AUGUST 16, 20C
Care for classes?
Give a call.
See A-12
munities of Ponte Vedra Beach,
Petrified in more
ways than one
See A-8
n edition of The Beaches Leader
Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
The haves
0 .
Sidewalk gets
help of MSD
The atmosphere was thick
with scathing accusations and
character attacks in St.
Augustine Monday during a
televised political forum.
Six of the seven candidates
* for two seats on the St. Johns
Board of County
Commissioners spoke at the
forum sponsored by the St.
Johns County Civic
Association Roundtable. The
taped forum will be rebroad-
cast twice.
In an apparent move to gain
voter trust, incumbent
Commissioner Bruce Maguire
offered 13 years of his tax
records and challenged his
Republican opponent, Tom
Manuel, to do the same.
"The question is: who do
you trust?" Maguire said,
adding that his family has
lived in the area for four gener-
Maguire of Ponte Vedra
Beach, who represents District
4, hinted during the forum
that his opponent has ques-
tionable business partnerships
that involve offshore gambling
in the Caribbean.
"I appreciate Mr. Maguire
covering my resume so I don't
have to do it," Manuel joked in
his opening statement.
Later he said Maguire's com-
ments show that "St. Johns
County is a battleground.. of
growth, and it's a battleground
of greed and money."
Maguire defended his
actions, saying they were made
in response to an earlier state-
ment by Manuel, who said
Nlaguire's commission votes
are bought by developer con-
Manuel did not directly
respond to Maguire's com-
ments and said after the meet-
ing that he has never personal-
ly attacked Maguire.
Meanwhile, District 2
Commissioner Karen Stern also
found herself defending her
campaign contributions,
which total more than
A forum mediator asked how
Stern and Maguire can "hon-
estly" say their votes were not
influenced by large contribu-
tions from developers and spe-
cial interest groups.
"Any time this comes up, I
feel that my integrity is being
questioned," Stern said.
"It is," several audience
members said loudly.
After asking the audience to
refrain from making
See FORUM, A-3
r.:,lc.i Cb KATi .,' HARTr.lArl
Sidewalks exist along Ponte Vedra Boulevard north of Corona
Road (top) but not south of Corona, as shown in above in the
900 block.
New Beginnings Baptist
Church is officially on its way
to a new beginning at its Davis
Park location.
The church has submitted its
first draft of a site plan and has
gone through the first phase of
development review by St.
Johns County.
The current chu rch property,
located off State Road A1A in
Ponte Vedra, is being pur-
Schased by St. Johns County for
recreational purposes and the
church is relocating to a site
east of Davis Park off County
Road 210.
Plans for the new church
include more than 55,000
square feet encompassed in
three buildings.
"We're moving forward with
the whole project," Todd
Barfield, a representative of the
church, said Tuesday.
Trustees of the Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District
NIMSDI, seeing a jump-start on
sidewalk projects in the MSD,
Monday agreed to help a group
of residents pay for a quarter-
mile stretch of sidewalk.
That group, consisting of
about 26 neighbors in the 800,
900 and 1000 blocks of Ponte
Vedra Boulevard, has agreed to
pay for most of the
project, said Dana
Current, who lives
in the 900 block.
"Our roadway is I would li
very narrow [and .. to recogn
. thickly settled,"
Current told Vedra d
trustees at their Core
monthly meeting at
the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch --Doug
"W\Ven I go to
take my children to the beach .
. it's a very dangerous walk."
Current said he had secured
promises from about 90 per-
cent of the 26 property owners
to help pay for a 3-foot side-
He asked MSD trustees to pay
for another foot of the side-
walk, estimated to cost $17,490
for 1,650 linear feet, a estimate
that trustees noted is lower
than others they had heard.
MSD chairman Bob Reesh
said an estimate he got about
six months ago "was a lot more
than this." -and -trustee Al
Hollon said the county's side-
walk cost is $65 per linear foot.
"They tend to over-engineer
the thing." trustee Rob Becker
said, referring to St. Johns
The MSD's commitment for
the quarter-mile stretch,
Current said, would be "a little
Barfield declined to give any
further details of the buildings
but said the church will be
releasing that information in
about two months.
The entrance to the chitrch
will connect to the entrance
road for Davis Park, according
to Barfield.
To the north of the church's
new property will be the
planned Ponte Vedra High
The, church site is located
less than $5,000."
The MlSD is a special taxing
district that levies a tax on
NISD property owners for extra
garbage collection, extra police
protection, beautihcation and
street signs m the MSD.
The MSD generally includes
the area east of State Road AIA
from the Duval County line to
Corona Road, then south along
both sides of Ponte Vedra
Boulevard for six miles.
The plan is to build the side-
ke somebody
lize that Ponte
doesn't stop at
ona Road.
Crane MSD Irulee
walk on the west
side of Ponte
Vedra Boulevard,
Current said,
and to aim for
the neighbor-
hood feeling
that exists north
of Corona Road,
where sidewalks
already exist.
This is not the
first time the
lMSD Board of
Trustees has been asked for
help in funding sidewalks, nor
the first time that NMSD money
has been pledged for sidewalks.
Becker said the existing side-
walk north of Corona Road was
paid for years ago by property
owners there, with help from
the MSD.
Other residents have asked
for sidewalks in recent months,
but none has approached the
lMSD with a financial commit-
ment from benefiting property
Trustee Doug Crane, who
lives irr-the 900 block of Ponte
Vedra Boulevard so did not
vote on the issue, said a push
from residents willing to pay
may be the way to secure side-
walks in other parts of the
within one of the Nocatee vil-
lages, each of which has its
own:. Planned ;. Unit
Development ,ordinance
approved by the St. Johns
Board of t' County
Barfield said the church will
need to apply for a modifica-
tion to that PUD in order to
allow for church uses on the
How did commissioners vote?
St. Johns County Commissioners Bruce Maguire and
Karen Stern, both running for reelection, have been
criticized for their commission votes approving land
use and rezoning changes.
In recent months, constituents as well as the incum-
bents' opponents have said Stern and Maguire have
approved up to 99 or 100 percent of developments.
Using a report produced by the St. Johns County
Civic Association Roundtable, The Leader researched
the voting records of all five current commissioners for
one year 2005 when 127 votes were taken,
according to the report.
Those development-related agenda items included
land use changes, zoning changes, zoning and non-
zoning variances and modifications to already
approved Planned Unit Developments.
The following percentages reflect the "aye" votes
given by each commissioner last year, based on the
total number each commissioner voted on.
Absences and recuses were counted but are not
included in the percentages that follow:
Approval rate:
Jim Brvant ........... 94.3 %
Ben Rich ............ 80.3%t
Cyndi Stevenson ....... 93.4":)
Bruce Maguire ......... 94.4%1
Karen Stern ........... 97.2%
Absences during these items:
Brvant: 4
Rich: 0
Stevenson: 4
Maguire: 16
Stern: 18
Approval rate of land use or comprehensive plan
Bryant ................ 91.6%
Rich .................. 66.7%
Stevenson .............. 95.8%
Maguire ............... 94.1%
Stern .................. 100.)
Pnoio Cny ROB
Panthers out-
side hitter
Wesley Anne
Barden sets
the ball for a
teammate last
Saturday dur-
ing the girls
Classic at
Nease High.
story and
photos on
page B-1.
__ Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader Calendar.. A-6 opinion A-4
e- will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news, Classified ......................B-4 Police Beat A-5
sports and advertising information for the Beaches. Fishing .........................B-3 Sports .............................B-1
___ ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $25 249-9033 Obituaries ...... ..... .....A-7 Weather .A-2
1 B ~r. Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Two sections, 20 pages
. .. .. .. .
r~rY:; --II-A
h_ J
Candidates get jabs
as election heats up
New Beginnings Church gets county review
on preliminary plans east of Davis Park
- I
The Bachi e Le e/Pote a Leaer
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
PAra~ S A*
Aigust'16, 2006
Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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Hurricane prep help available
Starting this week, Floridians
can apply for a free home
inspection 'and professional rec-
ommendations on how to
improve their homes' ability to
withstand a hurricane.
The My Safe Florida Home
program, a $250 million mitiga-
tion program to help Floridians
strengthen their homes against
hurricanes and to reduce prop-
erty losses in Florida, began
Tuesday. .
Tom Gallagher, Florida's chief
financial officer, said that as'
many as 50,000 Florida house-
Sholds will be served over the
next rear through this program.
,I It .has-been-ra priority for th l
$Dep'ra 'iM ,o-f: i, in3nhcida
Ser\'ices-"to get the My Safe
,;Florida'-Home program up and
running as quickly as possible,
Gallagher :said..The new law
went into effect on July I and is
designed to help Floridians find
out more about how they can
make their homes safer against
"I applaud the Florida
Legislature for, providing a
tremendous financial commit-
ment to make older homes
mote resistant to :damage
caused by hurricanes,"' said
Governor Jeb.Bush. "With more
than three months remaining
Sin the 2006 Hurricane Season, I
thank CFO Gallagher and the
SDepartment of Financial
Services for working to quickly
implement this critical pro-
gram. Fortifying Florida
through mitigation efforts will
Ensure our economy remains
strong in the face of future hur-
Gallagher said his goal is, to
have 12,000 free home inspec-
tions completed and grants
awarded before hurricane sea-
son ends.
"Fortifying homes in Florida
is a common-sense solution for
the insurance crisis in our state."
To be eligible to apply for a
free home inspection, Floridians
must live in a single-family, site-
built home with an insured
Value of $500,000 or less and
Shave a valid homestead exemp-
Stion. Documents verifying this
information must be submitted
with a completed application.
Floridians can apply on-line at,
or by calling 1-800-342-2762 to
get an application packet.
Gallagher said .that once an
inspection, has been done, the
homeowner will receive a report
within 7 to 10 days that outlines
up to seven areas that could be
improved to better protect the
home against hurricanes, an
estimate of how much each of
those improvements would
cost, the expected savings the
homeowner would receive if the
improvements were made, and
a rating" of the home's current
ability to withstand hurricanes
and its future ability with
*The department has worked
with the Federal Alliance for
Safe Homes (FLASH) to screen
and train 130 inspectors to
begin work within the next two
weeks. An additional 400
inspectors.are expected to com-
plete the screening and training
required within the next 30
1 0gUdaglie i salu-Lmi-aL,a1p.iy1.g
a .E.~btaining-, a~ free hori'e
irispectio is just the first steptof
the program. Homeowners
who undergo the My ,Safe
.Florida Home inspection may
also qualify for matching grants
of up to $5,000 to fortify their
homes. As directed by the new,
law to reduce hurricane expo-
sure and property losses in
.Florida, grants w-ill be prioritized
and awarded to homeowners
who'live in high-risk, hurricane-
vulnerable areas of the state.
Gallagher said the' depart-
ment will also start screening
and qualifying contractors to
perform retrofit improvements
this week. Gallagher also said
that a registry of participating
contractors by county and by
the type of work they perform
will soon be available on-line at
or by calling the department.
,The department is partnering,
with local governments, as well
as non-profit organizations, to
expand the reach of the pro-
gram and 'to strengthen a
greatest number of homes)
against catastrophic storms.
Gallagher said these partner-
ships will enable the My Safe
Florida Home program to lever-
age resources and maximize
reach by linking with local' mit-
igation assistance 'programs
already in place.
The screens at the Pablo 9
Theatres will fade to black for
the last time Thursday.
Management said lack of ticket
sales coupled with costly
upgrades needed to bring the
fire alarm system, movie pro-
jectors and air conditioning up
to code prompted the decision
to close. Employees were noti-
fied of the plans Monday. The
Pablo Plaza multiplex is the
last remaining movie theater at
the Beaches after the closing
several years ago of the Royal
Palms Theater in Atlantic
Beach and the. Neptune Beach
Theater in Neptune Beach.
do d,
C L.
C *
The Beaches
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forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
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and more;
V look at
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V get your
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members of our
Tax cut proposed
One trustee of the Ponte
Vedra Municipal Service
District on Monday suggested
the Board of Trustees cut the
MNSD tax rate as "a nice ges-
"I think we have a lot of
money in our carry-over," said
Mack NMcCuller, who suggested
the..MSD could do without
some of the $86,000 additional
revenue that the tax rate will
generate next year over the
Current year. '
But his suggestion got"':no
obvious support from the
other five trustees at the MNSD
meeting at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
/ The tax rate of 37 cents for
every $1,000 in assessed valua-
tion has held steady for several
The rate. generated $490,371
for the current year, which
ends Sept. 30, and-is expected
to generate $576,073 for the
year that begins Oct. 1.
NMSD budget 'hearings are
scheduled at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library at 6 p.m.
Sept. 11 and Sept. 25.
ARC eyes Christ Church
The design,,of two buildings
proposed at. Christ Episcopal
Church in Ponte Vedra are
scheduled to be considered
Aug. 23 by the Architectural
Review Committee (ARC).
.The expanded parish hall
and 'the new parking .garage
will go before the ARC of the
Ponte Vedra Palm Valley over-
lay district, which oversees the
appearance of commercial and
multifamily developments on
major roads: in the area.
The ARC meeting begins at 5
p.m. at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library. The public is
RITA gives donation.
RITA (Research is the
Answer) Foundation president
Charles Jantz recently present-
ed a check for $12, 677 to Joe
Mitrick, administrator of
Baptist :' Medical Center,
The money, raised by several
teams of Baptist employees
who participated in the Spring
Caring And SharingHope 5K
walk and run event, will go to
the breast cancer program at
the Baptist Cancer Institute.
Guana seeks helpers
A training session is sched-
uled 9 a.m. Aug. 21 for volun-
teers who want to help with
school groups visiting the
Guana Tolomato Matanzas
National Estuarine Research
Reserve south of Ponte Vedra
The fall schedule of school
groups is nearly full, and vol-
unteers are being sought for
work at education stations
both inside and outside the
Guana's Environmental
Education Center.
Although the ,center's first
year was an active one for
school groups, this year there
are plans to reach more stu-
Students in grades four,
seven and high school will be:
scheduled every available
Tuesday and Thursday
between 10 a.m. and noon.
Community. groups and
other grade levels will be
scheduled to visit Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays.
Anyone' interested in-volun-
teering is asked to call Katie at
823-4500 to reserve a spot in
the training session.
The Guana education center
is located off State Road A1A,
about 12 miles south of
Mickler RQad.
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Auush,6 R-- ch- I---- eidrPont VeraLadr ae A
Community seeks assurances on 'sacred ground'
Two sides of an emotionally
sensitive road project came
together Saturday to, discuss
how to handle potential grave
sites inside the original bound-
aries of an African-American'
cemetery in Jacksonville Beach.
About 30 comnrrunity mem-
bers in Pablo Beach, many of
whom spoke of family members
buried in Lee Kirkland Cemetery
on Beach Boulevard, attended
the meeting with city and trans-
portation officials at St. Andrew
AME Church.
Community members are
concerned that tlhe widening of
'Beach Boulevard will encroach
on burials thought to rest in the
right of way.
The planned realignment of
Penman Road could also pave
over graves outside the eastern
border of the cemetery, resi-7
Maxine Terrell, president of
Pablo Renewal in Duval East
(PRIDE) Inc., organized' the
meeting to give a voice to both
sides of the issue.
"I really wanted them to see,
each other. These are not just
anomalies. These are people's
families," she said; "It's an anom-
aly to you. It's a grave to us until
proven otherwise."
The city of Jacksonville Beach
and the city of Jacksonville in-
conjunction with the JTA con-
ducted ground penetrating
radar to identify any possible
anomalies in the soil that could
indicate the presence of a burial.,
Findings submitted by,
General Engineering
Geophysics of Charleston, S.C.
noted the presence of 10 loca-
tions outside the recognized
boundaries of,the cemetery that
bear the signature of a burial
Southeastern Archaeological
Research, Inc. out of Central
Florida was hired by the JTA in
conjunction with the city of.
Jacksonmille to verify the exis-
tence of any targets that could
impede the proposed road work.
The results could not positive-
ly identify any grave sites but
hcndcated the location of 44 pos-
sible anomalies that could not
be associated with obvious utili-
ties- or geologic targets and
might warrant further in\'estiga-
tion. .
qi'~' ',
Jacksonville Beach Grounds Superintendent Gary Meadors and Maxine Terrell of PRIDE talk dur-
ing a public meeting, on grave site identification efforts in Jacksonville Beach. Terrell said residents
fear that unidentified graves may be paved over as Penman Road and Beach Boulevard are
Jacksonville Beach employee The procedures have to be those who were the foundation
Gary Meadors, who supervises determined once remains are of the black community,
cemetery operations, said four discovered. Not beforehand. including Rhoda L Martin who
of the 10 sites identified in the Terrell said all of the distur- founded the Jacksonville Beach
study commissioned by the city bances. warrant investigation Colored School.
will not be disturbed and will be because the Lee Kirkland "This, to us, is sacred
in the expanded cemetery,. Cemetery was used for free ground," Terrell said. "You:can't
The remaining six locations slave burials prior to its desig- unscramble eggs. We can't
will be fenced and excavation h nation as the colored cemetery. undo what was done in the
of the sites will be conducted "People may not have had a past. There are people we may
by scraping away small sec- good coffin to start with or never find but we still want to.
tions; of earth ,similar to an they may not have had one at recognize that they were there.
archaeological dig to confirm all..Back in 'slave times they They deserve'to rest in peace.
the presence of a grave. were just wrapped and placed ; not under the street."
Meadors said the work on a slab and buried," she said. \viWile the fate of any human,
should take two to four weeks "That's' why you don't see. a. remains discovered in the proj-
to complete, "depending on burial target. They are part of ect area will ultimately .be
how fast we can proceed the soil." decided by the state archaeolo-
because the city must follow Plans to improve the ceme- gist, Meadors said the graves
state guidelines regarding the tery will also include a new will be treatedwith dignity and
discover of human burials. concrete block wall, pavers, an respect.
"If we discover a coffin or irrigation system and a gazebo A committee comprised of
anything that can be handled that \will serve as a memorial to Meadors, a licensed funeral
by a funeral director we will the' people .buried on .the director, skeletal analyst and
recommend that they, be ground that may never be two PRIDE members will deter-.
moved into Lee Kirkland. If the recovered mine whether to reinter
remains are just, skeletal, .the : Meadors said the city will remains discovered on the'for-
state archaeologist must be hold a service to help the coin- mer site of Nicks Pizza and
consulted," he said munity reflect and remember Ricks Used Cars. :
move could set a precedent for
other sidewalks in the MSD.
"I don't see the precedence
this sets here as being unrea-
sonable," Becker said.
Hearings on the proposed
MSD budget for fiscal 2007,
which begins Oct. 1, are set for
6 p.m. Sept. 11 and Sept. 25 at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Continued from A-1
"We know the county is not
going to provide sidewalks
[and] the MSD won't take
the lead," Crane said, urging
the other board members to
"go ahead and settle this
"I would like somebody to
recognize that Ponte Vedra
[MSD] doesn't stop at Corona
Road," Crane said.
"I think we've under-helped
the people in Doug's area for
years," trustee Mack McCuller
Reesh suggested the issue
could go to an MSD .commit-
tee, but other trustees dis-
"I wouldilike not to commit-
tee this to death," Crane said.
"He's .got a good deal,?'
Becker said of Current's esti-
mate :from an Orange Park
company ,
"We need to jump on the'
deal.. .before the opportunity
goes away."
Trustees agreed to include'in
the 2007 budget enough
money to pay for up to one-
quarter of the sidewalk project,
which McCuller jokingly said
should be called "The :Doug
Crane Sidewalk."
They .acknowledged the
'*f" "C;:
Dana Current asks the MSD to
help fund a sidewalk.
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Continued from A-1
comments, Stern said she does.
not "sell" her votes.
Many of her contributors are
retirees who probably wouldn't
appreciate being accused of;
buying votes, Steifisaid. .
In response to the same
question, Maguire said "no one
buys votes" at any level ofgov-
He said senior citizens not
developers have more polit-
ical power than any other
group in the county. .
Political donations. simply
show the donor's support for a
candidate's opinion, Maguire
Republican Ron Sanchez,
one of Stern's three opponents,
said the high rate of approval
for developments overthe past
few years is enough to question
the integrity of the incum-
"All I do is look at the per-
centages [of approval of new
development], and that's what
I'm asking you to do," Sanchez
said to the audience.
The third Republican' candi-
date for the District 2 seat, Ron
Schumaker, was not present at
the forum.
All of'the candidates touched
on the growth rate in the coun-
ty over the past few years, a pri-
mary concern. of residents in
this year's commission race.
While Sanchez, Manuel and
District 2 Democrat candidate
Ken Bryan said the county is
growing too fast, Stern and
Primaryballot full
In the primary election Sept.
5, S t. Johns County
Republicans will choose among
incumbent Karen Stern, Ron
Sanchez and Ron Schumaker for
the District 2 seat in southwest
St. Johns County.
The winner of that race will
face Democrat Ken Bryan in the
general election on Nov. 7.
Republicans also will'choose
Sept. 5 between incumbent
Bruce Maguire of Ponte Vedra
Beach and Tom Manuel for the
District 4 seat.
The winner of that contest
will face write-in candidate
Richard Olszewski in the general
Early voting for the primary,
held at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, begins Aug. 21
and runs through Sept. 2.
Maguire defended their actions
on the board as they have in
past forums.
Though the St. Johns County,
SCommission voted contrary to
several recommendations of
the county Planning and
Zoning Agency (PZA), Maguire
said 42 percent of the PZAs
decisions, would violate indi-
vidual property rights.
Manuel, who has served on
the PZA, arid Bryan scoffed at
Maguire's claim,, with Manuel
saying the PZA' has never
denied anyone, the right to
develop a property based on its
originally intended use.
Another topic. affordable
housing '- generated lively dis-
cussion and appeared to put
Stern on the defensive.
One mediator said that
Stern, who has rallied behind
the county's need for afford-
able housing in her campaign
platform, has allowed develop-
ers to reduce affordable hous-
ing in their projects by several
hundred units.
On'e such example is, the
Liberty Park Planned Unit.
Development located on
Pacetti Road north of County'
Road'208 in St. Augustine.
Stern, along with Maguire
and commissioners Cyndi
Stevenson and Jim Bryant,
voted to allow developers to
eliminate the 112 affordable
housing units at Liberty Park.
Commissioner Ben Rich -was
the sole "no" vote when the
decision was made Feb. 7. The
PZA had recommended denial
of the proposal.
Bryan said such "bait. and'
switch tactics" have been used
by big businesses for years.
.Developers often propose
projects that use .affordable
housing as a selling point, then
reduce or eliminate those units
later, according to Bryan.
Bryan, along with Sanchez
and Manuel, said, commission-
ers should hold developers to
their original contracts.
Stern explained that some-
,times reductions are made for
reasonsbeyond the control of
She said the reasons were too
complicated to explain in
detail.. '
The only one saved from any
character attacks:.was political
newcomer Richard Olszewski,
who recently entered the race
as a write-in and who had little
to say in Monday's forum.
Throughout' the forum,
Olszewski repeatedly said he
believes in "inalienable rights"
and "individual property
rights." He said many of the
issues brought up were new to
Olszewski said his real chal-
lenge for this race is making
sure voters can spell his name,
because they must write it on
the ballot in order to vote for
Monday's forum will be
rebroadcast Saturday at 9 a.m.
and Sept. 2 at 1 p.m.
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Page 3A*
The Beaches Leadelr/Ponte Ved~ra Leader
A---ict.IA i/0 'rt
August 16, 2006
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Letters to the editor:
Consider source when
weighing criticism
.a"Copyrighted Material
To the editor:
Since being soundly defeat-
ed in her bid for re-election to
the Board of County
Commissioners of St. Johns
County four years ago, Mary
Kohnke has been an extreme-
ly vocal critic of our commis-
sioners and their policies.
Recently, she again lambasted
Commissioner Bruce
Maguire, going so far as to say
that he has consistently voted
against the Ponte Vedra com-
munity during his term. I
think it is wise,to consider the
source when weighing such
matters. If she is' to be so crit-
ical, perhaps a retrospective
of Ms. Kohnke's position on
some of the issues affecting
our area are in order:
Ms. Kohnke tried very
hard to force Ponte Vedra
Beach and Sawgrass residents.
to pay for the maintenance- of
the Guana Drainage Basin,
which lies between the north-
ern county line and Mickler
Road, despite the fact that
Jacksonville Beach/State Road
A1A and J. Turner Butler
Boulevard all move storm
water into the drainage basin..
Fortunately, the other county
commissioners rightly voted
That this was a public works
Many Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District
(MSD) residents desired to
amend the MSD charter in
order to cap taxes and capital
expenditures. One of the pro-
cedures to accomplish this
amendment process required
the St. ` Johns County
Delegation (state legislators)
to approve the amendment.
This was purely a MSD affair
and had nothing to do with
the county. However,
Commissioner .Kohnke
pressed one of our local legis-
lators not to let the amend-
ment proceed, thus meddling
in MSD politics. Fortunately
for MSD residents, she failed
once again.
MSD residents over-
whelmingly opposed the
widening of Solana Road east
of A1A. As their elected repre-
sentative, they sought
Commissioner Kohnke's sup-
port on the issue. Instead,
she insisted the project move
forward, even after it was
clearly demonstrated that the'
project was completely,
unnecessary because it was
based on. a flawed study of
area traffic patterns, during
holidays while Corona Road
was closed! After a new traffic
study was conducted, the;
other county commissioners
Followed the recommenda-
tion of county staff and can-
celed-the project, agreeing it
was not only unnecessary, but,
The aforementioned new
traffic study' had been paid for
by residents, using a well-
respected FDOT-certified and
approved traffic engineering
firm. In light of the fact' that
the new study proved the'
project unnecessary, thereby
saving the county $18q,000,.
residents requested reim-
bursemeht for the $3,000 cost
of the new, traffic study.
Commissioner Kohnke voted
against reimbursement but,
gratefully, was out-voted by
her fellow commissioners.
Few would argue that a
sanitary sewer system is more -
desirable than septic systems. Syca
However, not everyone wants
to reach into their own pock- W.7
et to pay for the construction Available from Comme
of a sewer system. Ms.
Kohnke was a major player in
forcing homeowners in the
MSD to pay for most of the
cost of constructing their
sewer system, despite the'fact
that she lives on the
Intracoastal Waterway in a'
house with a septic system
and would not be served, by
this new sewer system. I trust
Ms. Kohnke will be as eager to
pay for her own sewer system
when the time comes.
The county, with intense
lobbying by Ms. Kohnke, sold
this new MSD sewer system to
the Jacksonville Electric
Authority (JEA). For this priv-
ilege, the county received a
"franchise fee" of approxi- I A "
mately $7 million from JEA. ,, ,
Ms.,Kohnke did not work so
hard to see that those funds Atlntic Beach
were directed to .help offset i
residents' cost of the system,
which ranged from $9,000 to in voicing reside
over $20,000 per household.
Instead, $6 million of the
"franchise fee went into the .Tothe editor:
county's general fund., The Leader story, "AB chats get little atten-.
Ms. Kohnke was adamant dance" (Aug. 11, 2006), is a vision of the trees
that.this MSD sewer system that obscures the sight of the forest. I have
be a gravity system, even beeri to five ofthe eight "neighborhood chats'
though less expensive accept- and the chat held at Oceanside Church of
able alternatives had been Christ in Marsh Oaks on Aug. 10 which the
built in other areas of the Leader failed to attend was the best of them
county. The community of St. all'for an authentic exchange among two corm-
Augustine by the Sea had a missioners and nine residents.
sewer system coristircted at At the initial chat three months ago, Marsh
very little cost ,to residents Oaks .residents suggested that the city repair
and it is not mandatory that the flawed ,sidewalks along Rose and Orchid.
they hook up to the system. streets. We learned that for about $30,000 the
The former commissioner city can re-build sidewalks along those streets,
made no effort to help reduce .replacing the sections that tilt so far to one
costs to MSD residents. side or the other that they are virtually useless.
