Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main continued
 Section A: Main: Religion
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Police Beat
 Section A: Main: Sports
 Section B: Weekend
 Section B: Weekend: Arts
 Section B: Weekend: Screen
 Section B: Weekend: Music
 Section B: Weekend: Calendar
 Section B: Weekend: Get Out
 Section B: Weekend: Around the...
 Section C: Classified

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. July 21, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00058
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. July 21, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: July 21, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00058
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page A 4
    Section A: Main continued
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Religion
        page A 6
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Police Beat
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Sports
        page A 10
        page A 11
        page A 12
    Section B: Weekend
        page B 1
        page B 2
    Section B: Weekend: Arts
        page B 3
    Section B: Weekend: Screen
        page B 4
    Section B: Weekend: Music
        page B 5
    Section B: Weekend: Calendar
        page B 6
    Section B: Weekend: Get Out
        page B 7
    Section B: Weekend: Around the Home
        page B 8
    Section C: Classified
        page C 1
        page C 2
        page C 3
        page C 4
        page C 5
        page C 6
        page C 7
        page C 8
Full Text

Nease football

See A-10


JULY 21, 2006

Antiques Show
returns to beach
See B-1

Is Monster House
too scary for kids?

See B-1



Vol. 44, No. 9

An edition of The Beaches Leader


Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

1 seat still open

in MSD election

Starr Crist holds her son Cole, 2, as he hugs Plato the Publix dinosaur Wednesday at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library, while
Lindsay Leukanech (right),young adult librarian, looks on and Adam Case, 22 months, gives a hug down under. Plato's employer
furnished supplies for Wednesday's ice cream party, part of the library's summer program. See Leader Web site for photo gallery.

After the 2006 election on
Nov. 7, two new faces will be
sitting on the Board of Trustees
for the Ponte Vedra Municipal
Service District (MSD) .
The terms of four MSD
trustees are ending this year,
and two of them Doug
Crane and Alva Hollonr'-' have
applied to run for their second
full, four-year terms.
As of Thursday afternoon,
neither candidate had any
opposition, although qualifica-
tion doesn't end until noon
Curtis Long, 523 A1A N., has
applied to run for seat 5, that
of current trustee Mack
McCuller. As of Thursday after-
noon, he was the only candi-
date in that race.
McCuller cannot run for
reelection because he has
served two consecutive four-
year terms already.
Long attended several meet-
ings earlier this year to voice
complaints about. cars parked
in front of his home along
The cars belonged to mem-
bers of Chabad @' the Beaches,
a Jewish congregation that
meets in the house next to his.
Trustee Drew Tuggle's term

also ends this year, but Tuggle
said Thursday he most likely
will not apply to run again.
Tuggle said he was appointed
to his seat on the board four
years ago by the governor after
another person withdrew his
candidacy just before the elec-
As of Thursday afternoon, no
Sone had applied to run for
Tuggle's seat.
In an interview Thursday,
Crane said Carl Bloesing, for-
mer president of the Ponte
Vedra Beaches Coalition, was
thinking of running for a seat
on the board.
Bloesing said Thursday that
he had not decided whether to
If no one runs for Tuggle's
seat on the board, the governor
will appoint someone to that
According to the Supervisor
of Elections Office, MSD
Chairman Bob Reesh must
notify the Governor's
Appointment Office that there
is a vacancy on the board.
Anyone interested in the seat
must then submit an applica-
tion to the appointment office
for the governor's considera-

No rush to dig wells, despite soaring Ponte Vedra water bills

Although some Ponte Vedra residents have
complained about escalating water bills since St.
Johns County bought a Ponte Vedra utility in
February, it's not clear whether those consumers
are trying to lower their bills.
Of two methods for lowering water charges -
digging irrigation wells and cutting consump-
tion the former apparently hasn't caught on
and the latter needs more time for analysis.
St. lohns County bought St. Johns Serice Co.
in late February, after which customers using
more than 10,000 gallons of water per month
began to see higher water bills.
The St. Johns County Ponte Vedra utility has
4,569 residential customers in the most north-
ern sections of Ponte Vedra Beach west of State
Road A1A, including Marsh Landing and
"Some customers have lowered their con-
sumption, [but] some, because of the dry weath-
er, have used as much or more water" since the
new rate structure began, said Bill Young, direc-
tor of the St. Johns County utility department.
"It's a mixed bag," Young said, adding that he
will need more time to compare monthly rates
of consumption to decide whether customers are
cutting back.
But apparently there has been no rush to dig
irrigation wells, which Young has said will cut
bills because using drinking water to irrigate is
the "main culprit" of soaring bills.
No new wells
Although Young said Thursday he "occasion
inquiring about irrigation wells, no wells have be
county's Ponte Vedra utility area this year.
Of the eight permits for irrigation wells issued
Vedra-area this year, only one is in the St. Johns

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,,w,1 'i ...._._-*. ..L ",-,,,,041 .8M*..
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area, and that well has not been completed, according to records from the g
from the St. Johns County Environmental Health Department. require man
ally" gets calls Mike Towle, director of environmental health for St. Johns Also, the
een built in the County, said Tuesday that using well water for irrigation not only so if a custo
cuts water bills, it also cuts back on the use of treated water, said, the we
1 for the Ponte "I think probably the utilities would prefer people not use the
County utility treated water for irrigation," said Towle, who lives in Northwest

SSt. Johns County and shares an irrigation well with
two neighbors.
That's true, said Young, adding .that the new
price structure which increases the per-1,000-
gallon charge-as consumption increases is
designed to encourage conservation.
Still, he said Thursday, more than 200 Ponte
Vedra customers use more than 50,000 gallons per
Month, despite the price increase.
Under St. Johns Service Co., a bill for using
50,000 gallons was $97.86. Now, Young said, the
S bill is $217.86.
Some customers are paying $400 per month or
more, which means they are consuming 100,000
gallons of water, Young said.
"This is a month," he said. "This is crazy."
The deeper, the pricier
But apparently the cost of putting in a well up
to $5,000 has not been enough to prompt high
consumers to switch to wells, he said.
"Water was so cheap" under St. Johns Service,
Young said, that Ponte Vedra residents are only
beginning to take an interest in wells.
"Down here [in St. Augustine], they know that
you put in a well to help with irrigation," he said.
The cost of a well plus pump depends on the
depth of the well, and that depends on several fac-
tors, said Mike Dallas, vice president of Partridge
Well Drilling, which Dallas said has been in the
well-drilling business in the Jacksonville area since
Typically, the water volume that can be drawn
round increases as depth increases, so those who
ny gallons per minute may have to dig deeper, he said.
mineral content often is higher closer to the surface,
mer wants to avoid the smell and color of iron, Dallas
ll might have to be dug deeper.
See WATER, A-3


Back to School with BEAM, a
local effort to pro\-de Beaches
students with clothing and
school supplies, is also a unique
volunteer opportunity for the
area's young people.
Students and young adults
make up "close to a quarter to a
third of the volunteers" who
help make Back to School with
BEAM a success, said Karen
Wolfson, organizer of the proi-
ect since it began 13 years ago.
"These are children helping
other children, teens helping
other teens. .working in a ser-
vant leadership position," said

Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
__ will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
__ ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: $25 249-9033
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Wolfson. "They are our legacy,
who will carnr this on into the
"What is so neat to me is that
some of the kids who started at
the beginning are young adults
now. They will even take a cou-
ple days off of work to continue
to help," she said.
Back to School with BEAM
(Beaches Emergency Assistance
Ministry) will be on Saturday,
July 29 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
It will be held in the Family Life
Center of Beach United
Methodist Church at 3rd Street
and 8th Aveue North in
Jacksonville Beach.
Families of Beaches pre-school
to high school students can

"shop" at no cost for items pro-
vided through donations from
community members and busi-
Young volunteers help with
everything from sorting clothes,
moving supplies and donations,
providing administrative sup-
port, assisting shoppers at the
event and carrying bags for shop-
pers, said Wolfson.
Tyanna Smith and Khatianna
Rhone are two 8th graders at
Mayport Middle School who
have volunteered for the past
three years and will do so again
this year.

See BEAM, A-3

Calendar................B-6 Obituaries ............A-8
Classified ............C-1 Police Beat ...........A-9
Religion ...............A-6 Sports.................A-10
Showtimes ...........B-4 Weather .................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages

A giant yellow smile is painted on the lawn of the Sawgrass
Marriott Resort & Spa as part of an announcement of the facili-
ty's a "Summer of Sawgrass Smiles" promotion.



-. ~ A -''~IVI~





back to


I I I I I ~I

The I ehe- he.I .dr/Pont.e'Vedra Leader
Thp Rparcpe 1 eader/Ponle Vedra Leader

July 21, 2006

Published Wednesday and Friday.
1114 Beach Boulevard
(P.O. Box 50129 for correspondence)
Jacksonville, Florida 32240
(USPS 586-180) (1SSN1059647X)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Jackson-
.vylle Beach,'Florida and additional
mailing offices
Subscriptions: 525 per year in
Duval and St. Johns counties. Out of
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In the event of errors In advertise-
ments The Beaches Leader will be
responsible only for the space occu-
pied by the actual error. The publish-
er assumes no financial responsibility
for omissions.
Send address changes to:
The Beaches Leader
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Copyright 2006

Open Monday Friday
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The Leader-encourages read-
ers to submit items of com-
munity interest to the news-
paper for publication.
Weddings, engagements,
birth announcements and
obituaries ame published free
of charge for the community.
Information about area resi-
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is also welcome.
SSSubmissions should be
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however,. they must, have'
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Reprints of photos taken by
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For information on placing
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To start your subscription
=call (904) 249-9033. :

The -Leader strives to pro-
duce error-free news report-
ing. When mistakes occur, it is
our policy to correct them as
soon as they. are brought to
our attention,
To request a correction, call
the editor at 249-9033.
In the event of errors in
advertisements, the' Leader

will be responsible' only for
the space occupied by the
actual error. The publisher,
assumes no financial responsi-
bility for omissions.
The Leader maintains
copies of back issues for sale
up to one year. To research or
review artides published more
than one year ago, bound
copies of the newspaper are
available at the office.
Microfilm copies of the news-
paper are available at the
Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch


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SCoalition to.meet Monday Aug idne. '
The Potene, .*edra Beaches No' ,N appointments are
S.Coal-tion will;mieet Mon"day in requiref:tl. ", '
'the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch In'lnadditibon to breast exams,
Library at 10 a.m. the cliriic, will:offer education %'
;:Joseph Vonasek; former inselfiexms free Pap smears I
'director qf the St.. Johns for'.syomen.ages 50 to.64, and
:'County Office of Budget referrals to Flagler Hospital for'
.Management,.will speak.about mammograms.
how-- borrowing affects fiscal The program will pay 'for
stability, particularly that of St. mammograms for women who.
Johns County. are'uninsured or underinsured
Voriaseki will address 'the and cannot afford a mammo-
concerns raised by the St. gram.
Johps County, Civic For more information call
,rA'sso'ciatidin Ronjrdtable rpori 825-5055, extension 1112.
Si.' tho 20.0 b.duget hearings. I

The St. Johns County Health Cooperation Summit -on
'- De 'aroeite' ill hold a free affordable housing will be held
breast cancer screening clinic Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.at
July 25 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. the' St. Johns, Courtye
Sat the Health Department, Convention Center, World
S1955 U.S. 1 $.,' site i00in St. Golf Village, St. Augustine.

Bright lights distract sea turtlE

by LAURA FOWLER All Duval. County beaches
.STAFF&WRITER have laws: prohibiting lights
Thi fiist-recorded sea turtle from shining on the. beach
.nest oni Duival: County beach- 'during the turtle nesting'sea-
es this riestirig season hatched son' which runs from May to
Monday night in Jacksonville November.
.-Beach, but many of the Turtle hatchlings are dis-
hatchlings were distracted tracted by: artificial light,
from,.e.tering the ocean by according to biologists..
lights shining on the beach. 'The BSTP urges, all beach-
Jennifer Burns with the side residents and businesses
'Beaches. Sea Turtle Patrol
(BSTP), a volunteer organiza- Tir Made
tion that.marks and protects l duuoi d
sea, turtle; nests, said 10 log- J. G
gerhead' hatchlings were J. Old
found on the beach Tuesday Altertion
morrnipg and three of them Alteration
wetfle ad'. f I Professional Men & Worn
.an'oe rin over by a car School and Military I
.after. awlipgingto the street. Bridal Gown &
S.,he ~~' returned to the Tuxedo Alterations
'ocean- 'i,-, "
Burn's aid., tracks on'the' Sofa Covers, Pillow
,,.beach ijdicate that more
"'hatchlings '.'m ay have strayed I 249-1
away from the ocean, but | r Over 30 years
,.none o : thqs. e ele found:.
BKrnis ':".sld'':she s believe "* Open Monday-Saurdaqy
a"yif, t t e- 426 N. 3rd Street
.manaothe turtles were dis-
S:,ra 'ct'd by a ig'ht n 'a house (nextto Dcks Wings)
Syaj onI h Jax Beach, FL 32250E
to the, north, then by a 'street I Jax Beach, FL 32250
light to the west, which may
have lured- 'fe w of the turtles

St. Paul's CaI
ti t e '

'A meeting of.ileity of Atlantic Biach
Code Enforcement, Bdard will hold a
special meeting l,t6 hear anAnimal
Classification Appeal on Thursday,
August 3, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole
Road, Atlantic Beach, Flonda.
All persons interested are notified to be
present at said time and place and they
shall be heard.. If a person decides to
appeal any decision at any meeting or
hearing, he will need a record of the
proceedings, and for such purpose may
need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record
shall include the testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the American with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a
afsp al acmidaion to participate in
tis pced ~ hoould contact Donna
Blisey, City, ierk, at 247-5809 or at
City Hall. 800 Seminole Road.
BL 7/21/06

The--theme for .this year's
summit, which is sponsored by
the Northeast-Florida Regional
Council and St. Johns County,
will be "Affordable Workforce
Housing. ..and the roads that
lead us home."
Admission is free to the pub-
lic, but space is limited.
For more information and to
register for the summit visit
www.co.st-johns.fl.us or
Foster parents needed
The St. Johns Countv Family
Integiityv P '^ag seeking
qualified in'di\idtaj m rriej
couples and families willing to
open their homes to children
who need a safe and stable
Interested individuals are
invited to attend an orienta-

e hatchlings

to' please turn' off or shield
their outdoor lights and to
shield their indoor lights with
window coverings, Burns said
in an e-mail Tuesday.
'Burns said about a dozen or
so hatchlings did make it
back to the ocean from the

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tion program Aug. 3 at 6;30
p.m. or Aug. 4 at 9:30 a.m. at
the Family Integrity Program
Office, 1955 U.S. 1 S., Suite B-
6, St. Augustine.
Foster parent training classes
will begin Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m.
at the same location.
For more information call
Michael McMorrow at 823-
4430, extension 205.

The Reaches
are online at:



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Because of recent com-
plaints about noise, Friday's
Music in the Courtyard
event at 200 First ,.St.,
Neptune Beach, featuring
the Rick Arcusa Band, .has
been canceled, according to
200 First Street Property
Manager Kendra'Robertson..
News of this cancellation
came after the Weekerndsec-
tion of today's edition,
which lists the show, was

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------ ------

July .L-, LUVJE

Water: Rates for conservation

Cont. from A-1
"Some irons turn everything
a nice rust-color red," he said.
The area of residence also
plays a role, he said. For exam-
ple, h6ines in the Vilano Beach
area south of Ponte Vedra may
need deeper wells because
"shallow wells [there] may
have saltwater intrusion,"
Dallas said.
Shallow wells 20 feet to
about 60 feet deep -- "are usu-
ally productive but also will,
have the highest mineral con-
tent," Dallas said. Cost: about
$750, he said.
The hext level 80 feet to
about 100 feet also may
have, high iron content, and
the volume of water can't.be
guaranteed, he said. Cost:
$2,000,to $2,200.
The next depth, called "salt
and pepper" .for the coarse
sand-like material that. makes
up the. rock formation, "does
not normally stain. However, it
is limited in volume," Dallas
said. Cost: about $3,500 to
The deepest wells, which tap
into .ithe, lower. Floridan

Aquifer, can cost around
$5,000, he said.
.Most wells, regardless of
their depth,, will supply water
that passes safety standards for
drinking, he said, although
property owners are forbidden
to divert irrigation well water,
to their homes for drinking
and other such uses, he said.
Watering rule applies
Young said the St. Johns
River Water Management
District doesn't object to the
use of irrigation wells and actu-
ally "prefers that the draw-
downs [of water] are spread.
out," as they are with many
wells, compared with fewer,-
larger wells that utility and
other companies have.
He likened the residential
wells to "many small straws,
instead of one large straw" tak-
ing water from the aquifer.
Even, those who irrigate with
wells,!.however, are required to
follow the district's watering
rule, said Teresa Monson,
spokesman for the St. Johns.
River Water Management
That rule, which began

March 1, limits irrigation to
twice per week, she said.
"Regardless of where you're
getting your water, our interest
is in the efficient use of water," "'
Monson said.
Since 1985, the county has .-
issued permits for 139 irriga-
tion wells in the Ponte Vedra
area; according to data sup-
plied by Towle.
That number is out of a total
226, water well permits issued
in that area during that time.
The other permits are for
drinking water wvells, monitor- *. .
ing wells and wells to be aban- .
Towle said the number of
water well permits usually fluc-
tuates with the number of sep-
tic tanks permits, which typi- 6 :.
call fluctuates with building
The lowest number of water.
well permits in the Ponte Vedra .
area since 1985 were issued in .
1993 (three), and the highest ,
number were' issued Lin 1995 photo by KATHY HARTMAN
(20). Last year, four. were While Rosa Cuevas (front left) and Emily Miranda listen to choices of icecream toppings
issued, three for irrigation. Wednesday at the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library, Heleri Kuperman (back) gives suggestions
to Maxim Shpilevoy. The ide cream party was part of the, library's summer children's program,
which ends Wednesday with a:10 a.m. presentation by children's author and illustrator Tedd
Arnold. See photo gallery at www.pontevedraleader,com/.

BEAM: Back to school event July 29 continues to accept money, donations
S -: :Ii : : i ;; : : :

Cont. from A-

The first year they volunteered,
the two friends ran errands and
brought water to families wait-
mg in line in the summer heat.
Last year, they worked on the
personalized pencil boxes that are
given to the children in addition
to helping to sort clothing.
Rhone said that she enjoys
crafts and liked drawing the
designs things like flowers for
the girls and footballs for the boys
- on the boxes.
Smith, 'she said, has "neat
handwriting" and wrote the chil-
dren's names on the boxes.
Even though she doesn't like

crafts too much, Smith said that
"it was fun to do the boxes.".
Rhone's '9-year-old brother and
Smith's ll-year-old brother and
9-year-old sister also helped with
Back to School with BEAM last
Rick Helfrich, a resident of
Ponte Vedra who attends Notre
Dame University. has been a vol-
unteer for the past five years.
He became involved when he
was a student at Episcopal High
School, where he knew Wolfson's
son, Lance.
Volunteering at Back to School
"has definitely had a lot of
impact. You see things that you
don't have a chance to see in

BEAM volunteer Karen Hicks fills a backpack with school sup-
plies that she selected from the mountain of items amassed in
the Back to School with BEAM drive.


Ponte Vedra," said Helfrich.
"People begin to line, up at 3
a.m. for shopping. This is defi-
nifely something important to
"Some of the kids who are
helpers also come back as shop-
pers," he said.
Wolfson's daughter Kim, along
with her brother and sister, has
volunteered with the project
since it began.
"We and our friends all grew up
doing this, and we would not
want to not continue helping,"
she said. "A friend completing her
PhD in Gainesville is coming
back to help this year."
Lauren Maloney, a 10th grade
student at St. Joseph's Academy
in St. Augustine, helps at the
BEAM office with preparations
for Back to School and volunteers
during the event, said her mother
Kathy Maloney, Administrative
Assistant at BEAM.

Lordy, Lordy the Ole
Rednecks' 40!

Troy C. Mahan turns 40 on
Sa.tand has lived inJAX for 15
years. He was surprised Thur.
evening at the Casa Marina
restaurant by 50 of his closest
friends and family.


Lauren Maloney also writes let- St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
ters to Beaches' dentists request- Church has contacted Wolfson
ing donations of toothbrushes and will send members of the
and toothpaste to be distributed youth group to help, she said.
with the school supplies, said -'.Donations are still being col-
Wolfson. elected. Contact the BEAM office
"Every year there are church. at 241-2326 for drop-off loca-
youth groups who help." said tions.
Wolfson. New volunteers, both students
Some, like the youth at First .and adults, are always welcome,
Chnshan Church of the Beaches. said \olfson.
collect donations for weeks before .They are needed at Beach
the event. United Methodist Church

(BUMC) on Thursday, July 27
from 1-4 p.m. to put together
school supply bags and on Friday,
July 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to
setup and sort.
Volunteers are requested to be
at BUMC at 7:30 a.m. on July 29
to be ready for the doors to open
at 8 a.m. for Back to School with
BEAM. Help will be needed
throughout the day until about'
3:30 p.m. when 'the clean-up
should be finished.


Cont. from A-1
If no one enters the NMSD race
in opposition of the three regis-
tered candidates, no MSD seats
will appear on the Nov. 7 ballot.,
Instead,- the registered candi-
dates will assume office after that
The MSD is a special taxing dis-
trict whose seven-member Board
of Trustees decides on a property
tax rate. The current rate is 37
cents for every $1,000 in taxable
MNSD revenue pays for extra
police.protection, extra garbage
service, beautification and street
signs in the MSD.
The MSD generally includes
the area east of State Road AIA
from the Duval Count)' line to
Corona Road, then south along
both sides of Ponte Vedra
Boulevard for six miles.
For more information about
being appointed to a seat on the
board, call (850) 488-7146.

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Page 3A*

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

J l 21 2006






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The Leader's Opinion

Concurrency review

should include an

evacuation impact

The Hurricane Evacuation Study just released by the
Northeast Florida'Regional Council is troubling, to say
the least. Previously, hurricane evacuations have been
ordered about 24 hours before the storm's expected
landfall. Because the new study estimates evacuations
may take more than two days, people will be ordered to
leave before anyone is sure that a stormt will hity, accord-
ing to regional council official Ed Preston in an inter-
view with a Leader reporter. "It's going to be very expen-
sive," he added, explaining that closing businesses inter-'
rupts the county's economy.
Yes, the cost to business at the Beach will be signifi-.
cant. But the highest cost will be in lost wages, and
much of that cost will be bornmeby people least able to
absorb it. If the evacuation takes days, it. will -certainly
take days to return.
If emergency management people have lamented
before that few people leave when the sun is shining, it
will be even tougher to get people evacuating even ear-
lier on the possibility not even probability -- that a'
hurricane will strike here. Residents told-to leave their'
homes for days at a time may.not be'soiquick to do it
repeatedly so evacuating too far in advance of a storm
could eventually have real and tragic costs.
-The need to reduce the probability of a false alarm is
obvious. Yet the only answer offered by emergency
managers and government officials is'to order evacua-
tions earlier and earlier as the population of,northeast
Florida explodes.
The study lists the intersection of 1-10 and 1-295 as a
major choke point for the evacuation of Duval County.
All the development 'along Butler Boule;ard will make
that evacuation route'a parking lot. '' '
In addition, the Ponte Vedra'community is waking up
to new information that thedev.elopers'ofN Nocatee and
Twin ,Creeks,, both developments '"~ofregional, impact,.
Were not required to provide enough funds for a proper
intersection and overpass-at.state road 210.and.US L. .-
'This is the main evacuation ,route 'for- northeast-St. ',
Johns County. '
if proper evacuation routes are of prime importance,
and all government -officials agree that they are, why is
the issue of evacuation routes not covered by concur-
rency reviews when' development'permits are being
Based on the current official attitude-of just leave ear-.
lier, it seems obvious that the next hurricane evacuation
study will have us leaving our homes when the storm is '
still off the coast of Africa. : '

w i .-- ." *. .

The "LG" is gone. Lighthouse Grill restaurant, but
Fqr years, as I- drove over the .for ie they carried a more
McCormnick Bridge, I would see iinmportant messagee,
the big "LG".sigrn at the south I'll miss it, lbut will always,
east corner of the bridge. For -see theibig "'LG" in my hind's
me, the initials stood for "Let Go eye as I crossthe bridge.
and Let God." The owners may. J.' S uiane Hickent -
have been of the opinion tha : "' i

Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-mail
to editor@beachesleader.com

Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires.

We will not consider letters that do not bear a
signature and address aid we request a phone
number for verification,


".: '. ,* -L -. '
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Lina Borgstede .Kathleen Hartma
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Available from Commercial News Providers".



Family reunion quite

T A Then I returned from e ,r.,,
I//, getting extra fried
Chicken from Publix, cl
There were cars wrapped s
around the block'at My
Mama's. As I walked around
the block I looked at the car
tags;)efferson County t
Alabama; Leon County and fa
Orange Co(nty, Florida; I
Anderson and Richland .
County, South Carolina. h
They'd all come to,Marietta,
Georgia, to the house I was.
raised in,, for the annual ',
Dempsey FamilyReunion. HO IE DEMIPET

Every county in Georgia was
represented, except Glynn. My
cousin' Marlene .fr6n
Brunswick wouldn't ,be there
'for the same reason she hadn't
been for the past six years. Yep,
she was back in divorce court.
It seems Marlene learned
about .three weeks after her
Valentine's Day wedding,;to
Melvin (Hoss) Dudley that
theii differences were as irrec-
oncilable as they had been to
her last four husbands.
As I walked down the drive-
.way to the big.tehL where the
F'rood X_;as-sp ,'9heaf mv
614M'N^ 16' FfNidb flh~e.
She paid homage to the
Dempsey family with special
honor to my late Father's orly
living sibling, my.Aunt Lenora,

-who we all call Nonie. Then as
,I quietly put the food on the
already packed buffet line of
tables I heard, "My wonderful
nephew Buddy, who has
always said the blessing at the
Dempsey Reunion can't be
here today because of a com-
mitment at his Church, so I
will ask' Hovle to say Grace!"
It,was lik I was watching the
TPC and all of a sudden the PA
announcer, savs, "Ladies and
Gentlemen, Phil Mickelson
won't beable tp shoot the final

^o etirtient e IV 1yte,
Dempsey tO substitute for
It is probably the first time
any one ever prayed about





a spread

that to say in a prayer. After [
limbed out of Buddy's big
hoes, which I was honored by
iy Mama to try to fill, we
Fempseys dined!
The spread included every
thing from typical southern
ire to smoked Salmon, which
ny cousin in law Tom smoked
n a 'Green Egg" in the back of
is Dodge Ram pickup on his
ip from South Carolira.. Not
o be'outdone, cousin Danforth
Dempsey showed up in a lim-
usine with' his upper crust ver-
ion of the traditional Irish
family favorite, corned beef
nd cabbage. "Bon Appetit,
avor my Corned Filet Mignon
nd Watercress Salad!"
Aunt Nonie and my Mama
seemed to. go for the basic
asseroles, ham,-roast beef,
tried chicken and desserts. Not
hat they were snubbing the
moked Salmon (which most
If my relatives pronounce with
he L not silent).
I guess I,did OK on the bless-
ng. Every'one.of my. relatives
have emailed -me and let me
no ey" t hom'ee safe.
Ast]ol, th'eledt 4'odS :ni'&P
;race was addressed to!
I hope Buddy is back next
ear and Marlene too! Bless her

More letters to. the editor:

Create a referendum for AB zoning questions

Td the editor:
Currently we are faced with
the dilemma of growth in
Atlantic Beach. The commis-
sion is putting a height limit

of 35 feet on commercial
buildings' on the. referendum
but allowing Sea Turtle a new
100 foot tower to be added
(because they need the room
to grow and' they are a "cash
cow" for A.B.).
The plot thickens as our
"weak city commission and
strong city manager" are in
the middle of new zoning
changes to limit the. size of
homes in Atlantic Beach and
the core city. Currently the
language refers to old Atlantic
Beach/Core 'city as 'mapped
out by, the document.
However, the pork attached to
'this new zoning includes lan-
n guage that states the zoning
r code could be applied to other
parts'of Atlantic Beach. How?
By a community vote? No, by
a couple of people' that,wanttit
in their neighborhood.' That is
how it happened this time.
Less than five people com-
plained at the commission
meeting over a period. of a
year and we are'currently
revamping the zoning despite
over 1,000 signatures against
the current proposal. Is this a
true representation of Atlantic
Beach citizens? Five people-
no. 1,000+ people- yes. The
election .platform of commu-
nity. character (defined as a

unified body.of individuals in
a common location with
attributes -that distinguish
them mentally, ethically and
physically) during the elec-
tion said 'nothing about
shrinking a family's greatest
investmentI-' their'home -
by an agenaa that included
viewing pools as 60' percent
Simpervious (a tactic used to
. "stiink the buildable footprint
of your lot)..The city should
be thankfull that we' have
Spools in our city to help catch
the overflow'that they ippar-
ently cannot handle. The new
.tornr water system in-the
core city works great-props to
all involved
.. A recent article in The
'Leader characterized those
against this legislation as
being raucous' at the meeting
held at the City Hall as well as
the Sea Turtle'(so many people
against this and so little time).
I would-hope when faced with
the shove it down your throat
24-page Winter Group pro-
posal, this ,is 'how we are
gonna do it in, Atlantic Beach,
to the divide and conquer tac-
tic currently employed, that
people would stand up and
speak out that IS America.
Commissioner Borno states
in his letter to the citizens of
AB that we have spent too
much money and time on this
issue to not resolve it. I say
you will spend more time and
money cleaning up the mess.

you have made by thinking
the people in this city will roll
.over because you have all
spent our time and our money
and have a compromise that
goes where no city govern-
ment has gone before tak-
ing commercial applications
(Floor Area Ratios) and apply-
ing them to residential devel-
opment (previously in the
proposal we had virtual floor
area). There is an easier way....
Put three choices 'for a vote
by referendum or a communi-
ty vote for the people in the
core city:
A. the commission's com-
promise (Winter Group)
B. the SAVE Atlantic Beach
compromise (local architects,
.homeowners, landscape archi-
tects and artists)
C. keep the original zoning
Let the people that live in
the area define who and what
they are through the demo-
cratic. process. The two or so
historic homes in this district
are on the historic register. It
would shame this commission '
and all involved to not let the.
people vote on their commu-
nity character. No more per-
sonal agendas and star cham-
ber politics. We have a com-
munity and we have charac-
ter. Do what is right by the
people you represent and
serve. Put it to a vote.
Patrick Grandy
Atlantic Beach resident

Floor Area Ratio goes too far in AB

To the editor:
Stephen Kuti wrote a letter
published in Friday's Leader
in which he states that a .50
FAR is right for Atlantic
As Mr. Kuti lives well out-
side the area to be affected by
the implementation of
until this becomes a city-
wide ordinance, his opinion
should be given the. consid-
eration due one coming out
of Fargo, ND.

But let's look at the num-
bers and consider whether a
.50 Floor Area Ratio is fair.
If you calculate the maxi-
mum '- allowable square
footage,pffa "residential struc-
ture on'a 50 x 115 lot, the
imputed- EAR under the cur-
rent code would be 1.26. On
a 50 by 150 lot, FAR would
equate to something near
Is it reasonable or fair to a
property owner to take away
two thirds of what they can

build on their property?
Compared to what is cur-
rently allowed, a .50 FAR
severely limits what one can
build on their property.
From this perspective,
implementing a .50 FAR is
not only unfair, but could be
deemed a taking of property
for Which property owners
could seek compensation.

John L. Fletcher
Atlantic Beach

July 21 2006

Tiilv 21-'2006


buy thrills
Don't smoke. Never Kave.
Okay, I did sneak a fe* of
my dad's Camels whll'in
high school, but as an asthi-
matic, the thrill of puffiril
away was quickly overce.Ae
with the need to breathe. In
addition to not sm'okirg
don't chew either. Knd gy
that, it may seeii odd ~kte
to have purchased nMy tr'
pouch of Redmah tobacco
three Fridays ago. I hadM'i
good reason'though '- jtgs.
"You gotta try this,!' my gar-
dening friend Barb said, hand-
ing me a scribbled recipe to
rid the yard of fleas and fios-
quitoes. "You just mitxii up
and use it in a 20-gallotvgar-
den sprayer." .. .T,
I looked at the list of need-
ed items. Yes, I had a cup of
lemon dish detergent and.a
cup of lemon scented ammo-
nia. No, I did not haveracup
of tobacco tea. .. :o :
"What's tobacco teaW I
asked Barb.. My .--geen
thumbed mentor explained
that a person made tobacco
tea by tying a cump of t6bac-
co in cheese cloth andi soak-
ing it in a cup of boiling
water. "When it cools,. take
the tobacco out and po6tnthe
liquid into ,the sprayirnwith
the other stuff." ,u-,'
Sounded simple enough.
What wasn't so simple iwas
purchasing tobacco. Figuring
I could get a pack of the dark
squ'ooshy leaves while .-e my
regular monthly stock-up trip
to Wal-Mart, it took.,me a
,,whilalto. find,the,tobpccqsec,.
,rtio uninge.-there Ii w .Ieireq
,rthatHe couldn't hide-th prod-
uct under a' stackl,of paper.
* towel and kitty litter. lI ad to
pay for th .red, white nd
green pouch on the spo1.tii
S"That'll i be $3.38,"A1jthe
cashier said.uppn ringing up
my missing recipe ingrefl4nt.
I thought the prce.joutra-
geous, but I quic'ddy.paimcish,
stuck the small bag into ,my
purse and prepared to slither
off into the store unnoticed.
It was not to be. ibul-.
"Lady,' lady,' the cashier
yelled when I was abcqutL30
feet from the counter. ,4'You.
forgot the receipt, for,,you
chewing tobacco." Yrt
I tried to ignore the cashier.
"Lady. Ma'am," shelyelled
loud enough for.-people, to
turn and look as she waved
my receipt for Redman above
her head like a kite. !,3:.
I slithered back toathe
women, grabbed my ..sky
bound receipt and ,dahed
away. Once in. the cerealiaisle,'
I breathed a sighi of reliefuwToo
S"Hey, was that lady, yeUing
at you?" a vaguely familiar
voice probed.. ., '
I looked up to see a grin:on
the face of Amos, an 80-year-
old neighbor who .-wrely
shopped. .;, n,
I started to say no, but since
he had obviously seen the
exchange, I didn't want to
add to my list of crimes.
"Yes," I answered: M
'Well I'll be'damed, jos
continued., "I didn't know
you chewed."
"I don't," I ricocheted my
defense. "The tobacco for
flea and mosquito contr ."
Of cocise I'd lost the (m
pled recipe I had two mites
"Well, anyway," I c tin-
ued, "You mix the stuff ,th
soap and ammonia It's p-
posed to be all natural."
"None of what; yog said
sourids natural to me," emos
answerr; giggling-as hdexit-
ed -.-, .1'
I. hoped Amos 'would forget
our encounter by the dtme I
saw him next. Of-coursa that
didn't happen. The next
weekend I ran into Amosgom-
ing into the YMCA whileIJ was
"Hey, you got a:chewt" he
"No," I answered.
"Well," he said beforeldou-
bling over in laughter "I'll
bet you don't have anyjbugs

,* '* ,*^ t aia esv '.

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Surf camp for special

needs kids appreciated

,.' JOHN


Our coast is

'the most'

sow healthy is our
.eashore?'Read on:

"Life's A Beach," that old
bumeMr sticker phrase, may epit-
omiz e. the seeming-universal
desirepf people to live near the
oceaf, Underscoring this ten-
denc, is a 1951 National
Geog phic aerial photo of
Coney island, the seaside resort
in New, York,
Thheot-weather shot, repub-
lishe4 in.the July 2006 issue and
captioed. "A Shore Thing,"
shows'a beach jammed with an
estiiited 1.3 million bathers.
There! was so little unoccupied
sand that it almost looks as if
there wasn't enough 'room for
one more sand fly--or flea.
Thip: July's Geographic fea-
tured an article on U.S. coastal
pollution titled "Our Coasts in
Crisis.? Another heading in it
warns that we're "loving our
coasts to death." Other experts
apparently have been worried,
too. r
According to a July 2005
National Resources Defense
Council report, "Pollution-relat-
ed closings and advisories at U.S.
beaches were more numerous
than ever in 2004....Across the
country, there were nearly
20,000 days of closings and advi-
sories in 2004 at ocean, bay, and
Great'L Lakes beaches-an
increase of more than 9 percent
from' 2003. The trend is expected
to continue."
Evidently it has. The
Geographic piece included a
chart -'covering the "Health of
The oastss." It explains, "More
than half the nation's popula-
tion lives in coastal areas-now
the most developed regions of
the country. Runoff, agriculture,
sewage..spills, construction,, and
over'fishirigt areddegradingothe
sdme' reoutces 'that mdke "the
coasts desirable.". Some spots
couldf'Il reckon, become a bub-
bling bilge. Aaargh!
Still' we First Coasters can
"think positive." In the.chart,
the .overall condition of the
coastal areas is. based on a 5-
poihtt Environmental Protection
Agetkic rating system, under
which 1 is poor and 5 is good.
The Southeast coast rating is
3.8. In comparison, the West
(including California) scored 2.0;
Northeast, 1.8; Gulf, 2.4; and
Great Lakes, 2.2. An accompany-
ing overall comment is: "Despite
a population growth of 160 per-
cent from 1960 to 2000, the
Southeast coast is the healthiest
of all the nation's coasts."
So bur southern coast is "the
most;,' about which, we can
boast'. Now, who can credibly
impeach our beach? Not
dwellers from the other coasts.
Sure, we had a red tide here a
While ,back, but" that was no
doubt a Communist attack.
Seriously, we must have better
briny -than, say, San Diego,
where, reportedly, surfers often
suffer various waterbore illness-
es, including hepatitis. I suppose
that when the waves are mount-
ing out there, the surf shops
announce, "Slop's up!"
I'm encouraged.

