SEPTEMBER 13, 2006
Weddings Panthers no longer
See A-8 See Sports, B-1
Vol. 44, No. 24
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Revenue up
for parking
on PV Blvd.
A St. Johns Sheriff's deputy told Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District (MSD) trustees
Monday that MSD deputies are receiving dozens
of calls every week about cars parked along
Ponte Vedra Boulevard, where parking is
Traffic enforcement Deputy Nathan Datsko,
who patrols the MSD, said he gets as many as
two to three calls a day from residents com-
plaining about cars parked along the boulevard.
He used to get none, he said.
"No parking" signs are needed, he said, to
inform people who don't live in the area that
parking is prohibited.
"It would alleviate a lot of problems" if signs
were in place, Datsko said at the MSD meeting
at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The parking ban, originally approved by St.
Johns County commissioners in 2003, was
revised earlier this year after the county's legal
department questioned whether its vague lan-
guage was constitutional.
In its current form, the ban prohibits the gen-
eral public from parking along the boulevard
but allows exceptions for service vehicles and
"oversized" vehicles as long as cones or flag
men are in place.
Datsko said those guilty of violating the ban
'are primarily construction workers and lawn
maintenance crews who don't know any better.
Datsko added that state statutes have
increased the county's standard $7 parking fine
to, $30.
He said the main problem area where signs
are needed is from Miranda Road to Corona
See PAR4LNI -3, :' CA3
Tower appeal
postponed as
input sought
photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Maddi hliln(left) and Mackenzie Pape pause before school Tuesday in
their "wacky-tacky" outfits for spirit week at Nease High School. Themes
change daily this week leading up to Nease's Homecoming game Friday
,, t I^l^nod.LArggther photo. A-10.
The Sawgrass Players Club
Homeowners Association is
opposing plans for a cell tower
at the north end of the com-
munity and has asked the Palm
Valley Community Association
for its support.
Meanwhile, the cell tower
proposal has been pulled from
Tuesday's agenda of the St.
Johns County Commission,
but it's not because of opposi-
tion, said the man proposing
the tower.
"We're not ending it," Will
Rand said in a telephone inter-
view Tuesday.
"We want the county staff to
be able to review some materi-
als [that have not arrived] from
T-mobile," said Rand of Ponte
Vedra, whose company,
Verticality, is proposing the cel-
lular tower.
Verticality is appealing a
June decision by the St. Johns
County Planning and Zoning
Agency.(PZA) to deny the com-
pany's request for a 155-foot
tower at Lord of Life Lutheran
Church, 278 N. Roscoe Blvd.
In a Sept. 7 letter to residents
of North Cove, Sawgrass
Island, Seven Mile Drive and
Water's Edge communities of
Players Club, Players Club
board presidenf-Bru.ce"63WiOan
said the board "will request
that the Board of County
Commission deny" a zoning
variance to allow the tower.
The board "is concerned that
the tower will result in visual
blight, will be aesthetically
offensive, and will result in
reduced property values," the
letter .says.
The Palm Valley Community
Association board, asked to
support the Players Club board,
is asking its membership for
their opinions on "a much
larger issue" of cellular towers
in general, according to associ-
ation president Greg Leonard.
The Palm Valley -organiza-
tion e-mailed its members, ask-
ing them to read Bowman's let-
ter and reply with comments.
The reply form allows resi-
dents to pick one of four
responses to cellular towers in
Palm Valley: support of towers,
as long as they fit in with the
environment; support of tow-
ers with "erector-set" type
design; opposition to any more
towers, or no preference.
At Monday's meeting of the
Palm Valley Community
Association, Leonard said
members' opinions would be
considered before the board
makes any decision on the
See TOWER, A-2
Lee Sr~ith (left),
author of New York
Times bestseller "The
Last Girls" (2003)
and 10 other novels,
reminisces with
Robin Webster (right)
of Ponte Vedra
Beach Thursday at
the Book Mark in
Atlantic Beach,
where Smith was
promoting her new
novel, "On Agate
Hill." The women
were classmates at
St.. Catherine's, a
girls' school in
\"-- 'Richmond, Va.
Neptune Beach says 'no' to Wal-Mart
The Neptune Beach City
Council KO'd a proposed Wal-
Mart in its city Monday, but the
world's largest retailer delivered
some heavy punches of its own,
exposing that the city has not fol-
lowed its own codes in approving
new commercial developments
And those blows could impact
the city if a rematch is held in a
court of law as is expected.
The proposed 117,000-square-
foot Wal--Mart Super Center at
630 Atlantic Boulevard was
denied by a 4-1 council vote after
councilors said the project "fails
to meet level of service of the
Comp Plan" and fails "to meet
mass and bulk" of the city code.
Also the project was denied
because "it is not possible for the
proposed development, even
with reasonable modification, to
meet the requirement" of the city
The meeting held at Fletcher
High School to accommodate the
large crowd of over 100 residents
who attended seemed more like
practice for an upcoming court
battle than a small-town council
meeting, according to some
Neptune Beach City Manager
Jim Jarboe was sworn in and then
grilled by Wal-Mart attorney Karl
Sanders on why several recent
commercial projects in Neptune
Beach were not required to meet
the same city codes for concur-
rency that the council ultimately
used to deny the Wal-Mart proj-
Jarboe had no answers for
Sanders. He only kept saying that
"the reason [Wal-Mart is being
asked to meet concurrencyv] is
that your store is the largest store
[proposed in ,the city] in 20
Jarboe told Sanders that the
city's concurrency requirements
kick in when any new business
tears down an existing building
to construct a new one or
expands upon an existing build-
ing. Also, Jarboe said the city
requires a new business to pro-
-ide the city with a traffic impact
study if the new development is
expected to generate at least 50
peak p.m. trips and at least 500
total trips daily to determine if it
meets the city's concurrency
But then Jarboe could not
explain why the city recently
approved new commercial devel-
opments or expansions along
Atlantic Boulevard such as the
Ace Hardware, Aqua East, a new
drive-thru bank at the site of the
former Barnhills restaurant and a
new office complex at the former
Vixen's site. All of the aforemen-
tioned commercial developments
should have triggered one or
more of the requirements for
concurrency, according to Jarboe,
when pressed by Sanders.
The former Barnhills restaurant
at 1425 Atlantic Boulevard was
recently demolished and a drive-
thru bank is currently under con-
struction. Sanders said the bank is
estimated to generate 255 p.m.
peak hour trips and over 2,000
total trips daily.
But the bank was not required
by the city to meet concurrency
or provide a traffic study.
"Why is that?" Sanders asked
"At the time I assumed that
they did not meet the criteria [for
concurrency]," Jarboe responded,
admitting, when asked, that he
did examine the criteria.
Sanders then asked sarcastically
"it you had that application
today, surely you would require a
traffic study."
Palm Valley center spruces up
The Palm Valley Community Center,
which has occupied the same place on
Canal Boulevard since just after World War
II, is getting a face-lift.
The building, which is used for twice-
weekly seniors activities as well as month-
ly meetings of the Palm Valley Community
Association, will get about $10,000 worth
of sprucing up, said Greg Leonard, presi-
dent of thp Palm Valley Community
"The building itself is a historical struc-
ture," said Leonard, who delved into the
history of Palm Valley when researching
the text for a historical marker outside the
center at 148 Canal.
Improvements could attract more
renters and make for a more pleasant gath-
ering place, he said.
"We use that facility to bring our com-
munity together," Leonard said, adding
that most speakers at the association's
monthly meetings "have valuable mes-
sages for the entire [Ponte Vedra and Palm
Valley] community."
Volunteers have already given the inside
a new coat of paint and have installed win-
dow treatments.
Photographs highlighting the history of
Palm Valley will be hung on the walls, and
the carpet will be replaced, Leonard said.
A fund-raiser planned Oct, 21, with
enlargements of historical photos to be
offered in a silent auction, will help raise
money for new flooring, which will cost
about $6,000, he said.
The St. Johns. County Council on Aging
(COA), which provides senior activities
and lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
the center, has agreed to pay half the cost
of the flooring, Leonard said.
The COA pays $400 per month in rent,
although Leonard said the COA's rental is
"at best a break-even" deal for the commu-
nity association.
"It's never been about profit," he said of
the senior programs. "It's always been
about providing one more important ben-
efit to the St. Johns County community."
The COA's new center on Landrum Lane
near Palm Valley Road is expected to be
ready for use by April, said Cathy Brown,
executive director of the COA.
Leonard said most of the center's rental
revenue comes from "businesses that are
providing various types of training."
Less frequently, the center is rented for
birthday parties or receptions, he said.
SSubscribe and the nte PneVedra Leader
_ = will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Calendar................A-6 Opinion ................ A-4
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Education............A-10 Sports ..................... B-1
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Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc. wvvww.pontevedraleader.com
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Sn edition of The Beaches Leader
Two sections, 18 pages
September 13, 2006
Page 2A* The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
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S' ,, photo by-OUCKADAMS:,
' tEmiinlIdelhfi fFo6ts' esi TI'IT I eflinti oly 0tsIde the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, as fellow members of Girl Scout Cadette Troop 580 look on. They are
Margaret Egeln, Gabrielle Garrard, Kelly Morrill, Dana Ratcliffe and Samantha Richard. The
girls organized the service and were joined by several visitors, among thtn five firefighters
from nearby Station 10.
Mickler cleanup set
Volunteers are sought on the
beach at Ponte Vedra Beach
from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Saturday for the 21st annual
Coastal Cleanup.
Plastic bags and gloves will
be provided at the Mickler
beach access in Ponte Vedia
Beach. Volunteers are asked to
wear comfortable clothing,
shoes and sunscreen and bring
drinking water.
A gift will be given to each
participant, and a site coordi-
nator will be present.
Board seats vacant
St," ohns County ,is seeking
to fill several vacancies on'
some of its county boards and
There are seven spots avail-
able on the Health and Human
Services Adlisory Council.
Of those seven representa-
tives, two must be profession-
als within a health-related or
social services field, one must
represent the School District.
one must represent the coun--
ty's United WVay, one should be
from the Sheriff's Office and
coITes first.
You'll get a lull year's interest paid
to you just 21 days after opening. I
* 12 month term
* $5,000 minimum to open
* Interest'deposited to your
savings In 21 days
" A Community Credit Union
10 Locations including Intracoastal West
, 127402-12 Atlantic Blvd @ G'rvin Road
two can be from the general
Applications for this Council
are due to the county by Oct.
Twyo vacancies on the St.
Johns County Planning and
Zoning Agency exist for.
Districts 1 and 5. Applications
are due by Oct. 20. :
The Adjustment and Appeals
Board also has two vacancies
for representatives of the
building industry and the gen-
eral public. Members of this'.
board must file financial dis-
closure. I
Applications for these spots
will be accepted until the
vacancies are filled.
For more information or to
get an application call, 209-
0537. ,
MSD budget gets 1st OK
The Ponte Vedra Municipal
Service District (MSD) will
hold its second and final budg-
et hearing Sept. 25 at the Ponte
'Vedra Beach Branch Library at
6 p.m.
The MSD Board of Trustees
Monday approved a tentative
return on your money
all in advance
A'All* n ofolJp1 hlid otteeo o l 0,rorsrQetluo 0001 8lfO,,114 oob0c0 to 0onh a otwoY2
onne mne ntt. iilou~ o uo,18,Iy01 o500 olmuro i6 5280, 0.Co
witlul"'90, roa I d* W 0 a1 rroo 0 w 01ruooono.heou oo~ mIott,0o~hl0, roie
W0102 .0 u 10 iatorfCrhlleln,,rr ~ 0n,0 0 ftryu Rgtr0$ oooo.Lttotireo
budget of more than $756,000,
with a milage rate of 37 cents
for every $1,000 of taxable
property value. The millage
has remained the same for sev-
eral years.
The hearing is open to.the
Writer lectures at UNF
The College of Arts and
Sciences and the Child
Development Research Center
at the University of North
Florida will present "An
Evening with Andrei
Codrescu" Oct. 9. at 7:30 p.m.
in the. Fine Arts Center Lazzara
. Performance Hall.
Codrescu is .a screenwriter,
novelist, poet, National Public,
Radio columnist and editor of
"Exquisite Corpse," an online
literary journal.
Codrescu, a professor of
English at Louisiana State
University and an author, of
numerous fiction and poetry
books, immigrated to,, the
United States from Sibiu,
Romania,.in 1966.
Tickets for these free lec-
tures can be ordered online at
* 0
0 4 w
Continued from A-1
proposed tower.
"A previous request for a cel-
lular tower was denied in
1996" just north of the Lord of
Life property, Bowman's letter
Rand said Tuesday that the
proposed tower would be simi-
lar to a cell tower just east of
State Road .A1A at Executive
Drive, across AIA from PV-
PV/Rawlings school.
"Where else is the tower
going to go?" Rand asked. "It's
not like we're going this just
Golf cart cras
,' TWo piersorns ere' injured.
early Saturday morning when
a golf cart crashed on the
18th hole of the TPC Valley
Course in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Deputies and rescue person-
nel responded at 12:30 a.m.
following a report of the
The driver of the golf cart,
Richard Stines, 51, of Ponte
Vedra sustained life-threaten-
ing injuries when he was
thrown from the cart and hit
the concrete cart path,
deputies said.
Page 2A,
.cause we want to. There is a
"You just cannot have comn-
munities with every household
having a bunch of wireless
services" without adding cellu-
lar towers, he said.
The church would be paid
monthly revenue from the
tower, which would lease space
to T-mobile and other wireless
Rand said the appeal is
expected to be heard by the
Count) Commission Oct. 31.
h injures two
S'.MHe ard' passenger Nicholk
'Sargent, 19, also of Ponte
Vedra Beach, were taken by au
ambulance to Shands
Jacksonville hospital, where
Stines remained in critical
condition Tuesday. Sargent
was released Sunday.
Deputies said two other pas-
sengers, John Messner, 25,
and William Conway, 26, also
of Ponte Vedra were not
Deputies said alcohol is
believed to have contributed
to the crash.
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4006 S.3rd Street SouthBeach Regional Plaza Jax Beach, FL 32250
.Please add $3Q for installing Microsoft SP2 expires: 10/31/06
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
IsPetP I t hi e'1 2(106
"thi Biic'ih L' bderflUofitei era leader
A vehicle's window was
reported shattered Sept. 1 in the
300 block of Sth Street.
The front door to a residence
was reported kicked in Sept. 1 in
the 100 block of Poinsettia
/ *
A simple assault was reported
Sept. 1 in the 100 block of
Saratoga Circle.
A simple assault ;was reported
Sept. 3 in the 500. block of
Aquatic Drive.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized Sept. 4 at the 18th
Street Beach Beach access.
A simple assault was reported
Sept. 4 in the 1300 block of Rose
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized 'Sept. 5 while parked at
Dutton Island Preserve.
.''" : '" "" "" "'
A check fraud was reported at
a business Sept. 6 in the 900
block of Atlantic B'oulevard.
'. -' : *. '
Stirling Lines Worden, 54, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested and
charged with burglary Sept. 6 in
the 800 block of Seminole Road,
according to a police report.
Someone reported that a win-
dow at a residence was shot with
a BB gun Sept. 3 in the 200
block of 15th Street.
A bank fraud was reported
Sept. 2 in the 400 block of Main
..... ', *, *
An Atlantic Beach man
reported Sept. 2 that someone
drove by his residence in the
1900 block of Francis Street and
fired approximately 6 gun shots,
according to a police report. The
man said that several of his fam-
ily members and friends were
on the front porch when the
shots occurred. No one was
injured in the incident. Police
could find no evidence of a
shooting and patrol efforts have
been suspended.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Sept. 11 in the 500
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
An identification fraud was
reported Sept. 10 in the 1600
block of Leeward Lane.
A domestic battery .. was
reported Sept. 11 in the 1700
block of Leeward lane.
Oshea Leon Prentice, 27, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested and
charged with possession of crack
and possession of a controlled
substance Sept. 11 in the 2000
block of First Street, according
to a police report.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Sept. 9 in the 1200
block of Strand Street.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Sept. 9 in the 1300
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
A burglary to a utility trailer
was reported Sept. 9 in the 200
block of Midway Drive.
' "' ,. i,' *
A vehicle was reported stolen
'Sept. 9 in the 300 block of
Atlantic Boulevard. The vehicle
was later recovered.
A burglary to a residence was
reported Sept. 4 in the 500 block
of Bowles Street.
A burglary to a business was
reported Sept. 6 in the 1900
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
':.A 55-year-old Jacksonville
S inan was arrested Saturday after-
Snoon when police found him
S passed out outside Neptune
Beach City' Hall with .a hand
gun, according to a police
report., A witness was walking
with his daughter along First
Street around 1:16 p:nm. when
he saw the suspect with the gun
in his hand and called police.
The suspect was arrested with-
out incident and charged with
improper exhibition of a
A 23-year-old Jacksonville
man was arrested Sunday after
he admitted to committing
roughly 25 auto burglaries that
same day with another man in
Sthe area of Hagler Drive, accord-
ing to a police report. And
police said that many.of the bur-
glaries are yet to be reported.
William Chandler Thompson,
23, of Jacksonville was arrested
and, charged with burglary, pos-
session of burglary tools and
criminal mischief, according to
a police report. He was also
charged on a warrant for dealing
in stolen property, according to
the report.
Sexual battery was reported
Sept. 6. in the 100 block of 6th
Ave.N. .
An armed robbery was report-
ed Sept. 6 in the parking lot of a
shopping center in the 2000
block of 3rd St. S. A 20-year man
told police that he was robbed at
gunpoint by an unknown man
while standing near his car.
When the victim said he had no
money, the suspect took his
$200 cell phone.
An' attempted burglary' was,
reported Sept. 6 at a residence in
the 400 block of 9th Ave. S.
Indecent exposure was report-
ed Sept. 6 in the 3500 block of
Beach Proper S. A Jacksonville
woman told police that an
unknown man approached her
from behind and began mastur-
bating. The suspect fled on foot
toward Ocean Drive South
Fereidoun Khalilian, 34, of
Altamonte Springs, was arrested
Sept. 5 and charged with battery
on a law enforcement officer in
the 100 block of 3rd Street
North, according to a police
report. Khalilian, the owner of
Club Paris at The Jacksonville
Landing, was yelling and caus-
ing a disturbance at The Ritz
and refused to pay his tab,
police reported. Management
asked him to leave the premises
but he continued to curse at
employees and threw his credit
card receipt at the manager,
police said. He grabbed an offi-
cer's arm and demanded twice
that the officer stand and listen
to him, police said.
Aggravated battery was
reported Sept. 5 in the 200 block
of Boardwalk North. An emer-
gency room security officer
called police regarding a stab-
bing victim that entered the
hospital. The victim told police
that he walked out of a dub
onto the boardwalk around
midnight and was tapped on
the shoulder by an unknown
male. When he turned around,
the man stabbe him in the chest
with a knife. The victim got in
his car and drove home and
asked his roommate to take him
to the hospital, police reported.
A $5,000 computer was stolen
some time between Aug. 31 and
Tuesday from Tires Plus, 220
Valley Circle, Ponte Vedra
..... 0 '
A structural fire occurred in a
condominium at 695 A1A N. in
WPonrei VAdra M1ondy,-,anight.
Firefighters were able to extin-
guish the fire, which started in a
storage unit next to the condo-
minium and damaged an
adjoining wall. The cause of the
fire was not listed in the police
An unlocked vehicle was bro-
ken into Sunday night at 101
Sandcastle Lane. Nothing was"
reported stolen.
A 1996 GMC Suburban was
stolen from a Roscoe Boulevard
man Friday when he allowed a
friend to borrow it, according to
a police report.
A vehicle was vandalized
Tuesday night while parked in
the driveway at 412 W.
Silverthorn Lane, off of Palm
Valley Road near Nease High
School. Two tires were slashed
and there were scratches along
the left side of the SUV, accord-
ing to a police report. .While
responding to, the vandalism,
deputies also' arrested the
owner's son for possession. of.
cocaine, drug paraphernalia arid
* violation of probation, accord-
ing to another police report.
A vehicle parked at an apart-
ment complex off Porite Vedra
Lakes Boulevard was burglar-
ized Monday night. About $390
worth of property was stolen,
including a car DVD player, a
car seat and several DVDs.
Legal documents including
birth certificates and a Social
Security card were stolen from a
safe in an apartment off of
Ponte Vedra Lakes Boulevard.
About $700 worth of equip-
ment, including a table saw and
a cordless jigsaw, was stolen over
the weekend from the construc-
tion site 'of a home in the
NMontura Subdivision in Ponte
A silver 2002 Jeep Grand
Cherokee was stolen Friday
night from Montara Road, just
south of Canal Boulevard in
Palm Valley.
The owner of the vehicle and
a witness said they saw a green
Ford pick up truck enter the
neighborhood with two white
males inside, .according to the
report. Both said they saw the
green truck following the Jeep
out of the neighborhood min-
utes later, the report said.
Prashant Adi, 39, of Pofite
Vedra Beach was arrested and
charged with burglary to a
dwelling and possession of less
than 20 grams of cannabis
Saturday afternoon, according
to police.
A burglary was reported., to an
apartment in the 200 block of
Cranes Lake Drive that occurred
between Friday evening and
Saturday morning. Reported
stolen were three laptop'com-
puters, two Ipods, a Nintendo
64 game system, a Kodak digital
camera and a CD stereo. Total
value stolen was $6,300.
A 14-year old Ponte Vedra
Beach boy -was charged with
burglary to a vehicle Thursday
evening after a deputy respond-
ed' to a report of a juvenile try-
ing door han'dies as he went
from car to car at an apartment
complex on Fairfield Boulevard
at 7 p.m. The deputy stopped a
boy on a bike, who admitted to
burglary of a car belonging to a
58-year old L' Atrium Circle
woman, police reported.
A complaint affidavit for a
charge of car burglary was
signed against the juvenile, who
was released to a parent.
A theft was reported to a con-
struction site in the first block of
Montura Road in Ponte Vedra
Beach that occurred between
Sept. 5 and Sept. 6. Reported
stolen were three pre-hung inte-
nor doors valued at $1,500.
Michael L. Harvey, P.A.
SYour Beaches Attorney
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Cosmetic Dentistry Crowns Bridges Dentures
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SAtlanilix d.
Atlantic Blvd.
photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Darren Dailey (second from left), new artistic director of the Jacksonville Children's Chorus, is
welcomed Saturday at a luncheon in Ponte Vedra Beach. With him are (from left) Vivian
Southwell, Elizabeth Augustus and Rollo Dilworth, a music professor from Chicago.
AB sets tougher structure limits
Forty-five minutes before the
City Commission meeting even
began Monday night, some of
the citizens' gathered at Atlantic
Beach City Hall were already
discussing how to recall elected
The rancor that triggered the
recall talk was evident during a
lengthy and spirited- public
hearing on new land develop-
ment guidelines that limit the
size of new homes in the Old
Atlantic Beach neighborhood.
After the commission voted 4-
1 to adopt new limits on home
sizes in the Old Atlantic Beach
area, opponents of the measure
continued to talk outside com-
mission chambers about voter
I Cont. from A-I
Road from the 300 block
south to the end of the 500
That is the same stretch
Where land on the west side of
the boulevard was -given away
to property owners in early
2004, when the St. Johns
County Commission gave a
7,000-foot-long, 34-foot-wide
strip to adjacent property own-
Ownership of the parcel was
never clarified, although adja-
cent property owners had long
treated the parcel as their own.
initiatives, recalls and possible
legal action against the city to
block the measure.
During the hearing, propo-
nents of the new limits said the
limits will preserve community
character and, as supporter
David Harvey said, "protect the
city's beauty and quality." Other
supporters said the fight against
the ordinance is "fraught with
fear tactics" and suggested the
law be expanded to include the
entire community.
Opponents, who outnum-
bered supporters speaking at the
meeting, said the new law will
strip away property rights and
said the majority of the commu-
nity opposes the limits.
