Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 6, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00071
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. September 6, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: September 6, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00071
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Wedding
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 10
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 4
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 8
Full Text

SBoard games

See B-i


Vol. 44. No. 22


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See A-7

An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the* communities of Ponte Vedra Beach. Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Chairman says Commissioner Rich 'crossed the line'

.St. Johns County
Commission Chairman Jim
Bryant, angered that
Commissioner Ben Rich had
"crossed the line" in saying
Brvyant had pressured a county)
employee to do his will,'
announced Tuesday he has
sought legal council in the

Bryant told the other four
county commissioners that he
expects St. Johns County to
pay his legal fees in his defense
against statements Rich made
recently to members of the
Bryant did not say whether
he had filed a claim against
Rich, and commissioners made
no response to Bryant's com-

ments. ':.
At issue is a letter to media
outlets Rich sent in response to
An Aug. 25 news release from
Bruce Maguire of Ponte Vedra
Beach, who was in the middle
of a heated primary election
campaign to retain his seat on
the commission.
Rich objected that the
release announcing
Maguire's plan to reduce resi-

dental density was written
on county letterhead so could
be interpreted as a county-
endorsed proposal.
In the letter to media outlets,
Rich said a county employee,
Ted Zebrowsky, an assistant
county administrator, told
Rich that Bryant threatened
him with his job so that he
would issue Maguire's news

Bryant said Tuesday he has
consulted a lawyer to defend
himself against Rich's accusa-
tions that he threatened
"This time it's crossed the
line, and I'm not going to sit
on the sidelines," Bryant said
in Tuesday's regular meeting of
the St. Johns Board of County'
Zebrowskv last week told The

Leader that Zebrowsky, Bryant
and County Administrator Ben
Adams agreed Maguire's news
release had "political over-
Because of that, they agreed
to issue the release with the
following disclaimer at the top:
"From the office of: District 4
'Commissioner Bruce Maguire."

PV landmark


Oceanfront home
at end of Solana
known by many
as Stehlin-Tift


One of the oldest houses in Ponte
Vedra Beach, an oceanfront home
that played a key role in the com-
munity's history, was demolished
Tuesday, the victim of skyrocketed
property values.
The house at 423 Ponte Vedra
Blvd., known as the Stehlin-Tift
House, will be replaced with a cus-
tom home designed for a Georgia
couple who paid $5 million for the
:155-foot oceanfront property last
Crews worked Tuesday to bring
down the house at the end of
-Solana Road.
I The exact
!age of the
house was not
a' ailIable The
ITuesday, but The land w
the archivist
with the to be terr
Beaches Area II|
Historical aIbOe
Society said
,the house her
I dates to :at -, atherine Ti
least 1927, family owned th
when a owne
National Lead yeg
iC ompa ny :y
manager and
his family
moved in.
"The house was occupied ;iby
Joseph Stehlin and his family from
1927 to 1934," said 'Taryn
Rodriguez-Boette, BAHS archivist.
"Col. Stehlin was the manager of
the operation [of National Lead
.Co.] at this time."
In 1922, National Lead bought
out the original mining claims laid:

in the area south of 1
Jacksonville Beach, where
the sand was found to con-
tain valuable minerals such
as rutile
National Lead Company,
which owned 17 miles of
beach property, named the
area Mineral City. The area
was renamed Ponte Vedra
Beach in the 1940s.
The St. Johns County
Property Appraiser's Office
lists the house as built in
But that was the year it
was deeded from the Ponte
Vedra Club to a New Jersey
buyer who added the mar-
ble fireplace and other
trappings, said ludy
Willingham Smith with 4 4
Ponte Vedra Club Realty -am 4
who, with Gypsy --i
Alexander, sold the proper- .au .1,
ty last year. a *
"It was the original min- -- -
ing office," said Smith, qA M
adding that after mining
operations stopped, "it was
used for the
The New
J lersev buyer
ias getting kept the house
*| I about 15 years,
bly valu- until it was
sold to Thomas
Tift, and the
rter, who stayed in the
r 9 Tift family
e house for 54 until last
Septeminbe r,.
rs Smith said.
The Tifts,
who live in
Atlanta, used
the house for summers and vaca-
tions, Smith said.
Tift's daughter, Catherine Tift
Porter, said that her father bought
the property in 1951 for $25,500.
"When he bought it, it was really
just a three-bedroom house" with a
large bedroom off the living room
and two bedrooms at the opposite
end of the house, Porter said in a

Maguire appears ousted;

Sanchez ahead of Stern

by LAURA FOWLER Kohnke of Palm Valley who was herself
STAFF WRITER Ta one-term St. Johns commissioner.
In the District 2 race, Commissioner
St. Johns County voters may have Karen Stem had 6,894 votes, or 42.26
unseated County Commissioner Bruce percent, compared with 7,065 votes, or
Maguire of Ponte Vedra Beach, but 43.3, for Ron Sanchez in the
with 95 percent of precincts reporting, Republican primary. The winner is
the race for his and another seat on the selected by a plurality.
County Commission were too close to The winner of that race will face
call Tuesday evening. Democrat Ken Bryan on Nov. 7. A third
"It's so close that we are checking Republican, Ron Schumaker, got 2,356
and double checking the numbers," votes.
Penny Halyburton, St. Johns County These unofficial results included
Supervisor of Elections, said about 9:30 early voting as well as absentee ballots.
p.m. Tuesday. Tuesday's primary ended a campaign
Halyburton said that results will not season that was marked by negative
be final until Sept. 12, adding that if messages and some questions of char-
less than one-half percent separates acter.
two candidates, there will be a manual The campaign chests of the two
recount. incumbents far outpaced those of any
With 95 percent of precincts report- of their opponents.
ing, Maguire had garnered 7,881 votes, By late: August, Stem had collected
or 48.3 percent, to 8,426 votes for Tom,.more than $197,000 compared with
Manuel, or 51.67 percent. ='"- v f-but $7,600 for Sanchez and about
If the results hold up, Manuel will $3,500 for Schumaker.Bryan reported
face a write-in candidate, Richard contributions of about $8,700.
Olszewski, in the general election Nov. Maguire raised more than $140,000
7. compared with Manuel's $8,800 and
Maguire was elected four years ago to Olszewski's $100.
the District 4 seat, replacing Mary

Density plan gets first look

Assistant County Attorney Patrick
McCormack told commissioners
Tuesday that more research is needed
to determine the pros and cons of
adopting a policy that restricts the den-
sities of developments to no more than
50 percent of what is allowed.
The proposal came from St. Johns
County Commissioner Bruce Maguire,
who said Tuesday he would like to see
the Board of County Commissioners
adopt the policy in order to limit
growth without impeding on property
"I think we could use that as a regu-
latory tool," Maguire said.
All other commissioners agreed that

they would like to hear more from the
county's legal and planning depart-
ments in order to assess the value of
such a policy.
"I think that it's something that is
certainly going to require a lot of dis-
cussion," Commissioner Karen Stern
said, adding that she had many ques-
tions for the county attorneys.
Maguire said the county has infor-
mally tried to restrict density levels in
developments in the past.
For example, property with a zoning
of residential C is allowed to have six
units per acre, and the county has gen-
erally approved only 4 units per acre,
Maguire said in the meeting.


I 'm -,g0U

telephone interview from Atlanta.
* "It was added on to over the
Her father sold the northern 100
feet of the parcel for $25,000, leav-
ing them with the house and 155
feet of oceanfront, Porter said.
"We would go down [to Ponte
Vedral, probably, as soon as school
was out," she said.
"\Ve just loved it," she said.
She and her brother had families
of their ow-n who also used the
house, Porter said.
"Then it became a problem of
who was going to use it when," she
Then there were the taxes.
"The taxes are way up there,"
Porter said.
"Now, if it was a fine, fine home,
you wouldn't mind paying that."
So the Tifts decided to sell after
owning the property 54 years, she
"The land was getting to be terri-
bly valuable."

Dave Schaeffer of Ponte Vedra eases his boat up the Palm Valley boat ramp
LaborDay afternoon, while his son Cole helps and his wie helps and his wife Uz looks on. At far
left is Cody Powell, who awaits his turn to use the ramp, which was kept busy
throughout the holiday. A similar ramp planned for the west side of the
Intracoastal and north of the Palm Valley bridge is awaiting approval from the
Department of Environmental Protection, said Dan Weimer, St. Johns County
director of recreation.

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar.............A-6 Opinion A-4
Classified ...................B-5 Police Beat A-5 PONTE V EDRA LEADER
Fishing ...................... B-3 Sports .........................B-1
Obituaries....... ...............A-5 Weather......................... A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc. WWW.pontevedraleader.com
Two sections, 18 pages



~ ~P~kid



g. *4- st

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box. 50129 for correspondence)
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Subscriptions: $25 per year.in Duval
and St. Johns counties. Out of county,
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responsible only for the space occupied
by the actual error. The publisher
assumes no financial responsibility for
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Serid address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Copyright 2006
Open Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

1114 Beach Boulevard
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By telephone:
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The Leader encourages
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Submissions should be
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must be paid for in advance.
A 5x7" print is $10 and an
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classified ads, see the front
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tion. Display ads and inserts
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The newspaper is delivered
to homes on Wednesdays and
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per year in Duval and St.
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To start your subscription
call (904) 249-9033.

The Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it
is our policy to correct them
as soon as they are brought to
our attention.
To request a correction,
contact the editor at 249-
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advertisements, the Leader

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assumes no financial respon-
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The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review articles published
more than, one year ago,
bound copies of the newspa-.
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Microfilm copies of the news-
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Environmental ethics in N. Fla. subject of UNF meet
The Environmental Center p.m., with various speakers
at the University of North from faculty at L-NF, Flagler
Florida and The Blue Cross and and Edward Waters colleges as
Blue Shield of Florida Center well as the local community.
for Ethics, Public Policy and Topics include Moral Matters,
the Professions are sponsoring Frameworks for Policy, Moral
an environmental ethics con- Aspects of Community
ference, "Ethical Aspects of Organization, Describing the
Urban Development in Problems and Innovative
Northeast Florida," on Projects in Jacksonville. The
Thursday, Oct. 19, and Friday, keynote luncheon speaker will
Oct. 20, at the University be Charles Kibert, University of
Center on the UNF campus. Florida Holland Professor in
The conference kicks off the School of Building
.....wi tha banquet Ontober.,, ion 4 a. li.gus
p.Tn:, featuring keynote speak- "An Ethical Framework for
".*er William Throop, provost Sustaitin"''''''''
and professor of philosophy The fee for the conference is
and environmental studies at $40, which includes cost of
Green Mountain College in meals. To register or for more
Vermont. He will discuss the information, contact Abby
role of the university in sus- Howard Murphy at 0904) 620-
tainable urban development. 2662 or by e-mail at ahmur-
The conference continues on phyIaunf.edu.
Oct. 20 from 9 a.m. until 5

Lifelong Learning Institute to open for 50+ crowd

The University of North
Florida's Division of
Continuing Education will
hold an open house on
Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 10 a.m.
until noon at the University
. Center to unveil Northeast
Florida's only. Lifelong
Learning Institute. The initia-
tive is designed for adults over
Sage 50 who wish to explore
and learn about a wide array of
topics, from culture to com-
puters to current events and
everything in between.
Participants can enjoy courses,
lunch sessions, trips, collabora-
tions and exciting networking
Classes and programs. will
begin Tuesday, Oct. 17 and will
be held from 10 a.m. until
noon and from 1 p.m. to 3

Anti-bully lesson gets $
Beaches Resource Center
Foundation Grant has
approved funding for the gen-
eral assembly "Don't be a
Bully..be a Buddy!!" for Beach
elementary schools for the
2006/2007 year. Schools ear-
marked for the BRC funding
are Joseph Finegan elementary,
Atlantic Beach Elementary,
Mayport Elementary, San
Pablo Elementary, Seabreeze
Elementary, and Jacksonville
Beach Elementary. The empha-
sis of the general assembly is
build student self-esteem, self-
confidence and leadership
qualities through sharing the
wisdom of the martial arts. The
assembly combines confi-
dence, growth and positive
attitude leaving an imprint
that lasts a lifetime. The assem-
bly was developed by Atlantic
Beach resident Kirk Farber.

Help clean a beach
Local volunteers are needed
to join the 21st Annual
International Coastal Cleanup,
sponsored by the Ocean
Conservancy, on Saturday,
Sept. 16 to achieve cleaner,
safer shorelines, waterways
and neighborhood roadsides.
Events will take place national-
ly and in more than 90 coun-

- ~


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FCCJ offers free workshops during September for women

The Rosanne R. Hartwell
\Vomen's Center of Florida
Community College at
Jacksonville is offering free
workshops and classes for
September. All events are open
to the public, but reservations
are required. Phone numbers
are provided for each event.

Sept. 11-Sept. 28: Three-
week long Challenge Class for
qualified displaced homemak-
ers, Urban Resource Center,
601 IV. State St., Room 313.
Free. Call 904.633.8316.

Tuesday Sept. 12: Personal
Growth Group lIAssert ivenessi
with Melinda Sullivan, Urban
Resource Center, 601 IV. State
St., Room 313, 6-7:30 p.m.

Free. Call 904.633.8311.

Monday, Sept. 18: Self-
Defense workshop for women
18 and older with Kirke
Woodall, Advanced
Technology Center, 401 W.
State St., Room T-242, 6-8 p.m.
Free. Call 904.633.8311.

FCCJ Martin Center Fourth
Floor Board Room,. 501 W.
State St., noon -1 p.m. Free.
Call 904.633.8311. '

Tuesday, Sept. 26: Personal
Growth Group
(Codependencyvi with NMelirida
Sullivan, Urban Resourte
Center, 601 WV. State St., Room

Tuesday, Sept. 19: Personal 313, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Call
Growth Group iSelf-Esteem) 904.633.8311.
with Melinda Sullivan, Urban
Resource Center, 601 \V. State Thursday, Sept. 28:
St., Room 313, 6 p.m. to 7:30 Financial Strategies for Today's
p.m. Free. Call 904.633.8311. mL'mSaa'-with, Theresa Baxterd
; -** lth K.'fart *II. is off- ed Oct.
Thursday, Sept. 21: 5.). Urban Resource Center,
Women's Information 601 W. State St., Room 313, 6-
Exchange Luncheon, "Gaining 7:30 p.m. Free. Call
Financial Control of Your 904.633.8311.
Divorce," with Michelle Ash,

p.m. Tuesday, through
Thursday, with several classes
occurring simultaneously. In
addition to the courses offered,
lunch-n-learn sessions will be
held on Wednesdays.
Seminars, workshops and sym-
posiums will also be available.
Membership enrollment to
the Lifelong Learning Institute
costs $85 per person or $150
per couple, which is an annual
fee for three terms.
Membership includes one free
course per term and free lunch-
n-learn sessions. Additional
fees may be added When neces-
sary. Anyone wishing to teach
a class is encouraged to notify
Erin Moore, Center for Career
and Li(elong Learning, at (904)
620-4260 or

tries. Participating cleanup vol-
unteers will also have the
opportunity to be a part of a
scientific study researching
worldwide waste issues.
Advance registration is NOT
required; bags and gloves will
be provided. Volunteers can
report to the following loca-
Kathryn Abbey Hanna
Park, 500 Wonder wood Road
Huguenot Park, 10980
Heckscher Dr., from 8:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m.;
Helen Cooper Floyd (Little
Jetties) Park, 3600 State Road
A1A, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.;
Atlantic Boulevard at the
Beach Boulevard at the
At the ocean.at 16th Ave. S.
Jacksonville Beach, 7 a.m. to 9
Participants must be at least
18 or accompanied by an adult
and should bring water and
' wear sturdy footwear and sun
protection. The cleanup will
only be cancelled in the event
of severe weather warnings.
For information call 630-3420
or www.coj:net

Expert care. Close to Home.

The Beaches Health Center
1522 Penman Road
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250



September, 6, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader

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Playground for disabled dedicated
Playgrund for disabled dedicated u

Tom Manuel (left), who challenged County Commissioner Bruce Maguire in Tuesday's
Republican primary, greets a voter outside Christ Episcopal Church Tuesday afternoon.

Photo, by CHUCK ADA.IS
Students and staff attend a dedication program Friday for a new 100% handicapped accessible
playground at Neptune Beach Elementary School. Bottom left, the school's former PTA president
Kadren Arlington, from left, helps students Shannon Klocker, Andrew Peterson and Kylea Curren
cut the ribbon on the new play area. The structure, bottom right, is designed to look like a train
and features a ramp. It has two conventional slides and one slide tube that creates the front ol the
train's engine. ."
ADMS Care/Northeast ;:Builders for everybody," Nicholson
by CHUCK ADAMS Association, in kind as well as said. "So we decided to raise
STAFF WRITER in dollars," said Kenski. "On' the money with community
Neptune Beach Elementary e da it was raised, the Navy efforts and built a play-
School dedicated a : totally came out and it looked like ground that is the only one in
handicapped-accessible play- a whole village out here. They Jacksonmille, that is 100 per-
ground Friday that was built were thinking it would take cent handicapped-accessible."
with the help of a whole vil- two days. [But it was done in].. The structure, designed to
large. just one: day. Absolutely look like a train, features a
You knowthe expression remarkable. Everybody pulled handicapped-accessible ramp
'It takes a village to raise together, and there it is."' that leads almost to the top of
child. Well in this case, it took The reward, said Kenski, "is multi-tiered facility. It has two,
a whole village school' raise this ust to see their faces, our chil- conventional slides and one
playground, said school pn-dren with disabilities.' Now: slide tube that creates the front
cipal Sherro Kenski. they're able to get up, play. :of the train's engine.
Neptune Beach Elementary's They have their swings 'he playgouid was designed
Parent Teacher Association ig
Paret Teacher Association Before, they had no place to by Andrew Adams of Grounds
raise, approximately play. So'now not only our chil- for.Play, who was approached
S ceso d t dren, but children all over the by the PTA a year ago about
round services, to build the play.,beach, whether they attend designing a playground that
ground.Neptune Beach or not, are wel- children in wheelchairs and
Neptune Beach was the PTA come to come use the play- other assisted devices could
coordinator. ground." use.
enrollmNeptune Beach 1,000ents The "Playground by the "Before they did this, the
in adesK-5includes 51 Sea," is a public park for the children in the wheelchairs
community and is being leased ere on the sidelines. And now
youngsters with special needs. by Neptune Beach for that pur- they're inthe middle," he said.
S"e had help from the ose.
Oceanside Rotary, Neptune pose wanted to make a play-
,Beach City gand Builders round that was going to work


Cont. from A-1
Maguire added that he did
not wish to adopt the policy
through a formal amendment to
the county's Land Use Code or
to the Comprehensive Plan.
He said the ability to build'to
maximum density levels should
still exist-so that exceptions can
be made when needed.
The board decided to allow
county attorneys to research the
subject more thoroughly and to
present their findings at a regu-

lar meeting in about a month.
Maguire's proposal raised
some hackles when it was
announced in an Aug. 25 news
release issued on county letter-
County Commissioner Ben
Rich, who supported Maguire's
Republican opponent Tom
Manuel in Tuesday's primary
election, said the use of letter-
head could make Maguire's pro-
posal appear to be a county-
endorsed plan.

Lewd acts reported

technicians at a Jacksonville
.Beach massage studio saw more
of their clients than the law per-
mits on two separate occasions
last month in the 200 block of
6th Ave.S. .
, Police responded to Adagio
Massage Therapy just before
noon Aug. 23 to investigate a
report of a 71-year-old man who
exposed himself to a technician.
The employee said the suspect
was led to a room where cus-
tomers are told to undress to
their level of comfort. A sheet is
used as a drape for privacy.
According to police, the man
was on his stomach when the
masseuse entered the room and

turned over once the back mas-
sage was complete.
The man raised his right hand
for a massage and when the
technician complied, ; he
grabbed her right hand while
removing the drape and forcibly
tried to place her hand on his
genitals, police reported.
She broke free and screamed
at the suspect to leave.
A similar incident occurred
Aug. 31 when a 29-year-old man
dropped the sheet in the middle
of a massage and made a lewd
request, police reported. The
technician told police she was
shaken and left the. room to
inform the owner. The suspect
left, the police report said.

Lunch servedMon.-Sat. til 3 p.m.
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Gont. from A-1
Bryant denies making any.
threats and Zebrowsky denies
making that statement to Rich.
'After Tuesday's meeting,
Rich said the issue would come
down to one person's word
against another's.
"If the comments by the
chairman are in reference to
the issue of the press release'
done on St. Johns County let-
terhead' and my findings
regarding my investigation as
to why that press release was

made, then I.have no issues
regarding [Bryant's]
response," Rich said..
S"In all probability, this issue
will rest on the comments
which were made to me by a
high-ranking staff member.
"That staff member will have,'
the opportunity, if the chair-
man pursues the issue, to
either 'confirm or deny the
statements I allege he made to
me." .
Assistant County Attorney
Patrick McCormack said in an'

Group targets Wal-Mart

A local corporation has
recently been formed with the
goal of stopping a proposed
Wal-Mart from locating ir"
Neptune Beach, according to a
local man associated with the
Atlantic Alliance, LLC this
week has been distributing lit-
erature urging residents tc
attend a Sept. 11 Neptune
Beach City Council meeting -
where councilors are expected
to Vote whether to allow a
117,00-square-foot Wal-Mart at
630 Atlantic Boulevard and
protest the store, said Neptune
Beach Michael Aston Tuesday.
Aston said he is associated
with the corporation which
has held two meetings. He said
a third meeting was planned

Tuesday night at the Beaches
s Branch Library.
a Aston said the corporation is
I also accepting donations that
could be used for possible'
i future legal action against \Val-
e Mart by the corporation or to,
aid the city of Neptune Beach
s. in future legal issues associated.
with the proposed Wal-Mart.
The city has been threatened
e with legal action by Wal-Mart
- representatives arid representa-
l tives for the property owner at
i 630- Atlantic Boulevard if the'
t project is denied.
I The Florida Department of'
a .State division of corporations
lists James Neal Hutchinson, a
I Jacksonville Beach attorney, as
I the I manager .of Atlantic
SAlliance, LLC. : .

inhteriew Tuesdlay that hehas.
given Bryant's office with a
copy of .the county ordinance
that: provides for reimburse-
ment 'of legal fees when com-
missioners are sued for actions
taken in their jobs as commis--
McCormack declined to offer'
an opinion on whether Bryant
could be reimbursed fori legal
fees in his tiff with Rich and
whether Rich could be reim-
bursed for legal, fees he might
incur as well..