*opyrighted Material

Si :d icated Conte nt

Available rom Commercial News Providers''

Permit to build another large, boxy

structure should not be approved

To the editor:
The basis of my opposition
to issuing a permit for develop-
ment to Wal-Mart (or any com-
pany) for construction of a
large boxy store can be found
in the City Zoning Code. I
have listed some pertinent
points below with my com-
"Sec. 27-222. Purpose and
intent of zoning districts.
(1) The design goals for
new construction or improve-
ments are as follows:
a To preserve the natural
beauty of Neptune Beach and
protect the residential charac-
ter of the city from tihe effects
of inharmonious and out of
scale developments."
Nothing the size of a Wal-
Mart enhances the natural
beauty and residential charac-
ter of the city.
"b. To encourage original-
ity, flexibility, and innovation
in site planning and develop-
"c. To discourage monot-
qam. o .P ,it .
c n, ,i nrqa ous.-eve op-
Another large boxy structure
on Atlantic Boulevard would
be the very definition of a
"monotonous, drab, unsightly,
dreary and inharmonious
development", even if brightly
. "e. To protect and
enhance the city's aesthetic
and natural appeal."
Another large boxy structure
on Atlantic Boulevard does
nothing to protect and
enhance the city's aesthetic
and natural appeal.
"g. To achieve the benefi-
cial influence of pleasant en\i-
ronments for living and work-
12,000- 20,000 additional
cars/day does not constitute a
beneficial influence of pleasant
environments for living and
"i. To sustain the comfort,
health, tranquility, and con-
tentment of residents by rea-
son of the city's favorable envi-
.The increase in crime and
12,000- 20,000 additional
cars/day does not add to the
comfort, health, tranquility, or
contentment of residents.
"(2) The design objectives
for new construction or

improvements are as follows:
a. Site design. Good site
'design is essential to good
building design. Site improve-
'ments should be compatible
with, and sensitive to, the nat-
ural features of the site and the
surrounding area. Design solu-
tions should relate to and take
advantage of site topography,
trees, vegetation and slope.
Designs should recognize the
limitations of the land and
work with these limitations
rather than ignoring them or
trying to override them."
The natural features of the
proposed.site (trees & vegeta-
tion) are gone. Any new devel-
opment in the area should
reverse the previous destruc-
tion of trees on this site.
"b. Neighborhood design.
Site improvements should be
compatible with structures
existing on neighboring
parcels and should be sensitive
to their designs and' property
rights. Designs which conflict
with the use and enjoyment of
.any pope siOd be- id-
.,_ ed:ngs s o qld .be
designed in scale with the
neighborhood and should
complement the character of
the neighborhood, rather than
conflict with it."
Existing large developments
along Atlantic Boulevard are
separated by walls from resi-.
dential neighborhoods because
their design conflicts with the
residential character of these
neighborhoods. Any new
development in the area
should reverse the previous
separation and be low enough
and small enough to be con-
nected by walkways to neigh-
borhoods, should they so
desire such connections.
"c. Scale, mass and bulk.
Buildings should not present
excess visual mass or bulk to
public view or to adjoining
properties. Large box-like
buildings and buildings with
large, blank or continuous,
unrelieved surfaces can appear
massive. When viewed from
the public right-of-way, exces-
sive mass detracts from the
character of Neptune Beach's
individual neighborhoods.
When viewed from adjoining
properties, excess mass can
effectively act as a wall that
dominates neighboring struc-
tures, and interferes with the

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enjoyment of open space and
the free passage of light and air.
The use of natural materials,
the breaking up of building
planes and the creative use of
landscaping can all be used to
avoid excess mass."
Nothing the size of a Wal-
Mart can be made to appear
less massive than 'it is,,even
with paint and natural materi-
als. Not only does the pro-
posed box appear massive, it is
massive, and is much too large
for the character of Neptune
"e. Boxed-in neighbors.
Designs should protect and
preserve the light, air and open
space of surrounding proper-
ties when considered cumula-
tively with other buildings in
the neighborhood. Designs
incorporating tall or bulky
building elements located near
the property line of an adjoin-
ing site that is already partially
boxed-in by previous develop-
ment should be avoided."
See b (above).
.. "I .. A' tua t
Mcftural rBe.
eptun. ,Beac .ontaains, .an
eclectic mix of architectural
styles including virtually all of
the traditional and contempo-
rary architectural styles, in
whole or in part. Compatibility
with neighborhood character
demands the use of architec-
tural styles and elements that
are commonly found in
Neptune Beach and within
Florida. Unique architectural
styles that are uncommon in
residential environments
should be avoided."
Another large boxy structure
on Atlantic Boulevard that is
incompatible with the residen-
tial character of the neighbor-
hood directly adjacent to the
area is contrary to the intent of
For all of the reasons men-
tioned above a permit to build
another large boxy structure
on Atlantic Boulevard should
not be approved under any cir-
Jim Lee
Neptune Beach

To the editor.
Letme sincerely congratulate
the City of Jacksonville Beach,
Sunrise Surf. Shop, and Ponte
Vedra Rotar Club for their ded-
ication to providing a 2-day-surf
"camp" for special needs chil-
dren and their families.
It was a huge success on every
level, and serves as a great refer-
ence point for future camps of
this type, which are already
being planned.
This special surf camp was
modeled after a similar event in
California called "Surfers
Jax Beach native and local
dentist Don Sears, and his wife
Kim, both major ocean enthusi-
asts and surfing advocates, first
proposed the idea a few years
ago, to replicate a similar surf
camp here. Eventually they,
spread the word, and garnered a
lot of support from the commu-
nity. This spring, the Sears sat
down at several meetings with
Jimmy Wilkins of Jax Beach
Recreation; Dan Brooks, owner
of Sunrise Surf Shop; Skip Smith,
director of the Super Surf Camp;
number one assistant Cindy
vanZant; and me, the parent of
a special needs child. What was
so amazing to witness was the
spirit of giving by all these peo-
ple and the organizations they
represent. They wanted this to
be nothing less than an excel-
lent event for us, and in my 15
years with a special needs child,

I've never had this happen
These- folks were completely
dedicated to creating a superb
beach experience, and they did!
They planned out every detail,
funded it, rounded up the.best
volunteers; did their homework,
then devoted 2 days to teaching.
these kids (and their siblings)
how to surf, boogey board, sail,
and kayak. It was great fun and
an outstanding experience for
everyone who .attended, but I
truly think the volunteers and
organizers benefitted the most.
They can't wait to do it again!
There aren't many ways for
special needs children (or
adults) to participate in recre-
ational activities. If you saw the
lives of many of these families,
you'd understand how isolating
an experience it is for them.
It's so important for the com-
munity to help provide relaxing
and fun opportunities for this
segment of the population. It
helps the quality of life tremen-
dously, but even more,.it's an
extraordinary experience for
those who are "typical." Thank
you again, City of Jackson\ille
Beach, for taking a lead role in
providing such a well organized
and thoughtful recreational
event. I look forward to the next
Carol Lombardo
': Jacksonville Beach


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_July LI, rIJJ

Page 5A

The Beaches Leader/ ader

July 21, 2006

rage A


Vacation Bible Schools Episcopal at San Pablo Park in- Jacksonville Beach r
Lord of Life Lutheran The Rev. Anne Hore from noon to 3 p.m. .
Chuch: 276 N. Roscoe Blvd. in Bridgers has become vicar of For information or to regis- ,
Ponte Vedra, 285-5347. Christ Episcopal Church at San ter call Epic's office at 249-
Treasure Cove: Discover the Pablo. Bridgers is a graduate of 1201 or visit the website at A i
Riches of Christ is the theme the Virginia Theological www.epicsurfministries.com
for Vacation Bible School held Seminary and was ordained in
July 24 to 28 from 5:30 to 8:10 1998. She served, most recent- Calvary Anglican Moves
p.m. Dinner.will be served to ly as Associate Dean at St. Calvary Anglican Church is
the youth at 5:30 p.m. Register Johns Cathedral in now meeting at Sabal Palm
by calling the church office or Jacksonville. Elementary School at 1201:
join in on July 24.in the Christ Episcopal Church at Keman Blvd. in Jacksonville
Pavilion on the church cam- San Pablo is at 2002 San Pablo for Sunday worship service and
pus. Road in Jacksonville. The Sunday School classes. Classes
church facility is a permanent for all ages are at 9 a.m. and
Youth Group Mass extension of Christ Episcopal worship service at 10:30 a.m.
The Youth Group at St. Paul's Church. Sunday Services are at The adult Sunday School Class
Catholic Church will ,hold a 9 a.m. For information call will be a study of "The t
parish-wide Mass on Sunday,. 285-6127i Screwtape Letters" by C. S. i P
August 6 at 4 p.m. For infor- -i' Lewis. The class will be led by,
mation or to help, contact Erin Baseball Game and UNF English Professor Dr.
Hayden at 249-2600 or youth- Conceit Mary Baron. Contact the
stpauls@bellsouth.net. The Destiny Unlimited Singles church office at 241-9400 for "
church address is 224 N. 5th Ministry at New Life Christian- information.' U.
Street in Jacksonville Beach.: Fellowship will attend a
Jacksonville Suns Game and Night of Joy ,
Garage Sale Christian Concert today at Members of the Teens In : .
Hodges Blvd 'Presbyterian 7:05 :pm. Tickets for the fami- Motion Youth Group at Firstl
Church will have a garage sale ly.: event are $12:50 and Christian Church of the 'Pnc o SUBMITTE
on Saturday, August 5 from 8 include refreshments. For Beaches will attend Night of Young musicians at the Jacksonville Musical Art Camp form a "human xylophone" to explore vari-
a.m. until noon. The church information or to make reser-. Joy 2006 on Sept. ,9'at Disney nations of pitch.
address :is 4140 Hodges Blvd. nations contact the' church World. The trip will include a.
in Jacksonville, call 223-6922 office at .223-6000 0 Ior at night of Christian Music fol- Professional marriage, fami- Jacksoniville. Beach; call 249- email, at metom@comcast.net
for information." www.nlcfforg. The church isl. lowed by a day at Blizzard ly, and addictions counseling 4091 fori formation. or :'yisit
located at 2701 Hodges Blvd.' Beach Water Park on Sept. 10. is offered by appointment at :v ,"www.geocities.com/jaxmeweb.
Conversion Immersion in Jacksonville. Tickets are available until Aug. St. Paul's Catholic Church one Maiage Encounter
Congregation Ahavath 9; for information contact Tim day a week through Catholic A Worldwide Marriage Sunday School for Parents
Chesed will begin a program Epic Surf Ministry : Hopkins at FCCB at 246-2010. Charities Counseling Program. Encounter Weekend will be Ponte' Vedra United
for those interested in explor-. Surf Camp will be held July Call 354-4846 extension 230 held July 21 to 23 at the Methodist '.,Chiurch .offers.
ing conversion to Judaism on 24 at Jackso ille Beach. Art Sow for information. St. Paul's is at Comfort Inn in Jacksonille .Sunday School targeted for
August 15 from 7 to 8 p.m. Camps are Monday through "Go Tell it on the Mountain" First Avenue and 5th Street in Beach.,'The weekend experi- moms and dads of children
Monthly group meetings, proj- Friday from 9 a.m. to noon is the theme for the new art Jacksonville Beach. ence gives couples the opportp from infancy' through elemen-
ects, meetings with clergy and and are appropriate for begin- show at Bethel Gallery at tunity to get away from every-- tary school. Theclass is held
congregational mentors, and ners to advanced surfers. Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Bible Class day concerns. Presentations by Sundays at 10 a.m. andi the
service attendance are part of Each day the camp begins :Church in Ponte Vedra. The "Discovering the Bible" class- Marriage Encounter volunteers first study topic will be a series
the program. with a devotion and every exhibit, which runs through es are held on Sundays at 9 and a Catholic priest help cou- on Jesus' parables.
For information, contact camper receives a Surfer's July 30, will show artistic a.m. through August at St. ples to focus on each other to The church address ,is.35
Rabbi Holly Cohn at Bible. Surfing instruction, :expressions of mountains in Paul's by the Sea Episcopal promote growth and enrich-' Executive Vay, Suite 130:in
hcohn @thetempl jack- water safety, surfing etiquette, Scripture. Church. All are welcome to ment in their relationship. Ponte Vedra. Call 280-5141 for
sonville.org or at 733-7078. and board selection are among For information call 285- join the class where questions Marriage Encounter information.
The address of Ahavath the topics covered in the 8225; the church address is are encouraged. The class Weekends are open to mem-
Chesed is 8727 San Jose Blvd. camp. .4510 Palm Valley Road. meets in the Christopher bers of all faiths.
inJ.acksonville. The End of the Year Picnic Conference Room on the For information, contact
and Baptism will be on Catholic Charities church campus at 465 Deacon Tom and Susan See RELIGION, A :-
New Vicar at Christ Saturday, Jul- 29 at Oceanfront Counseling Eleventh Avenue North in Hughes at 220-3040 or by

400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra BeachA nglcan Church Your Family ,... 4140 Hodges Boulevard alms
T A C P285-6127e s a: (Corner of Chet's Creek Blvd.)r y teran u
Sunday 7:45, 9:00, 11:00 AM. 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist ..or-n -pa rerede ngehcalcoogregatoo This Jacksonville. 904)223-6922
n, the Anguran rradrecn www.bbpeuso.org
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist hlfle r. Oln"an rrrp, c www.bbpcusa.org rbe Qaaie

J 'f Ar ar g FY e iSunday'Worship: o: am Contemporary Worship: 9:00 a.m. :a MR SO
:Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Euchadisr.J Ideeinga Sabal*Palm EmnS Pastors..Rev. JoeAlbrighi .. e

6:00 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs. Fri. unday'osi: 9:am C contemporary Worship: 9:00 a.m. the rae of Jeu
Nursery Available for Saturday& H s roups.- .n a ur 3. ~o .,le Sunday School All Ages:10:00 a.m. to
& Sunday Services Of.f- '' i Ir.. ser 4-.s40ea0d .7p .' additional Worship: 11:00a.m. Sen-e God's Mission inthe World
All are welcome ChristEpiscopalChwhlh.or ,,- ........ :,,g.: s. Nursery Provided
COASTAL CHRISTIAN 7... /. Worship Opportunities SUNRISE Sunday odrship :0ServiceS
SCIE Wayne Dyer 9:00 a.m. Contemporao* CONHIMUNITY CHURCH 8:30 and 11:00a.m.
Castillo de M6tico Louise Hayv f 7 *Kjids t'orship provided An Evangelical Free Church
1 2 b h lu Can Heal bur e Sunday School Nursery at all services
1i22 S. Third Street Deepak Chopra 10:00 a.m. or all ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
..53 -9910 Peace Is The Ilk% 10:00a a\,. for all ages Sunday School
.553- 9910 e- ce is The T Res. Jeff.Bennett,Pastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m. a S90
Sur s "" Join us on Sundas a t lo:30ehu PONTE VEDRA Adam flyers, Youth All ages 9:40 a.m.
SW u days Join us on Sundais at 10:30 a m. PO\/E oters(
Best Western at - 35 Executive Way, PVB 298 Aquatic Drive
-95 & J.Trner Butler Bld. United Methodist Across AIA rrom Rawlings School 34,o s,lni Tird Sree ij3cornlle ,eac
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. He u U ited Methodist Behind Prosperit) Bank Atlantic Beach Fr, o.24.6.i2: .....aYR ,.a.ESrc, o
Jacdsonville Churchof Religious Science Ch u rch 280-5141 www.pv-umc.org Phone: 249-3030 PC JSAI
www.coastalc'hristian.org 398-4353 or www.jjaxcrs.org "Connecting the Unconnected"
A TradhiionalAnglican2 Churchi .Where friends gather to worshipp" Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD t
S...247-1442 4510 Palm Vallev Road CR. 10 1 1e. .
HloyC4510 PClm Valw S.Road 9 1 .m 5 10l-I) $ highway AiA* Cur5 IC6M Ribault Garden Club, 1423 N. 8th Ave., JaxBeach-
ever Sunday at 8:00 A. Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 1050Higha A 85-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev.Dana A. Brones, Pastor
oly meets the Old Chapel Sunday Breakfast (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N;) Phone: 249-5418
Holy Trinity meets in the Old Chapel Sunday School 9:00am http://www.blcjaxbeach.org
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach' Nursery & Toddler Ministries Sn ho 10:15am 55-5100 8:30ta&:00 aba. o l
BMAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 Middle, High School, College Worship E-ma 10il :1 355-500 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 am.
JACKSONVILLE BEACB, FL 32240-0294 Adult Ministries newbeginningsbc@clearwire.net Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
.Music & Art Ministries Website: Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
wwRew. Robrtr C. Adams, Vicarg Home ofa Bethlehem Visit w'w"'.onlinew.ithne1Wbegumings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERANTECHURCHA)(ELCA) N-TSt-PFuLD the.. .. -..........--$Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
(BY THE SEA) .IN-,Il-FELC. Episcopal Church rl -i UW orship Sevce10:15am.1:5 .m
A Stephen Ministry Congregation PISCOPAL CHURCH .ps_-l hYt gsh a
1801 Beach Blvd. REAL, ROTED, RELEVANTRooaen..
Jacksonville Beach 249-4575 REAL ROOTED, RELEVANT -Nursery Provided -:
Sunday Worship 895 Palm Valley Road Associate Pastor Howard McMinnITED METHODIST CHURCH
8:00 am & 10:30 am Ponte Vedra, FL* 543-0112 c me aChildren'sChapel At 10 am Sun WORSHIP SERVICESCHURCH
Sunday School tSundayr ServicesF 0Welcome Families Nursery At 7:30 & 10 lOam Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic) ,
Children 9:15 am Adult Christian Formation 9:00am & Singles Christian Formation At 9 00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 an ( Holy Eucharist 10:00am corner o0 5th St. & 11th Ave. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided ur Chapel during s er 904-249-4091time) www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Chnst
HUCLUH"EA*C RN EP / E of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) CATHOLIC C URCH
5 A2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mavport Rd., Atlantic Beach
150 Sherry Dnve, Allantic Beach FL Come orshp h us b the oceanMeehan
S Rev.Dr Gabe Goodman.Pasor (ELCA) Bapt ist Churrh Come orshp with by t ocean st Avenue North at 5th Street Fati er Joseph Meehan
,, Church Ohice 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach St EEKEND MASSES
"' PmeJsrhnAI~l/nrlen~rton Clltr= SJ1.7'1'l5 .adii-nl ervcesJac so vile B ach'1 Irm' n' m

T---x A A

www communitypcusa org Ph.I 285-.5347 6:309 p- Wor
y ll Ph.: 285.5347- 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00am
Schedule Rev e F k, P r SUNDAY Celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor Sunday 9 a.m.,:11 a.m.
Schedule: Rev. Jlie rankPasor 9:00 am -Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 Saturday Mass 9a.m and 5:30 p.m. Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday MorningWorship 8:30& a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am- traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONCILIATION
Church School All Ages 945 amin. 8:30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00,8:30,10:00, Saturday 10:00 a.m. or b appt.
SYouth Fellowships' 5 p.m. 6:30 pm-,The Gathering 5:30 Supper 11:30amm.&7p.M. S EDUCAITO
ontemor orshipSer. 5:59p Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studie for Every Age Life Situaion 6:30 Choir, BibleStudy, Youtha.m. p.IOUS CA
Chancel Choir Wednesdays 7p.m. Sunday LBW Worship l:00amn 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed6 .m. ) (4-6 gr.)
Chanwwwneptunebaptistrg Neptune Beach James Collins, Assoclat Pastor After9a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. Snda 6:00 p.
Weekday PreschoolKindergarten (3, 4 & 5yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 904-249-2307 wwwfccbdoc.com /mail:fccbdoc@bellsouth.net 246-6014
Ij w Palm Valley Baptist Church a Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, PhD. Spiritual Leader OCEANSIDE
S 85-2447 .aet>rd Stuart Williams, President CHURCH OF CHRIST f FIRST BAPTIS
1025 Snug Harbor Court n I
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor J rin 288 N. Roscoe Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 273-9100 (fx) 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd.at W.11th St. and Orchid
Rev. -^(off MaypU Uort Rd. at W. 11th St. and Orchid0
Join us on Sunday for: Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 BibleStudy 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Schoolfor alages 9:ISAM Wehave a full range of activities and services for the beaches Jewish 246-2709 1 ..
hipServie 10:30 M S 5 pm community. Please contact our office m-f8-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30a.m.
Wednesday Evening opportunities: Sunay 8:00am, 9:30a & 11:00am education, Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Clas Sunday, 10:00a.m. EveningWorship 6:30 p.m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PM
Children and Youth Bible Study 7:00 PM (904) 268-2500 "A home for Jewish Famiies at the Beach" Worship / 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Adult Worship Service 7:00 PMo llww.MandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
The htosall ou lithe pleePalims 9:12 6045 Greenland Rd. near Philips Hwy. _m Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted for the hearing impaired

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A

July Z, LVD

Religion: bible schools
j ., RF -W.N

Cont. from A-6
Counseling at Beth El
Jewish Family and
Community Services will set
up a satellite office on the
campus of Beth El the Beaches
The. first group sessions will
be ield on July 21 and are free
of charge and available to any-
one in the community. Stress
Management will be at 9 a.m.
and Bereavement Support will
be at 11 a.m. JFCS qualified
staff, will provide these servic-
Additional services includ-
ing' individual and group
counseling will be provided at
this location. For information
contact Ken Hoeck at 394-
5729 khoeck@jfcsjax.org or
Audrey Dearborn at 394-5716
'Bet El is at 288 N. Roscoe
'Promise Keepers
The 2006 Promise Keepers
Conference will be held at the
Jac@sonville Veterans
Meriial 'Arena on July 21
and 22.
Promise Keepers encourages
men'to form a bond of friend-
ship, unity, and integrity
under Christ. The conference
will. include 'speakers, concerts,
andidrama. It will be held
from V7' to 10 p.m. on July 21
and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
July 22!1
Registration can be done on
line.', at
ww3.promisekeepers.org or by
calling 800-888-7595. The cost
is $89'for adults, $69 for young
men 18 years and under, and
$59- fbr military personnel.
Group'discounts are available.
Chabad preschool
Chabad @' the Beaches in
Ponte Vedra is taking enroll-
ment for a new Jewish pre-
school which will open in
Co-directors of the school
are Chana Novack and Leah
Kurinsky. The preschool will
promote Jewish' education for
children ages 12 months to 36
CWtM285-1588 for, informa-
tion or to register.
'Celebrate Recovery
CeTebrate Recover', a bibli-
cal based program for persons
facing personal problems,
meets every Friday at 6:30 p.m.
irithef itdlowship,'hall.ofr Beach.-
Uiited Methodist Church,
Third Street at Seventh Avenue
North, Jacksonville Beach.
Through' worship and same-
gender small groups, people
can wgrk.on personal struggles
such as eating disorders, alco-
hol/drug abuse, and codepen-
dency. The evenings begin
with dinner. Call 249-2343.
Retreats at Marywood
Retreats and' events are
planned at the NMarywood
Center for Spirituality in the
Switzerland area of NW St.
Johns County'.
August 16: Slow Me Down
Lord. This day of reflection
will -be led by Fr. Anthony
Seba'.il[t is designed to help
busy people to be more aware
of ti'eord's presence in their
daily 'lies. The session begins
at 9:30 a.m. and ends with
Mass at 2:30 p.m. The cost is
$25 and includes lunch.
August 20: The Tradition of
Nfeditation in Christianity will
be led''by Gene Bebeau. This
three hour afternoon of reflec-
tion will begin at 1:30 p.m.
Bebeau will discuss how to
enter.the contemplative expe-
rience :There is no cost for this
session. '
August 30: The Relationship
of Eucharist and Ministry in
the Church will be led by Fr.
Michael Williams. He. will
explore ministerial roles and
the importance of the
Euch.it.st using a study of
Vatican II documents on the
liturgy. The session begins at
9:30 a.m. and ends with Mass

at 2:30 p.m. The cost is $25
and includes lunch. ia" '
Sept. 21: Spiritual Director! -
Information Night will be con- -_
ducted by Dr. Maria Decsy
from Sacred Heart University
for people interested in .. Fai
becoming a spiritual director.
At the session which begins at
6:30 p.m., Decsy will provide
information about spiritual
direction and clarify the role
of a spiritual director. There is
no fee to register but please do
so by Sept. 13.
Marywood is located at
1715-5 State Road 13. For
information, call (904) 287-
2525 or toll-free (888)-287-
2530 check www.maryvood-
Moms pray for kids
A group of mothers known
as Morris in Touch meets week-
ly to, pray for their children,
other'students and the schools .
they attend. The group meets .
on Tuesday .afternoons, at a 7..
church in Ponte Vedra Beach.
For location and,more infor-
mation, call Nancy at 273-' Thirty-six children attend Passpol
8486. about four countries; Belize, Unit

Midweek Tor kidc
* .,*0
The following events.are 6 .meet. at 7:15 p.m.: at a
Held at Beaches .area Family Bibl .Church,.4760
churches on Wednesdays' Palm Valleyl.-Road, P9nte
Sfor youngsters:' .Vera- Beach. Bridge
.Palm- Valley. Baiptist Builders for grades' 7 *
Church at 4890 Palm through 12'meets from 7 to ,
Valley Road In Ponte Vedra 8:30 p.m. .
Shas Bible Study and activi-. YouthAlive with Bible
* ties for children at. 7 p.m, :.Study and worship for *
* Contact the church at.285- grades seven through 12, is
S2447. held from 7 to 7:45 p.m. at
S Sunrise 'Christian Kernan Boulevard Baptist
* Church youth. group Church, 4000 Kernan Blvd.
* meets 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., S.. Preschool and children's
Beginning with. gro4p choirs through '6th grade
. praise atid worship:Tihex meet frio 7 to 7:45 p.m...
* church is at 298 Aquatic Youth from Beach *o
SDrive, Atlantic Beach. Call United.' 'Methodist'
249-3030. Church, 3rd Street at 7th
Bethlehem Buddies is Avenue North, Jacksonville
* open to all children 3 years Beach, meet 6 p.m. to .8
Sold through second giad'. .p.m. at various locations.
at Bethlehem Lutheratn Directions to Wednesday
SChurch, 1423 8th Ave. N., meetings are handed out at
* Jacksonville Beach, fr6m.7 247, the church's Sunday *
Sp.m. to 9 p.m., with Bible night worship service for
stories, crafts and songs.. youths, held 6 p.m. to 8:45
S High scholo-ible'studyi. p.m. '
*. is 7 p.riL:to"?8:15 p.it' at .Church choir school 'is *
.Bethlehemni Ltheran. 'offered for age' 3 through
Youth in grades six sixth grade 'at Christ
S, th o.gh,,,L.2,m.and,lamn is E is o Fh g .
-. -meet at~ 8 ,hpm~p 4grist sos times. *
SEpiscopal Church, Ponte depeiding 'e yong-
Vedra Beach, for dinner in ster's age. The.school is free
the parish'hall. and is given :by Timothy
Youth JAM begins at 7 McKee, music'director of *
Sp.m. and includes guitar the church. Call 285-6127. 0
lessons, singing, and Kids KrNextion for ages
Rehearsal for the 11 a.m. 3 to fifth grade and activi-
* Sunday conrtemporary-wor- ties for middle arid high -
Sship service. 'n parish hall school youth are held 6:30
Sgeared-toward youth and p.m. to 8 p.m. at New'
families with children. Beginnings Baptist Church,
S Dinner and JAM are 1050 State Road A1A,.
Open to the community. Ponte Vedra Beach. For *
SJAM is- free, and dinnerits information, call 285-4288.
$4 per person, $12 per fam- Youth meet 5 to 8:00
* ily maximum. The church p.m. on Wed at Ponte
S is at' Solana Road and San' Vedra United Methodist
Juan Drive. Church, 35 Executive Way,
'o Youths -in grades six Ponte Vedra. Bible Study is
* through 8 meet at 6:30 from 5 to'6 p.m. Youth
Sp.inm. ithe modular biild-: Creative Arts Ministry is *
ing behind Palms from 6 to' 8 pm:
SPresbyterian Church, 3410 Information is available at
3rd St. S., Jacksonville 280-5141.
Beach. Contact the leader, -Youths grades' six
Murray Beard, at 285-51Q6,. through twelve are invited
The Senior High Group' to Neptune Baptist Church,
meets in the Outback on-- 407 Third St., Neptune
Sunday. Contact leaders at Beach; for'games, drama,
285-0366. music and topical mes-
Dynamic Disciples sages. Sixth through eighth
(grades K-5). at First graders meet. from 6:30 to *
Christla ,anQurch .of. the., 7:30 p,.i:, arid n.intl *
Beaches meets Wedhesday through' twelfth graders
froin -6:30 to 7:45. Teens.ii' meet from 7,to 8:30 p.m., '.
Motion Youth .Group Co m m u n-it y
meets from 6:30 to 7:45 Presbyterian Church has *
with .Ipecial events and, Cherub Chbir at 4,p.m. and
trips. The churchladdress'is- ..Junrio .Choir, at. 5 p.ni. *
2125 Oceanfroint, Neptune'- Senidr-.high school .stu- *
Beach. Call 246-2010., dents etriet t '3:30. p.m. "o
Building Blocks, a group discuss issues at1 'Trash
for children ages 3 to 6, Talk." Call 249-8698 for *
and Kids Club for 'young- information. '
sters in grades one through ..


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rTed cholm -

phoro submined
rt to Missions Vacation Bible School at Family Bible, Church in Ponte Vedra. The children learned
ed States; Germany,and India; where the church helps to support a missionary family.

Men's group meetings
Hodges Bhud. Presbyterian Auto Accident? Neck Pain? Back Pain?
Church offers 'Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study See Dr. R.G. Packo, Chiropractic Physician
group, at 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on Voted "Best Physician" &
Wednesday in the Fellowship, "Favorite Doctor" at the Beach*
Hall. The church address is DocumentYourInjuries *MassageTherapiston Site
4140 Hodges Blvd. For infor- A* Legal Referrals Physical Therapist on Site
mation call 223-6922. MRI Refeals All Auto Insurance Accepted
.The men's group from X-Rays on Site Over 30 Years Combined
Calvary Anglican Church I t r.,i m.,.., ...,. ,:.i.- Experience of Doctors
meets at 6:15 'a.m. Friday at Exriec.o fl R
l P. w. t d, d ]Recrd,
Perkins Restaurant, on Beach : ".2,... r .,, 1'Call 2~5-ACHE (22')
Boulevard at San Pablo Road. '* Pn. d, Lad, Ma.
Pastor David Sandifer leads the
study. -- -
A men's Bible study is held at *
a.m. ondas at Ponte edaere C ildren are ecial
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte. Vedra ACSI Fully Accredited Preschool
a Presbyterian men's State of Florida Gold Seal of Excellence
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held at 7 a.m. Now accepting registration.for 2006-07 school year.
Wednesday at the Hampton K-2. K-3, &Pre-K, including VPK (State funded)
nCommunity Presbyterian Half day and full day preschool programs
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in Limited openings available.
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday Program includes:
morning prayer breakfasts at 7 A faith-based developmental curriculum
a.m. Stretch-n-Grow weekly
St. Paul's by the Sea Music, Art & Enrichment activities
Episcopal' Church has a Men's Family Style Lunch & Snacks daily
Prayer Group and Bible Study Professionally trained faculty
which meets on the first and with Earl'y Ed.'Credentials.
third Saturday of the month at All faculty.trained in CPR & First Aid.
8. a.m. in Stormes Hall. The Chapel Fime Weekly-' r1. I
men's Igt26p "atlSb paffiCipates Field Trips ., r,
in outreach efforts. All are -wel- Family Involvement
come to attend. The address is -
465 Eleventh Ave. N. in First Baptist Weekday Ministry
Jacksonville Beach. 501 Second Avenue, N.
Sunrise Community Church Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
offers Men's Study 'Groups at 6 (904) 246-2891 License #040449
:15 a.m. and 7' p.m. on 246-2891License#040449
Wednesday. Contact the
church office at 249-3030 for
information; the church
address is 298 Aquatic Drive in Experience the benefits of
Atlantic Beach.
the Montessori Method for
U.h3Lmu~j iuuc

Sugles groups
The following are church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church member-
ship is not required:
St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church has Young Adult
Group meetings. Contact
Pastor Mike at 249-4575 for
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville has monthly
Single Adult Ministry meet-
ings. Call Pastor David
Wheeler at 223-6000 for infor-
mation. Childcare is provided
for some events.
Beach ,United Methodist
Church has Monday Night
Alive for singles at 7 p.m. on
Monday nights and Singles
Coffee House 10:45 a.m. on
Sunday. For. information visit
www.beachumc.org or call
249-2343. BUMC is located at
325 7th -Avenue N.
Beaches Chapel Church, 610
Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Singles over age 33 meet the
last Saturday of the month at 7
p.m. at the church. 241-4211.

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l 21 2006

. .y

p To A

. .. ..::

Mildred Brice

Mildred Brice, 79 of preceded in death by:her hus-
Jacksonville Beach, died on band Judson O. Brice, daugh.
Monday, July 17, 2006. She ter Nancy S. Brice, son Danny
was born in Prattville, AL on J. Brice, brother Silas R. Wood,
May 3, 1927, the daughter of Jr., sisters : Rosalie W.
the late Silas R. and Annie Mehrtens, Jackie W. Englert,
Cherry Wood. She retired as and Anne Ruth Boswell.
an, elementary school teacher Friends may call today, Friday,
from Seabreeze Elementary. from 5 until 8 p.m. at the
She was a member of the First Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Baptist Church of Jacksonville Home, 1701 Beach Blvd.,
Beach. She is survived by Jacksonville Beach. A funeral
brothers Leonard Wood service will be held on.
(Dorothy) and Calvin Wood Saturday at 10 a.m.: at the:
(Mary Ann), sister Christian First Baptist Church of
W. Milstead, sister-in-law Jacksonville Beach. Interment.
Peggy Wood, brother-in-law will follow at.the H. Warrep
Richard Englert, 25 nieces and Smith Cemetery. In lieu of
nephews and many great flowers donations may be
nieces and nephews. In addi- made to the Cystic Fibrosis:
tion to her parents she was Foundation.

Rosemary Buyno

Rosemary Buyno, 83, died
July 19, 2006 in Baptist
Medical Center Beaches.
She was born October 9, 1922
in Mt. Holly, NJ to the late
Josiah and Mary Albertson
and was raised in Lakehurst,
NJ. She enjoyed the beach
lifestyle, gardening and trav-
eling with her husband "Polka
Joe" to many worldwide polka
festivals.. She was a lifelong
member of the Polish
American Club of Northeast
Florida, a member of the Fleet
.Reserve Auxiliary for over 40
years, and a 45 year. resident
of Neptune Beach where she
and her husband built a
Family members include his
husband of 56 years, Joseph;
daughter, Mary Ann; -son,
James (Cathy); sisters, Edith
Wyer of NJ and Sylvia Parker
of TX; granddaughter, Melissa

(im) Rea, great grandchil-
dren, Courtney Reed, Austen
Stults, Allyson Stults and
Joseph Rea; and her beloved
Sheltie Rosie.
Visitation will be held from
6 to 8 p.m., today, Friday in
the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home.
Graveside Services will be
conducted at 10 a.m.,
Saturday, July 22 in Beaches
Memorial Park Cemetery of
Atlantic Beach with the
Reverend William A. Kelly of
St. Paul's Catholic Church,
In lieu of flowers, memori-
als may be made to the St.
Jude's Children's Hospital,
332 N. Lauderdale Memphis,
TN 38105
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral

William L. Donegan, MD

William L. Donegan, MD
died July 17, 2006, at the age of
He was born on Nov. 3, 1932
in Jacksonville Beach, where
he was an academic and athlet-
ic standout at Fletcher High
He earned scholarships at
, Exeter Academy, Yale
University and the Yale
Medical-School, where he
earned his medical degree. His
surgical internship and resi-
dency were completed at
Barnes Hospital Washington
University School of Medicine
in St. Louis MO. Subsequently
he was on staff at Ellis Fischel
State Cancer Hospital in
Columbia MO where he devel-
oped his interest and expertise
in surgical oncology.
In 1974 he and his family
moved to Milwaukee where he

was on the faculty of The
Medical College of Wisconsin
and devoted the next 29 years
to the treatment of patients
with cancer. After leaving the
Medical College in 2003 he
practiced at Aurora Sinai
Medical Center until his retire-
ment in 2004.
He is survived.by his wife
Dr. .udith'Donegah,-.soh'haevi
(Lori Hagar) Donegan, his
daughter Elizabeth
(Paul)Webster, and his sisters
Diane (Harry) Powell and Gail
(Gilbert) Gardner. Further sur-
vived by other relatives and
The family requests that
donations be made in Dr.
Donegan's name to The
American Cancer Society or
Yale University in lieu of flow-

Bruce Joseph Malachuk

Bruce Joseph Malachuk
died on July 3, 2006. He was
born on Sept. 21, 1951 in
Pelham Bay, NY, to Emily and
Joseph Malachuk. His family
moved to Plainfield, NJ, when
he was a young boy. He grad-
Suated from Watchung Hills
Regional High School and
continued his education at
Lynchburg College, VA, where
he received a B.S. and gradu-
ated with honors.
He was introduced to pho-
tography during his college
years and pursued this pas-
sion as a hobby and part-time
occupation throughout the
remainder of his life. After
college, he was employed by
the Loctite Corporation .of
Rocky Hill, CT. He rose to the
position of a Northeast
regional manager and was
based in Pottstown, PA, with
his former wife, Christine
Malachuk, ard his two sons.
He relocated his family to
Maplecrest, NY, to reside at
the summer home of his par-
ents after the passing of his
father, Joseph E. Malachuk, in
September of 1986. He had
many fond memories from
his childhood days in


Amelia Neville, 88, long-
time resident of Atlantic
Beach, died July 20, 2006. She
was born in Dighton,
Massachusetts, daughter of
the late Joseph and Lena Reis.
Ah avid gardener, she espe-
cially enjoyed spending time
with family. She was a mem-
ber of St. Johns Catholic
Surviving are two daugh-
ters, Ann (David) Gay of
Orlando, Grace Neville of
Atlantic Beach, grandchil-
dren, Rachel (Andrew) Blate,
Lorena Gay, nieces and
nephews, Helen Turner, Terry
Bantal, Chester Neville,

Maplecrest and wanted his
sons to share in that experi-
After retirement, he relocat-
ed to Jacksonville Beach,
where he resided with his
brother Greg and his son
Stephen. Malachuk died at
He is survived by his moth-
er Emily Malachuk Dewolfe
(husband Robert A. Dewolfe),
former wife Christine
Malachuk, sons Bruce Joseph
Malachuk Jr. and Stephen Eric
Malachuk, brothers Gregory
Malachuk and the Rev. Eric
Malachuk (wife Michelle), sis-
ter Alison Ericksen (husband
Alan), six nieces, five
nephews and numerous aunts
and uncles.
Calling hours were held on
July 13 at Decker Funeral
Home, 134 Main Street,
Wyndham, NY. A service was
conducted on July 14 at 1
p.m. at the Windham United
Methodist Church, Main
Street in Windham with the
Rev. Eric Malachuk presiding.
The interment immediately
followed at Pleasant Valley
Cemetary, Ashland, New


Michael isenor and David.
Isenor and many dear friends.
Visitation will be held on
Monday, July 24 from 6 -. 8
p.m. at Hardage-Giddens
Funeral Home, 1701 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach. A
Mass of Christian Burial will
be at 10 a.m. at St. John's
Catholic Church on Mayport
Road on Tuesday, July 25. Fr.
Joseph Meehan will officiate.
Burial will follow at Beaches
Memorial Park, Atlantic
Memorials in her name may
be directed to'the Alzheimer's

Lillian I. Mason, 85, of
Atlantic Beach died on Friday,
July 14, 2006. She was preced-
ed in death by her husband
B.L. Mason USN-Ret.
Survivors include one
daughter Janice of Atlantic
Beach; one son, Wayne
(Sherie) of Oregon, three
granddaughters Jennie Mason,
Jessie Reeves, Lauren Mason
and three great grandchildren
Rebecca, Brittany and Tyler

The family received friends
on July 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be held
at 10 a.m., Friday, July 21 at
Beaches Memorial Park of
Atlantic Beach.
Services under the direction
and care of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home, Jacksonville


Cont. from A-i
"The older members remem-
ber it was so many feet from this
way. They have a general idea of
where it was. They know that
they are there. Can you tell the
Jews that the Holocaust never
The city contracted a geotech-
nical firm was to scan the Beach
Boulevard right of way and the
adjacent eastern parcel where
Rick's Used Cars and Nick's
Pizza were recently demolished
to accommodate the Penman.i
Road realignment.
Terrell initiated the action to
locate unmarked graves and
other burial sites obscured by
the former buildings.
The city purchased the prop-
erty and demolished the struc-
tures as part of the plan to
realign the north and south legs
of Penman Road, currently
divided at a jog on the south
side of Beach Boulevard.
Using computerized assisted
Radar Tomography (CART),
crews used ground penetrating
radar on the property to deter-
mine the presence of any sub-
surface disturbances indicative
of potential graves.
"The equipment essentially
takes a three-dimensional pic-
ture so to speak, a scan of the
area that looks for the size,
shape and depth of things that
could or could not be former
burials," Project Manager Scott
Smith said.
The study area consisted of
the cleared area adjacent to and
south of Beach Boulevard and
bounded to the east by Penman
Road, according to a narrative
prepared by Smith.
Debris such as tree roots and
building demolition materials
were cleared prior to the start of
the study to ensure complete
coverage of the area.
A map summary was also
drafted to provide a visual
record of what was found and
where the sites were located
within the established project
"Only one of the sites is locat-
ed in an area that could be phys-
ically impacted by the [Penman
Road] project," Assistant City
Manager Roy Paxson, noting
that the grave is thought by
some Pablo Beach residents to
belong to Rhoda L. Martin who
founded the Jacksonville Beach
Colored School.
"It could be or it could be
something other than a grave,"
he said. "We won't know until
we actually start."
Terrell said many older resi-
dents recall attending Martin's
funeral and remember that her
grave was located in a comer of
the cemetery without a head-
stone. The former restaurant
was built on top of the site, she
"People were buried before
the buildings were built," she
said, noting that some commu-
nity members also remember
seeing headstones stacked
behind the former building.
Terrell said she also harbored
concerns about a study that was
supposed to have scanned the
former parking lot at Nick's
Pizza as part of the DOT project
to widen Beach Boulevard. She
said she was told by a DOT offi-
cial that' the area was clear to
"How do you go through
asphalt? It's not accurate so how
can you say it's done?" she said.
"I'm still not convinced."
Paxson said the equipment is
sophisticated enough to pene-

.Ine entrance to KlrKlana
Cemetery is located.just south
of Beach Bouelvard at
Penman Road
trate concrete and so far, both
road projects are still on sched-
"[The Penman Road realign-
ment] is still five to six months
out. We haven't even gone out
for bids yet," he said. "We hope
to address this in the next cou-
ple of months."
Smnth iaid the' findings of the
study will be submitted to a
state archaeologist who must
decide whether to further inves-
tigate all of the potential sites or
only the ones that most resem-
ble burials.
"There is still human eye
involved in looking at the data,"
he said.
The state is also charged with
directing the city in the han-
dling of any remains identified
by the archaeological -A m.
specifically whether 'o not to
exhume any graves.
"When you go to the doctor,
they take an X-Ray and say 'this
looks like something' and the
only way to be sure is to have an
archaeologist examine it,"
Smith said. "Everything we do is
non-evasive. We do all of the
imaging and someone else does
the surgery, so to speak."
Paxson said the state is
expected to submit a report to
the city in the next two weeks
and will chart the next course of
action depending on the results.
"If they start digging they are
going to find a lot more because
they know what to look for,"
Terrell said.
A licensed funeral director
and a state certified archaeolo-
gist must be present to relocate
human remains, Paxson said.
"It's not something that you
just go into. It's got to be done
layer by layer to determine what
the contents may be," he said.
Paxson said any other
remains will be included in an
expansion and beautification
project that will nearly double
the size of the 1.8-acre cemetery.
"Those will not have to be
disturbed," he said.
City officials will try to honor
the wishes of the community
members who requested the
study to locate the lost graves,
Paxson said, and will consider
holding a memorial event' to
honor the nameless graves.
"We are going to do every-
thing we can if we come across
something to treat them with
the dignity and respect they
deserve," he said.

