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Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. August 30, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00069
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. August 30, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: August 30, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00069
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Wedding
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
        page B 8
Full Text


AUGUST 30, 2006

Meet the Senate


See A-3

Panthers beat Owls
in opener

See Sports B-1


Vol. 44, No. 20


An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

District 4 candidates exchange accusations

The District 4 race for St.
Johns County commissioner
won't be over until the Nov. 7
general election.
But the primary election in
six days will likely put an end
to the veritable mudslinging
that has developed between
the race's two Republican can-
didates incumbent Bruce
Maguire and Tom Manuel.
The accusations, innuendoes
and name-calling that have
been thrown about between
the two have left many
observers shaking their heads

in disbelief and wondering
whether the blows will get any
"I have never seen a contest
stoop this low, and that
includes my political experi-
ence in Florida and three other
states," said former St. Johns
County Commissioner
Nicholas Meiszer.
"It's shocking."
Manuel has said Maguire's
votes on the St. Johns Board of
County Commissioners are
"bought" by the development
Maguire has said Manuel has
ties to organized crime families
through his partners in a

Caribbean casino.
Manuel said Monday that he

will file a formal complaint
that Maguire has violated state

campaign finance laws sixL
Maguire said Manuel's votes
to deny projects while serving
on the St. Johns County
Planning and Zoning Agency
were votes that would violate
property rights.
Each candidate denies his
opponent's claims of impropri-
The exchange of barbs, par-
ticularly in recent weeks, has
diverted some focus of the race
away from issues and toward a
battle of "He said He said."
"I'm not the one making it
nasty," Manuel said after a can-
didate debate Monday at the

Palm Valley Senior Center on
Canal Boulevard.
Maguire has said his personal
attacks on Manuel are merely
retaliation for Manuel's accusa-
tions of bribery.
Maguire said in an interview
Tuesday that his information
about Manuel's background
has come from citizens who
support his bid for reelection
and who are conducting their
own research.
Maguire said people random-
ly approach him with this
information he does not
seek it out.


The gloves are off

In the District 4. race for St. Johns County Commissioner,
incumbent Bruce Maguire and his challenger Tom Manuel
have gone round foor,-ound in a bout of negative campaign-
ing. Here is a sample:
--o '- -- -: ..:--,_ -1 -, -

Consumer tidbits offered
Tuesday to a group of sen-
iors in Palm Valley ranged
from the useful to the
Chris Benjamin, envtron-
mental coordinator for St.
Johns County, passed along
a variety of information to
an audience at the Palm
Valley Senior Center on
Canal Boulevard.
While dispensing infor-
mation, Benlamin also dis-
pensed humor to the atten-
ti\e audience.
Among the useful facts he
presented might be the fol-
The best brand of glu-
cosamine and chondroitin
supplement, Kirkland
Signature, is also the cheap-
By eliminating high
fructose corn syrup (found
in soft drinks for one year, a
person would lose 5
Among the oddball bits
Benjamin offered might be
the following:
Seventy percent of the
Cuban cigars sold in Quebec
were found to contain
human and animal hair;
A Chicago company,
LifeGems, will create a yel-
low or blue diamond from 8
ounces of a person's cre-
The seniors learned that
blondes, whose hair color is
from a recessive gene, are
expected to be extinct with-
in 200 years.
"That's natural blondes,"
added Benjamin. bringing
laughs from the audience.
. Much of Benjamin's pres-
entation related to issues

such as conservation of nat-
ural resources.
Hybrid cars, he said, do
save energy, but with the
cheapest selling for $22,000,
it would take 10 years to
recover the extra cost.
"The real solution ... is to
have a mileage standard"
-like that in Europe, where
the average of 40 miles per
gallon is twice the average
in the United States,
Benjamin said.
Some tidbits delved into
the past.
An automobile powered
by a clock spring was
invented in Germany in
1649, he said.
"The problem was it only
went 5 miles per hour, and
you had to rewind it every
two minutes."
In the 1930s, formalde-
hyde was used to preserve
milk, he said, to the groans
of audience members.

Benjamin also poked fun
at some consumer products
and cautioned the audience
about others.
In the former category are
an electronic fly swatter and
a device that turns used dis-
posable diapers into plastic
pellets. *,
Among the lat-
ter are soft drinks *' 'U'
that have been '"
found to contain ,.
benzene and ,',';.',
AARP insurance ,
offers that are far
more expensive
that most poli-
"I'm not trying ,
to scare you," he
said. "I'm just try- ,
ing to say, 'Read
the labels."'
One fact Sandy DI
Benjamin put in ing some
a category of Benjamin
"silliness" is writ-

ten into Florida law.
The law forbids U.S. citi-
zens to release 10 or more
balloons filled with a
lighter-than-air gas into the
air within a 24-hour period,
Benjamin said.

ybel bangs a crock, in
thing noted by Chris
is "a crock."

Chris Benjamin (left) jokes about his hair Tuesday'while Wain Banyas holds an adver-
tisement about hair dye.

Maguire says that Manuel...,"
SHas links to the Mafia thr ....
business partners. .-

S.Has been involved wih i 0: bui-
nesses in 20 years.

Violated property rights by reject-
ing 42 percent of -zoning changes
requested during-'his time on the St:
Johns County Planning and Zoning

Threw the first electiorf'p.unch by
accusing Maguire of taking developer
bribes. -

Manuel says Maguire ..

Has made votes as a .St. Johns
County commissioners that were
bought by developers.
Voted against PZA jecommenda-
tions to deny projects almost 100 per-
cent of the time.

In iespqnse, Maitiel says...
I "1 have absolutely zero connec-
tions, and there is no supporting doc-.

He likes to try new business ven-
tures, some of. which have failed.

He followed the law when on the
PZA, .and a county -attorneV.- was
always present at meetings. No law-
suits have been threatened.

He was merely pointing out
Maguire's records of development;

In response, Maguire says..

No one can truly buy a vote 'He
denies ever taking a bribe.

PZA .recommendations do not
have to be followed, but the law does,
.and any denial must be accompanied
with a legal reason for denial.

He has received information
ls involved with' hiring people to' about Manuel's past from i Maguire
investigate Manuel's background;, supporter doing research on his or Her
He has disclosed everything on his
Has violated state ca'pai`agr' :.finance reports, even in-kind contri-
. finance laws six times. butions.

Nasty elections nothing new

As is evident by the District 4 race
for St. Johns County commissioner,
political campaigns can be lust as neg-
ative at the local level as at the nation-
al level and just as hard-hitting.
According to Daniel Smith, associ-
ate professor of political science at the
University of Florida and an expert on
Florida politics, county elections are
as "nasty" now as they were 150 years
"You see very nasty, dirty campaigns
at the county level, and it also
depends on what's at stake," Smith
said in an interview Monday.
Smith said elaborate negative cam-
paigning is a function of money and
can be an indication that the interests

of wealthy interest groups are at stake.
This is especially true when investi-
gators are hired to look into an oppo-
nent's past, he said.
Smith calls those "garbologists."
In the race for the District 4 seat
held by Bruce Maguire of Ponte Vedra
Beach, Tom Manuel, Maguire's
Republican opponent in Tuesday's pri-
mary election, has accused Maguire of
using a private investigator to get
information on him.
Maguire has denied those accusa-
Though negative campaigning is
generally regarded as an ugly facet of
democracy, Smith said candidates still
use it because "it can work."

See NASTY, A-3

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader Calendar A-6 Opinion
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news, Classified B-5 Police Beat ........
sports and advertising information for the Beaches, Fishing B-3 Sports ... ........
ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $25 249-9033 Obituaries A-7 Weather
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Two sections, 20 pages






Nease fans react Saturday at the University of North Florida during the Panthers' season-opening victory over
Memphis University School. See story, B-1.

Seniors offered consumer tips


AW*Lp -


rage /. "-- --- I -----r----V- L--- d A--0--

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- 41


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Once upon a time...
The Beaches League of
Storytellers will begin their
new season of monthly story-
telling meetings for adults on
Saturday, Sept. 9 at 10:30 a.m.
in the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library with adult sto-
ries, workshop by Shirley
.Bryce and refreshments. New
members are always welcome.
The BLS is a member of the
beaches Cultural Council. For
more information, log on to
beachesculturalcouncil.org or
call Marianne Steirr,-280-2976--
See the candidates
The Ponte Vedra Beach
Chamber. Candidate's Forum
will be held today,.
WVednesday, from 10:45 :a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Sawgrass
Marriott Resort & Spa. There
is no charge, to. attend the
forum; however, a buffet
,lunch will be available ',at a
charge of $15 per person.
Reservations must be made
for the lunch, please call 285-
2004 or email infoC@ponteve-
drachamber.org. Check in will
start the day, followed by
lunch at 11 a,m., candidates
introductions at 11:15. a.m.
and questions for the candi-
dates from 11:30 a.-m. to 1
p.m. Shannon Ogden, the-
new anchor of First Coast
News, will moderate the
forum. Candidates currently.
confirmed include incum-
bents, Bruce Maguire' and,
Karen Stern. Maguire's. chal-
lenger in the Sept. 5 Primary.
Tom Manuel is confirmed as
well as Stern's challengers,
,Ron Sanchez anrd .Ron
Schumaker. Ken Bryan who
faces the winner in the
District 2 primary also is con-
Watching the storm
The St. Johns County
School District is monitoring


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the progress of Tropical Stormi
E.rnesto and is in regular con-
tact with the Emergency
Operations Center to see
what actions they are recom-
mending for the area; 'School
will be in session during regu-
lar hours on Wednesday.. A
decision will be made
Wednesday, morning on.
whether to modify, school
schedules on Thursday. You.
can ,visit .the News Alert sec-
tion of the school districts
website at
www-.stjohns.k 12.fT.usfor
future updates.
Donate food
BEAM's shelves are once
again almost empty and dona-,
tions of canned fruit, canned
meat, soup and cereal are,
need, according to BEAM
organizers. Food can be
dropped off at BLE.A.M. week-
days 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 .p.m. 'at
@850, 6th Ave South in
Jacksonville. Beach or at
Shelby's Coffee.Shop.
Beach cleaners needed
Local volunteers are' needed
to join the 21st Annual
International Coastal Cleanup,
sponsored by the Ocean
* Conservancy, on Saturday, Sept.
16 to achieve cleaner, safer
shorelines, waterways ,and
n e i g h b'o r h o od
roadsidesAdvance registration is
NOT required; bags and gloves.
will be provided. Volunteers can
report to the following loca-
Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park,
500 Wonderwood Road or
Huguenot Park, 10980.
Heckscher Dr., from 8:30,a.m. to
12:30 p'.m.; at Helen Cooper
Floyd (Little Jetties) Park, 3600
State Road. A1A, 8 a.m. to, 11
a.m.; and
Atlantic Boulevard at the
ocean and Beach Boulevard at

thfe ocean and iner for the City of silent auction and prize draw-,
16thAve. S., 7 a.m. to 9a.m. Jacksonville. She was reap- ings. -
Participants must be at least 18 pointed for a term beginning Proceeds will benefit BEAM
or accompanied by an adult and Aug.'11 and ending July 1, (Beaches Emergency
should bring water and wear. 2009. : Assistance Ministry) and the
sturdy footwear and sun protec- Beaches Resource, Center
tion. The cleanup will oiry be Luau is planned Foundation, both charitable
cancelled in the event of severe The Lemon Bar Luau will be: organizations that serve
weather warnings.'For informa- held Sept. 16 to benefit Beaches residents.
tion call 630-3420 or Beaches at-risk children and For information call 270-
w w w c o j n e t families. 8200.
or The adults-only event will Admission will cost $25 per
www.oceanconservancy.org be held from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. single ticket and $40 per cou-
cy.org> Horse Oceanfront Inn :on Honorary chairpersons for
Atlantic' Boulevard at the the event are Penny
Local is Medical examiner ean- ChristiaJacksonville' Beach
reappointed Dr. Margarita Benches restaurants will be William Kelly, St. Paul's
Arruza, 49, of Jacksonville offered, along with Catholic Church, organizers
Beach, as chief medical exam- Polynesian entertainment, a said.


To Work For Our

Children and

S Their Future

Endorsed By:

* Florida Times Union
* The Beaches Leader
* The Fraternal Order of
* JaxBiz CCE, The Voice of
* Duval Teachers United
* Northeast Florida
Association of Realtors
* Northeast Florida Builders
* Retired Employees
Association of The-
Consolidated City of

Proven support for teachers
Proven emphasis on discipline,
safety and security in our schools


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* District 2 schools' grades have improved .
* Every elementary school & middle school in District 2 is an A
* Increased the Quality and Rigor of the curriculum
* Restored funding for the Beaches Truancy Center
* Decreased disruptive student behavior
* Increased teacher pay
* Established a robust character education program

A Head for Business A Heart for Children A Life of Public Service
Pol. adv. paid for and approved by Nancy Scott Broner (Non-Partisan) for School Board, District 2


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August 30, 2006

The Beaches Leadelr/Ponte Vedra Leader

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District 8 State Senate Race Republican Primary

Randall Terry

Conservatism versus corrup-
tion is how Randall Terry
describes the race between
himself and incumbent Jim
King for the District 8 State
Senate seat's Republican pri-
The race between the two has
been heated. On Tuesday, Terry.
announced he was filing a law-
suit against the North Florida
Leadership Corporation over its
negative advertisements
against him. A recent flyer sent
out by the group in favor of
King mentioned Terry's arrests=
all of which were for peace-
ful protests, a campaign site
"They [the corporation) are,
trying to distract you and me -
the voters from Jim King's
record," Gary McCullough, a
Slong-time friend of kandall's,
wrote in a letter responding to-
the flyer. "-They can't win on
the issues, so they're trying to
win by deceit and slander."
Randall, describing himself
as the conservative Republican,
and King as the "liberal
Republican" said he has three
top priorities
Terry said in, a telephone
interview with The Leader that
his first concern is dealing with
the "homeowner's insurance
crisis" .and his solution is .to
allow more companies to write
policies in the state.
"We need to go to other hur-
ricane states,,,and see what
medium and small companies,
are, allowed to sell there," Terry
said, adding that those same
companies should be able to
write policies in Florida.
Currently, he said, it takes
two years for a company to get
state approval to do business'
here, and the capitalization
requirements are high. He

termed the current situation a
"monopoly created by legisla-
tors and lobbyists."
Priority number two is lower-'
ing property taxes, Terry said.
State statutes should limit tax
increases on property, he said,
and portability. is needed so
homeowners can move from
one home to another and keep
the same rate of taxation. Once
a person turns 60 years old,*
Terry said property taxes
should freeze so that the elder-
ly do not lose their property
due to taxes. He noted his
grandfather lost four homes in
Rochester, NY during the
depression because of property
taxes and that has spurred him
to protect the elderly from los-
ing property to taxes.
For the elderly, .property
taxes would accrue as they are
due, but the owner could not
be forced out of the home and
any tax liens would be settled
out of the owner's estate. Terry '
acknowledged his proposed
solutions to his third priority,
overhauling the entire medical
malpractice litigation process,.
have earned him support from
physicians, but not lawyers.
Terry said he wants his cam-
paign to get credit for the idea.
of statutorily ending percent-
- age-based contingency fees.
Instead lawyers could take cases
on a contingency basis, but'
would have to charge an
hourly rate at the end .of the
case, rather than 40 to 50 per-.
cent of the amount the plaintiff
In addition, Terry said all'
awards for pain and suffering,
should be capped at $250,000.
Double blind reviews would be
used to review suits.
"That way lawyers are not
getting rich off the suffering of
the citizens of this state," Terrn

said. "The back of the phone
book is not about justice, it's
about corruption."
According to his campaign:
,literature, Terry is an advocate
of school choice which gives
parents the choice to remove
their children from schools
that are failing and enroll them'
in a school where they can get
a better education, according to
his campaign website, He also
advocates higher pay for teach-
ers, along with tougher stan-
dards for teachers.
Terry has. said he wants to,
curtail the gifts that lobbyists
are allowed to give to legislators
so that virtual bribery is not
corrupting the legislative
process of this state. .
Terry led the civil disobedi-
ence movement, "Operation
Rescue," in opposition to abor-

tion. Billed as a conservative
advocate, he is the author of s4x
books and has lectured at Yale,
Cornell,' Southern Methodist,
University, Jerry Falwell's
Thomas Road Baptist Church,
and the Vatican in Italy.
According to campaign liter-
, nature, Terry would also like to:
*. Protect borders properly
and not give citizenship.
(amnesty) or special benefits to
illegal immigrants.
Repeal the recent key load
decision of the Supreme Court
which, he said, jeopardizes
property rights of all
Not restrict clergy prayers
at public everits or government
functions 'and defends the
placement of The Ten
-Commandments .on public
Terry has said he believes
Republican elected officials
should act like Republicans -
'not Democrats --whenthey get
to Tallahassee.

Randall Terry

says fixes for Fla.'s

insurance woes

call for competition

Solving the Florida, home
insurance issue and providing
more 'affordable housing are
top priorities for the state,
according to state Sen. Jim
King, a Republican seeking
reelection in District 8.
He has had the jpb for eight
years, and prior to that he
served 12 years in the Florida
House. District 8 includes the
Beaches. King said he wants
to continue because, he said,
he can make a difference in
solving many of the issues
that confront the state and its
King said property insur-
ance premiums, which are
soaring in the wake of hurri-
.canes, threaten to put a plug
in economic development in
the state. That could be a
deterrent to the 1,000 people
a day that currently move,
into Florida, he said.
"People can't get insurance
but their mortgages say they
can't go without it," he said.
,' 'So they're caught between a
rock and a hard place and
having to move out of their
During an interview with
The Leader, King said he is
talking with Florida
Congressman Ander'
Crenshaw about creating fed-
erally sponsored catastrophe
claims legislation to help mit-,
igate costs associated' with a
major catastrophe.
"Everyone that had a prop-
erty and casualty policy
would contribute a portion of
their premium to that fund,"
he -said :"That fund could aid
mudslides in California, tor-
nadoes in' Kansas and hurri-
canes in Florida."
He noted that the state-run
insurance program, Citizen's,

Incumbent King

said he's running

so he can make a

difference on issues

was intended to be a last
resort for property owners,
but is now the largest insurer
in the state.
"Government has no busi-
ness in business," said King.
King said the insurance
issue is also directly tied to
Florida's, affordable housing
It is tough for teachers and:
public safety employees to
pay more for home insurance
if they can't even afford, a'
median-priced 'home in
Florida that costs $227,000,
he said.
He noted that. Palm Beach
has' seen the problem of
affordable housing for mid-
dle-class workers accentuated
in recent years and predicted
that the same problem .of
where workers will live could
be seen soon in Ponte Vedra.
"Ten years ago, affordable
housing was for the poor," he
said. "Now the lower middle
class is seeking residences
elsewhere because they can't
afford a place to live."
King said he wants to adjust
a state, cp on affordable
housing funds so more
money is available to help
lower the price of housing for'
"people who work for a living
and have kids in school but
can't afford a $200,000
He also suggested that gov-
ernment could take a look at
land holdings and see if gov-
ernment-owned land could be
used to provide affordable
.King said other issues he's
concerned about are the
teacher shortage in Florida
and illegal immigration.
He said he wants to look at
a state law to pay high school
graduates to attend college to

study math, science and
chemistry, on the condition
they teach in the state's pub-
lic school system for five
S "Right now, half of the
teachers in public schools
quit after five years," he said.
"So after five years, we offer
signing bonuses and pay
them more for an additional
five years.
He suggested that a' pro-
gram needs to be developed
so more experienced teachers'
can be better utilized and
compensated in struggling
schools to 'turn them around
Sand help st-udents.
Whether that will ever pass
muster with the teacher's
union is unclear, but King
said he would like to believe
they understand the scope of
the problems and recognize
experienced teachers are part
of the solution. ,
King said the Republican
party will have to struggle in
the next decade to deal with
many issues, acknowledging
there is a rift between the far
right and the centrists in the
-Republican party.
He said he is concerned that
Limited turnout' on primary
election day, Sept. 5, could
work against'him as his oppo-
nent's supporters are "zealots."
King explained that it is criti-
cal for anyone supporting his
candidacy to vote in the pri-
"I've been in a lot of cam-
paigns, but I've never seen
one as mean-spirited as this,"
King said. "No Republican
should speak ill against
another Republican. It creates
rifts within the paity, aind
inflicts wounds that may be
slow to heal."

':Accusa' ti; 's ._ M anue .-- A '-

Accusations: Manuel ,Matire spar

Cont. from A-I
But Manuel said Tuesday that he knows a pri-
vate investigator was hired to research his back-
A private investigator called his ex-wife and
interviewed her, Manuel said.
He said he does not know who hired the
investigator, but he said he knows Maguire is
using information from the investigator's report
and' that Maguire has not claimed any expendi-'
tures or donations of this kind on his finance
Maguire denies all of these claims.
But what has really complicated the race and'
truly made it "nasty," according to Maguire, is
the involvement of Count)' Commissioner Ben
Rich, who has endorsed and actively supports'
Maguire said that by Rich's publicly support-
inrig not only Maguire's Republican opponent
but also a Republican opponent of District 2
Commissioner Karen Stem, Rich is "without
question" dividing the Board of' County
"I feel more slighted by Ben [Rich]," Maguire
said Tuesday.
"Ben Rich comes across as trying to even a
score," he said, adding that Manuel's attacks
haven't had the "hatred" or "anger" that Rich
seems to display.

The malicious triangle became .evident at a
news conference called by former St. Johns
County Sheriff Neil Perry last week, in St.
S,Perry expressed his "concern" with 'several
public records that, according to Perry, link
Manuel with organized crime families. -
Maguire has made the same accusations and
Manuel has denied them all.
Rich brushed off Perry's accusations at the
news conference and announced that he him-
self "broke bread" with Mafia families and
stayed in their homes:
In Monday's debate, Maguire noted how Rich
"bragged" about living with Mafia families;
which led to a response from Rich at the end of
"All of' that is absolutely true," said Rich,
explaining that he was working as a U.S. mar-
shal to protect members of the' Mafia who
"squealed" on other mobsters.
It was the beginning of the witness protection
program, Rich said, and "that's what happens
when Neil Perry tells half a, story," he shouted.
Later Rich said he made those statements to
make a point that Maguire arind his supporters
'tell "half truths." ,
"It [my Mafia connections] came out today,
and I was hoping that ... [Maguire] would be
dumb enough to do it."




: L, '- *:. *., ;. :..;: '. ,

Jd4~d CJ1f4'T'

Nasty: Expert says voters may revolt

Cont. from A-1
'Usually, the closer the race,, the more likely
negative campaigning will be used, Smith said,
adding that the candidate who is down in the
polls will resort to negative attacks first.
Maguire has said that Manuel started the
spat between the two by attacking Maguire's
voting record, but Manuel said he was only
relating information on Maguire's votes, not
attacking him personally.
Of course, much of the research on negative
campaigning has been conducted on congres-
sional races, according to Smith.
"You have to take these findings with a grain
of salt, but I think the logic is still the same
[for local elections]," he said.
In reelection races, Smith said, incumbents
tend to stay away from negative attacks on
their opponents for .fear of giving the other.
candidate name recognition.

If they do resort to attacks on their oppo-
nents, it .is usually because they are down in
the polls, he said.
As far as strategies for, handling personal
attacks, Smith said, some candidates, especial-
ly incumbents,, tend to ignore them.
One strategy is to turn positive in the final
week before the election.
Smith said some candidates point out that
their opponents are still "throwing mud"
while they have risen above the attacks and
focused on the issues.
If both candidates resort to negative cam-
paigning, Smith said, it can depress voter
turnout altogether under the theory that vot-
ers are turned off by Both candidates and do
Snot vote for either one.
The polls are, open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Early voting continues through Saturday at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library.


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AB weighs in against Wal-Mart for NB

The Atlantic Beach City Commission is now
among the large contingent of those locally
opposing a proposed Wal-Mart along Atlantic
Boulevard in Neptune Beach.
The commission at its meeting Monday
unanimously approved a resolution expressing
concern related to the potential for adverse
traffic impacts that may be generated by a

"retail supercenter" such as Wal-Mart located
in neighboring Neptune Beach.
Commissioners said they felt their city's res-
idents would be negatively impacted if a Wal-
Mart or any large big-box retail store is located
adjacent to the city in Neptune Beach.
The Neptune Beach City Council is sched-
uled to vote whether to allow the Wal-Mart at
its Sept. 11 meeting.

Jim King

- - -



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Page 3A*'

August 30, 2006

The Beaches. Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader


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Augusct 30-2f06-

Page 4A c'4-aderco L. .a. .y O'-I ,
www.heachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

The Leader's Opinion

We recommend'

vote for King

Would more insurance companies writing homeown-
ers' policies in Florida hold down the cost of home insur-
Would capping awards for'pain and suffering in med-
ical malpractice lawsuits help eliminate spiraling health
Randall Terry,. a candidate for the District 8 seat in the
state Senate, thinks the answer to both questions is yes.
He may be right and his ideas might be worth a second
But Terry's ideas are unlikely to see fruition as his his-
tory of activism and promotion are unlikely to allow him
to forge the consensus needed in the legislature to effect
Incumbent Jim.King has earned his share of slings and
arrows over the' years some deservedly.
But his mastery of both the system and the issues fac-
ing the state specifically our area-- make him one of
the most effective representatives that our area could
King is hard-working, well-connected and has the
respect of his peers.
He also has the experience to make sure North Florida
and its needs do not get neglected. Until recent years,
North Florida languished for state education dollars and
other resources while the powerful politicos in South
Florida determined what scraps would come this way.
With his political savvy, King has changed that formu-
la The Beaches and the rest of North Florida are well
Served by his representation.
His enthusiasm and expertise merit a return to the
We believe King promises to be an effective legislator
for our community and recommend a vote for him in
this Sept. 5 primary.