Part of a paragraph from a
story on A-i Friday was missing
a few lines. The paragraph
should have read as follows:
",I believe that Ms. Little
knew that in her position as
director getting subordinate
staff to sign a political cam-
.paign petition was wrong not
just on the face of it but
because this all took place in a
county' owned building" duir-
ing working hours, the com-
plaint says.. '
For the complete story, visit

:2": .: THE





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Page '3A*k

Senttember 6, 2006


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader




Pag 4A ?. y 8i ?*' ?- !: i- i. i11^ e en cTu o
Page 4A -. ..... .. : .. ., ,-eptem ber 6, 2uuo
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADEWPONTE VEDRA LEADER

Letters to the editor:

A lesson in democracy ,
To the editor: tional square feet of floor, space
Every so often, a group comes in a new or remodeled home,
along and gets voted into office about the size of small walk-in
with a plan to save Atlantic closet. Mayor Wolfson closed
Beach from itself. They typical- the recent meeting with an
ly run on.a platform that doom impassioned speech about what
is just around the corner, and in a sad day this was for Atlantic
the last election this siren.call, Beach. He,werit on to say that
was delicately wrapped around this night was a good example
encroachment from' of elected bodies protecting the
McMansions and developers. 'A minority from majority rule,.
good many of our residents From a political standpoint'
have now come to believe just that concept seemed a little
the opposite Atlantic Beach sketchy. Exacthl how do you
needs to protect itself from the. build consensus in a communi-
elected officials that we just :ty with minority rule? Did
elected. Mayor Wolfson mean if the
With the passing on first read- minority hadn't liked the new
ing of Ordinance #90-06-195, ordinance, but the majority did, S
and its inevitable final passing 'they might not have passed it?
at the next commission meet- No, what he really meant was,
ing, residents will receive a.very once you're elected you cart do
loud and clear wake'up call'as to, what you want, and the voter
the true meaning of democracy. input, community board input,
While no one yet completely public workshops, etc. are all &1i A f c2
understands exactly what the just a facade, and even more so
ordinance really means and when the Mayor is being guided
what impact it will ultimately by some minority group.
have on property values and Assuming this passes on the ...' -. t s '
home sales, including the com- second reading all property ." .. 'v mission, suffice to say it places owners in the designated area
severe restrictions on those who will be required'to comply with O y
want to build, rebuild or remod- the new ordinance if they make n reco
el a home in Atlantic Beach. certain changes to their house.
Over the course of several In reading the 7-page ordinance
months the commission hired a you will encounter new terms, To the editor:
land planner from Boulder, con- including floor area ratios, what After attending the public
ducted numerous workshops constitutes an incompatible heating regarding the pro-
and referred then proposal to design, scale &- mass compli- posed ordinance to limit res-
the Community Development ance, side wall planes, height to idential changes in Atlantic
Board and a citizens panel for wall plates, and the ever tricky' Beach, I felt good knowing
input. What was the result? Ar third floor footprint. that the vast majority of citi-
overwhelming number of AB More important, if you are zens were speaking out .
citizens came forward quite considering selling your house against this-proposal.
vocally against the new guide- you should try to bone up' on After reading, that the.
lines at every public meeting the new ordinance so you can council' gave tentative
that was conducted, and the explain it to the prospective approval anyway, I" was
city commission rejected vari- buyers, should they start asking incredulous. Did the. city.
ous recommendations that were questions. But don't be discour- council not pay attention?
forthcoming from the CDB aged if you don't understand To overly restrict property
about limiting the guidelines. Ordinance #90-06-19S. At one
At the recent commission point, three different architects
meeting several hundred people came up with three different S hocke
showed up and 74 people spoke interpretations as to what the Shocked..
over a 3 hour period: 61 spoke ordinance meant, leaving ample
against the new ordinance, and room for interpretation. .To the editor:
13 were in support, or almost 5 -All of this follows the recent I was shocked to read a.
to I against. Yet it passed with a revision in 'Chapter 24-17, piece in The Leader recently
3 to2 vote, with Mayor \VolfsOn changing the' impervious sur- that -listed requests made for
casting the second vote against face definitions and guidelines. funding from the Atlantic
it. Another piece of restrictive leg- Beach Commission.
"'"The Mayor' "ithlield his sop-'"i' ~i8tn'home oAes'till son' hrpstcked "betiitse- Torterr:'
port because lae-atasuJa.s.or of .lae dealing with ..t, i irtnlmissmionepPaul',atsons -i
.60 FAR (floor area ratio', less In many respects all of this who during his term in office
stringent that the .54 ratio con- reminds me of a line from the faithfully voted for every ini-
tained in the ordinance. He was moxie 101 Dalmatians: If the tiative presented by former.
really looking out for home Devil doesn't get you, Cruella Mayor John Meserve -
owners with this strong position will! requested an additional
as the higher ratio would have ': '." Steven NM. Rosenbloom $45,000 for funds to purchase
allowed approximately 36 addi- Atlantic Beach public art.
Shocked to learn for the
First time that the final budget
n~~~4 .. .--.. v%. .... .%.,.k ,

n esseL damages to property

To the editor:
The recentfive years of build-
ing activity has been an aberra-
tion due to extremely low inter-
:est rates over a long period of
time. Now that interest rates are
going up, house sizes will shrink
due to economic forces. This
has occurred in EVERY real
estate ctcle. I've been witness to
this over my 28 years as a real
estate broker.
The "proliferation 'and ill-per-
ceived, panic" regarding
'McMansions" is just a blip on
the radar screen in comparison
'to the overall growth of our lit-
tietown since 1900. Our market-
has become full-time residen-
tial, not just weekendI beach.
houses of the past.
My personal opinioniis that.
this amendment to the' ordi-
nance is somewhat of a kneejerk

response to a minority outcry in
reaction to a "study" hyping
worst case scenarios. Many fine
communities, one in particular
is SEASIDE FLORIDA, have not
even been acknowledged in the
Community Character decision
making. It's a crying shame that
the eclectic nature of Atlantic
Beach \will forever be damaged
by this "protectionist" mistake.
I would ask once again, for
[commissioners] to reconsider
the severity of FAR, and consid,
er increasing it to the .70lriec-
ommended by the CDB. By
doing so, you will help achieve
a congruent consensus with a
greater number of people, and
simultaneously lessen the dam-
age to an individual's property.
rights. '
Rodney de Carle
Atlantic Beach,



Kathleen Feindt Bailey Li

Editor, The Beale'e L,'ader "

Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland.
John Haidebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Kristin MacCaull
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

nda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
Dir.,oi ot'Sales Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader

Karen Stepp
Vice President

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith

Business Office
Char Coffman

Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones

Steve Fouraker

Jennifer Wise
Vice President

Anya, Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney.

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Heather Nye



urse may be recall

rights decreases property val-
ues, plain and simple.
SAt least it is plain to most
of the residents of Atlantic
Beach. The. city council,
none of whose,homes wiill be
affected by the restrictions,
can neither see plainly nor
hear plainly the overwhelm-
ing outcry against the restric-
tions against our basic free-
doms. After the next hearing
on September 11, (can. you
still call it a "hearing" if they
are not listening?), the coun-

cil,.has one more chance to
prove the\ can fulfill their
duty and reflect the will of
the people.
- Should, they enact this
ordinance anwvway, they can
face, a flood of lawsuits at
great cost to the city. 'The
only other recourse is a recall
election to replace the coun-
cil with members that will
actually listen to the people..

Larry Whitehead
Atlantic Beach'

irts funding requests in AB

of the Meserve administration
apparently had included
$45,000 for the purchase of
public art a reward for
Parsons' loyalty, no doubt.
Shocked that Parsons would
'have the cheek 'to shoW' up
.with' his hand -but'- affef
already conning the present
Commission out of six or
seven grand to finish paying
for a City' Hall clock that will
be a monument to the "aes-
thetics" of the Meserve' fac-
tion, which spent money
'freely to beautify east Atlantic
Beach but wanted Marsh Oaks

residents to pay for additional
policing in Tideviews Park in
west Atlantic Beach.
I trust the present
Commission was shocked, as
well, and that they will not
only ignore Prtsons' request
fot'an additiriab l-$4,4 Q f6r
'public art but will re-assign
the earlier $45,000 and use
the funds to correct the' shod-.
dy sidewalk put in by the City
on Orchid and Rose ,streets
while John Meserve was
Michael Hoffimann
Atlantic Beach

New rules are a taking

To the editor:
The 'debate, over the pro-
posed zoning chance to pre-,
vent "MacManisons" in
Atlantic Beach is almost over
and.I fear it will be.passed in
spite. of all the opposition it
has gathered. Instead of
repeating the arguments pro'
and con T wish to point out a
facet overlooked by both sides
in this debate and the impact
it will, have.
The new ordinance, if
passed, would amount to "reg-
ulatory taking" of property by:
.the City and 'any current-
proper ty owner in the effected "
area would be entitled to just
compensation for the diminu-.
'tioni of value of his land. For
purposes of this discussion'
assume a home and lot in

"Old Atlantic Beach" has a cur-
rent value of $800,000 and
can be replaced or remodeled.
If the house and lot' must
remain as is or comply with
the new standards, it has a
value of $500,000 due to the
restrictions. This "loss" of
$300,000 is due to the "regula-
tory taking" of the land by
placing building restrictions.
upon its development.
Seem farfetched? Not really,
'in 1992 the, United States
Supreme Court in Lucas vs.
South Carolina Costal
Council 505 US 1003 affirmed
a one million judgment for
Lucas due to a change in rules'
preventing him from develop-
ing two lots .he purchased.
The Court held that now pre-
venting him from developing

the lots was a "regulatory tak-
ing" and must be compensat-
ed for by the state. While the
case is not exactly like the
Atlantic Beach contemplated
action it is very close. How
many millions of dollars
would Atlantic Beach be/able .
to pay before being bankrupt?
Can- you. envision the TV ads
for clients or the.unsolicited
mail? Yes, if this, proposed
zoning is passed, it will be
Christmas in' September' for
the property owners in '
Atlantic .Beach. Sadly, 'the
actions of a few in trying to'
preserve the, "character of
Atlantic. Beach" will only
destroy .what they seek to
freeze in time.
LaRue Boyce

Show up at Wal-Mart hearing

To the editor:
The battle is not over in
MART. It seems that there is
a common misunderstanding
that this issue has been
resolved, and that the resi-
dents who have been so con-
cerned, can now relax. NOT
SOI Neptune Beach City
Council's decision to accept or
reject Wal-Mart's application
to build a SuperCenter does-,
n't occur until this coming
Monday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. at.
the Fletcher Senior High
School Auditorium.
The traffic study reports,
including the D.O.T. review,
are all on record at last, and
indeed, Wal-Mart's
SuperCenter failed to pass.
The Planning and
Development Review Board
recommended rejection of
Wal-Mart's application. The
last "piece" to weigh in will be
the public hearing that will
take place just before the City
Council votes on Sept. 11th.

Despite the objective evi-
dence of failure in traffic con-
currency, AND despite the
carefully considered recom-
mendation from the Planning
and Review Board to reject the
proposed. SuperCenter, AND
despite the published local
and national law enforcement
studies that indicate increase
in crime comes with the intro-
duction of a large discount
store into a community, AND"
despite the' City Financial_
'Officer's report on potential
additional revenue .from a
new commercial development
[sic Neptune Beach's share of
tax revenue would only be
$4,000 per $5 million in sales;
and even if the proposed loca-
tion were to double its current
value, Neptune Beach would
receive roughly, only $23,545
more in property taxes] -
which seems would scarcely
cover the cost to the taxpayers
for the increase in police cov-
erage that would be neces-
sary... Despite all this, there

may still be some indecision,
at play. Perhaps because there
may be fear of litigation from
Wal-Mart and the current
'property owners? '
Therefore, a large and vocal
turn-out at the public hearing
on Sept 11 by the Beaches' res-
idents, business owners and
their employees will be a sig-
nificant contribution to the
civic process The determina-
tion made that evening will
affect the future of Neptune
Beach like no other since the
decision to secede from incor-
poration into Jacksonville city
The public needs to remain
involved! Those who care,
need to be there. Support a
vote to REJECT Wal-Mart
SuperCenter, and give the
courage to any insecure city
officials to stand up for the
long-term and best interests
of this community.

Kris Matson
Neptune Beach


Pluto has a

place in,

our solar

system just

as planet-

Earth doesA

Dear International
Astronomical LUnion: to
I am writing to you .agoa
character witness for an*d
longtime friend of the plant
Pluto.. I read .in- The Daily
Planet today ,that you co
longer, consider Pluto, worthy
of the planet family. You are
wrong, sirs and madams. I
have known Pluto since I,'as
in elementary school, .aed
this wonderful celestial being
belongs in the Solar System
just as much as you do. Who
do you think you are anyway?
SFirst, you sav that Pluot' is
too small. It is six times small-
er than Earth, and even small-
er than sevenof 'the moons in
the Solar System. So wht t?
Some moons growv bigger
than others. I've seen them.
Besides, don't you conslirer
your children as important
parts of your families? Deoyou
throw the babies out withlthe
bath water? Of course-fnot.
Thinking people think' that'
smallness is the least of their
worries. Every being, nolfinat-
ter how small, is important.-
You say that Pluto's eli'pti-
cal orbit is unusual. ft is'the
. onJv planetary orbit, ,vouiay,
.fha/fbrtosses 'tfiat "'f n ltlrr'
Ispla*neW n this. case-Nep-rie.
Sirs and madams, I am embar-
rassed that you would watch
an elliptical orbit that closely.
You give me the willies. How
would you like for someone
to watch your elliptical rofbit
all the time? Besides, have
you never trespassed unin'ten-
tionally, but eventually-'got
back on your side of the bed?
Of course you have. Havetyou
received any complaints from
Neptune? Of course not. '0o
You say Pluto is really a mis-
fit because, well, becauseiit's
different. It's made up of m.ck
and ice, just as Mercury,
Venus, Earth and Mars i-are
rocky planets, but it lives on
the outskirts with Jupilter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune,
which are full of :.ghs.
Abraham Lincoln was born.'in
a log cabin. He was different.
But he became one of ouribest
U.S. presidents. Is being dif-
ferent a. bad thing, sirs and
madams? Don't you have at
least one unle who's a litfftle
So, now you think Pluto
might be more like a dormant
comet than a planet. Well,
every family has at least one
dormant. member. Look
around. You'll find' one" in
your family, too, dragging his
tail around like Halley.
Oh, I know, you considered
adding three -more planets,
which actually would mean
extra work for every school
child 'on Earth, but instead
you subtracted Pluto., Yes, Wyu
did make the little one .tle
prototype of a new categefy
of. trans-Neptunian! objects,
sneakily throwing. Pluto 'fa
bone. But, still,, you demoted
this humble being uncerem;-
niously. Shame on you. .
I bet if the Creator decide
to evaluate the planets one ,y
one, Pluto would come in way
ahead of Earth, despite Plutos
smallness, funny orbit afi
bad neighborhood. So where
do you reckon Earth, with all
of its squabbling, stands with
the' ultimate Universal
Astronomical Union anyway?
I say you leave Pluto alone,
where it has always been.
A Pluto supporter,

We will not consider
letters that do not
bear a signature and
address and we
request a phone num-
ber for verification.

' ..__..1- -. / 'I '




