ER 8, 2006
;harks at
'The Black
Dahlia' opens Sept. 15
See B-1
SAn edition of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 44, No. 23
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
are winners
- for PV voters
New, Orleans Chef Paul Prudhomme (seated) visits the kitchen at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club Thursday with Hermann Muller
(left), the club's executive chef. Prudhomme was the headliner in the St. Vincent's Foundation annual Delicious Destinations
Celebrity Chef event at the club. He said the menu included "Louisiana good food." He planned to demonstrate cooking all the
dishes except for sweet potato pecan pie, which takes too long to demonstrate. "So I'm going to banana bliss, which is one of
my favorite recipes, because it's a takeoff on bananas foster," the chef said. "But it's a step up."
Library program is 'Just for Babies'
If the rbad to literaty ljigiO
at .birth, several participants
in a "Just for Babies" program
Wednesday at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library are on
their way.
"They say literacy starts at
birth, so our goal is to get
babies familiar with books,"
said Amanda Le, head of the
children's department at the
Ponte Vedra library and her-
self a new mother.
But the one-on-one pro-
gram for babies and parents is
also physical, with lap-bounc-
ing and music activities
thrown in.
Le said the program is "not
just [to] help with their intel-
lectual development, but with
their physical
too, by
doing .
some of
these little -"
physical ,
Just for Babies, which start-
ed in spring 2005, is one of
several Wednesday programs
offetd tiekldy for yuigWtet:" '
at the Ponte Vedra Bec'ff
Branch Library.
The others -are Toddler
Storytime, Preschool Family
Storytime and Library Use
Workshop for Kids.
The program's interaction
includes what are called lap
jogs, when babies are put on
their parents' laps for bounc-
ing exercises.
"We bring them up and
have them try to stand," said
Le. "And we sing songs and do
little rhymes.
"We have a rhyming cube,
which is nursery rhymes on a
cube. We sit in a circle and roll
it to each other. Whatever
rhyme comes up, we say or
sing that rhyme.
"We read books, and we
have the guitar. We sing songs
4,with the guitar."
' The activities appeared to
be a hit with the babies and
Their parents Wednesday.
"I loved it, I thought it was
cute," said Loral Reitzer of
Jacksonville Beach, who
brought her 9-1/2-month-
old son Julian for the
first time
Reitzer said she
plans to return
~with Julian,
~particularly so
he can be
around chil-
T4'.dren his own
he's. going to
get a lot out
of it," she
In a remarkably close pti-
marst election that ousted
county commissioners Bruce
Maguire and Karen Stern, most
Ponte Vedra voters went
against the majority of voters
in the rest of the county, vot-
ing to reelect the incumbents.
Maguire won 51 percent of
the votes in District 4, which
consists of most of Ponte Vedra
Beach, compared with chal-
lenger Tom Manuel's 49 per-
cent. Just 103 votes separated
the two Republicans in the dis-
trict they were vying to repre-
us Four years ago, District 4
Republicans voted for Judy
Ham in the primary, but coun-
tywide the voters picked
Maguire. The incumbent, Mary
Kohnke, came in third in the
county and second in District
Stern, who was running for a
second term in District 2,
southwest St. Johns County,
beat challenger Ron Sanchez in
Ponte Vedra, winning 49 per-
cent of the District 4 votes,
compared with Sanchez' 32
She lost in her own district,
however, winning only 41 per-
cent of' the votes compared
with Sanchez 46 percent.
In the Republican primary
four years ago, Stern won
countywide against incum-
bent John Reardon and won in
the general election against
Sanchez, then a no-party can-
With less than 22 percent of
registered voters showing up at
the polls Tuesday, Supervisor of
Elections Penny Halyburton
said the low turnout really hurt
the incumbents.
The 2002 primary election
saw a voter turnout of about 35
This year, voters were proba-
bly "turned off" by the nega-
tive campaigning that surfaced
during the race, Halyburton
Countywide, Maguire lost
Tuesday with 48 percent of the
votes compared with Manuel's
52 percent, and Stern won 42.6
percent of the countywide
votes, compared with Sanchez'
42.9 percent.
The Republican race in
District 2 in which Sanchez
and Stem are separated by only
58 votes goes to a recount
State law requires that a
recount be conducted if less
than half a percentage point of
the votes separate the top two
contenders in the plurality
The recount by the
Supervisor of Elections office
begins today at 2 p.m. Results
ot the recount are expected to
Results by district
District 4 Race
Maguire Manuel
photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Michelle Kiley reads as she shows a book Wednesday to
members of the Just for Babies group at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
The other first-timer was
rosy-cheeked Cole Marsh, 8
months old, whose mother
Shelley had earlier library
"I took my older son to the
Toddler Storytime last year.
This year he's in preschool,"
she said. "So we have the
opportunity to just take Cole,
try the baby one out."
And how did he like it?
"He loved it. I think we're
going to get to do it again
next week," said Marsh.
Le and Michelle KIley play
the guitar and sing during the
15- to 20-minute sessions.
That is about how long such
young children can maintain
attention, said Le, whose 5-
1/2-month-old daughter Julia
takes part in the program.
"We try not to have other
kids here, for the purpose of
quality time," said Le. "The
best way to interact with a
baby is with one-on-one
When the program began ,
it had a small following, said
"But it was a new pro-
gram," she said, adding that
by spring "we were getting
about 10 to 15 people or so
with babies."
Kevin Dengel of Ponte
Vedra Beach brought his
Jemma on Wednesday, but it
wasn't the first time.
"We came last half of the
spring, before the summer
program. Then we attended
the summer program,"
Dengel said, adding that
Jemma will graduate to the
toddler program when she's
"She enjoys looking at chil-
dren. It's great for her," he
Le said she hopes to add ele-
ments to the baby program.
"We're going to start adding
things to our program, like
having people come in to do
baby yoga, baby signs and
baby massage," she said.
County employees cautioned to watch lips
St. Johns County
Administrator Ben Adams e-
mailed all county employees
this week, telling 'them to
beware of questions from the
"County Staff must notify'
the.' Public Affairs Specialist
ijenny O'Dell) promptly upon
being contacted by the media
regarding any County related
business," says Adams' e-mail
sent Wednesday afternoon.
"The purpose of this policy is
to ensure conformity," the e-
mail says.
O'Dell said Thursday that
Adams' message to staffers is
based on the county
Administrative Code and "is
nothing new."'
She said the policy helps
assure the county is not
"caught off guard" by some-
thing in the media.
"If it's something that's
going to be printed, I want to
know that it's going to be in
the paper," O'Dell said.
Also, she said, the policy
prevents a county employee
from giving incorrect informa-
tion to the media.
"It's happened numerous
times," she said, citing an inci-
dent in Ponte Vedra Beach,
when an employee gave incor-
rect information about glass
See ADAMS, A-3
50.5% 49.5%
439 .
District 2 Race
Stern Sanchez
52% 30%
The above results are from Tuesday's Republican primary.
Numbers have been rounded. In the District 2 race, totals do not
equal 100 percent because votes for Ron Schumaker, who
came in third, are not included.
Winners, losers
speak of results
As the final results of the pri-
mary election were broadcast
over the local government tele-
vision channels late Tuesday
night, Tom Manuel said to
himself, "Wow."
According to the results he
had just succeeded in booting
incumbent commissioner
Bruce Maguire from his District
4 seat.
Despite sounding confident
and hopeful as he greeted vot-
ers at Christ Episcopal Church
Tuesday afternoon, Manuel
said Thursday, "The odds, I
thought, were initially really
stacked against me."
The District 2 challenger,
Ron Sanchez, also appeared to
have dethroned incumbent
Karen Stern, but with a recount
to be done, he's trying not to
get his hopes too high.
"I'd just like to have it over
with, and I'd like to be the win-
ner," Sanchez said in an inter-
view Thursday.
"I doubt it's going to change,
but if it does, it does."
Sanchez and Manuel both
said they are chomping at the
bit to get to work on the Board
of County Commissioners.
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Showtimes ............B-4 Weather.............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
.S 7-
L .40
. . . . . ...
The RPeache Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8, 2006
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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Available from Commercial News Providers"
v m D pw
A sign at a business was
reported damaged by vandalism
Aug. 9 in the 500 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
A check fraud was reported
Aug. 18 at a business in the 900
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Nine reports of check fraud
were reported at a business Aug.
26 in the 900 block of Atlantic
A fight between two men
Aug. Z7 at tle W at
2395 'avpoht lro I m
,agas i iml, ft si-
ness being cracked, according to
a police report.
A bicycle valued at $330 was
reported stolen from outside a
business in the 400 block of
Atlantic Boulevard Aug. 28.
Thuee guns and two bottles
of prescription medication were
reported burglarized from a resi-
dence Aug. 28 in the 70 block of
West 10th Street,
Police reported that $556
worth of items were stolen from
a business Aug. 28 in the first
block of Ocean Boulevard.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized Aug; .31 in the 1700
block of Park Terrace.
A forgery was reported at a
business Aug. 31 in the 900
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 31 in the 20 block
of 17th Street.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 31 in the 60 block
of Coral Street.
,A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 31 in the 2000
block of Vela Norte Circle.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Sept. 1 in the 1600
block of Coquina Place.
A check fraud was reported at
a business Sept. 9 in the 500
block of Mayport Road.
A vehicle, was reported bur-'
glarized Sept. 6 in the 100 block
of North Street.
Police reported that items
worth $100 total were reported
stolen from a business Sept. 6 in
the 400 block of Atlantic
0 O,
Two flat-screen televisions
valued at ,a combined $6,000,
$300 in change and a back pack
valued at $50 were reported bur-
glarized from a residence Sept. 5
in the 100 block of South Street.
Jesse David Dashnaw, 26, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with driving with a sus-
pended license as a habitual
traffic offender Sept. 4 in the
1100 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a police
report. ,
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized Sept. 4 in the 100 block
p ~
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of Da\is Street.
The glass dodr to
business was reported
Sept. 4 in the 600
Atlantic Boulevard.
* C
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* 0 Q
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The Beaches
are online at:
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information on
placing a classified
or display ad;
download forms to
submit information
on births, engage-
ments, weddings
.and more;
V look at photo
galleries of people
and events from
throughout the
/ get
your' sub-
* contact mem-
bers of our staff.
a vacant
block of
A simple battery was reported
Sept. 3 in the 1100 block of
Seagate Avenue.
Two money orders were
reported stolen from a residence
Sept. 3 in the 1100 block of
Seagate Avenue.
A bugglary, tp, J ejdence, was .
reported. Sepr. 2 tin ,.the 1300
Sbleckof Trailwood &ourt..'.
A check fraud was reported
Sept. 1 in the 1200 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
A handgun, 10 pieces of
ammunition and a camping kit
were reported stolen from a
vehicle Sept. 2 in the 1300 block
of trailwood Court. '
A South Florida man was
arrested and charged with for-
gery and giving a false name to
police after a credit card compa-
ny refused to pay a bill for more
than $6,000 at the Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club. Police reported that
a manager at the Inn reported
the hotel received a credit card
authorization letter from an
Orlando tour company for :a
man who checked into the Inn
Aug. 26. A credit caid company
pr.:+.,: t.,v CHUCK ADAM.1S
A 1992 Super Decathlon airplane sits on the Marsh Landing golf course near Kingfish Avenue
Thursday after making an emergency landing on the 8th fairway. The St. Johns County Sheriff's
Office reported the pilot, Mike Bryant, 51, of Ft. Pierce, developed engine trouble just before 1
p.m. on the flight to Ft. Pierce from Charleston, where the airplane had been purchased. Neither
Bryant nor the copilot, Joseph Noelke Jr., alsoof Ft. Pierce, was injured, deputies said. The-men
were' taken by sheriff's helicopter to Craig Field in Jacksonville, and the airplane will be removed
by a private company.
representative said they had no
knowledge of the man named,
in. the letter. The guest was!
found and questioned by the
deputy. Shamari J. Lewis, 25, of
Miami Beach, was arrested and
booked into the St. Johns
County jail, police reported."
Vandals in NB damage
mailboxes and cars
Several incidents of vandal-
ism involving residential mail-
boxes and posts being ripped
up from the ground and used
to strike and damage vehicles
were reported in Neptune
Beach Sept.. 2, according to
police reports.
The incidents reported
occurred in the:
*500 block of Margaret Street
*1000 block of Kings Road
(No damage to a vehicle, mail-
box only removed) -
* ,600 block of Camellia
*500 ,block of Camellia
'600 block of Rosebud Drive
On Aug. 30, someone report-
,ed that a mailbox was vandal-
ized with gasoline and fire-
works in the 1800 block of
Seagate Avenue.
Police are investigating leads
which they have received
regarding a possible suspect in
the incidents,. according to a
police report.
Law Offices of
Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Traffic Cases
Domestic Violence
Drug Cases
-* Juvenile Law
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S* All felonies and
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285-4LAW (4529)
Credit Cards Accepted www.MalcolmAnthony.com
A Ponte Vedia Beach woman
reported that a blue 2001
Mercury S-500 was stolen from
her driveway in the eighth
block of Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
The vehicle was unlocked and
the' keys were left in the igni-
tion, according to a police
report. The victim, 52, said the
car was taken' between Aug. 28
and Aug. 29.
Aggravated battery was
reported Sept. 7 in the 1800
.block of 9th Ave. N. A 29-year-
old woman-told police that she
was burned several times on
her arm by unknown men
after leaving a bar. According
to a police report, the Victim
said she accepted a ride from a
man she met while drinking
with. friends after work. He
drove her home in a white
sedan at 11:45 p.m. and asked
her .to put his tie around her
head like a blindfold. The vic-
tim said she agreed because she
thought it was part of a game.
She said she then found herself
being held on the ground-with
male voices around her. Police
said she felt a burning sensa-
tion on her arm that she
believed was caused by a ciga-
rette. The vIctim began kicking
and tried to scream but a hand
was covering her mouth. The
men left. The victim sustained
several blisters, police said.
Dn,.., A
rage .ALIL; ralLi-
am as
am 40
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lum _qD
S e- n t e. . 2 0 6T h e c h s L a d r Pn. .e d a L a d rP g e.
Cont. from A-1
be posted on the Supervisor
of Elections' Web site
(www.sjcvotes.us) no later than
Halyburton, Stern and
Sanchez said they don't expect
the numbers to change.
In other races on the ballot
Tuesday, Katherine Harris
became the Republican candi-
date for the U.S. Senate, seat
occupied by Bill Nelson.
She won 43 percent of the
votes in St. Johns County, beat-
ing challenger William
McBride, who won only 34
percent of the county votes.
Harris won with 49 percent
In the race for governor,
Charlie Crist won 61 percent of
the county votes in the
Republican primary and Jim
Davis won 47 percent in the
Democratic primary.
Crist also -won the majority
of state votes, but Rod Smith
beat Davis for the Democratic
slot with about 45 percent of
statewide votes.
In the state senate race for
District 8, which includes parts
of St. Johns County, incum-
bent James King beat chal-
lenger Randall Terry with 66
percent of St. Johns County
votes. King also won the votes
in the rest of District 8, which
also includes Duval County.
In the race for the District 3
seat on the School Board, Bill
Mignon, who won 46 percent
of the county votes, and
incumbent Diane Lovell, who
won 35 percent of the votes,
will face off in the general elec-
tion Nov. 7.
The two front-runners in the
Seventh Circuit Judge race -
Clyde Wolfe and Luis
Bustamante will also go
head to head in the Nov. 7 gen-
eral election.
photo by LAURA FOWLR
Tom Manuel (right) greets a voter outside Christ, Episcopal Church on'Tuesday.-Manue- I unseated
Bruce Maguire in the Republican primary and will face a write-in candidate Nov. 7.
Utility director on tap
Bill Young, director of the St.
Johns County utility
Department, will be guest
speaker at Monday's meeting
of the St. Johns County Civic
Association Roundtable in St..
The meeting begins at; 9 aln.
at the main St. Johns County
library, U..S. 1 and San Carlos
Avenue. Young's presentation
is scheduled.tb begin at 10 a.m.
The public is invited.
Emergency plan aired
Ray Ashton, director' of
emergency management for St.
Johns County, will be guest
speaker at Monday's meeting
of theTalm. Valley Community
Association. I
The meeting be-gins at 7 p.m
at the Palm Valley Community
Center, 148 Canal Blvd., off
Roscoe Boulevard.
Ashton will provide an
overview of St. Johns, County's
hurricane preparedness pro-
gram, and his- department's
activities before, during and
after a major we-ather'event.-
Jh'meeting is open to the
ptblic., For more information,
contact the Palm Valley
Communiq, Association or.
GregLeonard at 940-2240..,
MSD budgeton agen da
The Ponte Vedra Municipal
Service District (MSD)'1i.sched-.'
uled to' discuss next year's
budget at the MSD meeting at
6 pm. Monday, held a the
Ponte Vedra Beach -Branch
Peach helpers sought
Volunteers are being sought,
,,to help clean the. beach at the
Guana reserve during the Sept.
'16 International Coastal
Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 11
am. Volunteers. can, meet at
,any of the four ',Guana
Tolomato Matanzas, Reserve
beach parking lots south of
Ponte Vedra Beach to pick up
trash bags for collection.
Helpers are asked to, bring
water and wear hats, and sun-
Parking areas areion the'
west side 'of 'State Road AlA
froni south of Mickler Road to
the Gate station about 1:2 miles
south of Mickler Road.
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pieceof the
Atlantic Beach chided for 0 position -to Wl-ar.
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Aj..! lit I v!
Page 3A*
September 8, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
"Windrusher," an adventure
fantasy novel, won, awards
from the Florida Writer's
Association and the Cat
Writer's Association. Its sequel,
"Windrusher and the Cave of
Tho-hoth," also won awards.
DiGenti will discuss the life
cycle his novels have taken
from conception to birth, and
his experiences in the writing
and publishing world. A book
signing will follow the presen-
tation. ,
DiGenti is working on his
third book, a mystery/suspense
novel set in St. Augustine.
PV Dems fete candidate
The Pohte Vedra Democratic
Club will host a fundraiser for
Ken Bryan, Democratic candi-
date for the District 2 St. Johns
County Commission seat, from
7 p.m to 9 p.m. Sept. 15..
I The event will be held at the
-,ommunity center in Sawmill
Lakes, off County Road 210 in
The evening will include
entertainment by the. First
,Coast Banjo Band, refresh-
ments and a door prize of an
original framed needle artwork,-
of the Bridge of Lions.
Bryan is a, U.S. Aix Force
Vietnam-era:. veteran who later
worked with the U.S. Navy I as
an instructor and. trainer and
administrative and equal
employment opportunity
administrator. He also worked
with the. U.S. Department of
Justice and with the White
Bryan will face Republican
Ron Sanchez in the Nov. 7 gen-
eral election. Sanchez defeated
Commissioner Karen Stern in
Tuesday's Republican primary,
-but the vote was s6 close that a
recount must be done.
For information on the
Democratic club, call Barbara
Taferick at 273-5310.
Dr. R.G. Paco, D*C"
Can We
Affordable Chiropractic
Ponte Ve.dra Beach
285-ACHE (2243)
Cont. ftom A-1
Sanchez faces Democrat Ken
Bryan Nov. 7, when 'Manuel
faces write-in candidate
Richard Olszewski..,
.1 M Anuel said one of his Tirst
priorities %vill be a transporta-
tion impro%-ement "toad map"
'that can be5used to guide,
de%-elopment, instead of de%-el-
opments guiding transporta-
tion impto%-ements.
Sanchez said he %%,ould like
to gixe the impact fees struc-
ture a complete makeo%,er,
because it cuirenth, doesn't
bring in enough money to the
county, for infrastructure
Both Manuel 'an'd'Sahchez
said their' aim is to reduce
grovth and, they will.rally
behind. the Neighborhood
of Rights in its original t orm,..,
which. includes legal standing
for neighborhood associations.
'.T Just want people to gain
some confidence back in their
government," Sanchez said.
Stern, the incumbent' in
District. 2, said Thursday that
she expects no change in the
election results', after today's
recount, which is scheduled for
2 p.m at the Supervisor' of
El s Office.,
Instead, she is looking to the
future and hoping to enjoy
more free time with her family,
she said.-
"I will certainly. have a lot
,more time available," she said,
noting that she, will, now be.
able to cook dinner for her
famil)- and spruce up her long-
n6gleted garden.
Maguire is also looking to
the future the utute of his
WhUe for latig busi-
[less Plah for one o busi-
nesses Wednesda,, 'M?Y6dk -a
break for an inter-tiem saying
about his loss in Tuesday's pri-
mary.: "What happens, hap-
Maguire said. he looks back
proudly on his four years on
the County Commission and
said he still plans on being
involved in public issues that
concern him.
"I know that over -the, next
couple, of years -.people are
going to look back and say that
the things we had done to pre-
pare this county for the future.
were positive," Maguire said.
stem, too, said she served on
the commission with "great.
pride," butgiving herself and
her time as a public servant has
at times put a strain on her
She said she looks forward to
spending more time with them
and will remainm*volved with
issues important toher, such as
affordable housing and agricull-
"Those are two issues, that
certainly were not addressed. or
were defini LON, drowned out by
the negativitv of the cam-
paign," she said Thursday.
"I was the onh, car;didate
v o did' not sink'to negab%,e
--'campaigning.- To me, it, ws
important to address the
Stern also *said she thought
biased coverage ofthe race by
themedia fueled the negativity
surrounding her campaign and,
overall, discouraged residents
to vote.
Sanchez and Manuel said
they are ready to leave the neg-
ativity of the campaign
"It was a very emotional
campaign," Manuel said.
"I think that you will see
much more statesmanlike
behavior and.politeness among
the members [of the Board of
County Commissioners.]"
Cell tower appealed- -
To build h1t551dot 'I
celluift )dA"*1f&(Pi.bVOty 7-
of Lord of Life Lutheran
Church on Roscoe Boulevard,
will go before, the St. Johns'
Board of County
Commissioners Sept. 19 at 1:.30
p.m. j I
The St. Johns Planning and
Zoning Agency (PZA) denied
the application for the tower in
June, after hearing fromneigh-
boring property owners. in all
directions who opposed it., I
At the suggestion of the PZA,
Verticality, the company pro-
posing to build the tower, held
a meeting last week with resi-
dents where they presented
studie s that show the tower
Will be "minimally visible,"
according to William Rand, a
representative of the company.
"I thought we tried to. do a
good presentation, but I
wouldn't say the meeting went
well," Rand said this week,
explainingthat a few residents
interrupted the presentation
several times, making, the dis-
cussio'n "heated."
The Sept., 19 meeting will be
held in -the County
Auditorium, 4020. Lewis
Speedway, St. Augustine.
Author is cat's meow,
Ponte Vedra resident Victor
DiGenti" author of books about
Windrusher the cat, will speak,
about the ',inspiration for his
work'ai 6 p.m. Sept. 14 at the
main libraryin St. Augustine.'
I He will be the featured guest
in the After Hours with the
Triends of the Library program
at the'main St. Johns County
librarv. 1960 N. Ponce de Leon,
-eral weeks.a&o to see the coun
ty!s emergency generators a
visit that, was'not prearranged
- prompted her to ask for the
reminder, O'Dell said,
"I just happened to look out
the,,, window,. and I said,
'What?"' she said, recalling the
event, which she, said hap-
pened during a recent trial that
commanded much media
attention, including TV crews.
The' Administrative C ode,
excerpts of which were ificlud
ed in the. e-mail,. notes' -that
O'Dell "shall be notified when-
ever the media contacts a
department and information is
requested." '
Unclear is whether O'Dell
must be notified before an
employee speaks, but Adams'
e -mail notes,, "All communica-
!'tion with the media by a no'n
management employee must
be. approved, by his/her
Department or Division Head
(or designee)."
O'Dell, Who is paid $51,334
annually, said her department
keeps tabs on all information
given to the mediaas well as
any resulting media reports.. ,
"We're not restricting any-
one," O'Dell said.. "Any
employee has the right to talk
'to the press.
"We just want notification."
Cont. from A4
In: such a case,'she said, an'
employee might be reporting
"what they see, 'but not so
much about what they know."
O'Dell said Adams" e-mail is
the-fir'st on the topic of media
access that Adams has sent
since thepolicy was put into
the administrative code after
she was hired in December
"I've probably been asking
himfor weeks now" to remind
employees of the procedure for
media information, she said.
.Adams was out of the.office
Thursday afternoon and could
not be reached for comment.
Atelevision crew's visit sev-
Neptune Beach City Councilor Eric
Pardee is calling city commissioners in
,neighboring Atlantic Beach hypocrites for
opposing. a proposed, Wal-Mart along
Atlantic Boulevard in his city, while allow-
ing new businesses along their side of the
The Atlantic Beach City Commission
last week unanimously approved a resolu-
tion opposing' a "retail supercenter ...
within Neptune Beach," such as Wal-Mart,
due to the "pbtential adverse traffic
impacts" to Atlantic Beach.'
.But Pardee in a Sept. 5 letter to the
Atlantic Beach commission took issue
with, the measure, questioning why com-
missioners oppose the proposed Wal-Mart
due to traffic concerns when Atlantic
Beach currently has "four" new commer-
cial projects under construction along the
same stretch of road, across the street.
"All of these projects will add more traf-
fic to Atlantic Boulevard, impacting
Neptune. Beach and Atlantic Beaches ...
what motivated you to pass, a resolution .
that seeks to discourage Neptune Beach
from enjoying the same progress and rede-
velopment of their existing commercial
properties as you seem to, promote in
Atlantic Beach?," Pardee said in the letter.
"No one like empty buildings!"
"Is Atlantic Beach to be allocated addi-
tional traffic on Atlantic Boulevard over
Neptune Beach? ... Have you considered
the adverse traffic impacts that Neptune
Beach will face because -of the addition of
.a gym, drive-thru restaurant and -office
buildings in Atlantic Beach that are cur-
rently under construction?"
Pardee in, a telephone interview T)uesday
pointed out that the new 20,000-square-
foot gym under construction in Atlantic
Beach is being built on an empty lot, thus
adding a commercial building where there
is currently not one. He said the proposed
117,000-square-foot Wal-Mart at 630
Atlantic Boulevard would be replacing an
.existing 150,600-square-foot commercial
building.'That building is currently vacant
but at times has been fully occupied.
"I urge you to reconsider the hypocrisy
of your resolution," Pardee said in the let-
"'If the intention of passing this resolu-
tion is to keep the property owner, from
choosing Wal-Mart to occupy this parcel,
then have the courtesy to say and not
blame it on the t raffic that you so willing-
ly allow on your side of the street."
The proposed version of the Atlantic
Beach commission's resolution' opposing
retail supercenters; specifically mentioned
Wal-Mart. But at the urging of Atlantic
Beach Mayor Don Wolfson, the commis-
sion replaced all references to "Wal-Mart"
to "retail supercenter." Wolfson said he
was concerned over exposing the city to a
potential liability if the resolution specifi-
cally mentioned Wal-Mart.
September 8, 2006
The Leader's Opinion
Investment in fire
department is good
policy for Jax Beach
In an effort to slow both turnover in the fire depart-
ment and to improve public safety, the Jacksonville
Beach City Council made it clear last week that it wants
'to invest in improving the department.
Councilors stressed at a workshop that they have a lot
of confidence in the current department and its person-
nel, praising firefighters for the quality of the work they
do. Councilors, however, directed city staff to look into
what is! needed to put three-man crews on the trucks
instead of the current two-man crews. It was also decid-
ed that the. city must commit the resources necessary to
make sure Advanced Life Support (ALS)-traihed crews are
available 24 hours a day, year-round.
The price tag is still to be determined, but councilors
made it clear that the resources needed will be made
available and promised that changes would be made
sooner rather than later.
The council also made it clear that maintaining a well-
trained department independent of Jacksonville will
continue to be a priority for the city. Several councilors
noted that the county has expressed interest in absorb-
ing the Beaches' sole independent department.
Jacksonville Beach's fire department provides a valuable
service to both the city and its neighbors to the north
and south, including Ponte Vedra Beach, when called to
The Jacksonville Beach City Council's decision to set a
policy to maintain an independent department that is
well-staffed and equipped is commendable. Protecting
, p public safety is an essential responsibility of government
and merits forethought and an appropriate allocation of
b ... ; .
Stop the voracious Bi Boxes Tuesday
' Stop the voracious Big Boxes Tuesday
To the editor:
There. is a'new book entitled.
"The Ae-rage American" about a
f search lor the most ordinary
One of the commodities of
nearly all Americans is that we
love 20 minutes or less from a
S\'"ai--N [lart or MacDonald's. I say
4 this is not to disparage average
Americans, but rather to illus-
trate how omnipresent Wal-
Mart has'become in our society.'
S-With each one built, smaller
t locally owned establishments.
*dwindle iti number.
,t tls' ale the equivalent
o ,bunnies in their ability to
e reproduce voraciously consume
4 their environments. I witnessed
; this process at a former school
S whereby two cute little bunnies
| Smaller profit be
To the editor:
The residents of Atlantic
Beach who are also members of
the Save Atlantic Beach group
are a very vocal group indeed.
The day after the Atlantic
Beach Commission voted to
approve the ordinance limiting
house sizes, all the letters to the
editor lambasted the
Commission. The fact that they
had more of their group in
attendance does not mean they
represent that majority of
Atlantic Beach.
I work and could not attend
the meeting, so I emailed the
commissioners' office and
mayor voicing my support of
the ordinance, does this mean
my opinion doesn't count? I am
tired of a select few making
were placed, in a beautifully
landscaped enclosed atrium.
Unfortunately, they were of the
opposite sex, and by the end of
the year every plant (including
the palms) had been eaten
because the :bunnies were
impossible to control.
That thought came to mind
as 'I thought 'of Wal-Mart's
unstoppable pillage of America's
entrepreneurial landscape.
Regardless of the odds, I do
believe that there comes a time
to protect one's turf against the
seemingly innocuous ,"b nies"
of the Big lo\, retail andI pat
time begins on Sept. 1,' 2006 at
Neptune Beach City Hall.
Lyrin Shimp
Neptune Beach
eats fishbowl feel
claims that most of Atlanti
Beach residents support Sav
Atlantic Beach and their agen
Beans,and Cormbread,
Beans and Cornbread had a
Beans knocked Cornbread out
of sight.
Cornbread said, "Now that's
alright, meet me on the corner
night." -
"I'll be ready, I'll be ready
tomorrow night,"
That's what Beans said to
Cornbread "I'll be ready tomor-
row night."
Louis Jordan
For three days I ate nothing
but beans and cornbread.
I soaked the beans
overnight, then simmered
them with chopped onions
and ,bacon for about two
Then I baked some corn-
bread muffins, and sat down
to eat my dinner of beans and
About midway through this
meal, I stopped and asked
STy,sevp ques,tip ., .
'Whv in the 1([ anm eating
beans and cornbread?'
The answer's simple.
Because I'rh broke.
Not broke as in, "I'm going
to Taco Bell for lunch kind of
broke." I'm talking, "I'm living
off soup beans and cornbread"
kind of broke.
It's not that I don't like
beans and cornbread, it's just
a matter of principle.
A bag of dried beans and
cornbread is the meal you
keep hidden in the back of the
cupboard as a last resort.
Something you eat when
there aren't enough. quarters
lying around the house to buy
a Whopper, and the milk has
spoiled. A meal that's not so
much about hunger, as it is
pure survival.
Beans and cornbread always
brings certain images to mind.
Images like dust bowls,
I have been a resident for 25
years and love 'the small lots
(and houses) and realize that
bigger is not better. The three
houses next to mine are occu-
pied by elderly people. I know
in the near future I will be, faced
with mega houses that will
block the sun, wind and sky
from my property.
I would rather have a smaller,
profit when I sell than feel like a
fish in a.fishbowl now. Thank
you Mayor Wolfson and the-
Atlantic Beach Commissioners,
for not being fooled.
Theresa Weatherford
Atlantic Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland.
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Krisin MacCaull
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Wal er
Johnny Woodhouse
Business Office
Char Coffman
Linda Borgstede
Director of Sales
Karen Stepp
Vice President
Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith
Advertising &
Sales ,
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
Kathleen Hartman-
Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader
Jennifer Wise
Vice President
Steve Fouraker
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin P4hinney
Gerald Tierney
Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin Wray
Heather Nye
(904) 249-9033
Model-Ts, overalls, WPA work,
bread lines, chain gangs, hobo
towns and barefoot children.
It's like buying underwear at
Goodwill something you
know you'd never do if there
was more than $1 in your wal-
So I couldn't stop asking
myself the same question:'
I'm 30 years old with a col-
lege degree,' a fulltime job
with benefits "Why'am-I liv-
ing off beans and cornbread?"
'I found part of the ansawk?
by flipping through some
older editions of the News-
According to a May 1994
edition the year I graduated
high school a new, 1,700-
square-foot home, walking
distance to the beach, was
$118,900. An oceanfront
three-bedroom, two-bath with
garage was $119,900.
I paid $1.30 for gas, and 37
cents for a Vidalia onion. ,
In May 1999 the year I
graduated college a new,
2,000-square-foot home on
Amelia Island's south end was
$189,900. A 2,300-square-
foot, four-bedroom, two-bath.
house' on the island was
$240,000. An oceanfront
duplex with three bedrooms
and two baths was $249,900.
I paid $1.40 cents for gas,
and 50 cents for a. Vidalia
In today's newspaper, a one-
story, three-bedroom, three
bath, beach walker on the
south end costs $975,000. An
older, oceanfront cottage costs
$1.2 million. An 1,100-square-
foot mobile home on the
island costs $148,000.