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v; GUARD NAME: Lieutenant Ro~brt miller
IRT DATE: March 9, 1983 : ;

- -ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 2005 Oeen First Aid Awa
- -10th Place 4 X 100 Team at Lifeguard. Nationals in
2005. ULieutenant. of Jacksonville Beach Ocean

EDUCATION: Graduated Bishop Kenny in 2001,
Received EMT Certification in 2004, currently working
towards R.N. :

HOBBIES: Surfing, scuba diving, sailing, judo
FAMILY: Juan and Mira (parents), Liz (sister), anc
John. (brother)
SPECIFIC TRAINING: First Responder and EMT -


Sbolyfromrdrowning by the old Jacksonville Pier in 2001
(first rescue). -


When I was 4 at a podl ii Ohio.

you get after just havihg saved someone's life.
SWORST: sunburn

lifeguard and listen to them..



:PIg o Ii -11).d rifirri A ,i b-.3iIq.q
; c'B E AT'

No new reports.
A vehicle reported stolen in
Jacksonville Beach was report-
ed recovered July 19 m the 200
block of Margaret Street.

A theft from a mailbox was
repoisd July 18 in the 1000
block of Buddy Crout Lane.
-. *e
Polie reported that $20 cash
was stolen from a business July
19 in the 500 block of Atlantic
A simple batter)' was report-
ed July' 20 in the 600 block of
First Street.

A burglary to a vehicle was
reported July 9 in the 2000
block of Forest Avenue.

A gas theft valued at $39 was
reported July 18 in the 1100
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
*' *
Ashley lan Scott, 31, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested
and .iaarged with possession of
cocaine July 19 in the 200
bloceof Mayport Road, accord-
ing to a police report.
''- '*
Stephanie Annalise Harvath,
20, of Atlantic Beach was
arrested and charged with pos-
session of cocaine and unau-
thoriked possession of an I.D.
July 19. in the 200 block of
Maypott Road, according to a
police .eport.
' / *. o ..; ,.*' ,*,,
Thomas Rex Wyatt, 42, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested
and charged with possession of
cocaine July 19 in the 200
blo N Mayport Road, accord-
in g police report.
.te and light blue surf-,
bo.y6orthi about $500 was
stole from the garage of a
ho "it 832 Baytree Lane in
PonI edra early Wednesday
Ptie believe that the thief,
opei the garage with an.
auto btitc opener found in an,
unloM ed car in the driveway.

Nine, unlocked vehicles in
seveqil. areas of Ponte Vedra
BeaWii were burglarized
betweBe Tuesday evening and
Wedfielday morning. The bur-
glaries occurred in the 1200
block of Marsh Cove Court,
100 block of Boardwalk Drive,

100 block of Fairway Park
Boulevard, 400 block of
Clearwater Drive, 9700 block
of Deer Run Drive, 600 block of
Summer Place, 900 block of
Pinebrook Court, 300 block of
Quail Point Drive, and the 200
block of Cranes Lake Drive.
Among the items taken were
two laptop computers, an
IPOD, 100 compact discs, a
Verizon phone charger, two
radar detectors, a pair of sun-
glasses, a Bluetooth headset, a
Gameboy Advance system and
charger, and a cellular tele-
phone. Total value stolen was
more than $4,400.

Police reported that $1,533
worth of items were shoplifted
from Target, 400 Marsh
Landing Parkway, July 18.
A purse was reported stolen
from a business July 18 in the
1700 block of Beach Boulevard.
A 24-year-old Fort
Lauderdale man says he was
robbed at gunpoint while try-
ing to buy drugs July 18 in the
700 block of Third Street
South. He said three men stole
his car stereo speakers valued
at $2,000, an amplifier valued
at $500, a cell phone valued at
$500 and $100 in cash, accord-
ing to the police report. The
incident happened around 10
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized July 18 in the beach
Access of 7th Avenue South.
A bike valued at $75 was
.-reported stolen July 18 in the
400 block of 1st Street North.
iA laptop valued at $2,500
was reported stolen from a
vehicle July 18 in the 400 block
of Jacksonville Drive.

A wallet was reported stolen
from a residence July 18 in the

500 block of 4th Avenue

A surfboard valued at $375
and a paint sprayer valued at
$200 was reported stolen from
a residence July 18 in the 400
block of 12th Avenue North.
** *S* -
Police reported that $100
worth of lottery tickets and a
$2 beer were stolen from a
business July 16 in the 1300
block of third Street South.

Arthur Lee Thomas, 39, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with-possession of
cocaine July 16 in the 300
block of Beach Boulevard,
according to a police report.
*. *
A simple,battery was report-
ed July 17 in the 500 block of
1st Street North. An arrest was
made in the incident.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized July! 17- in the 400
block of Beach Boulevard.
Police reported that $1,500
worth of computer equipment
wa stolen from a business July
17 in the 300 block of 3rd
Avenue North.
Tools valued at'$1,250 were
reported stolen from a business
July 17 in the 1100 block of
First Street North.

A window to a business was
reported broken by vandals
July 17 in the 500 .block of
Beach Boulevard.
A burglary to a, residence was
reported July 17 in the 1800
block of Horn Street.

Quinton Develon McCloud,
32, of Jacksonville was arrested
and charged with, employee
theft July 19 in the' 500 block
of Adams Street East, according
to a police report.

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to be used to produce a con-
trolled substance July 20 in the
first block of 1st Street North,
according to a police report.

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The.Beaches .eader/Ponte Vedra Leader I July 21, 2006

Nease ready for 7-on-7 showcase


For some

fans, A-Rod

can never be

good enough

A lex Rodriguez calls me
It was the summer of 2003 and
I was covering the Baltimore
Orioles for a small newspaper in
northern Maryland. Since it was
the Texas Rangers' last trip of the
season through Baltimore, I
thought an interesting feature
might be A-Rod's thoughts on.
what it's like to come to the Inh&e
Harbor and hang out with friend'
and boyhood idol Cal Ripken, Jr.
for a few days.
After the game, a win by the.:
lowly Orioles over the even lowli-'
er Rangers, I duly waited by
Rodriguez's locker as a handful of
writers grilled the shortstop about
his performance (4-for-5 with a .
pair of RBIsI and hopes for the
Rangers upcoming home series
against the division-leading
Anaheim Angels. '
As usual, A-Rod was guarded
with'his comments and'spoke in
an unemotional tone. After the
other reporters had drifted away, I
approached the superstar and
asked if he'd enjoyed seeing
Ripken for the final tie that sea-
His mood brightened consider-
rRxt ut miiOinutes tat g ao
playing basketball at Ripken's
house in the off-season, going to'
dinner with Cal-and his wife
whenever the Rangers were in
town, and what a tremendous'
role model the retired Oriole had
been. -
With A-Rod suddenly energized
and speaking freely, Idecided to
go for broke and asked him if'tiis'
frustration was mounting as the'
last-place Rangers continued in a'.
downward spiral.
"Uncer the light circum-
stances, I would definitely consid-
er a trade," Rodriguez told me as
he scanned the dubhouse mak-
ing sure no teammates were with-
in earshot. "I've made it very
clear to ownership ... that if they
think we can't win then I'm open
to being moved."
That was news. Big news. Texas
had signed A-Rodto a 10-yeair,
$252 million contract priorto the-
2001 season ahd'now just three'
years into the deal he was look-
ing for a way out.
I wrote the story for my paper
but apparently the superstar
shortstop was hoping his'revela-
tion would make a big national
splash and be th'e opening salvo
in getting him out of Texas.
When nothing happened over
the next couple.of days, A-Rod.
summoned reporters in the
Rangers locker room and repeated
his story.
"As I told iohn in Baltimore,"
he began, "with the right deal I'd
be open to a trade...."
This story somehow seems rele-
vant now that the national media
is hammering Rodriguez for his
performance with the New Nbrk
Yankees, the team that eventually
rescued him from Texas. A-Rod is
derided for not being dutch, not
being a winner and worst of all,
for being a phony.
Part of it is jealousy when
you're the game's highest paid
player, have movie star looks and
a pair of MVP awards on your
mantle there will be considerable
player-hatin' going on. But lots of
fans also resent Rodriguez for his
$252 million contract, the richest
deal in American sports history.
"He's greedy," they say, or "puts
himself before the team."
I flash back to that day in the
nearly empty locker room at
Camden Yards. When my note-
book and tape recorder were safe-
ly tucked away, Rodriguez, look-
ing bruised and battered by the
mythical "252" attached to his
name, turned and in a moment
of total candor said, "I don't
know anyone who wouldn't have
taken that deal."
Neither does John.

Skill players from Nease
High's potent passing game will
test their abilities this weekend
in one of the country's premier
7-on-7 football tournaments.
The defending state champi-
on Panthers left Thursday
morning for Hoover, Alabama
where the competition will take
While uber-quarterback Tim
Tebow. and dynamic wide
receiver Ryan Ellis are gone
from the Nease squad, coach
Craig Howard has plenty of tal-
ent remaining on his roster.
Rising junior QB Ted
Stachitas saw significant action
during the Panthers' champi-
onship run.last season when
Tebow was out with an ankle
injury. Stachitas'was effective in
running the' offense and lead-
ing Nease to victories in the
early rounds of the playoffs.
Kam Fisnacht, a rising soph-
omore should 'ilso see some
time at quarterback.
The Panthers' also feature
plenty of pass-catchers includ-
ing rising seniors Christian
Dennis, Collins Lee,.and tight
end Chris Briggs along with ris-
ing' juiiors Quinton Huggins,
C.J: Thompson, Jordan Anders-
Son and Kyle Tanner.
.The 7-on-7 competition will
:' feature' seven defenders facing
off against six offensive.playeis
(plus a center) on a 40-yard
field. First downs are ,achieved
by crossing the,25 vard lire and
.10 yard line; Each QB'uill have
four seconds to' get;a pass off
anid -interceptions mean a
'change of possession.
Games 'are 22 minutes long
and the tournament is being
conducted in a double-elimina-
tion format.
The Panthers have prepared
for the 7-on-7 tournament
through'. their summer-long
Bigger, Fater, Stronger Camp

S. Pholo oy ROB DeANGELO
Panthers defensive back Justin Grant makes an'interception during team drills Wednesday at Nease High School. Grant and his
teammates are preparing for this weekend's 7-on-7 football tournament in Hoover, Alabama.

which focuses on player condi-
tioning and getting newcomers
accustomed to the team's
extensive playbook.
"Seems like it's year-round
n6w," said defensive back Ryan
Lawson during a break in the
action at camp on Wednesday.
"Right after football season last

year it was on to track, which
was basically' just like football
practice. Then it was spring
-practice and getting, ready for
our spring game.
"After that, it was out here
for the Bigger,; Fster, Stronger
Camp and pretty soon we'll be
in pads when practices start for

real at the end of this month."
In late June Nease conducted
its own version of a.passing
skills camp, the Sunshine State
invitational 7-on-7 tournament
at Davis Park. Area schools
including Fletcher High and
some from. as far away as
Daytona Beach Seabreeze -

slugged it out in a day-long
The Panthers defeated Clay
in the championship gahie to
claim the title.
"Team is the key to' win-
ning," Stachitas said of captur-
ing a 7-on-7 event. "Just play
how you know how to play."

Volleyball camp is chance to hone skills

. ',, ." ,, 'L-,, .'
SC nto different groups sth and sev-
SSPORTS RTER enth graders, eighth and ninth graders
SPORTS R- and play on two different, courts.
So far this summer, Nease football, The sessions run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
basketball and baseball coaches have each day, with an hour lunch break.
offered camp opportunities to players Among the rising seniors expected to
of all abilities and age levels. This week- help out are outside hitter Meghan
end, volleyball co-head coaches Dawn Oakley, a lefthanded hitter who plays
Madden and CJ Sherman get into the the right, side; the versatile Tara
act. .. Carrigan, who has
The eighth annual played every position
Golden Cat Volleyball -- for Nease "as needed,"
Camp will take place said Madden; .and
Friday,' Saturday and They get to know middle hitter
Sunday in -the Nease Christina Vergo.
gym. The expected some kids who, hopeful- "Christina started
turnout is 20 to 30 ly, will be potential play- coming into her own
middle' school stu- toward the end of last
dents- and incoming er coming later. They season," added
freshnbrn 'volleyball Madden.
players. get a lot out of helping The other' rising
The camp, offers them and the younger Nease seniors,
basic skills, with: the o Meghan Sherman and
."artcipaints receiving". kids have someone to Laura Phillips, aren't
' help 'and. encourage- available.
Sentt', from current .lok up to. Sherman, who trav-
and former Panther els with Bring It USA
volleyball players. The Volleyball; is current-
high schoolers get ly playing for the
community service. Dawn Madden Slovenian national
hours for their work Nease volleyball co-coach team in Europe. She
with the youngsters. has played,overseas a
S"They get to know number of times in
some kids who, hopefully, will be her career, and earlier this summer was
potential' players coming later," in Australia and Fiji.
Madden said Wednesday. "They get a Sherman plans an early signing this
lot -out of'helping them, and the ,winter to attend. the University of
younger kids have someone to look up Tampa on a volleyball scholarship. She
to." I will have completed her core courses
The volleyball campers are divided by then, ,graduate in December and

head to college, where she'll begin-
courses and work with the Tampa team
in the spring.
Phillips, who excels in discus, is
training for track and field nationals in
Norfolk, Va. She will miss part of the
Nease volleyball tryouts, which will be
held July 31-Aug. 2.
"That's her primary sport, and she's
very good at it," Madden said of
The co-head title Madden and CJ
Sherman share this summer will con-
tinue into the school year, with
Madden expecting her first child in.
"I'm going to have give up some
reins because kids need consistency,"
said Madden. "Depending on how fast
and easy my recovery is, and how
things go with the baby, I plan on
being in the gym within a week. But
we'll have to see how that actually pans
Madden, who will start her 10th year
at Nease, played Division I volleyball at
Austin Peay. Sherman, the mother of
Meghan Sherman, has been Madden's
assistant for several seasons after previ-
ously serving as head coach of three
university programs.
' Sherman has another daughter, ris-
ing Landrum eighth-grader Kamrnn,
on the way to Nease.
"She would easily make our varsity,"
.Madden said of the youngest Sherman.
"When we have kids missing, she's
filled in for us at summer league as the
setter [her sister's specialty], and she's
our best setter.

Karmnn Sherman currently is in Ft.
Lauderdale, playing in .her age group
for the All-Florida Team.against'the' All-
California Team. She and Holland
Hufnagel of Bolles are the Jacksonville-
area representatives.
When Nease volleyball tryouts.'get
underway the end of this month, there
will be two sessions each day: workout
and conditioning from 8-10 a.m., skills
drills from 3:15-5 p.m. The master plan
calls for teams to be announced the
afternoon of Aug. 2..
"For any who may not have known
about the three days of tryouts, they're
given an opportunity in practice to see
if they fit. And if they do, we'll take
them," said Madden.
.Nease will be fielding two JV teams,
as it did last year, to supplement the
Varsity squad. Vanessa Power will coach
one of the JV teams, as she did last sea-
son, while Madden hopes to bring
Shannon Stokes, already with Nease
volleyball as a volunteer, aboard in
some sort of "permanent party" posi-
tion to fill in during Madden's absence.
Panther volleyball begins with a var-
sity pre-season classic Aug. 12 at Nease.
The visitors will be Bolles and Bishop
Moore, both of which went to state .
final fours last year.
Both JV teams begin regular-season
play Aug. 15 against Episcopal at Nease.
The Panthers, who graduated senior
regulars Marion Holland, Chelsea
Baker, Kate Russi and Brooke O'Brien
last year, make their first regular-season
varsity appearance at home versus
Providence Aug. 17.

Swimmers set to battle

for team titles in pool


There will be a whole lot of
splashing going on this week-
end as area swimmers battle in
championship meets at
Episcopal High School and the
University of North Florida.
Action begins Friday at UNF
for teams in the First Coast
YMCA League. The defending
champion Winston Waves from
Ponte .Vedra Beach are again
favored in the two-day event.
"It would be great to repeat the
championship we won last
year," said Waves head coach
Raquel Scarpelli. "We have the
talent to do it and I think our

swimmers are very enthusiastic
about competing."
Events have been broken up-
over two days to accommodate
swimmers' competing in mimiti-
ple events.
On Saturday, other jocal
teams will hit the pgol at
Episcopal High School begin-
ning at 8. a.m. Swimmers from
Marsh Landing Country Club,
Selva %Marina Country Club,
Sawgrass Country Club, and
Beaches Aquatic Swim Team -
among others ,will take part
in the day-long championship
Individual and team honors
will be at stake in both weekend
swimming competitions.

LEFT: Selva Marina Country Club swimmer Jenna Harvey races
toward the finish as she wins the girls 13-18 breaststroke event
during a recent.competition.

*Page 10A



The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11 A

JUly 21, 2LUo

Some schools go too far in banning dodgeball

M ore often these days,
S physical education
Sand exercise are being
limited in the schools. When
I was in elementary school,
you had recess every after-
noon, and then in.middle and
high school, you had P.E.
every day.
One of my favorite games
during those times was dodge-
ball, but now it's hard to find
dodgeball in many school sys-
tems because more and more
schools are banning it.
Even still,, my son loves
dodgeball, and in fact I
believe it is his favorite game.
He learned to play it as a treat
. after soccer practices. It
requires quickness, agility and
he finds it very fast and excit-
However, across the country
educators are banning many
of those games that we
assume are a normal part of
playing when growing up,
like dodgeball, sandlot foot-
ball, and even tag. Yes, even
tag is being banned in schools
across the country for educa-


tors are afraid that they are
too dangerous and someone
might get hurt.
This year alone, elementary
schools in Cheyenne,
Spokane, Wichita, San Jose,
Beaverton, and Rancho Sante
Fe have banned tag at recess.
while public schools in
Charleston, S.C. have dumped
contact sports such as soccer
and touch football all in the
name of safety.

Donna Thompson,
spokesperson for the National
Program for Playground Safety
verifies the trend noting,
"Educators worry about kids
running into one another and
getting hurt:"
In one such Charleston,
S.C. school, contact sports
were banned at recess.because
of the "potential" for kids to
get injured with such things
as broken wrists and fingers
playing touch football and
While the potential for kids
to get hurt does exist, doesn't
that potential exist in all
And while the potential to
get hurt does exist, overall we
are not talking about serious
injuries. Of the few who sus-
tain these injuries, the vast
majority heal uneventfully
with no long term conse-
To limit all kids from basic
play due to the possibility of
someone getting a broken
wrist or finger is ridiculous.
Kids in our society are more
obese and out of shape that

ever before, and trends like
this will only make the situa-
tion worse..
Limiting certain sports may
also be a growing trend of try-
ing to be more politically cor-
rect in schools. For me, it is
hard to imagine banning a
game that seems such a basic
part of being a child. Some
have suggested that dodgeball
may harm children mentally,
for it is a game of exclusion
and elimination, separating
out the slower weaker players
from the stronger and faster
ones. ,
But don't all sports essein-
tially do that? In fact one
such expert, Neil F. Williams,
a physical education professor
at Eastern Connecticut State
University, agrees that dodge-
ball should be banned, plac-
ing it in his so-called "
Physical Education Hall of
Shame," a list of gym activi-
ties that he suggested could
damage children emotionally.
In addition to dodgeball,
his list includes duck-duck-
goose and musical chairs. I
don't know about you, but I

think that we need to keep all
of the fun, exercise, and ,
sports in schools that we cain.
Dodgeball anyone? .

This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports,
medicine, and safety. It is not
intended to serve as a replace-

ment for treatment by your regu-
lar doctor. It is only designed to
offer guidelines on the preven-
tion, recognition, and care of
injuries and illness. Specific
concerns should be discussed
with your physician. Mail your
questions to Gregory Smith, MD
- Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
Street, Suite 204, Fernandina
Beach, FI 32034.


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Pnolo submiled
The PGA Tour Junior Golf Foundation of North Florida sponsored a summer league for
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golf professional at the UNF Golf Plex.

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Baseball Camp
Nease baseball coach Greg
"Boo" Mullins offers a Monday
through Thursday, 9 a.m. to
noon, baseball camp at
Cornerstone Park. Initially only
a four-week program, Mullins
has extended his camp
throughout the summer.
The cost per participant is
$150 per week. Those interested
should call 783-6561.
Mullins' camp offers defen-
sive, offensive, hitting and base-
running drills, plus the impor-
tance of "small-ball," the Nease
coach's stock-in-tradethat's
built around strategy, speed,
timing, sacrifice and solid men-
tal pitching.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
information visit www.beaches-
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Beaches Basketball League at
St. Paul's School includes an 8-
game season for kids ages 3 to
rising 6th graders. Four divi-
sions of play will be featured:
Pre-K (co-ed), K-lst (co-ed),
2nd-3rd (boys and girls teams)
and 4th to rising 6th with sepa-
rate boys and girls teams.
Cost is $85 and all players
receive a T-shirt and trophy. For
more information visit beaches-
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Flag Football .:
Flag football is being offered

for kids ages 5-17 at the
University of North Florida and
in Ponte Vedra. Season starts in
For more information or to
register, visit www.i9sports.com
or phone (904) 992-4263.
St. Paul's Sports
St. Paul's summer sports camps
feature participation in team
sports and age-appropriate activi-
ties. Basketball, flag football, kick
ball, tag and more are offered. On
Fridays, campers have pizza and
go to Beach Bowl.'
Camp sessions are weekly from
the end of May until late July. For
more information visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-
The Northeast Florida Adult
Soccer League is forming an
adult women's division for
those 17 years old and up.
Games will be played at Patton
Park off Hodges Blvd. on
Sunday and some Wednesday
The fall season will begin in
mid-August. For more informa-
tion contact Brandon Meredith
at 994-3887; or e-mail him at
Information is also available at

Fletcher Soccer Camp will
take place July 24-27 at San
Pablo Elementary School fields
' across from Fletcher High
Camp for 7th to 12th graders
takes place from 9,a.m. until'
nodn. Cost is $130 per week or
$240 for, both weeks. Camp for
5-'to 10-yeai-olds takes place

July 17-20 from 5 p.m. until 7
p.m. Cost is $65.
Clinicians include Bentley
College head coach Peter,
Simonini, Fletcher High boys
coach Mike Levine, Fletcher
girls coach Megan Pardue and
members of the Embry Riddle
University soccer team.
For more information phone
-Levine at 635-8969 or e-mail
Pardue at ulrichm@education-

Island FC is forming boys and
girls travel soccer teams for the
2006-7 season. Teams will be
offered in the following age
groups: l-12 (bom on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/96); U-14
(bom on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/941; U-16 (born on or
after 8/1/90 but before 7/31/92)
and U-18 for those bor on or
after 8/1/88 but before 7/31/90.
Girls tryouts will take place
June 12 and 14 at San Pablo
Elementary fields from 5:30 p.m.
until 7:30 p.m. Boys team tryouts
will take place June 13 and 15.
For more information contact
Megan Pardue at 234-2646.
Strollerfit exercise with your
baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are tak-
ing.place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and Fort
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9:30 am. until
.10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or visit
The Grom Surfing Assodation
[GSA] is now called JaxPier Surf

S.. Beach voiyall returns to
.. -...the sand this weekend with
-".- :"-. the World Gym Summer
S-' ; -- Blast in Jacksonville Beach
"--' ...Saturday and Sunday.

Shealy gets F.G.H.T. certification

from a former Israeli commando
I ... .. ., i : ', ? ..
.. :" : i :=,.'': .. .. . ..... : .. .. ... ,
". .- '.' -. _. .. -t .,
Sheal et :...cr ifcto

froma fomer sraei comand


Jacksohnille Braziliar
instructor Larry Shealy
received Instructor Cer
in the Israeli Comb
System: Haganah F.IG.
Shealy received his
tion from former Israe
Operations Group Co
Mike Lee Kanarak, of t
hardened Golani Briga
The Fierce Israeli
Hand -to Hand
.(F.I.G.H.T.) program
most effective self-def
tern available today; I
The Haganah advanced
system is based on bo
Martial Arts: Krav ,N
Hisardut. It also empli

Military Tactics used by Special
F Ops forces in extremely hostile
situations: LOTAR and KAPAP.
n iu-Jitsu Add parts of Muay Thai,
recently Westem Boxing, Russian Sambo.
tification and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and you
'at Fight have the most complete self
.H.T. I defense system in the world
certifica- today: Haganah F.I.G.H.T.
!li Special Shealy. says F.I.G.H.T. "is
mmando designed for the average person,
he battle male or female, in worst case
de. self-defense scenarios when
Guerrilla escaping is simply not an
Tactics option." He added, "Best of all,
uses the
Hense sys-
d combat
)th Israeli
faga and
oys Israeli

lust about' anyone can do the
program, regardless of strength,
size or physical fitness."
Haganah's F.I.G.H.T. Program
is taught to civilians, law
enforcement and other profes-
sionals all over the country.
Shealy said that Jacksonville
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is now taking
applications for classes that will
begin in August.
Jacksonville Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
is located at 1475 Atlantic Blvd.
in Neptune Beach.

Camp and is still located at 2nd
North. The contact number is
Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
JaiPier Surf Camp is the only
surf camp in the nation with a
live streaming camp cam of the
children and young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.
The. Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For more information,
visit. the website at wwi wflorida-
surfing.org or call' (9041 626-9090.



Jacksonville Beaches Woman's Club

1i Deiers with
Geinia antiques and Great Prices, :
St Paul's Parish Center,: :
212 North 5th St. Jacksonile Beach, L' k"I
'" i : .Juiyl21,22&23,'2006 : .': :

Fri 1-8 pm- Sat 10am 6pm
Sun 11am 5pm
Admission $6."' FREE Parking

Ponte Vedra Athletic Association

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Z Registration

Registration will be at the Cornerstone Park Pavillion
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Ages 5 -'15 (by April 30th, 2007)

S90.00 per player

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S will go to the Boys & Girls Club
.The Boys & Girls Club

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Ages 7-12 yrs.
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NW.Half-Day Camp $5.

CALL 247-8337


July 21, 2006

PDrro 1 A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader



---------- ---

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader



jSAv -1, /VV.4

* Movies (right) See
.. .B-4
* Calendar
... B-6

... B-4

Pane B-1



House has

a vintage

scary charm
Imiss the old days when a
movie scare was just that
a good, fun scare,."
minus the gore and the ever-
more-creative ways of killing
people. In its own,
Generation X way, the new
cartoon "Monster House"
pays tribute to those'old
days; perhaps because of that,
it ends up as one of the most
imaginative movies in quite
some time.
If you're up on old kiddie
honor flicks, you know the
plot before you even see the
trailer. There's Mr.
Nebbercracker (wonderfully
voiced by Steve Buscemnd, a
gnarly old loner who chases
innocent kids out of his yard:
and steals the toys they leave
behind. There's DJ, a nosy kid
across; the street who discov'-
ers that once the..old man is
gor; his. *;former. : house
. resumes ..his haist behavior,-
sucking up everything that
dares- to cross onto the lawn.
.And there are the chubbV kid
Chowder) and the brainy girl
Ueenny), who join forces %with
DJ to vanquish the problem
in a manner that Nancy Drev
or the. Hardy Boys probably
would have applauded.
There are a couple of lovely
elements to this movie. One is
that the movie really does
provide 'some. good old-fash-
ioned scares, with a minimum
of acquiescence to modem-
day.irony. IOkay, there are a
couple of jokey references to
puberty and wee-wee, but let
them pass.' It's no surprise to
see Steven Spielberg credited
as executive producer, and the
leaning towards gore-free hor-
ror was probably his main
The movie genially mean-
ders along for about an hour,
providing a sense of fun but
also wondering when its bag
of tricks will empty out. That
leads to the movie's second
nice surprise. Out of nowhere,
Act. Three of the movie pulls
its biggest switcheroo and
turns the story back on itself,
offering up a surprising
amount of heart and good-
will. By the time the movie's
climax hits, you've forgotten
you're watching a cartoon and
are cheering the silly thing
My only uinor complaint,
ith the "moeie is that the
camerawork should have
matched the'simple elements
of, the script..The moviemak-
ers are a bit too eager to show
us how' lifelike they can make
their computer generated
imagery (CG[I cartoon. (The
movie begins with the "Forrest
Gump"-like fluttering of a leaf,
rio doubt an homage to the
movie's other exec producer
Gump director Robert
But this is nitpicking.
"Monster House" makes you
forget its CGI pedigree and
harkens back to the days
when a good fright relied less
on a bucket of blood and
more on a well-thought
screenplay. It's a real treat.
"Monster House" is rated PG
fot mild adult language and
references, and of course its
stylish scariness. (If your child
can handle "Pirates of the
Caribbean 2," this movie
should be a breeze.')

Fleeing The rlonster House rome



This Renaissance Revival
chair is part of a lady's and
gentleman's set. Composed
of buried walnut, the chair
dates between 1870 and

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After years

away, Jax Beach

Woman's Club

show returns to

Beaches area

SThe Jacksonville Beaches
\Voman's Club 41st Annual.
,Arntiques Show and Sale will be held
at the Beaches once again this
The antique show was held at the
Flag Pavilion for the first 25 years
-- of its existence until the venue was
torn down, forcing the group to' .
relocate to a location off the Beach.
' -1 For 15, years, the Antique Sale was
held at the Morocco Shrine Center
off St John's Bluff Road.
II- -, Bt .rising costs downtown and a
,desire to get back to their roots
means,th'at Jacksonville Beach will
So tce again'be host to the annual
,gept, said Lillian Harrison, current
S,'Oprei'dent.of the club. Harrisofi, a
~.i r f6r 26,yvears, wistfully
M ,recab:'.'dl being forced, to turn away
br efoot beach-goers from the sale
wl.'er' it.was held at the beach, she

411 I ilNUwuslit at ed to get back to
t he'heS"'ach," she said. "WV hope to be
'able ,1p keep it down here.'
., The~41st annual fundraiser begins
.toda- from 1 to 8 p.m. at St. Paul's
SParish Center on 212 N. 5th Street
g d|M1 inJ.'cksonville Beach. The show
wil' also take.place on Saturday
fromR 0 a.m.. to 6 p.m. and Sunday
I r-- fro'm,11 a;m. to 5 p.m:
Refreshemnts will also be available.
Admission to the event is $6 and
there is no charge for children
under.l2. Parking for the event is
mh N

Antique postcards are an inexpensive w
These postcards on display datefrom th


Anne Eastlack, co-owner of,Sugarfoot Antiques, adjusts a Victorian, game
bracelet to be displayed at the Jacksonville Beaches Woman's Club Antiques
Show and Sale this weekend. Othelf jewelry items that will be available
include a wide selection of cameos and dangling necklaces, which are popu-
lar with younger buyers, she said.

free. The proceeds from the show "Anythingy'ou ,want, you can find
benefit the Jacksonville Beaches --_ there," she said.'
Women's Club and help t-o support Although she is excited about
scholarship programs and various only having to travel two blocks to
charities throughout the communi- work, Harrison admits that she is
ty,. including BEAM, Meals on slightly nervous about changing the
Wheels and OperationrSmile. location of the show. As the largest
The Antique ShowF'and Sale will fundraiser for the Jacksonville
feature 35 vendors, some local and Beaches Woman's Club, she hopes
some from out bf state. Harrison that people are aware of the
added that all of the items for sale change.
will be antiques, not collectibles or "We've made a lot of money in
flea market items. Attendees can the past, but this is a new adven-
expect to see everything from furni- ture," she said. "I think it's going to
ture to silver and china, she said. be a big crowd."
A local vendor, Anne Eastlack,
who co-owns Sugarfoot Antiques in
Jacksonville beach with her daugh-
ter, participated in the show once
about four years ago, and is excited
to try again this year, she said. It is.
difficult to move antiques and fur-
nature over long distances, so she is
grateful for the short commute, she
She also agreed that moving back
d to the Beach should draw a.big
crowd. The store has passed out
fliers for the show, and she said she
has seen a lot of interest.
"My customers are very happy to
see it's back again," Eastlack said.
For more information about the
ray to begin an antiques collection. Antique Show and Sale, call
e early 1900's to before the 1950's. Harrison at 249-0786.

Celebrate Jax Beach

Duo of artists presents free program

of music and arts at Seawalk Hotel

Two Jacksonville Beach artists, one a musi-
cian and the other a graphic designer have
joined together with over a dozen other cut-
ting edge members of the Northeast Florida
art community to present the first Jax Beach
Art Celebration.-
The event will be held at the Seawalk Hotel
located at 117 1st Ave. N. in Jacksonville
Beach. The doors open at 8 p.m. and the
event is free to the public.
The evening will be headlined by
Jacksonville's Shaun Thurston, one of the
area's mixed media artist.
The show will also include pieces by graph-
ic designer Levi Ratliff of Urban Art Warfare
and Tim Lenoir of Kilroy Clothing, along
with works from other artists described as
Other featured artists will include Bo
Dillard, Steve Kilgore, Tempest lanthei, Ben
Cooper, Dennis Ho, Rick Colado, Lindsay
Bledsoe, Ed Dansart, Caroline Gay and Jessica
Entertainment will be provided by solo
acoustic artist Christina Wagner along with
DJ Kevin Mh of Sibling Productions spinning

We... just wanted to make an attempt to
bring some recognition to the Jax Beach art
community and culture as a whole
Show organizer Paltirk Carter

music from the "new world atmosphere."
"We are a close knit community and.just
wanted to make an attempt to bring some
recognition to the Jax Beach art community
and culture as a whole," said Patrick Carter,
one of the show's organizers.
"We hope that this will be the first of many
such shows to come and the number of
exhibitors will grow exponentially," he said.
Jacksonville Beach natives Joe Van Dyke of
Shadow Agency, a Jacksonville Beach-based
rock band, and Carter of The Jax Beach
Militia, a local promotions and clothing com-
pany, created the Jax Beach Art Celebration.
Both Van Dyke and Carter, in their mid-
20s, said they have their sights set on "long
range promotion of the Beaches and its art

Flyers promoting the first Jax Beach Art Celebration feature the
artists that will be exhibiting and performing.

hhi,2 31 2")0n

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

School's start steals summer joy

ummer ends in three
weeks when millions of
kids begin the march
down. a cold linoleum hallway
and into their formal academ-
ic careers.
Hearts will pound, tears will
fall and wails of desperation will
ring through the cavernous
school chambers like the tolling
of the tardy bell.
And those are just the par-
Separation anxiety knows no
boundaries and the first day of
school can test the most iron of
The agony of my first day of
school is forever burned on my
frontal lobe, its scar a lasting
reminder of my searing fear of
the unknown.
My mom did her best to pre-
pare me but for kids like me, the
information only fed a'growing
need to huddle under my bed in
fetal position and hyperventi-
We pulled up to Woodbridge
Elementary School in Stone
Mountain, Ga. on the first day
of school and I watched as fresh
scrubbed children with shirt
tails neatly tucked and hair
braided just so waved at their
parents and skipped into the
brick building with a confi-
dence I knew I would never pos-
There was no promise greai
enough to coerce me to exit the


car on my own accord so my
mother with her beautifully
manicured hands physically
pried me out of the station
wagon and then dragged me up
the steps.
'I remember nothing about
the walk except for the squeak-
squeak-squeak of. my
Flintstones tennis shoes and the
nagging feeling thatthey sud-
denly dashed with my rainbow
"Mork from Ork",suspenders.
We reached the door to Miss
\Vinters first grade classroom
when I decided to make a run
for it. Huge adult arms grabbed
me and I screamed for the beast
to release me when I smelled
my mom's Charlie perfume.
Her strength was not enough
to pry my white knuckled fin-
gers from the door frame. My
classmates were keenly aware of
the drama unfolding at their

feet and a couple of them even
tried to copy me and started cry-
ing themselves.
Not one to be openly
mocked, 1 hurled 6-year-old
unpleasantries at the lot of
them before switching my
death grip to my mother's
It worked and I won a
reprieve. She carried my quiver-
ing body to the car as I repeated
the mantra that would follow
me through high school I
don't want to go, I don't want
to go.
But I did go back the next day
and ever' day after that. I didn't
cry and Ronnie Spinks even told
me he liked my suspenders but I
didn't like it. I wouldn't.
To me, first grade was akin to
being shipped away to a labor
camp where I was forced under
duress to reproduce lower case
letters on grainy fat lined paper
with my even fatter pencil.
STime ticked by not in hours
but in weeks as I waited for the
alarm to sound that iieant it
was time to flood out the dou-
ble steel doors into a sea of unfa-
miliarity to my mother's pea
green Impala station wagon
with dog hair from my great
dane named Elton ohn stuck to
the velveteen roof.
Ronnie Spinks lived two
doors down from us on
Fieldgreen Drive so my mom
started to cart both of us back
and forth so he wouldn't have



A party with a hurricane
theme draws visitors to
the Beaches Area.-.
Historical Society's
museum last week to
Sick off the exhibit of
local hurricane photos
now on display. Above,
from left, Priscilla
Roland enjoys .the gath-
erirg with Maria -
Maniatakis and Katie
Perrone. In photo at left,
BAHS founder Jean
McCormick dances with
John Bell, who also vol-
unteers with the BAHS.




