| Section A: Main |
| Section A: Main: Opinion |
| Section A: Main: Viewpoints |
| Section A: Main: Business |
| Section A: Main: Obituaries |
| Section A: Main: Religion |
| Section A: Main: Sports |
| Section B: Weekend |
| Section B: Weekend: Arts |
| Section B: Weekend: Screen |
| Section B: Weekend: Music |
| Section B: Weekend: Calendar |
| Section B: Weekend: Get Out |
| Section B: Weekend: Around the... |
| Section C: Classified |
Full Citation |
Material Information |
Title: |
Ponte Vedra leader. September 15, 2006. |
Uniform Title: |
Ponte Vedra leader |
Physical Description: |
Newspaper |
Publisher: |
Ponte Vedra leader |
Publication Date: |
September 15, 2006 |
Subjects |
Spatial Coverage: |
United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra |
Coordinates: |
30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication ) |
Record Information |
Bibliographic ID: |
UF00076081 |
Volume ID: |
VID00074 |
Source Institution: |
University of Florida |
Rights Management: |
All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location. |
Table of Contents |
Section A: Main
page A 1
page A 2
page A 3
Section A: Main: Opinion
page A 4
Section A: Main: Viewpoints
page A 5
Section A: Main: Business
page A 6
Section A: Main: Obituaries
page A 7
Section A: Main: Religion
page A 8
page A 9
Section A: Main: Sports
page A 10
page A 11
page A 12
Section B: Weekend
page B 1
page B 2
Section B: Weekend: Arts
page B 3
Section B: Weekend: Screen
page B 4
Section B: Weekend: Music
page B 5
Section B: Weekend: Calendar
page B 6
Section B: Weekend: Get Out
page B 7
Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
page B 8
Section C: Classified
page C 1
page C 2
page C 3
page C 4
page C 5
page C 6
page C 7
page C 8
Full Text |
Atft SEPTEMBER 15, 2006
Art from the
heart of a tiger
See B-1
on A-10
SAn edmton of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 44, No. 25
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
No more
some say
The new executive director
of St. lohns Vision, an organi-
zation founded several years
ago to help plan for the coun-
ty's funire, got a cool reception
during two visits to communi-
ty groups this week.
Bonnie Barnes asked mem-
bers of the Palm Valley
Community Association and
the St.'iohns Civic Association
Roundtable to support her
when she goes to the St. Johns
County Commission Tuesday
to ask for $25.000.
She is scheduled to ask for
the money at Tuesday's meet-
ing of the St. Johns County
Commission. which begins at 9
a.m. in the county auditorium
off U.S. 1 north of St.
The money would go toward
a $35,000 studv that would
include meetings in several
parts of the county to deter-
mine what direction residents
want the county to take,
Barnes said.
But her request, made during
the two organizations' month-
ly meetings Nlonday, got no
formal support from either
The Roundtable voted not to
support the study, and the
Palm Valley group didn't take a
"We've been there, done q
that," Mary Kohnke. a former
St. Johns County commission-
er, said at the Palm Vallev
She said residents from Ponte
Vedra and Palm Valley had
"heavy duty participation on
something that went
"You don't need to hold
more meetings," Roger Van
Ghent said at the Roundtable
Barnes said the planned
meetings would be a follow-up
to the earlier study and would
focus on implementing some
of the findings of the earlier
After many months of gath-
ering input from St. Johns
county residents, St. Johns
isions' Strategic Plan was
finalized in September 2002,"
says the St. Johns Vision Web
site i\iwww.stjohnsilsion.comi.
But, the site says, "identifica-
tion of critical issues is not
enough. By bringing
together Alliance partners to
work on adopting and achie'-
ing milestones listed in the
Vision document, we can make
the dream come alive and
' ensure St. Johns Counts main-
tains its status as a vibrant
community," the site says.
Barnes told the groups that
the next series of meetings
would determine "what do we
St. Johns Vision's money is
tight, she said, adding that she
would like to see something get
on the November ballot.
"So you're going for a 1/2-
cent sale tax to pay for whatev-
er the list of service is?" asked
Roundtable member Walter
She said seeking a sales tax
hike is a possibility.
"If there's going to be a list
that's presented, I want my
voice in .that list," Garry
Phillips said at the Palm Valley
However, when Palm Valley
:nCommunity Association presi-
dent Greg Leonard asked is
there were a motion, he got no
PV firm's hire
by SJ County
is challenged
1~- 1 A I I D A n I V P"~\ D
Rawlings fifth-grader Olivia Gonzalez (above, arms
outstretched) and other audience members react as
Billy Jonas (right) gives what he calls a "bangin' and
sangin'" performance Thursday at Rawlings
Elementary School.ln this case, Jonas uses an empty
water bottle but with noise-making material inside
- as an instrument as the students participate.
Jonas' performances at Ocean Palms Tuesday,
Rawlings Thursday and Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley
today were sponsored by the Ponte Vedra Public
Education Foundation.
,. -. ,
amphilla~ire 'anr. ailon
oUfi-BiY o ISi Joinn;
Couri., V'isiara &
S The St. Augustine Amphitheatre, built in the mid-
1960s to celebrate the 400th birthday of the Oldest
City, "was funded by civic leaders and community
donations," according to background information in a
-'f. St. Johns County Commission agenda package.
The drama "Cross and Sword," a reenactment of the
"- founding of St. Augustine, opened at the 2,000-seat
amphitheater in June 1965 and was presented 10 weeks
each summer, according to a Web site (www.lost-
The amphitheater is located on 16 acres within
Anastasia State Recreation Area in St. Augustine.
In 1973, "Cross and Sword" was designated Florida's
official state play by the Florida Legislature.
But as funding became tight, the aging facility fell
into disrepair. The official state play closed after the
1996 season, although the amphitheater continued to
be used for other presentations.
In 2000, the St. Johns County Commission began
planning for the theater's rehabilitation, which began
with funding allocated in 2003. Construction is near-
ing completion.
Uy LAUtL'A r'F
St. Johns Count
sioners, who last m
a newly formed Pi
company to mana
million St.
Amphitheatre, wil
appeal Tuesday fror
al company that say
qualified for the jot
The decision
Signature Spor
Entertainment, o
Bruce Lucker of Po
over SMG, which ra
by an evaluation
has raised red tla
members of a count
That group, the
County Civic
Roundtable, voted
support SMG in its
the county' after a
committee concluc
could save the court
lion over five years.
At issue is a 4-1 v
when commissioner
hire Signature Sport
SMG, a national
with 30 years of
Stevenson cast the
The evalu
gave 288
S ate
) LLRK and Allen MacDonald, finance
ER director for the Clerk of Courts
y commis- Office.
onth hired "This is a disgrace," Mary
monte Vedra Kohnke of Palm Valley said at
ige the $9 Monday's Roundtable meeting
Augustine at the main branch of the St.
I hear an Johns County Public Library
n a nation- System, St. Augustine.
's it is more "I think it's a potential
3. financial disaster."
to hire In a commission meeting
ts and last month, Kohnke accused
iwned by Chairman Jim Bryant of voting
)nte Vedra, for Signature because he is
nked No. 1 friends with Lucker.
committee, But Bryant said Tuesday that
igs among he voted for Signature because
wide civic it is a local firm that is not
going to charge as much for
St. Johns local nonprofit organizations
Association to use the facility.
Monday to "I based my decision on
s appeal to what was best for the commu-
Roundtable nity," Bryant said.
ded SMG Furthermore, he said, he
ntv $1 mil- knows Lucker through county
business and would not term
'ote Aug. 8, their relationship a friendship.
rs agreed to Lucker, formerly chief oper-
s instead of ating officer of World Golf Hall
company of Fame and World Golf
experience. Village in central St. Johns
Cyndi County, said Tuesday that his
dissenting relationship with Bryant exists
through Bryant's role as com-
ation team missioner.
points of The amphitheater, built in
possiblee to the mid-1960s to celebrate St.
G., which Augustine's 400th birthday,
a n a g e s has been undergoing renova-
239 facLli- tions under planning begun by
ties the County Commission in
1 five of 2000.
them After entering into a long-
term lease with the state of
amphithe- Florida for the property, the
county allocated initial con-
rs. struction funds in 2003, and
The team additional funding will come
ve 222 to from St. Johns Count)' sales
"newly tax bonds.
r m e d The Roundtable committee
nature reported that SMG would cost
)rts, and a less than Signature on manage-
rd bidder ment and staffing costs and
25 points, that ticket rebates from SMG's
he evalua- contract with Ticketmaster
s were would reach more than
I e n n $100,000 annually.
s t i n g s, Over five years, SMG would
ecu t iv e save the county more that $1
sector of the million, according to the
Johns Roundtable.
o u n t v But Lucker said Signature's
invention proposal was more financially
d Visitors solid, and the county will real-
reau; Paul ize profits sooner than with
lliamson, SMG, "based on credible num-
mer direc- bers."
of the
Select your beach for International Coastal Cleanup day
The world's largest one-day
coastal cleanup will take place
Saturday in Ponte Vedra Beach
and other beaches throughout
Northeast Florida.
Volunteers have their pick of
locations to help clean the
beach during the 21st annual
International Coastal Cleanup
event sponsored by the Ocean
Conservancy. Volunteers in
more than 90 countries take p
Following is & list of loca-
tions where volunteers will
hand out plastic glove and col-
lection bags. Volunteers are
asked to wear comfortable
clothes, shoes and sunscreen
and to bring their own drink-
ing water:
Mickler's beach access at
Ponte Vedra will have collec-
tion from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The four beach access areas
of the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve south of
Ponte Vedra Beach will have
cleanup 8:30 a.m. to 11:30
Other spots are:
At the end of Atlantic
At the end of Beach
On the beach at 16th Ave.,
S., Jacksonville Beach, from 7
a.m. to 9 a.m.;
Hanna Park north of
Atlantic Beach; -
Huguenot Park on
Heckscher Drive from 8:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and
Little Jetties Park, 3600
State Road AlA, 8 a.m. to 11
Book sale this
The annual book sale of
items from Seymour's, a shop
of used books organized and
staffed by the Friends of the
Library in Ponte Vedra, is
scheduled Saturday and
Sunday in the library's com-
munit'y room.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and noon to 5 p.m.
Luau bids 'aloha'
A luau to benefit Beaches
Emergency Assistance Ministry
(BLAM) and Beaches Resource
Center is scheduled 4 p.m. to 7
p.m. Saturday at the Lemon
Bar in Neptune Beach.,
Prince Pele will perform a
Hawaiian revue and there will
be foods from more than 10
area restaurants.
Tickets are $25 or two for
$40 and are available at BEAM,
850 6th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, St. Paul's Catholic
Church or the Book Mark, 299
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
PVCA meets Monday
The Ponte Vedra
Community Association will
meet Monday at 5 p.m. in the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Free cancer
screening .
Free breast cancer screenings
for women will take place 1
,p.m. to 3 p.m. WVednesday at
the St. Johns County Health
Department, 1955 U.S. 1 S. in
St. Augustine.
Clinical breast exams will be
given by an ob-gyn and refer-
rals for mammograms will be
given. The program pays for
mammograms for uninsured
or underinsured women.
For women ages 50 to 64,
the program also provides a
pelvic exam and Pap smear.
For information, call 825-
5055, ext. 1112.
Teen's dream
gets help
A fund-raiser to benefit
Dreams Come True will be held
6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sept.23 at
the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach, 50 .Executive
Way, Ponte Vedra..
Hosting the event, "Endless
'Summer Ball," is Rotaract Club
of Jacksonville's Beaches.
Featured will be heavy hors
d'oeuvres, beverages, a silent
auction and live. entertain-
ment. Tickets are $40.
Dreams Come True is a
Northeast Florida nonprofit
organization that fulfills wish-
es of children with life-threat-
ening illnesses.
; See BRIEFS, A-3
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Classified ..............C-1
Religion ..............A-8
Showtimes ............B-4
Obituaries ...........A-7
Police Beat ............ A-2
WVeather ..... .........A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
I ~_ .. .... __ ._..I
I~ I ,
oll lidli'llill'' 11,
September 15, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Published Wednesday and Friday.
.1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida and additional mail-
ing offices
Subscriptions: $25 per year in Duval
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
$44. Two-year subscriptions are $40
and $80.
In the.event of errors in advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
Send address changes to:
The. Beaches Leader
P.O. Box 50129
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240
Copyright 2006
Open Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1114 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida',32240
By telephone:
(904) 249-9033
By mail:
The Leader
P.O. Box 50129 ,
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240
(USPS 586-180) ;
By e-mail:
For editorial:
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or visit out Web site at:
The Leader encourages
readers 'to submit items of
community interest to the
newspaper for publication.
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries are published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements
is also welcome.
Submissions should be
typed or printed, and a name
and phone number to call for
more information must be.
Photographs are welcome,
,however -they mutf,-haviy
good focus and contrast.
Photographs will be
returned if a self-addressed
stamped envelope is submit-
ted. Otherwise, submitted
photographs should be
picked up at the Leader office
immediately after they appear.
in the paper. .
S'Color or black and white
photographs are accepted.
Call the editor for informa-
tion about sending pictures
by e-mail. Reprints of photos
taken by staff are available for
purchase. At the time a
reprint is ordered, the photo
must have been printed in an
issue of The Leader within
the last four weeks. Reprints
must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
8x10" print is $15.
For Information on placing
classified ads,, see the front
page of today's classified sec-.
tion. Display ads and inserts
can be ordered by contacting
our sales department at (904)
249-9033. ,
The newspaper is delivered
to homes on WVednesdays and
friday. Subscriptions are $25
per year in Duval anid St.
Johns counties. Out of coun-
ty, $44.
To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.
The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
STo request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
In the event of errors in
advertisements, the Leader
will be responsible only for
the space occupied by the,
actual, error. The publisher
assumes ,rio financial respon-
sibility for omissions.
The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research' or
review articles published
more than one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-
per are available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Porite Vedra Beach branch
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No new reports.
An employee at theKCF
restaurant at 626 Atlantic
Boulevard reported this week
that two men stole a painting
of "Colonel Sanders" valued at
$50 that was on a wall in the
restaurant. The employee said
the men stole the painting
after they ate their meals and
were leaving the establish-
ment., ,
A comipuLte' ah-a'9"18 idad
equipment valued- .at .'*.,'38o0,
$45 cash, various jewelry val-
ued at $2,000 and a $30 pair of
flip flops were reported bur-
glarized from a residence Sept.
13 in the 200 block of Margaret
The window to a vehicle was
reported smashed at a business
Sept. 13 in the 1200 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
The window to a vehicle was
reported shattered Sept. 13 in
the 700 block of Lincoln Road.
.. 0' '*
Police reported that an
unidentified man stole $30
cash from the Tropical
Smoothie at 251 Third Street
Sept. 12. Police say that the
man ordered food and then
reached both hands into the
restaurant's cash register, took
the money and fled, according
to a police report.
Two Northeast Florida men
were arrested on charges of
burglary and theft at a resi-
;dence in the 2800 block of
South Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Tuesday morning. According
to a report, deputies responded
to a report of a theft in progress
at 7:30 a.m. A neighbor told
deputies he saw two men drag
a gas grill from behind the res-
idence and begin taking it
apart. Dennis Alan May, 47,
and Darrell Eugene Foreman,
39, both of Glen St. Mary, were
booked into the St. Johhs
County. jail, deputies said.
A 48-year-old Ponte Vedia
Beach man reported the theft
of his vehicle from thedrive-
way of his, residence on La
Vista Drive occurred between
Monday evening and Tuesday
morning. According to a
report, the victim said the
vehicle, a white 2003 Mercedez
E500, was left in the driveway
with the doors unlocked and
the. key remote on the floor-
board. The vehicle was valued
at $48,000.
A burglary was reported to a
vehicle that: was parked in the
driveway of a residence in the
1000 block of Sea Hawk Drive
and the burglary occurred
between Saturday night and
Sunday morning.
According to a report, entry
into the 1998 Nissan pick-up
truck was gained through an'
unlocked door. Reported
stolen were a Panasonic video
camera, a Penn rod and reel, a
briefcase containing, checks
and other paperwork, and a
booster seat, for a total value of
Vince Montgomery Hayes
Sr., 34, of Jacksonville Beach
was arrested Sept. 14 and
charged with aggravated
domestic battery involving a
pregnant victim in the 900
block of 4th Ave.*S., according
to police. ''
-* '
Auto theft was reported Sept.,
13 in the 400 block of Osceola
Ave. A black 2005 Lexus RS330
&'Fieddat $30,0o004, a: stole 01t'
I4tb.rib' q'heparkiig lot.,' of.-the
Bonefish Grille. The victim was
inside the restaurant and when
he came out the car was gone
and another vehicle was in its
'" "'. ,.
A pressure washer valued at
$1,550 was reported stolen
Sept. 13 in the 900 block of
13th Ave. N.
Grand theft was reported
Sept. 13 at the Comfort Inn in
the 1500 block of 1st St. N. The
victim told police that
unknown suspects entered his
room and stole a laptop com-
puter, checkbook, printer,
computer case and a carry all
with clothing. Total loss was
estimated at $4,550.
Auto theft was reported Sept.
13 in the 1300 block of 4th St.
S. A blue 2005 Volkswagen
Jetta was stolen from the park-
ing lot of an apartment. A
purse, cell phone and various
bank cards were in the vehicle.
*** ,
Battery was Tepoxted Sept. 12
at a children's soccer game in
,the 800 block of 18th Ave. N.
The victim told' police' that the
umpire and coach' from the
, opposing team threatened him
and yelled profanity at him
after he objected to a call
involving one, of his players.
Beth Gerolyn Proeger, 41, a
transient, was arrested Sept. 13
and charged with active war-
rants for dealing in stolen
property and providing false
verification of ownership of
pawned items in the 300 block
of Boardwalk N., according to a
police report.
Phillip James Proeger, 22, a
transient, was arrested Sept. 13
and charged with an active
warrant for grand theft in the
300 block of Boardwalk N.,
accordingg tO 'a pole 'Y rt..
E- .,:-, -. :i. *.. t j ,U .-"
Charles Wesley Hammond,
45, a transient, was arrested
Sept. 12 and charged with
aggravated battery with a dead-
ly weapon in the 300 block of
Beach Blvd., according to a
police report.
Auto theft was reported Sept.
11 at a convenience store in
the 1300 block of 3rd St. S. A
black 2007 GMC Denali valued
at $50,000 was stolen just after
11 a.m. while the victim was
inside the store. The vehicle
contained a $5,000 Rolex
watch, 200 CDs valued at
$2,000, medical equipment
valued at.$250,000 and a $300
Ipod. Police later recovered the
:vehicle in Jacksonville. The
other items were not found.
', '. ,O O O* "
Leslie Morris McDonald, 46,'
of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested Sept. 9 and charged
with driving with a suspended
license as a habitual, traffic
offender in the 600 block of
5th Ave. S., according to a
police report.
Curtis Michael WellsJr., 20, a
transient, was arrested Sept.. 9
and charged with two counts
of aggravated stalking in: the
100 block of 10th Ave. N.,
police said.
S Don't let
your computer
drive you mad"
Service Upgrades. -Repairs
Back-ups Virus Checks
A division of
1521 Penman Rd
Jacksonville Beach
.0 Q
The Beaches
are online at:
V get rates and
information .on
placing a classified
or display ad;
V conveniently
download forms to
submit information
on births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;
v look at photo
galleries of people
and events from
'throughout the
V get your sub-
scription started;
Contact mem-
bers of our staff.-
Summer Bash set
The Beaches Chamber of
Commerce wili,. hold its
Endless Summer Beach Bash
Thursday, Sept. 21, from 6 p.m.-
&- Q p m. fAt A,iu-n-rf-r
is Monday, Nov. 20. For infor-
mation, contact the Office of
Special .Events at 630-3690 or
visit www.coj.net and click on
Light Parade.
to v p.m. at Adventure .
Landing, Jacksonville Beach. Camp-out set
Tickets are $20 in advance or The city of .Atlantic Beach
$25 at the door, and the price will hold its 2006 Fun
includes food and beverages, Day/Camp Out Under the Stars
from local restaurants and' on Oct. 7. All activities begin at
activities at the attraction. For 11 a.m. with check- In and
tickets call 249-3868 tent set up at Jack Russell Park,
800 Seminole Road, Atlantic
Career tips offered Beach.
.Christ Episcopal Curch is Cost, s $10 per camp site.
Sfer'ina free, av c
t' tlih'"MkwOrf d"l td 'Hmsd, -bouce hduse,- face
at its San Pablo campus located painting, balloon sculpting,
at 2002 San Pablo Road. pony rides, Hug-n-Farmn, Mike
Admission is free. Rossi with Wild Wonders, sto-
Organizers said their goal is rytelling, a juggling show and
to give job-hunting skills to workshops.
those in the Beaches commu- There will also be: perform-
nitv who are unemployed, ance by local acoustic niusi-
under-employed or unhappily cans, Polly B Dance Studio,
employed The Working Warrior Program,
Anne Bridgers, new Vicar of and the Disconnected K9's. All
the San Pablo campus of Christ activities are free. Reservations
Episcopal Church, will host can be made at.Adele Grage
the workshop from 8 a.m. to 4 Community Center, 716
p.m. The workshop will be' Ocean Blvd., from 8 a.m. to 4
conducted by human resource, p.m. weekdays. Call .247-5828
executive search and corporate for more information.
executives who will help pre-
pare participants for the entire Stargazing 101
job search process. Astronomer Mike D.
Register by e-mailing Charlie Reynolds will speak on planets
Hoskins at crhbeach(@com- at Florida Community
cast.net or calling 285-0525. College's Kent Campus, iRoom
Boaters can light up
Boaters can take part in the
22nd annual Jacksonville Light
Parade on Saturday, Nov. 25 at
7 p.m. on the downtown river-
Boaters decorate and light
their vessels from bow to stern
to compete in the area's largest
lighted 'boat parade.
Immediately following the
parade, the city illuminates the
sky with a fireworks display's
from the downtown riverfront.
The parade is limited to 100
vessels. The deadline for entry
D-120), Sept. -' a / :3u p.m.
As part of Reynolds' presen-
tation, budding and experi-
enced; astronomers will have
access to telescopes for viewing
(weather permitting) provided
by the members of the
Northeast Florida
Astronomical Society.
The presentation is open. to
the public. Binoculars and tele-
scopes are welcome.:
The Kent Campus is located
at. 3939 Roosevelt Blvd. For
more information call
Get the beautiful smile
you ve always wanted
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Cont. from A-1
Plus, he said, the rebates
from ticket sales offered by
SMG would be added to the
cost of tickets, adding that
Signature, would keep ticket
prices affordable.
St.'Johns County purchasing
director Joe Burch said in an
interview Tuesday that compe-
tition between the two compa-
nies for the job was "fierce,"
and Signature's proposal would
be more expensive than SMG's
in the short term three to
five years.
But, Burch said; Signature's
overall revenue predictions
were much higher than SMG's.
The Roundtable's report also
target's Signature's lack of
experience. '
The reason for that, Lucker
said Tuesday, is that Signature
was formed solely for the put-
pose of managing the St.
Augustine Amphitheatre.
. Lucker said .he has been
involved in the amphitheater
since the county began leasing
it from the state in 1999 in
hopes of revitalizing it.,
The evaluation committee
noted that Signature is "staffed
with experienced individuals
[whose] management experi-
ence has included Radio City
Music Hall, World Golf Hall of
Fame, Madison Square Gardens
and Limelight Theatre [in St.
Lucker said that because
Signature does not manage any
other venues, it can focus
attention on the amphitheater,'
,unlike SMG.
Brian Kabatznick, head of
business development for
SMG, said Tuesday that the
bottom line is SMG was the
lowest bidder and has the most
"There's no question we're
more qualified," Kabatznick
said, noting that SMG manages
Alltel Stadium, the Veterans
Arena and Baseball Fields and
the Prime Osborne
Convention Center: in
"There's nobody better than
SMG at what we do."
Kabatznick also noted that
Signature did not submit a
statement of the company's
financial stability as 'SMG did
when the county requested it.
Burch confirmed this; but
said it was not something that
would disqualify that bid.
Roundtable members also
wondered why Lucker contact-
ed county commissioners
about the bid, despite Burch's
request that neither company
contact commissioners.
.Commissioner Stevenson in
Monday's Roundtable meeting
confirmed rumors that com-
missioners were "lobbied" by
Lucker or his associates.
Burch said his request for no
contact with commissioners is
not enforceable because there
is no ordinance to back it up.
The County Commission
meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the
county auditorium, off U.S. 1
just north of St. Augustine.
Cont. from A-1
Some proceeds of the event
will go toward the dream of
Casey Deming, 17, of Neptune
Beach, who is battling
Hodgkin's disease. Deming,
who wants to surf in Hawaii,
and his parents will be guests
at the event.
PV man joins JCCI
Steve Ran kin of Ponte Vedra
Beach has, joined the staff of
Jacksonville Community
Council Inc. (JCCI) -in the
newly .created position of
advocacy planner. .
In that role, Rankin will
focus on the development and.
execution of plans to achieve
the goals of JCCI studies.
Rankin was with the PGA
Tour for 22 years and for the
Steve Rankin
past five years owned a
telecommunications' company
in Mandarin. He and his wife,
Amy, have ttWo, children ,who
attend Northwestern
Library events planned
The following upcoming
events are scheduled at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library: ,
1. A family event,
"Didgeridoo Downunder,"
begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday,
Sept. 23. Guests will learn how
to make a didgeridoo, a. musi-
cal instrument of the
Australian Aboriginal culture.
*. A teen knitting clinic for
beginners will be held 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 26. Those who
already know how.to knit are
invited to attend and share
their knowledge. Yarn and nee-
dies will be available.
Breakfast and a iimovie is
scheduled 10 a.m. Saturday,
Sept. 30, when "Monsters Inc."
(rated G) will be shown and
bagels, muffins, juice and cof-
fee will be served.
Hazardous waste pickup"
A hazardous waste collection
will be held Nov. 18 forn 8
a.m. to noon in the TPC park-
ing lot off County Road 210 in
Ponte Vedra.
Residents can drop off any
hazardous waste items such as
paint, chemicals, tires and bat-
teries to be properly discarded
by county waste management
Opening f schoolhouse-museum delayed
Plans to open a museum preserving African American history i.
a former school house for black students at the Beaches will nc
happen next month as planned.
Marjorie Holloway, who heads the building committee for th
Rhoda L. Martin Cultural Heritage Museum, Tuesday said the opera
ing was delayed because the project contractor did not complete th
work required to get the original four-room school house and adja
cent annex up to current building code.
"It is 85 percent done," H6lloway'said. "Th'e nhx interior'isfirn
ished buty,}, still, havto dp, th,,wiiLg A -hd ,hy ap.ro( t.Ie,, i
dows. We're just delayed a little bit."
Holloway said contractors pulled out of the project because the
"decided to do something else."
"It was a business decision. It's fine. We have no animosity," sh
said. "We are very positive and are moving forward."
Representatives at the contracting firm were not available
Tuesday for comment.
The preservation committee is working to select a new contract
to finish the job but is having trouble competing with higher pay
ing jobs to rebuild areas along the Gulf Coast ravaged last year b
Hurricane Katrina.
"Our job is considered very minimal. What they are getting fror
us is chicken feed [compared to larger jobs]. It's hard to find a rep
utable firm," Holloway said. "But we are preceding with that."
Committee members are also awaiting word from Atlantic Beach
officials to determine if a $25,000 funding request was approved
Holloway said the additional monies will be used to secure a ne%
contractor and complete the work for final inspection.
The roadblock is frustrating, Holloway said, because the group
was gearing up for the grand opening and did not expect to b
met with any delays this late in the project.
"Just waiting is hard. We are right on that edge and it's disap.
pointing," she said. "The community has been very positive
.They know that this delay is not on our part. We are ready' to hel
the kids and help the community.".
The Rhoda L. Martin Cultural Heritage Museum, 'named i:
honor of the founder of the Jacksonville Beach School for th
Colored, will have a permanent exhibit of historical artifacts t
serve as a visual inventory of the past.
"There are a lot of new people coming in locally who don
know about the history of the area," Holloway said. "This will nc
be just artifacts. It will be a very diverse, hands on museum."-
Holloway said volunteers and educators are on board as part c
the community outreach programs planned at the museum.
A five-year master plan that details the type of programs, edt
national curriculum and seminars offered is also in place. Stor
time and puppet shows will cater to young visitors and program
will also be available for seniors in the community, Hollowa
said. .
"We are ready to go," she said.
Founded by Martin in 1939, the original school building wa
spared from demolition during the construction of the nhe
Jacksonville Beach Elementary School at 315 10th St. 'S. i:
Jacksonville Beach.
The building was loaded on a tractor trailer and relocated to
parcel of land at 4th Street and 4th Avenue S. donated by Chri
The building was stabilized oh a concrete foundation as part c
the first phase of the project. The second phase included filling i:
sections with original brick salvaged from the north side of th
An 1,100-square-foot annex with an elevated handicapped
accessible ramp was added to the 2,184-square-foot school house
Committee members are also awaiting word from Atlantic Beac
officials to determine if a $25,000 funding request was approved
Holloway said the additional monies will be used to secure a ne'
contractor and complete the work for final inspection.
The Jacksonville Beach Elementary Preservation Fund, Inc. ha
spent over $200,000 on the project so far and anticipates tha
another $150,000 will be necessary to complete the construction
'treasurer Mable Bass said in May. Bass also estimated that once th
museum is open, the organization expects to spend between:
$150,000 and $175,000 each year to support exhibits, community
programs and cover administrative expenses and maintenance c
the building.
Members of the Jacksonville Beach Elementary Preservation Fun
have worked since 2001 to relocate the four-room school house an
convert it to a museum. The brick building was originally calle
Jacksonville Beach School for the Colored. The original building
now sits at the comer of 4th Street and ,4th Avenue South awaiting
The latest roadblock is frustrating, Holloway said,' because the
group was gearing up for the grand opening and did not expect to
be met with any delays this late in the project.
n "Just waiting is hard. We are right on that edge and it"'s disap-
)t pointing," she said. "The community has been very positive. They
know that this delay is not on our part. We are ready to help the
e kids and help the community."
i- 'The Rhoda L. Martin Cultural Heritage Museum, named in honor
e of the fbundet of the Jacksonville Beach School for the Colored, will
a- have a permanent exhibit of historical artifacts to serve as a visual
inventory of the past.
i-i There are a lot of new people coming in locally who don4nowr
I-i about the history of the area," Hollo.vay sajd. "'This. will not 11 djst
artifacts. It will be a very diverse, hands on museum."
y Holloway said volunteers and educators are on board as part of
the community outreach programs planned at the museum.
e A five-year master plan that details the type of programs, educa-
tional curriculum and seminars offered is also in place. Story time
e. and puppet shows will cater to young visitorss and programs will
also be available for seniors in the community, Holloway said.
xr "We are ready to go," she said.'
y-.' An 1,100-square-foot annex with an elevated handicapped acces-
y sible ramp was added to the 2,184-square-foot school house-turned-
Scott Johnson arrives at Nease High School Tuesday with-
out shoes for "wacky tacky" day, part of spirit week leading
up to tonight's Homecoming game at 7:30 p.m. against
Fleming Island High School.
African officials to visitAB
The city of Atlantic Beach is
scheduled to host a group of"
newly elected officials from
African nations, in part so they
can learn about the city's form
of government.
The group will tour the city
and meet with city staffers and
elected officials Sept. 26,
according City Manger Jim
Hanson said that the city has
hosted similar groups from
other countries in the past.
Atlantic Blv
Atlantic Boulevard's status as
a failing roadway was the
trump card for the Neptune
Beach City Council's denial of
a proposed Wal-Mart Monday,
but the failing grade could also
prove to be a roadblock for
future "new" commercial
-.de.velopment- along the corri-
..d* r,[sa,^ qfficials... ;i..', 'n '.,'
City officials contend that
the road is already over capaci-
ty and that the anticipated
added traffic generated by the
proposed 117,000-square-foot
24-hour supercenter at 630
Atlantic Boulevard would have
pushed the roadway further
over its limits. The project was
denied 4-1 by the council at its
Wal-Mart intended to' tear
down the existing 150,000-
square-foot parcel to build a
new structure. But that trig-
,gered a requirement in the
city's code that the business
must comply with traffic con-.
currency. An attorney 'for WVal-
1. 1 ',, O ,,;
Such groups are usually wel-
comed by the mayor, but
Hansont said that Mayor Don
Wolfson be out of town that
day so another city councilor
will greet the group at City
Hall, where other city staff
members will -make presenta-
tions on the city's form of gov-
ernment and-various services.
City representatives will
then take the group to lunch
before they leave.
d. failing
Mart Monday questioned
whether any new business
could' be approved along .
Atlantic Boulevard, given the
road's failing status and the
city's requirements for traffic
Atlantic Boulevard is owned
by the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT)i.
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The opening of the Rhoda L. Martin Cultural Heritage Museum
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postponed indefinitely to allow the preservation committee to
secure a new contractor. Renovations are about 85 percent
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www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
Benefits are
for good causes
The Beaches Area Historical Society Gala will be held
tonight, Friday, at 7 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra Inn, and
Club and this year the theme will focus on .the history
of Ponte Vedra Beach. '""
*The event is a major fundraiser for the Society arid its
new museum. The museum, which opened this year, is
a treasure trove that preserves information and artifacts
from our community's inception.
The gala, which is presented by The Beaches
Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader, provides a fun event that ben-
efits a very good cause. Preserving and better under-
standing our past is essential as we plan for the future.
A separate event, a luau, will be held tomorrow night,
Saturday, to benefit Beaches at-risk children and fami-
The adults-only event will be held from 4 to .7 p.m.
at The Lemon Bar at the Sea Horse Oceanfront Inn on
Atlantic Boulevard at the ocean. ,
Heavy hors d'oeuvres from Beaches restaurant ts will be
offered, along with Polynesian entertainment, a, silent
auction and prize drawings.
Proceeds will benefit BEAM (Beaches Emergency
Assistance Ministry) and the Beaches Resource Center
Foundation, both charitable organizations that serve
Beaches residents.
For information call 270-8200. Tickets will also be
available at the door of the luau for that benefit, but
tickets for the BAHS gala will not be available at the
door. '
Both events promise a good time and are worthy of
support as the beneficiaries do great deal of good for,
the community.
ters to t0eDCI/tr
Missed 9/11 memorial
to the editor:
It is with deep regret that I
was unable to attend the 9/11
memorial celebration at the
Seawalk Pavilion Monday
night. No, I didn't have to
work, nor did I have a previ-
ous engagement. The cere-
mony had been canceled!
From what I read.last week
in The Leader it had been can-
celed due to staffing and
budget constraints! I find it
JTrVy's- Ad|'ad -' disheartening
Shat the City of Jacksonville
Beach can find the staffing
and budget to allow music
concerts, moonlight movies
and a "Pride festival" (what-
ever that is!) but cannot
"afford" the 9/11' rei
brance concert.
I did howevergo doA
the beach last night ar
my. heart remembered
Twin Towers (which,
native New Yorker, I wa
being built) and the te
destruction to our land
the loss of thousands of'
It just wasn't the
without the Navy band
ing "America, The Beg.
as I watcfied' out o\ve
ocean and sang... "from
shining sea". God
Claire P. She
Neptune B
vn to
id in
I the
as a
! and
tifu l."
r t
Make a difference in
your local government
To the editor: voted in by a skimpy amount-
Last night a bit of my hope of registered voters. If this
for America died. wave of complacency contin-
I now feel foolish in my. ues to rise, democracy imn.,
belief that America is the land America will drown, and the
where the majority still rules. unspeakable will happen, and
When did this change? Is this we will slowly lose the free-
the sign of the times? Are the doms we have all enjoyed. .
great masses of citizens so' Please Americans, and right
complacent that they do not now, especially you citizens of,
show up and speak and vote? Atlantic Beach, start paying
Or is the reason for this com- attention to what goes on in
placency a realization that yoir neck of the woods. All.
even if counted, the count *good things start within each
does not count. How sad is of us. We can make a differ-,
this? Are we Americans just .ence.
going to stand by and let a few Susan Snead
people rule? Even our rulers are Atlantic Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader Director of Sales
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
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Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
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Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse
Business Office
Char Coffman
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,17 I Prerident
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Fdior, Ponie Vedra Leader
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Pete Bryant
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Advertising &
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Ted Lamb
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Anya Braun
Eric Braun
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'Jenna Highland,
Karen Holland
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Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
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Press Room
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hted MaterialL
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x;41' I: LiJ
r oto e, ,.r
Who will protect residents fr
tyrannical majority in AB
To the editor:
9/11 is' over I've now
been forced to cower in the
.dark. recesses of mny
"McMansion" me, and the
others who live here in this
.now isolated part of Atlantic
Beach separated from a com-
munity who once loved us:
and of us, this fearful little
group (we comprise less than
20 percent of all the citizens
of Atlantic Beach ... a small,
beautiful, and formerly peace-
ful seaside town i.
Those of us left here, those
of us in "Old Atlantic Beach,"
we now know We are but a
small and insignificant minor-
ity. We are so fearful of the
"tyrannical majority" spread-
ing its venomous hate and
-:taking our property rights,
just ours, mind you, at their
whim and because they can,
since we are a lone minority.
Yet we are so puzzled by this
tyranny because if it is a basic'
cornerstone of tyranny as our.
Mayor has defined it and
requires nothing r
large numbers --
let's say and that
alone creates a tyr
that its size then. 1
"tyrannical majority
It was a majority
ed you all, then p
who protects us fro
YOUR "tyrannical n
Ellis T. "E.T." F
Atlantic Beach.
ONE Atlai
Thanks for protecting AB hoi
To the editor: ,
Thank yof6r your vote ii
l .'dPf *QW sWit wiro'W'
living in Atlantic Beach.
You have done the right
thing, and we know that it
was a difficult position to
take and a difficult decision
to make.
A question and a thought.
' ,What attracted vou to,
Atlantic Beach? Why do you
live here?
Atlantic Beach is a relative'-
ly small community. This
community is made up to a
great extent of Ist and 2nd
generation families.
And those of us who are
not "newcomers" but have
lived here for many years like
Atlantic Beach the way it.
was when we purchased our
home here and we have'
always hoped that it would
remain that way. '
jt would be gooc
us to remember tt
ships are built on
one another not ,
to separate us.
So let's not isc
selves from one a
erecting "McMans
high walls.
Clampetts aren't coming to
To the editor:
While, [the mayor] so'
notably I spoke during
MNonday's night's meeting,
comparing Beverly Hills "'FAR"
with Atlantic Beach's FAR, it
struck me that the Beverly
Hillbillies won't be coming to
town to build a "McMansion.
That's right, Mr. Mayor, Jed
and family will not be joining
us folks here in Atlantic Beach
as they already have their
own "FAR" issues to deal with.
