Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Viewpoints
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Business
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 20, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00075
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 20, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: September 20, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00075
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Viewpoints
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Business
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 9
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
        page B 8
Full Text


Luau lights up
for BEAM

See A-3

Celebration of life
fills Christ Church

Panthers celebrate


Vol. 44, No. 26


S An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

85-ton steel beams to holdup 210 traffic

"Verv hazardous" work
scheduled to begin Monday on
Nocatee Parkway will close
CountI' Road 210 west of the
Intracoastal Waterway for up
to 20 minutes at a time,
according to a St. Johns
County's traffic official.
Road closures have been
planned for times of relatively
light traffic 10 a.m. to 11
a.m. and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. -

although lane closures can
occur any time between 10
a.m. and 3 p.m.
For this portion of the proj-
ect, workers will use cranes to
lift eight, 85-ton beams into
place for two closely spaced
bridges being built on the park-
way over 210 .
"The work they're doing is so
hazardous that they didn't
want to do it at night," said
Greg Kennedy, traffic and
transportation manager for St.
Johns County.

The work was to begin today,
but a crane breakdown pushed
the start date to Monday, said
Buckley Williams, project man-
ager for England Thims &
Miller, the engineering firm
overseeing the work.
"Lifting of the beams in
place [will] take place over
a period of time," Williams
said, adding that because of
the "unusually large" girders,
the work is vulnerable to cer-
tain weather conditions.
Even "wind blowing can be

an issue," he said, noting that
the girders, each weighing
170,000 pounds, are 10 feet
Weather and equipment per-
mitting, the project may be
completed "within a three- to
four-week period," Williams
Variable message boards
placed on 210 near U.S. 1 for
westbound traffic and on the
east side of the Intracoastal for
eastbound traffic will alert
drivers to planned closures,

Williams said.
Updates from the engineer-
ing firm also will be posted on
the Ponte Vedra Leader Web
s i t e
i www.pontevedraleader.com).
Before the road closures
could begin, the developer
"had to notify us. and then we
worked out the restriction of
the times, based on traffic
counts that we have on
record," Kennedy said.
"Nothing starts until 10
a.m.," Kennedy said. "By 10

a.m. most people have arrived
at their destination."
"Motorists should expect
delays and make allowance for
additional travel time or con-
sider using an alternate route
to their destination," says a
news release from St. Johns
County Road 210, the only
east-west passage over the
Intracoastal between Duval
County and Vilano Beach, is
See 210, A-2

Late start, early

release mulled

for high schools

bDon Dybel takes a bag of trash from Savannah Skaff Saturday on the beach at Mickler's, where the two and more than 100
Other volunteers took part in International Coastal Cleanup day.

Stairs, wheelbarrow among beach trash

Volunteers at NMickler's
beach access and elsewhere
in St. Johns County collected
about a ton and a half of
refuse Saturday during
International Coastal
Cleanup day.
"That's about normal,"
Chris Benjamin, environ-
mental coordinator for St.
lohns County, said of the
nearly 3,000 pounds of debris
collected along the county's
The average volunteer
picks up about 7 pounds of

trash, Benjamin said. With
registered volunteers num-
bering about 413, the total
would be about 2,891
At Mickler's in Ponte
Vedra, about 124 volunteers
registered, Benjamin said.
The numbers aren't exact
because some register as, for
example, the Smith family,
he said.
Volunteers on the beach at
N ickler's Saturday reported
picking up sheets of plywood
and 2 by 4s in addition to
cigarette butts, plastic, fire-
works, drink containers and
other more typical trash.

Benjamin said that among
this year's unusual items col-
lected was a 150-pound
"shrimp tickler," which "tick-
les the shrimp off the bottom
and knocks them into the
"We had to attach a rope to
it and drag it out by trucks,"
he said.
Also found were wooden
skids, two sets of stairs, hurri-
cane fencing, chain link fenc-
ing and a wheelbarrow, he
More than 90 countries
took part in the 21st annual
coastal cleanup day of the
Ocean Conservancy.

A report on the worldwide
collection will be published
in the spring.
According to last spring's
report, cigarettes constituted
the No. 1 debris item collect-
ed at Florida's waterways.
They numbered 135,551, 28
percent of the total.
Cigarettes are followed by
caps and lids (50,825), food
wrappers (45,276),glass bev-
erage bottles (28,408) and
beverage cans (26,833).
Also collected were 204
refrigerators, washers and
other appliances, 72, 55-gal-
lon drums, 405 diapers and
295 syringes.

In a presentation made
Monday night in St. Augustine
on "The State of the Schools,"
St. Johns School District
Superintendent Joseph Joyner
declared that he has "the great-
est job in the world."
The School District ranks
*first in the state for reading, is
tied at third in the state for.
total FCAT points and has
earned an 'A' overall as a dis-
trict for five consecutive years.
"I am so honored and hum-
bled to b the
Superintendent," he. told a
group.of parents, teachers and
school board members in ,h'e
School Board auditor ,..
But the high quality educa-
tion that students are getting at
public schools thro .out the
county isn't good .gh',A'hi
Next year, Joyner.said, his
overall goal is to improve the
level of teaching within the
School District.
Though this target may be
an obvious one listed on iost
school districts' "To do" lists,
Joyner outlined a few specific
endeavors that he says will
help schools hit that mark.

One is implementing
Customized Learning Paths for
every student in the district.
These are five-year academic
plans developed for each stu-
dent based on his or her career
interests. They will guide stu-
dents through core classes
needed to prepare them for
whatever career they choose.
A state-mandated career
course for seventh graders -that
started this year establishes
possible career paths for. the
middle schoolprs.
The students answer a list of
questions online that helps
them figure out what career
they might want to pursue.
Then a computer program out-
lines necessary classes they
need to take until graduation.
According to Diane Solms,
senior director for curriculum,
instruction and assessment,
the program helps students
pick which high school acade-
mies they may want to attend.
And of course, Solms said,
they can change their path, or
"major," if they find it's not for
Another tool for'raising the
bar on instruction actually

Panel votes 3-2to keep PV company

In a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the St.
Johns Board of County
Commissioners denied an
appeal by a national company
to manage the $9 million St.
'Augustine Amphitheater.
[he board denied the appeal'
made by SMG. a Philadelphia-'
based entertainment manage-
ment company, and voted to
uphold its August decision to
have Ponte Vedra-based
Signature Sports and
Entertainment Group manage
the venue.
Commissioners Cyndi
Stevenson and Ben Rich cast
the dissenting votes.
Commissioners listened to
nearly two hours of comments
on both sides of the issue.

Those supporting SMG
focused on the company's 30
years of experience and the
fact that it was recommended
by an evaluation committee.
Those supporting Signature
'painted a David-and-Goliath
portrait of a small business
fighting a national "conglom-
"Bigger is not always better,"
St. Augustine resident Derek
Hankerson told commission-
ers. "I always support my'
hometown team."
But others said it would be a
big mistake to ignore the rec-
ommendation of the evalua-
tion committee, which recom-
mended SMG
"If you select Signature,
you're really putting all your
eggs in one basket," said Dan
MacDonald, secretary of the

Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition.
"You're going to create a
scandal here in the county
that's going to bounce around
'for a long time."
Coalition President Clara
Cowan acknowledged the need
to support local businesses but
said Signature was too risky a
venture and would reflect the
county's "fiscal irresponsibili-
"The way we see it, you're
investing in a startup compa-
ny. .. and we oppose you gam-
bling, with ,.our (taxpayers')
money," Cowan said.
Commissioners Bruce
Maguire 'and Jim Bryant said
Tuesday that looking at the
"fine print" in SMG's proposal
showed'the company's projec-
tions for profits are flawed.
"We canrinot gamble,"

Maguire said.
"You don't go on promises,
you go on reality," he said,
adding that he was "extremely
disappointed" in the evalua-
tion committee.
Only three out of five mem-
bers of the evaluation commit-
tee turned in their scores to the
One member recused him-
self due to a conflict of interest
and the other was out of town
on vacation.
Rich said he voted for, the
appeal because the evaluation
team was, not complete, and
Stevenson said she voted to
approve the appeal because she
"felt more comfortable going
with the more known com-

photo by ROB DeANGELO
Nease senior Christina Crawford poses in her homecoming
queen crown Friday during half-time ceremonies at Panther sta-
dium. The homecoming king, James Wilson, offensive guard for
the Panthers, was unavailable for a photo. A full report on the
homecoming game is on B-1.

U I~1'Em~

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksoniille Beach, Flh. 32250

Calendar ................ A-6 Opinion.......
Classified ..............B-5 Police Beat ..........
Education...........A-12 Sports..................
Obituaries ............A-7 Weather...........
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 20 pages



See A-9 See Sports, B-1




... B-1,


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_r i AT a L ne r a dS e p 2

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
ing offices
Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
and $80.
In the event of errors In advertise-
ments The Beaches.Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
P.O. Box 50129
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240
Copyright 2006

Open Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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1114 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
By telephone:
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The Leader encourages
readers to submit items of
community interest to the
newspaper for publication.,
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome.
Submissions should be
typed or printed,'and a name
and phone number to call for
more information must be
Photographs are welcome,
however, they must have
.good focus and contrast. ,,
Photographs will "1be
returned if a self-addressed
stamped envelope is submit-
ted. Otherwise, submitted
photographs should be
picked up at the Leader office
immediately after they appear
in the paper.
Color or black and white
photographs are accepted.
Call the editor for informa-
tion about sending pictures
by e-mail. Reprints of photos
taken by staff are available for
purchase. At the time a
reprint is ordered, the photo
must have been printed in an
issue of The Leader within
the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
8x10" print is $15.
For information on placing
classified ads, see the front
page of today's classified sec-
tion. Display ads and inserts
can be ordered by contacting
our sales department at (904)

The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
Friday. Subscriptions are $25
per year in Dural and St.
Johns counties. Out of coun-
ty, $44. ..
To start your subscriptions
call (904) 249-9033.
The,Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing.. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,.
contact the editor at 249-

In the event of errors in
advertisements, 'the Leader
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the
actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial respon-
sibility for omissions.
The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch

- .


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Holdup on Roscoe
IWork to install new power
poles at Roscoe and Canal
boulevards was. expected to
affect traffic through today,
Sept. 20.. with flaggers direct-
ing traffic through the work
zone. ,
How to build a novel
Sandra McDonald, author of
two novels and 20 published
short stories, will :be the guest
speaker at the Florida Writers
Association's (FWA) Ponte
V'edra Writer's Group meeting
at, 10 a.m. SaturdayltWitfte
Ponte, Vedra. Beach -IBahch
Just as houses are built
around rebar, concrete sheet
rock, electrical' work.' and
plumbing, short stories and
novels have foundations, sup-
ports and load-bearing walls,
McDonald says..
Build wisely, and your stories
will, be' held aloft, she says.
Build haphazardly, and they'll
sag. McDonald will explain
how writers can structure their
stories for success.
..FWA meetings .are' open to'
members and nonmembers.
For information, "call Vic
:DeGenti, FWA regional direc-
tor, at 285-2258.
Dems hold fund-raiser
Musicians Tommy and Joy
Bledsoe will play guitar and
sing at a fund-raiser for
County Commission candi-'
date Ken Bryan in St.
Augustine Sunday.
Bryan,-a Democrat, will face

Continued from A-1
used by most of the teens who
attend Nease High School and
live in Ponte Vedra
Beach.Nease is located just east,
of Li.S. 1 about a mile south of
SBut any road closings are not
expected to affect Nease stu-
dents and staffers who live in
Ponte Vedra, because school
starts at 8:30 a.m. and lets out
'at 3 p.m., said Principal Linda
The S57 million Nocatee
Parkway, being constructed
from the Intracoastal
Waterway to U.S. 1 to accom-
modate the mixed-use .devel-
opment of Nocatee,:is expected
to be completed by next sum-.
The parkway is part of the
developer's commitment of
more than $150 million in
road improvements for
Nocatee, which is expected to
bring more than 25;,000 resi-
dents over its 25-year buildout.
Model homes in the Toll
Brothers community of Coastal
Oaks are under construction
south of 210 on the eastern
side of Nocatee, which occu-
pies 15,000 acres between the
Intracoastal and U.S. 1.
A Del Webb community for
active adults is expected to
start sales in January, although
residences are not yet being

Republican Ron Sanchez in the
Nov. 7 race for the District 2
seat on the County
Commission now occupied by
Karen Stern.
The event will be held .5 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at the St. Johns
Democratic Headquarters,
142A King St. opposite
Butterfield Garage Gallery. The
public is invited.

Free fun walk Sept. 30
A free fun walk is scheduled
8:31 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30 at
Nlickler beach access in Ponte
A-.:ed~* Beach. -
Winston Family YMCA's par-
ticipation in "NI"lCA Activate

America," a program to
encourage healthy activities.
During "America on the
Move Week" Monday to Sept.
30, YMCAs across the country
hope to count 1 billion steps
taken during activities such as
aerobics classes, basketball
games and after-school activi-
ties at the Y.
For information, contact
wellness director lennifer Joy
at 543-9622.
Free cancer screening
Free breast cancer screenings
'dr.-i women iillI .tal<6 place L
St. Johns Countv Health
Department, 1955 U.S. 1 S. in

St. Augustine.
For information, call 825-
5055, ex.t. 1112.

Card and photo ID.
Pneumonia shots will also be
available for $40 each. Call
823-4810 to sign up.

Flu shots at Sr. Center NF to ak
Low-cost and free flu shots UNF prof to speak
will be given Oct. 5 and Oct. Daniel L. Schater, professor
12 at the Palm Valley of history at the University of
Community Center, 148 Canal North Florida, will be the fea-
Blvd., Ponte \edra Beach. tured speaker at the Beaches
The St. Johns Counth Area Historical Society's annu-
Council on Aging is sponsor- al meeting Sept. 28.
ing the clinics, which will be The meeting at the Beaches
held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 5 Museum & History Center at
and 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 380 Pablo Ave. in Jacksonsille
..p.m Oct .12 ,, Beach begins at 6:30 p.m. with
'P- o "- fthe shot-is-' 25 I.s ",light' refreshients, followed
irer fori those with,- Medicai.e ...- .. -ne s tingand. the
Part B card and photo ID and lecture at 7 p.m. The event is
for those.with Aetna Insurance free and open to the public.


Read this monthlly feature for your own Home Improvement Projects.

Add Style To Your Home

From Floor To Ceiling,,Engineers, I nc

Does your fireplace need a face-lift? the more than 350 moulding profiles ENGINEERING I DESIGN (101
Are your walls looking drab? If so, and shapes. that are. available off the for Turn-Key, Quality Re
there are plenty of simple ways to shelf in stores, it's easy to build up: or Custom Home Enginee
create your very own look wit h solid "stack" standard profiles to create the Custom Home Drawing
hardwood moulding. Here are a few: effect of a single piece of wood sever- *Raised-Roof Structural
Can I "Stack" Stock Mouldings For al inches wider in virtually any style. '*' Room Addition Engine
A Custom Look? What Type Of Wood Moulding Room Addition Structi
Absolutely. Custom-built .hard- Should I Choose? Engineering
wood mouldings can be expensive, Nothing stands up to wear'and tear 855-1254
but chances are you, can get the cus- better than ; naturally beautiful' Residential & Commercia
tomr look ybu want on a modest American hardwood. That's why Atlantic Beach, F
budget The standard width of trim is 'woods like oak and maple are the emil:southeastern aren @
five inches. By combining some of bestchoice for window and door cas-
ings and anything else 'likely to be: / 1
b umped, such as baseboards, panel-
Sing and chair rails. It's possible to get
T I C K A ',the look of a more expensive hard-
wood, cherry for instance, by using a W
Rentals & Soles cher'v stain on a less expensive hard-
QUALITY PRODUCTS wood such as poplar or basswood.
COMPETITIVE PRICES How Can I Dress Up My Fireplace
DITCH WITCH CONCRETE SAW' j 'The fireplace' tends, to be the focal ,Desig &i'
COMPRESSORS'PRESSURE WASHER ,- TL.TiB-. point of roomm so enhancing it with
GENERATORS *LAWN EQUIPMENT [ hardwood mouildings, Wainscoting orf C ab
AIRLESSSPRAY MIXERS' i paneling is well worth the effort.. If
MON.-SAT. 7:30 AM 5 PM your mantel features decorative.
-A s details, choose wall mouldings to (904)241-52
aS complement that look. Consider
113 11th StreetNe tune Beach extending the design elements to 205South Third St. Jacks(
include built-in seating, bookcases or
cabinets. When budget is a concern,
transform a drab fireplace wall with a
simple wood plank mantel, support- (McNeill, Garrison & I
FW F I A ed by antique-looking wood brackets. Insurance Agency
M. I I **Ah A I Can I Install My Own Trim? OCEANFRONT SPE



V. A' RF0037503

Maybe. A handy homeowner with
basic carpentry skills typically ,can
tackle a simple moulding installation
project. The job requires the ability
to use a miter box and a coping saw.
When possible, try to buy several
short pieces of moulding rather than
one big piece for a long stretch of
wall. When stacking mouldings,
completely install the first piece for
the whole project. Then add the sec-
ond piece before the third, and so on.

The Beaches
are online at:

leader. com

V convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings'

and more;

tV look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the

V get your
started; and

V contact
members of our

September 20, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra, Leader

Pnff 2 A*


. .

em -* .
am *

* *



Sentember- 20. 20 heBai' eder1be'er Lae Pg A

Burglary to a business was reported Sept. 16 at
the Comfort Inn hotel in the 1500 block of 1st St.
N. An overnight bag with clothing, keys, binocu-
lars, sunglasses, prescription medication, a pass-
port and four football tickets was missing from the
room. Total loss is $840.
*** 06
Grand theft was reported Sept. 16 in the 500
block of 1st St. N. An unknown suspect stole a
purse containing a diamond ring, $200 cash, dig-
ital camera, cell phone and various credit cards
while the victim was swimming in the ocean.

Battery was reported Sept. 17 in the 700 block of
3rd St. S. The victim told police that an unknown
male suspect punched him in the side of the head
during an argument over football.

Auto theft was reported Sept. 16 in the 400
block of 1st St. N. A black 2002 Mercedes S500 val-
ued at $35,000 was discovered missing from a
parking lot at 1:50 a.m. A purse belonging to the
passenger was found on the ground next to where
the car was parked with all of its contents, There
was no glass or any other signs of forced entry
found at the scene.

Auto theft was reported Sept. 11 in the 6th Ave.
S. end zone. The victim placed the keys to his
white 2003 Toyota Tacoma valued at $15,000 in
the gas cap while he went surfing. Police recov-.
ered the vehicle parked thiee blocks away with the
doors locked. An IPod and a gravity skateboard
were missing from the truck. The total loss was
$400. .
Tool with a combined value of $1,900 were
reported stolen Sept. 8 from .a truck in the 300
block of 1st St. N. The victim told police a chip-
ping drill was stolen from inside the vehicle and a
tool belt and circular saw were taken from a tool
box in the bed of the truck.
, '*
Burglary was reported Sept. 9 in a room at the
Quality Inn Suites:Oceanfront hotel in the first
block of 1st St. N.

Felony criminal mischief was reported Sept. 11
in the 600 block of Boardwalk N. A city employee
told police that 18 lights were damaged. The dam-
age was estimated at $14,493.60.

An attempted strong arm robbery was reported
Sept. 14 in the 500 block of 2nd St. S. A female
pizza delivery driver told police that an unknown
male suspect approached her vehicle and inquired
about the, cost of a pizza. The man leaned in clos-,
er with something in his hand and asked the vic-
tim for the number to her business. Police said the
suspect reached in the vehicle and told the victimm
to give him the money. The victim shifted the car
into gear and stepped on the gas, possibly running
over the suspect's foot.
Brett Alien H-licks, 19, of Jacksonville was arrest-
ed Sept. 16 and charged with driving with a sus-
pended or revoked license as a habitual traffic
offender in the 1500 block of Penman Road N.,
according to a police report.
S ,'O 'O 'O '' '
S Regina Charlotte Hughes, 39, of Jacksonville
Beach was arrested Sept. 8 and charged with two
counts of possession ot ttlledshstrc ahd"
possession of a tirearnim by a convicted felon' in' fhie
200 block of 10th St. N., according to a police
S report. : .. .

James Charles Sikes, .18, of Jacksonville was
arrested Sept. 8 and charged with aggravated bat-
tery in the first block of 12th St. S., according to

Suspicious. circumstances were reported
Thursday by a Jacksonville woman who was
house sitting at a residence on Waterbridge Court.
The victim said her jewelry box was missing from
a bedroom.

Burglary to a restaurant in the 300 block of
North Roscoe Boulevard was reported Saturday,
when the owner told deputies the side door had
been damaged and the door screen cut. Nothing
appeared to be missing, a report said.
A 38-year-old man was arrested and charged
with aggravated assault Saturday evening at a
house in the Plantation after a 42-year-old Woman
said he waved a handgun in the air during an
argument with her. The gun fired, but deputies
said it was believed to be an accident, and no one
was hurt. Deputies seized a Glock .9mm handgun,
rounds of ammunition, a holster and .9 mm mag-
azines. Sh'ane Zimmerman of Kissimmee was.
arrested, deputies said.'

A resident of the 300 block of San Juan Drive
reported that his golf clubs and golf bag were
stolen from his garage some time Saturday after-
noon. The items were valued at $750.
S *
A resident of the 600 block of Ponte Vedra Lakes
S Boulevard said his $300 digital camera was miss-
ing from his apartment.

An attempted burglary to a home on Ponte
Vedra Circle was reported Friday, when a babysit-
ter discovered a $300 glass door smashed.
Deputies said that a squirrel lawn ornament
appears to have been used to smash the door but
that the would-be burglar did riot get inside

A window to a vehicle was reported busted Aug.
31 in the 40 block of Coral Street.
A bank fraud was reported Sept. 1 in the 500
block of Camellia Street.
The window to a vehicle was reported shattered
Sept. 3 in the 1300 block of East Coast Drive
A window at the Atlantic Beach Elementary
School cafeteria was reported shattered Sept. 6 in
the 200 block of Sherry Drive.
A burglary to a residence was reported Sept. 5 in
the 70 block of West Fourth Street.

A trailer was reported stolen Sept. 6 in the 100
block of Atlantic Boulevard.

Clothing, a cell phone and a pager were report-
ed stolen from the beach Sept. 6.

A simple assault was reported Sept. 7 in the 90
block of West 11th Street..
S' ,
A simple assault was reported Sept. 7 in the:
1000 block of Comell Lane.
*. ", ''
Police reported that $962 was stolen from a
business Sept. 7 in the 1000 block of' Atlantic
'A lawn mower valued at $300 was reported
stolen from a residence Sept. 8 in the 300 block of
Seminole Road.
S ,
Police are investigating a report that a 18-year-
old male was having, sex ,with a '14-year-old

A simple assault was reported Sept. 8 in the.
1600 block of Main Street.
A simple assault was reported Sept. 9in the
1000 block of Comell Lane.
S0 .
A. stolen vehicle was recovered Sept, 9 in the
700 block of Atlantic Boulevard.
,,: *, *" ... *
Amisy Vermoit Hines III, 42, of Atlantic Beach
was anested and charged with driving with a per-.
manently revoked license Sept. 9 in the 2500
block of Third Street, according to a police report.

Zina Bethune Drayton, 42, of Atlantic Beach-
was arrested and charged with possession of
cocaine Sept. 9 in the 1900 block of Mayport
Road, according to a police report.

.Leah Marie Berger, 38, of Atlantic Beach was
arrested and charged with uttering a forged instru-
ment Sept. 10 in the 1200 block of Nlayport,
according to a police report.; ,

A' credit card was reported stolen from a vehicle
Sept. 11 in the 800 block of Atlantic Boulevard.

A simple assault was reported Sept. 12 in the
1900 block of Main Street.

'Albert 'Demetrius Douglas, 39, homeless was ,
arrested'and chaiged'Mtli auto' theft Sept.' `ifin
',the' 900 block 6f" Plhza,' according tb. pd8lke
report. ,

Frederick Gordon Willingham, 41, of Atlantic
Boulevard was arrested and charged with posses-
sion of cocaine Sept. 13 in the 800 block of
Senminole Road, according to a police report.
, .' 'o .. .
Joseph Charles Davenport,,. 34, of Neptune
Beach was arrested and charged with leaving the
scene of an accident resulting ininjury Sept, 11'
in the 600 block of Cherry Street, according to a
police report.. ,

A window at a residence was reported broken
Sept. 18 in the 200 block Myra Street.

Someone reported that a driver's license, two
credit cards and a health insurance card was
stolen from the copy machine at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600 Third Street, Sept. 1'8 :
*' '.
A business was reported vandalized Sept. 18 in
the in the 900 block of Third Street.
"' ' .
A fountain at 200 First Street was reported van-
dalized Sept. 18.

A burglary to a vehicle was reported Sept. 15 in'
the 1000 block of First Street.
S *" '. "
Robert Dwayne Lorenz, 44, of Atlantic Beach
was arrested and charged with burglary)' Sept.17 in
the 1100 block of Seagate Avenue, according to a
, police report. ,

Chadwich' J. Kreuz, 40, of Jacksonville Beach
was arrested and charged with leaving the scene of
an accident resulting in injury Sept. 14 in the'
1200 block of Penman Road, according to a police
'report.. '
*, 'i '* ,* .
A wall at the Neptune Beach water plant, 1019
Fifth Street, was reported vandalized with spray
paint Sept. 14. ,


"A few of those who
e .. s .attended the annual
/ BeachesArea Historical
"L Society's gala contem-
plate the bids placed dur-
B ing the silent auction por-
i tion of the evening. The
..-.;: | gala drew hundreds and is
a major fundraiser for
.i,.,, BAHS and its museum
each year. This year's
gala celebrated the origins
of Ponte Vedra and the
mineral mining that was
the area's original indus-
S-" | try. The event was held at
the Ponte Vedra Inn &
I.<' Club Friday.