Letters to the editor:

Wal-Mart not the enemy

and we should be asking

for most attractive ,

building possible here

To the editor: think a Wal-Mart built with-
Is traffic a problem on in this specification would

3rd/AIA? Of course it is. But
nowhere near the dilemma
and frustration drivers face
on 1-95, 1-10, etc.
; As a resident of Atlantic,
Beach, I personally would'
love a Wal-Mart just down
the street, and I believe a
Wal-Mart would benefit
Neptune and Atlantic beach-,
Tourists love' shopping at
discount stores wheh on
vacation, and this doesn't
"take them away from smaller
shops. They still shop and at'
and make purchases from
"mom & pop" stores.
Look at Myrtle Beach, S.C.,
for instance; they have Wal-
Marts and surf shops on just
about every corner, and.
tourists shop at both places.
I love Myrtle Beach because
of the diversity of shopping
it has to offer within walking
:distance. Avid surfers aren't
going to shop at the big "W"
for sur boards and gear.
Why n'ot consider a
uniquely built Wal-Mart like
Sthe one off 9A North? It
looks like an :'old building
with its brick face and faux
windows, not your standard
blue or green supercenter. I

area. It sure beats passing by
the ugly, barren parking lot
and rundown building that
make Neptune look like a
struggling city (not to men-
tion the, vacant Neptune
Theater just up the road.
Wal-Mart is not the enemy
of the Beaches. The revenue
it could generate. for the
Beaches has to be substan-
tial, and with Neptune beach
the smallest of the Beaches, I
would think the city could
use an extra boost.
I honestly don't under-'
stand why everyone is mak-
ing such a fuss. The monies
Wal-Mart donates to the'
community it is in is worth a
few more traffic woes.
I do not believe all options
Shave been fully considered;
everyone just hears "Wal-
Mart" and, assumes the.
worst. ;
I think those huge
"McMansions" that over-,
shadow the small, quaint
homes and take away from
their charm are a much big-
get issue than a Wal-Mart.
Kinberly Huettner
Atlantic Beach



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Some favors for an Arm

buddy are long remembered

red Lovell really didn't
want to go to the Army.
He had chickens to
grow out and land to buy.
and sell, and, well, he was
busy. So for a couple of
years, when his name came
up before the draft board in.
Habersham County, Ga,,
Lovell began pleading: I just
put in baby chicks, and this
is not a good time.
But in 1952, his excuse
wouldn't wash any longer.,
He was drafted and sent to
Ft. Eustis, Va.,. for training.
Actually, he says in retro-
spedt, he's glad he served.
Every able-bodied man
should serve.
While Lovell was in basic
training, word got around
that a new sergeant was com-

been kicked out of the
Marines because his. superi-
ors found out he was only 14
when he joined, even
though he looked 19.
When he came of age, he
joined the Army and eventu-,
ally made master sergeant.
He was known as a tough
The sergeant's very: first
,Monday on base, everybody
was falling into formation,
including a kid known for
having a good time.
"He always came out
maybe with his hat turned

backwards and maybe his
britches leg rolled up a little
bit," Lovell recalls, "He'd cut
up a little bit when he came
out and sort of put a show on
for,,the other .people." ,v.i
',Lov.ell,.liked The. Kic.. .B t,
the- sergeant was 4-not-
impressed. He saw The 'Kid
with his shoes untied,
grabbed him by the neck and
threw him to the ground.
The Kid, Lovell said, "was
limber.as a dishrag," and he
didn't fight back as the ser-
geant called him dirty names
while holding him on the
Others in the company
urged Lovell to do some-.
thing. He had known the ser-
geant before the Army "he
used to make liquor," Lovell
said and perhaps he could
persuade him to leave The

Kid alone. ,:
Lovell walked over, put his
hand on the sergeant's shoul-
der and said, "Sergeant, the.
only friend I got in this com-
pany is this man."
The sergeant's eyes were
wild; he was mads s a dog.
Finally, though, he listened,.
to Lovell arid released the
soldier. .....
The sergeant never both-
ered The Kid again. Lovell
and The Kid, meanwhile,
became closer friends.,
That friendship paid off.
After basic training, Lovell-
was sent to crane-operating
school, but then the school
closed and he became a cook.
The Kid became an instructor
in, physipl trat!iw ,,.rPT.
e-xt-.r sandwich,- he. got .-i-t
from Lovell. And every time
Lovell wqs supposed to take
his 'PT test, The Kid said,
"Give me your card. I'll mark
it." Lovell never took the PT
test while The Kid was
Lov'ell hasn't heard from'
The Kid since he was dis-
charged from the Army in
1954, the same year The Kid
- the Say Hey Kid, Willie
Mays got out and rejoined
the New York Giants. But
he'll never forget him.
"He was just a nice guy,"
Fred Lovell says.

More letters to the edto

Businessman seeks solution as,

loss of festivals has hurt most

Beaches-area businesses

To the editor:
As Jacksonville Beach gets ready for their
2007 budget, I wanted to bring up for discus-
sion our area's local festivals and events. I am
a franchisee of the two Sonic Drive Iri's locat-,
ed on 700 Beach Blvd in Jax Beach and 1311
Atlantic Blvd in Neptune Beach.
As everyone knows, if you can find a piece
of land to develop you're going to pay a pre-
mium price at the beach. Not only are land
prices high but ask any business owner what
they are paying for utilities/trash service. The
cost of doing business at the beach is
extremely high. .
Like other business owners I've talked to,
we've built at the beach to take advantage of
Jax Beach being a destination. We depend on'
this boost in sales to offset the extra high
costs of doing business. When the city puts
on special events,, it gives the entire city of
Jacksonville a reason to enjoy what the beach
has to offer.
People have an excuse to drive across town
to make an entire day of just going to the
beach. Who benefits- every local business
benefits. The entire local economy benefits.
Being festive gives locals a chance to get on
their bikes to enjoy the fun in the sun. With
sales slowing down at many of our local busi-
nesses, the result is in loss of jobs for the
locals and business failure for some. It's a real
shame, a couple of business have complained
because a couple of their regulars have to
choose to walk a little bit further to reach
their business.

For the few complaining, they should look
at the positive at how they could, market
their business during these events. It doesn't
a take a rocket scientist to figure out that the
more people who see their business, they
have an opportunity to bring them: in and
help them grow for the long term.
Another complaint from the city has
been lack of staffing. I propose paying the
city staff more during these events. I propose
starting up a summer jobs program for
.responsible teens. There are plenty of respon-
sible teens needing jobs. Not only will it
help keep them off the streets, it will teach
them organization and responsibility. We
can't keep up with the applications demand
in the summer. Have a volunteer sign up
sheets posted around town. Let's get back,
involved in our city. The bottom line is that
the lack of events the past couple years has
put tremendous strain on many local busit-
nesses including ours. I think it's our elected
officials and the city of Jacksonville Beach's
responsibility to do what's in its best interest
for its citizens and its local businesses. We've
all seen in Neptune Beach's past what hap-
pens when a city doesn't take care of its local
businesses. I hope everyone at Jax Beach's
City Hall and our elected officials will take
this to heart and make something happen to
ensure a successful 2007 for local businesses.
Jim Bedell
Jacksonville Beach


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had me all

shook up

W e were recently
reminded by the
Associated Press that
Elvis had his first gig on "The
Ed Sullivan Show" 50 years
ago. This "Associated Presley
report" reminded me of how
things were here when he was
in his prime. At any place that
had a juke box, his vocal
chords would be serving up
his latest hit tunes.
Everywhere, parents were
shaking their heads over his
hip-swiveling gyrations on TV
and in the movies. It was con-
sidered too sensual for kids,
who meanwhile cheered and
swooned. His appeal was
worldwide. On a vacation in
the Virgin Islands, I heard a
calypso singer do a number
that began, "Don't blame it on
Elvh for shaking' his pelvis.
Shakin' the pelvis been in
style ever since the River
It's lasted since his death in
1977. I was at a hotel in
Phoenix, Arizona, during the
late 1980s and watched a tele-
vision documentary about
Ehlis shows, at least one of
which was staged in our
jacksonmille. As I recall, there
were behind-the-scenes c-lipse,-
of the Presley-band as they
prepared for the performances.
At one point, the King's con-
voy was shown crossing the
Main Street Bridge, an unex-
pected remembrance of home.
Elvis Presley has become an
industry. There are scads of
Elvis impersonators available
for entertainment. They
charge incredible amounts for
their services; e.g., $500- .
$10,000 per event: $400-
$2,400 per hour, and may
help feed the rumors about
Elvis being still alive.
According to an Internet
source, 'fThis claim is allegedly
batced up by thousands of so-
called Elvis sightings that have
occurred in the years since his
Actually, I've had my own
Elvis sighting. I was enjoying ,
an evening at Jax Beach'
American Legion Post 129
when I dozed off, the result,
no doubt, of my staying up'to
see a late movie the night
before, (No, it wasn't an Elvis
film.) Music woke me, and
before my sleepy eyes was the
King himself on the dance,
floor. There was the'character-
istic hair style and the mis-
chievous half-snarl, half-smile
on his face. He also wore a
classy cape.
Ittook me a whileto realize
that our then-new, weekly
karaoke, session had begun
and that Elvis was in fact our
imaginative impresario Bob
Pratt. Back on the bandstand,
he started removing the Elvis
getup, thus revealing, via his'
bald noggin, the telltale lack
of a real ducktail. Whew. I was
all shook up. The ghostly
vision could scared me out of
even blue suede shoes.

Lengthy letters may
be edited as space
We will not consider
letters that do not
bear a signature
and address and we
request a phone
number for
If you have a
question about
news coverage call
249-9033 during
business hours,
8 a.m.-6 p.m.

August 30, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A



Battery was reported Aug.
22 at a ,home in the 1300
block of 1st St. S.

Paul Francis McElaney, 59,
of Jacksonville was arrested
Aug. 23 and charged with an
active warrant out of
Escambia County for grand
theft of a motor vehicle in the
1500 block of 3rd St. S.,
according to a police report.

Michelle Beatrice McElaney,
61, of Jacksonville was arrest-
ed Aug. 23 and charged with
an active warrant out of
Escambia County for grand
theft of a motor vehicle in the
1000 block of 3rd St. S.,
according to a police report.
McElaney was driving a van
that matched -the description
of a vehicle thought to be
occupied by three wanted
individuals, police said.
. '. *
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported ,Aug. 26 in the 60
block of Oakwood Road.

A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 27 in the 10
block of First Street North.

A purse was reported stolen
from the beach Aug. 27 in the
500 block of beach proper.

A bicycle valued at $1,500
was reported stolen from a
business Aug. 27 in the first
block of Third Street North.

A tool set valued at $60 was
reported stolen from a vehicle
Aug. 26 in the 800 block of
8th Street North.

A wallet and digital camera
were reported stolen from the
beach Aug. 24 in the 1300
block of beach proper.
A burglary to a residence
was reported Aug. 25 in the
800 block of 8th Avenue

A vehicle was reported
stolen Aug. 27 in the 400
block of 5th Avenue South.
A license tag to a vehicle
was reported stolen Aug. 26 in
the .900 ,block of 7th.Avenue
South i -';' I 1 -
''* -' *' *I O, *- ,

JB man


on beach

at 2 a.m.

A 34-year-old Jacksonville
Beach man said that while
walking along the beach in
Jacksonville Beach earl)
Sunday morning, he was
beaten and robbed by an
unidentified man whc
appeared to be homeless
according to a police report.
The victim was near the piei
shortly after 2 a.m. when he
was attacked by the suspect
who began beating him with
his fists until he was knockedc
The victim said he awoke
roughly two hours later and
found that his wallet and cell
phone were stolen, according
Sto the report. His injuries were
Snot serious, police said.
The victim, who told police
he was intoxicated, said thai
he left a nearby nightclubL
around 2 a.m. and wa'
: approached by four men whc
asked him for money. He saic
the men appeared to be home.
less, according to the report
The victim told police that he
kept telling the men that he
did not, have any money anc
proceeded to walk down tc
the beach where the attack
occurred shortly thereafter.

Get Your News

cal 249-9033
To Subscribe!!

A battery was reported Aug.
27 in the 700 block of 4th
Avenue South.
S' .
A battery was reported Aug.
28 in the 500 block of First
* Street. *
l ., "" *o. '
An aggravated battery was
reported Aug. 26 in the 100:
block of third Street South.

Austin Pathick Owings, 19,
of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested on a warrant and
charged with selling a con-
trolled substance Aug. 25 in
the 400 block of Second Street
South, according to a police
An assault was reported
Aug. 25 in the 100 block of
First Avenue North.
*6' *
A gas theft valued at $31.83
was reported Aug. 24 in the
300 block of Beach Boulevard.

A camera valued .at $400
was reported stolen from a
business Aug. 26 in the 300
block of Beach Boulevard.


A check fraud was reported
Aug. 21 in the 1900, block of
Francis Avenue.

A wallet was reported stolen
from a purse at Publix grocery
store Aug. 22 in the 900 block
of Atlantic Boulevard.

A burglary to a residence
was reported Aug. 23 in the 60
block of Coral Street.
A burglary to vehicle was
reported Aug. 22 in the 1100
block of Linkside Court.

Michael Francis Maloy, 29,
of Atlantic Beach was arrested
and charged with battery Aug.
22 in the 1000 block of
Cornell Lane, according to a
police report.
*' *
A pressure washer valued at
$400 was reported stolen Aug.
24 in the 200 block of Pine

Clarence William Ritche,
22, of.Jacksenville was. arrest--
ed1an'4t fa'gelU' withlTdrl n'ig
with suspendeddd l'iceie s a
habitual traffic offender and
grand theft of a motor vehicle
Aug. 24 in the 700 block of
Redfin Drive, according to a
police report.

A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 16 in the 600
block of Jasmine Street.

Mitchell Glenn Atkinson,
44, of Jacksonville was arrest-
ed and charged with posses-
sion of crack cocaine Aug. 24
in the 300 block of Skate
Road, according to a police

A mailbox was reported
vandalized with paint Aug.
s 27 in the 400 block of
i Helmsman Lane.

A simple assault was report-
ed Aug. 27 in the 2000 block
r of George Street.

t Someone reported that
landscaping was damaged
I Aug. 26 in the 2100 block of
Beach Avenue.

j Lawn equipment valued at
I $335 was reported stolen from
g a trailer Aug. 26 in the 800
block of Bonita Road.
S A credit card fraud was
t .reported Aug. 25 in the 1200
block of Beach Avenue.

S Michael Swigert, 23, of
I Atlantic Beach was arrested

and charged with possession
of controlled substance Aug.
25 in the 2400 block of:
Mayport Road, according to a
police report.

An ATM card was reported
stolen Aug. 24 in the 1900
block of Mary Street.

A vehicle was reported
stolen Aug. 27 in the 200
block of Nautical Boulevard


A simple assault was report-
ed Aug. 28 in the 400 block of
Oceanwood Drive East.
Someone reported : that
bushes were damaged by van-
dals Aug. 27 in the 200 block
of Sand Castle Way.

A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 25 in the 1200
block of Atlantic Boulevard.

A simple battery was report-
ed Aug. 26 in the 100 block of
First Street.

A bicycle valued at $35 was
reported stolen in the 1100
block of Seagate Avenue.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 27 in the 100
block of First Street.
A pressure washer valued at
$950 was reported stolen in
the 100 block of 11th Street.

A bicycle valued at $800
was reported stolen from a
residence Aug. 24 in the 800
block of 4th Street.

A concrete fountain valued
at $1,200 was reported dam-
aged by vandals Aug. 24 in
the 200 block of First Street.


More than $1,000 worth of
golf. clubs were stolen
Thursday night from the
trunk of an unlocked car
parked at 101 Sanchez Dr. W.,
Ponte Vedra Beach
Two unidentified -men
chrised. a'n-6,tilnatd!d $2,000
wifth ofdimage to-two P6~pi
vending machines at Nease
High School on the night of
Aug. 22. The men took about
$400 from the machines
according to a police report.
0 0
More than $160 worth of
property was stolen early
Friday morning from two
unlocked vehicles parked at
8036 Pebble Creek Ln., Ponte
Vedra Beach. Among the
stolen items were binoculars
and a Swiss Army knife,
according to a police report.
More than $2,000 in fraud-
ulent purchases were made on
a credit card of a Ponte Vedra
Beach woman, according to a
police report.

A $700 irrigation pump was
stolen from a pond in
Sawgrass Country Club some
time last week, according to a
police report. Deputies found
no fingerprints, footprints or
tire tracks and have no sus-
pects, according to the report.
A 2004 blue motor scooter
was stolen from outside an
apartment at 611 Ponte Vedra
Lakes Blvd. Sunday night or
early Monday morning.

Buy it, Sell it, Find it
in the Classifieds

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Slur leadsto boy being

dragged alongside truck

A 16-year-old African-American boy was
hospitalized Saturday after being dragged
alongside a vehicle driven by an unidentified
white male who moments before called him a
racial slur for standing in the roadway along
the 400 block of 8th Street in Jacksonville
Beach, according to a police report.
The victim was dragged about 40 yards
before the suspect let go of his arm which he
had grabbed When the victim approached the
vehicle to confront him about the slur. The
victim was transported by rescue personnel to
the emergency room where he was treated for
"severe road rash to his arms, legs and back,"
according to the report.
The incident occurred around 6:30 p.m.
when the victim and some friends were stand-
ing in the road. The suspect, described to be in

his early 40s with brown hair, hazel eyes and a
mustache, pulled up in a green 2004 Ford F150
with a silver tool box and yelled "Get.out of
the road *'"*," according to the report.
The victim said the slur angered him and
that he approached the vehicle "acting like he
was going to punch" the suspect, the report
said. At that time the suspect grabbed his right
arm and accelerated the vehicle, dragging him
along side. When released from the suspect's
grasp, the victimm went tumbling down to the
road, causing his injuries, according to the
A witness to the incident told police that
she screamed at the suspect to let go of the vic-
tim while he was being dragged, according to
the report.
Police have suspended investigation of the
incident, citing that there is "no more suspect
information to further" the investigation.

Members of the Beaches Republican Club enjoy a hot dog roast at Russell Park in Atlantic Beach
last Friday. Candidates and club members mingled and discussed issues.

Page 6A


Friday, Sept. 1
The GTM Reserve holds its
next brown bag lunch lecture
at noon at the GTM
Environmental Education
Center. Staff will present a
slideshow about the blue
crab. Attendees are encour-
aged to bring their lunches.
There is no cost to attend the
lecture. Brown bag lectures
take place the first Friday of
each month from noon to 1
p.m.. The. GTM Reserve
Environmental Education
Center is located at 505
Guana River Road off A1A, 17
miles south of Butler
Boulevard or .eight miles
North of Vilano Beach. For
information,, call 904-823-
S 4500.

Tuesday, Sept. 5
T'ai Chi: A T'ai Chi begin-
ner series starts with a free
demonstration class at 7:30
p.m. at Cobalt Moon Center.
The series continues each sub-
sequent Tuesday evening for
nine weeks. Pre-registration is
not necessary. For informa-
tion, call 616-3858.

Thursday, Sept. 7
On Agate Hill: Best-selling
author Lee Smith will be at
The Bookmark in Atlantic
Beach at 7 p.m. to read from
and sign copies of her new
book, On Agate Hill. Smith's
previous books include The
Last Girls, Fair and Tender
Ladies, Family Linen and Oral
History. She lives in
Hillsborough, N.C., and
Castine, Maine, with her hus-
band, essayist Hal Crowther.
" Saturday, Sept. 9
Ballroom dancing: The
American Ballroom and
Contemporary Dance
Association will hold a dance
at 8 p.m. at Bolero's, 10131
Atlantic Blvd., with a live
band. Guest admission is $10.
Call 246-2858 or 904-317-
6618 for reservations.
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Yoga Classes: Dancing Pose
Yoga will be offering Yoga
Teacher Training, Prenatal
Dance Yoga, Adult Dance
'Yoga and Baby Yoga Sign
'Classes starting Sept. 12th at
the Beaches Yoga, 391 3rd
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
For information, visit
or call Dana Peacher at 904-
Sept. 13'
Newcomers Lunch:
Newcomers of the Beaches, an
organization for women who

Friends of the Beaches Branch Library will fea-.
ture University of North Florida broadcast jour-
nalism.. instructor, Marcia Ladendorff on Friday
Sept. 9, from.noon until 1 p.m. Her subject will
be "How the media affects public opinion." This
'first Noon.Break of the season will-be held in
the Community room. of the Beaches Library and
is free and open to the public. For more infor-
mation call. 241-114.1.

are new to the area, holds its
luncheon at 11 a.Tm. at the
Casa Marina Hotel, 691 1st St.
N., Jacksonville Beach.
Featured guest will be certi-
fied hypnotherapist Jim Ryan.
Price for the luncheon is $20,
payable by Sept. 6 to
Newcomers of the Beaches,
P.O. Box 2421, Ponte Vedra
Beach, FL 32004. Call Bonnie
Lynch at 904-821-9002 for
Outreach Program: The
Jacksonville Women's
Connection outreach lunch-
eon for September will be
held from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Golf and
Country Club on Hodges
Blvd. The theme is "The
Finishing Touches," featuring
Charles Slayton of Clare's
Shoes in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Speaker will be Valerie
Williams of Brunswick, Ga.,
who will share how her life
was changed from "Victim to
Victor." The cost of the lunch-
eon is $17;- coinplimentar
pre-school child tai&e' t rail'
Saturday, Sept. 16
Coast Guard Auxiliary 14-
4 America's Boating Class
'will be held from 7:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. at the Captains Club,
13363 Beach Blvd. Cost is
$25, including materials. For
more information call 904-

Blood Drive: The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Greater
Beaches VFW Post 3270 will
sponsor a blood drive in
honor of MIA/POW Day from
12 p.m.-5 p.m. at 915 8th
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
The ladies will offer an Italian
dinner from 5-7 p.m. for a $7
donation. All persons donat-
ing to the blood drive will
receive a free dinner.
Proceeds will go to the VFW
National Home for Children.
For info., call 247-3861.
Clean It Up: Local volun-
teers are needed to join the
world's largest one-day
cleanup event. The City of
Jacksonville's Clean It Up,
Green It Up Division will
coordinate local efforts for
the 21st Annual International
Coastal Cleanup, sponsored
by the Ocean Conservancy.
Bags and gloves will be pro-
vided. Participants must be at
least 18 or accompanied by an
adult and should bring water
'? AIvehar sturdvo'iobtwear aind
'li~hth~1totect idn.'-'PTbr' 'rriore
information about this or
other litter removal and pre-
vention programs, contact
Clean It Up, Green It Up, at
630-3420 or www.coj.net
http://www.ocea nconservan-
cy.org> .

The'Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

August 30, 2006


Art association: The Pablo
Towers Art Association meets
from 12:30 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday. Call 246-4158
for information.
Ballroom dancing: Ballroom
dancing is offered
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at
the Senior Center, 19th Ave.
S., Jacksonville Beach. The
cost is $4. Call 241-3796 for
Cancer support group: The
Cancer Support Group at
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m.
Wednesday at the Flotida
Cancer Center in Medical
Office Building B on the hos-
pital campus. Call 247-2910
or information.
Klwaniis Beaches: The
Kiwanrs Club of Jacksonville
Beaches meets Thursdays at
noon at Selva Marina
Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskiwanis.com for
Jacksonville Singles Dance
Club; The Jacksonville Singles
Dance Club meets from 8 to
11 p.. Fridays at the .
Knights of Columibus Hall,
1501 Hendricks Ave. ;
Admission is $8, or $7 for
members. Call 779,1234 or e-
mall jaxssnglesDC@aol.com
for information.
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery,
Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m.
Friday at St. Paul's Catholic
Church's Family Life Center,
578 First Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 247-3299.
Senior tennis: Tennis for sen-
iors is being offered at
Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jackswonville Beach from 9 to
11 a.m. Friday. Call Moe at
247-6221 for information.
Meditation class: A. gulded
meditation and dharna talk
is held every Sunday in and

August from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
at Cobalt Moon (upstairs stu-
dio), 217 First St., Neptune
Beach. Donations accepted.
Call 386-793-3013 for infor-
Depression support:
Depression Bipolar Support
Alliance Jacksonville
Beaches meets Sundays at
5:30 p.m. at Beaches Medical
Center, 1350 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Visit
www.dbsajax.org for informa-
Beaches Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class is
offered from 9 to 11 a.m.
Tuesday, and watercolor for
all levels is offered Tuesday
evening, and Wednesday and
Thursday morning. Figure
drawing classes are held
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.
The Beaches Arts Center is
located at 228 Third Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 241-
8816 for information.
Jacksonville Harmony Show
Chorus: The Jacksonville
Harmony Show Chorus meets
each Tuesday from 7 to 10
p.m. at the San Jose Church
of Christ, 6233 San Jose Blvd.;
Jacksonville. Visitors and
prospective members are
welcome. Call 350-1609 for
Palm Valley Senior Center:
The Palm Valley Senior
Center, 148 Canal Blvd., is
open Tuesday and Thursday
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch
is served at noon. Call 280-
3233 for lunch reservations
or for information on various
activities throughout the day.
For transportation to lunch,
call 280-3753 between 7:30
a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Railroad Club: The-Beaches
Area Model Railroad Club
meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday and
Friday at 941 4th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, behind
Sportsmania. The club is
to anyone interested In scale
model railroading. Call Dave

Henk at 641-8800 or Richard
Paul at 223-5133.
Toastmasters: The Ponte
Vedra Beach Toastmasters
Club meets every Tuesday
from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. at the
Ponte Vedra Golf and
Country Club at Sawgrass.
Call Lewis Barber at 904-716-
4045 for information.
Senior workshop: Edward
Jones, 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
Suite 300. Jacksonville, offers
a free senior workshop at 10
a.m. on a variety of topics
including retirement income
planning, wealth transfers,
IRAs, annuities and life insur-
ance. Reservations are
required. Call 221-8501.

September Monlhly
Wednesday, SepL 6
A Beaches Watch monthly
meeting will be held at 7
p.m. at Fletcher High
School in the
Administration Conference
Room, 700 Seagate Ave. in
Neptune Beach. The meet-
ings are open to .the public.
For more information, call :
513-9242 or visit

ThrsldY Sept7
Ocean Beaches American
Legion Auxiliary Unit 129
will have its monthly meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. at 1151 4th
St. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Members are encouraged to
bring a guest For informa-
tion, call 249-2266 or 242-
Wednesday, SepL 13
The Ladies Auxiliary of the-
Greater Beaches VFWV Post
3270 will have its monthly
meeting at 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at .-
915 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Members are encour-
aged to bring a guest. For
information, call 249-7366.

Rese t "
bu Seaiff

Prostate cancer support group

forming at BMCB hospital

for interested Beaches men

Man to Man, a prostate can-
cer support group meeting will
be held 6 p.m. on Sept- 6 at
Baptist Medical Center,
Beaches, Conference Room A.
Man to Man is an education
and support program for peo-
ple dealing with or interested
in learning about prostate can-
cer while providing a forum for
prostate cancer survivors to
offer support and encourage-
ment to those who have been
newly diagnosed.
.The September speaker will
be Craig Collie, MD, who will
be speaking on new develop-
ments in radiation therapy for
Prostate Cancer, including pro-
ton treatments.
For more information, call
The American Cancer
Society, which sponsors the
meeting, encourages all men
Get as much information

eBMoomig with

Questions & Answers on how
to get your garden growing % ith
weekly advice in our Garden
s Column from Master Gardener
Barbara Matheson
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The Beaches Leader/
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about prostate health as they'
Talk with their doctor to
determine their personal risk
for prostate cancer.
Understand all available test-
ing and treatment options so
they can make informed deci-
Contact the American
Cancer Society for information
about all aspects of prostate
cancer 24 hours a day, seven
days a week.
The American Cancer

Society is the nationwide vol-
untary health organization
dedicated to eliminating can-
cer as a major health problem
by preventing cancer, saving
lives and diminishing suffering
from cancer, through research,
education, advocacy, and serv-
ice. For more information
about the American Cancer
Society, call 1-800-ACS-2345 or
visit www.cancer.org.




The History of Ponte Vedra Beach

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A

August JU, 0.UUU


Gloria Z. DeSilva, 79, died
July 15, 2006, while visiting a
daughter in Colorado.
DeSilva was born Jan. 27,
1927, in Brooklyn, -N.Y. She
met her husband, John
DeSilva, in grade school and
married him in 1951. They
would have celebrated their
56th wedding anniversary in
January, on her 80th birthday.
DeSilva is survived by her
husband, John; daughter,
Diane DeSilva of Frisco, Colo.;
son, Douglas DeSilva of
Fairfield, Conn.; and three
grandchildren, Ryan, Jack and

DeSilva lived in Fairfield,
Conn., for nearly. 17 years
before moving in 1991 to the
Sawgrass Country Club in
Ponte Vedra Beach, where she
was a long-term member of
the Sawgrass Women's Club.
A memorial service for
DeSilva will be held on the
beach pavilion at the Sawgrass
Country Club at 7 p.m.
Donations may be made in
her name to Lord of the Life
Church, 276 Roscoe Blvd. N.,
Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

Edith Marion Walker Dostaler

Gordon Francis Hunter

Gordon Francis Hunter, 84, Vickie Hunter; grandcl
died at home Aug. 26, 2006, Michelle (Brett) De
after a lengthy illness. Dallis (Marella) H
A native of Miami, Hunter Candy (Rick) Casto, Is
moved to Palm Valley in Hunter and Bobbi
1937. He served in both Batten; and nine great.
World War II and the Korean children.
Conflict, and later .retired The family received
from the city of Jacksonville Tuesday at Hardage-G
Beach and Greyhound, Inc. Funeral Home, Jacks(
He also ran an automotive Beach.
repair business, Hunter's Funeral services for (
Garage, in Palm Valley until and Edith Hunter will 1
1998. at 11 a.m. today, Wedi
Hunter's wife, Edith Mae in the funeral home
Hunter, preceded him in with interment follow
death earlier in the day. Ponte Vedra Valley Cer
Hunter is survived by his Memorials may be n
son, Donald Hunter; daugh- the Community HosI
ters, Susan Barrett (Steve Northeast Florida,
Fuquay) and Darlene (Sam) Sunbeam Road, Jacksc
Wilkes; daughter-in-law, Fla. 32257.