Meanwhile, I pay $3.09 for
gas, and $1.19 for a Vidalia
If this trend continues, I'll
never own a home and I'll
have to give up beans and
cornbread because I can't
afford an onion.
Apparently, I'm not the
only one filling the pinch at
the dinner table.
A recent newspaper article
blamed low earnings at
Starbucks' and P.. Chang's on
upper-middle-class, yuppies'
unwillingness to pay $3 for a
cup of coffee when they're
paying $3 for eight cups of
gas. They're also opting for Big
Ss is Ita1ca" 7 "
-If yuppie food consumption
is an indicator of economic.
trends, I see a frightening
future for the rest of-us. ,
A future of $4 gas, higher,
rent, higher insurance, sec-
ond-hand briefs and more
beans and cornbread.
Hard times folks.
Tape this to the refrigerator to
help get you through them:
1 cup of dry pinto beans
4 cups of water
1/2 Vidalia onion, chopped
2 strips of bacon, or hambone
Soak beans overnight, then
boil for two minutes. Simmer
with other ingredients for two
hours. I .
Serve, with cornbread
Price is a staff writer for the
Fernandina Beach News-Leader.
4'R if
Campaign flyers discovered in PV library
To the editor:
[An] article in The Leader,
"Complaint names library
director, Stern," threatens the
integrity of Ponte Vedra Beach
Library employees and, espe-
cially those individuals named
in the article. The expected
service to library users and to
the community will be restored
through support by the library
users and through support by
the community as 'a whole.
The service level can be com-
plemented by open dialog
among the people involved.
Resoluton is further enhanced
by proper open communicar
tion with the public.
The Leader article provides
information by which the pub-
lic can develop an understand-
ing of the conditions that
resulted in the filing of a com-
plaint. The working environ-
merit at the Ponte Vedra
Library must yield to contin-
ued service to the community.
A separate but related experi-
ence needs to be described. On
last July 5, I and two other
library users reviewed a copy of
'Karen Stem's campaign flyer
which we had picked up from
the public information table
located just inside the front
door of the library. Jointly we
questioned the use of the
library as a distribution point
by any political candidate.
I expressed my concern by
phone to the St. Johns County
Supervisor of Elections office
and to the Librarian of the
Ponte Vedra Branch Library the
next day. Each supported my
concern and independently
indicated that the issue would
be resolved.
The stack of campaign flyers
had been removed from the
public information rack when I
stopped by the library later in
the week. The two others that
examined the flyer approved of
my action. The incident was
dropped from our memory.
The experience regained life
when the integrity of library
employees was challenged.
The welfare of any whose lives
have been touched is the focus
of this letter. Please study the
report in The Leader and know.
what action you should take.
Dennis L. Lane
Ponte Vedra Beach
Take the time to speak on supercenter
To the editor:
If one were to listen closely
they just may be able to hear a
great ticking sound.
The sound of time clicking
off the minutes until Sept 11
arrives. A date already etched
into our history, but in
Neptune Beach a date, that
may forever alter the land-
scape, character and lifestyle
of our otherwise quaint enjoy-
able little town.
At 7 p.m., in our Fletcher
High School our David-like
City Council, will face .the
goliath Wal-Mart. David had
his sling and a determination.
Our Council may not have a
sling but for the sake of the
citizens of Neptune Beach we
must hope they have a con-
viction and determination to
hear the outcry of the people
and say no to Wal-Mart.
For those of us who see a
super center to be a needless
and harmful intrusion, we
must be united and visible at
that meeting. There may not
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available rom Commercial News Providers"
we request a phone
number for verifica-
be many times in our lives
that an hour or two or a word'
or two or just being some-
where may alter history or
prevent a travesty. This is one
of those times. I challenge
every citizen to seize this
opportunity! Drop the
remote. You can stand to miss
a Seinfeld re-run and/or Judge
Judy and the dog can be
walked later.
This is more important!
Michael Aston
Neptune Beach
Page 4A
Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963
Bug Out'
0O ur South is a many-
splendored land, but
there's one thing:,.
we'd gladly do without: the
cockroach, sometimes
euphemistically, called the,
waterbug or palmetto bug.
One night, not long after
we transferred here from up
north, my wife and I were
strolling on the sidewalk
near the Jax Beach lifeguard
station, and we saw a Dixie-
size roach that was almost
big .enough to be ridden.
Two women, Southerners,
judging from their accent,
were coming in the other
direction. They spotted, the,
huge critter and one said to
the other, "Ugh! How'd you
like to have that in your
I thought, Well, evidently
nobody can get used to
roaches. My first exposure to
La Cucaracha (as Spanish-
speakers call and sing about
it) was at the U.S. Navy base
in Norfolk,,VA. Ihad duty in
the chow hall, and the
garbage dumpsters outside
were crawling with the pests.
A common observation was
that, if they grew much larg-
er, they would probably wear
hash marks and maybe we'd
have tosalute 'em.
As a civilian, I once went
for a, Bahamas cruise on a
passenger sailing vessel as a
guest of the captain. I was
writing an article on cruise
vacations, and, in the.course
%- ii y research, A,,found out
--that roache 'ere a' major
problem on board. At the
..end of each voyage, the
entire ship was sprayed with
insecticide to control them.
(Keeping the passengers
under control was more diffi-
The insects' survival and
proliferation is kind of sur-
prising, being at sea so
much.. Perhaps that's why
they're also referred to: as
waterbugs, except I thought
that the water had to be
fresh. Anyway, this finding
seems to add credibility' to
the idea that cockroaches
will be around when eyery
other living thing is kaput. I
,didn't delve into the distaste-
ful subject deeply, but I
imagine regular cruise liners
have to be debugged at least
Hereabouts,. lots of f.lks
hire a pest control company
to keep bugs away and it
seems generally effective.'
Being a frugal fellow, how-
ever, I've done very well. on
the cheap with boric acid. I
just bought a new container
at the hardware store. The
instructions stress that the
homeowner should "Apply
(it) only in-areas inaccessible
to children and pets." Of
course,, that precaution may
not be completely successful
if your pet is a cute cock-
Incidentally, maybe ship-
board roaches don't actually
get in salt water. I didn't'see
any that were wearing a
small snorkel,.
Send letters to:
The Editor, The
Leader, P.O. Box
50129, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32240, or
Send e-mail to
editor@ beach-
Lengthy letters may
be edited as space
requires. We will not
consider letters that
do not bear a signa-
ture and address and
Get used to beans, cornbread
September 8, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
More letters to the editor:
Beaches Watch wants citizens informed Much in the world ignores majority
To the editor:
On Monday, Sept. 11, 2006,
the Atlantic Beach City
Commission will be holding
the ,second and final, public
hearing. on a Community
Character ordinance to regu-
late the mass and scale of
homes in Old Atlantic Beach.
Although the community
character issue has been dis-
cussed in numerous work-
shops and .public input ses-
sions over the last year, many'
of th'e comments at the first
public hearing suggest that
some Atlantic Beach citizens
do'not know the details of the
proposed ordinance.
'Beaches Watch is a citizens,
group that encourages
informed citizen involvement
in local issues which affect
quality of life in our beaches
communities. In order to pro-
vide input that is both mean-
ingful and productive to the
City'Commission, we urge cit-
izens of Atlantic Beach to read
the text of the ordinance and
understand everything that is
being proposed. The text of
the ordinance can be found at
the City of Atlantic Beach web
site at www.ci.atlantic-
b e a c h fl u s
beach.fl.us/> .
In support of citizen educa-
tion on local issues, here is a
summary of some important
provisions of 'the proposed
The Community Character
ordinance applies only to sin-
'gle-family and two-family
:new homes' and additions
(which increase interior floor
area more than 25%) within
the Old Atlantic Beach area.
(see the ordinance for bound-'
ary details and specifies the
1) Mass and scale regula-
tions: New h6mes and addi-
tions will be limited to a 0.54
Floor Area Ratio (FAR). A 0.54
FAR allows .the following
house sizes (i.e. living space).
on the following lot sizes in
50x100 lot: 3,240 sq. .ft.
home (Jots less than 6000 sq.
ft. will be treated as 6000 sq.
ft. lots)
SOx120 lot:, 3,240 sq. ft.
50x130 lot: 3,5S10 sq. ft.
75x100 lot: 4,050 sq. ft.
50x240 oceanfront lot:,
6,480 sq. ft. home
Included in the FAR calcula-
tion is any portion of an
attached garage that exceeds
500 sq. ft. of floor area.
Detached garages are exclud-
ed from the FAR calculation.
2) Any home built before
the passage of the
Community Character ordi-'
nrance that is damaged or
destroyed by natural acts' can
be. rebuilt to its existing foot-
print, size and architectural
3) Provisions applicable to
multi-story homes:
:Second and third story,
side walls that are longer than
35 feet must have a 4: foot
horizontal offset to "break up"
the long wall. This offset
could be a bay window,, bal-
cony, architectural detail, etc.
The height,of the side wall
for a two 'story dwelling can-
not exceed 22 feet, from the
first floor finished 'elevation.
*The third floor of a
dwelling cannot exceed 50%
of the size of the second story
interior footprint.
4) A 4-inch caliper shade
tree must be provided in the
front yard, with a second 4-:
inch caliper shade tree any-
where else on the. lot (at fhe'
owner's discretion). If these
trees already exist, additional
trees are not required.
\Ve hope this information
will help citizens provide
meaningful, positive and pro-
ductive input to the
Commission based on the
actual provisions of the com-
munity character ordinance.
Sandy Golding
President, Beaches Watch,
To the editor:
In Mr. [Steve] Rosenbloom's
letter, he expressed surprise
and outrage that Atlantic
Beach officials were ignoring
the wishes of those that voted
them into office (concerning
the NMcMansion controversy).
This should not be so surpris-
ing. ,
This same type of "democra-
cy" exists on a national level,
with consequences more
widespread and serious than
those of the McMansion issue.
Even though every recent poll
indicates that the vast majori-
ty of Americans are opposed
to the war in Iraq, our nation-
al leaders are choosing to
ignore the will of the voters
and are continuing to wage
this war, resulting in more
unnecessary deaths to
American soldiers and the
murder of innocent Iraqis. In
both cases, the only recourse
is for the respective voters to
unite in their efforts to
remove these unresponsive
elected officials and replace
them with others who will
carry out the wishes of those
they represent.
Ginny Brinkley
Jacksonville Beach
Maybe Hussein could get his job back
To the editor:
In response to President
Bush's "stay the course" com-
ments made recently during
his press conference of August,
21, 1 have made some personal
observations which suggest
that it may be time for the U.S.
to withdraw our forces' from
Iraq. Before I am attacked as a
"liberal, cut and run type," I
preface my remarks by stating
that I am a career civil servant
with 29 years of experience,
much of it dealing with indi-
viduals from the Middle-East. I
am a former member of an
elite anti-terrorism unit and I
have received specialized train-
ing designed to locate and dis-
rupt terrorist cells.
There is mounting public
opinion' which suggests that
Iraq is in the midst of a civil.
war. I could not agree more.
President Bush, however is not
yet convinced that this is the
case. The daily',death rate in
Baghdad indicates that Iraqi
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
has lost control of the city as'
well as the southern part of the
country. Radical anti-US Shia
cleric Mfoqtada al-Sadr and his
Mehdi Army, estimated at
26,000 militiamen, control
much of Baghdad as well as the
southern part of the country.
In my tiew al-Sadr and his
Mehdi Army pose an immi-
nent threat to the safety and
security of U.S. and Coalition
Forces. The NMehdi Army
should have been disarmed
long ago, but due to political
correctness, they were not.
This failure to act on the part
of the Iraqi central government
as well as U.S. led Coalition
.Forces now threatens the exis-
tence of al-Maliki's' coalition
government. If al-Maliki will
not step up after all the money,
equipment, and'training,, that
his government has been pro-
vided with .by the, U.S., he
should not expect American
sons and daughters to shed
their blood. If President Bush
expects the electorate to sup-
port his Iraq policy, we must
see significant and immediate
progress in the area of security
with Iraqis leading the charge.
So far we have not. Without
security Iraq has no future.":,
Sadly, I have come to the
conclusion that Iraqis hate',
each other more than they love
their country. There are times
when I wonder if we should.
give Saddam Hussein his old
job back!
Joe Wright
Ponte Vedra
This is sad time in Atlantic Beach
S'Co0pyrighted Material .
-l. Syndicated Contentw
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Who will benefit from Wal-Mart coming to NB?
To the editor:
'Thank you loanne Hofman
-fof" your count-by-count
response to the remarks made
iri a letter 8-23-06 by Christie
to The Leader: one of the most
unbelievable, out of many,
remarks claims that the staff
at Neptune Beach City Hall
refused to sign for a "certified"
If you will look back at the
"pro" Wal-Mart letters to The
Leader editorial page you will
see a plethora of uninformed
and misguided opinions from
the writers. And so many con-
t4in vitriolic mean spirited
messages, and so many sdund
like they have been written by
Prefer a Home
Depot site at
original locale
To the editor:
On, page A3 of The Leader,
on August ,16, there was a
photo with the person listed as
Joe, Overby,' opposing the
Home Depot opening in the
Sandcastle Plaza, Jacksonville
Beach. That person is not me.
I do 'not appose the Home
Depot coming to the Beaches,
however, I think a more suit-
able site would be appropriate,'
especially the ,first site on
Beach Boulevard. We have to
move with the times.
Joe Overby
Neptune Beach
'For the record:
Atlantic Beach City'
Commissioner Sylvia Simmons
said she did not make a motion
to exempt oceanfront proper-
ties from a proposed land use
ordinance as stated in an Aug.
16 letter in The Leader.
the same pen.
The arguments in the
Letters to the Editor that are in.
support of Wal-Mart range
from: the Wal-Mart traffic
. study to revenue benefits for
Neptune Beach. Regarding the
traffic study: the traffic study
by Wal-Mart' wastet recently
found, to be invalid by the
State's Department of
Transportation. Regarding the
amount of revenue that would
be added to' the Neptune
Beach coffers? It would be an
insignificant amount: as per
an article in The Leader by
Jeffrey Minton quoting a July
11, 2006 memorandum by
city Finance Director 'SteVe
If anyone is interested in t he
facts, they need only: go to
Neptune Beach City Hall to
request information all of it
is public record and one
recent letter even stated that:
".... the monies Wal-Mart
donates to the community....
is worth a few more traffic
We would love an answer to'
that one. Just who is going to,
or, who has already benefited
from, the proposal of Wal-
Mart's coming to Neptune
L. Lazarus
Neptune Beach
Send letters to:
Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32240, or send e-mail to
tare, f/lcfku,
Dr. Leslie Platock and staff invite you tp visit their state of
the art facility including digital x-rays (80% less radiation).
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Voted "The Beaches favorite dentist" by readers of The Beaches Leader
To the editor:
On Monday night after a
long public hearing, the
mayor spoke of his "sadness"
because of the derision and
divisiveness between residents
with differing opinions on the
proposed ordinance to reduce
mass and scale. Let me share
my "sadness" as a citizen and
former mayor. It relates to a
lack of leadership byVthe'cur-
neYit comntmission. "
As part of the first reading
and after over three hours of
public. hearing with a large
number of citizens speaking
against the proposal, a ma or--
ity of this commission verbal-
ized that they were going to
pass the ordinance "as is"
anyway. Yes, it is obviously a.
"done deal". Not only does
that show that they had they)
already made up their minds,
and didn't listen to very much
said for three plus hours, but
they also insulted the process.
Even though :the code
requires it, in short they
begged the question, why
have another public hearing?
Surprisingly by their actions
they didn't even pretendd' to
follow the' procedure :to its
fruition and not reveal a deci-
sion until after the last citizen
spoke at the next scheduled
meeting. Regardless of any-
nne's npositinn on the issue.,
* *1 1
s Io
.... .
the reality is this commission D. L:,cr. IIM ..,. DC'
has shown little leadership, '
and certainly have' only (
demonstrated contempt for. Can W e
the legally established public '
process. l
The mayor cries about his H elp .
'shaddness" ahd- seeks a cause. ." '"
-He' needs to look no farther Affordable Chiropractic
than this commission. A com-
mission that exerts leadership Jacksonville Beach
build consensus amongst its J \. Beach
citizens, not division. 0 247-ACHE (2243)
Certainly the obvious and bla- "*'* g. 4
tant ignoring of a sizeable
number of citizens, with their
thoughts and desires, only ARTLIFE
fuels the fires of division.
It doesn't have to be that ARTS PRORAM
way. How do I know? Because
r have seen and experienced a
commission that worked well
in Atlantic Beach, a.nd not I
surprisingly they listened well
As to "sadness", I agree with
the mayor. It is indeed a sad ENROLLINO NOW!
time in Atlantic Beach. WEEKLY ImIN-UPS
Bill Gulliford
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Obituary notices are published free of charge as a com-
munity service. All submissions are subject to editing.
Paid advertising space is available for more detailed or
personalized death notices. Call 249-9033.
Margaret K. Garey
Margaret K. Garey, 93, a retired secretary for the city of New .
York, died Sept. 5, 2006.
Born Margaret E. Kearin in the Bronx, she moved to Staten
Island at age 4 and later attended public school in Tottenville.
She was graduated from Tottenville High School with honors.
Garey, who enjoyed swimming and reading, moved to Florida
in 1977. She was a parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea
Catholic Church in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Garey was preceded in death by her husband, Edward-Garey, in
1995. Survivors include her sons, Dennis and Ralph Garey; sis-
ters, Ruth Archer and Eileen Kress; brother, Ed Kearin; two grand-
children and three great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home..
Virginia "Ginny" Mullen
Virginia "Ginny" Mullen, 63, of Jacksonville Beach died Sept. 6,
2006 due to lung cancer.
Mullen is survived by her son, Darin (Suzan) Bort; daughter,
Suzanne (Eric) Hoeppner; grandchildren, Eden Bort, Sidney and.
Samantha Hoeppner; brother Kenneth,(Sharoni) Gover, their chil-
dren and many friends.
A celebration of life will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
at the Bort residence, 1701 Seabreeze Ave., Jacksoniville Beach.
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Urbano Rodriguez
Urbano Rodriguez, 89, of Jacksonville Beach died September 6,,
2006 after, a long illness.
Rodriguez was preceded in death by his wife, Rosa Castillo. He
is survived by his daughters, Mirta and Zunilda, and six grand-
A funeral service was held at Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home. Burial
was held in Beaches Memorial Park, Atlantic Beach.
Services under tfie direction of'Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Charles Luther "Chuck"
Smith, Jr.
Charles Luther "Chuck" Smith, Jr., 50, of Toccoa, Ga., died
Sept. 5, 2006 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
Born October 11, 1955 in Montgomery, Ala., Smith lived in
Claxton, Ga., Jacksonville' and Toccoa, Ga. He was a veteran of
the U.S. Air Force and a registered nurse with Laurel Wood, a divi-
sion of the Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, Ga.
Smith is survived by his wife, Margaret Hendrick Smith; par-
ents, Charles 'Luther Smith, Sr., and Betty Moody Smith of
Jacksonville; daughter, Kelly Smith of Jacksonville; son, Joshua
Smith and his fiancee, Lori Rogers, both of Jacksonville Beach;
brothers, Lary Smith, Gary (Sharon) Smith and Lynn (Darlene)
Smith, all: of Jacksonville; nieces) Atibrey, Melissa, Nichole, Haley
.and Lyndsey; nephews, Cory and Charles Logan, all of
A memorial service was held Thprsday in the Hillcrest Chapel
of the Acree-Davis Funeral Home of Toccoa, Ga. An additionalI
memorial service %ill be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in Union United
Methodist Church south of Claxton, Ga.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to a
charity of one's choice.
Services under the direction of Acree-Davis Funeral Home.
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In Memory of
:Vincent R sock '
Vincent, "Vinnie" Rebstock, a fifth-
grader at Rawlings Elementan school in Ponie Vedra died Au-
gust 28th 2006. He was born Februan 15, 1995. Vinniewasa
much loved boy. He will be missed by all ho kne%% him in his
family, his school and his neighborhood. Vinnie was known for
his love of the Marine Corps and aspired to be a Nianne just like
his father. He was aristic caring and empathetic to others. He
loved to skateboard and rollerblade at the park in his neighbor-
hood with all his friends, fish andcrab withhis father in St. Nlarys.
Vincent w"as an amazing young boy. He had the potential to(do
anything he put his mind to. He was funny. easy to get along with
and was always si-ulng. This is how we will remember Vinnie;
always smiling, always happy. God Bless you honey, we %ill see
you later. Vinnie is survived by his parents; Maureen Rebstock
and Buddy Rebstock, his sister Brittany and brothers Roland &
Justin, his Aunt Carol Stroup. Uncle Kevin & Aunt Dee Twohig,
Aunts Michelle Twohig & Libby Bradley, Michael Bradley, his
Paternal grandfather Roland Restock, paternal grandmother Lois
Rebstock, material grandmother Betty Twohig and his predeceased
grandfather Leo Twohig, predeceased Uncle Leo Twohig, and many
Smin. ,
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PIoa C Ax
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
jpetImu er O, 2UU
the church this weekend. The youth rally and concert, will be. __Club at South Hampton m St. at 9 a.m. He will provide infor-
special Patriot Day services will held at Veteran's Memorial Augustine There will be a nation and tips on prepaker at tng
provide the congregation with Arena in Jacksonville on demonstration by PGA for the upcomnnectig hurricane
an opportunity to offer sup- Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, Champions Tour member, season. The meeting will be in
por and appreciation to first Sept. 30. Tickets aFire $55 and Retreatoody Blackburn, and a silent the church's Cultural Cente at
responders. $49 prior to September 15 and aucti on in addition to the golf 545 A1A N in Ponte Vedra.
The services will be ons $60 and $55 at the door. For isa M tournament. For details con- Seniors can also participate
Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. information call the tact Pastor Julie Frank of Lord in art classes exercise, games,
and on Sunday services held at 9 and 10:30 Youthquake Live office at of Life Lutheran Church at and trips. All are welcome to
a.m. Neptune Baptist is at 407 Christ the Redeemer Church in 285-5347 or Pastor Michael attend; contact Cheryl at 543-
Third Street in Neptune Beach; Ponte Vdra at 285-8009 ext. n A Blaker at St. Andrew's by the 1130 for, the information
call 249-2307 for information. 33. Sea L utheran Church at 249-
Foyer Groups Tour member, seas Women's Day Celebration The open eating concert in the
St Paul's bytion the Sea Saint Andrew's African ., Woody, Lighthouse Golf Beaches Fine Arts Series will be
Episcopal Church will have Methodist Episcopal Church Tournament a performance by the Chris
sign-ups for Foyer 'Groups will have a Women's Day tThe Annual Chanrity Gof Normtclan Ensemble on Sunday,
Groups provide a way for peo- 24 at 3:30 p.m. TheReverend i i Andrew's Lighthouse will be cert is free and will be followed
ane to get to know other people Dr. Jeanette C. Holes and the of.held at Queens Harbor Golf by an art exhibit and retep-
they see at churchin a small Hope hapel Mass Choir will Club on285534Monday, Oct 9. The tion. Itwillbeheld at St. Paul's
call 249-23the church office at 249- All are invited to attend. St. discount for registration before th Avenue and 11th Street
4091 the church is located'at Andrew. A.M.E. Chuch is at Sept. 11. Players of all levels are North in Jacksonville Beach.
465.11thAve.NinJacksoniville 125 9th St. S. in Jacksonville /welcome. 'St. Andrew's For information about this
Beach Beach. For information contact Lighthouse provides tempo- and other concerts in the
Dr. Vallie A Holloway, Ligrary housing for patients and series, call 270-1771.
S Women's Ministry Chairperson, at 249-7624. their families who have tray-
*The Women's Ministry at '"'t 'elled to northeast Florida for prayer for Schools,
Sunrise Community Chrch Anniversary Celebation Church medical care. Contact Ed On Thursdays from 9:30 to
Groupswill have a kick-off meeting for St. 24a ndrew's by the Sea Asher at 246-5606 for Golf be 11 a.m a gce r is free oupand will beets at the
a plea of fellowship, learning, Lutheran Church il have a Tournament registration or byWinston Family YMCA to pray
and outrearc on Saturday at 9 covered dish luncheon on irwill information. Oct for school, media, families and
a.m setting. For information about Sundayci Sept. 17 to celebrate entry fee is $100 with a' $15 by tchurche Sea EpiYMCA ls on
the miiinistry and directions to Pastor Michael Blaker's fifth Pa',rr. ms0on p^ Chiuch Women United Landrum Lane in Ponte Vedra.
the- first meeting, call the anniversary as St. Andrew's Sam Blackshear Associate Pastor Katie Day from left ., The September n g of For information call 285-0267.
c all the church office at 249- l store The hurch will provide S am Backsear, discount for retastrae Dy, rom le, d Church Women United will be 5th Avenue and th Stret
S4091; the Cuni Church is cated meat and desA.M.. Church ise Barbara McCarthy participate in a recent mission trip to Jamaica held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, levels ae NortHappily Ever Afterach.
located at 298 Aquatics Dr. in who plan ville, 125 9th Sto. S. attend areasked to from Palms Presbyterian Church. While in Jamaica, they were Sept. 8 at St. Paul's by the Sea A marriage skills workshop
Atlantic Beach bring a covered dish. The part of a group of ten youth and adults from the church who led Episcopal provides Church. called Happily Ever After is
40 Days of Community church address is 1801 Beach Bay, and painted the parish house at Bethel Methodist Church. 10 a.m. All women are wel- Bowlus, M.Ed., LMHC, and cer-
Ponte Vedra United lvd. the church office nu. come to attend;ast Flor informa- tified Pre-marital Instructor at
Methodist Church ill have a ber is 249-4575. mention contact Sara Brooks at Ponte Vedra United Methodist
dinner on Sunday, Sept. 16 at Fellowship Hall Registiation is office at 249-2307 for reserva- 223-5294. The church address Church.
5:30 p.m. as the opening event Encourager's Fashion Show at 10:30 a.m. A fashion show tions. The church address is is 5th Street and 11th Avenue
for their "40 f meetingDays of The E.ncouragers Luncheon will begin at 11 a.Asher at 246-606. and lunch Golf403 3rd St.; parking i a.m, a group meetsail at thble North.
a community" campaign. For for adults 55 and oChu er will be will be served at 1:30.There is behind d the church.
information contact the held on Thursday, Sept. 14 at a $5 donation at the door for Senior Activities See RELIGION BRIEFS, A-8
anchurch office at 280-5141; the Neptune Baptist Church the luncheon. Call the church Chief Meteorologist Tim
t eeCHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CALVARY Worship With r bhge Stuerdio o a
hurch .office400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vechu ra Beach lac glan rrch YO r Ka ayrom an 4140 Hodges Bouleard
285-61 7 rbara McCarthy participate in (Corner o Ches Creek Blvd.) r ean enur
Sunday 7:45,9:00, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist A.those r,penter' Jacksovill* 904) 223-6922
S a 5o li Euchan>*uT 1 1e.4MgLcan traditcon www.hbpcusa.prg ,
e 00Pn 1hlo E arst leering at Sabalms Palm resbyterian Church. While in Jamaica they were 8 at St.Paul~s bright ThSee al Oas
veng a28 n the C ha i 1201 N. Kennan Bl d. e Seule isa Coaui" Nurturpd by
6:Atlantic Beach. ues.. h srt of a group of ten youth and adults from the church who led'. ep Worship: 9:00 a.m. the ra Jesus Christ
Nursery' Available for Sanurday a ove. dimh. Grops on Erh.rcirp iacr..co .p'7 Sunday School -All Ages: 10:00 a.m. C t co, a
& Sunday Services ill e at noon. he a Vacation Bible School,e m 'eless people of Montego additional Worship 11:00a.m. seve God's Mission in there World
ethdisChu are welcome ChinsEpiscopalC457rch.org ... toncontactursery roidedoks at Ponte Vedra United ethodis
COASTAL CHRISTIAN Felloship Ha Reistia worship Opportunities SUNRISE sunday Wohurch address Church. Services
5:30 p.m. asthe opening event Encourag Der's Fashion 900 a.m. Contemporar CO UNTY CHURCH 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
for thCongregarion "40 meets o The Poer of s Luncheon begiat 11 m.-and lnnon 11:15 .m. Traditional* An animal Free Church Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
CommuniCastilo de Mexico Louise Hay over will bewilbe seredatl:30. Th rhi provide vangeca
ou Can Heal our Lie da SchefMeteorologist Nursery at ll services
1222 S. Third Street Deepak Chopra 10:00 a.m. for a ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m. S S
553-9910 theae Baptist Church he uncRe. e Bennett.Pasor Worship Service 10:15 a Sunday chool
CHRISTSundays We thinkSC you're going to loe our church! CALVARY Adam Wo ers, Youth All ages 9:40 a.mP
Best Weitern at .- .- -. 35 Executi'e Wai. PVB 298 Aquatic Drive
Across AA from Ralings School :qL10 Souin Tno Streei JacKsoncile Beac
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1-95 & J.'llrner Butler Biod. United Methodist Behind Prosperity Bank Atlantic Beach pn 90o '26.0-7 *wm. m.c.,ruch ',g
Jacksonville Church of Religious Science uh rch 280-5141 www.pv-umc.org Phne2-300 PCIUSA1
WWW.COasialchristian.Org 398-4353or www.jaxcrs.org '"Connecting the Unconnected" Phone: 24-3030
(A TraditionaLinglican Church) "Where friends gatlier to worship" r Wed. Evening 7:30 pm 71 MISSOURI SYNOD '
8Holy C27omTnn (4510 P) ,RibCault Garden Club lvd23 8th Ave., Jaxn BeCch
erSunday 7:45,9:00at 8 :00 AM 5:30PM Holy Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 050 ha AA 285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. Jax Bch904) 223-6922
SSday Breakfast (Corner 2nd. Ave N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: -
HIEven Trinity meers in the Old Chapel Sunday School 00am http://www.blcjaxbeach.org
at 610 Florida Blid.. Neptune Beach Nursey & Toddler Ministne 15m:nday Worhp: 10:30am 00 anal
Nurse AvailableforASaDuday 9 Middle, High School Coee Wp S Sam 355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 11:00a.m. Si o
JACKSONVILLE BEACH. FL 32240.0294 Adult Ministnes newbeginnngsbc@clearire.net Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
o ,90.AT .... 24 ...ada hoMusic & Art inises W:00 aebsie.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
'. are welcome ChnstEpa Hoe of a Beihlehem "scop u.onneh ithnebeginnings.com Church f the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHER CHUR (ELCA) St9:00 a.m. Contemporar*C "
a;B THCongrega tion ePoer of eIn AL CHURCH piScOp 11: 15 a.m. Tradit r ional* Sunset Serviceat10:15 a.m.
1222 S. Th id Street Can Heal bur LeoRiav EPU Sunda.E School ACH Youth F e allsip 11:30cesm.
Jackonille Beach 29-4575 7 Su N y Providedol
53PASTOR CHAEL BAKER I e. Jeff BennetPasor W astor Stevi e 10:15McCoy CHRISTa
Sunday Worship 895 Palm Valley Road church! Associate astor Howard MMinn T
8:00 am & 10:30 amn Ponte Vedra, FL. 543-0112 W i lies Children's Cnapei At 10am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICES N MEHDS CHURCH
Sunday School inusSunday s at 10:30 a.m. POervices E Nursery At7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 830 & 10:15 AM a.
Children 915 am Adult Chriesian Formaton 9:00am & Singles | Christian Formation A 9:P00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 245370
Yoth/Adult 9:15 am 1-9Holy Eucharist 10:00am corner of 5th S. 11h Ave. N. JaxBeach. FL rom Rwww.stpaulsbyhesea@spbs.nel TEL241-4211 Rev.PatriceSpenser
Nursery Provided re dur rBehind Properi Bank Atlantic Beach 4 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
Jacsonie Chrch of Re s Science Ch u rch 280-5141 oftheBeaches(Disciples of christ) Phone: 249CATHOLIC C-3030URC
: 15 Sh e lanticBeach FL LUTHERAN CHURCH 21250ceanfront&Seagate,NeptuneBeach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
ww Rev.Dr. Goasch Gisodman Pastorg 398-43(ELCA)53 Bptihww.jacrs.orgh Connme wctirsnghip with us by the ocean. stAvenuNorth at 5th Street atrJosph Meeha
wwwcommunitypcusa.org Ph. 285.5347 630 pm Conempr worship Service Wed. Eve00am :30pm ISSORSYNO
ee. SFndae at astWorshipo9:00 & 10: 309a.m.,"vfiasiA .m" 11a,...m
Sc hed le:1 R--li rank Pa t r SU :A Celebration P raise ",11 ,,,,* yM I >', r p '- "
Schedule: Rev. Julie FrankPastor 900 am- Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 11a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am -Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONCLIATION
Church School AllAges 9:45 a.m. 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30, 10:00, Saturda 10:00 a.m. or by appt.
Youth Fellowships 5pm. u6:30 pmi- The Gathering 5:30 Supper th11:30a.m. & 7 p.m. RELIYGIOUS EDUCATIO
Yonte WorshipSe 5:5p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for Every Age & Life Situain 6:30Chir Bible dy,Youth 30a.m
Chancel Choir Wednesdays7 p.m Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am w 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Suns 6: .m.)
.www.eptunebaptistorg Netune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m.