Joe Joyner
Cont. from A4-
began last year the idea of a
late start or early release a cou-
ple times each month for mid-
dle and: high school students.
Middle. schools typically
begin at 9 a.m. and end about
3:30 p.m., and high' schools
begin' about 8:30 a.m..and are
dismissed around 3 p.m.
Early release is already prac-
ticed in elementary schools
and it gives teachers extra time
for curriculum, training and
staff development.
Though talk of early release
began last year, Joyner said
Monday night that the School
District is still studVing
whether early release would be
better than a late start.
Paul Abbatinozzi, director of
school services, said in an
interview Tuesday that several
factors such as transportation

and food services need to be
considered in the decision.
Abbatinozzi said parents and
teachers have raised questions
about how and where students
would spend their time
between early release and any
extracurricular activities they
might have.
"We're just looking at all dif-
ferent perspectives and mod,
els," he said, noting that what-
ever the decision is, a late start
or early release will not begin
until the 2007/2008 school
As far as improving commu-
nication between the schools
and parents, Joyner said the
School District is accepting
competitive proposals from
companies to implement a.
t phone notification system for
Si. ,yrerisaid the system tvouJd
be similar to the St. Johns
County 'Sheriffs Office Code

Red system, which notifies res-
idents of emergency situations
.such as hurricane evacuations
and missing. or abducted per-
Unlike the Code Red system,'
where entire zip codes of peo-
ple are called with automated
messages, the School, District's
system would, allow certain
parent ts to be targeted for calls
to notify them of emergencies
or '. to make important
For example, Joyner said,
parents who live in certain
neighborhoods could, be: noti-
fied, of late buses because of
traffic problems, or the parents
of absent students would get a
message that their child wasn't
in school that'day.
Also, parents will be able to
Register up to. six 'telephone
\ numbers, ensuring that they
,will get the message. "

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September 20, 2006.

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The Leadfer's Opinion

'Museum opening

needs a firm date

Shortly after the millennium began, there was talk of cre-
ating an African-American history museum at the Beaches.
In 2001, organizers of the museum secured the land and
building for the site and a former schoolhouse for black
students at the Beaches was moved to the site at 4th
Avenue and 4th Street South.
As recently as this summer, plans were to have the muse-
um open next month in October.
Now, however, the opening has been postponed indefi-
Yet, organizers continue to seek donations of public
According to The Jacksonville Beach Elementary
Preservation Fund, Inc., more than $200,000 has been
spent on the project so far. ,
Five years ago the structure was moved, and nearly a
quarter of a million dollars has been spent on the building
and constructing a 1,100-square-foot annex, but the muse-
um opening date is still uncertain.
Enough work has not been done to get the original four-
room school house and adjacent annex up to current build-
ing code and the last building contractor reportedly pulled
out of the project, organizers report.
We believe.it bears mentioning that the land was donat-
ed for the museum.
It's also worth remembering that the building was donat-
ed for the museum.
Yes, there have been costs associated with moving the
structure, creating the foundation, and installing plumb-
ing, wiring, windows, a security system and much more.
Efforts were also set back when vandals defaced the build-
ing and damaged it.
But we believe that by now the museum opening should
be clearly fixed.
Until the opening date is set and met public
money, such as a $25,000 donation requested from the city
of Atlantic Beach, should not be spent on a project that has
laudable goals, but is taking years to take shape. That
money has been requested as a lump sum to further con-
struction, but the city is leaning toward $5,000 a year for
five years to help with operations.
Organizers of the museum have worked hard to turn a
dream into reality.
But the delays have been numerous and it is time for all
involved including taxpayers whose money has been
spent on the project to demand timely completion of
the endeavor.
Public money has been spent on the museum, which is
near and dear to the heart of many, and we would suggest
that a practical, business-like approach is needed to make
sure the museum opens soon.
The head of the museum building committee said last
week that the waiting is hard and being so close is disap-
f pointing.
i We agree, but a"y public money for operations should'
not be granted until it is clear exactly when the museum
will be open for the public to enjoy. We would encourage
all involved, including those officials and other stewards of
the public money invested in the project so far, to make
sure that the museum opening is a definite reality, not just
I a future possibility.

Letters to the editor:

Love and live for -

Atlantic Beach

To the editor:
Atlantic Beach is a great
place to live.
I hope that those who relied
upon the decision of the city
commissioners that we elected
do not get confused as to what
the decision may mean to us.
Government in America is
not going to fail because of the
decision in Atlantic Beach. We
should all believe in the two
party system some we lose,
some we win.
We did not display the sign
"Save Atlantic Beach." Do those
with those signs in their yards
understand what it meant? I
questioned five people and
none had an answer to "What

does that mean?"
Please do not read in that
"the democracy of America" is
questioned by this decision.
We left the decision to protect
our township in the hands of
those we trusted enough to
elect isn't that the right way?
My thinking is love and live
for America. Love and live for
Atlantic Beach.
For the disappointed, I sug-
gest you live with the decision
or possibly look for other areas
in which to live where you will
be happy.
Chuck Hardman
Atlantic Beach



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, The Beache Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
SRoger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolln
Pat Dube
,Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Kathleen Hartman

Director of Sale Editor, Ponu Vedra Leader

Karen Stepp
Vire PAwiden

Jennifer Wise
ice Prerident

Display Ad Sales Distribution
Pete Bryant Anya Braun
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Business Oce Donny Milliken
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Clai ie !Gerald Tierney
Advetsng & ress Room
SUbs Cription Paul Corey
: Sals Scott Sanders
Marie Adams Daniel Fanning
Gloria Davis Justin WRay
Cherry Jones Heather Nye
Katy Stark

Steve Fouraker 2499033

Few bother to vote in election

and fewer understand import

of participating in democracy

Another primary election
was held Sept. 5 in Florida
with very few people bother-
ing to vote. Millions were
spent with little result.
...While the final numbers
are not in, assume that there
, was a 20 percent-turnout of
registered voters. Further
assume that only half of the
people' who can register did,
leaving you with 10 .percent .
of people eligible in .Florida L -I
voting. .
In order to win you need to FRI
take a majority of that 10 per- GUEST C
cent, or roughly 5.1 percent of
those who are eligible to vote. This is very
Some years ago, in my early races for
,Congress, the primaries were in April and
May., The Democrats felt that having later
elections gave them a political advantage.
T-45 reson was that the Republicans were in
the greatt minority and a Democrat running
did not have to "recognize" a Republican
until after the primary was over. This meant
with the change to .September, that the
Republican "only had two months to cam-
paign, 6r if there was a runoff, one month,
to campaign as a recognized candidate.
Of course, the situation has now reversed,
with the Republicans in the vast majority.
Running for governor was incredibly frus-
trating during the summer. I used to kid
that I would have been better off visiting
the golf courses in North Carolina raising
money, than trying to find enough people
for a fundraiser in Florida. People in the
summer, even with the early start of school,
are much more interested in their vacations
and relaxing, than listening to someone
running for political office.
The low voter turnout .favors the person
with the best name recognition. The
Katherine Harris race was a great example of
that. She had three opponents whose com-
bined votes were more than hers. But, with
the -split vote,. Harris was an easy winner.
Despite all of her problems, she had
statewide name recognition and a number
of loyal Republicans felt that she deserved
the nomination, especially In view of what
she went through in the year 2000.
The second example was the race for the
second most powerful office in the state, the
chief financial officer. State Sen. Tom Lee
ran against State Rep.'Randy Johnson In the
Republican primary. Neither is well known
in the state,. nor. did their messages get
through to many people. However, Lee had
a weapon the early endorsement of
Governor Jeb Bush. Gov. Bush is still popu-
lar and respected. The ads featuring Lee and
Bush made the difference In the campaign.
Most people who didn't know. much about
the job or the candidates decided that if

Bush liked Lee, Lee had to
be all right, and so it was
.; an easy victory for Lee.
The governor's race, as
we predicted, ; was. a
blowout, with State
Attorney Genieral Charlie
Crist winning by over 30
points. Chief Financial
Officer Tom Gallagher,
despite running four times
for governor, never really
got his campaign going.
LOU When it was starting to
EY JR. pick up steam, ethics prob-
OLLIUMNIST lems and personal prob-
lems surfaced and it was
apparent for many months he was going to
lose. The only question was how substan-
tial. It was substantial.
Finally, I did an informal- survey in-
Orange County with voters whom I knew,.
. as4kinglthepn i they voted for judges and, if
Sso,, wvgqq Tle first thing:I foundsi that
-many peopletdidn't vot..For instance, in
the race for governor in Orange County, the
total vote was approximately 80,000. For
county judges, it was 60,000. Of the people
who did vote many told me they had no
idea who they were voting for. Some looked
through the paper for endorsements. Some
called lawyers or fellow lawyers. Some had
seen a campaign brochure and remembered
the name. What was interesting is that some
of the lawyers I talked to had no idea who
some of the people running were.
One wonders if there are changes that
could be made to make the primary voting
more meaningful. It is obvious that having
the most money and/or name recognition is
a major asset that is hard to overcome no
matter when the elections take place. One
wonders if it is possible to limit the election
season.-One wonders if moving the primar-
ies back to April and May before school is
out and most people are at home would be
a help. One wonders if it would be possible
after the primaries are over in May to put a
hiatus on money raising until the fall. One
wonders if having questions on the FCAT
about civics would drive teachers in the
school system to teach more about Florida
To me, the real answer lies. with the young
people. Somehow or other we have to do a
good enough job in educating them, that
they understand that voting is a right and a
responsibility. You wonder how long dur
system can stagger on if a great majority.of
the people don't understand the issues,
don't know the candidates and don't vote.
Lou Frey Jr. served in Congress from 1969 to
1979 and is a past president of Former
Members of Congress. He is now a partner.in
the law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster,
Kantor &r Reed, P.A. in Orlando. He can -be
reached at lou.frey@lowndeslaw.com,

More letters to the editor:

AB citizens learn how fragile

democracy is here in America

To the editor:
This is the best laugh of the year. The Beaches.
Leader front page article on Sept. 15, 2006,,
headlines "African visitors to learn govt. in AB"
meeting with our city commissioners.
Unfortunately, it's very sad because citizens of
Atlantic Beach in this past year learned a very
serious lesson on how fragile our democracy is
here in Ameri'ca.
If we are not diligent and involved and real-
ly know who we are electing to our govern-

mental offices, we ill have the .disaster t
occurred in Atlantic Beach by a very sm
minority voting in an extremist liberal ma'
and commission bent on their agenda of c
matically taking our property rights from al
us. They are a group that proclaims that tl
must protect the minority from the major
Not in my town or country'!

Bob Cas
Atlantic Bea

Support for commissioners ironic

To the editor:
I find it ironic that the AB commissioners are
receiving support for their vote from citizens
who have already attained "''the almighty dol-
lar." Persons living in two-story homes' cover-
ing 70 percent of their lot who built on 9th

Street years back., I wonder if the .54 FAR
would allow their structure now?
Jim Schuman

This man's


are tribute

to stamina
W hen we were kids,
some of us no doubt
rode a hobby horse.
As adults, many keep clip-
clopping along on another
kind of hobby horse, described
in my Webster's as "a pursuit
outside one's regular occupa-
tion engaged in for relax-

practitioner demonstrates real
In my 35 years at .
Prudential, I met quite a few ;
people who did just that.
There was one who played a
smooth, savvy trumpet at
company dances. Another was
an award-winning maker of
furniture. He ended up design-
ing and constructing much-
admired sets for professional
stage productions, thus con-
verting his avocation into a
Now comes word of a super-
charged hobbyist I missed.
The September newsletter of
the Jacksonville-based
Prudential Employees
Retirement Club (PERC) car-
ried a lengthy, fact-packed
eulogy on a man, Eric Wilson,
who I never got to know very
well but wish I had. He died
Aug. 7 at age 89. The item was
writtqp py PERC's.president, .
B~IUch, and reveals the
incredible number of diverse
pastime interests that Eric fol-
I'll quote some of J.B.'s
thoroughgoing write-up: "He
made earrings from seashells,
carved leather wallets, was
into ceramics, did electrical
work---ceiling fans, thermo-
stats, and anything electrical
or mechanical, woodworking--
-made a Rainbow Circle China
Cabinet and many other
pieces of furniture, did stained
glass for about 10 years
including Lakewood
Presbyterian Church windows,
built and flew radio controlled
airplanes--also built radio
controlled boats and sailed
Continuing, "(he) made cast
nets and hammocks, took gui-
tar lessons and played an elec-
tric bass guitar, sang in the
choir and did solos for 40
years, grew hydroponic toma-
toes, grew bonsai plants,
invented a dog back scratcher
and Fly Ball machine, was
into calligraphy, and his most
recent retirement hobby was
making baskets out of pine
straw...." All this, wrote J.B.,
was in addition to co-running
a shallow well drilling busi-
ness for a few years after
Buddy, as some knew him
from his early years in New
Jersey, where he graduated
Columbia High School, also
did the window at First
Christian Church of the
Beaches in Neptune Beach and
smoked mullet.
Eric Wilson must have been
one who thought work was
more fun than fun. I'd wager
that he didn't often sit in a
rocking chair and that if he
had a rocker he probably
:' made it. As much as I admire
his wide-ranging, leisure-time
initiative and curiosity,
hat, though, I don't want to be
hall quite that occupied. Please
yor credit my work ethic account
yra- with this sometimes self-
I of descriptive, terse verse:
hey A retiree who came from the..
ity. Pru is looking for something
y. to do. He flops on his bed,
such thoughts in his head,
tro and is snoozing before he gets
ich through.

We will not consider
letters that do not,
bear a signature and,
address and we
request phone num-
ber for verification.

---A A

Lnclav Owned and Operatedm Serving te Beacner smnne lub

P ..4




I vf-n


September 20, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A


'e letters to the editor:

ee Wal-Mart out of "Copyrighted ateria

Neptune Beach worth the fight Available from Commercial News Providers"

To the editor:
I attended, the Neptune Beach Town
Council meeting Monday, Sept. 11, and like,
other citizens of Neptune Beach I am con-
cerned about the Wal-Mart store that might
come in to our neighborhood. I was Very,
proud to see our council members and
mayor hold hrm in spite of a badgering and
bullying Wal-Mart lawyer. [ would like to.
thank them. Most of the citizens of Neptune'
Beach don't want a WValMart.
The legal argument given by the Wal--Mart
lawyer was that Wal-Mart was not being

treated equally and the council had a quasi-
judicial obligation to rule in their favor in
spite of what their constituents might want.
I have a hard time with the concept that'
our Town Council cannot, for whatever rea-
son, do what is desired by the community
and what is best for the community. This
makes a farce out of democracy.
W\al-Nlart is the largest retailer in America.
It is becoming a monopoly. Monopolies are
bad for our country's economy. Monopolies
:most often are arrogant and insensitive.
.This describes Wal-Maart's attitude towards

Neptune. Beach. They are threatening to sue
our town. This could bankrupt our commu-
nity. Is this good community relations?
Is it worth the fight? Yes. What is happen-
,ing to us is happening to hundreds of small
towns around America. Some have won,
some have lost. But in the spirit of freedom
and democracy, we should fight.
David Porter
Neptune Beach

Assistance after bike

accident appreciated

To the editor:
We want to.give a heartfelt
thanks to :the unknown ladies
at Sunshine Park Monday
around 11 a.m. for making'the.
911 call after my husband's bad
bicycle accident. My husband
had taken quite a fall off his
bike (while riding with our
dog) onto the sprocket tearing
a huge gaping gash on his leg.
One lady who' saw. the fall
asked immediately if we need-
ed help, and I asked her to call
911. She also moved his bike
out of the entranceway for us.

Another nice lady offered us
water. We sure appreappreciate your
kindness and help!.
Thanks also to the off-duty
officer who responded first, the
many police officers and para-
medics who quickly followed
along with all the staff at
Beaches hospital who were all
wonderful even though they
were having an incredible busy
day in the ER.
Justyn and Holly McKay
Jacksonville Beach

Call lhilm Bubba Jr., or.

don't call him at all

One of my oldest friends
from Jacksonville is
Bubba. He was a proud
son of the "Best Side, the IWVest
Side!" 18 and a half years ago,
his wife Shirley Q gave birth
to a fine boy thev named
Bubba'the'.3rd. 'From.tht...
moment on' m'v budad'-.tt
to be known as Bubba r. to
S, make sure everyone knew he
was his new son's Daddy.
A few years ago, Bubba Jr.,
Shirley Q and Bubba the 3rd
moved to a small rural town
in North Central Florida. At
first they stayed in touch with
my wife, Dianne, and me.
Slowly we just drifted apart,
until last week when Bubba Jr.
called me.
"Hovile I am so excited -
right after graduation, Bubba
the 3rd married his high
school sweetheart, Theresa!"
(He paused to make sure I
knew to pronounce the 'H' in
v her name.) "Just wanted you
to know the H ain't silent.
S Now the even better news,
she's having a baby and it's
Gonna be a boy."
After congratulations I told
him how proud I knew he
must be. He then said "My
boy is honoring me with the
new grandson's name!"
"That's great! So now there'll
be a Bubba the 4th."
"No. that's what I figured
he'd name him but they're
gonna call him Bubba I.v. It's
right here on the e-mail my
boy sent me! Clear as day,
Bubba LV. .
Calmly It to explain.
"You misunderstand buddy,
that's how you type the 4th in
Roman numerals, with an IV."
"Oh come on Hoyle, my son
don't speak Italian. I think I.V.
comes from me telling him*
.: when I had a grandson I want-
ed him to grow up and be a
It was an argument I. could-,
n't win so I asked him how
everything else 'as going.
.Over the next two hours he
filled me in on life in rural
North Central Florida. He told
me about going to an open
house at the biggest home in
town. It was owned by a guy
named Dwayne P Ferguson.-
Old Bubba Jr. described it as a
chateau on a hill
"It so big, it's.known around
here as Stately Dwayne
Manor!" The last thing hle said
on that subject was something
about it being the only triple
wide east, of Panama City.
Next I learned that Bubba Jr.
and his wife had taken it upon
themselves to try and divert
tourists from 1-95 and 1-75 to
"historic" US Highway 17 '
which happens to go through.

Looking for son
Check out our c
The L

their town. They posted fliers
at truck stops in Lake City and
in St. Augustine touting the
great fresh water fishing. My
buddy just happens to own a
bait shop. Tourists were also
informed that there was not
only a KFC in this new bas-
tion of Florida pride, but a
Popeye's as well.
"Yep Hoyle, my wife Shirley
Q has a great way to greet
tourists when they get here.
You know those big fluffy-
looking necklaces Hawaiian
girls put around your neck
when vou arrive'out there?"
After I tried to explain to
him they're called leis and
wasting almost 10 minutes, he
"Well anyway my wife has
strung together a bunch of.
necklaces made out of Vienna
Sausages. 'Not only are they
what my bride calls a nice
fashion statement, they are
delicious. It's the greeting that
keeps on giving!"
SFinally BubbaJr. gave me
too much information about
why his wife should cut down
on how many of her necklaces
she consumes.
"It's kind of personal but it
gives her gas. Dog was barking
all night long and he was a
block away. Hey, I had to open
a couple of windows."
.lust before Bubba Ir. got off.
the phone he promised to
have Bubba the 3rd e-mail me
a full color slide show with
pictures of a Yankee couple
standing in front of their RV
at the Speedway Truck Stop,
across the street from his bait
S"The old boy was amazing.
He ate a whole necklace with-
out using his hands! Must
have been 14 or 15 Vienna
Sausages/ His wife said we
ought to try and get that in
the Guinness Book of World
Can't tellyou hbow making
it was, because I accidentally
deleted it, twice. First from my
mail, then from my trash.
Then I emptied my recycle .
bin, jist in case;

ne new recipes?
cookingg columns.)



The Proposed Operating Budget expenditures of the City of Neptune Beach are 3.2% more than last year's Total Operating
Expenditures.. Expenditures.

General Fund




Taxes: Millage per $1000
Ad Valorem Taxes 2.9000 $1,981,679 $1,981,679
Sales and Use Taxes 795.724 787.2511 ; 1.546,975'
Franchise and Utility Taxes 692,242 692,242,
Charges for Services ,. 156,575 4,053.071 4,209.646
Grants and Contributions '. "). 417,957 74,837 30,000 5,22,794
Fines and Forfeitures 83,500 41,000 : 124,500
License & Permits 109.050 : 109.050
Intergovernmental 188,424 274,612 463,036
In[merest Income 34,500 18.714 17.464 100,060 170,738
Miscellaneous 10,000 14.500 24,500
TOTAL SOURCE 4.433,651 921,802 0 4,085,035 404,672 9,845,160
Transfers In 320,000 45.000 263,904 30,000 658.904
Fund Balances/Reserves/Net Assets 1.188,000 895.089 0 4,182.575 6.265,664
BALANCES $5,941.651 $1,861,891 $263.904 $4,115.035 $4,587,247 $16,769,728
General Government 1,003.953 1.003.953

Public Works 353,968 1,24',586 3,43072 5.030,36
Culture and Recreation 379,173 193.688 11,035 583,896
Debt Services 0 263,904 526,467 790.371
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,443.536 1,561.889 263,904 3.957.239 223.035 10,449,603
Transfers Out 310,000 298.904 50,000 658.904
Fund Balances/Reserves/Net Assets 1,188.115 1,098 0 107.796 4.364,212 5.661.221
TRANFERS, RESERVES & BALANCES $5,941,651 $1,861.891 '$263,904 $4,115,035 $4,587.247 $16,769,728




The City of Neptune Beach, Florida has tentatively ..

adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy,.

Last year's property tax levy:

A. Initially proposed tax levy $.2,130,040

B. Less tax reductions due to
Value Adjustment Board and other

assessment changes $ (322,520)

'C. Actual property tax levy $1,807,520'

This year's proposed tax levy $ 2,033,022

All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on,the

tax increase to be held on Monday, September 25, 2006, 6:00 p.m.,
at City Hall, in the City Council Chambers 116 First Street,
Neptune Beach, Florida 32266

A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget
will be made at this hearing.

4a400 04g. m

September 20, 2006

-r T- hea

Gloria Medley spends' her first morning at the grill at VFW
Greater Beaches Post 3270, which serves breakfast from 8
to 11 a.m. each Sunday. The cost is $5, and the meal Is
open to the public.The VFW is on 9th Street South,
between 7th and 8th Avenues South. Proceeds fund VFW

Wednesday, Sept. 2C
Family Fun Hour: The GTMN
Reserve hosts a Family Fur
Hour from 10 to 11 a.m. The
hour of stories, activities anr
nature crafts is suitable for ages
4-10. The inaugural reading
will be "Danny & Daisy
Dolphin," a Suzanne Tate
Nature Series selection. ThO
hour will include cutting, c.ol
oring and pasting; all materials
will be supplied. The monthly
event is open to groups, bu
reservations are required. Th(
GTM Reserve Environmenta
Education Center is located at
505 Guana River Road off A1A
17 miles south of Bute]
Boulevard or eight miles north
of Vilano Beach. For informa.
tion,'call 904-823-4500.

Membership coffee: The
annual membership coffee foi
Ribault Garden Club will begir
e at 10 a.m. at the club, 705 2nc
1 Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach
s Vice president of the State
Federation of Garden Clubs
Jan Sillek will be the speaker
e There will be refreshments anc
e door prizes. Call 247-1865 foi
. .information.

Y Dynamics in Leadership: A
t Dynamics in Leadership semi
e nar will be held at 5:30 p.m
l and again at 8 a.m. the nexi
t day at the Wingate Inn at the
intersection of Butlei
r Boulevard and Hodges
Bouevard. The seminar, which
S: is free to the public, will
address leadership, the mair
reasons why managers fail anc

FABFEST: An opening recep- now individual ana compa-
tion for the Future Artists of nies can prepare for the chal-
the Beaches Festival (FABFEST) lenges of tomorrow. For infor-
will be held from 5 to 6:30 nation or to reserve a seat, call
p.m. at AmSouth Bank, 233, 904-221-6385 or e-mail dth-
Ponte Vedra Park Drive, Ponte ode4351@bellsouth.net.
Vedra Beach. Local art ,teach.- '
ness sp.oosors and the Commer senatorss Oice-
"iuseuin :-rt Coni'ectififs staff. Represehtatives of1U.S'. Sedatof
will be honored. Bill Nelson will hold office
S hours for Duval County resi-
NARFE: National Active and dents from 10 a.m. to noon in'
Retired federall Employees, the Atlantic Beach
Chapter 1671, will meet .at Commission Chambers, 800
noon for lunch at the Golden: 'Seminole Road. The session is
Corral Restaurant, 14035 open to' anyone, including
Beach Blvd. Visitors are wel- those who need help with a
come. For information, call federal issue. Those unable to
731-3968 or 221-7644. attend may contact Nelson. by
mail at 1301 Riverplace Blvd.,
Thursday, Sept. 21-' Suite 2218, Jacksonville, Fla.
Kickoff meeting: The. 3220, or via e-mail at
)Sawgrass Players Club h ttp://billnelson.seriate.gov.
Women's Association holds its For further. details, call
kickoff meeting and luncheon Nelson's office at 904-346-
at Thp I nLoP in PontP Vidra 4500.

Beach, at the intersection of
Corona Road and Ponte Vedra
Blvd. The meeting begins at 11
a.m., program at 11:30 a.m.
and luncheon at ,12:30 p.m.,
Guest speaker will be Jay
Wright, a 'Jacksonville
University professor and for-
mer Jesuit who will give a syin-
opsis of his six-lecture pro-
gram, "'The DaVinci Code -
Myth, or Fact." For more infor-
mation, contact publicity
chairman Barbara Buck:at 940-
6082 pr babapv@'bellsouth.net
or association president Betty
Drayton at 285-9227.

'LAFRA steak dinner: The
.Ladies 'Auxiliary of Fleet
Reserve Associationr Unit 290
willhold a steak dinner from 5
to 8 p.m. at the Branch Home,
390 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. A $10 donation will be
accepted, and takeout orders
are welcome. 246-6855.

QuiltFest: The 20th annual
Judged Quilt Show will be held'
through Sept. 24 at the Prime
Osborni Convention Center,,
1000. 'W. Water St.,
Jacksonville. Hours are 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday,

noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Cost is
$8 daily and $12 for a multi-
day pass. Children under 10
are fee with a paid adult. For
information, visit www.quilt-
festjax.com or call 724-7458.

Saturday, Sept. 23
Senior driving: The AARP
Driver Safety Program for driv-
.ers age 50 or older will be held
today and Sunday at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center, located at 2004 Forest
Ave., from 1 to 5 p.m. each
day. Registration for the eight-
hour course, four hours each
day, is $10. Participants don't
have to be AARP members to'
attend. Call 483-1725 or e-mail
r.spruell@comcast.riet for reser-

Ataxia support: The
Northeast Florida Ataxia
Support Group will hold its
quarterly meeting at the
Homestead Restaurant on
Beach Boulevard at 12:30 p.m.
National Ataxia, Day on Sept..
25 will be celebrated at the
luncheon. The speaker will be
Tammi V'an Brocklin of Brooks
Rehabilitation. For informa-
tion, callJune McGrane at 904-
Rotaract: The Rotaract Club
of Jacksonville's Beaches hosts
the Endless Summer Ball from
6:30 to 10 p.m. at the Cultural
Center of Ponte Vedra Beach,
50 Executive WVay. Tickets are"
40. The Endless Summer Ball
will benefit Dreams Come
True, the First Coast's only
locally based non-profit organ-
ization dedicated to fulfilling
dreams of children with life-
threatehing illnesses, and the'
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach. For information about
the Rotaract Club of
Jacksonville's Beaches, visit
www.beachesrotaract.org. 904-
296-3030. .

