Fiber arts
exhibit at center
See B-1
JULY 28,2006
Our opinion ... and
See A-4 and A-5
Jaguars open
training camp
See A-10
S An edition of The Beaches Leader
Vnl 44 Nn 11
ServinP the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Tedd Arnold's monsters are real but friendly
'Creator of
'Green Wilma'
and 'Huggly'
charms kids
and adults
Sitting close to the stage on the
floor of the Ponte Vedra library
Wednesday, little Clebume Wilson
waited to hear from Tedd Arnold,
the creator of an under-the-bed
monster known as Huggly.
Huggly is one of several critters
that populate the works of Arnold,
a popular children's book author
and illustrator from Elmira, N.Y.
"He's very curious," said
Cleburne's mother Stacy Wilson,
"to find out if Huggly is real."
But before Cleburne could ask
Arnold that question, he watched
with dozens of other children and
adults as Arnold talked about his
life and the way his stories come
to life.
Arnold made the rounds of the
five branches of the St. Johns
County Public Library System this
week, courtesy of the library sys-
tem and each branch's Friends of
the Library group.
With the energy and animation
of a mischevious child, the 6-foot-
5 father of two grown sons
bounced from an easel to a micro-
phone and back again at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library in a'
50-minute show-and-tell that
delighted the audience. .
To explain where he lives, he
put black marker to paper and
quickly drew a map recognizable
as the United States, then asked
prolo m Dy ASHLE' MIILS
Rachel Rosander (left) and
Victoria Spruance of Ponte
Vedra Beach help unpack
boxes of school supplies
Thursday in preparation for
the 13th annual Back to
School with BEAM event at
Beach United Methodist
Church in Jacksonville
Beach Saturday. The pro-
gram, which will supply more
than 800 children from low-
income families with back-to-
school necessities, will take
place at the church on from
8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.,
Tedd Arnold, author and illustrator of more than 50 children's books, sketches one of his characters, Fly
Guy, at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library Wednesday.
the audience to identify specific He plopped the spindly legs on "Hey guys, don't you think this
locales. the top of. the girl's head, giving girl needs-to have her head exam-
When the audience learned that them a distinct antler Appearance. ined?" he asked,. drawing laughs
Arnold ha'd grown .up in "That's a cool-looking girl, all around.
Gainesville; Fla., they joined -hiri right. guys?". Making another squiggly line
in a.Ga,6o Chomp. A r o I d on 'the critter's face, Arnold
n i,'hdes'cribing his, ceative asked, ge- declared, "Oh, hey, there's
pc~''',rinold beganscribbling ting. posi- something in my nose."
liries'.h#a sdon had some resem- t I v e It was one of several refer-
blance to a girl-like critter ,ith a responses ences to made by the
,big,. uJ'0t^^--es' from some author, who addresses the sub-
tegs,- -.-r-i- ,,... ject in more-than-one book. -
Then .he began cutting the and negativeS H
naDer ,into. large ,nieces. moving ones' .from See AUTHOR, A-3
St. Johns County Sheriff
David Shoar, who is expected
to store up nearly 20,000
inmate meals in case of a hurri-
cane, is asking for millions to
upgrade the jail.
But the problems of main-
taining security while renova-
tions are being done, plus
increasing costs of labor and
materials, are making the proj-
ect pricier than originally esti-
Dunng a budget workshop
last week, St. Johns County
commissioners were told that
the jail renovations, estimated
at $8 million, will actually cost
about $13 million a 60 per-
cent hike.
The increase is blamed on
increasing costs of construc-
tion as well as the need to do
the project in phases so as not
to.interrupt security, according
to Doug Timms, director of the
county's office of budget man-
S"The jump in cost has to do
with the fact that it's a special-
ized facility," Timms said at the
July 19 meeting..
"It's going to be a high-cost
The renovations will not
increase the jail capacity but
rather will upgrade areas for
booking, transportation, laun-
dry and meals, according to
Capt.. Frank Cyr with the
Sheriff's Office corrections divi-
When the two-year project
is compitt;'a4th jail will con-
tain a-new, larger medical
housing unit with more
inmate beds and offices for the
medical staff, Cyr said.
It will also include a new
intake and release facility and a
stand-alone laundry facility, he
The existing laundry area
will be used to expand the
kitchen, and the new laundry
facility will be attached to a
21,000-square-foot food stor-
age area that can hold a 10-day
supply of food for the jail,
which can house about 660
The existing food storage
area holds only a three-day
supply, and Cyr said that a 10-
day supply of food is the new
standard for corrections facili-
ties in preparing for a hurri-
"That's one thing we learned
from watching other facilities,"
Cyr said, explaining that some
prisons and jails in Florida's
Panhandle ran out of food dur-
ing the 2005 hurricane season.
Cvr said some of the jails had
to transfer some of their
inmates to other facilities with
adequate supplies.
Cyr said the planned
improvements will add to the
jail's life span, putting off hav-
ing to replace the jail for at
least seven years.
Also at the meeting, repre-
sentatives of the Sheriff's Office
also talked about adding cables
for video visitation at an offsite
Anyone wanting to visit an
inmate in the county jail
would go to a location or office
most likely in St. Augustine
where they could visit their
Residents, workers and lead-
ers of Mayport Village got their
first glimpse of what the his-
toric fishing community could
eventually look like Thursday,
when a developer unveiled
plans for much of the river-
Representatives of Vestcor,
which owns a significant por-
tion of the riverfront property
in the village, presented ren-
derings at a meeting of the
Mayport Waterfront
Partnership Board.
About 50 persons attended
the public meeting, held at the
Marine Science Center in
The drawings show an
upscale, 50-foot-high, four-
story development with resi-
dential condominiums on the
Young lack
work ethic,
survey says
A recent survey of businesses by the St. Johns
County Chamber of Commerce found that the No.
1 concern of employers is the lack of work ethic
shown by young, entry-level workers.
Of the 30 businesses surveyed, 52 percent said
the work ethic of their younger workers isn't
always what it should be.
For that reason, 77 percent of the companies said
they are eager to get involved with the eight career
academies. at public high schools throughout the
St. Johns County to help improve not only work
ethic but also communication and interpersonal
"Not all kids are going to graduate from high
school and go on to college," said Kari Hall
Keating, vice president for economic development
within the St. Johns County Chamber of
Keating said many high school graduates enter
the workforce right out of high school, and career
academies provide them with workforce skills and
training for entry-level positions.
."It's a fantastic concept," Keating said in an
interview Thursday.
The career academies offered in St. Johns County
range from academies of business and finance to
those of design, architecture and building'con-
Career academies, sometimes referred to as
schools within a school, provide specialized cours-
es for certain areas of study.
Nease High School offers -an Academy 'of
Entertainment Marketing and Multimedia, and the
new Ponte Vedra high school to be built east of
Da\is Park on County Road 210 will offer an
Academy of Marine Science.
Business Partners in Education, a committee of
--the'St. lohns-'Gotmty.Chamber of Commerce,
See ETHIC, A-3
top three floors and retail space
on the ground floor.
Mark Farrell, chief executive
officer of Vestcor, referred to
the development as "Key West-
style with porches, married
with New England pitched
Farrell said there is no intent
to change Mayport's personali-
ty, adding that the village's
shrimping and fishing indus-
tries play a key role in the com-
pany's vision for the area.
"I love shrimp and I love
shrimp boats and I'd like both
of them to stay ... I think it's
very romantic," Farrell said.
"We're not trying to change
the personality of the village.
"[1f] we change it, we lose
what were trying to do here."
,Farrell was asked why there
are no shrimp boats depicted
in the drawings, which show
large pleasure boats docked
along what the company's rep-
resentatives say they hope will
be a public promenade along
the riverfront.
Farrell said the drawings are
merely an artist's preliminary
conception of the project.
Later in the meeting, he said
there are currently no fishing
boats that dock along portion
of the properties that Vestcor
Those properties include the
Strickland's Restaurant,
Atlantic Marine, the La Cruise
Casino and Restaurant, a small
parcel across the street from
the riverfront and the basin.
Since learning of developers'
interest in Mayport Village,
many longtime residents have
j* 'T Y---- '* --- _________
This rendering supplied by Vestcor shows a residential and retail development planned for a por-
tion of the waterfront at Mayport Village.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
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Classified .............C-1 Police Beat ...........A-9
Religion ................A-6 Sports..................A-10
Showtimes ............B-4 Weather ..............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
- -'--4~* .-. -. tsr- *.- -"-t-.'" ..t.~-n.-.,' -
Vestcor says shrimping industry
a key to vision for Mayport redo
Increasing cost of construction
adds millions to jail renovations
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 28, 2006
Piblished Wednesday and Friday. ,
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Around The Beaches
Planner heads south
Neptune Beach Community
Development Director Jason
Cleghorn resigned Monday to
take a job in 'the St. Johns
County ,Growth Management
Department in St. Augustine.
Hired by the city about three
years ago, Cleghorn is expect-
ed to work through Aug. '4 for
Neptune Beach. The city will
begin advertising for his
replacement, and it is hoped
the job will be filled quickly, a
city official said.
.- -'The---'Atlanti-C- Beath City'
'Commission Monday unani-
mously approved executing a
$5,000 option to purchase two
acres from Sunrise Community
Church for construction of a
retention pond.
The city says. it needs the
land to construct a retention
pond to keep a major storm
from 'flooding homes and
streets in the Aquatic Garden
area, one of the city's last
remaining neighborhoods
with flooding problems.
The church and city have
reached an agreement for the
city to purchase the land for
$860.000. Now' the city,must
advertise the purchase for 30
days before the issue goes back
before the commission for
final consideration of the pur-
The.entire project is expect-
ed to cost over $2 million.
Height limit gets 1st OK
The Atlantic Beach City
Commission .,-Monday.,gave
preliminary approval to. an
ordinance that would place a
35-foot height limit referen-
dum on this year's ballot:
The proposed ordinance, if
approved by voters in.
November, would amend the
City Charter, limiting all struc-
tures in' the city to 35 feet
As proposed, the only
Sexempti6n to the height limit
would be the Sea Turtle Inn, 1
Ocean Blvd. That business is
the only existing building sig-
nificantlv over 35 feet tall in
Atlantic Beach, and commis-
sioners have expressed a desire
not to limit any future devel-
opment plans.
The hotel's management
recently revealed plans to add
a second, 100-foot-high tower
on the property to accommo-
date approximately 108 new
rooms and other amenities.
Power outage planned
Beaches Energy Services will
conduct a planned electrical
wvorki to:.improve, sexrice-and,
reliability of its-system,.accord-,
ing to a news'release.
The outage will take place at
7 a.m. and last between 20
minutes to 1 hour. Affected by
the outage.will-be the' area.east
of 3rd. Street between" 9th
Avenue South and.2nd Avenue
South. The.outage vill include
all buildings on First Street and
Second Street.
Adjustment Board will meet
Wednesday for a workshop in
the county auditorium of the
courity complex, 4020 Lewis
Speedway, St. Augustine.
The board will discuss rec-
ommended modifications to
the Ponte Vedra Zoning
District Regulations, which
contradict the county's Land
Development Code in a few
Center trustees named
The Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach has announced its
2006-2007 Board of Honorq"rv
Trdstees, as f6llowY': -" "-"'
Ron Autrey, president and
chief operating officerof Miller
Electric; Jerome Fletcher, chair-
man of Fletcher Management;
.Mike .Hartley, president of
Hartley Ptess, and Betty,
Knowlton, an artist and former
".,..., -,; r" *, '
board member.
Also, Marty Lanahan, city
president for AMSouth Bank;
Irene Lazzara of the Gasper
and Irene Lazzara Foundation;
Kelly Madden, president of
Wachovia Bank, and Bruce
Maguire, St. Johns County
Other honorary trustees are
Rhoda McKean, one of the
founders of the Cultural
Center, Kristin McLauchlan,
chairman and chief executive
officer of Legacy Trust Co., and
JijISiejn, chairmann. .of.
Steinmart. ,, ,. ..,
"We are delighted to have
this caliber of community
leaders commit their talents
and resources to the Cultural
Center," said Mary Marx, the
center's executive director.
Pholo iuDmltea
Developer Paul Nichols of Bestcon, Inc., left, celebrates the ribbon cutting of one of the four foot
bridges July 14 in the Paradise Key subdivision in south Jacksonville Beach with the city's
Planning and Development Director Steve Lindorff, community activist Jim Overby and
Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman Ray Fisher.
0 The
Noble Street
Now enrolling for the 2006-2007 school year
ADD/Struggling Students
Learning Disabilities
-: Small Classes
SCertified Teachers.
McKay Scholarship accepted
S.a ,d., J.acksonville Bea I*F. ..-.
Watson Realty, South Beach
This is what some of my customers have to say!
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JTLh Bea"ch-el 3A*
CCont. from A-I
works as'an advisory group to
the academies, helping to cre-
ate curriculums for students,
according to St. Johns County
schools Sqperintendent Joseph
The.cQmmittee helps keep
the School Board in contact
with the business community,'
Joyner said in a telephone
interviqw Thursday.
Area businesses can help by
offering internships, hands-on
training, seminars and part-
time jobs to students.
Joyner said students starting
out at the academies usually
explore career options by shad-
owing someone at a local busi-
As students get closer to
graduatih'g,' they advance to
apprenticeships and intern-
"As students. get into the
upper level of high school,
they get 'more involved in the
different- aspects of the busi-
ness'" Joyp er said.
Businesses that offer these
job shadowing and internship
opportunities "play an absolute-
ly critical role," he said.
Arid -ie Schiool Board is now
startif '"as early as middle
school. to instill ethics and
communication, skills in kids
through a course,called "High
School 101."
The course is designed to
help'eighth graders prepare for
the. transition to high school,
but the nine-week class also
focuses on basic job skills such
as resume writing, interviewing
and dressing for success.
More thnd 80 percent of the
businesses surveyed by the
chamber said they were
unaware of the course and sug-
gested several topics for the
No. l1 on the list was work
ethic, followed by basic
finance, interviewing, attitude,
communication -. skills, and
options after graduation.
Keating said businesses that
wish to participate in the career
academies should call JaySteel
with the; St. Johns Courity
School Board at 819-7500.
Cont. front A-1
loved ones' through cameras
arld'video screens'linked with-
in' the jail.
Visitors would never have to
go to the:ail, ivhich would' not
ohly alleinate-iarking concerns'
but would also tighten4etCriwy,
ac 'd iihg d' S'aiAr. ,` '
".The, benefits are huge,"
Shoar told. commissioners last
i;"ot' having it [visitation] in
that building is critical."
Persons wishing to visit a
prisoner now must fill out an
application tvo to seven days
ahead of the visit, must callthe
jail in :advance and must show
a',photo ID before entering,
according to the Sheriff's Office
\,Veb site.
Each inmate is limited to two
visits per week, one hour per
visit, and two visitorss per visit.
,Shoar said \ideo visitationn
w' money in the long
run, though several commis-
signers expressed .doubt.
"I see a lot of.expense associ-
ated.with'it [offsite visitation]."
said Commissioner Bruce
Magiire of'Ponte Vedra.
Maguire said renting or own-
ing a,/Visitation site and then
staffing. it might be too expen-
Maguire' said he would need
toisee proof' that it would save
m'ney in the long run' before
he supported it..
Mayport: Plans shown
pnolo tby KATHY HARTMAnrI
Cleburne Wilson (front), sitting with his mother Stacy Wilson and brother Miller Wilson, is
engrossed in a'presentation from Tedd Arnold Wednesday at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Author: Lists more than 50 books
.. Cont. from 'A-1
"Do, you know your brains
fall out of your nose?" he
asked, getting a collective
groan from the audience.
"Well, what else is that
stuff?" he wanted to know.
Amid kid-type jokes, talk of
buggers and recitation of the
text of a' few of his books,
Arnold managed to pass along
some sage advice:.
"If something interesting
happens to you, write it
"Say 'thank you' to people
who help."
"Draw, write and keep read-
ing, everybody."
At the end of the presenta-
tion, !Arnold took questions
from the audience.
Cont. fromA-i
expressed concern that the
proposed redevelopment could
spell an end to the village's
seafood industry.
Some have said they worry
that building upscale resi-
dences will eventually drive
.away those who have lived
there many years.
In response to such con-
cerns, the Mayport Waterfront
Partnership Board crafted .a
new set of zoning regulations
for the village the Mayport
Village Working Waterfront
Zone. ,-
The zoning,, OK'd recently
by the Jacksonville City
Council, aims at preserving.
Mayport's fishing heritage and
other characteristics among
the planned redevelopment.
The, new zoning requires res-
idents and business owners
who move into the village to
sign, a disclosure acknowledg-
ing that it is a working water-
.front and that there are certain
sights, sounds and smells that
are associated with it.
"It makes them acknowledge
that this is, a working water-
front zone so when they start
complaining, they have to real-
ize that they bought into it
they knew it-ahead of time,"
Partnership Project Manager
Ed Lukacovic said Thursday.
Farrell said that Vestcor is OK
with the waterfront zone and
considers the fishing aspect of
the village to be a selling.point
for them.
He said the company wants
to work toward the develop-
ment of a promenade or
boardwalk which would
extend the entire length of the
village's waterfront "to tie.the
village together so people can
access the waterfront."
Farrell said he envisions the
public's being able to purchase
fish from boats docked in the
"We want to make this an
active fishing village that
brings pedestrians. Hopefully,
the more people we bring out
here, the more profitable for
the fishermen it will be," he
"That's what we envision.
We want to keep the charm."
Finally, Cleburne got the
chance to ask his question: "Is
.there a real Huggly?",
Huggly, the author
explained, is a lovable monster
he named by combining
"ugh," "ugly" and "hug."
i"Yes, he's real," said Arnold,
"in my books."
Many new faces at Nease High
Returning Nease High
School students will see plenty
of new faces in' their class-
rooms when school starts next
week, as one-quarter of the fac-
ulty are new to the school this
SOf the 100.teachers on staff,
16 new faculty members will
replace those who left, and
nine more' have been added
because of increased enroll-
ment for the' year, which
begins Aug. 4' for students in
St. Johns County, public
' IPo L". 1"., L., .. .. .- ,.'
%owevet, tis., r no'ver rate,
is not out of the ordinary said
Linda Thomson, principal at
Nease. Teachers often move or
leave to have a baby, and she
said she expects to lose about
one-fifth df her faculty every
The faculty can -also expect
to see a larger student body
this \'ear. Last year, 1,850 stu-
dents registered at Nease,' and
Thomson estimates that the
total enrollment, for the'
upcoming year will be 2,150.
The increase, she said, is due
to new housing developments
in the district. Nease is built to
hold 1,500 students.
"I do have .space problems,"
Thomson said.
To accommodate this'
growth, the school added two
more .portable classrooms,
bringing the total number to
"A portable is not any differ-
ent than a classroom,"
Thomson said. "What's impor-
tant is having adequate space
for the kids."
Enrollment at the school
reached 2,400 before Bartram
Trail High, opened in
Northwest St. Johns Count}, so
the school has experienced
worse space constrictions.
,Thom.son.said she considers
new student and teacher faces.'
at'the beginning of the' ear to'
be more exciting than they are
One of the new members of
the faculty is a new band direc-
tor, who will be shared with
Landrum Middle School.
Because of limited student
Interest at either school; one
teacher is enough to do the
Pherbia Engdahl, the princi-
pal at Landium, said that the
band director will work two
periods at the middle school
and three at Nease.
"That isn't an arrangement
that you hope to have the rest
of your life," Engdahl said. "Ve
want to build the band."
Thomson also agreed that
building the band program at
Nease is an important goal, but
students do not usually come
into high school looking to
start playing an instrument.
"The key is to get the interest
at the middle school level," she
Landrum does have a higher
than usual enrollment for its
beginning band class for the
upcoming year, Engdahl said.
However, these numbers are
still lower than she would like
to see.
,"You,.have to start from.
square one- sometimes,"' Ehel
Vestcor CEO Mark Farrell presented the company's plans to the
Mayport Waterfront Partnership Board members at a special
meeting held Thursday morning at the Marine Science Center in
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Tlilv 2R- 2006
Page 3A*-
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedia Leader
C~: 1;
Page 4A sI a I vV n F-, L r %- IL L. .. L. juiy ,o, Luuo Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
Letters to the editor:
Who gave planning
permission to new bar?
To the Editor:
I would like to bring to
attention another example of
deliberate wrongdoing by
those in the know at City Hall.
As we all know, planning and
development codes are a con-
tentious issue these days in
Jacksonville Beach, and "for
good reason.
Furthermore, I have noticed
that over the years the codes
have become less liberal, more
structured and will leave the
future generations of the
Beaches less headaches than
those we are experiencing at
the present moment. Indeed,
enforcement and uniformity.
are paramount when it comes
to this aspect of local govern-
In the past'few months the
City Council, in conjunction
with the .' Planning
Department, have hatched a
plan and a set of regulations'
that deal with ,the aspect of
,outdoor seating, at bars and
restaurants, located within our
city. With this in mind, I
would like to know who gave
planning permission to the
new bar,which is soon to open
on the'corrier of Second Street
and Second Avenue North.
It appears that this property,
which is to be called "Brix," is
the sister bar of the "Ritz" and
is- situated just .a few -hundred
vards fromrr the populairnight
spot. Is this the same establish-
ment which,:'a..few vears back,.
was given special dispensation'
to open as a brew pub similar
in style to "Ragtime" in
Atlantic beach? If it is, I believe
it gives a new slant on the term
micro brew as the brewing
facilities are so small that they
appear not even to exist.
On a more relevant point, I
see that they have also been
given permission to build a
large outdoor bar which; 1
assume, will attract a boister-
ous clientele on any given
weekend night. It appears that.
they where'given permission
to do this without having to
provide any parking whatsoev-
er, which is quite a unique
occurrence-these days.
Another interesting' issue is
that it 'appears that they have
also not had to provide a
dumpster enclosure which -
for a bar one would assume
to be,a prerequisite!
In conclusion, it appeals
obvious to me that the .city is
seating itself up for yet more
avoidable law suits from estab-
Slishments, which were denied
the same privileges.
Nevertheless, as a property
owner, L believe that my inter-
ests have not been protected
by the Planning Department as
they continue to grant build-
ing permits to businesses such
as the aforementioned whilst
ignoring the main impact on
ourcommunity, which will be
,yet' more traffic congestion.
Grace Alessi
Jacksonville Beach
Thank you for help
with runatway dog
To the editor: appreciated by myself and a
Thank you to all of the.kind very upset young girl. I
and caring Ponte Vedra indi Gracie will now be attending
viduals who stopped to help a mandatory', "Doggy Boot
my young daughter catch her, Camp" to learn some much
dog, "Gracie," the runaway needed obedience skills.
afelf R ussell Tar.ier. .. ........ .. .... ,' ,,., .,,.,,,.-,,.- ..i. i...,, ....,
""*I^'^^ttt^(trrtotfiftn Ti rF'fit" ^ rrenP "Ti
out qf your day', this past. Estebanez
Tuesday night. to stop and'get '' '' Ponte Vedra Beach
out of your cars are greatly
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240,,or send e-mail
Lengthy letters may be"edited as space requires.
We will not consider letters that do not bear a
signature and address and we request a phone.
number for verification.
If you have a question about news coverage call
.249-9033 during business hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
;-' -. .
Kathleen Feindt'Bailey., Linda Borgstede
E 0; .
&E.dir,' he 'BeBce Leade,' -LDi'ader ofSales
Thomas Wood Karen Stepp
President and Publisher 17cePresident' -
Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minion
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoleti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse
Business Office
Char Coffman
Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte I'dra Leader
Jennifer Wise
ice President
Steve Fouraker
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Donny Milllken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Crosswords are great activity for
relaxing and exercising the mind
SYou can tell a lot about a
person by the way they
work a crossword puz-
I never knew about these
brain exercisers until I was
put to bed rest during preg-
nancy. It took about a day
and a half to'realize that dav-
time TV in 1993 was a dis-
turbing window into some of
the most dysfunctional and
depressing people in the
land. So I tried the newspa-
per, and it took four minutes
toget through the Middle
'East, the Greater Jacksonville
Plan and the crime rate. As a
last ditch effort, I started
waking the crossword puz-
l:. l'~ire hours later, I felt
like a new part of my brain
had been turned on, and over
the next six weeks of strict
bed rest, I had it down to a
There are many ways of
working a crossword, and you
can learn a lot about a per-
son's way of solving life's
problems by watching their
method. In fact, I think this
should be a part of any job
interview. I'm not saying one
way is better than the other,
but it might indicate the job
type a person is cut out for.
For instance, some people
only work a crossword puzzle
with the answers available. If
unable to immediately fill in
the blank, they flip to the
solution puzzle, find the
answer and fill it in. You kind
of short circuit the point of
the puzzle by doing this. By
solving clues of crossing
words, letters are provided
which turn on a light bulb to
other answers. But, some peo-
ple are not interested or
A re'rded bvy odli'n'1 -i'6I5- .:,
tribulation and extra brain
work, and that's cool, but I
think potential employers
would benefit from knowing
this about a person up front.
These people would probably
do well at jobs with repeti-
tion and predictability. Or it
may be indicative how short-
comings are handled.
Problems (clues) that are
solved by cheating (looking
up the answer), doesn't nec-
essarily indicate a dishonest
person, but may. shed light
into blame shifting tenden-
Sometimes,'if a person is
stuck on the puzzle, and
unable to figure out any solu-
tions, they put it down for an
hour and pick it back up.
Miraculously, solutions which
seemed impossible before are
suddenly as obvious as the
sky, and the answers just fall
into place. This may show a
quality in a person of persist-
ence or willingness to
approach the problem from a
different perspective. If I was
looking for employees in a
field that requires innovation
and "stick-to-it-ive-ness," I'd
definitely like to know who
has this trait. Or if I was a
person who wanted it done
theirway or no way, this
might be a good screening
Now some puzzlers
absolutely refuse to look up
the answers no matter what.
Even if the clue asks for the
name of a character's pet
poodle in a 1953 mo\ie
they've ever heard of. All
"t h I'c r .sw ord'cei 'i' 'il:'
ChYisteihdrb'n 'i6hi'hl43 6iH
this one, but some will
doggedly press onward, writ-
ing a bogus pet name in and
gridlocking a huge part of the'
puzzle. This could indicate an
unrealistic assessment of
one's aptitude, another trait a
CEO may find useful to know
Now.l realize that in dis-
cussing this I'm implying
untruths, or revealing truths
of friends, family members,
and even myself, but.there it
is. Crosswords are a great
activity for relaxing and exer-
cising a'mind. Everyone finds
satisfaction from them in.a
different way. Just be careful
what you reveal about your-
Dr. vonThron is a pediatri-
cian who lives in Neptune
Beach with her husband, chil-
dren, and labrador Daisy.
Don't mess with a good thing
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
This is a direct memo to
the honchos at Coca-Cola
who thought it wise to tamp-
er with the Diet Sprite formu-
In a possible attempt to
freshen up its marketing cam-
paign or attract a new demo-
graphic of diet drinkers, some
one OK'd arebranding of
Diet Sprite's image.
The packaging has changed
and the logo was altered
slightly, and that was all fine
until my first sip of the modi-
fied product. Even though
the list of ingredients seems
identical except for a mini-
mal sodium increase) the
taste is definitely different.
I don't understand the
need to completely alter the
chemical composition of a
nationally treasured soft
drink. Did the executives
learn nothing from the "New
Coke" fiasco?
People, like myself, learn to
lean on products like Sprite
Zero, the beverage formerly.
known as Diet Sprite.
My preoccupation with the
clear lemon-lime concoction
dates back to my teenage
years on the heels of the
darker cola-based drinks such
as Tab and.Diet Rite, which.
once reigned over the shelves
in my parents' refrigerator.
Unlike its predecessors,
Diet Sprite was drinkable,
enjoyable even. I counted on
it every day after school and
in college, every morning,
once I realized that the crisp
taste and the bubbles provid-
ed immediate relief from a
keg-party hangover.
It was a constant in my life
that was snatched away with-
out so much as a warning.
When any product contin-
ually proves its ability to
withstand time and trends,
the reward should be conti-
It's not just about cola. This
is a lesson I would like to
offer to the good people at
the Gap who have single-
handedly corrupted the
denim industry by offering
such a staggering variety of
cuts and styles that perfec-
tion has eluded them all.
Boot cut, classic fit, the
boyfriend, the cargo cut, the
artist, flare, the skinny jean,
low rise, ultra low rise -
which should be called the
plumber cut with all the rear
Exposure provided with this
particular style.
Sometimes less is more,
knew the jeans crisis was
reaching epidemic propor-
tions when my friend Cheryl
informed me on Monday that
she planned to list all of her
beloved Gap jeans on EBay.
'Like me with my chronic
Diet Sprite habit, Cheryl
pledged her denim allegiance
to the Gap years ago and
would still be loyal had they
not gone and messed up a
good thing.
Now, she Is a woman with-
out a brand. I tried to turn
her on to my favorite brand,
but she won't be swayed,
simply because I once split a
seam and busted out the back
of my jeans.
I tried to explain' to her
that this particular brand of
jeans is very reliable as long
as activities are restricted to
normal denim measures.
How my jeans split is not
important not as important
as the Diet Sprite I guzzled
the next morning.
Rules "have
or health:
odid you hear the
one about the mid-
Sdie-aged guy who
says to his wife? "Honey
have you seen my
aspirin? You know the
doctor told me to take
one a day to prevent
heart problems?"
"Don't worry dear, he
says, "I put an extra
tablespoon of mayon-
naise in your tuna salad,
you'll be just fine!"
Or how about the
teenage girl who asks,
"Mom where is the sun
screen? I'm going down
to the pool."
"Don't worry Sweetie,
she says, "just finish your
cup of cocoa and you'll
be good for an hour or
OK, don't try the fol-
lowing health regime at
home before, as they say
on TV, checking with
your doctor first.
Hellmann's has a new
mayonnaise made with
"the goodness of Canola
Oil" that actually pro-
motes cardiovascular
S It is high in:Omega 6
and Omega 3 essential
, 'o,; Ils, r "good heart,,
health "
I put some of that stuff
on a hamburger and it
was delicious. It tasted
like it was bad for me.
That's OK I can still
feel guilty about the fried
ground chuck it was on.
You have to take this
health food thing, one
step at a time.
Research shows that
women who drink cocoa
are much less likely to.
get sunburned than'
women who don't.
It protects you against
the Sun's UV rays
Properties in tomatoes,
and salmon and other'-
fatty fish high in Omega
3 also keep you from get-
ting red.
Throw a little canola
mayo on that dish, and
you can be protected, all.
day, and have a healthy
Finally some good
news for chocolate lovers.
Dark chocolate lowers
blood pressure..
I never thought I'dbe a
big farl of health food,.
'but that's all changed.
If only adult beverages
were good'for me.
Believe it or.not the
antioxidants in cold beer,
red wine and even some
chardonnays figlbt.cancer,
heart disease, diabetes
and even cataracts.
Happy hour is a lot
more fun than laser sur-
Hey, no wonder my
Ponte Vedra buddies are
all so healthy.
My In-laws on the
Westside and in Glen St.
Mary are going to live
forever, with perfect eye
I hope this little col-
umn about nutrition
helped in planning your
family meals..
Oh, since I have told
you what is good for you
that you thought wasn't,
here is the flip side of
that coin. New research
ties tofu with thyroid
I don't know, maybe a
little extra mayo on that
fake sausage or wiener
will make it alright.
But check with your
doctor first.
Bon appetite and cheers.
Health foods, the rules
have changed thank
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July 28, 200D
Seven SJ commissioners
is a recipe for disaster
To the Editor:
Commissioner Maguire
believes we should have seven
commissioners not five.,
He wants to go back to a sys-,
tem we had eight years ago.
Each district would have one
commissioner plus two at large
commissioners. The district
commissioners would be voted:
on only by voters in their dis-
trict. The other two would be
voted on by all county voters.
This would limit voters to
selecting only three of seven
commissioners, however, all
seven makeldecisions that effect
the. whole county. The other
four, would be out of your
Isn't that a recipe for disaster?
What happen in 1990 to 1998
under this system was fun to
watch. It was a classic case of
you scratch my back and I'll
scratch ydurs .
If we'd that old'system today,
when the purchase of the St.
Johns Service Company in
Ponte Vedra came up, opposed
by most residents, Mr. Maguire
could have gotten his fellow
commissioners to vote yes and
he could have vote no. Plausibly
deniability. "I was on your side,
they outvoted me". As it was,
he had to vote for his friends at
St. Johns Service and bring on
the ire of his northeast con-'
When we had seven commis-
sioners, they provided cover for
each other. It occurred on a reg-
ular basis. It became such a scan-
dal that four of the commission-
ers were labeled 'the gang of
four'. The St. Johns County
Roundtable exposed this cha-
rade. A referendum was passed
to change from seven to five
commissioners so the citizens
could hold all commissioners
accountable. None could hide
from the voters.
I can understand why
Commissioner Maguire wants
to go back to that system.
Especially in District 4. He has
voted against this community
consistently over the past four
years. He has been part of the
group that has run this county
into deficit spending which wil
end up in higher property taxes.
It is a simple thing, you can
control a commissioner in only
one of two ways, with money or
your vote. Unless you are
exceeding rich, ie a developer,
why give up your one chance to
Don't give your vote away.
Ask yourself what's in it for
Mary F. Kohnke
Ponte Vedra Beach
"Copyrighted Material I
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"'
Letter a plea to St. Johns voters
To the Editor:
This letter serves as a plea for
help to the voters of St. Johns
County. Approximately 2 years
ago you sent me as your repre-
sentative to the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC)
to attempt to control the
, explosive growth that is
approved by that board. Since
that time, I have been true to
my word, using the existing
Growth Management Act
statutes as reasoning for denial
of applications totaling tens of
thousands of homes in 4 to 1
votes, including one three
week period when I voted
against over 13,000 residential
The Development Industry is
wickedly powerful and will not
easily surrender the seats that
it controls on the board. Those
special interests are presently
using whatever tactics are nec-
essary to keep the incumbents,
Commissioners Stern and
Maguire, in office. Stern has
accumulated and publicly
brags about her ability to col-
lect special interest develop-
ment funding. Her obscene
campaign war chest now
exceeds $137,000.00.
Commissioner Maguire is not
far behind in his fund raising
Every two weeks I continue
to suffer the insults of 4 to 1
votes as I try to turn the corner,
using the law as my ally, on the
development butchery and car-
pet bagging of your county, a
butchery that places you deep-
er and deeper every month in
an unfunded infrastructure
sinkhole that will eventually
have to be filled with your'tax
The French have arrived
To the Editor:
The Mayport developer
Vestcor has spoken in a clear
voice their plans-for taking the
island. The architects have
designed a "Key West" look of
stone, medieval buildings with
four-story corner turrets
trimmed in red.
The French, h,ye arrived .nd
are st ig.l9't.a village wgre
shops .have merchandise the
locals can only look at and put
their dirty hands on the win-
There is inadequate parking
for the planned condos.
I am sure Mr. L[ohn] Meserve
will introduce all the Jaguar
owners to, the City Planning
Committee and Jacksonville
City Council. They will soon
have all they desire.
Pat Pillmore
SAtlan tc each
2 r 1 1, *I-'! J Itll ', : ; !I .: _<
I am begging for your help to
turn the BCC around. I am
supporting Tom Manuel and
Ron Sanchez in their republi-
can primary races against the
developer controlled incum-
bent commissioners. I have
kept my word and done my job
over the past two years on your
behalf, providing a consistent
message condemning uncon-
trolled residential growth.
Please send me some help this
election cycle. You have the
power of the vote and the
power to turn this county
around. Vote for Manuel and
Sanchez; they are committed
to serve your interests, not spe-
cial interests.
Ben Rich
St. Johns County
Commissioner, District 3
To the Editor:
In response to Bruce
Maguire's letter regarding a
seven-member commission I
would like to say, "no way."
We have had a seven mem-
ber commission and it didn't
work so the citizens voted in
1994 for five commissioners
and we don't want to change
now. I do not believe his state-
ment that most citizens he has
spoken to want seven commis-
EVerone I know in Ponte
Vedra wants to keep it at five.
The financial costs is not worth
having 2 more people, we still
won't have the representation
'we deserve for the amount of
monev'we give in taxes. When
we had 7 commissioners 'we
had no say in Ponte \ dir for
many years.
The only problem is we
aren't getting the quality repre-
sentation we v'ted for. We in
the northeast part of the coun-
ty believe that we pay the lion's
share of the county's taxes and
receive much less in the way of
for the
best car
A4 -
..tmenl t
services and consideration for
what we pay.
Adding two more commis-
sioners will only serve to dilute
our representation and
increase the cost to tax payers
for their salaries at a cost of
$56,167 plus benefits and sup-
port staff per year.
What would the citizens of
all of St. John's County gain by
having those expenses added
to the budget?
I only see it helping the peo-
ple running for office so they
don't have to travel the total
county to get elected.
My suggestion is vote for
new Commissioners and keep
it at five.
Th costsof hav'ing,spyen
com misIpIrls,,Q,%JlP -e s#.g- s-
aster for al the citizens of .St.
Johns County'.
Rita Friedman
Ponte Vedra Beach
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Let's look
at the
To the Editor:
Stephen Kuti wrote a letter
published in Friday's leader in
which he states that a, .50,FAR
is right for Atlantic Beach.
First, while Mr. Kuti lives well
outside the area to be affected
by the implementation of
fact that he has asserted his
opinion so strongly suggests
that the scope of this legisla-
tion should perhaps be city-
wide and not confined to so
small an area.
But let's look at the numbers
and consider whether a .50
Floor Area Ratio is fair.
If you calculate the maxi-
mum allowable square footage
of a residential structure on a
50 x 115 lot, the imputed FAR
under the current code would
be 1.35. On a 50 by 150 lot,
FAR would equate to some-
thing near 1.50.
Is it reasonable or fair to a
property owner to take away
two thirds of what they can
build on their property?
Compared to what is current-
ly allowed, a .50 FAR severely
limits what one can build on
their property. From this per-
spective, implementing a .50
FAR is not only unfair, but
could be deemed a taking of
property for which property
owners could seek compensa-
John L. Fletcher
Atlantic Beach
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Page 5A
The BeackPs LeadeIr/Ponte Vedra LeaderT
- 1 n- -IrAnA
I I 1 1, ; 'A
:'L-l~ nJ ~7IL.~;
"'""' "
Page 6A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 28, 2006
Tre Bella Voce
Tenor, Dr. Roger J. Geronimo
will present Tre Bella Voce, a
night of Italian songs, arias,
and 'Broadway music on
Saturday, July 29 at 7 p.m. in
the Our Lady Star of the Sea
Cultural Center. The concert is
a fundraising event for the
Wolfson Children's Hospital.
The church's Cultural Center
is at 545 AIA N in Ponte Vedra,
for information call 285-2698.
Destiny Girls
4th through 9th grade girls
are invited to join Destiny
Girls at Christ the Redeemer
Church to build friendships
and learn the destiny God has
planned for them. The group
meets weekly at 7 p.m. begin-,
ning the week of August 13th.
For information or to regis-
ter contact Ms. Shannon at the
church office at 285-8009 x 40
or visit www.christthere- Registration is
$12 prior to August 6 and $15
afterwards. The church
address is 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.
in Ponte Vedra.
Music Program
All are welcome to attend a
Fifth Sunday Night Music
Program onSunday, July 30th
at 6 p.m. at Palm Valley Baptist
Church. The church is located
at 4890 Palm Valley Road; call
285-2447 for information.