S~ntemher 6 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
~~~1~~~~~~~ -, -- -

Someone reported that $400
cash was stolen from a purse at
a residence Aug. 28 in. the 1900
block-of Mary Street.
A checkbook was reported
stolen from a business Aug. 28
in the 400 block of Laurel Way.'
A domestic battery was
reported Aug. 29 in the 70
block of of West 10th Street.
A bottle of alcohol valued at
$18.89 was reported stolen
from a business Aug. 29 in the
200 block of Royal Palms.
A mailbox was reported van-.
dalized Aug. 29 in the 500
block of Stewart Street.
Someone reported that the
front door to a. residence was
kicked in Aug. 30 in the 1000
block of Stocks Street.
A vehicle was reported stolen
Aug. 31 in the 1400 block of
Mayport Road.
Robert Lee Lawrence III, 25,
of Atlantic Beach was arrested
on a warrant and charged with
being a fugitive from justice
Aug. 31 in the 1800 block of
,George Street, according to a
police report.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized Aug. 29 in the 1900
block of Strickland Road.
Someone reported that $10
cash was stolen from a purse at
a residence Sept. 1 in the 900
block of First Street.
Grand theft was reported
Aug. 30 in the 500 block of 2nd
St. S. A video game system and
a laptop computer with a com-
bined value of $2,000 were
stolen., There were no signs .of
forced entry. The victim told
police that he discovered the
items missing while he was in
the process of moving.

Arson was reported Aug. 30
at. a construction site in the
'" 2000 block of Lakeside Drive. A
portable toilet on the north
side of the property was
burned .to ',the ground 'by
,unknown. suspects., None, ' the, nearby residents called to
report the fire. Damage was
estimated at $600.
-' ... ,. .. -.. *
Petit theft was reported Aug.
30 at the city's golf course in
the 600 block of Penman Road
S.'An employee told police she
observed a red Acura pull up to
the' rear of the concession area
and a male passenger exited
the car and ran to the back
door. He grabbed a full six-gal-
]on gas can and iran back to the
vehicle which was occupied by
two other males; All of the
occupants were in their teens,
police said. Total loss is $27.,
Battery was reported Aug. 28
in front of a nightclub in the
300 block of 1st St. N. Police
were watching the female sus-
pect because she appeared
intoxicated and they wanted tp
make sure she had a ride home.,
The suspect was observed

yelling at a man talking to
friends on the comer and strik-
ing him with a high heel shoe
before falling to the ground.
She tried to get up and strike
him a second time but she was
apprehended by police, a
report said.
Grand theft was reported
Aug. 29 in the 200 block of 9th
Aye. S. A female suspect.
attempted to cash stolen busi-
ness checks from a restaurant
on 3rd Street South totaling
$1,856 at several area check-
cashing businesses and con-
venience stores. An employee
at a convenience store called
the, restaurant to verify the
authenticity of the checks. The
owner came to the store and
identified the checks as com-
ing from his business. The sus-
pect claimed that the owner's
brother wrote them to pay for
produce. Whene the owner
called his brother, the suspect.
fled. A cab driver told police he
regularly squired the woman to
various check cashing busi-,
nesses, according to police.
S '
.Carl V. DeBlasio, 47, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
Aug. 30 in the 1000 block of
Beach Boulevard and charged
with active warrants for deal-
ing in stolen property and bur-
glary to an unoccupied
dwelling, according to a police
report. The warrants issued by
the Jackson'ville Sheriff's Office
were confirmed during a traffic
stop for suspicious activity,
police said.
Nicole Marie Hunt, 24, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
Aug. 29 and charged with' a
warrant for grand theft at, a
home in the 500 block of 5th
Ave. S., according to a police

Burglary to a vending
machine was reported Aug. 31
at an automotive business in
the 1200 block of Beach
Boulevard. Police said
unknown suspects punched a,
hole in the hinge side of the
door with an unknown object"
and removed approximately
$100 in cash and coins.
Damage to the machine was
. estimated at,$1,000.
I;("rup'r '(norfl? .* orEt vio
"i.A stolen' ,vehicle was recovi
ered Sept. I in the pier parking
lot in the 500 block of 1st St. N.
Police confirmed 'the green
2001 Mercedes S500 valued at
$40,000 was stolen in St. Johns
County. The vehicle appeared
to be in good condition. Its
doors were locked and the sun-
roof was partially open. The
owner was contacted by police
to pick up the vehicle.
*' *
Grand theft was reported
Sept. 1 in the 2800 block of St.
Martaan's Circle. Several pieces
of jewelry and two video game
machines with a total value of,
$1,700 were missing.
,' ,' O, 0* ,.
Cato. Keith Lembrick, 24, of
Jacksonville was arrested Sept.
1 and charged with possession
and sale of a.controlled sub-
stance in the 700 block of 4th
Ave. S., according to ,a police

Criminal mischief was
reported Sept. 4 in .the 900
block of 13th St. N. The victim
parked his 2000 Ford van in his
driveway overnight. He found
the, vehicle at 7:30 a.m. cov-
ered in cat food. and salsa.
There was no permanent dam-
age to the vehicle.
Grand theft was reported
Sept.. 4 at a hotel in the 100
block of 1st St. N. An employee
said her purse containing $345,
in cash was stolen from behind
the bar.
Robbery was reported Sept. 4
in the 400 block of 5th Ave. N.
The victim told police that he
was jumped by.three males at
3:45 a.m. The' suspects
demanded the victim's money
and his shoe or he would be
dead. The victimwas wearing
single Globe skateboard shoe
on his right foot and a cloth
walking cast on his left foot.
The suspects took, both the
shoe and the' cast and $51 in
cash. The victim was also car-
rying a typewriter in a case but
he refused to let the suspects
take it. One of the suspects
stomped on his left foot and all-
three, including one identified
as a 17-year-old Atlantic Beach
teen, fled in an 'unknown
model white vehicle, The vic-
tim said all of the 'suspects were
described as having light-col-
ored hair and were wearing
white T-shirts, khaki shorts and
flip flops.
oo'* *'
Discharge of a firearm was
reported Sept. 4 at a home in
the 600 block of 7th Ave. S. A
witness told police that she
and the suspect had, an argu-
merit. because he wanted two
males at the residence to leave.
The suspect pulled a silver
handgun from his pocket and
went outside to the backyard
to try and intimidate the men.
The witness heard a shot fired
but she told police that she did
not see: the suspect fire the
gun. She observed the suspect
, and one of the men struggle
over the gun. The other male
got control of the weapon and
fiied it at the suspect but did
not hit him, according to the.
..* '
..-Gohrel atLope.z,, 25,. of
Jacksoriille wkvas,arrested Sept.
2 and charged with grand theft
of a motor vehicle and fleeing,
and attempting to elude police
in the 7th Ave.. S. end zone,
according to a police report.
Police said -they attempted to
stop Lopez for speeding and,
the vehicle appeared to stop
then drove around,thel patrol
car in 'the bike lane and con-
tinued at a high rate of speed,
pulling into the end zone in
reverse, where a number of
families were in the roadway.,
Lopez, was observed fleeing
through the dunes to the
beach and female 'passenger
went over the dune walkover,
police reported. Both were
apprehended in Waist deep
water and positively identified
by witnesses as the occupants
of the vehicle, police said.
* '
No new reports.



Charlotte "Betty"

Charlotte "Betty" Harris, 88,
of Jacksonville Beach, died
September 2, 2006 after a brief
illness. Harris, a member of the
First Baptist Church of
Jacksonville since 1937, was
predeceased by her husband of
56 years, Byard W. Harris, Sr.,
in 2002. ,
Survivors include sons Wes
(Laura) Harris and Charles R.
(Sheryl) Harris, daughter
Margaret (Bob) Dixon, eight.
grandchildren and four great-
Visitation was held Tuesday
in the Quinn-Shalz Chapel, fol-
lowed by Harris' funeral serv-
ice. A private burial will be
held at a later date.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Car hits


A 62-year-old Jacksonville
Beach woman was struck by a
car in the parking lot of a gas sta-
tion Sunday after she exchanged
words with the driver over his
choice of music.
The incident occurred at 5:30
p.m. Sept. 3 at the BP Station in
the 600 block of Beach
Boulevard. The (ictim told
police she was pumping gas,
when she heard "loud," "vulgar"
and "offensive" music coming
from another vehicle with the
windows rolled down.
,'She went inside the store for a
receipt and the driver of the
other vehicle entered the store.
The victim told the man identi-
fied by police as Andre Latron
Davis, 28, of Jacksonville, that
she was offended by his music,
the report said.
According to a police report,
the man said "what?" When the
,woman repeated herself, Davis
told her not to listen, police
reported. Police said she coun-
tered with a suggestion that he
move to another city andcLDavis
left the store.
The victim said she heard
Davis' car engine running as she
walked to her vehicle. The two
made eye contact as she walked
into, the path of his' car?and
Davis drove the vehicle toward
her, striking her with the left:
front quarter panel, police
The victim told police she
stood in shock when the car
continued forward, hitting her
again with the driver's side door
of Davis' green 1968 American
Rambler before heading west on
Beach Boulevard, police report-
The cashier told police he
overheard the. argument arid
observed Davis .strike the
woman with his car, the report
A police inquiry revealed a
vehicle matching the descrip-
tion was registered to a
Jacksonville address.
Davis was positively identified
and charged with aggravated
assault with a deadly weapon,
police said.
, The woman declined medical

Julius P. Marchioli
Julius P. Marchioli, 87, of
Atlantic Beach died Sept. 4,
A native of Long Island, N.Y.,
Marchioli is survived by his
wife of 59 years, Lorene; four
children, 11 grandchildren,
three brothers and two sisters.
Marchioli, who called him-
self the "Mayor of Sherry
Drive,'" was a creative problem
solver who came up with inno-
vative and practical solutions
for everyday life in Atlantic
Beach, according to family..
Funeral services will be held
at 1 p.m. Thursday in Beaches
Chapel Church, 610 Florida
Blvd., Neptune Beach, followed
by interment in Beaches
Memorial Park.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Michael L. Harvey, P.A.
SYour Beaches Attorney
S V* Business Organization/Litigation
Family Law-Divorce, Custody, Support
L Wills/Probate
Free Consultation
1122 ThirdStreet, Suite 3
14 Neptune Beach, FL 32266
H Phone: 904-242-8715

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Weather The Weatherman Can't"

Heating & Air Conditioning 10%
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SERVICE W We Service All Brands
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751 Atlantic Blvd'
k Atl Beach, FL 32233


David "Honeyboy" Edwards
Sw/ the guitarist for
John Lee Hooker &
Otis Redding:
Eddie Kirkland
Sun., Sept. 10' @ 8 pm

In Memory of

.-Vincent Rebstock



Aggie Boiling (standing) helps
Sheila Saraga of Jacksonville
Beach at a charity garage sale
Friday on Third Street across
from Palms Presbyterian
Church. The sale, held by
Keller Williams Realty, raised
$1,921, and agents donated
another $579, with the total
going to Art with a Heart,
which provides art projects to
hospitalized children.

Vincent, "Vinie" Rebstock, a fifth-grader at Rawlings Elemen-
Stary School in Ponte Vedra died August 28th 2006. He was born
February 15, 1995. Vinnie was a much loved boy. He willbe missed
by all who knew him in his family, his school and his neighbor-
hood. Vinnie was known for his love of the Marine Corps and
aspired to be a Marine just like his father. He was artistic, caring
and empathetic to others. He loved to skateboard and rollerblade
at the park in his neighborhood with all his friends, fish and crab
with his father in St. Marys. Vincent was an amazing young boy.
He had the potential to do anything he put his mind to. He was
funny, easy to get along with and was always smiling. This is how
we will remember Vinnie; always smiling, always happy. God Bless
you honey, we will see you later. Vinnie is survived by his parents;
Maureen Rebstock and Buddy Rebstock, his sister Brittany and
brother Roland, his Aunt Carol Stroup, Uncle Kevin & Aunt Dee
Twohig, Aunts Michelle Twohig & Libby Bradley and Michael
Bradley, his Paternal grandfather Roland Restock, paternal grand-
mother Lois Rebstock, maternal grandmother Betty Twohig and
his predeceased grandfather Leo Twohig, predeceased Uncle Leo
Twohig, and many cousins.

Subscribe Today!

Call 249-9033

Obituary notices
:are published
free of charge as
a community
service. All sub-
missions are
subject to edit-
ing. Paid adver-
tising space, is
available for
more detailed or
death notices.
Call 249-9033.

The Bea ches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 5A

Semembe~r 6. 2006



," '.' -

MS,. 4'




Toastmasters of Ponte Vedra
meets from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45
a.m. in the Administration
Building of the Ponte Vedra
Inn and Club. Coffee is served.
For more information, call
Michael Steele at 904-910-1982
or visit http://pontve-

The Sons of Italy Beaches
Lodge 2821 conducts its
monthly general meeting at
7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday
of every month at the Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. A
social time starting at 6:30
precedes each meeting.
Anyone, male or female of
Italian heritage or not, who is
interested in attending is wel-
come as a guest. For more
information, call 904-242-
A weekly poker tournament
is scheduled from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. at the Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center. Tables,
cards, chips, refreshments and
snacks are provided. The
Senior Activity Center is locat-
ed at 2004 Forest Avenue and

Pholo aubmined
The Greek Festival 2006 will be held Oct. 6-8 at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre and fea-
ture, among other things, traditional Greek dances.

Sept. 6
Support Group: Man
Man, an American Can
Society prostate cancer supp
group, meets at 6 p.m.
Conference Room A at Bap
Medical Center, Beaches. N
to Man is a program for peo
who are dealing. with or
interested in learning abi
prostate cancer, while also p
\iding a forum for survivors
offer encouragement to th
who have been newly di
nosed. Dr. Craig Collie w
speak to the gathering abi
new developments in radiati
therapy' for' prostate- cam
including proton treatmer
For more information, (
249-0022. .

Friday, Sept. 8
Unbuttoned: The release
Atlantic Beach resident K<
Fink's newbook, "Unbotton
Who Says Men Ca
Change?," Will be celebra
with a reception and bo
signing at Cobalt Moon, 2
First Street, Neptune Bea
from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. T
program is free and open
the public. For more inform
tion, call Cobalt Moon at 2
Friday, Sept. 8
Juvenile Diabetes: Fr
Market stores in Ponte Ved
Beach hold the. 12th ann
"Sidewalk Sale", to benefit I
Juvenile Diabetes Reseat
, Foundation, part of a natio
campaign to raise funds
research on Type 1 or juver
diabetes. The Sidewalk "Sa
which will run from 11 a.m.
6 p.m. today through Sund
offering customers hot do
root beer floats and gourr
cookies in exchange for do:
tions to JDRF. Last year, 1
Sidewalk Sale, which off
Fresh Market employees a
people touched by Type 1 I
betes an opportunity to m
each other and volunteer th
time to a worthy cause, raim

Saturday, Sept. 1
Ballroom dancing: T
American Ballroom a
Contemporary I Dar
Association will hold a dar
at 8 p.m.. at Bolero's, 101
Atlantic Blvd., with a .1:
band. Guest admission is $1
Call 246-2858 or 904-317-66
for reservations.
GTM double features: 'I
GTM Reserve Environmen
Education Center, 505 Gua
River Rd., off A1A SoL
toward Vilano Beach, off
double-feature movies on t
weekend in honor of Natioi
Estuaries Day. The movies
shown at 10 a.m. and I p.
Saturday and Sunday. TI
weekend's films are "Wir
over the Wetlands," whi
runs 27 minutes, and "Padi
Bay NERR," which is 20 m
utes long. For more inform
tion, call 904-823-4500.

Monday, Sept. 1
Laurel & Hardy: The seco
meeting of the "Leave 'e
Laughing Tent," Jacksonvil]
chapter of the Internatioi
Laurel and Hardy Appreciati
Society (a/k/a Sons of t
Desert), will be held from

p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at the Pablo
Creek Branch Library, 13295
to Beach Blvd., between Kernan
cer and Hodges Blvds. Screenings
ort of the Laurel & Hardy short
in subject "Helpmates" t19311
tist and their comic Western "Way
lan Out West" (19371 will be held
pie at the meeting. The event is
are free for all ages, and'free soft
out drinks and light snacks will be
iro- served. The Tent meets the sec-
s to ond Monday of each month,
ose except for November, which
ag- will be the third Monday. For
will more info, visit the Tent's web-
out site at http://www.leaveem-
ion laugh ing.com,. Foir Tibre. in for-
cer, mati6rl'contdb't-Se'e'Bajlterhtt
nts. 246-0312.
call -
Commemoration: Cadette
Girl Scout Troop 580 of Ponte.
Vedra Beach will hold a brief'
of ceremony commemorating the
ed: United States at 5:30 p.m. at
n't the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
ted Library. Weather permitting,
ok the ceremony will be held at
217 the library's flagpole,.but with
ch, rain it'll be held inside. The.
'he public is welcome.'.
na- Tuesday, Sept. 12,
41- Fleet Reserve Association
Branch 290 .holds a blood
drive from 3 p.m.' to 7 p.m. at
the Branch Home, 390
esh Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach'.
dra The blood drive is open to the
ual public. All donors receive a free
the steak dinner and their drink of
rch choice. Call 246-6855 for'
nal more information.
tile Wednesday,
ale, Sept. 13-
to Newcomers lunch:
ay, Newcomers of the Beaches, an
igs, organization for women who
net are new to the area, holds its
na- first frionthly luncheon at 11
the. a.m. at the Casa Marina Hotel,
ers 691 'First St. North,
md Jacksonville Beach.' Featured
lia'- guest will be certified hyp-
eei notherapist Jim Ryan. Price for
Leir the luncheon is $20, payable

Beaches, P.O. Box 2421, Ponte
Vedra .Beach, .FL 32004. 'Call
Bonnie Lynch at 904-821-9002
for more information.
Friday, Sept. 15
The Ladies Auxiliary of:
Fleet Reserve Association-
Unit 290 will hold a shrimp
dinner from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
the 'Branch Home, 390
Mayport Rd., Atlaitic',Beach.
An $8 donation will be appre-
ciated, and takeout orders are
welcome. Call '246-6855 for
more information.
Saturday, Sept. 16
5IS.'f, -.1 Project' .rrSOS".
[Strengthening our Students]
holds its second annual Walk
to Strengthen Families at the
Jacksonville Beach Pavilion.
Registration begins at 10 a.m,
and activities end at. 2 p.m.
Registration. also can be done
at Crispers, Papa Johns or
Adventure Landing, by visiting
ProjectsSOS.com or by calling
904-279-0870. Staci Spanos of
WJXT-TV and former
Jacksonville Jaguars center
Dave Widell are honorary,
chairpersons, and Christian
singer Nikki Leonti will per-

Friday, Oct. 6
Greek Festival: The Greek
Festival 2006 hosted by Holy
Trinity Greek Orthodox
Church will be held at the St.
Augustine Amphitheatre, Hwy,
A1A South. An assortment of
Greek foods, pastries and be'v-
erages will be served. Non-stop
entertainment with live Greek
music, and traditional Greek
dances will be ; offered.
Admission is $1. Festival hours
are4 p.m.'tto 9 p.m. Oct: 6, 11
a.m to 9 ,p.m. Oct. 7 and '12
p.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 8. For more
information call 904-829-0504
or visit
http: //Greeklfest.holytrinity-
goa.orgon the Internet.

September Specials
Your Jax Beach & Neptune
Beach Locations ONLY.
Store Hours: "NO
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Friday 'Fletcher Fridays" 15% OFF with ID

Saturday 25 cent Vanilla Cones!!!

Sunday 15% OFF with Church Bulletin

,by Sept. 6 to Newcomers of the

can be reached by calling 270-
Yoga for Health & Healing is
offered from 11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activity Center.
The class is designed for those
who are reluctant to attend a
regular class but want to learn
the fundamentals of yoga. Fox
more information, contact
Leslie Lyne at the Senior
Activity Center, 270-1688, or
call the teacher, Nancy
Rathburn, at 386-6453.
The Persephone Healing Arts
Center of Jacksonville Beach,
at 485 SLxth Avenue, holds an
open house every third
Thursday of each month. The
next open house is from 5:30
p.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 19.

Recovery inc: Recovery Inc.,
a mental health support group,
meets at 6:30 pm Fridays at St.
Paul's Catholic Churchs
Family Life Center. 578 First
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.

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The Florida Writers
Association Ponte Vedra
Writers Group meets at 10 a.m.
on the fourth Saturday of each
month at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
Depression Support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance Jacksonville Beach
meets Sunday at 5:30 pm at
Beaches Medical Center, 1350
13 Ave. S., lacksonville Beach.
Visit: www.dpsajax.org for
more information.
NAIC: The local NA[q
Investment Club meets at 7pm
the fouth Monday of each
month at the Beaches Library.'
All visitors are welcome. Call,
Dick for information at 476-
Rollawavs Square Dance
Club leads modern western
square dancing and offers les-
sons at Sandalwood High
School. The dance caller is Ken
Miller. For more information,
call 249-3224.


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them in the
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte
Vedra Leader

You or someone you know wvil be touched by breast cancer Join Making Strides
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loin the Fun, noncompetitive walk the First Annual Beaches
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Sea Walk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach
Walk welcomes individuals, teams, cancer survivors and
anyone who wants to join the fight against breast cancer.

Rea Lfe. Mediclne.'Mlracle. HEMATOLOGY and ONCOLOGY ...your Community newspaper
Hope. Progress, Answers? /1800-ACS-2345 / www.cancer.org


September 6, 2006

IThe B .eaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Page 6A

EA CH Ponte Vedra Leader


7 A

mwvuv -pharhpelspaeprecom

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St. Johns County Sheriff's Deputy Kelly Kemp speaks to first-grade students last month at Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley
Elementary School.

PV SRO also police chaplain


coordinated "a program for kids who.
M- The St. Johns C~ i'i..Scltiol Distri.ct get in tfrpu'fe'Tfor the ,/erv first time.- I
* :oh'tracti with' thie St. oh'ns Couri' taKe a heWfi it ha'd.Elo-.dorAunity se'rv-
Sheriff's Office to place one deputy in ice projects, like at churches or elderly
each high school and middle school. At ladies' houses," fixing up the house,:
the elementary level, five schools share painting."
one deputy. His philosophy of school policing:
These school resource officers give "I'm here to make sure the kids are safe.
classes, counsel students and provide a The other objective I have is for kids to
sense of security in the schools. understand that police officers are their
Deputy Kelly Kemp is assigned, to friends, and that I want them to always.
Rawlings Elementary on Mondays, know that if they have a problem, they
Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley Elementary on can come to us. And never be afraid of
Wednesday and Ocean r Palms a police officer."
Elementary on Fridays. What he hopes to accomplish at the
S..,.* 'schools: ."I would like kids to really
Name: Kelly Kemp know that police officers are their'
Age: Over 30, friends. Also, ... ..my goal, my prayer, is
Where he grew up: Fernandina [if there's ever a time when somebody
Beach is trying to steal a child, that I'll be.
Years and places in law enforce- there to stop it."
meant: 15 years, starting with the What parents can do; what parents
Florida' Park Service full time. In 1994, should know: "Parents, can also help
,he began working part time for the St. out a lot by showing them;that police
Johns County Sheriff's and is now full officers are their friends or their helpers,'
time. and not to use a police officer to scare
Previous experience as a school them into behaving. I think the best
resource officer: "I've been off and on, thing is to encourage them to behave,
helping out." For a couple years he has obviously, and to say, 'When you grow

up, if opu continue this behavior, yes, a :
police ',ffirtma.y- get'involved in'vydilr
life. But even then, if you're in trouble,
even if he has to arrest you, that's better
for him to help you than it is to get
killed or in other kind Of danger.'"
Kemp is chaplain for the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office. He has a bache-
lor's degree in theology from
Jacksonville Baptist Theological
Seminary arid was ordained, at his
hometown church, the North 14th
Street Baptist Church.
In his role as chaplain, Kemp said, he
does visitations at hospitals and coun-
sels deputies. :
"I get the opportunity to ride along
with the deputies at night time.. A
lot of times, they'll start talking about
their marriage problems or their stress
problems in the workplace.
"And I'm able to share Jesus with
them, and the Bible with them and
invite them to church. Recently I got to
baptize a gentlemen out in the ocean,.
one of our deputies that wanted to get
baptized: And a lot of times, people just
want to say hello to me, ask me biblical
questions." .

* Wedding (right)
... See A-8
* Education briefs
... A-10

t ~enemner 6. 2LU0D

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a m~ -

em 40f Mo

qu 000 0 m

Nease partof

The World Affairs Council of
Jacksonville and the University
of North Florida dre co-hosting
the Great Decisions 2006 Kick-
Off Dinner on Tuesday, Sept.
12, at 6:30 p.m. at UNF's