Weeiday PreschoolKiridergareri (3 4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 9'4-249-2307 www.fccbdoc.comlemail:fccbdoc@bellsaouth.net
SijM Palm Valley Baptist Church W W B L Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehtida, PhD. SpiritualLeader OCEANSIDE ..
4890 Palm Valley Road,. Ponte Vedra ,-INI" W
285-2447 ,d4 ontVr__ ., -., -,, Stuart Williams, President CHURCH OF CHRISTl B APTrIST
-l"- .w"* "" 1025 Snug Harbor Court n J_
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor' ti h 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off MayportRd at W 11th St. and Orchid
MSiiwi Ul (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11Nth St. and Orchid
edeeatoo e10 4 ,4e a d4A& ~ ta Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sunday for: Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages 9:15 AM a We have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709
Evening Bble tudy 6:00 PM undam community. Please contact our office m-f8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blerided Worship 10:30 a.m.
'Wednesday Evening opportunities: Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PMSundayEvening
Children and Youth Bible Study 7:00 PM (904) 268-2500 "A homeforjewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Adult Worship Service 7:00 PM
Child Care and Nursehi y providedor alla7:00ctivitles www.MandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tr Psalms 9iii 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. r Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service Interpreted for the hearing impaired
Q0 O %
AT ae ae "A2
St. Johns offers week-of frozen meals
They move meals
Beaches Meals on Wheels
provides a hot nutritious meal
five days a week for some of
the area's most frail residents.
The service, which is a min-
istry of Church Women United
Beaches Unit, was started over
20 years ago by "women who
saw a need," said Lydia Porter,
Treasurer of Beaches Meals on
Residents of Atlantic Beach,
Neptune Beach, and
Jacksonville Beach who are
homebound can receive meals
from Beaches. Meals on
Wheels. Through an agree-
ment with Urban Jax, part of
Housing and Urban
Development in Jacksonville,
the meals are prepared by
Cathedral Foundation in
Jacksonville and delivered to
Church Women United volun-
teers at the Senior Activities
Site in Jacksonville Beach, said
The cost of each meal is
$2.40, she said: Recipients are
asked to pay.for all or part of
the cost of the meals, if they
can. Through donations,
Church Women United covers
the cost of meals for those who
cannot afford to pay.
Beaches Meals on Wheels
delivers 25 :meals daily. Nine
meals are delivered as a couir-
tesy to clients of Urban Jax.
Urban Jax covers the cost of
these meals, said Sally
Baldwin, a Church Women
United member who helps to
coordinate the ministry.
Twelve of the recipients of
the. remaining 16 meals con-
tribute all or part of the cost of
their meals. Church Women
United makes up the deficit,
she said. .
Along with four other mem-
bers of Church Women
United, Baldwin helps with the
day to day management of
Beaches Meals on Wheels. This
includes ordering the meals
from Urban Jax, receiving
requests from local residents
for the service, and managing,
the delivery route books.'
"There is a need out there,"
said Rose Walker, another
member of Church Women
United. and member of. the
team that coordinates the
Cont. from A-7'
The workshop is appropriate
for engaged, newly married,
and couples considering mar-
riage. The four-hour sessions
will be held on the first
Saturday of the month and
begin at 8:30 a.m..
For information and registra-
tiori visit wwvw.happily-ever-
after-fl.com. The church
address is'35 Lxecutive WVay in
Ponte Vedra.
Hebrew School
Registration is now open for
the new Beaches Hebrew
School at Chabad (@C the
Beaches for the' 2006/2007
school year. Classes for chil-
dren ages 5-13 will be held on
Wednesday and Sundays. To
schedule an appointment to
learn about the school, contact
Hebrew School Director Leah
Kurinsky at 543-9301."
Information is also available at
brewSchool. Chabad's address
is 521 SR A1A in Ponte Vedra.
Catholic Charities,
Professional marriage, fami-
ly, and addictions counseling
is offered by appointment at
St. Paul's Catholic Church one
day a week through Catholic
Charities Counseling Program.
Call 354-4846 extension 230
for information. St. Paul's is at
First Avenue and 5th Street in
Jacksonville Beach.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery, a bibli-
cal based program for persons
facing personal problems,
meets every Friday at 6:30 p.m.
in the fellowship hall of Beach
United Methodist Church, 3rd
Street at 7th Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and same-
gender small groups, people
can work on personal struggles
such as eating disorders, alco-
hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
dency. The evenings begin
with dinner. Cll' 249-2343.
Men's group meetings'
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, at 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is
4140 Hodges Blvd. For infor-
mation call 223-6922.
The men's group from
Calvary Anglican Church
meets at 6:15 a.m. Friday at
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach
Boulevard at San Pablo Road.
deliveries. This is something I
can do with little effort and I'm
glad that I can. You never
know when the day comes
when I might need the serv-
"Those, who volunteer to
deliver the meals are mostly
retired, and a few are younger
women" she said.
There have been times when
someone who delivered meals
has a change in health condi-
tion and becomes a recipient,
said Baldwin.
The delivery volunteers are
members of Christ Methodist
Church, St. Paul's Catholic
Church, St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church,,
Community Presbyterian
Church, Hodges Blvd.,
Presbyterian Church, Palms
Presbyterian Church, Christ
Episcopal Church, First
Christian 'Church of the
Beaches, Beach: United
Methodist Church, Neptune
Baptist Church, and
St.'Andrew's Lutheran Church,
said Baldwin.
The deliveries are divided
into three routes and two vol-
unteers are needed for each
route. The participating
churches take turns, providing
volunteers on a weekly rota-'
tion with most churches tak-
ing responsibility for an entire,
week. ,
Depending on the size of the
route, it can take 60 to 90 min-
utes to make the deliveries."
Most of the volunteers take the,
time to visit for a few minutes
when they deliver the meals,
said Walker.
One recipient of Meals on
Wheels, a retired nurse who
has lived at the Beach for over
40 years, said, "I like to see
each person and talk to
them everyday. It (Meals on
Wheels) helps me immeasur-
ably. With mv eyesight, I
can't cook anymore."
A man who receives Meals
on Wheels had surgery recent-
ly and said that he appreciated
the fact that the meals were
balanced and nutritious.
"I'm diabetic. Sometimes you
shortcut yourself, but this way
I get the things I need," ,he
,said.' ,
Another senior citizen who
has received Meals on Wheels
Members of Neptune Baptist Church volunteer to deliver Meals
on Wheels for a week at the end of August. They are from left
Jim Maynard, Jim Dasher, and Chuck Martin.
for "a long time" said, "I don't,' an individual's physical need,
get around too much. It's an not on income need"
awful big help and the food is While donations to Church
very good." Women United for Meals on
The number of deliveries Wheels continue to come in
varies as additional people from churches and other
request the service or the groups, the donations have
circumstances change for gone down in general since
those who receive the meals. 9/11 in 2001, said Porter.
There are some people who, "I like to keep an eye on the
only receive meals for a short bottom line and have enough
time while they recuperate on hand for three months. So
from surgery or an illness, said many people think this is a
Baldwin. Others suffer a fur- free program but the food
their decline in health and comes from someplace and
require other care arrange- someone has to cover the
ments'or pass away. cost," she said. "We receive no
Anyone who is interested in federal, state, city or count)'
more information about Meals funds; all our money comes
on' Wheels can contact either .from donations."
Baldwin at 246-9343 or Walker Contributions can be mailed
at 307-2425,. to Beaches Meals on Wheels
"We ,trust that people need do Lydia Porter at 320
,the service," said Baldwin. "The Oceanfront in Neptune Beach,
meals are delivered 'based on FL 32266.
')b\fj/ '~ ~ 4C::' (, ,
Pastor David Sandifer leads the
The men's group from Beach
United Methodist Church will
have the first meeting for 2006
on Monday, Feb. 6 at the
Golden Corral Restaurant 'at'
14035 Beach Blvd. at 6 p.m.
A men's Bible study is held at
7 a.m. Monday at Ponte Vedra-
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at 7 a.m.
Wednesday in the Youth
Center/Fellowship Hall.
Community Presbyterian.
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts at 7
a.m .. .
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church has a Men's
Prayer Group and Bible Study'
which meets on the first andi
third Saturday of the monthat
8 a.m. in Stormes Hall. The,
-men's group also participates
in outreach efforts. All are wel-
come to attend. The address is
465 11th. Ave. N. 'in
Jacksonville Beach.
Sunrise Community Church
offers Men's Study Groups at 6
:15 a.m. and 7 'p.m. on,
Wednesday. Contact the
church office at 249-3030 for
information,; the church'
address is 298 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach. .
Th Singles groups
The following are church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church member-
ship is not required:
St.,, Andrew's' Lutheran
'Church has Young Adult
Group -meetings' Contact
Pastor Mike at 249-4575 for
information. :
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville has monthly
Single Adult Ministry. meet-
ings. Contact Pastor David
Wheeler at 223-6000 for infor-
mation. Childcare is provided
for some events.
,Beach United Methodist
Church has Monday Night
Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on
Monday nights and Singles
Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on
Sunday. For information visit
www.beachumc.org or call
249-2343. BUMC is located at
,325 7th Ave. N.
Beaches Chapel Church, 610
Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Singles over age 33 meet the
last Saturday of the month at 7
p.m. at the church. 241-4211.
High Holiday Schedule
Services for the High
Holidays will be held by
Chabad. @" the Beaches at the
following times. Chabad is
located at 521 SR A1A in Ponte
Vedra; some of the services
will be held at the Hampton
Inn at 1220 Marsh Landing
Parkway.For information call
Chabad at 543-9301or visit
Maariv Service p.m.
Morning Service 8:15 a.m.
Mincha Service 7 p.m.
Morning Service 8:15 a.m.
Shofar Blowing 1:45 a.m.
Mincha Service 7 p.m.
Maariv Service 7:50 p.m.
Kol Nidre Service 7 p.m.
Oct 2
Morning Service 8:15 a.m.
Christ Episcopal Church,
400 San Juan Drive in Ponte
Vedra, offers a singles ministry.
called Solo Flight. For informa-
tion contact the church office
at 285-6127.
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Weekly.
Bible study and monthly social
event such as square dancing
for ages 30 and up. 280-5813.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley
Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. Bible
study group at 11 a,m. Sunday
and occasional other, activities
for singles ages 30 and older.
Retreats at Marywood
Retreats and events are
planned at the Marywood
Center for. Spirituality in the
Switzerland area of NW St.
Johns County at 1715-5 State
Road 13. For information, call
287-2525 or toll-free (888)-
287-253 Or check www.mary-
Sept. 21: Spiritual Director
Information Night will be con-
ducted by Dr. Maria Decsy
from Sacred Heart University
for people interested in becom-
ing a spiritual director. At the
Yizkor Service 12:00 p.m.
Mincha Service 5:00 p.m.
Nejilla Service 6:15 p.m.
Shofar Sounding 7:40 pm
Havdalla Service 8 p.m.
Services for the High
Holidays are at the following
times at Beth El the Beaches
Synagogue located at 288 N.
Roscoe Blvd.in Ponte Vedra.
For information contact the
synagogue office at 273-9100.
Erev Rosh Hoshanah 8pm
Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m. and
8 pm
Rosh Hashanah 9 a.m.
Tashlikh 1 p.m.
KolNidre 7 p.m.
Yom Kippur 9 a.m.
Break The Fast 7:50 p.m.
(RSVPs are necessary)
session which begins at 6:30
p.m.,, Decsy will provide infor-
mation about spiritual' direc-
tion and clarify the role of a
spiritual director. There is no
fee to register but please do so
by Sept.. 13.
Church Activities for Kids
The following events are
held at. Beaches area churches
on Wednesday for youngsters:
*Palm Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has Bible Study
has a Family Dinner at 6 p.m.
and children and youth Bible
study at 7 p.m. Call 285-2447.
*Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning with
group praise and worship, fol-
lowed by small groups for fel-
lowship, Bible study and
prayer.The church is at 298
Aquatic Drive, Atlantic Beach.
Call 249-3030.
*Bethlehem Lutheran
Church at1423 8th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach has Junior
High Youth Group activities
from 6:45 to 8 p.m. The Senior
High Youth Group meets on
Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m. Call
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September 8, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
*Paoe 8A
Meals on Wheels in St. Johns
County is a service provided by
the St. Johns County Council
Meals are prepared in St.
Augustine and delivered to the
Palm Valley Senior Center on
Tuesday for distribution to resi-
dents ir the northeastern part
of the county, said Kay Green,
Volunteer Coordinator for the
Council on Aging.
Community volunteers, pick
up a week's worth of meals for
delivery to those who request
the service. The average number.
of recipients in Ponte
Vedra/Palm Valley are ten peo-
ple, she said.
Those who can afford to do so
are asked to pay for the cost of
the meals. The Council covers
the cost for those who cannot
afford to pay, said Green.
For information contact the
Meals on Wheels Office at 823-
'Spntemer 8. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A*
Panthers swimmers upset Crusaders
The Nease boys and girls
swim teams earned upset victo-
ries over Bishop Kenny Wednes-
day, but the boys had to wait for
results from diving later that
evening to find out they'd won.
The Panthers girls team
topped the Crusaders, 180-144,
while the boys posted a 155-150
Afternoon swimming action
took place at the Winston
Family YMCA in Ponte Vedra,
while the diving portion of the
meet was contested Wednesday .
evening at the University of
North Florida.
In diving, Nease's Kirstyn
Shepler easily topped Nicole
Copley of Bishop Kenny in the
girls competition, 168.40 to
92.25. Christie George, of
Nease, finished third.
On the boys side, Panthers
divers Matt Jones and Bobby -
Calorel took first and second ...
places with scores of 124.45 and .. i iil -
93.10, respectively. The Crusad-
ers' Justin Klapkowsky was
third.; .-
The 14 points Jones and.
* Calorel earned were enough to
push Nease over the. top after
trailing 141-145 following the
' swimming events.
For the boys, Nease's
Matthew Schlytter had the only
individual wins of the day in
the 50 freestyle arid 00 breast-' .
stroke. But Panthers swimmers
like Wes Stevenson, Alex Camp-
aneria, Peter Killian, Davied
Killian and Robert Snodgrass
earned plenty of points with
their finishes to keep: Nease
close. Panthers swimmer Amanda Sar
On,. the' girls side, Amanda race and helped Nease High ea
Santillo won the 100 butterfly
and -100 breaststroke, Kelsie GIRLS GOLF
Wenzel grabbed first in the 50 Nease 155, Bolles 171,
freestyle and Kristin Gerkens Bartram Trail 184
won the 100 backstroke and Catherine O'Donnell shot a,
placed second in the 200 indi-' season-low 32 the, second
vidual medley. best 9-hole score in school his-
In relay events, Panthers tory to. lead the Panthers
* swimmers won the boys 200 over the Bulldogs and Bears in :a
freestyle race, the girls 200 med-: tri-match played Tuesday.
r, leyand-the-gris-.400 frestVle."--'- '".'dtielLwho -s.undee-
........ .... em is season, was meast or
* ,. .***' .. ~.
intillo comes up for air during the girls 100-yard butterfly race Wednesday at Winston Family YMCA in Ponte Vedra. Santillo won the
rn an upset victory over Bishop Kenny.
the third consecutive tourna-
ment. She topped Bolles' Rachel.
Blum by four strokes. Bartram
Trail's. Lauren Cate was third
and. Brighid Hourihan, of
Nease, and Bolles' Amelia Lewis
tied for fourth, each shooting a
Other Panthers included
Sarah Knapp (39), Sam Snyder
(47), Kelsey Hughes (47) and
Kim Knox with a 53.
Nease 3, Atlantic 0
The Panthers had an easy
time with Atlantic High. on
Wednesday, winning 25-9, 25-8
and 25-13.
Meghan Sherman led Nease
(4-2, 3-0) with 15 assists, eight
kills, seven digs and four aces..
Defensive specialist Natasha
Gault had 10 service points and
three aces; Tara.Carrigan scored
15 points and recorded 13
Nease 3, Clay 1
On Tuesday night, the
Panthers won, 22-25, 25-22, 25-
23 and 25-10..
Meghan Sherman led the way
with 18 points, 26 assists, six
kills and 12 digs.
Defensive specialist Brianna
Bates recorded 15 points and
nine. digs, Christina Vergo
chipped in with seven kills,
Paige DePriest had 11 points
and eight digs, and Laura
-Phillips,,. had, < 6 p ts,
*iArlo rcks l-. -94. -- dx.-e
blocks. -
fFletcher High grad youngest
equipment/home clubhouse
manager min major leagues
B breaking into.Major League Baseball is
arguably the hardest thing to do in profes-
sional sports.
For some guys, it may take years of toil in
the minors before they taste that first prover-
bial "cup of coffee" with the parent club.,
Big league promotions are hard won, and not
something that players, coaches, or even equip-
ment managers take for granted.
"I keep thinking-that there are only 30 of us
in the game," Chris Westmoreland, a 1991
Fletcher High School graduate, said in a phone
interview Monday, as the Tampa Bay Devils
Rays hosted the Florida Marlins at Tampa's-
Tropicana Field.
Westmoreland, 34, is the youngest equip-
ment manager in the majors.
It's a distinction he covets,
knowing he's part of a small
and privileged fraternity.
"I think about that all the
time," said Westmoreland, who
played baseball in high school
and college, but not at the pro-
fessional level.
"I know equipment guys in
the game who started out as bat
boys and then worked in
[Single] A-ball and Double A.
It's been a real short road for
Westmoreland didn't get to be Chris Wes
the youngest equipment and
home clubhouse manager in the majors
because he had a few well-placed relatives in
the game.
Like anyone else, his hard work got him
noticed, first by coaches and then by front
office personnel.
In 1994, Westmoreland dropped out of the
University of Tennessee to work full-time as a
clubhouse manager for the Knoxville Smokies,
a Double-A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays.
In 1995, he was tapped by Texas Rangers
player-coach Geno Petralli to work the All-Star,
Game at The Ballpark at Arlington.
That assignment led to a spring training stint
with the Rangers as a clubhouse assistant.
Texas equipment and home clubhouse man-
ager Zack Minasian recommended Westmore-
land to the Montreal Expos, who hired "Westy"
as their minor league equipment manager in
October 1996.
When former Expos farm manager and cur-
rent Colorado Rockies assistant general manag-
er Bill Geivettwas hired by the expansion
Devils Rays in 1997, he hired Westmoreland to
be the Rays inaugural minor league equipment
Westmoreland was promoted to his current
position as Tampa's equipment and home club-
house manager in 2003.
"In '95 1 worked the All-Star Game and was
in charge of the autograph room on the
American League side," recalled Westmoreland,
whose mother and sister live off San Pablo
"The next thing I know, I'm in Montreal
doing all their equipment. It was just a snow-
ball effect."
conference catcher at Fletcher, Westmbreland
played two years of junior college baseball at
Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville
before transferring-to the
University of Tennessee to
major in sports management.
SHe dropped out of UT to
work in the Smokies clubhouse,
where he said he found his true
calling in sports.,
M, i dad was a huge sports
fan. He donated a lot of time
and money to the baseball pro-
l gram at Fletcher," said
Westmoreland, whose father
once owned a construction-
company in Jacksonville.
"He's been an inspiration for
me ever since Little League.
Unfortunately, he never got to
stmoreland see me get to the Major
Leagues, or to see my wedding
or my daughter, which hurts."
Westmoreland's father, a Fletcher baseball
benefactor in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
died of leukemia in 2001, only months before
his son's wedding.
"And my dad was not happy with me leaving
college. But I was so focused on doing the best
job I could at the Double-A facility that I didn't
have any interest in school.
"If I ever go back to college and finish my
degree, it will be because that's what my dad
would have wanted."
"I NEEDS" KEEP COMING: As equipment
and clubhouse manager for the Devil Rays,
Westmoreland is the "go-to guy" for the play-
ers, when it comes to their professional and
personal needs.
He runs the home clubhouse and orders all
See THE SHOW, page 10A
U, X-~' V IJ
*DP,,o 1 A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8, 2006
Overspeed training can help many athletes
new training tool is
being used by collegiate
and world class athletes
alike. In order to train the
muscles to run faster, a-
propulsion system is used to
get the athlete moving along
faster than normal.
It is believed that once you
are running at an unnaturally
high rate of speed, your mus-
cle memory will take over,
and then you should be able
to reproduce this later on
without assistance.
Known as overspeedd train-
ing," the propulsion is gained
'through a 150-meter nylon
cord tied to the runner's waist,
which is anchored to a fixed
point and can be rapidly
retracted. It's kind of like
being pulled behind a moving
vehicle; making you ,run faster
than you would otherwise.
E ,.
The technique has been
shown to increase stride fre-
quency, teaching you to sim-
ply get your legs moving
faster than you thought possi-
ble. Most commonly, the.run-
ner travels about 10 percent
faster than he does on his
own unassisted,
Overspeed training gained
notoriety when it was featured
in ESPN the Magazine, noting
that soccer star Freddy Adu
had taken two-tenths of a sec-
ond off of his 40 time, now
down to 4.6.
Reflux and heart disease
A study from the
International Journal of
Cardiology finds that left
untreated, heartburn can lead
to myocardial infarction
(heart attack).:
Researchers studied the
EKGs and stomach ad' levels
of 50 people with known
reflux disease and found up to
a 20 percent reduction of car-
diac blood flow as acid levels
Researchers believe that
increased stomach acid stimu-
lates nerve fibers that lead to a
constriction of blood vessels.
If you have ongoing heart-
burn, seek treatment.
As you enter your 40s,
where I am now, facing heart
disease becomes more of a
reality. During the first half of
your 40s, accidents are the
leading cause of death.
However, after age 45, heart
disease becomes the number
one killer.
Each year, some 36,000 men
in their 40s die from heart dis-
ease, according to the
American Heart Association.
Lowering blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, and main-
taining physical fitness is the
best proven way to combat
heart disease.
Got Milk?
Research has shown in the
past that carbohydrate intake
immediately after intense
exercise can help speed mus-
cle recovery.
However, a recent study
published in the International
Journal of Sports NutTition
and Exercise showed that ath-
letes who drank chocolate
milk after a workout were able
to exercise more intensely in a
second workout as compared
to those who drank commer-
cial sports beverages.
Said coauthor Joel Stagger,
professor at Indiana,
"Chocolate milk contains an
optimal carbohydrates to pro-
tein ratio, which is critical for
helping refuel tired muscles."
Chocolate milk also per-
formed better than a carbohy-
drate replacement drink.
The timing of post exercise
intake is most important.
Research has shown that
when carbohydrates were
taken during the first 30 min-
utes post-exercise, a faster and
more significant muscle recov-
ery occurred.
This rebound affect is not
seen when the intake occurs
after 30 minutes. This narrow
window of opportunity is not
completely understood.
This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports,
medicine, and safety. It is not
intended to serve as a replace-
ment for treatment by your regu-
lar doctor. It is only designed to
offer guidelines on the preven-
tion, recognition, and care of
injuries and illness. Specific con-
cerns should be discussed'with
your physician. Mail your ques-
tions to Gregory Smith, MD -
Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
Street, Suite 204, Fernandina
Beach, Fl 32034.
Fantasy Football,
An open-to-the-public fanta-
sy football league will present
this season's Monday Night.
Football games on the movie
screen in the main showroom
at Atlantic Theatres. Doors will
open at 7:30 p.m, every ,
Monday throughout the NFL.
A draft party is slated for
Aug. 30 and the league has a
$20 entrance fee. Proceeds will
be distributed to winners at the
end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for
others. Proceeds from admis-
'sion charges will be donated to,
H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity
providing K-12 scholarships for
at-risk youngsters in the
Jacksonmille area.
For more information con-
tact Bryce Pfanenstiel at 249-
Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
For more information or to
register, visit w.wwv.i9sports.com
"'oriPhone (904 i 992-4=263.
L-, _. : : '
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls. For more infor-
mation phone 0904) 321-4315
or visit
The Jacksonville Chapter of
the Florida Association of
Mortgage Brokers will host its.
31st annual fundraiser and
charity golf outing
Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club inl Orange
Proceeds from this year's
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing quality services for
area youngsters and families.
Registration for the.event
will begin lat8 a.m. and.a
shotgun start will take place
at 9 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.
For lunch only, it's $25 per
For more information, con-
tact Valerie Saunders at 1904)
Island FC is forming boys
and girls travel soccer teams for
. the 2006-7 season. Teams will
be offered in the following age
groups: U-12 (bom on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-
14 (bom on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/94); U-16 (bom on
or after 8/1/90 but before
7/31/92) and U-18 for those
born on or after 8/1/88 but
before 7/31/90.
For more information contact
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.
Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer tournaments for
all ages beginning Sunday,'
August 20.
For more information phone
(904) 346-3946 or visit Web site
at www.jaxindoorsports.conpi.
Strollerfit exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are
taking place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and
Fort Caroline Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from
9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.
The MaliVai Washington Celeb-
.ity Golf. &Tennis, GlatWLc'e-
brate i6 lOth .aAnrf J- .ula'314r.
A tennis pro-am is scheduled
for Monday, Sept. 11 from 8 a.m.
until 1 p.m. at Deerwood Country
Club. A golf pro-am will take place
Sept. 12 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at
Marsh Landing Country Club.
The gala dinner and auction are
slated for Sept. 11 at Marriott
For informationon the gala or
available sponsorships, call Terri
Florio or Leslie Sayers at (904)301-
Ryder Cup
A recently opened exhibit
at the World Golf Hall of
Fame features a historical,
overview of the Ryder Cup,
video of significant moments
and artifacts donated or
loaned by Hall of Fame mem-
bers. for the exhibit, which
will be open through January
31. ,
The 36th Ryder Cup,,
played between American
and European gblf profes-
sionals, will take place Sept.
22-24 near Dublin, Ireland.
World Golf Hall of Fame
exhibits are open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through.
Sat. and noon to 6 p.m. Sun.
Admission is $16 for'adults,
$14 for seniors and military
and $11 for children 4-12.,
Youngsters under 4 are
admitted free. For more
information, call (904) 940-
St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a men's'
18-and-over basketball
league. The league begins on
Sept. 6. All games will be
played Monday and
Wednesday between 6:30
p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
SKetterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. A'
mandatory captains meeting
will be held at 6 p.m. Aug.
28 at the gym.
For more information,
contact T.J.Jaickson at (904)
Turkey Hunting
Special-opportunity spring
turkey hunt applications for
the'2007 season are available
from the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWC).
Hunters can obtain appli-
cations at MyFWC.com'and
at all FWC regional offices.
Applications will be accepted
at MyFWC.com, county tax
collectors' offices or at any
license agent beginning at 10
a.m. Sept. 12; applications
must be received by mid-
night Oct. 17.
A random drawing decides
who will receive the permits,
the demand for which is typ-
ically greater than the num-
ber available.
Hunters can increase their
chances of being selected by
submitting as many $5 non-
refundable applications as
they like. Successful appli-
cants pay an additional $50 -
$175, depending on the spe-
cial-opportunity hunt area
For more information on
special-opporturifty Osceola
turkey hunts, visit the Web
site atMyFWC.com/hunting.
The Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission is headquar-
tered at 620 S. Meridian St.,
Tallahassee, Fla, 32399-
1600. Its phone number is
The FWC fax number is
850-488-1961. The Office of
Licensing and Permitting is
reachable at 850-488-3641.
Hunters and fishermen
who repeatedly violate
Florida's fish and wildlife
laws may face enhanced
A new law increases penal-
ties for repeatedly violating
saltwater or freshwater fish-
ing and hunting laws. The
law also increases the penal-
ty for hunting. or fishing
with a suspended or revoked
license, making it a criminal
offense, increasing the fine
and adding jail time and sus-
pension of the license.
Hunting or fishing with a
suspended or revoked license
is a first-degree misde-
meanor, up from a non-crim-
inal infraction that carried
only a $50 fine, court costs
and the cost of the license.
Anyone convicted of violat-
ing the law now faces a
mandatory $1,000 fine and ,
five-year suspension of all
FWC recreational licenses,
and also could be sentenced
to up to a year in jail..
THE SHOW: Westmoreland succeeds
Continued from page 9A
the equipment the team. uses.
He manages a staff of four, not
counting bat boys.
Each club has its own visit-
ing team clubhouse manager,
so when Westmoreland travels
with the Rays, he's basically
there to lend support and fill
any emergency needs .
"Anything the players use, I
order. There guys are solely
dependent on me. At this level,
we try to take out their agent,"
Westmoreland explained.
"Basically, we provide the
players with anything they
need; all their equipment and
uniform needs'. We also pro-
vide food each day for the play-
ers, and run errands.
"You put 35 to 40 guys in a
locker room and the 'I needs'
start coming and it adds up.
This time of year, it gets busy
because everyone is preparing
to go home and we're shipping
excess equipment."
Currently last place in the
American League East, the
Devil Rays (56-84) are 28 games
out of first place. Winning on
the road has been a problem.
The club is 19-50 away from
Tropicana Field.
As of Friday, Tampa was 37-
34 at home, but that doesn't
make Westmoreland's job any
"Even when we're at home, I
get here at 10 a.m. and don't
leave until 1 or 2 in the morn-
ing," said Westmoreland, who
lives about 20 minutes from
the stadium and has a wife,
'Anita, and a 4-year-old daugh-
ter, Sierra, in pre-kindergarten.
"Off-season is the time to
catch up with your family. In
. November, all the equipment
managers meet and go over our
orders. with our vendors and
"It's a sport, but it's also busi-
ness and a job like anything
else. There are guys in the game
who have been doing this for
50 years.
"I'm fortunate to be part of
the Devil Rays organization. I
don't take anything for grant-
ed, that's for sure."
fnowio urDmnaa
The Team Endeavor competition martial arts team has successfully completed the 2005-2006
season. This year, the team earned 115 medals and trophies from various local, state and nation-
al taekwondo competitions and won seven USSSA national championships along with two AAU
Junior Olympic titles. Top row, from left: Coach Robert Baggett. Chris Fulgencio, Erika Tasmin,
Matt Arcangel, Megan Todd. Middle row: Zachary
Shafer, Peabo Barrera. Bottom row: Paulo Barrera, Jayron Gutierrez, Kimberly Wilke, Jordan
Swayze, Caitlin Tasney, Joshua Tasney.
giVlug ts:
Great Picture
Stats &
I-1 want $10 of my one-year subscription or two-year renewal to go to the Nease P.T.S.O.
In-county subscription or renewal is [- ]25 One Year L[ ]40 Two Years
Outside Duval and St. Johns Counties El $44 One Year ElO 80 Two Years
City/State: Zip
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I .. 1 "
UPrLCUIte %U I w h edr Pg
Week in Review
A Nease High swimmer leaves the starting blocks Wednesday as the Panthers battled Bishop Kenny in a heated meet. The
Panthers boys and girls teams defeated the Crusaders.
Photos by Rob DeAngelo
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ABOVE: Panthers
volleyball player
Meghan Sherman
connects on a serve
against St.
Augustine. Nease
won a pair of
games this week,
beating Clay on
Tuesday and.
Atlantic High on
LEFT: Nease swim-
merAshton Crosby
competes in the
breaststroke leg of
the 200-yard indi-
vidual medley race
Wednesday against
Bishop Kenny.
.4 ,.. .-
.. .44.
4 .
Unic ue event Plannine e Ld
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Jax Beaches Gator Club's Gator Gathering
Billy Donovan
Head Coach of the National Champion Florida Gators Basketball
Team will be the featured speaker
Rali e$ September 19th, 2006, at the Morocco Shrine Center t
NOS.,zes 3800 St Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL. ,
Dinner & Admission:
$25.00 Club & Alumni Members. $30.00 for non-members.
Children $10.00 ( under 12 yrs)
At the door: $35.00 members, $40.00 non-members, Lova
Cash children $15.00 ( under 12 yrs)
824' T.chei are limillied
Doors open at 5:00 pm and Dinner at 5:30 pm.
Autograph session to follow. Items limited to 1 per person..
Proceeds go to Scholarships for local, present and future
University of Florida students.
Tickets available at http:/'JaxBeaches.GatorClub.com
or calling Don Schupp@ 904-223-1039, or ask4gator@aol.com
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A- 2006
The, BeacheslLeader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page I IA*
1g A Taat
Pa*~ 13 A
in the
. . .:.. . .
Summer reading contests at
The Beaches Branch Library
and the Ponte Vedra Library
Children and youth were invited to read and enter several contests this summer at the Ponte Vedra Library and the Beaches Branch Library.
Books completed could count toward reaching a BINGO, reading and researching could win prizes in the Scavenger Hunt and artistic versions
of favorite books were also recognized. We are very proud that so many young people are enjoying reading and using our Beaches
libraries. Congratulations to all the winners.
Here are just a few of the winners. For a more complete photo gallery, watch our website www.beachesleader.com.
Contest Prizes Provided by Sponsors
September 8, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Po'nte Vedra Leader
The Beaches Leader/Ponte
., ..,L
* 'Deep Sea' (above) at IMAX ... see B-4
* Calendar ... B-6
* Get Out! ...B-7
September 8, 2006 www.beachesleader.com Page B-1
It's time for
fall chore list
T throughout our land-
scape, believe it or not,;
we have certain chores
that need to be accom-
plished to ready our land-
scapes for a potentially hard
As with our bodies, we
strive to get healthy and
then stay healthy before the
flu season hits. So it is with
all of our plant material
from lawns right down to
the tiniest flower.