Art Show
"Behind Bethlehem," the
new exhibit at the Bethel
Gallery at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church, will open
on August 4. Over a hundred
photographs taken by mem-
bers of the Visual Arts Ministry
will be on display to give a
behind the scenes look at the
church's annual Christmas
"Bethlehem Visit."
The final day for the "Go Tell
It on the Mountain" exhibit
will be July 30.
For information call 285-
photo suomilne
Rabbi Shalom Hammer will speak Saturday, July 29, on the cur-
rent crisis in Israel at Chabad @ the Beaches. See story A-2.
8225; the church address is
4510 Palm Valley Road.
Youth Group Mass
The Youth Group at St. Paul's
Catholic Church will hold a
parish-wide Mass on Sunday,
August 6 at 4 p.m. For infor-
mation or to help, contact Erin
Hayden at 249-2600 or youth- The
church address is 224 N. 5th
Street in Jacksonville Beach.
Garage Sale
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church will have a garage sale
on Saturday, August 5 from 8
a.m. until noon. The church
address is 4140 Hodges Blvd.
-in Jacksonvill, call 223-6922
for information.
Conversion Immersion
Congregation Ahavath
Chesed will begin a program
for those interested in explor-
ing conversion to Judaism on
August 15 from 7 to 8 p.m.
Monthly group meetings, proi-
ects, meetings with clergy and.
congregational mentors, and
service attendance are part of
the program.
For information, contact
Rabbi Holly Cohn at
h c o h n @t h e t e m p I e ac k- or at 733-7078.
The address of Ahavath
Chesed is 8727 San Jose Blvd.
in Jacksonville.
New Vicar at Christ
Episcopal at San Pablo
The Rev. Anne Home
Bridgers has become vicar of
Christ Episcopal Chuirch at San
Pablo. Bridgers is a graduate of
the Virginia Theological
Seminar)' and was ordained in
1998. She served most recent-
ly as Associate Dean at St..
Johns Cathedral in
Christ Episcopal Church at
San Pablo is at 2002 San Pablo:
Road in Jacksonville. The
church facility is a permanent
extension of Christ Episcopal
Church. Sunday Services are at
9 a.m. For information call
Epic Surf Ministry
Epic Surf Ministry's End of
the Year Picnic and Baptism
will be on Saturday, July 29 at'
Oceanfront Park,* .in
Jacksonville Beach from noon
to 3 p.m.
For information call Epic's
office at 249-1201 or visit the;
website at www.epicsurfmin-
Calvary Anglican Moves
Calvary Anglican Church is
now meeting at Sabal Palm
Elementary School at 1201
Keman Blvd. in Jacksonville
for Sunday worship service and
Sunday School classes. Classes
for all ages are at 9 a.m. and
worship service at 10:30 a.m.
The Kenyan Liturgy will be
used for worship services
through the month of
August. Contact the church
office at 241-9400 for informa-
Night qf Joy
Members of the Teens In
Motion Youth Group at First
Christian Church of the
Beaches will attend Night of
Joy 2006 on Sept. 9 at Disney
World. The trip will include a
night of Christian Music fol-
lowed by a day at Blizzard
Beach Water Park on Sept. 10.
Tickets are available until Aug.
9; for information contact Tim
Hopkins at FCCB at 246-2010.
Catholic Charities
Professional marriage, fami-
ly, and addictions counseling
is offered by appointment at
St. Paul's Catholic Church one
day a week through Catholic
Charities Counseling Program.
Call 354-4846 extension 230
for information. St. Paul's is at
First Avenue and 5th Street in
Jacksonville Beach.
Bible Class
"Discovering the Bible" class-
es are held on Sundays at 9.
a.m. through August at St.,
Paul's by the .Sea Episcopal'
Church. All are welcome to
join the class where questions
are encouraged. The class
meets: in the Christopher
Conference : Room on the
church campus at 465
Eleventh Avenue NOrth in
Jacksonville Beach; call 249-
4091 for information.
Counseling at Beth El
:Jewish Family and.
Comminity Sernices will set
up a satellite office on the cam-
pus of Beth El. the Beaches
The first group sessions will
be held on July 21 and are free
of charge and available to any-
one in the community. Stress
Management will be at 9 a.m.
and Bereavement Support will
be at 11 a.m. JFCS qualified
staff will provide these seric-
Additional services includ-
ing individual and group
counseling will be provided at
this location. For information
contact Ken Hoeck at 394-
5729 or
Audrey Dearborn at 394-5716
Beth El is at 288 N. Roscoe
Chabad preschool
Chabad @ the Beaches in
Ponte Vedra is taking enroll-
ment for a new Jewish pre-
school which will open in
Co-directors of the school
are Chana Novack and Leah
Kurinsky. The preschool will
promote Jewish education for
children ages 12 months to 36
Call 285-1588 for informa-
tion or to register.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery; a bibli-
cal based program for persons
facing personal problems,
meets every Friday at 6:30 p.m.
in the fellowship hall of Beach
United Methodist Church,
Third Street at Seventh Avenue
North; Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and same-
gender small groups, people
can work on personal struggles
such as eating disorders, alco-
hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
dency. The evenings begin
with dinner. Call 249-2343. ;
Retreats at Marywood
Retreats and ,events are
planned 'at the: Marywood
Center for Spirituality in the
Switzerland area of NVW St.
Johns County.
August 16: Slow Me Down
Lord. This day of reflection
will be led by Fr. Anthony
Sebra. It is designed to help
busy people to be more aware
of the Lord's presence in their
daily lives. The session begins
at 9:30 a.m. and ends with
Mass at 2:30 p.m. The cost is
$25 and includes lunch.
August 20: The Tradition of
Meditation in Christianity will
400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach.
1 285-6127
Sunday 7:45, 9:00. 11:00 AM. 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist
S ..-..-Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Eucharis
a = ,r", ..-. .. .
Evehing.Pryver in the Chapel -
6:00 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs.. Fri.
Nursery Available for Saturday
& Sunday Services
All are welcome
Our~'Co~ttgation meets at
Castillode Mexico
1222 S. Third.Street
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Wayne Dyer ., "
The Power of titennon '
Louise Hay '.
bou Can Heal ibur Life '
Deepak Chopra
Peace Is The Way
We think you're going to love our church!
Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Best Western at
1-95 & J. Turner Butler Blvd.
Jacksonville Church of Religious Science
398-4353 or
.4 nglican Church
.4 worship-centered e angelical congregabon 1 111S
in the .rIgbcan tradition
Meeting at Sabal Palm Elementar. W eek
IE jsjlTOliN.iFkrnanBlId L.'
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am
Sunday School: 9:00 am
Home GoivmoD on weeknightsm aoundr k iaoCsonie
Prayer and Healing Sermice, Second Suriays, om ,. .
)OIce 795 Ma.-,, a O0 ALU L:n. 241-9400. l- ,r.,|l oar
(El noer r. liicj,, C. -..u.:n h'. W 'lt )
Worship Opportunities
9:00 a.m. Contemporary*
11:15 a.m. Traditional*
*Kids Wobrship provided
United Methodist
Sunday School
10:00 a.m. for all ages
Rev. Jeff Bennett.Pastor
Adam Myers, Youth
35 Executive Way. PVB
Across A IA from Rawlings School
Behind Prosperity Bank
280-5141 www.vD-umc.ore
An Evangelical Free Church
Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
298 Aquatic Drive
Atlantic Beach
Phone: 249-3030
S press b lier an c u rc n
The Palms Oasis
is a CommLniht Nurtured b6
te Grace of Jesus Christ
Sene God's Mission in the World
Sunday Worship Services
8,30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
Nursery at all services
Sunday School
All ages 9:40 a.m.
3410 S ulIr, Thrl SlIre6l .iCksor.vllle Be3C
Pn 504 2.,-.e427 A.A painmscurcn orq
PC USs~.
Ir TraditionalAnglican ChurchI
Holy Communion
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M.
Holy Trinity meets in the Old Chapel
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach
Rev. Robert C. Adams. Vicar
Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Churchft
''Where friends gather to worship"
4510 Palm Valley Road (CR 210)
Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Breakfast
Nursery & Toddler Ministries
Middle, High School, College
Adult Ministries
Music & Art Ministries
Home of a Bethlehem Visit
rew Ae'bpws apRist church
1050 Highway A 1A 285-4288
Sunday School 9:00am
Worship 10:15am
newbeginningsbc @clear
Wed. Evening 7:30 pm
Ribault Garden Club
705 2nd. Ave. N.. Jax Bch
(Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.)
Dial A Prayer 355-7044
Church of the Daily Word
1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
Phone: 249-5418
a.m. & 11:00 Traditional
8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Service
Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) N-THE-FIELD BEACE CHAL CHURCH Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
S (BY THESEA) u EPISOPAL CHURCH Episcopal Church Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
A Stephen a BMIs negain E pico ar I RA 77 610,s NEPiuE BEACHa Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
1801 Beac Bh'd. REAL, ROOTED, RELEVANT .Nry.oid
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 R E Nursery Provided -
Sunday Worship 895 Palm Valley Road Wensdy: m 0: a Associate Pastor Howard NIMcinn
8:00 am & 10:30 am Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112 Children' Chapel At 10 am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICESUNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Sun School Sunday Services Welcome Famihes Children's Chapel At 10 am Sun. WORSHIP SER'ICES
Sunday School Sunday Services W welcome Famies Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 .1I 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Adult Christian Formation 9:00am & Singles U Christian Formation At 9:00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am Holy Eucharist 0:00am Corner of 5lh St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided children Capel dur ngse 904-249-4091 Share in the love of OClis
Nursery Provided Infants Nhrough years 904-249-4091
I'- .. IE pE/." of the.Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC C URCI
1 S CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH eV CHeU H 2125 Oceanfront& Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
150 ShserryDrive. Atlantic Beach, Fl. RIS the oceanH IC' 240
S Rev. Dr. Ge Goodma Pastor (ELCA) a t ch Come worship with us by the ocean. Fathr Joseph Meehan
Pasor ap l stt C r Sundays, 1stAvenue North at 5th Street FerJephaSee
'r,. Church Office 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING d t Avenue North at 5th Street WEEKEND MASSES
PreschoolKindergarten Office 241-7335 C Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m. Ph. 285-5347 6:30pm-Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 &9:00 am Father A pasr sunday 9 a.m. 11 a.m
Schedule: Rev Julie FrankPastor SUNDA Celebration PraiseFaer AKey,pastor
unayomngWorship .8:30 & 11 ra or 9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
undaMomingWorship 8:30&11a.m Sunday ContemporaryWorship 10:30am- Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m and 5:30 p.m. RECONCLIATION
Church School -All Ages 9:45a.m, 8:30am EDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday.Mass 7:00, 8:3010:00, Saturda 10:00 a.m. or b at.
Yo(thFellowships 5p~m <, i: 6:30 pm The Gathering 05:30pSupper
teorrWorshi Se. 5:5pm Sunday Church School 9:45am Bibk S studies orErege & Simation 6:30 SC il ou 11:30 .m. & 7 p.m. RELIGIOUSEDUCA O
e Ag L Saturday Confessions 6 B Wed. 6:00 p.m. (K3)7:15p.m. (4-6gr.)
Chance Chor Wednesdays 7 pm Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am t 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6 00 p.m. (4-6gr.)
Nurse ry Proide C2ollins, Beah After 9 a.m.Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. 246-6014
Weekday PreschooKndergarten 13.4 & 5 yr S) Nursery Provided Tom Bar, Pastor 904-249.2307 www.fccbdoc corn emal:lccbdoc@besouth net 246-014
k Palm Valley Baptist Church _, BiL RabbiEhezw.en-Yehuda,PhI. Spinru Leadm OCEANSIDE
4 90 Palm valley Road Ponteedia EWM*B T ir Rl r I tT O EIAN IDETnnATIm
285-2447 ."o -s,.l Ve d Stuarft Wilams President CHURCH O CHRIST 1
S.......l- 1025 Snug Harbor Court FRTBPI
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor f 288 N. Rscoe Blvd, Ponte Vqdra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd. at W. 11th St. Orchid
(Off Rayport RdJ at W. 111th St. andrbr orchid
,&edeAb ^'O 4v1a ,~iurcc ta -T4a. Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 -12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sunday for: Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
nday chofrvallages 09:AM Sturday 5 pm e have a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709
Evening Bbl Study 600 PM Sundayr a00am community. Please contact our office m-f8-5for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30a.m.
,Wednesday Evening opportunities: day 8:0am, 9:30ani & 1:00am education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PM '
Children and Youth Blble Study ,7:00 PM (904) 268-2500 "A home forJewish Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening .6:15 p.m.
Adult Wors.hip Servlcei" 7:00 PM
hld d ul rsip prvidce for al a .. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
ChildCare and Nuryovidedfor al Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. service interpreted for the hearing impairedves
'The rightousshallouthhlikete palm tree..." Palms 92:1P 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. .-r ll Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired
_I __
. .. ..1 r -... ...
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Youth drama camp
at PV Presbyterian
Students at Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
on the third day of camp.
Church's Drama Camp warmed up for story telling exercises
The youth Drama Camp held
this week at Ponte Vedra
Presbyterian Church encour-
ages children to "celebrate the
gifts God has given them,"
Ann Smith, the children's
director at the church.
Activities at the camp are
designed to "tap into the chil-
dren's creativity, develop it,
and encourage them to share
it," added camp instructor
Sally Deming.
Deming is the fihe arts.direc-
,tor at Episcopal High School.
This is th.fiftih'year she .has
taught the week-long camp for
first- through fifth-grade stu-
' dents. '
At, Deming leads
the children in an exploration
of song, mime, improvisation,
storytelling, and stage tech-
She begins each camp day
with a prayer and a song.
Lessons illustrating the fruits
of the spirit, such as love, joy,
and peace, are incorporated in
each day's activities, she said.
As the students prepared for
storytelling on the third day of
camp, she told campers to
"share your story ... you are
the story."
After the children's stories,
Deming said that she uses para-
bles and other learning lessons
to share values.
The children are encouraged
to relate what they have
learned during the. camp to
their ;,own lies' .and think
about ways they can share
their gifts.
"We want. the children to
understand; that their abilities
all come from God, and know
their gifts are given to them for
a purpose," Smith said.
Briefs: Young adult group meetings at St. Andrew's Lutheran
Cont. from A-6
be led by Gene Bebeau. This
three hour afternoon of reflec-
tion will begin at 1:30 p.m.
Bebeau will discuss, how to
enter the contemplative expe-
rience. There is no cost for this
August 30: The Relationship
of Eucharist and Ministry ih
the Church will be led by Fr.
Michael Williams. He will
explore ministerial roles and
the importance of the
Eucharist using- a study of
Vatican II documents on the:
liturg'. The session begins at
9:30 a.m. and ends'-with Mass
at 2:30 p.m. The cost is $25
and includes lunch.
Sept. 21: Spiritual Director
Information Night will be con-
ducted by. Dr. Maria Decsy
from Sacred Heart University
for people interested in becom-
ing a spiritual director. At the
session which begins at 6:30
p.m., Decs 'will provide infor-
mation about spiritual direc-
tion and clarify the role of a
spiritual director. There is no
fee to register.but so
i Sept J3,,,,, ., ,
,,Mary-wood is located at
1715-5 State Road 13. For
information, call (904) 287-
2525 or toll-free (8881-287-
2530 check www.marvwood-
The following events are
held at Beaches area churches
on Wednesday for youngsters:
Palm Valley Baptist Church
at 4890 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra has Bible Study
and activities for children at 7
p.m. Contact the church at
Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning with
'group praise and worship.The
church is at 298 Aquatic Driive,
Atlantic Beach. Call 249-3030.
-Bethlehem Buddies is open
to all children 3 years old
through second grade at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
1423 8th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.,
with Bible stories, crafts and
'High school Bible study is 7
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Bethlehem
Youth if grades six through
Moms pray for kids
A group of mothers known
as Moms in Touch meets week-,
ly to pray for their children,
other students and the schools
they attend. The group meets
on Tuesday -afternoons at a
church in Ponte Vedra Beach.
For location and more infor-
mation, call Nancy at 273-
Men's group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, at 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is
4140 Hodges Blvd. For infor-
mation call 223-6922.
The men's group from'
Calvary Anglican Church
meets at 6:15 a.m. Friday at
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach
Boulevard at San Pablo Road.
Pastor David Sandifer leads the
The men's group from Beach
Unite M opst Curchwi
irve t" n f e fr-
on alona ," !.-'-"" the
Golden Corral Restaurant at
14035 Beach Blvd. at 6:00 p.m.
A men's Bible study is held at
7.a.m. Monday at Ponte Vedra
United fMethodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra...
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at 7 a.m.
Wednesday at the Hampton
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday
morning prayer breakfasts at 7
St. Paul's by the Sea
Episcopal Church has a Men's
Prayer Group and Bible Study
which meets on the first and
third Saturday of the month at
8 a.m. in Stormes Hall. The
men's group also participates
in outreach efforts. All are wel-
come to attend. The address is
465 Eleventh Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach.
Surrise Community Church'
offers Men's'Study'Group; at 6
:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. on
Wednesday. -Contact the
church office at 249-3030 for
information; the church
address is 298 Aquatic Drive in
Atlantic Beach.
Sirigles groups
TheoJIlvcvm are chupct-
Becies ar W tiarch &member- *
ship is not required:
St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church 4has'Young Adult
Group meetings. Contact
Pastor Mike at 249-45.75 for
.Midweek for kids
12 and families meet at 6:30 Dynamic Disciples (grades
p.m. at Chtist Episcopal. K-5) at First Christian Church
Church,;Poite Vedra Beach, for. of. the Beaches meets
dinner in the parish hall; Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:45.
Youth JAM begins at 7 p.m. Teens in Motion Youth Group
and includes 'guitar lessons, meets from 6:30 to 7:45 with
singing, and rehearsal for the special events and trips..The
11 a.m. Sunday contemporary church address .is 2125
worship, service .in parish hall Oceanfront, Neptune Beach.
geared toward youth atid.fami- Call 246-2010.
lies with children. Building Blocks, a group for
Dinner and JAM are open to children ages 3 to 6, and Kids
the community, JAM Is free, Club- for youngsters in grades
and dinner .is $4 per person, one through 6 meet at 7:15
$12 per family maximum. The p.m. at Family Bible'Church,
church is at. Solana Road and:- 4760 Palm Valley Road, Ponte
San Juan Drive. Vedra Beach. Bridge Builders
Youths infgrades six through for grades 7 through 12 meets
8 meet at 6:30 p.m. in the from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
modular building behind YouthAlive with Bible Study
Palms Presbyterian Church, and worship for grades. seven
3410 3id St. S., Jacksonville' through 12, is held'from 7 to
Beach. Contact the .-leder,, 7:45 p.m. at Kemran Boulevard
Murray Beard, at 285-5106. Baptist Church, 4060 Kernan
The- Senior High -Grupu-meets .. Blvd. S.. Preschool and chil-
in the' "utback '.on Suridays.':' dren's choirs through 6th
Contact leaders at 285-0366. grade meet from 7 to 7:45 p.m.
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New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville has monthly
Single Adult Ministry meet-
ings. Call Pastor David
Wheeler at 223-6000 for infor-:
mation. Childcare is provided
for some events.
Beach United Methodist
Church has Monday Night
Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on
Monday nights and Singles
Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on
Sunday. For information visit or call
249-2343. BUMC is located at
325 7th Avenue N.
Beaches Chapel Church, 610
Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Singles over age 33 meet the
last Saturday of the month at 7
p.m. at the church. 241-4211.
Christ Episcopal Church,
400 San Juan Drive in Ponte
Vedra, is beginning a new sin-
gles ministry called Solo Flight.
There will be a picnic and bar-
beque on Sunday, May 28 at 12
noon to 5 p.m. at the Daybreak
Center on CR 210. The event is
free and family and children
are included. For information
contaet,,hi., atj
Christ the Redeemer Church,
190 S. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte
Vedra Beach. Weekly Bible.
study and monthly social
event such as square dancing
for ages 30 and up. 280-5813.
Youth from Beach United
Methodist Church, 3rd Street
at 7th Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, meet 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at various loca-
tions. Directions to Wednesday
meetings are handed out. at
247, the church's Sunday night
worship, service for youths,
held 6 p.m. to8:45'pm.n
Church choir .school is
offered for age 3 through sixth
grade .at Christ" 'Episcopal
Church after school at various
times, depending on the
youngster's age. .
The school is free and is
given by Timothy :McKee,
music director of the church.
Call 285,6127.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church,, 4510 Palm Valley
Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. Bible
study group at 11 a.m. Sunday
and occasional Other activities
for singles ages 30 and older.
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(904) 246-2891 License #040449
Rep. Don Davis cordially invites the general public
to attend an Idearaiser focusing on economic
development, tourism and the entertainment
Speaker Designate Marco Rubio is forming his
legislative priorities which will be based upon
|-iiH ideas by members of the public who attend such
idearaisers scheduled around the state of FL. The
top 100 ideas will be cataloged and disseminated to
the members of the FL Legislature to gain their input and participation in
formulating the legislation required to enact these top 100 ideas.
Please join us on Thursday, August 3rd from 7-9pm at the
Jacksonville Beach City Hall Council Chambers
to offer ideas and suggestions for the
improvement of Florida's future, not limited to
the aforementioned topics.
For additional information please contact our legislative office
at 247-4040.
Ad sponsored by Representative Don Davis.;
r 'l^BAi'llSi'
John T.-Butcher, MD
Michael L. Waters, MD
Susan Smith, ARNP
are pleased to welcome
Sandra Carr, ARNP
to their family practice office
13001-100 Atlantic Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Now accepting new patents
__ .___
July, /-0,, z-vv
-)R. ?a` 3nnA
PV woman is winner
Sue Ellis of Ponte Vedra
Beach was named the first .
$5,000 winner in the Ashley
Furniture, HomeStore's "ake
Your House a Home" $20,000
prize giveaway. The grand
prize a $10,000 Ashley
Furniture HomeStore gift cer-
tificate will be awarded at 2 '
p.m. Saturday at the store in St.
Johns Town Center.
Duval board is 'Master'
Nancy Broner, the Beaches
representative on the Duval
County School Board, is one of
several of that board's mem-
bers who recently completed '
the master board program of "I
the Florida School Boards
The leadership team of the
Duval County School District
was recognized as a Master
Board last month at the annu-
al conference of the associa- H
The Duval board joins 37
other Florida school districts
that hold the distinction, ,,S,.
which requires 40. hours of =m ,
training activities in statewide
forums and workshops.
The other Duval County
School. Board members who
completed the training are Kris
Barnes, Martha Barrett, Betty
Burney, Vicki Drake and
Tommy Hazouri.
Governor names panel
Gregory Strong, 40, of Ponte
Vedra Beach, district director
with the Department of
Environmental Protection, is
one of seven persons appoint-
ed by Gov. Jeb Bush to the .
newly created Financial -.. a
Emergency Board for the Town
of Yankeetown.
His term began Monday and i':.'
will end at the pleasure of the i
Among other board mem-
: bers appointed by Bush are
Jboanne johannesson 5. In celebration of Keva Juice's g
mayor of the Town of July 8, were donated to the Sur
Yankeetown, Daniel V. Juice is juice and smoothie bar
Bowman, 53, councilman of
the Town of Yankeetown, and The organization's goal is to
Glen Spetz, 86, also a council- build 36 wheelchair ramps this
man of the Town of year for low-income, disabled
Yankeetown. persons in Northeast Florida.
The Town of Yankeetown, Volunteers to build the
with a 2004 population esti- ramps are available, but funds
mated at 672, is located on have dried up. Each ramp costs
Florida's, .ulfw. cst, ,~bout 75, abott 2,:Q0Q, .. .Q
call Paul at 537-0865.
Looping back to school
The Loop Pizza Grill's School
is Cool program allows teach-
ers to give Jacksonville stu-
dents a certificate that can be
redeemed for a free kid's pizza
at all First Coast Loop loca-
All area elementary schools
are eligible to participate in the
School is Cool program that
also includes achievement
awards, bonuses for academic
excellence or perfect atten-
dance and a $5 Loop discount
for parents who join the PTA.
Marsh Harbor in phase 3
Phase III is being developed
in Marsh Harbor, located on
the west side of the
Intracoastal Waterway off
Palm Valley Road, with 15 lots
offered by Robbins Realty -
six on the waterway and eight
on the marsh.
Prices range from $250,000.
to $885,000 for a 100-foot par-
cel along the IntracoastaL with
a concrete dock and permits
for a boathouse and boat lift.
SRamp funds needed
Construction of a wheel-;
chair ramp scheduled July 21
in the Ramp It Up program of
the North East Florida
Association of Realtors was:
canceled because the organiza-
tion tara out of money for
ramp materials.
Shelter names board
Thomas E. Hornsby of Ponte
Vedra Beach, a retired judge
and law professor at Florida
Coastal School of Law,
Jacksonville, has been named
secretary of the Betty Griffin
House Board of Directors.
Other new officers of thel
domestic abuse services and'
shelter in St. Johns County are
.. Brent Burkey of 'St.
Augustine, president; Deborah'
Brunner of Hastings, vice pres-
ident; and Ann Nleuse of St.
Augustine, treasurer.
New members Ipining the
Board are Jeanette lames,
NMishelle Hart Lambert and
Shannon Palmer of St.
Augustine and Susan
Lemasters of Ponte Vedra.
Anyone in need of services
from Betty Griffin House is'
asked to call the crisis hotline
at 824-1555.
ABl woman takes job
Pamela Wetherhold of
Atlantic Beach has joined
SeneGence International as a
distributor for the direct-seller
of cosmetics and skin care
The company, founded int
S1999, provides long-lasting
cosmetics and anti-aging skin
care products.
Tobacco (ABT).
When any type of. alcohol-
related accident results in the
death of a minor, ICARE is
designed to ensure that the
individuals or businesses who
illegally provided or sold the
alcohol to that minor are held
ABT, in partnership with the
Florida Highway Patrol, has
begun the program, and one
case has been successfully
traced and an additional five
cases are under investigation..
The division plans to expand
the program to include part-
nerships with other law
enforcement agencies; accord-
ing to a news release from
"By closing a critical enforce-
ment gap, the ICARE program
will ensure that those who ille-
gally provide alcohol are held
accountable," said Simone
Marstiller, secretary of ABT.
Anyone who suspects suspi-
cious or, illegal activity at any
alcohol or tobacco retailer is
encouraged to report it toll-
free at 1 (866). 540-SUDS
(7837 ). :. .
Ponte Vedra
."a family owned Funeral
Home & Cemetery"
Funeral Home
4750 Palm Valey Road
Ponte Vedra Beach
Subscribe Today!
Get to Know
Law Office or
Francis, P.A.
Charlene Francis..4rtomern at Lawo
Kimberly A. Go-sett, 4Irtomne at biL~
"Helping Families Preserve Their Legacy"
* Estate Planning
Wills. Trusts and
* Adoptions
pnofo Etibmita
rand opening in Jacksonville Beach, all proceeds from Saturday,
rider Foundation,a non-profit environmental organization. Keva
at 2400 3rd St. S., -
Chamber hosts events
'The following events are
planned by the Beaches
Division of the Jacksonville
Regional Chamber. of
Commerce: ;
Beaches Monthly Mixer,
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 1
-aft.) I.ays,, Inn; i-40o l : Atla nbki
Blvd., Neptune Beach. Cost is
Beaches N Monthly'
Luncheon at noon Aug. 10, Sea
Turtle Inn, One Ocean Blvd.,
Atlannc Beach..Cost is $15
with reservation at 249-3868
or $20 at the door.
Coffee on the Coast is,
planned at 8 a.m. Aug. 17 at
Ollie Koala's Backyard, 1318
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
'Beach. The cost is $2.'
Small Business Expert at
:the Beach, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Aug. 24, at the Beaches
Chamber office, 325
Jacksonville Dr., Jacksonville
Beach. No charge, but reserva-
tions are required at 249-3868.
Child center accredited
First Baptist Weekday
Ministry, a child care center in
Jacksonville Beach, has
received accreditation from
the Association of Christian
Schools International.
The school, which opened in
i978, has 95 youngsters, ages 2 5 years. The center is
also a provider of voluntary
pre kindergarten.
Hotel head stays on TDC
Sonny Bhikha, president' and
general manager of Quality
Suites Oceanfront, has been
reappointed to the Duval
County Tourist Development
Council for a four-year term.
Bhikha is also chairman of the
Beaches Tourism Task Force.
SFair Tax is backed
Will McBride, candidate for
the Republican nomination-to
oppose U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson,
has announced his "unquali-
fied backing" for the Fair Tax, a
ptropoal iLthab'w_.o'uld eliminate
the federal income tax and
Other taxes.
Funding for government
services would come through a
tax on the sale of goods, esti-
mated to be about equal to the
various hidden taxes that now
exist in goods.
The Fair Tax Act of' 2005,
originally introduced in.
January 2005, has 72
announced supporters in the
House of Representatives and
eight in the Senate, plus 64
Representatives and 16
Senators considered by
Americans for Fair Taxation as
"leaning in favor and likely to
vote for it."
Seven Florida members of
Congress are cosponsors of the
legislation and six more plus
Sen. Mel Martinez are "leaning
in favor and likely to vote for
it." To date, Nelson and Rep/
Katherine Harris "will not
commit," according to
Americans for Fair Taxation.
State tracks alcohol sales
The state has announced a
new program aimed at identi-
fying persons or businesses
responsible for selling or giv-
ing alcohol to minors who are
later involved in fatal' acci-
The program, "Identifying
Contributors to :Alcohol
Related Events" or "ICARE," is
led by the Division of
Alcoholic Beverages .and
Sphoto by CATHi JAMES
Kathy Hicks (left)
and Kathi Brown
admire a work of
art at the Cultural
SCenter at Ponte
Vedra Beach dur-
ing 'a Chamber of
S Commerce mixer
B last week.
* Elder Law
Medicaid Planning
* Probate and
Guardianship ,,
1807 N. Third Street
Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250
The bhum of a lawyer is an unportant dep:iion that should not be ba d solely on ad\ertis.
ing. Before sou didede adk me to send ocu ftree written information about m\ qualfrcation
and experience.
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Get up to 99.98%
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The re.'-uluioanory ne~- Trone CleanEffecis"'
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up lo 9' 98: of thhe allergens from all he
air Thal il heals or coolsL Isn I il li me yu
e'pecded more from ,aour svs.lemri
S Expect more from your
independent Trane dealer.
I's Hari To Sop .4 Tramic
Own your own
piece of the
J.i'i .--
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We'e Lhe good gun vor friend. mitd Iou aboia
2101 Florida Blvd. NepIune Beach
:. Z
P' 'I
July 28, 2006.
.The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Pa R 8A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
Preston A. Croft
~- .- ', -. ..-- -'
I .i-
.C ~ -. ~,. f' ~.:'.~,u
c~~~~ ..~- -
J~.: ~
Who's Watching the Water?
, GUARD: Andrew Schmidt
BORN: Sept 15, 1982 ,.,.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Regional champ in
Lifeguard Ironman & Surf Ski Events
EDUCATION: B.S. in biomedical engineer-'I
ing, North Carolina State University
HOBBIES: Medicine, music, anything in -
the water
FAMILY: Mother (Lori), dad (Jack), '
sisters (Kat & Lauren)
SPECIFIC TRAINING: National Registry
brothers caught in a riptide next to the pier,
when I arrived one was totally submerged. I
pulled them both in together.
LIFEGUARD? My sister
SWIM? When I was 2 or 3
Being able to do what I love every day to
help people.
WORST: Days off
Listen to your lifeguard; he/she has the
knowledge.and skills to keep you safe.
passionate about what you do.
15 or 30
DaVinci Code; American Beauty; Tofu
Preston A. Croft, 66, of
Jacksonville, died July 26,
He was born Dec. 17, 1939,
in Brooks County, Ga., and-
served in the U.S. Army. He
worked his adult life in traffic
zi&. signal installation.
:: He survived by his wife of 26
years, Gisela C. Croft; children,
Travis A. Croft, Allan M. Tirado
S(Emelie), Daphae Orsi Lewis
., (Mike) and M. Cristina Flint
(Russell); grandchildren' C.
Ervin :
SSteven "Steve" Jennings
Ervin, 53, died July 18, 2006.
He was born in Atlanta, Ga.,
Sept. 4, 1952; as the first-born
child of Raymond .Land
Juanita "Nita" Y. Ervin.
He moved to Jacksonville
when he was a young boy, and
then to the home where'he
lived until adulthood in
Jacksonville Beach, with his
parents and his younger sister.
S He attended Seabreeze
R Elementary School and
SFletcher High. He joined the
STO U.S. Army where he became a
paratrooper. He later became
. an HVAC mechanic, and
excelled in the industry .
He and his family settled in
Keystone Heights, and later Ft.
S White.
Surviving is his son, Justin
Ervin; parents,. Ray and Nita
Ervin; sister, Kimberly Ervin
Johnston; and brother-in-law,
Ernest W. Johnston III.
A memorial service will be
3e held noon Saturday, July 29, at
Ocean Park Baptist Church,
402 16th Ave. S., Jacksonville
SPF Beach, Fla., with Pastor Eddie
Towers officiating.
Interment will follow at a
later date at Ponte Vedra Valley,
4750 Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra Beach, Fla.
Gaige Flint, Ciara I. Orsi, Aiden
F. Flint, Garrett A. Tirado and
Melanie E. Tirado; and siblings,
Phillip Croft, Mary Guess and
Memorial donations may be
made to Haven Hospice of
Jacksonville, 8301 Cypress
Plaza Drive, Suite 119,
Jacksonville, Fla. 32256.
Services under the direction
and care 'of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home &
Cremation Centre, 3600 Third
St. S., Jacksonville Beach.
Alterations & Tailor
SJ. Golden Needle
426 N. 3rd Street (next to Dicks Wings) Jax Beach, FL 32250
Don't take your child's school
uniform to be altered at the
F cleaners! Bring them to me!
* an a s -s f "' "
Get one pair of pantsGet one skirthemmed
hemmed & the 2nd I and the 2nd skirt
pair of pants hemmed : hemmed
Jacksonville Beaches
only locationfor
Bare Escentuals
Md formulation glycolic peels $75.
series of six $375.
glycolic faci l $95,
tG f j;
I, .*
I 309 10th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach
A 21-year-old Atlantic Beach
woman who is five months
pregnant said she was assault-
ed by her 20-year-old husband
SJune 30 in the 1000 block of
Cornell Lane. Police have
issued a warrant for the hus-
band's arrest.
A simple assault was reported
July 13 in the in the 600 block
of Plaza. .
A simple battery was report-
ed July 20 in the 1600 block of
Mayport Road.
; .. *. ,, -" ,' .
A simple battery was report-
ed July 21 in the 2300 block of
Mayport Road.
A laptop computer valued at
$1,600 and a digital camera
Valued at $300 were reported
stolen from a vehicle July 23 in
the 60 block of East Coast
... r O O / *
A pole saw valued at $600
Swas reported stolen from a city
storage July 24 at 800 Seminole
S Road..
l *' *O O -
A vehicle was reported buir-
glarized July 24 in the 200.
block of Magnolia Street.
-:A handbag was reported
stolen from a vehicle July 24 in
the 1500 block of Richardson
Lane. .
*. : ,,' ... ." o o* .
A domestic battery was
reported July 24 in the 1800
block of Seminole Road. An
arrested was made in the inci-
A simple assault was reported
SJuly 24 in the 1000 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
., ,* .,
A laptop computer valued at
$1,400 was reported shoplifted
from a. business July
900 block of
Boulevard. .'"
A business was reported bur-
glarized July 25 in the 400
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
Jason Matthew Hylton, 30,
of Atlantic Beach was arrested
on a warrant and charged with
burglary and grand theft July
24 in the 700 block of Sabalo
A 4-year-old Atlantic Beach
girl was found by police July 25
wandering by herself along the
1000 block of Assisi Lane
around 8 a.m., according to a
police report. The child was
Slater reunited with her mother
t after the mother called 911
about her missing child. The
child's mother told police that
she awoke at her boyfriend's
residence to find the front door
of the residence open and the
child missing. The Department
of Children and Families have
been contacted about the inci-
:. ,' *' '* I. ". v: "
A 68-year-old Neptune Beach'
woman was transported to-
SBaptist Hospital-Beaches July
26 after she received injuries
from being knocked down
while walking on the beach by
dog, according to a police
Report. The dog was not on a
leash, according to police, who
issued the owner of the dog a
animal control citation.
: '.' .
Someone reported that eggs
were thrown at their vehicle
overnight July 25 in the 1200
block of Strand Street.
An iPod valued at $394 was
reported stolen July 25 in the
700 block of Seagate Avenue.' -:
- A 17-year-old Neptune-Beach
male ,was, arrested, and ichaxged
with aggravated assault and
resisting officers without vio-
lence July 25 in the 1500 block
of Forest Avenue.
A burglary to a residence was
reported July 24 in the 2200
block of Marshpoint Drive.
Phyllis Tracy Davis, 45, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with possession of
controlled substance and deliv-
ering paraphernalia knowing
to be used to produce a con-
trolled substance July 20 in the
first block of 1st Street North,
according to a police report.
Tamaria La' Jun Pomerlee,
27, of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested and charged with
aggravated, battery using a
deadly weapon July 16 in the
500 block of 5th Avenue South,
according to a police report.
A mountain bike valued at
$2,000 was reported stolen July
26 in the 400 block of 12th
Ave. S.
, '' : ** ,
SA stolen vehicle was reported
July 26 in the 1600 block of
8th St. S. A white Jeep
Cherokee was stolen after the
victim told police he left his
keys at a bar and walked home.
He went to retrieve his car
when he realized the keys and
the vehicle were missing.
A wallet containing $50
cash, credit cards, identifica-
tion and a gift card was report-
ed stolen July 26 in the 200
block of 1st St. N.
A stolen vehicle was reported
July 26 in the 100 block of
18th Ave. N. The victim told
police his ex girlfriend-took the
keys to his black 2001
Chevrolet Suburban, and drove
away without permission.
Grand theft was reported
July 22 in the 200 block of 5th
St. N. A gold and diamond ring
valued at $3,500 was stolen
from a recent antique show.
A stolen vehicle was reported
July 26 in the 1800 block of
Arden Way. The victim told
police that the silver 1995
Astrovan valued at $2,000 was
also stolen on July 2 and recov-
ered on the north side of
A Ponte Vedra man died in
his sleep Tuesday night after
passing out from an evening of
drinking, according to a police
* report.
Michael Randy Rawson, 34,
went out for drinks with his
brother late Tuesday after-
noon. He returned to his home
at 11035 Old Dixie Highway a
few hours later and immediate-
ly passed out in his bed, the
report said.
Around 10:30 p.m. his wife,
who slept on the couch that
night, checked on him and
told officers he was snoring.
When Rawson didn't
respond to his alarm clock,
which sounded at 5 a.m., his
wife went in the bedroom and
found him not breathing and
unconscious, the report said.
Paramedics responded and
pronounced. Rawson .dead, at
5:32 a.m. Wednesday.
The cause of death was not
listed on the report.
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Weight Loss & Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy
Health Awareness Clinics elsary. Sign in and immediately Wednesday Aug 2,7:30p
is providing therapiststoadminis- receivetreatmn '!t. Quality Inn & Conf. Center
ter weight loss and stop smok- Health Awareness Clinics is 300 Park Ave.
ing, group hypnotic therapy. a non-profit organization. They ORANGE PARK
For many people, this rely on donations to make treat- Thursday Aug. 3,7:30pn
therapy reduces 2 to 3 clothing ment available to those in need. Comfort Inn Oceanfront
sizes and/or stops smoking.. A modest $5.00 donation when 1515 North 1st St.