Fortunately for those resi- This made more sense to everyone than build-
Sdents, county commissioners ing a new sidewalk along Main Street at the'
again followed the recom- present time, as had been proposed earlier by
mendation of county staff, the commission.
thus saving homeowners at Marsh Oaks residents also asked the city to
least an additional $10,000, come up with an innovative solution to safety
and more than an extra year issues at school bus stops in the neighborhood,
Citizens have a reasonable a solution that includes shelter, trash cans and
-epecitizeon that-ela reasonable iwAgj-.g
citation that-eleed Adiscussion of street-li-gfti'ng bought forth
cials, even at the local level,
will conduct themselves in a a request from Marsh Oaks residents that the
professional, courteous man- city government be proactive in siting addi-
ner. Unfortunately, while she tional; streetlights to serve as a deterrent to
was in office Ms. Kohnke was crime. One commissioner suggested that a
notorious for her conde-
scending attitude and rude *
remarks, directedat not only I SW 1m m n I
county staff, but her fellow
commissioners and even her .
constituents. In fact, she is 1111 on h u rri
the only St. Johns County,.
Commissioner voted out of.
the position of chair because To the editor:
of her conduct. (It should, be Let's see if I've got this right:.
noted that Mr. Maguire did 1. The 'county offers approximately $3 mil-
hot serve on the County lion in; incentives.for a water bottling plant
Commission during Ms. which would extract millions of gallons of our
Kohnke's term.) water;
It is healthy for citizens to 2. We can onl water twice a week because of
engage their elected officials a shortage of our water;
in fair and open debate. But it 3. It may take us up to 62 hours to evacuate
is odios when one divid- in the event of a category 4 hurricane;'
Usual attempts to assuage their 4. Inadequate funds exist to complete over-
ruffled feathers' with a con- passes andinterchanges which could shorten
stant barrage of negative s
comments about our puiic ,this 62-h'our period.
officials. It thn publc 5. The county wants to spend approximate-
osofiials. Itvtendbecott Ms ly $3 million for a swimming pool (which will
personal vendetta. If Ms.
Kohnke believes She can serve
the residents of Ponte.Vedra W ho 'b f
Beach, she should once more benefits '
seek elected office, keeping in
mind the results of her last T t
election. To the editor:
Douglas A. Hudson
Ponte Vedra Beach'
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
President andPublisher
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
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Hal Newsome
.Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
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Bernice Harris
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Director of Sales Editor, Ponte Vedra Leader
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Press Room
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Justin WRay
d Content '
rcial News Providers'
,d/7A %
e- l *
:hats are useful
cents' concerns
nighttime survey; of the neighborhood would
pinpoint areas needing more street-lighting,
especially residential areas near Mayport Road.
There also was a broad discussion of rental-
housing in Marsh Oaks that appears to be in
clear violation of city codes but is not
addressed by city government despite citizen
complaints rental housing that was said to be
associated with illicit activities. The residents
who complained gave commissioners names.
and addresses of substandard housing.
Mayor Don Wolfson conceived of the quar-
terly community chats as away to incorporate
into the policy areas west of Sailfish Drive that
have been traditionally neglected by City Hall,
or even damaged by governmental actions. I
believe, based upon the remarks of commis-
sioners at the chats, that commissioners now
have a better graspof concerns that are unique
to west Atlantic Beach and its residents. So, it
has been a fair exchange.
Down the road, when west Atlantic Beach
has an elected commissioner or two seeing at
city hall, I believe that those persons ought to
continue to hold neighborhood chats in west
Atlantic Bech, ,~3t.pa pf the purview
oft'com m U nolrg ati nor associa-
SMichael Hoffmann
Marsh Oaks
ool really a $3
ane shelter?
cost more than that to operate and maintain);
6. According to the county, this swimming
Spool is a higher priority than (a' relocating the
county's emergency operations center from its
present flood-prone location,' and (b) the!
acquisition of a new emergency communica-
tion system for use in disaster situations.
Maybe the best we can hope for is that those
of us who can't make it out within the 62-hour
period can meet and take shelter in our $3 mil-
lion swimming pool.
Ralph Wickersham
Polite Vedra Beach
rom ordinance?
sioners should "benefit" from it as well and
ine commisson seems aterminea-t co-yorprpryllue i increae4-ustV.e
The commission seems determined to con- .your property values will increase just like
vince residents like me that this ordinance will mine. Enlighten me as to why you wouldn't
not adversely effect the value of my property, want to "benefit," too?
but will rather enhance its value. Oops, I stand corrected. I understand that
As a resident of Atlantic Beach, I find it Commissioner Simmons, who resides at 211
interesting that the proposed ordinance, if Beach Ave. (oceanfront), made a motion to
passed, will only "benefit" a certain area of exempt oceanfront properties from the ordi-
Atlantic Beach. It appears that the majority of nance. My bad had it passed, five out of five
the commission is advocating passage of this of our commissioners and their real property
legislation, in some form, contrary to the wish- would not have "benefited" from the ordi-
es of at least 1,089 citizens of our community. nance.,
Ironically, four out of the five commissioners
and their real property will not get to "benefit" Buzzy Grunthal
from the ordinance. If I get to "benefit" from "Old" Atlantic Beach
this ordinance, then I think all you commis-
0cpyPrighted Material.
,Syndicated Conten t
o ._o _
When the
are called,
it's 'go-go
A That's the most popu-
/ lar game-played in
SFlorida? I would haz-
ard a guess that it'sbingo.
Among the bingo bouts held
around here, possibly one of
the most unique is the version
that's offered to members of
Jax Beach American Legion
Post 129 on Friday nights.
The participants buy (or
rent) groups of three taped-
together ordinary playing
cards (e.g., hearts; spades) and
the caller announces.random,.
selections from a different
deck. Another unusual aspect
of the proceedings is the win-,
ner's prize. The stakes are
steaks, meaning meat. For
instance, the person who
shouts "bingo!" may be .
awarded a wrapped, presum-
ablytender and tasty cut of
sirloin or.filet mignon.
Sometimes the win is a stuffed
chicken breast laughingly
dubbed "roadkill."
An interesting nomenclature
nugget: Bing Crosby got his
nickname from the game, sort
of. According to my online
source, Vikipedia, 6-year-old
Harry Lillis Crosby, evidertly
-precocious, beca meanahit
siastic reader of a continuing,
humorous newspaper feature
titled "The Bingville Bugle."
Noting this, a teenage girl he
',new who was also a fan of
the published item started
fondly calling him "Bingo
from Bingville." The "o" was
later dropped, but the name
stuck. (I understand that in
Germany, he's referred to as
"Der Bingle.")
My most unusual bingo
experience took place on a
flight to Peru aboard a
Peruvian airliner. At cruising
altitude, a high time was had
as the head flight attendant
conducted the games in rapid-
fire Spanish. Many of the pas-
sengers were presumably Peru
citizens. Every so often, some-
one would yell "Beeengo!"
and come tearing down the
'aisle to claim his or her swag.
Of all the gambling oppor-
tunities that exist in the
United States, I think bingo is
least fraught with chances for
catastrophic loss. How many
game cards can a player moni-
tor simultaneously before
going almost cross-eyed and'
starting to miss numbers?
According to Wikipedia, "The
element of skill in the game is.'
the ability to search one's card
(or cards) for the called num-
ber in the short time before
the next number is called." An
added plus the game often
generates charitable funds. So
it's go-go bingo!
The Post 129 competition
calls to mind a gag involving a
man who's walking down a
street with a pig under his
arm. He meets a friend.of his
who asks, "Where did you get
that?" The pig replies, "I won
him playing bingo." (The
porker was apparently ham-
ming it up.)
Lengthy letters may
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I !,
August 16, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
Police beat is compiled from
police reports which are public
records and are available for
inspection at each department's
A burglary to a construction
site in the 300 b'ock of
Keelers Ct. was repoiled on
August 8. Marble tile valued
at $500 was damaged and a
saw valued at $350 was miss-
ing from a home under con-
struction.The incident
occurred between July 31 and
August 6, according to the
police report.
On August 8, a resident of
the 300 block of Deer Run
Drive S. reported a social secu-
rity card missing from a safe
in the residence. According to
the police report, nothing else
was missing and the victim
stated that the card was last
seen in the safe three years
The, owner of, a vehicle
Sparked in the 600 block of
Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd.
reported criminal mischief to
the vehicle. According to a
police report filed on August
10, the car had been spray
painted and the victim indi-
cated that the car and the
front door of her residence
had been vandalized on other
On August 11, a resident of
Colima Court reported possi-
ble sweepstakes fraud to St.
Johns County Sheriff's Office.
The victim stated that, he had
been notified of winning a
sweepstakes and'was asked to
send funds to. several individ-
uals to facilitate receiving the
prize, according'to the police
Criminal mischief and bur-
glary to two'vehicles in the
parking lot of a business in
the- 800 block of AlAN
between 9 p.m. on'August 12
and 9:15 a.m. on August 13
were reported to St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office.
According to the' police
report, a 1994 Lexus was
keyed resulting in $500 in
damages and a 2001 Lexus
was broken into, and a Sirius
satellite receives valued, at
$260 and sunglasses valued at
$250 were missing.
A burglary to a conveyance
parked in the 100 block of
Woodlands Creek Drive was
reported by the owner on
August 13. A tennis racket val-
ued at $200 was missing from
the vehicle, according to the
police report.
On August 13, a 35-year-old
Ponte Vedra resident was
charged with driving with a
suspended driver's license
near Marsh Cove Road and
Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd.
A burglary to a business in
the first block of Fairfield
Blvd. was reported on August
13. According to the police
report, the business owner
reported leaving the business
at 5:30 p.m. and returning
after 10 p.m.. on August 13 to
find the glass in the front
door, smashed. A television,
computers, and computer'
equipment valued! at $2350
were reported missing.
A 78-year-old Ponte Vedra
resident was critically injured
in a crash Sunday afternoon
on Palm Valley Road, accord-
ing to the Florida Highway
A report said that Fred J.
Boekhout of the 1200 block of
Neck Road was hurt when his:
2001 BMW convertible struck
the left rear corner of a 2005
Lexus SUV driven by Gregory
Morris.of Tampa Bay.
Both vehicles were headed
west on Palm Valley Road in,
the 2:37 p.m. accident,
according to the report,
which said the convertible
spun off the south side of the
road and hit a tree.
Boekhout was, flown to
Shands Jacksonville, troopers
said. Morris was unhurt.
.'. '
Christin Hart Kennedy, 23,
of Atlantic Beach was arrested
and charged With possession
of controlled substance Aug.
12 in the 1000 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according
to a police report.
A burglary to a business was
reported Aug. 11 in the 300
block of Ahern Street.
Police are investigating a
Aug. 10 report by an Atlantic
Beach man that his 2-year-old
daughter was the victim of an
aggravated assault.
Cecil Bass, 62, a transient
was arrested and charged with
burglary Aug. 9 in the 1900
block of Francis Street,
according to a police report.
A burglary to a residence
was reported Aug. 7 in the
300 block of Seminole Road.
A burglary to a residence
was reported Aug. 7 in the
200 block of Belvedere.
SA burglary to a vehicle was
reported Aug. 7 in the 2300
block of Mayport Road.
''. 'O* .
,A battery was reported Aug.
1 in the areaof Donner Road
and Jordan Street.
A wallet:was reported stolen,
from a guest's roqm Aug. 1 at
the Sea Turtle Inn, 1 Ocean
Four tires to a vehicle were
reported punctured Aug. 12 in
the 600 block of Pine Street.
Someone reported that
$2,500 cash from a residence
Aug. 13 in the 1400 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
.' *
Jesus Rangle Salinas, 24, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with unauthorized
use of identification Aug. 2 in
the 2500 block of Atlantic
Boulevard, according to a
police report.
S -. *
Daniel Salinas, 24, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with' unauthorized
use of identification Aug. 10
in -the 300 block, of Third
Street, according to a police
Jewelry valued at $5,500
was reported stolen from a
residence Aug. 9 in the 500
block of Bowles Street.
A burglary to a residence
was reported Aug. 10 in the
800 block of McCollum
A residential burglary was
reported Aug. 10 in the 900
block of Second Street.
A burglary to, a residence
was reported Aug. 10 in the
400 block of 12th Ave. S. The
suspects removed a flat panel
high definition television val-
ued at $2,318, police said.
Battery was reported Aug. 9
at a restaurant in the 100
block of 1st Ave. N. A 25-year-
old St. Augustine man told
police he 'was entering the
restroom at Campeche Bay
Cantina at 7:30 p.m. when he.
was approached frpm behind
and punched in the face by an
unknown suspect. The victim
told police he fell to the
ground and was hit repeated-
ly in the back of the head by
the suspect. A witness said she
observed the victim and
'thought he fell until she real-
ized the man that appeared to.
be helping him up was kick-
ing him in the head and
punching him with his fists.
When she yelled at the sus-
pect, he turned around and
grabbed her arm, shoving her
into the wall while she was'
holding a 2-year-old boy. The
child was not hurt. Two other
witnesses observed the victim
fall and told police there was
"a lot of blood." The victim
declined medical attention
but his nose was bleeding pro-
fusely and was possibly bro-
ken, police said.
STheft was reported Aug. 10,
at a liquor store in the 600
block of Beach Blvd. Two sus-
pects entered the store and
took a half gallon bottle of
scotch and a half gallon bottle
of tequila with a-total value of
$71 and ran out of the store
without paying. An employee
chased the suspects on foot
when one of them turned and
threw the bottle of scotch at
him; striking him in the right
elbow. The suspects drove off
in a silver Honda with a
Louisiana license plate. Police
confirmed that the tag was
reported stolen in
Battery was reported Aug.
11 in.the 1800 block of 3rd St.
S. The victim told police he
was leaving a bar at approxi-
mately 1 a.m. when he was
approached by the suspect
about a comment made by
the victim. When the victim
told the man that he didn't
say anything he was grabbed
from behind and punched in
the right eye with a closed
fist. Two other suspects joined
in the attack after the victim
fell to the ground. They fled
prior to police arriving, a
police report said.
Walter Andrew Parnell III,
29, of Jacksonville was arrest-
ed Aug. 12 and charged with
an active warrant for posses-
sion of a controlled substance
in the, 1300 block of 13th Ave.
S., according to: a police
Battery was reported Aug.
12 in the drive through of a
fast food restaurant in the
first block of 3rd.St. S. The
victims told police they were
standing in the drive through
lane when a group of male
suspects in a white SUV began
yelling at them. One of the
suspects pushed the female
victim to the ground, police
said. The suspects also struck
the male victim before driving
away. The 23-year-old man
suffered a bloody nose. The
female victim was not.
injured, police said.
A suspicious device was
reported Aug. 13 in the rear
yard of, a home in the 1300
block of 16th Ave. N. The vic-
tim told police that he discov-
ered what he thought to be a
bomb in a weed filled patch
close to his house. He did riot
know who put it there or how
long it had been there. Police
determined that the device
,was a hoax, and was not a
Please take a moment to fill out our unscientific Reader's Survey of Favorite People
and Places at the Beaches, and you will be eligible for the $100 drawing. Deadline
for ballots: August 25, 2006. Drop off or mail to The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra
Leader Favorites, 1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. All nominees must
have a Beach location to be counted in this survey.
*All ballots must come directly from the newspaper, no photocopies or
copies printed from the Web. Only one ballot per person, please. You
may vote for as many categories as you like, but only ballots 75%
completed will be eligible for the drawing. Be sure to include your
name, address and phone number Favori
Favorite All Around RestaurantFavo
Favorite Antiques/CollectiblesFavor
Favorite Auto Repair/Service Favori
Favorite Bagels at the Beach
Favorite Bakery
Favorite Bank
Favorite Bank Employee
Favorite Bar/Lounge/Nightclub
Favorite Barbecue Restaurant
Favorite Biscuits
Favorite Breakfast Restaurant
Favorite Burger at the Beach
Favorite Chicken Wings
Favorite Chiropractor
Favorite Clothing Store-Adults
Favorite Clothing Store-Children
Favorite Coffee Spot
Favorite Consignment Store
Favorite Dance Instruction Studio
Favorite Day Care
Favorite Deli
Favorite Dentist
Favorite Dessert at the Beach Served at:
Favorite Doctor
Favorite Drug Store
Favorite Dry Cleaner
Favorite Fitness/Weight Loss Center
Favorite Florist Shop
Favorite Fried Chicken
Favorite French Fries
-- )?idGflO'f'TI r s'v'FTr ~rr'~ivr'h' '
";Fr-.f'di'-;Q ,vl. a
On the Web
In addition to these business-related Favorites*, there is a bal-
lot on our web site for selecting some additional Favorites of
the Beaches. Vote online for the playground your children
like best, for the best fishing spot or the elected official you
support. This ballot can be found at www.beachesleader.com.
Get your opinion counted both on the newspaper ballot for
commercial types of Favorites and online for ideas and ven-
ues you want to share.
*The ballot in the newspaper for Favorites at the Beaches is not
available for on line voting.
ite Gift Store
ite Golf Course
ite Golf Pro/Instructor (Local)
ite Hair Salon/Spa
ite Hair Stylist
Favorite Happy Hour Place
Favorite Heating/Air Conditioning Company
Favorite Hotel/Motel/Resort
Favorite Ice Cream Store
Favorite Independent Book Store
Favorite Independent Market (health food, seafood, etc.)
Favorite Insurance Agency
Favorite International Restaurant
Favorite Jewelry Store
Favorite Nail Salon
Favorite Oriental Restaurant (Chinese, Japanese, Thai)
Favorite Pet Store
Favorite Pizza Restaurant
Favorite Place to Buy Toys
Favorite Place for Home Accents, Furniture
Favorite Restaurant When You're the Gue
Favorite Restaurant When You're Paying
Favorite Restaurant with a View
Favorite Salad Bar
Favorite Seafood Market
Favorite Seafood Restaurant
Favorite Shoe Repair Shop
Favorite Gas Station
Favorite Sub Sandwich
Favorite Surf/Dive Shop
Favorite Wraps are at
Cash drawing for 100! Enter, have a vote and win!
Habitat helps
Jordan center
Beaches Habitat for Humanity
has offered to expand the Jordan
Park Community Center for the
city of Atlantic Beach free of
charge to better facilitate the
growing community After School
Tutoring Program at the location.
The project to expand the
building at 1671 Francis Avenue
by roughly 1,000 square feet is
expected to cost about $75,000.
And Habitat has also agreed to
fund a full time education direc-
tor for the program for at least
three years, according to city offi-
Roughly half of the the Jordan
Park Community Center building
is occupied by Beaches Habitat,
which several years ago construct-
ed the building for the city in
return for using half of it for its
The Atlantic Beach City
Commission at its meeting
Monday unanimously approved
the request by Beaches Habitat to
construct the expansion.
Funding for the project is being
provided through a grant by one
of Habitat's largest donors, Herb
and MiyuFi Scheidel. In addition
to the $75,000 for the expansion,
the Scheidels have also commit-
ted to a grant for over $2 million
to offer scholarships for students
living in Habitat, housing in
Atlantic Beach and St. Augustine.
That grant is being matched by a
$1.8 million grant from the state,
according to Habitat officials.
Beaches Habitat Director Ralph
Marcello said last week that those
.grants are expected to create five
new scholarships for the
University of North. Florida and
between 30 and 40 new scholar-
ships for FCCJ.
Habitat officials say the the
tutoring program held at the
Jordan Park location and Donner
Park Community, Center has
,grown from about 5 students
since its inception in 2001 to over
40 students this year. And,partici-
pation in the program is expected
to at least double over the next
three, primarily due to new
Habitat homes and and.other
new Atlantic Beach residents.
according to Habitat Ofcials.
The program, intended for any
students has been a joint effort
between the city and Beaches
Habitat, said Atlantic Beach City
Manager Jinl Hanson last week.
August 16, 2006
The Beaches Leade/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 5A
*Page 6A
Wednesday, Aug.
Art sale BMCBeache,
Hospital Auxiliary will have ,a
art sale from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in
the main lobby of the Beaches
Hospital, 1350 13th Ave, S.
Jacksonville Beach. The public
is invited.
Preschool: Preschool and
children's choir for ages 3
through sixth-graders will be
held from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m
every Wednesday at First Baptist
Church, 324 N. 5th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. 249-2314.
Summer Scorcher Film
Series: The "Summer Scorcher"
Film Series will be held at 7 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Museum ol
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
'Jacksonville. The box office
opens at 6 p.m., and seating is
limited. The cost is $5 for mem-
bers and students, and $7 for
non-members. Tonight's film is
"Crimson Gold." Call 366-
S6911, extension 214, for infor-
G.A.: G.A. for girls in first
through sixth grade will be held
from 7:15 to 8 p.m. every
S Wednesday at First Baptist
Church, 324 N. 5th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call the
church office at 249-2314 for
Sons of Italy: The Sons of
Italy Beaches Lodge 2821 will
meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Adele
Grage Cultural Center, 716
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Anyone, of Italian heritage or
not, is welcome as a guest. A
social time at 6:30 p.m. pre-
cedes the meeting. Call 242-
4929 for information.
Chamber After Hours: The
Ponte Vedra Beach Chamber of
S Commerce will have "Chamber
S After Hours" at Sawgrass Beach
Club, 10034 Golf Club Drive.
Members and guests are free.
S Call 285-2004 for information.
Saturday, Aug.
Baby-sitting class:
s Cross baby-sitting class
I held from 9:30 a.m. to 5
Sthe Bartram Trail E
s Library. Call 358-8091 c
, www.nefloridaredcross.o
: information.
SCBWI: The Socie
Children's Book: Writ
SIllustrators meets from
e p.m. at the Southeast R
.Library, 10599 Deerwoo
tBlvd., Jacksonville. Fou
children's writers will
"How to Plot Your
Grade or Young Adult N
I The meeting is free and o
Sthe public. E-mail Janet
at jgwalterC@comcast.n
f information.
Sunday, Aug.
S Jazz concert series: "S
Sounds of Hot Summer N
will be held from 5 to 9
Sthe Sea Walk Pavilion. Ja
Sophonist Euge Groove w
form. For information, ca
S6100 and press 3.
STuesday, Aug.
S Jewelry sale:" BMC B
Hospital Auxiliary will 1
real gold and silver jewel
from 7 a.rm. to 4 p.m.
and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug.
Sthe main lobby of the B
Hospital, 1350 13th Ave.
public is invited.
Making Strides: The B
SMaking Strides Against
SCancer Team Leader K
will be held at at the Sa
SBeach Club in Ponte Ve
social hour with cash bar
at 6 p.m., followed by tI
gram at 7 p.m. Call 249
extension 111, or
for information or R.S.V.I
Red Hats: "Bottom
Girls" creator and author
Gillespie will speak to RE
Ladies and any other inte
women at 7 o.m. at Be
Million on Marsh La
Cultural Center classes; The Parkway. All are welcoi
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra meet at Outback at 5:3(
Beach, 50 Executive Way, Ponte Call 543-9033 or
Vedra Beach, is offering classes RedHatFoxes@aol.com
for adults, and. children. Visit,..,-information or to R.S.V'
wsvw.ccpyb.,rg',down load.~$Outback.. i. n: -
Sthe class brochure. Call 280- ...
S 0614 or information.
Thursday, Aug. 17
Free movie: Fleet Reserve
Association Branch 290, 390
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach,
will have "free movie night"
From 6 to 9 p.m. for members
and families. Snacks will be
Republican Club: The River
SCity Republican Club will meet
at 7 p.m. at the Regency area
Piccadilly Restaurant at 200
Monument Road. Mike Perkins,
chief division counsel of the
Jacksonville FBI Field Office,
-will discuss terrorism aware-
ness. All are welcome. Call Jack
Webb at 886-2872 or Mary Jane
Travis at 246-3821 for informa-
Friday, Aug. 18
Reunion: The 1956 Class of
Fletcher High School will hold
its 50-year high school reunion
today and Aug. 19 at the
Comfort: Inn Oceanfront in
Jacksonville Beach. The friends
Of classmates are welcome to
attend the Friday night get-
together. The cost is $100 per
person, not including accom-
modations. Make checks
payable to Fletcher Class of '56,
1224 Forest Oaks Drive,
Neptune Beach, Fla. 32266.
Artist reception: A reception
for artist Deborah Corbett will'
be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at
Pepper Rama Gallery of
Visionary Art, located at
Blanding and Shirley. Original
acrylic paintings will be on dis-
play through Sept. 2. Call 904-
384-9635 for information.
Wednesday, At
Tradeshow: The Ponte
Beach Chamber of Corm
will have its Memb
Member Tradeshow a
Sawgrass Marriott Resort
Set up for members is 9:3(
a.m., with the event bein
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:3(
The cost is $75 per table,
includes two chairs, sig
lunch for one. A buffe
lunch will be-available fc
per person. Must purchase
et at the door. Four ser
will be available for $1
seminar. 285-2005.
Summer Scorcher
Series: The "Summer Sco
Film Series will be held at
at the Jacksoriille Muse
Modem Art, 333 N. Lau
Jacksonville. The box
opens at 6 p.m., and sea
limited. The cost is $5 for
bers and students, and
non-members. Tonight's
"After Innocence." Call
6911, extension 214, for
Thursday, Aug.
Art opening: An art op
for Larry Wilson and
Hitzig will be held from
A Red
will be
p.m. at
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
p.m. at the Terry Concert Hall
at Jacksonville University.
Admission is free. Call 256-7371
or visit Free movie: Fleet Reserve
>rg for, Association Branch 290, 390
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach,
will have "free movie night"
ty of from 6 to 9 p.m. for members
ers & and families. Snacks Will be
I to 3 available.
d Park Friday, Aug. 25
r local Hot dog roast: The
discuss Republican Club of the Beaches
Middle is hosting an old-fashioned hot
'ovel." dog roast from 5 to 8 p.m. at
pen to 'Jack Russell Memorial Park
Walter (five-points intersection) in
et for Atlantic Beach. All Republican
candidates on the November
ballot have been invited to
20 attend. The public is invited.
rights", Cooking class: Persephone
p.m. at Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
zz sax- Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach, will
ill per- .host an all-organic cooking
ll 247- class from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
There is a fee. Call 246-3583 for
reservations and information.
eaches Wine-tasting: The
have a Jacksonville Humane Society
.ry sale will host its "Toast to the
today, Animals Wine Tasting" from 6
23, in to 10 p.m. at the Florida
beaches Theatre. A premium wine-tast-
S. The ing will be held from 5 to 6 p.m.
For ticket information, visit
eaches html for ticket information.
ick-off Saturday, Aug. 26
grass Concert: University of North
'dra. A Florida percussionist and music
I starts professor Dr. Charlotte Mabry
ie pro- will host "An Evening of 20th
1-0022, Century Music" at 8 p.m. in the
visit Fine Arts Center Lazzara
online Performance Hall on the UNF
P. campus. Tickets are $10 tUNF
students are admitted free).
Dollar Proceeds go to the UNF
SKarin Percussion Scholarship Fund.
ed Hat For information or to order tick-
erested ets, call 620-2878.
nding Sunday, Aug. 27
me to Sunday in the Park: "Sunday
0 _O.m. in the Park with George" will be
e-mail held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
for the Jacksonville Museum of
'P fo6r Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
-jj ~-~bid'onkville. Ticket:are-$50'for
:,'-mnibers anld $60 for rion-
Ig. members. Call 366-6911, exten-
sion 208, to R-S.V.P.
imerce Monday, Aug. 28
er to Coaches Association: The
t the First Coast Coaches Association
& Spa. meets from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
)to 11 at Embassy Suites Hotel on
g held Baymeadows Road off 1-95. The
D p.m. cost is $18 for a buffet lunch
which and the meeting. 699-8617.
n and
at deli Wednesday, Aug.
or $15 30
5e tick- Candidate forum: The Ponte
minars Vedra Beach Chamber of
.5 per Commerce will have a candi-
date forum from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. at the Sawgrass Marriott
Film Resort & Spa. A deli buffet
archer" lunch will be available for $15
7 p.m. per person. 285-2004.
um of
ra St., Thursday, Aug. 31
office Yoga in the Park: Mother &
ting is Daughter Yoga in the Park will
mem- be held at 7 p.m. Thursday for
$7 for six weeks. Call Dana at 372-
film is .0116 for information.
infor- Friday, Sept. 1
Art show: The Society of
SCollage Artists will hold a non-:
24 buried members show at .the
)ening Fleming Island Library on Town
Laurie ,Center Boulevard off 220 in
5 to 7 Orange Park through Sept. 30.
