Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. July 26, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00059
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. July 26, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: July 26, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00059
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Weddings
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 10
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 5
        page B 6
        page B 7
        page B 8
Full Text


JULY 26, 2006

His soul's
in ice

See B-1

Looking for an
See B-5

BEAMing for
Saturday event

See A-8


Vol. 44, No. 10


Anedition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Ex-budget director sees county 'problem'

Drawing on his experience
balancing seven years' worth
of budgets for St. Johns
County, Joe Vonasek said
Monday that recent studies
predicting millions of dollars
worth of debt for the county
are on target.
The former director of budg-
et management for St. Johns


to drop

The St. Johns Board of
County Commissioners voted
Tuesday to reduce the millage
rate for the county's general
The board approved a rate of
7.0475 mils for property own-
ers in some parts of the county
including most of Ponte
Vedra Beach.
S That represents a drop of a
0.0025 mils from the current
vear's rate.
One mil equals $1 for every
$1,000 in assessed valuation.
The millage is for certain
county services. Property own-
eis' tax bills will include sever-
al other categories of taxes,
such as those levied by the
School Board, the Anastasia
Mosquito Control District and
the St. Johns River Water
Management District.

County told members of the
Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition
that professional studies clear-
ly show the county's expenses
are outgrowing its revenue.
"There's a technical term
that we use to describe it and
it's called a problem," Vonasek
He said the county's propos-
al to borrow money to pay for
capital improvement projects
merely will make matters

worse especially when those
improvements are largely for
parks and recreation areas.
The county plans to borrow
about $49 million for capital
improvements, which would
produce a $3.1 million annual
payment on the debt service.
In the long run, parks and
recreation projects such as
swimming pools often cost
more to maintain and staff
than to build, Vonasek said.

Borrowing more money,
Vonasek said, will only
increase the county's operating
expenses in the future.
"Even if you have the capac-
ity to borrow. it's not always
a wise decision," he said.
On the list of possible solu-
tions. Vonasek suggested
implementing a new tax dedi-
cated to funding capital
improvement projects and a
new system for prioritizing

those projects.
Some residents at Monday's
meeting, however, balked at
the idea of a new tax.
"I'm not willing to pay more
taxes to bail them [the county
commissioners] out of their
bad decisions," said Ellen
Vonasek drew his conclu-
sions Monday from two profes-
sional financial studies con-
ducted on the county one

by Public Financial
Management (PFNf) and one
by economic consultant Henry
The PFM study predicts a
deficit of $20.4 million by the
year 2011, while the Fishkind
study predicts a deficit of $35.2
million by then.


Dock lights dim

.eh.l) .y ROB DaAr IGELO
Wfrston Waves swijnmer Brooke Lockerman competes in the breaststroke portion of the girls
13-14, 200-yard individual medley Friday at the University of North Florida. The Waves, a
team of the Winston Family YMCA in Ponte Vedra, won their second straight swimming title in
the event. See story, B-1.

Palm Valley residents living
along the Intracoastal
Waterway may want to check
their dock lights to see if they
comply with an ordinance
OK'd Tuesday.
In a 4-1 vote, the St. Johns
Board of County
Commissioners approved the
prohibition of mercury vapor
lights illuminated any docks
in the county. Commissioner
Cyndi Stevenson cast the dis-
senting vote.
There are about 280 docks
along the waterway in Palm
Valley, although the number
illuminated by mercury vapor
lights was not available
Starting in about 45 days,
$50 citations will be issued for
such high-intensity lights,
and repeat offenders could
face up to $500 in fines or 60
days in jail, or both.
"1 think just shielding those
is not the answer I think
they need to be gone," said

Barry Benjamin, a commis-
sioner of the St. Augustine
Port, Waterway and Beach
District who proposed the
ordinance to commissioners
in April.
In Tuesday's meeting,
Benjamin told commissioners
that he has spoken with many
boaters and law enforcement
officers who say the lights are
becoming a real problem.
"When you use the high
intensity lights, there's quite a
glare," he said.
After discussing the ordi-
nance in a June 13 workshop,
the board decided to restrict
the use of mercury vapor
lights, which can blind
boaters and prevent them
from seeing illuminated navi-
gational markers. *
According to the ordinance,
"the unrestricted use of dock
lighting harms the public
health, safety and welfare by
causing unreasonable glare
and causes boater disori-
See DOCK, A-3

S7~. .' 'p -.' ty KAT .I:'HART- H.R A14



-- :.i Peggy Klein (right) demon-
strates how to assemble a
taco Tuesday at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, where the summer
--A camp theme this week is
S, "Food Fight." The art of
cooking completes the cen-
17-o4 ter's 10 weeks of art camp
X..... for youngsters ages 4 and 5
and 6 to 10. Students in the

4 District return to school Aug.
4. See more photos, A-12.

Condo sales cool

High rise developments con-
tinue to sprout along the hori-
zon in Jacksonville Beach, but
the demand for pricey condo-
miniums is waning, according
to some Beaches real estate
Mark Werner of the WVerner
Realty Group, a real estate
developer, confirmed Monday
that the market is slowing, cit-
ing a growing inventory.
"Anyone with a piece of a
brain knows that the market is
changing all over the United
States," Werner said. "People
are still looking, but there is
more to look at."

The price tags on many of
the new developments are dis-
couraging younger, first-time
buyers with limited income, as
well as those who want a con-
dominium as a secondary resi-
dence, he said.
"Some [condos] are.not sell-
ing [because] $800,000 and up
runs a lot of people off, espe-
cially as a second home,"
Werner said.
Werner, broker for the Pier
Point condominium project at
525 3rd St. N. and developer of
the 35-unit North Shore proj-
ect at 1126 1st St. N.,

2005 SWAT callout was worse-case scenario for police

Convicted murderer Paul
Rentas-Rivera is serving a life
sentence in a Florida prison for
the shooting death of a 13-
year-old girl last July in
Jacksonville Beach.
Rentas-Rivera, 30, also seri-
ously wounded his girlfriend,
took two strangers hostage and
threatened to kill police offi-
cers during an eight-hour
standoff with Special Weapons
and Tactics (SWAT) teams from
the Beaches.
The July 19, 2005, incident,
which made national news,
ended peacefully when
Rentas-Rivera surrendered to
local authorities after being
gassed out of a second-floor
apartment in Jacksonville
In the SWAT world, the crisis
is referred to as a hostage/barri-
cade situation.
In many respects, it's one of


the worse-case scenarios a
police tactical unit can ever
"Usually, most [SWAT] call-
outs are single barricades: one
person in a house refusing to
come out," Cmdr. Gene Paul
Smith of the Jacksonville
Beach Police Department said

in a recent interview.
"Then there are hostage situ-
ations, which are a little more
rare. And way outside the
norm is stranger hostage tak-
What made the Rentas-
Rivera case even more unique
- and volatile Smith said,
was that the suspect, an ex-
Marine, was proficient with
firearms and was a certified
police academy graduate.
"He tried to kill multiple
people, ran from police, picked
a house at random, kicked in a
door and took hostages inde-
pendent of the original crime,"
added Smith, who commands
the 14-member JBPD SWAT
"Except for an active shooter
with mass casualties, it doesn't
get any worse than that for us,

See SWAT, A-7

JBPD phot
One of three crime scenes, the 3rd Street Diner padding lot, where the shooting victims, riding in
this minivan, stopped for help.

SSubscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader calendar .......................-6 Opinion................... A4
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news, Classified ......................B-5 Police Beat ....................A-5
sports and advertising information for the Beaches. Fishing B-3 Sports ..... ...........B-1
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S 14 B h CopriBght 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
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Condo issues are topic
A Senate bill on condonuni-
um owners' rights, vetoed by
Gov. leb Bush recently, will get
a public airing in Jacksonville
Beach Thursday.
The town hall meeting will
be held at 6 p.m. at
Jacksonville Beach City Hall,
11 N. 3rd St. The public is
invited. :
The' bill would reduce the
percentage.: of condominium
owner consent needed to ter-
minate a condominium if it:
were destroyed in a natural dis-
"The law now requires 100
, percent approvalto terminate,.
and the bill that was vetoed
would have dropped the
requirement to 80 percent of a
condo's ownership.
Some condominium owners
have said it would be difficult
to get the OK of 100 percent of
a condo project's ownership, at
least in part because some unit
owners live out of state, said
Kristen Ploska, press secretary
for the Department of Business
and Professional Regulation.

That department is hosting
Thursday's meeting, one of
eight such meetings around
the state.
Bush had suggested the
department seek public input
on condominium termination
after he vetoed Senate Bill
1556, saving the .bill might
infringe on individual proper-
ty rights.
The department will report
the findings from the meetings
to the governor, the President
of the Senate and the Speaker
of the House by Oct. 1.
For more information, visit

Israel's crisis examined
Rabbi Sholom Hammer, a
former member of the Israeli
Defense Forces (IDFI and the
IDF Rabbinate, is scheduled to
talk about Israel's current crisis
Aug. 5 at Chabad @' the
Beaches on State Road AIA in
Ponte Vedra.
Among the questions
Hammer plans to address are
"Where does Israel go from
,here?" and "How to save Israel,

Democrats visit


The Ponte Vedra Democratic
Club will host a fund raiser for-
Alex Sink, candidate for Florida
Chief Financial Officer, from
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, Aug. 2 at the
home of David and Bernadette
Miron, 3277 Old Barn Road
W., PonteVedra.
The fund raiser will be fol-
lowed by the club's regular,
monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m.
at the Ponte Vedra-,Beach
Branch Library.
Speakers at the meeting will
be Sink and Jack Chagnon.
candidate for the Seventh
Congressional District seat in
the U.S. House. of
Representatives, now held by
Republican John Mica of
Winter Park..
Also attending will be Dee
Dee Smith, wife of gubernato-
rial candidate Rod Smith.
Sink's career in finance spans
over 25 years and ended with
her retirement as Florida's
highest-ranking female bank
president. After 19 years in
banking, Sink became presi-
dent of Florida for
NationsBank, which later
became Bank of America. She
managed more than $40, bil-

lion in assets while supervising
more than 9,000 employees in
800 branches.
She is vice chair of Florida
TaxWatch,".: a. nonprofit
research institute that advo-
cates fiscal responsibility in
government and cost-savings
for taxpayers.
Chagnon received his B.A. in
political science and govern-,
Sment and a master's of educa-
Stion degree
He taught social studies in
the public school systems of
Vi rginia, Massachusetts ,and
Washington,. D.C., as well as
coached high-school-evel
baseball and lacrosse. Most
recently, .he. taught economics
at St. Gerard High School for
Girls in St. Augustine.
He also was a developer in
Washington, D.C., and served
as the organizer and general
manager of the Montachusetts
Mohawks, a ,seinipro football
team in Pittsfield, Mass.'
For more information on
attending the fund raiser, call
Bernadette Miron at 543-9543.
All meetings of the Ponte
Vedra Democratic Club are
open to the public. For more
information, call club presi-
dent Barbara Paterick at 273-

Jewish Unity."
"Rabbi Shalom Hammer is
one of the outstanding young
educators and scholars in
Israel," says Rabbi Nochum
Kurinsky, director of Chabad @'
the Beaches.
"He combines a great talent
to communicate and relate to
audiences, an outstanding
knowledge of Judaism, and a
practical understanding of the
modern world. His style of
speaking is entertaining. His
message is vital."
The lecture will take place at
9:30 p.m., following a
Havdala Ceremony, and will
include refreshments. Chabad
@( the Beaches is at 521 State
Road A1A, across from the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
The cost of this lecture is $36
with advance registration. To
register or for more informa-
tion call Chabad @' the Beaches
at 543-9301.

Boards have openings
St. Johns County is seeking
residents of the Ponte Vedra
Zoning District to fill three
vacancies on the Ponte Vedra
Zoning and Adjustment Board.
The deadline is Aug. 11.
Board members must file

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S100 OFF 1st Month's
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Lic. C04DUOS45AFr

financial disclosure state-
Other vacancies on boards in
St. Johns County are as fol-
One on the Library
Advisory Board. The deadline
is Sept. 6.
Three on the Arts/Grants
Funding Panel. Preferred are
residents of Count),
Commission Districts 1, 2 and
3. The deadline is Sept. 8.
For information, contact
Jenny 0' Dell at 209-0549.

Seniors kayak tour
A guided kayak tour for sen-
iors is scheduled Aug. 5 in the
Guana reserve south of Ponte
,edra Beach. The cost is $65.
SThe tour, scheduled 8 a.m. to
11 a.m., will be given by Great

Outdoors Kayak. Space is lim-
ited. To make a reservation,
call Julia Wright, site coordina-
tor at the Palm Valley Senior
Center, at 316-0154.

First aid classes given
SClasses on first aid will be
given -from 2 p.m. to 3 p,m.
Aug. 1 and Aug. 8 at the Palm
Valley Senior Center, 148
Canal Blvd., Ponte Vedra. The
cost is $5. ..
Persons who wish to attend
should attend both sessions.
The public is invited to take
the course. .. .
', ', ,infor- .
matibn,.'all Julia :wight; 'site
coordinator of the Palm
Valley Senior Center, at 315-

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organizations, schools and churches. ,'

By partnering with us, we can help your
group meet your fundrai 4lg goals.

Call 1eve Fouraker for detail 249-9033

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The Beaches
are online at:


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ly download
forms to submit
information on:
births, engage- i
ments, weddings':
and more;

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juli 26, 006


The Beaches Leader/Pdnte Vedra Leader

I i

JULy u, ~ u -

S Coninued from A-I
; Vonasek attributed the coun-
ty's current financial problems
to several policies that the
county has adopted.
Among' those policies, he
said, are borrowing funds for
capital projects, approving
projects out of priority order
and'bonimitting to projects
that are expensive to operate
Commissioner Bruce
Maguire of Ponte Vedra Beach
said at 'the meeting that he
agreed with Vonasek about the
need formore revenue and the
need ,td pibritize capital proj-
"I have been saying all along
that we're too .dependent on
property taxes," Maguire said
aftekthe meeting. -.
Maguire sad.he is trying to
rally support'for a 1-cent.sales
tax for transportation needs
and recreation projects such as
public-iWiminng pools.
A plan to build new swim-
ming pools including one at
Cornerstone Park in Ponte
Vedra was' moved up on the
county's pririity :list above a
new Emergency Operations
Center and an' 80-megahertz
communications system.
.' .;

"We need a swimming pool
in Ponte Yedra like we need a
hole in the head," former
county commissioner Mary
,Kohnke said in Monday's
meeting. ,
But Maguire said he support-
ed the swimming pools.
He said none of the county's
emergency agencies the
Sheriff's Office, the fire depart-
ment and the emergency man-
agement department told
him the new center and com-
munications system were a top
Therefore, Maguire said,
those projects fell below the
swimming pools.
In phone interviews
Monday, however, Emergency
Management Director' Ray
Ashton, Fire Chief Bobby Hail
and Sheriff's Office Chief of
Staff Joel Bolante said those
items are a top priority for
Each declined to say, howev-
er, whether those projects
should take precedence over
swimming pools.
Vonasek told Coalition
members that St. Johns County
is not badly in debt.
"St. Johns County does not
have an excessive amount of

debt," he said. "What they
have is a revenue issue."

"St. Johns County

does not have an exces-

siye amount of debt.
What they have is a

revenue issue."

Joe Vonasek, former
director of St. Johns County's
budget office

He said the county's current
commissioners can either fol-
low the advice of these studies
to increase revenue, or citizens
can elect new leadership for
their county with a "taxpayer
The two required hearings
for adoption of the count),
budget are scheduled Sept. 5
and Sept. 19 in the county
auditorium, St. Augustine. The
fiscal year begins Oct. 1.

SBdget: 1-cent sales tax suggested

Millage: Hearing Sept.


Continued from A-1

While all commissioners
agreed with the purpose of the
law, Stevenson had doubts on
the wording of the ordinance
and voted against it.
She said in the meeting that
the law. seemed to Invade the
coast guard's jurisdiction arnd
seemed difficult to enforce.
"I don't want to create some-
thing, that's going to be costly
for us to enforce," Stevenson
said Tuesday.
Maj. James Acosta, code'
enforcement supervisor for St.
Johns County, told commis-
sioners that the law would be
"difficult at best to enforce."
Acosta said the county would
need to hire more people to
inspect docks and said it could
take longer than 45 days to
ensure that all docks are in
He said it would be hard to
locate violators because they
would typically be reported to
the county by boaters passing a
dock at night.
It would be nice to have the
address of a violator, he said,
but those are hard to see at
night and from the water.


The board's vote Tuesday was
not the final approval for the
millage rate, which could
change as',the county balances
its budget.
The final millage rate
approval will be made in
County: Commission hearings
Sept. 5 and Sept. 19.

Condos: They are rising, but demand is dwindling

Continued from A-I

said rising construction costs
lave limited developer flexi-
bility when pricing their
condo units.
-After Hurricane Katrina left
so much damage inri the Gulf
and coastal communities, the
cost of building materials
Such as concrete rose approxi-
mately 20 percent, he said.
-With a developer's costs ris-
ing, not only have market
prices fo'llwed suit, but
deyelop.ers who sought to
capitalize on the condo trend
have become discouraged, he
"Jhat is the advantage that
Srests .wih the people that got
in at ai lower price," Werner
sail0'".lThe price of concrete
.wJnt up after Katrina when
[6g project .were under way.
New people just coming out
of, the ground will feel the
Pier Point, a mixed-use
development witi 58 resi'den-
tial ,units and 8,000 squa re
fee dchp.mrial pac.'.
prg.ehttso)ld, with 17 units
still available.
Wernier said demand for
those units has kept a' steady.
pace, largely because the pric-
ing is. competitive.
SThe, i.its, ranging from
"$400,0o )tq;" $4600,000 each,
a .pice at $165 to !75 per
square foot, whereas prices for
sb mei new projects. hover
artiOund' 25 per square fbot,
he said,,, ... .... ,, ,
SFacing ceasingg costs and
increasing tinvyenftry,/ devel-
6pers of many -of the' 18 per-
mitted projects just getting
out of the ground and those
that -i'll follow will face more
difficlties recduping expens-
es and offering competitive
pricing, he said.
An associate in Werner's
office, wld declined to be
identified, said' that skyrock-
eting fuel costs also are forc-
ing people to be more savvy
with their shopping.
"With a slowing market,
people are still looking. They
are just more, cautious," said
the associate. "But they still
Reatobr.,'Elzabeth Hudgins
of Prnidedlfial etwvork Realty
said the city's 35-foot-height
restriction will riot only stop
high rises from further erod-
ing prime beach front proper-
ty, it will also safeguard the
future of the condo market by
limiting the inventory, avail-
able to potential buyers.
"I think [the future] will be
great because they are not
building any more. What you
see is what you get. High rises
argth''gfi o' be at a premium,"
slhe said. "This is, not going to
bi a high rise'community. It
will help keep the character of
tie coririiilty, and I'm glad

P--;-4;~~~~rarlr~~~~Y .. -

ir r iI/-, [- L.. ,' i :' i J, .' r pihdaobUZAM&nt HEji
The Pier Point Condominiums is 70 percent sold, despite a lag
in condominium sales.

of that."
Werner said the' rising cost
of living -is changing the face
of the Beaches .community
and the quaint coastal charac-
ter that many' citizens fought
to preserve when the height
restriction was passed in
November 2004.
As housing costs rise, ,own-
ers of some older apartment :
buildings raise monthly rents,
which can help the owners
with increasing expenses but'
may drive out tenants whose
incomes may not be showing
a comparable increase, he
"It used to be that in an old
junkie beach apartment, you
could get four or five guys all
working in the service indus-
try that could afford an apart-
ment at the beach," he said.
"When the landlords raise
the rent on these older build-
ings, the guys that work in
the service industry can't
afford it any more. But the
people that can afford to live
there, don't want to," Werner
Some property owners are
finding relief by selling aging
apartments and duplexes to
developers to convert into
smaller condominiums, fur-
ther flushing out the younger
demographic unable to foot
the bill for a "reasonably
priced" $400,000 unit, he
"Homes are disappearing.
The face is changing. The
social classiat the beach is
changing because it's become
so expensive," Werner said.
Despite the lagging market,

Hudgins said she is confident
she will find buyers for Ocean
Park, a condominium under
construction at 5th Avenue
South and 1st Street South,
across from the',city's ocean-
front park.
Those units, two per floor,
each having 2,277 square feet,
ocean views and an elevator
keyed to each floor, start at
$897,000. According to the
Ocean Park Web site, eight of
the 17 units remain to be
Hudgins said the amenities
in new construction make up
for the cost when weighed
against, comparably priced
older homes and apartments.
With more than 50 years qf
combined real estate experi-
ence, Werner and Hudgins
recall the real estate lull that
hit the Beaches in the '80s.
"The market goes through
cycles. We will see a leveling
off," Werner said.
"If you want to buy, waiting
is not going to help. You are
not going to steal any proper-
ty, but you are still going to
get a good value."
The prospect of a dry spell
reminiscent of the '80s period
"scares us a little bit," Werner
said, because "it took 15 years
to recover.
Hudgins said she has
enjoyed watching the ups and
downs the market has experi-
enced since she came to the
Beaches in 1981.
"It's been kind of fun seeing
it," she said. "I wish we'd
bought everything we saw
back then. We could all

This notice paid for with public donations

FREE to the public!
Weight Loss & Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy
Health Awareness Clinics essay. Sign in and immediately Wednesday Aug 2,7:30p
is providing therapiststoadminis- receivetreaime. Quality Inn & Conf..Center
ter weight'loss and stop smok- Health Awareness Clinics is 300 Park Ave.
ing, group hypnotic therapy. a non-profit organization. They ORANGE PARK
For many people, this rely on donations to make treat- Thursday Aug. 3,7:30pm
therapy reduces 2 to 3 clothing ment available to those in need. Comfort Inn Oceanfront
sizes and/or stops smoking. A modest $5.00 donation when 1 N 11 ,h I ,

Funding for this project
comes from public donations.
Anyone who wants treatment
will receive professional hypno-
therapy free from charge.
An appointment is not nec-

signing in is appreciated.
Only one 2 hour session is
needed for desirable results.
HeallhAwarenessClinics. Org
Sign in 30 min. early

Si i) i.oriLi lst nt.
Friday Aug. 4, 7:30pm
Racquet Park Conf. Center
Amelia Island Plantation
6800 1st Coast Hwy

Continued from A-1

Property owners in the Ponte
Vedra Municipal Service.
District generally the area
east of State Road A1A to
Corona Road and along Ponte
Vedra Boulevard pay an
additional tax. This year, the
MSD tax is 37 cents per $1,000
in assessed valuation.

-.l ~~~L' .




The Beachecs -Leader/Ponte.Vedra Leader

Page 3A*

')A ')AAA





July 26, 2006

- -- -I


Letters to the editor:

Digging upgrades progress?

To the editor:
This is in response to the
article in The Beaches Leader,
dated 7-21-06, concerning
the location of the Lee
Kirkland Cemetery.
I was born, and raised here
at the beach. And, for all of
those 53 years I have known
that section of Beach
Boulevard was a cemetery
for black people.
How can anyone dispute
that? just because D.O.T, the
city, or whatever construc-
tion company decides they
need a piece of that property
to widen Beach Boulevard,
does that mean they are
allowed to just "dig up" that
section without any care or
concern for the people, and
the families of the people
who are buried there?
What's next? Warren
Smith Cemetery? Need a
piece of that? Help your-
selves! Anything to serve the

Jax Beach doesn't look like
Jax Beach any more. In fact,
it doesn't ever look like
Daytona Beach. Now, it only
bears a strong resemblance
to South Miami Beach.
It's disgusting. Digging up
graves is progress? I wonder
how enthusiastic the Powers
That Be would like to have
their relatives disturbed, all
in the name of progress, of
course? I'm guessing, they
wouldn't be happy at all.
The City, and D.O.T., can
use any and all devises they
want to, and come up with
the solution that most fits
their intentions, But, that
property has, and always will"
be, Lee Kirkland Cemetery.
May God rest their souls.
Maxine Terrell, and Pride
have my utmost respect for
fighting this intrusion.
Paula A. Kersch
Jacksonville Beach

"Copyrighted Material

Saynldicate ContenT

Available from Commercial News Providers"'

Don't go to a jeweler to have a cleaning

I just finished reading a
SCity ,oun m *news story from down in
Thank you City CounRilman Palm Beach County. Looks
like the same folks who had
trouble casting a ballot also
To the Editor, 100% -handicap accessible. can't tell the difference
As a citizen and councilor Many of the playground ele- between a dentist and a jew-
of the City of Neptune ments can be used for physi- eler.
Beach, I would like to com- cal therapy and other devel- Seems the Blue Diamond
mend Jacksonville City opmental programs. Jewelry Shop in Palm Springs
Councilman Art Graham for Neptune Beach Elementary has been fitting, not so val-
his' assistance with two is a regional site for the ued customers, with gold
recent projects via funds national MOVE (Mobility caps on their teeth using
from the City.of Jacksonville Opportunities Via most unsavory equipment.
Parks & Recreation Education) program one of Several unlicensed dentists
Department. only 16 in U. S. and only one cast the crowns using tools
First, Councilman Graham in the state of Florida. This stored in a back room sur-
secured funds to renovate playground will be instru- rounded by, to put it mildly,
the tennis courts, located' in mental in making a differ- garbage.
Jarboe Park. ence in the lives of the stu- According to the AP, one of
The renovation has dents and other children in the "dentists" was arrested
enhanced our public park our community. seconds before she was going
and made it more enjoyable I 'appreciate his involve- to place caps in the mouth of
tor all Beaches Community ment in our Beaches com- an undercover cop! And he'd.
citizens. munity and his efforts' to have looked so dashing with
Second, Councilman. enhance our quality of life. those two shiny new front
Graham's support of the Fred."Fel" Lee teeth.
"Playground by the Sea," a Citizen & Councilor Some of the "patients" got
playground designed to be Neptune Beach .infections from the nasty
nu4le none. of em
Wake up call for Atlantic Beach lock jaw. If 1 even touch the
head of a rust), hail, I go get a
tetanus shot and not from a
To the editor, Commissioner Simmons mechanic, a barber, a pizza
Wake up "Old Atlantic who is the only one living in .delivery guy or a jeweler. I
Beach." "Old Atlantic Beach"). want to see the certified legal
Your mayor and your com- Our commission actually plaque on the wall before
missioners are pushing to said they want Atlantic somebody even takes my
reduce your current property Beach to be more like temperature.
rights by more than 50 per- Neptune Beach and A very dear old friend of
cent, but they don't feel this Jacksonville Beach.
is good for the rest -of Bryan Barker
Atlantic Beach, including Atlantic Beach .. ... _.


Lengthy letters may be edited as space
We will not consider letters that; do not bear a
signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification.
If you have a question about news coverage call
249-9033 during business hdurs, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Weddings, engagements, birth announcements
and obituaries are published free of charge for
the community. Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements is also welcome.




Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, The Bearbes Leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher

Chuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minion
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse

Amy BoUn
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris ;
Ted Lamb


mine happens to be a jeweler.
He has the Midas touch with
anything you wrap arqund
your neck, arm, finger or
ankle. I trust him with any
ring,'bracelet, necklace and
watch that my wife and I
possess. But anything we own
that you clean with Colgate
or Crest is the last thing I'd
expect to.see him about..
' HPdlthink I was losing ,'m-'
mind, not that 'm iimplying '!,
that was happening to the
"dental patients" of the Blue
Diamond Jewelry Shop.
They've already lost their
Didn't these people know
that something was slightly
out of kilter? "Hmmm, I
wonder why I'm not sitting
in one of those big reclining

seats with that little sink next
to it swirling around. Those
instruments aren't all shiny
and silver and it doesn't
smell like rubbing alcohol in
That's because you're in a
jewelry store you goof, and
that "instrument" was
bought at the hardware store
and hasn't been cleaned since
George W. Bush's daddy was
in office.
When I go to a dentist I
look. for several things to
make sure he or she is the
person whose fingers I want
prodding around in my face.
They better have nice
offices with nitrous oxide
readily available. Even for a
cleaning, I have to have my
dad gum laughing gas. A
luxury car parked out front
screams success to me. "My
word, the man drives a
domestic compact, cancel my
Not so analytical are our
frferidM ihiSouth flibidhj'' *--
about choosihg-sotnedrfe.for' *
their oral health. Maybe they
thought the quality of the
gold would be better from
Blue Diamond Jewelers than
Doc Jones. "I won't have any-
thing less than 18 karats in
my mouth and look, it's guar-
anteed for a life time!" I'm
sure it is, and that's probably
going to be about three days!

s to the editor:

Apply direct pressure to fire chief

To the Editor:
I read your article on July
19, 2006, with much interest.
I have been a citizen of Jax
Beach since 1979. I'served the
Jax Beach Fire Department for
over 6 years before moving on
to the Jacksonville Fire Rescue
Department in 1994. While a
competitive salary was one of
my motivating factors it was
not the only thing. The collat-
'eral duties of a firefighter in
JBFD can be overwhelming.
Morale was bad, although
under a different fire chief, I
'expressed my concerns in my
exit interview, although I
think my concerns fell on

deaf ears.
I agree with the mayor that
the fire chief will have a hard
time maintaining an
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
engine in Jar Beach. It is not
just'equipment, maintenance
and ALS medications, it is
what you do with the equip-
ment. When you have such a
high turnover the experience
level also suffers.
Is the City of Jax Beach will-
ing to accept this kind of lia-
bility. I am not criticizing the
firefighters of the JBFD.
Whenever I have been on
calls with them they give 110

So how does the depart-
ment stop the hemorrhage of
firefighters to St. Johns and
Jacksonville Fire Department?
It's not 'by paying less and
expecting more. It's by apply-
ing direct pressure to the fire
chief to provide a better work
environment and better pay.
Maybe the city of Jax Beach
should consider letting the
City of Jacksonvile provide
services, as Atlantic and
Neptune Beach have done. I
believe we are paying taxes for
services to Jacksonville any-
Pete Ironside
Jacksonville Beach

"Copyrighted Material

4 Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

I II ,


A leg up

"I complained" about having
no shoes until I found a man
who had no feet."
That bit of biblical philoso-
phy is one which might be
especially appropriate these
days when so many of our '.
armed forces veterans are
coming home from Iraq as
amputees. Losing a limb is
obviously a traumatic, life-
altering experience that no
one but the victim can truly
That's why I've been amazed
by the way in which some of
these vets have rolled with the
devastating punch which life
has thrown at them.
Recently, there was a news
item on TV showing a
returned amputee who went
jogging with President Bush.
Impressive adaptation to the
loss of a limb is, however, not'
confined to members of the'
A prime example is Kenny
Owen, age 37. On July 13,
1997, he was walking home at
night in Jacksonville, and;
when crossing railroad' tracks;
tripped and fell, gashing his
head and knocking himself'
out. A passing train ran' over
him and cut off his leg.'
Later, another train came
through, again without seeing
him.. Finally, the engineer of a
third train spotted his body,- : i
and he was soon aboard a Life
Flightigoing to University
Hospital: (now called Shands).,:
He,:had lost seven pints of
blood but still survived.
During. his recovery and later,
though, he was in the'dol-
drums mentally. "I went very
far down'," he told me. "I
hated everybody in the
world." He said it took him.
several years to get over it.
Now, having been fitted.with
an artificial leg (via the help
of a special friend) and land-
ing a job, his attitude is back
in the good zone, He even
met the 911 operator who
took the call.
At American Legion Post
129, where he's a member of
the Sons of the American
Legion unit (through his dad,
Edward John Owen), he
enjoys dancing and amazes
people with his agility, espe-
cially without his replacement
leg on. He can hop like an '
energetic rabbit and relearred
how to ride a bicycle, pedaling
with one leg' and turning
heads in the process.
Actually, his metal limb isn't
an unmixed blessing. Hie
admits that sometimes it gets
heavy and he reverts to
crutches or justy"hops"
around. Nevertheless, his
sense of humor is obviously..
restored, and he can joke
about his situation; e.g., that
it wasn't his fault if the train
was running on time.
How did Kenny shake the
blues? He explained, "I got
tired of being 'poor' me'."

Send letters to:
The Editor, The
Leader, P.O.
Box 50129,
Jacksonville i-
Beach, Fla. "
32240, or send
e-mail to: edi-
tor @beach-

Avoid personal
attacks, and
type or write
your comrn-
ments legibly.

Pabe 4A


I .wwuahwalcho deacom

Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963

.zviore LetLer

SDirector ofSales
Karen Stepp
Vice President

Display Ad Sales
Pete Bryant
Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith

Business Office
Char Coffman

Advertising &

MarTe dams
John Clements
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones

Steve Fouraker

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Pont Vedra Leader
Jennifer Wise
ie President

Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay


w w



July 26, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A


SOn July 18, St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office was contacted
by a Ponfe Vedra homeowners
association president regarding
damage to a light pole follow-
ing an. altercation by juveniles.
According -to the police
report, a juvenile admitted to
throwing a skateboard but'said
there was no intention to harm
anyone or cause damage. The
juvenile's family will be
charged by the homeowners
association for .the, cost of the
damages. t"- ".:
*U *
A Porite' Vedra resident con-
tacted the St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office after finding
payroll checks, a credit card,
anfd.pther cards outside a busi-
\ ness:in the 100 block of Solana
Road on July 20. The deputy
collected the property and sub-
mitted.it for evidence, accord-
ing to a police report.

Burglaries to two, vehicles
parked' in the- porth Guana
parking lot in,the 1500 block
of StateRoad AIA were report-
ed by the Owners on July' 21.
The front passenger window
was smashed to gain entry to
both vehicles.. -
The owners of both vehicles
reported seeing a black four-
'do6r Toyota in the parking lot
with a male sitting inside,
according to a police 'report. ,.
.--ihe owner of a 1999 Dodge
van. reported parking the vehi-
cle at 3:30 p.m. and returning
to the vehicle at 5 p.mn.,: A
purse, wallet, credit cards,
checkbook, cell phone, keys,
and a watch with a total value
of $245 were reported missing
along with $300 in damages to
the car's window.
The owner of a 2004 Cadillac
reported parking the vehicle at
2:30 p.m. and returning after 5
p.m. A purse, DVD player,
briefcase, cell phone, diaper
bag, keys, checkbook and cred-
Sit cards valued at $1,052 were
' reported .missing along with
S300 in damages to the car's

A dispute between neighbors
in.the 100 block of Villa del
. Mar :was .reported to St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office on July
21. According to :aL .ioljice
reporLai-d.eputy inntformed.tiJ
Residents that their, dispute was
a civil matter..an'd a trespass
warning was, given to one of
the people involved.

A resident of Porpoise Point
Drive reported on July 21 that
a watch valued at $1,000 had
been missing from the resi-
dence since July 31, 2005,
according to a police report.

.A-burglary to two vehicles
parked at a residence in the
first block of Sea Winds Lane
East w'as reported by the own-
ers. At 7 a.m. on July 21, the
owners found doors to their
mini \an and SUV open. Both
vehicles had been parked in
the driveway at 11:30 p.m. on
July 20. According to a police

report, an iPod, wallet and
cooler were missing from the
vehicles. The wallet and cooler
Were both recovered.

A 45-year old Jacksonville
resident was injured in an
industrial accident on Marsh
Cove 'Drive on July 22.-
Accqrding to the police report,
the victim fell from scaffolding
and was transported by Fire
and Rescue to Baptist Beaches
Hospital where 'it Was deter-
mined thatC he had a broken

A St. Johns County Sheriff's
deputy responded to an audi-
ble alarm .at a business in the
900 block of State Road A1A N.
at 10:57 p.m. on July 23.
According to a police report, a
brick was used to smash glass
doors causing, $1,000 in dam-'
ages, and a paint sprayer val-
ued at $2,300 was missing.

A resident of, Cay Lobos,
Court. reported being cut by
unknown.males while he was.
walking in the vicinity of the-
Remington Apartments on July
Thie 'ictii was transported
by Fire and Rescue to Beaches,
Baptist Hospital and treated for
cuts above his right eye.
SAccording to a police report,
the victim's mother said that
he told her he had fallen down
a flight of stairs. The deputy
determined that there was not
enough probable cause to sup-
port battery taking place.,

A 28-year old Ponte Vedra
Beach woman reported a bur-
glary to her vehicle while it
was in the driveway of her
home in the 800 block of
Baytree Lane that occurred
overnight on day last week.
-According to a report filed by
Deputy Brian Alli, entry into
the vehicle was gained through
an unlocked door. Reported
stolen from her purse were sev-
eral credit cards, 10 assorted
gift cards and a checkbook.
Total value stolen was more
than $4,000.

A necklace valued at $900
was reported stolen from a res-
idence JuIidiilin thel(JO bdloc-k,i
of C).eaim.eulevard,.,-.rt- i.?,-

Three windows at Donner
Community Center, 2072
George Street, were reported
shot out with a BB gun July 19.
A battery was reported July
19 in the 400 block of Aquatic

A 30-year-old Atlantic Beach
man reported July 18 that he
was bitten by a stray dog July
18 in the 100 block of Saratoga
Circle South.

A 30-year-old Atlantic Beach
woman reported July 18 that
she was assaulted by her 31-
year-old boyfriend at their resi-
dence in the 200 block of Main
Street. Police have issued an

arrest wan

A tag was
from a vehic
first block of.

Charles Ha
of Jacksonv
arrested and (
ual battery Ju
block of Saill

A stolen vel
recovered Jul
block of Plaza

Jessica Lori
Atlantic Bea
and charged
tery July 23 i
of Richardsor
to a police re]

A burglary.
reported' July
Block of May

- Aburglary
reported July
block of Mars

Fishing equ
$700 was rep
a residence Ju
block of Trail

.A domest
reported Jul.y
block of Penn

An employ
$218 worth
were missing
July 22 in t
Atlantic Boul

A taxi drive
in the while
.1100 block o
his vehicle w

The tags t
reported stol
2100 block oJ

A bicycle v
reported sto
dence in th
Seagate Aven

Air conditi

rant for the control of a motor vehicle in
the 1400 block of Constitution
Place, according to a police
reported stolen report.
le July 19 in the Officers responded to a
Ardella Road. report of a a suspicious package
* containing three pounds of
irden Denny, 24, marijuana addressed to the
ille Beach..was defendant that was intercept-
charged \ith sex- ed by police, in Truckee, Calif. .
ily 20 in the 100 An undercover agent deliv-
fish Drive. police ered the package which
Klimenko's mother signed for.
.. Kliinenko was observed leaving
hicle was reported the residence a few minutes
y 20 in the 900 later with thebox in his hands.
I; '- A traffic stop was initiated and
:. he was arrested without inci-
.ce Brown, 18, of dent, police said.
ch was arrested *
with felony bat- Strong armed robbery was
n the 1600 block reported July 23 in the 700
r Lane, according block of 5th Ave. S. The 25-
port. year-old victim told police that
he was beaten by about 15
to. a business was teenage suspects for trying to
S23 in the 400 retrieve two cell phones stolen
port Road. earlier in the day in the" same
*' area. When he returned, the
-suspects attacked him and
BEACH stole a video game. The victim
to a residence was suffered a possible broken
S24 in the 2200 nose, police said.
shpoint Road. *
* ,hi A stolen vehicle was reported
lipment valued at July 24 in the 20(0 block of
orted stolen from 12th Ave. S. A,2004 yellow Jeep
ily 24 in the 1200 Wrangler valued at $20,000
wood Drive. was secured in the driveway
*,. when the owner came home
ic battery was' form work at 11:30 p.m. A.
23 in the 800 neighbor noticed the vehicle
nan Road. missing at 3:30 p.m.

,ee reported that .Car jacking was reported July
of Lottery tickets 23 in the 1800 block of The
from a business Greens \Vay. The 62-year-old
he 300 block of victim told police that he
evard. allowed a 37-year-old: woman
* ., to stay at his residence. The
ar reported July 22 victim said he declined to let
driving along the the woman borrow his 2101
)f Seagate Avenue gray Inhniti valued at $10,000.
as stuck by a bot- The suspect took the keys
while he was in a rear bedroom
and the victim observed her
o a vehicle were run down the sidewalk and
en luly 17 in the jump into the passenger seat ot
f the oceanfront. his vehicle. He attempted to
chase her down but an
allied at $i25 was unknown male suspect with a
len from a resi- bald head pulled out a black'
e 1100 block of pistol and pointed .it at his
ue. face, telling him to "hold on
big boy."
oning equipment The man got into the driver's

valued at $250 was reported
stolen ironma vehicle JulyIl.9-in
the- ,rl40imbiLockk' of :atl~i.tiim

An Identification fraud was
reported July 20 in the 1500
block of Spindrift Circle West.

Christina Marie Lewis, 24, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with possession of
crack cocaine and child neglect
July 20 in the 200 block of
Lemon Street, according to a
police report.

Matvey Anthony Klimenko,
21, of Jacksonville Beach was
arrested July 18 and charged
with possession of over 20
grams of marijuana and felony
possession of a controlled sub-
stance while in the physical

seat and backed up, almost hit-
ting the victim who had to
jump out of the way. The vehi-
cle was later recovered in a
known-drug area, police said.
Landscaping equipment val-
ued at $1,050 was reported
stolen July 23 from a trailer
parked in a car port in the 1700
block of 9th Ave. N. Suspects
failed to cut a lock securing
other equipment, police said.

A stolen vehicle was reported
July 22 in. the 500 block of 1st
St. S. A white 2003 Ford was
stolen from the oceanfront
park lot after an unknown sus-
pect took the victim's keys
from a towel on the beach.
Also stolen was the victim's
credit cards, drivers license,
wallet and cell phone.

A 23-year-old Jacksonville
Beach woman was arrested July
22 and charged with offering
for or engaging in prostitution
as a. massage therapist at a
condo in the 1500 block of 1st
St. S. An undercover officer
offered an extra $300 for addi-
tional sexual services following
a regular 40 minute massage.
The woman was then arrested,
police said. .
S' oo* ** ,
A stolen vehicle was reported
July 22 in the 1000 block of 1st
Ave. N. A gray 1998 Chrysler
Concorde valued at $5,000 was
-stolen between 2 a.m., and
9:30 a.m.-the car was unlocked
and the keys were in the con-
sole, police said.
SCliminal mischief was
reported July 21 at a condo-
minium in the 900 block of ist
St. S. An unknown male sus-
pect wearing jeans and no shirt

jumped a fence on the east side
of the property and threw sev-
eral pieces of patio furniture
into the pool before fleeing on

A gas drive off was reported
july 20 at a convenience store
in the 2500 block of 3rd St. S.
The driver of a dump truck
with a red tail gate pumped
$171.46 worth of diesel fuel
and drove off without paying.
A witness followed the truck to
obtain the tag number.
Johnnie Douglas Lloyd Jr.,
21, of Crescent City, Fla. was
arrested July 21 and charged
with battery on a law enforce-
ment officer at a night club in
the 400 block of 1st St. N.
Police said Lloyd was escorted
out of the club for causing a
disturbance and suddenly ran
back inside and tried to grab a
beer bottle. The security officer
grabbed his arm in a struggle
and was able to restrain him on
the ground, according to a
police report.

Bobby Lee Scifres, 39, a tran-
sient, was arrested July 22 and
charged with battery on a law
enforcement officer in the first
block of 1st St. N., according to
a police report. Scifres was
observed drinking in public
and was arrested after he
attempted to conceal his beer
under his shirt. When police
tried to handcuff him, the
defendant fell to the ground, as
if he were .having a seizure.
Rescue personnel treated him
and Scifres kicked an officer
,across both legs when he heard
him say his condition was fake,
police said.

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Sawgrass Sport Shooting

Assoc. receives $10,000 grant

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$ Q /:Yr 'j~$" '

Paul Brown, left, president of the Sawgrass Sport Shooting Association and Anita
Laramore, of the Friends of NRA Grant Committee.

The Sawgrass Sport Shooting Association at 1 Sawgrass Rd. in Jacksonville Beach received
the hloida National Rifle Association Grant Foundation's largest grant ever.
The 1$10,000 will go towards renovating the SSSA's FOP Lodge 317 shooting range as part
of the "Safe and Sound" program. When the renovation is completed the club will be offer-
ing gun safety classes to the public.
,', .. .' . .

The Beaches Health Center
Expert care. Close to Home. 1522 Penman Road
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Wednesdoy, July
Republican Club: The
Republican Club of Ponte Vedra
Beach will meet at 6:30 p.m. at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Golf and
Country Club in Sawgrass.
Penny Halyburton, St. Johns
County Supervisor of Elections,
is the scheduled speaker. Call
273-6900 for information.
Thursday, July 27
Movie night: The Fleet
Reserve Association, 390
Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach,
will have a free "Movie Night"
for family and friends from 6 to
9 p.m. Snacks are available.
Celebration XIII: The dry of
Jacksonville Beach's Carver
Recreational Center Summer
Camp presents its 13th annual
art exhibit and drama perform-
ance, "Celebration XIII:
Change It Up!" The perform-
ance will be held at 7 p.m. at
the Jacksonville Beaches
Woman's Club, 1315 N. 2nd
Ave., Jacksonville' Beach. The
presentation consists of a visual
art exhibit and an original the-
ater, dance and, musical event.
The event is free and open to
the public. Call 247-6218 or
247-8337 for information.

Friday, July 2
Guys and Dolls: "Guys and
Dolls" will have a limited run at
the Florida Community College
at Jacksonville Nathan H.
Wilson Center for the Arts'
main stage, 11901 Beach Blvd.
Times are 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
today; 1 and 8 p.m. July 29; and
2 p.m. July 30. Tickets range
from $8 to $15, and may be
reserved by calling 646-2222 or

Steak night: The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Fleet Reserve
Association, 390 Mayport Road,
Atlantic Beach, will have "Steak
Night" from 5 to 9 p.m. The
cost is $10, and the public is

Summer potluck: Per-
sephone Healing Arts Center,
485 6th Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach, will have a summer
potluck and grill out from 5:30
to 8 p.m. Call 246-3583 to

Exhibition opening: The
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach will host an opening
reception from 6 to 8 p.m. for
Sally Broadwell's fabric art exhi-
bition. A fabric arts lecture byJo
Sinclair, the show's curator, is
free to the public at 11 a.m.
Monday, July 31. The center is
located at 50 Executive Way,
Ponte. Vedra Beach. Call 280-
0614 or visit www.ccpvb.org for
Through Our Eyes:
"Through Our Eyes 2006: A
Legacy Illuminated," works by
23 local artists using the history.
of Jacksonville's African
American community as a cata-
lyst, is on display through Sept.
29 in the Ritz Theatre & LaVilla

Saturday, July 29
Gator Gathering: The Gator
Club of Jacksonville will have
its annual Gator Gathering
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Morocco
Shrine Center, 3800 5. St. Johns
Bluff Road, Jacksonville. 642-

Benefit concert: Tenor Roger
J. Geronimo, soprano Barbara
Norris and bass-baritone Jimmy


i Wednesdays
*Art association: The Pablo Towers Art Association meets
.from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday. Call 246-4158 for iniforma-
ton. -
j t.jatlrooe.da.ln Ballroom dancing ispoffered. Wednesdaps I
Mior Cen ~9thf.As-.;Jack-'s6nvMille Bei

Cancer support group: The Cancer Support Group at Baptist
:'Medical Center Beaches meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday. at the.
'orida Cancer Center in Medical Office Building B on the hos-
pital campus. Call 247-2910 for information.

.: Coast Guard Aiixiliary U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 14-04
meets at 7:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at the
Captain's Club, 13363 Beach Blvd. Call David Green at 246-
4722 or 422-281;.'for lpformation.
First Wednesday Art Walk: The First WedhesdaNyArt Walk
Downtown is held from 5 to 8 p.m. the first Wednesday of the
tiouth. The event is free, Visit www.DowntownJacksdnville.org
or call 634-0303 for information.
Breakfast network: The Ponte Vedra Chamber of Commerce
meets at 7:30 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month at the
SawgrassGrille & The Tavern for breakfast. E-mail infoCpon-
tevedrachamber.org for information.
Libertarians: The Libertarian Party of St. Johns County meets
the second Wednesday of each month. Call Doug Price at 904-
273-7480 for information.
New Directions New Directions, a support group for the
divorced ard separated, meets at 6:45 p.m. the.second and
fourth Wednesday of the month at 4L18 Loretto Road next'to
.the white hthrch,.il the convent a S. Joseph's Catholic
Church. Call 268-1591 for information,
Veterans meet: The Men's Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign
'~sgi Griatei Beaches Post 3270, 915 gth Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, meets at 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month.
Members of PoIt.3270 and the Ladies Auxiliary meet at 9 a.m.'
"the.secohia Saturdayof the montlh.Call 249-7366 for informa- *
S: Gra rents raisinggrandchildren: An educational/sup-
port group for grandparents raising grandchildren meets the
third Wednesday, of the month from I11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at
St. Andrey's Luthran Church, 1801 Beach Blvd. Call 280-7264
for rtnatiodf. ... -
: ,Kwanis&Beac.eThs:The Kwanis Club of Jacksonville Beaches
meets tiia .at'n oon at Selva Maria Country. Club; 1600
.,Slv Marin, Atlantic Beach. Visit www.beacheskiwanis.com
fkr ihfortationA .
-f", o- -
: ::Wei gAfi6ss C~ inuts: Free body fat analysis and weight loss
.Insults:are offered Thursdays at Metabolic Research Center,
274 Solaha Road.,irtthe Winri-DixiePlaza,
)American Legion:American Legion Ocean Beaches Post 129
arid A ugiary ~cean Beaches Unit 129 meet at 7:30 p.m. the
first Thirday of.h month at 11.51 South Fourth St.,
-Jadcson e '4Ieach. Call 249-2266 for'information.
American Legion: American Legipn Post 233, Ponte
Ved~$ra/Pii:Valley, l12 WildernessTrail N. off Canal Boulevard,'
rfieets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Steak night is
held every; riday from 6 to 9 p.m. for members and guests. Call
85-2484 i r formation.
Lions Club of PV: ,The Lions Club of Ponte Vedra Beach
meets the second and fourth Thursdays at noon at Aqua Grill
in Sawgrass'Vlllage. Call Sue Hollis at 616-2681 for informa-'
Seniors By.The Sea: Seniors By The Sea meets the second
Thursday of each month in the'Fellowship Hall at Beach
United Methodist Church, Third Street and Seventh Avenue
North, Jacksonville Beach, at 11 a.m., followed by lunch for
$4.50. Call '241-7300 for information.

Goodell will perform at 7 p.m.
at Our Lady Star of the Sea's
Cultural Center, 545 A1A N.
Ponte Vedra Beach, to raise
money for Wolfson Children's
Hospital. Admission is $15 per
person. Call 797-2248 or e-mail
tenore2@hotmail.com for ticket
Sunday, July 30
Marywood Retreat: A
Christian meditation/12-step
recovery titled "Letting Go" will
be held from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at
the Marywood Retreat Center
in Switzerland, Fla. No charge;
donation suggested. Call 1-888-
287-2539 or 249-2639 for infor-

Fifth Sunday: Palm Valley
Baptist Church, 4890 Palm
Valley Road, will host a "Fifth
Sunday Night Music Program"
at 6 p.m. All are welcome.
Monday, July 31
Syndrome X seminar:
Native Sun Natural Foods
Market, 11030 Baymeadows
Road, Jacksonville will host a
free seminar on Syndrome X,
also known as "metabolic syn-
drome" or "insulin resistance
syndrome," at 8 p.m. Visit
wwv.nativesunjax.com for

Wednesday, Aug. 2
Beaches Watch: Beaches
Watch will meet at 7 p.m. in the
Community Room of the
Pelican Point Condominium,
1901 1st St. N., Jacksonville
Beach. The meeting is open to
the public. For information, call
513-9242 or visit www.beach-

.Summer Scorcher Film
Series: The "Summer Scorcher"

Film Series will be held at 7 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The box office
opens at 6 p.m., and seating is
limited. The cost is $5 for mem-
bers and students,. and $7 for
non-members. Tonight's film is
"The Beat That Mv Heart
Skipped." Call 366-6911, exten-
sion 214, for information.

- t'back-to6-choOi orientationn for
students and their parents will
be held at Atlantic Beach
Elementary from 2 to 3 p.m.
Registration for extended day
after school care is 3 to 6 p.m.
Aug. 1 through'3, and 2 to 4
p.m. today. Call 247-5924 for

Saturday, Aug. 5
Pre-marital workshop:
"Happily Ever After," a pre-mar-
ital workshop, will be held the
first Saturday of every month
from 8:30 a.m. to, 12:30 p.m. at
'Ponte Vedra United Methodist
Church, 35 Executive Way,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Call Vivian
Bowlus at 904-543-8856 or e-
mail bowlusg@bellsouth.net for

Job seeker workshop: Christ
Episcopal,Church is sponsoring
a free job seeker workshop at
the Christian Formation
Center, Room 108, 400 San
Juan Driver, Ponte Vedra. Call
285-6127 or e-mail
crhbeach@comcast.net for
information or to sign up.

Sunday, Aug. 6
Team in Training: A non-
obligatory information meeting
for the Leukemia & Lymphoma
Sbciety will be held at 2 p.m. at
the Beaches Branch Library's
meeting room, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. Visit
www.teamintraining.org/nfl for
Monday, Aug. 7
SGolf tournament: American
Legion Post 194's "Freedom
Golf Tournament" in support of
the USO will be held at the
Palencia Country Club. Visit
www.usojax.org for informa-

Wednesday, Aug. 9
Summer Scorcher Film
Series: The "Summer Scorcher"
Film Series will be held at 7 p.m.
at the Jacksonville Museum of
Modem Art, 333 N. Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The box office
opens at 6 p.m., and seating is
liniited. The cost is $5 for mem-
bers and students, and $7 for
non-members. Tonight's film is
"The Edukators." Call 366-
6911, extension 214, for infor-
Friday, Aug. 11
Wakeboard tournament:
Hyperlite's "The Game" wake-
board tournament will be held
at 8 a.m. at Out Back Crab
Shack, located on Six Mile
Creek off State Road 13, 15

miles north of St. Augustine.
For more information, visit
Aqua East Surf Shop in
Jacksonville Beach or St.
Augustine, or call 246-2550.
Saturday, Aug. 12
Boating course: The U.S.
Coast Guard Auxiliary Beaches
Flotilla 14-4 offers "America's
Boating Course" from 7:30 a.m.
to 5.p.m. at the Captains Club,
13363 Beach Blvd. (between
Hodges and Kernan). The pro-
gram qualifies you for the
Florida state boater's card. Call
John Davis at 904-821-9692 for

Bead show: The Intergalactic
Bead Show will be held from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Aug.
13 at the Morocco Shrine
Auditorium, 3800 St. Johns
Bluff Road S. Admission is $5
today, and $4 Sunday (free for
children 12 and under). Visit
www.BeadShow.com for class
'information, directions and a
discount admission coupon, or
call 888-729-6904.

Comedy performance: "Last
Comic Standing" finalist
Michele Balan will perform at 8
and 10:30 p.m. at the Atlantic
Theatres Comedy Club, 751
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Tickets are $17.50. Call 249-
7529 for information.