Funding for this project signing in is appreciated. JACKSONVILLE BEACH
comes from public donations. Only one 2 hour session is Friday Aug. 4, 7:30pm
Anyone who wants treatment needed for. desirable results. Racquet Park Conf. Center
willreceive professional hypno- HealthAwareriessClinics.Org Amelia Island Plantation
therapy frie from charge. (808)944-3322 6800 1st Coast Hwy
An appointment is not nec- S in in 0 min. eanrl FERRNANTINA RBACH
Offering Classes for Special Needs Students
Broach Beach Broach Southside
75 South 12th St. 6211 Terry Road
Jacksonville Bch, FL 32250 Jacksonville, FL 32216
247-7288 Call for info: 674-0900
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 28, 2006
Panthers get back to work Monday
Quick jabs
from the
sports page
T e calendar may say it's
S summer in the Northern
SHemisphere, but fall
Begins Monday for area high
school football players. That's
when the first practices of the
season begin. Fletcher High
will be looking to rebound
from a disappointing 2005
campaign, while the Nease
High Panthers seek to defend
the state title they won last
December in Miami.
For all the ink and hot air
being spewed about the
trading deadline in major
league baseball, there really
aren't many great bargains
South there. Realistically, there
are no quality pitchers avail-
Sable and only one impact
player, Alfonso Soriano, who
becomes a free agent at sea-
son's end. Teams will have
to make a dash for the play-
offs with what they already
Interesting debate going on
about which NFL team is the
best in Florida. The Dolphins
look like a team on the rise
and the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers are pretty good on
paper. However, it may be the
laguars that end up with the
" best record in the Sunshine
Pensacola's Roy Jones, Jr.
appeared to be the one
boxer smart enough to
Know when it was time to
quit. Throw that out the
window because Jones will
fight Prince Badi Ajamu (25-
2-1, 14 KOs) Saturday night
in, of all places, Boise,
Idaho. Jones hasn't won a
fight in three years but still
expects fans to fork over $25
to watch the pay-per-view
The beginning of NFL train-
ing camps brings with it the
time-honored tradition of vet-
erans and rookies holding out.
For first-year players, it's about
squeezing every possible nick-
el out of teams for a signing
bonus. Veterans hold out for a
variety of reported reasons,
Sbut it's really to escape the
drudgery of mundane, repeti-
tive drills conducted under a
broiling sun.
World Cup television rat-
ings have just been released
and as usual Americans
essentially tuned out.
Everywhere else on the plan-
et, however, each soccer
game was about as big as the
Super Bowl is here in the
United States. Adding up the
numbers, 5.9 billion people
watched the month-long
As the Chicago White Sox
continue their freefall in the
American League Central,
manager Ozzie Guillen's act
suddenly seems tired. The
Venezuelan-born skipper, who
was a terrific major league
player, often entertains
reporters with expletive-laden,
pull-no-punches comments.
That's fine when you're win-
ning, but as the losses mount
Guillen looks more and more
like just another loose can-
non. ,
It was nice to see that rush
of emotion from Tiger ,
Woods after he won last
week's British Open. Too
often he's been portrayed as~
almost robotic in terms of
his approach to golf. To see
Tiger break down in tears as'
he remembered his late
father, added a human ele-
ment to which most fans
can relate.
Defense of it's first-ever state
football title begins early
Monday at Nease High as play-,
ers see their summers end, and
practices start.
SOfficial practices follow last
weekend's 7-on-7 skills tourna-
ment, the Southeastern Select in
Birmingham, Ala.
The 36-team field featured
schools from Virginia, Arkansas,
Georgia, Louisiana and, of
course, Alabama and Florida.
The Panthers began the sum-
mer by successfully defending
their Valdosta title June 17,
then won the inaugural
Sunshine State Invitational June
.24 at Davis
SPark in Ponte ._ .
Nease trav- -, ensive"
els to The Defensivel
Bolles School improvement
Aug. 18 for a
preseason weight room
classic that playing field
begins at 7:30
p.m. linebacker c
The fourth
regular season we've got ca
under head
coach Craig guys.
Howard starts ,:.
Aug. 26 at '
UNF, where
Nease plays Craig
host to Nease foots
two-time Tennessee state cham-
pion Memphis University
School in the Bill Bates High
School Football Classic. Game
time is set for'3 p.m.
Last year, Class 4A Nease
opened its regular season in a
nationally-televised contest at
Hoover, where the Panthers lost
to the seven-time Alabama 6A
champions, 50-29. Nease
rebounded to finish with a 13-2
record and a state champi-
"The boys have worked
extremely hard all summer
long," Howard said July 19, as
packing was underway to head
to Alabama. "They have a laid a
foundation to have a great sea-
son because of their work ethic.
It's the competition and experi-
ence we get by playing in [the 7-
on-7s] that help us in the fall."
"I told them to rest and
relax," Howard said, referring to
a few days off before practices
resume. "Rest is important to
you sometimes. They work so
hard, they need to have some
time just to not do anything.
Then July 31 we crank it up and
go in preparation for our sea-
Howard expects even more
freshmen to come out when fall
practice begins than he had
over the course of the summer.
"When school starts [Aug. 4],
there will be some more guys
who will knock on the door and
want to play football. That's still
open to those guys."
Howard expects to have 60-
80 freshmen when school
"When I came to Nease, there
were 60 in the whole program.
We've come a long ways here,"
he said.
SAs invariably happens over
the course of Howard's summer
camp, some players emerged.
"We always talk about recruit-
ing the hallways and getting the
kids out. On
the offensive
side of the ball,
SI've seen each year we
seem to get [at
t in the least] one that
comes out of
and on the another pro-
Swith our gram at
Nease," he
;orps said. "Chris
Briggs, at tight
pable, solid end, has really
improved over
the course of
the summer."
Briggs, at
6'4" and 210
Howard pounds, plays
ball coach center on the
"Defensively, I've seen
improvement in the weight
room and on the playing field
with our linebacker corps. The
competition will be keen, but
out of that group of linebackers
coming back, they've really
improved over the summer,"
said Howard. "Riley Haynes will
step in there, Ben Cowell [a
transfer from Trinity Christian],
Ryan Chiodo, Brett Russi. So
we've got capable, solid guys."
Howard said the mission of
the Bigger, Faster, Stronger
camp "is what's stated there..
They want to become a little bit
bigger, a little faster and a little
stronger. But more importantly,
that they've pajd. a:,common.
pricerin preparation,',and
they've worked as a team.
"It's a common price they've
paid to be great," said Howard,
who always points' to coaching
"We've got the same guys
who''e coached our boys for
three straight years [with the
added exception of wide
receivers assistant Jason
LaBarbera, who played for
Howard at Mandarin]," he said,
.. -... .' .,. .
Nease receiver Zach Tronti races upfield after making a reception during the Snshine Invitational
7-on-7 passing drills competition at Davis Park last month. The Panthers officially begin fall foot-
ball practice on Monday as the team seeks to defend the state championship it won last year.
then added of the season ahead,
"Can't wait." ,, .. -.
Howard knows-he will bave.a,,
solid corps of seniors and will
look to the O-line for leader-
"We're going to have a good
offensive line. Most of those
guys will be seniors. We had a
lot of seniors graduate last year.
We start back in that line with
[6'6", 310-pound] Clyde Yandell
and [6'5", 305-pound] James
Wilson. That's really solid sen-
iors who will be leaders on the
Howard said Kyle Timpane
and Danny Russell will anchor
the defensive line, then added,
"Lou Holtz said one time,
'When you have your best
teams, your leaders are your
linemen, not the skill guys.
Those linemen are the guys in'
the trenches. They don't get all
the glory, but a lot of times,
when the leadership emerges
from the line, they have a great
A defensive lineman who was
injured leading up to the spring
game at DeLand. could- miss.this..
entire season. *' i -' ,
"We lost Dalton Faulds for the
spring [with a torn knee liga-
ment], and he might miss his
whole junior year," said
Howard. "That's what sad about
spring football. You. don't want
to get a kid hurt and miss his
season," ,
At this juncture, Faulds is
recovering well and rehabbing.
But Howard said he will not
ready to start on July 31.-
.7 '. ': ,. : '
Italian duo busted up, but Raglani still excels
When the Jacksonville Suns opened
the season manager John Shoemaker had
two well-respected young out-
fielders with Italian. heritage:
Justin Ruggiano and Anthony
They even had adjoining
lockers and as players do,
liked kidding each other.
Ruggiano (pro-
nounced Ru-GEE-ah-
noh) and Raglani (pro-
nounced Rag-LAN-ee
are both talented young-
sters well-thought of by
the Suns and the Dodgers. Shoemaker
said he was fortunate to have both of
them, thought they had a bright future.
The Italian restaurants here liked hav-
ing them around, too.
Then Raglani was suddenly dispatched
to the Dodger training camp at Vero
Beach for a little batting refresher course
and Ruggiano was left to hold his
nation's honor all alone. He did that
quite well.
\When Rags returned to Jacksonville
just before the mid-July homestand,
it looked like the spaghetti pals
had been reunited. But baseball
being baseball, it wouldn't be
for long.
The Dodgers had a:deal
Si e earlier that left one man to
be named later. This is an
Sage-old way the game
works. That one man could
have been almost anyone,
was advised he had been dispatched to
He took it like a seasoned pro.
Experienced players are used to being'
called up and traded off, to,pack arid
unpack. It's the game.
That left Rags by himself, as. Ruggiano
had been before. No matter. He's a good
man and grinned when asked how he
would do without his buddy.
S"Oh, he didn't say much when he left.
That's baseball He'll do fine in
Reminded that the Suns would play
the Biscuits again twice this season and
the Ru-gee might be aiming for them.
Rags laughed. "He might at that. But we'll
get back at him."
Raglani laughs easily, as does Ruggiano.
Both are 6'2", about the same weight and
both handsome, well-put-together from.
stem to stem. In other words, fine look-
ing athletes.
:Raglani is a year younger to the month
-- April 6, 1983 to April 12, 1982. The lat-
ter is a "good old boy" from Temple,
Texas, attended Texas A&M and had all
kinds of honors before being drafted by,
the Dodgers in 2004.
: Rags has. an interesting background.
Born and brought up in Indiana, Pa., the
hometown of James Stewart, the movie
"Yeah, we all knew about him,"
Raglani said, as if such a personality could
be ignored in a city the size of Indiana.
Raglani went on by athletic and scholas-
tic scholarship to George Washington U.
in Washington, D.C. This one is obvious-
ly a bright lad, the kind parents beam
Before that, however, is the little matter
of a recognition he received from the U.S.
Navy. As a senior at Indiana High,
Raglani was named to the United States
Navy Scholastic All America first team.
He went on to major in finance at college
and what folks of another generation:"
called "Political Science." Apparently the
young man wanted to touch all. bases
even off the diamond. ,.-..
He played three seasons at George
Washington, as a junior batting .322 with
12 home runs, 58 RBIs, 63 runs scored:
and a .458 on-base percentage for the
Colonials. Raglani received all-Atlantic
'Conference first team honors.
Jaguars open traningcamp
With first and second round
draft choices Marcedes Lewis and:
Maurice Drew now signed, the
Jacksonville Jaguars were set to
open preseason training, camp
this weekend.
Veterans" and rookies are ex-
pected to report Friday with prac-
tices getting underway Saturday
at 10:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Two-
a-days will continue until: the
Jaguars' first scrimmage August 4
at 7:30 p.m. inside Alltel Stadium,
followed by a mock game Aug. 5
at 10 a.m.
Of the 85 players who are
expected to report for training
camp, 20 will be cut as the'
Jaguars trim their roster to 65 by
Aug. 29. Final cuts will be made
on Saturday, Sept. 2 when NFL
teams must reduce their rosters
to 53. active players.
Training camp includes 23
practice sessions from July, 29
until Aug.'li and is open to the
public. The Jaguars' training
facility includes bleacher seat-
ing to accommodate approxi-
mately 2,250 spectators.
Restrooms and limited conces-
sions are also available for fans
attending practices.
Beginning Monday, July 24,
fans can' 'call the. Jaguars
Training Camp Hotline to
receive the daily practice sched-
ule. Phone number is 633-6525
and the hotline message is
updated daily to reflect any
changes or additions to the
Jacksonville's first preseason
game takes place Saturday, Aug.
12 as the team travels to Miami
in a 7:30 p.m. start.
If the spring practices are any
indication, the Jaguars calling
card next season will once again
be defense. The defense domi-
nated -- especially during pass-
ing drills but'QB Byron
Lefitich claims the practices
were more give-and-take.
Jacksonville's preseason
schedule also 'includes hosting
the Carolina Panthers Aug. 19 at'
7:30 p.m., playing host to the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Aug. 26
at 8 p.m., then traveling north
for. a final preseason game
against the Atlanta Falcons Aug.
31 at 7:30 p.m.
*Page 10A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A
July o,8 2000uu
Technology impacts running
in positive and negative ways
*" ;o'" s' itI' '. .e' y **. '* *' ''
technology : It's taking
over everything and leav-
1L ing me out to pasture.
"Out to pasture" what a
pathetically out-dated, mean-
ingless phrase. .ust like me, I
guess. I am so behind the
times that even my dresser is
still full of nylon tricot run-
ning shorts. Nylon tricot,
remember that stick-to-the-
unmentionables, nasty materi-
Hey, what am I saying? Sure
tricot was bad but unlike
today's teclhno fabrics at least
it was cheap. Twenty bucks for
a pair of Dolphin shorts; that
was the going rate. And they
couldn't have been that bad -
Hooters is still using them.
But heck; technology is
everywhere now and it is even
taking over. my sport, running,
silently and insidiously. Yes,
S running the world's sim-
plest, most humble endeavor
the' latest victim of "progress."
Now when we go to a race
we have to wear a "chip."
Chipas in computer? You bet.
This gizmo times us all the
way around the course from
beginning to end. Exacting?
Right down to the hundredth
of a second.
Remember the good old
days when you ran a 10K and
afterwards someone would ask
you how you did? You could
reply in the vaguest sense:
"Not bad, I did 34 and
Of course, you knew full
well you had run 34:59 but no
one could dispute your slight
stretch of the truth. And why
should they? They were all
enjoying their own lies.
Today, precise results are
printed and posted for all to
see within, minutes of your
crossing the line. Before you've
swallowed your first post-race
beer (technology hasn't robbed
us of that, thank God) and
gotten into your white lies
(which are no worse than any
self-respecting fisherman
spews) some clown has plas-
tered your performance on the
Internet. You're stuck. And
your time? You're stuck with
that too.
All this exact timing finally
arrives while the majority of
people "doing" the marathon
(as opposed to racing it) are'
just "happy to finish."
They don't care about their
time, so why force it on them?
They're.not going to the
Olympics or even Boston. But
they are going back to work on
Monday morning and with
finishers' medal hanging from
the water cooler are'in the
mood for some personal hero-
ics. They've done their 26.2,
let'them spin their yams for
crying out loud.
Just like these new; high-
tech, 2,000: square' foot
kitchens that every modern.
house just has to have. They
get here right when most peo-
ple can't (or won't) cook.
Yesterday's Moms worked in a
10 by 10 box and cooked all
day long. Sometimes technolo-
gy's timing is off, way off.
Nike has a new running
shoe. It works in conjunction
with that fancy, techy, IPod
Nano gizmo that everyone
can't live without. For $30 you
can buy a chip jeezz, another
chip, see what I mean?) that
inserts into the mid sole of the
shoe. It tells you your speed
and how far you have run.
It even has words of wisdom
that come through your ear-
phones from former marathon
star, Alberto Salazar. He says
things like: "Pick up the pace,
fatso, when I was your age I
won the New York'Marathon."
Technology how nice.
Why doesn't Salazar just say:
"You care more about your
running than this marriage.
One more marathon and I'm
out of here!"
Remember when running
shoes had leather uppers? No,
I bet you don't. Sadly, I do.
Boy, thelold Adidas "Country"
and "Gazelle" models.
Those were much sought-
after trainers in their day. Last
year Adidas made a high-tech
computer shoe that varied its
softness or firmness according
to the surface where the
intrepid runner ventured. If he
ran on the cement sidewalk it
felt one way and if our urban
adventurer flung himself onto
the asphalt street then the
shoe made the all-important
adjustment; all for just 250
"Big,deal",, said consumers
and "big loss", said Adidas.
Many an. R andD dollar went
down the old toilet bowl. This
year the company doesn't
make the shoe.
Looks like technology does-
n't always-come out on top.
Especially if consumers say
with their wallets that some-
thing is unneeded.
But I will admit that tech-
nology has made great
advancements in running
shoes. Not only do modem
running shoes make running
far more enjoyable but cut way
down on injuries too. Score
one for technology.
You can't even hit the "wall"
anymore. In the good old days
you would run like a banshee
in the marathon and by the
time you'd hit the 20-mile
mark you would be so glyco-
gen depleted you would wind
up cursing the womb that bore
you. Runners would collapse at
the finish line, dehydrated,
semi-dead and weighing 15
pounds less than when they
Now there are gels, gus,
shots and all kinds of supple-
ments ard legal performance
enhancers that make the Wall
little more than an abstract
Pink Floyd album. Not much
chance of today's marathoner
running out of fuel. By the
time the race is over he has
probably gained weight.
But all things must pass and
everything changes. If nothing
else we can count on that.
Q. Dr. Smitl, what is
water intoxication?-
A. For years doctors have
told athletes to drink water in
order to'avoid dehydration
and;tocombat the potential.....
of heat related illness?'" -' "''n-
However,.too much of any-
thing can be detrimental, and
water is no different.
Drinking too much water
can have very serious and
even deadly effects.
The body's regular mecha-
nism for cooling during exer-
cise is to sweat. Sweating
leads to not only the loss of
water, but also the loss of salt
from your system.
When you replace only the
water through oral intake,
you further lower your rela-
tive salt concentration in your
body, a condition called
hyponatremia, but also
known as water intoxication.
Initial symptoms of this
include overt sweating, dizzi-
ness, and fainting.
Many often mistake these
early symptoms for dehydra-
tion, when in fact itis just
the opposite, over-hydration.
Many physicians now rec-
ommend that you drink only
when you are thirsty, while
others suggest no more than
eight ounces of fluid every 20
Water intoxication can
become life threatening for as
the salt concentration contin-
ues to drop in the blood sys-
tem, water moves from the
small arteries and veins into
'nt it'& r .riol rrn*
the surrounding tissues, caus-
ing those cells to swell.
Certain areas are not able to
handle this local swelling,
especially the brain. When
the brain swells, referred to as
cerebral edema, symptoms
may include headache, confu-
sion, nausea, vomiting, and
then seizures, and ultimately
even death.
Some experts have noted
that a marathoner who drinks
a single cup of water at every
mile of the race risks hypona-
tremia by mile 17.
A study from The New
England Journal of Medicine
reported on nearly 500 run-
ners during the Boston
Marathon and found that 13
percent suffered from various
forms of hyponatremia after
the race.
Hyponatremia in athletics is
not something that is widely
known, and the first reported
case was not until 1985 in
ultra-marathoners who take
part in 100 mile races. Since
then there have been nine
reported deaths from water
intoxication in athletics.
Unfortunately, not only do
many athletes fail to recog-
nize this, but medical .
piicle rM'-Offeh 'can 'bde foIPet
by the condition as well. If
one is suffering from hypona-
tremia, but treated for dehy-
dration, the condition will
only worsen.
The difficult part is again
that the symptoms closely
resemble each other and ini-
tially they can look almost
One significant difference,
however, may relate to the
mental status, for athletes suf-
fering from dehydration are
typically conversant and
aware of their surroundings,
while those with hyponatrem-
ia often are relatively non-
conversant, extremely con-
fused and disoriented.
The number of cases of
water intoxication in athletics
has increased in frequency as
the number of people taking
place in marathons has
increased. More and more
people are running
marathons, and many people
are running their first
marathon in their 40s, 50s
and even later stages of life.
Over-hydration is most
commonly seen in those first
time marathon runners or
those very new to the sport.
A higher incidence is also
noted in women.
It is believed that first
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timers are more susceptible
because they often take longer
to complete the race, and
therefore have more time to
drink more during the course
of the race.
Correct treatment involves
water. estriction-and elec- -.-*
t olt dT: plpmfl shin'faf Marfd= i-q
needed, the infusion of hyper-
tonic saline through intra-
venous administration, while
monitoring blood chemistry
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July 28, 2006
Month in Review
PrI-..5 La. .iCRO B ej,54iELCs
S LEFT: Winston Waves swimmer
Bia Scarpelli leaves the starting
blocks: Goalkeeper Emily
Whidby makes a save during
Fletcher Soccer Camp; Marsh
Landing's Sophia Moslovyc
draws a breath of air during the
girls 8-and-under butterfly race:
Melissa Moore returns a serve
in beach volleyball.
n e
Allan Alday. Director
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13 a-' ,sr... d--.'.-r I. ..rqna- & l-sde' hrr rrrb i,'-d F ;n, Sr sd ear.r dr- r Ear-jAdet rax nde Fcene And ad .irnoraon e I a Lne n9 nab-
-'ir ~ rI:; e6. ifr r.1:pu. si i.- r, -na 01- rr.-,.r.. I .0 all M m.lj err. raT car,- d h* Lii .,.cn prrr Cr bhi e 'rd irre
II a..- I.jEir: I;. J. p;..r-.. ir-. I151 [ crar....................F Fj rl In h I.r, 7C a -r--.~ lod .rr..\ na.Ir-aen .aha.-ar ai $ 2') per nme Far darr.~ ,. aal
:1 ib aa ,, -.arlea f 5"1ar-,, -c--I aaa -a E a1-.1 e~ r*rrra.F..'el irf., ar-..A~ e t ,o f r S. 20 F-. r .- le 11 forr -ar d-..-, rsarI[.
r~r....a ja 1h,.d,rha.--.,r-.-AeIrce ~,f- i -. a ha~i-..-..ckcu c .n-.e, he r 5ft .erlrl.a..d'.'.rarrar,.frr -rsc., booklerSFrk-,, re
drlea.J .,..d pa-l er- m..-a Ia.. izoe.- I i :e. 'a I :al 1r Y'33.' aBrM rII IC.'.- -rrrCc.. rr C'r rJ 81.1W a F Na.rrb harrers Ic us 8MW a rare .-andr ad lars7..1A.. Ir, card rba rtsr
.4*,* "
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
The Ltllmrat
Oriving MachlneB
ragc I.L A -
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
ww'w hrbehesleaderrcom
* Movies (tight) See
* Calendar
... B6
* Showtimes
... B-4
layers to recognize cast, ------- Saturday
Players to recognize cast, crew Saturday
pr:-1,.:1 c, Ir 11 l j I HMUL'L
Cast members of "Inspecting Carol," an off-kilter comedy that ran last December at Players by the Sea, has
been nominated for several Pelican Awards, including best production, best ensemble cast, best set design,
best scenic painting and best costume design.
Joe Schwarz isn't sure when they
first started handing out Pelican
Awards at Players by the Sea theatre
urJacksonville Beach.
One thing the Players executive
director is sure about is that the 40-
year-old theatrical organization will
be issuing a record number of
Pelicans Saturday evening as part of
its end-of-the-season celebration.
"\Ve had 10 shows this season on
two different stages and everyone
who participated in a production is
eligible for an award," said Schwarz,
who was nominated for a Pelican
Award last year for a supporting
role in "The Philadelphia Story."
"All our plays had substance but
we didn't feel like it was fair for the
smaller studio plays to have to
compete [for a Pelican] against the
larger main stage productions."
Pelicans will be awarded in two
different categories main stage
And the nominees are:
06abi A~cs
Jason Collins ThD Odd Couple
Steve McMahon The Odd Couple
Bob Pritchard Inspecting Carol
Roger Lowe A Delicate Baiance:
Susan Pope -. Auntie Marne
SHolly Gutshall -.4' Delicate Balance
Bacot Wright -.4 Delicate Balance
Rebecca' Williams Stepping Out
Robert Thames Auntie Marlne
Chris Farrell 77T1 Odd Couple
SWes Nielsen The Odd Couple
Bill Ratliff Inspecting Carol
Josh Walker I-specting9 Carol
Eugene Lindsey Ifispectinri Carol
Leonard Alterman Slppin, Out
ik si IAp -Ordin g ACibr6s
laura Adkison -.4untie Alril
Korina Barber- Aunrtie Alrne
Jennifer Gagnon The Odd Couple
;H'iUy' Gutshall Inspecting Carol
S%',ayleeatheringill- Inspecting Carol
SCe: Cee Haves A Delicate Balance
,Mary-Ellen Richards- Stepping Out
The Odd Couple
nspecLting Carol
A. Delicate Balance
Stepping Our
The. borld Goes Romui
Randall Adkison An.tie Ahmine
Zeina Salame The Odd Couple
Shawn LeNoble hlipecting Carol
George Ballis .A Delicate Balance
Celia Frank Stepping Our
RandaU Adkison Tie 4Wotrld G G R'.undr.
,atdio .tags
David Girard The Exonerated
*Larry J. Knight Jr. The Exonerated
Jack Wallace Keel' and Du
Redgie Gutshall Ana in the Tropics
Jason Collins Cuine Mutiny Court-Aartial
Holly Gutshall The Exonerated
Jennifer Gagnon -Keeli and Du
Debi Tyre Keei\ and Diu
Anne Roberts -.Arra in the Tropics
Troy Lukkarila The Exonerated
Gary Burgoyne Keely and Dir
David Paul Caine Aftitinv Court-AMartial
Paul Rowe Caine Mudiny' Court-Martial
Tom Trauger Caine Mfurinv Court-Martial
Solange Hordatt- The Eaonvrated
Tracy Moore '- The Exonerated
Megan Peters Anna in the Tropics
EUe Kendall A.-na in tlhe Tropics
The E exonerated
Kelh aind Du
Anna in the Tropics
The Caine Mlutiny Court-Martial
thes illii Cid
Al Letson The E.onerated
Jason Collins Keely and Du
Chris Farrell Anna in the Tropics
Greg Leute Caine AMutin' Coilrt-Martial
Main Stage Inspecting Carol
Main Stage A Delicate Balance
Main Stage iTe 1'irll Goei Round
Studio Stage 'The EAonirated
Studio Stage Keeh and Du
Studio Stage -.4nna in the Tropics
Fiber arts exhibit opens today at
Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra Beach
ALH-AMrAbte JpriSthl
Matthew Jay Campbell, left, and Nicolas Barnes in the Alhambra production of "Love, Sex and the
Triano exc
in farcical
Ships might not mean
i much to either readers or
L fans of the Alhambra
Dinner Theatre. But I saw
iUhambra's 1990 production
of the farce "Love, Sex, and
the I.R.S.", and I thought it
was quite funny. By contrast,
'the new production is amaz-
ing enough, but tends to drag.
S.The play was co-written by
.Billy Van Za'ndt and his long-
time partner Jane Milmore,
again, something that proba-
bly means little to the average
To boring people like me
who read credits, \'an Zandt
'has made a name for himself
:as a writer-producer on many
iof TW's lesser sitcoms, includ-
'ing "Yes, Dear" and last year's
short-lived "Center of the
This should tell you
whether you'll love the play
or run screaming from the
idea of attending it.
The play is a farce about two
young roommates. Jon is a
'bookkeeper who cut some cor-
:els as nosy tax man
'Love, Sex and IRS'
ners on his past few years of
tax payments by declaring
Leslie, his male roomie, as his
wife. (Leslie is a unisexual
name, don't you know.)
Unfortunately, an I.R.S.
employee has decided to visit
Jon and iron out, er, certain
conflicts in Jon's recent
returns. Guess what Ion makes
Leslie do for the tax man's
visit. Just guess.
Most farces require huge
suspension of disbelief, but
this play requires enough sus-
pension as to give a nosebleed
to the theater-goer. As such, it
requires a sterling cast not just
to make one forget how silly
the premise is, but also to pro-
pel the play along at break-
neck speed.
The cast here generates a
decent amount of laughs, but
not quite enough to make you
forget the brainless plot point
at the play's core.
The production's biggest
virtue is Tony Triano as Floyd,
the well-meaning but nosy tax
man. He takes a role that
could be quite grating in the
wrong hands and instead
makes it thoroughly winning.
By himself, Triano provides:a
delightful subtext to his sim-
ply written role..
After seeing Triano's endear-
ing take on Floyd, one gets
the impression that this ini-
tially intimidating govern-
What started as hippie-era arts in the 1960s,
when weaving and macrame were big, has
ebbed and flowed and evolved into today's
fiber arts, a genre that some say is not much
different than other kinds of visual art.
"The difference is actually only in the choice
of materials and technique," said Jo Sinclair of
St. Augustine, a fiber artist and curator of a
new exhibit at the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedra Beach.
The exhibit of works by the late Sally
Broadwell, also of St. Augustine. opens toda\
with a reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the
center, 50 Executive \Vay. Ponte \edra Beach.
Admission is free, and the public is invited.
Whereas other artists may choose oil paints,
acrylics or watercolors for expression, fiber
artists may use quilting, weaving or paper-
making, Sinclair said.
The broad stroke of "fiber art" encompasses
both fabric art that is, quilts, screen prints,
textiles and the like as well as yarn, string
'and other materials.
Nis. Bioadwell's work "is actually well
known in the fiber arts community, particular-
ly in Florida," Sinclair said in a telephone
interview this week.
"\Vhat she was known for was her small art
Those quilts typically were embellished with
beads, jewels and other glittery decorations,
Sinclair said.
"She was so prolific," Sinclair said of Nis.
Broadwell, who died in April 2005 after a brief
battle with cancer. "She left volumes of work."
The center exhibit, which will hang through
Sept. 9, will include examples of the artist's
early work and more recent work, as well as
some in between, Sinclair said.
Some of the works will be offered for sale.
Ms. Broadwell was born in 1953 in
Nashville. Tenn., and lived most of her youth
in Coral Gables, Fla. After getting a bachelor's
and a master's in fine arts from Florida State in
Tallahassee, she moved with her husband to
St. Augustine, where they raised two daugh-
Over the years, Ms. Broadwell's work was
exhibited in galleries, in private and public
collections and at art and craft shows around
the country, according to a news release from
the center.
She explored with soft sculpture, clay, batik,
quilting, photography, embroidery, clothing
and other means of expression.
"There was an evolution in her work ... that
See FIBER, B-3
S, pOp O usio j TumtMI
Pictured are some 9f the works of fiber artist Sally Broadwell that will be displayed at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach starting today. The late artist is known for her small, dec-
orative quilts.
- _.
l 28 2006
July 28, 2006
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Dance trancer now and loving ever
I'm the kind of person who
enjoys "high impact"
I'm all about long-distance
running, swimming, cycling
- any vigorous activity that
really works up a sweat.
You can keep all that yoga
junk. If I wanted to spend an
hour breathing deeply I
would go take a nap.
But as the summer drags
on and the days seem to get
hotter, those "high impact"
- and more importantly out-
door activities become less
Running for more than 20
minutes makes me feel like
I'm literally roasting in the
summer heat, and swimming
laps feels like I'm sludging
my way through a pool of
bath water. No thanks.
So a few months ago I
decided to try something
new Dance Trance.
I've seen the commercials
and the ads about this "high
intensity dance workout"
that uses MTV-style choreog-
SWith a little experience
being in a hip-hop dance
group in college and my end-
less hours spent gyrating in
6-inch heels at Ocean Club, I
thought, "This'll be easy as
Now, I'm not sure what
genius thought up the phrase
"easy as pie," but it's not a
very accurate cliche. Baking a
pie is actually very hard
work, as was my first night
in a Dance Trance class.
For some reason I was
under the impression that
the instructors showed.mem-
bers of each class the steps to
each dance.
Wrong. Instead, it consist-
ed of about 10 to 12 back-to-
back songs that left me look-
ing like a "flailing drunken
hippo," in the words of one
of my esteemed coworkers.
(She was there, flailing with
Everyone else seemed per-
fectlyin sync with the danrc-
ing divas leading the class
from the front of the studio
Sat the Cobalt Moon.
They moved gracefully and
confidently across the hard
wood floors, watching them-
selves in the expansive mir-
ror as they executed grape
vines and kick ball changes
with the precision of Julliard
The moves, I quickly
learned, were not that diffi-
cult. But by the time I fig-
ured out the eight-count pat-
terns, the song was over and
I was already trying to absorb
the steps to the next one.
Oh, how I longed to be like
the Dance Tranceis who
knew every song. It was like
some elite club that I desper-
ately wanted to join.
I was determined to
become the best dancer in
the studio. ..
I had "Flashdance" day-
dreams of practicing in an
abandoned warehouse like
Jennifer Beals with my leg
warmers and twisted head
band soaked with sweat.
Then one daylI would be
accepted as a fellow
"Trancer," and we would all
go out to a nightclub to cele-
brate. The crowd would sepa-
rate as we danced our chore-
ogiaphed steps to the latest
Christina Aguilera song. And
everyone would applaud is,
the queens of the dance
OK, so I got a little carried
away with the fantasies.
Pelicans: Saturday at 106 6t St. N.
Cont. from B-1
and studio, this year. In addi-
tiori, a few new categories
have been added to the awards
: ceremony in order to honor
behind-the-scenes volunteers
and board members.
"A total of 25,850 volunteer
hours went into these shows,"
added Schwarz, "so we wanted
to honor as many people as
possible because that's what it's
all about."
Players staged a record 18
plays during its 2005-06 sea-
son, everything from one-man
shows to large-scale musical
productions such as "The
World Goes Round," one of six
plays up for best main stage
Darker, off-the-wall plays
such as '-The.Exonerated,"
about deatli'row inmates '-
wrongly convicted, found a
niche at Players' 72-seat Grace
Darling Studio.
"Our goal is to alwvas have
S something going on in the
theatre," said Schwarz, adding
that more than 10,000 people
either attended or participated
in Players productions over the
past season.
"With the studio theatre, we
can afford to take certain risks
that we wouldn't on the main
Saturday's 7:30 p.m. event,
which is open to the public,
will be hosted by Lee Hamb\y,
Josh Waller and Staci Cobb.
Carrabba's Italian Grill of
Jacksonville Beach and the the-
atre's volunteer guild will pro-
vide epicurean treats and bev-
erages following the awards
Nominees not listed on pre-
vious page are as follows:
Kai Dailey: as "Young
Patrick" in "Auntie MName"
Lucie Roberts: as "Luther" in'
"Inspecting Carol" I
Charlie White: multiple roles
in "Auntie Iame"
Anne Roberts: "Betty" in
"Inspecting Carol"
Armando Versace: "Eliades"'
in "Anna in the Tropics"
Bob Glazener: Offstage
Technician in "Stepping Out"
,Butch Shadwell:
Stenographer in "The Caine
Mutiny Court Martial"
Randall Adkison: "The World
Goes Round"
Scott Nicholson: "The World'
Goes Round"' :
Laura Adkison: "The World
Goes Round"
Amy Allen: "The,World Goes
Kristin Jewell: "The World
Goes Round"
Rebecca Williams: 'Stepping
* i-i ',. -- ,4 '
Shelli Long: "The World
Goes Round"
Patty Zipperer: "Stepping
Out" "
Randall Adkison: "The World
Goes Round"
Zeina Salame & Jeremie
Cook: "The Odd Couple"
Shawn LeNoble & Philip
Walls: "Inspecting Carol"
George Ballis & Philip Walls:.
"A Delicate Balance"
Randall Adkison & Philip
Walls: "The World Goes
Philip Walls: "A Delicate
Philip Walls: "Inspecting
Randall Adkison & Philip
Walls: "The World Goes
Jeremie Cook: "The
Anne Roberts: "Anna in the
Tropics" .
Jason Collins: "Keelv and
Du" .
Philip Walls: "Anna in the
Tropics". .
Anne Roberts: "Inspecting
Carol" -
Anne Roberts: "A Delicate
Anne Roberts: "Anna in the
Anne Roberts & Susan Gray:
"The Caine Mutiny Court
Camala Pitts & Dorinda
Grobin: "Auntie Mamne"
Holly Gutshall: "The Odd
Camala Pitts & Dorinda
Grobin: "Inspecting Carol"
Gayle Featheringill: "A
Delicate Balance"
SLee Hamby: "Anna in the
Randall Adkison
Janelle Rosco
Duncan Winship
Carl Baum
Gayle Featheringill
Susan Gray
Josh Waller
Kathryn Youngberg
Zeina Salame
Audrey Dearborn ;.
Dr. John Formanek
Nancy Graeme
Bill Hastede
MaryLe Judd
Dick & Carolyn Walker
Jeanne Averill
Manny Bello
Jo Blevins
Audrey Dearborn
Pat Gray
Gwen Dasher
Nancy Graeme :
Fred Ortyl
Diane Sipler
Anthony Hodge
Nancy & DaffinOakley
Anne Roberts
Holly Gutshall
Charlie White
y step of it
After that first class, I
learned that most people
start out in the beginners
classes, where the instructors
break down each routine.
So I tried a few of those to
get the hang of it, and then
threw myself back into the
advanced class to see how I
would fare.
Gradually, I found that
attending a class once or
twice a week was enough to
keep the routines fresh in my
My awkward attempts to
keep up soon grew into con-
fidence in every step. Plus,
my hour-long workouts
became more intense because'
I spent less time standing
dumbfounded and disorient-:
ed watching the instructor
and more time shaking my
toosh. :
Who knew gyrating your
hips could burn so many
So if you're looking to add
a new element to your bor-
ing summer workout routine,
Dance Trance may by the
way to go.
If nothing else, it could be
a good chance to laugh hys-
terically at an uncoordinated
Cont. from B-1
ment man visits all of his cus-
tomers mainly to escape a
lonely home life.
The biggest debit is Nicholas
Barnes as Leslie. For the role
to work at all, Leslie has to
start out as low-key masculine
and then throw himself into
the mock-female role.
Barnes starts out at screech-
ing level and never lets up.
The play's very first scene is
meant to show him as an
inadvertent ladies' man. But
you never once believe that
the woman in question would
give up her fiancee for this
high-pitched whiner.
The rest of the cast falls
midway between the above <
highs and lows, though only
Jon Coen (as a nosy landlord)
,and Henry Brewster (in a brief
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but winning take as a low-rent
preacher) seem to be enjoying
their roles as much as Triano
Also, the production slacks
midway through the second
act, as though the play were
supposed to end about 20
minutes earlier than it does.
Likewise, "Love" is a mid-
level Alhambra production -
worth watching if you're in
the mood for a no-brainer
comedy but not worth cancel-
ing an out-of-town trip for.
"Love, Sex, and the I.R.S." is
being performed at the
Alhambra Dinner;Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd., every day
except Mondays through Aug'
20. For reservations and show-
times, call 641-1212 or visit
Atlantic Beach:::
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Vigil kept on art funding
ML uch has been written
about the economic
impact of the arts on
the community. A constant
vigil is kept on arts funding
through federal, state and
city governments to make the
arts available and affordable
to everyone..
But there is another factor
which has to be considered as
well. Most of us are familiar
with the "No Child Left
Behind" law that authorizes
the U.S. Department of
Education's major programs
for public-schools.
The measure is up for reau-
thorization next year.
Hearings are being held.
through the end of the year.
Personal comments are
encouraged about your feel-
ings on the importance of arts
in vour child's education.
Has art been pushed aside,
or encouraged? Your com-
ments will help to ensure an
integral place for the arts in.
schools in the future.