The important word is
preparation in an effort to
get all of our plant material.
as healthy as it can be
before it is hit with whatev-
er stresses our winters bring
to it.
Chances are the healthier
it all is going into a bad sit-
uation, the easier it will be
to stay resilient and return
to full health quickly.
Logic, pure, simple logic.
Keep this in mind as I go
through the chores for the
month, knowing that some
can be done in October as
long as the weather stays
relatively warm imid 70's
1.September is the month
to fertilize the lawn for the
last time this year. Since we
do not want to encourage as
much top growth as we do
good root growth, use a fer-
tilizer that has as.close to
the same first and last num-
bers, such as 15-5-15, 15-2-
15, or even 15-0-15.
The fust number feeds the
top growth and gives green
color, the last feeds the
roots; and the deeper and
healthier the roots, the bet-
ter they are in withstanding
damaging freezes. If the
roots are alive, they will pro-
duce new green grass.
Logical, right? Buy the right
product for fertilizing for
this time of year.
2. The fertilizers available
to you at most of the better
stores will have some of the
nitrogen which is always
the first number) in a slow-
release form. This is what
we want; it hangs around in
the soil and slowly disinte-
grates, feeding as it dis-
solves. Since it is always
preferable to use a granular
lawn fertilizer rather than a
liquid one, you will not
have.difficulty finding the
S right one.
3. Stay away from weed
and feed products and win-
terizers, but stick with the
above mentioned products
in points 1 and 2. Do not
lime without having a free
soil test done. VERY few
yards need any lime.
4. It you are battling a
chinch bug, mole cricket,
mole, spd webworm prob-
lem, get rid of that first
before fertilizing.
The same advice goes for
eliminating any fungus/dis-
ease problems. I cannot
emphasize this enough. You
absolutely do not want to
go into the winter with a
lawn filled with these prob-
Slems because you will then ..
go into spring with them.
Itis better to continue to
fight the problems and not
fertilize at all this fall, if it
comes to that.
5. Continue to mow at a
high height because this
encourages deeper roots,'
and deeper roots mean less
stress to them.
It is wise to rake .the
leaves and pine straw before
pholo suDrrn.ted
Joanna VanderKolk, (from left), Mary Allman, Christine Voigt, John Lindsay and Tracey Gallagher in a scene from "Seeing Stars
in Dixie," the season-opening play by the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre.
Heroes 'step forward' in Stone's WTC
"Pictures on the night stand.
T1"s on in the den. Your house
is waiting for you to walk in.
But you're missing." Bruce
Buried in the rubble of the
World Trade Center collapse
on Sept. 11, 2001, veteran
Port Authority Police Sgt.
John McLoughlin asks rook-
ie officer Will Jimeno if he
can see "sky."
"No sky, but light," replies
Jimeno, gazing up toward a
shaft of light 20 feet above
his pancaked body.
"Hey Sarge. Keep alive.
You can't die on me because
I'll have nobody, and I
won't make it."
But Jimeno and
McLoughlin did make it,
their broken bodies pulled
out of the rubble by a para-
medic whose license had
lapsed, two NYPD policemen
and a pair of Marines search-
ing the pile "of pickup
sticks" for no other reason
except that they cared about
their country.
The 'rescue effort is the
basis f6r "World Trade
Center," a powerful and
emotionally draining film
by an unlikely director,
Oliver Stone.
Stone's moving and non-
political tribute to the true
meaning of heroism stars
Nicolas Cage as McLoughlin
and Michael Pena as Jimeno.
Equally gripping are the
performances of Maria Bello
and-Maggie Gyllenhaal, who
play the policemen's wives.
Of the 39 Port Authority
police who responded to the
World Trade Center bomb-
ings on 9/11, McLoughlin
and Jimeno were the only
ones to survive the catastro-
The pair were among only
20 people found alive in the
rubble, and the 18th and
19th to be pulled out.
McLoughlin and Jimeno
endured a combined 40 sur-
geries after 9/11.
The film, which opened
Aug. 9, also underscores the
grief and confusion families
faced in not knowing if their
loved ones were alive or
dead during the first 24
hours of the tragedy.
Donna McLoughlin (Bello)
has high hopes because her
husband "knows the towers
inside and out," having
spent 10 years in the Port
Authority's Emergency
Service Unit (ESU).
Jimeno's wife
(Gyllenhaal), on the other
hand, harbors ho ilnliui[ons.
During the first 12 trau-
matic hours that her hus-
band is missing, Allison
Jimeno exhibits all five
stages of reaction to death
and dying: denial, anger,
bargaining, depression and
"I'm going to name the
baby Olivia," says Allison
Jimeno, seven months preg-
nant with the couple's sec-
ond daughter.
"That's the name Will
would have wanted."
Will Jimeno, trapped
under a wall of concrete, an
oxygen tank still strapped to
his back, manages to keep
his wits about him by think-
ing of his wife and unborn
In one of the film's lighter
moments, McLoughlin jokes
See WTC, B-2
ABET opens
15th season
with 'sassy'
The Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre opens its
15th season today with the
sassy, southern comedy,
"Seeing Stars in Dixie."
The play is staged at 8 p.m.
today and Saturday and 2 p.m.
Sunday at the Adele Grage
Cultural Center, 716 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Tickets are $15 for adults
and $12 for seniors and mili-
Directed by Patsy Butler, the
Ron Osborne play is set in
Natchez, Miss., where a
Hollywood crew comes to
town to film "Raintree
County," starring Montgomery
Cliff and Elizabeth Taylor.
When the rumor that a sin-
gle local actress will be cast,
the uproar causes some con-
flict among the regulars at
Clemmie's tearoom.
Mary Allman, who appeared
in "Labor Day" at ABET and
"Suddenly Last Summer" at
Players-by-the-Sea, and is an
active participant with the
Vintage Players, plays the role
of "Clemmie."
John Lindsay, who
appeared in "The Last Ten
Miles of Aver)y J. Coping" at
ABET, and "To Kill a
Mockingbird" and "Coyote on
A Fence" at PBTS, plays
Tracey Gallagher, who plays
"Tootie," took the role of
Catherine in "Memory of
Water,".at Players, has
appeared at ABET in "Daddy's
Dyin," and in "Crimes of the
Heart." She also had roles with
the Gadsden (Ala.) Civic
Jacksonville University the-
atre student Christine Voigt,
who plays "Jo Beth," per-
formed in "Little Red and the
Hoods" at Theatre Jax, and in
"Last Night of Ballyhoo" at
the Limelight Theatre in St.
She has played numerous
roles at JU, including "Olivia"
in "Twelfth Night" and "Alice"
in "You Can't Take It With
You." She also performed in
"The Winter's Tale" at The
Wilson Center for the
Performing Arts.
"Seeing Stars in Dixie" will
also be staged Sept.14-16, and
21-22 at 8 p.m. and at 2 p.m.
Sept. 17 and 23. Reservations
are recommended due to limit-
ed seating. Call 249-7177.
Read primer for 'Black Dahlia' .
f you're anticipating next
week's film release "The
Black Dahlia" and need a
quick primer on the story,
you couldn't do better than
Donald H. Wolfe's "The
Black Dahlia Files" (Regan
Books, $26.95).
Here are the solid facts.
Elizabeth Short (nicknamed
"The Black Dahlia" for her
dark wardrobe) was a 22-
year-old drifter with dreams
of becoming a Hollywood
starlet. Less than a year after
Short moved to California,
she was found dead in L.A.
in January 1947.
Short's body was found
nude and bisected cut
completely in half with sur-
gical precision and her
mouth had been slashed
open from ear to ear.
Numerous leads were fol-
lowed, but the case was
never officially solved, and
to date, the LAPD considers
Short's murder a cold case.
Author Wolfe was a Los
Angeles teen when he first
heard of Short's murder, and
he later found that he had
ties to a couple of people
distantly involved in the
With the help of inter-
views as well as files recent-
ly opened under the
Freedom of Information Act,
Wolfe presents plausible evi-
dence as to who arranged
for and carried out the mur-
der of Short, and why it
According to Wolfe,
Short's murder was a grisly
but classic instance of being
in the wrong place at the
wrong time. .
He claims that Short.was,
pregnant by Norman
Chandler, who recently had
become publisher of "The
Los Angeles Examiner," a
newspaper whose strong
connections ran much of
And Wolfe distinctly iden-,
tifies Short's killer as none;
other than infamous mob-
ster Benjamin "Bugsy"
Siegel. The big-name con-
nections don't stop there.
Acquaintances of Short
include actor Arthur Lake,
who was then starring in a
popular Columbia Pictures
series based on the comic
strip "Blondie."
Lake's wife was eventually
revealed to be the illegiti-'
mate daughter of publishing
mogul William Randolph
Hearst and his longtime
mistress Marion Davies. The
scandal also had ties to
Brenda Allen, head of a
long-running call-girl ring
that catered to Hollywood
bigwigs, including Columbia
head Harry Cohn.
But the book isn't just
about name-dropping. It
also shows how Short was
about to unwittingly expose
a line of corruption that led
through the Examiner and
Columbia all the way to the,
Besides Chandler's want-
ing to avoid a scandal, he
also wanted to use the mur-
der to sell newspapers.
Consequently, he planted
several red herrings for the
few honest cops who want-
ed to solve the case, and he
ruined the lives of two inno-
cent men by naming them
(in different instances) as
Short's killer.
Like the fuzzy circum-
stances surrounding the
death of Marilyn Monroe
(who also briefly knew
Short), Short's case will
probably never be officially
Nearly 60 years later,
those connected to the
guilty parties have nothing
to gain from reopening the
case. But Wolfe presents
accusatory evidence quite
convincingly. "The Black
Dahlia Files" is a solid, com-
pelling read.
,Id Wolfe
'. ... -b
W, < ..
Donald H. Wolfe's "The Black Dahlia Files" is one of several
published accounts on the 1947 Elizabeth Short murder In Los
Angeles. The upcoming film "The Black Dahlia" (due out Sept.
15) is based on a 1987 James Ellroy novel. Another Ellroy
novel, "Hollywood Confidential," was also made into a film.
WeeVVCKen a ----- r-- a-
Love those,
r''here are certain elements.
to beach living that are a
L given.
Hurricanes will always be a
threat. Hundreds of townies
will always flock to your
favorite beach spot on sum-
mer holidays.
And the drive-thru lane at
Krystal's will always be jam-
packed after 2 a.m.
Being that so man)' people
seem to love these four-sided,.
mini .culinary masterpieces -
including yours truly I
decided to follow my nose,
down to the Jacksonville
Landing on Labor Day, to the
Krystal Square Off, a Krystal
hamburger-eating cormpeti-
tion .
First, let me say, Lhad hno
idea that competitive eating
was so dramatic or funny.
Each eater proudly walked
to the stage as an inspiring,
adrenaline-pumping theme
song such as "Chariots of Fire"
or "Rocky" played over the
-.Their goal was to shovel as
many "soggy" Krystal ham-
burgers into their mouths as is
humanly possible in eight .
minutes. Apparently, dunking
the burgers in water makes for
faster assimilation.
It became clear within the'
first few minutes that one
contestant, Joey Chestnut, was,
certainly pulling ahead of the
others, as he had already con-
sumed 28 burgers in three
To his credit, this 22-year-
old San Jose, Calif., native has
"eaten 47 grilled cheese sand-
wiches in 10 minutes,.8.4
pounds of pork rib meat in 12
minutes and has tied the
world record by eating 62
Krystal burgers in eight mli-'
Though he didn't beat or
even match the record on.
Monday, he far surpassed his
challengers, eating 52 Krystal
hamburgers in eight minutes.
The second place' eater con-.i
sumed a modest 36.
For those of you who would
like to try this feat yourself,
here are a few tips I picked up.
for maximum mass consump.-,,
Dunking the burgers into,
water flattens the bun as it*
lay' in your stomach so it.
will hold more hamburgers. It
also makes it easier to shove
an entire burger into your
mouth. :'.
It's best to take a double-
fist approach, having a burger
in each hand to stuff down
the hatch. This creates a con-
stant flow of consumption
that maximizes your eating
time. '
Drinking water or any
non-carbonated liquid is also
the key. The water helps wash
the mouthfuls of food down,
and flattens the hamburger
buns, which packs in the food,
in your stomach.
The final technique,
which may require a bit of
practice in front of a mirror, is
what I like to call the "Hungry
Man Jig." Just jump up and
down slightly by shifting your
weight from left foot to right.
If you were hungry when
you began reading this col-
umn and have now lost your
appetite, sorry for that.
I'll just leave you with a
word to the wise: if you're
going to try this at home,
make sure you don't order 60
burgers from the drive-thru
window at 2 a.m. on Friday
You might make the 20. .
hungry'people waiting behind
you a little irritated.
Storage Space .0
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Aa )r pets o V s!
priolo sut.rr..n aCI
Christopher Walter, son of Bob and Arlene Walter, was awarded the Boy Scouts highest honor,
Eagle Scout, on Saturday, Aug. 19, at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville Beach. Walter began his
scouting career as a Tiger Cub Scout in 1997, earned the Arrow of Light award and spent five
years with Troop 462 and Troop 40, sponsored by Beach United Methodist Church. He earned 39
merit badges and was elected to the Order of the Arrow during his scouting career.
Matheson: Chore list for September
Cont. from B-I
mowing and remove fallen
pine cones as well. The leaves
can go into the shrub beds as"
mulch, and azaleas love pine
straw. .
1. Light pruning of all ever-
green shrubs can go on
throughout the winter, except
right before a freeze. However,
in order to encourage dor-
mancy, limit the heavy prun-
ing to the end of this month,
keeping in mind that anytime
we prune;we encourage new
growth and tender new,
growth is very susceptible to
tip burn from freezes. ,
..Remember to.prune so.you.. ..
leave a walking space behind
any foundation shrubs.
Formosan termites love to
hang around wood and will
find an easier pathway if vour
shrubs are right against your
house.- .
Pruning of spring flowering
shrubs such as azaleas, should
no longer be done or you will
buds otherwise set to flower
in Spring.
2. Fertilize any young tree
or shrub with the slow-release
lawn fertilizer or one specially
made for the plant, ie
Azalea/Camellia Blend,
Holly/lxora Blend, etc.
Fertilize according to
instructions on the label,
water it in, replace the mulch,
remembering to keep it from
touching the trunk of the
You do not have to rake
away existing mulch.before
fertilizing, but if it is not a .
huge problem to do so, it is
more beneficial to the plants
absorption of the product to
apply directly to the soil. ,
You also do not need to buy
new mulch unless the existing
stuff has a disease and this
would be obvious because it
would be smelly, rotting, and
the plant would be dyihg.
"Mushrooms growing in the
beds may not be a sure sign of
a damaging fungus, but just a
sign of Mother Nature's tim-
ing. If the mushroom really
stinks, that's a different story.,
Call me or the extension at
, 382.885D. ... "
.....3,. As. the weatber cools, it is.
a perfect time to move shrubs,
or small trees to a different
location, or to plant ones pur-
chased from.a store.
Depending on the variety,
camellias will provide unusual
and beautiful flowers through-:
out the winter; as soon as "
they become available/get.
them into the ground.,
4. If you want to transplant
a large shrub, you'll have to
start root-pruning it now and
follow a regimen to get it
ready for transplanting in
about 6-8 weeks.,
5. Palm trees should be fer-
tilized now with the Palm
Fertilizer which contains
minor elements that these
Streets need. Never let someone
climb up your palms with
spikes on their shoes to prune
them. NMbst palms rarely ever
need to be pruned so do not
fall for some sales pitch
regarding this. .
, 6. This is the last month to
fertilize citrus. It must have
the special citrus fertilizer.
7. Generally, fruit-bearing
trees should be pruned during
winter when they are dor-
.mant. If you became aware of,
some limbs that should come
off then, I,d suggest marking
them with a spray of paint, so
you'll again see they are the
ones come winter. I often
have to do this with a few of
my very large Vitex shrubs
and some of the large crape
8. If you have a shrub/tree
that is still under warranty
and is not doing very-w.ell, L,-c .
recommend 2.things:.L..Ifit......
was purchased from a place
where an employee can come
to your home and see it, that's
the place to start.
2. If not, you'll have to
describe what is going on, tell
the salesperson how you have
been advised to correct the
problem, and if it is dying,
you want a replacement now.
If the stock is low because
of this time of year, get some
form of a receipt to prove you
have spoken about this issue
and that the item will be
replaced when the new stock,
comes in.
If planted.by the end of
October, nearly all plants will
'be ok throughout the winter
months. But later than that, it
is better to wait until late
February or early March.
If you have gardening ques-
tions, call me at 363-9872, or
387-8850. .
TC: Tribute to police, rescue crews
Cont. from B-1
that he has to stay alive
because his wife will be
ticked because he didn't fin-
ish redoing the couple's
McLoughlin is the bell cow
among police officers: a
patrol sergeant and a medal
of valor recipient who rap-
pelled down elevator shafts
during the 1993 WTC bomb-
ing. He calmly asks for vol-
unteers to "step forward"
and follow him into the
north tower just before the
first collapse.
-'We followed the best guy
into the building," says
Jiimeno in the film, written
by Angela Berloff. ,
Jimeno, then 34, was only
nine months out of the
police academy. On 9/11, his
post was a bus terminal on
42nd Street.
His academy classmate,
Dominick Pezzulo (Jay_
Hernaridez), a former school
s Massage for Serious Pain"
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teacher with'two kids, died
in the collapse of the second
tower, as he worked to free
"Just remember me,'" says
Pezzulo as he raises his gun
toward the void in a last-
ditch attempt to call for
help. "I died trying to save
you guys."
Also aiding in the real-life
rescue were former para-
medic Chuck Sereika,.the
first to reach Jimeno, and
ESU officers Scott Strauss
and Paddy McGee, who: used
the Jaws of Life tool to even-
tually free Jimeno.
Retired Marine David
Karnes (Michael Shannon)
watched the towers fall from
his accounting office, then
put on his BDU's' (battle
dress uniform) and went to
Ground Zero to look for sur-
Karnes, like Sereika "was
employed by no official
agency, no government
body," writes Jim Dwyer and
Kevin Flynn in their 2005
book, "102 Minutes: The
Untold Story of the Fight to
Survive Inside the Twin
In a collection of first-per-
son narratives included in
the 2002 book "Report From
Ground Zero" by former New
York City firefighter Dennis
Smith, Jimeno states his rea-
sons for responding to a call
of duty on 9/11.
"The way I personally look
at it, we are all public ser-
vants, and that day at
Ground Zero it showed,"
Jimeno recalls in the book.
"We all went in there, and
we were all wearing the same
color made of the same
cloth. We all had a job to
"World Trade Center" is
rated PG-13 for intense and
emotional content, some dis-
turbing images and lan-
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You'll also learn skin care treatments that don't require
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It's your own private little retreat to enjoy with-
all of Nour girlfriends, so don't miss out!
Come on, it's time to unwind!
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,Sept. 8'7 20d06
The Beaches LePader/Ponte Vedra L~eader
117 I--1-- l "I
City C
R recently our City Counicl
voted on funding for the
RLarts for the coming year.
Level funding was approved
by a 4 to 3 vote.
City Councilors who voted
to cut arts funding by 14.5
percent were Warren Alvarez,
Daniel:Davis and Art. Graham.
Voting to sustain arts funding
were Elaine Brown, Mia Jones,
Art Shad and Gwen Yates.'
The quality of the arts in
our community in the future
depends greatly on these year-
ly grants from the City of
The Beaches Fine Arts Series
will open its 34th season on
Sunday, Sept. 17, with a per-
formance by the Chris
Normian Ensemble.
The group plays the ener-
getic traditional dance music
of maritime Canada, Scotland
and Ireland. The program
will begin at 3:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's By-the-Sea Episcopal'
Church, 1150 5th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. "
This program, which is free
and open to the public, will.
be followed by a reception at
which the paintings of ;
Overstreet bupcasse will be on
display. Call 270-1771 for
Players by the Sea is having
its second annual Art
Excellence fund raising event
at the theater on Thursday,
QCt. 5, with a wine tasting
and art auction to benefit the
The event will be sponsored "
bi' The Grape restaurant in
the St. Johns Town Center.
From 6 to 7:30 p.m. patrons
will enjoy a wine tasting of
more than eight different
labels. The art will be the
councill votes 4-3 to fund the arts
works of more than 100 dif-
ferent artists.
Proceeds will be used to
provide scholarships for
deserving children who other-
wise would not be able to par-
ticipate in the workshops
offered by the theater. Tickets:
are $25 inadvance and $35 at
the door. Call Pavers By-the-
Sea at 249-0289.
The first play of the season,
"The Pirates of Penzance,"
will open Sept. 15. Call 249-
2022 for reservations. Players
By-the-Sea is located at 106
6th St. N., Jacksonville Beach.
The Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art invites children
and their families to enjoy
weekend art activities from
Sept. 2 through Nov. 26.
Something new this year is
the Family Volunteer Program
open one day a month or one
weekend for Saturday Stop-Ins
and Art Fusion on Sundays.
You or a child may assist
with art-making activities
including setup and checking
in visitors. Children 10 years
arid up are requested for this.
program. Every Sunday is
Free Family. Day..
Call Candace Hall Brilles at.
366-6911, ext. 221.
JMOMA's new exhibit,
"Bloom," the works of Cruz
Azaceta, and two new accom-
panying exhibits by Jon Davis
and Ian Chase, will open
Thursday, Sept. 14, with a
reception from 6 to 8 p.m.
The Jacksonville Business
Journal is seeking original art-
work from local artists to be .
published in its&Book of Lists
in December 2006.
The Journal is looking for
original paintings and draw-
ings that reflect area land-
marks, events, communities
or landscapes.
The artists whose works are
chosen will be given a short
profile with contact informa-
tion.They will also be invited,
to the book of lists party
where winning art will be dis-
Contact Eleanor Snite, The
Business Journal, 1200
Riverplace Boulevard, Suite
201, Jacksonville, Florida
32207 for information.
- "' o* *
-TheCultural Center at
Ponte \'edra announced its
Board of Honorary Trustees
for 2006-2007 as follows: Ron
Autrey, Jerome Fletcher, Mike
Hartley, Bett)y.Knowlton,
Marty Lanahan, Irene Lazara,
Kelly Madden, Bruce Maguire,
Rhoda McKean, Kriston'
McLauchlan and Jay Stein.
The Ponte Vedra Cultural
Center will open a new exhib-
it of recent works by Kathy .
Stark and Leigh Murphy on
Friday, Sept. 15, with a recep-
tion from 6 to 8 p.n. Oil
Monday, Sept. 18, attend an
artist demonstration at 11
These events are, free and
open to the public. The
Center is at 50 Executive Way,
pholo s.ubrmin
Melody McFadden, founder of Ben's Place, with her son, Ben Shay. at a benefit hosted by
Watson Realty on Aug. 17. Nearly 100 guests were on hand to support the charity event for adults
with developmental disabilities. Approximately 40 works of art were displayed by five local artists.
The event, which raised more than $1,000, was held at the Jacksonville Beach home of Bruce
and Maria Kaneal.
Ponte Vedra Beach. Call 280-
Next Friday, Sept. 15, enjoy
the opening of "Through
Others' Eyes" at the J.
Johnson Gallery.
Works resulting from the
imagination of four artists
who created art from what
the mind could see.rather
than what the eye copied will
be truly original.
The works of Javier Silva
Meinel, DoDo Jin Ming, Karin
Rosenthal and Maggie. Taylor
will be on display at the
gallery through November 10.
The J. Johnso.n Gallery is at
177 4th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 435-3200.
The Cummer Museum of .
Art and Gardens will host a
members' preview of "Japan
in Jacksonville" on .
Wednesday, Sept. 13, from 6
to 8 p.m.
Enjoy an exclusive preview
of the exhibition while expe-
riencing talks, drumming,
artists demonstrative Sumi-e
painting, woodblock print-
making and the music of
Japan. This event is free to
members and $25 to non-
members. Call 356-6857.
S .' *
"Paper to Stone" opened
last night at the gallery at the
University of North Florida.
See the drawings and sculp-
tures of gifted artist Enzo
Torcoletti through Oct. 19.
There will be a gallery, lecture
by Enzo Torcoletti on Sept. 28
at 7:30 p.m. This is free of
charge. The lecture will take
place at Founders Hall,
Building 002, 4507 St. Johns
Bluff Road, Jacksonville. Call
620-2534 for information.
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Weekend 3
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Sentmbe S.200
Thp Rbhpes I enarlr/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8, 2006
3 0'
40 4 m
- 0 ___ wo
Is 'Lassie ike420 ndog years?
W e don't have room
to cover all of fall's
big movies, but
here are the highlights
(admittedly, a generous term
for some of them).
"Lassie" Two big ques-
tions: Will the '40s "star"
play well in this ironic age?
And isn't Lassie, like, 420 in
dog yeais by now? (Sept. 1)
i" "Hollywoodland" Adrien .
Brodv as a detective haunted
by the unsolved murder of
'50s :'Superman" star George star ir
Reeves (Ben Afflecki. (Sept. 1949 I
8) "Louisi
"The Black Dahlia" The, Oo
famed story of the 1947 toon;
murder of a starlet gets the. Ashto
va-va-voom treatment with (Marti
Scarlett johansson and hunti
Hilary Swank. (Sept. 15) wabbi
this. I
"Employee of the Montih"
Remember "Bull Durham" "Th
and Susan Sarandon's thing Lenni
for baseball players? Here, about
Jessica Simpson is a super- the ex
store worker with a yen for (Sept.
EM's. Applications can be
found at the front of the "Th
store. (Sept. 15) "Goo(
"All the King's Men" mob h
Sean Penn and "The and L
Sopranos" James Gandolfiini Saliva
"Infamous" Here comes
another Truman Capote that
covers much of the same
ground as last year's
"Capote." This one co-stars
Sandra Bullock and.
Sigourney Weaver. (Oct. 13)
M h "Flags of Our Fathers" -
Director Clint Eastwood's
adaptation of James Bradley's
sprawling World War II
".- 7"S E ... '... 'ryovel. (Oct. 2)'" -
BAI.EY e f -- -
REVIEWER "Marie Antoinette" -
."Lost in Translation" writer-
this remake of the director Sofia Coppola lets'
ilm about a corrupt them eat cake with "Spider-
mna senator. (Sept. 22) Man", sweetie Kirsten Dunst
in the title role..(Oct. 20)
pen Season" A car-
about a deer (voiced by
n Kutcheri and a bear
in Lawrence) during
ng season. Ask the
t, he knows all about
Sept. 29)
ie U.S. vs. John
on" A documentary
the FBI's hounding of
x-Beatle in the 1970s.
.e Departed" -
dFellas" director Martin
ese. Jack Nicholson as
boss Frank Costello,
eonardo DiCaprio.
ting yet? iOct. 6)
"Flushed Away" The,
"Wallace and Gromit" team
did this.CGI cartoon about a
rat who discovers an under-
ground world. Don't rats
already live in an under-,
ground world?. (Nov. 3)
"The Santa Clause 3: The,
Escape Clause" Shouldn't
Tim Allen be searching for
just this clause in his con-
tract by now? (Nov. 3)
"Casino Royale" James.
Bond remains stirred but not
shaken in his 21st movie,
with Daniel Craig filling
007's tuxedo. iNov. 17)
"For Your Consideration"
If yobulove Christopher
Guest's mock-docs ("Best in
Show"), here's his take on
indie movies and Oscars,
With the usual suspects such
as Eugene Levy. (Nov. 17)
"Tenacious D in the Pick
of Destiny" Jack Black's
"This Is Spinal Tap" shows.
him as a rock star looking
'f6r'the ultimate pick (mind
you, it's'tor his guitar, hot1
his 'nose). (Nov. 17)
"Charlotte's Web" In
this version of the famous
children's book, Dakota
Fanning is the kid and Julia
Roberts voices the spider.
And you thought
Zuckerman"'. pig was famous.
(Dec. 20) ..
"Dreamgirls" The
famously fictionalized ver-
sion of the Supremes story,
starring' Beyonce Knowles
and Eddie Murphy. (Dec. 21)
"Night at the Museum" -
Wax figures come to life in
this comedy with Ben Stiller,
Robin Williams, Dick Van
Dyke and Mickey Rooney.
Doesn't exactly sound like
.,"Night at the Opera," does
it? (Dec. 22)
IU but 0"0 ,1,i('11 Thed J cI foiii-ciiilLat'
Routwe Nihionie~.Cf I-I eiftcnhted hisch'-If.
per~onrls I on bynjo0'i1C. c -ire. piolession~I
Our V 111 isionnI n~protemet Ptrog~ram I can .diag ,noe.e a .nd we%,uff~ji treit
'.hiun problems that ar ft ilsn reflected in the 110111M ing I)Lh~i% rr: "
'lenthtf time.
No- ,~: him- r p-i Ci. e tird "-.r-1u.n,t-e
*Does,%'ire' '-i .- ir. iicr, rimisi
complete a tasic
-1'e1,i01IN 1-4s-L Up.ridd'-'-I.
Re I C h: f i r.p ta-m he %.,rd,
Was 411d 63 o r letterh-oI. *hIMiP
Makes frequent', "careless" erros.
It -- iur w v, or 1I:wyIhter. a .re is ha: -e or nre h 1 I. Kha ;ica ill
For more infoiniiaiiuii goto s ''pa ~l-'isiono
Earn more. Save more..
Regal 18
Crank. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
1;20, 4:15, 7:15, 9:50.
L *' O '' '
Crossover. Rated PG 13. Fri.-,
Thurs., 1:50, 4:55, 7:10,'
The Wicker Man. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35, 4:50,
7:45, 10:10..,
Beerfest. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:15, 4:10, 8:00,
How. To Eat Fried Worms.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10,
3:30, 6:40, 9:30.
I .,.
Idlewild. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 4:05, 10:35.
Invincible. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:55, 3:50,, 7:25;'
Accepted. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:30, 3:40, 7:55,
The Illusionist. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:05, 4:00, 7:35,
"United 93" Critically
acclaimed docu-drama of the
doomed 9/11 flight.
"Gojira (Godzilla)" The
original Japanese giant in all of
his glory.
"Lost 2nd Season" I still
, 10:05.
Material Girls. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:45, 6:40.
Step Up. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:30, 4:30, 8;05,
World Trade Center. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 3:40,
6:55, 9:45
," ', *
Barnyard: The Original'
Party Animals. Rated PG. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:00, 3:55, 6:50.
The Descent. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 9:40.
Talladega Nights: The
Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:25, 4:25,
7:05, 9:35.,
Little Miss Sunshine. Rated
R.Fri.-Thurs., 1:35, 4:35, 7:00,
., : '* ... .
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's 'Chest. Rated
PG13..Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3:35,
6:45, 9:55.
say it's "Gilligan's Island" as a
drama, but obviously a few
million viewers disagree.
"Commander-in-Chief -
Inaugural Season, Pt. 2" You
gotta admit, Geena Davis is
curvier than Pres. Bush.
S ,Top DVDs
1. Scary Movie 4 starring Anna Faris (The \Weinstein Company)
Rated: PG-13
2. V for Vendetta Natalie Portman (Warner) R
3. RV Robin Williams (Columbia/Sony) PG
4. Inside Man Derizel Washington (Universal) R
+5. The Shaggy Dog Tim Allen (walt Disney) PG
6. She's the Man Amanda Bynes (DreamWorks) PG-13
7. Failure to Launch Sarah JessicaParker (Paramount) PG-13
8. The Benchwarmers David Spade (Sony) PG-13
9. Final Destination 3 Mary Elizabeth Winstead (New Line) R
10. Basic Instinct 2 Sharon Stone (Sony) R
1. Scary Movie 4 starring Anna Faris (The Weinstein Company)
Rated: PG-13
2. RV Robin Williams (Columbia/Sony) PG
3. V for Vendetta Natalie Portman (Warner) R
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Vf' qf "f" CIAMA
aixt 1r.-n l A
September 8, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.:
Ron Perry is in at 9 p.m. today.
and Saturday.
Courtyard at 200 First Street,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach
* 249-2922. Shoofly performs
from 7-10 p.m. today.
S* '
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *"
249-9595. Normaltown per-
forms at 9 p.m. today. The
Boxrockers are in at 8 p.m.
Saturday. Traditional Irish
music with the Bobby Flynn
Band at 6 p.m. Sunday.
h O '
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 '1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine appears at 9:30
p.m. today and Saturday.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksoriville Beach 246-.
BIRD. Tempest Reign,
Anybody's Fault and Society's
Fall Out are in today.
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
The retro Kats appear at 9:30
p.m. today.
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &W
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.
The Paul Lundgren Band per-
forms at 9 p.m. today and
Saturday. John King appears
Sunday .
Aromas Cigar, Wine &
McQuade plays traditional
Irish music every Thursday.
Meridian plays traditional
Irish music at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pili every.
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
Sunday. -
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears"Saturday.
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
'Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music, at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby is in
every Wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.
'Martini Bar, 880 A A N., Ponte **
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le 'Ma's Restaurant, 1312
Nionde Quartet plays Latin Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
m,.music Tuesdays. The Jason Beach 247-6820. John Evans
,Anderson Group performs plays the piano every Friday
.'every Thursday. Jose LeBron and Saturday.
i:!and The LeMonde Quintet per- *
form every Saturday. Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth,.,M .ystic,.oots, in the,.t;.ki bar
I Ave. N., Jacksonville, Beach, ,.. eveir.y,Tuesday, Ffth Sb,5qh. a4nd
S 246-9874. DJs and female the Glass Camels are in the,
impersonators weekly. Bubba Lounge every
,, Wednesday. Reggae with Pili
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport Pili from 4 to 8 p.m. eyery.