After the hearing,
Commissioner Mike Borno,
who cast the sole vote against
the ordinance, made a motion
to put the new limits on a refer-
endum for voters to decide, but
his motion died for lack of a;
Law Offices of
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www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
Letters to the editor:
Affordable housing impossible
To the editor: .
It has become impossible to
offer affordable housing at the
beach. We purchased a small
home in Atlantic Beach in
1983 for $47,000. For 17 years
we have rented it to the same
family, who pay $600 per
month. We have now been
sent a notice from the city that
our taxes will go up $2,000 per
year to over $5,000. / The.
assessment has almost doubled
in one year, ,even though we
have made no improvements,
Apologize to
for NB council
To the editor:
It's not my normal inclina
tion to leap the bounds o
civility and engage in literary
personal attacks, but after read
ing Jeff Minton's 09-08-06 arti
cle, I will drop my standards t(
a lower level, realizing I'm i
good company on this issue.
Now it seems Mr. Pardee, for
getting he's an elected servant
has added a new twist. He ha
stepped sprightly' into th
game of inciting a Turf Battle.
Knowing 'that' he doesn'
seem to get it in regards to th
various aspects of citizens no
wanting a Super Wal-MNart, I']
avoid that topic. But, now i
Fabric of AB h
To the editor:
Tonight, Monday, at the Cit
council meeting it wa
revealed by one of their owi
spokesmen that the political
action group "Save Atlanti
Beach" has been under th
direction of a paid downtown
By their well coordinate(
and aggressive tactics this wa
suspected. The. proponents o
the ordinance have uot been.
WVe do not have a' wb sIte ti
dispense propaganda, nor di
we have an extensive emai
network to illicit action on
moments notice (like nin
people calling City Hall ti
complain when someone put
up a; sign' contrary, to their
signs'i. We don't have people
roaming around outside coun
cil chambers drumming uq
people to speak on behalf'o
our agenda.
We did not have a large wa
chest, tee shirts, buttons, sign'
electronic petitions, postcard
"ballots", or angry speakers. W
did not vilify, insult, denigrate
so the fact that the city is not
increasing the tax rate is mean-
We had invested in this
house 20 years ago, with the
hope that it would provide us
some income for our retire-
ment years. Now we are being
forced to sell it, against our
wishes and those of the ten-
ants. There must be a better
way.. ,. .
S Robert P. Warren
Atlantic Beach
ilor comments
appears he could not compre-
a- hend .the goodwill gesture of
if AB's mayor ,and commission
y and has now slapped them in
I- the face for their efforts.
To the editor:
I felt your article regarding.
the fewd customer at the, mas-
sage establishment was well
written. I feel also, that It will
help bring awareness to the'
public that massage therapy is
conducted in a professional,
ethical manner.
However, as a profession, we
are no longer' referred to, as
masseuse or masseuser, but as
Licensed Massage Therapist, as
Department of Health, Massage
Therapy Laws and Regulations.:
Again, thank you. for writing
the article.
Gwen Collins, LNMT
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
SEditor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
Chuck Adam's
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
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Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker'
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Director of Sals Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader
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Vice President
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Business Office
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. Vice President
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' Jimmy Howle
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Press Room
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S"C0opyrighted Material
;Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Electric. bll is sho- ing,
i- Not intending to further suffered 1 ctrical sock
o engage in a battle of written T suffered an electrical .shock when we need it?"
n wit I can only say I am recently. That happened Of course, turning off the
ashamed of his actions and as a when I received my power in a residence might
- citizen of NB apologize to AB August 14, 2006, electricity ': cause even more trouble,
t, for his unnecessary and cruel bill. It was---OUCH!-- especially for some married-
s 'condemnation of our sister $247.85, my biggest ever I couples. With no TV to watch,
e city o believe. I had rung up 2011 _'- they'd be so bored, they,
His words most certainly are kilowatt hours. The,trend is might have to talk to. each,
't of his own speaking and not becoming almost bad enough. 'other. Fortunately, that partic-
e those of us on "The Other Side to start me lighting candles. ular problem may have a solu-
t Of The Street." Out of some perverse kind of '- 'tion. I understand somebody
11 Michael Aston curiosity, I dug out my old has just patented a kerosene-
t Neptune Beach statements (I don't have powered television set.
them all) and the comparison .I O.K., enough frivolity. The
was, well, electrifying. JOHN current rates for current have
as been ripped Ten years back, the charge HAKI' hul. CK made me so boUlLxed, I'm no,
ias been ppe ; (statement of 8/15/961 for COLUMNIST longer an electric fan. In fact,
2057 hours was $154.31,.: ,, I'm about to blow a fuse. I
.boo, or "strongly criticize" almost a hundred smackers think it would be a truly patri-
y members of the city council., less. This was with the same or since then and oil crises, but otic gesture for the Navy to
s We did not hide behind our similar electrical appliances that may not be much conso- park a couple of nuclear carri-
n children and families, 9-11, on line and only one other nation for old folks living on a ers at Mayport or offshore and
il ,military service, or parents mil- extremely economical person fixed income which definitely give most of the power they
c itary service as reasons to take living on the premises: my needs to be fixed. generate to the Beaches ener-
e, our .side. I'ni sure both sides dear, departed wife, Lucy. The kilowatts are killing us, gy companies, so they can cut
h possessed all this in abun- That's tough enough, but I but what can we do? Leave our electric bills
dance. We did not send people cold get really down in the the air conditioning off in hot After all, we helped pay for
d out into neighborhoods with mouth in the South When I weather and do without heat the flattops, and we take very
s exaggerated misinformation to look at what I paid forty years when it's frosty outside? ,I good care,of their crew mem-
it 'enrage people into action. IIam these digs. As of August,i. don't.tlink so..,., sig "n iS".,files, the,4i Iu.
.I a lot.attgededdvtrany j8. t.h.t.abtor 6I5 kilo- },itr clU uAle,.I e ~o L ~peg,,syd rg".
o' Aouncflmeetings since the Sea watt hours was---are you tor those o uswno donated a, n a war now.
o Turtle one because it was so ready for this?---$35.35, with our, long' ohns to charity. Let's squeeze the govern-
il distasteful. I think this is the air conditioning, yet. Of We'd probably be complain- ment for some juice.
a reason they outnumber'us at course, we've had inflation ing, "Where's global warming
e the meetings, arid maybe this
o too is planned. :,
s I don't think Democracy is 1 .
r whoever can be the, loudest ." -'* l
e and most organized. '
I- Thank you Mr. Consultant
>f have engineered othe fabric 0; o t I l a VA i
of Atlantic Beach in the a w
ir process of "Saving" us.
d Rick Bell,
e Atlantic Beach
To the editor:
How about the city setting
up parking meters for the,
townies to pay, instead of the
taxpayers paving for the
avenue parking. Most of all the
downtown parking ,; in
Jacksonville is PAY TO PARK.
At the beach It Is FREE, well
let's make 'some money. We
could make some big money
from the people who come to
our beach for the nightlife, just,
like downtown does when we
go there. [Jacksonville Beach
City Councill get your heads
out of the sand and do some-
for the BLEACH
On another issue about 'the
increase of water and sewer
[the city council] didn't answer
my ?? about the storm water
utility charge my' figuring
comes to about $27 million -
where is that money. And how
did I come to that figure well
$5 X 15 years =900 x 30,000
=$27 million
Where is that money?
Whose pocket did. that, line?
And being a taxpayer I live in a,
neighborhood that has no side-
walks. I sure would like to have
them. Do something right for
the residents who already live
-here, Can you? Will you?
Probably not! [Councilors] are
only thinking for your own-
selves and not the people who
elected yoiu,. Silly us, we,
thought you were gonna do
something RIGHT FOR ONCE!
Martha Ann and Dick Mathews
step up to the plate and do
something right :
Robin Dannehower.
Jacksonville Beach
AB right to weigh inn Wal-Mart
To the editor:
Mr. Pardee you should look
at the facts before urging the
Atlantic Beach Commission to
recornside the "hypocrisy of
your resolution".
Our Commission must pro-
tect the egress/regress for
Atlantic Beach residents. to
Atlantic Boulevard. Seminole
Road is being used by most of
AB residents as the main con-
trolled intersection in our city.
Any "retail supercenter" on the
either side of Atlantic
Boulevard will create a conges-
tion at the intersection and our
residents will be paying the
Traffic lights will has to be
changed to allow 30-40 cars to
exit from a supercenter. East
bound traffic will back-up .to
Penman Road and beyond and
deadly accidents will follow.
Drive-thru restaurants, office
buildings do not, have steady
traffic going in and ,out. I am
sure, you understand that.
Neptune Beach residents
hardly use Atlantic Boulevard.
They go through 3rd Street,
Penman, Florida Boulevard and
Beach Boulevard.
This. section of Atlantic
1Boulevard is mainly used by AB
residents and service trucks.
Our commission and resi-
dents are not opposed to stores
that generate acceptable traffic,
we are opposed to retail-super-
centers" which generate exces-
sive traffic.
. It is time for you Councilor
Pardee to understand the issue.
Stephen A. Kuti
Atlantic Beach
Bigger is not always better
To the editor:
I first wrote to you on April
8, 2006 expressing our feelings
and thoughts op Wal-Mart OR
any other large box store mov-
ing into Neptune Beach. We
have NOT changed our minds
about any aspect of this.
As two of the 7,500 residents
that live in Neptune Beach
(since 1974) we are very
pleased with the small town
atmosphere. When friends
come to visit, they want to
shop in the unique stores (not
mega chain stores) that are in
Neptune Beach Town Center
and Atlantic Beach. The indi-
vidually owned shops and
restaurants are what 'we look
for when we travel. I have
never heard of visiting a com-
munity and looking forward to
shopping in the mega stores,
such as Wal-Mart.
We would like to 'go on
record to say that we OPPOSE
having a Wal-Mart store in
Neptune Beach...ANYWHERE,
in Neptune Beach. If the pub-
lic wanted every commercial
business within walking dis-
tance, there would be more of a
need for bike racks and wider
sidewalks rather than parking
spaces. Instead, parking places
abound, and street traffic is
becoming impossible. We do
not want our tax dollars going
to pay for additional police just
because of the troubles that
seem to follow large,. cut-rate
Do the citizens of Neptune
Beach a great service and turn
away Wal-Mart, encourage
shopping in K-Mart (the store
that has been here since before
1974) and make it attractive for
small businesses to open in the
space that is available.
Robert T. & Rose 0. Walker
Neptune Beach
Massage therapists appreciate
information on professionalism
doc who
called his
Dr. Sam Poole described
me as the only man,
who's ever run down
his hall naked. Let me setthe
record straight. First, I was
not naked. It was wearing
Jockey shorts, a T-shirt and a
pair of Gold Cup socks.
Second, I wasn't running. I
walked only a couple of steps
before a nurse grabbed meby
the arm and quickly escorted
me into an examination
I was in my late teens when
the incident happened. A
nurse had come to the exami-
nation room, tapped on. the
door and said, "Mr. Hudgins,
we need this room. Are you
already undressed?"
"Yes, I am," I said.
"Well, that's OK," she said.
I thought she meant,
"That's OK -- come on out and.
change rooms," but she really
was saying, "That's OK stay
where you are."
Nobody ever claimed I was
quick to catch on. But Dr.
.~role,,,, while examining..my
with blush, looked at the pos-
itive side.
"We all cari use a laugh
occasionally," he said.
Decades have passed, "but.
Sam Poole, reminded me of
the incident just a few weeks
ago. He was being interviewed
for a video honoring him for
'his generous service to Good
News Clinics in Gainesville,
Ga., where he volunteered as
medical'director for about a
dozen years after retiring from
his practice.
Good News is the largest
free medical clinic in Georgia,
and Sam was there doctoring
'folks most every day. It was
the best part of his career, he.
"I never let. myself feel
rushed down here," he said,
referring t6 the. free clinics.
"Down hete was to enjoy."
He enjoyed "taking care Of
people without the worry of
managed care, Medicare, gov-
ernment interference, insur-
ance companies telling you.
;what you can and can't do."
This, he said, was pure medi-
cine. And his 'patients loved
the guy. ,
Frankly, I don't recall Sam
SPoole ever being rushed, even
as a paid doctor. He looked
after all of the Hudgins clan
and never seemed to worry
that he might be running
behind.. His patients were his
friends he said that often -
and you don't rush your
At Good News, Sam consid-
ered himself "just a volun-
teer" and shunned any special
recognition. But he finally
agreed to show up for a ban-
quet honoring him' for his
service. About 700 people
turned out Aug. 10 to hear
that the medical part of Good
News would be named for
Sam at the request of some-
one who donated $1 million
Thirty minutes after the
banquet ended, Sam Poole,
weak and shaky, a portable
oxygen machine by his side,
was still greeting his friends.
He didn't want them to feel
On Friday, Sept. 8, hun-
dreds of people gathered
again to say nice things about
Samuel Outler Poole. He died
Sept. 6.
He was a doctor's doctor, a
fellow physician said. Yes, he
was. Better yet, he was a
patient's friend. And my
/ I ~: ~
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
September 13, 2006
Anne McJunkin Briber
James R. ". R." Phillips
Anne McJunkin
Briber, 84, died Sept. 8,
2006. Briber, born March
31, 1922 in Charleston,
V W.Va., lived in
S Milwaukee, Wis., until
she relocated to Amelia
Island in 1982 and then
? to Cypress Village in
Jacksonville in 1997. In,
"< Milwaukee she was
Active in the Junior
League and, during her
later years, was a Docent for the Amelia Island
Museum of History.
Briber was senior class president at her alma
mater, Sweetbriar College in Lynchburg, Va.
After college, she was in Military Intelligence at
the, Pentagon for a year.
Briber's talent and love for the arts was evi-
dent in her paintings, decoupage, models, silk
screening and, most recently, her carvings,
according to family. She also enjoyed a good
game of golf.
,A member of Palms Presbyterian Church of
Jacksonville Beach, Briber is survived by her hus-
band of 61 years, Frank; daughter, Anne S. Briber
of Washington, D.C.; son, Frank E. Briber III of
Fryeburg, Maine,. and grandchildren, Rebecca
and Brittain Briber, both of Boston, Mass.
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m.
Thursday at Palms Presbyterian Church. Those
attending the service are asked to honor Briber's
memory by wearing colorful attire.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to
the donor's choice. Services under the care and
direction of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Ronald Gene Corson
Ronald Gene Corson, 65, died Sept. 5, 2006 at William Corson; brother, Clarence Corson; four
his home in Atlantic Beach. Born in Hamilton, sisters, Joanne Hogeback, Gloria P. McCraight,
Ohio on March 6, 1941, Corson served in the Linda G. Penrod and Patricia S. Francis; eight
U.S, Army' for three years. grandchildren; one great-grandchild; several
Corson moved with his family in 1975 to Ft. nieces and nephews; as well as other family and
SMeade, Fla., where he lived for 26 years. He friends.
moved to Boulder City, Nev., for five years, then A memorial service will be held for Corson and
to Atlantic Beach. Judy, his late wife, in the fall in Ft. Meade, Fla.
Corson is survived, by his mother, Ruth E. Arrangements by Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Corson; three sons, Ronnie, Christopher and Home.
James A. Fowler
James A. Fowler of Tucson, Ariz. died Sept. Graveside services were held Sept. 8 at the
1, 2006 National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona,
Fowler is survived by his wife, Kristie A, Phoenix, Ariz.
Fowler; three children, Merri Davidson, Mark Contributions may be made to the
Fowler and Melynda Fowler; four grandchil- American Cancer Society.
dren; brother, David Fowler, and sister, Jean Arrangements by Abbey Funeral Chapel,
Stafford. Tucson, Ariz.
Daniel Arthur Hazlett
James R. "J.R." Phillips, 74, died
Sept. 6, 2006.
Phillips is survived by his wife,
Jeanette; four sons, Frankie, Eddie,
Gil and Mike; and-nine grandchil-
After spending 20 years in the
Navy, Phillips worked for Jack
:Charlotte Edwards
Thames," a resident of",
the Beaches for over.
60 years, died Sept. 10,
2006. Born in. Claxton,
Ga., she survived four
b i sisters and one broth-
Thames graduated
from Georgia State
College for wVomen
and earned a certifi-
.. .cate ofu. Religious
education from
Seabury Western Seminara a Nai a master's irn
SEducation from- the, University of North
Florida' An educator for 25 years, she taught
in public and private schools in the Beaches
,area, 'teaching kindergarten, primary grades,
home-bound high school and special educa-
Thames was an.active member of Christ
Episcopal Church for more than 50 years; a
charter member of Jean Ribault Chapter
NSDAR; and, among other organizations, a
member of Yucca, Garden Club and Women
of.Christ Church.
Thames was preceded in death bN' her hus-
Grant Chevrolet and George
Moore Chevrolet for 20 years.
A memorial service was held
Tuesday at Adele Grage Cultural
Center, Atlantic Beach.
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
band of 56 years, Rexwood S. Thames ST., and
'their sons, Capt. Rexwood S. Thames Jr.,
USMC, and Lt. James F. Thames, USNR.
She is survived by her daughter, Rozann
Thames (P. Craig) Williams of Jacksonville
Beach; her son, David (Alice) Thames of
Phoenix, Ariz.; six grandchildren and their
spouses: John (Maggie) Thames of Chicago;
Tara Thames. (Tim) Mlcllrath of Phoenix;
Bradley. (Manuela). Thames of Notre Dame,
Ind.; Jamey Williams of Cambridge, Mass.;
Kristin: Thames of Flagstaff, Ariz.; Sarah
WVilliams (Jamrie) Davis of St. Augustine; and
four great-grandchildren: Aaron' Davis, Maria
and Johnny Thames, and Eric Mcllrath.
A home-going celebration will be held on
her 89th birthday, Wednesday, at 2 p.m. at
Christ Episcopal Church, Ponte Vedra Beach.
A reception will follow at the church.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
in honor of Charlotte Thames 'to Young Li fe,
Special Needs Ministry, 107 E Kathleen Rd,
Phoenix, Ariz., 85022; or to the 'Parent's-
Television Council, Charlotte Thames
Memorial, P.O. Box 330256, Atlantic Beach
32233. Arrangements by Hardage-Giddens
'Funeral Home.
Daniel Arthur Hazlett,
58, died Sept. 10, 2006 at
his residence.
Hazlett served in the
S-United States Navy as a
Signalman and was sta-
tioned in Mayport for
four years. He was also a
science teacher with the'
Duval Count)y School
Board for 30 years and aI
member of the Duval'
Teachers United. Hazlett'
taught at Beaulah Beal Elementary, Brookview
Elementary, Landmark M middle and Oceanway.
Middle School. .
Hazlett also was a member of.Reef Sounders,
the .lacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club and
the Six Points Hunting Club in Georgia. He
attended Santa Fe Community College in
Gainesille, graduated' frdr-'the UniWdiOhIbf-'
Noit'iFlori0a'in 197,$`wth.'4'.B. irPiEducatOn `
and was working toward his M.S. in Education.
Hazlett owned his own dive shop, "Scuba Cove,
Adventures." He was a mentor of fishing, diving
and hunting.
He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Karen
Jones Hazlett; daughter, Kathryn Hazlett
Simpson and son-in-law, Sean, of Orlando; son,
Christopher Hazlett; grandchildren, Alyssa and
Lindsey Simpson; brothers, Ronald and Timmy
Hazlett of Rayne, La.; sisters, Karen Cormier,
Cynthia Hazlett; Bonnie Demette, Deborah
Hazlett of Rayne, La., Pam Miller of Belle Chase,
.La., and Angela Stutes of Millington, Tenn. He
was' predeceased by his parents, Charles E. and
Bernice M. Hazlett and his brother, iMichael L.
A memorial service will be held at 6 p.m. today,
Wednesday, in the chapel of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
to J.M.I: (Jacksonville Marine Institute), 13375
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville 32246.
Memorial service attendees are asked to dress
in -"Jiiffrv-'Bitffett" style to honor Hazlett's'
requesteri'keid under'the' irection of Quiinn-
Shalz Funeral Home.
James I. ,Quinn, Sr., of Venice, Fla., son of..
the late John and Margaret Quinn, died Sept.
8, 2006 in Connecticut with his family by his
side. Born July 1, 1933 in New Haven, Conn.,
he was an Army veteran.
Quinn was predeceased by his son, James J.
Quinn, Jr., and is survived by his two daugh-
ters, Maureen Quinn of Guilford and Susan
Quinn-Kiefer of North Branford, Conn.; son-
in-law, Michael Kiefer of North Branford,
Conn.; and grandson, James Patrick Quinn of
Wallingford. He is also survived by his fouri
sisters, Helen Rollins of Niantic, Mary Suraci'
of Niantic, Margaret Yeomans of Durham and
Kathleen Skinner of West Haven, Conn.; and
Jax eache
e YOO rcon *
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Dorothy S. 'Dottie" Perkner
I Dorothy S. "Dottie"
Perkner, 71, died Sept. 9,
2006 after a year-long
battle with lung cancer.
She was born October
S23, 1934 in Wilmington,
Del.,' the daughter of the
late Ernest L. and
Margaret P. Smith.
Perkner was known for
.... her generosity, kindness
and always giving and.
doing for others, according to family. She had an
abiding love for her children and grandchildren.
Perkner is survived by her husband of 50-plus
years, Jack; son John, his wife Karen and daugh-
ters Katie and Allison; daughter Sharon, her hus-
band Bob and sons Grady, Spencer and Emmitt;
her sister, Peg Ingram of Rutherfordton, N.C.;
brother-in-law, Dr. Ralph Perkner of Broomall,
Pa., and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.
A service will be held at 10 a.m. Sept. 30 at
McCreary Funeral Home, 3924 Concord Pike,
Wilmington, Del.. She will be buried with her
parents at Grace Episcopal Church, 4900
Concord Pike, Wilmington.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that con-
tributions be made to Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4114 Sunbeam Road, Suite
1:01, jacksonville, Fla., 32257.
. Services .under the direction' of ,Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home. ,
Enroll in our free Newspapers in
Education Program today
The Beaches Leader,
Drnnft V/Ara I noiaar
his brother, Brig. General (Ret:) Jack Quinn of
Florida. He was predeceased by his sister,
Elizabeth Rivard.
Quinn also is survived by his friend Lenora,
as well as by 28 nieces and nephews and
many good friends in Connecticut and
Venice, Fla., where he had been living for the
-past 20 years.
Private services will be held' at Keenan
Funeral Home in North Branford, Conn;
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
to the Branford Hospice Inc., 100 Double
Beach Road, Branford, Conn., 06405
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz
SFuneral Home. .,'.
249-PLAY (7529)
For this weeks events visit
TrexPro Decks
Leader ads take awards
The Beaches Leader/Ponte
Vedra Leader won first place in
its circulation division for its
special section on The Players
Championship in the Florida
Press Association's 2006 .dis-'
play advertising competition.
IThe newspapers won several
other awards, among them a
first place for A Special
Holiday Military Wish by Ted
'Lamb and Kathy Moore and
first place for Keep and Eye
Out by Pat Dube.
Dube also won second place,
awards for Custom .Gold
Smyth and Swimwear
Selection as well as third place
for Join the Hunt.
Dube also shared honors
with Cathi James in a second-
place award for Feeling a
Little Prickly? The pair also
took third place for
Exceptional Senior Living.
Beach Books by Ted Lamb
and Joe Martin took aan hon-
orable mention.
Also, Joanne Jund and
Bernice Harris won first place
in best real estate classified
ad/resale, in black and white,
for Debra Frye Open House.
The awards were given Sept.
1 in Orlando.
Chamber tourney set,
The 9th annual golf tourna-
ment of. the Ponte Vedra
Beach Chamber of Commerce
is, scheduled Sept. 29 at the
Slammer & Squire golf course
at World Golf Village in cen-
tral St. Johns County.