You may wish to offer your
thoughts to Justin Beland,
Government Affairs and :
Grassroots Manager at jbe-
SAppreciating the arts makes,
for a richer life.
: '* '. .. ,
First Street Gallery will fea-
ture the works of Beth Haizlip
and Pat Livesay from Aug. 1
through Sept. 14. Their exhib-
it, "Silver and Sand," pairs
watercolor artist Beth Haizlip
with jewelry designer Pat
Haizlip, a multifaceted
painter, works in oils, acrylics
and watercolors using varied'
subject matter and imagery.'
Livesay creates necklaces,
bracelets and earrings with sil-
Sver, gold and semiprecious
stone designs.,
Meet the artists at a recep-
tion oh Friday, Aug. 11, from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A special
event demonstration by Pat'
Livesa\ and Beth Haizlip will
take place on Saturday, Aug..
12, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in
the courtyard immediately
outside the gallery.
In the event of inclement
weather, th'e artists Mill work,
inside the gallery, which is at
216-B First St., Neptune
Beach. .
Gallery hours are Monday
through Saturday from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays
from noon until 5 p.m. Friday'
evenings, the gallery is open
until 9 p.m. Call 241-6928.
The Neptune Art Group,
which recently moved from
its location on Atlantic
Boulevard in Neptune Beach
to Beach Plaza, will have a
grand opening of its new
gallery Saturday, July 29, with
a reception from 5. p.m. to 8
The gallery is located at
1250 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach. Many of the artists
belonging to this: gallery were
members of the Beaches Arts
and Crafts Gallery located on
First Street, in Jacksonville
Beach before that building
was demolished to make
room .for the redevelopment
of the downtown area.
'Newcomers to the area have
joined the group making the-
work varied. You get a muse-,
um feeling entering the
gallery because of the-very
high ceilings. A large, bright
classroom is located in the
back along with an office for'
Atlantic Frames, owned by
Debra Dellinger. See these
Snew digs. You will enjoy
them. -
Players By-The-Sea will
open their new season on
Sept. 15 with a musical, "The
Pirates of Penzance." Show
dates are Sept. 15 to 1'" 20 to
24 and 29.
The featured artist in the
gallery will be Rebecca Hardy,
a familiar figure in the arts
community for more than 25.
In juried shows,.Rebecca's.
works consistently carried a
p.hlo sUBMrTTrED
SWorks of fiber artist Sally Broadwell often are embellished with decorations, such as shown on
this quilted box.
ribbon. The theater is located
at 106 Sixth St., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 249-2022 for
"Fabric Pieces Beads and
Embroidery" opens tonight at
the Cultural Center at Ponte
Vedia Beach. On Monday; Jo
Sinclair, a well-known St.
Augustine fiber artist, will dis-
cuss the works of the late
Sally Broadwell and take visi-
tors on a gallery tour of
Broadwell's works.
The program is free and
open to the public. The
Cultural Center is located at
50 Executive Way, Pontf
Vedra Beach. Call 280-0614
Sfor information. See story, B-
% *,. .1 '* ,
An exhibit of artworks by
local artists will be on display
at the Bellsouth Tower during
SAugust. A reception with live
music will be held Aug. 5
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The exhibit coincides with
First Wednesday Artwalk. Start
at the Jacksonville Museum! of
Modern Art and walk to a
number of galleries that stay
open late the first Wednesday
of each month. Pick up a
schedule at the museum.
The Jacksonville Museum of
SModern Art's underground
summer film series continues
every Wednesday in August.
On Aug. 2, the film will be
:"The Beat That My Heart
SSkipped." Call 366-6911 for
Cont. from B-I
paralleled her contemporaries
in the fiber arts community,"
Sinclair said.
Sinclair will give a free lec-
ture on the exhibit and the
medium of fiber arts at 11 a.m.
Monday at the center. The lec-
ture is free and open to the
Like other artists, Sinclair
said, "the fiber artists were also
Siflue n ed :by; what was -going
on in :the art .world [and
would] translate it into
those techniques, with their
own creative vision."
The center is located about
one block east of State Road
A1A, across from Ponte Vedra-
Palm Valley Elementary
School. .or information, call
staged at 8 p.m. today and
Saturday and 2 p.m. Aug. 1 at
The Limelight Theatre, 11 Old
Mission Ave., St. Augustine.
Tickets are $22 for adults, $20
for seniors and $15 for stu-
dents and military. Call (904)
825-1164 for information.
presented through Aug. 20 at
the Alhambra Dinner Theatre,
12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on
Saturday and noon on Sunday.
Admission ranges from $35 to
$46 for dinner and show. Call
641-1212 for information.
FIRES" is presented at 7:30
p.m. and 9:30 and
Saturday at The Atlantic
Theatres, 751 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach.Tickets are $15
in advance, $20 at the door.
Call 249-PLAY for information.
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Weekend 3
The Beaches Leader/PonPnte Vedra Leader;;
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Pablo 9
The Ant Bully. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 10:50 a.m., 1:30,
4:30, 7:15, 9:20.
Clerks II. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 11:05 a.m., 1:45, 4:40,
7:25, 9:35.
John Tucker Must Die.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:45
a.m., 1:20, 4:20, 7:35, 9:30.
Miami Vice. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 12:45, 4:D0, 7:15,
Lady in the Water. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:30 a.m.,
1:40, .4:05, 7:05, 9:40.
Monster House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:00 a.m., 1:00,
4:00, 7:10, 9':15.
My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:30
a.m., 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:40.
Pirates'of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest. Rated
PG 13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3:45,
7:00, ,10:15.
You, Me & Dupree. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:55 a.m.,
1:35, 4:15, 7:20, 9:25.
Regal 18
The Ant Bully. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:15, 2:50, 5:00,
7:25, 9:35.
John Tucker Must Die.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:10, 2:55, 5:05, 7:35, 10:35.
Miami Vice. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 11:50 a.m., 12:40,
3:30, 4:15, 7:00, 7:30, 10:10,
Scoop. Rated PG13. Fri-
Thurs., 12:30, 3:05, 7:55;
Clerks II. Rated R.' 'Fi.-
Thurs., 12:35, 3:25, 7:40,
Lady .in the Water. RateAd
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:50, 4:05,
7:20, 9:50.
Monster House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:55 a.m., 1:00,
3:20, 4:00, 6:55; 8:05, 9:20,'
Super Ex-Girlfriend.
PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
3:15, 7:45, 10:00.
*f 4m 4 s *m-mg- 4 2H l im lW
'Clerks' is '" tizen Kane"of slackerdom
,,, : '-, "s a ....."
"Clerks" (1994) is the ,
"Citizen Kane" of' slacker-
dom. Upon making his first,
groundbreaking movie,
. "Kane's" Orson Welles said
his studio workplace was
"the biggest electric train set
a boy could ever have." By
contrast, writer-director
Kevin Smith risked $27,000
in credit-card bills to work
on the biggest Hot Wheels
.set a boy could play with.
And he's clearly loving it.
The movie chronicles a
Saturday in the life of Dante
(Brian 6'Halloran) and
Randal i.eff Anderson),
ounterbo\y at (respectively)
a convenience store and a
nearby video-rental shop.
There is little plot to speak
of, and even less directorial
style. What remains is huge
reams of dialogue, most of it
laugh-till-you-cry hysterical.
"Clerks" is living proof that
the best movie comedy is
simple. (I'd take "Clerks<"
over "Men in Black" any old
S day) ,, ,
Smith risked all in making
S'his dream come true,-and it'
shows in the movie's set-ups
-- no Scorsese-like snaky
camera moves; just plop the
S camera, catch two people
having an elaborate conver-
sation (with maybe a cut-
away to a funny side gag),
Sand move on to the next
Yet in those simple set-ups;
Smith captures more charac-
ter and subtext than many
blockbuster Hollywood pro-
Dante continually moans
that he's put-upon having to
manage the store on his day
off, but he's not the most
devoted employee. At vari-
ous points, he locks up the
store so that he can attend a.
funeral or play hockey on
the store's roof, and when
his girlfriend Veronica ,
(Marilyn Ghigliotti comes
to visit, he leaves an honor
system of pocket-(hange and
instructions on the counter
so that he and Veronica can
make small talk Ino sex.
Really) behind the counter.
And Randal makes Dante
look like Employee of the
When he works at the
video store, he makes conde-
scending remarks to rightful-
ly disgruntled customers;
more often, he closes the
shop that he can go to
Dante's store and make even
more condescending remarks
to Dante's customers. -
These are not the guys you
want helping you when
you're out for a late-night
beer or video fix. Yet Smith
makes the characters easily
identifiable. Too much of
today's comedy plays up (or,
more correctly, down) to its
audience in order to win
them over. Smith couldn't
care less.
He knows that the best
:movie comedy treats certain
people very nastily (think of
'.Woody Allen's eye-rolling
over his inferior schoolmates
Sin "Annie Hall"), and like
Dante iwho is obviously the
auteur's alter-ego), Smith
knows and demonstrates
how it feels to have to settle
for a job several leagues
below vour imagined station
in life.
"Cleiks" is hardly a life lec-
ture, though. It offers acres
of hilarious dialogue that
would be quotable if you
could possibly remember it
all. A viewer at the Internet
Movie Database remarks that
the actors are unprofession-
Well, maybe they don't
have SAG cards, but I can
imagine very few Hollywood
veterans who could recite
Smith's dialogue in such
..long takes and still keep it
funny. (The only real bloop-
er in, the movie's cgmic act-'
* the reaction of the
customer who is forced to
watch a cat take a dump in'
the catbox that has been
inexplicably placed on the
The guy should be
appalled, but you can easily
tell he's struggling not to
laugh his head off.)
The movie is also proudly
incorrect politically. It non-
chalantly offers references --
nay, guideposts -- to drugs,
oral sex, homophobia, and
necrophilia, and has obvi-
ously earned its R rating the
hard way. (Indeed, Smith
had to appeal to the ratings
board to keep the movie
from getting an NC-17.) But
if you can live with that,
you'll be rewarded with some
identifiable characters and
superb insights into life's
minutia. (Dante and Randal's
debate about "Return of the
Jedi" is one for the ages.)
"Clerks" is assuredly not
for everyone. But view it ...
with an open mind, and..
you'll probably laugh your-
self silly.
"Clerks" is rated R for
much frank, sexually related
dialogue. It is available on
DV'D and will also be shown
at midnight on Fri. and Sat.,
Aug. 4 and 5, at the San
Marco Theatre, 2032 San
Marco Blvd. in Jacksonville.
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...your community newspaper
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 28, 2006:.
Weekend 4
: i-i
'i "'
July 28, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 5
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Quest performs at 9 p.m.
today. and Saturday.
Courtyard at 200 First Street,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach
249-2922.:Shoofly performs
Americana music today.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. The Boxrockers per-,
.forms at 9 p.m. today.
Combover is in at 8 p.m.
Saturday. Traditional Irish
music with Kevin Byrne at 6
p.mi. Sunday.
SFreebird Live, 200 N. First
S.; Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Black Kids, Alphabet
City, Sensei and The Julius
Airwave appearat 9 -.p.m.
today. Jacksonville's Original
Drumline Crew featuring Still
Green arid De Lions Of Jah are'
in at 9 p.m. Tickets are $5 for'
21 and over, $7 for under 2.
i *0,0 1
i fonkey's. Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,.
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Big Al & the Kaholics appear at
S9 p.m. today.
S' *"
- Moon Grille, 1396 Beach.
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
241-1894. Cloud Nine plays
rock and blues at 9 p.m. today
and Saturday. The Kings of.
Mell play traditional rockabilly
Aug. 5.
,Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach *'
J42-8884. Wes Cobb performs
at'9 p.m. today. The Druids are
ih from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Saturday in the Bubba Lounge.
:- ,
Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940.
Pili Pill plays reggae every
Friday and Saturday.
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach *,285-7777.
Cloud Nine are in today and
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in every
Wednesday. Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Meridian
plays traditional Irish music at
4 p.m. Sunday.
,' '' !' e* '
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every, Tuesday.
Reggae with Pili Pili every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
,Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
*,; *
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
SBeach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleepy every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appearSs
Saturday. ,.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
'n m tnrdayv and Satrdav
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood & Karaoke every Sunday. Little
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Green men perform every
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. Monday. Spiderbaby is in
The Company performs at 9 every WVednesday: 3 appears
p.m.,today and Saturday. every Thursday.
S* ., .
Seawalk Hotel, 119 1st--Ave.-'.' N-Mackenie's Steakhliode, 100
N.; Jacksonville' Beach 249- Sawgrass Village, Ponte Vedra
9981. Good Fortune, Weak Beach 543-9143. Gene
sauce and S\VATT are in Nordan plays piano Tuesday
Saturday. Tickets are $2. through Thursday. Don
S* Mfiniard is in Saturday.
Spare Time Tavern and Michael Howard plays Sunday;
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N., Will Hurley performs Fridays
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360. and Monday.
Reggae with De Lions of Jah at **
9 p:m. today. Max's" Restaurant, ':1312
1Tikisted Sisters. 1266 Bewach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
2:1-6453. Aerial Tribe per-
forms at 9 p.m. today. The Wes
Cobb Band appears Saturday.
Dave Massey is the featured
perfromer at the 2nd anniver-
sary party at 7 p.m. July 31.
Aromas Cigar, Wine, &
Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le
Monde Quartet plays Latin
music Tuesdays. The Jason
Anderson Group performs
every Thursday. Jose LeBron
and The LeMlonde Quintet per-
form ever' Saturday.
iBo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Are. N., Jacksonville Beach *,
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
-; '' * ,
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
: ... 1
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans
plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach.
o Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
SeveryTuesday. Fifth South and
the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. The James Harp
House Project is every
Saturday. Reggae with Pili Pili
from 4 to 8 p.m. every Sunday.
* i i* O O O i* *
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top. 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.
O 0 O- ', "
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
o '* : ,,
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. Eric Wink performs
Tuesday: Yankee Slickers are
in, every Thursday. Reggae
-g 4 .
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in every Monday and
Tuesday. DJ Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.
Vinoe,. 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: Acts and performance
days are not always available for
all. clubs at press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.
pnci:., umn-r 1
"The Florida Theatre celebrates the return of FOURPLAY Thursday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. Tickets
went on sale last week. Call 355-ARTS for tickets or performance information.
with Delibrns of Jah every
Friday. The Jim Essery Band
performs Sundays,
Sun 'Dog Tavern, ,207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
.241-8221.:Chuck Nash. and
,the',Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of ever
* month.
* *
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony Saladino per-
forms jazz piano and standards
Thursday through Saturday.
J r O O '
Tree Steakhouse, '725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Jocelyn &
the Geronimos host karaaoke
every Tuesday.
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
:AtlantiC Blvd., Neptune Beach.
, Karaoke every Wednesday.
*.* 1.. i:1 ; o it ILV
SLynch's Irish 'Pub, -514'N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach.
Karaoke every Sunday.
0 '. '
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,'
1850 Third' Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday.
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every
other, Thursday. :'
Spare Time Tavern and
,Grille, 1728 3rd St. ,N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Karaoke
ever Wednesday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro'
Thursday through Saturdays.
S *
Ocean Club.D.| Scott Henry.
Saturday. DJs Sharaz and Dave
Berg in on July 22. DJ Infader
spins every Tuesday.
Spare Time' Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd : St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
DJ Hook spins Saturday.
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Sunday, July 30th
Bike Night
;Acoustics with Eric Wink &
Texas Hold'Em Tournament
New tournament begins tonight
The Cover Band
Texas Hold'em
New tournament begins tonight
& Yankee Slickers
House Specialties
Stuffed Oysters.
$7.95 1/2 Dozen
Steamed/Raw Oysters
$7.95 .Dozen
12 oz Angus Beef Select Cut
Ribeye Dinners $15.95
Service Industry Night
Every night from
S 11 pm- 2 am
$3.25 calls, $2.25 premium
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$1.50 Bud Select Pints
$1 PBR's & BuschLite Cans
Fresh Seafood.
Open 11 am 2 am Daily
1728 N. Third St
SJax Beach
(corner of 3rd St. & 17th Ave. N.
across from Goodyear)
Kitchen open till 2 am
Breakfast every day
St. Paul's Catholic School
S628 1st Ave. N., Jax Beach 246-5756
Doors Open 1:15pm After Hours 612-5787
SNon-Smoking room available .:li. ;.-,: -:
Subscribe to The Leader Call 249-9033
Tue- OC'1 Thur 08,03 1C. 00' 12 30
Fri 07/28: 1:05 1:45 4:40 7:25 9:35 _
Sat 07/29: 11:05 1:45 4:40 7:25 9:35
Sun 07/30: 11:05 1:45 4:40 7:25 9:35 m
Mon 07/31 -Thur'08/03: 11:05 1:45
4:40 7:25 9:35 T
Fri 07/28: 10:45 1:20 4:20 7:35 9:30
Sat 07/29:10:45 1:20 4:20 7:35 9:30
Sun 07/30:10:45 1:20 4:20 7:35 9:30 .
Mon 07/31 Thur 08/03: 10:45 1:20
4:20 7:35 9:30 m
Fri 07/28: 10:30 1:40 4:05 7:05 9:40 .
Sat 07/29: 10:30 1:40 4:05 7:05 9:40
Sun 07/30: 10:30 1:40 4:05 7:05 9:40
Mon: 10:30 1:40 4:05 7:05 9:40
Tues 08/01 Thur 08/03: 4:05 7:05 9:40 *
Fri 07/28: 12:454:00 7:15 10:20
Sat 07/29: 12:45 4:00 7:15 10:20
Sun 07/30: 12:45 4:00 7:15 -:
Mon 07/31 Thur 08/03: 12:45 4:00 7:15
Fri 07/28: 11:00 1:004:00 7:10 9:15 "
Sat 07/29: 11:00 1:00 4:00 7:10 9:415
Sun 07/30: 11:00 1:00 4:00 7:10 9:15
Mon 07/31 Thur 08/03: 11:00 1:00
.o 4:00 7:10 9:15
Fri 07/28: 10:30 1:05 4:05 7:30 9:40 U
Sat 07/29: 10:30 1:05 4:05 7:30 9:40 -
Sun 07/30: 10:30 1:05 4:05 7:30 9:40
Mon 07/31 -Thur 08/03:10:30 1:05 -
4:05 7:30 9 40 r
Fri 07/28: 12:30 3:45 7:00 10:15 -
Sat 07/29: 12:30 3:45 7:00 10:15 -
Sun 07/30 Thur 07/20:12:30 3:45 7:00 -p
Fri 07/28: 10:55 1:35 4:15 7:20 9:25
Sat 07/29: 10:55 1:35 4:15 7:20 9:25
Sun 07/30: 10:535 1:354:15 7:20 9:25 -
Mon 07/31 Thur 08/03: 10:55 1:35
4:15 7:20 9:25
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will go to the Boys & Girls Club
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,Outside Duval and St. Johns Counties 0 $44 One Year 0 $80 Two Years
I Pholne
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e For The Boys & Girls Club
SDelivered Wednesda and Friday in the U.S. Mail
L. -------------
r uv~r
Weekend 6i
.The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 28, 2006
Friday, July 28
Guys, and Dolls: "Guys and Dolls'
will have a limited run at the Florida
Community College at Jacksonvilli
Nathan H. Wilson Center for the Arts
main stage, 11901 Beach Blvd. Time
are 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. today; 1 and
p.m. July 29; and 2 p.m. July 30
Tickets range from $8 to $15, and may
be reserved by calling 646-2222 or 632
Steak night: The Ladies Auxiliary o
the Fleet Reserve Association, 39(
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, wil
have "Steak Night" from 5 to 9 p.m
The cost is $10, and the public is invit
Summer potluck: Persephon
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th Ave. N.
Jacksonville Beach, will have a summe:
potluck and grill out from 5:30 to 8
p.m. Call 246-3583 to R.S.V.P.
Exhibition opening: The Cultura
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach will hos
an opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m
for Sally Broadwell's fabric art exhibi,
tion.'A fabric arts lecture by Jo Sinclair
the show's curator, is free'to the public
at 11 a.m. Monday, July 31. The center
is located at 50 Executive Way, Pontt
Vedra Beach. Call 280-0614 or visil for information.
Through Our Eyes: "Through Ou
Eyes 2006: A Legacy Illuminated,'
works by 23 local artists using the his
tory of Jacksonville's African Americar
community as a catalyst, is on display
through Sept. 29 in the Ritz Theatre &
Saturday, July 29
Gator Gathering: The Gator Club o!
Jacksonville will have its annual Gatoi
Gathering.from 4 to 6 p.m. at the
Morocco Shrine Center, 3800 S. St
Johns Bluff Road, Jacksonville: Cal
Democratic .Club: The Beaches
Democratic Club will have an
"Empowering the People" barbecue
from 4:30 to 9 p.m. at the Duval
County Democratic Party
Headquarters, 6629 Beach Blvd.
Grand opening: Atlantic Custom
Frames and South Beach Gallery, 125C
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, will
have its grand opening from 5 to 8
p.m. Call 247-4341 for information.
SBenefit concert: Teror Roger J
Geronimo, soprano.Barbara Norris and
bass-baritone Jimmy Goodell will per-
form at 7 p.m. at Our Lady Star of the
Sea's Cultural Center, 545 A1A N.
Ponte Vedia Beach, to raise money for
Wolfson Children's Hospital.
Admission is $15 per person. Call 797-
2248 or e-mail
for ticket information.
Sunday, July 30
Marywood Retreat: A Christian
meditation/12-step recovery titled
"Letting Go" will be held from 1:30 tc
4p.m. at the Marywood Retreat Center
in Switzerland, Fla. No charge; dona-
tion suggested. Call 1-888-287-2539 or
249-2639 for information.
Fifth Sunday: Palm Valley Baptist
Church, 4890 Palm Valley Road, will
host a "Fifth Sunday Night Music
Program" at 6 p.m. All are welcome.
Monday, July 31
" Syndrome X seminar: Native Sun
a Natural Foods Market, 11030
e Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville will
Shost a free seminar on Syndrome X,
s also known as "metabolic syndrome"
8 or "insulin resistance syndrome," at 8
p.m. Visit www.nati' for
y information.
Wednesday, Aug. 2
Beaches Watch: Beaches Watch will
f meet at 7 p.m. in the Community
) Room of the Pelican Point
1 Condominium, 1901 1st St. N.,
. Jacksonville Beach. The meeting is
-open to the public. For information,
'call 513-9242 or visit www.beach-
Summer Scorcher Film Series: The
r "Summer Scorcher" Film Series will be
8 held at 7 p.m. at the Jackson\ille
Museum of Modem Art, 333 N.
Laura Stf, Jacksonville. The box
d office opens at 6 p.m., and seat-
t ing is limited. The cost is $5 for
. members and students, and $7
- 'or non-members. Tonight's
,' film is "The Beat That NMy
c Heart Skipped." Call 366-
r 6911, extension 214, for
e information.
Friday, Aug. 4
Back-to-school orien-
r station: A back-to-school
Orientation for students
Sand their parents will be
held at Atlantic Beach R
Elementary from 2 to 3 p.m.;
c Registration for extended day
after school care is 3 to 6 p.m. Aug. 1
through 3, and 2 to 4 p.m. today. Call
S247-5924 for information.
r Saturday, Aug.
% 5 .
Pre-marital workshop:
I "Happily Ever After," a pre-marital
workshop, will be held the first
Saturday of every month from 8:30
s. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Ponte Vedra
i United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach.
1 Call Vivian Bowlus at 904-543-8856 or
e-mail bowlu', for
i Job seeker workshop: Christ
I Episcopal Church is sponsoring a free
I job seeker workshop at the Christian
Formation Center, Room 108, 400 San,
Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra. Call 285-6127
or, e-mail crhbeach@' for
.information or to sign up,.
Sunday, Aug. 6
Team in Training: A non-obligatory-
information meeting for the Leukemia
r & Lymphoma Society will be held at 2
p.m. at the Beaches Branch Library's
meeting room, 600 Third St., Neptune
SBeach. Visit
: for infor-
i Monday, Aug. 7
I Golf tournament: American Legion
SPost 194's "Freedom Golf
* Tournament" in support of the USO:
- will be held at the Palencia Country
Club. Visit for infor-
i :Wednesday, Aug. 9
I .Suminer Scorcher Film Series: The
S"Summer Scorcher" Film Series will be
held at 7 p.m. at the Jacksonville
fMuiseum of Modem Art, 333 N. Laura
St., Jacksonville. The box office opens
at 6 p.m., and seating is limited. The
cost is $5 for members and students,
and $7 for non-members. Tonight's
film is "The Edukators." Call 366-6911,
extension 214. for information.
S Frid
Association will have a dance at 8 p.m.
at Bolero's, 10131 Atlantic Blvd., with
a live bandc Guest admission is $12.
Call 246-2858 or 904-317-6618 for
Monday, Aug. 14
ay, Aug. Movie Night: "Classic (Adult) Movie
11 Night" will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the
ak e board Beaches Branch Library, 600
S Third St., Neptune Beach.
'- "Under the Tuscan
.--" Sun" will be shown.
". Call 241-1141 for
'- Wednes-
S u m m er
S/ : Scorcher Film
S Series: The.
I L awn Lt~
.7"ummer Sc
' Film Series will
at 7 p.m. a
Jacksonville Mus
Modem Art, 333 1
St., Jacksonville.
office opens at
University of North Florida
percussionist and music p
fessor Dr. Charlotte Mabr
will host "An Evening of 2
Century Music" Saturday,
Aug. 26, at 8 p.m. in the F
Arts Center Lazzara
Performance Hall on the I
campus. Tickets are $10
(UNF students are admitti
free). Proceeds go to the
UNF Percussion Scholars
Fund. For information or t
order tickets, visit
or call 620-2878.
tournament: Hyperlite's "The Game"
wakeboard tournament will be held at
8 a.m. at Out Back Crab Shack, located
on SLx Mile Creek off State Road 13, 15
miles north of St. Augustine. For more
information. visit Aqua East Surf Shop
in Jacksonville Beach or St. Augustine,
Sor call 246-2550.
and seating is limited. The cc
for members and students, an
non-members. Tonight's f
"'Crimson Gold." Call 366-6911
sion 214, for information.
Friday, Aug. 1L
Reunion: The 1.956 Class of
i High School will hold its 50-yv
Saturday, Aug. 12 school reunion today and Au
Boating course: The U.S. Coast the Comfort Inn Oceanfr
Guard Auxiliary Beaches Flotilla 14-4 Jacksonville Beach. The cost
offers "America's Boating Course" per person, not including accoi
from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the tons. Make checks payable to
Captains Club, 13363 Beach .Blvd. .Class of '56, 1214 Forest Oak
,(between Hodges and Kemanl. The Neptune Beach, Fla. 32266.
program qualifies -ou for the Florida
state boater's card Call JohniDavis at-L' :' Sunday, Aug. 2
904-821-9692 for information. Jazz concert series: "
Sounds of Hot Summer Nights
Bead ,how: The Intergalactic Bead held from 5 to 9 p.m. at the S
Show will be held from 10 a.rn. to 5 Pavilion. Jazz saxophonist
p.m. today and Aug. 13 at the Morocco Groove will perform. For infor
Shrine Auditorium, 3800 St. Johns call 247-6100 and press 3.
Bluff Road S. Admission is $5 today,
and $4 Sunday (free for children 12
and under. Visit \www.BeadShow.cpm
for class information, directions and a
discount admission coupon, or call
888-729-6904. .
Comedy performance: "Last Comic
Standing" finalist Michele Balan vYill
perform at 8 and 10:30 p.m. 'at the
Atlantic Theatres Comedy Club, 751
Atlantic Blvd., Atlanic Beach. Tickets
are $17.50. Call 249-7529 for informa-
SBallroom dancing: The American
Ballroom and Contemporary Dance
Wednesday, Aug.
Summer Scorcher Film, Ser
"Summer Scorcher" Film Serie'
held at 7 p.m.. ht the Jack
Museum of Modem Art, 333 I
St., Jackson\ille. The box office
at 6 p.m., and seating is limit
cost is $5 for members and s
and $7 for non-members. T
film is "After Innocence." C
6911, extension 214, for inforr
SThursday, Aug. :
Art opening: An .art opera
lLarry Wilson and Laurie Hitzig
held from 5 to 7 p.m. at th
be held
it the
eu.1m rnf
Concert Hall at Jacksonville University.
Admission is free. Call 256-7371 for
Friday, Apg. 25
Cooking class: Persephone Healing
Arts Center, 485 6th Ave. N.,,-
Jacksonville Beach, will host an all-
organic cooking class from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. There is a fee. Call 246-3583 for
reservations and information.
Saturday, Aug. 26:
Concert: University of North Florida'
percussionist and music professor ri "
Charlotte Mabry will host "An Evening'
of 20th Century Music" at 8 p.m. 'ini
the Fine Arts Center Lazzara'
Performance Hall on the UNF campus.
Tickets are $10 (UNF students are
admitted free). Proceeds go to the UNF :
Percussion Scholarship Fund. For
information or to order tickets, visit or callE
N. Laura Sunday, Aug. 27
The box Sunday in the Park: "Sunday in the"
6, Park.with George" will be held from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Jacksonville
SMuseum of Modem Art, 333 N. Laura
,ro- St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $50 for
Members and $60 for non-iembers.
th Call 366-6911, extension. ,08, to
Fine Wednesday, Aug. 30,
SSuminer Scorcher Film Series: The
UNF "Kung.Fu Hustle" Film Series will be
held at.7 p.m. at the Jacksonville.
Museum of Modem Art, 333 :N. Laiura,
St., Jacksonville. The box office opens
hip at. 6 p.m.,'and seating is limited. The.
0o cost is $5 for members and students
ter and $7 for non-members. Tonight's
ter film is "The Beat That My Heart
SSkipped." Call 366-6911,. extension
214, for information.,
st s $5 Thursday, Aug. 31 -
d $7 for, Yoga in the Park: Mother &
film is Daughter Yoga in the Park will be held
, exten- ,at 7 p.m. Thursday for six weeks. Gall-
Dana at 372-0116 for information..:, ,!
S, Monday, Sept. 4
Fletcher Labor Day. .
ear high ,
g. 19 at Thursday, Sept. 14
ont in Paintings and Constructions: "Luis
is $100 Cruz Azaceta: Paintings and
mmoda- Constructions" will be on display
Fletcher through Jan. 7, 2007, at : the
s Drive, Jacksonville Museum of Modem'Art;i
333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. A recep-
tion will be held today from 6 to 9
0.' '1s;r? p:rtc.Admission is free for 'imemfibers,
Smooth 'and $25 at the door for non-members.
" will be Call 366-6911 for information.
;ea Walk
t Euge Friday, Sept. 15 i.
mation, Reunion: The USS Perkins (DD-26,
DD-377, DDR-8771 Association will
have its 16th annual reunion through
23 Sept. 17 in Lincoln, Neb. For informa-
ies: The tion, contact Roger W. Patton, 1600!N? '
s will be 80th St., Lincoln, Neb. 68505, 402-
,sonville .465-4174,
N. Laura "
:e opens Saturday, Sept. 16
ted. The Boating course: The:- US.- Coast:'
students, Guard Auxiliary Beaches Flotilla '14-4'
night's offers "America's Boating Course"'
all 366- from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the
nation. Captains Club, 13363 Beachi Blvrd.
between Hodges .and Keran). The
24, program qualifies you for the Florida
ling for state boater's card. Call John Davis at
will be 904-821-9692 for information.
he Terry .
Jacksonville Singles Dance
Club: The Jacksonville Singles
Dance Club meets from 8 to 11
p.m. Friday at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501
Hendricks Ave. Admission is
$8, or $7 for members. Call
779-1234 or e-mail 'for
Bookmobile: The Library
Elderly Outreach Bookmobile
serves seniors living in The
Stratford from 9:30 to 10 a.m.,
and at Vicar's Landing from
noon to 1:30 p.m. every second
and fourth Friday. Call David
Hoak at 904-823-2783 for
Kittens and cats which have
been veterinarian-checked and
tested, and have shots and
have been altered, are available
for adoption Saturdays from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo at
Atlantic and Keman boule-
First Coast Romance
Writers: The First Coast
Romance Writers meet the sec-
ond Saturday of the month
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Hampton Inn at J. Turner
Butler and 1-95. Meetings are
free and open to the public.
Call Eileen Goldman at 268-
0707 or e-mail ebgl653@com- for information.
Peripheral neuropathy: The.
Jacksonville Peripheral
Neuropathy Support Group
meets the second Saturday of
the month at 10 a.m. at the
Glendale Community Church,
6411 Beach Blvd. Call 269-
0984 for information.
Grandparent Group: The
Grandparent Group meets at
10 a.m. the first Monday of
each month at the St Johns
County Mental Health
Department, 1955 U.S. 1 South,
St. Augustine. Call 904-825-
5048 for information..
American Legion: The
American Legion Auxiliary
DeWitt B. Tilden Unit 316
meets at 8 p.m. the second
Monday of each month at 1127
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Call 249-0202 for information.
MOPS: Mothers of Pre-
Schoolers meets the second
Monday of each month at 9:30
a.m., and the third Monday of
each month at 7 p.m. (child
care provided) at Christ the
Redeemer Church, 190 5.
Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 285-8009 for infor-
Duval Audubon Society:
The group meets the third
Monday of the month at 7:30
p.m. at Swain Memorial United
Methodist Church. 1620 Naldo
Ave. Call 733-0550 or visit for
Zonta Club: The Zonta Club
of Jacksonville meets the third
Monday of each month at 6
p.m. at the Radisson Riverwalk
Hotel, 1515 Prudential Drive.
Call Eleanor Vees, 564-9211,
for information.
Reckless Readers: Reckless
Readers, a women's reading
group, meets the third Monday
of the month at 7 p.m. at the
Neptune Beach Senior Center.
Call Mary McKeaney at 247-
7627 for information.
NAIC: The local NAIC
Investment Club meets at 7
p.m. the fourth Monday of
each month at the Beaches
Library. Visitors are welcome.
Call Dick at 476-4260 for infor-
Barbershop chorus: The Big
Orange Barbershop chorus
meets each Tuesday from 7 to
9:30 p.m. at the First Christian
Church, 11924 San Jose Blvd.,
Mandarin. Visitors are wel-
come. Call 904-262-0032 or
744-5439 for information.
Beaches Arts Center: A
beginner watercolor class is
offered from 9 to 11 a.m.
Tuesday, and watercolor for all
levels is offered Tuesday
evening, and Wednesday and
Thursday morning. Figure
drawing classes are held
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. The
Beaches Arts Center is located
at 228 Third Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 241-
8816 for information.
Jacksonville Harmony
Show Chorus: The Jacksonville
Harmony Show Chorus meets
each Tuesday from 7 to 10 p.m.
at the San Jose Church of
Christ, 6233 San Jose Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Visitors and
prospective members are wel-
come. Call 350-1609 for infor-
Palm Valley Senior Center:
The Palm 'alley Senior Center,
148 Canal Blvd., is open
Tuesday and Thursday from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is served
at noon. Call 280-3233 for
lunch reservations or for infor-
mation on various activities
throughout the day. For trans-
portation to lunch, call 280-
3753 between 7:30 a.m. and
2:30 p.m.
Railroad Club: The Beaches
Area Model Railroad Club
meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday and
Friday at 941 Fourth St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, behind
Sportsmania. The club is open
to anyone interested in scale
model railroading. Call Dave
Henk at 641-8800 or Richard
Paul at 223-5133.
Toastmasters: The Ponte
Vedra Beach Toastmasters Club
meets every Tuesday from 7:45
to 8:45 a.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Golf and Country Club at
Sawgrass. Call Lewis Barber at
904-716-4045 for information.
Senior workshop: Edward
Jones, 13171 Atlantic Blvd.,
Suite 300, Jacksonville, offers a
free senior workshop at 10 a.m.
on a variety of topics including
retirement income planning,
wealth transfers, [RAs, annu-
ities and life insurance.
Reservations are required. Call
Friends on the Go: Friends
on the Go with Jack Morgan
meets at 7 p.m. the second
Tuesday of each month at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Mothers & More: Mothers &
More, a national, not-for-profit
organization supporting
sequencing women (women
who have altered their careers
to raise children at home),
meets the second Tuesday and
fourth Wednesday of ever)'
month. Locations very. Call
858-3369 or e-mail mothers- for informa-
Ribault Lodge: Ribault
Lodge #272 F. and A.M. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays
of the month at 327 2nd Ave.
N., Jacksonville Beach. Call
246-6558 for information.
Waldorf discussion group:
The Waldorf Parent/Education
Study and Discussion Group'
meets at 7 p.m. the third
Tuesday of the month at the
Seaside Playgarden, 223 Eighth
Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach. Call
Juliann at 716-8014 for infor-
First Coast Miniature Guild:
The First Coast Miniature
Guild, an organization of
miniature enthusiasts, meets
the fourth Tuesday of each
month, except December. Call
246-1146 for information.
Long Time Newcomers:
The Long Time Newcomers
Club of the Beaches and West
Beaches meets at Selva Marina
Country Club in Atlantic
Beach on the fourth Tuesday of
the Month, September through
May. This is a ladies' club.
Social hour starts at 11 a.m.,
followed by various entertain-
ers, performers and informa-
tive speakers. Call 273-0362 for
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Frogs frolic for funds
,If it looks a little froggy at
the, Beach this weekend, it
could be because of a frog race
scheduled noon Saturday at
Adventure Landing.
Thousands of plastic fogs
will race around the Lil' St.
John's Lazy River at the water-
pagk in Jacksonville Beach,
with prizes going to the top
winners and with entry fees
benefiting the. Epilepsy
With a $5. donation comes a
ticket with a number matching
a number on one of the racing
The owrer. of the first frog
across 'the' finish line wins a
$5,000 shopping spree at The
Avenues. The second place
winner gets an XBOX 360, and
the third place winner receives
four Shipwreck Island season
Adventure Landing is at
1944 Beach Blvd:
A look at the lost world
SSo you thought Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle just thought up
all those freaky plants and ani-
mals in "The Lost World"?
Truth'is, he was inspired by
Venezuela's Ancient Tepuis, a
uniqtie stretch .of remote
wilderness that's home to plant
and animal life unlike that of
any other region in the world.
A PBS documentary offering
a tour of the richly exotic
locale will be shown Satruday
and Sunday at the Guana
Environmental Education
First Coast Chapter Surfrider will be hosting a benefit screening of "Peel: the Peru Project" at 3
p.m. Saturday, July 29, at The Breaks, 2593 Mayport Road. A $5 donation is requested at the
door to benefit Surfrider.
Lnv~ironmendtal,, E d ,uc o ,. ,
Center! south of Ponte Vedra 241-1141. '. Medicine" tells the extraordi-
Beach.. Hours: Mfonday-Thursday nary story of American
The center is located at 505 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and women's struggle to gain
Gianal' River Road, off Statei Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. access to the medical profes-
Road A1A about 12 miles south and closed Sunday during sion and introduces audi-
of Mickler Road.. Jul. ences to outstanding physi-
Movies are shown oni the I cians from across the United
center's big screen at 10 a.m. Nature Walk States. Also on exhibit until
and 1 p.m. both days. Aug. 19 will be One Heart at
Admission to 'the Faver-Dykes State Park in a Time: A Visual Diary by\
Environmental Education St. Augustine will offer a Thomas Hager. This photog-
Center is $2 for adults, $1 for nature-themed walk on July raphy exhibition, presented
Children aged 10 to 17 and free 29. Join a Florida Park Ranger by Patrons of the Hearts, tells
for those under 10. For more and explore the diverse the story of four children
information call 823-4500. ecosystems the park has to with congenital heart disease
:- offer. Take a walk on the wild from underdeveloped coun-
S atu ::side through the pirielands tries brought to \olfson
NaturalMpVieS ;i otzimbAalong the PellfLcCi LCk&Y'ou' EI.hrdlien's Hospital for cat-
At the Guana Tolomato ; will need to meet at the plc- diac treatment.