Monday, Sept. 25
Octogenarian Open: The
ninth annual Octogenarian
Open will be held at .Selva
Marina Country. Club inI
Atlantic Beach. The, event,
founded by: Buzz Lloyd, is
open only to those 80 years old,
and older and begins with a
shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. For
SinformatfonT, cltlI Selval
Marina's golf pro shop at 246-

Ultimate linen: Baptist
Medical Center Beaches
Hospital Auxiliary will have an
ultimate linen sale in the main
lobby of the Beaches Hospital,
1305 13th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach. The sale will open at 7
a.mi and close at 4 p.m.

Sept. 27
Annual meeting: Baptist
Medical Center Beaches
Hospital Auxiliary will hold its
annual meeting and luncheon.
starting at 10 a.m. at Selva
Marina Country Club. All aux-
iliary members are invited, and
reservations are required; A raf-
fle will be part of the event, for
which tickets are on sale at the
auxiliary sign-in desk at the
hospital. '

Daughters of Confederacy:
The United Daughters of the'
Confederacy, Mattie T. Wright
Chapter, meets at 11 a.m. at
Selva Marina Country Club,
1600 Marina Drive, Atlantic
Beach. The speaker is Louise
Roberson Waddell. Visitors are


welcome. Call 223-1413 for

Beaches Library: Three dif-
ferent children's programs will
be held at the Beaches Library,
600 Third St., Neptune Beach.
Toddler Time is held at 10:30
a.m., Mother Goose Storytime
at 11 a.m. and Pre-school
Storytime at 11:30 a.m.

Friday, Sept. 29
French view: Alliance
Francaise will 'present David,
Schwam-Baird, a professor of
political., science at the
University of North Florida
and an expert on Middle
Eastern affairs, at 7:30 p.m.
Schwam-Baird will speak on
"The French View. of the
Middle East Today" in Building
10, Room 1102, at UNF. The
speech is free and open to the
public. For information, call
354-9000, ext. 236.

Saturday, Sept. 30
Beaches Nutcracker: Open
auditions for the new Beaches
Community Nutcracker will be
held from noon to 3 p.m. at
East Coast Ballet, 1401-E
Penman Road, Jacksonville
Beach. The auditions are open'
to 10 years old and up. Call-
904-124-1266 for information.

Benefit evening: floridareal-
tyweb.com and Ace Mortgage
Funding, LLC host a "Black
'and White Night" social affair
at the Seawalk Hotel in
Jacksonville Beach. Guests are
invited to get creative in black
and white attire for a night of
music, dancing and door
prizes. Doors open at 7:30 pm.
All. proceeds from the' event
will' e, donated to Children's
Miracle Network benefitting
Shands Jacksonville and
\Volfson Children's Hospital.
For details or ticket informa-
tion, contact Dan McCarthy at

JMOMA: "Jammin' at'
JMOMA!", a back-to-school
party for middle school stu-
dents only, will run from 7 to
10 p.m. at the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art
iJMOMA). Any middle school
student who enjoys art, music
and fun is invited. There will
be DJs, dancing, pizza, soft
drinks, art projects and "old-
school" break-dancers. All stu-
dents must wear their school
l.D. for admittance, and the,
school with the most students
in attendance will win an art,
workshop with JMOMA's edu-
Scation department. A film will
be screened in JMOMA's the-
atre should mom and/or dad
.want to be around the festii-
ties. Admission for students is
$10; parents are free.

Monday, Oct. 2
Prenatal Yoga: Prenatal
Yoga private and semi-private
instruction is offered in
Atlantic Beach. A fall-winter
12-session package is available.
Call Dana Peacher, 372-0116.

Tuesday, Oct. 3
DAR: The Ponte Vedra
Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will
meet at 10:45 a.m. at Marsh
Landing Country Club, 25655
Marsh Landing Parkway, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Speaker Marjorie
Ramseur will be in costume as
she talks about: the.
Constitution. For information,
contact Carolyn Roth at 904-

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Ballroom dancing:.
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center,
281 19th Avenue S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. For information, call 241-

Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
meets at 6 p.m. at the Florida
Cancer Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hospi-
tal campus. Call 247-2910 for

Poker tournament: A week-
ly poker tournament is sched-
uled from 1 to 4 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center. Tables, cards, chips,
refreshments and snacks are
provided. The Senior Activity'
Center is located at 2004 Forest
Avenue and can be reached by
calling 270-1688.
Sons of Italy: The Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge 2821 con-
ducts its general meeting at
7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday
of every month at the Adele

Grage Cultural. Center, 71,6
Ocearn Bivd., Atlantic Beach. A
social time starting at 6:30 pre-
cedes each meeting. Anyone,
male or female of Italian her-
itage or not, who is interested
in attending is welcome as a
guest. For more information,
call 904-242-4929

Yoga for health: Yoga for
Health & Healing is offered
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. The class, is
designed for those reluctant to
attend a regular class but want
to learn the fundamentals of
yoga. For more information,
contact Leslie Lyne at the
Senior Activity Center, 270-
1688, or call the teacher,
Nancy Rathbuirn, at 386-6453.

Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets at noon at Selva
Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskiwainis.com for
Weight loss: Free body fat

analysis and weight loss con-
sults are offered at Metabolic'
Research Center, 274 Solana
Road; in the Winn-Dixie Plaza
in Ponte Vedra Beach.

Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 1st
Ave. N,, Jacksonville Beach;
Call 247-3299 for information.

Senior tennis: Tennis for
seniors is being offered from 9
to 11 a.m. at Huguenot Tennis
Center in Jacksonville Beach.
For information, call Moe at
Kittens and cats that have been
veterinarian-checked and test-
ed, and that have shots and
been neutered, are available for
adoption from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and
Kernan boulevards.

Depression support:

Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches,
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Visit www.dbsajax.org for

NLA: Natural Living Alliance
of St. Johns County meets the
third Monday of every month
at 7 p.m. in the public meeting
room at the St. Augustine
Record, at State Roads 312 and
207. The public is welcome.
Jacob Hamilton will speak
about "Biodiesel/Alternative
Fuels and You." For informa-
tion, visit www.naturallivin-

Beaches Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class is
offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
and watercolor for all levels is
offered in the evening, as well
as Wednesday and Thursday
mornings. Figure drawing
classes are held from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. The Beaches Arts Center
is at 228 3rd Ave. N. .

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The Beaches Leader/Pbnte V(edra Leader

Page 6A




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A


Joshua Cody Gardiner

Irene I. Hostrup

Joshua Cody
Gardiner, 22, born
Aug. 31, 1984 to
Kenneth and Brenda
Gardiner in Peoria,
Ill., died Sept. 14,
2006 fn Jacksonville.
He was a Publix
employee for more
than three years '
Gardiner is sur-
vived by his parents;

brothers, Kenneth, Jacob and Jordan; maternal
grandparents, Jack and Mary Jane Sutton; and
long-time girlfriend; Richelle Ramirez.
SA' visitation will ibe held Thursday at
hardage_giddens Funeral Home on Beach
Boulevard in Jacksonville beach from, 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m. with.a graveside service at 11 a.m.
Friday at Beaches Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Hardage-Giddens Funeral

Irene J. Hostrup, 84, born March 30, 1922, to
Leonard and Anna Starick in Brooklyn, N.Y.,
died Sept. 14, 2006, in Jacksonville.
Hostrup was a founding member of Our
Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Ponte
Vedra Beach. A Ponte Vedra resident, she
played tennis at the Ponte Vedra Club and
played bridge on a weekly basis. .
During World War H, Hostrup installed and
tested instrument panels in military aircraft. .
Hostrup was predeceased by her husband of

58 years, Henry "Hank" Hostrup. She is sur-
vived by her son, Richard Hostrup (Patsy), and
grandson, Craig Sterling Hostrup.
A funeral Mass will be held at 11 a.m.
Saturday at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
In lieu of flowers, .memorial contributions
may be made to Boy Scouts of America, 521 S.
Edgewood Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32205.
Arrangements by Hardage-Giddens Funeral

Holly Elizabeth McGrath

Robert ames Huffinan

Robert James
Huffman,'72, died at
his Atlantic Beach
home Sept. 15,
2006. Huffman was,.

Helene Huffman but.

ing from the University of Texas, where he was,
a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. Following
graduation, he served as a U.S. Navy engineer-
ing officer on board the USS General Mann.,
Huffman began his business career in 1958
at Pittsburgh Plate and Glass Co., then joined
Celanese.Corp. in Charlotte, N.C. From 1962,
to 1973, he occupied positions in man-made
fibers, chemicals, rubber goods, automotive
and the tobacco industries. A chemical scien-
tist, Huffman was granted a U.S. patent for
inventing a cigarette filter that is widely used
Huffman was promoted as the youngest vice
president in Celanese history and moved for
10 years to New York, N.Y., where he was
responsible for marketing and merchandising
to the textile markets. Following a return to
Charlotte, Huffman served as a member of the
board of' directors of an international joint

venture between Celanese and, Imperial
Chemical Industries, Ltd.
In 1986, Huffman fulfilled a lifelong goal by
purchasing his own 'company, leter-Miller,
Inc., of Dallas, Tex., which he directed until
his retirement in 1996. .
Huffman considered the move *to his
Atlantic Beach home the best decision he ever
made, according to family. He was, an avid
golfer who enjoyed the camaraderie as much
as the game.
Huffman is survived by his wife, Virginia
McGuire Huffman; son, Adam.Scott Huffman
of Charlotte, N.C.; daughter, Patricia J.
Huffman of Kiev, Ukraine; stepson, John A.
Beatty .of .West Palm Beach.; stepdaughter,
Heather L. Beatty of Austin, Texas; sister,
Nancy Wenzler of Milwaukee, \Vis.; grandchil-
dren, Adam Jr., Taylor and Eric; and nine
nieces and nephews.
A private ceremony at sea with naval honors
will, be preformed at a later, date.: Family
friends are invited to. a celebration of
Huffman's life at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 6 at Selva
Marina Country Club.
Donations may be made to the David L. Neff
II Scholarship Fund, Hazelden Center For
Youth, 11505 36th Ave. N., Plymouth, Minn.
55441, or the Northeast Florida. Community,
Hospice, 4266 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
Fla. 32257., .
Services under the direction and care of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Homr2.

Holly Elizabeth McGrath, 20, of Ponte,Vedra
Beach, died Sept. 16, 2006. She was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio to Michael and 'Robin
NMcGrath graduated from Nease High School
in 2004 and was; a member of Palri Valley
Baptist Church. She was an avid rider who com-
peted in many equestrian events and loved shar-
ing her equestrian knowledge with children. She
touched many lives with her loving, compas-
sionate personality.
McGrath is survived by many family members

Richard Alan
St ines, 51, died Sept.
13, 2006. He was.
born in Orange, N.J.,
but had been a resi-
R o dent of the
J acksonille Beaches
area since child-
Stines was anr avid
surfer and member
of the Surfing,
S .Association. He
l loved to travel to
Hawaii and Costa
Rica to surf with his
son, friends and his son's friends.
Stines took boating courses and became an.
avid sailor. As a child he sailed the Block Island
Races off the coast of Rhode Island.
Stines was a self-employed mechanic 'who"
loved foreign cars. He received the highest
training Porsche offers. He also was a licensed

and friends who will cherish her memory, honor
and love her all the days of their lives,
The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m.
Friday at the Palm Valley Baptist Church. Burial
will follow in Ponte Vedra Valley Cemetery.
Flower arrangements entrusted to Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach, or donations may be made
to' the memorial fund for Holly McGrath at
SunTrust Bank to continue her work teaching
children to ride.

SCCA sports car driver who,raced locally.
Stines was a natural fisherman and talented
in mountain biking and golfing. A singer, he
went from singing in church to being a well-
accomplished rock singer iri a band, '
Stines is survived by his parents, Judy and
Harold Stines; son, Seth Stines; brothers, Mark
Stines (Marti) arid Billy Stines; sister, Carol
Horner (David); and many other family mem-
bers andfriends.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1
p.m. 'Saturday at 'Our Lady Star of the Sea
Catholic Church, Ponte Vedra Beach.
A celebration paddle-out will immediately
follow the ceremony at Mickler's Landing.
As requested by his son, participants are
asked to wear casual attire, including baggies
and sandals, in Stines' memory.
In lieu of flowers, memorials to the
American Cancer Society are preferred.
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home.

notices are,
published free
of charge as a
service. All
are subject to
editing. Paid
space is avail-
able for more
detailed or
death notices.,
Call 249-
,' : .

oh.:,:. SUBr.MITTED
Florie Adiutori of Ponte Vedra Beach (right), chair of the Oct. 26 Betty Griffin House benefit lunch-
eon and fashion show at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort, discusses plans for the event with Lana
Kiesel, event planner for Stein Mart. Tickets at $45 each are available by check or charge by call-
ing Adiutori at 543-1086.

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September 20, 2006

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UF study says insurance impacts real

estate market; could cool condo sales

Florida's vast real estate market and ultimate-
ly the economy of the state are threatened by
spiraling insurance rates, says a University- of
Florida researcher.
"The entire economy will have.to adjust to
these higher insurance" costs,' said Wayne
Archer, director of UF's Center. for Real Estate
Studies, which recently completed a new quar-
terly survey, of Florida real estate trends. "It's a
big enough hit, just like gas prices, that it will,
ultimately'affect every business and every price
that is property intensive."
The unusually active 2004-05 hurricane sea-
son precipitated the higher rates, and while
these have already struck homeowners and
apartment owners, who are passing Costs on to
tenants by raising rents, commercial tenants
have not been affected yet on a large. scale,
Archer said.
Commercial leases are usually for longer peri-
ods of at least five years, and as these agree-
ments are renewed over the next few years,:
businesses are likely to respond to the cost by
increasing Trents, resulting in their tenants rais-
ing the price of their products, he said.
"The most dramatic increases will be in the
cost of real estate, but consumer prices will also.
go up some, just as rising gas prices put pressure
on costs across the board," he said.
The insurance crisis was identified as the
biggest trend in Florida's real estate market in
the center's new statewide quarterly survey.
-Industry executives, real estate lawyers, market
analysts, title insurers, financial advisers, mar-
ket research economists, real estate scholars and
other experts in the field from around the state
were asked a series of questions by LIF's Survey
Research Center in July. The softening housing
market was the second most mentioned trend.
"The respondents were very conscious that
the housing market is softening," Archer said.
"With inventories of single-family homes build-
ing up, they're apprehensive about what might
begin to happen to prices and sales. They're
even more concerned about condos and think
prices could begin to fall in some cases."
While 69 percent of the survey respondents
expect condo prices to lag behind inflation or
even decline, only 47 percent of the respon-
dents were as pessimistic about single-family
home prices, Archer said. And while nearly 70

percent expect a downturn in absorption rates -
the rate at which properties are able to be leased
or, sold 61 percent expect the same pattern in
single-family housing, he said. .

Condos typically are a more volatile market,
than single-family housing and frequently a
magnet for speculators who have no profes-
sional real estate experience, Archer said.
"Condos seem to be apn easy'.way for fairly
immature investors in real estate to speculate in
a market they think is trending upwards," he
said. "Often' they -are naive about when over-
building occurs and as a result tend to be over-
ly optimistic."
The recent explosion in apartment-to-condo
conversions is beginning to slow and will slack-
en even more as the housing market continues
to soften, Archer said.
ULnusually low interest rates over the past few
years encouraged many people to buyhomes,
which left a weak market for apartments,
encouraging apartment owners to convert their
'rental units into condos to capture would-be
buyers, he said.
Archer said if a sharp downturn in the hous-
ing market occurs, as some predict, Florida will
be less affec ted by it than other states because of
the insulating effect of. its. high population
growth rate. Despite some people's worst fears,'
housing is unlikely tosuffer the same fate as
tech stocks at the beginning of the decade, he
"Unlike tech stocks, housing has a use, which
means it can't just evaporate." he said. "Even in
the worst cases the prices may go flat, but unless
the project is lust unbelievably poorly con-
ceived and constructed, it won't lose its value."
The highest percentage of survey respondents
was optimistic about the investment outlook
for property in Miami-Dade County, the south-
west coast and in the Lakeland-Winter Haven
area. They were least optimistic about the
Daytona area, Orlando and Tampa-St.
Florida's insurance crisis is scheduled to be
the subject of a conference the center is spon-
soring from noon to 5:30 p.m. Friday at the
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center
in Gaines1ille. For more information, contact
the center at 352-273-0311. More information
is available on the center's Web site at

Contractors can now apply on-line

FROAIMSEFF inspections through the My Safe Florida Home
Licensed contractors who do retrofit improve- program, and who live in high-risk areas, will be
ments can now apply on-line to participate in able to apply for matching grant dollars up to
the. My Safe. Florida-Home program, .according,,-.5,404.undqr the program. The"grant funds
to.Toqri,Gallagher. Florida's crhet finn-_iil; offi-,,rua b IUjd to strengtheni' the areas of-the
cei. homes specified in the inspection reports.
The application to participate is available at To do the recommended improvements.
w w w m v s a f e f I o r i d a h o m e. c om.i. homeowners 'will be required to choose from a,
.. list of participating contractors, organized by
"Our mission is to strengthen homes in county and type of work performed. The list of
Florida against the devastating effects of storm participating contractors will be available on-
damage," said Gallagher, who oversees the line at www.mvsafefloridahome.com
Department of Financial Services. "Contractors by
who participate in this program will play a key Oct. 1. The list will also be sent to eligible
role in better protecting families and properties Floridians in the grant application packet.
from catastrophic losses." Gallagher is urging all homeowners interested
Prior to participating, a contractor must have in making home-hardening improvements to
a valid contractor's license and complete a four- verify that the contractors they are doing busi-
hour course on techniques and standards for ness with are licensed. For more tips to consider
effective wind-resistant retrofit improvements, before hiring a contractor, log on to
The Department of Financial Serices has been www. mysafe floridahome.com
working with the Federal Alliance for Safe and
Homes (FLASH) to offer these courses around click on "5 Tips for Choosing a Contractor."
the state over the next few months. Since August 15, more than 45,000 Floridians
A class will be held Sept. 26 in Jacksonville at have submitted completed applications to
the Prime F. Osborn Ill Convention Center. All receive a free home inspection through the My
contractor training will begin at 8 a.m. and Safe Florida Home program. Gallagher's goal is
conclude at 1 p.m. For additional details, log on to do 12,000 inspections before this hurricane
to wwaw.flash.org season ends on Nov. 30, he said.
Homeowners who have undergone free home

Atlantic Beach
will change
titles of license


The Atlantic Beach City
Commission MNondav will
change the titles of its "local
occupational tax" to "local
business tax" and "occupation-
al license" to "business tax
receipt" and increase the
rates of both taxes by 5 per-
The change is the result of an
amendment to the Florida
Statutes. Legislators were con-
cerned that some people were
using occupational licenses as
proof of licensure and qualifi-
cation to perform various
repairs and ser-ices, according
to local officials.
Also, the state statutes pro-
vide that municipalities may
increase the rates of the busi-
ness taxes up to 5 percent
every year. City staff anticipate
an increase in revenue of
approximately $4,500 due to
the rate increases.
Final consideration of the
title changes and rate increase
is expected to come at the
commission's Sept. 25 meet-


Photo by ,KArHY MOORE
Sawgrass Village Publix Store Manager Steve Will gets
dunked Saturday to raise dollars for United Way during a


Lifestyles Realtors has been offered by the University of
named the exclusive represen- North Florida's Small
tative for Island Club, a condo- Business Development
minium in Atlantic Beach. Center, located at the UNF
University Center, 12000
The City Council of Alumni Drive.
Jacksonville Beach honored The following is a list of
employee David Murrett of workshops scheduled:
the city's Fire Department as How to Start Up Your Own
Employee of'the second quar- Business: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct.
ter for 2006. Murrett was rec- 19. Cost: S30 in advance or
ogiized for the excellent job in $40, day of workshop, which
assuming extra job duties for provides an overview of the
an extended period of time seven basic requirements for
and his outstanding customer starting a business.
service skills. The Business Plan:
Roadmap to Success: 6 p.m. to
Upcoming','workshops"arg"" 9p.m.^Oct. l(.-'os is $30 in

advance or $40 day of work-
*Dollars and Sense:
Recordkeeping Essentials: 6
p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct. 24. Cost is
$30 in advance or $40 day of
Accounting professionals
teach what records to keep and
for how long, a comparison of
available' recordkeeping 'sys-
tems, improving \cash flow,
Understanding financial state-
ments, and how to select an
To register or for more.
information, call 620-2477 or
log on to m-ww.sbdc.unf.edu.


pri-.,o SuBMITTE ED
Pherbia Engdahl (second from right) accepts a check last week from two Ponte Vedra Rotary
clubs. Also pictured are Vic DeGenli (from left), literacy program chair, Deborah Henson, presi-
dent of the Ponte Vedra Beach Sunset Club and Ed Waller, president of the Rotary Club of Ponte
Vedra Beach.

'$eptember 20, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ppnte Vedra Leader

EA CHPonte Vedra Leader


...I 1__1 __-- .I -

* Wedding (right)
... See A-10
* Education
... A-12

,. ww cnl eau ..- -

pnr.lor Dny CHUCK ADAMS
St. Johns County deputy Jeremy Huddleston, youth resource officer at Nease High School, stands near a drink machine
that was vandalized at the school.

QUe Qfh d us

This final installment of the Leader's
"Meet the Deputy" series features
Deputy Jeremy Huddleston, youth
resource officer at Nease High School.
Hudddleston and three other
deputies are each assigned to one of
the four high schools in the St. Johns
County School District.
Under a contract between the School
District and the St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office, one deputy is assigned
to each high school and middle
school. At the elementary level, five
schools share one deputy.
These school resource officers give
classes, counsel students and provide a
sense of security in the schools.
Previous profiles have featured
Deputy Kelly Kemp, youth resource
officer at Ponte Vedra-Palm
Valley/Rawlings Elementary and
Ocean Palms Elementary, and Deputy
Keith Schiffer, resource officer at

Landrum Middle School.
Meet Jeremy Huddleston.
Age: 34
Where he grew up: "I'm from
Palatka, grew up in Jacksonville,
[moved to Jacksonvillel in seventh
Years and places in law enforcement:
"I've only worked for St. Johns County,
five years." He started in 2001.
His philosophy of school policing:
"I just try to educate [students] on the
decisions that they make now, how
they're going to affect them in future,
and to make the right decisions. And
that's the biggest challenge, I would
say, for some, is to get those minds
thinking that way, that what I'm doing
now is setting me up for my future."
What he hopes to accomplish at
Nease: "Just to try to maintain a safe
and secure environment as best I can,
and to assist the principal and the staff
with doing the same."

What parents can do; what parents
should know: "Parents should be as
involved with their child as possible.
Question all their friends; I don't mean
to interrogate, but just follow through.
"If you're told something, don't take
it necessarily at face value, but just be
that parent who knows what's going
on or wants to. If somebody is
telling you something that sounds
fishy, then that's probably something
that needs to be looked into.
"Right now, for these four years that
they're in high school, you might have
to be the bad guy. But just question
everything, and know as much as you
can know.
"Know what they do on the Internet'.
There's predators on the Internet,
there's predators in the neighbor-
hoods. I'm not trying to paint a pic-
ture, but that's just generally speak-

Former PV resident dies at 9

Kiwanians contribute

to statewide cookbook

,S several local residents
affiliated with the
Kiwanis Club of
Jacksonville Beaches con-
tributed recipes to a recently
published cookbook.
"Cookin'with Kiwanis".is
a fund-raising project of the'
Florida District of Kiwanis
Kiwanis is billed as an
international organization of
"volunteers dedicated to
changing the world one
child at a time and one comrn-
munity at a time, according
to floridakiwansis.com.
Local youth projects spon-
sored by the Kiwanis Club of,
Jacksonville Beaches include
high school Key Clubs,
Builders Clubs in middle
schools, and K-Kids in ele-
mentary schools.
The local club is also
involved with several other
service projects for children
and other groups in the com-
Proceeds from "Cookin'
with Kiwanis" and other
fundraising efforts of the
Caring Corner of Florida
Kiwanis will help to support
Kiwanis community service
"Cookin' with Kiwanis" is
a large, community-based
cookbook with more than
900 recipes.
There are numerous recipes
in every food category, as
well as helpful hints and a
few recipes for food-based
skin care items.
Local cooks C. Leigh
It rRbbrfs'&,f 'Nept'Utle B'each
')'and Delo6teBat-es of'Ponte
Vedra Beach contributed two
recipes with Italian gourmet
flavor for the main course
chapter of the cookbook.
Roberts' Eggplant Chicken
Tenders Dish and Bites'
Fusilli with Sausage,
Artichokes and Sun-Dried
Tomatoes both use classic
Italian ingredients and sea-
Gary Crumley, a
Jacksonville Beach resident,
contributed a BBQ sauce
recipe, which makes a large
quantity so there's plenty foi
cooking and serving on the
side at large parties.
The sauce is also the spe-
cial ingredient in his recipe
for crispy Fish Fingers.
Beverly Shadwell of the
West Beaches contributed a
recipe called Grandma's
Swedish Tea Ring that fea-
tures cinnamon and pecans,
and is one of many delicious
baked goods recipes in the
For those who prefer to

make no-bake sweets, Lea
Montgomery's prize-winning
recipe for Orange Snowballs
and Beryl Dryden's recipe for
Quick and Easy Microwave
Fudge are two great choices
from the cookbook.
Dryden is a longtime
Neptune Beach resident.
Montgomery lives in the
West Beaches.
"Cookin' 'with Kiwanis" is
$10. For information about
purchasing the cookbook
locally, contact Lea
Montgomery at 221-5527 or'
Gary Crumley at 233-4455.
Cookbooks can also be
ordered from the Florida
Kiwanis Foundation at P.O.
Box 211, Deland, FL 32721-
0211. There is a $5 shipping
charge in addition to the
cost of the cookbook.
by C. Leigh Roberts
of Jacksonville Beach

1 eggplant
2-3 crushed garlic cloves
1 tsp. basil
1 tsp. oregano
s .3 T olive oil
boneless chicken breast
one-half jar spaghetti sauce
shredded Mozzarella
Peel'ahd'slice the'egplA- k
'"!into largb'slce's','a"bduY'6'hn0-,
and one-half inches thick,
and place into a baking dish.
Saute the crushed (not pow-
deredi garlic along with the
basil and oregano in the
olive oil. Put boneless chick-
en tenders across the egg-
plant and pour the saluted .
garlic/basil/oregano over it.
Cover with spaghetti sauce.
Cover with shredded
Mozzarella. Cover and bake
at 350 degrees for 30 to 40

r Fusilli with Sausage,'
Artichokes, and Sun-
Dried Tomatoes by
Delores Bates

three-quarters cup sun-
dried tomatoes, sliced and 2
T oil reserved
1 lb. Italian hot sausage,
casings removed'
2 8 oz. packages frozen
s artichoke hearts

'See RECIPES, A-110.