August 16, 2006
Art association: The
-Pablo Towers Art Association
meets from 12:30 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday. Call 246-4158
for information.
Ballroom dancing.
Ballroom dancing is offered
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at
the Senior Center, 19th Ave.,
Jacksonville Beach. The cost
is $4. Call 241-3796 for
Cancer support group:
The Cancer Support Group
at Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. .
Wednesday at the Florida
Cancer Center In Medical Tennis for senior
Office Building B on the Jacksonville Bea
. hospital campus. Call 247- 6221 for informE
,2910 for information.
-Coast GuardAuxilary: U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary 14-04pneets at 7:30 p.m. the first
Wednesday of the month at the Captain's.
Club, 13363 Beach Blvd. Call David Green at
246-4722 or 422-2811 for information.
SFirst Wednesday Art Walk: The First
Wednesday Art Walk Downtown is held from 5
; ~ 8 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month..
The event is free. Visit
wwv.DowntownJacksonville.org or call 634-
0303 for information.
: Breakfast network: The Ponte Vedra
.Chamber,of Commerce meets at 7:30 a.m. the
second Wednesday of the month at the
Sawgrass.Grille 8& The Tavern for breakfast. E-
mail info@pontevedrachamber.org for informa-
Libertarians: The Libertarian Party of St.
Johns County meets the second Wednesday of
each month. Call Doug Price at 904-273-7480
for information.
New Directions: New Directions, a support
group for the divorced and separated, meets at
6:45 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of
the month at 4118 Loretto Road next to the
white church, in the convent at St. Joseph's
Catholic Church. Call 268-1591 for Informa-
Veterans meet: The Men's Auxiliary of
Build Your Child's
~,Self-Esteemn Worth & Confidence
SWith Dance
SRegistering for Fall Classes
Mon.-Thurs. 3p-7p & Sat. 9:30-12:30
.. Classes start Aug. 14
Call for details
Small class sizes for
individual attention
Ages 2 12 to adults welcome
oI Professional Staff A
1459 Atlantic Blvd
7. 0 f Neptune Beach Cathy Finne
., .. nst.c Summer Sand Shopping Center D r
1 (904)249-6090 BS n Dance
P '- *Sequinmos ..:
S -' -. .. .: .... ;. -
S' .. :
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1 021 At (atic Bhid* I thei (Pis~lb~op Center
: : 249-0101 u'wui~ sequino& net
Pi w
A Charles Gallery
28B 5fdAv., N. Jac anville BPech
--------- 4
rs is being offered at Huguenot Tennis Center in
ach from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday. Call Moe at 247-
Veterans of Foreign Wars Greater Beaches Post
3270, 915 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach,
meets at 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of the
month. Members of Post 3270 and the Ladies
Auxiliary meet at 9 a.m. the second Saturday of
the month. Call 249-7366 for information.
Grandparents raising grandchildren: An
educational/support group for grandparents
raising grandchildren meets the third
Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m. to
12:15 p.m. at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church,
1801 Beach Blvd. Call 280-7264 for informa-
Sons of Italy: The Sons of Italy Beaches
Lodge #2821 has its general meeting at 7:30
p.m. the third Wednesday of the month at
Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. A 6:30 p.m. social time pre-
cedes the meeting. Anyone, Italian heritage of
not, is welcome as a guest. Call 242-4929 for
Kiwanis Beaches: The Kiwanis Club of
Jacksonville Beaches meets Thursdays at noon
at Selva Marina Country Club, 1600 Selva
Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit www.beacheski-
wanis.com for information.
Weight loss consults: Free body fat analysis
and weight loss consults are offered Thursdays
at Metabolic Research Center, 274 Solana Road,
in the Winn-Dixie Plaza.
August 16, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Lamont E. (Webb) Cathey
Jerry R. Roberts
Jane Rebecca Peck Wood
Lamont E. (Webb) Cathey,
58, of Atlantic Beach, died on
August 12, 2006. He was born
in Buffalo, NY and was
retired. He was a .veteran of
the Army and a member of
the American Legion Post 129
Jax Beach, the Fleet Reserve,
and Voyager 40-8 of Jax
Family members include
his wife of 32 years, Lahamae
Cathey;- children, Bianca
Marie Webb, Monica Yvorine
Abdul-Salam (Waathiq),
Lamont Webb, and Liese
Harris; mother, Anna Webb;
siblings, Daryl Webb, Melvin
Goggins, Gerald Webb,,
Sharon Webb and Michael
Goggins; grandchildren,
Cecily, Jacqlyn, Gregory,
Jamal, Lamont, Samantha,
Kenneth, Lavarius, and
Lawrence; sister-in-law, Diane
Wilson; niece, Phoebe Wilson,
godmother, Marie White; god-
daughter, Lanita Owens;
aunts, Irene, Gassie, Rose
Ester, Freddie & Louise;
cousins,. Doris White,
Dorothy White, Larry' White,
Alexzean & John Tisdale,
James & Mildred Major,
Clarence Ravenell, and a host
of other friends and family.
Funeral service will be at 10
a.m., Saturday, August 19, at
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd St. S. with Pastor
Galand Scott officiating.
Visitation will be one hour
prior to the service.
Encryptment will be' at
Beaches Memorial Park of
Atlantic Beach immediately
following the service.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions may be made to
Community ,Hospice of NE
Florida, 4266 Sunbeam Rd.,
Jacksonville, FL 32257.
Services under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
Gaye G. Haynes
Jerry R. Roberts died on
August 1, 2006 at his home in
Jacksonville Beach. He was
born in Urbana, Ohio on
January.11, 1934. He was the
only child of Raymond and
Roberta Roberts who preceded
him n death.
He was born blind, but never
let that become a handicap,
according to friends who said
he ,lived fully independent
throughout his life. He made
his living caring for and train-
ing race horses.
He 'attended various blind
schools and in 2002 he went to
Southeastern Guide Dogs
Jean Rodstrom, 71, of
Atlantic Beach, died August 9,
2006. She was born February
Surviving family members
include two sisters, five daugh-
ters, four son-in-laws,, 16
School in Palmetta wh
was matched with a black
labrador named L
Roberts was an active m
of the Brotherhood of St
By The Sea Episcopal C
Citizens Police Academ
the,Auxiliary of Pablo T
He was also the past vice
dent of the Beaches Cou
Disabled Persons.
. He is survived by his
Norma Baker.
A memorial service ii
bration of his life will b
Saturday, August 19, at.1
at St. Paul's Episcopal Cl
grandchildren and one
SA, private memorial,
was held.
Services under the dii
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
in Jacksonville Beach.
ere he Jane Rebecca Peck Wood of
k male Ponte Vedra Beach died on
andry. August 5, 2006. She was born
member October 12, 1914 in New
:. Pauls Haven, Connecticut, Her par-
hurch, ents were Elliott M. and
iy and Marguerite H. Peck. After grad-
owers. uating from New Haven High
e-presi- School, she attended finishing
ncil for school for foreign languages in
Lucerne, Switzerland.
friend After moving to Ponte Vedra
Beach she married the late
n cele- Michael Joseph Wood. She is
)e held survived by her daughters Jane
11 a.m. Patricia Block of Lithonia, GA-
lurch. Susan W. Hardee (Raridy) of
Ponte Vedra Beach, and
Michael Ann Adams '.of
J acksonille, sister Ann Peck
Dunbar of Palm Harbor, her
brother Richmond M Peck of
San Francisco, CA She is also
survived by -7 grandchildren
Sand 11 great-grandchildren.
great- She was a member of the
Ribault Garden Club of
service Jacksonville Beach and an orig-
..- ..
Wo t
inal member of
the Beaches
Baptist. Women's
Auxiliary. She
was also a mem-
ber of the Ponte
Vedra Women's
Golf Association.
She loved bright-
ly colored flow-
ers, gardening,
loved being surrounded by
family during all holidays and
she loved to watch and play
golf, according to family.
/A memorial service will be
held at Christ Episcopal
Church Memorial Chapel in
Ponte Vedra on August 22 at 2
p.m. Donations may be made
in Wood's memory to
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, Inc., or Best
Friends' Animal Society.
Arrangements provided by
Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
Dorothy Anna McLeester Ulrich
Gaye G. Haynes, 63, died of the Outstanding Service
Alzheimer's disease on August Award from the board of gov-
9, 2006 at the Fleet Landing ernors of the Mortgage Dorothy Anna : McLeester
Health Center in Atlantic Bankers Association. Ulrich, died August 11, 2006at
Beach. She was born in Miami In 1988, her career expand- home following a brief illness.
arid was the daughter of ed with the arrival of her Oi August 19, 1945 she mar-
Charles E, and Thelma daughter Molly. Haynesalso ried Jacob (Jack) G. Ulrich. A.
Grentner. She grew up: in served as the step mom to native of New Jersey, she'
Miami and graduated from Walter's sons Marshall and moved to Atlantic Beach in
Coral Gables High School and Jtistiri. In 1998, Gave sold her 1965. She was a member of St.
the University of Miami. mortgage banking company. Paul's By the Sea Episcopal
She moved to Washington and moved with Walter and Church and retired from the
D.C. in 1968 and worked as Molly to their home in Ponte Navy Exchange at Mayport.
an aide to a Congressman. In. Vedra Beach. She is survived by her hus-
1969, she started a career as a She is survived by her hus- band, Jacob (Jack) G. Ulrich;
mortgage banker providing band Walter, her daughter daughter and son-in-law,
financing for multifamily Molly, her stepsons Marshall' Barbara and Angelo Giaimo of
S housing projects. In 1984, she and Justin Haynes, three Wappingers Falls, NY; a sister,
married Walter D. Haynes. In grandchildren, her brother MarionMcLeesterJohnson and
1985, she started the Patrician Charles Grentner, her sister a brother, Robert MNcLeester
Mortgage Company to be the Lynn Wheeler and her mother .-
I first woman ownedand oper- Thelma Grentner.
ated multifamily mortgage A traditional graveside serv- Frank E
banking company in the ice will take place on
country. Saturday, August 19, at 1 p.m.
She was nationally recog- at' Oaklawn Cemetery, 4801 Frank E. Wargo, 85, died in'
nized and honored for her San .Jose Boulevard, his sleep Wednesday, August 9,
contributions to multifamily Jacksonville, Florida. 2006 after an extended illness.
housing. She was the first A memorial service will be He was born and raised in
woman president, it e'. held'-,ol iS'lu rd.a, Augu-l p~l 9 ,uIKe'sp r't, PA to Joseph and
Washington D.C. Mortgage at, 2:30 p.m. at Christ Anna Wargo. He was a veteran
Bankers Association. She Episcopal Church, 400 Sari of the Army Air Corps during
served for 12 years on the Juan Drive, Ponte' Vedra World War II.
board of governors of the Beach, with The Reverend He then worked briefly in
national Mortgage Bankers 'Joan Bryan officiating. A the steel mills of the.region
Association. She served on the reception following the serv- before leaving to pursue a.
Fannie Mae DUS Advisory ice will be held in the-Parish career in music and singing. He
Committee. She served on the Hall at Christ Church. worked his entire life as a pro-
Fannie Mae Housing Impact In lieu of flowers, the fami- fessional entertainer, traveling
Advisory Council. She often ly requests that contributions and appearing in many regions
testified before Congress on be made to Jubilee Housing, of the country, including
various multifamily issues. Inc., 2482 Ontario Road N.W.,. Kansas City, Los Angeles,
SShe received the Patty and Jim Washington D.C. 20009. Tel. Savannah, Ft. Lauderdale,
Rouse Award for her efforts on 202-299-1240. Haynes was an Miami, and 'Asheville, NC
behalf of low-income hous- active supporter of Jubilee where he appeared on a weekly
ing. From Fannie Mlae, she Housing. television program. He eventu-
received the Larry Dale Award Services under the direction ally settled with his wife and.
for her contributions to multi- of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home familyin Jacksonville. He was a
family housing. She received in Jacksonville Beach. devoted Christian who spent
his later years producing gospel
Music tapes and distributing
them to 'everyone he came in
Rosemary H. Huffman
Rosemary H. Huffman, 87,
of Jacksonville Beach, died
August 11, 2006. She was born
October 9,, 1928, 'in
Charleston, WV and moved
to Jacksonville in 2001. She
was a member of the Unity of
Family' members include
her daughter, Carol Dee
Huffman Grimes 'of
Jacksonville, Beach;' sons,
David George Huffman of TX
and Harry Michael Huffman
of CA; grandchildren, Carly
Dee Huffman, Mason
Alexander Huffman, Jerome'
Z. Huffman, Adina Huffman
and Arielle Huffman' and sis-
ters, Marguerite Hall Rice .of
Charleston, VA, and Betty
Hall Rankin of Curville,, TX.
Her husband of 57 years, Z. G.
SHffman, predeceased her in
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be i made to the
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Rd, Jacksonville, FL
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Therese M. Lewis
Therese M. Lewis,74, died.
surrounded by her family on
Sunday, August 13, 2006. A
very active member of Lord of
Life Lutheran Church, she was
a member of the Ribault
Garden Club and past presi-
dent of Sacred Heart Catholic
Church Women's Guild. She
retired from Florida
Community College of
Jacksonville Downtown
Campus where she helped
many people earn their GED.
She was preceded in death
by her parents Damieie and
Bella Vandal and is survived
by her husband of 19 years
Roy L. Lewis; children Diane
(Karey) Stratford, Donald
(Cindy) Cox, Denise
(Brendan) McGinn, Dwayne
(Sherie) Cox, Dort (Chris)
Herider; grandchildren
Adrian, Carly, Lindsay, Adam,
Brandon, Michelle,, Dwayne;
Alex, Hayden;' great grand-
children Hannah and Rilee;
sister Marie (Thomas) Messier;
brothers' Raymond (Patricia)
Vandal and George (Roberta)
Vandal; nephew, nieces and
extended family members.
A memorial service will be'
held at Lord of Life Lutheran
Church, 276 N. Roscoe Blvd.
Ponte *Vedra Beach on
Thursday, August 17, at 11
a.m. with Reverend Julie A.W.
Frank officiating. The family
requests that in lieu of flow-
ers, memorial contributions
can be made in Therese's
name to the building fund of
Lord of Life Lutheran Church.
Arrangements by Arlington
Park Cemetery and Funeral
and numerous nieces and
A Memorial Service was held
Monday, August 14 at 1 p.m. in
the St. Paul's By The Sea
Episcopal Church with the Rev.
Penny Pfab officiating. In lieu
of flowers the family suggests
donations to Safe Harbor Boys
Home, 4772 Safe Harbor Way,
Jacksonville, FL 32226.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd.. Jacksonville
Beach, FL. Words of comfort
-may be shared with the family
at www.MeM.com
. Wargo
contact with.
He is survived 'by Nita, his
wife of 52 years; three sons,
Bryan Scott Wargo, Frank G.
.Wargo,, and. oseph J,.., Wargo;
one grandson, David A-Wargo;
one sister, Elizabeth Jane
Verdun of Mt. Pleasant,' PA;
many nieces, nephews, and
their children.
Visitation was held Sunday,
August 13 in Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home. Funeral
services were held Monday in
the funeral home with
SReverend Andrew Jo Pietrylo
officiating. Interment will fol-
low in Beaches Memorial Park
of Atlantic Beach.
Services under the direction
of' Quinn-Shalz, A Family
jFuneral Holie & Cremation.
Centre, 3600 Third Street
South, Jacksonville Beach, FL.
wwws.quin n-shalz.com
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Obituary notices are published
free of charge as a community
service. All submissions are
subject to editing. Paid adver-
tising space is available for
more detailed or personalized
death notices. Call 249-9033.
EACH IPonte Vedra Leader
rage M 1 V" .vt yy pcpu- r Is4 ,.Uu X.
* 50th.anniversary
... See A-9
* Education briefs
... A-12
AucniOt 16i 2006
New 6pii ilu Id hinr
wmP Ihot A"i twW
ptl.i,r-t .KATH',i MARTf.141
This photo was taken Aug. 1B along the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The rim averages 7,000 feet above sea level, sc
guides and signs warn that walking can be strenuous. The photo was taken in early afternoon, a time, according to Grand
Canyon Park literature, when the "sun tends to flatten the view and soften the colors."
Ponte Vedra to California
on $280 worth of asolie
g a soo 7Dtjlwm-'w i rjj '2 20 2H JQ) ql nj
T these are some of the
Things noted on a
recent car trip from
Ponte .Vedra Beach to
Stanford, Calif: .
\Val-Mlart is ubiquitous,
both in its semi trucks and
in its stores, such as the
two stores about 20 miles
apart along an interstate in
the arid West, with no
towns in sight.
You can drive 10 mph
over the speed limit on the
open road in Louisiana,
but you'll get a ticket (my
first ever) even 1 mph over
There are some inter-
esting names in this coun-
try, such as "Bucket of
Blood Street" (near
Holbrook, Ariz.) and "Two
Loaves & Two Fish Inc."
(spotted on a semi in
The purpose of the cross-,
country jaunt, which start-
ed July 29, was to get my
older daugh-
ter Mandi to ,
school at .
Thanks to '
several "space
bags" and
Mandi's small
but roomy -
2007 Nissan
managed to
get most of her ATHY
stuff to an HARTMVAN
apartment EDITOR
2,812 miles
from home on about $280 Franc
of gasoline. : Alt
That, despite paying wanted
$21.92 for 5.623 gallons at route,
Needles, Calif. i1.3.899 a my da
gallon). ,Califc
We made the trip in five the S
days of driving, stopping 'meet
for one full day to visit the Wh
Grand Canyon (where on w<
Mandi took a photo of a (and 1
major mullet on a big guy instill
in jeans) and
for short visits
to the Painted
SDesert and the
Also, we
took the
Pacific Coast
along the Big
California to
reach the cam-
pus, which,is
about half way
between San
isco and San Jose.
hough one of us
ed to take a speedier
, I wanted to show
daughter the rugged
)rnia coastline, where
anta Lucia Mountains,
the Pacific Ocean.
at I hadn't counted
is the fun I'd have
the fear that would be
led in my passenger)
driving the highway's ups
and downs and hairpin
turns in a six-speed.
At the north end of the
coastline drive, we stopped
for lunch at Carmel-By-
The-Sea, a charming but
cramped community of
understated wealth where
pn occasional tree is
allowed to grow in the
middle of a road.
The eclectic collection ol
homes, seemingly jammed
together on hillsides, wrap.
around the equally eclectic
business district in
Carmel, which calls itself
"a City in a forest."
' Having spent the past 17
years in an oceanside com-
munity of largely gated
developments that have
sprouted in the past 30
years, I wanted ,to linger in
this town, whose Web site
-w ,
-~ ~ S
- -
-, s
r~- 0
e~ape 'Ro-mo-
40 ON -
- 4 -
4 w
*- C
.mw .EN
- 4 o
Weekend nature film at
Guana surveys Ecuador
"Globe Trekker: Ecuador
and the Galapagos Islands"
will be screened Saturday
and Sunday at the GTM
Environmental Education
Center, 505 Guana River
Road, off State Road A1A.
Breathtaking landscapes
and architecture unfold as
the camera crew takes in,the
sites and sounds of the small
South American location,
Swedish desserts a Taylor specialty
S wedish native A n i ta
Taylor enjoys cooking so
much that her husband,
Bill, said she's "happiest when
A Ponte Vedra Beach resi-
dent, Taylor likes to have peo-
ple around when she cooks.
She and her husband I ,
designed their kitchen so thaf
Anita could visit with guests
while she.prepares food.
Taylor affectionally calls her
kitchen "Anita's cooking
school," because guests are
always asking her questions
while she cooks.
The Taylors moved to Ponte
Vedra from Berlin, Germany,'
13 years ago, following Bill's
retirement. The couple for-
merly lived in'Miami, where
Anita owned a sportswear
shop. She currently works for
Stein Mart.
Growing up in Sweden,
Taylor and her siblings helped
with small chores around the
kitchen while their mother
cooked. Taylor didn't serious-
ly begin cooking herself until
she was a newlywed.
While the influence of
Swedish cuisine is evident in
her cooking, Taylor adds new
recipes regularly to her eclec-
tic collection. The Internet,
especially Epicurious.com, is
one of her favorite sources of
recipe ideas.
Taylor usually begins with a
recipe as a starting.point and
then changes it to suit her
Taylor also likes to bake
desserts and bread. When the
couple's two daughters were
young, she baked bread, usu-
ally Swedish rye, oatmeal, or.
whole wheat.
She and her daughters also
baked birthday cakes together
along with countless cookies.
She still has homemade cook-
ies on hand, and for desserts
serves homemade cakes, pies,
or fancy cookies.
For most meals, she and her
husband prefer simple, flavor-
ful preparations of seafood,
meats, and vegetables.
Taylor doesn't fry food, and
the one time she fried chick-
en she said that she would
never do that again.
. Lighter preparations with-
out heavy sauces and limited
use of potatoes and pasta
keep their meals healthy and
not overly high in calories.
Seafood, both fish and
shellfish, is a favorite which
Taylor says is almost easier to
prepare than meats. A recipe
for fish, Mahi Mahi on a Bed
of Spinach with Fennel and
Garlic, is one of her most
recent creations.
This recipe is representative
of the poached or baked
preparation Taylor often uses
for fish. To make this dish,
she cooks fresh mahi mahi
over baby spinach in a wine
broth. The fish is done in a
few minutes' and served with
the spinach along with green
beans flavored with lemon.
' Ginger Carrot Soup is one
of several cold soups that
Taylor prefers to serve instead
of a salad. She admits that
making salads is a little,
tedious to her so instead she
often serves a cold soup for a
refreshing and delicious
change of pace.
The sweetness of the carrots
and orange juice is balanced
by the flavor of the ginger in
Taylor's carrot soup. After
cooking, the soup is blended
until smooth and chilled
before serving garnished with
orange zest.
SAn old family recipe, writ-
ten in Swedish, called. Mama's
Meringue has been one of
Taylor's favorite desserts for
Taylor bakes the sweetened
meringue in a buttered tube
cake pan until it holds
together but is still a little soft
in the center. Slices of the
meringue are served with col-.
orful mixed berries and
homemade whipped cream
flavored with lemonocurd.
Although Taylor prepared
traditional Swedish dishes for
her brother here on a recent
visit from Sweden, she was
surprised when one of his
favorite dishes was Drunken
Chicken cooked on the grill.
To make this popular
recipe, a whole chicken is
placed over the open end of a
Seafood, cold soups, and desserts are some of Anita Taylor's
2- 0 ( A
and also ventures through .
volcanoes, the Andes, and
the famous Galapagos
SAdmission to GTM is $2
for adults, $1 for children
ages i10-17. Children.under
10 are free. The .
Environmental Education
Center is open 9 a.m. to 4.
p.m. daily and closed state.
SFor more information call
m-,,,,- hkrh" cli rld r-rc m
The Beaches Leader/Ponte'Vedra Leader Page 9A
August 16. 2006
Joe and Phyllis Cinotti of
Neptune Beach celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on.
Friday, Aug. 11.
The couple's children and.
grandchildren hosted a sur-
prise party in their honor on
Sunday, Aug. 6, at Queen's
Harbour Country Club.
More than; 100 people
The Cinotti's were married
Aug. 11, 1956, in Jacksonville.
They are formerly from
Cleveland, Ohio. She is the for-
mer Phyllis Janke. They
opened Cinotti's Bakery in
Jacksonville Beach in 1964.
A second-generation baker,
Joe Cinotti retired in 1986,
turning the business over to
one of his sons, who operates
:Cinotti's Bakery on Penman
The couple hate three chil-
" ',, ,t ,, i, ";: '"
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
Kirdermusik and playday
S classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
S trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or visit
of the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
dren, Michael CQnotti of
Neptune Beach, Jacquelyn
Cinotti-Dirmann of
lacksonville and Anthony
Beach also has children's activ- the I
cities. Call 241-1141 and press 4 month
for children's activities and 5 -
for the reference desk. chape
MOMMY & ME for ages 6 Mond
months to 2-1/2 years features 5212)
songs, parachute games, finger -
play, rhythm band music and a hurch
way to meet other parents or Ponte
grandparents while having fun to 11:
with your child. Offered begin- fourth
ning in September at Nancy (285-E
Dance Studio. For information, W
call 241-8349 for information, is on
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S., Ponte
Jacksonville Beach, has many It h
activities for kids, including pool
karate, tutoring and games. sons
247-6218. The
SCHOOLERS, support groups activity
for moms of children ages 5 or also
younger, meet as follows: and y
Christ the Redeemer Church, YMi
190 S. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte are a'
Vedra Beach, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 9622.
i_~.j. 5.. '^ i 50. '-' .I *i.
Cinotti of Jacksonvill
They also have six g
dren and five great-g
_',, i :, r: I ', ,
third Monday
h (285-8009).
Mayport Naval
I, 9:30 a.m. t
ay of the mor
Ponte Vedra. Pre
,4510 Palm Val
Vedra Beach,
:30 a.m. the sec
Monday of th
Landrum Lane
rum Middle Sc
Vedra Beach.
has a heated s'
and offers swim
and family swi
center features
and occasional c
:ies for youth. T
has classes for
youths. -
CA membership
available .by: call
i Noted author and decorated
Vietnam veteran John "Doc"
Hutchings will be the guest
speaker at a Sunday brunch
gathering of the Mayport chap-
ter of the Military Officers
Association of America
Hutchings will speak about
his experiences as a Navy corps-
'. man with the U.S. Marines in
S Vietnam. .
The 12:30 p.m. event will be
held Sept. 10 at the Ocean
Breeze Conference Center at
Naval Station MNayport. For
reservations, call 646-0944.
Hutchings served with the
S 5th Marine Division from 1968
S to 1969. More than 2,000Nal\
corpsmen or Army medics are
listed on the Vietnam Memorial
Wall in \Vashington, D.C.
For more information about
'N MOAA, call, Ron Henderson at
Registration is now open to
participate in his 2006 World
War IT Veterans Recognition
Ceremony to be held this fall.
This event is designed to recog-
nize the contributions of local
e. World War II veterans who were
randchil- unable to participate in last
randchil- year's event. Each veteran will
Sbe presented with a certificate of
Special Congressional
Recognition by Congressman
All veterans who served on
active duty in World War 11 at
Sandy time between Dec. 7. 1941
,and Dec. 31, 1946, reside with-
of the in the Fourth Congressional
District of Florida and did not
I Station attend last vear's ceremony are
he third urged to contact his office of go
ith t270- to his website in order to obtain
an application.
sbyterian The criteria for receiving this
ley Road, certificate mirrors that used by
9:15 a.m. the 79th Congress when it
:ond and authorized the World War II
ie month Victory Medal on July 6, 1945.
, next to
school in
ming les-
m times.
a teen
he center
p details
ling 543-
' photo submitted
Fletcher High graduate Kevin Morgan was honored in May at
the annual American Youth Character Awards dinner at the
University of North Florida. The event recognizes students who
consistently exemplify the nighest standards of character.
Finalists were selected from a panel of judges from the Duval
County school system and the community. Not pictured:
Reinaldo Feliciano III of Fletcher, who was also honored.