Matanzas National Estuarine' nic pavilion at 11 a.m. This
Research Reserve, weekend will be about a 30 to 45
nature movies continue at 'minute leisurely stroll along Classic Cosmic
the Environmental Education"' the trail. You may be inclined
Center. to bring along a camera, The Jacksonville Museum
The GTM Reserve binoculars, bug spray, com- of Science and History pres-
Environmental Education portable hiking shoes for a ents Cosmic Concerts. Laser
Center is located at 505 soft terrain, and bottled and music shows featuring
Guana River Road, off A1A water. The park is located at classic rock music. Shows are
17 miles south of JTB or 8 1000 Faver-Dykes Road. For Friday and Saturday nights.
miles north of Vilano Beach. more information, call 904- At 4 p.m. enjoy the family
Admission to the 794-0907. style of The Beach Boys, 8
Environmental Education p.m. features the Rolling
Center is $2 for adults, $1 for IMusic Outdoors:. Stones, Queen, and others, 9
children aged ten to 17 and p.m. The Beatles and at 10:30
children under ten are free. '.'Music in the Courtyard at rock-out to David Bowie.
The Environmental 200 First Street in Neptune; Tickets are $3 at 4 and $6 for.
Education Center is open 9 ; Beach is now playing every other show times. Visit
am 4 pm daily and closed Friday from 7-1( pm through
state holidays.For more infor- the end of October. It's a free
matidn call 904-823-4500. .event open to the public. i Movie Classics
S Movies are shown at 10 Beer, wine, coffee, and
a.m. and 1 p.m. on week- desserts are available for put- The Florida Theatre presents
ends,. : chase at Shelby's Coffee its Suruner lMoie Classic Series
SP Shoppe. For more inlorma- Sunday afternoons. Show starts
Florida State Parks. tion call 249-2922. at 2 p.m. Passes are $5 and are
:A variety of programs will
be held at Little Talbot Island
State Park:as.part of Florida
State Parks Month. On
Saturday, ,the, park offers a
bike tour called "Bunting by
Bicycle" 11 a,m. For
more information, please call
251-2323. The park is located
at 12157 Heckscher Drive in
Beach Library
'Beaches Regional Library,
600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. For information call
Women Physicians !
The Jacksonville Public
Library is one of two sites in
Florida to host the American
Institutes of Health National
Library of
NMedicine/American Libraryt
Association's exhibition,
"Changing the Face of
Medicine: Celebrating
America's Women,
Physicians." The exhibit will
remain at the Jacksonville
Public Library Main Exhibit
Gallery on the third floor
through Aug. 7, 2006.
"Changing the Face of
available through the theatre
box office 904-355-2787.,
Celebrate National
Parks. Month in 21st
Century style
Fort George Island Cqltural
State Park offers personal
human transporter iSegwavy)
tours. The tours are 2 hours
and you will see sights such as
the Kingsley Plantation. Call .
.904-251-9477 .
Emily Arthur Douglas:
Etchings and
The Ciultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach displays a
series of works, by Emnily
Arthur Douglas as %well as
works by LiNF students from
her classes. Call 904-2SO-. '
Atlantic Theatres
Walking Through Fires, a
store\ of illusion, mystery and
drama, will be presented
today and Saturda\- at the
Atlantic Theatres in Atlantic
It's a stort or the puisuit of
the .Anin-rr~cn Diec.ini
enhanced b\ nmag~n and illu'
sions and inspired by real
events in the iitfe of illusion-
ist NMak O'Brten.
In walking g through Fires,
O'Brien has combined his
story with a half-dozen major
stage illusions, including his
highly acclaimed version of
dividing a woman in two.,
known as the "Split image,"
to create a show that is both
entertaining and nivstenlous
Also in the show aie ievita-
tion, appearances, disappear-
ances and an escape from
two giant buzz saw\s.
Fires of suspicious origin
essentially ended the career
of this well-known illusion-
ist. It wasn't only the fires,
but his choice to putise an
investigation and justice, For
almost five ears, O'Brien
worked as a pri-ate investiga- ,
tor. .
Walking Through I ires is
staged at ":30 p.m. and.9:30
p.m. at the Atlantic Theaties,
75 rAtlantic Blvd.
Tickets are $15 in advance
or $20 at the door. Tickets
may be purchased at the
Atlantic Theatres box office,
online at www\.atlanticthe- ,, by e-mail to: .
info@atlantictheatres.c om, or
by calling 904-249-PLAY
(7529). .
Weekend 7
Experience Waterfront Property
on the water at
gat cre e
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Rates as o
On All, 9 ciiohit :..
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Jacksonville Beac,~Ir s
Office: 904
Now enrolling in our VPK classes
for 2006-2007
8:30-12:30 Mon-Thurs FREE
7-6 Mon-Fri VPK Extended Hours $80
VPK&Al Ages
Monday, July 31st 7:00 8:30 p.m.
Openings available in 3-year-old class
1423 8th Ave. N.
Jacksonville Beach
Kay Hawkins, Director
Montessori, Music, Mommy and Me
SMontessori, Music, Mommy and Me takes place in the
beautiful indoor and outdoor environments at
Discovervy M ontessori School and is designed for the
18 month to 3 year old child. : ,
SSessions are led by an experienced Montessori Associate
Teacher and licensed Kindermusik Specialist.
; Snack Time the Montessori Way
Friday from 9:00- 11:00 AM
Session 1 10 Weeks $175
Session 1: August 25, September 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29,
October 6, 13, 20 & 27
n order to enroll sour child, call the office at-247-4577
Dio~ l i i\ MonltlCsbrri Slihool is'locted at
102 15'" Street South, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250.
Take a virtual tour of our school at www&
Have you had your teeth
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Studies show periodontal disease can lead to
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Regular dental checkups and periodontal exams
and cleahings are very important. Early detection
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Don't waste insurance benefits.
Rick K. Harrison, D.M.D., PRA
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Call for your appointment today
New Patients Welcome
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tu3 N j "I I.I-rIi~c.n j, 'gj't : fdr.c ':cr'.'''M
'i j P.9Igr 1'.' a:'"' 'l:.' : 'r' I ,LC; J, ~'sI'r ',"r' il ed ""p. *'f~ 'es' ,,"~d Tr'.d~ 'M IN IUSA. CO M
Ju1 29- 200
SWe can help 'yur groipraise "
nt oney with a cription drive!
ar. the primary so n the Beachi area
:1fof information a ut clubs, serVie
org nations, schools and churches.
By p~ lering with us, we can help yo
group meet your fundrai g goals.
Cai teve Fouraker for details 249- 3
...your unity newspaper
July 40, zvvv
Weekend 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte 'edra Leader
July 28, 2006
Around the Home
Demi Drapes
Today's homes are becom-
ing more focused on open-
ness, light, and expansive
views. The large windows
that come with these homes
create wonderful views to the
street or yard and give houses
the feeling of bringing the
outdoors inside. The only
drawback about all that glass,
though, is what to do about
drapes. This is where the
demi drape comes to the res-
Go demi
If you have large picture
windows m the house, you
may feel inclined to forgo cur-
tains to retain that open look.
Yet, many rooms seem incom-
plete without some kind of
window covering. In previous
years, drapes were more func-
tional by blocking light and
giving privacy, but today's
homeowners want to preserve
the views and open windows
rather than close them off. A
demi drape is typically
mounted on a small rod and
hung where windows meet
and at the sides and can't be
drawn across the window or
closed. The demi drape solves
both problems they finish
the room and preserve the
open look at the same time.
Cost effective curtains
In addition to completing a
room and keeping windows
open, deni drapes are also
cost effective. Because they
aren't drawn across the win-
dow and are inoperable, it
requires much less fabric to
dress windows. This allows
homeowners to splurge on
really luxurious fabrics and
trims because the need for
yardage isn't there. Elegant
hanging techniques and rods
Do Decorating Double Time
can also be used, and because
of their small size, the cost for
drapery hardware also won't
break the bank.
Drapes are often expensive
because they consist of widths
of yardage being sewn togeth-
er. A demi drape will often
only require one width of fab-
ric because they're used where
windows come together. At
these junctures, the curtains
ma\' only need to cover a few
inches, making a standard 54
inch curtain fabric width pro-
vide more than adequate cov-
erage and fullness. And, even
though demi curtains are
designed to be simple and
streamlined, having enough
fullness is still important. If
fabric widths are split, panels
will look stingy and lose the
drapery effect. For instance, a
24 inch demi curtain rod will
work well with one width of
drapery fabric and will look
nicely full.
Window versatility
Demi drapes can be made in
a variety of ways. For a sim-
ple look, hang long panels on
rods at window breaks and
sides. Or, hang panels and
top with contrasting valances.
Trims can be added to
valances or to the panel
lengths. Headers, or the tops
of the drapes, can be made in
almost any number of combi-
nations ranging from swags to
valances to pinch pleated tops
or panels sewn onto drapery
rings. The possibilities for
demi drapes are almost end-
less and can be made in all
the varieties of standard drap-
ery without the need for cost-
ly fabric, trims, or hardware.
More demi ideas
If you have arched win-
dows, bay windows, or large
windows, it takes a specialty
drape to fit the bill. Bay win-
dows are good choices for the
demi drape. Demi drapes can
be hung between the bay win-
dows to give them a finished,
neat appearance. Or, place
demi drapes on either side of
an arched window to draw
attention to the arch without
covering it up. Demi drapes
can also be hung at the four
corners of a bed to create a
canopy effect. But use special-
ty ceiling corner rods found at
home centers or online at
stores such as .C Penney
If you're thinking of
adding draperies to your
home, think demi drapes.
You'll get an elegant, tasteful
look that lets you keep your
views -- and more money in
the bank.
Kathrown Weber is a home and
decorating columnist. For more
information, go to w v.katthnn-
weber.corn or e-mail questions to
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'06 Mazda MPV
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R i'E A 'EpTT"'Ni LS "601 irCondiionitng 65 Painting 8R20 Wantd 1o Bu
I00 Real Estte 300 3 ree Pets 602 Alerattons 651 Pest Conrol 825 Trade
110 LoisLand For Sale 310 Pes [or Sale 607 AutBoat Detailing 652 Plumbing 830 Consignment
120 Home, for Sale 3,30 Stables/Livestock 608 Auto Repair 653 Pools. GARAGE SALES
125 Real Esialte \ nlcd 340 Lost & Found Pets 609 Bus Serlces 654 Phatography W40 Garage af es
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"3 Homes for Rent 460 Weddmns 631 Computer Serices 690 Water reaimenm Beafie
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70 R6en3l on L Fo r Sale7 re930 Co o N9oorccles
25 Room fon r Rent 54 Child Clr 63 1arneBoaung 805 Music & Insir 950 Camoers-RV
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285 Comm Rental SERVICE GUiDE 645 Moving & Storage 8105 nures 970 Tr\ckLns
W Services 648 Pressure W.hiri e 815 Auctions 980 Automobiles
-pLW I- -- C~-c I~"-~"re&... iU;- stkvPabmIilll -
I 1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
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asterCard AcceptedPuher resenes the ngh to place dfieds Publisher assumes no financial resplonsibirty for
under appropriate cdasu lc6tonso
Investment Opportunity
Triplex Plus Cottage
Reduced to $890,000
2-one bedroom apartments, 1-three bedroom apartment and a
2 bedroom cottage located in desirable Neptune Beach.
2 blocks to beach and Town Center. Call:
Patrick Palmer Janet Palmer, GRI
,753-3105 .--- i, 545-8830
Before you sell your Greatest Investment, call us.
We can save you $$ Thousands $$
S Killebrew & Company
Realty, inc.
Aaron Sarnac Blair Townsend
.463-4334 864-7744
S90 Day Listing Period ;
A Complete Real Estate Service,
i Save More of Your Equity
1 302 Third St. Suite 1 Neptune Beach. FL 32266
Old Palm Valley, in PV Bch. Beautiful 3/3 with
office. Ig kit w/brk rm, fam rm overlooking wooded
preserve! MLS# 302304 $591,500
Carlton at Oak Landing. Great price, great
location. 2/1.5 with comm. pool, fitness cntr, boat
dock and more. MLS# 299811 Motivated Seller!!
Summer House in Ponte Vedra. Luxury 2/2 with
screened lanai. 5-staj resort lijtg!.$299,900
Bring your Boat! Amelia view, Riverfront
Community with boat ramp, pool, clubhouse, etc.
Northside. Gorgeous 4/3 with parklike setting on
1/2 acre. $384.900
Hodges and Beach Area Lot. 150 x 180 lot, can
be divided, close to everything!! MLS# 306658
Call Kelly Hobbs Jackso ille Beach Oice
for all the details
@ 904-993-3803 904-241-0855
Marvin & Floyd
Realty Inc.
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
3'2. 1500sq', 2nd floor condo. Fireplace. Condo has all the upgrades!' Move
In condition. Located in a quiet area under a canopy of trees. $259,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal and within walking
distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house Isold as is) $225,000
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoaslal. $881,100
Desirable beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000
3/2 home. Greal condition, freshly painted. Sprinkler system with well. Lawn
service included. Fenced backyard. Pets Ok $1,175 mth
3/2 1500sq' condo. 2nd floor, fireplace. Near Intracoastal in quiet area.
Move in condition. $1,350 mth
3/2 plus office,1542sq' home. Near Mayport Naval Station. Lawn service
included. Pets OK $1,175 mth
1/1 833sq' condo. 3rd floor. Ocean view, Pool & Clubhouse
$900 mth
Lance Cove Estales Hayesville, NC
Beautiful Mountain Views from Sweetwraer's newest
subdniision, an ouuLtnding location. One acre plus lots 10
available, easy access only minutes from the town of
Hayes\ ille. NCthe Hiwassee River, Lake Change, and "
hospitals. Features include oversized paved roads, -
underground unlities, covenants and restricuons handicap
specification with main floor 2,000 minimum square fool homes makes this new development
unique Butld your home for a hfe tme. Lots range in price from $49,900 to $79,900.
For more information call 828-389.8843.904-821-9573,
Nick's cell 904-254-9644, Vicki's cell 904-534-3530
PRICES REDUCED 404 Margaret St.
4 Units. $4179,500. 2041 Seahawk Circle
$196.500. 625 Davis St $375,000 Terry
McCue Real Estale, Inc 249-7211
ALL REAL Eslale ad,,enised herein is
subject to Ihe Federal Fair Housing Act,
*nich makes it illegal to advertise any
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the sale. rental or financing ot housing,
call the United States Department ol
Housing and Urban Developmenl -HUD-
118001669-9777. or lor Ine hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275
Find buyers at
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coaslal Real Estate
corner s6X176, one
off Mayporl Rd $65K Owner consider Ii-
nance. 813-8180.
38 ACRES- sally marsh land al Greenfield
Creek West ot Queers Harbor Country
Club at All Blvd & Girvin Rd Welland mill-
gahon; preservation R E #162204 0000.
95.000 OBO 904.282.3519.
5 BLOCKS to ocean Nonh Jax Bch
Large Corner lot 80x120 with 1000 sq tl
block house. Add on or lear down As is
lolivaled seller. $295.000 553-7203.
PV FSBO Build your dream nome LasI
1,4 acre buildable lot east of A1A.
$489.900 or call
LOT- 50'X100' Vilano Bch. $199,000
Grace Ellis. All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 icelli
Lakes. 3BR/2BA .Den, open Iloor plan.
2445ss community pool. FSBO,
5-199 000 Call 1904i304-0757
IC WEST. off N Kerran. MI. Pleasant
S/D, 4/2/2. 1850st. new paint, carpel. Ille
& more. $248,500 318-3719
WATER FRONTI Newly Remodeled!
FSBO. Gorgeous view. everything new!
2/2. single lamdly, Sawgrass TPC, Below
market prce' $284,900. (914)371-9088.
2.5 blks from beach, 2 folks from park
4BR/2BA.$534,000 19041710-8334.
FSBO. Neptune Beach Townnome, Spa-
cious, 3'2 5. 1 car garage, all appliances.
new AC' plumbing/ carpel Community
pool, boat storage, bike/ walk to Beach
and Town Cenler $267K, Call 655-2718.
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Slaner Home! 618-1
Durton Island Dr Wesi 3BR/I 5BA New
A/C, rool. windows, doors, and applian-
ces By appointment only. Call David
247-0665 inomel 704-2337 Icell)
3BR/2 5BA has 2705sf. w spacious open
family room, gas lureplace. formal dining,
lot, over $71,000 in upgradesI Two
screened lanais. open deck, and balcony
overlooking your privale dock $889,000
Contacl Phyllis Slaines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Eslate at 904-476-SOLD or
visl, www.pstaines corn
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, ce-
ramic file floors CH&A, laundry room, ap-
pliances, palio. privacy fenced yard.
$1050/mo, no pels, 1 year lease,
A B TOWNHOUSE- 3/2 5 1600sf 2 car
garage, built 2002, $250K, 658 Stocks
IC WEST near Mayo Clinic, 312/2, 1750+
sf, remodeled, $274,500 Independent
Brokers 710-3111
HIDDEN COVE-Reduced, beam. 4/2, with
cov. screen porch, fenced yard, irng. sys-
tem, new kitchen, new tile and carpet, be-
low appraisal al $227,000.
COURTYARDS -A.B. Rented until March
'07, this 2/2 condo near base/ beaches is
perfect for ist time buyer or investor. Pn-
vate courtyard area, no stairs, flat unit
CYPRESS CREEK- Near Mayport Elem.&
Wonderwood, nice, 3/2, 2 car gar. freshly
painted, new vinyl and more $194.900.
gar., nice lot, stainless appliances. Keman
area. $207,000
HARBOUR SPRINGS- 4/2,2 car gar.
Newer area, very open. beaut stone fire-
place, fenced yard, corner lot. Close to
schools/ beaches. Jus listed. $219,900.
ASHLEY WOODS- 4/2. 2 car gar. over
2000sf This home is Oetter than new,
really. Huge kitchen, and master bed and
bath Formal dining, and formal living,
(currently used as otlice) or 4th bdrm. 2
yrs. old. $276,000.
Tivoli Subdiv Nice, 3/2, 2 car gar, minutes
from beaches, shopping, newer home, ig.
yard $249,900.
HARBOR WINDS- Keman area. Really
nice, 3/2, 2 car gar Formal'dining, break-
fast nook. open family room w/fireplace.
Great location and a steal at only
ARLINGWOOD SUDIV-This 3/2 must be
seen to be appreciated. Older nice area
but home has been re-done. Your own
paradise for only $189,900.
home with gar 1600sl. reduced to
ARLINGTON HILLS- Cule, 3/2, covered
Sparking, nice yard. Great starter
TION, 4/3, over 30K in upgrades, below
appraisal,berter than a model home
$298,900. .
near schools/ shopping, newer 4/2.
2200sl. approx., priced for quick sale at
Bonaparte Crossing, newer home, 4/2,
near schools' & shops. $247,000.
221-171LOR 241-5501,.
OPEN HOUSE 7/29 12-3
4BR/2BA huge cul-de-sac lot, community
pool and tennis, minute to the Beaches A+
school. $288,900.
Palm Valley- Roscoe Blvd. Custom built.
New Construction, over 4000sl 75x400 lol.
Call for email or floor plan 1.925 million.
3BR/2BA, all brick, 2, garage, backs to
Small creek leading to intracoastal,
Totally remodeled 4BR/2.5BA, limestone
floonng, slate countenops, custom cabi-
nets and lighting. Owned by professional
kitchen/. bath designer. GORGEOUSI
Must seel $549,900.
TWO 1BR/WBA +lot Ponle Vedra Beach
Condos, upgrades including granite & tle
floors, replace, custom lighting, private
beach access, tennis, fitness room...l unit
currently leased. $189,900 & $195,900.
Key West style cottage, adorable with
huge great room, pnvate backyard, great
for entertaining, Low maintenance leand-
scaping. $327,900. Call today forldetails.
Motivated seller 2BR/2BA, downstairs
unit, fireplace, wood floors, icar garage.
Offered at $154.900.
Dolphin Cove, PVB, 3BR/2BA, huge cor-
ner lot, all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile in
main living area. Ready to gol $304,900.
3BR/3BA w/large bonus room, popular
floorplan w/formal living/ dining room, cov-
ered lanai, inground swim spa. Offered at
Beautiful' "under construction" home in
gated community. 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room, large lot. 3-car garage and much
more. Offered at $795,000.
3BR/2BA home in San Pablo Creek. Spa-
cious floor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond. Offered at 5239,900
3BR/3BA newly constructed Mercedes
built home Huge bonus room tooll Land.
escaped yard and a great floor plahi. Of-
fered at 375.000.
Upgraded home in San Pablo Circle.
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900.
Call: 904-241-4447
I wl sel "Full Service ( savings! Call:
your home 904-273-4300
for s low2,995! Or Vis
.. SOASPRPERTIS www.b--hure.ost
ka hdala-. K f, '-
Atlantic Beach .... 2 .... $375,000 ......... Custom Built Atanic Bch. Hm ............... 1602 .. #9530
Jacksonville ........4 ....$243,500 ......... Southside Home with features galore 1746 .. #9569
Jacksonville ........ 3 .... $239,900 ......... Nice Wolf Creek Condo, Beach Blvd. 1683 .. #9515
Jacksonvtlle ....... .. $155,000 ......... Cozy Lakecrest Condo in Southside, ground floor unit, ............ 810 .. #9572
Jax Beach.......... 5 950,000 ......... Home Steps to Ocean Grt. Rental Investment ..................... .2083 .. #9541-
Jax Beach............ 3 .... $399.000 ........ Large Corner Lot, Many Great Upgrades 1744 .. #9561
Jax Beach......... Lot. $389,000 ......... Vacant Land, High & Dry .............................. 55.5 x 120 #9552
Jax Beach ......... .4 ... $345,000 ......... Hannah Terrace home w/inlaw quarters 2015 .. #9570
Jax Beach ........ 3 ... $279,900 ........ Totall. renovated home m Isle of Palms .................. .............. 1600 .. #9563
Jax Beach........... .
Jax Beach So. .....4
Jax Beach So. ..... I
Jax Beach So .... 3
Jax Beach So. ... 2
Intracoastal West. 4
Intracoastal West. 3
.... 224,500 ......... The Palms Condo water views ......... 1156 .. #9544
....$769,000 ......... Great Beach Cortage, I 1/2 Biks. To Ocean .................. ... ..... 1620 .. #9512
....$380,000 ........ Oceanfront Bldg Condo, Great Getaway .................... ............580 .. #9511
.... $339.000 ........ Completely Renovated! Beautiful Tropical Trees + Pool ........ 1240 .. #9510
....$200.000 ......... The Villas Condo w/Gar. Marsh Views 1066 .. #9554
.... 389,900 ......... Lakefront Hm. In Excellent Condition 2281 .. #9517
....$299.000 ......... Lovely Home m Cypress Village Retirement Neighborhood ...... 1733 .. #9534
Intracoastal West. I .... 130.000 ........ Elegantly Decorated & Cozy Sutton Pk Condo .. 885 .. #9553
Ponte Vedra Land .. $1,350,000 ......... Vacant Land m Palm Valley 5 Acres Roscoe ..................... 5 Acres. #9543
Ponte Vedra ....... 3 1,249,000 ........ Hm w/75 Ft. Ocean Frontage. With Lovely Views ................. 1722 .. #9539
Ponte Vedra.. .....4
Ponte Vedra......... 4
Ponte Vedra........ 4
Ponte Vedra......... 4
Ponte Vedra........ 3
Ponte Vedra........ 5
Ponte Vedra ........ 5
Ponte Vedra ......... 3
Ponte Vedra......... 3
Ponte Vedra......... 3
Ponte Vedrar........4
Ponte Vedra........ 3
Ponte Vedra......... 2
Ponte Vedra......... 3
Ponte Vedra........ 3
Ponte Vedra....... 2
Ponle Vedra ....... 2
Ponte Vedra...... 2
Ponte Vedra ..... 2
Ponte Vedra........ 2
Ponte Vedra........ 2
Ponte Vedra......... 2
Ponte Vedra......... I
Ponte Vedra......... 2
.$1,250,000 ......... River Marsh Home Walk to Mickler's Beach 4070 .. #9542
....$780,000 ......... Beautiful Woodlands West Hm w/home theatre system & more.. 3003 .. #9571
.... 749.900 ......... Lovely Home in Fiddlers Marsh ....................2700 ..#9513
.... 695,000 ......... Lovely Sawgrass Hm, Circular Driveway 2998 .. #9545
.... $515.000 ......... I Acre, Pool Home in Palm Valley .................... 1950 .. #9559
.... 449.900 ......... Spacious Waterfroni Hm. Perfection .. 3013 .. #9549
.... $389.900 ......... Best Lot on Street, Large Gorgeous Home 2444 .. #9533
.... $379,000 ......... Fiddlers Marsh Hm w/Atrium, Lovely Patio ... 1648 .. #9524
..$369.000 ........ Fiddlers Marsh, Corner Lot 1651 .. #9529
....$359.900 ......... Great Hm in Solana Woods, Completely Renovated ............... 1636 .. #9538
.... $349,900 ......... Beautiful 2 Yr. Old Walden Chase Hm. .... 2013 .. #9520
...$318.000 ......... Florentine Hm v/upgrades. view of pond, Ig. Master Suite .....2208 .. #9573
....$285,000 ...... Bright & Open Flr. Plan. Nice Deck, Climate Controlled Sg....... 1240 .. #9551
.... $267,500 ......... Recently Upgraded Kit. & I-Yr Old AC 1101 ..#9550
.... $265,000 ........ Upgraded kir one year ago & almost new AC/Heat unit.......... 1101 .. #9564
... $229,900 ......... Beautiful Updated Condo in Marsh Cove .... 1260 .. #9531
.... $227.000 ......... Cranes Lake Condo on 2nd Fir w/Views of Water .................. 1208 .. #9527
.... $224,500 ......... 1st FIr, End Unit Overlooks Lake in Belleza Condos ............. 1172 .. #9522
.... $219,900 ........ 100% Renovated in Villa Del Mar ... 1162 .. #9562
.... $205.000 ......... Heart of Ponte Vedra Luxury Condo .. 1070 .. #9518
.... $199.900 ......... Grand Cay Condo w/Split BR's & Scrn'd Lanai 991 .. #9526
.... $199.900 ......... Condo Under $200K in Sea Hawk ......................................... 1042 .. #9547
.... $184.900 ......... Nice Fairway Park Condo w/Frplc. ................... 690 .. #9528
....$179,900 ........ Ponte Vedra Ct. Townhome on large pond, scrnd porch .......... 1152 .. #9568
Ponte Vedra......... 1 .... $170,500 ......... Oceanlinks third fir, condo w/vaulted ceiling. ......................... 795 .. #9567
St. Augustine ...... 4 ....$319,000 ......... World Golf Village Waterfront & Preserve ............................. 2249 .. #9514
Friends A1A North, Suite 321-A
D n Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 ,
Dont LeCall .
Friends Ca Ho
2734300 Or viit:P
*6%i uwed.rot conmf.nsor purpIed nnl% Commi-,c are negonable iad ,no sei by lawI: "Paid at cl,,ing T ranactrou fe nmat apply r Flct n b\ office
iJo UpJfront costs Caljor d.6arls. Q 2006 Aril. 2 S ll. Inc E nah office r rdeperdentlvohncd & opirard
ss ~---r I r I~------rc~--~r ~-~--~e -- ----
:. : -c"~
e": :~
ClC cifiprdl
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 28, 2006
9 S JAX Beach. 3BR-.' 5BA. masonry.
block; cK 1200s1., carpon. CH&A large
. lenced lot, six blocks to each $305,000
Some Irnancing available 249-4324.
-OPEN HOUSE- Sahuday. 12am-3pm 584
Souin Upper 8ih Ave Jax Beach
3BR'2BA. lenced Dack yard, 1354s1.
$325.000, 742-1946.
B1.:2BA. 1328s1. end unil Ioanhome.
great condition, gorgeous landscaping.
: new sidong new AC. lantastic locacon'
$182.900 Rea'ry Execuilves Ponte Veara
S Call I-ana 891-9157
lage a.sil BIulneaoea $248.000 Call Jim
.ner 7p m 1904) 501-3314
J.IA BEACH. 5 blocks to ocean. 3.2.5
1974st beach contage Bonus rm large
i7x23 lamilv rm. normal dining rm, Hilchen,
S with 42' maple caobnei new carpet &
paint, huge deck wood spa Move in
ready Must see! 561 Upper 8th Ave S..
; -134.900 531 7380.
esville. laIeview upisairs master suite
wr!olice. 4,3 2950sl. 5 acres, buIII 2002
1469.000 Independent Brokers 904.710-.
S. PONTE VEDRA. 3BR 2BA. beauitul. re.
mo rnodeled townhnome on lake End until
S $185.900 190424-1.0660
* 1 1804 10 h SI Hl Sunday, July 301h. 12.
3pm. Awesome 4,2 WalK t10 eacn and
.hshool $344.000. 241-2634
2 BLOCKS to beach, 2BR, screened
porch, 2 car garage. $269,900 Consider
lease option, Owner/ Agent 463-7343.
6% APR flexible lerms 3i2, ICW view.
Near Mayo $349.900 ($1700/mo.).
S OPEN HOUSEI Saturday, lpm-4pm.
1BR,'B1A .Lowest, price in ,Ocean
Links Sell States Performance .Realty. -
; (904)673-5545. '
With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock
4/2. fml Ir/dr 295k
12929 Deep River Way
.21 acres reduced $30k
Upgraded 3/2, $305k
4779 Kernan Mill Lane
Stucco, tile, trees, fncd yrd
Spacious 3/2 + office $280k
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $15k
4/2 on .27 acres $345k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai
Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, lanai
Old Atlantic Beach
50x150 LOT
2 blocks to the Ocean
Build your dream home 2 blocks to the ocean & a
short walk to the Town Center. Offered at $539,000
Over 100K instant equity, 1/2 acre lot, with sparkling screened in
pool overlooking lake & private preserve. Over 4,000SF, 5BR/5BA,
14' ceilings, extensive crown molding, gourmet kitchen w/granite &
42" Maple cabinets, Italian stone FPin the great RM. A wonderful
opportunity at $949,000
Du.'Palm Valley Rd. to Planta-
S ',tion Oaks, Bayco\.e Dr., LT on
Cleam aler & RT on Bavtree Ln
w + +to 804 ca#
71 Lil Top Producer 2005
,Lynn Saul
You'll love enterLaining family and
fnends in this I slor. 4 bedroom beach
home Spacious family room with
fireplace opens to kitchen and separate
breakfast area Split bedrooms,
screened pool. security. located in highly
sought after neighborhood $714,900.
MLS# 278270
Nestled b\ the beach, serene color;, fun
fixtures, ocean \ew, from living room,
sunsets from mastersuite. BultJ in 2004.
sunshine bnght. high ceilings. fabulous
kitchen with stainless appliances.
spacious laundry room. outside shower,
neighborhood pool and tennis and
neighborhood walkway to the beach.
Thispicrure perfect 3 bedroom. 2 5 bath
home can make \ our dreams come true.
$574.)000 MNILS 307511
Cute as can be ..4 bedrooms. 2 baths.
remodeled, updated and can be a% ailable
for quick mo\e-in Wood floors.
fireplace. lots of storage, security,
sy stem. pn\ate fenced back-ard, and
deck for outdoor enienanting. Two sior
concrete block and frame construction
Conenient to elementary school.
shopping and the beach. Call TODAY!
5$35.000. MLS# 307163
Location. locanon. locaon nightt m the
hean of Jackson\ille. Built in 2003, this
2 story home features 4 bedrooms. 3 5
baths. srud% and an upstairs bonus room.
High ceilings 9' interior doors.
hardwood floors. 42' cabinets, stainless
appliances. surround sound are just a
fem reasons to make this house )our
home. 549,000. ILS #304465
Moorloti:. concre gbibkj;igpqioupo qon,
paneling throughout interior of 2nd
floor, downstairs efficiency apt.. laIn
irrigation. yard well and pump..2 car
garage, built in 1947 Shon walk to the
beach. Ragtime, Al's pizza or your
fav'orie fun spot! Locauon is the key.
$695.0100 MLS297791.
Awesome corner building sile for that
dream beach geta\way This 140' x 95'
Icl has both the beach and the
Intracoastal Waterwa lusti short
. $214,500
Judy Nicholson presents....
Making Dreams a Reay '. y
I e-tou o
distance away. The dead end street ith
boat ramp at the end makes boating
easd. accessible offering the best of both
worlds for outdoor enthusiasts Priced
below appraisal! $585.010. MLS#s97:l16
Charming' Old Adanic Beach' cotage.
Built in 1949. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths.
lining room, dining room. and Ictchen
with cozy breakfast room overlooking
pnr.ate yard. Awesome locaton---loi
extends from Ocean Blvd to Beach A ce.
Just steps to the ocean and steps to dining
and shopping at the corer location of
Neptune Beach and Adanic Beach. This
home is 'one of a kind" $897.000
Coz) "Lakewood' bungalow offers
great p'sstbhies wnh a ntideTLC. Built
., .u)1-9.7 .3 bedroom s ba thb ,Jcoc,--d.
floors throughout, and updated kitchen
offers intimate entertaining Home
includes a glassed Florida Room with
heaUair oserloolang a spacious fenced
in backyard. $204.000. MLS#314772
Flexible floorplan with 3 bedrooms and
lbath. Remodeled kitchen includes
plumbing with new fLttures, kitchen
cabinets, most windows and front siding.
New Culligan water system installed in
2003. $119.000. MNLS#314772
J- jluKnUlVU:
11686 Blackslone Rier Dr 5/3.5 3371sf
Faniaic 2 .or,., coniemporarn pool home n Hdmplon Pii',
1730 Chandelier Cr E 3/2 1252sf
Cnhrming oome in FI Caroline'
10974 Hickory Trace Ln 5/4 3211sf
Speci-,,ul.,r home .'-/c,\'ered poiol & rock g.iden in J ime I;ljnJi
8692 Nathans Cose CI 5/3 2938sf
Slurinnml i rv ,4arolar headed p-e l in EaIl Hamr''
406 Prindle Dr E 4/2 1833sf
\ionderril home on laige lind.calped loI ir Arbor Poinic'
13240 Millhouse Way 3/2 1488sf
Bnik Fronm H'me in GreaI Loacjiion' lj'irls Pilce iurd
12373 Sondra Coe Trl. N. 3/2 1251sr
Lo ely Home n a Greal Locuinon'
S4443 Whispering tnlet Dr. 3/2 1767sf
Ver, Charming Norh Arlingcon Home'
1835 Wildwood Creek Ln 3/2 1352sfI
Beauniul Home. Lomingli Maintained. Kensmigltn ibd
11033 Englenook Dr. 4/2 1730sf
Marr.ndi Sled Fram'Concreie Block H.:me in Sui.n Laki.'
2109 The %%oods Dr. 3/2 2186sf
Open a. Spjcou- Home at Ingrpund Pool'
1801 Willesdon Dr. W. 3/2 1489f
Speciacular Home on Laheiront Loi in Sullon L.iak
10088 Ecton Ln 3/2 2330s1
Mfanv Culom Deign. & Upgrades. Old Mill Brunch subd.'
13709Chipperfield Ln 4/2.5 2695sf
\'r, tuauil' l sIr,:ry All lucco home in Nonl- imc '
2118 Broadnaler Dr. 3/2 1992sf
Spacious Home w/ Open Floor Plan in Ft Caroline!
8437Alderman Rd. 4/3 2256sf
Fantastic-Brick Front Home on Private Lot!
3502 Twisted Tree Ln 2/2.5 1140sf
Charming Townhome w/ preserve views in Drayton Place!
7423 Secret Woods Dr. 3/2.5 1974sf
Beautiful 2 story w/upstairs loft!
7396 Lawn Tennis Ln 4/2.5 2244sf
Spaciol. 2 -.r nr home in ForeiH Hills. moe In read'
11099 Lord Taylor Dr. 4/2.5 2236sf
Great 2 story home w/Brillant Wood Floors in Sutton Lakes:
11039 Gullwing Ct 3/2 1835sf
Gorgeous home in mint condition in Sutton Lakes!
12551 Glamdring Ct 3/2 1754sf
Charming home on a Beautiful Comer Lot in Sterling Ridge!
12773 Glade Springs Di S 4/2 1961sf
Lovely home w/ a huge great room in Bentwater!
12449 Gately Oaks Ln E 4/2 2104sf
Spectacular Pool Home on Private Lot!
2676 Dalmation Ln E 3/2 1572sf
Beautiful home, exceptionally maintained in Arlington!
2423 Coachman Lakes Dr 4/2 1847sf -
Charming home w/ fully fenced back in Arlington!
'1746 Chandelier CrE 3/2 1381sf
Fantastic Home w/ Beautiful Lakeviews in Ft Caroline!
3319 Caribbean Ct 3/2 1248sf
All Block Home w/Hardwood Floors in Arlington Hills!
POOL HOME 245K. 3BR.'1 5BA Lg Fam-
ilm Room 1619 Sunset Dnve. Jax Bch
FSBO IMMACULATE 4,2/2. 2300sl In
Windsor Chase (Keman & Beach), bull
2003. Hardwood. tile, formal giving & din-
ng. eat-in kitchen w/42' maple cabinets,
IacK appliances, large master bedroom,
alih. inside laundry w/cabineis. spnnkeri
securry system, community pool/play.
ground, $349,000. 2434 Misry Waier Drve
1415 N Ist SI. #40. 2/2 1325sf
incredible condo u'pan:mr liTn .,i r in ij BEach'
3325 Eunice Rd 3/2 2084sf
L.. -elh hon'e w.'iacce InimrL[nr O ij in l o1f PAlmO'
2228 Destine Ln. 3/2 1266sf
CurrfpklIch R ,n', Jd &,.iJC in, Ml B;nr'
3817 Tropical Terrace 312 1603sf
Modtl Quvi htUAI l. ll,'e 10 lhc Icihr
14750 Beach Bhld #46 2/2 12644
GC.'ig'.u, Hoime ,;/'.l le, s & Bo~ij Sip
603 GrealAbaco Ct 4/3.5 2892sf
.Amazing Key West Style Beauty!
(1488 Laurel Way 4/2.5 2250sf
'Spci aiular Home on Corner Lot in Altantic Beach!
115 Seminole Rd.' 4/2 1592sf
Beautiful Beach Home w/ many upgrades!
1483 Laurel Way 3/2.5 2179sf'
k ',' \csr Bjuia Lush La ndi ..:pin in Arlinr lc Be hih
1135 Osceola Ave 3/2 1689sf
Qu.nir. Be ch Home only 1 mile to the Ocean!
30 E'SeawindsLn 4/3.5 .2997sf
Tropical isjI d P jud e 11i-1e a:rI k ne.rl l e Bc-aI h'
13130 We\ford Hollow Rd N 4/3.5 3103s1
Sp:,ct.lm uln Horre e .' GolfC.'.urc i' i. n IG&CC!'.:
12335 Vine Maple VWa 4/2 2093sf
Caigeuu Brick Fr'.arl Hc.r,,e o'- Culdesac in Ashley Woods!
