 years experience either in a medi-
cal practice or on telephones. Full Bene-
fits. Please fax resume to: (904)241-7331.
w/valid Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &"
benefits. Apply: Surfside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax resume;
249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools @aol.com
SILK PRESSER, Ponte Vedra area, guar-
anteed hours. 285-5644.
HIRING EXPERIENCED cooks & servers,
min 1 year, pay top $$. Apply In person.
Flonn MacCools. 333 1st St. N. Suite 150.
CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenter or help-
ers needed., any carpentry experience a
plus. Beaches and Ponte Vedra areas.
Call Tim 509-9071.
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
compassionate, live-in & hourly caregivers
for the elderly. Must be aDie 10 ork reek.
ends.. 247-7495.

KUHN FLOWERS of Jacksonville is cur-'
rently accepting applications for perma-
nent full, time sales personnel for our
Ponte Vedra location. We offer competi-
tive salary, paid vacation & medical & den-
ial ;nsurace we are a drug free work-
place Apply in person at 832-10 A1A
N.onh. Ponie Vedra Bch. No phone, calls
ROOFERS WANTED good pay & bene
,is. De.acnes area wor,. 568-8700.


Be c s/ n a coa


Join our team of

cleaning professionals

Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays

Competitive Wages,
Company Vehicle
Lppif in pe.on to:,

2201 Flonda Blhd
Mon Fri S 4.30

STEEL BUILDINGS, factory deals. Save
$. 40X60' to 100X200'. Ex: 50x100x12'=
$3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid-
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors In stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0335.
PELICAN STAINED glaps window, $500.
DESK, OFFICE, solid wood, 30x60 with
many drawers, $75. 247-1473.
HENRY LINK 48'X70' glass top rattan din-
Ing room set w/ 6 chairs, $1200 OBO,
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
OFF WHITE leather loveseat $60, Oak
round pedestal table w/ leaf $50. Wood,
lighted curio cabinet $30. 607-8213.
DARK GREEN leather couch $150 (was
$800i great snape. black table w/three
chairs $50 (was $200). Call 249-9286
TABLE ETHAJ Allan Dining $400.
Chairs 4 black counter- height w/leather
seats $35ea, 4 black wood and chrome
$20ea -TV- 27' color w/built-ih VCR/DVD
Player $125 Rug 5'x8' gray/ burgundy
contempoiary wol $100 All less than
3yrs. old, excellent condition. 821-7160.
ANTIQUE WHITE dining loom set. From
the 1960s a lgnlea cnina cabinelI laDle *'
two leaves, 6 chairs. including not.i nosi
ess Price S350. Call 246.2592 lor apple.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer. $75.ea
30 cay warranty Deliver. $20. 318-8173
$8800; antique postal desk $750, white ar-
moire w/matching desk/ chair/ and 2 end
tables $425, dinette 'w/8 chairs & leaf
$595, 904-962-6876.. .

STEEL BUILDING sale Manufacturer di-
rect since 19801 Other sizes, example
35'x50'x17' $9900 (no door). Quick deliv-
ery. 25'x40'x14' $5800 (limited sty.) Front
end optional, PIoneer (800)668-5422.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499.
Can deliver. 858-9350.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015.
strength series complete w/ weights, $200
orig.$1000, 553-3304.
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
(904)858-9350 .
$1500. 993-1118
cleaning, glass lop, almond., like new
$250 Heavy-dury Washer & Dryer
$150ea, Will delivered Guaraniee.
Sofa Sleeper and Loveseal good cond;-
lion $275 874-1747,
FURNITURE: 2 mahogony rwin beds
wiman & springs S'175 pair 3 leak' glass
coffee & end lables $8.5 ei 6 cherry din-
ing cnaira a green veele seals
iaz 2 recover? $200 Idayi 285-5267
'nighl, 280-8983
LAZY BOY sola & loveseal, dark blue.
$400 223-5774
FILL DIRT- Cneap Dig ponds free lor
din Call 497-9666.
AIR PURIFIER as advenrsed by Dr. Laura
on radio show Great health Denelits Free
3-day trial. tJo obligations. 241-.2112.
AT&T PARTNER pnone syslem 5 phones
inslalle. l or $899 249-8877
WOMEN'S DESIGNER clothing and vw-
elry, new anad rarely used Barry Bncken,
SI Jonns, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Bana-
ma, and more. (904)242-8953..
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,'
wirranrress & box spring Mlusi seii $395
,oAIalvar 1904)858-9350
)' 8OT5 mnood 'self clar,.
ing $20) 859-7279