Charlotte Thames possessed an inner
strength that only comes from
overcoming some of life's darkest
Mrs. Thames lost both her parents by,
the time she was 13.
By her mid-50s, as grandmotherhood
beckoned, Mrs. Thames was mourning
the death of not one, but two of her sons.
During times of anguish in her life,
Mrs. Thames was a beacon of hope and
serenity for her grief-stricken family.
Her quiet resolve was eulogized last
week during a celebration of her life at
Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra',
Mrs. Thames, a longtime Beaches resi-
dent, died Sunday, Sept. 10. She was 89.,
"Through the hard times, she was
strong for everybody,. Mrs. Thames' only.
daughter, Rozann Williams of Jacksonville
Beach, recalled this week.
"When you lose both your parents [at
an early age], you understand loss."
Mrs. Thames, who lived at the Beaches
for more than 60 years, went to live with
an older sister after her parents died three,
years apart.
The youngest of six children, she grad-.
uated from Georgia State College for
Women and postponed a teaching career
-to marry and raise children of her own.
"She wanted a wonderful family, and
she and my father both worked at it,"
remembered Williams, a Fletcher High
School grad who was born in Atlantic
"She was in the PTA and everything.
She didn't start teaching until her 50s."
Before becoming a teacher full-time,

Mrs. Thames doted over her children,
especially her three boys, Rex Jr., James
and Davidall of whom played football at
Williams, the third child, was a FHS
cheerleader in 1962, the year her big
brothers, Rex and Jim, were football and
swimming lettermen at the University of
the South at Sewanne, Tenn.
Rex enlisted in the Marines after col-
lege, and became a decorated fighter
pilot, flying more than 100 missions in
Jim, 'captain of the swim team at
Sewanne, joined the elite Navy SEALS,
serving two tours of duty in Vietnam, the
recipient of three Bronze Stars and two
Purple Hearts.
But in a cruel twist of fate, one no

mother should ever' have to endure, both
sons perished in the prime of their lives
at ages 25 and 27, respectively.'
'Marine Capt. Rex Thames Jr. drowned
in a fieak boating accident in 1966, a
week before his wedding day.
Navy Lt. Jim Thames was killed in
Vietnam in 1971.
Williams said she "personally had a lot
of difficulty" coming to grips with the
sudden deaths' of her two older brothers.
. Charlotte Thames, albeit heartbroken,
did not become the public face of grief.
Newspaper photos showing her accept-
ing posthumous military medals for her'
sons in 1968 and 1971 depict a proud ,
mother without any pretense.
"Of course, she questioned it [their
deaths]," recalled Williams, "and why it
"She was a happy person to be with,"
added Jean McCormick, one of Mrs.
Thames' best friends.
"There was no gloom and doom with
Mrs. Thames, who McCormick first met
as a member of the Junior Women's Club
of Jacksonville Beach, didn't allow the
deaths of her sons to cripple her, emo-
Instead, she memorialized them. A pew
at Christ Church and part of the parish's
memorial gardens are dedicated to Rex's
An 8-foot wooden cross that hangs over
the church's altar was funded by Mrs.
Thames in honor of her son, Jim, a for-
mer Christ Church altar boy.
Charlotte Thames was a member of
Christ Church for 54 years, and was the
parish's first director of religious educa-
tion. At the time of her death, Mrs.
Thames, was a resident of Cypress Village.

'S -

- t.

Lea Montgomery (front from left) and Beryl Dryden, along with
C. Leigh Roberts (back left) and Gary Crumley have supplied
recipes for the new cookbook "Cookin' with Kiwanis."


'axwxy~fh~a-h -cisilprrn


September 20, 2006


Recipes: Kiwanis cooks

Cont. from A-9
one-half cup shredded
Parmesan and additional for
one-quarter cup chopped
fresh Italian parsley leaves
one and three-quarters cup
chicken broth
one-third cup fresh basil
5 oz. water packed fresh
Mozzarella, drained and
cubed (optional)
one-half cup dry white
16 oz. fusilli pasta
salt and freshly ground

Ieat the oil, reserved from
the tomatoes in a heavy
large frying pan over medi-
um high heat. Add the
sausage and cook until
brown, breaking up the meat
into. bite-size pieces with a ,.
fork, about'8 minutes.
Transfer the sausage to a

Add the artichokes and
garlic to the same skillet and
saut6 over medium heat
until the garlic (to 'taste) is
tender, about 2 minutes. Add
the broth, wine, and sun-
dried tomatoes. Boil over
medium-high heat until the-
sauce reduces slightly, stir-
ring occasionally, about 5

Meanwhile, bring a large
pot of salted water to a boil.
Cook the fusilli in boiling
water until tender but still
firm to the bite, stirring
often, about 8 minutes.'
Drain the pasta, do not
rinse. Add the pasta, sausage,,
one-half cup Parmesan
cheese, basil and parsley to,
the artichoke mixture. Toss
until the sauce is almost
absorbed by the pasta. Stir in
the Mozzarella. Season to
taste with salt and pepper.

Serve, passing additional
Parmesan cheese alongside.
Serves 6.

Gary's Best BBQ Fish
Fingers by Gary
Crumley of Jacksonville
Beach ;

; To make BBQ Sauce:
10 18 oz bottles Kraft BBQ
sauce,i any variety
1 bottle original style
'Mrs. Dash" seasoning
'' 2 Vidalia onions, finely
chopped '
S1 5 oz. bottle Datil pepper.
2 1) oz. cans'crushed
1 cup dark brown sugar

In a large kettle pot, mix
onions and pineapple.
Simmer over medium heat
10 minutes. Dissolve in
brown sugar and seasonings,
simmer over low heat 20
minutes. Add BBQ sauce to
pot and slow cook, stirring
with a wooden spoon for 2
hours. Let cool.

Use on pork, chicken, or
seafood BBQ.

To make Fish Fingers:
one-half lb. grouper, cut
into 1 x 3 inch strips
1 pkg. tempura batter mix,
mixed with one-half cup
In a turkey fryer, heat oil'
to 375 degrees. Dredge
grouper fingers in batter and
fry until fingers float to top.
Dip in Gary's Best BBQ Sauce
and .re-fry until candy-like
coating crisps around finger,
about a minute or two.

Dry on paper towels and
serve as a snack during a
Super Bowl Party with a

warm bowl of Gary's Best
BBQ Sauce.

Orange Snowballs by I
Lea Montgomery

1 stick of butter or mar-
garine '-
1 tsp. butter flavor
1 box of powdered sugar
1 10 oz. box vanilla
wafers, crushed into crumbs
1 6 oz. can frozen orange
juice concentrate i
flaked coconut

Mix first five ingredients. ,i;:
Form mixture into small
balls. Roll balls in coconut.
Yields 5. dozen. Store in

Grandma's Swedish
Tea Ring by Beverly

Use recipe on Bisquick box
',for biscuits.
Filling:,: i
2 T softened butter
one-half cup sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
one-half cup chopped
ST milk
one and one-half cups con-
fectioners sugar. ,
candied cherries

Prepare dough. Turn out
onto a lightly floured board ,
and roll to one-third inch Jes
thick and into a rectangle 9 rie
x 18 inches. 3

Spread filling over dough
Roll up tightly beginning al
wide side and seal well,
pinching edge of dough int
roll. Transfer sealed edge
down to lightly greased
cookie sheet. Join ends and
form ring. With scissors, cu
two-thirds of the way
through the ring at one inc
intervals and turn each sec-
tion on side.

Bake according to direc-
tions for dough, about .15

Spread thick white icing
on top of ring while still
warm. Decorate-with
i almonds and, .caidig ,cjher-
ries if desired. :i ,:t' i

Be careful not to burn;
may need to turn tempera-
ture down and cook longer.

Quick and Easy
Microwiv'e Fudge by
Beryl M. Dryden,
Neptune Beach

1 1b. box powdered sugar
rone-half cup cocoa
one-quarter cup oleo or
butter (do not use low cal c
I T vanilla
one-half cup chopped nu
one-half cup small marsh
or both may be added

Blend powdered sugar anr
cocoa in mixing bowl, then
add milk and butter. Cook '
minutes in oven. Remove
bowl from oven and stir jus
enough to mFx ingredients.
Add vanilla and nuts or
marshmallows if used. Pour
into greased container and
place in freezer for 20 min-
utes or in the refrigerator fc
1 hour.

The fudge freezes well for
later use or gifts.


Marilyn and Earle Lay of
Atlantic Beach celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on
'Friday, Sept. 15.
The couple met at the
Surfside Drive-In restaurant
and were engaged in front of
the monkey cage at the zoo.
They were married at
Community Presbyterian
Chuich in Atlantic Beach.
Mr. Lay is retired from the
State Attorney's Office's. Mrs.
Lay is 'the former Marilyn
Smith. They both graduated
from Fletcher High School.,
The couple have three chil-
dren, Bob Lay, Debbie (Brian)
Powell and 'Pam (Sami
Williams. They also have five
grandchildren, Chelsea ,and
Morgan Powell, Emily and
Austin Williams and Ashley

Earle and Marilyn Lay

Looking for a job?
STry the Classifieds.

: The Leader,





Scott and Terri Hewitt
announce the birth of a son,
Ayden Kenneth Hewitt, on
Aug. 22, 2006. He weighed 7
pounds, 10 ounces and was 19
and half inches long. He joins
a sister, Gabby Nickerson, age
Scott'Hewitt is a graduate of
Fletcher High School, the
University of Florida and
Stetson University School of
Grandparents include Bill
and Ginny Brinkley of
Jacksonville Beach, Ken and
Parr Hewitt of Pompano
Beach, and Carlos Cordova of
Maternal grandparents are
,Rebecca B. Hardy of
Jacksonville Beach and
Virginia Hewitt of Bradford,

Ayden Kenneth Hewitt

Karly and Travis Heal of Jacksonville Beach announce the birth
of their daughter, Kennedy Lee Heal, on Sept. 7, 2006, at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches.
She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces,, and was 20 and a half inch-
es long. '
Maternal grandparents are Kamie and David MacInnes of
AtlanticBeach and Bill and Debbie Holden of Neptune Beach.
Paternal grandparents are Judy and- Tom Heal of Jacksonville

Stacey and Jesse Cother Jr. .


Stacey, Anne Hougland and
sse Lee Cotner Jr. were mar-
ed Wednesday, Sept. 13. The
p.m. ceremony was held in,
ckson-ille Beach.
The bride is the daughter of
illiam and Nancy Hougland
Huntsville, Ala. She is a
992 graduate of Grissom High
hool and attended the
university 'of South Alabama.

She is employed by Lifestyles
Realtors Inc. as an accounting
The groom is the son of Faye
Bass Cotner of Jacksonville
Beach. He is a 1991 graduate of
Fletcher High School and is.
employed by Roy's Grill. ,
After a honeymoon to the
Bahamas, the couple will
reside in Atlantic Beach.


Kaylie Barker of Neptune
Beach was awarded a cholar-
Sship grant for her leadership,
academic excellence and com-
muniity involvement by the
Former Agents of the FBI
The foundation provides 95
scholarships dPiringsithe 2005-
06-gca4emipc year. To be eligi-
ble', a student must be a child
or granchild of a former FBI
agent or the children of grad-
.uates of the FBI National
Barker is the granddaughter
of former Special Agent Judson
L. Rigby. She attends the
University of North Florida.
S- '" * '
Jeffrey Glasgow was named
to the John NI. Olin School of
Business Dean's List for the
ir 2006 spring semester at
Wa. ashington University in St.
Louis) Mo.
To be eligible, students must
ts earn at least a 3.6 grade-point
- Glasgow is a graduate of
Episcopal High School. He is
the son of Karen and William
Glasgow of Jacksonville Beach.
d .*
Air Force Airman Roman
2 Miller has graduated from
basic rhilitary training at
st Lackland Air Force Base, San
Antonio, Texas.,,'
During the six weeks of
. training, the airman studied
the Air Force mission, organi-
zation,. .and military customs
." and courtesies; performed drill
and ceremony marches, and
received physical training, rifle
marksmanship, field training
exercises, and special training
in 'human relations.
S In addition, airmen who
complete basic training earn
credits toward an associate


Volunteer Opportunities at'
Mayo Clinic

.Mayo Clinic is currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-
ules in a variety of service
Eor more information about
the opportunities, call. the
Volunteer Services department
at 296-3722 or send an e-mail
to .volunteersmcj@mayo.edu.

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Page 10A


The Beache Is Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

.1rntppr 20-')f 200i

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A

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Ready for a Fall Construction Project?

Southeastern Structural Engineers

Offers the Expertise You Need

: ,With. autumn officially
beginning this week, many,
Beaches residents welcome the *i
cooler weather. And, for many \'
homeowners, cooler. weather
means sprucing up their homes
and rolling out those long-term
plans to build or update their
.house or beach cottage.
If you're considering'a new-
construction or renovation
project, no doubt you have Ei!
questions. Where do you '
begin? How do you start?' The
professionals at Southeastern ,.'.'
. Structural Engineers, Inc.,"'can ''
answer your questions and are v ""
ready' to assist you from idea
to completion.
"On time and withinbudget"
that's Southeastern
Structural Engineers president
jay Paulin's motto, and his 1 1
favorite part of every project is
its completion, he said. "\Ve '
strive to provide our clients per-
sonal attention and detail for '
their project," he added. ,
"Because we're a small firm, we
can attend to every stage of If you're ready for a "new loo
your project and help you Southeastern Structural Eng
anticipate long-term growth after photos above show ho'
expectations and current facility Beach home.
Translation: The experts at- ." l
Southeastern Structural Engineers understand all aspects of
your project, including the big and small picture.
That's how Jay runs the firm, which he opened in the
Regency area in 1999 and moved to Atlantic Beach four
months ago. Southeastern Structural Engineers provides.
clients consultation'for engineering for public, private or,
commercial organizations from project inception through:
completion. "Our policy is to provide our clients 'quality
professional service' with a personal touch," he said.
The residential services the firm provides include custom
home plans, custom home additions, wind load calculations
and drafting. Commercial services include site development
and design, construction management, structural building
design and structural engineering.
"In addition to engineering and design, we have experi-
ence in inspection of damaged structures, road systems
,including paved and unpaved roads plus bridges and cul-
verts) and utilities," said lay. "\Ve can even provide our
clients signed and sealed letters for structural damages
resulting from natural disasters, which help clients decide
on which is more cost effective to restore or rebuild." "
With a background in both business and engineering, Jay
is proud of the one-stop comprehensive services
.Southea.stern. Structural. Engineers offers its client.s.-"A-.
Ma. t son'le""8ti; t'TiP'-'ifitnded-'E)odglds Andet'bn-'-HigM"
School and received his undergraduate degree in marketing
from Florida A&M University and his master's degree in
public services and administration from Ball State
University in Indiana. After working -for IBM for several
years, he returned to Jacksonville permanently and joined
the staff of Haskell & Associates.
"My first project with the Haskell company was with
sports construction and renovating the playing field
drainage system of the then Gator Bowl, which became
AlItel Stadium," said .lay, whose initials are on the stadium's
north goal post. Working at the Haskell, company, Jay
learned the-importance of details and professionalism. "So-

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when I decided to open my own firm, I patterned.my busi-
ness on Mr. Haskell's winning approach and scaled his con-
cept to the residential level," he added.
The Southeastern Structural Engineers concept works
because it not only involves the client but puts the client in
control, explained Jay. "\VWe provide a team of engineering
experts who work directly with the client and then we pro-
vide top-notch project management and work for and on
behalf of the client during every step of the project."
That means the professionals at Southeastern Structural
'Engineers take care of the details. "We make sure the work is
done correctly and in compliance with all city and building
codes, we make sure the workers show up and we make sure
the bills are paid," Jay said. "In short, we're problem solvers,
we protect our clients, we put ourselves in their place and
we save them time and money in the long run."
The firm's most effective advertising is referral and word-
of-mouth, said Jay, and no residential job is too Jarge or too
small for Southeastern Structural Engineers.
If you're considering a new-construction or renovation
project, Jay advises homeowners to plan, plan, plan. That
Identify your budget,
Get your property,
=-'Conentrat-e'on Ahe-site plan, ...
Determinetif-iYape'.rid style Of th b fi5''s''bnd '
Design a floor plan.
Give the professionals at Southeastern Structural
Engineers a call now to set up an appointment to discuss
your new-construction or renovation project. Let them take
the frustration out of your dream project.
Southeastern Structural Engineers, Inc. is located at 4-160
Sturdivant St., Suite 462, in Atlantic Beach. Hours are 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. After-hours appointments
are also available. For more information about your next res-
idential or commercial design project with personalized
consultation from start to finish call Jay at 855-1254, fax
855-3210 or e-mail southeastern arch eng@a'comcast.net.


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ph.'AO uc'm.nea
Linda Earp (center), principal of Palmer Catholic Academy in Ponte Vedra Beach, helps celebrate the recent 15-year anniversary
of Little Stars Preschool of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church. Earp was the first director of the preschool. With her are
(left) Lisa and Quentin Rotella and Kearneq and Adelaide Hinson.

pnolo suDmined
Beaches-area residents interested in performing at this year's
production of the Beaches Community Nutcracker will be held
Sept. 30, from noon to 3 p.m. Anyone 10 years or above can
audition. To reserve an audition time, contact Mindi Mende at


Student count on rise
Two schools and a ninth
grade center are scheduled to
open in Northwest St. Johns
County in August 2007.
The schools are part of the
School District's five-year
plan, and groundbreaking
ceremonies held Monday
come on the heals of the
School District's release of
this year's student count.
'The number of -students
attending St. Johns County
public schools by the 20-day
attendance count was 26,474,
an increase of 1,226 students
over the same time last year.
The latest attendance fig-
ure represents a 4.86 percent
increase over last year's
enrollment of 25,248. This
total keeps St. Johns County
among the fastest growing
school districts in the state.
Middle schools had the
largest growth this year with
5.62 percent. High school
enrollment increased by 4.72
percent, followed by elemen-
tary schools at 4.56 percent.
Mill Creek Elementary
School in Northwest St.
Johns had the biggest
increase at 48.6 percent.
Nease High, with a 10.1 per-
cent increase, was among the
top six fastest-growing
schools in the county.
The increase is similar to
the increase-last year-over the
year before.
SAT scores above average
For the sixth consecutive
year St. Johns County stu-
dents scored above both the
state and national averages
on recently released
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
The district composite
score of 1044 was 51 points
higher than the state average
of 993 and 23 points higher
than the national average of
The district improved by
one point over last year's
score while scores decreased
at both the state and nation-
al levels.
The county's composite
score included a 521 on the
critical reading section and a
523 on the math section. The
county's critical reading score
was 25 points above the state
average of 496 and 18 points
higher than the national
average of 503.
The mean math score was
26 points above the state
average of 497 and five
points above the national
average of 518.
A writing component was
added to the SAT this year. St.
Johns County scored an aver-
age of 505 on the writing
assessment, 45 points above
the state average of 460 and 8
points above the national
average of 497. On the total
assessment battery with writ-
ing, St. Johns County scored
1549 compared with 1473 for
the state and 1518 for the
The highest possible score

of Education's Outstanding
Elementary Principal
Achievement Award. She has
worked at the district level
since 2001.
Davis also is a native of St.
Augustine and a product of
St. Johns County schools. He
was class president his fresh-
man and sophomore years
and lettered football, basket-
ball and baseball.
Davis played on the inau-
gural baseball team of Flagler
College and later graduated
from the Univeisity of Nortfi
Florida with a degree in busi-
ness administration.

Susan Jolly reads "A Bad Case of Stripes" last week to her
class at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach. Clockwise
from Jolly are Shelby Flanigan, Katie Barber, Kendall Brown,
Harry O'Conner, Lucy Rieger and Olivia Rose.

on the SAT is 800 on each
section for a combined per-
fect score of 2400.
The SAT, along with the
ACT, is used for college
Two honored by district
Marth K Micklder, -assi&tant._
superintendent of curriculum
and learning for the St. Johns
County School District, and
Brad Davis, president and
partner of Davis & Davis,
CPA, have received the 2006
Learning Legacy Lifetime
Achievement Awards.
The awards, given Friday
before St. Augustine High's
football game with Pedro
Menendez High, are present-
ed annually to former St.
Johns County students who
have returned to the area and
have served the community.
Mickler is a native-of St.
Augustine and graduated

from St. Augustine High
School, where she served as
captain of the basketball
team her senior year and was
voted "Most Athletic" by her
graduating class.
In 2001 she was honored as
an Olympic torch bearer for
-St. Johns GC-ournty, as the torch
passed through St. Augustine
on its way to Salt Lake City
for the 2002 Winter Olympic
A graduate of Florida State
University, Mickler was a
teacher in three Florida
school districts and school
administrator in Columbia,
S.C. before returning to St.
Augustine, where she taught
and was a school administra-
She opened Cunningham
Creek Elementary School and
served as its principal for six
years. While there she
received the Commissioner

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Fletcher Middle School's PTA President, Karen Arlington,
is handed a check by The Leader's Steve Fouraker.
Help your school's Parent-Teacher
Organization by subscribing or renewing
your subscription to THE LEADER

$10 of each new subscription ($25) or two-year renewal ($40)
is donated to the school partner of your choice
Our current partners include:
Atlantic Beach Elementary PTA Fleicher High PTA Fletcher Middle PTA
Jacksonville Beach Elementary PTA Mayport Elementary PTA
Mayport Middle PTA Neptune Beach Elementary PTA Nease High PTSO
Ocean Palms PTO P\'P\'/Ra\\'lings PTO San Pablo Elementary PTA
Seabreeze Elementary PTA

You don't want to miss an issue! Subscribe today!

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September 20,'2006

*Page 12A

The Beaches LeaderfPonte Vedra Leader

Ponte Vedra Leader
Fishing Leader B-2
Good win for Gators B-3
||* Classifieds B-5
September 20, 2006 SPO RTS

Panthers earn lopsided homecoming win

Nease demonstrates rushing attack

is as formidable as passing game

Two weeks ago, the Nease
High offense began with 16
straight passes. Last Friday
night against Fleming Island it
was 10 consecutive runs to
begin the ballgame.
On both occasions. the
Panthers rolled to easy victories
there latest a 49-14 pasting of
the Golden Eagles last Friday
night demonstrating they
can once again beat teams by
land or by air. That presents
problems for opposing coaches
watching videotape of Nease:
Which do you defend, the pass
or the run?
And that's exactly the way
Panthers head coach Craig
Howard wants it.
"We always want you to be
unsure what you're going to get
when you come up against us,"
he said. "We want to show we
can run the ball and be physi-
cal or pass the football when
we want to."
In three games this season
Nease has relied on the run to
defeat Memphis University
School, passing to trounce
Sanford Seminole, and the
ground attack to pummel
Fleming Island. Following the
victory over Seminole, Howard
said he is intentionally mixing
it up.
"You know last week we had
over 300 yards rushing so we
wanted to come out in this
game and throw a bunch of
high-percentage passes," he
said. "\Ve want to be able to
have balance. We have some
great running backs in Zach

Tronti, Chris Johnson, who is
really explosive, and Ted
[Stachitas] is a running threat."
Against Fleming Island,
Tronti carried the ball 10 times
for 105 yards and two touch-
downs, Johnson had eight car-
ries and 92 yards, and Stachitas
picked up 103 yards on the
ground in 13 attempts. In all,
the Panthers rushed for 312
yards and passed for only 37.


Howard said the goal is to
make opponents defend
Nease's multiple formations
and passing schemes while
worrying about the run.
"I think [our offense] will
evolve as we go on and see
what our guys can do," said
Howard. "What I'm pleased
with is you have to defend a lot
of different things. You have to
worry about a tight end in this
offense now. Last year you did-
n't have to do that."
The tight end is Chris Briggs,
who caught four passes against
Seminole and has become yet
another weapon in the
Panthers' arsenal.

When thinking of Nease the
focus is usually on offense, but
this season the team's defense
is also playing a prominent
role. While the Panthers
pounded Fleming Island with a
relentless rushing attack, the
turning point of last Friday
night's game was a spectacular
return for a
touchdown by ------..----
defensive back
Justin Grant. We alwa)
On the Gol- to be ur
den Eagles'
first play of you're go
the, second when you
quarter, Grant
drew a bead against us
on quarter- [our offense(
back Jemarr
A',nderson's as we go
pass and what our g
jumped the
route so What I'm F
quickly he is you have
nearly ran
past the foot- lot of differ(
ball. Tipping
the pass to
himself, Grant
gathered the Craig
pig-skin and Panthers
raced un-
touched into
the end zone
for a 30-yard score.
"He's a really good natural
athlete," defensive coordinator
Danny C6owgill said of Grant
following the Sanford game.
"We just had to teach him the
schemes. He's a real bright
young man. It was like putting
a fish in the water."
It was the second straight
week Grant had an intercep-

tion return for a touchdown.
That made it a 20-0 Panthers
lead and the rout was on.
Fleming Island's only points
of the first half came on a 53-
yard fumble return to make it
35-7 with a few ticks before
halftime. It was the first touch-
down surrendered by Nease

ys want you
sure what
ing to get
* come up
. I think
e] will evolve
on and see
uys can do.
)leased with
, to defend a
ent things.

- ---------

g Howard
head coach

this season -
but it wasn't
given up by
the defense.
The second
half was
marked by
turn vers
with Panthers
defensive line-
man Danny
Russell recov-
er-ing two
Golden Eagles
fumbles in the
third quarter.
With plenty
of subs in the
game and
Cowgill's first
stringers on
the sideline,
Nease gave up
a 28-yard TD
pass late in
the fourth
quarter to
make it 42-14.

But John-son's 37-yard run to
paydirt and an extra point from
Mien Schaefer made it a 49-14
On Friday, the Panthers will
host Palatka High in a 7:30
p.m. kickoff. After that it's a
trip to Pedro Menendez on
Sept. 29 and then the big one
- a road game at St. Augustine
on October 6.