I admit it, Mr. Mayor, that
for one very hopeful second, I
really believed that you were
willing to "compromise". by
increasing FAR from .54' to
.60. That hopeful second
came as you compared 4
homes on Ocean Blvd. using
FAR .54. These homes are
part of "Old Atlantic Beach",
you know the part of Atlantic
B4ach that needs rescuing
from the evil
You deftly attempted to
point out that FAR .54 was
,too restrictive (as it relates to
home sizes) vs. your proposed
amendment to change to FAR
.60. To backup your conclu-
sion, you showed that 3 out
of 4 of these same homes
would NEVER have been built
using FAR '.54. Can we take
this to mean, Mr. Mayor,
using your own example, that
if you and the present board
of commissioners had been in
office at the time, these very
homes that you are trying to
protect by this ordinance
would have never even exist-
Alluding back to that hope-
ful second that I mentioned
in a earlier part of this.letter,
it dawned on me that maybe
our Atlantic Beach mayor was
putting aside his own person-
al agenda and willing to com-
promise. I have to tell you
that my heart skipped a beat
and my faith was restored in
believing that the "gods of
Atlantic Beach must be alive
'and well", and, further declar-
ing to myself that "the gov-
ernmental process really does
work!" But, sadly, my enthu-
siasm was quickly dampened.
It became all too clear ,for
anyone possessing a couple of
brain cells, that this last
minute "attempt" at compro-
mise was no more than a way'
to "go on record" for garner-,
ing future votes come re-elec-
tion. By this "slight of hand
move", you nowl have the
ability to tell your voters that
'you really, really, really tried
to reach a compromise.
I have to say that it was a
pretty good magic trick, but
only for a moment. When the
rest of the commission didn't
vote to accept your proposed
amendment (oh gee, don't
you hate surprises like that?),
your response was to instant-
ly vote with the majority for
passage of this ordinance.
What gives me pause Mr.
Mayor, is that I thought you
didn't believe in the majority
vote as it is counterproduc-
tive to your mission and phi-
losophy to protect the minor-
ity. Now let me get this
straight... Commissioner
Borno voted against this ordi-
nance so he would be consid-
ered the minority, you, how-
ever, voted with the majori-
ty..... Can I assume that your
"mission" .to protect the
minority must not apply in
*this case?
So why at the last minute
this attempt to compromise?
Should we assume that you
already knew that the majori-
ty of the commissioners
would vote against this
amendment? But, heck, just
for fun, let's give you the ben-
efit of the doubt, Mr. Mayor.
Perhaps-it came as a absolut e
surprise to you that your
amendment was DOA. Maybe
this was when you were in
Beverly Hills studying their
FAR situation and consulting
with the Clampetts on the
similarities between
ulace in, Beverly
Atlantic Beach. VM
didn't have the tim
our local paper. '
Mr. Mayor, the lo
that have spelled o
last'9 months in no
terms what each co
er would be voting
SAihhhhhhh, .
Speaking of which
election time corn
again, Mr. Mayor, p
forget to reflect on
year iri office.
Make sure 'to me
under your. leade
have been instru
tearing apa
which no previous
ever even tried i
alone in so little ti
.make sure to inc
ability to create
anger, frustration, a
among your fellow
On a positive no
that lesson from y
governmental pro
how it doesn't wo
have been sleeping
political science cd
lege. My gratitude
in explaining a "r
tive government"
previously held .m
shamefully have
that I must have ni
tenirig or missed
paign speech oi a p
"save and protect"
ity from the (and I
the "tyrannical maj
There is just or
don't still quite ha
of, Mr. Mayor,..'.
election time....do
sentative governmi
that you are just w
"minority" vote fo
Finally, somethir
and the majority
agree upon!
can be
" l, n any other sport, the hip-
bone's connected to the
shinbone. In football, the
hipbone's connected to the
stretcher. The fatalistic fan
who wrote that was just
about on target, unfortunate-
ly. It was really only a prac-
m tice game against Tampa Bay,
officially, when the Jaguars'
backfield bolsterer, fullback
ore' ha *, ,a knee injury for the season,
it's alleged.
ore than, 'During these times, it seems
a majority, that the casualty rate in high-
mob's size level pigskin. programs is
anny such awfully high. I don't.remem-
becomes a' bet there being anything like
,'. it when I played in high
who elect- school and post-Navy prep
ray tell us' school. Except for getting a
m you' and couple of teeth knocked out, I
majority"? didn't have any significant
injuries, certainly nothing dis-
Ferandez, abling. I even avoided step-
]il ping on my own foot. Further,
.. the only I can't recollect anybody else
ntic Beach being hurt badly enough to be
out for the season.
A possible factor: We didn't
have the "two-platoon" sys-
tem in the early 1940s, so the
n es first team pretty much played
the full game, offensively and
defensively. Accordingly, both
d 'for all of sides would be tired late in the
hat friend- contest and, therefore, maybe
bridges to too weak to damage each
walls built other very much. In our
weary, semi-alert state, we did
late our- well to avoid crashing into
another by the goal post or some other
ions" and immovable object.
Once, although I wasn't
and Hank injured, I looked as if I was.
Hardman My deaths (football shoes) had
itic Beach- to be ordered specially from a
Company because of their
large size (13, then considered
big). They didn't come in
time for a game, so I had to
.. wear my beat-up, black clod-
S hoppers, then falling apart.
The.assistant, coach bound
them together as well as he
n the pop- could. Since he used several
Hills and yards of white adhesive tape,
faybe yot: my feet definitely, looked
ie to locate bandaged like an impaired
You' know, pair. One of my sisters was in
ical papers the stands, and she later told
out for the me that, when I ran out of the
uncertain locker room for the kickoff,
immission- she thought, "Ye gods, the
S game hasn't even started yet
politics! and already he's hurt!"
...when re- I suppose the NFL players
les around suffer so many disabilities at
lease don't least partially because those
i your first dudes hit way harder than
youngsters. Short of wearing
ritioh that suits, of armor, there doesn't
*rship you appear to be much they can
mental 'in do to protect themselves,
rt a other than staying in excel-
'likes of lent physical condition. One
mayor has pretty potty proposal has
to do, let been made in which the oper-
ime! Also, ative ingredient is---GARLIC.
'lude 'your The team members would
dissension, each eat a clove of it before
and'despair the game, and the opponents
citizens, wouldn't wanna get within
ote, I liked ten feet. of one, much, less
'ou on the block or tackle him. Phew!
ces anci2 ,
ocess and
irk, ,I must
during my
ass i4 col-
also to you
during a
meeting. I
to admit
Ot been lis-
your cam-
platform to
the minor-
quote you),
ne thing I
ave a grasp
..come re-
)es "repre-
ent" mean
wanting the
ir your re-
ig that you
y actually
ti Johnson
ntic Beach
Send letters to:
The Editor, The
Leader, P.O. Box
50129, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32240, or
send e-mail to
editor@ beach-
Lengthy letters may
be edited as space
requires. We will not
consider letters that
do not bear a signa-
ture and address and
we request a phone
number for verifica-
September 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
More letters to the editor:
Service to community beats retaliation
To the editor:
In America, the majority of
those of us who live here
believe that it is the most won-
derful place 'to live.
I In Atlantic Beach, the major-
ity of those of us who live here
believe that it is additionally
the most wonderful place to
And because Atlantic .Beach
is in America, the majority of
us believe in some very impor-
tant values. One of these val-
ues is the observance of a code
of conduct appropriate in a
public civic forum. Within this
code of conduct. is respect,
civility, and the expectation of
being heard in a courteous
mariner. Yet, what happened
during the Monday 9/11/2006
Atlantic Beach Commissioners
Meeting was disappointing,
shameful-and in some cases
shockihg--to those of'us whoO
regard highly these values and
this code.
I am referring to'the charac-
ter and integrity of some peo-
ple whom I had formerly, and
mistakenly, held in, high
regard. At the meeting, I wit-
nessed hostility, rudeness, and
mean-spiritedness. Most of the
offenders wore "Save Atlantic
Beach" tee shirts, "Just Say No"
stickers, or else just opposed
Ordinance 90-06-195.
At' this meeting, a final vote
on the Ordinance was sched-
uled. Even though many pro-
ponents spoke during the open
discussion, quite a few dis-
senters claimed to be the
"majority." They provided.
"proof" of their majority status
with examples that were unof-
ficial, false, and misleading,
e.g. the "Straw Ballot." Loud
and disruptive heckling
occurred at almost every
instance in which anyone
spoke well of the Ordinance.
Some angered opponents who
spoke personally attacked our
Commissioners, our Mayor,
and our City Managerl Some
maliciously threatened the
commissioners with political
retaliation if the Ordinance
was passed.
After the public "discus-
sion," my intention was to
leave for home. Instead, I
decided to continue to .show
support for those who were'
going to vote, regardless of
how they voted. I stayed close
to--yet outside--the chambers
among mostly dissenters of the
Ordinance. The words I then,
heard by some individuals
were words I will hot repeat.
The words were, demeaning,
bitterly resentful, vindictive
and unabashedly within hear-
ing range of many other indi-
SThere is no doubt that those
who. "lost" will, retaliate.
Rather than allowing the fires
of anger to continue to flare,
the opponents of the
Ordinance would be better
served by redirecting their
incredible energy into serving
this community and in the
process, ensuring their positive
influence for generations to
Jolyn C. Johnson
Atlantic Beach
"Copyrighted Material
vSyndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Student shocked by rude adults
STo the editor:
I am 15 years old and have
lived in Neptune Beach for
most'of my life. I attended the
City Council meeting this past
Monday concerning the Wal-
Mart issue. I left in complete
shock at the behavior I saw. I
saw grown people, whom I am
supposed to respect and look
up to, being extremely rude to
one another. While people
were speaking'at the podium,
some in the audience were
hissing, booing and interrupt-
ing. I thought that teenagers
my age were supposed to be
rude, but my friends and I
would never do that to some-
body. It got me wondering as
to how I am to respect my eld-
ers when they do not even
respect each other. Aren't they
supposed to be role models for
people my age? Now a lot was
said at that meeting that I
myself do not agree with, but I
would never even think to act
that way toward another per-
son trying to speak. I was
brought up to believe that.
everyone has a right to say,
If LA is model of good
then consider moving
To the editor: Commissioners and the ordi-
I am against Atlantic Beach nance supporters they are not
Ordinance #90-06-195. family oriented. The cities
Mavor Wolfson and his Mayor Wolfson spoke of areI
cronies have talked about all places we know are not
modeling Atlantic Beach after places to raise families. And
certain cities. just Monday other cities in Florida he has,
night Mayor Wolfson spoke of spoken of are retirement com-
Beverly Hills and Los Angelos. munities. If these cities are so
Even some of -the ordinance wonderful and offer the
supporters have spoken of lifestyle and community these
other communities in as far people want, then they
way as Oregon. .should move there, and leave
As we have seen and heard 'Atlantic Beach alone.
from Mayor Wolfson and his Save Atlantic Beach has
their opinion no matter how
stupid you might think it is.
The meeting was held in the,
Fletcher High School auditori-'
um. I am a sophomore at,
Fletcher and have seen better
behavior there from my fellow
I would never expect to see
adults act that way! I know
that this whole Val-'Mart thing
is very controversial, but is that
kind of behavior really called
Christie Pardee
Neptune Beach
out west
alir i
proven and is supported by
families, neighbors and
friends that have come
together to protect and keep
Atlantic Beach quaint, quiet,
unique and family oriented.
If we model it after some
other community or city,-
especially some place like Los
Angelos, then it won't be the'
Atlantic Beach that we know
and love.
SLizzie Byrnes
Atlantic Beach
To the editor:
With the passing of the
ordinance controlling proper-
ty development, here are the
rules you will need to know if
you live in Atlantic Beach or,
are thinking of moving here.
1. Do' not build, improve,
add to or otherwise enhance
your home. It might be ille-
2. Do not paint your house
or change your landscaping
without checking with every
other resident. If someone
does not like what you are
doing, they will go to the city
council and pass a law against
it. .. .
3.. Give up any desire you
have to protect your property,
rights or ever expect to receive
full market value for your
house. That has now been
4. Do not speak to the city
council. They can only hear
the people they already agree
5. Do not complain about
the new ordinance. You will,
be called "selfish, greedy,
hateful, angry, and mean spir-
ited" as was done at the last
two city council hearings.
6. The mayor will go on tel-,
evision and announce that
those who disagree with any,
rulings are "uninformed and
7. The city council will
hold public hearings, 'but
announce in advance that
everything is already a."done
deal" making the hearings
8. You moved to Atlantic
Beach: because 'you did not
want to live in a housing
development. Too bad. You
now do anyway.
9. You do not know what is
'best for youi or your family.
The city council does. Just
run "along now and behave
Larry Whitehead
Atlantic Beach
(Soon to be renamed
"Stepford Beach")
Appreciate NB vote on Wal-Mart
To the editor:
Last Monday evening on
Sept. 11, in the auditorium of
Fletcher Highr School, the
Mayor and City Council[
members of Neptune Beach.
faced a tough decision.
Mayor Dick Browin; Harriet
Pruett; John Weldon and Fred
Lee have been listening to the
residents of Neptune Beach of
months and months.
We have been concerned
about our city and the pro-
posal that a 'big box super-
center" would be built in our
They listened, and they
heard us; and they cared. We
thank them for standing with
us and our 'grass roots' com-
munity effort.
The strength they showed
will always be remembered as
-a turning point in the preser-
vation and autonomy of
Neptune Beach.
Lyn Lazarus
Neptune Beach
AB commission voted correctly
To the editor:
I would like to give a hearty thanks to the
Atlantic Beach commissioners for doing the
right thing and passing the community
character ordinance. With all the controver-
sy surrounding the ordinance issue in
Atlantic Beach, it is heartening to know that'
perhaps the "almighty dollar" did not, in
this instance, win out over, our quality of
Sherrie Trechel
Atlantic Beach
I ,
Dr Lbi'e T o-r,in DC
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4006 8. 3'rd Street Sbuth Beacli Regidnal Plaza' Jax' Beach, FL 3225'0"
"Please add S30 for installing Microsoft SP2 expires: 10'01i06
Learn the rules if you plan to
live in AB's Stepford Beach
Dr. John Ondrejicka welcomes
Dr. George Young
to his Neptune Beach Internal anid
Preventative Medicine Practice
Dr. George Young was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida
and attended Robert E. Lee High School. He attended medi-
cal school and did his training in Pensacola, Florida. His fa-
ther was a prominentveterinarian in the conununity. Dr, young
has worked as a Family Physician for over fifteen years and
specializes in anti-aging and preventative medicine. Dr. Young
enDr.joys fishing wboati rng and rflinsed joins Dr. Ondrejicka,
who has been serving The Beaches area for more than seven-
teen years now.
Please join me in welcoming
Dr. Young to The Beaches area.
As always, we appreciate your
continuing support. Than-k you all.
You will find us in the Atrium building
next to the Neptune Beach Library at:
700 Third Street
Suite 301
Neptune Beach
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 15, 2006
Comment regarding condos sought
Business Briefs
The Department of Business and Professional
Regulation (DBPR) is seeking public comment
regarding several condominium and homeown-
er association issues.
Earlier this year Governor Jeb Bush vetoed
both Senate Bill 1556 and House Bill 391, direct-
ing DBPR to gather citizen input and generate a
report regarding issues contained in both pieces
of legislation. The reports are due to the gover-,
nor and Florida Legislature no later than Oct. 1,.
The deadline for public submissions to DBPR is
today, Sept. 15.
"DBPR wants to hear from you: Florida's
homeowners, condominium owners and com-
munity association members," said Secretary
Simone Marstiller. "This is your chance to pro-
vide input on a matter that directly affects your
quality of life your ability to live and enjoy
your home in peace. strongly encourage you
to take advantage of this opportunity and con-
tribute your invaluable insight." The language
contained, in Senate Bill 1556, would have
amended current law. Currently, condomini-
ums can be terminated only with 100 percent
consent by unit owners, unless the declaration
provides otherwise, and unit owners can peti-
tion for court relief, including termination,in
the event of substantial damage or destruction
to the property. :
Senate Bill 1556 reduced the consent require-
ment to 80 percent, unless the declaration
allows otherwise, and provided for termination
on the additional grounds of economic waste or
impossibility by majority vote. In his veto let-
ter, Governor Bush had expressed concern that
the legislation went too far and could have
resulted in unintended consequences depriving
unit owners of their property rights.
House Bill 391 substantially removed 'lan-
guage adopted by the Legislature in 2004 that
requires alternative dispute resolution, before a
lawsuit is filed, to resolve ,disputes that .fre-
quently arise between homeowners and associa-
tions. Governor Bush. directed the department
to seek public input specifically on the follow-.
ing issues: ,
Ways to improve or expand existing alter-
native dispute resolution and educational pro-
The extent to which protections afforded
members of mandatory homeowner associa-
tions can approach parity with those afforded
condominium owners while still upholding leg-
islative intent that homeowner associations not
be regulated; and
Determining whether the State of Florida
should move toward establishing a comprehen-
sive common interest realty law.
More information about the proposed legisla-
tion may be found online, at
w ww. M F1 o ri d a co min / d b p r
Comments and suggestions may be submitted
by mailing DBPR at,
condo.terminations@dbpr.state.tl.us or'
FLS.HOAStudy@dbpr.state.fl.us. Input may also
be mailed to: Department of Business and.
Professional Regulation, Division of Land Sales,
Condominiums & Mobile Homes, 1940 North
Monroe Street, Suite 16,. Tallahassee, Florida
Marketing helps to keep Florida shrimp industry alive
A three-year marketing campaign helped keep
Florida's shrimp industry viable in the face of
unrelenting competition from foreign coun-'
tries,"Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charles
H. Bronson said. '. .
'The "Wild and Wonderful Florida Shrimp"
promotion,. conducted by the. Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services from 2004 to 2006, was instrumental in'
the sale of 2.7 million pounds of Florida wild-
caught shrimp by participating retail stores.
Some stores reported sales increases as high as
2,000 percent over the same periods in prior
"Florida's shrimp industry has faced ;an
onslaught of competition from foreign coun-
tries that have exported more than a billion
pounds of shrimp into the U.S. market in the
past few years," Bronson said in a press release.
"Many of our state's shrimpers have been forced
out of business altogether, and the remaining
ones have experienced very difficult times. This
marketing campaign was crucial in helping keep
Florida's shrimp industry alive."
According to the National Marine Fisheries
Service, foreign countries have.captured 88 per-
'cent of the total U'.S. market. Vietnam, China,
India: and Brazilihave increased exports to the
United States in. recent years. An estimated
200,000 U.S. jobs have been lost. .
The state and federally funded campaign
focused on raising consumer awareness about
the benefits of buying Florida wild-caught
shrimp and highlighted the Florida shrimp
industry's economic value to the state. Florida's
shrimp industry supports 4,400 jobs and' con-.
tributes more than $185 million to the state's
"Florida shrimp is a premium quality product
with superior taste," Bronson said. "\'e believe
that consumers deserve to have a choice, and
we encourage them to ask for shrimp from.
Florida. When they do,' they receive a whole-
some, natural product and they help our fish-
ermen and our state's economy."
The advertising incentive program required
retailers' and restaurants to use the "Ask fori
Shrimp' from Florida" logo in their advertising
and encouraged in-store shrimp promotions. A
total of 3,011 stores in 14 supermarket chains
located in 26 states and Washington, D.C., par-
In addition to the advertising; incentive pro-
gram, the "Wild and Wonderful Florida Shrimp"
campaign included radio and television public
service advertisements; media relations initia-
tives to educate consumers on the quality of
Florida shrimp; point-of-purchase' materials
including brochures, posters, and static clings
for use by- retailers; partnerships with chefs
including iA-store demonstrations, television
,appearanceslarid celebrity chef programs; trade
show and festival participation; sponsorship of
the "Ask for Shrimp from Florida" race car in
the Nascar Arca circuit; .and the
www.WildFloridaShrimp.com web site which
features shrimp recipes and industry facts and
Marsh Landing Realty, Inc's
top sales agents for the month
of August 2006 are top listers
Hazel Cooksey and Dee
Walker; top sellers Pam,
Southgate Henry and Jack
Net work
Realty's top
winners for,
August at the
Beaches office
are listings:
U. A salesand trans-
Elizabeth Judgins ,actions: Katie
Wheeler';, and
top producer:
Yvon ne
Carver; at'
Ponte .Vedra,
listings, sales
and transac-
i I W el Hudgins and
Katie Wheeler top producer:
Jackie Ross.
Coldwell Banker" Walter,
Williams Realty, Inc.'s top list-
ing and selling agents for
August at the Sawgrass office
were top lister JR Rodermund
.and top sales Jacquelyn Bates.'
"Jacksonville-based Elkins
Constructors, Inc. has been
selected as' the general con-".
tractor for the Overlook V, a
two-story office condominium
project located on State Road
A1A 'and County Road 210.'
Designed by Powers Design
Architects, the 27,448-square-
foot office condominium proj-
ect is being built on a com-:
mercial parcel in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Site work is anticipated
to commence in the next few
Weeks. The Overlook V will
incorporate features to accom-
modate the medical profes-
sion.'. .
Jacksonville Beach-based
Clements Publishing Co. is
working with the 'Orlando
Sentinel to publish the second
edition of the Central Florida
The,2007 official Toyota Gator Bowl Game poster,
unveiled recently. was designed by Kurtis Loftus, presi-
dent/creative director of The Kurtis Group, a Jacksonville
Beach-based advertising and public relations agency.
This is the sixth Gator Bowl poster Loftus has designed.
This year's poster theme, "Winning Through the
Decades," offers a graphic depiction of a running back,
coming at the onlooker. According to Loftus, 'The poster
offers a simple but strong "'retro' iconic image." The
poster lists the winners of each game since the Bowl's
inception in 1946. The winners are framed within illus-
trations of the new Tiffany trophy that was introduced
last year. The 62nd Annual Toyota Gator Bowl will be
played Jan. 1, 2007 at Alltel Stadium at 1 p.m. and the *
game will be televised nationally on CBS. The Toyota
Gator Bowl will pit a team from the Atlantic Coast
Conference against a team from the Big 12 Conference, .
the Big East Conference or the University of Notre
Dame. Tickets for the Toyota Gator Bowl are $50. For
tickets, call 904-353-3309 or visit www.gatorbowl.com.
Education Guide, to be distrib-
uted to area real estate reloca-
tion professionals, libraries,
chambers of commerce, public
schools and private schools in
Orange, Osceola, Seminole,
Lake and Volusia counties. The
guide features each public
school's state letter grade.
Clements offers niche publish-
ing to various organizations,
including Northeast Florida
Association of Realtors, the
First Coast Manufacturers
Secretary position brought 'up to par'
The vacant secretary position in the Atlantic
Beach City Clerk's Office received an upgrade in
title and pay recently at the request of the city
clerk, who wanted to bring the job "up to par"
with what's actually required of the employee.'
,The 'City Commission unanimously
approved raising the position to an
Administrative Assistant to the City Clerk
which comes with a higher grade on the city's.
pay plan a grade 17 up from a grade 15.,
The hourly wage of a grade 15 employee
ranges from $11.47 [$23,858 annually] to
$17.20 [$35,776 annually] versus that of a grade
17, with a range from $13.61 [$28,309 annual-:
ly] to $20.42 [$42,274 annually], according to
City Clerk Donna Bussey. '
The commission at its meeting also created a
Deputy City Clerk position to which the
administrative assistant will be promoted to
upon receiving the Certified Municipal Clerk
status a .roughly ,three-year certification
process, said Bussey. And the deputy clerk title
carries with it a pay grade of 18, with a hourly
wage range from $14.85 [30,888 annually] to
$22.27 [$46,322 annually].
The former secretary position has been
vacant since June .6, said Bussey, adding that
while evaluating the job description to adver-
tise for a new employee, she realized the job
description was "outdated.",
"The job is more demanding [than what the
city describes it as]," Bussey told commissioners
at an Aug. 14 meeting, where she first request-
ed the upgrade. "This person would be my sec-
ond person down."
Bussey is paid $53,934 annually, according to
city records.
However, the commission's action to upgrade
the job was done so despite City Manager Jim
SHanson, who has recently said that it is not
warranted and. could create problems among
other employees within the city's pay plan.
Hanson at the Aug. 14 commission.meeting
said that he and Bussey have a "professional
disagreement" ov;er the issue. But he added that
he has a tremendous respect for Bussey .and
understands why she would want to upgrade
the position to try and get the best employee
The city's Human Resource director George
Foster agreed with the upgrade to an adminis-
trative secretary but not the, creation of the
deputy clerk position, according to city offi-
The neighboring Neptune Beach City Clerk's
Office employs a deputy city clerk. That city,
which has a population of roughly 7,400, offers
a hourly wage range of $12.04 [25,043 annual-
ly] to $21.61 [$44,949 annually].'
The population in Atlantic Beach is about
'13,400. ,
Brian Wiegert holds a stuffed crab as he and others participate in HeartSong / Kindermusik's
celebration of doing business at the Beaches for 10 years. At right, playing with bubbles are
Savannah LeNoble and Cole Powers. Kindermusik is a music and movement program for chil-
dren from birth to 7 years old. HeartSong is located on Penman Road in Jacksonville Beach
and beginning this year will be offering programs in Ponte Vedra Beach this fall at Beth El
.Synagogue on Roscoe Boulevard.
PaoP 6A
L arV- %YA-X .- -:- --- I
~. -- -..----'- .'. -- *-..- -
September 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Jessamine "Jaye" Albert, 93,
died Sept. 11, 2006-at Vicars
Landing, Ponte Vedra Beach,
after a short illness. Albert
was born :Jessamine :Mae
Meyer in St. Louis, Mo.
She is survived by her two
children, Wharton L.
Donaldson III of Ponte Vedra,
Beach, and ,Kate Supple of
Pawley's Island, S.C.; grand-
daughter Rachel Burney of
Jacksonille; daughter-in-law
Connie Donaldson, son-in-
law David Supple and grand-
son-in-law Christopher
SBurney. '
Ruth Campbell Summers died
Sept. 10, 2006 at the age of 109.
A native of Pennsylvania,
Summers retired as a teacher,
from the Athens School System
in the Keystone State and
moved to Ponte Vedra Beach
four years ago. She continued
work as a volunteer and wrote
for her local newspaper well,
into her 100s.
Sun mers is survived by her
granddaughters, Dianne Pike,
Ponte Vedra Beach, and Susan'.
Davis, Wellington, Fla.; two'
'great grandchildren, Laurie and,
Albert lived 'in
Philadelphia and several
other northern cities, the
state of Connecticut and
Delray Beach, Fla.
An 'active hospital volun-
teer, she enjoyed tennis and
golf, and also was an accom-
plished bridge player who
frequently hosted and
attended games. Albert was-
known as "The Bookpnark
Lady" of Vickers, making
bookmarks from 'greeting
cards and distributing them
freely. A talented artist and
multi-faceted individual, she
left various writings, an array
of paintings, drawings, and a
collection of jokes aid. car-
toons to remember her by,
according to family.
A memorial service for
Albert will be held at 2 p.m.
Friday at, Vicars Landing
Chapel. In lieu of flowers,
donations may be made in
her name to the Jacksonville
Humane Society, 8464 Beach
Arrangements by. Craig
Funeral Home.
Rickie Pike; four great-great
grandchildren, Josh, Kristin and
Casey Pike and Katie' Davis, as'
well as many nieces and
nephews. .
The family thanks all the
caregiverss at Avante Nursing
Home, Jacksonxille Beach, for-
the care they provided her. :
A memorial service Ifor
Summers will be held in
October in Ulster, Pa.
The family suggests memori-
als to Community Hospice.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home.
Sarah Elizabeth Hodgkins
Coale, 68, died Sept. 9,
A native of Daytona
Beach, Coale graduated
from St. Vincent's Nursing
School in 1959. She was
most recently the ER Charge
Nurse, at St. Luke's Hospital
and worked previously at
Memorial Hospital and
Baptist Medical Center
Coale was preceded in*
death by her husband, ,C.
' Dean Coale. She is survived
by her daughter, Elizabeth
(James) Muller; her son,
Richard D. Coale;, two
grandchildren, Dean' and
Brooke Muller; and two
brothers,. Pat and Dickie
A memorial service was
held Thursday in Christ'
Episcopal -Church, Ponte
Vedra Beach.
The family suggests dona-
tions to the Nielsen Organ
Transplant Foundation, 580
W. 8th St., Suite 8000,
Jacksonville 32209.
Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home .in charge of arrange-
Nona Lee Turpin
Atlanta to work as a secre-
tary at Riches Department
Store, she met and married
the late Jim Turpin.
The Turpins moved in the
early 1960s to Jacksonville
where, after Jim Turpin's
retirement from the Federal
Housing Authority, they set-
tied into a life of leisure,
travel and doing as they
A memorial service to
honor Turpin will be held at,
1 p.m. Saturday at
Community Presbyterian
Church, '150 Sherry Dr.,
Atlantic Beach.
In lieu of flowers, memo-
rial donations may be made
to Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Rd. Jacksonville,
Fla., 32257.,
Services under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Nona Lee Turpin, 90, died
September 10, 2006.- An
avid reader' and gardener,
she was a founding member
'of Isle. of Faith Methodist
Born April 15, 1916 in.
Adel, Ga., Turpin was an
accomplished pianist who
taught lessons for many
years. After moving to
Mark Alan Hendry, 44, of
Jacksonville Beach, died Sept.
14, 2006. He was born July 6,
1962 in Portsmouth, Va., and
moved to Florida in 1964.
He is described by family as
someone who liked everyone
and never met a stranger.
Hendry is survived by his
father, Ken (lona) Hendry;
brother, Mike Wayne (Shari)
Hendry and* stepbrothers,
Robert Ashton and Alan
Visitation will be held from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday in
Quinn-Shalz Chapel. Graveside
services will be held at 10 a.m.
Monday in Beaches Memorial
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests donations be made in
Hendry's honor to Haven
Hospice, 8301 Cypress Plaza
Drive, Suite 1'19, Jacksonville
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz' Funeral Home..
Obituary notices are published free of charge
as a conimunity service. All submissions are
subject to editing. Paid advertising space is
available for more detailed or personalized
death notices. Call 249-9033.
S4 i Funeral Home
SLeader -r Cremation''-
_- ;.-; :Cemetery
2 249-9033 Memorials
4750 Palm Valley Road
Ponte Vedra Beach
-" 4' \"" I ':904-285-1132)
Law Office of
Francis, P.A.
Ir-Rh~7"iHene Friancis..Itl.rt Iome, Liu-
~'~[,fjjy~l~A. Go,,.ett. -tAnio abit
"Helping Families Preserve Their Legacy"
* Estate Planning
Wills, Trusts and
* Adoptions
proto by CHUCK ADAMS
Capt. Bryan Bliss of Marine Max Yacht (from left), Barbara Cochran of Valley National Bank and Jeff Mobley, also of Marine Max,
stand Wednesday in front of one of the three yachts Bliss and Mobley took to Lulu's for a Ponte Vedra Chamber After Hours gather-
ing along the Intracoastal.
* Elder Law
Medicaid Planning
* Probate and
1807 N. Third Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
e-mail: franceislaw@bellsiith.net
The hiring ol'a lawyer is an unporlanit d,-..i,n [i 1 should not beh, ha.td -ld on aiieit-
ing. B yfore you decide, aik nei to send s.,u hi t, 'ill-n inlormanon a.,,uti ni quAh.ficaonI
and e.p:,erience.
J.R. Phillips
Nov. 18, 1931 Sept. 6, 2006
Emptt y ,Roc er
'ou uwed'to rlCt allday fong.
*Filled uiti sarcasm., vioumaLehs strong
Grouingi ap, i e playvedin your yard.
dDay n an 'Lay out. 'you Uwe aluwasv our guarL
Teasing and taunting is what you woulf do.
Teling usjokes, as if they were new.
You always hkiew the neighborhioodtafk.
Andspoke to everyone that strofled6y on a walk
You treatedus alas ifwe were your own,
And now you left us here alone.
Now the neigbi6orlioodwifnever 6e the same.
Without your jokes, it couldbe fame.
Now the porch has an empty rocker.
Who's going to talkto rle fonely u'si,'rs?
You wilTal(ways 6e remem6eredandmissed,
I Cove you so much, I want a goodbye kiss.
Love, Christine Speer
Cont. from A-6
Association, Prudential
Network Realty in
Jacksonville, Watson Realty in
Orlando, and Prudential
Palms Realty in Sarasota.
The City Council of
Jacksonville Beach honored
employee, Dave Butler, of the
city's Planning and
Development Department as
Employee of the second
Quarter for 2006. He was rec-
ognized for his outstanding
customer service skills work-
ing with both contractors and
The Beaches North Florida
Association, of Realtors
Council will now meet week-
ly at new NEFAR offices at
3130 South 3rd St., in the
Sand Castle Plaza. Those'
attending the meetings may
arrive by, 8:30 .m. and the
meeting starts at 8:45 a.m.
Pat Smith
has 'joined
Po W e r S
SD e si g n
Architects as
\vice presi-
dent, director
of architec-
t ure. With
Pat Smith more than 20
years experi-
ence in all phases of architec-
ture, Smith has been self-
employed in south Florida
since 1989. He has also
worked with a number of
leading architectural firms in
Fort Lauderdale and
Cincinnati. Smith received
his associate degree of archi-
tectural technology from the
University of Cincinnati,
where he also took additional
courses in construction man-
agement and rendering.
Currently residing in Ponte
Vedra Beach, Smith's interests
include classical French and
Italian Cooking, foreign lan-
guages and fine wines.
Founded in 1980, Powers
Design Architects provides
theming, graphic high design
services, planning, architec-
ture and landscape architec-
ture, services for a variety of
projects and clientele from
their office in Ponte Vedra
Burns has
Bank as
Manager at
the Beach
Stephanie Boulevard loca-
Burns tion.
Jessamine "Jaye" Albert
Sarah Elizabeth
Hodgkins Coale
Mark Alan Hendry
Ruth Campbell Summers
Business Briefs:
Pa e R A
September 15, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Bethel Gallery Art Shdw be at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Iluncheon will be at noon. The 5th Avenue and 11th Street
A new fall art show, "The Sept. 24 in the Cultural Center. church address is 1801 Beach North in Jacksonville Beach.
Harvest," will open today at OLSS is located at 545 AlA N Blvd.; the church office num- For information about this
the Bethel Gallery of Ponte in Ponte Vedra; call 285-2698 ber is 249-4575. and other concerts in the
Vedra Presbyterian Church. for information. series, call 270-1771.
The show will include works Golf Tournamnt
'by Shades of Grace Artists of. Foyer Groups: A Golf Benefit for Luther Prayer for Schools
"The Harvest" based on refer- St. Paul's by the Sea Springs Camp, Conference and On Thursdays from 9:30 to
ences from ther Bible.' "The Episcopal Churich 'will have Retreat Center will be held on 11 a.m, a,group meets at the
Harvest"' will be open until sign-ups for Foyer Groups NMonday, Sept. 18 at' the Golf Winston Family YMCA to pray
Oct. 15; viewing hours are through Sept. 17. Foyer Club at South Hampton in St. for school,: media, families,
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. Groups provide a way for peo- Augustine. There will be a. and church. The YMCA is on
to 5 p.m, and' Sundays from 9 ple to get to know other people demonstration by PGA Landrum Lane in Ponte Vedra.
a.m. to noon. they see ,at.church in a small Champions Tour member, For information calL285-0267.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian group setting. For information \ Woody Blackburn, anda silent
Church is located at 4510.Palm call the church office at 249- auction in addition'to the golf Happily Ever After
Valley Road. Questions. can be 4091; the church dislocated at ,, tournament. For details con- A marriage skills workshop
directed to 280-9075. 465 11th Ave.,N in Jacksonville tact Pastor Julie Frank of Lord called, Happily Ever After is
Beach .' of Life. Lutheran Church at being, offered by Vivian
Founders/Anniversary 285-5347 or Pastor Michael Bowlus, M.Ed., LMHC, and
Celebration 40 Days of Community Blaker at St. Andrew's by the certified Pre-marital .Instructor
The Perfecting Saints Ponte Vedra United ,Sea Lutheran Church at 249- at Ponte Vedra United
Church will have services, to Methodist Church will have a 4575 Methodist Church.
celebrate the church's dinner on Sunday, Sept. 17 at "The workshop is appropriate
Founder's/Anniversary Week at 5:30 p.m. as the opening event Lighthouse Golf- for engaged, newly married,'
7:30 p.m. on Oct. 4 through 8. for their ., "40, .Days of Tournament and couples considering mar-
The church address is 2949 Community" campaign. For The Annual Charity Golf; riage. The four-hour., sessions
Mayport Road in Atlantic information contact the Tournament to benefit St. will be held on the' first
249-2787. church address is 35 Executive held at Queens Harbor Golf begin at 8:30.a.m.
Way in Ponte Vedra. ..Club on Monday, Oct. 9. The For information and registra-
S Adult Classes entry fee is $100 With a $15 tion visit www.happily-ever-
Calvary Anglican Church Acquire the Fire. --- ------ discount for registration before after-fl.com. The church
has three new Sunday School Acquire the Fire, a Christian Sept. 11. Players of all levels address is 35 Executive Way in
classes for adults on Sundavs at vouth trall and concert, will be are welcome. St. Andrew's Ponte Vedra.
9 a.m, Topics for the classes are held at Veteran's Memorial Lighthouse provides tempo-
"The History of the World", Arena in lacksonville on rary housing for patients and Hebrew School
"Truth and Love in Christ" Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, their families who have trav- Registration is now open for
about deepening relationships Sept. 30. Tickets are $55 and "he Frut ofthe Spt" by Lynn Wehrmann is on exhibit in yelled to northeast Florida for the new Beaches Hebrew
with Christ, and an interactive $49 prior to September 15 and t a ... F t medical care. Contact Ed School at Chabad @' the
study of the books of Ruth and $60 and $55 at the door. For the new art sow led The Harvest at Bethel Gallery in Asher at 246-5606 for Golf Beaches. Classes for children
Esthei. Calvary has Sunday information call the Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church. Tournament registration or 'ages 5-13 will be- held on-
worship at 10:30 a.m. at Sabal Youthquake Live office at information. Wednesday and Sundays. To
Palm Elementary School at Christ the Redeemer Chuich in Dr. Jeanette C. Holmes and Anniversary Celebration schedule an appointment to
1201 Kernan Blvd. Call 241- Ponte Vedra at 285-8009 ext. the Hope Chapel Nlass Choir St. Andrew's by, the Sea Beaches Fine Arts Series learn about the school, contact
9400 for information. 33. will participate in the celebra- -Lutheran Church will have a The opening concert in the Hebrew School Director Leah
tion. All are invited to attend. covered dish luncheon on Beaches Fine Arts Series will be Kurinsky at 543-9301.