12706 Tropic Dr N 4/3 2537sf
Spotless home w/ in-law suite in Summer Brook!
12928 Summerwind Ln 3/2 1937sf
Spectacular waterview home on culdesac lot in Keman Mills!
3559 E Shady Woods St 5/3.5 3216sf
.Incredible Home in Pablo Bay! .
13715 Richmond Park Dr. #305 3/2 1500sf
Immaculate 2nd story unit w/garage in Windsor Pointe!
12960 Quincy Bay Dr. 4/2' 2102Sf
Reduced $10,000 forquick sale in Johns Creek!
13629 Picarsa Dr. 3/2 2014Sf
Pool Home on Beautiful Private Lot in Pablo Point!
13909 Intracoastal Sound Dr. 4/2 2126sf
One 'ur eiH HmTie Irun,' v. F'Pridej n lfrSh Sound'
12793 Ellis Island Dr. 3/2. 1769sf
Johns Creek Beauty! Gorgeous Inside & Out!
12917 Chets Creek Dr S 3/2 1734sf
Stunning Lakefront Home w/ Inground Pool in Johns Creek!
4276 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 2162sf
Immaculate Home, Backing to Preserve in Johns Creek!
13017 Brians Creek Dr 4/2 2137sf
Gorgeous Home w/ Privacy Fenced Backyard in Johns Creek!
12671 Arrowleaf Ln 4/2 1704sf
Like New Home on Wooded Culdesac in Ashley Woods!
12935 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 1978sf
Immaculate Home in Johns Creek!
12373 Eagles Claw Ln 3/2 1893sf
Immaculate Home on Huge Culdesac in Eagles Creek!
4507 Hanover Park Dr. 3/2.5 2294sf:
Impressive Home w/ Inground Pool in Windsor Parke!
2411 Covington Creek CrW 3/2 2355sf
Gorgeous Lakeview Hombew/inground pool!
---------------- --- _Lfu L9,Z ~
Now under construction Luxu- 2 bedroom. 2 bath condo in
rnous 2-slory Mediterranean fabulous Oceans Edgel Resort
style villa in beautiful Harbour style living w/convenient beach
island wiseparate guest quar- access, elegan clubhouse and
ters, home theater, wine cellar, pool plus upscale interior
elevator, pooll/spa 50' boat slip. refinements Jayne Hoffman
$3.550 000 Call Michelle Floyd or Michelle Floyd $472,500
Contemporary style home *on Oceans Edge resort style'
outstanding. oversized lot with .living w/convenient bch access,.
250' on lagoon witn golf course elegant clubhouse, pool up-
views! Exceptional quality. Irg scale intenor touches including
open floor plan, generous living granite tops, ceramic tile & cus-
rm 8 dining rm. Irg FR. gourmet tomn cabinery. Michelle Floyd or
kitchen $1,999,000 Susan Fort Jayne Hoffman $599.000
Only home w/385 panoramic Dramatic home with stunning
view on marsh (2 lots). 50' boat accents An abundance of glass
slip in basin 20' nav boat slip throughout brings the outdoors
in back. ICW constr. Gazebo & in! Screened pool with sitting
sep. guest house. Includes area,-fireplace' & kitchen make
transferable mbershp to MLCC. this an unbelievable retreat.
$3,890,000 Call Marilyn Longhi $1,999,000 Call Michelle Floyd
Deep water access in the heart One of the last lots directly on
of 'Palm Valley'" Build your the ICW in Harbour Island,
.dream home on this 75' x 460'- perfectly situated on the end of
incredible Iot. Great homesite, a cul-de-sac. Offers exquisite.
great views, great locationll views, pristine building
Don't wait at only $875,000. conditions and a 50' boat slip!
Call Susan Fort for more info! $1,575,000 Call Michelle Floyd
Set in the'new exclusive Beach Almost entirely remodeled 3/2
House Community b/w PVB"& -, home w/tile & wood firs, FL rm
St. Aug. An exceptionally flex- with AC & carpet, newer apple. in
ible floor plan makes this the 'kit, vaulted ceilings, slate tiled'
Ideal home. West Indies archi- frplc & privacy fenced back yard
tecture, granite, stainless appl. w/pavers. Great rental history
$1,111,600. Michelle Floyd $279,000 Call Olivia Seaman
Exceptional Little Bay Harbor Build your dream home on this
unit at Sawgrass CC featuring 2 incredible homesitel High& dry
bedrooms,- 2.5 baths fully w/over '% acre, beautiful oaks &
fumished. This unit won't last beach access just steps awayl
long at $449,900. -Also features Only vacant lot 5' 10' above
2-car garage. Please call Scott sea level. Fully bulkheaded.
Williams for more information. $899,000 Call Michelle Floyd
Stunning Harbour Island lot 200' of fresh water frontage w/
directly on picturesque marsh! 70' dock minutes to ICW. This
Relax on your own private dock beautiful Queens Harbour home
located directly behind yr:dream has it all: 4BR/4.5BA, media rm,
home and enjoy 'your own 50' game rm, family rm, gourmet
boat slip ust steps away! kitchen, new roof. Reduced to
$1,275,000 Call Michelle Floyd $1,699,000 Call Len Cook .
363 4th Street. Lot 22 & Lot 24 MLS 295944, 2
Asking 600K each but will entertain all written
Call Anita Vining
(904) 739-0717 -(904) 923-151
Prudential indepena.nily
S'Network Realty ,a. e Owned Operaeia
Neptune Beach
(East of 3rd St)
2 Lots/duplex ,
~s;~k~~7u~,l;~u~~lI ~C~
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821'
Old Atlantic Beach
To Settle Estate
OPEN HOUSE Sunday NEW CON- Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle;
STRUCTION by El ite Homes,lnc. 2200sf. w/great room, 3r2BA.
737 6th Avenue South- Jax. Beach, Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
3BR/2.5BA; $349o000 Townhouse. floors, new paint. $559K will co-op.
Sunday from 1pm to 4 pm. (904)463-1197 John Wolfel 4)463-1197.
Real Estate 699 8887
-u Classic Bungalow-
4 homes off Ocean!
Open House Sun 1-4 3BR dollhouse exudes character! Stunning
new LR/DR/Kit by upscale architect, endless options. Orig.
wd floors, charming gardens, privacy galore. -
$795,000 150 13th Sr. Atl. Bch.
Call Rosemary Naughton Miller
She SELLS the town!"
"She NOS the beach
Duplex on 2 LOTS Sold "As Is" 50x160 Lot &
58x106 Lot. Awesome Opportunity to Investor Build
2 Homes- Priced to Sell $739,000-
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
SBuild Your Dream
MIE. Only 7 blocks from the ocean, and close
Nto restaurants & shops in South
Jacksonville Beach, this ready-to-build
lot is an incredible buy! $349.900
Call Tom Gibbon,
2 HUGE LOTS 1.5 blocks to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach-Buy 1 or Both
Lot 1 1210 Selva Marina Circle: 92.5' wide (front) x75.25'
Wide (Rear) x 123' Deep On an AWESOME cul-de-sac.
Lot 2 361 12th St.: 75' Wide (Front) x l
60' Wide (Rear) x 175' Deep (East Side) l- 9
x 167' Deep (West Side). $729,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
From Condos to Countryu
Handsome Deercreek
Open House Sun 1-4 Sparkling 5/3 with fireplace, tile,
great upgrades. Lrg GR/Kit offers corian, high ceils, crwn
S .; mold, easy flow to LR/DR. Murphy bed guest
. .,..... rm. 5th BR/Bonus for teens/office.
MOTIVATED! $538.900 SS Blvd to
l ^fs Deercreek across from Avenues.
for directions.
on large lot with deep water dock right behind the house. Private.
separate guest house, spectacular \iews from every room. This is
a \ern special home, full media room, game room, craft room,
every bedroom is a suite with its own bathrooms. Screened lanai
with summer kitchen overlooks courtyard pools, rear. screened
porch overlooks beautiful back yard and dock.
8,800 sq. ft. Reduced $500,000 to $3,999,000
QUEENS HARBOUR Lovely 4 or 5 bedroom home. Formal
LR & DR.. very large kitchen, great golf course view from family
room. Wood and tile floors in formal and kitchen areas, 3 car garage.
3.300 sq. ft.
1 Just Reduced to $649,900
HIGHLAND GLEN Wow, this has one of the largest lots in the
community! Stunning home with wood floors and upgraded tile
thru-out. Coffered ceilings, kitchen has cherry wood cabinets.
screened porch. fenced yard on lake. Come take a look at this 4
bedroom home. .
SSellers will respond to offers between $489,900 $568,900.
PABLO BAY One of Jacksonville's hottest communities.
Offering 5 bedrooms. large loft. formal dining and family room.
Very roomy and large lot offers lots of privacy backing up: to
w ooded area. Lots of upgrades too.
Over 2,900 sq. ft. $569,900.
JOHN'S CREEK Wonderful location, walk toA rated elementary
school, convenient to shopping and JTB. Cute as can be with formal
areaski tmily ro~,mrOpep kitchen tis-home is bright and.cheerful
a aaiting a ne'\ owner, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths and so much more.-
r- 'Just under 2,000 sq. ft..$299,000.
INVESTOR DREAM Jacksonville Beach, walk to the beach.
Duplex lot, seller has plans drawn up for over 7,000 sq. ft. Duplex
with 2 car garage. Cute beach bungalow sits on the property now.
Seller just reduced, will sell plans and property for a mere
beach lot on the east side of Maypon Road. Great opportunity for
small business or seller can build to suit.
Lot is 50X115 and Seller just reduced to $149,000.
If yo would like information on any of these or other listings lease contact:
I UgkfaaR ,ALE- 1?~r~
115 Orange St.
Sat. 10-4 Sun. 11-5
1 block from Sliders/
1/2 block to Town Center
Senior RE Specialist
Watson Realty Corp. Realtors
Call 904-476-5537
,wn,W,-R DpaI Cnta4lt iltAr -nm
Slulv 28 2006
'-I ~
Classified 3
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Velra Leader
ATLANTIC BEACH West, 3yr. old cus-
tom built Key West-style ranch on cor-
ner lot. 3BR/2BA, 12x15 sunroom, 2car
garage. Shows like a model. Must be
seen $295,900. (904)246-4468.
1130 ROSE, 3BR/2BA, new A/C, paint,
ceramic tile, carpet, stove refrigerator,
dishwasher. Fireplace, fenced yard.
$189,000. 710-8083.
houses from ocean, 50x100 lot, $800K,
I-,II -.1 1 ,l.T 1 Beautiful 5BR/5BA plus office &
bonus. Screened pool with hot tub. 3 car garage. Upgrades galore! Will
exceed the most meticulous buyer's expectations. $1,050,000.
AI, t ,IilpI:-lu:akn El:i'illReduced and priced to sell at $144,900.
A must see at the Beach!
':,; Great Home For Growing
Family Close to the Beaches!
4BR/3BA home ws/approx. 2.229 s.f located
within one block s alk to The Woods comm.
S club facilities' Home features an eat-in
mb WA?- kitchen, dining room-living room
combihauon \wv ood flooring, family room t,/\ oodburmng
fireplace, bonus multi-purpose room. and 2 car garage!
Clean and fieshl) painted iterior makes this home ready .
to mo\e n! Gated community. $245,0000
Elen Poling -Wright
U Prudential Cell: 838-4562 '
Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
Inaerer-r, n. j O., i. Email: ,
"eatures include metal roof. 3BR. 2
i T: floors. loft, co\ ered porch, deck,
j gazebo. landscaped. creek, and
1I 1W -3 .. stocked pond. Beautiful "park like"-
-(* &. ~ ;.. .. : setting in Dillard. Call for additional
S information. $239-900 iH357i
Lee Silverman. Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Mountain Brokers
(706) 782-7472 (706) 782-2222 ext. 113
Valley. 557sf detached garage is perfect for horses & haybarn!
Moments to the Inrracoastal & Beach! 17 S. Wilderness Trail.
Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit!
3/2.5 2800sqft home, wlk to ocean a
or golf @cc. Irg kit w/island grill,
brkfst nk, Open fir plan w/2-frpl,
2wti5r in Irg master also.
MLS#313929 appr. 715K asking
Casie Denman 294-6876
SThis beach bungalow is
renovated and just a block 1
beach. 3bdrm home w/graniti
.new windows, AC, Hot Water Tank, Elec. F
Great floorplan 1300sqft. Motivated Seller!
284350 $299,000.
Call Connie Grubbs
MOVE IN READY, updated and refinished
3BR/2.5BA home located at 1404 Decla-
ration Dr. Jax Beach. This solid brick
home sits.on a beautiful lake view lot and
is close to beaches, shopping and the
JTB. 'Just reduced and ready to sell 904- .
GO Ave. S. $185,900. 904-465-2955.
LEASE/ PURCHASE Secret Woods. Brick
home, 3BR/2BA,.1895sf. $284,900. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-3111.
East of 3rd St. in Jax Beach
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba plus 2-Car Garage.
Awesome Investment opportunity, lest than 1 block
to the Ocean. Residential,
grandfathered in but zoned ..
commercial. ., '
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 1
Exceptional Custom Home
in Seaside Gated Community
4bdrm/3.5ba home could not be built today at this price with
this quality of finish levels. Every imaginable upgrade, 3900
SF in this exclusive 26 home gated
community at Tiffany by The Sea with M E!
its own beach access. Offered at L' L,-
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Completely Renovated Contemporary-
Awesome Intracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits on the marsh w/an
85' dock on a small creek leading to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for a small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled
inside & out. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-Car -
Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered at
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer Q '
571-9821 ....
l aContemporary Gem
E3E Selva Marina Norte
This home is located 3.5 blocks from
the ocean on a cul-de-sac. Beautiful
open floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms &
3 full baths. Rich wood accents
throughout. Home enjoys an emphasis on nature featuring
multi-level pond with water falls, brick Bar-be-que, expansive
deck that is shaded in the summer by the tree canopy and
array of tropical vegetation and fruit trees. The right mix of
home, privacy and nature. Offered at $624,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Beautiful Cottages at Atlantic Beach
Exclusive Private Community
Maintenance Free 3 story w/elevator, 2 Car Garage
features 4 Bdrms/Sitting Rm/4Ba. Covered Balconies &
3rd Fir Deck. Concrete Exterior Construction-Open Design-
Finished 9-10' Ceilings-Bosch
SStainless Steel Appl.-Granite, Custom
Wood Cabinetry. Common Pool &
S walkway to Beach Ave. $875,000
lewly Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
[o me
e, tile,
.a tree-lined street, close to the beach, friendly
neighbors & a wonderful pool home on 1/2 acre
4i lot. 4BR/2.5BA, family RM wiFP, gorgeous
iB kitchen w/granite/SS
appl/Shaker cabs. Bamboo floors in LR & DR.
New Roof & AC. A bargain at $489,000!
Suzie Mons ConnoUy
MLS 299269 This magnificent home is a
Wm Morgan masterpiece & reed the
-'Excellence in Design Award' from the
Amer. Inst of Architects in Jax. Home has
over 1800 SF of cov. porches. Home is
built around a lovely bay tree. The
micronesian metal rool design affords
beautiful ocean views, artist's studio,
dumb waiter or elevator, huge 3 car gar &
sep entry to lull guest suite. One of the
most Unique home in Jax. $1,975,i
( Prudential
Network Realty ofrtenoa, .
Inde.enjlenill, Owned & Operated
000DOO Ni iia
MLS 308395 Totally remodeled home
on quiet street with open floor plan and
lots of living spaces. Lovely end of street
location. Adjoining lot future option
available to buyer. $319,906
759-8827 (cell)
241-2417 ext. 209(office)
iI atfantic Beach
The Perfect Beach House
L t with Pool & Spa
iI Located on cul-de-sac 2 doors from
Ocean, 2700SF built in 1995. Move-
in Condition. Features 4Bdrm/2.5BA, Large updated'
eat-in kitchen, covered Lanai & 2 Car Garage all in
tranquil setting. Offered at $995,000, this one truly will
NOT last!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Atlantic Beach
Completely Renovated ,
Plus New Additon .
Just 3 blocks to the ocean & centrally
located to Town Center. This is a MUST
SEE! Absolutely charming 2000 SF 3Bdrm/2Ba.
Completely restored with brand new 22x22 Master Suite.
Low Maintenance, Hardiboard Exterior, Metal Roof, Private
Covered Porch Full Fenced in Yard w/Room for Pool! Priced
to sell at $469,000.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Awesome GAfantic
lBeacg fo me
4 blocks to the Beach
in Selva Marina
This high-end 5 bdrm, 4 bath home
has been completely updated, gourmet kitchen,
beautiful high-end baths, home theater, wine cellar,
hardwood & tile floors thruout, on cul-de-sac w/ 3640
sq ft, very low maintenance. Priced to sell! $975,000
Call Margi PetittTop Producer 571-9821
5 Blks to Ocean----
Sunny Beach Home!
Immaculate 3BR/3BA "nearly new".just steps
to beach! Beautiful wd. floors, crisp, open layout,
great "pond" privacy backyard. All appliances
convey. Perfect location near upscale eateries/
Sshops/JTB. A gem!,
SRosemaCall 568-1523
ahtn "She KNOWS the beaches...
lr er She SELLS the town!"
6 Homes off Oceanfront -
Muscles Needed!
Unique find...Opk St., Neptune! True "diamond
in the rough!" Solid conc. blk duplex w/ gar. .
apt zoned triplex or ideal S.F. conversion w/
guest qtrs! Ready, for renovations & it'll be a j
gem! Possibilities galore, superb location! 7 "'
B $672,500 '
S"She KNOWS the beaches... osemar
She SELLS the town!" 'Naugh on
MIS# 293201 2 THs, 4/4, 3296 SF ea. "OCE4N IPN TE YEWAA
Newconst,elev,2cargar,2blockstoocean! MLS#280396Within theSawgrassBeachClub's
$979,500241-2417 gates, only 4 privileged homeowners have this
CHAURMi BEACIH IAOM oceanfront address, mostrooms haveocean views,
5BR/6.5BA, 5,900SF, study, loft, bonus, oceanfront
MIS#314652AtlanticBeach3/2plusden. pool, dune walkover & 150' ocean frontage.
1554 SE Updated kit, oak floors, 70 x 130 $6,800,000 285-1800 \
lot.Roomforexpansion. Walktotheocean! PONIE VEDRA CONDO RDUCEDI
$575,000 241-2417 MIS# 266782 Convenient to beach, shopping,
LOVELY in CON IN JA BEC schools &in gated community,2BR/2BA, LR/DR
combo w/FP,scmd balcony, new ceiling fans, many
MIS# 308395 3/2,1472 SF home totally community amenities including pool, clubhouse
remodeled possible in law suite.with w/kitchen,fitnesscntr, theatreroom,tennis&more.
separate entrance office. $319,900 $224,500 285-1800
TOUAILY IRERBISHEDI MIS# 286153 Wonderful 4BR/2BA home, just
MLS# 315343 Wood floors, granite 4 blocks to the ocean, brand new kitchen w/corian
counters, stainless appliances, upgraded counters & ceramic tile floors, lagemulti-purpose
lighting,fans&plumbingfixtures.$439,000 bonus room & patio. MOTIVATED SELLER!
241-2417 "$385,000285-1800
Independently owned and operated
Bike to the beach from this 3BR/2.5BA + loft home
in popular Ocean Cay subdivision. 2,086 sq. ft.
Attached 2 car garage. Master suite downstairs.
W^ Tiled patio overlooking nice
tr i^i back yard. $465,000. For more
info Call
: SIS Lisa DiStefano 514-3167 or
Sherri Beno 651-1830
Bright & cheery beach bungalow
furnished and ready for fun! 3BR/
1 BA with deep front porch stocked w/rocking chairs.
Detached 1 car garage. All on 50x140 lot only 1.5
blocks to ocean. $675,000
Lisa DiStefano 514-3167 or Sherri Beno 651-1830
Ocean access just 2 blocks away
SB from this 3BR/2BA home in south
Jax Beach. Renovated with wood
.i. floors, vaulted wood ceilings,
attached 2 car garage, appliances,
S ^ s irrigation system, front porch.
Sherri Beno 651-1830 or Lisa DiStefano 514-3167
S41- BR/3BA. 2467 SF. Lo\el) home on a Cul-Je-
a4T sac. corner lot Vol. ceilings va.ih custom nl e nd
.he i carpet throughout. Huge Master Suite %./ re\
S ceilings, garden rub. Great room aith tireplac.e,
... screen porch also kired for sound. ADT security
sys, AHS home warranty $389,900.
Call Evelvyn & Steve Martin,
and "Double the Iagic"
(904) 887-7053 Evelvn s Cell
904) 887-7409 Steve's Cell -
Put the "Alartin Magic" to work for you today!
Website: w\\ R c ai
f -- -r a io 1 Get away frdm it all at this condo
overlooking the trees & water. 2BR/
2BA home attached 1 car garage on
o -a cul-de-sac, granite counters, stainless
appliances, screened. balcony.
u ~. $229,900. 1453 sq. ft., built in 2006.
Call Sherri Beno Today
....' a 904-,651-1830.
ILS#3103083BR/2BAcondowith 1500 MLS# 3133654 frm 3BR/2.5BA. charmer in
in belnding. CloHse to everything Jo,0i0 cathedral ceilings & skylights, new wood deck
241-2417 overlooking peacefullake&gorgeous landscaping!
M IS# Lu. S ensure 3 M 3075hisJa& Golf& CC4Bi3.5BA
condoOlceania Expansive ch.ean views. homeisonalargecomerlotw/water&golfviews
Immac, like nee, repainted, upgraded & of 6th fairway & green, lush landscaping & a
neumal Spac balcony. 2 gar sp & storage, sparkling pool. Light & open w/11-12' ceilings,
poMlVot tub. Cxe rm t935,X)0 241-2417 3BR + study down, 3-car garage & great club
Snamenities. $689,900 285-1800
MLS# 297779 Cute 2/1 cottage on lotIto MIS#312352Completelyremodeled4BR/3BA
be develop pedrd Have plant for tMo, 3000lSF + office home, new ioof, windows, wood &
i2nhoue1 i349,001 241-2417 travertineflrs, granitecouters & maple cabinets
INVESMOENi DUPLn I w 2openpatios ondoublelot&room forapool!Al
sewer related chies have been paid. $599,900
MIS# 287180 Two story 4/2 duplex in 285-1800.
beaucunl Neptne Beach. Gredtopportunitd ,&o ACRIOSS FROM/HOCE4NIN
Inesors'M4,fIu .2O 241-2417 ; POwIEVEDABEAtC
BFA CONDO LS# 310725 One of the last remaining
lI1S# 3I0337 Check^ 1IuI bi. 3BR.' 5BA D .-I,:.pcdoLs nPits r,1L.rfrt.Icr ,'Jc&-dcd\.,Ji
M ~S#3l0337Che~out ihis 3B BA is FT tb 655 FT fi:.r ,,l of: 25 .i re-
Scondo 2 bloc-ks fm the sand. rhis unit Thi ibul o s.mocill:, io 5rh i.. nr Tr.e
Ieatues eutiful ne teal: oors and a ireh Boulevard. $1,699,000 285-1800
bght & bngh paint scheme. One car garage S4WOIASS PC CONDO
s ith entn direil\ a. unit. 79.lXi MLS#302736Geatsetting&excllentcondition,
un4-n1 beautifullydecorated &fumished2BR2BA condo
M 'Y "w/wet bar&WF, located acrossfrom the pool& in
INCOME OPPORUI Iyers Club Villas. $385,000 285-1800
MLS# 260288 Two 4-plexes, 4 blks to OCEWFVRONT-PONIE VEDR4 BL
beach. 2BR, 1BA each. All rented, great MIS#265659TCmeless4BR/4BAhomeon 158'
investment Eachbldg $679,900 orbothfor oceanfront waiting to be restored to its former
$ti ,3a9, 241-2417 charm. It features a sunroom, guest apt w/BR,
.1,3o5u 2e4-24X .sitting rmn& BA, new concrete tile roof, fabulous
Beautiful wd floors, open floorplan, 42in L4KEIEWCONDlPOME VEDR
tnd conies, y locksto MIS# 301937 Close to schools, shopping & the
Atlantic Ocean. $394,900 241-2417 beach, 2BRi2BA w/scmd balcony, LR w/FP,
BIKE TO ATE BEACHI appliances & some furniture stay, storage, gated
MLS#307167 4BR/2BA, concrete, vinyl community w/pool, fitness center, tens, media
siding.Lotsofimpvements,niceplan.L om, use more. $199900 285-1800
room wood floors, newer kitchenandroof MS#276Oieuff ovesd 4acrestate
MIber 276N02tBeaiutiful oversizedB3/4oapreAestate
replaced. $475,000 241-2417 lotin park-like setting with lake views &gorgeous
DEVBELOPER DREAMI wateroaks.hsisthe last remaininglotin planned
MIoS#283034 over i acre ths, i1.j b community with 23 homes. Choose your builder
283034 Ovbeudibi n er2al retoalpmea & build yourddream home. $549,000 285-1800
multi-parcelbldgsitezonedResMulti-Fam &bWdurdEiam 000 1800
(JRM-1) in N Jax Bch. Near shops, SEV P a N EIVPRK
restaurants, pier. Realtor/owner-1 parcel. MLS# 294662 East of AIA, renovated
Make an offer between $2,495,000- 2BR/IBA concrete block home on 60 x 120' lot,
$2,894,876. 241-2417 yalueisinthelot!Buildanewhomewithinwalking
in ,a m a u distance to the beach! A great opportunity!!
AllAIA t BU, II Wl S $349,900 285-1800
I t~tJ~~tT~~I
= ;oTI ZO;.
V f 4TJheLeacesJeadr/P I
3BR/2BA, 1727SF, Neptune By The Sea.
$459k, Matt 382-8432.
2BR/2BA, attached garage, new roof,
corner lot, community pool, tennis.
REDUCED! $240,000. Available immedi-
ately. (904)703-8380, (423)768-0384.
NEW LISTINGI Open House, Sunday,
12pm-3pm. Selva Linkside. 1660 Link-
side Court North, Atlantic Beach,
3BR/2.5BA, Pool, $472,500. 472-5558,
Magnolia Properties.
FSBO, 4BR/3BA, large private lot,
6 blocks to beach. $375,000. 463-3738
ICW NEW 4/2 split. 2190sf. 2car garage,
lot 60 x 120. Under warranty: $335,000
OBO. 813-1200.
4094 DUCK Creek Lane, TPC. $629,000.
4BR/3BA, 2761sf. Assist2Sell Buyers &
Sellers Partners Realty. (904)230-5555:'
ATLANTIC BEACH. beautiful 1/2 acre
cul-de-sac lot. 4BR/1.5BA, brick home.
Slight fire/ smoke damage. ,$180K. (904)
WATERFRONT TO St. Johns River. Cozy
cottage, newly remodeled, bulkheaded.
Only 3 minutes to Dunns Creek,
$289,900. Call Vickie Smith. ERA Trend
Realty (386)972-6494.
on lake w/2917sf., screened pool and spa,
bonus room, wood and tile floors, in-law
suite, 3 .car garage, WOWI $679,000.
Contact. Phyllis Staines with RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-SOLD r
Townhomes- 3BR/2.5BA, 550 11th
Avenue South $389k, Only 4 blocks to
the beach. Call John Wolfel, Licensed
R/E Broker 699-8887.
I.C. WEST- Kernan Foresr. 2004 execu.
tive home. 5BR/4BA. 2-car. 2,650,.s.l
$409 500 irnependenr broKers 710-3111.
ADORABLE BEACH home, 3/2, 1 car car-
port, large backyard for entertaining
w/new swim spa and decking throughout,
sitting on two large city lots, beautiful
oaks. Reduced to $343,500. 941 Ruth.
Ave. Motivated seller,(904)338-4303.
large comer lot, tile floors, new roof, F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514-7152.
806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sils on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting."
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @ *
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office
Two houses off Jacksonville Drive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both levels,
Storm Windows. and doubly-insulated 12in walls and 10ft ceilings
make these houses very energy-efficient. Large Kitchens have
GE Profile appliances, 42in Maple cabinets, and Granite
Countertops. Also, Gas Package for Cooktop,
Drver and BBQ grill. Each offered at
$669.000 avtl
Linda Pomerantz ha r lea-
923-8030 1 PROPERTIES
S tremendous mDeal In
PVB Vw/ financlng
Seller may buy down interest rate w/
S acceptable offer! 3BR/2BA completely
remodeled with top of the line evehin
granite. Maple.
cabs. high ceilings... just move right in!
Adorable neighborhood, walk/bike to beach.
shops. etc. $369.900!
Call Cara Ameer 635-7058
., -af-
6BR5.5'BA w/gorgeous pobl 6i wadtei-firont Iot-&t
Ponte Vedra Beaches Plantation Oaks.
Paver drive, 20" tile, Plantation
Shutters. kit w/custom cabs, granite. SS
lappl., island w/gas cook top.
S $1,275,000.
S Suzie Mons Connolly 904-234-8812
r, 6sc"' sconnolly @'lifestylesrea]
What's Not To Like...
about this 3BR/2BA patio home? It has
the most charming brick paved
screened lanai with POOL & lovely
herb gardens. Very private & fully
fenced rear yard. Low maintenance
living in sought after Sawgrass Players
Club $349,000
Suzie Moos ConnoUy
Awesome Atlantic Beach Town House Located
Only Half A Block To The Ocean! REDUCEDI
This home is nestled on the cozy street of Ocean Grove
Drive and features 1850sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, a
new roof, new HVAC, Awesome stone fireplace, and a
beautiful tiled back porch. Don't miss
your chance to enjoy the unparalleled
charm Atlantic Beach has to offer!
Priced to Sell! $499,900
Call Kathrvn Lotowycz
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete block.
Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach, 1 block to
the movies. MLS# 307553 $448,500
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 3/2, 2nd fl. end unit w/
GARAGE. Sweeping marsh views from large lanai. Lowest
priced 3 bedrm at The Villas. MLS# 306785 $249,900.
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 4 2/2, grnd floor
w/GARAGE, all tile & wood, fireplace, sunset views. Make
offer. MLS# 295413 $216,000
OCEAN GROVE 2/2w/GARAGE, totally renovated condo.
Tile, screened lanai overlooks lake w/fountain. Club
amenities. MLS# 308439 $245,000'
234-9997 386-5800
p 3 a l MPr n nn
VILLS. T MASH ANDIG 2/2-:gnd loot
Open House Sunday 12PM-5PM *
Dir:.Intiraastal Waterway at Atantic Blv
ES OFFICE OPEN Monday Sunday 12-5pm Watersedge at
ortown will include 20 high-end 4 story Mediterranean-styletown
Homes with private courtyard and roof top
terrace. The option to purchase 50 ft boat slip
in your front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices starting
r at $999,900
-Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
SPV Condo
w/ Garage
This 3 bdrm 2 ba split floor plan has
over 1200 sq ft. New carpet, new
kitchen, screened lanai, RV/boat storage, tennis, pool
beach access. Seller to pay 1 yr HOA fees and Realtor
Bonus. MLS 302587 $259,900 .
Call Connie Grubbs
Stonebridge Lowest Priced 3/2
End unit 3 bedrm w/CARPORT. Tile, all appliances, new carpet,
new paint, screened lanai. Move in ready! A++ condition. Club
amenities. Close to schools, shopping. MLS #300731 $159,900
Donna Sandiford t.-.
Diane Barr
I Oceanview
3bd 3.5bath. Home has 3 levels with 2
car garage. Just steps to the beach. 1st
floor has a separate suite. Deluxe master suite. Kitchen has
granite and contemporary maple cabinets. Private back yard
and no HOA fees! MLS 299984 $699,900
Call Connie Grubbs
Roof Top Ocean Views a 9
1/2 Block to Ocean
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/r I
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage, paver driveway, Construction
complete in 3 months. High-End Finish Levels-SS Appl.,
Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top Terraces-Ocean
Views & More. Offered at $995,000
| r.,- .*';IM :,a ll' Ma gi. Pt tt *.. .
Top Producer 571-9821
Brand New Construction l
1/2 block to the Ocean E
South Jax Beach-
Under Appraised Value!
Brand New Town Home! 3-story, L-A
3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage, Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco,
SS Appl. Granite countertops, Open floor plan-crown
molding & more...Oceanviews from master balcony.
Lowest price in new construction East of 3rd St. $539,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Best Buy Today
on the Ocean!!
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
on Covered Parking. Priced to sell at
Sl^i t E~Eii $599,900
.. Call Margi Petitt
STop Producer
I -571-9821
Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo, Ground Fir -
1/2 block to the Ocean in Old Atlantic Beach!
Imagine living a stone's throw to the
ocean in a ready to move in 3 bdrm, ,ili
2 ba ground fir condo w/privacy fence : .3
around patio. All new carpet, new AC,
updated baths, fresh paint, new stove
and microwave. The most
aggressively priced home inAtlantic Beach. $298,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Wonderful condo with 3 split bedrooms & 2 large
baths, 1 car arage, walk-in closets, large
screened balcony that can be
glassed in. Second floor, no
one above you. $255,000
MLS 313440
SCall Sherri Beno to see!
904- 651-1830
S Everything is in walking distance from this
2BR/2BA condo at Grand Cay Villas in
PVB. 2nd floor home overlooking
courtyard, large screened balcony, all
appliances incl. washer/dryer, gated
.community with amenities. $205,000.
Call Sherri Beno Today
904- 651-1830
suite has screened b
'Independently Owned & Operated
159 Cranes Lake Drive
2BR/2.5BA w/1,123 s.f. townhouse
in Ponte Vedra! Great room
w/fireplace, lanai, security system,
& tiled 1 st floor. Master
balconyy overlooking lake!
Cell: 838-4562
1-888-285-4480 office toll free
(transfer to my, cell)
You can see & hear the ocean
from this 2BR/2BA condo in Old
Atlantic Beach. 1168 sq. ft., ,M
townhome style condo only a
block from the ocean. New
kitchen: & baths. Pool. Condo fee ($225) in
sewer, interior pest control. $310,000
Call Sherri Beno, REALTOR
This townhome in Stonebridge
has gorgeous water views
across the lake, white granite
counters, SS appliances,
California closets, & more. 1538
sq. ft., 3BR/2BA + loft/office area. $229,000. Gated
community w/pool, fitness & more.
Call Sherri Beno to see! REALTOR"
904- 651-1830
c Awesome BIy!.
Peaceful marsh views and the convenience of
South Jax. Beach living are only two of the many
reasons you'll want to make this
2/2 condo (w/garage) your new
home. $214,900
Call Tom Gibbon 904-566-6501.
Open & Briglht
This 3/2 condo is spacious & bright, its top floor
location is complemented with an elevator for your
s convenience. Close to everything
It is truly a steal! $179,900
S.,,Call Tom Gibbon--.
904-566-6501 '
Ocean Views & tons of privacy at
an unbeatable price! 2bd/2.5ba in
North Atlantic Beach just past 20th
street on the right.
Call Tom Gibbon 904-566-6501
or Cara Doud 904-571-2612
The Ocean Villas at
Serenata Beach s
Oceanfront, Top FL South End, Bldg. MV.
2.500SF. 4BR/3.5BA, Marble Floors. 2
Car Spaces in Garage.
; Call Lee S. Elmore
The Expert on Serenata Beach Oceanfront
Condo Living
rwn iriilidr Condo :
Steps from Ocean
A perfect 10, studio condo in Ponte Vedra,
walking distance to beach in Sawgrass
Beach Club. Totally renovated w/custom.
*ma cabinets, Murphy beds, custom tiled
*.= i flooring & bath walls. Fully furnished &
equipped. Ready for your weekend;
getaway, or investment property, short
term rentals available. $269,000
Call Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100
rr~msrc~ni~7r- I~L~
~~, ntn
~.~?1Z1ITl~c~l;rcv?~r nra
le~ir~rr;nu ~c~~y~s~ilCm
if C.- c "..
July 28', 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
eifissalC d 4
Classified 5
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
JAX BCH. FSBO- 4BR/2BA.7 blocks to
ocean. 636 7th St. South. $260,000. 294-
IMAGINE LIVING in Jacksonville Beach,
only 5 blocks from the ocean! Concrete
Block w/3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Huge lot with
frontage on both sides. Needs TLC.
Renovate or Tear Down. Good investment
property. As Is. Only $250,000. Call own.
er at 386-801-6997.
VIEW. SawMill Lakes, 4BR/2BA, open
floor plan, 2445sf., community pool,
$499,000. Harrigan Properties, Inc., Real-
tor. 333-8462.
RONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA,1500sf, just
remodeled, 42" Hickory cabinets, granite
counter topS, travertine floors, bamboo in
dining room, Berber carpet, hot tub, 2 car
garage ;.$318,000, 463-0505.
SJPC, SAWGRASS home, immaculate
i3BR/2BA, completely remodeled inside
arid out on wooded cul-de-sac, includes
,griite, maple cabinets, plantation shut-
ters, tile and carpet, recent 'roof and A/C.
$550,000. Call for appt. 273-1364 will
co-qp with realtors.
'2460sl. many upgrades, large comer lot,
$269,900, independent brokers 710-3111.
PVB, RANCH style 3BR/2BA house local.
ed in the Dolphin Cove Communiy is only
$282.900 and lots to ofier, go online al
www ForSalebyOwnerCenier com/4-646
Molivated Sellers 285 3014 Iv. msg
ATLANTIC BCH- 3yr old cuslom house.
S3BR/2/2 BA, 2300sq n. Spacious loor
plan w/vaulled ceilings, large gourmet
Skich w/ss appliances, shop in garage and
upgrades too numerous to list. FSBO
$415.000 For virtual tour go to .
http://home.comcasi.neli-adjonesbhs or
call 249-0812.
Sunday, 7/30, 1pm-4pm
1502 4th Ave. N
4BR/2BA on 27 acres $345K
Penman to W on 41n Ave
Phyllis Staines, -175SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estale
1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key West style 2-slory, only
3 years young, over 2100sl, located in nid
den paradise, a marsh Iront community
First floor master bedroom suite. master
bath wlacuzzi and separate shower. Gas
IrpIc w/gas appliances cozy screened
porch, custom draperies. and blinds plus
all appliances convey. Asking $389,900.
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA lownnome 5
blocks to beach. $227,000 Call reallor/
: owner. 904)742-6423
ally lumished, fenced yard, screened-in
porch and deck w/pnvale entrance lo
master bath Greal investment or starter
home. $269,000 (904)247-8004.
FSBO BEAUTIFUL Conlemporary nome.
2214sl. 3BR/2 1/2 bath Open plan. gran-
ire kitchen counters Inalian porcelain ule.
jacuzzi tub and a master bedroom. planla-
tion blinds $399,900 By appoinimenl on-
ly. 223-1042
Townhouse 3BR/2BA, 1334sl, laminate
looking st Iloor,- lenced yard Irencn'
doors to patio, 1927 Mary Street. Excel-
lent condition, $149.900. 333-4641.
FSBO, JB, 3BRi1BA. 714 4th SI S. Short
walk to beach, good neighborhood
$260,000 OBO. 246-8532. 246-8415.
'CONDO 2BR/2BA. Gate Parkway area.