Registration begins at 11
a.m. and a cookout lunch will
be served at 11:30 am'.
For this year's event, which
begins with a shotgun start at
12:30 p.m., the format is a
shamble. ensuring a challenge"
and fun for all who play.
After play, the awards party
will feature an Italian buffet
and free beer and, wine cour-.
tesy of PRP Wines. Silent and
live auctions also are planned.
'For more information on
how to become a sponsor, for
the tournament 'or if you
would like to participate, con-
tact Ginger Lilley Peace at
285-2004 or visit www.pon-
o 1lf t o u r n a m e n t
tournament> .
The tournament is, a
fundraiser for the chamber.
Tree fest signing up
Businesses and organiza-
tions are invited to register for
the 2006 St. Johns County
Festival of Trees at World Golf
Village in central St. Johns
County. \
The second-annual holiday
event, set for Dec. 1 through
10, will showcase decorated
trees throughout-the St. Johns
County Convention Center.
The event is free and open
to the public. Visitors vote for
their favorite trees at. $1 per
vote,,and trees are auctioned
off after the event, which ben-
efits two charities in St. Johns
Registration .deadline is Oct.
Two execs strike Gold
Gold & Associates, a mar-
keting firm' in Ponte Vedra
Beach, recently hired Kelly
.Westermanri as vice president
and, director of marketing and
account management.'
Previously, she had market-
ing experience with accounts
such as Pfizer, Revlon, Procter
& Gamble, IBM and the U.S.
Postal Service.
Paula Larsen, director of
account management for
Gold & Associates, takes on
the role of managing director
for Central Florida, working
with clients throughout
Central and South Florida.
Larsen has managed Gold
accounts such as the PGA
Tour, Manulife Financial and
St. Lucie County. Previously,
she worked in marketing for a
large Florida homebuilder as
well as Arnold Palmer
Enterprises in California.
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Sept. 1s
Newcomers of the Bea
organization for worn
are new to the area, h
first monthly luncheon
a.m. at the Casa Marin
691 1st St. N., Jack
Beach. Featured guest
certified hypnotherap
Ryan. Price for the lunch
$20. Call Bonnie Lynch
821-9002 for more i
Outreach program
Jacksonville .
Connection outreach
eon will be held from
12:30 p.m: at the Jack
Golf and Country C
Hodges Boulevard. Th
for September is
Finishing Touches."
will be Valerie Willi
-Brunswick, Ga., who w
how her life was chang
"Victim to Victor." The
the luncheon is $17;
mentary pre-school ch
is available.
Library children':
grams: The Beaches.
offers three children
grams: Toddler Time a
a.m.,. Mother Goose St
at 11 a.m. and Pre
Storytime at 11:30 a.
Beaches Library is at 60
St., Neptune Beach.
Sept. 13
VFW Ladies Auxilia
Ladies Auxiliary of the
Beaches VFW Post 32
meet at 7 p.m. at 915 8
S., Jacksonville
Members are encoura
bring a guest. For mor
mation, please call 249
Sept. 14
Preschool storytime
Preschool Storytime,
dren's program, will 1
from' 10:30 a:m. to 11:
the' Beach Libraryv TI
gram also will be held S
and Sept. 28. The I
Library is at 600 Thi
Neptune Beach..
GOP at Beaches
Republican Club (
Beaches holds its
monthly meeting at
Grage Cultural Cent'
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic
A social at 6:30 p.m. p
the 7 p.m. meeting.
speaker Rick Richards
speak on Fair Tax. For
nation on the meetir
vice president Ed Raube
Parliamentarians: First
Coast Parliamentarians will
lunch: meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte
ches, an Vedra Beach Branch Library,
ten who 101 Library Blvd. The lesson
holds its will be conducted by Ruby
)n at 11 'Raymer. Visitors are welcome,
la Hotel, The chapter normally meets
sonville the fourth Saturday of the
will be month, September through
pist Jim May. This meeting, the first po
cheon is a new administration, is being
h at 904- held one week early. For more
nforma- information, call 744-9074 or
223-1314. or e-mail
m: The
Vomen's Boating class: Coast Guard
lunch- Auxiliary 14-4 America's
11 a.m.- Boating Class will be held from
sonville 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the
7lub on Captains Club, 13363. Beach
e theme Blvd. Cost is. $25, including
"The materials. For more informa-
Speaker tion phone 904-821-9692.
iams' of : .
ill share Blood drive: The Ladies
;edfrom Auxiliary of the Greater
cost of Beaches VFW Post 3270 will
compli- sponsor a blood drive in honor
iild care of MIA/POW Day, from 12
p.ni.-5 p.m. at 915 8th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The ladies
s pro- will offer an Italian dinner
Library from 5 p:m. to 7 p.m: for a $7
i's pro- donation. All persons donat-
at 10:30 ing to the'blood, drie will
orytime receive a free dinner. Proceeds
;-School will go to the VFW National
m. The Home for Children. For infor-
)0 Third mation, call 247-3861.
Clean it up: Local vblun-
ty, teers are needed to join the
%world's largest one-day
cleanup event. The City of
Jacksonville's Clean It Up,
iry: The Green It Up DLvision will coor-
Greater dinate local efforts for the 21st
270 will annual International Coastal
8th Ave. Cleanup, sponsored by the
Beach. Ocean Conservancy. Advance
aged to registration is not required;
re infor- bags and gloves will be provid-
-7366. ed. Participants must be at
least 18 or accompanied by an
yi adult. For more information
about this or other litter
r:.. removal and prevention pro-
grams, contact Clean It Up,
Family Green It Up, at 630-3420 or
a chil- www.coj.net or www.ocean-
be held conservancy.org..
a: m.:at P. .
he pro- Guana cleanup: Helvpt,-ad'is
Sept. 21 needed to clean up the beach-
Beaches es in St. Johns and Flagler
rd St., counties. The GTM Reserve is
spearheading the Guana Beach
effort. That cleanup will run
from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. as
s: The part of the International
of the Coastal Cleanup. Volunteers
regular can meet at any of the four
Adele GTM Reserve-Guana Beach
er, 716 parking lots to pick up their
Beach.', trash bags. All volunteers
recedes -. are reminded to bring
Guest water and wear a hat
on will and sunscreen. For
infor- more informa
ng, call
at 246-
* SI.,
I,' ..
tion, please call the GTM
t Reserve at 904-823-4500.
I! Monday,
Sept. 18
, GTM speaker: Janet
s Zimmerman, education coor-
* dinator for. the Guana
i Tolomato. Matanzas National
f Estuarine Reserve, will present
to the, Ponte Vedra Woman's
Club the many environmental
r programs available to all age
I .groups at the GTM. Nature
Center when she speaks at 10
a.m. at Sawgrass Country Club.
I Visitors are welcome. Call 285-
s 4264 for more information.
* Le Petit Salon: Le 'Petit
1 Salon des Huit Chapeaux et
SQuarante Femmes 892 will
meet at, 7:30 p,m. at Ocean
Beaches American Legion Post
129, 1151 S. Fourth St.,
s Jacksonville Beach. A formal
* meeting, with rituals will be
I conducted. Participants are
encouraged to bring a guest."
For more information, -please
Small 241-8271 or 242-0042.
Sept. 19
Yoga for breast cancer sur-
vivors: Poses to aid in the heal-
ing of mind and body will be
offered from 11lla.m. to 12:30
p.m. at Cobalt Moon, Neptune
Beach. The class is open to all
levels. Please call Christina at
f, 631-8173 for more informa-
tion or to register.
t Wednesday,
Sept. 20
FAB TEST: An opening
reception for the Future Artists
of the Beaches Festival
(FABFEST) will be held from 5
p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at AmSouth
r Bank, 233 Ponte: Vedra Park
Dr., Ponte Vedra Beach. Local
art teachers, participating
r schools, business sponsors and
the Cummer Museum Art
Connections staff will be hon-
NARFE: National Active and
r Retired Federal Employees,
Chapter 1671, will meet at
noon for lunch at the Golden
Corral Restaurant, 14035
Beach Blvd. Visitors are wel-
come. For more information,
please call 731-3968 or 221-
Sept. 22
LAFlRA steak dinner: The
Ladies Auxiliary of Fleet
Reserve Association Unit 290
will hold a steak dinner from 5
p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Branch
Home, 390 Mayport Rd.,
Atlantic Beach. A $10 donation
will be appreciated, and take-
out orders are welcome. Call
246-6855 for more informa-
NLA: Natural Living
Alliance of St. Johns County
meets the third Monday of
every month at 7 p.m. in the
public meeting room at the St.
Augustine Record, corner of
State Roads 312 and 207. The
public is welcome. This
month's meeting will feature
Jacob Hamilton speaking
about "Biodiesel/Alternative
Fuels and You." An NLA gener-
al business meeting will follow
at 8 p.m. For information, visit
Beaches Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class is
offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
and watercolor for all levels is
offered in the evening, as well
as Wednesday and Thursday
mornings. Figure drawing
classes are held from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. The Beaches Arts
Center is at 228 3rd Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. For infor-
mation, call 241-3515.
Harmony Show Chorus:
The Jacksonville Harmony
Show Chorus meets from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. at the San Jose
Church of Christ, 6233 San
Jose Blvd., Jacksonville.
Visitors and prospective mem-
bers are welcome. Call 350-
1609 for information.
Rollaways: Rollaways
Square Dance Club leads
modem western square danc-
ing and offers lessons at
Sandalwood High School. The
dance caller is Ken Miller. For
more information, call 249-
Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is offered at
7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center,
281 19th Avenue S.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost is
$4. For information, call 241-
Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. at the
Florida Cancer Center in
Medical Office Building B on
the hospital campus. Call 247-
2910 for information.
Poker tournament: A week-
ly poker tournament is sched-
uled from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. Tables, cards,
chips, refreshments and snacks
are provided. The Senior
Activity Center is located at
2004 Forest Avenue and can be
reached by calling 270-1688.
Sons of Italy: The Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge 2821 con-
ducts its general meeting at
7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday
of every month at the Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. A
social time starting at 6:30 pre-
cedes each meeting. Anyone,
male or female of Italian her-
itage or not, who is interested
in attending is welcome as a
guest. For more information,
call 904-242-4929.
Toastmasters: Toastmasters
of Ponte Vedra meets from
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the
administration building of the
Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Coffee is served. For more
information, call Michael
Steele at 904-910-1982 or visit
Yoga for health: Yoga for
Health & Healing is offered
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center. The class is
designed for those reluctant to
attend a regular class but want
to learn the fundamentals of
yoga. For more information,
contact Leslie Lvne at the
Senior Activity Center, 270-
1688, or call the teacher,
Nancy Rathburn, at 386-6453.
Kiwanis Beaches: The
Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets at noon at Selva
Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskiwanis.com for
Jacksonville Singles Dance
Club: The Jacksonville Singles
Dance Club meets from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m. at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville.
Admission is $8, $7 for mem-
bers. For information, call 779-
1234 or email
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center. 578 1st
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
Call 247-3299 for information.
Parliamentarians: The First
Coast Parliamentarians meet
the fourth Saturday of the
month from 10:15 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., September
through May, at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library,
101 Library Road, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The December and May
meetings are luncheon ses-
sions. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for
information, or e-mail
Ponte Vedra writers: The
Florida Writers Association
Ponte Vedra Writers Group
meets at 10 a.m. the fourth
Saturday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Call Vic DiGenti at
285-2258 for information.
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance-Jacksonville Beaches
meets at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Visit www.dbsajax.org for
-^,"";". ..
,. .
LAFRA shrimp
::- ; dinner: The Ladies
Auxiliary of
j ':." ',. ,F l e e t
e1 sRe serve
,R.:i; Assoc nation
Unit 290 will
hold a shrimp dinner
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the
Branch Home, 390 Mayport
Rd, Atlantic Beach. An $8
donation will be accepted, and
takeout orders are welcome.
Call 246-6855 for more infor-
Sept. 16
SOS: Project SOS
[Strengthening our Students]
holds its second annual Walk
to Strengthen Families at the
Jacksonville Beach Pavilion.
Registration begins at 10 a.m,
and activities end at 2 p.m.
Register by visiting
ProjectsSOS.com' or by calling
Beach Library: The Anime
Club, a teen program, meets
from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at
the Beach Library. The Beaches
Library is at 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach.
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September 13, 2006
Navy couple are a hit
atHail and Farewells'
-.-- - - .,
,' *: .: :. 1 :* ., I- ,. i 'f*I .. ,-I" .., nol. CHUCK ADAM5
Deputy Keith Schiffer is the youth resource officer at Landrum Middle School. Schiffer has been with the St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office for the past 12 years.
Deputy Schiffer a 12-year veteran
The St. Johns County School
District contracts with the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office to place one
deputy in each high school and mid-
dle school. At the elementary level,
five schools share one deputy.
These school resource officers give
classes, counsel students and provide
a sense of security in the schools.
. Meet Keith Schiffer, youth resource
officer at Landrum Middle School.
Age: 49
Where he grew up: "I was a Navy
brat. Born in Maryland, only lived
there six months. Traveled all over
the world after that, until I was 18."
After graduating from high school
in Japan, he spent.one year in college,
then joined the Army. ,
Years and places in law enforce-
ment: He has been with the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office for 12-1/2
.years, after spending one year ii law
enforcement in Clay County.
During his first five years, he. .
worked in corrections. Before enter-.
ing law enforcement, he spent about
12 years in sales at Southeast Toyota.
Previous experience as a school
resource officer: A few weeks.
Philosophy of school policing:
"I'm here to protect kids. I originally
wanted an elementary school- ..
because I just wanted to see little
kids looking up and smiling at us
instead of thinking we're the bad
guys who keep them from having ,
fun. But we're here to protect them.
That's wh~ TI'i over here.",
What can parents do; what,
should parents know: "I think' the
parents can, from what I've seen in
the little time I've been there, there's
been some conflict between the par-.
ents and the staff of the school in
reference to dress codes and the way
children will act around the school.
"The teachers aren't there to be
parents. They're there to be teachers."
So I think the parents can get more
involved with their children at the.
"The school's put out policies, and
policies are to be adhered to ...
There shouldn't be a conflict there. I
think the parents should back up the
teachers, because the teacher's there,
to teach their kids, help them and
USS Houston reunion at Sea Turtle
Alabama native Warren
Kelly was at his station in .a
gun turret aboard the Na'%y
light cruiser USS Houston
* when a Japanese torpedo near-
ly sunk his ship off Formosa
on Oct.. 14, 1944.
.The type 91 aerial torpedo
struck the Houston's engine
room, flooding four spaces
and causing the ship to lose all
In other words, the Houston
was dead in the water.
"It hit us about amidships,"
recalled Kelly,. 80, during a
phone interview last week
from his home in Eufaula, Ala.
"They [the torpedo
bombers] caught us by sur-
prise. It knocked me out a lit-
tle, but I was still in it."
Strapped into the gun turret
near, the ship's fantail, Kelly
hung tough until help arrived.
Damage control measures
by the crew kept the newly
commissioned cruiser afloat.
Two days later, the Houston
was struck again by another
torpedo, this time in the stern
while the ship was in tow.
The damaged cruiser man-
aged to stay seaworthy for
another 11 days while it was
The USS Houston on its shakedown cruise in February 1944.
The light cruiser earned three battle stars during World War II.
towed 1,300 miles to safety.
According to the Naval
Historical Center in
Washington, D.C., "Few, if
any, U.S. Navy ships operating
in the open sea had survived
such massive underwater dam-
age and flooding."
"We were in dry dock when
the war ended," added Jim
Potter of Albany, Ga., who
helped plan the first reunion
of the ship's crew in '1977.
This week, more than 60 for-
mer USS Houston crewmen
will be in Atlantic Beach to
celebrate their 30th reunion.
The reunion is being held
today through Sunday at the
Sea Turtle'Inn.
This year's reunion is being
.hosted by Kelly's daughter and
son-in-law, Leitha and
Michael Coates of Ponte Vedra
"We're sponsoring it for our
parents, because they [the USS
Houston Association] haven't
held a reunion in Florida in a
long time," said Leitha Coates.
"I booked this back in
The USS Houston, which
goes by the Navy acronym CL-
81, was the third Navy vessel
to be named after the city of
Its forerunner, the light
cruiser LISS Houston (CA-30),
was sunk by the Japanese in
1942 off the Java Coast.
The third Houston was com-
missioned in December 1943
and departed Norfolk, Va., in
early 1944 for a shakedown
cruise in the Caribbean.
The light cruiser, with a
crew of 1,200 and an arma-
ment of more than 12 long-
range guns, left for the Pacific
in April 1944.
The USS Houston participat-
ed in the Battle of 'the
Philippine Sea, and engaged in
shore bombardment on Guam
and Peleliu before it was heav-
ily damaged off Formosa.
The light cruiser received
three battle stars during its
World War II service.
Potter, 79, was in the
Houston's plotting room
when the first torpedo hit
around 6 p.m.
"It flooded all the engine
rooms and the two fire rooms
where they made the steam,"
recalled Potter, who enlisted in
the Navy out of Lake Worth,
"They thought it was going
to sink. Two days later around
noon the Japanese hit us
S since she was a little girl,
SNavy wife Chere Fleming
J has been interested in
Fleming was inspired by
the homestyle meals created
by her mother and aunts.
Those women helped her
gained an appreciation, she
said, for how "food brings
people together."
The happiness that good
food brings.to people gives
Fleming the most pleasure,,
she.said. .
Fleming and her husband,
Jim, have lived in the West
Beaches for about a year.
Jim Fleming is the execu-
live officer, or second in
command, of the fast frigate
USS Simpson, based at ,
Mayport Naval Station.
The couple has also been -
stationed in Hawaii and
Newport, R.I.
At their home, Fleming.
grows herbs and several vari-
etiesof hot peppers to add
flavor to many recipes. She
also uses a food dehydrator
to preserve part of the crop.
Her pantry contains several
containers filled with dried
herbs and peppers, which
she said have "much more
flavor" than similar items
purchased at the supermar-
Canning is another way
Fleming preserves food, espe-
cially fresh fruit and berries.
She was first introduced to
canning by a friend in Rhode
Island, where she said can-
ning is very popular.
The "Ball Blue Book" is one
of the best sources for can,.
ning information, according
to Fleming. To improve her
canning techniques, Fleming
recently became a Master
Food and Nutrition Educator
after completing a course
offered by the University of
Florida's Extension Office in
Duval County.
Classes on food safety,
nutrition, healthy eating,
and canning were part of the
training. Students who pass
-the course also must volun-
teer at the Extension Office;
Fleming has helped with
the call-in food help line and
has been available for Smart.
and Healthy Supermarket
Tours at local supermarkets,
sponsored by the Extension
She' also worked with
campers at a children's cook-
ing camp offered this sum-
mer by the Extension Office.
As a Master Food and
Nutrition Educator, Fleming
said she looks forward to
promoting good nutrit ion
and healthy eating.
At home, Fleming and her
husband:like to cook togeth-
er whenever possible. Jim
Fleming says that his wife's
cooking is really "an exten-
sion' of her creativity."
Whenever he is at sea,
Fleming brings his wife cook-
ing-related souvenirs such as:
cookbooks or specialty food
Their recipe for Shrimp
and Cheese Enchiladas is a
new variation of one of the
couple's favorite lobster
While they were living in,
Newport, Jim Fleming and a
friend trapped for lobsters.
Chere Fleming uses lobster
meat in an enchilada dish.
Fleming said Fresh
Mayport shrimp are a worthy /
substitution for lobster. She
makes a special trip to a
Mexican food market to buy
the queso fresco for this
recipe. Cream cheese is a
possible alternative, but the
flavor. of the queso fresco
just makes the dish, she said.
Queso fresco can be found
in two local markets, Mi
Pueblo on Beach Boulevard
and Tienda el Castillo on
10th Avenue South, she said.
Using jalapenos from her
garden, Fleming makes
Pickled Jalapenos like those
available in Mexican restau-
rants in her hometown of
San Diego.
These will be as hot as the
jalapenos used and. can be
eaten on sandwiches, salads,
or with tortilla chips. Pickled
Jalapenos must be refrigerat-
ed and will keep for 6 to 8
weeks, she said.
Fresh pineapple, mango,
and papaya are in Aloha
Tropical Salsa. This salsa can
be made with cilantro; or, for
a refreshing change, Fleming
suggests trying fresh mint.
The,salsa is excellent with
grilled seafood.
. .The Goupleqoftenooks..-
.together and gI'illirig seems.
to come naturally to Jim,
who was born and raised in
On his grandmother's
ranch there, he grew up
grilling the meat from cattle,
deer, and sheep. Most men
like to grill, Jim joked,
"because it's outside'playing
.with fire."
Sweet Bourbon Salmon is
one of the couple's favorite
preparations for salmon. A
few tablespoons of bourbon'
(or sometimes a little more,
he said) are in the marinade
sweetened with pineapple
juice and brown sugar.'
Creamy roasted garlic
mashed potatoes are the per-
fect accompaniment to the
grilled salmon.
"Hail and Farewells" are a
tradition in the Navy for wel-
coming new people into the
wardroom and saying good-
bye to those others, said
The events are often
potluck dinners for the offi-
cers and their spouses.
Two of Chere Fleming's
salad recipes have been pop-
ular additions to "Hail 'and
Farewell" potlucks.
Broccoli/Cauliflower Salad is
made with light mayo and
light sharp cheddar, an easy
way to make a healthy salad
even lower in calories and
fat. Crumbled cooked bacon
and sunflower seeds add
even more crunch to the veg-
etables in this salad.
Greek Bow-Tie Feta Pasta
Glass canisters containing dried herbs and peppers grown in
their garden and a container of olive oil (left) from Greece are
frequently in use in Chere and Jim Fleming's kitchen.
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Amber and Joe. Rumancik v Annika and Dr. Bradley Wallace.
Amber Findley of Atlantic of Jacksonville Beach. He is a
Beach and Joe Rumancik of 2000 graduate of Fletcher High
Jacksofnville Beach were mar- and a 2006 graduate of the
tried. on Saturday, Aug. 19, on University of North Florida.
the beach in front of Pelican The bride's attendants were
Point condominiums. Joel Andrea Williams, Amy'
DalyImple of Jacksonville Hamilton, FApril Kasdin, Sara
Beach Church of Christ per- Kasdin, Kelli Davis, Alison
formed the ceremony. Jordan, Kendra Mccullough,
The bride is the daughter of Amanda Rover, Lisa Rumancik,
Bob and Jeannine Findlev of and Vanessa Rumancik.
Atlantic Beach. She is a 2000 Groomsmen were Zak
graduate of Fletcher High Barden, Nick D'Angelo, Greg
School and a 2004 graduate of Jacobs, David Kasdin, Mason
Lipscomb University. She is 'Kasdin, Rick Kendtist, Paul
currently attending Florida Mills, Steve\ Rumancik and
State University's College of Steven Wilson.
Law. The couple plan to honey-
The groom is the son ofL moon in Australia..
6teve. and Marilyn Rumancik ..
70th anniversary
Mary and Luther Hughes of
Palm Valley celebrated their
70th wedding anniversary on
Sept. 6.
The couple were, married
Sept. 6, 1936, in Jacksonville,
and have resided in Palm
Valley for all of their married
She is the former Mary
The couple have four chil-
dren, Carl, Earl, Donna and
Stephen, nine grandchildren
and seven great-grandchildren.
Mary and Luther Hui
49th anniversary
Donald and .Manuela
"Nellie" Messer of Jacksonville
celebrated their 49th wedding "'
anniversary on Aug. 31,.
The couple were married on
Aug. 31, 1957, in Holtville, ig
Calif. She is the former | '
Manuela Lopez of Glendale, -
Ariz. He is originally :from -
Cincinnati, Ohio.
The couple have three chil- i 1
dren, Michael, Mark and Marie,
eight grandchildren and 'three :.
great-gra rdchildren.