Ballroom dancing: The
American Ballroom and
Contemporary Dance Associa-
tion will have a dance at 8 p.m.
at Bolero's, 10131 Atlantic
Blvd., with a live band. Guest
admission is $12. Call 246-2858
or 904-317-6618 for reserva-

Monday, Aug. 14
Movie Night: "Classic
(Adult) Movie Nighti" will be
held at 5:30 p.m. at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. "Under the
Tuscan Sun" will be shown. Call
241-1141 for information.

Wednesday, Aug.
Summer Scorcher Film
Series: The "Summer Scorcher"
Film Series will be held a 7 p.m.
,at the iacksonrvill&eiuseum of
Nlodem 'Art, 333" N.'Laura St.,
Jacksonville. The box office
opens at 6 p.m., and seating'is
limited.' The cost is $5 for mem-
bers and students, and,$7 for
non-members. Tonight's film is
"Crimson Gold." Call 366-
6911, extension 214, for infor-

Friday, Aug. 18
Reunion: The 1956 Class of
Fletcher High School will hold
its 50-year high school reunion
today and Aug. 19 at the
Comfort Inn Oceanfront in
Jackson\ille Beach. The cost is
$100 per person, not including
accommodations. Make checks
payable to Fletcher Class of '56,
1214 Forest Oaks Drive,
Neptune Beach, Fla. 32266.

Sunday, Aug. 20
Jazz concert series: "Smooth
Sounds of Hot Summer Nights"
will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. at
the Sea Walk Pavilion. Jazz sax-
ophonist Euge Groove will per-
form. For information, call 247-
6100 andpress 3.

The Intergalactic Bead Show will be held Saturday, Aug.
12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 13 at the Morocco
Shrine Auditorium, 3800 St. Johns Bluff Road S.
Admission is $5 today, and $4 Sunday (free for children
12 and under). Visit www.BeadShow.com for class infor-
mation, directions and a discount admission coupon, or
call 888-729-6904.

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SWAT: Suspect held high ground during standoff


Cont. from A-1

Training day goes live
-Smith was on vacation i
S Washington, D.C., having din-
ner in a restaurant, when
police dispatchers in
Jacksonville Beach issued the
SWAT callout at 6:55 p.m. .
Minutes earlier in the 200
block of 6th Avenue South,
Rentas-Rivera had fired repeat-
edly into a moving vehicle
driven by his 26-year-old girl-
friend, Aja Leigh McKenna,
woundining her and killing her
13-year-old niece, Brinna
Nfaria Ganas.
Three other children in the
vehicle between the ages of 4
and 11 'suffered minor injuries.
At the time of the shooting,
Sgt. Tom Bingham, the acting
JBPD SWAT commander in
Smith's absence, was on a
training exercise with the
majority of his unit in Nassau
County, participating in a
mock school shooting scenario
at Callahan High School.
The unit quickly ditched the
exercise, switched to live
ammunition and raced back to
Jacksonville Beach, lights
blinking arid sirens blaring.
"As we Were heading down I-
95," Bingham recalled, "I was
calling the other [SWAT] team
commanders from Atlantic
Beach and Neptune Beach to
see if; they could get to the
scenq' as quickly. as possible
because we were still 45 min-
utes out.
Police departments in
'Atlantic Beach and Neptune
*Beach have tactical units that
tain and deploy with the JBPD
SWAT team. The three units all
Receive the same SWAT dis-
patches, or "pages."
." "Some of their team mem-
.bers were on the scene before
Tom got there," said Smith,
i;ho was first notified of the
fallout by Neptune Beach Lt.
Tony Carrillo, who heads a
seven-person Emergency
Response Team.
.' Carrillo's counterpart, Sgt.
,Vic Guillio, heads a ifour-per-
son Atlantic Beach police unit.
:Boots on the ground
LWhile S\VAT teams were
mobilizing for what would
become a tense, protracted
engagement, patrol officers on
the street were securing three
separate crime scees n.i lud-
ing a second-story J'son'il'fe
Beach. apartment' in the 100
block of 2nd. Avenue South,
where Rentas-Rivera was holed
JBPD Officer Shane Watson
was the first patrolman to
-espond to another of the three
crime scenes: the 3rd Street
Diner, where the shooting vic-
tims had gone for help.
SCpl. Tom Crumley of the.
IBPD was the first officer at the
6th Avenue South shooting
scene. Both patrolmen arrived
within a few minutes of the
first 911 call, according to a
JBPD SWVAT team. after-action
report. '
JBPD Officers Jeremy
Garriott and Chris -Balsamo
chased Rentas-Rivera on foot
for several blocks before the
armed suspect broke into the
2nd Avenue South apartment
afid,. 'took two occupants
-According to his after-action
report, Crumley, a patrol super-
visor, organized fellow officers
in: a "four-corner coverage"
aroutid' the apartment, and
advised dispatchers to activate
a SWAT callout.
Minutes later, Crumley saw a
window of opportunity for one
of the two hostages, a young
woman, to escape.
"After a few minutes, a

Audrey Slawson Drake

"Copyrighted MaterialI

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

Audrey Slawson Drake, 89, of
Ponte Vedra, died on Thursday,
July 20, 2006, at Vicars
She was born in Rutherford,
N.J., on March 29, 1917.
She was a graduate of Lasell
College. She worked on Wall
Street with the, American
Agricultural Co. and later for
Young and Rubicon as a pro-
duiction assistant.*
She left the business world to
marry Alfred William
Dickinson, who died at age 34.
The couple had three children.
She later married Elliott R.
(Bud) Drake. The couple had
two children.
She retired to Mereditl~ N.H.

and Ponte Vedra Beach..
Family members include her
children Ellen, Alfred and
David Dickinson, Jeffrey and
Peter (Janice) Drake, and her
.grandchildren Scott and Ross
Dickinson, and Lauren Drake
along with devoted nieces and
A memorial service was held
Monday, July 24. In lieu of
flowers memorials may be
made to the American Heart
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Slialz Funeral Home,
Jacksonville Beach.

Louis Holmes Jr.

Female hostage exited the resi-
dence followed by the defen-
dant," Crumley's report said.
"The defendant got spooked
and stepped back further into
the residence and at that time I
yelled for the hostage to run."
With his handgun trained
on the entrance to the door-
way, Crumley covered the
woman's escape down an out-
side stairway.
After a second hostage, the
woman's boyfriend, managed
to escape, he gave police valu-
able information about the lay-
out of the apartment.
The former captives also
informed police of an impor-
tant shortcoming: There were
additional, firearms inside the
apartment, including a rifle.
High-ground concerns
Smith wasn'tthe only SWAT
team member on vacation that
Two of' the four JBPD SWAT
negotiators were out of town
and one of the unit's three
snipers was sick. The Jead
sniper, Bingham, was serving
a ta f. '. nd -er.
ABW8th'"e Aepatrtment's K-91
officers were also out of serfv-
The manpower shortage
meant JBPD Det. Matthew
Robinson would be "on the
scope" as a sniper for eight
straight hours.
Another tactical disadvan-
tage faced by the SWAT opera-
tors that night was that the
hunted, not the hunters, held
the high ground.
"Our main concern was that
the apartment was on the sec-
ond story, and the approaches
were bad," recalled Smith, who
arrived on the'scene well after
midnight after .catching a
plane out of D.C.
"What was going through
our mind was that he knew he
shot and killed.at least one per-
son, [and]' he had kidnapped
and taken people hostage. He
had *nothing to lose. We
thought he was going. to come
out shooting."
Added Bingham: "Numerous
times [the suspect] said, 'I'm
going to come out shooting. If
you come in here, I will kill
you. I will make you kill me.' "
A niajor tactical advantage
for SWAT was that Rentas-
Rivera picked a bad spot to
make a last stand.
The two-story apartment
had limited escape routes.

Police cut power to the build-
ing and the surrounding city
block and disconnected the
main phone line.
By midnight, both police
and the suspect had settled in
for a long night.
"A few hours into the situa-
tion, we knew this was going
to be an extended tactical
deployment," recalled
Bingham, who took up a sniper
position around 2 a.m.'after
being relieved of command by
"It's usually going to end in
the first hour, or it's going to be
protracted. The negotiators
were as busy as we were. After
the third hour, they convinced
him to drop one of his
weapons in exchange for, a
pack of cigarettes."
Stalemate ends withgas

During the eight-hour
ordeal, Sgt. Tonya Tator and
Officer Ken Montgomery,- the
SWAT negotiators, kept in con-
stant communication with the
suspect via cell phone and a
.special "throw phone" line
lobbed'iito the residence,,''
Negotiations. peaked, and
valleyed," said Bingham. One
minute the suspect told nego-
tiators he was coming out, and
the next minute he recanted.
Around 2:30 a.m., Smith
said, the suspect was still talk-
ing, but not saying anything of
relative value that might end
the impasse.
The SWAT commanders at
that point decided to step up
the engagement by breaking a
few windows of the apartment,
and firing in several rounds of
tear gas.
S"The gas was amazingly
effective," said Smith, adding
that the SWAT team had
received two new gas guns and
a new order of chemical muni-
tions just prior to the Rentas-
Rivera incident.
"We put five rounds in there,
and the next day our evidence
technicians had to process the
scene wearing gas masks."'
Eyes and lungs burning, aid
his will broken, Rentas-Rivera,
an aspiring police officer who
had applied for a job'with a
Central Florida police agency
two weeks before 'attempting
to murder his girlfriend 'in
Jacksonville Beach, finally sur-
rendered around 3:30 a.m.
The suspect eventually
pleaded guilty to 11 separate
charges, including first-degree

murder. He was sentenced last
October to life imprisonment
and is currently incarcerated at
the Columbia County
Correctional Institution out-
side Lake City.
Mutual aid operation
According to the SWAT
team's after-action report, the
"method of resolution" in the
Rentas-Rivera incident was by
"gas deployment/surrender,"
not negotiated surrender.
However, the action of the
negotiators, Smith said in his
report, "kept the situation
from escalating, which in turn
led to a successful conclusion."
Smith recommended 14
members of the SWAT team for
the meritorious service award,
the department's third-highest
Crumley was also recom-
mended for the meritorious
service award. Dispatcher
Jennifer Shirley was recom-
mended for a departmental
'commendation award, as was
Officer Watson. Fourteen other
JBPD officers were recom-
mera'ed4'r-fcldent cifations.
,ro2perty O Icer Jm ate
and Oficer Carla Rogers, who
processed the crime scenes,
were recommended for com-
mendation ribbons, as where
detectives .Daniel Anmonette
and Kathleen Kingston, the
principal investigators.
Smith also credited tactical
officers from Atlantic Beach-
and Neptune Beach with con-
tributing to the successful mis-
"It was perceived as a
Jackson\ille Beach operation,
but the other.two police chiefs
at the beach and the two other
tactical teams absolutely assist-
ed us," he added.
"We were able to seamlessly
integrate' with them because
we work together so much.
"Although I'm proud of our
SWAT team, I'm very proud of
our agency as a whole. For a
60-officer agency .to pull off
what we did is a credit to this
department, our chief and the
support we've received from
the city. It was a total team

Louis Holmes, Jr., 81, died on
July 17, 2006, in Virginia
He was a former resident of
Jacksonville who was born on
Aug. 18, 1924, in Laurel, Miss.
He served in World War 11
and the Korean War. He saw
combat action in both the
South Pacific and Korea.
He was awarded the Silver
Star, Bronze Star, Distinguished
Flying Cross, and four Purple
Hearts, among other medals.
He was a graduate of the
University of Alabama, where
he played football and was a
member of the'Sigma Chi
He retired from Bristol Myers
in 1987 and enjoyed his retire-

ment as an avid fishermen and
boater. He was also very
involved in the local Sigma Chi
Alumni Chapter.
He is survived by his four
children, Rick Homes
(Marianne) of Ponte Vedra
Beach, Clay Holmes of
Jacksonville, Mimi Ster (Ed)
of Minneapolis, and Allyson
Holmes of Arvada, Colo. He is
also survived by his two grand-
daughters, Alex and Britton
Holmes of Ponte Vedra Beach.
He has numerous nieces and
nephews in California through
his sister Delores Ashby
(George, both deceased).
A memorial service was held
on Thursday in Virginia Beach.

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1;plER'S DISCoiS


Rep. Don Davis cordially invites the general public
to attend an Idearaiser focusing on economic
j! development, tourism and the entertainment
t industry.

Speaker Designate Marco Rubio is forming his
IR '..-' legislative priorities which will be based upon
ideas by members of the public who attend such
idearaiseis scheduled around the state of FL. The
top 100 ideas will be cataloged and disseminated to
the members of the FL Legislature to gain their input and participation in
formulating the legislation required to enact these top 100 ideas.

Please join us on Thursday, August 3rd from 7-9pm at the
Jacksonville Beach City Hall Council Chambersg
to offer ideas and suggestions for the
improvement of Florida's future, not limited to

For additional information please contact our legislative office
at 247-4040.


Ad sponsored by Representative Don Davis :

the aforementioned topics.

Ponte Vedra Athletic Association

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Registration will be at the Cornerstone Park Pavillion
(behind New Beginnings Baptist Church)

August 12th 10:00am 2:00pm
August 13th 1:00pm 3:00pm
Now through August 20th, at Play it Again Sports
during regular business hours.
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Ages 5 15 (by April 30th, 2007) :

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S' Or email pdowd@pvaa.org

The Beaches Leadtr/Ponte Vedra Leader. 9 Page. 7A

i-lli- nn^;




F", m-
o '

The Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader



* Weddings
ieght) ... See A-9


... A-12

[ j.I'

Pagei ~ ~ieecom I

M I0r

Back to School with BEAM

family affair for Wolfsons

More than 800 children
from low-income families will
have the opportunity to shop
for back-to-school supplies
Saturday, courtesy of the 13th
annual, Back to School with
BEAM program.
The free event, a collabora-
tive effort of the Beaches com-
munity, will be held from 8
a.m to 1:30' p.m. at the Family
Life Center at Beach United
Methodist Church, 325' 7th
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach.
The church is located across
the street from the Jacksonville
Beach Post Office.
Any child from pre-school to
high school who lives.east of
Hodges Boulevard is eligible to
shop for clothes, school sup-
plies, underwear, socks, shoes,
backpacks and dental supplies.
"The whole purpose is to
uplift the children who come
in here and have them feel
really good about themselves,"
said Karen Wolfson, the pro-
gram's founder.
"I call it the Beaches'
Neirrian Marcus."
In the program's 12-year his-
tory, Back to' School with
BEAM has spent close to
$200,000 to help. more than
9,000 children get ready for
the upcoming school year.
In its first year, BEAM helped
250 children and collected
$160 in donations.
In 2005, 780 children
received more than 7,000 arti-
cles of clothing and new sup-
plies worth $29,401, thanks-to

"I love what Mrs.

Wolfson has created.

It's such a great com-

munity event."
-Volunleer Mltr fox

donations- from the communi-
ty, Wolfson said.
Now in its 13th year, the
program that began as a cloth-
ing drive has evolved into a
cooperative,community event
and a family affair for Wolfson.
Her husband, Don Wolfson,
the mayor of Atlantic Beach,
has been involved with' the
program since its inception,
greeting children and families
at the door.
"it's just kind of funny that
here he is in this position as
mayor, but he's been doing all
this stuff all this time," she
Wolfsori's children 'are also
highly involved with the
event. Her daughter, _Erin, a
student at,the Levin College of
Law at the University 'of
Florida, helped to pioneer
'BEAM's Put a Smile on a Child
program in 1999.
Through the use of, the Smile
Express, a 40-foot' van, dentist's
have completed more than
1,600' appointments for, chil-
dren without access to dental

"And Erin's work with the
program helped her to earn a
scholarship to Vanderbilt
University, Wolfson said.
In addition to her family,
Wolfson relies on a core group
of volunteers to help the event
run smoothly. She lovingly
refers to the volunteers that
come back year after year as
"the BEAM team."
Matt Fox, 23, is one of them.
He has volunteered for the
event for the past nine years.
This year, he is taking time
off from work to help set up
and sort clothing. He said that
it is easy for people at the
Beach to forget that there is a
less affluent group of people
who struggle out here.
Back to School with BEAM is
an important reminder for the
community, he said.
"I love what Mrs. Wolfson
has created," Fox said. "It's
such a great community
The event is run by about
150 to 200 volunteers.
Churches and civic groups,
such as the Oceanside Rotary,
help in collection efforts. Also,
many of the volunteers for the
program also shop for their
back-to-school supplies on
*"It's, 100 percent volunteer
and 100 percent donation-
based," Wolfson said. "You
can't get any better than that."
Donations from local busi-
nesses are also an integral part
of the.event. Dentists from the


pr'olo iubrnined

See BEAM, A-10'

Kiara Ordway holds a BEAM poster while wailing for the dental van last week.


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---------- -" -
phjl. bt KFATm',' IjICOLETTI
Nancy and Mike Riesmeyer of Atlantic Beach with an ice sculpture filled with colorful fruit and flowers.:The couple own a catering
business in Jacksonville Beach.

Riesmeyer's ice creations works of art

P ittsburgh native Mike
Riesmever grew up play-
ing in the snow just like
all the other kids on his
Snowmen were a common
sight in the neighborhood
except at Riesmeyer's house.
That's because Riesmeyer's
snow creations were a little
more elaborate. such as a Santa
or maybe some reindeer.
Years later, Riesmeyer, a
Jackson\ille Beach caterer,
was reintroduced to the cre-
ative possibilities of simple
frozen water during his stud-
ies at the Culinary Institute of
America in Hyde Park, N.Y.
One day of class instruction
was devoted to teaching the
students what Riesmever


called the "engineering
basics" of ice sculpture.
"This was mostly the do's
and don'ts" he added.
Each student was given a
block of ice, a chisel, and a
shaver and told to begin
working on their sculpture.
Riesmeyer's first ice sculp-
ture was a cornucopia, the
suggested subject for the class.
Since graduating from the
Culinary Institute in 1981,
Riesmeyer spent several years
at 4 Diamond hotels and pri-
vate clubs before opening his

own business, Designer Ice, in
Five years later, he and his
wife, Nancy, also became the
owners of Shindigs Custom
Catering and Events, not far
from their Atlantic Beach
Riesmeyer estimates that he
has sculpted more than 2,000
blocks of ice.
Before beginning to work
on a block of ice, Riesmeyer
looks at the ice until he can
"see" the design he will sculpt
from the block.
Riesmeyer uses chisels,
shavers, chainsaws, and
power tools to turn a 300-
pound block of ice into art.
At Designer Ice a special
ice-making machine makes a
solid block of ice in four to
five days during the warmer

The machines removes air
from the water as it freezes
resulting in a finished block
that is crystal clear.
Riesmeyer dons a snowsuit,
boots, gloves, and a hat
which leaves only his eves
visible to work in the large
walk-in freezer where all the
sculpting is done.
The length of time to com-
plete a piece varies from less
than an hour to several hours,
he said.
Ice sculpting demonstra-
tions always attract a lot of
interest from both kids and
adults, and Riesmeyer has
given several demonstrations
for local schools, scout
groups, and regularly partici-
pated in the St. Augustine Fire


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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A

July UJ 0UUU

Wedding s

Now enrolling for the 2006-2007 school year

ADD/Struggling Students
Learning Disabilities
Small Classes
Certified Teachers
McKay Scholarship accepted

1356 Beach Blvd., Jacksbnvile Beach, FL 32250
(904) 803-3260 ww:i .oblestreet.org

Brandy Turk of Jacksonville
and Chris Fehr of Jacksonville
Beach were married at 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 22, at First
United Methodist Church in
Atmore, Ala.
The bride is the daughter of
Robert and Carolyn Turk of
Monroeville, Ala. She is
employed by Lifestyles

The groom is the son of
Cindy Jones of Jacksonville
Beach and Robert Fehr of
Ponte Vedra Beach. He is
employed by Nabisco Corp.
Courtney Turk was the maid
of honor and Robert Fehr was
the best man.
After a honeymoon to Gulf
Shores, Ala., the couple will
reside in Jacksonville.

Jacksonville Beaches

only location for

Bare Escentuals


Md formulations

Md formulation glycolic peels $75.
series of six $375.
glycolic facial $95.

Aimee and Ivan Dunham


Aimee Rockwood and Ivan
'Dunham of were married on
SFriday, May 5, at Cotuit Beach
on Cape Cod, Mass.
The couple held a wedding
S reception July 14, at Selva
Marina Country Club.
The bride is the daughter of
Rocky and Michele Rockwood
of Neptune Beach. She is a
graduate of the University of
Florida with a degree in art his-
tory. She is employed by the
Frame Shop if Hyannis, Mass.
The groom is the son of
Shirley Dunham of

309 10th Avenue North, Jackse

Jacksonville Beach and Chris
and Rachel Dunham of Laguna
Hills, Calif. He is employed by
Scotts Lawn Services as a
regional market manager.
Attending the wedding were
Alex Dunham of Jacksonville,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dunham of
Denver, Kim Hardy of
Gainesville and Paige Hardy of
Cambridge, Mass.
The couple hosted a yacht
cruise Sunday on the
Intracoastal Waterway. They
will reside in Marstons Mills,

Andrea Paola Moye and Paul Francis Kukish

Moye- K ikiieh

6857. Hours are 10 a.m. to 9
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday, and noon
to 5 p.m. Sunday.
of the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach also has children's activ-
ities. Call 241-1141 and press 4
for children's activities and 5
for the reference desk.
MOh.MMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
,. songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy
Dance Studio. For information,
call 241-8349 for information.
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for kids, including
karate, tutoring and games.
meets regularly'at Isle of Faith
SUnited Methodist Church on
San Pablo Road, next to
Alimacani Elementary School.
SFor information, 221-1700.
SCHOOLERS, support groups
for moms of children ages 5 or,
younger, meet as follows:.
,. Christ the Redeemer Church,
190 5. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte
Vedra Beach, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
the third Monday of the
month (285-8009).
Mayport Naval Station
chapel, 9:30 a.m. the third
, Monday of the month (270-
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
Ponte Vedra Beach, 9:15 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m. the second and
fourth Monday of the month
is on Landrum Lane, iext to
Landrum Middle School ini
Porite Vedra Beach.
It has a heated swimmingi
pool and offers swimming les-
sons and family swim times.
The center features a teen room
and occasional organized activ-
ities for youth. The center also
has classes for children Iand
YMCA membership details
are available by calling 543-

Andrea Paola Move of Ponte
Vedra Beach and Paul Francis,
Kukish of Southington, Conn.,
have announced their engage-
ment to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of John and Arelys Moye of
Ponte Vedra Beach. She is a
graduate of Bishop Kenny High
School and the University of
North Florida with a bachelor's
degree in advertising.
The groom-elect is the son of
Paul Kukish of Southington,

Conn., and the late Catherine
Kukish. He is a graduate of the
University of Connecticut and
New York University School of
Law. He is employed by the law
firm of Latham & Watkins in
New York, N.Y.
The couple plan to wed on
November 18, 2006, at St.
Paul's Catholic Church in
Jackson\ille Beach. A reception
(vill follow at the Sawgrass
Marriott Resort and Spa in
Ponte Vedra Beach.

staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for children
Sages 1-3 and $5.50 for all oth-
Sers. Call 642-2688 for informa-
S tion.
LFM LOFT is a multi-genera-
tions learning environment
that offers 16 hands-qn sta-
tions for children and adults to
explore the concepts in mod-
ern and contemporary art.
Entry is free with paid entrance
S to the Jacksonville Museum of
SModern Art. Children are
S admitted free every Sunday for
family Free Day at 333
Hemming Plaza. Hours of oper-
ation .are 11: a.m. to -5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday ,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Call
366-6911 for information.
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by,
age group. Playday is for walk-
Sers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or visit
.the Cummer Museum of Art &
'Gardens in Jacksonville con-
Stains hands-on, high-tech and
low-tech, interactive exhibits
that encourage physical activi-
.ty anid quiet contemplation.
Walk through a painting,
create patterns with. dance,
make, a collage, listen to a
sculpture, or paint with a virtu-
al paintbrush. The museum is
located on the north bank of
Sthe St. Johns River at 829
Riverside Ave., phone, 356-

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Michael
C. Hollandsworth has been
named the 7th Logistics
Readiness Squadron's Senior
Noncommissioned Officer of
the quarter.
Selection was based on the
individual's exemplary duty per-
formance, job knowledge, lead-
ership qualities, significant self-
improvement, specific achieve-
ments, notable accomplish-
ments, and community service
and support.
Hollandsworth, a cargo termi-
nal manager with 16 years of
military service, is stationed at
Dvess Air Force Base, Abilene,
He is the son of Bob and
Adelaide Hollandsworth of
Onley, Va.
His wife, Linette, is the daugh-
ter of Joseph Wendricks of:
Neptune Beach, and Judith-
Pekarek of Athelstane, Wis.
Hollandsworth graduated in
1989 from Pocomoke High
School, Md.; and received an

assocate degree in 2005 from
the Community College of the
Air Force.

Clay B. Tousey Jr. of Atlantic
Beach has been named to the.
National Register's Who's Who
in Executives and Professionals.
,This year's edition of the
Who's Who-is registered at the
Library of Congress in
Washington, D.C.
Tousey is a, partner in the
Jacksonville law firm of Fisher,
Tousey, Leas & Bell.

Beverly Rae Rosenbloom of
Atlantic Beach graduated cum
laude May 12 from Vanderbilt
University in Nashville, Tenn.,
with a degree in civil engineer-.
She is the daughter of Mf. and
Mrs. Steven M. Rosenbloom of
Atlantic Beach.

nville Beach

Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Malcom Anthony Kelly Corsmeier Kim O'Steen

SCriminal Defense
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Estate Planning
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285-4LAW (4529)
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Brandy and Chris Fehr




-: ..



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of ie s tprhy.,rTHformlCOiLnff
Mike Reismeyer of Atlantic Beach floats silk rose petals in layers of ice blocks as they form in special ice making machines.

Recipes: Shindigs Marinated Melon, Cole Slaw

Cont. from A-8
and Ice event.
One of Riesmeyer most pop-
ular sculpture designs for wed-
dings is a pair of kissing swans
with wings outstreached and
graceful necks forming a heart
in the center.
He customizes these by
imbedding flower petals in
the ice to match the wedding
party colors. Also popular at
weddings are ice displays with
the names of the couple or
even their photograph imbed-
ded in the ice.
Other designs for table dis-
plays that Riesmever has done
are vases filled with flowers,'
large open clam shells, sports
mascots, Super Bowl trophies,
and fish bowls.
He also has completed
impressive pieces using several
blocks of ice for large-scale
events. One ol Riesmeyer,s
favorites is a medieval castle
complete with a knight with a
sword and a dragon that peri-
odJca!ly breathed "fire." A fog
machine connected to the
' dragon supplied the "fire."
Ice serving bars can be
made large enough to accom-
modate several bartenders
serving guests at large events
by using several block of ice.
Riesmever has customized
these e with company logos,
other decorative elements,
bottles of a featured liquor
imbedded in the ice, or drink
Joining the edges of differ-
ent blocks of ice together is
easier than might be expected,
said Riesmeyer. The edges are
sprayed with water which
freezes them together form-
ing a solid bond.
The design for each sculp-
ture needs to be "engineered"

to keep the sculpture balanced
and in place as it gradually
melts while on display.
For example, a ballerina on
pointe would not be a good
choice for an ice sculpture
unless the ballerina is support-
ed.by something else in the
design to give it stability, said
Moving a sculpture to the
site where it will be used also
presents challenges. The
weight of even a small piece is
considerable, but one that is
made up of several blocks can
weigh more than hundreds of
Sculptures need to adjust
gradually to changes in tem-
perature as they are moved
from the freezer. Too much of
a temperature shock can cause
the ice to crack and even to
As the sculpture adjusts to a
warmer temperature, a thin
layer of condensation forms
on the surface of the piece but
the ice remains crystal clear as
Sit melts away.
Many of Riesmeyer,s ice
sculpture are created for
events that Shindigs caters in
private homes or larger ven-
ues. People are always fasci-
nated by ice sculptures and a
small piece can create a theme
for a party, said Nancy
Even simple ice bowls used
with a sterile inner liner are a
creative and stylish way to
serve salads and cold dishes
for a buffet. More elaborate
displays with different levels
can be used for serving as well
: as for a focal point for a table.
One of Mike Riesmeye('s
recent culinary creations was
made for a two tiered ice
sculpture made to serve fruit.

