La 4
Valuable, but
politically incorrect
See below
Vol. 44, No. 18
AUGUST 23, 2006
Looking for a
pet? Check our
Marsh Landing
gets ready to reopen
See A-8
SAn edition of The Beaches Leader
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Nease High
copes with
extra teens
The students, teachers and administrators of
Nease High School are coping with an over-
load of students that has left the school short
on teachers, books, lockers and classrooms.
Nease, the school attended by most Ponte
Vedra teens, is one of two schools in the St.
Johns Count' School District that has a signif-
icantly higher student population than that
predicted, according to the district's director of
student services.
"Right now, the only [other] school that we
showed significantly higher [student counts]
than what we expected was Mill Creek
Elementary." said student services director
Tom Schwarm.
Nease, which was told to expect 1,975 stu-
dents for the year that began Aug. 4, instead
counted 2,085, said Principal Linda Thomson.
That extra 110 students compares with the
106 more than were expected at Mill Creek in
fast-growing Northwest St. Johns Count-. The
most recent count at Mill Creek was 1,256,
Schwarm said.
Schwarm said that districtwide, the latest
student count is slightly lower than the pro-
jected 26,510.
He said he hadn't been able to analyze the
causes of Nease's overload.
But the effect. Thomson said, is a scramble
to provide for those extra students.
"What that means is we need to hire three
additional teachers, we need to order 110 dif-
ferent textbooks of assorted types [and] ... we
need additional lockers," Thomson said by
telephone Monday.
In a Friday e-mail to parents, Thomson said
the new teachers will be used to reduce the size
of classes in English, Sp.nish and social stud-
"I am amazed at how smoothly things are
running," she said in the e-mail.
Part of the problem is the size of the fresh-
man class 580, Thomson said.
Typically, student counts settle down after
Labor Day. But until then, Nease is "coping,"
Thomson said.
"The snowball keeps rolling. As each student
registers, that's an additional student to pro-
vide'with all of those extra things."
Some classes have been combined, student
schedules have been changed, and portable
classrooms are being added, she said.
"\We don't even have a classroom in which
to put these new teachers." she said.
Some changes have been made and more are
to come, she said. .
"Fortunately, it is still early in the year."
PVCA board
ups dues to $60
The board of trustees for the Ponte Vedra
Community Association voted Monday to
raise the annual dues of its members to $60- a
S$10 increase in order to alleviate a predicted,
deficit of $4,600 in next year's budget.
Because oftrising costs associated with sever-
al free parties offered throughout the year to
PVCA members, the board voted to raise the
dues of both families and single members.
L Last August, the board voted to raise the $35
rates of single memberships by $15, making
every PVCA member pay the same $50 rate.
But. several board members said in the
monthly PVCA meeting Monday night that
family membership rates have remairied the
same for more than fiie years.
.The board discussed other possibilities for'
relieving the deficit, including selling al\ier-
tisements in the soon-to-be published member
directory' and charging members for the free
But several of the board members had con-
cerns that companies with ads would use the
directory to solicit P\CA members and that
selling ads would create more financial prob-.
lems than it would solve.
The board also agreed that more member-
ships may be canceled if members were forced
to pay for parties than if their dues were raised.
"I don't have any problem with a $10,
increase." said board member Dqug Iludson. "I
think it's rather modest."
The board agreed not to raise dues again for
at least another three years.
Board wonders
about costs for
At Bill of Rights
A proposed draft of a Neighborhood Bill of
Rights ordinance for St. Johns Count- had counts
commissioners seeing, dollar signs Tuesday.
Several members of the St lohns Board of
Count ( Comminssioneru said at a w workshopp session
Tuesday that the\ worried about additional costs
and extra staff needed to, enforce the ordinance.
The proposal Jims at inmp going notification to
residents about land use decisions and public
works projects a goal that all commissioners
except Jim Bryant, who was absent, said they sup-
4.-A "I think there are ,some very good parts to this,"
said Commissioner Karen Stern, echoing similar
praises voiced by fellow\ commissioners.
S: "There could be some additional budgetary
requirements with an ordinance like this."
Commissioner Bruce ,laguire of Ponte Vedra
Beach also said he liked the ordinance, "but the
logistics of this... could turn out to be a night-
Under current county law, residents within 300.
feet of a proposed project receive letters notifying
them of any public hearings related to that proi-
i- ect.
----- ---- .
If the Neighborhood Bill of Rights is adopted,,
IVf2y T-,~-- ..developers would be required to notih, registered
-4. s neighborhood associations within 3") davs after
the submission of applications regarding zoning
.'.-'. and rezoning property., developments of regional
Associations would also be entitled to informal
meetings ith those applicants and a "reasonable"
opportunity to address and present evidence to
any county board during hearings on such appli-
cat ions.
The draft defines 3 neighborhood association as
N W'.'any informal or formal association of natural per-
Ssons [ Vo -untarIl join to register a list of their
S1 4_ ", -1 ,. names and residential addresses... with the St.
lohns Counts Admrinistrator or his designee."
I-t i; -:- It.currently allows associations to register once a
"RW-. year on a not-vet-decided date, with one member
Phic.,. ry ROB DCAr IGEL, O f that association to be chosen to represent them
Nease High running back Chris Johnson (3) outruns some Bulldogs defenders on a 39-yard in public hearings.
screen pass during last Friday night's Preseason Classic at The Bolles School. The Panthers
won, 21-14, in two quarters. Complete story on page B-1. More photos, B-4. See BILL OF RIGHT,, .A-3
PrTceless' antiques
Experts find value at PV senior center
From cedar chests, shelves, closets, attics and
garages, pieces of the past arrived at the Palm
Valley Senior Center Tuesday for a one-hour-
antiques road show.
Each piece had a story of its own, and, with a
few exceptions, each piece was given a value
estimated b\ husbandand-awife team Charlotte
and Frank Thorpe of lacksonville Beach.
There were figurines, a cast iron mechanical
bank, a politically incorrect toy, decorative
plates and cups, jewelry, a crazy quilt and tools.
Many were handed down from generation to
)generation, among them a monkey-and-cat
painting said to be given by a Congressman to
his lover.
There wias an April 26, 1926 copy of "The
Dearborn Independent." with the magazine's
mailing label still intact.
The magazine, which sold for a nickel when
it came out, would go for about $10, Frank
Thorpe said.
Many people save magazines and specific
issues of newspapers, such as those reporting
the assassination of President Kennedy or man's
first walk on the moon, Thorpe said.
Dozens of seniors listened as the Thorpes
picked up dozens of items, one at a time, that
the seniors had brought from their homes.
After the gathering heard about the past of
each item, one of the Thorpes, who hold estate
sales and sell antiques online, talked about'
how the item fit in with others of its kind.
One attention-getting piece was a mechani-
cal bank of the kind made popular, Frank
rhorpe explained, after the Civil War.
"You could get a child to save" by giving him
or her such a toy, he said.
Taking a penny to demonstrate, Thorpe,
showed that when a button is pushed, a
mechanical golfer would shove the coin into a
large hole near the feet of a caddy.
: n original caddy-and-golfer bank could be
."way up in the thousands," Frank Thorpe said,
but because this one is a reproduction, it might
sell for about $25.
His wife seemed enchanted by a tri-handle,,
sterling silver bowl on a pedestal with an
engraving from 1905.
Owner Jean Shoff said the bowl, which she
had used to chill champagne, was presented to
her great-great uncle, who had been secretary of
an upscale, quarter horse racing event at
Pittsburgh's Schenley Park.
"Oh, I just love it," Charlotte Thorpe said.
"It's gorgeous. It's in perfect condition." And
because it deals with horse racing, the item "is
very, very collectible," she said.
Other items the couple considered very col-
lectible were an Allstate train set from the 1950s
in its original box, a Hummel figurine
(Hummels are going back up in price, Charlotte
Thorpe said and a Marx metal toy.
The toy is an old-time car with replicas of two
characters from the "Amos and Andy" radio
and television show.
"Amos and Andy is something we don't talk
about any more because it's politically incor-
rect." said Frank Thorpe, demonstrating how
r.. ,c ., K ,T'I HARTrIANl
Charlotte Thorpe (right) talks about a piece of:carnival glass brought to the Palm Valley Senior
Center on Canal Boulevard Tuesday. She and her husband Frank Thorpe (second from right) did
a one-hour antiques road show for the seniors.
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11ON-E h d BCopyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader. Inc.
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pet:: rules
need bite
Pat Stephens holds a painting given to her great-great aunt in New York.
Road shom
Continued from A-I
the springy front wheels
would bounce "to make kids
laugh in the '20s."
That piece, which could
bring $700 to $800, he said, is
part of "Black Americana"
that his wife said is "just
awful, but wonderful."
Another item that com-
manded the attention of the
couple and the audience was a.
framed painting of a cat
taunting a monkey, which was
brought in by Pat Stephens.
Stephens said she had no
idea of the artwork's value but
said it had belonged to her
great-great aunt in New York
The painting ivas given to
her aunt by a Congressman
she was having an affair with,
Stephens said.
Frank Thorpe advised
Stephens to get an appraisal
from a specialst in art,
although, he added, the frame
is of high quality and the
painting appears to be "a
good piece of art."
Many of the items were val-
ued at under $100, although
the train set could fetch $350
to $400 and the silver bowl
could bring about $2,000,
according to the couple.
The couple Charlotte
Thorpe was with the former
Beaches Antique Gallery on
Beach Boulevard declined
to put values on some items
without checking certain
details of age, design or mark-
And like many keepsakes;
some could not be valued at
' a ll. ..
A pair of century-old, hand-
carved, wooden, capped cylin-
ders used by Andrew Ware of
Cleveland, Ohio, to hold his
drill bits might be worth $30
to $35 each at an antiques
sale, Frank Thorpe.
"The fact that it's got your
gieat-grandfather's name on
it," Thorpe said to the owner,
"is priceless, in your case."
Negligent pet owners whose
animals injure someone on
I pu c 'tropery` i "'NlepltuW&
SBeH. asoohiTAEcstir^ff) i
as much as $500 for a first-
time offense.
City officials say that animals
even those which mean no
harm can cause serious or
even life threatening injures
when allowed to roam
unleashed in public areas such:
as the beach. And while the
maximum fine the city can levy
on a pet's owner is $50 for a
first-time animal control viola-
tion, the medical costs associat-
ed with the injured victim can
often be in the thousands of
dollars, say officials.
The City Council at its"
Monday workshop meeting
instructed the city staff to draft
a change tg the city's animal
control ordinance to create a,
separate fine when an animal
injures someone. The change is
Subject to two more votes by the
council and a public hearing
before being enacted.
Currently, the fines for any
animal control violations are:
*$50 the first offense
*$75 for the second offense
*5100 for the third offense
City Manager Jim Jarboe told
councilors that the city could
fine someone up to. $500 for
animal control violations and
suggested that the fine be no
smaller than $250 for a first
time incident.
"When you're endangering
human life, you ought to pay
for it," said Jarboe.
"Simetimes a._$0S:ineis. .not
en?,ugla. ... .,-, sprpebody's
injured, I feel they [the pet
owner] ought to pay a hefty
Jarboe. brought up a recent
incident involving a 68-year-
old Neptune Beach woman
who be transported to
Baptist Hospital-Beaches July
26 after she received serious
injuries as a result of being
knocked down by a dog while
walking on' the beach, accord-
ing to a police report.
The dog which was being
playful, not aggressive was
not on a leash, according to
police, who issued the owner
of the dog an animal control
citation with a $50 fine.
"It [thg incident on the
beach] could have been life
threatening. Something like
that, we ought to send a mes-
sage," Jarboe said.
Jarboe said that there was
another recent incident where
a "friendly" unleashed dog
caused injury to someone of
the beach.
Resident Hank Wilkinson at
Monday's meeting told coun-
cilors that he witnessed the
incident involving the 68-year-
old woman and recently has
seen a similar incident involv-
ing a young child on the beach
in the city.
All Early Voting ballots will be cast on the new iVotronic Touch Screen Tabulators. For a
demonstration, check our website at
EARLY VOTING DATES & HOURS: Monday Saturday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Begins: August 21st
Ends: September 2nd
Begins: October 23rd
Ends: November 4th
Voters may go to ANY early voting location in St. Johns County
Absentee ballots are also available by calling, writing or by using the online request on our website.
REMEMBER: Photo and signature ID are required for voting or you must vote a provisional ballot.
For information contact: Penny Halyburton, St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections.
4455 Avenue A, Suite 101 St. Augustine, FL 32095
St. Augustine Office 904-823-2238 /Toll free 1-877-475-2468 / Ponte Vedra Office 904-285-5945 *
*. -i
Please join
The Republican Club of the Beaches
for an
SOld Fashioned
Hot Dog Roast :
National, State, and Local
Republican Candidatesr
Sfor'September 5th Primary
Food' Meet with
Door allthe
Prizes Candidates!
Paid for and a proved b The Republican Club of the Beaches.
'August 2.3, 2006
The Beaches Leade~r/Ponte Vedr~a Leader
Page 2A*
TheJ Bae earoe-r, a eaerPae-A
Flood-prone area on North 2nd St.
will soon get some relief, JB says
A.flood prone area of Jacksonville Beach will
soon get some relief. The Community
Redevelopment Agency Monday appropriated
$300,545 for the 2nd Street North Drainage
Improvement Project.
The scope of the project is designed to resolve
historic drainage problems along the portion of
2nd Street North between 5th and 9th avenues in
the northernmost part of the downtown redevel-
opment district.
"It will pick up the water from all of the avenues
as well as First Street and about half way between
Second and Third where the drainage basin breaks
and one goes into First Street and one goes into
Second Street," Planning and Development
Director Steve Lindorff said.
"I believe it will involve reversing some of the,
outfalls on the beach. It will pick up water that is
now draining onto the beach and into the ocean
and take it. through the big vault under Beach
Boulevard and pump it out to the golf course."
With the the break midway through 2nd Street,
,agency member James Bomhard questioned
"what governs the- drainage between two and a
half and 3rd Street?"
"The water goes into a drainage system in 3rd
Street that is owned by the Florida Department of.
Transportation which sometimes doesn't work as
well as we'd like it to," Lindorff said.
The 2nd Street North drainage project is not
expected to mitigate any standing water issues on
Third Street, he said.
The CRA earmarked funding for the project esti-
mated at $2.7 million last September. The city also
obtained a $1 million federal appropriations grant
from Congressman Ander Crenshaw's office to
complete the storm water collection system.
"So this is just the next step," Lindorff said of
the city's appropriation. City planners selected the
engineering firm Applied Technology and
Management (ATM) to complete the work.
Public Works director Ty Edwards said the fed-
eral grant will provide much needed respite for
residents and businesses in the flood-prone area
along 2nd Street North between 6th and 9th
avenues north..
"This is going to do a tremendous amount in
restoring a dry area for these citizens that live in
this area," Edwards said last August during a city
meeting lauding Crenshaw for his efforts. "They
are really looking forward to it."
Edwards said the project will also include the
installation of a new storm water pump station
with force main piping to replace the existing sys-
tem along 8th Avenue North.
"This project has been a long time in the mak-
ing. It's been on the Public Work's master drainage
plan for a long time," Lindorff said.
The grant secured through the FY06 Interior
Appropriations Bill was one of only nine of these
type of grants available to the state of Florida.
Crenshaw shared the recognition last August
with city officials for their involvement in the
grant process.
"I think you all deserve an awful lot of credit,".
he said. "Not 'only did my staff work long and
hard, but when it came time [to match the $1 mil-
lion grant] we were successful. It is really a joint
effort and you are to be commended."
NB turns 75 years old
- October celebration set
The city of Neptune Beach
turned 75 years old about two
weeks ago but the party is
planned for the weekend of Oct.
That's when. roughly 10,000
people are expected to partici-
pate in the city's 75th anniver-
sary celebration at Jarboe Park.
The three-day event, which is
also a fund raiser for the city's
parks and senior activity center,
will feature carnival rides and
games, contests, live music,
food,, art and more.
"This event will be the place
to be for all Beaches-residents,"
said organizer Leslie Lyne, who
is also the director of the city's
senior activity center and a for-
mie city councilor.
"This is a once-in-a-life-time
event that will be enjoyed by
everyone of all ages." "
The event is being held in
October primarily because of
weather-related concerns- such
as heat and hurricanes associat-
ed with the month of Augist.
Neptune Beach, currently a
city of roughly 7,300 residents,
was part of neighboring
Jacksonville Beach until,Aug.
11, 1931 when residents voted
133 to 31 to secede after a dis-
pute over taxes and services,
according to records.
SThis year's celebration mark-
ing that secession is scheduled
for Oct. 20 through Oct. 22 at
the park located near the comer
of Florida Boulevard and Third
The event kicks off Friday,
Oct. 20 at 5 p.m. with the open-
ing ceremonies featuring a per-
formance by the Navy Southeast
Band. Other musical perform-
ances include a performance by
the St. Jphns Ii,ver City Pand
Saturday evening anid, other r
local bands throughout the
weekend, said Lyne.
She said 14 carnival rides are
planned as well as carnival
games such as cotton
Local food vendors will also
be on hand selling various selec-
tions as well as 'local artists sell-
.ing their works, said Lyne,'
The event will featuring a VIP
section for various dignitaries
such as current and former city
officials. And there will also be a
Beer Garden for adults where
alcoholic beverages will be sold.
'A longest beard contest for men
and possibly a longest hair con-
test for women will be part of;
the weekend's events, said Lyne.
Lyne says arrangements are
being made for free trolley serv-'.
ice to the event from off site
parking locations, which will
probably be Fletcher ,High
School and the parking lot at
Kmart. The trolleys will be pro-
1ided by JTA, she said.
J..Lne added that the event,
including its prices for rides,
games and food, will be sim lar
to the annual carnival at St.
Pauls Catholic Church in
Jacksonville Beach.
S .. .' ,i* .. .Pr,.:l: -t, L,, h n l. .lC _- r.l ,
Donna Lemon inspects jewelry at the Baptist Medical Center-Beaches Auxiliary's gold and silver
jewelry sale, held Tuesday in the main lobby of Beaches Hospital. Another sale is scheduled for
today from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., also in the hospital's main lobby. Proceeds from the sale are used by
the auxiliary at
Bill of Rights:
Cont. from A-1
County Attorney Dan
Bosanko, who drafted the ordi-'
nance, said several groups
within one neighborhood
could easily be registered as dif-'
ferent associations, and that
would ensure adequate repre-
"I don't see a problem having
10 groups within a neighbor-'
hood," he said.
A few commissioners ques-
tioned whether additional staff
would be needed to maintain
the records of the associations
and whether county staff
would be expected to attend
developer-neighborhood meet-
In a memorandum 'to
Bosanko,. Growth Management
Services Director Teresa Bishop
said associations "may become
difficult to implement and
manage for purposes of sched-
uling the community meetings
especially if the Neighborhood
Associations overlap."
Bishop suggested limiting
neighborhoods to, geographic
areas and a number of dwelling
Bishop also said developers
are required to meet with resi-
dents, in the northwest part of
the county and-county plan-
ners are required to attend.
If the same requirement is
included all. over the) count,.
Bishop said additionall staff
may be needed in the future."
Bosanko said he didn't see
the need for staff or even attor-
neys to attend such meetings.
If residents and developers
can "hammer out"' their differ-
ences before a public hearing,
"they've just saved us;a lot of
time and money,": he said.
Bosanko modeled the. ordi-
nance after a similar ordinance
in Duval County. He said that
law "has f very elaborate sys-
tem" to enforce its bill of rights.
The board agreed iot to
make any other changes to the
draft until specific information
on the cost of enforcing it
could be provided.
More workshops will be
scheduled in upcoming
,months to revise drafted ordi-
S ":I .- ig -.~-
11V~i t WINf
Thursdall, August 2144
6:00 p. m. tit the
117 Fi-t .4v',nift' Nor i ,it
Aln'it ; ;ica I C/ia i/iCali alker,t P" dFor .'andApiwom b..I bi u',,Ch!P, IC'1O~ft
Notice is hereby given of offices up for election and dates of election
in the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Council Seat 4, District 1
Council Seat 5, District 2
Council Seat 6, District 3
Jerry Holland
1/4*,1, Supervisor of Elections
Heidi Reagan
City Clerk
September 18, 2006 Noon until
September 22, 2006 Noon
First Primary November 7, 2006
(Books close October 10, 2006)
Second Primary (if a run-off is needed)
December 5, 2006
(Books close November 6, 2006)
The Beaches Health Center
Expert care. Close to Home. 1522 Penman Road
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
August 23 .2006
Page 3A*
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Page 4A 1" : NEWSPAPER FOR THE BEACHES August 23, 2006 Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
'We recommend
vote for Broner
Are Duval County public schools on the right track?
The answer to that is priceless and elusive. .Certainly
there is much to be done to prepare today's youth for' a
'future that promises to be challenging.
The upcoming District 2 Duval County School Board
election offers clear choices between an incumbent, Nancy
Broner, and:challenger John Meisburg.
Broner clearly has her vision fixed on the future and
wants to make sure that graduates of public schools are
ready to conipete, in a global marketplace that places a pre-
miumi on skills and intellect.
Broner believes the school system is'on track to prep stu-
dents for the challenges ahead.
Meisbuig disagrees that things are proceeding as they
should .
It is true that many are concerned about schools today.
Curriculum, student safety, staffing there are many
issues that can sound alarms.
But eisburg's simplistic remedy to post In God We Trust
signs in each classroom and then see a change for the bet-
ter will.not correct all of the complicated problems that our
schools must deal with.
He is a federal administrative judge and seems geniiinely
concerned about the state of the schools. He alsowants stu-
dent-led prayer, mandatory recitation of the pledge of alle-
giance with the phrase, "one nation under God," and.use
of the 10 Commandments in the school.
The ensuing flap over his proposals all of which he
says are legally defensible- will surely knock the schools
off track.
Broner, a., longtime Beaches resident who taught at
Fletcher High, understands the pulse of the schools here
svery well.
Should she and other board members have pushed hard-
er to get a new;high school built near Butler Boulevard and
9A's high-growth area? Probably.
But when that school opens and decisions are made on
which pupils should be reassigned to the new facility,
Broner, can be expected to understand that Beaches stu-
S dents who live east of the Intracoastal. Waterway should
attend Fletcher and not be split into factions. .
Yes, much work remains to: be done to improve our
schools. For the Beaches, however, Broner has done a good
job of keeping schools on track to success and for that she
deserves to be re-elected.
We recommend a vote for Nancy Broner for the District
S 2 seat on the Dural County School Board.
Letters to the editor:
Dont -"be misled
about FAR and
its ramifications
To the editor:
SI am again appealing to ALL
citizens of Atlantic Beach.
YOU ALL need to get
involved with what our city
Commissioners are deciding
for our city.
Do not be misled. The
entire city' will end up with
what "Old Atlantic Beach"
gets. How can it differ? A city
divided has no strength. We
Imust stand together .,
All property owners need to
decide what they want for tlhe
future. Do. you want FAR
(Floor Area Ratio)? Do you
know what FAR is and how to
compute it? Take your lot size
and multiply it by .54 (point
54) and you will get the total
Square footage you will be
able to build. Will this size
building limit what you can
Sell your lot for? Will only the
very wealthy be able to buy a
lot large enough for a good
size family home? If you are
in favor of FAR state it.
If you are opposed to FAR
then come to the commission
meeting on Aug. 28 at 7:15
p.m. and join others who are
against FAR.
There iS a group,
(www.,SaveAtlanticBea" that is AGAINST a'
.54 FAR but FOR some-new,
building code limitations that
will help control huge box
homes from being built. Lots
of information is available on
their site.
Please do not wait until it is,
too late. I personally am I
Susan Snead
Atlantic Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Li
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
,. Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann VoH' Thron
Roger Walker-
Johnny Woodhouse
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
inda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
Director of Sales Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader
Karen Stepp Jennifer Wise
Vice President Vice President
Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith
Business Office
Char Coffman
Advertising &
Gloria Davis
SCherry Jones
Steve Fouraker
Anya Braun
Eric Braun-
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Heather Nye
?"7 q- -- -
Ow 'Copyrighted Material'
Syndicated Content -
Available from Commercial News Provid
1 0 4A'
Another letter to the editor:
Favorable comments unheard
To the editor: convenient shopping after 9pm, everything is
I was appalled to read the front page of The closed after that. Again having not lived in the
Beaches Leader Friday, where it: stated by the area longer than 2 years and having a fresh atti-
Planning and Development Board Member, Mr. tude upon moving here I can tell you that the
Hank Baltar Jr. His quote was "it would have 'Store has nothing to do with traffic and every-
been nice to hear from at least one resident that thing to do with race and racial remarks as to
supported the project" ? what kind of shoppers will shop there.