Kids for Jesus Women's Day St. Andrew A.M.E. Church is at Sundiy, Sept. 17,.,to celebrate. a performance by the Chris Information is also available at
Registration for the Kids for .:Celebration 125 9th St. S. in Jacksonville Pastor Mlichael Blaker's fifth Norman Ensemble on Sunday, www.ChabadBeaches.com/He
Jesus program at Our Lady Star Saint Andrew's African Beach. For information con- anniversary as St. Andrew's Sept. 17 at 3:30 p.m. The con- brewSchool. Chabad's address
of the Sea Catholic Church will Methodist Episcopal Church tact Dr. .Vallie NI. Hollowav, pastor.The church will provide cert is free and will be followed is 521 SR AIA in Ponte Vedra.
be after all Masses on Sunday. will have a Women's Day Chairperson, at 249--624. the meat and dessert; those by an art exhibit and recep-,
The first General Assembly Celebration on Sunday, Sept.' who plan to attend are asked tion. It will be held at St. Paul's
meeting of Kids for Jesus will 24 at 3:30 p.m. The Reverend t o bring a covered dish. The by the Sea Episcopal Church at See BRIEFS, A-9
CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH L F Worship.With / Hodges Boulevard
400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach r You Fa mil r 4140 Hodges Boule ard
28 5 M 7'C A.- a nA C.b'I Churc YOUYo r rFa il7 .w 4140 Hodges Bouleiard pa 1i
28 6127 / (Corner orChel's Creek Blid.) presrycerr,an church
Sunday 7:45. 9:00. 11:00 AMI. 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist c..,ne n.,,.. This Jacksomille*1904) 223-6922
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist me. ,c .... .. .r. www.hbpcusa.org
Wednesday 6:00 PM HolI Eucharist Meeung a Sbal P:lm Elemen Week Pastor: Rev. Joe Albright The falms Oasi.
Evening Praver in the Chape t. .i 12i N Keaa B.vd ,-. Sunday ) Schedule .a Communl Nture
6:00 PiM Mlon.. Tues.. Thurs.. Ffi. .,, ,i O---- "Scho: O ar a' Contemporry Worship: 9:11100 a.m. the Grace of Jesu C '..
Nursery Available for Saturda\ -,'r I : .' Sunda School All Ages: 10:00 a.m. to
& Sunday Sen ices -Traditional Worship: 11:00 a.m. ,re God's Mission in the World
All are welcome ChiistiEpiscopalChurch.or ,- ........... Nursery Provided
COASTAL CHRISTIAN 7/ ,, W.. Worship Opportunities SUNRISE Sunday Worship Services
avne Dyer 9:00 a.m. Contemporary* CO NIIMUNITY CHURCH 8.30 and 11.00 a.m.
Our Congregation meets at TVi Per f r Ite(.ut 11:15 a.m. Traditional* Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
Castillo de Mexico Louise Hay *idr Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church
1222 S Third Street Can Heal })ur Life L Sunday School Nursery at all services
1222 S. Third Street Deepak Chopra 10:00 a.m. for all ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
553-9910 Watci Is Thne -' t ke. Jeff Bennett.Pastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Sunday School
un ays in.ou're going to love our church! PONTE VEDRA Adam ellrs, Youth All ages 9:40 a.m.
Sunday Join us on Sundass at 10:30 a.m. PIOIN E 1 VI LJ. A J
Best Western al -35 Eecuiise Wa), PVB 298 Aquatic Drive
ST- rner Butler Blvd. ited M ethodistr- Acros' MtA from Rav lings School ,, u '-.-[:.. ri,,a .. '...'.I B a
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. -95 erBurBl. United Methodist Behind Prosperit Bank Atlantic Beach vv' ^ -, ., rsI-c-. r,.n ,
Jacksonville Church of ReUgious Science Ch ill-c 280-5141 w-vw.pi-umc.org Phone: 249-3030 c,L.-
WWW.COastalchristian.Org 398-4353 or wwv..jawcrs.org "'Connecting the Unconnected"
(., Tradirional.nglican Churchi ." "her L 10:end11 tL oe, ,:ud sClp Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD B
27HolyC o2 n B"451-Palm alle. dRo211dR2 I t), ,, Ribaul''1 Garden Cub 423N.8th Ave., Jax Beach ec
Holy Communion : ,eppeo 'b] a$ CfrC f Ribault Garden Club MSORSY D
every Sunday at 8:00 A.NI. Sun. Worship 900 & 10:301am. .15-ihwAl 4- '1 0 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch :, Rev.DanaA.Brones. Pastor
ol r t i h ap SundJa' Breakfast (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St N.) Phone: 249-5418
Holy Trinit meets in the Old Chapel Sund\ School 9:00am http://ww.blcjaxbeach.org
at 610 Florida Bhd., Neplune Beach Nursery & Toddler Ministries W orshp 10:15am 83am.110a Traditional
MAILANG ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 Middle, High School, College E-mail: meice
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 3224J.-0294 Adult MllislrleCs ne, beginnmgsbc@cleanvire.nei Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
wwn.holterinityneplunebeach.org ___ MUSic & Airt Mlilistles W\ebsite Sinda) School 9:45 a.m.
Re'. Robert C. Adams. Vicar Home of a Bedthle/hem \ m1sil V. onr1hn ithnew beginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) :IN-THE-FIELD e BEACHES CHICH Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
(BYA Stephe S EAregation Er sCOr~ CHURCH Episcopal Church ..... Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
1801 Beach BIlvd. 6 D) A .. NEP 0" UNE" BEAfCH Youth Fellowship 11:30a.m.
Jacksonille Beach 24-19-4575 -/ R EAL ROOTED, RELEVANT 'r .. r Nursery Provided-
PASTOR MICHAEL BLAKER 895 alm Valley Road. 'Pt Steve McCoy I ....
Sunday Wor i Ponte Vedra, FL, 543-0112, PasorS CHRIST
8:00 a &13www.saintfrancisepiscopalchurch.org '1F Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
8:00 am & 10:30 am ,Sunday Services Welcome Families Cnhildrens Chapel At 10 am Sun WORSHIP SERVICES ,.
Sunday School 8:45am-9:30am Christian Formation for' Welcome Families Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15AM 400 Penman Road(at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Preschoolers-Adults & Singles Chmstian Formation At 9 00 am ,' Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249,5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 amn 9:30am-10:Ooam FellowshipTime Corner of 5th.St. & 11th Ave. N. .Jax Beach, FL* www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 ReV. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided (Children's Ca usery ala urg servtiem. 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the loveof Christ
'" ;'* CHURCH UIITHIER'ANL I CHURCH A'UN N- E of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC CHURCH
*2 R Se Allaric Bah FL LUTHERAN CHURCH 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mavport Rd. Atlantic Beach
S Rev.Dr. Gabe Godmar Pas:,r (ELCA) Bapt it Church Come worship with us by the ocean. Fater, Josep Meehan
,dlP r u -8. 276 N. RoscoeBlvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach
-. r. ,,"l mriarync'i;t, Ph285-5347 6:3... ........esacksonvlleBeac 8a:0 EE9KEN MASSE5SmLI
pwv3comrrunItyp,.;aor Ph. 285-5347 6:30 p-Contemporary Worship Service 8:00&9:00amud
Schedule R ulie FrankPasto SUNDAY Service Celebration Praise Father Win. A. Kelly, pastor Sunaay 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
Sch ev e ran asor 9:00 am Contemporary WorshipService 10:45 am Nursery Avalable Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Woiship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am-Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Nursery Available Sunday MoniATON
Church S:honol. All Ages c. am 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00, 8:30 10:00, Saturda 00a.m orb apt.
Youth Fellowships in 6:30.pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper1Se 0 a.m. & 7 p.m.a7m RELIGIOUS EDUCATION -
ContemporaryWorship Serv 5:59 p.m. SundayChurch School9:45am Bible StudiesforEveryge& Life Situation 6:30Choir, Bible StudyYouth 130a.m 7p.m. E G S C O
Chancel Choir Wednesdaysp.. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor. *246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed.Sunay6:00.m.(K-3)7:15 pH.S.(4-6gr.)
'Chancl oi 'eesdays 7 i. SundayLBW Wrsipo 1 0 netwwweptunehaptistorg NePtune Beach -James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Suna-y 6:00 p.m.'t-H.S.)-
Weekday PreschoolKindergarten (3, & 5 yr ol Nursery Provided Tom Bary Pastor 904-249-2 ww.fccbdoc.comemail:fccbdo@bellsouth.net After a.m. Mass & 430 20 p.m. 246-6014
m I j,.,JlrlPalm Valley Baptist Church BI TE B' abbi ,lie ren-YPtF, PhD. Spirit Leder, OCEANSIDE,
S489p3a'm "die, Ro,0 Pc.Ponte'.'Cdia d BIET*W L Rabbi F. -,-,,, P t Leadex O A IDE
285-2447 4, d,-,.fl .- .n s, StiuaitWilhalin, Presideut CHURCH OF.CHRIST FIRS BAPTIST
r. ,fK .....ml r'-" 1025 Snug Harbor Court I n C111" 40>
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senioi Pastor Chfid f hdi 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off MayportRd.at W. 11th St. and Orchid
(off Mayport Rd. at VV. 11th St. and Orchi
d, )00d a q t -q Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sunday for: Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages 9:15AM We have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709
Even ble Study 00 Pm S and ay :00 & 00am conunufity. Please contact our office m-f8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miihister Blended Worship 10:30a.m.
Wednesday Evening opportunities: Sunday 8:00am, 9:30a & 11:00am education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunda 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PM Snday, a.m
Children and Youth Bible Study 7:00PM (904)268-2500 "A home for Jewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Adult Worship Service 7:00 PM
Child Care nd Nursery provided for all activities! www.MandarinChristian.com ..,.. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
'The righteousshallflourishlike the palm tree..."Psalms 9212 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. ... Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
Sente,"yer 15 -0a06
Cont. from A-8
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery, a biblical
based program for persons fac-
ing personal problems, meets
every Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the
fellowship hall of Beach United
Methodist Church, 3rd Street
at, 7th Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and same-
gender small groups, people
can work on personal struggles
such as eating disorders, alco-
hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
dency. The evenings begin with
dinner. Call 249-2343.
Men's group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, at 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
The church address is 4140
Hodges Blvd. For information
call 223-6922.
'The .men's group from
Calvary' Anglican Church,
meets at 6:15 a.m. Friday at
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach
Boulevard at San Pablo Road.
Pastor David Sandifer leads the
The men's group from Beach
United Methodist Church will
have the first meeting for 2006
on Monday, Feb. 6 at the
Golden Corral Restaurant at,
14035 Beach Blvd. at 6 p.m.
A men's Bible study is held at
7 a.m. Monday at Ponte Vedra
United ,Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra'
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at' 7 a.m.
Wednesday in the Youth
Center/Fellowship Hall.
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts at 7
St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church has a Men's Prayer
Group and Bible Study which
meets on the first and third
Saturday of the month at 8
a.m. in Stormes Hall.
The men's group also partic-,
ipates in outreach efforts. All
are welcome to attend. The
address is 465 11th Ave. N. in,
Jacksonville Beach.
Sunrise Community Church
offers Men's Study Groups at 6
:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. on
WVednesdays. Contact the.
church office at 249-3030 for'
information; the church
address'is 298 Aquatic Driv\ in
At~antic Beach.
T, ^ Singles groups
The following are church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church member-
ship is not required:
St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church has Young Adult
Group meetings. Contact
Pastor Mike at 249-4575 for
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville has monthly
Single Adult Ministry meet-
ings. Contact .Pastor David
Wheeler at 223-6000 for infor-
mation. Childcare is provided
for some events.
Beach United Methodist'
Church has Monday Night
Alive for singles at 7 p.m.. on
Monday nights and Singles
Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on
For information visit
www.beachumc.org or call 249-
2343. BUMC is located at 325
7th Ave. N.
Beaches Chapel Church, 610
Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Singles over age 33 meet the
last Saturday of the monthat 7
p.m. at the church. 241-4211.
Christ Episcopal Church, 400
San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra,
offers a singles ministry called
Solo Flight. For information
contact the church office at
Christ the Redeemer Chiurch,
190 S. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte
'edra Beach. Weekly Bible
study and monthly social event
such as square dancing for ages
30 andup. 280-5813.
Patriots Day at Neptune Baptist
True oroFalse:
The combined weight of every ant
in the world is greater than the
combined weight of every human.
* "I
Beth El holds special program
Beth El the Beaches
Synagogue invites the commu-
nity to attend a special pro-
gram and Slihot Service on
Saturday at 9:30 p.m. followed
by the service at 11:30 p.m.
Jewish people are taught that
the time of the new moon in
the fall is the anniversary of
creation. At this time God
makes a decision about the
renewal of creation, according
to a press release from Beth El.
The High Holidays are cele-
brated as a season of introspec-
tion, self-searching, and repen-
tance in preparation for God's
judgement of creation, accord-
ing to the press release.
The Slihot program and serv-
ice are held before the. begin-
ning of the Jewish High
Holidays which begin with the
New Year or Rosh Hashanah
on September 22.
The Day of Atonement or
Yom Kippur is on Oct. 1.
High Holiday Schedule
Partrolman Gene McDonald from the JSO, from left, Capt. Ryan McAvoy from Jacksonville
Beach Fire and Rescue, and Lt. Jeffrey Morris from the U.S. Navy, participated in a panel dis-
cussion with Pastor Tom Bary at Neptune Baptist Church.
Members of the military, police, and fire and
rescue departments were honored at Neptune
Baptist Church at Patriot Day services on
Sept. 9 and 10.
"Recognizing first responders in the com-
munity, was a way for the church to do some-
thing positive for Patriot's Day," said Alan
Walker, Music Minister at Neptune Baptist.
The services gave the church and the con-
gregation an' opportunity to "celebrate our
current heroes."
S"There was a good showing of fire fighters,
"Ailitary personnel, and police officers in urn-
form," said Walker.
Pastor Tom Bary, pastor of Neptune Baptist,
preached at the services. He also led a panel
discussion with three first responders who are
also members of the congregation.
Bary's sermon topic was "Living like there's
no tomorrow," said Walker.
The topic was especially appropriate to
honor those who "live and work in harms way
every day," said Walker.
Patrolman Gene McDonald from the
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office; Captain Ryan
NMcAvoy from the Jacksonville Beach Fire and
Rescue Department; and Lt. Jeffrey Morris, a
U.S. Navy helicopter pilot stationed at
Mayport, participated in the papel.disci,ission.
The -tWhee.ImeiaJga_,' their p ctivo
ser-viaeWto the community- and how being a
Christian effects what they do, said Walker.
--"A video with patriotic images was shown
* during the services," he said.
"After this the congregation was asked to-
stand and show their appreciation for what
they (the first-responders) do every day."
Pastor Tom Bary preaches on "Living Like
There Is no Tomorrow" at Patriot Day
Services at Neptune Baptist Church
Services for the High Holidays
will be held by Chabad @ the
Beaches at the following times.
Chabad Is located at 521 SR AIA
in Ponte Vedra; some of the serv-
ices will be held at the Hampton
inru at 1220 Marsh Landing
Parkway. For information call
Chabad at 543-9301 or visit
, www.ChabadBeaches.com/Hholi
Maartv Service 7:00 pm
Morning Service 8:15 am
Mincha Service 7:00 pm
Morning Service 8:15 am
Shofar Blowing 11:45 am
Mincha Service 7:00 pm
Maariv Service 7:50 pm
Kol Nidre Service 7-00 pm
Oct 2nd .
Morning Service 8:15 am
Yizkor Service 12 p.m.
Mincha Service S p.m.
Nefilla Service 6 p.m.
Shofar Sounding 7 p.m.
Havdalla Service 8 p.m.
Services for the High Holidays
are at the following times at Beth
El the Beaches Synagogue locat-
ed at 288 N. Roscoe Blvd.in
Ponte Vedra. For Information
contact the synagogue office at
Erev Rosh Hoshanah 8 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m. and 8
Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m.
Tashlikh 1 p.m.
Kol Nidre 7 p.m.
Yom Kippur 9 a.m.
Break The Fast 7:50 p.m.
(RSVP's are necessary
INSTALLATION AVAILABLE....................ONLY sq. ft.
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Starting at, -
Church activities for kids
. The following events are
held at Beaches area churches
on Wednesday for youngsters:
*Pilm .\alley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra 'has Bible Study
has a Family Dinner at 6 p.m.
and children and' youth Bible.
study at 7 p.mi. Call 285-2447.
*Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets, 7 p.m. to.
8:30 p.m., beginning with
group praise and worship, fol-,
lowed by small groups for fel-'
lowship, Bible study and
praver.The church is at 298
Aquatic Drive, Atlantic Beach.
Call, 249-3030.
*Bethlehem .. Lutheran
Church at1423 8th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach has Junior
High'Youth Group activities
from 6:-45 to 8 p.ni. The Senior
High Youth Group meets on
Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.Im. Call
*Christ Episcopal Church at
Solana Road and San Juan
Drive in Ponte Vedra offers
dinner in the parish hall: for,
youth and families at 6:15 p.m.
A children's art program is held.
from 7 to 8 p.m.,
Church choir school to
develop musical skill and
Christian formation is offered
for age 3 through sixth grade
prior to. Wednesday evening
dinner. The school is free and is
given by Dr. Timothy McKee,
Music Director of the church.
Call 285-6127.
S*Youths .in grades six
through 12 meet at 7 p.m.' to
8:30 p.m.. on Sundays follow-
ing Sunset at Palms in the
Youth Center/Fellowship Hall
at Palms Presbyterian Church,
3410 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 246-6427.
*Dynamic Disciples (grades
K-5). has resumed at First
Christian' Church of the
Beaches from 6:30 to 7:45.
Teens in Motion Youth Group'
meets for special events and
trips. The church address is
2125 Oceanfront, Neptune
Beach. Call 246-2010
'Family Bible Church' at
4760 Palm Valley Road has'
Building Blocks for kids ages 3
to 6 and Kids Club for grades
one through 5 meeting at 7:15
p.m. Bridge Builders for grades
6 through 12 meets from 7 to
8:30 p.m. Call 280-5694.
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' B ET M 288 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Iedra Beach. Phone 273-9100
:>^ hiji()tng one anb all 2 t1 Aueet anb appp Retu Pear
ROSH HASHANAH EVE. Friday, 9/22 8:00 p.m. 1Beth El, the Beaches Synagogue is an
Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat, 9/23 9:00 a.m., 8:00 p.m. egalitarian' Conser'vative Synagogue
ka Rosh Hashanah, Sunday. 9/24 9:00.a.m,;,: that welcomes all who wishlto worship
S Tashlikh Service -1:00 p.am,: God in the tradition of the Hebrew
--Scriptures. We invite all out-of-town
,"V YOM KIPPUR EVE, SUNDAY, 10/1 7:00 p.m. .prmed forces personnel and college
sAa Yore Kippur 9:00 a.m. students to be our guests for the holi-
days. Please call our office, 904-273-
Children Services pre-k to 2nd grade
'i Rabbi E. Ben-Yehuda, PhD., Spiritual Leader
10:30a.m. 9100 f reservationss.
Stuart Beckerman & Loretta Cornelius, co Presidents _J
itP, QQ 1,cnj
" Buuug-wiiiser"
- - -. ..-.- L- -. --,
. - - -
September 15, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 10A*
"Nease presents a case for the defense
Quick jabs
from the
T e national media still
isn't giving much credit
to the Jacksonville
Jaguars. Following Sunday's
season-opening victory over
Dallas, the lone highlight on
many broadcasts was Terrell
Owens' meaningless fourth
quarter touchdown. The fol-
low-up stories were about
Cowboys QB Drew Bledsoe's
untimely interceptions not
about how the Jags' defense
forced those turnovers. Guess
Rodney Dangerfield didn't
have the market cornered on
that "No respect" theme.
Fletcher swimmers are
putting together fine sea-
sons. The boys and girls
teams are undefeated and
not just winning, but
trouncing opponents. Led by
coach Bob Anderson, the
Senators' swim teams look
poised to make a splash in
the upcoming district,
regional and perhaps even
state championships.
Coach Craig Howard's
Nease Panthers continue to
put up PlayStation-like num-
bers on offense and the team's
defense looks as formidable as
ever. When Nease steamrolled
iMemphis. University School in
the Bill- Bates'lasisic, "i'iwas -'
hard to tell whether the
Panthers were that good or if
the Owls were out of their
league. Last Friday Nease
pounded Sanford Seminole,
48-0, and our man on the
scene, Johnn'y Woodhouse,
says the score could have been
more like 62-0. Of course, the
real test comes Oct. 6 against
arch-nemesis St. Augustine.
Ever been underwater?
Can't hear a thing, right? So ,
why do parents and team-
mates cheer so much at
swim meets?
End the debate now.
Baseball's MVP award is for
everyday players and the Cy
Young is for pitchers. There's
no way a starting pitcher -
who can impact maybe 30
games a season should be
considered as MVR A player
who is "most valuable" will
also make contributions in
many pf the other 130 games,
No one ever said you have
to be brilliant to run fast.
Following news thather "B"
sample turned up negative
for the banned drug EPO,
sprinter Marion Jones pro-
claimed "This proves I have
never taken performance-
enhancing drugs." Slow
down, ma'am. It's an
Olympian leap of logic to
think being cleared of dop-
ing in one test means you've
never cheated. The cloud of
suspicion remains for Ms.
.Why do people put so
much stock in NFL analysts
on television? Time and again
they are wrong in their predic-
tions and pronouncements,
yet folks still think they have
some sort of "insider" knowl-
edge. Memo to the masses:
Just because someone is on
television (or writing a news-
paper column) it doesn't make
them smarter or better or
more informed than you.
Would you rather be Roger
Federer or Tiger Woods?
Both are at the top of the
games. Tiger makes more
money, but Roger has virtual
anonymity. And then there's
the Elin factor...
Best bets for the weekend:
Great college footbal'games
including Florida-Tennessee,
Miami-Louisville, Notre
Dame-Michigan and LSU at
Danny Cowgill's rebuilt
Nease High defense hasn't been
scored on this season.
There's a reason for that.
The state-ranked Panthers (2-
0, Class 4A No. 3) possess two
of the best cover comers in the
area in seniors Mario Butler
and Justin Grant, and a new
trio of linebackers who are
playing like varsity veterans.
Nease 113-2 in 20.05) graduat-
ed three Division I linebacker
signees last season, but new
starters Ryan Chiodo, Al Della
Porta and Riley Hayes have
,filled in admirably.
Chiodo saw a lot of game
time last season backing up
Hunter Haynes: (Wake Forest)
and filling in for the injured
Charlie Kirschman (Alabama).
Della Porta was formerly the
principal understudy for
Manny Wellington (Florida
International) .
"Those guys have been in
our system, so by the time they
get here, they know how to
play," said Cowgill, a Nease
linebacker in the early 1990s
who went on to play small col-
lege football,
"There was a learning curve
for them, but through their
hard work they accelerated
"And one of the things that
bought them a little time is our
secondary. Those guys are real-
ly good."
Butler started all 15 games at
cornerback last season. Grant, a
transfer from Ribault, is off to a
great start with three picks last
week against Sanford Seminole,
including a 40-yard intercep-
tion return for a score.
Last season at Ribault, Grant
recovered a fumble and
blocked a kick in a season-
opening win.
"He's a really good natural
athlete," said Cowgil] about the
6-foot, 170-pound Grant.
"We just had to teach him
the schemes. He's a real bright
young man. It was like putting
a.fish in water.".. I-i
* Nease'-ea-a,"''0-c .6hig
Howard said Memphis
University High didn't com-
plete a pass against Grant in
the season opener at the
University'of North Florida.
Last week at Sanford's
Thomas Whigham Stadium,
the host Seminoles tested
Grant once too often.
"I was really pleased because
he's been off the radar a little
bit and there were some college
recruiters here tonight," said
Howard after last week's 48-0
shutout win.
"Our two comers have great
Safeties Hunter Bates and
Jared McNaught did not allow
a long completion last week.
Sanford's biggest pass play, a,
28-yard 'catch-and-run by
Andre Debrose, came, after
Debrose cutback a short dump
That drive ended with a
Nease volleyball chalked up a
pair. of victories Tuesday and:
Wednesday to improve to 7-2
on the season.
On Tuesday, the Panthers
closed out' Pedro Meneridez
High by a 3-0 count. Scores were
25-12, 25-22 and 26-16.
Meghan .Sherman had 19
assists and seven kills, Wesley-
Ann Barden had nine kills and
Paige DePriest, had six kills
against the Falcons.
Cierra Pillsbury recorded 21,
digs and 13 points in the match,
Against St. Joseph Academy
on Wednesday, Nease, posted
another 3-0 victory. Scores were
25-14, 25-15 and 25-14.
Sherman once again led the
Panthers with 25 assists, 14
service points, nine kills, 12
digs, five blocks and three aces.
Laura Phillips chipped in
with seven kills and five blocks,
Tara Carrigan totaled 11 service'
points, and Christina Vergo
recorded seven kills and six
Nease 140, Fletcher 167
The Panthers shot 4-under
par as a team to knock off
Beaches rival Fletcher on
Wednesday afternoon.
Panthers freshman Ed Waller
was medalist with a nine-hole
,Ph'. :. b RCOB DeANGELO
,Panthers defensive linemen Kyle Timpane (22) and Danny Rusasll (74) converge on a Memphis University Sacool ball carrier cur-.
ing the Bill Bates Classic Aug. 26 at the University of North Florida. Timpane a.itt ..sell anchor Neae's first-unit defense, which
has yet to yield a point this season.
Grant interception at the
Nease 5-yard line.
The Panthers return two
starters on the defensive line in'
Danny Russell and ,Kyle-
Timpane. The duo are'joined
by newcomers Ty Carzoli and
John Gallagher. Former nose
guard Clyde Yandell has moved
to right tackle on offense.
"This is. the best offensive
line I'ye had since I came to
Florida in 1994," said Howard,
who lost four starting linemen,
off last year's state title team,
including his son, Bo, now a
walk-on fullback at the
University of Florida.
"Clyde and James Wilson are
both Division I recruits and
over 300 pounds each."
Another bright spot this sea-
son is senior placekicker Allen
Schaefer, who backed up col-
As defensive coaches,
I guess we're always
insecure. Even ,after 14
games last year we won-
dered if we were any
good heading into Miami
[for the state champi-
onship game].
Danny Cowgilt
Defensive coordinator
lege signee Alex Amaral last.
Schaefer booted field goals
of 27 and 43 yards last week,
had a pair of touchbacks and a
25-yard PAT.
"He didn't ;miss a kick
tonight," said Howard after
last week's game.
"I've had' a history of great
kickers, not that I had any-
thing to do with that. Allen
replaced a tremendous kicker
and he struggled a little against
'Memphis, but he's putting it in
the end zone now."
SCowgill, who returned only
four starters on defense, said
the majority of his new first-
teamers saw "plenty of reps
last year in games" when
Nease was way out in front on
the scoreboard.
Those reps have allowed
McNaught to fill the safety
shoes of Ted Stachitas, now
Nease's starting quarterback.
And Butler's former backup,
senior Quentin Huggins, has
moved over to offense as a slot
Asked to explain how, a
defense with essentially seven
new 'starters has logged two
shutouts right out of the gate,
Cowgill chose his words care-
"We ask a lot of them, but I
also know that they work so
hard," he explained.
-"As defensive coaches, I
guess .we're always insecure.
You just never know. Even
after 14 games last year we
wondered if we were any good
heading into: Miami [for the
state championship game].
"The attitude we try to con-
vey with the kids is that we
just want, to be 1-0 every
total of 33.
Other Nease scores 'included
Kyle Lepore with a 34, Kevin
Phelan (36) and Tyler McCum-
ber with a 37.
Nease 164, ,Fleming Island
169, Bolles 172, Bartram Trail
176, Gainesville Buchholz
187, Episcopal, 191, Bishop;
Kenny 225, Menendez 249
, The Panthers topped an
eight-team field in a match
played Tuesday at Ponte Vedra
Golf & Country Club.
'Catherine O'Donnell and
Brighid Hourihan each shot a
38 for the Panthers.
Nease 227, Middleburg 44
Nease 227, Middleburg 27
Panthers swimmers defeated
Middleburg Tuesday at the
Winston Family YMCA in Ponte
Vedra Beach.
In the boys meet, Nease won
the 200-yard medley relay, the
200 freestyle relay and the 400
freestyle relay.
In individual races, Wes
Stevenson won the 200
freestyle, 'Peter Killian won the
200 individual medley, Matt
Schlytter took the 50 free and
100 breaststroke, Davied Killian
was first in the 100 butterfly,
Panthers swimmer Kristen Gerkins competes.in the 200-yard freestyle race Tuesday against
Middleburg. Gerkins won the race, as well as the 100-yard backstroke and helped lead the
Nease girls team to victory.
and Michael Woodcock won
the 100 backstroke.
In the girls meet, Nease teams
won all three relays.
Individually, Kristen Gerkins
won the 200 free and 100 back-
stroke, Ashton Crosby won the
200 individual medley, Kelsie
' Wenzel claimed first in the 50
free, Amanda Santillo was first
in the 100 butterfly and 100
breaststroke, Katie Kahlbaugh
won the 100 free, and Brooke
Lockerman finished first in the
500 free.
Panthers volleyball, swimming claim wins
,UPrLItpmhpLrU 1 j1^ i TheV
A according to the Oxford
dictionary the word
retro means: reviving or
harking back to the past. We
see a lot of retro these days --
in fashion, music, and design.
Now, you might say, we have
"retro road racing."
Yes folks, on the anniversary
of the 30th River Run, we
have a real birthday surprise,
the Retro River Run.
The organizers of the race,
the Jacksonville Track Club,
want to give next year's race a
Hollywood-style hype fest and,
make it a race to remember.
There will be special festivities
going on all week long build-
ing up to the great moment-
the Gate River Run on March
10, 2007.
But first, a moment of
reflection: The year was 1977
and a few members of the
newly-founded Jacksonville
Track Club created the germ of
an idea that would grow to
become the River Run 15,000
(a name that would last for
. several years until the Gate
Petroleum Company became
the title sponsor). The great
new race was set for March
1978. .
That's the year that Israel
and Egypt signed the Camp
Da'id Peace Treaty. Jimmy
Carter was president. A mass
murder/suicide took place in
Guyana, Africa engineered by
cult leader Jim Jones. Keith
Moon, drummer of the rock
band, The Who, died.
Jamaican Reggae artist, Bob
Marley, orchestrated the "One
!. : .
Love Peace Concert," uniting
two opposing political leaders,
in Kingston. Israeli forces
invaded Lebanon in Operation
Litani. "Charon," a moon of
Pluto, was discovered. Now,
sadly, Pluto is not even'con-
sidered a planet and who
knows what ever happened to,
Chaion. :
Volunteer race director, JTC
Board Member Buck Fannin,
aided by fellow board mem-
bers Jay Birmingham, George
Burns and his son, Richard
Fannin, mapped out the, :
race's course which they
determined should showcase
as much of Jacksonville as
It would start and finish
downtown in front of the
Daniel Building, along the
north bank of the mighty St.
Johns River. Then it would
pass through downtown
before crossing the river using
the Main Street Bridge.
Runners would then enjoy
a. few miles beautiful historic
scenery as they journeyed
through old San Marco and
St. Nicholas. But the course.
was not designed to be a
cakewalk. Toward the end of
the race a giant challenge
loomed over the runners in
the form of the Hart Bridge.,
The four pioneers of that
first race had just run the
New York Marathon together
and they were awestruck.
They wanted to bring a simi-
lar experience to Jacksonville.
They figured: New York has
bridges; we have bridges, New
York has distinctive neighbor-
hoods and so do we. If New
York can have a grand scale
race then so can Jacksonville.
That first River Run took
place on a hellishly hot late
morning in March 1978. Even
so, 2,204 runners finished the
inaugural event;
Now, another 2,204 runners
can enjoy the excitement of.
finishing the nearest best
'thing to that 1978 River Run:
the Retro River Run set to
take place on March 3, 2007.
The Retro is a 5K that will
start at the River Run runner
statue on Coast Line Drive at'
virtually the same spot where
the first River Run began. The
abbreviatedi course will tra-
verse the Main St. and Acosta
Bridges (not quite the same
but nevertheless you cross the
river twice on two different
bridges) and will finish on
Coast Line Drive near the
original finish line.
Here is a real retro joy: The
race entry fee is genuine
1978, $3 early, $5 day-of-race. .
Included is a t-shirt with the
original foot-over-water River
Run 15,000 logo.
"It's a fun-run designed to
kick off the special 30th year
celebration of the race," said
JITC official, John TenBroeck. m
He continued: "There will
be no official results and only
2,204 people will be allowed
in the race. Because that is
bow many finished it in 1978.
All of the Streakers (those
who have run all 29 River
Runsi are invited to run it and ',
they will start up front."
In addition to the Retro
race the Gate River Run corn-
mittee is going all out to
make this the most fantastic,
memorable River Run to date;
TenBroeck said: "We will have
more national publicity than
ever in the hope of having a U
bigger race than iNew York's.
Boilermaker 15K, which had
500 or so more runners than
us last year. We plan to spend
over $5,000 to make the
world's biggest cake."
A five thousand dollar
cake? Yes, and he's serious.
The post-race cake i'ill not "
only feed the multitude but is
intended to be a Guinness
Book of World Records con-
tender. There go the diets of
more than 9,000 people.
Retro apparently is in and
already the Retro River Run is
nearly filled to capacity. To
sign up go online to Gate-
RiverRun.com or 1st Place
Sports.com and make it
'Retro' hits the running circuit
with upcoming Retro River Run
A bowling league for seniors
55 and up is being formed at
Beach Bowl on Beach
Boulevard. Competition in the
Monday league will begin at 1
p.m., with practice starting at
12:45 p.m. Call Paula at 249-
9849 for information.
.Y a
Youth league scores from
Beach Bowl can be found at'-
beac-lisliadef.cifd th' the, 1;1 :
sports section.
Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fanta-
sy football league will present
this season's Monday Night
Football games on the movie
screen in the main showroom
at Atlantic Theatres. Doors will
open at 7:30 p.m. every
Monday throughout the NFL
A draft party is slated for
Aug. 30 and the league has a
$20 entrance fee. Proceeds will
be distributed to winners at the
end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for
others. Proceeds from admis-
sion charges will be donated to
H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity
providing K-12 scholarships for
at-risk youngsters in the
Jacksonville area.
For more information con-
tact Brvce Pfanenstiel at 249-
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K,
(3.1 miles) run/walk, along
with healthy' living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune..,
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls/For more infor-
mation phone (904) 321-
4315 or visit,
The Jacksonville Chapter of
the Florida Association of
Mortgage Brokers will host its
31st annual fundraiser.and
charity golf outing
Wednesday,. Sept, 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club in Orange
Park. ,
Proceeds from this year's
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing qua ity services for
area youngsters and families.
Registration for the event
will, begin at 8a.m. and a.
shotgun start will take place
at 9 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.
For lunch only, it's $25 per
For more information, con-
tact Valerie Saunders at (904)
The Ponte Vedra Predators
Lacrosse League will conduct
registration for interested 4th
graders to 8th graders for the
fall season. Registration will
take place Sept. 20 from 3:45
p.m. until 5:30 p.m. at
Landrum fields. Practices
* and games will be take place-
Mondays and Wednesdays
from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
The season will continue
until Oct. 25.
!I C Al'. ., ZI' J J 1 1. j VIIU.)1 \ *I\
LI "0oron (1eaSeSaeIs arienBqmi'T 6
Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer tournaments for
all ages throughout the fall.
For more information phone
(904) 346-3946 or visit Web site
at vwww.jaxindoorsports.com.
A senior men's doubles league
at the "C" level will begin
October 10 at Huguenot Tennis,
Center. Seniors must be over 50
years old to qualify.
An organizational meeting and
play will take place Monday, Sept.
18 at the center beginning at 9
a.m. Matches will take place
Friday mornings from Oct. until
April 2007.
For more information phone
Bob Totter at 247-1865.
St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a men's
18-and-over basketball
league. The league begins on
Sept. 6. All games will be
played Monday and
Wednesday between 6:30
p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. A
mandatory captains meeting
will be held at 6 p.m. Aug.
28 at the gym.
For more information,
contact T.J. Jackson at (904)
Turkey Hunting
Special-opportunity spring
turkey hunt applications for
the 2007 season are available
from the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission iFWC).
Hunters can obtain appli-
cations at MyFWVC.com and
at all FWVC regional offices.
Applications will be accepted
at MyIFWC.com, county tax
collectors' offices or at any
license agentbeginning at
10 a.m.; Sept. 12; applica-
tions must be received by
midnight Oct. 17. .
A random drawing decides
who willreceive the permits,
the demand for which is typ-
ically greater than the num- '
ber available.
Hunters can increase their'
chances of being selected by
submitting as many $5 non-
refundable applications as
they like. Successful appli-
cants pay an additional $50 -
$175, depending on the spe-
cial-opportunity hunt area
selected. :
For more information' on
special-opportunity Osceola
turkey hunts, visit the Web
site at MyFWC.com/hunting.
The Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Pnolio -ubmrnad
The First Coast Soccer Association under-15 girls team won the
2006 Black Watch Labor Day Tournament in Tampa. Seated from
left: Angela Cicchino, Hayley Chandler, Lindsay Gamboa, Taylor
Viana, Paige Subjinski, Allison Shemanski. Second row: Kelly
Andres, Marki Lyon, Brittney Duffy, Amanda Pamas. Top row:
Danielle Hancock, Erin Moseley, Taylor Harbison, Vanessa Jones.
Commission is headquar-
tered at 620 S. Meridian St.,
Tallahassee, F la, 32399-
1600. Its phone number is
Hunters and fishermen
who repeatedly violate
Florida's fish and wildlife
laws may face enhanced
A new law increases penal-
ties for repeatedly violating
saltwater or freshwater fish-.
ing and hunting laws. The
law also increases the penal-
ty for hunting or fishing
with a suspended or revoked
Hunting or fishing with a
suspended or revoked license.,
is now a first-degree misde-
meanor. Anyone convicted
of violating the law now
faces a mandatory $1,000
fine and five-year suspension
of all FWC recreational
licenses, and also could be
sentenced to up to a year in
j ail. '
world-renowned experts in cosmetic plastic
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The Beaches ,Leadir/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page I IA
Senteber 1- 200
Pape 12A
Little Leaguers, big dreams
Photos by Jennifer Knoechel
r ".Mr N1 0
aturday was opening day for the Atlantic Beach Athletic
Association's fall baseball season at Jack Russell Park.
TOP PHOTO: Will Shepherd, 6, throws to first base as the
Yankees 6-Under tee ball team plays its first game.
ABOVE: Timmy Barbarito, 5, swings for a base hit.
LEFPT Celine Williams, 5, runs to first as she reaches safely for
her first base hit of the season.
BELOW: Grant Shepherd, 4, on first base watches the next bat-
ter alongside Yankess head coach Richard Miller, right.