Road, Atlantic Beach 241- Sunday.
8848. Live music from 9:30 *
. p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Saturday. Country night every Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Sunday. Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
. Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
-Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pill Pili plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday. i
.'" '
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Cloud Nine are in today and
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in from 7-10
p.m. followed by Jimmy Solari,
every. Wednesday. Spade
Country, singer Chely
Wright performs at 8 p.m.
today at The Jacksonville
Landing, 2 Independant Drive,
Jacksonville. Steve Holy opens.
Admission is free. Call 353-
1188 for information.
Bluesman David
"Honeyboy" Edwards performs
with guest Eddie Kirkland at 8
p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10 at The
Atlantic Theatres, 751 Atlantic
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Tickets
are $20 for general admisison,
$25 for reserved seats. call
249-PLAY for information.
A songwriter's showcase is ,
featured at 8:30 p.m. on the
first Friday of every month at
Fisherman's Wharf Lounge at
the Santa Maria Restaurant in
St. Augustine. Admission is
free. Call 540-6971 for infor-
p n
The Beaches Leader/
Ponte Vedra Leader
Your Community Newspaper
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach .*
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to I
p.m. Sunday. .
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.
Ocean Club. DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJ Infader spins in
the Bubba Lounge every
Tuesday. DJ Robert Goodman
spins Top 40 and Old Wave,
every Wednesday. DJ Blaze
spins Top 40 and hip hop
inside on Thursda)s. DJ Kevin.
Durgin spins old wave and 70's
outside every Thursday and:
retro dance every Friday. DJ
Jeremy spins Top 40 and hip
hop. inside every Friday. DJs
1Mike Bruce and Flava spin.reg-.
gae in the tiki bar every,
Sunday., Matt Caulder spins
indie every Monday.
.. .. '0. ", 0 "
pnlo., UmiOrnlT
Jazz trumpeter Teddy Washington performs Wednesdays in
September at Brix, 300 2nd St. N., Jacksonville Beach. Call
241-4668 for more details.
Spare Time Tavern 'and
Grille. 1728 ; 3rd St. N:,
Jacksonville Beach. 246-8360.
Eric Wink performs Tuesdays.,
Yankee Slickers are in every
Thursday. Reggae with Delions
.of Jah every Friday. The
Hopeless appears.. Saturday.
The Jim Essery Band performs
O*' O.'O .'* *'
Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
. ': '.' e* *
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
S,16..Ponte Vedra Park Drive.
Ponte, V'edra Beach 1Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
'the. Geronimos host karaoke
every Tuesday.
Clif's at the Beach, 1401
S'. ST'. AuusT'NE'a, ,'PFL.ORtiDA
SThe story of the passionate g.psy Carmen
8< ,is one of lust, intrigue, treachery and fate.
Choreographer William Soleau has brought
her to life with a ballet of dramatic intensity
and blazing emotion set to the beautiful and
evocative music of Georges Bizet. State
Street Ballet, founded in 1994 by Artistic
Director and former American Ballet
Theatre dancer Rodney Gustafson, has brought audiences
to their feet both in the United States and Asia. Gustafson
has worked with some of the greatest dancers and
choreographers of our time and has appeared in the films
Turning Point, Baryshnikov's Nutcracker and several Live
from Lincoln Center productions.
"Sweeping turns, high lifts andflashingfootwork thatshows offthe
company's confident and often dazzling skill"- CriticalDance.com
STickets $18.00 -- Students $5.00
Call 797-- 2800 -- Reserved Seating
October 7,2006 Lightner Museum Casino
S6:00PM 7:30PM a
Call 471 8433 For Information
Visit EMMA at www.emmaconcerts.com
email: emmalnfo@bellsouth.net
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday and
,'" ..' O -" '.,
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach'.
Karaoke every Sunday.
* ^ *:* '*',
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, WVednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other
Thursday. :
Spare. Time Tavern and,
Grille, 1728 :3rd St., N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Wednesday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.
Vinoe; 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: 'Acts and performance
days are not always available for
all clubs at press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.
Presented by
"Artists in Miniature & More".
Piano in the Great Lounge Steel Drums on the Terrace Patio
Putting Contest Shoot for the Pin on the "Historic Island Green"
Classic Cuisine by Chef Herman Muller
Resort Casual Jackets, no ties
Since 1994
. -. 273-7272
WI__krid 6 The Bece LedrPneVdaLae etme ,20
Friday, Sept. 8
Unbottoned: The release of
Atlantic Beach resident Ken'
Fink's new book, "Unbottoned:
Who Says Men Can't
Change?," will be celebrated
with a reception and book
signing at Cobalt Moon, 217
First Street, Neptune Beach,
from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The
program is free to the public.;
For more information, call
Juvenile Diabetes: Fresh
Market stores in Ponte Vedra
Beach will hold the 12th annu-
al "Sidewalk Sale" Friday and
Saturday to benefit the
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation. The Sidewalk Sale,
which will run from 11 a.m. to
6 p.m. each day, offers cus-
tomers hot dogs, root beer
floats and gourmet cookies in
exchange for donations to
"livin' it": The skating video
"livin' it" will be shown at 8
p.m. in the back parking lot of
Neptune Baptist Church, 407
Third Street. The free-to-the-
public event offers prizes, food
and drinks.
Saturday, Sept. 9
Ballroom dancing: The
American Ballroom and
Contemporary Dance
Association will hold a dance
at 8 p.m. at Bolero's, 10131
Atlantic Blvd., with a live
band. Call 246-2858 or 904-
' 317-6618 for reservations.
GTM double features: The
! GTM Reserve Environmental
Education Center, 505 Guana
River Rd., off AIA South
toward Vilano Beach, offers
double-feature movies on the
*. weekend in honor of National
Estuaries Day.
The movies are shown at 10
a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday. This weekend's films
are "Wings over the
Wetlands," which runs 27
minutes, and "Padilla Bay
NERR," which is 20 minutes
long. For more information,
call 904-823-4500.
Monday, Sept. 11
Commemoration: Cadette
Girl Scout Troop 580 of Ponte
Vedra Beach will hold a brief
ceremony commemorating the
g, pt. 11 terrorist attack on the
united States at 5:30 p.m. at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Library. Weather permitting,
the ceremony will be held at
the library's flagpole, but with
rain it'll be held inside. The
public is welcome.
Tuesday, Sept. 12
FRA blood drive: Fleet
Reserve Association Branch
S 290 holds a blood drive from 3
p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Branch
Home, 390 Mayport Rd.,
Atlantic Beach. The blood
drive is open to the public. All
donors receive a free steak din-
ner and a drink of choice. Call
246-6855 for information.
Bridge for dummies: For
seniors who would like to learn.
how to play bridge or need a
brush-up, a five-week
Beginners Bridge Class will be
offered at the Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center starting
Sept. 12. Each session will run
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The
course will be taught by Master
Bridge Player Peggy
Higginbotham. The Senior
Activity Center can be reached
by calling 270-1688.
Registration is required.
Yoga classes: Dancing Pose
Yoga will be offering Yoga
Teacher Training, Prenatal
Dance Yoga, Adult Dance Yoga
and Baby Yoga Sign Classes
starting at the Beaches Yoga,.
391 3rd Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach. For more informa-
tion,visit www.dancingposeyo-
ga.com or call Dana Peacher at
904-372-0116. :
Wednesday, Sept. 13
Newcomers lunch:
Newcomers of the Beaches, an
organization for women who
are new to the area, holds its
first monthly luncheon at 11
a.m. at the Casa Marina Hotel,
691 First St. North,
Jacksonville Beach. Featured
guest will be certified hyp-
notherapist Jim Ryan. Price for
the luncheon is $20. Call
Bonnie Lynch at 904-821-9002
for more information.
Outreach program: The
Jacksonville Women's
Connection outreach lunch-
eon for September will 'be
held from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Golf and
Country Club on Hodges Blvd.
The theme for September is
"The Finishing Touches," fea-
turing Charles Slayton of
Clare's Shoes in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Speaker will be Valerie
Williams of Brunswick, Ga.,
who will share how her life
was changed from "Victim to
Victor." The cost of the lunch-
eon, is $17; complimentary
pre-school child care is avail-
Friday, Sept. 15
LAFRA shrimp dinner: The
Ladies Auxiliary of Fleet
Reserve Association Unit 290
will hold a shrimp dinner from
5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Branch
Home, 390 Mayport Rd.,
Atlantic Beach. An $8 dona-
tion will be appreciated, and
takeout orders are welcome.
Call 246-6855 for more infor-
Saturday, Sept. 16
SOS: Project SOS
[Strengthening our Students]
holds its second annual Walk
to Strengthen Families at the
Jacksonville Beach Pavilion.
Registration begins at 10 a.m,
and activities end at 2 p.m.,
Registration also can be done .
at Crispers, Papa Johns or
Adventure Landing, by visiting
ProjectsSOS.com or by calling
904-279-0870. Staci Spanos of
IVJXT-TV and former Jaguars
center Dave WVidell are hon-
orary chairpersons; Christian
singer Nikki Leonti will per-
Parliamentarians: First
Coast Parliamentarians will
meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library,
101 Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach., The lesson will be con-
ducted by Ruby Raymer.
Visitors are welcome. The
chapter normally meets the
fourth Saturday of the month,
September through May. This
meeting, the first of a new
administration, is being held
one week early. For more infor-
mation, call 744-9074 or 223-
1314 or email
Boating class: Coast Guard
Auxiliary 14-4 America's
Boating Class will be held from
7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the
Captains Club, 13363 Beach
Blvd. Cost is $25, including
materials. For more informa-
tion call 904-821-9692.
Blood drive: The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Greater
Beaches VFW Post 3270 will
sponsor a blood drive in honor
of NMIA/POW Day from 12
p.m.-5 p.m. at 915 8th Ave.
South, Jacksonville Beach. The
ladies will offer an Italian din-
ner from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for a
$7 donation. All persons
donating to the blood drive
will receive a, free dinner.
Proceeds will go to the VF\V
National Home for Children.
For information, call 247-
Clean it up: Local volun-
teers are needed to join the
world's largest one-day
cleanup event. The City of
Jacksonville's Clean It Lip,
Green It Up Division will coor-
dinate local efforts for the 21st
annual International Coastal
Cleanup, sponsored by the
Ocean Conservancy. Advance
registration is not required;
bags and gloves will be provid-
ed. Participants must be at
least 18 or accompanied by an
adult. For more information
about this or other litter
removal and prevention pro-
grams, contact Clean It Up.
Green It Up, at 630-3420 or
www.coj.net or www%.ocean-
conservancy.org .
Monday, Sept. 18
GTM speaker: planet
Zimmerman, education coor-
dinator for the Guana
Tolornmat'd Mlathria 'National
Estuarine Reserve, will present
to the Ponte Vedra Woman's
Club the many environmental
programs available to all age
groups at the GTM Nature
Center when she speaks at 10
a.m. at Sawgrass Country Club.
Visitors are welcome. Call 285-
4264 for more information.
The Florida Writers
Association Ponte Vedra
Writers Group meets at 10
a.m. on the fourth Saturday
of each month at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library.
The First Coast
Parliamentarians meet the
fourth Saturday of-the month
from '10:15 a.m. to 12:15
p.m., September through
May, at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library, 101
Library Road, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The December and
May meetings are luncheon
sessions. This group is a chap-
ter of the American Institute
of Parliamentarians, and
meetings are devoted to the
study of parliamentary proce-
dure. Visitors are welcome.
Call 744-9074 or 223-1314 for
information, or e-mail
Depression Bipolar
Support Alliance in
Jacksonville Beach meets
Sunday at 5:30 pm at
Beaches Medical Center, 1350
13 Ave. S,, Jacksonville Beach.
Visit www.dbsajax.org for
more information.
The Natural Living
Alliance of St. Johns County,
meets the third Monday of
every month at 7 p.m. in the
public meeting room at the
St. Augustine Record, located
at the corner of State Roads
312 and 207. The public is
welcome to attend. This
month's meeting will feature
Jacob Hamilton speaking
about "Biodiesel/Alternative
Fuels and You." An NLA gen-
eral business meeting will fol-
low at 8 p.m. For more infor-
mation, visit www.natural-
Rollaways Square Dance
Club leads modern western
square dancing and offers
.lessons at Sandalwood
High School. The dance
caller is Ken Miller. For more
information, call 249-3224.
Toastmasters of Ponte
Vedra meets from 7:30 a.m.
to 8:45 a.m. in the adminis-
tration building of the Ponte
Vedra Inn and Club. Coffee is
served. For more information,
call Michael Steele at 904-
910-1982 or visit
Beaches Watch meetings
are held the first Wednesday
of the month at 7 p.m. at
Fletcher High School in the
administration conference
room, 700 Seagate Ave. in
' Neptune Beach. All meetings
are open to the public. For
more information, call 513-
9242 or visit www.beach-
The Ladies Auxiliary of
the Greater Beaches VFW Post
3270 meets the second
Wednesday of each month at
7 p.m. at 915 8th Avenue
South, Jacksonville Beach.
Members are encouraged to
bring a guest. For informa-
tion, call 249-7366.
The Sons of Italy Beaches
Lodge 2821 conducts its gen-
eral meeting at 7:30 p.m. the
third Wednesday of every
month at the Adele Grage
Cultural Center, 716 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. A social
time starting at 6:30 precedes
each meeting. Anyone, male
or female of Italian heritage
or not, who is interested in
attending is welcome as a
guest. For more information,
call 904-242-4929.
A weekly poker tourna-
ment is scheduled from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Nepyune
Beach Senior Activity Center.
Tables, .(.
cards, chips, refreshments
and snacks are provided.. The
Senior Activity Center- is
located at 2004 Forest Avenue
and can be reached by calling
Yoga for Health & Healing
is offered from 11:30 a.m, to
12:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activity Center.
The class is designed for those
who are reluctant to attend a
regular class but want to le rn.
the fundamentals of yoga. Fpr
more information, contact
Leslie Lvne at the Senior
Activity Center, 270-1688,,-r
call the teacher, Nancy
Rathburn, at 386-6453.
Ocean Beaches Americap
Legion Auxiliary Unit 129
holds its meetings the first
Thursday of the month at
7:30 p.m. at 1151 S. Fourth
Street, Jacksonville Beacli.
Members.are encouraged io
bring a guest. For inform4-
tion, call 249-2266 or 242-,
The Persephone Healing..
Arts Center at 485 Sixth.
Avenue, Jacksonville Beach,;
holds an open house every
third Thursday of each
month. The next scheduled,
open house is from, 5:30 p.m.
to 7 p.m. Oct. 19.
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September: 8,'2006
Weekepp d 6
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedira Leader
Weekend 7
SThP Rahoe IT oatdpr/Ponte Vedra Leader
Read Along
Mayor John Peyton and the
lacksonville Children's
Commission will kick off the
third year of a literacy initia-
tive with Book Club
Registration and a
Family Festival that will
be held from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. Saturday at the Main -.
Library and Hemming
Plaza, 303 N. Laura St.
Following a Little Red
Wagon Parade to benefit
Wolfson Children's Hospital,
families will have the oppor-
tunity to participate in a vari-
etv' of activities. Throughout
the dav, 4-vear-olds can reg- A:.
ister for the Mayor's Book
Club. Free parking is
available at metered
spaces and in lots
on the east
side of the
Main Library
off Main
Families also
may park at
the Prime
Osborn lot Laurel and Hardy fror
and take the Branch Library.
Skyway to
Hemming :
Plaza. To ,' y. '
learn more
about the program, visit the
Jacksonville Children's
Commission online at
ww'w.jaxkids,org or call 1904)
Laurel & Hardy
The second meeting of the
"Leave 'em Laughing Tent,".
Jacksonville's chapter of the
International Laurel & Hardy
Appreciation Society '(a/k/a
Sons of the Desert), will be
held from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
ljonday at the Pablo Creek
Branch Library, 13295 Beach
Blvd., between Kernan and
Hodges Blvds. Screenings of
the Laurel & Hardy short sub-
ject "Helpmates" (i931i and
their comic Western "Way C)Out
West" (1937) will be shown .at
the meeting, which is free for
all ages. Free soft drinks and*
light snacks will be served.
"For more information, visit
the Tent's website at
Som, or call 246-0312.
: Tuning Up
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra kicks off its 10th
anniversary season in Jacoby
Symphony Hall next week.
The Fidelity National
Financial NMasterworks Series
starts the season Sept. 14-16
with Ravel's two piano concern
tos, performed by \'an Cliburn
medalist Benedetto Lupo. Also
featured is mezzo-soprano
Adriana Zabala in "The Three-
Cornered Hat."
Book sale coming up
Bargains galore can'be
expected at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library, where
Friends of the Library will be
holding a book sale Sept.-16-
17. Hours of the sale will be
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the 16thf
and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the
Flying trapeze
Tale Tellers of St. Augustine
offers "Theater of the Mind:
Those Daring Girls on the
Flying Trapeze" at 7:30 p.m.
San Marco Art
The fifth annual
San Marco Art Festival -
will be held from 10
a.m. to 5S p.m. Sept. 23
and Sept. 24 at San
Marco Squar
The Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation's seventh annu-
S al tailgating event. "Hallmark
Partners Tailgate 2006-Kickoff
to a Cure," will be held Sept.
24 in the Terrace Suite at Alitel
Stadium. Doors open at 12
p.m.; the event
starts at 1 p.m. This
year's Tailgate is
presented by Blue
Cross and S
Shield .R..
of .
S' ' 'r Photo submitted
n their 1937 comic Western "Way.Out West," to be shown Monday evening'at the Pablo Creek
Sept. 19 at the Li delight
Theatre. Margaret Kaler and
Natalie Beltrami present an
evening of stories from fanta-
sy, history and folklore.
Moonlight music
Shoofly, a homegrown
beaches band featuring ,
Americana Music. Americana
embraces alt-country, folk and
roots rock, will perform at the,
Music in the Courtyard at 200
First Street in Neptune' Beach,
Friday from 7-10 p.m., Shoofly
is a lyrical and acoustic driven
band. The programs are free
and refreshments are available
Sfor purchase. '
If we were brave
Rick Wprmeli,'an award-
winning author and one of
America's first national board
certified teachers, discusses
"\What \Ve Could Do if .We- -
Were Brave" beginning at 7
p.m. Sept. 19 in the University
Center at the University of
North Florida. Wormeli's lec-
ture is part of the Robinson
Eminent Scholar Lecture
Series, sponsored by the
College of Education and
Human Services. XVormeli,
iwho has lectured in 49 states.
and various countries, was
named 1996 Outstanding
S. English Teacher of the Nation'
" by Disney's American Teacher
Awards. Tickets for this free
lecture can be ordered online
at www.unf.edu. Click on the
:Fall 2006 Lectures link.
Cummer concert series
The Cummer Museum of .
Art & Gardens fall and winter
concert series begins Sept. 24
with classic Spanish guitarist
. Eliot Fisk. A variety of artists
,will be showcased through
four concerts that will be held
at Friday Musicale, 645, Oak St.
Other dates:are Nov. 17,
Jan.28 and Feb'. 25.
The cost of concerts is-
included in museum admis-
sion. Museum members are
admitted free, and admission
for non-members is $8. For
member reservations, call 904-
- Florida.The event will feature
signature dishes and desserts
from a variety of local restau-
rants. Attendees will watch
the Jacksonville Jaguars play
the Colts in Indianapolis vias
big screen plasma TVs and the
Alitel Stadium Jumbotron.
Reservations for Tailgate 2006
can be made 'via phone at 904-'
733-3560, fax at 904-733-3794
or e-mail at jax-fl@'cff.org.
Why Africa matters
Johnnie Carson, senior vice
president at the National
Defense University and former
U.S. ambassador to Kenya,
Zimbabwe and Uganda, tells
"Why Africa Matters" at 7:30
p.m. Sept. 26 in the University
Center at the University of
North Florida.
Carson was responsible for'
restoring full diplomatic serv-
_--ices at the U.S., Embassy in
Nairobi following its destruc-
tionr by terrorists in 1998. His
lectutire is co-hosted by the
World Affairs Councilf f .
Jacksonville's Global Issues
National Estuaries Day
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve (GTM NERRI invites
area residents to celebrate
National Estuaries Day at the
GTI Environmental
Education Center Sept. 30.
Activities are planned for
the entire family. Visitors can
try their luck at the "Casting
for Conservation Game,"
examine estuary animals at
the touch tank station, take a
kayak trip and participate in
nature craft activities and
scavenger hunts. Activities run'
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friends
of the GTM Reserve annual
meeting will be held at 3:30
Admission is $2 for adults
and $1 for children 10 and
.over. Youngers under 10 are,
admitted free. Kayak activities
require advanced reservations.
and additional cost.Call 904-
823-4500 for more informa-
Celebrate grandparents
National Grandparents Day
is Sunday. Currently,there are
70 million grandparents in the
US. Grandparents Day was
founded by Marian H.
McQuade with the hope of
bringing grandchildren to visit
their lonely relatives in nurs-
ing homes. Implemented by
[immy Carter in 1978, the
national holiday was designat-
ed as the first Sunday after
Labor Day.
Suggested activities to
observe include:
*Creating a Family History
to give grandchildren impor-
tant family history. Record or
videotape grandparents' reni-
Snruscences to create a long-last-
ing memory.
*Play a.game together '
grandparents and grandchil-
*Create a time capsule and
draw a treasure map for future
generations to find.
35th Annual Riverside
Arts Festival
Over 140 fine artists will be'
selling their artwork and
crafts, and a children's tent
area will host free art activities
for kids of all ages. Activities
under the Kids' Tent include'
clay modeling, magic and
tools, painting visors and
bookmarks, beads necklaces
' and bracelets, spin paint, tile
magnets, and face painting.
There will also be live music
on Sat & a DJ on Sun, food for.
sale, and free bus tours of the
historic district from 10am-
4pm. Held at Riverside
Avondale Preservation Park,.at
the corner of Park and Post ,
streets. 1816 Park St.i Sat. Sept.
9 and Sun. Sept. 10. For infor-
mafion call 904-389-2449.
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r world-renowned experts in cosmetic plastic
surgery. He then returned to California to work
with some of the most preeminent plastic sur-
geons in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.
In honor of his arrival, all new.patients will
receive a complimentary consultation.
1030 A1A North Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Pholo submit cd
Margaret Kaler, left, and Natalie Beltrami present an evening of stories Sept. 19 at the Limelight Theatre in St. Augustine. The
"Theater of the Mind: Those Darling Girls on the Flying Trapeze," plays at 7:30 pm.
September b, LUU it:DullV -aclrI.
0 1\nA
*--" - - - 'I, 'l" ,
p:s ~-
Weekend 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8, 2006
Spray paint can rescue many items
When it comes to ease
and versatility, it's
hard to beat a can of
spray paint.
Spray paint comes in a vari-
ety of finishes such as stone
texture, metal, leather, and
crackle finish.
Even old plastic items can
be painted with specially-for-
mulated plastic spray paints.
If you have some tired-look-
ing items around the house,
you can breathe new life into
those old items and acces-
sories with a blast of spray
Fresh paint
Every year, colors go in and
out of fashion and favor.
Spray paint is the answer.
\Vith a quick spray, you can
turn an old lamp base that
looked great in 1983 into a.
shabby chic lamp with a.
crackle finish in an updated
color. Add a new shade, and
voila!, you've got a new lamp.
Spray smart
Despite its convenience,
spray paint is, well, paint. So,
correct surface preparation is
still a must for your project to
turn out well. Your surface
should be clean, dust-free, and
drv. Secondly, you should
make certain the paint you're
using works for the surface
you're painting. Read the
instructionon the can to
make certain the paint is suit-
able for your use and surface.
Next, work in a well-venti-
lated area so fumes don't
accumulate especially in the
garage where you might have
a gas water heater. You
wouldn't want a fire or to be
overcome by fumes. When it
comes to spray paint, remem-
ber that less is more. Several
light coats of paint will result
in a much better-looking proj-
ect. Give your items plenty of
time to dry, too. Lastly, have
adequate overspray protection
with newspaper or plastic
sheeting to prevent the paint
from drifting and falling on
surrounding objects.
Refreshed fixtures
There are so many projects
around the house that are per-
fect for spray paint. At my
own house, I had two outdoor
light fixtures and a lamppost
that were fading and rusting
even though they were only
two years old. The fixtures
had previously been a light
green color to match the wall
paint, but I changed them to
black to match some of the
colors in the brick on my
house. See how wonderful
spray paint is? You can
lWH T:9
change colors quickly and eas-
ily with the push of a button.
More easy projects
Look around your house to
find your own household
items and accessories that
could stand some freshening
up. Some good items for
spray paint projects include
gas grills. Revive yours with
spray paint. Just be sure to
use the specialty heat spray
paint. Give those old gold
picture frames a shot of
pewter or silver to update
them. Or, spray the back of a
pantry door with special'
chalkboard paint and you'll
never forget an item at the
grocery store again.
Revamp small tables or
pieces of furniture, paint old
plastic planters, wastepaper
baskets, or plastic furniture
with spray paint, and give
patio furniture a new lease on
life with a coat or two of spray
paint. And try a combination
of colors, too. I took a ceiling
medallion and sprayed it with
a coat of plain brown paint. I
then followed with a light
coat of dark gold. It came out
beautifully and has a rusty,
elegant finish that looks terrif-
ic over my dining room table
and garners me lots of compli-
Get to a hardware store this
weekend and load up on some
spray paint and do some
mini-overhauls at your house.
At the price of less than a dol-
lar to a few dollars a can, you
can easily spray your way to
some spruced-up decor for a
very sensible price.
PI. :..I.. -r.mrinfd
This after photo shows the great looking table that was hiding under brown paint. The granite top
has small black veins that really stand out now that the wood was spray painted black. The clean
lines of the table also make the black color look extra sleek.
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...your community newspapers
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-Around. t'h.e,.., H.,ome
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225 Wanted to Rent
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240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rental
270 Rental to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Rental
300 Free Pets
310 Pets for Sale
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o 5 'r.:, '..-
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730 Caregivers
800 For Sale
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830 Consignment.
840 Garage Sales
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preference, limitation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the intention to. make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
sons are hrreeby ,niormed iriai all rnieil-
ings adverltised are available oni in
equal opponurnty, basis
ii you beiheet ial you may rav.e been
disCriminail, agsansi in conne.:iin dir,
Ire sale. renial or lrancirig .:. r,.iusiiri
call me Unded Siales Depanmerni ol
Housing ana Urban Deseicipme-ni -HUD-
11800669-977r7 orr r ie rharn .i m.
pared 1iF,09007927-9275
PUBLIC NOTICE- Respected developer
announces release of Phase 1 marsh,
lake, and wooded home sites in.new, gat-
ed, and upscale riverfront community near
beaches on Georgia coast FREE 24 hour
recorded information 800-293-2511 Ext
2001 .
Jnh,* rorl iC-rn u':i ..r,
Eery' Ved irom lam-lpmrr
Pn,.yii, will De OrnirE lal.rng
yOur que6 .r:,on-r .. Ir'
Phyllis Staines. 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
LOT- 50'X100', 504 12TH STREET, Vila-
no E.-h 1,199.1'0, Grace:, Ellis, All Pro Re-
alty Spic sll.i 65-.7923 (cell)
East of AlA. 55'd120', all utilities on site.
House plans w/ variance included.
$375,000. Call 249-6150;
BEACH LOT, great corner location. Pen-
man & 11th Ave North. $245k, 803-6310.
5 BLOCKS to ocean North Jax. Bch.
'-rge Corner lot 80. 120 minm 1000 sq ft
.lo,.: nrouse Add r, or ilear donr Ai 12
.loi.vated seller $'689.900 228.0553
F v FSBO Build sour dream nc-ome LaqI
1 4 acre buidaDie lori eastl o AiA
412-9901: Cail 19041994-1329
ATL BCH. 50l10u. clearied 1io on Semi.
not-ce i6-'600, 591 -.-"78
Custom home- 2800SF, dock 2 boat lifts,
bulkhead. 4BR 3BA, pool, detached 3 car
gar. 100x440 beautifully treed lot.
1.475M. 285-0489.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1400sf, new red oak floors,,
new roof, $208,000. (904)222-1873.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1900sf, totally restored, double
lot w/ pool. $319,000. (904)222-1873.
3BR/1BA, large lot, walk to parks/beach.
Newer kitchen floors and AC, sell below
appraisal at $205,000. Great investment
opportunity. 651 -6748"or 247-9244.
JAX BEACH. 5BR/2BA, 2300sf On 2 lots.
New roof, heat pump, plumbing & siding.
$425,000 OBO. 249-8637.
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
,modeled, new 30 year roof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
I.C. WEST- Kernan Forest. 2004 execu-
tive home, 5BR/4BA, 2-car, 2,650+s.f.
$409,500 OBO. Independent brokers 710-
* Townhomes, condos,
beach homes, apartments
single-family, mansions,
single story, two story,
three story homes
* Spacious, flexible
floor plans
* Custom interior and
exterior designs
* Attached garages
* Parks
* Community center
w/pool, tennis courts
* Nature preserve trails
* Fenced yards
* Gated communities
S. --. ,- -- .
This award-winning ,Ki
newspaper arrives in your mailbox
every Wednesday and Friday, for Beaches
only $25 per year, filled with in-depth N te Vedra Le"'
coverage of all the information you To Subsibe,....
ahme t r m uyin To Subscribe, 5 0
need from buy in .
a hometo renting flat! "
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sl~--C~C --- -C LLPI- i I ~- -- --llls(l~sll~-- P-~3-~tBL-L ~~~ ~LL ~~~I~-IC-LPL~--98slsl~OlPIIIIIII~AI~II
C1jjcAifipc T B e d ee LSr,
Senior RE Specialist
Watson Realty Corp. Realtors
Call 904-476-5537
From Condos to Country'
Wo70 0 me
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Complimentary Market Analysis
b. tu-, ; _m ,:-n .n.: .tr.- c.' 'Io t dl-c.ounit bt,'k.r
to place a piuc orn )our moni,;,.t,able a6ie l rmut a;
local real estate professional. Expect More. Contact
Coldwell Banker Walter Williams at the beach.
u ill r.:,ic i r lree- mAIl;e anal .;is f.:m ,one orf
l) nIrrln, i- pr,:.t'c,;- ,_,nij an:d i j",- '
Call Today: (904) 435-0131
Ad nmw: P,.ch OTfce
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flEE; 4~9~!!UI
List,Buy or Sell: Get up to
$500 gas card at Closingl
imt iton b R mm R OR5 A
Member: A
National Association of Realtors
NE Florida Association of Realtors
Old Atlantic Beach g
50x150 LOT .
2 blocks to the Ocean a
Build your dream home 2 blocks to the ocean & a
short walk to the Town Center. Offered at $539,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
in Ponte Vedlra
I acre lot w/large oaks &
hardwoods, 100x450 zoned for
horses,. minutes to shopping,
schools &
the beach in
a non-gated community. $475,000
Call Top Producer L 'n SaulE
Buildable Lot
Rarely Found
at the Beach!
50' x 120' lot zoned multi-family, just 6 blocks to the ocean
and popular Jax Beach. Can be either.
duplex or single family residence. A Rare
Opportunity! $180,000
Suzie Mons Connolly
I sconnolly@HfestyrdskdAlticirskcnirI
!i< Neptune Beach
Great Investment! 4 Efficiencies, rents total $2600/
month 1/2 block to ocean, concrete block, well
maintained. $639,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
For the personal and professional attention that you deserve,
Jan Pilcher Fowler
904-294-4766 eln l
jan.fowler@lifestylesrealtors.com / 1
Toda y !
Stonehurst Plantation 1274.100.
4/2/1680 sf, lake fri. "A" rated
schools. move in ready.
449,100 3/2/22028 sf.'marsh &
natural preserve. seller pay up to
$5K for closing, all appliances
stay. re-plumbed '06, ready to
it/3.o/2/ou si. js.cy west styic,
marsh frt, Dames Bridge
skyline, near fee community,
boat ramp.
2 HUGE LOTS Steps to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach-Buy 1 or Both
Lot 1 1210 Selva Marina Circle: 92.5' wide (front) x75.25'
Wide (Rear) x 123' Deep On an AWESOME cul-de-sac.
$729,000 )
Lot 2 361 12th St.: 75' Wide (Front) x
60' Wide (Rear) x 175' Deep (East Side)
x 167' Deep (West Side). $729,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Neptune Beach u
(East of 3rd St)
2 Full Sized Lots
Lowest Prices East of 3rd St. -Awesome opportunity
to build your dream home 2 blocks to the ocean!
Lot 1 Corner Lot 50x106 $329,000
Lot 2.- Interior Lot 58x106 $399,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
MEN mm
rmro~eyf* iwromsmi I mm.i
rFn m]
September 8, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader
eifissalC d 2
it] maw,
Seb e 8. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 3
3/2/1. 1300SF, new paint. new carpet. LO-
cated off San Pablo In Villages ol Pablo
neighborhood. Community pool tennis
couns Great investment opportunity.
Close to beach, yard has privacy fence
and, deck. Asking $215,000. 220-6911,
FSBQO in Jax Beach, 3/2.5BA 2132sf.