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to hike several blocks to the bus
stop because his mom worked.
Ronnie and I were best friends
after that and endured many
childhood rites of passage
together along the creek that
lazily wound throughout our
Bee stings, poison oak, tree
forts, tire swings, fireflies danc-
ing in glass jars, kick ball games
and hours scavenging through
the woods for hidden treasatre
we would never find.
The summer before fourth
grade my dad accepted a job
transfer up north. The notion
was so unbearable that even
hiding under the bed wouldn't
make it go away.
We moved. School started. I
made new friends even though
the kids in White Bear Lake,
Minnesota regarded me as a
southern space creature who
said "ya'll" and asked to use the
"yella" crayon.
I regarded them just as curi-
ously, especially when one of
them asked me if I wanted a
."pop" instead of a coke or invit-
ed me to "come with."
. With what? I never did figure
it out.
I did,.however, come to terms
with school and walked though
the rest of my years as I would
an uncomfortable pair of shoes
that are a size too small with my
good friends holding me up on
all sides.

Wine tasting
Pawnee's Cafe and Fine
Wines, 880 AlA South, Ponte
Vedra, Beach, four to six wines
everyFriday, 6-8 p.m.

Wine Warehouse, Atlantic
Blvd. West, Atlantic Beach.
Holds wine tasting 2-3 times
a month,' but doesn't have a
set schedule. Kermit Lynch's
"Return to France" returns to
WW on Atlantic Nov. 10.
Aroma's, Fresh Market
Shopping Center, Ponte \.edra
Beach. Holds tasting when a
new wine. line is to be intro-
Wine samplings
ABC Liquor Stores [no
" VWine \Varehouse,;-Atlarnti,
:Blh'd. West, Atlantic' Beach:
'Samples every Friday and
Saturday, from 4 p.m. until 7
p.m. Saturday samplings may
be held earlier.
Turtle Island, where Third
Street meets Atlantic
Boulevard in Atlantic Beach.
Holds, "miniature" tasting
every Friday night. Two bot-
ties of wine, one red, the other
white, are opened and left on
the checkout counter. While
cust6mes- check out, they
sample andd chat with other

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July 21, 2006




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July 21, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 3


ew show on fiber art debuting soon at Cultural Center
"*- '". ***'' ."*1." '' "1 ** ,.'.. :r..., .,rt .t/ .*. ^ ...e h w n fb r r eSoo o n tC l ur lC n e

,f you have not yet taken
advantage of the excellent
exhibits and programs pro-
ded by our major museums,
e is running out.
The Cummer Museum of Art
d Gardens will be exhibiting
Narrative: Marden,
tzpatrick, Stella, Warhol,"
until August 6 when this excel-
ept exhibit of contemporary art
will close. The next major
exhibit, "Japan in Jacksonville:
The Cummer Collection of
Japanese Prints," will not open
until September 14.
If you are traveling this sum-
mner and are a member .of the
Cummer Museum, ask about
the reciprocal agreement
between the Cummer and sever-
al outstanding museums in the
Siptheast. Call 356-6857.
=The featured exhibitions at
the Jacksonville Museum of
MNdem Art, "Flow: Paintings
and Installations by Radcliffe
Bieey," "Nature of Elegy: Works
by~imothy 'McDowell," and
"Pilgrimages: Large Scale
Drawings by Clive King," will
end August 27. Announcement
of.the following upcoming exhi-
bition is not available at this
time. Call 366-6911 for infor-
1 The Museum of Science and
History's main exhibit,
"Reptiles: Real and Robotic," is
ongoing. The popular "Cosmic
Concerts" will be held July 21
ahd 22, 28, 29, August 4, 5, 11
and 12 at 8 and 9 p.m. This is
ah inexpensive date for teens as
well as adults. Call 348-3974.
'The. Beaches Area Historical
Sbdiety celebrated the opening.
of a new exhibit last week with
a Humcane Party. Visit the
museum and see photographs
of ., past hurricanes at the
Jakspnville beaches. The muse-
um-is located at the intersection
of"Beach Boulevard' ,ad Third
Street North.
Look forward to the opening
of a new exhibition at The
C tYer at. Ponte' Vedra 'next
Frniy night. The fiber arts exhi-
bi n, "Fabric Pieces: Beads and
Errsroidery," works by Sally
Broadwell, will be on display
though' September 9. On
K a"JUly, 1, JoAincS,
well- known St, Augustine.artist,T
wi".discuss the works of Sally
Brp idw,ell and the history of
fiber arts at 11 a.m...This lecture
is free and open fo the public.
Call '280-0614 for information.
The Center is located at 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra


Beach. Look forward to an
Open House at the Ponte Vedra
Center on August 12.
Attention Aspiring Writers
and Artists: Florida Community
College has announced the 21st
Annual Florida First Coast
Writers and Artists Festival. It
will take place March 8 to 11,
2007. The Josiah W. Bancroft Sr.
Novel Contest will have mone-
tary prizes totaling $800. The
Page Edwards Short Fiction
Contest will have prizes totaling
$500. The Douglas Freels
Contest and Robert Grimes
"Good Earth" Contest will have
prizes totaling $375. The
Writers' Festival Playwriting
Contest will have prizes totaling
$300, and the Writers' Festival
Poster Contest will have a prize
of $200. If your talent is writ-
ing, contact Forida Community
College, 4501 Capper Road,
Jacksonville, Florida 32216 or
call 766-6731.

Director Brian Gore gives a few final notes during the last week of rehearsals for Little Shop of
Horrors. On stage from left are Eriily Lauren Clement, Hannah Hullender, Louise Burton, Anna
Hassler, Caroline Werenskjold, Jenny Coalson, Jackie Jones, Kellie Wyatt and Christy Mull. The
Youth of the Beaches Arts Guildwill present Little Shop of Horrors this Friday and Saturday at
Sandalwood High School, 8 p.m. Tickets $10. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. The show is usually
presented at Fletcher High School but was moved for one year to accommodate renovations
being done at Fletcher. Other members of the cast, not pictured, include: David Henson, Rachel
Jones,' Logan Wolfe, Jimmy Powers, Abbie Bell, Kevin Wyatt, Kimberly Holy, Kathleen Bennett,
Katherine Loftus, Luke Hopper, Nicole Maahs, Dana Humphrey, Imani Griggs, Brian Holy, Glen
Deitchman, Madelaine LeDew, Kirslen Wright. Megan Slillson. Erin Stillson, Ariel Van Kirk, Yoko
Tanaka, Keith Heissler, Anjelica Haynes and Jimmy Goodale.


RORS" is presented ,by the
Youth of the Beaches Arts
Guild at 8 p.m... today and sat-
urday at Sandalwood High
School, 2750 John prom Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Call 349-2441 for
is presented through Aug. 20
at the Alhambra Dinner
Theatre, 12000. Beach Blvd.,
.,a40W lpjllp.,E Jors opg.Bt,6;
p.m. for evening~ shows,
Matinees are elld' t 11- a.m:
on Saturday and noon on
Sunday. Admission ranges
from $35 to $46 for dinner and
show. Call 641-1212 for infor-
S e

MONEY" is staged at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday and 8 p.m. Friday
and Saturdays through the end
of July at The Limelight
Theatre, 11 Old Mission Ave.,
St. Augustine. Tickets range
from $15-$22. Call i904) 825-
1164 for information.
Children at The Cultural
Center in Ponte Vedra beach
will recreate The Three Little
Pigs Fjday. The summer.camp
t espians, wut'"act out" ,a ,pig
play with a new plot. Campers
ages 4 and 5 will perform at
11:15 a.m. with those ages 6 to
10 performing at 1:45 p.m.

"Seeing Stars in Dixie" by Ron
Osborne will be held at 2p.m.
July 29 and 7 p.m. July 31 at
the Adele Grage Cultural
Center 716 Ocean Blvd.
Atlantic Beach. Roles are avail-
able for four women ages 25-
60 and one man in his 50's.
The show will run Sept 8-
23.Call 249-7177 for informa-
for the musical "Oklahoma"
fr6m 1 to 5 p.m. Monday at
the theater, 12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Auditioners must
bring head shot, bios and
music. Call 642-9307 for infor-


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Calling female doctor
fans to exhibit
The Jacksonville Public
Library is one of two sites
in Florida to host the exhib-
it "Changing the Face of
Medicine: Celebrating
America's Women
The exhibit will remain at
the Jacksonville Public
Library Main Exhibit
Gallery on the third floor
through August 7. It is
sponsored by American
Institutes of Health
National Library of
Medicine and the American
Library Association.
The exhibit tells the story
of American women's strug-
gle to gain access to the
medical profession and
introduces audiences to
outstanding physicians
from acrossthe United
Also on exhibit until Aug.
19 will be One Heart at a
Time: A Visual Diary by
Thomas Hager. This pho-
tography exhibition, pre-
sented by Patrons of the
Hearts, tells the story of
four children with congeni-
tal heart disease from
underdeveloped countries
brought to Wolfson
Children's Hospital for car-
diac treatment.

w eeprpicen1 4.

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

July 21, 2006

I've seen very few movies
which have left. me con-
founded as to my final
opinion of them. But "Pirates
of the Caribbean: Dead Man's
Chest" takes the prize.
The movie has a plot that a
Ph.D.-holder couldn't follow.
._ to rF-, -i ra t ,
f and is idbstly an'excuse to f0Il
the screen with the weirdest
imagery this side of Terry
Gilliam. And yet, I couldn't
take m'.-eyes off it for a sec-
It does not matter if you
haven't seen the original
"Pirates". It's not as ,if there
were rich, "Godfather,"-like
plot strands to follow up on.
For one thing, Johnny Depp's
Jack Sparrow never approach-
es believability. Watching
Depp babble on incoherently
or commandeer an entire
group of island natives just to
save his own hide, he remind-
ed me less of a wily pirate
captain- and more of Marlon
Brando's nutbrained'- Col.'
Kurtz in "Apocalypse Now."
The movie gives you just
enough plot to make you'
wish the scriptwriters hadn't


"She's the Man"
Surprisingly funny story of a
girl (TV. star Amanda Bynesf
posing as a boy so that she
can play soccer on an all-
male team.

"Sybil 30th-Anniv.
Edition" Sally Field shed her
"Flying Nun" persona for
good in this riveting TV-
movie about a, woman with
multiple personalities.

"Amazing Stories 1st
Season" Steven Spielberg's
short-lived anthology series is
uneven but has some worth-
while episodes. (My pick:
"The Main Attraction," about
a macho high-schooler who
gets a Jim Carrey-like come-

"The Adventures of Brisco
County Jr. The Complete
Series" B-movie actor Bruce
Campbell stars in the Fox net-
work's Western spoof.

"Carnivale 2nd Season" -
SThis DVD of the HBO drama
about an eerie Depression-era
. circus features a panel discus-
sion with the cast (including
:. B-movie queen Adrienne
Barbeau). .

Buy it, Sell it, Find it

in the Classifieds

made the effort. The two peo-
ple %who aided 'Sparrow's
escape from the law in
"Pirates 1" Elizabeth Swann
(Keira Knightleyt and. her
fiancee Will Turner (the
always reliably wimpy
Orlando Bloom) are caught
and sentenced to death. But
Swann escapes and hides out
on Sparrow's ship, and Turner
is temporarily freed so that he
can sail out to sea and capture
Sparrow. Uh-huh.
SOh yeah, the main plot
.point is that Sparrow is visit-
ed by the famously dead

Regal 18
Clerks II. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:35, 3:00, 5:15, 7:40, 10:25.
Lady in the Water. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 11:55 a.m.,
12:40, 2:40, 3:10, 4:55, 5:40,
7:25, 8:10, 10:00, 10:40.

Monster House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:45 a.m., 12:15,
2:10, 2:40, 4:35, 5:05, 7:00, 7:30,
9:25, 9:55.
My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:25, 2:40,
5:00, 7:35, 9:50.

Little Man. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs;, 1:00, 3:40,17:55, 10:20.

You, Me & Dupree.
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., Noon,
3:20, 3:50, 7:15, 7:50,


Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:50 a.m., 12:20,
12:45, 1:15, 3:15, 3:45, 4:15,
5:10, 6:45, 7:10, 7:45, 8:30,
10:15, 10:45.

The Devil Wears Prada. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:05, 3:05,

Superman Returns. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:10, 3:35'
6:55, 10:10: :
see, .
Click. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:05, 4:25, 7:05, 10:30.

Cats. Rated G: Fri.-Thurs.,

pirate Da\y Jones and is told
that if Sparrow doesn't find a
particular treasure, he'll end
-up as dead as Jones. But
watching Sparrow, with his'
fey carriage and his' ability to
sound drunk and incoherent
even when he's sober, one
Sidel&s.ithiat Spatroiv's .demise
.-wouldn't be a great loss to
Pirate society.
Usually, a movie that is
connected solely by elaborate
set pieces is a sloppy mess. Yet
it is "Pirates 2's" set pieces that
are its sole reason for exis-
tence.. Otherworldly charac-
ters emerge from wallboards
with huge parts of the wall
still clinging to them. One
character's face has no nose
and ever-moving tentacles, as
though he,d been born with
an octopus in his skull. And
there's one scene in which
some captured. pirates try to
escape from their imprison-
ment in a kind of skeletal
wrecking ball that must
have kept Gore Verbinski, the
movie's director, up for many
sleepless nights in the editing
Thev used to sav that if a.

12:55, 3:55, 6:40, 9:40.

An' convenient Truth. Rated
PG. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10, 4:30, 6:50,
Pablo 9
Cars. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs.,
10:40 a.m., 1:20, 4:20.

Clerks II. Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
10:30 a.m., 1:30, 4:30, -7:15,

Click. Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
7:25, 9:45.

The Devil Wears Prada. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 11 a.m., 1:15,
4:10, 7:20, 9:30.

Ladv in the Water. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:30 a.m.,
1:40, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40.

Little Man. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 11:05 a.m., 1:45, 4:40,
7:25, 9:35.

Monster House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:00 a.m., 1:00,
4:00, 7:10, 9:15.
-. "* o o
My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Rated
i.PG13. Fn.-Thurs., 10:45 a.m.,
1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:40.

Pirates .of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3:45, 7:00,

You, Me & Dupree. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:55 a.m.,
1:35, 4:15, 7:20, 9:25.

Broadway musical had great
sets but lousy songs, nobody
ever came out humming the
scenery. One imagines the
audience for "Pirates 2" going
in expecting a swashbuckling
pirate movie and coming out
doing ."Singin, in the Rain."
"Pirates of the Caribbean:
-Deadi Man's Chest" .is. rated
PG-13 for much intense
imagery and, violent action

Movie Classics
get a touch of
Hitchcock's style

The Florida Theatre pres-
ents its latest in the Summer
Mlo\ie Classic Series Sunday
at 2 p.m.
Passes are $5 and are avail-
able through the theatre box
office at 355-2787.
This week, two strangers
meet on a train...they make
plans for an interesting
Guy Haines, a tennis star,
meets stranger Bruno
Anthony who suggests they
exchange murders.
It's directed by Alfred
Hitchcock so there is a twist,
of course.

SE....N R

* ". :.: V M.i /L ," 1 .,-

Fri 07, '1 10 0 1 21 4 20
Sal 07/22 10410 1 20 20
Sun 07,23 10 40 1 20 4 20
Mon 07/24 Thur '7/2"' 10 10 1 20 4 20) -
Fr. 07,21 10,330 1 30 4 30 7 159 30
Sa 07/22 1030 1304307 15 930 3
Sun 07123 10 30 1 30 4 30 7 15 9 30
Mon 07i24 Thur 07127- 10 30 1.30
4 30 7 15 9 30
Fn 07/21 7 259 45
Sar 0722 7 253 945
Sun 07123 7 25 9:45
Mon 07,24 .Thur 0727 7 25 9 45
Fn 0721 1050 1 154 10720930
Sal 07/22 10 50 1 154 10 720 930 -
Sun 07/23 10 50 1 15 4 10 7 20 9 30
Mon 07124 10 50 1 15 4 10 7 20 9.30 -
Tues 07125- Thur 07/27 4 10 720 930 -
Fr. 07121 1030 1404057 0940
Sal 07/22 10 30 1 40 4 05 7"05 9 4O
Sun 07,23 10.30 1 40 4 05 7059.40
Mon 071244 Tnur 07127. 10.30 1.40
Fn 072 11 05 1 45 4 40 7 259 35
Sai 07122 11 05 1454407,25935
Sun 07123 1105 1 45 4 40 7 25 935
Mon 07124 Tnur 07127 11 05 1 45
4 40 7 25 9 35 -
Fr, 07/21 11 00 1 004 00 7 10 9.15
Sal 07122 11 00 1 00 4 00 7 10 9 15 -
Sun 07/23 11 00 1.004.00 7 109 15
Mon 07/24 Thur 07127, 11 00 1 00
4 007 109:15
Fri07/21: 10 45 1 054 05 7 30 40
Sat 0722 1045 105 405730940
Sun 07/23 10 45 1 05 4.05 7 30 9 40
Mon 0724 Thur 07/27 1045 1.05
4-05 7-30 940
Fri 07/14 12 30 3 45 700 10 15
Sal 07115 12 30 3 45 7 00 10.15
Sun 07/16 Tnur 07/20 12 30 345 700
Fri 07114 10 55 1 35 4 15 7 20 9 25
Sa 07/15 10551354 157 20925
Sun 07/16 1055 1 35 415 720925
Mon 07/17 Tnur 07/20' 1055 1 35
4 15 720925
Tues 07/25 -Thur 07/20 10 00 12 30

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Pirate's Chest is riveting to watch although

the plot is superfluous to the experience


-VIr-CJWI lU -r

., .y

joiy -dI, -UVW d aen

.t --: r .-.,

. : **S ,, 'i .


SChamps Lounge, Sawgrass
=arriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
onte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Loud Nine are in today and
I fCliff's at the Beach, 1401
Mtlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
.Quest performs at 9 p.m.
Loday. and Saturday.
Courtyard at 200 -First
street, 200 1st Street, Neptune
peach 249-2922. The Ric
icusa Band performs today.
| Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
tlantic Blvdl, Atlantic Beach a
249-9595. Done' Tell Anne
lays acoustic at 9 p.m. today.
ax Pipe and Drums is in at
7:30 p.m. Saturday followed
,.by Don't Tell Anne at 9 p.m.
,Traditional Irish music with
'Kevin Byrne at 6 p.m. Sunday.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-,
BIRD. The Yankee Slickers with
'Fifth South are in at 9 p.m.
today. Tickets are $5 at the
door. Crystal Stafford will host
a CD release party at 9 p.m.
Saturday. Tickets are $5.
-Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jackspnville Beach 246-1070.
The. Retro Kats appear at 9 p.m.


kB ii .. .. r .-.I "Ill mk i :
Local group Yellowcard with special guests Inspection 12" and Shadow Agency will perform at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday at Plush, 845 University Park N. Jacksonville. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. All'ages
show. Tickets are $20 and are available at TicketMaster at 353-3309. Call 743-1845 for informa-

Grille,' 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.

S* She Said Yeah appears at 9 p.m.
Moon Grille, 1396 Beach today and Saturday.
., Jacksonville Beach 241- **
.~4'L Sugar Bear plays rock Twisted. Sisters, 1266 Beach
blues at 9 p.m. Saturday. Blvd., Jacksonville Beach 241-
raff-is in Sunday. 6453. 3 performs at 9 p.m.
today and Saturday.
Ocean Club, 401 First Street .
North, Jacksonville Beach *
242-8884. El Toro Loco plays
alt-pop favorites today. WEEKLY STANDARDS
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood & ,Aromas Cigar, Wine &
'Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Martini Bar, 880' A1A N.,
'Atlantic Beach 241-7877., El Ponte Vedia Beach 280-2525.
Tot- Loco performs alt-rock at Le Monde Quartet plays Latin
:9 pmhr. toglay and 5 ajja p.-Vi"W:y i.irJuesdays. ,TI. JPasoia
Billy and Vinnie appear ,nderon,. Group perform
S .bday.. every Thursday. Jose LeBron
S* and The LeMonde Quintet per-
Vfare Time Tavern and form every Saturda.:

-CONCERTS Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
SHardcore, punk and thrash Road Atlantic Beach 24200 1-rt
etal bands including Toe in Ro8848. Atlante music Beach 9:30 241-
.theTrigger, The Villisca, inci- 8848. Live music rom 9:30
dept, Septic Warfare, Darkness p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
BpAnd and others perform at Su Country nig ever
th F m Am ,teusici '- h6ein Sunday.

ntg at 6 p.m. today at The Pit
aI''Biewster's, 14003 Beach
Bld., Jacksonville. Tickets are
$M0. call 223-9850 for infoima-
Punk pioneers Rancid with
special guest Avail appear
Sunday at .Plush, 845
University Park'N. Jacksonville.
Tickets are $18 and are avail-
able through TicketMaster at
353-3309. Doors open at 7 p.m.
'.'All ages show. Call 743-1845
for information
Hometown pop gunksters
Yellowcard with local special
guests Inspection 12 and
Shadow Agency perform
Tuesday at Plush, 845
University Park N. Jacksonville.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. All
ages show. Tickets are $20 and
aie available at TicketMhaster at
-53-3309. Call 743-1845 for
*?7", .

Caribee Key, 100 N First St.,
Neptune Beach 270-8940. Pill
Pili plays reggae every Friday
and Saturday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub
& Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in every
Wednesday. Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Metidian plays
traditional Irish music at 4
p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with Seth
Ramsdill every Tuesday. Reggae
with Pill Pill every Wednesday.
The Wes Cobb Band is in
Thursday. Mystic Dino and
the 420 Band are in Sundays.
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach 249-
7787.' Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The
Amanda Fi'nch Jazz Quintet

performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears'Saturday..
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
249-9660. Kenhe and Sleepy
every Friday. Mike Shackelford
Band appears Saturdays.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and' Saturday.'
KaraoRe- every Sunday. Little
Green men perform every
Monday. Spiderbaby.is in every
Wednesday. 3 appears every
.llt.-, 'l. !t' .'1 le .* '
- lackenzie's Steakhouse,
100 Saivgraas Village, Ponte
Vedra Beach e 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Safurday. Michael
Howard plays Sunday. WVill
Hurley performs Fridays and
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
247-6820. John Evans plays
the piano every Friday and
'Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville. Beach.
Mystic Roots in the tiki bar
every Tuesday. Fifth South and
the Glass Camels are in the
Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. The James Harp
House Project is every
Saturday. Reggae with Pill Pili
from 4 to 8 p.m. every Sunday.
6' 6
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,
blues, oldies and jazz every
Friday and Saturday night.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. Eric Wink performs
Tuesday. Yankee Slickers are in
every Thursday. Reggae with
Delions of Jah every Friday.
. The Jim Essery Band performs

Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
241-8221. Chuck Nash and
the Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of' every
Tra Vini Italian
Restaurant, 216 Ponte Vedra'
Park Drive; Ponte Vedra Beach
Beach .* 273-2442. Tony
Saladino performs jazz piano
and standards Thursday
through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
.Atlantic. BhvdA rAtlantidiBeAchl e
241-5600. Mary -Ann 'Hdawkns
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelfold performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.


The Atlantic, 333 N. First
St., Jackson-ille Beach. Jocelyn
.& the Geronimos host karaoke

5 P Primary Care

John T. Butcher, MD
Michael L. Waters, MD
Susan Smith, ARNP

are pleased to welcome
Sandra Carr, ARNP
to their family practice office
13001-100 Atlantic Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Now accepting new patients

every Tuesday.
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
SKaraoke every Wednesday.
Lynch's Irish Pub; 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach;
Karaoke every Sunday.
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville, Beach. Karaoke
every Tuesday, Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday with a
contest at 11 p.m. every other

The Atlantic, 333 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 249-
3338. DJs spins'hip hop and
retro .Thursday through

Ocean Club.DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJs Sharaz and Dave
'.Berg in dn July 22. DJ Infader
" spins every Tuesday.'
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is in .every Monday and
Tuesday. .DJ Anrioymrous spins
Wednesday. D' Marco spins.
'80's every Thursday. DJ Ibay is
in every friday and Saturday.
Vinoe, 822 A1A N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ WVali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: Acts and performance
days are not alwat's available for
all clubs ait press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.



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...your community newspaper

, Weekend

'The Beaches Lecader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Weekend 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 21, 2006


at 626-4645 or 396-3868 for informa- Gator of Jacksonville will have its annual or "insulin resistance syndrome," at &.
Saturday, July 22 tion. G Gator Gathering from 4 to 6 p.m. at p.m. Visit www.nativesunjax.com for
Boating course: The U.S. Coast the Morocco Shrine Center, 3800 S. St. information.
Guard Auxiliary Beaches Flotilla 14-4 Sunday, July 23 Johns Bluff Road, Jacksonville. Call
offers "America's Boating, Course" Democrat club: The Beaches 4. 642-5200 by uly 1 to R.S.V.P. Saturday, Aug. 5
"from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Democratic Club will have an open Pre-marital workshop: "Happily
Captains Club, 13363 Beach Blvd...house meet-and-greet fund-raiser Benefit concert: Tenor Roger J. Ever After," a pre-marital workshop;
(between Hodges and Keman). The from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at 2260 Geronimo, soprano Barbara will be held the first Saturday of every
program qualifies you for the Florida Azaelea, Drive, Jacksonville Norris and bass-baritone Jimmy month from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at.
state boater's card. Call John Davis at. Beach. :Bob, Harms, congres- Goodell willperform at 7 p.m. Ponte Vedra United Methodist.
904-821-9692 for information. sional candidate, district 4, is at Our Lady Star of the Sea's Church, 35 Executive Way, Ponte
scheduled to attend. Cultural Center, 545 A1AN. Vedra Beach. Call Vivian Bowlus, at
Pilates boot camp: Pilates classes for Ponte Vedra Beach, to raise 904-543-8856 or e-mail bowlusg@bells
all ages and abilities will begin soon Monday, July 24 money ..for Wolfson south.net for information. :_
from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday at Pilates- Movie Night: "Classic Children's Hospital.
Fitness and Rehab, Inc. The cost is $17 (Adult) Movie Night)" will Admission is $15 per per- Job seeker workshop: Christ
to S20 per session. Call Cynthia at 249- be held at 5:30 p.m. at the son. For ticket information, Episcopal Church is sponsoring a free
5049 or e-mail Beaches Branch Library, call 797-2248. jiobseeker workshop at the Christiai
cynthia@beachespt.com for informa- 600 Third St., Neptune .. Formation Cehter, Room 108, 400 San
tion. Beach. .. "Flying Sunda, July Juan Driver, Ponte Vedra. Call 285-
Leathernecks" will be 6127 or e-mail crhbeach@comcast.net
CPR course: An adult, infant and, shown. Call 241-1141 for Marywood Retreat; A for information or to sign up.
child CPR and first aid course will be information. Christian meditation/12- .
;offered from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at. step recovery titled Sunday, Aug. 6 n
the USO, 2560 Mayport Road, Atlantic -Thursday, July "Letting Go" will be held Team in Training: A non-obigato
Beach. Personnel with military ID 2 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at information meeting for the Leukemia
receive a $5 discount. Call 246-1395 Movie night: The Fleet the Marywood Retreat & Lymphoma Society will be held aF2'
for information or to register. Reserve Association, 390 Center in Switzerland, p.m. at the Beaches Branch Library's
Mayport Road, Atlantic Fla. No charge; donation meeting room, 600 Third St., Nepturfe
Free seminar:. A free seminar on Beach, will have a free suggested. Call 1-888-287- Beach. For information, visit
"The Power of Money" will be held "Movie Night" for family 2539 or 249-2639 for www.teamintraining.org/nfl.
from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the and friends from 6 to 9 information.
Beaches Library, 600 Third St., p.m. Snacks are available. Wednesday, Au. Monday, Aug. 7
Neptune Beach. Call 247-7405 for Wednesday, Aug. Monday, Aug. 7
information or reservations. Friday, July 28 2 Golf tournament: Amencan Legin
Steak night: The Ladies Beaches Watch: Beaches Post 194's "Freedom Gdlf
Build a sandwich: Ladies Auxiliary Auxiliary of the Fleet Reserve Watch will meet at 7 p.m. in Tournament" in support of the USO
Fleet Reserve Association Unit 290 will Association, 390. Mayport the Community Room of the will be held at the Palencia Country
hold "build a sandwich night" from 4 Road, Atlantic Beach, will have ,Pelican Point Condominium, Club. Visit www.usojax.org for infor-
to 7 p.m. at 390 Mayport Road, "Steak Night" from 5 to 9 p.m. 1901 1st St. N., -Jacksonville mation.
Atlantic Beach. The cost is $10. Call The cost is $10, and the public is Beach. The meeting is open to the
246-6855 for information. invited. public. For information, call 513-
9242 or visit Saturday, Aug. 12
Job seeker workshop: Christ Summer potluck: www.beacheswatch.com. Boating course: The U.S. Coast
Episcopal.Church is sponsoring a free Persephone Healing Arts Guard Auxiliary Beaches Flotilla 14,-4
job seeker workshop at the Christian Center, 485 6th Ave. N., Thursday, Aug. offers "America's Boating Course"
Formation Center, Room 108, 400 San Jacksonville Beach, will 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at he
Juan Driver, Ponte Vedra. Call 285- have a summer potluck C I u b Syndrome X seminar: Captains Club, 13363 Beach Blvd.
6127 or e-mail crhbeach@comcast.net and grill out from 5:30 to Native Sun Natural (between Hodges and Kernan). The
for information or to sign up. 8 p.m. Call 246-3583 to The Jacksonville Beaches Woman's Club 41st Annual Antiques Foods Market, 11030 program qualifies you for the Flolda
R.S.V.p Show & Sale will be held from 1 to 8 p.m. today, July 21, 10 Baymeadows Road, state boater's card. Call John Davis at
Art celebration: The Jax Beach Art a.m. to 6 p.m. July 22, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 23. Admission Jacksonville will host a 904-821-9692 for information.
Celebration will be held at 8 p.m. at Saturday, July is $6, and parking is free. The show will be held in the St. Paul's free seminar on
the Seawalk Hotel, 117 1st Ave. N., 2 Parish Center, 212 N. 5th St., Jacksonville Beach. Proceeds will Syndrome X, also known
Jacksonville Beach. Call Patrick Carter Gator Gathering: The benefit scholarship funds, charities and service programs sup- as "metabolic syndrome"
ported by the Woman's Club.

Weekl Center in Jacksonville Beach from 9 to Sunday in July and August from 10 to Beach, Jacksonville Beach and Lions Club: The Lions CluIbfr
Weei y & 11 a.m. Fridays..Call.Moe at 247-6221 11:30 a.m. at Cobalt Moon (upstairs Neptune Beach. Cal7 732-940-9658 for .Jacksonville Beach meets at 7 p.rq.tihe
ABC Mhusic & Me: Children ages 1 for information. 1'fr l i'jhdd), 217 First St:, Neptune Beach- inf'cinirtion. : f andilhird Mondays at the tcorier
to 5 experience weekly lessons that Donations accepted. Call 386-793- o" Penman'Road and Second Avehlie
include musical instrument explo- Saturdays .3013 for information. Meditation group: The Twin Heart North; and at noon on the second afid
ration, singing, listening and creative Beaches storytellers: The Beaches Meditation Group meets from 7:45 to fourth Tuesdays at Perkins Restaurarit,
movement. Classes are held at the League of Storytellers meets at the Depression support: Depression 8:45 p.m. Monday at Ocean Yoga 14471 Beach Blvd. For information on
Community Presbyterian Church Ponte Vedra Beach Library, 101 Library Bipolar Support Alliance-Jacksonville Studio at 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Monday's meetings, call Chtbk
Education Building, 150 Sherry Drive, Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, at 10:30 Beaches meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at Beach. This global meditation from Carroll at 241-1129; call DenY:
Atlantic Beach. Call Dana at-372-0116 a.m. the second Saturday of the Beaches Medical Center, 1350 13th Pranic Healing focuses on creating Bradford at 220-2222 for information
for information, month from September through May. Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach. Visit planetary healing and world peace. on Tuesday's meetings.
Call George Mills at 246-1502 for www.dbsajax.org for information. No previous meditation experience is
Senior activities: The Beaches information. Required. Love donations are accept- Oversight Committee: he
Senior Citizen Center, 281 S. 19th Mondays ed. For information, call 382-5823. Oversight Committee for the Beacl6s
Ave., Jacksonville Beach; and the Submarine veterans: USSVI First Al-Anon: Al-Anon Family Groups Resource Center meets at 7 p.m. tlhe
Neptune Beach Senior Activity Center, Coast Base meets at 11 a.m. the second offer a recovery program for families Toastmasters: The Beaches Area first Monday of the month in tli'
2004 Forest Ave., Neptune Beach, Saturday of the month at American and friends of alcoholics, whether or Toastmasters Club meets Mondays at 7 Media Center at Fletcher High Schobo.
offer various activities Monday Legion Post 316, 127 Atlantic Blvd., not the alcoholic seeks help. Meetings p.m. at Atlantic Theatres, 715 Atlantic The Oversight Committee consists'f
through Friday from 9 a.m. Call 241- Atlantic Beach. Call 241-6222 or e-. are held Mondays, including holidays, Blvd., Atlantic Beach. For more infor- parent and faculty representatives
3796 for information on the Beaches mail rjrjax@attbi.com for information, at 10:30 a.m. at 400 Penman Road, mation, call 610-8807. from the 10 Beaches public school
center; the Neptune Beach center may Jacksonville Beach. Meetings are also and at-large representatives from the
be reached at 270-1688. Beaches Palm Group: The Florida available at other times, days and ]oca- Breast-feeding support: Baptist Beaches communities. Call th-i
Frids Writer's Association Beaches Palm tions. Call 350-0600 for information. Medical Center Beaches offers a breast- Beaches Resource Center at 270-8200
Friddy. Group meets the fourth Saturday of feeding support group from 10 to for information.
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery, Inc., a each month except December at the Panic & Anxiety Program: Panic 11:30 a.m. in Conference Room B at
mental health support group, meets at Pont V'edra Beach Library. Call Vic Relief Inc., a non-profit educational 1350 13th Ave. S. the first Monday of Sons of the American Legion: The
6:30 p.m. Friday at St. Paul's Catholic DiGenti at 904-285-2258 for informa- organization for overcoming fears, the month. The group is moderated by Sons of the American Legidn
Church's Family Life Center, 578 First ion. anxiety and agoraphobia; achieving Loretta Haycook. There is no cost, and Squadron 316 meets the first Monday
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. 247-3299. u control and a positive self-image; and babies and children are welcome, of each month at 7:30 p.m. at 11.27
A NJ oulleih9 constructive thinking meets from Snacks and beverages are served. Call Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Call
Senior tennis: Tennis for seniors is Meditation class: A guided medita- noon to 1 p.m. Monday, and 6:30 to 247-2974 for information. 249-0202 for information.
being offered at Huguenot Tennis tion and dharma talk is held every 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, in Atlantic

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JTAhBa hsILL dV/W ...n.. Ved.. Leader. Weekend.


Local author visits
Grahl "Nana" Barkowski
Neitz will be the guest speaker
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center, 2004 Forest
Ave. on Wednesday. The
author of "Cabbage-berries,
Duck Feathers, and the Tides,
A Collection of Palm Valley
Memories" will share stories
of her life and times growing
up in Palm Valley at 1 p.m.
Signed copies of her book will
be available. The event is
open and free to the public.
Refreshments will be served.
For information call 270-1688.

Burak visits Bookmark
Carl Burak of Atlantic Beach
will be at THE BOOKMARK
tonight, Friday, at 7 p.m. to
'discuss and sign copies of his
new book When I Became a
Psychiatrist People Stopped
\Waving on Main Street. Burak's
book deals "with the stigma
and misunderstanding of psy-
chiatry and mental illness.
This fictional account is based
on real stories of patients.
Burak is a local psychiatrist
who has also practiced as a
family and emergency physi-
Castaway activities
Outdoor Observations will
be held today, Friday froml0
a.m. to 11 a.m. at Castaway
Island Preserve, 2885 San Pablo
Road S. Dress for the weather
and wear comfortable, closed-
toe shoes; use insect repellent
and bring binoculars if possi-
ble.' This program is for all
ages. For more information,
S call' 630-3577.
Storytime Science will also
be held today, Friday, from
noon to 1 p.m. at Castaway
Island Preserve, 2885 San Pablo
Road S. This program is for
ages 7 and under, and their
S adtilt companions: it combines
literacy with science facts.
Participants will enjoy reading
a story and then examine the
science involved. For more
information, call 630-3577.


Tonight, Friday, The Rick Arcusa Band plays classic rock and
ballads from the 60's, 70's & 80's at Music in the Courtyard at
200 First Street in Neptune Beach. The free event is open to the
public. Beer, wine, coffee, and desserts are available for pur-
chase For more information call 249-2922.

On Sunday, Africa: The
Serengeti, a documentary that
explores the daily life of the
East Africa's Serengeti
National Park, wrill'be shown.
The film's highlight is the
great annual migration -- a
spectacle few humans have
witnessed -- during which
more than 2 million wilde-
beests, zebras and antelope
travel 500 miles hrom the
southern plains to the Nlasai
Mara Game Preserve in the
north. This Saturday movies
are cancelled due to meetings
in the auditorium
Library Programs

Learn to ante up
A 1,2-week poker tournament Beaches Regional Library,
( is..,.c.heduled ,to .begiD ,,qn.,, 60QThird St.; Neptune Beach
S Wednesday, July 27,. from. 1 will offer Family Preschool
p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Neptune Storytime on Wednesdays,
S Beach Senior Activity Center. 10:30 11 a.m. and at 3 p.m.
All .ables, cards, chips, refresh- The library is open Monday-
S ments, and snacks will be pro- Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
vided. Reservations are neces- Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.
sarv to ensure a seat. For infor- to 6 p.m. and closed Sunday
nation call 270-1688. during July.