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SSepiember 15, 2006
Th e Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
'4-d" - --4.- *' -~ .- -
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
* Calendar ...
Ssee B-6
* Get Out!
... B-7
S Around the Home
(right) ... B-8
Celtic ensemble will
extend its BFAS stay
pfioic0 SuCr-min-d
The Chris Norman Ensemble is (from left) percussionist Nick Halley, flutist Chris Norman, guitarist Andy Thurston and bassist
James Blachly. The group will also perform at the Mayo Clinic on Friday, Sept. 22.
The Beaches Fine Arts Series
opens its 34th season Sunday
with renowned flute player
Chris Norman, featured on
the Oscar-winning "Titanic"
soundtrack and the 1998
Holl-wood film, "Soldier."
The free concert begins at
3:30 p.m. at St.-Paul's By-the-
Sea Episcopal Church in
Jacksonville Beach.
The Chris Norman
Ensemble is known for its
performances of traditional
dance music of maritime
Canada, Scotland and
The Celtic ensemble
includes James Blachly on
bass, Nick Halley on percrus-
sion and Andy Thurston on
According to its Web site,
"The Ensemble's extraordi-
nary range runs the gamut
from dynamic performances
headlining international folk
festivals to programs for some
of North America's most pres-
tigious chamber and early
music societies and universi-
"With flutes, pipes, guitar,
mandolin, mandola, harmo-
nium, bass, percussion,
drums and vocals, the
Ensemble reaches across five
centuries of traditional, ren-
aissance and baroque music
with a range of energetic pro-
"Educationah. public serv-
ice is at' thel' ,:Ore of the
group's.y.hlies';"and they regu-
larly incorporate workshops,
school programs, and com-
munity outreach .into their
'tours." I'T r
The ns9,mrle 'will have an
extended"'1" residency at
Beauclerc and San Jose ele-
mentary schools next week,
culminating in another con-
cert at Mayo Clinic on Friday,
Sept. 22.
The featured visual artist is
Overstreet Ducasse, whose
mixed media will be on dis-
play following the concert.
Doors open 45 minutes
prior to the concert.
Players opens with swashbuckling
Gilbert and Sullivan musical comedy
Playeis by the Sea commu-
nitv theatre kicks off its 41st
main stage season with the
Gilbert and Sullivan musical
comedy, "The Pirates of
The fast-paced and raucous
pljy features sentmental'
pita:'., bUTmbling policemen,
and a bounty of maidens.
Tina Fallon who brought
"A... My Name is Alice" to
Players three years ago, directs
with husband Tom Fallon.
Shelli Long is the musical
A huge cast of actors and
vocalists brings the swash-
buckling. high-octane operetta
to life.
Actor Lee Hamb\ wears two
hats in tills show. one as the
Pirate King and the other as
costume director.
Bob Shellenberget takes on
the role of the dynamic
Modern Major General.
Star-ciossed lovers Frederich
and Mabel are played with
sweet humor b\ Josh Waller
and' Debbi'e Tyre.-
the daughters who sur-
round the Major General are
played with coquettish charm
by Kristin Livingston, Kfistin
Jewel, Melody Fallon, Undine
McEvoy, Bonnie Tennant.
Barbee MNonk, lanelle Rosko,
Caiti Wiggins, Julia Fallon,
Ingrid McCawley, and Devon
Amy Allen plays the comic
nursemaid, Ruth. First mate,
Samuel is played by David
He and the Pirate King lead
their merry band of bawdies
through song, dance and
comedic escapades.
[n hot pursuit is a hapless
police sergeant, played by Bill
White, and his team of
Keystone-style cops.
Pulling double-duty as both
pirates and police officers are
Howard Estervig, Tom Ming,
Tvlor Hott, Butch ShadweIl,
Thomas Barney, Cody Russell,
Gregory George Jr., Luke
Hopper, and David Paul.
Show dates are today and
Saturday at 8 p.m and at 2
p.m. Sunday. Additional dates
ate Sept. 21-23 and 28-30.
Ticket are $25. Call 249-
2022, for reservations. The
theatre is at 106 6th St. N.,
lacksonville Beach.
The cast of "The Pirates of Penzance" features sentimental pirates, bumbling
young lovers, dewy-eyed daughters and an eccentric major general.
'Wicker Man' has fine cast, but little else
Available from Commercial News Providers"
B ased on the 1973 film,.
of the same name, "The
Wicker Man" is a quasi-
mystery/thriller boasting a
fine cast headed by Nicolas
Cage and Ellen Burstyni, a
fieiv crash scene and little
The film opens with a'
bang. Cage's Edward Malus is
a California highway patrol-
man who pulls over a car to.
return a toy thrown out of
the vehicle by a young girl.
Shortly thereafter, the car is,
struck by a semi, and during'
NMalus' attempt to rescue the
car's occupants, the vehicle
explodes. Malus is knocked
unconscious as the occu-
pants apparent-
ly burn to
death. Later, we
find out that no
bodies were
found in the
that early car
wreck is the
highlight of
"The Wicker
Man." The film
soon deterio-
rates into a NEW
miasma of REV
improbable plot
twists and atrocious dialogue
involving characters that are
so two-dimensional as to
evoke only bore-
dom for the rest
of the movie.
On a leave of
absence after
the car wreck,
MNalus receives a
letter from his
ex-fiancee seek-
ing help in
locating her
missing daugh-
ter. He soon
I, tinds himself on
OME a small island
WER off the coast of
state that is populated most-
ly by arrogant and hostile
women and a few men who
seem unable to speak. Malus'
ex-fiancee, Willow (Kate
Beahani tells him that her
daughter has apparently
been abducted.
His "investigation" brings
him into antagonistic con-
tact with the island's resi-
dents and, ultimately, into
conflict with Sister
Summersisle IBurstyni, the
head of the matriarchal clan.
While the scenery of
Canada (filling in for the
small Washington island is
gorgeous, it alone does not
make "The Wicker Man"
Fashion photographer's chaotic art now on display at Ocean 60
W illiamn Shakespeare
in the first act of
"Knsig H-enr- VI"
wrote of a tiger's heart
wrapped in a woman's hide.
As an infant, Tiger, an
Atlantic Beach artist, was
nicknamed by her grand-
mother after the same bold,
and cunning jungle cat.
Tiger is the featured artist
this month at Ocean 60 in
Atlantic, Beach. Her exhibit is
called "MindGardenImages."
Tiger is not her given
name, but it best represents
her spirit as well as her art -
raw, exotic, mysterious and a
little dangerous.
Using a combination of
photography, painting and
collage, she strikes a delicate
balance between light and
dark, nature versus the beast.,
Each piece in the exhibit',
which will be on display for
the next two months, is ele-
gant and exquisite, like a
rare, untouched gem.
But as some of her worksI
catch and hold the light,
others snuggle up to 'the
darkness. Unfiltered beauty
and refined street are at once
represented, much like the
artist herself.
As a renowned fashion
photographer for more than
20 years, Tiger stepped out of
an industry that measures
success by exploiting the
outside to create beautiful,
chaotic art representative of
the inside.
"You have to take a step
forward to be able to take a
step back," she said.
She lived in New York and
worked abroad for two years
in Spain, before working in
Los Angeles.
"I wouldn't of [moved],
had I spoke the language,"
she said.
"I was just going there to
feel what was around me. It
would'v'e been easier to feel
if I understood [what every-
one was saying]."
Shooting in L.A. was glam-
orous work, but years of
catering to the vision of
demanding clients and leggy
models with vacant stares
grew stale, she said.
The creative boundaries
See TIGER, B-2
pnIIuu auuminlu
Tiger says her chaotic art is representative of her inner feelings. The Jacksonville native and
Atlantic Beach resident was a fashion photographer for more than 20 years.
Penemlber 15. O2(0i0
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
pfro10 Aubmititcia
Colleen Floyd and her husband with her glass creation, "Vincent Van Jaguar," part of the.fundraiser Big Cats for Kids for the Otis
Smith Foundation. Her Jaguar is based on Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night." Floyd of Jacksonville Beach also designed one of
the manatees in the Sea Cows for Kids project in 2004. For more information, visitthe Web site at www.bigcatsforkids.com.
Tiger: Ocean 60 exhibit
Cont, from B-'.
were, stifling. She said she,
needed to come home.
Born and raised in
Jacksonville, Tiger graduated
from Englewood High
"As soon as I could drive, I
practically lived at the
beach," she recalled.
The journey back to the
Sunshine State was ripe with
new apprehension because,
Tiger said, "I came home
"As soon as I was preg-
nant, I ran home. These
places were adult play-
grounds. I didn't want to
raise my kids there," she
aded. "I wanted to be where
it was real."
After her daughter was
born, Tiger thought she
would be content to just be.
But the days stretched into
years and she was unable to.
quell the endless reams of
possibility spooling through
her mind like the news ticker
on CNN.
vWhen you are growing .
up, you really don't take
your job that seriously
because you know that one
day you will get married and
have kids," she said.
"I was able to make that
happen. I'didn't work for
four years and I literally
went crazy. I have a real
need to be creative and do
my,thing. I don't work
. because I have to. I work
because I need to."'
Hungry for adult stimula-
tion and a sense of artistic
community. Tiger enrolled in
a painting course at the
University of North Florida
last fall, as a way to :satisfy
her creative appetite.
Painting was not supposed
to segue into a new career.
The courses were merely a
distraction, a hobby with an
outlet people like Tiger need:
for self expression.
The results were frustrated,
canvases until she stopped
Wormeli .
trying to paint in the tradi-
tional sense and found her
Mixing mediums, she was
able reach into herself to cre-
ate a visual symphony of
texture, color, movement
and thought-provoking
"I figured out how to paint
without a brush," she said
"The process is really inter-
Tiger employs her own
unique style when creating
her art. Reshooting old
images, they are both digital-
ly and physically manipulat-
ed to reach the desired
"Painting, shooting, play-
ing, just doing what I do,"
she said.
"I keep- manipulating it
and make it more and more
The juxtaposition of the
images in relation to color
and space is deliberate. Tiger
uses oils, water and other
-elements to--creat.e-a-nfin4shed-
.. piece . .. ....
A chance encounter with a
neighbor's interior designer
led to several area galleries
and salons, including Stellers
Gallery, Chao Gallery, Ten
Salon, Design For Living and
the Beauty Bar, picking up
her work.
"The next thing you know,
he was loading my work up
in his truck," she said.
With an elaborate array of
photography equipment at
her disposal, Tiger is able to
create multiple copies of her
work an amenity that
allows her to separate herself
from the art that in many
ways is an extension of her-
If that wasn't the case I
don't know if I would be .'
that quick to sell them," she_
Tiger never planned on
working locally as an artist,
but she welcomes the experi-
ence and is anxious to see
S.. r ,' fr.m n
Tiger employs her own unique style when creating her art.
Reshooting old images, she digitally and physically manipu-
lates them to reach her desired result.
what lies ahead.
"I'm really excited about
what I want to do next. and
keep expanding it," she said.
She is also eager to find
her place the artistic corn-
munity and inspire people to6
listen to the reach within
"I talk to a lot of people
* who say, 'I wish I could do
something like that'. l really
believe that if if you get
quiet enough to find it you
can feel it out," she said.,
"We are always trying to,
,~~~~~~ 1,,'L .' "
think about what it is rather
than listen to find the
answer. The world would be
a much more beautiful place
if we can all find it."
The continued survival of
the human race is not unlike
the basic laws of nature that'
apply in the raw wilderness.
Yet, Tiger said, we as peo-
ple have evolved past the
need to hunt and gather.
"\Ve are past survival,"
Tiger said. "All we are here
for is to make beautiful
things. So'let's make them."
Educator to give free lecture at UNF
Rick. Wormeli, one' of
America's first national board
certified teachers, will discuss
"What Could We Do if. We
Were Brave" at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
Sept. 19, at the University of
North Florida.
The free lecture is part of the
Robinsoni Eminent Scholar
Lecture Series, sponsored by
the College of Education and
Human Services.
'Tickets can be ordered
online at www.unt.edu.. :" ,
For more details, call 620-
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Ce1teS mer ---- _-- -
Ikebana workshop Saturday
W hen the cultural sea-
son opened this
week, it opened with
something for everyone to,
"Japan in Jacksonville: The
Cummer Collection of
Japanese Prints," is on exhibit
at the Cummer Museum of
Art & Gardens.
The display of quiet beauty
records the life and times of
the Japanese people. Learn
about this art at one of the
Seated Gallery Talks on,
SWednesday and Thursday,
Sept. 19 and 20, at 1:30, p.m.
The fee is $6 and includes
refreshments. The Cummer is
hosting an Ikebana workshop
from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday.
Ikebana is the Japanese art of
flower arrangement. The cost
is $75 for non-members. Call
"Scale is everything" is an
idea many contemporary,
Artists believe. '
Luis Cruz Azaceta must
believe this as his exhibit at
the Jaeksonville Museum of.
Modern Art, which opened
last night, consists of large
scale combinations of shapes
and colors with ho particular
subject matter rather a combi-
nation of shapes arid .lines,'
.The museum is asking for
docents to volunteer. Training
will be provided. This is one
/ way to help understand con-
temporary art.
t.-,JMOMA's fall film schedule
was announced this week. ,
"Resouri" will be screened&
Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7
p.m. in the Underground
Theater. Call 366-6911, ext.
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra will open an
exhibit tonight of "Recent
Works by Kathy Stark and
Leigh Murphy: Watercolor
arid Oil Paintings."
A reception will be held
from 6 to 8 p.m. Murphy will
also give a painting demon-
stration on Monday, Sept. 18,
at 11 a.m. The opening recep-
tion and demonstration, are
free, and the public is invited.
The exhibit will be on dis-.
. play through Oct. 14. The
Cultural Center is at 50
Executive .Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614, ext.'
The J. Johnson Gallery will
.open "Through Others Eves"
tonight with a reception from
6 to 8 p.m.
Artists Javier Silva Meinel,
DoDo Jin Ming, Karin
Rosenthal and Maggie Taylor
will exhibit new ideas, which
are comical, beautiful, shock-
ing and bizarre. The gallery is
at 177 4th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville, Beach. Call 435-
Players By-the-Sea will open
its fall season tonight with
the popular Gilbert and
Sullivan musical, "The Pirates
of Penzance."
On Oct. '5, the theater will
host a wine tasting and art
auction from 6 to 9 p.m. at
the theater.
Art by more than 100 local
artists will be sold by silent
auction, followed by a live
auction featuring an
Intracoastal boat ride, dinner
at Nancy and Daffin Oakley's
and a weekend at the Hilton.
in St. Augustine.
Call 249-1289 for informa-
tion. The theater is at 106
6th St. N. Jacksonville Beach.
For show reservations, call,
S. .
On Sunday, Sept. 17, the
Beaches Fine Arts' Series will
open its 34th season with a
program by the Chris Norman
Ensemble at 3:30 p.m.
The mixed media artwork of
Overstreet Duncan will be
presented at a reception
immediately following the
'The concert takes' place at
St. Paul's Bv-the-Sea Episcopal
Church, 1150 5th St. N.,
, Jacksonville Beach. Call 270-
1771 for information.
S ,9 .
"Taste the Music and
Dance," an evening with the
St. Johns River City Band, will
take place on.Thursday, Sept.
21, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at
the Aetna Building, 841
Prudential Dr., Jacksonville.
Special guests will be Sam
Kovaris and Authur Crofton.
Hors d'oeuvres will be provid-
ed by Anthony's Catering and
100 wines to sample. Call
355- 4700 or 230-2829 for
tickets and information.
0S* 0
Bethel Gallery of Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church
will open a new fall show
entitled "The Harvest" by the
Shades of Grace Artists.
The show opens today and
runs until Oct. 15. Gallery
hours are Monday to Friday
from 9 a;m. to 5 p.m. and,
every Sunday from 9 a.m. to
noon. The church is at 4510.
Palm Valley Road, two miles
from ATA South. Call 280-
9075 for information. -
Fleet Landing artists are
hosting the First Coast Pastel
Society's 11th annual exhibi-
tion, "Coastal.Color in
An open house will be held
Friday, Oct. 6, and Saturday,
Oct. 7, from 9 a.m.. to 4 p.m.
On display will be works by
Jane Alexander, Jean Ballow,
Jan Bialka, Virginia Ford,
Arthur Hanly, Launa Hanly,
Perry Russell' and Ruth
For information and direc-
tion, call Jean Ballow at 247-
3275 or the Concierge at Fleet
Landing at 249-9900, ext.
The Jacksonville Watercolor
Society will hold its inaugural
meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26,
in Choral Room 103, Building
N, at Florida Community
College's South Campus.
St. Augustine artist Joan
Dorrill will be demonstrating
a 'traditional realistic approach
to transparent watercolor.
The Society meets the last
Tuesday of each month
.through May. Meetings are
open to the public. For infor-
mation, call francesca tabor-
miolia at 273-2987 or George
Regan at 288-0284.
"From Paper to Stone: Drawings and Sculptures by Enzo
Torcoletti is on exhibit through Oct. 19 at the University of North
Florida Gallery. Call 620-2534 for gallery hours.
I I .- .,' ..
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Weekend 3
The Beaches Le.ader/Ponte Vedra Leader
I q 06nA
Weekend 4 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader September 15, 2006
"jCopyrighted MateralI
Ai .Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers',"
'Hollywoodland engrossing
Regal 18
The Black Dahlia. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:50, 4:55, 7:35,
10:30. .
*e. .. '- .'- 0. o,
Everyone's Hero. Rated' G.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:15, 3:40, 7:20,
9:40. :
Gridiron Gang. Rated PG13.'
Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 1:30, 3:35,
4:30, 7:10, 7:40, 10:00, 10:30. :
Hollywoodland. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:40, 4:40, 7:30,
The Protector. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:45, 4:45, 7:50Q,
Crank. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:20, 4:15, 7:15, 9:50.
The Wicker Man. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35, 4:50,
7:45, 10:10:
How To Eat-fried Worms.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10,
3:30, 6:40, 9:30.
Invincible. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:55, 3:50, 7:25,
Accepted. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:50, 4:10, 7:55,
The Illusionist. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:05, 4:00, 6:45,
World Trade Center. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 3:45,
6:55, 9:45.
'Barnyard: The Original
Party Animals. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:00, 3:55, 6:50.
Quinceanera. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:45, 4:05, 8:00,
Talladega Nights: The
Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Rated
PG 13. Fri.-Thurs., .1:25, 4:25,
7:05, 9:35.
Little Miss Sunshine. Rated
R. Fri.-Thurs., 1:35, 4:35, 7:00,
10:35... ... .
," '-
Beerfest. Rated R. Fri.-.
Thurs., 10:35.: .
The Covenant. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thuts.- 1:55, 4:20, 8:05,
"We Take it All Off"
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Free Estimates *
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30+ Years Experience
1904-285-0630 |
Forget "Superman
Returns." For intelligent
"Hollywoodland" is the .
Superman movie to see this
And it probably has more
subtext than even the film-
makers intended. -
The true-life story con-
cerns George Reeves, an
actor made both famous and
typecast by his starring role
in the 1950's "Superman" TV
Reeves is played by Ben
Affleck, and you can't help
noticing that, like Reeves,
Affleck shot to fame and
then coasted through some
less-than-meaty roles
("Gigli," anyone?).
At this point, Affleck is
probably as eager for "legiti-
mac"" as Reeves was, and it
revs him to perfect pitch
In 1959,.a gunshot wound
to Reeves' head killed him.
The LAPD concluded that
the shooting was a suicide,
but holes in the case have
intrigued Hollywood buffs
ever since, and the movie
exploits them all.
Bystanders with possible
motives for killing Reeves
- -A w i
included Toni Mannix
(Diane Lane), Reeves' mis-
tress and the wife of power-
ful (and vengeful) MGM
executive Eddie Mannix (Bob
Another suspect was
Reeves' put-upon fiancee
Leonore Lemmon (Robin
Reeves' story is intermin-
gled with that of Louis Simo
(Adrien Brody), a low-rent
detective who smells instant
fame with the Reeves story
and pursues it with reckless
Simo is a fictional cre-
ation, and critics have taken
the movie to task for giving
this made-up character as
much screen time as the
"true" story. But the subplot
was handled so gracefully
that I didn't have a problem
with it.
Simo is what Joe Average
would be like if he started
investigating a juicy "
Hollywood story and then
'realized he was in over his
What did trouble me was
.81hfib-ti dvie's fueuzitiessioncer-
outaint.pot.p6in.ts.i i-n.- 1 .1
Initially, the movie makes
it looks as though the
Reeves/Mannix events take .
place shortly before Simo
enters the story, when in fact
their story begins about 10
years before Reeves' death.
Another example is the
movie's depiction.of an
apocryphal Reeves story.
Legend has it that Reeves
was once confronted by a
child who wanted to shoot
real bullets at Reeves to see if
they'd bounce off
"Superman's" chest.
In the movie version, we
have to sort of take it on
faith that a real gun is being
pointed at Reeves; the movie
doesn't take any great pains
Wicker: Few humorous moments
Cont. from B-I
worth seeing on the big
screen. Subplots that-seem to
go nowhere (such as the dis-
appearance of the bodies
from the opening car crash),
improbable cbontrivances (a
California cop threatening to
arrest or shoot people out-
side his jurisdiction) and
obnoxious characters (I'd be
tempted to shoot most of
the island's residents myself)
add up to a thriller without
thrills and a mystery that's
more of a misery to the
There are a few mildly
humorous moments iproba-
bly unintentional), such as
the sight of Nicolas Cage in
a bear costume and his short
fight. with a grossly under-
used Leelee Sobieski. The
moments are too few, how-
ever, to liven up the dismal
and uneven pacing.
To delve into the "identity"
September Specials
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of the Wicker Man would
give away most (if not all) of
the movie's climax which -
if you manage to make it to
the end of the film without
falling asleep is small con-
solation for enduring this
Written and directed by
Neil Labute, "The Wicker
Man" is rated PG-13 for "dis-
turbing images and violence,
language and thematic
Abito furbo Dog (
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Rogue Junlper Pale Ale
to establish that fact.
But that's not enough to
detract from an otherwise
engrossing movie. All of the
performances are terrific. (In
particular, Lane seems to be
getting only more beautiful
and talented with the pass-
ing years.)
Marcelo Zarvo's jazzy score'
is film-noir stylish and adds
to the story's atmosphere.
And foggy plot points
aside, first-time film director
(and "Sopranos":vetl Allen'
.Coulter and .writer.Paul.n.in..
Bernbaum deliver the goods
better than many of this
year's higher-profile movies.
An interesting trivia note
is that Warner Bros..(which
owns the "Superman" rights
but did no.t produce this
movie) vetoed the film's
original title: "Truth, Justice,
and the American Way,"
taken 'from Supe's old credo..
"Hollywoodland" chillingly
proves that the credo's third
element doesn't always
include the. first two.
"Hollywoodland" is rated
R for some adult language
and situations, violence, and
brief nudity.
1. Poseidon starring Josh
Lucas (Warner) Rated: PG-13
2. RV Robin Williams
(Columbia TriStar) PG
3. Scary Movie 4 Anna Faris
(The Welnstein Company) PG-
4. Silent Hill Radha Mitchell
(Columbia TriStar) R
5. V for Vendetta Natalie
Portman (Warner) R
6. The Sentinel Michael
Douglas (Fox) PG-13
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The story of the passionate gypsy
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let ofdramatic intensity and blazing emo-
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let, founded in 1994 by Artistic Director
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September 15, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5
(Music ;' .
Cliff's at the Beach, 1,401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Quest is in at 9 p.m. today, and
Courtyard at 200 First Street,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach
249-2922. Shoofly performs
from 7-10 p.m. today.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. Don't Tell Anne per-
forms at 9 p.m. today. .lax
Pipes and Drums -perform at
7:30 p.m. followed by Don't
Tell Anne at 9 p.m. Saturday.
Glas Tara Ceili at 4 p.m. fol-
lowed by Michael Funge at 6
p.m. Sunday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Live music appears at 9:30
p.m. today and Saturday.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Will Hoge with Gasoline
Heart and Nathan Holley are
in at 9:30 p.m. today. Eileen &
Guests appear Saturday.. Mason
jennings and Jennifer
O'Connor are in Thursday.
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Sugar Bear appears at 9:30 p.m.
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic. Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. The
Boogie Freaks perform at 9
p.m. today and Saturday. Ron
Perry appears Sunday .,
Spare ,Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
The Cover Band is in Saturday.
What About Me performs
*6 *
L[ McNeill, Garrison & Fletcher
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priolo submirfed
Foreplay, with keyboardist Bob James.and guitarist Larry Carlton, performs at 8 p.m. Thursday,
Sept. 21, at the Florida Theatre. Tickets are $32.50 and $37.50. For more details, call 355-2787.
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish.Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in 'Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
.Reggae with Pill Pili every
Wednesday., The,. Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
ITwisteU Sisters, JdLacksonvill Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Beach Mr. Beam appears Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
today. Wes Cobb is in 249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
Saturday. plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
WEEKLY .,STANDARDSu-,,-,,,i.p^^,Lr rt n.ut ISist hdtt
& ratp I perSatutd st." I
Aromas Cigar, Wine &" FPe I
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Ponte
dra Beach 280-2525. Le BeHomestead Restaurant, 1712
Vedra Beach 9 280-2525. Le Jacksonville
M6nde Quarte'f plays Latin Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Monde Quartet plays LatinBeach 249-9660. Kenhe and
music Tuesdays. The Jason Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Anderson Group performs Shackelford Band appears
every Thursday. Jose LeBron Saturdays.
and The LeMonde Quintet per- >
form even. Saturday. 9 Lynch's 'Irish Pub, 514 N.
"'Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth First St., Jacksonville Beach *
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach 249-5181. Live music at 10
246-9874. DJs and female p.m. today and Saturday.
weeky. Karaoke every Sunday. Little
impersonators weekly. Green men perform every
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport Monday. Spiderbaby is in
Road, Atlantic Beach t 241- every Wednesday. 3 appears
8848. Live music from 9:30 every Thursday.
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Saturday. Country night ever- Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Sunday. Beach 543-9143. Gene
Caribee Key, 100 N First St., Nordan plays piano. Tuesday
Neptune Beach 270-8940. through .Thursday. Don
Pil Pili las reae ever iniard is in Saturday.
FrPl Pil plays reggae eve Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Friday and Saturday. Will Hurley performs Fridays
and 'Monday.
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass *
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777. Max's Restaurant, 1312
Cloud Nine are in today and Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Saturday rnBeach 247-6820. John Evans
Saturday plays the piano every Friday
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub & and Sarday.
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N., t S
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499. Ocean Club, 401 First Steet
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10 North, Jacksonville Beach.
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Wednesday. Spade. every Tuesday. Fifth South and
elc(uade plays traditional the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba sLounle I evervh-
Wednesday. Reggae with Pili
Pill from 4 to 8 p.m. every
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and. Saturday night.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John' Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
Eric''Wintk' performs Tuesdays.
YankeE'-6ticketrs are 1hiliever)
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
of Jah every. Friday. The
Hopeless appears Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
* 241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach ?
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Getonimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and
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Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke every Sunday.
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
.every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Wednesday.-
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach *9249-3338.
Dis spins hiprhjopatndr!retro
Thursday through Saturdays.
Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
spins Top 40 and Old Wave
every Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursdays. DJ Kevin
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside every Thursday and
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 and hip
hop inside every Friday. DJs
Mike Bruce and Flava spin reg-
gae in the tiki bar every
Sunday. Matt Caulder spins
indle every Monday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.'
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ [bay is
in every friday and Saturday.
Vinoe, 822 AIA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
You can't miss with a
oy subscription to
-@,, The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
Rehearsals & Performan gw ill be
:"-.- held at the beachK N l Is on
IlR'fST' / Thanksgiving weekend dlnrmers
La' will have the apportunity'to be in (1)
S: to (6) performances. .
THMATREI Call, email, or return th',|orm to.
,i / Name:
*". Age: ;____P/7B- ": .:
Baken, Address:
East Coast Ballet Phone:
1401-E Penman Rd. Cell:
Jacksonville Beach, FL 1 Email:
32250 '
Phone: 904.241.1266 Experience:
mindime lsoulh.et
Own your own
,,,piece of the
.l-I .. mountain'' ...
o unanK.alE ta aazin e.co m
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Help spread the word about the great coverage
the Leader provides our community.
Earn funds for your community organization,
school or church.
Find out how to become a Leader Partner:
Call Steve Fouraker
The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
249 9033".
~~--~~~----~~------~~-~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
OIL e.
xr 1 -I
Weekend 0
September 15, 2006
The Reachoc T parder/Ponte Vedra Leader
JA IIA mis.
Find minI
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The Court"
,Ponte Ved
'The Beaches Area Historical Society Gala, presented by The Beaches Leader and Ponte Vedra Leader, celebrates the'
history of Ponte Vedra Beach at 7 p.m. Friday at the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club. Jean Haden McCormick and Dwight
Hayden Wilson are honorary chairs for the event.
Friday, Sept. 15
Rummage sale: Chri;
,. Uriited Methodist Church's fa
rummage sale runs from 9 a.n
to 3 p.m. both today an
tomorrow. The church is loca
ed at 400 Penman Road
Neptune Beach. For inform.
tion call 249-5370.
LAFRA shrimp dinner: Thl
Ladies Auxiliary of Pler
Reserve Association Unit 29
will hold a shrimp dinner froi
SS p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Branc
Home, 390 Nlayport Road
Atlantic Beach. An $8 don,
tion will be accepted, and take
out orders are welcome. Ca
246-6855 for more inform,
Saturday, Sept. 16
Beach Library: The Aniir
SClub teen program, mee
f*om 2:30 p.m. to .4.30 p.m.,
the BeajchesC Librai' (.vhiicH
at 600 Third St.', Neptur
Parliamentarians: Fir
Coast Parliamentarians wi
meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Pon
Sedra Beach Branch Librar
101 Library Blvd. The less
will be conducted by Rub
RaN-mer. Visitors are welcome
The chapter normally mee
.the fourth Saturday of th
month, September through
May. This meeting, the first
a new administration, is beir
held one week earl\. For mo
::information, call 7"44-9074 o
.223-1314 or ema
- SherTyCaip('aol.com.*
Blood drive: The Ladi
Auxiliary of the Great
Beaches VFW Post 3270 w
sponsor a blood drive in hon
of NMIA/POW Day from 12 p.r
to 5 p.m. at 915 8th Ave. S
Jacksonville Beach. The ladi
will offer an Italian dinn
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for a
donation. All persons dona
ing to the blood drive w
receive a free dinner Procee
will go to the VF\V Nation
Home for Children. For infc
nation, call 247-3861.
Clean it up: Local volu
teers are needed to join tl
world's largest one-d,
S cleanup event. The City
lacksonville's Clean It U
Gieen It Lip Division will coc
'dinate local efforts for the 21
annual International Coasi
Cleanup, sponsored b\ tl
Ocean Conservancy. Advan
registration is flot require
bags and gloves will be provi
ed,. Participants must be
least 18 or accompanied by
adult. For more information
about this or 'other liti
removal .and prevention 'pi
grams, contact Clean It U
Green It Up, at 630-3420
www.c6j.net or www.ocea
Guana cleanup: Help also
needed to clean' up the beac
es in St. Johns and Flag]
counties. The GTM Reserve
spearheading the Guana Bea
effort. That cleanup ,will rn
from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
part of the Internatior
Coastal Cleanup. Volunteer
can meet at any of the .fc
GTM .Reserve-Guana Bea
parking lots to pick' up th
trash .bags. All volunteers
reminded to bring water a:
wear a hat and sunscreen. I
'more information, call t
GTM Reserve at 904-823-4500.
ill Monday, Sept. 18'
n. GTM speaker: Janet,
d Zimmerman, education coort-
t-. dinator for the Guana
d Tolomato Matanzas National
a Estuarine Reserve, will present
to the Ponte Vedra Woman's
Club the many environmental
ie '
et programs available to all age
)0 groups at the GTM Nature
m Center when she speaks at 10
h a.m. at Sawgrass Country Club.
d Visitors axe welcome. Call 285-,
a- 4264 for more information.
11 Le Petit Salon: Le Petit
a- Salon des Huit Chapeaux ,et
Quarante Femmes 892 will'
meet at 7:30 p.m. at Ocean,
Beaches American Legion Post.
ie 129, 1151 S. 4th St.,
ts Jacksonville Beach. A formal
at meeting with rituals.'ij..)Ae
i --conrd-qcf.d. Particip.,an.'....fl-..
ie encouraged to bring a guest.
For more information, call
241-8271 or 242-0042.
ll Tuesday, Sept. 19'
te BDC -meeting: The Beaches
y' Democratic Club holds a gen-
n eral meeting at the Adele
,y Grage Cultural Center; 716
e. 'Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach..
ts The meeting starts at 7 p.m.,
he with sign-in scheduled to
,h begin at 6:45 p.m..
rg Wednesday,
re Sept. 20
or FABFEST: An opening
ill reception for the Future Artists
of the Beaches Festival
(FABFEST) will be held from 5
es p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at AmSouth
er Bank, 233 Ponte Vedra Park
ill. Dr., Ponte \Vedra Beach. Local
or art teachers, participating
m. schools, business sponsors and
., the Cummer Museum Art
es Connections staff will be hon-,
er ored.
$ 7 : '; ". :' ": '
it- NARFE: National Active and
ill Retired Federal Employees,
ds Chapter 1671, will meet at
al noon for lunch at the Golden
)r Corral Restaurant, 14035,
Beach Blvd. Visitors are wel-
come. For more information,
n. call 731-3968 or 221-7644.
Vedra Blvd. The meeting
begins at 11 a.m., program at
11:30 and luncheon at 12:30
p.m. Guest speaker will be Jay
Wright, a Jacksonville
University professor and for-
mer Jesuit who will give a syn-
opsis of his six-lectuie pro-
gram,"The DaVinci
, Code-Myth or Fact." For more
information, contact publicity
chairman Barbara Buck at 940-
6082 or babapv@tbellsouth.net
or association president Betty
Drayton at 285-9227.
Membership coffee: The
annual membership coftee for
Ribault Garden Club will begin
at 10 a.m. at the club, 705 2nd
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Vice president of the State
Federation of Garden Clubs
Jan Sillek will be the speaker.
1 T.q wipill be re.eshiranmnts apd
-door piizes. Catl 2-1471S65 ftr
,more information '.
Dynamics in Leadership: A
Dynamics in Leadership semi-
nar will be held at 5:30 p.m.
and again at 8 a.m. the next
day at the Wingate Inn at the
intersection of Butler
Boulevard arid Hodges
Bouevard. The seminar, which
is free to. the public, will
address leadership, the main
reasons why managers fail and
:how individuals and compa-
Sies can. prepare for the chal-
lenges of tomorrow. For more.
information or to reserve a
Seat, call 904-221-6385 or
e-mail dthode4351@bell-
Friday, Sept. 22
LAFRA steak dinner: The
Ladies Auxiliary of Fleet
Reserve Association Unit 290
will hold a steak dinner from 5
p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Branch
Home, 390 Mayport Road,
Atlantic Beach. A $10 donation
will' be accepted, and takeout
orders are welcome. Call 246-
6855 for more information.
QuiltFest: The 20th annual
Judged Quilt Show will be held
through Sept. 24 at the Prime
Osborn Convention Center,
1000 lW. Water St.,
Thursday, Sept. 21 Jacksonville. Hours are 9'a.nm..
Kickoff meeting: The to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday,
Sawgrass Players Club noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Cost is
WVomen's Association holds its $8 daily and $12 for a multi-
kickoff meeting and luncheon day pass. Children under 10
at The Lodge in Porite Vedra are lee with a paid adult. 'For
Beach, at the intersection of more information, visit.
Corona. Road and. Ponte www.quiltfestjax.com or' call
St. Paul's Catholic School
Jg I ^jrJACK OTS`4
628 1st Ave. N., Jax Beach 246-5756
Doors Open 1:15pm After Hours 612-5787
Non-Smoking mornm available
Saturday, Sept. 23
Senior driving: The AARP
Driver Safety Program for driv-
ers age 50 or older will be held
Saturday -and Sunday at the
.Neptune Beach Senior Acti'ity
Center, located at 2004 Forest'
Avenue, from 1 p.m. until 5
p.m. each day. Registration for
the eight-hour course, four
hours each day, is $10.
Participants don't have to be
AARP members to attend. Call
483-1725 or email
r.spruell@'comcast.net for reser-
Ataxia support: The
Northeast Florida Ataxia
Support Group will hold its
quarterly meeting at the
Homestead Restaurant;-,pri,
Be't;h Boulevard at 1Z:30.pFn,..
-National Ataxia Day on Sept.
25 will be celebrated at the
luncheon. Speaker will be
Tammi Van Brocklin of Brooks
Rehabilitation. For more infor-
mation, call June McGrane at
Monday, Sept. 25
Octogenarian Open: The
ninth annual Octogenarian
Open will be held at Selva
Marina Country Club in
Atlantic Beach. The event,
founded by Buzz Lloyd, is
open only to those 80 years old
and older and begins with a
shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. For
more information, call Selva
Marina's golf pro shop at 246-
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Watercolor and Oil
"Recent Works by Kathy
Stark and Leigh Murphy:
Watercolor & Oil Paintings"
has opened at The Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach.
The public is invited to attend
a free opening reception today
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The
exhibit will run through Oct.
14. Many of the original works
will be available for purchase.
Also today, and also from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m., the Cultural
Center will partner with
Patrons of the Hearts and have
the POTH exhibition on dis-
play in the Community
Gallery for two weeks.
S.O.S. at Paviliion
Project S.O.S., founded by
Pamn Mallarkey and which pro-
vides programs for high school
and middle school students, as
well as parents, to reduce teen
pregnancies, drug and alcohol
use and other risk behaviors,
holds its second annual "Walk
to Strengthen Families" at the
Jacksonville Beach Pavilion
tomorrow. Registration at the
Pavilion begins at 10 a.m., and
activities end at 2 p.m. To pre-
register,. visit ProjectSOS.com
or call 904-279-0870.
PGA TourMS 150
If you like to bike, this could
be your weekend. The North
Florida Chapter of the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society's
annual PGA Tour MS 150
"Cycle to the Shore" bike tour
is being held Saturday and
Sunday, and as many as 2,000
cyclists are expected to partici-
S, pate '.The cyclists will meet
Saturday at the St. Johns
Country Airport to. begin the
two-day, round-trip trek to
Daytona Beach and back. Each
rider must pay a registration
' fee and raise a minimum of
$200 through pledges.
For more information or to
register,call 19041 332-6810 or
v i s i t
n. ,
GTM double feature
The GTM Reserve
Environmental Education
Center, 505 Guana River Rd.,
Square Dance Club leads mod-
ern western square dancing
and offers lessons. The dance
caller is Ken Miller. For more
information, call 249-3224.