The opening date is the attack
on Pearl Harbor and the closing
date is the end of hostilities as
proclaimed by President Harry
To determine eligibility for
the certificate, veterans must
complete an application and
submit a copy of their service
discharge document. Veterans
must be a current resident of the
4th Congressional District of
Florida to participate in this pro-
The deadline for submitting
A a
applications for this year's cere-
mony is Oct. 2. Applications
can be obtained on
Congressman Crenshaw's web-
site, which can be found at
Crenshaw.house.gov, or by con-
tacting one of his local offices at
(904) 598-0481 or i386) 365-
Completed applications and
documentation should be
mailed to the Jackson\ille office
at the following address: 1061
Riverside Avenue, Suite 100,
Jacksonville, FL 32204
photos asumilnea
The Monique Burr
Foundation's annual fundrais-
ing event at Roy's restaurant
recently raised nearly $55,000
for foundation programs that
assist abused and neglected
children in northeast Florida.
Above: LandMar president
and CEO Ed Burr, (from left)
Billie Jo Burr, Roy Yamaguchi,
Burr Foundation northeast
Florida executive director
Barbara Florio, Matthew
Medure and Burr Foundation
president and CEO Dorcas
Right: Larri Jo Viets and
Dianne Wisdom.
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SRecipes: Mahi Mahi on spinach bed
August 16, 2006
Yucca Garden Circle delivers flowers to Habitat homes at Scheidel Court. Assembled are Sharon
Harris, Joyce Langley, Dot Duran, Toni VanOrman, Mary Jeanne Phillips, Orlanda Corn and Rita
Left: Landscaper Tommie
Stewart plants flower pots at
Scheidel Court, the newest
Habitat community at the
Beaches. The Ribault Garden
Club's Yucca Garden Circle
donated and delivered the
flowers as a memorial gift for
Yolie Feigenbaum, one of the
circle's longtime members.
Yucca Garden Circle is one of
six circles that make up the
garden club. The Yucca Circle
meets on the third Tuesday of
the month at Selva Marina ,
Country Club. For more
details, call 221-2522.
Cont. from A-8
To make this popular recipe,
a whole chicken is placed over
the open end of a partially full
can of beer and cooked over
indirect heat on a grill. The
beer provides the steam that
cooks the moist and tender
The following are some of
Anita Tavlor's recipes..
Mahi Mahi on a Bed
of Spinach with Fennel
and Garlic
1 large clove of'fresh garlic,
chopped fine
one-quarter cup finely sliced
1 T olive oil
one-quarter cup water
3 T white wine ,
one-half cube vegetable
two and one-half oz. fresh
baby spinach leaves
three-quarters lb. Nlahi
Mahi, cut into 2 pieces (or
fresh cod
2 tsp. fresh dill, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Saute garlic and fennel in
olive oil until slightly soft-
ened. Add water, wine and,
bouillon. Bring to a boil. Cook
until the bouillon is dissolved.
Add the spinach leaves.
Cook for 2 minutes.
Add the fish. Season with
salt and pepper and sprinkle
the dill on top of the fish.
SCover pan and saute over low
heat for approximately 5 min-
Serve with green beans,
cooked in salt water, drained
and seasoned with lemon fla-
vored olive oil.
Serves 2.
Ginger Carrot Soup
3 T butter
1 cup leeks, white and pale'
green parts, chopped
1 T minced ginger
one and one-half Ibs. car-
rots, cut in 1 inch pieces
,2 cups chicken or vegetable,
2 cups orange juice, fresh
"'one-quarter cup chopped
mint ..
salt and'pepper to taste
sugar to taste
orange zest for garnish
Saute leeks and ginger in
the butter. Add carrots and )
stock. Cover pot and boil
about 20 minutes. Let cool.
Put in blender. Add orange
juice and mint when cooled.
Season and add orange zest.
Serve cold.
Drunken Chicken
1 ,whole chicken '
1 can beer .' ..
Refrigerate and soak the
whole chicken overnight cov-v
ered in a brine made of water
with one-quarter cup salt.
The following day, pour
about a quarter of the can of
beer out. Drain and rinse the
chicken. Place the chicken on
top of the open end of the
can of beer so.that chicken is
standing with legs down.,
Cook on indirect heat on a
covered grill for about 1 hour
and 20 minutes or until done.
Mama's Meringue
4,egg whites
one and one-quarter cups
one and one-half tsp. bak-
ing powder
pinch of salt
one-quarteIrtsp. white vine-
2T butter; approximate
berries ,
whipping cream
lemon curd .
Preheat oven to 440
degrees. "
S.Combine first five ingredi-
ents in a mixing bowl. Beat'
.with a mixer on high speed
until fairly stiff peaks form.
Coat the inside of a tube
Scake pan with melted butter.
. Pour egg white mixture into
the cake pan. Put in the pre-
heated oven and turn off heat.
Leave in the oven until it is
SMeringue will have a little
Brown on the edges and still
be soft in the center. Invert
cold meringue onto serving
plate, and if desired invert
onto second plate so that the
top is showing.
S Whip cream and add lemon
curd to taste.
Serve slices of the meringue
with mixed berries and the
whipped cream.
pr.hlo ucrnDTled
Prudential Network Realty president, founder and CEO Linda Sherrer, from left, Hampton Golf
senior vice president of lifestyle services Michelle Branham and attorney and counselor Jeb
Branham at the Monique Burr Foundation's annual fundraising event at Roy's restaurant in
Jacksonville Beach.
Rocky Creek Bridge (above), built of reinforced concrete in 1932, is one of the historic bridges
along Big Sur, the rugged, 90-mile stretch of California coast between San Simeon in the south,
location of Hearst Castle, and Carmel-by-the-Sea in the north, south of San Francisco. The old,
arched bridges brought automobile traffic to the coast where the Santa Lucia Mountains meet the
Pacific Ocean.
Ha rman:
Cont. from A10 ,
unabashedly states the ,
town's connection to the
past, as follows:
'' "The Cit\ of Carmel-Bv-
The-Sea is hereby determined
to be primarily, a residential
City wherein business and
commerce have in the past,
Share now, and are proposed to
be in the future subordinated
to its residential character;
:.: and that said determination
; is made having in mind the
;: history and the development
of said city, its growth and
:.'the causes thereof; and also,
its geographical and topo-
graphical aspects .".
So says Carmel's Ordinance
96 approved lune 5. 1929..,,.
But we couldn't stay,long
?.. after a grilled fish luncH at
.:' Forge iri the Forest we'
:. weren't dressed properly.,
W while those around us "
Seemed oblivious to the low- '
60s air temperature, we were
Shivering in our light
sweaters, despite a nearby
:. fireplace that added some
: warmth.
S Our waitress told us the
Weather was typically over-
cast for an Aug. 3 afternoon,
..: although bit cooler than
Usual. Come back in October,
she suggested.
with the champs at Jax Beach
.: ,, ___
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Winrgat e Pa r their parents for your participation.
3 61 Sout. Penm an Roa d All participants will be receiving a call or a,
J a so ille Bea letter about your prize this month. All those
Ages 4-12. Registration Fees who entered the READ Bingo and
Resident $80 Scavenger Hunts and artistic contests will
Nonresident $85 receive a prize.
Late Fee $10 Prizes are provided by The Beaches Leader, Ponte Vedra Leader and
Publix Supermarkets.
SYou may register on-line
At Iaxbch.com
At lazrbch.com THE BEXCHE5 LEADER
SFor more Information, Publix
Robert Ward 333-9779 ,
Subscribe to The Leader --Call 249-9033
-,.'---.- --.--rti
I .The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedira Leader
*P,:er 1 OA
Augu0 16 200 Th Bece edrPneVdaLae ae1l
~~i= w
has moved!
Rick's Used Cars Celebrates Grand Opening
This Week at New Mayport Road Location
Our new location is
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SIn just 8 weeks, Corri lost 30'o body fat and
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Prime time slots Sawgrass Village
Still available Shopping Center
for Fall 41 PGA Tour Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach
orri 904-285-3236
After serving the Beaches for more than 20 years in
Jacksonville Beach, Rick's Used Cars has moved to a brand-
new location at 1919 Mayport Road in Atlantic Beach and
they want you to stop by and help them celebrate.
"Our grand opening runs through Saturday, Sept. 2, and we
want past, present and future customers to drop in and see our
new facility, have a free hot dog and soft drink and maybe
even win a prize!" said Rick, who along with his wife; Brenda,
owns Rick's Used Cars. Sons Scott and Ricky as well as almost-
family Ronnie are on staff.
Prizes include a beach cruiser bicycle, free gasoline, free oil
changes, free'car detailing and gift certificates. "We're also
offering discounts to our customers who refer friends or new
customers," he said. "We're excited about our, new location,,
and we invite everyone to drop in and help us celebrate!"
Family-owned and operated and well known at the Beaches,
Rick's Used Cars was formerly located at 1404 Beach Blvd. in
Jacksonville Beach. "We purchased this new property a couple :
of years ago and picked this locationbecause we believe in the
Mayport Road corridor," said Rick. "There's only limited unde-
veloped commercial property on this, side of the Ditch, and we
feel that Mayport Road will be the next Beach Boulevard."
Even though their location is new, customers can still count,
on the same top-notch service and reasonable prices they've
come to appreciate from Rick's Used Cars since the company
first opened in Jacksonville Beach on April 1, 1986, at Third
Street anid 14th Avenue South.
"We're a buy here/pay here lot, andwe personally finance
everything we sell," said Rick. "We've retailed probably over
6,00 cars here at the Beaches, arid we've personally financed
5,000 of those cars," he said. '
Rick and Brenda don't sell any of their loans. Instead, they
have developed the criteria for their loan approval and are
able to offer customers a weekly payment schedule.
"We'sell cars that are about five to seven years old to people
who have challenging credit problems," said Brenda. "Because.
we finance the cars ourselves and there's no middle man,
everything is upfront and convenient for our customers."
Rick's Used Cars' customers appreciate this personalized
service and convenience, says Rick. "Of the customers on our
accounts receivable, 70 percent of them have bought three or
four cars from us," he said.
Rick says the biggest draw for repeat customers is the zero-
percent interest Rick's Used Cars has on all their car loans.
"Car'dealerships can charge them up to 28 percent," he said.
"So when they come to us and find out we're not going to
charge interest ever and that the sticker price on a car's wind-
shield is the price they'll pay and that we also finance the sales
tax, they're interested."
Rick explains how it works. "First we ask customers about
their budget and price range and the kind of car they're look-
ing for," he said.. "We're easygoing and customer oriented, and
we're not high-pressure salesmen at all."
Instead, the Staff at Rick's Used Cars is upfront. "All prices
are posted on the windshield," said Rick. "We show you how
much it is, how much you have toput down, the weekly pay-
ment and zero interest with no hidden surprises." Down
payments usually run from $400 to $2,000, depending on the
car,, and the bulk of what they sell is under a thousand dollars,
down payment, he said.
"We verify information from' each customer like who they.
are, where they live, where they work and then check five area
references who know them," he said. "We also require a valid
Florida drivers license and a cash down payment."
Rick's Used Cars then records the title and, once the loan is
paid off, releases the lien. Once a loan is established, weekly
payments can be made by check, money order or cash.
"The whole process can take as little as 30 minutes and then
our customers are driving off the lot." said Brenda. "We'll show
them cars and they'll show us some they're interested in and
then take a test drive and even take the cars someplace else to
get them checked out before purchase." Then Brenda explains
the application and prepares the paperwork for the loan.
"Our payments are as low as $50 and up to $70 a week," said
With the motto "Buy Here, Pay Here," the friendly staff at
family-owned and operated Rick's Used Cars can help you
find a car that matches your needs and budget. Pictured
above are (front row, left to right) owners Brenda and Rick ;
and son Scott and (second row, left to right) son Ricky and
almost-family Ronnie.
Rick. "Ninety-five percent of our payments are $50 a week,
which translates to $7.39 a day. Youcan hardly ride a bus for
A lot of families need a little second-hand car, Brenda said.
"They don't want to drive to California they want it for
around here," she said. "We sell a lot of second cars to 16 and
17 year olds whose parents get the loans and then the kids
make the weekly payments themselves," she said. "It offers the
kids the chance to be responsible, .and by age 18 they're ready
to step up to a nicer car."
Rick's Used Cars prides itself'on cultivating friends and not
just customers. "We make it convenient for our customers
because we don't want to sell them one car we want to sell
them five cars;" said Rick.
Rick's Used Cars does more than sells cars. They prepare cars
for sale on site. "We have two service bays where we clean and
repair our cars to properly prepare them for sale to the public,"
said Rick. "We try to buy with our customers in mind and
won't knowingly sell cars that have a bad motor or bad trans-
Keeping customers in mind is what Rick's Used Cars is all
about. "There are a lot of good people here at the Beaches -
some of the best people and they deserve to be treated fair-
ly and with respect," said Rick. "Ve appreciate our customers
and treat each one like they just bought a brand-new
Rick's Used Cars is located in Atlantic Beach at 1919
Mayport Rd., across the street from KJ's Kitchen. Hours are 10
a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and closed Sunday. To find a quality used car to fit
your budget or for more information about buying, selling,
trading or consignment, call Brenda, Rick, Scott or Ricky at
247-1728 or fax 247-1740.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page I IA
Aup~ust 16, 2006
1. i
::: I
0l UI /U
*D,0P 12A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 16, 2006
rare j1 -1
Education ..I
Lyn Asselta (front) and other members of Linda Holmes' intermediate oil painting class get ready for their first session Tuesday at
the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach.
world-renowned experts in cosmetic plastic
surgery He then returned to California to work
%with some of the most preeminent plastic sur-
geons in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.
In honor of his arrival, all new patients will
receive a complimentary consultation.
www.DrMarkFreeman.com www.JohnBHarrisMD.com
1030 AIA North Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Fall classes begin this
week at Cultural Center
The first session of fall class-
es began this week at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, which has scheduled
several new offerings for adults
and children.
Among the new adult classes
are Sicilian cooking, beginning
and advanced figure sculpting,
and a two-day holiday orna-
ment workshop.
There also is a new art histo-
ry and music lecture series on
six Monday evenings, with
experts speaking on art and
music of the Baroque, classical
and Impressionist eras.
There are two new art class
br chiild'rin being home-
schooled, a new children's
chorus ahd soqie new art class-
es for youngsters.
The fall sessions run Monday
through Oct. 3 and Oct. 10
through Dec. 5, and most meet
weekly for eight weeks.
Adult painting classes start
at $126 for center members
and $156 for others, yoga
begins at $63 and the lecture
series is $50 for members or
$10 per lecture.
Children's classes range from
$25 for a two-day clay work-
shop offered Saturday's in
September and October to
$600 for the "Vox Angelica"
chorus taught by Twila Miller,
artistic director of the
Jacksonville Children's
Auditions for the chorus will
be held at the center from 5:30
p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 22 and
Aug. 29, and twice-a-week
rehearsals begin Sept. 12.
the Culiiral CHtiri i Na 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach, one block east of State
Road A1A across from Ponte
Vedra-Palm Valley/Rawlings
Elementary School.
For information on classes
and registration, call 280-0614
or visit www.ccpvb.org.
O 9 04.242. 9 5 22
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Clean exterior case
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4006 S. 3rd Street South Beach Regional Plaza Jax Beach, FL 32250
SPlease add $30 for Installing Microsoft SP2 expires: 10131/06
SNew Pre-Ballet and Beginhing
classes orm ng 3 yrs.-ad ti
S"' Moi -a-oWl
.. ... '
EAST-COAST .".. --.i : ..,,:;. i
Call ow to
arrange yotr .i
complimentary s quite & '?!
trial class: Jac kon vlle Beac
.24 1.....,.
F; Xa
badO O Wolf griti iminibii rs 6d her toddlerss on iHie Ildve" clIds
on the first day of class Tuesday at the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach.
Read this monthly feature for your owvn Home Impivovement Piojects.
Spending Your Building Budget Wisely
You say your avocado-green refrigerator and
orange Formica countertops are looking a bit
dated? What a shame. They matched the orange
shag carpet so well. Fads do come and go.
Fortunately for you, apphances and carpeting are
easily replaced, unlike a home's infrastructure.
Homes are built just like they're run-on a
budget. That budget can be spent in countless
But before you even think about his and her
cosets or a personalized home theater system, be
sure you budget appropriately for the essential
structural elements of your home that are difficult
or impossible to change in the future. There are
three elements that should not be compromised.
Foundations, framing/roofing materials, and win-
dows and'doors are all essential to the long-term
value of your investment.
When It comes to windows and doors, howev-
.nls Sol y:
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113mlta tue asMeh
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er, there's more at stake for the homeowner.
Windows and doors provide form and function.
They affect how your home looks, feels.and
operates. They provide natural light that's essen-
tial to our well-being. They can also provide safe-
ty, security and energy efficiency So it's no won-
der that the choices are extensive.
Windows and doors come in many types,
shapes and sizes, with varying maintenance
requirements, energy efficiency features, and a
wide range of materials and pnces. You may be
tempted to save on window quality to splurge
on the latest countertop treatments, but remem-
ber that trendy fashions will quickly lose their
appeal-and value.
So when it's time to choose windows and
doors, take the time and money necessary to do
it right.
1. Research your options. Do your homework
by talking with window dealers, builders and
architects to find out the types of windows they
recommend. Review manufacturer's catalogs and
Web sites.
2. Beware of "bargain" windows. Buy from a
brand-name window manufacturer whose name
you can trust. There are many "no name" com-
panies producing poor quality windows that are
3. Make energy efficiency a. priority. By
researching and understanding glazing options,
you can make smart decisions on the gNass in your
windows. Glazing options are available with sin-
gle, double and triple panes of glass and with Low
E-coated surfaces. Remember, money saved buy-
ing low-quality windows is quickly lost to
increased heating or cooling costs.
4. Select windows that complement .your
home's style. All the pieces of your home should
come together for a unified look. Work with your
architect and builder to select the size, style and
shape of windows that complement the look you
want to achieve.
5. Determine the level of maintenance you prefer.
6. Think big. Light plays a major role in the
home, and big windows-or combinations of
windows-can have a positive impact on your
home. One of today's most popular trends, walls
of windows, can be achieved by mixing an array
of operable windows and fixed glass These
impressive focal points for the home can reach
the ceiling or encompass an entire wall.
7. Dedde if you want custom made windows,
with lots of options, or more standardized win-
8. Research warranties. Your long-term comfort
level in the windows you select will come from
purchasing products from a reputable company
with strong product warranties. Careful) review
the warranties for replacement stipulations, own-
ership transfer details and guarantees against fail-
ure of the glass, frame and sash of the window.
Ponte Vedra Leader
August 16, 2006 SPORTS
Fishing Leader
Jaguars preseason win
Panthers set to renew rivalry with Bolles
Preseason Classic always
a playoff-like atmosphere
Nease High football players
will get.a chance to hit someone
else this Friday night in the Pre-
Season Classic at Bolles, and if
last Saturday's scrimmage at
Davis Park is any indication
they're anxious to do just that.
In a spirited contest -pitting
the Panthers'
offense against
the defense, sev-
eral things were
evident: Nease Bolles is always
remains a pass- coached and c
oriented team,
there is plined so it's alwa
strength, size challenge. They're
'and experience
on the offensive of the best program
and defensive Florida that makE
lines, and coach.
Craig Howard's challenging eno
schemes, are and then add in
again designed
to light up the great Nease-B
scoreboard. rivalry which historic
ing against hasbeen real fun.
, ourself isn't
always fun but --'
you need to,do
it to get the 'Craig Howar
kinks "out," Panthers head coa
Howard said.
"You're always,
worried about getting someone: fensive
hurt m the last scrimmage but Frida;
we escaped O.K." will foll
After a sluggish start, junior pre-seas
quarterback Ted Stachitas and will plaN
the first team offense found their varsity s
rhythm, resulting in a few mem- the secc
orable scoring plays including a for 7:30
45-yard TD romp by the QB. Last
Speedster Quinton Huggins, product
who will line up as a receiver, phere i
running back and defensive starters
back this season, also broke an of a star
*off-tackle run for a long TD "BoUl
down the right sideline, and di
"It's early in the season and always
we're a long way from where we said. "T
'need,to be but that's what program
coaching and playing is con- it challe
tinuing improvement," Howard add in
said. rivalry
Nease returns only one starter been rea
to its offense -- massive guard
James Wilson who will anchor
the line. The 6-foot; 5-inch, 310-
pound Wilson, rated by mnany
scouting services as the top line-
man in the state, decided to
forego the frenzied recruiting
season by Verbally committing
to Southern Cal two weeks ago.
All of last season's receivers are
gone, replaced by seniors Collins
Lee, Christian
Dennis and
Huggins. Zach
Tronti will get
well- ; the bulk of the
lisci- carries out of
the backfield.
.ys a On defense,
one the Panthers
return several
ns in starters and
es it have added new
faces in 6-foot,
ugh, 6-inch, 348-
the pound lineman
S Ramon Booi, a
olles transfer from
ically Virginia, and
speedy defen-
sive back Justin
Grant :who
S played last sea-
son at Ribault.
rd Senior Mario
ach Butler and
Grant will
anchor the de-
w night's contest at Bolles
ow the usual format for
son affairs. The varsity
y the fust half and junior
squads from both schools
)nd. Kickoff is scheduled
year's "game" at Nease
-d a playoff-like atmos-
n which the Pan'thers
prevailed 22-21 in front
nding-room-only crowd.
es is always well-coached
sciplined and so it's
a big challenge," Howard
he\'re one of the best
ns in Florida that--iakes
'nging enough, and then
the great Nease-Bolles
which historically has
al fun."
Panthers quarterback Ted Stachilas, right, takes a hit from Nease defensive back Hunter Bates during the team's scrimmage last
Saturday morning at Davis Park in Ponte Vedra. The Panthers are preparing for Friday night's Preseason Classic at Bolles.
Members of the varsity squad will play the first half with junior varsity players participating in the final two quarters.
While last year's regular sea-
son started out with a lengthy
road trip to Birmingham,
Alabama to face Hoover High in
a nationallv-televised game, the
Panthers sta dcose to home this
year when they take on nation-
ally-ranked Memphis University
High in the Bill Bates Classic at
UNF on Saturday, Aug. 26.
-The Owls are defending
Tennessee state champions and
posted an 11-1 record last-sea-
son. The team has chartered a let
and will fly from Memphis to
Jacksonille on the morning of
the game, then return immedi-
ately aftenvard. Administrators
from both schools had tried to'
arrange for the teams to meet in
other sports on Aug. 26, but
schedules could not be coordi-
nated.- -
While the exhilaration of the
Class 4A state championship
Nease won eight months ago
has not quite died down, players
arid coaches know they'll have
targets on their backs through-
out the season.
"We're kind of used to it,"
-Howard laughed. "Even before
we won a state title we felt like
we were targets because of the
program we've built here. Now
it'll just be more so."
Volleyball finds mixed results in Preseason Classic
It was a mixed bag of results
for the Nease High girls volley-
ball team last Saturday as the
school hosted a Preseason
Classic that included Bolles and
Episcopal. The Panthers lost
three straight games to the
Bulldogs, but rallied to clip
Episcopal 3-1 in the last match
of the tournament.
"\Ve changed the line-up" in
the second game, said Nease
head coach Dawn Madden. "We
gave some other kids some dif-
ferent opportunities to play and
moved some positions. Some
kids stepped up and took over."
Instrumental to the Panthers'
25-21, 23-25, 25-19, 28-26 victo-
ry was freshman outside hitter
'Wesley Anne Barden. She had
15 kills against the Eagles and
'set the tone on offense.
"Wesley Anne has just gotten
along so great and she's used to
Nease's Meghan Sherman (12) reaches high for a kill against
Episcopal High during the Preseason Classic last Saturday.
the speed of the game. She's just
killing everything," said senior
middle blocker Christina Vergo.
Nease fell behind Episcopal,
13-5, but rallied to take an 18-16
lead in the first game. The
Panthers won that first battle
then saw the Eagles claw back.to
square the match with a 25-23
second game victory.
"I don't think we played as
well as we could have," said
Vergo. who finished with eight
kills and two blocks against
Episcopal. "I think we're going
to improve a lot. I think the
more we play together. the more
we get used to each other and
our game is just going to go way
An injury to. senior
setter/libero Tara < Carrigan
forced Madden to move 5-foot,
10-inch senior : MNeghan
Sherman from outside hitter to
setter. Sherman still finished
with si\ kills, 11' digs, three
blocks and 34 assists in the four
.games against Episcopal.
"MNeghan did a stellar job as
usual," said Madden; "She
stepped up' when it comes to
setting ard carried the team.
She was a big leader."
While the team's motto for
2006 is "Fifteen strong," the
Panthers will begin the season
with only 12 healthy players: In
addition to the neck injury to
Carrigan..junior Brooke Wright
is nursing an ankle sprain suf-
fered during a volleyball camp
in early July and junior middle
hitter Lana Pancoast is on the
mend from knee and back
injuries. Madden said she hopes
to have her squad at full
strength in about two weeks.
In Saturday's, first match, a
tough and talented Bolles team
closed out Nease in three games,
27-25, 25-21 and 25-23.
Courtney Johnston led the way
for the Bulldogs with. 18 kills,
nine service points (including a
pair of aces), and 10 digs.
SFor Nease, Sherman 'and
SCierra Pillsbury each recorded
11 service points, Meghan
Oakley had seven kills, with
Sherman and Barden notching
,five kills each. Sherman added
Panthers senior Meghan Oakley lunges to return a serve against Episcopal High during the
Preseason Classic at Nease last Saturday. The event also included the Bolles girls volleyball
team. After losing to Bolles, Nease beat Episcopal, 25-21. 23-25, 25-19 and 28-26.
16 assists and Pillsbury had 13
"We lost one, we won one. It's
preseason so it gives us a chance
to see how everyone plays and
see how, they can handle the
pressure," Madden said. "It also
gave us a chance to see what we
need to work on. In practice
we'll work on our serve receive
and [we] still need to work on
our offense especially choos-
ing the shots we're going to take
and becoming smarter hitters."
The Panthers open the regular
season Thursday when they
host Pro\idence High. Junior
varsity action is slated for 5:30
p.m. with the varsity squad tak-
ing the court at about 6:45 p.m.
NOTE: Meghan Sherman just
returned from three weeks in
Slovenia where she played with
the Mislinja Juniors team. She
began playing with the team July
'10 at a world challenge toura-
ment in Maribor featuring teams
from the Czech Republic, Hun-
gary, Croatia, Slovenia and the
United States.
Sherman played outside hitter
as Mislinja went 5-2 including a
loss in the championship gold
division match against the
Croatia junior national team.
The Nease senior will again
play for Mislinja in December's
Bring IT USA Bash 3 in Izola,
August 16, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
A spectacular week of fishing in many areas
rT'he fishing doesn't get
| much better for king fish- ,
Sermen than it did last
Tuesday and Wednesday in the'
spoil area. Slow trollers couldn't
keep baits in the water. Sailfish
cruising in the same schools of
bait was an added bonus.
Chum fishermen are warm-
ing up for the August rup of big
tarpon but to get to, the tarpon
you have to fish through the
Jonathan Moran and Charlie
Keen on the "Fished Out,"
Capt. Dennis Young and crew
on the "Sea Dancer" and Capt.
Kirk Waltz on the "Enterprise"
were the first to find the kings
Tuesday morning in the spoil
area. For several hours they
enjoyed some of the season's
best fishing.
Capt. Kirk with Mike
Schmidt, Dave Mickler and
Mike's son John caught 14
kings to 36 pounds, five Sharks
and a barracuda.
Jonathan Moran and Charles
Keen came into the spoil area a
few minutes later and not only
had 16 kings but caught a beau-
tiful sailfish.
On Wednesday morning the
bite was still on. Capt. Kirk on
his "Enterprise" with David
Bissel and son Brandon were
trolling the red hot spoil area,
again. They caught 13 kings, a
'cuda and two sharks. After
lunch they stopped by the jet-
ties and caught three redbass.
Another great day.
On Wednesday, Charles
Keen, James Gergley and' .
Jonathan Moran on Charles'
"Fished Otit" caught 25 kings
and 12 'cuda.
Capt. Steve Proctor with his
children, nine-year-old Carson
and 11-year-old Zachery and
Callen on the "Blue Magic,"
were in the bite early on
Wednesday morning, too, and
brought their limit of eight
kings into the boat within an
They just sat and watched
the action for another hour. A
trip to remember for the
Proctor crew.