Their web page-to comment on the project Your. paper repeatedly published comments
only, had a section to allow for comments regarding Walgreens as a mom rand pop estab-
against the store. The boxes were already filled in lishment eitherby other readers or indirectly by
and all you had to do is check 1 box and click a writer.
send. Walgreens is a national chain with 4500+
Several weeks ago I personally signed a peti- stores.
tion which at that time had,625 names on it in I must say that I am not impressed as a resi-
favor of the store.( All NB 32266.Residents) I'm dent in the year 2006 to hear elected officials
a Neptune Beach Property and Business owner comment about blacks and hispanics, coming in
and I know what it was like to obtain legal right from Mayport, using a store in Neptune Beach
to work in the city. We were heated like crimi- and the ensuing crime that will follow them.
nals by their city Annex staff. It's not just big How Pathetic. What's next the Klan?.
business it's any new business that threatens Personally I would like, to see Neptune's offi-
their little click of business owners. cials back in Federal Court after the next un-con-
I know for a fact that the petition copy was stitutional ruling. Several business owners have
sent certified mail to Mayor Brown's office and commented on fighting big business will be
then denied by the staff and sent back. So it's hot worth the tax dollar expense?
a matter of them not hearing from us its a mat- Really? I'd be willing to bet. that they are
ter of them shoveling.the documentation under Incorporated since should the facts come out
the rug, then twisting the facts. We of course that they supported such an action that they
then sent the denied copy with signature to would be held liable for damages along with the
Walmatts attorney as well as the property own- city should their suit fail.
ers attorneys.
Having only lived in the area for 2 years I can Jerrold Christie Jr
tell you as: a working person that there is no Neptune Beach
-,l li ,l .r t l Y E&1 v i a t i J '9 ..'
'"~""""" '""J )f'iC'xt a(K ;.i'ir sd 9( fl KKVK ebu-lav .1' .&yaS)1 9th *K.
Kohnke says review voting record
To the editor:
Someone really needs to tell
Mr.' Douglas A. Hudson that i:
am not running for office
[Consider source when weigh-
ing criticism, Aug. 16, 2006
Leader letter to the editor].
The poor dear seems to be
However, he has given me a
chance to tell you my second
book, "A Landfill Where?!"
will be out in' September. You
remember the .landfill
Jacksonville wanted to put out
on 210.
But back to Mr. Hudson. He
mentioned I wanted to
uphold the pledge tle Ponte
Vedra Community and
Sawgrass made to
Commissioner Cody. They
pledged to pay for the mainte-
nance of keeping the Guana
Drainage basin open and
draining since it effect all of
them east of AIA. '. But, an
election year was approach-
ing, Mr. Bryant and Mr.
Jacelone, courting Ponte Vedra.
votes, said no. The county
can pay and pay and pay.
These two with Maguire and
Stern, went on to reign over
'the beginning of the financial,
slide that now has us in
deficit spending.
Yes,'I did work to a get a
sewer system in. Poqte Vedra.
Sewers, the majority of citi-
zens in Ponte Vedra voted for.
I didn't much care what kind
of system they used. Mr. Crane
and 'others asked about the
new systems in St. Augustine. I
suggested they investigate,
they did, they got what they,
wanted. I didn't sell anything
to JEA. I didn't have to, those'
who selected it sold it.'JEA
bought all of the. United
Water Systems, in the. coun-
ty. Ponte Vedra being but one
of the smaller systems. Yes,
they did make a down pay-
.ment, on the franchise of $7
million. I pushed for that
.money to be. spent in the areas
of the Northwest and Ponte
Vedra where the systems were
located. But, alas, election
needs still loomed, in the
future for Mr. Bryant and
Jacelone. So they pushed for
the money to be spread all
over the county ie in their dis-,
tricts. The northwest got little,'
we got a token. Where were
Need to know specifics
of each vote to get
useful information
To the editor:
On the Wednesday [Aug.
14, 2006 Ponte Vedra
leader]front page is an article
addressing how the commis-
sioner voted on land use,
comprehensive plan and
rezoning changes.
It is very interesting in that
it shows percentages of votes
in favor however it did not
show who was either absent
for a vote or recused him/her
self on a vote.
And most alarming, since
you have lumped all votes
together, I as a citizen have
no idea as to what they were
voting on. Some of these
votes may have impact on our
area, many may not and may
be simple amendments or
individual requests for rezon-
The way you presented this
information is misleading. If
you are going to report'lump
sum votes, the average citizen
cannot discern the impact. I
would prefer you list each
vote as to what it was for.
What you have done here is
a disservice to commissioners
and to the public. I expect
better of your paper.
Richard Bowers
Ponte Vedra Beach
you then Mr. Hudson?
Despite Mr. Hudson's nega-i
tive. efforts, we did get the
library expansion built. But if.
you are not a reader or a stu-
dent I suppose that's not too
Now, it is surely no secret
that I do not suffer fools glad-
ly., Mr. Hudson knows that.
But nor did I saddle the citi-
zens in Ponte Vedra with the
over priced St. Johns Service .
Utility and skyrocketing water
bills. Nor did I violate the
Overlay districts sign ordi-
nance; I helped create, so Mr.
Sleiman, could have a large ,
Office Depot sign. I guess the
outrage of the community dis-
couraged Office Depot so they
went elsewhere.
This election isn't about me
it's about the voting records of
Stern and Maguire.
Finally, I was accused of
being powerful enough to
influence the legislators, over
the wishes of the MSD, to do
my will. Oh My God. Where is
this Woman, when we need
Mary F. Kohnke
Ponte Vedra Beach
Lengthy letters
may be edited as
space requires.
We will not consid-
er letters that do
not bear a signa-
ture and address
and we request a
phone number for
verification. have a
question about
news coverage
call 249-9033 dur-
ing business
hours, 8 a.m.-6
p.m. Monday-
Old age
not for
* ; r. / [ "
C median George Bums
had a great sense of pro-
portionality about
aging. For example, he
cracked, "If you live to the age
of a hundred you have it
made because very few people
:die past the age of a hun-
dred." By acknowledging the
possibility of becoming a cen-
tenarian, he's a lot more posi-
tive, I believe, than the
anonymous pessimist who
complained, "Old age is not
for sissies."
There's too much negativity
among the elderly, and there
shouldn't be. I and my com-
patriot-cum-dance partner,
Ethel (like me, age 78), have
had some spirited discussions
(usually over some spirits)
about the advantages of get-
ting old. Consider: When you,
as an elder, read a book or see
a movie, it's frequently new to
you although you've already ,
read or seen it. Additionally,
you're always meeting new
People, even if you've met
them before. It's like living an
interesting second life.
The other side of the memo-
ry coin can be favorable, too.
The same gerontological
process that causes us to forget
where we left our carnkeys (or
our ca!i'tielps us to forget'
unpleasant experiences.
Unfortunately, this doesn't
always function the way it
should, as demonstrated by.
?Mary Blair Immel, allegedly 75
(and not counting).
She wrote a thought-provok-
ing, professional-grade but, I
feel, overly "touchy" essay for
the "My Turn" feature in the
July 31 issue of Newsweek mag-
azine. The gist of it is that she
had gone to a "big box" home
improvement store and asked
at the front desk for the-
whereabouts of a toilet part.
The thirtyish male employee
got on the loudspeaker and
said, "Will someone from
plumbing please escort this
young lady to aisle 14?"
She was irritated by this
"condescending," "insensi-
tive'" (her words) description.
Egad, Mary, loosen up. Maybe
it was just a clumsy but good-
natured attempt at humor
that he figured you would
chuckle about and then toddle
on. Hey, if anybody calls me
"young fella," I'm gonna feel
less 'ancient.
OK, I'll concede that getting
up in years has a downside or
two. When a person becomes
a senior citizen, he or she
'often has to worry about prob-
lems such as maintaining his
or her balance. Along with
falling on one's face, one can
forget to record a check one
wrote and then can't balance
one's checkbook. Also, it's
been said that we older folks
sometimes are like a copying
machine. We keep repeating
Moreover, we repeat things
a lot.
Lengthy letters may
be edited as space
We will not consider
letters that do not
bear a signature
and address and we
request a phone
number for
If you have a
question about
news coverage call
249-9033 during
business hours,
8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Al .UMI Z.J, T.eveavv
No, new reports.
A check was reported from
mailbox Aug. 21 in the 110(
block of Seagate Avenue.
A vehicle was reported van
dalized Aug.. 21 in the 170C
block of Forest Avenue.
Mail was reported stolen
from a mailbox Aug. 21 in the
1600 block of Leeward Lane.
L* "
A simple battery was repdrt-
ed Aug. 12 in the 1300 block o
Trailwood Drive.
S'-' '
Checks were reported stole
.from a business Aug. 18 in the
2200 block of Florida
"* '" "
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 20 in the 100
block of Palm Place.
Robert Joseph McMahon, 19
of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested on a warrant and
charged with burglary, dealing
in stolen property and giving
false verification of ownership
of pawned items Aug. 19 in the
2300 block of Florida
Boulevard, according to a
police report.
A vehicle was reported stolen
S Aug. 16 in the 2000 block ol
M:arye Brant Loop South. the
Vehicle was later recovered
-. A burglary to a vehide vwas
reported Aug. 17 in the 130C
block of Noe Court.
' !' 0 ':.':
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 17 in the 130C
S block of Noe Court.
S An attempted vehicle theft
was reported Aug. 17 in the
1800 block of Seagate Avenue.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 17 in the 200C
block of Marye Brant Loop
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 16 in the 200C
Block of Marye Brant Loop
mal 15-y irolAt lar'fic Bei
,, malbc' ate ed ald chi 'Et
with carrying a concealed
weapon Aug. 18 in the 150(
block of 5th Street, according
to a police report. Police found
an 8-inch serrated saw blade
Son the suspect after they
stopped him for riding his
bicycle at night without a
Police made two arrests and
confiscated 86.7 grams laboul
S 3 ounces of cocaine and 4.5
grams of marijuana during a
controlled drug purchase Aug.
18. at a residence.
Investigation is ongoing.
A 33-year-old man was
arrested and charged with bat-
Stery early Monday after he was
accused of pushing, chasing
and choking a woman at his
home on Weybridge Lane ofh
SPalm Vallev Road near Nease
High School.
A 33-year-old St. Augustine
man was arrested and charged
with DUI early Saturday after
he was stopped at a checkpoint
near the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, deputies said.
A 25-year-old Palatka man
was charged with possession oi
marijuana, resisting arrest
without violence and violation
of probation early Saturday'
after deputies stopped him at a
checkpoint near the Pohte
a Vedra Beach Branch Library,
) deputies said.
An IPod, Wallet, credit cards
3 and two driver's licenses were
stolen from a vehicle parked
Saturday at Davis Park west of
I Ponte Vedra Beach.
.The victim' said his 2004
Hyundi Elantra was parked
with the doors unlocked at:
SDavis Park between 10:30 a.m.
f and 1:30 p,m .
A boat trailer was reported:
i stolen from the 600 block of
e Ponte Vedra Lakes Boulevard
a sometime in 2006. The victim
said the trailer was parked with
other trailers and had not been
s used for several months.
11) 1 01* "* .I
A Ponte Vedra man reported
that someone stole his $400
, gas grill frointhe patio of his
s home in Cypress Creek some-
I time between. 11:30 p.m.
g Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday.
'*' ". '"* ,* *
A resident of Ponte Vedra
e Colony Circle told deputies
t Saturday that her bicycle rack
a was missing from her garage,
which is shared with seven
other apartments.
I *
S An auto burglary was report-
ed Aug. 17 in the 1800 block of
Kings Coprt. The victim told
s police that her purse contain-
I ing a cell phone, wallet and
digital cameras valued at $276
was stolen. Police notified the
Victim that her purse and its
)contents were found in the
bushes near a stolen vehicle
recovered in the 300 block of
10th St. S. Several credit cards
Were still missing.
.* ** ., ,.
Grand theft of a motor vehi-
Scle was reported Aug. 19 in a
hotel parking lot in the 1400
block of Beach Blvd. The vic-
tim told police that she lost the
keys to a green 2006 Chrysler
SSebring she rented from a local
rental business. She tried
unsuccessfully to have a new.
key made and called a lock-
smith to open the car to search
for the keys. The vehicle was
1I laTer-stnolyr-f tort-treh-11uter-
Sparking lot. Total loss estimat-
Sed at $20,000.
S .,
S TWo 17-year-old teens were
e arrested Aug. 19 and. charged
With grand theft for stealing
s $1,002.75 in cash from a token
machine at Adventure Landing
in the 1900 block of Beach
Blvd. Management observed
one of the teens try to conceal
something after filling one of
,the token machines. A bag was
later found in an electrical clos-
et. The suspect's mother was
contacted and recovered, $403
in cash and $645 in tokens in
his bedroom closet. The second
*teen also returned cash. The
total amount recovered .was
$815. A third suspect was also.
robs NB
man who
used cane
S A 20-year-old Neptune
Aggravated battery was Beach man was robbed at gun-
reported Aug. 20 at Ruby point by two men around
Tuesday's in the 500 block of 11:20 p.m. Friday night along
Marsh Landing Parkway. Two the beach access at Oleander
men told police they were eat- Street, according to a police
ing at the restaurant shortly report.
after midnight when they' One of the suspects-put a
engaged in a verbal argument small, semi-automatic pistol
,with :the suspect. The fight to the victim's chest and said
escalated into the parking lot. he' would blow the victim's
After shovirig each other, the brains out if he didn't give,
suspect punched one of the' them what he had, the victim
victims in the face several' told police in the report. The
times. The other victim tried to victim was not injured in the
stop the fight and was knocked incident but the robbers got
unconscious by the suspect his wallet., containing a dri-
who is described as 25 years over's license and two credit
old, 180 Ibs. and approximate-, cards, and a $200 cell phone,
ly 5'10". 'according to the report.
a V. ':" o The victim, who recently
Dean V. RUisso, 36, of' had back surgery and was
Jacksonville was arrested Aug. walking slowly with a cane,
21 and charged with trespass- said he felt like he was being
ing in a legally posted con- followed while walking east
strucfion site in the 1000 block along the beach between
of 1st St. S., according to a Davis Street and Oleander
police report. A witness -Street. He told police that
observed from her balcony as when he reached the
Russo pulled his vehicle into Oleander Street boardwalk,
the construction site and exit- .one of the suspects walked
ed the vehicle with a pair of past him, blocked his path
gloves and a flashlight. Police and demanded his wallet,
apprehended him and recov- according to the report.
ered his tools, the report said. When the victim refused,
the suspect told him that he
Leona Mitchell, 33, of was not going to ask again
Jacksonville was arrested on an and the suspect with the gun
active warrant for giving appeared, wearing a bandana
worthless checks in an unre- over his face.
ported area of Jacksonville The suspects took his wallet
Beach, according to a police and cell phone and told the
report. victim to "keep walking and
*. ,* not look back," according to
Battery was reported Aug. 18 the report.
in the 2500 block of South
Beach Parkway. The victim told
police that he was involved in
Sa road rage incident with two
unknown male suspects in
their mid 20's or early 30's who
were yelling at him and giving
him the finger. The suspects
eiirted their .vehicle : and
approached the drivers side of
the victim's car. Qne of the
men punched the victim in the
eye and they fled in an
unknown direction in a white
older model Saturn with dark
tinted windows.
Michael L. Harvey, P.A.
Your Beaches Attorney
MVI Business Organizaion/Litigation
Family Law-Divorce, Custody, Support
L Wills/Probate
e Contract Law
L Free Consultation
1122 Third Street, Suite 3
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Phone: 904-242-8715
lorda "We' Do What
Weather The Weatherman Can't"
Heating & Air Conditioning 10% o
Specialist p th0t
SERVICE We Service All Brands
WEEK Be Bainil:r,, J aln. Il?BEACH BLV JA. BEACH
STATE CERT CACi 13I67 All major credit cards accepted.
Buy it. Sell it, Find it
in the Classifieds
Warrant issued in
fatal shooting case
in Jacksonville Beach
Jacksonville Beach police are
looking for a suspect wanted in
connection with the investiga-
tion of a. man murdered out-,
side the Ocean Club..
Police.said this week they are
looking for Aaron .. Scott
Backherms, '21, of'Jacksonville
who, investigators reported,
removed the gun used to kill
Jerry Temple, 41, from' the
crime scene in the 300 block of
.Ist St. N.
SJudge Roberto Arias signed a
warrant for Backherms' arrest-
for tampering with evidence,
according to police.
Temple was shot' twice in the
chest as he stood at the corer
of 3rd Avenue and 1st Street
North by a gunman in a pass-
ing car and died at the scene,
police said.
Police have'not released the
, type of gun but reported that
ballistic testing positively iden-
tihed the weapon used to com-
mit the murder.
Lawrence Critton, 28, of
Jacksonville was arrested days
after the July 31 shooting and
charged with possession of a
concealed weapon by a con-
victed felon, police said.
Jacksonville Beach Police
that anyone with information
in the case contact them at
BEAM seeks food
donations from area
BEAM's shelves are once
again 'almost empty and
donations of canned fruit,
canned meat, soup and cereal
are need, according to BEAM
organizers. Food can be
dropped off at B.E.A.M. week-
days 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at
@850 6th Ave South in
Jacksonville Beach or at
Shelby's Coffee Shop.
"We really need some food
on our shelves for the next
two weeks. We have helped
record numbers of people this
summer- close to 600 in July
alone," said BEAM director
Cindy Funkhouser.
"The need is GREAT right
now," she said.
Breakfast \ NoAN Serving Dinner1--"
Hawaan ast "Sunset at tIe Galley"
Loco Moco Prime Rib
Fried Rice Omelet) Homemade mashed potatoes f
ri' > Pork Tenderloin
t I.BIS alS Awesome Seafood
1P Fresh vegetables
h a" R* Look for our weekly speclails!
The Galley Restaurant
at Palm Cove Marina Dinner hours Fridays & Saturdays
14603 Beach Blvd. 400 5:00pm 8:30pm
Jacksonville For reservations call 922-8040
in DUVAL COUNTY at the following sites:
The Supervisor of Elections Main Office, 105 East Monroe Street, Jacksonville
Argyle Library, 7973 Old Middleburg Road South, Jacksonville
Beaches Library, 600 3rd Street, Neptune Beach
Bradham-Brooks Northwest Library, 1755 Edgewood Avenue West, Jacksonville
Graham Library, 2304 North Myrtle Avenue, Jacksonville
:: Murray Hill Library, 918 Edgewood Avenue South, Jacksonville
, Pablo Creek Library, 13295 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
, Regency Square Library, 9900 Regency Square Blvd., Jacksonville
SSoutheast Library, 10599 Deerwood Park Blvd., Jacksonville (
South Mandarin Library, 12125 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville
University Park Library, 3435 University Blvd. North, Jacksonville
Webb-Wesconnett Library, 6887 103rd Street, Jacksonville
You can also request an absentee ballot by Augiust 30, 2006
(absentee ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections Office
by no later than 7:00 p.m. on September 5, 2006).
L " 0' p' "!" % '"' -
(904) 630-1414
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader': Pagi~e 5A
Aug'ust'23- 2006i
Cali ~ ~- ;qfFs~
PageP 6A
The Republican Club of the
Beaches is hosting an old-
fashioned hot dog roast
Friday, Aug. 25, from 5 to'8.
p.m. at Jack Russell Memorial
Park (five-points intersection)
in Atlantic Beach. All
Republican candidates on the
November ballot have been
invited to attend. The public is
Wednesday, Aug.
Tradeshow: The Ponte Vedra
Beach Chamber of Commerce
will have its Member to
Member Tradeshow at the
Sawgrass Marriott Resort & Spa.
Set up for members is 9:30 to 11
a.m., with the eV~nt being held
from 11:30 a.m, to 1:30 p.m.,
The cost is $75 per table, which
includes two chairs, sign and
lunch for -one.; A buffet deli
lunch will be available for $15.
per person. Must purchase tick-,
et at the door. Four seminars
will be available for $15 per
seminar. Call 285-2005 for
Summer Scorcher Film
Series: The "Summer Scorcher"
SFilm Series will be held at 7 p.m.
at the lacksonville Museum of
Modern Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The box office
opens at 6 p.m., and seating is
limited. The cost is $5 for mem-
bers and students, and $7 for
non-members. Tonight's film is
"After Innocence." Call 366-
6911, extension 214, for infor-
Thursday, Aug. 24
Art opening: An art opening
for Larry Wilson and Laurie
Hitzig will be held from 5 to 7
p.m. at the Terry Concert Hall
at Jacksonville' University.
Admission is free. Call 256-7371
for information.
'Free movie: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290, 390
fMa)port Road, Atlantic Beach,
will have "free movie night"
from 6 to 9 p.m. for members
and families. Snacks will be
'Friday, Aug. 25,
Rummage sale; The
Jacksonville Beach Woman's
Club will have its annual rum-
mage sale from a.m. to 2 p.m.
at 1315 2nd Ave: N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 246-
S 2737 forinformation.
Cooking class: Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
S Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach, will
host an all-organic cooking
class from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
There is a fee. Call 246-3583 for
reservations and information4
Wine-tasting: The
Jacksonville 'Humane Society
will host its "Toast to the
Animals Wine Tasting" 'from 6
to 10 p.m. at the Florida
Theatre. A premium wine-tast-'
ing will be held from 5'to 6 p.m.
V iV s i t
www.jaxhumane.6rg/toast .h tm
1 for ticket information.
Saturday, Aug. 26
Concert: University of North
Florida percussionist and music
professor Dr. Charlotte Mabry,
will host "An Evening of 20th
Century Music" at 8 p.m. in the
Fine Arts Center Lazzara
Performance Hall on the UNF
campus. Tickets are $10 (UNF
students are admitted free).
Proceeds go to the UNF
Percussion Scholarship Fund.
For information or to order tick-
ets, call 620-2878.
Sunday, Aug. 27
Sunday in the Park: "Sunday
in the Park with George" will be
held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. Tickets are $50 for
members and $60 for non-
members. Call 366-6911, exten-
sion 208, to R.S.V.P.
Monday, Aug. 28
Coaches Association: The
First Coast Coaches Association
meets from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
at Embassy Suites Hotel on
---- =---Baymeadows
A- Road off 1-95.
-i OP The cost is $18 for a
HPF buffet lunch and the meet-
ing. Call 699-8617 or e-mail
to R.S.V.P.
Fletcher open house: An
open house for Duncan U.
Fletcher High School will be
held at 6:30 p.m. Parents and
guardians are invited. Call 247-
5905 for information.
Wednesday, Aug.
Candidate forum: The Ponte
Vedra Beach Chamber of
Commerce will have a candi-
date forum from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. at the Sawgrass Marriott
,Resort & Spa. A; deli buffet
lunch will be available for $15
per person. Call 285-2004 for
Fantasy Football: The
Fantasy Football League ;will"
present Monday Night Football
games gn the movie screen in
the main showroom at Atlantic
Theatres Comedy Club, 751
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach,
every Monday during the foot-
ball'season. Doors open at 7:30
p.m. Call 249-7529 for informa-
tion. .
Thursday, Aug. 31
Yoga in the Park: Mother &
Daughter Yoga in the Park will
be held at 7 p.m. Thursday for
six weeks. -Call Dana at 372-
0116 for information.
iFriday, Sept. 1
Art show: The :Society. of
Collage Artists will hold a non-
juried members show., at the.
Fleming Island Library on Town
Center Boulevard off 220 in
Orange'Park through Sept. 30.
Call 904-642-5835 for informa-
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
J. ,1. ,
August 23, 2006
Saturday, Sept. 2
PATCH parties: Every
Saturday through Oct. 21, the
Gator Bowl Association will
host a PATCH Party at a
Jacksonville Hooters restaurant.
atch for information.
Monday, Sept. 4
Labor Day.
Tuesday, Sept. 5
Democratic Club board
meeting: The Beaches
Democratic Club will have a
board meeting at 6:45 p.m. at a
location to be announced. Call
249-9550 for information.
T'ai chi: A beginner series of
t'ai chi with a free demonstra-
tion class starts' at Cobalt Moon
Center at 7:30 p.m. Call 616-
Wednesday, Sept.
Beaches Watch; Beaches
Watch monthly meeting will be
held at 7 p.m. at Fletcher high
School in the administration
Conference room, 700 Seagate
Ave./Neptune Beach. The meet-
ing is open to the public.:Call
513-9242 or visit www.beach- for information.
Thursday, Sept. 7
Democratic Club commit-
tee meeting: The Beaches,
Democratic Club DEC Central
Committee meeting will be
held at 6:15 p.m. at the Duval
Democratic Party Headquarters,
6629 Beach Blvd. Call 249-9550
for information.
Book-signing: Lee Smith will
be at The Bookmark at 7 p.m. to
read from and sign copies of her
new book, "On Agate Hill." Call
241-9026 for information.
Friday, Sept. 8
Noon Break: Friends of the
Beaches Branch Library will fea-
ture University of North Florida
broadcast journalism instructor
M arcia. Ladendorff from noon
to 1 p.m.' at "Noon Break" in
the community room of the
Beaches -Branch Library. The
program is free and open to the
public. Call 241-1141 for infor-
mation. ,
,,1*1 I'M=S SAjfC!
1018-2 N. Third St.
(Next To Harry's)
Jax Beach 249-3541
Open Mon.-Fri. 10-7
Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 12-5
Lugr V1I
Art association: The Pablo Towers Art
Association meets from 12:30 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday. Call 246-4158 for information.
Ballroom dancing: Ballroom dancing is
offered Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior
Center. 19th Ave., Jacksonville Beach. The cost
is $4. Call 241-3796 for information.
Cancer support group: The Cancer Support
Group at Baptist Medical Center Beaches meets
at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Florida Cancer
Center in Medical Office Building B on the hos-
pital campus. Call 247-2910 for information.
Kiwanis Beaches: The Kiwanis Club of
Jacksonville Beaches meets Thursdays at noon
at Selva Marina Country Club, 16(00 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit www.beacheski- for information.
Weight loss consults: Free body fat analysis
and weight loss consults are offered Thursdays
at Metabolic Research Center, 274 Solana Road,
in the Winn-Dbde Plaza.