Beautiful 2 story home 1/2 block to the
ocean w/direct access. Reflnlbhed hard-
wodd floors downstairs, Berber carpet up-
stairs. Spacious master suite w/walk in
closets and refinished:, master bath;
$945M00. 68 291h Ave South, 536-3308.
Charming 3BR/2BA sep. LR/DR, FR w/
replace, screened patio, eat-in kitchen,
new roof, carpel & paint $499,500.
SOUTHSIDE/ Secret Woods. Brick home,
3BR /2BA, 1895sf. $284,900 OBO. Bring
all offers Independent Brokers
In $209,900
FSB' GOOD Starter Home' 618-1'
Durtton Island Dr. West., 3BRP1.5BA New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian.
ces. By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 homee, 704-2337 (cell)
Sunday. September 10th. from lpm-4pm
In convenient Windsor Parke. 4BR/2.5BA.
newly carpeled Priced to sell. $389,500.
Hodges to Sutlon Park, left on Windsor
Park, right on Hanover Park to property.
ATLANTIC BCH- 3/2 new appliances and
carpeting, fireplace, $189,500 993-9191.
MUST SEEI! This remodeled 3BR/2.5BA
townhome is a 5 minute walk to the
beach. Located in a quaint 6 unit complex
It is move--n ready Call Jim Crews-
Realty Executives The Professionals.
Doiphrn Cove, 3BR/2BA, huge corner lot,
all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile in main
living area Ready to got Just Reduced.
2BR, 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpel,
backs to preserve vaulted ceilings.
Motivated seller. $201.999
Coastal living home w/pool & dock, over
4000st, 4BR/3BA gated community
.1 4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and lennis, minutes to the Beaches
S A school. $288.900.
Ponte Vedra Bch Rqscoe Blvd. Custom
built. New Construction, over 4000sl
75x400 lot Call for email or Iloor plan
$1 975cmillion
Totall, remodeled 4BR" 2.5BA, limestone
flooring, slate countertops, custom cabi-
nels and liqhhing Owned by professional
kiicnen/. ralri designer GORGEOUS!
Must see' $549.900
TWO 1BRi 1BA tIohl Ponie Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis witness room. 1 unit
currently leased $189,900 & $195,900.
Key Wesi style cottage, 2BR/1.5BA, ador-
able witn huge great room. private' back-
yard. great for entertaining. Low mainte-
nance landscaping. $323,900.
SMotivaled seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors. Icar garage.
Offered al $144,900.
4BR/', BA, wlarge bonus roomcsppulr~
lio'r plan w/Iormal living, ing, roo0(
coer.edlCnal, inr ground swim pa:,Sei7er
wto pay'$5000 ol closing costs Offered at
W.. $339,500
3BR/2M6BA. corner lot. exc. condition ,
close ofb beaches & schools. $269,600
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle.
'3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.'
Fenced'back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained Offered at $328.900
4'2 HOME in Walden Chase off CR 210,
never'flveo in. huge great room, $349,900
; Call: 904-241-4447
With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Laketront, screened pool
4/2, on .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded
3/2 + office $269,900
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $30k
Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot
Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai
esville, lakeview, upstairs master suite
w/office, 4/3. 2950sf, ,5 acres, built 2002.
$469,000. Independent Brokers 904-710-
OPEN HOUSE- $497K. Sun., 12-4pm,
2985 St. John's Blvd. So. Jax Bch Park,
pool 'home. 3BR/2.5BA, ,sunroom.
$212,000, 3BR/2BA, Beautifull Built-in '99
w/lg. fenced yard near beaches, In quiet
comer of subdivision. Pics & more,Infoi at:
S. JAX Bch, 4/2. newly painted, $350,000.
IC WEST near Mayo Clinic. 3/2/2, 1750-
sf, remodeled, $274,500 OBO Independ-
ent Brokers 710-3111
$249,900 ea.. Vanguard Realty 463-7343.
3/2 RENOVATED, $179,900. 1142 Hibis-
cus St., All Bch West, 1000sf., new appil-
ances. new entrance doors, new deck,
tenced bkyd, new sinks. new toilers. new
master tub, new window treatments.
Clean and move in ready. 923-2097
SELVA LAKESIDE Beauty everylning
practically new 3BR/2.5BA, 2 story pool
$467,500., or private snowing, call Kim.-
berilee. 472-5558, Magnolia Properties.
ATLANTIC BCH- Hidden Cove. 4BR/2BA,
on Ihe water, new carpel & paint,
$225.000, 859-7900
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA lownhome. 5
blocks to beach. $220.000 Call realtor/
owner (904)742-6423.
HIDDEN TREASURE! Atlantic Beach. 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA. 1700sf.
concrete block & stucco. Very solid. Lg lot
w! fruit trees. Very private. Convenient to
golf, tennis, nature park, schools, bike
patins. $310,000. Make it your home
A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600sl 2 car
garage, built 2002, $239.9K firm
658 Stocks. 534-4848.
FSBO- OFF Beach Blvd., close FCCJ &
UNF. Concrete block, 3BR IBA older
home. $92,000. 945-0226.
REDUCED, INDIAN Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA. spilt plan. w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399.900 Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem.&
Wonderwood, nice. 3/2, 2 car gar. lieshly
painted, new vinyl and more.$194,900
WOLF CREEK- 3/2.5 condo, almost
brand new w/ garage & many upgrades
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar
Newer area, very open, beaut.sione fire-
place, fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/ beaches. Just listed. $219,900
Tivoli Subdiv. Nice. 3/2, 2 car gar, minutes
from beaches, shopping, newer home,'ig
yard Reduced to $239.9001
TION. 4/3, over 30K in upgrades, oelow
appraisal.beler tnan a model home
near schools/ shopping, newer 4/2,
2200sf. approx., priced for quick sale at
4/2, near schools & shops. $234.500.
221-1711 OR 241-
AT 11:00 AM
SpecLcular 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Single
FamilN Home Situated On Golf Course.
Feaiunng. En in Room, Dining Room,
Faumil Room, Den, Kjuchen wits
Breakfast Nook and Laundry
Tremendous Amenines Fireplace.
Vaulted CeitLing. Wood. Slae and Tile
Floor., Recesied Lighunrg. .Lipgraed
Kitchen Cabinetrr, Huge Deck, Fenced
Yard. Complete tilh 2 Car Garage
SAVE $$$
Auction World LUSA. Inc.
|^L II... u. k r' r R E B.T. Lxer
806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
marshfront lot m small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportumry in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office
MLS 308395 Totally remodeled
home on quiet street with open
floor plan and lots of living
spades. Lovely end of street
location. Adjoining lot future |.
option available to buyer. $299,999 1-.
': d
Network Realty ofwpra.
Indepcnderil, Ouned & Operated
MLS 289706 Lovely pool home in
south Jax Beach located at the
end of a quiet street. Has newly
remodeled kitchen, floors, interior
paint and open floor plan. All
bedrooms have walk in closets.
Short bike ride to the beach.
759-8241827 (cextll)209
241-2417 ext. 209(office)
46 steps to: Neptuna Elementary play-
gound, 3BR/2BA, 1998sf, new roof, large
.corner lot, 1495 Forest Ave. $329k,
246-5162. .
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
4BR/ 2.5BA, 2400sl, brand new Key West
style home. $415,000. (904)222-1873.
701 BEGONIA St. W.. AB. Single family
home, 3BRt 2BA, Ig lenced yard. new
roof, $185,000. 339-2066.
OPENJ HOUSE 1-3 gun.
103 Lake Julia Dr. mI, Ponte Vedra Blch
2BR/2BA Garden Home w/ golf course views,
exquisite Spanish tile thru-out, private yard w/lush
landscaping & courtyard entry. Soaring ceiling, FP,
great deck w/hot tub, oversized 2CG, $515,000
Dir" JTB to S on AIA to 21"
gate ofSawtgrass CC, thru
gale, I'LT, 2 RT house on LT.
Suzie Mons Connoly 904-234-8812
Beach Beauties!!!
Reduced for a Quick Sale!
This charming Bch Bungalow is newly renovated and just
blocks to the beach. 3br w/granite, tile, new windows, AC, hot
water tank, elec. panel and more. Great fir plan and over 1300
sq ft. Motivated Seller! MLS# 284350 $285,000.
Location, Location, Location!
This beautiful 3br/2ba PV condo w/gar has a split floor plan
and over 1200 sq ft. New carpet, kitchen, scrn lanai, RV/boat
stor., tennis, pool and beach access. Seller to pay 1 yr HOA
and Realtor bonus. MLS# 301587 $259,900.
Oceanview Townhouse!
This spectacular home is Tri-level w/2 car gar and 3br/3.5ba.
Just steps to the beach. 1st fir has sep. suite, deluxe master,
gourmet kitchen, private yard and NO HOA fees! MLS#
299984 $699,900.
Cell 904-612-9911
Call Rosemary Naughton
"She KNOWS the beaches!"
Sand & Surfin' Getaway! .
Ad. Bch. is still the spot! Vintage 3BR bch. haven sits 3 homes off bch-
front. Magnificent LR/DR/Kit created by owner/ architect-gramte,
stainless, fluted glass cabs. Ong. hrdwd. floors, new windows, serenity
#gdens. Take ean Blvd. @ Ragtime.North to 150 13', Steet. $795,000
I)]; a'i. i;i, OPEN. HOUSE.rSun.L-4. '.x *... ....,
P.V. Lakefront---Shop Sawgrass Village!
Better than new L'Atrium dollhouse, beautifully maintained, expansive
lakefront setting. 2BR 2BA. versatile screened lanai. 2car gar, all
appliances sparkling new. Choice cul-de-sac locale. A gem! Furnishing
considered. Take A 1A S. across from Sawgrass Village to 2432 Lorraine
Ct. S. $342,000
The Real McCoy in Nearly Oceanfront!" Neptune
Neptune's hospitality, head to toe, only I home off ocean! Quaint,
impeccable bungalow, 2BR 2BA, office w/ spacious LRIDR. Rich
hardwd. floors, windows galore, sparkling tiled. FL Room. 4 sliders to
.patio & casy breezes. Sweet!! $849,000
So Close to the Ocean... So Reasonable the Price!
Enjoy beachy fun, just 5 blocks to sunrise in hub of "South Beach action!"
Dehghtful 3BR 3BA offers deep bkyard w/quwet pond privacy. Wd. floors,
all BR's up for open-window breezes! So close to JTB & grear
conveniences. $440,000
Buy Smart in Neptune- "A Rusty Pearl" Triplex
Capture paradise in hub of Nep, only 7 homes off ocean & 6 blks to
town-center! C. blk. duplex & 1/1 apt. in rear-- needs muscle & TLC.
Huge lot w/room for pool & deck! Your chance to re-do, make it home
or 3 strong rentals. $649,500
Sat. 2-5 PM 1161 Sandpiper Ln., A.B.
Perfection! 3/2 home has sophisticated
style and convenient location. Close to the
beach, schools, parks, & Town Center.
(Dir: N. on Seminole Rd., Left on 11th St., Rt.
on Linkside Dr., Left on Sandpiper to 1161)
Sun. 12-3 PM The Palms at Marsh Landing #414
Steal! Seller paying closing costs & 1 yr. HOA!
Awesome ground floor condo-home boasts
neutral colors, tile floors & large kitchen
w/screened in balcony overlooking the lake.
2/2 w/garage. $214,900 (Seller will also
consider Lease /Purchase option)
(Dir: From Marsh Lndg. Pkwy, S. on Ponte
Vedra Lakes Blvd., Rt. on the Greens Way.,
follow to the Palms' gate. Use callbox to call
office for access.)
Tranquility! Private & tucked away this
2/2.5 town-home in North A.B. is a dream.
Ocean breezes & views relax the master
bedroom. $549,900
Serenity! Top floor condo-home in the
Palms at Marsh Landing. Tile floors and
picturesque view set this home apart. 1/1
w/garage. $159,900
L1O Bermuda CI. Ponite Vidra fBch
HLovely one level 3BR/2BA patio home w/
brick paved screened lanai & POOL, split floor
lan, eat-in kit.. P. Very private, full), fenced
rear yard backs to lagoon. $329,900.
Dir: JITB to 5 ,n AI.4A. RT on
Solano Road, Enter Sawgrass
Plaverr Club on LT, LT on Alta
Moar at op ign then 2" LTon Bermada Coutrt o #110on LrT.
Sazie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnolly @'lifestylesrealtors.com
High Quality Brick
I 7 ...i^ 'Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
5bd/3ba w'/4,4()) s.f & sep bi nm, dining. i.urnlr ns
Nlan) consmrucuon upgrade,' OCer.ized 2 car garage
w/10'xr' ,orkshop area. water softener. >ecurit,
t central sacLim system Full bnck kloor.s Berbe carpet.
,,,, -.....-.. wood flooring, ?'x9'x4' btinck fireplace, nuge krcen
,u/3 panes. Conan coianter.,. SS appliancess 1.000 plu, s.'. master suite .%/
200 plui .f ot closet .pace. 6' whilpool [ub. 4'\-4' hoser. & .o much
more' 90''.110' lot vi18 '' storage ;ned, 64' bnck pauo. ukl hut, & big
ard! Call ow ner/agent for appi $1,175,000.
EHlen Poling-Wright
1, Prudential Cell: 838-4562
IM.I.....0,,, o Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
in.pdr,ande.niv OAnsd & Opnraled Fmail: ellennolinn@aol com
i y 2,,f'r Sought After Marsh Sound!!
Spacious 4BR/3BA 24-67 sq ft home, on cul-de-
sac corner lot. The open floor plan has knockdown
ce5rhgs vith custom ale and carpel. Wired for
surround sound in the great room, master bedroom
S 'and the screened porch. The home office has
7 French doors and custom cabinet. Master bath
: '. with garden rub, separate shower and walk-in
closet. Jack and Jill baths connects to front bedrooms, has separate
Sanities and ineri closets. ADT alarm and fire systems. urnganon
system with own meter Offered at: $374.000
SCall Evelyn & Steve Martin,
and "Double the Magic"
(' 904) 887-7053 Evelyn's ell
(904) 887-7409 Ste\e's Cell
Two houses off Jacksonville Drive. both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both levels.
Storm Windows, and doubly-insulated 1 2in walls and 10ft ceilings
make these houses very energy-efficient. Large Kitchens have
GE Profile appliances, 42in Maple cabinets, and Granite
Countertops. Also, Gas Package for Cooktop, Drver and.
BBQ rill. Each offered at "
$649.000 Major Price Reduction! '
Linda Pomerantz ,
923-8030 ha al 1ea-
REALTORS-Now paying 3% Comnussion. I E R T E
Best of all
Beach Worlds
3/2 on 2.5 acres in Ponte Vedra!
This 2250 sf 3BR/2BA brick home sits on beautifully landscaped
2.5 acres in Palm Valley. 557sf. detached garage is perfect for
horses! Moments to the. Intracoastal & the beach! 17 S. Wilderness
Tr. (off Canal Blvd) $1.100,000 Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 &
visit www.acwhomes.com
[ 3/2 in Old Alantic Beach < $300K
Alluring 3BR/2BA beach bungalow with pine hardwood firs &
fenced yard. Only .7 miles to the popular Town Center at the beach!
168 Seminole Rd. $299,900!
Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.T'hrtleHuts.coni
3BR/2BA home on huge lot in Ocean Forest!
Spacious Jax Beach 3BR/2BA home boasts a huge lot %w ith room
for a pool! 2-car garage. screened deck, sep LR & DR, fireplace!
$364,900 1342 Pinewood Road (Take Penman Rd to Arden Way
to nr on Pinewood
Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com
Amy Wilson at
& visit
In Sawgrass Country Club 3BR/3BA large two-story ilia on
Popular 3 bedroom, 3 bath flat serene park-like setting Auth
end unit. Enjoy lagoon vistas gorgeous water views, aulted
beside a cozy fire or from the ceilings plus two master suites.
comfort of bedrooms, as well as Furnishings and Sawgrass
decKs and screened porch. membership negotiable A must
$505,000 Call Deborah Childers seei Olivia Seaman $429,000
Great location Close to schools. Very few lots left on Ponte
shopping & churches. Vedra Bld Build your dream
Convenient to NAS-JAX home on this 100x360' lot vith
Pertect starter home features marsh views & deeded beach
4BR/1 5BA with lois of room to access directly across the
roam. Priced to sell fast. street. Just reduced to $719.000
$141,900 Call JoAnn Hendrix Pis call Patti Martin
Fully furnished and beautifully Get your coffee and experience
maintained ground level beautiful scenery in this
3BR/3BA end unit. Overlooks spectacular oceanfront home.
lagoon with enclosed sunroom. Absolutely gorgeous sums it up!
Absolutely one of the best 4BR/5BA, 6000si. Gel lost in
locations Please contact Alicia luxury $7,000.000. Call Molly
Benson for details. $475,000 Kelly or Clara Sigmon
Designed for beachsioe living 2.66-acre parcel just north of
5BR/3.5BA amidst a luxurious Baymeadows Road. Zoning IL
3396sf. Gracious curved New Land Access road. off site
staircase to upper gallery vater retention & gravity sewer
separating upstairs into 2 wings line being offered Pnme
& an ocean Facing gallery location! $1.500.000 Please call
Clara Sigmon $1.995.000 Susan Fort for more details
Excellently maintained and New luxury town homes located .
beautifully furnished" BR/IBA, in the heart of Jacksonville
1-car garage! Perfect beach Beach. Just steps from the
retreat or vacation rental. ocean! Eight units available.
Overlooks the marsh. Steps to Optional finisn packages
pool & beach. $410,000 available. Pis call Chris Beladi
Please call Alicia Benson for more details.; $800,000
Recently bull almost new Spectacular country setting
concrete block condo with perfect for the horse lover in
elevators. 2' floor. 3BR/2BA, youl Within minutes of schools
1247sf unit w/preserve views. and shopping 1 97 acres in
Excellent community amenities equestrian community in
and priced to sell Perfectit beautiful Orangedale area. Calf
$169,900. Clara Sigmon Bob Kroner $250.000
2-story traditional 6BR/5BA plus Unique .6 acre lot on the
bonus rm set on beautiful laKe! 'Intracoastal with amazing marsh
Upscale, elegant refinements, views and a deeded 25' boat
wood firs, heavy molding, grand slip. Nothing else like it at the
kit with gourmet finishes. Miele beach. On cul-de-sac, amazing
& SubZero appis. $1.329.000 privacy, spectacular view. Call
Michelle Floyd I Jayne Hoffman Jamie Swanson $699,000
4DIPMIrW N24blIUS 1-3 San.
--u V..-u
-... ... v..v..Ip I-v .... ........
an I I MOT., Flol -tom aPi~s~
September 8, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
ri, ,s c i-S 1 A.
i43a1sin T t
UCED Great Home For Growing
Family Close to the Beaches!
4BR/3BA home w/approx. 2,229 s.f. located
within one block walk to The Woods comm.
club facilities! Home features an eat-in
kitchen, dining room-living room
combination w/wood flooring, family room w/woodburning
hieplace, bonus muln-purpose room. and 2 car garage'
Clean and freshly painted intenor makes this home ready
to iimoe in' Gated community 5225.000
Ellen Poling -Wright
14b Prudential Cell: 838-4562
hak N"air,? Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
f--,-, =.-.... :,.-. l s sa Email: ellenpoling@aol.com ..
"Isle of Palms-On the Canal"
Beauuful inside and out. This 2074 sq ft
"' home has high ceilings. ceramic ule, 1BR
downstairs, Master & NurserN upstairs, %/
hard" ood floor and screened balcony. New
dock & lOKib boat lift. 2500 lb ski shift. \ mn
i" bulkhead. Tiled screen patio Financing
"icentivei aail. $589.000
Call Evelyn & Steve Martin,
and "Double the Mlagic"
( W904) 887-7053 Eeh n's"Cell
1904- 887-7409 Ste've's Cell
Put the "Martin Magic" to work for you today!
Cottage located in desirable south Jax Beach on block
from ocean access. This refurbished 3 BR/2BA bungalow
has hardwood floors, a
fireplace, vaulted wood ceiling
& awaiting a real beach lover.
Sherri Beno 904-651-1830
Lisa DiStefano 904-514-3167
A AWESOME I Year New Home
in Atlantic Beach -.3 Blocks
to the Ocean Selva Marina
Hear the ocean from this absolutely
awesome home! 3-story w/elevator, 6
bdrms, 3 ba, 4200 sq ft, office, high
ceilings, rm for a pool. Lot size 85 x 142. Maintenance free:
concrete block & stucco,on 1st level, frame & vinyl shake on
2nd & 3td levels. Beautifully landscaped w/wraparound
porches. $1,175,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
-Aiwesom ACantic
"B Beach ome
4 blocks to the Beach
in Selva Marina
This high-end 5 bdrm, 4 bath home has been
completely updated, gourmet kitchen, beautiful high-
end baths, home theater, wine cellar, hardwood & tile
floors thruQut, on cul-de-sac.w/ 3640 sq.,ft, very jw q
maintenance. Priced to-sell! $975.p,0,,, ... ,", ,
'argi Petit6 Top Producer 571-9821
\ Contemporary Gem
DE .Selva Norte
This home is located 3.5 blocks from
the ocean on a cul-de-sac. Beautiful
open floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms &
3 full baths. Rich wood accents
throughout. Home enjoys an emphasis on nature featuring
multi-level pond with waterfalls, brick Bar-be-que, expansive
deck that is shaded in the summer by the tree canopy and
array of tropical vegetation and fruit trees. The right mix.of
home, privacy and nature. Offered at $600,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Completely Renovated Contemporary-
Awesome Intracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits on the marshw/an
85' dock on a small creek leading to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for a small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled
inside & out. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-Cart 2
Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered at
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 1
East of 3rd St. in Jax Beach
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba
plus 2-Car Garage. Awesome
Investment opportunity, less than 1 block to the
Ocean. Residential grandfathered in but zoned
Cal Margi Petitt Top Producer
Live 2 blocks to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach
for Just $544,900
4 bdrm, 2 ba, excellent condition, 1607 sq ft,
IOE I plenty of room for expansion/
E. and or pool, 50 x 130 lot size.
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Lowest Priced Home
in Old Atlantic Beach
Priced to Sell $489,900!
3 bdrm/2ba home, approx 1300 sq ft, 2.5 blocks to
the ocean, lot size 50 x 130. Original
hardwood floors thru-out. Needs a1
remodeling but has loads of charm.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
0 Selva IUinkside
Atlantic Beach
3bdrm/2ba, great condition, 1654
sqft, overlooking SMCC golf course, low
maintenance Offered at $414,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Lowest Priced Home in Atlanic Beach
l/2 a block to ocean! REDUCED!
This home is nestled on the cozy street of Ocean Grove
Drive and features 1850sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, a
new roof, new HVAC, Awesome stone fireplace, and a
beautiful tiled back porch. Don't miss your
chance to enjoy the unparalleled charm Atlantic I Bi
Beach has to offer! Priced to Sell! $499,900
Call Katlhryn Lotowycz
Acreage & Waterfront
Imagine your own Tudor Estate w/over 1.5 acres & 429
feet of water frontage! This tranquil 7,500 SF sanctuary
is ideal for entertaining & all water activities w/fabulous
views of the Jacksonville
skyline & the St. Johns River.
Offered for
Top Producer
wLynn Saul
F P904- 859-9100
Best Deal in PlaMtation Oaks!
Unmatched quality & a Plantation Oaks address that is second to
none. 4,000 SF, 5BR/5BA. Italian marble, tile, granite, custom
cabinets, screened pool & lanai overlooking the lake & bordered by
a preserve for extra privacy. Best Deal
in Plantation Oaks! $899,000
.,. Top Producer
2005 M
SLynn Saul
904- 859-9100
No SOdiles!
Enjoy the Lifestyle of Queens
Harbour! Lake & golf views
w/in the beautiful 3,800 SF, .-....
5BR/4BA/3CG residence
lw/stunning hardwoods, screened pool
and beautiful open floor plan. $924,900
S soprodupber 2005
Lynn Saul 904- 859-9100
New Listing in
Marsh Landing
S.,. ~ Custombuiltby GregWilson w/loads of upgrades!
Large private lot ni/screened pool land & sunimer
kitchen %\/heated pool & spa Lo\ely custom
kitchen & butler's panrn, enormous media/ l-,
game RM \/vetl bar & full bath. built-ins
galore & lots ot great storage. Truly an .
immaculately maintained home. Offered at
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul
Reduced! And East of AIA
in Ponte Vedra Bch
3BR/2BA + office POOL home on
private 1.5 lots. Single level & brick
on quiet cul-de-sac, tiled thru-out5
granite counters, vaulted ceilings, FP.
new masterbath. Great Buy at
Suzie Mons Connolly
GreatBuym in
Country Club
Well maintained, .- w
one owner, 3BR
home in the very desirable Cypress Creek section of
Sawgrass Players Club. Large lot, room for pool, backs
to golf course. New roof, freshly painted exterior, new
tile in kitchen, priced at $429,500
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
3BR/2BA single level
home on lovely lot w/great views of the golf
course. Soaring ceilings, FP, eat-in kitchen,
scrnd lanai, 2CG. New AC, HWH & garage
door, new carpet, freshly painted in & out.
$449,000! .Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
1 '9, _t
4BR/2.5BA home on 1/2 acrelot
close to beach. Family RM w/2 FP,
gorgeous kitchen w/granite/SS '
appl/Shaker cabs. Bamboo floors in LR
& DR. New Roof & AC. A bargain at
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
IFB ~sconnoll @lifesi\ lesrealtors.comn
large corner lot, tile floors, new roof, F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514-7152.
2432sf, many upgrades, AG pool, and
deck system $235,000, independent brok-
ers 710-3111.
Oceanwiew. 2540sf. 1/2 block to ocean,
1/2 block to town center. Numerous up-
grades, $799,500. 115 Orange 'St.
Broker/owner. 725-0302 or 887-8237.
clusive, gated, golf community. $574 000.
Sellers Motivated "Original" Ponte Vedra
Direct Golf Course Homes
Rare 5BR(5 walk-in
closets), 4BA Home! 3200
LA Sq Ft Sunken Mstr
Tub Area Oversized
Rooms New Kit Large
Lot $1,288,000
Incredible Price, Charmnin,
4 bedroom/2 bath family
home 2880 LA Sq. Ft-)
with Pool Move-In or
Renovate Trust Says .4
"Sell" $987,000
Can Janet Wels VB Inc.
-4 635-6375 543-2545
SPoVntedra Beach Realty, Inc
I \ Realty Inc.,
Website http://marvin.group.com
Call Joe Floyd 219.7638
-N5IK.E~nJU V EI nI 9 R i 9- VU ~~~~E n~ VIISTA EnPEEMAR
1'1 Oceanfront Condo Fully furnished on the 3rd floor facing the
courtyard. Pool and clubhouse on premises. $309,000
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within
walking distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as isi.
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
Desirable Beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean $799,000
1647 Bermuda Road, Jacksonville, FL
211 nouse, 940sq' on .14 acres. Perfecl opportunity to purchase property
near the Intracoastal and within walking distance of million S condos $175,000
wL# l 3 I I ORk FOR S1. MLS# 323940 3008 SF gorgeous home
M4.,. 322716o ih ,nde"fu .Bmr, eBA home. js i onlg preene lot Open kitchen with granite.
J bluxcri... L'heocn., t-mrnd nei kt-chen icoan onlgpe eloLOen hn hgrane.
counier. c& eridc rile fl.x.r, large min.rpurpo.,e French doors to balcony 3 car garage Only
nom & pano, MOtNVATED SELLER' $ .i'38i. 4 years old. De-orators Dream. $859.000
285-1800 241-2417
MLS# 322646 Best bu, in underful gaied '1 oI O NIn.IN EAC ill
.ceanrfont Tirian, .-,[ ine Sea .,mmruna v in MN S# 308395 3/2. 1472 SF hometotally
Adjarj. Biach.3iBR/2 SBAc.suuallyelegartirome. remodeled possible mn law suite with
I -i LR & DR. ga RFP. I xiii Tmaste ie. man separate enirance-office 5299.999
upgrades. pn.iat paio t 2-za(ar age $l.S ,O 241-24l 2 17 /
MLS# 320565 Cnce irn .lifet -ie opprrniary in MLS# 303749 Large oceanview terrace.
.c nn lan d rand i, Queris Hartour &no s' mtiec 0 stainless steel appliances, granite
?et1 digj.h 2ek' 1 i:t ue iunohbincIced innlasd couniertops. large master suite, pool Steps
Vie', .lh laon mre [rehIs i;, sni& rouniedl Tn 4
n, ma.nh, b,uld.1our dream e!atehere' $3.1O)j). to the beach $699.999 241-2417
S BOAfRSDi0AMI M ,MS# 321462 Well kept 3/2 in Hunters
MLS# 316497 Mlanna & airemray new ar.m Green. Large fenced yard. Available
2 bakrue..-3BRf/3 BA.271j)SF. upgrades include i.mished. 235.183241-2417
Isa. chle,SSappl ance:.g niie, amazine dins, .23 3 21-2417
aejd. for Fall it1,o'.e I ,v. boat lbip is iiso WINDSOR PARKE OPPORlJNII'
available.,$1,100,000 285-1800 n, MLS#303041 4/-,ith v garden, neutral
PONMEVEDIS BEFIUDAB CONDO colors; gleam tile Tle molding, whirlpool
NEW PREI creenedCE!
MLS# 313535 Only 24 units in this fabulous rb, pri'ae scene porch. 5299.00
comrmunir, located east of A1A, 3BR/2BA, 1907 241-2417
SF, meticulously maintained by original owner, "LW P MAS CONDO!
gorgeous ws from glased enclosed teace ffMI 305676 Beautifal2 condo in Las
the L .R combo w/a wet bar & 2-car garage. 7 cantatic a m, ltuu m
$499,500 285-1800 Palmas. M oe-mcond. Fantasnc amenues
somUmPON/E ,, $205.900 241-2417
MHS# 286550 Gated c6mmunityw/pool, tennis, IAKEFij Nf POOL HOME
beach cabana & private beach access. 2 years new! MIS#3161094/2, laminate andtilefloors,
4BR/3.5BA, 3-story home w/elevator, formal LR
& DR, FR, FP, oversized eat-in kitchen & fabulous plant shelves, new A/C, poolfenced yard
views ofICW & ocean. $699,900 285-1800 on stocked lake. $277,900 241-2417
MaS 26475N .M FI MLS# 247758 Spectacular oceanfront
AILS# 2643,75New construction! Elegant"flo
3BR/3.5BAplus study on top floor, 3rd, 2800 SF, views.Cistomstone,marble&granitefloW
elevator, screened porch, garage, all the amenities throughout this 3/3.5 home, The perfect
you could want, in a gated marina community & a place for hosting an intimate gathering or
i,' boat slip is also available. $929,000 285-1800 large formal party! $4,475,000 241-2417
MIS# 26671 7 Exquite custom Bryan Lendry O ANVIEW ATIANlIC BEAC I!
3BR/3BA home, charming Mediterranean style, MLS# 299269 Lovely architecturally
gourmet kitchen w/gas stove, FR & master suite designed4bdrm 3.5 bath, 3500 sf home
w/FPs,courtyardsummerkitchen&ooftopbalcony with wrap around porches, sep suite
for ocean views. $1,395,000 285-1800 entrance, artist studio, office, balcony -
EXamC" swm*am adj lot avail. $1,875,000 241-2417 n
M # 254366 5BR/4BA,7800SF, FR w/gasFP,' ENJOY IE OCEAN BREEZE
playroom study,billiard/media &exercise rms, den, M S# 323170 3/2 with travertine and
wood & travastine firs, lg scmd lanai, htdpool/spa' berber, splitbedrooms, community pool and
fullsummerkitchen, 1.35 acres, endless marshviews ,cmui olan
& boat slip available.$3,250,000 285-1800 playground. Great South Beach location.
EASr OF 3RD SIPEE1 JX BEAC% $424,900241-2417
MLS# 303825 Terrific investment opportunity! MIS# 324511 Atlantic Beach. Granite &
Residential but zoned commercial, concrete block, travertine countertopswet bars, bamboo
duplexwascompletelyrenovatedin2002,eachunit travertine countertops, wet bars, bamboo
2BR/IBA w/large deck, CH&A, washer/dryer, floors. Large 3rd floor balcony overlooks
storage & parking, Owner/Agent $589,000 ocean, pool, and hot tub. $3,299,000
285-1800 241-2417
MS# 318482 Gorgeous estate w/169 Fron the TO IM BEACH
St.JohnsRiveroveriookingdown Jacksonville. MLS# 324073 Life changing lifestyle -
This majestic 3-story home is elegantly appointed newly constr townhome. 4/3.5 plus study. 2
& features 5BR/5 full & 2 half BA, game room, car gar on lg lot steps from town center'&
wine cellar, pool & spa + dock & boat house. the beach. Hardwd firs, FP, chefs kitchen.
$4,250,000 285-1800
250 OJ5 IOCER W T 2700 + SF $889,000241-2417
MLS# 312126 2nd flr 2BR/2.5BA, 2090 interior MIS# 311738 4BR with bonus plus loft.
SF,255SFterraces,manyupgrades,kitchen/FR,gas 3 full baths. Lots of upgrades. Very large
FE, stove, wine cellar, storage, 2-car garage, condo
amenities: concierge, fitness cntr, 24-hr security, private lot. Don't wait Priced to sell.
oceanfront pool & more. $1,800,000 285-1800 $569,000 241-2417
L Look UsUpAtf
0CLICVr LL 0,r R ATvv )Wi
Affordable Sunsets!