LONGBOARD 96' Surtech. Hap Jacobs
Shape, Good condition, paid $750 asking
$450. Chuck 233-9065
CUSTOM STAINED glass windows, etc.
COLOR PHOTO ink let epson primerr.
never used. $50 orig $100. 553-3304.
SELECT COMFORT Sleep Number Bed,
queen. Mo:,del 3000 $450 716-0863
CLEAN, QUALITY Queen-size maitres.'
. box.'frame $120 Can deliver.246-1832.
METAL UTILITY trailer 5X10 w/ gate & re-
movable racks, very good condition, $400:
medium dog crate, $40, plasTic playpen

COLLECTABLES, DEPT. 56 only, Hal- n
loween, Dickens, & Snow Villages, Satur-
day 9am-2pm, 1630 Arrowhead Trail.

YARD SALE, too much to list, Fri. & Sat.,
8am-2pm, 207 15th St., Atlantic Beach,

BUSINESS/ HOME Moving Sale- every-
thing must go! TV, honey pine bedroom
set, futon, bookcase, new flat screen TV,
toys, fabric by the yard & trim, misc. 14
Ponte Vedra Ct., Unit D, Sat. 9/30, 10-
3pm; To view -business Items-
**iv coastalpillowcompany corn

SATURDAY, 8AM-1PM. Kitchen, glass,
lots of good stuff. 150-A N. Roscoe Blvd.
fore Mickler Rd Saturday Oct. 7h,. 8am-
S2pm ... -

INDIANt SPRINGS Community Wide Ga-'
raqe Sale 12800 Allantic Blvd. across
from Girvir, Plaza) Saturday 8-2pm. Rain
date Sunday.
OSPREY POINTE Community Yard Sale!
San Pablo Rd. Saturday, 9'30. 9am-lpm
.Rain date 10/7.
SATURDAY. 9.30. 8am-121m. Open
Creek C1 in Danlorth. Household misc.
Children s clothes loys. bikes

porc inci Imarl chargers & morel Net-
sukes, Alaska & more ivory. Southern sil-
ver. Great old cut glass. R. Doulton. May
old fine Orient rugs. Formal DR fum.
Good jewelry. Art & unusual turn & ac-
cess. Nos. @ 228 4th Ave S, J.'Bch @ 8
AM Thurs. After 8:15 go direct on A1AS
to Sawgrass Playeis Club Take PGA
Tour Blvd, alive name @ gate: go straight
toist stop, R on Cypress Creek Dr E to #
3028. Thurs., Fn. 9-4. CHINA CAT
241-0344,. cninacataniiques com.

2000 SEADOO JETSKI. very low hours
$3999 Call Tim 223-4427
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. S169K. 463-2845.
13' MITCHEL Tri-hull witrailer, no title.
needs some interior lloerglass work. $50.

2001 NISSAN Frontier, 4cyl. auto. new
A/C, CD, AM/FM, PS, PB, Ihbreglass top-
per. less Inan 48k miles. $7800 OBO.
04' JEEP Wrangler. Willy's Edition. AT.
AiC, CD, camo seats. etc. Upgraded tires
18.000mi Exc cond. $16,800 firm
285-3228 or 838-4858

'97 CHEVY Surburban 3'4 ion. 119.000
mi.. made tor towing large boats. $6000.

