* 1 :-T ', *,
Around the Home
Home & Garden tips,
See B-8
JULY 14, 2006
Events at vacation
Bible school
See A-6
Surf's up for
See A-10
SAn edion of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 44, No. 7
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
SJ crime rate
drops by 7 %
The crime rate in St. Johns
County dropped an overall 7
percent last year from the year
earlier, nearly double the
statewide drop and the biggest
drop in Northeast Florida,
according to the Florida
Department of Law
Enforcement (FLDIE).
Statistics for crime in Florida
during 2005 were released
Tuesday, when Gov. Jeb Bush
praised police and the "tough
on crime" attitude that
brought the state's crime rate
to a 35-year low.
In St. Johns County, the rate
of violent crime dropped 7.9
percent from 2004 to 2005,
compared with a statewide
drop of 0.6 percent.
Included in the violentt crime"
category are murder, forcible
sex offenses, robbery and
aggravated assault.
In the category of nonvio-
lent crimes, which includes
burglary, theft and motor vehi-
cle theft, the 2005 rate in St.
Johns County fell 6.9 percent
from the year-earlier rate, com-
pared with the statewide dip of
2 percent.
Among the Northeast Florida
counties of St. Johns, Clay,
Duval, Nassau and Putnam, St.
Johns had the biggest dip in
the violent crime rate from
2004 to 2005.
The violent -crime rate in
Duval County dipped by 0.3
percent, and that in Nassau
dropped by 3.4 percent. The
rate went up in the remaining
two counties: by 17.7 percent
in Clay County and by 14.6
percent in Putnam County.
The number of violent
crimes reported in St. Johns
County'during 2005 are as fol-
lows: murder, 3; forcible sex
offenses, 42; robbery, 69, and
aggravated assault, 499.
For nonviolent crimes, the
totals are burglary, 973; theft,
2,737, and motor vehicle theft,
See CRIME, A-3
Stephen Johnston of Marietta, GA, heads toward the ocean Thursday morning in front of the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, where he and
his family are staying for the second year in a row. Under the umbrella is his mother, Julia Johnston.
Tourism campaign targets PV
.- ' t \." ,- *-
Ponte Vedra Beach will con-
tinue to be distinguished as a
vacation spot in promoting St.
Johns County tourism, the
county's tourism director said
this week.
Glenn Hastings, director of
the St. Johns Count)y Tourist
Development Council (TDC)
told county commissioners
Tuesday that the TDC also will
focus on increasing hotel occu-
pancy rates and getting visitors
to spend more money while
they are here.
Although revenue from
tourism in St. Johns County
has doubled over the past 10
years to $562 million in
2005, Hastings said- the
amount of money spent per
person has been dropping in
recent months.
In the last three months of
2005, more than 880,000 peo-
ple visited the county and
'"* .. Jj, ^ i.. w i ; .l -- - "
spent an average of $67.40 per
person, Hastings said.
More people yi.ited ju lust
under 1 milliori -- .rom
January to March, but they
spent an average of about $57,
Hastings said in an interview
Thursday, adding that number
should be around $80.
But the average amount of
money spent during April, May
and June, when 1.4. million
people visited, dropped even
more to about $52.
H-astings appeared before the
County Commission to
explain the TDC's proposed
$2.5 million advertising budg-
et for the fiscal year that begins
Oct. 1.
The funding for the TDC
budget comes from a 3 percent
bed tax paid on short-term
rentals, that is, less than six
months at a time.
Money from the tax is split
between the TDC's marketing
campaign, beach improve-
ments and grants that go to
local organizations that host
special events.
Hastings said one of this
year's strategies will aim at
increasing visitation to the
county during the off season -
August through Januar-.
The campaign to separate
Ponte Vedra from Jacksonville
began last year with the Super
Bowl, as the TDC hosted a
media event in the area,
Hastings said.
"Planning Super Bowl events
gave us the opportunity to
showcase Ponte V\edra,"
Hastings said.
The Ponte Vedra campaign
continued a month later dur-
ing the Players Championship,
as county representatives
worked to correct those who
referred to Jacksonville as the
home of the annual golf tour-
Hastings said this year's mar-
keting strategy promoting
Ponte Vedra will target individ-
ual travelers, travel planners
and travel reporters through ad
campaigns and special events.
He said it is hoped that meet-
ings with writers for travel pub-
lications will produce articles
recommending Ponte Vedra as
a destination.
According to the TDC's
research, "only Orlando and
the Keys were ranked higher
[than St. Johns County] in
terms of the desire to visit,"
Hastings told commissioners.
And although more than
half of visitors to St. Johns
County return yearly to vaca-
tion here, Hastings said, some
factors that can't be controlled
work against tourism.
Amopg those are the threat
of hurricanes and the escalat-
ing price of gasoline.
Senator warns of coming insurance rate hikes
Property insurance rates are
likely to increase drastically
this year for Floridians, includ-
ing those in the Beaches com-
munities, state Sen. Jim King
said Monday at a Beaches
Business Association meeting.
And those property owners
who will face the increases are
the lucky ones, the District 8
Republican said, noting that
many other Floridians aren't
even able to get policies to
insure their homes.
"Come October, your prop-
erty insurance will more than
double in premium," King told
members of the Beaches
Business Association at their
monthly meeting at the
Jacksonville Beach Golf
Course's 19th Hole.
"We have a real genuine
problem, and it's going to get
King, fresh off the 2006 leg-
islative session, was in the area
campaigning for his reelection
bid this year against fellow
Republican Randall Terrn.
King said Florida's experi-
ences with hurricane in recent
years are largely to blame for
the anticipated hike in insur-
ance rates.
"Hurricanes have just devas-
tated the marketplace," he
"If you were an insurance
company, would you like to
cover anything in Florida after
five hurricanes?"
Some insurance companies
have announced they will not
issue any new policies in Florida
and will only maintain existing
ones at a increased rate.
"If you already have insur-
ance, you're one of the lucky
ones," King said.
He said some Floridians have
been forced out of their homes
because no one will insure
State Sen. Jim King
"We have now got people
walking away from their homes
and mortgages because they
can't get insurance," King said,
explaining that mortgage com-
panies typically require home-
owners insurance.
"I wish I had an answer. I
King said one option would
be for insurance companies to
have wind insurance separate
from a homeowners police, just
as flood insurance is. That could
significantly reduce the overall
cost of property insurance, he
Also at the meeting, King
spoke about the increasing
problem of affordable housing
in the state.
"We have a significant prob-
lem. The folks who are at most
risk are the working, lower
income force," King said. "They
can't afford to buy a house."
King said affordable housing
such as mobile home communi-
ties that have an ambiance
which meets the surrounding
communities could provide
some solution.
The Metropolitan Planning
Organization looks at the link
between housing and transporta-
tion. See store ; A-3.
Ray Ashton .right) speaks to a group of visitors at St.'Johns'
County's Emergency Operalibih Center in St. Augustine. The
building acts'as the center of operations for emergency agen-
cies during hurricanes and other disasters.
When chips are
down, emergency
system perks up
by LAURA FOWLER About 900 meals prepared
STAFF IWRITER each day by cooks who were
St. Johns County's
Emergency Operations Center
in St. Augustine used to be a
potato chip factory.
More than $20 million was
spent gutting and steam-clean-
ing the building to transform it
into the technological hub for
emergency management that it
is today.
"There was a lot of potato
chip grease in here," Ray
Ashton, director of emergency
management, said Monday as
he showcased the center to
members of the St. Johns
County Civic Association
Standing in the center's
main room, which is filled
with telephones, computers,
televisions and giant projec-
tion screens used for tracking
storms, Ashton explained to
the group just what goes on
when disaster strikes.
"It gets real exciting in here
when we're activated," he said.
The potato chip grease was
gone and the computers were
set up just in time for a sum-
mer of wildfires in 1998,
Ashton said.
serving time in me country lau
were served to firefighters out
of the center's kitchen.
Since that inaugural disaster,
the center has been used main-
ly as headquarters for emer-
gency agencies during hurri-
canes, and Ashton said many
lessons have been learned.
One year a news van showed
up and needed to be set up
within the center for live cov-
erage of a storm.
The next year it was three
news vans, all of which needed
to be plugged into the center's
power source a 500 kilowatt
"The thing about emergency
services is you make things
happen," Ashton said.
"You don't say it can't be
Though wires were strewn
about and rules were estab-
lished to keep reporters from
getting in the way, Ashton said
having a TV news crew in the
building proved to work in his
favor, by getting information
to residents faster.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
, will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Calendar ................B-6 Obituaries ..........A-5
Classified ..............C-1 Police Beat ............A-5
Religion ................A-6 Sports..................A-10
Showtimes ...........B-4 Weather ................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
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July 14, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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Around The Beaches
Gotta have a gimmick
In today's media-rich envi-
ronment, it's difficult to keep a
reader's attention unless the
author hooks, the reader imme-
diately, according to award-
winning author Vic DiGenti of
Ponte Vedra Beach.
DiGenti will lead a discus-
sion on "Importance of the
First Page" at the Florida
Writers Association's (FWVA)
Ponte Vedra Writer's Group
meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday,
July 22.
The meetings at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Branch Library, is
open to FVA rfierniber&-":fd
nonmembers .......
DiGenti spent 35 years work-
ing for WJCT Public
Broadcasting in a variety of
positions before he retired in
Since then he has written
two books about a traveling cat
- "Windrusher" and
"Windrusher and the Cave of
Tho-hothan ," each of which
won an FWVA award for Best
Young Adult Novel.
DiGenti will give tips on
how to write an opening that
grabs the reader's attention
and keeps the pages turning.
He also invites anyone work-
ing on a book or short story to
bring along their first page and
12 copies to share with others
for critiquing.
For more information, call
DiGenti at 285-2258.
Parks get state boost
St. Johns County parks will
get $512,500 under the budget
OK'd recently by Gov. Jeb
bush; : .
The money comes from
more than $31 million
assigned to expand and
improve local parks across the
state and is funded through
the Department of
SEnvironmental Protection's
IDEPi Florida' Recreation
Development :Assistance
Program IFRDAP I.
As approved, $512,500 will
go to St. Johns County to assist
three local park projects and
enhance nearby communities
by increasing outdoor recre-
ation opportunities and
improving public access to
Florida's natural resources.
The St. Johns County proj-
ects funded in this year's state
budget include:
Joseph Pomar Jr.
Recreational Facility, Phase II,
City of St. Augustine.' The
grant money will be used for a
multipurpose trail, picnic facil-
ities, a playground area, a fish- the store Tuesday, Aug. 15,
ing pier and kayak launching several days before the official
and restrooms. opening to the public.
Davis Shores Park, city of Guests get a first chance at
St. Augustine: The funds will purchasing merchandise at
be used for a skate area, recre- the new store while enjoying
national trail, playground, fit- hors d'oeurves and becoming
ness equipment, nature over- eligible to win gifts and door
look, picnic pavilion, parking, prizes.
landscaping and irrigation. Tickets are $10, and all pro-
Beach access walkovers, St. ceeds from ticket sales will go
Johns County. The funding to Dignity U Wear. To pur-
will be used for boardwalks chase tickets or for more
and beach access. information about the event,
Over the past eight years, contact Cindy Spence Sadler
Florida has spent nearly $200 at 636-9455.
million to improve local park
facHiiTies-rthroughi --th''-gra'nF- -County staff reorganized
program, funding more. than__ St. Johns County's
1,402 projects statewide. Operations Dixision is being
For more information, visit reorganized after the recent
www.floridastateparks.org departure of several staff mem-
tateparks.org/ former assistant county
Water tax stays level Darrell Locklear, currently
The St. Johns River Water working as county engineer,
Management District's will replace Clem as assistant
Governing Board voted administrator.
Monday to keep its tax rate at Bob Peters will be promoted
46.2 cents for every $1,000 in to director of Human
assessed property value, the Resources, and Teresa Bishop,
same as it has been for the past formerly planning director,
five years. will now be the director of
Public hearings on the pro- growth management services.
posed 0.462 millage rate will The Department of
be held at 5:05 p.m. Sept. 12 Transportation will operate as
and Sept. 26 prior to adoption a stand-alone department
of the district's budget in late reporting to Bishop. Bill
September. The fiscal year Harman is the manager.
begins Oct. 1. Stan DeAngelis will be the
The proposed budget new director of building servic-
includes $31 million in new es, with Howard White as
projects and initiatives, funded Building Department manager
with District revenues, state and Mike Griffin as develop-
sources and federal sources. ment review manager.
These projects include shar-
ing in the costs to develop
water resources and water sup-
plies needed to meet projected
future water demands.
' The St. Johns River Water
Managenient, District, with
headquarters in Palatka, is
responsible for regulating
water use and protecting wet-
lands, waterways and drinking
water supplies in all or part of
17 Northeast Florida counties,
among them Duval and St.
Johns counties.
Stein Mart hosts benefit
Dignity U Wear, the
Jacksonville-based organiza-
tion that provides new cloth-
ing to needy ien, women
andL children, will benefit
from an upcoming event at a
,new Stein Mart store 8dn
Atlantic Boulevard at Queens
Dignity U Wear will sell
tickets to a private opening of,
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MDA benefit begins
The Muscular Dystrophy
Association's (MDA) "Aisles of
Smiles" program at Winn-
Dixie takes place July 26
through Aug. 29.
Customers can purchase an
"Aisles of Smiles" mobile for
$1 and write their name on the
mobile. Winn-Dixie will dis-
play the mobiles in their store.
Proceeds from the program
will benefit Northeast Florida
and Southeast Georgia individ-
uals and families with one of
the 43 neuromuscular diseases
covered by MDA.
The Reaches
are online at:
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information on
placing a classified
or display ad;
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download forms to
submit information
on births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;
V look at photo
galleries of people
and events from
throughout, the
your sub-
V contact mem-
bers of our staff.
Cutting a ribbon Wednesday.at the Patisserie in Ponte Vedra
Beach are (from left) chef Joey McLaughlin, manager Sara
McLaughlin and Alex Quijano.
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We can help your group raise
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Page 3A*
The RBeacph s eader/Pnnte Vedra Leader
T--i-- 1 A ilinl
July 1F, %,.uI
The Stadium Course in Ponte Vedra continues to go through renovations, as seen in this photo
taken Monday. In the distance is a practice area. Dirt mounds at the right are adjacent to con-
struction that continues on the new clubhouse at TPC Sawgrass.
Beach bus service topic of meeting
The link between transporta-
tion and the affordable hous-
ing crisis facing the Beaches
will be the subject of a work-
shop next week in downtown
The First Coast Metropolitan
Planning Organization will
meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday at 1022
Prudential Drive to discuss
transportation problems and
look for solutions.
"The transit issue is directly
tied to affordable housing and
labor force concerns," Denise
Bunnewith, executive director
S of the MPO, said in a July 5
memo to Jacksonville Beach
City Manager George Forbes.
The Beaches Affordable
Housing Coalition was recently
founded to help relocate fami-
lies displaced by the loss of
low-income housing and
forced west of the Intracoastal
Some- who work at the
Beaches have a difficult time
because the bus service does
not extend into areas with a
high concentration of service
industry employees, according
to Bunnewith.
Jeffrey Oliasami, president of
the Ponte Vedra Beach
,Chamber of Commerce and
manager at the Marriott at
. Sawgrass, said the recent rash
of condominium conversions
has created "major problems"
for service industry workers
who can't afford to live near
their jobs.
"There are no apartments
left. They are all gone. Of over
500 of our [hotel] associates, 80
percent of them come from
Duval County," he said during
a May meeting with JTA offi-
cials. "The need for transporta-
tion is just growing."
Oliasami said many of his
employees take a bus as far as
the Duval County line at Ponte
Vedra where the buses stop
and walk or get a ride the
remaining distance to work.
"We try to pick them up," he
Beaches officials met with
determine the demand to
Extend bus service into north-
ern St. Johns Cdunty
The extension was proposed
by Jacksonville Beach City
Councilor Penny Christian to
accommodate hotel, restaurant
and other service employees in
the area who rely on public
transportation to get to work.
"It seemed logical to relieve
some of the congestion on
[State Road] AIA, we needed
to look at transportation in to
St. Johns County," Christian
said. "I think it is a very viable
MPO officials will also iden-
tify funding sources to develop
alternative transit options.
Miller said JTA receives limit-
ed state and federal grants, the
75 cent fares represent 22.5
percent of the agency's fund-
"The one thing that we don't
have is dedicated funding," he
said. "There is very little
money in the budget to cover
expanded route services. We
have to find some way to make
up the other 80 percent."
getting -to' and from work ..JTA. transportation planners.to. .,,,
-g C a -. .d d lJ,-iii ,oj. i .d 1 ,': .. :,,
Emergency: Cameras added:
I f I '0 I '',
Continued from A-1
Research shows 43 percent of
non-Floridians and 24 percent
of Floridians said the possibili-.
ty of a hurricane may keep
them from vacationing in the
Sunshine State this 'year,
Hastings said.
About 30 percent of non-
Floridians said they are going
to vacation closer to home this
year, he said. However, 38 per-
cent said they are likely to con-
sider a vacation in Florida
again, according to the TDC's
In a telephone interview
Thursday, Hastings said that
projections of the number of
visitors' to the county in the
next few months "don't look
good," Which may force hotels
to lower their rates to attract
O nce 'isitor numbers pick
up again, he said, the TDC will
encourage the hotels to raise
their rates again so they may
reinvest and improve their
"We want the local hotels. .
to maintain a certain quality,"
Hastings said.
The community's charm,
,along with, small, locally
owned businesses and unique
shops, attracts visitors and
must be preserved, he said.
But County Commissioner
Ben Rich said some of that
charm is being butchered as:
new developments, approved
by the County Commission,
move into the county.
,!'One of the things that .
greatly concerns me. .is the
development butchery of St.
Johns County," Rich said in
Tuesday's meeting.
Rich said the County
Commission is forcing the TDC
to sell "a lie" a comment that
made Commissioner Bruce
Maguire bristle.
"Everyone on this board has
the same objective: to promote
what's best for the people,"
Maguire said.
"I find it a little offensiveto,,
say that you're having to sell a
lie. It's not a lie it's a fact."
Continued from A-1
Throughout the state, the
rate of reported crime in all
indexed categories decreased
for. the 14th straight year,
according to a Tuesday news,
release from the FDLE.
"I. applaud the hard work
of Florida's law enforcement
officers who put their lives
on the line each day to pro-
tect the residents of our state,
and this report highlights the
results of their efforts," Bush
said in'the news release.
"This report shows that
staying tough on crime
St. Johns County Sheriff
David Shoar was not avail-,
able for comment.
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Continued from A-I
"Everything [information]
that came out of here was live
at that time," he said.
The center relies on "redun-
dant" communication systems
that include telephones, go\v-
ernment television, a radio sys-
tem and a satellite communi-
cation system. If one fails,
there's always something to
back it up, Ashton said.
The center is capable of
sending a couple hundred
Sfaxes in three to four minutes
to get information to the pub-
lic as fast as possible.
"Any one of you know 95
percent of what we know at
any given time," he said to
about two dozen Roundtable
members who attended.
For this year's storm season,
Ashton said, emergency man-
agement is using cameras to
' keep track of, conditions
throughout the county.
Two cameras one pointing
east and the other west on
top of the IVachovia building
in downtown St. Augustine
will enable officials to monitor
;the storm surge coming into
the bay and traffic coming over
the Bridge of Lions.
The county has also decided
to make one shelter in the
northern part of the county
and one in the southern part
"pet friendly."
If a Category 5 hurricane
were to strike Northeast
Florida, Ashton said, all resi-
dents east of 1-95 would need
to evacuate and shelters west
of the interstate would be used
only as a "last resort."
-Only two orders to evacuate
have been given from the cen-
ter: one for Hurricane Bertha in
1996 and the other for
Hurricane Floyd in 1999, he
said. And those were only for
residents on the barrier islands,
east of the Intracoastal
Waterway, according to
He said the area was saved
from major damage during
Floyd when the storm moved
50 miles east as it approached
the First Coast.
"If it had moved 50 miles to
the west, we'd still be cleaning
up today," he said.
Ashton's biggest message to
the group of visitors Monday
was the importance of personal
preparedness, a lesson learned
in the aftermath of 2005's
Hurricane Katrina
During disaster situations,
Ashton said, businesses can
expect about 60 to 80 percent
of their employees not to
return to work right away.
The same. is true of govern-
ment employees, he said.
"That's why your personal
preparedness is so important,
because we're not going to be
able to do everything for you,"
he said.
AEA&Lao e amEL.,,e
iWEB~-iat Elns~~?
Fleet Landing gives helping hand
The Fleet Landing library is
holding a book sale to raise
money for the proposed
Helping Hands Village, a tran-
sitional housing program in
the Mafaport area for homeless
families with children.
Betsy Lewis with the library
of the Atlantic Beach retire-
ment community said
Thursday that the group hopes
to raise about $500 through
the sale. Library volunteers
will match that amount, bring-.
ing the total to $1,000 for the
Helping Hands program, she
Lewis said that the sale is
scheduled to go through July
18 but could possibly last
longer due to the amount of
books being donated by resi-
dents of Fleet Landing, a life
care retirement community
located off of Mayport Road..
, While the sale is not intend-
ed for the general public, Lewis
said that the she will allow a.
limited number non-residents
of Fleet Landing to purchase
books if they wish.
She said those interested
may ask for her at the front
gate of the community located
at 1 Fleet Landing Blvd.
The organizers of Helping
Hands Village say they need to
raise roughly $500,000 to pur-
chase two acres west of
Mayport Road for construction
of about 18 town homes.
The homes would be for
Great aes...
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homeless families with chil-
dren who demonstrate an abil-
ity and intent to become self-
sufficierit, according to the
Helping hands Web site. '
Helping Hands Village is
partnering with Beaches
Habitat to build the town-
Great Bank!
2005 Poulon Violent Crime* %Change
2005 Population rate (per 100,00) from'04
St. Johns 157,278 389.8 -7.9
Clay 169,623 471.6 17.7
Duval 861,150 807.5 -0.3
Nassau 65,759 1,164.9 -3.4
Putman 73,764 1,258.1 14.6
Florida 17,918,227 702.2 -0.6
Murder,sdxual offenses, robbery and aggravated assault
Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement Web Site
Crime: Dropping
r I A %AMC
Page 4A "N .w. .1... I I I LJ1 _,.. I L.A July 1', zuuq
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated u Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER ;
The Leader's Opinion
Roads are asset
and all closings
must be noticed
Until recently, if you wanted to know when a road was
going to be closed in Jacksonville Beach, the odds are that
you would find out about the same time you discovered
the road was blocked and you had to find a detour.,
A couple of wees ago, however, Jacksonville Beach
began posting road dosures on'the city's web site. The list
is to be updated each Monday morning, according to the
streets department.
That regular updating is essential as only current infor-
mation will have value to the driver plotting a new route
to work or home.
Lack of timely notice on road closure is a-problem. For
example, this week the JTA sent out notices Tuesday that
Eunice Road's intersection with Beach Boulevard would be
closed that evening. That information was of little value to
residents already at work and certainly such a closure could
be better anticipated by those doing the road work. Such
short notice which is essentially no notice does not
bode well for us as the Beach Boulevard-widening project
moves eastward.
Each of the Beach communities would do well to emu-
late Jacksonville Beach and commit to posting regular -
and timely notices of road closures and other public
works interruptions so that the public being served can
plan to accommodate the work
Along those lines, we would also suggest that any time a
public road is closed for more than, literally, just a few
minutes that a permit be required. Those permits could be
issued by one agency and available for public inspection.
Whether a street must be dosed to bury a public water
line, accommodate heavy equipment for a private devel-
opment or just for a block party, one department head in
each city should bear responsibility for knowing all of the
roads that will be closed at'a given time.
Road closures are not uncommon with numerous con-
struction projects ongoing. With one agency coordinating
all closures, there.should be better planning for the use of
public-owned roads.
The roads belong to the' public and when a road is
closed, citizens deserve to know exactly why they are
being deprived of usmg a key asset.
To track street closings permitted by the city of
Jackson\ile Beach visit http://www.jacksonvillebeach.org/
Scroll down and click on temporary street closures.
ISend letters :t: t
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-mail
to editor@beachesleader.com
Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires.
We will not consider letters that do not bear a
signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification.
If you have a question about news coverage call
249-9033 during business hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Weddings, engagements, birth announcements
and obituaries are published free of charge for
the community. Information about area residents
and their achievements is also welcome.