Drive safely
The AARP Driver Safety
Program will be held at the
Neptune Beach Senior Activity
Center on Saturday and
S Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
Registration for the 8-hour
course is $10. Call 241-7285 or
e-mail r.spruell@comcast.net for
required reservations.

Natural Movies
At the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve, weekend
nature movies continue at
thq Environmental Education
The GTM Reserve
Environmental Education
Center is located at 505
Guana River Road, off A1A 17
miles south of JTB or 8 miles
north of Vilano Beach.
Admission to the
Environmental Education
Center is $2 for adults, $1 for
children aged ten to 17 and
children under ten are free.
The Environmental
Education Center is open 9
a.m. 4 p.m. daily. For more
* information call 823-4500.
Afiovies are shown at 10
afin. and 1 p.m. on week-

Learn mystery writing
Deathcraft: A Writer's Guide
for Bnnging Death to Life will
be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at
the main library in downtown
Jacksonville. If you are interest-

ed in writing a mystery novel,
but aren't quite sure about
some of the more technical
aspects such as: can a bullet
made of ice really work and
can a person really drown in a
bowl of chicken soup, this pro-
gram is for you. Former Navy
battalion medical officer and
National Institutes of Health
researcher, Dr. Bert Herring,
will present a workshop about
using medical, forensic, and
personal details in writing for
any genre, focusing on mys-
Music Outdoors
Music in the Courtyard at 200
First Street in Neptune Beach is
now playing every Friday from
,,-Q,,.p.:i',. through thee rd of,,
October. The free concerts are
open to the publc. Beer, wine,
toffee, and desserts are available
for purchase. For more informa-
tion call 249-2922.
Classic Cosmic
The Jacksonville Museum of
Science and History presents
Cosmic Concerts featuring clas-
sic rock music with a laser show.
Shows are Friday and Saturday
nights. The 4 p.m. show fea-
tures The Beach Boys, 8 p.m.
features the Rolling Stones,
Queen, 9 p.m. features The

Shoofly is among the acoustical groups that may perform at the Atlantic Beach Acoustic Night to
be held Sunday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory
Committee hosts this free event on the lawn at Bull Memorial Park on the corner of Ocean
Boulevard and 7th Street. The event is held indoors in the theater at the Adele Grage Cultural Arts
Center if it rains. The G-rated, alcohol-free, fun-filled acoustic event offers two hours of music.
Bring a chair or blanket but no electric guitars, electric keyboards, drum sets, or bands, please.
Performers may register by mailing dprather6of10@hotmail.com or by calling 710-0397.

m Bethlehem Lutheran
Now enrolling in our VPK classes

for 2006-2007
8:30-12:30 Mon-Thurs FREE
7-6 Mon-Fri VPK Extended Hours $80

Openings available in 3-year-old class

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Jacksonville Beach
Kay Hawkins, Director


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Beatles and at 10:30 rock-out to
David Bowie's music. Tickets are
$3 at 4 and $6 for other show
times. Visit www.themosh.org

Talbot fun
Enjoy an evening at the
Talbot Islands State Parks visitor
center tonight, Friday, learning
about lawn care effects on the
environment on a film titled
Ginmme Green. The film was cre-
ated by Paynes Prairie Preserve
State Park volunteers. Regular
park admission applies. Contact
(352i 466-4100 for more infor-
A Summer Ranger Program
Series For Kids will be held at
the park July 24-28 from 9 a.m.
to noon. Join a. park ranger to
explore Little Talbot Island State
Park waterways and wetlands.
Participants will be provided
with a program, activity and
take-home craft each day.
Children ages 6-12 and their
parents are invited to partici-
pate. Make reservations for one
day or participate all week long
free of charge. For more infor-i
nation call (904) 251-2320.
A Beach Walk will be held
Saturday from 11 a.m. to noon.
Visitors will meet at the Sisters
Pavilion for a beach walk with a
park ranger to discuss the unde-
veloped beach, dunes habitat
and ocean shoreline.
Reservations are not required.
The program is free of charge;
however, participants not
camping will need to pay the
park entrance fee. For more.
information, call (904) 251-'
See lifeguards compete
The American Red Cross
Volunteer Lifesaving Corps is
hosting the regional Junior
Lifeguard tournament on
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The competition will be held at
the Jacksonville Beach lifeguard
station at the foot of Beach
Boulevard and the Atlantic
Ocean. Young people from 9 to
16 years of age will be compet-
ing in run, swim, and paddle
events, as well as events that
simulate actual lifeguard res-
cues. The public is invited and
,there is Itq, charge. o6r more
information, call the
Jacksonville Beach lifeguard sta-
tion at 249-9141.
Author visits PV library
Tedd Arnold, the author and
illustrator of such books as
Green Wilma, Parts and Axle
Annie, will be at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library on
July 26 at 10 a.m. This event is
sponsored by the Friends of the
Library Groups and the Florida
State of the Arts License Plate

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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Weekend' 7

, "*

eeVVCC --- ----- --

Around the Home

Protect home while vacationing

The car's loaded and
you're ready to head off
on your summer vaca-
tion. But, then you start to
wonder if you left the coffee
pot on. When you're trying
to get ready for vacation, the
devil is in the details and
there are lots of those from
remembering items to pack to
things to do around the
house. Taking some time to
thoroughly prepare your
house means you can head off
for vacation without worrying
about anything more than a
Burglaries happen
According to the FBI, more
burglaries are committed dur-
ing the vacation months of
July and, August and during
daylight hours. Taking simple
steps, such as having exterior
lights with motion detectors
and plugging lamps into
timers is a good idea for the
nighttime. But hAw do you
guard against daytime burgla-
Protect your home during
the daytime by making the
home appear and look the way
it normally does when you're
home. For instance, it's impor-
tant to have someone pick up

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your newspaper and mail
when you're gone. But, if you
usually pick up the paper in
the morning and your neigh-
bor who agreed to pick up your
paper doesn't do it until the
afternoon, then your house
will not look normal. Either
stop the paper through the car-
rier or ask your neighbor to
pick up the paper at the time
you normally pick it up.
Another signal can be your
windows. If your shades and
shutters are normally closed
during the day. leave them
closed. If they're normally
open, keep them open. Just
make sure valuables, such as

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expensive art or entertainment
equipment can't be seen from
the street or easily through
your windows. And, as tempt-
ing as it is to turn off your air
conditioning to lower your
utility bills, don't. Nothing is
a dead giveaway that you're
not home than an air condi-
tioner that's not running on a
hot day. Instead, turn the
thermostat up but not off.
Another tip is to have a radio
plugged into a timer during
daylight hours so it sounds like
someone's there.
Accidents happen
While you might not be bur-
glarized while you're away, it's
possible that some kind of
accident can occur. One of
those is flooding due to a burst
pipe. That's why it's a good
idea ,to turn off the water
valves to the dishwasher and
the washer the day you leave.
Power interruption is another
concern. If power to your
home is interrupted, you
might come home to a freezer
full of rotted meat that's drain-
ing blood and ooze all over the
garage or kitchen floor. Leave
a key or a phone number
where you can be reached with
a neighbor who you can trust


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to check on your house. 'And,
if you don't have a neighbor
you can trust, be sure and leave
the name and number of a
trusted friend or family mem-
ber the neighbor can call and
who can come over and check
on your home if there's a prob-
Everybody out
When you're trying to leave
for vacation, the chaos of get-
ting everyone packed and out
on time is one of the chief
causes of forgetting an impor-
tant detail around the house.
To ensure you can leave for
vacation with peace of mind,
make sure all luggage is in the
car and everyone is out of the
house. Then, with everyone
and everything on the drive-
way or packed in the car, have
one person go into the house
and room by room check to
make sure what needs to be
turned on is on and what
needs to be turned,.off is off.
Now, you're ready to leave
your living space for some
much-needed vacation space.
W'eber is a home and decorat-
ing columnist. For more informa-
tion, go to w11.w.kalthrin-
weber.com or e-mail questions to

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.ote Vacation Preparation Checklist

tBefore vacation
.1:.': Schedule pet sitting and leave contact names and numbers with sitter.
2.. Make arrangements for mail and newspaper pick-up.
: 3. .Schedule lawn mowing while you are away.
4; Leave, house key, phone number where you can be reached, or the number of a trusted
friend with your neighbor.

Day of Vacation
1. Raise thermostat on air conditioning.
-2. .Turn off ringer on phone or have the phone pick up after three rings.
:3; Set lamps and radio on timers.
4.- Turn water supply off to dishwasher and clothes washing machine.
5. Check kitchen appliances. Make sure coffee pot, toaster, stove are all off.
I 6- Check all door-and window locks.
7. Da ro.oni by room inspection.
8 I.d.MlaeSt" curling irons and other heatingdevices are unplugged.
S''-'; ck o6rn plug-garage doors. Thieves often have codes to open garage doors.
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July 21, 2006

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The Beache~s Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader'




...... + 11 A+l^

110 LoLs/Lmd For Sale
120 Hom'es for Sale
125 Real Estae W~aned
130 Condos for Sale
'140 Mongages
150 Mobile Homes or Sale
180 Comm. Propery
185 inatusmal/are house
200 Rental
215 Homes for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
240 M.H. for Rent
"260 VacUuon Renal
270 Rental to Shre
273 Room for Reni
260 Office Space
285 Comn Rental
300 Free Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 SLahles/Ljveswock
340 Lol & Found Pets
400 Nonies
405 Tndel
415 Personal
:420 LeplSernices
4-25 LegalNotices
440 MLsc. Lost & Found
450 LIntrucnontSchools
460 \%eddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
"510 F-T Help Wanied
20 Job Ser-ice
0 Bus Opportuniry
.340 Child Care
550 \Hork Wanted
oOO Service Guide
.01 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Aulo/Boal Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus Se mces
612 Carpet
L6i3 Cateing
615 C leaning
dl18 Elecronies
619 Electrical Sen..
o62b Equip Rentals, -
622 Fences,

625 Fureaood
631 ComputerServices
633 Hauling
634 Lawn Mower Sales/Sern
635' Lawnandscpg
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Cons.
638 tlarme/Boaung
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Movnmg & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
650 Painuing
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography .
655 Ram Guners
660 Remodel/ConsL
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Spnnker & Wells
677 ree Serice
678 Tde
680 liphoLiesr)
685 Wallpapering
o90 '\\t trearnent !
700 Massage Therap,
710 Health Care Sern
730 Carepers
800 ForSale
805 Music & Insu.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
40 Garage Sales
850 Garage Sales Jax Beach
852 Garage Sales Nepune Beach
854 Garage Sales Alardc Beach
857 Garage Sales Ponre Vedra
858 GaraY eales ofelst
860 Flea Market
862 Estale Sales
905 Aulo Rental
915 'Boats
930 Molorcdcles
950 Campers/RVs
970 Tnruks/'anns
980 Automobiles

Call or come by our office:
1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach


Fax: 249-1501

Mail us:
The Beathes Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
1114 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

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JULY 21, 2006

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PRIdES REDUCED. 404 Margaret St. HANDY INVESTORS Special. Greal deal
4 Unlts, $479,500 2041 Seahawk Circle lor rehabers. 249-0085.
$196,500. 625 Davis St $375.000.Terry CASH FOR your house, any condition,
McCue'RealEstate, lno.249-7211. any situation, no equity, no problem.

Btbre you sell your Greatest Investment, call us.
,h, We can save you $$ Thousands $$

ALL REAL Estate aavenised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to advertise any
preference.. limitation, or discriminallon
based on race, color, religion, sex.
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gin, or the intention to make any such
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The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising 'for real estate
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call the United Stales Department of
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N-R e, el ',,,-,
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-R U:s e Idr: trh- ,S
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S' HIEI'--: B ^ZSSBB :,.I '
i -. l "

access to Nassau River. 2.68 acres w/gor-
geous view. $268,000. OBO. 241-4876.

PV FSBO. Build your dream home. Last
1/4 acre buildable lot east of A1A.
www.realtycheckoul.comiv104038 or call

9A and Beach Blvd. natural
wellandscreeK $170.000 OBO 241-
5 BLOCKS to ocean North Jax Bch.
Large Comer lot 80x120 wiln 1000 sq I
block house. Add on or rear down. As is.
Motivated seller. $295.000. 553-7203


Lance Cove Estales Hayesville, NC.-)- X.
Beautiful Mountain Views from Sweetwater's neWes,
subdivision, an outstanding location. One acre plus loLt
available, easy access only minutes from the town of t-ii
Hayesville, NC, the Hiwassee River, Lake Chauge ,and.
hospitals.' Features include oversized paved roads,
underground utilities, covenants and restrictions handicap
specificanon with main floor 2,000 minimum square fool fomes makes this new development
umque. Btidd your home for a life time Lots range in pnce from $49.900 to $79,900.
:.1, For more information call 828-389-8843. 904-821-9573,
Nick's cell 904-254-9644, Vicki's cell 904-534-3530

Marvin &Floyd---.-

lV Realty Inc.

Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' locatedon the 4th floor. Erijoy the sunrise
from your 264sql balcony overlooking the bqach,.and ocean. $699,000
3/2, 1500sq', 2nd floor condo. Fireplace: Condo has all the upgrades!! Move
in condition. Located in a quiet area under a.canopy of trees. $259,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opportunity to purchase property near the Intracoastal ana within walking
distance of million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is). $225,000
New luxury Oceanfront Condo. 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. : $881,100,
Desirable beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. .1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000


3/2 home. Great condition, freshly painted. Sprinkler system with well.Lawn
service included. Fenced backyard. Pets Ok $1,175 mth
3/2 1500sq condo. nd floor, fireplace. Near Intracoastal n quiet area.
Move in condition. $1,350 mth
3/2 plus office,1542sq home. Near Mayport Naval Station. Lawn service
included. Pets OK $1,175 mth
1/1 833sq' condo. 3rd floor. Ocean view, Pool & Clubhouse
$900 minth

SUWANNEE RIVER Lot. wooded, 1/2.
acre. FSBO $26,500. (904)591-6996,
LOT- 50'X100' Vilano Bcn, $199,000.,
Grace Ellis. All Pro Realty Specialists.;
655-7923 (cell)
38 ACRES- salt marsh land at Greenfield'';-
Creek. West of Queens Harbor Country
Club at All Blvd & Girvin Rd. Wetland mitl-
galion/ preservation. R.E. #162204 0000.
95,000 OBO. 904-282-3519.
ATL BCH lot, comer 56x176, one block .
off Mayport Rd. $65K. Owner consider fi-
nance. 813-8180.

PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2.5BA,1500sf, lust ,
remodeled, 42" Hickory cabinets, granite
coupler tops. Iravenine floors, bamboo in
dining room, Berber carpet. hot tuo, 2 car
garage $318,000, 463-0505.
NEW LISTING! Open House, Saturday,
'12pm-3pm. 1660 Linkside Ct. N., Atlan-
tic Beach, 3BR/2.5BA, Pool, $472,500.
472-5558, Magnolia Properties.
ATLANTIC BCH- 3yr old custom house,
3BR/2 1/2 BA, 2300sq h. Spacious floor
plan w/vaulted ceilings, large gourmet
kitch w/ss appliances, shop in garage and
upgrades too. numerous to list. FSBO
$415,000. For,virual tour go to
,nrtpth homecpgr st.netl-adjonqsptls, or
call 219-0812
PVB, RANCH style 3BR/2BA house locat-
ed' in the Dolpnin Cove Community Is only
$282,900 and lots to offer, go online at
Motivated Sellers. 285-3014 Iv. msg.
2BR/2BA, attached garage, new roof,
corner lot, community pool, tennis.
REDUCEDI $240,000. Available immedi-
ately. (604)703-8380. (423)768-0384.


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Atlantic Beach ....2 .... $375,000 ......... Custom Built Atanbc Bch, Hm. 1602 ..#9530
Jacksonville .......4 ... $243.500..:....... Southside Home u ih features galore' ........... 1746 .#9569
Jacksonville ....'.... 1 .... 155,00 ......... Cozy Lakecrest Condo in Southside,'ground floor unit.............. 810 .. #9572
JaI Beach ............'5 .... $950,000 ......... Home Steps to Ocean ................... 2083 .. #9541
Jax ,each... ...... 3 .... $399,000 ......... Large Comer Lot, Many Great Upgrades.............................. 1744 #9561
Jax Beach ............ Lor. $389,000 ..'...... Vacant Land. High & Dry ... ...... 555 x 120 #9552
JaxYBeach....... ....4 .... $345.000 ......... Hannah Terrace home w/mlaw quarters ....... 2015 .. #9570
Jax Beach............ 2 .... $200.000 ......... The Villas Unii w/garage, beautiful marsh iews .............. 1066 .. #9565
JaxBeach So. .....4 ... $769.000 ......... Great Beach Cottage. I 1/2 Biks. To Ocean 1620 #9512
Jax Beach So. ..... 1 ... $380,000 ......... Oceanfront Bldg Condo, Great Geiaway .................. ............. 580 #9511
JaI Beach So. ..... 3 ....$339.000 ......... Completely Renovated! Beautiful Tropical Trees + Pool ........ 1240. #9510
Jax Beach So ....2 .... $200,000 ......... The Villas Condo w/Gar..Marsh Views 1066 .. #9554
Intracoastal West.4 .... $389,900 ......... Lakefront Hm. In Excellent Condition 2281 .. #9517
Intracoastal West. 3 .... $299,000 ......... Lovely Home in Cypress Village Retieinent Neighborhood ....... 1733 .. #9534
Intracoastal West. 1 ..$130,000 ......... Elegantly Decorated & Cozy Sutton Pk Condo 885 .. #9553
Orange Park ........ 3 .... $269,900 ......... Open & Spacious Hm. On Secluded Lot 1671 .. #9532
Orange Park ....... 3 ....$239,900 ......... Hm Excellent Condition, Fireplace, Huge Kit. .................. ...... 2233 .. #9546
POiwe Vedra Land .. $1.350,000 ......... Vacant Land in Palm Valley 5 Acres Roscoe .................... 5 Acres.. #9543
Pope Vedra......... 3 $1,249,000 ......... Hm w/75 Ft. Ocean Frontage, With Lovely Views .................. 1722 .. #9539
Pdn(e Vedra.........4 $1,250,000 ......... Exquisite Home Walk to Mickler's's Beach 4070 .. #9542
Pote Vedra .........4 .... $780,000 ......... Beautiful Woodlands West Hm w/home theatre system & more 3003 .. #9571
Pocte Vedra.........4 .... $695,000 ........ Lovely Sawgrass Hm, Circular Drie%% avy ...... 2998 .. #9545
Pcte Vedra......... 3 .... $515,000 ......... I Acre, Pool Home in Palm Valley ............ 1950 .. #9559
Ponte Vedra......... 4 .... $484,900 ........ Hm. Opens to Hardwood Firs, & has Crown Moldings & More....... 2102 ..#9535
Ponte Vedra......... 5 .... $449.900 ......... Spacious Waterfront Hm. Perfection ....... 3013 .. #9549
Ponte Vedra..........5 ....$389.900 ......... Best'Lot on Street, Large Gorgeous Home 2444 .. #9533
Ponte Vedra..... 3 .... $379,000 ......... Fiddlers Marsh Hm wlAtrium, Lovely Patio 1648 #9524
Ponte Vedra .........3 .... $369,000 ......... Hm w/Great Attention to Details. 1651 #9529
Ponte Vedra........ 3 .... $359,900 ......... Great Hm in Solana Woods. Completely Renovated ............... 1636 .. #9538
Ponte Vedra....... .4 .... $349,900 ......... Beautiful 2 Yr. Old Walden Chase lm.......... ....................... 2013 .. #9520
Ponie Vedra......... 3 ....$318,000 ......... Florentine Hm t/upgrades, view of pond, Ig. Master Suite..... 2208 .. #9573
te Vedra......... 2 .... $299,900 ......... On Beautiful Corer Lot in Player's Club 1058 .. #9525
Poe Vedra........ 2 .... $285,000 ....... Bright & Open Fir. Plan, Nice Deck. Climate Controlled Sig. ...... 1240 .#9551
Pinte Vedra......... 3 .... $279,900 ........ Totally renovated hm on dead-end St, close to beach .......,..... 1600 #9563
P.onte Vedra......... 3 ....$267,500 ......... Recently Upgraded Kit. & I-Yr Old AC 1101 ..#9550
Ponte Vedra......... 3 .... $265,000 ......... Upgraded kit one year ago & almost new AC/Heat unit .......... 1101 .. #9564
Ponie Vedra......... 2 .... $229,900 ......... Beautiful Updated Condo in Marsh Cove 1260 .. #9531
Ponie Vedra...... 2 ....227000 .... 27000 ... Cranes Lake Condo on 2nd Flr,w/Xiew s of Water ................... 120'.. #9527
Ponie Vedra... .... 2 .... $224,500 ......... 1st F1r, End Unit Overlooks Lake in Belleza Condos .............. 1172 .. #9522
Ponte Vedra.................219,900 ......... 100% Renovated in Villa Del Mar 1162 .. #9562
Ponte Vedra......... 2 .... $205,000 ........ Heart of Ponte Vedra Luxury Condo ............................1070 .. #9518
Pdnte Vedra......2 ....$199,900 ......... Grand Cay Condo w/Split BR's.& Scrn'd Lanai 991i.. #9526
Ponte Vedra....... 2 .... $199,900 ......... Condo Under $200K in Sea Hawk ......... 1042.: #9547
Ponie Vedra......... 1 .... $184,900 ......... Nice Fairway Park'Condo w/Frplc. 690 .;#9528
Ponte Vedra....... 2 ....$179,900 ......... Ponte Vedra Ct. Townhome on large pond, scrnd porch .......... 1152 .. #9568
IPonte Vedra ......... I ... 170,500 ......... Oceanlinks third fir, condo w/\aulted ceding. .. 795 .. #9567
!St. Augustine ......2 .... $285,500 ......... Bella Vista Condo in Excellent Condition 1416 .. #9521
Friends A1 A North, Suite 321-A
Don't Let PonteVedraBeach, FL 32082 C
Friends Call
ai273-430 Or vi0it:
273 43 0U. www.buy-a-house.com
2 *i,, o CIJ/..r cmr. rti(.i pur) p sed i o'nly/ Commi ncns are neganuablr e and n ki r .)' O paPajao cl.i ll r, Tru a Orli e nl appl Flat Fees var by office
SNo 'p-.tir tcowr Callfor dJerall. ,~ 2006 A ir-2. Srll Inc Each office i inmL peideitlh owned operated


... ...... ..


_ _II 1 11~1 n 111 1 I I.I~IYIYL~YIYU












The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

t..L(4.13 flfLt -CU

SJurly~T 2006

2 HUGE LOTS 1.5 blocks to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach-Buy 1 or Both
Lot 1 1210 Selva Marina Circle: 92.5' wide (front) x75.25'
Wide (Rear) x 123' Deep On an AWESOME cul-de-sac.
Lot 2 361 12th St.: 75' Wide (Front) x
60' Wide (Rear) x 175' Deep (East Side)
x 167' Deep (West Side). $729,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821

Neptune Beach

(East of 3rd St)

2 Lots/duplex

Duplex on 2 LOTS Sold "As Is" 50x160 Lot &
58x106 Lot. Awesome Opportunity to Invest or Build
2 Homes. Priced to Sell $739,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821

(2) 65'x120' residential lots on Ceasar/
Cecil Road. Zoned RMD-A. Large piece
of property in booming area at the
beach. $109,900 for both lots or-.
$57,950 individually. O'Malley

502-9406 ReA Esi I

Old Atlantic Beach -

50x 150 LOT

2 blocks to the Ocean
Build your dream home 2 blocks to the ocean & a
short walk to the Town Center. Offered at $539,000

Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821

Over 100K instant equity, 1/2 acre lot, with sparkling screened in pool
overlooking lake & private reserve. Over 4,000sf, 5BR/5BA, 14' ceilings,
extensive crown, molding, gourmet kitchen w/granite & 42" maple cabinets,
Italian stone FP in the great RM. A wonderful
I :-t',. ':. ,.: :* opportunity at $949,000. Dir: Palm Valley Rd to
Plantation Oaks, Baycove Dr, LT on Clearwater &
TI -, aRTnn Rntavtrn

3/2.5 2800sqft home, wlk to ocean or golf @cc. Irg kit
w/island grill, brkfst nk, Open fir plan w/2-frpl, Zwtbr in
Irg master also. Dir.: At/. Blvd to
Seminole to L. in Selva Marina cc, turn
right on Saturiba, #471 MLS#313929
appr. 715K asking $687
Casie Denman

Sunday 12-3pm

Best looking home in popu-
lar Selva Linkside! 3bds/
2ba, 2-car garage, separate 4k

I' ""'"-: 13702 W keeping W llow W ay, Pablo Bay
S From JTB. north on San Pablo Rd., left ino
Pablo Bav. left on Weeping Willow to cult -
de-sac. Bener than new home with 2600
square feel. very open and airu floorplan,
beautiful kitchen, and 2 1/2 car garage.

Sunday, July 23.2006 l:00pm-4:00pm
14234 Falcon Crest Dr. villages of Pablo
From Beach Blvd..north on San Pablo. left
on Crystal Cove. left on Falcon Crest Dr
Sto cul-de-sac. loe in condition in cul-de-
sac 4,2 with faulted cedings, hardwood
floors, and a 900 square fool Florida room
on large cul-de-sac \ard. big enough for a

Fay Patsourakis
Ofc: 904-285-5640 ext. 222 .vr
Cell: 904-463-7782
50 ALA N., Ste 108 I
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082


I Ir.~altrru;rl:XR~~I

FSBO, JB. 3BR/1BA, 714 4th St. S. Shon
walk to beach, good neighborhood.
$260.000 OBO 246-8532, 246-8415,
large lot, newly remodeled. $287,900.
BY OWNER, 3BR/2BA, renovated. Seller
will pay $3500 or Buyer closing cost.
$330 000 859-8623
Ocean Cay- FSBO 664 Bonaire Circle,
2200sf. w/gieat room, 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature pond Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $559K will co-op.
POOL HOME 245K. 3BR'1.5BA. Lg Fam.
ily Room. 1619 Sunsel Drive. Jax Bch.
conage, newly remodeled, bulkheaded.
Only 3 minutes to Dunns Creek,
$289,900. Call Vickie Smitn. ERA Trend
Reairy (386)972-6494.
LEASE/ PURCHASE Secret Wodds Brick
nome 3BRi2BA, 1895sf $284,900. Bring
all offers independent Brokers 710-3111
1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key West sryle 2-siory. only
3 years young, over 2100sf, located in hid-
den paradise. a marshn ronl community.
First Iloor master bedroom sulte, master
oaln wlacuzzl and separate shower. Gas
Irplc w/gas appliances, cozy screened
porch, custom draperies, and Dlinds plus
all appliances convey. Asking $389,900.
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com

spacious 4,2. new root. 1800st, $359.900.
32.7A-44 nr R67.I-61

PONTE VEDRA. 3BR/2BA, beaullul, re-
3BR!2BA, 1727SF, Nepiune By The Sea. modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$459k. Matt 382-8432. $185,900.' 904)424-0660

1130 ROSE, 3BR'2BA, new A/C, paint,
ceramic file, carpet, love refrigerator,
dishwasher.' Fireplace, fenced yard.
$189,000 710-8083.
FSBO. -BRi3BA, large private lot,
6 blocks to beach. $375,000. 463-3738
3BR.'2BA, 1328s1. end unit townhome,
real condition. georgeous landscaping.
new siding, ne-* A'C. lanlastic tocarionl
S$182,900, Realty Executives Ponie Vedra.
Call Ivana 891-9157
This upscale 3Dri 2 1/2ba townhome has
ill Superior quality and condition. Designer
linishes. coral alone floors, graniae coun-
lers Fabulous rooflop deck Steps to
beach. Move in condition. 323 7th Sr
1759,000 242-8081
FT. CAROLINE Area. Huge 1.5 acre lot
wrrli 3/2, 2361sl $379.900. Motivated sell.
ers Donna Warpool, Realiry Execs. ol
PV 338-5478.
to Ocean, large lot. 1500sl. $337.000.

Oceanlront beach niaeaway, 411 1st St.
S &401 Gorgeous 2BR/2BA condo lea-
tures hardwood & Iravenine Ilooring, gran-
ile'marble counters, stainless steel appli-
ances Luxurious master suite w/viia spa
lacuzzi Privale gated pool plus beach ac-
cess Asking 5479 900. MLS#286330.
Custom bulll Key West style 2-slory, 1483
Laurel Way Only 3 years young, over
2100sf, located in Hidden Paradise a
marshlront community. First Iloor master
bedroom suile, master bath w/jacuzzi and
separate shower. Gas fireplace w/gas ap-
plhances, cozy screened porch, custom
draperies, and blinds plus all appliances
convey Asking 1389.900 MLS4290728
Call Owner/Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
I Cell# 568-6909/ aqfic~ji217w402. View
Ionline at: wvWrMf'sbblethlse s.com
ATL BCH HOME $209,900
FSBO. GOOD Slaner Homel 618-1
Durton Island Dr. West. 3BR11 5BA. New
A.C, rool, windows, doors, and applian-
ces By appointment only Call David
247-0665 (home). 704-2337 Icell)
NEPTUNE BEACH house, 1 block to
ocean 3 large BR, 2.5BA, private back
yard, garage with huge deck. New rool &
paint. $409,900. Call Kimberly worth Mag-
nolia Properties, 472-5558.
3BR'18A. wood iloonng and blinds,
screened porch, lenced yard, eat-in kitch-
en and large laundry room. close to beach
and park. 1216,000 247-9244 or 651-
JAX BEACH, 3BR'2BA. panially furnish-
ed, fenced yard. screened-in porch and
deck w.private entrance to master. bath.
.Great investment or starter home.
$275,000. 19041247-8004, 19041635-6943.
ATLANTIC BEACH West, 3yr. old cus-
tom built Key West style ranch on cor-
ner lot. 3BR/2BA 12x15 sunroom, 2car
garage. Snows like a model. Must be
seen $295,900 1904)246-4468.
LIVE CHEAP at Jax Beach! This 950st..
newly redecorated. 2BR/1 5BA townhome
duplex is only a snon walk to Ihe beach.
Ceramic lile Dalhrooms and floors. plush
carpel in bedrooms, CH&A. range, retrlg-
eraior, DW laundry room, balcony, 6'
lenced yard and concrete driveway Live
in one side and have a $1000 iplus)/mo.
rental income from the other side and
rents at the beach are rapidly increasing
This is a very sound investment ror the fu-
ture. Only $349,000!! Similar properties
sell lor $240,000 Per Side! 617 Seventh
Avenue South Jacksonville. Beach. Call
Dan Cantrell at 1904)993-1114 or Fax
(904 )270-8806.
2487sl, boat. in, dock, deck over water.
scr pool. 35nt long Fla. room, 2 car gar.
$655,000. 223-6850
large corner lot, tile Iloors, new rool. F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514-7152.
FSBO IMMACULATE 4/2/2, 2300st in
Windsor Chase iKernan & Beach). built
2003. Hardwood, Ille, normal living & adn-
ing, ear-in kitchen w/42' maple cabinets.
black appliances, large master bedroom/
bath, inside laundry w/cabinels, spnnker/
security system community pool/play-
ground, $349.000 2434 Misty Waler Dnve
E. 894-7058. Brokers welcome
I.C WEST- Kernan Forest. 2004 execu-
live home, 5BR4BA. 2-car, 2,650-s.l.
$409.500 Independent brokers 710-3111.
2450si. many upgrades, large corner lot.
$269,900, independent brokers 710-3111.
Lane. 4BR/2.5BA. 2400sl. home on goll
course w.ingiound pool. brick. Reduced to
$429.900. Owner /reallor (904)838-8937.
BEAUTIFUL 2BR 2BA townhome. 5
blocks to beach. $227,000 Call realtori
owner (904)742-6423.
Lakes. 3BR/2BA +Den, open Iloor plan.
2445st., community pool, FSBO,
$499,000. Call (904)304-0757.
3BR FORECLOSURE only $27,9001 Must
sell For listings. 800-749-8124 ex. 1490.
lease purchase. 5360K Call 543-1951.
IC ,WEST, off N. Keman, Mt. Pleasant.
S/D, 4/2/2, 1850sf, new paint, carpet, tile
& more. $248,500. 318-3719.
JAX Beach, Ocean Cay, 3BR/2.5BA +loft,
2500sf, large fenced lot.-Stainless steel
appliances, covered porch, large 2 story
family room. Built in 2000 $544,900. Call
FSBO, Neptune Beach Townhome, Spa-
cious, 3/2.5, 1 car garage, all appliances,
new AC/ plumbing/ carpet. Community
pool, boat storage, bike/ walk to Beach
and Town Center. $267K,:Call 655-2718.

OPEN HOUSE, July 23rd, 1 30-3pm, 2i2
condo w/ garage. The Palms, Jax Bch
Moving soon make offer Call lor direc-
tions 285-3014.
2 BLOCKS to beacon, 2BR, screened
porch. 2 car garage. $269,900 Consider
lease opiton. Owner, Agent 463-7343
VIEW. SawMill Lakes. 4BR/2BA. open
floor plan, 2445sl.. community pool.
$499.000 Harrigan Properties. inc.. Real-
tor. 333 84.62.
2.5 blks from beach, 2 blks Irom park.
4BR/2BA, $534,000 (9041710-8334.