Edith Marion Walker
Dogtaler, 87, died Aug. 27,
Dostaler, who was born in
Punta Arenas, Chile, married
Frank. Dostaler June 6, 1944,
in Quito, Ecuador. The couple
lived in Ft. Lauderdale, then
moved to Cypress Village in
1992 to be near their son and
his family.
Dostaler is survived by her

husband .of 52 years, Frank;
their son and daughter-in-law,
Pat and Andee Dostaler; and
three grandchildren, Lauren,
Andrew and Erynn Dostaler.
A memorial mass will be
held in St.: Paul's Catholic
Church at a later date.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville

Bruce S. 'McAfee, 54, of
Lawtey,. Fla., died at home
Aug. 20, 2006..
A U.S._, Navy, veteran;
McAfee was employed by
Atlantic Marine..
McAfee is survived by his
wife of 34 years, 'Francine;
sons, .Robert McAfee (Ann
Marie) and John McAfee
(Tammy); grandchildren,

Emma McAfee and Cameron
Booras; sister, Gertrude
McAfee; and brother John
A memorial service will be
held at 10 a.m. today,
Wednesday, in the chapel of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Services under direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Abigail L. Elsensohn

Abigail L. Elsensohn, a fresh-
man at Fletcher High School,
died recently at the, age of 14.
Eisensohn was born January
14, 1992, in Tampa. After liv-
ing in Panama City, she moved
to Atlantic Beach with her
mother and stepfather in 2000.
Eisensohn is survived by her
mother, Samantha Wasley;
stepfather, Richard Wasley,
father, Eric Elsensohn of
Tampa; brother, Michael Jeffres
of Miami; maternal grand-'

mother, Jan Blanton of T'
maternal grandfather, Kei
Jeffres; and paternal g
mother, Beverly Elsenso
Tampa. N
A viewing was held M
at New Life Chr
Fellowship on H
Boulevard, followed by f
services. Internment w\
Beaches Memorial Park.
Services under direct.
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Hor


Hilda Lee Burnsed Woods

;rand-. Hilda Lee
hn of Burnsed Woods
of Henderson-
onday ville, Tenn., died
ristian' at :home August
odge's 26, 2006 after a
funeral long illness.
las at Born in Miami
on February 21,
on of .1925, 'Woods
ne. lived in
for the last 37
years. She also
lived in
xPortsn'out h ,

Edith Mae Hunter, 81, died Batten; and nine great-grand- .. .an
at home Aug. 26, 2006, after a children. J ackso and as Wo
lengthy illness. Hunter retired as a cafeteria Beach, and was
A native of Maytown, Fla., manager from the St. Johns employed b\
she moved to Palm Valley as a County School Board. a 'e's department store in
newlywed 63 years ago after The family received friends Jacksonville and by cain-
marrying Gordon F. Hunter, Tuesday, at Hardage-Giddens Sloan in Nashville, Tenn. r.
who died later in the day of Funeral Home, Jacksonville A member of theorder ofhan
herdeath. Fun.e ralh the Easternstar for, more than
Hunter is survived b%' her Funeral Services for Edith 40 'ealrs, Woods is survived b%
son, Donald Hunter dLauGh--,d Gordot"lounte i,. Roe... .
t'ers,' Susan .Barrett' (St:eve held at 11 a.m. today, r e .
Fuquayi and Darlene Wilkes Wednesday. in the funeral tour children, Robert L.
(Sam);: daughter-in-law, Vickie home chapel, with interment Cvoods Jr. of Vienna. Va.,
Hunter; brothers. Edward and following in Ponte Vedra C'nthia Woods Black of
Robert Clark: sisters, Ethel Valley Cemetery. MNacon, Ga., and Jean Woods
Cochran, Ilean.: Speer and Memorials may be made to Mitchell of Hendersonville.
Vergie Clark; grandchildren, the Commrnunity Hospice of Another son, Capt. James Lee
Michelle (Brett) DeLoach,' Northeast Florida, 4266 Woods, USAF, was lost at'sea
Dallis (*farella) Hunter,, Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, during a training flight in
Candy (Rick) Casto, Michael Fla. 32257. their s7rvivo9rs include
Hunter and Bobbi (Kelly) Othe r r-i il



Gary Mormino, author of Land
of Sunshine, State of Dreams,
provides the audience with a
reflective view of Florida histo-
ry when he spoke at the
Beaches Museum & History
Center on Thursday evening,
Aug. 24. Dr. Mormino is a pro-
fessor at the University of
South Florida, St. Petersburg
and co-developed the Florida
Studies program there with
Raymond Arsenault and has
authored numerous publica-
tions including several on
Italian-American history. In
Land of Sunshine, State of
Dreams, Mormino weaves a
tale of characters, from Walt
Disney to Carl Hiaasen;
bewitching places like Piney
Point and Wakulla Springs,
and the enduring but changing
idea of our dream state -
Florida. Once the least popu-
lated and most isolated state
in the South; Florida has
emerged as one of the largest
and most diverse states in the
U.S. Florida's meteoric rise
has encompassed revolutions
in technology, demography
and lifestyle. For more infor-
mation about programs at the
museum, call 241-5657.


Clair Anne
Hartmann of
J ac ksonvill e,
Elizabeth Anne
Woods of Austin,
Tex.; Heather
Elizabeth Woods
of Vienna, Va.;
Erin Alexandria
Woods Phillips of
Vienna, Va.;
Jamie Lee
Culpepper of
Dallas, Ga.;
James Lee
Kendall ot
Tenn.; and three
great grandchil-

Woods. also is survived by
"sisters Helen Adams of
Marysville, : Calif.; Marie
Williams of Jacksonville,
Anne Johnson of Grand
Juncti.n. C.olo.; Betty Olsen
of Colu mbia,-.S.C.;.Catherine
Scott of Angleton, Tex.; and
Patricia Washington of
Jacksonville, as well as numer-
ous nieces and nephews.
Burial services will be pri-
Arrangements were made
by Hendersonville Memory
Gardens and Funeral Home of
Hendersonville, Tenn.

Ty Lewin, a kindergarten student and J.J. Leynes, a pre-primary
student, enjoy their playground as school begins for Discovery
Montessori school students in Jacksonville Beach.

notices are.
published free

of charge as a
service. All

are subject to
editing. Paid
space is avail-
able for more
detailed or'
death notices.
Call 249-9033.


Her name is beautiful
An Angel's name. by far
We Love Her
We Miss Her
Our Hearts
Will Never Stop Crying
M.l i e think onc- iL,,ire i-l tIffe
xn ohdcful people 'hb helped ds
through those terrble s
years iago
AL "Colleen Wells .

Brothers -.Bob, lohnnv, DIanny Wells




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Gloria Z. DeSilva

Bruce S. McAfee

Edith Mae Hunter

Avv_-c+ 'Al trt)nn


be held
ring in
made to
pice of

SPonte Vedra Leader


I I 1 1

* Wedding (right)
... See A-9
* Education briefs
... A-12

Page A y. .,,... o

PV man receives

Fla. Guard honor

Proo b y CHUCKi QAMS
Deputy Kelly Kemp, youth resource officer at Ponte Veclra-Palm Valley/Rawlings Elementary and Ocean Palms
Elementary, speaks last week to two Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley first-grade classes.

School cops offer class, counsel

Kurt Scholz never served in
the military, but that didn't
stop the Florida National
Guard from awarding the
Ponte Vedra Beach resident a
high-level decoration this
Scholz, who works for a
jacksonville transportation
firm, received the Florida
Distinguished Service Medal
for assisting the Florida
National Guard during the
2005 hurricane season.
As manager of flatbed and
specialized services for Stonier
Transportation Group Inc.,
Scholz helped coordinate mili-
tary shipments and supplies to
Bay St. Louis, Miss., before
and after Hurricane Katrina
made landfall last August.
"W\Ve do a lot of civilian
business and you get recog-
nized for the dollars and cents
you bring in, but working
with the Florida National
Guard is like doing something
for the greater good," said
Scholz, whose employer deliv-
ered more than 1,000 loads
for the U.S. military and other
shippers in 2004, according to
the company's Web site.
"With the war overseas, the
Guard is stretched thin, so I
like to go the extra mile for
Scholz received the Florida
Distinguished Service Medal
Aug. 16 at the Florida
National Guard headquarters
in St. Augustine.
The red-and-white striped
medal, second only to the
Florida Cross, is issued to civil-
ians for outstanding meritori-
ous service to the Fidrida ..
National -Guard. *
Since 1985, more than 700
such medals have been issued,
including 25 for heroism,
according to the Florida
National Guar'd Heritage
Scholz received a commen-
dation medal from, the Guard
for his logistics help during

the 2004 hurricane season.
"We're a third-party logistics
company. We don't own any
trucks. My job is to be the go
between the contractor and
the trucks," said Scholz.
Stonier Transportation pro-
vides flatbed transportation
services for such military
, freight as tanks, humvees,:
cargo trucks and ship parts.
During hurricane season,
the Flonda National Guard
hires the company to truck
military freight to the disaster
zone. .- .
During a hurricane, the
Guard provides humanitarian
aid, security, equipment,
debris removal, and search
and rescue. assistance.
-More than 6,000 soldiers.
anrid airmen where involved in
hurricane relief in 2004.
Approximately 3,800 soldiers
were deployed last hurricane
season, according to Florida
Guardsman online.
A self-proclaimed go-to guy,
Scholz says he has established
"a good rapport" with the
Guard over the past three hur-
ricane seasons.
"Last year during Katrina,
they called me on a satellite
phone from a command cen- '
ter in Bay, St. Louis, and I
could literally hear the wind
blowing in the background,"
recalled Scholz, who works
closely with transportation
specialists at the Guard's head-'
quarters in St. Augustine.
A sergeant in St. Augustine
nominated Scholz for the
Florida Distinguished Service
Medal, established in 1947.
"He 'told me they rarely give
them out to civilians," added
.Scholz, who keeps the medal
and. itsaccompanving.citation.
at his'home on Patrick Mfi
"I feel very fortunate. A lot
of Guard members go their
entire careers without getting
either the Distinguished
Service Medial or the
Commendation Medal.'
"I just do my job."

Some of'the, counselors at public
schools in Ponte Vedra Beach wear
the green uniforms of St. Johns
County Sheriff's deputies.
These deputies hand-picked and
specially trained to deal with stu-
dents and staff -- are the 22 school,.
resource officers assigned under con-.
tract between the St. Johns County
School District and the Sheritf's
What started as "a couple of offi-
cers" in the late '.70s or early '80s has
blossomed into a cadre of deputies

who present safety programs in the
elementary schools, teach about the
dangers of drugs in middle schools
and largely act as counselors in high
schools, said the:head of the pro-
gram for the Sheriff's Office.
"The youth resource officers, are.
well-liked in their [school] communi-
ties," said Lt. Brian Lee, who heads
the program for the Sheriff's Office
and formerly was resource officer at
'Nease High.
SAt each of the schools; the
resource officers "make sure there's a
safe and orderly.environment at the
'schools," said Tom SchwarrrI, director

of student services for the School
District. .
' In St. Johns County public schools,
each high school and middle school
is assigned its own resource officer
who is at the school daily, -
Elementary schools share resource
officers,'with one deputy assigned to
five schools, Schwarm said.
"That deputy works collaboratively
with us," Schwarm said. "It's been a
great relationship very positive
[and] a win-win."

See COPS) A-10 -

-.o.{... : ," ,. ,*.:. .,. Y .4 <
,..- -,-.--~' '.-.. .

,p o o m..-' 4 .id

Col. Griffith of the Florida National Guard presents Kurt Scholz
with the Florida Distinguished Service Medal Aug. 16.

Muller creates Latin theme for PV Inn & Club eent

Chefs from around the
country, including
world-renowned Chef
Paul Prudhomme, will partici-
pate in "Delicious "
Destinations," a gourmet food
and wine tasting event Sept.
7-9, to benefit St. Vincent' s
The fifth' annual event will
be held at the Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club.
Hermann A. Muller, execu-
tive chef at the Inn & Club,
has been working for several
months with the event com-
mittee to make this a memo-,
rable event.'
,Through his efforts, chefs
from some of the most
notable hotels, resorts, and
restaurants in the country will
During his 30-year cooking
career, Muller has either
worked with or has become
acquainted with most of the
participating chefs.
Prior to becoming the exec-
utive chef at the Inn & Club,

Muller served as executive
chef at Hilton hotels in ,
Washington, D.C., and New,
Orleans. He also has worked
in Bermuda, Switzerland, Italy,
and in his native Austria.
Prudhomme will be the fea-
tured chef for the "Celebrity .
Chef by the Sea" champagne
reception and luncheon on
Thursday, Sept. 7.
Prudhomme is the owner of
the famous Louisiana Kitchen.
restaurant in New Orleans and
is the author of several cook-
books. He has also appeared
on national television and
been featured in national
Guests at the Luncheon will
-be treated to a Prudhomme
lecture and a cooking demon-
The event finale on .

Saturday, Sept. .9, features an
evening of food and wine-tast-
ing in a Latin club atmos-
phere with music by the Le
Monde Quintet. A live and
silent auction will also be
The theme for this year's
event is South American
fusion cuisine, something
Muller said is a little different
and challenging.
To plan the menu for the
evening of food and wine tast-
ing, Muller asked each of the
participating chefs to submit
three recipes that reflect the ,.
Muller had final responsibil-
ity for selecting the recipes
that chefs will prepare at their
stations for guests to sample.
This year's menu will
include shrimp, scallops,
other seafood, lamb, beef, and
wild boar.'
The only variation from the
theme will be sushi prepared,
by Yoichi Maku, master chef
at Maku's Ice and Sculpturing
Service in Orlando.
Other chefs participating are
Olivier de Busschere and Brad

Koenemann from Nikolai's
Roof restaurant in the Atlanta
Hilton; Karl Edlbauer, corpo-
rate executive chef at the
Peabody, Orlando; and execu-
tive chefs from Trump
International and Mar-A-Lago
Club in West Palm Beach.
, Executive sous chef Steve
Mengel of the Greenbrier
Resort in White Sulphur
Springs, W.Va., and executive
pastry chef Elmar Wolf of the
Breakers in Palm Beach, are
returning this year.,
In addition to Muller, Ralph
Cipollo, executive chef of The
Lodge in Ponte Vedra and
Darek Stennes, executive chef
of The River Club in
Jacksonville, will also be on
Tickets have sold out for the
Celebrity Chef Reception and
Limited tickets are available
for the food and wine tasting
event on Sept 9. Tickets are
$200 per person and can be
reserved by calling the St.



" .t-, / '

Hermann A. Muller is the executive chef of the Ponte Vedra Inn
& Club.

I .


b hesleadercom

"--- n A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

uusueL V, ivvU


C. David and Belinda Koane


Belinda Whitaker Green and
C. David Koane, both of
Jacksonville Beach, were mar-,
ried Saturday, Aug. 26, at the
Comfort Inn Oceanfront with
Mark Willetts performing the
The bride is the daughter of
Doris Foltz of Sanford, Fla., and
Ernest Whitaker of Hayesville,
N.C. She is employed by ABN


and bake

sale raises

$800 for


walk H

Jenet Cattar (center) of
Jacksonville Beach and friends j
hosted a garage and bake
sale to benefit a three-day -
breast cancer walk in Tampa.
The benefit raised more than
$800. The baked goods, which
sold out by 11 a.m., included
Sue's Banana Bread, cookies
by Alice, Hummingbird cake by
Jenet Cattar, brownies by
Frances, Date Nut Bars,
Peanut Butter Cookies,
Chocolate Crumble cobkies,'
Aunt Lucille's Oatmeal Raisin
Cookies and George
Washington Chocolate Fudge
Cupcakes. Among those on
hand at the fundraiser were
Sue Garland, Claire (survivor
of nine years), Betty McDaniel,
Judy Bost, Frances Rowe,
Sheree Brown, Rosemarie i,
Kowkabany, and Fred Cattar.

Amro Mortgage as a loan serv-
icing officer. /
The groom is the son 'of
Bertha Roane of Sanford and
the late John R. Roane. He is
employed by Ryland Homes, as
a land development manager.
After a honeymoon to the
Smokey Mountains, the couple
will reside in ,Jacksonville


AmDer Krug ana :iet wnite


Amber Krug and Seth White,
both of Jacksonville Beach,
have announced their engage-
ment to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Sylvia and Mark Garrison
of St. Augustine Beach and
Mike and Alice Krug of Las

l egas.
. The groom-elect is the son of
Susie and John White of Palm
The couple plan to wed April
21, 2007, at the home of the
groom-elect's parents.


Volunteer Opportunities at N. McDuff Ave., Jacksonville.
Mayo Clinic Call 387-8855 for details.

Rachel Bonfanti of Atlantic
Beach has been accepted to
:attend American University in
Washington, D.C.
Noted author and decorated
Vietnam veteran John "Doc"
Hutchings (left) will be the guest
speaker at a Sunday brunch
gathering of the Mayport chap-
ter of the Military Officers
Association. of America
(MOAA). Hutchings will speak
about his experiences as a Navy
corpsman with the U.S. Marines
in Vietnam. The 12:30 p.m.
event will be held Sept. 10 at the
Ocean Breeze Conference
Center at Naval Station
Mayport. For', reservations, call'
Hutchings served with the

5th Marine Division from 1968,
to 1969. More than 2,000 Navy
corpsmen br Ain~ medics are
listed on the Vietnan Memorial
Wall in Washington, D.C.
For more information about
MOAA, call Ron Henderson at
Registration is now open to
participate. in his 2006 World
War II Veterans Recognition
Ceremony to,be held this fall.
This event is designed to recog-
nize the contributions of local
World War II veterans who were
unable to I participate in last
year's event. Each veteran will
be presented with a certificate of
Special Congressional
Recognition by Congressman


All veterans who served on
active duty in World War II at
any time between Dec. 7, 1941
,and Dec. 31, 1946, reside with-
in the Fourth Congressional
District of Florida and did not
attend last year's ceremony are
urged to contact his office or go
to his website in order to obtain
an application;
The criteria for receiving this
certificate mirrors that used by
the 79th Congress when it
authorized the World War II
Victory Medal on July 6, 1945.
The opening date is the attack
on Pearl Harbor and the closing
date is the end of hostilities as
proclaimed by President Harry
T6 determine eligibility for
the certificate, veterans must

complete an application an
submit a copy of their servi
discharge document. Veteran
must be a cunent resident of ti
4th Congressional District
Florida to participate in this pr
The deadline for submittir
applications for this year's cer
mony is Oct. 2. Application
can 'be obtained o
Congressman Crenshaw's we
site, which can be found
Crenshaw.house.gov, or by coi
tasting one of his local offices
(904) 598-0481 .or (386) 36
3316. Completed application
and documentation should 1
mailed to the Jacksonville offi
at the following address: 10(
Riverside Avenue, Suite 10
Jacksonville, FL 32204

ji Mayo Clinic is currently
S seeking volunteers to work at
the San Pablo Road campus
and at St. Luke's Hospital.
Mayo offers flexible sched-
ules:. in a,:variety of service
For more information about
id the opportunities, call the
ce Volunteer Services department
ns at 296-3722 or send an e-mail
he to volunteersmcjC@'mayo.edu.
of *
o- The Duval County Extension
Family and Consumer Program
ng is seeking volunteers to be
re- trained in the "CAL" (children
ns and literacy) program.
:n Training will be held on
b- Thursday, Sept. 14, from 9:30
at a.m. to i2:30 p.m. at the 1010


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r agte 0 u --A_-------a.--

Recipes: Muller's Diver Scallop Saute

Cont. from A-8
Vincent's Foundation office at
Proceeds from the event will
benefit Community Health
Outreach Ministries.of St.
Vincent's. The ministries sup-
port Mobile Health Outreach
Ministries, a school nurse pro-
gram, a parish nurse ministry,
HealthLink, Seton Center for
Women and Infants,
Emergency Pregnancy Service
of Jacksonville, Mobile
Mammography, and the Good
Samaritan Fund.
The following is a South
American fusion cuisine recipe,
created by Muller for scallops
prepared with South
American-style ingredients
and flavors, such as sweet
potatoes, orange, vanilla, and
Diver Scallop Saute
with Sweet Potato Flan,
Orange Vanilla Essence
Laced with Tequila, ,
Garnished with Herb

12 large scallops
1 oz. olive oil
salt, pepper to taste
Saute the scallops in a hot
pan with olive oil until
SSweet Potato Flan
2 sweet potatoes, (baked,
peeled, and cut into chunks)
2 whole eggs
cinnamon, dash
cardamom, dash
salt to taste
2T., brown sugar
2 oz. heavy cream' '.
one-half tsp. freshly grated
In a food processor, com-
bine potatoes and cream.
Puree; do not over mix.
In a separate pan, whisk the
eggs until frothy. Combine
with the sweet potatoes.
Put in -1 prepared 3 oz. souf-
fle cups, bake in a water bath
at 350 degrees for about 45
minutes or until custard is
mostly set.

Remove from oven and set
Orange Vanilla Essence with
10 oranges, squeezed for
3 oz. coconut milk,
2 oz. butter at room temper-
1 oz. tequila
salt to taste
Combine orange juice and
the coconut milk in a small
pot, reduce until it becomes
thick (two/thirdsi. Add the
tequila and whisk in the but-
Put the sweet potato flan in
center of plate. Top with the
scallops, drizzle with the sauce
and garnish with herb salad
which will include lime basil,
anise basil, and lemon balm.
Serves 4.

no inmmdok W

pnolo submitled
Dorothy Tisch Dawley (second from left) celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday, Aug. 26, at
Vicar's Landing in Ponte Vedra Beach. The Michigan native was born in 1906'. She has been a
member rof the P.E.O. sisterhood for the past 70 years. She is currently-a member of the philan-
thropic educational organization's Jacksonville Beach chapter, and was recently honored at a :
luncheon at The Lodge in Ponte Vedra. Her late husband, Melvin Dawley, was president of Lord
& Taylor in New York City.

: -." Copyrighted Material ---

.*EW Syndicated Content f Sm

Available from Commercial News Providers" .

cm 0 uo-4m

0 qm q 0 b 4


ab ow- 4m g
Amd 1


oce-ow, 4

Cops: Communication skills

Cont. from A-8,
Lee said that when school
resource officer jobs come
open, the Sheriff's Office
looks for applicants within
the ranks of its deputies.
"The No. 1 thing we look
for is their communica-
tions skills and their ability
to relate to youth," he said.
[They must] be able to
relate to the teachers and
staff and kind of be a coop-
.erfative partner with the
'School District."
Required training is
through the state Attorney
General's office. Lee said.
Deputies can go beyond
basic training to be designat-
ed a School Resource Officer
Practitioner, he said
In elementary schools,,
. resource officers teach
stranger danger, bicycle safe-
ty, Halloween safety arid
other safety programs, Lees
said. .

In middle school, a new
program for sixth graders,
"Too Good for Drugs" or
TGFD, is being taught this
year, and officers "constantly
have impromptu classes" on
various subjects, he said.
"We don't have any set
curriculum in high schools,"
Lee said, adding that coun-
seling occupies about 80 per-'
cent of the time of a
resource officer at a high
"And that, of course, pre-
vents a lot of other issues."
Just as the programs differ.
by grade level, so do the stu-
dent reactions to the officers,
Lee said.
In elementary school,
"emotionally, they're drawn
to you," he, said.
Middle schoolers are "kind
of standoffish,",he said,
At the high school level,
"there's usually a pretty good
bond and hopefully a

good I
of Pon
to the
the d
ence o
. The
odic sz
tion, s
and w
at Pon

Subscribe to The Leader Call

44 =0 w

4b 4m 4w-

4w 0~


SRebecca Folsom (center) celebrates her 100th birthday.with family,and friends Sunday at the
Ribault Garden Club in Jacksonvill, Beach. Folsom, a eptune Beach resident for the past 41
years, will turn 100 on Friday.

The Kids

requistaged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
reI u rl ~Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
level of respect," Lee nation.
ileen Furness, principal Kindeimusik and playday
ite Vedra-Palm classes Tuesday to Saturday in
/Rawlings Elementary Jackson-ille Beach and Ponte
I, said that in addition Vedra Bealch for children from
regular safety pro- birth to age 7.. For
given to youngsters, Kindermusik, a music and
deputy provides "a pres- movement program for all
)f safety and security." ages, children are divided by
deputy also does peri- age group. Playday is for walk-
afety checks at the ers to 26 months old arid
I, bringing issues to the includes parachute play, climb-
ion of the administra- ing and musical activities.
she said. Preschool children and' up
iess said the children attend without parents. One
e the. deputy "warmly": trial class is free. Call 249-3828
ith respect. for information or visit
day I went in and www.heartsong-km.com.
red our deputy eating THE BEACHES BRANCH
with students in the of the Jacksonville Public
ria," Furness said in a Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
lone interview Tuesday. Beach also has children's activ-
ey felt so privileged." cities. Call 241-1141 and press 4
t week: meet Deputy for, children's activities 'and 5,
Kemp, resource officer for the reference desk.
ate Vedra's elementary CARVER COMMUNITY
ls. .. CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many,
activities for kids, including
karate, tutoring and games.
249-9033 247-6218.