"Cl copyrighted Material
\ g Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Lkti~ w m
,Government attratsuth
P-olitics 101 has once again
been taught to and prac-
ticed by selected local
high schoolers, courtesy of the
American Legion and its
Auxiliary. The junior-class stu-
dents have returned from a
program held during succes-
Ssive weeks for Boys State and
Girls State at Florida State
Boys State was founded in
1935 as part of the Legion's
Better citizenship Program with
the intent to teach the atten-
dees about city and state gov- ,'
eminent processes. Girls State
was begun in 1948 and has'
Been a regular part of the pro-
gram since then. As explained
in an FSU press release, the pro-
gram allows students to run for
and hold elective offices in fic-
titious parties. They create plat-
forms and hold rallies support-
ing their nominees for city,
county and state government
offices. (No skateboards on the
In a thank-you letter to lax
Beach American Legion Post
129, Girls Stater Julie Dias said
she was chosen as a city com-
missioner and elected to the
House of Representatives also.
Another Post 129 pick, Alice
Cooper, wrote, "Elections were
stressful but thrilling, and I was
elated to win both city manag-
,er and Senator." I understand
that the Girls State political
campaigns are done on the
cheap. We could definitely use
some of these young ladies in
A couple of the Post 129 Boys
State selections also expressed
appreciation for the chance to
participate. Travis Champage
is grandson of Post 129
Legionnaire Joe Cornell, who is
justifiably proud. Jonathan
Browning ended his letter thus:
"Again, thank you for the
opportunity to spend a week
with other Florida teens learn-
ing some of the procedures that
make America such a great
country." With young folks like
these in the pipeline, the future
looks pretty bright.
Of course, Post 129 is full of
veterans. There's even a Girls
State vet. Linda Phaklides
attended Girls State in
Minnesota long ago. She ran
for and was elected governor
for the northern part of the
state. iShe said that there were
so many girls there it was
decided to have both a north-
ern area and a southern area
Her campaign strategy seems
to have been uniquely effec-
tive. Because of her habit of
wearing blue clothing, she
became well known to the stu-
dent/voters as "Linda Lou, the
Girl in Blue." The rest is "her-
story." Naturally, outstanding
grades and personality enter
into Stater status, and nda
obviously ha, ith.' 0 after
landed an acaOemiu e s-eblar---
ship to the Un'iversity of
Minnesota. Kudos to Gov
Linda Lou!
FAR of .50 is right for city of Atlantic Beach
To the editor:
Prior to the 2005 elections
the six candidates running for
Mayor and Commissioners
were sitting on the podium in
the Atlantic Beach Elementary
School. The chairs in the audi-
torium were full and people sat
on the floor to hear the candi-
Three were running for
Mayor and three for
In the opening statements all
six of the Candidates empha-
sized the importance of pre-
serving the character of
Atlantic Beach.
When asked, how each
would maintain that character,
all six candidates expressed the
importance of controlling the
spread of "Mac Mansions".
They stated the importance of
preserving privacy, the rights of
a neighbor to see the sunrise, to
enjoy the breeze and to main-
tain the tree-canopy in Atlantic
All six candidates (winner or
looser) promised to preserve
the character of Atlantic Beach.
The people of Atlantic Beach
elected three candidates. It
could have been either-of the
So now, the elected officials
must carry out the wishes of
the people. Almost 10,000
people voted in 2005. That is a
solid majority! The
Commission must protect the
Character of our City and pass
an Ordinance to limit the size
of the buildings and vote for
the Floor Area Ratio of 0.50 to
keep the character of our city.
Stephen A. Kuti
Atlantic Beach
Jamie letcher must represent all in AB
.Kathleen Feindt Bailey
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
SPrejideni and Publisher
SChuck Adams
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Johnny Woodhouse
Business Office
Char Coffman
Linda Bodgstede
Director ofSaler
Karen Stepp
Vire Iesident
Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponteu dra Leader
Jennifer Wise
Vice President
Display Ad Sales Circulation
Pete Bryant.. Steve Fouraker
JoanneJund '
Kathy Moore
Angela G. Smith '
Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Maryann O'Hara
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Randy Dedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland"
Jimmy Howle
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Betsy Perry,
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Pess Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
(904) 249-9033
To the editor: :
Jamie Fletcher has his own
SIt was quite apparent at
Monday Night's City of
Atlantic Beach Commission
Meeting that Jamie Fletcher
does not, represent all of the
Citizens of Atlantic Beach.,
During the last several
months, many )workshops,
public hearings, Community
Development Board Meetings
and Commission Meetings
have taken place with just a
few Citizens in favor of change'
to the existing Zoning
Prior to the meeting on
Monday night, Jamie Fletcher
emailed his .friends and sup-
porters to solicit their opposi-
tion to the revisions being pro-
posed by the Community
Development Board. The
Community Development
Board along with Citizens
appointed by the Mayor has
worked long and hard to reach
a compromise that would be
acceptable to most Property
Owners. .
Jamie Fletcher is now trying
to undermine those efforts. He
has his own agenda With liber-
al friends that want to take
away our property rights. He
believes that Government
should control all citizens
because we cannot think .for:
Jamie Fetcher took an oath
to represent ALL of the Citizens
of Atlantic Beach, not just his
friends and election backers.
Shame on you, Jamie
Fletcher, you are obviously a
onie term Commissioner.
George Bull Jr.
Atlantic Beach
Concertgoers understand responsibility
To the editor:
About Freebird's request to
use the Atlantic Beach Theatre
for live concerts. There is
always someone who disagrees
with what they don't like. I say
to them, don't go!
About parking, there is plen-
ty, just look at the lot...it's
empty! When the gymn opens,.
they can use the lot every
night. There are not concerts
every night. When you park at
at a small or large mall you
park in front of a store, does
this mean that's the only one
you are going into?
What about the three restau-
rants that would benefit before
the concerts.
For the loud drunk rowdy
crowds, not everyone drinks
alcohol at concerts. It's avail-
able, but you can also get it all
day long at the liquor store
next door. Do all these people
go home and get drunk and
cause problems in their resi-
:dential neighborhoods? No!-
Because they know responsibil-
ity! Believe it or not, concert
goers think the same way. If
they don't, they know what
will happen to them and oth-
ers. About the noise contained
in a a theater bothering peo-
ple,I guess you should com-
plain about the Jax Symphony
at the Sea Walk, or all the toads
singing from everyone's pond
in the neighborhoods, every
time it rains, or the Fletcher
Football games and their band.
I don't complain about these
kind things, because I know
there are hundreds of people
who are having fun and really
enjoy what they're doing and
listening to. My girlfriend & I
went to see a show at Freebird's
Tuesday night from a band
from the 60's-70's, It was great!
Hundreds enjoyed it! Too bad
it wasn't for you.
There's too much diversity
in people, think about it? Your
religion,'your way of life, the
clothes you wear, the cars we
drive who are you to say
what's right for a business? In
Atlantic Beach just because it's
not for you?
Put your ear muffs and eye
shades on and go to sleep. The
rest of the world will try not
to bother you as we support
our local beach business own-.
Ralph Freeman
is pleasing
while attending an i
annual plant sale
held on the
grounds of the local garden-
ing club facilities, I started
talking with several of the
organization's members.
Much to my surprise, the
ladies were not green
thumbed snobs focused on
winning lawn of the month.
They represented a diverse
group of friends with each
member of the club willing
to tell me why she was so
plugged into plants.
S "Working in the yard or gar-
den is so stress reducing for
:'me," Tess, an ICU nurse at a
local hospital said. "I can
come home from a traumatic
day at work and be instantly
calmed while trimming bush-
es, cutting flowers or even
pulling weeds. There's noth-
ing like the ,scent of good,
earth or the fragrance of beau-
ty to make life seem better." i
Annie, a middle school
teacher, said gardening also
helped her stress level.
"I've let my students experi-
ence it too," Annie said,
explaining that she'd gotten
permission to turn a neglect-
ed patch of school ground
into a community garden.
"Some of the most troubled
kids have settled down and
grown some of the most beau-
tifu plants. The"e seems to be
/." n n during some-
ing. I~
I had to agree. A mood of
despair can be dogging my
every move, but if I can
escape to some lawn task, my
heart quickly'feels more hope-
ful. The humming drone of
my faithful push mower, the
low purr of my aging edger, or
the unmistakable click of my
ancient clippers brings a
familiar comfort that calms
me. When days are spent
pouring, brain power into a
long range project, it's nice to
attend to a sweat producing
outdoor job that provides
instant tangible results.
Caught in the midst of'
swapping smile inducing gar-
dening tales, I almost didn't
notice the soft spoken
brunette who joined our
laughing circle of stories.
"This is Becky," the dub's
-president said while giving
the overall-wearing woman 4
hug, "We were all thrilled
when. Becky finally joined our
group six months ago."
"Are you new to the area?" '
asked Becky.
."Oh no," she answered.
'We've lived here 20 years. I
just finally followed through
Son my intention to be part of
this. Actually, I didit just in
My confusion must have
been evident because Becky
went on to tell me that
though she'd been a resident
for two decades, she never felt
completely settled in-the area.
"I've had several nice
acquaintances here, but the.
most we've had in common is
being female;" Becky
explained. "I'm a country gal
from a small town. I've been
nagging my husband for years
, telling him that the day he
retires we: were moving back
to Kentucky."
Becky smiled. "My hus-
band loves it here. Know
what. I do too now. Since I
joined the gardening 'club I
have found my soulmates.
These sweet ladies love the
same thing I do. I feel like I've
known them forever. Being
part of the group and volun-
teering to help with projects
has made feel so at home
again. It's been an amazing
surprise to find that what I
was looking for all this time
was right under my nose."
I left the plant sale with
more than flowers that day. .I
departed believing Becky's
words were meant for me.
Her new attitude was certain-
ly something I needed to
Page 5A*
The Be acbes pLeaPr/PnntP VPdra Lpealpr
* 1l- I A '
July 14, 2cULJ OI U a Y sICILCJ LIC;CCLI rrX
5' i
~~ -:f-...
'*r 'b .~' ` :~li
I F l.~
-ft th
i i
RI DI1TU nATC. Ontr 7 1 O72
-, in 1 -n w : u'_i i.ru
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Cross countryy motorcycle trip and
; other travels ifi and out of the country
EDUCATION: Terry Parker High School, BS in Psychology
from University of South Florida
HOBBIES:.Surfing, scuba diving, sailing, judo
S: FAMILY: (~wife) Gina R. Palmer
SPECIFIC TRAINING: Lifeguard training, EMT
MOST MEMORABLE RESCUE; Rescued two adults in
SNeptune Beach on a paddle board and,then ran two blocks up
the beach to rescue a man and his two boys right after; .
,Police beat is compiled from
police reports which are available
for public inspection at each
police department's offices.
,.A vehicle reported stolen
outside the city was reported
recovered July 10 in the 300
block of Begonia Street.
A check fraud was reported
at a business July 11 in the
900 block of Atlantic
A cell phone valued at $100,
a pair of sunglasses valued at
$250 and a pair of binoculars
valued at $50 were reported
stole from a vehicle July 12
in the 600 block of Camellia
A vehicle reported stolen in
Jacksonville was reported
recovered July 12 in the 400
block of Myra Street.
A vehicle was reported bur-
glarized July 11 in the 600
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
The windshield of a vehicle
was reported cracked July 11
in the 1700 block of Strand
A 17-year-old Palm Valley
boy'was charged with grand
theft Tuesday for stealing a
gplf cart from the Sawgrass
Marriott, according to a
police report.
. A security guard caught the
boy and a friend in the cart,
according to reports. The
boys ran away and the cart
was returned to the hotel.
' The boy's mother told a St.
Johns County Sheriff deputy
.hat her son had taken the
cart and the boy later admit-
ted that to the officer, the
report said.
A Miami man fraudulently
charged more than $900 to a
Ponte Vedra woman's Visa
credit card during April,
according to a police report.
The 51-year-old woman
told a St. Johns County
Sheriff deputy that she dis-
covered the fraudulent
charges on a bill she received
this week. She told the officer
she visited south Florida early
in April.
A laptop and a watch total-
ing more than $4,000 were
stolen Wednesday from a- res-
idence in Players Club Villas
in Ponte Vedra Beach.
SThe burglar climbed
through a kitchen window
that had been left open.
A .25 caliber pistol valued
at $200 was reported stolen
July 12 from a vehicle in the
1700 block of Upper 4th Ave.
N. The victim noticed that
her car was open as she left
for an appointment. The gun
was in a black holster in the
center console.
A collapsible baton, wallet
and credit card were reported
stolen July 11 from a vehicle
in the 1600 block of 6th Ave.
N. Total loss is $42.
A digital camera, purse, $35
cash and a credit card were
reported stolen July 11 from
a vehicle in the 1300 block of
2nd Ave. S. The vehicle was
unlocked. Total loss is $350.
.A paint sprayer valued at
$700 was reported stolen
from a vehicle July 11 in the
900 block of Shetter Ave. A
rear window was shattered to
gain access and remove the
equipment which was in the
rear of the van. The suspects
covered the window with a
painters tarp.
A purse containing $100
cash, four gift cards and
makeup was reported stolen
July 10 from a vehicle in the
900 block of 10th St. N.
There was no visible damage
and no sign of forced entry.
Total loss is $509.
Grand theft was reported
July 11 in the 800 block of
4th Ave. S. The victim told
police she noticed $290 in
cash and three bottles of pre-
scription medication were
missing from her night stand
after she had friends over.
A cell phone valued at
$200 was reported stolen July
11 from a hospital room in
the 1300 block of 13th Ave.
to swim at 3 years old and learned to scuba dive at 13
the public. I also enjoy the positive influence we give to our
young lifeguards. I also enjoy running the Jr. Lifeguard Program
BEST ADVICE TO BEACHGOERS Ask Ihe lifeguards about
conditions and keep an eye on your children.
become complacent on your tower, something is always about
to happen!
WHAT SUNSCREEN DO YOU USE? Rashguard, hat, t-
shirt, SPF 15 or higher always cover up!
Hermann Hesse, Planes ,trains and automobiles.
Homemade pizza my wife and I make from scratch!
Work crews are busy clearing the land for the city of
Jacksonville Beach's newest park, the Cradle Creek Preserve.
The property is on the banks of the Intracoastal apd is located
where Fairway Lane curves into 15th Street South. The facility
will open to the public in six months.
Passive park is scheduled
to be done in six months
An environmental tecre-
ation program recently award-
ed the city $200,000 in feder-
al funding to develop a nature
preserve in Jacksonville
Funds will be used to con-
struct a system of nature
trails, a canoe landing, fishing
pier, observation platform,
picnic facilities and parking
for the Cradle Creek Preserve
presently under construction
along Fairway Lane and 15th
Street South in Jacksonville
Clearing of the 43-acre site
began in May and construc-
tion is estimated to be com-
plete in six months, Senior
Planner Bill Mann said.
Development of the environ-
mentally sensitive land will
not exceed $793,300.
"It's a preserve not an active
park," City Manager George
Forbes said last March. "It's a
beautiful asset to the commu-
The grant was administered
by the Department of
Environmental Protection's
(DEP) Florida 'Recreation
Development Assistance
Program, a competitive pro-
gram that provides funding
opportunities for local com-
munities to improve public
outdoor recreation.
"Through FRDAP grants
Florida's natural resources
gain additional protection,"
said DEP Secretary Colleen
Castille. "Investments made
today to conserve the state's
cultural and recreational
assets preserve Florida for
future generations."
241.4895 285.4625
Increase the Value of Your Hoi
& Eliminate Cracked Concrete Fo
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Driveways, Walkways, Patios, & Pool Dec
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Auto Accident? Neck Pain? Back Pain?
See Dr. R.G. Packo, Chiropractic Physician
Voted "Best Physician" &
"Favorite Doctor" at the Beach"
Document Your Injunes Massage Therapist on Site
Legal Referrals Physical Therapist on Site
MRI Referrals All Auto Insurance Accepted
X-Rays on Site Over 30 Years Combined
203 ~Bl mrsdi.Brl.ue Shriw PPO Po.,;. Experience of Doctors
2, Ponle Vedra Leoder Cal 2E
'20 cGal 285-ACHE (2243) q
1 3 24 ; *j..
4 -6 5. ^4rd i 0"4""' j-"
Newkl constructed &
; :I : : I'
i Water ont
remodeled 1920's
Mlediterranean home on
navigable water. 6,900SF / 5BR/6.5BA/3CG/3FP
pool; gourmet kitchen, media room, high ceilings, &
so much more! You may enjoy the beautiful views of
the St. Johns River & Downtown throughout the home.
For your private tour contact...
Melissa Lewis
Tripp Newsomn
J-ei Wr eae"y
Dr. Leslie Platock and staff invite you to visit their state of
the art facility including digital x-rays (800b less radiation).
700 N. Third St., Neptune Beach Atrium Building
Voted "The Beaches favorite dentist" by readers of The Beaches Leader
Cracked & Crumbling Driveway?
Vacation Bible Schools 285-6127. located at 2701 Church will have a guest appraiser .
Family Bible Church: 4760]Hodges Blvd. in at their monthly meeting at 10,
Palm Valley Road in Ponte Jacksonville. am. today for their own version of
Vedra. Night of Joy the "Antiques Road Show."
Passport to Missions for Members of the Members may bring one item to be
Christ Vacation Bible School Teens Ln Motion Art Show be be given an estimated value by
will be held July 10 to 14 from Youth Group at "Go Tell it on theguestapprais
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ages 3 to First Christian' U the Mountain" is Membership is open; just come
12 years old. Call 280-5694 Or' Church of the the theme for the to a meeting and join. Annual dues
563-5492 for information or to. Beaches will -" new art show at are $5. The Senior Connection.
register, attend Night of Bethel Gallery at offers art classes, cards, dining,
Jacksonville Beach Church Joy 2006 on Sept. onte edra and day trips.The group meets in;
of Christ: 422 5th Ave. N. in 9 at Disney World.P M ." Presbyterian the OLSS Cultural Center at 545-
Jacksonville Beach, 246-2457. The trip will Church in Ponte AA Nin Ponte Vedra. Call Cheryl
Arctic Edge Vacation Bible include a night of l ji : ---" '* I Vedra. The exhib- at 543-1139 for information.
School will be held July 16 to Christian Music t c it, which runs
19 from 6 p.m. to 8:30p.m. for followed by a dae- ', Y through July 30, Maniage Encounter
ages 2 years through 5th grade. at Blizzard Beach at C.is will show artistic A Worldwide Marriage
Lord of Life Lutheran Water Park on io"e B C expressions of Encounter Weekend will be held
Church: 276 N. Roscoe Blvd. in Sept. 10. Tickets mountains in July 21 to 23 at the Comfort Inn in.
,, Scripture. Jacksonville Beach. The weekend,
Ponte Vedra, 285-5347. areavailable until .:,: Scripture. Jacksonville Beach he weekend.
Treasure Cove: Discover the Aug. 9; for infor- For information experience gives couples the
Riches of Christ is the theme mation contact call 285-8225; the opportunity to get away from
for Vacation Bible School held Tim Hopkins at .. r ~ church address is everyday concems. Presentations
July 24 to 28 from 5:30 to 8:10 FCCB at 246-2010. Pr.oo Suomi,.. 4510 Palm Valley by Marriage Encounter volunteers
p.m. Dinner will be served to Road. and a Catholic priest help couples
the youth rat 5:3 p.wm. Register Children at Christ the Redeemer Church collected items for the Vacation Bible School to focus on each otliprhe to promote
by calling thechurch office. Bible Class Blizzard of Blessing" donation to Mission House. Chrismons in growth and enrichment in their
Sunnse Community Church: "Discovering the relationship.
298 Aquatic Drive in Atlantic Bible" classes are held on Sundays with a devotion and every LNF English Professor Dr. Mar July Marriage Encounter -Weekends
Beach, 249-3030. at 9 a.m. through August at St camper receives a Surfer's' Baron. On Jul 16, Palms Presbyterian are open to members of all faiths.
Space Quest Vacation Bible Paul's by the Sea Episcopal Church. Bible. Surfing instruction, Covered Dish Dinner Church will have a family event to For information, contact
School for ages 3 years. old All are welcome to join the class water safety, surfing etiquette, Ponte V\edra United make Chismon ornaments to be Deacon Tom and Susan Hughes at
through 6th Grade will be held where questions are encouraged. and board selection are among Methodist Church will have a used on theChrismonstreeduring 220-3040 or by e-mail at
July 17 to 21 from'9 "a.m. to 'Thediass meetsinthe Christopher the topics covered in the covered dish dinner at '12:15 Advent. All are welcome and metomCdomcast.net or visit
11:30 am. The VBS theme is Conference Rbom on the church camp. p.m. on Sunday, July 16 fol- refreshments, patterns, and craft www.geocities.com/jaxmeweb.
"Jesus: the Way, the Truth, the campus at 465 Eleventh Avenue The End of the Year Picnic lowing Sunday worship seraic- materials will be provided. The
Life." North in Jacksomnille Beach; call and Baptism will be on es. Those attending are asked event will be held at 3 p.m. in
249-4091 for information. Saturday, July 29 at Oceanfront to bring an appetizer, side dish, Palms Outback building at 3410 S. Sunday School.for Parents
New Vicar at Christ Park in Jacksonville Beach salad, or dessert. The church C Third Street. Call 246-6427 for Ponte Vedra United
Episcopal at San Pablo from noon to 3 p.m. address is 35 Executive Wayn, information. Methodist Church offers,
The Rev. Anne Hore Epic Surf Ministry' 'For information or to regis- Suite 130; call 280-5141 for Sunday School targeted for
Bridgers has become vicar of Epic' Surf Ministry's Ladies ter call Epic's office at 249- information. moms and dads of children.
Christ Episcopal Church at San Surf Day' will be on Saturday, 1201 or visit the website at Catholic Charities Counseling from infancy through elemen-
Pablo. Bridgers is a graduate of July 15 for ladies 18 and older. wwrv.epicsurfministries.com Professional marriage,' family, tary school. The class is held
the Virginia. Theological No surfing. experience neces- Baseball Game and Concert and addictions "counseling is Sundays at 10 a.m. and the first
Seminary and was ordained in sarv. The camp will be on the Destiny Unlimited Singles offered by appointment at St. Paul's study topic will be a series on
1998. She.served most recent- beach at 16th Ave. N. in Calvary Anglican Moves Ministry at New Life Christian Catholic Church one day a week Jesus' parables.
ly as Associate Dean at St. Jacksonville Beach from 9a.m. CalvaryAnglican Church isnow Fellowship will attend a through'' Catholic Charities The church address is 35
Johns -Cathedral in to noon. meeting at Sabal Palm Elementary Jacksonville -Suns Game and Counseling Program. Call 354- Executive. Way, Suite 130 in
Jacksonville. Surf Camps continue during School at 1201 Keman Blvd. in Christian Concert on Friday, 4846 extension 230 for informa- Ponte Vedra. Call 280-5141 for.
Christ Episcopal Church at the weeks of July 17 and July Jacksonville for Sunday .worship July 21 at 7:05 p.m. Tickets for tion. St. Paul's is at First Avenue and information.
San Pablo is at 2002 San Pablo 24 at lacksonville Beach. senice and Sunday School-classes. the family event are $1.2.50 5th Street in Jacksonville Beach.
Road iin Jacksonville. The Camps are Monday through Classes for all'ages are at 9 a.m. and and include refreshments. For
church facility is a permanent Friday from 9 a.m. to noon worship service at 10:30 a.m. The information or to make reser-
extension of Christ Episcopal and are appropriate for begin- adultSunday School Classwill be.a nationss contact the church Seniors'"Antiques Road Show" See BRIEFS, A-7
Church. Sunday Services are at ners to, advanced surfers. study of'The Sqerwtape Letters" by office at 223-6000 or at The Senior Connection Group
9 a.m. For information call Each day the camp begins C. S. Lewis. The class will be led by www.nlcf.org. The church is of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach VA Y orS Pres yterian Church
CE40 HodWes Boulevard
nglican Cburr Your Fam ly ..... 4140 Hodges Boulevard l :.'
285-6127 i (Corner of Chet's Creek Blvd.) I .p, e hre f a n church
Sunday 7:45, 9:00. 11:00 AM. 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist .,o rip-rnrd e ngr.,l c ,,nreo This Jacksonvile 904) 223-6922
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist t,.e.g rdca noo www..hbpusa.org .
Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Eucharist eeting at Sabal Palm Elementary Wee-Pastor: Rev. Joe Albrigh The rams Oasis
enr the C l 1201 N Kernan Blvd. Sunday Schedule is a Community Nurtured by
Evening, Prayer in.the Chapel 1n.,yS i : r "011 9'th-b-1 1.