University Center.
Guests will include 2006-
2007 Great Decisions student
participants, their parents, fac-
ulty and special guests.
Great Decisions is a discus-
sion program facilitated by

-U o -

m- 40 4Da

=L. ~

ow 0

= -4ma 4a.* m
M-PL t 4a ow--
4m 4b SS 4

go- b o-

4m 4a ql m0
4mb-4w d
go 4b

UNF program

UNF faculty focusing on eight,
new foreign affairs topics each
year. The World Affairs Council
of Jacksonville currently sup-
ports three local high schools:
Nease, Stanton, and Paxon.
The curriculum not only
exposes the students to foreign.
affairs topics, but they also par-
ticipate in a crisis-management
exercise that develops critical
thinking and decision-making

Dubatakes a scientiapproach to cooking
i'" ~l^^^^t ^t^c ^ .,,

v' yen after m6re than 35
years of marriage, there's
always something new
cooking in the kitchen at
,Cindy and Reggie Dubay's
home in Jacksonmille Beach.
Cindy Dubay has enjoyed
trying new recipes since she
began cooking for herself and
her roommates in her first
apartment after college.
Originally from New
'England, Dubay was used to
Usher mother's traditional meals
of meat, potatoes, and two
At their apartment, she and
her two girlfriends took turns
cooking, each using recipes
from their families and look-
ing for new ideas in cook-
One of the girls was Polish,
which introduced Dubay to an
entirely different style of cook-
With her background in
chemistry and a career as a
laboratory medical technolo-
gist, Dubay said she
approached cooking like a sci-
She said she was always con-
fident in her ability to tackle
hew recipes..
"If you can read and follow
directions, then you can
cook," she added.
By the time she married and

became a Nav\y wife, Dubay
had begun a lifelong hobby of
collecting cookbooks and had'
expanded from meat and
potatoes to a much wider vari-
ety of dishes.
'During Reggie Dubay's Na\sy
career, the couple and their
two children lived in several
areas of the U.S. including
twice in Mayport.They have
also lived in Bermuda and
Spain. .
When he retired from the
Navy, Dubay gave his wife the
choice of where they would
She quickly decided the cli-,
mate, in their native New
England was not for them and
in 1985 they returned to
Jacksonville Beach to live.
Reggie Dubay now works for
the IRS and his" wife works for
Memorial Hospital.
After returning to
Jacksonville Beach, the couple
became been active with the
Father Murphy Council of the
Knights of Columbus.
Volunteering though the
Knights, Cindy Dubay pre-
pares dinner several times a

year for residents of,the
Ronald McDonald House. She
also does the main course at
monthly dinners at the
Knight's hall with usually
more than 100 people in
At home, the couple shares
an appreciation for good food.
While in the Navy, they'
always took advantage of the
chance to learn about food
from the area where they were
They now have hundreds of
cookbooks, many from their
Navy years along with newer
ones that provide nutritional
information to help them
keep their meals healthy. They
also subscribe to cooking,mag-
azines and look in local news-
papers for recipes.
Cindy Dubay remains the
cook of the. family while her
husband's only specialty, she
said, is making French toast.
They do work as a team in
the kitchen with a system that
works well for them.
On the weekends, Reggie
Dubay selects new recipes for
the upcoming week, using a
list Cindy provides him of the
meat she has purchased.
Beginning with the meat
recipe, he completes a suggest-'
ed menu for each day with
vegetable,. starch, or other
recipes as needed.
The couple has fun trying
the new dishes and keep a

record of whether the finished
dish is "excellent, very good,
good, or no."
Cindy Dubay prepares each
new dish exactly as the recipe
is written to be sure that she
gets. the finished product
intended. Then if. the recipe is
rated high enough to repeat,
she may make some changes
that might improve the dish.
One of Reggie Dubay's most
recent selections is a seafood
recipe from "Attack Diabetes
with Food." Shrimp with Dill
Dressing is a dish made with
fresh shrimp and healthy veg-
etables served over basmati
and wild rice.
Cindy Dubay said she was a
little doubtful about making
Oyster and Spinach Chowder
but was willing to try it once.
Both she and her husband
were pleased with the chow-
der which is low in fat and
cholesterol but still has a rich
taste and consistency. The
recipe is from "Better Homes
and Gardens New Dieter's
Beans, Greens and Sausage
from "Cuisine at Home" mag-
azine is one of the couple's
favorite recipes which they
rated excellent. Dubay used
one of the suggested options
with the recipe and substitut-
ed spinach for the mustard
greens.The milder flavor of
the spinach combines well
cannellini beans and with the

Since Cindy and Reggie Dubay are always looking for new
recipes, their collection of cookbooks is always growing.

Italian sausage cooked with
seedless grapes.
Most of Dubay's baking is
done for others now that they
have cut back on foods with
high sugar and fat content.
Butterscotch Brownies are a
family favorite which she
makes for bake sales both with
and without nuts. This was
one of several recipes she con-
tributed to her church cook-
book several years ago.

The following are some recipes
from Cindy and Reggie Dubay.

Oyster and Spinach
nonstick cooking spray
one-half cup onion
one-half cup shredded car-
two and one-half cups skim
one-quarter cup all-purpose
2 T non-fat dry milk powder
one-quarter tsp. salt
8 oz. bottled clam juice or 8
oz. of chicken broth


. . .. I &--L.. dC~







51st Anniversary


Donald and Manuela
"Nellie" Messer of Jacksonville
celebrated their 51st wedding
anniversary on Aug. 31.
The couple were married on
Aug. 31, 1957, in Holtville,
Calif. She is the former
NManuela Lopez of Glendale,
Ariz. He is originally from
Cincinnati, Ohio.
The couple have three chil-
dren, Michael, Mark and Marie,
eight grandchildren and three

Jay Stanford II and Susanne Bidlack


The Messers


Susanne Michelle Bidlack of employed by the Duval
Atlantic Beach and Jay Jeffrey County School District.
Stanford II of Neptune Beach The groom-elect is the son of
have announced their engage- Terri Stanford of Neptune
ment to be married. Beach and Jeff Stanford of St.
The bride-elect is the daugh- Mary's, Ga, He is a 1999 gradu-
ter of Skip and Becky Bidlack of ate of Fletcher High and is an
Atlantic Beach. She is a 2000 aircraft maintenance techni-
graduate of Fletcher High cian at St. Mary's Airport.
school and earned a master's The couple plan to wed May
degree from the University of 26, '2007, at St. Mary's
North Florida in 2005. She is Waterfront Park.


Anne Gebo Pradella of Ponte
Vedra Beach and Thaddeus
: Waterman Inge of Mobile, Ala.,
were married on Saturday, Aug.
5, at St. Paul's Catholic Church
with Father, William Kelly pre-
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence
McWilliams Ill of Ponte Vedra
and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Pradella-Jr. of Ponte Vedra.
She .is a 2002 graduate of
Georgetown University with a
bachelor's degree in psycholo-
gy. Sheiisi currently' studying,
f4t a, doctorate, in clinical psy-
chology at the University of
The groom is the son of
Melissa Waterman Inge of
Fairhope, Ala., and Mr. and
Mrs. Zebulon Montgomery
Pike Inge Jr. of Mobile, Ala.
He is a 2002 graduate of
Georgetown University with a
bachelor's degree in govern-
ment. He is currently attend-
ing law school at the
University of Miami.
Alison Nolan Pradella of

New York, N.Y., and Kathleen
Williains Pradella of San
Francisco were the maids of
Bridesmaids were Courtney
Kathryn Harrell, Anne-Marie
Waterman Inge, Helen Jermson
lnge, Lisa Yarian Luther, Emily
Rachel Moses, Jennifer Lynn
Padden, Yulia Vtyurina and
Jessica Michelle Wegmrian.
Zebulon Montgomery Pike
Inge Jr. was the best man.
Groomsmen were Zal
Batmanglij, Ivann Smith Bibi,
, Jeremy,..loh.n .Howsor,u-Nii6,uldu
Inamdar,,Gregory Brianiaenn),,.
James Whitaker Lyon Jr.,
Peyton Lynch Mattei, James
Blair Newman Jr., David Albert
Rondon, Jonathan Wade
Thurber and John Douglas
David Stanford McWilliams
was an usher and Jennifer Ann
Christman was a program
The couple spent, their hon-
eymoon in Jalisco, Mexico,
and will reside in 'Coconut
Grove, Fla.

Mary Avery of Jacksonville
Beach, a resident of Pablo
Towers, celebrated her 90th
birthday on Aug. 22 with a
luncheon hosted by her niece,
Nora Manahan and her hus-
band, Don, of Jacksonville.
Also attending were Avery's
great-niece Susan Lewis, her
husband, Geff, and son, Joe,
and Avery's friends Dennis and
Margaret Lane.
Leadership Jacksonville, Inc.
recently selected: Trish
Ridgway-Kapustka, APR to join
their Leadership Jacksonville
Program Class of 2007.
Ridgway was chosen from a
large group of highly competi-
tive applicants from all sectors
of the Jacksonville area for her
outstanding demo.,-stzation. .of
leadership. skills,., ihkv .ehment
in the community and willing-
ness to invest the time and ener-
getic participation required by
the program.
Ridgway is currently vice pres-
ident of The Kurtis Group, an
award-winning advertising
agency in Jacksonville Beach.
Noted author and decorated
Vietnam veteran John "Doc"
Hutchings Ileft) will be the
guest speaker at a Sunday
brunch gathering of the
Mayport chapter of the Military

Officers Association of
America (MOAA). Hutchings
will. speak about his experiences
as a.,-NavyN corpsahran witbr,ithiea
U.S. Marines in Vietnam. The
12:30 p.m. event will be held
Sept. 10 at the Ocean Breeze
Conference Center at Naval
Station Nlayport. For reserva-
tions, call 646-0944.
Hutchings served with the
5th Marine Division from 1968
to 1969. More than 2,000 Navy
corpsmen or Army medics are
listed on the Vietnam Memorial
Wall in Washington, D.C.
For more information about
MOAA, call Ron Henderson at

Recipes: Shrimp with Dill; Butterscotch Brownies
Cont. from A-7 Whist together 1 T lime 1 cup onions, sliced Slice sausage into 3-inch
* 2 cans 18 oz.) whole oysters juice, 1 T canola oil, sesame 1 T garlic, minced pieces, then serve with grapes,'
I pkg. (10 oz.) frozen oil, soy sauce, and salt and one-half tsp. red pepper beans, and greens drizzled
chopped spinach, thawed and pepper to taste in bowl. flakes with vinegar.
drained Drizzle over rice, stir to mix. 1 bunch mustard greens, Options:
one-quarter tsp. finely Leave to cool. stemmed and chopped (about Use boneless chicken breast
shredded lemon peel, optional Meanwhile, put the broccoli 8-10 cups instead of sausage. Saute the
S1 Spray a large saucepan with in a steamer basket set over a one-half cup chicken broth chicken on both sides, then
nonstick cooking spray. Cook pan of boiling water and 2 cans 115 oz.) cannellini finish it in the oven in the
onion and carrot in the steam for 4 minutes. Add the beans, drained and rinsed same amount of time.
saucepan over medium-high snow peas and steari until the salt to taste Spinach or kale will work
heat until onion is tender but vegetables are tender crisp, balsamic vinegar ., fine instead of.mustard
not brown, another 2 minutes. Drain the Preheat oven to 400 greens. Spinach won,t need as
In a small bowl stir together vegetables into a colander and degrees. long to cook.
1 cup of the milk, the flour, refresh under cold running Pierce sausage with a fork in Omit the beans and serve
non-fat dry milk powder, and water. .several places. Heat 1 T oil the sausage and greens over
salt. Stir into vegetable mix- Heat remaining 1 T canola over mediumr-high heat in an soft polenta.
ture. Stir in remaining milk oil in large skillet. Add shrimp ovenproof saute pan. Add the
and then clam juice or chick- and cook over a high heat sausage and brown on each Butterscotch Brownies
en broth. Cook and stir over until pink, 1-2 minutes on side for 3 minutes.Add grapes one-quarter cup shortening
medium heat until thickened each side. Remove from heat and water, transfer pan to the 1 egg
and bubbly, and sprinkle with remaining oven and roast until sausage is 1 tsp. baking powder
Stir in undrained oysters, lime juice. Add the bell pep- cooked through, about 10 one-half tsp. vanilla
spinach, and lemon peel, if per and scallions and 3 T of minutes. 1 cup light brown sugar
desired. Heat through, stirring the dill to the rice and stir Meanwhile, prepare beans three-quarters cup flour
occasionally. Makes 4 serv- gently to mLx. Pile the shrimp and greens. Saute onions in 2 one-half tsp. salt
ings. on the top with remaining T oil in another saute pan one-half cup chopped nuts
dill. over medium-high heat until Preheat oven to 350
Shrimp with Dill Beans, Greens, and Sausage soft, about 3 minutes. Stir in degrees. Melt shortening over
Dressing 2 lb. link Italian sausage garlic and pepper flakes, saute low heat. Blend in sugar, then
1 T olive oil 30 seconds. Add greens, toss- egg. Stir in flour, baking pow-
1 cup mixed basmati and 2 cups seedless grapes, red ing until wilted. Stir in broth der, salt, vanilla, and nuts.
wild rice, rinsed and/or green and beans, reduce heat and Spread in a well-greased,
thinly pared zest and juice one-quarter cup water 'simmer 3 minutes. Season floured pan (8x8x2 inches).
of 1 lime 2 T olive oil with salt. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

canola oil, uiMieud
2 tsp. toasted sesame oil
1 T light soy sauce
one-half lb. broccoli, broken'
intq florets
one-half lb. snow peas,
halved lengthwise
S 1 lb. large, peeled and
d eeined.shrimp, tails left on,
1 small yellow bell pepper,
seeded and thinly sliced'
3 scallions, sliced
4 T coarsely chopped fresh
dill .
Salt and pepper to taste
Cook the rice with the lime
zest in a sauce pan of boiling
water, according to package;
instructions, until tender,
about '20 minutes. Drain the
rice and add it to a wide salad
bowl. Discard the zest.


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Instant Air Conditioning &

Heating Offers Tips to Help You

Stay Cool AND Save Money

The "dog days" of summer are here. And with them come
some of the year's highest utility bills for Beaches residents.
The friendly professionals at Instant Air Conditioning &
Heating in Atlantic Beach have some tips to help you stay cool
and save some money by keeping your air conditioning unit
running more efficiently.
Instant Air Conditioning & Heating owners Eddy and Dee
offer seven tips to help you conserve energy so you can save
money during this hot summer season.
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 1 Set the temperature on your ther-
mostat a little higher. "Most people can be comfortable with a
setting of 77 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit," said Dee, "plus you'll
save, on average, 6 percent to 8 percent of your cooling costs
for each degree above 77 degrees."
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 2 If you're leaving for the day, turn
tn up your thermostat a couple of degrees. Do not turn off your
air conditioning system unless you will be gone for an extend-
ed period of time because your system works best when it can
maintain a steady temperature rather than making large
In this situation, a programmable thermostat combines con-
venience with energy conservation. "You don't even have to
remember to turn up the temperature before you leave for
work," said Eddy. "The programmable thermostat can be set to
automatically, adjust during the day while you're not at home.
Then, your thermostat can be programmed to return to your
comfortable room temperature before you arrive home."
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 3 Use ceiling fans or portable fans
to help supplement your air conditioning. A fan can make you
feel three to five degrees cooler, which means you can set your
thermostat a few degrees higher and save on energy costs. "Use
I Fans in occupied rooms," said Dee," because fans cool people,
not rooms." Be sure to turn off the fans in unoccupied rooms.
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 4 Clean or change all filters on your
heating and air conditioning system every 30 days. A clogged
e and dirty filter can cause airflow problems and could result in
a system breakdown.
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 5 Keep up to date with your sys-
. ^ them's annual service and maintenance. "Annual service and
maintenance of your HVAC system can reduce operating costs
6 by as much as 20 percent, extend the life of your system and
enhance your indoor air quality," said Eddy. "By joining the
Instant Air Priority Service club, you can avoid costly repairs,
replacement, loss of comfort, inconvenience or loss of safety.
These plans are like smoke alarms they help prevent major
problems and alert you to potential hazards before they turn
into catastrophes."
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 6 Breathing clean air can make you
feel brighter and, more energetic, with a clearer head and
sharper concentration. Instant Air can introduce you to an
arsenal of high-efficiency, 21st-century pollution-fighting sys-
tems. Indoor air-quality products provide a full range of valu-
able benefits for many who suffer from respiratory-related ills
nesses such 'as asthma,' allergies, chronic sinusitis and many
other associated health ailments.
"You'll dust less often, and your windows, window coverings
and furniture will require lighter deaningLover -longer pesiodaiuo
otfitim'er" saidrDee. "\'our-home will smell'fresh and cleanliandt -
you'll feel more comfortable, no matter what season it is
because your heating and air conditioning system will literally
breathe at peak efficiency."
INSTANT AIR Tip No. 7 When investing in a new air con-
ditioning system, consider the most efficient cooling systems
those with energy-saving features like fan-only options,
change-filter indicators and automatic timers.
Tips like these are just part of what makes the professionals
at Instant Air Conditioning & Heating different. "We're proud
of the top quality professional services we offer our cus-
tomers," says Eddy. "We're equally proud of our straightfor-
ward pricing, our 100-percent in-writing satisfaction guaran-
tee, our Seal of Safety program and our Service Club member-
ship program bonuses that few air conditioning contractors
are able to offer."

II -


With their motto "Fixed Fast, Fixed Right," the comfort spe-
cialists at Instant Air Conditioning & Heating in Atlantic Beach
are dedicated to providing Beaches customers top-notch
service for all air conditioning brands... old and new.
Pictured above are Eddy and Dee.

Family-owned and operated, Instant Air Conditioning &
Heating serves Beaches residences and businesses from
Mayport to Ponte Vedia and in nearby Intracoastal West. Their
staff includes co-owners Eddy and Dee and their son Craig plus
comfort advisor Ed Edwards. Sissy an expert on the dog days
of summer serves as the company's endearing canine mas-
cot. Dee and Eddy have been married 38 years, and son Craig
recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. With more than
40 years of combined experience among them, they run their
business differently.
"We specialize in service on all air conditioning brands -
new or old," says Eddy. "In fact, our trucks carry 97 percent of
the critical components found in most systems."
Instant Air also diagnoses your air conditioner and provides
an up-front estimate of repair costs from their Professional
Service Institute's Straight Forward Pricing@ guide. The diag-
nosis goes beyond explaining repair costs. It gives you, the cus-
tomer, options.
Instant Air also provides peace of mind by adhering to the
Technician Seal of Safety program. "You need to know who's
entering your home, and that's why we've adopted these safe-
ty policies," says Eddy. All Instant Air technicians who perform
heating and cooling service work in your home have passed a
criminal background check. "In fact, we'll even e-mail you a
photo of our technician scheduled to service your home so
you'll know exactly who to expect at the time of your appoint-
ment," adds Eddy.
Schedule a comfort system tune-up or efficiency check -
with Instant Air now and receive a special bonus. Ask the
Instant Air technician to see his Seal of Safety ID Badge and
receive 10 percent off your service-call.
Instant Air also offers membership in its Service Club,
designed. to /save you.money- with, discounts 'for scheduled
maintelance'- checks- 'and -safety insp6etioris :plu<:: priority
appointment scheduling with their "Front-of-the-line" pass.
Regular maintenance is required to-maintain your manufac-
turer's warranty on new equipment.
Late summer is the perfect time to see what minor adjust-
ments you can make to save money on your cooling bills. If
Instant Air sounds like the kind of air conditioning contractor
you've been looking for, call Dee today to schedule your
Instant Air is located at 1198 Mapport Rd., Suite 11, near the
intersection of Plaza and Mayport Road, in Atlantic Beach. For
more information or to set up a free consultation for
replacement call Dee at 247-5525, fax 247-5526 or e-mail
service@'instant-air.net. Visit Instant Air on the Web at

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Th .e Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra, Leader IPage 9A




j~rSf COASl


Page 10A* The Beaches Leader/Ponte VedrdLeader September 6, 2006


photos by CHUCK ADAMS
Youngsters in Rebecca Winters' second-grade class at Ponte
Vedra-Palm Valley Elementary School (left); during a visit to the
accelerated reading store Friday, look at a display of items they
can "buy" with points earned by taking reading tests. Below,
Matthew Vanderbilt (from left) Tucker McGuffin and Zachary
Janocko show off rulers they received from parent volunteer
Maria Hbward, this year's chairman of the accelerated reading
store. The first Friday of each month, students can make pur-
chases at the store, which contains things such as being school
principal for a day (150 points) or being the coach's assistant for
a day. This year's goal is for PV-PV students to read 30,000
books. Friday's walkthrough for all PV-PV classes was designed
to get the students excited about this year's accelerated reading

photo by CHUCK ADAMS
Lane Carroll, a fresh-
man at Nease High
School, is flanked by
his parents, Stephanie
and Ron Carroll, at
the Nease open house
Aug. 30.

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St. Johns grads ready
Graduates of St. Johns
County public schools had the
highest composite score in the
state'on a Readiness for College
Report recently released.
The report is based on scores
on placement tests at public
post secondary schools in
Florida taken by Florida public
school graduates who entered
the'academic year after gradua-
The most recent results are
based on those who graduated
in the 2004 school year with a
standard diploma from a
Florida public high school and
entered a Florida public uni-
versity or community college
as degree-seeking students.
in the percentage of students
tested who were considered
ready for college in all three
areas tested, 76.4 percent of St.
Johns County graduates were
ready in all areas, compared
with the state average of 62.6
That puts St. Johns County
as No. 1 in the state, with a 2.5
percent increase over last year's
composite score and an
iricrease in each subject area
In the writing category, 90.7
percent of St. Johns County
students passed compared with
82.7 percent statewide. In read-
ing, 86.8 percent of Johns
County students scored above

the minimum compared with
76.9 percent statewide, and in
math, the figures were 80 per-
cent of St. Johns County stu-
dents and 69.4 percent
These figures place St. Johns
County first in the state in
math and writing and second
in reading.
Principal speaks out
Linda Thomson, principal of
Nease High School, will give a
report on the state of Nease at
the 7 p.m. Sept. 21 meeting of
the Parent Teacher Student
Organization. The meeting will
be held in the media center.
Budget up for approval
The final public hearing on
the St. Johns County School
District budget for the year
beginning Oct. 1 will be held
at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday at 40
Orange St., St. Augustine.
College fair scheduled
A national college fair for
parents and students is sched-
uled Oct. 14 in Jacksonville,
with special sessions on college
planning and financial aid
The event will be held 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Prime F.
Osborn Convention Center.
Admission is free. Parking is
$5 per vehicle.

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1st board-certified teacher

in U.S. to speak at UNF

Rick Wormeli, an award-win-
ning author and one of the
country's first national board
certified teachers, will speak on
"What We Could Do if We
Were Brave" at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
Sept. 19, at the University of
North Florida.
The event, the first of UNT's
fall lecture series, is free and
open to the public. It will be
held at University Center.
Wormeli's humorous, crowd-
pleasing presentation promises
to provoke educators and
guests with compelling ques-
tions about contemporary edu-
cation practices.
Other lectures planned are
the following:
Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m. at
University Center: Johnnie
Carson speaks on "Why -Afica

Matters." Carson is senior vice
president at the National
Defense University and former
U.S. ambassador to the
republics of Kenya, Zimbabwe
and Uganda.
Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m. at Lazzara
Performance Hall in the Fine
Arts Center: Andrei Codrescu
in "An Evening with Andrei
Codrescu." Codrescu is a
screenwriter, novelist, poet
and National Public Radio
Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m. at
University Center: Tom
Pickering, former deputy
Secretary of State and former
U.S. ambassador to Ed
Salvador, India, Jordan, Nigeria
and Russia, will speak on
"Iran, Iraq and the U.S.: High
Stakes Relationships."


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Wicker Large Leather
& Rattan collection -w

1018-2N.Third St. Open Mon.-Fi. 10-7
(Next To Halrry's) Sat.10-5:30, Sun. 12-5
Jax Beach a 249-3541


Ponte Vedra Leader


S'ntpmher6 2006

Fishing Leader
Jaguars begin season
* Classifieds

Panthers fall to Bulldogs in volleyball


Competing in their third