Symphony is back
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra, which comes to the
Beach dunng the course of its
performance season, has
kicked off its 10th anniversary
season in Jacoby Symphony
Hall. The Fidelity National
Financial Masterworks Series,
which began Thursday with
Ravel's two piano concertos,
performed by Van Cliburn
medalist Benedetto Lupo, con-
cludes tomorrow. Also featured
is mezzo-soprano Adriana
Zabala in ."The Three-Cornered
Books for sale
Book bargains will be the
order of the day as Friends of
the Library holds a book sale
Saturday and Sunday at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Hours of the sale are 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 12
p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.
Flying trapeze
Tale Tellers of St. Augustine
offers "Theater of the Mind:
Those Daring Girls on the
Flyihg Trapeze" at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday at the Limelight
Theatre. Margaret Kaler and
Natalie Beltrami present an
evening of stories from fantasy,
history and folklore.
If we were brave
Rick Wormeli, an award-win-
ning author and one of
America's first national board
certified teachers, discusses
"What We Could Do if We
Were Brave" beginning at 7
p.m. Tuesday in the University
Center at the University of
North Florida. Wormeli, who
has lectured in 49 states and
various countries, was named
1996 Outstanding English
Teacher of the Nation by
Disney's American Teacher
Tickets for this free lecture
can be ordered online at
www.unf.edu. Click on the Fall
2006 Lectures link.
.off Al A South, -toward -,Vtfapolx-i twjise rNAMOuL urwk !
Beach, ltfcs %dl,oubley,-(itire
movies on the weekend in
1 honor of National Estuaries
Day, which is Sept. 30. The
movies are shown at 10 a.m.
and 1 p.m. Saturday and
This weekend's films are-
"Watersheds, Wetlands &
Wildlife," which runs 25 min-
utes, and "Secrets of the Salt
Marsh," with a 20-minute run-
ning time.
Also this weekend, visitors
are invited to join in a clean up
on Guana Beach before or after
-the movies. For more informa-
tion, call 904-823-4500.
Acoustic Night ,
Atlantic Beach Acoustic
Night, hosted by the Cultural
Arts and Recreation Advisorv
Committee, will be held from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m: Sunday on the
lawn of Bull Memorial Park at
"the corner of Ocean Boulevard
and Seventh Street. The event,
which'is free, G-rated and alco-
hol-free, is held indoors at the
. Adele *Grage Cultural Arts'
Center if it rains.
If you'd like to learn how to
square dance, .: go to
Sandalwood High School any'
Tuesday evening. 'Rollaways
,, peach ,Bash .,, ., .,.
The Endless Summer Beach
Bash will be held from 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m. Sept. 21 at Adventure
Landing, 1944 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are
$20 in advance and $25 at the
door; the number to call for
tickets, which include food
and beverages from local
restaurants, is 249-3868. The
event will feature Adventure
Landing rides as well as music,
dancing, door prizes and a
silent auction.
A family event, "Didgeridoo
Down Under," will be held at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library starting at 10:30 a.m.
Sept. 23. The program is about
all things Australian, and par-
ticipants learn how to make
their very own Didgeridoo.
San Marco art festival
The fifth annual San Marco
Art Festival will be held from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 23 and
Sept. 24 at San Marco Square.
Cummer concert series
The Cummer Museum of Art
& Gardens fall and winter con
All students must wear their
school ID for admittance. The
school with the most students
in attendance will win an art
workshop with JMOMA's edu-
cation department. A film will
be screened in JMOMA's the-
atre should mom and/or dad
want to be around the festivi-
ties. The cost of admission is
$10 for students; parents are
First Friday Art Walks
One of St. Augustine's most
popular cultural events, First
Friday Art Walks, takes place
the first Friday of every month.
Tours begin at Rembrandtz
Fine Gifts for Fun People, 131
King Street. More than 20 par-
ticipating galleries are open
from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
St. Augustine Sightseeing
Trains and Old Town Trolley
offer attendees a complimenta-
ry shuttle to most of the gal-
leries, and shuttles run on a
continuous loop every 30 min-
utes. '
For more information, call
904-829-0065 or visit
Amelia Island jazz festival
The 2006 Amelia Island Jazz
Festival will be held Oct. 13-15
under the direction of Les
Legendary jazz musicians, as
well as up-and-coming artists,
will present many styles of jazz
in a variety of venues around
Amelia Island. The Festival
also will offer educational pro-
grams such as Jazz in Schools,
Jazz for Seniors and Jazz in the
Featured musicians and
groups at this year's Festival
include alto sax player Richie
Cole; Dirty Martini, a contem-
porary Oriando jazz group; the
Dixieland band the Spare Rib
Six; the Amelia Island Jazz
Festival All-Stars and the Les
DeMerle Big Band, featuring
vocalist Bonnie Eisele and
guest artist Bill Prince.
Tickets and Information for
the festival are available at
many locations. A special pass
for all three dates costs $85.
cert series begins Sept. 24 with
classic Spanish guitarist Eliot
Fisk. A variety of artists will be'
showcased through four con-
certs that will be held at Friday
Musicale, 645 Oak Street.
Other dates are Nov. 17, Jan. 28
and Feb. 25.
Museum members are admit-
ted free, and admission for
non-members is $8. For mem-
ber reservations, call 904-356-
Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser
The Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation's seventh annual
tailgating event, "Hallmark
Partners Tailgate 2006-Kickoff
to a Cure," will be held Sept. 24
in the Terrace Suite at Alltel
Stadium. Doors open at 12
p.m.; the event starts at 1 p.m.
This year's Tailgate is presented
by Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Florida.
The event will feature signa-
ture dishes and desserts from a
, varletyv of' local restaurants.
SAtteldees wi t" watch the
Jacksonville Jaguars play the
Colts in Indianapolis via big
screen plasma TVs and the
Alltel Stadium Jumbotron.
Reservations for Tailgate
2006 can be made via phone at
904-733-3560, fax at 904-733-
3794 or e-mail at jax-fl@'cff.org.
Why Africa matters .
Johnnie Carson, senior vice
president at the National
Defense University and former
U.S. ambassador to Kenya,
Zimbabwe and Uganda, tells
"Why Africa Matters" at 7:30
p.m. Sept. 26 in the University
Center at the University of
North Florida.
Carson was responsible for"
restoring full diplomatic servic-.
es at the U.S. Embassy in
Nairobi' following its destruc-
tion by terrorists in 1998.
The Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art (JMOMA) holds
"Jammin at JIMOMA," the back
to school party for any middle
school student who enjoys art,
music and fun, from 7 p.m. to
10 p.m. Sept. 30. There will be
DJs, dancing, pizza, soft drinks,
art projects and "old-school"
,arvul9~ thUB
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The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra presents an evening
of Ravel's piano compositions
at 8 p.m. loday and Saturday
in Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300
W, Water St., Jacksonville.,
Tickets range from $25 to $65
for adults, $5 for student/fami-
ly rush tickets. "Words on ,
Music" is presented an hour
before each performance. Call
354-5547 for information.
The Chris Norman Ensemble
performs at 3;30 p.m. Sunday
at.St. Paul's By-The-Sea
Episcopal Church, 1150 5th St,
N., Jacksonville Beach.
Admission is free. Call 270-
1771 for information.
The University of North
Florida faculty concert is held
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
Fine Arts Center Recital Hall at
UNF, 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd.,
Jacksonville. Call 620-2878 for
ZANCE" is staged at 8 p.m.
today and Saturday and Sept.
21, 22, 23, 29 and 30 and 2
p.m. Sept. 20 and 24 at Players
By The Sea, 106 6th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are
$25. Call 249-2022 for infor-
information'and reservations. -
The Sea will offer adult improv-
isation classes taught by.educa-
tional director Barbara
Williams beginning Sept. 19 at
106 6th. St. N,, Jacksonville
Beach. The six-week sessions
are from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
"SEEING STARS IN Call 249-0289.
DIXIE" is presented at 8 p.m.
today and Saturday and Sept. Auditions for "Tuna
21, 22 and 23 and The Atlantic Chrismas" will be held at 1
Beach Experimental Theatre, p.m. Oct. 1. Roles are available. ;
716 -Ocean Blvd.,, Atlantic for two males to play 22 male 'i
Beach. Call'249-7177 for ticket and female roles.
po10 o SuDmitted
Mezzo-Soprano Adriana
Zabala (above) performs
Falla's "The Three-Cornered
Hat' tonight and Saturday with
the Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra. The 8 p.m. program
is part of the JSO's
Masterworks Series. Call 354-
:Jacksonville Beach
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pnoi 010ubmItlef
Mary AIIman, John Lindsay with Christine Voigt (seated) in a
scene from ABET's "Seeing Stars in Dixie." The play runs through
Sept. 23 at the Adele Grage Cultural Center in Atlantic Beach. Call
249-7177 for reservations and ticket details.
WeeKenU o 0- ..- -- .-
Around the ome
Turn digital photos into artwork
eal artwork is a luxury.
Truly fine art is also an
investment that can
increase in value over time.
The problem with this kind of
artwork is the price is often
out of reach of the average
homeowner. And, if you're
like me, I'd rather have bare
walls than a cheesy-looking
print. However, if you long for
some truly beautiful art 5nd
you have a camera and a dis-
cerning eye, you can create
your own artwork that's cus-
tom, original and at a frac-
tion of the cost of fine art-
Local photos
While staying at a hotel in
Austin recently, I noticed the
hotel had beautiful profession-
al photographs displayed in
the public areas rather than
generic prints' that match the
colors of the hotel sofas. It
made the hotel in sync with
the local area, showed some of
the beautiful area highlights
to hotel guests, and capital-
ized on the local beauty. This
simple idea can be easily
translated to your own home.
Many homes feature art-
work of subjects and areas
that may have no relationship
to where the occupants live or
their lives. Putting your own
photographs in your home as
artwork is a wonderful way to
display you or your family
members' photographic tal-
ents and use your own home
as a canvas of your life.
You can't get more personal-
ly-relevant than that and
that makes this kind of art-
work so much more meaning-
ful than any off the rack
framed print.
Go for size
When it comes to artwork,
size says a lot. The problem is
that you can't usually get
enlarged photographs fiom
your local photo processing
center larger than 8100. This
is the beauty of the Internet.
There are many services
available there that will take
your photographs and enlarge
them tO poster-sized 124x36i
prints or larger. So, if you
want to 'make a statement
with.-your.photos, get them
enlarged to art-work size, have
them matted, and then
framed.Once you have your
photograph matted, go a step
further and sign the bottom
right-hand corner in pencil
with your signature. These
extra steps put a standard
photo into a whole new cate-
gory: the category of art.
From photo to painting
If you want to go the next
step, consider using a service
that transfers your photo-
graph onto an artist's canvas.
This is another technique that
takes your ordinary photo-
graphs to a whole new level.
Another especially beautiful
choice is the oil painting
treatment. The cra-pro corn
website will take your photo-
graph and make it look like an
original oil painting. It will
even change the background
to make it look like an old
master painting it that's what
you like. Any photos can be
used, from kids or wedding
photos to antique photos of
your relatives.
The cra-pro.com website
features brides that look like
they've been inserted into an
old Italian master painting
with cherubs and angels flying
around the bride. What a
beautiful treatment this could
be for precious photos of
babies and children. And if
you have a photograph that
you love but wish a certain
someone weren't in the pic-
ture, this service swill remove
the offending person from
your photo.
Original art
If vou'le ready for meaning-
ful artwork that's custom and
original or you're tired of see-
ing the same prints in your
friend's houses that you have
ini your own, get out your
camera and make your own
artwork. In a weekend, you
can have your own fine art.
Make your h\ing space origi-
nal with original art that you
make with your own hands.
Email questions to kathriyn-
weber@ sbcglobal.net.
Don't live with bare walls any longer. With a digital or film camera, you can shoot your own pic-
tures to turn into artwork in a weekend.
"Copyrighted Material
...- Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Storage Space
5' x 10'
10' x 10'
10' x 20'
The Storage Bin
Great Jax Beach Location
Fully Fenced Secured Property
Gate Hours 6:30am-7pm
Resident Manager'
Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-12
Can Today 241-4171
1001 13th Ave. S., Jax Beach
(Across from Beaches Hospital)
Monday ,Friday, 6am to 3pMri'
Saturday'& Sunday ,73pm,
Eggs Benediot & Bottoiless
S Mimosas
Try Our Loco Moco
The Galley Restaurant at Palm Cove Marina
14603 Beach Blvd. 400 Jacksonville 992-8040
!1lE ,--'-"
oe 0 ....
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Septeniber' 15;,,2006
The Beaches LeadeF1r/Ponte~ Vedra. Leader:
"1 T __ Jl CO
1i :.,,. '.: : : --. .. M ..E.
': 1- W "^^A '1 SE 'T"
15, 2006
100) Real Esiale
S10 Loms.Land For Sale
120 Homes tor Sale
125 Real Esiate Wanted
130 Condo; for Sale
140 Moriag .es
I 5 0 Mobile ,Home for Sale
tl0 Coim miroperty
185 indu.rmraL.Varehouse
200 Rental
213 Homes for Rent
225 \amned ic. Pent
230 Condo lot Rent
240 1.1 H for Rent
2o0 \aebt,on Rentlt
270 Renlal to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space
;285 Ccinm Rental
300 Free Pels
310 FeL. for Sile
330 StablesLiresiocd
3*41) Lo- t Found PeL,
4 l0 NoriCe4
405 Trael
415 Personalt
420 Legal Sermices
423 Lepl Noices:
+40 Mtic Lotr & found
450 ltructiuorivSd'hools
4if.0 Aeddaini
500 P- Help Wanted
510 FFT Helpl\\anted
520 Jb Service
530 Bus Oppormuni
540 Child Care
550 \\ork %%anted
nO0 Scr,,ce Guide
601 \ir Condnuoning
61.1-1 Alieraonr
607 AutoiBoat Deuding
608 AuIo Repair
609 Bus Semices
612 Carpet
613 Catering .
615 C leaning
618 Eletrronics
619 EleLncal JSenr
62) Equip RenraLmL
oil Fences
Why nol join us on
Ever' Wed. from 1 am.1pm
Phyllis will be online taking
your questions livel
Phyllis Stalnes, 476-SOLD
REIMAX Coastal Real Estate
ALL REAL Eslale advertised herein is
sublecl to he Federal Fair Housing Aci.
wninch makes il illegal to' advenise any
preference limitation, or discrimination
based on race. color religion, sex,
handirasp, lamilial sialus or national ori
gin, or ire intenion io make any such
preference. imiialion or discrimination.
The Leader Group will nol knowingly ac-
cept any advenising for real estate
whicri is in violation ol the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings aiverlised are available on an
equal oppcrounrry basis
If you believe Iral you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale rental or financing of housing.
call Ihe United States Departmenr of
Housing and Urban Development -HIUD-
h1100j669-9777. or for the hearing im-
paired 11800)927-9275
Senior RE Specialist
Watson Realty Corpi. Realtors@
Call 904-476-5537
Fromnt Codos to Country"
623 Finan Senrvie
625 Firenood
631 Computer Services
633 Hauling
634 Lasn Mo er Sales/Sen
635 Lawn/Landscpg
636 LocLkmiLb
637 Manrne Conmi
638 Marine/Boaung
640 ConcreieMaornrv
645 Mo.'mg & Storage
618 Pressure \'ashmg
650 Paimung
o651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
6'34 Phoiograph,
655 Rain aners
660 Remodel'Consi
665 Repairs
L,'-) Rooiin,
675 Sprinler A& %elll
67; Tree Serce
678 Tile
o80 Uphobtere
685 E\allpapenng
690 VWaer Treatment
-"00 C.ge Therap
710O Hesith Care Sen
-30 Caregiv enr
800 For Sale
603 Music & Insti
810 Anuques
815 Aucuons
820 Wanted to Bu)
825 Trade
830 Consignment
840 Garage Sale:
850 Garage Sales jas Beach.
852 Garage Sales Neptune Beach
854 Garage Sales .tlnennc Beach
857 Garage Sales Ponie Vedra
856 CGarae e Salesof %e: t
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
9 15I BoaL
930 Motiordcles
950 C.apers/RVI'
97110 TrucKs/an.
980 Automobiles
List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
$500 gas card at Closing!
National Association of Realtors
NE Florida Association of Realtors
Call or come by our office:
1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
Mail us:
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
1114 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
E-NMail for information: classified@beachesleader.com
Visit our website: www.beachesleader.com
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loric Port City Coaslal Development The no Bcn $199,000. Grace Ellis. All Pro Re-
Bluts on the Cape Fear. Fasiest growing, alt Specialisis 655-7,923 cliil
county in NC Grand opening rafl 2006. al p 55-93 ie
Direst ocean access, Preconstruclion in. PV FSBO Build your dream home Last
cenlives 1to call now. 114 acre budidable lot east ol A1A
www Ihebluffsnc corn (8661725.8337 $429.900 Call 19041994.1329
Cape Fear Bluffs, LLC Broker.
in.Ponte Vedra
I acre lot w/large oaks &
hardwoods, 100x450 zoned for
.horses, minutes to shopping.
the beach in
a non-gated community. $475,000
Call Top'Producer Lynn Saul .
Prudential .,
,. Netwotrw Realty q i, o..neJi-'p-,'1-'j
SBuildable Lot
IRarely Found
,0 at the Beach!
50' x 120 lot.zoned-multi-family, just 6 blocks to the ocean
and' popular Jax Beach. Can be either
duplex or single family residence. A Rare
Opportunity!. $180,000
Suzie Mons Connolly
9 04-234-8812
.R..EAL TA Elo
Let us take the hurdles out of
finding employees, cars,
services, employment
Two lois. 50' 190' each Ott Beach Blva
on Gerona Dr Easi. 569 900 each
993-5853 993-3803 Owner. AgenI
Be Complete: Put yourself in the
readers place. If you were consider-
ing buying lus 'item, what would
vou wan, to know about it? Give the
item's age, condition, size, brand
name and any other information
needed to describe it accurately and
Include Price: Price is one of the
biggest concerns of classified shop-
pers. Ads that list prices will get
their anention. Including pnce also
helps you avoid inquiries from
caers not in your price range.
Be Available: List your telephone
number or address so the potential
buyer will know how to contact
voiu. State the best hours to call so
they'll know when they can reach
%ou. If you're not home when an
interested prospect calls, the
chances are tat prospect will not
call back
* Family Ad Rate: only $7.10 first 10 words,
47 each additional word
* Commercial Rate: only $8.10 first 10 words,
.47' each additional word
Cash, Checks, Visa or
MasterCard Accepted .
,,, ', .., '" I B j~l ll
'-,','- -. i ,-'ji, : 3BR/2BA. VERY nice, modem, open floor
Splan, 2 car garage, Oakridge Subdivision.
S. PVB 5419,000 (904)699-2906.
in ernga ndina Beach
Located in the delightful Amelia Bay off Nassauville Road in
Fernandina Beach bordering a lovely estuary. Select your own
builder and build the home of your '
hearts desire. A great investment
opportunity. Offered at $239.000
Call Top Producer Lynn Saul!
46 steps to Neptune Elemenlary play-
gound. 3BR/2Bk 1998sI, new -root. large
corner 1I.l. 1495 Forelt Ave $329k
Event on Monday Nightl
Please viii our Vinual Open House
Monday 9/18, 4.7 pm
Log onio
Phyllis will be online
Taking questions live!
Phyllis Slairies. 476SOLD
REvMAX Coastal Real Estate
OPEN HOUSE- $497K Sun.. 12-4pm.
2985 St. John's Blvd. So. Jax Bch Park,
pool home. 3BR/2 5BA. sunroom.
2778 Lantana Lakes Dr.' W., Lantana
Lakes Open Sunday, 9.17M06. 11am-
3pm 3BR,2BA, 1492 _l., $196,500.
2681 R.S. Bailey Dr. E.. Laaiana La.es,
Open. Sunday. 9/17/06 11am.3prm.
3BRi2BA, 1875s1, 5228,000
4531 Antler Hill Dr. E., Hunters Ridge
Open. Sunday, 9!17,06, 12pm.3pm.
3BR/2BA. 1448s1. $237.500.
REAL ESTATE (904)247-4442
Claiage Rd' E. Newly remodeled, vacant
R/1BA lae.ay 00
Cusiom home- 2800SF, doK 2-borbail.ihs.
bulkhead 4BR 3BA, pool delached 3.car '
gar. 100x440 beaulilully. reed lot.
$1 475M 285-0489
HIDDEN TREASURE! Atlantic Beach, 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA, ,1700sl,
concrete block & slucco. Very solid Lg lot
wt iruii trees Very private. Conrernientito
.goll, tennis, nature., park, schools,, bike
paths. $310,000. Make" it -your- home..
. 463-3738
246. 252 Poinisetla St Atlanlic Bn Set ul
Duplexes Salurday 9/16, 9am-12pm,
Remodeled. upgraded 3BR/2 5BA. Patio
Home on quiet cul-de-sac willhin walking
distance or clubhouse Spacious open
0loor plan, vaulted.ceilings, extended Mas.
ler BR. Attached 2 car garage New root.
appliances, heal/ air system Move-in con-
dition 5539,750. 904-273-0941
New conslrucilon, completion late 06,
cottage style, 4200sl 4BRi4BA $1.975M
Call now Io see floor plans.
Galed community, 4BR/3BA, 3000st., in-
ground pool, dock. summer kitchen, water
views fronl and rear. Built in '95.
- 924,900.
Call Linda 525-2638
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
FIVE BLOCKS to Beach. Corner tw lots
and cbs Bungalow $325,000. Carolyn
Francis. RE/MAX Specialists 904-
Saturday & Sunday 12.4pm.'901 Paradise
Lane in:Paradise Preserve (olt of Dutton
Island Rd. A B.) Greal open tloor plan with
3BR/3BA, bonus room. Top Sell -Really
.270-0222 .
2432s1. many upgrades. AG pool, and
deck system $235,000. independent brok-
ers 710-3111.
2BR'2BA CHARMING Villa in RV. Updat-
ed open Iloor.plan, end unit in galed com-
muniry. Icar garage, glass enclosed sun
room overlooking pond. $133/mo. lee in-
cludes pool and tennis coun. $298.000.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dunon Island, Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1900st, totally restored, double
lol w/ pool. $319,000. (904)222-1873.
.BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA townhome. 5
blDocks; to beach $220.000. Call realtor/
..owner (904)742-6423
3BR/1BA, large lot, walk to parksbeach.
Newer kilchen floors and AC. sell below
appraisal aI $205,000. Great investment
opponunity.t651-6748 or 247-9244.
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
rome 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
worksriop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivaled seller
Will co-op. (9041463-7245.
LUfestyles Realtors at the Jacksonnille Beach Office
would like to announce one of our newest family members,
Doris Stein Farber. She has joined us with over 13 years of
Real Estate experience and has participated in over $70
million in transactions and is a tremendous addition to our
team. Doris has been nicknamed the "Condo Queen"'and
has been known to cause quite a "commotion on the ocean".
Doris Stein Farber
Lifestyle Realtors r t
lax Beach Office
3652 S. 3rd St., Jax Beach
904-2-1-0855 i ,
Real Estate Broker/ o
Liquidating Personal
High-end Homes, Townhomes
& Condos
These Properties are the "best of
the best" and priced well below
market value,
all offers considered.
Can 333-7873 for details l
* Townhomes, condos,
beach homes, apartments
single-family, mansions,
single, story, two story,
three story homes '
* Spacious, flexible
floor plans
* Custom interior and
exterior designs
* Attached garages
* Parks
* Community center
w/pool, tennis courts
* Nature preserve trails
* Fenced yards
* Gated communities
This award-winning
newspaper arrives in your mailbox
every Wednesday and Friday, for
only $25 per year, filled with in-depth _dra
coverage of all the information you
need from buying-----
:' home to renting a flat!
Fax: 249-1501
.,f. tic Beach
T o Settle Estate
363 4th Street' Lot 22 & Lot 24 MLS 295944, 295945
Asking 600K each but will entertain all written offers.
r Call Anita Vining
(904) 739-0717 (904) 923-1511
WO 0',A. 'L
- -
clccc'lrfi l 2
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 15, 2006
Dolphin Cove, 3BR/2BA, huge corner lot,
all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile In main
living area. Ready to gol Just Reduced.
2BR/ 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpet,
backs to preserve, vaulted ceilings.
Motivated seller. $201,999.
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot community
pool and tennis, minutes tc me Beacnes
A+ school. $288,900.
Totally remodeled 4BR/ 2.5BA, limestone
flooring, slate countertops, custom cabi-
nets and lighting. Owned by professional
kitchen/. bath designer. GORGEOUS!
Must seel $549,900.
TWO BR/ 1BA +Jot Ponte Vedra Beacn
Condos. upgrades including granite & tile
Iloors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, witness room 1 unit
currently leased $189,900 & $195,900
Key West style conage, 2BRl1 5BA, ador.
able with huge great room, private back-
yard. great for eniertainring, Low mainie
nance landscaping. $323 900
Moltivated seller 2BR,2BA. downstais
uni, fireplace wood floors, icar garage.
Offered at $144,900.
4BR/ 3BA wilarge bonus room. popular
Iloor plan w/lormal living/ dining room
covered lanai, in ground swim spa Seller
to pay $5000 ot closing costs. Offered al
3BR/2 5BA. corner lot, exc. condition ,
close to beaches & schools $269.500
Seller to pay $4000 closing costsl
Upgraded nome on San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w!spacious master suIte.
Fenced back yard, large den. immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900
4/2 HOME in Walden Chase off CR 210.
never lived in, huge great room, $349,900.
Call: 904-241-4447
$419,000 5/3.5, 3279 SF, 2 master
suites, back to preserve, all
appliances & pool table sta\, built
S. JAX Bch. 4/2, newly painted $350 000
'$249,900 Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetlne stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
0505. '
LIVE IN AB <$400,000. 6 blocks to ocean,
lakefroht, pool. 3BR/2.SBA, 2 car garage.
See to appreciate. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle. $395.000 904-994-4220
2BR/2BA ATLANTIC Beach home on goll
course $188,500, 247-9850.
$212,000. 3BR/2BA. Beauillul! Budil-in 99
w/ig fenced yard near beaches in quiel
corner ot suOdlvlsion Pics & more inlo at
nrlp //inioTuoe nel'152977
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beacn
2BR/1BA on 60'x50' lo. 255 Sherry Dr
$459.000 349-2504.
S. JAX BEACH- 3BR,2 5BA. for additional
into on this property please call 861 4636
and enter ID# 61180.
ATLANTIC & Kirnen area 3BR.2BA on
lake, 1580si. $234,900. Call Terry
esville, lakeview. upstairs master suite
w'office. 4,'3. 2950sf 5 acres, build 2002
$469.000. Independent Brokers 904-710.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dunon Island Preserve.
3BR' 2BA, t400sl new red oak floors
new roof $208.000 (904)222-1873
large comer lot, tile Iloors. new roof F,P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514 7152
WONT LASTI First lime ofteredl
2BR.'1.5BA, Iownhome In Neptune Beach,
hardwood floors & lile on 1sl il or, carpel
In bedrooms and slairs, upgraded kitchen.
nice baln. lully enclosed room on back
can be tnird bedroom, nearly new Trane
A/C system plumbing has been repipea.
root replaced 16 yrsi 10t12' shed, looks
like a doll house. Large rear yard. walk 10
park schools and shopping. Asking $219k.
will co-op. Call Russell 343-2206
o Saturday 10am-3pm
Sunday 12pm-3pm
3BR/2.5BA townhouse in
Sawgrass TPC
1540 SF* I Car Garage
Wood Floors
Granite Countertops
Custom Cabinets "
Newly remodeled
29 Turtleback Trail.
$349,900 will co-op >
(904) 535-3200 .
A & & A
Supell Iln n us
Sat/Sun 9/16, 9/17
1040 24th Street Norlh
4/2 Unique Home Lors of GIaoi. Wood rTile
Morel Immaculoae Beaur.Ful Floors Spacrio.,
Master, Furnilure Available Tool This is a Home
Like No Oiher Phoio Sho- Back of Hom,
S.. ..- C6, O. Se-rl"h 'P.rbii $705 000
I i race Hughes, REALTOR
| at 904-233-1341
FSBO in Jax Beach, 3/2.5BA 2132sf.
Beautiful 2 story home 1/2 block to the
ocean w/direct access. Refinished hard-
wood floors downstairs, Berber carpet up-
stairs. Spacious master suite w/walk In
closets and refinished master bath.
$945,000. 68 29th Ave South, 536-3308.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
4BR/ 2.5BA, 2400sf, brand new Key West
style home. $415,000. (904)222-1873.
A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600sf 2 car
garage', bum 2002. $239 9K tirm
658 Stocks 534-4848
Total refurb, 3/1 home on 72x118 lot. con-
crete block/ stucco. Walk to beach/
schools. New S/S appliances & W/D.
Move-In ready. Will co-op. 446 Lora St.
$459,000. (904)241-5564.
GORGEOUS, 4BR/3BA, low country
charmer In P.V. Beach sits on large Con-
servation lot and Is loaded w/custom up-
grades $624.900. Call Susan Kennedy &
The Kennedy Team @ Vanguard GMAC
SOUTHSIDEJ Secret Woods. Brick home,
3BR /2BA, 1895s1. $284,900 OBO Bnng
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-3111.
Community Wide
Open House
Sunday 2-4 in The Colony
i !^ Walk to the Beach from any of these Great
Homes in a Great Communiry East of AIA.
., .. All homes include a Garage! The following
: ,, W Realtors@ %ill be your host:
#31 Wanda Petersen & Kelly Whitaker,
Lifestyles Realtors at Sawgrass 537-4594
#51 Pam & Jack Henry,
Marsh Landing Real Estate 285-7700
#63 John NMcCrindle, Yourigloo.com 285-0545
# 87 Dee Walker & Hazel Cooksev,
Marsh Landing Real Estate 285-7700
# 98 Cindy Demaio, Ponte Vedra Beach Realty 285-6522
# 114 Janet Wells, Ponte Vedra Beach Realty 285-6522
Please come by and learn about the great opportunities at The
Colony. From JTB S on AIA..RT on Corona Blhd, Ist RT in The
Colony Each Bldgs unit numbers are above the front entry door.
For More Info:
Call Cara Doud
571-2612 or
Tom Gibbon .
Sat. 2-5 PM
1161 Sandpiper Ln., A.B.
Perfection! 3/2 home has sophisticated
style and convenient location. Close to the
beach, schools, parks, & Town Center.
(Dir: N. on Seminole Rd., Left on 11th St.,
Rt. on Linkside Dr., Left on Sandpiper to
Tranquility! Private & tucked away this
2/2.5 town-home in North A.B. is a dream.
Ocean views relax the master bedroom.
Serenity! Top floor condo-home in the
-'Phffs at. Ma~h i- dihg .Tifflor & -,
picturesque view set this home apart. 1/1
w/garage. $159,900
3515 S 1 ST' 3BR/1BA with detached one car
garage, wood floors, large front porch, furnished.
Totally renovated on 50'x140' lot. $675,000
119g 37 AVE. SO, 3BR/2BA with 2 car garage
attached by Fla. room, wood floors, vaulted ceiling,
new kitchen, updated electrical & plumbing. $699,000
Sherri Beno Realtor '
Lisa DiStefano Realtor* :
Call Rosemary Naughton
"She KNOWS the beaches!"
111 Oleander Street. Nept Bch
Oceanviews in Front Yard... a Dollhouse!
"Southern charm" retreat, I home off bch! Generous LR/DR areas,
sparkling sunroom opens to oceanside terrace. Orig. hrdwd. floors, salary
breezes, Irg. bedrooms, f-place, built-ins, Delightful! $849.000
P.V. Water Setting- E. of AIA
L'Atrium dollhouse, beautifully maintained lakefront. cul-de-sac locale.
2/2, Irg screened lanai, 2car gar, all new appliances. A gem! Furmshing
considered. Take A IA S. across from Sawgrass Village to 2432 Lorraine
Ct. S. 5342,000
.Sip Sunrise Hot Coffee in "Classic A.B."
Adl. Bch. is still the spot! Vintage 3BR, 3 homes off bch-front. Magnificent
LR/DR/Kit created by owner/architeci-graite, stainless, fluted glass cabs.
Orig. hrdwd. floors, new windows, serenity gardens. 5795.000
So Close to the Ocean... So Reasonable the Price!
Enjoy beachy fun, just 5 blocks to sunrise in hub of "South Bch."
Delightful 3BR 3BA, deep bkyard w/ quiet pond privacy Wd. floors, all
BR's up for open-window breezes! So close to JTB & great conveniences.
Buy Smart in Neptune- "A Hidden Pearl" Triplex
aptiureparadtse in hub of Nep,.oqnly-7 homes off ocean & 6 blks to
town-center! C. blk. duplex & 1/I apt. in rear-- needs muscle & TLC.
Huge lot w/room for pool & deck! Your chance to re-do, make it home
or 3 strong rentals. $649,500
Jat lch 2b P. iA. ii01 SF :[I r 'r N H [i,5-Sir S,. I',. [.4Fm
PV Boh 2-PR BA.- i3lri trh C.:., PIun StprI. 1. 1-4pm
lUx Boh B ER P,. ?:.1 TdJ Il ir.h Dr .un ept I- i-4f.rpm
PRICE beaches BR REF#
$1S9,000 Pir,,nt :I,, $609 3 3267
Impre:te dAd B .-h kime ,' mins upgrade
$199.900 PaImer,, a loI- $726 3 9522
C rE I ip .rtr Il:.cari.c:,n
$199,900 P.,,mieat lo,.- a $726 3 3265
Lo..,i' Beid-, home beautifull, miniained
$199.900 Prr.-.it IL.... $726 3 3267
s,:o.mpletcIt renovated home in Cptr. Co(.o
$199,900 Piim..r. as Il..., $5726 3 9554
Th "-'ill. C -:.ndo r mrnr.h ie-
$221,9110 P.L,,r. i; 1,.. i $06 3 3394
G .or ou.c tr. .ciL- Eac', tural.o.
$222.900 Fi n 1.:, ... $7 IS 2 3218
Fabulou: cond- lu't n-rnute, to the b ach.'
$224.500 Pr.,,nt ,r .I.:, $816 2 9544
T1h, Prir.. C..ndo-. ,s i[er I.
$233.000 P,r,r .,it ,I-:,, ,$847 3 3130
B_ .ur, ul khome on hIrce lc in Coachman Lrke:l
$244.900 Pat ment i-. as $890 3 3286
E ,clu. h-,can mn .,iie t ibdi' rion Ti :.1.
$245.000 Pna,,rrt .n I,, .. ,s NS90 4 9521
Fl-.i.rc hm- ,n V '.:-:.dl ind F.re:ei
$259,900 Pair., :r,, r I,,, a.$941 2 2848
Goru ,ou ric.,h nhon-,e 25 blocks to the beach'
$269,900 Pim- mint k .li, ia $984 3 3338
F'nrt0ic Aii \ ch homl 0 pirk-like back i3rd
$275,500 Pi,,rne i. I,..s $1,001 3 9563
(Liparrd home in hi .4'F Pilm:
$350,000 P'i,rnt [ :.-, 1.,, $ 1.272 3 3317
m'iri. h:rme :r, hu, loi in N Ft. Pech!
$350.000 Pmrn mir 1.c.. .$1,380 1 9511
C ,c i nl'ro nt bide c:. ld :- .-re -, Feta.' ,
$353,900 Pa,n.rt a I' ".-: $1,26 3 3273
Ir .d,- a.tiir i h I:.m cIlo.e t:, hhe b ,chi
$375.000 P,tm-,r,i L. I.:.,, 5 1.363 2 9530
.j'r-.m [.,,jr .,-slar.rc &ch hi-.
$369,011.1 Pan,-.r.i a- I.:- i- $1.188 3 3206
Qujrnr B ,j.i hrn-:.n i romile :-Ccin
$384,900 -,,,pr 1 I.',. .: $1,399 3 2972
Ke, V',t ''[ r! baur'i lu.h lr.d,.:p.n in kB'
$399,900 Pi,..:rr l- i- $1,450 1 2716
as:..icc:u cr.,:c.ctert i-ct c.ce riironr c:nd.:.
$399,900 Firm,-iras I.,, 1. $1,450 3 9517
Grt KFn ,in A'i1cruar I. I- -,:' ot ameneirI..
$129,900 Parmr 1,r0,,".' $1,562 3 2997
xrunnrig h:.me ,ju: r, rnucE, :* d't Beach
$719.001)0 fiment i 1.:.. a $2,613 4 9512
,re't beich c)tilge i 5 [lk:. ro .-
$749,000 Pa,,mr,' at Ic, a- $2,722 2 3076
h'credi.l- :ondo irnormic e ,'. : BfB!
$890,000 Payment I.:.,. i 3,234 5 95411
.tep t..: the occin grt rernLa iniestm ent'
Ponte Vedra
$184,900 P. ,.r-i I.:.- i-. $672 1 9528
S Nc,: Fir ,i, Park C indo a frpih
$199,900 Pi,n-enit Il,, $726 2 9526
$219,905 Grand Car C ndo :-r. eBR 9
$219,901) P ment1. o, -, $799 2 9562
'. ,-1Dell P ir-R n.-..)rd
$209,900 Pa-n.int i. I:.-. $763 2 9531
Beauitul updve condo in 1 lir:h Cc,e
$229,900 Par ment is l,- as $835 2 2887:
$ L'niou bundlo, I-am m ,inut ro rhe becb.
$240,000 'atmrent I'. ... 5$873 2 9514.
G'rt Ponre ".eJra duples The rind-
$252,900) Pirrm.nr,., Ic. a $814 3 3421
P2untuil ::.ndo .n Po.te', dri a. un room
$279,000 rimer a. I:.,, a. $1,014 2 9525
Cute hc.mc 'v curb jppsAl ,n O'ikbrd.: '" '
$329,900 Pri.ren..., Ic-... a$1,199 3' 9518 1
Gr"ir \ i. rs.,Cb: ,eh rn- I e,..,,. .us.o ms, "
'J^ W e'll Sell ,
ur Home for a
LOW flat fee.*
"Transaclion fee may app y. ,
FIt fees vory by off.ce. No uptront costs
Call for details
h mskS T
$349.900 PirNTnr, a' lo i. $1271 4 9520
B.uuniful 2 1r old Vi:den Chase hm
$359,900 n, a.r,. loas $1,305 3 9555
Fpbulou, lk &frTont xie.' in Fairfield
$389,900 P,mnent E. lois as $1,417 5 9S33
Best lot on eet le goreos home
$515,000 Pitmi ntE .:1 a.: $[l,87 3 9559
i acre ool home in Pilm'.'al,'
$625,000 Pament ia low as $2,271 2 9524
Incredible o.:ean i esie Pelican P:.int Condo
$749,900 Paiment as lot a- $2,722 4 9513
Loc.el home in Fiddlers Hammock
$780,000 Payment as low as $2.834 4 9571
\\%oodlanda \VWet home theatre is
$1,049,000 Pament a, los a! $3,812 4 3020
Ettrauagant Ponte \era home wi"nground ool &i;cuzi
$1,249.000 Parneni a. los a, $4,539 3 9539
65 Itt cean tronEage, & loieli ,'ie
$1,049,000 Payment as oIn., a,3,812 4 .3020
Eatriagant Pontieedra home ,v. ingr.,und pool & iacuzz
$1.350,000 P.,meni a, low as $4,906 Land 9543
a.'cant land in Palm',ialle 5 acres Rcscoe
$191,000 Pa ment a; low as $699 3 2905
Adonble home on corner lot in Cambridge!