6:00 PM Mon., Tues:. Thurs.; Fri. .., ~---oSunday W6l O'laI1 mr. ~, 'I V or ofJ
F -,,..ri o0ay.:S ,ip9h';r l9-0 am., .. eo U
Nursery Available for Saturday. .Grouoskr. .u.ja.-.T Sunday School All Ages: :1000 a.m. to
Nurrsun day Serviee ,,A c.rnu jr kang S.1o ~o. Se.or. ..a.. ,"
Nrsel& Sunday Services p P.r "eI se.se Sn 7 Traditional Worship: 11:00 a.m. Serve Gods Mission in the Word.
All are welcome ClrisiEpiscopalC icih.org .ne.. -..... c rtr. i -.. Nursery Provided
COASTAL CHRISTIAN 7... Worship Opportunities SUNRISE Sunday Worship Services
S e Wayne Dyer 9:00 a.m. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Our Colgregain meets at The Power ot Itention 11:15 a.m. Traditional* Sunset Service at 5:45 p.m.
Castillo de Mexico Louise Hay Kids Worship provided An Evangelical Free Church
1222 S. Third Street lu Can H ca Yor Lle SundaSy School Nursery at all services
SDeThird Street epak Chopra 10:00 a.m. for all ag Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m.
553-9910. :. PeaceiIs re Rev. Jeff Bennett,Pastor Worshi Service 1015 a.m Sunday School
l We ihink you're going to love our church! PONTE VEDRA Adam Myers, Youth rsip ice 115 a.m. All ages 9:40 a.m.
un ivs Join us on Sundas at 10:30 a.m. Eili a,
Best esern at 35 Eecutix e at,, PVB 298 Aquatic Drive
r1-95 & J.1 er Bu 1er Bld At cross ALA from Rawlings School2c 3410 Soui, rthi, sreel ..acksonvile Beac
10:00a.m. 11:30 a.m. J. une ler United Methodist Behind Prosperity Bank Atlantic Beach Pn 904-24E-5427 www*palmschUrch rrg
Jacksonville Church of Religious Science C u iurch 280-5141 www.pv-umc.brg Phone: 249-3030 P
WWW.COaStalchristian.org 398-4353 or www.jaxcrs.org "Connecting the Unconnected"
S 4 44 TradirionaL 2 nglien Churchi e .IWe'errie eds gather to vtorship" Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
247-1442 4510 Palm Valley Road CR 210.) ,'l ,, ,t_ f._:_,A ..rI..^at._J.
Holy Communion 4510 Pa www.pvpc.calle Road eR 210) gi W aptt Urt Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8th Ave., Jax Beach
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. Sun. Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 1050lHighay AlA 285-4288 705 2nd. Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones, Pastor
Holy rinity meets in the Old Chapel Sunday Breaklst (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and 7th St. N.) Phone: 249-5418
Hol kiniy mee the Old Chapel Sn d Sunday School 9:00am http://www.bicjaxbeach.org
at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach Nursery & Toddler Ministries SUwdaySchol 9:00am l w.blcjaxbeach.org
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 50294 Middle, High School, College Woiship. E-mail" lO: 15am 355-5100 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Tional
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32240-0294 Adult Ministries newbeglnningsbc@clearwire.net Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worsbip Saturday 5:30pm
www.holytrinityneptunebeach.org Music & Art Ministries Website: Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Rev. Robert C. Adams, Vicar Home of a Bethlehem 1isit \Yw.onhnewithnewbeginnings.com Church of the Daily Word Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHR ELCA). ISt. Paul's by the Sea -. BEACHES C CHURCH aKE
L (TBERN CTRCE (ELCA) IsNoTAE-FI LD C l IAHhI4j Sunday School for all ages 9:00 a.m.
(BY THE SEA)r EL A r EPISCOPAL CHURCH Episcopal Church -. VIsiA Worship Service 1015 a.m.
A Stephen Ministry Congregation ,I
1801 Beach Blvd. E L R R AT --hRAV N PUNE EACH Youth Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
Jaclsonville Beach 249-4575 REALNursery Provided,-
PASTOR IC L BAKER ,.,. ,.Pastor Steve McCoy CHRIST
Sunday Worship 895 Palm Valley Road- -- -Associate Pastor Howard McinnC
8:00 am & 10:30 am Ponte Vedra, FL. 543-0112 Children's CiapelAt10 am Sun WORlP SERVICES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Sunday School Sunday Services ecome Fames Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Adult Christian Formation 9:00am & Singles Christian Formation Al 9:00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249.5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am hioly Eucharist 10:00am Corner of 5th St. & 11th Ave. N.* Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbythesea@spbls.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided C roe during huh 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Chrisr
CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH N N of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) S CATOLIC CHURC
S 150 Sherry Drive, Atlani Beach FL LU NJ2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
Rev.Dr. Gabe Goodman, Pastor (ELCA) R B I t ( ,h h Come worship wth us by the ocean. Father Joseoh Meehan
Church Oflce 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch SATURDAY EVENING .Sundays: Is Jveanu ve Beach uu Satu WEEKEND MASSES
PreschooKindergaten Ofice 241-7335 SATRDAay EVENING Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m.
www communitypcusa org Ph. 285-5347 6:30 pm- Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 am
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank,Pastor SUNDAY celebration Praise Father Wm. A. Kelly, pastor unday 9a.m., 11 a.m.
S 9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45 am Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Moming Worshrp 830 11 a m Sunday Contemporary Worship 10:30 am -Traditional Service Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. RECONCLIATION
Church Shool All Ages :45 am :30am WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY (SEP-MAY) Sunday Mass 7:00, 8:30,10:00, Saturda 10:00 .m. or b at.
Youth Fellowoships pm 6:30 pm The Gathering 5:30 Supper S.um. 'a7., m I T
Contemporary Woship Ser. 5:59p.m Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Stdies for Every Age & Life Siuaion 6:30 Choir, Bible Study, Youth 11:30 a.m. 7 p.m. RELIGOUS EDUCAO
Chancel Choir Wednesdayspm. Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am 407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00 .m. 3) 7:15 p.m. (46 gr.)
howw.neptunebaptist.org Netue Beach James Collins Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30-5:20 p.m. Suday 6:00 p.(7-H.S.)
Weekday Preschool/Kindergarten (3.4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 904-249-23O7 w w.fccbdoc.com :email:icbdoc@bellsoulh.nel 246-6014
Palm Valley Baptist Church T U I'L U h 'ern. 'n-nad. iaPL, iriru..tI ..,1tr OCEANSIDE
4890 Palm vieli Road Ponte Vedra I FI.R Su BA PTISTin ar.: Pr'*uient CHURCH OF CHRIST BA IT
i2 985-2447 -M-ln ,,,,. ..... sr,. u ',IIi,.: rrI,.jen, CHURCH OF CHRIST rl Arl
285-2447 -iwtl wB ---1025 Snug Harbor Court I1
Rev. Jeff Witt, Senior Pastor W 28 N. Roscoe Bl d. Ponte Vedra Beach. 904 2"J-9100 ix 2"3-5567 MayprtRd aW. 11th S andOrchido
Ieedn"aeu /00o u4.r q,,, c ed u. Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 -12:00 noon St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
Join us on Sunday for- Service Times Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible
Sunday Scnooi lo, aii,, 9 iS AM Study 9:15 a.m.
SWunda Scnooo an a W Saturday 5:00 pm e ha e a filU lange oF activities aud se, ices for the beaches Jewish 246-2709
Wormnip Service 10:30 AM Saturday 5:00 pm Blended Worship am
Evening Bibe Stu 6:00 PM comn mty. P lec rase contact our officer -fS-5 for information about adult Jerry Murrell, Miinister Blended Worship 10:30 a.m.
weansday Evening opportuniir Sunday :8:00am, 9:30am e 1:00am education. Sisterhood activities and Youth activities. Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Femiiy Dlnrer 6:00 PM.1
Cnidren anad 'ourn Bible Study 7o00 PM (904) 268-2500 "4 bome forjetvisb Families at the Beach" Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Aauil WorhlDSeroice 7 00 Pf.1
Chid Cae ar Nure S or, ,idea or di ar www.andarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
,6045 Greenland near Philips I Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.. serve nerpreed lor h eang impaired
"Tt nse, r, h e.....ur,.l,.,. .,,m ..,, "s.,,.rs,, 6045 Greenland Rd.near Philips Hwy. _.nr Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service inlerpreted tor the nearing impaired
July 14, 2006',
The Beaches Leader/Ponte %ledra Leader
PaoP fiA
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
juiy I'T, .UUU
Beth Lutheran hosts a musical camp,
The.Jacksonville Musical Arts
Camp will end today after a
week of instruction, perform-
ance opportunities, and fellow-
ship for young musicians.
The camp is designed to "give
middle and high school aged
musicians a place to express and
strengthen their musical gifts
during the summer," said James
Marriott, Director of Music at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in
Jacksonville Beach where the
camp is held.
Marriott and several mem-
bers of the church's congrega-
tion including Vince Chicerelli,
former, band :director at
Sandalwood High School;
organized the first Jacksonville
Musical Arts Camp held last
The camp only lasts for half
days during the week and the
cost is* kept affordable to make
it accessible to as many musi-
cians as possible, said Marriott.
One of the strengths of the
program is the quality of
instructors who participate, he
These include Ryan Meyer,
Minister of Music at Chapel of
the Cross Lutheran Church in
St. Louis, Missouri; Annie Meyer,
Doctoral Candidate at
Washington University in St.
Louis, Missouri; and Karen
Wilhemm, Music Teacher- at
'Fort Caroline Middle School in
Jacksonville. Chicerelli is also a
featured clinician at the camp.
Students participated in one'
of two ensembles during this
year's camp, choral and hand-
bells. .
Both, ensembles use a broad.
range of materials that is influ-
enced by but not limited to
Christian music, said Marriott.
The handbell ensemble was a
new addition to the camp and
was taught by Marriott.
"This is a great beginning
place to learn notes and
rhythms," he said. "It's fun for.
all range of musicians to play
together.....and it can also be
challenging depending on the
The students practiced some
original compositions for hand-
bells by Marriott. The composi-
tions -were written for a small
handbell choir and incorporate
some of the other iiistruments
like guitar and flute that
the students already play, he'
said. .
The choral ensemble was
made up of beginners as well as
students with considerable
choral experience.
"It works really well since "the
kids mentor each other," said
Marriott. "The kids form friend-
ships with each other and with
the staff."
During the camp there is
ample time during mixers,
devotional time, and group pre-
sentatins for the student to get
to .know each other. There is
also a final performance given
for the camper's families at the
end of the week.
Several of the campers said
how much they liked "being
with other people playing
Meeting people, playing
musical games, singing, and
"learning some things that will
help us to improve our talent"
were high points of the week for
many of the young musicians.
S. Photo Submitted
Learning new songs was part of the fun at Christ the
Redeemer Church's Arctic Edge Vacation Bible School.
Religion Briefs: Singles groups offer variety of programs at Beach
Continued from A-6
Counseling at Beth El
Jewish Family and
Community Services will set up
a satellite office on the campus
of ,Beth El the Beaches
Synagogue., ..
The first group sessions will be
held on July 21 and are free of
Charge and available to 'anyone
in the community. Stress
Management will be at 9 a.m.
and Bereavement Support will
be at 11 a.m. JFCS qualified staff
will provide these services.
Additional services including
individual and group counsel-
ing will be provided at this loca-
tion. For information contact
Ken ',Hoeck at 394-5729
khoeck@jfcsiax.org or Audrey
Dearborn at 394-5716 adear-
Beth El is at 288 N. Roscoe
Promise Keepers
The 2006 Promise Keepers
Conference will be held at the
Jacksonville Veterans Memorial
Arena on July 21 and 22.
S..Promise Keepers encourages
men to form a bond of friend-
' ship, unity, and integrity under
Sbhrist. The conference will
tiiclude speakers, concerts, and
rama. It will be held from 7 to
I 9 p.m. on July 21 and from 9
a"m. to 4 p.m. on July 22.
Registration is encouraged
ft 'e weeks prior to the confer-
-ce and cane done on line at
wwwv.prorrusekeepers.org or by
calling 800-888-7595. The cost
is. $89 for adults,'$69 for young
men 18 years and under, and
$59 for military personnel.
Group discounts are available.
Chabad preschool
Chabad @' the Beaches in
Ponte Vedra is taking enroll-
ment for a new Jewish pre-
school which will open in
Co-directors of the school are
Chana Novack and Leah
Kurinskv. The preschool will
promote Jewish education for
children ages 12 months to 36
Call 285-1588 for information
or to register.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery, a biblical
based program for persons fac-
' ig' personal problems, meets
every Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the
fellowship hall of Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street
at Seventh Avenue North',
Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and .same-
gender small groups, people can
work on personal struggles such
as eating disorders, alcohol/drug
abuse, and codependency. The
evenings begin with dinner. Call
Retreats at Marywood
Retreats and events are
planned at the NMarywood
Center for Spirituality in the
Switzerland area 'of NW St.
Johns County.
July 14-16: Spiritual
Awakening; Searching and
Finding God in the Everyday.
The retreat will'be led by Fr.
. John Tetlow and provide an
opportunity to slow down, lis-
ten, and be revived by God. It
Storage Space
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Great Jax Beach Location
fully Fenced Secured Property
Gate Hours 6:30am-7pm
S Resident Manager
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1001 13th Ave. S., Jax Beach
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begins on Friday at 5 p.m. and,
ends with' Mass at, 11 a.m. on.
Sunday. The 'cost is $187 (pri-
vate), $157 doublee, and $107,
Marvwood is located at 1715-
5 State Road 13. For informa-
tion, call (904) 287-2525 or toll-
free (888)-287-2530 check
' www. marywoodcenter.org.
Moms pray for kids
A group of mothers known as
Moms in Touch meets weekly to
pray for their children, other
students and the schools they),
attend. The group meets on
Tuesday afternoons at a church
in Ponte Vedra Beach. For loca-
tion and more information, call
Nancy at 273-8486.
Midweek for kids
The following events are held
at Beaches area churches on
WVednesdays for youngsters:
Palm Valley Baptist Church at
4890 Palm Valley Road in Ponte
Vedra has Bible Study and activ-
ities for children at 7 p.m.
Contact the church at 285-2447.
Sunrise Christian Church
youth group meets 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., beginning with group
praise and worship, followed by
small groups for fellowship,
Bible study and prayer.The
church is at 298 Aquatic Drive,
Atlantic Beach. Call 249-3030.
Bethlehem Buddies is open to
all childr- y -- ars oldthrobugh
seconWd graOde at B.Betlehem"
Lutheran Church, 1423 Eighth
Ave. 'N., Jacksonville Beach,
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. with
Bible stories, crafts and songs.
High school Bible study is 7
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Bethlehem
Youth in grades six through
12 and families meet at 6:30
p.m. 'at Christ Episcopal
Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, for
dinner in the parish hall.
Youth JAM begins at 7 p.m.
.and includes guitar lessons,
singing, and rehearsal for the 11
a.m. Sunday contemporary wor-
ship service in parish hall geared
toward youth and families with
Dinner and JAM are open to
the community. JAM is free, and
dinner is $4 per person, $12 per
family maximum. The church is
I at Solana Road and San Juan
Youths in grades six through 8
meet at 6:30 p.m. in the
Outback, the modular building
behind Palms Presbyterian
Church, 3410 Third St. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Contact the.
leader, Murray Beard, at 285-
S5106. The Senior High Group
meets in the Outback on
Sunday immediately following
'the 'Sunset Worship- Service.
Contact leaders Dale, and
Ingram Caswell at 285-0366. '1
Dynamic Disciples 'grades K-
5) at First Christian Church of
the Beaches meets Wednesday
from 6:30 to 7:45. Teens in
Motion Youth Group meets
from 6:30 to 7:45 with special
events and trips held on other
dates. The church address is,
2125 Oceanfront, Neptune
Beach. Call 246-2010.,
Building Blocks, a group for.
children ages 3 to 6, and Kids
Club for youngsters in grades
one through 6 meet at 7:15 p.m.
at Family Bible Church, 4760,
Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Bridge Builders for grades
7 through 12 meets from 7 to
8 :3 0 p .m J I .1
YouthAlive with Bible Study
and worship for grades seven
through 12, is held from 7 to
7:45 p.m. at Kernan Boulevard
Baptist Church, 4000 Kernan
Blvd. S., south of Beach
Boulevard. Preschool and chil-
dren's choirs through 6th grade
meet from 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Youth from Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street
at Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach, meet 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at various locations.
Directions to Wednesday meet-
ings are handed out at 247, the
church's Sunday night worship
service for youths, held 6 p.m.
to 8:45 p.m.
Church choir school is offered
for age 3 through sixth grade at
Christ Episcopal Church after
school at various times, depend-
ing on the youngster's age.
Children develop musical skill
and Christian formation. The
school is free and is given by
Timothy McKee, music director
of the church. Call 285-6127.
Kids K'Nextion for ages 3 to
fifth Igrade" and activities for
'uilddle a nd'- fgh'school youth
are held 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
New Beginnings Baptist
Church, 1050 State Road A1A,
Ponte Vedra Beach. For informa-
tion, call 285-4288.
Youth meet 5 to 8:00 p.m. on
Wednesday at Ponte Vedra
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, -Ponte Vedra.
Bible Study is from 5 to 6 p.m.
Youth Creative Arts Ministry is
from 6 to 8 p.m. Other youth
activities are held Tuesdays
through Fridays. Information is
available at 280-5141. '
Youths grades six through
twelve are invited to Neptune
Baptist Church, 407 Third St.,
Neptune Beach, for games,
drama, music and topical mes-
sages. Sixth through eighth'
graders meet from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. and ninth through twelfth
graders meet from 7 to 8:30
Con munity Presbyterian
,Church has Cherub Choir at 4
p.m. and Junior Choir at:5 p.m.
Senior high school studerits
meet at 3:30 p.m. to discuss
issues at "Trash Talk." Call 249-
8698 for information.
Men's group meetings
Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
Church offers "Bible and
Bagels", a men's Bible study
group, at 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Fellowship
Hall. The church address is 4140
Hodges Blvd. For information
call 223-6922.
The men's group from
Calvary Anglican Church meets
Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Malcom Anthony Kelly Corsmeier Kim O'Steen
SCriiminal Defense
Employment & Labor
Estate Planning
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at 6:15 a.m. Friday at Perkins
Restaurant, on Beach Boulevard
at San Pablo Road. Pastor David
Sandifer leads the study.
The men's group from Beach
United Methodist Church will
have the first meeting for 2006
on Monday,. Feb. 6 at the,"
Golden Corral Restaurant at
14035 Beach Blvd. at 6:00 p.m.
A men's Bible study) is held at
7 a.m. Monday at Ponte Vedra
United Methodist Church, 35
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Palms Presbyterian men's
Bible study is held -at 7 a.m.
Wednesday at the Hampton
Community Presbyterian
Church at 150 Sherry Drive in'
Atlantic Beach has Wednesday '
morning prayer breakfasts at 7
. St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church has a Men's Prayer
:Group and Bible Study which
meets on the first and third
Saturday of the month at 8 a.m.
in Stormes Hall. The men's
group also participates in out-
reach efforts. All are welcome to
attend. The address is 465
Eleventh Ave. N. in Jacksonville
Singles groups
The following are church-
related singles groups in the
Beaches area. Church member-,
ship is not required: i,. -.
St. .Aridrew's' Lutfieran'Church,
has Young Adult Group meet-
ings. Contact Pastor Mike at
249-4575 for information.
New Life Christian
Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Blvd.,
Jacksonville has monthly Single
Adult Ministry meetings. Call
Pastor David Wheeler at 223-
6000 for information. Childcare
is provided for some events.
Beach United Methodist
Church has Monday Night Alive
for singles at 7 p.m. on Monday
nights and Singles Coffee House
10:45 a.m. on Sundays. For
information visit
www.beachumc.org or call 249-
2343. BU-MC is located at 325
7th Avenue N.
Beaches Chapel Church, 610
Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Singles over age 33 meet the last
Saturday of the month at 7 p.m.
at the church. 241-4211.
Christ Episcopal Church, 400
San Juan Drive in Ponte Vedra,
is beginning a new singles min-
istry called Solo Flight. There
will be a picnic and barbeque on
Sunday, May 28 at 12 noon to 5
p.m. at the Daybreak Center on
CR 210. The event is free and
family and children are includ-
ed. For information contact the
church office at 285-6127.
Christ the Redeemer Church,
190 S. Roscoe Blvd., Pofite Vedra
Beach. Weekly Bible study .and
monthly social event such as
square dancing for ages 30 and
up. 280-5813.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Bible study
group at 11 a.m. Sunday and
occasional other activities for
singles ages 30 and older.
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Talon Robert Kingsley Mudd,
son of Tasha White and step-
son of Edward White of Ponte
Vedra Beach, and son of
Michael Mudd of Hong Kong,
died tragically on Wednesday,
July 12, 2006.
He was born in Hong Kong
(China) on September 5, 1990,
to Tasha Dunlop and Michael
Mudd. He is survived by his
mother, Tasha 'White, father
Michael Mudd, step-father
Edward WVhite, his brothers
Kelsvy Mudd, Brian White and
Conor White, grandparents
Josephine and Robert Dunlop
and many other uncles, aunts,
cousins, and family members.
In addition to his family, he
left many close friends in
Walnut Creek, California, and
Ponte Vedra Beach.
He attended the Hong Kong
International School until
1995, and then attended
Buena Vista Elementary
School' Walnut Creek
Intermediate School and. Las
Lomas High School.,,all in
Walnut Creek, California. In
2005/2006, he attended Nease
High School, where he was on
the school's tennis team. He
would have returned this year
as a junior.
A member of Boy Scout
Troops 226 in Walnut Creek,
CA. and 277 in Ponte Vedra
Beach, he was a Life Scout
working towards achieving the
rank of Eagle Scout. MNudd was
a volunteer at the Guana
Tolomato Matanzas National
Estuarine Research Reserve, in
Ponte Vedra Beach, where he
helped with the feeding and
care of indigenous sea life on
display at the Reserve. Mudd
played many sports including
Jerome William Offenberg
"Jerry", 65, died on July 5, 2006
in the Hadlow Center of
Community Hospice after
both Parkinson's and Lewy
Body Disease. He was born July
1, 1941 in Jacksonville to
Martin and Eva Evelyn
Offenberg. He attended. 'the
University of Florida where he
received a Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering and was
'a imemner of'the, Theta Chi-
Fraternity. He then continued
his education in post graduate
school at the Naval Academy
in Monterey, California. He
served in the U.S. Navy where
he retired as a Lt. Commander.
He was employed with Voice of
America in the Washington
D.C. area.
Family members include his
wife, Victoria Offenberg; sons,
Eric (Chris), Keith (Dawn), and
Todd (Liz); daughter, Christie
(C.J.); grandchildren, Nate,
Victoria,, Harrison, Ashley
Marie, William, Nicolas,
Madeline, Lillian, Kaitlin, and
Ty'ler; stepson, Brian Bunnell
(Mandy and their daughter,
Kennal; sisters, Florence
(Chuck), Gloria (Gene), and
Sally; brother, Sam (Sherry and
JoAnn Sy
JoAnn Sylvia Russ, lifelong
resident of the Beaches, died at
home July 12 following a long
illness. Born Oct. 2, 1935 in
Jacksonville, she .was the
daughter of the late Thomas
and Marguerita Joannides. She
; graduated from Fletcher High
School in 1954.
She was formerly employed
by the Beaches Hospital and the
Jacksonville Beach Police
She is survived by her hus-
band of 44 years, Edgar W. Russ,
Jr., a son, Leonard W. Larson of
Jacksonville, a brother, Neil A.
soccer, ten-
nis, golf,
fishing and
.had taken
up. surfing
since. mov-
ing 'to
Po n t e
V eedra
SMu d d
had' an
infectious Mudd
smile and
easygoing, non-judgmental
manner that made him easy to
love and a joy to be around,
according to his family. He
shared his fondness for sports
cars, music, Lord of The Rings
miniature figures, the study of
wildlife .and anything that
involved the ocean with his
brothers, Kelsey, Brian and
Conor. He visited many places
around the world including
Australia, China, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Thailand,
Cambodia, England and
Mexico amongst others.
A memorial service in cele-
bration of his life will be held
this Saturday at 11 a.m. at the
Christ Episcopal Church, 400
San Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra
Beach with The Rev. Bob
Moris and The Rev. Deacon Jo
Hoskins officiating.
In lieu of flowers, donations
in Mudd's name will be accept-
ed by the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve, 505 Guana
River Road, Ponte Vedra Beach,
Florida, 32082. Telephone
(904) 823-4500.
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
is in charge of arrangements.
their son,
Andy); sis-
and moth-
er-in-law, .
M a r i e
O'Brien. '':
service: to- i ll
tele'brate' "f
his life will
be held at 2 Offenberg
p.m., on Saturday in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home, fol-
lowed by a reception in the
Villas of Marsh Landing Club
House, 1800 The Greens Way.