Jacksonville Singles Dance Club: The
Jacksonville Singles Dance Club meets from 8
to 11 p.m. Friday at the Knights of Columbus
Hall, 1501 Hendricks Ave. Admission is $8, or
$7 for members. Call 779-1234 or e-mail for information.
Recovery, Inc.; Recovery, Inc., a mental
health support group, meets at 6:30 p.m.
Friday at St. Paul's Catholic Church's Family
Life Center, 578 First Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 247-3299.
Senior tennis: Tennis for seniors is being
offered at Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jacksonville Beach from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday.
Call Moe at 247-6221 for information.
Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty: Kittens and cats
which have been veterinarian-checked and test-
ed, and have shots and have been altered, are
available for adoption Saturdays from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and Kenman
Beaches Palm Group: The Florida Vriter's
Association Beaches Palm Group meets the
fourth Saturday of each month except
December at the Ponte Vedra Beach Library.
Call Vic DiGenti at 904-285-2258 for informa-
Meditation class: A guided meditation and
dharma talk is held every Sunday in July and
August from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Cobalt Moon
(upstairs studio), 21 ''Frt' Sf., Neptt~ue Beach.
Donations accepted. Call 386-793-3013 for
Depression support: Depression Bipolar
Support Alliance Jacksonville Beaches meets
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches Medical
Center, 1350 13th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Visit for information.
NAIC: The local NAIC Investment Club
meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of each
month at the Beaches Library. Visitors are wel-
come. Call Dick at 476-4260 for information.
Beaches Arts Center: A beginner watercolor
class is offered from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, and
watercolor for all levels is offered Tuesday
evening, and Wednesday and Thursday morn-
ing. Figure drawing classes are held Tuesdays
from 7 to 9 p.m. The Beaches Arts Center is
located at 228 Third Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 241-8816 for information.
Foundation Academy: The Foundation
Academy, 107 Third Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach,
has an open house from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday. Call 241-3515 for information.
Jacksonville Harmony Show Chorus: The
Jacksonville Harmony Show Chorus meets each
Tuesday from 7 to 10 p.m. at the San Jose
Church of Christ, 6233 San Jose Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Visitors and prospective members
are welcome. Call 350-1609 for information.
Palm Valley Senior Center. The Palm Valley
Senior Center. 148 Canal Blvd., is open Tuesday
and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is
served at noon. Call 280-3233 for lunch reser-
vations or for uiformation on various activities
throughout the day. For transportation to
lunch, call 280-3753 between 7:30 a.m. and
2:30 p.m.
Railroad Club: The Beaches Area Model
Railroad Club meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday and
Friday at 941 Fourth St. N., Jacksonville Beach,
behind Sportsmania. The club is open to any-
one interested in scale model railroading. Call
Dave Henk at 641-8800 or Richard Paul at 223-
Toastmasters: The Ponte Vedra Beach
Toastmasters Club meets even Tuesday from
7:45 to 8:45 a.m. at the Ponte Vedra Golf and
Country Club at Sawgrass. Call Lewis Barber at
904-716-4045 for information.
Senior workshop: Edward Jones, 13171
Atlantic Blvd., Suite 300. Jacksonville, offers a
free senior workshop at 10 a.m. on a variety of
topics including retirement income planning,
wealth transfers, IRAs, annuities and life insur-
ance. Reservations are required. Call 221-8501.
Aiiun"t )'. 206TeBahsLae/oneVdaLae ae7
Albert L. Blascovich
Phyllis M. Nordgren
Albert L. Blascovich, 87, died Aug. 20, 2006, in
Avante Nursing Home. He was born April 5,
1919 in Zookspur, Iowa.
A Private Memorial Service will be held.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
Joe Bost, 52, of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida,
died Aug. 21, 2006, after a 14-year bout with
leukemia. He was born and reared in Atlanta
and was a 1976 graduate of the University of
Georgia and received his MBA in 1978 from The
Wharton School of the University of
Pennsylvania. He was a Certified Public
Accountant, a Chartered Financial Analyst, and
a Certified Management Accountant. Beginning
in 1979, he enjoyed a number of senior posi-
tions. in the insurance industry, most recently as
President of Citizens Security Life Insurance
Bost was at the center of a group of insurance
industry and financial experts who worked with
him at a number of companies and on a number
of projects, a team informally known as "FOJ,S,"
or "Friends of Joe."
He headed his own rock band in the 1960s as
lead. singer and guitarist, and in the late 1990s,
he assisted with the Children's Music Program
and also enjoyed playing for the congregation of
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church. One of his
greatest performances was at his nephew's wed-
Alzheimer's Research at the Mayo Clinic of
Jacksonville, Attn: Dept of Development, 4500
San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, Fla. 32224.
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home in Jacksonville Beach.
ding, where he performed with the professional
musicians, according to family. His questing
intellect ranged widely beyond business matters,
reading and discussing, with his family and
friends history, politics andliterature, his family
He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Kelley,
his daughters, Jennifer and Julie-Catherine, and
his brother, Bill, of Atlanta. He is also survived
by many nieces and nephews and dozens of
friends, mentors and teachers.
The family will receive friends from 6:30 p.m.
to 8:00 p.m. today, Wednesday, at Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home, 3600 3rd St. S., Jacksoriville
Beach. His life will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m.
Thursday in Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church,
4510 Palm Road, Ponte Vedra Beach..
In lieu of flowers,: donations may be sent to
Memorial.Sloan Kettering:Cancer Center, P 0.
Box 27106, New York, N.Y. 10087 for Dr. Mark,
Weiss, research.
Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home.
Harvey Watkins Carter
Harvey Watkins Carter, 59, died .Aug. 20, Alexandra Carter, Chase and Bryant Carter,'and
2006. He served in the Vietnam War, was a suc- Gracie Carter.
cessful pier and tournament fisherman for 35 A memorial service will be held Thursday at 2
years, and his hobbies included being an avid p.m. at Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home at 1701
Nascar fan. Beach Blvd. In lieu of flowers, memorial contri-
He is survived by sons Anthony "TC" \Vatkins butions may be made to Community Hospice of
Carter, James Brian Carter (ennifer), brothers Northeast. Florida.
James Carter, George Carter, grandchildren
Doris C. Dolbear
Doris C. Dolbear, 83, of Pointe Vedra Beach, Miller and Joan Dolbear of Ponte, Vedra Beach,
died on Sunday, Aug. 20, 2006, at Community Fl, 4 grandchildren Amy, )Carrie, Bethany, and
Hospice in Jacksonville. Born in Jersey City, NJ Christopher and one great-granddaughter
to Alfred and Hazel Carlsen, she and husband of Madeline Rose.
60 years John "Harry" Dolbear were former resi- Services will be private. Donations may be
dents of Stuart. FL, Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ, sent in her name to Comminity Hospice
Cranford, NJ and summer residents of Ocean Foundation, 4114' Sunbeam Road, Suite 101,
Grove, NJ. She was a member of the Presbyterian' Jacksonville, Fla. 32257.
Church in Stuart, FL. Services under the direction of Quinn-Shalz
Surviving are her husband John H. Dolbear, Funeral Home in Jacksonville Beach.
daughters and son-in-law Sharon and Dale
Joe Bost
on the board and later as the
president of the Long Hill
Township school board.
She is survived by her daugh-
ters, Becky Gochman, of
Houston, Tex., and Sarah
Nordgren, of Chicago, Ill.,
their husbands, David
Gochman and Joseph Cronin,
and her grandchildren, Sophie
and. Mimi Gochman and
Caitlin and Benjamin Cronin.
Services will be held today,
Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Christ
Episcopal Church, 400 San
Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach.
Donations in her memory can
be sent to the Jacksonville
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
Phyllis M. Nordgren of Ponte
Vedra Beach died Saturday at
the age of 76.
Nordgren moved to Ponte
Vedra Beach in 1998 with her
husband, Stanford R.
Nordgren. Widowed in 1999,
she became an active member
of the Ponte Vedra community.
She was elected to the North
Cove Board of the Sawgrass
Players Association in 2001
and elected to the Association's
master board two years ago. On
the master board, she served as
secretary, and also as chairman
of the landscape committee.
Nordgren, was on the board
of the Ponte Vedra Women's
Club and active in the Ribault
Garden Club, Camillia Garden
Circle. She was a member of
the PEO Sisterhood, a philan-
thropic group dedicated to
helping women with their edu-
cation. In her spare time, she
enjoyed her book club and
playing bridge.
Nordgren was born. in
Omaha, Nebr., in 1930, gradu-
ating from the University of
Nebraska. Prior to moving to
Florida, she and her husband
lived in Millingtoh, NJ. for 30
years. While there, the worked
as a speech pathologist and
was active in local 4-H activi-
ties. She served for many years
Obituary notices
are published
free of charge as
a community
service. All sub-
missions are
subject to editing.
Paid advertising
space is avail-
able for more
detailed or per-
sonalized death
notices. Call 249-
Neptune Beach Elementary School students help the D.A.D.S Club with the new playground at
the, school. An official opening will be' held on Friday, Sept. 1, at 9 a.m. A ceremony will be held in
the playground area with refreshments in the Media Center at 8 a.m. It is the only 100 percent
handicapped accessible playground in the greater Jacksonville area, according to organizers.
Trade show today
A trade show for members of
the Ponte Vedra Beach
Chamber of Commerce is
scheduled 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. today at the Sawgrass
Marriott Resort.
A buffet deli lunch will be
available for $15 per person.
Tickets mpst be purchased at
the door.
Also at the event, four semi-
nars will be available at $15 per
seminar. For more information
call 285-2004.
Candidates to speak
A candidate forum .spon-
sored by the Ponte Vedra Beach
Chamber of Commerce is
scheduled 11 a.m. Aug. 30 at
the Sawgrass Marriott Resort. A
deli buffet lunch will be avail-
able for $15 per person. Tickets
must be purchased at the door.
Admission to the forum is
free, and no ticket is required.
For more information, call
Welcome to the deep
The World Golf Hall of Fame
IMAX Theater's newest release,
"Deep Sea!" by Warner
Brothers Pictures, opens at the
'theater in, central St. Johns
County Sept. 1.
The film takes audiences
deep beneath the ocean surface
in the theater's six-story screen
to explore the ocean's intrica-
cies and its creatures' unique
relationships. It is narrated by
Johnny Depp and Kate
"A lot of people have no
clue in terms of what a won-
derful parade of strange and
exotic-looking creatures share
our world with us," said pro-
ducer Toni Myers.
Filmed in nine locations
around the world, "Deep Sea"
highlights more than 65
unique species of sea creatures,
such as the giant .Pacific octo-
pus, wolf eels, nudibranches,
barracuda and ,spawning
The movie will, be shown
through 2007 at the theater at
World Golf Village, off 1-95 and
International Golf Parkway
north of St. Augustine.
"In Loving
David Miller
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' ~ :. ..
The Be~aches Leader/Ponte.Vedra Leader 0 Page 7A ,
Augusit 23. 2006h
i :ass~8~
1% '~;"4~
*EA C H Ponte Vedra Leader
*Engagement (right)
... See A-9
*Education briefs
... A-12 "
Page 8A August 23. 2006
Gators only add
to pleasure of:
Guana kayaking
Marsh Landing Country Club has renovated its clubhouse, inside and out: A grand reopening party is planned for Sept 1.
Marsh Landing clubhouse
expansion almost complete
ext p, a Ost-co
by JENNIFER KNOECHEL shaped bar and a full service men's
-,,CONFTRBUTOR locker room .wth a bar, tables and
- : ~ .I-> two Olinch ~ At screen televisions
Walking through the etched-glass are among the many upgrades.
double doors of Marsh Landing All the countertops, from the van-;
Country Club Monday, general cities to the bars, have granite tops.
manager Bruno Couturier smiled as Club member Bob DeSmedt, who
he showcased the newly renovated moved to.Marsh Landing from New
clubhouse. ., Jersey nine years ago, said he '
Opened 20 years ago, the 17,000- already, has a reservation for 10 on
square-foot clubhouse, which,has opening night.
been under construction since July "The ambiance has changed sig-
2005, is early complete:and on nificantly," DeSmedt said in a tele-
Sschedule to open Sept. 1. A grand phone interview, adding that he was
Sreopening party for members is first attracted to the club for its
planned for Sept. 9. : championship golf course.
"When the members walk in here "It's casual elegance, and I like
we hope they can feel like we have that. I think having a place to meet
made this one of the top country in the bar area and go after dinner
clubs in Jacksonville and in is going to be great as opposed to
Northeast Florida," said.Couturier. ; s lust walking in for dinner and walk-
"We haven't cut any corners. *, ing out. '
Going into this renovation, we real- A 250-capacity banquet facility
ly committed to redo and remodel 'with a separate banquet kitchen was
everything top-notch." added adjacent to the 125-seat din-
The clubhouse, which was gutted ing room, which has new booths
and expanded, has been closed,, and tables overlooking the golf
with lunch and limited dinners course. The dining room will be
begin offered in the pool area dur-: open for dinner Wednesdays :
ing construction: through Saturdays, with a new
Features such as an open kitchen menu.
in the dining room, a horseshoe- ".In the past we had to compro-
mise because we only had one
room," said Couturier. .. _._.
"On nights when we didn't serve
dinner, we could have a banquet,
and vice versa. With the new facili- .
ty, we will be able to provide our.
membership with dining space,
uninterrupted, because we have a ;
dedicated space for banquets."
Couturier said he and club owner
Chester Stokes first talked about
renovating the club about 10 years
ago. They hired Ted Pappas of PBV
Architecture in Jacksonville about
three years ago to begin drawing
"We wanted to draw this place as
efficiently as possible, so we took
our time working with the archi-
tects," Couturier said. "And our
general contractor, Mark Angelo of
the Angelo Group in Jacksonville,
did a fabulous job keeping us on
An addition was built where the
outdoor patio once stood and is .
now the bar area with two, 42-inch
flat screen TVs and seatingfor
about 50 people.
See MARSH, A-10
Set's a shame that more peo-
Sple don't take advantage of
a natural playground that
lies virtually in our back yard:
the Guana reserve.
A couple weekends ago I
spent a sunny Saturday morn-
ing with a group of lively sen-
ior citizens as they embarked
on a kayaking trip through
Ponte Vedra Lake, located just.
south of Mickler Road and
west.of A1A.
:First let me say: this was an
assignment for a .nifty little
*' feature story.
I don't habitually rise at 7
a.m. to spend time with 70-
year-olds even when my
grandparents try to bribe me
with half a dozen glazed
And on this particular .
r assignment, I thanked God for
Sour two chipper tour guides,
because I didn't have time to
pick up an industrial size cof-"
fee on the way there or a
.yummy glazed donut.
But surprisingly I had a
blast and couldn't imagine a
better way to spend my
After a brief tutorial on the
basics of paddling, our guides
launched each of us into the
shallow water at 6inile land-
ing, just south of Mickler's
Landing .,.' :';,. :
SWe tottered for a bit in our-
one-person kayaks, trying to
get our "sea legs," but soon we
were off.
:. v first thought vws that
sorqp 9Q these fo61's might ,
overexert themselves, particu-
larly those over 80.
I wondered if the tour
guides knew how to give CPR
from a kayak.
But then the tour guides
and I noticed something:
these grandmas and grandpas
could really book it.
'They say 40 is the'new 30.
Well, apparently 70 is the new:
20 because these seniors had
no problems keeping up, and
many of them were kayaking
for the first time.
As we slowly wound our
Sway through the tall, brown
marsh grass in Ponte Vedra
Lake, I found that one fellow
kayaker kept running her boat
into mine. I began to think
that magnets were hidden
., inside each of our boats,
attracting one to the other.
Rather than frustrating me,
the situation amused me
throughout the trip. It also
tested my paddling skills as I
made every attempt to stay
out of her path.
When we reached the,
"' -" e''-:, :,j '"-^ ..
halfway mark on our 2 1/2-
'hour trip we stopped: for a
That's w\'hen our guides told
us about a creature I dubbed
Bad Leroy Brown.
Lip until this point on our
trip, I thought the salinity in,
SPonte Vedra Lake, which is a
stone's throw from the ocean,
was too high for alligators.
Nope. wa's wrong.
In fact, our tour guides
informed us, there are many
gators in the lake, and justst
week one of our guides "acci-
dentally" paddled right over a
9-foot gator and got stuck.
The biggest of them all -
Bad Leiroy Brown, as I like to
call him is 14 feet long with
a head "as wide as your
kayak," our guide said.
NOw, I bleed orange and
blue the rest of m\
fellow Universitv of Florid,.-
alumni, and I've goibn up in
Florida skiing and swimming
in lakes filled to the brim with
gators, but this made me just
a tad bit paranoid.
On the entire trip back to
our starting point, I felt like
my cat, Max, who chases
imaginary bugs up the wall.
My eyes darted from ripples
in the water to sticks and grass
floating on the surface.
The mullet that were literal-
ly jumping 3 feet out of the
water every four or five min-
:utes didn't help, either.
And wouldn't you know it,
-we saw an alligator just before
we reached our final destina-
- He was about 6 feet long, by
our tour guide's estimation,
*and he stayed put, watching
.us eerily from about 25 yards
away as we paddled by him.
It was an exciting end top
the tour, which only made me
want to go back and explore ,
the Guana waters more.
:'Maybe next time I'll meet
Leroy and live to tell about it.
Opiela learned to cook bn wood stove t.
West Beaches resident
Lorena Opiela was born in
Missouri and raised on a fami-
ly farm about 150 miles .
northeast of Kansas City.
Her family settled there
prior to the Civil War and
Opiela's mother was the
youngest of 13 children.
By the time Opiela turned
11, she was helping her moth-
er and aunts prepare food for
the family.
S"I started cooking at age 11
out of necessity," she said.
"I learned to cook biscuits,
cornbread, fry meat from the
smokehouse, potatoes and
garden vegetables. You went
to the cellar to get food or to
the garden.
"No refrigerators. No elec-
tricity. We had a cellar full of
lard in big stone jars and
canned fruit and vegetables.
Also, bins of apples, potatoes,
turnips, cabbage, etc."
Almost everything the fami-t
ly used was produced on the
farm, Opiela recalled.
The only food items bought
from the store were sugar,
flour, baking powder, baking
soda, and coffee. Corn and
wheat grown on the farm
were taken into town for
grinding. Butter wash churned
on the farm with a wooden
The farm had three orchards.
of apples, pears, and peaches;
and truck patches along creeks
and' river beds for growing
watermelon and cantaloupe.
The family also had gardens
filled with other produce. To
make the farm's abundance of
food last all year, the women'
canned or made preserves
with the fruit and vegetables.
Opiela said there were lots
of hogs, cows, horses, and
chickens on the farm. The
hogs and cows were butchered
in the winter and the meat.
was smoked in the smoke-
house. There were always
plenty of eggs; and, when
there was little meat, they ate
eggs three times a day, she
The farm's dinner bell called
Everyone to meals. The morn-
Sing, lunch time, and evening
meals were all hearty to
match the appetite of men
working in the fields, she said.
The men started their day
in the dark and worked for a,
couple hours before breakfast.
The women and children
were also up early, starting the
wood or oil stoves, preparing
breakfast and doing other
"The men got up at 4 a.m.
to milk the cows. I learned to
milk a cow ," recalled Opiela.
S"After school, I helped with.
the chickens, feeding them
and giving them water and
collecting the eggs."
Opiela said bee hives Were
kept of the orchards
for honey. There were very
few sweets, only the home-
made jellies and preserves and
the honey and molasses for
biscuits. Cakes were only'
eaten once or twice a year, she
Opiela, who is in her 80's,
remembers what it was like on
the farm during the Great
Depression and the terrible
dust storms of the period.
"The orchards died and
many of the trees on the farm
died," she said.
"The river and ponds were
dry and when I tried to get
water from the well, sand
filled the bucket. I cried ., ?
because I thought we were all
going to die."
By the 1940s, Opiela was .T *'
living in Kansas.City, working : .. '
in a munitions factory during *
World War I. IL-.' '
After the war, she and her '
husband lived in Kansas while j.. ,."
he attended law school. Later, ;
they lived in Germany and "
Falls Church, Va.' -
Throughout her life, Opiela
has been active with many
church and charitable organi-
Whe she and her husband, '
Joseph, moved to Ponte Vedra
in 1989, she was active for '
several ears with ministries at
First Christian Church of the.
As a volunteer, Opiela has
baked cakes and made chili
for homeless people in : .
Northeast Florida.
Opiela said she has always
liked to cook, in part because .
she likes to eat and also,
because she grew up on a farm f
where she said there were so
many "good things to eat." .
Even while having to cope
with decreased mobility in
recent years,'she continues to ,photo by KATHY NICOLETTI
Lorerqi Opiela learned to cook on her family's farm back in the
days when there was no electricity and cooking was done on a
See RECIPES, A-10 wood stove.
Arnrust 23. 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
Mrs. Anne Inge
Mark and Lori Farrell
,, 1 1=
Atlantic Blvd.
100 Royal Palms Drive,
Atlantic Beach
.Anne Gebo Pradella of Ponte
Vedra Beach anid Thaddeus
Waterman Inge of Mobile, Ala.,
were married on Saturday, Aug.
5, at St. Paul's Catholic Church
with Father William Kelly pre-
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence III
of Ponte Vedra and Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Pradella Jr. of
Ponte Vedra.
She is a 2002 graduate of
Georgetown University with a
bachelor's degree in psycholo-
gy. She is currently studying for
a doctorate in clinical psychol-
ogy at the University of Miami.
Th'iegrom bin s tihe 'son' ipf
Melissa Waterman Inge of
Fairhope; Ala., and Mr. and
Mrs. Zebulon Montgomery-
Pike Inge Jr. of Mobile, Ala.
He is a 2002 graduate of
Georgetown University with a
bachelor's degree in govern--
ment. He is currently attending
S law school at the University of
Alison Nolan Pradella of New
York, N.Y., and Kathleen
Shirley and John P. King Sr.:
of Neptune. Beach celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary
on Aug. 13 with a surprise
reception at the Jacksonville
musician's association hall.
The party was hosted by the
couple's four children, Mary,
King of Atlantic Beach, Joni'
Pearl. Adno of- Sarasota,
Kathleen King and John.
"Bubba", Pyram' Jr., both of,'
The Kings were married on
July 16, 1946, at the.'West
Jacksonville Advent Christian
Church. She is the former
Shirley McVeigh.
The couple have four grand-
children, lan Eckerson 'of
Neptune Beach and Kristen,
Mason and Henry King of
Questions & Answers on how
to get your garden growing with
weekly advice in our Garden
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' 249-90233
Williams Pradella of S
Francisco were the maids
Bridesmaids were Courti
Kathryn Harrell, Anne-Ma
Waterman Inge, Helen Jemis
Inge, Lisa Yarian Luther, Em
Rachel Moses, Jennifer Ly
Padden, Yulia Vtyurina a
Jessica Michelle Wegman.
Zebulon Montgomery P
Inge Jr. was the best man.
Groomsmen were
Batmanglij, Ivann Smith B:
'Jeremy John Howser, Nil
Inamdar, Gregory Brian Ken
James Whitaker Lyon
Peyton Lynich Mattel; Jan
Blair t'~ mnl an jr., DaI'di l'l
Rondon, Jonathan Wa
Thurber and John Doug
David Stanford McWillia
was an usher and Jennifer A
Christman was a progr;
The couple spent their he
eymoon in Jalisco, Mexico, a
will reside in Coconut Gro
The Kings in 1946.
Lori Rubin Holt and Marl
Thomas Farrell, both .of Ponte
Vedra Beach, were married
Saturday, Aug. 19.. Steve
Leitman performed the cere-
The bride is the daughter of
Marilyn. Rubin ard 'the late
Milton Rubin.
The groom is the son of
Mary Louise Farrell and the late,
Dr. Robert Farrell. He is
employed by the Vestcor
Companies Inc.
The bride was given away by
her son, Ryan Holt. Miller
Earrell was the best man and
Rachel Holt was the maid of
honor. Fallon Farrell was the
flower girl.
Following a honeymoon to.
California and Bora Bora, the,
couple will reside in Ponte
Vedra Beach.
el j'nb' nw n'tw rn IOp
ide Juli Black. and Evan Ritter,
;las both: of Ponite. Vedra Beach,
have announced their engage-
ms ment to be married. :. .
nn The bride-elect is the daugh-
am ter of Steve and Kay Strother of "
Ponte Vedra and Ken and Mary
on- Black of Jacksonville..
md She earned a master's degree
ve, in elementary education from
the LUniversity of Florida and is
employed by the St. Johns:
SCounty School District.
The groom-elect is the son of
Lee anrd Carol Mizrahi of
Medford Lakes, N.j., and
Steven and Sallyi Ritter of Ponte
:\edra. He earned a bachelor's
degree in communication from
Sthe University of Delaware and
is employed by Axcess Sports
,and Entertainment. : ?
'The couple plan to wed on -
Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006, at the
Sawgrass Beach Club. Juli I
~rrolie,'.a'A P1h9Ui~i S
Black and Evan Ritter
Be suie e o voi(e your opinion on The Leader's Favorites at the Beaches!
Clip the newspaper version and vole for your favorite spots 1t Ihe
Beaches. Then go online to www.bea(hesleade[.(om, and vole there for
additional choices such as whele you like 1o lish and your lavorite
Beacheselected official.
Deadline for voting is August 25, 2006.