Annika Leigh Davidson .and
Dr. Bradley Andrew Wallace,
both of Gainesville, were mar-'
ried Saturday, Aug. 19, at
Community Presbyterian
The, 'Rev. Gabe Gobdman
'performed'the 6:30 p.m. cere-
The bride is the daughter of-
Paul and Marjorie Davidson of
Atlantic Beach. She is a gradu-
ate of Stanton 'College Prep,
the University of Florida and
UF's Levin College of Law. She
is employed by Brashear and
The groom is the son of Don
and. Virginia Wallace of
Jupnn)4~. Ark. HeJ,i.a graduate
of, Baylor Univer ity, the
University of Arkansas College
of Medicine and Universite
Joseph Fourier ini Grenoble,
France. He is employed by the
University of Florida's
Department of eurosurgery.
Katrina DavCdson was the
maid of honor. Tim Wallace
was the best man. Bridesmaids
were Wheatly Aycock, Mandy
Martin, Courtney Schmidt,
Radha Thakkar and' Kristin
Von Schuch.
Groomsmen were Kelly
Foote, Ronnie Mimran, Erik
Parker, Tim Schick and John
The couple spent their hon-
eymoon in Negril, Jamaica,,
and will reside in GainesLilje.
Houston: Crew reunites
ThC' Cont. from A-7
S. They were ordered to sink any .
damaged ships.
" '7" Kelly .and Potter are
"plankowners," or original
r' ewmembers of the ship.
) Kelly said he enlisted in the
Navy after high school in
.Selma, Ala.
"* A gunner's mate, Kelly was
S. stationed in the ship's No. 3,
triple gun turret.
.. Potter, 'a fire controller,
helped direct gunfire from a
plotting room below decks.
S"we did our part," said
Potter, who left the Navy as a
ghes second-class seaman and went
on to operate a Harley
Davidson dealership for 35
S years in Albany, Ga.
Kelly said. he stayed with the.
Houston froni the time the
ship was comripsioned until
his discharge irq October 1945."
He spent 35 years with an
Alabama; utility company,
working his way up from line-
man to a forman's position.
His brother was a Navy fight-
er pilot during the war.
Before the first reunion in
'77, Kelly said he didn't talk
much about his war experi-
"We tried to kept everything
to ourselves. We lost .too
many," he said.
Potter said fewer than 30.
men attended the' first reunion
in San Diego. At last year's
reunion in Kansas City, he and,
about 16 other "plankowners"
received pieces of. the
Houston's wooden deck that
had, been stored at the Navy'
Yard in Washington, D.C.
Kelly said he had his "plank"
mounted in a picture frame.
Like Potter, he said reunions
help keep the memory of the
USS Houston alive, even
though the ship was sold for
scrap in 1961.
"We weren't, a well-known
ship, but we were well recog-
nized," recalled Kelly. ,
"We sit around and talk
about what we did, and the
way we were."
'To learn more about the USS
Houston (CL-81), visit the
Naval Historica Center Web
site at www.hisry.navy.mil.
0Copyrighted Material
k Syndicated Content I
Volunteer Opportunities at,
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is 'currently
seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-
ules in a variety of service
For more information about
the opportunities, call the
Volunteer Services department
at 296-3722 or send an e-phail
to volunteersmcj@mayo.edu.
'.' '** *
The Duval County Extension
Family and Consumer Program
is seeking volunteers to be
trained in the "CAL" (children
and literacy) program.
Training will be held' on
Thursday, Sept. 14, from 9:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the 1010
N. McDuff Ave.', Jacksonville.
Call 387-8855 for details.
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September 13, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
S ~nt~mher 13 2006 The Beaches. Lea4erfPonteY~.dra Leader Page 9A
are joining together to provide the best
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Terry's Auto has joined forces with RPM
Automotive to offer the Beaches "Car Care
with Integrity."
Terry. Essick, owner of Terry's Automotive,
and Bill Arthur, General Manager of RPM,
announce the merger of their two automotive
facilities at 304 North 3rd Street. Customers
can now enjoy the same trusted, dependable
service they've always experienced with Terry
and the state-of-the-art diagnostic abilities of
RPM Automotive. RPM approached Terry
about a year ago to discuss a merger as Terry
clearly shared their goal of "Car, care with
integrity'" .
Terry is a long-time Beaches resident having
moved to the Beaches in 1974. He attended -
Fletcher junior High and was graduated from
Fletcher Senior High School, He has 26 years
experience and ran the motor pool at Mayport
Naval Station for six years.In October 1999 he
started his own business. For seven years
Terry's Automotive was located at the corner of
Atlantic Boulevard and Royal Palm. He is a
member of the Better Business Bureau and has -
always supported Fletcher High School by l2^j
sponsoring the swim team and beauty pag- jKa
eants and allowing fundraising carwashes at '..:'
his facility. Terry moved to his current loca-,. ..
tion which is three times larger.. This. has
enabled him to work on nine cars at the same
time. It also increased his work load. Terry saw
the value in merging with RPM as they' share
his goal in offering excellence in service cou-
pled with the ability to diagnose car care prob-
lems through the use of advanced technology.
RPM is a locally owned, Jacksonville based Jeff St
company. There are five other locations in ,,nosis'a
Jacksonville to include their corporate office at
The Avenues located at 9148 Philips Highway,
San Marco at 3726 St. Augustine Road, Julingtorr
Creek at 12608 San Jose Boulevard, and Ortega at
5431 Roosevelt Boulevard and Fleming Island at 1807
East-West PPrkway. RPMI has over 20 years of service
in Northeast Florida in the automotive repair field.
They offer dealer level service for all makes and mod-
els. They are able to achieve this by subscribing to the
most comprehensive on-line automotive service; con-
tinuous training of all ASE certified technicians and
manufacturer level diagnostic scan tools for bi-direc-
tional programming of on-board computer systems.
This is a very important benefit as today's late
model cars are controlled by several on-board com-
puters much like your business office. Data provided
by on-board diagnostics can often pinpoint the spe-
cific comiponent that has malfunctioned;.sati fliDt_.b
stantial time and cost compared to "guess-and-
replace" repairs. Terry says, "We offer drivability'
repairs, not guessability' repairs."
Bill concurs that 'Car Care with Integrity-' is our
mission and we are out to change the automotive
senice industry one car at a time". RPM has the same
capabilities that the automobile dealers have and y'ou
can even go to RPM's website at www.rpmautomo-
tive.com to view your car's repair history. They also
honor most extended warranties and are an AC Delco
rickland, left, and Terry Essick provide trusted automotive diag-
nd service to the Beaches.
Total Service & Support Center as well as being AAA
approved in automotive repair.
Bill says, "We are very interested in exceeding cus-
tomer expectations of what an automotive repair
experience should be." And Terry comments that, "I
am very excited to be able to offer a higher level of
service to my current customer base and I'm looking
forward to building relationships with new customers
at the Beaches." In addition, when you visit any RPM
Automotive shop you will be impressed with the
clean, well lighted and pleasant facilities. They even
offer WiFi internet access so you can bring in any
notebook or Pocket PC and continue working while
your vehicle is being serviced. Talk about convenient!
Personnel are fast, professional, well-trained and cour-
Now that Terrv's Automotive and RPM' Xitofi6btiv'e
have joined forces you can expect to have your vehi-
cle serviced at a clean, modern facility by trained ASE
Certified technicians with access to the most
advanced technology which saves you money and
time. RPM is located at 304 North 3rd Street in
Jacksonville Beach, (phone number 249-5711) and
offers extended hours from 7am-7pm Monday
through Friday. All major credit cards are accepted.
Come by and welcome Terry's new partners in car care
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The 'B&aches~le.plJ Y4~f~?dr a Leader. !!,,.Pag 9A
Selltembeil i 13,2006
S. i
. W --
*Page 10A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 13, 2006
prhl.i CHUC aCK 40 ,1C
Bud Beech (back), dean of students at Nease High School, joins a group of students Tuesday in dressing for "wacky-tacky" day,
part of spirit week leading up to Friday's Homecoming game.
Recipes: Shrimp and Cheese Enchiladas
Cont. from A-7
Salad is another great tast-
ing salad. Black olives, feta
cheese, and fresh basil are
the classic ingredients that
give Greek flavor to the
pasta salad. Fleming adds
dried herbs to bottled vinai-
grette for a homemade taste.
The following are some of
Chere and Jim Fleming's
favorite recipes.
Shrimp and'Cheese
(with chili verde sauce)
8 oz. cooked large Mayport
shrimp, cut into small pieces
one-quarter cup chopped
green onions
one-half cup queso' fresco,
crumbled ........- ---- -
' one-half cup shredded jack
2 T light sour cream
2 cups basic green enchila-
da sauce
4 corn tortillas, warmed
until pliable in microwave
2 T Chopped cilantro
additional queso fresco
and jack cheese for topping
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. In a bowl, combine
shrimp, green onions,
cheeses, and sour cream.
Spread about half of the
green sauce evenly in a
casserole. Place remaining
sauce in a wide shallow
Dip tortilla in sauce and
place flat in casserole. Spread
one-quarter of the shrimp
filling down center of tor-
tilla. Drizzle 1 T green sauce
over filling. Roll up the tor-
tilla and place seam side
down in one end of the
casserole. Repeat with
remaining tortillas and fill-
Pour rest of sauce over
enchiladas and sprinkle with
additional jack cheese. Bake
enchiladas for 20 to 25 min-
utes or until hot arid bubbly.
Sprinkle with chopped
cilantro and more queso fres-
co. Serves 2.
Pickled Jalapenos
1 cup white vinegar (5%)
one-half cup bottled water
one and one-half tsp. sugar
one and one-half tsp.
kosher or pickling salt
one-half tsp.whole cumin
seeds, lightly toasted
3 or more fresh garlic
cloves, cut in quarters or
A Charles Gaiety
228 3r,91 AVAP .W. .wJ qfj
15-20 fresh jalapenos,
10-15 baby carrots
one-half small onion,
Bring vinegar, water, salt,
sugar, cumin, and garlic to a
boil in a medium saucepan.
Add the jalapenos, carrots,
and onions; boil 4-5 min-
utes. Put the peppers, car-
rots, and onions in a large
jar (approximately 20 oz or
larger). Pour liquid in the jar
to cover the pepper mixture.
Don't forget the garlic! If
additional liquid is needed,
combine the first four ingre-
dients again, heat and pour.
The peppers should stay
undisturbed in the refrigera-
tor for at least a week. The
peppers have been processed
ivith-a boiling water bath
and must be kept refrigerat-
ed and eaten within 6 to 8
Aloha Tropical Salsa
1 cup finely chopped fresh
1 cup chopped peeled
1 cup chopped papaya
1 cup chopped red bell
three-quarters cup
chopped red onion
one-quarter cup minced
fresh cilantro
(or fresh mint for a
refreshing taste)
3-4 T lime juice
2 minced jalapenos or ser-
(add more for a hot-
ter salsa
1-2 cloves of minced garlic
Combine all ingredients in
a bowl. Cover and chill for 2
hours. Yields 4 cups.
Serve with grilled fish,
chicken, shrimp, or ham;
,good in fish tacos or with
plain tortilla chips.
Sweet Bourbon
1 lb. thick salmon, skinned
2 tsp. snipped fresh chives
for garnish
Sweet Bourbon Marinade:
one-quarter cup pineapple
2 T soy sauce
2 T brown sugar
2-3 T-Kentucly bourbon
one-quarter tsp.cracked
black pepper
one-quarter tsp. garlic
one-quarter cup vegetable
Cut the salmon into two 8
oz. fillets.
Combine the pineapple
juice, soy sauce, brown
sugar, bourbon, pepper, and
garlic powder in a medium
bowl. Stir to dissolve the
sugar. Add the oil.
'Place the fillets in a shal-
low dish and pour the mari-
nade over top. Cover fish
with a lid and refrigerate for
at least an hour. A few hours
is even better.
Grill approximately 5 min-
utes per side. Top with
chives and serve with garlic
roasted mashed potatoes.
*This marinade is easily
doubled and also great on
chicken. Charcoal grilling
with a few mesquite smoking
chips or adding a little liquid
smoke to the marinade gives
the dish a smoked flavor.
Greek Bow-Tie Feta
Pasta Salad
1 lb. bow tie pasta
1 pint grape tomatoes, cut
in half
1 can 16 oz.i small black
olives cut in half
4 oz. feta cheese, crumbled
4-5 scallions, chopped
2-3 T fresh basil, or more
to taste, stems removed and
finely chopped
one-half English cucumber,
skin on and sliced in thin
half moon shapes
1 small yellow bell pepper,
diced in half inch pieces
1 bottle (8oz.) Ken's lite
olive oil vinaigrette salad
one-half tsp. dried tar-
one-half tsp. dried oregano
one-half tsp. dried mustard
1 clove garlic, finely
one-quarter cup red wine
salt and pepper to taste
Cook pasta according to
directions in boiling water
with a little olive oil to pre-
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vent sticking. When pasta is
done, rinse under cold water
to cool pasta and stop cook-
Put pasta in a large howl
and add a little of the salad
dressing to coat and prevent
Mix the rest of the herbs
and vinegar with the salad
dressing in the bottle and
shake. Add the remaining
ingredients to the pasta. Toss
and coat with the dressing.
To make a complete
meal, add cooked shrimp or
3-4 bunches broccoli, cut
into bite size florets
I head of cauliflower, cut
into bite size tlotets
1 small red onion,
chopped (one-half to three-
CTuarters cupi
2 cups shredded light
sharp cheddar cheese
one-half package fried
bacon, crumbled 16 to S
1 cup sunflower seeds
2 cups light mayo
one-half cup sugar
2 T red wine vinegar
Mix salad ingredients
together in a large bowl.
Mix dressing ingredients
together in a medium bowl.
Add to veggies. Chill 2 hours
before serving.
St. Johns excels on ACT
St. Johns Count)' students
taking the American College
Test (ACT) during the 2005-
2006 school year had an aver-
age test score of 22, well above
*the national average of 21.1
and the state average of 20.3. A
perfect score is 36.
These scores reflect a contin-
ued 15-year trend in which
countywide ACT composite
scores have been above both
the state and national levels.
In college admissions, the
ACT is used with high school
grades to predict academic
readiness for college. Subject
areas covered by the ACT
include English, reading, math
and science.
Joyner on state of schools
St. Johns schools
Superintendent Joseph Joyner
is scheduled to talk about the
"State of the Schools" in St.
Johns County and explain the
School .Board's goals for .the
year 'at a community forum
The forum is scheduled 6:30
p.m. at the School Board
Administration Center, 40
Orange St., St. Augustine.
The public is invited to the
forum as well as to a 5:30 p.m.
reception in the
Superintendent's conference
"Ever)' citizen in St. Johns
Count)' has a vested interest in
our school system, and I'm
eager to hear their ideas on
ways to make our schools even
better," Joyner said in a news
District to add schools
Groundbreaking ceremonies
are planned by the St. Johns
County School District
Monday for three new schools
in Northwest St. Johns County.
Groundbreaking for an ele-
mentary school is at 9 a.m, at
6555 State Road 16, just past
the back gate to the King and
the Bear subdivision;
SThen at 10 a.m., ground-
breaking is scheduled for a
middle school at 245
Meadowlark Lane, off Pacetti
Road inside the Meadows sub-
Groundbreaking for the
ninth grade center at Bartram
Trail High School begins at
11:15 a.m. at Bartram Trail,
2050 Roberts Road.
The schools are scheduled to
open in August 2007.
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Ponte Vedra Leader
September 13, 2006 SPO RTS
* Fishing Leader
* Jaguars open with a win
* Classifieds
Grant, Stachitas shine in Nease blowout
Panthers showcase a familiar look
with spectacular quarterback play
and tough defense in 48-0 victory 1
SANTORD Tim Tebow's record-setting foot-
ball accomplishments at Nease High will never
be forgotten he's just not the focal point of
the Panthers football program anymore.
Thanks to a fleet-footed new quarterback, a
fresh crop of receivers and a reloaded defense,
state-ranked Nease (2-0) is no
longer Tebow-dependent.
And, that's a good thing.
"It-never has been a one-man
deal," Craig Howard, Nease's
fourth-year head football coach,
said Friday after the visiting
Panthers tClass 4A No. 4) routed
Sanford Seminole High, 48-0.
"We always want to get differ-
ent guys involved [in the
offense]. We had several heroes
tonight. And, of course, our
defense helped us with those
Eight turnovers to be e\act,
including five interceptions,
three by Ribault transfer Justin
Grant, a senior cornerback.
Grant was scintillating in the
Panthers secondary, with three
picks in the first half, returning
one 40 yards for a score.
Nease's defense held the host
Seminoles (0-31 to 43 rushing
yards for the game and 133
total yards.
On offense, junior QB Ted
Stachitas marched the Panthers
to a 24-0 halftime lead behind
crisp, high-percentage throws
to six different receivers.
"Ted came down the field on
those first drives and looked
like Joe Montana," said
Howard, who called 16 consec-
utive passes to open the game.
"He made beautiful reads and
gave us exactly what we want-
ed. Ted is like Tebow in his
competitiveness. But he's more
of a quiet, driven competitor.
"And what Ted brings to this
offense is the breakaway speed
of a track runner. He's 4.3 [sec-
onds for 40 yards] or 4.4."
Stachitas had four runs of 10
Ted came dov
field on those
drives and looked
Joe Montana. He
beautiful reads
gave us exactly
we wanted. Ted
Tebow in his co
tiveness. But he's
of a quiet, driven
-- Craig Howa
Panthers head cc
yards or more,
including a 30-yard quarterback draw in the sec-
ond quarter.
Senior tailback Zach Tronti had 54 vards on 10
Freshman Chris Johnson had,a 16-yard run
and 3-yard TD blast.
Senior Christian Dennis led all receivers with
five receptions for 66 yards, including a 23-yald
scoring catch.
Slot receiver Hunter Bates had 65 receiving
yards, including a 8-yard TD reception. Tailback
Graham Bates added 50 receiving yards and a
38-yard TD grab.
Senior tight end Chris Briggs
,-, hauled in catches of 13 and 16
W yards to add a new dimension to
the receiving corps.
"We threw quick screens early
and those were big dividends,"
said Howard, who recruited the
,- 6-foot-3 Briggs off the Nease bas-
ketball team.
"You have to worry about the
tight end in this offense now.
It's hard to defend us when the
ball is equally distributed. But
we want to establish the run a
little better."
48 Howard said he held back
0 Stachitas as a rusher because the
Panthers entered the game with-
out a backup quarterback.
After Nease established that
---..- it could pass on Seminole,
Howard sprinkled in the run in
Yn the the second half.
r. Nease rushed for 170 yards
first in the game and threw only
ad like five times in the second hairf
for a 29-25 pass-run mLx.
Made Stachitas was 17 of 29 pass-
and ing for 254 yards and TD
throws of 8, 23 and 38 yards.
what His only miscue, a first-quar-
is like ter interception, came after
Sanford's Damian Brown
impeti- picked off a tipped pass that hit
S more the hands of a Nease receiver.
Stachitas and Graham Bates
1 com- hooked up for a 33-yard gain
on a fake punt in the second
quarter, but the play was erased
-. by a penalty.
Placekicker Allen Schaefer
_d--:, booted field goals of 27 -and 43
coach yards, the latter after Nease was
backed up five yards for not
having enough men on the
., .1 1. line of scrimmage.
aefer also had two touchbacks and a 25-
yard PAT.
On defense, Nease held the Seminoles to only
one first-down run and only a 9-yard comple-
tion in the second half.
Pr..:,i'-. ROB D-AtlGELO
Panthers senior defensive back Justin Grant, right, in actlon against Memphis University School
during the Bill Bales Classic last month. Grant, a transfer from Ribault High, had three intercep-
tions last Friday night against Sanford Seminole in the Panthers' 48-0 win.
The Seminoles deepest penetration of the
night was to the Nease 17. The drive ended with
a 34-yard field goal miss.
Junior linebacker Riley Haynes and senior
Ryan Lawson snared second-half interceptions.
Lawson returned a Ray Armstrong pass 24
yards for the game's final score with 1:09
, "It was a stellar performance by our defense,"
said Howard, whose team entertains 'Fleming
Island 12-01 Friday at 7:30 p.m. for homecom-
ing. ,
Sherman racks up terrific
numbers in volleyball win
Nease QB Ted Stachitas takes the snap during action against Memphis University School Aug. 26.
The Nease girls volleyball
team continues to stack up
victories, the latest a 3-0 w'in
last Thursday over Tallahassee
Lincoln. Scores wee 25-20, 25-
19 and 25-23. It was the third
victory of the week for the
Outside hitter/setter Meg-
han Sherman led the Panthers
with 16 kills, 20 assists, 11
digs, six blocks and three aces
in one of her better all-around
performances of the season.
Tara Carrigan chipped in
with 20 assists, Cierra Pillsbury
had 12 digs, 14 points and
three aces, and Paige DePriest
had 21 points and four aces.
Additionally, Laura Phillips
had 10 kills, while Christina
Vergo and NMeghan Oakley
each had six kills
With the win, Nease
improved to 5-2 on the sea-
son. Earlier last week the
Panthers rolled to easy victo-
ries over Atlantic High and
The Panthers were slated to
host Pedro Menendez High
Tuesday, then St. Joseph
Academy on Wednesday.
The Nease boys and girls
cross-country teams partici-
pated in last Saturday's Katie
Caples Invitational at Bishop
Kenny High School.
The Panthers boys team fin-
ished in 22nd place with a
Sophomore Alex Bermudez
was the Panthers' top finisher,
coming in 72nd in 18:48.
Other Nease finishers included
Kevin Bell in 120th (19:56),
Blake Ricci in 122nd (19:59),
Max Lang in 130th (20:171
and Matt Smith who clocked a
20:19 to cross the line in
132nd place.
On the girls side, Nease fin-
ished 11th with 345 places.
Juliana Buonanno was the
Panthers' top finisher in 52nd
place with a 22:17. Other
Nease runners included
Daniela Daswatta in 55th
(22:24), Sara Elrod in 76th
(23:08), Kelly Cartee in 77th
(23:12) and Danielle Such who
clocke 23:26 to finish in 85th
In last Saturday's Bulldog
Invitational at The Bolles
School, Panthers diver Kirstyn
Shepler took first place in the
girls diving event.
Kristin Gerkens was third in
the 100-yard backstroke.
In boys diving, the
Panthers' Matt Jones finished
The full Panthers teams
were slated to back ih the pool
Tuesday when they played
host to Middleburg High at
the Winston Family YMCA.
Photo by ROB DeartGELO
Nease High swimmer Wes Stevenson comes up for air dur-
ing the breaststroke leg of the boys 200-yard individual
medley race against Bishop Kenny last Wednesday.
Pop 2I R
Changing weather impacts local fishing scene
a n '^ ^ .g w et'e .hi^ ." --*_'. *'- ^ -.' i 9 1 .^ '
U settled weather defi-
nitely influenced the
fiLhing last week. A few
good cat-hes of bottom fish
cdme off thl party grounds
before *10Weather turned bad.
Tarpon' are following the
mullet out of the inlets now
and are still feeding on the
pods of bait.
Capt. Dave Sipler, with Dave
Shay and friend Rodney,
fished al6o' hJi-'Hver bank
and thi'eio lIst Wednesday
and caugitt'Ycobia,'bur trout,
two flountler and,'Jts of lacks.
Rusty B4hick made a
short trip to the river and,
using live shrimp for bait, net-
ted five trout and five floun-
Capt. Dennis Young, on the
"Sea Dancer" last Monday
with the Dan McCarthy party,.
Pnoto t uDmifted
Captain Kevin Faver and Mike Kogan, of JaxKayakFishing.com,
with a 150-pound tarpon caught last Thursday on the bait pods
near Vilano, Inlet.
brought home 10 snapper
from P.G weighing from six to
eight pounds,
On Tuesday, Capt. Dennis
took the Eli Zoen party to the
A.H. bottom. They boxed
eight snapper weighing up to
12 pounds.