Home is on the pool w/balcony. Adjacent
to clubhouse. Gorgeous views. 'Includes
wood floors, granite counter tops, stain-
less appliances, W/D, wainscot, fluted
casing, crown molding, new lighting and
plumming, walk in closets. Property in-
cludes computer lab, fitness center and
other amenities. $205,000. 318-4542
2BR2BA CONDO, 1-mle to beach, .close
to shopping, granite countertops, wood &
berber throughout, w/marsh view. Gated
community including gym, pool, & tennis.
$227,500 plus 6 months of prepaid condo
fees. Call Ted (904) 537-7896.
2BR/2BA CONDO in gated community,
w/marsh view. Unit has tile, vaulted cell-
ing, and new appliances. Great ammeni-
tiesi Unit comes w/new 32" plasma TV at
closing. $199,900. Call James 708-0880.
TOWNHOUSE $275,000, 2BR/2.5BA, ga-
rage, privacy fence, 512 10th Ave. S.,
(904) 223-6896.
FSBO. Save $14K! New Lakeview, Wi-Fi,
reason pool- spa. A1A location, must see!
$222K, FREE 2T' HDLCD TV. FREE clos-
ing! 727-458-4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
vaulted ceiling, beauilul tile. Bnghi. open
floor plan No dogs ,$485.000.
(404)325-0820. 1404)784-6601
WALK TO beach Ail/Neplune area Iown-
house. New root. carpel,. paint, tile. re-
plumbed. Appiia and fenced yard
$229 900. Call Lana 292-1750.
PORTSIDE 2BR/1.5BA remodeled, lami-
nate floors, all appliances, custom deck
and shed/Call 762-1776.
HANNA PARK. Like new. Large 3BR/2BA
single. 1,215s. w/carpon. decK, all GE
klchen, CH8A. washer/dryer, new carpel.
Many upgrades Financing available. Re-
becca. 246-7684
2BR/1BA, FURNISHED, Golf Fair #42
$5500 OBO Call 241-7317. 588-4321.
JAX BEACH, Penman Rd. 880sf.
$860/mo t$30/mo waler utility. 246-4930
RETAIL OFFICE lor Rent, 1000st..
$13/sq.h. on Penman Rd. Call 545-2826.
For lease Located behind the Tree Steak
House. 7600sl available, dividable by
2300s8 and 5300s1 PIs call 904-993-2222
--* *-
Retail Space lor lease. 1,000sf. Pablo Pla-
za. 993-5550.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse. 712 Cavalila
Rd 2BR,'1 5BA Screened porch Dogs
under 351bs $775'monln $775 deposit.
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 207 15nt St..
2BR.'BA. CH'CA. 1 blocK to ocean,
$1000/mo., references. 246-6194, 249-
ViLANO BEACH. 4BR/4BA. 2850sl. over-
looking Intercoaslal. walk to beach, home
only 4yrs. old $1950/mo Call Jan Hoh-
man 537-7777. Owner/ agent.
219 SOUTH Sr NB, 1BR, W/D included,
screened porch $785/mo. securityy. No
pets. 247-7550. 612 8080.
PVB, TOWNHOUSE Condo wiprivale
courtyard, lakeroni, 2BR/2.5BA. $950imo.
Call 280-8782.
PONTE VEDRA BEACH OiBan I;nl 1S~ 2 BLOCKSio Ocean. I t1
condo 2BR/2EA g/qaaqe. .Neti-to S RI-, ,Rn'BA i96 io $0 7R .o l '4
orass and lose 16 beiches:-227.900 04891-0606, (352478-2161.
Flexible daily open house hours Remax MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550. on pri.
100 Realty. Sharon Slevens. (904) 687- vale lots. Near Maypon Naval Slation. no
5220. dogs. 333-5579.
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA ground level con-
do w/garage in a galed relreal and close
t lo everything. Offers a nice lloor plan.
neutral decor throughout. all kitchen appli
ances are a year old. $204.900 285-3014.
So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new. rede-
veloped Oceans Edge. E. ol Third. Luxuri.
ous 1BR 1BA condo 3rd Iloor, all ameni-
ties Must sell! 299900. Call June Gage-
Perti,l Magnolia Propenies, 994-3608.
REDUCED $15,000
FSBO THE Palms. 3BR/2BA. Isi Floor. All
amenities $225,000, 241-3471.
VALENCIA NEW Luxury condo
2BR/2 5BA 1622sl. Upgrades. end unit
Ready in lall. $469K. 19041 716-9236.
PV BCH 2BR' 2BA $187 200. Grace EllIs.
S All Pro Realty Specialists 655-7923 icelli
OCEAN LINKS 2BR'2BA. 1 car garage.
G oll course & lake views. Updaled. new
paint, now available $235.000 535-7234
2BR/2BA wth loh, skyligns. large closets.
laundry. storage unit, pnvate patio, new
appliances. $126.900. Under market. Mo.
tivaled seller Open House daily 9am-
5pm 904-803-5359
Estate sale Deluxe 2'2 new unit. lake-
view. many upgrades! Reson pool. park
setting. $14k oelow market. $217k Open
Sunday 904-284.5251
'BUY DOWN! Townhome East of AIA S.
Jax Beach. Walk to Roy's and Bonehish.
$23,000 below appraisal 2BR/1.5BA No
condo fee. $338.000 OBO Owner, Agent
13715 N Richmond Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Pointe. $184 900 3BR'2BA. 1500is
w/garage Lowest pnced condo in Wind.
so?! Beautilul family room bnghl kiIchen &
convenient inside laundry room, gorgeous
master suite wwalk-in closet S private
balhl Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @
12 Jardin de Mer Place. Newer 2BR/2BA.
*1200st many upgrades Kicnen applian-
ces, terrace. fireplace garage. security
system. FSBO $225,000. OB024168775
e Realty
Enjoy spectacular views of the
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades.
Call Grace Tausz:
S612-1089 $1,199,000
Charming '3BR/2BA home'
opcated on a lushly landscaped
1/3 acre. $539,900
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086
Fairfield Open & bright
waterfront patio home. 3BR/
Call Grace Tausz:
612-1089 $380,000
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area. quiet. sale, residential neighbor-
hood. 2BR/1BA. lower duplex, new paint.
CH&A. W/D included. No smoking, no
pels $950mo. lease deposit. 993-1118.
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks to Ocean.
IBR.'IBA Apanment $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (9041891-0606, (352)478-2161
Convieni to FCCJ South and UNF Cam-
pus 1BR $512'mo.. 2BR 605/mo. 3BR
$665'mo. Security deposit $250. Credit.
background and landlord reference re-
quired EHO. (904)6410912.
beach 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
burning Ireplace. Nicely landscaped gar.
den patio area wnew privacy fence. WD
hook-up, ample storage. refrig w'ce mkr,
and disnhwasner No Dogsi Smoking
$975'mo wlease & strong refs. req'd. Call
285-8325 ieves.) or 403-9297 celll.
JAX BCH, 600' o ocean 2271 2nd St. S.
2BRi2 5BA In-level townnouse garage.
fireplace. Very nice. recent upgrades.
$1250,mo. No Pets 221 6037.
OCEANFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 orange St.
Nep Bcn, downstairs, $1200/mo mcl urnl
avail 8/1 (661)803.6275
OCEANSIDE, 1BR'2BA condo, jusl steps
to ocean Club pool. $1100/mo All South
Really, 241-4141
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean.
2BR/lBA upstairs. 1 year lease. No pels.
no W'D hookup. $950'mo. .$950'sec.
dep. 916 Firsl Streel between Bay &
Pine Available 8.15'06 246-8970 or
NEPTUNE BEACH 710 Second St Up-
stairs duplex. 2 blocks ocean access.
900s1. Modern decor 2BR/1BA Central
air and heal. Vaulted ceiling oak and ce.
ramc tile Iloors. Landscaped trees. deck.
pond. lence. lyr. lease $1200.m'onln and
deposit 249-7064 .
PONTE VEDRA. Newly Renovated. re
sort atmosphere 2-slory, 1BRIlBA, end
unit, washer/dryer included $925/mo.
DUPLEX/ BEACH Office. 2BRil 5BA,
4 blocks to ocean. 1300sf... $1150'mo.
tuliliess 1215 11th SI N .1904)318-2121
JAX BEACH, 1BR apartment 404 Upper
81h Ave. S. (904)733-3194.
ATLANTIC BEACH Oceanlront Town-
home. -lOln. SI., 2BR,2.5BA-: $1300/mo.
JARDIN DE MER, 3BR/2BA, garage.
$1350/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. 770-429-9331.
FOR RENT 3BR/2BA cozy beach cottage.
Neptune Bch. $1600/month. Pets okay.
,MOTHER IN Law nit. 1BR/1BA, availalbe.
for rent, $700/month plus deposit. 514-
BRAND.NEW 2BR/2BA condo. Garage,
terrace, all appliances including W/D, fire-.
place, close to beaches. $1350/month.
First month free with security. 904-424-
1 BR, patio, ceramic tile throughout,
WDHU, walk-in closet, reserved parking.
$875/mo. 160 7th Ave North 993-2555.
2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 2BR,and 2 car ga-
rage. Screened porch, $1,000/month.
6mo. considered lease option. 463-7343.
BEACHES, HODGES & Kernan. 1, 2, 3 &
4BR Apartments & Homes, In luxury com-
munities, from $800/mo. 233-4545.
TOWNHOUSE- 2BR/1BA, steps from
ocean, W/D. ,No pets, no smoking.
$1200/mo 4- $1000 security deposit. Call
JAX BCH, 1 block to ocean; 3BR 1.5BA
townhome. Patio & balcony, CH/A,
*WDHU, $1350/mo. $900/dep. 526 S. 2nd
St. 280-2728 Iv msg.
beach. 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
burning fireplace. Nicely landscaped gar-
den patio area w/new privacy fence. WD
hook-up, ample storage, refrg w/lce mkr,
and dishwasher. No Dogs7 Smoking.
$975/mo. w/lease & strong refs. req'd. Call
285-8325 (eves.) or 403-9297 (cell). .
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condo Club
pool, exercise & morel $975/mo.
3BR/2BA, $1100/mo. All South Realty,
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 2 family up,
2BR/1BA, WDHU, CH&A, free water, pool,
parking, remodeled. Great deal. $970+/mo
2 BLOCKS OCEAN, 210 10th Ave. N.
2BR $850/mo. Credit check, deposit, no
pets. (904)514-8530.
NEPTUNE BCH near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon, $1100/mo.
LARGE 1 bedroom Excellent location. 2.
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
3!2 condo 1st Sr. Nonh Jax Beach New
carpets & paint $1595'mo. Call 519-8510.
.. Parks-Lyon =
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BRi2BA condo. Seaplace-lfurJshed,
pool, ,,alk to ocean $1200/mo
+ 2BR/2BATH, NMaport Landing.
newlk remodeled unit. \ery nice
: also other units $775 $Q25/mo
+ 3BRj2BA From $$50 $900/mo
+ 2BR/2BA. Courtyard. 1503 CC
community pool. $825/mo No pets
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
Property Subdivision
1010 2nd St Neprune Beach
1483 8th A\e N. Jax Beach
5 Arbor Club Dr. #211 Ocean Grove
13250 Blackhawk Trl S.Blackhaw k Bluff
12909 Hunt Club Rd.Jax Golf & CC
1901 N. Ist St. #1801 Pelican Point-Oceanfront $2,200
11 Reeding Dr. W.Belmont Lakes $1,600
15 N. Saratoga Cir. Atlantic Beach Villa $ 825
732 Selva Lakes Cir. Selva Lakes $1,900
2039 Selva MarinaSelva None $1,995
934 Wilderland Dr.. Grogans Bluff $1,200
29 Arbor Club Dr. #2120cean Grove $ 925
1901 N Isl SI #1603 Pelican Point-Oceanfroni t~,000
NEPTUNE, WALK to ocean, large
3BR/1.5BA, W/D, sundeck. No pets.
$1295/mo. Southside area, large 2BR
w/island kitchen, W/D, security system. No
pets. $625/mo. 223-5211.
ATLANTIC BEACH duplex, 2BR/1BA re-
modeled, 4 blks from beach and Town
Center. WDHU. $900/mo. +electric, water
included. Avail 8/1/06. Call 61,0-3838.
MARSHVIEW, 1BR/1BA condo. Club pool
& amenities $775/mo. All South Realty,
$ 995
S. JAX BCH 2 & 3 BR
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
front $1500/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730.
JAX BCH, 3/2.5, ocean view, $1600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044..
JAX BEACH- 3/1 Walk to schools & the
beach. $1000/mo. +deposit. 743-3341.
WATERFRONT, 2BR/2.5BA condo w/boat beach, 2BR/2BA +bonus, yard service
slip! Convenient to beach, shopping!, included-. S. Jax Beach $1350/mo.
$1375/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141. 445-8302.
house 1 mile west. of Mayport ferry,
Heckscher Drive $1195/mo. 733-3730,
BEACH HOUSE, Atlantic Bch. 1BR/1BA.
Steps to ocean, Garage. $1,000/month.
LIVE IN old Atlantic Bch. Ocean front ga-
rage apt. w/two car garage, 1BR/1BA.
hardwood floors. Suitable for single' per-,
son. No WDHU, no pets, $1,000/month.
ATLANTIC BEACH Oceanlronm Town-
home. 10ln SI, 2BR/2 5BA. $1300!mo.
Homes, Condos,'
Some Brand New!
241-5501 221-1711
Property Management
i woi m*ua
Ponte Vedra Beackh .Officeg2i54i5#9mor 1-866-242-5596
1 For Management INFO
E CCall 285-5409
E"r..i'u.; l We also have vacation and short tern rentals!
Beat The
Summer Hea
To The
We're Almost': '
ln Full...r ,,
Come ee Why!
Affordable Beach Living
SStudio 3BR Apts. & Townhomes.
Walk to Ocean, Schools & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Tennis, Balconies .
(Corner of Penman & Seagate)
BEAUTIFUL FORMER model home. Pa-
blo Bay next to Mayo Clinic, near Beach &
San Pablo. 3000+ square feet, 4 bedroom
plus bonus room, total five bedroom, 3
baths, many upgrades, stainless applian-
ces, central vac, intercom, hardwood
floors, closed lanai, waterview, club
house, pool, tennis. Available August 1st.
$1995/mo. 403-1998, 349-3434. Ask
about 1 month free.
PVB, 3/2/1, corner lot, fenced, close to
JTB, pets OK. $1750/mo. (904)588-6600.
1015 PENMAN, 3BR/1.5BA. $1200/mo.
Avail. 8/1/06. Call 770-429-9331.
study and screened in porch Less than 3
miles from the Mayo & 3 miles Irom the
Beach. No smoking. $ Available
now Call 904-463-3750 or 613-5958
4BR13BA home on lake in Marsn Sound!
Comm. pooll $1675/mo. All Soulh Realty.-
PVB, 3BR/2BA home, close to beach,
comm. pool, 2-car garage $1450/mo.
PV- SAWGRASS 3BR 2.5BA, 2800sf,
$1900/mo. 285-5419,.864-6492.
THE WOODS, 4/2, 2500sf., cul-de-0sac,
sunroom, LR/ DR, EIK. $1675/mo. TDO
Mgmnt. 246-1125.
2 car garage. Good neighborhood.
$1200/month. 904-247-4959.
3BR/2BA, heated pool, 6 blocks to ocean/
town center. $1600/mo. (904)241-1886.
JAX BCH, 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd St. S.
2BR/2.5BA tri-level townhouse, garage,
fireplace. Very nice- recent upgrades.
$1250/mo. No Pets. 221-6037.
SOLANO CAY 3BR/2.5BA, tile floors, cute
yard, available 8/1. $1400. 392.8350.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2 story, 3/2, loft BR,
cath. ceilings, carpet, ceramic tile, fast
bar, screened back porch. $1050/mo.
TDO Management. 246-1125.
ATL BCH- 3BR/2BA, garage, vaulted ceil-
ing, fenced back yard, screened lanai,
built 2003; $1200/mo. 870 Camelia,
ATLANTIC BCH, 3BR beautifully fumish-
ed. Move in ready. W/D, Walk to ocean,
$1600/mo. 993-3226.
PONTE VEDRA/ Palm Valley, beautiful,
large; private. 3BR/2BA, 2-car. garage,
w/many amnenmies $1400/mo. 860-1690.
ATLANTIC BCH, 3BR 2BA. newly reno-
valed Inside & out. $1200/mo incl. lawn
care. 526-4753 or 403-3833.
RE'TL 20
We have properties that are OCEANFRONT,
SUTTON LAKES, and all the Beaches.
All with multiple photos, visit us at:
or call us at: 249-3077
4-Beaches Realty, LLC.
Stockron...A Tradition Since 1884
$ 875L 924 Belleza : PonteVedra 1/1 934
$ 950 305 Kensington Jax/Kernan Blvd. 2/2 1100
$1050 511 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1200
$1125 213 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2 1012
$1150 72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2 1260,
$1195 133 Binmni Court Ponte Vedra 2/2 1200
$1200 925 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 2/2 1150
$1300 2 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 1510
$1300 204 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2 1200
$1450 228 Tarrasa Drive Jax/Pablo Point 3/2 2000
$1475 2806 St. Marc Court Ponie Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+den 1600
$1500 10061 Rough Creek Ponte Vedra/Sa grass CC 2/2 1465
$1550 371 19th Street Atlantc Beach 3/2 + loft 2150
$1600 804 Templeton Lane Ponme Vedra/Walden Chae 4/2 1700
$1750 97 Voyager Court Ponoe Vedra/Saigrass TPC 3/2 1750
$1700 106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra : 3/2 1700.
$1800 3343 Lighthouse Poinie Lane Ja\ Beach 3/3 2144
$1950 13874 White Herron Place Ja'/Pablo Bay 4/3 2482
41950 .omB ka Point Dne South Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 4/2 2300
, ri,-.- BndeeeCirCecr. Ponre \edraiSamSer- TPC32.5 2000
$2000 a 20I WlCndjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3 5 + oic 3009
$2000 13 Players Club Villa Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass TPC3/3 2200
$2200 144 Shelby Cove Court Ponie Vedra/Marsh Cove 4/2 5 2000
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
$2600 9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
$2700 804 Metropolitan Ja.\ Beach 3/2 1799
$2800 70 Beach Cottage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
$3000 628 Preser'e View Dnre Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor4/4+bonus rm 3100
$3000 408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100
$3000 2451 South PnkIc Vedra Bhd South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
$ 900/wk Beach Club Villas
$1100/wk49 Tiflon Way North
S1200/w k 75 Tifion Way North
$1300/wk 17'" Ave. North w/pool
$1400 The Colony
$1600/wk 2839 S. Ponte Vedra
$1700 741 Spmnaker's Reach
$1800/wk 2503 S. Ponte Vedra
$1800/w k The Retreat
$2000 Vista Del Mar
2200 .Quail Pomin H
$2200 444 La Reserve Circle
S2400 3494 Coastal Hwy
$2500 92 Ttifon Way North
$2500 117 Deer Co'e Drive
52500/wk 728 Oceanfront
$2600 826 Spinnakers Reach
$2700/wk 2824 Coastal Hay
$2800 2841 Ponse VedraBl.d.'
$3000 Walkers Ridge
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza
$5500. j931 Beach Avei3mo.min.
Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. '600'
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5 1500
Saw grass Country Club 2/2/deii 1500
Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500
Ponte Vedra : 2/2 1100
.S. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
Sawgrass Beach Club 1/1 700
S. Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2100
Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 22 1600
Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
Sawgrass Countr) Club 2/2 1800
Ponte Vedra/L'Amum 2/2+office 1600
Vilano Beach 3/2 1600
Sawgrass Counmt Club 3/2 1900
Ponte Vedrd/Marsh Landing 4/2 5 2000
Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w/gamerm2600
Sawgrass/Beach Club 1/1 5 1100
Vilano Beach/Oceanfront6/4 4000
S. Ponme Vedra/Oceanfront 4/2 2100
Sawgrass Country Club 3/2 2100
Jax/Downownn Riverfront 22+loft 2100
Adantc Beach 3/3 :2400
**Other furnished properties also available
S Daily, Weekly and Monthly.,
Call today to book your next vacationl!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082.
(904) 285-2882
SUnfurnished Homes Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home Pablo Bay Sn Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
. Sawgrass PV 3BR/2BA. spacious A/creened porch, fenced backyard, large home on water. upgrades throughout, open
home. interior completely remodeled, lot. $1300/mo. floorplan. $2100/mo.
Slight and bright, 2 car garage. $2650/mo. L'atrium PV 2BR/2BA home w/new, Unfurnished Condos
SMarsh View SPY 4BR/4BA, townhouse carpet and tile, fireplace, 2 car garage. Summerhouse PV
Sw/ocean views, elevator, all upgraded, $1200/mo. Newly renovated,new care bahs, then,
o. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen, I
2800. sqft. $2200/mo. Las Palmas- PV 3BR/2BA duplex tile fireplace, walk to shops, greatmniis
, Fairfield -PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story /new carpet, e tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities.
'home w/screened porch on water, 2 car n tnewkitchen,2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1195mo.
Sgaage. $1950/mo.$1200/mo.
Garage. $1950/mo. Sea Hawk- PV 2BR/2BA. Unit in great 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo
SSolano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story SPea Bk i 2BRa2BA. Unit in gra M Landing JB
F home w/spacious floorplan, patio. comm. coition,all appliances, club pool and PasatMarsh andi, lefloors
! .pool. $1700/mo. tennis. $1095/mo Screened porch, tile floors
o Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA, home Furnished Homes 1BR/1BA, ground floor, recently updated,
wall new interior, tile floors, garage, Villages of Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, $900/mo.
Sfenced backyard. $1500/mo. oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, .2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top unit, vaulted B
SBeach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA, home has garage, amenities. $1400/mo. ceilings. $1150/mo.
Screened porch, wooddeck on lagoon, bch ntracoastal West Ocean Unks PV
V access. $1500/mo. Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA brand Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, new townhouse, screened porch, preserve 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo.
townhouse has loft, garage, patio, very views, amenities. $1095/mo..
neutral and clean.. $1500/mo. Point Meadows Oate Pkwy 3BR/2BA
Magnolia Street AB 3BR/3BA, 4th floor w/elevator, allappliances, fitness RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
Townhouse w/garage, wood decks, tile center,clubpool. $1200/mo. ShannonSmith 0
center, club pool. $1200/mo.
floors. $1450/mo. PabloPoint- San Pablo 3BR/2BAhome (904) 285-5640
Beach Avenue AB. 2BR/1BA, 2nd story n largelot, tile floors, fenced backyard
duplex, ocean views, wood deck, wooden large ot ti foor, f b ,
floors. $1400/mo. two car garage. $1500/mo.
0; S, 5 5 Oi 5 5 S, S, 5, 5 5, 5 "
July ZZ5b, LUUC)
T -0 ) OAnA
Classified 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 28, 2006
NEPTUNE BCH- 3BR/2BA washer/dryer,
comer 1st & Laura $1500/mo 477-4640.
JAX BEACH beautifully decorated, town-
home, 3BR/3.5BA, 2-car garage, ocean
views, $3,850/mo. 242-2534, 614-8440.
JAX BEACH- near ocean, 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1195/mo. (904)221-4134, 703-
VILLAGES OF Pablo, 4/2, 2400sf., FR,
D R, office, sunroom. $1600/mo. Avail. 7/1.
TDO Mgmnt. 246-1125.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA home, just
blocks to beach $1575/mo.. All South Re-
alty, 241-4141.
S. JAX Beach, 3BR/1.5BA, carport,
CH&A, large fenced yard, six blocks to
beach. $1200/mo. +security deposit..
Available 8/1/06. 249-4324.
JAX BCH, 3/1, 2.5 car gar., fenced yard,'
$1400/mo.836 9th Ave-N. 318-0044.
SOUTHSIDE 3BR/2BA renovated home.
$1300/mont.. 819 Barbados. 770-429-
3BR/2BA, ATLANTIC Beach/ Mayport.
Deposit required. $950/mo. Call Derrick
838-3730 or Christy-866-0820.
ATLANTIC BEACH, fully furnished.
3BR/2BA. Hot tub, deck, fireplace. 2 car
garage, walk to beach, golf and tennis
club. Mint $2200/month.
A.B. 1200SF 3BR/2BA Townhouse, all ap-
pliances, w/d, breakfast bar, family room
w/fireplace, vaulted ceiling, plant shelves,
Ceiling fans curtains, tile, carpet, fenced
yard, screened patio, security system,
storage room, outdoor shed. $1200/mo +
$1000 for security 1 yr. lease, references
and credit app. 614-1626
PVB 3B.'2.5BA, all appliances, commun-
ity pool. 2-car garage, $1,500/mo. 242-
2534, 614-84-10
OCEAN VIEW cottage, 3BR/2BA.
$1300/mo 100 sleps Irom beacn. W/D.
deck & palio, 111 9ih Ave. So, 241-7634
55 DOLPHIN Blvd. 4BRi2BA, new car-
pels Irreplace $1450/mo 285-5419, 864-
OCEAN WALK. 4/2. 2185sl, Formal
LR/DR, family room w/lplace, EIK, break-
last bar, carpel, ceramic lile, pool, pool
service included. $2100/mo. TDO Mgml
Services 246-1125
NEPTUNE BY THE SEA, 3/2, 2 car gar,
NS/ NP $1600-mo. dep. 1904)307-1905.
BEAUTIFUL 3BR'2BA home w/2 car ga-
rage in Cypress Cove Allanic Bch. Over-
lOCikr The Marsh and Inlracoaslal, spectac-
ular sunsei views, 1244sl. $1200/mo., Call
Sireet Walk 10 beach or park. New paint
inside ran our. Fencea backyard, pets K0.
w.aeposil. $1500'mo. 249-2793.
SOUTH JAX Bch 2BR/2BA fully furnish-
ed. 1 car garage. fenced yard. Includes
wireless, inlerneT, and cable. Completely
updated 3 blocks from beach For photos
e-mail mariaeugeniarolo@bellsoulh.nel.
$1500/monin Short or long lerm lease.
(4071 394-5858
PVB 3BR.2BA. i-car garage, 1,300 sl
fenced-in yard. $ 273-0999.
BEACH HOUSE, 1 1/2 blocks trom Ihe
Deacn 2BR.2BA 1878st. 4 year old
home. stucco w spanish Ille roof, planta-
lion shurters, pest control, yard mainte-
nence included $1650'mo Call Maury
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3.5BR/ 2BA.
everything new, ceramic lile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Baysnore Dr. Mayporl
Landing Must seel $1100/mo. 465-2163.
PVB, EAST ol A1A, 3'25. private back-
ard w .'heated pool and spa. $2150/mo.
m, ,- includes latri & pool service. 280-5707.
WALDEN CHASE near Nease H.S.. 2025
Chaucer Ln 4BR/2.5BA, 3800sf. lyr old
home many upgrades $2400/mo
Really Executives 273-3939, 610-6460
dclier' 4-BR,- ,5BAt'6wnhdJjfhi:wiIh wood'
during: it -place tJicel. ly id lcaped gar-
den paio area winew privacy fence WD
/ hook-up, ample storage. rellig w/ice mkr,
and dishwasher No Dogs/ Smoking.
1975 ma wlease & strong rels. req'd. Call
285-8325 leves Ior 403-9297 (cell)
PVB SUMMERFIELD spacious conlempo-
rary. 3BR/2.5BA. office, lenced backyard.
greal neignoornood beside schools
$2250'mo. 13211269-7896
KIRNEN a Beach Blvd 3BR.'2BA lurnish-
ed washer, dryer, pool, $1300/mo Call
NEW 2BR.2BA. 1200-mo appliances in-.
,:iLuJerl, qaraqe Jardin De Mer. 249-7501.
KERNAtl BLVD. 3.2 condo. LR DR corn-
rDo Ir'las bar garage $ TDO
Management Services. 246-1125
luxury condo palio wilighthouse view,
whirlpool baln, boasliip, pool, downtown
SI Augusllne new, 2BR/2BA. granite
counlenops. Ready to move-in
%1800 mo 19041993-6283.
2BR 2BA ON lake in gated community 1
mile to beach. close to shopping, ameni-
ites include pool. tennis, and gym Call
Maryanne 537-6161
THE PALMS 1BR.1BA. near beach and
shopping amenilies, quiet, new applian-
ces $875,mo 610-3608.
BLOCKS TO beach quiet neighborhood,
3BR/2BA, lare fenced, yard, WDHU,
CH&A. Available Aug 20th, $1200/mo.
PONTE VEDRA Bch, PVB, 2000sf, 4/2
updated home with fenced private yard in
quiet neighborhood $1600/ month. 322-
ICW- 3550 Eunice Rd. 3BR/2BA, 1100sf,
$1100/mo, Petra Mgmt. lic R.E. Broker.
PVB, 2BR/2BA fireplace, $1100/mo. Call
Grace Ellis 655-7923. .
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Fumish-
ed 1BR/1BA, water-to-golf view, pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes utilities.
608-0962 or 396-9544.
PVB. CONDO 2BR/2BA deluxe on lake.
Beach access. New appliances including
Washer/Dryer. Approved pets okay.
$1150/month. Available now. (904) 813-
2BR/2BA, NEPTUNE Bch, Marshfront
view, newly remodeled. $1100/mo. +de-
posit. (904)753-2458.
JAX BCH new 3/2. w/ garage, consider
lease purchase, $1400/mo. 463-7343.
JAXBCH 3BR/2.5BA, 2 stories, 2car ga- PVB COLONY, MOTIVATED. 2BR/2BA,
rage, gated comm w/amenities, 2300+sf., 1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
$1800/mo. OBO. 904-338-5692. pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
JAX BCH. 3BR/1BA. Fenced yard. 6
blocks to ocean. 536 2nd Ave S. $975/mo.
WALDEN CHASE, St. Johns Schools:
3BR/3BA, Bonus room, office. 2378sf.
Cul-de-sac, 2 car garage, fenced back-
:yard, all appliances. $1800/month. 370-
4844 and 285-0140.
PV BCH, Solano Woods, 3BR 2BA,
$1400/mo. Call Cindy Brown, PVB Realty,
3/2 house, Cypress Cove $995,'mo.
Avail, now
3/2, 2 car.garage, avail. now, $1250/mo.
3.2, cul-de-sac. $1250mo
3'2. avail 3/1, $1150/mo.
4/2, off Kernan, avail. now, $1295/mo
3/2, $1395/mo.
3BR 2BA. 2 car garage. $1395/mo.
4/2, avail 8115. $1395/mo.
2/2, 1 car garage, avail. 8/1 $930/mo
3/2, -$1145/mo
3/2, 2 car gar. avail. 9/10, $1125/mo
3/2, 2 car gar., avail 8/1. $1250/mo.
4/2. 2 car gar., avail. 11/1. $1595/mo
Brand new condos
3BR 2BA $950,rmo. & $950.'mo.
4/2, 2 car gar..availnow, $1995/mo
3/2, 1 car gar.. avail 8/1 $895/mo
3/2, 2 car gar, avail 8/15 $975/mo
3,'2, $1295,'mo.
2/2, 1133s1, ready nowl $895'mo
3/2.2 car garage, avail 8/15. $1195/mo.
S3/2, 2 car gar., avail. now $1495/mo.
4/2.5, 3 car gar., avail. 8/1, $1900/mo.
4,2. avail now, $1450/mo
4/3. 2 car garage. 2200sl, $1400'mo
241-5501 OR 221-1711.
2BR/2BA W/OFFICE fully furnished, shon
term/ Long term lease. Oakbndge Subdivi-
son PVB area. 699-2906.
So. Jax Beacl, 2/2, turn or unlurn, ig bal-
cony, W/D. lyr. lease. cbl & waler mcl,
Secured bldg, pools, exercise room &
sauna. $2050/mo. Call 859-1356.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. *$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. Available early August. Call
246-8970'.6T594 4218, F .1 qq ..2 p
PONTE' VEDRA. Vacani 8 1 nce
3BR'2BA, community pool, pels OK.
$1300/mo 241-4750
South Jax Beach 4 BLOCKS io beacn
3BR/1.5BA. 1550sf, pels ok. $1550/mo +
deposit 994-6864, 422-6864
w/garage $1250/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. Call
655-?207, visil wiw.569.clb.nel
ICW, NEW Condo. 2BRilBA, washer/ dry-
er provided, pool & Illness center on site
$1100/mo 246-4487 or 553-6110.
3BR'2BA $250,mo Beaulilul newly ran-
ovated, many amenities Realty Execu-
lives. Grand Cay Villas 2BR.2BA 1100sl
$1100/monlh 273-3939.610-6460.
JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR'2BA unit in
the Palms, ground Iloor, lakeview unil Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house, & morel $1450'mo. 904-372-9222.
SUMMERHOUSE IN PVB 1.1, 2 story.
fireplace, everything new, on Sawgrass
golfcourse. beach and goll shuttle: great
amenities, $850/mo. 534-4848.
side. End unit, 1-sTory, large yard
$13751mo (904)612-6532. (904)641-5564
HOMELESS PETS for adoptiori- Cats & HIRING DISHWASHER. Tuesday-Satur-
dogs. 246-3600. day. 8a.m.-2p.m. Apply 266 Solana Rd.
LOST CAT, lyr. old female Tabby, or- PVB.orcall285-2656.
ange/brown/black/wbite. Beaches area. UPSCALE PV Beach Salon needs front
Large reward. 208-0373, desk/receptionist part time. Some eve-
Lare rd 807, 803 nings and Saturdays. Call 285-0503.
1LOST DOG- Chihs ii. fp^mni .*qn nd
L. i LJj- IIIl lua ua- Iemai, l an aii u
white, on medication, 8 yrs old. Last seen
on Florida Blvd 7/3. Has tags, named
Bianco. Call 859-2918.
NOTARY SERVICES available at your
convenience and your location. Also,
Document Services, Records Manage-
ment, Currier Services. 373-0630.
tested divorcepapers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/ by appt. only (904)641-2187.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No, dogs. $1,700/mo.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
PONTE VEDRA 1BR/1BA w/loft. Gated
community wall amenities. Beach ac-
cess. Available 9/1. 568-8837.
LEASE/ OPTION to buy. Ocean condo,
Pelican Point. 3BR 2BA, 8th floor, panor-
amic view, $2350/mo 607-4723
PALM VALLEY- Spacious and Peaceful
3,2 1660sf w/ R&R. W&D. Central Air
Large covered froni porch, Tin Roof, FP
$850/mo. $850/Dep, M2M Lease. Pets-
OK w/approval Non-Refundable Pet Fee.
Dare-2-Dream Realty Team of Comer-
stone Really, Inc 904-339-0231 Owner.
Lic. Real Eslare Agent
ATLANTIC BEACH Sea Place, Furnished
2BR/2BA condo, $1300/mo 887-5005
homes. Weekly/monthly Visil us at:
laxbeachrenlal com or 535-3911 or
535-3828. -
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, lully furnished ocean-
front condo. Monthly. Weekly. 241-0267.
4BR/4BA. weekly, monthly yearly Call
nlshed homes & condosI From $500 per
week All Sotin Realry. 241-4141.
munity on Beach Blvd., west of the IC.
Available Aug. 3rd. 992-7406.
ROOM IN large home. swimming pool,
pool table, exercise equip. 874-0130.
SEEKING roommate ro share newly reno-
vated 2BR/1 5BA duplex 5 blocks from
beach No pels, no smoking, tenced back-
yard, WDHU. $512.50,mo. Uililues-not in-
cluded. Call 1386f314-6165.
blocks from beach $700imo including util-
ities, high speed inlernei and cable. Se-
curity deposit $700 Non-smoker please.
Call 904-566-8603 or 566-8611
lees and utilities Exclusive Miravisia.
gated, pool. hol lub, healin club. water-
Iront w/marina view. Room has own bath-
room. brand new large unit. 2700si
SHARE MY home near ICW, $500/mo. in-
cludes everything and use of nottub Call
NB, ROOMMATE Wanted $425/mo
+$200/dep. f1/2 ullilies. Trees. pool.
3,A-36.~ 7.,,.. .. .... ,, ,
$450'MO INCLUDES utilities, pool and
kitchen pnvileges, must have rels,
SHARE HOME Scooner Bay Drive. Very
nice 1 BR'IBA, $350/mo + dep.; boin in-
clude ulliles. 866-3200.
ROOM FOR rent in house pool and
lenced back yard $ includes utilr-
ies and satellite TV. 566-1980
2BR/2BA CONDO in PVB. $550/mo + de-
posit, No pets. 543-0772
ROOM FOR rent in nice mobile home.
$90/week deposit 343-2870
Bch on 3rd St., 226-9788 or 994-2945
REDUCED. OFFICE space for ren lor-
mer doctor office: Inree rooms (I wistor-
age space). Lease all rooms logelher or
separate Utilities included Separate back-
door entrance. Located on 3rd St
OFFICE SPACE In Beach plaza, 1300
Beach Blvd. 1347 sq 1M. Jonathan at 866-
:* Short or Long Term
Secretarial Services
Conference Room
East of A A/
walk to beach
Close to shopping/
S For more information,
(904) 3 000call
FOUND ON 7,15 Camera in Neptune
Beach area. Call 249-0616.
All levels, styles & ages. Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available
241.4954.655 3300
the knot? Your Location. Your Time or I
will arrange your accomodalions lor you,
373-0630 or 813-5455
needed part-time. Evening hours and ev-
ery other Salurday. Apply within. Diry
Blonde Salon, 2409 S Third St. No phone
calls please
Part-Time Activities Counselor
Assist with year round kids programs and
events. Experience working with children
a plus. CPR/ First Aid cenified Night and
weekend hours required.
Part-Time Fitness Attendant
Seeks candidate with CPR/First Aid certiih-
cation. Fitness experience required. Flexi-
ble hours Both positions apply in per-
son In the Tennis Center, Tuesday -
Saturday, Ponte Vedra Beach. 285-
1909. Drug Testing/ E.O.E.
GENERAL OFFICE Manager/ Bookkeeper
needed for interior design company. Part-
time, 20hrs. per week. Fax resume to:
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
MOTHER'S HELPER/ housekeeper flexi-
ble hours. Must have references and own
vehicle 273-0253.
MAJOR GREETING card company. Hiring
part time merchandicers for the
southside/baymeadows, intracoastal west,
and ponte vedra areas of Jacksonville.
Hours will vary between 6-10 hours week-
ly. Must be available to work before and
after holidays. $7.25/hr. Job involves card
dept maintenance and stock replenish-
ment in supermarkets. and EOE. Input job
code 11001 8-southsde/baymeadowst
110017-intracoastal west. 118140-ponte
SECRETARY- P/T, $14/hr. PV United
Methodist. Publishes bulletins & newslet-
ter, oversees office activities, assists other
staff. E-mail resume to
SERVERS WITH Fine dining e>penence
needed. Please apply in person at
Govannis. 1161 Beach Blvd, Jax Bch
M-F. tlam-2pm. 249-7787
PT OFFICE Assistant. 10am-5pm, Mon &
Tues. 2-5pm. Wed-Fri, $1000/nr. must
be a people person, no oice exp req will
train. Call Anna 242-0140 or e-mail resume, .
Part-time every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays at a premier reliremenI
community to assist residents and visitors
in coordinalion wiln the Manager or Resi-
dent Services Applicants should be highly
organized and be able to communicate
and deal lacdully wiln ihe public, residents
and lamily members under all conditions
Prolcrent in M.croson Outlook, Word, Ex-
cel and Power Point. Hotel. hospital,
CCRC or other retirement community or
hospitality experience helpful Must be
willing to work holidays and olner shifls if
necessary. Applications at Fleer Landing
Secunry Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd.