-..3 %. ,. : ,,,- ,, ,, 4 'o- -e-'u'eo" by ROB DeANGELO
"'.". .... : ..'^ ^ ^ .... ,Panthers defensive back Justin Grant bobbles the ball as he
.... ,,. ,,.:_ :* .. '."-K.. -/ 'makes a key second quarter interception and runs it back for a
S';. touchdown against Fleming Island last Friday night.

Page 2B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader September 20, 2006


Small redbass biting in the canal, feeder creeks

T largee redbass are' being
taken'around the Dames
oint Bridge. The smaller
ones are biting in the canal anc
its feeder creeks north of Sisters
Creek. Lots of snapper are
being taken on the party
grounds but all but a few are
too small to keep.
Capt. Kirk Waltz, on his
"Enterprise," spent the week on
the inside and:did extremely
well. On Friday morning,
Danny and Brett Thomas.
fished with Capt. Kirk. They
used blue crabs for bait and
caught 22' redbass weighing 27
to 40 pounds.
On Friday afternoon, Chris'
Huff and Ginny Smith fished
with Capt. Kirk and caught 19
big redbass.
Lamrr "Fishman" Finch had'
Nell Roland, Brian Deffalseleer,
Christa Massy and Jonah
Chason as his guests last
Sunday. They used crabs for
bait near the Beach Blvd.
Bridge and caught lots of red-'
bass weighing up to eight
On each trip to the canal last
week the "Fishman" and his
guests caught their limit of red-
Loriann. Ignario checked in
at B&M with two reds she and
a friend caught at the little jet-'
Jeff Shroer and his son,
Michael, caught eight flounder
on a trip last week.


Last Saturday, 11-year-old
Austin Brychta, ,using live fin-
ger mullet near St. Augustine,
caught five flounder. Austin's
Largest flounder was a big boy
'weighing 11.8 pounds.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow, on
his "Little Yvonne' with Frank
Pixler and tester Johnson,'
fished the jetties last
Wednesday morning. They,
pulled up a pair of reds at 27
and 28 inches, two mangrove
and a good catch of whiting
and seabass.
On Saturday, Keith Coker
and Capt, Fred in the canal
north of Sisters Creek used live
shrimp and jigs to catch 31'
reds to 22 inches, 15 speckled
trout, four jacks and lots of
lady fish.
On the party grounds,
anglers aboard the "NMayport
Princess" and "King Neptune"
came home over the weekend
with cobia to 31 pounds. lots
of beeliners, seabass, yellow-

P.:..c. SutrT..neM
Capt. Bob Ulrich, center, with friends Dustin and Jim along with
six of the eight gaffer sized dolphin caught east of the dry dock.
r m k~~L! d p'

tails, flounder, triggerfish and
grouper.' Anglers on both party
boats released hundreds of
snapper over the weekend.
Capt. Gerald Beasley, from
his "Rite Spot II" last Sunday
with John "Candy" and Tyier
Thomas, brought up two snap-
per weighing up to 18 pounds
and lots of seabass and beelinh-
Capt. Dennis Young with the
Willie Chaffee party aboard the
"Sea Dancer" last Saturday,
caught a 16-pound snapper, a
10-pound grouper, a lane snap-
per and 30 seabass. Their part'
reports that over 100 snapper
were a little too small to keep.
On Sunday Capt. Dennis had
Duane Schmidt and three oth-
ers as guests. They pulled up. 50
beeliners, 31 triggerfish, 21 dol-
phin and 15 seabass.'
On the Jacksonville Beach
Pier, Joe Whipple used a live
mullet for bait and caught a
15-pound king over the week-
end. Spencer Brogden used fin-
ger mullet to catch three floun-
der weighing up to four
Mark Baye weighed up a five-
pound spadefish.
Capt. Kevin Faver on his
"Double K" fished for tarpon in
great schools of mullet that are
now exiting the Vilano Inlet.
He caught a tarpon on eacthof
three trips in the inlet last
James Gergley and Ron
Harvey made a trip to Venice,
Florida last week and enjoyed
several days of fine snook fish-
ing. They caught 30 snook and
six redbass using live shrimp
and artificial.
Capt. Whit Whitlock reports
that tarpon and sharks are still
behind the shrimp boats off St.
Augustine. He and a fnend
caught lots of big sharks and
jumped several tarpon behind
the boats last Sunday.
Local residents Steve.larrett,
David Cole, Butch Ferris and
their guide Rick Collins recent-
ly returned from a great fishing
trip near Kodiak, Alaska. They
caught both salmon and big
halibut which will provide
them with enough .fish for the
a winter. Theu huge halibut
weighed up to 130 pounds.
Good Fishin'.
^ .H ,/ -. ~ ,,,.

1r,:.-l,:, u nin ea'


ABOVE: Local angler Butch
Ferris with his 138-pound hal-
ibut caught on his recent trip
to Kodiak, Alaska.

LEFT: Jerry Moulton and Mike
Francis with the 80-pound yel-
lowfin tuna they recently
caught with Capt. Shawn
Beiterman aboard the "Childs
Play" during Labor Day


, I ,-. ..- -' .. -


0eprebm er tU, MUUDt0 ....- --. .. ..........------ -

Gators on the rise, Seminoles sinking quickly

N o matter what the vari-
ous factions of the
Florida Gator boosters,
say, it's becoming apparent
from the Tennessee exhibi-
tion, that coach Urban Meyer
will use a double-barrel offen-
sive attack this season.
The QB pair used it for a 21-
20 comeback win.. ,
After their disposal of the
Rocky Top Volunteers
Saturday night, unless drastic
injuries occur, veteran quarter-
back Chris Leak has proved
again why he.is still too valu-
able to discard in favor of
youth. And rookie Tim Tebow
has shown he is not to be
shoved out of the way simply
because his beard is still fuzzy.
To beat their hated rival in
Knoxville is one thing, to:
come from behind and defeat,
the Vols in their raucous, lair is
something else. Coach Mcyer'
may have brought some fancy,
plays and philosophy from
Utah, but it's doubtful that,
trick was in his black bag.

The QB twins didn't wait
long for their act. Meyer sent
Tebow into action on Florida's
second drive of the night. The
Gators were facing a second
and two at the Tennessee 31-
yard line. ,
' Is this any way for a boy to'
lose his innocence? But sonny,
boy was equal to the task.
Tebow took the shotgun offer-
ing and went right up the
middle for 10-yard gain with-
out so much as a wink to his

Leak used that inspiration to
fire a 21-yard TD pass to
Jemalle Cornelius and the
Gators led, 7-0.
As Leak and Tebow might
tell you, "It's easy when you-
know how."
Actually, it was far from
easy. Leak did his part, firing
three touchdown passes, but
the defense allowed the Vols
to gain a 17-7 lead in the third
But, as the old saw used to
say, "When the going gets
tough, the tough get going."
The Gators got going, but it
was almost too late. When
they were down, 20-14 in the
final stanza and things looked
blacker than a coal-miner's
laundry, the Vols were lulled
into thinking the ballgame
was over and let,Dallas Baker.
camp out in the open, as bare
as. a newborn babe, where
Leak fired a pass for 21 yards
and the final score that upset
Tennessee's Rocky Top.-
The finish was just as amaz-

Video games could be a

culprit fo carpalunnel

syndromerin children

d Occasionally an injection of
It seems that kids are more a steroid such as cortisone can
. active with their hands 'be used as well for treatment.
than ever before, with the Surgery is rarely needed in
use of computers, text messag- ,,. children. If your child com-
ing, and video games. Kids plains of numbness and tin-
can sit fot hours repetitively .. gling in his or her digits, it
playing the same game, and could be carpal tunnel syn-
thus it is not surprising that drome and should be evaluat-
repetitive stress disorders such ed.
as carpal tunnel syndrome, Treatment for CTS in adults
once seen only in adults in is similar, although surgery is
the workplace, are now turn- more commonly used. The
ing up in children as well. procedure is done as an outpa-
In addition to those doing GREGORY tient, and can be done under a,
excessive computer or video SMITH, M.D. local block, thereby avoiding
gaming, piano students and CONTRIBUTOR general anesthesia.
young athletes such as weight A small incision is made just
lifters and gymnasts can be between the muscular masses
prone to carpal tunnel syn- -help-clarify the diagrnsis.' s" '--of-the palmr that sit below the
drome as well. .;,.- f Finally, an etectictar mpalse thumb and fifth finger. The
Patients who experience test called a nerve conduction fibrous band is then identi-
symptoms of carpal tunnel velocity study is usually fied, and cut through, elimi-
syndrome (CTS) typically corn- obtained. Patients with carpal nating the pressure on the
plain of numbness in their fin- tunnel syndrome will show a nerve, and usually leading to
gertips, and often of pain in slowing of nerve impulse rapid recovery. Patients usual-
the hand and forearm. CTS is speed as the nerve passes ly do not need any physical
caused by a compression of under the tight fibrous tunnel: therapy for this, and often go
the large median nerve as it previously described. back to work after a few days,
passes from the middle of Carpal tunnel syndrome is a unless they have a very labori-
your forearm, across the base common adult ailment, affect- ous occupation.
of the hand and into the ing over eight million people .
palm. a year, but remains relatively ** ***
As the nerve passes across < uncommon in children.'
the palm, it travels under a According the Journal of Thiscolumn is written to dis-,
tight fibrous band, which can Bone and Joint Surgery, the cuss issues regarding sports,
put pressure on the nerve, and first reported case in a child medicine, and safety It is not
slows the flow of electrical was in 1965 related to a con- intended to serve as a replace-
impulses traveling to the fin- nective tissue disorder. When ment for treatment by your regu-
gers. If things get tight in the seen in children, carpal tunnel lar doctor. It is only designed to
tunnel due to swelling from syndrome is typically related offer guidelines on the preven-
excessive activity, the nerve to trauma, repetitive activity, tion, recognition, and care of
can become a little squeezed bleeding disorders, or connec- injuries and illness. Specific con-
as well, leading to symptoms. tive-tissue disorders. cerns should be discussed with
If a patient is suspected of Treatment in children with .your physician. Afail your ques-
having carpal tunnel syn- carpal tunnel syndrome tions to Gregonry Smith, AID -
drome, a physical exam is per- involves rest, splinting or Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
formed, with specific manual bracing, oral anti-inflammato- Street, Suite 204, Fernandina
tests that can be performed to ries, and vitamin B6.. Beach, Fl 32034.


Aqua Aerobics !
Water exercise program pro-
vides a total body workout for
people of all ages and fitness
levels. Classes include exercise
for aerobic conditioning, flex-
.bility and strength.
Water provides a safe and
refreshing way to exercise
while limiting impact on
joints. Shallow water classes
take place Monday to Friday,
mornings and evenings; deep,
water classes NMon. Weds. and
Sat.. .
For. more information con-
tact the UNF Aquatic Center.
at 620-2854.
A bowling league for seniors
55 and older is. being formed
at Beach Bowl on Beach
Boulevard. Competition in
the Monday league will begin
at 1 p.m., with practice start-
ing at 12:45 p.m. Call Paula at
249-9849 for information;
*00 :,
Youth league scores-from
Beach Bowl can be found at
beachesleader.com in the
sports section.

Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fan-
tasy football league will pre-
sent this season's Monday
Night Football games 'on the
movie screen in the main

showroom at Atlantic
Theatres. Doors will open at
7:30 p.m. every Monday
throughout the NFL season.
A draft party is slated for
Aug. 30 and the league has a, .
$20 entrance fee. Proceeds
will be distributed to winners
at the end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for
others. Proceeds from admis- ,
sion charges will be donated
to H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity
providing K-12 scholarships
for at-risk youngsters in the
Jacksonville area.
For more information con-
tact Bryce Pfanenstiel at 249-
7529. '

The Jacksonville Chapter
of the Florida Association of
Mortgage Brokers will host
its 31st annual fundraiser
and charity golf outing-
Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club in Orange
Proceeds from this year's'
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing quality services
for area youngsters and fam-
Registration for the event
will begin at 8 a.m. and a
shotgun start will take place
at 9 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.

For lunch only, it's $25 per
person. .
'For more information, -
contact Valerie Saunders at'
(904) 992-0785.

The Ponte Vedra Predators.
Lacrosse League will conduct
registration for interested L
4th graders to 8th graders
for the fall season.
Registration will take place
Sept. 20 from 3:45"p.m. I
until 5:30 p.m. at Landrum
fields. Practices and games
will be take' place Mondays
and Wednesdays from 4:30
p.m. until 6 p.m. The season
will continue until Oct. 25..
Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer-tournaments for
all ages throughout the fall.
For more information phone
(904) 346-3946 or visit Web site
at www.jaxindoorsports.com.

A senior men's doubles league.
at the "C" level will begin
October 10 at Huguenot Tennis
Center. Seniors must be over 50
years old to qualify.
Matches will take place Friday
mornings from Oct. until April
* 2007.
, For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.

ing as the whole game. The
Touchdown Twins made it
Seminoles take an
untimely tumble
Things got so unbelievable
in T'allahassee last Saturday as
Clemson did its thing to ,
Florida State, and the televi-
sion audience was shocked.
Did anybody see Bobby
Bowden pull a Steve Spurrier
and fling his cap to the
ground? The sound was so bad
it was almost inaudible to
hear a loud, "Dadgummnit!"
coming from Uncle Bobby.
Son Tommy Bowden has
kept his Clemson job by beat-
ing up on old dad in three of
four recent meetings, this time
27-20. Is that any way.to treat
your elders?
By now everyone knows
mat the Tigers squeezed by in
this one, barely, and anyone
who cares knows that the
Seminoles offensehjas been as
dangerous as wet matches..

Results, from the Sept. 18
playday for the Beaches Ladies
at Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
on the Lagoon Course.
1st Flight: 1st 11231 Chris
Moyer, Marge Monteith, Pat
Russo and Indu Sapra. 2nd
(1311 Vicki Arnold, Delores
Adams, Jean Textoris and
Lynn Genest (blind draw).
Low putts (30) Paula Fairley,
Pat Russo and Indu Sapra.

They know that much, but
why and how is a question
that would stump even Dr.
The only redeeming feature
was the performance of FSU's
Tony Carter, the one-time star
of Mandarin High. He
returned two blocked kicks for
points and at the time that
appeared to be enough to
guide the Noles to victory.
Heaven knows the running
game has run down and the
passing game has about passed
The Seminoles' quarterback,
young Drew Weatherford, is
Papa Bowden's, last hope at
the passing position due to
attrition, injuries and maybe.
mean doings by enemies of
the FSU state.
Whatever, the Seminoles are
not the Seminoles they used
to be. The offense is just-
offensive, not explosive.
When a Tony Carter turns out
to be the most exciting cog in
the FSU ammunition, it's a
. bad sign for the Purple and

2nd Flight: 1st (125)
Barbara Donnelly, Lorry
McCarney, Elaine Rohrer and
Patty Blodgett. 2nd- (126)
Isobel Spink, Mariane Ferris
(blind draw), Ruth Mathews
and Maudi Bongiavanni; k126)
Anita Kommick, Carolyn
Brennan, Betty Patterson and
Lynn Genest. Low putts (29)
Barbara Donnelly, Connie
Weinart and Anita Kommick.

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Does all the blame go to the
offensive coordinator, Jeff
Bowden, another Bowden not
by coincidence?
The cry from the critics is
that one Bowden is fine, two
is just one. too many.
But son Jeff didn't join his
pappy's staff straight from the
playground. He had solid
experience before he was
named to succeed former
coordinator Mark Richt, who
went on to become head
coach of the the Georgia
Did Richt take all the offen-.
sive magic with him? Seems
Whatever magic potions
Papa Bowden can find, Florida
State fans want it found -
They aren't patient with
these pale-faces and it's not
smart to anger riders who hurl

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1 1

rome vear

" I

L_ : : I I~ ~I

Page 3B

th Ba'Aes ta e~~o'n treVedra I eade

c--_ -- --. < n n r

Panthers run all over Golden Eagles

ABOVE LEFT: Nease High linebacker Brett Russi,(42) sacks Fleming Island quarterback Jamarr Anderson during.actioh last
Friday night. ABOVE RIGHT: Panthers running back Zach Tronti heads for the end zone on a 7-yard TD run in the second quarter.


U., rjk 7-

.r....ii,. C.-,' nO5 Do"r ,-ELCj
Jacksonville Jaguars defensive tackle Rob Meier (92) grabs ahold of Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger's pants
during action Monday night at Alitel Stadium. The Jaguars defeated the Steelers, 9-0, to improve to 2-0 on the season.
TW- .-.. ,.. ". .= "' '" ,

Panthers return man Hunter Bates breaks a tackle as he runs
with the opening kickoff against Fleming Island during Nease
High's homecoming game last Friday night.




Wednesday, Sept. 20

NEASE at Bartram Trail.
6:45 p.m.
NEASE at County Champ-,
ionships, 1:30 p.m.

.Thursday, Sept. 14

NEASE vs.f Men`ndez and
Slay, 3:30"p.m.
NEASE at Bishop Kenny.
8 pm.


Friday, Sept. 22

Palatka at NEASE, 7:30 p.m.
FLETCHER at Sandalwood
Tournament, TBA

The Science of Internet Marketing
From Traffic to Sales
Interchanges.com is sponsoring an exciting lecture featuring Frank Bennett'
SA published author, lecturer, marketing and Internet
consultant, Frank will be discussing several ideas
IW including:
i *~" Getting Traffic to your Website...
How Google, Yahoo, and MSN Really work.

does it work.
How to get the Search Engines to work for you.
Search Engine Pitfalls to avoid.
Converting Web Traffic into Web Sales...
TARGET The psychology of web browsing.
""--v Visual Scan and what it means to conversion.
|ADIENCE Five keys to consistent conversion.
The five most common Internet Marketing mistakes..


Join us for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and you'll experience a truly inspiring event. By
stepping up with others in your community, you'll support those who are facing breast cancer, as well
as the fight itself. For more than three decades, the American Cancer Society has led the way against
breast cancer from advocating for mammography, to pioneering support programs, to funding vital
research. And with your help, we'll reach our destination.
MAKING STRIDES Join the fun, noncompetitive walk the Third Annual Beaches
Against Breast Cancer" Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.- a 5K walk on
the beach with a fun-filled opening and dosing at the Sea Walk Pavilion.
Saturday October 14, 2006
Registration begins at 8:00am Walk begins at 9:00am
Sea Walk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach

This event is FREE, but seating is
limited. To reserve your seat call
Jessica Sizemore, Director of
Marketing at (904) 807-9211.

Proven Revenue Strategies

...your commnai

Walk welcomes individuals, teams, cancer survivors and
anyone who wants to join the fight against breast cancer.
ES LEADER For more information, call
RA LEADER 249-0022 ext. 111 or e-mail:
ty newspapers christine.hoffman@cancer.org

Hope. Progress.Answers./1.800.ACS.2345/www.cancer.org/strides.online

"*The U~niversity Clukb.requires all attendees to be dressed in at least business' casual attire to attend this event.

September 20,-2006

*Page 4B

The Beaches Leader/ponte Vedra Leader

Page 5B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Pets & Animals
TheBeac300eade Pets
e Beaches Leade 310 Pets for Sale
Ponte Vedra Leader 330 Stables/Livestock
V a L340 Lost/Found Pets





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Real Estate Rentals
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120 Homes tor Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240 M.H. for Rent
130 Condos tor Sale 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room for Rent
Sfor Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental
185 Industrial/
Warehouse .

400 Notices
405 Travel
415 Personals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
S440 Misc. Lost/Found

Service Guide cont.
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651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Gonst.
665 Repairs
575 SpriHlei. S Wells
677 Tree Service

450 Instructions/Schools 678 Tile

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510 F-T Help Wanted
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530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
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600 Services
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608 Auto Repair,
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handicap familial status or national on-
gin, or the intention to make any sucn
preference, Imrlation or discrimination.
Tne Leader Group will not knowingly ac.
cepi any aauenising lor real estate
which is in violation ol inc law All per-
sons are hereby informeO that all dwell-
ings advenised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
II you believe mai you may nave been
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the sale, rental or financing 01 housing.
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Atlantic Ocean' Brand ne".
simultaneous closing end of '06.
$829,000 2/2/1716 sf, 7th fir. South
u n it. ;'* .
$1,590,000 3/3 5/2605 sf, 2nd fir,
direct ocean firt.

Priced reduced! Marsh & natural
preserAe! 3/2/202S tf. open fIr plan.
A' ale thrn-out, ne% SS kit applances,
re-plumbed 06 5$424,900 "
IM gEq l .I l klSII llI I
$582,100 4/3 5/2760 sf, Key West
srxte 3 stories. Si Johns River view/
marsh frt near fee community boat

Two lots, 50'x190' eacn ONf Beach Blvd
on Gerona Dr Easi. $69 900 each
993-5853.. 993-3803 Owner/ Agent
PV FSBO Build your dream home Last
1/4 acre Duildable lot east of A1A
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WESTERN NEW Mexico 62 acres
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to BLM. Horseback rdaing, hiking, hunting
Perfect for vacation, investment, retire-
ment. Electricity. 100co hnancing. Larger
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county in NC. Grand opening rail 2006
Direst ocean access Preconslruciion in-
centives 10 call now
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Cape Fear Blurts. LLC Broker.

A B. TOWNHOUSE- 312.5 1600sl 2 car
garage, built 2002. $239.9K hrm.
658 Stocks 534-4848
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA. completely re-
modeled, new'30 year rool. 42" hickory
cabinets. traveling stone iloor. Beroer car-
pel and crown molding. $289,900 463.
INVESTOR'S DREAM! Lot w/. house,
60x125, 9th Ave. N.- Make offer.
305-304-9473.. .:
FIVE BLOCKS to Beach Coiner, wo lois
and cbs Bunalo6w. 52325.00.M'Carolyn
Franci- RE;fytAX Specialists 934.
large corner lot, tIle Iloors. new rool. F/P.
many upgrades 992-2249 or 514-7152.
Open House. Sunday 1.4pm, 617 Baflle-
gale Ln. $327 000 819-0083. Owner'
LIVE IN AB <$400,000 6 blocks to ocean,
lakefronl. pool 3BR/2 5BA. 2 car garage
See lo appreciate. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle. $39500.0 904-994-4220.
OPEN HOUSE priced to sell ICWI 4764
Marsh Hammock Dr. West, 2-4pm, Sun..
S. JAX BEACH- 3BR,2 5BA, for additional
info on this property please call 861-4636
and enler ID# 61180. o
Claridge Ra E Newly remodeled. vacant.
2BR/1BA. large backyard $140.000 223.
WALDEN CHASE. 4BR,3BA 3200 sq.h.,
new & never occupied. $434.900, 230.
Intracoastal West
1.35 acres ol pri.sine waienront pnvacy in
popular Marsh Sound This is an absolute-
ly immaculate 4BR'3BA home final others
Ihe oesi of all worlds Greal home, great
location and in lanlasric shape $450,000
Call Mark ol The Dilwonn Realty Group of
Vanguard GMAC 904.591-6976

170 VISTA Grande 32'1 11001s. beaul,-
lully appointed. $209.900. no condo fees,
327-0558 Candlerhomes corn.
2300sl, gated goll community $574,000
A GEMI FSBO, Atl Bch, 3/2. home,
S1267s., Irplc, 2 car gar., scn prch in
beaulilul quaint community. BII '02, per.
lec condition. $279,900. (608)213-3397.
Dolphin Cove, 3BR/2BA, huge corner lot,
all brick, culde-sac, updated tile in main
living area. Ready to gol Just Reduced.
2BR/ 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpet
backs to preserve vaulted ceilings
Motivated seller. $201,999. '
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and tennis, minutes to the Beaches
A+ school. $288,900.
4BR/2BA w/pooll 2000+ sq ft. New roof,
HVAC, rence floorinq. windows, garage'
door replurbedi Offeried @.$384,900.
,TWO 1BR/ 1BA.+loft.Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room. 1 unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West sryle cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able with ruge great room, private back-
yard, great for entertaining, Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $323,900. .
Motivated seller! 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage.
Offered at $144,900.
4BR/ 3BA w/large bonus room, popular
floor plan' w/formal living/ dining room,
covered lanai, in ground swim spa. Seller
to pay $5000 of closing costs. Offered at
3BR/2.5BA, corner lot, exc, condition ,
close to beaches & schools. $269,500.
Seller to pay $1500 closing costs
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900.
4/2 HOME in Walden Chase off CR 210,
never lived in, huge great room, $349,900.
Call: 904-241-4447

TIRED LIVING on [me beach and would-
like lo live on a quiel wooded acre 1/2 Iol
wiih 382 n. of rivenroni in a goll and
equestrian community lusi 45 miles south
of Atlania' I'm looking to swap 10o a condo
or house on JacksonvilleiNeplunelAilantic
beach Creck out River Foresi @'
www riverloresl into II inieresied, contact
me al www.kwbinson-@beilsouin nel

OCEAN FRONT 2BR/2BA. beaultlully ren-
ovated 18' porcelain tile w,'inlaid design.
grande. stainless appliances, solid maple
cabinets wel bar. marble shower, garage
and slorage. 5675.000 233-7702.
PONTE VEDRA., 1BR'IBA. 750sl., open
nloor plan, lear garage, hIckory cabinets.
graniie counlenops, Tram,enine sione
floors slale shower. $199,900
PV 2/2 Galed. loially renovated, goll
course, spa w/tiraner, pub room beach
shutlle WBFP, W&D. $205.000 Tom
465-2020. .

1800st, garage, large balcony. 10 fM ceil-
ings lacuzzi' spa. appliances included
$715,000. 1904)699-9584.
FSBO, Save $14KI New Lakeview. Wi-Fi,
reason pool, must see' 5216K, FREE
HDLCD TV. FREE closing' 727-4583
4230. Open Sal Sun
1.1 CONDO in Ponie Vedra fjew applian.
ces and a ion ot community amenities
$168,000. 1904)504-8864 or
ikespohi'@dealerlawyer corn
CONDO AT Maypon, rp lop shape,
2BR/2BA good neighborhood, appraised
at $137,000,. musl sell, all offers consid.
ered, k904)803-5359
OCEAN VIEW 3,'2. upgraded appliances,
real south end view, $4174,900. Vanguard
Realty. 568..4818.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $519,900. Owner/ agent

vaulted ceiling, beautlul tile Br ght, open
floor plan. No dogs. $455,000
(404)325-0820, 1404) 784-6601I
OCEAN & PIER VIEWS. 3;2 7th floor,
1572 sl. garage. The Nonh Shore,
$590,900 568-1613,
DAYTONA BEACH, 6 income producing
condolets w/sdeller assisted financing.
$279K-$695K.' See seminar for Sept. 30th
at www.larrybruner.com. Photos:
www.daytonaoceanfrontsuites.com. All
buyers will be approved.
OWNER WILL finance, oceanview 2/1
condo. $295K. Call (904)891-671 0.
PRICED TO SELLI 1 br w/ garagel The
Palms $149,9001 568-1613:
PV BCH 2BR/2BA w/ fireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $179,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell).
BELLEZA 1BR/1BA condo, tile, new appli-
ances. wooded view. Exc. amenities.
$174,900 708-3809

CONDO BY Ocean in Atl. Bch. Totally
renovated 2BR/2BA, granite, wood floors,
washer/ dryer in unit. 300 steps to sand.
Best buy @ $275K:Call (904)728-5828.