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August 30, 2006

The Beaches, Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

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From Atlantic Beach to Ponte Vedra, First
Coast Laundry & Cleaners Has You Covered|

No matter what time of
day you walk in to a First
Coast Cleaners location,
you're bound to see a lot of
action. This is a bright, ..
bustling business with staff
that is ready to help you -:J'*
only after' they've .greeted
you with' a smile and i
friendly "hello."
And with their new loca-
tion in Atlantic Beach,
they've got you covered at
the Beaches from top to
bottom.' "First Coast
Laundry & Cleaners is, a
full-service dry-cleaning
business," says Chris'
Hagist, who along with ,
parents D'avid & Cynthia
Hagist owns and operates For 37 years, the profession
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners have served the E
Cleaners. ty service with you the cu
"Our family has been in store at 610 N. Third St. in
business at the Beaches for
more than 37 years," he said. "We offer reasonable
prices, and we guarantee the quality of our dry
cleaning," said Chris. Twenty-three professional',
employees, staff the four *First Coast Laundry &
Cleaners stores two in Jacksonville Beach, one in
Ponte Vedra Beach and now one in Atlantic Beach -
are ready to help you prepare for the cool, evenings
of autumn by taking the worry out of cleaning your
comforters, afghans, blankets, linens and fall
clothes that have been stored away since spring.
"We offer an .array of services from wash-and-fold
laundry and dry cleaning to stain removal," said
Chris. "And we pride ourselves on handling every-
thing from beaded formal dresses to family heir-
loom liiiens and knitted and crocheted items with
the utmost of care."
At any of the First Coast Laundry & Cleaners
stores, you can drop off your order in the morning
on your way to work and have it ready for pickup
when you return home to the Beaches, says Chris.
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners' south beach loca-
tion also offers a full-service, fully attended laun-
dromat that is open seven days a week and features
large, high-efficiency, large-capacity dryers..
"In short, we do it all, and we do it all on site,"
explains Chris, who learned the business from his
father, David Hagist. "We're not a franchise," says
Chris. "We're an independent, third-generation,
family-owned business."
"MVy grandfather stg.rted out'iti"the-laund' -ita
business, and now we've g'be'rii i full-snra',%e
state-of-the-art dry cleaning and laundromat busi-
ness with almost two dozen employees," Chris
adds. "Together, my Dad and I have more than 50
years of experience!"
The experts at First Coast Laundry & Cleaners are
experienced in handling even the most delicate gar-
ments and fabrics. "We strive for quality in all of
our work and rely on our expertise to provide the
best results," explains Chris. "Most importantly, at
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners we take the extra
time required to do the best possible job."
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners pride themselves

Serving the Beaches since 1981



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nals at family owned and operated First Coast Laundry &
Beaches areas with full-service dry-cleaning and top-notch quali-
stomer in mind. Pictured above is the First Coast Cleaners
Jacksonville Beach.
on being spot experts. "No matter what the spot is
gravy, wine, makeup, grease or other stains --
bring it to us," he says. "We love the challenge!"
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners is speedy, too. "We
know what rushed schedules everyone has with
fall's football games, symphony concerts and other
events, but we can -accommodate your busy sched-
ules with our year-round quick-turnarounid serv-
ice," Chris adds. "First Coast Cleaners offers two-
hour dry cleaning service and one-hour, shirt serv-
ice." : ...
"No matter how busy the season, our goal is to
build a relationship with our customers year round
and be more than just their dry cleaner," says Chris.
"It's our privilege to help our customers through-
out the years, no matter what the season!"
First Coast Laundry & Cleaners also offers gift cer-
tificates for a gift that keeps giving throughout the
year no matter what occasion you're celebrating.
First Coast Cleaners is conveniently located
throughout the Beaches with two stores in
Jacksonville Beach one at 610 N. Third St. and
another at 13th Ave. South and A1A and addi-
tional stores in Ponte Vedra on AIA next to Steve's
Seafood in Ponte Vedra Beach. Their newest store is
located in the Publix Shopping Center in Atlantic
Beach at 953 Atlantic Blvd.
Hours at the new Atlantic Beach are 7 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturdl. v.IThesouth beach location n' Jacksonville
Bh-if -idturing' the fully attended and ftill'ser-ice
laundromat, is open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days a
week. The Ponte Vedra store is open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 8 a.m.. to 4 p.m.
Saturday. Arrangements can be made to drop off dry
cleaning at one store and pick up at a different
All major credit cards are accepted as are checks
and cash. Charge accounts are available. Check
local coupon mailers for coupons for First Coast
Laundry & Cleaners. For more information, call
Chris Hagist at 246-2790, or e-mail Chris at


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The13a'hes.e~de/PoteVeraLede oPage I IA

'T:.; ", "

r ..-;,


*Page 12A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader August 30, 2006


UF study

says teens

need much more sleep

University of Florida pedia-
tricians say a school-year
sleeping schedule is just as
important as being armed
with No. 2 pencils.
"Sleep deprivation can have
a pretty significant effect on
concentration, memory and
even mood," said Dr. Anne-
Marie Slinger, a UF assistant
professor of pediatrics in the
College of Medicine.
"If a child is chronically
sleep deprived, it's far more
difficult for them to partici-
pate in classroom activities
and learn new things. If they
are tired, they won't be
Children generally need at
least nine hours of uninter-
rupted sleep to be .ready for
learning, Slinger said.
Too little sleep not only
-makes .it harder for students

Eliza and Raines Green beam on the first day of school Aug. 16 at Palmer Catholic Academy on Palm Valley Road.

Dietitian offers nutrition advice

to audience at Landrum school

Proper nutrition is impor-
tant to all age groups, but
especially so for middle
school students, a dietitian
told Landrum Middle School
parents last week.
"Different school groups
have different needs as they
move from elementary to
middle to high school,' said
Christina Wallace, a a dieti-
tian at Baptist Medical Center
in Jacksonville.
Wallace was invited to
make a nutrition presentation
Aug. 22 to members of the
Landrum MNiddle School
Parent Teacher Organization,
many of whom have young
"Middle school adolescents
they are growing fast. If
they're playing sports on top
of that, their needs are very
high, and their fluid needs are
very high." said Wallace.
."Girls grow before boys,
and [at age]10, 11, 12, 13, 1-1,
they're definitely growing
very fast. Their calorie needs
are pretty high."
Wallace said she hoped the
audience, which consisted of
one man and 15 women,
would pass along nutrition
tips to their middle schoolers.
She talked about what
foods provide which nutri-
ents. how much of each food
group is needed, what calories
are being provided and how
to stay hydrated during ath-
letic events.
"Also, snacking," she said.
"What do we do before prac-
tice or a game? What do we
do after? What kind of meals
should we be preparing? Also,
what do we put in the lunch
Wallace said her intent was
"to provide ideas so parents
can design healthy food
choices for their children."
Wallace received a bache-
lor's degree in science from
the University of North
Florida in 2003. The next year


Open house for Nease High
School is scheduled 6 p.m. to
8 p.mn. Aug. 30.

The final budget hearing for
the St: Johns School District
is scheduled 5:15 p.m. Sept.
12 in the auditorium at 40
Orange St., St. Augustine.
That will be followed by the
School Board's regular meet-
ing at 6 p.m.
Nease High School adminis-
tration is looking for an engi-
neer familiar with audio/visu-
al equipment to evaluate
equipment for the school's
Academy of Entertainment.
Marketing and Multimedia.
Volunteers should contact
program specialist LibbN-
Jones l at
jonesl 2C(astjohns.kl2.fl.us.

to retain information in class,
it also makes it harder for
them to wake up, leaving lit-
tle time for a good breakfast.
A healthy breakfast is a key
part of keeping the brain fir-
ing on all cylinders through-
out the day, she said.
.Busy schedules and early
morning school start times
often leave many teens yawn-
ing during the day even after
they have eased back into the
school year, according to the
National Sleep Foundation.
NSF studies have shown
that only 15 percent of ado-
lescents get at least 8.5 hours
of sleep each night and nearly
one-quarter get 6.5 hours or
"The medical research has
shown that teenagers have a
need for more sleep than the
general public would
assume," she said.

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Pnolo y CHUCK A ,A.L5I
Evia LaBonte shares an orange last week with her daughter Bri, a fourth grader at Ponte Vedra-
Palm Valley/Rawlings Elementary, where parents can join their children for lunch on Wednesdays
and Fridays.

she worked on the Florida
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Manual as an assistant editor
and got hei master's at the
same time.
When asked if parents are
up on what their children
should be fed, Wallace said, "I
would say we have a good
idea about good foods, bad
foods I think what we don't
know is exactly what the
foods are providing. What is a
carbohydrate? What is a pro-
tern? What is a fat?
"Seiving sizes? I think that's
one we all could use a little

touchup on," she said. "But
also the right hydration, right
recovery and pre-fuel foods, I
think, is important to touch
\Vallace pointed out that
it's also important to read
food labels, although "some-
times they're very mislead-
She said weight training
and conditioning are also
important for growing
"However, I have found
emphasis is usually only on
protein It's on eating a lot,

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also. The food choices tend to
be on higher fat foods, and
high protein foods.
As to the worst food choic-
es children can make, Wallace
said, "Simple sugars, lots of
sweets, prepackaged- cookies,
cakes, doughnuts those
types of items. [Also], fried
foods [and] a lot of soda.
"Every food does fit, and
there is a way to get every
food to fit. But we certainly
don't want to focus on those
foods as the primary source of
nutrition," she emphasized.


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Ponte Vedra Leader


Auiust 30. 2006

* Fishing Leader
* In Search of offense,
* Classifieds

Panthers pound Owls in Bates Classic

Defense shuts down .

Tennessee champs

The king is dead. Long live
the king.
'That's how Nease football
supporters must be feeling this
week following last Saturday's
lop-sided 34-3 season-opening
victory over Tennessee's NMem-
phis University School in the
Bill Bates Classic played at LNF.
With the departure of Tim
Tebow. who lead the Panthers
to their first-ever state title last
season, the biggest question fac-
ing Nease was whether junior
red Stachitas
could step in as -
QB and master
the team's corn-
ple.\ offense as
Tebow had.
Stachitas an- 3
swered, with h
245 total yards 't
- including a 1
pass and a TD
run against
the Owls. And
that was after OWLS
missing much PANTHER
of the second
quarter idehy-
dration and cramping) and the
fourth once the game was out
of reach.
"You have to give credit to
our offensive line for great pass
protection all day as well as the
defense tor setting us up in
good situations," said Stachitas,
who was making his third varsi-
ty start at quarterback. "The
win says we're still a great pro-
gram They're a national
power, nationally ranked, and
we took it to them."
When Nease topped Bolles,
21-14, two weeks ago in the
Preseason Classic, Stachitas was
hampered by an injured hand
and had difficulty holding onto
the ball. No such problems
Saturday as the junior signal-
caller was 7-of-15 for 153 yards
including a 4-2-yard TD pass to
Quinton Huggins.
MUS handed Nease the first
points of the game midway
through the thrst quarter when
punter Drew Alston bobbled
the snap and instead of jump-
ing on the ball tried to boot it as
it lay on the ground. The kick
sailed straight into the arms of
lineman K\yle Timpane who
raced 46 yards to paydirt. Allen
Schaefer converted the Pan-

others' kick to make it 7-0.
After Stachitas hit Huggins on
a short crossing route with 2:30
left in the first quarter, the sen-
ior receiver outraced the Owls
secondary for a 42-yard score.
The play capped an 84-yard
drive, showcased the explosive-
ness of Nease's attack and how
head coach Craig Howard uses
match-ups to his advantage.
With Stachitas in the shotgun
position and an empty back-
field, MUS put nine players
close to the line and attempted
to bump Panthers receivers off
the snap. But Huggins ian
about a 12-yard
crossing route
/ and there was
no deep safety
to stop him
from scoring.
"\We got out-
played in every
way," said Owls
/ head coach
Bobby Alston,
whose ballclub
is a two-time
3 Tennessee state
5 34 champion. "We
played very
poorly, but
Nease had everything to do
with that."
Although Nease's offense
squandered a few more scoring
chances in the first half, it was
the Panthers defense that
harassed and stymied MUS
throughout the contest. Safety
Hunter Bates was among the
defensive stars, sacking Owls
QB Michael Park, recording
eight solo tackles, intercepting a
pass and breaking up another
throughout' the course of his
busy day which also included
kick returns.
In fact the entire Panthers sec-
ondai'-, caine -Up. big, limiting
Park to 8Sof.-20 in the passing
department for 93 yards.
"They got ,out of their game
plan because of the pressure our
defensive line and linebackers
put on them. We wore them
down," said Howard. "Our sec-
ondary played so well it was
hard for [M-UiS receivers] to get
Drew Alston had three catches
for 46 yards to lead the Owls.
Memphis University totalled
157 yards of offense and had just
rune first downs in the contest.
The Panthers piled up 474
yards of offense and only punted

Pr-I,,: D.,, ROB DeArlGELCO
Nease High running back Zach Tronti (36) fends off a Memphis University School defender along the sideline during Saturday's Bill
Bates High School Football Classic at the University of North Florida. The Panthers defeated !~JS&I altWo-time defending
Tennessee state champion. 34-3. The game also served as a fundraiser for several local charities.

twice in the game. Nease aver-
aged 7.5 yards per play.
After Stachitas ran 87 yards for
a second quarter score that was
called back on a penalty, he
began to suffer dehydration and
cramps. The junior sat out
Nease's last three possessions of
the fust half, replaced by sopho-
more Kanm Fasnacht.
With Stachitas out of the

game and a 14-0 lead, Howard's
high-flting offense turned con-
servative, repeatedly handing
the ball to running back Zach
Tronti, who carried eight times
for 102 yards and one TD.
Stachitas hnished with 92
rushing yards including a 28-
vard dash to the end zone, and
freshman halfback Chris
Johnson collected 80 yards on

11 carries including an eight-
yard score. Fasnacht ran nine-
times for 12 yards.
' Huggins led all receivers with
a pair of catches for 79 yards
while Graham Bates caught two
passes for 32 yards, Christian
Dennis had a pair for 26 yards'
and and Collins Lee also caught
two passes for 25 yards.
The Owls finally dented the

scoreboard with about four min-
utes to play when Zach Scott
connected on a 29-yard field
"Most of our guys have played
in a lot of big games now so
they were, ready for this chal-
lenge," Howard said. "Univer-
sity has only lost two games in
two yeais, so it was quite a chal-
lenge coming in."

Nease falls to Hetcher in pool battle

Pholo D 0 OB De-ri3ELC,
Panthers diver Shan Wang competes Saturday at Fletcher High
School in a meet against the Senators. It was the first meet of
the season lor both teams, with Fletcher's boys and girls teams
earning victories over Nease.

In a spirited battle Saturday at
Fletcher High, the Panthers
began their 2006 swim season
with a pair of losses to the
Fletcher boys won, 186-128,
while the Senators girls team
edged Nease. 163-152. It was the
girls first victory over the
Panthers since the late 1990s.
The girls swim meet started
with the Nease 200 medley relay
team iKristin Gerkins, Amanda
Santillo, Ashten Crosby and
Kelsie W\enzel in a time of 2:03.5
edging out the senators girls team
(Ally Babills, Samantha Blount,
Sarah Montgomery and Kaileigh
Holhlingsworth i.
Katie Kahlbaugh iNeasei won
the 200 freestyle with a tine of
2:13.55, followed by Kristen
Ghandour (Fletcher1, then
Brooke Lockerman iNeasei
Senators captain Samantha
Blount won the 200 individual
medley with a time of 2:16.44, as
Gerkens (Nease) came In second
and Babillis (Fletcher) was third.
Sarah Montgomery (Fletcheri
won a close race in the 50
freestyle with a time of 27.16,
with Wentzel (Nease) coming in
second and Morgan Jenkins
(Nease) placing third.
in diving, Fletcher girls swept
first through third. Emrnily Padgett
earned top honors followed by
Enily Jenkins in second and
Victona Oakely in third.
The Panthers came back with a
win in the 100 butterfly by
Amanda Sanntllo.
Sarah Montgomery became
the first double winner of the
year for Fletcher by winning the
100 freestyle with a time of 56.6,
followed by \Venzel iNease and

Jenkins iNeasei rounding out the
top three.
Freshman Kristen Ghandour
iFletcher i won the 500 freestyle
with a time of 6:05.
The Fletcher Girls iBabillis,
Blount, Montgomery, Hilary
McKa i won the 200 freestyle
relay with a time of 152.4.





Nease's Kristen Gerkens won
the 100 backstroke with a time of
1:02.2, followed by
Hollingsworth iFletcher) and
Sadler (Fletcher coming in third.
Samantha Blount became the
day's second double winner for
the Senators by winning the 100
breaststroke with a time of 1:11.6.
The Nease girls team (Santillo,
Wenzel, Crosby, Gerkens) won
the final ev ent of the swim meet,
the 400 freestyle relay with a time
of 4:08.91. The Fletcher team
i Hollingsworth, Ghandour,
McKay. Romy Sidelsky) held off
the Nease B relay for second

With the win, the Senators are
1-0 on the season, while the
Panthers are 0-1.
In boys action, captain Cody
Brechler, junior Scott Sweeten;
and freshman Sterling Clay led
the Senators with double wins in
their events.
The boys 200 medley relay
team iBrechler, Max Anderson,
Sweeten, Dora Pereira) took first
place over, .the .Nease team
(.Michael Woodcock;,- Matthew
Schlytter,. D- vied Kil"an, IVally.
Arnold) with a time 0 pf:52.2.
Sterling, Clay (Flfcaheri won
the 200 'freestyle' ti.th Patild
Stevenson (Nease) cptfing in sec-'
ond and Josh Klrklari (Fletcher)
finishing in third.' '
The Senators' $S*' ntook his
first win of. the day with a per-
sonal best 'nme of': 16,6 in the
200 indiv'ida" luneclley, with
Stevenson (Nease) and' Rletcher's
Cameron Pfahler finishing sec-,
ond and third respectively.
Nease's Schlytter had a big win
in the 50 freestyle -with a time of
23.27 *as Fletcher's. Pereira, and
Anderson took second and third.
In the boys diving event, the
Panthers' Matt Jones finished first
with 236.24 points, which is-a
huge point total .for six dives,
while Fletcher's Matt Henderson
took second and Bobby Calorel
was third.
Sweeten earned his second win
of the day with another personal
best time of 59.5 in the 100 but-
terfly followed by Nease's Killian
and Tyler Haertleim taking a sec-
ond and third place respectively.
Brechler earned a big win in
the 100 freestyle race with a time
of 53.16 with Nease's Stevenson
edging out Pereira for second

The Senators' Sterling Clay had
his first double win of the season
in the 500 freestyle by finishing
with a time of 5:29.83. Fletcher's
Josh Kirkland edged out Killian
INease) for the runner-up spot.
The Nease boys 200 freestyle
relay team of Paul Stevenson,
Brad Scott, Wes Stevenson and
Matthew Schlytter had an excit-
ing win as anchor swimmer
Schlytter came from behind to
edge out the Senators team of
Max Anderson, Sweeten, Clay,
Colby Caltrider.
Fletcher's Cody Brechler
earned another first place in the
10i backstroke with a time of
1:02.2 as Phillips (Fletcher) placed
second and Woodcock (N':ase)
came in .Jhird.
Panthers swimmer Schlytter
became a double winner in the
Saturday's meet by taking first
place in the 100 breaststroke with
a time of 1:08.7. He was followed
by Fletcher's Andersen and
Pfahler finishing in second and
The Fletcher boys A relay team
of Brechler, Pereira, Michael
Phillips and Clay won the final
event of the swim meet with a
time of 3:55.34 as the Senators B
tearh of Asher Adamec, Colby
Caltnder, Kyle Normington and
Josh Kirkland finished in second
place right behind the A team.
Saturday's meet was the fust of
the season for both teams. While
the Senators and Panthers had
been separately scheduled to kick
off their seasons last Thursday,
lightning in the area forced can-
cellation of most swim meets.
The Panthers have several days
off before their next meet when
they host Bishop Kenny High
Wednesday, Sept. 6 at Winston
Family YMCA.

~~ra~Jiamc5-b~~~~_~lr~l-l j~





August 30, 2006

The Rearhce T eader/Ponte Vedra Leader


Tarpon fishing still hot off desert and red tops

arpon fishing remains hot
off the desert and red
t tops. Two kings came
over the rail of the Jacksonville
Beach Pier last week along with
dozens of speckled trout.
Local anglers scored big at
last weekend's Savannah Shoot
Capt. Randy Nader and his
,crew of his brother Ray, Lance
Cote and Jerry Moulton on the,
"Exterminader" have .done it..
again. They won the Pro
Division of the Savannah'
Shoot Out. They were fifth in
the general tournament. They
used live triple pogie rigs to
catch a 34.89-pound king on
Friday and on Saturday their,
triple pogie rig was used to
boat a 31.23-pounder.
Richard Stone and his crew
on his "Tail Chaser" was sec-
ornd place in the pro division
and fourth in the general tour-
nament. His fish weighed 26
and 36 pounds.
Capt. Bear Crost, Jack Ross,
Eddie Claxton and Rick Dotson
fished the Savannah Shoot Out
over last weekend on the "Bear.


Caught" and finished fc
the pro division and 11
the general tournament
fish weighed 33.5 poun
19.11 pounds. Great fis
On Monday James Gi
J.B.Hill and Jimmy Bent
on the "Fun Times" use
shrimp in several of the
favorite spots to catch s
bass to 15 pounds alone]
jacks, sheepshead and t
On Tuesday James Ge
on his "Head Hunter," I
alone, caught 18 redbas
inches, a bonita and lot

Capt. Dave Sipler and his
party anchored along the big
jetties last Wedriesday and
caught 10 redbass to 31 inches
and two jacks.
SOn the Jax Beach Pier, Ryan
Richey and Mike Griffen led
the kingfishing last week. Ryan
caught a 29-pounder on
Saturday and on Sunday Mike
put the gaff in a 30-pounder:
Tommy nMcEvovy and Mike
ON Griffen used live shrimp to
E R catch their limit of five speck-
led trout each. Eight-year-old
Cody Hendricks out-fished his
fourth in Granddad Mike Youngblood
th in with his catch of eight big
t. Their w hitting. Mike Easterbrooks
ds and brought five nice speckled trout
h ing. over the rail of the pier.
ergley, Capt. Kevin Faver on his
ever "Double K" had some great tar-
*d live pon trips last week. Last
ir Tuesday, at the Gate station,
ix red-, Capt. Ke\in with Danny Page
g with. as the angler caught two big
rout. tarpon out of the pogie pods.
ergley Their largest tarpon was meas-
fishing ured and estimated at 180
s to 28 pounds.
:s of On Friday morning Capt.
Kevin brought the "Double K".
a little north of the desert
Where Jeff and Paul hfom 1Ring
Power caught three tarpon.
Capt. Kirk Waltz on the
"Enterprise" reports a great
week of tarpon fishing. Last
Tuesday morning the Eric
Pearlman party jumped several
tarpon off the red tops before
catching one about 85 pounds.
m On Wednesday, Capt. Kirk,
H-l with Michael Stewert and
friends,.went back to the bait

.~ '': '. h Ios uDbM inedl
ABOVE: Brent DeLoach with just one of the many hogfish he
and his family caught on a recent trip to the Keys.
RIGHT: History Picture is of young anglers Steve Landon, Fred
Q~rlson and Johnny Ellis with a 45-pound )ing- they caught in pl
ip 1979 Mayport Kingfish Tournapment. ,

Steve Swann, took the "Venus
Baby" 50 miles offshore last
Sunday for a great bottom trip.
They caught a kifig, pinkies
and 76 triggerfish weighing up
to four pounds.
Bottom fishing on the party
boats is back on track. Keith
Timmons and Joey Coppage
led the fishing from the
."Mavport Princess" on one trip
lastweek. Keith brought off a
26-pound snapper and Joey -
cleaned a 27-pound cobia.

Other anglers came otf the
"Princess" with mangrove
snapper, beeliners, grouper and
Capt. Scott Reynolds and his
anglers on the "King Neptune"
filled the cleaning table at
Mon t's .each afternoon with
cobia to 25 pounds, nine- .
pound snapper, grouper and
plenty of stringer fsh. Anglers
reported having lots of snapper
just'a little too small to keep.
Good Fishinj.' .. ..' "1
,--'n 1, -'r ,7" )

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pods off the red tops and
caught a 100-pound tarpon '
and a dozen blues weighing up '
to three pounds. On Thursday, -
the Chris Huff party with Capt. .,
Kirk caught three beautiful tar-
pon at 60 pounds, 100 pounds --- ..--, .- ..-
and 130 pounds.. X.J
This pod of tarpon also gave .
the party plenty of shark action
off the red tops. They caught
12 blacktips.
Capt. Bob Cosby made an U -
early tarpon trip on Thursday.
morning. He didn't find pogies
until he got to the edge of the
desert. He caught three tarpon'
and lots of sharks out of the
pogie pods in several hours of.
awesome fishirig.
Veteran angler Capt. Larry -- .. "
Miniard fished the pods off the
desert last Thursday. His party -
caught a pair of tarpon estimat-
ed at 140and 150 pounds and ,. .. :,
lots of hefty blacktips.
Capt. ,Ed Jack 6n his "Miss Photos submitted
Melindy" with friends Bill ABOVE: William Goodling Bob Phillips and Steve Swann
Wilderotter and Vince DeSalvo recently caught 76 triggerfish, a king and three pinkies about 60
enjoyed an outstanding bot- miles offshore.
tom fishing trip last Sunday. BELOW: Ken Jones caught this 58- inch, 36-pound dolphin off
They fished the Elton Bottom Marathon Key.
and pulled up their limit of 40.
beeliners mixed with 10 trig-
getfish, two six-pound man-
groves, three amberines, several
pinkies and 12 small dolphin. .....
Capt. Dennis Young. on his
"'Sea Dancer" last Saturday with
the Brian Wagner party, caught
two 30-pound cobia, a big cool-
er full of seabass, triggers and -
beeliners. '
Capt. William Goodling, .
with his uncle John Goodling
and friendsBob Phillipsand .

A&"U,"OL .Rm 2


Jags must find offense as Dallas rides into town

A attention Jaguars brass:
Just a reminder, only 10
1 ore shopping days to
find an offense and a man-eat-
ing line to protect that offense
until the Dallas Cowboys ride
into town, shooting up the
place in celebration of their
expected fun.
Will Dallas have anything to
celebrate? Sheriff Jack Del Rio
thinks his boys still have a
long way to go after that 29-18
decision they finally took from
the Tampa Bay Bucs last
Saturday night at the Alltel
ranch, and judging from what
fans, media and friends from
the country saw, it won't be
The Jaguars aren't even
going to match what they did
last season, let alone improve
on it and threaten the Super
Bowl. That is; they won't if
they don't do the following:

1. Start protecting the quar-
terback, no matter who he is,
and giving the runners a
chance to move up the field
towards the other goal.

2. Stop stupid -acts that bring
on penalties to the joy of the
other team. Even in high
school, even in any kind of
Little League, committing no-
nos that tax your team five, 10,

15 or more yards is a form of
self-destruction. The Jags were
taxed 107 yards, precious real
These exhibition games -
that's what they are, exhibiting
embarrassing things that
should never been seen outside
of practice drills can't be
written off as "Doesn't count,
so what?"
The games count for the fans
who pay to see a real pro foot-
ball game and not a choose-up-
sides and just play for funsies.
The first half Saturday night
looked like the Jaguars were
really volunteers out of the
stands. It may come to that
this week up in Atlanta. The
Falcons have always been a
pain in the caboose and maybe
they won't agree to play just


Fantasy Football
An open to the public fantasy
football league will present this
season's Monday Night Football
games on the movie screen in
the main showroom at Atlantic
Theatres. Doors will open at
7:30 p.m. every Monday
throughout the NFL season.
A draft part)' is slated for Aug.
30 and the league has a $20
entrance fee. Proceeds will be
distributed to winners at the
- end of the season.
S Admission to the Monday
2 night screenings is free to
league members and $3 for oth-
ers. Proceeds from admission
charges will be donated to
H.E.R.O.E.S., a local charity pro-
viding K-12 scholarships for at-
risk youngsters in the -...
Jacksonville area.
For more information contact
Bryce Pfanenstiel at 249-7529.

Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
For more information or to
register, visit www.i9sports.com
or phone (904) 992-4263.

Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
. Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles) run/walk,.along
with healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. Volunteer coaches are
also needed to work with a
team of girls. For more infor-
mation phone (904) 321-4315
or visit

The Jacksonville Chapter of
the Florida Association of
Mortgage Brokers will host its
: 31st annual fundraiser and
charity golf outing
Wednesday, Sept: 20 at Eagle
Harbor Golf Club in Orange
Proceeds from this year's
event will assist "daniel,"
Florida's oldest organization
providing quality services for
area youngsters and families.
Registration for the event
will begin at 8 a.m. and a
shotgun start will take place
at 9 a.m. Golf and lunch are
available for $80 per player.
For lunch only, it's $25 per
For more information, con-
tact Valerie Saundets at (904)

Island FC is forming boys and
girls travel soccer teams for the
2006-7 season. Teams will be
offered in the following age
groups: U-12 (born on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-14.
(born on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/94); U-16 (born on
or after 8/1/90 but before
7/31/92) and U-18 for those
bomi on or after 8/1/88 but
before 7/31/90. ,
For more information contact
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.

Jacksonville Indoor Sports is
hosting soccer tournaments for'
all ages beginning Sunday, August
For more information phone
(904)1 46-3946 or visit Web site
at www.jaxindoorsports.com. .