$224,000 Pwment -low I;s 5814 3 3228
m224900 ing hm on beiuntful corner lot in Sterling Ride'
$224.900 Piment ii Iowa $817 3 3143
Goi:eoui home 'tropical paradise in backward
in Greenfield Lakes!
$239,900 Pavment as Iou a $872 3 2867
Beauiul hme a puklmg ingirnd pool in Arbor Pointe!
$239,900 Pament as lon as $868 3 9515
Nice Wolf Creek Condo. Beach Blid
$239,900 Ptiment aa Ioc as $872 2 3181
Eleganlt, appointed suburban ling. \\'olf Creek.
$245.000 Paimnent as Ilo1 as $890 4 3085
CHarming brk rnt[ hm on culdesac lot in A-hl'.y WVods
$269,000 Piment as lo, as $977 3 3353
Gorgou home on a ue sac lot in\'illage of Piblol
$269,900 Pirment as lo, a $869 4 2902
Beauuful 2 story on culdeoic lot in Arbor Poinre!
$274,900 Pa t meant as Ic. a $999 4 3133
Fab brick frnt hm -an culdeac ,n .' hls goods ?
$284,900 Paysent as lo as $1035 3 2646
Like ne.- tocnhcm.' w,' fantastic c ier ieus,
in Cstord Cha:e
$284,900 Payment as Ilw as $1035 2 9519"
Oikbidge beauty,' I1 IOL scMnd lanui
$285,000 Paimentas low as $1,036 3 3270
Fai-n.IsEic 2 tEor) home that backs to o,,ods.
Colpinsuood Subdnision
$288,500 Pasmen i lasoas $1.048 3 3217
Iahns Creek beuni Goroeous inside & out!
$295,000 Pavmenr as loa ,$ 1,072 4 9516
B,' LtNF charming I-owner hm Mu.t see'
$299,000 Paiwenc as Ion- as$1,086 3 9534
(Iret hFm. Cvpres \'Village Retirement area
$315,000 Paiment as lo., i $1.145 3 3280
Open & s'.pc hm es inmrnd pool in The \'ood..
$324,900 Pa-menr as lo, a. $1,181 3 3320
Charming home on beautiful corner lo in The Woods!
$355,000 Paimnt as lou a $1,290 4 1009
Spiciou home ,w. 'reat vaterviewi r \i'\ngiate Forest!
$329,000 PaTment as lc.- a, $1,196 3 3194
P'ol home on i beautiful nate lot in Pablo PoinL'
$339,900 Palnent as ,lo-.a- ,$1.235 4 3107
Spectacular pool home on huge lot in Gatelv Oaks:
$339,900 Payment as low as $1,236 4 3307
G rgpeoui home on hue private lot in Ibis Point !
$340,000 Pmitent as lo- a s $1,236 4 3029
,.Very beautiful, top of the line home in Walker's Glen'
$399,000 Payment as low as $1,450 4 3298
Magnificent model quality home in Marsh Sound!
$399,900 Payment as low.as $1,453 3 3222
Impressive lakeview hrs w/in rnd pool in Covington Criee
Before you pay 6% or more
to sell your home...
"6.o dfjor a ompariseon peipases "nlyd 'e
Commissioqns are negotiable and not~sethy la*.
5449,000 P.,,nmnt 1lo.. a. $1,632 4 3306
Designer hm ., sparklingg irnd pr:.l in Th. \'.o..o:'
$149,900 Pamn is l.- nville $545 1 9572
Cot3 Lakecrsit Cond .round ltlr iinit
$164,000 Pa;,m a I.:,.. $5946 3 3350
Great isarrer h'.m on bi ,t rin Fr. r:,r.l-
$183,000 Pa)ment as $66E5 3 3313
M'en nice ground kll condo. lk ... *:
$184,900 Pa,Minnt as b. ,$672 3 1008
Cure Arlingtin home Pnce tust reduced'"
$189,500 Payment as lo. a, $610 .3 3193
Loret home in a great loc'uon. '.'lU i. ac c..,. CrE.k'
$199,000 Payment s- loU a. $723 3 3091
Chirm,n.z home ,. 'Flonda room ir, FL Car:.line
$209,000 Pa'ment is low' a; $760 3 3325
Beautiful in.r:-und pol home in Arlingr.o., HIL.
$209,500 Payment as as $761 3 3243
Besuuful home in d=.iarble K.n:inrton uLrd, or in ,
$215,000 Payment a- l. a 5$692 3 3396
Firimsc Surton Lakei home .. lar,- backward
$224,999 Pament a10. Ia $724 3 2699
Beaunful Surron Lake- hm- ..' likcw:'".
$225,900 Pa)Trent a. lco As $727 3 3130
Beauntiful rme .:.n lar,: lot in C-.:. ,achi, i La 1_ .
$229,900 'Panmenr as I.I $8A36 4 1004
Beautiful h.n e Coichrr, n LAk.-,w/huge yad! '
$235,000 Pan,er, i. &Z $854 3 3062
Well muntained tc.-ihome ol'f Kernan!l
$239,800 Pa)ment as lo u, $871 3 3161
Roomv, bnck Front home ir, ',Airlh Phce'
$240,000 Pamnem a o..- aI, s $873 3 3108
Spectacular hom e likeltronr lr ,n Suron Lak..;
$244,900 Pament as Io.i as $896 3 2668
LoeelV Wolt Creek To-.anhcmnm:r.-in r. ki',
$245,900 Pamnent as los i $894 4 2172
Bnlliant concrete bi-ack home ,n Surr.: n L kd.'
$246,900 Pament as Io.w $897 3 3231
Imprissire "Sucton Lakes home .n large lott
$249,500 Pa)ment as Iow' a $907 4 2971
Lop ])e h.me a huc p at r..rm ir, bi r, r .-n rr F'l.:- "
$257,000 Payment as low as $934 4 3367
Beautiful all stucco home w/tiled lanai in Hid kin' C?, '.
$259,900 Pa,-menir as lo- is $94 4 3 3036
M'mnt condrion home rhit r r moe-,n read)
Surton Lakes Subdiion
$259,990 PiPmenrt as alo s $837 4 3290
Mignfihcent all stucco home in K :n3.ripit'n'
$267,900 Pa ment as Iov as $973 3 3065
Spacbiok home open tlo,.r plan in i F Cirohinc'
$269,900 Payment as lois as $981 4 3257
Beauuful Wll bnck home that is moue-in read
$274,900 Payment as lo,. as $999 4 2963
Great 2 stonr hm bnlltante .d rfln in uri.:.n Lake.
$279,000 Payment as los as $1.014 4 3392
O.t'ssaindmu home in urion Lakes .i.I000. 0 IP ei
$279,900 Paimenr aslo,.- a $1,017 3 3193
mmA brick beuot on cul de sac lot in Rser Point!
$275,900 Pavment s Io,. as $1.003 3 3303
Like new hm-quality shows throughout, Kernan Lakes
$295,000 Payment as low as $950 4 3397
: r e: hBeautiful Sutton Lakes homeon cul-de-sac,
$314,900 Pimeneas lowmas $1,144 4 2806'
Beautiful home in Johns Creek! Reduced $10,000!
$339,500 Payment as low as $1,234 7 4 3190
Immaculate home b actingg to a preserve in Johns Creek!.
.$339,500 Payment as low as $1,234 4 3230
Gorgeous home a premium waterfront lot in Walkers Gilen!
$359,000 Payment as low as$1,305 4 3249
Brilliant home in East Hampton w/hardwood floors
$469,900 Payment as low as $1,708 3 3077
S .Impressive 2 story home w/inground pool in
Windsor Parke!
$668,900 Payment as low as $2,431 5 2727
Fantastic 2 story contemporary pool home in
Hampton Park
The RPeachP eader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 3
EImftal* IT0
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New'
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By,,appointment only. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
(. ., "' Sought After Marsh Sound!!
Spacious 4BR/3BA 2-167 sq ft home. on cul-de-
saccomerlot The open floor plan has knockdown
S "~ :"y ceilings with custom tile and carpet Wired for
surround soand in the great room. miaser bedroom
and the screened porch The home office ha;
French doors and custom cabinetry Master bathl
with garden tub. separate sho%,er and salk-in
clk.se. Jack and Jill baths connects lo TTront bedrioorlrs; has separate
San ues and linen closeLt. ADT alarm and fire systems, irrigation
system ,ith own meter Offered at $36N,000
Call Evelyn & Steve Martin,
and "Double the Magic"
(904) 887-7053 Evelvn's'Cell
1904) 887-7409 Ste\e's Cell
Reduced! And East of AIA
in Ponte Vedra Bch
... 3BR/2BA + office POOL home on
private 1.5 lots. Single level & brick
., I on quiet cul-de-sac, tiled thru-out.
granite counters, vaulted ceilings. FP.
R new masterbath. Great Buy at
Suzie Mons Connolly
S 3BR/2BA single level
home on lovely lot w/great views of the golf
course. Soaring ceilings, FP, eat-in kitchen,
scrnd lanai, 2CG. New AC, HWH & garage
door, new carpet, freshly painted in & out.
$429,000! Suzie-Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnollyy@ [tfesitylesrealtors.com
4BR/2.5BA home on 1/2 acre lot
close to beach. Family RM w/FP,
gorgeous kitchen w/granite/SS''
appl/Shaker cabs. Bamboo floors in LR
l & DR. 2nd FP in LR, New Roof & AC. A
bargain at $489,000!
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnolly @ ifestylesrealtors.com
SCausing a Commotion On the Ocean!
.- ,
4852 sq. ft. home in Plamntation Oaks.
Thi_ home hj- it all! Traverrine floors.
upgraded carpets. gas lireplace. gourmet
kitchen ,"ith granite counters & stainless
steel appliances. lushli landscaped estate
sized lot tended ,asrd. large lanai & an
unbehelieable in-round pool. $1.-I49.(000
4141 sq ft home in Plianiau.n Oaks Enjo'
the gourrne kitchen jtih a monogram
retrigerator & granfi courntcrs Indulge
So.urs-elf in 'ur Iloel, masTer baith Lhai has
a granite lanits. ftramele. a hoier
enclosure and Jacuzzi tub Extras include
Buillt'.-.ns irn 'std\. surr'-und soun.r a
. irinrg package and s.;: much more.
$1.139,'35. r S ". *
Rosemary Kristoff REALTOR
Prudenttai Nei',ork Realt,'s Muln-MilUlon Dollar Producer
904-333-4841 cell or 904-2S5-lSO0 ext 3079 office
( i Prudential Email- rosemkln'bellsouth net .
Network Realty 0 independent\ os ned and operated 0 a
V ai^ i ijj|i
2 hedromnrr,. 2 hath cnrind in
fabulous O-ceans Eoqel Resort
style. i thing **'/cor'enient tb"ech
8accss e-l-._artl Clut.houi'S r[nil
pool plus upscale ,.neror
refinements. Jayne Hoffman
or Michelle. Floyd 5435 000
New l/l 'lMurphy bad unit for
- oueits Steps to beach shop-
prng & line dining! Gourmet kllt.
granite. cersmc. Ile. garden tub.
1" ilr unii adjacent to siate of,
AIn- art -iitiu-i u.;e.pnnl SirepR'
fo.r Iellv BlacKburnl 369.900,
Imma.cuiar-s 2' floor unit. Num-.
'.'.,. 'u- jl;yr.iles fi'.k h Ihiis iuni
special Overlook s .oo.-larnd &'
prEs r,'e Quiet & primate Onl/
24 ,-1. ts n tli .' i.ujininuniL Vtr/,
low conac trees 2 car garage
3329'.90i) Dennis D.5Simon- .,
Light & bright, remodeled to the
nines. Nothing missed in the
remodeled l.Ichen wiln profes-
sional appliances, wood floors,
2 fpl.; high ceilings, impressive
stairway, 4BR + office, 3BA on
lagoon. $949,000 Joyce Rcashh
129 Sea Hammock. 3BR/2BA
floor plan modified to 2BR.
Massive wrap around decks,
breathtaking ocean and
preserve views, wood plank
ceilings, faux finishes, granite &
more. Olivia Seaman $799,900
One of the last lots directly on
the ICVW in HarbLour Island.
perfectly situated on the end of
a cul-de-sac. Offers exquisite
views, pristine bldg conditions
and a 50' boat slip $1,576,000
Michelle Floyd / Jayne Hoffrnlan
Almost 'entirely remodeled 3/2
home w/tile & wood firs, FL n-n
with AC & carpet, newer apple. in
kit, vaulted ceilings, slate tiled
frplc & privacy fenced backyard
w/pavers. Great rerilal history!
$279,000 Call Olivia Seaman
Deep water access in the heart
of Paim Valley'l Build your,
creamrn I;rre on, -th, 7,' x 460'
incredible lot. Gre l lnnio rsiile.
great views, greal locitonD"il
on't.wait at only $675,000. :
C.l Susuar. Ftrt flor more infol
Build your dream home I High &
dry .,'over ;,% acre, beautiful
oaks &,beach access jusl steps
awayl Only vacant lot 5'- 10'
above sea level., Fully
bulkheaded: n lo.r",0 Michelle
, Floyd .'Jayne Hoffmn ,'
Totally renovated w/hign end
hlbUgra.-,t ..1 P ,-fs ti$2.f,(lh
3'2 converted to 2/2. '.wigraniTe.
marble floors Duill-irs private
E9 bbikui.- u.' 6" 0o.ar. Don't
miss iiEms one. '790.G000
Please call Olivia Seaman
This condo occupies,the entire
v floor Gorgeous ocean
views, 56 Sarurntia marble
finornr;- piasnTi Tl~ ', remote
cont,'olled linds. gourmet
kitchen & morel M:heis Floyd
or Jayne i-olfr,-i, r52.249.onm
Amazing 2-story traditional
home with long private drive
creating an "estate feel,'
Beautiful marsh and golf views,
screened pool plus an upstairs
ev.er.lna' oecki Jayne- Hoffman
or KMichelle Floyd 5969,000
property on Doctors Lake in OP.
110. i'. n rlI kR ar:t'5ts Io St.
Johns River, nreat tonfg term
inestrnent property 3BR'.1.5BA
SF htirinl & Inil 1BR/1BA
units. $989,000 Kim Lindeman,A
Judy Snmith or Gypsy Alexander
50' of ocean view, from this
totally remodeled 3BR/3.5BA +
study oceanfront dream home.
One of 8 exclusive condo's.
Exquisite finishes & the finest
workmanship offered. 2'car gar.
$2,999,999 Kim Martin-Fiaher
28 P rieV- ruB ul. i -Poi. V -iu 3ic. L 28
90-7 -,41- 0027-3171 .
ATLANTIC BEACH, Open House, IC WEST near Mayo Clinic, 3/2/2, 1750+
Sunday, 1pm-4pm. 518 Selva Lakes Cir- sf, remodeled, $274,500 OBO. Independ-
cle. 904-994-4220. ent Brokers 710-3111.
3BR/2BA, RIAYMUR Subdivision off
Hartsfield Rd., 9A & Merrill Rd., right at 1st
red light, 3314 International Village Ct. Liv.
Rm.,Din. Rh, Kit, Breakfast Rm., Kitchen,
Den, Master bedroom w/large bath, large
tub, enc. shower, huge closet. 1950sf. Se-
curity system, enclosed garage. Call Own-
er: Nick 223-5711 or 612-4800.
Lowest Priced 3 Bedroom
in Players Club Villas
3BR/3BA single level villa w/wonderful water
views in sought after gated community, soaring ceilings, large
kit, FP, formal LR & DR, spacious FR, each bedroom has own
^* bath. 2 decks & fishing dock. Community
"pool & clubhouse. Incredible Buy!
St- Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
-.- ..- -- sconnolly @ ifest lesrealtors.com
This 140 X 95' lot has both the beach
and the Intracoastal Watersay lust shorn i
distance aav. The dead end street h 'i
boat ramp at the end makes boating
easily accessible offering ihe best of Jud y
both worlds for outdoor enthusiasts -
$585.000. MLS 297216
ATLNTIC BEACH! udy Nicholson presents...
Corner lot, concrete block construction.
paneling throughout interior of 2nd
floor, downstairs efficiency api lan akn eam Realy -
irrigaton, yard well and pump. 2 carS
garage, built in 1947 Shortn alk to the Dir:904-280-2820
beach $695.000. MNLS#297791 Eve:904-241-2160
ATlANTIC BEACH! E-mail:judybythebeach@aol.com
Bull in 1949, 3BR. 2BA. LR. DR &
Kit. w/cozy breakl'ast rm oserlookingur
prvt ard. Lot extends from Ocean Vitw THE VIRTUAL TC-.IAS AT
Bld to Beach Ae. Just steps to the www.judynicholson.com
ocean & dining. $897,000 MNILS 1 -.-..w.
4298022 -, 1
Awesome location just across from the
Ocean on Beach Ave Built in 1923
Dor n-tatrs has 2 one bedroom umits and h ac and window s were replaced in 2004.
upstairs has 3 ocean %ies bedrooms $309.00Y) NS .3205.6
with hardwood floors, Offers parking ATlANTIC BEACH1 '
for cars $799.000 MLS#318771 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. remodeled. aood
.4AZLEA POINTI floors, fireplace. lois of storage. securN'
4 bedroom home overlooking the s stemrpn ate fenced backward and deck
lagoon High ceilings. formal li.mtng and tr outdoor entertaining. Tvo story
dining,.abu.idant storage. Split bedroom concrete block and frame construction.
arrangement, famlN room with fireplace $345.000. MLSt 307163
and screened pool area $574.500 PONTE VEDRAI
NLST321658 Built in 1993 on 24 acres of paradise
DOLPHIN COVE. PV wtub 3 Bedrooms upstairs plus bonus
3 bedrooms. 2 baths v ith aflexible floor room This gated community offers
plan. Remodeled to include fresh]h securit),pnacy.andopportuniry tohae
painted interior and newly installed your horse in your backyard, horseback
carpet The ness glass top range. riding trail- and lakesiess Beautiful
micro a e.efingerator and dish",asher wooden floors in a spacious dining room
are included Replumbed in 2003and and ceramic tile in the kitchen and
hallwaN $625.000 MILS# 321204
,, 1 .. .. .. ., I' .; ; a. ,1'- I
NILS # 314658 New \ndo\s. e\ doors. NILS 35228 BricLfresh paunted MBR/2B+
W i_. un LR& DR.FR,./-P.hrKAt13irrnm.nFI-,ndi
fi carpet. water heater, inlenor ehly om aage.
painted landscaped 1252 SF $2U9.1000 & ro,,m I,,f a pol. quiet nelighb..rhood. near
241-2417 shools ih.b.pFpiing bae.h 3 -9 )285-1800
MLS#289380 Spacious duplexjustabklok fliAIE WALK
from beach up/down style.4/2. 240 sq ft, tMLSl3'X..00Greafc.i-rpl.r.ier, &ghihbnghi'
ample parkiag,huge lot, exe rental history 3BR/2 5BN. 23XISF. LR -/FP. FLrcm, banusi
241-217 office. hue .creered lanai .%s.s:' & bnicl. pjiers.
$649,5(0) 241-17 nee carpet.comer lo, 2-car garagic & c.mminirv
A4114nI BEACH ILOT & club arrenties $w..5) 285-18100
NLS# 306556 Comer lot to build your VCN.1T lOT IN PONIE \EDR4
dream home. 2 blocks to ocean. Walk. bike, MLS# 271640 Close I,:. the beach, shc.ppjng.
roller their Alantic Beach Uulines in place. ..hc.ls;& ICW.ra-enanreIo.erdelighi' 1 5.scres.
$539,001 241-2417 a greal place c, bu ld ,our nuru.rarich & horse-
E CL.tSIE l 4RBORSIDE velco:.me' s,i,.I 285-1800
4 Coastal homeoserloo g ~NMLS 281048 Ma.grtificent Marsh Landing
LS#302741 Coastal homes overlooking ederra.n.syle n 2 c.:ded e. S on
Salt Run/Intracoastal Waterway. Icw,.u :1 ti,,ai sp in yacht basin. 6BR,7 5BA,
Comiemporary finishes. relaxed elegant 2..ib hbrar, ',/ipraltailase.theatre.guescabana.i
ivinmgnearhistoicSLAugustinesurrounded send ljrin p.ul/sp, .iirri mer knichen & FP
b% spectacular siews. $69,901.-$l595,( i5.9 51. t) 5-1800
PRIDE &AlfSHOWS otLS# 310419Srannirng 5BR,'4 Jill & 2alf BA
S6 Plantation shutters, home ,e\pain-.ie lae s tesmnys, m upgrades
MLS # 31867 Plantation shutters, homeiheatre.libr. udy mnecellar.
wainscoting, French doors, tiled FP, and goarrnct kLirhen. 3-car garage, huge c-nd lanai
screened porch, 4 walk in closets. $364,901) ../heated p.,l & in a pri.ale seiung $1,7790,0(.0
241-2417 285-1800
NLS # 306428 4/3, 4273 sf. 3+ stories, MLSZ89342Bnd.ik 2-sor BR/3BAhomeejsit
Adannc Bch.Open plan,'goumeltkit,custom Of Al Appri.t..-1i.) SF. man\ upgrade. &
n &rupgaesnglngore kR ufm LTltlmmens.us, iormet lchen i/il8 inch gas range.,
cabs & upgrades galore DR/kiifam subzero reirgemtsrt. master rv,'.er i0) SF. 6'
combo,breald'ast rt/bar, 2 Indry rms, artn ishrilp.'ol b.,31 5' p.:..i& shon:i3,alk beach
sMudioden,ofc. $1,599,000 241-2417 .0,ner/Agent $1.175,1(N) 285-1800
NMLS#289706Lo\elv 3/2 remodeled home MLS# 291847 On Srnng.-fed lake n,'e-s of
nearbeach and schools $319,900241-2417 13hte- beyondc Cllier4BR4B BA +bonus. ,,er
sImnV IDRREsiBiL 3510 SF. fleuble 1,:,,r plan. master site & 2BRs
SIPL- IRESISB L:El or, Ist. plen o:.f.uru<,ndmoned storage, scieeed
NLS # 310324 5/3 in Odoms Mill Open & heated o.l/spa. & pndti bad.a:d $5999,)(
floor plan, many upgrades and designer 285-1800
touches throughout.Private lot bordering on JLS SlIPS TO THE BEACIl
preserve on t\o sides $ 565,001) 241-2417 MLS#13296 Ne-..b renc..aed BR/2BAccndo
E OF DUPIM EX w/upgrades, gourmet kitchen, cast.f ALA, near
SU Ii great restaurants, shops & mor, community pool,
IS# 300568 In the Heart of Neptune Bch fitness center&clubhouse.AlcthisisinOceatnEdge
lust 2 blks to the ocean. Excl lhc. rental Condominiums. $485,000 285-1800 ,
history. Each unit 2/1. I up I down. i579,511) OIE VEDRA CONDO REDUCED!
241-2417 MLS# 303792 Close to the beach! Newly
ClASSIC ATLAMIC BEACH CHARMER renovated 1BR/1BA w/FP & screened amn.a,i in
MLS # 303738 4/4 built in 1999 wood gated community w/great amenities including
S. pool spa, clubhouse, media room, fitness center
floors, large master suite with sitting area, beach shuttle, tennis &more! $I74,900285-1800
private balcony, open kitchen, serene .MEDITERRANEAN ESTM in
backyard, garage, with, workspace. PONIE VEDRA
$1,599,900 241-2417 MIS# 308931 Set on almost 2 acres in Guana,
S iG t AIL BEACH! very private & gorgeous 3BR/4.5BA home offers
MS# 278492 Completely renovated a theater. wine game & hobby mis, &est cotage
MIS#278492CompletelyrenovatedTH w/GR, kitchen, 1BR/ lBA, patio w/pool, summer
inAtl Beach. Tis 3/2.5 TH has almost 2800 kitchen, covered lanai & pergola. $2,595,000
SF, a 2 car garage, wood floors, plantation 285-1800
shutters, granite countertops and private REAT VIEWS in TE PIANrA1lON
porches with ocean views. $780,000 NEW PRICE!
241-2417 MLS# 297953 Lovely 3BR/3.5BA home over-
ODON S /III looks 18th fairway, FR w/stone FP, built-in media
center, wall of windowsforgolf course views, reno-
MLS#3038634/2,2461SF,openfloorplan, vated kitchen stainless appliances, granite, wood
split BR floor plan, large kitchen with cabinets, lstflrmstr,loft&2BRson2nd$649,000
breakfast bar. Lanai overlooking large 285-1800
backyard. $484,900 241-2417 OCEANFRONT PONIF VEDRA BlVD
RIVERBROOKAT ILEN KERNAN! MLS#265659Tlmeless4BR/4BAhomeon 158'
MS #31262,3 4BR/2BA/2008SF, mostly oceanfront lot, waiting to be restored to its former
MLS#3126234BRBA 0SFmost arm. It features a sunroom, guest apartment
brickhomehasopenandspaciousfloorplan, w/BR, sitting rm & BA, new concrete tile roof,
separate dining and living rooms. Great fabulousoceanviews&6/10mileto5-starPVInn.
location. $315,000 241-2417 $5,800,000 285-1800
No Sabodatest
Enjoy the Lifestyle of Queens
Harbour! Lake & golf views
w/in the beautiful 3,800 SF, --.. ~
5BR/4BA/3CG residence '
gw/stunning hardwoods, screened pool
and beautiful open floor plan. $924,900
Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 904- 859-9100
Best Deal in Pluafiion Oaks!
Unmatched quality & a Plantation Oaks address that is second to
none. 4,000 SF, 5BR/5BA, Italian marble, tile, granite, custom
cabinets, screened pool & lanai overlooking the lake & bordered by
a preserve for extra privacy. Best Deal
in Plantation Oaks! $899,000
Top Producer ;
Lynn Saul
904- 859-9100
Greg Wilson custom in
Marsh Landing
SLoads of upgrades, large private lot s%/ screened
pool lanai & summer kitchen v/ heated pool & spa.
Lovely custom kitchen & butler's pantry.
enormous media/game RM \%/ Aet bar & rill
bath. built-Lns galore & lots of great storage.
This is truly an immaculately maintained
home. Offered at $949.999
LOO Country Club
Well maintained,-
one owner, 3BR .-
home in the very desirable Cypress Creek section of
Sawgrass Players Club. Large lot, room for pool. backs
to golf course. New roof, freshly painted exterior, new
tile in kitchen, priced at $429.500
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
-, .sconnoUly@lifestylesrealtors.com ....-- .. "
Incredible Garden Home in
Sawgrass Country Club
'2BR/2BA Garden Home \w/ golf
course views, exquisite Spanish tile
.^ thru-out. raised DR. soaring ceiling.
FP. Private yard w/lush landscaping &
courtyard entry.
Great deck \ /hot tub, oversized 2CG. |
Plenty of Room to Expand! $515.000
Suzie Mons ConnoHy 904-234-8812
sconnoly 'lifesvtylesrealtors corn
MLS 299269 This magnificent home is a Wm
Morgan masterpiece & recd the 'Excellence
in Design Award' from the Amer.inst.of
Architects in Jax. Home has over 1800 SF of
cov. porches. Home is built around a lovely
bay tree. The microneslan metal roof design
affords beautiful ocean views, artist's studio,
dumb waiter or elevator, huge 3 car gar& sep
entry to full guest suite. One of the most
unique homes in Jax. $1,895,000
MLS 308395
home on qu
floor plan
spaces. Lo
location. Ad
.- option ava
Network Realty .
Independently O(nred & Operated 241-
Totally remodeled
iet street with open
and lots of living
vely end of street
joining lot future
ailable to buyer.
759-8827 (cell)
2417 ext. 209(office)
^ ^"Realty Inc.
Website -http://marvin-group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
1/1 Oceanfront Condo Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pbol and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq'1ocated on the 4th floor. Enjoy thd sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
.1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos..3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold at is).
New luxury Oceanfront Condo., 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the oceah & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings -;business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
2/1 house, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfect opportunity to. purchase property
near the Intracoastal and within walking distance of million $ condos. $175,000
170 VISTA Grande 3/2/1, 1100sf, beauti- OPEN HOUSE priced to sell ICW, 4764
fully appointed, $209,900, no condo fees, Marsh Hammock Dr. West, 2-4pm, Sun.,
327-0558. Candlerhomes.com 9/17.
Acreage & WaterrouAt
Imagine your own Tudor Estate w/over 1.5 acres & 429
feet of water frontage! This tranquil 7,500 SF sanctuary
is ideal for entertaining & all water activities w/fabulous
views of the Jacksonville
I skyline & the St. Johns River.
JOffered for
Top Producer
Lvnn Saul
904- 859-9100
:oeptemLLer iD, /-vvu A ---ic -- --UCM-----V -
Ii, ~ lr3n
I j.
ClassiieaU -r t -- ----- --L--. ---L -- --L
Open House, Sunday 1-4pm, 617 Battle-
gate Ln. $327,000. 819-0083. Owner/
ISLE OF Palms, gorgeous 3/2, new paint
inside & out, fixtures, carpet, windows,
landscaping, sprinkler system, A/C & roof.
$244.900. im 509-9071.
"Handyman Special"
3BR/2BA Priced below market! Open
floorplan \v/split bedrooms, eat-in kitchen,
firepl. Large fenced backyd. Conveniently
located in Intracoastal West neighborhood.
Susan Dunham Realtor
Prudential Cell 904-742-3442
Network Realty Office: 904-241-2417
.'... :-:"'-,l ; .',... *-B ." '...1. :.1 o J;.. '-",',-,. ;,:..-..c -. ; '
806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
marshfiont lot mn small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
ilts on [to large buddable lots in
'desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office
"Isle of Palms-On the Canal"
Beautiful inside and out. This 2074 sq ft
home har high ceilLDgs, ceramic die. IBR
downstairs. Master & NurserN upstairs w/
hardwood floor and screened balcony New
i.B-' dock & 10Klb boat lift, 2500 lb ski shift. vinN I
bulkhead. Tiled screen patio. Financing
Sneenu'es aiail $589.000
Call Evelytn & Steve Martin.
. i .R_ and "Double the Magic"
S(904) 887-7053 Evelvn'sCeU
.;. ...... ,904i 887-7409 Steve's Cell
'-,', .." Put the "Martin Magic" to work for you today!
S mmaculate Beach Home,
Walk to Beach & Schools. Built
In Furniture For Added Space
Il- & Dble Concrete Driveway.
New Plumbinq, New Kitchen,
new A/C, New Roof, New
Windows. Co mpletely Updated
And Renovated.
JACKsON ILLE at 904-233-1341
Totally remodeled home' Beautiful aood floors, rainforest brown Brazilian
marble countertops. new stainless steel appliances. All newt upgraded lighting
fixtsres and ceiling fans. plumbing futures and doors Travertine floors, waus
& councertops in baths Custom dual-floating bowl sinks in master and one in
2nd bath. New paint throughout. 2 Balconies and large covered deck. pre-
wvired for hot rub.
l5 Prudential
N""i"rt t iV
?&&/,&, e ..,.P.A. RE AL T 0R
i CilJ 12-11 -461 evt2 31
or00M 477-6668
%k ".a jjack~oni. Illemichelle.com
mrchellehomes2003@-N ajooxcuam
Tops in Sales. Listings and Transactions for the Beaches office in 2005!
Froprae(904) 249-8261 1
11 1 moL5311S46 ID
ruis m orhiPrk MIqebi W
fi, rr~ ~riu L'.rMWbtlo. tb U c aau i-
Oci..fi ot vimuf
om ihini~heatikiyiahu o~rh% vi w rrema[t3
I DRA WA at floe tmilL icwlindeepiugein
mA',hbleS, luxlicHk "$WM~IiJrrJA3171%
New TiS. wF~h I e~sn tuo eubndr~u t&ug
Locasd im S kiaBchi, ofA IA, nwed coamiu
iMr-ailMLive tDR ade inaSMSdW adI bantqti'
Q:ndcr *5OO)
Akulw s 1w mloo-1t91SiJLe w& .
Liscrrihri iurkimirgh i linhamtd*
mrerrcu 5 .e 4t&SOpilI PUB BM333
Puoe i/nfra m hodhFSIwdi.lxe.upddWi
bmnl=aR tple sdaOby~p uimntu lOl
OWN ,~ ~tiuir.
SN4~8--a- .-W
Sermunll Luke. .f Pouts Vmdu BcV~Ilon ~e. ieeI. ~CRwi neeLtao
pimvw rld, i parflir pin. lplieWirin,u SS uppgmrre. + lkfi ih 3275,Ou ffhic 2il4R
$e. lit ukU.313I I4 feS7,0MMS215
Only 2 MRte O)mi 2RR1t/J BA.:iormjo iall *,*
5.5EpptC.gwiUL.P1iwmu T.V.&t grdgisi.oer-
2 M~b G2d R!1' IBA cwmio L11 new! M..
applix. varntc, PI mm T V. & w ah3A gorcm
Walk dwItmeh 8w.mtNl.MR, 1iSBA hera eai
bUge 17)62) CMn. COLY h~ingrrewn. MrIM W. A
Is ktud bL~ye. 1*90iI, PAfL&Hi 10416
Kqxw EdBchClaimcr. ThEMBA. humrsTwoo
Mm e iTI, Iv~tud am CWet m-dSe
Liingh.114WINhI mw w i flTioitt m W b
apples, 5mma emw* Artp a b .8 uip sima
pich &l cd AiA S3~aM MMIS3215M
Choudnusaa rd hmjndEet aiwatlk
to bblhtCbzy fiyinpkpivwttblym& deeb
UP&&dwINIrorm~iutiue! W$WMA
Gnt Mtawtuehe.Orzomamaima, with a ar
of irprosvememt. Large t'4xl 1) mTd
lain. Very Abe erdjitlee
&U923lw ins 3164"
.Pun.Viuu, 2BILU2BAopen foar ttn.
Lr3 Bem pen..mb4 eetied @ge. dia
yen ia.TRo tL25BA ara. ,gmadlbi
youirdrmm hamo aL .Sam AjbilMarak
yiwvmFrum SIl.Msllo ELNI
w 1326 South Third Stree Jacksonville Beach (904) 2498261
Large corner lot. Best priced 4 bedroom in
Harbor Winds 4/2 with split bedroom
floorplan. Double sided fireplace. Huge
eat-in kitchen. Immaculate, move in
condition. $283,900
898 Mystic Harbor Dr.
6|0 **
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
7- E 'wesome Aianttic
r each1 ome
4 blocks to the Beach
Sc -in Selva Marina
This high-end 5 bdrm, 4 bath home has been
completely updated, gourmet kitchen, beautiful high-
end baths, home theater, wine cellar, hardwood & tile
floors thruout, on cul-de-sac w/ 3640 sq ft, very low
maintenance. Priced to sell! $975,000
: Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821. 1-
Completely Renovated Contemporary-
Awesome Intracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits on the marsh w/an
85' dock on a small creekleading to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for a small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled
inside & out. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-Car
Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered at .-
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
AWESOME I Year New Home
l-7 L ij in Atlantic Beach 3 Blocks
to the Ocean Selva Marina
Hear the ocean from this absolutely
i Sawesome home! 3-story w/elevator, 6
bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq ft, office, high
ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot size 85 x 142. Maintenance free:
concrete block & stucco on 1st level, frame & vinyl shake on
2nd & 3rd levels. Beautifully landscaped w/wraparound
porches. $1,175,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Fay Patsourakis
Ofc: 904-285-5640 ext. 222
Cell: 904-463-7782
50I AIN., Ste 108
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Twvo houses off Jacksonville Drive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters. Concrete Block on bothlevels,
Storm Window and doubI\ -insulated 12in walls and 10ft ceilings
make these houses xern energy -efficient. Large Kitchens have
GE Profile appliances. 42in" Maple cabinets, and Gianite
Countertops. Also. Gas Package for Cooktop. Dryer an
BBQgnl. Each offered at .
$649.000-Major Price Reduction! I
LindaPomerantz /,
923-8030 -hanalea-
REALTORS-Nokw paying 3% Conmmission. I P R r T I
Selva Linkside
.Atlantic Beach
3bdrm/2ba, great condition, 1654
sqft, overlooking SMOCC golf course, low
maintenance Offered at $414,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Live 2 blocks to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach
for Just $544,900
4 bdrm, 2 ba, excellent condition, 1607 sq ft,
plenty of room for expansion/
and or pool, 50 x 130 lot size.
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Lowest Priced Home
in Old Atlantic Beach
Priced to Sell $489,900!
3 bdrm/2ba home, approx 1300 sq ft, 2.5 blocks to
the ocean, lot size 50 x 130. Original
hardwood floors thru-out. Needs
remodeling but has loads of charm.
Call Margi Petitt Top roucer o
571-9821 if n J
MM \ Contemporary Gem
E 751 L Selva Norte
This home is located 3.5 blocks from
the ocean on a cul-de-sac. Beautiful
open floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms &
3 full baths. Rich wood accents
throughout. Home enjoys an emphasis on nature featuring
multi-level pond with water falls, brick Bar-be-que, expansive
deck that is shaded in the summer by the tree canopy and
array of tropical vegetation and fruit trees. The right mix of
home, privacy and nature: Offered at $600,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Ea o 03rdSt.in Jaxfleachk
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba
plus 2-Car Garage. Awesome
Investment opportunity, less than 1 block to the
Ocean. Residential grandfathered in but zoned
vaulted ceiling, DeaulitulI ile Br n open
floor plan No dogs $455,000
1404l 325-0820. 4041784.-6601
PV 2'2 Galed. locally renovated. golf
course, ipa w'lrainer. pub room beach
shunie. WBFP. W&$D $205.000 Tom
1800os. garage, large balcony. 10 rI ceil-
ings lacuzzi' spa appliances included
$715.000 (9041699-9584
OCEANFRONT 2,'2. garage. pool views
from every room 5519 900. Owner.' agent
JAX BEACH. FSBO, Jardin de Mer.
2BR'2BA, garage all appliances ceiling
lans. upgraded carpel. No pel. Inspeclton
Salurday and Sunday. 10am-5pm
$211.500 OBO Condc. will be sold
Sunday nighl to10 Higres Bidder
PV BCH 2BR,2BA wi fireplace all applian.
ces slay, $179.900, 2151 Searawk Drive.