Capt. Dennis Young and his
party on the "Sea Dancer" were
back on Wednesday morning
and stayed hooked up all mom-
..ing ,iJhey.:cugbU6.kings ,
before going offshore and
catching another dozen and
jumping a sail fish.
Butch Garvin and Lowell
Breeding got a late start
Wednesday morning on the
"Early Times" but immediately
put a 35-pound cobia iri the
boat along with several nice
Capt. Kevin Faver on his
"Double K" found tarpon in the
St. Augustine bait pods Sunday,
morning. Allen Hieb worked
these pods with Kevin and
caught big tarpon.
Capt. Bob Langston on his
"Gaff. It" 'with his guestsBernie
Bulah and Carl Manges
chummed off shanty town last
Saturday morning. Bemie
caught his first tarpon at about
50 pounds. Both Bernie and
Carl fought 12 big sharks.
Capt. Mike Morris and his
fishing partner David King
chummed the red tops last
Friday morning. Mike caught a
100-pounder and jumped
another. They also caught 10
sharks: On another trip up the
river Mike and David iced
down 70 vellowmouth trout.
Last Sunday Capt. David King
with his grandson Michael
fished his favorite spot at
Nassau Sound.and caught 42
whiting, 14 pompano and
seven jacks. .
Capt. Randall Dyal chummed
off shanty town last Thursday
morning with John Holmes,
Chris Ryan and Richard
Hardwick. They caught seven
huge blacktips weighing 150
Jetty Guide Fred Morrow
took his friend, Johnny Nettles,
and his son Brad to Nassau
Sound last week and they
pulled in 22 whiting and 28
James Gergley with Mike
Tantarich on the "Head
Hunter" last Tuesday chummed
off P.V. with pogies. They had
plenty of action fighting 15 big
Capt. Dave Sipler fished the
jetties last Friday with the
Martin Hamm family. They
Pulled in eight redbass to 30
inches, two sharks and a
stingray. On another trip Capt.
Dave, with Charles Cox,
anchored at the jetties and
caught four redbass and three
SCapt. Bill Wilderotter fished
with friends Morris Anderson,
Chuck Darner and Francis
Porecase on his "All She Wrote"
,last Thursday. They trolled just
inside P.M. and M.G. for their
limit of kingfish.and lots of
'cudas weighing up to 30
pounds. A great day.
Canal guide John Dyrssen
with friend John Dalahardt
from Blue Spring, Missouri,
worked the feeder creeks last
Wednesday with live shrimp
and caught 14 speckled trout
and one yellowmouth.
Adam Ross, and his friend
Patrick Law, put their live
shrimp in the creeks around the
little jetties and caught three
flounder, 10 jacks and several
ladyfish last Saturday.
Dustin Stayton and Mike
Wilson used both live and dead
shrimp at the mouth of their
favorite creeks to catch trout
and redbass. On their trip last
week they caught eight nice
reds keeping their limit of two,
of course.
Capt. Jim Bell, with his son
Matt on their "Renegade," with
Aaron, Andrew, Chance and
Chase Dennis and their dad
Charles used fresh dead shrimp
about 100 yards off the beach
at south P.V. and caught 48
whiting, yellowmouth and
Capt. Freddy Bridges, on his
"Bodacious" with his wife Judy
and sons-in-law Steven Bonn
and Daniel Kelly, fished nine
mile on Saturday with live bait
and caught a big dolphin, a 28-
pound king and lots of 'cuda.
Jimmy Holt slow trolled
Dunns Run on his
"Hunt'n'Fish" and boated nine
kings to 25 pounds; ." ,
S Photo submitted
Mike Wilson with a redbass he caught last week fishing feeder creeks off the canal with his friend
Dustin Slayton.
Charles Keen finished a great
week of fishing from his
"Fished Out" on Saturday by
catching a pair of sailfish along
with eight kings.
Northeast winds interrupted
the party ground bottom fish-
ing last Sunday but earlier in
the week anglers on both the
"layport Princess" and "King
Neptune" registered great catch-
Ses of stringer fish.
Anglers reported that they
had an extraordinary number
of tuhowback snapper just a lit-
tle too small to keep, but
seabass, beeliners, triggeffish,
cobia and kings had them smil-
ing most of the week.
Calvin Hoime and Monte
Davis had the best flesh water
report last week. They used
crickets to catch 96 bluegills at
Hanna Park.
Capt. Eddie Smith on his
"Turtle" Thursday morning.
with Raymond and Gene
Smith, Lindsey Williams and
John Woods caught a few kings
in the spoil area before moving
out to P.M. to finish the day .
with 15 kings to 27:pounds and
two 'cuda.
On Friday the Bumett family
from Atlanta, Tom, Maria,
,Elizabeth and Yancey with
,Photo submitted
Eric Tate gets ready to release his first tarpon caught recently
with Capt. James Campbell.
Capt. Eddie, went back to P.M. and Bob Schneider. They
and caught eight kings and four caught seven kings to 20
barracuda and on Thursday pounds on their half day.
Capt. Eddie's guests wer Jason- --God Fishin':" -
-. *-.
Pa i; 2R
"CLA6r 20h c a nVr dg
Jones and Jones-Drew shine in preseason opener
A s the Jacksonville Jaguars
Prepare for their first
A home preseason game
Saturday night against
Carolina, Coach Jack Del Rio
has a lot to mull over, but
maybe a lot to be cheerful
about, too.
He's not happy about the
way the Jaguars staggered
about like a drinking horse in
the first quarter down in
Miami, but he liked the way
the offense suddenly came to
in the second period when'it
was down 10-zip.
What was going on, fans and
aides alike wondered. How
come the Byron Leftwich
machine was sputtering like an
old Tin Lizzie?
Then the sun shone through
despite the night air, the U.S.
Marines spiritually arrived and:
presto! the Jaguars had come to
and were on the way to a tie
game, thanks to a stadium-
shaking 50-yard play from
Leftwich to Matt Jones on one
of the beautiful pass-catch-runs
the Jags have seen since way
back in the Jiifmy Smith days.
That was followed by a 21-
yard field goal by Seth Marler,
brought back from the Twinlight
Zone to fill in for wounded
Josh Scobee.
If Marler goes down, maybe
they can bring back Mighty
Mouse Mike Hollis, one'of the
early heroes in Jaguars history.
Mike would fit right in with
diminuitive Maurice Drew and
Chad .Owens.
But the first story of the
night, and maybe the biggest
of all, despite the 31-26 victory
over the Dolphins, was the,
long-awaited star flash of the
Arkansas traveler, Matt Jones.
That was the dazzling kind of
catch-and-scoot and dodging
the enemy Jaguars fans have
waited to see since the team
drafted him last year.
Oh, Matthew, what kept you
so long? Minus his golden
locks (some claimed he met a
gal named Delilah and drifted
off to sleep on a date, maybe
that's improved his speed.
After some of the draft duds
in.recent years, it's encouraging
to see Matt Jones turning into
what Wayne Weaver and staff
expected when they opened
the safe to him in the 2005
Del Rio really didn't expect
to play the starters much after
the opening stanza and didn't.
This, as everyone knows, is the
time to test the newcomers
and see what they have to
offer, if anything.
It's also a time to let quarter-
backs David Garrard and
Quinn Gray out of cold stor-
age, massage them back to life
and let them' play with the big
boys. It gets lonesome being
Garrard once again showed
why he would make some
team a valuable starting QB,
passing for 172 yards (6-for-1l)
and two touchdowns. This, of,
course, is only preseason, but
Garrard has proved himself
when filling in for ile injured
SQuinn Gray got the most of
his short tenure, completing
two-of-four and also having a
When they finally got going,
the Jaguars offense looked
about as well as expected, but
it took a while to come to the
The defense, expected to be
ready, was way behind and if it
hadn't been for an offense that
produced three THREE -
touchdown passes of more
than 50 yards, this game would
have gone down me drain.
Ironically, all three of those
passes were divided among the
three J'pitchers.
'Leftwich is in no danger of
losing his job. Heaven forbid.
Mr. Weaver and Coach James
Harris will see to that But it's
comforting to know'there are
understudies who wouldn't be
a disgrace if pushed into play-
ing duty.
And whatever became of
Jonathan Quinn?
The.entire story Saturday:
night wasn't about Matt Jones
and the lng passes. Vhat
about Maurice Drew, also
known as Maurice Jones-Drew?
He made a dandy reception on:
a Garrard pass and made his
Miami chasers look like turtles
trying to catch the hare, charg-
ing those 55 yards for a score.
They couldn't even catch the
hyphen in.his name, much less
his coattails..
Jones-Drew stands to get just
as much attention and praise
as expected when he was draft-
ed. He carried for 16 yards, in
four trips and returned a kick-
off for 20 yards. Ewen his quote
was colorful..
"I don't have to worry about
the coach behind, me telling
me to move left or right,". he
said. "I'm just out there doing
what I want to do."
If he keels that up, the
coaches won't bother him.
It must have influenced Chad
Owens, the other 5-foot, 7-inch
receiver who scored on a 62-
yarder from Garard. Put them
together and Drew and Owens
could pass for bookends.
The Jags got lucky in Miami.
This week the defense must
also show ip.
Moms running group opens local chapter
Jacksonville Beach's Carrisa
Clifton has become the local
Representative for Web site
seeMOMMYrun.com, a new
non-profit organization that
helps moms find free running or
walking groups nationwide.
Clifton is one of more than
14,000 women representing
seeTMOMMY IYrun.com, and..
mothers everNywhere, to provide
free get together for running'
and walking moms.
The seeMOMMYrun organiza-
tion showcases the fact that
women can set and achieve per-
sonal goals while still providing
Sfor -their children and families.
The group believes active moms
are sometimes the first and most
important role models for their
children, inspiring them to get
involved in sports and lead a,,
healthy lfestwle.
The seeMONMMYrun 20Q6
membership is made up of
women ages 24 to 46 in states
across the country..Groups'
paces, fitness routines, and run- .
ning.or walking goals vary great-
ly. One might see groups meet-
ing at local parks, participating
in local 5K running events,
marathons, and even triathlons
SeeMOMMYrun participants.
represent various stages of moth-
erhood, some %vith one young
baby while others manage three
or. four children. Some of the'
mothers work full-time while
others stay at home with their.
kids. ,
Clifton is the Group Leader for
Sthe Jacksonville Beachcombers..
She is also a part-time yoga
instructor and Arbonne
Consultant. With, the help of
her 16-month-old daughter, Lily,
and co-leaders Lesley -and
daughter Carolihe Clifton orga-
nizes walks, play-dates, and
social gatherings.
The Jacksonville Beach-
combers are 23 members strong
and growing,, according to.
The seeMOMMYIrun.com or-
ganization was formed to inspire
women everywhere to get out-'
side, 'with or without the kids,
and stay active, Mfoms wiho par-
ticipate in sports can serve. as
role models for their children,
Shelling kids steer clear of major
issues such as childhood obesity
and even heart disease later in
life.'; .
Getting the kids off the couch,
away from the computer for-a
little while, and outside, to goy
the fresh air is a goal of the o"ga-
nization. SeeMONMhfYrun hopes
that seeing their moms rumung
Pr,.C;. u:,.i-ne
Carissa Clifton, with daughter Lily (third from right) is the -.
Jacksonville Beach representative of seeMOMMYrun.com.
or walking on a regular basis will
greatly influence a child's, desire
to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
SeeMOfMMYrun.com is a free,
,informational Web portal; that
allows moms to communicate
and make their own arrange-
ments for running or walking
together in groups. The site pro-
vides interactive schedule,.,
group sign-ups, local race sched-
ules; and advice for active moms
who want to include baby in
their workout routines.
The site helps women stay
motivated and dedicated to stay-
ing fit while also forming, like-
minded friendships for mothers
of all ages and stages, as well as
friendships for their children.
Visit w\w.seeNMOMMY run.com
for more information about
groups nation) de. ,
iall registration fo Jackson\ille
Beach Babe Ruth baseball will
take place Saturday. Aug. 19 from
9 a.m. until noon at the conces-
sion stand behind Seabreeze
Elementary School. League is for
: players ages13-15 as of April 30.
Registration fee is $95. For
additional information phone. ..
Russ Furtick at 220-0784.
Beaches Basketball League at.
St. Paul's School includes an 8-
game season for kids ages 3 to
rising 6th graders. Four divisions
of play iill be featured: Pre-K
Ico-ed i, K-lst ico-ed 2nd-3rd
boys and guls teams and 4th to
rising 6th with separate:boys and
girls teams.
Cost is $85 and all players
Receive a T-shirt and trophy. For
more information \isit beaches-
basketball.com or phone Tommy
Hulihan at 349-2611, .
SMy Gim Children's Fitness
Center features programs for
children ages three months to 13'
years old. Programs help kids
develop physically, cognitively.
Sand emotionally.
Strucur ed, age-appropriate
weekly classes incorporate music,
dance, relays, games, gymnastics,
sports and more.
For more information phone
Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
For more information or to
register, visit www..i9sports.com.
S AGES 4-20
Fall Season Sign-up
818 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch
Sign-up Sat. 8/19
From 9:00 a.m. Noon
Only $8.50/wk. Reg. fee $26.
Call 249-3600 for info.
Ask about youth bowling.
Adult Leagues also forming,
SSun.-Thur., 249-5416 for info,.,
Ft Y ~
Aill w ow .
-Page 3B
Auioust 16.i 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 16, 2006
Pets & Animals Service Guide cont.
300 Pets 650 Painting
310 Pets for Sale 651 Pest Control
330 Stables/Livestock' 652 Plumbing
340 Lost/Found Pets 653 Pools
Announcements 654 Photography
400 Notices 655 Rain Gutters
405 Travel 660 Remodel/Const.
415 Personals, 665 Repair
420 Legal Services 670Roofing
425 Legal Notices 675 Sprinkler & Wells
440 Misc. Lost/Found 677 Tree Service
450 Instructions/Schools 678Tile
The Beaches Leader!
Ponte Vedra Leader
THURS., 11 A.M.
$7.10 First 10 Words
470 each add'l word
$8.10 First 10 Words
470 each addI' word
Hours: Mon. Fri.
8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32250
Real Estate. :. Rentals
100 Real Estate, 200 Rental
110 Lj0s'Lanrd or Sale 215 Hoine for Rent
120 Homes for Sale 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estate 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240M.H. for Rent,
130 Condos for Sale 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgage~; '270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room tor Rent
S for.Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm. Property 285 Comm. Rental
185 Industrial
380 Upr;i Iery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
Health Services
'700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Sere.
730 Caregivers
For Sale
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade '
830 Cohsignment
Garage Sales
,840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach'
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport/
857 Ponte Vedra
S858 West Beaches
s 859 Jacksonville
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boa1s
930 Motorcycles.
950 Campers/RV's
970 TrucksNans
980 Automobiles
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which, makes it illegal to advertise 'any
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Steve.McGuire, 246-9915.
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owner (904)742-6423.
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OWN YOUR own island 3/2 w/sunroom
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goon front- Must Seel 904-477-1368.
3BR/2BA home + duplex, 4 blocks to
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altor, Vanguard Realty,'(904)465-3053.
Townhouse 3BR/2BA, 1334sf, laminate
flooring 1st floor,' fenced yard, french
doors to patio, 1927 Mary Street. Excel-
lent condition, $149,900, 333-4641.
I.C. WEST- Kernan Forest. 2004 execu-
'tlve home, 5BR/4BA, 2-car, 2,650+s.f.
$409,500. Independent brokers 710-3111.
NASSAU MARSHFRONT w/tidal creek A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/2.5 1600sf 2 car
access to Nassau River. 2.68 acres w/gor- arage, built 2002, $246K OBO, 658
geous view. $268,000. OBO. 241-4876. Stocks 534-4848.
ADORABLE BEACH home, 3/2, 1 car car- BEACHES
port, large backyard for entertaining BEACHES
w/new swim spa and decking throughout, COURTYARDS -A.B. Rented until March
sitting on two large city lots, beautiful '07, this 2/2 condo near base/ beaches is
oaks. Reduced to $343,500. 941 Ruth perfect for 1st time buyer or investor. Pri-
Ave. Motivated seller,(904)338-4303. vate courtyard area, no stairs, flat unit.
COASTAL Realty Wonderwood, nice, 3/2, 2 car gar, freshly'
PALMS @ MARSH LANDING painted, new vinyl and more.$194,900..
2BR/ 2BA condo, upgraded tile & carpet, 'ICW
backs to preserve, motivated seller. VILLAS AT CROSS CREEK- 3/2, 2 car
$203,999. gar., nice lot, stainless appliances, Keman
WATERFRONT- HECKSHER DR. area. $198,000.
Coastal living home w/ pool & dock, over HARBOURR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar.
4000sf. $924,900 .: Newer area, very open, beaut.stone fire-
VILLAGES OF PABLO place, fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac. lot, community schools/beaches. Just listed.,$219,900.
pool and tennis, minute to the Beaches A+ ASHLEY WOODS- 4/2, 2 dar gar. over
School. $288,900. 2000sf. This home is better inan new,
.WATERFRONT ICW really. Huge kitchen, and master bed and
Ponte Vedra Bch.- Roscoe Blvd. Custom bath. Forral dining, and formal living,
built. New Construction, over 4000sf (currently used as office) or 4th bdrm. 2
75x400 lot. Call for email of floor plan yrs. old. $275,000.
$1 925 million. SAN PABLO & BEACH BLVD AREA-
ISLE OF PALMS Tivoli Subdiv. Nice, 3/2, 2 car gar, minutes
3BR/ 2BA, all brick, 2+ garage, backs to from beaches, shopping, newer home, Ig.
small creek leading, to ntracoastal, yard. $248,900.
$289,900. ARLINGTON
.... --.......... RA seen to be, appreciated. Older nice area
Totally remodeled 4BR/ 2.5BA, limestone seen to be appreated. Older nice area
flooring, slate countertops, custom cabi- buthome has beere-done. Your own
nets and lighting. Owned by professional R for only RE $ 318 0 /2.5 Ton-
kitchen/. bath designer. GORGEOUSI FOREST- 3/2.5 Town-
Must seel $549,900 home with gar. 1600sf. reduced to
TWO 1 BR1BA loft Ponte Vedra Beach ARLINGTON HILLS- Cute, 3/2, covered
Condos, upgrades including granite & tile. parking, nic yard Great starter
floors, 'fireplace, custom lighting, private 14.900 a
beach access, tennis, fitness room. 1 unit NORTH JAX
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900. DAMES PT.AREA-DUNNS PLANTA-
15TH AVE. S.- SOUTH JAX BEACH TION, 4/3, over 30K in upgrades, below
Key West style cottage, adorable with 'appraisalbetter than a model home
huge great room, private backyard, great $298,900.
for entertaining, Low maintenance 'and- CRESTWICK CROSSING- Pulaski area,
escaping. $323,900. near schools/ shopping, newer 4/2,,
WINDSOR POINTE CONDO 2200sf. approx., priced for quick sale at
Motivated seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs $239,900.
unit, fireplace, wood floors, 1car garage. BONAPARTE CROSSING, newer home,
Offered at $154,900. 4/2; near schools & snops $237.000
Dolphin Cove, PVB 3BRi2BA huge cor- M R .
ner lot. all brc, cul-de-sac, updated tile in 221-1711 OR 241-5501.
Main living area Ready lo go! 5304.900.
3BR. 3BA wilarge bonus room, popular Charming 3BR/2BA sep. LRjDR. FR w'
Iloor plan w/formal living/ dining room, fireplace. screened patio, eating kitchen.
covered lanai., in ground swim spa. Of- new roof, carpet & paint $499,500.
lered at $339.500. (9041249-3213
3BR/2.5BA, corner lot exc condition JAX BEACH- 5 blocks to ocean. 3/2.5
close to Deaches & schools $269 500 1974sf; beach cottage. Bonus rm. large
JACKSONVILLE BEACH 17x23 family rm, formal dining. rm,,kitchen
SUpgraded home in San Pablo Circle, with 42' maple cabinet, new carpet &
3BRI2BA home wispacious masler suite. paint. huge deck, wood spa Move in
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate- ready Musl seel 561 Upper 8th Ave. S.,:
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900. $434,900. 534,7380
3BR/2BA. Large lot. no HOA. beaulifulful, home. 3BR,2BA. 1895sl $284,900 OBO.
views. Ovelookng marsh. $324,900 Bng all oers. Independent Brokers
NEAR NOChTEE- NEASE HS 710-3111. .
4/2 HOMEin Walden Chase off CR 210,
never lived in, huge great room, $349,900. FSBO 3/2 East of 3rd Street, 3603 1st St.
Call: 904-241-4447 Soulh. Email. ed iabor@respironcscom
ww.helpusell.com/coastalrealty BENTWATER- ICW. 4BR/2BA. 4200sl.
ilit- nal -lak Iot l--rSr S9o 95 000
3BR/2.5BA 1852sf stucco home w/granite
countertops, crown 'molding & lush land-
scaping. Too -many upgrades to mention
$374,900. Call' Stephanie Reynolds,
(904)333-8321. Keller Williams Realty
2BR/1.5BA, '6 blocks to ocean, 1300sf.,
fireplace, fenced yard, retails for $270K,
needs $15K in repairs, asking only $220K
:,OB, I'llpay $5K of your closing costs.
(904)534-4848. ..,
PONTE bRA' BbaqIld, 'efigilapids. New
roof, attached .garage,: 2BR/2BA, large
.comer lot. $59 association 'des includes
pool, tennis, lawn service, 'pest control,
termite bond. Priced undermarket value
for quick sale. $225,000. 423-768-0384.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA,1500st, lust
remodeled. 42' Hickory cabinets, granile
counter tops, travertine Iloors bamboo in
dining room. Berber carpel, nol lub. 2 car
garage, $318,000, 463-0505.
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass TPC, 3/2, 2
car garage, lake, cul de sac great shape,
moving $309.000 352-634-1805
'4/2.5, pool spa, 2984st. boat slip sepa-
rate, 465-4328. MLS# 312424 $419,000.
OPEN HOUSE, Jax Beach, Sunday 3.
5pm 3BR 2BA, corner lot. wood floors.
move-in ready. Very nice. 802 3rd Ave. N.
SVanguard GMAC RE 803-6560
Ocean view 2540sl 1 2 block to ocean,
1/2 block to town center. Numerous. up-
grades. Reduced $799,500. 115 Orange'
SI Biroker/owner. 725 0302 or 887-8237.
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Starter Homel 618-1
Dutton Island Dr. West., 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof. windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appointment only Call David
247-0665 (home), 704-2337 (cell)
community, direct lake with spectacular
views.' Impeccable, 3BR/2BA, single story
"doll house"' With deck, open floor plan/10'
ceilings, all upgrades. 2-car garage,
$399,000, (904)543-1386, 891-1388(cell).
FSBO, 4BR/3BA, large private lot,
6 blocks to beach $335,000.463-3738
JAX BEACH. 5BR/2BA, 2300sf On 2 lots.
..New roof, heat pump, plumbing & siding.
$425,000 OBO. 249-8637.
FSBO, AT the :beach. Adorable
'3BR/1BA + bonus. Fenced yard. 1551
Sunset Dr Jax Bch. $284,900. 241-6102.
mam~' ~ ~3i;;'memmg smuilli.....
me, pooi, aiare Iot, cui-acisfi uun^,uu.
NC MOUNTAINS 7 acres on mountain top
in gated community, view, trees, waterfall
& large public lake nearby, paved private
access, $99,500 owner (866)789-8535
LIVE IN AB <$400.000 5 blocks to ocean,
lakelronl, pool. 3BR'2.5BA, 2 car garage
See to appreciate. 518 Seiva Lakes Cir-
cle. $395 000 904-994-4220.
EXECUTIVE COUNTRY hpo.e,neatr qiqG
'ville,. lakeiew., iiupujajgg, m ter- I'!L
wiolice. 4,,3 2950si, 5 aces, ull 2002.
$469,000. nadependen Brokers 904-710-
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA,tbwnhouse, ce-
ramic tile floors, CH&A, laundry room, ap-
pliahces, patio, privacy' fenced yard,
$1000/mo, no pets, 1 year: lease,
This'upscale 3br.' 2 1/2Da lownnome has i1
asll Superior quality and construction. De-
signer finisnes, coral stone floors, granite
counters Fabulous roohop deck Steps to
beach. Move in condition. 323 7th St.
$729,000. 242-8081.
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar
Newer area, very open, beaut. stone fire.
place, fenced yard, comer lot Close to
schools' Deacnes Just listed. $219,900.
221-1711 or 241-5501.
,FSBQ. 4BR/2BA,9 Walden Chase, large.
fenced yard, PV Schools. Close attorney
provided. $299,000. 382-0877.
JB: 832 1st St S and/or 111 9th Ave S.
Two beach houses, oceanview, 241 7634.
701 BEGONIA St. W., AB. Single family
home, 3BR/ 2BA, Ig fenced yard, new
roof, $195,000. 339-2066.
ISLE OF Palms 3'2 new paint inside &
out, fixtures, carpel, windows, landscap-
ing, sprinkler system, A/C &. roof.
'$265,000. Tim 509-9071.
3BR/2BA, 2025sf, community boat ramp,
$324,900, Magnolia* Properties
MLS#309909. Call 465-4328, 348-5665.
3BR/2BA, 1328sl, end unit townhome,
great condition, gorgeous landscaping,.
.new siding, new A/C, lantasllc location
$182,900,'Realty Executives Ponle Vedra.
Call Ivana 891 9157
2 x "ec e ,,
Sought after Marsh Sound!!
4BR/3BA, 2467 SF. Lovekl home on a Cul-de-
Ssac, corner lot. Vol. ceilings with custom ule and
Carpet throughout. Huge Master Suite ,/ tre\
Sceiligs, ga deptub. Great room wiih 'ftreplace.
scii Ph Wt .A %fedfour sound-AI)T secunit
sys. AHS home warrant. REDUCED! $374,000.
Call Evelyn & Steve Martin, .
and "Double the Magic"
(904) 887-7053 Evelyn s Cell
(904) 887-7409 Steve's Cell
Put.the "Martin Magic" to work for you today!
Website: www.ihemartinmagic.com .\ '
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA condo. Pnced
Delow marker. Inlo & photos @
www.torsalebyownercenler com/44592
Call 285-3014.
13715 N. Richmond'Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Pointe, $184,900. 3BR/2BA, 1500sf.
w/garage. Lowest priced condo in Wind-
sorl Beautiful family room, bright kitchen &'
convenient inside laundry room, gorgeous
master suite w/walk-in closet & private
bathl Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @
PVB CONDO, 2BR/2BA, golf view, close
to beach. $212K, lease/ purchase option.
2BR/2BA CONDO in gated community
w.,marsn view Unii has rile, vaulted ceil-
ing and new appliances. Great amieni-
Iles! Unit omes winew 32' plasma TV at
closing. $199 900 Call James 708-0880.
Estate sale! Deluxe 2/2 new.unit, lake-
view, many upgrades! Resort pool, park
setting, $14k below market, $217k. Open
Sunday 904-284-5251;
do for SALE in Mayport Landing. 2/2,
1041sf. $130,000. Call (904)-338-7350 for
more info.'
Affordable Sunsets!
1 Block from the beach for under $300K! 2/2 upstairs,
double-entry, exposed brick, corner fireplace. quiet
Balcony, and much more. Start enjoying your
new life at the beach today!
Call Betzy Santiago
Paoe '4R
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanied
520 Job Services
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care '
550, Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601 Air Conditionihg
602 Allerations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
?609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning :
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
631 Computer Service!
634 Lawn Mower
635 Lawn Svc/
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boatingy
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 M 'ving.l Sl iage-
648 Pressure Washing
19%%^%% % BEACH RENTALS NTA S % % %% %
SUnfurnished Homes Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Unfurnished Condos
' Sawgrass Players PV 3BR/2BA, w/screened porch, fenced backyard, large Ocean Links PV
Spacious home, interior completely lot. $1300/mo. Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
Remodeled, light and bright, 2 car garage. Las Palmas PV 3BP 2BA duplex 2BR/2BA, second floor. $1100/mo.