Capt. Fred Hinkle on his
"Daze Off" with friends Eddie
Smith and Dick Hunt trolled
up five kings early Thursday
morning and later dropped to
the bottom and caught five
The best offshore catch last
week came off the "Child's
Play" with Capt. Shawn
Beiterman, Steve Grant and
Jerry Moulton. They fished
deep into the gulf stream and
landed seven yellowfin weigh-
ing 15 to 25 pounds and eight
blackfin. Their largest tuna
was an 80-pounder caught by
Jerry Moulton.
SCapt. Kirk Waltz on his
"Enterprise" with, his guest Dr.
Andrew Skigeri fished the bait
pods last Wednesday off Ponte
Vedra and jumped four tarpon
and caught 11 rod-bending:
blacktip.. Then on Saturday,
Henry Havey fished with Capt.
Kirk around the end of the jet-
ties with pogies and caught
eight redbass to 27 inches.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow,
with Gary and Sandy Polletta,
fished last-Tuesday at the jet-
ties and caught three redbass,
26 to 28 inches, two drum to
five pounds and 11 feisty
On Saturday morning from
the "Little Yvonne" Ferris
Soloman and John Oeten went
with Fred .and caught a red,
nine mangrove, three
sheepshead, porgies and lots
of seabass and whiting.
The tarpon catching was
better on bait pods near the
Vilano Inlet. Capt. Kevin Faver
from his "Double K" on
Wednesday caught a 90-pound
tarpon and jumped four oth-
ers. Ken Pence was the angler.
On Thursday, Mike Kogan
fished the pods with' Capt.
Kevin and caught a big tarpon
weighing 150 pounds and on
Friday, with a group from Ring
Power, used live mullet and
caught two more tarpon, both
over 100 pounds.
On the Jackson\ille Beach
Pier last Saturday, David
Maleckar led the king fishing
with a hefty 33-pounder.
Earlier in the week, on
Wednesday, Spencer Brogden
came off with a cooler full of
fish. He had several drum, six
sheepshead and a redbass.
Spencer used sandfleas and
live mullet for bait.
Jesse Cotner, Jr. used finger
mullet to catch a 27-inch red-
bass and several flounder from
the end of the pier last
Mike Dandrea caught a
three-pound redbass and three
drum on Saturday.
On Sunday, Phillip
Cressman used finger mullet
around the pier pilings to
catch four flounder to five
pounds. Dan Colbom, Jr.
brought two Spanish and a
five-pound flounder over the
rail of the pier last Sunday.
Pier manager Faye Corner
reports that it was a good
week of flounder fishing last
Anglers from the "Mayport
Princess" and "King Neptune"
cleaned lots of bottom fish
after each trip out of Monty's
Marina last week. Lots of
amberjack, triggerfish, grey
grouper and beeliners came off
both boats.
Good Fishin'.
September 13, 2006
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
agic L3"
JI, l IIAtem J.i V --- --.---- --er- -
Second-half rally seals
Jags win over Cowboys
Tacksonville Jaguars fans
who braved the elements
Jat their playground Sunday
Trd a rude awakening. The
Dallas Cowboys played with a
full team. And in vain. Fans
found that contrary to local
media all week long, the
Cowboys have somebody
besides Terrell Owens.
Non-believers must have
been shocked to see Jack Del
Rio's team get off the floor of
Alltel Stadium and belt the
Cowboys around as though
Popeye had finally found his
spinach and his arch enemy,
Blutto, had to pay for his
advances on Olive Oyl.
It took some doing, but once
they smelled blood, the
Jaguars were not to be stopped.
The knockout was 24-17.
Let's hear it for the defense,
which turned the Cowboys'
into cowgirls in the second
half after struggling to get a
10-10 tie at intermission.
"Nothing to worry about," a
security man said in the media
area. "This learn always wakes
up in the second half. They'll.
come back." And the Jaguars
All praise, of course, will go
to quarterback Byron Leftwich,
but it took more than one arm
to stop these rustlers from'
Dallas. As great as Lord Byron
is, he's still mortal (which
many Jaguars people are reluc-
tant to admit). There was good
old Fred Taylor, who kicked off
his cane and shawl and rushed.
21 times for 74 yards and
caught six for 41 yards. -
The old Gator was second
only to Reggie Williams (of all
people), who snagged six
including a touchdown! That's
right, friends and foes, Reggie
Williams caught a Lefttwich
pass for a score. This is a feat
that has evaded the erstwhile
bonus king for two years.
What brought Williams badk.
from the dead is not certain,
.but it saved the day just before
the half. Cowboys head coach
Bill Parcells said it may have
been the turning point and
Parcells is not one to pass out
"We weren't worried,"
Maurice Williams said at his
locker later. The veteran OT
was speaking for his mates.
"We knew what we had.to do
It took us a while to get going
but they (Dallas) knew what
we are. This team is never.
down. We know we can win.'
A very important intercep-
tion by Rashean Mathis was a
key to Sunday's win. But it
took the whole team to stop'
Owens, who had been publi-
cized and praised by local
media ad nauseam.
An easy. win
for the Gators
Florida Gators fans could
revel and rejoice in the' streets
about a 42-0 victory over
Central Florida except for one
thing. The diehards aren't sat
isfied with seeing their newes
hero, Tim Tebow, with only a
piece of the quarterbacking
Never mind that incumbent
Chris Leak had an outstanding
game and that Tebow played
well rushing, he didn't get all
the glory of a would-be
Heismtan candidate, and that
bothers a lot of Gator wishers
SBobby Bowden would be
happy today if his Florida Sta
Seminoles had shown the
same kind of offense against
Troy, regardless of who played
The way the Seminoles were
stymied,- held scoreless in
the first half, one would have
thought they were being
charmed by Helen of Troy
instead of the Trojans of Troy,
Sure, the Seminoles won, as
predicted, but the 24-17 score
doesn't tell the story of how
they had to struggle in the sec-
ond half with 10 and then 14
points as QB Drew
Weatherford finally found his
target, completing 30-of--43
passes for a pair of TDs.
Bowden's bunch had to find
its passing game because the
running game ran away ... or
stayed in bed. The total of 45
yards on the ground is noth-
ing less than shocking for a
team that used to blitz the
. enemy like the Germans going
g, through the lowlands.
Florida people left their
scene of destruction chortling
" about the defense that com-
pletely shut down Central
i Florida and the explosive
demonstration of rookie wide
T. receiver Percy Harvin, who
* stole the show with his 58-
yard jaunt for a TD that made
it 7-0, almost before the beer
drinkers had, a chance to stag-
ger to their seats.
The Gators know they'd bet-
ter be in good shape. There's
s those Tennessee Vols facing
them up in Knoxville this:,
e. week.
Coach Urban Meyer was
t warned- -it never lets up in
I. the SEC.
Meanwhile, the Georgia
Bulldogs were putting it to
it Steve Spurrier's South Carolina
ig team, 18-0, their first shutout
since around the time of the
Ronald Reagan administration.
And in Co'umbia, too!
Super Steve hasn't been
S. treated so rudely by the Dogs
since they knocked him out of
te the SEC race in 1966.
Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fan-
tasy football league will pre-
sent this season's Monday'
Night Football games on the
movie screen in the main
showroom at Atlantic
Theatres. Doors will open at
7:30 p.m. every Monday
throughout the NFL season.
A draft party is slated for
Aug. 30 and the league has a
; $20 entrance fee. Proceeds
will be distributed to winners
at the end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for
others. Proceeds from admis-
sion charges will be donated
'to H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity
providing K-12 scholarships'
for at-risk youngsters in the
Jacksonville area.
For more information con-
tact Bryce Pfanenstiel at 249-
7529. .
Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida
and in Ponte Vedra. Season .
starts in September.
For more information or to
register, visit
www.i9sports.com or phone
(904) 992-4263. .
Girls on the Run:
Registration is now open
fof Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a
5K (3.1 miles).run/walk,
along with healthy living
education anrd life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations
throughout Ponte Vedra ;.
Beach, Atlantic Beach and
Neptune Beach. Volunteer
coaches are also needed to
work with a team of girls.,
For more information phone
(904) 321-4315 or visit
The Jacksonville Chapter
of the Florida Association of
Mortgage Brokers will host,
its 31st annual fundraiser
and charity golf outing
Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club in Orange
Proceeds from this year's
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing quality services
for area youngsters and famn
Registration for the event
will begin at 8 a.m. and a >
shotgun start will take place'
at 9 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.
For lunch only, it's $25 per
person. '
For more information,
contact Valerie Saunders: at
(904) 992-0785.
Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer tournaments for
all ages beginning Sunday, Aug.
20 and throughout the fall.
For more information phone
(904) 346-3946 or visit Web site
at wwww.jaxindoorsports.com.
Strollerfit exercise with
your baby. Outdoor classes ,
where mothers turn their
strollers into portable exercise
machines are taking place in
Atlantic Beach Thursdays and
Saturday, and Fort Caroline
Monday, Wednesdays and
Friday from 9:30 a.m. until
10:30 a.m.
For more informaUon phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit stroUlerfit.com/arlington.
Jacksonville Jaguars running back Fred Taylor (28) maneuvers around a Dallas defender on his
way to a fourth quarter touchdown Sunday at Alltel Stadium. The Jaguars won. 24-17.
Wednesday, Sept. 13
Bishop Kenny at NEASE,
4:30 p.m.
Bartramn Trail at FLETCH
ER, 7p.m.. .,, /
St. Joseph Academy at
SNEASE, 6:45 pm.
Thursday, Sept. 14
Paxon at FLETCHER, 3:30
Raines at FLETCHER, 5:30
NEASE at Episcopal, 4 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 15
Orange Park at FLETCHER,
7:30 p.m,.
Fleming Island at NEASE,
7:30 p.m.
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Spa Party
S...and you are invited!
Treat yourself to some spa time with the girls. You're
sure to leave relaxed and rejuvenated without the
dreaded spa bill! Come to my Spa Party for some
much-needed pampering and girl time!
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You'll also learn skin care treatments that don't require
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*** Bring a guest and receive a special gift!
Location: Marriott Fairfield Inn
1616 North First Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2006,
Time: 10am-4pm (select your hour of pampering)
RSVP required. Call Semaway at (904) 294-2470
Page 3B
The Beacrhes Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
CStnk I I 2)006nn6
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
ragC f IE
September 13, 2006
The Beaches Leader!
Ponte Vedra Leader
$7.10 First 10 Words
470 each add Iword
$8.10 First 10 Words
47 each addi word
Pets & Animals
300 Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost/Found Pets
Service Guide cont.
650 Painting
651' Pest Control
652 Plumbing.
653 Pools
Announcements 654 Photo
400 Notices 655 Rain (
405 Travel 660Remo
-415 Personals 665 Repai
420 Legal Services 670 Roofir
425 Legal Notices 675 Sprint
440 Misc. Lost/Found 677 Tree
450 Instructions/Schools 678 Tile
460 Weddings 680Uphol
Employment 685Wallp
500'P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted Health W
520 Job Services r M
700 Massw
530 Bus. Opportunity 1 I
710 Health
540 Child Care 730C
730 Care
550 Work Wanted For Sa
Service Guide
600 Services 800 For
601 Air Conditioning 805 Mus
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing 815 Auct
608 Auto Repair 820 War
25 Trade
kler & Wells
age Therapy
h Care Serc.
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A39 0 Bus. Services --
21929 3p 612 Carpet' 830 Consignment
Hours: Mon. Fri. 613 Catering Garage Sales
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 615 Cleaning 840 Garage Sales
1114 Beach Blvd. 618 Electronics 850 Jax Beach
Jacksonville, FL 32250 619 Electrical Services 852 Neptune Beach
WA -* ": 620 Equip. Rentals 854 Atlantic Beach
W 622 Fences 856 Mayport .
Real. Estate Rentals 623 Finan. Services 857 Ponte Vedra
100 Real Estate 200 Rental 625 Firewood 858 West Beaches
110 Lots/Land for Sale 215 Home for Rent 65 F ew. Se 858 W ach.s
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent' 631 Computer Services 859 Jacksonville, *
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent 634 Lawn Mower, 860 Flea Market
moi.ocVanted '. 240 M.;:for Rer.t SeN.ices-, ~ 862 tateShli 9"'
830 Condos for'S~ale 266 ValJbAtio ttR eh faW t Ita' En Ac liavA easel of ad u0 1 ,itiod a
t130 ,Condos fo, *Ie r 6 Transportationa
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share Landscpg 905AutoRental
150 Mobile Homes 275 Roomfor Rent 636 Locksmith
for Sale 280 Office Space 915Boats
180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental 637 Marine Const. 930Motorcycles
185 Industrial/ 638Marine/Boating 950CampeRV'
Warehouse 640:Concrete/Masonry 970Trnuks/Va'n
L C AA .. 0970 Trucks/Vans.
5 46 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
980 Automobiles
All advertising accepted subject to the approval of the publisher, who
shall have the right to revise or reject in whole or in part any advertisement.
Publisher reserves the right to place classified under appropriate classifica-
Please read your ad the first day ?i runs so any necessary changes
may be made. .Liability for errors in advertisements shall not exceed the
cost of the space occupied by the error. 'All errors are to be brought to our
attention within 15 days of publication to receive consideration for adjust-
ment. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for omissions.
NORTH CAROLINA Cool Mountain Air,
views & streams, homes cabins & acre-
age. Free Brochure (800)642-5333. Realty
Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy,
N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.
LATE SUMMER Discounts and Free Golfl
Dale E. Peterson Vacations. Navarre,
Okaloosa Island, Destin, South Walton,
Panama City. 'www.destinresorts.com
ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to, the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal'to advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the intention to make any 'such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
sons are hereby Informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis)
If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale, rental or financing of housing,
call the' United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.
GEORGIA/ NORTH Carolina captivating,
mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls.
Homesites starting '@ $39,900. Log
homes kits @ $39,900. Limited availabili-
ty. Call (888)389-3504 X 700.
EAST TENNESSEE- Norris Lake 5.6 acre
wooded, lakefront lot- $66,500 '5.1 acre
wooded view lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside
Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit
GULF FRONTblots $595k. Homes starting
mid $300k. New' master planned ocean
frorit community on beautiful Mustang Is-,
land, near CorpusChristi, TX. www.cinna-
monshore.com, (866)891-5163;.
EUFALA AL waterfront gated community,
2 hrs. from Atlanta & the coast. 1/2 to 3
acres from the $40s; Fishing, boating,
swimming & more. Clubhouse, boat slips,'
nature trails. (866)880-2976.
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina. Escape'
the heat in the beautiful, peaceful moun-
tains of western NC, homes, cabins, acre-
age & investments. Cherokee Mountain.
GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountain re-
alty.com. Call for free brochure. (800)841-
19+ ACRE wooded parcel on the TN/KY
border. Beautifully wooded 19.68 site on a
gently rollinghill. Minutes from Land Be-
tween the Lake rec. area. This won't last
$39,200! Call (866)339-4966.
Why not join us on
,Every Wed. from 11 lam-1lpm
Phyllis will be online taking
your questions lively
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
1'+ ACRE with pond TN, .1.2 acre wood-
ed parcel with a gentle slope, front to
back. Pond on northeast side. Some bluff
views available after clearing. Close to
huge state park. Only $89,900! Call
NEW HOMES In Ocla, FL Pre-construc-
tlon Pricing, zero down for investors, real-
tor inquiries welcome. Cal Kinder Homes
at (352)622-2460 or
IW101 a I I ~ l VIVIan1 rI x tfA[uI
SAtlantic Oteani! Brand new,
simultaneous closing end of '06.
$829,000 2/2/1716 sf, 7th fir, South
$1,590,000 3/3.5/2605 sf, 2nd fir;
direct ocean frt.
Priced reduced! Marsh & natural
preserve! 3/2/2028 sf, open fir plan,
tile thu-out, new SS kit' appliances;
re-plumbed '06
it! litU!K fW'I II IF lll I1
$582,100 4/3.5/2760 sf, Key West
style 3 stories. St Johns River view/
marsh frt'near fee community boat
VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on
very large pristine creek, very private, ex-
cellent fishing, canoeing, good access,
near New River Trail State Park, $49,500.
Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountain-
MURPHY, NORTH Carolina. Aah cool
summers, mild winters. Affordable homes
& mountain cabins. Call for free brochure.
(877)837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View
Properties. www.exitmurphy.com.
20 ACRES, $59,990 Mature Pinion Pines,
mtn views, wildlife; close to BLM. Horse-
back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect for va-
cation, investment, retirement. Electricity.
100% financing. Larger acreage available.
ATL BCH, 50x100, cleared lot on semi-
nole. $2691000: 591-2278.
toric Port City Coastal, Development The
Bluffs on the Cape Fear. Fastest.growing
county in NC.: Grand opening fall 2006.
Direst ocean access. Reconstruction in-
centives to call n how.
www.thebluffsnc.com (866)725-8337
Cape Fear Bluffs, LLC Broker.
NORTH CAROLINA Mtns. Asheville Area
Starting @ $89,900 for 'spectacular par-
cels' with views, waterfalls, mountain
streams, amenities &,much nore. Call for
appt, (866)930-5263.
LOT- 50'X100', 504 1TH STREET, Vila-
ro Bch, $199,000. Grace Ellis; AI Pro Re-
alty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell)
PV FSBO. Build .your dream home. Last
1/4 acre buildable lot east of A1A.
$429,900. Call (904)994-1329.
East of A1A. 55'x-20', all utilities on site.
House plans w/ variance :included.
$375,000. Call249-6150.' :
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Ilsland Preserve.;
3BR/ 2BA, 1900sf, totally restored, double
lot w/ pool. $319,000. (904)222-1873.
'Ocean view. 2540sf. 1/2 block to ocean,
1/2 block to town center. 'Numerous up-
'. grades, $799500. 115 'Orange St.
SBroker/owner. 725-0302 or 887-8237.
esville, lakeview, Upstairs master suite
w/office,"4/3. 2950sf, 5 acres, built 2002.
$469,000; Independent Brokers 904-710-
S3111. ... .
3BR/2BA, VERY nice, modern, open floor
plan, 2 car garage,' Oakridge Subdivision,
PVB, $419,000. (904)699-2906.
,^ $209,900, .
FSBO. GOO Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C; roof, windows, doors, 'and applian-
ces.: By appointment: only.:. Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell).
FSBO in Jax Beach, ,3/2.5BA 2132sf.
Beautiful 2 story home 1/2 block to the-
ocean w/direct access. Refinished hard-
wood floors downstairs, Berber. carpel'up-
. stairs. Spacious master- suite walk in
closets and refinished master bath.
$945,000. 68 29th Ave South, 536-3308.
'b.EAC ./SA PABLOa'ao FS l
Claridge Rd. E. Newly ri'0le'6ed,' vacant.
BMP lTegarg 'lra7'1f4,06;)2G2t'-
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem;&
Wonderwood' nice, 3/2, 2 car gar. freshly
painted, new vinyl and more.$194,900.
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo, almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades.
S$285,000: : '
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar.
Newer area, very open, beaut:stone fire-
place, fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/ beaches. Just listed. $219,900.
Tivoli Subdiv. Nice, 3/2, ;2 car gar ,.minutes
from beaches, shopping, newer home, Ig.
yard. Reduced to $239,900!
TION, 4/3, over 30K in upgrades, below
appraisalbetter than a model home
$289,900. : .
near schools/- shopping, newer 4/2,:
2200sf. approx., priced for quick sale at
$229,900. ,
4/2,' near schools & shops,'$234,500.'
221-1711 OR241-5501.,
SIC WEST near Mayo:Clinic, 3/2/2; 1750+
sf, remodeled, $274,500 OBO. Independ-
ent Brokers 710-3111.
HIDDEN TREASURER Atlantic Beach, 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA, 1700sf,
concrete block & stucco. Very solid. Lg lot
w/ frbit trees. Very private. Convenient to
golf, tennis,' nature park;: schools bike
paths. $310,000.' Make it your home.
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods, Neptune Bch
home k 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525. Forest Ave. Motivated seller:
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.
S. JAX Bch, 4/2, newly painted, $350,000.
$249,900 Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
$212,000, 3BR/2BA, Beautiful! Built-in '99
w/lg. fenced yard near beaches in quiet
corner of subdivision, Pics & more:lnfo at:
170 VISTA Grande 3/2/1, 1100sf, beauti-
fully appointed, $209,900, ho condo fees;
327-0558. Candlerhomes.com
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1400sf, new red oak floors,
new roof, $208,000. (904)222-1873.
3/2/1, 1300SF., new paint, new carpet. Lo-
cated off San Pablo in Villages of Pablo
neighborhood. Community. pool, tennis
courts. Great investment opportunity.
Close to beach, yard has privacy fence
and deck. Asking $215,000. 220-6911,
Original Old Timer Log Homes. Quality
Kiln-Dried Logs, High Commissions, Sta-
bility, Support & Training. Contact Mr.
James Todayl (800)467-3006 www.oldtl-
meroghomes.com. -
2432sf, many upgrades, AG pool, and
deck system $235,000, independent brok-
ers 710-3111.
ill I
46 steps to Neptune Elementary play-
gound, 3BR/2BA, 1998sf, new roof,. large
corner lot, 1495 Forest Ave. $329k,
WONT LASTI First time offered!
2BR/1.5BA, townhome in Neptune'Beach,
hardwood floors & tile on 1st floor, carpet
in bedrooms and stairs, upgraded kitchen,
nice bath, fully enclosed room on back
can be third bedroom, nearly new Trane
A/C system, -plumbing has been repiped;
roof replaced (6 yrs) 10'x12' shed, looks
like a doll house. Large rear yard; walk to
park schools and shopping, Asking $219k,
will co-op, Call Russell 343-2206.
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year rdof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Bbeber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
LIVE IN AB <$400,000. 6-blocks to ocean,
lakefront, pool. 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage.
See to appreciate. 518 Selva' Lakes Cir-
cle. $395,000. 904-994-4220.
FSBO- OFF Beach Blvd., close FCCJ &
UNF. Concrete block, 3BR 1BA older
home. $92,000. 945-0226.,
Custom home- 2800SF, dock 2 boat lifts,
bulkhead; 4BR 3BA, pool, detached 3 car
gar; 100x440 beautifully treed lot.
1 .475M. 285-0489. :
3BR/2BA, RIAYMUR Subdivision off
Hartsfield Rd., 9A & Merrill Rd,' right at 1st
red light, 3314 International Village Ct. Liv.
'Rm., Din. Rm, Kit, Breakfast Rm., Kitchen,
Den, Master bedroom w/large bath, large.
tub, enc. shower, huge closet. 1950sf. Se-
curity system, enclosed. garage. Call Own-
er: Nick 223-5711 or 612-4800. 1"
2BR/2BA ATLANTIC Beach home onf golf'
course, $188,500,247-9850.. ,
RLA71~i MO U'MPW, uuuN isiano61-4 serv
AT LANI.IBO l utton islano Preserve. -. ,
4BR/2.5BA, 2400sf, brand new Key West PVB CONDO, 2BR/2BA, gplf view, close
style home. $415000 (904)222-1873 to beach.' $202K, lease/ purchase option.
l2 (904)806 -1202.
ATI ALT'r lit. -Ar' OV.HJ Cn : f
ATLAt IML/ B UU J pen onuuse,
Sunday, Ipmr4pm. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle. 904-994-4220.
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA' townhome.. 5
"blocks to beach. $220,000; Call realtor/
owner (904)742-6423., :
ATLANTIC BCH- 3/2 new appliances and
carpeting,.fireplace, $189,500, 993-9191.
ATLANTIC BCH- Hidden Cove, 4BR/2BA,
on the water, new carpet '& paint,
$219,900, 859-790. .
ATLANTIC BEACH. ,3 Blocks tor Beach,.