His new recipe for Shindigs
Marinated Melon filled the
top of the sculpture while a
variety of berries, melons, and
tropical flowers filled the larg-
er bottom layer.
Some other Shindigs recipes
which the couple suggested
could be used in ice sculpture
containers or other containers
are two cold punches and
their signature.cole slaw.

The following are sonil recipes
from Nanc' and Mike Rieslerer.

Shindigs Marinated

1 honey dew, balled
1 cantaloupe, balled
10 oz. Rose's Mango Twist
10 finely chopped fresh
mint leaves
zest of 1 orange
one-quarter tsp. cinnamon

To make the marinade, mix
together the mango mix, mint
leaves, zest, and cinnamon in
a bowl..Add honey dew and
cantaloupe that have been cut
into balls. Store refrigerated
overnight, serve cold.

SCoffee Punch

1 gal. triple strength coffee
with sugar to taste
one-half cup chocolate
; syrup '
1 qt. vanilla;ice cream
1 qt. half and half
Kaluha, optional

C hill coffee, mix half and
half and chocolate syrup into
coffee. Scoop ice cream into
punch bowl or ice bowl. Pour
in coffee mix; the ice cream

floats to the top. Serve with
some chocolate syrup swirls
over top.

Optional: add Kahlua to
taste to the coffee or serve
Kahulua on the side to be
added to individual servings
of the punch.

Orange Dream Punch

1 qt. vanilla ice cream
2 pt. orange sherbet
1 16 oz. can lemon lime
1 qt. cold milk
1 pt. whipped cream
orange pinwheels

Place scoops of ice cream
and sherbet in punch bowl.
Fold whipped'cream into
milk, add to punch bowl.
Float orange pinwheels on
top.' .' '

'Shindigs ColeSlaw

1 cup mayo
2 Tsugar
Sone-half tsp. salt
one-half tsp. pepper
2 T chopped sweet onion
one-half tsp. celery seed
'one-half tsp. garlic
2 T cider vinegar
1 lb. cole slawimix
Mix in a large bowl and
Designer Ice and Shindigs
Custom Catering and Events
is located at 370 4th Ave, S. it
Jacksonville Beach. Call246-

BEAM: Back-to-School event Saturday at BUMC

Cont. from A-8
community donate toothpaste,
and toothbrushes and niany,
stores sell merchandise to
BEAM at cost or reduced prices,
Wolfson said.
"Collaboration is really the
essence of Back to School with
BEAM," Wolfson said.'
"It shows really the heart of
the Beach community which I.

think is very special."
Oin Saturday, families need
to register upon arrival and
have proof of .the ,children's
identity, such as a birth cerifi-
cate, report card, social security
card or immunization record.
SMonetary donations are wel-
come and enable BEAM to pur-
chase the newly items for the
event, such as socks, under-

wear; school. supplies, shoe
vouchers and also help to'sup-
port the dental program.
Checks can be sent to BEAM at
850 Sixth AVe. S. Suite 400,.
Jacksonville Beach 32250.
Mark "Back to School" on the
BEAM will also continue to
collect clothing and shoe
donations. New or clean, gen-

tly- worn clothing can be
dropped- off at Ponte Vedra
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. today and Thursday or
at Beach United ,Methodist
Church from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
through Friday.
For more information, call
241-2326, or visit


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The Beaches Leader &

Ponte Vedra Leader



Instant Air Conditioning & Heating

Offers Tips to Prepare Your Unit

for This Year's Hurricane Season
Now's the time to prepare for the current hurri-
cane season, and the professionals at Instant Air
Conditioning & Heating in Atlantic Beach have
some pre-storm tips to keep you and your air
conditioning unit safer.
Instant Air Conditioning & Heating owner Eddy
recommends several items to help you protect our ir
home. "Surge protectors can guard against equip-
and power surges," he said, "and digital program-
mabee and non- programmable thermostats with
built-in time delays can keep your compressor from
In addition, hurricane straps now required per
new building codes can secure your condenser .
unit, and zinc anodes help protect against salt air
corrosion and electrolyses. "Also, in the event of
hurricane evacuation, remember to turn off all your With their motto "Fixed Fast, Fixed Right," the comfort spe-
utilities and electrical breakers before you leave," cialists at Instant Air Conditioning & Heating in Atlantic Beach
Eddy suggested. are dedicated to providing Beaches customers top-notch
Tips lie these are just part of what makes the pro- service for all air. conditioning brands... old and new.
fessionals at. Instant Air Conditioning & Heating Pictured above are Eddy and Dee.
different. "We're proud of the top-quality profes-
sional services we offer our customers," said Eddy.
S"We're equally proud of our straightforward pfic- Service: If you are not 100% satisfied with the
ing, our 100-percent in-writing satisfaction guaran- service we have provided, we will refund all of your
tee, our Seal of Safety program and our Service Club money. If our technicians smoke or swear in your
membership prograin bonuses that few air condi- home, are not drug-free, do not wear medical shoe
tioning contractors are able to offer." covers or leave vour home without cleaning up, you
According to Eddy, not all air conditioning con- do not pay for the service.
tractors are the same. "Some don't specialize n the Repair: Ve guarantee that repairs on your equip-
repair or replacement of older systems, or may carry ment are fixed right or the repair is free. If a repair
just one brand," he said. "Others offer services'only fails during the season, we will repair it again
during the busy season and are not fully staffed vear absolutely free. Specific repairs are guaranteed for
roun Some even fail to show up on time or dbn't two years or the repair is free.
show when they say they will a real frustration for Replacement: we guarantee thatthe equipment.
today's busy customers." we have installed wil perform as we have stated. If
Family-oined and operated, Instant Air the system does not heat or cool your home to your
Conditioning & Heating serves Beaches residences satisfaction, we will remove it and return 100% of
and businesses from Mayport to Ponte Vedra and in your investment.
-nearby Intracoastal West. Their staff includes co- Instant Air also provides peace of mind by adher-
owners Eddy and Dee and their son Craig plus com- ing to the Technician Seal of Safety program. "You
fort advisor' Ed Edwards. Sissy serves as the compa- need to know who's entering our ome, and that's
nv's endearing canine mascot, Dee and Eddy have why we've adopted these safe policies," said Eddy.
ben married 38 years, and son Craig just returned All'Instant Air technicians who perform heating
from a tour of duty in Iraq. With more than 40 and cooling service work in your home have passed
'ears of combined 'experience among them, they a criminal background check. "In fact, we'll even e-
irun their business differently. mail you a photo of our technician scheduled to
"We specialize in service bn all air conditioning service eour home so you'll know exactly who to
Brands new or old," said Eddy. "In fact, our trucks expect at the time of your appointment," he added.
carry 97 percent of the critical components found Schedule a comfort'system tune-up or a hurri-
in most systems." cane check with Instant Air now and receive a
Instant Air also diagnoses 'our. air conditioner special bonus. Ask the Instant Air technician to see
and provides.an up- fiorit estimate of repair costs his Seal of Safety ID Badge and receive 10 percent
from their Professional Service Institute's Straight off your service call.
Forward Pricing guide. The diagnosis goes beyond Instant Air also offers membership in its Service
explaining repair costs., It gives you, the customer, Club, designed to save you money with discounts
options. for scheduled maintenance checks and safety
"We have a clear and concise wav to show you inspections plus priority appointment scheduling
whether-or not you--will need to-replace your-aiTr-- -ith-their "Front-of-the'line pass.......
'Yb iditione r," said co-owner Dee. "We 'provide Now's the time to make sure your home's air con-
options for you tailored to your individual situa- ditioning is shipshape for summer's hottest days
tion, budget and schedule and we do this in writ- 'and the hurricane season. If Instant Air sounds like
ing.the kind of air conditioning contractor you've been
Even Instant Air's' repair service is guaranteed in looking for, call Dee today to schedule your
writing, said Eddy. "In short, your equipment is appointment.
Fixed Fast, Fixed Right@, and if we have to-come Instant Air is located at 1198 Mavport Rd., Suite
back because the repair failed during the season, we 11, near the intersection of Plaza and Mayport
will repair it again absolutely free!" -he explained. Road, in Atlantic Beach. For more information or
Sound too good to be true? "At Instant Air we are to set up a free consultation for.replacement call
committed to your complete satisfaction," said Dee, Dee at 247-5525, fax 247-5526 or e-mail instan-
"and we have a written, easy-to-understand 100% tair638@bellsouth.net. Visit Instant Air on the. Web
Satisfaction Guarantee for all service, repair and at www.instant-air.net.
replacement." Here's what it says:


The Beaches Leade'rmonte VedfA~ Leader -p Page 11A


*Page 12A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 26, 2006

.44 '
,. : r?


.*r.. v-.-
, ,
F '"

Sophia Rappaport'(left) and Liidsey Paulk cut tomatoes and lettuce Tuesday during the edible art
camp at the Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach. The class of 6- to 10-year-olds made tacos to
eat at lunch later that day.


Water program offered

The University of Florida
Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences Florida
Master Naturalist Program
(FMNP) Freshwater Module
sponsored by the Duval
County Cooperative
Extension Service and St.
Johns County Recreation
and Parks will be offered
Oct. 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, and
Nov. 2, 2006 at Trout Creek
Park, 6795 Collier Ave. in
This program is for adults
who want to learn more
about Florida's environment.
Individuals as well as educa-
tors and those in the eco-
tourism business. Teachers
may earn 40 hours of CEUs.
Topics include: ecosystems
(swamps, n arshes, and per-
manent teshwater wet-
lands), key plants and
wildlife, and the role of
humans in shaping the envi-
Each module includes
classroom presentations,
videos, field trips, and prac-
tical interpretation. Advance
registration is required..
Course fee is $200. Course
instructors are Carol J.
Wyninger and Beverly

Buy it. Sell it, Find it

in the Classifieds

Fleming. For registration and
program information con-
tact the web site www.mas-
ternaturalist.org. For more
course information call the
instructors at (904)284-
9488, (904)220-0232 or
email at wyninger@com-
cast.net or rectrout@co.st-

How to handle drought

Troubleshooting your
Landscape will be held Aug. 5

at the Mandarin Library, 3330
Kori Road, from 11 a.m. to 1
This program covers
drought issues, what to do
with weeds, how to handle
pests, plus trees and their
troubles. September and
October landscape mainte-
nance schedule will also be
included. Participants can*
get answers by bringing in a
sample of a disease or pest.
One sample per person.
Call to register 387-8850.

SBuild Your Child's
Self Esteem Worth & Confidence

with Dance

-. i Registering for Fall Classes
Mon.-Thurs. 3p-7p & Sat. 9:30-12:30
g Classes start Aug. 14

Call for details
SSmall class sizes
.for individual attention

*Ages 2'/2 to adults welcome
* Professional Staff
Cathy Finne
SaSA AflIt -Director
SSDMA SCerified BS In DOar.e
;:.,l 1459 Atlantic Blvd
Dance Int Neptune Beach

(904) 249-6090
~l~finilCemsitwl~L's=97=4 "If 8tK-1.tm

Start, end times given
Starting and ending times for
St. Johns County public schools
for the school year that starts
Aug. 4 are similar to last year's
For Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley
Rawlings Elementary, students
will have access to school at
7:30 a.m. and class begins at
7:55 a.m. School lets out at 2:10
p.m., 1 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Ocean Palms Elementary stu-
dents can access school at 7:40
a.m. and class begins at 7:55
a.m. School is out at 2:10 p.m.,
1 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Students at Landrum Middle
School begin class at 9 a.m. and
can have access to the school at
8:15 a.m. School is out at 3:30
Class at Nease High School
begins at 8:30 a.m., and stu-
dents have access at 8 a.m. Last
period ends at 2:57 p.m.
The purpose of the early
release time every Wednesday.
for elementary students is to
provide teachers and staff with
regular training and profession-
al development activities.
Landrum and Nease will have
early release days as follows:
Aug. 25, Sept. 22 and Jan. 30 for
Strategic Plan implementation,
and Oct. 19 and March 12 for
teacher planning.

Open houses are Aug. 3
All St. Johns County District
schools will have an open
house Aug. 3 frpm 8 a.m. to
noon for parents and students
to meet teachers and visit their
At Nease High School, a new
student orientation begins with
a presentation at 9 .m., fol-
lowed by visits to.classrooms.

During a break from their cooking class Tuesday at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 4- and 5-year-olds dance in a cir-
cle. This is the last week of summer camp at the center.

Parents' right to refuse
Parents and guardians of stu-
dents in the St. Johns County
School District and adult stu-
dents have the right to refuse to
have personal information
released during the school year.
Persons wishing to exercise
this right should respond in
writing within 10 days request-
ing that personal information
with respect to the adult stu-
dent or pupil under age 18 not
be published.
This would include the stu-
dent's name, address, telephone
number, date and place of
birth, major field of study, par-
ticipation in officially recog-
nized activities and sports,
weight and height of members
of athletic teams, dates of atten-
dance, degrees and awards
received, and the most recent
educational agency or institu-
tion previously attended by the

The school district does not
publish an annual directory,
but many schools publish direc-
tories for student and parent
Parents ind adult, students
also can decline the use of any
photographs or videos for pub-
lic use or transmission.
Anyone with objections to
his or her child appearing in a
photo or video for public view
should notify the child's school
or the St. Johns County Schcpl
District in. care of Tor
Schwarm, director of Student
Services, 40 Orange Street, St.
Augustine, 32084. If a written
response is not received, it will
be assumed that permission is
Additional information may
be obtained by calling 819-

Help The Boys & Girls Club

Subscribe to The Leader
$10 of each New Subscription ($25) or Two-Year Renewal ($40)
will go to the Boys & Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club

lIn-county subscription or renewal Is U 125 One Year U 140 Two Years
,Outside Dusal and 1S. Johns Counties 0 44 One Year 0 180 Two Years
I ULan.

I Address:



Zip: i'

ICredit Card: exp.
For The Boys & Girls Club
I Delivered Wednesdaa and Friday in the U.S. Mail
L----------------------- ---- m--------



. i

The Ponte Vedra Leader


July 26, 2006

Jaguars start camp
Fishing Leader

Waves earn second straight swim crown


The Winston Waves won
their second consecutive YMCA
swim,title Saturday as competi-
tors churned their way to victo-
ry over-two other teams in the
AAA division.
Action for swimmers in the
YMCA of Florida's First Coast
League began Friday evening at
the University of North Florida.
Ponte Vedra Beach's Winston
Waves battled the St. Augustine
Rays, Barco-Newton Marlins,
Oakleaf Plantation Orcas,
Arlington Riverfins, Dye Clay
Dolphins, Williams White
Sharks, Yates Barracudas and
McArthur Sailfish for individ-
ual and team titles.

Friday's competition featured
the freestyle events, while
swimmers returned to the UNF
pool on Saturday to complete
heats and finals in other
strokes. More than 600 swim-
mers took part in the event.
Saturday morning also saw
the start of a long day of cham-
pionships for swimmers from
Marsh Landing Country Club,
Selva Marina Country Club,
Beaches Aquatic Swim Team,
Serenata, Sawgrass Country
Club and others at Episcopal
High School.
Competition was fierce in the
massive 25-lane Episcopal pool,
with heats and finals taking
place continuously throughout
the day.

Pholo- by ROB DeAliGELO

ABOVE: Winston
Waves swimmer Logan
Hansen gets a breath of
air in the boys 13-14
individual medley last
Friday at UNF.

LEFT: Winston's
Brooke Lockerman
begins the backstroke
leg of the girls 13-14
200-yard individual

RIGHT: Many swim-
mers in multiple events
kept track of their busy
schedules on their

TV cameras add glamour to tournament

Beach-volleyball event

slated to air August 4

More than 60 teams from all
over Florida put on an exciting
show for the Comcast Cable
cameras Saturday and Sunday at
the World Gym Summer Blast
volleyball tournament on the
sands of Jacksonville Beach.
"It was probably, the best
we've had in Jacksonville in 10
years," said tournament direc-
tor Jay Miller, who also heads
the Jacksonville Volleyball
Club. "TT coverage made a big
The cameras not only drew a
high caliber of competitors to
Jacksonville Beach but also
brought out spectators in
greater numbers and con-
tributed to an overall feeling of
excitement, Miller said. It
marked the first time the popu-
lar summer series of beach vol-
leyball tournaments has been
taped for broadcast.
"It made it seem more of a
festive weekend," said Miller.
That erra energy may have
helpedya.Ponte Vedra team in
t1e men'k'open division to pull

off a major upset. Glenn
Stephen and Devon Koopman
were seeded second to last com-
ing into the tournament, but
knocked out the number one
team to make the semifinals on
center court.
Miller noted the weekend
event was only Stephen's and
Coopman's second time play-
ing in the open division, and
the' were thrilled with their
victory though the pair did not
move on to the finals.
In the men's open division.
Scott Perry and Kent Ammons
took the championship. Tony
Cothron and Reo Sorrentino
finished in second place.
Robin Mignerv and Jill Cox
took first place in the women's
open division, with lenny
Musser and Julie Chapman fin-
ishing second.
Musser and Chapman, of
Orlando, said television cover-
age of the event had no special
appeal for them and didn't
affect their play. Teammates for
16 years, the duo came to the
Jacksonville Beach tournament
in hopes of encountering some
different teams and competi-

"\We play the same people
over and o\ei again Chapman
said. "There's supposed to be
good competition [here]."
In the co-ed open division,
Mike Dolan and Brittany O'Neil
finished first, -and Chris
Adornetti and Tanya Rodela
came in second, according to
results posted on the
Jacksonville Beach Volleyball
Web site.
The tournament is slated to
be broadcast on August 4, Miller

said. Although dealing with the
TV coverage was more work
than usual, the tournament
director said the effort was
worthwhile because it helps give
local volleyball more exposure.
While taping the event for
broadcast was a novelty, Miller
said professionalism was an
important concern. The tourna-
ment featured four camera
operators and instant replay
technology that enabled the
announcers to analyze contro-
versial calls.
"It was done lust like it was
on an NFL game film-quality
wise," he said.
The tournament, which took
place just south of the pier in
Jacksonville Beach, was the
fourth of five this summer for
Jacksonville Beach Volleyball.
The next tournament, the 97.9
Kiss FM end of Summer Blast, is
scheduled to take place Aug. 19
and 20.

Team Florida finds lax success


SDespite being put together on short notice
and with 24 members coming from siL different
youth lacrosse leagues around the state, Team
~lorida proved to be a highly successful effort.
STeam Florida, coached by Paul McCord of
velocity Sports and assisted by his wife, Nease
girls coach Mindy McCord, won four of five
matches played against teams from traditional
lacrosse areas in the U.S. Lacrosse U-15 National
Festival held June 23-25 at Disney Sports World
i' Orlando.
i:Team Florida, which included Ponte Vedra
each teenagers Brigette Coburn, enna Gimbel,
lIelly Hawkins and sisters Allie and Amanda
Santillo, as well as the McCords' daughter,
Taylor, posted victories over New York's Hudson
Valley, Eastern Massachusetts, San Diego and
Team California while losing only to Team
Texas. Another game was rained out.
Amanda Santillo won Team Florida's opening
draw with Hudson Valley, their first opponent,
after which she sprinted down the middle of the
field uncontested and scored a scant 15 seconds
into the match.
"It was a remarkable festival for a great group
of girls who had only practiced together twice as

an entire group, and a bold statement for the
state of lacrosse in the Sunshine State," said Paul
Over the course of the festival, in which nei-
ther scores nor standings were kept, 19 of Team
Florida's 22 field players either scored goals or
assisted on goals, and 14 girls tallied multiple
The two goalkeepers. Kritsin Literal and Catie
Gauger, averaged just seven goals against per
At Team Florida's formation meeting earlier
this year, the expectations were to field a team
that could be competitive and reasonably com-
'pete against the best teams in the country.
The girls from the siL different leagues were
chosen through tryouts the end of April. The
first practice was held the middle of May, and
June 3 was a "play day" in St. Augustine for 10
of the U-15s against high school league girls.
Another smaller session was held June 10, and
Team Florida's final practice was called June 17,
just one week before the Festival.
"We thought we had a good 'tactical' work-
out," said McCord, "and figured what we did
not know about the team, we would find out in
a week and have to make the adjustments on
the fly."

Cerina Pele sets the ball for her teammate during pool play in the Women's Open division of last
weekend's World Gym Summer Blast beach volleyball tournament in Jacksonville Beach.



The BeachesLeader/Ponte Vedra Leader July26, 2006

Baseball Camp
Nease baseball coach Greg
"Boo" Mullins offers a Monday
through Thursday, 9 a.m. to
noon, baseball camp at
Cornerstone Park. Initially only
a four-week program, Mullins
has extended his camp
throughout the summer.
The cost per participant is.
$150 per week. Those interested
should call 783-6561.
Mullins' camp offers defen-
sive, offensive, hitting and base-
running drills, plus the impor-
tance of "small-ball," the Nease
coach's stock-in-trade that's
built around strategy, speed,
timing, sacrifice and solid men-
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
information visit www.beaches-
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Humlihan at 349-2611.
Beaches Basketball League at
St. Paul's Schoolincludes an8-
game season for kids ages 3 to
rising 6th graders. Four divi-
sions of play will'be featured:-
Pre-K (co-ed), K-lst '(co-ed),.' -
2nd-3rd (boys and girls teams)
and 4th to rising 6th with sepa-
rate boys and girls teams.
Cost is $85 and ballplayers
S receive a T-shirt and trophy. For
more information visit beaches-
S basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Flag Football
Flag football is being offered
for kids ages 5-17 at the
SUnjversity of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
S For more information or to
register, \isit www.i9sports.com
or phone (904) 992-4263.
Girls on the Run
S Registration is now open for
Girls on the Run of N.E.
'. Florida, an after-school pro-
S gram for girls that combines
running and training for a 5K
13.1 miles) run/walk, along
With healthy living education
and life lessons.
Spring programs take place'

at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit

St. Paul's Sports
St Paul's summer sports camps
feature participation in team
sports and age-appropriate activi-,
ties. Basketball, flag football, kick
ball, tag and more are offered. On
Friday's, campershave pizzaand
go to Beach BowL
Camp sessions are weekly from
the end of May until late July. For
more information visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihai at 349-
The Northeast Florida Adult
Soccer League is forming an
adult women's division for
those 17 years old and up.
Games will be played at Patton
Park off Hodges Blvd. on
Sunday and some Wednesday
nights. ,
.The fall season will begin in
mid-August. For more informa-,
tion contact Brandon Meredith
at 994-3887 or e-mail him at
Information is also available at

Fletcher Soccer Camp will
'take place July 24-27 at San
Pablo Elementary School fields
across from Fletcher High
Camp for 7th to 12th graders
takes place from 9 a.m. until
noon. Cost is $130 per week or
$240 for both weeks. Camp for-.
5- to 10-\year-olds takes place
July 17-20 from 5 p.m. until 7
p.m. Cost is $65.
Clinicians include BenLlev
College head coach Peter,
Simonini, Fletcher High boys
coach Mike Leine, Fletcher
girls coach Megan Pardue and
members of the Embry Riddle
\ University soccer team.
For more information phone
Le\ine at 635-8969 or e-mail
Pardue at ulrichm@education-

Island FC is forming bo-s and
girls travel soccer teams for the
2006-7 season. Teams will be
r.' ', I ; ;i

offered in the following age
groups: U-12 (bom on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-14
(bor on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/94); U-16 (bor on or
.after 8/1/90 but before 7/31/92)
and U-18 for those born on or
after 8/1/88 but before 7/31/90,
Girls tryouts will take place
June 12 and 14 at San Pablo
Elementary fields from 5:30 p.m.
until 7:30 p.m. Boys team tryouts
will take place June 13 and 15.
For more information contact'
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.
Strollerfit- exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers tum their strollers into
portable exercise machines are tak-
ing place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and Fort
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. until
10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or visit
The Grom SurfingAssociation
[GSA] is now called JaxPier Surf
Camp and is still located at 2nd
North. The contact number is
Application forms and dates
Scan be found on jaxpier.com.
JaxPier Surf Camp is the only.
Ssurf camp in the nation with a
live streaming camp cam of the
children and young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
SHajek at 247-5538.
The Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For more information,
visit the website at www.florida-
surfing.org or call (904) 626-9090.
SJackscnville Beach Tennis Center
Swill conduct a series of camps at
Huguenot Park on the following
dates and times:
IntermediateJunior Campl from
9 am. until 11 am. July 24-27.
Advanced Junior Camp from 9
a.m. until 11 am. July 24-27.
Intermediate Adult Camp I1 from.
6:30 p.m. until 8:3( p.m. July 24-27.
Cost for all camps is $45 with a
$20 deposit. All of the camps take
place at Huguenot Tennis Center,
218 S. 16th Ae., Jacksonville Beach.
For information call 247-6221.

Jaguars fun and games

get underway Saturd

Preseason is always full of optimism

ather around, friends,
rRomans, and people
from the country...
this is it, the opening of sum-
mer frolics for your heroes,
the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Saturday at Alltel Arena is the
place to be.
Ever since the final thrust
for last year's Super Bowl, fans
have been waiting with baited
breath to see if maestro Jack
Del Rio's gang can orchestrate
another winning season and
even make it better. The
draftees have been
announced and everything is
There will be 'stars galore,
including, of course, Byron
Leftwich, whom some say is
the greatest quarterback
money can buy. We believe it
was Jaguars owner Wayne
,Weaver who said it.
There will be Donovan
' Darius, back in harness and
fit, there will be Mean John
Henderson, who'can frighten
Freddie the Nightmare on
Elm Street guy, Rashean
Mathis, who can stop any foe.
on the field except Superman,
and Kyle Brady, who could
block a train.
There will be high-kickers
SJosh Scobee and Chris
Hanson. There will be run-
ning star Fred Taylor if he
feels like it and a cast of
thousands, as Hollywood used
to say.
But there will be no Jimmy
SAlas, good old Jimmy has ;
Sung it up after years of
thrills and touchdowns for
the Jaguars. Our blessings and
good wishes go with him.
And unless Del Rio can find a
reasonable replacement for
Jimmy, a lot of scoring will go,
with him, as well.
The public is welcome to
watch the workouts, they tell
us, as long as they check all
weapons at the gate. One
can't be too careful these days
about suspicious looking
characters. :

U i .