Atlantic Beach FL 32233, Fax to
t904 246-9447. e-mail EOEi Diug-Free
2550-7A Mayport Rd. Nail Tech & Hair
Stylist. Call for details. 525-2164 ask for
COUNTER HELP, Ponte Vedra area,
FT/PT, Call 285-5644.
THE ORIGINAL Pancake House is now
open in the St. Johns Town Center. We
are looking for full or part time Servers
and host/hostess with bright,smiles and
positive attitudes to help our flagship store
reach its full potential. Please apply in per-
son between 2pm-5pm, M-F.
OFFICE MANAGER for growing printing
company in Beaches. All aspects of-office
management required. Excellent opportu-
nity. Fax resume 241-7349, or email to
SUPER SUPPERS is looking for a few
good people to work FT/PT, a.m./p.m.
hours at our Beach Blvd. and Baymead-
ows 9A locations. Duties include prepping,
food, greeting customers, and general
cleaning. Gall 821-4555.
busy Atlantic Blvd. Salon. New grads also
welcome. 868-0972.
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in Jax
Beach, no acrylics. Call Miki'at (904)
Make a. real difference
Avante at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-bed
skilled nursing and rehab facility, currently
seeks a dedicated professional wIlh expe-
rience in Staff Development and Infection
Control.-Must have RN licensure, supervi.
story exp. & positive allilude toward the
elderly. Avante offers excellent compensa.
iron & premium benefits. including 401(k).
Please fax resume to (904)249-8208.
MORTGAGE COMPANY at the beaches
looking for a qualified person to perform
clencal duties & help seiup loan files. Must
have professional phone etiquette and be
good with people Good starting pay vith
incentives in place. Please lax resume
and cover letter to (904)246-3442
REALTORS: THINK nere's got lo be a
better way to sell Real Estate?' There isl
Exciting Real Estale opportunity, agents
needed lo handle our huge inventory ol
listings and buyer leads Openings In our
Beach and Southside offices. Call today
FRONT DESK P/T Outgoing organized. OURNEYMAN TILE and one inaller
assenive Beaches Cniro. office. Fax ps nae tols, 6c exempaon.
280-1102, K5334449@YAHOO COM position, lop pav 4763086.
WOMENS RETAIL Saturdays only. Great BEACHES CAR Wash- lull lime help
discount Good in sales. $9hr plus cor- needed. Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
mission 270-2770. Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beacn Blvd.
P/T contracted position for Jacksonville
Meiro Treatment Center, an outpatient
substance abuse Ileatmenr provider. M-F,
early moming only For more Inlo. call
Rick @ 904-398-7015.
YARD SERVICE needs dependable help
to do quality work 247-3856.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed Must have
car & phone. Call 757-7007.
Qualified candidate will be
familiar with PageMaker,
PhotoShop 5 or higher,
iI~a^ 0 Qrgigiay^6k.
Express 4.1 or higher and
Adobe Acrobat. Macintosh
environment. Graphic arts
background and creativity
Responsibilities include
designing and building ads for
weekly newspapers, support-
ing design staff as necessary.
Candidate must be available
Wednesday from 12 to 7pm.
And other times as needed.
Send resume to:
Linda Borgstede
The Leader Group,
1114 Beach Blvd.
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
or fax to (9041 249-1501
or email to: or
SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dinng. JJ's Bistro. Ponie Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.
Drivers part-time and full-time Be a mem-
ber ol a great team. Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com-
munity Fun work environment. Class C
CDL" Passenger Endorsement License
Required. Must be able to set up and
break down for special events. Compell-
live wages and excellent benefits. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd, Allanlic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax lo 904-246.9447:
email to
EOE'Drug-free workplace.
GATOR IRRIGATION now nmng irrigallon
repair technician Must have minimum
5yr.s experience and valid Florida dnvers
license. $14-15 per hour. Call 838-5885.
SEA TURTLE Inn is now hiring qualified
leaders lor me following positions: Chiel
Engineer. Front Office Manager, Front
Desk Supervisor, Front Desk Clerk. PBX
Operator, Cooks All positions are flexible
shihs Send res-me or apply in person to:
HR Dept., 1 Ocean Blvd Atlantic Beach.
32233 904-853-2331 Fax 904-249-5959,
email: bacosra@seaTurtle com EOE
now hiring the following positions to slalt
the newly renovated clubhouse
Banquet Server
AM & PM Server
S : ..Busser .
AM & PM Line Cook
Full-time and Pan-time. All iull-rime posi-
lions receive excellerit.benefits. Apply in
person in the Marsh Landing Tennis Cen-
4 Iet ,Jeslbyav : Sarurday "Localed in Ponle
S'fra5'285-6514 Drugi letiing.EOE
OPTOMETRY. West Beaches. Front
desk. customer service, all office aspects
Fnendly personality, ability to mulli-lask.
bookkeeping. PC. medical ottice experi-
ence a plus. Fax resume to1221-6504.
FIT HOUSEKEEPER. Energetic, sell-mo-
tivated individual needed. Apply in person,
Ashlord Coun Assisted Living, 1700 The
Greens Way. Jax Bcn. must enjoy working
wilh the elderly DFWP, EOE
National Fleet Maintenance provider
seeks Service Tech lor the Westside
Jacksonville shop PM & Demand Repairs
for Aulo, LI Med trucks. ASE & CDL help-
lul. tools required Benelllts M-F days.
Background & drug test req'd
Coniact Misty'
800-916-9664 EOE!MiF.,V/D.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999
.LOCAL GROWING landscape;.design
company needs landscape installation!
construction foreman w/project manage-
ment exp Must have reliable transporla-
lion daily to 5mi N of SI Augustine. Field
operations range from Atlantic Beach to
Palm Coast. References and background
check required. Contact Dayle Applegale
247-6645 or Tom Bixler 710-9070.
YARD SERVICE needs dependable help
to do quality work 247-3856.
CARPENTER & Helper- must have tools
and transponallon. Drug screen required
Call Scon, 813-9480.
Join our teaml II you can excel al inside
sales & desire a last-paced work environ-
menl. we may have an excellent
opponunity lor you. You will join a Nation-
al company & work in Ponie Vedra Beach.
ideal candidate will have 1 + years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or,
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. FT, no eve-
nings or weekends. Fax resume-
(9041285-0010 or email:. .
jimPmediakids com
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, 1BR. all
new, w/pool, fitness, spa, concierge, many
amenities. $875/mo.'Avail. 8/15. Pets wel-
come. (904)448-5591.
P / 4 1 1 RAA7~ ) MPI ORM e'li-n iifel f,- rn., m.--
Retail Space for lease 1,000sl. PaBlo Pla-
za. 993-5550.
MALE CHOW/BORDER collie mix. Free to
a good home. Neutered, shots up to date,'
call 743-1791 or 207-8803 for more info.
PET SITTING, in your home. Dog walking.
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty, 874-6062.
THE, PALMS At Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA.
Waterview, wood Iloois. 1st floor, gated,
$1125/mo. 241-3941
D%10 ... ..- ... --
hiring teachers and assistants for the new
school year Great pay and benefits avail-
able after 2 weeks Call April @ 241-7075.
TEACHER AID- 2:30-6:30. Toddlers and
preschool, require patience, reliability and
love of children. 1851 Beach Blvd. Jax
Beach 32250, EOE. 242-9645.-
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
to detail. Flexible hours. Knowledge of
ACT, Excel, and Word helpful. Located in
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-5855.
Cooks. Must be able to work weekends.
Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantiria, 127 1st Ave.
North: 249-3322.
FT or PT host/hostess. Good money, cas-
ual atmosphere, very busy, great people
to work with, 285-0139.
^MAMM-n- M IAV O --u ---
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 7
CAREGIVEQS lor the elderly needed.
Live-in shifts up to 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per
week. $110/shift. American Home .Com-
panions, 247-7495.
PASTRY SHOP hiring Manager to, over-
see customer service functions in our one
of.'a kind business. Working' environment
is fun & last paced. F/T, Tues- Sat., com-
pelillve pay. Call 285-2656 or apply in
person 266 Solana Rd PVB
.Construction Worker
w/valld Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply at Surfside Pools, 313
S Beach Blvd., 246-2666 or tax resume Io:
249-8801, e-mail sursidepools@aol com.
VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet clinic. At least lyr experience re-
quired. Competitive salary, excellent Ien-
ellts. Fax resume to 246-3061 or call 246-
8577 for more Inlo. Beaches Animal Clin-
ic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach.
nities with KFC and Pizza Hull Compen-
tive salanes, great benefits; opportunity for
growth and advancement. Call (866)238-
0646 for more details
w/valid Florida Driver's License. Expern-
ence helpful bul will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply: Surtside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd.. 246-2666, or fax resume
249-8801. e-mail: surtsidepools
expenence necessary, will train. Must be
able to work in the heat and be a non-
smOKer while at work. $7/hr. to start, more
$ with expenence. Call AAron 861-7431
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical ol-
fice. Full /pan time secretarial, clerical,
and suppon of M D a unique selling. Ex-
penence required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Musl be entlnusiastic, dependable,
consistent.. and an excellent march Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
lease PersephoneHealing Arts Center,
AX- (904)246-3778
10am- 5pm, Mon- Fri, Line Cook. Excep-
I;onal 'pay. Greal people to work wi.h.
COUNTER nelp, FT/ PT. Tues- Sal, com-
petitive pay. Call 285-2656 or apply in
person, 266 Solana Rd. PVB
POSITIONS OPEN tor lulllime assi head
cashier, lullime warehouse manager, pan
lime cashiers, carryouls, sales and plant
dept Proctor Ace Hardware 870 A1A
North Ponte Vedra Bch. 285-8101.
personal skilledf and unskilled) excellent
pay. 249-8147 or 726-5661.
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
.: CNA ':'' "
FULLTime. 3pm-11pm at Premiere Relire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competitive wages, good
worKing environment. Applications availa-
ble at Fleet Landing, Secunry Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd, Atlanlltc Beach, FL,
Fax to (904)246-9447; email lo:, EOE/ Drug-Free
SALES POSITION available for a well es-
lablished marble and granite importer lo-
cated at the beach. Knowledge of stone
malenals and design helpful Salary and
benefits negotiable upon experience. Fax
resume to 241-3204.
CARPENTERS & Helpers needed. Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
hinng teachers and assistants for the new
school year Great pay and benefits avail-
able afher 2 weeks Call April @ 241-7075
MEDICAL BILLING Clerk. Exp. necessary,
Osteopath Office. 25-40/hrs. Email re-
sume. LMA11512@YAHOO.COM
BRUCCI'S PIZZA PVB now hiring Line
Cook and Wait Slaff. Call 280-7677. Ask
for Bruce or lan
RECEPTIONIST- WILL train cheerful pro-
tessional to schedule patients, collect de-
ductibles and co-pays who can treat our
patients like royalty, mullitask and keep
Smiling. Call Ponte Vedra Chiropractic
Medicine & PT. 285-ACHE (2243) be-
rween 12:30-3 PM.
SILK PRESSER, Ponte' Vedra area, guar-
anteed hours. 285-5644.
CITY OF Atlanlic Beach $10.53'nr:
$421/wk; $21.902/yr+benefins Performs a
variety of manual labor asks in main. &
repairing of City grounds & facllilles; Must
nave valid FL Drivers License & salislac-
rory driving record. Applications accepted
until 8/09/06 and maybe obtained at 800
Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach. FL (904)
247-5820 or No
Ssmokers/tobacco users. Drug testing con-
ducled. EOE.
Jin th tamtatmaescrigo pe oplse fn
Positions Available
Banquet Supervisor Engineering Acct. Clerk
Beverage Server Section Housekeeper
Cafe Italiano Server Honor Bar Attendant
Line Cook Room Service Server
Maintenance Engineer Nail Technician
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070
We LooksF owr to M 0e ti Yo u Soo
is looking to fill the following
an Positions:
SLine/Prep Cook
We offer health, dental, vision insurance, paid
vacation, 401k and competitive salary.
Candidates must be able to work a flexible
schedule including nights and weekends. .
Please apply in person at
4378 Ocean Street Mayport, Florida
time. Exp. a plus. Great benefits. Fax re-
sume to 721-3972 or apply in person at
The Atrium Retirement Community,
9960 Atrium Way.
Full TimeGolf Course Maintenance Staff.
Excellent benefits fQr F/t.employment in-
cluding vacation time,'sicK time, 401k,
health benefits and more Apply in person
at the Tennis Center;,call 285-6514 for'
directions. Drug tesilng/EOE
Work at the beacnes. Paid insurance, paid
vacation, and excellent pay Crawlord
Elec 241-5591.
JAX BEACH Day Spa looking for proles-
sional skin care specialists. Please call
Miki's 242-8008 or lax resume 997-9297.
PONTE VEDRA; AR Accounting Clerk po-
sillon. Requires last learner and well or-
Sganized. Good pay, email resume to EOE
FRONT DESK receptionist FT needed for
busy Jax Bch. pedialnc office. Excellent
benefits, lax resume lo (904) 241-9006
Seeking responsible persons for private
company. Must be bondable. Serious in--
quiries only. Leave msg at 716-8824.
-* *
Full-Time with great benefits and work en-
vironment at a premier retirement com-
munity. Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Secunty
Gale, One Fleel Landing Blvd., Atlantic -
Beach, FL 32233. Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to EOE/
Drug-free Workplace.
Irngaton is seeking a mature individual
wiln a minimum ol 3 years supervisory ex-
penence. Excellent drinvng record re-
quired. Top wages to the right person. Call
Bnan at 249-5214 to arrange interview.
CSR- INSURANCE agency. Must hold, or
be willing to obtain, 4-40 license. Salary
based on experience. Immeadiale open-
ing. Fax resume to 247-4449.
The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to fill the
following positions:
* Utility Plant Operator Trainee
Police Officer-Scholarship Program
911 Dispatcher
Design Drafting Technician
* Distribution & Collection Superintendent
* Golf positions
* I Maintenance Worker I, Streets
* Variety of other positions available
For further information contact us in person at 11
North 3rd Street, 2nd floor, call 904-247-6263, or visit
us online
Drug free work environment, EOE, VP
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital seeking
Receptionist with Customer Service expe-
rience. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.,
Ponte Vedra, 285-7924.
SFull Time
daily. Qualified applicants inquire 241-
Cleaning Personnel
10-15 Energetic,
Self-Motivated Individuals
needed immediately
All hours available
Al areas of town.,"
Must have transportation &phone.
Commercial Cleaning Inc.
Our financial strength is
Snot our $179.7 billion in
assets; it's our employees.
pfirictionre'dipoibilthyf tti .'
:. ', .; ... -" .
stiKwbih" '.: -" :.- : -
efl ni$rusia y'llwaia *
'*saedbyirci htnl dah efrra': :
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: lir,,urt is t' r .mrs,
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..w ,iiv. :..;,. ft ",-,::-%: .
S ,3" ', ; : '
.yr,~g'r.::~ L~TU
H AS E ,C 6F C 6P Yard.2 H l g CallIN G 5o MODE CON 66
HANDYMAN- HOUSE, Yard. Hauling. Call
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning.
WinlOW Cleaeiing. Janitorial Servides.' etc'
Cll-HeriRonr. 416-4238; 612-1755' -
of multi-room hotels, condos, apartments.
houses, small structures. Renovations
available 246-0628
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49.50'
BABY SITTING in my San Pablo home
\ DAN 4
from changing a ightbulb
to changing the color of your house
PADGETT'S A/C & Healing, Inc. Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer' service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Estimates. License CAC1814887.
Need YOUR home cleaned before moving
in our out? Weekly biweekly one time
home cleaning. rental propenies, offices.
new construction. 9 years in business,
WILL CLEAN your home. Reasonable, de-
pendable, Insured. Connie's Clean
Sweep 710-6896.
MAID YOUR Way has opening, commer-
cial cleaning. Call Julie 254-4174.
AMY'S CLEANING service. 12 years ex-
perience, reference, free estimates. 220-
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or office Dy
Natasha For estimate 563-7858.
ble. Reasonable rates. tree estimates. Call
Roxanne (904)477-5398.
cleaning since 19781 Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded. Individual cleaner. Option
to customize chore list. (800) 449-9520.
experience Business & Residential. Salis-
faction guaranteed Move outs welcome
Home and office cleaning, Vacation
rentals. Parties before and after.
Service you can trust!
Owner Cindy McGill
ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical. Serv-
ices. Free estimates for repair/ installation.
Comm/Res. Standby generators and
transfer switches. All elecIncal needs.
Visa/MC. 343-5535. Great rates:
WOOD. Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience.. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises 241-7276, 838-9599.
applications, house calls. Iraninng, repairs,
upgrades, websires, graphics Free phone
tech 904-249-3034 or email:
callrob@comcast nel.
Specializing in ','Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4238, 612-1755.
Tolal Lawn Maintenance .Clean-ups, Sod-
ding, Mulching, Re-planting Free esti-
mates. 247-3344.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawneare. Free esl-
males. Professional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, Irimming- trees,
shruos. Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
IMPROVEMENTS. Inlerior/Extenor Painl-
Ing, Faux Finishes. Rotten Wood Replace-
ment, Pressure Washing. (904)894-4257.
Just Joe
\ Painting i
& Wallpapering.
Pressure Washing
Qualin' craftsmanship by
Joe DiMauro .
28 years experience
Licensed Insured References
(904) 992-4119
Cell: (904) 229-9542
We service thousands of beach residents. 241-3409.
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Ydrd Ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
Clean-ups. Mulching, Sodding, whatever it chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
lakes, etc. Dave 249-4724. your lie a little easier 285-0240
LAWN SERVICE sod work, mulching' &
clean up, monthly'& yearly, free esllmates.
Call David 710-1030.
CHEAP MOE'S' Complete lawn service.
Most yards only $20. i904)422-0593.
lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967
Dependable Quality Service Reasonable
rates. 821-0737
Free estimates. Mow, edge, trim, weeding,
clean-ups. 1 lime or regularly. Shrub trim-
ming, pruning, sod. mulch, hauling.
Prompt Service. Insured. 207-4037.
WINSOR LAWN Service. Inc. Compelitlve
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.
ices, single pieces to entire house, also
pick up from stores and deliver to your
door, 23yrs exp., free estimates. (904)
beaches preferred power washing.
Licensed/ Insured. Scot 207-2358.
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.
Safe roof cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured,
references. 403-7389
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint. Residenhal and commercial Men-
lion this ad. 246-1529.
SAVE NOWI Inlenor & Exterior painting
Pressure washing 19yrs at Beaches.
Free Estimates 881-4223.
RETIRED PAINT contractor getting bored.
Paint interior,exterior, new construction &
repaints. Brent 241-4204.
PAINTING & repairs by Dean. Interior/ex-
'tenor painting. Alltypes of repairs, busi-
ness & residential. Fully lic. & Insured.
309-4720. -
free estimates,work guaranteed, licensed.
beaches. Frank Phillips. Licensed 316-
Repairs, specializing in lermite damage
HOME IMPROVEMENTS- interior & exte-
nor. carpentry, specialized in doors, Irim.
decks, plywood, etc. Custom craftsman-
snp. Lic & ins. (904)755-6898.
Room Addilion Drawins
SRoom Addilion Suurlural Drawings
-Raised Roof Slruural Drawings
*Cuslom Home Drawings
;Custom Home Engineering
i uHinn ull I i
Remodeling Renovations
New Construction Repairs
CBC 1253069
-"qvG n -I
Specializing in Remodeling.
Additions, Decks, Repairs,
Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
for the home or office.
(904) 247-3777 :
Al Credit Cards Accepted
Certified Builder Certified Roofer
Lic. CB-C059536 Lic. CCC1325888
-Member of the Better Business Bureau
State Certified Contractor (Hands-on)
New consiructlona,:adlIions reronoheling,
kitchen & bafl. iermie., damage ,,Boo
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs. DAVE. 246-6628.
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets, bath-
.rooms, rile. doors, windows, rotted wood,
termite damage, rool leaks, drywall,
decks, etc. Honest, top quality work-
HANDYMAN SERVICES Interioror exte-
rior from A-Z. Call Bill at 228-9241.
Painting, carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing, ile work, drywall.
904-241-7023. -
Home Maintenance & Repair
Residential & Commercial
Pressure Washing
Painting Drywall Repair
Ceramic Tile
Licensed. Bonded & Insured
FREE Estimates
904-613-1285 Mitch
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
censed piolessional. See our ad. under
Remodeling/Construclion. Slate Certified
Roofer #CCC1325888 Member BBB
247-3777 All credit cards accepted.
ROOFING IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs experience 880-9908.
Quality work at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986. .
Trees. Inmming, Licensed, 242-2546.
SOUTHSIDE TREE Service. Enhance the
beauty of your trees. PALMS TRIMMED.
904-318-0569 Alan DeLoach
a a :M "vlmg
Available from Commercial News Providers" ,
Medical Center Beaches
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
1350 13"1 Avenue South
Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250
Apply online anytime
Director Med/Surg & Women's Services
RN Progressive Care Nights Full-time
Nursing Support
Associate Care Providers. Full-time. Part-time, PRN
Critical Care/Progressive Care
Clinical Professional
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Full-time 2:30-11p M-F & PRN
'Lab Assistant Sat/Sun 4a-12:30p
Endoscopy Surgical Tech GE Lab Full-time
Dietary & Housekeeping
Immediate interviews $8.50 hour
Food Service Associates n Full. Part-time. Weekends
Food Service Associate II works 1 la-7:30p
w/rotating weekends
Cashier every other Sat/Sun 6a-2:30p
Receiver/Storeroom day shift
Environmental Services Technician,
Full-time. Part-time. Weekends
Shifts 4p-12:30a or 3p- 11:30p or 5p- :30a
Floor Finisher 7a-3:30p ,
Baptist Medical Center-Beaches
Baptist Medical-Center-Beaches is an equal opportunity employer.
July- LOl LUVO,
Heritage Bank
Ponte Vedra Beach Office
Fax Resume to
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Beaches.School
has the flowing openings:
SPre-Kindergarten teacher must
have CDA certification,
Bachelor's Degree preferred
Extended day teacher
(-The Beaches
phone 249-0905 fax 249-5241
2049 Florida Blvd.
Fax or e-mail resume to Scon
Email admin@thebeachesschool con
"Be Part of the Best"
Relief Audit
Part-time Front Desk Agent
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1616 N. First St.
We offer great p3y, pad vacauon &
personal ume, Headith/vision/denu I
insurance, 401K
JAX BEACH, Smoothle/ Coffee Cale
w/dnve-lhru. Must sell 249-3014.
OPEN UNIQUE FL wine shop. Vince 1-
800-338-7923. www.fiwine corn
INK AND Toner Refill in Beaches area.
High prohls. Untapped potential. Easy to
operate. 247-3815.
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable.
transportation & references. $9-$11/hr.
any area. CPR & First Aid F/T & P/T.
T,,IT ")Q nncl
S .. ..- '
classified 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 28, 2006
OPENING FOR Infants to 3 years old, ftll
or part-lime reasonable'rales, references.
Call 220-7493.
6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years
experience. Tammy 373-0404.
Beaches Mobile Skin Care by Kimberly. I
come to you offering facial services and
microdermbrasion.-. Call for an appt.
www.beachesmoblle@yahoo corn.
6.! t =dl 'eWt t,1 cfl
LIKE-NEW. Pickled Maple 3 plecq eirtib.
lainment center $795, china cabinet $595,
desk-china comoo, $595 gentlemen mir-
row/top of chest $85, rattan king sized
head board $650.
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam matress & boxspring, new In
plastic w/warranty. $379. Must sell.
125 GALLON fish Aquarium. Includes
glass hood, glass tank, stand, cabinet,
and 2 sets of lights-partlal wet/dry tiller.
Various fish supplies available may be in-
cluded. Asking $600-make offer, must sell
due to remodeled home, no room for tank
Call 246-3866.
COMPANION/ SITTER for elderly. TiredBIG SCREEN TV 53" Sony, queen size
ol agencies? Experienced, local, honest beroomset, $1500 for all or can be split
724-2010 up. 483-1032.
CAREGIVER FOR elderly. 12 yearsexpe-
rience/reterences. Available M-F. Call
DO YOU need relief from canng for elder-
ly or sick loved ones? I am state li-
censed, Alzheimers trained, experienced
and great references. Call Sherry,
904-541-1214, 904-477-1036.
CAREGIVER FOR elderly, 15yrs. experi-
ence. CPR certified. Honest, friendly, car-
ing. M-T-W-F, ref's. 568-7309
MATURE, HIGHLY expenenced, seeks
patient, live in/ out. References 645-8394.
years. expenence seeks new position. Ex-
tremely dependable and canng. Excellent
references. Call Leslie 612-4751.
NIGHT SITTER. I will sir nignh with ill and
elderly in heir own home Local referen-
ces. 246-1206.
WASHER & Dryer, heavy duty, large ca-
paciry. $225 for both. 30" electric stove
$75. All in good condition. Can deliver.
COMPUTER DESK. Good snap $50.
CORNER CABINET, 6'x3', white, solid
pine, giass doors, excellent condition.
$350 241 6052 or 280-2416.
TWO TWIN beds w/oak headboards in
good condition $200 for both. 246-8250.
NEW LACKING display cases. For dis-
playing collectibles. S20 each. 249.6428.
BATHROOM, LIGHT blue toiler and sink
(22"x36') w/chrdme legs, Delta faucet
$150 307-2841.
FRENCH ROAST coffee trom Matagalapa
$3 per pound. 14h. Jon Boat, aluminum
guler lear guard, 85 pieces- make offer.
Red Oak and hickory for your gnll or
campfire. To much more to list. Call ChucK
SOLID OAK Entertainment Center, 39"W
x78"Hx16'deep. excellent condition $300.
Beaulilul solid oak headboard (Iits both
queen and king) $125. (904)514-4450.
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new, w/warrany $129. Can deliver.
LIFT CHAIR, never used, $700 (save
$295). Wheeled walker $75. Bath bench
w/back $50. 249-5956.
ORIGINAL ART by local artist. Paintings
lor sale. Call for appointment. 246-9632
Living Room Set. sofa love seal, recliner,
beige, brown, and green mixed Pattern.
Asking $375. Dining Set- Tile top, light
wood, like new asking $300. Patio Set-
Glass Top, Rectangular, five chairs, otto-
man, & small round table. Asking'$200.
Futon- Oueen size, contemporary cover,
like new, asking $325. Call 280-8651. Lv.
36" X-marK walk behind, edger, blower,
weed eater & trailer, 641-0627
BED, QUEEN set, .Pillow top + head
board, good condition. Desk corner work
station, Bilateral file, hutch. 373-0630.
SOLID OAK Queen bedroom set. In-
cludes rounded headboard w/rattan inlqy
design, 72" six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror and rattan Inlay, two
2-drawer nightstands, 'four drawer plus
storage Armoire. Good condition $700,
DINING ROOM table for sale, solid wood 6 -PIECE Bedroom Set includes queen
w/6 chairs. $250. 246-2803 mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499.
CSAHcnIiTI oATIln T,,i, ...I,.i,.ei. l Can deliver 858-9350.
Mr Illl n L F i i ne wgrylass-luop.
Motled green color Irame and upholstery.
Chairs lanasrically comfortable, excellent
condition. Onginal retail $615, $300 OBO.
BODY SOLID multi- slation weight lhting
mach-ne exc. cond. $150. 246-5971.
MOVING SALE Fumiture and more:..Call
Dee 374-1266
JET SKI, 1996 Bombardier w/lrailer. New
engine $2000. 314-8922.
LEATHER COUCH- Naluzzi Drand, con-
tempory style, butterscotcn color, exc.
cond $650 OBO. 242-9179
SOLID OAK Entertainment Center holds
27" TV, all components. VCR, DVD. 68'
wide 21-1/2"Deep 58"H. Has one side
column to hold all videos, tapes, etc.
Glass doors & shelves on leh side to hold
other items. Ex. cond. $300. 247-1358.
HEART PINE, tongue & groove Ilooring
cut from antique Pine timbers. Installabon,
stair maternal. FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
LICENSED PRIVATE Collector wants mili-
tary items: Guns, edged weapons, med-
als. web gear, etc Call 591-9466.
LOOKING TO buy or co-own a kiln for
weekly use. 710-1420.
BUYING 45'S from 1950-69. Rock, Soul,
R&B. also factory reel to reel tapes. 803-
270-8930, 803-270-8940.
for your
\ \Diamonds
1977 r GOLD
246-1933* 619 Atlantic Blvd.
SAN PABLO Creek, Moving sale- 7 piece
bedroom set IHenry Link while wicker).
love seat and sofa, dining room set, oak
desk, barstool, patio set, kitchen items, lin-
ens, Boyds bears, Bennie bears, oodles ol
stuff. -Fnday& Saturday, 8am-ipm. 2140
El Lago-Way.
cunains, much much more Salurday
7:30a.m. 618 9th Ave N.
6 DINING Chairs and hutch $185 .Sofa MULTI-FAMILY, SATURDAY. 8am-12pm.
$75. end tables $25.246-8979 Lots of kid's & women's clothing, loys,
WHITE APPLIANCES: Stove $100; Re- books,,bike. Seabreeze Woods
Irigerator $100: Dishwasher $75: Micro- MOVING SALEI Everything must go! Call
wave $50. 904)334-9451. anytime 904-894-5835 for directions.
MOVING SALEI 7' While sola, excellent 465 UPPER 36th Ave. S., Saturday. 8am-
2003 CAMRY LE Still under warranty. condition. Orig. $5000; Sacnfice $500. 11am., Sola, loveseat, taole/ chairs, kid's
25K miles $14,500. 246-8914 or 504- 588-6599. -things.
EDEC ar i0-qn JinD .i,, HIUE RUMMlAGEiSalePostC C -i 1 D 2.i 1151 CI
18FT ABOVE ground pool w/ stairs. all
equipment & decking. You haul! $1200.
Garden fish pond w/ founain & decorative
stones 5300. 612-8259.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
GRACO AIRLESS. Paint Sprayer.
3/4 GPM 150 gals. run through it. 100' ol
hose, whip hose'and swivel; $400 OBO.
MOVING SALE glass rass dining table. 6
upholstered chairs, sofa. desk. lamps, end
tables and more, 246-2219.
DAYNA'S ANTIQUES Extended Summer
Sale- 10', on entire siore and up to 300
o0t select merchandise Antique and paint-
ed furniture. rugs, lamps,., chandeliers,
concrete slatuary, painnjs'; ,sterlg ing,in-
ens, decorative home accessories Sale
lasts through Salurday at closing. 75 111h
Street Norti. next to Subway.'249-1771 .
FREEnL35 oniy iniiUron wiU vir niiluU oU
with purchase of custom crafted 61' wide
natural finish entertainment cehter. All
wood. 2-arawer, 200+ CD storage. 3 ad-
justable component shelves behind glass
doors. Bonus 13'-Sony color TV. $500
543-0211, 910-3633.
RALEIGH 700 Road Bike, 50cm frame,
blue. $200. Call 314-3667.
18' 2002'Four Winns Bow Rider Ski Boat!
190HP, Super clean, All the extra'sl War-
rantied engine Sunsport intenorl Call
Jane'1904)226-8043. ,
BED- KING mattress set, $289: 9an de-
liver., (904)391-0015.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
FOOSBALL TABLE barely used, in great
condition- $100. Cnllds talking kitchen set-
WEIPER PRO 4850 Home Gym $400 PRO SPORT:C 80"Bel leHi -!:"igll.
OBO Call 386-0618 plate weight. LikeneW.'250 or Bestl'ffld .
904-710-6829. .
l4NEWvv IUNT I IVrn- Ui IIngI i
$900. Full-size bed $500. Ladie's Dike
$150. Can negotiate. 1904)894-5835. ,
1 QUEEN size bedroom suite complete,
excellent condition $300, 887-1590.
1UUL HUMMA> t ba e os i, i
S. 41h St. July 29th, 7am-2pm. Table
Rental $10.00 or Come, Shop and Buy.
YARD/ MOVING sale Saturday & Sunday
8am-?. 103 Seagrape Dr. (OH ol 16th
Street South). (9701946-1847.
OFFICE MOVING sale Saturday 7/29 8-?
.1,540 SUnset, Dr. desk,crederisa,a/c
unit.lealher couch;chairsmmihi refridge.mi-
crowave, many household items.caplin
bed w/headbord i & one side of
drawers.Lots to look at and see.
MOVING SALE Saturday 7:30am-12pm.
528 Oak Street.
items, clothing .and toys. Saturday 7/29
8a.m'-1. Secluded woods. 2033 Marye
Brant Loop.
QIANT MOVING Saell Furniture, electron.
Itsr'Books; and mnotb Sal., 7am-2,xm.
1643 Leeward Lane.
THIS SATURDAY 7/29 8-10a.m. 445 Hop-
ions St Neptune Beach.
BRIC-A-BRAC, NEW and used wedding
items, Mary Kay cosmetics, lawn' chairs.
All items $10 or less. Saturday 8am-3pm,
492 Wniling Lane.
LOTS OF good slu-i Salurday. 8am-?
750 Cavalla Rd..
SI. Johns Catholic Church, 2400 Maypon
Ra. Books, clothes, appliances, toys, lur-
nilure, and much much more. Tnis Satur-
day only 8-2
couch, double bed, end tables, etc. The
Fountains 695 A1A Nonh, #91
SATURDAY, JULY 29th, 7am-? 366 East
Prindle Dr. (Off Joeandy & Atlanlic Blvd.
Turn at Slaroucks. Third Sub on night, Ar-
bor Pointe). Intenor items, linens, furni-
lure, Iloral lamps, housewares; Updated
Misses clothing size 12 & 14.
utensils, etc. 2157 Mesa Grande Lane
Friday & Saturday,
GARAGE SALE- household from 8-1.
12768 Avalon Cove Dr. N.
MULTI-FAMILY sale, kitcnenwares. bike
trailers. loys.'and 0 to 3T gils clothes, and
much more. 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr
West, Sat., 8-noon.
AN ENORMOUS Eslate Big home full 01
lnest turn & access. Mini cond banded
edge banquet Ibl lovelyl Matched buffet,
set chairs. Fr antq stand, lowboy, orig oils,
mirrors. Crystal, Tiffany. sterl, porcelain.
Chanel, Versace, jewelry & furs galoret
Lloyd Loom porch lurnm. Lovely hulch.
bikes, BR, morel Early No's @ 228 41n
Ave S. Jax Bcn @ 8 am. After 8:15 use N
ate bf Marsh Landing (near J.T. Butler).
As @ gate for-"China Cat Estate". Go
directly to 25335 Marsh Landing Pkwy.
Thurs 9.4 Fri 9-3. 241,0344 or chinacalan-
iques comr lor map & details. Do Not
Park on Marsh Landing PKwy
40' BOAT SLIP for sale, exclusive Har-
bortown Marina. $169K. 463-2845.
1988'GLASS STREAM Spirn, 21'. New
Magic Tilt trailer 74L, 330hp Mercruiser
engine & ouidriJe 56000 OBO 704-6717.
boar slip for rent. 40h. $500, 5011. $600.
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER Cable and phone.
service available @ slip Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump out also available 463-2845
1999 BIG Dog. 1750 Bulldog. Very low
miles. Cherry red w/gold pinsinpe. Beauti-
ful and fast. $15,500 OBO. 755-6461
at Beach Marine
21' Regal 2150 LSC 2000
23' Proline Center/C 2002
23' Regal Bow/R 1999
24' Regal 2460LSC 2003
24' SeaRay Sund 1996
24' SeaRay Sundan. 2002
'25' Regal Comm 1997
25'Regal Comm. 1999
25' SeaRay Sund. 1995
S25' SpolCralt C/Cons 1998
-26' Regal Comm 2002:
27' Ptoline WA Cuddy 2000
27' Maxum Express 1995
27' Regal Comm. 2765 2004
27' Donzi-Express 1998
29' SeaRay Amberlk 2001
29 SeaRay Sund. 1999 $64,900
29 Regal Comm. 2000 $62,000'
30 Regal 3060 2002 $82,900.
30 Cruiser's Rogue 1998 $64,900
30WeilcrarlMartiiq. 1999 $62,000
31 SeaRay Sundan 2000 $89,900
32 SeaRay Sundan 2004 $158900
32 Welliraft St Tropez 1986 $23,000
32 Carver MY 2001 $124,900
32 Regal Comm 3260 2003 $149,000
32 Bayliner Motor YrYat 1985 $48900
32 Regal Comm. 1999
33 Welicraft Coastal 1993
35 Carver/Y 356 2002
36 Cruiser's Al Cab. 1,996
2002 HONDA SHADOW Ace, incl. acce'-
sones. 48 ong miles, garage kept Illness
forces sale. $5500 247-1417
1984 YAMAHA YZ250, exc cond, recent
complete rebuild. $1500 OBO. 874-4948
1998 CHEVY 1500 extended cab. tully
loaded, new fires, runs great, very
dependable truck $6500 OBO. Call
2000 CHEW GMC Sierra pickup, 4x4,
56.000 miles. $9000. 993-9191.
, 1994 F350 dually, runs great, cold air, au-
:lomatic, lully loaded, new tires This'is a
great truck. $6500 OBO. 226-8700
North Florida's Largest
Boat & Yacht Dealer
Moomba Chec
Supra S Out!
Malibu ;
Stingray '-
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yachts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat
Sea Boss
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks
Power FF2
Boats, Ll
14539 Beach Blvd.
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal
Sj Syndicated Ci
ble from Commercia
0_ b n
a -
1993 CHEVY Astro van V-6,. AT, A C,
new tires, $975 OBO. 874-4948...
95 4X4 Explorer chop op
convenlble/beach buggy, like a jeep. A/
cold, 31 X 10.50 tiresHas 219.000 miles
Son it & runs like brand new. It is street e:
gal & I drve it every day. 1800 lirnn. 904-
2414204 Brent.
1996 CHEVY Blazer 4x4. loaded, nice
cond.. 87K mi., Make offer. 249-2943.
2003 MERCEDES C240, 45k miles, 6spd,
4dr.. Silver/grey leather. 6 CD, moonroot,
exc condition $20,800. (904)334-6686
S1986 SAAB 900S 5spd.. hatchback, A/C,
CD. new tires. one owner, 112k onginal
miles, looks and drves great, $1450 OBO
2002 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser- looks
great, runs great 55k miles $7000 OBO,
TWO.JEEP Cherokees, 4 wheel dnve,
both 1982, 2-door, $500/each. 612-8060
or 613-5178
1949 PLYMOUTH, lal head 6 cylinder, 3
speed on column. Runs, needs help.
$1200 OBO Joe 608-8013.
2000 NISSAN Ullima GXE, excellent con-'
dillon, low miles, 4 door,,
locks, cruise, new tires. $7400 OBO
1977 FORD T-Bird. 5.OL/302c.i., A/C;
bachelor bench seats, 2nd owner new
pain, recent engine overhaul, drven daily
$3200 OBO. 710-7522
4XDR 1988 Red Jeep with extra tires and
while rims as is condition. $600. Call
2001.HONDA CIVIC LX, 115k miles, well
maintained, clean history, automatic, A/C,
4-door, $7000, 904-534-4170.
of Junk Cars Trucksans, and SUV's.
in 30 Minutes
ve thop ash on anl that r car
of your dreams.
Free info ind Rim Lists.
Snervig the beaches -, or 10 years.
All vehicless ospected and guaranteed.
FRED REESE (904) 616-4742
2305 Beach Boulevard, Suite 106
"Jacfisonv;lie Beact
904-247-7966 Fax 904-247-7972
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