Strollerft exercise with your
baby Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are tak-
ing place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and Fort
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. until
10-30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or visit
r',dr.- hurm r b-'nrh -
The MaliVai Washington Celeb-
rity Golf & Tennis Gala will cele-
brate its 10th anniversary this year.
A tennis pro-am is scheduled for
Monday, Sept. 11 from 8 a.m. until
1 p.m. at Deerwood Country Club.
A golf pro-am will take place Sept
12 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Marsh
Landing Country Club.
The gala dinner and auction are
slated for Sept. 11 at Marriott
Sawgrass Resort.
For informationon the gala or
available sponsorships, call Terri
Florio or Leslie Sayers at (904) 301-

Ryder Cup
A recently opened exhibit
at the World Golf Hall of
Fame features a historical
overview of the Ryder Cup,
video of significant moments
and artifacts donated or
loaned by Hall of Fame mem-
bers for the exhibit, which
will be open through January
The 36th Ryder Cup, played
between American and
European golf professionals,
will take place Sept. 22-24
near Dublin, Ireland.
World Golf Hall of Fame
exhibits are open from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through
Sat. and noon to 6 p.m. Sun.
Admission is $16.for adults,
$14 for seniors and military
and $11 for children 4-12.
Youngsters under 4 are admit-
ted free. For more informa-
tion, call (904) 940-4133.

St. Johns County and
Recreation will hold a men's
18-and-over basketball
league. The league begins on
Sept. 6. All games will be
played Monday and
WVednesday between 6:30

their rinky-dinks.
After all the second-day criti-
cism of Sunday and Monday,
though, there were a few
bright spots. Fearless Freddie
Taylor is back and did fairly
well, carrying the ball nine
times for 17 yards. That could
get a gold star for anyone but
the old Gator (who really is
becoming the "old" Gator).
But we all know that Fred is
a late starter and at least he is
healthy and playing. That's a
step or two in the right direc-
tion. Now, if they can just keep
Taylor healthy, he could make
a big difference.
, Greg Jones is following in
Taylor's cleat marks with a sea-
son-ending ACL injury, so who
knows if and when he'll be
back in teal and black? ,
Miniscule Maurice Jones-
Drew made 42 yards on the
turf in 10 tries. This rookie
could win his wings early in
the year, even when facing
Speaking of the Jones boys.
Matt, of the Arkansas Jones
clan, returned to action and
took a 19-yard heave from
Byron the Great Leftwich to
score in the third stanza. This
was not long after Leftwich, off
his seat for a change from
numerous meetings with Bucs
defensive linemen, went over,
in a one-yarder for the Jaguars

p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at
Ketterlinus gym, 60 Orange
Street, in St. Augustine. A
mandatory captains meeting
will be. held at 6 p.m. Aug. 28
at,the gym..
For more information, con-
tact T.J. Jackson at (904) 209-

Open gym for women's
volleyballll be held from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 28 at the
Ketterlinus gym. A women's
volleyball league begins Sept.
5. All games will be played
between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30
p.m. Tuesday.
Open gym for men's volley-
ball will be held from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Aug. 31. A men's
league begins Sept. 7. All
Seras-games will be played
&tietAeen.6:3fp.n. and.8:30. -
p.m. Thursday at the gym.
For more information call
Scott Painter after 2 p.m. at
(904) 209-0377.

Turkey Hunting
Special-opportunity spring
turkey hunt applications for
the 2007 season are available
from the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWVC).
Hunters can obtain applica-
tions at MyFWC.com and at
all FWC regional offices.
Applications will be accepted
at MyFWC.com, county tax
collectors' offices or at any
license agent beginning at 10
a.m. Sept. 12; applications
must be received by midnight
Oct. 17.
A random drawing decides
who will receive the permits,
the demand for which is typ-
ically greater than the num-
ber available.
Hunters can increase their
chances of being selected by
submitting as many $5 non-
refundable applications as
they like. Successful appli-
cants pay an additional $50 -
$175, depending on the spe-
cial-opportunity hunt area
Participation rules limit
out-of-state hunters to one
permit per hunt.
The FWC designs special-
opportunity turkey hunts to
take place on large tracts of
land, with healthy turkey
populations and a limited
number of hunters. The
Osceola, a highly prized sub-
species of wild turkey, is
found only in peninsular
For more information on
special-opportunity Osceola
turkey hunts, visit the Web
site at MyFWC.com/hunting.

Jax Beaches Gator Club's Gator Gathering

Billy Donovan
Head Coach of the National Champion Florida Gators Basketball
Team will be the featured speaker
~,sti'R$September 19th, 2006, at the Morocco Shrine Center
S3800 St Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL.
Dinner & Admission:
$25.00 Club & Alumni Members. $30.00 for non-members.
Children $10.00 ( under 12 yrs)
-At the door: $35.00 members, $40.00 non-members, i
.amh children $15.00 ( under 12 yrs)
S.w;.. TicKet are limited
Doors open at 5:00 pm and Dinner at 5:30 pm.
Autograph session to follow. Items limited to 1 per person.
Proceeds go to Scholarships for local, present and future
University of Florida students.
Tickets available at http://JaxBeaches.GatorClub.com
or calling Don Schupp@ 904-223-1039, or ask4gator@aol.com

Jaguars running back Fred Taylor appears healthy again and
ready for the start of the regular season Sept. 10.

first score.
Much has been said about
Leftwich being stuffed four
times, but what else can a

t : LO

Wednesday, Aug. 30

Fleming Island at NEASE,
4 p.m.

Englewood at FLETCHER,
.7 p.m.

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thrower do when he's been hit
from all sides? Either Del Rio's
quarterback has to get rid of
the ball like it was a hot pota-


Thursday, Aug. 31

NEASE at Bishop Kenny, 4

FLETCHER at Parker, 3:30
Nease at BOLLES, 6:45 p.m.

FLETCHER at Fernandina
Beach/Yulee, 4 p.m.

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make the


to, or they must find a way to
protect him like,he was a hot
witness for the prosecution.
Contrary to what some think
in the Jaguars headquarters,
Leftwich is not a miracle man.
Hit him in the right way and
he goes down just like any
ordinary quarterback.
Defensive end Rob Meier
played in the place of injured
Marcus Stroud and did his
usual reliable job. The man
nobody notices except the
players, is still a valuable cog in
Del Rio's machine.
In a weird play that smacked
of Donovin Darius making an
interception, the ball was given
to Bucs defensive end Dewayne
White on a two-point play.
From a distance and the tube it
looked like Donovin's ball, but
that's the way things were
going at the time.
An unusual night for the
books. The Suns, who played
(and won i in the afternoon
were guests of the Jaguars a
nice gesture. Suns enjoyed not
being the brunt of mistakes for
a change.
And De Rio's boys could
learn something from the Suns
bouncing back from adversity.
Maybe they can learn from
each other.
Sort of a "You-tell-me-your-


Friday, Sept. 1

Sandalwood at FLETCHER,
7:30 p.m.

249-PLAY (7529)
For this weeks events visit







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Auaus 30. 006

The Beaches Le~ader/Ponte Vedra Leader


The Beaches Leader/ e Vedra Leader

August 30, 2006

Summer Beach Run enjoys huge turnout

We used to call them
the 'Floppers,'" the
runner (who's name
I didn't catch as he was leav-
ing the race) said to me.
While pointing to the Jax
Beach Lifeguard Tower, he
continued: "I used to be a
lifeguard over there at the
tower way back when I was a
kid and the 'race was run at
one or two o'clock in the
afternoon. We
would watch
the runners
cross the fin-
ish line and
fall over. We
them the,
Ah, the joys
of racing on a
Florida sum-
mer's day.
were few, but
runners there
were aplenty BOB I
1,562 of them RUNNIN
- in last
Carrabba's Summer Beach
Run. It was the biggest
turnout in several years.
With the thermometer sit-
ting at 91 degrees and the
humidity just as high, it
looked fairly typical: Five
miles of sheer, unrelenting
The race began one hour
earlier than usual (6 p.m.),;
but the. wind Was right on
time. It blew with consider-
able'force straight from the
north 'and as runners turned
to face it at the two-and-a-
half mile turnaround point,




it became a formidable
Hard effort by the runners
was repaid by slower than
usual finishing times.
Well what did they expect,
a fun day at the beach? It is,
after all, the Summer Beach
Run, a race that for 40 years
has developed an infamous
"I've run all but the first
two," said veteran runner
Frank Frazier
(64) of
Orange Park,
"and none of
them have.
been easy."
S...' Owen Shott
(26) and
Justin Jacobs
(23) shared
'the lead
down the
beach. Too
ensure his
win, Shott
utilized the
ERNEE oldest and,
G/FITNESS smartest Beach
Run tactic in
the book: He
used Jacobs as
a windshield, drafting off
him for nearly one and a
half miles.
Just before the four-mile
mark Shott surged and
opened a gap.
"When Owen went, I did-
n't have enough left in the
tank to try and go after
him," Jacobs said afterwards.
Jacobs, a recent University of
Florida graduate, prefers to
expend his energy compet-
ing in the triathlon.
Shott held his lead and
won the race in 27:55, his
second SBR victory he





.. .......... ....

Jacksonville's Kim Pawelek heads for the finish line as she wins the Summer Beach Run last Saturday near the Lifeguard Station
on Jacksonville Beach. It was Pawelek's fourth Summer Beach Run title and she finished with a time 31:31.

also won in 2002.
"Some people make fun of
me because my winning
time in 2002, 29 minutes
something, is the slowest in



o Q' j I 'IA ''

the race's history," Shott said
while still recovering from
his effort.
Happy with his win, and
the $150 that came with it,
Shott was glad his finish was
so much better this time .
around. Yet he admitted: "1
felt a bit of a weasel, drafting
off him like that, but there
was money on the line."
Jacobs was second in 28:19
and Paul McRae (33) was
third in 29:12. All three run
for the 1st Place Sports rac-
ing team. Another of their
team members, John
Metzgar, finished fifth in
29:45, a very fine time for a
fellow of 43 years. "
, Jacksonville's Kim Pawelek
(32) can't even remember
how many times she has run
.the SBR..She.is nearlas_..--
hazy'o'rnhot rarfay tnWks
she's won it.
One thing is certain,
Pawelek did it for the fourth
time on Saturday in 31 min-

utes and 31 seconds, despite
lacking her usual killer
"First and foremost"I
'always run the race to win',"
she said. "At two miles I had
opened up a gap on Michelle'
(Krueger) and by the turn-
.around I was alone, and in
that wind I decided to let up
Krueger (30) finished sec-
ond in 32:31. ,
Pawelek is pointing toward
the Cow Harbor 10K race in
North port, Long Island, N.Y.
The September 16th race
attracts a national-class com-
petitive field and 5,000 xun-
ners. Last year, Pawelek won
it in 35:31.
Her main target however,
is the Atgtin NJ.Mathb,,jp,
,.2el, She.F M -,ed.- '
in 2 hours 43 minutes and
three seconds.
SRunning on two very deli-
cate knees, both of which

have seen the surgeon's
knife, Neptune Beach resi-
dent David Ohnsman is a
63-year-old phenomenon. He
trains almost exclusively on
a treadmill but shows up '
every year at the Gate River :
Ruin and wins his age group.
Ohnsman did the same at
:the SBR, taking the 60-64 age
group, and placing,54th
overall, in 35:41.
How does he do it?
"Before a race I listen to
punk music. The driving
beat puts a fast pace in my
head. The Ramones,, that sort
of thing," Ohnsman
explained. "I worked it out
that I take 200 steps per
minute. My stride is real
short these days but I try to
take them as quickly as pos- .
sible The. music.and thee ot
iour cups of coffee does it." -
A racing secret finally
revealed. And it's all so easy..
Break out those Sex Pistols




Great Picture

Event Fg1i

Owen Shott nears the finish line to win this year's Summer Beach Run in a time of 27:55. It was
Shott's second SBR title; he also won the race in 2002.


Panthers diver Matt Jones hits the water during last Saturday's swim meet at Fletcher
High School. Jones won the competition but the Nease High girls and boys swim teams
lost to the Senators.

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In-county subscription or renewal is ] $*25 One Year n *40 Two Years
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The Beaches Leader/ r

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The Beaches Leader 310 Pets orsale

Ponte Vedra Leader




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140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Snare
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room for Rent
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.180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental
185 Industrial'




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.".. M f --R-I -'f J -." PONTE VEDRA. Sawgrass TPC. 3/2, 2
ATL BCH. 50x100, cleared lot on Semi- car garage. lake, cul de sac. great shape.
nole $269,000 591-2278 moving $309.000. 352-634-1805.

BEACH LOT. great corner location Pen-
man& 111hAve Nonh $245k. 803-6310
East ol A1A 55'xl20'. all ulilies on site
House plans w/ variance included
.$375.000 Call 249-6150
access to Nassau River. 2.68 acres wgor-
geous view. $268,000 OBO 241-4876
PV FSBO Build your dream home Last
1/4 acre buildable lot east of A1A.
$469,900 call (904)994-1329. r
5 BLOCKS to ocean North Jax. Bch.
Large Comer lot 80x12Q with 1000 sq h
block house. Add on or tear down. As is.
Motivated seller. $289,900. 228-0553.

9A and Beach Blvd. natural
Wetlands/creek. $170;000. OBO. 241-
4876, .:

3BR.'2BA. 2025sf, community boat ramp
$324,900, .' Magnolia 'Properties
MLS#309909. Call 465-4328, 348-5665.
PABLO BAY, 5BR/4BA, 2850sf, Intra-
coastal/ JTB/ Mayo, all tile,' many up-
grades, 1st class amenities, $539,000.

ATLANTIC BCH- Hidden Cove, 4BR/2BA,
on the water, new carpet. & paiht,
$225,000, 859-7900.

FSBO- THE Palms.at Marsh Landing 1/1
condo. Tile/ berber, brand new A C. scr
balcony to enjoy peaceful -arsh views
$155,900. 891-2324.
4/2.5, pool+ spa, 2984sf, boat slip sepa-
rate, 465-4328. MLS# 312424 $419,000.

IC WEST near Mayo' Clinic, 3/2/2, 1750+
st, remodeled, $274,500 OBO. Independ-
ent Brokers 710-3111.
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof, 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding, $289,900. 463-
EAST OF 3rd, JB. 2-family 4/2 & triplex
4/3.5. Renovated. frplc., CH/A, 5-WDHU,.
in-ground pool, ceramic. Credit/ back-
ground checks on current professional
tenants. Home warranty. Sacrifice
$950,000. '247-3191.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA,1500sf, just
remodeled, 42" Hickory cabinets, granite
counter tops, travertine floors, bamboo in
dining room, Berber carpet, hot tub, 2 car
garage, $318,000, 463-0505.
OCEANVIEW, 3BR 2BA, new construc-
tion, many upgrades. Best deal East of
A1Al $399,000. Call Chris 349-2803.
Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sf. w/great room, 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $529K will co-op.
REDUCED, 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Desirable Neptune
Beach neighborhood. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell at $424,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.

105 Marsh Cove Dr New rool, attached
garage. 2BR/2BA. large comer lot. Priced
below market value. $225.000.
423-768 0384
I.C. WEST- Kernan Forest. 2004 execu-
tive home. 5BR/4BA, 2-car, 2,650i-s.f.
$409,500 OBO Independent brokers 710-
3111... :
3BR/2BA home duplex 4 blocks to
ocean. $765.000. Call Kalhy Tiliakos Re-
altor. Vanguard Realty, 1904)465-3053
HIDDEN TREASURE! Atlantic Beach. 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA. 1700sl,
concrete block & stucco Very solid Lg lot
w/ Iruit trees. Very private Convenient to
goll, tennis, nature park, schools, bike
pains $325,000. Make it your home
SOUTHSIDEi Secret Woods Brick home.
3BR /2BA, 1895st $284,900 OBO. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers
JAX GOLF & C.C. Best available in
neighborhood. 30K under market value
4/3, 2400sl. preserve lot. many upgrades.
move- in ready. Don't miss at $479,000.

Maichmaker Coastal Really 904-864-
6569. .'

BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA lownnome 5
blocks to beach $220,000 Call reallor/
owner (904)742-6423.
esville. iakeview. upstairs master suite
wiolfce 4/3 2950s1. 5 acres, built 2002:
$469,000 Independeni Brokers 904-710-

FSBO. NEPTUNE Bch. 3BR/3BA, shake/
'shinqle home,, excellent' condition.. 227
North St. $549,000. (904) 233-2151.,
NEPTUNE BCH home, 3BR/2BA. 1870st
huge loI. lacuzzi. $349,900. Vanguard Re-
alty. Inc Brandon Buckley, 904-962-7600
3BR/2.5BA 1852sf stucco home w/granite
countertops, crown molding & lush land-
scaping. Too many Upgrades to mention
$374,900. Call Stephanie Reynolds,
(904)333-8321. Keller Williams Realty
884 11th Ave. S., Jax Bch. 3/2.5 town-
home. 1327sf, living/ dining combo w/
wood burning frplc., kit. w/ breakfast bar,
newer apple ceramic tile & carpet floors,
. ceiling fans throughout, upgraded security
system w/ remote control entry. Mainte-
nance free vinyl siding & newer roof.
American Home Shield Home Warranty.
Termite bond in place. Covered 8x14 pa-
tio, fenced backyard, 4x8 storage room.
Priced below Aug. 06' appraisal at
$268,500. Shown by appt. only.
3BR/24BA, 2 story, pool $467,500, for pri-
vate showing, call Kimberlee, 472-5558,
Magnolia Properties.
$379,900. Huge fenced backyard with
shade trees, separate living and dining
rooms, large kitchen, family room
w/fireplace, near hospital, golf course and
school. A1A Realty Services, Inc.
JB: 832 1st St S and/or 111 9th Ave S.
Two beach houses, oceanview, 241 7634.

ATLANTIC BCH. Dutton Island Preserve.
4BR/ 2.5BA 2400sl, brand new Key West
style home. %415.000. 1904)222-1873
JAX BEACH 5BR/2BA. 2300sf On 2 lots
New roof, near pump. plumbing & siding.
$425.000 OBO 249-8637
FSBO in Jax Beach. 3'25BA 2132sf
Beaulilul 2 story home 1/2 block to the
ocean w/direcl access Refinished hard-
wood Iloors downstairs, Berber carpet up-
stairs Spacious master suite wlwalk in
closets and refinished master balh
$945,000 68 29in Ave South. 536-3308
MUST SEEIi This remodeled 3BR/2.5BA
townhome is a 5 minute walk to the
each Located in a quaint 6 unit complex
it is move.-n ready. Call Jim Crews-
Realtry Executives The' Professionals.
BEACH- Only 3 blocks from beach.
415 16th Ave South. Adorable 3BD/ 2BA
home wilh 1540sq Screened porch, up.
stairs deck, irrigation system and many
other amenities. Must see Call 246-8809
for apple No realtors $379.900 FSBO


1861 Beachside Ct.
Short walk to the Beach
3/2 Split Bdrmn,
1883 SF home.
Call Priscilla Roland
@ 662-4979 For Appt
Offered at $649,000

245 N.; 3th Ave.
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

ugust 3U., .V'U --A ----- ---.



-c C
___ CO

.1_ Sought After Marsh SoundH!
Spacious 4BR/3BA 2467 sq ft home. on cul-de-
, -' : sac corner lot The open floor plan has knockdown
'=''- '' ceilings with custom ule and carpel Wired for
j .Q Jsurround sound in the great room. master bedroom
and Ihe screened porch The home office has
..'French doors and custom cabinetry Master bath
worth garden tub, separate shower and walk-in
closet. Jack and Jill baths connects to front bedrooms, has separate
vanities and linen closets. ADT alarm and fire systems, irrigation
system with own meter. Offered at: $374,000
S4 0 Call Evelyn & 'Steve Martin
and 'Double the Maic
(904) 887-7053 Evelyn's ell
(904) 887-7409 Steve's Cell

ally views ofter with marsh viacross thew.
entire back of the home. Watch
S. : breathtaking sunsets or go kayaking
or canoeing. $795,000
JACKSONVILLE at 904-233-1341 1






Page 5B

Service Guide cont.
650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Const.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinkler & Wells
,677 Tree'Service
680, Upholstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
Health Services
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Gare Serc.
730 Caregivers.
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
.825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales'
840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedra
858 West Beaches
859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Marv6et
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Reitial
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RV i
970 TruCk-iVans
980 Automobiles

CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem.&
Wonderwood, nice, 3/2, 2 car gar., freshly
painted, new vinyl and more.$194,900.
gar., nice lot, stainless appliances, Kernan
area. $198,000.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar.
Newer area, very Open, beaut.stone fire-
place, fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/ beaches. Just listed. $219,900.
ASHLEY WOODS 4./2. 2 car gar. over
2000sf. 'Tnis nome is oener than new,
really Huge kitchen, and master bed and
baih Formal dining, and formal living,
(currently used as ohice) or 4th bdrm. 2
yrs. old. $275,000., .
' Tivoli Subdiv Nice, 3/2, 2 car gar, minutes
from beaches, shopping, newer home, Ig.
yard $248,900. '
TION, 4/3, over 30K In upgrades, below
appraisal,belter than a model home
near schools/ shopping, newer 4/2,
2200sf. approx., priced for quick sale at
4,/2. near schools & shops. $237,000.
221-1711 OR 241-5501.,
EAST OF A1A. 2BR/2BA condo. No mini-
mum lease term. $299,900. Kathy Tillakos
realtor. Vanguard Realty 465.3053
LIVE IN AB <$400,000 5 blocks to ocean.
laKelroni, pool 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage,
See to appreciate 518 Selva Lakes Cir-.
cle $395,000. 904-994-4220
on lake w2917sl screened pool and spa.
bonus room, wood and tile floors, in-law
suite. 3 car garage, WOW1 $679,000.
Contact Phyllis Slamines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or,
visit www.pstaines corn
A.B TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600st 2 car
garage. bull 2002. $239.9K rum
658 Slocks. 534-4848.
ATLANTIC BCH- 312 new appliances and
carpeting., replace. $189.500, 993-9191
701 BEGONIA St. W., AB. Single family
nome. 3BR/ 2BA, Ig fenced yard, new
roof, $195,000 339-2066.
$249,900 ea Vanguard Realty 463-7343
OPEN HOUSE- 9/2, Saturday 2pm-6pm.
Beachway (Jax Goll 8 CC, Beach Blvd.
entrance) Beauritui open floor plan
wimany custom upgrades 3BR/2.5BA.
12768 Avalon Cove Dr N. or call
223-1042 for advanced viewing You want
to make this home yours
Dollar view al about hall the price Beauli-
Sul 4BR/2 5BA home w/pool, on the marsn
in Jax Beach. $549,900. For into see
wwwwalson-realtycom. MLS 314671
Call Kalhy Riner at Watson Realty
$212.000, 3BR/2BA. Beauliull Built-in 99
w/Ig fenced yard near beaches in quiet
corner of subdivision Pics & more info al
] lyers Cluib, 3BR/2BA $389,900
3/2. corner lot, walk to beach Priced lor
quick sale $257,900 Matchmaker Coast-
al (904)472-1886.
-OPEN HOUSE- $497K Sal/ Sun., 12.
3pm. 2985 St John's Blvd. So. Jax Bch
Park, pool home 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom
Won't last long w/$600K, homes under
construction (904)270-2073
WALK TO the beach/ lodge. 2BR/2BA at
Ine innleti at PV By the Sea $467,500.
962-6876. ,
ATLANTIC BCH, Dutton Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA. 1400st. new red oak floors,
new roof, $208,000 (904)222-1873

'3BR/2.5BA has 2705sf. w.spacious open
family room, gas fireplace, formal dining,
loft, ovir $71,000 in upgrades! Two
screened lanais, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock. $889,000.
Contact Phyllis Staines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or
visit www.pstaines.com
OPEN HOUSE, SAT., 8/26, 1-4PM
Dolphin Cove 3BR'2BA, huge corner lot,
all brick, cul-de-sac updated Rile in main
living area Ready io go' Jusi Reduced.
2BRi 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpet,
backs lo preserve vaulted ceilings
Motivated seller $203,999.
Coastal living home w pool 8 dock. over
4000sl gated community $924.900
4BR,2BA huge cul-de-sac lot. community
pool and lenn.s. minute to mie Beaches At
school $288,900.
Ponte Vedra Bch Roscoe Blvd Custom
built. New, Constructilon over 4000sf
75x400 lot. Call for email of floor plan
$1.975 million.
3BR/2BA, all brick. 2+ garage, grealloca-
tion. close to beaches and shopping,
Totally remodeled 4BR' 2 5BA. limestone
flooring. slale countertops. cuslom cabi-
nets and ligning Owned by professional
kitchen/,' bath designer. GORGEOUS!
Must seel $549.900.
TWO 1BRa 1BA +-loh Ponre Vedra Beach
Condos. upgrades including granite & rle
floors, replace, custom lighting. prvale
beach access tennis, illness room 1 unit
currently leased $189 900 & $195,900
Key West sryle cottage, adorable with
huge great room private backyard, real
for enlenaining. LOW maintenance land-
scaping $323.900
Motivaled seller' 2BRi2BA. downstairs
unii. fireplace, wood floors. icar garage
Offered alt $149,900
3BR 3BA w large bonus room. popular
floor plan w/lormal living dining room,
covered lanai. in ground swim spa. Of-
fered at $339.500
3BR2.5BA, comer lot. exc condition .
close lo beaches S schools. $269.500
Upgraded home on San Pablo Circle.
3BR/2BA home w/spacious masler suite.
Fenced back yard large den immaculate-
ly maintained Offered at $328,900.
3BR/2BA. Large lot. no HOA, beaulilul
views Overlooking marsh $315,900
4'2 HOME in Walden Chase ofl CR 210,
never lived in. huge greal room, $349.900
Call: 904-241-4447
OWN YOUR own island! 3,2 w,'unroom
plus bonus in The Sancluary. 2265sl. la-
goon front- Must See' 904-477-1368
2BR/1 5BA, 6 blocks lo ocean. 1300sf.
I replace, lenced yard. retails lor $270K
needs 15K in repairs asking only $220IR
OBO. I'll pay B5K 01 your closing costs
Chase. large lenced yard. Close anomey
provided. $299.000 382-0877
FSBO. GOOD Sianer Home! 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West, 3BR/1.5BA New
A/C, rool. windows, doors, and applian.
ces By appoinimeni only. Call David
247-0665 Ihome). 704-2337 Icell).
S JAX Bch, 4,'2, newly painted. $350.000

PVB- 2/2 Townhouse built in computer
station in loft, pool, tennis, $214,900
SCH Consulting Broker 710-8858
vaulted ceiling. beautilul hie Brighrit, open
floor plan No dogs $485 0O0"
1404)325-0820. (4041784-6601
JAX BEACH 2BR'2BA condo Prced
below market. Info & photos @
www orsalebyownercenler.com,'4 459?
Call 285-3014
PONTE VEDRA, IBRIlBA. 750sl open
Iloor plan. Icar garage, hickory cabinets.