They may be terrorists or
spies from the Tennessee team
or the NFL, looking for drugs.
The draftees will get a big
share of the attention. Is tight
end Marcedes Lewis as good
as they say?
What about Maurice Drew,
who will be without shackles
or deputies and is supposedly
as clean as meal plates after.
the team has vacuumed up
their post practice chow.
The second year lads will
get close checks, too. This is
time for Matt Jones, the
Arkansas traveler, to break out
with big plays like measles.
All this and more await our
eagerness for Saturday's mati-
nee. Is this the year?
Florida and Georgia
well represented
on AII-SEC squad
Things are looking up for
the Florida Gators and
Georgia Bulldogs when they
place so many of their hope-
fuls on the Southeastern
Conference coaches preseason
team. The Gators had 10 play-
ers named, the Bulldogs coun-
tered with 12.
Naturally, Florida fans
expected quarterback Chris
Leak to make the first team
offense and he did. His closest
competitor, the incoming
phenom from Nease High,
Tim Tebow, will have to wait

to show his stuff and Coach i
Urban Meyer is happy'he hai
such competition at the sig.
nal slot. *r .,,
But back to me veterans)-
besides Leak, also named were
receivers senior Dallas ,Baker,'
and junior Andre Caldwell;',
who made the second arnd"";
third teams. The Gators hadi)
five defensive men juniord-'
lirebacker Brandon Siler, jun-
ior safety Reggie Nelson, both
first teamers; three seniors,'-
defensive lineman Ray- ::
McDonald and Marcus '"
Thomas and linebacker' Earl;i-
Everett, second team. '-
Senior kicker Chris Heuathd
made second team and senior
punter Eric Wilbur, third 'iCt'
The Dogs outdid their *-'N:)
"pals" from the Sunshine' '0't
State by placing 12 on 'the All-
SEC squad, including five first
teamers senior offensive .
lineman Daniel in man, senior
center Nick Jones, senior: : i r
defensive lineman Quentin *
Moses; senior defensive badb
Tra Battle and junior kicker':'
Brandon'Coutu.' "' ;
Selection by the coaches for
the All-SEC team before the'1
season starts is in its third '
year and although the prodf
of the pudding doesn't come
until the season is over, it's "
interesting to compare who '
succeeds and who doesn't in
the preseason picking.
Coaches are ineligible to
Vote for their own players. '
One coach some years ago
said of preseason teams,
"They may be mainly for the
public's interest and amase-''
ment, but actually they do
some good because they
encourage the players to work
"When they know what
other coaches think of them
it means something.:"'
It also may be some indica-
tion of what support they can
expect in running for AlI-SEC
at the end of the season. '
That's when it really
counts. '
. *^... .. '' ,,..

-i 7 *"

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r I

July 26, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B


Kingfish Tournament

was a rousing success

/"" congratulations to all of
i3;i :the;winners in this
.u yeai's 26th annual
BellSouth Greater.Jacksonville
Kingfish ,Toumament. From
all reports, every aspect of this
yqar's huge event might have
been theibest yet. All of the
anglers, agreed that the many
volunteers were simply awe-
AV Gp.t!.irk Waltz on his
"Enterprise" had Timothy and
GaryHuff as his anglers for
last week'sJunior Anglers
Tournament. They has a fun
day and caught eight kings,
three sharks and two barracu-
das. i .. .
,Qn Thursday, Jack
Diamond, Jim McCollum and
Marshall Crisor fished with
Capt. iKirk, They anchored
near the end of the south jet-
ties.and caught 13 redbass,
tree jacks and jumped two
tarpon;:, ,
,Larry'i;"ishman" Finch, his
friend Fred Sherrod and his
sister Leigh fished the grass
along the canal between the
bridges and caught 12 redbass
weighing up to 14 pounds.,
,,Capt. NMike Fogg, with
friends Jackson Lanehart and
Don Culbreth on the
"Habitat" had an exciting day
last Wednesday slow trolling
pogies about 20 miles off-
shore. They caught a cobia,
five cudas and a pair of kings.
The excitement came when
two 'cudas followed Don's big
king.to the boat and took a,
foot off before they could gaff
it. The king, minus the foot,
. eighed 49.5 pounds at B and
hf. *
: Capt. Jim Gillis, fishing
from his "Megabite" with his
young anglers Avery and Isaac
Dunavant and John Walton,
caught three kings during the
kids Tournament last week.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow


with Hays Basford and his 8-
year-old grandson fished
Nassau Sound last Monday foi
a mixed catch of five reds to
29 inches, five drum, seven
jacks, 15 whiting and lots of
ladyfish and blues.
On Thursday morning,
David Dearing and his broth-
er Dan made the trip to
Nassau with Fred and caught
three flounder, two redbass,
five drum, five whiting and
plenty of blues, jacks and
ladyfish.; .
Wednesday, of course, was,
a rest day for the tournament
anglers so Joe Whipple tried
the Jacksonville Beach Pier. It
didn't take long for him to
hook up a 25-pound king.
Bait was scarce so we believe
was using a live whiting for
On Thursday morning, Ross
SMcDuffie used finger mullet
to catch a four-pound black
Sdrum and a five and a half
pound speckled trout. Tyier
Harris put a two-pound trout
on the scales. loan Baren on
her first trip to the pier
caught a big trout and
Richard Turner brought a
three-pound trout over the
SThe bream are biting at
Hanna Park. Chris Holmes

used. worms to catch 41 on a -"'
trip last week. .
Jorge Reyes caught an eight g
and a half pound black drum
at the jetties last Wednesday t
Ken DeWitt, fishing from :
the "Out of Line," caught a
66-pound wahoo at the Elton "
Bottom last week. .
James Gergley and Matt
Hamilton dished the canal
last Tuesday and caught seven
redbass to24 inches and on
Wednesday morning James,
fishing from his "Head
Hunter" caught four redbass.
and a speckled trout.
Capt. Dave Sipler, with the
Ursey family, fished Nassau
SSurid last Thursday and
-caught 41 whiting and'
dozens of ladyfish and jacks.
Capt. Kein Favor from his
"Double K" found hungry tar-
pon on the bait pods below
the St. Augustine Pier last
Gary Burdett, and his
friend: Greg, jumped three tar-
pon and caught two that
weighed about 75 pounds.
Capt. Eddie Smith, with
SMark Dixon last Saturday on
the "Turtle," slow trolled M.F. .
and P.V. for five kings and a S i ,
pair of 'cudas.
On Sunday, Capt. Eddie gB
and his guests Brian Bailey V I
from St. Augustine, Josh Kerr L
.: from San Antonio, Texas and
Butch NMiller of Oklahoma
took the "Turtle" to east P.V. J
and had another active day.
Brian caught a 35-pound I
cobia and a king. Josh
brought in two kings and a
'cuda, and Butch gaffed two:
kings and a'30-pound cobia.
On a third trip, Capt.
Eddie, with his dad Raymond. '
and brother Gene, boxed ,.,i"n li
eight kings, a 12-pound dol- ......
phin, two bonita and four
S'cudas. : .u
Good fishing Jackson Lanehart, Captain Mike Fogg and angler Don Culbreth along with their 49.5-pound king-
fish, minus a foot, that two barracuda removed as the fishermen gaffed the big fish.

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July 26, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte edra Leader

Swimming and volleyball dominate weekend events

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Pr, byc F:r ROB D&ArJGELO

LEFT: Competition in the
Men's Open division of the
World Gym Summer'Blast
beach volleyball tournament
last Saturday was fierce.
Adding glamour to the event
was the presence of television
cameras for the first time. The.
event was taped for broadcast
on Aug. 4.
Selva Marina swimmer Kelly
Deem competes in a heat of
the girls 9-10 butterfly.
Melissa Mooreset the ball for
her teammate during Women's
Open beach volleyball play.
Winston Waves swimmer
Logan Hansen swims toward
the turn in the boys 13-14 indi-
vidual medley at UNF.

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Page 5B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

July.LPL ,-VVu

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munity-Coastal Georgia. Large lots w/
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ed, golf, fitness center, tennis trails, oak
park, docks. $70k's-$300k. (877)266-
7376. www.coperspoint.com.
PRICES REDUCED. 404 Margaret' St.
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2BR/2BA, attached garage, new roof,
corner lot, community pool, tennis.
REDUCED! $240,000. Available immedi-
ately. (904)703-8380, (423)768-0384.
ATLANTIC BCH-' 3yr old custom house,
3BR/2 1/2 BA, 2300sq ft. Spacious floor
plan w/vaulted ceilings, large gourmet
kitch w/ss appliances, shop in garage and
upgrades too numerous to list. FSBO
$415,000. For virtual tour go to
http://home.comcast.net/-adjonesbhs or
call 249-0812.
VIEW. SawMill Lakes, 4BR/2BA, open
floor plan, 2445sf., community pool,
$499,000. Harrigan Properties, Inc., Real-
tor. 333-8462.
lease purchase, $360K. Call 543-1951:
PONTE VEDRA E. of A1A. Upgraded
flooring, Ocean breezes, new appliances,
siding, roof, and interior paint, oversized
closets, 2300sf., 3BR/2.5BA. $585,000.
Open House, Sat & Sun, 12-5pm,
520 Morningside Dr. 1904)955-8482.
ATLANTIC BEACH West, 3yr..old cus-
tom built Key West style ranch on cor-
ner lot. 3BR/2BA, 12x15 sunroom, 2car
garage. Shows like a model. Must be
seen $295,900. (904)246-4468.

BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA lownnome. 5
Dlocks to beach. $227,000 Call reallor!
owner (904)742-642.
BY OWNER Pool Home. $317K. East of
Penman. Seller will pay $3500 of Buyer
closing cosi. 859-8623

Sunday, 7/30, Ipm-4pm ,
1502 4th Ave. N.
'4BR/2BA on .27"acres $345K
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Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
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Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.laxbesthomes.com

IC WEST off N Kernan, Mt Pleasant
S/D, 42/2, 1850sf. new pain. carpet. ile
& more $248,500 318-3719.
JAX Beach. Ocean Cay. 3BR/2.5BA loh,
2500st. large ienced lot. Stainless steel
appliances, covered porch, large 2 s-lory
family room Buill in 2000 $544,.900 Call

ALL REAL Esiate advenised herein s JACKSONVILLE BEACH
subleci to he Federal Fair Housing Act, ENTIRE DUPLEX FOR SALEI Each side
which makes i illegal 1aoldvese a ny has 3BR's 2BAs Bult i n 1998. $590,000
preference, limlralion or discrimination ATLANTIC BEACH
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handicap, lamillal slatui or national on- condo. Ino siairsi Nice layout, currently,
gin, or Ihe intention to make any such rented 'llI March 2007. Makes great in-
prelerence. Imiaiion or discrimination vestment property $119. 900
Tre Leader Group will not Knowingly ac- ; CYPRESS CREEK- 3'2 2 car gar ,.across
cepi any advertising lor real estate Irom Mayport Elem. Freshly painted
whicr is in violation ol the law. All per- $194,900.
sons are hereby mnormed Inal all dwell- TUCKED AWAY IN PRETTY HIDDEN
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dic'iiminaied against in connection wiin stealal. $229.900.
the sale. rental or financing ol housing. PONTE VEDRA
call the United States Depanment of P NT VE
Housing and Urban Development -HUD BELLEZA AT PONTE VEDRA- 1/1 con-
.11800)669-9777. or for the hearing im- ao, lots of amenities. Currently leased
paired 1(8001927-9275 until Sepl 30ih. $195 000
BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina Escape to ROOKWOOD ES Monument
beauliiul Weslern NC Mountains. Free BROOKWOOD FOREST- Monument
color brochure & inlormation mountain area, 3/2.5 townhome w, gar, lois of
properties' wspeclacular views nomes, space Reduced 0o $169.900
cabnrs, creeks & investment acreage ARLINGTON HILLS- Cute 3,2 w/ garage.
Cnerokee Mounlain Realty GMAC Real Great starter home in nice area $149 900
Eslale. cherokeemounlainrealry cm ICW
(800164-115868 '- l ,.-"VIA ''I OSSc CREEK- Kernap
,. .areC, 3/22,~8r jar..viriyl siding. stainless
steel apple $207,900
ASHLEY WOODS- Like new 4/2, over
LOT- 50'X100' Vilano Bcn, $199,000 2000sl. 3yrs old. $276,000
Grace Ellis. All Pro Realry Specialisls. HOME FINDER REALTY
655 7923 iceii 241-5501 OR 221-1711

38 ACRES- salt marsh land at Greenlield
Creek. West o OQueens Harbor Country
Club al All Blvd & Girvin Rd Wetland mill.
gabon/ preservation R E. #162204 0000.
$95 000 OBO 904-282-3519
LAKE LAND Sale! 5.5 Acres with Boat
Slip -Only $29.900! Direct access lo
33.000-acre mountain lake in Tennessee
with noal slip Available 8.26. (8001770.
9311 exi.830.
ATL BCH lot. corner 56x176, one block
61f Mayl.ort Rd 565K Owner consider li-
rance 813-8180
5 BLOCKS to ocean North Jax. Bcn.
Large Comer lot 80x120 with 1000 sq tl
block house Add on or tear down. As is.
Moitialea seller. $295.000 553-7203.

Pv FSBO Buila your dream home Last
1,'4 acre buildable lot easi ol A1A
www.realitcheckoul.cor'. 104038 or call
......... -- ---- ._ -

3BR.2BA. 1727SF, Neptune By Tne Sea
5459k. Man 382-8432.
Palm Valley- Roscoe Blvd. Custom built
New Construcion over 4000sl 75x400 lot
Call lor email or floor plan 1 925 million
S4BR/2BA nuge cul de-sac lol. community
pool and tennis. minule o ine Beacnes A.
school. $288,900.
3BR,2BA. all bncK. 2+ garage. backs to
Small creek leading to Intracoaslal
-$ 289,900
SToally remodeled 4BR'2 5BA. limestone
iootnng. slate counienops, custom cab-
nes and lignhting. Owned by professional
kll;chen' bath designer GORGEOUS!
Mlutil see' $5-19 900.
TWO 1BR 1BA loll Ponte Vedra Beacn
Condos. upgrades including granite & lile
Iloors. I1replace. custom lighting, private
Deacr, access, lennis, illness room..i unit
currently leased $189,900 &8 195,900
Ke', Weai sryle cohage adorable wiln
huge real room. private backyard, greal
lor entertaining. Low maintenance land-
scaping $332.900 Call today for details.
Moiivaled seller! 2BR.2BA, downstairs
unri. replace. wood Iloors, icar garage;
Offered al $154,900
Dolphin Cove, PVB, 3BR/2BA, huge cor-
ner lot, all brick, cul-de-sac, updated tile in
main living area. Ready to gol $304,900.
3BR/3BA w/large bonus room,, popular
floorplan w/formal living/ dining room, cov-
ered lanai. rnground swim. spa. Offered at
5339 500
Beautiful "under construction" home in
gated community. 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room, large l1o 3-car garage and much
more Offered at $795 000.
3BR/2BA home in San Pablo Creek. Spa-
cious floor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond. Offered at $239,900.
3BR.3BA newly consIructed Mercedes .
built nome Huge bonus room toll Land-
Sscaped yard and a greal floor plan. Of-
fered at $375.000.
Upgraded home in San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900.
Call: 904-241-4447

ATLANTIC BEACH beautiful 1/2 acre
cul-de-sac lot 4BR.1 5BA brick nome
Slighi ire/ smoke damage. $180K (904)
Ocean Cay- FSBO. 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sl w/great room, 3BR!2BA
Located on mature pond. Granite, wood
Iloors, new paint $559K will co-op
2 BLOCKS to beach. 2BR. screened
porch. 2 car garage $269,900 Consider
lease option, Owner, Agent 463-7343.
WATERFRONT TO St Johns River Cozy
conage newly remodeled, bulkheaded
Only 3 minutes to Dunns Creek.
$289,900 Call Vickie Smith. ERA Trend
Realty 13861972-6494

1130 ROSE, 3BR/2BA, new A/C, paint,
ceramic tile, carpet, stove refrigerator,
dishwasher. Fireplace, fenced yard.
$189,000. 710-8083.
FSBO, JB, 3BR/1BA, 714 4th St. S. Short
walk to beach,, good .neighborhood.
$260,000 OBO. 246-8532," 246-8415,
FT. CAROLINE Area. Huge 1.5 acre lot
with 3/2, 2361sf. $379,900. Motivated sell-
ers. Donna Warpool, Reality Execs. of
P.V. 338-5478.
tage w/sllt. Bulkheaded $248,000. Call Jim
after 7p.m. (904) 501-3314.
esville, lakeview, upstairs master suite
w/office, 4/3. ,2950sf, 5 acres, built 2002.
$469,000. Independent Brokers 904-710-
LEASE/ PURCHASE Secret Woods. Brick
home, 3BR/2BA, 1895sf. $284,900. Bring
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-3111.
4094 DUCK Creek Lane, TPC..$629,000.
4BR/3BA, 2761sf.,Assist2Sell Buyers &
Sellers Partners Realty. (904)230-5555.
ICW NEW 4/2 split: 2190sf. 2car garage,
lot 60 x 120. Under warranty. $335,000
OBO. 813-1200.

3BR/2BA, 1328sf end unit townhome,
great condition. georgeous landscaping
new siding, new A/C, laniastic location'
S8$182,900. Realty Execulives Ponte Vedra
Call Ivana 891-9157

Townhouse 3BR/2BA, 1334sf, laminate
flooring 1- st floor, fenced yard, french
doors to palo, 1927 Mary Street. Excel-
lent condition, $149,900, 333-4641.
A.B. TOWNHOUSE- 3/25 1600si 2 car
garage, bill 2002, $250k, 658 Stocks

houses Irom ocean. 50x100 lol. $800K.
IC WEST near Mayo Clinic. 3/2/2, 1750+
st, remodeled. $274.500 Independent
Brokers 710-3111.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA.1500sl lust
remodeled, 42' Hickory cabinets, granite
counter lops. Iravertine Iloors, bamboo in
dining room, Berber carpel, hot tub, 2 car
garage $318,000. 463-0505
large corner loi. Iile Iloors, new rool. F/P.
many upgrades 992-2249 or 514-7152

NEPTUNE BEACH house. 1 block to
ocean 3 large BR. 2.5BA, pnvale back
yard, garage withn uge deck. New roof &
pain $409,900. Call Kimberly wilh Mag.
nolia Properties. 472-5558.
FSBO. 4BR/3BA. large private lot,
6 blocks to beach $375.000 463-3738
NEW LISTINGI Open House, Sunday,
12pm-3pm. Selva Linkside. 1660 Link-
side Court North, Atlantic Beach,
3BR/2 5BA. Pool, $472,500. 472-5558.
Magnolia Properties.
to Ocean. large lot. 1500sf $337.000.
FSBO IMMACULATE 4/2/2, 2300sf in
Windsor Chase IKernan & Beachi, bull
2003 Hardwood. tile, lormal living & ain-
ing, eat-in kitchen w/42" maple cabinets.
black appliances, large master bedroom!
bath. inside laundry w/cabinels. sprinker/
security system, community pooliplay-
ground. $349,000. 2434 Misty Water Drive
E. 894-7058 Brokers welcome
1804 101h SI N Sunday, July 30th, 12-
3pm Awesome 4'2 Walk to beach and
school. $344.000. 241-2634
POOL HOME 245K, 3BR1i.5BA. Lg. Fam-
ily Room. 1619 Sunset Drive, Jax. Bhen
.i ATLBCH HOME $209,900!1
FSBO. GOOD Staner Home!' 618-1
Dunon Island Dr West.. 3BR/1.5BA. New
A/C, roof, windows, doors, and applian-
ces. By appoinlment only. Call David
247-0665 Ihomei, 704-2337 (cell)
FSBO. Neptune Beach Townhome, Spa-
cious. 3;2 5. 1 car garage, all appliances.
new AC/ plumbng/ carpel. Community
pool, boat slorage. bike/ walk to Beach
and Town Center $267K. Call 655-2718
S. JAX Beach, 3BR'1.5BA, masonry,
block/ brick, 1200st, carpon. CH&A large
lenced lot, six blocks Io beach $305,000.
Some financing available. 249-4324
Lakes. 3BR'2BA +Den. open Iloor plan.
2445sf.. community pool. FSBO,
$499,000 Call 1904)304-0757
BY OWNER, 3BR/2BA. renovated Seller
will pay $3500 ol Buyer closing cost
$330,000. 859.8623



on large lot with deep \water dock right behind the house. Private,
separate guest house, spectacular \ iews from every room. This is
a very special home. full media room. game room, craft room,
every bedroom is a suite with its own bathrooms. Screened lanai
with summer kitchen overlooks courtyard pools, rear screened
porch overlooks beautiful back yard and dock.
8.800 sq. ft. Reduced $500,000 to $399,999,000.
QUEENS HARBOUR Lovely 4 or 5 bedroom home. Formal
LR & DR.. very large kitchen, great golf course view from family
room. Wood and ile floors in formal and kitchen areas, 3 car garage.
3.300 sq. ft.
Just Reduced $649,900.
HIGHLAND GLEN tow, this has one of the largest lots in theL
community! Stunning home with wood floors and upgraded tile
thru-out. Coffered ceilings, kitchen has cherry wood cabinets,
screened porch, fenced yard on lake. Come take a look at this 4
bedroom home. "
Sellers will respond to offers between $489,900 -$568,900.
PABLO BAY One of Jacksonville's hottest communities.
Offering 5 bedrooms, large loft, formal dining and family room.
Very roomy and large lot offers lots of privacy backing up to
wooded area. Lots of upgrades too.
Over 2,900 sq. ft. $569,900.
JOHN'S CREEK Wonderful location, walk toArated elementary
school, con venient to shopping and JTB. Cute as can be with formal
areas + family room. Open kitchen. this home isbright andcheerful
awaiting a new owner, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and so much more .
Just under 2,000 sq. ft. $299,000.
INVESTOR DREAM Jacksonville Beach, walk to the beach.
Duplex lot, seller has plans drawn up for over 7,000 sq. ft. Duplex
with 2 car garage. Cute beach'bungalow sits on the property fow.
Seller just reduced, will sell plans and property for a mere
beach lot on the east side of Mayport Road. Great opportunity for
small business or seller can build to suit.
Lot is 50X115 and Seller just reduced $149,000.
If you would like information on any of these or other listings please contact:

This upscale 3br/ 2 1/2ba townhome has
itl Superior quality and condition. Designer
finishes, coral stone floors, granite coun-
ters. Fabulous rooftop deck.. Steps to
beach. Move in, condition. 323 7th St.
$759,000. 242-8081.

2450sf, many upgrades, large comer lot,
$269,900, independent brokers 710-3111.
2487sf, boat lift, dock, deck over water,
scr. pool, 35ft long Fla. room, .2 car gar.
PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$185,900. (904)424-0660.
LIVE CHEAP at Jax Beach!'This 950sf.,.
newly redecorated, 2BR/1.5BA townhome
duplex is only a short walk to the beach.
Ceramic tile bathrooms and floors, plush
carpet in bedrooms, CH&A, range, refrig-
erator, DW, laundry room, balcony, 6'
fenced yard and concrete driveway. Live
in one side and have a $1000 (plus)/mo.
rental income from the other side and
rents at the beachare rapidly increasing!
This is a very sound investment for the fu-
ture. Only $349,000!! Similar properties:
sell for $240,000 Per Side! 617 Seventh
Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach. Call
Dan Cantrell at (904)993-1114 or Fax
JAX BCH FSBO 4BR'2BA7 blocks to
ocean. 636 7th S1 Souln $260.000. 2941
2325 ,
JAX BEACH 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, ce-
,ramic tile floors, CH&A, laundry room, ap-
pliances, patio, privacy fenced yard,
$1050'mo. .no .pets, 1 year lease,,
On trdal creek almost 1 acre lol 2'1 block
home wibig workshop and yard 1719 Gir-
vin Rd. $449 000 inegoilable). 2331505
lease purchase. $360K. Call 543-1951
FSBO BEAUTIFUL Coniemporary home.
2214sf. 3BRi2 12 bath Open plan gran.
ire kilcnen counters italian porcelain ile
lacuzzi lub and b master bedroom, piania-
lion blinds '$399,900 By appointment on-
ly 223-1042
OPEN HOUSE- Saturday. 12am-3pm 584
Soulh Upper 8tn Ave Jax Beach
3BR'2BA. renced back yard, 1354sf.
$325,000 742-1946 '.

I.C WEST- Kernan Forest. 2004 execu-
rive nome. 5BR,4BA, 2-car. 2.650+5sl.
$409.500. Independent Drokers 710.3111
Lane. 4BR.'2.5BA. 2400sl home on goll
course w/inground pool. brick. Reduced to
$429.900 Owner reallor 19041838-8937.
ally turnisned, fenced yard, screened-in
porch and deck w private entrance to
master bain. Great inveslment or staner
home $269,000 1904)247-8004
MOVE IN READY. updated and relinished
3BR/2.5BA home located at 1404 Decla-
ralion Dr Jax Beach. This solid brick
nome sius on a Oeautilul lake view lot and
is close to beaches, shopping and the
JTB Just reduced and ready to sell 904-
PVB, RANCH style 3BR2BA house local-
ed in the Dolpnin Cove Community is only
$282,900 and lots 1o oiler, go online at
www.ForSalebyOwnerCenter com/-44646
Motivaled Sellers. 285-3014 iv. msg.
WATER FRONT! Newly Remodeled'
FSBO, Gorgeous view. everything new'
2/2. single family, Sawgrass TPC. Below
marvel price' $284 900 19141371-9088
3BR' BA, wood Iloorng and blinds
screened porch, lenced yard, eat-in kilch.
en and large laundry room. close to beach
[and park. $216,000 247-92441 or 651-

With an accepted offer
on any of these homes!
Waterfront $889k
4234 Tradewinds Drive
3/2.5 former model, dock

4/2, fml Ir/dr 295k
12929 Deep River Way
.21 acres reduced $30k

Upgraded 3/2, $305k
4779 Kernan Mill Lane
Stucco, tile, trees, fncd yrd

Spacious 3/2 + office $280k
2465 Misty Water Dr. W.
Fncd yrd, reduced $15k

4/2 on .27 acres $345k
1502 4th Ave. N. Jax Beach
Updated, hot tub, deck, lanai

Jax Beach Condo $145k
1800 The Greens #304
Marshview, apples, ianai
*" *

condo. 2BR.2BA w/garage NexI to Saw.
grass and close io beaches $227 900
Flexible daily open rouse nours Remax
100 Realty, Sharon Stevens. (904) 687-
WALK TO beach AliNepiune area town-
house. New rool. carpel, paint, lile, re.
plumbed Appla and elnced yard
$229,900. Call Lana 292-1750.
REDUCED $15,000
FSBO THE Palms, 3BR/2BA, 1st Floor,.All
amenities: $225,000, 241-3471.
the street from the beach starting at
$499K. Ready 2008. Call Rene L. Baron,
Inc. 242-2821.
2BR/2BA with loft, skylights, large closets,
laundry, storage unit, private patio, new
appliances, $126,900. Under market. Mo-
tivated seller. Open House daily 9am-
5pm. 904-803-5359.
TOWNHOUSE $275,000, 2BR/2.5BA, ga-
rage, privacy fence,.512 10th Ave. S.,
(904) 223-6896.
FSBO, Save $14K! New Lakeview, Wi-Fi,
resort pool- spa, A1A location, must seel
$222K, FREE 27" HDLCD TV, FREE clos-
ingl 727-458-4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
2BR/2BA CONDO, 1-mile to beach, close
to shopping, granite countertops, wood &
berber throughout, w/marsh view. Gated
community including gym, pool, & tennis.
$227,500 plus 6 months of prepaid condo
fees. Call Ted (904) 537-7896.
Estate sale Deluxe 2/2 new unit, lake-
view, many upgrades Resort pool, park
setting, $14k below market, $217k. Open
Sunday 904-284-5251.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $485,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.

2BR/2BA CONDO in gated community
w/marsh view. Unit has tile, vaulted ceil-
ing, and new appliances. Great ammeni-
ties! Unit comes w/new 32" plasma TV at
closing. $199,900. Call James 708-0880.
BUY DOWN! Townhome East of A1A, S.
Jax Beach. Walk to Roy's and Bonefish,
$23,000 below appraisal. 2BR/1.5BA. No
qondo fee. $338,000 OBO. Owner/ Agent

HANNA PARK. Like new, Large 3BR/2BA
single, 1,215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE
kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing-availabfe. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
PORTSIDE 2BR/1.5BA remodeled, lami-
nate floors, all appliances, custom deck
and shed. Call 762-1776.

dIdt!, ^ w^I,

OCEAN LINKS..2BR/2BA, 1-car garage. i ".. "-' .
Golf course & lake views. Updated, new OFFICE CONDO: 1000sf, excellent loca-
paint, now available. $235,000. 535-7234. tion, 1401 Penman Rd. $269,900. Call
iJAV ACH jR/2)A ,,,on,, ,, ,vl con- 904-545-2826.