LOT- 50'X100', 504 12TH STREET, Vila-
no Bch, $199,000. Grace Ellis, All Pro Re-
alty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell)
GEORGIA/ NORTH Carolina. Captivating
mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls.
Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home
kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call
(888)389-3504 X700.

3BR/2BA, VERY nice, modern, open floor
plan, 2 car garage, Oakridge Subdivision,
SPVB, $419,000. (904)699-2906.
MOVING -HOME reduced below apprais-
ed market value! -Private Sale. 4/2 Lake-
front pool and spa home nestled on con-
servation oversized lot' in gated Highland
Glen Subdivision. Too many upgrades to
list. $590,900. Call 904-223-4032 for ap-
ISLE OF Palms, gorgeous 3/2, new paint
inside & out, fixtures, carpet, windows,
landscaping, sprinkler system, A/C & roof.
$244,900. Tim 509-9071.
S jAX Bcn. 4.2 newly panned. $350 000
2BR.2BA ATLANTIC Beach home on goll
course $188 500.247.9850.
Custom nome- 2800SF, oock 2 Doal I hs,
bulkhead. 4BR 3BA, pool, detached 3 car,
gar. 100x440' beautifully treed lot.
$1.4 75M. 285-0489.
FSBO. OFF Beacr Blvd. close FCCJ &.
UNF Concrele block. 3BR iBA lcier
home $92,000 negotiable 945-.226
ATLANTIC BEACH. 562 !r Nautical Bou
levard. 32,'2 walking daisiance to the
beach Cornpleiely Renovaied. new kitcn-
Owner/ Agent, Cornerstone Realty; Inc.
FSBO GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
DulOron Island Dr West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A'C. roof windows. doors and applian-
-es By appointment only. Call Davd
247-0665 (home). 704-2337 Icell)
ATLANTICBEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach,
2BR,1BA on 60x150' Iol 255 Sherry Dr
$459,000 349-2504
Neplune Ben Townhouse, 2BR 1 5BA
bonus room wrin 10x12 storage sned.
Great location. 2118 Rosewood Dr. Call
Russell 343-2206.
On Intracoastal
New conslrucion. cmpletion late 06.
conage sryie. 4200si.. 4BR,4BA $1 975M
Call now to see Iloor plans
Gaied community. 4BR.'3BA, 3000.sl.. in.
ground pool, dock. summer kilcrien, water
views tront and rear. Built in '95.
Call Linda 525-2638
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
ATLANTIC & Kirner, area 3BR 2BA on
lake l580sf. $S234.900 Call Terry
$212,000. 3BR.2BA Beaulilul! Buill-in 99
w/Ig. lenced yard near beaches in quiet
corner of subdivision Pics & more info at

front Nepiune Beacn Just remodeled
$1800/mo including utrlies 545-1046

NEPTUNE BCH 1/2 block'-to ocean,
2BR/1BA deck, large 'garage, CH&A,
WDHU, No dogs, $1250/mo + deposit,
Call Trish 463-0222.
HODGES & Beaches areas. 1. 2 3BR's
wv gorgeous lake to golf views From
$350/mo 233-4545
JAX BEACH- 2BRi1BA disrwasr.er
WDHU,' CH&A, microwave. 728 8ih SI
South Credi check, no pets, $850/mo.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condo Club
pooi exercise & more' $975/mo
3BR/2BA. $1200imo All Souln Really.
241-4141 .
7-blocks to beach. $1050lmo. +deposai

JAX' BEACH block & half from water,
2BR/1BA, CH/A, WDHU, FP, $800/mo.
904-891 0606 or 352-478-2161
ATLANTIC BEACH, stroll to 'ocean.
Cr.armirng 2BR IBA apt., CH/A, W/D,
$995/mo., 'dep.+ lease. No dogs.
pliances washer/daryer. CH8A $900.'mo
1st, lasl. deposit 803-2520, 338-1766.
MOVING, ASSUME Lease. Graride Re-
serve Condos, JTB/Hodges. 2BR/1.5BA.
All appliances. $900/mo. 534-5847.
PONTE VEDRA, gated townhouse, 2/2
attached garage, pool, gym. $1100/mo. All
South Realty, 904-241-4141.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
1BR/1BAon water, fisherman's delight,
near beach. $770 + down, 221-0847.
.. .. o i o l'. i i i ... ..

Totally renovated 4BR/2.5BA 2-story penthouse with 2 oceanfront
balconies with hurricane shutters and an add'l oceanview sundeck.
This home features custom kitchen cabinets w/pullouts, granite
countertops, large breakfast bar, tile backsplash, and stainless steel
appliances. Gorgeous stone floors in kitchen, dining, and living areas.
2 AC units, custom closets in every bedroom, updated fixtures, and
has been replumbed. Shutters throughout, berber carpet, newer paint,
and updated bathrooms complete this oceanfront penthouse. Offered
at $999,000.

Exclusively marketed by:
Wdeoet(e mU PA, REAITOR
Office (904).241-7461 ext 231 Prudential
Cell: (904) 477-6668 Network Realty owradsmo,
michellehomes2003 @yahoo.com Extremely Full Service.

3CPLCMDCI- ZV ~, /.vvU ------ -~~:

3BR/2BA, RIAYMUR Subdivision off
Hartsfield Rd., 9A & Merrill Rd., right at 1 st
red light, 3314 International Village Ct. Liv.
Rm., Din.Rm, Kit, Breakfast Rm., Kitchen,
Den, Master bedroom w/large bath, large
tub, enc. shower, huge closet. 1950sf. Se-
curity system,, enclosed garage. Call Own-
er: Nick 223-5711 or 612-4800.
46 steps to Neptune Elementary play-
gound, 3BR/2BA, 1998sf, new roof, large
comer lot, 1495 Forest Ave. $329k,
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
,workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.
$249,900 Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
Total refurb, 3/1 home on 72x118 lot. con-
crete block/ stucco. Walk to beach/
schools. New S/S appliances & W/D.
-Move-in ready. Will co-op. 446 Lora St.
$459.000 t904)241-5564

With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!

Oceanfront $2.75M
6782 A Ave
5/4.5, 4725 sf, pool, spa,
private beach, ICW views

Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock

Water to Golf $750,000
241 Hampton Club Wy
5/5, 5056 sf, 3 car gar. loaded
$25k below appraisal

5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Lakefront, screened pool

4/2, on .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai

3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded

Lakefront 3/2 $269,900
4758 Kernan Mill Lane
1934 sf, open, tile, WOW!

3/2 + office $260,000
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd. reduced $30k

Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot

Jax Beach Condo $145k'
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai

W fBA, 55r&5ltna iplian
floor. 06JO tatS6f.-.5
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
A A Best Service
A l Best Solutions
MORTGAGE Check Rates
*Get Info
Get Pre-qualified
PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAx: 904-247-7475


30 yr. FIXED- 5:875% w/WAC
15yr. FIXED- 5.5% w/WAC

1% 5yrs FIXED/WAC
Borrow Payment/Mo.
$175,000. $562.87
$200,000 $643.28
12041 Beach Bld. Suite 5'
Jacksonlle. FL 32246
eckersonian2(a@hormail corn

SINGLE WIDE 2BR'2BA + storage srhe,
'87 PEAC. $10,500 hrm. excellent conhi-.
lion, 14036 Downs Lane 4580. Ponside.
708.0731. 241-8718.
PALM HARBOR factory liquidation sale
2006 models music gol Modular. mobile &
sill homes 0%. down wrier, you own yOui
own landil Cair our aciory 10ot Iree color
brochure. 1800)622-2832

S. JAX Bch 3,2. $1450.'mo 2 cleaning
services incl per mo 655-3951
LARGE 1 bedroom Exceliert localon
blocks Io ocean. Very clean No Pei-
$675'mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219
JAX BCH 3.2.5. ocean view. $1450,'m,-
185 51n Ave S. 318-0044
FAIRFIELD PV- 2BR'2BA townnonm
w.garage! hardwood floors lakeview. club
pool & morel $1200imo All Souln Realtl,.
JAX BEACH- 1 block 10 ocean,
3BR/1 5BA lownnome CH&A, WDHU
balcony & patio, 520 S. 2no Si $1350'rr ,
'11000 deposit, 280.2728 Ive message
NEPTUNE. WALK lo ocean lariqe
3BR, 1 5BA upper W'D. sundecK 1h pe:S
$1295.mo. Lower Unil a13de 2BR wmpari.
$1225/mo Southside area. large 2BR
w/island kiicnen W/D. secunry svyiem Ur.:
pets $625/mo 223-5211.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse. 1000h lO
beach. 2/2, 1 car gar. year lease Pnivale
beach access. $950/mo 1904)294-5498
VILANO BEACH.-4BR,'4BA. 2850sl., over.
looking Iniercoasral; walb to reach. hc,.T.r ;
only 4-yrs old $1800,'mo Call Jan Hor
man 537-7777 Owneri agent
223B HOPKINS Si, Nep Ben. IBR,'IBA el.
liciency Apt 1 5 blocks trom ocean
$775/mo. Lewis Realry (904)291-7229
2.5BA, 1700st master suite w' acuzzi.
balcony, tile lirsi loor. laundry rookup, 2
car garage lenced yard. Small dogs corn- .
sidered 893 61n Ave S $1600'mo. plus
Imo dep. Call 249-6150
PONTE VEDRA Bcr 3BR split, 2BA, s.ri.
gle gar Upgraded including all new appli.
ances. & monthly lawn care. 177 Del Pra.
do. $1250'mo 1st & lasi deposit required
No pets, non-smoker Avail Oct Call
2,1 iownnouse. W'D included CH A. ce-
ramic lile, approx 900sl 405 141n Ave S
Jax Bcn No pets. $825,mo. $900.'sec
dep. (904)343-9908
JAX BEACH. Oceanview Renovatle
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher. CHSA,
IBRilBA, $800'mo. $850'mo $1000i'mo
1904 1859-1301.,1904155 31354

- ro nallIle .

CP-tpm'er )-()200



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

September 20, 2006

LARGE APARTMENT near ocean, 2BR/
1IBA plus den. $1100/mo. 249-3970.
OCEANFRONT- 3BR/2BA condo in S.,
Jax Bch. Convenient to shopping, JTBI
Club pool, garage & morel $1700/mo. Al-
so, 2BR/2BA $1400/mo. All South Realty,
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, quiet, safe, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint.
CH&A, W/D Included. No smoking, no
pets. $950/mo., lease deposit. 993-1118.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA. $695/mo (904)891-0606,

JAX BEACH- 2BR cottage near ocean, ..
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $925/mo + $500 BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
deposit,. 246-3130. St, Nep Bch, downstairs, $1100/mo incl.
util. (661)803-6275.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR,' all amenities, avail. soon, $1100/mo. MAYPORT, 2BR/1BA apt., $675/mo.
247-1417... 1 BR, near ocean. $750/mo. +$600/dep. CH&A, 280-2728 Iv. msg.

OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 322 3rd Street,
2BR/1BA, 3 blocks from ocean, large
backyard, no dogs, $1200/mo + dep., 246-

2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard, tile, new .carpet. Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1250/mo.+
Deposit. 273-5653.

MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri- --
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, just steps
dogs, 3.33-5579. to ocean Club pool. $975/mo. All South
Realty; 241-4141. ,
n/Cf1 O A (HLJ A DHl. U I Lnm 0t n

2BD/1.5138, L lur, VV1.U, BCarPB & Pui
celain tile, fenced in back yard. 2112 Flori-
da Blvd. Neptune Bch. $800/mo, credit
check, 888-259-0783.

2BR/2.5BA. wdhu, very clean & spacious
no smokers or pers. avail. Oct 1 $900 mo
+ sec dep., 249-6150

2BR/2.5BA Townhome w.'d, dishwasher, *
fireplace, berber carpeil 18' ceramic tile, RENTAL- CONDO- MAYPORT -r
private balcony, private patio, $1'395/mo. 2 large bedrooms- 1 1/2 baths including
Available. Oct. 1st; 333-8402, Harrigan refrigerator w/ ice maker, dishwasher,
Properties Realtor. asher & dryer, separate dining area, fire-
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean, place in living room; newly carpeted (sorry
2BR/1BA, 1 year lease, NO pets, 800sf. NO DOGS), fresh & clean. Includes pdol,
includes W/D. $1000/mo. +$1000/sec. security system plus additional outside
dep. 918A First Street, between Bay & locked storage facility. $850/fio; lyr
Pine. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218. lease, deposit & references required. Call
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen, evenings 285-8325 or cell 403-9297.
tile floors, WDHU, CH&A, detached 1 car, '
garage: $950/mo. +$950/dep' $200 non- CLEAN 3BR Townhouse, near ocean,
refundable pet deposit. 993-8597. .Neptune Bch. $1395/mo. Charles. Leo-
PVB TOWNHOUSE- 2BR.'1 5BA. corn- naro, Broker, 241.7675
pletely remodeled, all new appliances. JAX BCH near ocean 1BR unlurnisned
next to. Sawgrass, great amenities, apt lease, references. $725/mo. 222 41h
$1000/mo +deposit. 904-571-6967 .Ave. So., 221-4134, 703-5518.

S Srockron...ATradiuon Since 1884 t

$ 875 7l3Belleza .PonteVedra 1/1 875
$l.l'00 -412 The Palms Ja\ Beach 2/2 1156
$11i10 70J3 \Vi'll.; of M., rh L.rndrig la.\ Beach 2/2 1080,







36 The ColonN Ponte Vedra
72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra
565 Lora Street Neptune Beach
72m Belleza PonteVedra
1227 18th Street North Jax Beach
74S Marsh Come Lane Ponte Vedra

9757 Rough Creek
1106 Valencia
74-1 Summerhou-se 11

Ponie Vedra/San grass CC
Jax Beach/Beach Pky
BeachPonie Vedra

1979 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pab
vi)-1 Templeton Lane Ponie Vedra/'
106 Bermuda Ba\ Ponie Vedra
97 Voyager Coart Ponie 'edra/:
104- Crosco\e Circle Ponie Vedra
1029 Hanover Lane Ponie \edra/'
224 Seanusl Court Ponie Vedra
10.A The Waterford Ja.\ Beach
(.i6,33 Bidge.uter Circle Ponte ledra/:
810 Mira Vista Atlantic Bea
10302 Ocean Grande South Ponie
9i5 2nd Street North. #C la\ Beach'

Iao Rd
IN\alden Cha~e

,'au gia,;TPC
1/tabden Ciaz~e

!Sagrai TPC

2/2 1100,
2/2 1260
2/2+office 1000
2/2 1012
3/2 1700
3/2+16ft 1650
2/2 1465
2/2 1356
3/2 1500
3/2 1700
*4/2 17001
3/2 18)00
'3/2 1750
4/3 2345
4/3 2502
3/2 2100
3/2 1800
'3/2.5 2000
3/3 2050
3/3 2239
3/3 2444

505 Seascape Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1300
70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
117 Deer Coe Dn% e Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
703 Landmark Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1829
408 Seasprav Lane Ponie Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
9910 Preston Trail Ponie \edr/Sanras, CC 3/2 5. 290.
0.")4 et-opolitan lax Beach/Ocean ewn 3/2 1 9
605 Li ndmark lia Beach/Oceanfroni 4/3 2650
.28 Presere \VieDn0 e Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+tbonu rnn 3100
245.1 Soilh Po:me \edra Blid South Ponte Vedra 3/2 5 3500
133 Sea Hammock Wa\ Ponme Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
570 Ponte Vedra Blhd. Ponie Vedra 3/2.5 3158


S90(.i,',kBeach ClubV'itlas San grassBeach Club Eff. 600
$11 (OO/k -19 Triton Way North Sawgras, Country Club 2/2.5 1500
$1300/wk Deer Run San grass Country Club 3/2 1600'
$1400 The Colon\ Ponte Vedra '2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Saw grass Beach Club 1/1 700
S1600 Sea Place Atlantic Beach 2/2 1200
$1600'% k 2839 S. Ponie Vedra S. Ponie Vedra 3/1.5 1500
$1800/wk2503 S Ponie Vedra S Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100'
SI800/,k The Retreat Ponte Xedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
.2i)00 La Brissas Ja.\ BeachiOceanfront 2/2 1200r
$200iI Pelican Point Ja&\ Beach/Oceanfroni 2/2' 1200
$2000 Loegerhead Lane Sa grass/Players Club 3/2.5 1600
$2000 \itma Del Mar Jai. Beach'Oceanside 3/2 .1700
$22011 Quail Point IH Sa" grass Country Club 2/2 1800.
$2300 92 Tifton \\a\ Nonh San grass Countc Club 3/2 1900
$2500 31 Little Ba Harbor San grass Country Club 2/2.5 1680
1i25i00.', k 72,o Oceanfront Npune BeichlOceanfront 3/2.5 w/gamien2600
-27010/" k 224 Coasial H.n Vilj, BejchlOceainlionr.uol6/4 4000
12010 28 -1 S Ponie \edraBlid S Ponie Vedra/Oceanftont -li2 2100
$3000 703 Landmark I mo.min i m a\ Beach Oceanfront 3/2.' 1829,
$3900 105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/35+office 3200
$5500 1011 Beach Ar' :imo m i Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
** Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,'
Rottweller, Doberman Pinscher. **
.**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882

- ma

FURNISHED DOWN to the kitchenware.
1/1, long or short term, 1 block to beach.
Includes util. & laundry room. As low as
$1000/mQ. 318-0044.
blocks from beach, Ig deck & backyard,
W/D, storage room. $1200/mo. 318-2121.
Townhome, 3/2.5, W/D, garage, pool, No
Pets, No-Smoking, $1280/mo. 655-2718.
PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities. $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904,)629-0046.

2.5BA townhome, vaulted ceilings, frplc.,
Ig heated & A/C Florida room. 2car gar.,
comm. pool. Fresh paint & new carpet, on
lake, 4 blocks to beach, lyr lease. Avail.
October. $1350/mo. Call 246-8294.
COTTAGE ACROSS from ocean, 512 1st
St. 'South. $850/mo. VIP Realty.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950/deposit,
$950/mo. 617 7th Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270-1284.
home, long-term rental. (904)354-4400.
PONTE VEDRA Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court. 2BR/2BA patio home,
$1150/mo,, 655-5990.
2BR/2BA, ICW, W/D, newly renovated.
Must see. $1000/mo. (904)571-5517.
1/2 MILE to Beach $1500/mo., 3BR/2.5BA
home, '2 car garage, on cul-de-sac,
Ig yaid. wood deck, privacy, fence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or email:
macs, @ adelphi ,.nel
4'2 OAK Harbor. $1100,mo t dep, reler-
ences. available Oci 1, 1291 Nantuckel.
call 553-6266. I ; .
CUTE AND .cozy beach 'home, 2BR/1BA,
all appliances plenty .of storage, lush
landscape. $1200,mo. available now, 435-
3BR/2BA -BONUS room 1102 15th Ave
North. Available October 1st, $1275'rmo
3.'2 house, $995'mo Avail,. now
3/2, 2 car garage, avail, now, $1175/mo.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2,5 townhouse, 1 car gar. $1350/mo.
2/2, $950/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1295/mo. Avail. now.
4/2, '$1595/mo.
3.'2. cul-de-sac. $1250:,mo
3/2, 2 car gar new care & pain
a'.al 9 .20 S1 lg5.'m o.
4,?. 2 car gar. avail 11 1. $1595/mo
32. $1395/mo
4;2 5 3 car gar. almost 3000st. avail 8.1,
3/2. 1 395/mo. Avail now.
4;3 3 car gar.. $1895/mo
4,3. 3 car gar $1925,mo.
4,2, brand new home. 2100lsl, $1450'mo
241-5501 OR 221-1711.



$1620/M onth
Large 3BR/2BA
Walk to Beach
1095 So. 7th St
.A. Jax Beach
800-935-8347 ext. 107.

ATLANTIC BCH, Maypon. Spacious 3'2.
bonus room, replace, ienced yard. pesl
conlrol included. No smokingipels. Availa-
ble 10,'3 1150,mo + deposit 755-1038
JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. North,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch,
fenced yard, CH&A, 1 $970/mo.
(904)891-0606 or 1352)478-2161.
3BR/1BA, 8 blocks to ocean, CH&A,
WDHU w/large separate utility shed,
lenced backyard w/iki bar, BBO pI. Music
see to appreciate' 814 3rd Ave S JB.
$925/mo. .dep. Must pass credil check
Donnie 992-0088. 246-3690. 333-1822.

SOUTHSIDE- 4BRi3BA 2500st., single
family nome completely remodeled. large
backyard on Lake San Jose. $1400.'mo.
Call Rebekah 1904)998-8360.
ell Rd. 3/1. brick, rent to own. $1200/mo.
VIP Realty, 962-6190.
SJAX BCH. 4 blocks Irom ocean. 3BR
1 5BA CH/A. lie & carpets, new kil cabi.
nets $1250-mo plus $1100,dep 'Dogs
301b- and under con-irdered 51-.42-9 al-
ter 4pm. BiroKer owner. '.
... .....
.. -^m ^,__4^ 8 ig^

Walk to beach and Town Center from this
lovely 4BR/2.5BA beach bungalow,
charming front porch & fenced yard plus a
detached bldg. with 2 car gar, huge stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home office/ studio) Available late October
$1850/mo, Call 242-0203 soon.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo.. +$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. off Penman and North 12th
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
ATLANTIC BCH,' woodsy cottage. 3/2, 2
car gar., ceramic tile, c-fans, pond,
$1299/mo, $400/dep. Avail. 10/7.
ISLE OF Palms 3BR/2BA, $1200/mo,
washer/ dryer, screened lanai, newly re-
modeled, 233-2571,
3BR/1BA JAX Beach house, bike to
beach, quiet street, no smoking, no pets,
$600 deposit, $900/mo, 994-5861..
ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2.5BA, complete
remodel, fenced yard, 2-car garage and
off street parking, near Mayport, schools,
and beaches,'$1500/mo +deposit. 869
Gavagan. Call for appt. (904)-910-6052. '
NORTH JB, 3BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU, tile,
fan, lawn and pest included. $1100/mo. .
Available now.. 249-1104. Pager 306-
PONTE VEDRA UAtrium, 2BR/2BA, ga-
rage, pool, tennis, orange, lemon and
-grapefruit trees, $1150/mo. Available im-
mediately. 285-9884.
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing.
4BR/2BA, executive brick 'home.;
$1350/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA home, cen.
H/A, WDHU, $1150, 514-1090.
1660 Beach Ave. (across from ocean). Lg

-3BR 2.5BA townhome (2150sf), frplc.,
fenced yard, deck, small pet negot.
$1750 mo (904)477-0102.
3BR/3BA BEACH HOUSE, .,227 North St.
7 houses, from ocean, pets welcomed,
$1950 call 233-2151
ICW NEAR San Pablo Ra. 3BR' 1BA
LARGE fenced yard CH&A, WDHU,
$950/mo. 241-1857, 246-0248.
1129 Sebago Ave. South, Beautilul 3/2
lenced yard. all new kitchen, appliances.
Dalh. lile & carpel $1200,,mo year lease
no pels. 631-3583
3BR2BA. grear conadion 1654sf. over
looking gol course, low maiier, ance
$1500 mo 904219.7962
PVB Solano Cay, 3BRi2BA garage.
large backyard in quiet neignDornood
Cormm. pool $1.250/mo 315-6558.
ICW, 340 CurriTuck W, 3,2 1 car garage.
large master $1150.monir, + deposit. Call
lake, 1850 sq ft W/D. 2 car, sm. pel OK,
$1400, 699-2245.

* m quip



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* m

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SOUTH JAX Beach 3BR.I 5BA, 6 blocks JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
fo ocean $1300/mo 710-5200 lease purchase. $1350/mo 568-4818

PVB- 3/2. 2 car garage laenced yard, new
everylning, S1600'mo. Joe 923-7066.
JAX BEACH Holly Dive, 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage, lenced yard $1250,mo t deposit,
614-5278. .
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse 1 bik to
ocean. 3BR/2 5BA 1850sq h ,. avaialbe
now 219-2481

CUTE 3BR/2BA, PVB home. lenced back
yard. w/d, $1500/mo. Call 1904)386-7792.
PONTE VEDRA- nice, clean. 3BR/2BA.
Garage, very private, maintenance Iree.
pels ok. $1400'mo. 241-4750
SOUTH JAX Beach, 3BR/2.5BA. 1 car ga-
rage on quiet cul-de-sac. Available
10.'1/06. $1450.mo. 655-3491
N JAX Bch. 3BR/2BA living, dining, large
kitchen4 screened palto., encedreac.yard-
newiy.' rerqdIeled, .S$12650rno, ', deposai

1650st, Ig fenced rear yard, pets negotia-
ble $1350/mo +deposit Includes pest
control and lawn service 1904)476-3000
JAX BEACH new 3BR/3BA w/ocean view,
pool. garage, $2100mo 223-6896
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BRilBA
Lease, references required. 218 41h Ave.
South $1195,mo (904)221-4134. 703-
3BR/2BA+ oltfce, 2000st 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool, fawnipool service includ-
ed. Pets OK $1900/mo. k904)703-0242
PALM VALLEY, 3/2 Mobile Home. Quiet.
and serene: Month-to-month lease.
$950/mo; Owner/ Agent. Cornerstone Re-
alty, Inc. 904-339-0231.