The children plan to have a
second memorial device when
they all gather at Thanksgiving
in the Washington DC area.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that memorial contri-
butions be made to Hope Adult
Day Care, Inc., 1560 Roberts
Drive, Jacksonville Beach, FL
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
Ivia Russ
loanhides of West Palm Beach
and a sister Mary Boyd of
Jacksonville. She was prede-
ceased by a sister, Minnie Byrd.
There remain many loving
nieces and nephews.
The family will receive visi-
tors today, Friday, at Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 1701
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
from 6 p.m. to 8 pm.
Graveside service will be con-
ducted Saturday at 11 a.m. at H.
Warren Smith Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations
can be made to the American
Heart Association.
Talon Robert Kingsley Mudd
Selling Your Home:
Watching for signs of
emerging buyer's market
The real estate industry is
keeping a close eye on market
conditions in Florida, watching
for additional signs 'of an
emerging buyer's market. Early
indications already point to a
gradual shift, including a grow-
ing housing inventory, homes
staying on the market longer
and rising interest rates that
soften buyer demand.
In other words, buyers will
have their choice of more
You can't miss with a
subscription to
SThe Beaches Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
homes in wider price ranges as
we enter the spring home-buy-
ing season. If you are planning
to put your home on the mar-
ket this year, be aware that the
days of multiple offers within
days are likely a thing of the
past, at least for now.
Still, there are things you can
do as a homeowner to increase
your chances of a quick sell at
the price you want, including:
See SELLING, A-9 ,
local shrimpers
Shrimp certificates aim to help
A seafood industry organiza- .
tion encouraging U.S. con- .
sumers to choose domestically e
caught shrimp will soon get a n
jumbo-sized boost a new .
training program for its quali-
ty-control inspectors.
Experts with the University
of Florida and other academic
institutions are developing the
program for the South
Carolina-based Wild American
Shrimp Inc., or WASI, said;
Steve Otwell, a professor with
the Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences.
It's part of an effort to estab-
lish a collective brand identity
for \VASI-affiliated shrimp:fish-
ermen, processors and whole- -
salers in eight states, Otwell
The organization was found-
ed to. help the industry
rebound from problems with
hurricanes, rising fuel costs:
and slumping demand, he
said. Mayport shrimpers have
complained about rising costs
for years ahd said too often
consumers buy imported
shrimp, believing it is MNayport
The new shrimp certification
program will identify wild Mi. .
shrimp. '
Officials hope that by edu- ''
eating consumers they can per-
suade seafood lovers to select
\WAS-certified products at gro-" :
cerv stores and restaurants..
"Just like you've got choices
of wine, you've got choices of
shrimp, and that's what makes -
the romance of seafood so .
much fun," said Otwell, who is ,
also an extension seafood tech- ,,g__
nology specialist with Florida
Sea Grant, a state and federal
partnership dedicated to creat- Consumers buy imported shrimp believing that it car
ing a sustainable coastal econ-
omv and environment.
Shrimp is the most popular \VASI has offered certification University and thi
seafood item in the United for raw shrimp, using U.S. of Georgia..:
States, but almost 90 percent of Department of Commerce WVASI sought
shrimp consumed here is inspectors. But beginning in experts to develop
imported, he said. Four shrimp September, inspection duties program because
species are caught in southern will be handled by WASI. credibility, said Ma
U.S. waters, commonly known "This is a big step forward for WASI's director of
as white, pink, brown and WVASI, and the organization and quality assurar
royal red shrimp, will begin using its own per- Charleston, S.C.
WASI has begun a nation- sonnel to conduct the inspec- "We wanted e:
wide marketing campaign tions," said Otwell, a member understand the sci
emphasizing that not all of WASI's quality advisory food inspection
shrimp sold in the United board. "That's where the train- Piccinin said. "Stev
States are domestically pro- ing program comes in." a great deal of
duced. The organization is also UF seafood extension training people
selective about promoting U.S. experts are leading the effort to shrimp, fhom his i
shrimp, only certifying prod- develop the program, which in UF extension p
ucts that meet its- quality consists of textbook stud,, lec-, industry profession
jrequirelmenriT-.-'Vi-'Sep Ht tureA.'and hadb-6n -training.! The WVASI insp
producers in Alabama, Florida, Inspectois must learn tb evalu- gram includes differ
Georgia, Louisiana, ate shrimp for freshness and for each type o
Mississippi, North Carolina, condition, and recognize whole, headless a
South Carolina and Texas. numerous species of the crus- and requires ea
"We really want to raise the taceans, he said. inspected to get
standards and raise consumers' Other institutions involved grade on each
expectations," Otwell said. are Clemson University, ;Piccinin said.
"One way we do that is Louisiana State" University,
through a strong certification Mississippi State University, Nordlie is a U
program." North Carolina State Floriida writer.- ,'
For the past 18 months, University, Texas, :A&M
e University
the training i
they bring
rio Piccinin,
ice, based in
experts who
ence behind
e Otwell has
to evaluate
programs for
section pro-
erent criteria
f shrimp -
nd peeled -
ch shrimp
a passing
n'iversif of
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Prolo Dy .In M.nion
nre from Mayport shrimpers;. '
::Jerome "Jerry" William Offenberg
July 14, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
: :
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
JUlY 14, uu
SRenee Wood 'has joined
Caring Palms Massage and
Reiki's staff of trained massage;
therapists. Wood, a graduate
of the Florida College of
Natural Health in Altamonte
Springs is nationally certified
by the NCBTMB and has been
working professionally since
2002. She brings with her a
knowledge of several massage
modalities, including
Swedish, Deep Tissue, and
Trigger Point Therapy. Caring
Palms, located in Neptune
Beach, offers male and female
therapists working in
Swedish, Deep Tissue,
Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Trigger
Point Therapy, Myofascial
Release, Reiki, and Hot Stone
massage, as well as Couples
Massage for those wanting a
romantic session. Caring
Palms offers classes in Reiki
(CEUs available for massage
therapists) and classes in mas-
sage meant specifically for
K a y
S has been
S rAssistant
Manager at s
Wa st son .
S Realty's
South Beach Seitzinger
Office. e
has been very active in the
real estate industry, currently
serving as President of the
Northeast Florida Association
of Realtors (NEFAR). She
served as Treasurer in 2004,
President-Elect in 2005, and
has served on its Board of
Directors since 2001.
Seitzinger has iold real estate
at the Beaches since 1984 and
was twice named NEFAR's
Realtor of the Year. Watson
Realty's South Beach Office is
located at 1326 3rd St. S. in
J'acksonville Beach.
.'The Clothing Warehouse, a
vintage clothing store,
opened on May 20 at 1029 N.
3rd St in Jacksonville Beach.
First Baptist Weekday
ministry in lacksonville Beach
e I dzk.aq ceditat hpb. ad
Associai'din of ehrhrtiard
Schools International.
,Pamela Wetherhold of
Atlantic Beach has taken a
position as a distributor for
SSenGence International, a
company that sells cosmetics
and skin care products.
S. *
Jeff Mobley, a Ponte Vedra
Beach resident, accepted a
position as a yacht broker for
Dick Boger Yacht Sales at
Beach Marine on Beach
Budget Blinds of
Jacksonville and the Beaches
is under new ownership.
Phyllis Staines was the top
listing agent in April for
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Sonny Bhikha, chairman of
the Beaches Tourism Task
Force and general manager of
Quality Suites Oceanfront,
was reappointed to the Duval
County Tourist Development
Council for a four-year term.
The Gator Bowl Association
recently named The Kurtis
Group as its Agency of
Record, making them respon-
sible for a majority of the
association's marketing and
advertising efforts and contin-
uing their contract for design
and promotional work sup-
porting the Toyota Gator
Bowl and Dr Pepper ACC
Championship games. The
Kurtis Group has worked with
the Association for over six
years providing a variety of
services including the design
of advertisements, billboards,
street banners, stadium graph-
ics, posters, game day pro-
grams, tickets, and more.
Ifurtis Loftus, president/cre-
; a tive director of The Kurtis
Group, has created the official:
illustration or "mark" for the
Toyota Gator Bowl game since
2002. Trish Ridgway-
Kapustka, vice
president/director of business
strategy for The Kurtis Group,:
is a long-time member of the
Gator Bowl committee and
will manage the marketing,
public relations and media
planning side of the agency's
recent commitment to the
Association. She will be sup-
ported by account supervisor
Dan Croft and account coor-
dinator Sirah Butsch.
*i '. .\ *
Jacksonville, Mayor John
Peyton is the featured speaker
at the July 26 luncheon of the
Ponte Vedra chamber of
The event begins at 11:30
a.m. at the Sawgrass Marriott
Resort and Spa in Ponte
Vedra. The cost is $20 for
members with a reservation
by noon July 25 and $25 for
members after that date and,
for guests.
Peyton, who took office
Three years ago, is only the
second Republican in 1001
years to be elected to the
office of Jacksonville mayor.
Prior to his election, he was
vice president of Gate
Petroleum Co. founded by his
father, Herb Peyton.
For information, call the
chamber at 285-2004.
The Atlanta law firm of
Gard Smily & Bishop has
opened an office in Ponte
Vedra Beach.
The firm's specialty is repre-
sentirig investors who have
lost money as a result of fraud
or negligence on the part of
their financial advisors.
The' Ponte Vedra Beach
office, 135 Professional Drive,
Suite 101, will initially be
staffed by founding partner
Stevep J.. Gard, a former
enforcement attorney for the
Securities and Exchange
Commission and a former
assistant attorney general for
the state of Michigan.
AARP and The Home Depot
are working together to help
those age 50-plus make their
homes safer, more modern,
and more livable. As part of
the alliance, five brochures
are available at all The Home
Depot stores in Florida. The
Brochures Inform Those 50+
About: How to prevent acci-
dents in the home; How to
create a more livable space as
their needs change with
advancing age; and How to
protect their homes against
hurricanes and other natural
disasters The brochures are
available at all The Home
Depot stores in several depart-
ments. PDF versions and more
information can be found at
pot> r llliill, /II CLIL'lil
--.,q PI r':)!):,'-q1 _lh ; '-/Ii t d l
'Handshakes, Small Talk, and What-Not-to-Wear'
Business Briefs
A Ponte Vedra Beach firm
will offer "Handshakes, Small
Talk, and What-Not-to-Wear,"
etiquette and attire work-
shops, to benefit The Cystic
Fibrosis Foundation July 24-
25 at the Hilton Garden Inn
near Tinseltown.
Over the course of two days,
etiquette expert and
Clockwork Marketing
-President Maxiine McBride
will introduce "the key com-
ponents every professional
should, master to succeed in
the competitive business
"Business and Dining
Etiquette," on July 24, will
educate participants about
office and communication
etiquette, working a room
with confidence and dining
Small Business Workshops
The Small Business Development Center at the University of
North Florida will offer a series of workshops.
Programs will be held at the UNF University Center, 12000
Alumni Drive. To register or for more information on any of
the following workshops call 904-620-2477 or log on to
Programs offered include:
How to S-T-A-R-T-U-P Your
Own Business
July 20, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
August 22, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Cost: $30 in advance or
$40 day of workshop.
Information: Thinking of
starting a business? This
workshop will give you an
overview of the seven basic
requirements for business
STARTUP. A business startup
kit for Duval and surround-
ing counties is included in
the workshop fee.
00* *
Dollars and Sense:
Recordkeeping Essentials
July 11, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Cost: $30 in advance or
$40 at the door.
Information: Recordkeeping
seem overwhelming? This
workshop includes what
records to keep and for how
long, a comparison of avail-
able recordkeeping systems,
improving cash flow, under-
standing financial state-
ments, and how to select an
accountant. This class is
taught by accounting profes-
Taking the AX out of
PusipSss Taxes .
.Cost: $0 toi9,p.m.n,,
Cost: $30 in advance or
$40 day of workshop.
Information: Learn how to
make taxes a little more man-
ageable for a business? Learn
the tax implications of differ-
ent business structures, what
is and is not deductible, elec-
tronic filing, payroll taxes,
and more. This workshop is
co-sponsored by the Internal
Revenue Service.
The Business Plan:
Roadmap to Success
August 8, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Cost: $30 in advance or
$40 at the door.
Information: This training
workshop will provide the
process and information
required for preparing a suc-
cessful business plan, incl'ud-
ing market analysis and cash
flow projections.
Where's the Money?
Business Financing
Aug. 29, 6 p.m to 9 p.m.
Cost: $30 in advance or
$40 day of workshop.
Information: Find out
what financial options are
available to small businesses,
learn how to prepare a fund-
ing request and what the five
Cs of capital matter most to
lende.-ap' ,-investors., ,, ,,.
etiquette at business func-
On July'25, "Dress Like You
Mean Business" will cover
how attire influences first
impressions, dressing for busi-
ness, and helpful attire guide-
lines for both men and
women in the workplace.
"These workshops are a
great opportunity for working
professionals to refresh their
knowledge of business eti-
quette and attire and learn
new facts while supporting
cystic- Fibrosis
Foundation," McBride said.
To register, call 877-212-
5625 before July 21. There are
three sessions both days to-
choose from: 10 a.m. to noon,'
2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m ,Each
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MNeill, Garrison & Fletcher ]
CNInsurance Agency
has begun.
Pholo By Ashley M.lis
Workers on the west banks of 'the Intracoastal Waterway take a break from the Beach Boulevard
widening project to do some fishing on a recent weekday.
rSellng '
S : Continued from A-8
Price competitively. With
more homes on the market, it's
more important than ever to be
realistic about your home's true
value-and to resist the urge to
over-price it to see what you
might be able to get for it. The
most accurate tool for pricing
your home is through compara-
tive information from your
'neighborhood, or comps, that
you can get from your Realtor or
online using a multi-listing serv-
'Know your home's pitfalls.
Have .a professional inspector
come to your house before you
place it on the market. This way
you'll -be prepared if a buyer's
inspector finds major problems
during the inspection process--
a sure deal killer, in a buyer's
market, especially if there are
plenty of other comparable
houses on the market.
Generate curb appeal. With
so many more homes on the
market than in previous years,
lots of home-buyers are opting
for quick drive-bys instead of
setting up appointments to go
inside. Pay attention to land-
scaping, paint, doors, clutter in
the yard and anything else that
:can influence the first impres-
sion of a potential buyer.
Stage your home. Inside,
make sure your home is clean
and clutter-free. A fresh coat of
paint on the walls and a thor-
ough carpet cleaning helps, and
be sure to eliminate any pet or
smoke odors before you show
the home. In a buyer's market,
many sellers hire professional
S"stagers," interior design special-
ists who can consult with you
about how to present your
home in the most positive way.
Get creative. Smart sellers will
offer potential buyers incentives
tomake a deal. Offer a flooring
allowance to replace the dingy
vinyl floors in the kitchen or the
worn carpet in the bedrooms.
Consider offering the appliances
with the sale of the home, or
some of the outdoor furniture or
lawn equipment. Other incen-
tives might include offering to
pay for some of the one-time
dosing costs, such as the loan
appraisal or points, credit
reports or inspections.
Get .professional advice.
Sellers need a team of profes-
sionals, including a Realtor arid
a qualified real estate attorney
who will guide them through
the sales contract, seller disdo-
sure, title insurance, inspection
reports and more. Your attorney
will also review the closing
statement at the appropriate
time, including the loan bal-
ance, repairs, and other expens-
es that are.detailed in order to
avoid last-minute surprises or
errors. Your real estate attorney
can also provide title insurance
for the property.
Be patient. Unless you are in
a real hurry to Sell, don't be too
quick to reduce your original
asking.price. Discuss with your
agent how long homes are stay-
ing on the market in your
neighborhood, and take his or
her advice when it comes to
reducing the price. When a
prospective buyer does make a
formal offer with a contract for
purchase and sale, remember
that the contract becomes a
legally binding document once
you sign it. For this reason,
your real estate attorney needs
to review any contracts you
receive from any prospective
real estate buyers before you
sign on the dotted line.
Charles J. Kovaleski is presi-
dent of Attorneys' Title Insurance
Fund, Inc
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Md formulation glycolic peels $75.
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S309 10th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach
session costs $75 or two ses-
sions can be purchased for a
discounted rate of $125. Space
is limited and full payment
must be received before the
start of each session.
The Hilton Garden Inn is
located at 9745 Gate Parkway
North. For additional infor-
mation, e-mail Amy Ogden at
m, visit, www.clockworkmar-
.keting.com or call (904) 280-,
Right: Etiquette expert and
Clockwork Marketing
President Maxine McBride
will host the etiquette and
attire workshops on July
24 and 25
T-1__- I A n\A
*Page 10A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 14, 2006 L
Nease's McCumber takes junior golf title
Panthers' golf team looks
strong for coming season
Nease boys golf coach Pete,
Molinaro, about to enter his
second year at the helm, has
made a concerted effort to
stay in touch with his players
this summer and with good
The most recent: eason
came \Vednesday, when rising
sophomore Tyler McCumber
came from one stroke back. to
win the junior division title,
for boys 13-15, .at the 52nd.
Florida State Boys Junior
Championship at Timuquana
Country Club. The three-day
event started Monday.
Blayne Barber of Lake City:
captured the senior division,
for boys 16-18, with a 10-
under-par 206, one stroke bet-
ter than, McCumber shot in.
winning the younger division.
Major Forbess, No. 1 on the
Fl.etcher golf team, finished in
a five-way tie.for 16th'in the
older division with a 3-under7
par 219.
The 15-year-old McCumber,
son of Champions Tour player
and 1988 Players champion
Mark McCumber, shot a final-
round, 5-under-par 67, follow-
ing rounds of 71-69, to finish
with a 9-under 207.
McCumber's total edged'
Joshua Seale of Orlando by
one stroke and Julian Suri of
St. Augustine, who led the
junior division through the
first two rounds after opening
with a 67, by two strokes.
Seale closed with a 6-under-
par 66, the lowest round of
the tournament in either divi-
McCumber's passing of Suri
brought, in a sense, a measure
of revenge. For it was Suri and
Alan Lee, in the final group of
the U.S. Junior Amateur quali-
fier June 29-30 at Marsh
Landing Country Club, who
knocked McCumber and
Nease teammate Mike Smith
out of a three-way tie for third
place, the final position that
would automatically. qualify,
into a tie for the second and
final alternate's position.
Smith won a playoff for that
* Moliharo saw some of his
players, along with several
prospects, in the first round of.
the, two-day Junioi Amateur
SAmong others who com-
peted at Marsh Landing were
Nease grad Jamie Montgom-
ery, rising freshmen Ed Waller
and Brian Phelan, rising soph-
omores Trey Douglas and
Kevin Phelan, Brian Phelan's
brother; rising junior Pate
Clarsofn and potential Nease
player Kyle Lepore.
Kevin Phelan was the lone
.Nease representative in a U.S.
Amateur Public Links qualifier
held June 19-20 at St. Johns
Golf and Country Club.
Phelan finished in a four-way
tie for 15th.
In his first golf season,
NMolinaro, who chairs Nease's
physical education depart-
ment, heads its driver's educa-
tion program and is known to
his players as "Coach Mo,"
had a very young team that
was eliminated at the district.
tournament. Phelan did move
on to regional play as an indi-
SMolinano's team is matur-
"I know these, guys have
been playing as many tourna-
,ments as possible," said
Molinaro, who added his
schedule for next season, to
include six qualifiers, is set.
"I'm certain that most of
the guys who .were on the
\team last year, because I only
had four seniors, likely nine
coming back, I would imag-
ine, unless some really great
golfers move in, they'll be on
the team this year the way
their scores are," he said.
At this juncture, Molinaro is
waiting to see who does come
out next month.
"I got a phone call from a
parent who had moved down
from Atlanta. She said her son
was a good golfer and all that,
coming to Nease. So we'll
see," he said.
Tyler McCumber, left, and his father, former PGA Tour pro Mark
McCumber. Tyler won the Florida State Boys Junior
Championship at Timuquana Country Club. The three-day event
concluded Wednesday.
Lights, camera, action!
for beach volleyball
Jacksonville Beach Volley-'
ball will be on camera at its
next tournament July 22-23.
Comcast Cable will be at the
beach to videotape the World
Gym Summer Blast on the
beachfront south of the pier at
Fourth Avenue North and
Third Street North in
Jackson-ille Beach.
The tournament is the
fourth of the season for
Jacksonville Beach Volleyball,
under the direction of Jay
Miller. Earlier events were the
Smoothie King Tournament,
played April 22; DX Marketing
presents the Mike Highsmith
Memorial Tournament, played
May 20-21; and the Ocean
Waves Sunmmer Blast June 17.
Still to come, after next
weekend's World Gym
Summer Blast, is a final
Summer Blast event scheduled
for August 19-20.
"This tournament will fill
up fast," said Miller, who
warned those hoping to par-
ticipate not to expect to be
able to walk up and sign in.
"With no other major tourna-
ments in the state, we expect
to close registration early."
All Jackson\ille Beach
Volleyball tournaments are
AVPNext events. Those who
haven't signed up with
A\TNext may do so online at
"A\T membership shall be
confirmed before being
allowed to play in this tourna-
ment," said Miller. "If we
can't confirm your member-
ship with AVPNext, you may
join on site or will not be
allowed to play."
M miller asks that those who
play in men's and women's
open "bring a bio page with
xeal information about your-
self that the announcers can
use on television."
Tournament pre-registration
can be accomplished on-line
at www.active.com. On-line
registration closes July 21 at 9
The entry fee, per team, is
$55 for men's and women's
open, AA and A. For men's and
women's student teams, non-
open, the fee is $50. It's also
$50 for co-ed open, AA and A,
all of which are scheduled to
be played Sunday.
Miller has pulled the plug
on his Mad Hatters effort,
which produced no turnout
for the Sunday of the Ocean
Waves Summer Blast.
Check-in times are from
8:30-9 a.m. Saturday and 9-
9:30 a.m. Sunday. Miller has
introduced pre-registered
check-in by division this year.
Players who are late may
not get to play. There's also a
$15 late fee for day of registra-
tion, based on space availabili-
Only those players registered
by the Sunday before the event
are guaranteed a T-shirt.
Jackson\ille Beach Volley-
ball features pool play by diMi-
sion. Men's and women's open,
AA and A play Saturday, co-ed
open, AA and A on 'Sunday.
There also will be men's and
women's B division play for
those who are interested.
Divisions may be combined
if numbers necessitate.
Prizes are $500 for men's
and women's open, based on a
minimum of 10 teams, and
$250 for men's and women's
AA, again based on a mini-
mum of 10 teams. A $50
deduction per team will apply
to any and all divisions with
fewer than 10 teams.
Miller is charting players'
participation and success. The
two combined will produce a
$250 cash award for the play-
ers with the most points in
Jacksonville Beach Volleyball
tournaments at the end of the
season. Sunday events offer
double points.
Beach volleyball returns July 22-23 with the World Gym
Summer Blast in Jacksonville Beach.
Instructor Bill Longenecker, left, works with 9-year-old David Green during Wednesday's Super Surf Camp near 16th Avenue South
in Jacksonville Beach. The camp, which concludes Friday, offers instruction for children of all skill levels.
Super Surf Camp continues to
exand reach tsroams
Rough seas couldn't dampen
the enthusiasm of youngsters
Wednesday as the final session
of the 7th annual Super Surf
Camp got underway 'in
Jacksonville Beach.
The camp, sponsored by the
City of Jacksonville Beach and
Sunrise Surf Shop, is geared,
toward beginners but also
offers tips and instruction for
kids with a bit more surfing-
experience. Supervising the
camp are administrators and
instructors from the recreation
department and Ocean Rescue
along with local EMTs and
"It started when Dan Brooks
and Jimmy Wilkins noticed
that a local firm seemed more
interested in making a profit
than. actually supervising the
kids and teaching them safety
along with. surfing," said
Jacksonville firefighter Skip
Smith, who runs the Super Surf
Camp. "There were 50 or 60
kids in the water with two
"We got together and felt
there was a better way. That's
how our surf camp came about."
The Super Surf Camp has
evolved into three summer ses-
sions with 10 instructors super-
vising about 50 kids during
each of the week-lohg sessions.
Participants are in the water
from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
and also learn safety, awareness
of the marine environment
and reading ocean conditions.
"The emphasis on safety, for
A local firm seemed
more interested in mak-
ing a profit than actually
Supervising the kids and
teaching them safety
along with surfing .We
got together and felt
there was a better way.
Skip Smith
Super Surf Camp Organizer
the younger kids, is just to
make them unafraid of the
water," said Smith, who was
bitten by the surfing bug at age
15 during a family vacation to
New Smyrna Beach.