JAX n:51=AUH Ol- /l u/Z5 roruna levelcon-
do w/garage in a gated retreat and close
to everything. Offers a nice floor plan,
neutral decor throughout, all kitchen appli-
ances are a year old. $204,900. 285-3014.
PVB, 2BR/2BA, walk to beach. Below
market value. $219,900. (904)955-0872.
PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA, $187,200. Grace-Ellis,
All Pro Realty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell).
VALENCIA NEW Luxury condo.
2BR/2.5BA. 1622sf. Upgrades, end unit.
Ready in fall. $469K. (904) 716-9236.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $525,000. Owner/agent
13715 N. Richmond Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Pointe, $184,900. 3BR/2BA, 1500sf.
w/garage. Lowest priced condo in Wind-
sor! Beautiful family room, bright kitchen &
convenient inside laundry room, gorgeous
master suite w/walk-in closet & private
bath! Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @

So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new, rede-
reloped Oceans Edge. E. of Third. Luxuri-
ous 1BR 1BA condo, 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties. Must sell 299,900. Call June Gage-
Pettit, Magnolia Properties, 994-3608.

2BR.1BA. FURNISHED. Goll Fair #42
$5500 OBO. Call 241 -7317. 588-4321
PALM HARBOR Homes lactory model
center largest in Americal Modular and
manulactured Liquidalion sale' Call For
free color brochures 1800)622-2832.

------^S~-"'^flm;- S-- f~ m ^ ^ SiuM"" -

RETAIL OFFICE for Rent, 1000sf.,
$13/sq.ft. on Penman Rd. Call 545-2826.

For lease. Located behind the Tree Steak
House. 7600sf available, dividable by
2300sf and 5300sf. Pis call 904-993-2222.






Homes, Condos,
Some Brand New!


241-5501 221-1711

Affordable Beach'Living
Studio 38A A s. & Townhomes
Walk to Ocean, Schools & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Tennis, Balconies

(Corner of Penman & Seagate)


Srockron A TradioL n Since 18SM L4
IU 12-WI Bet.Iz

$ 875
$ 950

$ 900/wk

924 Belleza
;305 Kensington
149 Cranes Lake
511 Belleza: .
213 Belleza
72 The Fountains
133 Bimini Court
925 Ocean Links
2 The Fountains

Ponie Vedra
Ja.VKeman BlId.
Ponte Vedra
Ponie Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponte Xedra
SPonte Vedra
Ponte Vedra





204 Tournament Road PonteVedra/Fairfield 2/2 .1200
228 Iarrasa Dnie Jax/Pablo Point 3/2 2000
2806 St. Marc Cour Ponte Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+den 1600
10061 Rough Creek Ponte V6dra/SawgiassCC 2/2 1465
371 19th Street Atlantic Beach : 3/2+loft 2150
S04 Templeton Lane PonteVedra/WaldenChase4/2 1700
97 'Voager Court P onie \edra/Sax grassTPC3/2 1750
106 Bermuda Ba, :' Ponnt Vedra 3/2 1700
S33-3 L.ghthoui e Pointe Lane Ja. Beach 3/3 2144
138~ \ While Herron Place Jax/Pablo Bay 4/3 2482
603i3 Blndgea Jer Circle Ponie V\dra/Sawgrass TPC3/2.5 2000
2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 +ofc 3009
13 Players Club Vila Ponte \edra/Sa*gras TPC3/3. 2200
14- Shelby Cove Court Ponte Vedra/Marsh Core 4/2.5 2000
200 A.iale Point Dnie South Ponre Vedra/Fairfield 4/2 2300
117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte edra/Masnh Landing 4/2.5 :2000
9910 Preston Trail PointeVedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
804 Metropolitan JaxBeach .3/2 1799
70 Beach Cotlage Lane Atlantic Beach 4/4 2800
628 Preserve View Dnve Palm Valley/Marsh Harbor 4/4+bonus rm 3100
408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downitown Rjierfiont 2/2+l1of 2100
.2451 South Ponie Vedra Bvd South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 3500
l i l urn I I
cBeach Club Villas Sawgrass Beaph Club fff.. 600
c49 Tifton %Wa North Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5 1500
k75 Tifton Way North Sawgrass Country Club 2/2/den 1500
k17" Ave. North w/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500
TheColony PinteVedra .2/2 1100
k 2839 S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
741 Spinnaker's Reach Sawgrass Beach Club 1/1 700
k2503S. Ponte Vedra S. Ponte Vedra 3/2.5 2100
kThe Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
Quail Point II. Sawgrass Country Club 2/2 1800
444 La Reserve Circle Ponte Vedra/L'Atridm 2/2+office 1600
3494 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach 3/2 1600
92 Tifton Way North Sawgrass Country Club 3/2 1900
117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
k728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 wlgaprrm2600
826 Spinnakers Reach Sawgrass/Beach Club .1/1.5 1100
k2824 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
2841 Ponte Vedra Blvd. S. Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront4/2 2100
Walkers Ridge Sawgrass Country Club 3/2 2100
408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100

1931 Beach Ave(3mo.min.) Atlantic Beach

**Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacatlonll
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882

Beat The

Summer I


To The


Were Almost

Come See W !

~d1;13C; 3nnf;

3/3 2400

Page 6B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 2L, ZUUO

JAX BEACH, Penmian .Rd., -880sf., NEPTUNE BCH. Garage Apt., 2/1, ocean
$860/mo. +$30/mo. water-utility. 246-4930 view, new paint/ carpet, W/D avail., bike
storage, no pets, avail 8/15. $985/mo.
year'lease. 247-0872 or 254-5043.

JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 2 family up,
2BR/1BA, WDHU, CH&A, free water, pool,
parking, remodeled. Great deal. $970+/mo
JARDIN DE MER, 3BR/2BA, garage.
$1350/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. 770-429-9331.
beach. 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
burning fireplace. Nicely landscaped gar-
den patio area w/new privacy fence. WD
hook-up, ample storage, refng wice mkr,
and dishwasher. No Dogs Smoking.
$975/mo. w/lease & strong refs. req'd. Call
285-8325 (eves.) or 403-9297 (cell).

BEACHES, HODGES & Keman. 1,2, 3 &
4BR Apartments & Homes, in luxury com-
munities, from $800/rio. 233-4545.
house 1 mile west o Maypon lerry,,
Heckscher Drive $1195/mo. 733-3730.
DUPLEX/ BEACH Office, 2BR/1 5BA.
4 blocks to ocean 1300st., $1150/mo
*uiililes 1215 11lh SI. N (904)318-2121
JAX BEACH, 1BR apanment 404 Upper
8thAve.S. 904)733-3194.
LARGE 1 bedroom Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean Very clean. No Pels.
S675imo 642-1214 and 241-1219

HALF BLOCK to beach; 1BR/1BA. 109
Florida Blvd. No Pets. $700/mo. $700/de-
posit. 535-8358 or 786-5127.

OCEAN WALK, 4/2, 2185sf, Formal
LR/DR, family room w/fplace, EIK, break-
fast bar, carpet, ceramic tile, pool, pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgmt
Services 246-1125.
THE WOODS, 4/2, 2500sf., cul-de-Osac,
sunroom, LR/ DR, EIK. $1675/mo. TDO
inomnt O2A4-121 O tdnroaloesto 'n nm

219 SOUTH St., NB, 1BR, W/D included, ",""" '.."' .
screened porch. $785/mo. +security. No ICW- 3550 Eunice Rd. 3BR/2BA, 1100sf,
pets. 247-7550, 612-8080. $1100/mo, Petra Mgmt. lic R.E. Broker.
,v ,,^,-.uR^a o- Vl .,Q ^afi -. t 241-1151.

Uf-A DB-E S Oda vllls eflllcuillUy apI.
$650/mo., 1BR. $750./mo., Call 294-7163
for appt.
'JAX, BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BRW1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
TOWNHOUSE- 2BR/1BA, steps from
ocean, W/D. No pets, no smoking.
$1200/md + $1000 security deposit. Call
ATLANTIC BCH. townhouse. 712 Cavalla
Rd. 2BR/15BA. Screened porch. Dogs
under 35lbs. $775/month. $775 deposit.

ATLANTIC BEACH Lg 1 & 2BR Apt., dish-
washer, pool, near stores and bus.
$560/mo & up, + deposit, no pets, nice
place to live, 246-8537.
'***. *

JAX BCH 312.5. ocean view. $1600/mo
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044
MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550, on pri.
vate lots. Near Maypon Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.

OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, lusl sleps
OCEANFRONT 1BR/ 1BA. 108 orange ST, to ocean Club pool $1100/mo. All South
- Nep Bch. downstairs, $1200/mo incl until. Realty. 241-4141.
avail 8/1 (661)803-6275 n n ATl AJTi nR-h on7 1-, h .,
OLD ATLANTIC Beach. 207 15th St.

JAX BCH, 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd St. S.
2BR'2 5BA in-level townnouse, garage,
Srreplace Very nice. recent upgrades.
51250/mo No Pets 221-6037.
JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood floors. Dishwasher. CH&A.
iBR,1BA. $800/mo, $850imo. 2BR/1BA
$1250/mo (904)859-1301, 553-1354
Convlenl to FCCJ South and UNF Cam-
pus 1BR $512/mo, 2BR $605/mo., 3BR
$665/mo Security deposit $250. Credit,
background and landlord reference re-
quired EHO (904)641-0912.
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA $695imo & $725/mo
1904)891-0606, 1352)478-2161.
IBR.'1BA OCEANVIEW, pool. no pels
5750.monln. 339 4901.
NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
2BRtlBA upstairs, 1 year lease No pels,
no W/D nookup $950/mo. +$950/sec.
dep 916 First Street between Bay &
Pine. Available 8/15,06. 246-8970 or
WATERFRONT, 2BR/2.5BA condo w'Doat
slipi Convenienl to beach, shoppingt
S1375;mo AIl Souln Realry. 241.4141.
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean, renovated
2BR. all amenres, avail soon, $1100/mo.
siairs duplex 2 blocks ocean access.
900.l Modern decor. 2BRiB1A Cenlral
air and heal Vaulted ceiling. oak and ce-
ramic ile floors. Landscaped trees, deck,
pond. lence. lyr lease. $1200/monln and
depos.ll. 249 7064
BEAUTIFUL 2BR,2.5BA Townhouse. 6
blocks to beach, fireplace WDHU, ga-
rage $1300.mo (9041742-6423.
MARSHVIEW, 1BR/1BA condo. Club pool
& amenities! $775,mo. All South Realty,
hEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area. quiet, sale. residential neighbor-
poo, 2B1A. lower. upleR, new'pailn
H&Ai4 f. I.'ddldddtdolo gfc'rok.ng do
ets.- $.50 mo.. lease depos. 993-1118
VILANO BEACH, 4BRi4BA. 2850st. over-
looking Intercoaslal. walk to beach home
:: only 4yrs old. $1950/mo. Call Jan Hotf-
Sman 537-7777 Owner/agent
A%/ ..i .-p r: .i....-n AM. V1- A -.u .. .-

2 BLOCKS OCEAN. 210 10th Ave. N.
2BR $850-mo Credit check, deposit. no
peis. 19041514-8530
PONTE VEDRA. Newly Renovaled, re.
son -aimospnere. 2-sory 1BRI/1BA end
unit. washerdryer included 5925,mo.
ATLANTIC BEACH duplex. 2BR/1BA re-
modeled. 4 biks Irom beach and Town
Center. WDHU. $900-mo. electric water
' included Avail 8.'1/06 Call 610-3838.
JAX BCH 1 block to ocean 3BR 1.5BA
lownnome. Patio & balcony. CH/A,
WDHU. $1350/mo $900'dep 526 S 2nd
S Sr 280-2728 iv msg.
FOR RENT 3BR'2BA cozy oeacr. conage.
Neptune Bch $1600,month. Pets okay.
PVB. TOWNHOUSE Condo w/prvale
courtyard lakeironh. 2BR-2.5BA $950/mo.
Call 280 8782
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA. upstairs. 1 year
lease, NO W.'D nook-up, NO pets.
: $800.'mo $800'sec dep. 329-4 Nortn
14ih Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.

- flU t

2BR/1BA, CH/CA. 1 block to ocea.,
$1000/mo, references 2466194, 249-

w/garage $1250/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. Call
655-2207, visit: www.569.clb net
blo Bay next to Mayo Clinic. near Beach &
San Pablo. 3000. square feet, 4 bedroom
lus bonus room. total five bedroom. 3
aths, many upgrades, stainless applian-
ces, central vac.' Intercom, hardwood
floors, closed lanai, walerview, club
house, pool, tennis. Available August 1st
$1995/mo 403-1998, 349-3434. Ask
aboul 1 month Iree.
S. JAX Beach, 3BR1.5BA carport.
CH&A, large fenced yard. six blocks to
beach. $1200/mo. +security deposit.
Available 8/1/06. 249-4324
PV- SAWGRASS 3BR 2.5BA, 2800sl,
$1900/mo. 285-5419, 864-6492.
3BR/2BA, heated pool, 6 blocks to ocean/
lown center. $1600!mo. 19041241-1886.
ATLANTIC BCH townhouse, 3 5BR, 2BA,
everything new, ceramic te throughout,
marsh view 2979 Bayshore Dr, Maypon
Landing. Must see' $1100/mo 465-2163.
PVB 3BR/2BA, 1-car garage, 1.300 st
fenced.-n yard. $1300/mo. 273-0999
4 BLOCKS to beach 3BR/1 5BA, open
floor plan wile, clean air home. lenced
yard w/play Ion, cul--de-sac pets ok.
$1675/mo+ deposit. 994-6864, 422-6864
PONTE VEDRA/ Palm Valley, beautiful.
large, private, 3BRi2BA, 2-car garage.
w/many amnenities. $1400/mo. 860-1690.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 2 story. 3/2. loft BR.
cath ceilings, carpel. ceramic lile, blasi
bar. screened back porch. $1100.mo.
TDO Management. 246-1125.
JAXBCH 3BR.2 5BA, 2 stories, 2car ga-
rage, galed comm w/amenities. 2300+sf.,
$1800 mo. OBO, 904-338-5692.
lease.;pvrcnase ijvail, 8'J. 5430.1951i. ., i-
JAX BEACH- .near ocean, 3BR.1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4[h Ave
South. $1195/mo. (904)221-4134. 703-
3BR/2BA, ATLANTIC Beach/ Maypon.
Deposit required. $950/mo. Call Derrick
838-3730 orChrisry 866-0820
SOLANO CAY 3BR/2.5BA. tile floors. cule
yard, available 8/1 51400. 392.8350.
So. Jax Beach, 2/2, lurn or unlum. Ig bal-
cony, WOD 1yr. lease cbl & water incl.
Secured bldg. pools. exercise room &
sauna $2050/mo. Call859-1356
JAX BEACH beaulilully decorated, town-
home 3BR/3 5BA, 2-car garage. ocean
views. $3,850/mo 242-2534, 614-8440.
JAX BCH. 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd St. S
2BR/2.5BA nr-level townhouse garage.
fireplace Very' nice- -recent upgrades
$12501mo. No Pets 221-6037
VILLAGES OF Pablo, 4'2. 2400sL., FR
DR. office, sunroom $1600/mo. Avail. 7/1.
TDO Mgmnt. 246-1125
PONTE VEDRA Bcn PVB. 2000s1. 4'2
updated home with lenced privale yard in
quiet neighborhood $16001 monin 322-
beach, 2BR/2BA .bonus. yard service
included S. Jax Beacn $1400/mo
ATLANTIC BCH 312 walk lo Beach and
park, large privale fenced back vard,
$1375rmo Available immediately. Call

PVB SUMMERFIELD spacious contempo-
rary, 3BR/2.5BA, office, fenced backyard,
great neighborhood beside schools.
$2250/mo,. (321)269-7896.
BEAUTIFUL 3BR/2BA home w/2 car ga-
Srage in Cypress Cove, Atlantic Bch. Over-
looks the Marsh and Intracoastal, spectac--
ular sunset views, 1244sf, $1200/mo., Call
WALDEN CHASE, St. Johns Schools.
3BR/3BA, Bonus .room, office. 2378sf.
Cul-de-sac, 2 car garage, fenced back-
yard, all appliances. $1800/month. 370-
4844 and 285-0140.
PVB, 3BR/2BA home, close to beach,
comm. pool, 2-car garage $1450/mb.
OCEAN VIEW cottage, 3BR/2BA,
$1300/mo. 100 steps from beach, W/D,
deck & patio, 111 9th Ave. So., 241-7634.
ATLANTIC BEACH, fully rumished
3BR/2BA. Hot lub, deck. fireplace 2 car
garage, walk to beach, golf and tennis
club. Mint $2200/month.

JAX BCH, Newer 2/2 Condo, 1.5 blocks to
beach, 2nd floor, W/D, balcony, storage,
reserved parking, $1300/mq. Owner/
Agent, 226-2038.
JAX BCH, 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd St. S.
2BR/2.5BA tri-level townhouse, garage,
fireplace. Very nice- recent upgrades.
$1250/mo. No Pets. 221-6037.
1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
PONTE VEDRA. Walk To Beach. Furnish-
ed 1BR/1BA, water-to-golf view,' pool,
tennis. $1250/mo. includes utilities.
608-0962 or 396-9544:
THE PALMS At Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA.
Waterview, wood floors, 1st floor, gated,
$1125/mo. 241-3941.
PVB. CONDO 2BR/2BA deluxe on lake.
Beach access. New appliances including
Washer/Dryer. Approved .pets okay.
$1150/month. Available now. (904) -813-
ICW, NEW Condo. 2BR/iBA, washer, dry-
er provided pool & litness center on site.
$1100'mo 246-4487 or 553-6110

ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA home, lusi Fully lurnisned. 2BR/2BA all inclusive
blocks to beacin $1575/mo. All Soulh Re- electric cable) Shor/Long lerm.
ally, 241-4141. $1700/mo. 535-3911.

beach 2BR/1 5BA lownnome with wood-
burning fireplace Nicely landscaped gar-
den patio area w/new privacy lence. WD
nook-up, ample storage. refrig w/ice mkr
and dishwasher No Dogs/ Smoking
$975gmo. w/lease & strong rels. req'd. Call
285-8325 (eves) or 403-9297 (cell)
PV BCH, Solano Woods, 3BR 2BA.
$1400/mo. Call Cindy Brown. PVB Realty

JAX BCH new. 3/2 w/ garage. consider
lease purchase, $1400/mo. 463-7343.
side End unit, 1-slory, large yard.
$1375'mo. 904)612-6532. (904)641-5564
5-star, newly renovated. new appliances
washer/dryer, fireplace, golf course view,
Beach access. $1100/mo including water

ATLANTIC BCH, 3BR beautifully furnish- PVB. E ol A1A. 1BR.IBA, 5-slar ameni-
ed. Move In ready. WID, walk to ocean. lies. Brand new granite/ rile, pool and gal-
$1600/mo. 993-3226. ed. $1200/mo. 17061228-5189 Dean.

SOUTH JAX Bch. 2BR'2BA fully furnish-
ed, 1 car garage. fenced yard. Includes
wireless, inlernel, and able. Completely
updated. 3 blocks Irom beach. For photos
e-mail manaeugeniarolo@bellsouth.nei
$1500imonth. Short or long term lease.
JAX BCH. 3/1. 2.5 car gar., lenced yard,
V1400/mo.836 91h Ave N 318-0044.

JAX BEACH- Immaculate 3BR/2BA unit in
tne Palms, ground lioor, lakeview unit. Fit-
ness center, pools, tanning, tennis, club-
house & more! $1450/mo. 904-372-9222
$1550/mo Ask aboul Free Rent?
NEW 2BR/2BA, $1200/mo. appliances in-
cluded. oaraoe. Jardin De Mer. 249-7501.

ATLANTIC'BCH, 3BR 2BA newly reno- ..
vated inside & out. $1200,mo incl. lawn JAX BEACH. 3 bedrooms, newly remod-
care 526-4753 or 403-3833. eled. 14th Ave S.. not tub. $1475!mo.
U~~~~~IP iurLdvid,.nn i.onaicuirU

Avail 8/1/06. Call 770-429-9331.
PVB, EAST of A1A. 3/25, private back-
yard awhealed pool and spa. $2150/mo
includes lawn & pool service. 280-5707.
JAX BCH 3BR'1BA. Fenced yard 6
Dlocks to ocean. 536 2nd Ave S $975imo.
WEST BEACHES, Surton Lakes, 4,2.
2300sf,. Formal LR'DR. Family room
w/lreplace, carpet, caih ceilings, fenced
yard, $1600/mo TDO Mgmi Services

PVB, THE Fountains, east of A1A.
2BR.1.5BA, remodeled $1100/mo.
PVB OCEAN Grove, 1BRi/BA w/loft
Overlooks pool and on lake Must rent.
51.000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251-5370.
urnished $1050,monthly, unfurnished
$1100 monlnly. available Aug 887-5005.
2BR'2BA, pool and lake view. Unit 107.
beacn access, fireplace. lanai. 5 solar.
$1000,mo. 338-4137

55 DOLPHIN Blvd. 4BR2BA, new car-
pels.lireplace. $1450/mo. 285-5419, 864- 2BR;2BA BEACHFRONT condo lor long
6492. term,$1800/mo. 233-4224.

sludy and screened in porch. Less than 3
miles from the Mayo & 3 miles Irom the
Beach, No smoking, $1395/mo. Available
now. Call 904-463-3750 or 613-5958.

PVB. 2BRi2BA, walk-to beach, spin Iloor
plan $1100/mo. (904)955-0872.
floor, corner, on golf course. NS. $995/mo.
+deposit 19041466-0230.

2BR/2BA W/OFFICE lully furnished. shon PVB, IBR/1BA. Elegantly furnished Steps
lerm/ Long term lease Oakbddge Subdivi- o Ocean. Garage, $1600imo. 708-4022
sion PVB area, 699-2906.

Street. Walk to beach or park New paint
inside and oul Fenced backyard, pets OK
w/deposit, 51500'mo, 249-2793.
JAX BEACH, 3BRit.5BA nome. 1 year
lease, $1250imo +$1000/sec. dep '1310
Pinewood Rd Available early Augusl Call
246-8970.r-59.1-218. .-...-_.
PVB/ L'ATRIUM large 2BR,2BA, 2 car.
W/D, new carpel, pool, lennis, fenced
yard, fireplace, $1250/mo + deposil.
4BR/3BA nome on lake in Marsh Sound!
Comm pool! $1675/mo. All South Realty

PONTE VEDRA 1BR/1BA w/lott. Gated
community wall ammenities. Beach ac-
cess. Available 9/1 568-8837.
KERNAN BLVD, 3'2 condo, LRDR com-
bo. O'lasl bar. garage. $1050/mo. TDO
Management Services. 246-1125

409 13rh Ave. N. 2BR 2.5BA, 2- slory plus
2 private balconies. 4 blocks to ocean.
Musl see! $1200/mo., $1000/dep. Call
Dave 962-8575.

PVB. 2BR/2BA wilreplace, $1100/mo. Call
Grace Ellis 655-7923.

THE PALMS, 1BR/1BA, near beach and 2BRd2BACONDO al The Plms of Marsh
shopping, amenities, quiei.t, new applian- Landing, lois of amenites. W/D. laKe%,ew,
ces $875mo. 610-3608. 1st loor $1125/mo $200 off first month
ces 75i.mo.610-3608. ren(904553-2161.

PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, 1BR. all
new. w/pool, hiness, spa. concierge, many
amenities. $8751mo Avail. 8 15 Pets wel-
come. 19041448-5591.
BLOCKS FROM the beacn Beaulitul spa-
cious 1BR/IBA (hugn tub), screened pa-
Iio, washer' dryerrend uni,. Pets welcome,
$1000/mo. Call Asnley 887-1885
SUMMERHOUSE IN PVB 1/1. 2 story.
fireplace. everything new, on Sawgrass
golicourse, beach and golf shuttle. great
amenities. $850/mo. 534-4848
vaulled ceiling, beautiful lile Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs $1700/mo
1404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
$900-$1195/mo. Corner unit. fireplace.
W/D townhome Everyling brand new
2BR/2BA. NEPTUNE Bch Marshlroni
view, newly remodeled $1100/mo. +de.
posit. 1904t753-2458.
KIRNEN & Beach Blvd 3BR,2BA lurnisnh
ed, washer/ dryer, pool. $1300/mo. Call
2BR/2BA ON lake in galed community 1
mile to beacon, close to shopping, ameni-
lies include pool. tennis, and gym Call
Maryanne 537-6161.


OTTAT ,Pit"rAi ii;rj

homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
ATLANTIC BEACH Sea Place, furnished
2BR/2BA condo, $1300/mo. 887-5005.
nished homes & condos From $500 per
week All South Realty, 241-4141.

blocks from beach.$700/mo including util-
ities, high speed intemet and cable. Se-
curity deposit $700. Non-smoker please.
Call 904-566-8603 or 566-8611.

NB, ROOMMATE Wanted $425/mo.
+$200/dep. +1/2 utilities. Trees, pool.
SHARE MY.homienear ICW, $500/mo. in-
cludes everything and use of hottub. Call
SEEKING roommate to snare newly reno-
vated 2BR,1.5BA duplex. 5 blocks from
beach. No pets. no smoking, lenced back-
yard, WDHU, $512 50/mo Utiliies nor in-
cluded Call1386)314-6165.
munity on Beach Blvd, west ol the IC.
Available Aug. 3rd 992-7406

ROOM FOR renl in house w/pool and
fenced back yard $600/mo Includes uliln-
ies and satellite TV. 566-1980.
$450,MO INCLUDES ullities, pool and
kitchen privileges. must have rels,
ROOMMATE WANTED $500/mo utilities
included, high speed internet, washer/ dry-
er, 1 5 blocks from beach. 446-5084
SHARE HOME Scooner Bay Drive Very
nice 1 BR'1BA, $350!mo dep.; both in-
clude ublites. 866-3200.
2BRi2BA CONDO in PVB. $550/mo + de-
posit, No pets. 543-0772
PVB- SHARE 3BR/2BA wipool $600/mo.
plus deposit, Call 543-1951.
ROOM FOR rent in nice mobile home,
$90/week + deposit 343-2870

wslhm -48alim s

OFFICE SPACE In Beach plaza, 1300
Beach Blvd. 1347 sq ft. Jonathan at 866-
FOR SALE. 1330s1. office building
& 1610sf. office building, at beaches
Bch. on 3rd St 226-9788 or 994-2945.
REDUCED, OFFICE space for rent' for-
mer doctor ofice- Inree rooms (1 w/slor-
age space). Lease all rooms together or
separate UrTities included Separale back-
door entrance. Located on 3rd St

3750st multipurpose building tor lease.
Can be divided, Call for details,
343-1919. 249-3214
.* *
RETAIL SPACE for rent. 1000st. on
Penman Rd. in Jax Beach. Call for de-
tails 247-4527.

- - - -- -- -- --
MALE CHOWrBORDER colle mx. Free to
a good home. Neutered, snols up lo date,
call 743-1791 or 207-8803 for more info

LOST DOG- Chihuahua- lemale, lan and
white, on medication, 8 yrs old. Last seen
on Flonda Blvd 7/3. Has lags, named
Bianco Call 8592918.
HOMELESS PETS lor adopnon- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.