tough match of the week last
Thursday, the Nease High girls
volleyball team turned in an
ioeven performance in falling
to Bolles, 3-2.
'The Panthers rallied after
dropping the first two games to
force a fifth, but lost 11-25, 15-
25, 25-9, 25-20, 12-15.
Outside hitter Meghan
Sherman once again led Nease
with nine kills, 26 assists, 25
points, 14 digs and four service
es. Junior out-
de hitter Paige
O)ePriest had 16
points, 10 kills,
10 digs and
served up two
aces for the
Tara Carrigan
had 15 points
and 11 digs,
Christina Vergo
had nine kills
and six blocks, PANTHERS
and Laura
Phillips chipped BULLDOGS
in with 15
points as the Panthers' record
dropped to 2-2 on the season.
The loss to the Bulldogs fol-
lowed a 3-1 victory over St.
Johns Count), rival St. Augustine
last Tuesday night at Nease.
The Panthers lost to a strong
Bishop Kenny squad in a tourna-
ment Aug. 26.
"St. Augustine is our big rival,
especially in-county," DePriest
said following the 25-18, 25-12,
24-26, 25-17 win over the Yellow-
Jackets. "They're going to be one
of the best teams coming into
districts, so to beat them was
just amazing.
"It just showed us, I mean we
didn't get too down after [the
loss tol Bishop Kenny, but it was
such a mental loss, and then to
bounce back and beat a good

team like St. Augustine was just
Looking ahead, the Panthers
schedule gets a little easier this
week, but back-to-back-to-back
games on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday nights will keep
players busy.
Nease was slated to travel to
Clay on Tuesday, then Atlantic
High Wednesday and finally
return home Thursday to host
Tallahassee's Lincoln High on
parent's night.
The slate gets a little less hectic
next week with a pair of home
m a t c h e s
against Pedro
High and St.
Joseph Aca-
"It's three
tough matches
in a row with
Bishop Kenny,
St. Augustine
and Bolles, but
that's how we'll
find out how
good this team
5 3 is," Panthers co-
coach C.J.
Sherman said after beating St.
Augustine. "We'll have to
improve as the season gets
Sherman said she wasn't sure
how her team would respond
through the tough three-game
stretch, but noted players were
lookdng'fdrwaid to testing them-
selves against the top competi-
tion in the area.
While Nease will face the
Yellow Jackets once more, on
Sept. 26 at St. Augustine, and the
Crusaders again Sept. 21 in a road
trip to. Bishop -Kenny, at least
Bolles is out of the way.
The Panthers also .lost to the
Bulldogs in the Preseason Classic
played at Nease on Aug. 12. That
event also featured Episcopal

Photos by ROB DeANGELO

ABOVE: Panthers libero
Cierra Pillsbury dives to save
the ball during action last week
against St. Augustine. Nease
prevailed, 3-1.

RIGHT: Wesley Anne Barden
blasts the ball over the net
against the Yellow Jackets.



Panthers golf teams notch

wins to remain undefeated

More than 120 female surfers participated in last Saturday's eighth annual Sisters of the Sea Surf
Classic at Hanna Park. Heats in all divisions took place in the morning with finals later in the after-
noon. Results from many of the categories appear on page B-3.


The Nease girls golf team
defeated Episcopal and Bartramn
Trail in a tri-match last Thurs-
day at St. Johns Golf and
Country Club. Scores were
Nease 163, Episcopal 169,
Bartram Trail 173.
The Panthers' Catherine
O'Donnell was medalist with a
Nease also beat Pedro
Menendez High and Bishop
Kenny last Tuesday at Ponte
Vedra Golf and Country Club.
Scores were Nease 203, Bishop
Kenny 243 and Pedro
Menendez 247.
Leading the Panthers was
Kelsey Hughes with a 47. Coral
Nelson, 51, Mieghan Newton,
52, Ashley Egan, 52, Christen
Kerins, 54 and Kelly Forment,
56, also competed for Nease.
With the win, the Panthers
remained unbeaten.
Nease beat Bishop Kenny by
40 strokes and Menendez by 44.
The Panthers i5-0) were slated
to battle Bartram Trail Tuesday
at Ponte Vedra Golf and
Country Club, then travel to
Bishop Kenny on Thursday.

Nease 158, Bishop Kenny
The Panthers topped the
Crusaders last Thursday at
Hidden Hills Country Club
with Nease's Michael Smith tak-
ing medalist honors with a 36.
Kyle Lapore shot a 39. The
Panthers improved to 7-0 on
the season despite missing No.
1 player Tyler McCumber and
No. 2 player Ed Waller, both of
whom were participating in
out-of-state tournaments.

Fletcher 90, Fernandina

Beach 36
The Senators boys team
defeated Fernandina Beach and
Yulee in a rain-shortened tri-
meet at Fernandina Beach last
Thursday. Fletcher won the 200
medley relay and the 200
freestyle relay. The other relays
were rained out.
In individual performances
for the Senatoors, Max
Anderson won the 200-freestyle
race, Dom Pereira was first in
the 200 individual medley,
Tyler Caltrider won the 100 but-
terfly, Anderson won the 100
freestyle and Scott Sweeten took
first in the 500-yard freestyle.
With the victory over
Fernandina Beach, the Senators
improved to 3-0.
The Senators boys and girls
swim teams were slated to
return to the pool Tuesday after-
noon against Ed White High.

Fletcher 92, Yulee 7
Against Yulee, Fletcher won
virtually every race including
the 200 medley relay and the
200 freestyle relay.
Individually, Cody Brechler
took the 200 freestyle and 500
freestyle events, Sterling Clay
finished first in the 200 individ-
ual medley, Colby Caltrider
took the 50 freestyle and won
the 100 freestyle and Cameron
Pfahler won the 100 butterfly.

Nease 216, St. Augustine 65
The Panthers evend their sea-
son mark at 1-1 last Tuesday
with a victory over the Yellow
Jackets. Individal winners for
Nease included Matt Schlytter
in the 50 freestyle and 100
breaststroke, Paul Stevenson in
the 200 freestyle, and Wes
Stevenson in the 100 freestyle.

Fletcher 104, Fernandina
Beach 35

The Senators remained
unbeaten in the pool with vic-
tories over Fernandina Beach
and Yulee last Thursday.
Against the host Pirates,
Senators swimmers won the
200 medley relay and the 200
freestyle relay. The other relays
were wiped out by rain.
In other races, Ally Babillis
won the 100 and 200 freestyle
events, Elizabeth Kreichelt was
first in the 200 individual med-
ley, Carolyn Blount took the
100 butterfly and Sarah
Montgomery won the 100

Fletcher 92, Yulee 8
Against Yulee, the Senators
won the 200 medley relay and
200 freestyle relay.
In individual performances,
Montgomery won the 200
freestyle, Marie Slaveski was
first in the 200 individual med-
ley, Hillary McKay won the 50
freestyle, Romy Sidelski was first
in the 100 butterfly, Kaileiigh
Hollingsworth won the 100
freestyle and Allison Archer
claimed the 500 freestyle.
The Senators improved to 3-0
with last Thursday's wins.

Nease 194, St. Augustine 92
The Panthers' girls swim team
defeated the Yellow Jackets at
Winston Family YMCA last
Individual winners included
Kelsie Wenzel in the 100
freestyle, Kristin Gerkens in the
200 individual medley and 100
backstroke, Amanda Santillo in
the 100 breaststroke and 100
butterfly, and Katie Kahlbaugh
who won the 200 and 500
freestyle races.
The Panthers were slated to
return to action in the pool
Wednesday by hosting Bishop
Kenny in a 4:30 p.m. start at the
Winston Family YMCA.




: ,, 1 V 7

rae Setebe 6, .O6A- Cd-


Plenty of action at the party grounds last week

The BPeaches Ie ,aer/PnntP VPr2 T pVr lpr

speckled trout inhis cooler
Sots of triggerfish, beelin- Sunday afternoon. Veteran
ers, cobia and amberjack angler Mike Youngblood got
lare coming off the party everyone's attention on
grounds. Tarpon and sharks are Saturday morning when he
feeding at the redtops and kept bringing speckled trout
behind the shrimp boats. over the rail. He caught his
'Speckled trout, redbass and, limit of trout before lunch.
croakers are hot around Mill Capt. Whit Whitlock on his
Cove. "Black Hawk" out of Comachee
' Capt. Dennis Young, with Cove last Monday with the
the Joe Smith party on the "Sea Larry Lake party captured a
Dancer," fished the party WIMPY SUTTON very active 75-pound tarpon
grounds Saturday and pulled FISHING LEADER and jumped three others.
up 47 triggerfish, 26 beeliners, Capt. Bob Cosby, with his
a 15-pound red grouper, a 23- guests Mike and Lauren Brooks
pound snapper and five man- catch of 12 tedbass to 30 inch- last Saturday, took pictures of a
grove weighing between eight es. 100-pound tarpon before
and 15 pounds. Chris and Jeanne Bernacki releasing it off the redtops.
And on Sunday, Capt. from their "Parts and Labor" They also warned up on
Dennis, with the Duane had plenty of shark action off some big black tips.
Schmidt party, brought home the redtops last weekend and Capt Bobby Langston on the
two 30-pound cobia, two 10- on Saturday Chris landed a tar- "Gaff It" had a great day of
pound snapper, 22 triggerfish pon of approximately 110 chumming off the redtops on
and 24 beelineis. pounds. Monday. Things started a little
Both the "Mayport Princess" This slough running from slowly but before the morning.
and "King Neptune" anglers the redtops to shanty town is was over Capt. Bobby, fishing
report catches of a little bit of also producing great catches of alone, had worn out two tar-
everything. This was certainly yellowmouth and sand trout, pon. He put the first one on its
confirmed over the weekend as croakers and spots. side in about 25 minutes but
anglers from both boats came Mayor Fland Sharp, of the second one was estimated
off with cobia, snapper, beelin- Jacksonville Beach, and friend at 175 pounds and took 45
ers dolphin, kings, amberjack, Mike Wren chummed from the minutes.
mutton snapper and red "Miss Candy" last Friday and James Gergley and Matt
grouper. caught 15 sharks and a 100- Hamilton on the "Head
Capt. Kirk Waltz reports that pound tarpon behind the Hunter" last Tuesday chummed
while anchored at the end of shrimp boats and off the red- off Ft. George and caught a
the jetties last Wednesday, for- tops. hefty cobia along with 30
mer Mayor Ed Austin caught a On the Jacksonville Beach mean black tips.
27-pound tarpon and a big red- Pier, 14-year-old Eric Waugh Capt. Dave Sipler used live
bass. used a live bluefish for bait and shrimp back in the canal last
On Saturday, Steve Vam, vis- caught a 26-pound kingfish. Friday and caught 10 redbass,
iting from Charleston, S.C., Twelve-year-old Kioshi six speckled trout and a floun-
and Dr. Doug Reed caught nine Deming caught a two-pound der. And on Saturday, at the jet-
sharks off the redtops and then drum. Spencer Brogden had a ties, he caught six reds to 15
came back to the jetties for a good catch of flounder and pounds and two jacks.
Some of the week's best trout
fishing came from Mill Cove.
Larry "The Fishman" Finch
with George Altelvich caught
2:lots of speckled trout at the
beginning of the week along
.with redbass, big croakers, jacks
and sheepshead. All were
caught near Mill Cove.
Al Wiltshire and Stan Poole,
looking for croakers on the
river on "Sharkev's Den" last
Tuesday in anticipation of the
-_' American Legion Post #129
Croaker Tournament in
October, found plenty of croak-
ers but said none were big
enough. They did catch whit-
Photo submitted ing, manroves and small
Idrry "The Fishmnan" FUch..with '13-poufidt iteptail he caught tr~
eently. '. 'd tistun'. j.-: i

Phoios submaled

ABOVE: Keith
Timmons and the 26-'
pound red snapper he
caught aboard the
Mayport Princess on
Aug. 27 while fishing, ,
on the Assumption
Men's Charter.

LEFT: Ron Root and,
his son, John, caught
these redbass in the.
canal recently with"'
guide Fred Morrow.; .

S 1 ,
.a -+ +

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The Big Show begins tIs, und

A t long last, the
Jacksonville Jaguars open
I .the real season Sunday at
AlItel arena and unlike the
Florida Gators and Georgia
BHIdopgs, there is no suspense
a out which quarterback will
s art. At Jaguar U. there is only
obie quarterback and you'd bet-
ter believe it.
,.There are very few things for
sure in this world today, but
ope thing fans can take to the
bunk is that Byron Leftwich,
also sometimes known as "Lord
Bron," will be the signal-caller
a'd ace passer for the Jaguars
Providence willing.
[in case of a catastrophic
injury to the 6'5", 242-pound
2003 draft hero, the Jaguars
might wish to ask the Dallas
Cowboys to postpone the affair,
or if not possible, they could go
tO Dave Garrard and then
Quinn Gray, but Jacksonville
. would probably rather forfeit
the game, instead.
The last obstacle has been
removed on the Jaguars' sched-
ule, practice is over, the practice
games are over. and the ever-
threatening sword hanging over
the heads of some players has
fallen, beheading some of them
but making the lucky who were
not cut, sigh with relief.
Fans may not realize the
pressure the players go through

every summer and preseason. If
the season itself isn't pressure
enough, there's the haunting
fear almost each of them has
that after weeks of torture in
camp, they still may not have a
job when it's over.
The cutdown day is a dread-
ed, haunting tune for every
team, but one saving point is
that some are given reprieve for
the work crew. The Jaguars
have invited some of the vic-
tims back to butt heads on the
practice squad. It's no honey-
moon men, but at least it's a
job and players know if they
make themselves shine this
time, there's a chance to make
the varsity. That's the bottom
line for all of them.
Among those returning (or,
remaining) is local product

Jamaal Fudge, who has
impressed with his tackling.
Besides, they say he's sweet.
ftwich, Fred Taylor,
Donovin Darius; Mean John-
Henderson, Rob Meier, Brad
Meester, Rashean Mathis, Kyle
Brady and Nick Sorenson have
been pronounced in good
shape (there were doubts about
Mr. Meester, but he's O.K. now)
and ready. There are hopes for
Nfarcus Stroud and all of the
Williams boys (who number
enough for a starting line) plus
Chad Owens, Alvin Pearman
and a few of the Jones boys.
The exception of course being
Greg, the one-time Florida star
who is out for the season.
Gerald Sensabaugh,
LaBrandon Toefield, George
Wrightster, NMike Peterson,
Cortez Hankton and Terry
Cousin have survived.
Marcedes Lewis is going to
make it after his wounds and
there are other old stand-bys.
The kickers return intact,
which is encouraging. Josh
Scobee finally got well and
booted a pair of field goals in
the final preseason game in
Atlanta. Young Scobee-Doo
looked back in the groove. As
did Chris Hanson, whose punt-
ing was ill most of the summer.
He seems to have recovered
Maestro Jack Del Rio and his

miracle workers have done
about all they can to get this
team ready. Now it's up to
Wayne Weaver's wonders to
corral the Cowboys.
Sharing the spotlight last
weekend was an encouraging
34-7 victory by the Florida
Gators over Southern Miss. As
well as Georgia's fine opening
48-12 win over Western
The two teams still have
questions about their QB candi-
dates. In Athens, Joe
Tereshinski had to share the
spotlight with freshman
Matthew Stafford, and in
Gainesville veteran Chris Leak
had to make way for rookie
sensation Tim Tebow.
The latter could be a big
problem for Urban Meyer.
Tebow is local and has already
been awarded the Heisman
Trophy by fans.
Now back to the local front.
Fans shouldn't be surprised to
see banners in town saying,
"Opening Sunday at Weaver's
Bijou for a limited engagement
- Del Rio's Follies of 2006 star-
.ring Byron Leftwich and a cast
of thousands. See dancing girls
and star Jaxson de Ville in per-
All that, friends and critics
plus super heroes at your dis-
posal. But alas, there will be no
Jimmy Smith.

EgEigth Annual Sisters of
the Sea Surf Classic
Whitewater Riders 10-U
1. Piper Austin
2. Kasey Schmidt
3. Katelyn Seay
4. Taylor Stair
5. Kenzie Tustin

Whitewater Riders 11 14
1. Samantha Gresham
2. Alyssa Mann
3. Tempra Arroyo.
4. Bailey Arrendale
5. Daryian Burleigh

Whitewater Riders 15 19
1. Jocelyn Cole
2. Kaitlyn Shemenski
S3. Stacy Biegner
4. Brittany Cole
5. Laurtenngalls .

Whitewater Riders 20 +
1. Betsy Harris
2. Ginger Mark
3. Carrie Paquette
4. Kathy Austin
5. Barbara Sears

Teenie Wahines
1. Nikki Viesins
2. Jasset Umbel
3. Cassidy Almy-Ramos
4. Hannah Reynolds
5. Rossi Klein

Gidgets (13- 15)
1. Kayla Durden
2. Haley Watson
3. Romy Sidelsky
4. Chelsea Gresham
5. Olivia Blanchette

Leilanis (16 20)
1. Kayla Beckman
2. Jessie Carnes
S3. Leah Bowman
4. Nikki Spadaro
5. Lisa Autrey

Divas Shortboard
1. Brandy Schmidt
2. Christine Benedetto
3. Tiffany Layton
4. Theresa Urban
5. Katie Sullivan

Sage Sisters Shlortboard
1. Donna Musso
2. Tina Tyrone
3. Valerie Rose
4. Mimi Munro

Leilanis Longboard
.1. Kayla Beckman
2. Chelsea Gresham
3. Jessie Carnes
4. Lisa Autrey

Divas Longboard
1. Julia Arnold
2. Lauren Hill
3. Tiffany Layton
4. Kahlene Harris

Sage Sisters Longboard
1. Mimi Munro
2. Tina Tyrone
3. Melody DeCarlo
4. Lisa Wakley

1. Julia Arnold/Mitch Kauf-
2. Brandi Schmidt/Kasey Sch-
3. Rossi Klein/MIJ Keglor
4. Kayla Beckman/Matt Dailey


Fantasy Football
An open-to-the-public fanta-
sy football league will present
this season's Monday Night
Football games on the movie
screen in the main showroom
at Atlantic Theatres. Doors will
open at 7:30 p.m. every
Monday throughout the NFL
A draft party is slated for
Aug. 30 and the league has a
$20 entrance fee. Proceeds will
be distributed to winners at the
end of the season.
Admission to the Monday
night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for oth-
ers. Proceeds from admission
charges will be donated, to
H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity pro-
viding K-12 scholarships for at-
risk youngsters in the ,
Jacksonville area.
For more information con-
tact Brvce Pfanenstiel at 249-

Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
For more information or to
register, visit www.i9sports.com
or phone 0904) 992-4263.

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles) run/walk, along
with healthy living education
* and, life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls. For more infor-
mation phone (904) 321-4315
or visit

The Jacksonville Chapter of
the Florida Association of
r Mortgage Brokers will host its
31st annual fundraiser and
charity golf outing
Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club in Orange
Proceeds from this year's
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing quality services for
area youngsters and families.
I Registration for the event
wll begin at 8 a.m. and a
shotgun start will take place
a49 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.
Fbr lunch only, it's $25 per
person. ."/- '
For more information, con-
tact Valerie Saunders at (904)
Island FC is forming boys and.
girls travel soccer teams for the
2006-7 season. Teams will be
offered in the following age
groups: U-12 (born on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-
14 (bom on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/94); U-16 (bom on
or after 8/1/90 but before
7/31/92) and LU-18 for those
born on or after 8/1/88 but
before 7/31/90.
For more information contact
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.

Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer tournaments for
all ages beginning Sunday,
August 20.
For more information phone
(904) 346-3946 or visit Web site
at www.jaxindoorsports.com.

Strollerfit exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are
taking place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and Fort'
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. until
10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.

The MaliVai Washington Celeb-
rity Golf & Tennis Gala will cele-
brate its 10th anniversary this year
A tennis pro-am is scheduled for
Monday, Sept. 11 from 8 a.m.
until 1 p.m. at Deerwood Country
Club. A golf pro-am will take place
Sept. 12 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at
Marsh Landing County, Club.
The gala dinner and auction are
slated for Sept. 11 at Marriott
Sawgrass Resort.
For informationon the gala or
available sponsorships, call Terri
Florio or Leslie Sayers at 1904) 301-

Ryder Cup
A recently opened exhibit
at the World Golf Hall of
Fame features a historical .
overview of the Ryder Cup,
video of significant moments
and artifacts donated or
loaned by Hall of Fame mem-
bers for the exhibit, which
will be open through January
The 36th Ryder Cup,
played between American
and European golf profes-
sionals, will take place Sept.
22-24 near Dublin,' Ireland.
World Golf Hall of Fame
exhibits are open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through
Sat. and noon to 6 p.m. Sun.

Admission is $16 for adults,
$14 for seniors and military
and $11 for children 4-12.
Youngsters under 4 are
admitted free. For more
information, call (904) 940-

St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a men's
18-and-over basketball
league. The league begins on
Sept. 6. All games will be
played Monday and
Wednesday between 6:30
p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. A
mandatory captain's meeting
will be held at 6 p.m. Aug.
28.at .theg m, "l
,. 'odrmore in'formation, con-
t'.Fitj:ackson at 1904) 209-

Turkey Hunting
Special-opportunity spring
turkey hunt applications for
the 2007 season are available
from the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWC).
Hunters can obtain appli-
cations at MyFWC.com and
at all FWC regional offices.
Applications will be accepted
at MyFWC.com, county tax
collectors' offices or at any
license agent beginning at 10
a.m. Sept. 12; applications
must be received by mid-
night Oct. 17.
A random drawing decides
who will receive the permits,
the demand for which is typ-
ically greater than the num-
ber available.
Hunters can increase their
.chances of being selected by
submitting as many $5 non-
refundable applications as
they like. Successful appli-
cants pay an additional $50 -
$175, depending on the spe-
cial-opportunity hunt area
For more information on
special-opportunity Osceola
turkey hunts, visit the Web
site at MyFWC.com'/hunting.

Johnson's Painting & Repairs Inc.
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ax Beaches Gator Club's Gator Gathering

Billy Donovan
ead Coach of the National Champion Florida Gators Basketball
Team will be the featured speaker
6W"'. September 19th, 2006, at the Morocco Shrine Center rthewiu
3800 St Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL. Gatqr
Dinner & Admission:
$25.00 Club & Alumni Members. $30.00 for non-members.
Children $10.00 ( under 12 yrs)
At the door: $35.00 members, $40.00 non-members, -;,
children $15.00 ( under 12 yrs)
TicKet are limited ''T
Doors open at 5:00 pm and Dinner at 5:30 pm. .
Autograph session to follow., Items limited to 1 per person.
Proceeds go to Scholarships for local, present and future
University of Florida students.
Tickets available at http://JaxBeaches.GatorClub.com
or calling Don Schupp@ 904-223-1039, or ask4gator@aol.com

Wednesday, Sept. 6

Bishop Kenny at NEASE,
4:30 p.m.

NEASE vs. Bishop Kenny
at UNF, 7:30 p.m.

FLETCHER at Terry Parker,
7 p.m.

NEASE at Atlantic High,
6:45 p.m.

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Restaurants Delivered
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Thursday, Sept. 7

Lake City at Queens Harbor,
1 p.m.

Lincoln High at NEASE,
8 p.m.

NEASE at Bishop Kenny,
4 p.m.

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Friday, Sept. 8

Englewood at FLETCHER,
7:30 p.m.

NEASE at Sanford Seminole,
-7:30 p.m.

249-PLAY (7529)
For this weeks events visit
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Page 3B

Sentember 6, 2006


The Beaches Leader/Ppnte VediAi Leader



JA EC -2230

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

September 6, 20060


Subsciibe ;


The Beathes'


Ponte Vedra





'A j

GULF FRONT lots 5595k Homes slarilng
mid $300k.- New master planned ocean
fronI community on beautlul Musiang Is-
land, near Corpus Cnrist. TX www cinna.
monshore com. 1866)891-5163
MURPHY, NORTH Carolina. Aah cool,
summers, mild winters. Affordable homes
& mountain cabins Call lor free brochure.
1877)837-2288 Exit Realty Mountain View
Propenies. www.exitmurphy corn
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina Escape to
beautilul" Western 'NC '*Mbuntaift HRifee
.color brochure: & 'itlitriatl;,r, mountain
propenies w/spoclacutar views homes.
cabins, creeks, & investment acreage.
Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real
Estate. cherokeemouniainrealty.com

REDWEEK,COM #i timeshare market-
place 15,000+ resales, rentals resort re-
views. B4U buy rent, sell visit
struction Goll Community Large lots &
condos w/ deepwater. marsH, goll, nature'
views. Gaed. Goll, Fitness Center. tennis,
Trails, Docks. $70k's. $300k (8771266-
7376 www.cooperspoini corn

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
-subject to Ihe Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes ir illegal to advertise any
preference. limilation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national or,-
gin. or the intention to make any such
preference. Imitation or discriminatiotn
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cepl any advenisming for real estate
which is in violation ol Ihe law. All per-
sons are hereby informed inat all dwell-
ings advenised are available on an
equal opponunity basis
If you Oelieve that you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
tne sale, rental or financing of housing,
call the United States Departmeni ol
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777. or for the hearing im-
paired 1(8001927-9275.
NEW HOMES in Ocala. FL Pre-construc-
:ion Pr.cirg zero down for invesIors. real-
-or inquir s welcome Call Kinder Homes
at (3521622-2460 or
;ww.lnvesiOcalaFL corn
LET ME help you sell your home quickly
and for near lull value Wfinance almost
anyone www.iwin-youwin.com (305)387-
6780. '
Starting at only 39,9001 Won't last Call
nowl (866)950-5263,X105

Pets &.Animals Service Guide cont.
300 Pets 650 Painling
310 Pets for Sale 651 Pest Control
330 Stables/Livestock 652 Plumbing
340 Lost/Found Pets 653 Pools
Announcements 654 Photography
400 Notices 655 Rain Gutters
405 Travel 660 Remodel/Const.
415 Personals 665 Repairs
420 Legal Services 670 Roofing
425 Legal Notices 675 Sprinkler & Wells
440 Misc. Lost/Found 677 Tree Service
450 Instructions/Schools g678 Tile

The Beaches Leader!

Ponte Vedra Leader



THURS., 11 A.M.
$7.10 First 10 Words

470 each add'l word

$8.10 First 10 Words