Winners will be announced in
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Noted author and decorated
Vietnam veteran John "Doc"
Hutchings (left) will be the guest
speaker at a Sunday brunch
gathering of the Mayport chap-
e ter of the Military Officers
Association of America
(MOAA). Hutchings will speak
about his experiences as a Navy
corpsman with the U.S. Marines
in Vietnam. The 12:30 p.m.
event will be held Sept. 10 at the
Ocean Breeze Conference
Center at Naval, Station
Mayport. For reservations, call
',Jf1154 Cars Trucks Motorcycles
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Aup-ust 23, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte, edra Leader 0 Page 9A
*D>r.r. 1 IA
Recipes: Hash Brown Casserole
Cont. from A-8
enjoy cooking for her hus-
band and guests at their
Several of her favorite
recipes have been printed in
church cookbooks, including
potato and vegetable
casseroles and a cake recipe.
These are always popular,
she said, and she has received
many requests over the years
to bring these to church
events. Her pork chop casse-
.role is a favorite with her
daughter Michelle Floyd and
her family.
The following are recipes from
Lorena Opiela.
Hash Brown
2 lb. bag frozen hash
browns with chopped pep-
2 cans cream of mush-
room or cream of chicken
8 oz. sour cream
one-half cup chopped
orion : :
2 cups grated cheese
1 cup crushed cornflakes
1 stick margarine, melted
," .
Grease a 9 x 13 inch baking
Mix together soup, sour
cream, onion, cheese, cheese,
and hash browns. Top with:
corn flake crumbs (or sea-
soned stuffing mix) mixed
with melted butter.
Bake for one hour and 15
minutes at 350 degrees. Serves
10 .
Pork Chop Casserole
pork chops with bone
salt and pepper
Brown pork chops in skillet,
season with salt and pepper.
Place chops in the bottom of a
casserole dish.
Peel and slice potatoes, then
place potatoes over pork .
chops. Season with salt and
Pour enough milk over top
to cover potatoes. Cover bak-
ing dish.
. Bake at 350 degrees for one
hour. Uncover and cook for
thirty minutes to brown..
Vegetable Casserole
1 (10 oz.) bag of mixed
vegetables, cooketl and
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup grated sharp ched-
dar cheese
1 medium onion, chopped
1 can mushroom soup
1 stack Ritz crackers
one-half stick of butter
Combine vegetables, may-
onnaise, cheese, onions, and
soup. Pour into baking dish.
Combine cracker crumbs and
melted butter and spread on
top of vegetables. Bake at 350
degrees for 30 mimites.
Black Cherry Salad
2 pkgs. (3 oz.) blackberry
2 cups boiling water
1 can of black cherries,
1 can (8 oz.) crushed
one-half cup sugar
8 oz. pkg. cream cheese
one-half pint sour cream
one-half cup chopped nuts
Dissolve jello in boiling
water. Drain cherries and
pineapple, reserve juice and
add enough water to make
one cup. Add fruit and one
cup of liquid to jello..
Refrigerate to set.
Combine cream cheese,
sugar, and sour cream. Spread
over top of jello that has set:
Sprinkle chopped nuts over
1 pkg. chocolate chips
1 can sweetened con-
densed milk
Combine chips and con-,
densed milk in saucepan. Heat
gently until melted. Add nuts.
Pour into buttered dish.
SCool and cut into squares.
1 can (1 lb. 6 oz.) cherry
pie filling
1 can (llb. 4 oz.) pineap-
ple chunks, drained
1 pkg. yellow cake mi6
1 cup melted butter
1 cup coconut
1 cup nuts
Spread pie filling in bottom
of greased pan (9x13 inch).
Place drained pineapple on
top. Add the cake mix,
coconut, and nuts on top.
Pour butter over all and bake.
for 1 hour at 350 degrees.
S,Serve with whipped topping
and decorate with cherries.
Marsh: Clubhouse to reopen Sept. 1
Cont. from A-8
The former "card room" is
now a social room and is no
longer exclusively for men.
SWith two, 50-inch flat
screen TVs, it will also
accommodate overflow from.
the adjacent bar area.
"We built a whole new
locker room, and now that
it's full service, it will be
more like a gathering room
and take the place of what
used to be the card room,"
said'Couturier, who declined
to say how much the project
COI -11 :-J ,4
membershipp varies within,
the 1,100 residences in
Marsh Landing, and nonresi-
dents make up about one-
third of the club mIember-
Marsh Landing offers sev-
eral layers of membership
including golf, tennis, fit-
ness, and dining.
Durifig the renovation,
when the clubhouse was
closed, lunch and limited,
dinner service were available
at a pool-side bistro.
The club office was'moved
to the tennis facility.
As the finishing touthes '
are added, the staff will be ,
moving in to a new club,
with many of the key
employees returning.
"When we started the ren-
ovation, we made a commit-
ment to keep all our key
positions," Couturier said.
"It's nice for members to
come back to a new club but
know the faces. It's very
"We are all excited," said
DeSmedt, "but when you see
the people who work there
excited, it.makes it that
much better."
pnolo aEum.iea
Beaches Chapel School has started a new after-school program called STARS, which offers bal-
let, piano and karate. (Above) STAR students in Mrs. Shepard's ballet class. For more information
on STARS, visit, or call 241-4211.
For the Kids
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
'.looks-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
Kindermusik and,,' playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach: for children from
birth tp age 7. For
Kindermusik,' a music and
movement program 'for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. PlaIda\ is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, 'climb-
ing and .musical activities.
Preschool children and, up
attend without parents. One.
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or visit
of the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune,
Beach also has children's actiy-
ifies. Call 241-1141 and press 4
for children's activities 'and 5
for the reference desk.
MOMMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
Splay, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy
Dance Studio. For information,
call 241-8349 for information.
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for kids.
Law Offices of
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Benefit luau planned for BEAM, Resource Center
The Lemon Bar Luau will be held Sept. 16 to
benefit Beaches at-risk children and families.
The adults-only event will be held from 4
p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Lemon Bar
at the Sea Horse Oceanfront Inn oh Atlantic
Boulevard at the ocean..
Heavy hours d'oeuvres from Beaches restau-
rants will. be offered, along, with Polynesian
of gowns BE
sought for IsT
ARC formal '
The ARC is'holding a Fall i j
Festival Formal at the 12X12
Riverside Garden Club in
September. Starting a
The ARC, which serves peo-
ple at the Beaches with devel-
opmental disabilities, is a
non-profit agency and offers
wqrk training, life skills and-
other activities: FLOOF
Beaches real estate broker
Ren6e L. Baron, whose broth-
er is in a group home run by
ARC, is collecting donated
gowns and shoes to outfit
ARC's female clients for the
formal event next month.
Discounted tuxedo rentals
have been secured, but organ-
izers need help with gowns
and shoes for the ladies,
Baron said. r
"Please check the back of rfr
your closet for that old brides-
maid dress or holiday gown, Pl
or maybe even.aan old prom
dress," Baron said. "We need C
all styles and sizes.. Arid don't
forget shoes, you know those
S one-time-wear dyed shoes or
those old black heels that
don't fit so well anymore."
She;'said gowns of all sizes
are needed, as clients range in
'Anyone interested in donat-
ing may call 334-1476. or '
email,. renee@jaxbeachcon-. Baron said that she
will come and collect dona I
tions if needed. Information
about the ARC programs is
available at
jacksonvilleorg>. "wired for
entertainment,,a silent auction and prize draw-
Proceeds will benefit BEAM .(Beaches
Emergency Assistance Ministry) and the
Beaches Resource Center Foundation, both
charitable organizations that serve Beaches resi-,
For information call 270-8200.
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August 23, 20;06
The Beaches L eader/Ponte Vedra Leader
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A
Aiiunict 23 .2006
~ -
.. .... '.... .^ ^, ^. J
Cliff's Bar and Grille
Located in the new Days Inn
1401 Atlantic Blvd. Neptune Beach
(next to Tire Kingdom)
Best Rates at the Beach
pen M-F 4pm-2am
at/Sun 6pm-2am
happy Hour 4-7 M-F
mokina Permitted
N earie Catering
( Friday & Saturday
y Ruckus
ThIr each Tuesday: Sushi Night
Wednesday & Thursday: Karaoke
C.mrltamv nOnen \;1
Sports awards,
plaques and even
custom made
Fantasy Football
trophies are available
at Allantic Engraving.
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Visit our showroom at
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Jacksonville Beach
www.atlanticengraving. net
-- Family Owned and
Operated Since 1969
Same Day Service
, -~ 2MOr-uShirt-SerVie e
2-Hour Dry Cleaning
Flat Finish Available
New Location!
610 N. 3rd Street
Jacksonville Beach
(Across from Burger King)
Leather and Suede
-'-'Expert Alterations -
Wedding Gowns
Conveniently Located
953 Atlantic Blvd.
Atlantic Beach
(Publix Shopping Center)
Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach -- Your
Event and Party Headquarters with
Everything You Need Under One Roof
You're at the Beach. You want to enjoy a
few beverages and some tasty food, listen "
to some Boomer-style music, cheer on
your favorite football team, dance to some
of the area's beft live music and hang with
friends and friends you have yet to meet. -. '
You need to go to Cliff's Bar and Grill at
the Beach.
Tucked away in the new Days Inn on
Atlantic Boulevard in Neptune Beach,
Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach is the
newest venture of Jim and Lori Rose, own- .,
ers of the popular Cliff's Bar and Grill on
Monument Road in Jacksonville. .'
Lori Rose has worked in the hospitality -
industry since 1978, and when she and'
Jim opened Cliff's Bar and Grill just two -
years ago in May 2004, they were thrilled -
at how' quickly it caught on.
"Now we want to duplicate that success,
only this time across the Ditch," she says.
"A lot of Beach partyers will remember
this Neptune Beach location, but no one
will recognize the club once they stop by."
Everything is new and improved at the
Days Inn Neptune Beach- the motel and From tasty snack
the lounge thanks to a more than $2- Bar and Grill at tl
million remodel; she says. "The new Days. late.
Inn will soon be finished totally remodel-
ing all of its 129 rooms to ensure 100-percent guest satisfac-
tion," says Susan Schaad, director of sales and marketing for
the hotel. "With so many Beaches hotels and motels being
replaced with'condominiums, the Days Inn still boasts one of
the best values at the Beaches and offers average, rates at
around 5100 pernight."
As for the lounge, most people wouldn't recognize it now,
says Lori. "The lounge has been totally renovated, including
the addition of a new bar on, the main floor, a new sound sys-
tem with Bose speakers, a new stage and even new HEAP fil-
ters so both non-smokers and smokers can enjoy them-
Jim and Lori pride themselves on offering their patrons -
whom they consider personal guests what they call "the
friendliest and-cleanest place to party for the 25-and-up
crowd. "\e try to greet everyone," adds Lori. "And we cater
to patrons who want a clean place to hang out with friends
and have a chance to meet and make new ones."
Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach offers a full menu, includ-
ing. their famous half-pound Black Angus burgers, wings to
die for, shrimp, ahi tuna, New York tenderloin medallions
with asparagus and daily chef specials.
Speaking of chefs, Jim and Lori are \very proud to announce
152 AIA
Ponte Vedra
(Next to Sieve's Seofoc
;s to full menus for private functions of up to 150 guests, Cliffs
he Beach in Neptune Beach offers a delight to please every
their affiliation with Seaside Catering under the direction of
Chef Cuong Nguyen, chef at the downtown Jacksonville
River Club. .
So for those wanting a fun dinner out followed by good
music, dancing and hanging with friends both old and
new Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach is the place to be.
"Sundays we have Open Mfike night along with Sinful
Sunday for Industry People, Tuesday they will be serving up
fresh Sushi, karaoke on.Wednesday and Thursday and fop-
notch local live bands on Friday and Saturday," says Lori. Be
sure to check out all the happenings, including food specials
and special events, at their Web site
Featured bands include the popular Ron Perry, Cloud Nine
and Bliss and new bands Ruckus, Alpha Dog, Quest, The
Madhatters, Jay Garrett and Tytus Hale, just to name a few..
The club offers even more than good music, including a
pool table, electronic darts, Golden T, tabletop games, and a
2,300-song Internet jukebox with an unlimited selection of
Internet downloads. all in a beachy atmosphere with surf-
boards on the walls. When football season officially starts,
Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach will offer NFL,fans 7 TVs to
watch the games and enjoy specially priced drinks and food.
We welcome all Booster Clubs.
SCliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach is also available for private
Functions for groups up to 150 persons with fno charge for the
nightclub available until 7 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday. "We
cater all types of events meetings and cor-
porate parties to weddings and other social occasions," says
SThereis also a 2,200-squae-foot uniquely designed, pri-
vate banquet room, for chich outside catering is available,"
3 says Lori. "There's even a band to entertain guests starting at
9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and the Days Inn offers unbeat-
able rates for out-of-town guests and responsible partyers
who don't drink and drive."
Cliff's Bar and Grill at the Beach is located at 1401 Atlantic
Blvd. in Neptune Beach, right across the street from the
SPublLx shopping center and next to Tire Kingdom. Hours are
4 p.m. to 2 a.m. MNonday-Friday and 6 p.m. on Saturday and
Sunday until September, when they will open at noon for col-
lege and NFL games. For more information and to plan your
next party or work get-together, call Lori at 904-645-5162 or
904-249-2777 or e-mail
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er' I' llg thi t
L-lugu-,r /-, /Vv
*Page 12A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader August 23, 2006
UF study says good
readers formed
before kindergarten
i-r. .:. c Rc., ,JB Dr'Ev .L,'.
Nease High students cheer for the visiting Panthers football team during Friday's kickoff classic at The Bolles School. Nease beat
the Bulldogs 21-14 in two quarters of play.
Teachers often say they can
tell as early as kindergarten
which students are likely
bound for college and which
are headed for a 12-year strug-
gle to finish school. A longi-
tudi nal study by University of
Florida researchers has found
evidence to support that
"There are certain simple
skills, such as letter recogni-
tion and the awareness of the
sound structure of our lan-
guage, that serve as very good
predictors of a child's reading
success five years from now,"
said Anne Bishop, an assistant
scholar in special education at
LiF's College of Education.
"Without early interven-
tion, a child who lacks these
skills in kindergarten may
have a hard time catching
Bishop and her colleague,
UF Assistant Scholar Martha
League, have conducted a
long-term study in which
they tested children for vari-
ous reading-related abilities in
kindergarten, then followed
up on their performance in
reading through the fourth
grade. They tested the validity
of a number of measures used
to screen children for reading
The\ determined that
screening measures related to
letter identification, phono-
logical awareness and rapid
naming of familiar objects
predicted students' ability to
read. fluently as they pro-
gressed in elementary school.
They also determined it was
just as advantageous to test
children early in their kinder-
garten year instead of the
middle of the year. The earlier
students can be tested for
learning deficiencies; Bishop
said, the sooner they can
receive the help they need.
"\We didn't look beyond the
fourth grade, but it is clear
that a lack of good reading
skills can have a cumulative
effect," Bishop said.
"Past research studies have
revealed that it is far more dif-
ficult to help children catch
up beyondd the elementary\
years. In fact, the success rate
for helping children in the
early grades is as high as 82
percent. After fifth grade it
drops to 10 to 15 percent."
According to Bishop and
League, critical 'skilHs for
kindergarten-age children
Recognizing letters:
Learning the ABCs is the task
most people associate with a
young child's education and
with good reason. Bishop and
League found a strong corre-
lation between the ability to
name the letters of the alpha-
bet in kindergarten and later
pertoimance .,rl elementary
school For more information,
visit the Florida Center for
Reading Research website at:
http-/ ivi\
Nease High School. which
had always used a St.
Augustine mailing address, is
notw included in a new zip
code: 32081.
The school's address is now
10550 Ray Road, Ponte \edra,
Fla., 32081. The former zip
code was 32095.
The school's phone number
icmains S19-8300, with no
area code required. ,,
The Ponte Vedra Beach zip
code east of the Intracoastal
S Vaterway is 32082.
S, .* .
Onen house for Ponte
\'eda-Palm V\alley/Rawlings:
Elementary School is sched-
uled 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
O' .
Open house for Nease High
School is scheduled 6 p.m. to
8 p.m. Aug. 30.
The Landrum Middle
School PTSO meeting will be
held at 7 p.m. Thursday at the
school on Landrum Lane in
Ponte Vedra.
The final budget hearing for
the St. Johns School District
is scheduled 5:15 p.m. Sept.
12 in the auditorium at 40
range St., St. Augustine.
That will be followed by the
School Board's regular meet-
ing at 6 p.m.
Nease High School adminis-
tration is looking for an engi-
neer familiar with audio!\isu-
al equipment to evaluate
equipment for the school's
Academy of Entertainment,
Marketing and Multimedia.
"\Ve've had repeated glitch-
es in. our TV production
equipment," said Principal
Linda Thomson, who said the
school needs someone to
evaluate the system and pro-
yide support.
Volunteers should contact
Pn.:.-. C., HAOB L
Nease High students turned out in force for Friday's preseason football game between the
defending Class 3A slate champion Panthers and The Bolles School. Nease won 21-14.
program specialist 'Libby
Jones, at
ones 12c('stioh ns.l
,Anyone wishing to receive
e-mail updates from School
Board member Bill Fehling ol
Ponte Vedra is asked to con-
tact Fehling at
Any female student ir
kindergarten through 12th
grade who is ii-,teiested ir
joining the Girl Scouts should
call Girl Scouts of Gateway
Council at 3S8-4653, exten
sion 1118. Ask for Michelle
Brown. VIolunteers are also
Welcome. .
Deterinining the deitiativt-
of y times 23 to the 15th
t power is tough enough.
Figuring it out on just a few
hours of sleep could be
Almost impossible.
I With a new school \ear
f beginning,i families may be
- thinking more about school
t supplies and fall fashions
than breaking summer sleep
But Univtersity -of Florida
pediatricians say a school-
i year sleeping schedule is just.
Sas important as being armed
I with No. 2 pencils.
r' "Sleep deprivation can have
- a petty significant effect on
Concentration, memory and
Seven mood," said Dr. Anne-
Marie Slinger, a UF assistant
professor of pediatrics in the
SCollege of Medicine.
,"If .a child is chronically
sleep deprived, it's far more
difficult for them to partici-
pate in classroom activities
and learn new things. If they
are tired, they won't be
Children generally
least nine hours of uninter-
rupted sleep to be ready for
learning, Slinger said.
Too little sleep not only
makes it harder for students'
to retain information in class,
it also makes it harder for
them to wake up, leaving lit-
tle time for a good breakfast.
A healthy breakfast is a key
part of keeping the brain fir-
ing on all cylinders through-
out the day, she said.
k//iJi '//A arl~ I241.1266
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The Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
August 23, 2006 SPO RTS
* Fishing Leader
* Leftwich still The Man
* Classifieds
others use late rally to top Bolles
esuse Olc
S, Bates seals victory with
t punt return touchdown
Prn.i.o:, .; Ri, OB De-IGELO'
Nease High quarterback Ted Stachitas runs for a big gain last Friday night against Bolles. Despite a shaky start to the game for the
Panthers' offense, Stachitas and his teammates rallied for a 21-14 victory over the Bulldogs in two quarters of play.
Despite a variety of miscues
including four fumbles and SLx
penalties, the Nease High
Panthers staged a late second
quarter rally last Friday night to
overcome Bolles, 21-14, in one
half of play.
Key to the comeback was
Hunter Bates' 36-yard punt
return for a
touchdown Vv .
with 54 seconds
left to play.
Bates zig-zagged
hils way through \: 1
traffic before
breaking into
the open field
down the left
sideline for the
decisive score
"1 almost
made a fair
catch [but] right NEASE
when I turned BOLLES
the corner I saw
the field was
wide open and I knew I could
take it," said Bates.
The TD capped an impressive
comeback for the Panthers, who
looked shaky on offense for
much of the first quarter.
Quarterback Ted Stachitas had
difficulty handling the ball from
the outset. During one early
series, Nease had three fumbles
in four plavs.
"ITed] hurt his hand in that
scrimmage last, Saturday," said
Panthers head coach Craig
Howard. "He didn't take one
snap" all week in practice.
"It wasn't until right before
kickoff we had him out there.
He hadn't gripped a ball all week
because he couldn't grip a ball.
His hand was blown up like a
Bolles cashed in on a Stachitas
fumble when QB Randy Hardin
dai-ll d in ficm five yards to give
the Bulldogs a 14-6 lead with
6:40 left to play, but Nease
regrouped to stage a second
quarter rally.
Stachitas hit tight end Chris
Bnggs for a 15-yard gain and
later connected with Qumton
Huggins on a 35-yarder as Nease
drove deep into Bolles territory.
The Panthers capped the drive
when defensive back Mario
Butler made a surprise appear-
ance as a running back and
bulled his way into the end zone
from five yards out. Butler
added the two-point conversion
to knot the score at 14-14 with
2:57 left in the game.
On the Bulldogs' next posses-
sion, the Nease defense clamped
down, forcing Bolles to punt
with under a minute to play.
That's when Bates became the
first Panthers hero of the season.
Despite Nease's erratic start on
offense, Stachitas connected on
Sall eight of his passes for 136
yards in the contest.
"Hetoughed it out and played
with it," Howard said of his sig-
nal-caller's hand injury. "A quar-
ferback's got to do that... if he
really practices and is healthier,
we might even have more pro-
duction out of him."
Chris Johnson set up Nease's
first score when
l... he took a
screen pass
from Stachitas
and raced 39
vards down the
right sidelne to
the Bulldogs
one-yard line.
From there, Ja-
red McNaught
banged in for
SL points.
Friday's game
21 was the presea-
14 son classic for
both teams,
and a chance
for the Bulldogs to showcase the
new $600,000 ProGrass turf at
Hodges Field. Bolles is the first
high school in Northeast Florida
to install the high-tech playing
But the Panthers will have lit-
tle time to savor their nvo-quar-
ter victory. Next up is Tennessee
state champion Memphis Uni-
versity School this Saturday in a
3 p.m. kickoff at the University
of North Florida.
"They're a lot like Bolles -
well-coached and well-disci-
plined," Howard said. "We saw
them in the [Hoover
Southeastern .-on-'] passing
tournament and we've watched
them on film all summer. They
really swarm to the ball on
defense and they remind me of
the Denver Broncos on
The Owls posted an 11-1
record last season on the way to
winning a state title. Howard
likes the symmetry of Florida-
Tennessee being a big game in
college football, and his state
championship-winning squad
taking on The Volunteer State
champs on the high school
MUS has chartered a plane
and will fly into Jacksonville
Saturday morning. A contin-
gent of Owls fans is expected to
accompany the team.
Athletic directors at both
schools had tried to arrange
competition in other sports, but
schedules could not be worked
The game is billed as the Bill
Bates High School Football
Classic, with proceeds from the
$10 tickets going to the Tom
Coughlin Jay Fund along with
the .I.T. Townsend Fund.
Beach volleyball seriescompletes summer season
The Jacksonville Beach
Volleyball series concluded with
last weekend's August Summer
Blast, and a King and Queen of
the beach being crowned on
Despite threatening skies on
Saturday, play was competitive
in all brackets.
In the Men's Open division,
Kent Ammons and Scott Perry
suffered a loss in pool play to
second-seeded pair John Goings
and Chad Poppell, but
rebounded in the final to take
the title.
Ammons and Perry also won
the World Gym Summer Blast
last month and finished the
season as top seeds.
In Women's Open play, Jill
Cox and Gabi Raposo outlasted
Stephanie LaFata and Edith
Jaworski m the final to win the
Cox teamed with Robin
NMignery last month to win the
\Vomen's Open title in the
World G\m Summer Blast.
On Sunday, all but three of
Saturday's competitors returned
for the popular King and Queen
of the Beach event. In the Men's
Division, Scott Painter was
crowned king. Painter's victory
also moved him past Chris
Adornetti and into second place
on the season's points list.
Melissa Moore was crowned
queen for her victoryy in the
\Vomen's Division.
In terms of the overall points
standings, Tanya Rodela fin-
ished as runner-up to Moore
and kept the top spot amongst
all competitors with 63 points
in five tournaments.
lackson\ille Volleyball Club
leader Jay Miller termed the sea-
son a successful one, but still
hopes to work out a plan to
draw more Sunday participa-
tion next season. The two-day
events have had no trouble fill-
ing Saturday slots, but have
struggled to attract players on
Sunday. ,
Miller initiated a variety of
programs and incentives this
summer, with mL'ed results.
For example, July's tourna-
ment was taped by Comcast
Cable foi later broadcast and
the presence of television cam-
eras brought out additional
players and spectators The
event began airing on Aug 4
with frequent replays.
On the other hand, Mad
Hatter play, in which stronger
players are paired with less-
skilled partners failed to capture
the imagination of most com-
Miller said the JVC is also
seeking an influx of younger
players for the popular summer
series. Area high school and col-
lege players have been reluctant
to participate because of con-
flicts with theu training sched-
ules and the possibility that
beach volleyball may throw off
their timing, he said.
Pr..o.,:. ,b ROB C De'rl ELO
LEFT: Stef LaFata sets the ball for teammate Edith Jaworski in
the Women's Open final of the August Summer Blast beacn vol-
leyball tournament Saturday.
RIGHT: Gabi Raposo returns a serve dunng Saturday's final.
Raposo and Jill Cox won the Women's Open division.
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August 23,2006
in5-___ -ITD
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Ocean warms up; fishing continues to be strong
eocean warmed consid-
erably last week even
though a low pressure sys-
tem kept it choppy for those
heading offshore.