NEED A hero' 49 attractive lady would like
to meet a nice man. Please call, would
love lo meet. 742-7633

ENJOY A beach get-a-way at Tne Saw-
grass Beach CLub. $550 per week. $1400 IF YOU are interested in advertising under
per monin, 280-5170 or 616-5274 this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail classiiied@beachesleader.com

LEASE.' OPTION to buy. Ocean condo,
Pelcan Poinl 3BR 2BA. 8In Iloor. panor-
amic view. $2350,'mo. 607-4723.
JAX Beach. luxury condo, 3BR/2BA.
$1100,mo. Must Seel 904-894-5835.

PALM VALLEY- Spacious and Peaceful
3/2 1660sl w/ R&R. W&D, Central Air
Large covered Iront porch, Tin Roof, FP
$850/mo $850/Deposil M2M Lease
Pels-OK w/ap-proval. Non-Refundable Pel
Fee. Dare-2-Dream Realty Team of
Cornerstone Real-ty, Inc. 904-339-0231.
Owner-Lic. Real Estate Agent.

ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully furnish-
ed. walk to ocean. $1650/mo 993-3226.
S. JAX Bch 2BR, lully tumished, ocean-
Iron condo. Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267.
4BR/4BA, weekly, monlnly, yearly. Call

H7.3U,.sfs, -- It SS B E

tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wail) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/by appi. only (904)641-2187.
DIVORCE 5275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govt. fees' Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext.600. (8am-7pm) Ahla Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.

goM-I iju. gm

Notice s hereby given that pursuant,Itothe
"Self Storage Facility Act. Flonda Sctat es
Section 1. Pan IV ol Chapter 83, Laws, 1
Florida 1982; the personal property .o0n-
sisting of clothing, personal items land
household goods oft ;
Judyann W. Evelyn, Atlantic B9aqh,
A039a, 5x10, misc boxes, furniture, misc
Judyann W. Evelyn, Atlantic Beach. C3.
10x15, misc. boxes, furniture.
Jonathan D. Kallal. USS Philippine Sea.
D471, 5x5, oike, misc electronics, misc.
Timothy C Barker,. Jacksonville, D413.
10x20, fumlrure, misc. boxes, tools.
Gayle N Phillips, Allanlic Beach, B27.
10x10, misc. boxes, misc. furniture.
James D Zezulinski, USS Camey, B27.
5x10. misc. tools, misc. boxes, misc. fqml-
ture. .
Reginald B, Miggins. Atlantic Bea:h,
B269, 5x10, misc. boxes, misc. furniture,
misc. electronics.
Albert T Guzo, Atlantic Beach, B240,
10x10, misc. lumrniture, misc. boxes
Jacqueline Johnson,. Jacksonville, B206,
5x10, misc. boxes.
Emily Curoello. USS The Sullivans. B199.
10x10, misc. Doxes, lumiture.
Annene B. Williams, Atlantic Beach. B184,
5x10, washer, misc. boxes. '
Richard T Smith Ponte Vedra, A101,
10x10, stove, microwave oven, misc. bol
es. misc. boxes, misc. furniture. '

Will be sold or otherwise dped'iof aft
10:00 AM, Saturday. Augusl 12th,'2006'lo
satisfy iien(s) for past due rent(s) cost and
lees. Disposition will lake place at:' Pan
Am Mini Storage, 2383 Maypon. Rd., At-
lanlic Beach, FL 32233. Pan Am Mini
Storage reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and establish minimum bids'to
compensate lor all costs.

BL 7/26. 8/2/06

BOA 06-100174 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code' Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of
23.7 feet in lieu of 30 feet required arid
34-337 (e)(1) e, for 45% lot coverage in
lieu of 35% maximum to allow for'imd
provements to a single-family dwelling
and to ratify an existing non-conformi-
ty, for property located at 488 South
14th Avenue, more specifically, ~.of 6,
Block 145, Oceanside Park. '

BOA 06-100175 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-377 (a)(5), for 1.12 parking
spaces for the first 50 guest iroms In
lieu of 1.25 spaces required to maintain
landscape islands and to allow for -s
new hotel development for propertylo-
cated at 1101 Beach Blvd, more apecifl-
cally, B de Castro y Ferrer Grant, ISec-
tlon 38.

BOA 06-100176 City of Jacksonrilie
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) c.3, for a rear yald of
14.5 feet in lieu of 30 feet required and
34-337 (e)(1) e, for 46% lot coverage in
lieu of 35%9 maximum to re-establlsl 3
build-able lots, for property located at
972 Seabreeze Avenue, more specifi-
cally, Lots 7 through 14, Block 4, Wil-
liams Coastal Boulevard Heights.

BOA 06-100179 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 (e)(1) c.2, for a westerly
side yard of 7.7 feet in lieu of 10 feet re-
quired and 34-336 (e)(1) d, for a one car
carport In lieu of a one car garage to al-
low for improvements to a single-family
dwelling, for property located at 902
North 18th Avenue, more specifically.
Lot 12, Block 4, Beach Homesites,
Unit 3.
A copy of Ihe above relerenced applida-
tion(s) is available or review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depan-
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p). e ':-.:::;si
Board of Adjustment .IAT
City of Jacksonville Beach ?:'

II a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered al any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose.-such
person may need to ensure that a'vbrba-
tim record of the proceedings Is' made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal Is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting. *'
In accordance with the 'Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florl-
da Stalules, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should. contactithe
Planning and Developmenti Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the.day preced-
ing the meeting. ii
BL 7/26/06



struct a 182 square fool addition to a non-
conforming structure and lot.
V06-13: Variance' request of Mr;dJacob
Drewry for tfie property located atr 208
Spindrift Lane to the existing lot size,
Slot width and both side yards and impervi-
ous surface and proposing to0increase Im-
pervious surface. The request.is to: con-
struct a patio in the rear yard. :1ue;i
- V06-14: Variance request of Mr. andiMrs.
Joseph Crews for the property located:at
118 Gallardia Place to the existing1llot
size, lot Width and both side'yards,-;rear
yard, impervious surface and proposing to
vary the east side yard, Impervious
surface and floor area ratio. The request
is to remove the existing one-story garage
and construct a new garage with two
additional floors on top.

If a person decides to :appeal:Jany
decision made by the board with respect
to any matter considered at such meeting
or hearing, he, or she will need a recordtof
the proceedings, and for such purpose he
or she may need to ensure thati%.a
verbatim record of the proceedings are
made, which record included" ,the
testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. ; ,1
In accordance with tne Amencans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statule, persons with disabilirles ieed-
ing special accommodation to participate
ii this meeting should contact the City
Clerk's office no later tnan 5.00 p.m., the
day ol the meeting.

BL7/26/06 3

I -

. . . .

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

seeking to revoke your Law Enforcemen
Certificate' in accordance with Section
943.1395, F.S., and any rules promulgat-
ed thereunder.
You are required to serve a written copy
of. your intent to request a hearing
pursuant to Section 120.57, F.S. upon
Criminal,. Justice Professionalism
Program, Florida Department of Law
Enforcement, P.O. Box 1489,
TaUahassee, Florida 32302-
1489/ honor before September 20, 2006.
Failrejto'do sowill result in a default be-
Ingientered' against you to Revoke said
certification pursuant to Section 120.60,
F.S:, and Rule.11B-27, F.A.C.
Dated: July 20, 2006
By:'/s/ Stella DeVaney, Division Repre-
sentative- i.
BI-7/26;,8/2, 8/9, 8/16

Beech- Body. Towing. Co., Inc. gives
Nolce of Foreclosure ol Lien and intent to
sell these vehicles on August 30, 2006,
9:00 am at 922 7th Ave S., Jacksonville
Beach,, FL 32250-4208, pursuant to sub-
section 713.78 or 1ne Florida Statutes.
Beach Body Towing Co, Inc. reserves the
right to accept or reject any and/or all bids.
Cash only, day of sale. No titles, warran-
ties or guarantee of titles. "As is".
1B3HD56F2SF547532 1995 DODGE
1EACP40M6PF131143 1993 FORD.
1FMCU22X7SUB92130,1995 FORD
1FTCR14U3RP843969'1994 FORD
1G1GZ37H6GR186238 1986 CHEVY
101JC1445R7154554 1994 CHEVY
fG6CD53B5M4249214 1991 CADILLAC
1G8ZF1283TZ150788 1996 SATURN
1GCEC14W2VZ143245 1997 CHEVY
1GKDT13W1V2550676 1997 GMC
1 LNLM9746PY693016 1993 LINCOLN
1MEBM60F9JH659961 1988 MERCURY .
'1N4BU31D7SC140957 1995 NISSAN
2W87Z8L165515 1978 PONTIAC
454571Y167968 1971 BUICK
4C3AU52N7SE167477 1995 CHRYSLER
4S2CK58W6W4312665 1998 ISUZU
5404008 1977 BMW
FLZW9637F898 1998 FLZ 1
JH2PC35061M200639 2001 HONDA
JH4KA2547HC023913 1987 ACURA
JN1CA21D1TT137512 1996 NISSAN
JS1GT74A922104280 2002 SUZUKI
JT2AE82E6G3379245 1986 TOYOTA
JTHBD192820055188 2002 LEXUS
WVWFB4315ME024884 1991 VOLKS-

BL 7/26/06

PART- TIME, On-Call Gate Guard/ Roving
Patrol needed for all shifts including week-
ends and holidays. Excellent working con-
ditions. Call 285-7122 to apply.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed. Must have
car & phone. Call 757-7007.
MECHANIC WANTED for small engine
repairs. Fax resume to 247-9726 or e-mail
to: thescooterhut@aol.com
LITTLE EXPLORERS Preschool is now
hiring teachers and assistants for the new
school yearl Great pay and benefits avail-
able after 2 weeks! Call April @ 241-7075.
SERVERS WITH fine dining experience
needed. Please apply ,in person at
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch.
M-F., 11am-2pm. 249-7787.
TEACHER AID- 2:30-6:30. Toddlers and
preschool, require patience, reliability and
love of children. 1851 Beach Blvd. Jax
Beach 32250. EOE. 242-9645.

Eam $7-$12 per hour & cash bonuses
Telemarketing for newspapers nationwide.
MEDICAL ASSISTANT. experienced back
office. Immediate opening for fast paced
Beach practice. Competitive salary & ben-
efits. Fax resume: (904)241-0831, or call
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in Jax
Beach, no acrylics. Call Miki at (904)
FRONT DESK Person. Busy medical clin-
ic. $9-10/hr., negotiable, w/benefits. Fax
resume to: 285-4663.

PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital looking
WOMENS RETAIL Saturdays only. Great for a Veterinary Technician, exp. required.
discount. Good in sales. $9hr. plus comn- Apply within 28 Corona Rd., 285-7924.
mission. 270-2770.

Part-time every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays at a premier retirement
community to assist residents and visitors
in coordination with the Manager of Resi-
dent Services. Applicants should be highly
organized and be able to communicate
and deal tactfully with the public; residents
and family members under all conditions.
Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Ex-
cel and Power Point. Hotel, hospital,
CCRC or other retirement community or
hospitality experience helpful. Must be
willing to work holidays and other shifts if
necessary. Applications at Fleet Landing
Security Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic. Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience preferred. Applylin
person: Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. 246-2045.
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
ro delail. Flexible rours. Knowledge ol
ACT. Excel. and Word helpful. Located in
Ponle Vedra Call 285-5855
CLEANING STAFF needed lor Reslaenlial
and Commercial beach located cleaning
business Prior experience a must Own
iransponarion 20 hours weekly Starting
salary $8,nr. Background Inquiry per-
lormed. Coniact Lisa al 242-0300.

MAJOR GREETING card company. Hiring
pan hIme mercnandicers lor the
southside.'baymeadows. iniracoaslal west.

and ponle vedra areas of Jacksonville.
Hours will vary between 6-10 hours week-
ly Must be available to work before and
atler holidays $7.25'hi Job involves card
E OF depth maintenance and stock replenish-
EARING menl in supermarkets.
I Iwww.hiringedge.com and EOE. Input job
NTIC BEACH code 110018-soutnsidelbaymeadows.
110017-intracoastal west. 118140-ponte
n Ihe City Comms- vedra.:. '' .
i 1 ..n ....Mil hn i 'r + "A

The lull text o0 Ine above ordinance is
available lor public inspection in !ne otlice
olf eCity Clerk
All persons inleresied are noliihd to be
present at the time and place ii.ted above
and they snall be heard II any person de.
cides to appeal any decision 1 apry mrn~.
ing r.hearing, he."ill need a etaord.or.i 'r,
proceebigs,, and lor sucn purpose he
may, need q ensure ntha a verbatim record
oI the proceedings is made. wricrh record
snail include ihe testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based.
Irl accordance witn the Americans with
Disabilities Act persons needing a special
a'coommodalon to panicipate in Iriese
proceedings should contact the City
SClerk's oltice at 2475809 or al City Hall,
800 'eminole Road
B: B,716.'06

FOUND ON 7/15 Camera in Neplune
Beacn area. Call 249-0616.

ATTEND .COLLEGE online Irom home.
Medical: Business, Paralegal Computers.
Gnminal Juslice. Job placement assis-
Iance. Computer provided. Financial a id 1
quallledr 18661858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Iraining lor
employment: Bulldozers. Backnoes Load-
ers. pump Trucks, Graders. Scrapers. Ex-
cavators, Nalional Certliicallon, Job Place.
mren Assislance: Associated Training
Serices' (800)251-3274 www equipmenl-
school cqm.
y6ti driving career ioday! Onec'ng course.
es in CDL A. Qne tuition leel Many pay-
menl options No regislralion fee!
1888)808-5947 into@amercasarivingaca-
IF YQUL are nlieresled in advertising under
this category please call 9042-49-9033 or
erpai ,classiled@beachesleader.com

All'levels.-slyles & ages WilII come to your
nome- Piano Tuning also availaDle.


EARN $100- $300/wk. for part-time Work.
9pm-9am. Need responsible;rellable staff
member to work independently at our
office and fromn your home after hours
managing on call needs lor medical siarf-
ing and homecare customers Computer
and excellent olice skills required. Call
241 1656 lor more inlorrnmaon.

FULLTime. 3pm-llpm al Premiere Retire-
menr Community Healln Center Excellent
benelil package. competitive wages, good
working environment Applications availa-
ble at Fleet Landing Security Gate,,One
Fleel Landing Blvd.. Allantic Beach. FL.
Fax 10 1904l246-9447, email 10ro
jobs@fleettanding.com EOE, Drug-Free
LOCAL GROWING landscape design
company .neaeqj ,iandr.cap9-iIq allati-Q'
I'-M a.. k. ..'
miTeni' e. li us have reliable iranspona
iron daily to 5mi N ol SI Augusline. Field
operations range irom Atlantic Beach to
Palm Coast. References and background
cneck required. Contact Dayle Applegale
247-6645 or Tom Bixier 710-9070
JAX BEACH Day Spa looking for proies-
sional skin care specialists. Please call
Miki's 242-8008 or lax resume 997-9297

AM & PM Line Cooks, Kitchen Prep & Util-
ities. Good money, casual atmosphere,
very busy, great people to work with.
DRIVER- $1000 Sign on Bonus for experi-
enced flatbed drivers. Home weekends-
$950+/week. Great benefits & equipment.
Students w/CDL-A welcome. Call PGT:

SUPER SUPPERS is looking for a few:
good people to work FT/PT, a.mJp.m.
hours at our Beach Blvd. and Baymead-
ows 9A locations. Duties include prepping
food, greeting customers, and general
cleaning. Call 821-4555. .
Work at the beaches. Paid insurance, paid
vacation, and excellent pay.. Crawford
Elec. 241-5591.

*,* **
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers 'Services. Inc. 246-
0967. ,
YARD SERVICE needs dependable nelp
to do quality work. 247-3856.

Taxi Drivers needed to work Beachn and
Intercoastal areas. at least 23 yrs. old
good driving record. Call 249-0360
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital seeking
Receptionisi with Customer Service expe-
rience. Apply within 28 Corona Rd.
Ponle Vedra. 285-7924.
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical o1-
lice. Full part rime secrelanal, clerical.
'and support of M D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones.
computers, communications and public-re.
lations. Must De enlnusiastic. dependable
consistent, and an excellent match Fax
resume with references, no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Ans Center,
FAX. (904)246-3778.

GREAT OPPORTUNITY for experience
worker, musr have a valid drivers license
Leave message at 553 6338

Full-Time with great Denelils and work en-
vironment at a premier retirement com.
munity. Experience preferred. Applica-
lions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate. One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach FL 32233; Fax 0o 9041246-9447,
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE,'
Drug-Iree Workplace.

'RECEPTIONIST- WILL Irain cheerful pro-
lessional to schedule patients, collect e-.
auciiDles and co-pays who can treat'our
patients like royalty, multtiask and keep
smiling. Call Ponte Vedra Chiropractic
Medicine & P.T. 285-ACHE 12243) be-
tween 12-30-3 PM.
ADMINJ ASST For-Busy Beacne~ rilaii
business. Musl have atlenron r1 detail.
good people skills Fun place to work
Some Saturdays required Please lax re-
sume to 223-5499
experience necessary, will train. Must be
able to work in me hear and be a non-
smoker while at work. $7/nr. to sian. more
$ with experience Call AAron 861.7431

CARPENTER & Helper- must nave lools TEACHER ASSSSTANT 8a.m to 4p.m.
Snd transponal;on Drug screen required TEAy QuahS appiScants .ique 241-p.
Call Scon. 813-9480. daily Ouallea applicants inquire 241-
u ccurve T--. -' is niner ere

U/U Driver -t. Ine F-'S is nigner nere!
$1.11 Avg. $2.000 sign-on $2,600 referral
bonus. Base plale provided. No truck no
problem. Low payment with short lease.
POSITIONS OPEN Ior lulltime asset. head
cashier, flltime warehouse manager, pan
lime cashiers, carryouls, sales and plant
depl Proctor Ace Hardware 870 A1A
Nonn Ponte Vedra Bch 285-8101
VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet clinic. Al least lyr expenence re-
quired Compelltive salary. excellent ben-
elirs Fax resume to 246-3061 or call 246-
8577 for more inio. Beaches Animal Clin-
ic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach
COUNTER help FT PT. Tues- Sal. corq-
pelitve pay Call 285-2656 or apply in
person, 266 Solana Rd PVB
Full Time Goll Course Maintenance Staff
Excellent benelils lor F'T employment in.
cludcng vacation I.me, sick time. 401k.
neallr benefits and more Apply in person
at Ihe Tennis Center. call 285-6514 lor
directions Drug lesling.iEOE.

w/valid Florida! Driver's License. Experi-
ence nelplul bul will train Good salary &
benelils. Apply Surtside Pools; 313
Beach Blvd. 2462666. or fax resume:
249-8801. e-mail surfsdaepodls'@aol.cdm
hiring teachers and assistants forthenew
school year! Great.pay and benefits avail-
anle after 2 weeks Call April @ 241-7075.

WELL'-ESTABLISHED preschool seeking REAL ESTATE Sales Assoiate. Must
P/T'.eacner Asslsanils. Please coniacl REAL ESTATE Sales Associate. Must
prTchrl 2 si s. P e c t have license. Salary/ incentives' Denefils.
preschool856371 Call 993-5626 or email:
RETAIL- NO nights, No. Sunday, experi-/- erc@nslending.com Help-U-Sell Coaslal
ence preferred, good starting rate, Deco- Realty
rative Fabrics, Beaches Only, 249-3749. ,,, .,,,, ,,, ,E*,*.,'.. n ,lnra

P/T contracted position for'Jacksonville
Metio Trealment Center. an outpatient
substance abuse Ireatment provider M-F,
early .morning only For more inlo call
GENERAL OFFICE Manager/ Bookkeeper
needed (or interior design company Part-
ime. 20nrs. per week Fax resume to.

TOR: Selva Marina Country Club. FT,
benefits, :401k. Experience-preferred. Golf
privileges. Call 246-4711. DFWP.
Cooks. Must be able.to work weekends.
Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st Ave.
Norm 249-3322.
efits, 401k, flexible schedule. Detail orient-
ed individual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
privileges. Phoner (904)246-4827, email:
accounting@selvamarina.com, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
PONTE VEDRA, AR Accounting Clerk po-
sition. Requires fast learner and well or-
ganized. Good pay, email resume to
khorne@cntre.com EOE.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches lull.iume,
some experience necessary Calt or fax
resume 285-3128
rendent tor established company. Drug
free work place. Benellrs. 241-2721
OFFICE MANAGER for growing printing
company in Beaches. All aspects ol office
management required. Excellent opponu-
nity Fax resume 241-7349, or mail to
prinl@surtsdepnnling com
Foreman. Apply 7am. TNT Landscape
1074 10th Ave S, Jax Beach 247-4477.
A/C & Healing company needs Installers
& Service Tecnnicians Top pay & bene-
fits Call Rob 509-3062
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements
'Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers
FT AND PT Front and back office work.
Computer skils, typing skills, and organi-
zational skills required. Exp preferred but
not required. 246-3232.
CALL ABOUT our Drivers thai average
$70K+ per year! Quality home time- every
weekly CDL-A, 2yrs experience required.
10am- 5pm, Mron- Fri, Line Cook. Excep.
tional pay. Great people to work wilh.
fits, 401k, flexible schedule. Golf privileg-
es. Phone 904-246-4827, e-mail:
accounting@selvamanna,com or fax re-
sumie tb246-9121. DFWP
Some hands on experience with tools re-
quired:. Ability to problem solve on the job
Work independently with little to no super-
vision. People oriented. Paid training. Ve-
hicles and tools provided. Earning poten-
tial 50K based on skill and quality. Medical
benefits and 401K. All interested parties
contact 800-633-0213: Fill out an applica-
tion at our showroom, 3520 Agricultural
Center Dr Ste 310, St. Augustine, FL
personal (skilled and unskilled) excellent
pay. 249-8147 or 726-5661.
SERVERS WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Steak House. Apply after 2pm, 1227
South 3rd St.

QUALIFIED candidate will assist in plan-
ning, will be responsible for the implemen-
tation of marketing plans to grow our con- -
sumer direct sales. Utilize all the necessa-
ry tools to support the consumer channel
such as -our websites, direct marketing
software and web analytic software. Re-
sponsible for monitoring overall search en-
gine performance for implementing SEM
and SEO campaigns. 2-5+yrs. proven
knowledge of web analytics and search
engine marketing. Ability to understand
complex problems and suggest creative
solutions. Strong computer skills including
basic understanding of HTML and Java
Script. E-mail resume with salary req. to
jobs@venus.com. EOE.

WE'RE RAISING pay for Florida Regional
drivers Home every weekendl.Home dur-
ing the week Solid weekly milesI 95% no
touch!, Preplanned freight $.43 per mile
Heartland Express (800)441-4953

ADMIN ASST. Beach Office, F/T, Mon-
Fri. Dependability and attention to detail a
must. Fax resume to 270-0690.
OPTOMETRY, West Beaches, Front
desk, customer service, all office aspects.
Friendly personality, ability to multi-task,
bookkeeping, PC, medical office experi-
ence a plus. Fax resume to 221-6504.
FIT HOUSEKEEPER. Energetic, self-mo-
tivated individual needed. Apply in person,
Ashford Court Assisted Living, 1700 The
Greens Way, Jax Bch, must enjoy working
with the elderly. DFWP/ EOE.
vided. Experience not necessary, we will
train. Call 1-800-532-4991.

Drivers part-time and full-time. Be a mem-
ber of a great team. Join our Recreation
Depanmeni ai a premier rei;remeni com-
muniry Fun worK environment Class C
CDL. Passenger Enaorscmenri License
Required Must be able to set up and
break down lor special events Comperi-
live wages and excellent benelis Applica-
lions available al Fleel Landing Securiry
Gale. One FlRer Landing Blvd.. Allarnic
Beahn. FL 32233. Fax Io 904-246-9447.
email ic jobs@fleetlanding.com
EOE'Drug-lree workplace
lime Exp. a plus Greal benelils Fax re-
sume to 721-3972 or apply in person at
The Airrum Reilremeni Community.
9960 Atrium Way

SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
tune-up All makes, all models, $49.50.

BABY SITTING in my San Pablo home.
568-4137 .... .. .
KOOL KIDS piano lessons Piano key.
board lessons in your PV home. Emphasis
on lun' Ages 6-adult. Call Lynn 567-5337
Email koolpianolessons yahoo corn

Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleanng. Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning.
Window Cleaning Janitorial Services, etc
Call Hermon. 246-4238, 612-1755

HAtDDYMAN. HOUSE. Yard, Hauling Call-
223-5891. .

PADGETT'S A'C & Healing, Inc. Family
owned and operated When quality and
Cuirmerer service are demanded call
Travir at 588-5222
Free Esilmaies License CAC1814887

GOT A Business" Dramalically increase
sales by accepting all major credit and
debit cards 0', discount rates. Free slan
up Free equipment upgrades. 1800)568-

AN AMAINGLY clean house or office by
Naiasna For esimale 563-7858
MAID YOUR Way nas opening. commer-
cial cleaning Call Julie 254.4174
cleaning since 1978! Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded Individual cleaner Option
to customize chore list. (800) 449-9520.
www calhyscleaning.com.
Honesi many rer s. Diana 707-1199
re16. Reasonable rates, Iree estimales. Call
Roxanne190.1 4775398.
AMY'S CLEA.NING service 12 years ex-
pererice reference, Iree esunmaies 220-.
experience Business & Residenial Saiis-
lacion guaranteed Move ojus welcome
(90i4.146-611 1.
nung, references available. 446-5084
WILL CLEAN your home Reasonable. de-
pendable. insured. Connie's Clean
Sweep 7t1i.6896.

ANOMOTEC.. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices. Free estimates-for repair/ installation..
Comm/Res. Standby generators and
transfer switches. All electrical needs.
Visa/MC. 343-5535. Great rates

S- -----------
WOOD Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com

PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724.
........ I.AIAIK Q -A- 1- f -fith

Join our team If you can e)cel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opportunity for you. You will join a Nation-
alcompany & work in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have 1+ years expen-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing, & excellent communication
skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions. FT, no eve-
nings or weekends. Fax resume:
(904)285-0010 or email:

THE ORIGINAL Pancake House is now
open in the St. Johns Town Center. We
are looking for full or part time Servers
and host/hostess with bright smiles and
positive attitudes tohelp our flagship store
reach Its full potential. Please apply in per-
son between 2pm-5pm, M-F.

:BRUCCI'S PIZZA PVB now hiring Line
Cook and Wait Staff. Call 280-7677. Ask
for Bruce or lan.

Total Lawn Mainlenance Clean-ups, Sod-
, ing, Mulching. Re-pianiing Free esti-
mates 247-3344.

LAWN SERVICE sod work, mulching &
clean up. monthly & yearly, free estimates.
Call David 710-1030.
Free estimates. Mow. edge, Inm weeding
clean-ups 1 time or regularly. Shrub trim-
ming, pruning, sod, mulcn, hauling
Prompt Service. Insured. 207-4037.

lawns Free eslimales 246-0967.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esn-
males. Professional customer service
Mowing, edging. weeding., trimming, rees.
shrubs Licensea & insured. Residential &
commreroill -CALL US FIRST! .270-2664.
Grading, Lawn Replacements. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone.
Irrigation Repairs. MUCH MORE! Bob,

ices, single pieces to entire house, also
pick up Irom stores ana deliver to your
door. 23yrs exp, Iree estimates (904)
349 6000

ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-
Sale rool cleaning. Deck & lence
restoration. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin, 994-0045
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale
Tucker Equipmenl Renlal 246-1330
beaches preferred power wasning
Licensed/ Insured. Scott 207-2358.

FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall. tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller lobs. Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured.
references 403-7389
IMPROVEMENTS. Inlerlor'Exerior Paint
ing, Faux Finishes. Rotten Wood Replace-
ment, Pressure Washing. (904)894-.4257.
RETIRED PAINT contractor gening bored.
Paint interior. extenor. new construction &
repaints Brent 241-4204

PAINTING & repairs by Dean Inlenor/ex-
ierior painting. All types ot repairs busi-
ness & residential Fully lic & insured
SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
Pressure washing. 19yrs. at Beaches.
Free'Estimates. 881-4223.
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
NATIVE PAINTER- exceptional residen-
tial/ commercial pressure. washing, paint-
ing, drywall crack repair, wall covering. Li-
censed, insured, references. 403-7389.

NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
.repaint. Residential and commercial. Men-
tion this ad. 246-1529. .
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-
p -

We service thousands of beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409.

SILK PRESSER, Ponte Vedra area, guar-
anteed hours. 285-5644..
AVANTE at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-
bed skilled nursing and rehab facility cur-
rently seeks housekeepers for,day and
evening shifts with a positive attitude
toward the elderly to perform various
housekeeping tasks. Must be 18 years of
age and able to speak, read, write, under-
stand and follow directions in English.
Avante offers excellent compensation and
premium benefits, including 401(k).
lease apply in person at 1504 Seabreeze
Avenue, Jacksonville 'Beach, FL 32250.
CAREGIVERS for the elderly needed.
Lve-in shifts up to 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per
week. $110/shift. American Home Com-
panions, 247-7495.
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
, needed, Wages negotiable+ tips. Benefits
- Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.

State Certified Contractor (Hands-on).
New construction/additions remodeling,
kitchen & baln, termite damage, Boo,
HOME IMPROVEMENTS Interior & exte-
rior carpentry,, specialized in doors, trim,
decks, plywood, etc. Custom craftsman-
ship Lic. & ins. (904)755-6898.

Repairs, specializing in termile damage.


HANDYMAN SERVICES inienor or exter,
or Irom A-Z Call Bill at 288-9241.
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpeniry,
Drywall. Painting. Papernanging. Tiling,,
etc Licensed. Insured 955-0593,
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE 246-6628
Painting, carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing, tile' work, drywall.

ROOFING. IN-TOWN :prices @ the
Beach.. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.

ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
censed professional. See our ad. under
Remodeling/Construction. State Certified
Roofer .#CCC1325888. Member BBB
247-3777. All credit cards accepted.

QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.

TlV- IA 1()l

Page 7B

July zU,,/-vvo

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10-0- lffi---MWWW POWAIMMIn., 94MTfMMM

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

July 26, 2006


pl IT, [Ili I : I

MECHANICS: UP to $20,000 bonus. Keep
the Army National Guard Rolling. Fix
Humvees, Strykers, etc. Expand your
skills through career training. Be a soldier.
TN- 50 MILE VIEW PARCEL 3 acres with,
incredible. bluff views! Central to Chatta-
nooga & Nashville. Mature hardwoods.
Close to state park. 15 area golf courses.
Gated, clubhouse, fitness center, nature
trails. $189,900. Call (866) 292-5769

Snilies wilh KFC and Pizza Hull Compel-
live salaries. great beneir;s: opportunity for
qrowin and advancement. Call (8661238-
0646 lor more details!
able cleaning help. ResideniialCommer-
cial Call 536-7676

DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers lor Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
lions. Food grade tanker, no hazmai. no
pumps Great oenells, competitive pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport lor your op-
S ponunty ioday; 1800)741-7950.
FRONT DESK receplionisl FT needed for
busy Jax Bch pediarnc once. Excellent
benemrs. tax resume to (904) 241-9006.
now niriing Ihe lolowing positions to staff
rhe newly renovalcd clubhouse
Banquet Server
AM & PM Server
AM & PM Line Cook
Full-lime and Panr-ime All full-ime posi-
lions receive excellent enellrs. Apply in
person in the Marsh Landing Tennis Cen-
Ser Tuesday Salurday Cocaied in Ponte
iVedra, 285-6514. Drug iestinagEOE.
/ SERVERS, LINE Cook, Disrnwashers..
Fine Dining J.'s Bistro Ponle Vedra
273-7980 Gale Parkway. 996-7557.
SALES POSITION available lor a well es-
Staolisned marble and granite importer lo-
cared !a i e b eacn. Knowledge or slone
maienais and design helpful. Salary and
benelils negolable upon experience.' Fax
.. resume 241-3204.

Construction Worker
w'valid Florida Driver's License Experil-
ence ,.helplul Out will rain. Good salary &
benefits Appli 31 SuriSIOe Pools 313
Beach Bid.. 2.46.2666 or lax resume to
249-8801 e-maill surlsdepools@ aol.com.

Cleaning Personnel

10-15 Energetic.
Self-Motivated Individuals
needed immediately
All hours available
All areas of town.
Must have rraosponartion & phone.
Commercial Cleaning Inc.

S "Be Pani- of the Best"
S*Relief Audit
Part-time Front Desk Agent
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn &b Suites
1616 N. First St.
\\W oiler great pay, paid vacauon &
,personal ume Heal[hLh'~ Ion/dental
S insurance. 401K


Our financial strength is
not our $179.7 billion in
assets; it's our employees.

At. SunTrirnt. you'l conr ct with what
mratrs mo. to you all ia a.
r pportlie fat-paced envlromen that
o:u'.es on your need From ienllc
career rpportunt;ee and advancement.
to pmmot;nq a hailthiy wrik/life
hala.'e though special befris an
program SusITruT ha; yr rcar.e
covered wer.urc.intty h.-e the
follo'aigr appcwtunky avalltable

PT Neptune Beach
PT Sawgrass Ponte Vedra Beach

As a wn rra Teltr. you'll wiik in a
flaepaced environment Aith constant
Custo rer inTera.tl:.n Each day, oi't be
required to hardly dtlei suh as
assisting jcuOilscrs wth Iher
tar sictcons, responsibility lor a cash
lra-mer arnd ldntlfying oppori nlit. fo
product ilearo erlitfrg .-Jnmnorier- ,'
S.unTruss Taeleri may work a veriet of :
ichdules including days evenings
andlor weekends. An entry-leWvel Feler
pc, ltln requires pvious rus onier
stivlce and/or cai'J handing uperienc t
anda high school diplomatGED.
Expaierced Telltrs r ale.: needed and
invited lo join ow team

w are proud t, or on of the
most compieheanc e benefits
package mailable today For
available positllons. visit
www.suntrustjobs.com and
complete our eaTy line
application Drug-free War place
and bEual Opportunity Erployer.

St [RlI

MORTGAGE COMPANY al the beaches
looking lor qualified person to perform
clerical dultes & help setup loan tiles, Must
have professional phone etiquette and be
good with people Good standing pay with
incentives in place. Please fax resume
and cover lerler to 19041246-3442.
GATOR IRRIGATION now hiring irrigation
repair technician Must nave minimum
5yr.s experience and valid Florida drivers
license. $14-15 per hour. Call 838-5885.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required Call April. 246-9999.
CITY OF Allanic Beach $1053/hr,
$421,wk' $21,902'yrDbenellts. Performs a
variety of manual labor tasks In malm. &
repalnng ol City grounds & facilities: Must
have valid FL Drivers License & satisfac-
tory driving record. Applications accepted
until 8.09106 and maybe obtained at 800
Semnnole Rd ATlantic Beacn. FL (904)
247-5820 or www.coab.us. No
smokerstobacco users Drug testing con-
ducled. EOE
Seeking responsible persons for private
company Must be bondable. Serious in-
quiries only. Leave msg at 716-8824.
JOURNEYMAN TILE and stone installer.
Must rave rools. iruck WC exemption. FT
position top pay. 476-3086
lor Ias paced executive recruitment lirm
specializing in iile sciences. Skills re-
quired. dala management acumen and
agilitv with nvesltigative toots including da-
labase software professional telephone
demeanor, and excellent organization to
prepare travel itineraries, documents and
Irack multiple projects.' Posillon is based
al ihe beaches. Salary is.compelirive. Ap-
ply to- Martha@KFAsearch.com

da. Fulline. All Brands Great equipment
& support. Financing available- w/$6K
down. Tom; 1954i 971-9301, BO#2002-

WARNING- WHILE Ihis newspaper does
not knowingly accept business oppqnun;ry
ads which require you to pay a lee to gel
inlormallon or that reler you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub.
slantial charges to your phone bill, the
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
of offerings in this classilicalion. II any ad-
veniser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a lee to learn rhe na-
lure of the opportunity, please report iI lo
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033

LICENSED, EXPERIENCED Stylist for INK AND Toner Reftll in Beaches area.
busy Atlantic Blvd. Salon. New grads also High prolts. Untapped polenial. Easy to
welcome. 868-0972 operate 247-3815.

ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering jobs. They are offering lob-related
services and may charge lees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-
ing credlr card information over ihe phone
without knowing what specific product or
service they will receive.
GATED COMMUNITY 2 hours irom Atlan-
la & the'Coast. 1/2 to 3 acre parcels Irom
.the $40's. Incredible sunsets & summer
breezes Private 'location, amenities. Call
1866) 882-1107.
ing for a great opponuniry to augment
your Income at your own pace' We are an
esiaollshea Imponer & manufacturer of
Displays, Boxes, & Accessories seeking
salespersons with experience in the lewel-
ry trade. Carry our line exclusively or comr
Splement your present merchandise. Work
lull or pan lime- t's up to you. We provide
exceptional commissions and Ilexible em.
ployment throughout the U.S. lax. 1514)
341-6513 or email:
universalpacKage@bellnel ca
DETENTION OFFICER- Phoenix, Arizona.
Maricopa County Snenff's Office
$14.99/hr. Excellent benefits. No experil
ence necessary. Contact (602) 307 5245,
(877) 352-6276, or www.mcso.org. 400
vacancies including civilian positions.

II A 4 1-71.^ll t 4T t 1 m F--

i. i

Jonteta htm ks aigfrpol uU



We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday-,Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
S Website: www.sawgrassmarrlott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

HR Coordinator

Full time

Looking for a customer focused, team
player with exceptional organizational &
communication skills to assist with recruit-
Sing, employee communications, unemploy-
ment responses, &.other HR related projects. Will also
provide daily administrative support to managers.
Bachelor's degree & recruiting experience preferred.
Minimum of two years direct HR experience required.

Travel Agent

SFull time

Corporate travel agency experience & proficiency with
Worldspan preferred. Excellent organizational & follow
through skills with a strong attention to' detail in a fast
paced environment required. Professional image, team-
work, & strong customer service skills are essential to
work with our clientele. Must be available to work some
evenings & weekends.

PGATOUR offers excellent salary & benefits including: health/
dental/life, performance bonus, pension, 401(k), family mem-
bership to the TPC Sawgrass & much more. For consideration,
apply online at www.pgatour.com. Click on TOUR Business
at the top of the home page & then on Careers. Or, fax or mail
resumes to: PGA TOUR, Attn: HR-BL Ad, 100 PGA TOUR
Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082, fax: (904) 273-3588. No
phone calls please. EOE-

ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30 machines, free candy All
for $9995. (888j629-9968. BO2000033.
Call us: We wcll not be undeisoldl

ACTIVE NANNY nones;, dependable.
Iranspornaion & references. .9-$11'nr.
any area CPR & First Aid FT & P.T.
6-weeks and up. HRS licensed. 8 years
experience. Tammy 373-0404.
OPENING FOR infants lo 3 years old, full
or part-time reasonable rates references
Call 220-7493.

IN NEED or Professional Massage Serv-
Ices winln Ine common ol your home or
office' Call 821 1605.

in your home Call lor a no obligation com-
plimenlary session Cerliiied and insured.
1904) 759-3665.
HOME HEALTH Aide available lor 24
hour care in your nome Reliable Good
relerences. 885-1870.

pan-time work. Honest and dependable
All areas. 17601419-3215

COMPANION/ SITTER tor elderly. Tired
ol agencies" Experienced. local, nonesi
CAREGIVER FOR elderly 15yrs ,xpyer.
ence CPR cenilied Honest. Iriendly, car.
ing M-T-W-F. ret's. 568-7309
years experience seeks new position. Ex-
tremely dependable and caring Excellen
references. Call Leslie 612-4751.

I 180

FREE 35" Sony Trinitron w/PIP Included
with purchase of custom crafted 61" wide
natural finish entertainment center. All
wood. 2-drawer, 200+ CD storage- 3 ad-
justable component shelves behind glass
doors. Bonus 13" Sony color TV. $500.
543-0211, 910-3633.
6 PIECE.Bedroom Set includes queen
mattress & box, new still in boxes. $499.
Can deliver. 858-9350.

18FT ABOVE ground pool w/ stairs, all
equipment & decking. You haull $1200.
Garden fish pond w/ fountain & decorative
stones $300. 612-8259.
125 GALLON fish Aquarium. Includes
glass hood,. glass tank, stand, cabinet,
and 2 sets of lights-partial wet/dry filter.
Various fish supplies available may be in-
cluded: Asking $600-make offer, must sell
due to remodeled home, no room for tank.
Call 246 3866.

$900. Full-size bed $500. Ladle's DIke
$150. Can negotiate. (904)894-5835
LIFT CHAiR never used, $700 (save
$2951 Wheeled walker $75. Bath bench
V.'Dack $50 249-5956
6 DINING Cnairs and hutch $185 Sola
$75. end tables $25. 246-8979
PRESSURE WASHER loe Behind. 65gal
waler lank, 35gal chemical lank. 13nip
Honda motor. 150h hose w/wana and
surface cleaner $2.200 543-9798
CORNER CABINET. 6x3' while, solid
pine glass doors, ex.-elleni condilr'n.
$350. 241 6052 or 280-2416
'1 QUEEN size bedroom suite complete,
excellent condition $300 887-1590.
WASHER and DRYER, excellent condl-
lion $150 each Will deliverr, Guaranree.
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp.pedic Memory
Foam manress & Doxspring, new in
plastic w,'warrant. $379 Musi sell
RUBY RED Soia. lyr. old Lazy Boy, must
sell- brand new conailion- $600 OBO.
IS STRESS ruining your relationships?
Buy and Read Dianenrcs by.L. Ron Hub-
bard Call l8131872-0722 or send S8.00 t10
Dianelics. 3102 Nf' Habana Ave.. Tampa.
FL 33607
SOLID OAK Enlenrainmert Center, 39"W
x78"Hx16"deep. excellent cndlondn $300
Beaul;lul solid oak headboard riils otih
queen and king) S125 1904)514-4450
BED- BRAND name queen set
new. w'warranry $129 Can deliver.

DRIVER: YOU want it, we have ill Solo,
teams, owner operators, company dnvers,
students, recent grads, regional, oedicari
ed. long haul Van. lasted Must be 21i.
CRST Career Cenler (800)940-2778
NEEDEDI Must have knowledge of Crimi-
nal,' Civil, Liens, UCC's Real Estate re-
cords at the court. Fax & PC Required.
Fax Resumes to: (866) 322-8246 Attn: Mi-

COASTAL NORTH-Carolina Waterfront
Community. The Preserve at River Sea.
Developer Closeouts. From $129,900. In-
credible location. Far below market value.
18 month no payment plan. (866) 213-
6315. Broker, Neighborhood Properties,

80 MAHOGANjY Bear Claw Dining Table. 1998 CHEVY 1500 extended cab, lullv
.chars corner curio caDnei. $900 Call loaded new t res. runs gre.- very
465 6966.r debendable Iruck $6500 OBO Call

COMPUTER DESK. Good shape $50.
ORIGINAL ART by local anisl. Pamnings
lor sale. Call tor appointment. 246-9632
GOING OUT o business Lots o melai
shelving, display cases, register and stand
w'malching cabinets Opencclose sign
plus mucr, more 993-5550

shall Slani Cab Hall Slack, like new Must
sell 207-2373
10 M"J

NIGHT SITTER I will sit night with ill and HEART PINE. tongue & groove flooring
elderly in Iheir own home. Local releren- cul from antique Pine limbers Inslallatlon.
ces. 246-1206. slair material FLORIDA HEARTWOOD
F v n ,i .. .. .. ,; . ... 2 4 9- 8 3 1 0)

ir i u i e nileresil iU iin dUveryisng ly un ierU
Ihis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classlhed'@ Deacheseeader.com
CAREGIVER FOR elderly. 12 years ex pe
rencereferences Available M-F Call

LIKE NEW. Pickled Maple 3 piece enter-
Iainment center $795. china cabinet $595,
desk-china combo. $595 genlilmen m;r-
row/top ol chesl $85, ratan king sized
head board $650.
Living Room Set, sola love seat. recliner,
beige, brown, and green mixed Patlern.
Asking $375. Dining Set- Tile lop ighil
wood, like new asking $300. Patio Set-
Glass Top. Rectangular, live chairs, ono.
man. & small round laole. Asking $200.
Futon- Queen size, contemporary cover,
like new, asking $325 Call 280-8651. Lv.
ARCH STEEL Buildings, Hurricane Raledl
FEMA grade. Widths of 25. 30. 40 & 50
Garage' Workshop/ Storage Genuine
SteelMasler Buildings, lactory directly
Call 1800)341-7007. www.SleelMas-
terUSA com.

ANTIQUES. DOLLS/ 40'S. 50's/ collecti-
bles Silver.cnina. etc 19041860.5731.

IF YOU are interested in advenising under
Ihis category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @beacnesleader.com
LOOKING TO buy or co own a kiln, for
weekly use 710-1420.
BUYING 45'S Irom 1950-69. Rock, Soul,
R&B, also lacrory reel to reel tapes 803-
270 8930. 803270-8940
LICENSED PRIVATE Collector wants miil-
iary ilems Guns, edged weapons, med-
als. web gear. etc. Call 591-9466

-- - --- -- -
SAN PABLO Creek. Moving sale- 7 piece
bedroom ser IHenry Link wnide wicker),
love seal and soia dining room set, oak
desk, Darstool. patio set, Kitchen items, lin-
ens, Boyds bears. Bennie Dears, oodles ol
sluh Friday & Saturday, 8am-lpm. 2140
El Laqo Way

FOOSBALL TABLE barely used. in great SATURDAY 8AM-UNTIL 14554 Plumosa
condition- $100. Crilds talking kitchen sei- Dr. A loi or good slutf.
$50 866-0063. Mat\/nIr. A Fl Fl in.lh.nn m,.ic nnl Call

36' X-mark walk behind. edger blower,
weed eater & trailer. 641-0627.
GOLDEN RATIO lealneriolding massage
laDle $150. like new Set of golf cubs
$100. 704-6717.
WHITE APPLIANCES. Stove $100, Re-,
Ingeralor $100: Dishwasher 75' Micro-
wave $50 (904)334-9451.
MOVING SALE glass brass dining table. 6
upholstered chairs, sofa, desk, lamps, end
tables and more. 246-2219
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed.
w/manress & Dox spring. Must sell $395
Can deliver (904)858-9350.

FRENCH BOAST coffee from Matagalapa
$3 per pound. 14ft. Jon Boat, ,aluminum
gutter leaf guard, 85 pieces- make offer.
Red Oak and hickory for your grill or
campfire. To much more to list. Call Chuck
sic, 36", 15.5h/p,used one season, belt
drive, $1500. 543-9798.
AT&T PARTNER phone system. 5 phones
installed for $899. 249-8877.
SET OF-4 rims plus tires, 8-lug Ford.alum
8 hole, size 285x75x16 Dunlop Mud Rover
w/ 50% tread. $200 for set. 246-7710.
BIG SCREEN TV 53" Sony, queen size
bedroom set, $1500 for all or can be split
up. 483-1032.
WASHER & Dryer, heavy duty, large ca-
pacity. $225 for both. 30" electric stove
$75. All in good condition. Can deliver.
DINING ROOM table for sale, solid wood
w/6 chairs. $250. 246-2803.
BED- KING mattress set, $289. Can de-
liver. (904)391-0015.
JET SKI, 1996 Bombardier w/trailer. New
engine. $2000. 314-8922.
DAYNA'S ANTIQUES Extended Summer
Sale- 10% off entire store and up to 30%
off select merchandise. Antique and paint-
ed furniture, rugs, lamps, chandeliers,
concrete statuary, paintings, stewing; lin-
ens, decorative home accessories. Sale
lasts through Saturday at closing. 75 11th
Street North, next to Subway. 249-1771.

1993 CHEVY Astro van. V-6, AT. A/C,
new I;ies. $975 OBO 874-4948.
1989 DODGE Van. Long. Extended
Excellent work van (Good condition)
2005 FORD econollne in excellent condi-
lion Loaded w/oplons 29000 mi. 118500
687-8682 or 687-8648 .
2000 CHEVY GMC Sierra pickup, l4x,
56 000 miles $9000. 993-9191
95 4X4 Explorer chop lop
convenrble/beach buggy, like a leep.A/C
cold, 31 X 10 50 rires.Has 219.000 miles
on iI 8 runs like brand new. II s slreel le.,/
gal & I drive it every day. 1800 irm. 904-
2414204 Brenl.
2002 ODYSSEY Van, lully loaded. All
power, heated seats, leather. inenor.
$14,800. 74,600 miles (excellent condi-
non) 652-6243

2002 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser-, loops
great, runs great. 55k miles. $7000 OBO.
2003 MERCEDES C240, 45k miles, 6spd,
4ar., Silver.'grey lealner. 6 CD. moonroof.
exc condition. $20.800. 1904)334-6686.
1996 BLACK Cougar XR7, 8cyl.,
100,000 mi, loaded, good condition
$3.000 OBO. 1904)955-1830
1949 PLYMOUTH. flal head 6 cylilner. 3
speed on column Runs, needs help.
$1200 OBO. Joe 608-8013
2001 HONDA CIVIC LX. 115k miles, well
marntlaned, clean history, aulomarc, A/C.
4-door, $7000,904-534-4170 .
TWO JEEP Cherokees, 4 wheel drive,
both 1982, 2-door, $500'each. 612-8060
or 613-5178
1986 SAAB 900S. 5spd. hatchback, A/C,
CD, new tires, one owner, 112k original
miles, looks and drives great. $1450 OBO.
1977 FORD T-Bird, 5.0LU302c.i, A/C.
bachelor bench seals, 2nd owner, new
paint, recent engine overhaul, dnven daily
$320000BO 710-7522

MUVINU Z)A M LV- r ~lrlg MUM gi Ug g
anytime 904-894-5835 lor directions
YARD/ MOVING sale Saturday & Sunday
8am-?. 103 Seagrape Dr. (Off of 16th
Street Soulhi 19701946-1847
HUGE RUMMAGE Sale Post, 129, 1151
S 4th S1 July 29th. 7am-2pm. Table
Renlal $10 00 or Come, Shop and Buy.

BRIC-A-BRAC, NEW and used wedding
items, Mary Kay cosmetics. lawn chairs
All items $10 or less Saturday 8am-3pm,
492 Whiting Lane.

p ~

at Beach Marine

21' Regal 2150 LSC 2000
23' Proline Center/C 2002
23' Regal Bow/R.1999
24' Regal 2460LSC 2003
24' SeaRay Sund: 1996
24' SeaRay Sundan. 2002
! 25' Regal Comm. 1997
25' Regal Comm. 1999
25' SeaRay Sund. 1995
25' SportCraft C/Cons 1998
26' Regal Comm. 2002
27' Proline WA Cuddy 2000
27' Maxim Express 1995
27' Regal Comm. 2765 2004
27' Donzi Express 1998
29' SeaRay Amberjk 2001


29 SeaRay Sund. 1999 $64.900
29 Regal Comm; 2000 $62,000
30 Regal 3060 2002 $82,900
30 Cruiser's Rogue 1998 $64.900
30 Wellcraft Martiniq. 1999 $62,000
31 SeaRay Sundan.2000 $89.900
32SeaRaySundan.2004 $158.900
32 Wellcraft St. Tropez 1986 $23.000 .
32 Carver MY 2001 $124,900
32 Regal Comm. 3260 2003 $149,000"
32 Bayliner Motor Yacht 1985 $48,900
32 Regal Comm. 1999 $75,000
33 Wellcraft Coastal 1993 $98,000 -:
35 Carver/Y 356 2002 $189,900
36 Cruiser's Aft Cab. 1996 $107,000


2003. CAIMRY LE. Still under warranty.
25K miles. $14,500. 246-8914 or 504-
METAL ROOFING, Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all accessories. Quick turn around. Deliv-
ery available. Toll free (888)393-0335.
SPINET PIANO or Kenmore Refrigerator
$400. Antique shield back chairs or solid
walnut table/ leaf $600, more. 241-6855.
SOLID OAK Queen bedroom set. In-
cludes rounded headboard w/rattan inlay
design, 72" six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror-and rattan inlay, two
2-drawer nightstands, .four drawer plus
storage Armoire. Good condition $700,
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea.
30 day warranty. Deliver, $20. 318-8173,


St. Johns Catholic Church, 2400 Mayport
Rd. Books, clothes, appliances, toys, fur-
niture, and much much more. This Satur-
day only 8-2.

couch, double bed, end tables, etc. The
Fountains 695 A1A North, #91.

MULTI-FAMILY sale, kitchenwares( bike
trailers, toys, and 0 to 3T girls clothes, and
much more. 4764 Marsh Hammock Dr.
West, Sat., 8-noon.

AN ENORMOUS Estate. Big home full of
finest furn & access. Mint cond banded
edge banquet tbl lovely Matched buffet,
set chairs. Fr antq stand, lowboy, ong oils,
mirrors. Crystal, Tiffany, ster; porcelain.
Chanel, Versace, jewelry & furs galore!
Lloyd Loom porch furn. Lovely hutch,
bikes, BR, more! Early No's @ 228 4th
Ave S, Jax Bch @ 8 am. After 8:15 use N
gate of Marsh Landing (near J.T. Butler).
Ask @ gate for "China Cat Estate". Go
directly to 25335 Marsh' Landing Pkwy.
Thurs 9-4 Fri 9-3.241-0344 or chinacatan-
tiques.com for. map & details. Do Not
Park on Marsh Landing Pkwy.

12' ALUMINUMI John Boal $200 OBO
www.MarinaClubPV.com "0
1988 GLASS STREAM Spini, 21. New
Magic Till Iraler 7 4L, 330hp Meicruiser
engine & ouldrive $6000 OBO.,704-671I
2000 9.9HP Suzul.' 4 slroke,'very good
condition, low hours. $1200. 285-090,4
leave message

VESPA, 2004, mini green.' black Excejl
lent condition Gas saver. Periect to ru'n-
ning around or making lo the beechf 'Ldy
mileage, garage kepl. Cruising speed 40-
45 mpn. Brand new cover and bubble
slorage unil included. Additional storage in
seal $2600. 703-3593. Buyer responsible
lor vehicle pickup.
2002 HONDA SHADOW Ace, incl. acces-
sories. 48 ong. miles, garage Kepl. Illness
forces sale $5500 247-1417
1999 BIG Dog 1750 Bulldog Very loW
miles. Cherry-red w/gold pinsiripe. Beaun-
lul and lasl $15,500 OBO. 755-6461
1984 YAMAHA YZ250, exc cond. recent
complete rebuild, $1500 OBO 874-4948.

1999 COLEMAN Clipper Pop-up Camper
w.slide-oul dine. electric limit, sleeps 6. toi-
let, snower. not water, king and queen
bed. Great snape. Palm Valley area.
$6000 OBO. (904)838-6906

1990 FORD Econolne. F-150 Work van.
auto. AC. Radio Runs Great. 122 Thou-
sand Miles $2,000 343-1460.
1994 F350 dually, runs real, cold air. au-
iomailc. lully loaded, new Tires This is a
real truck. $6500 OBO 226-8700


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