Smith said a new program he
and other volunteers offered
two weeks ago included a camp
for autistic children. Approx-
imately 10 kids participated in
that camp, the first-ever of its
kind in theJacksonville area.
"In May I' went to a cainp for
autistic children in Cabo San
Lucas, Mexico that was run by
some renowned California
surfers," he explained. "They
were working, with not only
autistic children but also some
who were mentally challenged
and others physically chal-
lenged. I videotaped about an
hour and a half of the camp to
showJimmy and Dan and out of
it came some really great ideas
for our own camp.
"Walking out onto that
beach in Cabo was, just an
unreal experience," Smith
continued. "There was just
,such a feeling of love. It's hard
to explain, but you could just
tell that the camp was helping
to change lives."
. In addition to the camp for
autistic children, organizers
hope to establish some ses-
sions next year for Beaches
area kids who cannot afford to
participate. "It's a shame that
they live here and aren't able
to take full advantage of the
opportunities to learn how to
surf," said Smith.
Donning identical red,:
shirts to indicate they were. 3
camp attendees, 'about 5,0i:.
kids took to the waves
Wednesday. All levels of abil-.
ity were on display, with;-
instructors taking extra time
for those brand new to the
"We usually don't get a.
chance to work one-on-one, i
with the kids, but today we'
had a chance to do a little of;
that," said Bill Longenecker, d
after helping 9-year-old d
David Green learn the basics.:
Longenecker is the only,:d
instructor who has worked:. .,
every session in the Super ,
Surf Camp's seven year run. ,.
The camp was slated to y
continue for the remainder of,
this week, culminating with a:
beach cookout and a series ofi
contests for participants on-,.e
Friday. ; .
"It's rewarding because ,r
people come up to me all the. -
time, whether it's in Target or .tz
in line at the movies or wher-, i
ever, and say, 'Remember me?.,!
I was in your surf camp five~ ~
years ago,'" Smith said. "It's:,
just nice to know that you>;s:s
efforts can help introduce)
kids to surfing and that you i
can have an impact on their ;;
lives. ,
Jul 14, ~ Th2eces0a06PneVda edr* ae1l
A quick guide to some hot spots
for weekend kingfish tournament
rounumament week is finally
S here! That's right, it's
Greater Jacksonville
Kingfish Tournament time so
employers, don't expect a
wh le lot of productivity out
of your kingfishing employees.
Sick leave next week will defi-
nitely be on the rise.
Go-fast boats in every size
and shape will be piling into
our area this weekend and
crews.will be pre-fishing in
earnest to get an idea where
the big fish might be lurking
come next Thursday and
Friday during the general tour-
VIP's and Junior Anglers start
the week off on Monday and
Tuesday, so by the end of the
week where the fish are should
be common knowledge.
It's that "where are they?"
thdt we'll cover here by going
over some of the best spots out
thdre for kings. These spots
have produced numerous win-
ners over the years.
First things first, some of
those go-fast boats will be fish-
ing far, far away from here in
areas that are just not feasible
for the average boaters to reach
so I won't even cover those far
How far you,ask? How about'
SSavannah, Georgia to the
north and Ft. Pierce to the
south. Winning fish have come
from both of those locations
during this tournament. Trust
me on that one.
Spots that are more within
reach starting at the Mayport
. jetties and working north are
the Chum Hole, Nassau Sound,
Femandina Inlef, and Grays
Reef.. ,, .
The Chum Hole has long
been a favorite spot of mine for
kings although it has been very
quiet over the last five or so
years as far as kingfish catches
are concerned. That did change
earlier this season when a good
bite of kings fired off there.
Located just outside the mouth
of the St. Johns and stretching
a couple of miles offshore and
north of the jetties, the Chum
Hole is best when fished on a
high outgoing tide.
Nassau Sound is next up the
line. Last year several winning
fish were caught there, When
fishing there fish in front of
the Amelia Island Plantation in
water depths of 20 to 38 feet
deep. The tide really doesn't
Up the line we go to the
Femandina Inlet. I basically.
fish it the same way as I fish
the Chum Hole. The only dif-
ference is that I start at the tip
of the north jetty and fish the
outgoing tide as it falls.
Grays Reef, located offshore
of Brunswick, has been a
favorite of most of our Georgia
anglers over the last few years.
Located about 70 miles from
Mayport makes it a long ride
for most anglers. This is typical
offshore fishing in water
depths from 55 to 75 feet. Tide
has no effect. Just get there as
fast as you can and put your
baits in the water.
Going south out of Mayport
has also been very productive
over the last few years. The
major spots are the Southeast
Hole, Red Tops, Captains
House, and Matanzas Inlet.
The Southeast Hole is located
approximately five miles
southeast of the Mayport jet-
ties in 55 feet of water. A land
point of reference is directly in
front of the Turtle Inn, which
is ocean-front at the end of
Atlantic Boulevard. Tide does-
n't matter as much as time of
day does when fishing there.
The earlier the better is the
rule. Last year this spot gave up
several winning fish.
S Next is the hottest kingfish
spot over the last five years,
the Red Tops. More big fish
have come from this area than
any other area we have and
during tournament hours this
spot gets better with the addi-
tion of more and more boats.
It's located directly in front of
the Ponte Vedra Inn approxi-
mately eight miles south of the
Mayport jetties. Good water
depths to fish are 20 feet up to
50 feet. I like 35 feet. Great
spot to fish.
The Captains House, five
miles north of the St.
Augustine Inlet, is yet another;
hot spot. Same water depths
preferred as the Red Tops.
Work north ip to the Gate
Station (gas station on A1A)
and then back.
Last but not least of the best
close spots to fish has to be at
M.atanzas Inlet. Fish this inlet
like you would the Chum
Hole. They're pretty close to
the same with the exception of
Skater depth with Matanzas
being shallower.
All of these spots are marked
on the local fishing charts,
which can be purchased at
most bait and tackle shops in
our area.
Good luck and good fishing!
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Pnoro sutmitlea
Jax Beach Rookie "A" All Stars won the Julington Creek tournament going 5-0 to win the championship. At the Florida
State Championship tournament June 29-July 4 in West Palm Beach, the team finished in the top six. Front row, from
left: Austin Silva, Braxton Silva, Chase Robinson, Ben Bolena, Chase Dubin, Joey Harrison. Second row: Sam
Mizerany, E.J. Mizerany, Michael Ossi, Skyler Shields, Nathan Rollings, Gabe Lozada, Zachary Malz, Nick Malz. Top
row: Mike Ossi, Bill Shields, Scott Dubin, Larry Rollings.
Don't expect a quick cure if you
Q. Dr. Smith, my heel has
been hurting. When I step
out of bed in the morning,
the first few steps almost
kills me. After a few min-
utesit eases off. What is'
going on here?
A Most likelyyou are suf-
fering from an inflammatory
condition called plantar fasci-
itis;' "
Although this sounds awful,'
it isa very common problem.
It occurs because the thick
banidof tissue that runs along
the arch of your foot has
become irritated and sore due
to microscopic tearing. Most
often the heel becomes very
tender at the fascial origin on
the heel bone and along the
cord as it passes across the
During the night while you
sleep, this cord tends to short-
en up a little, and attempts to
heal somewhat in this con-
tracted position. When you
step out of bed in the morn-
ing, it is suddenly stretched
out: again by your weight, tear-
ing it further, often making it
feel as if it is ripping your foot
Once the fascia has
stretched- out, the pain tends
to ease off. Also, if you sit for
a long time, the pain tends to
come back when you ge
and get going again.
Once you have this th
are steps you can take to
rid of it. but don't expect
quick cure. Also, the lot
you have had it, the Ion
Likely willtake to go aw.
One of the first steps i
treatment of your probli
to try to identify the cai
change of shoes to ones
have a less supportive ai
often precipitates the de
ment of plantar fasciitis
Also, a flattening of y(
arch or over use can cau
your plantar fascia to stO
out and pull on your he
bone. You are more like
om plantar
be affected the older you are
for the fascia loses its elasticity
and can tend to tear instead of
Also, the fat pad that cush-
ions your heel tends to thin
out, and the heel is subjected
to more impact. Also as you
get heavier, this simply puts
more stress on your feet.
m Another common cause is
starting a eight bearing exer-
cise program such as aerobics
Sor jogging after a period of
inactivity, or increasing your
activity suddenly, such as
walking more than you are
R used to while on vacation or
During a weekend golf tourna-
t tip Shoes with poor support,
thin padding, or no shock
lere absorbency also can make you
Sget more likely ,to develop this
:t a problem. If you are used to
anger wearing a high-heeled shoe
ger it and suddenly switch to a flat
ay. shoe, this increases the pull
in on your Achilles tendon and
em is plantar fascia, leading to
use. 'A symptoms.
that O.K. so now that you have
rch it, and you've changed those
*velop- things that may be causing it,
what else can you do to get
our rid of it?
ise The first line of treatment
retch involves a stretching program
;el in order to lengthen the plan-
ly to tar fascia and decrease the pull
on your heel. Also very help-
ful is nighttime splint that
you wear while you sleep, so
that the torn tissues can heal -
while stretched out at their .
proper length.
Some patients may even
require a short period of cast-
Physical therapy if often S|
prescribed. Ultrasound and P
topical cortisone treatments F
by your therapist are often Tv
used. Rubber heel inserts or F
even custom orthotics can Ki
also be helpful. A local injec-
tion of cortisone may also be
The thing to remember is
patience this is not going
to go away overnight, and
may take several months to
This column is written to dis- '
cuss issues regarding sports, med-
icine, and safety. It is not
intended to, serve as a replace- St
ment for the treatment of your
regular doctor. It is only
designed to offer guidelines on
the prevention, recognition, and
care of injuries. Specific concerns
should be discussed with your
personal physician. Mail ques-
tions to: Gregory Smith, M.D.,
Sports Medicine, 1250 S. 18th
St. Suite 204, Fernandina Beach,
Fl 32034.
.0" ,-,-I-- --
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Straigter Teth Halthie Cu i
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 1 1A
T--l__ I I /n/\"
d.,'t 12
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 14, 2006
.' ing*the icSper Af mp
Learning the basics at Super Surf Camp
he 7th annual Summer Surf Camp, near 16th Avenue
South in Jacksonville Beach, offered youngsters a chance
to learn the fundamentals of surfing this week under the
tutelage of members of the recreation department, Ocean
Rescue and other volunteers.
Photos by Rob DeAngelo
r .,
- ,r-
LEFT: A surfer tackles one of
the first waves of the day _
ABOVE: Some teen surfers
wait for perfect waves at the
Super Surf Camp. Participants
with a variety of skill levels
take part in the annual camp.
RIGHT: For some youngsters
who already know how to surf,
the three-day camp provides
tips from instructors on how to
improve form and technique.
-~ctt .4,.
.. ... .. ...... .
A group of young surfers carries a board along the beach at the start of Wednesday's Super Surf
Camp in Jacksonville Beach. Youngsters of all skill levels were learning the fundamentals of surf-
ing and safety in the water.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
* Movies
(right) See
* Calendar
... B6
* Showtimes
... B-4
w'wb heaches leader.com
photo submitted
Grammy-nominated trumpter Greg Adams is a founding member of Tower of Power. ,. ,. .
What do trumpeter Greg
Adams and keWboardist
Paul Shaffer have in cornm-
mon besides a bald pate
and an affinity for dark ,:.
sunglasses? ""-* .'--
A mutual respect for each :; "
other's talents, for one
"Greg Adams is brilliant
.as a jazz soloist, R&B :|
arranger and everything in :.
between," Shaffer, the ver-
satile bandleader for "Late
Night with David ''
Letterman," savs on Adams'
website. Keyboardist Allon
"He has so much to do at 5 p.m. Sams s
with the state of funk working with the
music as we know it."
Adams, who headlines Sunday's free jazz
concert at the Jacksonville Beach SealValk
Pavilion, returned the favor by contributing
to the Letterman show's opening theme
He also earned an Emmy nomination in
1989 for directing the music for Letterman's
seventh anniversary special.
Adams, joined by an six-piece rhythm sec-
tion, performs at 7 p.m. Sunday. Tampa key-
boardist Allon Sams is the opening act at 5
Sunday's performance marks Adams' first in
Jacksonville Beach, but not his first on the
First Coast.
Adams played at Jacksonville's old Veterans
'Coliseum in the late 1980s as a trumpeter in
Tower of Power, a vibrant horn section that
once toured with Huey Lewis and the News.
"He worked with me for nine years," Lewis
says on Adams' website. "He's simply the best
in the.business,"
:A founding member of Tower of Power,
Adams.,joined the San Francisco-based band
right qLt:of high school in the 1970s, and is
~ &-
&;i- .
priou ubrnTinad
SSams of Tampa opens Sunday's jazz concert
pent time as a studio musician in Los Angeles,
likes of Joe Zawinul and Richard Marx.
credited with the group's signature sound.
For nearly four decades Adams' has per-
formed and recorded with a diverse array of
He earned his first Grammy nod in 1981 for
Best Instrumental Arrangement
Accompanying Vocal for the Tower of Power
song "What Is Hip".
His 1995 solo debut, "Hidden Agenda," fea-
tures an infectious interpretation of Sade's
classic hit song "Smooth Operator.".
"Hidden Agenda" was No.1 for five weeks
on the jazz sales charts. His follow up,
"Midnight Morning" in 2002, generated two
top-10 singles, "Roadhouse" and "Sup' with
His latest solo CD "Cool To The Touch," is
slated to be released on Aug. 15.
Sams, Sunday's opening act, is billed as a
talented keyboardist gaining momentum in
the contemporary smooth jazz format.
He began playing the trumpet and french
See JAZZ, B-2
Junp Start strings
camp at FCCJ-South
Jump Start Strings Camp, a
week-long' summer program
organized by the Jacksonville
Symphony Youth Orchestra, will
be held Monday, July 31,
through Friday, Augt. 4, at
Florida Community College at
Jacksonville's'South Campus.
The introductory course gives
children the opportunity to learn
how play the violin, viola, cello
or bass from some of the area's
finest music instructors.
Enrollment is open to students
ages 6 through 10.
Students are granted the use of
an instrument if they do not
have one of their own. FCCJ pro-
vides classroom space as part of
its contribution to the JSYO pro-
: The camp runs from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m. each day, capped by a
concert celebration for family,
friends and the general public on
Aug. 4. A short orientation ses-
sion will be held on July 30. The
program is limited to 40 stu-
dents. The cost is $195.
Upon completing the camp,
students are automatically
admitted into the JSYO lump
Start Strings Ensemble, which
begins in the fall and runs
throughout the school year.
For more information, call
JSYO music director Scott Gregg
at 354-5479, ext. 241, or e-mail
him at jsyo@ja-xsymphony.org.
Capt. Southard (Paul Rowe) testifies about Capt. Queeg's mental state as defense attorney Greenwald (Kevin Roberts) listens in
the Player's By the Sea production of "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial." The plays runs tonight and Saturday at 106 6th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Tickets are $10.
Cash's 'American V' difficult to listen to
Oh Lord, help nme to walk another mile; just one
more mile. I'm tired of walking all alone. from .
'Help Ae" on "American V A. Hundred Highways" F '
Johnny Cash's "American V: A Hundred
Highways," is painful to listen too.
Recorded following the completion of .
"American R[: The Man Comes Around," the
songs on "American V" find Cash in poor
health, his once-powerful voice often reduced .
to a haggard, quavering whisper.
The songs themselves are dark, haunting
views of death and despair, only occasionally
lifted by a sense of hope the calm expected, H
in this case, after the storm. NEWS
But while the voice may be weak at times, N
and the songs seemingly dredged from the EIE
despair caused by Cash's failing health and
the loss of his beloved wife, June Carter, the album as a whole
comes across as one of the stronger entries in the "American"
There are few missteps in the song selection, the most
notable being Gordon Lightfoot's "If You Could Read My
Mind" and Don Gibson's "A Legend in My Time" -
both fine songs in their own right, but out of place
here. The remaining 10 songs, however, more than
compensate for them. The sinister "God's Gonna Cut
You Down" and Cash's own "I Came to Believe" rank
with the best "American" selections, as does Bruce
Springsteen's "Further On Up the Road."
Producer Rick Rubin once again assembles a fine
group of musicians to accompany Cash. "American"
veterans Mike Campbell, Benmont Tench and
Smokey Hormel anchor the guitar-and-keyboard
d driven arrangements.
The premier instrument on "American V," though,
is Cash's voice. Even when he's struggling for breath
ME to complete a phrase, Cash wrings every bit of emo-
tion he can from every note. While his voice is rav-
ER aged by illness and age, his ability to take a song and
make it uniquely his is stronger than ever.
"American V: A Hundred Highways" is a far more even (and
superior) effort than 2002's "American IV: The Man Comes
And there are tentative plans for an "American VI" album
from Cash next year.
photo submtned
Singer/songwriter Brenda David performs at 8 p.m. Sunday at
Atlantic Theatres in Atlantic Beach. Tickets are $15 and includes
CD. Call 249-7529 for more details.
Towering trumpeter
Sunday at SeaWalk
I..., 1 ,I "Ann
4k 1
WoJepkenl 9)
July 14, 2006
The Beaches Leider/Ponte Vedra Leader
: Last Friday's beer festival was not
all it was tapped up to be for me
ike frat boys lured by
the silvery gleam of a,
keg, throngs of thirsty
beer lovers from all over the
city including yours truly -
marched to Alltel Stadium
last Friday for a much-antici-
pated Beer and MuNic
Having been to Orlando's
beer festival at Universal'
Studio's CityWalk last fall, 1
was expecting my palette to
sample a selection of hun-
dreds of tasty beers from all
over the world.
But after four hours of
wandering around the stadi-
um's expansive Touchdown
Club where the festival took
place, I was left asking one
question: where's all the
Where were the Guinness,
the Newcastle, the Heinekin,
the Ephemere, the Warsteiner
for goodness sakes?
And where were the
.Tucher, the Rogue, the
Rolling Rock, the Flying Dog
and the Honey Brown?
How can you have a beer
festival without some of the
biggest names in imported
and domestic beer? It's a slap
in the face to us self-taught
beer enthusiasts.
Beer festival? Please. I
could get a much better vari-
ety of beer while spending an
hour at European Street Cafe.
From what I could see,
there were more food ven-
dors offering food samples
from various restaurants
around town than there were
beer vendors.
On top of that, many beer
vendors had no banners
above their tables, making
them hard to find amidst the
Crowds of hiccuping beer
By the time I reached some
of the tables, thqy were out
of beer altogether.
A glimmer of hope
appeared as I caught a
glimpse of the Samuel Adams
vendor near the end of the
Like a character in a sus-
penseful slow-motion scene
in an action flick, I eagerly
'inched my way to the table
in the corner of the room,
dodging the intoxicated,
stumbling buffoons who
stood in my way.
My mind was racing with
thoughts of the dozens of
unique beers brewed by Sam
Adams: the Summer Ale, the
Cream Stout, and my person-
al favorite, the Cherry
But my excitement splat-
tered like a bug on a wind-
shield when I saw that the
only beer he was pouring was
Sam Adams Light.
Vow. What a selection.
After launching a major
advertising campaign of TV
commercials showcasing the
huge variety of Sam Adams
brews, all they brought was
Sam Light.
Perhaps that should not
have been a surprise to me,
since no one seemed to care
about the cup of suds they
were drinking anyway.
Hey folks, that's why they
only give you a couple
ounces of beer each time.
The point is to taste the
beer not guzzle it down
and go back for more.
Next year I think they
should call it the Chugging
Festival and just let people
lie under a tap of Bud Light
with their mouths open.
Meanwhile, I'll be at my
favorite neighborhood bar
with a tall glass of Newcastle.
prol o Eubmin h
Nikki Maahs, from left, Anjelica Haynes and Abbie Bell rehearse a scene from Y-Bag's "Little
Shop of Horrors," which runs July 21-22 at Sandalwood High School.
Jazz: Sams was L.A. studio musician
Cont. from B-I
Shorn in his hometown of Tampa,i but the key-
board eventually captured his heart.
Early endeavors.had him traveling through-
out the U.S., the Caribbean, Jamaica and
Mexico with cover bands, followed by three
months of solo performances all over Japan.
Upon returning to the U.S., Sams graduated
from Full Sqil Center for the Recording Arts and
moved to Los Angeles after being offered an
internship with jazz legend Joe Zawinul, garner-
ing him invaluable experience as a studio tech-
Diligence and perseverance.drove him on to
work at other studios,were he polished his stu-
dio skills. The vast experience in the studio
environment helped Sams develop a fine tuned
ear, and gave him the technical expertise he
needed to continue working as an engineer.
But the burning desire to play music was a
powerful motivator for him to switch gears and
start playing with local bands in the Los Angeles
area. He found success recording jingles for
radio, television and film trailers and album
projects from record companies such as Def Jam
where Sams was invited to play keyboards for
Montell Jordan's multi-platinum hit "This Is
How We Do It".
Accompanied by a full band with a diverse
repertoire, Sams performs at Tampa Bay area
jazz clubs, festivals and concerts. He has per-
formed as an opening act for many artists
including George Benson, Regina Belle, Special
EFX, Patti Austin, Brian Culbertson and Najee.
~~L\~U I
July 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Weekend 3
New gallery set to open in Beach Plaza
A group of local artists
wishing to display and
sell their works joined
together about 25 years ago
and named themselves the
Beaches Arts and Crafts
Originally located on First
Street in Jacksonville Beach,
the gallery had to move
because of growth and devel-
opment at the Beaches.
They have moved like
nomads from one location to
another around the Beaches,
changing not only location,
but also membership. Few of
the original group remain
with the gallery, but their
legacy remains. :
.Last week, the group of
artists, old and new, moved
their works to a new location,
which should be advanta-
geous to them and to the
They will be located in
Beach Plaza, 1250 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach. The
gallery is large, spacious, with
walls reaching a two-floor
level. A large classroom at the
rear provides.great space for
,classes. .
Debra Dellinger's Atlantic
IFames and office are at the
back of the gallery, and Debra
will be present the hours the
gallery is open.
A gallery opening and
reception is planned with a
date to be announced this
month. Congratulations to
this group for "hanging"
together, and good luck. Call
. .-,.: ',::*.,,-:. ; ... .. "'
The Cultural Center at
Ponte \'edra Beach on July 28:
will open an exhibit of works
by the late fiber arts artist
Sally Broadwell.
The exhibit. "Fabric Pieces:
Beads and Embroidery," will
run through Sept. 9.
At 11 a.m. Monday, July 31,
Jo Sinclair, a well-known St.
Augustine artist, will discuss
the works of the artist, who'
died in April.
Sinclair takes participants
on a gallery tour of
Broadwell's embroidered
quilts and fiber pieces and dis-
cusses the history of fiber arts.
This program is free and
open to the public., The
Cultural Center is located at
50 Executive Way, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Call 280-0614
for information.
Do you love ballet and
modern dance? At 8 p.m.
Saturday, the University of
North Florida will present an
evening with Trey Mclntyre
and his elite company with
his cutting-edge works which
will captivate all ages with the
seductive beauty of ballet
infused with the intensity of
modern dance.
For tickets to this one-night
only performance call 620-
For a diversified view of
works by local artists see the
current exhibit, "Summer
Splash," at the Nathan H.
Wilson Center for .the Arts on
the South Campus of Florida
Community College at
The exhibit includes the
juried works of members of
the Jacksonville Coalition of
.the Visual Ai ts. There is some-
thing for everyone, whether
you like traditional or con-
temporary art.
The exhibit will be on dis-
play through July 27. Call
246- 2023 for information.
TheRiver:;City Band will
present "A Tribute to Benny
Goodman," featuring Terry
Myers on clarinet and Teddy
Washington, former trumpet
player with BB King and
James Brown, ori Thursday,
July 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the
restored Five Points Theater,
1028 Park St., Jacksonville.
The cost is $15, and a por-
tion of the proceeds will bene-
fit local foster children. For
information and tickets call
.0. *
On WVednesday and
Thursday, enjoy an Especially
for Seniors Talks and Tea at
1:30 p.m. at the Cummer
Museum of Art & Gardens.
The subject will be "A New
Narrative: Marden, Fitzpatrick,
Stella, Warhol.
Seated gallery talks are fol-
lowed by refreshments.
Seating is limited, and prereg-
istration is required.
Members and nonmembers
fee is $6. Call 356-6857 for
"Beauty and the Beast" caps its run Sunday at the Alhambra Dinner Theatre. For ticket details,
call 641-1212.
Do not forget the
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art's Warehouse Party
from 9 p.m. Saturday to 2
a.m. Enter on Laura Street at
the museum entrance.
The cost is $15 at the door
for nonmembers and $10 for
members. Enjoy this canvas of
sound with music by Philly G.