The fishing remains strong,
especially along the rocks and
up the river near White Shell
and Dames Point.
Capt. Bobby Langston, with
Gary Morrow and Rose
Hutchinson, chummed last the red tops. A
couple of handsfull of chum
and the first things that
appeared were several big kings
and lots of sharks. One of the
big kings hit a floating trout
and a few minutes later Rose
gaffed a 38-pound king.
Capt. John Campbell, with
his son-in-law Ted, chummed
Thursday morning behind a
shrimp boat off the Turtle and
immediately had sharks on
every line. After a few minutes
of fighting sharks they opted to
chum off the red tops where
they got some big kings in their
chum line. They immediately
got one on but it bit through
the miono.
SSeveral tarpon came through
their line during the morning
but they to jump
only one. They caught plenty:
of sharks and stringer fish from
the bottom.
Capt. Jerry Moulton with his
guests Tad Silcox and Patrick
Kane, chummed on his
"Another Tangle" off the red
tops last Sunday and caught a
tarpon weighing about 100
pounds and a dozen sharks.
Patrick was the local angler.
Capts. Jimmy Stockton and
Whit Whitlock teamed up on
the tarpon Thursday morning
just north of theVilano Inlet.
They fished a big pod of pogies
and after losing one big fish
early in the morning Whit
hooked and caught a tarpon
well over 100 pounds.
.Adam Ross, his father David,
sister Kathryn and friend Jeff
chummed from the "Candy"
last Sunday behind the shrimp
boats.They caught four big
sharks and jumped one big tar-
Spon that broke the leader wire.
. Capt. Gerald Beasley
chummed up lots of sharks
from the "Rite Spot II" last
Sunday off the red tops and
jumped one tarpon.
,Capt. Steve Proctor and
friends Jerry Hoey, Hobart Joost
and 10-year-old "Little Hobie"
fished the big jetties on Steve's
"Blue Magic" last Sunday and
caught two cobia, a redbass, a
flounder and a dozen seabass.
: Canal guide John Dyrssen,
with John Dahamt from
.Missouri, fished the creeks
north of the Atlantic Blvd.
Bridge last Saturday. They used
live shrimp to catch 12 speck-
led trout, a flounder and nine
Bottom fishing was spoiled
most of last week by heavy seas.
Several'days were. salvaged with'
anglers un both the "Mayport
Princess" and "King Neptune" .
reporting catches of cobia
weighing up to 30 pounds,
kings, jacks and stringers full'of
beeliners and triggerfish.
Fifteen-year-old Ryan Richey
was the hottest angler on the
Jacksonville Beach Pier recently.
Last Sunday he caught a 20-
pound king and a tarpon esti-,
mated at 120 pounds.
The largest king caught
caught last week on the pier
was a 44-pounder caught by
Bennett Zort. Pier manager Faye
Cotner reports good catches of
reds, tout, flounder, whiting
.and 4ompano.
Nick Haralambou used live
shrimp to catch five big speck-
led trout.
Al Wiltshire and John
Burroughs made a little tune-up
run in anticipation of the
American Legion Post #129
Croaker Tournament in
October. They worked several
spots in the river and caught 60
Capt. George Bull and friend
Steve Danzig on the "Bionic
Bull" found red hot creek fish-
ing last Friday near Nassau
Sound. They pulled in over 90
fish consisting of redbass,.
flounder, trout, and drum. They
used live shrimp and jigs for
bait. Great fishing.
Capt. Dave Sipler with Bill
Massey and his nephew fished
the jetties last Tuesday and
caught four redbass weighing
up to 15 pounds.
Lothar Escardt checked by
B&M Bait and Tackle last week
with two kings to 26 pounds he
caught with a rubber ribbon-
fish. ,He tiolled the spoil area.
James Gergley from his
"Head Hunter" last Monday in
the canal caught two reds, 16
trout and three flounder.'On
Tuesday James and his brother
Buck iced down 14 trout, two
reds, two flounder and a dozen
Lamr "Fishman" Finch, with
George Atele\ich, caught 30
redbass, flounder and
sheepshead last Saturday near
the Dames Point Bridge.
On Wednesday Larry arnd
George caught 10 speckled
trout, dozens of jacks and a
14.5-pound tripletail. All were .
caught with live shrimp and .
live mullet.
Photos submitted
ABOVE: Rose Hutchinson with her 38-pound king caught
chumming from the "Gaff-lt."
BELOW: Michael King, left, with his grandfather, David King,
along with part of their recent catch of pompano and whiting
made together on their "Crusty Crab."
Photo submitted Photo submitted
Bernie Bulan, right, is holding his very'first tarpon;,which George Terwilliger caught this 33-pound dolphin on a recent trip
weighed aboutt6Q pounds. At left is.Gapti Bobby-Langstort.- ,-*,-iwith friends to7.rat.op.i .thq Florida Keys.
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Then,,, Rearhe Lenex/Pnte Vedra LeaderI~
Auut 3 20 TeBace LaerPnt eraLadrPae3
Make no mistake, Leftwich is the QB
In our last communique,, the
Jaguars fans were warned
not to expect a duplicate of
the Miami offensive victory -
that Carolina was a different
story on defense.
And it came to pass that the
Panthers jumped on our heroes
for a 17-3 advantage in the first
half, eliminating those long
touchdown passes seen against
the Dolphins the week before.
Since the end of that frustrat-
ing 17-10 nose nibbling
Saturday night at the Alltel
park, various opinions have
surfaced, blaming sub quarter-
back David Garrard for just
about everything from fum-
bling to interceptions to bad
calls and just short of planning
the 9-11 bombings.
"That oughta settle the dis-
pute of Garrard taking (Byron)
Leftwicth's job," one reporter
almost gleefully said, adding, in
so many words that Garrard'
and No. 3 QB impersonator
Quinn Gray should stay at the
rear of the bus with the rest of
the third-stringers. .
The fact is, as Leftwich him-
self pointed out, Saturday
night's game wasn't about
Garrard or Gray or anyone else,
including Brett Favre, if he was
"I know who the quarterback
of this football team [is]'
Thursday, Aug. 24
FLETCHER at Terry Parker,
4 p.m.
St. Augustine at NEASE,.
4:30 p.m.
NEASE at Fleming Island,
3:30 p.m.
Raines at FLETCHER,
3:30 p.m.
Bartram Trail at NEASE,
4 p.m.
FLETCHER at Mandarin,
7 p.m. .
Leftwich said, without a smile.
"It wasn't about tonight." Truly
:'said, your majesty, the job sim-
ply isn't up for grabs. Byron
Leftwich was the quarterback
yesterday, today and as far as
can be seen into the future.
Amen. You won't find that
affirmed in the Old or New
Testaments, but in the abridged
version of the Jaguars' Bible,
according to the Book of '
Weaver and Book of Harris.
True, Garrard had a tough
night, but it's amazing that
when he's decked by the oppo-
sition it's his fault and when '
Leftwich takes a beating it's the
offensive line's fault.
The game, though, was more'
than just about the quarter-
backs. Some good signs were
seen despite Jacksonville being
nearly blanked for three quar-
ters, save for a field goal by fill
in kicker Seth Marler. It wasn't
until the fourth period when
rookie tight end Greg Estandia
took a 10-yard pass from Gray
to make it a more respectable
There were other encourag-
ing signs. Reggie Williams has
been brought back from outer
space and snagged three tosses
for 54 yards. With Matt Jones
out with a bad ankle or some-
thing, it was time for "some-
body to step up," as they say
now in football and a bevy of
Jaguars did. Besides Williams,
the favorite of Leftwich and .
others on the squad, there were
Ernest Wilford and'Cortez
Hankton who caught passes
and held on and George
Wrightster, who almost held
one, and Chad Owens and Fred
Stamps, who also got into the
As-Fred Taylor said, .it was
good to see "that type of pro-
duction; even though we didn't
get points." True, but getting
points, not catching footballs is
really the name of the game,
And speaking of Taylor, the
best story so far in the presea-
son race is that Fearless Fred is
still all in one piece and look-
ing like his old self again.
Maybe that solitary
training he did is something
after all. Now, it may not seem
Taylor-ish to run for 15 yards
on four trips and make 11
yards on receiving, but that's
better than what he would
have on the sidelines.
, The secret of the old Gator
star coming to camp in excel-
lent shape is also credited to
improvement in his eating
The days when athletes were
kept on a strict diet may be
coming back. At least, if a strict
menu can bring back Freddie,
maybe it can do something for
other stars, too. But think,
whatia healthy Fred Taylor
would mean to the Jaguars for
an entire season.
Even though the Alltel open-
er was a big disappointment,
there are things to consider.
But for a fluke fumble when
the ball wasknocked out of
Maurice Williams' embrace and
the ensuing quick giab-and-run
by Carolina's Michael Rucker
for the 31-yard TD, this garime
.might have ended in a tie and
a tie, the way' the Jaguars were
juggling things, would have
been a moral victory.
Jack Del Rio's team is still
holding try-outs for some
starter jobs. Maybe Saturday
night helped decide. Aside, that
is, from quarterback. It's still
Lord Byron.
Friday, Aug. 25
FLETCHER at Jackson, 7:30
Saturday, Aug. 26
Memphis University School
at NEASE, at UNF,. 3 p.m.
Dance for
NEASE at FLETCHER, 10 a.m.
"-"-F~Ell\ h'
Beaches Basketball League at St.
Paul's School includes an 8-game
season for kids ages 3 to rising
6th graders. Four divisions of play
will be featured: Pre-K (co-ed), K-
1st (co-ed), 2nd-3rd (boys and
girls teams) and 4th to rising 6th
with separate boys and girls
Cost is $85 and all players
receive a T-shirt and trophy. For
more information visit beaches- or phone Tommy
Hulihan at 349-2611.
My Gym Children's Fitness
Center features programs for chil-
dren ages three months to 13
years old. Programs help kids
develop physically, cognitively
and emotionally.
Structured, age-appropriate
weekly classes incorporate music,
Dance, relays, games, gymnastics,
sports and more.
For more information phone
Flag Football
Flag football is being offered for
kids ages 5-17 at the University of
North Florida and in Ponte Vedra.
Season starts in September.
For more information or to reg-
ister, visit www.i9sports:com or
phone (904) 992-4263.
The Bill Bates High School
Football Classic, featuring
Memphis University School vs.
Nease High School, will take
place Friday, Aug. 26 at 3 p.m. at
the University of North Florida
football stadium.
Tickets are $10 and will,benefit
the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund
along with the J.T. Townsend
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
(3.1 miles) run/walk, along
with healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place at
various locations throughout
Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic
Beach and Neptune Beach.
Volunteer coaches are also
needed to work with a team of
girls. For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit
Ice Hockey Clinics
Free ice hockey clinics for
boys and girls (ages 3 to 17)
will take place Aug. 19 and
Aug. 26 from 9 a.m. until 11
a.m. at Skateworld, 1-95 at the
Emerson Street exit.
All ages and skill levels are
welcome as these clinics will
serve as an introduction to ice
.hockey. Ice skates will be avail-
able but participants are asked
to bring a hockey or bicycle
helmet, elbow and knee pads.
Gloves are also recommended.
For more information visit
LLY B Dance Academy
ZTaking the kids tothe highest level! Po4y
S Register Daily
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Wendy Dalton Jenny Cop
Jax Beach Talent -Heart Drive
340 23rd Ave. S Polly B. Dancers are proven talent leaders!
(across frm end of Pablo Plaza)
*246A 6662 -i .RegisterOnline- Family Rates .
Atlantic Beach
725 Atlantic Blvd. #20
(New studio in North Beach Center)
Please take a moment to fill out our unscientific Reader's Survey of Favorite People
and Places at the Beaches, and you will be eligible for the $100 drawing. Deadline
for ballots: August 25, 2006. Drop off or mail to The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra
Leader Favorites, 1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. All nominees must
have a Beach location to be counted in this survey.
*All ballots must come directly from the newspaper, no photocopies or
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Favorite Bank
Favorite Bank Employee Bank:
Favorite Bar/Lounge/Nightclub
Favorite Barbecue Restaurant
Favorite Biscuits
Favorite Breakfast Restaurant
Favorite Burger at the Beach
Favorite Chicken Wings
Favorite Chiropractor
Favorite Clothing Store-Adults
Favorite Clothing Store-Children
Favorite Coffee Spot
Favorite Consignment Store
Favorite Dance Instruction Studio
Favorite Day Care
Favorite Deli
Favorite Dentist
Favorite Dessert at the Beach
Favorite Doctor
Favorite Drug Store
Favorite Dry Cleaner
Favorite Fitness/Weight Loss Center
Favorite Florist Shop
Favorite Fried Chicken
Favorite French Fries
On the Web
In addition to these business-related Favorites*, there is a bal-
lot on our web site for selecting some additional Favorites of
the Beaches. Vote online for the playground your children
like best, for the best fishing spot or the elected official you
support. This ballot can be found at
Get your opinion counted both on the newspaper ballot for
commercial types of Favorites and online for ideas and ven-
ues you want to share.
*The ballot in the newspaper for Favorites at the Beaches is not
available for on line voting.
ite Gift Store
ite Golf Course
ite Golf Pro/Instructor (Local)
ite Hair Salon/Spa
ite Hair Stylist
Favorite Happy Hour Place
Favorite Heating/Air Conditioning Company
Favorite Hotel/Motel/Resort
Favorite Ice Cream Store
Favorite Independent Book Store
Favorite Independent Market (health food, seafood, etc.)
Favorite Insurance Agency
Favorite International Restaurant
Favorite Jewelry Store
Favorite Nail Salon'
Favorite Oriental Restaurant (Chinese, Japanese, Thai)
Favorite Pet Store
Favorite Pizza Restaurant
Favorite Place to Buy Toys
Favorite Place for Home Accents, Furniture
Favorite Restaurant When You're the Guest
Favorite Restaurant When You're Paying
Favorite Restaurant with a View
Served at:
Favorite Salad Bar
Favorite Seafood Market
Favorite Seafood Restaurant
Favorite Shoe Repair Shop
Favorite Gas Station
Favorite Sub Sandwich
Favorite Surf/Dive Shop
Favorite Wraps are at
Cash drawn f Enter, have a vote and win!
Page 3B
August 23, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Panthers notch win in Preseason Classic
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Photos by ROB DeANGELO
ABOVE: Panthers kick returned Hunter Bates (7) weaves through the Bulldogs defense during
last Friday night's Preseason Classic at The Bdlles School. Bates returned a punt 36 yards for
the go-ahead,score witlh less than a minute remaining to give Ne 1e %g~~ victogi nil quar-
ters of play. ; .- Inoiism 't .rp .toou vn-fi '
RIGHT: A mislake-filled first quarter included a penalty (flag at top of frame) on this run' by.
Panthers running back Chris Johnson. Nease righted its ship, however, in the second quarter.
Great Pictures -------------
Stats &
"-'' !,i#'
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ZU00 IVIIVUII u.- uclII, co III I
August 23, 2006
*Pa et 4R
Aiimic. 1"2 13nA
CLL5L3r.L Z--),fVVl
Tle Beaches Leadern
Ponte Vedra Leader
THURS., 11 A.M.
$7.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word
$8.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word
Hours: Mon. -Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250
m1- a
I 1.- IBa
Real Estate
100 Real Estate
S10 Lois/Land lor Stle
120 Homes lor Sale
125 Real Estate
130 Condos for Sale
140 Mortgages
150 Mobile Homes
for Sale
180 Comm. Property
185 Industrial
200 Rental
215 Home for Rent
225 Wanted to Rer
230 Condo for Ren
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Renta
270 Rental to Shar
275 Room lor Rent
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Rental
Why notl oin us on
Every Wed Irom 11am-lpm
Phyllis will be online making
your questions livel
Pnyllis Slaines, 476-SOLD
REiMAX Coastal Real Estate
Find buyers at
Phyllis Staines; 476-SpqD5,-: _.
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate .'
PUBLIC NOTICE- Respected developer
announces release ol Pnase I marsh.
lake, and wooded home smiles in new, gat-
ed, and upscale riverfront community near
beaches on Georgia coast FREE 24 hour
recorded inlormailon 800-293-2511 Exi
ALL REAL Esiale advenised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal lo adverse any
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gin. or Ihe inlention to make any such
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The Leader Group will not knowingly ac.
cept any advenising for real estate
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paired 118001927-9275.
Free gas lor one year on
participating homes listed on
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
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300 Pets
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540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services,
601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Delailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
'612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
Service Guide cont.
650 Paining
651 Pest Coniral
652 PluTibing
653 Pasoos
65,4 PhC0ogjipry
655 Rirn Guiltis
66.0 Remcdei,'Cnst
665 Repair':
675 SpnHlerb Well.
6.;8 Tle
680 Upiphct.eiry
685 Wallpapering
69f" Waler TrealmwTl
Health Services
700 Mkasgage Therapy
710 Heallh Care Ser
730 Caregiver's
For Sale
800 For Sale .
805 Music 8 Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
,820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
Garage Sales
840 Garage Sales
850 Ja.' Beach
852 Ileptune Beach
854 Atlantic: Beacnh
856 Mayporn
857 Ponle Vedra
858 West Baches
631 Computer Services 859 Jacl'sonville
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Consl.
638 Marine/Boating
640 ConcreleiMasonry
645 MUving .r SIorage
648 Priesule Wasilng
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 ampersRv ',
970 Truckic.VanS
990 Automobiles
How To Buy Y
Home, Quick &
The information i
special report wi
--y--Je-ow-For f
k recorded-i'nform
& your free repo
ext. 3013
in this
access to Nassau River. 2 68 acres wigor-
geous view $268,000. OBO 241-4876.
East ol AlA 55'x120' all ultlilies on slte.
House plans w: variance included
$375,000 Call 249-6150.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 328 10th Streel
85'x130'. Close to Ocean S699.000
Sieve McGuire 246-9915
9A and Beach Blvd natural
weilands/creek. $170,000. OBO 241-
ATL BCH, 50x100. cleared lot on Semir.
nole. $269.000 591-2278
$159,900 Broker-owner OMallev Real
Esiale, Inc. 502-9406
NEPTUNE BEACH lot lor sale 501
Oceanw.odo Dr. 75 wide x 140' deep
$259K 334-7731
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Players Club, 3BR/2BA $389,900.
BEACH- Only 3 blocks irom beach.
415 16th Ave. South. Adorable 3BD/ 2BA
home with 1540sq. Screened porch, up-
stairs deck irrigallon system and many
nhinr arn ni nlin Mis l n se Call 246-809R
II tell or appi. No realtor' T379 900. FSBO NEW CONSTRUCTION IN PVI
3BR/2.5BA 1852sI slucco home w/granlte
S--_ .-.:'; .;',counierl6s, "crdow'inoidmg & Iuh 'lahf'-
ation 1 t WEST.- Krnafn 2004 e'ecu.' gaping Too many upgrades 1o mention:
Ir rome, 5BR/4BA. 2-car. 2.650+s 1 $374,900 Call Slephanie Reynolds,
rt call S409,500 OBO Independent brokers 710- 1904)333-8321.Keller WilliamsRealt
3111 S ntTHSInF/ Serel Woods. Bnck home.
ATLANTIC BCH. Durlon Island Preserve
3BR/ 2BA, 1400st, new red oak Iloors.
new rool $208.000. 1904)222-1873.
3BR/2BA. 1328sf, end unit townnome.
great condition. gorgeous landscaping.
new siding, new A/C, lanlaslic location!
$182,900. Really Execurtves Ponle Vedra.
Call Ivana 891-9157.
SELVA LAKES lownnouse for sale- on
lake 3BR.' 2 5BA new kitchen- cabinets &
appliances many upgrades', screen porch.
1359.900 Call 9041247-8418.
LIVE IN AB <$400.000 5 blocks to ocean,
lakerroni pool 3BR/2 5BA, 2 car garage.
See to appreciate. 518 Selva Lakes Cir-
cle $395,000 904-994-4220
FSBO GOOD Staner Homel 618-1
Dllron Island Dr West. 3BR/1.SBA. Bew
A'C rool. windows doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only Call David
247-0665 homee. 704-2337 Icell)
3BR /2BA. 1895sI $284.900 OBO. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers
IC WEST near Mayo Clinic, 3/2/2. 1750t
sl, remodeled. $274,508 OBO. Independ-
ent Brokers 710-3111
PABLO BAY, 5BR/4BA, 2850sl, Inlra-
coastal/ JTB/ Mayo, all ile, many up-
grades 1st class amenities, $539,000.
2432sl, many upgrades, AG pool, and
deck system $235.000, independent brok-
ers 710-3111
ADORABLE BEACH home, 3/2, 1 car car-
port, large backyard for entenaining
w/new swim spa and decking Inroughout,
sitting on two large city lots, beautiful
oaks. Reduced to $343,500. 941 Ruth
Ave. Motivated seller,(904)338-4303.
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA lowhhome. 5
blocks to beach. $220.000. Call realtor/
owner 1904t742-6423.
esville, lakeview, upstairs master suite
wioffica, 4,3. 29501s, 5 acres, built 2002.
$469,000 Independent Brokers 904-710-
JAX BEACH- 5 blocks to ocean, 3/2 5
1974sl, beach collage Bonus rm, large
17x23 family rm, formal dining rm, kitchen
with 42" maple cabinet, new carpet &
paint, huge deck, wood spa. Move in
ready. Must seel 561 Upper 81h Ave. S.,
$434,900. 534,7380.
cul-de-sac, screened porch,' $230,000.
BENTWATER- ICW. 4BR/2BA, 4200sf.
tile, pool, lake lot, cul-de-sac. $295.000,
SOUTHSIDE/ Secret Woods. Brick home.
3BR /2BA, 1895sl. $284 900 OBO. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-
SAWGRASS 2BR/2BA, completely re-
modeled, new 30 year roof. 42" hickory
cabinets, travetine stone floor, Berber car-
pet and crown molding. $289,900. 463-
3BR/2BA. 2025st, community boal ramp.
$324,900. Magnolia Properties
MLS#309909. Call 465-4328. 348-5665.
OWN YOUR own island! 3/2 w/sunroom
plus bonus in The Sanctuary. 2265sl, la-
goon front- Must See! 904-477-1368.
JAX BEACH 5BR/2BA, 2300s1 On 2 lots
New rool, neat pump. plumbing & siding
1425.000 OBO 249-8637
3BR/2BA home + duplex. 4 blocks to
ocean. $765,000 Call Kathy Tiliakos Re-
altor. Vanguard Really, 1904)465-3053.
NEPTUNE BCH- Spacious, bright,
2BR/1.5BA, townhouse, .1250sf. Large
screened porch, fenced, landscaped.
backyard w/workshed. Ready to move in.
$198,500 372-0589 504-2883. Licensed
RE Agent.
PONTE VEDRA Beach, The Islands. New
roof, attached garage, 2BR/2BA, large
comer lot. $59 association dues includes
pool, tennis;' lawn service, pest control,
termite bond. Priced-undermarket value
for quick sale. $225,000. 423-768-0384.
IC WEST, .off N. Keman, Mt., Pleasant
S/D, 4/2/2, 1850sf. new paint, carpet,'tile
& more. $248,500. 318-3719
S. JAX Bch, 4/2, newly painted, $350,000.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA,1500sf, just
remodeled, 42" Hickory cabinets, granite
counter tops, travertine floors, bamboo in
dining room, Berber carpet, hot tub, 2 car
garage, $318,000, 463-0505.
3BR/2.5BA has 2705sf. w.spacious open
family room, gas fireplace, formal dining,
loft, over $71,000 in upgrades Two
screened lanals, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock. $889,000.
Contact Phyllis Staines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or
visit .
Chase, large fenced yard. Close attomey'
provided $299,000. 382-0877.
FSBO in Jax Beach, 3/2.5BA 2132sf
Beaulilul 2 story home 1,2 block to the
ocean w/direci access. Relinished hard-
wood floors downstairs, Berber carpet up-
stairs Spacious master suite w/walk in
closets and relnished master bath.
$945.000. 68 29th Ave South. 536-3308.
4'2 5. pool. spa, 2984sf, boal slip sepa-
rate, 465-4328. MLSP 312424 $419,000
2BRil.5BA 6 blocks to ocean, 1300sf..
fireplace, lenced yard. retails for $270K.
needs $15K in repairs. asking pnly $220K
OBO. I'll pay $5K of your closing costs.
HIDDEN TREASURE! Atlantic Beach, 6
blocks from beach., 4BR/3BA, 1700sf,
concrete block & stucco. Ver solid. Lg lot
w' Iruit trees Very private. Convenient to
golf, tennis, nature park, schools, bike
paths $325.000. Make it your home.
COURTYARDS -A B. Rented until March
*07, Inls 2/2 condo near base/ beaches is
perfect for 1st time buyer or Investor. Pri-
vate courtyard area, no stairs, flat unit
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem.&
Wonderwood, nice, 3/2. 2 car gar. Ireshly
painted, new vinyl and more.S194,900.
gar., nice lot, stainless appliances, Kernan
area. $198.000
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4f2.2 car gar.
Newer area, very open. beaul.sione tire-
place, fenced yard. corner lot. Close to
schools beaches. Just hsied $219,900
ASHLEY WOODS- 4,2, 2 car gar. over
2000s1. This home is better than new,
really. Huge kitchen, and master bed and
bath. Formal dining, and formal living,
(currently used as office) or 41h bdrm. 2
yrs. old $275,000.