1 Block from the beach for under $300K! 2/2 upstairs,
double-entry, exposed brick, comer fireplace, quiet
., balcony, and much more. Start enjoying your
A m new life at the beach today!
Call Betzy Santiago
fHeart of Ponte Vedra
Lakefront, single story 1/1 condo east opfAlA. Vacant
since major renovation. Vaulted ceilings.
Open floorplan. HOA dues pre-paid thru
5/31/07. Will pay buyers' closing costs
with acceptable offer. MLS 304588.
Please call
Jim Hofsenbeck, @ 349-4072
Brand New Construction pU
1/2 block to the Ocean
South Jax Beach-
Under Appraised Value!
Brand New Town Home! 3-story, 3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage,
Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco, SS Appl. Granite countertops,
Open floor plan-crown molding & more...Oceanviews from
master balcony. Lowest price in new construction East of 3rd
St. $539,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
We've (lot Your Home or Condol
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block.
Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach, 1 block to
shopping. MLS# 307553 $448,500
3/2 w/ garage. Sweeping marsh views, tile, huge screened
lanai, club amenities. MLS# 306785 REDUCED $244,900.
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 1 bedroom ground floor
with GARAGE. Fabulous marsh views, screened lanai, gated
community. Priced to sell $159,900.
renovated condo. Tile, screened lanai overlooks lake w/
fountain. MLS#308439 $242,900 ,
;t'.DK BA DO N -6 11 ..,'.tO mg
'Me Twin TIeani"
Best Buy Today
on the Ocean!!
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
jKIa Covered Parking. Priced to sell at
E $599,900
-, ,2 IN Call Margi Petitt
f. *.J -Top Producer
Roof Top Ocean Views m
I1/2 Block to Ocean ..
Brand New Construction! ,
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage, paver driveway, Construction
complete in 3 months. High-End Finish Levels-SSAppl.,
Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top Terraces-Ocean
Views & More. Offered at $995,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo, Ground Fir -
1/2 block to the Ocean in Old Atlantic Beach!
Imagine living b stone's throw to the
ocean in a ready to move in 3 bdrm,.
2 ba ground fir condo w/privacy fence
around patio. All new carpet, new AC,
updated baths, fresh paint, new stove
and microwave. The most
aggressively priced home in Atlantic Beach. $298,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
N W ISTING- BR/2BA condo ,n Souvide. nesded.in prese ,e
halin a' bern een the beach & don ntov n. Budi a- a condo
../concrete construction: cable. sater/
'%/sewer incl. in mo. fees. Upgrade
appliances. 0kooded 'me from balcony%
Pool, fitness, gated & more. $154.900
Sh erri Beno, 'Realto
,904- 651-1830
S6th floor end unitcondo w/ ocean
r- views is loaded w/ close to
$50,000 in upgrades! 1,700SF 3BR/3BA fB-'ll.
condo. You deserve a home that mirrors H
your achievements! $699,000
SCall.Top Producer
Lynn Saul 859-9100
PVB Furnished Condo
::Steps From the Ocean
-, "' A perfect 10, studio condo in
,Ponte Vedra, walking distance to
the beach in Sawgrass Beach
Club. Totally renovated w/custom
1 .-^ cabinets, Murphy beds, custom
tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully furnished &
equipped. Ready for your week-end
getaway, or investment property, short term
rentals available. $269,000
Call Top Producer 2005 ,J
Lynn Saul 859-9100
Absolute Best Buy
at the Beach!
0. One bedroom 900+ SF
condo & large den w/screened lanai &
a f plenty of storage. Great buy in lovely,
private & gated PVB community. New
Sc. arpet & paint add to its appeal. Pool,
'-7'..' ," ;;fitness center & clubhouse. Walk to
shopping, restaurants. $169,000
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnolly @lifestylesrealtors.com
Bestl3 Bedroom Buy
iiat the Beaches
*1 -- This 3BR/2BA condo plus garage will
knock your socks off! Fully tiled,
'- including bedrooms & lanai,
Gorgeous graniite in kit, new cabs & appl.
Great storage. New AC & Hot Water Heater.
Fireplace, private, lovely views. $239,900
Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
sconnollv @lifestylesrealtors.com
SubscribeToday!! 249-9033
JAX BEACH- 2 yr old 3/2garage, consider 2BR/1BA W/GARAGE, WDHU, CH&A.
lease option, 259,900. Owner/ Agent. 1.5 blocks from beach w/beach access.
568-4818. $950/mo. 241-2077.
PVB CONDO, 2BR/2BA, golf view, close
to beach. $202K, lease/ purchase option.
PV 2/2 Gated, totally renovated, golf
course, spa w/trainer, pub. room, beach
shuttle, WBFP, W&D. $205,000. Tom
OCEAN FRONT 2BR2BA, beautifully ren-
ovated, 18" porcelain tile w/inlaid design,
granite, stainless appliances, solid maple
cabinets, wet bar, marble shower, garage
and storage. $675,000. 233-7702.
CONDO BY Ocean in Atl. Bch. Totally
renovated 2BR/2BA, granite, wood' floors,
washer/ dryer in unit. 300 steps to sand.
Best buy @ $275K.Call (904)728-5828.
OWNER WILL finance, oceanview 2/1
condo. $295K. Call (904)891-6710.
FSBO, Save $14K1 New Lakeview, Wi-Fi,
resort pool; must see!' $216K, FREE
HDLCD TV, FREE closing 727-458-
4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
PV BCH 2BR/2BA w/rfireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $179,900, 2151 Seahawk rive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
' 655-7923 (cell)
OCEANFRONT 2/2. garage, pool, views-
from every room. $519,900. Owner/ agent
PVB. 1BR/1BA, 550sf, tiled, new applian-
ces,;ground floor. $142,000., 285-6325
MUST SELLI! D2 1,2 Towninome in PV
Lakes. Please call 333-1969 Ior info In.
veslors welcome $195,000 OBO Owner
lic realior
LOVELY 2BR/2BA wilon near Beach &
Maypon Naval Slanon $125 850 Apprais-
ed @ 137.000 Call 904.308-5359
vaulted ceiling, beaullul lile Brighi, open
-floor plan No dogs. $455,000.
(404)325T0820, 404)784-66ri01
V Majlc
Charming 3BR/2BA home
located on a lushly landscaped
1/3 acre. $539,900
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086
'r' Personalized
Solutions And
HR W. .Consultation On
I SFinancing Needs.,
Bpst Rates
/flr, Best Service
S* Best Solutions
JIA ,- Presideni
1328 THc. STrAeE No-M
JACi-,.riLE BeFc.. FL 32250
P.-Or: 904-247-7414 FAX 904-247-7475
www.alaloans corn
I1 FORTSIDE IJX.70. 3b P'BA nir)l' .;dir.
small wood deck needs nienor cosmetic
work $4900. 221-8458
OWN YOUR own office space. boatl'
barge w/5 bull in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Manna Great iax write off.
$59,000; OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740.,
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean renovated
2BR, all amenies. avail soon, $1100/mo.
247-1417... 1BR near ocean $750/mo.
PVB. BELLEZA, 22,2 2nd floor itop). end
unn. vaulled ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated Resori amenities $1100'mo
Garage available 1904)629-0046
smoking, no peis, Available October 1st.
$900/mo. 1385 isi Sl ) 241-3463
2BR/2 5BA, garage lenceda-n deck and
yard. file, new carpel Pels allowed BiKe
io Beach Satellite ready. $1250tmo..
Deposit 273-5653.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE. No pets or
smoking; CH&A, WDHU. 4th St. North,
JB. $850/mo. 249-0370.
2BR 1.5BA Condo Jax Beach, 2nd SI
Nortin. $1150mo Avail immediately. Call
Todd 993-4884
ATL BCH. 1BR 1/2 block ocean
$800,mo, dep, no pets. yr lease
246.6865 or 1919,358-0244.
pAt ~
Wally Sears
Ke Jran .mcksonmTn, Dnn I
Buying, building or
refinancing a home?
We can put together
the perfect mortgage.
614- 3056 982-7101 Seeinrg beyond money
;' ,," ,, ,,.. .. : ',. : ,' . .. .. ... .. ,. ,, .. .
,, ** *: ', ,, ,, f', 1 ..:. ,C ",, .; C 7.
JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A.
1BR/1 BA, $800/mo, $850/mo., $1000/Imo.
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354.
PVB TOWNHOME, 2BR/1.5BA, wood,
tile, lanai, 1100sf. Major appliances includ-
ed. Available'10/15/06. $1050/mo. +de-
posit. Cats OK w/pet deposit. (904)273-
8236. ,
MAYPORT, 2BR/1BA apt., $675/mo.
+$600/dep. CH&A, 280-2728 Iv. msg.
NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR/ 1.5BA, newly reno-
valed. kii appl.. WDHU. Deck overlooking
fenced backyard. No pets or smokers.
$950/mo.. $950idep plus credit check.
blocks Irom oeacn, Ig deck & backyardF
W/D, storage room. $1200/mo. 318-2121.
CH/A, WDHU East of 1st ,St. $795-
S895,mo. 241-7368. 733-3730.
S. JAX Bcn. 3,2. $1450,mo 2 cleaning
services inci per mo. 655 3951
7-blocks io beach $1050.'mo. tdeposrs
,716-0579 : .; L
ViLANO BEACH Townhouse. 1000n Io
beach. 212, 1 car gar., year lease Privaie
beach access $10251no (l904)294--5498
NEAR FOrTE vera 1 block Deacr, Besl
area quiet. sale. residential neighbor.
hood. 2BR.'1BA, lower duplex, new pani
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking, no
pels 950'mo lease deposn. 993-1118
MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550. orn pn-
vale lols Near Mayporn Naval Sial.on, no
dogs, 333-5579.
MAYPORT 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car gar. 1400sl.
lenced yard $1200/mo. 536-1198
JAX BEACH, efficiency, '$650/mo.
+$650/dep, 7-12 mo. lease. 294-7163.
IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA, .2 blocks 'to
beach. $1300/mo. +$1300/sec. dep. No
pets. Call 463-7020, 249-3967.
VILANO BEACH, 4BR/4BA, 2850sf., over-
looking Intercoastal, walk tobeach, home
only 4yrs. old. $1800/mo. Call Jan Hoff-
man 537-7777, Owner/ agent.
NEW 1BR, close to Deach W/D
$950/mo. 803-6834.
2/1, apanmeni 101C 16thAve. S. CH/A,
WDHU. No dogs $995imo. +$500/deposit.
211 N 8in Si, 1.' apartment. N dogs.
$625/mo. Broker/ Owner, 249-8766. Call
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
hquse, & morel $1350/mo. 904-372-9222.
JAX BCH,.3/2.5, ocean view, $1600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044.
VILANO BEACH' Townhouse, 1000ft to
beach. 2/2, 1 car gar., year lease. Private
beach access. $1000/mo. (904)294-5498
Large 3BR/2BA
Walk to Beach
1095 So. 7th St
Jax Beagqh
800-935-8347'ext. 107
... Parks-Lyon
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo, Seaplace-furnished,
pool, walk to ocean $1200/mo
+ 2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing,
$750 $800/mo
3BR/2BA, Mayport Landing. $850-
+ 2BR/2BA, Courtyard, 1503 CC -
community pool, $800/mo No pets.
New Carpet, private courtyard.
+ 2518 America's Cup 3/2 home, 2 story
Neptune Beach
+ 3BR/1.5BA Unit, Across from Ocean.
Wood floors water included.
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
Enjoy a carefree siftsye!
-E ,t. 1 ',
FP, all appliances, incl. washer/dryer 1258 sq. ft. with.
large screened lanai which can be glassed in. $255,000'
ONT1E % REDUCED- 2BR/2BA split
bedroom condo in woodsy setting w/ wonderful,
relaxing. views, from screened balcony: Close to
shopping &'restaurants. All appliances stay. $199,900'
JAY EACH 3BR/2BA w/rharsh views from several
rooms, including corner balcony, 2nd floor, no one
*-above you, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, appliances +
GARAGE. $248,500
: Let me hietp you
find our dream home!
Shferri Beno,
904- 651-1830
Iwo on
@Iwo M-1141-09=7 4
a I
Classified 5
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Senteber 9 200
m .
IwpV3-V G 124-~
A -
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen,
tile floors,,WDHU, CH&A, detached 1 car
garage. $950/mo. +$950/dep. $200 non-
refundable pet deposit. 993-8597.
TOWNHOME PV- 2BR/2.5BA, on lake,.
ready now, $1100/mo +deposit. Call
washer, pool, near stores and bus.
$775/mo + deposit, no pets, nice place to
live, 246-8537.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
-blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
:1/2 BLOCK ocean, 2 or 3BR /1BA apt.
Reduced $1260/mo. 249-3970.
2BR/2.5BA Townhome w/d, dishwasher,
fireplace, berber carpet, 18" 'ceramic tile,
private balcony, private patio, $1395/mo.
Available Oct 1st.. 333-8462, Harrigan
Properties Realtor.
pletely remodeled, all new. appliances,
next to Sawgrass, great amenities,
1S000'mo tdeposil 904.-571.6967
1 Bedroom wiln greal ocean view, W.,D.
ceramic hie floors, balcony walk-in closer
reserved parking 1995 Ocean View
Apartments. 160 71n Avenue Nonn
993-2555 www.BeachesApanments corn
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. Njo pets $825/mo, $900/sec.
dep. ,904)343-9908
JAX BEACH- 2BR,'1BA dishwasher
WDHU, CH&A, microwave 728 81r, SI
South Credit check, no pels, $850/mo.
514.8530 .
1BR UPSTAIRS. no smoking. no peis
$675!mo a deposii 247-1935
NEPTUNE, WALK Io ocean. large
3BRl 5BA Upper W/D, sundecK No pels
$1295'mo Lower Unit large 2BR *.palic.
$1225/mo Soulhslde area, large 2BR
w/island kilcnen W/D. security system. No
pels. $625/mo. 223-5211
, The. Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8; 200
2BR/1.5BA, No Pete, $875/mo.
JAX BEACH- .2BR cottage near ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets; $925/mo + $500
deposit,. 246-3130.
TOWNHOME 2BR/1.5BA, 1 car garage,
1500sf, excellent condition; $900/mo.
Available September 30th, 534-1353
RE-ITAL 200,
2.5BA, 1700sf. master suite w/ jacuzzi.
balcony, tile first floor, laundry hookup. 2
car garage, fenced yard. Small dogs con-
sidered. 893 6th Ave. S. $1600/mo. plus
imo dep. Call 249-6150,
HODGES & Beaches areas. I. 2 & 3BR's
w/ gorgeous lake to golf views. From
.$850/m 233-4545.
BEACHFRONT 1B 1BA. 08 Orange CLEAN 3BR Townhouenear ocean,
Si Nep Bcn. downstairs. $1100/mo incl.,, nr, Broker,241-7675.
utilI (661)803-6275 Bo, e r 1
Just two miles from the Beach, Island Club offers a unique
opportunity for a laid-back, island-stgle lifestyle. A
tropically landscaped, gated community where you'll find
an opportunity for a brand new island-style lifestyle and
beachside living you won't want to miss.
,,- ., ,... d '.. ,-
IBR $s65
7 Months leases all have
Close to t6he beach & the bas
Available for move-in now!
Call 904-241-5737 or stop by at
2160 Mayport Rd. Atlantic Beach
WE StockTon...A Tradition Since 1884 IEI
m WtiJlk I h
$ 875
$ 900
713 Belleza 'Ponte Vedra 1/1 875
625 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 934-
-112 The Palms Ja.x Beach 2/2 1150
36 The Colony Pome Vedra 2/2 1100
72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2 1260
728 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1012
2 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 1800
612 Miramar Lane Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 1200
748 Marsh Cove Lane Ponte Vedra 3/2+Ioh 1650
9897 Rough Creek Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2+loft 1475
10061 Rough Creek Ponte Vedra/Saugrass CC 2/2 1465
1979 Spoonbill St. Ja.x/San Pablo Rd 3/2 1700
52 Turtleback Trail Sawgrass Players Club 3/2 1846
804 Templeton Lane Ponie Vedra/Walden Chase4/2 1700
106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra 3/2 1800
97 \o ager Court Ponte Vedra'Sawgrass TPC 3/2 ) 750
104 Crosscove Circle Ponie Vedra/Seaside 4/3 2345
1029 Hanod er Lane Ponte Vedra/Walden Chase 473 2502
224 Seanust Court Ponte Vedra/Seaside 3/2 2100
0lAThe Waterford Jax Beach 3/2 1800
61133 Bndgewaier Circle Ponie Vedia/Saw.grass TPC 3/2.5 2000
2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3 5 + ofc 3009
10302 Ocean Grande South Ponie Vedra 3/3 2239
529 Sunset Dnrve Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2900
1977 Sella Blvd. Atlantic Beach 4/3+bonus rm 2800
905 2nd Street North, tC Jax Beach 3/3 2444
70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
117 Deer Cove Drive Ponie Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
7L3J,.idmi..v Ja\ Beach/Oceantront 3/2 I8S19 r
40&g'S.aspra:,tne Pontre \Vedi3 by the SeO -4/3-.. 2L 0F'I--
99f) Pretctni Trail Ponre Vedri8a.graiCC 3 ,L 2 1 0
804 Metropolitan Jax Beach/Oceanview 3/2 1799
625 Presere Vie. Dnve Palm Vallev/Mlarsh Harbor4/4+bonus rm3100
2451 So.uth Ponte Vedra Blvd. South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
133 Sea Hammock Way Ponte Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
570 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3158
S 900/wkBeach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff.
$t I00/wvk49 Tifton Way North Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5
$1300/A k Deer Run Sawgrass Country Club 3/2
$1400 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2
$1500 7-41 Spinnaker's Reach San grass Beach Club 1/1
$1600 Sea Place Atlantic Beach 2/2
$1600/wk 2839 S. Ponie Vedra S Ponte Vedra 3/1 5
$1800/u k 2503 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5
ilO1800/k The Reueat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
$2000 Pelican Point Jax Beach/Oceanfroni 2/2
$2000 Loggerhead Lane Sawgrass/Pla.ers Club 3/2.5
$2000 Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2
$2200 Quail Pointm Say glass Country Club 2/2
$2300 92 Tifton Way North Sangrass Country Club 3/2
$2500 117 Deer Coe Dn\e Ponte vdra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5
$2500/wk728 Oceanfront Neprune Beach/Oceanfroni 3/2.5
$2600 826 Spiinakers Reach Sawgiass/Beach Club 1/2
$'2700Uk 2824 Coastal H\.y Vilanc. Beach/Oceanfront 6/4
$2800 2541 S. Ponte Vedra Bld S Ponie Vedra/Oceanfront4/2
$3000 703 Landmark 17 mo.rrun Jax. Beach Oceanfiont 3/2
wpT.c rrr.2600
$3900 105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/3.5+office 3200
$4000 408 Berkmnan Plaza Jax/Downtovn Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100
$5500 1931 Beach Avet3mo mnn.i Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs.
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman Pinscher. *1
"Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacation!!l
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
m -olm m
p U
Our owners enjoy rented properties.
If you are tired of excuses and want results,
Visit us or call:
4-Beaches Realty, LLC.
: www.WatsonRent.com
Property Management
Properly Subdivision
1403 8th Ate N. Jax Beach
6503 Burnham Circ. Hammock Cove
12909 Hunt Club Rd.Jax Golf & CC
732 Selva Lakes Cir. Selva Lakes
Rent BR/BA Area
$1,250 4/2.5 JB
$2,000 3/2.5 PV
$2,400 3/2 JV
1901 N. 1st St. #1603 Pelican Point-Oceanfront $2,000
117 17th Ave N. Jax Beach $ 950 2/1 JB
15 Saratoga Cir. N. Atantic Beach $ 825 3/1.5 AB
691 Paradise Ln. Paradise Preserve $1,800 '3/3 AB
Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
For Management INFO
Call 285-5409
Epc;,u;, W'e also have vacation and short term rentals!
We're almost full...Come See Why
JAX BEACH new 3BR/3BA w/ocean view,
: pool, garage, $2100/mo. 223-6896.
,'CUTE AND coz beach home, 2BR/1BA,
all appliances, plenty of storage, lush
landscape, $1200/mo, available now, 435-
JAX BCH, 3/1. 2.5 car gar. lenced yard,
$1300/mo 836 9th Ave N. 318-0044.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully furnished, 1
car galaqe, fenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
ternet, & cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beacn For photos e-mail ma-
riaeugeniarolo@bellsouth.net. $15001mo
Long term lease. (407) 394-5858.
JAX BEACH, walk to ocean, Large
2BR/IBA, office, laundry room, garage,
CH&A, WDHU. large fenced yard.
$1075/mo. deposit. 343-5537
N. JAX Bch, 3BR/2BA, living, dining, large
kitchen, screened patio, fenced rear yard,
newly remodeled, $1250/mo + deposit
OCEAN WALK. 4/2, 2185si. Fdrmal
LR/DR, family room wilpiace. EIK break-
last bar, carpet, ceramic tile, pool, pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgml
Services 246-1125.
N. JAX Beach, 4BR/2BA. living, dining,
fireplace, large covered palion. newly re-
modeled; avail. Oct. 1st. $1350/mo + de-
posit, 241-4630.
ATLANTIC BCH/ Maypon. Spacious 3'2,
+bonus room. fireplace, fenced yard, pest
control included. No smoking/pels. Availa-
ble 10/3. $1150/mo i- deposit 755-4038.
2.5BA townhome., vaulted ceilings, Irplc..
Ig healed & A/C Florida room. 2car gair.
comm. pool. Fresh paint & new carpel, on
lake. 4 blocks to beach., yr lease. Avail.
October. $1400/mo Call 246-8294.
S. JAX Bch, east of 3rd, 3/2. $2100/mo.
Call Sam 249-3403.
Ponte Vedra Bch, Ig 3/2/2 Granite & Iile,
walk-in closet, eat-in kit., corner lot, sprin-
kler syst.. avail. 10/1. PeT OK. Flex. lease,
$1495/rpo. 280-2293.
1660 Beach Ave (across from ocean). Lg
3BR 2.5BA townhome (2150s), tirplc.
fenced yard, deck, small pel negot
$1750/mo (904)477-0102.
Brand New Town home
1/2 block to the Ocean,
South Jax Beach
3-story, 3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage, Absolutely Beautiful!;
Stucco, SS A ppl.-Granite countertops, Open floor plan-
crown molding & more...Ocean views
Call Margi Petitt
j lTop Producer
Atlantic Beach :
1/2 block to Ocean!
1888 SF, garage, large covered back
porch, fenced in yard, washer dryer,
and dishwasher. $1700/month
mI i0 ^_^Q.fil
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse, I blk. Io
ocean, 3BR/2.5BA, 1850sq. ft. avatalbe
now. 219-2481.
2/1.5 townhouse. 167 Pine St. includes
lawn service $1050/mo. +$550,deposli.
Broker/ Owner 249-8766. Call anyday.
3BR/IBA, LARGE fenced yard CH&A,
WDHU, $950/mo. 241-1857
LEASE PURCHASE option. Single family
3BR/2BA home built inr 2005, lots of curb
appeal, $1200 00/mo. Call (904)242-
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR 1.5BA. 1660sf, 2 car
gar.,$51550/mo 14525 Luth Dr N. Call.
indy 962-3713.
ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2.5BA, complete
remodel, fenced yard, 2-car garage and
oil street parking, near Maypot, schools,
and beaches, $1600/mo -+deposii. 869
Gavagan Call for appt. (9041-910-6052.
4 BLOCKS TO BEACH, 2BR/1.5BA town.
house, file & wood laminate flooring
throughout $1000/mo Call 868-7702.
JAX BCH, 4 blocks from ocean. 3BR
1 5BA. CH/A. tile & carpels, new kit cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100tdep. Dogs
30Ibs and under considered. 514-4229 af-
ter 4pm Bioker/ owner.
PVB Solano Cay, 3BR/2BA, garage,
large backyard in quiet neighborhood.
Comm. pool. $1.400/mo 315-6558.
NORTH JB, 3BRi1BA. CH&A, WDHU, tile.
a fn, lawn and pest included. $S100mo..
Available now. 249-1104. Pager 306.
3BR/1BA JAX Beach house, bike Io
beach, quiet street, no smoking, no pets,
$600 deposit. $900/mo, 962-2830.
1/2 MILE to Beach $1500/mo., 3BR/2.5BA
home, 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac.
Ig yard. wood deck, privacy fence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or emaild.
macs @adelphia.neL
ICW- 2BR/2BA Patio nome w/garage,
WDHU, new carpet, pain. 14322 Coral
Reel Dr. S. (off of San Pablo near Beach
Blvd). $1000/mo Available immediately.
(904)699-4250, (904)858-0732.
3BR/2BA. office, 2000si.. 2 car garage.
Courtyard pool. lawn/pool service Includ-
ed. Pets OK. $1900/mo. Available mid-
May (904)703-0242.
TOWNHOUSE NEAR Fletcher, 4 blocks
to each. 2BR/1 5BA, hardwood floods,
CH&A, WDHU, nail garage. $1100/mo
includes NB u litles. 904-280-7823.
WEST BEACHES, Surlton Lakes, 4/2,
2300st.. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/l.repiace. carpet, cath ceilings, fenced
yard, $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
3BR/2BA IN PVB. 2 car garage, new ev-
erything, fenced yard, pets negotiable
$1600/mo +utiilties. Joe @ 923-7066
Walk 1to beach and Town Center from this
lovely 4BR/2.5BA beach bongalow.
charming Iront porch & fenced yard plus a
delachne bldg. with 2 car gar, hugh stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home office/ studio) Available late October
$1850/mo Call 242-0203 soon.
Please Call Kathryn at
2/2 BELLEZA condo vaulted ceilings, 3ra OCEAN FRONT Jax Beach 2BR/1 BA lust
floor, newly remodeled, lully carpeted/ renovated, granite, new appliances, 2r"
tiled, $1100/mo. 904-294-9927. porcelain tile, stunning bath, top for,
S $1950/mo. 233-7702. -'-
floor, comer, on goll course. NS $995imo.
+depos.t. (904)466-0230.
Direct oceanfront 1/1. pool. $1550/mo,
12mo lease 249-6166.
2BR/2BA, GATED, all amenities.
$925/mo near Avenues mall. 519-5640
PONTE VEDRA- new 2BR/2BA w/washer
dryer, top floor corner, beach access. goll,
luxury amenities, no smoking/pets
$1100/mo -- deposit. 755-4038
PVB OCEAN Grove, 1BR/1BA w/loht.
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must rent
$1,000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370.
CH/A, new appliances, unfumished, newly
renovated, hardwood & tile floors.
$1050/mo+ dep Utlities Pels ok.
PVB. SPACIOUS. 1200sf, 2BR/2BA. Lots
of amenities $950/mo Call 234-2646.
w/lotr as bed/ oHice/ gym Pels OK. All
new interior in 2005. Extras" W/D, ceiling
fans. fireplace, tile in laundry and
screened porch. $1100/mo .1mo depos-
it Call Bruce at 377-5051 +.
2/2 condo, marsh view at each. 2nd floor.
Irplc., W/D, scr. lanai, garage, pool, jacuz-
zi, gym. $1100/mo Call Tania (904)874.
PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home.
walk to beaches, pond view, pool/
health club amenities, $1099/mo.
TWO 1/1 apts. two blocks from Jax
Beach. Pets allowed. $780, $500 +depos-
it. 514-2985 or 333-6639
LIKE NEW 2/1. 2 blocks to ocean. SJB.
$1000/mo. 904-537-4732.
PVB. BELLEZA, 2/2. 2nd floor (lop), end
Sunit, vaulted ceilings. W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities $1100/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
2BA, ground floor gated community. 5
star living Call Steve Macri, Country Club
Real Estate (904)662-9015.
OCEAN FRONT, unfurnished. 2BR/2BA,
41h floor, pool. year lease $1425/mo
Avail 10/1/06. Call 642-3517.
$215.000- 2/2, garage, all appl. incl., Jar-
din De Mer, 247-4211.
OCEANFRONT, 2BR, split bath, nicely
furnished 28 unit complex, beautiful pooL
No pets $1200imo utility lee Includes
cable Shonr-term. 398-0715.
ocean front condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony
Front balcony overlooks Jai skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, Including cov-
ered parking, pool, not tub, tennis, and
sandy beach. Call for more details,
398-9080 ex1 211
Ocean Grande, 3/3 Luxury
Grand Cay Villas 2/2 $1050/mo.
The Palms. 2/2, $1150/mo.
The Landings at Belle Rive. Brand new
2/2 w/ garage $1150/mo. 3/2 w/garage
$1295/mo. :
Kendall Poinrte. Brand new, free cable &
intemet, 2/2, $950/mo.
Close to Base. 2/1, 91 Stanley Road #4,
S(904)273-3939 or (904)610-6460.
1BR/1BA in The Grand Reserve. near
UNF/ Beaches. W/D included; Vaultqd
ceiling; FP, Golf course side/ view. Amnpi-
nties include swimming pool, hot tub, gym,
volleyball, basketball, and tennis cours
$980/mo. +$980/dep. Call 904-292-1719 ,
JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase. $1350/mo. 568-4818.
VALENCIA, JAX Beach, 2BR/2BA, 2car
garage, many upgrades, resort style
pool w/fitness center $1600/mo.
la, $1200/mo. weekly rates available, 280-
5170 or 616-5274.
2BA. ground floor, gated community. 5
star living. Call Cindy Brown, Country Club
Real Estate (904)613-6423.
Tastetully furnished 4BR/2BA, end unit,
renovated, granite, 18" iie, new carpet
open balcony, storage- outdoor closer and
garage, $3200tmo, 537-4083.
W/D, screened porch, gated, fitness, pool,
close to Deacn, $995/mo t deposit Availa-
ble November 1st. 247-9727
JAX/ PV BCH, 3/2, resort amenities, pets
OK $1350/mo. 904-472-7134.
312. 2 garage spots, pool, spa, $1795/mo..
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR/1BA. water-lo-goll view. pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes utilities.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962.
BEACHES 2/2 new cpt.. w/d, gated, Tit-
ness, pool, gar. Grt. loc.. $1075, 246-
PVB- 2BR/2BA, SummerHouse, 5-slar
amenities, prime unit with pool and lake
view. Rent only $1000/mo Call
(904)338-4137 .. ,
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seapiace- 1 Oik to ,
ocean. 2/2. pool side. Remodeled. No
pels $975/mo., yr lease, dep. 249-7967.
ATLANTIC BEACH 2/2 beautiful furnished
vacation condo. $1300/mo, 887-5005.
office, 4700sf condo Located on Inler-
coastal in new development. All amenities
incl. with or without boat slip. Unfurnished.
Looking for long term lease- 1-2 yr rental .
For more details 398-9080 ext. 211. .,
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $1700/rno.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601
2BR/1.5BA, PRIVATE lot $650/mo. 273-
0857 lye message. .
Luxury furnished 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites
High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Street & 51h Ave. South
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at.
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
5,35-3828. .,
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
www.rentijaksonvillebeach.com tI
OCEANFRONT 2BR, weekly/ monthly,
pool, Call 463-7343., : ,
i Unfurnished Homes The Courtyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, private, Riverbrook at Glen Kernan Hodges I
, Ponte Vedra by the Sea PV 4BR/ updated unit w/garage, patio, balcony,' 5BR/3BA brick home w/fenced backyard, corner 1
3.5BA. home has private backyard overlooks lagoon. $1200/mo. lot, 2700sqft. two car garage $1895/mo.
sanctuary, terrific floor plan, 2 car garage. Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
W S2600/mo. /new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh home on water, upgrades throughout, open
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story paint. $1100/mo. floor plan. 1995/mo.
S' Furnisnfurnished HCm uurne ondos ,
home w/screened porch on water. 2 car Furnished Homes ..inks..., PV
Sarage. $1850/mo. Villages of Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, Ocean Links PV .
gaa .oceanfront condo. wood floors, upgrades. Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
Solaiso Cay'- P4BR/2.5BA, two story, ceanront condo. wo4 oors, upgrades 2BR2BA, second floor. 1050/mo.
home w/spacious floor plan, patio, comm. garage, amemues. $100 Palms at Marsh Landing JB
<, pool. $1595/mo. Inracoa H st Screened porch, tile floors, amenities. S
Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home reek ges IBR/ BA.3rdflOor, topunit,vaultedceilings. .
,, eW townhouses v/screened porch,
wall ne interior, tile floors, garage New townhouses screen$850/ mo
p fenced backward. $1500/mo. es, amenes. 32BR/2BA. 2nd floor,' top/end unit, vaulted
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, '.5, 999 ceilings. $1150/mo, .
il ,,ho,, oanos i,-,f Pe ..B.... B,-, 2BR/2.5BA, end unit. $1050/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, garage. 1
tow house has ldft, garage, patio, very 2BR/2.5BA. allupgraded. $1150/mo. $1195/mo.
ntr andlean. $ ,1 5 ,0 ho.e Reserve at PointeMeadows -GatePkwy Belleza -PV3BR/2BA, all new. ground unit
S434 9th Avenue N.-B3BRBA, home 2BR2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile floors, tile floors, screened porch, amenities.
f- has hardwood floors, all new interior, upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. $1275/mo. r
fenced backyard. $1495/mo. Pablo Point San Pablo 3BR/2BA home
SBeach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard, EA E
duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood two car garage. $1500/mo RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
floors. $1300/mo. Stonefleld at Bartram Park-Mandarin Shannon Sn *th
S Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story townhouse, (904) 285-5640
w/screened porch, fenced backyard, large 1975 sqft, 2 car garage, amenities. .ww.rentthebeaces.com
lot. $1300/mo. "' $1600/mo. '
.IS, I. i
9 I
S. JAX Bch Near ocean 3BR 2BA,.
$16501mo. yr lease. New bedroom carpet,
pa;nl. Dep 246-6865 or (919)358-0244
JAX BEACH, 2 homes, 3BR/2BA and
3BR/1BA $1300/mo and $1150/mo. plus
deposit. CH&A, WDHU, lanced. No pets
BenlIn Dr. S. off Penman. Call for details.