S$2650/mo. w/new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh Palms at MarshLanding JB -
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story paint. $1200/mo. Scre d ti frs, amnitie.
Some w/screened porch on water, 2 car Furnished Homes Screened porch, tile floors, amenities.
garage. $1850/mo. Villages, of Vilano SPY 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA, ground floor, recently updated.
SSolano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, $900/mo. I
S home w/spacious floor plan, patio, comm. garage, amenities. $1400/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, vaulted
Spool. $1700/mo. lntracastal West ceilings. $1150/mo.
Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA, new 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top/end unit, garage.
wall new interior, tile floors, garage, end unit townhouse, screened porch, $1195/mo.
fenced backyard. $1500/mo. preserve views, amenities. $1095/mo. Summerhouse PV
S.Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, Point Meadows Gate Pkwy 3BR/2BA Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen,
, townhouse has loft, garage, patio, very 4th floor w/elevator, all appliances, fitness
neutral and clean. $1500/mo. center, club pool. $1150/mo. tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities.
neutral and clean. $1500/mo. center, club pool. $1150/mo.
434 9th Avenue N.- JB 3BR/1BA, home Pablo Point- San Pablo 3BR/2BAhome 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1000mo.
Shas hardwood floors, all new interior, on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard, 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo
fenced backyard. $1495/mo. two car garage. $1500/mo ,
Beach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2"d story Riverbrook at Olen Kernan Hodges -R
Sduplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood 5BR/3BA brick home w/fenced backyard, r REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
floors. $1400/mo. corer lot, 2700sqft, two car garage $1895/mo. Shannon Smith
SBeach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA, home w/ Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer e(904) 285-5640s
Swood deck on lagoon, beach cabana, home on water, upgrades throughout, open www.rentthe
' comm. pool & tennis. $1400/mo. floor plan. $1995/mo.
5 19, Ii 5 5 Ii S, 0% S, I;
on lake w/2917sf., screened pool and spa,
bonus room, wood and tile floors, in-law
suite, 3 car garage, WOWI $679,000..
Contact Phyllis Staines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or
visit www.pstaines.com
Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sf. w/great room, 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $529K will co-op.
MOVE IN READY, updated and refinished
3BR/2.5BA home located at 1404 Decla-
ration Dr. Jax Beach. This solid'brick
home sits on a beautiful lake view lot and
is close to beaches, shopping and the
JTB. Just reduced and: ready to sell 904-
4/2 HOME w/ pool on comer lot. Great
neighborhood. $369,900. Call for details
824-5287 or 509-7340.
MOTIVATED SELLER. Renovated 3/2 sfh
Atl Bch W. New features incid: entrance
doors, deck, sinks, toilets, master tub, mo-.
saic kitchen counter, mosaic master bath
I floor. Fenced backyd landscaped small
front yard w-privare garden entry. Home
warranty 8 $250 Lowes gith cert Looking
for quick sale. $184.500 (negotiable)
cul-de-sac, screened porch, $230,000.
4 miles to beach. Renovated $259,000
12778 Sekani Way 1904)521-7021.
3BR/1BA, large Iol, walk ro parks/beach
NJewer kllcnen floors and AC Appraised at
$225.000. sell below appraisal at
$210,000 Great investment opportunity
651-6748 or 247-9244.
1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key West style 2-story. only
3 years young, over 2100sl, locale in hai.
den paradise, a 'marsh front community.
First floor master bedroom suite, master
bath w/lacuzzi and separate shower Gas
irplc. wigas appliances, cozy screened
porcn, custom draperes. and blinds plus
all appliances convey. Asking $384.900
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online atwww.jaxbesthomes.com
FSBO, NEPTUNE Bch. 3BR/3BA, shake/
shingle home, excellent condition. 227
North St: $549,000. (904) 233-2151:.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 562 N Nautical Bou-
levard. 302/2 1380SF Complelely Reno-
valea New Kilchen Buyer incentives ol-
lered. Owner-Agenl. Cornerstone Realty,
Inc 904-339-0231
INTRACOASTAL WATER, deep waler ac-
cess 3BR/2.5BA. 1800sl, new root. hard.
wood floors, 2 car garage. 2 boat lifts.
.$549,000. 463-0505.
EAST OF A1A 2BR'2BA condo. No mini-
mum lease lerm $299 900. Kathy Tiliakos
realtor, Vanguard Realry. 465-3053.
IC WEST, off N. Keman, Mt. Pleasant
S/D, 4/2/2, 1850sf, new paint, carpet, tile
& more. $248,500. 318-3719.
SELVA LAKES condo for sale- on lake.
3BR/ 2.5BA, new kitchen- cabinets & ap-
pliances, 'many upgrades, screen porch.
$359,900. Call (904)247-8418.
3BR/2.5BA has 2705sf. w.spacious open
family room, gas fireplace, formal dining,
loft, over $71,000 in upgrades! Two
screened lanais, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock. $889,000.
Contact Phyllis Staines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD or
visit www.pstaines.com
Saturday 11-2pm. FABULOUS custom
built home on the marsh. 3yrs old, 5BR
3.5BA, swimming pool, hot tub, gourmet
kitchen. 1542 Emma Ln. Stop byl Van-
guard GMAC RE. 803-6560.
JAX BEACH, 942 16th Avenue North.
3/1.5 1712SF. Large Yard & only 8 blocks
to.the beach. Buyer incentives offered.
Owner-Agent. Cornerstone Realty, Inc.
WATER FRONTI Newly..Remodeled!
FSBO, Gorgeous view, everything newly
2/2, single family, Sawgrass TPC, Below
market price! $284,900. (914)371-9088.
With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
4/2, fml Ir/dr $285k
12929 Deep River Way
.21 acres reduced $30k
Spacious 3/2 + office S275k
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $15k
4/2 on .27 acres $345k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai
r, 200
M-6.0~p i~lr
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Villa, beautifully renovated, good income
history. $259,900, (904)962-6876.
LIVE AT the beach for under $150,0001
Adorable 1 BR/1BA condo w/marsh views,
new paint, new flooring & screened-in pa-
tio. $148,900. Call Stephanie Reynolds
(904)333-8321, Keller Williams Realty.
So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new, rede-
veloped Oceans Edge. E. of Third. Luxuri-
ous 1BR 1BA condo, 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties. Must sell 299,900. Call June Gage-
Pettit, Magnolia Properties, 994-3608.
2BR/2BA CONDO, 1-mile to beach, close
to shopping, granite countertops, wood &
berber throughout, w/marsh view. Gated
community Including gym, pool, & tennis.
$227,500 plus 6 months of prepaid condo
fees. Call Ted (904) 537-7896.
2BR/2BA. Less 1 mi. to beach. 1156sf.,
refurbished 2005: new tile & capet, paint,
kitchen, etc Security gated community,
alarm, cathedral ceilings, walk in closet,
cent. air, screened in porch. Without a re-
altor I will negotiate price. $210,900
JAX BEACH- 2 yr old 3/2 garage, consider'
lease option, 259,900. -Owner/ Agent.
PONTE VEDRA, 1BR/1BA, 750sf., open
floor plan, 1car garage, hickory cabinets,
granite countertops; Travertine stone
flo slate shower. $199,900.,
CONDO 2BR/2BA. Gate Parkway area.
Home is on the pool w/balcony. Adjacent
to clubhouse. Gorgeous views. Includes
wood floors, granite counter tops, stain-
less appliances, W/D, wainscot, fluted
casing, crown'molding; new Ilghtrig and
plumming, walk in closets. Property in-
cludes computer lab, fitness center and
other amenities. $192,000. 3184542
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $519,900. Owner/ agent
VALENCIA NEW Luxury condo.
2BR/2.5BA. 1622sf. Upgrades, end unit.
Ready in fall. $469K. (904) 716-9236.
_^^ A '._' ...-v
PVB. 1BR/1BA, 550sf, tiled, new applian-
ces, ground floor. $145,900. 285-6325
,Many units priced thousands below ap-
praised value. Fabulous Costa Verano
Condo over 2200sf. Call for details and,
appointments. ASSIST 2 SELL Buyers &
Sellers Real Estate. Call 247.4442 or 568-
6909 or 568-6887. Ask for Shirley Lee or
Ed Quasky.
PVB- 2/2 Townhouse' built In computer
station In loft, pool,, tennis, $214,900.
SCH Consulting Broker 710-8858.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $485,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
1 Bedroom with great ocean view, W/D,
BEAC HES ceramic tile floors, balcony, walk-in closet,
reserved parking. $925 Ocean View
AREHOUSE Apartments, 160 7th Avenue North
-USE 993-2555. www.BeachesApartments.com
F--- ImP I ONTEd VAEDIA 2BR/2B coodA q nCu
2/1 townhouse, W/D Included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 405 14th Ave. S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $800/mo, $900/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
by PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condol Club
22. pool, exercise & morel $975/mo.
3BR/2BA, $1100/mo. All South Realty,
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean.'No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
1/2 BLOCK ocean; Ig 2-3BR/ 1BA apt.
$1350/mo. 249-3970.
J.AX BEACH, 4. Blocks to Ocean. PV BCH, Solano Woods; 3BR 2BA, Call
1BR/1rBAApartment, $550/o..220 4th Cindy Brown, PVB Realty, 613-6423.
Street n t.nn4 R.ni-nRnR- (3Ra47R-21R1i
ATLANTIC BCH townhome. 2/2, fresh
paint,, squeaky clean, private patio, all
appl. Half mile to greatbeach. $875/mo
plus dep. 422-5091.
2 large bedrooms- 1 1/2 baths including
refrigerator w/ ice maker, dishwasher,
washer & dryer, separate dining area, fire-
place in living room, completely carpeted,
fresh & clean. Includes pool, security sys-
tem plus additional outside locked stor-
Sage facility. $850/mo, lyr lease, deposit &
references required. Call evenings 285-
8325 or cell 403-9297.
DOUBLE WIDE, 3BR/2BA. It was an
artist's paradise.' New simulated wood
floors in kitchen and den. Asking.$16,000.,
SINGLE WIDE. Must See Interior. Close
to beach. Jacuzzi tub and tile W/D includ-
ed. Asking $8500. 992-2265.
2850sf., $2850/mo includes elec. & water.
Call Bart @ 241-3111 (Ext. 11).
hc-awr~L.= '
Stockton... ATradmion Since 18841 Ni
4 l 'mi#lkW !
$ 875
415Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 781
511 Belleza PonteVedra 2/2 1200
213 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1012
72 The Fountains Ponte Velra 2/2 .1260
2 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 1800.
204 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2. 1200,
612 Miramar Lane Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 1200
748 Marsh Cove Lane Ponte Vedra 3/2+loft, 1650'
2806 St Marc Court Ponte Vedra/L'Atrium 3/2 1600
10061 Rough Creek Ponme \edra/Sa\grjs CC 2/2 1465
371 19h Street Atlantic Beach '3/2,loft 2150
1979 Spoonbill St. Jax/San Pablo Rd '. 3/2' 1700
3343 Lighihou'e PonIe Ljne Ja. Beach 3/3 2144'
804 Templeton Lane Punio \eJradra alden Chase4/2 '' 1700'
106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra. .3/2, 1800
97 Voyager Cour Ponte Vedra/Sawgiass TPC3/2 1750
13874 White Herron Place Jax/Pablo Bay 4/3 2482
224 Seamist Court Ponte Vedra/Seaside 3/2 2100'
13 Players Club Villa Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass TPC 3/3 ,2200
6033 Bridgewater Circle Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass TPC3/2.5 2000
2001 Windjammer Ln .South Ponte Vedra '3/3.5 + ofc 3009
529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2900,
1977 Sevilla,Blvd. Atlantic Beach 4/3+bonus rm 2800
,70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach, 4/4 2800,
117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh.Landing 4/2.5 2000
408 Seaspray Lane, Ponte Vedra by the Sea 4/3 2650
9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
804 Metropolitan Ja.\ Beach1Ocean ieu 3/2 1799
628 Preserve View Drive Palm \'alle\ lMarh Harhor 4/4+bonus rm 3100
2451 South Ponte Vedra Blvd. South Ponte Vedra
4"1un i i L-mieilb
$ 900/wkBeach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff.' 600
$1100/wk49 Tifton Way North' Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5 1500
$1100/wk17 1Ave. North w/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500
$1400 The Colony Ponte Vedra 2/2 1100
$1500 741 Spinnaker's Reach Sawgrass Beach Club 1/1 700
$1600/wk 2839 S. PonteVedra S. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
$1800/wk2503 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100
$1800/wkThe Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$2000 Vista DelMar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2200 Quail Point II Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 1800
$2200 f444 La Reserve Circle Ponte Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+office 1600
$2300 92 Tifton Way North Sangrass Country Club 3/2 1900-
$2400 3494 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach 3/2 1600
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
$2500/wk728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w/gamerm2600
$2600 826 Spinnakers Reach Sawgrass/Beach Club 1/2 1100
$2700/wk2824 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$2800 2841 S. Ponte Vedra Blvd. S. Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront4/2 2100
$3000 703 Landmark (7 mo.rnin.) Jax Beach Oceanfront '3/2 1829
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100
$5500 1931 BeachAve(3mo.min.) Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
** Pets Negotiable No Purebred or mix of the following dogs
allowed on our properties:
Pit/American Bull, Chow, German Shepherd,
Rottweller, Doberman Pinscher. **
**Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacation!!
SOUTH JAX Bch. 2BR/2BA fully furnish-
ed, 1 car garage, fenced yard. Includes
wireless, internet, and cable. Completely
updated. 3 blocks from beach. For photos
e-mail mariaeugeniarojo @ bellsouth.net.
$1500/month. Short or long term lease.
(407) 394-5858.
ATLANTIC BCH- 633 Stocks St.
3BR/2BA, $1000/MO, Year Lease.
3BR/2BA, CENTRAL heating and air.
$1200/month. .Arlington 472-3070...
3BR/1BA San Marco, central heating and
air. $1,000/month. 472-3070
cludes washer/dryer, pool & fitness cen- Players Club, 3BR/2BA. $1650/mo..
ter. $1050/mo. (904)728-0393.. (904)613-5854.
JAX BCH. 1116. 1st St. S. 3BR/2BA JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA.
CH&A, W/D, dishwasher. $1390/mo. 803- Lease, references required. 218 4th.Ave.
3099 or821-9751. South. $1295/mo. (904)221-4134, 703-
PONTE VEDRA. Gated comm. 2/2,super 55WEES, 1276 B d Wi
amenities. Nonsmoking, $1100/mo. 4 WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing.
month rent free 838-4367. 4BR/2BA, executive brick home.
$1395/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190.
rL)ITI Sc vcunp, otavu ,uvv,,,,uuo9/9
rPONTE VEDRA, gated townhouse, c -/
attached garage, pool;, gym. $1050/mo.
Townhouse, steps to Town Center, clean
and new 'inside, balcony, .2BR, WDHU,
nraefnarkinn QOi$5/mn 80Rn-28nR
ATLANTIC BEACH, fully furnished.
3BR/2BA. Hot tub, deck, fireplace. 2 car
garage, walk to beach, golf and tennis
club. Mint $2200/mohth.
3BR/1BA, LARGE fenced yard CH&A,
WDHU, $950/mo. 241-1857.
gr-. Par"FI ... u. ', JAX BEACH- 428 3rd Ave. So., 2BR/1BA
2BR/1BA JAX Beach Condo, 4 blocks to house, GH&A, fenced yard, $825/mo,
beach,' CH&A. $1000/mo. +$500 dep. (904)891-0606 or (352)478-2161.
Available 9/1. (904)338-1880. .
l~~~AY Ar'W Kii pl- olqr'/41 PA Q 1 q f"h, qt N ,
home,,2BR/2.5BA, peaceful, quiet. Backs
to greenbelt. Enclosed porcli/ patio
w/open deck and pond W.D. communyn
r ool lawn maintenance included Long
lease, Available after 9/15, garage
$1200/mo. (904)881-8428.
home. Central Heat and Air and WDHU.
1243 Mayport Landing Dr. $790'monlh.
$790/deposit. 280-2728 leave message.
MAYPORT 3BR/2BA, 2 car gar., 1400sf,
* fenced yard, $1200/mo. 536-1198.
7C PV Ct Townhome cozy 2BR/1.5BA,
$975/mo.. Candlerhomes.com 327-0558.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
OCEANFRONT 1BR, 1BA. 108 orange SI
Nep Bch, precious inside downstairs.
$1200imo ncl ulil 16611803-6275.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 2BR/2BA, upstairs,
covered balcony, WDHU, very private.
Many extras. No large dogs. $1045/mo.
S. JAX BCH 2 & 3 BR
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st ,St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
front $1500/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
VILANO BEACH Townhouse, 1000ft to
beach. 2/2, 1 car gar., year lease. Private
beach access. $1075/mo. 1904)294-5498
BEACH HOUSE, Atlantic Bch 1BR'1BA
includes'wa's-he.,' dryer. Steps lo' bciair
$850r.'/i'njh'+utilit '- f904)887-9599"' -.
VILLAS AT Marsh Landing 1/1. EIK, paiio
taces wooded area, access Irom LRiBR.
double fireplace, $850/mo. TDO.Manage-
Sment Services 246-1125.
house 1 mile west of Mayport ferry,
Heckscher Drive $1195/mo. 733-3730,
VERY NICE Affordable Townhome,
2BR/1.5BA. Close to Beach $800mo.
Avail. 8/15. 234-6611;
PVB, TOWNHOUSE Condo w/private
courtyard, lakefront, 2BR/2.5BA. $975/mo.
Call 280-8782.
JAX BEACH Oceanvlew Renovaled
Hardwood, floors. Dishwasher. CHSA
IBR/1BA, $800imo, $850,mo.
$1000/Imo.. 2BR/1BA $1250,mo
1904)859-1301, 1904)553-1354
2/1. aparlmenl, 101C 16th Ave S. CH/A.
WDHU. No dogs $995/mo, deposit $500.
Broker/ Owner, 249-8766- call anydayl
beach. 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
buming fireplace. Nicely landscaped ar-
den patio area w/new privacy fence. WD
hook-up, ample storage, refrig w/ice mkr,
and ,dishwasher.: No, Dogs/ Smoking.
$975/mo. w/ease & strong refs. req'd. Call
285.8325 teves.l or 403-9297 (cell).
217 SOUTH S.., NB Lg 1BR wasner dry-
er incl.. upper decK. $825,mo 247-7550 or
2 BLOCKS OCEAN, 210 10th Ave. N.
2BR $850/mo. Credit check, deposit, no
pets. (904)514-8530.
MAYPORT 3/2 townhouse, $800/mo.,
$775/dep. NO PETS. Refs required.'Call
Emily 349-4759.
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, quiet, safe, residential neighbor-,
hood. 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint.
CH&A, W/D Included. No smoking, no
pets. $950/m6., lease deposit. 993-111'8.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon,$1100/mo.
247-1417... 1 BR, near ocean. $750/mo.
JAX BCH. 1BR/1BA. hardwood Iloors one
block 0o ocean, excellent location.
$695/mo. 982-4632.
JAX BEACH- lirmaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
the Palms, ground floor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1450/mo. 904-372-9222.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartment, excel-
lent location, 2 blocks to Ocean, very
clean. No' pets. $575/mo. 642-1214 or
2BR/1.5BA townhom, Al Bch, CH&A,
washer/ dryer/ micro included, $875/mo.
sec. deposit, $875/mo. rent. No pets, walk
to,beach/ town center. Close to base &
bus line.5 Perfect for military. Call
' 4 blocks to ocean, 1300sf.,.
$1150/mo.+utilities. 1215 11th St. N.,
WATERFRONT, 2BR/2.5BA condo w/boat
slipl Convenient to beach, shopping
$1375/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/1BA. 506 B Ocean-
front. Neptune Beach. Just remodeled.
$2000/mo including utilities. 545-1046
JAX BEACH- 2BR cottage near ocean,
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $925/mo + $500
deposit,. 246-3130.
JAX BCHn. NiLce n3B ir/1BA. 908 12th St. N.
Available 9,3. $1,070; No pets. 242-0544.
JAX BEACH 301 +bonus im, newly re.
modeled. large lerced yard pels ok
wideposil. $1175'mo 241-6102
MONTH TO Monin 2.2. ICW, WiD. newly
renovaled. $1250 mo. 1904i571-5517.
PVB- 2BR/2BA, garage, immaculate. No
pets, $1375/mo. Available 9/1, 273-3970.
3BR/2BA, 221 Oleander St., den, deck
garage, hardwood, WDHU Pels welcome
$1800/mo. 349-4426.
beach, 2BRi2BA +bonus, yard service
included. S. Jax Beach $1350!mo
LARGE 3BR.2BA for rent with option lo
buy CH&A. all appliances furnished
Large Ironi yard lencedin backyard
$975.mo +water and electric Iniercoasial
and Allanic 1730 Rivervnew Dnr.e. Call
2.5BA townhome, Vaulted ceilings, frplc.,
Ig heated & A/C Florida room 2car gar,
comm. pool. Fresh paint & new carpet on
lake, 4 blocks lo beach, lyr lease Avail
October, $1400/mo. Call 246-8294.
PONTE VEDRA, Vacant 3BR/2BA, com-
munity pool, pets OK. $1400/mo. 241-
JAX BCH, Oceanside 3/3.5 beautifully &:
fully furnished townhome w/ many up-
grades. $30007mo. 242-2534 & 614-8440.
3'2 riouse, Cypress Cove $995/mo.
Avail now
3.2 2 car garage, avail, now. $1195/mo.
3/2, 1600sf, $1325/mo.
3/2, cul-de-sac, $1250/mo.
3/2, avail. 8/1, $1095/mo.
3/2, 2 car gar., new carpet & paint.
avail. 9/15, $1150/mo.
4/2, 2 car gar., avail. 11/1, $1595/mo.
Brand new condo 38R 2BA $975,mo
3/2, 1 car gar. avail 8d1, $895/mio.
3.2. $ 295'mo
2/2, 1133sf, ready nowl $895/mo
.3/2,2 car garage, avail 8/15, $1195/mo..
4/2.5, 3 car gar., almost 3000sf. avail.'8/1,
4/3, 2 car garage, 2200sf, $1395/mo.
4/2, brand new home, 2100+sf, $1450/mo.
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
NEPTUNE BY THE SEA 605 Cherry St.;
32, 2 car gar, NS, NP. $1600/mo. +dep.
1904 307-1905
PVB, EAST of A1A, 3/2.5, private back-
yard w/heated pool and spa. $1950/moi
includes lawn & pool service. 280-5707.
JAX BCH, 3/2, 6 blocks to ocean. WDHU,
1100sf, $1100/mo. No dogs. 881-8590.
JAX BEACH, 3 bedrooms, newly remod-
eled. 14th Ave. S., hot tub. $1275/mo.
'1015 PENMAN, 3BR/1.5BA. $1200/mo.
Jardin De Mar Condo, 3BR/2BA.
$1350/mo. Call 770-429-9331.
NB, BIG 3BR/3BA w/pool. Great for room-
matesl $1800/mo. Call 651-6464.
WEST BEACHES, Sutton Lakes, 4/2;
2300sf,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/fireplace, carpet, cath ceilings, fenced
yard, $1450/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
ISLE OF Palms 3BR/2BA, $1350/mo,
washer/ dryer, screened lanai, newly re-
modeled, 233-2571.
PVB FURNISHED lake front 2/2 short
term; utilities included, $1600/mo..
607-3417, 733 8433.
JAX BCH, 4 blocks from ocean, 3BR
1.5BA, CH/A, tile & carpets, new kit. cabi-
nets. $1250/mo plus $1100/dep. Dogs
301bs and under considered. 514-4229 af-
ter 4pm. Broker/owner.
ICW VIEW. Large 3/2 house 2-car garage,
fireplace, vaulted Ceiling, recently renovat-
ed. Near Mayo. $1299/mo. 850-230-6006.
PONTE VEDRA By the Sea 4BR/2.5BA, 2
car garage. walk to beach, $2950/mo.
PABLO BAY. Next to Mayo Clinic.
4Br/3BA, XL bonus room. Many upgrades.
Water. view, clubhouse, pool, tennis.
$1995/mo. 403-1998/ 349-3434.
COTTAGE ACROSS from ocean, 512 1st
St. South. $850/mo. VIP Realty.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA home. lust
blocks lo beach' $15751mo All South Re-
ally. 241.4141
BEAUTIFUL 3BR,2BA home w/2 car ga-
ragein Cypress Cove. Allanic Bcn. Over-
looks the Marsh and Inlracoaslal. speciac-
ular sunsel views. 1244st. $1200/mo.. Call
. bch $1500 3mo minimum. 993-3226
One block to ocean 3BR/2BA, nardwood
Iloors, dig yard, no pels 328 10th SI.
$1700/mo. w/references. McGuire Mtg.
6 blocks to beach, fireplace, W/D, garage.
$1400/mo. 904) 742-6423
E2PT.UINE-,BACHL625.EDavis,- Street,
OF PALMS '4121 Tideview Drive
3BR!2BA, dock wiboat lift $1750/mo in-
cludes yard service. Terry Mccue Real Es-
tate, Inc. 249-7211.
ian, lawn and pest included. $1100 Avail-
able September. 249-1104. Pager 306-
ell Rd. 3/1, bnck. rent Io own. $1200/mo
VIP Really, 962-6190.
2BRi2BA W/OFFICE lully furnished, snort
lerm! Long lerm lease. Oakbridge Subdivi-
sion PVB area. 699-2906.
JAX BEACH. 909 71h Ave. Nonh,
2BR,1BA house w/screened in porch.
lenced yard. CH&A, $970/mo.
19041891-0606 or 1352)478-2161.
OCEAN VIEW. 3BR/2BA. Just Reduced'
$1200/mo, W/D, deck & patio, 111 91h
Ave So. 241-7634.
Tastefully furnished 4BR/2BA, end unit,
renovated, granite, 18" tile, new carpet
open balcony, storage- outdoor closet and
garage, $3200/mo., 537-4083.. .
OCEAN LINKS, Ponte Vedra, $1100/mo.
.-sec deposit. Very nice uhit,. 3rd floor.
Call Mall 904)753-4214 for info and
showing. .
la, $1250/mo, weekly rates available, 280-
5170 or 616-5274.
luxury condo, patio w/lighthouse view,
whirlpool bath, boatslip, pool,-downtown
St. Augustine, new, 2BR/2BA, granite
countertops.' Ready to move-in.
$1800/mo. (904)993-6283.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Seaplace- 1 blk to
ocean. 2/2, pool side. Remodeled. No'
pets. $975/mo., yr lease, dep. 249-7967.
1331sf, granite counters, stainless steel
appliances, fireplace, gated access, beach
access, 5-star amenities including fitness
center, pub' & pool, $1700/mo.
(386)864-2343. .
OCEANFRONT 2/2, pool,.hot tub, sauna,
exercise room, $2,400/mo. 608-8484
2/2 condo, marsh view at beach 2nd Iloor,
frplc., W/D, scr. lanai, garage, pool, jacuz-
zi, gym. $1200/mo. Call Tania (904)874-
RENT/ SALE. PVB; East of A1A. 3/2.5,
1800sf, end unit .townhome. All appl. &
water incl. (904)571-8586.
PVB CONDO- beautifully -renovated '2/2,
new appliances, wood floors, fireplace,
w/d, beach access, ,5 star amenities,
$1000/mo. (Long Term), 386-837-2799,
JAX Beach, 3/2, pool, 1800+ sq. ft.,
$2500/mo. + deposit. No pets, No smok-
ing, 904-463-2006.
1041 SEAHAWK Circle, 2BR/2BA,
w/porch, $1175/mo. Terry McCue Real
Estate, Inc. 249-7211.
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR/1BA, water-to-golf view, pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes utilities.
396-9544 or (904)608-0962.