Tivoir Subdiv. Nice, 32. 2 car gar, minutes
from beaches, shopping, newer home. Ig
yard. $248.900.
TION, 4/3, over 30K in upgrades. below
appraisal,berler than a model home
near schools/ shopping, newer 4/2,
2200sf. approx, priced for quick sale at
4/2, near schools & shops. $237.000.
221-1711 OR 241-5501.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass TPC, 3/2, 2
car garage, lake, cul de sac, great shape,
moving. $309,000. 352-634-1805.
ATLANTIC BCH, Dution Island Preserve.
4BR/ 2.5BA, 2400sl, brand new Key West
style home. $415.000. (904)222-1873.
Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sl. w/grear room, 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $529K will co-op.
REDUCED. 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Desirable Neptune
Beach neighborhood. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell at $424,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave Moinvated seller.
Will co-op. (904)463-7245.
OPEN HOUSE- Sal.i Sun.. 10am-2pm,
2985 SI. Johns Blvd. S. Jax Bch Park,
pool nome. 3BR/2.5BA. sunroom. $497K
don't last long wi$600K+ homes under
construction 1904)270-2073
Charming 3BR/2BA sep LRIDR, FR w/
fireplace. screened patio, eat-in kitchen.
new roof, carpel & pain $499,500.
JAX GOLF CC, S:F 312 2 car garage, en-
closed pool laccdzi. Large lot with many
trees on cul-de-sac Gated community.
Roving security guard $519K. Call for
apple. 223-0677.
on lake w,2917si.. screened pool and spa.
bonus room. wood and Ile loors. in-law
suite. 3 car garage, WOW! $679,000.
Conlact Phyllis S'laines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or,
visit www.pslaines com
ATLANTIC BCH, Dunon Island Preserve.
3BR/ 2BA, 1900sf, totally restored, double
loi w/ pool $319.000. (904)222-1873.
WALK TO the beach' lodge 2BR'2BA at
Ine innlen at PV By the Sea $467.500.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 562 N Nautical Bou-
levard, 3,2/2 walking distance to Ihe
beach. Completely Renovated. New Kitch-
Owner-Agent, Cornerstone Realty, Inc
JAX BEACH. 942 16th Avenue North,
3/1.5, 1712s1. Large yard & only 8 blocks
FERED. Owner-Agent, Cornerstone Real-
ly. Inc 904-339-0231.
3BR. 2BA in Cypress Cove. Atlanlic
Beach. Large fenced in backyard, new
roof & gullers, ceramic tile. eat in kitchen
$149,900. Call Alex Irom Magnolia Prop-
erties at 859-5356
Dollar view at about hall the price. Beauii-
ful 4BR'2.SBA home wipool, on the marsh
in Jax Beach. $549,900 For into see
www MLS 314671.
Call Kathy Rilter at Walson Realty
JB: 832 1st St S and/or 111 9th Ave S.
Two beach houses, oceanview. 241 7634.
4/2/1680 sf. lake frt. "A" rated
schools, move in ready.
$449,100 3/2/2028 sf, marsh &
natural preserve,,seler pay up to
$5K for closing, all appliances
stay, re-plumbed 0)6. ready to
move in.
ugeppncere ucon.
4/3.5/2760 sf. Kex.y West style.
marsh frt, Dames Bridge
skyline, near fee community
boat ramp.
RMIT, I U:I9W34q
ISLE OF Palms. 3/2. new paint inside &
out, fixtures, carpet, windows. landscap-
ing, spnnkler system, A/C & rool
$265,000 Tim 509 9071
ATLANTIC BCH- Hidden Cove, 4BR/2BA.
on the water, new carpel & paint
$235,000. 859-7900
3BR/1BA. large lot, walk to parksibeach
Newer kitchen Iloors and AC Appraised a:
$225,000, sell below appraisal at
$210.000. Great investment opponuniry
651-6748 or 247-9244
EAST OF A1A. 2BR/2BA condo No minil
mum lease term. $299,900 Kathy Tiliakos
realtor, Vanguard Realty 465-3053
ATLANTIC BCH- 3:2 new appliances and
carpeting, fireplace. $189,500, 993-9191
701 BEGONIA SI W. AB Single lamily
home, 3BRi 2BA. Ig tenced yard. new
rool, $195.000 339-2066
FSBO. NEPTUNE Bch. 3BR'3BA shake'
shingle home, excellent condition 227
Nonn St $549,000. (904) 233-2151
4 miles ro beach. Renovated $259,000
12778 Sekani Way (904)521-7021.
1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key West style 2-slory. only
3 years young, over 2100st, located in hid-
den paradise, a marsh tront community
First floor master bedroom suite, master
bath w/jacuzzi and separate shower Gas
Irpic w'gas appliances, cozy screened
porch custom draperes, and blinds plus
all appliances convey Asking $384,900
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at
With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
4/2, fml Ir/dr $285k
12929 Deep River Way
.21 acres reduced $30k
Spacious 3/2 + office $275k
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $15k
4/2 on .27 acres $345k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
Jax Beach Condo S145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai
Charming "Old Adantic Beach" cottage.
Built in 1949, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living
room, dining room and kitchen with cozy -
breakfast room overlooking private yard L -
Awesome location----lot extends from Ocean Blvd. to Beach Ave. Just
steps to the ocean and steps to dining and shopping.
$897.000 MLS#298022
J'.uy Nciho.;rc, presents Dir:904-280-2820
Br ^Eve:904-241-2160 ---
l v ri. r, a R.w
.a-Sought after Marsh Sound!!
4BR/3BA, 2467 SF. Lovely home on a Cul-de-
sac, corner lot. Vol. ceilings with custom Lile and
Carpet throughout. Huge Master Suite %/ trey
ceilings,,garden tub. Great room with fireplace,
-p-- screen porch also wired for sound. ADT security
sys. AHS home warranty REDUCED! $374.000.
m^- ^- -^ ^ w -- ^-
Gorgeous Custom Built Home, 3 years old. Over 2100sf,
3BR/2.5BA, Key West Style w/stone front and Lush Tropical
Landscaping. Call for appt. 568-6909 Asking $364,900
Buyers & Sellers Real Estate
COLONIAL 'POINT. 1B/1B: $85K Sea JAX BEACH condo, 2BR/1BA, 80ft. from
State Realty Corp. 537-0679. ocean. $350,000. Call M-F 904-287-0194,
Sat., Stn.904-249-3763.
do for SALE In Mayport Landing: 2/2,
1041sf. $130,000,. Call (904)-338-7350 for
more info.
PVB CONDO, 2BR/2BA, golf view, close
to beach. $212K, lease/ purchase opUon
ST JOHNS Communities offers a beautiful
2BR/2BA condo in PVB. Price reduced to
$199,000. Move in condition, 2nd floor,
breath taking marsh view. Gall Mark Ryan,
904-338-3230 for appt.
12 Jardin de Mer Rlace, Newer 2BR/2BA,
1200sf., many upgrades. Kitchen applian-,
ces, terrace, fireplace, garage, security
system. FSBO. $225,000. OBO 246-8775.
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA condo. Priced
below market. Info & photos @
Call 285-3014.
Villa, beautifully renovated, good income
history. $259,900, (904)962-6876.
So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new, rede-
veloped Oceans Edge. E. of Third. Luxuri-
ous 1BR 1BA condo, 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties. Must sell 299,900. Call June Gage-
Pettit, Magnolia Properties, 994-3608.
2 & 3 BD, gated community w/ pool, spa &
summer kitchen. On the island. 2 furnish-
ed models. DEVELOPER PAYS $2500 in
closing costs. Call our sales office:
(904)277-1983 THE PALMS At AMELIA.
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Page 5B
i f
1 ,-'/
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 23, 2006
CONDO 2BR/2BA. Gate Parkway area.
Home' is on the pool w/balcony.Adjacent,
to clubhouse. Gorgeous views. Includes
wood floors, granite Counter tops, stain-
less appliances,/ W/D, wainscot, fluted
casing, crown molding, new lighting and
plumming, ,walk in closets. Property in-
cludes computer lab, fitness center and
other amenities. $192,000. 318-4542
13715 N. Richmond Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Pointe, $184,900. 3BR/2BA, 1500sf.
w/garage. Lowest priced condo in Wind-
sor! Beautiful family room, bright kitchen &
convenient inside laundry room, gorgeous
master suite w/walk-in closet & private
bathl Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @ '
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $519,900. Owner/,agent
.aulied cceilng. beaulllul lile Bngql, open
ilcirr plan No cogs 1485.000
14041325-0820 1404|784-6601
2BR/2BA. Less 1 mi. to beach. 1156sf.,
refurbished 2005: new tile & capet, paint,
kitchen, etc Security gated community,
alarm, cathedral ceilings, walk in closet,
cent. air, screened in porch. Without a re-
altor I will negotiate price. $205,900
'JAX BEACH- 2 yr old 3/2 garage, consider
lease option, 259,900. Owner/ Agent.
PVB. 1BR/1BA, 550sf, tiled, new applian-
ces, ground floor. $145,900. 285-6325
PONTE VEDRA, 1BR/1BA, 750sf., open
floor plan, Icar garage, hickory cabinets,
granite countertops, Travertine stone
oors, slate shower. $199,900.
LIVE AT the beach for under $135,0001
Adorable 1BR/1BA condo w/marsh views,
new paint, new flooring & screened-in pa-
1io. $134 900 Call Stephanie Reynolds
1904)333-8321 Keller Williams Really
PVB- 2/2 Townhouse bull in computer
station in loH. pool. lennis $214.900
SCH Cornsulling Broker 710-8858
Affordable Sunsets!
1 Block from the beach for under $300K! 2/2 upstairs,
double-entry, exposed brick, corner fireplace. quiet
balcony, and much more. Start enjoying your
S new life at the beach today!
Call Betzy Santiago
SINGLE WIDE..Must See interior. Close
to beach. Jacuzzi tub and tile WID includ-,
ed Asking $8500 992.2265
anisl's paradise New simulated wood
floors in kitchen and den. Asking $16.000.
MOM as...main
$16.0) ,
$1850 '
.2700 3
". Rmw c..E rsrup Ulp
I Recycle
OWN YOUR own office space, boat/
barge w/5 Dulll In work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina Great lax wrnle oh.
$59,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614-7740.
...... ':-.f ..; i=a- ,
Stockron ATradirionSinc 18S4l I ,
r aa s n
511Belleza '. Ponre Vedra 2/2 12)00
213 Belleza Ponre Vedra 22 1012
72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2 1260
2 The Fountains Pone Vedra 3/2.5 1800,
204 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2 1200
612 Miramar Lane Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 ~ 1.200
748 Marsh Co\e Lane Ponme Vedra 3/2+loh 1650
10061 Rough Creek Ponie Vedra/Saugrass CC 2/2 1465
371 19th Street Atlantic Beach 3/2 + loft 2150
1979 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pablo Rd 3/2 1700
!343 Lilghhou-le Poinie Lane Ja\ Beach 3/3 2144
804 Templeton Lane Ponme Vedra/Walden Chase4/2 '1700
106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra 3/2 .1800.
97 Voager Court Pome \edratSagrass TPC3/2 1750
13S74 -hnJte Herron Place lau/Pablo Bay 4/3, ". 2482'
13 Players Club 'Vdla Ponte Vedra/Sawgras TPC 3/3 2200
22-4 Searmst Court Ponte Vedra/Seaside 3/2 2100
,. 31 Bndgei.jCrCirC:le Ponie V'edraraSgras TPC3/2.5 2000
2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc 3009
1149 Porfino Palm Valley 3/2 '2000
529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2900
1977 Sevilla Bl.d Adlanuc Beach 4/3+bonusrgm 280 0
905 2nd Street North. r#C Ja. Beach 3/3 2444
70 Beach.Cottage Lane Atlantc Beach /4' ,.,,,. 280j
1-1 7'Deer'Co e Dfi'rf .r-, ri'.rarh L andig 4/2.5 -.. 20(0
703 Landmark Ja. Beach/Oceanfront 3/2. 1829
4OS Sea;pra. Lane Ponte Vedra b) the Sea 4/3 2650
9910 Preston Trail Pcnie \edrdSargrassCC 3/2.5: 2900\
I-14 Metropoltan Jax Beach/Oceancieu 3/2 1799
628Preserve \'ier Dn.e Palm \ille,/Marsh Harbor 4/4+bonu rm 3100)
245i SouthiPcnic Vedra Bid South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
5 9(/A kBeach Club Villas Sa\ grass Beach Club Etf 600
i, 1100'v k49 Ti ton Wa) North Sa, grass Country Club 2/2 5 1500,
$1100t/k 17" Ae Norh ./pool Jaw Beach 3/1.5 1500
$1300/v L Deer Run Sarrgrass Country Club 3/2 1600.
$1-100 The Colon\ Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
(li50( 741 Spinaker's Reach Sawgrass Beach Club 1/1 700
Sl 01i)0'k 2839 S. Ponte Vedra S.Pole Vedra 3/.5 1500
51! S)i k 2503 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 4/2 5 2100
I18OOijnk The Retreat Ponie VedralOceanfront 2/2 1600
2000 Peca Pl Pomit .: Ja\ Beach/Oceanfront 2/2 1200
$2000' Loggerhead Lane Sawgrass/Players Club 3/2 1600
$2000 Vis Del Mar Ja\ Beach/Oceanside ,3/2 : 1700
$2200, Quail Point 1 Sangrass Counmt Club 2/2 .1800
$2300 92 Tifton Wa\ North Saugrass Countnr Club 3/2 190091
$2400 349-4 Coajtal Hw \Vilano Beach 3/2 1600
$2500' 117 Deer Cove Dn\e Pi:nre \edrjlarh Landing 4/2.5 2000
52500/i k 72S Oceanfront Neprune Beacji/Oceanfroni 3/2.5 iame nsi2600
$2600 82b Spinnakers Reach Sawgrass/Beach Club 1/2 ,1100
$27ilin k 2824 Coastal HwN \ Ilano Beach Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2800 '241 S Ponte ledra Blvd. S Ponic \e dra/Oceanlron 4/2 2100
$3000 7(:03 Landmark 17 mi min Ja\ Beach Oceanfront 3.2 1829
$4000j 408 Berkman Plaza la/DoE ntor n RJ.erfront 2/2+lofl 2100
$55t00 1(31 Bjah Ael3rmomrin i Adantic Beach 3/3 2400
** Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman PInscher. **
"Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Solutions And
Consultation On
All Real Estate
Financing Needs.
SBest Rates
SfBest Service
' Best Solutions
A JL. '' President
PHONE: 904-247-7414 FAx: 904-247-7475 ,
2850s1.. 12850'mo includes elec & waler
Call Ban @ 241-3111 (Est ill
**.* *
For lease. Located behind the Tree Steak
House. 7600sf available, dividable by
2300sf and 5300sf: Pis call 904-993-2222.
S ,- ,* *. ,.,
Siff ]
BLOCK TO beach. Birds' eye view of
ocean 126 8th Ave. S 2BR iBA upper,
CH.A. WDHU, new carpel, Iresh paint, no
oels 724-6335
NEPTUNE BCH, near oceao., renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon, $1100/mo.
247-1417... 1BR, near ocean. $750/mo.
JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors, Dishwasher, CH&A.
1BR/1BA, $800/mo, $850/mo.,
$1000/lmo.. 2BR/1BA $1250/mo.
(904)859-1301, (904)553-1354.
VILLAS AT Marsh Landing, 1/1, EIK, patio
faces wooded area, access from LR/BR,
double fireplace, $850/mo. TDQ Manage-
ment Services. 246-1125.
SUNSET VIEWS over the marsh.
1BR/1BA, The Palms. $900/mo Call Ron
NEW 1BR, close to beach, W/D,
$950/mo. 803-6834.
Shome, 2BR/2.5BA, peaceful, quiet. Backs
to greenbelt.. Enclosed. porch/ patio
w/dpen deck and'pond. W/D, community
o0ol, lawn maintenance included. Long
lease, Available 'after' 9/15, garage
$1200/mo. (904)881-8428.
STROLL TO Atlantic Beach. Charming
2BR 1BA, CH/A, W/D, $995/mo., dep'.+
lease. No dogs. Avail. Sept. 15th.
GARAGE .APT-1 1/2BR, tBA,' fully fur-
nished, utilities incl full cable, A/C. Se-
cure, quiet & private., No pets. S. Jax Bch.
$800/mo, $400/dep. 246-1.832..
NEP BCH, Studio apt, unit overlooks ICW,
incl. all until + cable & Internet, $625/mo.
MAYPORT 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car gar., 1400sf,
fenced yard, $1200/mo, 536-1198.
VERY NICE Affordable Townhome,
2BR/1.5BA. Close to Beach $800mo:
SAvail 8/15. 234-6611.
ATLANTIC BCH- 2BR/2.5BA, 6 blocks .to
beach, fireplace, w/d, spa. $1125/mo Call
1BR APARTMENT, 1 block from beach.
$725/mo... includes water. No pets.
' ,-9V AOA '
r =
* .,
* Q
0 40
c* -
cn 0
C M.
C) 4
MAYPORT LANDING, 2BR 2BA privacy:. .'73-244.
fence, screened-in porcn, WMD. CH&A PONTE VEDRA. Gated comm. 2/2, super
1325 Mayport Landing Circle $725'mo amenities. No smoking, $ 4
888-259-0783 month rent free. 838-4367.
NEPTUNE BEACH- 223 Florida Blvd.
.'2BR/1BA. unlurnishad apt. wad, dashwash.
er disposal, CH&A, og streeel parking.
$900'mo .deposit, 904-327-0117
NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR/ 1 5BA, newly reno-
vale. K'it appil. WDHU Deck overlooking
lenced backyard No pets or smokers..
$950/mo $950,dep plus credit check
JAX BEACH -I Blocks to 'Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apanmenl $550,mo 220 41h
Slreel So. 1904)891-0606, 1352)478-2161
2 5BA, 1700sl. masler suie w.' acuzzi.
SDalcony. ile Ilrsil loor laundry hookup. 2
car garage, fenced yarO Small dogs con.
sidered 893 6mn Ave. S. $1700'mo plus
1mo dep Call 249-6150.
1-1/2 BLOCKS loOcean isiAve Souln IBR APARTMENT, 2 blocks hom beach
1BR/1BA $695/mo & $725'mo. $625rrmo 1 Elicency apanmen. 2 blocks
1904)891-0606. 13521478-2161. Irom beach $525'mo. 249-6748.
NEPTUNE. WALK lo ocean, large
3BR,'1.5BA Upper W'D. sundeck No pels.
$ Lower Unil large 2BR w.'paiio
$1225'mo. Southside area. large 2BR
w/island kitchen, W/D, security system No
pels $625/mo. 223-5211
BRAND NEW 2BR/2BA condo. Garage,
terrace, all appliances including W!D. fire-
place, close to beaches. $1350-monin
First month free with security. 904-424-
2BRilBA JAX Beach Condo, 4 blocks to
beacon, CH&A $1000'mo +$500 dep.
Available 9.1.19041338-1880.
ATLANTIC BCH townhome. '2.. tresh
.'painl. squeaky clean private patio, all
appi Hall mile to greal beach $
plus dep. 422-5091
NEPTUNE BCH 2BRi1BA. Available 9/1
Walk to beach 1.5 blocks Beautilul Apl
with porch WDHU & storage. $950'mo '
utilities. 2 months rent + security required
Call Rick at 891-2345, ,
JAX BEACH Aparlment, 2BR/1BA Newly
renovated Washer'dryer Ouiet area
$075/mo+ $875 deposit. 201 Nonh 9in SI
246-9162. exl. #1.
Beach 1-1,2 blocks lo beach. New KIL
Balh New carpet Yard. Storage 2 bed-
room $1295mo Avail 9'1 631-2331
iv.mess. ,
IMMACULATE 2BR' 5BA, 2 blocks to
beach $ $1300/sec dep No
pets Call 463-7020, 249-3967
2 large bedrooms- 1 1 2 oaths including
relngerator w' ice maker, dishwasher.
wasner & dryer. separate dining area fire-
place in living room. completely carpeeld.
Iresn & clean. Includes pool, security sys-
iem plus additional outside locked sior-
age laciiry $850,mo lyr lease, deposit &
references required Call evenings 285.
8325 or cell 403-9297.
PVB TOWNHOUSE Condo wprivale
courtyard. lakeironi. 2BR'2 5BA $975/mo
Call 280-8782.
2BR TOWNHOUSE. 5 blocks Irom ocean
$695'mo Call John (904)813-9723
Townhouse. steps to Town Center. clean
and new inside, balcony 2BR. WDHU.
greal parking. $995imo. 280-2805.
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean Very clean. 'o Pels MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550, on pn-
$675.'mo 642-1214and,241-1219. vale lois. Near Maypon Naval Stalton. no
dogs, 333.5579
BEACHES 2'2. lakelronr view many ex-
tras.. Avail immed. Will pr.:-rale -1Ii
'momh.c-renr $1200'mo.'382-6145
4 blocks to ocean, 1300sf,
$1150/mo 1215'- 11th St. 'N.,
1904)318-2121 :
Bedroom w.lh grea1l ocearf vie WD. -
Sceramic ile Iloors, Dalcony, walk-in closely.
reserved parking $925 Ocean View
Apartmenis. 160 71n Avenue Nonh
993-2555. www
* .-
z -w
-..... -- .-
JAX BCH. 1116 1st St. S 3BR/2BA WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing.
CH&A, WID. dishwasher. $1390mao. 803- 4BR/2BA, executive .bnck home.
3099 or 821-9751. $1395/mo. VIP Really 962-6190.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Townhouse for
rent Two story, end unit. like new! 5 Star
amenilies walking distance to beach, A+
schools shopping and dining. $1200/mo.
+deposit MusI see" 904-571-6967
ATLANTIC BCH lownhouse, great neigh-
bornood. 128 Pine Street 2BR/1.5BA
CH&A. washer & dryer, close to beach
Available Sept 1st or 2nd. $900/mo. $850
depost. No pels, 234-8642.
2BR/1.5BA townnome. All Bch, CH&A,
washer, dryer micro included. $875,mo.
sec deposit. $875/mo rent No pets, walk
to beacn/ lown center. Close to base &
bus line. Perlect lor military. Call
(904)655-5587. .
CHrA--WDt-U East-or-lst--St- -795
$895imo:.241-7368. 733-3730
JAX BCH, 3/2 5. ocean view, $1600imo.
185 51h Ave S 318-0044.
JAX BCH. 3/1. 2.5 car gar., fenced yard.
$1300,mo.836 91h Ave N. 318-0044
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1195,mo. (904)221-4134. 703-
ICW 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr. W.
3BR/2BA, large ear in kitchen, new appli-
ances ceiling tans, 2 car garage.
$1500/mo. Call 704-4003
3BR/1BA, LARGE fenced yard CH&A,
WDHU, $950,mo. 241-1857
JAX BEACH- 912 3RD Ave Soutn,
1BA'1BR, $600/mo + deposit 246-3197.
OCEAN WALK. 4/2, 2185sf, Formal
LR'DR, family room w/lplace. EIK, break-
-las bar, carpel, ceramic tile, pool. pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgmt
SServices 246-1125. .
ATL BCH- 3BRi2BA, garage, vaulted cell-
ing. lencea back yard, screened lanai,
bull 2003, $1200/mo 870 Camella.
(904)534-4848. -
PONTE VEDRA, galea lownhouse. 2m2 ATLANTIC BEACH. Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA.
(904)553-7472. 6 blocks io beach, fireplace. W/D, garage
$1350imo. (904)742-6423.
2BR 1.5BA, CHIA. approx. 1300sf. just PVB Soano Cay. 3BR/BA, garage.
blocks tom the beach. $1300,mo. Call PVB -yard n quiet hb ood
Todd 993-4884. large bacC pool 1,400/mo. 315-655.
Comm pool $1,400/mo. 315-6558.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
ihe Palms, ground Iloor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning. tennis, club.
iouse, & more' $1350'mo. 904-372-9222.
JAX BEACH- 909 71h Ave. Nonh.
2BR.'1BA house wiscreened in porch,
fenced yard, CH&A. $970/mo.
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161
'S. JAX Bch, 3/2, $14501mo 2 cleaning S. JAX Bch, east of 3rd, 3/2, $2100/mo.
Call Sam 24973403.
servicesincl. per rro 655-3951. all Sam 249-3403.
BEACHFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 Orange 1015 PENMAN, 3BRi1.5BA. $1200/mo.
A |,Jardin Mhr Conao 3BR/2BA.
St. Nep Bch, precious inside, downstairs, Jardin Deil .Me Conao, 3BR/2BA.
$1100/mo incl. utl 1661)803-6275 $1350/mo Call 770-429-9331.
. .... ... .. . .
We're almost full...Come See Why!
*1,2 & 3 Bedroom
starting at $685
Walk to the Ocean,
Schools, & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
(Corner of Penman & Seagate)
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean-
Iront Neptune Beach Just remodeled.
$2000/mo including utilites. 5-15-1046
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area. qtelt. sale residential neighbor-
nooa. 2BR/1BA. lower duplex, new paint.
CH&A, W/D ;ncluoed. No smoking, no.
pets. $950/mo. lease deposit 993-1118.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse, 1000ft to
beach. 2/2, 1 car gar., year lease. Private
beach access $1050/mo. 1904)294-5498
NEP BCH townhouse, very contemporary.