OPEN HOUSE In Old Atlantic Beach, 390
3rd St. Saturday, 2pm-6pm. 4BR/2 5BA,
newly built and renovated. 2287st, w/bal-
cony and pavers on oversized lot. Close to
school, parks, ocean and shops. $730,000
will co-op at 3.. (904)651-2922.
houses from ocean, 50x100 lot, %800K,
lease purchase, $360K. Call 543-1951.
S JAX Beach, 3BR/1.5BA, masonry,
block/ bnck, 1200sf., carport, CH&A, large
lfenced lot six blocks to beach $305,000.
Some financing available 249-4324.
Ig scr. lanai, totally renovated incl custom
cabinets, new appliances, tile floors. Gat-
ed community w/ pool. $299,900.
BY OWNER Pool Home, $317K. East of
Penman. Seller will pay $3500 ol Buyer
closing cost 859-8623.
reduced 3'2 house on ICW. Paral owner
financing with flexible terms and low
interest rale. $399.900 $1.167/mo.
FOR SALE By owner. 3BR/2BA. Renovat-
ed nome Atlantic Beach west 1142 Hibis-
cus St. New appliances, windows, sliding
glass door, mosaic tile kitchen
counter/master oath Iloor, and fenced
yard Very affordable at $187,500. 923-
2097 No realtors.
On tidal creek almost 1 acre lot, 2/1 block
home w/big workshop and yard. 1719 Gir-
vin Rd. 1449.000 negotiablee. 233-1505
PONTE VEDRA E. of A1A. Upgraded
Ilooring, Ocean breezes new appliances,
siding, rool, and interior painl, oversized
closets. 2300sf., 3BR,2.5BA $585,000.
Open House, Sat & Sun, 12-5pm,
520 Mornlngside Dr. (904)955-8482.

nas 3BR's 2BAs. Built in 1998. $590,000.
condo, (no stairs) Nice layout, currently
rented till March 2007. Makes great in-
vestment property. $119, 900.
CYPRESS CREEK- 3/2. 2 car gar., across
from Mayport Elem. Freshly painted.
COVE- This 4/2 built in 98' has brand new
kit., new carpel, huge screened in covered
patio w/ Ig yard backs up to woods. A
steal at. $229,900.
do, lots of amenities. Currently leased
until Sept. 30th. $195,000.
area, 3/2 5 townhome w/ gar.. lots of
space. Reduced to $169,900
ARLINGTON HILLS- Cule 3/2 w/ garage.
Great starter home in nice area $149.900
area, 3/2 2 car gar, vinyl siding, stainless
steel appl., $207,900
ASHLEY WOODS- LiKe new 412, over
2000sl, 3yrs old, $276,000
241-5501 OR 221-1711

Op"e (904) 249-8261

Contract Re-sale
In sold oul Co.sLi 'er.no, 3rd str 2 2 un + den .
lur.dou life le & smeniries plu 11,095.000
MLS 31054O6

O00K & Over
Like New. Gorgeous in Occsr Cad, Feajire. are
too numerous to list Walkl to the beach, cormmi-
nit, po,.i & more 1549.900 MLS 314480
Duple\! Located in S Jis Bch. E ofA I A. zoned
commercial residemnil Lise on main floor and
.ork upstairs 1535,000 MLS 299588

Under $50K

.Jaidel & CC A piule 4B E. ,
trif.iUf ;q t oft 1i6rinspat5fie.Le iliiii 1
>" _onP'-oddr (i;911-.4qOOjLS 0 Wira5
A Must See
To rinhome is a delight from I'fo ert cI ii lana
.gleaming hrdwd firs and much more to iee
M493.000.MLS 2979313

Fab hm on preserve lot, opn fir pin. splii bdrnr,
SS applnc + more. 449,900 MLS 3113660

Lots S Jax Bch
Near JTB. walking stance Io beach, ei t & iei
of A IA trom $350,000 to $679.000 call for

Nice 2-si) hm in S la1 Bch.only minutes flom
all Opn'fi.pln Irg ki.'dnri area
369,900 nMLS 294251

Ponte Vedra Home
Load. of update. 3BR2BA. built in Jacuzzi On
a double crmei Icl makes ihii ery desirable
$358.000 MLS 299423
Beach Bungalow! 1375SF 3BR/2BA. I block
fr.3m Ocean. ideal %ac inon proper or rental'
$349.900 MLS 296664
Bike to bch! Nep Bch 3BR 2B4 completely
remolded BA MuIsi see' 309.900 MLS 303833
4I L.it. -, n it, .. =:,I [
Grem get aaa). % icauic.irhmnO,'tiseai trieblch'
include all laprIn. pc rian furnished. pool
$289.000 .LUS 300300

Ocean Grose
3 2 cond. in P\ Bch w' 1,354 sq R. hdajd t1ri,
CA. shag crpig. SS appnins + lab club amemues.
S249.900 ML'S 313503

Grtea Starter Or investment home i wih
lot of improsemenis. Large i-241 1I
scmd patio \ er nice condinton 5248.850
MLS 310696

Lise at Jacksonille Beach with no
,ard1l. End unit offer an open floor plan.
aulted ceilings, 3 ied fireplae.'larges
maser bedroom plus all appliance.stay rnd
it li lose i the garage $235,850
MLS 311913

Betjrilul hm on quiet cul-'de.-sa. Enjoy
the tie of ihe 41h green of Sel3a Marnna
Golf& C. C $219,900 ML5 309568

Greal Condo
Ponie \'edra locaononn r.'d fir .:omplerel.
upgraded Ne. kitchen cabinet., ranile
counicrlops 1185.000 MLS 304366
-- t i '
S. !'i ., .iakleroqtnCondoe ,;]I
Gn .r w from bedrm & cirend panr. The
Bdelez.a arrieniiles offer you 4bcoutall you
need + comm 1181,900 MLS 296148

Neptune Beach!
4 building lots to build your dream home
on Some wrih Marsh views Pnced.from
S125000-150.000 Call for.informanon

W 1326 South Third Street, JacksonvilleBeach (904) 248261 ^



$169,900 3502 Tiisled Tree Ln 2/2.5 1140sf
Chauming Towinhiome 1 I piesere new.'- in Drj.,rn Piuce'
5425.000 14694 Silver Glen Dr E 5/4 3177sf
Betier than new A maifN upgrades in Banrirm Springs
$269,000 7423 Secret Woods Dr. 3/2.5 1974sf
Bcauuful 2 sory w upsiIIrs loi.,!
$244,000 565 Prindle Dr E 3/2 2044st
Gorgecou hoome n i Tiropical Paradie in b ,,ik'
$315.000 2109 The Woods Dr. 3/2 21864f
Open & Spaci:,us H.me / irin-ground psol'
$233.000 7396 Lawn Tennis Ln 4/2.5 2244sf
Spaciou. 2 ltron home in Forest Hills. move ,n read',
$279,900 11099 Lord Taylor Dr. 4/2.5 2236sf
Great 2 sirn home wuBnrlla.n Wood Floor in Suitor Lake;
$240,000 1801 Willesdon Dr. W. 3/2 1489sf
Spectacular Home on .r Lakefroni L.-t in Sutton Lake,
$259,900 11039 Gullwing CL 3/2 1835sr
Goigeous home i mint condiuor in Sutnil Lal:s'
$224.000 12551 GlamdringCI 3/2 1754sf
Charming home on j Beauuful Cromer Lo.i in Strling Ridge
$259,900 12773 Glade Springs Dr S 4/2 1961st
Lo ely home ue / great r..om in Benrsi teii'
$339,900 12449 Gately Oaks Ln E 4/2 2104sf
Spectacular Pool Home on Pnrale Lot'
$233,000 2676 Dalmation Ln E 3/2 1572sf
Be'nuidul nome. e\ieptio.nally mantamied'
$249,900 2423 Coachman.Lakes Dr 4/2 1847sf
Charming home ./ fully fenced back'
$204.900 1746 Chandelier Cr E 3/2 1381sf
Fartasu Home Bejuuiful Laes lesi in Ft Caroone'
$169,000 3319 Caribbean CL 3/2 1248sf
All Block Home / Hardarco.:d Floor, in Arlington Hillt'
$250,000 8437 Alderman Rd. 4/3 2256sf
Fanusuc Brck Fropt Home on Pnajie Lot'
$205,000 4435 Beserly Ave 3/1 1158sf
Charming Home RIno ated & Upgraded in Onega'
$165,000 5015 Bridgewater Cr. 3/2 1568sf
Adorable & Spaciou Home in Great Localion'
$267,000 2118Broadsaler Dr. 3/2 1992sf
Spacious Home si Open Floor Phinin F Caroline'
$315,000 13709 Chipperfield Ln 4/2.5 2695sf-
S Very Beauutul 2 tory All Stncco Home in Nonthiidei .
$449,900 10088 EctonLn 3/2 2330sf
SMany Custom Designs & Lpgrades. Old Mill Branch sub -
$259,900 11033 Englenook Dr. 4/2 1730sf
MNuonda Steel FramueConcrete Block Home'
$239,900 13292 Eucalyptus Dr. 3/2 1843sf
Beauiful Home 1/ Sp klnirg Inground Pxoo,
$214,500 1835 Wildwood Creek Ln 3/2 1352sf
Beautiful Home,,Lovingly Maintained, Kensington subd.:
$211,900 4443 Whispering Inlet Dr. 3/2 1767sf
Very Charming North Arlington Home!
$195,900 12373 SondraCoveTrl.N. .3/2 1251sf
Lovely Home in a Great Location!
$239,800 13240 Millhouse Way 3/2 1488sf
Bnck Front Home in Grqai Locauon' Waterly Place subd





























2228 Destine Ln. 3/2 12666s
Compleielv Renovat&d & Upgraded in All Bch'
3817 Tropical Terrace 3/2 1603;f
Model Qualay. close to the beach!
1177 2nd Ave N 3/1 1300sf
Adorable Beach Home. Completely Remodeled ''
14750 Beach Blvd #46 212 1264sf
Gorgeous Home ,'i WatervieC Boat Slp'
603 Great Abaco Cl 4/3.5 2892st
amazing Key WV si Sylc Bcautr'.
1488 Laurel Way 4/2.5 2250sf
Specacular Home on Comer Lot in Allanlu Beach'
115 Seminole Rd. 4/2 1592sf
Beauurul Beach Home ad many upgrades
1483 Laurel Way 3/2.5 2179sf
Ke) West Beaut t./ Lush Landscaping in Auanuc Beach'.
707'Selva Lakes Cr. 3/2.5 1838sf
Fabulous Home Just Minute to the Beach!
1135 Osceola Ave 3/2 1689sf
Quaint Beach Home only I mile to the Ocean'
30 E Seawinds Ln ,4/3.5 2997sf
Tropical Island Paradlie in Ponie \'dra Beach'
13130 Wexford Hollow Rd N 4/3.5 3103sf
Spectacular Home / Goli Course Views in JG&CC!
12335 Vine Maple Way 4/2 2093sf
Gorgeous Bnck Front Home on Culdeic in Ashley Woods'
12706 Tropic Dr N 4/3 2537sf
Spolless home / in-law suite in Summer Book'
458 Shanna Isle Ct 4/2.5 2288sf
BealarluJ 2 sory on a culdeac in Arbor Poine!
3559 E Shady Woods St 5/3.5 3216sf
Incredible Home in Pablo B3V!
13715 Richmond Park Dr. #305 3/2 1500sf
Imm3culate 2nd story uni w/ garage in Windsor Poin0te
12960 Quinc) Bay Dr. 4/2 2102sf
Reduced $10.000 for quick sale in Johns Creek!
13629 Picarsa Dr. 3/2 2014sf
Pool Home on Beauuful Pniale Lot in Pablo Pointl
13909 Intracoastal Sound Dr. 4/2 2126sf
One Owner Home shines w/Pride in Marsh Sound!
12793 Ellis Island Dr. 3/2 1769sf
Johns Creek Beauty Gorgeous Inside & Out'
12917 Chets Creek Dr S 3/2 1734sf
Stunmng L.akefrom Home .Ilnground Pool in Iohns Creefk'
4276 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 2162sf
Immaculate Home. Bckinhg 1C Presere in Johns Creek'
13017 Brians Creek Dr 4/2 2137sf
Gorgeous Home wt Pniacy Fenced Backyard in Johns Creek'
12671 Arrowleaf Ln 4/2 1704sf
Like Nes Home on Wioded Culaltsc in Ahle', ,oods'
12052 Cavalry Ct 3/2 1860sf
Like New Home in K:man Lake,!
12935 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 1978sf
Immaculate Home in Johns Creek!
12373 Eagles Claw Ln 3/2 1 893sf
Immaculate Home on Huge Culdesac in Eagles Creek!
4507 Hanover Park Dr. 3/2.5 2294sf
ImpressiSe Home wi inground pool in Windsor Park' '

ForPhoosandmor iforaton ncldig padres viit

P, Q p p Q p mff

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 7/23, Noon-3pm.
1008 11th Street Nonh. 3BR'2BA.
1330sl. Completely remodeled, sunny
block home. Open floor plan-move -In
ready. 483-8491
REDUCED, 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 st6ry
workshop. Upgrades. Desirable Neptune
Beach neighborhood. Priced under' ap-
praised value to sell at.$424,900. Drivebby
1525 Forest Ave.. Motivated seller.
(904)463-7245. J:;
maculate 3/2 on cul-de-sac with lake view.
$274,900. 1889sq ft with formal living ai'd
dining rooms. Open house, Saturday,
July 22, 12-5pm. 12252 Ruth Lawn Ct

* Ready for its new owners now!
3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths
Cedar shake vinyl siding
no maintenance!
Gleaming wood floors'
Granite and stainless steel
* Master suite with tray ceiling
and luxury bath
2 covered porches
Large corer lot with new
landscaping and sod
Close to the beach, shopping
and schools!
Offered at $439,900





uIv 2'1- 2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Classified 3

3Bi/2BA, pre-construction, oceanview.
condo. Across the street from beach.
Comparable units selling for $499K will
assign contract for $419K. Ready Fall '06.
First one gets it. 349-2803.
2BR/2BA CONDO in gated community
w/marsh view Unit has tile, vaulted ceil-
ing. and new appliances. Great ammeni-
ties Unit comes w/new 32 plasma TV at
clqsing $199,900. Call James 708-0880.
2BFi2BA wilh ont, skylights, large closets,
lauo ry, storage unit, pnvate patio, new
appliances, $126,900. Unaer market. Mo-
tIvated seller. Open House daily 9am-
FSSB, Save $14K! New Lakeview, Wi-FI,
resi pool- spa. A1A location. must seel
$2;., FREE 27" HDLCD TV, FREE clos-
in.mg27-458-4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
vaulted ceiling. beautiful tile. Bnghl, open
floor plan. No dogs. $485,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601
2BR/2BA CONDO, 1-mile to beacon, close
lo shopping, granite countenops. wood &
berber throughout, w/marsh view. Gated
community including gym. pool, & tennis.
$227,600 plus 6 months of prepaid condo
lees. Call Ted (904) 537-7896.
TOWNHOUSE $275,000, 2BR/2.5BA, ga-
rage,, privacy tence, 512 10th Ave S..
(904) 223-6896.
OCEAN LINKS 2BR/2BA, 1-car garage
Goll'cburse & lake views Updated, new
1., pain, now available $235,000 535-7234.
PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA. $187,200. Grace Ellis.
All Pro Realty Specialists 655-7923 celll.

condo,' 2BR/2BA w/garage Next to Saw-
grass and close lo beaches. $227,900.
Flexible daily open house hours. Remax
100 Realry, Sharon Stevens (904) 687-

So. Jacksonville Beach, brand new, rede-
veloped Oceans Edge. E or Third Luxun-
ous 1iR 1BA condo. 3rd Iloor. all amenl-
Iles Must sell' 299,900. Call June Gage-
Penif magnolia Propenies, 994-3608
WALI< TO beach. AlI/Neptune area town-
housa.iew root, carpet, pain, tile, re-
plumned. Appla. and lenced yard.
$229,1 0. Call Lana 292-1750.

ATLANTIC BEACH. beaulilul 1/2 acre
cul-de'ssc lot. 4BR/1.5BA bnck home
Sight-lire, smoke damage 8180K. (904)


JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA ground level con-
do w/garage in a gated relreat and close
to everything. Otters a nice Iloor plan.
neutral decor throughout, all kitchen appli-
ances are a year old. $204,900. 285-3014.
Estate sale Deluxe 2/2 new unit. lake-
Sview, many upgrades Resort pool, park
setting, $14k belowmarkel, $217k. Open
Sunday 904-284-5251
PVB, 2BR/2BA. walk to beach. Below
market value. $219,900 (904)955-0872.
13715 N Richmond Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Poinle, $184.900. 3BR/2BA, 1500sl.
wlgarage. Lowest pnced condo in Wind.
sorl Beautiful family room, bnghi kitchen &
convenient inside laundry room. gorgeous
master suie w/walk-in closet & private
balh! Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @
the street Irom Ihe beach slaning at
$499K Ready 2008 Call Rene L. Baron,
Inc 242-2821.

PORTSIDE 2BR/1 5BA remodeled, lami-
nare floors, all appliances, custom deck
and shed. Call 762-1776.
HANNA PARK. Like new. Large 3BR/2BA
single, 1,215sl, w.carpon. deck, all GE
Kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpel.
Many upgrades Financing available Re-
becca. 246-7684.

RETAIL OFFICE lor Renl. 1000st..
$13/sq h on Penman Rd. Call 545-2826
JAX BEACH. Penman Rd, 880sT.,
$860/mo. +530/mo. water utility. 246-4930
OFFICE CONDO: 1000st, excellent loca-
tion, 1401 Penman Rd. $269,900. Call

M Ri 11i1jia V.l;1l42PFgfMR

For lease Localed behind the Tree Steak
House. 7600sf available, dividaole by
2300sl and 5300sf. PIs call 904-993-2222.

MARSHVIEW. IBRI1BA condo. Club pool
& ameniliesl $775'mo All Soulh Realry,

High Quality Brick
S 'Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponte Vedra Beach!
S 5bd/3bj wv/4,400 s t &se p i. ing dirung. family rrns
SManm conilrcuon upgrades' O'er .eid 2 car gaage
ll/0'8' workshop area. iero siofener, ;ecuril &
central \a .urrms, iemr Full brlk tl.:,rk Berber cupeL
'" :"*''' .- Ii,% d fl:,oinng, 12's9',4' brick fiiepljic, huge kitchen
i/.i panrritie.Cr rani:ounier SS 3ppuanci:e l.i0010plu I. 1.mairer 'uiite a
2l:1) ply I of close'i pace. Ch' ,hirlp.oli tub. 4' ,4' ihoer, & .0o much e
more' ,' l !.-0I i.:,[ '. -S' .i' it ,ror e hed. nc.' pn K pau i. uhri hll. & big
\r-d' C.iLr o..ine'ii gent for appr ii ,275,000.

I ,Prudential
S Neat~Cr Rblfhy .t Od
inaeppd.rlly Ownerd OPa'ejl

Ellen Poling -Wright
Cell: 838-4562
Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
Email: ellenpoling@aol.com

Two houses off Jacksonville Drive. both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters. Concrete Block on both levels,
Storil Windows, and doubly-insulated 12in walls and 10ft ceilings
make. these houses very energy-efficient. Large Kitchens have
GE Profile appliances, 42in Maple cabinets, and Granite
Countertops: Also. Gas Package-for Cooktop. a
Dryer and BBQ grill. Each offered at
Linda Pomerantz
'-ha al-ea-
923-8030 R E. i I E

Awesome A lantic
BSeach ome
S4 blocks to the Beach
S in Selva Marina
This.high-end 5 bdrm, 4 bath home
has been completely updated, gourmet kitchen,
begitiful high-end baths, home theater, wine cellar,
hardwood & tile floors thruout, on cul-de-sac w/ 3640
sqct, very low maintenance. Priced to sell! $975,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

1BR/1BA OCEANVIEW, pool, no pets.
$750/month. 339-4901.
1 BR, patio, ceramic tile throughout,
.WDHU, walk-in closet, reserved parking.
$875/mo. 160 7th Ave North 993-2555.
house 1 mile west of Mayporl terry,
Heckscher Drive $1195/mo. 733-3730,
TOWNHOUSE- 2BR/1BA, steps from
ocean. W/D. No pets, no smoking..
$1200/mo + $1000 secunty deposit. Call
904-707-7209. ..
JAX BCH, 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd St. S.
2BR/2.5BA In-level townnouse, garage,
fireplace Very nice- recent upgrades.
$1300/mo No Pets. 221 6037.
JAX BEACH. 2BR/1BA, upstairs. 1 year
lease, NO W/D hook-up, NO pets.
$800/mo. +$800/sec. dep. 329-4 North
141h Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
DUPLEX/ BEACH Office, 2BR'1.5BA,
4 blocks to ocean, 1300si.., $1150/mo.
tilllllies. 1215 11th St N., (904)318-2121.
PV TOWNHOUSE 2BR/2.5BA, no smok-
ing, nopets, $950/mo., tirst. last, and de-
posit. Credit checr required. 1321)795-
1056 or 1321)255-5281.
2 BLOCKS OCEAN, 210 10tn Ave. N.
2BR $850,mo. Credit check,, deposit. no
pels (904)514-8530
BRAND NEW Woll Creek townhome, 3BR
2.5BA 1'car garage. beautiful. Community
pool 11300'mo. Realtor owned, call June
PONTE VEDRA. Newly Renovated, re-
sort atmosphere, 2-slory, 1BR/1BA, end
unit, washer/dryer Included, $925/mo.

MIrurr las i~~;~~~3~

NEPTUNE BCH Garage Apt., 2/1, ocean
view, new pain carpet, W/D avail., bike
storage, no pets; avail 8/15. $985/mo.
year lease. 247-0872 or 254-5043.
JAX BEACH Sea Villas efficiency apt.
$650/mo., 1BR. $750./mo., Call 294-71,63
LARGE 1 bedroom. Excellent location. 2
blocks to ocean. Very clean. No Pets.
$675/mo. 642-1214 and 241-1219.
JAX BEACH townhome, 2BR/1.5BA,
1000sf., WDHU, CH&A. tile floors through-
-out, fenced yard, pets ok w/aeposit.
$1070/mo., includes lawn maintenance,
887 81h Ave. South, (904)608-6678.
BEACHES, HODGES & Keman. 1, 2,3 &
4BR Apartments & Homes, in luxury com-
munities, from $800/mo 233-4545.
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point 2BR/2BA.
available now $1700-$2600/mo 3 month
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
OCEANFRONT 1BR/ tBA, 108 orange St,
Nep Bch. downstairs. $1200/mo incl. until
avail 8/1. (661)803-6275.
HALF BLOCK to beach. 1BR/1BA 109
Florida Blvd. No Pets. $700/mo. $700/de-
posit. 535-8358 or 786-5127.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-
vale lots. Near Maypon Naval STalion, no
dogs. 333-5579.
JAX BEACH. Brand New 2BR/2BA,
washer/dryer. pets OK $1200/mo
JAX BCH, 1 block to ocean, 3BR 1 5BA
townhome. Patio & balcony, CHIA,
WDHU, $1350/mo. $900/dep. 526 S. 2nd
St. 280-2728 Iv msg.
SOUTH JAX Bch 2BR/1BA townhouse
Fireplace, W/D, Cent. Heal 8qAir, Dish-
washer, and garbage disposal Borders
puclic access. $985/month. Avail Aug 1st


Great Home For Growing
1 '..J! Family Close to the Beaches!
t ^1 3 4BR/3BA home w/approx. 2.229 s.f. located
S- within one block walk to The Woods comm.
club facilities! Home features an eat-in
0 i0 k kitchen, dining room-living room
corn nation w/vood flooring, family room w/woodburing
fireplace, bonus multi-purpose room, and 2 car garage!
Clean and freshly painted interior makes this home ready ..
to move in! Gated community. $245,000
Ellen Poling -Wright
(t Prudential Cell: 838-4562
aped 0Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
,ineendentlv owne Oerated Email: ellenpoling@aol.com

Jax Golf-and Country Club
Major Price Reductiou!
This beautiful 3400+ sqft, 5 bedroom, 4
bath home: has a 3 car garage with
governor's driveway and sit on a large .
beautifully landscaped corner lot with '
view of the lake. Now priced at $615,000, this horn
priced 5 bedroom home over 3000 sqft in JGCC.
LS 306136


Call Lisa Brown
A 2005 Five Star Real Estate Agent
Best in Client Satisfaction

; .'... from both decks & interior. \\ood
S,;; floors & stone fireplace in great
room, 3BR/2.5BA, beautiful loft.
appliances. paved & gravel parking,
.-a----- : metal roof, in like new condition. I
_r year builder warranty. IH361)

SLee Silverman, Associate Broker
..Coldwell Banker Mountain Brokers
(j0.6) 782-7472 (706) 782-2222 ext. 113
'fa.. ww.LeeSiiverma'nRealtor.com

Direct Oceanfront

"iw.. 2407 bonte Vedra Blvd. S.
; 3 BedroorrM s 2 Baths .534s .


2 66-acre parcel just north of
Baymeado/s Road. Zoning IL
New Land.. Access road. off site
water retention & gravity sewer
line being offered Prime
location! $1,500,000 Please call
Susan Fort for more details.
Very few lots left on Ponte
yedra Blvd Build your dream
home on this' 100x360' lot with
marsh views & deeded beach
access directly across the
street Just reduced to $719.000
Pis call Patti Martin
Rough Creek Condominium.
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit
owners a fabulous location, a
short walk to the beach plus a
great investment opportunity at
this pnce' An absolute must
seel $315.000 Call Susan Fort
Completely renovated -2000sf
3/2.5 end unit town home w/2-2-
bar garage Near bch & tennis in
gated comm Granite counler-
tops, tile & wood floors. Irg
screened lanai w/18' ceiling.
$529.000 Kim Manin-Fisher
Only a pnvileged few will find
sanctuary at the Beach House,
a new exclusive community b/w
PVB & St. Augustine on A1A.
Oceanfront ICW w/18 luxury
units $994,270 $1.840,050.
Jayne Hoffman, Michelle Floyd
Welcoming. comfortable & char-
ming. inspired by West Indies
archit. & set in exclusive com-
munity of Beach House b/w
PVB & SI. Aug Panoramic
marsh & ICW views Michelle
Floyd $1.071 870 $1.271.870
d 4 acres jist south of
Baymeadows Road at Freedom
Crossing Trail, al traffic ligmn -
wonderful location with easy
access Zonino is CGC PUD.

Tradillonal Marsh Landing home
set on a spectacular lot over-
looking scenic lake' Renovated
kitchen with granite tops &
fabulous master suile w/sitting
area & fireplace Michelle Floyd
or Jayne Hoffman $995,000
2-story traditional 6BR/5BA plus
bonus rm set on beautiful lake'
Upscale & elegant refinements,
wood firs, heavy molding, grand
kitchen I with gourmet finishes.
Miele & SubZero appliances
$1.329,000 Call Michelle Floyd
Sawgrass PC with deep view
down Valley Course thru Pella
windows. Custom built for
owners by Frank Gamel. 12'
ceilings, wood floors, 3150sf,
4BR/3 5BA. sun rm, pool, 3-car
gar. Joyce Reesh $1.195,000
3BR/3BA large two-stoni villa on
serene park-like setting with
gorgeous water views, vaulted
ceilings plus Iwo master suites.
Furnishings and Sawgrass
membership negotiable A must
seel Olivia Seaman $449,000
Wonderful opportunity to build
your dream home on this 125 x
400' lot A Iruly rare find' Lot
filled with gorgeous mature
trees, concrete oulkhead, dock
permit applied for. $1,300,000.
Please contact Susan Fort
Build your dream home and
walk along one cl Florida's most
beautiful beaches from your
private deeded beach access
Limited availability of land in
Ponte Vedra $879.900 Call
Patti Marlin for more information
Watch the First Coast sunnses
surrounded by luxury! Lrg 3BR.
3.5BA condo with gourmet
kitchen. SS appi & granite,
elec. storm shutters. Iro private

Great opportunity. Priced to sell garage, fumishings negotiable
at 52,000.000 Call Susan Fort Call Olivia Seaman $1,399,000

904 -47-410 -66-50-49

octagonal Moms on o0 x 31S at Lot
Panoramic Views of the Ocean
& Guana State Park
SEnjoy Sunnse. From Your Back Porch
High Dune Offering Prilac-y
s ee.ret.ial ~ictraLWWw.ob.d.cprnt'aB8r1

For more information call:


S.. (904) 463-6040
Offered at $1,699,000
K4 I CoaaI pealac .
s5l.lIA N. Pulite Vedura rlvfi;,, Poni V%'edra' Brui, JFL 321.82 i (904) 285-56411
.. .,
.. : ,. .. ,, ,, -

You'll love entertaining family and
friends in this I story, 4 bedroom beach
home. Spacious family room with
fireplace opens to kitchen and separate
breakfast area. Split bedrooms,
screened pool, security, located in highly
sought after neighborhood. 5714.900.
NILS# 278270
Nestled by the beach, serene colors, fun
fixtures. ocean niew from lining room.
sunsets from master sute. Built in 2004,
sunshine bnght. high ceilings, fabulous
kitchen with stainless appliances,
spacious laundry room. outside shower,
neighborhood pool and tennis and
neighborhood walkway to the beach.
This picture perfect 3 bedroom. 2 5 bath
home can make vour dreams come true.
$574,000 MLSI 307511
Cute as can be .4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
remodeled, updated and can be avadable
for quick mose-in Wood floors,
fireplace. lots of storage, security
system. private fenced backyard, and
deck for outdoor entertaining. Two
story concrete block and frame
construction. Converent toelementary
school. ;hopping and the beach. Call
TODAY! $365,000. MLS# 307163
Location, location, location...right in the
heart of Jacksonvile. Built in 2003. this
2 story home features 4 bedrooms, 3.5
baths, study and an upstairs bonus
room. I-gh ceilings, 9' interior doors,
hardwood floors. 42" cabinets, stainless
appliances, surround sound are just a
few reasons to make this house your
home. 549.000. MIS #304465
Comerlot, concrete block construction,
paneling throughout interior of 2nd
floor, downstairs efficiency apt, lawn.
irrigation. yard well and pump, 2 car
garage, built in 1947. Short walk to the
beach, Ragtime. All's pizza or your

Judy Nicholson presents....

Making Dreams a Realiy -


favorite fun spot! Location is the key.
$695,000. MLS#297791.
Awesome corner building site for that
dream beach getaway! This 140' x 95'
lot has both the beach and the
Intracoastal Waterway just short distance
away. The dead end street with boat
ramp at 'the end makes boating easily
accessible offering the best of both
worlds for outdoor enthusiasts. Priced
below appraisal! $585,000.
Charming "Old Atlantic Beach" cottage.
Built in 1949, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,
living room, dining room, and kitchen
with cozy breakfast room overlooking
private yard. Awesome location---lot
extends from Ocean Blvd. to BeachAve.
Just steps to the ocean and steps to dining
and shopping at the corer location of
Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach.
This home is "one of a kind". $985,000.

1390- .. ---r-

3BR/2BA, vinyl siding,
FP, wood & tile floors,
OFJACKSONVILLEINC. large kit, vaulted ceiling,
247-4724 2 car garage,
Great neighborhood.
|, Barbara Galvin '339900
E< Broker/President "9,y


t4 Lovely 3br/2ba brick home sits on
beautifully landscaped 2.5 acres in Palm
Valley. 557sf detached garage is perfect for horses & haybarn!
Moments to the Intracoastal & Beach! 17 S. Wilderness Trail.

Call Amy' Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com!

Executive Home

This wonderful pool home has almost 4000 sq ft, theater
room, outdoor kitchen and shower.
95 Upgrades galore. 4BR/3.5BA, 80 ft lot
i R J with lake view. Great for entertaining.
S $899,999 MLS 282852
Call Connie Grubbs

rThis beach bungalow is newly
renovated and just a block to the
beach. 3bdrm home w/granite, tile,
new windows, AC, Hot Water Tank, Elec. Panel.
Great floorplan 1300sqft. Motivated Seller! MLS
284350 $299,000.
Call Connie Grubbs

MLS 308395 Totally remodeled
home on quiet street with open
floor plan and lots of living
spaces. Lovely end of street
location. Adjoining lot future i
option available to buyer.

MLS 289706 Lovely pool home
n south Jax Beach located at the
end of a quiet street. Has newly
remodeled kitchen, floors, interior
paint and open floor plan. All
bedrooms have walk in closets.
Short bike ride to the beach.
334.500 : t- a..a---

759-8827 (cell)
241-2417 ext. 209(office)

From Cottages to Castles

-.. ... .
Like-new 4 BR/2 5 BA home on large West Indian-siyle home close to the
comer lot with lake ews. T o-story beach! Courtyard enty. 6 BRS/5 5 BA.
h% ing room faith fireplace, tray ceilings, great room \ith fireplace. bonus/game
neutral decor and lots of storage space. room. Pella windows, almost 2.000 sq
Commumr pool, fimess center, lot lot. ft. of outdoor liing xith covered lans.,
putting green and park. Close to bath. healed salt-water pool. fireplace
downtown n and the beach $529,500 and brick summer kitchen' 52.995,000
Et~ Elizabeth Hudgins
Prudential Network Realty's
"The Real EsLtae A-'fs;clnoal rho fel Ih the bestf .he frr i o:, lO.i-t rt
(904) 285-8449 ext. 3028 Cell 553-2032
Network Realty
Visit Elizobeth and all her properties on the internet at
www.beacheshomes.com or e-mail at elizhudgins@aol.com
Independendy owned and operated 1
1000 Sawarass Vlllaes Drive, Sulto.101, Ponts Vedra Beach, FL 32082


.:. .

iV Prudential
Network Realtyn n
Independently, lwned & Oper'id

Old Palm Valley, in PV Bch. Beautiful 3/3 with
office, Ig kit w/brk rm, fam rm overlooking wooded
preserve! MLS# 302304 $591,500
Carlton at Oak Landing. Great price, great
location. 2/1.5 with comm. pool, fitness cntr, boat
dock and more. MLS# 299811 Motivated Seller!!
Summer House in Ponte Vedra. Luxury 2/2 with
screened lanai. 5-star resort living! $299,900
Bring your Boat! Amelia view, Riverfront
Community with boat ramp, pool, clubhouse, etc.
Northside. Gorgeous 4/3 with parklike setting on
1/2 acre. $384,900
Hodges and Beach Area Lot. 150 x 180 lot, can
be divided, close to everything!! MLS# 306658

SCa Kelly Hobbs Jacksonville Beach Office
for all the details
@ 904-993-3803 904-241-0855






'a-"1, .f ,i- A.

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

July 21, 2006

Atlantic Beach H
Completely Renovated i:
Plus New Addition
Just 3 blocks to the ocean & centrally
located to Town, Center. This is a MUST
SEE! Absolutely charming 2000 SF 3Bdrm/2Ba.
Completely restored with brand new 22x22 Master Suite.
Low Maintenance, Hardiboard Exterior, Metal Roof, Private
Covered Porch Full Fenced in Yard w/Room for Pool! Priced
to sell at $469,000.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

SContemporary Oem
MIA Selva Marina Norte
This home is located 3.5 blocks from
the ocean on a cul-de-sac. Beautiful
I open floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms &
3 full baths. Rich wood accents
throughout. Home enjoys an emphasis on nature featuring
multi-level pond with water falls, brick Bar-be-que, expansive
deck that is shaded in the summer by the tree canopy and
array of tropical vegetation and fruit trees. The right mix of
home, privacy and nature. Offered at $624,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821


Exceptional Custom Home
in Seaside Gated Community
4bdrm/3.5ba home could not be built today at this price with
this quality of finish levels: Every imaginable upgrade, 3900
SF in this exclusive 26 home gated
community at Tiffany by The Sea with
its own beach access. Offered at .
Call Margi Petitt I
Top Producer 571-9821

This home is nestled on the cozy street of Ocean Grove
only 1/2 block to the ocean and features 1850SF., 3
bdrm, 2.5 ba, a New Roof & HVAC, Awesome Stone
Fireplace, & a Beautiful Tiled Back[
Porch. Don't miss your chance to own [
in charming Atlantic Beach! $524,900
Call Kathrvn Lotowycz

Fairytale Atl. Bch. Cottage-
4 homes off Ocean!
Rare bch. find! 3BR IBA. babysteps to beach! -..
Gorgeous Kit/LR/DR created by owner/ 4
architect. Orig. wd. firs, coffered ceils, fluted i. 5'
cabs. krg. pantrv. skylites. Private natural gardens, -
52 100 lot-- such potential! Sandshower/deck '
$795,000 ,
Call 568-1523 ",
"She KNOWS the beaches.... -. Nau hf
StH' SELLS 'the liown ini -Ir,:

Room for entertaining in this Ocean Cay home. 3BR/
2BA with loft/office, 2 car att.
r garage, Master BR downstairs,
-ij1 tiled & covered patio out back for
B- your BBQ needs w/room for
volleyball or horseshoes.
Sherri Beno 651-1830 or Lisa DiStefano 514-3167


New Listing!
Neptune Beach

Wonderful 2175 sf. 3BR/2BA home. Lovingly
maintained w/open floor plan and outstanding
master suite! Ideal for family living. $424.900
Michele Knight 742-8168
Jeanne Breault 591-8520

Water to Golf Views

in Queens Harbour
Beautiful 5BR/4BA/3CG 3,850 SF open -
spacious floor plan, loaded with
upgrades, custom kitchen, built in
bookcases in family room & breathtaking
screened in pool overlooking lake & golf
course. Beautiful flower garden.
$949,000 Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100

,1 Beautiful Home in Sought
After Cypress Creek
Lovingly cared for and maintained by original
owners. 3BR/2BA home in Gated Sawgrass
S .....Players Club golf
comm. Large private lot backs to golf course,
Formal living & dining rooms. FP, New tdie l
in eat-in Kit. driveway, roof & paint.-
00Suzie Mons Connolly

Charming Villa w/Pool in
Gated Golf Club Community
Bermuda Court Model 3BR/2BA single
level Villa, split floor plan, eat-in kit,
large great RM w/FP opens to
expansive brick screened lanai w/pool,
Lovely fenced yd w/fruit trees &
S gardens. $349,900
Suzie Mons Connolly



Then this 2BR/2BA condo 1/2 block to
the beach is for you! You can even see
the ocean from the 3rd floor blacony.
Located in charming Atlantic Beach.
Townhome style condo w/ new kitchen,
lots of windows, FP, appliances.
Call Sherri Beno
904- 651-1830

On your 1.5+ acre estate w/ over 400' of water
frontage. Breathtaking views of Downtown, the
7,500SF 5BR/4.5BA/3CG/6FP gallery, billiard
& river terrace home
offers incredible craftsmanship Your opportunity to
enjoy the Great Floridian outdoors! $5,250.000.
Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100

Beautiful Pool Home
East of AIA
Easy walk to beach. 3BR/2BA + office
Pool Home, wonderful neighborhood,
New: Granite surfaces in Kit. paint.
master vanities, & landscaping. Vaulted
ceilings, tie floors, large BR's, Great
S_ RM w/FPopens to pool & large private
E'!E yard. $589,000
Suzie Mons Connolly

Great condition 3BR/3BA home in gated
community! Interior is bright w/soaring
ceilings, eat in kitchen, split BR's, FP,
.Screened porch. New AC, HW heater, cet
& garage door. Fresh paint inside & out. New
landscaping on extra large private lot w/lovely
golf course views. Great Value! $479,000
Suzie Mons ConnoHy





Lliassiiieu t

Fa !atfantic Beach
lThe Perfect Beach House
with Pool & Spa
Located on cul-de-sac 2 doors from
Ocean, 2700SF built in 1995. Move-
in Condition. Features 4Bdrm/2.5BA, Large updated
eat-in kitchen, covered Lanai & 2 Car Garage all in
tranquil setting. Offered at $995,000, this one truly will
NOT last!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

Beautiful Cottages at Atlantic Beach
Exclusive Private Community
Maintenance Free 3 story w/elevator, 2 Car Garage
features 4 Bdrms/Sitting Rm/4Ba. Covered Balconies &
3rd Fir Deck. Concrete Exterior Construction-Open Design-
Finished 9-10' Ceilings-Bosch
^E[ BStainless Steel Appl. -Granite, Custom
L_ Wood Cabinetry. Common Pool &
Walkway to Beach Ave. $875,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

Completely Renovated Contemporary-
Awesome Intracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits on the marsh w/an
85' dock on a small creek leading to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for a small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled
inside & out. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-Car ,
Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered at
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

East of 3rd St In Jai Beach
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba plus 2-Car Garage.
Awesome Investment opportunity, lest than 1 block
to the Ocean. Residential
grandfathered in but zoned
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer

6 Homes off Oceanfront -
Muscles Needed!
Unique find...Oak St., Neptune! True "diamond
in the rough!" Solid cone. blk duplex w/ gar. a
apt zoned triplex or ideal S.F. conversion w/ ^I L
guest qtrs! Ready for renovations & it'll be a
gem! Possibilities galore, superb location!
r^^ $672,500 >oem
IErri "She KNOW'S the beaches... a osema5 y
a.~ Alf ler

Ocean access just 2 blocks away
SS from this 3BR/2BA home in south
S Jax Beach. Renovated with wood
floors, vaulted wood ceilings,
attached 2 car garage, appliances,
irrigation system, front porch.
Sherri Beno 651-1830 or Lisa DiStefano 514-3167


We have Your Condo ,'
OCEANS EDGE 2/2, condo, granite, tile, concrete
block. Clubhouse w/infinity pool. 1 block to the beach,
1 block to the movies. MLS# 307553 $448,500
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 3/2, 2nd fl. end.unit
w/GARAGE. Sweeping marsh views from large lanai.
Lowest priced 3 bedrm at The Villas. MLS# 306785
VILLAS AT MARSH LANDING 2/2, grand flpor
w/GARAGE, all tile & wood, fireplace, sunset views.
Make offer. MLS# 295413 $216,000
OCEAN GROVE 2/2 w/ GARAGE, totally renovated
condo. Tile, screened lanai overlooks lake w/ fountain.
Club amenities. MLS#308439 $245,000

234-9997 386-5800
"The Twin Team"


NMLS 312357 Grcat iis from ius 4BRrPBA ILS# 313462 312 w/marh 'es, upgraded
bnck home. SF. ,/.r i dcLk. FR oane, te.open fr plan.conan. roin mmolding. screened
jt, cr F-P.i _r.U hLt & .,Mns Lr the F"jn. T r i ii v
largu miter F. :-c.ir garage & mere' Crome & Parlo and an eat int kchen. Must se' 5241.000
ie Ihus one' $599).9i 285-1800 241-2417
iiPP0WftEDR4 UMS# 301036 Palms at Marsh Landing! ThLs i
MLSS#308931 Set...n Iamc, t 2 ecre. in tieGuan.. 22 feaures tratemne fl.sr granite counter
.erpr Fn.ji aite& grge, BR/4 SBAhomeotina much more' 2 1.iI-27
heaierj. -sre. gasITie & hobbY rmr, aguI much mnre
-,GR. kitchen. IBR/IBA. paio. pool. summer LIF IS 4 BEACHI
kichen ic,aterd larn~ & pergola' 12.595.W0(I MLS# 297172 Living in hius BR.BA 2nd fir
285-1800 unit Enjo\ sunsets on me marsh 5.19.9'W
tMLS# 286145 Caui.:nm home on !i' k.i acresl OCEANFRONT UIJJ ,
rrm the :.e'.n, 5BR/4 5BA. parieled library. game MLS# 285229 Unique 4/4.5 new cons cndo-
room w/i.e bar. gourmet kitchen wi/iking lax Bch. Quahrt & prinac Only 4 home total
aFpliances. rceneid lnain. large marsinfrot idek, per building, one per Iloor. lu\uur) firnihesi pn\
:rcunrs ,:ie &: derded beach acceK-. 0 ),?0,l(10
285-ISo0 entrf loyer. 2 car gar. storage. pool/pa.
wa1RFTRON1 RIBOtUR lIAND ESA Ill .'tY),t 41-247
MLSi 281048 Magmniceni Mlarsh Landing BEACH UVING AT fS BESI1
sMedietrar anM .rle in 2 c.:ided acres, 180 on MLS# 300815 Gorgeous ocean n\ew, luury
ICW\, 4) 1,.ii dip in a-cht banm. 6BR/7 5BA. 2- appointmenLt, e\tensive crown molding and
'r, librr,' 'l/spiral rI e-. tht ie icabt an designer tile inder corstrucnon c' buyers can
,nrd ,Iinai po-.l/.pa, mmr kitchen FP r on touche. 79.900 241-
$ a2dd the ioun Lcuchems. $7S3.9l 241-2417
ALS 3.32%96 Nev'ly reno'. aed 2BR/2BA lndo MLS# 295470 GE Profile slamles steel appl.
r .'upgradc,, gounirmi kiai:hn. easir c ,IA. near grw i usi'm cabinets. gramite c:unterm,, e I bar. crown
reituji.L h. hop & mire.communmr .w l. fiwe moldmig & designer ccaminc tale. Just steps to
center & clibhciuse All ihi is in Ocean Edge b1 h 599.000 2n1-T17
Condomu ius $485,1.0 285-1800 the beach 995.000 41-2417
MLS# 271640 Cloc, to the beach., hoppnmg. MLS 4 300563 Ocean viets ifrm 6th floor. 9
ch.:,l .h& iC.r.. raer.u loversdehlghi' I acres, ceiling. GE Profile SS appLances, custom mriple
a geaIplace 1i:o btldv.?ur mini ranch&hhorseusare cabinets, Granite counters, .wet bar. spaoioui
,clc-rnee.' tWi.0))X 285-1800 ocean terrace. $ 989,000 241-2417
MLS# 258460 Stunning I 5 acre high-dune kc NlS# 288975 3r 5 Wispetcular views &
IpAn.ii:rrruc e.n Oeari. 230 FTocean trontage.
350 FT dtep & ldst N of Old PVB Condo,. steps to Ja\ Beach. Included stainless steel
M.Si.IA) iJso Asadilable. rwo half acre los iaesI appiances.designrercramucnle.cuasomcabinets,
side of P Buid. high & in w/100 FT presence granite countenops & a wet bar $l1.50,Cil
fronuge M50).(0X each 285-1800 241-2417
RMI.S 291847 Or Spnrgi-led lakeu/%,.esof 1thW I Nia
tex be,:ond. Coher 4BRIJBA +b'nus. o.er 35)0 NI S# 295607 Wnh arhenities that caterto a
SF, fljible. o:lor plan, master suite & 2BR on I S reason ll'esr le Cosa Verano resale. hitne etr;
plenty ofairconditionedstorage,screened&heated theatre-room, billiards, pool and much more are
poolspa, & private backyard. $999,000285-1800 included. $985,000 241-2417 -
NEW PRICE MIS# 285302 Prestigious Acquilius 1. new
MlS#297953Lovely3BR3.BAhomeoverooks cost 3/3 condo, 2,471 SF, SE enc unit, oOh fn.
18th fairway, FR w/stone FP, built-in mediacenteir; o con 2 s ref.
wall of windows for golf course views, renovated Expasiveoceat&wbaconiespagares
kitchenstainlessappliances;ganite, woodcabinets, amenities incl: 2 pls, fit cntr, clubhouse,
lstflrmstr,loft&2BRson2nd$649,000285-1800 $1,350,000241-2417 !'
MLS# 303792 Close to the beach! Newly MLS# 277726 New Construction. Only 8 uiit,
enovated BR/BAw/ leftoutofl0 in this Mediterraneanbuilding.Onli
community w/great amenities including: pool, spa,;
clubhouse,mediaroom, fittesscenter,beachshuttle, 2 residences per floor. Every unit is a 3/3, come
tennis & more! $179,000 285-1800 unit with spectacular views of the ocean. igl
PWIE VEDR4 BE C MI A PRIE W ceilings, granite countertops and much mqpr
MnS#289342Brick2-story5BR/3BAhomeeast $839,415 241-2417
of AIA! Approx 4400 SF, many upgrades & i EOU CEAN WEWS
amenities, gourmet kitchen w/18 inch gas range, 281883,nupdates
subzero refrigerator, master stew/over 1000 SF,6' Ms 2815883/noupdates n Per
whirlpool tub, 32 x 15'-pool & short walk to bch decor. Enjoy outdoors from deck. All appls stay
Owner/Agent $1,275,000 285-1800 Bldg elevator. 2nd fir end unit. $475,000
oc(E4/wvJoVSO JAXBEHI C PONDO 241-2417
MIS# 294104 Immaculate, spacious & updated MLS# 303970 Completely remodeled.
2BR/2BA unit, 16th floor, balcony to enjoy ocean l a travertine floors
iews&breezes,securedgarage&2-pa gspes stainless steel appliances, travertine floors
& separatestorageunit,amenitiesincludeoceanfront showers, wet bar, granite countertops. Exquisi
pool, club room & exercise facility. $599,000 $539,000 241-2417
laGA .... T JJ ...- J..aJ- ......1. ,



NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail. soon, $1100/mo.
I&I1 tol A A 1'4"""

806-A 3rd St Neptune Beach
455 of roadfront on Mayport Road.
2.6 acres. $1,300,000
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNEBCH: 1900 sf home
sits on t ro large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all brick home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484.900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile:
904-247-7000 office

WATERFRONT, 28R/2.5BA condo w/boat
slipl Convenient to beach; shopping
$1375/mo. All South Realty, 241-4141.'