470 each add'I word

Hours: Mon. Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250

Real Estate Rentals
100 Real Estate 200 Rental-
110 Lots/Land for Sale 215 Home for Rent
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate '230 Condo for,Rent
Wanted ,240 M.H. for Rent
130 Condos'for Sale, 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room lor Rent
for Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm. Property '285 Comm. Rental
185 Industrial/ -
Warehouse '

680 Upholstery,
685 Wallpapering
690 Waies Trealment
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Serc.
730 Caregivers
For Sale,
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales,
840Q.Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach

856 Mayport ,
857 Pdnte Vedra
858 West Beaches
859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RV's
970 TrucksN/Vans
980 Automobiles

EAST TENNESSEE- Norris Lake 5.6 acre
wooded, lakefront lot- $66,500 5.1 acre
wooded view lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside
Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit

Why not join uson
Every Wed. from 11am-ipm
Phyllis will be online taking
your questions livel
on .,oiL,.Rhillls Stalwas4.,476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate

PUBLIC NOTICE- Respected developer'
,announces release ol Phase 1 marsh,
lake, and wooded home sites In new, gat-
ed. and upscale riverfront community near
beaches on Georgia coast FREE 24 hour
recorded' information 800-293-2511 Ext
2001 -
LATE SUMMER Discounts and Free Golll
Dale E. Peterson Vacations. Navarre.
Okaloosa Island, Deslin, South Walton,
Panama City. www.destinresorts.com
CENTRAL GEORGIA land lor sale. Great
investment Opponunity. Strong, Proven
market 1-5 acre tracts starting @
$5200.00 per acre. Owner Financing
available. Call (706)737-2954.

WESTERN NEW Mexico Private 62 acre
ranch $129.990 Mi. views, trees, rolling
nills, pastureland, borders BLM. 1930's
stone homestead and barn ruins. Horse-
back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family
ranch, electricity. 100. financing. NALC
WITH TENNESSEE'S Beauliful Lakes &
Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect
spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Ga-
bles & Gales (865)388-7703,
1865)777-9191 www nancygaines com

struction Golf Community. Large lots &
condos w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature
views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, tennis,
Trails, Docks $70k's- $300k. (877)266-
7376 www.cooperspoint.com.
VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on
very large pristine creek, very pnvale. ex-
cellent fishing, canoeing, good access,
near New River Trail Stale ParK, $49,500.
Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountaln-
sofVA.com. .

*ASHEVILLE, NC Area Breathtaking moun-
tain view & river parcels. 1 to 8 acres
from the $80s nature trails, custom ,lodge,
river walk & much more. 5 mln. from
'town. *866)340-8446.

The a Pte Vedra Leader


Reuse the News I-

BEACH LOT, great comer location. Pen-
man & 11th Ave North. $245k, 803-6310.
5 BLOCKS to ocean North Jax. Bch.
Large Comer lot 80x120 with 1000 sq ft
block nouse. Add on or tear down. As is.
Motivated seller. $289,900. 228-0553.

ATL BCH, 50x100. cleared lot on Semi-
nole. $269,000 591 -2278
you own land Home built on your lot
starting at $58 per square foot Call for
FREE color brochures. (800)622-2832.
PRICED FOR Quick Sale! 3.2 acre lake
lot, 148 h of frontage. Northeast GA's larg-
est and newest lake, Patriot's Pointe.
5$9f,500. More Inlo: (706)213-6734
www.lakerussellprooerties com.
PV FSBO. Build your dream home Last
1/4 acre buildable lot east of A1A.
$429 900. Call (904)994-1329.
LOT- 50'X100', 504 12TH STREET, Vila-
no Bch, $199,000. Grace Ellis, All Pro Re-
alty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell)
GEORGIA/ NORTH Carolina. Captivating
mountain views, lakes rivers, waterfalls.
Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home
kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call
(888)389-3504 X700.

East of AlA 55'x120', all utilities on site.
House plans w/ variance Included.
$375.000. Call 249-6150.
NORTH CAROLINA Mtns. Asheville Area
Starting @ $89,900 for spectacular, par-
cels with views, waterfalls, mountain
streams, amenities & much more. Call for
appt. (866)930-5263.

SOUTHSIDE/ Secret Woods. Brick home,
3BR /2BA, 1896sf. $284,900 OBO. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers
A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600sf 2 car
,garage, built 2002, '$239.9K firm.
658 Stocks. 534-4848.
I.C. WEST- Keman Forest. 2004 execu-
tive home, 5BR/4BA, 2-car, 2,650+s.f.
$409,500 OBO. Independent brokers 710-
clusive, gated, golf community. $574,000.
Ocean view. 2540sf. 1/2 block to ocean,
1/2 block to town center. Numerous up-
grades. Reduced $799,500. 115 Orange
St. Broker/owner. 725-0302 or 887-8237.
REDUCED, INDIAN.Woods Neptune Bch
home 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story..
workshop. Upgrades. Prced under ap-
praised value to sell @ $399,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.
HIDDEN TREASURE! Atlantic Beach, 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA, 1700sf,
concrete block & stucco. Very solid. Lg lot
w/ fruit trees. Very private. Convenient to
golf, tennis, nature park, schools, bike
paths. $325,000. Make it your home.
$212,000, 3BR/2BA, Beautifull Built-in '99
w/g. fenced yard near beaches in quiet
comer of subdivision. Pics & more info at:.
Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sf. w/great room,' 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $529K will co-op.

FSBO in Jax Beach, 3/2.5BA 2132sf.
Beautiful 2 story home 1/2 block to the
.ocean w/direct access. Refinished hard-
wood floors downstairs, Berber carpet up-
stairs. Spacious master suite w/walk in
closets and refinished master bath.
$945,000. 68 29th Ave South, 536-3308.
Charming 3BR/2BA sep. LR/DR, FR w/
fireplace, screened patio, eat-in kitchen,
new root, carpet & paint $499,500.

S. JAX Bch, 4/2, newly painted, $350,000.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
4BR/ 2.5BA, 2400sf, brand new Key West
style home. $415,000. (904)222-1873..
JAX BEACH. 5BR'2BA, 2300st On 2 lots.
New roof, heat pump, plumbing & siding.
$425,000 OBO. 249-8637

460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care .,
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601 Air Conditioning,
602 Alterations .
607 Auto/Boot Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences ,
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
631 Conputer Services
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
S638 Marine/Boating,
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing

ATLANTIC BCH- Hidden Cove, 4BR/2BA,
on the water, new carpet & paint,
S.. $225,000, 859-7900.

MUST SEEII This remodeled 3BR/2.5BA
townhome is a 5 minute walk to .the
beach. Located in a quaint 6 unit complex
it is move--n ready. Call Jim Crews-
Realty Executives ,The Professionals.
3BR/2 5BA 1852st stucco home w/granite
countertops, crown molding & lush land-
scaping. Too many upgrades to mention
$374,900. Call Stephanie Reynolds,
(904)333-8321. Keller Williams Realty
3BR1lBA. large lotl, walk to parks/beach.
Newer kiicnen floors and AC, sell below
appraisal at $205,000. Great investment
opportunity 651-6748 or 247-9244
OPEN HOUSE- $497K. Sun., 12-4pm,
2985 St. John's Blvd. So. Jax Bch Park,
pool home 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom.
105 Marsh Cove Dr. New roof, attached
garage, 2BR/2BA, large comer lot. Priced
Below market value. $225,000.

AT 11:00 AM

Spectacular 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Single
Family Home Situated On Golf Course.
Featuring: Living Room, Dining Room,
Family Room, Den, Kitchen with
Breakfast Nook and Laundry.
Tremendous Amenities: Fireplace,
Vaulted Ceilings, Wood, Slate and Tile
Floors, Recessed Lighting, Upgraded
Kitchen Cabinetry, Huge Deck, Fenced
Yard, Complete with 2 Car Garage.

SAVE $$$

Auction World USA, Inc.
Liceised Auction=/IR., Bioker

3BR, 2BA in Cypress Cove; Atlantic
Beach. Large fenced in backyard, neW'
roof & gutters, ceramic tile, eat in kitchen;
$149,900. Call Alex from Magnolia Prop-
erties at 859-5356.
$249,900 ea., Vanguard Realty 463-7343;',
Chase,. large fenced yard. Close attorney
provided. $299,000. 382-0877.
ATLANTIC BCH- 3/2 new appliances and
carpeting, fireplace, $189,500, 993-9191.3
JB: 832 1st St S and/or 111 9th Ave S. _
Two beach houses, oceanview, 241 76343
Custom home- 2800SF, dock 2 boat lifts,
bulkhead. 4BR 3BA, pool, detached 3 car
gar. 100x440 beautifully treed lot
$1.475M. 285-0489.


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for omissions.

$205.900 Adorable 3/2, new
carpet '05. fenced yard, BFS|
Warranty, move in ready.

Cul de sac lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with
a flexible floor plan. Remodeled to
include freshly painted interior and newly
installed carpet. Thenew glass top range,
microwave, refrigerator and dishwasher are included. Replumbed in 2003
and HVAC and windows were replaced in 2004. Fenced
backyard, with shade trees and wooden deck. $309,000
Judy Nicolson presents.... Dir:904-280-2820
pree Eve:904-241-2160 ----
.-MakingpreamsaReality- E-mail:judybythebeach@aol.com ,

Pa.no 4R

Dolphin Cove, 3BR/2BA, huge comer lot,
all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile in main'
living area. Ready to gol Just Reduced.
2BR/ 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpet,
backs to preserve, vaulted ceilings.
Motivated seller. $201.999
Coastal lIing home w/pool & dock. over,
4000st., 4BR/3BA gated community.
$924,900. .
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and tennis, minute to the Beaches A+
school $288,900.
Ponle Vedra Bch.- Roscoe'Blvd. Custom
'built New Construction, over 4000sf
75x400 lot Call for email of floor plan
$1.975 million.
3BR/ 2BA, all brick. 2+ garage, great loca-
tion, close to beaches and shopping,
Totally remodeled 4BR/ 2.5BA, limestone
flooring, slate couniertops, custom cabi-
nels and lighting Owned by professional
kitchen/. bath designer. GORGEOUS!
Musl seel $549,900.
TWO 1BR/ 1BA -loft Ponte Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile
floors, fireplace, custom lighting, private
beach access. tennis, fimess room 1 unit
currently leased $189,900 & $195.900.
Key West style cottage, 2BR/1 5BA, ador-
able with huge great room. private back-
yard. great lot entertaining, Low mainte-
nancelandscaping. $323,900.
Motivated seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage.
Offered at $149,900
4BR/ 3BA w/large bonus room. popular
Iloor plan w/lormal living/ dining room.
covered lanai, in ground swim spa. Of-
fered at $339.500.
3BR/2.5BA. comer lot. exc condition
close to beaches & schools $269,500
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle.
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculaie-
.y maintained Offered at $328.900.
H,'2 H'ME in Walden Chase oft CR 21li.
riever liVed in. hugegteat room' $349,900
Call: 904-241-4447
IC WEST near Mayo Clinic, 3/2/2; 1750+
sl, remodeled, $274,500 OBO Independ-
ent Brokers 710-3111.
2432st. many upgrades, AG pool, and-
deck system $235.000, independent brok-
ers 710-3111

IN IamW IOI t UI11131 DI II
Simultaneous closing in Nov.
06. $1,590,000 3/3.5/2605sf;
$899.000 2/2/1716sf

2 Lots Each estate lot, 100'
road frt, $679,000 ea


701 BEGONIA St. W., AB. Single family
home, 3BR/ 2BA, Ig fenced yard, ne*
roof, $185,000. 339-2066.
BEAUTIFUL- 2BR 2BA townhome. "5
blocks to beach. $220,000. Call realtor/
owner (904)742-6423.
3/2 RENOVATED, $179,900. 1142 Hibis-
cus St., Atl Bch West, 1000sf., new aoll-
ances, new entrance doors, new dek,
fenced bkyd, new sinks, new toilets, riiw
master tub, new window treatments.
Clean and move in ready. 923-2097. .,
3BR/2BA, 2025sf, community boal ramp.
$324,900, Magnolia Propenies
MLS#309909. Call 465-4328, 348-5665..
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem &
Wonderwood, nice. 3i2, 2 car gar freshly
paimea, new vinyl anr more.$194,900.
gar;, nice lot, stainless appliances, Kemian
area. $198,000. ,
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car ,gar.
-Newer area, very open, beaut.stone fire-
place, fenced yard. corner lot.' Close to.
schools' beaches Just listed $219.900 ,
ASHLEY WOODS- 412. 2 car gar. over
2000st This nome is bener Ihan new,.
really Huge kitchen, and master bed and
bath Formal dining, and formal living,
currentlyy used as office) or 4th ,bdrm. 2
yrs old $275,000.
Tivoli Subdiv. Nice, 3/2, 2 car gar minutes
from, beaches, shopping, newer nome.. Ig
yard. Reduced to $239.9001
TION, 4/3, over 30K in upgrades, below
appraisal.beher than a model home
$289,900 '
near schools/ shopping,'- newer 412
2200sl. approx., priced for quick sale af
$229.900. '
4/2, near schools & shops $23-4.500
:221-1711 OR 241-5501.,.'
large corner lot. ile tioors. new rool; F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 oi 514-7152
near downtown, screened-in porch.
CH/CA, W/D Below maikel ai $132-,000.
Possible lease option 571-112
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled. new 30 year rool. 42 hickory
c inils- iravetine stone floor. Berber car-
i per and crown molding .289 900' 463.
0505 -
ATLANTIC BCH, Dunon Island Preserve
3BR/ 2BA, 1900sl. lolally restored, double
lot w/pool $319000 (904)222-1873.
1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key Wesi style 2-story. only
3 years young over 21003f located in hid-
den paradise, a marsh front commLulity.
FirslI loor master bedroom suiie. master
baih w/jacuzzi and separate shower Gas'
Irpic w/gas appliances, cozy screened
porch, custom draperies, and blinds plus
all appliances convey Asking $369,900.
MLS#290728. .
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com ;

$209,900 '
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 6f8-1
Duhon Island Dr Wes 3BR/1.d5BA.'New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only. Call David
; 247-0665,(home), 704-2337 (cell),.

With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock

5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Lakefront, screened pool

4/2, on .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai

3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded

3/2 + office $269,900
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $30k

Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot

Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai


The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5B

esvlle," lakeview, upstairs master suite
w/offlce,4/3. 2950sf, 5 acres, built 2002.
$469,000. Independent Brokers 904-710-
3111. '
ATLANTIC BCH 3BR/1.5BA, $1295/mo.
Call Jean Tan Jones. 904-472-3614.
SELVA LAKESIDE Beauty everything
practically new 3BR/2.5BA, 2 story, pool
467,500, for private showing, call KIm-
erlee, 472-5558, Magnolia Properties.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1400sf, new red oak floors,
new roof, $208,000. (904)222-1873.

vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor, plan. No dogs. $455,000. '
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
PV 2/2 Gated, totally renovated, golf
course, spa wAralner, pub room, beach
shuttle, WBFP, W&D. $205,000. Tom
PV BCH 2BR/2BA w/ fireplace, all applian-
ces stay, $179,900, 2151 Seahawk Drive,
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell).'
IOSBO, Save $14KI New Lakeview, Wi-Fi
resort pool, must seel $216K, FREE
HDLCD TV, FREE closing 727-458-
4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
OCEAN FRONT2BR/2BA, beautifully ren-
ovated, 18" porcelain tile w/inlaid design,
granite, stainless appliances, solid maple.
caolneis. wel bar. marble shower, garage
and storage $675.000. 233-7702
JAX BEACH- 2 yr old 3/2 garage consider
lease option. 259,900. Owner/ Ageni
PVB CONDO, 2BR/2BA, golf view, close
to beach. $202K, lease/ purchase option.

So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new, rede-
veloped Oceans Edge. E. of Third. Luxuri-
ous 1BR 1BA condo, 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties. Must sell 299,900. Call June Gage-
Pettit, Magnolia Properties, 994-3608.

ISolutions And
Consultation On
SAll Real Estate
Financing Needs.
Best Rates
'* Best Service
Best Solutions

PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAx: 904-247-7475
www.al aloans.com

PORTSIDE 14X70. 3BR/2BA, vinyl siding.
small wood deck, needs ,nlerior cosmetic
Work $4900 221 -8458.
JAX BEACH Goilair, 2BR/1 5BA,
screened patio, new carpel $14 500
246-8582. ,.

4AIj A 4..

- --- I T I OWN YOUR own offce/space, boat/
PVB- 2/2 Townhouse built in computer barge w/5 built in work stations on ICW at
station in loft, pool, tennis, $214,900. Palm Cove Marina. Great tax wilte off.
SCH Consulting Broker 710-8858. $59,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740.


S'Stockton..ATraditon Since 1884


$ -875
$ 9(00

713 Belleza .
625 Belleza
412 The Palms
36 The Colony
72 The Fountains
728 Belleza '
2 The Fountains
612 iramar Lane
748 Marsh Cove Lane
9897 Rough Creek,
10061 Rough Creek
1979 Spoonbill St l
.52 Turtleback Trail
804 Templeton Lane
106 Bermuda Ba,
97 Voyager Court
104 Crosscoie Circle
1029 Hanoi er Lane
224 Seamnlt Court
10A The Waterford
6,l6) Bndgewateir Circle
20(01 Windjammer Ln
10302 Ocean Grande
529 Sunset Dri'e
1977 Se\illa Bld.

Ponte Vedra 1/1'
Ponte Vedra 1/1
Jax Beach 2/2
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Ponte'Vedra- 2/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
Ponte Vedra/Sa grass CC 2/2 ,
Ponte Vedra 3/2+loft
Ponie Vedra/Saj grass CC 2/2+loft.
Ponie \'edrj/Saugrass CC 2/2
Jav/San Pablo Rd 3/2
Saw grass Players Club 3/2
Ponle Vedra/A\alden Chase4/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2 :
Ponie \edra/Sawgrass TPC 3/2
Pomne Vedra/Seaside 4/3
Pome \-edra/valden Chase 4/3
Poute Vedra/Seaside 3/2
Jax Beach -, 3/2 ,
Ponie \edra/Sagrass TPC3/2.5
South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc
South Ponte Vedra, 3/3
Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
Atlantic Beach 4/3+bhionu' rr

'905 2nd Street North, #C Jax Beach 3/3,
70 Beach Cottage Le ,,,Adantic Bach A/4
117 Deer Co.ie Dr e ,,. Ppi \qd.I.i i i .'.
703 Landmark 'J1\ Beach/OcAnfronr '3/2
408 Sea'praN Lane Ponte Vedra b% the Sea 4/3
9910 Pre-son Trail Pne \edraiSagrassCC 3/2.5
804 Metropolitan' Ja\ Beach/Oceanview 3/2
628 Preserve View Drive Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+b
'451 South Ponie \dra Blvd South Ponle Vedra 3/2.5-
133 Sea Hammock WaN Ponte Vedra Oceanfront 2/2
570 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/2.5

m 2800


"" '1829
onus rnnm3100.
3500 "

1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1stAve. South,
1 BR/1 BA. $695/mo & $725/mo.
(904)891-0606, (352)478-2161.
2/1 townhouse, W/D Included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $825/mo, $900/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
7-blocks to beach. $1050/mo. +deposit.
MAYPORT, 2BR/1BA apt., $675/mo.
+$600/dep. CH&A, 280-2728 Iv. msg.
ATLANTIC BCH 1BR/1BA $495/mo Call
Jean Tan Jones 904-472-3614.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse, 1000ft to
beach. 2/2, 1 car gar., year lease. Private
beach access. $1000/mo. (904)294-5498
MAYPORT 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car par., 1400sf,
fenced yard, $1200/mo. 536-1198.

ATL BCH, 1BR, 1/2 block ocean.
$800/mo., dep., no pets, yr lease.
246-6865 or (919)358-0244.

CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.

WONDERFUL 2BR 2.5BA townhouse in
beach community. Many extras. Washer/
dryer, I car gar., avail, before 10/1. Lease
negot. (904)881-8428..
2BR/1.5BA, No Pets,, $875/mo.

1 Bedroom with great ocean view, W/D,
ceramic tile floors, balcony, walk-in closet,
reserved parking. $925 Ocean View
Apartments, 160 7th Avenue North
993-2555. www.BeachesAprartments.com
2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard, tile, new carpet. Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1250/mo.+
Deposit. 273-5653.
IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA, 2 blocks to,
beach. $1300/mo. +$1300/sec. dep. No
pets. Call 463-7020, 249-3967.

NEW 1BR, close to beach, W/D,
$950/mo. 803-6834
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE No pets or
smoking CH&A. WDHU. 4-h St Nonh.,
JB $850/mo 249-0370
S JAX Bch, 3/2, $1450/mo 2 cleaning
services incl per mo 655-3951.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
Ihe Palms, ground Iloor, lakeview until Fit.
ness center, pools, tanning tennis, club
house, & more! $1350,'mo 904.-372-9222
Broker. .
JAX BEACH-, 2BRi BA dishwasher.
WDHU. CH&A. microwave. 728 81h St
South. Credit check, no pets, $850'mo.
514-8530, ,
4 blocks to ocean, 1300si ,
$1150/mo.+utilities. 1215 11th St. N;,


$1620/Month" '"
Large 3BR/2BA
S Walk to Beach A

Jax Beach
800-935-8347 ext. 107.

VILLAS AT Marsh Landing, 1/1, ElIK, patio
faces wooded area, access from LR/BR,
double fireplace, $850/mo. TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
JAX BEACH- 2BR cottage near ocean,
CH&A, WDHU,.no pets, $925/mo + $500
deposit,. 246-3130.
2BR/2.SBA Townhome w/d, dishwasher,
fireplace, berber carpet, 18" ceramic tile,
private balcony, private patio, $1395/mo.
Available Oct 1st.. 333-8462; Harrigan
Properties Realtor.
436 5TH Ave. N. 3BR/1 BA, eat-in kitchen,
tile floors, WDHU, CH&A, detached 1 car
garage. $950/m6. +$950/dep. $200 non-

*. *
washer, pool, near stores and bus.
$775/mo + deposit, no pets, nice place to
live, 246-8537.

pletely remodeled, all new appliances,
next to Sawgrass, great amenities,
$1000/me + deposit. 904-571-6967

JAX BEACH- 909 7th- Ave. North,
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch,
fenced .yard, CH&A, $970/mo.
(904)891 -0606 or (352)478-2161.

3BR/1BA, LARGE fenced yard CH&A,
WDHU, $950/mo. 241-1857.
ICW 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr. W,
3BR/2BA, large eat in kitchen, new appli-
ances, ceiling fans, 2 car garage,
$1500/mo. Call 704-4003.
WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2, .
2300sf,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/fireplace, carpet, cath ceilings, fenced
yard, $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
ATLANTIC BEACH townhouse, 1 bik. to
ocean, 3BR/2.5BA, 1850sq. ft., avaialbe
now, 219-2481.

,refundable pet deposit. 993-8597. S. JAX Bch. Near ocean. 3BR 2BA, BELLEZA AT Ponte Vedra. Lovely 1BR,
2BR/1BA W/GARAGE, WDHU, CH&A. .$1650/mo, yr lease. New bedroom carpet, 1BA condo. Gated,pool, avail Sept 1
1.5 blocks from beach w/beach access, paint. Dep.246-6865 or (919)358-0244. $850. Melinda (415)302-0514
$950/mo. 241-2077. POtikTl= lnfDA i '*A.,, -O/3oOA .n DECORATOR HIGH END 2BR/2BA,

BEACHES 2/2, lakefront view, many ex- rage, pool, tennis, orange, lemon and
tras. Avail, immed. Will pro-rate 1st grapefruit trees, $1150/mo. Available i-
month's rent. $1200/mo. 382-6145. medIlately. 285-9884.

BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange
St. Nep Bch, downstairs. $1100/mo inci.
ulil 661p803-6275
IBR UPSTAIRS, no smoking. no pels.
$675/mo + deposit. 247-1935.,
VILANO BEACH, 4BR 4BA, 2850si.. over-
looking Intercoastal, walk to beach, home
only 4yrs. old. $1800/mo. Call Jan Hoff-
man 537-7777. Owner/ agent.
PVB. BELLEZA. 2.2. 2nd floor ilop). end
unit. vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Reson amenities $1100/mo.
Garage available 1904)629-0046
CLEAN 3BR Townhouse. near ocean,
Neplune Bch $1395.mo Charles Leo-
nard, Broker. 241-7675

TOWNHOME PV- 2BR/2 5BA. on lake.
ready now; $1100/mo +deposit. Call
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean
1BR/1BA Apartmenl. $550/mo 220 4ln
Street So (904)891 0606. 1352)478-2161
2BR I 5BA Condo Jax Beach. 2nd ST
North $1150,mo Avail immediately. Call
Todd 993-4884
NEPTUNE BCH near ocean. renovated
2BR. all amenites avail soon. $1100,mo
247-1417. 1BR. near ocean. $750,mo.
PVB TOWNHOME. 2BR/1.5BA, wood.
file. lanai, 11tOsi Malor appliances ,nclud-
ed Available 10115106. $1200,mo. +de-
posit Cats OK w/pet deposit (904)273-
8236. .
2.5BA 1700sl, master suite wi lacuzzi,
Balcony, tlie lirst loor laundry hookup. 2
car garage, lenced yard. Small dogs con-
sideied 893 6In Ave S. $1600/mo. plus
1mo dep. Call 249-6150.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse. 1000h to
beach 2/2. 1 car gar.. year lease. Private
beach access. $1025/mo 1904)294-5498
21 apartment. 101C 16th Ave. S CH/A,
WDHU No dogs $995.'mo t$500/deposil.
211 N 8in St., 1/1 apartment N dogs
$625/mo Broker/ Owner. 249-8766. Call
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach Best
area quiet sale, residential neighbor-
nood 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint
CH&A. W'D included. No smoking. no
pets. $950/'mo., lease depqsrt. 993-1118.
JAX BCH. 3/2.5 ocean view, $1600/mo
185 51h Ave S 318-0044
NEPTUNE BCH. 2BR/ 1 5BA, newly reno-
valed, kit appl., WDHU. Deck overlooking
fenced backyard No pels or smokers
$950,'mo, $950/aep. plus credit check.
HODGES & Beaches areas 1, 2 & 3BR's
wi gorgeous lake to goll views From
$850.'mo 233-4545
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550. on pri-
vale lotul.-NeariMaypon Nava iSlation no
aogs-as3-5579 I- -"
NEP BCH, 2BR/1 5BA clean. WtD.- iar
ICW, lenced yard. $8410mo 631-8607.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean Very clean. No Pets
$675/mo 642-1214 and 241-1219.

$ 900/%k Beach Club ViUlas Sagrtass Beach Club Eff. 600
$1100/wk 49 Tifton Way North Saw grass Counrn. Club 2/2.5 1500
$1300/w k Deer Run San grass Country Club 3/2 1600.
$1400 The Colon% Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Sa grassrBeach Club .1/1 700
$1600 Sea Place Atantic Beach 2/2 1200
$1600/wk 2839 S Ponte Vedra S Ponte edra 3/1.5 1500
$1800/wk 2503 S. Ponte Vedra; S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2i00'
$1 800/wk The Retreat Ponte \ed&raOceanfront 2/2 1600
$2000 Pelican Point J3a. Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200
$2000 Loggerhead Lane San grass/Plaiers Club 3/2.5 1600
$2000 Vista Del Mar la\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2200 Quail Pomintl Saw grass Countrn Club 2/2 1800
$2300 92 Tifton Wa, North Saw grass Country Club 3/2 1900,