Direct oceanfront 1/1, pool, $1550/mo,
12mo lease. 249-6166.
in D
RIVER FRONT 3W2, dock, free mooring,
pool. $1600'mo. 607-3417 733-8433
PVB, 1BR/1BA Elegantly furnished. Sleps
to Ocean Garage. $1600/mo. 708-4022.
S. JAX Beach- large 1BR/1BA galed com-
munity, amenities, double nmeplace.
screened lanai, pergo floors close Io
beach and shops. $990'mo with garage.
water included 379-4288.
PVB. CONDO 2BR,2BA deluxe on lake
Beach access. New appliances including
Washer/Dryer Approved pets okay.
$1150/month. Available now. (904) 813-
SPVB, BELLEZZA 2BR/2BA, top end until.
vaulted ceilings. completely renovaled. re-
son amenllies, $1175tmo or iw/garage
$1275/mo) (904)629-0046
-South 2nd SI- Unll D. 3BR'35BA- ? car
garage, I block from beacn. brand new
2000/mo. +dep (904)233-2151.
JAX BCH 'new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase, $1350/mo. 568-4818
vaulted ceiling, beautiful Iile Bright. open
floor plan. 'No dogs. $1700/mo.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
floor, comer, on golf course. NS. $995/mo.
+deposit, negotiable. (904)466-0230.
ocean Iront condo. living room and master
bedroom overlooking ocean w/balcony
Front balcony ovenooks Jax skyline, lully
furnshed, great amenities, including cov-
ered parking, pool. hot tub, tennis and
sandy beach. Call lor more details.
398-9080 exi 211.1
PVB, 2/2 condo,,1' level,$1050/mo. Credit
ck required: 626-9630.
office, 470Qsf condo. Located. on Inter-
'coastal in new development. All amenities
incl. with or without boat ilip. Unfurnished.
Looking for long term lease- 1-2 yr rental.
For more details 398-9080 ext. 211.
PONTE VEDRA Furished 2BR 2BA con-
do, 2nd floor.. Gated. $1100/mo.
NEW 2BR/2BA. Jax Bcn, W/D garage
Irpic.. vaulted ceilings, no pels, $1150.'mo
OCEANFRONT- JAX Bch, 2/2, furnished,
beautiful views. 5th Floor. $1,950/mo.
1lmo. minimum 221-0726 or 571-6678.
2BR/2BA, pool and lake view. Unit 107,
beach access, fireplace, lanai, 5 star.
$1000/mo. 338-4137.
2/2 CONDO in Marsh Landing, $1200/mo.,
Call Bill 591-6796.
PALM VALLEY 3/2 Mobile home. Quiet
and Serene. Month-to- month lease.
$950/mo. Owner-Agent. Cornerstone Re-
alty, Inc. 904-339-0231.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
BEAUTIFUL 3BR house, walk to ocean,
restaurants. $1750 mo. 993-3226.
KEY LARGO condo 2BR/2BA great for
diving/ snorkling. 1 week $800, biweekly
$1500. Call 904-673-9793.
nished homes & condos From $500 per
weekly All South Realty, 241-4141.
ATL BCH- 3BR/2BA, garage, vaulted ceil-
ing, fenced back yard, screened lanai,
built 2003, $1200/mo. 870 Camelia,
Page 5B
tUgjLbL lu, Z.VV
qw -
Aiimi~qt 16 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 16, 2006
OCEANFRONT 1 OR 2BR. weekly/
monthly, pool, 463-7343
LAKE ESCAPE at The Ridges Resort &
Club. Bed & Breakfast at Our Beautiful
Lakeside Mountain Resort In Hiawassee
GA $99-weekday to $139. TheRidgesRe-
son corn (888)834-4409
AB, BEAUTIFUL First floor suite w/kitch-
en, W/D privileges. 235-9304. .
lees and utilities Exclusive Mlravista,
galed, pool, hot tub, health club, water-
ront w/marina view. Room has own bath-
room, brand new large unit, 2700sf.
ROOM FOR rent, AB, private bath' kitch
en privileges. W/D, No drugs. $145/wk.,
FEMALE KITCHEN access, own bath-,
room, on lake access io plus, and more
Sammeniies. $600' rmo. 280-9812
ATL BEACH room w/bath utilities includ-
ed wasner/ dryer. $550/mo + deposit No
pels 2-196221. 868-5208.
overlooking goll course in S Jax Beach
Call 241.5553 x15.
OFFICE spaces lor lenl- 9'x15' w/ storage
room 12 x24' (could be 2- 12'x12' rooms).
Separate back door entrance electric &
waer ncl Located on 3rd SI, Jax Bch
APPROXIMATELY 750 st quality office
space overlooking goll course in S Jax
Beach Call 241-5553 x15.
OWN 'OUR own office space, boat/
barge w/5 built in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina Greal tax write off.
$59,000 OBO Call Guy al 904-614-7740.
LARGE 1 room neallhcare office Share
common areas bathrooms, office manag-
er, ample parking, 3rd Street, Neptune
'Bch 241-0666
S ROOM FOR rent in Massage office. Great
price Convenient location inside Saw-
grass Village Call 285-3320.
Bch on 3rd S 226-9788 or 994-2945.
3750s building for rent Can divide. Near
Adventure Landing Warehouse or multi-
purpose use. Good exposure t'lo Beach
Blvd 343,1919, 249-3214
BEAUTIFUL FREE kitens. 904-553-1070.
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking.
Responsible, mature Call Kiny, 874-6062.
HEALTHY, HAPPY, black kitten, 10mo.
old, good w/dogs. Free to good home.
BEAUTIFUL ADULT Himalayan Cals lor
sale 5.5 lor'rwo or $50 each. Declawed
neuiersd 19040662-0300
SMALE AND Female Cockatiels with large
cage. $200 OBO 710-0112
HOMELESS PETS lor adoption. Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
We are a group or 5-9 yr. old young ladies
looking lor volunteers io show us how to
be Ihe besi Cheerleaders we can be This
s a greal way to earn community service
ours lor school Please call ii you can
' help a litle siier oul Abby 866-0063
IF YOU are inleresled in aaveinsing under
nis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classited' 'beachesleadercorn
DIVORCE $275-8350 Covers children.
eic Only one signature required' Excludes
govl lees! Call weekdays (8001462-2000
exi 600. (8am-7pm) Alla Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
NOTARY SERVICES available al your
coriveniece and your location. Also,
Document Services. Records Manage-
ment. Courier Services 373-0630.
lested divorce papers Without Kids (wnile
Syou wail) Wln kids la little longer) Since
1981.'by appf only t901)641-2187.
GEORGE R LEMUS. JR, Case #20717
Residence Unknown
'OU ARE NOTIFIED that an Administra-
Iive Complaint has been Illed against you
seeking to revoke your Law Enlorcement
Cenihcale in accordance with Section
943 1395. FS.. and any rules promulgal-
ed thereunder.
Y'u are required lo serve a wrinen copy ol
your intent to request a nearing pursuant
10 Seclton 12057. F S. upon Michael
Justice Professionalism Program, Florida
Department ol Law Enlorcemenl. P.O.
Box 1489. Tallahassee. Florida 32302-
1489 on or before Seplember 20. 2006.
S Failure to do so will result in a delaull be-
ing entered against you to Revoke said
'ertiticarion pursuant to Section 12060,
F.S and Rule 11B-27. FAC
Daied July 20. 2006
By. 's,' Sielia DeVanev, Division Repre-
BL .'26. 8;2. 8'9. 8.'16
Notice is hereby given that a WORK-
SHOP MEETING ol the City Council ol the
City or Neprune Beach Florida. will be
held on August 21, 2006. at 7:00 p.m.. in
te Council Chambers. 116 First Street,
N eptune Beach. Florida
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by Ihe Council with respect to any
matter considered al such meeting or
hearing Ihe person will need a record of
the proceedings and lor such purpose
may need to ensure Ihal a verbatim record
of the proceeding. is made. which record
Includes the lestmony and evidence upon
which the appeal ,s to be based
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Seclion 286 26. Flori-
Sda Siaiule. persons wilh disabilities need-
ing special accommodalton to paricipale
i' these meetings should contact Ihe City
.Clerk's Office no laler than 5:00'p.m. the
day of Ihe meeting
-isa Volpe, CMC City Clerk
The' Planning Commission for the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida Will meet and
hold a public hearing on Monday, August
28, 2006' at 7:00 p.m. In the Council
Chambers, located at 11 North 3rd Street,
Jacksonville Beach to consider the follow-
ing three applications
PC#d25-06 Conditional Use approval of
an existing automotive, repair shop in a,
Commercial; Limited:i C-1 zoning district,
pursuant to Section 34-342 (d)(6) of the
Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code in conjunction with Ine iransler of
ownership of the business. The propeny is
located at 304 North 3rd Street; more spe-
cilcally described as the east 25 feet of
Lot 7, Lot8, Block 34, Pablo Beach Nerth.
PC#26-06 Conditional Use approval for
an outdoor restaurant seating area in a
Commercial General C-2 zoning distric.
pursuant to Section 34-343 (d)t14) of the
Jacksonville Beach Land Development
Code The property is located at 1200
Beach Blvd. tenant number 1230 iTropical
Smoothie Company,.
The above referenced applicanons are
available tor review in Ine office of Ine
Planning and Development Department,
City Hall, 11 North 3rd Street. during nor-
mal business hours M-F. 8am-5pm).
Planning Commission
City ol Jacksonville Beach
II a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record ol the
proceedings, and, lor such purpose such
person may need to ensure that a velba-
tim record of. the proceedings is made.
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
Tne public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning ol the meeting,
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286 26, Flori-
da Statutes. persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate n this meeting should contact the
,Planning and Development Department
no later than 5.00 p.m on the day preced-
ing the meeting
BL 8/16/06
The Board of Adjustment for the City ol
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meel and
hold public hearings'on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m in the Coun-
cil Chambers, located at 11 North 3rd
Street, Jacksonville Beach to consider the
following variance applidations.
BOA 06-100185 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) c.1, for a front yard ol
6.5 leet in lieu of 25 level. 34-336 le)l1)
c.2. for side yards ol 6 5 reet each in lieu
ol 10 feet each, 34-336 (e)(l) c.3, for a
rear yard of 25 leel In lieu of 30 leel re-
quired, and 34-336 (e)(l) e. tor 52% lot
coverage in lieu ol 35% maximum to allow
lor substantial improvements to an exist-
ing, nonconforming residential structure,
for property located at 2703 South
Ocean Dnve, more specifically Lot 8,
Block 1, Atlantic Shores Division "C
BOA 06-100190 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion. 34-337 ltaI1) c.1, for a front yard ol
10.9 leel in lieu ol 20 feel required and 34.
337 (e)i() e, for 48% lot coverage in lieu
ol 4600 maximum to allow for improve-
ments to a single-family dwelling, for
property .located at 826 North 41h Ave.
nue, more specifically, the westerly 20
feel ol Lot 4 and the easterly 40 let of
Lois 5 and 6, Block 49, Mundy Drive Ter-
BOA 06-100191 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion 34-377 (D)(9), for 0 additional park.
ing spaces in lieu of 8 parking spaces re-
quired to allro-.or lfejc.e.apn of 780
square.leehol oioor area n.- ling
building, for' pIoperty Toat t 200
North isi Street. more specifically, the
east 15 feet of Lot 7 and al of Lot 8 Block
22, Pablo Beach North
BOA 06-100192 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion 34-337 (e)()ll c.2, lor an easterly side
yard of 6.5 teet and combination 0o side
yards of 11.8 feet in lieu ol 9.7 leel and 15
teeth respectively, to allow for improve-
ments to a single family dwelling, for
property located at 1107 Ruin Avenue
more specifically, Lots 7 and 8. Block 12,
Williams Coastal Boulevard Heighis.
A copy ort he above referenced applica.
tionis) is available for review In Ihe office
of the Planning and Development Depart-
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, dunng normal
business hours IM-F, 8a-5p).
Board ol Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adlustment with respect to
any maner considered at any meeting.
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need o0 ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes Ine testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda Ihal concern them.
Anyone wno wishes to speak should sub-
mil the request to the recording secretary
pnor 1o the beginning ol Ihe meeting.
In accordance with Ine Americans with
Disabilities Act and Seclton 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodallon to partici-
pale in Ihis meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5'00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 8'16/06
JAX BCH area. Siberian Husk;e While w/
while eyes. Chain collar with Lansing,
Michigan tag. Found around Beach Blvd.
and 2nd SI 992-2265.
LOVEBIRD In the Southside area.
Call 904-735-5961.
. NEWIL-9 "MCK0102Mi~b~
Al levels styles & ages. Wil come to your
home Piano Tuning also available.
241.4954. 655-3300.
IF YOU are ,nleresled in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classiled@Deachesleader corn
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Cerlilied
Hands on raining Job Placement Assis.
lance Call Toll Free (866)933-1575 As-
sociafed Training Services. 5177 Homo-
sassa Trail. Lecanto. Florida. 34461
www alsllorida corn
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Iraining lor
employment: Bulldozers. Backnoes, Load-
ers Dump Trucks. Graders. Scrapers, Ex-
cavatos National Cerlllication. Job Place.
ment .ssislance. Associated Training
Services 1800)251-3274 www.equipmenr-
ATTEND COLLEGE online Irom nome.
Medical. Business. Paralegal, Computers.
Criminal Jusllice Job placement assis-
lance. Computer provided. Financial aid il
qualified. (8661858-2121 www.OnineTide-
the knot? Your Location, Your Time or I
will' arrange your accommodations for you,
373-0630 or 813-5455.
ly, will train. Must have transportation and
phone. Ca1l 757-7007.
OUTBOUND SALES Reps. $8/hr., bonus
per job, benefits. Off Allanlic Blvd., near
Rgency Square. lyr. exp. Call 722-1873,
Jobs @lueTechlnc.com.
WORD PROCESSOR proficient In Micro-
soft Office. 998-8360.
PART TIME Receptionist. Insurance Of-
fice. Experience preferred. Apply In per-
son, 415 North 3rd Street; Jax Beach.
WANTED PART time Administrative As-
slistant :at a Ponte. Vedra Condominium.
Duties to include phones, computer work,
walking, climbing stairs. elc 20 hours per
week at $10.00 per nour. Please lax re-
sume to (9041242-2657.
for Team In Training Organized. energetic
and delail-oriented' indiviual wrtn experi-
ence Excellenl communication and com-
puter skills. Weekdays nights and week-
ends required within some travel. Complete
posting on www.lls org Send resume,
cover lerler and salary requirement 0o
woodst@LLS.org or lax 332-6422.
F/T ORf PT Day shift, weekends. Ouiznos
Sub makers. Start pay $6 751hr 3928 So
3rd Street, Jax Beach 247-9997
needed Turn out and slall cleaning Ior 15
horses. 9am-12pm. M-F and some week.
ends. Palm Valley area. 707-6865.
THE LEADER seeks panr-ime person to
help sports department. Must be available
10-15 hours a week. reliable transporta-
ion, interest in spon and ability to wille
clearly and concisely Ability ti take pic-
lures valuable Will require mainly late al-
ternoons and early evenings Will consider
student if Inierested call Rob DeAngelo at
249-9033, ext 253 or send email to
Sailboat Club Free Sailing lor Members.
612-3444 '
Country Club. FT% PT' benefits\ 401k. DL
required Goll privileges. Apply In person.
PART TIME RecepilonlsV/ Data Entry.
30 year old consulting company located
on Hodges Blvd. Is seeking a P/T Iront
desk Recepionist/Data Entry person
Must have professional appearance and a
polite speaking voice Experience In an-
swering a multillne telephone system is
desired. Basic computer skills are re-
quired. Must be aole to accurately inpur
customer intormatlon into a computerized
database system Otner duties include
creating repons, maintaining inventory ol
office supplies, and other general clerical
functions Working hours are Monday- Frir
day. 20-25hrs per wk Please emal your
resume to Imcrae@balescompany corn
COUNTER HELP, Ppnle Vedra area. P/T.
ahernoons & Saturday Call 285-5644.
NEED "SHADOW' to assist lirsi grade
student with school work and activities at
small, pnvaie Jax Bch school. Ideally
Monday- Friday 8:30am-12noon. (Oppor-
lunilies al other limes also available.)
Email resume::
sume to 998-8293 or call 998-8360
DENTS. Part-irme to lulllme hours provid-
ing visits and shins lor homecare patients.
Reliable Iransponation and caring person-
ality required Call 241-1656 for more in-
formation or apply online al www.nlhson-
line com.
MUST LOVE KIDS. Local church hiring
2 nursery workers Pan-time 5-10 hours/
week Sunday & Monday mornings and
Wednesday evenings. Call Casey at
221-1700 or tax resume to 221-9191.
OFFICE ASSISTANT 'needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
to detail. Flexible hours. Knowledge ol
ACT, Excel, and Word helpful. Located in
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-5855
GENERAL OFFICE Manager/ Bookkeeper
needed lor interior design company. Pan-
lime, 20hrs. per week. Fax resume to-
904.?47-200 .u ,- -
P.T Sales and Delivery Driver to work
12-20 hrs./week Tues. thru Fri Call Bob
at 241 4100.
HOUSEKEEPER AND Mother's Helper,
must have driver's license 333-6878.
Sell motivated, fast moving, flexible, mull-
lask person Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable Iransponation a must.
6pm-10"30pm or later Call Debbie aher
2pm 285-3400, ext 3352
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be
patient. fun-loving and energetic. Group
experience w/children preferred. EOE.
Local and long distant runs 20t years
driving experience a must! Flexible nours-
lull or part lime. Retirees Welcome CDL
license needed, but will train. Clean driv-
ing record. Inquire: 58 West 9tn Streel. At-
lantic Beach. or call 241-6004. www tran-
growing employee benefits firm located in
Ponie Vedra. Must have strong organiza-
lional. clerical, and computer skills. Preler-
red hours are M-F 9-3. Please e-mail re-
sume to nikit@montqyabrower.com.
mediate opening lor energetic aftercare
Associate. 10.30am-3pm. M-F. Must enjoy
cnildreni Beautiful campus and good hour-
ly rate. AA or above. Call 247-5745. Send
resume to CLane@dmsonline.org
Part-lime every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays at a premier retirement
community to assist residents and visitors
In coordination wlh the Manager olf Resi-
dent Services Applicants should be highly
organized and be able to communicate
and deal tactfully with the public, residents
and family members under all conditions
Prolicienl In Microsoft Outlook, Word, Ex-
cel and Power Point Hotel hosplal,
CCRC or other reltrement community or
nospitalitry experience helpful. Must be
willing to work holidays and other shifts it
necessary Applicaltions at Fleet Landing
Security Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd,
Allantlc Beach, FL 32233- Fax to
1904)246-9447, email.
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOEi Drug-Free
HANDYMAN HELPER wanted. skilled or
unskilled. Immedialte hire. (407)733-8686
0 -
Qualified candidate will be
familiar with PageMaker,
PhotoShop 5 .or higher,
Illustrator 7 or higher, Quark
Express 4.1 or higher and
Adobe Acrobat...Macintosh
environment. Graphic arts
background and creativity'
Responsibilities include
designing and building ads for
weekly newspapers, support-
ing design staff as necessary.
Candidate must be av\ailabl
Wednesday from 12. to 7pm.
And other times as needed.
Send resume to:
Linda Borgstede
The Leader Group,
1114 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
oX fax to (904)'249-1501
or e-mail to:
linda@beachesleader.com or
stallation helper. Pay depends on experi-
ence. Immediate opening. 207-4037.
CHILDCARE PIT experuebced, 20 hrs per.
week, must have own vehicle. 285-4165.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed. Wages negoiiaole- tips Benefits
Avail Apply In person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
FULL-TIME. 130pm to 9-30pm in main
dining room kitchen. Dependability and
puncluality a must. Excellent benelis and
greal work environment to apply applica-
lions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gale, One Fleel Landing Blvd.. Allantc
Beacn. FL 32233. Fax to (9041246-94-147,
email loJobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-Free Workplace
nion, 8:30am-5pm. M-F, Jax Bch office.
need excellent people skills. Please lax
resume lo 904-246-9008.
PAWNEE'S CAFE & Fine Wines. PVB.
Cook & Counter. Benefits. 273-4785
DRIVERS. CDL-A. OdOps or Teams. No
forced dispaichl 44. offices nationwide.
85% gross pd weekly' Insurance avail.
JRC Transponation. 800-344-4029.
Bartender,Liquor Store Clerk, Door Per-
son, Must be able to work days, nignts,
weekends, and holidays Must pass drug
lest and background cneck Call Roben @
DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers for Cen-
Iral Florina local and national OTR posi-
lions. Food grade lanker. no hazmar. no
pumps Great benefits, competitive pay
and new equipment Need 2 years experi-
ence Call Bynum Transpon ror your op-
ponunity today. (800)741-7950
QUALITY PAINTERS wanted Must have
own phone & good driving record. New
construction. 626-1763
AGENT S ASST needed lor insurance HELPERS/ LABORERS NEEDED for resil
agency, M.F.- am.lpm. $10 per nr Call dental commercial restoration. GREAT
992-9638 PAYI! Call 472-9506 or 247,8340
NOW HIRING Cocktail Servers and Bar-
lendars, F/T & P.T afternoon. nights &
weekends Exp working wih alcohol pre.
erred. Apply in person Monkeys Uncle
Tavern,. 1850 S 3rd St. J B
Country Club FT, PT. benefits 401K DL
required Goll privileges. Apply in person.
PRESSURE WASHING, window ,clean-
ing, help needed. Drivers license a
plus. 422-7114.
DENTS. Part-time to lultime hours provid-
ing visits and shifts for nomecare patients.
Reliable Iransponalion and caring person-
ality required. Call 241-1656 for more in-
formation or apply online at www.nlhson-
FULLTime. 3pm-11pm al Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competitive wages, good
working environment Applications availa-
ble altFieet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd.. Atlantic Beach, FL;
Fax to t9041246-9447, email to:
obs@fleetlanding.com EOEDrug-Free
AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid training lor
hign paying Aviaison Career. FAA predicts
severe shortage. Financial aid if quality -
Job placement assistance. CALL AIM
DRIVER, LIGHT delivery lor Veteran's
charity. Own vehicle, cash paid daily.
Baplist Pnmary Care/ Ponle Vedra Pedia-
rics currently has lull-lime and part-lime
positions available tor Office Specialists.
Ideal candidates will have HS Diploma or
GED and 1-2 years ot healthcare clerical
experience along witn excellent customer
service and phone skills. Duties include
patient regisirallon. charge entry and pay-
ment posting and assisting patients with
business matters. Medical terminology
and prior medical front desk experience
Panrlime is M-F days, hours vary
Full-lime is M-F. days
For consideration please apply online at
or lax resume to Artn Office Manager at
Baptist Health is an Equal Opportunity
experience necessary will train. Must be
anle to work in ine heal and be a non-
smoker while al work. $7/hr to start, more
$ with experience. Call AAron 861-7431.
Oui~ckooos. Excel, A R, AP G 'L, yrq.l
experience required 'Salry enf.'.
Fax resume 904 24'1'-0752.
Foreman. Apply 7am. TNT Landscape
107-1 0ilhAve. S.. Jax Beach 247-4477.
BonD's BBO in Neptune Bch Apply in per
son, daily 2-5p m
SUPER SUPPERS is looking lor a few,
good people to work FT/PT, 3p m.-9p.m.
hours at our Beach Blvd. and Baymead-
ows 9A locations Duties include prepping
blood, greeting customers, and general
cleaning Must be reliable. Call 821-
Long esrabilsned, growing Real Estate of-
lice now hiring adminislralive assistants
This position requires excellent organiza-
Ilonal skills Candidate must be customer-
oriented and possess excellent pnone
skills Must have computer knowledge and
possess excellent attention to detail We
offer last-paced environment, as well as,
competitive salary and benefits package.
Fax resume to 904 285 6040 or phone
419-1171 and leave a message
IF you are an energetic worker who enjoys
service and maintenance work in the
cleaning and housekeeping of buildings
and facilities, look no further than the City
of Jacksonville We provide excellent pro-
motional opportunities along with a com-
pelltive salary and benefits package. We
are currently seeking a Custodian who will
be able 10 work wilh routines and proce-
dures used in custodial work which is
learned on Ine job. Requirements are the
ability to read and write Englisn and be
able to move and lih cleaning equipment.
Salary Is $1,333.45 monthly Apply by
Friday, August 18th at www.coj nel or at
City Hall Human Resources. 117 W
Duval SI Suite 100. Jacksonville, FL
mountain breezes high atop Ihe Smokies
between prestigious
Highlands/Franklin/Dilard Exclusive, Pri.
vate. Secluded. Huge homesires from
$175.000 1800)679-7976 www.nighland-
seeks experienced Legal Secrelary to as-
sist Liligation Anorney in all aspects of
practice of law. Successful candidate will
e a "sell starter' wiln at least 5 years ex-
per;ence, be skilled in Ie use ol WordPer.
fect, have excellent grammar, and enjoy
interacting wilh people and dealing with
challenges Familiarity with Time slips bill.
inmg program and Quicken a delinile plus
Insurance and reliremenl benellts availa-
ble Please lax resume and salary require-
ments to 246-6680, Attention- BLaw
TRIM CARPENTERS & Painters $10-$25
per hr Call JeH f 728-8398.
NEED FRONIT DESKt Ofice Assistant for
busy doclor s ohice PT. Fax to 273-4607
or Email resume to: pvbdr@bellsouth.net
MANAGER in holistc. internal medical ol-
lice Full part lime secretarial, clerical,
and suppon of M D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Mus; be enthusraslic, dependable,
" consistent. and an excellent match. Fax
resume wlin references. no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Ans Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
CUSTOM InteriorTrim Carpenter or help-
ers needed., any carpentry experience a
plus., Beaches and Ponte Vedra areas.
Call Tim 509-9071.
nancial Planning Firm. Strong phone &
computer skills, investment or Insurance
Experience required. Starting $10-$13/hr.,
based on experience. Fax resume' to:
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in. Jax
Beach, no acrylics. Call Mikl at (904)
Flexible hours, no weekends, excellent
pay. Transportation & phone required.
591-5901, 514-1188.
employs individuals in a variery ol posi-
lions. For a listing of current opponunitles
please visit us in person 11 N 3rd ST., 2nd
floor, call 247-6263. send an email to per-
sonnel@'laxbcnfl net, or visit our website
www JacksonvilleBeach org Drug free
work environment, EOE, VP.
PEOPLE. Fast growing human resources
support & background screening company
ofers a fascinating high paced position
Duties include data entry, online & tle.e
pnone research & problem solving for cir.
enrs nationwide. Cnoose SingleSource
Services at www.JOBZONEUS.com to ap-
City ol Atlantic Beach, $10.53/hr. bene-
liis. Performs cashier work. H.S. Diploma/
GED ll) year exp. prel Applications ac-
cepled until 8130,06 and may be obainned
at www.coab.us or 800 Seminole Rd At-
lantic Beacn, FL i904)247-5820. No smok-
er/ tobacco users. Drug testing conducted
personel skilled and unskilled) excellent
pay 249-8147 or 726-5661.
SMALL CLEANING business looking or
PT Sales Person and FT Cleaning Help.
er, Experience required Call SpmB-pm
STITCHES AND Screens is looking for
embroidering operators Experience pre.
erred. And also entry level screen printing
help. Immediate hire. Please call 962-
CSR- INSURANCE agency. Must nold or
be willing to obtain, 4-40 license Salary
based on experience. Immeadiale open-
ing. Fax resume to 247-4449.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 2469999.
needed ror Slate Farm Agent at Beach &
San Pablo Call 223-0035.
SMALL FULL service landscape company
now hinng for all field posiiions. Call lor
details 998-9677
MEDICAL ASSISTANT for busy pediatric
office has immeodale opening. Spanish
speaking a plus. Call 246-9428.
vided. Experience not necessary, we will
train Call 1-800-532-4991.