Catharsis iPC Synergy),
Odyssey and Cool Rog Rox.
Call 366-6911, ext. 225, for
Herman Wonk is staged at 8
p.m. -today and Saturday, and 2
p.m. Sunday at Players By The
Sea, 106 6th St. N., Jacksonville
Beach. The World War II classic
is also presented at 8 p.m. July
14 and 15. Greg Leute directs.
Tickets are $10. Call 249-2022
for reservations and informa-
BEAST" is staged through July
16 at the Alhambra Dinner
Theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on
Saturday and noon on Sunday.
Admission ranges from $35 to
$46 for dinner and show. Call
641-1212 for information.
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Weekend 4 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 14, 2006
"Copyrg hted Mater Ial
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers'
Regal 18
Little Man. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 1:20, 3:00,
3:40, 5:15, 7:35, 8:00, 9:45,
You, Me & Dupree. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 11:55 a.m.,
12:50, 2:30, 3:20i 5:05, 7:25,
7:55, 9:50, 10:35.
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 11:45 a.m.,
12:15, 12:45, 1:30, 3:15, 3:45,
4:15, 5:00,.6:45, 7:15, 7:45,
8:30, 10:15, 10:45.
The, Devil Wears Prada.
Rated PG13. Fri,-Thurs.,
12:05, 1:00, 3:05, 3:35, 7:20,
8:05, 10:05, 10:40.
Superman Returns. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., Noon,
12:30, 3:30, 4:00, 7:00, 7!30,
Low-'budget Charm Schoo surprises
Life contains many strange
twists and turns, a bit of wis
Sdom every man, woman anm
, child on the planet eventua
S Iv learns.
S, Nowhere is this-more
apparent than in "The
Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom
Dancing and Charm School,
a limited release Sony
Pictures film that illustrates
how each of us must choose
Shis own life path.
It's a flick with an out-
standing cast that's heavy on
both irony and drama, item:
which true film aficionados
find indispensable.
Though it was obviously
shot as a budget film, Sony
spent most of its bankroll oi
stars such as Robert Carlyle,
Oscar winner Marisa Tomei,
John Goodman, Mary
Steenburgen, Sean Astin and
too many more to mention.
All do a fine job despite
relatively few difficult acting
demands from either the
script or director. Perhaps
things were made easier by
e the fact this rendition is
d actually based on a 15-year-
Sold short film of the same
name directed and co-writ-
,,ter by RAhdall Miller arfd I
w Iife and" ptoducerj-d-:" .
S Using it as a base, the pair
have rendered a fine portrait
of three people's destinies.
The picture opens quietly,
a non-descript man driving a,
bakery delivery truck down a
deserted California highway.
n Suddenly, a Volvo wagon
pulls into the passing lane
and meanders ahead.
A few minutes later, the
.trucker happens onto the
very same Volvo or, rather,
n what's left of it. In the mid-
dle of the road, by means
unknown, the car's been
Lying bleeding and hurt in
the wreckage is a still-con-
scious Goodman.The bakery
man calls 911, arid the dis-
patcher emphasizes that he
keep Goodman talking no
matter what. The scene then
shifts to the pair sharing the
back of an ambulance.
It's here the picture cuts
,bitk-.atod forth from the,-
present o' toe ,;past, .atimerT:"
when Goodman was an awk-
ward pre-teen. In those inno-
cent days of the '60s, it was
the custom among middle
class families to send their
sons and daughters to danc-
ing schools, the object being
development of social skills.
The picture follows
Goodman during a bout of
puppy love, then flashes
back to the ambulance. It
seems our star and his first
love made a pact: on the
fifth day of the fifth month
of the new millennium, even
if they lost touch with each,
other or got married, they'd
meet again at the dance
school. ,
Though the plot and out-
come of this PG-13, 103-
minute film become pre-
dictable, it's woven in a way
that's both surprising and
charming. Nothing is quite
as it seems regardless, this
flick will hold one's atten-
tion. to the very.end.
ir'Though still in theaters ,;2
and suffering with virtually a
zero marketing budget,
The film is destined for
DVD.release at $26.95.
Rated PG13. Fri.-
1:05, 4:40, 7:10,
The Lake House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thuirs., 12:35, 3;50; 7:05,
Nacho Libre. Rated PG. Fri.-,
Thurs., 12:20, 3:25, 7:50,
: ars. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:15, 4:05, 6:55, 9:40.
Do, .. '
Down in the Valley. Rated
R. Fri.-Thurs., 12:25, 4:10,
6:50; 9:30.
An Inconvenient Truth.
Rated PG. Fri.-Thurs., 1:10,
4:35, 7:40, 9:55.,
Pablo 9
Cars. Rated G. Fri.-Thurs.,
10:50 a.m., 1:20, 4:20, 7:30,
".. 50.'-iiT o, l." i :i.?
Click. Rated PG13. Fri.-
Thurs., 11:00 a.m., 1:20, 4:00,
7:05, 9:20. ,
.........: ; : "
',' p :i:
The Devil Wears Prada.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thuis., 11
a.m., 1:15, 4:10, 7:20, 9:30.
The Lake House. Rated PG.
Fri.-Thurs., 10:45. a.m., 1:25,
4:25, 7:25, 9:40.
-* *
Little Man. Rated PG13.
Fri.-Thurs., 11:05 a.m., 1:45,
4:40, 7:25, 9:35.
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3:45,
7:00, 10:15.
SSuperman Returns. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:45, 4:00,
7:15, 10:30.
You, Me & Dupree. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 10:55 a.m.,
1:35, 4:15, 7:10, 9:25.
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Ages 7-12 vrs.
$125. per week
NVEW Half-Day Camp $7.
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"She's the Man" Surprisingly funny story
of a .girl (TV ,star Amanda Bynres) posing as a
boy so that she can play soccer on an all-male
"Sybil 30th-Anniv. Edition" Sally Field
shed her "Flying Nun" persona for good in
this riveting TV-movie about a woman with
multiple personalities.. :
"Amazing Stories 1st Season" Steven,
Spielberg's short-lived anthology series" is
uneven but has some worthwhile episodes.
(My pick: "The Main, Attraction," about :a
macho high-schooler who gets a Jim Carrey-
like comeuppance.)
"The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. -
The Complete Series" B-movie actor Bruce
Campbell stars in the Fox network's Western
spoof. .
"Carnivale 2nd Season" DVD of the
HBO drama about an eerie Depression-era cir-
cus features a panel discussion with the cast
(including B-movie queen Adrienne Barbeau).
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July 14, 2006
Weekend 4
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader
Weekend 5
The RP eaheP I P2,Pr/ptnte Vedra Leader
T...I- 1 A 'l)AA
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Quest performs at 9 p.m.
today. and Saturday.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. 3 plays pop rock at
9 p.m. today. Normaltown is
in at 9 p.m. Saturday. The Glas
Tara Dancers perform at 4 p.m.
Sunday followed by traditional
Irish music with Kevin Byrne
at 6 p.m.
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville Beach 246-
BIRD. Reggae Jamboree featur-
ing DeLions, of Jah, DJ Flava,
Dynamite, C-4, Youtman,
Yardi and C-Nepsi is held at 9
p.m. today. Monsters of Mock
Exciter pay homage to Judas
Priest with Iron Maiden tribute
'band Live After Death at 9
p.m. saturday. Country
favorite Billy Ray Cyrus is in
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Little Green Men plays 80's
!favorites at 9 p.m. today.
Moon Grille, 1396 Beach
iBlvd., Jacksonville Beach *
4241-1894. Oversized Load
.plays rock and Top 40's at 9,
1p.m. today and Saturday.
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877. El
Toro Loco performs alt-rock at
9 p.m. today and Saturday.
Billy and Vinnie appear
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
J!acksonville Beach 9 24638-360.
pIDoes It Natt&f-appeafs af r.
p.m. today. The Jim Esser),
Band performs Sundays.
STwisted Sisters, 1266 Bewach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
241-6453. Fat Asprin performs
at 9 p.m. today. Gadsen is in at
9 p.m. Saturday.
Aromas Cigar, Wine &
:Martini Bar, 880 A1A N., Ponte
,Vedra Beach 280-2525. Le
'Monde Quartet plays 'Latin
,music Tuesdays. The Jason
'Anderson Group performs
,every Thursday. Jose LeBron
Sand The LeMNonde Quintet per-
form every Saturday.
-Bo's Coral Reef, 201 Tifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJs and female
impersonators weekly.
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach 241-
8848. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-7777.
Lisa and the Mad Hatters are in
every Friday.
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub &
Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 242-9499.
Cloud Nine is in every
Wednesday. Spade McQuade
prlo suimine-I
The Doobie Brothers will perform at the Florida Theatre Wednesday, Oct. 25. Tickets go on sale Friday, July 14, at 10 a.m. The
band has evolved from a mellow, post-hippie boogie group to a slick, soul-inflected pop band. The group racked up a string of gold
and platinum albums and more than 12 No. 1 hits. For tickets, call 355-2787 or visit www.floridatheatre.com.
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Meridian
plays traditional Irish music at
4 p.m. Sunday.
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic Beach 246-4293.
Nolan Neal is in Monday.
Songwriter's night with ,Sehh
Ramsdill vvevery Tuesday.
Reggae with Pill Pill every
Wednesday. The Wes Cobb
Band is in Thursdays. Mystic
Dino and the 420 Band are in
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach *
249-7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano Thursdays. The'
Amanda Finch Jazz Quintet
performs today. Pianist Matt
Hall appears Saturday.
Homestead Restaurant, 1712
.Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 249-9660. Kenhe and
Sleep) every Friday. Mike
Shackelford Band appears
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.,
First St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Live music at 10
p.m. today and Saturday.
Karaoke every Sunday. Little,
Green men perform every
monday. Spiderbaby is in
every' wednesday. 3 appears
every Thursday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse, 100
Sawgrass Village, Ponte \redra
Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays'piano Tuesday
through Thursday. Don
Miniard is in Saturday.
Michael Howard plays Sunday.
Will Hurley performs Fridays
and Monday.
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach 247-6820. John Evans
plays the piano every Friday
and Saturday. -
iOcean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach *
242-8884. Mystic Roots in the
tiki bar every Tuesday. Fifth
South and tlhe Glass Camels
are in the Bubba Lounge every
Wednesday. The James Harp
- House 'Project is every
Satu'idaH .Regg a with Pili Pili
from 4 to 8 p.m. every Stnday.
Spare Time Tavern and
Grille. Eric Wink performs
Tuesday. Yankee Slickers are
in every Thursday. Reggae with
Delions of Jah every Friday.
The Jim Esserv Band performs
Sun Dog Tavern, 207
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach
241-8221. Chuck Nash and
Sthe Zen Twins rotate every
Wednesday. Chroma appears
on the first Thursday of every
Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Karaoke every Wednesday.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First St., Jacksonville Beach *.
249-5181. Karaoke every,
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,,
1850' third Street Si,
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Karaoke every Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday and
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe, 200
1st Street, Neptune Beach a
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. Sunday.
Sawgrass, 43 PGA Tour Blvd,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285-3133.
Ralph "E" performs top 40's,.
blues, oldies and jazz every'
Friday and Saturday night.
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony' Saladino per-
forms jazz'pi'3nr~ and standards
Thursday fh rough Sa'tiirdy:'-
Tree Steakhouse, 725-6
Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach *
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in Wednesdays. Mike
Shackelford performs Friday.
Kenhe is in from Saturday.
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.
DJs spins hip hop and retro
Thursday through Saturdays.
Ocean Club.DJ Scott Henry
Saturday. DJs Sharaz and Dave
Berg in on July 22. DJ Infader
spins every Tuesday.-
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ Danielle
is 'in every Monday and
Tuesday. D. Anonymous spins
Wednesday. DJ Marco spins
80's every Thursday. DJ [bay is
in every friday and Saturday.
Vinoe, 822 AIA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
Note: Acts and performance
days are not always available for
all clubs at press time. Send to
Call 249-9033 for information.
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Daniels and Chris Epps per-
form opera, gospel, R&B, Jazz
and spoken word at 7:30 p.m.
today and Saturday at Theatre
Jacksonville, 2032 San Marco
Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets ate
$20 in advance, $28.at the
door. Call 894-6487 or 356-
1102 for information.
The contemporary jazz
quintet performs at 8 p.m.
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128 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville.
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Looking for help with home repairs?
Check the Service Guide in
The Leacder
Friday, July 14th
Visiting band, Does It Matter
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Saturday, July 15th
de Lions of Jah (Reggae)
Acoustics with Eric Wink &
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DJ Johnnie B Good
Texas Hold'em &
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Jax Beach
(corner of 3rd St. & 171h Ave. N.
across from Goodyear)
Kitchen open till 2 am
Breakfast every day
Weekend 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 14, 2006
Friday, July 14
Art Spa: Art Spa,'a one-day
camp for adult members of the
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art, will be held from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost'is $175.
Registration is required by July
7. Call Allison at 366-6911,
extension .204, or e-mail
agraff@jmoma.org for informa-
Jacksonville Singles Dance Club: The Jacksonville Singles
Dance Club meets from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday at the Knights of
Columbus Hall, 1501 Hendricks Ave. Admission is $8, or $7 for
members. 779-1234.
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery, Inc., a mental health support
group, meets at 6:30 p.m. Friday at St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 First Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. 247-
Senior tennis: Tennis for seniors is being offered at
Huguenot Tennis Center in Jacksonville Beach from 9 to 11
a.m. Friday. Call Moe at 247-6221 for information.
Bookmobile: The Library Elderly Outreach Bookmobile
serves seniors living in The Stratford from 9:30 to 10 a.m., and
at Vicar's Landing from noon to 1:30 p.m. every second and
fourth Friday. 904-823-2783.
Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty: Kittens and cats which have been
veterinarian-checked and tested, and have shots and have been
altered, are available for adoption Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. at PetCo at Atlantic and Kernan boulevards.
Beaches storytellers: The Beaches League of Storytellers
meets at the Ponte Vedra Beach Library, 101 Library Blvd.,
Ponte \edra Beach, at 10:30 a.m. the second Saturday of the
month from September through May. 246-1502.
First Coast Romance Writers: The First Coast Romance
Writers meet the second Saturday of the month from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at the Hampton Inn at J. Turner Butler and 1-95.
Meetings are free and open to the public. 268-0707.
Peripheral neuropathy: The Jacksonville Peripheral
Neuropathy Support Group meets the second Saturday of .the
month at 10 a.m. at the Glendale Community Church, 6411
Beach Blvd. Call 269-0984 for information.
Submarine veterans: USSVI First Coast Base meets at 11
a.m. the second Saturday of the month at American Legion
Post 316, 127 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. 241-6222.
Beaches Palm Group: The Florida Writer's Association
Beaches Palm Group meets the fourth Saturday of each month
except December at the Ponte Vedra Beach Library. Call Vic
DiGenti at 904-285-2258 for information.
Meditation class: A guided meditation and dharma talk is
held ever Sunday in Jui and August from 10to 11~03:',p. at:-
Cobalt Moon (upstairs studio), 217 First St., Neptune Beach.
Donations accepted. Call 386-793-3013 for information.
Depression support: Depression Bipolar Support Alliance -
Jacksonville Beaches meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th Ave.. S., Jacksonville Beach. Visit
www.dbsajax.org for information.
Al-Anon: Al-Anon Family Groups offer a recovery program
for families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alco-
holic seeks help. Meetings are held Mondays, including holi-
days, at 10:30 a.m. at 400 Penman Road, Jacksonville Beach.
Meetings are also available at other times, days and locations.
Call 350-0600 for information.
Meditation group: The Twin Heart Meditation Group meets
from 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. Monday at Ocean Yoga Studio at 60
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. This global meditation from
Pranic Healing focuses on creating planetary healing and
world peace. No previous meditation experience is required.
Love donations are accepted. For information, call 382-5823.
Toastmasters: The Beaches Area Toastmasters Club meets
Monday at 7 p.m. at Atlantic Theatres, 715 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. For more information, call 610-8807.
Breast-feeding support: Baptist Medical Center Beaches
offers a breast-feeding support group from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in
Conference Room B at 1350 13th Ave. S. the first Monday of
the month. The group is moderated by Loretta Haycook. There
is no cost, and babies and children are welcome. Snacks and
beverages are served. Call 247-2974 for information.
Grandparent Group: The Grandparent Group meets at 10
a.m. the first Monday of each month at the St. Johns County
Mental Health Department, 1955 U.S. 1 South, St. Augustine.
Call 904-825-5048 for information.
Lions Club: The Lions Club of Jacksonville Beach meets at 7
p.m. the first and third Mondays at the comer of Penman Road
and Second Avenue North; and at noon on the second and
fourth Tuesdays at Perkins Restaurant, 14471 Beach Blvd. For
information on Monday's meetings, call Chuck Carroll at 241-
1129; call Denny Bradford at 220-2222 for information on
Tuesday's meetings.
St. Paul's Catholic School
tion or to register.
Shrimp dinner: Ladies
Auxiliary Fleet Reserve
Association Unit 290 will hold a
shrimp dinner from 5 to 8 p.m.
at 390 Mayport Road, Atlantic
Beach. The cost is $7. Call 246-
6855 for information or to
place a takeout order.
Museum party: The Beaches
Museum and Historyv Center.
will have a party from 7 to 11
p.m. at 380 Pablo Ave., comer
of Beach Boulevard and 4th St..
N., Jacksonville Beach. The cost
for members is $10 in advance
and $15 at the door; for non-
members, $15 in advance and
$20 at the door. The event will
benefit the Beaches Area
Historical Society. Call 241-
5657 to R.S.V.P.
Saturday, July 15
Yard sale: The Mayport USO
on Mayport Road will have a
community yard sale from 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $5 to
sell goods. Call 246-3481 for
Bike tour: A "Bunting By
Bicycle Bike Tour" will be held
at 11 a.m. at Talbot Island State
Park. The tour starts at Little
Talbot Island ranger station.
Bring a bike or rent one at the
ranger station. Call 904-251-
2320 for information.
SCBW: The Society of
Children's Book Writers &
Illustrators meets from 1 to 3
p.m. at the Southeast Regional
Library, 10599 Deerwood Park
SBlvd., Jacksonville.
Kindergarten teacher Alison
Watson is the speaker. E-mail
Janet Walter at jgwalter@com-
cast.net for information.
Book signing: Grahl
Barkoskie Neitz will sign copies
of her book "Cabbageberries,
Duck Feathers and the Tides, A
Collection of Palm Valley
Memories," from 3 to 4 p.m. in
the GTM Reserve
Environmental Education
Center, 505 Guana River Road,
off A1A. She will share stories of
her life from 2 to 3 p.m.
Admission is $2 for adults, $1
fo'" children 10' to 17,;and free
for under 10. Call 904-823-4500
for information.
Free tickets: Free tickets to
Buckler's "Christmas in July
Craft Show" today and July 16
at the Prime Osborn
Convention Center, downtown
Jacksonville, are available for
active duty military personnel
and their families at the USO
on Mayport Road. Call 246-
3481 for information.
Sunday, July 16
Jazz concert series : "Smooth
Sounds of Hot Summer Nights"
will be held from 5 to 9 p.m.
today and Aug. 20 at the Sea
Walk Pavilion. Jazz trumpeter
Greg Adams will perform. For
information, call 247-6100 and
press 3.
Monday, July 17
Sale: BMCBeaches Hospital
Auxiliary is having a sale
throughout July at the main
lobby in the first floor of the
hospital, 1305 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Hours are 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday, and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday.
The public is invited.
Tuesday, July 18'
Yoga for breast -cancer: Yoga
for breast cancer will be held
Ad Lib Tours
invites you on
a Day Cruise with
from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at
Cobalt Moon in Neptune
Beach. Call Christina at 631-
8173 for information and to
Democratic club:. The
Beaches Democratic Club meets
at 6:30 p.m. at the Adele Grage
Cultural Center in Atlantic
Beach. U.S. Rep. Jim:Davis, can-
didate for governor of Florida,
and Ken Hurley, president of
the ACLU, ar the scheduled
speakers. Call 249-9550 for
Fair taxation: The East
Arlington/Beaches Americans
for Fair Taxation will hold a
presentation explaining the fair
tax plan from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.
at the Pablo Creek Regional
Library on Beach Boulevard
between Hodges and Kernan.
Admission is free.
Storytelling: Tale Tellers of
St. Augustine present "Theater
of the Mind: Storytelling" at
7:30 p.m. at the Limelight
Theatre. The cost is $7. For
information or reservations,
call 386-446-4909 or 904-471-
Thursday, July 20
Coffee on the Coast: The
Chamber of Commerce will
have "Coffee on the Coast" at 8
a.m. at the Ponte Vedra
WVellness Center, 880 Highway
A1A, Suite 3, Ponte Vedra
Beach. The cost is $2. Call 249-
3868 for information.
Caregiver education: The
Alzheimer's Association will
host a caregiver education pro-
gram at 2 p.m. at Community
Hospice's Ne\iaser Education
Center, 4266 Sunbeam Road.
The program is free. Call 398-
5193 or e-mail stephania.sykes-
bums@alz.org for information.
Open house: Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 486 6th
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach, will
have an open house from 5:30
to 7:30 p.m. Call 246-3583 for
Big band: The St. Johns River
City Band's 18-piece Big Band
will perform. ait. the S-* Pciims
Theatre, 1028 Park St., at 7:30
p.m, Tickets are $15. Visit
www.rivercityband.com or,
www.TheKHI.org for informa-
tion, or call 355-4700.
Friday, July 21
Outdoor Observations:
Outdoor Observations will be
held from: 10 to 11 a.m. at
Castaway Island' Preserve, 2885
San Pablo Road South. The pro-
gram is for all ages. Call 630-
3577 for information.
Storytime Science: Storytime
Science will be held hrom noon
to 1 p.m. at Castaway Island
Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road
South. The program is for ages 7
and under and their adult com-
panions. Read a story then:
examine the science involved.
Call 630-3577 for information.
Antiques show: The
Jacksonville Beaches Woman's
Club 41st Annual Antiques
Show & Sale will be held from 1
to 8 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. July 22, and 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. July 23. Admission is $6,
and parking is free. The show
will be held in the St. Paul's
Parish Center, 212 N. 5th St.,
Jacksonville Beach.. Proceeds
will benefit scholarship, funds,
charities and service programs
supported by the Woman's
Book signing: Local author
Carl Burak wili,.be ,at The
Bookmark at 7 p.m..to discuss
and sign copies of his new
book, "When I .Became a
Psychiatrist People Stopped
Waving on Main Street." Call
241-9026 for information.
Saturday, July 22
Boating course: The U.S.
,'Coast Guard Auxiliary Beaches
Flotilla 14-4 offers "Anerica's
Boating Course" thom 7:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at the Captains Club,
13363 Beach Blvd. (between
Hodges and Keman). The pro-
gram qualifies you for the
Florida state boater's card. Call
.John Davis at 904-821-9692 for
Free seminar: A free seminar
on "The Power of Money" will
be held from 10:30 a.m. to 1
p.m. at the Beaches Library, 600
Third St., Neptune Beach. Call
247-7405 for information or
Build a sandwich: Ladies
Auxiliary Fleet Reserve
Association Unit 290 will hold
"build a sandwich night" from
4 to 7 p.m. at 390 Mayport
Road, Atlantic Beach. The cost
is $10. Call 246-6855 for infor-
Job seeker workshop: Christ
SEpiscopal Church is sponsoring
a free job seeker workshop at
the Christian Formation
Center, Room 108, 400 San
Juan Driver, Ponte Vedra. Call
285-6127 or e-mail
crhbeach( comcast.net for
information or to sign up.
M nday July 24
Movie 'i Night: '"Classic
(Adult) Mo\ie Night)" will be
held at 5:30 p.m. at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. "Flying
Leathernecks" will be shown.
Call 241-1141 for information.
Friday, July 28
Summer potluck;
Persephone Healing Arts
Center, 485 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach, will have a
summer potluck and grill out
.from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Call 246-
3583 to R.S.V.P.
Saturday, July 29
Gator Gathering: The Gator
Club of Jacksonville will have
its annual Gator Gathering
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Morocco
Shrine Center, 3800 S. St. Johns
Bluff Road, Jacksonville. Call
642-5200 by July 1 to R.S.V.P.
Benefit concert: Tenor Roger
J. Geronimo, soprano Barbara
Norris and bass-baritone Jimmy
Goodell will perform at 7 p.m.
at Our Lady Star of the Sea's
Cultural Center, 545 A1A.N.