PONTE VEDRA Summer House
2BR/2BA condo, washer/ dryer,
$1100/mo 904-687-9371.
PVB, OCEAN GROVE. 2BR/2BA, garage.
$1100/mo 391-0029, 399-5511 leve-
olfice, 4700sf condo. Located on Inter-
coasial in new development All amenities
inci. with or wainoul boal slip. Unfurnished
Looking lor long lerm lease- 1-2 yr rental
For more details 398-9080 ext 211
LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach.
3BR/2BA, Furnished, right on Ocean.
Awesome view. 242-0411.
ATLANTIC BEACH Cloisler Condo.
3BR/2BA All amenrlies. all appliances, in-
cluding'wasreridrver 219-2481
tively lumisned, pool, short/ long lerm.
PONTE VEDRA 2,2 5, large bedrooms,
comm. pool tennis, walk to shopping, No
pets/ no smoking. $900'mo 631-1736
VALENCIA, JAX Beach. 2BR/2BA, 2car
garage, many upgrades. reason style
pool w/litness center. $1600/mo
1BR/1BA, pool, fabulous, upscale. You
are wonh it. $1550/mo, 249-6166.
2/2 BELLEZA condo. vaulled ceilings, 3rd
iloor, newly remodeled, fully carpeted/
tiled, $1100/mo. 904-294-9927.
PVB, 1iBR'IBA. Elegantly furnished. Steps
io Ocean. Garage. t1600,mo. 708-4022.

dler's Marsh, %1500/mo Pets welcome, 1200sl. replace. W/D, 2nd floor. new car-
607-1030. pet. huge ceilings 1175,mo 635-6375
JAX BEACH. 428 3rd Ave. So. 2BR/1BA PONTE VEDRA- new 2BR'2BA w/washer
house, CH&A, lenced yard. $825tmo dryer, lop Iloor comer, beach access, golf,
(904)8910606 or 1352)478-2161 luxury amenities, no smoking/pels
$1100/mo + deposit. 755-4038

16'49 LANDING Nlep Bch 3BR 2AH. com-.
pletely updated, beautiful neighDoorood. Ig
fenced yard, 2 car gar & RV parking
$1600/mo.. deposit req'd By apple only

1/1 PLUS porcn w/TV $850/mo includes
water New tile. carpel. W/D, galed. pool.
gym Please call 509-6895 Avail 8/1

floor. First month. FREE w/lyr. agreement..
$995/mo. .deposit. (904)466-0230., '
r* [ 1 *

JAX BEACH, oceanfront. 1BR./tBA. beau-'
lliully furnished. Avail. 11/1/06. $1500,mo.-
OCEAN FRONT Jax Beach 2BR/1BA just
renovated, granite, new appliances. 20'
porcelain file, stunning baln. lop leoor.
$1950/mo. 233-7702. .
1BR/1BA in The Grand Reserve near
UNF/ Beaches W/D included, Vaulted
ceiling; FP, Golf course side/ view. Ameni-
'ties include swimming pool. hot tub, gym,
volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts
$980/me. +$980/dep. Call 904-292-1719
OCEAN FRONT. unfurnished, 2BRi2BA.
41th Iloor, pool year lease. $1425/mo.
Avail 10/1/06. Call 642-3517.
'3/2,2 garage 'spots, pool, spa, $1795/mo.,
1BR/1 BA, 3RD floor, $850/mo. 'wood
floors, fireplace, patio. Available 10/1/06.
2BR/2BA, CH/A. Bike to Hanna. Private
Courtyard. Pool. Small pets OK.
$900/mo. 233-2719.
PVB HOTSPOT Summer House, East of
A1A, 2BR/1BA condo, $1100/mo.
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health' club amenities, $1099/mo.
$215,000- 2/2, garage, all appl. incl., Jar-
din De-Mer, 247-4211.
2BR/2BA in PVB, next to TPC Golf Vil-
lage, 5-star amenities, walk to beach,
$1000/mo Call Laura for details,,
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 blk to
ocean. 2/2, pool side. Remodeled. No
pets. $975/mo., yr lease, dep. 249-7967.
PONTE VEDRA, Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR/1BA, water-to-golf view, pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes, utilities.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962.
w/loft as bed/ office/gym. Pets OK. All
new interior in 2005. Extras: W/D, ceiling
fars, fireplace, tile in laundry and
screened porch. $1100/mo. +lmo. depos-
it. Call Bruce at 377-5051.+.

1BR W/ GARAGE! The Palms $900/mo..
ocean front'condo. living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean .w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, greal amenities including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach. Call for more details,
398-9080 ext 211.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA, split floor plan,
fireplace. 1028 4th St N.,' blocks from
beach. $1050/mo. 728-3000 (days),
786-2757 (evenings. .
.PVB. OCEAN Grove, 1BR/1BA w/loth.
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must rent
$1,000 Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370.
PVB. SPACIOUS, 1200sf., 2BR/2BA. Lots.
of ameneies $950/mo. Call 234-2646
LUXURY CONDO directly on Intracoastal
in MiraVsla w/garage. 3BR/3BA. 2050sf,
$2500/mo Boat slip available Call Jay
PVB, BELLEZA. 2/2. 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings. W/D. completely
renovated. Resort amenities $1100/mo
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
PONTE VEDRA- The Colonies, 2BR 2BA,
lake view, walking distance to beach.
Bamboo wood floors, frplc.,washer/ dryer
ncl $1000/mo 260-1961
'2/2 OCEANFRONT Condo, 7th floor. Oce-
ania Condos, -$2500/mo., pool.& gym.
Available October. Call Seana 910-3644.
W/D, screened porch, gated, fitness, pool,
close to beach, $995/mo + deposit Availa-
ble November 1st. 247-9727.
2BA, ground floor, gated community. 5
star living. Call Steve Macri, Country Club
Real Estate (904)662-9015.
JAX BCH, like new 3/2 unfum. Ocean-
view. $1700/mo. 612-9172.
LIKE NEW 2/1, 2 blocks to ocean. SJB.
$1000/mo. 904-537-4732.
2BR/2.5BA INTRACOASTAL waterfront
condo with spectacular view, end unit,
newly remodeled, granite, travertine, new
appliances, no smoking/ pets. $1200/mo
without boat slip, $1400/mo w/boat slip,
OCEANFRONT 3BR/3BA, 2124sf, 7th
floor, brand new plus garage $3000/mo.
Renee L. Baron, Inc. 242-2821.
side. End unit, 1-story. May give option to
buy. $1250/mo. (904)612-6532.
FREE RENT (1st month) Beautiful 3/2
condo for rent. New carpets/ paint and
more. Owner occupied at present. Newer
building with all amenities on First Street.
Rent $1700/mo. Call 904-509-5579.
PVB, SUMMERHOUSE, brand new,
2BR/2BA w/fireplace and appliances.
5-star amenities, gated community.
$1050/mo. Kimmie. 904-333-8604.
ATLANTIC BEACH 2/2 beautiful furnished
vacation condo, $1300/mo, 887-5005. ,

Parre 6R


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If Ir y`BEACiH RENTALS S, S, 54 -
Th Unfurnished Homes Peninman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Riverbrook at
,The Plantation PV 3BR/2.5BA, w%/screened porch, fenced backyard, Glen Kernan Hodges
4 Newer two story home, hardwood 'large lot. $1300/mo. 5BR/3BA brick home. w/fenced
floors, den/office, balcony. The Courtyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, backyard, comer lot, 2700sqft, two car
1 $3000/mo. private, updated unit w/garage, patio, garage $1895/mo.
Ponte Vedra by the Sea PV balcony, overlooks lagoon. Pablo Bay-San Pablo4BR/3BA newer
4BR/3.5BA, home has private $1200/mo. home on water, upgrades throughout. ,
backyard sanctuary, terrific floor plan, Furnished Homes open floor plan. $1950/mo. '
2 car garage. $2600/mo. Villages of Vilano SPY 2BR/2BA, Unfurnished Condos
Solano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two oceanfront condo,. wood floors, Ocean Links PV
story home w/spacious floor plan, upgrades, garage, amenities. Screened porch fireplace, amenities
; patio, comm. pool. $1595/mn. $1400/mo.. 2BR/2BA, second floor. $1000/mo.
. Dolphin Cove PY 4BR/2BA, home Intracoastal West Palms at Marsh Landing JB
w \./all new interior, tile floors, garage, Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. Pkwy 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor, top unit, vaulted
Sawgrass -.PV 2BR/2BA, home has wh/tile floors, upgrades, balcony. ceilings. $850/mo.
. wood deck w/lagoon to golf course $1095/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit,
* views, remodeled. $1500/mo. Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, vaulted ceilings. $1100/mo. '
I 434 9th Avenue N. JB 3BR/1BA, townhouse, all upgraded, screened 2BR/2BA. 2ndfloor, top/end unit,
I 2BR/2B3A. 2nd floor, top/end unit,
home has hardwood floors, all new porch, amenities. $1150/mo. garage. $1150/mo
interior, fenced backyard. $1495/mo. Brightwater.- (ate Pkwy
Villages of Solano PV 2BR/2.5BA, townhouse w/upgrades
3BR/2.5BA, townhouse has loft, throughout, porch, garage. $1250/mp. REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
, garage patio, very neutral and clean. Stonefield at Bartram Park Shannon Smith
$1450/mo. Mandarin 3BR/2.5BA, newer two (904) 285-5640
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story townhouse, 1975 sqft, 2 car www.rentthebeaches.com
story duplex, ocean views, wood deck, garage, amenities. $1600/mo.
, wood floors. $1300/mo.
4 4FT 494 44 44 44 44 4 4 FT4 444 4 4 4 TV4 44 44 44 44 4

ragc UD V






September 20, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader rage /i

2BR/1.5BA, PRIVATE lot $650/mo. 273-
0857 Ive message.

OCEANFRONT 2BR, weekly/ monthly,
pool, Call 463-7343.

S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
nished homes & condos From $500 per
week All South Realty, 241-4141.
ENJOY A week or two at beautiful Jax
Beach. end floor oceanfront condo. Nicely
furnished with fully equipped kitchen, w/d,
635-105.5 for more.info.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or

ROOM TO rent on 1st and Oleander, near
beach. Pan of 2 bedroom lownhome unit -
clean and recently remodeled Mosily tur-
nished Private baih, $675,mo +deposiT
and 1/2 oi bills 1310) 666.7754.
SHARE A house in Kensington area
w/amenities. $500/mo. includes uliiilies
ROOMMATE TO snare 2BRf1.5BA town-
home in PVB $600'mo. +1.2 ulilitres. Rels
& background cneck. 699-3882.
fees and utilities Exclusive Miravista.
gated. pool, not lub nealin club, waler-
front w/marink view. Room has own bath-.
S room, brand new large unit, 2700sr.

CHRISTIANr MALE seeks roomale near
Mayponr Rd $425.'mo. dsp & util 923.
ROOM 4 rent Nep Ben 2 blocks to ocean.
$675'mo. dep. ncl ulil 521-8473.
ROOM for rent in antraclive home at wa-
tertront Close to ihe beacon, all utiilies-
incl $450'mo each 221-4117

space, lully equipped Downtown San
Marco area. separate entrance $400.'mo
includes ulities 465.2653 463-0222
overlooking goil course in S Jax Beach
Call 24.1-5553 x15.
2000s. $2400,mo call Painck 514-4335
3 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
South 3r0 St.- two upsiairs unis @ 70051I
ea lone has a kicnen.' lunch area) one
downstairs unit .' 14)O0sl rental rates
are liom $760 base per monin, depending
on size and amentres. Call 247-1770 Tor
appt to view
APPROXIMATELY 750 sI qualhry office
space overlooking gc.ll course in S Jax
Beacn Call 241.5553 >15
OFFICE SPACE for rent in Jax Bch
994-2945 226-9788

FOR RENT- 750-1000s once space
located in Jacksonville Beacn Reasonibly
priced Irom $1304.$1t750 Uilrlies includ-
ed. Call Vicki or Tami i904J241-1656.
snho. spare and lol I,-_le ..ase,.. bla.nnri.L
$500/mo .i904151-.1090 -- .

FREE TO a good home home, adorable
kitnens tree solid black and two whte &
black, 821-1159.
FREE KITTENS 12wks old, assoned col-
ors Call 234 2692

PIT BULL/ LAB mix puppies. 3 males
and 6 females available. Shors and
wormed $20 to10 good home 743-2042
TEACUP YORKIES. Cuie a a rtunon
Males AKC Sno.is. 8 week $900 lirm
859-0872 or 249-1425

HOMELESS PETS lor adopnlon Cars &
dogs. 246..3600.

Tesled divorce papers Wilnoul Kids iwnrile
you waili With kids ia little longer Since
1981. by appi only 90416-11-2187
DIVORCE $2755-350 Cuners children,
etc Only one signature required' Excludes
go:vi leesi Call weekdays i800)462-2000
exi 600 (8am-7pmi Alla Divorce. LLC
Es.iabl.shed 197-

OFFERING GENERAL law practice spe-
cializing ir, bodily inrur/., wrongliul deainr
Call Rob Cook,Ahlorney 1904l797-8225

To Cunis Lee Grant or any other un.
known putative Diological lather and legal
laiher ol Brandor, Deon Grant, and Curtis
Lee Williams, whose last known address.
is unknown'
/ou are hereby noiiiied ithai on Augusl
11. 2006, a Peliion lor Adoplion ol Bran.
don Deon Granri. a male child and Curtis
Lee Williams a male crild born cI Snaron
da Denise Williams in Bibb County and
Cnaiham Counry Georgia, was liled in ihe
Superior Coun ol Cobb County. Georg.a.
Adoption Nlo. 06A128 05 On Augusl 15.
2006. the Coun passed an Order I ing a
nearing upc.n said Pelion Tor November
20 2006 at 10 30 a m in ihe Chambers oa
Judge Robinson, Maiena, Cobb Counry,
Georgia .
All parental rignis you may have wuiln
respect1 io Ine rmnor cnild will be lost and
you will neither receive nonce nor be entli-
tied to oDjeci to Ine ad.option t01 Inrie child
unless, ii biological lalh-rt wirnin thirty
30; days Irom tre date ol Ine last'publica-
tion of this notice you lie (1) a Petition to
Legitimate the child pursuant to,the Offi-
cial Code ot01 Georgia Annotated Section
, 19-7-22; (2) rolice oi me living at such Pea
tition to Legirmale win rh e Superior Court
of Cobb Counry. and 13) serve a copy ol
'the Petition o Legitimale on Ihe under-
signed attorney for .the Petitioner seeking
to adopt the child; (mother or legal father)
you make a timely appearance and objec-
tion in the pending adoption.
This 24th day of August, 2006.
Clerk of Superior Court
Cobb ,County, Georgia
BL 9/6, 9/13, 9/20/06 .

If no contact has been made by you con-
cerning the above by October 25, 2006,
the matter of the Administrative Complaint
will be presented at an ensuing meeting of
the Board of Nursing in an informal pro-.

BL 9.20/06
No 06-7-00045-7
in re the Dependency of: -
DOB 04/17/03
Minor Child
Whom it may concern, unknown biologic;
lahe r anyone expressing a paternal In
lerest in the above-named children:

RtaEeSE, iTIAKEANJGTJlCE Inatia paita
has beern ile. inn ibnst court by .t re Wash
ingion Slate Depanmeni of Social-,ari
Health Services. on March 24. 2006, i
which i1 is alleged that dependency should
be established on behalf of the above
named child
HELD on this matter on:
TIME: 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Mason County Juvenile Court
419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584
IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court ma
enter an order in your absence which
establishes dependency, placing th
above-named child in Tme custody o


TO APPEAR at Ine hearing on Ine date
time and place in icatro. The purpose c
Ine hearing is to hear and consider ev
dence on the petition.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT tlobe represent
ed by an attorney al any hearings on Ih
petition regarding thne above-named child
1o introduce evidence, to be heard on you
own benali, Io examine witnesses, to re
ceive a decision based solely on the ev
dence adduced at the hearing, and to10 a
unbiased lact-inder.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT it you are 'md
gent and cannot allord an attorney. I
have an allorney appointed lor you by th
court In order to apply ior a coun-appoin
ed anorney. contact Mason County Juve
nile Court by telephone at 360.427-967
or in person at 419 N. 4th Streel Shelltor
WA 98584. An attorney can look at the sc
cial and legal files in this case, talk Io ih
social worker, tell you about Ihe law. hel
you understand your rignhs, and help yo
al trial
YOU MAY BE responsible for the linancli
support of the above-narried child if th
child is placed in out-of-home care.
HEARING IL you do not come, the judg
will nol hear what you have to say., If yo
desire additional information about you
child, you should contact the Departiner
ol Social and Healln Services at 360-432
DATED: AUGUST 31, 2006
/s/ Pat Swartos, County Clerk
/s/A.Nussbaum, Deputy Clerk
BL 9/13,9/20,9/27/06

In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the individual or
agency sending this notice not later than
seven days prior to the proceeding at the
address given on the notice. Telephone:
(850)414-4706, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or
1-800-955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay
BL 9/13,9/20,9/27,10/4/06

The Board of Trustees qf the Municipal
Service District of Ponte Vedra Beach, St.
Johns County, Florida, gives notice of a
position vacancy on the Board of Trust-
ees. The vacancy is for Seat 3 on the
Boardof Trustees. The vacancy will exist
effective December 1, 2006 and the va-
cancy occurred because no one qualified
to run for the position prior to the Septem-
ber 5, 2006 primary election. The position
will be filled by appointment to be made by
h the Governor of the State of Florida. Ex-
- pressions of interest in being appointed to
Sthe position should be directedto t he Go-
1 ernor's Office at theaState Capitol, Talla-
n hasspe, Florida.

st BL9/20/06

,' LOST DOLPHIN ring on the bech be-
p. tween Bay and Magnolia Sts,, se timental
value., 247-7679

h Every Monday 7:30-9:30pm, $10 per'
a class.- Learn to dance. Enjoy beautiful
n music rom the Mirddle East around
a. the world No partner needed Brinq clear,
. soht-soled, non-sireel shoes Cobali Moon
1 Center. 217 Isi S t. Neplune Beach.
e 246-2131 or 742-0188
www.liadancegypsy corrm

le Al levels, styles & ages Will come to your
ae home Piano Tuning also available
al 241-4954. 655-3300
1s MATH TUTORING Middle, Higr School
n. and College FCAT & Home Scrool assis-
tance at all levels Reired cerillied leach
er Call 910-6652 ior personal consulla-
n lio *n. ...
Y ATTEND COLLEGE online rrom home
it Medical, Business. Paralegal. Computers.
i1 Criminal Justice Job placement assis.
e lance. Computer provided Financial aid if
T qualified. 1866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
d walerTech.com
Dig it" Lei us teach you. 24 day Program
h Local Job Placement. financing available.
-. Classes stan weekly (8881707-6886 Sian
.- Todayl
e AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training lot
ly high paying Aviaton Career. FAA predict
e severe shortage Financial aid it qualify -
Job placement assistance CALL AIM
MATH TEACHER/ Tutor' 3 'mornings a
week, $60 00-75 00 an hour depending on
experience. To leach 4 children ages 13.
11, 10,'& 7. A Christian home schooling
family in the beaches area is looking lor a
caring, inelligent energetic person who
loves children & math Positions will re-
quire a BS in main and previous teaching
expenence. You must be a non-smoker
wilnout pet allergies and be able to pro-
vide own transponation t and Irom work.
E-mail your resume to jobslorseven,@tya-
YES YOU can start painting betfert Open
An Classes forming now at new South
Beach Gallery in Beach Plaza Weekly
workshops and painting demos Pre-reg's.
; traction and Into. 247-4341. 708-2911.
your driving career lodayl Ottering course.
es in CDL A Low luitilon leel Many pay.
ment options No registration lee1
(866)889-0210 nlo@ -americasorivingaca-
S-. .'. I .... .

,n ---__--0 "I WE
n- needed. Part-Ilme, Full lime Please call
work outdoors? Enjoy children' 3 hours a
day starting position, 10.30-1 30 M-F Call
now 247-5745 or e-mail clane@dmson-
- line org
PROFESSIONAL & energetic pan-time re.
ceplionisl needed al a busy animal hospl.
tal Experience nelplul, but not a must Ap.
y ply in person @ Atlantic Easi Per Cenier
:. 519AlIantic Blva. All Bch.
of KITCHEN HELP. Servers & Delivery n.
PV Responsible Day or nighl Good
slaying pay. Will train righl people Please
call lor appi 273-0006.
COUNTER HELP Ponta Vedra area, PiT,
3 afternoons & Saturday Call 285-5644
oi WEEKEND/ EVENING Recepi ,Sec lor
i. luneral nome & cemetery Polite and pro.
fessional a must Sian $8 25 hr Hardage-
Giddens FH @Chapel Hills (St Johns
t- Bluff Rd.1 Conlact Jennifer Crews
e 641-9755 MIF/DV/DFWP.
d, GOLF RETAIL' Sales.' CSR Pan-Time,
ir Full-Time. Some Iravel possible. Hourly.
a" Caddyshack Goll. Beaches Area Fax
i- resume 270-0437 Email
n caddysnackila@an.nei
ATRIA SENIOR Living is seeking expert.
i. enced part-time Wailslahf or their facility
o al 14199 Wm Davis Parkway If you are
e liexible with hours and have a pleasant
.- personality, please lax resume to
'. 821-9879
0 RECEPTIONIST- EXP. ortice work com.
n,'* puler literate, mulli- line phone Send re-
- sumes to. Receptionist 3102 Sawgrass Vil-
e lage Cir. Ponte Vedra Ben, FL 32082
u DRIVER NEEDED Experience in lurnilure
or appliance delivery helpful 285-2426
al SEEKING AFTERNOON Teacher Must lbe
e responsible and loving Call 249-9080
'MEDICAL ASSISTANT experienced back
Suffice. Immediate opening lor fast paced
S Beach practice. Competitive salary & ben-.
e eflts. Fax resume" 1904)241-0831. or call
u (904)241-1035. .
nt' CARING ADULT needed ior 4 hours each
- Sunday morning to star chnurcn nursery in
Allantic Beacn Conlaci Nancy 2498698
E all snhs Lieguard CPR PR. AED r02
t irst aide cenitication required Phone
. 543-9622 for more into or email
Simooreairslcoasrymca org
A ONLINE BUSINESS seeking person
w/internel and some web design know.
edge. Grow w'lh us Big money potential.
AMERICARE HOME Health has part time
work available for RN. LPN, PT ST. nome
healtln aides, companions. Great pay and
Ilexiotiry. Call l904)722-t5t5
business. We will certify, bul applicant
must nave knowledge of cardio & muscu-
l tar exercise Great growth opportunity with
' largest PT orqanizaiion in Ine world.
285-3236. *ww.tpontevedra.com ,
y ATRIA SENIOR Living is seeking an expe
rienced, self-motivated part-time Cook for
their facility located at 14199 Wm Davis
Parkway. Please fax resume to 821-9879.

Weekends 7pm to 7am and every other
weekend 7am to 7pm every. Saturday
and Sunday at a Premier- Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
FL; Fax to (904)246-9447; email to:
jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free

CART. Marsr, Landing Country Club in
Ponie Vedra Bea':n is now hiring tor pan
lime banquet servers and beverage can
siah Apply in person at the Clubhouse
Tuesday Saturday Call 285-6515 lor di-
rec lions Drug leshng,' EOE.

The Beaches Leader has an immediate
pan-lime opening in the fast-paced Mall
Room. Musl enjoy a good workout. Hours
vary. Starting pay is $8/hr. Apply at 1114
Beach Bivd Jax Bch or contact Anya ai
seeKirn highly rrmoivailed & goal oriented
individuals Sales, marketing medical or
management skills a plus Exc pay & op-
ponurniies tor advancement in tun. uplin-l
ing environment Email resume to:
MvRCPVB@.earnhlnk net

Part Time/ Temporary job, up to five
months to drive a shuttle van between
Ponte Vedra office complex and nearby
parking area. Must have valid CDL license
with passenger endorsement. $11.00 an
hour. Monday thru. Friday only, days
worked and hours flexible. No weekend
work. E-mail qualifications to
msarkissian@cntre.com or fax resume
to 904-280-2862., EOE
P/T RECEPTIONIST. Good computer &
phone skills, flexible hours w/ non-profit
housing. Fax resume to 339-0263. EOE.
HOUSEKEEPER/ MOMS Assistant- Flexi-
ble hrs. 15-20 hours per week. All aspects
of maintaining, a home. Organization a
must. Some duties include cleaning/ laun-
dry/ organizing, pay negotiable. Experi-
ence preferred, references & background
check a mudst. (904)285-3283 .
HEAD SWIM Coach- Winston Family YM-
CA, salary negotiable. Experience re-
quied Call Julie Moore 9 543-9622,
Pmnm l imnnra i.^tirs~co or4a.

TIRE'& OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-

day. Call Bob, 241-5311.
CUSTOMER SERVICE Rep with office
skills, and Warehouse Shipping Clerk with
experience needed at HERE'S FRED Golf
Co. 2205 St. John's Bluff Rd. 645-9790.