Enjoy spectacular views of $ 6
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades.
Call Grace Tausz: ,
612-1089 $1,199,000 ii
Charming 3BR/2BA home
located on a lushly landscaped
1/3 acre. $539,900
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086
Fairfield Open & bright
waterfront patio home. 3BR/
Call Grace Tausz-
612-1089 $380,00
? ,.

* I --

T1he Refachesc I paer/Pontp Vedra Leader

I~~ AJID3~Cp

RENTA 200;


OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views REDUCED $15,UUU .
from every room $525,000 Owner/ agent FSBO THE Palms, 3BR/2BA, 1st Floor, All
568-4818 amenities. $225,000, 241-3471.


Donna Sandiford
Diane Barr

Best Buy Today

on the Ocean!!
S uthshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ha,_Excellent
Condition in South Jax- Bch,
4 0 Covered Parking. Priced to sell at
.| $599,900
,..., .MarOgi Petitt._
.. 571-9821

Randd New Construction .m '
1i/2 block to the Ocean
South Jax Beach-
1 Under Appraised Value!
Brand New Town Home! 3-story,
3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage, Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco,
SS Appl. Granite countertops, Open floor plan-crown
molding & more...Oceanviews from master balcony.
Lowest price in.new construction East of 3" St. $539,000
,Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

Roof Top Ocean Views .
1/2 Block to Ocean E Di
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage, paver driveway, Coristruction
complete in 3 months. High-End Finish Levels-SS Appl.,
Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top Terraces-Ocean
Views & More. Offered at $995,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821

Updated Seaplace 3bdnn Condo, Ground Fir -
S12 block to the Ocean in Old Atlantic Beach!
Imagine living a stone's throw to the
Ocean in a ready to move in 3 bdrm,. il
2,ba ground fir condo w/privacy fenceM
around patio. All new carpet, new AC,
updated baths, fresh paint, new stove
and microwave. The most
aggressively priced home in Atlantic Beach. $298,000
SCall Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821

SEverything is in walking distance from this
2BR/2BA condo at Grand Cay Villas in
SPVB. 2nd floor home overlooking
:1 courtyard, large screened balcony, all
V 'appliances Incl. washer/dryer, gated
community with amenities. $205,000.

SCall Sherri Beno Today
904- 651-1830

Sillariva Riverfront eondo
co" 7o ..wnhome Community
:f .9n Riverside
Experience the Riverfront Lifestyle at I's Finest
in Jacksonville's Premier Condominium &
Tordnhome Community. VillaRiva. Amenities
t' include Ow.ner's Lounge, Lap Pool. Fitness
Room, Dry Saunas, Guest Suite, Concierge &
SMore! Call Lee S. Elmore
For Details and Availability

JARDIN DE MER, 3BR/2BA, garage. *
$1350/mo. Avail. 8f1/06 770-429-9331." *
ATLANTIC BEACH Lg 1 & 2BR Apt., dish-
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best washer, pool, near stores and bus.
area, quiet, safe, residential neighbor- $560/mo & up, + deposit, no pets, nice
hood. 2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new paint, place to live, 246-8537.
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking, no "*
pets. $950/mo., lease deposit. 993-118.

IE RA1 is)41 --

SOpen House Sunday 12PM-5PM *
Dir./ntracastal WaterwayatAtlanlc Blvd
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Sunday 12-5pm Watersedge at
Harbortown will include 20 high-end 4 story Mediterranean-styletown
homes with private courtyard and roof top
terrace. The option to purchase 50 ft boat slip
in your front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices starting
at $999,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer


f': 3bd 3.5bath. Home has 3 levels 'with 2
car garage. Just steps to the beach. 1st
flbor has a separate suite. Deluxe master suite. Kitchen has
granite and contemporary maple cabinets. Private back yard
ard no HOA fees! MLS 299984 $699,900
Call Connie Grubbs

This 3 bdrm 2 ba split floor plan has
over 1200 sq ft. New carpet, new
kitchen, screened lanai, RV/boat storage, tennis, pool
beach access. Sell to pay 1 yr HOA fees and Realtor Bonus.
MLS 301587 $259,900
Call Connie Grubbs

Stonebridge Lowest Priced 3/2
End unit 3 bedrm w/CARPORT. Tile, all appliances, new carpet,
nw paint, screened lanai. Move in ready! A++ condition. Club
aifenities. Close to schools, shopping. MLS #300731 $159,900
CONDO! i'. \

Awesome Buy!
Peaceful marsh views and the convenience of
Sputh Jab, Beach living are only two of the ma. y
..-" reidths'Yi66 Ait to maW.i
S2/2 condo (w/garage) your new
home. $214,900
Call Tom Gibbon 904-566-6501.

Open & Brifht
This 3/2 condo is spacious & bright, its top floor
location is complemented with an elevator for your
Convenience. Close to everything.
It is truly a steal! $179,900

Call Tom Gibbon

"'he Ocean Villas at 'i,- ';,
Serenata Ifeach
Oceanfront, Top FL South End, Bldg. IV '
2.500SF. -BR/3.5BA, Marble Floors, 2
Car Spaces in Garage.


PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condol Club JAX BEACH Apartment, 2BR/1BA Ne6wl
pool, exercise & morel $975/mo. renovated. Washeridryer. OQuiel area
3BR/2BA, $1100/mo. All South Realty, $850/mo+ deposit. 201 Norn 9rh Sr.
241-4141. 246-9162, ext #0

2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 2BR and 2.car ga- JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
rage Screened porch, $1,000/mont. 1BR/1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220, 4th
6mo. considered lease option. 463-7343. Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161

SAT. 12-4pm & SUN 1- 4pm Gorgeous
2BR/2BA+ loft/office, waterfront condo
w/att. garage, lots of Upgrades, gated
( comm. $229,000. Must call for gate
Dir: 9A south, left on Gate Pkwy. to
Stonebridge on right, thru gate, left to
Call Sherri Beno REALTOR*

9Ma Floor

Beautilul one of a kind Penthouse w/3,600SF of living
space, 1,800SF of ocean view & sunset terraces &
1,200SF root top terrace offering breathtaking
panoramic views. Media/game RM, 4th BR w/optional gym, 42" flal screen TV
in great RM, FP, top of the line Kit. Pkg. Completion date September 2006
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul 895-9100

Open House
snrday i 2-1Spm
Ocean Views & tons of privacy at
an unbeatable price! 2bd/2.5ba in
North Atlantic Beach just past
20th street on the right.

Call Tom Gibbon 904-566-6501 or
Cara Doud 904-571-2612

3BR/2BA condo on 2nd floor with
no one above you. 1 car garage,
FP, vaulted ceiling & all appliances,
including washer/dryer. Quiet,
gated community w/clubhouse,
pool, fitness center, hot tub.
,: :. $'Call Sherri Beno

1BR/1BA ground floor condo with extra
storage room. Lots of windows, large
walk-in closet, extra shelves. Gated
community w/clubhouse, pool, fitness,
S-a basketball & more.
Call Sherri Beno
; -- REALTOR"'
904- 651-1830


Call Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100

Condo Steps from
A perfect 10, studio condo in Ponte
Vedra, walking distance to beach in
Sawgrass Beach Club. Totally renovated
w/custom cabinets, Murphy beds,
custom tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully
furnished & equipped. Ready for your
weekend getaway, or investment
property, short term rentals available.

^.: p Enjoy stunningviews of lagoon & golf
course, ground floor IBR/IBA condo,
large screened porch, o en floor lan. FP.
large closets, Easy walk to beach, Great
Comm. w/tennis. pool, fitness cntr, Lowest
Price Available! $169,000
Suzie Mons Connolly

Gorgeous 3BR w/ Garage condo has it
!. l ,l.l 'it'ile, granite morter, g .ppls.
l. ., glas frlont- casin .tsAC & A t eari r.
Open floor plan, split BR's, FP, large &
pri ate screened/tiled lanai w/peeks of golf
course. Best Buy in The Villas! $249,000
Suzie Mons Connolly

t Lovely IBR/IBA Condo PLUS den in
"'" quiet, gated Ponte Vedra Beach
community. New carpet & paint, open
floor plan, FP. large screened porch, great
storage. Pool & fitness cntr. Close to
restaurants, shopping & beaches. $183,000
Suzie Mons Connolly

;1 Ii I
i it lllil

Spacious 3BR/2BA ground floor Condo s%/
garage, 1400SF tile, new appls. W/D incl. spli
BRs, large screened porch. peaceful views.
Fabulous gated amenity rich resort-like
community. Assessment for July-Sept to be
paid by seller. $229,000
Suzie Mons Connolly



Classified 5

Get away from it all at this condo
overlooking the trees & water. 2BR/
2BA home w/attached 1 car garage on
cul-de-sac, granite counters, stainless
appliances, screened balcony.
$229,900. 1453 sq. ft., built in 2006.
Call Sherri Beno Today
904- 651-1830

;Sra B E4 4 BEACH RENTALS P 0' I S S, S, 5-i
Unfurnished Homes Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home W/ Pablo Bay San Pablo 4BR/3BA newer
SSawgrass PV 3BR/2BA. Spacious screened porch, fenced backyard, large lot. home on water. upgrades throughout. open
. home, interior completely remodeled, $1300/mo. floorplan. $2100/mo.
Slight and bright, 2 car garage. $2650/mo. Latrium PV 2BR/2BA home w/new Unfurnished Condos
Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA. Ocean carpet and tile, fireplace. 2 car garage. n r P odo
views, all upgraded. $2200/mo. $1200/mo. Summerhose PV
S4BR/4BA Townhouse w/elevator, 2800 Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex Newly renovated, newcarpet, baths, kitchen, '
I sqft, beach access. attached garage. w/new carpet. new kitchen, garage, fresh tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities.
V $2200/mo. paint. $1200/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd foor. $1195mo.
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Sea Hawk- PV 2BR/2BA. Unit in great 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo
home w/screened porch on water, 2 car condition, all appliances, club pool and Pals at Marsh Landing ID
garage. $1950/mo. tennis. $1095/mo
Solano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA. two story Furnished Homes Screened porch, tile floors
Some w/spacious floorplan, patio, comm. Villages of Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA. Groundfloor,lakeview. $1100/mo. '
0 pool. S1700/mo. oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor, top. unit, vaulted ^
< Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA. Home w/ garage, amenities. $1700/mo. ceilings. $1100/mo.
,-all new interior, tile floors, garage, fenced ntracoastal West Ocean Links PV
backyard. $1600/mo. Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2,5BA brand Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
SBeach Walk -SPY 2BR/2BA, home has new townhouse, screened porch preserve 2BR2BA. g floor, $1100/m o.
screened porch, wood deck onlagoon, bch views, amenities. $1095/mo., 100/mo.
access. $1500/mo. Point Meadows (ate Pkwy 3BR/2BA
V Villages of Solano PV 3BR/2.5BA, 4th floor w/elevator, all appliances, fitness REIMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
Townhouse has loft, garage, patio, very center, club pool. $1200/mo. Shannon Smith
neutral and clean. $1500/mo. Pablo Point- San Pablo 3BR/2BAhome (904) 285-5640
SBeach Avenue AB 2BR/1BA, 2nd story on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard, www.rentthebeaches.com ,
Sduplex, ocean views, wood deck, wood two car garage. $1500/mo.
floors; $1400/mo. .
^ ^<^^^ ^,^ ,^ ,^^ < "^ 77 77777 -Ie -

July 21, 206In PaCtbI-ACILmt, -


Furished 1





.- .-K-


- --------- 14P,

Classified 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 21, LUUO

SO. JAX BCH duplex- 2BR/1.5BA, new
roof, freshly painted, kitchen equip, ceiling
plans, balcony, WDHU. CH&A, 5 blocks to
ocean, no pets, $925/mo. 737-7092. *
OCEANSIDE, 1BR/2BA condo, just steps
to ocean Club pool. $11001mo All South
Realty, 241-4141
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 207 15th St.,
2BR/IBA, CH/CA, 1 block to ocean,
$1000/mo., references. 246-6194, 249-
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 2 family up,
2BR/1BA, WDHU, CH&A, free water, pool,
parking, remodeled. Great deal $970+/mo
NEPTUNE EFFICIENCY, 2 blocks beach,
downstairs, small pets OK. $695/mo.
.$300/dep. Military discount. 216 Cherry
SI 708-0731
FOR RENT 3BR/2BA cozy beach cottage.
Neptune Bch $1600/monlh. Pets okay.
$500 MONTH Duplex Jax Bch 1BR/BA,
blocks to beach, no pels. 247-0354
PVB, TOWNHOUSE Condo w/pnvate
courtyard. laketron. 2BR/2 5BA. $9501mo.
Call 280-8782

S Frankie


Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo. Seaplace-furnished,
pool, walk to ocean $1200/mo
+ 2BR/2BA TH. Maypon Landing,
neIly remodeled unit, ver nice
alis other units $775 $825/mo
+ 3BR,2BA From $875 $900/mo
"+ 2BR/2BA, Courtyard, 1503 CC -
community pool, i825/mo-No.peys
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322

JAX BEACH. Oceanview. Renovated.
Hardwood Iloors, Dishwasner. CH&A
1BR/1BA, $800/mo, $8501mo. 2BR/1BA
$1250/mo. (904)859-1301, 553-1354.

BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse, 6
blocks to beach. fireplace. WDHU. ga-
rage, $1300/mo. (904)742-6423
JAX BEACH upstairs '3BR/1BA, eat in
kitchen, WDHU, CH&A, glassed in front
porch. Foors are wood & tile, 1 car 'ga-
rage 434 51h Ave. Norin. $950/mo
+950/dep. 993-8597.
JAX BCH, 1BR, 1 block ocean, $795/mo-
$500/dep. Small pels ok. Military discount
1718 N. 1st St. 708-0731.
JAX BCH, 3/2.5, ocean view, $1600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A ce-
ramic tile, approx 900sl. 404 131n Ave S,
Jax Bch. No pets. $900/mo. $900/sec
dep. (904)343-9908.

S. JAX BCH 2 & 3 BR
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
fron $1500/mo. 241-7368, 733-3730

NEPTUNE BEACH, one block to ocean,
2BR/1BA upstairs, 1 year lease. No pels,
no W/D hookup $950/mo +$950/sec.
dep. 916 First Street. between Bay &
Pine. Available 8/15/06. 246-8970 or
VILANO BEACH, 4BR/4BA. 2850sf. over-
looking Intercoasial, walk to beacn home
only 4yrs. old $1950/mo Call Jan Holf-
man 537-7777. Owner/ agent.
Convent to FCCJ South and UNF Cam-
pus 1BR $512/mo, 2BR $605/mo., 3BR
$665/mo. Secunly deposil $250. Credit,
background and landlord reference re-
quired. EHO (904)641-0912
1-1/2 BLOCKS to Ocean, 1stAve South,
1BR/1BA $695/mo & $725/mo.
(904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
ATLANTIC BEACH duplex. 2BR/1BA re-
modeled. 4 biks Irom beach and Town
Center. WDHU. $900/mo. +electric. water
included. Avail 8/1/06 Call 610-3838.

am uilit, i mral 140 M
SOLANO CAY 3BR:2.5BA, ile Iloors, cute
yard, available 8/1 $1400. 392.8350.
OCEAN VIEW conage, 3BR/2BA.
$1300/mo 100 steps from beach, W/D,
deck & patio. 111 91h Ave. So., 241-7634.
WEST BEACHES. Sutton Lakes, 1/2.
2300si,. Formal LR/DR, Family room
w/lireplace, carpel calh ceilings, lenced
yard, $1600/mo. TDO Mgmt Services
55 DOLPHIN Blvd. 4BR/2BA, new car-
pels,lireplace. $1450/mo. 285-5419, 864.
4 BLOCKS to beach 3BR/1.5BA, open
floor plan wtie, clean air home, lenced
yard w/play fort, cul-de-sac, pets ok.
$1675/mo + deposit 994-6864. 422-6864.
PONTE VEDRA Bch, PVB. 2000sf, 4/2
updated home with fenced private yard In
quiel neighnornood $1600/ month 322-

-Az- '
---;;- -- -] gg

JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. +$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. Available early August. Call
246-8970 or 591-1218
w/garage. $1250/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. Call
655-2207, visit www.569 clb net
JAX BEACH beautifully decorated, town-
home, 3BR/3.5BA, 2-car garage, ocean
views, $3,850/mo. 242-2534, 614-8440.
beach, 2BR/2BA -bonus, yard service
included. S. Jax Beach $1400/mo
910 16TH Ave Nonh JAX BCH 3BR/2BA.
Family Room Walk to schools/ Beaches
$1250/mo (954)646-3669.
ATLANTIC BCH 3/2 walk to Beacn and
park, large pnvate lenced back yard,
$1375/mo. Available immediately Call
PONTE VEDRA/ Palm Valley, beautiful,
large, pnvaie. 3B/2BA, 2-car garage,
w/many amnenilles $1400/mo. 860-1690.
BEAUTIFUL 3BR/2BA home w/2 car ga-
rage in Cypress Cove, Allanlic Bch. Over-
looks the Marsh and Intracoasial, spectac-
ular sunset views. 1244si, $1200/mo., Call
THE WOODS. 4/2, 2500sf., cul-de-0sac.
sunroom, LR. DR. EIK. $16751mo TDO
Mgmnl. 246-1125. idorealestate.com
JAX BCH, 3/1, 2.5 car gar., fence yard,
$1400/mo.836 91h Ave N. 318-0044
ATLANTIC BEACH 3BR home on large
fenced lot. $1000/mo 219-2481.
sludy and screened in porch. Tnis home
offers a, ovely neighborhood setting in Ibis
Poinle subdivision of of San Pablo Rd.
near All. Blvd. Less than 3 miles from the
Mayo & 3 miles from the Beacn, No smok-
ing, $1395/mo.. Available now. Call 904-
463-3750 or 613-5958.
PV- SAWGRASS 3BR 2.5BA, 2800sf,
$1900/mo 285-5419. 864-6492.
_. ........
-_ ----- ---g- - -----

UJA Ql;rIol A1:;I 4Z g

S. JAX Beach. 3BR/1.5BA, carpon,
CH&A, large fenced yard, six blocks to
beach. $1200/mo. +security deposit
Available 8/1/06 249-4324.
2BR/1 5BA, fireplace, 2 patios, garage,
ceramic tile first floor, new berber second
floor 683 Slurdivant Ave $1,200/mo.
PV BCH, Solano Woods, 3BR 2BA,
$1400/mo. Call Cindy Brown, PVB Realty.
PVBi L'ATRIUM large 2BRi2BA. 2 car,
WiD, new carpet, pool, tennis, fenced
yard. replace. $1250,mo + deposit,
PVB 3BR'2BA 1-car garage, 1.300 sl
lenced-in yard $1300imo 273-0999.
3BR/2BA, ATLANTIC Beach, Mayport.
Deposit required $9501mo. Call Derrick
838-3730 or Christy 866-0820.
Street. Walk to Deach or park. New paint
inside and out. Fenced backyard, pels OK
w/deposlt. $1500/mo, 249-2793.
*NEP BCH,'walk Ib beach Irbm this charm-
ing 3/2 W/ lenced yard & garage. New
paint & carpet. $l400,mo. 280-5142.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA nome, lust
clocks ro beach $1575/mo.. All South Re-
aly, 241-4141.
JAX BCH.. 2BR'1.5BA. Two story town.
home. 1 block to beach, 1175 N. 2nd St.
A/C. garage, microwave, disnwasher, W/D
incl. all hardwood and tile flooring, lenced
yard w/mot lub More inlo:
hnp:'iwww.kocan.com/2nd or mail:
kri-s@kocan.com Available 8/1.
1015 PENMAN, 3BR/1 5BA. $1200/mo.
Avail. 8/1/06. Call 770-429-9331.

BLOCKS FROM the beach Beauliful spa-
cious 1BR/1BA (hugh tub), screened pa-
.bo, washer/ dryer end unit. Pets welcome,
$1000/mo Call Ashley 887-1885.
KERNAN BLVD. 3!2 condo, LR/DR com-
bo, D'last bar, garage. $1050/mo. TDO
Management Services. 246-1125.
floor, comer, on goll course. NS. $995/mp.
depositl (904)466-0230.
JAX Beach. luxury condo, 3BR/2BA,
$1100/mo. Must Seel 904-894-5835.
furnished $1050/monlhly, unlumished
$1000 monthly, available Aug. 887-5005-
JAX BCH new 3/2 w/ garage, consider
lease purchase. $1400/mo 463-7343.
PVB, 2BR/2BA wlireplace, $1100/mo. Call
Grace Ellis 655-7923.
1ST FLOOR, end unit, 2/2,all new applian-
ces. Totally renovated, 5 star reason No
smoking, $999/mo Call 349-7988 Owner
licensed agent iI ,
JAX BEACH, 3 bedrooms, newly remod-
eled. 14ih Ave. S., hot tub. $1475/mo.
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, IBR.'all
new, w/pool, fitness, spa, concierge, many
amenities $875/mo. Avail. 8/15. Pets.wel-
come. (904)448.5591.
view, next to pool, 5-star amenities.
$775/mo. (904)343-7608.
Fully lumished. 2BR/2BA, all incltSTve
electric, cable). Shon/Long term.
$1700!mo. 535-3911
side. End unit, 1-story, large yard
$1375/mo. (904)612-6532, (904)641-5564

$ 875
S 950

$2700 '

m m ascIap Im

924 BeUeza .
305 Kensington
149 Cranes Lake
213 Belleza
72 The Fountalso
133 Btminr Court
925 Ocean Links
825 Ocean Links
2 The Fountains
204 Tournament Road
811 Ocean Links
228 Tarrasa Dri'e
2806 Sr. Marc Court
10061 Rough Creek
371 19th Street
106 Bermuda Bay
3341 Lighthouse Pointe Lane
6103: Bndgenaier Curle
2001 \VIndjammer Ln
105 Camino Trail
13 Players Club Villa
144 Shelbi Cove Court
.2'll Aaliea Point Dn\e S,:iut
y'117 eer CotiD Dnr e
-9 I"'Pte'res,5'ToraJ
804- Mefropolitan
806 Metropolitn .
70 Beach Conage Lane
628 Prcsene \Vie Drive
408 Berkman Plaza
241 I South Ponte Vdr Biid.

Ponte Vedra
Jax/Kernan Blid.
Pone Vedra '
Ponte Vedra
Ponre Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponoe Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Ponie Vedra
Ponte VedraFairfield
Ponie Vedra
Jax/Pablo Point
Ponte Vedra/L' Atrium

3/2 5

Ponie Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2
Atlantic Beacn 3/2 i- loft
Ponte Vedra 3/2
Jax Beach 3/13
Ponte Vedra/Savgrasi.TPC 3/2 5
South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 +ofc
Ponte \edra/Sawgra.s TPC 3/2.5
Ponte Vedra/Sangrass TPC 3/3
Ponre Vedra/Marsh Coae 4/2.5
Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 4/2
Ponie Vedr.l/arsh Landing 4/25',;. :,
P.mIne \idr/lS.gras CC 3 '.5,
Jax Beach 3/2
Ja.\ Beach 3/2
Atlantic Beach 4/4
Palm \alle\/Marsh Harbor 4/4+bonus n
Ja./Doa\ntown Riverfront 2/2+loft
South Ponte Vedra 3/2.5

kMUJ 110IFI sI DI.a

$1 00/l k 16 Fsherman Cose
$1100/m k4i9 Tifton Way North
$1200.! k75 Tilton \Vay North
$1300)/ k 17"'.A e. North W/pool
$1500/ k Beach Club dillas -
$1600/\\k 2S39 S. Ponte Vedra
$1700 .741 Spinnakerseach
$1700 743 Spinnakers Rejch
$1800/!\ k 2503 S. Ponte Vedra
$I S10/N k The Retreat '
$2000 Vista Del Mar
$2100/wk 2841 S. Poneri 'edra Blvd
$2200 Quad Pointl
$2400 3494 Coastal Hist
$2400 444 La Resene Circle
$2500 92 Tifton \av North
25100 117 Deer Cove Dnr.e
$2500/\wk 728 Oceanfiont
$2600 826 Spinnakers Reach
$2700/Ax k 2824 Coastal Hv.y
$31000 ) Walkers Ridge/Pool
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza

Saagrass Country Club 2/2
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2.5
Sawgrass Country Club 2/2/den
lax Beach. 3/I 5
San grass Beach Club Eff.
S. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5
Sagrass Beach Club I/1
Sawgrass Beach Club 1./I
S. Ponte Vedra 3/2.5
Ponle Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2
S' Ponie Vedra/Oceanfront4/2
Sawgrass Countr) Club 2/2
Vilano Beach 3/2
Ponle Vedra/L'Aium 2/2+office
Sawgrass CbuntrN Club 3/2
Ponte Vedrd/MarTh Landing 4/2.5
Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 i.g:erei
Sawgrass/Beach Club 1/1 5
\'ilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4
Saw grass Country Club 3/2
.Ja/Downtown Riverfron' 2/2-loft

$5500 1931 Beach Aieo3mo mmn.i Atlantic Beach 3/3
''Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."


m3 3100


Call today to book your next vacationII
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

(904) 285-2882


PVB. 3BR12BA home, close to beach, PVB COLONY, MOTIVATED. 2BR/2BA,
comm. pool, 2-car garage $1450/mo. 1200sf. fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
(510)386-3232 pet, huge ceilings $1175,mo. 635-6375.

Property Subdivision
100 Fairway Park #412 Summer House
12909 Hunt Club Rd.Jax Golf & CC
1901 N. 1st St. #180.1 Pelican Point
2712 Seahawk Dr. Seahawk
2039 Selha MarinaSelva Norte
133 S. Beach iTPO) South Beach
934 Wilderland Dr. Grogans Bluff

$ .875
$ 995

2/2 gar


Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
.. For Management INFO -., ,,-,,
,,.: s T S: l r'17!285-5409
or or...^w' \Ve also have vacation and short tenr recitals!

I-sucslpoet sc

anapral Man..a r

313, 2450sf, $429,000



Beach Club Villa
Quail Pointe
Rough Creek'
Fisherman's Cove
Quail Pointe

$1800/mo ...many

many more... 4/4

PVB 3BR/2 5BA, all appliances, commun-
" ity pool. 2-car garage. $1.500/mo. 242-
JAX BEACH- near ocean. 3BR/1BA.
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1195/mo. (904)221.4134, 703.
4BRi3BA home on lake in Marsh Sounal
Comm pool! $1675/mo All South Really,
So. Jax Beach. 2/2, turn or unturn, Ig bal-
cony. W/D. lyr. lease, cbl & water incl.
Secured bldg, pools, exercise room &
sauna $2050'mo Call 859-1356.
BEAUTIFUL FORMER model home. Pa-
blo Bay next to Mayo Clinic, near Beach 8
San Pablo. 3000. square leel. 4 bedroom
lus bonus room. lotal live bedroom. 3
ba rs, many upgrades, stainless applian-
ces. central vac, intercom, hardwood
floors closed lanai, waterview, club
house, pool, tennis. Available August 1st.
$2200/mo. 403-1998, 349-3434. Ask'
about 1 month Iree
PVB, EAST-of A1A, 312 5. private back-
yard, whpaled pool aql.pa.8 2.150'mp
includes lawn & pool Z9vice 28-570'',

ATLANTIC BCH townnouse, 3.5BR1.2BA,
everything new. ceramic tile throughout,
marsh view. 2979 Bayshore Dr., Maypon
Landing. Must seer $1100I'mo 465-2163.
3BR/2BA. healed pool, 6 blocks to ocean/
town center. $1600/mo. (904)241-1886.
PVB SUMMERFIELD spacious contempo-
rary. 3BR/2.5BA, office, fenced backyard,
great neighborhood beside schools.
S9,$22mn i321)691R.7896

PV CONDO- 1BR/1BA, lofted ceilings,
lakeview, top loor. galed community with
all'the amenities. Very clean unit, prefer
non-smoker and no pets but will consider
it. $925/mo. Call 850-933-7200. .
Iloor, new carpet, apple, W/D, frplc. Avail
now, $995/mo. 403-1998.
PVB. E of A1A, 1BR/1BA, 5-star ameni-
lies. Brand new granite/ tile, pool arid gat-
ed. $1200/mo. (706)228-5189 Dearin
$1550,mo. Ask about Free Rent?
249-6166. .
PVB, 2BR/2BA walk to beach, split'lloor
plan. $1100/mo. (904)955-0872.
PVB. 1BR/1BA. Elegantly lurnisned. Sieps
to Ocean Garage, $1600/mo 708-4.022.
.-' *,.,

409 131n Ave N. 2BR 2.5BA, 2- story plus
2 private balconies. 4 blocks to-ocean.
Must seel $1200/mo., $1000!dep Call
Dave 962-8575.

PONTE VEDRA. Gated comm 22i;super
amenilhe No smoking, '$11b0/dm6.

PVB. OCEAN Grove. 1BR/.1BAr w/loft.
Overlooks pool and on lake. Must renl.
$1,000. Andy 588-4295 or Ken 251c5370.
2BR/2BA BEACHFRONT condo for. long
term, $1800/mo 233-4224.
2BR/2BA CONDO at The Palms of Marsh
Landing, lots of amenities. W!D, lakeview,
1st floor. $1125/mo. $200 off lirst month
rent. (904)553-2161.

.. .... ., JAX BCH, Newer 2/2 Condo, 1.5 blocks to
PVB DOLPHIN COVE, 3BR/2BA w/pool, beach. 2nd floor. WtD. balcony storage,
lease purchase. Avail. 8/1. 543-1951. reserved parking, $1300/mo. ,Ownerp
ATI'LANTIC BCH. 3BR 21A new reno-, Agent, 226-2038.

,IMH uit, y
vated inside & out. $1200/mo incl. lawn
care 526-4753 or 403-3833
ATLANTIC BEACH, lully furnished
3BR'2BA Hot tub. deck, fireplace. 2 car
garage walk to beach, golf and tennis
club Mint $2200/monlh.
VILLAGES OF Pablo, 4/2, 2400sf., FR,
DR. office, sunroom. $1600.mo. Avail. 7!1
TDO Mgmnl. 246-1125
JAXBCH 3BR/2.5BA. 2 stones, 2car ga.
rage, gated comm w/amenlies, 2300+sl.,
$1800/mo. OBO. 904-338-5692
OCEAN WALK, 412. 2185sf, Formal
LR/DR, family room w/lplace, EIK, reak-
fast bar, carpet, ceramic tile, pool, pool
service included, $2100/mo. TDO Mgml
Services 246-1125.
2BR/2BA WiOFFICE fully fumished, short
ierm/ Long term lease. Oakbndge Subdivi-
sidn PVB area 699-2906.

2BR/2BA ON lake in gaied community. 1
mile to beach close to shopping, ameni-
ties include pool, tennis, and gym. Call
Maryanne 537-6161.

JAX BCH, 600' to ocean. 2271 2nd'St. S.-
2BR/2.5BA tri-level townhouse, garage,
fireplace Very nice. recent upgrades.
$1300'mo. No Pets 221-6037
LEASE/ OPTION to buy. Ocean.cohdo,
Pelican Point. 3BR 2BA, 81h Iloor, panor-
amic view, $2350/mo. 607-4723.
PVB, THE Fountains, east ol' "A1A,
2BR/1 5BA, remodeled. $1100rmo.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Brght, open
floor plan No dogs. $1700/po
1404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
BETWEEN UNF and Beaches- Spacipus
2/2 condo, vaulted ceilings, overlooking
quiet preserve, pool/ gym, W/D in unit.
$1100/mo. 904-962-0183.
JAX BCH new 2BR/2BA. W/D, garage.
Irplc vaulted ceilings, no pets, $1200/mo
(904)514-0675. 1..
THEPALMS At Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA.
Waterview, wood Iloors, 1st floor, gated,
$1125/mo. 241-3941.
ICW, NEW Condo, 2BR/1BA, washer/dry-
er provided, pool & fitness center or site.
$1100/mo. 246-4487 or553-6110. -'I

OFF HODGES. Nice 2/2-bonus between 2/2 CONDO, 221 S 6th Ave., JB, Unit.B,
Beaches and UNF. Ou;et ground floor cor- $1000/mo. 705-4027 Owner/ realtor.
ner unit. $1050/mo. (904)333-3382 $00mo0-2One al.,I


313.5, 2764sf, $2950/mo


Beach Club Villa $900/wk
Players Club $1'100/wk
Quail Pointe $1000/wk
Beach House $1250/wk
Oceania Penthouse $3500/wk

NEW 2BR/2BA. $1200/mo appli
cluded, garage. Jardin De Mer. 249-7501.

PVB 2 story condo. 2BR/2.5BA, lake.view.
$1150/mo. Call 223-2210. ,,.
ENJOY A beach get-a-way at Tne'Saw-
grass Beach CLub. $550 per week, $1,00
per month, 280-5170 or 616-5274. '
PV SUMMERHOUSE, 2BR units ..from
$900-$1195/mo. Comer unit, fireplace,
W/D townhome. Everything brand new..
THE PALMS, 1BR/1BA, near beach-'and
shopping, amenities, quiet, new applian-
ces. $875/mo. 610-3608.

4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. 'Call
nlshed homes & condos From $500 per
week All South Really, 241-4141.
Luxury furnished 1 & 2 Bedroom Sulies
High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Street & 5th Ave. South
(904)318-0044 ,.
ATLANTIC BEACH Sea Place. furnished
2BR/2BA condo. $1300/mo. 887-5005. --
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully lumih-
ed, walk to ocean, $1650/mo. 993-3226,,'
homes Weekly/monthly. Visit us ant
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
535-3828. i:
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267.