Ponte Vedra Beach, to raise
money for Wolfson Children's
Hospital. Admission is $15 per
person. Call 797-2248 or e-mail
tenore2@hotmail.com for ticket
Sunday, July 30
Marywood Retreat: A
Christian meditation/12-step
recovery titled "Letting Go" will
be held from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at
the Marywood Retreat Center
in Switzerland, Fla. No charge;
donation suggested. Call11-888-
287-2539 or 249-2639 for infor-
Wednesday, Aug. 2
Beaches Watch: Beaches
Watch will meet at 7 p.m. in the
Community Room; of the
Pelican Point Condominium,
1901 1st St. N., Jacksonville:
Beach. The meeting is open to
the public. For information, call
513-9242 or visit www.beach-
Thursday, Aug. 3
Syndrome X seminar:
Native Sun Natural Foods
Market, 11030 Baymeadows
Road, Jacksonville will host a
free seminar on Svndrome X,
also known as "metabolic syn-
drome" or "insulin resistance
syndrome," at 8 p.m. Visit
www.nativesunjax.com for
Fn 07.14 11 12000 00705 9 20
S31 17/15 11 00 1 20400 705920 --
Sun 07'16 11 00 1 20 4 00 7 05 9 20
Mon 07i17 *Tr.ur 07/20 11 00 1 20 4 00 -
705920 i
Fr: 07.14 11 00 1 154.10720930
Say 07.'15 11 00 1 154 10 720 9 30
Sun r,7f16- 11 "I I f15"4 10r 7 20 9 30 '
r.lor 10717 11 00 1 154 10 7'209 30 -
TuE. 07/1 Tnur 07/20 4 10 7 20 9 30
Fn 07/14 10 35 130445 7 159 15
Sal 07r15 10351 304457"15 155
Sun 0716 10 35 1 30 4 45 7 15 9 15
Mlon 07117 Tnur 07/20 10 35 1 30
4457 15915 ,
Fr, 0714- 10.45 1.25,4 25 7 25 9 40
Sa i07,15 1045 1 25425 725 9 40
Sun 07116 10.45 1 25 4 25 7 25 9 40
Mon 07/17 -TTnur 07/20 1045 125 -
425 725940
Fr C'71 14 1 1 45 4 40 7 25 9 35
Sa 07,15 11 05145440725935 i
Sun 07,16 1105 145440725 9 35
h1,n 07/117 Thur 07120 11 05 145 -
440 725935
Tu.E 07/18 Tnur 07'20 10 00 12 30
Fr. 07114" 12 30 345 7 00 10 15 m
Sal 07115 12.30 345 700 10 15 -
Sun 07/16 12 30 345 7 00
Mon 07,17 Thur 07120 12'30 345
Fn 07/14 1245400 715 1030 "
Sa31 0715 1245400 7 1510-30 Ili
Sun 07116 12454 00 7.15
Mon 07/17 Thur 07/20 12454 00 7 15
Fr, 07114 1055 1.354 15 7 10925
Sai 07'15 10"55 1354 157 10925
Sun 07/16 1055 1'354 15 7 10925
Mon 07117 Tnur 07120 10 55 1 35
4 15 7 10 925
The Beaches School is NOW ENROLLING 4-year-olds* for Florida's FREE
Voluntary Pre-Kifdergarten program. The state-funded program is designed to:
628 1st Ave. N., Jax Beach 246-5756
IDoors Open 1:15pm After Hours 612-5787
N -. : Wosf tg n availab le :- ; *" -,.. ..' .
* Introduce beginning math, reading,
language, and science lessons
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and paying attention in class
50 Favorite Table Games
1000s of the Loosest Slots
FREE Deli Buffet & Soft Drinks
FREE Las Vegas Entertainment
To reserve or for info, cai.
~)i |4 **
The Red School House Preschool Program
419 5th Avenue N., Jacksonville Beach
Develop social skills through interaction
with their peers
Help identify and address any special
learning needs a child may have
ie Beaches
singing Minds-Achieving Potential
K 8th Grade
2049 Florida Boulevard, Neptune Beach
Is Your 4-Year-Old Missing Out?
L f .- .
*Child must be 4 years old by September 1. 2006 and residing in Florida.
The Beaches Leader/ r
Weekend 7
JU7y -IT, LUUj ---
Burak visits Bookmark
Local author Carl Burak will
Friday, July 21 at 7 p.m. to dis-
cuss and sign copies of his new
book When I Became a
Psychiatrist People Stopped
Waving on Main Street. Burak
describes his book as a "med-
ical conversation" dealing with
the stigma and misunderstand-
ing of psychiatry and mental
illness. This fictional account
is based on real stories of
Burak lives in Atlantic
Beach. He is a local psychia.
trist who has also practiced as.a
family and emergency physi-
Castaway activities
Outdoor Observations will
be held July 21 froml0 a.m. to
11 a.m. at Castaway Island
Preserve, 2885 San Pablo Road
S. See what's happening in the
wild here in Northeast Florida.
Enjoy the thrill of discovery
while experiencing the out-
doors. Dress for the weather
and wear comfortable, closed-
toe .shoes; use insect repellent
and bring binoculars if you
have them. This program is for
all ages. For more information,
please call 630-3577.
<* -
Storytime Science will be
held July 21 noon to 1 p.m. at
Castaway Island Preserve, 2885
San Pablo Road S. This pro-
gram is for ages '7 and under,
and their adult companions: it
combines literacy with science
facts. Participants will enjoy
reading a story and then exam-
ine the science involved.
For more information, please
Natural Movies.
At the Guana Tolomato
Matanzas National Estuarine
Research Reserve, weekend
nature movies continue at
the Environmental Education
iOn July 15 andl6 Australia
S e u Beautiful: From ancient,
isty forests to canyons that
conceal secrets from the age
di dinosaurs; from pristine
lakes to majestic peaks; and
from sophisticated cities to
some of the world's greatest'.
wildernesss areas, experience
4tl of Australia's dramatic
contrasts, dazzling wildlife
S and glorious landscapes.
Highlights include the Great
Barrier Reef, Lord Howe's
Island, King's Canyon and
Lake Eyre .. to name just a
:The GTM Reserve:
Environmental Education
Center is located at 505
Guana River Road, off A1A.
17 miles south of JTB or 8 "
miles north of Vilano Beach.
Admission to the
Environmental Education
SCenter is $2 for adults, $1 for
children aged ten to 17 and
children under ten are free.
r The Environmental
Education Center is open 9
am 4 pm daily and closed
state holidays.For more infor-
mation call 904-823-4500.
Movies are shown at 10
a.m. and 1 p.m. on week-
I ends.
Florida State Parks
A variety of programs will
be held at Little Talbot Island
SState Park as .part of Florida
State Parks Month. On
Saturday, the park offers a
bike tour called 'Bunting by
I Bicycle" also at 11 a.m. For
more information, please call
251-2323. The park is located
Sat 12157 Heckscher Drive in
Beach Library
S Beaches Regional Library,
S600 Third St., Neptune
I Beach. For information call
S Programs offered include:.
Art-Rageous Kids!
Tuesday, 11 a.m.to noon.
Beaches Teen Anime Club
SSaturday, July 15, 2- 4:30
Family Preschool Storytime
Wednesday, 10:30 11
Sa.m. & 3 to 3:30 p.m.
July 19
S Thursday, 10:30- 11 a.m.
July 20
School Age Summer
Tuesday, 2 p.m. 3 p.m.
July 18
Hours: Monday-Thursday
10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. '
and closed Sunday during
Nature Walk
Faver-Dykes State Park in
St. Augustine will offer a
nature-themed walk on July
15 and July 29. Join a Florida
Park Ranger and explore the
diverse ecosystems the park
hatdroff[elake a-wakicTff
the wild side through the'
pinelands along the Pellicer
Creek. You will need to meet
at the picnic pavilion at 11
a.m. This will be about a 30
to 45 minute leisurely stroll
along the trail. You may be
inclined to bring along a
camera, binoculars, bug
spravy,comfortable hiking
shoes for a soft terrain, and
bottled water. The park is
located at 1000 Faver-Dykes
Road. For more information,
call 904-794-0997.
Music Outdoors
Music in the Courtyard at
200 First Street in Neptune
Beach is now playing every
Friday from 7-10 pm through
the end of October. It's a free
event open to the public.
Beer, wine, coffee, and
desserts are available for pur-
chase at Shelby's Coffee
Shoppe. For more informa-
tion call 249-2922.
Women Physicians
The Jacksonville Public
Library is one of two sites in
Florida to host the American
Institutes of Health National
Library .of .
Medicine/American Library
Association's exhibition,
"Changing the Face of
Medicine: Celebrating
America's Women
Physicians." The exhibit will
remain at the Jacksonville
Public Library Main Exhibit
'Gallery on the third floor
through August 7, 2006.
"Changing the Face of
Medicine" tells the extraordi-
nary story of American
women's struggle to gain
access to the medical profes-
sion and introduces audi-
enices to outstanding physi-
cians from across the United
States. Also on exhibit until
Aug. 19 will be One Heart at
a Time: A Visual Diary by
Thomas Hager. This photog-
raphy exhibition, presented
by Patrons of the Hearts, tells
the story of four children
with congenital heart disease
from underdeveloped coun-
tries brought to Wolfson
Children's Hospital for car-
diac treatmeiit.
Classic Cosmic:
The Jacksonville Museum
of Science and History pres-
ents Cosmic Concerts. Laser
and music shows featuring
classic rock music. Shows are
:Friday and Saturday nights.
At 4 p.m. enjoy the family
style of The Beach Boys, 8
p.m. features the Rolling
Stones, Queen, and others, 9
p.m. The Beatles and at 10:30
rocklout taXDavid Bowie, i w
Tickets are $3 at 4 and $6 for
other show times. Visit
Movie Classics
The Florida Theatre presents
its Summer fMovie Classic Series
Sunday afternoons. Show starts
at 2 p,m. Passes are $5 anrd are
available through the theatre
box office 904-355-2787.
Celebrate National
Parks Month in 21st
.Century style
SongWriter's Night, hosted by the Atlantic Beach Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory
Committee, will be held June 25 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. At a previous session, participants gather
together for a jam session. The program is free and open to all interested performers and audi-
ence members. ,
Fort George Island Cultural
State Park offers personal
human transporter iSegwayi
tours. The tours are 2 hours
and you will see sights such as
the Kingsley Plantation. Call
Emily Arthur Douglas:
Etchings and
The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach displays a
series of iorks by Emily
Arthur Douglas as well as
works by UNF students from
her, classes. Call 904-280-
.FFind all
the events, activities, I s
In Eery issuee of
In-county subscription or renewal is 03 25 One Year O 40 Two YearsI
Outside Duval and St. Johns Counties 0$44 One Year Ol 80 Two Years
SCity/State: Zip
SCredit Card exp.
I Delivered Wednesday and Friday in the U.S. Mail I
l 14 2006
Around the Home
There's no place like home
Dorothy had to find out
the hard way that
there's no place like
home. Indeed, for most of us,
home isn't only where our
heart is, it's where our mind
and spirit come together.
It's a haven -- and our
escape from the hectic life
outside our front doors. And
as our lives continue to speed
up, there's an ever increasing
interest in home decorating
and renovation.
New home centers and dec-
orating stores pop up like
gophers in every city, and tel-
evision shows dedicated to the
home environments sprout
like Chia pets.
The focus on home
What's driving the interest
in our home environments?
It could be longer workdays,
extended time away from
home or time spent in traffic,
or maybe we recognize that
home is no longer just an
address, it's our launch pad
and our sanctuary combined.
Not so long ago, we used to
look to public spaces, such as
parks, restaurants, and malls
to provide us with beautiful,
enjoyable environments.
However, we've since found
out that we prefer beautiful
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...= em'; emenup- r w,
and functional private spaces.
Many people also found that
improving and decorating
their homes is not only enjoy-
able, but that it often becomes
a hobby one that improves
the pleasure, function, and
appeal of their homes.
This is the focus of the
Living Space: helping you to
create attractive, functional
spaces that improve the liv-
ability and enjoym-ent of your
home. The column will fea-
ture topics that range from
decorating and design, to
home projects, to ideas for
organization and cleaning. I'll
work to address your ques-
tions and concerns about your
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own home environment by
covering topics such as
Decorating tips, ideas, and
Projects that improve the
function of your home
Ways to conquer the clut-
ter that can make your home
feel out of control
Tips for improving your
home's organization
Cleaning sug-
gestions that give your home
that "Ahhh" feeling
I'm excited to cover these
subjects because these are the
things that I work on in my
own home. In fact, I have a
number of decorating projects
on my to-do list that I'd like
to share with you from time
to time. I think you'll find
some of the projects are ones
you might also be interested
in doing in your own home.
In the meantime, if there's
something you would like to
see featured in this column or
if you have home-related
questions, be sure to drop me
a note. I'm excited about this
column and look forward to
working on our Living Space
Kathnli Weber is a home rain
decorating columnist. Visit
wwwi.kathnn--weber.com or
ki;'IL'Lil i*i ."'E
a a
Dnolc Estm.tnlea
The southern chinch bug is the No. 1 problem of St. Augustine grass in Florida.
Brown spots in lawn might
mean chinch bug infestation
Do you have brown spots in
your yard? If the answer is yes,
join the crowd. At the Beaches,
we have not had consistentt
rainfall which cdiod be part of
the problem.
If you have an irrigation sys-
tem, the water ma.t not be
reaching that section of your
lawn. Place some straight
sided, flat bottomed cans in
the brown area and,in healthy
area the next time you. irrigate
to. collect the water. Run the
system and I.tompare the
amount of water to see if there
is a difference between the two
areas. If that isn't the problem,
the other culprit might be
chinch bugs.
Description: The southern
chinch bug is the number one
insect problem of St. Augustine
grass in Florida. Most people
overlook them because they
are so small. Adults are about
S1/5 inch long and are black
with white patches on the
wings. The nymphs range from
1/20 inch long to nearly adult
size. The small nymphs are
reddish with a white band
across the back, but become
black in color as they approach
adult size.
Life Cycle: Sometimes adults
hibernate in the winter in
northern Flonda, but all stages
are present year-round in most
of the state. Eggs are laid in
grass sheaths or pushed into
soft sod and protected places.
In summer, eggs hatch in 10
days and the young develop to
adults in 3 weeks. In North
Florida, we have three genera-
tions per year.
Damage: Chinch bugs cause
major damage to St. Augustine
grass and will also feed on
other grass species. This insect
sucks the plant juices through
its needle-like beak which cre-
ates yellowish to brownish
patches in lawns. These
injured areas frequently are
first noticed along concrete or
asphalt paved edges or in
water-stressed areas where the
grass is growing in full sun. In
our area, chinch bugs usually
cause economic damage from
April through September.
Chinch bug numbers build up
as the warm season continues
so damaged areas become
more obvious.
Monitoring: It may be time
to pull out the glasses or a
magnifying lens when trying
to spot these small critters.
\When chinch bugs are numer-
ous enough to create yellow or,
brown areas in lawns, they can,
typically be found by parting
the grass runners in the dam-
aged areas and look at the soil
surface and base of the turf
where they can be seen mov-
ing around.
Control with Pesticides: If
you find out that chinch bugs
are the problem, apply a pesti-
For more details,
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July 14,- 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Weekend 8
Be Complete: Put yourself in the reader's place.
If you were considering buying this item, what
would you want to kIow about it? Give the
item's age, condition, size brand name and any
other information needed to describe it accu-
rately and completely.
Include Price: Price is one of the biggest con-
cerns of classified shoppers. Ads that ist prices
will get their attention. Including price also
helps you avoid inquiries fromcallers not in
your price range.
Be Available: List your telephone number or
address so the potential buyer will know how to
contact you. State the best hours to call so they'll
know when they can reach you. If you're not
home when an interested prospect calls, the
chances are that prospect will not call back.
ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act,
which makes it illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation, or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the intention to make any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
SThe Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.. ,
If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against in connection with
the sale, rental or financing' of housing,
call the United States .Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
aired 1(800)927-9275.'
Investment Opportunity
Triplex Plus Cottage
Reduced to $890,000
2-one bedroom apartments, 1-three bedroom apartment and a
2 bedroom cottage located in desirable Neptune Beach.
2 blocks to beach and Town Center. Call:
Patrick Palmer Janet Palmer. GRI
753-3105 .-- 545-8830
Lots For Salea NrtCroin
Lance Cove Estates Hayes ille, NC .
Beautiful Mountinm Vlu from SSeeiater's nePstl :.; .
subdivision, an oubianding locaiion One Jire plu, loIs 'm Auc';t' ,' t
available. easyv acce.s only minutes from ihe iwn :fi At -i,"'" ,."
Hayevville, NC, ihe Himasee R er, Lake Chiruge, and
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underground urihlies, co% enanis and restnclions handicap
specifieaion with main floor 2.010.( minimum squaree f)oo homes makes hlis ne* development
unique. Build your home for a lie nine Lois range in pnce horm 5$40,911 0to $79,911.1
For more inlormalion call 828-389-8843,9041-821-9573.
Nick's cell 904-254-9644. icki's cel 904-534-3530
Swill sell "Full Service g savings! Call:
your home 904-273-4300
for aS low as
o ,9951 I Assist r Visit:
1 STCOAS T P www.buy-a-house.com
-.,i e. hie s. s::.:,, ,, 1 ST COAST PROPERTIES
Atlantic Beach 2 .... $375,000 ........ Custom Built Atlantic Bch Hm ... 1602 #9530
Jackson ielle ........ 4 ... $24 3.500 ....... Southside Home % ith features galore. ... ... 17-16 #9569
Jax Beach........... 5 ... $950,000 ..... Home Steps to Ocean ... ............ ... ....... ...... 20 53 #9541
Jax Beach.. .........3 ...$399,000 ......... Large Corner Lot. Nlanv!Great Upgrades .. ............. 1744 .. #9561
Jax Beach............ Lot. $389.000 ......... Vacant Land, High & Dry '12 #9552
Jax Beach... .... 3 .$345.000 ......... Hannah Terrace home \\/inla\\ quarters ......... ... 2015 #9570
Jax Beach........... ... $200,000 .. ...... The Villas Urit w/garage, beauful marsh vier. .. ....... 1066 #9565
Ja. Beach So. ......4 .... $769,000 ......... Great Beach Conage. I 1/2 BLks To Ocean ................ 1620 #9512
Jax Beach So. ..... 1 ... $380,000 ......... Oceanfront Bldg Condo. Great Gertaun ............. .. 580 #9511
Jax Beach So. ....3 .... $369.900 ......... Completely Reno\aied! Beautiful Tropical Trees + Pool ...... 12-0 .. #9510
Jax Beach So. ..... 3 .... $339.900 ........ Desirable Locanon, Close to Beach ................ ..... 1301 .. #9513
Ja.\ Beach So .... $200.000) .... The Villas Condo w/Gar. Marsh views ................ 1066 #9554
Intacoastal West.4 $389.900 ... Lakefront Hm. In E\cellent Condinon ................... ... 2281 .. #9517
Intracoastal West. 3 ....$299.000 ......... Lovely Home in C. press Vll[age Retirement Neighborhood .. 1733 .. #9534
Intracoasral West 1 .. $130,000 ........ Elegantl. Decorated & Coz. Sunon Pk Condo ............... S5 .. #9553
Orange Park ...... 3 .... $269.900 ......... Open & Spacious Hm On Secluded Lot ....... .... 1671 .. #9532
Orange Park....... 3 .... 239.900 ......... Hm Excellent Condition. Fireplace Huge K..... ......
Ponie Vedra L jd $1.350.000 ...... Vacant Land in Palm Valle\ 5 Acres Roscoe .........
Ponte Vedra........ 3 $1,249,000 ........ Hm w/75 Ft Ocean Frontage. itth Lo eli \ ie\s .
Ponte Vedra......... 4 $1,250.000 ......... Exquisne Home Walk to Njckler's's Beach ......
Ponte Vedra.........4 .... $69.00 .......Loell Sau\grass Hm. Circular Dri\e.a, .. ...
Ponte Vedra ......... 3 .... $515.000 ......... 1 Acre. Pool Home in Palm Valle, ........................
Pone Vedra. ........4 .... $484,900 ........ Hm. Opens to Harduood Firs. l, has Cr.own Iloldirg. & More .
..2233 .. #9546
5 Acres #9543
1722 #9539
4070 .. #9542
299S #9545
... 1950 .. #9559
2102 ..#9535
Ponte Vedra .........5 .... $4-9.900 ......... Spacious waterfrontt Hm Perfecnon ... .. .. 3013.. #9519
Ponte Vedra......... .. 389.900 ......... Best Lot on Street. Large Gorgeous Home ..... 244-1 #9533
Ponte Vedra ......... 3 $379.000 ......... Hm w/Great Anennon to Details .............. ..... ... 1651 .. #9529
Ponte Vedra......... 3 ... $379.000 ........ Fiddlers Marsh Hm R /Atrium. Lovely, Pauo,.. 1648 .. '9524
Ponte Vedra........ 3 .... $359.900 ....... Great Hm in Solana WVoods. Completely Renovated .............. 1636 .. #9538
Ponte Vedra........4 .... $349.900 ......... Beautiful 2 Yr. Old Walden Chase Hm .............. 2013 #9520
Ponte Vedra......2 .... $299.900 .......On Beauuful Comer Lot in Pla\er's Club ..... .. #'9525
Ponte Vedra...... 2 .... $285,000 ......... Brght & Open Fir. Plan. Nice Deck. Climate Conuoded Sig. .1240 .. #9551
Ponte Vedra........ 3 .... $279.900 ....... Totall renovated hm on dead-end St. close to beach ............. 1600 #9563
Ponre Vedra... ....3 ....267.501) ......... Recent' Upgraded Kit. & I-Yr Old AC ................ ........... 1101 #9551)
Ponie Vedra... .... ..265,)000 ....... Upgraded kit one \ear ago & almost ne\ AC/Heat unit ...... 1101 #9564-
Ponte Vedra........ 2 ....$2000 ....... Cranes Lake Condo on 2nd Flr ,/Views of Water ................... 1208 .. #9527
Ponte Vedra........ 2 .... $229.900 ....... Beautiful Updated Condo in Marsh Cove :. .. ........:.. 1260.. #.931
Ponte Vedra....... ... 224.500 ..... Ist Fir. End Umit O\erlooks Lake in Belleza Condos 1172.. #9522
Ponte Vedra........ ... $219.900 ......... 100% Renovated in Villa Del Mar ..... .. .'1162.. #9562
Ponte Vedra.........2 ... 205.00(...... Heart of Ponie Vedra Luxurn Condo.... ........ 1070 .. #9518
Ponte Vedra......... 2 .. $199.900 ....... Grand Ca\ Condo w/Split BR's & Scr'.d.Lanai 991 ...#9526
Ponte Vedra 2 ..$199,900 ......... Condo Under $200K in Sea Hauk. 1042 .:#9547
Ponte Vedra...... I ... $184,900 ......... Nice Fairnay Park Condo u /Frplc ................. 690 .. #9528
Ponte \edra ........ 2 .... 79.00 ......... Ponte Vedra Ct. Tou home on large pnd, scrnd porch ......... 1152 .'.#9568
Ponte Vedra......... I .... $17.000 ........ Oceaninks third fir, condo u\/ auied ceiling.. 690 .. #9567
Southside ............ I ... $155,000'........ Lakecrest ground flr condo. 1-carattached garage ..............:... 810 .. #9566
St. Augustine ...... .... $285.500 ........ Bella Vista Condo m ExLcellent Condition 1416 .. #9521
SI 1] U D1l lRa 0 Sunday 7/16/2006 1 -4pm
S 128 Solano Cay,.Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Dir: A I4A South, R on Solana Rd. R into Solaro Cay. Home o, right hand side ofstreet.
IgI aliulE[1a1 1 Sunday 7/16/2(006 12 -3 pm
400 Sandiron Circle. #433
Dir: From JTB, S on A IA, R Solana Rd, L into Oceanlinks. L down to stop sign. R to Bldg. 4, 3rdflr.
Don't Let
, MPay /
* u Caitan*(iodwU /0
A1A North, Suite 321-A t
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 ,- \\ Icck'i-- /- .- o-
WW W 5: ourH- ouse.I o
273-4300 .Orvipit:
*6% .sedfor comparison purposed only. Commissions are negotible and not set by law. **Paid at closing. Transaction fee may apply. Flat Fees vary by office.
No Up-front costs. Callfor details. 2006Assit-2-Sell, Inc. Each office is independently owned & operated.
. ..I . .U
access to Nassau River. 2.68 acres w/gor-
geous view. $268,000. OBO. 241-4876.
PV FSBO. Build your dream home. Last'
1/4 'acre buildable lot east of A1A.
wvw.realtycheckout.com/104038 or call
LOT- 50'X100' Vilano Bch, $199,000.
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 (cell)
ATLANTIC BEACH. 328 10th Street,
85'x130'. Close to Ocean. $699,000.