ESPRESSO BAR nelp wanted lor Pastry
shop. FT, PT, Tues- Sat competitive pay.
Call 285-2656 or apply in person, 266 Sol-
ana Rd., PVB
FAST PACED Orthopaedic Practice locat-
ed at the beach looking for full-time Tele-
Monday- Friday- 40 hours per week. Must
have 2 years experience either in a medi-
cal practice or on telephones. Full Bene-
fits. Please fax resume to: (904)241-7331.

ema-l,,.ij.,vo,.............y a g LATITUDES CAFE and Martini Bar at
Substitute or noon-6pm, M-F, in Beaches POSITIONS: Cooks. Dishwashers, Bar-
Pre-school. Call 246-0433. lenders, Servers, Bussers, Hosts/Hostess.
BILLING CLK/RECEPTIONIST 10-15-Experience preferred Apply in person
hrs/wk, Mon-Wed morning. MSOffice and Man -Frin'. eam-Spinat 2429 South 3 d
s/w kMon-d m n M ieM Sor send resume via lax 904 24 7-6607.
Quickbooks exp. preferred. Fax resume
249-8134 or e-mail: gener9@yahoo.corn. WINDOW BLIND Cleaning Technician- re-

with Sales Experience, neat appearance,
clear voice and reliable transponation to
work booth at Home & Pano Show Octo.
ber 5th-8th ($9.00'hr) Call 241-6683


quires Vauid drivers license & customer
service-skills. Full or part-time, will train.
Call 246-3184. .
BEACH PEST control company needs
lawrincare tech, no exp. req. hardworking,
stable techs earn 30K+ DFWP, call 241-
7175. -


PICTURE FRAMER- Part-time experi- REMODELING HELPER Needed. Must Foreman &r elders Apply 7am. TNT
ended picture framer needed. Please call have transportation. Some experience Landscape 1074 10ih Ave S, Jax
904-662-4863. helpful. 993-7328. Beach. 247-4477. '- "

now adopting new members into our quir-
ky family. Need box office and exp. serv-
ers apply 1 -5pm M-Th, 75,1 Atlantic Blvd.
No prone calls please

KITCHEN UTILITY Worker: FT/ benefits/
401 K flexible schedule. Golf privileges.
Phone 904-246-4827. e-mail
accounting@selvamarina.com, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP

IwU Mltm~r -.T ioamI -CO .MA

lune-up All makes, all models. $49.50 qualiry work at evcellenl price. also pres-
241-2112 sure cleaning. Call Nick 349-5990

Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
hIal Cleaning Lawn Care Auto Cleaning.
Window Cleaning. Janitorial Services. etc.
Call Hermon. 2464238 612-1755

PADGETT'S A/C & Heating, Inc Family
owned and operated When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Esimates License CAC1814887

HOUSE CLEANING. honest fast reliable,
lair pricing. call Maria. 777-4830
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or orfice by
Nalasha For estimale 563-7858
PLEASE CALL Lynne's Cleaning Service
lor your cleaning needs Honest. depend-
able Pet & House sttl;ng. 343-40'18.
ABOVE & Beyond, Housekeeping. De-
pendable. detailed cleaning. Licensed. In-
sured, bonded, references. Immediate
openings 591-5901 514-1188
CLEAN TO SHINE Our company commit-
menlt is 100:o Customer Salisfaclion' at
Affordable Prices We clean homes apart-
mrenis. offices. RV s new construction and
reslauranis For a tree estimate call 514-
7009 or ci04i779-0158. We will bear any
:tb.nparny ,ric '- l e' "
THE TWO ofl' u% personally clean youf
home. 8 years. in business wilh referen-
ces. Call Tr.cia al 233-2621
otn Irst clean. Call Debbie (9041626-6125

ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices. Free estimates lor repair' installallon
Comm.Res Siandby generators and
Iransler switcres All electrical needs
VisaMC. 343-5535 Greal rates

-- - -
WOOD Fence Specialist Install. replace.
35yrS Experience Relerences. Mick Out-
door Enterpriies. 241-7276 838-9599

Specializing in consulting. A/P. A/R. pay-
roll. bookkeeping, notlary services, and i-
nancial reporting Over len years expen-
ence in OulckBooks Locally owned and
operated Mike Heykens. 728-0683

applications, house calls. training. repairs.
upgrades. websiles graphics Free phone
lICn 904-249-3034 or e-mail:
call r ot.'comrrcast net


FILL DIRT. Cheapl Dig ponds Iree tor dirt
Land clearing & new seplic Installation
services available. L & D Enterprises Call
WIISOR LAWf Servce, mnc Competitive
rates Call Alan 237-5301

Pro'Lawn Service

iawns Free estimates 246-0967.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esh.
males Prolessional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, trimming- trees,
shrubs. Licensed & insured.'Residential &
commercial. CALLUS FIRSTI 270-2664.
Parrm 742-7769
mates, local, reasonable prices. We do it
right the first time.. No contracts required.
,Call Ray, 607-0853.

Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermnon,
246-4238, 612-1755.
*** !* *.

Safe roof cleaning Deck & fence
restoration Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
PRESSURE WASHERS lot rent or sale
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.

WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs. expert.
ence. Specializing in Beach homes
FAST INTERIOR painting drywall lex-
lure. Specialize in smaller ODns 25yrs ex.
perience Licensed, insured, references

NEW CONSTRUCTION. remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial Men.
non Ints ad 246-1529.
Knolcn work guaranteed Painting, irim.
carpenlry. wood repair. pressure washing.
Licensedl Insured Free estimates.
861 -9500.
QUALITY INTERIOR & exterior painting
by Glenn Keller. licensed & insured, cour-
leous & dependable, call for iree estimate.
tree estimates, work guaranteed, licensed
r$AvE NOW' Interior & Exierior painting
Fie-sur.e warning 19,,rs 'at 'Bea-.:Hes
Free Estimates. 881.4223.

We service thousands of beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer corn 241-3409

.---- -----

Repairs. specializing in termaie damage
JAMES WYNNE Repairs Inc Brick. block
concrete, carpenlry, drywall New con-
struclion & repairs 333-1388.
tified CBC 1253980. New Conslruction
Room Additions, Remodeling. Repairs,
Depks. 904-307-2214.
FOR SALE new cabinets, granite kitchen
counter top,, granite bar top, 285-6594,
CGC 1505263. Commercial & Residential.
New homes, room additions, remodeling,
stucco, siding. Any small rush repairs.
Quality Guaranteed. Affordable prices.
Free estimates. (904)234-1179.
Complete remodeling services & renova-
tions. Tile & Marble Specialist. Nick,
(904)962-9312. .
DRYWALL: REPAIRS, Replacement,.
Renovation. Joe 525-7724 or Joyce
KJ HOMES of Florida, LLC
904-339-0232. Free estimates on all your
home repair and remodel needs. Servicing
Jacksonville and the Beaches. Specializ-
ing in customer satisfaction. Over 20
years experience. Licensed and Insured.
CBC# 1253550

BUSY ANIMAL hospital seeks Techni-
cians & Kennel Attendents, Mon.-Fri.,
plus weekends Apply Ponme Vedra Anmma
Hosp;lal, 28 Corona Rd. 285-7924

nome restorallon. Iinish carpentry. decks.
liie. 303-3803
TNT REMODELING. Slart to Finish.
Affordable & dependable. Licensed, Insur-
ed. Call Tony 1904)221-6586.

C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
wall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling, etc
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461
Painrng, carpentry, water prooling, pres-
sure washing, file work. drywall.
dependable tor qualiry repairs service
calls, painting. improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.
Specializing in kitchens. cabinets. bain-
rooms, tile doors, windows, rorled wood.
termite damage., rool leaks drywall.
decks, eic Honesi lop quality work-

- TtII ~ akwt

ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach 25yrs experience. 880-9908.

WOODARD TREE Service. Free esi-
mates, licensed & insured. Call 234-9757. '

.CUT RITE Tree Service Tree trimming/
slump grinding Tree removal/ storm clean
up Alt debris removal/ firewood.
(904)646-9896 (904)568-6234
Trees, trimming, land clearing. Licensed.
,242-2546, 568-6067.
SOUTHSIDE TREE Service. Enhance the
beauty of your trees. PALMS TRIMMED.
904-318-0569 Alan DeLoach

Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312.

a .^BS

Please see our Ad in the Business Re- Painting. ,Residential, Commercial.
*view, 855-1254. 25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

Page 8B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader September 20, 2006

~B~BPS~PiIr~i~ Ilrr'll 9 ~J~ 3 ~ LT~j

GOLF CART STAFF. Marsh Landing
Country Club hiring lor Part-lime and lull-..
lime Golf Cart Stabf Apply in person
Tuesday Saturday. Call 285-6459 tor dl-
rections Drug testing' EOE.
ROOFERS WANTED good pay & bene-
hie beacnes area work, 568-8700.
TAYLOR LANE & CO is searching ior
quaiir, & experienced sr.lists to loin our
gr.:.wr.i learn Beaches location Slyllsis
muiui be; creaIive, a ieam player and edu.
cation driven 4 slatrons available for rent
'@ comperrelie rare Call Pamne 591-1683.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed lor cleaning
nOqraly Will Irain. mu3l have Transportation
and phone Call 273-2761

FULL-Time, 3pm-,11pm at Premiere Re.
irrerr,,l Communiry Healtr Center Excel.
iEni beneri package, competilive wages,
g3u.3o woi.inq environment. Applications
available ai Fleet Landing Security Gale.
; One Fieel Landing Blvd.. Atlanic Beach.
FL. Fa: o10 904i)26-9447; email to.
jobs'@fleetlanding.com EOE.' Drug-Free
DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches Jull-iume
S somre e:per.ence necessary Call or lax
resume 285-3128
i.. LEARI THE Irade. become an Optical
La:t. Tecnrican no experience necessary
This opprlnun.ry does nor come around ol-
ien. .act o:n r 11I you are dependable. eager
S1 learn and ready for a rewarding career
vwe i wi tran you in being a vital learn
mem-ber ir consirucing Ihe World's Besi -
S Sunrilasses. Apply in person at 76 Levy
Road Allrani.: Beach FL 32233
Upscale Salon al Ihe Beaches recently
i.-.si two t;5 i1 due to family circumslan.
E s We rave a large amount or walk-in
d .: omers as well as long lerm clients.
Currerniy we are unable to maintain serv-
.'ng c,.ih Tris is a great opponunity to
r:. uild ciierti and rrake money High corn-
n rr.-..:.r,r iltxibie hours and greal aimos-
pr-ere Puoiiiv4; anltude and ilrong work
eini.:e need apply Call 246-4700
PONTE 'EDRA AR Clerk posIton. MusI
ra.e AR cperienc6 Io: include collections
Require. las learner and weir organized'
SGod pa3'r e-mail resume to
" r.orne''crire comrn EOE.

Tao: Dr,,..rs needed [o work Beach and
Iriercoasiai areas, al least 23 yrs. old
good dr;v'ng record Call 249-0360.

3TYLIST NEEDED Tor upscale salon &
spa Kim 821 4845
SEEKING STRONG indivdual for FT
Cuicomr Service Depi In and ouloound
cais ..good problem solver, aoiliry to mulli-
r las' E...:elieni communricaTon sMkils. ler
priine egpererce and basic computer
iill: required HS Diploma or GED equiv
Fa^ resume 10 904-899-4473
LMT NEEDED lor busy cnhro office NMT
Srarnr.g a musl CIinic exp preferred.Fax
resume o904.645.3483.

Needed F,'T. days only w., a can- ao arti-
rude Lgni manulacluring & assembly
'vwor e

small macr.,nery 6& Iool required Looking
or or, eoene who can tollcw Inslruclions
Sian ai $7 50.'nr Call 249-3545 blwn
-9%m. 3pr. only Mon. Fr'
Pool Manienance Clean driving record a
T.ui I 46-2455
JOURNE I'MAN TILE and stone inslaller
\. usi have IoolS. truck, WC exemplLon FT
S r.posI:,.n. lop pa\ 416"2086.
AMr & PM Lipe Cooks, Kitchen Prep & UIII.
,ies Good money, casual atmosphere.
,ery busy real people to work with.
.- 85-0139

GOLF COURSE Maintenance:, Selva
Marina Country Club. FT benefitsi 401k
Experience preferred. Goll privileges. Call
246-4711, DFWP
DRIVER-.Hri.ng qualitlfied drivers for Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
lions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no
pumps Great benellis. competitive pay
and new equipment Need 2 years experi.
ence Call Bynum Transport lor your op-
ponunity loday; 18001741-7950
3 Pool Techs needed Experience prerer-
red, but will Irain Clean driving record
401k health benelis Please call
SURVEY FIELD Personnel, PLS'PrOlecl
Manager & CAD Tech- FiT, benelits,
EEO. Fax 407-926-8160, call 904-641-
0123 or email HRJobs@drmp com.
(wwwAdrmpcom I
CAR HAULING Southeast Region.
$i,100-/week Great home lime! Compa-
ny paid benelirs! Paid training for drivers
wilh minimum 1 year OTR experience
19121571-9668 or (866i4 133074.
KUHN FLOWERS ol Jacksonville is cur-
rently accepting applications for perma-
nenr full lime sales personnel for our
Ponie Vedra location. We offer compete.
tive salary, paid vacation & medical & den-
ial insurance we are a drug Tree work.
place Apply in person at 832-10 A1A
North. Ponte Vedra Bcr.. No phone calls
Bushong Insurance, one or Ponie Vedra s
largest Properny Casualty insurance Brok-
ers desires administrative assislanl candid
dales as well as experienced CSR s. Join
in to Ihis excellent work environment with
opportunities lor advancement, as well as
a superior benelis package Applicanis
must be detail oriented and possess ex.
cellent computer skills License not re.
quired. For consideration.. tax resume Io
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage, Facialist
wanted 10 reni spacious private room in
Jax Beacn rair salon S1f50,wk Call
270 0997 ask for Deb-.
City ol Atlantic Beach $12 48.'hr.
$25,958/yr. *benehlis Performs 911 &
normal dispatch duties Shifi work to in-
clude weekends and holidays Applica.
hons accepted unlil 9/27t06. ar 800 Semi-
nole Rd All Beach. FL 32233 Test dale-
10.07106 For more into visil www coab.us
or call 19041247-5820. No smokers! tobac-
co users. Drug lesling conducted EOE.
POLICE OFFICERS Earn up ro $20 000
bonus Train Io protecr your fello:,w Sol.
diers and be a leader irn the Army jairornal
Guard. 1 -800-GO-GUARD corr/olice
CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenter or help-
ers needed any carpenry experience a
plus Beacrhes and Ponie Vedra areas
Call Tim 509-9071.
COMMUNITY ar World Goll Village is ac-
cepting applications lor Ine following F.rT
position Maintenance Teen I, corripeiiive
pay wirn excellent benern package Call
904-201-7011 lor information and appoint.
gooQ. pay & benelis company
vehicle/phone. must nave good driving re-
cord. 568-8700

National Fleel Maintenance provider
seeks Service Techs for he Jacksonville
snop PM & Demand repairs for Aulo, L'
Med rucks' Tools required Benelils. M- F
days Bckgrnd & drug lest req'd Coniaci
Misty. mgreen'4@Duller.com 800-916-9664.
Join our leami II you can excel al inside
sales & desire a tasl-paced work environ-
ment, we may nave an excellent
opportunity lor you You will join a Nallion-
a company & work in Ponle Vedra Beach
ideal candidate will nave ir years expert
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarkeling, & excellent communication
skills. Abilit ro nandie business accourts.
Base pay plus commissions FT'PT no
evenings or weekends Fax resume-
(904)2850010 or email.
jim @mediakids.com

Part-time in Recreation Department. Sun-
days and Holidays at a Premier Retire.
ment Community. Must nave ability to help
set-up and' or break-down lor special
events. Must nave C CDL Passenger En-
dorsemeni, License Applications al Flee;i
Landing Securily Gale, One Fleel Landing
Blvd Allantic Beacn, FL, Fax o1 904.246.
9447; email to jobs@fleetlanding.com
Website ileetlanding corn EOE'Drug-lree
WAREHOUSE WORKER driver license
req. must be able to iin 50-100 obs 30 40
hrs., 241-5558
HIRING EXPERIENCED cooks & servers
min 1 year. pay top $S Apply in person
Fionn MacCools. 333 1sl Sl. N Suite 150

Driver- Jacksonville Terminal

Hom Evry igh
& Weekend As

BE YOUR Own Boss. Work in a casual at-
rmo-spnere Boom renia l for hair srilits.
Reasonable reni. Cal Dennis or Vicrie @
333-5414. .
Ponte Vedra Company requires general
and HVAC maintenance experience lor
office propenies Musl be good wilh
lenans and PC Elateiai. Up ro $50k wilh
greal benelils, advancement and bonus
potential E-mail resume lo
msarklssian@cntre.com EOE.
TAXI DRIVERS Waniea. Clean driving re-
cord required Call Apil, 246.9999
ADMIN/ BOOKEEPER posion avalatble
at Jax Beach Mongage Company Fax
resume arid -alarv requirements to

I i ,

B e ch sI n r c a a

Com Ith

W -. -.

Do something special for yourself today! Work \ ith one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
,Poite Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one/ of the most sought after for0 career satisfaction.
SWe have the following full & part-time positions available:

Night Audit Supervisor
Retail Merchandiser
Grounds Maintenance
Asst. Bell 'Captain


Openi^ 'nginlatOct ber- Trin N

Ai ndMoie

METICS in Ihe world' To order-,
www.seekgoodnealrlr.mionegroup corn,
Only $4 50 for any size order. Lots o0 cin.
er products .lo and irs all CERTIFIED
ORGANIC. 1352)498-5616
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manulacturer. 20 colors in slock with
all ac.cessornes Ouick turn around Deliv-
erV available. Toil tree 888)393-0335.
BED- BRAND name queen sel
new, w/warranrry $129 Can deliver
1904 j858-9350
WOLFF TANNING deds Buy Direct and
save! Full bogy units Ironm $22 a monin
Free color catalog. Call loday (8001842.
1305, www.np etsian comr
ELECTRIC STOVE 30". almond works
greal. clean. $60 cash, 249-5135.
'"leannig. glass igp, almond. like new
$250 Heavy-dury Washer & Dryer
$15i0ea. Wril delivered Guaranlee.
CUSTOM STAINED glass' windows, etc.
UBA TUBA Granite. 1 inch thick black
wipearti Approximately 60sf Ideal for
kircnen or barn counter-tops or outdoor
use. Already polished 1904)249-9122
FILL DIRT- Cheap' Dig ponds iree Ior
d,n.Call 497-9666
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
- ,nslalled lor $899 249-8877
PELICAN STAINED glass window, $500
JAGUAR TICKETS, Jaguar Tickels, Jagu-
ar Tickeisll! Call 246-4332 or 625-6442.
DINING TABLE & cream colored buffel Ig
natural wood table on cream colored pea-
esial, 6 cnairs. $600. 249-5487

4 TWiN Size mattress/ boxes 2 sets for
140ea 2 sels lor $75ea. All clean beds
Can deliver 246-1832
BED- KING mattress et. $289 Can de-
liver. 1904)391-0015
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic warranty $379 Must sell
1904 858-9350
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer $75!eas-
30 day warranty Deliver. $20. 318-8173,
AIR PURIFIER as advertised by Dr. Laura
on radio snow. Great health benelis. Free)
3-daytrial No obligations 241-2112
FREE DIABETIC supplies! Medicare.pa-
tients! Call Us Toll Free '(866)294-3476
and receive a free meters Am-Med Quality-
Diabetic Supplies
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box,. new still n'boxes. $499.
'Can deliver. 858-9350

I umm. PRORBIY 180

99 HONDA Accord EX V6 Loaded w/ev-
ery option, 10 Disc Changer 85K miles.
Pristine cond $10K neg (9041998-3065 .
leave message.
Silver w/ black interior, -hard top converti-
ble, fully loaded, AT. 9,200mi.,, $49,600.
Call 571-982,1. '
1977 LINCOLN Coni.nenial runs OK and
1978 Cnevy Nova runs OK, $250 eacr,
cash. 881-9505
1986 FORD Bronco, 4DW new tires, 5.
speed, runs good. $800 1996 iuZu Ro-
deo 4WD, auto, run-. grewa must seel.-.
$1200 firm. 504-3202.
2006 SOLARA convenrble SLE, loaded
lealher, 7000 mdies lull 7year'100K war-
ranty, $27 000. 241-0927
'98 FORD Taurus SE, looks good, runs
good,$2650, 280-7-297 call after,3 pm.
1996 CORVETTE, 6 speed LP4, greai
mechanically runs & drives like a Curvelie
should 88k miles, $12000
83 BUICK Regal, exc. cond., low miles,
lots of e.1ras. Prce negotiable. Call for
more deiaIs 223-9166 234-2692.
1999 TOYOTA Avalon XLS, white, 50K
mi., exc. cond., $9000. 246-3091.
1998 SATURN SL2. immaculate cond.-
lion. only 62k miles auto irani. power
windows! iocks. cru.ie, new lIres. $4700
OBO, 887-9030.
2005 FORD FOCUS ZX5, factory warran-
ty SES features+; AT, 6 d/CD, alloys', ask-
ing $10,250' OBO, 221-5976.

2003 BMW 5301, 41k mi., sports pkg, pre-
mium pkg, special order paint & more.
New tires. $29,900. (904)571-4115.

SILK PRE SSER. Po.:ne Veara area guar-
ar, eed rcoura 285-5644.
w s.nii .r.-.-n.-n a ... ... h=-- I. -

BABY STUFF. Exersaucer, Walker, Pak n
Play, 2 Strollers; Wipe Warmer, misc.
$150 for all. 285-7226.

OFFICE DESK & supplies, Ganieboy DS
+game, two air compressors, tools

& F/T cleaning crew to work In K-Mart In
Neptune Beach. Cleaning and/ or floor
care exp. is a plus but not required.
Please call 1-800-860-8057 Job reference
#8884. .
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for.a well established mar-
ble and granite importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of stone materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
tiable upon experience. Fax resume to

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
BUSY ANIMAL hospital is looking for re-
,ceiptionist. Strong customer service skills
required. Apply Ponte Vedra Anima Hos-
pital, 28 Corona Rd, 285-7924.
GATOR IRRIGATION now hiring.irrigation
repair technician. Must have minimum
5yr.s experience and valid Florida drivers
license.,$14-15 per hour. Call 838-5885.
LUNCH and Dinner Servers, Host/Host-
ess. You nijake good money working with
g.odo people in a buiv waterioro resau-.
rant 286-0139
Knowledge o1 all phases ot cons.irucilon.
aiia drivers license overnignl travel
Call ,246-8970. .. .

business asseis lor sale Barge w.' Iraler,
all ioois Owner relocating 285-2100
ALL CASH candy route Do you earn
$800/day?, 30 machines, free candy. All
for $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033:
Call us: We will notbe undersold! ,
VENDING ROUTE Local All Snacks, all
drnnks,lenergy drinks ool Great Equip
meni Greal Locations Financed wih
$6500 down (877)843-8726, Local. AIN
15 YE-AR esiabrished Allantic Beach Hair
Salon $.28.000 Call 248-9781

6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years
experience. Tammy 373 0404.
LOVING, FULL Day Care openings ior
crne and Ihree year olds Beaches
Academy Crhild Enrichmen Cenier. 1725
Penman Rd, 246-3885
FREE PRESCHOOL for 4 year olds- 3
nour day M-F. Siare Funded. Beaches
Academy 1725 Penman Rd. 246.3885
ACTIVE rNANNY honest, dependable
iransponaiion & references 59-411 l.l
any area. CPR & Firsi Aid. F,T & PT
260 4915

DO YOU or someone you know need relp
paying lor prescription drugs' It you do
not nave RXdrug coverage you may
quality Ior tree medicine hrom phnamaceui.
cal :O:.mpanies delivered Io your doctor 3
othc Call or have your decloi call

lighi house keeping and more. Stale lic
54683- 477-7862, 881-8524. 200.5858.
Kerryann. Tesa or Tracey

companies lor your elderly loved one or
help visiting a loved one in a nursing
riome or assisted giving. Call 220-0129.

IS STRESS ruining your relationships"
Buy and Read Dianetics by L Ron Hub-
bard Call (813;872-0722 or send $8.00 lo
Dianeiics, 3102 N Habana Ave Tampa.
FL 33607
STOVE/OVEN. 120,249-9196
SOLID WOOD Chldcran. Cherry Sleign
t'ab, crib and irree drawer' combo dress-
eric.-arltlng labie set $475 241.3782.
674.1008 ..

MANAGER in holistic, intemal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
Sleaze. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
AX: (904)246-3778.
BRUCCI'S PIZZA in Ponte Vedra hiring
Prep, Cooks and Waitstaff. Call Bruce at
280-7677 or apply in person.
Flexible hours, no weekends, excellent
pay. Transportation & phone required.
EXPERIENCED F/T help needed for kitch,
en and waitstaff. Please apply at Gene's
Seafood Restaurant. 1249 Penman Rd.

DRIVER: YOU want it, we have it! Solo,
teams, owner operators, company drivers,
students, recent grads, regional, dedicat-
9ed, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21.
CRST Career; Center. (800)940-2778.

SINK AND Toner Refill in. Beaches area.
High profits, Untapped potential. Easy to
operate. 247-3815.

Cell 333-6301. Furniture: armoire, marble-
top coffee table, dining table w/6 chairs.,
Sunroom tile-top table w/4 chairs, dress-
ers, artwork, area rugs, comforters, lamps,
drapery, much more;

FREE TO good home, old upright piano.
Inside needs some work. 285-4993.
FENDER JAZZ bass, vintage white, pea-
vey 300 watt base amp used one time
$1000 for both 246-3926, 412-4341.

LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold!
Low Down / EZ financing. Free catalog
East, LLC Auction Business License:
AB2509 Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li-
cense: AU3448 Jeffrey Johnston Auction-
eer License: AU3449 Stacey Mauck Auc-
tioneer License: AU3447.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
WANTED TO buy dog grooming equip-
merf/suppliies, 945-5396.

MOVING SALEI Cirresirr music, COlecl,-
bie=, ;un lurniure. Friday Sarurday
8am-2pm 41651hAve S
MOVING SALE! Antique and comtempory:
fulnirure clothing, glassware, china,
book., ois, misc. Saturday, 8am-2pm,
212 33rd Ave S. i
KID'S TOYS, Barbie jeep. tandem bike,
household items, and lots more, Sat. 8am-
1pm, CORNER 9TH AVE. NO. & 6TH ST.
18th Ave. No. & Oceanfront;
large oceanfront home and apartment,
Sat. Sept, 30,- 8am,
everything to go. bring your tools.
cabinets ceiling fans lgr.I fixtures, tools,
pols & plans paro lumilure. kitchenstuff;
lurniluie. shelving, sinks. A'C units, W/D,
scuba gear, paintings, stoves, refrigera-
tors, microwaves, toilets.
MOVING SALE' Salurday. 7nam-12pm
Furniture. planning bed, lolrirng. rnsc
1210 2nd Sr N. No Early Birds Please-..

CAPTAIN S BED antique pump organ
nouseh':'ld lrims, misc.. Fr, Sal 8am-
2pm, 572 Seagate Ave

23rd,; 8AM-12PM;1032 Mmrrosa Cove'

SATURDAY. 8-NOON. 123 Solanc. Cay
Crcle Los of s-lull

CUL-DE-SAC GARAGE sale' Furnure
an.3 mo.:.re 2050 Las Brsas Cl. ohf San Pa-
bio Rd in San Palbo Creek dlevelopmenr.
Jax 32224 Sal .923 8arrn.12 00prn.
SATURDAY 9 23 Inru Saiurday 9 30
11960 Coinellua Si rear Kernar, 9-15.
YARD SALE Fr,- Sal 9am il 14290
Sarinwooa Dr.

40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. 5169K. 463-2845.
boar vi'p rir renr. 40Jn i$500 50n $600.
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER Ca'le and iph-orne
service available slip Mobile luel serv-
ice & pump out also available 463-2845
HOBIE-CAT 18FT. 1988. ;kv blue all
equip & trailer ,ncl $900 call Warren

2006 SCOOTER 153cc, 4 stroke. 800 m,
lIsted $2995. sale $1495. 241.0361
2005 SUZUKI GSXR 600, blue. 3 551mi,
asking $5000 246-7587, 19121337-1765

2001 CHEVROLET Suburban. fully load-
ed, side-sleps 75.000 miles Immaculate.
3 ses o01 seats. A/C ironi and back Call

... ..I- -


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