.ViUla, eautilully renovated, good income
history $259.900. (904)96?.6876
S399,900 2BR/2.5BA townhouse lust
west of ICWl Livrng/ Dining combo office
area. tennis, trader storage, pool. near
beach. Slip for boat up to 50 feel included!
A1A Realty Services. Inc 24908855

So. Jacksonville Beach. brand new, rede.
veloped OceansEdge E of Third Luuri-
ousI BR IBA condo. 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties Must sellB 299.900 Call June Gage
Pettit, Magnolia Properties. 994-3608 i
OCEANFRONT 2/2 garage, pool, news
from every room. $519,900. Owner agent
JAX BEACH 2 yr old 312 garage consider
lease option, 259.900. Owner/ Agent
2BR/2BA unit 1 1/2 blocks from thelbeachl
Ground floor. secunty gale,D ile Iloors, sun-
room. patio. Washer/Dryer, Lease
purchase OK. AIA Realty Services, Inc.
ST JOHNS Communities offers a beaultiul
2BR/2BA condo in PVB Price reduced to
$199,000. Move in condlinon. 2nd floor
breath asking marsh view Call MarK, Ryan,
904-338.3230 for appi

Solutions And
s i Consultation On
P r l All Real Estate
.Financing Needs.
Best Rates
Best Service
*Best Solutions

AIA n n President

PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAx: 904-247-7475

small wood deck, needs intenor cosmetic
work $4900. 221-8458.

JAX BEACH Golfair, 2BR/1.5BA,
screened patio, new carpet. $14,500.

OWN YOUR-own office space, boat/
barge w/5 built in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina. Great tax write off.
$59,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740.

OCEAN FRONT Townhouse, 2BR/2.5BA,
75 Tenth Street, Atlantic Bch. $1200/mo.
Rachel (904)504-9793.
JAX BCH. 1116 -1st St. S. 3BR/2BA
CH&A, W/D, dishwasher. $1390/mo. 803-
3099 or 821-9751.
from ocean. Screened porch. 1BR, CH&A,
new unit. Appliances like new. Water, pest
control, yard service Included. No pets.
Refs, credit check required $750/mo. 904-
2BR/2.5BA, garage, fenced-in deck and
yard, tile, new carpet Pets allowed. Bike
to Beach. Satellite ready, $1250/mo.+
Deposit. 273-5653.
3BR 2BA doublewide, lot 158 Admiral's
Walk. 2268 Mayport Rd. $800/mo.
$600/dep. Call Doug 571-5083.
NEW 1BR, close to beach, W/D,
$950/mo. 803-6834.


waito wo ril ma IISMAX 4 mer

A..^4t in 20n06


2432st, many upgrades, AG pool. and
deck system $235.000. independent brok-
ers 710-3111
Charming 3BR/2BA sep LR/DR. FR w/
fireplace, screened patio, eai-in kitchen,
new root carpel & paini $499.500
ISLE OF Palms, 312. new paint inside &
outl. fixtures, carpet, windows, landscape.
ing, sprinkler system, A/C 8 roof
$265,000. Tim 509 9071

FSBO, Save $14KI New Lakeview, Wi-Fi.
reason pool must se, ,.,$216K. FREE
HDLCD TV, FRM gL 727-458-
4230 Openr.Saet'i
LIVE AT the beach for under $135,0001
Adorable 1BR/1BA condo w/marsh views,
new pain new flooring & screened-in pa.
tio $134,900. Call Stephanie Reynolds
1904,1333-8321 Keller Williams Realty

With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!

Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock

5/5 Pool in PVB $679k
365 Sawmill Lane
Lakefront, screened pool

4/2, od .27 acres $335k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai

3/2.5 $279,900
14417 Pelican Bay
large lake lot, upgraded

3/2 + office $269,900
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $30k

Adorable 3/2 $209,900
1718 Ashmore Green
New Carpet, paint, treed lot

Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, appics, lanai

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader.

August 30, 2006

2BR/1.5BA, No Pets, $875/mo.
(904)237-9375. I I
St. Nep Beach. 1-1/2, blocks to beach..
New Kit/ Bath. New carpet. Yard. Stor-
age. 2 bedroom. $1295mo. Avail. 9/1.
TOWNHOUSE, 2BR/1.5BA, kitchen
equip., wshr dryr, 4-blocks to ocean,
$750/mo. 423 Upper 8th Ave. S. Jax. Bch.
PONTE VEDRA. Gated comm. 2/2, super
amenities. No smoking, $1100/mo. 4
month rent free 838-4367.
JAX BEACH- 2BR cottage near ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $925/mo + $500
deposit,. 246-3130.
BLOCK TO beach. Birds eye view of
ocean. 126 8th Ave. S. 2BR 1BA upper,
CH/A, WDHU, new carpet, fresh paint, no
pets. 724-6335.
ON OCEAN, small room & bath, private
entrance, $400/mo. utilities Included,
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
NEPTUNE BCH 2BR/1BA. Available 9/1.
Walk to beach 1.5 blocks. Beautiful Apt.
with porch. WDHU & storage. $950/mo +
utilities. 2 months, rent + security required.,
Call Rink at 891-2345 '

2.5BA, 1700sf, master suite w/ jacuzzi,
balcony, tile first floor, laundry hookup, 2
car garage, fenced yard; Small dogs con-
sidered. 893 6th Ave. S. $1700/mo. plus
1 mo dep. Call 249-6150.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail, soon $1100/mo.
247-1417... 1BR, near oceah. $750/mo.
NEPTUNE BEACH- 223 Florida Blyd.
2BR/1BA, unfurnished apt, w/d, dishwash-
er disposal, CH&A, off street parking,
$900/mo. +deposit, 904-327-0117,
IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA, 2 blocks to
beach. $1300/mo. +$1300/sec. dep. No
pets. Call 463-7020, 249-3967.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
ATLANTIC BCH- 2BR/2.5BA, 6 blocks to
beach, fireplace, w/d, spa. $1125/mo Call
JAX BCH, 3/2.5, ocean view, $1600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 3.18-0044.
VILLAS AT Marsh Landing, 1/1, ElK, patio
faces wooded area, access from LR/BR,
double fireplace, $850 mo TDO Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125

BEACHFRONT 1BR' 1BA 108 Orange,
St, 'Nep Bch, downstairs, $1100/mo incl.
until. (661)803-6275.

2BR/1BJ ehCdOWDUPLEX/ BEACH Office, 2BR/1.5BA,
2BR/1BA JAX Beach Condo, 4 blocks to 4 blocks to. ocean, 1300sf.,
beach, CH&A. $1000/m6. +$500 dep. $1150/mo.+utilities. 1215 11th St. N.,
Available 9/1. (904)338-1880. (904)318-2121.

home, 2BR/2.5BA, peaceful, quiet. Backs
to greenbelt. Enclosed porch/ patio
w/open deck and pond W/D. community
pool, lawn maintenance included Long
lease, Available ahter 9!15, garage
$1200/mo t904)881-8428. -' !
.PVB, TOWNHOUSE Condo w/privaie
courtyard, lakefront, 2BR/2.5BA $975/mo.
Call 280-8782.
*f~ I.7

JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in'
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1350'mo. 904-372-9222.

CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$895/mb. 241-7868, 733-3730.

$1125 213 Belleza Ponre Vedra 2/2 1012
$1150 72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2 1260
$1i 200 728 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1012
$1300 2 The Fountains Ponte Vedia 3/2.5 1800
$1300 204 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2 1200,
$1300 612 Miramar Lane Ponte Vedra/SaugrassCC 2/2 1200
$1400 748 Marsh Coe Lane Ponte Vedra 3/2+1ofi 1650
$1475 9897 Rough Creek Pone \'Vedra/Sagrass CC 2/2+loft 1475'
$1500- 10061 Rough Creek Ponte \edra/Saw grass CC 2/2 1-165
$1600 1979 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pablo Rd 3/2 1700.
$1600 52 Turtleback Trail Sawgrass Players Club 3/2 1846
$1600 804 Templeton Lane Ponte Vedra/Walden Chase1/2 1700
$1700 106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra 3/2 1800&
,$1750 97 Voyager Court .Pone Vedra/Sawgrass TPC 3/2 1750'
$1800 104 Crosscove Circle Pone Vedra/Seaside 4/3 2345'
$1800. 1029 Hanoker Lane Ponie VedraiAalden Chase 4/3 2502
$1850 1374 white e Herron Place Jax/Pablo Bay 4/3 24-2
$1850 13 Pla)ers Club Villa Ponie \edra/Sagrass TPC 3/3 2200
191)0 .224 Seamust Court Ponte Vedra/Seaside 3/2 2100
$2000 .ri)i3 Brindgicr Crcle Ponke Vcdra/Saugrass TPC3/2.5 2000
i2000 2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponie Vedra 3/3.5 +ofc 3(009
S2260 10302 Ocean Grande South Ponte Vedra 3/3 2239
$2300 529 Sunset Dri.e Ponte Vedra 3/2 5 2900.
$2400 '1977.Sevlla BlId. Atlantic Beach 4/3+bonus rm 2800
$2400 905 2nd Street North. #C Ja.x Beach 3/3 2444
$2500 70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
l2500 117 Deer Cove Dn e Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
$2500 703 Landmark Ja.\ Beach/Oceanfront 3/2 ; 1829
$2600 408 Seaspray Lane Ponte Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
$2600' 9910 Prestn Trail Ponie Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2 5 2990
.27 ),-- S04 MetropPitan .... JA.,Beach/Ocean. ie 3,2 1799.
$3000 628 Presere \ iew Drie Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+bonus rm 3100
$3000 2451 South Ponte Vedra Blid South Ponte Vedra 3/2 5 3500
S3300 133 Sea Hammock Way Ponte Vedra Oceanfront 2/2 1614
$3300 570 Ponte Vedra BlId Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3158
liftellJI F s!INl3

S 900/" k Beach Club VWllas Sawgrass Beach Club Eft.
$1100/n k 49 Tifton Way North SaA grass Country Club 2/2 5
$I1 300.,'I k Deer Run Saw grass Country Club 3/2
f.1400 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2
1M500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Sat grass Beach Club I/I
$1600/o, k 2839 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 3/1 5
1 .S00/ k 2503 S Ponte Vedra S Ponte Vedra 4/2 5
S1 800/%o k The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
1,2000 Pelican Point Jax Beach/Oceanfront 2/2
$2000 Loggerhead Lane Sawgrass/Players Club 3/2.5
$2000 Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2
$2200 Quail Point U Saw grass Countrn Club 2/2
$2300 92 Tifton Wa.N North Saw grass Country Club 3/2
$2500 117 Deer Cove Dmre Ponie Vedra/Mlarsh Landing 4/2.5
$2500i/, k 728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfroni 3/2.5
$26(10 826 Spinnakers Reach Sa.grass/Beach Club 1/2
$2700, k 2824 Coastal H% % Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4
2ISOO 24 IS Ponie \edra Bl.d. S Ponte Vedra/Oceanront 4/2
$3000 703 Landmark 17 momon I Ja\ Beach Oceanftoni 3/2

,, t,, '1 2600

$390) 105 WaLer Oak Water Oak/TPC 3/3.5--office 3200
S4000 408 Berkman Plaza lai/Downtcwn Rrtertront 2/2+loft 2100
i5500 1931 Beach Avei3mo.min i Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman Pinscher. '
"Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacation!!
www.Stockton RealEstate.com
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882

1 Bedroom with great ocean view, W/D;
ceramic tile floors, balcony, walk-in closet,
reserved parking. $925 Ocean View
Apartments, 160 7th Avenue North
993-2555. www.BeachesApartments.com
NEP BCH townhouse, very contemporary.
2BR plus office, 2BA, tile floors, frplc., pa-
tio, WDHU. No pets please. Walk to Town
Center, shops & restaurants. $1200/mo.
2BR/2BA DUPLEX $700/mo., pets OK,
Fenced back yard, 246-1200.
JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood. floors, Dishwasher,' ,CH&A.
1BR/1BA, $800/mo, $850/mo.,.
$1000/Imo.. 2BR/1BA $4250/mo.
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354.
MAYPORT 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car gar., 1400sf,
fenced yard, $1200/mo. 536-1198.

NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR/ 1.5BA, newly reno-
vated, kit. appl., WDHU. Deck overlooking
fenced backyard. No pets or smokers.
$950/mo., $950/dep. plus credit check.
HODGES & Beaches areas. 1, 2 & 3BR's
W/ gorgeous lake to golf views. From

OCEAN WALK, 4/2, 2185sf, Formal
LR/DR, family room w/fplace, ElK, break-
fast bar,, carpet, ceramic tile, pool, pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgmt.
Services 246-1125.
large loft, carpeting, CH&A, fenced yard;
garage breezeway, WDHU, 2 blocks to
ocean. 1707 3rd St. $1275/mo + dep.
(904)249-4508, (904)704-0489.,
JAX BCH, 3/1, 6 blocks to ocean. WDHU,
1100sf, $1000/mo. No dogs. 881-8590.

1/2 BLOCK ocean, large 2 or 3BR/1BA
apt. $1290/mo. 249-3970. NEPTUNE,BY THE SEA 605 Cherry St.,
3/2, 2 car gar, NS/ NP. 1600/mo. +dep.
OCEANFRONT'2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean- (904)307-1905.

front. Neptune Beacn. Just .remoaeieo.
$2000/mo Including utilities. 545-1046
JAX BEACH 2BR'1BA dishwa-sher.
WDHU. CH&A. microwave 728 8th St
Soulh Ciedai check, no pers. $850 mco
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,,
1BR/1BA. $695/rmo & $725/Mro.
1904 891-0606 (352)478-2161.

2BR/1 BA, 4 blocks to ocean. New carpet/
paint;-, end Unit. No pets credit check.
$825/mo. 1st & security. 993-8883.
PONTE VEDRA, gated townhouse, 2/2
attached garage; pool, gym. $1050/mo.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse, 1000ft to
beach. 2/2, ,1 car gar., year lease. Private
beach access. $1025/mo. (904)294-5498
1BR UPSTAIRS, no smoking, no pets,'
$675/mo + deposit. 247-1935.
2BR/1.5BA'TOWNHOUSE. No pets or
smoking. CH&A, WDHU. 4th St. North,
JB. $850/mo. 249-0370.
7-blocks to beach $1050imo +deposit
S JAX Bch. 3,2, $i450.'mo 2 cleaning,
services inci per mo 655-3951
2BR/2BA, wonderful ocean views,
3 balconies. sludy. WDHU. reserved park-
ng. $1200'mo. Ocean Front Apts, 801
FirsI Street, SoUth. 993-2555.
TOWNHOME :PV- 2BR/2.5BA, on lake,
ready now, $1100/mo +deposit. Call
NEAR PONTE Vedra I DIock beach Best
area, quiei sale. residenliai neighbor.
hood 2BR'1BA, lower duplex. r ew parni
CH&A. W'D included. No smoking, no
'pels $950,mo, lease deposit. 993-1118
2BR 1.5BA Condo, Jax Beach, 2nd Si
North $1150/mo Avail immediately. Call
Toaad 993-4884
MOBILE HOMES $500 10 $550 on pri.
vale lois Near Maypon Naval Sialion, no
dogs. 333-5579.
PVB, BELLEZA. 2/2, 2nd floor liop). end
unit, vaulted ceilings, W/D, completely
renovated Reson amenities $1150/mo.
Garage available (904)629-0046

JAX BCH, 3/1, 2.5 car gar., fenced yard,
$1300/mo.836 9th Ave N. 318-0044. .
MONTH TO Monin. 22 2ICV, W.'D newly
renovated $1250mo (904)571-5517.
ICW. 2BRi2BA Paio home wgarage,
WDHU, new carpel, pain, 14322 Coral
Reel Dr S (olt ol San Pabic near Beacn
Blvd $1000/mo. Available immediately.
(9'04)699-425.0, (904)858-0732, .
PVB, EAST of A1A,, 3/2.5, private back-
yard w/heated pool and spa. $1950/mo.
includes lawn & pool service. 280-5707.
JAX BEACH- 912 3RD Ave. South,
1BA/1BR, $600/mo + deposit. 246-3197. ,
JAX BCH. Nice 3BR/1BA. 908,12th St. N.
Available 9/3. $1,070., No pets. 242-0544.
JAX BEACH new 3BR'3BA w ocean view.
pool garage. $21o00mo. 223-6896
ATLANTIC BCH/ Mayport, nSpacious 3/2,.
+bonus room, fireplace, fenced yard, pest
control Included. No smoking/pets. Availa-
ble 10/3. $1150/mo + deposit. 755-4038.

JAX BEACH- beautiful, clean 3BR/2.5BA,
2yr old Iownriouse; 4 blk o1 ocean fenced
yard. all new appliances,' granite. pels ne-
golhable. 1800mo. Call Joel 514-6521
rEP BCH. walk o10 beach irom this charm.
ing 3'2 w lencea yard & garage New1
panlm & carpet $1400.mo 280-5142
NB. BIG 3BR,3BA w pool Greal lor room.
males! $1800'mo Call 651-6464
ATLANTIC BCH- 3BR'2 5BA. Townnome..
lenced back yard fireplace. laundry rm,
lile floors no pets $875/mo. 1913 Main
Street 565-2763
NORTH JB. 3BR.'1BA. CH&A. WDHU. lile.
Ian. lawn and pes included $1100'mo
Available now. 249-1104 Pager 306-
2 5BA lownnome vaulted ceilings Irplc ,
ig healed & A'C Florida room. 2car gar..
comm pool. Fresh paint & new carpet, on
lake. 4 blocks to beach. 1yr lease Avail.
October. $1400/mo Call 246-8294.
screened backporch excellent condition.
Royal Palm. $1095'mo (9041219-6817
PONTE VEDRA. Vacanl 3BR/2BA, corn.
muniry pool. pets OK $1400/mo. 241-
PABLO BAY Next o10 Mayo Clinic
4Br. 3BA XL bonus room Many upgrades-
Warer ,,iew. clumbouse. pool, lennis.
$1995 mo 403-1998' 349-3434.
JAX BEACH, 3BROl 5BA nome, 1 year
lease $1250.'rmo. +$1000.sec dep 1310
Pinewood Rd. Available early Augusl. Call
246.-8970 or 591-1218.

BEAUTIFUL HOME, built in 2005- Atlantic PABLO BAY.5BR/4BA, 2850sf, Intracoast-
Beach 3BR/ 2BA Shady porches, ceramic al/ JTBt Mayo. all ie. many upgrades, ist
'tile Ihroughoul. $1250.'mo. (904)242-0257 class amenities, $2200/mo.. includes lawn
... ... .... .. ... ._.. maintenance. 226-9421

Players Club, 3BR,2BA $1650/mo.
JAX BEACH. 428 3rd A.'e. So 2BR.'BA
: riou.s ,CH&A. lence3 7ard. 1825'mo.
90-J I891-0606 or i3521478-2161.

1660 Beach Ave iacros Jrom ocean). Lg
3BR '51BA. b nhoime_ '2` bsl). IrpI.
lenced yard, deck. small 'be neqjor '
$1750.mo. (9041477-0102

S. JAX Bch 2BR/2BA fully lumished. 1
car garage, laenced yard. Incl. wireless, in-
lemel, & cable. Complerely updated. 3
blocks from beach, For photos e-mail ma-
naeugeniarojo@bellsouln.nel $1500tmo.
Long lerm lease. (407) 394-5858.
PVB Solano Cay. 3BR/2BA, garage.
large backyard in quiel neighborhood.
Comm pool. $1,400/mo. 315-6558.
2BR/1 5BA. FIREPLACE, garage WDHU.
nice neighborhood $800 mo +$500,dep
*. *'
PVB 312/2, Ig executive home Granite &
ile, walk-in closet, eal-in ki corner lotl
sprinkler syst. avail 10,1. Pet OK Flex.
lease. $1495/mo. 280-2293.

PVB. 2BR/2BA, garage, immaculate,
$1375/mo Available 9/1, 273-3970.

L- .

We're almost full...Come See Why

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom

starting at $685

Walk to the Ocean,

Schools, & Shopping

Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies



ATLANTIC BCH- 4BR/2.5BA, complete
remodel, fenced yard 2-car garage and
otf street parking, near Mayport, schools.
and beaches. $1500/mo tdeposil. 869
Gavagan Call for apple. (904) -910-6052.

PONTE VEDRA Summer House.
2BR/2BA condo, washer/ dryer,
$1100/mo. 904-687-9371.
South 2nd St, Unit D. 3BR/3.5BA, 2 car
arage. 1 block Irom beach. brand new.
2000imo. tdep. 1904)233-2151

WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2,
2300sf,. Formal ,LR/DR, Family room
w/fireplace, carpet,' cath ceilings, fenced
yard,. $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
3BR/1BA, LARGE fenced .yard CH&A,
WDHU, $950/mo. 241-1857.
S. JAX Bch, east of 3rd, 3/2, $2100/mo.
Call Sam 249-3403.
3BR 2.5BA, pool, waterfront w/ dock, ga-
rage, fenced yard. Isle of Palms
$2100/mo. (352)636-2151.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA,
6 blocks to beach, fireplace, W/D, garage.
$1350/mo. (904)742-6423.
3/2 duplex, $895/mo. avail. 9/15.
3/2 house, Cypress Cove $995/mo.
Avail, now
2/1, 2 blks to ocean. Avail,. now $1250/mo
3/2, 2 car garage, avail, now, $1175/mo.
2/2 condo. $930'mo. Avail now.
2/2, $950'mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1050/mo. Avail now.
3/2, $1295/mo. Avail. now.
4/2, $1595/mo.
3/2, 1600sf, $1325/mo.
3/2, cul-de-sac, $1250/mo..
3/2, 2 car gar, new carpet & pa;hl
avail 9 15, $1150.mo
4/2, 2 car gar.. avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
3/2, 1 car gar., avail. 8/1, $895/mo.
3/2, $1295/mo.
3.2, 2 car garage, avail 8'15, $1195/mo.
4.2.5. 3 car gar., almost 3000sf. avail 8/1,
2 2 house Avail now $800 'mo.
3/2. $1395'mo. Avail now.
413, 3 car gar., $1895/mo.
4/3, 3 car gar $1925rmo.
4.3, 2 car garage. 2200sl. $13951mo.
4.2, Drand new home. 2100.sl. $1450/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.

2/2 BELLEZA condo, vaulted ceilings, 3rd
floor, newly remodeled, fully carpeted/
tiled, $1100/mo. 904-294-9927.
LOVE THE BEACH? South Jax Beach.
3BR/2BA, Furnished, .right on Ocean.
Awesome view. 242-0411.
JAX BEACH. Large 1/1 condo w/garage
on ICW. Total refurb. Fireplace, screen
porch, W/D. $850/mo. 241-5564.
2,2 condo, marsh view at Deach. 2nd floor.
frplc W'D, scr. lanai, garage, pool, lacuz,
zi, gym. $1200'mo Call Tania (904)874-
PVB, BELLEZA, 2/2, 2nd floor (top), end
unit, vaulted ceilings,,W/D, completely
renovated. Resort amenities. $1150/mo.
Garage available. (904)629-0046.
Tastefully furnished 4BR/2BA, end unit,
renovated, granite, 18" tile, new carpet
open balcony. storage- outdoor closet and
garage $3200.mo.. 537-4083. .
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR.1'BA, waier-io-golf view, pool,
tennis. $1250-mo includes ulilties.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962.
JAX BEACH- The Palms at Marsh Land-
ing, 2BR'2BA +Garage, W/D, Dogs OK,
$1100/mo htltp://www.thepalmsl114 com..
. 904-237-5125 Aaron.
2BR'2BA AT Grand Reserve, near UNF/
Beaches WID; partially Tumisned; pnvate
screened-in sunroom Amenities include:
pool. nonub, gym, volleyball. basketball.
tennis courts 1000 'mo 904-309-2237
PONTE VEDRA- new 2BR12BA w/washer
dryer, lop floor corner, beach access, goll.
luxury amenities. no smoking/pets
$1100tmo + aeposil. 755-4038
1BR/1BA in The Grand Reserve, near
UNF/ Beaches. W/D included; Vaulted
ceiling; FP, Golf course side/ view. Ameni-
lies include swimming pool, hot tub, gym,
volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts.
$980/mo .$980'dep Call 904-292-1719
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 bik 10
ocean. 2/2. pool side. Remodeled. No
pels. $975-mo, yr lease., dep 249-7967.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/2BA, splil floor plan,
fireplace. 1028 4th St N.. blocks Irom
beacon. $10507,mo 728-3000 (days),
786-2757 (evenings).
vaulted ceiling. beautiful lile. Bnght. open
lloor plan. No dogs. $1700/mo.
(404)325-0820. (404)784-6601.
,, "U", )

*8 T 4Rl g-' ]EfN

4BR,4BA. weekly, monthly, yearly Call
Luxury rumished 1 & 2 Bedroom Suiles
High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Street & 5th Ave. South
KEY LARGO condo 2BR/2BA great for
diving/ snorkling. 1 week $800, biweekly
$1500. Call 904-673-9793.
WINTER RENTAL, Nov 1st to April 1st
3BR/2BA, completely furnished, S. Jax
Beach, one block to ocean. $1200/mo.
+utilities. (904)233-3939.

S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully, furnished, ocean-
from condo. Monthly Weekly 241-0267.
www renllacksonvillebeach.com
homes Weekiy/monihly. Visnit us ai
laxbeachrentai.com or. 535-3911 or
OCEANFRONT 2BR, weekly; monthly,
pool, Call 463-7343

SHARE 4BR/ 2BA house, $300mo. rent
with utilities, $100/dep. No drugs. 537-

ilai T aiN^, l k 0-0 no

OCEAN FRONT, unfurnished. 2BR/2BA. "r-' ~ ,' -
4th floor, pool, year lease. $1425/mo 2 ROOMS for rent in ahractive home at
Avail. i0/1/06. Call 642-3517. waterfronI Close to the beach, all utilihes ,
incl. $450/mo each. 221-4117.
i-'LJNITC viCMAT- Ih ui n[30,' iHDAw

PONT E VEDRUA- ine Colonies, 2BR 2BA,
lake view, 'walkirig distance to beach.
Bamboo wood floors, frplc., washer/ dryer
mcl $1000/mo.260-1961.
$215.000. 2/2. garage, all appl. incl.. Jar-
din De Met, 247-4211.
BELLEZA AT Ponte Vedra. Lovely 1BR,
1BA condo. Gated,pooi, avail Sept 1
$850. Melinda 1415)302-0514

THE Palms' at Marsh Landing 1/1. Tile/
beroer, brand new A/C, scr. balcony to en-
joy peaceful marsh views. $875/mo.
JAX/ PV BCH, 3/2, resort amenities, pets
ok. $1350/mo. 904-472-7134.

PVB,. $550/mo + deposit, No pets. 543-
CHRISTIAN MALE seeks roommate. Atl
Bch house. $425/mo+ dep. 923-6482.

overlooking golf course im S., Jax Beach.
Call 241-5553 x15.
APPROXIMATELY 750 sf. quality office
space overlooking golf .course in S. Jax
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15:

MASSAGE THERAPIST office, shared
BEAUTIFUL SAWGRASS Beach Club Vil- space, fully equipped. Downtown, San
la, $1200/mo, weekly, rates available, 280- Marco area, separate entrance. $400/mo.
5170 or 616-5274. includes utilities. 465-2653, 463-0222.

1BR/1BA JAX Beach screened patio,
walk to the beach & Target. Pond view,
pool, health' club amenities and tennis
court. W/D $800/mo. 904-608-7831.
ocean front condo, living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony.
Front balcony overlooks Jax skyline, fully
furnished, 'great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool, hot tub, tennis, and
sandy beach. Call for more details,
398-9080 ext 211.

OFFICE-spaces for rent- A large 12'x24'
room (could be two 12x12 rooms). Sepa-
rate back door entrance, electric & water
incl. Located .on 3rd St., Jax Bch.

space and lot for lease. Starting @
$500/mo. (904)514-1090.

ETS, 30;;

JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase, $1350/mo. 568-4818.
01 IRRAMU 1 -" -- -1

PARKING ATTENDANT $10 per hour, Fri-
day & Saturday 9pm-1 am, 655-4573.


OCEANFRONT- JAX Bch, 2/2, fumlshed,
beautiful views. '5th Floor. $1,950/mo.
Imo. minimum 221-0726 or 571-6678.