SALES POSITION available lor a well es-
tablished marble and granite importer lo-
cated at ihe beacon. Knowledge or slone
materials and design helpful. Salary and
benelirs negotiable upon experience. Fax
resume to 241-3204
CUSTOMER SERVICE entry level posi-
lion lor last paced printing company. Music
have computer expenence Slop oy 640 N.
3rd St., JB or lax resume to 241-7349.
2550-7A Maypon Rd. Nail Tech & Hair
Stylist Call for details. 525-2164 ask lor
GROWING FAST paced lawn mainte-
nance company looking for F/T help. 655-
8502 ; ; I I .
PEST CONTROL Company needs Lawn
Care Technician, busy company, no expe-
rience necessary. Stable, hard workers
earn high wages. DFWP. Cal 241-7874.
FT AND PT Front and back office work.
Computer skills. typing skills, 'and organi-
zational skills required Exp. preferred but
not required 246-3232
w/valid Florida Dnver's License Experi-
ence helpful bulwill I Ian Good salary &
benefits. Apply Sunside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd, 246-2666, or tax resume:
249-8801. e-mail: surtsidepools @aol corn
opening within our organization for a lawn
technician. Compeitive salary. You must
possess a good dnving record. Our com-
pany has lull benehis with reurement, bo-
nuses, paid vacalon 8 holidays. We have
a great working environment We have
been in business lor over 14 years Fax
resume lo 273-0682 or fill out an applica-
tion al 10066 Sawgrass Drive West, Ponre
Vedra Beach.
*- *
CALL ABOUT our Drivers that average
$70K- per year Qualiry home time- every
week! CDL-A 2yrs. experience required.
PT Exp. Preferred. PVB Call 285-0023
DOG GROOMER experienced lor very
busy beaches shop. Great earning polen-
lial, greal clients Also dog bather needed
DRIVER- $1000 Sign on Bonus for expen-
enced flatbed drivers. Home weekends-
$950.'week. Greal benefits & equipment
Students wiCDL-A welcome Call PGT
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
LOOKING FOR dependable and honest
.cleaners lor residential home cleaning
Call for details. 891-0711.
FT or PT hosurnosiess. Good money, cas-
ual atmosphere, very busy. greal people
1o work wilh 285-0139.
HAIR CUTTER needed for Barber Shop in
Jax Bc. 228-1128.
opening witnin our organization lor a de-
lail- oriented person. Some computer
knowledge helpful but not necessary. Pay
based on experience We are located in
Ponle Vedra Beach and have a great
working environment. Our company nas
full benefits wiih reliremenl. bonuses paid
vacation and holidays. We have peen in
Business for over 14 years Fax resume 1o
273-0682 or IIll out an application @
10066 Sawgrass Dr.ve Wesl, Ponle Vedra
Join our learn II you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ.
menl, we may have an excellent
opportunity lor you. You will join a Nation.
al company & work in Ponle Vedra Beach
Ideal candidate will have 1+ years expen-
ence Inside sales, customer service. or
telemarketing & excellent communicalion
skills. Aililty to handle business accounts
Base pay plus commissions FT/PT, no
evenings or weekends Fa< resume.
(904)285-0010 or email:
im@ 'mediakids com
AIIMAM ROtCAL- lGli n;c .trat' Sawrgass-jL., ,.-. H "GROUNDSKEEPER
needs Vet Tecn & Receptionisl Must oe
experienced or cemnled. Excellent salary FULL time at premier retirement communl-
and benelits. Newly remodeled & equip- ry. Experience preferred. Excellent bene-
pea taciityn, 273-9560 is and work environment Applcatons at
Firt- i Lnnd.no Secur tv Gale. One Fleet
tomer service PT/ FT. Benefits. Will train.
Excellent opportunity. 1519 Penman Rd or
call Rene, 246-1705.
Construction Worker
wivalid Florida Dnver's License Expen-
ence helpful bul will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply at Surlside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd.. 246-2666 or fax resume to
249-8801. e-mail- surfsidepools@aol.com.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
ovemme available Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Broiners Services, Inc. 246-
GUTTER INSTALLER needed, expen-
ence required Call 241-5099 lor appt
PONTE VEDRA, AR Accounting Clerk po-
sillon. Requires fast learner and well or-
ganized. Good pay, email resume 'lo
.khorne@cnlre.com. EOE.
is seeking an exp. & licensed groomer to
join our dog boarding & daycare facility.
Please call ior more information 270-8411
IIcel Lieaning ecUIII LJL. y a Ie
Landing Blvd, Atlanlnc Beach, FL 32233,
Fax to (904)246-9447; email to
jobs@fleetleanding.com EOE! Drug-
Free Workplace
Full Time: Small Engine Mechanic/ Punch
Our at a premier retirement community.
Excellent benefits Applications at Fleet
Landing Secunry Gale One Fleet Landing
Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL. Fax to 904-246-
9447: e-mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE. Drug-Free Workplace.
Work .a the Beach. We are a Microsoh
Developer providing software for lianspor-
talion logistics, dispatch, and accounting
(Heavy prospecting. lelemarkeling, and
lead generation I Prospecting experience
a must alonr with strong PC skills and
ability to work independently Fax resume
to 241-7333 or e-mail Jenniler at lenni-
lerw @desenmicro.net
FRONT OFFICE lor busy dermatology
practice in Ponte Vedra Must be compul-
er savvy and know insurance F/T, exc.
beneirs. Fax resume to 904-273-0410.
f ......Uf ..a..
"Be Pat of the Best"
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1616 N. First St.
We offer great pay, paid vacation & "
personal nime, HlearthAision/dental
insurance, 401K
Driver Jacksonville Termiali
Dedicated Shorthaul
Av. $683- $907 /Week .
05% preloaded/pretarped:
CDL-A req'd 877-428-5627
Up to $420 plus+
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
* Paid Weekly
i*Design your own daytime hours
* Work regular clients near your
* Experience a plus
* Must have own transportation
and home phone
Paan 6R
L' 0 j" E ya '" ''.N
Positions open for the
following Depts.
Maintenance Workers
needed full time.
Beach House Supervisor,
F/T year round, requirements:
Lifeguard. first aid, CPR
certifications, pool operators
Responsible for managing,
supervising lifeguards/
attendants, member guest
hosting, registrations, pool/
pool equipment maint. General
pool duties.
F/T, P/T outside services,
cart/bag attendants.
Golfcourse Maintenance
& Grounds Maintenance
We offer excellent salary, and
benefits including paid Vacaion
and Holidays, Health and Dental
Insurance, 401K.
Drug Free Workplace
Equal Opportunity Employer
Apply in person
Human Resources
101 Plantation Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
rug~ vu
Aiiuuict 16 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
A/C & Heating company needs Installers
& Service Technicians. Top pay & bene-
fits. Call Rob 509-3062
MOVING AND Storage Co. is currently
seeking professional, courteous and.expe-
rienced Laborers and Drivers. Drivers
must possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License. Drug testing is required. For
more information call 241-2921.
TRAINERS FOR Day Program. Work with
M.R./DD adults. Monday-Friday, 8am-
4pm. Apply 850 6th Ave. South, Suite.500.
249-8556. EOE/ DFWP.
FULL-TIME YEAR round lawn mainte-
nance position available for the right indi-
vidual Call 553-6338.
THE PIE HOLE (serves breakfast, lunch
and pizza). Now hiring store manager,
wait staff and cooks for local Mayport
Cafe. Apply within 1487-9 Mayport Rd.
Jax Beach growing company needs
organized, marketing focused
Executive Assistant with ability to
multi-task. Must test at 60 wpm and
have excellent verbal and written
communication skills. Experience in
Excel and PowerPoint is a must.
Competitive salary and great benefit
packet. M-F 8am-5:30pm. Email
resume to barryg@desertmicro.net
or fax to 241-7333.
Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Intercoastal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
WE'RE RAISING pay for Florida Regional
drivers Home every weekend Home dur-
ing the week Solid weekly mllesl 95% no
touch Preplanned freight! $.43 per mile
Heartland Express (800)441-4953
Coming soon. Beaches area. Atlantic and San Pablo. Are you
seeking a real career not just a job? We are now building our team
at Jacksonville's glamorous, new salon under construction. We
are interviewing the area's best and most talented hair and color
stylists, nail professionals, aestheticians, administrative assistant/
receptionist and apprentices. High income potential and benefits,
plan. Clientele bonus considered.
Call 220-8900 for an interview with Mr. Eli Alain Vital, master
stylist ard General Manager.
BeiA :Comfort Keeper
When you become a Comfort Keeper, you are doing
something special. Whether full or part-time, Comfort
Keepers provide companionship, help around the
house and other non-medical care for seniors in there
homes. To learn what becoming a Comfort Keeper is
all about, call us at (904)247-0402 or visit'
Comfort 233 North 3rd St. #201
Koeepor. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Over.600.ndeiependentlyOwned & Operated Ofllees '" i
MECHANICS uP o 320.000) b-rnuu- Keep
trie Army rNar.nal Guard Rolling Fix
Hlum.vee Siry.l-eri lCr E>pand yOur
skills irir.:.u h career iraininq B.e a SOlOir
1 .80.-GO GUARD corrmecnanic rimli
DRIVER 'I'OL wani ii. we have 'I, Solo.
lea.ms i oirer operair5l company driver
sludenis. recsni gra.ds regional dedical.
ed long naul Van. liailled Musi1 e 21
CRST Career Cenler i8001940.2778
w'ww drivelorcral corn
NEEDED! Must hase knowledge ot Crimi-
nhl, Civil, Liens, UCC s Real Esiale re.
cords at the court. Fax & PC Required.
Fax, Resumes to: (866) 322-8246 Attn: Mi-
, chelle
business/assets. for sale. Barge w/ trailer,
all tooly Owner relocalng 285-21.00.
ALL CASH candy iouie Do you earn
$800/day? 30 macnires, Iree candy. All
for $9995. t8886629-9968 B0200,0033
Call us: We wiii noil e undersold'
Wasr-ier & dryer- navy duyi super ca.
paciry, exc cond $150 each Will guaran-
lee Car. deliver. 874-1747
LAZY BO/ swivel rocker, recliner palm
Iree upnolsiery, exc. conr paid $695 sell
$250 246-7297
18' 2002 Four Winns Bow Rider Ski Boar
190HP, Super clean. All me extra sl War-
rannled engine' Sunspon interior! Call
Jane 19041226-8043
OUEEN-SIZE BED w/liame $120. Full-
size Ded wi'rame $90 Clean, quality beds
Can deliver. 246-1832.
August 26th and 27th, at the Morocco
Shrine. 3800 St. Johns Bluff Road (9A);
Jacksonville. North Florida Arms Collec-
tors. Info: (904)461-0273.
BED- BRAND. name queen set,
Snew. wiwarranty $129. Can deliver.
(2) APPLE Ipods, 20gb, $125 each. Pyle
car in-dash stereo/ TV w/ 5in. screen &
Pyle in-dash DVD/ MP3 player & amp
$250 firm. Pro Dynamics prof. studio/
house speakers $2200 new, $300 firm.
241-4204 Brent
.6 PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & bo\, new sill in boxes $4,99.
Can deliver. 858 9350
#I' APAkldI P Oal
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
Installed for $899. 249-8877.
55 GALLON tank w/ wooden cabinet & top
Incl. all access. $300 OBO. 764-0065 or
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
with cambour doors) excellent condition,
96x19x78, $500 OBO. Can e-mail a pic-
ture. 249-0881.
TOYOTA TACOMA accessories. 'Ladder
rack (rackit) $225. Diamond plate tool box
S$100. Fiberglass topper $275. Or all for
WASHER DRYER (Kenmore Elite) HE3,
paid $1100 each, sell $750 OBO. 30 day
guarantee, 241-3000.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
BLONDE WOOD entertainment center
$500. Coffee & 2 end tables $50., Taupe
sofa, loveseat, chair & ottoman $500.
OAK CLAW-LEG oval dining table with 4
barrel rattan chairs. Sell together or sepa-
rate table $200 chairs $100. 241-5668
PokeRhythms...they can't fix stupid...but
they can fix about, everything else. Get
ours NOW, everyday, FREE for 10 days
CURVED CUSTOM sectional, muted
earth tones, down textured cushions, exc.
Second $500 OBO. Stationary bike, hardly
used $100. 241-2552.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER, exc. cond., $125.
Ge Dryer, $100. 30" electric stove,$50. All
in good condition. Can deliver. 945-0226.
HP COMPUTER new power supply new
monitor $200.00 firm 422-6707.
DINING RM table w/ 4 chairs, china cabi-
net to match (green & black) $400- rolltop
desk $100- good condition 616-3808.
FREE DIABETIC supplies Medicare pa-
tientsl Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476
and receive a free meterl'Am-Med Quality
Diabetic Supplies
FURNITURE: COUCHES, loveseats, din-
ing tables, buffet, ent. center, dresser,
desks, desk chairs, wing' chair, side
chairs. Call616-1000. : ,
DARK SOLID oak 3 pc Queen bedroom
set w/two drawer "ile sarid, $275 OBO.
Large 3 cushion Earlv American couch,
clean. excellent condilon, $250 OBO.
WINDOW AIR Conditioner, 18,000 BTU;.
(Roper), works fine: $75. 249-4882.
2002 MERCEDES C240 Sedan, black
w/tan' leather interior. 40.000 miles.
$18,500 OBO. Excellent condalion. 904-
METAL ROOFING,': Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available: Toll free (888)393-0335.
LATIN PERCUSSION Aspire conga set
natural with stand- 10 and 11 inch. $325
OBO; also ,Rogue' double-neck electric.
guitar with case $350 OBO. Both in excel-
lent condition. 904-247-3264
-------------------------------- -----i
HEART' PINE, tongue,& groove flooring
cut from antique Pine timbers. Installation,
stair material., FLORIDA HEARTWOOD.
ANTIQUE DOLL, FURN., 40'S- 50's,
Hummels, collectibles. Silver, china, etc.'
AUCTION- AUGUST 29. 30 31. 33 resi-
dential & commercial building tracts &
homes in Florida. Rowell Realty & Auc-
tiiht Co. Ih, '180003238388 10"I bu..-
er': '~ PJ-lurih AU479 AB 296 '.w.' A A rDi.el_.
August 191h. For Directions, inventory list,
pictures & terms of sale, see,
www mircinc com.auchionl Reslaurani
equipment, othice lurnilure. cars. & more
Acres in ii Tracts. Sugar Grove, VA. Mi--
nutes from National Forest and Parks. Au-
gust 19, 2006, 1:00 PM. VA Auctioneer
#0326. Visit www.countsauction.com for
ANNUAL RUMMAGE Aug 25,' Aug 26,
8a m.- 2p m Jax Beach's Womans Club.
1315 2ndAve N Jax. Beacr
WICKER, STEMWARE, china, antique
dressers, lamps, vintage clothes, glass-
ware, depression glass, and more Satur-
day 8am-12pm, 317 5th Ave. S. 246-
MOVING SALE Saturday. Hand tools, drl
press, band saw, vintage shopsmith, anti-
que iurnilure, trundle bed, & misc. 3603
1st St. South.
.BIG MOVING sale inside. Collectibles, an-
tiques; vintage and designer clothing...all
sizes. Arts, decorations, and much more
stuff. Saturday 8/12, Thursday 8/17, & Fri-
day 8,18 8a.m.-2. 2601 Liberty Ln.
boat slip for rent, 40ft. $500, 50ft. $600,
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $169K. 463-2845.
1.988 GLASS STREAM Spirit, 21'. New
Magic Tilt trailer. 7.4L, '330hp Mercrulser
engine & outdrive. $6000 OB. 704-6717.
25' CATALINA Sailboat, 1980, 3. sails,
OB motor, radio, $7500 OBO. The Sail-
boat Club. Free Sailing for Members.
2004 HARLEY Davidson, Dyna low rider,
black, lots of chrome and accessories.
$16,000 OBO 626-4863.
I IE d e s n 0
2004 JEEP Rangier- Willy's edition, auto-
matic, loaded, excellent condition, 17,500
miles. Asking $17,500. 285-3228 or
838 4858.
95 4X4 Explorer Convertible Beach Bug-'
gy- looks like a jeep. Runs like brand new.
1800 firm. 241-4204 Brent.
1995 FORD Econoline conversion van.
Excellent condition. 150,000 miles, $4500.
1997 KIA Sportage. 100K miles.' Looks
and drives new. 4WD, Auto, Cold A/C,
must sell. $2,900 OBO 716-2586.
TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2001. Great condi-
tion, 70k miles, White/ gray interior..
$10,500 OBO. 588-4691".
well maintained, great driving, 2 tops, new
Michelins, 98,000 miles, $24,900.
BMW 5281 2000 Steptronic w/less than
2000 miles on new eng. and transmission.
White/ tan int., 6 disc CD, power every-
thing inc. headrests and tilt steering, ulti-
mate int. package, new tires, memory
seats, tilted windows, the list goes on.
Great looking car, smooth ride. 2 yr war-
ranty on new BMW engine. Call 476-6772
or tinaruss2003@yahoo.com for more de-
tails and/or pics. $21K OBO. :
1983 JEEP- J-10, one owner, 246-1788.
1996 JEEP Wrangler, 4cyl, 4WD, runs
great. $3900. Gary (904)509-5865.
1998 TOYOTA Camry, good cond., cool
A/C, theft proof. $4500 OBO. 327-1081.
2004 KIA Sorento SUV. Well maintained
37,000 miles Still inder warranty. 1971 VW Super Beetle, white, new tires,
341 ra maintenance record from 2002. $2000.
249-9120 Ive message.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
lune-up. All makes, all models. $49.50
FAST PAINTING tub, Shower plumbing.
household repairs guaranteed, 333-3325
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care, Auto Cleaning,
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services, etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755.
HANDYMAN- HOUSE, Yard, Hauling. Call'
PADGETT'S A/C &:Heating, Inc. Family
owned and operated Wnen quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis ai 588-5222.
Free Esimales License CAC1814887.
GOT A Business? Dramatically increase
sales by accepting all major credit and
deb;i cards 0' discouni rales Free sftar
jp. Fre ec.luipmen upgrades-180015688-
11 : I- -. T i -
Carpel. Sales & Insiallahion Free es,.
males Licensed insured. Jim 813-6756
or 619-3980
LOOKING FOR work Beaches area. W1II
clean your home as i my own home De-
pendable 904-241-0743
AMY'S CLEANING service. 12 years ex-
perience, reference, free estimates. 220-
make it lodk like new! 223-0591.
Dis.. References. 242-2546, 566-5540.
TRACEY GRABILL cleaning Services.
Residential commercial, licensed, insur-
ed. 874-7126.
HOUSES WANTED to clean; 14 years ex-
perience. References. Maryann 377-6643.
ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices. Free estimates for repair/ installation.
Comm/Res. Standby generators .and
'transfer switches. All electrical needs.
Visa/MC.,343-5535. Great rates!
BIG MOVING sale. Everything goes Fri-
day & Saturday, 8am-1pm, 505, Bowles.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & references. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T.& P/T.
aspects of accounting. 10+ yrs. exp. Ref-
erences 'avail. 703-6550.
PRIVATE DUTY CNA providing 24 hr'day
care. Exp. refs & background Cynthia.
(352)672-2593. '
MALE RN, 23 years experience. Avail to
provide weekend anda evening care to your
ill or elderly loved one. Excellent referen-
ces. Call Rick 207-0610.
Private CNA/ HHA, exp., CPR/ First Aid.
Flexible shifts. $10-12/hr. Call 645-
MOVING SALE: sofa, dining table
w/chairs, desks, lamp, chairs, tools and
many misc. Friday & Saturday, 1927 Sel-
va Marina Drive.
RENOVATION SALE everything from A-Z,
Saturday, 8:30-12pm, 40 Solana Rd. (ok
to park at 44 Solano).
-- --------- ----- --
SOFA & LOVESEAT off white, leather
contemporary design excellent condition,
no tears, rips or stains, matching lamps in-
cluded. $550 OBO 716-2606 or 716-
HOLIDAY HARBOR- everything goes,
9am-3pm every day, 2320 Shipwreck Cir.
West. 223-5521.
WINSOR LAWN Service. Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301
lawns Free estimates 246.0967
PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed. Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding whatever h
lakes, etc Dave 249-4724
CHEAP MOE'SI. Complete lawn service
Most yards only $20. (904)422-0593.
Grading, Lawn Replacements. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, ;Mulch, Stone.
Irrigation Repairs. MUCH MORE! Bob,
PRESSURE WASHING, quality work al
reasonable price. Call Nick 349-5990
Sale rool cleaning Deck & lence
'resloralon Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin. 994-0045
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Renlal 246-1330
Pressure Cleaning. Mold, mildew special-
isl. Rools, sidewalks. driveways, decks
Residenial.,Commercial. Licensed.'nsur.
ed Free Estimates. 15'. of new commer-
cial accounts.
knoich work guaranteed Painting. Inm.
carpentry, wood repair, pressure washing
Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates 861-
RETIRED PAINT contractor gening bored
Paint interior, exterior, new conslruciion &
repaints.'Brent 241-4204.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529.
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
ture. Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured.
references. 403-7389. '
We service thousands of beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409.
STOP OVERPAYING! Landscape by Li-
nus. Licensed. Insured. Dependable.
Beaches/West Beaches/ Ponte Vedra.
DEMO HOMESITES wanted nowl For the
New Kayak Pooll The above-ground pool
with in-ground features Unique opportuni-
ty. Save up to $4000. Call (866)348-7560
Free Estimates! Financing.
3 lenses, 420 EX flash and bag. $350.
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
ing in drywall & home maintenance. Lic. &
ins. (904)509-2849.
2000 NISSAN Ultima GXE, excellent con-
dition, low miles, 4 door, power windows;
locks, cruise, new tires. $7400 OBO.
Please see our Ad in tne Business Re-
view. 855-1254
dependable lor quaslr repairs, service
calls, painting Improvements and miscel-
laneous lob DAVE 246.6628.
C&.I REPAIR Services Carpenlry. Dry-
waill, PaminIg. Paperhanging. Tiling eic
License. Insured .955-0593. 241-1461.
HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exte-
rior from A-Z. Call Bill at 228-9241.
U .
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing Trust a li-
censed professional. See our ad. under
Remodeling'Construclion State Certified
Rooler #CCC1325888 Member BBB
247-3777. All credit cards accepted.
REROOFS, REPAIRS; Keller Roofing,
Inc LIC.4RCO0050467. BL2197. Call Rod-
ney 226-3299
Irrigation system installed (give us a call)
Irrigation system checked. Lic. #110. Call
Chuck 463-5636.
20001-3 *
SOUTHSIDE TREE Service: Enhance the
beauty of yourrtrees. PALMS TRIMMED.
904-318-0569 Alan DeLoach
Page 7B
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
August 16, 2006
TENNIS CHAMPIONS Summer Beach Run kicks
in offJax Grand Prix season
GranIMMH^H~fHMl Prix^.^i^1'1! nB^fl^, r'' *^
Befi l JI ^H B^^^H ^^^HH ^ ifl^ BfBB BJHBp ^rll^ B^ in -*.*. *. ,. *
I ..
Sow many of these
questions can you get
Right? Most of our local
races are more than just a lit-
tle warm, but which one is
HOT? What is our oldest local
race? In which race do turtles
It's a hot one all right, the'
.Hammerheads Olympic
Triathlon. The Carrabba's
Summer Beach Run celebrates
its 41st running on August
26th, the oldest race in
Florida. And a new event to
help preserve North Florida's
sea turtles, the Turtle Trot,
takes place onLabor Day.
But first a history lesson.
The year was 1965. Lyndon
B. Johnson was president of
the U.S. The Vietnam War
was gaining momentum but
w-ouldn't hit full stride until a
few years later. The Beatles, a
band from Liverpool,
England, were setting the
world on fire. Every kid had
to have a guitar and some
long hair. Civil rights and
women's rights were the
issues of the day. Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Robert F.
Kennedy were still alive and
making their voices heard.
Retrospectively, we know
now, it was the calm before
the storm. For not long after-
ward, America would never be
the same.
In the summer of '65 a
group of largely high school
runners assembled along
Seminole Beach for a five-
mile race organized by a few
Jacksonville area high school
cross-country coaches: Larry
MNonts, Chuck NlcPhilomy
and Ron Popell.
The race was born out of a
combination of financial need
and common sense. The three
coaches wanted a bit of a pre-
season tune-up prior to the
prep cross-country season and
had grown tired of the long,
expensive trip to South
Florida to find a race. The
obvious occurred to them:
WVh travel to a race when we.
could create our own?
So it was that the first
Beach Run was born.
The first Beach Runs floated
around under different man-
agement until in 1976 a new
organization, the Jacksonville
Track Club, took control of
the event. Not long after-
wards the race saw some very .
impressive attendance num-
Originally the race would
start at one or two o'clock in
the afternoon, the hottest
part of a sweltering August
day. No one ever seemed to
mind the hellish conditions;
it was considered part of.the
Burning sun, melting heat,
and stifling humidity: all just
part and parcel of running
the illustrious, highly compet-
itive Beach Run.
In those days the race was a
straight shot: Five miles from
Hanna Park in Seminole
Beach south to the Lifeguard
Tower in Jackson\ille Beach.
Despite the conditions it was
rather nice. The beach was
full of people urging the
intrepid runners on. It had an
almost carnival-like atmos-
phere. And in five miles you
got to see a lot of beach.
. Today's Beach Run does its
best to avoid those dreadful
conditions. This year's race
will be run at the amiable
time of 6 p.m. The course is
out-and-back from the
Lifeguard Tower in
Jacksonville Beach.
In the "old days" you
would haye to take a shuttle
bus back to your car left in
Hanna Park. Now you have
your'car close by and you can
stick around for a party the
likes of which never existed
in the past.
The sponsor, Carrabba's
Italian Grill, will provide deli-
ciols ftee food and dtrink.
Before the awards presenta-
tion begins you can also
S Photo b, ROCt DE-A4 GELO
Panthers outside hitter Cierra
Pillsbury dives to save a shot
last Saturday against
Episcopal High during the girls,
volleyball Preseason Classic
played at Nease High School.
The event also included the
Bolles School.
Great Pictures
l~VC tUj'gjlijgts,
Stats &
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enjoy live music. No doubt
about it, the Beach Run post-
race party is one of the best
all year.
This classic, historic 5-mile
race takes place on Saturday,
August 26. There is a one-mile
fun run for kids that takes
place at 6:05 p.m., just five
minutes after the blue ribbon
event begins. All participants
in the one-mile will receive a
finishers' medal.
The Carrabba's Summer
Beach Run kicks off the new
2006-2007 Jacksonville Grand"
Prix season and in addition to
150 age-group awards to be
handed out, $600 worth of
prize money is up for grabs.
There is also a team division.
For more information about
the races call 731-1900.
Not enough for you? How
about an Olympic distance
triathlon the next day at 7:30
a.m.? Just as in the Olympics
the race has a swim of 1.5
kilometers, a 40K cycle ride
and a 10K run.
Taking place for the fourth
time, the Hammerhead's HOT
race is located at Camp
Blanding about 30 miles
southwest of Jacksonville).
The bike and foot race will
take place in Camp Blanding
and the swim portion of the
race will be in the tranquil
waters of Kingsley Lake.
Triathletes do not miss this
race. And if \ou delay you
just might. There is a 300-per-
son cut-off and no day-of-race
registration, so enter now.
Want to help out? The event
is looking for volunteers. Log
on to hammerheadolympic-
The triathlon is growing
like a weed. Just look at our
area; we have gone from three
annual events to seven: the
three Beaches Fine Arts Sprint
races, the three on Fort
George Island and the HOT
race. More than double the
races in just the last few years.
And lastly, let's not forget
the turtles. The Turtle Trot
takes places on Labor Day,
September 2nd, at Fort Clinch
State Park in Fernandina
Beach. Five K and 10K
run/walks will begin at 8:30
a.m. and two fun-runs for
kids, a half-mile and a one-
mile, start at 9:4-5 a.m. Check
AmelialslandRunners.com for
more information.