Grace Ellis All Pro Realry Specialsist
1 651.792.3,cell -
*OWTEJER 'WILL lnan.:e, ocear..iev2 2.1
condo $295K. Call i9041891-6710
OCEAN FRONT 2BRi2BA. beautifully ren-
ovaied. 18" porcelain lile w,'inlaid design
granite. siainless appliances solid maple
cabinets. wet bar, marble shower garage
and slorage $675.000 233-7702
LOVELY 2BR.2BA w'loh near Beach &
Maypon Naval Sianon $125,850 Apprais-
ed *'* 137.000 Call 904-803-5359
FSBO. Save $14K' New LaKeview, Wi-Fi,
resort pool,. must see! $216K, FREE
HDLCD TV. FREE closing! 727-458.
4230, Open Sal Sun. .
PVB 1BRIBA 550st. filed new applian.
ces. ground floor '$139.900 285-6325
PONTE VEDRA. 1BR.1 BA. 750si open
floor plan. cear garage, hickry canmels,
granite counlenops,. Travenrine stone
nloors. siate shower $199900
1904')463 0505
CONDO BY Ocean in All Bch Tolally
renovated 2BR/2BA. grannite wood floors,
washer' dryer in unit 300 steps to sand
Best buy @ 5275K Call (9041728-5828
Charming 3BiR/2BA home
located on a lushly landscaped
1/3 acre. $539,900
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086
STROLL TO Atlantic Beach Cnarming
2BR 1BA CH.A WiD. $995/mo dep
lease. No dogs, 322-8545.
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, just steps.
to obeanl Club pool. $975/mo. All South
Realty, 241-4141.
NEPTUNE, WALK to ocean, large
3BR/1.5BA Upper W/D, sundeck. No pets.
$1295/mo. Lower Unit: large 2BR w/patio
$1225/mo. Southside area, large ,2BR
w/island kitchen, W/D, security system. No
pets. $625/mo. 223-5211. .
erman's delight, 1BA/1BD, Southside,
$770 + down, 221-0847.
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen,
tile floors, WDHU, CH&A, detached 1 car
garage. $950/mo. +$950/dep. $200 non-
refundable pet deposit. 993-8597..
MAYPORT 3/2' townhouse, $800/mo.,
$775/dep. NO PETS. Refs required. Call
Emily 349-4759.
OCEANFRONT- 3BR/2BA condo in S.
Jax Bch. Convenient to shopping, JTBI
Club pool, garage & morel $1700/mo. Al-
so, 2BR/2BA $1400/mo. All South Realty,
2.5BA, 1700sf, master suite w/ jacuzzi,
balcony, tile first floor, laundry hookup, 2
car garage, fenced yard. Small dogs con-
sidered. 893 6th Ave. S. $1600/mo. plus
Imo dep. Call 249-6150.
*JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A.
1 BR/1BA, $800/mo, $850/mo., $1000/Imo.
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354.
blocks from beach, Ig deck & backyard;
W/D, storage room. $1200/mo. 318-2121.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA. $695/mo (904)891-0606,
2BR/1.5BA, No Pets, $875/mo.
CLEAN 3BR Townhouse, near ocean,
Neptune Bch. $1395/mo. Charles Leo-
nard, Broker, 241-7675.
With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Oceanfront $2.75M
6782 A Ave
5/4.5, 4725 sf, pool, spa,
private beach. ICW views
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
Water to Golf $750.000
241 Hampton Club Wy
5/5, 5056 sf, 3 car gar. loaded
$25k below appraisal
5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Lakefront, screened pool
4/2. on .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded
Lakefront 3/2 $269.900
4758 Kernan Mill Lane
1934 sf, open, tile, WOW!
3/2 + office $260,000
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $30k
Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot
Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai
September'15, 25006
f1 -" l A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 5
~pnlm 206TeBahsLaerPneVdaLae
BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St, Nep Bch, downstairs, $1100/mo incl.
until. (661)803-6275.
PONTE VEDRA Bch 3BR split, 2BA, sin-
gle gar. Upgraded including all new appli-
ances. & monthly lawn care. 177 Del Pra-
do. $1250/mo. 1st & last deposit required.
No pets, non-smoker. Avail Oct. Call
568-1983. .
PVB Furnished Condo
Steps From the Ocean
A perfect 10, studio condo in
Ponte Vedra, walking distance to
the beach in Sawgrass Beach
Club. Totally renovated w/custom
cabinets, Murphy beds, custom
tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully furnished &
equipped. Ready for your week-end
getaway, or investment property, short term
rentals available. $269,000
Call Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100
Absolute Best Buy
at the Beach!
S One bedroom 900+ SFM
condo & large den w/screened lanai &
plenty of storage. Great buy in lovely,
private & gated PVB community. New
-.....- carpet & paint add to its appeal. Pool,
S"" fitness center & clubhouse. Walk to
shopping, restaurants. $169,000
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sco nnolly'@lifestylesrealtors.com
Ocean 9 Villas, First Coasts Premier ocean side condo ..
community is accented by an entire top Iloor roo ltop
penthouse Approximately 6,000SF ol living area
including prvale sundeck terrace w/ palm garden & Jacuzzi options. 4BR/4.5BA
Panoramic ocean view w/wrap around balconies. 11 ceilings & over 1.000SF
luxury master suite Offered for $1,950 000
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul 859-9100
Gorgeous granite in kit, new cabs & appl.
Great storage. New AC & Hot Water Heater. .
Fireplace, private, lovely views. $239,900 [IQ
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnoll\ @1lifestylesrealtors.coin
We've Got Your Home or Condol
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block.
Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach, 1 block to
shopping. MLS# 307553 $448,500'
3/2 w/ garage. Sweeping marsh views, tile, huge screened
lanai, club amenities. MLS# 306785 REDUCED $244,900.
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 1 bedroom ground floor
with GARAGE. Fabulous marsh views, screened lanai, gated
community. Priced to sell $159,900.
renovated condo. Tile, screened lanai overlooks lake w/
fountain. MLS#308439 $242,900
"The Twin Team"
SEnjy f ae k
ATLANTIC, EACH 2BR/2BA tow home style
condo 1/2 block from ocean .with ocean viev,, corner
Snit, all appliances, nriei kitchen & baflhs. \Water sewer
& pest control incl in mo. fee. $310,000 .
EP, all appliances, ihcl. naslher 'dryer. 1258 sq. ft. with
.large screened lanai which can be glassed in. $255,OO',i
bedroom condo in woodsy, setting w/ wonderful,
relaxing views from screened balcony. Close to
shopping & restaurants. All appliances stay. $199,900
JAX EACH 3BR/2BA w/marsh views from several
rooms, including corner balcony, 2nd floor, no one
above you, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, .appliances +
GARAGE. $248,500
Let me hely you find your
Sherri Beno, 'Reaktorf
904- 651-1830
dream ho
. ..
U dated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo, Ground Fir -
1/2 block to the Ocean in Old Atlantic Beach!
Imagine living a stone's throw to the
ocean in a ready to move in 3 bdrms
2 ba ground fir condo w/privacy fence
around patio. All new carpet, new AC,
updated'baths, fresh paint, new stove
and microwave. The most
aggressively priced home in Atlantic Beach. $298,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821.
m -
1BR UPSTAIRS, no' smoking, no pets,
$675/mo + deposit. 247-1935.
JAX BEACH- 2BR/1BA dishwasher,
WDHU, CH&A, microwave. 728.8th St.
South. Credit check, no pets, $850/mo.
* Open House Sunday I2PM-5PM *
7- .% U'u3 IA, 1 31 3,' ,3a a -'. I
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Sunday 12-5pm Watersedge at
Harbortown will include 20 high-end 4 story Mediterranean-style own
homes with private courtyard and root top
S terrace.The option to purchase 50 ft boat slip
T;, -' in your front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices starting
at $999,900
C ll Mai.. DPtti* Tta PDrd.lieer
iv mu. 571-9821
Roof Top Ocean Views
I/2 Block to Ocean >2
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage, paver driveway, Construction
complete in months. High-End Finish Levels-SS Appl.,
Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top Terraces-Ocean
Views -& More. Offered at $995,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Best Buy Today
Son the Ocean!!
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
p n Covered Parking. Priced to sell at
Cal Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Lowest priced [
NEW Construction I
w/2 car garage
East of 3rd St South Jax
Beach $519,000
Brand New Town Home! 3-story, 3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage,
Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco, SS Appl. Granite countertops,
Open floor plan-crown molding & more...Oceanviews from
master balcony. Lease Option Available., $519,000
t. Cal Magi Pefift Top Producer'S7l-9821
1st St. in
I)'! Neptune Beach
Great Investment! 4 Efficiencies, rents total $2600/
month 1/2 block to ocean, concrete block, well
maintained. $639,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
a Below
Market Value
This 6th floor end unit condo w/
S.,paa.'r ocean views is loaded w/ close to
$50,000 in upgrades! 1,700SF 3BR/3BA l
condo. You deserve a home that mirrors
your achievements! $699,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul 859-9100
island Club
Just vo rniles frin In L,,.I. h I.l.iiil Ild.. i, .i i .iii',J4 ..t rruii., :, r, r, lt I
I i.. i t' r I k ',I. .u c :l i r. d .: n, 1 .1 I 1, ,n"] tl.cic I...illi r .. \ \ I tll 1 p tinL.
-. .r pIl in r, .. r .-t.- I c. *i ,i ir i.n .iit i.Lnd up to I"; iii !I1. il lii,. leu .'r
.,i' LLI L li I i a homeo\vneorship opportunity 1. 1.ir iri. ir rini e
Y y .u r.,ri J I t iny r I in i -1 i '
2160 Mayport Road Atlantic Beac
JAX BCH. 3'2 5. ocean view I,1600-mri
185 51hAveS 318-0014
beacnM ,1200'mo +$1200/sec. dep. No
pets. No smoking. Call,, 463-7020; 249-
3967, *
NEPTUrJE BCH near ocean irenovalel
2BR all arrenies, avail. soor. 0tOOmo
247-1417. 1BR near oean $750.'mo
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo, 241-7368, 733-3730.
JAX BEACH- 2BR cottage near ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $925/mo + $500
deposit,. 246-3130.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
PONTE'VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condo! Club
pool, exercise & more! $975/mo.
3BR/2BA, $1200/mo. All South Realty,
2BR/2.5BA, wdhu, very clean & spacious,
no smokers or pets, avail. Oct. 1, $900/mo
+ sec. dep., 249-6150.
ATL BCH, 1BR, 1/2 block ocean.
$800/mo., dep., no pets, yr lease.
246-6865 or (919)358-0244..
PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities. $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
S. JAX Bch, 3/2, $1450/mo. 2 cleaning
services incl. per mo. 655-3951.
LARGE APARTMENT near ocean. 2BR/
1BA plus den. $1100/mo. 249-3970.
FAIRFIELD PV- 2BR/2BA- townhome
w/garagel hardwood floors, lakeview, club
pool & morel $1200/mo. All South Realty,
7-blocks to beach. $1050/mo. +deposit.
Our owners enjoy rented properties.
If you are tired of excuses and want results,
Visit us or call: '
4-Beaches Realty, LLC.
We're almost full...Come See Why!
*1, 2 & 3 Bedroom
starting at $685
Walk to the Ocean,
Schools, & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
VILANO BEACH Townhouse 1000h to
beach 1 ,:ai ,ar.. year leave. Privale
beah:n access $97.,rr c, 19041294-5498
_- Buying, building or
Refinancing a home?
We can put together
t the perfect mortgage.
Wally Sears Donna Theiss CONSTRUCTION LOANS
61"0-97 .472.-.6 3 PURCHASE OR REFINANCE
o s -caLn era SUNTRUST
K.re ockon tal>' "^ -- l.I' MORTGAGE
614-3056 i 9 982-7101J Seeing beyond rrmone;
HODGES & Beaches areas. 1, 2 & 3BR's LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
HODGES& Beaches areas. 1, 2 & 3 r blocks to ocean. ery clean. No Pets.
W/ gorgeous lake to golf views. From $675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean- JAX BEACH- 1 block to ocean,
OCEANFRONT 2BR/iBA 506 B Ocean- 3BR/.5BA townhome, CH&A, WDHU,
front. Neptune Beach. Just remodeled & p 520 S. 2nd St. $1350/mo,
$1800/mo including utilities. 545-1046 $1000 deposit, 280-2728 Ive message.
VILANO BEACH, 4BR/4BA, 2850sf., over-
,looking Intercoastal, walk to beach, home
only 4yrs. old. $1800/mo. Call Jan Hoff-
man 537-7777. Owner/agent.
PONTE VEDRA. galed townhouse, 2/2
attached garage, pool gym $1100/mo All
South Realty, 904-241-4141
2BR/1 5BA. CH&A, WDHU. carpet & por-
celain ile. fenced in back yard 2112 Flori-
da Blvd Neplune Bch. $800/mo, credit
cneck, 888-259-0783
S Personalized
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
A 1A Best Service
A-IA Best Solutions"
MORTGAGE Check Rates
Get Info
Get Pre-quallfied
1328 T.,ic, Srpic, N.m.m
JcVC.,I'it u.E BE.AC-. FL 32250
P.or.E 9041-247-7414 FAX. 904-247.7475
30 yr. FIXED- 5.8-'59o w/ WAC
15yr. FIXED- 5.5% w/ WAC
I %, 5yrs FIXED/WAC
Borrow Pay ment/Mo.
$175,000 $562.87
$200,000 $643.28
12041 Beach Blvd.. Suite 5 :
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Large 3BR/2BA
Walk to Beach
1095 So. 7th St
Jax Beach
. 800-i935-8347 ext. 107
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
9--N-f M.-q3~eovmwl
mmimpitiM ON1"XiOAM
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR'BA ,::.ndo. Sepl. ace.furni I;.d
pool. ajlk to ocejn $1 "l Ini c
+ 2BR/2BA TH. MNapori Ljnd,..g"
$'75O. S -rSOOmo
+ 3BR/2BA, Mayport Landing. $850-
+ 2BR'2BA. Courtyard; new carpet -
communitN pool. $800/mo No pets.,
+ 251 xlAmenca'sCupp3/2home,2story
Neptune Beach
+ 3BR/1.5BAApt, Across from Ocean.
Wood floors water included.
I$1400/mo .
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
104 Crosscove, PVB
4/2, LT. unftrn. $1800/mo
2011 Beach Ave.. AB
3/2, LT, fum, Oceanfront,
$2000/mo + utilities
700 Boardwalk Blvd. #728
Belleza. P\VB
2/2. condo. LT. unfurn.
$1200 mo
10302 Ocean Grand Blvd.
Serenaia Bch Club. Vilano
Bch. 3/3. LT, unfurn
w i pcuralt~o
nc.r1ifDiAl i
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 15, 2006
3BR 2BA doublewide, lot 158 Admiral's
Walk. 2268 Mayport Rd. $800/mo.
$600/dep. Call Doug 571-5083..
2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard, tile, new carpet. Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1250/mo.+
Deposit. 273-5653.
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf..405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $825/mo, $900/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1350/mo. 904-372-9222.
Property Subdivision
1403 8th Ave N. Jax Beach
6503 Bumrnhamn Cire. Hammock Cove
12909 Hunt Club Rd. Jax Golf & CC
732 Selva Lakes Cir. Selva Lakes
2BR/1BA TOWNHOUSE, 306 Aquatic Dr.,
AB. Tiled thru-out, all new appliances,
screened porch. $900/mo. +$900/dep.
223B HOPKINS St, Nep Bch. 1BR/1BA ef-
ficiency Apt. 1.5 blocks from ocean.
$775/mo. Lewis Realty (904)291-7229.
JAX BEACH block & half from water,
2BR/1BA, CH/A, WDHU, FP, $800/mo.
904-891-0606 or 352-478-2161.
pletely remodeled, all new. appliances,
next to Sawgrass, great amenities,
$1000/mo + deposit. 904-571-6967
1.5 blocks from beach w/beach access.
$950/mo. 241-2077.
Rent BR/BA
$1,250 4/2.5
$2,000 3/2.5
$2,400 3/2
$1,795 -3/2.5
.1901 N. 1st St. #1603 Pelican Point-Oceanfron $1,875 2/2
117 17th Ave N. Jax Beach' $ 950 2/1
691 Paradise Ln. Paradise Preserve $1,800 3/3 AB
Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
For Management INFO
LJ Call 285-5409 ;
lVe also have vacation and short term rentals!
$ 875:
$ ()100
713 Beleza
412 The Palms
565 Laurel Street
710 Villa's of NMarh Landin
36 The Colony
72 The Fountains
728 Belleza
748 Marsh Cove Lane
10(61 Rough Creek
1106 Valencia
$1600 744 Summerhouse 0l Bead
$1600 1979 Spoonbill St
$1600 52 Turtleback Trail
$1600 804 Templeton Lane
$1700 10t Bermuda Ba\
$1750 97 Voyager Court
'$1800 104 Crossco\e Circle
$1800 1029 Hano\er Lane
$1900 224 Seamist Cour
$1950, "OA The WVaterford
$2000 6I33 Bndge sliir Circle
$2200 1977 Se ilia BIhd
$2260 10302 Ocean Grande
$2300 529 Sunset Dnve
52400 905 2nd Street North. tC
505 Seascape
70 Beach Cottage Lane
117 Deer Coxe Dnve
703 Landmark
408 Seasprq) Lane
,or10 Preston Trail
'd4 ifetropolftin
62S Presenre \Viec Dnve
245iI Suih PoneC Vcdra Bl'd
133 Sea Hammock Way
570 Ponie Vedra Blrd.
Ponre Vedra 1/1 875
Jax Beach 2/2 1156
Neptune Beach 2/2+office 1000
g Jax Beach 2/2 1080'
Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100"
Ponme Vedra 2/2 1260
Ponte Vedra 2/2 1012
Ponte Vedra 3/2+loft 1650
Ponte Vedra/Sam grass CC 2/2 1465
Jax Beach/Beach Pkw, 2/2 1356
hPonme Vedra 3/2 1500
la'/San Pablo Rd 3/2 .1700
Sawgrass Players Club 3/2 1846
Ponte Vedra/Walden Chase 4/2 1700
Ponte Vedra 3/2 1:800
Ponte Vedra/Saegrass TPC 3/2 1750
Ponte Vedra/Seaside 4/3 2345
Poine Vedra/\walden Chjae 4/3 2502
Ponte Vedra/Seaside 3/2 2100
J \ Beach 3/2 1800
Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass TPC 3/2.5 2000
Atlantic Beach 4/3+bonu, rm 2800
South Ponte Vedra 3/3 2239
Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2900
Jax Beach ,3/3 2444
Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1300
Atlantc Beach 4/4 2800
Poime Vedrj/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
Jax Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1829
Ponle Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
Jax Beach/Oceanview 3/2_ /9
Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+borm; nrn 3100
South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
Ponte Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3158
S 900)/ k Beach Club Vdilas San grass Beach Club Eft. 60.0
l 100/,k4-9 liton Was North Saw grass Country Club 2/2.5 1500
$1300/wk Deer Run San grass Counmr Club 3/2 1600
$1400 The Colon% Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Saw grass Beach Club 1/1 700
$.1600 Sea Place Atlantic Beach 2/2 1200
$1600/%%k 2039 S. Ponte Vedra S Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
$1800/wk2503 S Ponie Vedra S Ponie Vedra 41/2 5 2100
$1800/ %k The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1601)
$2000 Las Bnsas Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200 .
$2000 Pelican Point Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200'
$2000 Loggerhead Lane Saw grass/Pla'ers Club 3/2 5 1600
$2000 Visia Del Mar Iax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2200 Quail Point El Sawgrass Countr Club 2/2 1800
$2300 92 Tifton Wav North Sawgrass Countrn Club 3/2 1900
S2500 31 Little Bay Harbor Saw grass Country Club 2/2.5 1680
$2500/w k728 Oceanfront Neprune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 / .ire.i 2600
$2700.' k 2824- Coastal Hw'k Vilno Beaich/lOcenf.:.nt/Po,,l 6/4 4000
$2XO0 >241 S. Ponie Vedra Blid S Ponie \edra/Oceanfront4/2 2100
$3000 '703 Landmark|7 mo min.I Ja. Beach Oceanfront 3/2 1829
$3900 105 Water Oak Water OakJTPC 3/3.5+office 3200
5-1000! 408 Berkman Plaza Ja./Doniouwn Rterfront 2/2+lofl 2100
$5500 1'31 Beach Aie 3mo min i Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
** Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman PInscher. **
"Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
2BR/2.5BA Townhome w/d, dishwasher,
fireplace, barber carpet, 18" ceramic tile,
private balcony, private patio, $1395/mo.
Available Oct 1st.. 333-8462, Harrigan
Properties Realtor.
MAYPORT, 2BR/1BA apt., $675/mo.
+$600/dep. CH&A, 280-2728 Iv. msg.
N. JAX Bch, 3BR/2BA, living, dining, large
kitchen, screened patio, fenced rear yard,
newly remodeled, $1250/mo + deposit
1649 LANDING, Nep Bch. 3BR 2BA, com-
pletely updated, beautiful neighborhood, Ig
fenced yard, 2 car gar. & RV parking.
$1600/mo:, deposit req'd. By appt. only
;(904)910-605,!. ..
COTTAGE.ACROSS from ocean, 512 1st
St. South., .$850/mo. VIP Realty.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 3BR/2BA home, cen.
H/A, WDHU, $11.50, 514-1090.
ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2.5BA, complete
remodel, fenced yard, 2-car garage and
off street parking, near Mayport, schools,
and beaches, $1500 mo depositl 869
Gavagan, Call for appi k904)-910-6052.
2BR/2BA, ICW, W/D, newly renovated.
Must see. $1000/mo. (904)571-5517.
JAX BEACH new 3BR.3BA w-ocean view,
pool, garage. $2100'mo 2236896
JAX BCH, 4 blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CH,A iile & carpels, new kit cabi-
nets. $1250.mo plus $1100Sdep Dogs
301bs and under considered. 514-.4229 af-
ter 4pm. Broker/owner.
SOUTHSIDE- 4BR/3BA, 2500sf., single
family home completely remodeled, large
backyard on Lake San Jose $1400'mo
Call RebeKan 1904)998-8360.
3BR,'2BA- office, 2000sf.. 2 car garage
Courryard pool. iawn.pooi service includ-
ed PeisOK $1900.mo 1904-1703.0242
2.5BA townhome vaulted ceilings. Irpic.,
Ig heated & A/C Florida room. 2car gar.,
comm. pool Fresh paint & new carpel, on
lake. 4 blocks lo beachn, lyr lease. Avail.
October, $1350,mo. Call 246-8294
S. JAX Bch Near ocean 3BR 2BA
$1650'mo. yr lease New bedroom carpel.
paint Dep 246.6865 or i919i358-0244.
PALM. VALLEY, 3BRj2BA. Mobile home,
Outef and Serene. Monrh-lo-monin lease
$950/mo Owner- Agent, Cornerstone Re-
ally. Inc 904-339-0231.
CUTE AND cozy each home, 2BR1IBA,
all appliances, plenty of storage lusn
landscape 51200'mo, available now. 435-
lake, 1850 sq It WiD, 2 car. sm. pet OK,
$1400. 699-2245
ATLANTIC BCH. woodsy conage 3'2, 2
car gar. ceramic tile, c-lans, pond,
$1299/mo. $400/dep. Avail. 10/7
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So, 2BR/1BA
house. CH&A, lenced yard. $825'mo.
(9041891-0606 or (352)478-2161
NEPTUNE BY THE SEA. 605 Cherry St.
3/2, 2 car gar. NS' NP $1500.mo. +dep.
Walk to beach and Town Center from this
lovely 4BR/2.5BA beach bungalow,
charming front porch & fenced yard plus a
detached bldg. with 2 car gar, huge stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home office/ studio) Available late October
$1850/mo. Call 242-0203 soon.
SOUTH JAX Beach, 3BR/2.5BA, 1 car ga-
rage on quiet cul-de-sac. Available
10/1 /06 $1450/mo. 655-3491.
AB/ MAYPORT 5BR home 2 living areas
+ sunroom, new wood floors. $1300/mo.
ell Rd. 3/1, brick, rent to own. $1200/mo.
VIP Realty, 962-6190.
JAX BEACH, 2 homes, 3BR/2BA and
3BR/1BA. $1300/mo. and $1150/mo. plus
deposit. CH&A, WDHU, fenced. No pets.
Bentin Dr. S. off Penman. Call for details.
249-3214, 945-3303.
3BR/2BA +BONUS room 1102 15th Ave
North. Available October 1st, $1275/mo.
'FREE RENT i1sl moniri) Beaultlul 3/2
condo for rent New carpets/ paint and
more Owner occupied al present. Newer
building with all amenities on Firsi Street
Rent $1700'mo Call 901 509-5579.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House.
2BR/2BA condo, washer dryer,
$110Omo. 904-687-9371
PVB. BELLEZA 2,'2. 2nd lloor Hopi. end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated Resort amenities., $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
OCEAN FROnIT unlurnished. 2BR,2BA,
41h floor pool. year lease $1425.'mo
Avail 10'1,06 Call642-3517
floor First month FREE w/lyr agreement
$995/mo +deposil. 1904)466-0230.
1200sf; fireplace, W/D, 2nd Iroor, new car.
pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
w/loft as bed/ office/ gym. Pets OK. All
new Interior in 2005. Extras: W/D, ceiling
fans, fireplace, tile in laundry and
screened porch. $1100/mo. +1mo. depos-
it. Call Bruce at 377-5051;+.
PVB HOTSPOT Summer House, East of
A1A, 2BR/1 BA condo, $1100/mo.
PONTE VEDRA- The Colonies, 2BR 2BA,
lake view, Walking ,distance to beach.
Bamboo-wood floors, frplc., washer/ dryer
incl $1000/mo. 260-1961.
2/2 OCEANFRONT Condo, 7th floor. Oce-
ania Condos, $2500/mo., pool & gym.
Available October. Call Seana 910-3644.
PONTE VEDRA- new 2BR/2BA w/washer
dryer, top floor corner, beach access, golf,
luxury amenities, no smoking/pets
$1100/mo + deposit. 755-4038 .
2BA, ground floor, gated community. 5
star living. Call Steve Macri, Country Club
Real Estate (904)662-9015.
3BR/2BA, 2car garage, fireplace, built
2003. Community pool and gym. Only
$1350/mo. includes asso. fee and yard
maintenance, Call Rose (904)403-5536.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. +$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. off Penman and North 12th
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
TOWNHOUSE NEAR Fletcher, 4 blocks
to beach, 2BR/1.5BA, hardwood floors,
CH&A, WD, dishwasher. $1100/mo. in-
cludes NB utilities. 904-280-7823.
4 BLOCKS TO BEACH, 2BR/1.5BA town-
house, :tile & 'wood laminate .flooring
throughout. $1000/mo. Call 868-7702.
ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport, Spacious 3/2,
+bonus room. replace fenced yard, pest
control included No smoking.pets Availa-
ble 10/3. $1150/mo + deposit. 755-4038.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive, 3BR/2BA, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, $1250/mo + deposit,
1650sf. Ig fenced rear yard, pets negotia-
ble 51350/mo -depositt. Includes pest
control and lawn service 1904)476-3000
ISLE OF Palms 3BR'2BA, $1200 mo.
washer' dryer, screened lanai. newly re-
modeled. 233-2571.
PONTE VEDRA- nice. clean, 3BRi2BA,
garage, very private maintenance tree.
pets ok, $1400.mo 241-4750.
1129 Sebago Ave. South. Beautiful 3'2,
fenced yard. ail new Kilchen, appliances,
'bath file & carpel. $1200'mo year lease,
no pets. 631-3583.
1/2 MILE to Beach $1500imo 3BR/2.5BA
home, 2 car garage on cul-de-sac,
Ig.yard, wood deck, privacy fence.
'Call Amy '786-205-1631 or, email:
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse. 1 blk. to
ocean 3BR.2.5BA. 1850sq. fr., avaialbe
now, 219-2481
OLD PV 4BR'2BA home 3 lots Irom
ocean. 24100 sp. wbtp, lanced yard, luliy re-
modeled Kitchen. ulinds throughout
$2250, 220-6244.
3BR/2BA greal condition, 1654lsl1. over
looking goll course. low maintenance,
$1500,mo. 904-219-7962
1660 Beach Ave (across Irom ocean). Lg:
3BR 2 5BA ownhome 1215051), Irplc..
fenced yard, deck, small pet riegol
$1750.mo 1904)477-0102
SOUTH JAX Beach. 3BR/1.5BA. 6 lDocks
to ocean. $1300rmo. 710-5200
S. JAX Bch. east of 3rd, 3/2, $2100/mo
Call Sam 249-3403.
S JAX Bch, 3BR.1.5BR. lile spacious LR.
Ig lenced yard walk to all. $1000.'mo Pets
neg. wdep. Call 904-797-2421 or
kald41@yahoo cornm
ISLE OF Palms. 3BR 1 5BA 1660sf 2 car 3BR 2 5BA, pool. watedroni wi dock. ga.
gar..$1550,mo 14525 Lulh Dr. N. Call rage, fenced yard. Isle of Palms
C.nay 962-3713. $1 750.mo. 13521636-2151
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA:
- Lease. references required. 218 4th Ave;
South. $1195'mo 1904)221-4134, 703-,
JAX BCH 3/1, 2.5 car gar, lenced yard.
$1300/mo 836 91h Ave N 318-0044.
PONTE VEDRA L'Atrium, 2BR.2BA, ga-
rage, pool, tennis. orange, lemon and
grapefruit trees, $1150imo. Available im-
mediately. 285-9884.
S. JAX Bch 2BR,2BA lully turnisned. 1
, t ,g4ragi ,lience .,yardC IpcL wireless, in-
IerneL 4 pabie. Completely, upda.aied. 3
blocks from'each. For pnoc&s e-ma,il ma-
naeugenriarojo@bellsouth.nei $1500/mo.
Long term lease. (407) 394-5858
ICW, 340 CurriucK W. 3/2 1 car garage.
large master $1150,monlh + deposit. Call
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing.
4BR/2BA executive brick nome.
$1350/mo VIP Realty 962-6190
NORTH JB, 3BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU, tile,
fan, lawn and pest included $1100/mo. .
Available now. 249-1104. Pager 306-
2999. .
JAX BEACH- 909', 7th Ave. North,
2BR/1BA, house w/screened in porch,
fenced yard, CH&A. $970imo
1904)891-0606 or i3524 78-2161
Ponre Vedra Bch, Ig 3/2/2. Granite & tile,
walk-in closet, eat-in kit., corner lot, sprin-
kler syst., avail. 10/1. Pet OK. Flex. lease.
$1495. mo. 280-2293
N JAX Beach, 4BR/2BA, living. dining,
fireplace, large covered pation, newly re-
modeled avail. Oct 1st. 51350,'mo de-
posit. 241-4630
3/2 house, $995,mo Avail. now
3/2, 2 car garage, avail now, $1175'mo
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
.35 townhouse. 1 car.gar $51350'mo..
2 THE VALLEY, i, 0 0
2 950'rn o Avail now 't
3/2 $1050,'mo Avail now.
S3/2, $1295,'mo Avail now.
4/2. $1595/mo
3/2. cul-de-sac, $1250'mo
3'2 2 car gar, new carpet & paint.
avail. 9/20. $1195/mo
S4/2, 2 car gar, avail. 11/1, $1595.mo
3/2, $1395!mo
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sf avail 8/1,
51900'mo r
3/2, $1395;mo Avail now.
S43, 3cargar., $1895/mo
4/3, 3 car gar $1925/mo.
4/2, brand new home, 2100+sl $1450,mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
-in -d~t~1~i
PVB, OCEAN GROVE, 2BR/2BA; garage,
$1100mec 391-0029, 399-5511 (eve-
JAX/ PV BCH 32. reason amernites. pers
ok T1350'mo 904-472.-7134
ocean front condo. living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w,balcony.
Front balcony o'erlooks Jax skyline., ully
lurnisned. great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach. Call for 'more details,
398-9.080 ext 211. '
2.2 BELLEZA condo. vauiled ceilings, 3rd
Iloor, newly remodeled, lully :arpeled.',.
,led. i1100'mo 904-294-9927.
VILLAS, MARSH Landing- 2BR/.2BA,
W.D, screened poich galed lioness pool.
close to beach. 5,995 mo depose Availa-
ole November isl 247-9727
PVB OCEAN Grove 1BR'lBA wilonf
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must rent
$1.000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370
ATLANTIC BEACH 212 Deautiful turnshed.
vacation condo, $1300omo 887-5005.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seapoiace 1 biK to
ocean 2:2. pool side. Remodeled No
pets. $975 mo yr lease. dep 249 7967
2BR/2BA. CH.A Bike to Hanna Pnrivale
Courtyard. Pool Small pels OK.
S900 mo. 233-2719
2BR/2BA AT Grand Reserve, near UNF/
Beaches. W/D. privale screened-in sun-
room. pool. nonub. gym volleyball, bas-
kelbail, lennis couns. Lease w' opt to
buy $1000'mo 904-1-309-2237.
LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach.
3BR/2BA, Furnished, right on Ocean.
Awesome view. 242-0411.
PVB,, SUMMERHOUSE brand new.
,2BR/2BA w.iireplace and appliances.
5-star armenries, galed community
$1050/mo Kimmie 904-333-8604
1i1 PLUS porch wiTV $850'mo includes
water New lie. carpel, W.'D, gated. pool.
gym Please cail 509-6895 Avail 8/1
1BR 'BA. pool. labulous. upscale You
are worn 1il550/mo. 249-6166
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
ATLANTIC BEACH Cloister' Condo.'
3BR'2BA. All amenities, ail appliances, in-
cluding wasner.dryer 219-2481
PVB. 1BR.iBA. Elegantly furnished Steps
to Ocean. Garage. $1600/mo 708-4022
OCEAN FRONT Jax Beach 2BR/1BA lust
renovaled. granite. new appliances, 20'
porcelain tile, stunning bain. lop lloor.
$1950,mo 233-7702
2BR,1 5BA. PRIVATE lot $650,mro. 273-
0857 lye message
BRAND NEW OCEANVIEW luxury condo n.-'hed homes & condos! From $500 per
32'2 garage spot, pool spa, $1795.'mo, weK AilSouh Realty. 241.4141
S. JAX Bcn 2BR, luily lurnisned, ocean-
PVB SPACIOUS. 120r0s1 C 2BR'2BA Lols Ironi ccndo MoniIly' Weekly 241-0267
ol amenes. $950.'mo Call 234-2646 www.renilacksonvillebeach com
office, 4700st condo. Located on inier-
coasial in new development All amenities
inci with or without boat slip Unlurnisr. ed
Looking lo lon l longerm lease. 12 yr rental
For more details 398-9080 exi 211
?BR,2BA in PVB, rext r.o TPQ ,Ggl V'l\
il St' kmnfe *'0ir-'o teach
.B O -j m qr 'W 'd lerals,
PONTE VEDRA Walk To Beach Fuin.sh
ed iBRitBA. waier-lcgoll vie*, pool
tennis B ,1250..'mo irclur des utlites
396-9544 or (9041608-0962
PVB- 2BR/2BA, SummerHouse 5-star
amenities, prime unnt with pool and lake
view Ren only $1000.'rro Call
VALENCIA, JAX Beach, 2BR,2BA, 2car
garage, many upgrades, resort sryle
pool w/fitness center i$1600'm.
19041422- t 599.
IBR/1BA in The Grand Reserve. near
UNF.' Beaches W.'D included. Vaulled
ceiling, FP. Goil course side' view Amen,.
lies include swimming pooilnot lub,. gym,
volleyball, oasketoall, and lennis couns.'
$980'mo *$980/dep. Call 904-292-1719
homes Weekly,monirily Visil us at:
jarbeachrenai.com or 535-3911 or
OCEANFRONT 2BR. weekly. monthly,
pool, Call 463-7343
ENJO.Y A eek or two ai beauilul. Jax.
Beach" 2nd loor oceanlr.)ni c.ordo N.caly
lurtisria d wr, lully equipped kitchen .wia.'
635-1055 for more mino.
Luxury furnished 1 8 2 Bedroom Sudles
Hign Quality King Beds
Equipped K
2nd Sireel & 5th Ave South
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
ATLANTIC BCH- oeautI Iul, 1 Iloor 01 2-
story Townriome 235-9304
FEMALE TO share 2BR/1 5BA townhome
in:PVB. $600/mo. +1/2 utilities. 699-3882.'
fees and utilities. Exclusive Miravista,
gated, pool. north ub, health club, water-
Iromn w,'marina view Room has own balh-
room. brand new large unit, 2700sl
ROOM 4 rent Nep Bch. 2 blocks to0 ocean.
$675.'mo dep. mcl ulil 521-8473.
JAX BEACH, walk to beach, bonom iloor
bedroom, private bath, $500/mo 237-
4354., .. '
NEW RESIDENCE, master bedroom w/
private bathfor rent. $650/rrio. 237-4354.
3 OFFICE Rental Spaces in Jax Beach/
Soulh 3rd SI trwo upstairs undis @ 700sl
ea. ione has a kricnen, lunch area), one
downstairs unI @ 1400sf rental rales
are from $760 Base per month, depending
on size and amenities. Call 224-0332 or
247'-1770 for appt. to view.
OFFICE spades for rent- A large 12'x24'
room (could be two 12x12 rooms). Sepa.
rate back door entrance, electric & water
incl. Located on 3rd St., Jax Bch.
overlooking golf course in S. Jax Beach.
Call,241-5553 x15.
PVB SUMMERHOUSE 2BR/2BA beach .SHARE A house in Kensington area
side Ena unit. I-story May give option to wameni.es $500/mo. includes utilities.
buy. $1250rnmo. 19041612-6532 221-6646.
i Unfurnished Homes, Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Riverbrook at Glen Kernan Hodges
SThe Plantation PV 3BR/2.5BA, Newer w/screened porch, fenced backyard, large 5BR/3BAbrick homew/fencedbackyard, comer
S two story home. hardwood floors, lot:. $1300/mo. lot, 2700sqft, two car, garage $1895/mo.
< den/office, balcony'. $3000/mo. The CourtarIs-AB 3BR/2.5BA,private, Pablo Bay -San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
Ponte Vedra by the Sea PV updated unit \v/garage. patio, balcony, home on water, upgrades throughout, open
.4BR/3.5BA, home has private backyard overlooks lagoon. $1200/mo. floor plan. $1995/mo.
sanctuary terrific floor plan. 2 car garage. Las Palmas-- PV 3BR/2BA duplex o Unf$ nshedCondos.
% $2600/mo. w/new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh urnishedCondos,
% Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two storypaint.. $1100/mo. cean inks PV,
home w/screened porch on water, 2 car Furnished Homes Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
o garage. $1700/mo. Villages of Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA,second floor. $1000/mo.
SSolano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, Palms at Marsh Landing JB
" m home /spacious floor plan paio. comm. garage, amenities. $1400/mo. Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
Spool. $1595/mo Intracoastal West 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor, top unit, vaulted ceilings.
SDolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home Wolf Creek Hodges$850/mo.
w/all new interior, tile floors, garage, New townhouses w/screened porch, 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. preserve views, amenities. ceilings. $1100/mo.
434 9thAvenueN.-JB3BR/BA, home 2BR/2.5A, all upgraded. $1150/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, garage. ^
Shas hardwood floors, all new interior, Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate y $'1150/mo
fenced backyard. $1495/mo. 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile floors,
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, upgrades,balcony. $1095/mo.BRB 2d fr cC
townhouse has loft, garage, patio, very Stoefleld at Brt Pa -Mandarin ASTAL REAL ESTATE
Neutral and clean. $1450/mo. 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story townhouse, Wh (904) 285-5640
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story 1975 sqft, 2 car garage, amenities. www.rentthebeaches.com
? duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood $1600/mo. eac
floors. $1300/mo. -
^^^^^^ ^^Oi *S^, S, S, 5 S, S, S, ^^^
ulassillcu u
; ~ ~
50% Rent Credit
--- ------ - --
lpm-- --No
shop space and lot for lease. Starting @
$500/mo. (904)514-1090.
FOR RENT- 750-1000sf. office space
located in Jacksonville Beach. Reasonibly
priced from $1304-$1750. Utilities Includ-
ed. Call Vicki orTami (904)241-1656.
PARKING ATTENDANT $10 per hour, Fri-
day & Saturday 9pm-1lam, 655-4573.
FREE TO a good home home, adorable
kittens, three' solid black and two white &
black, 821-1159.'
HEALTHY, HAPPY, black kitten, female,
10mo. old, good w/dogs. Free to good
home. 626-3780.
MINIATURE YORKIES. Cute as a button.
Males. AKC. Shots. 8 weeks. $900 flr'rb.
859-0872 or 249-1425.
PIT BULL/I LAB mix, puppies. 3. males
and 6 females available. Shots and
wormed $20 to good home 743-2042.
6 AUSTRAILIAN Sr epneid Border Collie
puos. Must see $100 5 Pit Bull, brinale
pups $150. 860-0318
10 MONTH old. Shihtzu male, blk/wht,
$300 neg.,721-3787.
HOMELESS PETS For adoption. Cats &
ados. 246-3600
ST JUDE'S Novena May the Sacred
Heart ol Jesus be adored, glornied, loved
and preserved Iroughout the world now
and forever Sacred Heart of Jesus pray
for us. St. Jude worker o4 miracles pray bor
-us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray
for us. Say the prayer 9 times a day for, 9
days. By the 8th day your prayer'will be
answered. It has never been known to
fall. Publication must be promised. Thank
you St. Jude .
tested divorce papers. WithoutKids (while
you wail) With kids Ia lirie longer') Since
198t/byappl only (904)641-2187.
OFFERING GENERAL law practice spe-
cializing in bodily mnury, wrongful death
Call Rob CoRok Anorney 904|7')7-8225
Notice is hereby given that a public hea
ing will be held or, te following propose
ordinance at 6:00 p.m on Monday, Sep
tember 25, 2006, in ihe Ciry Hall Count
Chambers. 116 Firsi Street, at which rim
ime City Council will consider Ineir adol
lion into law Trie ordinances in their er
iirely may be inspected at the Ohice ol In1
City Clerk during regular working hour.
Aln inleresied pa'nies may appear at iM
meeting and be heard with respect 10o i
proposed ordinance.
it a person decides to appeal any aecisic
made by the Council wiin respect to ar
S manner -onscidered at such meeting (
%, rearing The person will need a record c
t Ihe proceedings and tfor such purpoi
mav need to ensure that a verbatim recot
Io me proceedings is made, whncn record
includes the ile.lmonv and evidence upc
wrich Ine appeal is 10to be based
In. accordance with the Americans Wit
Disabihlies Act and Section 286.26 Flor
a Statute persons witn disabillitiies need
Ing special acrommodahon. including
hearing assistance, to participate in In
meeting should contacI the City Clerk
Office no later irian 5'00 P.M the day i
Sthe meeting.
'Lisa Volpe, CMC
City Clerk
LOST DOLPHIN ring on the beach be-
tween Bay and Magnolia Sts., sentimental
value., 247-7679.
P/T RECEPTIONIST. Good 'computer &
phone skills, flexible hours w/ non-profit
housing. Fax resume to 339-0263. EOE.
CARING ADULT needed for 4 hours each
Sunday morning to staff church nursery In
Atlantic Beach. Contact Nancy 249-8698.
KITCHEN HELP, Servers & Delivery In
PV. Responsible. Day or night. Good
starting pay. Will train right people. Please
call for appt. 273-0006.
to use in ministry and get money in your
pocket. Local church seeking part-time
cook/ event coordinator for Wednesday
evening programs and occasional church
events. Contact Debbie at 221-1700 or fax
resume to 221-9191.
COUNTER HELP, Ponie Vedra area, P.T,
afternoons & Saturday. Call 285-5644
SPart lime/ Temporary job, ,up to five
months to drive a shuttle van between
Ponte Vedra office complex and nearby
parking area. Must have valid CDL license
with passenger endorsement. $11.00 an
hour Monday ihru Friday only. days
worked and hours Ilexible. No weekend
work E-mail qualilcallons to
msarkissian@cntre.com or lax resume
to10 904-280-2862 EOE
needed Pan-time Full lime Please call
YOU ARE INVITED! ,Wnere. Palms Pres.
bylerian Cnurch, Wnen: Sunday mornings,
Why We need you to play win and care
for our lIrtle angels in our nursery Please
call Julia al 904-285-0650 for more Info
with Sales Experience, neat appearance,
clear voice and reliable transportation to
work booth at Home & Patio Show Octo-
oar 5th.8th ('$9.00/nr.) Call 241-6683.
CART Marsh Landing Country Club in
Ponle Vedra Beach is now hiring lor part-
Time banquet servers and beverage can
slah Apply in person at the Clubhouse
Tuesday Saturday Call 285-6515 lor di-
recions Drug testing ,'EOE.
"Weekends 7pm to 7am every Saturday
and Sunday at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
FL: Fax to 1904j246-9447: email to.
Zobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Drug-Free
The Beaches Leader has an immediate
ari-lime opening in the last paced Mail
Room, Must enjoy a good workout, re-
quires nhing. Hours vary. Slaning pay Is
$8/nr Apply at 1114 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch
or conlact Anya at (904)249-9033.
business We will cenify. bui applicant
music have knowledge of cardio & muscu-
lar exercise. Great growth opponunity with
largest PT organizations in me world.
285-3236 www.ttpontevedra.com
PROFESSIONAL & energetic pan-time re-
ceptionisi needed at a busy animal hospi-
tai Experience helpful, but noi a must. Ap-
ply in person @ Allantic East Pet Center,
519 Allanlic Blvd.. Aft. Bch.
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nilies appear under the Business Opportu-
Sniies category Ads whnicn may require
payment ol lees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a lee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a lOb opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033
". MEDICAL ASSISTANT. experienced back
A- office. immediate opening lor last paced
K Beach practice Competitive salary & ben-
' eins. Fax resume 1904)241-0831, or call
L- 19041241-1035.
N hrs/wk, Mon-Wed morning MS Office and
Quickoooks exp. preferred Fax resume
249-8134 or e-mail: generp@yahoo.com
E responsible and loving. Call 249-9080
%L PT CHILD Care needed for infant in Nep-
S iune Beach. Must be nonest loving, de-
G pendabie & flexible. Exp & references a
P- must. Call 885-3335.
GOLF RETAIL Sales. CSR Part-Time
Full-Time Some travel possible. Hourly.
1- Caddysnack Gol, Beaches Area. Fax
I. resume 270.0437 Email:
G caadyshacktilataltt net.
E RECEPTIONIST- EXP. office work, com-
) puter literate. multi- line phone. Send re-
sume Io Receptionist. 3102 Sawgrass Vil-
lage Cir. Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 32082.
.n DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
ly or appliance delivery heiplul. 285-2426.
AMERICARE HOME Health has part lime
work available for RN'. LPN, PT ST. home
heatih aides companions. Great pay and
liexiblity Call 1904)722-1515
ONLINE BUSINESS seeking person
w/internel and some web design knowl-
edge. Grow with us Big money potential.
,* U
LUNCH and Dinner Servers, Host/Host-
ess. You make good money working with
good people In a busy waterfront restau-
rant. 285-0139.
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149.
Order Entry. Computer experience and
friendly phone disposition a must: Fast
growing company in Atlantic Beach. Hours
9am-6pm. Please e-mail resumes ,to:
sales @newarrivalsinc.com.
.BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail, Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
City of Atlantic Beach. Starting pay
$13.61/hr+ benefits. Starting pay if CMC
designated is $14.85/hr+ benefits. Must
be Notary Public for State of FL or able to
obtain within' 6, mos. of hire. Must be able
to attend evening meetings and take &
transcribe minuile Performs a variety of
detailed adminisiralive' secretarial asks.
applications accepted until 9 20.06 and'
may be obtained at www.coab.us or 800
Semir.ole Rd, Atlantic Beach FL,
(904)247-5820,. No smokers/ tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
lawniandscape company Excellent pay.
Must naveown transportnation & clean DL.
Experience required. Contact Ron,
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
ble and granite importer located at the
beach Knowledge ol sione materials and
design nelpful Salary and benehis nego-'
liable upon experience Fax resume Io
SILK PRESSER, Ponte Vedra area. guar.
anteed hours 285-5644.
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-
day. Call.Bob, 241-5311.,
Looking for experienced lawn' landscape
worker. $9-412 hour or salary, paid vaca-
lion. valid FL drivers license. 534.5459,
BE YOUR Own Boss Work in a casual atl
mosphere. Booth rental tor hair stylists
Reasonable reni Call Dennis or Vickie @-
BUSY ANIMAL hospital kennel anendent
Mon -Fri plus weekends, apply within.,
CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenter or neip-
ers needed any carpentry experience a
plus Beaches and Ponle Vedia areas.
Call Tim 509-9071
KITCHEN UTILITY Worker: FT' beneflis.'
401K' flexible schedule Golf privileges.
Phone 904-246-4827 email
accouniing@selvamarina.com or lax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP
GATOR IRRIGATION now hiring irrigation
repair technician Must have minimum
5yr.s experience and valid Florida drivers
license $14-15 per nour. Call 838-5885
Ponte Veara Company requires general
and HVAC maintenance experience for
office properties. Music be good with
tenants and PC literate Up to $50k wtin
great benefits advancement and bonus
potential E-mail resume o10
msarkissian@cntre.com EOE
JANITORIAL HELP needed Seeking PiT
& F/T cleaning crew to work in K-Mart in
Neptune Beach. Cleaning anald or floor
care exp is a plus but not required
Please call 1-800-860-8057 Job reference
3 Pool Techs needed Experience preler-
red but will train Clean driving record.
401k rheallir, tenelils Pleace call
241-5811. '
OFFICE CLEANERS needed for cleaning
rnigtly Will rain, must have transponation
ancfphone. Call 273-2761
MANAGER in holistic. internal medical or.
lice. Full iparl time secretarial, clerical,
and support ol M.D a unique settlling Ex.
pedence required in answering phones.
computers, communications and public-re.
lalions Must De eninusiasic. dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match Fax
resume with references, no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Ans Center,
FAX- 19041246-3778.
BEACHES LAW lirm seeks Legal Assis-
lant. Fax resume and salary requirements
1o 242-7977.
Pool Mainienance Clean driving record a
music. 246-2455
SFron Desk Receplionisi lor busy psychiat-
ric, psychological office in Marsh Landing.,
Applicants must be a learn player. pleas-
ant, dependable, and able to mulli-iask.
Experience referred but will train the right
Candidate. Fax resume to (904)543-9172;
apartments Must have transportation and
lools $8.00'hr siart 307-2841.
M CKIRAMM2, Tmc i **i* f"i= i2= em2*
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models. $49.50.
241-2112. .
*,. ,
Specializing in Commercial and Residen.
tial Cleaning. Lawn 'Care, Auto Cleaning.
Window Cleaning. Janitorial Services etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755
PADGETTS AC & Heating, Inc Family
.owned ana operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222
Free Eslimales Lcense CAC1814887.
THE TWO of us personally clean your
home 8 years in Dusiness with releren-
ces Call Tricia at 233-2621
HOUSE CLEANING. nonesi, last. reliable.
lair pricing, call Maria. 777-4830.
TOO TIRED to clean!! Call 314-8485 any.
lime. Honest, dependable. reliable. Free
HONEST, DEPENDABLE cleaning. 100o
oh firsi clean. Call Deboie 1904)626-6125
SERVICES. Dependable. honest.
Ihorougn References. License Insured
HOUSEKEEPER W1i0 years experience
has openings. It would be my pleasure to
assist you in cleaning, laundry, ironing,
running errands and organizing. I pride
myself in being detailed and dependable.
Call Christy at 728-9174.
dential maid service Io meet your needs.
Slaying our 6th year. 280-5339.
cleaning since 19781 Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded Individual cleaner Option
to customize chore lisi 241-1115
www.calnyscleaning corn
CLEAN4TO SHINE .Our compsalnemr-
rr.er'ri''i00' P',Cuatomer -Salt tripn' i
Arlobrdable Prices We clean nomes. apan-
menis offices. RV's. new construction and
restaurants For a Iree estimate call 514-
7009 or i9041779-0158. We will beal any
company prices
ABOVE & Beyond Housekeeping. De-
pendable, detailed cleaning. Licensed, In-
sured, bonded, references immediate
openings 591-5901,.514-1188.
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or office by
Natasha For estimate 563-7858.
PLEASE CALL Lynne's Cleaning Service
ior your cleaning needs Honest, depend-
able Pel & House sitting, 343-4018.
Tough on dirt. easy on your check book
m _m. ..,
ices Free eslimaies lor repair inslallaihon.
Comm Res. Standby generators and
Transfer switches. All electrical needs.
V.saMC 343-5535 Great ralesi
WOOD Fence Specialisl Install, replace.
35yrs Experience References Mick Oul-
door Enieiprises 241-7276, 838-9599.
lI f ~VM El ii ff'
DINNER COOKS needed Mon.-Fri., expe-
rience req., competitive salary, Players
Cafe, PVB, call for appointment, Don or
Chris, 273-5595.
Bushong Insurance, one of Ponte Vedra's
largest Property/ Casualty Insurance Brok-
ers, desires administrative assistant candi-
dates as well as experienced CSR's. Join
In to' this excellent work environment with
opportunities for advancement, as well as
a superior benefits package. Applicants
must be detail oriented and possess ex-
cellent computer, skills. License no re-
quired. For consideration,, fax resume to
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon
246-4238, 612-1755.
*;, *
NEED YOUR Lawn CuP Call DwighI's
Lawn Maintenance. 422-8058 Licensed &
Insured Weekly.' Biweekly.' Monthly
Sale roof cleaning. Deck & lence
resloration Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured Call Kevin 994-0045
quality work at excellent price also pres-
sure cleaning Call Nick 349-5990
PRESSURE WASHERS lor renI or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall. lex.
lure Specialize in smaller jobs. 25yrs ex-
perience. Licensed insured, references.
Iree estimates, work guaranteed licensed
knotch work guaranteed Painiing. frim
carpentry. wood repair, pressure washing.
Licensed. Insured. Free estimates
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
lion this ad 246-1529
OUALITY INTERIOR & exterior pamining
by Glenn Keller, licensed & Insured, cour-
teous & dependable, call for free estimate.
F YOU are interested in adven sing under
is pteagory please call 904-?49.0033 or
i'r,,Ir a.^ra ,iied, .loescrv .d ',i,
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage/ Facialist
wanted to. rent spacious private room in
Jax Beach hair salon. $150/wk. Call
270-0997 ask'for Debi.
Scaffold Erectors, Electricians, Skilledr
Personnel. Call 249-8147 or 726-5661..
CHIRO CLINIC seeks a motivated, pois-
ed, indiv. w/personality plus to serve as
Front Desk Asst. Heavy phones, data en-
try, appoints and maintaining patient files.
Excellent interpersonal and communica-
tion skills a must Send resume to
pvbdr@bellsouth.net or fax 904-273-4607.
Aporoximateiv 35hrs. oer week.
tified CBC 1253980.. New' Construction,
Room Additions, Remodeling; Repairs,
Decks. 904-307-2214.
DRYWALL:. REPAIRS, Replacement,
Renovation. Joe 525-7724 or Joyce
Please see our Ad in the Business Re-
view, 855-1254.
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.
Painting. carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing. file work, drywall
904-241-7023. ...
C&J REPAIR Services Carpentry. Dry-
wall, Pamining Paperhanging Tiling, etc
Licensed insured 955-0593, 241.1461
Specializing in kilcnens, cabinets, bainh-
looms, tile, doors, windows roiled wood,
lermile damage. rool leaks, rIrywall
aecks, eic Honesi, tp quality work-
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls painnng, imprcvemenis and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE 2466628
We service thousands of beach residents.
www perschelandmeyer corn 241-3409 ,.
IF YOU are interested in advenising under
IF YOU are mieresied ;n advertising under this category please call 904-249-9033 or
this category please call 904-249-9033 or email- classified@beachesleader.com
email. classified @beachesleadercomrn--
ing. Most residential pools $25/week-
chemicals Licensed. insured. We make
your tie a little easier 285-0240
TIRED OF trying Io put your old memories
together? Visit us al
igitaldiarycrearions.com for a solution to
your paper photographic problems.
IF YOU are interested in advenismg under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beacnesleader.com
KJ HOMES of Florida, LLC Custom
Building. Renovaltons. Repairs Residen-
tial andCommercial. Over 20 years ol ex-
perience. CBC 1253550 904-339-0232.
IF YOU are inieresled in advertising under
Inis category please call 904-249-9033 or
.email classified S'Deachesleader.com
CZ, i,,,,., :Q ,. (ZTPA.,., n?.r..i, ,, Ali,
home restoration, finish carpentry, decks,
tile, 303-3803.
PALM TREES Hedges Trimmed. Yard
Clean-ups, Muicning. Sodding whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724. .
Pam 742-7769.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301. '
FILL DIRT- Cheapl Dig ponds free for dirt.
Land clearing & new septic 'Installation
services available. L & D Enterprises. Call
Pro Lawn Service
mates, local, reasonable prices. We do it
right the first time. No contracts required.
Call Ray, 607-0853.
Dependable Quality Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737.
~II I~~p
Beach 25yrs. experience 880-9908.,
CCC1326983. : "
Rerool, new tool, repairs all rypes ol rools
Menlion Ihis ad lor a $100 discount on all
rerool or repairs over $750 Call
CUT RITE Tree Service. Tree trimming/
stump grinding. Tree removal/ storm clean
up. All debris removal/ firewood.
(904)646-9896 (904)568-6234
SOUTHSIDE TREE Service. Enhance the
beauty of your Irees PALMS TRIMMED
904-318 0569 Alan DeLoach
Quality work at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986.
WOODARD TREE Service. Free esti-
mates, licensed & insured. Call 234-9757.
Trees, trimming, Licensed, handyman
242-2546, 568-6067.
Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312.
infAt4 llimemWt
*i Uiii i iiii
,3V-FW-Ill'L.1 L-.R
___. ..
-- -- ---- .. .. ... .... ._. ...
---- ---- --- -
- I:
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra.Leader
September 15, 2006
- 0 rz
FULL-TIme, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
*tirement Community Health Center. Excel-
lent benefit package, competitive wages,
good working environment. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
FL; Fax to' (904)246-9447; email to:
jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free
GOLF CART STAFF. Marsh Landing
Country Club hiring for. Part-time and full-
time Golf Cart Staff. Apply in person
Tuesday Saturday. Call 285-6459 for di-
rections. Drug testing/ EOE.
City of Atlantic Beach. $12.48/hr.;
$25,958/yr. +benefits; Performs 911 .&
normal dispatch duties. Shift work to in-
clude weekends and holidays. Applica-
tions accepted until 9/27/06, at 800 Semi-
nole Rd., Atl. Beach, FL 32233. Test date:
10/07/06. For more Info visit www.coab.us -
or call (904)247-5820, No smokers/ tobac-
co users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
PONTE VEDRA, AR Clerk position. Must
nave AR expqnence to include collections
Requires rast learner and well organized.
Good pay, e-mail resume to
Ik horne.cntre corn EOE.
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
compassionate, live-in & hourly caregivers
for the elderly. Work 2,3, 4 or 5 days per
week. 247-7495.
elc'- i01k, flexible schedule Detail orient-
ed irdiv.dual Slaning pay negotiated. Goll
privileges. Phone 904-246-4827, email
accountng@selvamrranna com, or tax re-
surne To 246-9121, DFWP
KUHN FLOWERS of Jacksonville is cur-
renily accepting applications [or perma-
r.enT lull rime sales personnel for our
PonTe Vedra location. We offer competl-
live salary paid vacation & medical & den-
1ial insurance we are a drug free work-
place Apply in person at 832-10 A1A
lronn, Ponle Vedra Bch No phone calls
good pay & benefits, company
vehicle/phone, must have good driving re-
cord. 568-8700.
WAREHOUSE WORK and Fumiture As-
sembly. Beaches. 30-40 nrs per week.
Must be able to hih 50lbs. Call 241-5558.
RELIABLE DRIVER/ helper needed, Con-
siruclion exp a plus. Tony 476-7279 Iv
GROWING FAST paced lawn mainte.
nance company looking for F/T help
655-8502 .
c opening witin our organization for a lawn
iecrinician. Competitive salary. You music
possess a good driving record. Our com-
pany ras lull benefits with retirement, bo-
nuses, paid vacation & holidays. We have
a real working environment We have
been in business for over 14 years Fax
resume to 273.0682 or ill out an appllca-
S hon al 10066 Sawgrass Drive West, Ponle
Vedra Beach
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required Call April, 246-9999.
LEARtJ THE trade, become an Optical
Lab Technic-an. no experience necessary.
This opponunitv does nor come around ol-
ien act on il! II you are dependable, eager
I.-: learn and ready lor a rewarding career
Swe wlvl Iramin you in being a vital learn
memroer in constructing the Worid?s Best
Surnglasses Apply in person at 76 Levy
Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233.
LMT NEEDED for busy chiro office. NMT
raining a must. Clinic exp preferred.Fax
resume to 904-645-3483.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
overtime available Crew Leaders wanted.
Perechel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
JOURNEYMAN TILE and slone installer
Must have tools, Iruck, WC exemption. FT
position, inl pay 476-3086.
SHOWROOM SALES witn administrative
dlles available for a well established mar-
* ble and grarnie importer located at the
bea.:n Knowledge of stone materials and
Oesign relplui. Salary and benefits nego-
iable upon experience. Fax resume to
-41 .3204.
EXPERIENCED FT help needed lor kiach
ren and waiisiaff Please apply at Gene's
Sealood Restaurant. 1249 Penman Rd
PART FULL TIME office help needed for
bus.v oul-paiient physical therapy clinic,
-venings and Sat am hours needed, du-
es Io include scheduling, authorizations,
and clerical work. For more information,
call 247-3324 or lax resume to 247-3926.
Pan-lime in Recreation Depanment, Sun-
days and Holidays at a Premier Retire-
r merit Community Must have ability to help
seT-up and, or break-down for special
Events Must have C CDL Passenger En-
diormerent License Applications at Fleet
Landing Secunry Gate, One Fleer Landing
Blvd., Alianirc Beach. FL; Fax to 904-246-
944-.. email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
Weosile lleelanding com EOE,'Drug-free
Foreman & helpers. Apply 7am, TNT
Landscape 1074 10In Ave. S.. Jax
S ,each 247--W77
GOLF COURSE Maintenance: Selva
Marina Country Club. FT /benefits/ 401k.
Expetrence preferred. Goll privileges. Call
243.4711, DFWP
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook for breakfast
Sana lunch Apply within @ Ellen's Kitchen
1824 Soun 3rd St. 246-1572.
ESPRESSO BAR help wanted lor Pastry
shop. FT/ PT Tues- Sat, competitive pay.
Call 285-2656 or apply in person, 266 Sol-
ana Rd., PVB
Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering job-related
services and may.charge fees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card Information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive.
i p ~
Join our team If you can excel at Inside NOTICE TO READERS
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ- WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
ment, we may have an excellent owingly accept business opportunity
opportunity for you. You will join a Nation- not knowingly accept business opportunity
Scportunity for you. Yk in Ponte Veda BeNation- ads which require you to pay a fee to get
aIdecompan& work n Ponte Vedra Beachr information or that refer you to 976-or 900
Ideal candidate will have 1+ years~expert- h us wi w s insub-
ence inside sales, customer service, or hoantiae numbers w hich will result in sub-
telemarketing, & excellent communica ,ion stantial charges to your phone bill, the
telemarketing, & excellent communication newaprcnnt
skills. AbJiity to handle business accounts newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
Basklse pay plus commissions. FT/PT, no ofofferings in this.classification. If any ad-
evenings or weekends. Faxs resume vertilser requires you to incur phone serv-
904)285-0010 or e-mail: ice charges or pay a fee to learn the na-
j 0medlakids.com ture of the, opportunity, please report it to
@medlakids.com .. The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.
. BRUCCI'S PIZZA in. Ponte Vedra'hiring
Prep Cooks and Waitstaff. Call Bruce at 15 YEAR established Alianlc Beach Hair
280-7677 oj apply in person. Salon $28.000 Call 248.9781
Currently hiring for:.
Apply at: greatiobs.marriott.com
Or in person at:
4600 San Pablo Rd.,
Jacksonville, FL
223-1700, ext. 610
Join our team of
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
ap~pty. in. pe&ui tot:
cff tliIl. cfa
2201 Flonda Bhd
Mon Fn 8 --4:30
r TE
Positions open for the
following Depts.
Maintenance Workers
needed full uime.
Maintenance Assistants:
Duties to include Pressure
washing, painting, some
carpentry and plumbing. Most
of'work ~ ill be janitorial
services. Must be able to lift 50
lbs. Experience preferred. Must
have transportation and valid
FL Drivers license. Hourly plus
excellent benefits.
We offer excellent salary. and
benefits including paid Vacation
and Holidays, Health and Dental
Insurance. 401K.
Drug Free Workplace
Equal Opportunity Employer
Apply in person
Human Resources
101 Plantation Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach. FL 32082
BLACK SOFA & chair, beautiful, $350. SATURDAY SEPT 16th, 8am-lpm, no 1999 POLAR Saltwater Series II -100 hp-
Call (904)247-2317. early birds. 2141 Oleander Place. stroke Yamaha, fully loaded, great condi-
tion, $9500 OBO, 610-6718.
-BEAUTIFUL BLACK upright piano,
(Young Chang), w/ bench, light metro-
nome & de-humidifier, $950, 962-1858
METICS in the world] To. order-.
Only $4.50 for any size order. Lots of oth-
er products too and it's all CERTIFIED
ORGANIC. (352)498-5616.
APPROX. $8000 worth of construction
materials. Excellent for someone building
room addition or garage. Lumber of all
types, beam columns (6x6); multiple doors
& casings, glass doors, approx. 100
sheets of drywall, etc. Call 237-9862 for
more info. Will not separate $3500.
220-0439. ,
MASSAGE THERAPIST chair, lightweight,
black, like new, $300 OBO. Call 246-7404.
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memoly
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
INK AND Toner Relill in Beaches area
High prolris. UnLapped potenral. Easy to BED- BRAND name -queen set,,L
operaTe. 247-3815 new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.,
Op..ae ..4~ (9041858-9350. .
FREE PRESCHOOL for 4 year olds- 3
hour day. M-F Siaie Funded Beacnei
Academy. 172. Penman Rd 246-3885
LOVINIG FULL Day Care openings lor
one and ihree year olds Beaches
Academy Child Enrichmen Center 1725
Penman Rd, 246-3885
6-weeks and up HRS licensed 8 years
experience Tammy 373-0404.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable.
transponalion & references $9.$11/hr.
any area CPR & First Aid. F/T & PT
260-4915 .
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classilied@beachesleader.com
COMPANION, SITTING, balhshowers,
light house keeping and more. State lip.
54683 477-7862 881-8524. 200-5858;
Kerryann. Tesa or Tracey.
companion lor your elderly loed one or
help visiting a loved one in a nursing
home or assisted living Call 220 0129.
TROPICAL SLEEPER sola, love seat &
coffee table. Very good condition. $425,
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, 75/ea.
30 day warranry Deliver $20. 318-8173.
HUGE collection Serious collectors only'
Will sell by Ine piece discount for mullipie
purchases For apple call 294-1121
ELECTRIC STOVE 30'. works grea,.
clean $60 casn. 249-5135.
JAGUAR TICKETS, Jaguar Tickeas, Jagu.
ar Tickets!!! Call 246-4332 or 625-64-12
HOT SPRINGS SPA, w/ cover. Great
cond., seats 8. Must sell to make room for
pool $1500/OBO. 710-2011.
FILL DIRT- Cheapi Dig ponds iree Ior
dirt.Call 497-9666.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,.
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
LIGHT WOOD Bunk Beds w/5 drawers,
1wo bookshelves and desk anacred
$350 OBO 285-4284. .
FILL DIRT for sale. Can deliver Miranda
Contracting. Call 219-2765
SLAZYBOY RECLINER. wing back Anim.
que gold faoric. New, down-sizing $200
(new $695). 246-2858.
.DENIM HIDE-A-BED couch & loveseal
$700 OBO, Phillips Magnavox big project.
lon screen TV 146 x49 I $600 OBO bam.
boo wcker entertainment cit $100 OBO.
unusual tile baker's rack $150 OBO. miscc
knick knacks. Call 10 see anyiime
400-3824 Locaied in Alantic Beach
PSP r 2 MOVIES. -T game $5200 Enler.
Tainmeni center wrlh 27' TV & VCR $200
Yard sale idems ov ine o lull and Turrn-
lure. 372-9338
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories Ladder
rack (rack.il $195 Diamond plate locIl ,O'
$75. 716-1518.
MOVING SALE. everything must 0O by
9'17 dining ioom lale wl 6 ,:harse ,50 2
Gravity bEacr, cruisers 16 mo cldi $501
ea 5 piece solid wood bedroom sel w.' 6
fl lignled & mirrored bridge, paid $3 600 3
yrs ago, will sacriice tor 1900' reclining
leaner sota & lo..veseal $ti00.382-6181
FREE TO good nhome. old upighi piano
Inside needs some work 285.4993
FENDER JAZZ bass. vintage while. pea-
vey 300 wan base amp used one i.me
$1000 or both 246-3926 4 1 2.4341.
FUTON, NEW, 6" Coleman manress. oak ~*
Irame $125 Call 223-3853
BED- KING rmanress set. $289. Can de- IF YOU are nieresied in a-3,venr sin, under
liver. 1904391.0015 Ihls category please call 904-249-9033 or
email ciassliedi&beacnesieader com-
65 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
manttress & box, new still in boxes. $499..
Can deliver 858-9350
AT&T PARTNER pnone system. 5 phones
installed lor $899. 249-8877
' SOLID WOOD. Childcrah. Cherry Sleigh
obay crib and three drawer, combo dress-
eri changing table set. $475 241-3782,
SIItIVAGARE PRONTO. RE power '.wheel
.;hair high oacy. manuervable. in lignt pae.
ces, adjustable leg pieces, low seal to
floor height, comes w/charger, manual,
new batteries. Was $6500 new, asking
$2185, 910.-7628.'
QUEEN SIZE Sealy poslurpedli 2-side
piliowtop ManressBox rame. Like new
$160 Can deliver 2461832.
DINING TABLE & cream colored buffet, Ig
natural wood able on cream colored ped-
estal, 6 chairs $600 249-5487
AIR PURIFIER as advenised by Dr. Laura
on radio show Greal health benelits Free
3-day trial No obligations 241-2112.
STOVE/OVEN $120, 249-9196
SMALL HOT rub, paho lurniure, queen
zolabed while wicker dinete. 249-1384
DIAMONDS, .98 ci vivid pink dia. $4900.
1 51 ct vivid pink dia. $7900. 730-0791
CHILD'S LOFT bed w'slide- $450 904-
945-6505, aprilwoods@aol.com
BABY STUFF Exersaucer. Walker, Pak n
Play, 2 Strollers, Wipe Warmer. misc
,150 lor all 285-7226
From china to pois ana pans black;' while,
good conhiron $100 GE Retrigerator
while, good conaiton clean $100
Cell 333-6301 Furnlure: armoire, marble
lop coree able, dining able w,'6 chairs
Sunroom Itlelop able w'4 chairs aress.
er artwork, area rugs., comloners. lamps.
drapery, much more;
NEED MONEY' I buy anything hom A-Z.
Call 241-4204
for Your .
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $169K. 463-2845.
USO COMMUNITY sale, Saturday 9am- HOBIE-CAT 18FT:, 1988, sky blue, all
2pm. Over.20 groups selling. 2560 May- equip. & trailer incl., $900, call Warren
port Rd. 571-5937.
ANOTHER PLANTS,Only Sale! Large va-
riety of plants. 2645 Tide Ln, Mayport Rd
to Mazama (Mayport Middle School bus
entrance), then left on Tide Ln. Fri &,Sat.
Sept. 15th & 16th, 9-1pm:
SATURDAY, 8AM-NOON. Corner of 15th
and Ocean in Atlantic Beach. Kid/ Baby
Stuff, Home accessories and FREE
ety of great items! Households, videos,
pictures, Christmas, books, and Much
more. Saturday, 8am, 1494 Linkside Dr.
i4- ---
CHAPARRAL, 6'X1 5' fiberglass, no seats,
55hp motor, galvanized trailer. $600.
SEA DOO 3D, Bombardiere, 2004, $6000,
boat slip for rent, 40ft. $500, 50ft. $600,
.TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.
PV, WALDEN Chase. Moving sale 617 2005 hS.UZU KIG.R.60........ 3 ,551 ml.,
Battlegate Ln. 819-0083. Sat. 8-1pm. 2005 SUZUKI GSXR 600, bluk, 3,551mi.,
S asking $5000. 246-7587; (912)337-1765.
LADIES CLOTHING & home decor, Sat.
7-11am, 509A1A lANonh
MOVING SALEIII Saturday, 9.16, 8am-'
5pm, Furniture arid misc household
goods. Sa mill Lakes off 210, 877 Sawyer
Run Lane
COMMUNITY GARAGE Sale, Starts 7am,
Harbor Winds Community, off of Kernan
Blvd, Ashley, Melissa & Mathew Ungar.
GARAGE SALE; 3967 Eunice Rd, Sat.;
9/16, 8am-4pm furniture, etc., two family
HUGE GARAGE sale. furniture., Clohes,
decorations, ec Sat. 7 30am. pm.
966 Mineral Creek Drive, Walerlea, off
2558 CHESTERBROOK Ci iVillages or.
Pabi:,) 9 16 9am-Ipm glassware. house.
hold clirhes, books, much more
FURN STERL crystal. china Xmas.
IOuses & oiner Hummels RccKwell
piales, Depression Glass, an. much more.
9 15 & 9'16, 10a-4p. 209 Stellar Ct Sea-
side, S. Prnle Vedra Auclion & Realy
Services AB1163
\ \\Diamonds'd Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
I oUipboht Boath61ks i
SINCE AN Discovery
1977 GO7L Power
246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd. o .t B, s
M6.1MMM 14539 Beach Blvd.
MOVING SALE- Furniture Appliances.
lois ol mrric 1201 22nd SI IJ. Saturday
8am-noon,,: "- '
1157 18TH Street Nonh Wide variery of
items Priced to move lasi. Friday & Satur.
YARD SALE, 42 Tallwood Road. Sal
8 30-12 00 mostly children iems
PETS, BABY. .ikes. odds and ends Sal-
urday. 8am-noon 1022 N. 23rd SI
929 12TH Ave S Saturday 8am-2pm
Ouits. clothes brick a-bra.c iron lurniiure.
dolls, ioys, misc.
MULTI-FAMIL'', 117 Souin 7Th Avenue.
household iiems plants & more, Fri Sat
8 AM.
TABLE CHAIRS. bed dishe- silverware
scuba, misc Sal. Sun 8.4 1401 Osceola
2120 BAY Rd. Saturday 9.12.
GARAGE SALE Chrsi Ur.iled Meihodist
Church, 400 Penman Rd ,is coIlechiing do
nated ilems lor in-eir all rummage sale Io
be held Fr, Sept 15In and Sal the 16ih
irom 9AM-3PM both days Soup drinks.
sandwiches and baked goods wil be sold.
'97 FORD Ranger 4 cyl, runs great, ice
coldA/C, must sell $1,200, 382-6181.,
2002 TUNDRA reg.cab V6 man., 45K mi.,
excellent condition, $8,500, 247-8083.
TOYOTA TUNDRA '05, SR5 access cab,
4X4, step side, V8, many extras, 20,000"
mi., asking $26,500, call 514-6640.
2001 CHEVROLET Suburbhn, fully load-
ed, side-steps, 75,000 miles. Immaculate,
3 seis of seals, A/C front and back. Call
1994 BEAUTIFUL pearl white Cadillac
Deville Sedan, $3750 00. 233-7971.
1967 CADILLAC coup Deville Con,,enibie
,See pictures' in web:
htlp i/homepage.mar.co:,rrpurdueiim..'Ph..,
loAloum4.riitrI Sericus owners only. Jim,
2004 TOYOTA 4Runner L;rried 4x4. V8.
loaded., ilanium siKer 55k miles. v.er"
panicular owner $25,000, 904.338-4046
1992 CUTLESS Sierra. 56K $1000 OBO
Good cond. 860-0318.
2003 BMW 325CI (Black) convertible.
54,000 miles leaiher, excellent condilor,
$28000 662.4396
8000 mi. only, extended wairanly 10 May
'2010, fully loaded, asking $29,500, call
2000 NiSSANj Senra SE- .silver 4 do.-ori.
alloys, 5-speed new iires, original owner
79k miles. $5800. l904i?73.890Q
MERCEDES E300 1993 lack. grey
leather. all records Exc cond $6500. Call
i r)241-4950. 10757-0757
2006 SOLARA converhole SLE loaded
leather. 7000 miles, lull 7yearilOOK war.
raniy. $27,000, 241.0927
1999 TOYOTA Avalon XLS wrhie. 50K'
mi cxc. cond o9000. 246-3091
1998 SATURN SL2 immaculaTe conda-
lion, only 62k m;les., aulo ranks power
windows/' locks, cruise; new tires, $4700
OBO 887-9030
1986 FORD Bronco. 4DW new ires. 5
speed, runs good $800. 1995 isuzu Ro.
deo 4WD, aulo, runs greali must seer,
$1200 firm. 504-3202.
of Junk Cars/Trucks
in 30 Minutes
Top cash on all that runs!
} ~Free-Tow
Experience the boating lifestyle
on thee water at
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CARVERt /z75 ^7JRa6m
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Office: 904.249 009"
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