- -- -- ---- -- --- -~ -


---mss-- enerai manager~F~

~LT~ 1 ~13 T~E~4~-~ CIY



July 21, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Liassinea /


-$ARE MY home near ICW, $500/mo in- ABSENT ANSWER is looking for happy
cudes everything and use of hottub. Call people to work PT shifts, evenings &
904-571-6533. weekends Will train. Great pay. Call today
cEKING ROOMM lATE Pnriside Com- '270-2357.
F~:llnnIh.I~'tlhdt, TF Pnrl~id ".rim.

unity on Beach Blvd, west ol the IC
allableAug. 3rd 992-7406.
"EKING roommate to share newly reno-
led 2BR/1.5BA duplex. 5 blocks from
ach. No pels, no smoking, fenced back-
rd, WDHU, $512.50mo. Utilities not in-
Jled Call (386)314-6165.
EAN, 1BR, 4th Ave. S. & 2nd St.,
12/mo. +1/2 until. 662-0364.
IOM FOR Rent in Atlantic Bch w/sepa-
re bath, all utilites Included $550/mo.
/no deposit. (706)718-4733 if no answer

ROOMMATE WANTED $500/mo utilities
included, high speed internet, washer/ dry-
er, 1.5 blocks from beach, 446-5084.
ATLANTIC BCH, off Assisi. furished,
$115/wk, deposit, references. 372-4265.
PVB- SHARE 3BR/2BA w/pool $600/mo.
plus deposit, Call 543-1951.
ROOM FOR rent in house w/pool and
fenced back yard $600/mo. Includes utlit-
ies and satellite TV. 566-1980.
2BR/2BA CONDO in PVB, $550/mo + de-
poEt, No pets. 543-0772
$450/MO. INCLUDES utililtes, pool and
kitchen privileges, must have refs,

REDUCED, OFFICE space lor rent/ for-
mer doctor office- three rooms (1 w/slor-
age space). Lease .all rooms together or
separate Utilities included Separate back-
dobr entrance. Located on 3rd St.
Bchpn 3rd St, 226-9788 or 994-2945.
Therapy office, San Marco area. $350/mo.
CailTrisn at 463-0222.
FOR,' SALE, 1330sf office building
& 4610sl office building, at beaches.
OFFICE SPACE In Beach plaza, 1300
Beach Blvd 1347 sq ft. Jonathan at 866-

a --- --

*East of AIA/
w walk to beach
*Close to shopping/

3750sf mnult-purpose building lor lease.
Can'- b divided. Call for details,
343-1919, 249-3214
*- *
RETAIL SPACE for rent. 1000sf. on
Penman Rd. in Jax Beach. Call tpr de-
tails 247-4527'. '',

BLACK .12WK old itnen. Iree to slable
PET SITTING, in your home Dog walking.
Responsible, mature. Call Kitty. 874-6062
YOUNG ORANGE labby male car desper-
alely.needs a loving home. Very affection-
ale, all shots. 249-9405.
FREE LAB mix 3 mo. puppy to a good
home. 220- 452.
M -- --__ a_.

PAPIELON PUPPIES- excellent homes
only, luligrown weignl. 51ns 5600

LOST'DOG- Chihuahua- female, lan and
whne on medication. 8 yrs o1t. Last seen
on Florida Blvd 7/3. Has tags. named
Bianco, Call 859-2918.
HOMELESS PETS tor adoption- Cats &

NEED A hero! 49 attractive lady would like
to meet a nice man. Please call, would
love;io meet. 742-7633.

tested.divorce papers. Wllhoul Kids while
youtiwaili With kids (a little longer) Since
1981dby apple only (904)641-2187.


Notice is hereby given Inat on August 10,
2006'al 10:30 am the following vehicles)
will be sold for Towing, Storage, & Labor
:charges. Year 2002, Make: Pontiac.
VIN#- 1G2JB12F227333370 to satisfy La-
bor'Services. repair, towing, and storage
charges The vehicle will be sold ior
$321.17. Vehicle is registered to. DAN-
Lienholder. FRIENDLY FIN CORP, 6340
MD. 21207
Interested Panics DANIELLE BEACH,
FL 32246
Pursuanl to F S. 713.585 ihe cash amount
ofl 321.17 would be sufficient to redeem
the vehicle from Lienor. Any interested
padres have a right to a hearing prior to
the'sale by filing a demand with the Clerk
of the Circuit Coun in Duval County The
owner has the right to recover possession
of the vehicle by posting a oond pursuant
to FS. 559 917 and if sold the proceeds
remaining Irom ime sale will be deposited
with the Clerk of the Circuit Coun lor dis-
position. Lienor reserves Ihe right to bid.
Lienor. COGGIN PONTIAC, 9201 AT-
32211. 904-721-6952.
BL 7,21/06

Pan-time every Friday and Saturday and
some holidays at a premier retirement
community to assist residents and visitors
in coordination with the Manager of Resi-
dent Services Applicants should be highly
organized and be able to communicate
and deal tactfully with the public, residents
and family members under all conditions
Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Ex-
cel and Power Point Hotel, hospital,
CCRC or other retirement community or
hospitality experience helpful Must be
willing to work holidays and other shifts it
necessary. Applications at Fleer Landing
Secunty Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd..
Atlantic Beach. FL 32233; Fax to
(904)246-9447; email:
bs@fl6eetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
EARN $100- $300/wk. for part-time work
9pm-9am Need responsible.reliable staff
member to work independently at our
office and from your home after hours
managing on call needs lor medical staff-
ing and homecare customers. Computer
and excellent office skills required. Call
241-1656 for more information.
PIT Sales and Delivery Driver to work
12-20 hrs /week. Tues. thru Fri. Call Bob
at 241-4100.
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be
patient, fun-loving and energetic. Group
experience w!children preferred EOE.
CLEANING STAFF needed for Residential
and Commercial beach located cleaning
business. Prior experience a must. Own
transponaron.' 20-l hours weekly. Staring
salary $8/hr. Background inquiry per-
formed. Contact Lisa at 242-0300
Dinner Theatre Fax resume to: 642-4199
anention: Carol.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426
LITTLE EXPLORERS Preschool is now
hiring teachers and assistants for the new
school yearl Great pay and benefits avail-
able after 2 weeks Call April @ 241-7075.
WELL ESTABLISHED preschool seeking
P/T Teacher Assistants. Please contact
preschool 285-6371
GENERAL OFFICE Manager/ Bookkeeper
needed for ;nlerior design company. Part-
time. 20hrs. per week. Fax resume to:
TEACHER AID- 2-30-6:30 Toddlers and
preschool, require patience, reliability and
love of children. 1851 Beach Blvd. Jax
Beach 32250. EOE. 242-9645.
LANDSCAPE HELPER wanted. Mainte-
nance- installation. Must be able to edge
line Irim. 434-8797 leave msg.
SERVERS WITH fine dining experience
needed. Please apply in person at
Giovanni's. 1161 Beach Blvd., Jax Bch
M-F., llam-2pm 249 7787.
HOUSEKEEPER/ MOMS Assistant- Flexi-
ble hrs. 15-20 hours per week. All aspects
of maintaining a home. Organization a
must. Some duties include cleaning/ laun-
dry? organizing. Pay negotiable. Expert.
ence preferred, references & background
check a must. (904)887-3394
P/T OFFICE help,, approx 25hrs week.
$10/nr. to start. No experience necessary,
will rain. Contact Larry at 242-0140.

Sell motivated, last moving, flexible, multi-
task person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm-10:30pm, or later. Call Debble after
2pm 285-3400, ext. 3352.

RETAIL- NO nignts, No Sundays, experi-
ence preferred, good slaning rate, Deco-
rallva%,Fr.ts f gac.hes On!y ,r4-%7,,r..,

needed, $.8/hr., bonus' per job; benefits.
Oft Atlantic Blvd. near Regency Square.
At least lyr. exp. Call Matt Meadows 722-
1873. Jobs@FlueTecnlnc.com
UPSCALE PV Beach Salon needs front
desk/receptionist part lime. Some eve-
nings and Saturdays. Call 285-0503.
MECHANIC WANTED for small engine
repairs. Fax resume to 247-9726 or e-mail
to: ihescooterhult@aol.com
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
vetennary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel expenence preferred. Apply in
person: Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach 246-2045.

CARPENTERS & Helpers needed, Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
FRONT DESK Person. Busy medical clin-
ic. $9-10/hr.. negotiable, wibenefits. Fax
resume lo. 285-4663.
SMALL LOCAL Landscape business is
looking tor people who WANT to work and
have Iransponailon Will train. Call
A Reader's Digest Co. offers an exciti-
sales opponunity Tor independent sales
rep! Sel-up. run book fairs at businesses,'
corporations. Commission guaranteed first
3 months. Training and suppon provided.
Need: Truck/SUV/Trailer, storage & com-
puter. For details & to apply,
www.booksarelunlld.com. Req#2 117BR.
Fax: 888-556-4795. Call: (800 966-8301,
PASTRY SHOP ring Manager to over-
see customer service functions in out one
Sof a kind business Working environment
is fun & fast paced. F/T, Tues- Sat., com-
pelitive pay. Call 285-2656 or apply in
person 266 Solana Rd., PVB
Seeking zesponsiDle persons lor private
company. Must be bondable. Serious in-
quiries only. Leave msg at 716-8824.
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in Jax
Beach, no acrylics Call Miki at (904)
able cleaning help. ResidentialiCommer-
cal. Call 536-7676.
COUNTER help. FT, PT, Tues- Sal.. com-
pehtiive pay. Call 285-2656 or apply in
person, 266 Solana Rd., PVB
I r1r. -.-..i-i ,MI r- ra --AA. .it .-I-PP ^R

MANAGER in holistic, inlemal medical ol-
fice. Full /pan lime secretarial, clerical,
and suppon ol M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones.
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable.
consistent, and an excellent match Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Arts Center,
AX: (904)246-3778.
F/T HOUSEKEEPER. Energetic, self-mo-
Ivated Individual needed. Apply in person,
Ashford Court Assisted Living. 1700 The
Greens Way, jax Bch, must enloy working
with the elderly. DFWP/ EOE
MEDICAL ASSISTANT. experienced back
office. Immediate opening lor fast paced
Beach practice Competitive salary & ben-
elits. Fax resume: (904)241-0831. or call
COUNTER HELP, Ponre Vedra area,
FT/PT, Call 285-5644
FT AND PT Front and back office work.
Computer skills, typing skills and organi-
zational sKilIs required. Exp. preferred but
not required 246-323
good' pay 8 benefits, company
vehicle/phone, must nave good driving re-
cord 568.8700.
tendenl for eslaolished company. Drug
Iree work place. Benelis. 241-2721
efits, 401k. flexible schedule. Detail orient-
ed individual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
privileges Phoner (904)246-4827. e-mail:
accounllng@selvamarinacom, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.

FULLrime. 3pm-lipm at Premiere Retire-
ment Community Health Center. Excellent
benefit package, competlltve wages, good
working environment. Applicallons availa-
ble at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
FleeT Landing Blvd.. Atlantic Beach. FL:
Fax to (904)246-9447; emall to"
,bs@fleetlanding.com EOE/ Drug-Free
BUSY WHOLESALE Fishery seeks Office
Assistant, duties include data entry, filing,
phone. Seafood experience preferred. Ap-
ply in person only after 2pm. C & C Fish-
eriles, 36 West 61n SI., Atlantic Beach
SILK PRESSER. Ponle Vedra area, guar
anteed hours 285-5644.
VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet clinic. At least lyr experience re-
quired. Competitive salary, excellent ben-
elits. Fax resume to 246-3061 or call 246-
8577 for more into. Beaches Animal Clin-
ic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach.

Open Positions at

We are seeking Aestheticians,
.a NMassage Therapist and
a parn-ime Spa Director with
a minimum of 3 years
E-mail resumes to

...... -.F.. ENCES
'OOL KIDS piano lessons l" key- .ence Specials Instiallf c
oara les ons in your PV home. EfllMis" 5ys Experience References. clTk. O
on lunl Ages 6-adull Call Lynn 6-5337. door Enterprises 241-7276. 838-9599.
Email koolpianolessons@yanoo.com

HANDYMAN- HOUSE, Yard. Hauling Call

SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models. 549 50.

PADGETT'S AiC 8 Healing, Inc. Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Estlmates. License CAC1814887.

experience. Business & Residential. Satis-
laction guaranteed Move ours welcome

applications house calls training, repairs.
upgrades, wensiies, graphics Free phone
tech. 904-249-3034 or email-

PALM TREES Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups. Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-'4724

lawns Free esl;mates. 246-0967
LAWN SERVICE sod work, mulching &
clean up, monthly & yearly. Iree estimates.
Call David 710-1030
Grading, Lawn Replacements. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone.
Irrigation Repairs. MUCH MORE1 Bob,

Dependable Ouality Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esli-
males Professional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, trimming- trees.
shrubs. Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
Free estimates. Mow, edge, trim. weeding.
clean-ups. 1 time or regularly. Shrub trim-
ming, pruning, sod, rpulch, hauling
Prompt Service. Insured. 207-4037.

CHEAP MOE'SI Complete lawn service
Most yards only $20 1904)422-0593.

ices, single pieces to entire house, also
pick up from stores and deliver.to your
door, 23yrs exp. Iree estimates. (9041


Some hands on experience with tools re-
quired.. Ability to problem solve on the job
Work independently with little to no super-
vision. People oriented Paid Iraining. Ve-
hicles and lools provided Eaming poten-
tial 50K based on skill and quality. Medical
benefits and 401K. All interested parties
contact 800-633-0213. Fill out an applica-
tion at our showroom, 3520 Agncultural
Center Dr Sle 310, St. Augustine, FL
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted Clean dnving re-
cord required Call April, 246-9999.
Drivers pan-time and full-time Be a mem-
ber of a great team. Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com-
munity Fun work environment Class C
CDL Passenger Endorsement License
Required Must be able to sel up and
break down for special events Competi-
tive wages and excellent benefits Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gaie One Fleet Landing Blvd., Allantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246.9447.
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE'Drug-lree workplace
DRIVERS HOME every weekend 41
loaded 37 empry/.01 loaded miles Tarp
pay. Health, Ible, dental, 401K Monthly bo-
nuses. CDL-A; 1 yr experience Grayson
Mitchell. (800) 434-1882.
POSITIONS OPEN Ior fulltime asset. head
cashier. lulllme warehouse manager, pan
Iime cashiers, carryouls, sales and plant
depi Proctor Ace Hardware 870 A1A
North Ponte Veara Bch 285-8101
TOR: Selva Marina Country Club. FT,
oeneilrs, 401k Experience preferred. Golf
privileges. Call 246-4711. DFWP.

The Beaches School
has the following openings:
Pre-Kindergarten teacher must
have CDA certification,
Bachelor's Degree preferred
Extended day teacher

CThe Beaches

phone 249-0905 fax 249-5241
2049 FIonda Blvd.
Fa\ or email resume to Scon
Email. adminm@hebeachesichool comr

"Be Part of the Best"
Relief Audit
Pan-time Front Desk Agent
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1616 N. First St.
\Ve oiler great pay. paid vacauon &
personal ime. HeallhAision/deniaL
insurance, 40t1K

7am. TNT Landscape. 1074 10ih Ave.
South. Jax Beach 247-4477.

Full-Time with great Denefils and work en-
vironment at a premier retirement com-
munity. Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Secunty
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233: Fax to 904-246-9447;
e-mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/
Drug-free Workplace

Needed F/T, days only w/ a can- do atti-
tude Light manufacturing & assembly
work exp a must. Knowledge & use of
small macninery & tools required. Looking
tor someone who can follow instructions.
Start at $7.50/hr. Call 249-3545 btwn
9am- 3pm only, Mon- Fri.
w/valid Flonda Dnver's License. Expen-
ence helpful out will train Good salary &
benefits Apply Suriside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax resume.
249-8801, e-mail surlsidepools @aol com
Cooks. Must be able to work weekends
Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantna. 127 1st Ave.
Nonh. 249-3322.


Positions Available
Engineering Acct. Clerk Cafeteria Attendant

Banquet Supervisor Maintenance Engineer
RESORT Beverage Server Dishwasher
S a lOt. Line Cook Room Service Server
Culinary Supervisor Sectional Housekeeper *

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
0 opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff. *
S Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
* 1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarrlott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070

WeLi to*MeetinY S

NATIVE PAINTER- exceptional residen-
iall/ .mercal pressure wpsnhng. opant.
n dryWa all crack .reDa~ '"all cuvenrihg Ll,
ten4d;b insured, references. 403-7389.
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
lure Specialize in smaller lobs. Willwork
evenings & weekends. Licensed, InsJred,
references. 403-7389.
PAINTING & repairs by Dean. Inleriorex-
tenor painting. All types of repairs, bus,-
ness & residential. Fully ic. S .insured.
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-

*- U

We service thousands of beach residents.
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409.

ing. Most residential pools $25/week.
chemicals. Licensed, insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240

Repairs, specializing in termite damage.

C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpentry.
Drywall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling.
etc. Licensed, Insured. 955-0593.

Specializing in termite damage, siding re
placement, kitchen cabinets, counter tops.
tile, drywall, painting, gutters, roof leaks &
mole. Free estimates, licensed & insured
Painting, carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing, lile work, drywall.
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting, improvements and miscel-
laneous lobs. DAVE. 246-6628.
HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exteri-
or from A-Z. Call Bill at 288-9241
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets, bath-
rooms, tile, doors, windows, rotted wood,
termite damage, roof leaks, drywall,
decks, etc. Honest, top quality work-

IA lltFa

Trees, trimming, landscaping. Licensed,
insured. Senior's discount. 242-2546,

LITTLE EXPLORERS Preschool is now
hiring teachers and assistants for the new
school year! Great pay and benefits avail-
able alter 2 weeks Call April @ 241-7075.
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull time help
needed, Wages negonable+ tips Benefils
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
AVANTE at Jacksonville Beach, a 165-
bed skilled nursing and rehab facility cur-
rently seeks housekeepers for day and
evening shifts with a positive attitude
toward the elderly to perform various
housekeeping tasks. Must be 18 years of
age and able to speak, read, write, under-
stand and follow directions in English
Avanle offers excellent compensation and
premium benefits, including 401(k)
lease apply in person at 1504 Seabreeze
Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250.
now hinng the following positions to staff
the newly renovated clubhouse.
Banquet Server
AM & PM Server
AM & PM Line Cook
Full-time and Pan-lime. All full-time posi-
tions receive excellent benefits Apply in
person in the Marsh Landing Tennis Cen-
ter Tuesday Saturday. Located in Ponte
Vedra, 285-6514. Drug testng/EOE



P 4-A-0 l IOMWOMMIKI- A--A 1,,

nt~rlAIiainp ni r.ArIiIi imnii~rm=Q



_.__ _..~__ _


Classified 8 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 21, ZUUO

PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital seeking
Receptionist with Customer Service expe-
rence. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.,
Ponte Vedra, 285-7924.
nities with KFC and Pizza Hut! Competi-
tive salaries, great benefits; opportunity for
growth and advancement. Call (866)238-
0646 for more details !
CALL ABOUT our drivers that make $70-
$99K per year home most nights & week-
ends! CDL-A, 2yrs. experience required.
ENTRY LEVEL position for growing print-
ing company. Good opportunity. Apply at
640 North 3rd St. .
ADMIN ASST. For Busy Beaches retail
business. Must have attention to detail,
good people skills. Fun place to work.
Some Saturdays required. Please fax re-
sume to 223-5499.
lantic Beach F/T, P/T positions available,

WAREHOUSE WORK and Furniture As-
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week.
Must be able to lift 501bs..Call 241-5558.
,Experienced caregiver to live in. Referen-
ces, 285-2434.

Taxi Dnvers needed to work Beach and
Intercoasial areas, at least 23 yrs. old,
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital looking
for a Velerinary Technician. exp. required.
Apply within 28 Corona Rd., 285-7924.
busy Ananlic Blvd. Salon. New grads also
welcome. 868-0972
AM & PM Line Cooks, Kitchen Prep & Util-
iles. Good money, casual atmosphere,
very busy, great people to work with.
285-0139; .
CAREGIVERS lor the elderly needed.
S Live-in snihs up to 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per
week. $110/snih. Amencan Home Com-
panions, 247-7495
EXPERIENCED LAWN help. Clean Flori-
da drivers license & Transponation Arling-
ton/ Beacnes area 904-220-2030. Imme-
diaie opening.
PONTE VEDRA, AR Accounting Clerk po-
simon. Requires last learner and well or-
ganized. Good pay, email resume to
khome@cntre.com EOE.

Join our team. Our company has openings
for our service dept, good salary, must
possess a good driving record, be custom-
er friendly We offer company vehicle.
paid vacation and holidays. Leap over to
us. Apply at 159 19th Street N. Jax.
Beach 242-9002

Is growing. Have basic home repair skills,
tools, transponallon & a smile? Call
221 3453. Good $$. P/T, F/T.
A/C & Heating company needs Installers
& Service Technicians. Top pay & bene-
fits Call Rob 509-3062
OPTOMETRY, WesI Beaches. Front
desk, customer service, all otice aspects
Friendly personality. ability to multi-task,
bookkeeping, PC, medical otice experi-
ence a plus. Fax resume 0o 221-6504

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc 246-
Handle inbound sales Irom advertising
and create sales with outbound calls.
Musl nave good relationship and closing
skills Prospecting experience ard cus-
omer service is a must along with PC
skills '-and ability to work
IKdependenrly. Earn $65,000 per year
withproper experience. Fax resume to
241-7333 or email Jennifer al
GREAT OPPORTUNITY lor experience
worker, must have a valid drivers Incense.
Leave message at 553-6338.
Full Time Golf Course Maintenance Staff.
Excellent benefits for F/T employment in-
cluding vacation time, sick ime, 401k,
health benelils and more. Apply;n person
at the Tennis Center. call 285-6514 for
S directions. Drug tesring/EOE.
OUALIFIED candidate will assist in plan-
ning, will be responsible for the implemen-
' lalion ol marketing plans to grow our con-
sumer direct sales. Utlize all Ihe necessa-
ry tools to support the consumer channel
such as our websites, direct marketing
software and web analytic software. Re-
sponsible lor monilonng overall search en-
gine performance for implementing SEM
and SEO campaigns 2-5+yrs. proven
knowledge ol web analytics and search
engine marketing. Ability to understand
complex problems and suggest creative
solutions. Strong computer skills including
basic understanding of HTML and Java
Script. E-mail resume with salary req. to
jobs@venus.com. EOE

SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL

time Exp a plus. Great benehls. Fax re-
sume to 721-3972 or apply in person at
The Alrum Retirement Community.
9960 Atrium Way
CUSTOM Interior Trim Carpenter or help-
ers needed., any carpentry experience a
plus. Beacnes and Ponte Vedra areas.
Call Tim 509-9071.
Construction Worker
w/valid Flonda Driver s License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply at Surlside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666 or lax resume to-
249-8801, e-mail. surlsidepools@aol.com.
SERVERS WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Sleak House. Apply alter 2pm, 1227
South 3rd SI
Join our leam! II you can excel at inside
sales & desire a last-paced work environ.
menl. we may have an excellent
opportunity Ir you. You will loin a Nation-
al company & work in Ponle Vedra Beach.
Ideal candidate will have I i years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarkeling. & excellent communication
'skills. Ability to handle business accounts.
Base pay plus commissions FT, no eve-
nings or weekends. Fax resume:
(904)285-0010 or email:

REAL ESTATE Sales Associate. Must
have license. Salary/ incentives benells.
Call 993-5626 or email.
eric@hslending.com. Help-U-Sell Coastal

OFFICE MANAGER for growing printing
company In Beaches. All aspects of office
management required. Excellent opportu-
nity. Fax resume 241-7349, or email to

SERVERS, LINE Cook, Dishwashers,.
Fine Dining. JJ's Bistro. Ponte Vedra,
273-7980. Gate Parkway, 996-7557.
Beach wholesale giftware company seeks
,an experienced FT Warehouse Associate.
Must be able to-lift 50+ pounds. Unload
containers. Forklift experience required.
Excellent wage/ benefits. Fax resume to
222-2081. Attn: Brandi or'call 247-1497.

SUPER SUPPERS is looking for a few
good people to work FT/PT, a.m./p.m.
hours at our Beach Blvd. and Baymead-
ows 9A locations. Duties include prepping
food, greeting, customers, and general
cleaning. Call 821-4555.
10am- 5pm, Mon- Fri, Line Cpok. Excep-
tional pay. Great people to work with.
fits, 401k, flexible schedule. Golf privileg-
es. Phone 904-246-4827, email:
accounting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP:-

g -t

-. t J .. L "" t -'a -

tX..... ....
We are currently accepting applications for energetic, customer
service oriented team members for the following positions:

Security Officer

Front Desk Agent

Line Cook

Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.

Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

For additional information call 280-60"6
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
S Drug Free \.'trkp.Lhc EQOE

Looking for a customer focused, team
player with exceptional organizational &
I communication skills to assist with recruit-
: ing, employee communications. unemploy-
ment responses, & other HR related projects. Will also
provide daily administrative support to managers.
Bachelor's degree & recruiting experience preferred.
Minimum of two years direct HR experience required.

Travel Agent

Full time

Corporate travel agency experience & proficiency with
Worldspan preferred. Excellent organizational & follow
through skills with a strong attention to detail in a fast
paced environment i required. Pbrofesional maiie. ieam-
work, & strong customer service skills are essential to
work with our clientele. Must be available to work some
evenings & weekends.

PGATOUR offers excellent salary & benefits including: health/
dental/life, performance bonus. pension, -401.ki. family mem-
bership to the TPC Sawgrass & much more. For consideration,
apply online at www.pgatour.com. Click on TOUR Business
at the top of the home page & then on Careers. Or. fax or mail
resumes to: PGA TOUR, Atm: HR-BL Ad. 10b PGA TOUR
Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. fax: (904) 273-3588. No
phone calls please. EOE

"'Y/ r^ Than "Five Diamonds"

Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the follow ing full & part-time positions available:

Laundry Attendants
Conference Set Up Attendants
Front Desk Agent/Lead
Recreation/Nursery Attendant
Equipment Operators
Golf Mechanic
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, Lfe
insurance. sick and vacation days. and discounts at our retad outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources ben een 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
J Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

SOceanfront Excellence

in your'home. Call for a no obligation com-
plimentary session. Certified and insured.
(904) 759-3665.

LOOKING TO buy or -co-own a kiln for
weekly use. 710-1420.
BUYING 45'S from 1950,69, Rock, Soul,
R&B,,also factory reel to-reel tapes. 803-
o07n.an09 803-7n-Rn80

HOME HEALTH Aide available for 24 ------- -----
hour care in your home. Reliable. Good TRAVEL TRAILER, .15'-20' long. Please
references. 536-8459.. call (904)249-5487 leave msg.

part-time work. Honest and dependable.
All areas. (760)419-3215.
SIT WITH your loved one! Some cleaning,
cooking, errand running. Call Denise
COMPANION/ SITTER for elderly. Tired
of agencies? Experienced, local, honest.
CAREGIVER FOR elderly. 12 years expe-
rience/references. Available M-F. Call
CAREGIVER FOR elderly, 15yrs. experi-
ence; CPR. certified. Honest, friendly, car-
ing. M-T-W-F, rel's 568-7309
NIGHT SITTER. I *ill sil nigrl with ill and
elderly in their own home Local referen-
ces 246-1206

qonias, Hclly Maiden Hair Ferns. Snrimp
Plans and more Friday & Saiuroay 8am-
2pm. Call lor aireciions IPalm Valleyi
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new. wiwarrany $129 Can deliver
GOLDEN RATIO leaner losing massage
able $150, ik new Set or goil clubs
r in 7n4J.R717

LICENSED PRIVATE Collector wants mili-
tary items: Guns, edged weapons, med-
als, web-gear, etc. Call 591-9466,

SATURDAY 8AM-2PM, 13681 Mallorca
Dr. Many items for sale. 683-1100.

Store liquidation. Display cases, large
counter w/storage. 640 North 3rd .Street.
Friday, 9am-3pm.
GARAGE SALE. Mostly lighting fixtures.
Saturday 7/22 7a.m.-lp.m. 716 1st St.
MOVING SALEI Everything must gol Call
anytime 904-894-5835 for directions.
TODDER SIZE carped w/,mattress, toys,
preschool furniture, clothing, antiques, lin-
ens, household goods. 1824 Arden Way,
Sat 7-1 pm.
YARD SALE- Saturday, 7:30am-12pm.
502 3rd Ave. So. & 5th Street.
$1.00/yd. insiock, some urnilture 704 91r
St S :
GARAGE SALEI Saturday, July 22 Baby
clothes nouseware, lurniTure, antiques.
7a m.- 2p m. 1110 7th St. N off Penman
Rd Dealers welcome
MIULTI- FAMILY Sale- appliances. lurn.,
tools & more. 111n Ave. N.& 131n St., N.
Jax Bch

HUGE RUMMAGE Sale Post, 129. 1151
DINING ROOM ladle for sale, sold wood S 4r, St. July 29th, 7am-2pm Table
w,6 chairs. $250 246-2803: Rental $10 00 or Come, Shop and Buy

$900. Full-size bed $500 Ladie's bike
$150 Can negolale. 19041894-5835.
SPINET PIANO or Kenmore Retrigerator
$400 Antique held back chairs or solid
walnul lable, leaf $600. more 241 6855.
SOLID OAK Oueen bedroom set In-
cludes rounded neadboard w/ratan inlay
design, 72" six plus drawer dresser
w/rounded mirror 'and rarlan inlay, rwo
2-drawer nighisiands, lour drawer plus
storage Armoire Good condition $700,

SOLID OAK Enierainmenrt Center. 39 W
x78 Hx16'aeep excellent condition $300
Beauilui solid oak headboard HinS both
queen and king) $125. (19041514-4450

SET OF 4 rims plus lires. 8-lug Ford alum
8 nole. size 285x75x16 Dunlop Mud Rover
w/ 50"% read. $200 lor sel 246-7710.
Irundle bed $75 OBO 247-3429
SOLID OAK lulon wimarlress, excellent
condition $175998-9048
62" TOSHIBA TV. Pioneer 300 wan
wlequalizer and surround sound receiver.
JVC 6 CD player Bose 62 speakers,
KlIpscri 10' double speaker sub wooler
All older models in greal working order.
$1200 OBO 242-0344.
ness Bar, workiul DVDs. accesorBes.
brand new. see ai Iluidirycom $100 OBO
254-0931 Ponie Vedra
1994 ASPEN Trailer 4 1/2x 911. Heavy du-
ry $750 553-7203
sic, 36', 15 5hp, used one season bell
drive, 1500 543-9798
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75,eas
30 day warranty Deliver. $20 318-8173.
80' MAHOGANY Bear Claw Dining Table
6/chairs, coiner curio cabinel. $900 Call
6 DINING Chairs and rutcn. 2 solas msc
items 246-8979
Scan Design. 3pcs, exc condo $900
OBO. 270-1707 or 343-7621
LOW RIDERS. 4 Scorchers, 17 wide
nres on 14" chrome wheels $800 OBO
25CF KITCHEN Aid Relrrage Stove and
Disnwasher. Whle $600 lor all. 285-2808
WATERBED $50. complete sei. Baldwin
organ $400 (valued ai $30001. 246.2437
call arter 4pm
18 KT/ 14- CT stunning, custom invisisel
diamond bracelet Appraised $18,500. Sell
$14K OBO 614-0845
LIVING ROOM Sel. sola love seal, reclin-
eir beige, Drown and green mixed Pal-
lern Asking $450 Dinng Sei- Tile lop,
ligrt wood, like new asking $375 Patio
Set- Glass Top Reciangular, live chairs.
onoman. & small round table Asking
$275. Futon- Oueen size, contemporary
cover, like new, asking $400. Call 280-
8651 Lv message.
RUBY RED Sola- lyr old Lazy Boy. must
sell- brand new condition- $800.
PRESSURE WASHER. loe behind. 65gal
waler tank, 35gal. chemical lank 13h/p
Honda molor, 15011 hose wiwand and
surface cleaner, $2.200 543-9798
BED- KING mattress set, $289 Can de-
liver. 1904)391-0015
5FT. ACOUSTAT Speakers 2 1/2 ,n. Inick
Sony 200 Disc CD cnanger, luner w'dolby
surround, dual cassette w/remore.
$500/OBO Iwill sell individually. 5000
Magic cards, uncommon and rare.
$300/OBO. Pro Dynamics TX 1200
Speakers $2200 new. selling lor $400.
Sharp handheld camcorder w,'400 x zoom
Viewcam wiremote $50 Longboard skale-
board $50.241-4204
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
installed lor $899. 249-8877
BED FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed.
w/marlress & box spring. Must sell $395
Can deliver 1904 858-9350.
SHELVING FROM retail store. 6x4 each
section, 60 secicris currently in storage
130 each. Call Tm 813-5833
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pecic Memory
Foam manress & ooxspring, new in
plastic w1warranty. $379 Musi sell

SATURDAY 8AM-UNTIL 14554 Plumosa
Dr A lol of good sluff.
BIG YARD sale, Sal 8-7 3620 Eunice Rd
lof Beach Blvd. in Isle of Palmsi Lols ol
stuff & plants.
TOO MUCH stuff. al's gona go. From col-
lecibDles (some Ebayable stlul) lo clothing
Girls 10'121 to decor artwork & other
goodies) Priced to sell Salurday 8AM til
1PM 715 3rd Ave N Follow Ihe pink

SURF REP Sample Sale! Trunks $15,
also yard sale riems. 524 131h Aye Norin,
Saturday. Sunday, 9.30am-4.30pm.


SATURDAY ONLY. 8am-noon, 1917 Se.
clouded Woods Lane Secluded Woods off
Kings Road Household ilems. kids
clothes, toys and misc niems.

Muli-lamily- Saturday 7:30-1pm. designer
junior clothes, ladies clothing, corner en-
tertainment armoire, 175 VHS movies.
15tqi. pressure cooker, misc household.
1819 Twelve Oaks Ln W. (oft Penman,
between Florida & Seagate)

ATL BCH moving sale- lurniture, house-
hola items and much more. Sal 8a m-
1 pm. 1862 Hickory Ln Take Seminole
road and make a leh on 191n Si

p Ul:~l~~~;;;;

1999 BIG Dog 1750 Bulldog. Very low
miles. Cnerry red wigold pinstrpe Beauti-
lul and last. $15,500 OBO 755-6461
VESPA, 2004, mint green/ black Excel-
lent condition Gas saver Perfect for run-
ning around or taking to the beacon Low
mileage garage kepi. Cruising speed 40-
45 mph Brand new cover and bubble
storage unit included. Additional storage in
seal $2600. 703-3593 Buyer responsible
lor vehicle pickup.
2002 HONDA SHADOW Ace, ncl acces-
sories. 48 ong miles garage kept, Illness
forces sale $5500 247-1417

1999 COLEMAN Clipper Pop-up Camper
w/slde-oul dine, electric lih, sleeps 6, Tor-
jel, shower, hot waler. king and queen
bed Great shape Palm Valley area
$6000 OBO. (904)838-6906
--- -- --- -------
2005 FORD econoline in excellenl.condi-
lion. Loaded wioptions 29000 mi $18500
687-8682 or 687-8648
1989 DODGE Van, Long, Extended.
Excellent work van (Good condllion).
2000 CHEVY GMG Sierra pickup.' 4x4,
56.000 miles $9000. 993-9191. ,.
1990 FORD Econoirne. F-150 Work van-
aulo, A'C, Radio Runs Great 122 Thou-
sand Miles. $2.000 343-1460.

HUGE SALE- Furniture, TV, Bikes- Semi-
noie to 11th SI, Rt on Linkside-1435 Sal 1998 TOYOTA Tacoma ExI.Cab, PS PB.
7,22 7-11a.m. A/C. Cruise. bed liner, bed copper.
-AM/FM: CD. 52K miles $6800 246.1182

BIG YARD Salel Moving, redecorating.
LOIS 01 women's clothing and shoes van-
ery of sizes, purses household items in-.
ens. decorative, and lurnilurel Don'1 miss
10. or proceeds going to Jax Humane
Society Come help save a pelt Salurday.
7122, 8am-7. 326 61h Streel
YARD SALE 311 5nh Atlantic Bch. Satur-
day 7/22 8a m -11. Toys. books, etc.
OCEAIJWALK. 2237 Oceanwalk Drive
Wesl., Saturday bam-12:30pm New
ladles FSU sinrs, ailiques, books, new
linens Daby ana riousehold items

8am-noon, Solano Woods. 109 Mallard
Trail. Book shelves, Antique dining table,
An Deco dining table & chairs, Art Deco
rilesland, Compuleri Equip. Silverware,
China, Wingback cnair, Bar stools Lamps.
Oriental rugs. Designer cloning/ shoes
MOVING SALE. July 22nd. 9 30am- 1pm
Come make offers even on the house. 3
Drum PI., Dolphin Cove
SHABBY CHEAP Household Sale, 60
Franklin Ave PVB Sal & Sun, 8am

MOVING SALE! Saturday, 8am-9 En-
cnanted Hollow Dr. off Grven Rd House-
nold. craft supplies. lurnllure, linens, col-
leclbles. etc.

1645 SEABREEZE Ave Jax Bch Many
line antiques. sterling Ilarware and serving
pieces, baccaral siemware, old books, vic-
loran jewelry, an, prints, Minion & Spode
china, hand painted places. household
lems, chandeliers. mounted lish. house
and garage full 7/21 & 22. 8.3 s'As7
www cnarlloya.com. 502-0986
A BEAUTIFULL' Sale! 70 San Juan Dr
Ponte Vedra Beach. Big nome oig
amounil Furn- Formal Fr chest. Amer
antq stand. Wicker galore Designer can.
opy On & Kng BR set. armoire, eic. Oak
sideboard. 500 pcs old Chintz, Majolica,
Blue Willow. Fiesla. Huge Royal Doulton
pot. Boar head Big pcs sterl. Ion Water-
ford, jewelry, 100s ol boxed Swaicn
watches Gar & kilcn full Tnurs 9-4, Fri.
9-3. CHINA CAT 241-0344
chinacalanliques.com : -

2000 9 9HP Suzuki. 4 stroke. very good
condition, low nours $1200.- 285-0904
leae message. .
12 ALUMINUM John Boat $200 OBO

WASHER and DRYER. excellent cond,. 1988 GLASS STREAM Spirit. 21'. ew
lion $150 each Will deliver. Guarantee Magic Ti trailer 330h p Mer cruiser
874-1747J engine & oudr.ve.$6000080 704-6717.

2002 ODYSSEY Van. lully loaded All
power, healed seals. learner interior
$14,800 74.600 miles lexcellenl condi-
tion). 652-6243

1994 FORD Taurus. 75,000 miles. $2500
cr. 904-372-9338 or 904-566-3977
1996 BLACK, Cougar XR7'- 8cyl.
1-00,000. mi, loaded. good condition :
$3.000 OBO 19041955-1830.
TWO JEEP Cnerokees, 4 wheel drive.
bolh 1982, 2-door. $500/eacn 612-8060
or 613-5178
97 MITSIBISHI Mirage. 4DR, A/C. 5spd,.
76 000mi $1995. 249-0844.
1977 FORD T-Bird. 5.0L/302c i., A/C.
bachelor bench seals. 2nd owner, new
pain recent engine overhaul, driven daily.
33200 OBO 710-7522
2003 MERCEDES C240, 45k miles, 6spd,
4dr, Silver/grey leather, 6 CD, moonrool,
exc condition $20.800. 19041334-6686.
POLICE IMPOUNDS' Cars Irom $5001 For
lisiings, 800-749-8116 ext. 3629
2000 LEXUS RX300 SUV- Looker, super
clean. 120k mostly highway miles. Very
well maintained $14,500 OBO. 242-0344

GOING OUT ol business LOIS 01 meal
snelsing, display cases register and sand
wmaiching cabinets Open/close sign
plus much more. 993-5550.

snail Slant Cab Hall Slack. like new. Musl
sell' 207-2373
--. ,-

W!tflf~s:~l.i'uJ .in

PARTY STORE for sale, located at 7206
Atlantic Blvd., seasonal merchandise in
storage included. $30,000. Call Tim 813-


ACTIVE NANNY hotiest, dependable,
transportation & rrernces. $9-$1/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.


I '

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