MAYPORT LANDING 2/2 with a loft,
WDHU, fenced yard, 1100sf, $850/mo.
Call 962-6295

floor, corner, on golf course. NS. $995/mo.
+deposit. (904)466-0230.

office, 4700sf condo. Located on Inter-
coastal in new development. All amenities
incl. with or without boat slip. Unfurnished.
Looking for long term lease- 1-2 yr rental.
For more details 398-9080 ext. 211.
PVB, SUMMERHOUSE, brand new,
2BR/2BA w/fireplace and appliances.
5-star' amenities, gated .community.
$1000/mo. Kimmie 904-333-8604.

1 2 MILE to Beach $1500.'mo, 3BR/2.5BA
home. 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac.
Ig.yard. wood deck. privacy lence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or email-
.JAX BEACH- 909 7th Ave North.
2BR/1BA house w/screened in porch.
fenced yard, CH&A $970/mo.
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161. ,
JAX BCH. 4 blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CH/A tile & carpels, new kil. cabin
neis $1250/mo plus $1100/dep. Dogs
30ibs and under considered. 514-4229 al-
ler 4pm. Broker.' owner
ICW 340 Curniuck W. 3/2 1 car garage,
large master. $1150'monin deposil Call

JAX BEACH- near ocean. 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $11951mo. (904)221-4134. 703-

1, -5- BEACH RENTALS "-S- -T50I2
Unfurnished Homes Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Pablo Point San Pablo 3BR/2BA home !
-Sawgrass Players PV 3BR/2BA, wiscreened porch, fenced backyard, large on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard, two
; spacious home. interior completely lot. $1300/mo. cargarage. $1500/mo
o remodeled, light and bright, 2 car garage. The Courtyards AB 3BR/2.5BA, private, Rierbrookat Glen Keran odges 5BR/
$2650/mo. updated unit w/garage. balcony, overlooks 3BA2brck home w/fenced backyard, corner lot,
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA. two story, lagoon. $1200/mo. t
p .. Pablo Bay,- San Pablo 4BR/3BA newerS
'home \/screened porch on water, 2 car Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex home on water upgrades throughout, open
^ garage. $1850/mo : /ne\\ carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh floorplan $1995/mo'
. Solano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story paint. $1100/mo. Unfurnished Condos p
home w/spacious floor plan, patio, comm. Furnished Homes Ocean Links PV
pool. $1595/mo. Villages of VilanO SPV 2BR/2BA, Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
,; Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, 2BR/2BA, second floor. $1050/mo.
! wall new interior, tile floors, garage, garage, amenities. $1400/mo. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. Intracoastal West Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, Wolf Creek Hodges 1BR/1BA, ground floor, recently updated.
'^ townhouse has loft, garage, patio', very New townhouses w/screened porch, $875/mo. "
'neutral and clean. $1500/mo. preserve views, amenities. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
434 9th Avenue N.- JB 3BR/1BA, home 2BR/2.5BA, $999/mo. ceilings. $1150/mo.
has hardwood floors, all new interior, 2BR/2.5BA, end unit. $1050/mo. /A2nd floor, top/end unit, garage.
fenced backyard. $1495/mo. 2BR/2.5BA, all upgraded. $1150/mo.
Beach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA, home w/ Reserve at Pointe Meadows- Gate Pkwy
wood deck on lagoon, beach cabana, 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile floors, REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE,
comm. pool & tennis. $1400/mo. upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo. (904) 285-5640
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2"n story Point Meadows Gate Pkwy 3BR/2BA (904) 285-5640
duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood 4th floor condo w/elevator,-all appliances,
floors. $1300/mo. fitness center, club pool. $1150/mo.

S, ii S.1' S

a CrL L

Auzmiirt'10 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

$500 each. 247-4573..

HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs 246-3600
LOST LAB mix, female, 7-8mo. old, gray-
ish, Jax Bch.on 14th St.N. 8/24. 881-6548,
233-1676. .

tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187;

The following vehicles) will be sold at
public auction, per Fi Sial 713585 al
10-00 AM on September 15. 2006 at Lie-
nor's address to satisfy a lien against said
vehicles) for labor, services and storage
charges. No hiles, as is. cash only
S1991 Cadillac Seville 4D
VIN 1G6KS53B1MU821798
Owner Tracy Snrell Mack
10535 Lem Turner Rd #1308. Jacksonville
FL 32218
Customer Eugene Grant
9511 Eveshine Rd, Jacksonville FL 32208
SLienhoider Jax Car Sales Inc
1151 N Main SI, Jacksonville FL 32206
Cash sum to redeem vehicle. $ 2159 19
Lienor. S & S Automotive o01 Jacksonville
Inc aba S & S Auto Repair Shop. 9052
New Kings Rd
Jacksonville FL 32219
Phone: 904-765-0111 .-..
Notice to owner or Irennolder that he has a
rignh to a hearing any lime prior to sale
date by IIing with the clerk of the court
Owner has the right to recover vehicle by
posting bond in accordance with FI Slat
559.917. Net proceeds from sale in ex-
cess of amount claimed by lienor will be
deposited with ine clerk o0 Ihe court. In-
teresled parties, contacI State Filing
Service. Inc (772) 595-9555.
BL 8/30!06
Notice is hereby given that Ine Planning
and Development Review Board for the
City ol NeptunelBeach will hold a meeting
and Puolic Hearing on Thursday, Sep-
tember 21, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers, 116 First Street, Nep-
Tune Beach, Florida. The following items
are Ihe on the agenda
PDRB06-10 Request o1 Ms Jane Sleen to
remove heritage tree as defined by Sec-
S lion 27-448(21 lat 14; Request is to re-
r move 48 inch double live oak which is in
the developable area of the property
known as Lotl 1 o Sunset Point
PDRB06-11 Request of Mr Joe Quest
d/a Day or Nighl Moves for a Special
Exception as denned by Division 9 of the
ULDC and Table 27-226-1. The request is
to allow the parking of 3 commercial vehi-
cles onside at 1501 Atlantic Blvd.
II a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Board win respect to any
maner considered al sucn meeting or
hearing he person will need a record ol
the proceedings and lor such purpose
may need to ensure tral a verbatim record
o 0 trie proceedings is made which record
includes ine lesiimony and evidence upon
wnich the appeal s o10 be based
In accordance within the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Seclion 286 26. Flon-
da Statule, persons witri disabilities need.
ing special accommodation to participate
in Irls meeting should contact the City
ClerK s OOlice no later than 5-00 P. M Ihe
day ol ine meeting.
BL 8.30/06

tune Beach, Florida will nold a Public
Hearing on Wednesday September 20,
2006 at 7:00 p.m.. in ine Neptune Beach
Municipal Building 116 First Sireet to
consider the following-
V06-15: Variance request ol Mr and Mrs
Michael Brederoeh lot the property local-
ed at 107-109 Palm Place to Ine existing
loi size impervious surface front, east.
west and rear yards and proposing to vary
Ine existing non-conforming east side and
imripervious surface. The request is 10 con-
venr duplex inlo single family. remove oui-
door stairway and building second story
balcony and paver driveway
II a person decilaes to appeal any decision
made by the board with respect to any
maner considered at such meeting or
rearing he or she will need a record of
> he proceeds and or such purpose he
or she may need to ensure Inal a verbatim
record of the proceedings are made.
which record included ine testimony and
evidence upon which Ihe appeal is to De
In accordance within he Americans with
SDsabililies Act and Section 286 26, Flori.
da Statute. persons with disabDlities need-
'ing special accommodation to panicipale
in rhis meeting should conia: I he City
Clerk s ohice no later than 5.00 p m.. the
day of the meeting

BL 08 '3006

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ine
"Sell Siorage Faciity Acr", Florida Statutes
Section 1 Partn iV of Chapter 83 Laws of
Florida 1982 the personal property con-
sisiing ol clothing, personal items and
household goods ol
Derek W Farnsworrn. Neplune Beach
0' 1 A031a. lurnnure, misc boxes.
Yolanda M Macon. Jacksonville Beach
x10xl. A092, lurnilure. misc boxes
Kelly R Gates. Atlantic Beach. 10x20
.. 1 A 9. lurniure. misc boxes.
Pansy & Mark Kirkpatrick Atlantic Beacn'.
5x10. B213. lurnure. misc boxes.
.Sherena Slaughter, Ailanlc Beach. 5x10.
S. B223. furniture
S Jelrev M Srtpe. Albany. NY. 5x10. B243,
misc. bags. cloiing
Leona Mitcheli, Atlantic Beacr. Ox10.
B272. lurnilure, misc. boxes.
Mil.on T Cox. Sarasoia. 10x20, B288. tur-
nilure misc. boxes.
Ezekiel Jackson Jr. USS Forn McHenry,
5x10, C354. misc tools. toolbox. misc
C Jornnie P Robini.on. Atlantic Beach. 5-5,
D457 Cloihing misc boxes.
j onin M Winters. Jacksonville, 0x10
D486. lurniiure.
Will te sold or otherwise disposed of at
110:00 a m. Saturday. September 16th;
2006 to saiisty rents) 1or past due rent(s)
cost and fees. Disposition will take place
at Pan Am hmin Storage. 2383 Mayport
Rd Atlanhic Beach. FL 32233 Pan Am
Mini Slorage reserves the rignml o reject
any and all bids and establish minimum
bids to compensate for. all costs.
BL 8.30). 9.6 06 r e r s a .
A regular meeting. of the City of Atlantic
Beach Code Enforcement Board will be
.-held on Tuesday, September 12. 2006. at
'7:00 p-n in Ithe Commission Cramber at
City Hail., 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic
Beach, Florida.
All persons Interested are notified to be6
present at said time and place, and they
shall be heard. If a person decides to ap-
peal.any decision at any meeting or hear-
ing, he will need a 'record of the proceed-
: ings,. and for such purpose may need to
; ensure that a verbatim record: of the pro-
: ceedlngs is made, which record shal In-
'clude the'testimony and evidence upon
S which appeal Is to be based.

In accordance with- the American with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a
special accommodation to participate in
this proceeding should contact Donna
Bussey, City Clerk, at 247-5809 or at City
Hall, 800 Seminole Road.
BL 8/30/Q6
The Board of Adjustment for the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, Sep-
tember 19, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers, located at 11 North
3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach to consid-
er the following variance applications:
BOA 06-100195 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-339 (e)(4) c.1, for a front yard of
18 feet In lieu of 20 feet required, and'
34-339 (e)(4) c.3, for a rear yard of 10
feet in lieu of 30 feet required to allow
for a new townhouse development, for'
property located at 424 & 432 North
14th Avenue, more specifically, Lot 5
and the west 5 feet of Lot 6, Block 1,
Surf Park 1.
BOA 06-100196 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-,
tion: 34-377 (e)(1) e, for 44* lot cover-
age In lieu of 350 maximum to allow
for a new single family dwelling, for
property located at 3177 Horn Court,
more specifically, Lot 4. Block 12. Jack-
sonville Beach Heights.
BOA 06-100199 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) c.2, for side yards of
5 feet each in lieu of 10 feet required
and 34-336 (e)(1)e, for 51% lot coverage
in lieu of 35% maximum to allow for a
new single family dwelling, for property
located at 3810 Tropical Terrace, more
specifically, Lot 12, Block 8, Ocean Ter-
BOA 06-100201 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-348 for 53% lot coverage in lieu
of 45% maximum to allow for a swim-
ming pool addition to a single family
dwelling, for property located at 2884
St. Maarten Court, more specifically,
Lot 122, Ocean Cay Unit One.
BOA 06-100204 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(i) d, for no garage of
carport in lieu of a one car garage or
carport required and 34-337 (e)(1) e, for
37. lot coverage in lieu of 350 maxi-
mum to allow for Improvements to a
single family dwelling, for property lo-
cated at 810 North 4th Avenue, more
specifically, the west 40 feet of lots 1
and 2, & the east 20 feet of Lot 3, Mun-
dy Drive Terrace S/D.
BOA 06-100205 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-340 (e)(1) c.1, for a front yard of
15 feet In lieu of 20 feet required, 34-
340 (e)(1) c.2, for a corner side yard of
10.17 feet in lieu of 16 feet required, 34-
340 (e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of 12.5 feet
In lieu of 30 feet required, and 34-340
(e)(1) f, for 49.8%o lot coverage in lieu of
350 maximum or 42.80 lot coverage
and 34-373 (f) pervious driveways in
lieu of paving, all to allow for a new
two-family dwelling, for property locat-
ed at 2202 South 1st Street, more spe-
cifically, Lots 1 and 2, Block 'W", Per-
menters Replat of Atlantic Camp
BOA 06-100206 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-339 (eX1) f, for 37.6% lot cover-
age in lieu of 35%o maximum to allow
for improvements to a two-family dwell-
ing. for property located at 411 South
3rd Avenue, Units A.& B, more specifi-
cally, Lot 11, Block 25, Pablo Beach
A copy ol the above relerenced applica-
tionis) is available for review in the office
o nthe Planning and Development Depan-
! me l ,11 -'? --rd-,areei. 0yriu 'Pr"w
ougl q ^ ^ 5pl *^
Board ol Adlustment
Ciryol Jacksonville Beach

II a person decides to10 appeal any decision
by tme Board ol Adjusiment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting.
such person may need a record ol the
proceedings, and, lor such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba.
rim record ol the proceedings is made,
wnhch record includes Ine reslimony and
evidence upon wnich the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on Is-
sues on this Agenda thai concern them
Anyone who wishes to10 speak should sub.
rmnt the request to the recording secretary
prior to ihe beginning ol Ine meeting.
in accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Acl and Section 286 26. Flori
da Siatutes, persons with dlisalihies
needing special accommodation to partici-
pae in Inis meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later Iran 5 00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.

BL 8,30/06

Notice is hereby given the City Commis-
sion or Atlanic Beacn. Florida will hold a
Public Hearing in City Hall, 800 Seminole
Road, at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, Septem-
ber 11. 2006 Ior iTe purpose ol hearing
and considering the views or the public
concerning ithe following proposed ordi-
ORDINANCE NO. 20-06-80
The lull text of the above ordinance Is
available Ior public inspection in the office
ol the Ciry Clerk
All persons interested are nolilled o1 be
present at the lime and place lisled above
and theV snail be heard It any person de-
cides to appeal any decision at any meet.
ing or nearing. he will need a record of the
proceedings, and lot such purpose ne
may need to ensure tial a verbatim record
ol the proceedings is made which record
shall include e the testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based.

In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to panrticipale in inese
proceedings should contact the City
Clerk's orice al 247-5809. or at City Hall
800 Seminole Road.
BL8/30/06 .

Notice is hereby given trial pursuant to the
Selt-Slorage Facility Acl' Florida Statutes
Section 1 Pan IV of Chapter 83. Laws of
Florida 1982 The personal property
consisting o1 clones personal items and
household goods 01
Paolo Oglo
Unit 531
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
11:00 a.m., Saturday, September 2, 2006,
to satisfy lienri lor past due renlisi Dis.
os iior, will take place at THE STORAGE
BIN. 1001 131n Ave S Jacksonville
Beach, FL. 32250. THE STORAGE BIN
reserves the right to reject any .and all
BL 8/25, 8/30/06

All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.'
241-4954, 655-3300.

MATH TUTORING. Middle, High School
and College. FCAT & Home School assis-
tance at all levels. Retired certified teach-
er. Call 910-6652 for personal cqnsulta-

ARTISTS: JOIN Art Classes forming now
at The New South Beach Gallery in Beach
Plaza. Weekly workshops and painting de-
mos. 4 to 6 weeks. Preregister and Info at'
904-247-4341 or 904-708-2911.
MATH TUTOR- Experienced, Certified'
Math Teacher will tutor students grades'
K-12. Call Stacle @ 249-2293.,

Atlantic Beach. PT/. benefits/ flexible
schedule. Average inclusive, wage $11-
$14 Apply in person.' 1600 Selva Marina

Avanie ail .Jacksonville Beachn, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rerab laciliry currently
seeks housekeepers, laundry aides lot
day and evening shirts Applicants must
rave a positive arliiude toward ine elderly.
be enthusiastic and willing 10 learn Prior
experience is a plus Must be 18 years ot
age. nave MS diploma or equivalent and
able c10 peak. read. wrie, understand and
follow direciiuons in English A.,anie offers
excellent compensation and premium ben.
elits. including 4011k) Please apply in per-
-on at 1504 Seabreeze Avenue, Jackson-
ville Beach. FL 32250
www avanlegroup corn
RECEPTIONIST- EXP. office work. com-
purer literate, multi- line phone Send re.
sume 10 Receptipnisl. 3102 Sawgrass VIi
lage Cir, Ponte Vedia Bch, FL 32082.
P.T Sales and Delivery Driver to work
12-20 his week TueS Ihru Fri. Call Boo
at 241-4100.
DENTS Part-lime o lulitime hours provid-
ing visits and shins lor homecare patients
Reliable transponation and caring person-
ality required Call 241-1656 tor more in.
formation or applyy online at www rnthson-
line com

Parlt-ime every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays, 8.30am-5pm, at a premier
retirement commuriry to assisi residents
and visitors in coordination with the Man-
ager of Resident Services Applicants
should be highly organized and be aole to
communicaie and deal lacitully wiln the
public residents and family members un-
Adr all conditions Prolicient in Microsolt
Outlook. Word, Excel and Power Poinl
Hotel, hospital. CCRC or other retirement
community or nospilality experience help-
rul Must be willing to work holidays and
othiner shihs .1 necessary. Ideal position for
retired or semi-retired candidate Applica-
tions al Fleel Landing Security Gale. One
Fleel Landing Blyd. Alantic Beach, FL
32233, Fax to 1904)246-9447 email-
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Drug-Free
Workplace I
son to work al lurrirure consignment store
10-6pm, 2.3 days per week 241-5558

SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up All makes. all models. $49 50

PADGETTS A/C & Healing, Inc. Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded cal
Travis ai 588-5222
Free Esimales License CAC1814887

Carpel. Sales & Inslallation. Free esti-
mates. Licensed/ Insured. Jim 813-6756
or 619-3980

HOUSES WANTED to clean. 14 years ex-
pernence References Maryann 377-6643.
SMILEI YOUR house was cleaned loday
by Top to Bonom Housekeeping Releren.
ces. Licensed. Just call and it will be done
THE TWO ol us personally clean your
r.ome. 8 years in business with referen-
ces Call Trici at 233-2621
SERVICES Dependable, honesl.
ihorougri Relerences Licensed Insured
SMALL OFFICE and house cleaning
Day' Evenings References Reasonble
HONEST. DEPENDABLE cleaning. 10c
oh lirsI clean Call Debbie 1904)626-6125
CLEANj TO SHINE. Our company commit-
meni is 100''% Customer Salisiaclion at
Affordable Prices We clean homes, apan-
menis, offices. RV's. new construction and
resiauranls For a tree estimate call 514.
7009 or 1904)779-0158. We will bear any
company prices
cleaning since 19781 Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded Individual cleaner. Option
to customize chore list 241-1115
www cathyscieaning corm
PLEASE CALL Lynne s Cleaning Service
for your cleaning needs. Honest, depend.
able Pet & House sitting, 343.4018.
TRACEY GRABILL cleaning services.
Residential, commercial, licensed, insur-
ed 874"7126,
'LET THE Honey Do Bees clean your ga-
rage lor you 246-4203
ble. Reasonable rate., tree eshmates Call
Roxanne 19304)477-5398
etc Discounis Relerences 242-2546,

ices. Free estrmales for repair. installation.
Comm-Res Standby generators and
transfer swliches All electrical needs.
Visa MC 343 5535. Great rates!

WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience Relerences Mick Oul-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.

applications, house calls training, repairs.
upgrades, websiies, graphics Free phone
lech 904-249-3034 or email,
callro.' 1comcast.nel

Grading, Lawn Replacements. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone.
Irrigation Repairs. MUCH MOREI Bob,
Pro Lawn Service
STOP OVERPAYING Landscape by Ll-
nus. Licensed. Insured. Dependable.
Beaches/West Beaches/ Ponte Vedra.

Self motivated, fast moving, flexible, multi-
task person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm-10:30pm, or later. Call Debbie after
2pm;285-3400, ext.3352.DFWP. .
ADMINISTRATIVE ASST., flexible hours,
computer skills, required. Call Cheryl
PT NURSE. surgery center exp. necces-
sary Fax resume to 285-3931 pr call
285-7202. .
DRIVER 'NEEDED for. split shift, early
mornings, 5am-9am, and some after-
noon's. $9/hr., van supplied. Beaches area
deliveries. Call Larry 242-0140,
COOK POSITION available, Monkey's
Uncle Tavern. Apply in person: 1850 S.
3rd St. J.B.
Must be able to oversee a crew of 6-8
people Be motivated, dependable and a
multi- laser Some computer skills 5pm-
l1pm or later. Call Debbie aher 5pm
285-3400 exi 3352.
Country Club FT, PT. benefits 401k. DL
required Golf privileges. Apply in person.
KITCHEN HELP & servers in PV. Re.
sponsible Day or night Good starting
pay Will traIn eight people Please call for
appi. 273-0006
ABSENT ANSWER is looking for nappy
people to work Ft flexible shifts Will train
Great pa./ Call today 270-2357
lune Beach An established firm needs an
organized, motivated, and multi-tasker.
Some computer knowledge heiplul. Mon-
Tnurs- 1.30pm-5:30pm, F- 9am-3pm.
Email resume to rlt@20011rslslreei.com or
lax io 904-241-2950.
PART TIME Receptionist, Data Entry
30 year old consulting company located
on Hodges Blvd is seeking a P/T front
desk Receplionis/Dala Entry person.
Must nave professional appearance and a
polite speaking voice Experience in an.
swearing a mult-Ilne telephone system is
desired. Basic computer skills are re.
quired Must be able to accurately inpui
customer information into a computerized
database system Other oulies include
creating reports, maintaining inventory ol
office supplies, and olher general clerical
lunctions WorKing hours are Monday- Fri-
day. 20-25hrs per wk Please email your
resume to rmcrae''obalescompany.com
OUTBOUND SALES Reps. $8/hr. bonus
per job. benefits Off Atlantic Blvd., near
Regency Square lyr. exp +- Call 722-
1873. Jobs@FlueTechnlnc.com.
BRUCCi'S PIZZA. Ponte Vedra. now hir-
ing Dishwashers & Bussers Call lan

Now hiring a part-time tennis shop attend-
ant. 10-15 hours per week at 57 per
hour Call 285-0753 lor inlormairon. Ap-
ply in person Tuesday- Saturday Drug
testing/ EOE
THE ORIGINAL Pancake House in the Sl
Johns Town Center is looking for PIT
servers. cooks and hosis for weekend
mornings. Please call 997-6088. M-F

WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates Call Alan. 237-5301.

CHEAP MOE S61 Complete lawns service
SMosl vards only $20..f904)422-0593
Dependable Qualiry Service. Reasonable
l rates 821 0737

LAWN AND Landscape.mainlenance. 12
years experience. Free estimates Call
Kirk al 904-370.0065
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esli-
inates. Prolessional' customer service
Mowing. edging, weeding, trimming- trees,
shrubs Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial CALL US FIRST! 270-2664.
lawns. Fiee estimates. 246-0967.
PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups Mulching. Sodding, whatever iI
takes, etc Dave 249-4724
mates, local, reasonable prices We do it
right Ihe lirst time. No contracts required
Call Ray, 607-0853.

Free estimates- Insured. Clean- ups, sod.
mulch panting, 1 time mow, Inm, edge,
shrub trimming' pruning. Most lobs sched-
uled, completed under 7 working days

to use In ministry and get money in your
pocket. Local church seeking part-time
cook/ event coordinator for Wednesday
evening programs and occasional church
events. Contact Debbie at 221-1700. or fax
resume to 221-9191.
WE NEED Ironing done weekly. Call
543-0256 for details.
NEED "SHADOW" to assist first grade
student with school work and activities at
small, private Jax Bch school.' Ideally
Monday- Friday 8 30am-l2noon Oppor-
tuniries at other limes also available.)
'Email resume::
oart@multilamilybrokers corn

FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller obs. 25yrs ex-
pernence. License a. insured. references.
. -7 89. ,;. -. l ; .. . .
4 ,- ; ,

We service.ihousands of beach residents
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.

WOOD REPAIRS. Termile & Ronen
wood, siding, slucco, wood decks, repairs.
Licensed General Contractor .247-9525.
CGC 1505263. Commercial & Residenlial.
New homes, room additions, remodeling,
stucco, siding. Any small rush repairs
Ouairry Guaranteed. Affordable prices.
Free estimates. (9041234-1179
Please see our Ad in Ihe Business Re.
view. 855-1254
Complete remodeling services & renova-
tions. Tile & Marble Specialist Nice.

OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
Io delail. Flexible hours Knowledge ol
ACT, Excel. and Word helpful. Located in
Ponie Vedra. Call 285-5855
now hiring experienced servers and box
office staff. Parl-ime hours, apply in per-
son Tues.-Fn 1-5pm, ,751 Atlantic Blvd.
No phone calls please.

business. We will certify, but applicant
must have knowledge of cardio:& muscu-
lar exercise. Great growth opportunity with
largest P.T. organization in the _world .
285-3236. www.ftpontevedra.com

HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exte-
rior from ArZ.C Bil| 228-924ir.,


Home Maintenance & Repair
Residential & Commercial
.Pressure Washing
Painting Drywall Repair
Ceramic Tile
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
FREE Estimates
904-613-1285 Mitch
westseriice @comcast.net

REROOFS/ REPAIRS Keller Rooling,
Inc. LIc.#RC0050467, BL2197 Call Rod.
ney 226-3299
ROOFING IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach 25yrs experience. 880-9908.
CCC 1326983.
Rerool. new rool, repairs all rypes of rools
Mention Ihis aa ior a $100 discount on all
rerool or repairs over $750 Call

Safe rool cleaning. Deck & fence Repairs, specializing in termile damage CONSTRUCTION
restoration. Pressure washing Licensed & 246-1529 ROOFING DIVISION
Insured Call Kevin, 994-0045. ROOFING DIVISION
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale MASTERS ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a II.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330. CARPENTRY & TRIM censedprotessional. See our ad. under
T e Remodeling/Conslruclion. Slate Certified
ALL BEACHES INC. Rooter #CCC1325888 Member BBB
PRESSURE CLEANING State Certified Contractor (Hands-on). 247-3777. All credit cards accepted
PRESSURE CLEANING New construction.'aditions. remodeling.
Pressure Cleaning Mold, mildew special- kitchen & bath, termite damage, Bob, IF YOU are interested in advertising under
Isl Rools, sidewalks, driveways, decks 626-1165. Inis category please call 904-249-9033 or
Residential/Commercial. Licensed/Insur- email classified@beachesleadercom
ed. Free Estimates. 15% off new commer-
clal accounts. A L TITI 1 A ...
WJ j'L Ij1 V


Iree estimates, work guaranteed, licensed
knoilc work guaranteed. Painting, tnm.
carpentry wood repair, pressure washing.
Licensed' Insured Free esuImates. 861-

Contractor will paint any avg. size room
$75 1904)613-1271 Email: PerRm75Dol.
lars@aol corn
PAINTING & repairs by Dean. Interior/ex-
terior paining. All types of repairs, busi-
ness & residential. Fully tlic. & insured.
309-4720. '
WASHING COMPANY. '15yrs. experi-
ence. Specializing in Beach homes."

NEW CONSTRUCTION, :remodeling and-
repaint Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.