'98 BMW 3281 convertible, white, 127,000
ml., $9800. 614-8083,
Saver wi black Interior, hard top converti-
Cle, lully loaded, AT. 9,200mj., $49.600.
Call 571-9821

2006 SOLARA convertible SLE. loaded,
leaner, 7000 miles, full 7year/100K war-
ranty, $27,000, 241-0927.
2005 MAXIMA SL 36K mi.. sun root while
w/ tan leather. fully loaded, never smoked
in, $16.600, Craig. (646)724-9649
'98 FORD Taurus SE, looks good, runs
good,$2650, 280-7297 call after 3 pm.
2000 RED Dodge Intrepid, excellent con-
dillon, 73,400 ml.. auto. asking $5750,
83 BUICK Regal, exc cond.. low miles.
lots of extras Price negotiable. Call lor
more details 223-9166. 234-2692

- ~ ~ ~

SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
Tune-up. All makes, all models. $49.50.
JR'S SERVICES repair & replace.
242-2546 568-6067

Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning.
Window Cleaning. Janitorial Services, etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238 612-1755

PADGETT'S AC & Heating, Inc. Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis ar 588-5222
Free Esimaies License CAC1814887.

PLEASE CALL Lynne's Cleaning Service
for your cleaning needs Honesl. depend-
able Pel & House sitting, 343-4018.
dennal'maid service 1to meet your needs
Slarting our 6rh year. 280-5339
* HOUSEKEEPER Wil0 yeaisj expenance
ria= oDenirngs.', itrwould be my pleasure'fc,
assist you 'in cleaning, laundry. Ironing.
rur.nng errands and organizing I pride
mysell in Deing dela.lea and dependable.
Call Cntlsty at 728-9174
HOUSE CLEANING, honest., ast. reliable,
lair pricing. call Mana, 777-4830
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or office by
Naiasha For estimate 563-7858

ices Free estimates lor repair,'installalon
Comm.'Res Slandby generators and
Transfer swilches All elecincal needs.
VisatMC. 343-5535. Great rates!
- -

COMPUTER REPAIR. Lowest prices I

PRESSURE WASHERS lor rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.

Safe roof cleaning Deck & fence
restoralton. Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045.
- --- .. ( l aS 3

compelent & competitive, pressure wash-
ing, paininhg, drywall repair. texture & wall
coverings. 25 years expenence. LiC. in-
sured, refs. 403-7389.
CUSTOM PAINTING & Repairs by Dean.
Interlor/exierior painting. All types ot
repairs, business &- residential. Fully
licensed & insured 309-4720. ,
QUALITY INTERIOR & exterior painting
by Glenn Keller, licensed & insured, coujr-
leous & dependable, call for Iree estimate,
Iree estimates, work guaranteed licensed
SAVE NOW! Interior & Exierior painting.
Pressure washing. 19yrs 'at Beaches.
Free Estimales. 881-4223.

.-NEW CONSTRUCTION. remodeling and
,rpfphl i.ei.a,.t q-r, rn-.merca 1 Men-
lion this ad 246-1529
knolcn work guaranteed. Painting, trim.
carpentry. wood repair. pressure washing.
Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates.
U. ... .U "].. i : .

We service thousands of beach res.denis
www.perscnelandmeyer.com 241-3409

= -- ...:--:-_ Emmossa
ing MosI res;deniial pools $25'week
chemicals Licensed Insured. We make
your lie a linle easier 285-0240

home restoration. finish carpenrry, decks.
tile, 303-3803
TNT REMODELING. Stan to Finish.
Affordable 4 dependable Licensed' Insur-
ed. Call Tony (904)221-6586
KJ HOMES of Florida, LLC
Custom Building. Renovailons, Repairs.
Resicenial and Commercial. Over 20
years of experience CBC 1253550.

i22^^iTARIC1dl!M =I

dependable tor quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628

Specializing in kitchens. cabinets, bath-
rooms, tile. doors, windows, roned *ooda,
termite damage, rool leaks, drywall.
decks, efc. Honesl. top equality work-
Paining, carpentry, waier prooiing. pres-
sure washing, ile work, drywall
C&J REPAIR Services Carpeniry. Dry.
wall, Painting. Papernanging Tiling. eic
Licensed. Insured. 955-0593,, 241-146,1.