2BR plus office, 2BA, tile floors, frplc., pa-
tio, WDHU. No pets please Walk to Town
Center,: shops & restaurants. $1200/mo
7 blocks to beach. $1050/mo. +deposit.
716-0579. .
ell Rd 3,1, brick. rent to own. $1200/mo.
VIP Realty, 962-6190.
NB, BIG 3BR/3BA w/pool. Great for room-
matesl $1800/mo. Call 651-6464.
2BR/1.5BA, FIREPLACE, garage, WDHU,
nice neighborhood. $800/mo. +$500/dep.
247-3443. .
PABLO BAY. Next to Mayo Clinic..
4Br/3BA; XL bonus room. Many upgrades.
Water view;, clubhouse, pool, tennis.
$1995/mo. 403-1998 349-3434.
JAX BCH, Oceanside 3/3.5 beautifully &
fully furnished townhome w/ many up-
grades. $3000/mo. 242-2534 & 614-8440.
NEPTUNE BEACH 625 Davis Street,
3BR/2BA near schools, $1550/mo. ISLE
OF PALMS 4121 Tideview Drive,
3BR/2BA, dock w/boat lift, $1750/mo in-
cludes yard service. Terry McCue Real Es-
tate, Inc. 249-7211.
3/2 house, Cypress Cove $995/mo.
Avail. now
3/2, 2 car garage, avail, now, $1195/mo.
3/2, 1600sf, $1325/mo.
3/2, cul-de-sac, $1250/mo..
3/2, 2 car gar., new carpet & paint.
avail. 9/15, $1150/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
3/2, 1 car gar.,avail. 8/1, $895/mo.
3/2, $1295/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, like new. $1150/mo.
3/2, 2 car garage, avail 8/15, $1195/mo..
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sf. avail. 8/1,
4/3, 2 car garage, 2200sf, $1395/mo.
4/2, brand new home, 2100+sf, $1450/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
from ocean. Screened porch. 1BR,.CH&A,
new unit. Appliances like new. Water, pest
control, yard service included. No pets.
Refs credit check required 904-247-1918
NORTH JB. 3BRilBA, CH&A, WDHU, tile,
fan, lawn and pest included. $1100. Avail.
able Sepiember 249-1104. Pager 306-
Players Club, 3BR/2BA. $1650/mo.
PVB, EAST ol A1A, 3/2.5, pnvate back-
yard w/heated pool and spa. $1950/mo.
includes lawn & pool service. 280-5707.
COTTAGE ACROSS from ocean, 512 1st
St. .South. $850/mo VIP .Realty.
OCEAN VIEW, 3BR/2BA. Just Reducedl
$1200/mo. W/D, deck & patio, 111 9th
Ave So. 241-7634.
One block to ocean. 3BR/2BA, hardwood
floors, big yara, no pels. 328 10th St.
$1500/mo w/relerences. McGuire MIg.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully furished, 1
car garage, fenced yard..Incl. wireless, in-
ternet, & cable. Completely updated. 3
blocks from beach. For photos e-mail ma- $1500/mo.
Long term lease. (407) 394-5858.
MONTH TO Month, 2/2, ICW, W/D, newly
renovated. $1250/mo. (904)571-5517.
ICW, 340 Currituck W; 3/2 1 car garage,
large, master. $1150/month ,+ deposit. Call
334-2300. .
ATLANTIC BCH 3BR/1.5BA, living room,
dining room, kitchen, fenced yard, garage,
$1250/mo, + $1250 security deposit,
250 Seminole Rd. 318-8109.
PONTE VEDRA By the Sea 4BR/2.5BA, 2
car garage. walk to beach, $2950/rno.
JAX BCH; Nice 3BR/1BA. 908 12th St. N.
Available 9/3. $1,070. No pets. 242-0544.
JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
house; CH&A, fenced yard,, $825/mo,
(904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
NEP BCH, walk to beach from this charm-
ing 3/2 w/ fenced yard & garage. New
paint & carpet. $1400/mo. 280-5142.
JAX BCH, 4 blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CH/A, tile & carpets, new kit. cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep. Dogs
30lbs and under considered. 514-4229 af-
ter 4pm. Broker/ owner.
PALM VALLEY, 3/2 Mobile Home. Quiet
and serene. Month- to- month Lease.
$950/mo. Owner- Agent, Cornerstone Re-
alty, Inc. 904-339-0231.
PVB- 2BR/2BA, garage immaculate,
$1375/mo. Available 9/1, 273-3970.
PVB FURNISHED lake front 2/2 short
term, utilities included, $1600/mo.
607-3417, 733 8433.
WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2,
2300sf,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/fireplace, carpet, cath ceilings, fenced
yard, $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
NEPTUNE BCH- Neptune, By the Sea,
408 Sanibel Court, 3BR/2BA, fireplace,
lake view, $1300/mo. No pets. 249-4927
or 744-8060.
Pa P 6R
, ,^ ^^ ^ ^ BEACH RENTALSe 4
S IUninrnished Homes Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Riverbrookat lenKernan-Hodges 5BR/
Sawgrass Players PV 3 BR/2 BA. w/screened porch, fenced backyard, large 3BA bick home w/fenced backyard, comer lot, %
% spacious home, interior completely lot.. 1300/mo. :blo Bay 0- Star IPalo 4BR/3BAmnewer
,remodeled. light and bright, 2-cargarage. Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BAduplex home on water, upgrades throughout, open
S$2650/mo. /new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh floor plan. $1995/mo.
SFairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two stoiy pain. $1200/mo. Unfurnished Condos
Some w/screened porch on water, 2 car Furnished Homes .Ocean Links P
garage. $1850/mo. Images of Vilano- SPV 2BR/2BA, Screened orch, fireplace, amenities
Sage '2BR/2BA, second floor. $1100/mo.
Solano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, Palms at Marsh Landing JB
Some w/spacious floor plan, patio, comm. garage, amenities. $1400/mo. Screeed porch, tile floors, amenities. ^
Z pool. $1595/mo. Intracoastal West 1BR/1BA, ground floor, recently updated. '
SDolphin Cove Py'4BR/2BA, home Wolf Creek-Hodges: $875/mo.
I %\/all new interior, tile floors, garage, New end unit townhouse, screened 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit vaulted
I'ST ceilings. $1150/mo. 'S
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. porch, preserve views, amenities. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, garage.
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, 2BR/2.5BA, $999/mo. $1195/mo. 2
townhouse has loft, garage, patio, very 2BR/2.5BA, end unit. $1050/mo. Summerhouse- PV
neutral and clean. $1500/mo. 2BR/2.5BA, all upgraded. $1150/mo. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen,
S434 9th Avenue N.- JB 3BR/1BA, home Reserve at Pointe Meadows Gate Pkwy tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities. 0
has hardwood floors, all new interior, 2BR/2BA 2nd floor condo w/tile floors, 2BR/2BA, 2nd flr. $10imo.
2BR/2B ,,, ,i ..,,,-, i .* 2BR/2BA, furmshed. $1495/mo
Sfenced backyard: $1495/mo. upgrades, balcony. $1095/mo.2 f .
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story Point Meadows Oate Pkwy 3BR/2BA 'IC TALR
duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood 4th floor condo w/elevatbr, all appliances, AXCOASTAL REA ESTATE
% floors. $1400/mo. fitness center, club pool. $1150/mo. Shan n
SBeach Walk SPY 2BR/2BA, home w/ Pablo Point-San Pablo 3BR/2BAhome (904) 285-5640
S wood deck on lagoon, beach cabana, on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard, wwr
comm. pool & tennis.$1400/mo. two car garage. $1500/mo '
% % 0'""-0, % 0; S, % SS, % S, SS, % S%^
I a"L. A-
Le ge. Pl:&-wm
- %
August 23, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7B
.. ......a.
BEAUTIFUL 3BR house, walk to ocean,
restaurants. $1750 mo. 993-3226.
PONTE VEDRA, Vacant 3BR/2BA, com-' OCEANFRONT 1 OR:,2BR, weekly/
munlty pool, pets OK. $1400/mo' 241- monthly, pool,1463-7343.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. '+$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. Available early August. Call
246-8970 or 591-1218.'
PABLO BAY 5BR/4BA, 2850sf, Intracoast-
asi JTB/ Mayo. all tile. many upgrades 1st
class amenities. $2200/mo includes lawn
maintenance 226-9421
ATLANTIC BCH- 3BR/2 5BA. Townhome,
fenced back yard, lIreplace. laundry rm,
Iile loors, no pels, $875/mo 1913 Main
Sireel 565-2763.
2 58A lownhome vaulted ceilings, Irpic,
Ig heated & A'C Florida room 2car gar.
comm. pool. Fresh paint 8 new carpel, on
lake, 4 blocks o1 beach. lyr lease. Avail.
Oilober, $1400imo Call 2468294.
VILLAS AT Marsh Landing, large
1BR/1BA gated, amenities, double lire-
place screened lana., new floors, close to
each, shops. $990/mo with garage, water
included 379-4288
NEW 2BR/2BA. JAX BCH. W/D, garage,
riplc vaulted ceilings, no pets. $1150,'mo
PVB 1BR/1BA Elegantly furnished. Steps
to Ocean. Garage, $1600/mo 708-4022
Ocean Grande,
3.3 Luxury home. $2800/mo
Ocean Grove for leSS.
3/2 $1150/mo.
Grand Cay Villas
2,2 $1050/mo
The Palms 2/2, $1150/mo.
The Landings at Belle Rive
Brand new 2/2 w' garage $1150'mo.
Kendall Pointe
Brand new free cable & internal
2/2. $1050/mo.
la $1200'mo, weekly rates available. 280-
5170 or 616-5274.
PVB, SUMMERHOUSE, brand new,
2BR,2BA w.lireplace and appliances.
5.srar amenities, gated community
$1i00'mo Kimm.e 904.33-8604.
Soulh 2nd St.. Unit D, 3BR/3 5BA, 2 car
garage. 1 block Irom beach, brand new
$2000m.o. -dep. 19041233-2151
PONTE VEDRA Furnished 2BR 2BA con-
do, ?nd floor Gated $1100/mo.
JAX BEACH- The Palms. 1BR/1BA, W/D.
-aied community. $850/mo.
JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase, $1350/mo 568-4818.
PVB. 2/2 condo, 1 level,$1050/mo Credit
.:k required 626-9630.
PVB-BELE-ZZA -2BR,2BA.-lop-eridni- I-.
vaulled ceilings, completely renovated. e-
son amenmes, $1175/mo or (w/garage
$1275 mol (90-1629-0046
JAX BEACH. Large 1/1 condo w/garage
on ICW. Total return. Fireplace, screen
porch, W/D. $850/mo. 241-5564.
RIVER FRONT 3,2. dock. tree moonng
pool $1600 mo 607-3417, 733-8433.
screen porci $875/mo Goll view,
Summernousepv comr 404-964-1924.
MAYPORT LANDING 2/2 wln a ion,
WDHU, lenced yard, 1100sl, $850/mo.
Call 962-6295
floor corer, on goll course. NS. $995'mo.
*deposii, negoliable (904'1466-0230.
KEY LARGO condo 2BR/2BA great for
diving! snorkeling. 1 week $800, biweekly
$1500. Call 904-673-9793.
4BR'4BA, weekly, monthly. yearly Call
lees and utlities Exclusive Miravista,
gaiea pool, hol tub, healln club, water-
Iront wimanna view Room has own bath-
room, brand new large unit 2700sl
BEACH/SAN Pablo. clean, quiet, drug tree
nome. $400/mo. Dawn. 333-2624.
AB, BEAUTIFUL master bedroom in quiet
community w/ pool. 235-9304
ROOMMATE FOR 3BRi2BA wipool, Jax
Beach. $550!mo depositl, includes utilit-
ies (904)249-1890.
PVB, $550/mo deposit. No pels. 543-
NEW RESIDENCE. master bedroom w/
pnvate bath lor rent $700/mo. 237-4354
2 ROOMS for rent in attractive home at
waterfront. Close to the beach, all utilities
incl. $450/mo. each. 221-4117.
FEMALE. KITCHEN access, own bath-
room, on lake, access to plus, and more
ammenitles. $600/ mo. 280-9812
JAX BEACH, walk to beach, upstairs bed-
room, private bath, $500/mo. 237-4354.
APPROXIMATELY 750 st. quality office
space overlooking golf course in S. Jax
Beach. Call 241-5553 x15.
overlooking golf course in S Jax Beach
Call 241-5553 x15.
OFFICE spaces for rent- 9'x15' w/ storage
room 12'x24' Icould be 2- 12'x12' rooms)
Separate back door entrance, electric &
water incl. Located on 3rd St. Jax Bch.
OWN YOUR own office space, boau
barge w/5 built in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina Great lax write off.
$59,000 OBO. Call Guy at 904-614 7740.
space and lot for lease Slaning '
$500/mo (904)514-1090
.3750sl building for rent Can divide. Near
Adventure Landing Warehouse or mulli-
purpose use. Good exposure to Beach
Blvd. 343-1919, 249-3214
FREE TO good home mixed breed pup-
py. 9 months old, very loving, call
PARKING ATTENDANT $10 per hour. Fn-
day & Salurday 9pm.laim. 655-4573.
MALE AND Female CocKahels with large
cage. $200 OBO 710-0112
CAVALIER KING Charles Puppies for
sale Ready lo go. 372-0742
$500 each. 247-4573
2550-7A Mayport R. Nail Tecn & Hair
Stylisl Call for details 525-2164 ask for
PVB, 3/2/2, Ig executive home. Granite &
tile, walk-in closet, eat-in kit., comer lot,
sprinkler syst., avail. 10/1, Pet OK. Flex.
lease, $1495/mo. 280-2293.
'* -.
bch. $1500 3mo. minimum. 993-3226.
ALBINO BURMESE Python, 41t. $200 COOK POSITION available, Monkey's
firm. 246-2105 Uncle Tavern Apply in person: 1850 S.
3rd St. J.B.
HOMELESS PETS lor adoption- Cars &
dogs 246-3600.
FOUND 8/12, lemale daschund, Ponta
Vedra A1A. 285-7924
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail classified @
lesled divorce papers. Withoul Kids while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981.' by appt. only 1904)641-2187.
NOTARY SERVICES available at your
convenience and your location. Also,
Document Services, Records Manage.
menl, Courier Services. 373-0630.
JAX/ PV BCH. 3.2. resort amenities, pels
ok $13.0.'mo 904-472-1134.
CH/A, new appliances, unturnished, newly
renovated, hardwood & tile floors.
$1050 mo+ dep. Ulilmies Pels ok.
JAX BCH, 3/1, 6 blocks to ocean. WDHU,
1100sf, $1000/mo. No dogs. 881-8590.
ISLE OF Palms, 3BR 1.5BA, 1660sf, 2 car
gar., new flooring, frplc. laundry room, scr.
back porch, fenced backyard. $1550/mo.
14525 Luth Dr. N. Avail 9/1. Call Cindy
the knot? Your Location, Your Time or I
Will arrange your accomodatlons for you,
373-0630 or 813-5455.
THE LEADER seeks pan-lime person to
help sports depanment. Must be availaDle
10-15 hours a week, reliable transpona-
lion, interest in sport and abiliry to write
clearly and concisely Ability to lake pic-
tures valuable. Will require mainly lale al-
lernoons and early evenings. Will consider
sludent. II inleresied call Rob DeAngelo al
249-9033, exi 253 or send email to
kids or petsi lot new condo in Nonn Jax
Beach. Light laundry, preferably 2 or 3 hall
days per week. but could work one full day
& one hall day. References required.
PART TIME ReceplionisL Data Entry.
30 year old consulting company located
on Hodges Blvd is seeking a PT tronl
desk RecepilonistbDala Entry person.
Must have professional appearance and a
police speaking voice Experience in an-
swering a multi-line telephone system is
desired Basic computer skills are re-
quired. Musl be able to accurately input
customer inldrmation into a computerized
database system. Olner duties include
creating repons. maintaining Inventory ol
office supplies, and other general clerical
lunclions Working hours are Monday- Fri-
day. 20-25hrs per wk Please e-mail your
resume to Imcrae@balescompany com
PONTE VEDRA Cniropractic Medicine
Beach interviewing receptionists 2-8 shih.
Must be professional, able to schedule ap-
pontmenis, collect fees and able to multil
task Please call 285-ACHE(2243 Dbe-
tween 12:30- 230
son to work at lurnilure conslgnmeni store
10-6pm 2-3 days per week 241-5558.
Country Club. FT PT\ benelils'. 401k DL
required. Goll privileges Apply in person.
Partlime every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays at a premier retirement
community to assist residents and visitors
in coordination wilh the Manager of Resi.
dent Services. Applicants should be highly
organized and be able to communicate
and deal tacdully with the public, residents
and family members under all conditions.
Proficient in Microsoh Oullook. Word, Ex-
cel and Power Point Hotel, hospital,
CCRC or olner retirement community or
hospitality experience helpful Must be
willing to work holidays and other shifts II
necessary Ideal position for retired or
semi-retired candidate Applicalions at
Fleet Landing Security Gate. One Fleel
Landing Blvd., Atlanllic Beacn. FL 32233;
Fax to 1904)246-9447; email- EOE/ Drug-Free
COUNTER HELP. Ponle Vedra area, PTT
ahernoons & Saturday Call 285-5644
DENTS Pan-lime to lulitime hours provid-
ing visits and shifts lor homecare pallenls
Reliable Iransponalion and canng person-
ality required Call 241-1656. or more In-
formation or apply online at www.nlhson-
line cor
RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach. 249-9395,
Allanllc Beach. PT/ benefits.' Ilexible
schedule Average inclusive wage $11-
$14. Apply in person, 1600 Selva Marina
NEEq ,. -.A/QV', o,asssil firrI grArp
sludenl vilin 'S0.oowork and aclivilies a]
ismall,"prvale 'Jax Bcn school Ideally
Morday- Friday 8:30am-12noon. (Oppor-
iunilies at olner times also available)
Ema;l resume':
GENERAL OFFICE Manager/ Bookkeeper
needed for interior design company. Part-
time, 20hrs. per week Fax resume to:
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
lune-up. All makes, all models, $49.50.
PADGETT'S A/C & Healing. Inc. Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis al 588-5222.
Free Esimates. License CAC1814887
Carpel. Sales & Installation. Free esi-
mates Licensed! Insured. Jim 813-6756
or 619-3980
LET THE Honey Do Bees clean your ga-
raoe lor you. 246.4203.
MECHANIC.-GREAT pay & benefits! All
smhls available. Exp. truck & trailer. Cen-
tunon Aulo Transpon. 800-889-8139.
GUTTER INSTALLER needed, expen-
ence required. Call 241-5099 for appt.
DRIVERS: EXCELLENT pay and benefits
Stable and successful company CDL-A,
w/hazmat, 10 years work nislory required.
Dave: 3440 W. 20th St Jax, 32254
DRIVERS. CDL-A O/Ops or Teams. No
forced dispatch! 44 offices nationwide.
85%. gross pd. weekly Insurance avail.
JRC Transponailon 800-344-4029.
CARPET CLEANER Helper 30,hours.
days, some weekends. Nice appearance
employs individuals in a variety of posi-
lions For a sling ol current opponunities
please visit us in person 11 N 3rd St., 2nd
Iloor. .all 247 6263. send an email to per-
sonnel@lSaxochll.nei. or visit our websile
www.JacKsonvilleBeach org Drug free
work environment, EOE, VP
Join our leaml If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a last-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opponunity lor you You will join a Nation-
al company & work in Ponte Veora Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1 years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing & excellent communication
skills Abillty to handle business accounts
Base pay plus commissions FT/PT, no
evenings or weekends Fax resume:
19041285-0010 or e-mail.
lm@mediakids corn
nancial Planning Firm Strong phone &
computer skills investment or insurance
experience required Slaning $10-$13,nr.,
based on experience Fa\ resume to:
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile Help-
ers needed. Learn a Irade. Health bene.
fils, good ours, advancement opportuni-
ties Must have valid FL Drivers License.
Call 249-5381 lor apple
nus Licensed. Insured. Dependable.
Beacnes'WesI Beaches.' Ponle Vedra.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esti-
mates. Professional customer service
Mowing. edging, weeding, Inmming. rrees,
shrubs. Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
Sale rool cleaning. Deck & fence
resloralion. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin, 994-0045
PRESSURE WASHING, quality work at
reasonable price Call Nick 349-5990
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed
610 7768
- '-"-- SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
PLEASE CALL Lynne' .Cleanng.Service., PessUte'-wasning. 19yrs ai Beaphs.
.:.r your .:l aning-riees .' Honest'dep, renol.. F-e Etimale 88f.-123
able Pel & House sitting. 343-4018.
TRACEY GRABILL cleaning services.
Residential' commercial licensed, insur.
ed. 874-7126.
Ds. References 242-2546. 566-5540.
JAX FINEST Cleaning Service. Cheap
rates. Iree quotes. Call Nicole 859-2844
lent references. 15yrs exp Call Sandy
ble Reasonable rales. Iree estimates. Call
Roxanne (9041477-5398.
cleaning since 19781 Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded. Individual cleaner Option
to customize chore list. 241-1115
HOUSE CLEANING vi eco-friendly prod
ucts. Also avail house signing Call Tonra
make II look like newu 223-0591
HOUSES WANTED o1 clean 14 years ex-
perience. Relerences Maryann 377-6643.
SERVICES Dependaole. honest,
Ihorough References. Licensed Insured.
SMILEI YOUR house was cleaned today
try Top to Bonom Housekeeping. Referen-
ces Licensed Just call and II will be done
ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices Free estimates for repair/ installation
CommiRes Standby generalors and
Transfer switches. All electrical needs.
Visa/MC 341.3555 Great rates
._=. ^a^ sA_
FAST INTERIOR painting. drywall, tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller lobs Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured,
references 403-7389
knoicn work guaranteed. Painting, trim.
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing
Lcensed/ Insured. Free estimates. 861-
PAINTING & repairs by Dean Interior/ex-
lenor painting. All types of repairs, busi-
ness & residential. Fully lic. & insured.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.
ed immediately. Exp. req w/ pool equip
(motors, pumps, etc.) Clean DL. Good
benefits. Call 743-2060.
BUSY WHOLESALE Seafood company
seeks F/T Fish Processor & Dnvers
w/good records. Apply in person only:
C&C Fisheries, 36 W 61h St., Atlantic
Bch. 246-1138.
FULL-TIME YEAR round lawn mainte-
nance position available for the nght indi-
vidual Call 553-6338
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
ovenime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
DRIVER. LIGHT delivery for Veteran's
charity. Own vehicle, cash paid daily.
FULLTime. 3pm-1lpm al Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competitive wages, good
working environment. Applications availa-
ole at Fleet Landing Secunty Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd, Atlanlic Beach, FL;
Fax to (904)246-9447; e-mail to: EOE/ Drug-Free
HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exte-
rior from A-Z. Call Bill at 228-9241.
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls. painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE 246-6628.
Painting, carpentry, waler proofing, pres-
sure washing, tile work, drywall.
C&J REPAIR Services. Carpentry, Dry-
wall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling, etc.
Licensed, Insured. 955-0593, 241-1461.
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
CCC 1326983.
. . . . .. .
We service thousands of beach residents.
www perschelandmeyer corn 241-3409
ing. Most residential pools $25/week.
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier 285-0240
M==NhH.ti^ i^ E
PLAY PIANO, gift for a lifetime, your home
or studio. 223-1103.
FPT OR PT Day shift, weekends,' Quiznos
Sub makers; Start pay $6.75/hr. 3928 So.
3rd Street, Jax Beach.' 247-9997.
NEW TROPICAL Smoothie Cafe, at the
Beach, now hiring full-time Assistants and
Supervisors. Apply in person between
11am-2pm. 1230 Beach Blvd. 242-4949.
Dependable Quality Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737.
EBERT NORMAN Brady Architects. 1361
131h Avenue South. Suite 230, Jackson-
ville Beach, Florida 32250 Is seeking a
sell-molivated. professional individual for
a full lime, entry level administrative posi-
lion. Experience required. Pleasant phone.
etiquerle & Good organizational skills A
working knowledge of MS Excel, MS Word
within good typing & prool reading skills.
Pholosnop & Power Point skills an advant-
age 8 a vehicle for running occasional er-
rands. Please email resume to
tvickers,, and/ or con-
lact Fran Vickers at 241-9997 to schedule
an interview.
& ironing required References a must.
Salary negotiable. 543-8629.
FAST PAINTING lub, shower plumbing.
household repairs guaranteed. 333-3325,
SICK OF cluner? Need an organizer?
Rooms, offices, houses. Call Cyndi
280-7551 lor estimate
DO IT yourself, hire a general contractor
to help you witn Ine permit process and
subcontractors, when you wani to invest
and flip nomes Call 2230677.
WOOD REPAIRS. Termite & Rotten
wood, siding, stucco, wood decks, repairs.
Licensed General Contractor. 247-9525.
U~IY~~ 'Me
- --- -- - -- --
MCM nCQ M DAI3C -1- 0 -l
M.WhIke, MAM oft.-Ap.