Specializing in Remodeling,
Additions, Decks, Repairs,
Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
for the home or office.
(904) 247-3777
All Credit Cards Accepled
Certified Builder Certified Roofer
SLiie. CB-C059536 Lin. CCC 1325888
M ri-':r rf th. Br||fr Bu.- .,B ,r,.uu

Painting carpentry, water proofing, press
sure washing, tile work, drywall.

C&J REPAIR Services Carpentry. Dry-
wall, Painting. Paperhanging. Tiling, etc.
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.

dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting. Improvements and miscel-
laneous lObS. DAVE. 246-6628.

HoneyDoBees .
No job too big or small,
If your honey can't do it, -"r
call the handyment who do it all.
Complete renovations, turn key
service. All types flooring, custom
tile work, carpet repair & installa-
tion. Pressure washing, construc-
tion & deck repair. Drywall repair
& painting. Garage cleaning,
debris removal.

Licensed & Fully Insured

Trees, trimming. Hurricane9 Murphy's
Law! Licensed. 242-2546. 568-6067
WOODARD TREE Service Free esti-
. maies, licensed & insured. Call 234-9757.
CUT RITE Tree Service Tree tInmming/
stump gnnding Tree removal/ storm clean
up. All debns removal/ firewood.
19041646-9896 (904)568-6234
SOUTHSIDE TREE Service Enhance the
beauty or your trees. PALMS TRIMMED
904-318-0569 Alan DeLoach

Quality work at reasonable rates..Stump
grinding. Since 1986.

Installation, Repair, Design. Excellent
work, references. Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, (904)962-9312..

I I a .e- ova '.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
.25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

Available from Commercial N es Providers"

Page 7B


The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to fill the
following positions:

( Mechanic Helper (Grounds)

Purchasing Specialist

Codes Enforcement Inspector

A Apprentice Line Worker

i^ Journey Line Worker

;fg Building Codes Inspector

Police Records Specialist

'i) Utility Plant Operator Trainee

i, Design Drafting Technician

,! Variety of other positions available

For further information contact us in person at 11
North 3rd Street. 2nd floor, call 904-247-6263. or visit
us online www.JacksonvilleBeach.org.

Just Joe
N Painting
& Wallpapering,
Pressure Washing
Quality craftsmanship by
Joe DiMauro
.30 years experience
Licensed Insured References
Now Accepting V9
(904) 373-0680 (904) 229-9542

tl~gUSL -->V,,Lvv ---- -----

I .


5, ;I' *

Page 8B The Beaches Leader/Ponte 'edra Leader ,August 30, 2006

CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenler or help-
ers needed., any carpentry experience a
3ius Beaches and Ponle Vedra areas.
Call Tim 509-9071.
HIRING FULL-TIME Driver/ Lawn Mainte-
nance Helper. DFWP, Call .Pam 742-7769.
PEST CONTROL Company needs Lawn
Care Tethnician, busy company, no expe-
rience necessary Slable. hard workers
earn nigh wages DFWP. Call 241-7874:
CHIRO CLINIC seeks a motivated, pois-
ed, Indiv w/personallty plus to serve as
Fronl Desk Assi Heavy phones, data en-
try appoints and maintaining patienI files
Excelieni interpersonal and communica-
iron skills a musll Send resume to
pvodr@bellsouth nel or tax 904-273-4607
Approximately 35hrs. per week.
join our team If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
meni we may have an excellent
opportunity lor you. You will ioin a Nation-
al company & work in Ponie Vedra Beach
Ideal candidate will nave 1+ years expert.
ence inside sales, customer service, or
*- lelen-marK.elng, & excellent communication
skills Abiliry io handle business accounts
Base pay plus commissions FT.'PT, no
evenings or weekends. Fax resume
19041285-0010 or email'
|im@," mediakids.com
City 01 Ailantic Beach. $10.53,nr +bene-
liui Serves as recepltonisi. assists with
building permits Applicalions accepted
uinl ,09,06'06 and may be obtained at
www.coab.us or 800 Seminole Rd Allan.
inc Beach, FL (9041247-5820 No smokers,
iloacco users Drug testing conducted.
YARD SERVICE needs dependable help
to do quality work. 247-3856. 1, .
Marketing Expenmenis Journal. a marker-
irng and research group located in Jack- *
sonville Beach, Florida is seeking an ex-
perienced marketing director to run all
marketing inlliatives related to a protessio-
nal education program that Iney recently
launched Candidates should have a mini-
mum o0 a B S. in business or marketing
and 5 years of direct mail and or online
marketing experience Medical 401k.
cornipelitive salary for qualified individual
'We are seeking ire best Work on the
beach Send resume t10
I harman@mec.-la2.com
BUSY WHOLESALE Sealood company
seeks FIT Fish Processor & Drivers
S *good records Apply in person only
C&C Fisheries. 36 W 61h Si.. Atlantlic
Bch 246-1138
Ciry 0o Allantic Beach, $16.18 lo
$24.29.'hr. $33.654 1o $50.523 annually.
OO -reneiits Musi be cerantified as a
Florida Building Inspector with at least one
Inspectors license 11 & 2 Family Dwelling
License preferred or eligible' to oiain a
Pro,/isonal License upon hire Must have
S maintain a valid Florida Driver s License
an d good driving record. Applicalions will-
be :accepted until ihe position s15 iled and
may be obtained at www.coab.us or 800
Semin.ole Rd Atlantic Beacn. FL
1904)247-5820, No smokers/ tobacco
Users Drug iesling conducted. EOE.

CARPEIJTER 6 Helper- must riave tools
and '.alid drivers license Drug screen re-
quired Call Scon 813-9480

Customer Service Representative deal-
ing winh Health Benelis (For Commercial
Insurance lines). MUST HAVE 440 IN-
SURANCE LICENSE. Also must have:
Experience working in insurance industry
S Ecellenr customer service skills. Stling
computer skills VERY accurate, detail orli
enmed, and organized. Stable work history.
Music be a quick learner

Experienced Admin: Musi have strong
computer skills solid work history FT and
PT positions available Salary ms $28-35K
wilh opponuniry for grown.

Experienced Admin.: Oualilied candy .
dales must have experience supporting
. e 'eculive levels, meeting planning mak-
ing irvel arrangements, etc Proliclent in
MS Office $35-45K based on experience

Please call ATS Staffing at
904-224-1400 or email resume to:
BOOKKEEPER AND Typist needed tor
Fainr, Based Onice FT or PT Great for
school mom 55 wpm. 2 yis College re-
S qu.red OuickBks, Word, Excel. Rei re-
quired Fax resume 645-0067 or Ph 996-
00. 70.
Scanold Ereciors. Electincians Skilled
SPersonnel Call 249-8147 or 726-5661.
MOVING AND Siorage Co is currently
seeking professional courteous and expe-
rienced Laborers and Drivers Drivers
must po-s'ess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
Licenie Drug lesiing is required For
more irrormaiton call 241-2921

Baylor Weekends 7pm to 7am Saturday
and Sunday and 11pm to 7am Friday
and Monday at a Premier Retirement
Community Health Center. Applications
a l b a ii'l at Fleel Landing Security Gate.
One Fleet Landing Blvd Atlantic Beach
FL Fax to 1904-1)246-9447, email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE.. Drug-Free
Construction Worker -
.'alid Florida Driver's License Experi.
ence helpful but will train Good salary &
b eneirs. Apply at Suriside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd 246-2666 or lax resume to-
49-.8601 e-mail: surisdepools@aol com.
ro,:.rm, concrete finishers, 545 5601
RELIABLE PEST Control Technician
needed for growing Pest Control Co Ap-
ply in person 49 Ardelia Rd.. Atlantic Bch.
Experience a plus bul not necessary
Looking for experienced lawn' landscape
worker. $9.$12 hour or salary, paid vaca-
lion. valid FL drivers license, 534-5459
THE PIE HOLE serves breakfast, lunch
and pizza Now hiring store manager,
wall sian and cooks lor local Mayport
Gale Apply within 1487-9 Mayport Ra
249 7437
MECHANIC GREAT pay & benefits, All
hihl aailable Ep truck & trailer. Cen-
lurion Auto Transpon 800-889-8139

i'r local house cleaning business Must
have own Iransporlahion pass background
chec'i and be avail. M.F brwn 8 5:30pm.
DRIVER.' HELPER needed Construction
exp a plus Tony 476-7279 iv msg

beaches area for swimming pool electrical
coniracior No exp necessary. Call David

Foreman -& helpers. Apply 7am, TNT
Landscape 1074 10in Ave. S. Jax
Beach 247-4477
PAINTERS WANTED for custom home
painting. Transportation & experience.
HOME CLEANERS lull-time' par-litme, re-
liable car & phone. $10-$12 per hour, call
CARPET INSTALLER/ Helper, must have
exp. & own transponalion Call 821-8338.
VICAR'S Landing, a Life Care Retire-
ment Community located in Ponle Vedra
Beach is seeking an experienced painter
Tnis is a full-time position and requires
5 years painting experience Must have
good working knowledge of paints tor the
ngrig application. as well' as special coat-
ings We oiler a last paced environment
as well as competitive salary and benefits
package. Please lorwara resume lo
dneitzel@vlcarsianding.com or lax to
904.273-1719. ATTNM HR or mail o0 Vic.
ar's Landing Administration, 1000 Vicar's
Landing Way,. PoniC Vedra Beach,. FL
32082,- ATTN'" HR. Drug Free Work-
place. EOE.

Work at the Beach. We are a Microsohl
Developer providing software tor transpor-
lation logisihcs, dispatch, and accounting.
iHeavy prospeclung eleerrarkelng. and
lead generation i Prospecting experience
a must along win strong PC skills and
abiliry to work independently. Fax resume
to 241-7333 or email Jenniier al lenni-
lerw@desenrmicro net

REAL ESTATE Assistant- Seeking detail
oriented organized mulll-tasker.- Must
h ve excellent writing .&. computer skills,
Past experience w/ MS Publisher, Internet
Explorer & '.Outlook: 'Fax ", resume
FULL-TIME, 1"30pm to 9:30pm In main
dining room kiichern. Dependability and
puncluality a must. Excellent benells and
great work environment to apply, applica-
tions available at Fleel Landing Security
Gate. One Fleet Landing Blvd.. Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233, Fax to (904)246-9447
email tojobs@fleetlandlng.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace .
ENTRY FAUX Fintihing, -Painting
Must be arnisic. FT/PT. An Departmenl-

Bushong Insurance, one of Ponte Vedra's
largest Property' Casualty insurance Brok-
ers. desires administrative assistant candl-
dates as well'as experienced CSR's Join
in to this excellent work environment wltn
opportunities for advancement, as well as
a superior benefits package. Applicants
music be detail oriented and possess ex-
cllenrt computer skills License nol re-
quired. For consideration.. lax resume Io
Ahtordable Residential Communilies
tARCi is engaged in ine operation ol man-
utactured housing communities across the
U.S. and is seeking a HR Recruiter in the
Florida. Carolinas and Atdanta areas.
Resp. include but are nol himied lto Follow
up with the related clerical aspects of em-
ployment. involvement in the posting prp.
gram promotele Irom within' policy. Con-
quct' assist in recruitment efions- act as a
liaison with employment/ temporary,' ad-
venrisement agencies,, verify employment
referrals, completion of employment
claims, representation at unemployment
hearings and orientation of'new employ.
ees. Must' hve Bachelor's degree and/ or'
equiv. experience (alt least 3 years),
strong knowledge of employment law,
greal computer skills, be extremely per-
ceplive, sensitive to corporate needs, em-
ployee goodwill and public image Must be
able to travel weekly exiensively.-Selary
mid t40's based on exp ahd qualificallon
ARC strives to maintain a safe and
drug-free workplace. We may condition
an offer of employment on the satisfac-
tory completion of a drug screen and
background check, subject to applica-
ble laws.

FULtLTime, 3pm- 1pm at Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
beneli package competitive wages, good
working environment. Applications availa-
ble at Fleel Landing Security Gate, One
Fleer Landing Blva., Atlantic Beach, FL;
Fax to 1904)246-9447: email to:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE! Drug-Free
GUTTER INSTALLER needed, exper-
ence required. Call 241-5099 Ior appi
Seeking responsible persons for private
company Must be bondable. Serious in.
queries only. Leave msg ai 716-8824
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
overtime available Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brolrers Serices, Inc 246.

WAITSTAFF Privale club Atlantic Beach'
FT; benefits' flexible schedule. Average
inclusive wage $11- $14. Apply in person.
1600 Selva Marina Dr DFWP

Driver Jacksonville Terminal

& eeen


w w ~ y a li .c '

HAIR STYLIST Florida License. must be
able to do men's military-type haircuts
Marketing Experiments Journal, a markel-
Ing and research group located In Jack-
sonville Beach Florida Is seeking an ex.
perienced project manager to coordinate
design and marketing related tasks lor a
growing consulting business. Candidates
should have a minimum oi a B.S. and 5
years of project management experience
Experience witn project management on
large, complex projects required and ex-
treme anention to eliail a must. Medical,
.401k. competitive salary for qualified indi-
vidual We are seeking the best. Work on
the beach Send resume to
erc.s @meclabs com

DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches lull-time.
some experience necessary. Call, or lax
resume 285-3128.
Pool Maintenance. Clean driving record a
must 246-2455

SHOWROOM SALES wilh admlnistralive
duties available for a well established mar-
blDie and granite Importer located at mehe
beach. Knowledge of sione materials arn
design helpful Salary and beneuis negc'-
liable upon experience Fax resume 10
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile Help.
ers needed Learn a trade. Healin Dens-
itS, good hours advancementri opponuni.
lies. Must nave valid FL Drivers License
Call 249-5381 for appl.
PONTE VEDRA, AR Accounling Clerk po.
silion. Requires last learner and well or-
ganized Good pay email resume 10
khorne@cnIre corn EOE
OFFICE CLEANERS needed lor cleaning
nignily. Will train. must have Iransporlalion
and phone. Call 273-2761
MANAGER in hnolisC ,nierrnal medical -
lice. Full part lime sec:reiarial, clerical
and support oi M D a unique sending Ex-
perience required in answering phorns.
computers, communications and public re.
laitons Musi be eninusiaSiLc dependable,
consistent, and an excellent maicn Fa'.
resume witn references. nro pnone ,:alls
lease Persephone Healing Aris Cenier
AX. 9041246-3778.

LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST: BOAT PROP, stainless steel, like new,
Specializing in Swedish' Deep tissue came off of Yamaha 150 $125 Call
massage Call 821-1605. 521-1033

Includes a nutritional and lifestyle evalua-
tion and body composition analysis Call
Jeremy or Parti @ 904-223-0165 to book
your appointment today.

PRIVATE DUTY CNA providing 24 hr day
care Exp reis & background Cynthia.
years. experience seeks new position. Ex-
Iremely dependable and caring Excellent
relerences. Call Leslie 612-4751 or
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
nthis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classfiled@Deacnesleader.com

SMALL FULL service landscape company HIRING FOR all positions Musi have, PRIVATE DUTY CNA looking to care lor
wSMALL FULL servicelandscape Company good atlude and experience. Apply be. elderly Exc refs. Degree w, many years
.now ng all field polons Call orwean 2 4p r, No phone cas pleas exp Please call Donna 285.0432.
details 998-9677 1307 Allantic Blvd., Neplune Bch.

eflis' 401 K flexible schedule. Detail orieni-
ed individual Starting pay negotiated. Goll
privileges. Phone 904-246-4827. email
accounting'@elvamarina corn. or tax re-
sume 10 246-9121, DFWP.

CARIBBEE KEY looking for experienced
Line Cooks & Prep Cooks. Apply in per-
son between 10am-4pm M-F, 100 First St
N, Nep Bcn.
FT AND PT Front and back office work.
Computer skills, typing skills, and organi.
zalional skills required Exp. preferred but
nor required. 246-3232
GOLF. COURSE Maintenance' Selva
Marina Country Club. FT benefitst/ 401k.
Experience preferred Goll privileges. Call
246 4 711, DFWP.

DENTAL ASSISTANT/ Receptionist, Pe-
diatric dental once in Jax Beach. M.
Thursday We are looking lor thai perfect
addition to our slatf Energetic. quality
work ethics. Dental experience req. Fax
Resume -- 247-8495.
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer
Must have lools. truck, WC exemption. FT
position, top pay 476-3086.'

Full-Time. 5:30am-2pm' at Premiere Re.
iiremenr Community Health Center. Excel.
lent beneils, good working environment
Nursing Home cooking experience de-
sired Applications available at Fleet Land-
ing Securiry Gale, One Fleet Landing
Blvd.. Atlantic Beach,' FL; Fax to 904-246-
9447; email to: jobs@fleetlanding.com
EOE/ Drug-tree Workplace.
Marketing Experiments Journal, a market-
ing and research group located in Jack-
sonville Beach, Florida is seeking an ex-
perienced technology director to coorai-
nate all technology projects, including
spec creation, estimation, testing and
management ol vendors: Candidates
should have a -minimum of a BS. and 5
years of project managemenrand/or tech-
nology development. UML and technical
writing skills preferred. Medical, 401k,
competitive salary for qualified individual.
We. are seeking ihe besl Work on the
Each. Sena resume to

Flexible hours, no weekends. exc.-lleni
pay Transponailon & phone required
591-5901, 514-1188
BEACHES CAR Wash. lull ime relp
needed, Wages negotiable lips Benetiti
Avail. Apply In person, 1401 Beach Bikd
'DRIVERS: EXCELLENT pay and benehis',
Stable ang succesylul company CDL-A,
whazmaL 10 years work history required
Dave- 3440 W.20th Si Jax, 32254
good pay Dbenefits. company
vehicle.phone, must'have good driving re.
cord. 568-8700

We need Helpers & Crew Leaders We
are busy installing hurricane systems o,r'
homes & businesses around Ihe rsti
coast. Must nave insiallaion & consiruc.
lion exp Drivers lic. & iranisp req d Slart-
ing at $12. $18 per hour Call 232-3000
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean orii,ri re.
cord required. Call April 246-9999.

DENTS. Pan-lime io luliime.hcurs pr),'.id
ing visits and shins for homecare paiienis
Reliable ransponaiion and caring persorn.
aliv required Call 241-.165i, or more inr-
tormaiion or apply online at ww,w nlh.on.

Ouickbooks, Excel. A!R. A'P. G.'L, Payroll
experience required. Salary + benelirs
Fax resume 904 241-0752.

RESET/ INSTALLER Eniry 1,vel position
installing displays in .Home Cenier.z
Heavy lhing. reliable Iransponaolln. over.
nighl shirt required F.T w'oenelis and
expenses paid Drug and criminal cri-,.-K
required. 770-294-66.75 mail
dwightgolden 'csaser,..icesinc com

IFI 1 1

BED. BEAUTIFUL Temp-peaic Memory
Foam manress & boxspring, new in
plasi,.: w warranty $379. Must sell.
6 PIECE corner oak computer desk
w hufch. eXc condition. $600 220-7646.

13' UTILITY trailer, single axle. $500.
Washer & dryer- heavy duty, super ca.
pa:itr,. exc cond $150 each. Will guaran-
lee Can deliver 874.1747.
COMPLETE PIONEER audio system.
,ca.inei, $1000 OBO Call Sieve
FLORIDA STATE Season Tickets, lace
value Call 613-6154
3 PC anitque while cocKtail tables $400.
Beige recliner $250 Vick. 904-349-1490.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
insialled lor $899. 249-8877
Hideabed sola, mauve. $50. Daybed. sea
loam green $50. Swivel stuffed rocker
$25 859-7279
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new. w'warranry $129 Can deliver.
WASHER' DRYER, lyr old, Ig capacity,
1450 bomn. 631-2331.
51 SONY Wide Screen Hi-Del TV, new
condition $875 OBO Jim Idayl 270-8922
Ieel 247-3724
PENTIUM II Computer $75 Pro Dynamics
Prol speakers mew $2200) asking $200.
Firm 241-4204.
JAGUAR TICKETS, Jaguar Tickets, Jagu-
ar T,:kels"! Call 246-4332 or,625-6442.
GIRLS WHITE bedroom set- dresser, mir-
ror. nignisiana twin bed. $275. 241-8718
or 502-6926
STOVE. ELECTRIC. self cleaning, very
clean_ $65. TV armoire, beautiful dark
wood, iall $70 477-7736.
VICTORIA COUCH, ivory brocade uphols-
lery dark wood, beauiluli $650 OBO. Al-
so Mission oak Bookcase. glass doors,
brass lock & key Aulnentic. $900 OBO
Will consider all reasonable offers Call
?41 .4 44 Iv msg * ...
LIKE NEW Treadmill $300. Call

HOT POINT Washer & Dryer i3yrs old)
$200 lor set .!-delvery charge, if required.
YELLOW/ PEACH/ green, floral/ siriped
sofa & loveseal, $350 OBO. 2 end tables
& coffee able $75 OBO, 859-3536
" CRIB, LIGHT oak, stylisn, like new $60.
Baby bears comforter set, bumper, sheet,
cute for boy, Baby's R Us $40 223-0362.
5 SETS ol golf clubs, electrc cnair imn
llishing rods & reels & more. Call

BRAND NEW w/receipr Korg Trion Key'
$700, paid $1100. Peavey PA 8 cn $400
paid $600 Yamaha speakers wistands
$300, paid $550 Baldwin Acoustic Piano
$900. 372-0152 Rich.

HEART PINE. tongue & groove flooring.
cut from antique Pine limbers installation.
stair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD

LARGE LEATHER Ioveseal, lull size lu-
Ion, and aquarium. Saturday, 8am-unlil.
80 Beach Conage Lane. tSeminole Rd
between 19tn & 20thi
CLOSING- OUT, Antique mall booih at
garage sale prices Furniture, glass. ce-
ranmics, iron. holiday, lamps, something lor
everyone. Saturday, 8am-11am. 2227
Oceantorest Dr. West Oceanwalk

8AM-12PM, SATURDAY. Furniture. kids'
toys & .more. 3040 La Reserve Dr. Fid-
dler's Marsh

HUGE GARAGE Salei Sal 912, 7am,
3078 Cobblewood Ln W. Nonh. on Ker-
nan. lent on McCormick.'RI on Monument.
first light lake RI on Cobblestone. irs left
in Villas or Cobblestone.

DON'T MISS one of out biggest sales'
Fully furnished Ponte Vedra off AlA, E
on Corona to 544 Granada. Orientrl rugs
Tall clock. Good pnings Waterford ga-
lore. Tons aniqs., Ig Lalique bowl Set
Towle slerl. Tiffany & more ornate pcs
Chinese export porc Cranberry spoo.
nets. Charlie Brown, Roseville, Ouimp
er, Rosenthal big set Hermes scarves.
Louis Vuitton bags. Federal chest. Crhi
nese Chip sola & Il1 Ralph Lauren &
more lurn. 14K jewelry, many pocket
watches Radko & David Winier. Pool tbl
Patio & garden lull. Big bird cages Hr end
kilch & 3 garages packed. CHINA CAT
241-0344 see @ chinacataniques com.
#s @ home @ 8 AM Tnurs. & Fri. 9-4.
Sal 9-12.

1983 22' Hunter Sailboal .New electric &
rigging. 4 sIroke, 6hp oulboard less rian
30 hrs, swing keel, accomadales 6 addulls.
sleeps $6000 OBO 821-0797.

1986 TOYOTA Coachman, 22h. 70K mi.
great cond. good gas mileage, many ex-
Iras $6500 OBO. 270-0742.

TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2001 Great conda-
lion, 70k miles, While/ gray rinerior
$10.500 OBO 588-4691.
1987 FORD E-350"Van. New Irans, needs
som work $750 OBO 273-1357

-- -- - -- -- .

LR & Mlaser BR sel for sale $1000 rakes 2004 TOYOTA 4Runner Limited 4x4. V8.
all. Wili sell tby piece. Call 246-3033 lor loaded. Ilanium silver, 55k miles, very
appi particular owner $25,000. 904.-338-4046

242-8235 1

6-1/2 YEAR Establisred Beach Tanning
Salon, $60,000 246-7120

OPENING FOR inlants io 3 years old. lull
or part-lime reasonable raies references
Call 220-7493

BAKERS RACK. like new, metal, glass.
and wood $150 Dell desktop 4400 com-
puter w.' scanner, printer, desk. and chair
complete 650 lor all Sola and love seal.
neutral colored floral: good condilion.
$500 lor boIh 221-2969

1971 VW Super Beelle. white, new tires
maintenance record from 2002 $2000
249-9120 Ive message
1.997 KIA Sponage 125K miles Looks
ana drives new. 4WD. Aulo. Cold A'C.
must sell. $2,900 OBO 716-2586

CURIO CABINET.. Oak TV Unit, steel
desk Deli XPS computer and Lexmark 2006 BMW M3 convemnble, let black.
printer. 20-9406 SMG 19" alloy wheels 4300 miles
$58.500 280-4324.
GE WASHER & dryer $l75'both, 7'x12'
WASHER n compuryer shelving, $th10 1992 RED Cavalier convertible. 71.000
434 er 3819100 oinal miles, new A/C Worlds best
beach cruiser. $1750. Call 465-2426
ing sel Sacrifice $800 OBO. Oak Corner 1997 TOYOTA Camry, 4 cyl. 126,000
desk 545. Oak rulon irame $40. 536-6400 miles, great conalion. (772)538-4208
DIriijiIG RM table w/six upholslered i1962 CUSTOM convened VW rani ouggy.
chairs, glass top with brush metal & stone $2500 OBO. 2004 Master Tow row dolly,
base 44x72. $850. 273-5854. extra wide, $500 OBO Leer camper top.
7', Dodge, blue, $300 OBO 725-3553

WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173.
99-3 .1470
BATHROOM VANITY, while, 611 double
Sinks marble tlop, $200 Seiva Linkside,
SOLID OAK Oueen bedroom set In-
cludes rounded headboard wiratian inlay
design, 72 six plus drawer dresser
wlrounded mirror and rahan inlay, two
2-drawer nigritsiands, lour drawer plus
storage Armoire Good condition $600,
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
wrmanress 8 box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350
WATER HEATER. GE 50 gal., newer,
80' MAHOGANY Duncan Fife Bear Claw
Dining Table, with 6/chairs, $750. Call
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories. Ladder
rack Irackil) $225. Diamond plate lool box
1100 F.Dergilass topper $275. Or all for
$500. 716-1518.
FILL DIRT lor sale. Can deliver Miranda
Contracting Call 219-2765.
6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499
Can deliver 858-9350.
SOFA & loveseal, grey contemporary, mi-
cro- plush fibers, great cond., $575 OBO.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver 904|391-0015.
1994 ASPEN Trailer 4 1/2x 9f1. Heavy du-
ry $575 553-7203
WHIRLPOOL WASHER, exc. cond.. $125
GE Dryer, $100. 30" electric stove $50. All
in, good condition Can deliver. 945-0226.

Pewier lan leather, lully loaded, running
board, Alpine 6 CD stereo, new Itres, 49k
miles, $18,900. 904-234.5253

1993 CAVALIER. exc. cond cold A/C,
runs great. very clean. $1400 OBO. also
willing to trade lor truck or van Call 904-
372-4030 or 904-534-7182 ask ror Jimmy
1989 RED Jeep Cherokee 4x4, 162.000
miles, 4 xira rims' tires AS IS CONDI-
TION. Started cutting oul, I doni know
about engines, bought truck Will sell ior
$600 Will hold and lake payments also
needs tire balance work Call 302-1968
1998 TOYOTA Camry. good cond.. cool
A/C, theft proof $4500 OBO 327-1081
1991 CADILLAC Seville, all power. runs
good. must sell, $850 OBO 716-2586
1992 MAZDA Miaia, 21-4k mi.. many new
parts/ lop. Looks & runs great $3500
(904)242-0560, (904)434-3544


walt-M. CiAJOI-44M.lsS.(

MEMO: nwi


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