249-3214, 945-3303.
1129 Sebago Ave. South, Beautiful 3/2,
fenced yard, all new kitchen, appliances;;
bath, tile & carpet. $1200/mo year lease,
nd pets. 631-3583.
3/2 house. $995/mo. Avail. now
3/2. 2 car garage, avail, now, $1175/mb.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now. ,
3/2.5 townhouse. 1 car gar. $1350/mo.
2/2 condo. $930/mo. Avail. now.
2/2, $950/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
312, $1295/mo. Avail now.
4/2, $1595/mo.
3/2. cul-de-sac, $1250/mo..
3/2, 2 car gar., new carpet 8 paint. .
avail. 9i20, $1195/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
3.'2, $1395/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sl. avail. 8/1.
3'2, $1395/mo. Avail now.
4/3, 3 car gar., $1895/mo.
4/3. 3 car gar. $1925/mo.
4,3, 2 car garage. 2200sl. $1395/mo.,
4/2, brand new nome, 2100+sf. $1450/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
"I,'.C.IRfi ? A n 6
.I3CLUm -iTVesJaV 0r LdVVV
Se.'te Lt.A 9 2
fees -and utilities. Exclusive Miravista,
gated, pool, hot tub, health club, water-
front w/marina view. Room has own bath-
room, brand new large unit, 2700sf.
BEACH/SAN Pablo, clean, quiet drug/ al-
cohol free home. $400/mo. 333-2624.
SHARE 4BR/ 2BA house, $300mo. rent
with'utilities, $100/dep. No drugs. 537-
MASSAGE THERAPIST office, shared
space, fully equipped. Downtown, San
Marco area, separate entrance. $400/mo.
Includes utilities. 465-2653, 463-0222.
APPROXIMATELY 750 sf. quality office
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15.
overlooking golf course in S. Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15.
OFFICE SPACE for rent in Jax Bch.
994-2945, 226-9788.
LARGE 1 room healthcare office. Share
common areas, bathrooms, office manag-
er, ample parking, 3rd Street,' Neptune
Bch. 241-0666.
OFFICE spaces for rent- A large 12'x24'
room (could be two 12x12 rooms). Sepa-
rate back door entrance, electric & water
incl. Located on 3rd St., Jax Bch.
VPK TEACHER'S Aide, 8:30-1 :30 must-al-
ready have National FBI clearance. Up-
beat positive & child oriented. Franklyn
Learning Center, 1851 Beach Blvd. Jax
Beach 32250. EOE, 242-9645.
small private school, beaches area.
Real Estate Office, experienced. Fax re-
sume 273-4848. '
BRUCCI'S PIZZA, Ponte Vedra, now hir-
ing Dishwashers & Bussers Call lan
Atlantic Beach. PT/ benefits/ flexible
schedule. Average Inclusive wage $11-
$14. Apply in person, 1600'Selva Marina
Part-time every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays, 8:30am-5pm, at a premier
retirement community to assist residents
and visitors In coordination with the Man-
ager of Resident Services. Applicants
should be highly organized and be able to
communicate and deal tactfully with the
public, residents and family members un-
der all conditions. Proficient in Microsoft
Outlook; Word, Excel and Power Point.
Hotel, hospital, CCRC or other retirement
community or hospitality experience help-
ful. Must be willing to work holidays and
other shifts if necessary. Ideal position for
retired or'semi-retired candidate. Applica-
tions at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL
32233; Fax to (904)246-9447; email:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be
patient, fun-loving and energetic. Group
experience w/children- preferred; EOE.
Must be able to oversee a crew of 6-8
people. Be motivated, dependable and a
multi- tasker. Some computer skills. 5pm-
11pm or later Call Debbie after 5prm
285.3400 ext. 3352 '
MANACURIST NEEDED, high comm. or
booth rental, 249-3011.
COUNTER HELP, Ponte Vedra area, P/T,
afternoons & Saturday. Call 285-5644.
Looking for experienced lawn/ landscape
worker. $9-$12 hour or salary, paid vaca-
tion, valid FL drivers license, 534-5459,
KITCHEN UTILITY Worker: FT/ benefits/
401k/ flexible schedule. Golf privileges.
Phone 904-246-4827, email
accounting@selvamarina.com, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121, DFWP.
WAITSTAFF: Private club Atlantic Beach.
FT/ benefits/ flexible schedule. Average
Inclusive wage $11- $14. Apply in person,
1600 Selva Marina Dr. DFWP
'* *
Join our team. Our company has openings
for our service dept, good salary, must
possess a good driving record, be custom-
er friendly. We offer company vehicle,
paid vacation and holidays. Leap over to
us. Apply at 159 19th Street N. Jax.
Beach. 242-9002.
Earn $7-$12 per.hour & cash bonuses
Telemarketing for newspapers nalionwide
Taxi Drivers needed to' work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to wdrk days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass 'drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149. ,
GOLF COURSE Maintenance: Selva
Marina Country Club. FT /benefits/ 401k.
Experience preferred. Golf privileges. Call
246-4711. DFWP
qFRVFR- WANTFn rhi7i. lapann.-am
IMMEDIATE OPENING, Manager position
Appliance parts and service company.
Must have excellent telephone and com-
puter skills. Dispatching experience nec-
essary. Call 249-4426 for appt.
ADMIN ASSITANT. Start-up Engineering
firm seeks Administrative Assistant. Or-
ganization, Computer and Time manage-
ment skills are a must. Experience In engi-
neering office a plus. Competitive salary.
Great work environment. Email resume to:
MOVING AND Storage Co. is currently
seeking professional, courteous-and expe-
rienced Laborers and Drivers. Drivers
must possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License. Drug testing is required. For
more information call 241-2921.
Needed F/T, days only w/ a can- do atti-
tude. Light manufacturing & assembly
work exp. a must. Knowledge & use.of
small machinery & tools required. Looking
for someone who can follow instructions.
Start at $7.50/hr. Call 249-3545 btwn
9am- 3pm only, Mon- Fri.
Firm needs F/T help. ,Dependable, moti-
vated individuals skilled in masonry, car-
pentry & irrigation rewarded. 759-4503.
25-40 HRS ,WK Teachers ade' office
help; small private school, beaches area.
GROWING FAST paced lawnF mainte-
nance company looking for F/T help.
655-8502 ':
SURVEY FIELD Personnel, PLS/Project
Manager & CAD Tech- F/T, benefits,
EEO. Fax 407-926-8160, call 904-641-.
0123 or email HRJobs@drmp.com."
(www.drmp.com) .
FULLTime, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competitive wages, good
working environment. Applications availa-
ble at Fleet Landing Security Gate. One
Fleet Landing Blvd Alianiic Beach. FL.
Fax to 1 (9041246-9447: email to1
loba@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free
TIRE & OIL TECH Wanted. Monday-Fri-
day. Call Bob, 241-5311
DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches full-time,
some experience necessary. Call or fax
resume 285-3128.
lawn/landscape company. Excellent pay.
Must have own transportation & clean DL.
Experience required. Contact Ron,
National Fleet Maintenance provider
seeks Service Tech for the Westside
Jacksonville shop. PM & Demand repairs
for Auto, Lt/ Med trucks. Tools required.
Benefits. M- F days. Bckgmd & drug test
req'd. Contact Misty: mgreen@butler.com
800-916-9664. EOE/M/FN/D.
efits/ 401 k/ flexible schedule. Detail orient-
ed individual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
privileges. Phone 904-246-4827, email
accounting@selvamarina.com, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121, DFWP.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
Avail Apply in person. 1401 Beach Blvd.
for local house cleaning business. Must
have own transportation, pass background
check and be avail. M-F, btwn 8-5:30pm.
CASE MANAGER Asst. needed for busy
beaches office. Knowledge of chemical
dependency helpful. Must be detail orient-
ed,. computer literate, excellent communi-
cations skills. $10-$11/hr. dependent on
experience. Fax resume to 270-1633.
DENTAL ASSISTANT/ Receptionist, Pe-
diatric dental office in Jax Beach. M-
Thursday. We are looking for that perfect
addition to our staff. Energetic, quality
work ethics. Dental experience req. Fax
Resume--247-8495. ;
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer.
Must have tools, truck, WC exemption. FT
position, top pay. 476-3086. .
Flexible nours no weekends. excellent
pay. Transponation & phone required
Pool Maintenance. Clean driving record a
must. 246-2455.
SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
ble and granite importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of stone materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
tiable upon experience. Fax resume to
good pay & benefits, company
vehicle/phone, must have good driving re-
cord. 568-8700.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.
NEEDS FULL time Servers, Exp. Cooks &
Host/ Hostess with open availability. Apply
within 1018 North 3rd St., Mon- Fri, 2pm-
Bushong Insurance, one of Ponte Vedra's
largest Property/ Casualty Insurance Brok-
ers, desires administrative assistant candi-
dates as well as experienced CSR's. Join
in to this excellent work environment with
opportunities for advancement, as well as
a superior benefits package. Applicants
must be detail oriented and possess ex-
cellent computer skills. License not re-
quired. For consideration;, fax resume to
CASA MARINA now hiring full -and part
time hotel Receptionist & Waitstaff. Please
apply in person at 691 1st St. N. in Jack-
sonville Beach.
RELIABLE PEST Control Technician
needed for growing Pest Control Co. Ap-
ly in person: 49 Ardella Rd., Atlantic Bch.
experience a plus, but not necessary.
Work at the Beach. We are a Microsoft
Developer providing software for transpor-
tation logistics, dispatch, and accounting.
(Heavy prospecting, telemarketing, ,and
lead generalon.) Prospecting experience
a must along w*ln strong PC skills and
ability ro work independently. Fax resume
to 241-7333 or mail Jennifer at lenni-
PRESCHOOL SPORTS Coach. 10-15 his
per week. $15/hr. Must nave experience
wiln kids 904-881-7612.
SALES PERSON needed must be able to
work weekends, apply in person, Sea
Shells & Coral, 230 No. Boardwalk
to use in ministry and get money in your
pocket Local church seeking part-time
cook, event coordinator for Wednesday
evening programs and occasional church
events. Contact Debbie at 221-1700 or lax
resume to 221-9191
COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE/ shop PT NURSE. surgery center exp. necces-
space and lot for lease. Starting @ sary. Fax resume to 285-3931 or call
$509 mo (904)514-1090. 1 285-7202.
PARKING ATTENDANT $10 per hour, Fri-
day &'Saturday 9pm-lam, 655-4573.
FRE TO good home 2 small Ball Py-
tnions Call 241-8389
LARGE DOG' kennel for sale w/ divider,
$40.b0, call 249-9196
HEALTHY, HAPPY. black kinen., female
10mb. old, good w.dogs Free c. good
homp 626-3780
MINIATURE YORKIES. Cute as a button
Males. AKC. Snols 8 weeks. $900 firm
859-.p72 or 249-1425
PIT:; JLL/ LAB mix puppies 3 males
and '. females avaiiaole. Shots and
worgiqd.. 20 good nome. 743-2042
HOMELESS PETS lor adoplion- Cals &
dogs. 246-3600
on --
IF YOU are inreresied in advenrising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email-' classintied@beachesieadercom
pop q*.A N.-IT-;v~i mii
WEEKEND POSITION open for Security
Officer at Vicar's Landing Flexible hours.
Please call 285-1055 lor appt
'BUS DRIVER, P/T, for Chuich School.
Send resume to Alter School Program,
P.O Box 1558. Ponie Vedra Beach, Fl.
32204 Call 316.9951
business. We will certify, but applicant
music nave knowledge ol caralo & muscu-
lar exercise Greal growinth opportunity with
largest P.T organization in the woad.
285-3236. www hlpontevedra.com
STYLIST NEEDED high comm. or booth
rental, 249-3011.
SiTTER NEEDED for 4 & 6 yrs olds for af-
lernoon care. Transportation needed. Re-
sponsible 904-806-6343
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with riend-
ly. professional phone voice and anention
Ponre Vedra. Call 285-5855
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to Ihe prospective employee. Ads
tor selt-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category Ads which may require
payment of tees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
adveniser ask lor a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033
Seeking responsible persons for private
company. Must be bondable. Serious in-
quines only Leave msg at 716-8824.
,* *. *.
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning."
Window Cleaning, Janilorial Services, etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238. 612-1755.
,* *
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Compelee
tune-up. All makes, all models. $49.50.
lawns Free esumates 246-0967.
mates. local. reasonable prices. We do it
rignl me first lime No contracts required.,
Call Ray. 607-0853. .
WINSOR LAWN Service, inc Competitve
rates Call Alan. 237-5301
CHEAP MOE'S! Complete lawn service
Most yards only $25 19041422-0593.
Pam 742-7769:.
FILL DIRT- Cheap, Drg ponds free for dirt
Land clearing & new sepiic installation
services available. L & D Enterprises. Call
PALM. TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 240-4724
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4238. 612-1755.
*'. ,
STOP'OVEPXlt I1 Landscan y plre Ji
'}.nus Llcehsed"' insured. DepirdbOe.,f I
Beaches'West Beacnes.' Ponfe Vedra.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esti-
mates Professional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding. trimming- irees,
shrubs Licensed & insured Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
rEASo i N1rlur pai ning.. ulywaui, tA-
ture. Specialize in smaller jobs. 25yrs ex-
perience. Licensed. insured. references.
Please see our Ad in the Business Re-
view, 855-1254.
home restoration. finish carpentry decks.
tile, 3033803
State Certified Contractor (Hands-on).
New conslruciion'additons. remodeling.
kitchen & bath. rermile damage. Bob..
Complete remodeling services & renova-
tions. Tile & Marble Specialist Nick,
WOOD REPAIRS. Termite & Ronen
wood, siding, slucco, wood decks repairs
Licensed General Contraclor 247.9525.
CGC 1505263. Commercial & Residential
New homes, room additions. remodeling,
stucco, siding. Any small rush repairs
Quality Guaranleec Affordable prices.
Free estimates t904)234-1179
JAMES WYNNE Repairs Inc. Brick, bIocK
concrete, carpentry. drywall. New con-
shuclion & repairs 333-1388.
dependable for quality repairs. service
calls, painting. improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE ?46-6628.
Painting, carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing, tile work, drywall.
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets, bath-
rooms, ile, doors, windows, rotted wood,
termite damage, root leaks, drywall,
decks. etc. Honest, top quality work-
No job too big or small, ', ."
if your honey can't do it, -'
call the handymen who do it all.
Complete. renovations, turn key
service. All types flooring, custom
tile work, carpet repair & installa-
tion. Pressure washing, construc-
tion & deck repair. Drywall repair
& painting. Garage cleaning,
debris removal.
Licensed & Fully Insured
SMILEI YOUR house was cleaned-today
by Top to Bottom Housekeeping. Reiten-
ces Licensed. Just call and it will be done
HOUSES WANTED to clean. 14 years ex-
perience References Maryann 377.6643.
LET THE Honey Do Bees clean your ga-
rage for you. 246-4203 L
SERVICES. Dependable. honest,
thorough. References. Licensed. Insured.
Tough on dirt, easy on your check book
ble Reasonable rates, free estimates Call
Roxanne (9041477-5398
WAREHOUSE WORK and Fumiture As-
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week.
Must be able to lift 501bs. Call 241-5558.
THE TWO of us personally clean your
home. 8 years. in business with referen-
ces. Call Tricia at 233-2621
MATH TUTOR- Experienced, Certified
Math: Teacher will tutor students grades
K-12,,Call Stacie @ 249-2293.
WQOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
dodr Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.
i 11U iS SSB= Pl[ i,
quality work at excellent price, also pres-
sure cleaning Call Nick 349-5990
Sate root cleaning Deck & fence
resltoiaion Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured Call Kevin 994-0045
WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs. experi-
ence. Specializing in Beach homes.
We service thousands of beach residentS.
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409.
C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
'wall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling, etc.
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.
MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.
11001411413, 6,10
ROOFING IN-TOWN pnces @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
Trees, trimming, Licensed, 242-2546.
Quality work at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986.
CUT RITE Tree Service. Tree trimming/
stump grinding. Tree removal/ storm clean
up. All debris removal/ firewood
(904)646-9896 (904)56B-6234
Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312.
FOR. RENT- 750-1000vl ortice space
located in Jacksonvlle Beacn. Reasonably
priced from $1304-$1750. Utities inclucl-
ed Call Vicki or Tam, (904i241 1656.
V ---
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader'
- - - -
Classified 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
September 8, 2006
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook for breakfast
anr lunch Apply within @ Ellen' Kilchen
1824 Suir,. 3rd St. 246-1572
GATOR IRRIGATION now hiring Irrigation
repair technician. Must have minimum
Syr.s experience and valid Florida drivers
license. $14-15 per hour. Call 838-5885.
F/T HOUSEKEEPER. Energetic, self-mo-
tivated Individual needed. Apply in person,
Ashford Court Assisted Living, 1700 The
Greens Way, Jax Bch, must enjoy working
with the elderly. DFWP/ EOE.
SEEKING STRONG Individual for F/T
Customer Service Dept. In and outbound
calls, good problem solver, ability to multi-
task, Excellent communication skills, tele-
phone experience land basic computer
skills required. HS Diploma or GED equiv.
Fax resume to 904-899-4473.
MANAGER in holistic, intemal medical of-
fice. Full /part tinfe secretarial, clerical,
and support-of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required In answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must. be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with, references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
A n.N,,J,,,1 A.,, A Q., ,, ,T
City of Atlantic Beach. Starting pay
$13.61/hr+ benefits. Starting pay if CMC
designated is $14.85/hr+ benefits. Must
be Notary Public for State of FL or able to
obtain within 6 mos. of hire. Must be able
to attend evening meetings and take &
transcribe minutes. Performs a variety of
detailed administrative/ secretarial tasks.
applications accepted' until 9/20/06 and
may be obtained al www coab us or 800
.Seminole Rd., Atlantic Beach, FL,
904) 247-5820 No smokers/ tobacco
users Drug leshing conducted EOE.
have Iransportaion Some experience
helpful 993-7328.
BEACH PEST control company needs
lawn care tech, no exp req hardworking,
stable techs earn 30K+ DFWP call 241-
7175. A .
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
Baylor Weekends 7pm to 7am every
Saturday and Sunday at a Premier Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Ap-
plications available at Fleet Landing Se-
curity Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., At-
lantIc. Beach, FL; Fax to (904)246-9447;
mail to: jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
Scaffold' Erectors, Electricians, Skilled
Personnel. Call 249-8147 or 726-5661..
Full-Time, 5:30am-2pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community Health Center. Excel-
lent benefits, good working environment.
Nursing Home cooking experience de-
sired. Applications available at Fleet Land-
ing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL ;.Fax to 904-246-
9447; email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE/ Drug-free Workplace.
3 Pool Techs needed. Experience prefer-
red, but will train. Clean driving record.
401k, health benefits. Please call
LEGAL ASSISTANT wanted for Ponte.Ve-
dra firm. Full time/ 4 Day work week, no
benefits. Must be professional and gram-
matically proficieht. Good phone skills a
must. Computer knowledge and experi-
ence a plus Fax resume- 285-5336
PONTE VEDRA, AR Clerk position. Musi-
have AR experience to include collections.
Requires last learner and well organized
Good pay. email resume to
khorne@cntre.com EOE.
CUSTOMER SERVICE entry level posi-
,ion for last paced printing company Must
have computer experience Stop by 640 N.
3rd SI, JB or Call 246-9162.
242-8235 1
Beaches area. Atlantic and San Pablo. Are you seeking a real career
not just a job? We are now building our team at Jacksonville's
glamorous. new\ salon under construction. We are interviewing the
.area's best and most talented hair and color stylists, nail
professionals. aestheticians, administrative assistant/receptionist
and apprentices. High income potential and benefits plan. Clientele
bonus considered "
Call 220-8900 for an interview with Mr. Eli .Alain Vital, master
stylist and General. Manager.
J .t t t k c gfo -peu
S' Positions Available
S Guest Service Agent Room Service Supervisor "
Spa Receptionist Room Service Server
RESORT Sales Report Assistant Honor Bar Attendant *
S .. Ocean View Server Starbucks Attendant *
: Maintenance Engineer Security Officer
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
* opportunities for advancement and
* a caring management staff. *
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
m 1000 PqA TOUR Boplevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 U
Webslte: Www.sawgrassrnarrlott.com S
*. Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070 0
W Lo, Fr rtoMenYoo
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering.job-related
services and may charge fees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive.
INK AND Toner Refill in Beaches area.
High profits, Untapped potential. Easy to
operate. 247-3815.
WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a fee to get
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
of offerings in this classification. If any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a fee to learn the na-
ture of the opportunity; please report it to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.
6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years
experience. Tammy 373-0404.
BED- BRAND- name queen set,,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
CUSTOM MADE Camel Back sofa- Bur-
gandy colors, exc.cond., $500 OBO.
ENCLOSED TRAILER 5'x8'x5' excellent
condition $900. Call 246-3340.'
2 GE Electric dryers. 30" electric stove.
$50 each. All in good working condition.
Can deliver. 945-0226.
1994 ASPEN Trailer. 4 1/2x 9ft. Heavy du-
ty. $575. 553-7203.
2 TICKETS for Pittsburgh Game, Monday
night @ $20 each. 2 tickets $300 total with
front door parking. 642-3364 Ive message.
DAMBY DORM Refrigerator, like new.
$90 OBO, 23' dia pub table w/ 2 stools,
$250 OBO. Call 249-4373.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015.
43" HITACHI HDTV, contemporary sofa,
wicker furn, lamp, end tables, coffee table,
cherry high boy dresser, much more. Call
for appt. 904-316-4436. Ponte Vedra loca-
PT CHILD care needed in PVB for after 2 TICKETS, $20 each Dallas Game.
school care, 465-0830. 642-3364 Ive message..
A I IV NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & references. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.
FREE PRESCHOOL for 4 year olds- 3
hour/ day, M-F. State Funded. Beaches
Academy,. 1725 Penman Rd. 246-3885.
LOVING, FULL Day Care openings for
one and three year olds. Beaches
Academy Child Enrichment Center. 1725
Penman Rd, 246-3885.
MASSAGE THERAPY- Enjoy a massage
in the comrrifort of your own home by an ex-
perienced licensed massage therapist. 50
minutes $60. Call 904-233-4069 for an ap-
pointment. #MA47111.
DO YOU or someone you know need help
paying for your medications? If you don't
have Rx drug coverage, you may quality
for FREE medcaions irc.m your docior.
Call 1 800.971 6169 i.ay S ,
Includes a nutritional and lifestyle evalua-
tion and body, compoiiion analysis Call
Jeremy or Panri ,s 9i:i4-223-0165 to book
your appoinirment toda,,'
For the eldeiiy all your hair needs in the.
Sc'mfon or your r.:.me Licensed and insur-
e.'e Call Bartara 434.6206.
COMPANION, SITTING, bath/showers,
Itghl house k-lping and more. State lic.
54683. 477-7862 881-8524, 200-5858;
Keiryann, Tesa or Tracey.
PRIVATE DUT',' CNJA looKinr, ic care lor
elderiv Exc. rets Degree w many years
exp Please call Donna 285-0432
IF YOU are irtereslea ir advenring under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
TWO TWIN beds w/bedding $125.
247-5431. ,
2 ATLANTIC Beach burial plots. Best
offer. Call 249-8082.
Cast-iron garden .tub $600, futon, recliner,
tables/ chairs, microwave, misc.
SOLID OAK Queen bedroom sei In,.
cludes rdi6ded -,ead.t.oard ..*.'ranr, ,rlay
design, 72" six plus drawer dresser
. w/rounded mirror and rattan inlay, two
2-drawer -ni niriandis. four drawer plus
storage Arnioire.. Good condition $600,
12" throat capacity, 2HP motor, mobile
base and dust collection. Like new. $850.
993-5859 (day), 246-0027 (eye.)
80" MAHOGANY Duncan Fife Bear Claw
Dining Table, with 6/chairs, $750.. Call
KING BED complete, $125 OBO; elegant
wedding dress, size 16, very nice, $175
OBO, 813-8280.
BEAUTIFUL BLACK upright* piano,
(Young Chang), w/ bench, light metro-
nome & de-humidifier, $950, 962-1858
LIKE NEW Treadmill, $300. Call
LARGE FRAMED' mirror 8'4"X36" $100;
large oak roll top desk $1200, condo furni-
ture: 307-2841.
AIR PURIFIER as advertised by Dr. Laura
on radio show. Great health benefits. Free
3-day trial. No obligations. 241-2112.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.,
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories. Ladder
rack (rackill $195. Diamond plate tool box
$75 716.1518
L/R set for sale $300 lakes all. Will sell by
piece. Call 246-3033 lor appi
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory,
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic w/warranty.' $379. Must sell.
MOVING- LOVELY off-white sofa set
$350. Queen Anne round dining table and
6/chairs '$350. Beautiful wood square
coffee table w/glass center $250. $1000
Sony HiFi record player, radio & tape
recorder,. 2 speakers in glass cabinet, only
$225. $1000 Leather, navy Lazy Boy re-
cliner $350. 16" cut Hedger $10. Wrought
iron setee w/2 chairs. Bread machine, al-
most new $25. 285-0084.
DINING ROOM set, table, six chairs, two
piece china cabinet, excellent condition,
$870 OBO, 221-5976.
FILL, DIRT- Cheapl Dig ponds free for,
BAKERS RACK, like new, metal, glass,
and wdbod $150. Dell desktop 4400 com-
puter w/ scanner, printer, desk, and chair
complete $650 for all. Sofa and love seat,
neutral colored floral, good condition.
'$500 for both. 221-2969 "
JAGUAR TICKETS, Jaguar Tickets, Jagu-
ar TickeI-lil Call 246-4332 or 625.64-12.
SHOWTIME DANCE sroes, 3 pair. size
7-1/2. Some newer worn, cost over"
$100/pa asking $40.ea.. gold, taupe, &
black) 285.0084
KING & Queen Bedroom Set...King mat-
tress brand new. King furniture brand
new, Queen set I. Lexingion [or a young
man. 904.280-2987.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set ,nciudes queen
mallhress & box, new -l;li ,n ooxes T499
Can daeier. 853-9350.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
FILL DIRT lor sale Can deliver Miranda
Contracting, Call. 219-2765.
QUEEN :SIZE Sealy posturpedic, 2-side
pillowtop Mattress/Box/frame. Like newr
$160. Can deliver 2461832.
Guitars $99 & Up
X-box or playstations $79
Games 3 for $25
Engagement ring. 1 carat $999
A1 A Prestige Jewelry & Pawn
327 10th Ave. North, 241-5666.
DINING ROOM able wsix upnoislered
chairs, glass top wir, brush melal & stone
base 44x72, $6010 ,273-5854
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell., $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350 .
LAPTOP PENTIUM tl $100; large Star
Trek collection $400, kids' movies $3.00
each, 241-4204.. :
HEART PINE, tongue & groove flooring
cut iromrr antique Pine imoers. Installation,
siair maier l. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
for your;
1246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd..
IJ[a oFin 1ii
FOUR FAMILIES Saturday Sept 9th, 8am-
12pm. 500 block of 10th Ave. South.
1,000'S OF stuffed toys both mechanical
& still. Also tops of other= type toys in col-
lection. Vintage collectibles china, anti-
ques & more. by B Langston at the
beach. 1703 2nd Ave. N.:off Penman,
1 block from Beaah. Thurs, Fri. 9-4pm.
MULTI FAMILY. Teaching aids, furniture,
glassware, toys, & more. 1602 N Fifth
Ave. Saturday, 8am-3pm.
CORNER 6TH Ave N. and 11th St. Lots of
household stuff,toys, clothes, kid's bike.
Saturday & Sunday 8am-until.
DOLLS & misc. Friday & Saturday, 8am-
until. 609 10th Place So.
BIG SALE! Lots of good stuff. Saturday
only. 8am. 815 7th Ave S.
CLOTHING, OAK bedroom set and much
more. Saturday 8am-lpm, 13741 Sea-
hawk St. (Danforth Subdivision off Hodges
between JTB & Beach Blvd).
1084 16TH Ave. So., huge charity sale to
benefit The Childrens Tumor Foundation,
entertainment center, baker's rack, Christ-
mas collectibles, microwave, books, many
nice items donated by several families,
Saturday,, 8am-12pm.
clothes, toys, etc., Sat. 8 am, 1210 4th
Ave. No.
HUGE GARAGE sale, 941 Ruth
Ave.,Sat.7am to 2pm.
602 CHERRY St. (Neptune by the Sea).
Saturday, 7:30am-1:30pm. Furniture,
kitchen items, boy's wetsuit, china, kid's
bike, misc. items.
GARAGE SALE, Christ United Methodist
Church, 400 Penman Rd., is collecting do-
nated items for their fall rummage sale to
be held Fri. Sept. 15th and Sat. the 16th
from 9AM-3PM both days. Soup, drinks,
sandwiches and baked goods will be sold,
&4------- --- m q
YARD SALE Saturday, 8am-12pm. 416
'Sargo Rd. Lots of furniture, clothes, toys
etc. ,
HUGE TWO- Family yard sale. Saturday
8am-until. 924 Schooners Bay Drive.
(Mayport to AlA)
DOLPHIN COVE Moving Sale, 17 Mack-
eral St., Saturday, 8am-2pm. Fountain,
Gym sets, ceiling fan, Toro lawnmower,
sprayer, kid's clothes, books, lots more.
-SATURDAY 8AM-12PM. Some of every-
thing. 174 Solano Cay Circle.
1,000'S OF stuffed toys both mechanical
& still. Also tons of other type toys in col-
lection. Vintage collectibles, china, anti-
ques & more. by B. Langston at the
beach. 1703 2nd Ave. N. off Penman, 1
block from Beach. Thurs, Fri. 9-4pm.
SEA DOO 3D, Bombardiere, 2004, $6000,
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $169K. 463-2845.
boat slip for-rent, 40ft. $500, 50ft. $600,
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.
HOBIE-CAT 18FT., 1988, sky blue, all
equip. & trailer incl., $900, call Warren
1999 POLAR Saltwater Series 11 100 hp-
4stroke Yamaha, fully loaded, great condi-
tion, $9500 OBO, 610-6718.
2 VESPAS 50cc, 350 miles each, perfect
condition, matching silver, green helmets.
$4000 for both, firm. 318-3666.
2003 CHEVY Silverado, regular cab, 8ft.
bed, 30,000 orig. miles. $12,500 OBO.
1998 Chevy, extended cab, $6500 OBO.
1994.F350 dually, great work truck, $6500
OBO. 385-8082, 226-8700.
HOUSEHOLDSatu, furniture, m.and baby TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2001. Great condi-
ane, tion, 70k0 OBO. 588-4691.miles, White/ gray interior.
Lan ..$10,500 OBO. 588-4691..
TVs, entertainment centers, dressers,
couch, bikes, boat parts, camper shell &
lots ofmisc. Saturday & Sunday 8am-until,
1026 Assisi Lane. May call for more de-
tails. 372-9338.
North Florida's Largest
Boat & Yacht Dealer
Moomba Check
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastroh
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
Sunsation -
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks
14539 Beach Blvd.
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal
'86 CHEVY half ton pick-up, great work
truck, cold AC, $2,300, 280-7545.
FORD FOCUS 2005, ZX5, SES; fully
loaded, asking $10,900, 221-5976.
2006 SOLARA convertible SLE, loaded,
leather, 7000 miles, full 7year/100K war-
ranty, $27,000, 241-0927.
1986 FORD Bronco, 4DW new tires, 5
speed runs good, $800; 1995 Isuzu Ro-
de' 4WD. auto, runs great (must see),
$1200 firm, 504 320'2.
1997 CHEVY Cavalier RS. $1800 Info/
Spics ai. car,:.up corn 904-703-2992.
2001 SATURN L200 adr, cold ArC. aulo-
matic; ,95,000 miles, runs good. $4850.
2004 TOYOTA 4Runner Limited. 4x4, V8,
loaded, titanium silver, 55k miles, very
particular owner. $25,000. 904-338-4046.
2000 MERCEDES -SL500, well main-
tained, great drive. Priced at loan $23,900.,
1985 CORVETTE, fed, very nice car,
T-top, fully loaded, automatic, cold A/C, in
excellent shape. Asking $9500 OBO.
226-8700 or will trade for equal value..:
2003 BMW 530i, 41k 'n. sponr pkg. pre-
mium pkg, special o,:-er paini a more
New tires. $30,800. (904)571-4115.
Experience Waterfront Property
on the water at
ate as lowa8 4.990%
: C. AOII 0pr Yachts
:": ". -207.9 e c Boul, -
Jacksonville Bea.i, FL-91M '
Office: 9`0
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