2BR/1 BA on 60'x150' lot, 255 Sher'y Dr.
A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600sf 2 car
garage, built 2002, $239,9K, firm.
658 Stocks. 534-4848.
SOUTHSIDE/ Secret Woods. Brick home,
3BR /2BA; 1895sf:.$284,900 .OBO. Bring
all 'offers. Independent Brokers
GORGEOUS, 4BR/3BA; low country
charmer in P.V. Beach sits on large Con-
servation lot and is loaded w/custom up-
Xgrades. $624,900. Call Susan Kennedy &
The Kennedy Team @ Vanguard GMAC.
2BR/2BA CHARMING Villa in PV. Updat-
ed open floor plan, end unit in gated com-
munity. 1 car garage, glass, enclosed suhn
.O :or6Q erlooking pbt& .'$13 1o/r io'.feei'n-
iludes pool and tennis 6(iurt-$298j0,y0:'
C85t00B4. rt? r6v Thr
3BR/1BA,' large lot, walk to parks/beach.
Newer kitchen floors and'AC, sell below
appraisal at $205,000. Great investment
opportunity. 651-6748 or'247-9244.
OPEN HOUSE- $497K. 'Sun., 12-4pm,
2985 St. John's Blvd. So. Jax Bch Park,
pool, :home. 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom.
(904)270-2073. .:.
PVB. 1BR/1BA, 550sf, tiled, new applian-
ces, ground floor. $139,900. 285-6325
.OWNER WILL' finance, oceanview 2/1.
condo. $295K. Call (904)891-6710.
SFSBO, Save $14K! New Lakeview, Wi-Fi,
resort pool,; must see! $216K; FREE.
HDLCD TV, FREE closing! 727-458-
4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
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PALM HARBOR.'factory liquidation sale..
2006 models must gol Modular, mobile &
stilt homes 0% down when you own your
own landfill Call our factory for-free color
brochure. (800)622-2832. -:L o
OWN YOUR Own office space, boat
barge w/5 built in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina. Great tax write off.,
$59,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740.
:--- -------
2BR 1.5BA Condo Jax Beach, 2nd St.
North. $1150/mo Avail immediately. Call
Todd 993-4884
erman's delight, 1 BA/1 BD, Southside,
$770 + down, 221-0847.
NEPTUNE, WALK to ocean, /large
3BR/1.5BA Upper W/D, sundeck. No pets.
$1295/mo. Lower Unit: large 2BR w/patio
$1225/mo. Southside area, large 2BR
w/island kitchen, W/D, security system. No
pets. $625/mo. 223-5211.
PVB TOWNHOME, 2BR/1.5BA,. 'wood,
tile, lanai, o00sf. Major appliances includ-
ed. Available 10/15/06. $1050/mo. +de-
posit. Cats OK w/pet deposit. (904)273-,
pletely remodeled; all new appliances,
next to Sawgrass, great amenities,
$1000/mo +-deposit. 904-571-6967
CLEAN 3BR Townhouse, near ocean,
Neptune Bch. $1395/mo. Charles Leo-
nard, Broker, 241-7675.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1350/mo. 904-372-9222.
Broker. '
MAYPORT, 2BR/ BA apt., $675/mo.
+$600/dep. CH&A, 280-2728 Iv. msg.
1/2 BLOCK ocean, 2 or 3BR /1BA apt.
Reduced $1260/mo. 249-3970.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
JAX BEACH- 2BR/1BA dishwasher,
WDHU, CH&A, microwave. 728- 8th St.
South. Credit check, no pets; $850/mo.
1BR UPSTAIRS, no smoking, no pets,'
$675/mo + deposit. 247-1935.
1.5 blocks from beach w/beach access.
$950/mo. 241-2077.
NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR/ 1.5BA, newly reno-
vated, kit. apple WDHU. Deck overlooking
fenced backyard. No pets or smokers.
$950/mo., $950/dep. plus credit check.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 405 14th AveS.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $825/mo, $900/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
ep. #7l M ST'^,4;
4 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled,
wood floors, fireplace, lots of
storage, security system, private
fenced backyard and deck for.
outdoor entertaining. Two story concrete block
and frame construction. $345,000. MLS# 307163
Judy Nich son presents.... Dir:904-280-2820 l
i,\n .Eve:904-241-2160
clusive, gated, golf community. $574,000.
large comer lot, tile floors, new roof, F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514-7152.
OCEAN FRONT 2BR/2BA, .beautifully ren-
ovated, 18" porcelain tile w/inlaid design,
' granite, stainless appliances, solid maple
cabinets, wet bar, marble shower, garage
and storage. $675,000. 233-7702.
PV BCH 2BR/2BA w/ fireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $179,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell).
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $519,900. Owner/ agent
568-4818. '
CONDO BY Ocean in Atl. Bch. Totally
renovated 2BR/2BA, granite, wood floors,
washer/ dryer in unit. 300 steps to sand.
Best buy @ $275K.CaIl (904)728-5828.
LOVELY 2BR/2BA w/loft near Beach -&
Mayport Naval Station $125,85p. Apprais-
ed @ 137,000. Call 904-803-5359.
PONTE VEDRA,1 BR/1BA, 750sf., open
floor plan, 1car garage, hickory cabinets,
granite countertops, Travertine stone
floors,, slate shower. $199,900.
(904)463-0505. '. -
PV 2/2 Gated, totally renovated, golf
course, spa w/trainer, pub room, beach
shuttle, WBFP, W&D. $205,000. Tom
MUST SELL!! 2/2 1/2 Towrihome in PV
Lakes, Please call 333-1969 for info. In-
vestors :welcome. $195,000 OBO Owner
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor "plan. No dogs: $455,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
Pna,- 41
Zentvember 13- 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated HODGES & Beaches areas. 1, 2 & 3BR's
2BR, all amenities, avail, soon, $1100/mo. w/ gorgeous lake to golf views. From
247-1417... 1 BR, near ocean. $750/mo. $850/mo. 233-4545.
3BR 2BA doublewlde, lot 158 Admiral's
Walk. 2268 Mayport Rd. $800/mo.
$600/dep. Call Doug 571-5083.
blocks from beach, Ig deck & backyard,
W/D, storage room. $1200/mo. 318-2121.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean-
front. Neptune Beach. Just remodeled.
$1800/mo including utilities. 545-1046
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA. $695/mo (904)891-0606,
JAX BEACH, efficiency, $650/mo.
+$650/dep. 7-12 mo. lease; 294-7163.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
2BR/1BA TOWNHOUSE, 306 Aquatic Dr.,
AB. Tiled thru-out, all new appliances,
screened porch. $900/mo. +$900/dep.
2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard, tile, new carpet. Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1250/mo.+
Deposit. 273-5653.
STROLL TO Atlantic Beach. Charming
2BR 1BA, CH/A, W/D, $995/mo., dep.+
lease. No dogs, 322-8545.
2BR/1.5BA, No Pets, $875/mo..
(904)237-9375. ..
VILANO BEACH To*nnouse, 1000h to
beach 2/2, 1 car gar, year lease. Private
beach access $975/mo. (9041294-5498
MAYPORT 3/2 townhouse, $800/mo,
$775/dep NO PETS. Refs required Call
Emily 349-4759. "
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen.
file lhoors. WDHU, CH&A detached 1 car
garage 59501mo 4$950idep. $200 non.
relundable pel deposit 993-8597.
JAX BEACH, 3-4BR/2BA api, WDHU S. JAX Bch, 3BR/1.5BR, tile, spacious LR,
7?blocks to beach. $1050/nmo. +deposit. Ig fenced yard, walk lo all. $1000/mo. Pets
716-0579. neg. w/dep. Call 904-797-2421 or
kald4@yahoo.com .,
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks to Ocean..
1BR/1BA Apartment,. $585/mo 220 41h SOUTH JAX Beach. 3BR/2.5BA, 1 car ga-
SStreet So (904)891-0606. (352)478-2161 rage on quiel cul-de-sac. Available
10/1/06. $1450!mo 655-3491.
JAX BEACH- 2BR collage near ocean,
CH&A. WDHU no pels, $9251mo $500
deposit,. 246-3130
JAX BEACH. Oceanview Renovaied.,
Hardwood Iloors. Dishwasher, CH&A
S1BR/1 BA, $800-.mo, $850/mo $1000/imo
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354
$ :,875
713 Belleza Ponte Vedra ,1/1 875
412 The Palms Ja.\ Beach 2/2 1156
565 Laurel Street Neptune Beach 2/2+office 1000
703 Villas of Marsh Landing Ja.\ Beach 2/2 1080
36 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2 1260
728 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 .1012
748 Marsh Cove Lane 'Ponte:Vedra 3/2+-loft 1650
10061 Rough Creek Ponwe Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 1465
1106 Valencia Jax Beach/Beach Pkuy 2/2 1356
744- Summerhouse II Beach Ponte Vedra 3/2 1500
19.79 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pablo Rd 3/2 1700
52Turleback Trail Sa,,grass Players Club 3/2 18416
804 Templeton Lane Ponie \edra/Walden Chase4/2 1700
106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra 3/2 1800
97 Voyager Court Ppnie Vedra/Sa, grass TPC3/2 1750
104 Crosscove Circle Ponie Vedra/Seaside 4/3 2345
1029 Hanover Lane Pomne Vedra/Walde n Chase 4/3 r 2502
224 Seamist Court Ponte \edra/Seaside 3/2 2100
S10A The Waterford Ja\ Beach 3/2 1800
61.133 Bndgew.ater Clck Ponre \ecdra.'Sjagra, TPC3/2.5 2000
1977 Se ilda Blhd. Atanoc Beach 4/3+bonus rm2800
10302 Ocean Grande South Ponie Vedra 3/3 2239
529 Sunset Dnie Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2900
905 2nd Street North., C Ja.\ Beach 3/3 2-144
505 Seascape lax Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 1300)
,70 Beach Conage Lane uAdanuc Beach 4/4 2800
.117 Dger Cove..Le ..fL e VpB r h LLndn .-/2.5 "90.
703 Landmark Ja\ Beacfih/Ocaiioni ,. "..L,,.
408 Seaspray Lane Ponte Vedra b% the Sea 4/3 2650'.
9910 Preston Trai Pc.mne Vedrj/Sa%,grass CC 3/2.5 2900
804 (Metropolitan Ja.\ Beach/Oceanvie% 3/2 1799
628 Preserv.e iev\ Drve Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+bonus rm3100
2451 South Ponie vedra Blvd South Ponie 'Vedra 3/2.5 3500
133 Sea Hammock WaB Ponie Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
570 Ponte Vedra Blvd Ponie Vedra 3/2.5 3158
$ 900/& k Beach Club Villas Sav grass Beach Club Eff 600
$1100/1k49TrfionVWaN North Saxgras Country Club 2/2.5 '1500
SI 300/wk Deer Run Sav grass Country Club 3/2 1600
$1400 The Colony -Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach SawgrassBeach Club 1/1 700
$1600 Sea Place Adantic Beach : 2/2 1200
$1600/"vk 2839 S. Ponte \edra S Ponie \edra .3/1.5 1500
$1800/nk 2503 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 4/2,5 2100
$1800/wkTheRetreat PonteVedra/Oceanfroni 2/2 1600
$2000 Las Brisas ax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200
$2000 PelicanPoint Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfoni 2/2 1200
$2000 Loggerhead Lane Sawgrass/Plawers Club 3/2.5 1600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Ja\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2200 Quail Point D Sav grass Country Club 2/2 1800
$2300 92 Tifton Way North. Sav grass Count Club 3/2 1900
$2500 31 Little Bay Harbor Sav grass Countr Club 2/2.5 1680
$2500/k 728 Oceanfront Neprune BeachiOce.anfc.nt 3/2.5 igare ne 2600
$2700/%k2824 Coastal Hvv \llan.,Bcch/Ocejnfr.:.n'Pool6/4 4000
$2800 2841 S. Ponte Vedra Blvd. S. Ponic edra/Oceanfronm 4/2 2100
3000 703 Landnark (7 mo.min.)Ja.\ Beach Oceanfront 3/2 1829
$3900 '105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/3 5+office 3200
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza JaV\iDo,,niton Ri erfront 2/2+loft. 2100
$5500 1911 Beach Aei3momin i Atlantc Beach 3/3 2400
** Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman Pinscher. **
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte"Vedra Beach,. FL 32082
ATL BCH. IBR, 1/2 block ocean.
$800/mo., aep., no pets, yr lease.
246-6865 or (919)358-0244.
VILANO BEACH, 4BR/4BA, 2850st., over-
looking Intercoaslal. walk to beach, home
only 4yrs. old. $1800'mo. Call Jan Hoff-,
man 537-7777 Owner/ ageni.
S. JAX Bch. 3/2. 51450/mo. 2 cleaning
services incl. per mo 655-3951
TOWNHOME 2BR/1 5BA, I car garage,
1500si, excellent condition. $900/mo.
Available September 30th, 534-1353
PVB. BELLEZA. 2/2, 2nd floor (iop), end
unn, vaulted ceilings. W/D, completely
renovated Resort amenities $1100'mo.
Garage available 1904)629-0046.
BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St, Nep Bch. downstairs, 51100/mo incl
utl. (661)803.6275.
JAX BCH. 3/2.5, ocean view, 51600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044.
2BR/1 5BA. CH&A. WDHU, carpet & por-
celain tile, fenced in back yard 2112 Flon-
da Blvd. Neplune Bch. $800/mo, credit
check, 888-259-0783
IMMACULATE 2BR/1 5BA, 2 blocks to
beach. $51200!mo. +51200/sec. dep No
pels. No smoking. Call 463-7020, 249-
2BR/2.5BA Townhome w/d. dishwasher.
fireplace, berber carpet. 18" ceramic tile.
private balcony, pnvare patio. $1395/mo.
-Avar able- -e--ist---333-8462-.- Harrgan
p rt ,1 r"
JAX BEACH new 3BRi3BA w/ocean view,
pool, garage $2100/mo 223-6896.
CUTE AND cozy beach home. 2BR/1BA.
all appliances, plenty of storage, lush
: landscape. $1200/mo. available now. 435.
JAX BEACH Holly Drive. 3BR/2BA. 2 car
garage, lenced yard. $1250/mo deposit,
614-5278. :
SOUTHSIDE- 4BR/3BA. 2500sf.. single
lamily home completely remodeled, large
backyard on Lake San Jose. $1400/mo.
Call Rebekah 1904)998-8360
.*, *
Ponte Vedra Bch, Ig 3,'2/2. Granite & tile,
walk-in closet, ear-in kil corner lot, sprin-
kler syst. avail. 10l1. Per O,1. Flex. lease,
$1495tmo 280-2293
WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2,
2300sf,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/flreplace, carpet, cath ceilings, fenced
yard, $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
246-1125. .
S. JAX Bch. Near ocean. 3BR 2BA,
$1650/mo yr lease New bedroom carpel.
paint. Dep 246 6865 or (919)358-0244
OCEAN WALK, 4/2. 2185sl, Formal
LR/DR, family room w/lplace, EIK. break-
fast bar, carpel, ceramic lile, pool, pool
service included. $2100/mo. TDO Mgml
Services 246-1125
PALM VALLEY, 3BR/2BA. Mobile home,
Quiet and Serene, Month-lo-month lease.
$950/mo. Owner- Agent, Comerslone Re-
ally, Inc. 904-339-0231
ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport. Spacious 3/2,
+bonus room. Irreplace, lenced yard, pest
control included No smokingipets. Availa-
ble 10/3. $1150/mo t deposit. 755-4038.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully furnished, 1
car garage, fenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
lemet, & cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beach For photos e-mail ma-
naeugeniarojo@bellsouth.net $1500/mo.
Long term lease. (407) 394 5858.
N. JAX Bch, 3BR/2BA, living dining, large
kitchen, screened palio lenced rear yard,
newly remodeled, $1250/mo + deposit
3BR 2.5BA, pool, waterfront wi docK, ga-
rage, lenced yard Isle of Palms
$1750/mo. (352)636-2151.
JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave. North,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch.
felanced yard, CH&A, $970/mo.
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
1660 Beach Ave. across from ocean). Lg
3BR 2.5BA townhome 12150st), frplc..
fenced yard, deck, small pet negot
$1750/mo. (904)477-0102
JAX BCH, 3/1, 2.5 car gar., fenced yard,
$1300/mo 836 9th Ave N. 318-0044.
2 5BA townhome vaulted ceilings, Irplc..
J9 heate0,A/, Fjqrida roqm 2car gar,
ocomm. poDol Fresh paTnil & new carpet, on
lake. 4 blocks to each. lyr lease Avail
"October. Si350/mo Call 246-8294.
NEPTUNE BY THE SEA, 605 Cherry St..
3/2, 2 car gar, NS/ NP. $1500/mo. +dep.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA home, cen.
H/A. WDHU, $1150, 514-1090.
3/2 house, $995/mo. Avail. now
3/2, 2 car garage, avail, now, $1175/mo.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2.5 townhouse, 1 car gar. $1350/mo.
2/2 condo, $930/mo. Avail. now.
2/2, $950/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1295/mo. Avail. now.
4/2, $1595/mo.
3/2, cul-de-sac, $1250/mo..
3/2, 2 car gar., new carpet & paint.
avail. 9/20, $1195/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
3/2. $1395/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar, almost 3000sf avail 8/1,
3/2, $1395'mo Avail now.
4/13, 3 car gar.. $1895/mo
4/3, 3 car gar. $1925/mo.
4/3, 2 car garage. 2200sl, $1395/mo
4/2, brand new home. 2100 st, $1450/mo
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
Ocean Grande, 3/3 Luxury home ,
$2800/mo .
-.' PVB. ,
Grand Cay Villas 2/2 $1050mo
The Palms. 2/2, $1150/mo
The Landings at Belle Rive. Brand new
2/2 w/ garage $1150/mo 3/2 w/garage
Kendall Pointe. Brand new, Iree cable &
internmet, 2/2, $950/mo.
Close to Base. 2/1, 91 Stanley IRoad #4.
(904)273-3939 or (904)610-6460.
office, 4700sf condo. Located on Inter-
coastal in new development. All amenities
incl with or without boat slip. Unfurnished.
Looking lor long term lease- 1-2 yr rental.
For more details 398-9080 ext. 2,11
PONTE V'R'A. Walk To Beach Furnih-'
ea-. 1BRiBA,. .waler-irgoll.yview, pool,-
tennis $1250/mo. includes utilities.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962.
CH/A, new appliances. unfurnished, newly
renovated, hardwood & tile floors.
$1050/mo+ dep Utilities. Pets ok
lake. 1850 sq fi W/D, 2 car. sm. pet OK. renovated, granite. new appliances, 20"
$1400, 699-2245 porcelain tile, stunning balh, lop floor.
-. .... ..... ... .-..... .-..- $1950/mo. 233-7702.
house, file & wood laminate floonng
throughout. $1000/mo. Call 868-7702.
JAX BEACH, 3BR'1.5BA home, 1 year
lease. $1250/mo. +$1000/sec dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. off Penman and North 12th
Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
Souln. $1195/mo. (904)221-4134, 703-
ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2 5BA, complete
remodel, fenced yard, 2-car garage and
oil street parking, near Mayport, schools,
and beaches, $1500/mo +deposit 869
Gavagan Call lor appt (904)-910-6052.
Walk io beach and Town Center from this
lovely 4BR/2 5BA beach bongatow,.
charming Iront porch & fenced yard plus a
detached bldg. wiln 2 car gar, hugh stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home office/ studio) Available late October
$1850/mo. Call 242-0203 soon.
ICW, 340 Curriluck W. 3/2 1 car garage,
large master $1150/monlh deposit. Call
3BR/2BA, great condition, 1654sf, over
looking golf course, low maintenance.
$1500/mo. 904-219-7962
JAX BEACH, walk to ocean, Large
2BR/1BA, office, laundry room, garage.
CH&A, WDHU,, large fenced yard
$1075/mo .deposit. 343-5537.
N. JAX Beach, 4BR/2BA, living, dining.
fireplace, large covered patlion, newly re-
modeled, avail. Oct 1st. $1350/mo + de-
posit, 241-4630
i L 20it
W/D, screened porch, galed, fitness, pool.
close to beach, $995/mo + deposit Availa-
ble November 1st. 247-9727.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 blk to
ocean. 2/2, pool side Remodeled. No
pets $975/mo, yr lease, dep 249-7967.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House.
2BR/2BA condo. washer/ dryer,
$1100/mo. 904-687-9371
1/1 PLUS porch w/TV $850/mo. includes
water. New: tile, carpet, W/D, gated, pool,
gym. Please call 509-6895 Avail 8/I.
LIKE NEW 2/1, 2 blocks lo ocean SJB.
$1000/mo. 904-537-4732.
1BR/1BA in The Grand Reserve, near
UNF/ Beaches. W/D included,. Vaulted
ceiling; FP, Golf course side/ view Ameni-
lies include swimming pool, hot tub, gym.
volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts.
$980/mo. +$980/dep. Call 904-292-1719
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
PVB. 1BR/1BA. Elegantly furnished. Steps
to Ocean. Garage, $1600/mo 708-4022.
OCEAN FRONT, unfurnished. 2BR/2BA.
4th iloor, pool, year lease. $1425/mo.
Avail 10/1/06. Call 642-3517.
PVB OCEAN Grove. 1BR/tBA w/loft.
Overlooks pool and on lake Must rent
$1,000 Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370.
OCEANFRONT, 2BR. split bath, nicely
furnished. 28 unit complex, beautiful pool.
No pers $1200/mo. +utility fee includes
cable Short-term 398-0715.
PbNTE VEDRA- new 2BR/2BA w/washer
dryer, top floor oomer, beach access, golf,,
luxury amenities, no smoking/pets
$1100/mo + deposit. 755-4038 .
1200sf, fireplace, W/D,,2nd floor, new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
3/2, 2 garage spots, pool, spa, $1795/mo.,
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA, split floor plan,
fireplace. 1028 4th St N., blocks from
beach. $1050/mo. 728-3000 (days),
786-2757 (evenings).
PVB HOTSPOT Summer House, East of
A1A, 2BR/1BA condo, $1100/mo.
S. JAX Bch, east of 3rd, 3/2, $2100/mo.
Call Sam 249-3403.
JAX BEACH, 2 homes, 3BR/2BA and
3BR/1BA. $1300/mo. and $1150/mo. plus
deposit. CH&A, WDHU, fenced. No pets.
Bentin Dr. S. off Penman. Call for details.
249-3214, 945-3303.
1649 LANDING, Nep Bch.'3BR 2BA, com-
F letely updated, beautiful neighborhood, Ig
anced yard, 2 car gar. & RV parking.
$1600/mo., deposit req'd. By appt. only
PONTE VEDRA L'Atrium, 2BR/2BA, ga-
rage, pool, tennis, orange; lemon and
grapefruit trees, $1150/mo. Available im-
mediately. 285-9884.
1129 Sebago Ave. South, Beautiful 3/2,
fenced yard, all new kitchen, appliances,
bath, tile & carpet. $1200/mo year lease,
no pets, 631-3583.
3BR/2BA, 2car garage, fireplace, built
2003. Community pool and gym. Only
$1350/mo. includes asso. fee and yard
maintenance, Call Rose (904)403-5536.
OLD PV 4BR/2BA home, 3 lots. from.
ocean, 2400 sf, wbfp, fenced yard, fully re-
,modeled kitchen, blinds throughout,
$2250, 220-6244.
3BR/2BA IN PVB, 2 car garage, new ev-
erything, fenced yard, pets negotiable.
$1600/mo. .ulilities. Joe @ 923-7066.
ISLE OF.Palms, 3BR 1.5BA, 1660sf, 2 car
gar.,$1550/mo. 14525 Luth Dr. N. Call
Cindy 962-3713.