$2500 117 Deer Cove Dne Ponte Vdra/Mlarsh Landing 41/2 5 2000
$2500/w k 728 Oceanfront Neprine. Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 5 i,rit ri 2600
$2600 826 Spinnakers Reach Saw grass/Beach Club 1/2 1100
$2700/w k 2824 Coastal H% &y Vi lano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2800 2.I41 S Ponte Vedra Blid S Ponte \edia/Oceanfront4/2 2100
$3000, 703 Landmark (7 mo.min. i Ja Beach Oceanfront 3/2 1829
$3900 105 Water Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/3.5+office 3200
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza Ja'/Downtoi,n Riverfront 2/2+lIoft 2100
$5500 1931 Beach Avel3mo.mmn.i Adantc Beach 3/3 2400
Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman PInscher. **
**Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."*
Call today to book your next vacatlonli
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

2/1.5 townhouse. 167 Pine St. includes
lawn service $1050/mo .$550/depostl.
Broker, Owner 249-8766. Call anyday
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1195/mo. (904)221-4134, 703-
5518 -
TOWNHOUSE NEAR Fletcher. 4 blocks
,.to beach. 2BR/1.5BA. hardwood floors,
CH&A, WDHU, hall garage $1100/mo.
includes NB utilities. 904-280-7823.
JAX BCH. 4 blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CHiA, Ille & carpets, new kil. cabi-
nels. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep Dogs
30b0s and under considered. 514-4229 af-
ter 4pm Brokern owner.
LEASE PURCHASE option. Single family
3BRi2BA home bullet in 2005, lots of curb
appeal. $1200.00'mo Call 1904)242-
JAX BEACH new 3BR/3BA w/ocean view.
pool. garage. $2100/mo. 223-6896.
4 BLOCKS TO BEACH, 2BR/1 5BA town-
house, tile & wood laminate Iloorng

ocean front condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach Call for more details.
398-9080 exi 211
Tastefully furnished 4BR/2BA, end unit,
renovated, granite, 18" tile, new carpet
open balcony, storage-.outdoor closet and
garage, $3200/mo., 537-4083.
PVB, BELLEZA. 2/2. 2nd floor (fop). end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities $1100.mo
Garage available (904)629-0046
PVB- 2BR/2BA, SummerHouse, 5-slar
amenities, prime unit with pool and lake
view. Rent only $1000/mo. Call
TWO 1/1 apts two blocks from .Jax
Beach. Pets allowed $780, $500 +depos-
it 514-2985 or 333-6639.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 bik to
ocean. 2,'2, pool side Remodeled No
pets. $975/mo.. yr lease, dep 249-7967
NEW 2BR/2BA. JAX BCH,. W/D; garage,
Irpilc, vaulted ceilings, no pets, $1100/mo.

throughout. $1000/mo Call 868-7702. PONTE VEDRA, Luxury 1/1 patio home,
S. JAX Ben. east of 3rd. 3/2, $2100/mo. walk, to beaches, pond view, pool/
Call Sam 249-3403 health club amenities, $1099/mo.

NEP BCH, ig 4BR 2BA w/ gar plus cov-
ered parking Ior boat or RV $1650/mo..
ICW- 2BR/2BA Palio rome w2garage,
WDHU, new carpel. paint. 14322 Coral
Reetf Dr S. (off ol San Pablo near Beach
Blvd). $1000/mo Available immediatelyy
(904)699-4250, 1904)858 0732

Ponte Vedra Bch. ig 3/2/2. Granite & rile,
walk-in closet, eat-in kit, corner lot, spnn-
kler syst avail 10/1. Pel OK Flex. lease,
$1495/mo 280-2293.
2BR/2BA. ICW. W/D, newly renovated.
Must see $1100imo. (904)571-5517.
ATLANTIC BCH/ Maypon, Spacious 3W2.
toonus room, fireplace. lenced yard, pest
control included No smoking/pels Availa-
ble 1013. $1150imo -deposit. 755-4038.

la. $1200/mo, weekly rales available. 280-
5170 or 616-5274
Direct oceanfront 1/1, pool. $1550/mo,
12mo lease. 249-6166
wlolt as bed/ office/ gym Pels OK All
new interior in 2005 Extras W/D. ceiling
tans, fireplace. tile in laundry and
screened porch. $1100/mo +1mo depos-
it. Call Bruce al 377-5051..
JAX BEACH. 2BR!2BA. split Iloor plan.
fireplace. 1028 4th St N. blocks Irom
beach. $1050/mo. 728-3000 (days).
786-2757 (evenings)
of amenities. $950/mo. Call 234-2646.
JAX/PV BCH, 3/2, resort amenities, pets
ok. $1350/mo. 904-472-7134.

JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA 2/2 BELLEZA condo. vaulted cehlngs, 3rd
house. CH&A, lenced yard, $825/mo, floor, newly remodeled, fully carpeted/
(9041891-0606 or (352)478-2161. filed, $1100/mo. 904-294-9927

PVB Solano Cay, 3BRi2BA, garage,
large backyard in quie neighborhood
Comm pool. $1.400/mo 315-6558
NORTH JB. 3BRi BA. CH&A. WDHU., lie,
ran, lawn and pest included $1100/mo. .
Available now. 249-1104 Pager 306-
1/2 MILE to Beach $1500'mo., 3BR/2 5BA
home, 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac,
Ig.yard. wood deck. privacy fence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or e-mail.
JAX BEACH, walk to ocean, Large,
-.BRLBAi.-oftice., laundry room. garage.
, CH&A WDHUL. -..arge lenced yard
$1075imo -.deposn 343-5537.- -
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR1.5BA, 1660sf, 2 car
gar..$1550'mo. 14525 Luth Dr. N. Call
Cindy 962-3713.
ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2.5BA, complete
remodel, lenced yard, 2-car garage and
off street parKing. near Mayport, schools.
and beaches, $1500/mo -deposit. 869
Gavagan Call for appi. (904)-910-6052.

S. JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA lully furnished, 1
car garage. lenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
ternet, & cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beacon For photos e-mail ma-
naeugeniaiojo@Dellsouth.nel. $1500/mo.
Long term lease. (407) 394-5858.
Walk to beach and Town Cenler from this
lovely 4BR/2.5BA beach bongalow,
charming front porch & ienced yard plus a
detached bldg. with 2 car gar. hugh stor-
age room, and bonus room (great for
home office/ studio; Availale late October
$1850/mo Call 242-0203 soon
2.5BA townhome, vaulted ceilings. Irpic,
Ig healed & AiC Flonda room. 2car gar,
comm. pool. Fresh paint & new carpet, on
lake, 4 blocks to beach, lyr lease. Avail.
October, $1400/mo. Call 246-8294.
1660 Beach Ave. (across from ocean). Lg
3BR 2 5BA townhome (2150sf). frplc.,
fenced yard, deck, small pel negot.
$1750/mo. 1904)477-0102.
OCEAN WALK. 4/2. 2185sf, Formal
LR/DR, family room w,'piace, ElK, break-
fast bar. carpel ceramic ile. pool, pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgmt
Services 246-1125.
JAX BCH, 3/1, 2.5 car gar., fenced yard,'
$1300/mo.836 9th Ave N. 318-0044.
large loh. carpeting, CH&A. fenced yard.
garage breezeway, WDHU. 2 blocks to
ocean. 1707 3rd St. $12751mo + dep
(904)249-4508 (904)704-0489
3/2 house, Cypress Cove $995/mo.
Avail now
Updated 2/1. 1100sf, 2 biks to ocean. In-
cludes yard service Avail. now $1250/mo
3/2, 2 car garage, avail, now, $1175/mo
3/2.5 lownrouse. 1 car gar $1350/mo.
2/2 condo. $930/mo Avail now
2/2, $950/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1295/mo. Avail. now.
4/2, $1595/mo.
3/2, cul-de-sac, $1250/mo..
3/2, 2 car gar., new carpet & paint.
avail. 9/15, $1195/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sf. avail. 8/1,
2/2 house. Avail. now. $800/mo.
3/2, $1395/mo. Avail now..
4/3, 3 car gar., $1895/mo.
4/3, 3 car gar. $1925/mo.
4/3, 2 car garage, 2200sf, $1395/mo.
4/2, brand new home, 2100+sf, $1450/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
1129 Sebago Ave. South, Beautiful 3/2,
fenced yard, all new kitchen, appliances,
bath, tile & carpet. $1200/mo year lease,
no pets, 631-3583.

LIKE NEW 2/1, 2 blocks lo ocean. S.IB
$1000/mo. 904-537-4732
$215,000- 2/2, garage, all appi. incl., Jar-
din De Mer. 247-4211.
PONTE VEDRA- new 2BR/2BA w/washer
dryer, top floor comer, beach access, goll
luxury amenities, no smoking, pels
$1100/mo + deposit 755-4038
3/2, 2 garage spois, pool. spa, $1795/mo
OCEAN FRONT Jax Beach 2BR/1BA just
. renovated. granite:-new appliances 20'
oorcelairn tile 'stunnin bain., iop ioor
' l1950)mo. 233-7702.' "
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach Fumrnsh-
ed 1BR/1BA, water-lo-goll view. pool,.
tennis. $1250/mo. includes ulilties.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962 .
CH/A. new appliances, untumisned, newly "
renovated, hardwood & tile floors
$1050.mo+ dep. Utilities. Pets ok

floor, corner, on goll course NS. $995/mo.
+aeposil. t904)466-0230

OCEANI FRONT, unfurnished. 2BR/2BA,
4th floor, pool, year lease. $1425'mo
Avail. 10/1/06. Call 642-3517
JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage. consider
lease purchase. $1350/mo 568-4818.
2BA, ground floor, gated community 5
solar living. Call Cindy Brown. Country Club
Real Estate (904)613.6423.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $1700/mo.
(404)325-0820. (404)784-6601.
PVB. OCEAN Grove, 1BR/1BA w/iotl.
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must rent
$1,000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370
office, 4700sf condo Localed on Inter-
coaslal in new development All amenities
incl. with or without boat slip Unlumishtied.
Looking lor long term lease- 1-2 yr rental.
For more details 398-9080 ex]. 211.
1BR/1BA in The Grand Reserve, near
UNF/ Beaches. W/D included; Vaulted
ceiling; FP, Golf course side/ view. Ameni-
ties include swimming pool, hot tub, gym,
volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts.
$980/mo. +$980/dep. Call 904-292-1719

Ponte Vedra

Ocean Links

2BR/2BA Unfurnished,
screen porch,

washer/dryer, pool,
fitness room, tennis court
Long term $950/mo


Luxury furnished 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites
High Quality King Beds.
2nd Street & 5th Ave. South

OCEANFRONT 2BR, weekly/ monthly,
pool, Call 483-7343.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. '241-0267.

fees and utilities. Exclusive Miravista,
gated, pool, hot tub, health club, water-
ront w/manna view. Room has own bath-
room, brand new large unit, 2700sf.
SHARE A house In Kensington area
w/amenities. $500/mo. includes utilities.

stk A

4444%li BEACH RENTALS NTAL < ^^.
Unfurnished Homes The Courlyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, private. Riverbrook at len Kernan Hodges .
. Ponte Vedra by the Sea PV 4BR/ updated unit w/garage. patio. balcony, 5BR/3BAbrickhomew/fenced backyard, comer t
3.5BA, home has private backyard overlooks lagoon. $1200/mo. lot, 2700sqft, two car garage $1895/mo.
Ssanctary, terrific floor plan, 2 car garage. Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
- $2600/mo. w/new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh home on water; upgrades throughout, open
2 Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story paint. $1.100/mo. floorplan. $1995/mo.
'F, rnishe Hne Unfurnished Condos ,
h. home w/screened porch on water, 2 car Furnished HomesUfurnisheCondos
ar $1850/mo Villages of Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, O n Links -
olano Cay -PV4BR/2.5BA, two story oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, Screened porch fireplace, amenities
co.do,.2BR/2BA, second floor. $1050/mo.
home w/spacious floor plan, patio, comm. garage, amenities. $1400/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
pool. $1595/mo. I o West Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
Dolphin, Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home Wolf Creek Hodges 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor, top unit, vaulted ceilings.
wall new interior, tile floors, garage, New townhouses w/screened porch, $850/mo.
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. preserve views, amenities. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA 2BR/2.5BA, $999/mo. ceilings. $11507mo.
townhouse has loft, garage,' patio, very 2BR/2BA all upgraded. $1150/mo. 2R/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, garage.
neutral and clean. $1500/mo. $1195/mo.P
434 9th Avenue N.- JB 3BR/1BA, home Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate PkwY Belleza PV 3BR/2BA, all new, ground unit,
e 3BR/1BAhome 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile floors, tile floors, screened porch, amenities.
has hardwood floors, all new interior, upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. $1275/mo
fenced backyard. $1495/mo. Pablo Point- San Pablo 3BR/2BA home
SBeach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard,
duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood two car garage. $1500/mo COASTAL REAL ESTATE
floors. $1300/mo. Stonefield at Bartram Park Mandarin Shannon Smith
Penman Road NB 3BR/21A home 3BR/2.5BA, newer two story townhouse, (904) 285-5640
; w/screened porch, fenced.backyard, large 1975 sqft, 2 car garage, amenities. W www.rentthebeaces.com 1
lot. $1300/mo: $1600/mo.
'yS, Sp 'lF
4'77 7 777 1 7" 7 7"7 "77 '

LI~yr~rrrurr v, rvu

... ..... .U. /.....

lllrIllIIr 1 II lllrll


September 6, 2006

The Rpacrhes T eader/Ponte Vedra Leaaer


BEACH/SAN Pablo, clean, quiet drug/ al-
cohol free home. $400/mo. 33-2624.

MASSAGE THERAPIST office, shared
space, fully equipped. Downtown, San
Marco area, separate entrance. $400/mo.
Includes utilities. 465-2653, 463-0222.
OFFICE spaces for rent- A large 12'x24'
room (could be two 12x12 rooms). Sepa-
rate back door entrance, electric & water
incl. Located on 3rd St., Jax Bch.
APPROXIMATELY 750 st. quality office
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15.
overlooking golf course in S. Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15.

space and lot for lease. Starting j@
$500/mo. (904)514-1090.

SIAMESE CAT found Aquatic area Atlan-
tic Beach. Tan w/blue eyes. 246-2897.
HEALTHY, HAPPY, black kitten, female,
10ma. old, good w/dogs. Free to good
home. 626-3780.
SIAMESE KITTEN, free to good home,
female, great with other cats, 874-5145
PARKING ATTENDANT $10 per hour. Fri-
day & Salurday.9pm-lam 655-4573.

PIT BULL/ LAB mix. puppies 3 males
ano 6 lemales available. Shots and
w:ormed $20 o good nome 743-2042
8 CHOW Puppies, black, $200 each.
223 1926
MINIATURE YORKIES; Cute as a button..
Males. AKC. Shots. 8,weeks. $900 firm.
859-0872 or 249-1425.

HOMELESS PETS for. adoption- Cats &
dogs.246-3600 .

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With-kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.

DIVORCE $275-$350M Covers children,
etc Only one signature required Excludes
govi lees' Call weekdays (800)462-2000
exi 600 k8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC
Established 1977. '

Notice is hereby given thaial pursuant to the
"Self Storage Facility Act' Flonda Statutes
Section 1, Part IV ol Chapter 83. Laws of
Fi-rida 1982, the personal property con-
s1iing 01 clothing, personal items and,
r,-ouzehoid goods of: .. .'
Derek W Farnsworth, Neplune Beach,
10x10 A031a rurniure. misc. boxes.
.'olanria M Macon. Jacksonville Beach.
r1C100, A092 rurniiure misc. boxes.
Kelly R Gales Atlantic Beach. 10x20.
Ali. lurniiure misc boxes.
Panv, & MarY. Kirkpainck, Atlantic Beach.
5x10. B213 lurnilure misc. boxes.
Sniererna Siaugplier. Allantic Beach, 5x10,
. 32 3, furniture
Jetirey M Sipe Albany, NY 5x10. B243.
Srirkc bags. coining
Leor.a Miichell Atlantic Beach. 10x10,
B272 lurrilure miscC ooxes.
tilion T rod Sarasola. 10x20, B288, lur-y
nilure ,rnii. taxe s ',
E zi,,iel 'acks.on Jr. USS Fon McHenry ,
5x 10'I. C354. misc. tools, toolbox, misc
Johnnie'.P Robinson, Atlantic Beach. 5x5,
D457, cior.ing misc. boxes
John M W.niers. Jacksonville, 10x10,
D486, furniture.
Will be'sold cr otherwise disposed of at
S 0.00r am Saturday, September 16thn,
2006 io saisy/ Irents) for past due renl(s)
.. i an3 lees. Disposition will take place
at Pan Amrri Min, Storage. 2383 Mayport
Rd Atlantic Beach,. FL 32233. Pan Am
.. Mni Storage reserves the right to reflect
;any and all bids and establish minimum
cir,'s to compensate lor all costs.
BL 8'30.9.6,06

Beach Body Towing Co., Inc. gives
Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and inten Ito
sell these vehicles on September 27,
2006, 9:00 am at 922 7th Ave S., Jack-
sonville Beach, FL 32250-4208. pursuant
10 subsection 713 78 ol the Floridnaa Slat-
utes Beach Body Towing Co.. Inc. re-
serves he rigni to accept or reject any
andlor all bids. Cash only, day of sale..No
itles warranties or guarantee ol titles. "As
is .
1 B3BA44D5GG163661 1986 DODGE
1FABP33J7GT148929 1986 FORD
1G1BL52P9RR162038 1994 CHEVY
,1G1BN51E6KR169691 1989CHEVY
1G1N.jD52MXXY141251 1999CHEVY .
1G3HY54C1LH361014 1990 OLDS
G. 1GHP52KOVH431355 1997 BUICK
1G4HP52L4RH472277 1994 BUICK
1GKDM19Z5RB514820 1994 GMC
1HGCD5564RA190275 1994 HONDA
1HGCD566XRA111660 1994 HONDA
1JCMU-7411 JT163627 1988 AMC
1 MELM62W3VH608575 1997 MERCURY
1P4GP54R9MX569891 1991 PLYMOUTH
2B6HB21Y9LK776969 1990'DODGE
2HGED6359MH556797 1991 HONDA
4A3AK34Y5SE193233 1995 MITSUBISHI
JT2CB02T7T0060532 1996 TOYOTA
KMHJW24M7TU031721 1996 HYUNDAI
BL.9/06/06 .
Police is hereby given that the Code En-
i:orc:emerin Board 01 the City of Neplune
BE1ach Florida. will conduct a regular
moniriv Public Hearing on Wednesday,
September 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the
City Hall Council Chambers at 116 Firsl
Sireel teplune Beacn, Florida. The fol-
io'vn.:n case-s are o:,n the agenda-
Ordinance 'CEB 06-22N, 1506 Third
Ordinance CEB 06-230, 2210'Florida
Ordinance CEB 06-240, 2050 Kings
CIr. So.
Ordinance CEB 06-250, 2218 Florida
Blvd. :
Ordinance CEB 06-260, 2230 Florida;
2301-2307 and 2311 Florida Blvd.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made ,by the Board with respect to any
matter considered at such meeting, or
hearing, he will need a record of the pro-
ceedings and for such purpose he may
need to ensure that a verbatim' record of
the proceedings is made, which record in-
cludes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with 'disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in this meeting should contactthe City
Clerk's Office no later than ,:00 p.m., the
day of the meeting.
Code Enforcement Board
BL 9/6/06

Notice is hereby given that a regular meet-
ing of the City Council of the City of Nep-

tune Beach, Florida, will be held on
Monday, September 11, 2006, at 7:00
p.m., In the Fletcher High School Auditori-
um, 700 Seagate Avenue, Neptune
Beach, Florida.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the City Council with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings Is made,.
which record Includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal Is to be
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
In this meeting should contact the City
Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 P.M., the
day of the meeting. .
Lisa Volpe, CMC ,
BL 9/6/06

To Curtis Lee Grant, or any other un-
known putative biological lather, and legal
lather of Brandon Deon Granl. and Curtis
Lee Williams, whose last known address
You are nereby notlfied that on August
11, 2006, a Peltition lor Adoption ol Bran-
don Deon Grant a male child and Curtis
Lee Williams. a male child born to Sharon-
da Denise Williams, in BiDb County and
Chatham County. Georgia, was filed in the
Superior Court of Cobb County, Georgia.
Adoption No. 06A128-05. On August 15.
2006, the Court passed an Order fixing a
hearing upon said Petition lor November
20, 2006 at 10:30 a m. In ine Cnambers of,
Judge Robinson, Marietta. Cobb County,
All parental rights you may have with
respect to the minor child will be lost and
you will. neither receive notice nor be enti-
tlied to object to the adoption of the child
unless; (if biological father) within thirty
(30) days from the date of the last publica-
tion of this notice, you file (1).a Petition to
Legitimate the, child pursuant to the Offi-
cial Code of Georgia Annotated Section
19-7-22; (2) notice of the filing of such Pe-
tition to Legitimate with the Superior Court
of Cobb County; and (3) serve ;a copy of
the Petition to Legitimate on the under-
signed attorney for the Petitioner seeking
to adopt the child; (mother or legal father)
you make a timely appearance and, objec-
Stion In the pending adoption.
This 24th day ol August, 2006
Clerk ol Superior Court
Cobb County. Georgia

SPECIAL MEETING: In accordance .with
Article II, Section 2-27, of the Code 1 Or-
dinances of the City' of Neptune Beach;
the Mayor hereby calls a Special Meeting
of the City Council, for the purpose of
hearing Ordinance 2006-18 Millage. Ordi-
nance 2006-19 Budget, Ordinance 2006-
20 Budget Adlustment, Ordinance 2006-
21 Abandonment, to be held on Monday,
September 11, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the
City Hail Council Chambers 116 First
Street, Neptune Beach.
No olher business may be brought before
this meeting. If a person decides to appeal
any decision made by the Council with re-
sped to any matter considered ai such
meeting or hearing the person will need a
record oft me proceedings and lor such
purpose may need to ensure thal a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which tne appeal is to be
In. accordance with the Americans With.
Disabilities Act and Section 286 26. Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in this meeting should contact -the City
Clerk's Ottice no' later tnan i60 Pl f ,li6'
day or neme meting ... -.
Richard A. Brown. Mayor
BL 9/6/06

Al levels, styles & ages Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available..
241-4954. 655-3300.

ATTEND COLLEGE online Irom home
Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers
Criminal Justice Job placement assis-
lance. Computer provided Financial aid if
qualhied 1866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide.
FIED Hands on Training Job PlacemenI
Assistance. Call Toll Free (866p933-1575
Associated Training Services, 5177 Ho-
mosassa Trail, Lecanto, Florida, 34461.'
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment: Bulldozers. Backhoes, Load.,
ers, Dump Trucks. Graders. Scrapers. Ex-
cavators. National Cenificalion, Job Place.
ment Assistance, Associated Training,
Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmen-
IF YOU are imeresled in advertising under
tnis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beachesleaoer corn

AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training tor
high paying Aviation Career FAA predicts
severe shortage Financial aid I qualify -'
Job placement assistance CALL AIM

small private school, beaches area.
Now hiring a part-time tennis shop attend-
ant. 10-15 hours per week at $7 per
hour. Call 285-0753 for information. Ap-
ply In person Tuesday- Saturday. Drug
testing/ EOE
Must be able to oversee a crew of 6-8
people'. Be motivated, dependable and a
multi- tasker. Some computer skills. 5pm-
11pm or later. Call Debble after 5pm
285-3400 ext. 3352.
SITTER NEEDED for 4 & 6 yrs olds for af-
ternoon care. Transportation needed. Re-
sponsible. 904-806-6343.
COUNTER HELP, Ponte Vedra area; P/T,
afternoons & Saturday. Call 285-5644.
Atlantic Beach. PT/ benefits/ flexible
schedule. Average inclusive wage $11-
$14 Apply in person, 1600 Selva Marina
CARING ADULT needed loir 4 hours eacn
Sunday morning to staff churcn nursery in
Alantic Beach. Conlacl Nancy 249-8698.
PT NURSE. surgery center exp. necces-
sary. Fax resume lo 285-3931 or call
285-7202 ,

Part-lime every Friday and Salurday and
some holidays. 8 30am-Spm, at a premier
retirement community to assisi residents
and visitors in coordination with the Man-
ager ot ResidenI Services Applicanis
should be nighly organized and be able ao
communicate and deal lactiully with Ine
public, residents and lamily members un-
der all conditions Prolicient in Microsoft
Outlook. Word, Excel and Power Point
Hotel, hospital, CCRC or other retirement
community or hospitality experience help.
ful. Must be willing to work holidays and
other shihs II necessary. Ideal position for
retired or semi-relired candidate Applica.
lions at Fleet Landing Security Gale. One
Fleet Landing Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL
32233. Fax to 19041246-9447: email:
Jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free

BRUCCI'S P.IZZA, Ponte Vedra, now hlr-
ing Dishwashers & Bussers Call "Ian
to use In ministry and get money in your
pocket. Local church seeking pan-time
Cook/ event coordinator for Wednesday
evening programs and occasional church
Seventh. Contaci Debbie at 221-1700 or lax
resume to 221-9191
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed within Inriend.
ly, professional phone voice and anennon
to detail. Flexible hours. Knowledge ol
ACT, Excel, and Word helpful. Located in
Ponme Vedra. Call 285 5855.

TEACHER ASSISTANT needed to work
with toddlers (18mo-36mo) @ local Mon.
lesson School. Qualified applicants inquire
al 241-1139.

BUSY ANIMAL hospital, kennel anendenl.
Mon -Fri., plus weekends, apply within.
285-7924., .

MOVING AND Slorage Co. is currently
seeking professional, courteous and expe.
nenced Laborers and Drivers. Drivers
must possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License Drug lesling is required. For
more information call 241-2921

Taxi Drivers needed to work Beacn and
Intercoasial areas, at leasl 23 yrs old.
good driving record. Call 249 0360

JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer
Musl have lools. Iruck. WC exemption FT
position lop pay. 476-3086.
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nlg1J, Vgl.senOs,, ;d. holidayss Must
ps's" diug' test and background che,;k
ChiFt obrt'@'465-d1'49.'
lawniiandscape company. Excellent pay
Must have own transportation & clean DL
Experience required Coniaci Ron.

DRIVER. Hiring qualified drivers lor Cen-
tral Flonda local and national OTR post
lions Food grade tanker, no hazmal, no
pumps. Great benefits, compehtitve pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence Call Bynum Transport for your op-
portunity today; (800)741-7950
BEACHES CAR Wash- full lime help
needed. Wages negotiable, lips. Benelars
Avail Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
for local house cleaning business Must
nave own Iransponrtation. pass background
check and be avail M-F. btwn 8-5-30pm.
891-0711. .
GROWING FAST paced lawn mainte.
nance company looking tor FT help.
Flexible hours, no weekends, excellent
pay. Transportation & phone required
591-5901, 514-1188
NEED AIDE to work wilrn a hign lunction-
ing, beaulilul grl w/Rerls Syndrome at a
private school in Jax Beach. Hours: 9am-
2pm, M-F. Will train. Will consider two
part-time aides. Decent pay & paid holi-
days. Please call 221-9729 or 607:4343.

WE'RE RAISING pay for Florida Regional
drivers! Home every weekend Home dur-
ing the weekly Solid weekly miles 95% no
touch Preplanned freight $.43 per mile
Heartland Express (800)441-4953
DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches full-time,
some experience necessary. Call or fax
resume 285-3128.
JOSEPH'S ITALIAN now hiring Waitstaff/
Cashiers, FT/PT. Apply in person
30 Ocean Blvd.
Foreman & helpers. Apply 7am, TNT
Landscape. 1074. 10th Ave. S., Jax
Beach. 247-4477.
form, concrete finishers, 545-5601.
CASE MANAGER Asst. needed for busy
beaches office. Knowledge of chemical
dependency helpful. Must be detail orient-
ed, computer literate, excellent communi-
cations skills. $10-$11/hr. dependent on
experience. Fax resume to 270-1633.

IVEY MECHANICAL seeks plumbers,
.sheet metal journeyman & helpers. DeFu-
niak Springs (850)892-2768, : Graceville
(850)263-0982 & Moore Haven (863)946-
9166. Competitive pay/benefits. AA/EEO

DINNER COOKS needed Mon Fri expe
rence rea, compeiiive salary. Players
Cale, PVB. call lor appointment. Don or
Cnris. 273-5595
needed Ior Slate Farm Ageni al Beacn &
San Pablo. Call 223-0035
w/valid Florida Driver's License Exper,.
ence nelplul but will Irain Good salary &
benelils Apply Suriside Pools. 313
Beach Blvd 246-2666, or lax resume:
249-8801. e-mail surisidepools @aol.com
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook tor breakfast
and lunch Apply wllhin Ellen's Kitcnen
1824 Souin 3rd St 246-1572
SURVEY FIELD Personnel PLS'Project
Manager & CAD Tech FrrT. benefits,
EEO. Fax 407-926-8160 call 904-641.
0123 or' e-mail HRJobs@drmp.com.
Iwww drmp corn
25-40 HRS.,WK Teachers aide' ollice
help, small private school beaches area
Sdepaulbeach@bellsouth.net .
efits/ 401 k/flexible schedule. Detail orient-
ed individual Slarting pay negolialed Golf
privileges Phone 904-246-4827. e-mail
accounng'seivaararina corn, or lax re-
sume Io 246.9t21. DFWP
ADMIN ASSITANT. Stan-up Engineering
trm seeks Admirnisiraiive Assistant. Or-
ganizalion, Compuier and Time manage-
ment skills are a must Experience in engi-
neeing ohice a plus Compel.ive salary
Great work environment Email resume o10.
flatiron 1e7ihormail corn
HIRING FOR all positions Musl have
good attitude and experience. Apply oe-
tween 2-4pm. No phone calls please
1307 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Bch.
WAITSTAFF Private club Aliannc Beach.
FT benetiis/ flexible schedule Average
inclusive wage $11 $14 Apply in person.
1600 Selva Marina Dr DFWP
GOLF COURSE Maintenance: Seiva'
Marina Couniry Club. FT /benefits/ 401k.
' Experience preferred Golf privileges. Call
246-4711 DFWP

TEACHER FOR infant room. 9:30-
6:30prn 40hrs childcare training prelerre.-
Must De reliable, positive & able to lih 8
carry at least 3010s Franklyn Learning
Center 1851 Beacn Blvd Jax Bch 32250
242-9645 EOE
RESET/ INSTALLER Entry level position
installing displays in Home Centers
Heavy lhring. reliable Iransportaion, over-
night shilf required F'T wbenelits and
expenses paid Drug and criminal feckk
required 770-294-6675, email
dwighigolden''ciaservicesinc com.
..-.. INSIDE SALES,, ..,-i..
VWorK al iiihe Beaer,, W.e are ,a Microli.rt.,
Developer providing software lor Iranspor-
lanion logistics, dispatch, and accounting.
(Heavy prospecting, telemarketing. and
lead generation ) Prospecting experience
a must along with strong PC skills and
ability lo work independently Fax resume
to 241-7333 or e-mail Jennifer at jenni-
terw@'adesenmicro net
Firm needs FIT help. Dependable moti-
valed individuals skilled in masonry, car-
.penlry & irngarion rewarded. 759 4503
Quickbooks. Excel AiR. AP. G.'L, Payroll
experience required. Salary + Denelis
Fax resume 904 241-0752.
Construction Worker
wivalid Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helplul but will train Good salary &
benetis Apply at Surfside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd 246-2666 odr fax resume to:
249-8801. e mail: surfsidepools@aol.c6m.

- ___ L

OW 0


* .~ ~
* ~
* ~ -
* -
* -



RELIABLE PEST .Control Technician'
needed for growing Pest Control Co. Ap-.
ply in. person: 49 Ardella Rd., Atlantic Bch.
Experience a plus,.but not necessary.

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perscnel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
DENTAL ASSISTANT/ Receptionist. Pe.
diatrc denial otfice in Jax Beach. M-
Thursday. We are looking for ihai perfect
addition to our slatf Energetic. quality
work einics. Dental experience req. Fax
Resume -- 247.8495.
KITCHEN UTILITY Worker: FT/ benefits;
401k/ flexible schedule. Golf privileges.
Phone 904-246-4827,, email
ac uniling'seilvamarina corm. or fax re-
.up lo 24" 21,DFW r.:;?f
BBAL H PEST conreol company needs
lawn care lech, no exp rea nardworking
stable techs earn 30Ki- DFWP. call 241-

'beach company. Top pay/ beriefits..
Order Entry Computer experience and
friendly phone disposition a must. Fast
growing company in Allantic Beach. Hours
9am-6pm. Please e-mail resumes to.
*-,' *-
Join our team Our company ras openings'
for our service dept. good salary, must
possess a good driving record, be custom.
er friendly. We offer company vehicle,
paid vacation and holidays. Leap over to
us. Apply at 159 19th Street N. Jax.
Beach. 242-9002.
.* *







* ~

.~ -


* .-~
* p

* m

* *



SILK PRESSER, Ponte Vedra area, guar-
anteed hours. 285-5644. i

Provides services to clients in all pro-
grams, developing individual case plahs,
referrals to olner agencies, lollow-up f'pd
direction to meet snort and long l.rn
goals. Supervnses Operations Staff. 'ne-
gree in social work required Experie~ce
with homeless clients required. Full-lime
plus eneims Send resumes io Diretor,
800 Sheler Ave: Jacksonville Beach,xFL
32250 or FAX to 241-7340. Daytite
pnone number must be included for call
back to schedule interview.
DENTAL HYGIENiST needed lull time for
Deacr office Great working environmem.
Call 904-246-7554 lor details or lax re-
sume to 904.249-1842.

Scafold Eredtors. ElectGicians,- Skilled
S"Pson'eilCall 249-8147 or 265661 .
Seeking responsible persons for pnvale
company Must be bondable. Serious in-
quiries only Leave msg al 716-8824.

Earn $7-$12 per hour & cash bonuses
Telemarketing lor newspapers nationwide

Baylor Weekends 7pm to 7am every
Saturday and Sunday at a PremieraRe-
tirement Community Health Center. Ap-
plications available at Fleel Landing Se-
curity Gate One Fleel Landing Blvd., At-
lantic Beacn. FL Fax to 1904)246-94 .
e-mail to:' jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.

CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenter or help-
ers needed., any carpentry experience a'
plus. Beaches and Ponte Vedra areas.
Call Tim Q509-90n71 r "

MATH TUTORING. Middle, High School '
and College. FCAT & Home School assis- HARRY'S SEAFOOD
tance at all levels. Retired certified teach-
er. Call 910-66p2 for personal consulta- BAR & GRILL
tion. NEEDS FULL time Servers, Exp. Cooks &
MATH TUTOR- Experienced, Certified Host/ Hostess with open availability. Apply
Math Teacher will tutor students grades within 1018 North.3rd St., Mon- Fri; 2pm-
K-12. Call Stacle @ 249-2293. 4pm.

growng, employee benefits firm located in
onte vedra. Must have strong organiza-
tional, clerical, and computer skills. Prefer-
red nours are M-F 9-3. Please e-mail re-'
sume to nikil@.montoyabrower.com
BUS DRIVER. PiT. for Church School
Send resume to After School Program.
PO. Box 1558. Ponle Vedra Beach Fl
32204 Call 316-9951.
tune Beach. An established tirm needs an
organized. motivated, and mult-ilasker.
Some computer knowledge helplul Mon-
Thurs- 1 30pm-5.30pm,. F- 9am-3pm
Email resume to rit@2001irststreel corn or
fax to 904-241-2950
business. We Will certify, but applicant
must have knowledge of cardio & muscu-
lar exercise. Great growth opportunity with
largest 'P.T, organization in the world.
285-3236. www.ftpontevedra.com
Vicar's Landing, a Life Care Retirement
Community; in Ponte Vedra Beach Is
seeking weekend-part-time, ,RN's &
LPN's for 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, 11pm-
7am, & 7am-7pm shifts. We offer a fast
paced environment, as well as competitive
salary' and benefits package. Contact
Francine McFarland, DON,' at 904-285-
1055 or fax resume to 904-273-9573.
PRESCHOOL SPORTS Coach. 10-15 hrs
per week, $15/hr. Must have experience
with kids. 904-881-7612.,
week, some nights & weekends. Must.like
dogs & have transportation. 285-6941 Iv
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience In furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be
patient, fun-loving and energetic. Group
experience w/children preferred. EOE.

Full-Time, 5:30am-2pm at Premiere Re-
tirement Community Heallh Center. Excel.
lent benefits, good working environment
Nursing Home cooking experience de.
sired. Applications availisble at Fleel Land-
ing Security Gate. One Fleet Landing
Blvd.. Atlanbc Beach. FL ; Fax lo 904.246-
9447; email to1 jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE' Drug-tree Workplace
GATOR IRRidATION now hiring irrigation
repair technician. Must nave minimum
5yr s experience and valid Fionra drivers
license. $14-15 per hour Call 818-5885
PONTE VEDRA. AR Clerk position Must
have AR experience lo include collections
Requires lasi learner and well organized.
Good pay, email. resume to
khorne@chtre.com. EOE.
SERVERS WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Steak House. Apply after 2pm, 1227
South 3rd St. .
FT AND PT Front and back office work.
Computer skills, typing skills, and, organi-
zational skills required. Exp. preferred but
not required. 246-3232.
City of Atlantic Beach. Starting pay
$13.61/hr+ benefits. Starting pay if CMC
designated is $14.85/hr+ benefits. Must
be Notary Public for State of FL or able to
obtain within 6 mos. of hire. Must be able
to attend evening meetings and take &
transcribe minutes. Performs a variety of
detailed administrative/ secretarial tasks.
applications accepted until 9/20/06 and
may be obtained at www.coab.us or 800
Seminole Rd., Atlantic Beach, FL,
(904)247-5820. No smokers/ tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.

FULLTime, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competitive wages, good
working environment. Applications availa-
ble at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL;
Fax to: (904)246-9447; email to:
lobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/ Drug-Free

Cl Find more...

closer than you think.

Explore the beach...to find a more satisfying environment for
the work you love.

September 7, 2006 3 pm 6:30 pm
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
1350 13th Avenue South East Pavilion Lobby
Jacksonville Beach

Baptist Medical Center Beaches continues to grow with
24 more beds, more clinical advancements and more
opportunities than ever before. Join us now to enjoy a
collaborative medical environment, progressive
technology, positive relationships and challenging work.
Find more to life right here...at the beach.

For a complete list of available positions and to apply
online please visit: www.e-baptisthealth.com/finamore

^JY Medical Center


n ^Ap D

. I



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

FULL-TIME, 1:30pm to 9:30pm in main -
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
punctuality a must. Excellent benefits and
great work environment, to apply, applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to (904)246-9447;
email tojobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.

MANAGER in holistic. Intemal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
Please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
TEACHER FOR toddler room. 2-3yrs old.
Must be patient, creative, energetic and
dedicated. 7:30-2:30pm. 40hrs childcare
training preferred. Franklyn Learning Cen-
ter, 1851 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch.
32250.242-9645. EOE.
ENTRY FAUX Finishing/ Painting.
Must be artistic. FT/PT. Art Department-
WAREHOUSE WORK and Fumiture As-
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week.
Must be able to lift 50lbs. Call 241-5558.'
good pay- & benefits, company
vehicle/phone, must have good driving re-
cord. 568-8700.
BENEFITS ACCOUNT Executive needed
for growing firm, specializing in custom
Employee Benefit packages (health, den-
tal, life etc). Position requires exceptional
customer service, time management and
organizational skills as well as strong
knowledge of Excel. Previous manage-
ment experience and the ability to work
well within a team environment are essen-
tial. Great Ponte Vedra work location.
Please'email resume to nikit@montoyab-
rower.com or fax to 904-280-1602.
Looking for experienced' lawn/ landscape
worker. $9-$12 hour or salary, paid vaca-
tIon, valid FL drivers license, 534-5459,

SHOWROOM SALES with administrative
duties available for a well established mar-
ble and granite Importer located at the
beach. Knowledge of stone materials and
design helpful. Salary and benefits nego-
tiable upon experience. Fax resume to
MECHANICS: UP to $20,000 bonus. Keep
the Army National Guard Rolling. Fix
Humvees, Strykers, etc. Expand your
skills through career training. Be a soldier.
Pool Maintenance. Clean driving record a
must. 246-2455.
CAR HAULING. Southeast Region.
$1,100+/weekl Great home time! Compa-
ny paid benefits Paid training for drivers
with minimum 1 year OTR experience.!
(912)571-9668 or (866)413-3074.

opening within our organization for a lawn
technician. Competitive salary. You must
possess a good driving record. Our com-
pany, has full benefits with retirement, bo-
nuses, paid vacation & holidays. We have
a great working environment. We have
been in business for over'14 years. Fax
resume to 273-0682 or fill out an applica-
tion at 10066 Sawgrass Drive West, Ponte
'Vedra Beach.
JAX BEACH Dairy Oueern now hiring Shift
Managers Call 751-1595..

Dedicated Shorthaul
Av. $683 $907/Week
85% preloaded/pretarped
CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627


Join -h t a m th t ak I n fo p p


-- ,
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Positions Available
Guest Service Agent Room Service Supervisor

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Maintenance Engineer Security Officer 0

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

We 'ook Frwar to eetigSYo Soo

I =

stylist and General Manager.

BEAUTIFUL BLACK upright piano,
(Young Chang), w/ bench, light metro-
nome & de-humidifier, $950, 962-1858
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories. Ladder
rack (rackit) $195. Diamond plate tool box
$75. 716-1518.
WHITE BEDROOM suite, dresser, chest
of drawers, full-size poster bed $200.
Butcher block Island $50, all wood table
w/4 chairs $125. Jet ski $700, Jet cat boat
$400. Small steel hauling trailer $200,
12" throat, capacity, 2HP motor, mobile
base and dust collection. Like new. $850.
993-5859 (day), 246-0027 (eve.)
WOLFF TANNING beds. Buy Direct and
save Full body units from $22 a month.
Free color catalog. Call today. (800)842-
1305, www.np.etstan.com
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box new sill in boxes. $499.
Can deliver. 858-93I50
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
(904)858-9350 .
LIKE NEW Treadmill, $300. Call
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
'liver. (904)391-0,015.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,
KING BED complete, $125 OBO; elegant
wedding dress, size 16, very nice, $175
OBO, 813-8280.,
KING & Queen Bedroom Set. King mat-
tress brand new., King furniture brand
new, Queenset Is Lexington for a young
man. 904-280-2987. /

SEA DOe 3D; Bombardlere, 2004, $6000,

2 VESPAS 50cc, 350 miles each, perfect
condition, matching silver, green helmets.
'$4000 for both, firm. 318-3666.

2003 CHEVY Silverado, regular cab, 8ft.
bed, 30,000 orig. miles. $12,500 OBO.
1998 Chevy, extended cab, $6500 OBO.,
1994 F350 dually, great work truck, $6500
OBO. 385-8082, 226-8700. ,
TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2001. Great condi-
tion, 70k miles, White/ gray interior.
$10,500 OBO. 588-4691.


2000 VOLVO C70 convertible, excellent
condition, low mileage, $17,000, 704-
1997 KIA Sportage. 125K miles. Looks
and drives new. 4WD, Auto, Cold A/C,
must sell. $2,900 OBO. 716-2586.
1,992 OLDS Cutlass Sierra, runs good, re-
liable! $900 OBO. 223-1926.
2006 BMW M3 convertible, Jet black,
SMG, 19" alloy wheels. 4300 'miles.
2004 TOYOTA 4Runner Limited. 4x4, V8,
loaded, titanium silver, 55k miles, very
particular owner. $25,000. 904-338-4046.

BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
1994 ASPEN Trailer. 4 1/2x 9ft. Heavy du-'
ty. $575. 553-7203.

BAKERS RACK, like new, metal, glass ,
and wood $150. Dell desktop 4400 com-
puter w/ scanner, printer, desk, and chair
complete $650 for all. Sofa and loveseat,
neutral colored floral, good condition.'
$500 for both. 221-2969.
DINING ROOM table w/six upholstered"
chairs, glass top with brush metal & stone
base 44x72, $600. 273-5854.
FREE DIABETIC supplies Medicare pa-
tientsl -Call 'Us Toll. Free (866)294-3476
and receive a free meters Am-Mea Quality,
Diabetic Supplies
ENCLOSED TRAILER 5'x8'x5' excellent
condition $900 Call 246-3340.
MARY KAY make-up entire stock 50 o ott
no cleansers, 349-6398.
QUEEN SIZE Sealy posturpedic 2-side
plilowlop Matiress/Box/iframe. Like new
$160 Can deliver 2461832
Guitars $99 & Up
X-box or playstations S79
Games 3 for S25
Engagement ring, 1 carat S999
A1lA Prestige Jewelry & Pawn
327 10th Ave. North, 241-5666.
JAGUAR TICKETS, Jaguar Tickets. Jagu-
ar Tickels!ll Call 246-4332 or 625-6442.
FILL DIRT- Cheap! Dig ponds free for
din.Call 497-9666
METAL ROOFING, Save $ Buy direct
from manufacturer.. 20-colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available; Toll free (888)393-0335. ,
AIR PURIFIER as advertised by Dr. Laura
on radio show. Great health benefits. Free
3-daytrial. No obligations. 241-2112.
IS 'STRESS ruining your: relationships?
Buy and Read D;anelics by.L...Ron Hub-
bard. Cal 18i81872-0722 or send'S8 00 to
Dlanetic, 3102PI Habara na.e Tampa
2 ATLANTIC Beach burial plots. Best,
offer. Call 249-8082.
80" MAHOGANY Duncan Fife Bear Claw
Dining Table, with 6/chairs, $750. Call
SOLID OAK Queen bearoom set In.
clues rounded headboard w/ranan nlay
design. 72' six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror and rattan inlay, two
2-drawer nignistands four drawer plus
storage Armoire. Good condition $600,
7' SOFA, matching upholstered chair and
onoman, blue w/iropical fish print. $300
White wicker TV armoire w/matching col-
fee table. $350. 241-9416.

HEART PINE, tongue & groove iloonng
cut from antique Fine timbers. Installation,
stair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
249-8310 '

NORTH CENTRAL Florida Multi-Property
AUCTIO Sep14, 15. 16 Homes River-
front Lois, Lakefront Homesiles. Acreage.
Residential Commercial, Many ABSO-
LUTEI (800)257-4161 higgenbotham.com
Higgenbotham Auctioneers ME Higgenbo-
ttam, CAI AU305.'AB158.
LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold!
Low Down / EZ financing. Free catalog
East, LLC Auction Business License:
AB2509 Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li-
cense: AU3448 Jeffrey Johnston Auction-
eer License: AU3449 Stacey Mauck Auc-
tioneer License: AU3447.
HIGHLANDS COUNTY Mull-property auc-
tion 11 a.m., Sat.;,Sept 9 Lake Placed, FL
Homesites, Acreage, Residential, Agricul-
tural,. Many absolutely (800)257-4161 hig-
genbotham.com Higgenbotham Auction-
eers, ME Higgenbotham, CAI

clothes, toys, etc., Sat. 8 am, 1210 4th
Ave. No. ,

SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models. $49.50.

Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
nal Cleaning Lawn Care, Auto Cleaning.
Window Cleaning, Janilorial Services, etc
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755.

PADGETT'S A/C & Heating, Inc Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Estimates. License CAC1814887.

CLEAN TO SHINE Our company commil-
ment is 100o. Customer Salislachon at
Ahordable Prices. We clean homes, apan-
ments, offices, RV's, new construction and
restaurants For a tree estimate call 514-
7009 or 1904)779-0158 We will bear any
company prices
Tough on dirt, easy on your check book
LET THE Honey Do Bees clean your ga-
rage for you. 246-4203.
SMILE! YOUR house was cleaned today
by Top to Bottom Housekeeping. Referen-`
ces. Licensed. Just call and it will be done.
655-3443. ;
HOUSES WANTED to clean 14 years ex-
perience Relerences. Maryann 377-6643
mates. Bo,6red iri didual cieaanr. 'Opih-'
to customize core lisl 241-1115.
www catnyscieaning com.
TRACEY GRABILL cleaning services.
Residential/ commercial, licensed, insur-
ed. 874-7126. '
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or ottice by
Natasha. For estimate 563-7858.
PLEASE CALL Lynne's Cleaning Service
lor your cleaning needs. Honest, depend-
able Pet & House sitting, 343-4018.
THE TWO of us personally clean your
home 8 years. in business with referen.
ces Call Tnrcia at 233-2621
HONEST, DEPENDABLE cleaning 10.o
on lirsi clean. Call Debbie 1904)626-6125.
SERVICES. Dependable, honest,
Thorough Relerences. Licensed Insured

ANOMOTEC.' QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices. Free estimates (or repair/ installation.
Comm/Res Standby generators and
transfer switches. All electrical needs.
Vlsa,'MC. 343-5535. Great rates

WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs 'Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.

NEED MORTGAGE *100% Financing?
Purchase, Refinance, Investment. Bank
and Credit Union Turndowns, Good and
challenged credit Bankruptcy OK. United
First Mortgage. (866)207-3534., Restr7c-
tions apply. CLB-0600027.

Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Heimon,
246-4238, 612-1755.

Free estimates- Insured. Clean- ups. sod.
mulch, planting, 1 time mow. Irim. edge.
shrub trimming/ pruning Most jobs sched-
uled/ completed under 7 working days.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc Compelitive
rales. Call Alan 237-5301.

lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
STOP OVERPAYING! Landscape by Li-
nus. Licensed. Insured. Dependable
Beaches/West Beaches/ Ponle Veara.

Pressure Cleaning. Mold. mildew special-
ist. Roofs: sidewalks, driveways, decks.
Residennal/Commercial Licensed/Insur-
ed. Free Estimates. 15' ott new commer-
cial accounts.
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.

Sale rool cleaning Deck & lence
retplrai.pn, Piessure,wasning. Licensed 8.
Insurect Call Kevin 994-0045.

FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller lobs. 25yrs ex-
perience. Licensed, insured, references
PAINTING & repairs by Dean. lnierior/ex- .,
tenor painting All types ol repairs, busi-
ness & residential. Fully ic & insu.ea
WASHING COMPANY. 15yrs experin-
ence. Specializing in Beacn homes
Iree estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.

NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial Men-
lon this ad. 246-1529.

a *lisle] iS ll
We service thousands l bDeacn residents
www.perschelandmeyer com 241-3409.

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier.. 285-0240.


Painting. carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure wasning, rile work, drywall.

MAINTENANCE. 334-6091.

HoneyDoBees No job too big or small, : '
if your honey can't do it, .z
call the handymen who do-it all.
Complete renovations, turn key
service. All types flooring, custom
tile work, cipetrepoir & .installa-,
tion. Pressure washing construc-
tion & deck repair. Drywall repair
& painting. Garage cleaning,
debris removal.

Licensed & Fully Insured

ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
censed professional. See our ad. under
Remodeling/Construction. State Certified
Roofer' #CCC1325888. Member BBB
247-3777. All credit cards accepted.
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
Reroof, new roof, repairs all types of roofs.
Mention this ad for a $100 discount on all
reroof or repairs over $750. Call

Includes a nutritional and lifestyle evalua-
tion and body composition analysis Call
Jeremy or Patti @' 904-223-0165 to book
your appointment today.

LOVING, FULL Day Care openings for
one and three year olds. Beaches
Academy Child Enrichment Center. 1725
Pbnman Rd, 246-3885.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, 'dependable,
transportation & references $9-$11/hr.,
ar y area. 'CPR & First Aid F/T '& P/T.

SATURDAY 8AM-12PM. Some of every-
thing. 174 Solano Cay Circle.

Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312.

Mont 1.0iN.

1999 POLAR Saltwater Series II 100 hp-
4stroke Yamaha, fully loaded, great condi-
tion, $9500 OBO, 610-6718.
HOBIE-CAT 18FT., 1988, sky blue, all
equip. & trailer incl., $900, call Warren
IUiRMMn lTWFJl A I mAl J.. ....

IPOD CHARGERS, home & car, new in
box, both for $25.00, 241-4204.

HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exte-
rior from A-Z. Call Bill at 228-9241.

Page 7B

J~~r~lr l V, AWVV -- -:~- -~~


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CCentmber 200


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Weekend Action

Pnoio: bb, ROB DeANJGELO
ABOVE: Katelyn Seay competes in the Whitewater Riders 10-and-Under division of the Sisters of
the Sea surf contest Saturday at Hanna Park. Seay took third place in the event.
LEFT: Senators receiver Johnny O'Hara (3) seeks extra yardage after catching a pass against
Sandalwood at Fletcher High School Friday night.


Pn.:,.:, t ., ROB AIGELC
Fletcher High receiver Andrew Stellato (89) tries to elude a Sandalwood defender during last
Friday night's game. The Saints defeated the Senators, 35-10.

oe to, sctoo

We may not take the bus, but THE BLEACHES LEADER,
PONTE VEDRA LEADER goes to school, too with our
Newspapers In Education program. Newspapers In
Education is a national effort to help teachers and
students by using the newspaper as an educational
tool. Using newspapers as "living textbooks" benefits
teachers, students and the community by:
Helping to build better readers
Building lifetime readers
Creating aware citizens
Giving students familiar names and places to study
Students who use the newspaper in the classroom score
between 3 and 13 percent higher on standardized tests.
For information, THE BEACHES LEADER,
call Linda at
249-9033 WJ oI \ O comnity mspapes


-for" pecLce


\Vo-ce r

214 \Vca er


S tcreer


September 6, 2006

The Reaches Leaderf/Pnont Vedra Leaderp

l1nc oo



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