II r~r~a~utc~lll&r]l
-- -- -- '--~--- -
~s~,~~;~ i~UZ a Li rg W-1~i~
I WALJ 685
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 23, 2006
HIRING FULL-TIME Drvern Lawn Mamine-
nance Helper. DFWP. Call Pam 742-7769
Vork at ine Beacn We are a Microsoh
Developer providing software for Iranspor-
tallon logislIc dispatch, and accounting
(-leavv prospeclng lelemarkeling. and
lead generalion I Prospecling experience
a mrrus along with strong PC skills and
ability it work independenlly Fax resume
to 241-7333 or email Jennifer at jenni-
CHIRO CLINIC seeks a motivated, pois-
ed, indiv. w/ to serve, as
Front Desk A'sr Heavy phones data en-
try appr.ini- and maintaining patient hies-
Ecellenl inlerpersonal and
lion skills a musll Send resume to
ptbdr, 'ellsoulm.nel or la^ 904-2734-607
Apprcrmairev l 5rirns per week
TEACHERS FOR loddilr'e 1.2yrs old 2.
.6 31fpmr 4hri crhildcare training prel6rred
Mvluil be pateni reliable. sense i r.umror
Franklyn Learning Center 1851 Beach
Blvd Jax Bcr, 32250.242.:9645 EOE
needed lor Silae Farm Agent at Beach a
San Pablo Call 223-0035
OFFICE CLEArNERS needed for cleaning
.-niqhl Will. ra.n mus t have Iransportnaon
and prnornn Call 2"3-276.1
_IVE- l I .:r n:rarmin., pellte disabled
womenn Salary. private roorr, & ban. use
cl a -ar Reis & background check r.e-
quired3 Call j-136138
Taxi Drivers nreeed to work Beach and
Inierc.:jailal areas, ai leal 23 yr- old.
goo.d .drin] record Call 249-0360
CUSTOMER SERVICE entry level pos,-
lion for lasi paced pricing company Must
hane coripuler experience Slop by 640 N
3rd St .JB or Call 246.9162
PONTE VEDRA AR Accounting Clerk po.
silion. Requires last learner and well or-
ganized Goo.,d pay, email resume to
khorne@'cntre c:om EOE
VEINUS Call Center is looking lor Order
Enlry Reps to lakeelincoming calls Iromr
Our customers. Excellent comm. skills
keyboard skills and customer service ex-
perience required Training class slarns
Sept 5th Mon -Fr, 9am-4pm Day and
night hilti a'.ailabile
Jack of all trades/ handyman to working
our rDuilliri maintenance depth Call- our
SloB line 615-6000 prompt 2 EOE
KITCHEN HELP Bussers needed Sanlt.
ni at Sawgrass 612-7950C
MANAGER in rolilsic, internal medical 01.
:i.- Full 'pan ime secreiarnal. clerical.
and suppcon 01tl M a unique sending Ex-
perience required in answering phones
computers. communications and public-re-
lations Must be enir.usiasiic dependable
consisleni and an escellenr match Fax
resume wion references, no prone calls
please Persephone Healing Ans Center
FAX 19041246.3778
Administrative Assistant
Full ime position .IcaI ed i inhe Inierc:asit
al East areta winr local saltae compa-
ny Oua.lilled candidale needs strong com.
ruil-r and organizar onal sk ill must be
Windows Ierale wilh prohiciencv in Micro.
sonl Word Publisher and Eceli Ideal can.
didale will be mulll-3ask orenied and able
to work with inle supervision Real estate
background preferred We are looking for
a learn player flexible and a people per-
son. Serua resume and salary require-
ments to Carol Hil 4190 Bellon Rd Suite
475, Jacksonville, FL 32216 or lax to 904-
296-0846. EOE Npn 'Smoking Environ-
ment. Reference job number 241.
.I FULL TIME ReceptvonstL' Real Estate
TRIt. CARPENTERS & Painters $10-525 Closing Assisrani Ponie Veara La. Firm
per rr Call Jen ..ji 28-8398 .Fax resume (904)269-8799.
seeks multi.tasker Excel prolicien w '
strorng a::counn ti. backgicurnd Peacrhree
e'-p a MUST Fax resume to 246-1558 or
email deoDoicg@.bellsouth net
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook lor breaklasi
and lunch: Applyv winnln *'- Ellen s Kitchen
18:4 Soul.h ?rd SI 246-1572
jpenrng wilnrhi our organization for a lawn
lecriri(ar, Co:mrperiive salary i'Ou must
o ss.e. a good drrivlng re.:ord Our com-
,danry hai lull enelils wain retirement D0o-
Siuse paid vacation .n holidays We nave
a great w.,rking environment I We rhave
e, 3en in business lor o,.er 14 vyears Fax
-esume to 273-0682 or till out an applica.
Iton at 10066. Sawgrass Drive West. Ponle
Vedra Beach.
yr. yr y
SDENTS Pantlime to ruillime hours prolid.
inoa iiis15 and shihs 101 home'.are paiienis.
ReliaDle Iransp.:naiiorr i and caring perso:,n-
ail) required C llt 241-1656 Tor'more in.
formation or apply online at www nlnsonc
CLEANERS needed Beacres area Good
pay S good hours Musi have own Irans-
ponaiion Can 607-19159.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
32224. ,
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call'April, 246-9999.
Scartoli Erectors EleciriC ans. Skilled
PFrsonnel Call 249 8147 or 726-5661
REAL ESTATE Assistanmt Seeking detail
orieiled rj organized mull-i.iaker Musl
have excellent wrling & computer skills
Pait e'periernce w MS Publisher. Internet
Expiorir & Oullook Fax resume
Construction Worker
w/valic Florida Driver s License E>per.
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply at Surfside Pools; 313
SBeach Blvd., 246,2666 or fas resume Io.
249-8501, e-ma l .urfsidepoolsiaO:-i r om
TEACHER FOR I:ddler room 2-?yrs old
Mu:il te patient c.reaiive, energelic and
dedicated. 9;30-6:30pm. 40hrs childcare
training preferred. Franklyn Learning Cen-
ter, 1851 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch.
32250.242-9645. EOE.
MOVING AND Siorage Co is currently
seeking professional, couous and expe-
rienced Laborers and Drivers. Drivers
must possess a valid A or B,CDL Drivers
License. Drug testing is required .For
more information call 241 2921
City of Atlantic Beach, $10.53/hr. +bene-
fits. Serves as receptionist; assists with
building permits. Applications accepted
until 09/06/06 and may be obtained at or 800 Sem.nole Rd.'Atlin-
tic Beach, FL i904i2t475820 No smokLer.s'
tobacco user; Drug lesring condu.:ed
Looking for experienced lawn/ landscape
worker. $9-$12 hour or salary, paid vaca-
tion, valid FL drivers license, 534-5459,
TEACHER FOR .infant room, 9:30-
6:30pm. 40hrs childcare training preferred.
Must be reliable, positive & able to lift &
carry at least 301bs. Franklyn Learning
Center, 1851 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch 32250.
242-9645. EOE.
SERVERS, HOST/ Hostesses, bussers,
Line Cooks. Must be able to work week-
ends. Top wages.'Apply in 'person 10am-
2pm, Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st
Ave. Ndrth. (rear door) 249-3322.
FULL-TIME. 1 30pm 1o 9.30pm nr, main
dining room kilcnen Dependabilty and
punctuality a muti Exce61enl beenelis and
real work evirvronment 1o apply applica-
tons available al Fleel Landing Securiry
Gale One Fleel Landing Blvd., AIIantic
Beach FL 32233 Fa< to i90J-246-94-l7.
emairl EOE;
Drug-Free Workplace
BEACHES CAR Wash- lullJ me help
needed Wage negoliaole+ lips Benelits
Awail. Apply in person 1401 Beach Blvd.
NIANNY. GOOD Pay. PT'FT. days Trans-
ponalion, relere-nce needed 241-2723
PEST CONTROL Company needs Lawn
Care Technicianr busy companyy no expe-
rience necessary Siable hard workers
earn high wages. DFWP. Call 241 7874
BOOKKEEPER AND Typsti needed lor
Failn Based Orlice. FT cr PT. Grea lor
school mom 55 wpm. 2 yrs College re
quired QuickBks. Word. Excel Rel re.
quiredl Fa-.: resume 645.0C1067.or Ph 996-
OOTl-j .
Country Club FT PT bene lls' 4i01k DL
rqreuird. Golf privileges Apply in person
Full-lime in our Mainlenance Depanment
l.londa9-Friday al a premier retirement
community Erxelleni benemns and work
envirormeni To apply Applicalons avail-
able ai Fleet Landing Securiry Gale, One
Fleel Landing Blvcd, Atlanni: Beach. FL
32233- Fax to 904-246-9447; email to EOE/ Drug-Free
STITCHES. AND Screens ,is looking for
embroidering operators. Experience pre-
ferred. And also entry level screen.printing
,help. Immediate hire. Please call 962-
Ciy of Atlantic Beach. $10.53'hr+ bene
itls Performrs cashier work, H.S. Diploma
GED. III year exp prel Applications ac-
cepted until 8/30o06 and may be obtained
al www coab us or 800 Seminole Rd, At-
lantic Beach. FL (9041247-5820 No smok-
er' tobacco users. Drug testing conducted
BEACHES LAW Firm: Experienced Real
Eslate Paralegal. Prior Management ex-
perience Fax resume 19041269-8799
Wednesday evenings. $8 per hr. Back-
ground check Beaches Church. Call
Ruih. 710-8370. .
COOK/ TEACHERS Aide needed 8-45-
3pm Musl be seltfmotivated & able to
work win. minimal supervision Apply In
person, 1851 Beach Blvd, Jax Bcn
242-9645 EOE.
GROWING FAST paced lawn maine.
nance company looking lor FT help. 655-
WAITSTAFF: Private club Atlantic Beacn
FTr benefits/ flexible schedule Average
inclusive wage $11- $14. Apply in person,
1600 Selva Marina Dr DFWP
Able to work wilnin deadlines, typing clas-
sified ads & billing. Knowledge of Mac
computers a plus Good organizational
skills a.must. Monday-Fnday,.8am.5pm.
Beach Blvd Jax Beach: or send resume
to Char Cotlman, PO. Box 50129, Jack-
sonville Beacn FL 32240.
Busnong Insurance one of Ponle Vedra's
largest Property/ Casualty Insurance Brok-
ers. desires administrative assistant candi-
dales as well as expenenced CSR's. Join
in to this excellent work environment with
opportunities for advancement. as well as
a superior benefits package. Applicants
must be detail onenied and possess ex-
celleni computer skills. License not re.
quired. For consideration, fax resume to
FT AND PT Front and back otlice work
Computer skills, typing skills, and organi-
zational skills required Exp. preferred bul
not required 246-3232.
NOW HIRING Cocktail Servers and Bar-
lendars FiT & PT afternoon, nights 8
weekends. Exp working with alcohol pre.
lerred Apply in person Monkey's Uncle
Tavern 1850 S. 3rd St. J.B.
City of Atlantic Beach, $16,18 to
$24 29/hr.. $33,654 to $50.523 annually.
DOO brenehlits. MAust be certlied as a
Florida Building inspector wiln at least one
Inspectors license i1 & 2 Family Dwelling
License preferred or eligible to obtain a
Provisional License upon hire Must have
& maintain a valid Florida Driver s License
and good driving record Applications will
be accepted until he position is filled and
may be obtained at or 800
Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach. FL
1904)247-5820. No smokers' tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted. EOE.
Please apply in person, Gtovanni's, 1161
Beach Blvd Jax Beach 249-7787.
Home Clea ne11rs ^
S. I Ie nrac asl
Maintenance Assistants:
Duties to include Pressure
washing. painting, some
carpentry and plumbing. Most
of work will be janitorial
services. Must be able to lift 50
lbs. Experience preferred. Must
have transportation and valid
FL Drivers license. Hourly plus
excellent benefits.
We offer excellent salary and
benefits including paid Vacadon
and Holidays. Health and Dental
Insurance, 401K.
Drug Free Workplace
Equal Opportunity Employer
SApply in person
Human Resources
101 Plantation Drive
Pone Vedra Beach, FL 32082
6.1. 2 YEAR Established Beach Tanning
Salon, $60.000 246-7120.
business, assets for sale Barge w' trailer.
all lools Owner relocating 285-2100
LOOKING FOR seasoned investors to
bring a revolutionary produciin the Appa-
rel Industi lo market. Return is limiless
via Promossory Note or Equir/ Poslon
Call Asner at i904 305-4128
location locally known lor over 7 yrs. Ap.
praised at approx. $350,000 selling
$199K. Call Roben at 759-1272
aspects of accounting 10+ yrs. exp. Ref-
erences avail. 703-6550.
Includes a nulriional and Ilitestyle evalua-
lion and body composition analysis Call
Jeremy or Pant @ 904-223-0165 to book
your appointment today.
womWo.) MAW,
Driver Jacksonville Terminal
*me Ee
DO YOU need relief froni caring for elder-
ly or sick loved ones? I am state'li-
censed, Alzheimers trained, experienced
and great references. Call Sherry,
904-541-1214, 904-477-1036.,
OFFICE DESK $50, bird cage $60 Henre-
don couch $450, framed art, beveled mir-
rors, golf clubs, exercise equipment, 6 din-
,ing chairs $300, computer desk $150.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.'
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
FURNITURE: COUCHES, Ioveseats, din-
ing tables, buffet, ent; center, dresser,
desks, desk chairs, wing chair, side
chairs. Call 616-1000.
6 PIECE Bedroom' Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499
Can deliver. 858-9350
CONSTRUCTION SALE- oven. dishwash-
er, 6 panel doors, microwave liki bar &
stools, electric fireplace. 821-4308
CONDO FURNITURE like new Pickled
Maple 3 piece entertainment cenler $995.
china cabinet $695 desk-china combo
$695, gentlemen mirrow/iop of chest $85.
rattan king sized head board $65
SAMSONITE PATIO Table w/glass-top.
Monled green color frame and upnolslery
Chairs fantastically comlonable excellent
condillon Original retail $615. 1200 OBO
04 6984
BIG SALE, 5 lamly. something for every-
one! Sat 8-'' 635 Florida Blvd
CHERR ri' iUEEN Ar800 E FORMAL ner 3arn 2prr 167 Pine Streetl Wast
rng sel Sacrilice $800 OBO Oak Corner Drer $2'25 lurnlure ,& mtre '.01041307-
desk $45. Oak lulon rhame $40 536-6400 8645
blonde, Irghled. mirrors. $375. Computer,
monitor, scanner, amplifier printer 6 inK
canmldges. $175 246-7710
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS for sale. Furniture,
washer & dryer elc 304.8694.
WOMEj S WEDDING Ring Size 7 14K
yellow; while gold. 1 2K marquis center
slone. 4 princess cut diamonds each side
on band Appraised 8'19/06 for $2800
Asking $1500 226-2670.
REST EOUIP. 2 new cash registers. 6'
drive Ihru menu board, new water soften-
er 3 comply. Sink, hand sink 90iLB ice
bin. 250/LB Ilake ice machine, grindmas-
ler espresso machine orindmasier cap-
puccino machine 5' cold prep able, ss ta.
ble, 3 cale tables, 9 chairs, Irash cans Ev-
erything you need to open a coffee or
smoothie cale. Call 223-0677.
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories Ladder
rack irackill $225 Diamond plaIe tool box
$100 Fiberglass topper $275 Or all lor
$500, 716-1518.
GRACO AIRLESS Paint Sprayer,
34 GPM 150 gals run Ihrough it 100 or
rio;.e wnhi nose and swivel S$400 OBO.
UTILlTY TRAILER 6x10. enclosed 4
monins old. $2200. 333.5608
BATHROOM VANITVY hile. 6.rl. double
sinks, marble lu:,,$200. Selva Linkside
Wasner & dryer- heavy dury. super ca-
paciry, exc. condo. $150 each. WiII guaran-
lee Can deliver 874-1747
SCAN DESIGN Teak wood queen bed
$250 Hybrid waveless malress walerbed
$50. Window A.C 15K BTU 220 volt,
$125. 322-8545.
BAKERS RACK. like new, meal. glass,
and wood $150 Dell desktop 4400 com.
puter w' scanner prnier, desk, and chair
complete $650 for all. Sola and love seal,
neutral colored floral. good condition
$500 lor both
18 2002 Four Winns Bow Rider Ski Boail
190HP, Super clean, All the extra's!. War-
raniled engine Sunsporn nlerior' Call
Jane 19041226-8043
OUEEN SIZE sleeper sofa, never used
3300, anuque Singer sewing machine
w'console, B75. black leather swivel char
w'onoman $65, old 35mm camera
w equipment besi otfer. 280-5170
MOVING SALE San Pablo Creek 7 pc
wrile Wicker Henrv Link bedroom set. pa.
lio set, round glass lop table sofa & love
seat. 2 bar siools Compact computer and
desk less man 3 years old. linens glass.
ware beanie bears boyds bears. Stud
and stlu Salurday 7am-12pm, 2140 El
Lago Way 220-7336
3050 PABLO Bay Dr. Saturday 8am-
12pm Comrputer desks books. women'
cloning loys Everyning Musl Gol
2320 SHIPWRECK Cir W Everyday 9-
4pm Piano bar 1983 280Z 173.000 org
mi i much much more Everylhing must
go! 223-5521
GARAGE SALE- lurnliure, lurniture lots of
household' Sal 7am unll. 1999 WlIle.don
Dr W. loh Ailantic in Sunon Lakes Subd I
household, eic Friday & Salurday 8am-',
4128 Tradewinds Drive.
ESTATE SALE Saturday, 8,23. 8am-2pm
4398 Heashlord Dr W Jax. Furnilure
Bikes. Cloihes. Klcnen. More
14' ALUMINUM boal, 251p. trailer excel-
lent condition $2500 firm. 765-9230
92 FOUR Winns 190 Horizon 50 HO I.'O
$6500 904-200-0121
boar slip lor renl, 40h $500. 50n $600
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER Cable and pnone
service available ,' slip. Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump oul also available 463-2845
19 KENNER Fs.h'n'Ski '89 115 Suzuki 50
hours on a rebuild and newly rebuild car-
bureiors New barter, new Garmin lisn
Iinder, new Minnkoia rolling moiior Live
bait well. Four yeai old'trailer. Good tires
and lights work. Very good. condition.
$4200 OBO. 704-6984
1993 SEARAY 230 Sundancer 290
hours excellent condnlor1, 4C, iully lroad
ed. $12 000 OBO. 246-i:i101
POOL TABLE oak ini-sn all accessories, CAROLINA SKIFF 15'8" 25hp suzuki mo-
$1200. Call 2739842. tor, 1998, runs good 514.7978.
80 MAHOGANY Duncan Fite Bear Claw
Dining Table. win 6chairs. $750. Call
465 6966
FILL DIRT ror sale. Can deliver. Miranda
Contracting, Call. 219 2765.
LAZYBOY RECLiNER. wing back Ani-
que gold labric New down-sizing $200
inew $6951. 246-2858
August 26th and 27th. at the Morocco
Shrine. 3800 SI. Johns Bluf Road 19AI.
Jacksonville. Nonn Florida Arms Collec-
lors. Info: (904)461-0273
MOVING SALE 5pc ranan living rm sei
$200. 6pc living rm set $500, cnild 4pc.
tdroom set $75, 220-4564.
GIRLS WHITE bedroom sei- dresser, mir-
ror. nghlsiand. twin bed $300. 241-8718
or 502-6926.
SOLID OAK Queen bedroom set In-
cludes rounded headboard w/ranan inlay
design, 72' six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror and ranan inlay, two
2-drawer nignislands, lour drawer plus
storage Armoire Good condition $600.
,BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam matress & boxspring new in
pla,1 : .w/warranty $379. Must sell.
iqi 5R R.i.OS ^.. .
40' BOAT SLIP for sale. exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. 5169K. 463-2845.
1983 22' Hunter Sallboal New electric &
rigging 4 stroke. 6np oulnoard, less than
30 hrs swing keel. accomadaies 6 adults
sleep 4 6000 OBO 821-0797
1999 R1000 Custom Black &,Sllter very
lasi. comes win bike c''ver, bike stand,
bahery charge saver, matching helmet,
greal bike. 5400 OBO lakes all. 904-588-
TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2001 Greal condi.
lion, 70k miles, Wnile, gray inleror
S$10.500 OBO. 588.4691
85 CHEVY Pick up. runs greai:-$750
OBO Call 652-6243
2002 ISUZU Trooper. burgundy under
59k Loaded and runs greal" $10 995
1997 KIA Sprnaqe 1OOK miles Looks
and'drves new n 4WD, Auo. Cold AC.
musl sell $2.900 OBO 16-2586.
..,--- .2001 HYU..NDAI- Elarlia GT '52u0) OBO
$400 SUNRISE Surf Shop gih card 90K. 5 door Lunioof, CD. autiomaic, (904)
lohnsiontlna bellsoutn.nel 307-8645
MOVING SALE! Once walnur desk.
5'x2 5'. $200 Credenza in perfect condo.
5 5'x1.5'. $400. 247-1303
BED- BRAND name queen sel
new, w warranty $129. Can deliver
BED- KING manress set, $289 Can de-
liver 19041391-0015.
AT&T PARTNER pnone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877
NEW IN box Canon EOS Rebel, 35mm,
with lens. $120 OBO, 223-5050
WHIRLPOOL WASHER exc cond, $125
GE Dryer $100 30" electric sIove $50 All
in good condillon. Can deliver 945-0226.
CLASSICAL VIOLIN wiln accessones,
paid $600. $375 OBO. 223-5050.
MOVING SALE! Chairs tables, dresser
3-person spa, sola bed. 249-1384.
a.* wfv w,,,vr57l -a. .- *,
LATIN PERCUSSION Aspire conga set
natural win stand. 10 and 11 ,nce. $325
SOBO, also Rogue double-nreck electric
guitar with case $350 OBO Both in excel-
lent condition 904-247-3264
HEART PINE, tongue & groove flooring
cut from antique Pine timbers Installation,
slair material. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
929 12TH Ave S. Saturday, 7am-4pm
Ouills. clones Drncbabrac. iron furniture.
dolls, loys, misc.
SATURDAY. AUGUST 26th 9am-noon
No early birds Furniture household ilems
1202 3rd Ave North, 3 blocks north of
Beacn Blvd. between 111h Street and
Palm Tree Drive.
,NDOOR MOVING SALE' Saturday, 8/26,
9am-2pm 784 Bonaire Cir Toys 0.5yrs.
incl Thomas Table Glass cotfee & end ta-
bles, Desk. Sehee. Lamps. Books, Cook.
ware & misc accessories.'-
Many.iiems including electronics, toys,
-shoes, car pans. Barbies, flooring, furni
ture, decorative items, washer & dryer and
much more. Saturday August 26th from
8am-until; 4068 Palm Way, between Jack-
sonville Dr & JTB.
MULTI-FAMILY- BEDS for sale, furniture
GALORE, baby clothes, toys, household
Saturday, 8am-? 918 10th St N
ANNUAL RUMMAGE Aug 125, Aug 26.
8a.m.- 2p.m. Jax Beach's Womans Club:
1315 2nd Ave. N. Jax. Beach 246.2737.
^ ^-^-:=-" "-
VOLVO S40 2004.5 2.4 -4.door sedan.
Black miln gray interor Excellent cond.
lion. kept in garage, nonsmoker, pwr
doors, pwr windows CD. ABS, alloy
wheels. 5 cylinder, air bags 33.000 miles
$17 500. Call 536-4030
1996 JEEP Grand Cherokee. Good con-
dition $3000 Call Cris at ?07-2819
1998 TOYOTA Camry good condo. cool
A'C. theft prool 4500 OBO 327.1081.
LOW MILES Hyundai Elantra. 1996.
Runs good. 223-1103
1990 TOYOTA Corolla new transmission
w.'12mo. warranty, runs good $900 OBO
1985 CORVETTE, red, very nice car
T-iop. lully loaded, automatic. cold A'C, in
excellent shape Asking 19500 OBO.' \vs;;.
226-8700 or wil irade lor equal value
BMW 5281 2000 Sieplronic i/less than
2000 miles on new eng and transmission
White/ tan int., 6 disc CD, power every-
thing inc. headrests and iiii sieerng, ulti-
mate int. package new tires, memory
seats, tinted windows, the list goes on.
Great looking car,, smooth ride. 2 yr war-
ranty on new B'MW engine..Call 476-6772
or iinaruss2003'. yahoo com foir more de-
tails and'or pics 121K OBO.
-2000 JEEP Cherokee Lid. Looks great.
blue w/gray .leather. Excellent mainle-
nance with records. $6750 219-9148,
2005 FORD FOCUS SE ZX3 Beautilul.
blue paint 13,800k miles. still under
warranty. Fully loaded: Power everything,
sunroof, cruise control, Alloy rims, Sound
system, etc. Must see $13,399.
472-3521 .
2003 JAGUAR XJB8, extended 60,000 mile
warrahtee, quartz with oatmeal, 37,600
miles, new tires, excellent condition,
$26.900, 285-5860 or 613-4480.
-,' ,,t
ley1.JM ~
Pago R8
U U~~lr~
Beaches area. Atlantic and San Pablo. Are you seeking a real career
not just a job? We are now building our team at Jacksonville's
'glamorous, new salonunder construction. We are interviewing the
area's best and most talented hair and color stylists; nail
professionals, aestheticians, administrative assistant/receptionist:
and apprentices. High income potential and beflefits plan. Clientele
bonus considered.
Call 220-8900 for an interview with Mr. Eli Alain Vital, master
stylist and General Manager.
r "6" ""
616117md; n9ii-ilaw
-- --------------------
UNIMN "Iom- Muvmo-ml