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house, CH&A, fenced yard, $825/mo,
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
1/2 MILE to Beach $1500/mo., 3BR/2.5BA
home, 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac,
lg.yard, wood deck, prvacy fence
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or email
3BR/1BA JAX Beach house, bike to
beach, quiet street, no smoking, no pets,
$600 deposit, $900/mo, 962-2830.
TOWNHOUSE NEAR Fletcher, 4 blocks
to beach, 2BR/1.5BA. hardwood floors,
CH&A, WD, dishwasher $1100/mo. in-
cludes NB utilities. 904-280-7823.
NORTH JB, 3BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU. file.
lan, lawn and pest included. $1100/mo .
Available now. 249-1104 Pager 306-
AB/ MAYPORT 5BR home 2 living areas
4 sunroom, new wood floors. $1300/mo.
233-1346. :. : .
3BR/2BA. office, 2000sf, 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool, lawn/pool service includ-
ed. Pets OK. $1900/mo. 1904)703-0242.
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse. 1 bik. to
ocean, 3BR/2.5BA. 1850sq H1., avaialbe
now. 219-2481
H RW 619" I oai1; 41;1lmoorE,
w/loft as bed/ office/ gym. Pets OK. All
new interior in 2005. Extras: W/D, ceiling
fans, fireplace, tile in laundry and
screened porch. $1100/mo. +1mo. depos-
it. Call Bruce at 377-5051.+.
PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities. $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
ocean front condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy 'beach. Call for more details,
398-9080 ext 211.
2/2 BELLEZA condo, vaulted ceilings, 3rd
floor, newly remodeled, fully carpeted/
tiled, $1100/mo. 904-294-9927.
PVB, SUMMERHOUSE, brand new,
2BR/2BA w/fireplace and appliances.
5-star amenities, gated community.
$1050/mo. Kimmie 904-333-8604.
2BR/2BA, GATED, all amenities..
$925/mo., near Avenues mall..51-9-5640.
PVB. SPACIOUS, 1200sf., 2BR/2BA. Lots
of amenities. $950/mo. Call 234-2646.
2/2 condo, marsh view at beach. 2nd floor,
frplc., W/D, scr. lanai, garage, pool, jacuz-
zi, gym. $1100/mo. Call Tania (904)874-
2BA, ground floor, gated community. 5
star living. Call Steve Macri, Country Club
Real Estate (904)662-9015.
2BR/1.5BA, PRIVATE lot $650/mo. 273-
. 0857 Ive message.
OCEANFRONT 2BR, weekly/ monthly,
pool, Call,463-7343. .
homes. Weekiyimonlhly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrenial.com or 535-3911 or
Luxury furnished 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites
High Quality King Beds
Equipped Kitchens
2nd Street & 51h Ave Souih
S. JAX Bch 2BR. fully lumished, ocean.
Iront condo Monlhly/ Weekly 241-0267
www renflacksonvillebeach.com
4BR/4BA. weekly, monthly, yearly Call
SHARE 4BR/ 2BA house, $300mo. rent
with utilities, $100/dep. No drugs 537-
ATLANTIC BCH- beautiful, isi floor ol 2-
slory Townhome 235-9304
lees and utilities Exclusive Mirav sia
galed, pool, north ub, health club water-
Ironl w/manna view Room has own bair,.
room. brand new large unil. 2700sl
' JAX BEACH. walk to fleaoh. ,Ooftom tlor
bedroom private ba3tn. S00 m-o 37.
.4354. ,'. i
NEW RESIDENCE. master bedroom w,
pnvale baih lor rent. $650/mo 237-4354
MASSAGE THERAPIST office, shared
space, lully equipped. Downtown. San
Marco area, separate entrance $00,mo
includes uitliues 465-2653. 463-0222
APPROXIMATELY 750 sl quality office
space overlooking golf course in S Jax
Beach Call 241-5553 x 5
overlooking golf course in S. Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15. .
OFFICE spaces tor rent- A large 12 x24
room (could be two 12x12 rooms). Sepa.
rate back door entrance, electric & water
incl Localed on 3rd St. 'Jax Bch.
OFFICE SPACE for rent in Jax Bch.
994-2945, 226-9788
LARGE 1 room healthcare office. Share
common areas, bathrooms;, office manag-
er, ample parking, 3rd Street, Neptune
Bch. 241-0666. ;
shop space and lot lor lease Slaning @
$500/mo. (904)514-1090
FOR RENT- 750-1000sf.. office space
located in Jacksonville Beach. Reasonibly
pnced irom $1304-$1750. Utilities includ-
ed. Call Vicki or Tam! (904)241-1656.,
space and lot for lease. Starting@
$500/mo. (904)514-1090.
LARGE DOG kennel for sale w/ divider,
$40.00, call 249-9196.
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
VALENCIA, JAX Beach, 2BR/2BA, 2car
garage, many upgrades, resort style
pool w/fitness center. $1600/mo.
$215,000- 2/2, garage, all appl.'incl., Jar-
din De Mer, 247-4211.
Page 5B
J~yr~llru~r rJ, ,,,, --------- :
024NOST-W "WOMra~i
- - - -
. . .
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 13, 2006
NOTICE OF DATED: AUGUST 31,2006 items household goods etc. of: P/T CHILD Care needed for Infant In Nep-
PUBLIC HEARINGS /s/ Pat Swartos, County Clerk MASON COOKSEY Unit 637S. tune Beach. Must be honest, loving, de-
CIL NT EA H /s/ A Nussbaum, Deputy Clerk p enable & flexible. Exp & references a,
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Will be sold or otherwise disposed. of at must. Call 885-3335.
BL 9/13,9/20,9/27/06 12:00 Noon, on September 27, 2006, to MANACURIST NEEDED, high comm. or
Notice is hereby given the City Comimis- satisfy leri(s) foa past due rents, costs booth rental, 249-3011.
slon of.Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold a NOTICE OF ACTION and fees. Disposition will take place at:
Public Hearing in City Hall, 800 Seminole AA Self-Storage, 1040 A1A Highway BANQUET SERVERS & BEVERAGE
Road. al 7:15 p.m. on Monday, Septem- BEFORE THE BOARD OF Emergency North, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL: 32082. CART. Marsh Landing Country Club in
her 25,, 2006 for the purpose of heanng Medical Services AlA Self Storage reserves the right to Ponte Vedra Beach is now hiring for part-
and considering Ine views of the public reject any bid and to establish minimum time: banquet servers and beverage cart
concerning the following proposed ordi- IN.RE: The license to practice Emergency bids to compen-sate for all costs., staff. Apply in person at the Clubhouse
nance- Medical Services of Payment for goods must be in cash only. Tuesday -aturday. Call 285-6515 for dl-
Winning bidder will havb 24 hours to rections. Drug testing/ EOE.
ORDINANCE NO. 80-06-73
ORDINANCE NO. 45-06-18
S ES, SECTIONS 20-76. THROUGH 20-78,
The lull text of the above ordinance is
available lor public inspection in the office
ol Ihe CirTY Clerk.
All persons interested are notified to be
present at the time and place listed above
ana they shall be heard. If any person de-
cides to appeal any decision at any meet-
Ing or hearing he will need a record of the
proceedings and lor such purpose he
S may need o ensure that a verbatim record
o tl me proceedings is made, which record
shall include the testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based.
In accordance wiih the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
' accommodation to participate in these
proceedings should contact the Ciry
Clerk's office at 247-5809, or at City Hall,
; 800 Seminole Road.
BL 9/13/06
No. 06-7-00045-7
in re Ine Dependency ao:
DOB- 04.17/03
Minor Child
Whom it may concern, unknown biological
lamher, or anyone expressing a palernal in-
rest in the above-named children:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition
has been lied in Ihis court by the Wash-
ington Stale Department of Social and
d iHealin Services, on March 24, 2006, in
whi i .,3; alleged lhat dependency snoulpl
Sbe slablished on oenail of the adove.
named child
HELD on this matter on:
TIME: 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Mason County Juvenile- Court-
419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584
IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may
enter an order in your absence which:
establishes dependency, placing the
above-named child in the custody of
TO APPEAR al the hearing on the date,
lime and place indicated. The purpose of
the nearing is lo hear and consider evi-
dence on the petition
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be represent-
ed by an attorney at any hearings on the
petition regarding Ine above-named child,
to introduce evidence, to be heard on your
own behall. to examine witnesses, to re-
ceive a decision based solely on the evi-
aence adduced at Ine hearing, and to an
unbiased faci-hlnder
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, id you are-indi-
gent and cannot afford an attorney, 1o
have an attorney appointed tor you by the
coun In order to apply ror a court-appoinl-
eo attorney, coniacl Mason County Juve-
nile Court Oy telephone at 360-427-9670
or in person al 419 N 41h Street. Shelton,
WA 98584 An anorney can look at the so--
cial and legal Iles in Ihis case. talk to the
social worker. lell you about the law. help
you understand your rights. and help you
at trial
YOU MAY BE responsible flo the Ilnancial
support ol Ihe above-named child if the
child is placed in out-ol-home care.
HEARING II you do not come. the judge
will not hear what you have to say. II you
desire additional inlormalion about your
child, you should contact the Department
of Social and Health Services at 360-432-
Keith Foley remove goods from storage or CARING ADULT needed for 4 hours each
400 E. Bay Street, Suite 1201 pay for storage space.unday morning to staff church nursery in
Jacksovile, FL 32202 BL9/13 Sunday morning to staffct church nursery in2498698.
BL 9/13; 9/20/06 Atlantic Beach. Contact Nancy 249-8698.
CASE NO.: 2005-70585
LICENSE NO.: 506198 (Paramedic),
The Department of Health has tiled an Ad-
ministrative Complaint against you, a copy
of which may De obtained by contacting,.
Reginald Dixon, Assistant Ahorney Gener-
al, Office of the Attorney General, PLOt1,
The Capitol, Tallanassee. Florida 32399.
1050, (850)414-3300.
If no contact htas been made by you con-
cerning the above by October 18, 2006,
the matter ol tIe Administrative Complaint
will be presented at an ensuing meeting of
the Board of Emergency Medical Services
in an informal proceeding.
In accordance with the Amencans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact the individual or
agency sending this notice not later than
seven days pnor lo the proceeding at the
address given on the notice. Telephone.
(850)414-4706, 1-800.955-8771 ITDDI or
1-800-955-8770 IV), via Florida Relay
BL 9/13,9/20,9/27,10/4,06
To: Curtis Lee Grant, or any other un-
known putative biological father, and legal
father ol Brandon Deon Grant, and Curtis
Lee Williams, whose last known address
is unknown:
You are hereby notified that on August
11. 2006, a Peltiion for Adoption ,ol Bran-
don Deon Grant, a male child and Curtis
Lee Williams, a male child born to Sharon-
da Denise Williams, in Bibo County and
Chatham County. Georgia, was tiled In the
Superior Court of Cobb County. Georgia,
Adoption No 06A128-05. On August 15.
2006, the Court passed an Order fixing a
hearing upon said Petition tot November
20, 2006 at 10'30 a.m. in the Chambers ot
Judge Robinson, Marietta, Cobb County
All parental rights you may have with
respect to Ine minor child will be lost and
you will neither receive notice nor be enti-
tled to object to the adoption of the child
unless; (if biological father) within Ihirty
(30) days from the date of the last publica-
tion of Ihis notice, you file (1) a Petition to
Legitimate he child pursuant to the Ofi-
cial Code of Georgia Annotated Section
19-7-22; (2) notice of the filing of such Pe-
tition to Legitimate with the Superior Court
of Cobb County: and (3) serve a copy of
the Petition to Legitimate on the under-
signed attorney for the Petitioner seeking
to adopt the child; (mother or legal father)
you make a timely appearance and objec-
tion in the pending adoption.
This 24th day of August. 2006.
Clerk of Supenor Court
Cobb County. Georgia
BL 9/6, 9/13, 9/20/06
The Board of Adjustment for Ine City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, Octo-
ber 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers, located at 11 North 3rd Street,
Jacksonville Beach to consider the follow-
ing variance applications:
BOA 06-100217 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tloh: 34-336 (e)(1) e, for 42% lot cover-
age in lieu of 35% maximum to allow
for a new sihgle family .dwelling; for
property located at 3772 Poinclana
Blvd, more specifically, Lot 1, Block 12,
Ocean Terrace.
BOA 06-100218 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-373 (c), for no turning and ma-
neuvering space associated with 7
parking spaces adjacent to 11th Street
North to allow for a new hotel, for prop-
erty located at 1101 Beach Blvd, more
specifically, B de Castro y Ferrer Grant,
Section 38.
BOA 06-100219 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) c.2, for corner side
yards of 15 feet in lieu of 17 feet to al-
ow for Improvements to a single family
dwelling, for property located at 88
Oakwood Road, more specifically, Lot
5, Block 17, Ocean Forest, Unit 3.
A copy of the above referenced applica-
lion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart-
ment. 11 North 3rd Street. during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p)
Board of Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any mater considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, tor such purpose, suhb
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal Is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request IQ the recording secretary
r ior to the beginning of the meeting.
n accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286 26. Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate In this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 9113/06
Notice is hereby given lhai pursuant to the
'Sell-Storage Facility Act' Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83. Laws ol
Flonda 1982; The personal property
consisting oft lurniture, clothes, personal
The Planning Commission for the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold a public hearing on Monday, Sep-
tember 25, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers, rocaled at 11 North
3rd Street. Jacksonville Beach to consider
the following three applications.
PC#27-06 Conditional Use approval of
an automotive repair shop in a Commer-
cial General: C-2 zoning distinct, pursuant
o10 Section 34-343 (d)(4) of thd Jackson.
ville Beach Land Development Code, Io
allow the transfer of ownership of an exist-
ing business. The property is located at
1281 Beach Blvd. more specifically descri-
bed as Lot 22, the west 9 01 Lol 23, & the
south pan of Lot 31 lying thereof. Pine
Grove Unil No. 3.
The above referenced applications are
available for review in the orice of the
Planning and Developmenl Department.
City Hall, 11 North 3rd Street, during nor-
mal business hours (M-F, dam-5pm).
Planning Commission
City ot Jacksonville Beach
It a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered at any meeting.
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public Is encouraged to speak on Is-
sues on this Agenda that. concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
Srior to the beginning of the meeting
n accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26. Flon-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to panici-
pale in this meeting should contact the
tanning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 9/13/06
LOST DOLPHIN ring on the beach be-
tween Bay and Magnolia Sts., sentimental
value., 247-7679:
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Iraining or
employment. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Load-
ers, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Ex-
cavators; National Certiticahon, Job Place-
ment Assistance; Associated Training
Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmen-
loperator corn
MATH TUTORING Middle, High School
and College. FCAT & Home School assis-
tance at all levels. Retired certified reach-
er. Call 910-6652 tor personal consulta-
9/17. 1-3pm, $20. Weekly classes starting
9/18, 7:30-930pm, $10 Cobalt Moon
Center, 217 1st St., Neptune Beach, 742-
0188. www.fladancegypsy.com
MATH TUTOR- Expenenred, Cenifred
MairitTeacher will. tutor..studenisi grades
K-12. Call Slacie @ 249-2293.
MATH TEACHER/ Tutor, 3 mornings a
week, $60.00-75.00 an hour depending on
experience. To leach 4 children ages 13,
11, 10, & 7. A Christian home schooling
family in the beaches area is looking for a
caring, intelligent, energetic person who
loves children & math Positions will re-
quire a BS in math and previous teaching
experience. You must be a non-smoker
without pet allergies and be able to pro-
vide own transportation to and from work.
E-mail your resume Io jobsiorseven@ya-
All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954. 655-3300.
IF YOU are intereslea in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
FIED. Hands on Training. Job Placement
Assistance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575
Associated Training Services. 5177 Ho-
mosassa Trail, Lecanio, Florida, 34461
ATTEND COLLEGE online Irom home.
Medical. Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided. Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training for
high paying Aviation Career. FAA predicts
severe shortage Financial aid il qualify -
Job placement assistance. CALL AIM
STYLIST NEEDED high comm. or booth
rental, 249-3011.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
Atlantic Beach. PTI benefits/ flexible
schedule. Average Inclusive wage $11-
$14. Apply in person, 1600 Seiva Marina
Love to work out? Get paid for itl The
Beaches Leader has an immediate part-
time opening in the last paced Mail Room,
lifting and standing required. Hours vary.
Starting pay is $8/hr Apply at 1114 Beach
Blvd., Jax Bch or contact Anya at
(904)249 9033 x260.
VPK TEACHER'S Aide, 8:30-1 30 must al-
ready have National FBI clearance. Up-
beat positive & child onenled. Franklyn
Learning Center. 1851 Beach Blvd Jax
Beach 32250. EOE. 242-9645.
WEEKEND POSITION open lor Security
,Officer at Vicar's Landing. Flexible hours
Please call 285-1055 for appt
MEDICAL ASSISTANT. experienced back
office. Immediate opening lor fast paced
Beach practice Compenlive salary & ben-
elts Fax resume. (904)241-0831. or call
Real Estate Office, experienced Fax re-
sume 273-4848.
DANCE TEACHERS wanted. Experience
necessary. Energetic, outgoing personality
a must. Call 504-2029 for info.
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are Intended to announce gen-
ulne current job openings No fees may b
charged to the prospective employee Ads
for self-employment or business opponu-
nilies appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require.
payment of fees for employment inlorma-
lion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
needed. Part-lime, Full time. Please call
COUNTER HELP, Ponte Vedra area. P/T,
afternoons & Saturday. Call 285-5644'
YOU ARE INVITED Where Palms Pres-
byterian Church, When Sunday mornings,
Why: We need you to play with and care
for our little angels in our nursery Please
call Julia at 904-285-0650 for more info.
responsible and loving. Call 249-9080.
to use in ministry and get money In your "
pocket Local church seeking part-time
cook/ event coordinator for Wednesday
evening programs and occasional church
events. Contact Debbie at 221-1700 or fax
resume to 221-9191.
neeaea Computer knowledge helpful.
3-4/days per week. 4-6/hrs. per day. Per-
sonal assistance with home and dog care.
Please call 334-3265, 8am-5pm.
PROFESSIONAL & energetic part-time re-
ceptionist needed at a busy animal hospi-
tal. Experience helpful, but not a must. Ap-
ply in person @ Allantilc East Pet Center,
519 Atlantic Blvd.. All. Bch.
business We will certity, but applicant
must have knowledge of cardlo & muscu-
lar exercise Greatl growth opportunity with
largest P.T. organization in the world.
285-3236. www. tpontevedra.com
Music be able to oversee a crew of 6-8
people Be molivaled, dependable and a
multi- lasker Some computer skills. 5pm-
l1pm or later. Call Debbie after 5pm
285-3400 ext 3352.
Weekends 7pm to 7am every Saturday
and Sunday at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
available at Fleel Landing Security Gate.
One Fleel Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
FL; Fax to 1 904)246-9447: email to-
jobs@fleetianding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
P/T RECEPTIONIST. Good computer &
phone skills, flexible hours w/ non-profit
ouseing Fax resume Io 339-0262. EOE
I Part-Time 1
CASA MARINA now,-hiring,, full ,aenr .art
lime hotel Receptionist.& Wyailsttal. Please
apply in person at 691 1st St..N. in Jack-
sonville Beach.
RELIABLE DRIVER/ helper needed, Con-
struclion exp. a. plus. Tony 476-7279 Iv
LEARN THE trade, become an Optical
Lab Technician, no experience necessary.
This opportunity does not come around of-
len, act on ill It you are dependable, eager
to learn, and ready for a rewarding career
we will train you in being a vital team
member in constructing the World's Best
Sunglasses. Apply in person at 76 Levy
Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233.
PART/FULL TIME office help needed tor
busy out-patient physical therapy clinic.
, evenings and Sal. am hours needed, du-
ties to include scheduling, authorizations,
and clencal work.. For more information,
call 247-3324 or tax resume to 247-3926.
National Fleet Maintenance provider
seeks Service Tech for the Westside
Jacksonville shop. PM & Demand repairs
tor Auto, LI/ Med trucks. Tools required.
Benefits. M- F days. Bckgmd & drug test
req'd. Contact Misty: mgreen@butier.com
800-916-9664. EOE/M/F/V/D.
CASE MANAGER Asst. needed for busy
beaches office. Knowledge of chemical
dependency helpful. Must be detail orient-
ed, computer literate, excellent communi-
cations skills. $10-$11/hr. dependent on
experience. Fax resume to 270-1633.
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and 'background check
Call Robert @ 465-0149
HAIRSTYLIST OR Massage/ Facialisl
wanted to rent spacious private room In
Jax Beach hair salon. S150/wk Call
270-0997 ask lor Debi
AMERICAN HOME Companions seeks
compassionate, live-in & hourly caregivers
for Ihe elderly. Work 2,3, 4 or 5 days per
week. 247-7495.
LEGAL ASSISTANT wanted for Ponte Ve-
dra firm. Full time/ 4 Day work week, no
benefits. Must be professional and gram-
matically proficient. Good phone skills a
must. Computer Knowledge and experi-
ence a plus. Fax resume: 285-5336.
BUSY ANIMAL hospital, kennel attendant,
Mon.-Fri., plus weekends, apply within,
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer.
Must have tools, truck, WC exemption. FT
position, top pay. 476-3086.
Firm needs FFT help. Dependable, moti-
vated individuals skilled in masonry, car-
penlry & irrigation rewarded 759-4503.
have transponation Some experience
helpful. 993-7328
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-
day Call Bob, 241-5311
GOLF COURSE Maintenance: Selva
Marinna Country Club. FT /benetils' 401k.
Experience preferred. Golf privileges. Call
246-4711, DFWP.
GROWING FAST paced lawn mainte-
nance company looking for FfT help.
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications andpublic-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX (904)246-3778.
SEEKING STRONG Individual for F/T
Customer Service Dept. In and outbound
calls, good problem solver, ability to multi-
task. Excellent communication skills, tele-
phone experience and basic computer
skills required. HS Diploma or GED equiv.
PALMS EXTENDED Day Program Fax rurerie *u...4-o89-47"..
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be GATOR IRRIGATION now hiring irrigation
patient, fun-loving and energetic. Group repair technician. Must have minimum
experience w/children preferred. EOE. 5yr.s' experience and valid Florida drivers
247-0983. license. $14-15 per hour. Call 838-5885.
....... ......~ EE
WE'RE RAISING pay (or Florida Regional
drivers Home every weekend Home dur-
ing the week Solid weekly miles! 95% no
touch Preplanned freight $.43 per mile
Headrtland Express (800)441-4953
Join our team. Our company has openings
for our service aept, good salary, must
possess a good diving record, be custom-
er friendly. We offer company vehicle,
paid vacation and holidays. Leap over to
us. Apply at 159 19th Street N Jax
Beach. 242-9002.
qE: e
I ~TJrm I
FULL-Time, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Excel-
lent benefit package, competitive wages,
dood working environment. Applications
available at Fleet Landing Security Gate,
One Reel Landing Blvd, Atlantic Beach,
FL: Fax to (904)246-9447; email to:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
Order Entry. Computer expenence and
tnendly phone disposition a must. Fast
growing company in Atlantic Beach. Hours
9am-6pm. Please e-mail resumes to:
sales @newarrnivalsinc.com.
Sope, experience necessary. Cail-ora '- Mornings,
r'seB x85e31r28i:c '','_. .' ; Afternoons...
WAREHOUSE WORK and Furnilure As- Evenings
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week. e ings
Must be able to lift 50lbs. Call 241-5558. Full-Time
Earnm $7-$12 per hour & cash bonuses
BEACH DRIVERS* Telemarkenng for newspapers nationwide.
Taxi Drivers needed to work 'Beach and 219-4771.
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old. SALES PERSON needed. Full time, Part
good driving record. Call 249-0360. hme Annlu in nnrsnn Rea Rhells &Cnrnl
LUNCH and Dinner Servers, Host/Host-
ess. You make good money working with
good people in a busy waterfront restau-
rant 285-0139.