ALL CASH candy rouie Do you earn
$800idav? 30 machines free candy. All
for $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033.
Call us We wil noi t e undersoldl

CHEAP MOE'Si Complete lawn service.
rMvosl yards only $25 (904)422-0593

HOME IMPROVEMENTS wood tile, dry-
wall & pailnl wil 40yrs exp Master car-
penter. Sieve 241-7838

WOODARD TREE Service. Free es.,-
mates, licensed & insured. Firewood for
sale. Call 234-9757.

Improvement needs: Tile, Wood, Carpet,
Laminates, Painting, etc. Free estimates.
Licensed/Insured. Jim 813-6756.

COMPANION, 'SITTING, bath/showers,
light house keeping and more. State lic.
54683; 477-7862, 881-8524, 200-5858;
Kerryann, Tesa or Tracey.
CAREGIVER FOR elderly. 12 years expe-
rience/references. Available M-F. Call

Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4238, 612-1755.

- -r -----~--- ~~---- ..


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Preseason Hoops

Priolo ,ubrrnned
The St. Paul's girls basketball team finished as runners-up to San Jose in the final of the 2006
Mendenhall Preseason Basketball Tournament. From left: Catherine Scott (44), coach Michelle
Mclnerney. Allison Naughton. Tiffany Ossi (23), Lizzie Rizzo, Rose Parry (3), Kaitlyn Mclnerney,
Kimberlyn Stark (50). Kloe Thompson, Shannon Lynch, Danielle Smowton (11), Carolyn Rizzo
and Meghan Naughton.

Phr.:,, bR HOB DArlGELO
Nease High quarterback Ted Stachitas heads for the end zone last Friday night
against Palatka. Nease survived a tough test to win 35-32 in a game that saw five lead
changes. The defending state Class 4A champion Panthers are now 4-0 on the sea-
son and will face Pedro Menendez High Friday night.

Pnofo urnmiie-d
St. Paul's boys team defeated San Jose, 46-25, in the final to win the Mendenhall Preseason
Basketball Tournament. Bottom row: managers Try Lynch, Drew Sale, Christian Hall. First row:
Brennon Sullivan, Andrew Kurtz, Kyle Boudreaux. Second row: Matt Rybeck, Mike Killcullen,
Dillon McNulty, C.J. Thomson, Sean Weglicki. Top row: coach Tommy Hulihan, J.J. Kuhlman,
Wesley Davis, Austin Merriam, Matt Killcullen.

TIFlorida Lotto & Lottery Games // WE
'TtCA" '"RY S OCTOBER 02. 2006 H -
Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Gold Kist USDA Inspected USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western Beel
Boston Butt Country Style Family Pack Sit Boneless T-BONE Boneless BOTTOM

Lean 'N' Tender Fresh Lean 'N' Tender Gold Kist USDA Inspected USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western Beef USDA Select Western Beef'
PORK Center Cut Boneless Chicken Semi-Boneless CUBE Boneless BOTTOM

Dairy Fresh r rffl C A W II I Chiquita Premium
Homo., 2%, 1% or Skim CAROLINA PRIDERedLinksorsmoked $ 39 COTTAGE BRANDs ,cSrnoe $ 1 29 BANANAS
SAUSAGE...........28oz $ ,, BACON ............. ,2o I
Sill CAROLINA PRIDEcockoismoies $1 89 CAROLINA PRIDEHolorMidPork $1 29
SSAUSAGE............... ,o6oz I SAUSAGE...................., I '
If I/ FRESHFrozencoalfm, $ 1 49 SUNNYLANDBreakfas Links or $ 39
2 1-5r gais NUGGETS............l.....b I PATTIES .............a..oz lb
.y "- "SEA-BESTFrozen Flounder $ 49 GOURMET EXPRESSAiIvoalelie $3l99lC W t
Sauer's FILLETS ... 21b ENTREES.............. 21b 3 Crisp Wesern
MAYONNAISE Or FAIRMARKETChickenBrest$ g99 BAR'S' $159 lceburg
LAD AnRESINGA NUGGETS............2.....b CORN DOGS ............... I LETTUCE
I ICECREAM ........................ 4.5 PIZZA ............... 6.5oz
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September' 27, 2006

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