SURVEY FIELD Personnel, PLS/Projeci
Manager & CAD Tech- F/T, benefits.
EEO Fax 407-926-8160. call 904-641-
0123 or email HRJobs@drmp.com.
DINNER COOKS needed Mon.-Fri expe-
nence req., competitive salary, Players
Cafe, PVB, call for appointment, Don or
Chns, 273-5595.
EXPERIENCED F/T help needed for kitch-
en and wailstaff. Please apply at Gene's
Seafood Restaurant. 1249 Penman Rd.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.
lawn/landscape company. Excellent pay.
Must have own transportation & clean DL.
Experience required. Contact Ron,
Steak House. Apply after 2pm, 1227
South 3rd SI.
Needed FfT, days only w/ a can- do atti-
tude. Light manufacturing & assembly
work exp. a must. Knowledge & use of
small machinery & tools required. Looking
for someone who can follow instructions
Start at $7.50/hr. Call 249-3545 btwn
9am- 3pm only, Mon- Fri.
230 North Boardwalk, Jax Beach.
City of Atlantic Beach. Starting pay
$13.61/hr+ benefits. Starting pay it CMC
designated is $14.85/hr+ benefits. Must
De Notary Public for State of FL or able to
obtain within 6 mos of hire. Must be able
to attend evening meetings and take &
transcnbe minutes. Performs a vanety of
detailed administrative/ secretanal tasks.
applications accepted until 9/20/06 and
may De obtained at www.coab.us or 800
Seminole Rd., Atlantic Beach, FL,
(904)247-5820 No smokers/ tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
Looking for experienced lawn/ landscape
worker $9-$12 hour or salary, paid vaca-
tion, valid FL drivers license, 534-5459,
Join our team! It you can excel at inside
sales & desire a last-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opportunity for you You will join a Nation-
al company & work in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1 + years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. FT/PT. no
evenings or weekends. Fax resume:
(904)285-0010 or email
Scaffold Erectors, Electricians, Skilled
Personnel. Call 249-8147 or 726-5661..
Pool Maintenance. Clean driving record a ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, general
must. 246-2455. office skills, Jax Beach, call Tess 242,-
9000 ext. 228
IPourIr. P 7A Ini iIariuVa di iiiiniiy
BRUCLI o -PIZZA In Ponte Vedra hlinng
Prep Cooks and Wailslaff. Call Bruce at
280-7677 or apply in person
apartments Must have transportation and
tools. $8.00/hr. sleart. 307-2841.
openirp within our organization for a lawn
technician. Competitive salary. You must
possess a good driving record. Our com-
pany has full benefits with retiretirement, bo-
nuses, paid vacation & holidays. We have
a great working environment. We have
been in business for over 14 years. Fax
resume to 273-0682 or fill out an applica-
tion al 10066 Sawgrass Drive West, Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Neptune Beach,looking for a person,
with own transportation to run errands,
grocery shop, prepare some meals,
and clean house. This position Is avail-
able from 10am-6pm,M-F, References
required. Call 241-9042 to schedule an
LAWN SERVICE looking for exp. help-
ers. Must be able to provide own trans-
portation. Great pay for right person.
Call 249-7883.
t. ,*
IMMEDIATE OPENING, Manager position
Appliance parts and service company
Must have excellent telephone and com-
puter skills. Dispatching experience nec-
essary. Call 249-4426 foriappt. ,
City of Atlantic Beach. $12.48/hr.;
$25,958/yr. tbenetits Performs 911 &
normal dispatch duties. Shift work to In-
clude weekends and holidays. Applica-
tions accepted until 9/27/06, at 800 Semid-
note Rd., Ati. Beach, FL 32233. Test date:
10/07/06. For more Info visit www.coab.us
or call (904)247-5820. No smokers/ftobac-
co users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
FTr HOUSEKEEPER. Energetic, sell-mo-
tivated individual needed. Apply in person,
Ashlord Court Assisted Living, 1700 The
Greens Way, Jax Bch, must enjoy working
with Ihe elderly. DFWP/ EOE.
Bushong Insurance, one ofl Ponte Vedra's
largest Property/ Casualty Insurance Brok-
ers, desires administrative assistant candi-
dates as well as experienced CSR's. Join
in to this excellent work environment with
opportunities for advancement, as well as
a supenor benefits package. Applicants
must be detail oriented and possess ex-
cellent computer skills. License not re-
quired. For consideration,, fax resume to
AM & PM Line Cooks, Kitchen Prep & Util-
ities Good money, casual atmosphere,
very busy, great people to work with.
BEACHES LAW firm seeks Legal Assis-
tant. Fax resume and salary rements
to 242-7977.
Part-time in Recreation Department, Sun-
days and Holidays at a Premier Retire-
ment Community. Must have ability to help
set-up and/ or break-down for special
events. Must have C CDL Passenger En-
dorsement License. Applications at Fleet
Landing Secunty Gate. One Fleet Landing
Blvd, Atlantic Beach. FL; Fax to 904-246-
9447; mail to jobs@fleetlandlng.com.
Websile- fleellanding com EOE/Drug-free
Full-Time, 5:30am-2pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Excel-
lent benefits, good working environment.
Nursing Home cooking experience de-
sired. Applications available at Reet Lend-
ing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL; Fax to 904-246-
9447: e-mail to: Jobs@fleetlandlng.com.
EOE/ Drug-free Workplace.
Paue 6B
A+ certified preferred extensive
hardware and software
experience necessary. Excellent
customer skills.
Apply in person with resume
Pride Computer
South Beach Regional
Shopping Center
inext to Bed, Bath & Beyond)
*HE fl^^k^1H!R
Notice is g ten that the following permit was issued on August 30 '016
iName and address of applicants Alba and Son Inc 25IS Dancer Drive Jacksonville
Beach 322'0 permit N140.031 -106461- I The project is located in Dual Counrt. Secuon
11. Township 2 South. Range 28 East The permit authorizes A SURFACE WATER
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON 0 372 ACRES TO SERVE Single Family Residential
Home knosn as PEMBERTON Sr. SF. The receiving water bod is City Sneer
The ilei siconiairmng the application for he abo e listed permit is available for inspection
NMonday through Friday e,.cept tor legal holidays 6-00 a m. in 5.00 p.m at the St Johns
Rirer \aier Management Distnct (Districtn Headquarters. 4049 Reid Street. Palaika,
FL 3217s-. 1429. A person % hose substantial interests are affected b, the District permitting
decision may petition for an administrause hearing in accordance "nth secuons 120 569
and 120 57, Florida Starues. or ma. choose to pursue mediation a an alteman\e remedy
under secuon 120 573. Florida SLtues. before the deadline lor filing a petinon. Choosing
mediation %ill not adi ersel. affect the right to a heanng if mediation does not result in
j settlement The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth in section 120.573,
Florinda Satues. and rules 28-106. 111 and 2-O16b 401-.404 Flonda Administratise Code
Petrions must comply\ with the requirements of Florida Adminmtrauie Code Chapter
'8- 106 and be filed ith irece sed by i the Distrrict Clerk located at District Headquarters.
High\ a) 100 West. Palaia. FL 32177. Peitions or adminisraise hearing on the aboase
applicaiioni i must be filed within rwentr-one (21 days of publicauon of this notice or
v thin tent.,'-'i\ 261day sof the Districi depositing notce of thisintent in the mail for
those persons to "hom the District mails actual notce Failure to file a petition within
ihis time period shall constitute a waier of an\ righiis) such persons) may hate to
request an administraue determination ihearng) under sections 120 569 and 120.57.
F.S.. concerning the subject permit Petuons that are not filed in accordance with the
abote pros isions are subject to dismissal
Because the administrani e hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action.
the filing ol a petition means that the District's final action may be different from position
taken bI 11 in this notce of intent. Persons w hose substantial interest will be affected by
an> suc h final decision of the Ditmric on the applicant have the right to pettuon to become
a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth aboae.
_ __ _
September 13, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader -'age ID
GOLF CART STAFF. Marsh Landing
Country Club hiring for Part-time and full-
time Golf Cart Staff. Apply In person
Tuesday Saturday. Call 285-6459 for di-
rections. Drug testing/ EOE.
good pay. & benefits, company
vehicle/phone,,.must have good driving re-
cord. 568-8700.
Full-Time, Mon.- Fri. in the Health Center,
of a premier retirement community. Duties
include directing incoming telephone calls;
preparing and coordinating written com-
munication With families of residents, su-
pervising the health center lobby, inputting
data using Microsoft Office Suite, perform-
ing typing and other related duties as re-
quired. Must be able to communicate ef-
fectively, both verbally and in writing and
carry out detailed and verbal instructions.
Must be capable of making sound judg-
ments, function independently, have flexi-
bility, and personal integrity. Exceileni
benefits. Applications at Fleet Lanlling Se-&
curity Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-e
lantic Beach, FL ; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com. Web-
site: fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-free
WAITSTAFF Private club Atlantic Beacn
FT. Denelis.' Ilexible schedule Average
inclusive wage $11it $14 Apply'in person.
1600 Selva Marina Dr. DFWP
SILK PRESSER, Ponte Vedra area guar-
anteed hours. 285-5644.
BE YOUR Own Bo's; Work irn a casual ai-
mosphere Boc.il renial for nhar stylists
Reasonable reni. Call Dennis or Vickie @'
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook for Dreakiasi
and lunch Apply within ,S: Ellen's Klicnen
1824 Souln 3rd S5 246-1572
each company Top pay, benefits
BEACH PEST control company needs
lawn care lech no e.
s able lecns earn 30Ki- DFWP call 241-
3EACHES CAR Wash- full Time help
needed Wages negqoiable lips Benefils
Avail Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
COUNTER help, FT/ PT.Tues- Sat., com-
Seniive pay. Call 285-2656 or apply in,
person 266 Solana Ra. PVB
DRIVER. Hiring qualified drivers for Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
lion Food grade ranker, no hazmal no
pumps Great beneries. competitive pay
ana new equipment Nreed 2 years expert.
ence Call Bynum Transpon lor your op-
ponuruity loday. 18001741-7950
KITCHEN UTILITY Worker: FT/ benelis,'
401K,' Ilexble Scnedule Goll pnvileges
Phone 904.246.4827 email
accountingm'selvamarina cornm, or lax re-
sume to 246-9121, DFWP
Driver Jacksonville Terminal
a&W e-k e
TRUCK DRIVERS: CDL training. Up to
$20,000 bonus. Accelerate your career as
a Soldier. 'Drive out terrorism by keeping
the Army National Guard supplied. 1-800-
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
ble and granite importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of stone materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
tiable upon experience. Fax resume to
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
ble arid granite importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of stone materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
tiable upon experience. Fax resume to
.. *, *. *.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform'
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
. overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Peischel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
0967. .
3 Pool Tecrhs needed. Experience prefer-
red. bul will train. Clean driving record
401K health benefits. Please call
241-5811. .
CUSTOMER SERVICE entry level posi-
tion for fast paced printing company. Must
have computer experience Stop by 640 N.
3rd St. JB or Call 246-9162.
PONTE VEDRA AR Clerk position. Must
have AR experience io include collections
Requires lasl learner and well organized
Good pay, email resume Io
khorne@cntre.com. EOE.
Foreman & helpers Apply 7am. TNT
Landscape. 1074 10th Ave S., Jax
Beach 247-4477.
elits.' 401k/ flexible schedule. Detail orient-
ed individual Starting pay negotiated Goll,
privileges Phone 904-246-4827, e-mail
accounting'Sselvemarinacom or lax re-
sume to 246-9121, DFWP.
COMPANION, SITTING. bathlshowers.
light house keeping and more Stale lic.
54683. 477-7862, 881-8524, 200-5858.
Kerryann. Tesa or Tracey
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classified@3Deachesleader.com
PRIVATE DUTY CNA looking to care for
elderly Exc reis Degree w, many years
exp. Please call Donna 285-0432
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress,& box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
TROPICAL SLEEPER sola, love seal &
coffee able. Very good condition, $325,
DENIM HIDE-A-BED couch & loveseat
$700 OBO, Phillips Magnavox big projec-
tion screen TV (46"x49") $600 OBO, bam-
boo wicker entertainment ctr $100 OBO,
unusual tile baker's rack $150 OBO, misc
knick knacks. Call to see anytime
400-3824. Located in Atlantic Beach.
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $169K. 463-2845.
CHAPARRAL, 6'X15' fiberglass, no seats,
55hp motor, galvanized trailer. $600.
HOBIE-CAT 18FT.,' 1988, sky blue, all
LAPTOP PENTIUM II $100; large Star equip. & trailer incl., $900, call Warren
Trek collection $400, kids' movies $3.00 571-5937.
each, 241-4204. ... .... nn ....,
SHOWTIME DANCE shoes, 3 pair, size
. 7-1/2. Some newer worn, cost over
$100/pair, asking $40/ea., (gold, taupe, &
black) 285-0084.
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories. Ladder-
. rack (rackit) $195. Diamond plate tool box
$75. 716-1518.
SEA DOOUUU 3U, Bombardiere, 20uu04, $6000ouuu,
2005 SUZUKI GSXR 600, blue, 3,551mi.,
asking $5000. 246-7587, (912)337-1765.
Simb"!ialkkl&) rn
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea. ,-- :'- '" -,
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173, '86 CHEVY half ton pick-up, great work
992-1470 truck, cold AC. $2.300. 280-7545.
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0335.
LIGHT WOOD Bunk Beds w/5 drawers,
two bookshelves and desk attached.
$350 OBO. .285-4284.
1986 FORD Bronco, 4DW new tires, 5
speed, runs good, $800; 1995 Isuzu Ro-
deo 4WD, auto, runs great (must see),
$1200 firm. 504-3202.
MERCEDES E300, 1993, black, grey
leather, all records. Exc. cond. $6500. Call
(h)241-4950, (c)757-0757
1992 CUTLESS Sierra, 56K, $1000 OBO.
Good cond. 860-0318.
2006 SOLARA convertible SLE, loaded,
leather, 7000 miles, full 7year/100K war-
ranty, $27,000, 241-0927..
1994 BEAUTIFUL pearl white Cadillac
Deville Sedan, $3750.00, 233-7971.
2001 SATURN L200, 4dr, cold A/C, auto-
matic, 95,000 miles, runs good. $4850.
2002 TUNDRA reg.cab V6 man., 45K mi.,
excellent condition, $8,500, 247-8083.
.. .. __ y. 2004 TOYOTA 4Runner Limited. 4x4, V8,
-TOYOTA TUNDRA '05, SR5 access cab, loaded, titanium silver,, 55k miles, very
4X4, step side, V8, many extras, 20,000 particular owner. $25,000. 904-338-4046.
mi., asking $26,500, call 514-6640. ni U- HVY lai,,iIHE, DO R.onn 00 Info/
2001 CHEVROLET Suburban, fully load-
ed, side-steps, 75,000 miles. Immaculate,
3 sets of seats, A/C front and back. Call
L/R set for sale $300 lakes all Will sell by '97 FORD Ranger 4 cyl, runs great, ice
piece. Call 246-3033 lor appi cold A/C, must sell $1,200, 382-6181.
43' HITACHI HDTV contemporary sofa
wicker turn. lamp. end tables. coffee lable
cherry hign tboy dresser, much more. Call
for appt. 904-316-4436 Ponte Vedra loca.
FILL DIRT- Cheap ODig ponds Iree lor
dinr.Call 497-9666 .
Casl-iron garden tub $600. new re-lrgera-
tor $500, lulon, tecllner, tables' chairs, rri-
crowave mis.: ,247-8004.
CUSTOM MADE Camel Back sola- Bur.
gandy colors exc cond $500 OBO
DINING ROOM set, table six chairs two
piece china cabinet ecellent condition
$870 0BO. 221-5976.
HOT SPRINGS SPA, w. cover. Great
cond seals 8 Must sell to make room for
pool $1500 OBO 710-2011
TWO TWIN beds w'bedding $125
BEAUTIFUL BLACK upright piano,
(Young Chang), w/ bench, light metro-
nomr & de-humidifler, $950, 962'-1858
2 GE Electric dryers 30 electric stove
$50 each. All in good working condition
(Can deliver. 945-0226
FREE DIABETIC supplies! Medicare pa-
tienlsl Call Us Toll Free 18661294-3476
and receive a free meteri Am-Mea Quairry
Diabetic Supplies
LARGE FRAMED mirror 84"X36" $100.
large oak roll top desk $1200. condo lurnmi
t ure 307-2841.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
manress & boy, new still in boves. $499
Can deliver 858-9350
DIAMONDS, 98 ci vivid pink dia $4900.-
1.51 ci vivid pink adia. $7900, 730-0791
BED- KING manress set. $289 Can de.
liver 19041391.0015.
BLACK SOFA & chair,- beautiful, $350.
Call (904)247-2317. .
HUGE collection. Serious collectors only'
Will sell by the piece, discount lor multiple
purchases. For appi call 293.1121
JAGUAR TICKETS. Jaguar TicKets. Jagu-
ar TicketsI!' Call 246-4332 or 625-6442
80 MAHOGANY Duncan File Bear Claw
Dining Table, with 6/chairs. $750 Call
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models. $49.50
Specalizing in Commercial and Residen-
ital Cleaning Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services, etc
Call Hermon, 246-4-238 612-1755
:* "t
PADGETTS AiC & Heating. Inc Family
owned and operated When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222
Free Esiimales License CAC1814887.
SERVICES Dependable. honest.
Thorough References Licensed.'Insured
CLEAN TO SHINE Our company commit-
meni .s 100"%. Customer Sailslacrion at
Ahordable Prices We clean homes, apan-
menis, otlices. RV s. new consiructron and
restaurants For a liee estimate call 514-
7009 or 1904)779-0158 We wil Deal any
company prices .
cleaning since 19781 Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded Individual cleaner. Opton
io customize chore list 241.1115
www.cathyscleaning corm
AN AMAZINGLY clean nouse or office by
Natasha For estimate 563-7858
ble Reasonable rates, tree eshlmates Call
Roxanne 19041477-5398.
SMILE! YOUR house was cleaned today
by Top to Borlom Housekeeping. Referen-
ces Licensed Just call and di will be done.
ABOVE a Beyond H-ou.Sek-.pti.h. '-
pe-riaaile, dsaill-I.Cle nir,g LicensEitlnJ d
surea bonded. references Immediate
openings 591-5901. 514-1188
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam malress & boxspring, new in
plasihc wiwarranty $379. Music sell
HONEST. DEPENDABLE cleaning 101o
oh lirsi clean. Call DeDbie 19041626-6125
HEART PINE, tongue & groove Ilooring
cut from antnque Pine limbers Insiallaion
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904 249-9033 or
email, classified @ beachesleader.com
YARD SALE. 42 Tallwood Road Sat
8 30-12"00, mosliy children rlems
MULTI-FAMILY, 117 South 7th'Avenue,
household items, plants & more, Fri., Sat.
8 AM.
K I i
. i .
1997 Cn;Hvl availd ner ,p uu. inIIIo
pics at: carsoup.com. 904-703-2992.
1967 CADILLAC coup Deville Convertible.-
See pictures in ., web:
toAlbum4.htmi. Serious offers only, Jim
249-4292. :
8000 mi.. only, extended warranty to May
2010, fully loaded, asking $29,500, call
2000 MERCEDES SL500, well main-
tained, great drive. Priced at loan $23,900.
2003 BMW 530i, 41k mi., sports pkg, pre-
mium pkg, special order paint & more.
New tires. $30,800. (904)571-4115.
rn#Amtiq irn~-!- -- --[------IMS
CHEAP MOE'Si Complete lawn service
Most yards only $25. (19041422-0593
Pam 742-7769
WiNSOR LAWN Service. Inc Competitive
rates Call Alan 237-5301
Dependable Quality Service Reasonable
rales 821-0737
lawns. Free eslimates. 246-0967
STOP OVERPAYING! Landscape by Ll-
nus Licensed. Insured Dependable
Beaches(West Beacnes' Ponie Vedra
NEED YOUR Lawn Cul? Call Dwighi's
Lawn Maintenance, 422-8058. Licensed &
Insured. Weekly/ Biweekly/ Monthly
quality work at excellent price, also pres-
sure cleaning Call Nick 349-5990.
PRESSURE WASHERS lot reni or sale
Tucker Equipment Renial 246-1330
Sale roof cleaning Deck & lence
resioralion Pressure washing. Licensed &
insured Call Kevin. 994-0045.
knotch work guaranteed Painting, irim.
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing.
Licensed, Insured Free esurmaies.
861-9500 .. .
PAINTING & repairs by Dean Inierior'ex-
terior painting All Types of repairs, busi.
ness & residential. Fully iic & insured.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial Men-
tnon this ad 246-1529.
.WASHING COMPANY- 5yis. expeji-
erice. :Specializing i'. Beach.. rornes
aall-rtl.17i 71, 'n ;, ,', -
FAST INTERIOR painting drywall tex-
ture Specialize in smaller tobs. 25yrs ex-
perience. Licensed, insured, relerences
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed
IF'YOU are interested, in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
ing Most residential pools $25,weekx
chemicals. Licensed. Insured. We make
your lile a little easier. 285-0240
TIRED OF trying to put your old memories
togeiner' Visit us al
digiiaidiarycreaiions corn lor a solulin to
your paper photographic problems.
IF YOU are interested in, advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beachesleader.com -
WOOD REPAIRS. Termite & Rotten
wood, siting. slucco, wood decks, repairs
License General Contractor 247-9525
home resloralion, finish carpentry, decks.
lile. 303-3803.
Please see our Ad in the Business Re-
view. 855-1254.
Complete remodeling services & renova-
tions. Tile & Marble Specialist. Nick.
1904 962-9312.
Specializing in kitchens. cabinets. balh-
rooms, tile. doois, windows, rotted wood.
lermite damage, roof leaks, drywall,
decks, etc. Honest, top quality work-
Painting, carpentry water prooling. pres-
sure washing. tile work. drywall
C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
wall Painting, Paperhanging. Tiling, etc
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE 246-6628.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & -references. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T &, P/T.
260-4915 ,
FREE' PRESCHOOL for 4 year olds- 3
hour/ day, M-F. State Funded. Beaches
Academy, 1725 Penman Rd. 246-3885.
LOVING, FULL Day Care openings for
one and three year olds. Beaches
Academy Child Enrichment Center. 1725
Penman Rd, 246-3885.
PSP + 2 MOVIES, 1 game $200. Enter-
tainment center with 27" TV & VCR $200.
Yard sale items by the box full and furni-
ture. 372-9338.
DOLPHIN COVE Moving Sale, 17 Mack-
eral St., Saturday, 8am-2pm. Fountain,
Gym sets, ceiling fan, Toro lawnmower,
sprayer, kid's clothes, books, lots more.
HUGE GARAGE sale, furniture, clothes,
decorations, etc., Sat., 7:30am-ipm,
966 Mineral Creek Drive, Waterleaf, off
||||i$|||| MI
JAMES WYNNE Repairs Inc. Brick, block
concrete, carpentry, drywall. New con-
struction & repairs. 333-1388.
Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312.
QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.
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gP THE ch L -. e d L e
September 13, 2006
Jaguars start season
with win over Dallas
Pnhoio by ROB DeANGELO
ABOVE: Jaguars QB Byron
Leftwich looks for running
back Fred Taylor out of the
backfield during action in
Sunday's season opner.
TOP RIGHT: Cowboys receiv-
er Terrell Owens, left, makes a
catch while guarded by
Jaguars defensive back Terry
RIGHT: Linebacker Mike
Peterson (54) celebrates after
knocking down Dallas QB
Drew Bledsoe during fourth
quarter action of Jacksonville's
24-17 victory.
Fletcher Middle School's PTA President is handed a
check by The Leader's Steve Fouraker.
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Organization by subscribing or renewing
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Jacksonville Beach Elementary PTA Mayport Elementary PTA
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