Sleve McGuire 246-9915.
38 ACRES- salt marsh land at Greenfield
Creek. West of Queens Harbor Country
Club at Atl Blvd & Girvin Rd. Wetland miti-
ation/ preservation. R.E. #162204 0000.
95,000 OBO: 904-282-3519.
SUWANNEE RIVER Lot, wooded, 1/2
acre, F8BO $26,500.' (904)591-6996,
9A and. Beach Blvd. natural
wetlands/creek. $170,000. OBO. 241-
Located in .prestigious Palenci
w/over I acre, this corner lot property
w/splendid water
views provides you with the opportunity to
choose \our own builder & create the home *
of your dreams: Offered for $429.000. For
more details contact:
Suzanne Stephens 904-333-8843
JULY 14, 2006
3BR/2BA near NAS Mayport, minimum
credit score 580 qualifies for zero down,
zero closing costs. Move-in ready w/glass
room, fireplace, new capet & fresh paint.
For more info call (904)502-4238.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2020 Andreu Rd.
3BR/2BA, New roof, new red oak floors,
60'x125' lot. $210,000. (904)222-1873. '
OPEN HOUSE. Sunday, 7/16, Noon-3pm.
1008 11th Street North. 3BR/2BA,
1330sf. Completely remodeled, sunny
block home. Open floor plan-move in
ready. 483-8491 No realtors please.
4BR, 2BA, 2 car gar., comer lot, circular
* driveway. Lg open front yard, small private
fenced backyard. Beautiful tree shaded
homes close to schools, shopping, beach.
Needs TLC. Prime condition: $450,000.
As is $350,000. 568-1936.
Ig scr. lanai, totally renovated incl. custom
cabinets, new appliances, tile floors. Gat-
ed community, w/ pool. $299,900.
1130 ROSE, 3BR/2BA, new A/C, paint,
ceramic tile, carpet, stove refrigerator,
dishwasher. Fireplace,' fenced yard.
A TRUE opportunity in Neptune Bch!
Just 4 blocks from the ocean. Sold "as is"
or tear down & use as a lot. $285,000.
Call Mark 591-6976.
LIVE CHEAP at Jax Beach! This 950sf.,
newly redecorated, 2BR/1.5BA iownhome
duplex is only a short walk to the beach.
Ceramic lile bathrooms and floors,, lush
carpel in bedrooms, CH&A, range, refrig-
eralor, DW. laundry room, balcony, 6'
fenced yard and concrete driveway. Uve
in one side and nave a $1000 (plus)/mo
rental income from the other side and
renls at ihe beach are rapidly increasing!
Tnis is a very sound investment for the fu-
ture. Only $349.000!! Similar properties
sell for $240,000 Per Side! 617 Seventh
Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach. Call
Dan Canlrell at (904)993.1114 or Fax
, 904)270-8806.
BY OWNER Pool Home. $317K. East ol
Penman Seller will pay $3500 of Buyer
closing cosl. 859-8623.
2 kilcnens 1 acre $169K. (386)758-9746
to Ocean, large lot 1500sI $337,000.
12296 Cannes St. Sans Peril. $199,900,
2/1.5. 1400sl. Sat & Sun.. 9am-4pm;
2 story nome w/Bedrooms upslairs Lovely
master suite w/vaulted ceilings, spacious
kilcnen w/oeveled counters. Privale back-
yard w/iooden deck Assisi 2 Sell Buyers
& Sellers Real Estate. 247-4442 or online
at jaxbeslnomes.com
1483 Laurel Way
Cuslom built Key West style 2-story, only
3 years young over 2100sf, located in n;d-
den paradise, a'marsn front community.
Firsi Iloor mailer bedroom suite, mailer
bath w.'jacuzzi and separate shower Gas
Irpic w,'gas appliances, cozy screened
porcn. custom draperies, and blinds plus
all appliances convey. Asking $389 900.
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com
2450si, many upgrades, large corner lot.
$259.900, independent brokers 710-3111.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/2 5BA,1500si, ljst
remodeled. 42 HicKory cabinets, granite
counter tops, Iraverline Iloors bamboo in
dining room, Berper carpel. not lub. 2 car
garage. 5318.000. 463-0505
FSBO. 4BR/3BA, large prvale lo.1
6 blocks to beacon. $375,000. 463-3738
FSBO IMMACULATE 4'2/2, 2300st in
Windsor Chase (Kernan & Beachi, oult
2003 Hardwood, ile. formal living & din.
ing, eai-in kitchen w/42" maple camines.
black appliances, large master bedroom
aIth inside laundry w/cabinels, sprinker'
security system, community pool/play-
ground, $349.000. 2434 Misty Water Drive
E 894-7058 Brokers welcome.
IC WEST, oft N. Kernan. MI Pleasant
S'D, 4,2,2, 1850si. new pain. carpel. lile
& more. $248,500 318-3719
large corner lot, lile floors, new roof, F/P,
many upgrades. 992-2249 or 514-7152.
ATLANTIC BEACH oeaulliul 1/2 acre
cul-ae-sac lol 4BR/1.5BA brick home
Slignl fire; smoke damage $180K 1904)
PVB, RANCH style 3BRt2BA house local-
ed in Ihe Dolphin Cove Communiry is only
$282,900 and lots to offer. go online at
Motirated Sellers 285-3014 Iv msg
On Idal creek almost 1 acre lot, 2/1 Dlock
home wibig workshop and yard. 1719 Gir-
vin Ra. $449,000 negohablel. 233-1505.
FSBO GOOD Slaner Homel 618-1
Dunon Island Dr. West Allanic Beach,
3BR 1 5BA. New A/C, roof, windows,
doors, and appliances. By appointment
only Call David 247-0665 inomel.
704-2337 icelll.
4BR 2BA huge cut-de-sac lo. community
pool and tennis. minute 10 the Beaches A.
school. 5288,900.
3BR'2BA all bnck 2. garage. backs to
small creek leading lo intracoastal,
Totally remodeled 4BR2 5BA. limestone
flooring. sale countenops, custom cab,-
nels and lighting. Owned by professional
Kitchen' baln designer GORGEOUSI
Must seel $549.900
TWO 1BR/1BA +loft:Ponte Vedra Beach
Coridos, upgrades including granite & tile
S'loors, fireplace. custom lighting, private
. beach access tennis, witness room.. 1 unit
.urrenlly leased $189,900 & $195.900.
Key West style conage, adorable with
huge great room, private backyard, great
for enlenaining, Low maintenance land-
scaping $332,900 Call today for details.
M'olivaled seller 2BR/2BA, downslaits
unit, fireplace, wood floors,. 1car garage.
Offered ai $154.900.
Dolphin Cove, PVB, 3BR/2BA, huge cor-
ner lot, all brick, 'cul-de-sac, updated tile in
main living area. Ready to go! $304,900.'
3BR/3BA w/large bonus room, popular
floorplan w/formal living/ dining room, cov-
ered 'lanai, inground swim spa. Offered at
iBeautiful "under 'construction" home in
gated community. 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room, large lot, 3-car garage and much
more. Offered at $795,000.
3BR/2BA home in San Pablo Creek. Spa-
cious floor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond. Offered at $253,900.
3BR/3BA' newly constructed Mercedes
built home. Huge bonus room tooll Land-
scaped yard and a great floor plan. Of-
fered at $375.000.
Upgraded home in San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $328,900.
Call: 904-241-4447
*. .
PONTE VEDRA BEACH Beautiful cus-
lom Dull low country charmer in Old Palm
Valley Sub 4 BR/3BA, 2800sl Oversized
treed lot $620K OBO Will co-op @ 3"%.
164 Bear Pen Roadl904) 226-2311
BY OWNER. 3BR,'2BA, renovated. Seller
will pay $3500 of Buyer closing cost.
PONTE VEDRA E. o6 AlA Upgraded
flooring, Ocean breezes new appliances,
siding. rool. and inteiror pain, oversized
closely. 2300st 3BR/2.5BA. $585.000
JAX BEACH Beautilul like new custom
nome. 2500sf. in great neighborhood
113624nmSt Nonh $439,500 704-7966.
houses Irom ocean, 50x100 lot, $800K,
Oceafilront beach nideaway,. 411. Ist S
S &401 Gorgeous 2BR'2BA'~-dldo lea-
lures hardwood & travertine Ilooring. gran-
ilemarble counters, stainless steel appli.
ances Luxurious master suie w/v;ta spa
lacuzz. Private galed pool plus beach ac-
cess. ASk.no $479.900 MLS#286330.
Cusiom bull Key West style 2-slory. 1483
Laurel Way Only 3 years young, over
2100sl, located in Hidden Paradise, a
maershron community F;rsi Iloor master
bedroom suite, master baih w/lacuzzi and
separate shower Gas fireplace w/gas ap-
pliances cozy screened porch, custom
draperies. and blinds plus all appliances
convey. Asking $389.900 MLS#290728
Call Owner/Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell. Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View.
online at: www.jaxbesthomes.com
ICWi BEACH Area. Beauilful nome, 4/2/2,
greal neighborhood No money down and
no closing costs. $359.900. Call Ior
delails Hallmark Realty Group. Inc.
4276 Chelsea Harbor Dr. Johns Creek,
$345 900. 412, 2162st. Sat. & Sun, 1pm-
5pm. New Bamboo Hardwood Floors. new
ceramic tile, screened porch, large kitchen
w.breakiasr bar. gorgeous FR w,2 sets ol
French doors. Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sell-
ers Real Eslate 247-4442 or online at
jaxbeslhomes com
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhomes. com-
pletely renovated, new appliances fix-
lures, ile. cabinets, etc Convenient to
shopping, nansponaiion and enlenain-
menl. 832 846 Cavalla Rd. $183,500
Call 563-3615
860 Begonia oh Mayport Rd., left on 9th
Si W to left on Begonia Newer nome with
wrap-around poich and marsh views.
2156 Brighton Bay in Kensindton off At-
lanlic to south into Kensington Subdivision
to righl at stop sign Kensington Lakes
Blvd., leh on Brighlon Bay Newly updatr-
ed. brick home on nice sized lot
SCall listing agent Lar Hotiman, ReMax.
i904)465-3140 for more details
Lakes, 3BR/2BA .Den, open floor* plan,
2445si.. community pool, FSBO.
$499.000 Call (9041304 0757.
2BFR,2BA anacned garage, new rool,
corner lot. community pool, tennis
REDUCED! $240.000 Available immedi-
ately. (904)703-8380. (4231768-0384.
406 Prindle Dr E Arbor Pointe,
$259,900. 4BR/2BA, 1833sf.. Sal 11am-
4pm & Sun. l2pmn-5pm Newly renovated
Kitchen & balhs. ceramic lile Inroughout
nome. vaulted ceiling, marble fireplace,
12x17 tiled palio w/vinyl windows Assist 2
Sell Buyers & Sellers Real Estale
24744-12 or online at iaxbesthomes com
FSBO, Neptune Beach Townhome, Spa-.
cious, 3/2.5, 1!car garage, all appliances,
new AC/ plumbing/ carpet. Community
pool, boat storage, bike/ walk to Beach
and Townr Center. $267K, Call 655-2718.
PONTE' VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$185,900. (904)424-0660.
5BR/3BA, 3200sf., water.to golf views.
$799,000, will co-op. (904)716-9236.
*. ;* **
3565 Bay Island Cir., Jax Beach,
3BR/2.5BA +loft, 2500sf, large fenced
lot. Stainless steel appliances, covered
porch, large 2 story family room. Built
In 2000. $544,900. Call (904)234-9945.
large lot, newly remodeled, $287,900,
Ocean Cay- FSBO 664 Bonare Circle,
2200st. wtgreal room. 3BR/2BA
Localed on mature pond. Granite. wood
Iloois, new paint. $559K will co-op
Lane, 4BR'2 5BA. 2400si home on golf
course winground pool, brick, all applian-
ces slay. $459,999 1904)838-8937.
806-A 3rd St. Neptune Beach
455 sf on Maypon Road. 2.6 acres.
marshfront lot in small Neptune
Beach cul-de-sac subdivision
investment opportunity in Vilano
Beach. 3 adjacent lots available for
NEPTUNE BCH: 1900 sf home
sits on two large buildable lots in
desirable Neptune Beach setting.
all bnck home in quiet beach
neighborhood. $484,900
Call Jason Jarrett @
904-591-5917 mobile
904-247-7000 office
Ope Hus
The following Jax Beach
homes will be open on
Sun. 7/16 from 1-4pm
196 Coral Way, $248,000
Art Furst, 463-6928
RE/MAX Specialists
726 8t Ave N., $348,900
Glenn Johnson, 910-5200
Prudential Network Realty
612 10" Ave N., $305,000
Kevin O'Malley, 434-2818
O'Malley Real Estate
1423 10" St. N., $298,000
Jenet Cattar, 613-9343
Cattar Realty Inc.
326 6" Street N., $464,900
Kay Seitzinger, 249-8261
Watson Realty
1031 14m Ave N., $299,900
Connie Grubbs, 612-9911
Lifestyles Realtors, Inc.
1502 41 Ave N., $345,000
Phyllis Staines, 476-7653
REMAX Coastal Real Estate
s* I i t
ww -.beacho penhouse0cm
For Sale By Owner
Get Your Own
we make "em
For a recorded message call
ext. 211
The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 14, 2006
A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $89,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $89,900
to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081
Marvin & Floyd
ClRealty Inc.
Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
2/2 Oceanfront Condo 1346sq' located on the 4th floor. Enjoy the sunrise
from your 264sq' balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. $699,000
3/2, 1500sq', 2nd floor condo Fireplace Condo has all the upgrades" Move
in condition. Located in a quiet area under a canopy of Irees. $259,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Jacksonville, FL
Perfect opponunity to purchase property near ine Intracoastal and within walking
distance of million $ condos 3 lots with 2/2 750sq' house (sold as is). $225,000
New luxury Oceanfront Condo 2136sq', 2/2.5 plus den. 436sq' deck with
views of the ocean & Intracoastal. $881,100
3/2 Condo. 1290sq', 1 car garage Near Mayport Naval Station. Fenced in
private courtyard. $125,000
4/2 concrete block home -1864 sq' Lot 85' x 110'. Will not last long at this price.
Desirable beach property. Zoned residential/commercial. 1626sq' in
3 buildings business plus 2 efficiency apartments. Near ocean. $799,000
3/2 nome. Great condition, freshly painted. Sprinkler system with well. Lawn
service included. Fenced backyard. Pels Ok $1,200 mth
3/2 1500sq' condo. 2nd floor, fireplace. Near Intracoastal in quiet area.
Move in condition. 1,350 mth
3/2 plus office,1 542sq' home. Near Mayport Naval Station. Lawn service
included. Pets OK $1,175 mth
Old Atlantic Beach
50x 150 LOT
2 blocks to the Ocean
Build your dream home 2 blocks to the ocean & a
short walk to the Town Center. Offered at $539,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
$172.900 3502 Twisied Tree Ln 2/2.5 liH40
Charm.r.F T.W rh,-..h,T.t mprfc r r. in Ei-'r ,i.o Plc'
$425.0H0) 14694 Silier Glen Dr E 5/4 3177sf
Be rlc' Il.,r r.,. i mi'ra, .- i r, idr'..' b'iiarr Sprir g'
.269.000 7423 Secret \oods Dr. 3/2.5 1974sf
Bcjul',I. .I',l""r, up,,Ijr, IW.ll'
565 Prindle Dr E 3/2 2044-s
C 'rg,:e.:u h:ri'e Tr- ,I: jI F' J, t ir .t ck i
11611 McCormick Rd. 2/2.5 1377s4
hl.lri C.qdillisn Ka d, I ..i'. .), iri
7396 Lawn Tennis Ln 4/2.5 2244sf
Sr .I.i:; '.r lr, hori e in F.:. .ir Hill i .... ;r..n c dj I
11099 Lord Taylor Dr. 412.5 2236sf
GLi 'j '. C. hrme i l. Birilii. Cii .o F rl.:. In SuilkU n Ltakc
13092 Highland Glen \a) 4/4.5 3361sf
Brjnll N,, L kclr.:.nl. Es.'ir E 2 .lOr. '
11039 Gullring Cf. 3/2 1835sf
GoCgC .'.u rime i1 mIiri r ylricco ..iiiu % in su.,ori L a .ce
12551 Glamdring Ct 3/2 1754-r
-Crinriu rr ,me ron Bceuirul C nf cI L,:.I in _Srilr, t Ri.N i e '
12773 Glade Springs Dr S 4/2 1961sf
Loi% l, h m, 'e ii hal re T'-J| r.-.,I- i n biii ni l jIire
12449 Galel. Oaks Ln E 4/2 2104sJ
Speciiiul F'ool h:-H.m.? ie Prila Lor
2676 DalmationLn E 3/2 1572sf
Beauuruli hoite c piii.ell iiSinij.i.'
2423 Coachman Lakes Dr 4/2 1847sf
Chiarm ir homTi e ,' I'ull, fI'iLcd t..,:k,'
1746 Chandelier Cr E 3/2 1381sf
Fantastic Home w/ Beautiful Lakeviews in Ft Caroline!
3319 Caribbean Ct. 3/2 1248sf
tll B ic. H rome H l -o,... Fl..r in Atii onigFni H. Il
8437 Alderman Rd. 4/3 2256sf
Fralh:i .c B.id. Fr..n-i H irm e nr Pri, aij L.i'
4435 Beverl) 'e 3/1 1158sf
Charming Home Renovated & Upgraded in Ortega!
5015 Bridgewater Cr. 3/2 1568sf
Adorable & Spacious Home in Great Location!
2118 Broadwater Dr. 3/2 1992sf
Spacious Home w/ Open Floor Plan in Ft Caroline!
13709 Chipperfield Ln 4/2.5 2695sf
S eri' Be uilm ul 2 ,i-, lII Siiuo. tHome in Northside!
10088 Eclon Ln 3/2 2330sf
Many Custom Designs & Upgrades, Old Mill Branch subd.
11033 Englenook Dr. 4/2 1730sf
SMaronda Steel Frame/Concrete Block Home!
13292 Eucalyptus Dr. 3/2 1843sf
Beautiful Home w/ Sparkling Inground Pool!
1835 Wildwood Creek Ln 3/2. 1352sf'
Beautiful Home, Lovingly Maintained, Kensington subd.
4443 Whispering Inlet Dr. 3/2 1767sf
Very. Charming North Arlington Home!
12373 Sondra Cove TrI. N. 3/2 1251sf
Lovely Home in a Great Location!
13240 Millhouse Way' 3/2 1488sf
Brick Front Home in Great Location! Waverly Place subd.
spacious 412. new roof. 1800sl. $359 900
327.7.449 nr Rfn7.6143
FSBO ATL BCH. 3BR 2 5BA. 2200sl
winumerous upgrades 249-0812
-. .PONTE VEDRA- Dolphin Cove FSBO
LEASE, PURCHASE Secret Woods. Brick 4BR'2BA 2-car garage, 1800. sq h Inle-
home, 3BR/2BA, 1895s1. $284,900. Bring nor & exterior completely renovated All
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-3111 new, Deauriful yard with sprirkler
TrF nA= ,, r.-Lu r:rpA nr .A, ,14$394.900. 219-1276.
3 2 in Fiddlers Marsh, 3020 La Reserve
Drive. $359.900 (904)654-2104 Open
House. Saturday. July 15in. 12pm-5pm.
JAX BEACH, 3BR.2BA, partially lurnish.
ed lencer yard, screened-in porcn and
decK pr.vale entrance I:. master cair
real invesirnenl or staner nome
P 70Circ.,l'041 247-8004 k9,041-635-69J3 .,
PVB INvESTOR.BUILDR' otf prestigious'
Neck Rd walK Io beach, very old.
3BR.'IBA, as is Value is in Ine 60x192 lo
$349,000. 806-3557.
JAX Beach. Ocean Cay, 3BR/2 5BA +loh
2500sl, large fenced ioi Stainless steel
appliances, covered porch. large 2 story
amrily room Built in 2000. $544.900. Call
-- -- - -
411 Ist S S#401 2/
Lu'.nOuriu Beich Hda, 3j, wi G.ld Pool'
1223 1st Ase N 3/2 1993sf
Farjanin Cc.rilcmpol.air, H:me, lt Ihr Bc:jh'
1177 2nd \,e N 311 13004s
ii.Jj lc Br .: h .H...rr C..mplciel, Rern'odeiled'
14750 Beach Bihd #46 2/2 1264sf
G.:.rgo:.i Hiv:ffe \'jrie-, l- & B ll Slip'
603 Great Abaco Ci 4/3.5 2892si
Nniu.e.'inc Kc, AVc.i wlc Bujui,
1488 Laurel \\a) 4/2.5 2250sf
Spectacular Home 6n Coimer L oi iri.miLnt i Bei '* '
115 Seminole Rd. 4/2 1592sf
Beautiful'Beach HmI: m.n, upgr '
1483 Laurel Way 3/2.5 2179f
K., Wo.i Beiul, i.'Lu.-r Land~caping iAllainlc Beacri!
707 Selia Lakes Cr. 3/2.5 1838sf
Fabulous Home Just Mihites to the Beach!
1135 Osceola Ave 3/2 1689sf
QuJlril Bie..h H: mT, .r, I rl T.ic I:, he) Ocean'
30 E Seawinds Ln 4/3.5 2997sf
Tropical Island Paradise in Ponte Vedra Beach!
13130 Wexford Hollow Rd N 4/3.5 3103sf
Spectacular Home w/ Golf Ccur'e \iei. ir. IG&CC'
12335 Vine Maple Way 4/2 2093sf
Gorgeous Brick Front Home on Culdesac in Ashley Woods!
12706 Tropic Dr N 4/3 2537sf
Spotless home w/ in-law suite in Summer Brook!
458 Shanna Isle Ct 4/2.5 2288sf
Beautiful 2 story on a culdesac in Arbor Pointe!
3559.E Shady Woods St 5/3.5 3216sf
Incredible Home in Pablo Bay!
13715 Richmond Park Dr. #305 3/2 1500sf
Immaculate 2nd story unit w/garage in Windsor Pointe!
12960 Quincy Bay Dr. 4/2 2102sf
Reduced $10,000 for.quick sale in Johns Creek!
13629 Picarsa Dr. 3/2 2014sf
Pool Home on Beautiful Private Lot in Pablo Point!
13909 Intracoastal Sound Dr. 4/2 2126sf
One Owner Home shines w/ Pride in Marsh Sound!
12793 Ellis Island Dr. 3/2 1769sft
Johns Creek Beauty! Gorgeous Inside & Out!
1625 Crabapple Cove Ct. N 3/2 1257sf
Immaculate Home in River Point
12917 Chets Creek Dr S 3/2 1734sf
Stunning Lakefront Home w/ Inground Pool in Johns Creek!
4276 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 2162sf
Immaculate Home, Backing to Preserve in Johns Creek!
13017 Brians Creek Dr 4/2 2137sf
Gorgeous Home w/ Privacy Fenced Backyard in Johns Creek!
12671 ArrowleafLn 4/2 1704sf
Like New Home on Wooded Culdesac in Ashley Woods!
12052 Cavalry Ct 3/2 1860sf
Like New Home in Keman Lakes!
12935 Chelsea Harbor Dr 4/2 1978sf
Immaculate Home in Johns Creek!
12373 Eagles Claw Ln 3/2 1893sf
Immaculate Home on Huge Culdesac in Eagles Creek!
ForPhoosandmor iforaton ncldig padres viit
-p aSt 2 n =. s oW
3BR FORECLOSURE. only $27 9001 Musl
sell. For Islings 800-749-8124 exi 1490
WATERFRONT TO Sr. Johns River Cozy
collage newly remoaeld e u knijikea le
Only 3 minutes to Dunns Creek
$289.900 Call Vick.e Sminn. ERA Trend
Realr 13861972-4l9J I
new, gaied community. :ioEe i0 teach &
town center. $498 000 641 *0058
Neptune Beach
(East of 3rd St) J
2 Lots/duplex
Duplex on 2 LOTS Sold "As Is" 50x160 Lot &
58x106 Lot. Awesome Opportunity to Invest or Build
2 Homes. Priced to Sell $739,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Old Atlantic Beach
To Settle Estate
363 4th Street. Lot 22 & Lot 24 MLS 295944, 295945
Asking 600K each but will entertain all written offers.
Call Anita Vining
(904) 739-0717 (904) 923-1511
: Prudential: indetly
NetworkRealtyo i, cm.-.r
2 HUGE LOTS 1.5 blocks to the Ocean
in Old Atlantic Beach-Buy 1 or Both
Lot 1 1210 Selva Marina Circle: 92.5' wide (front) x75.25'
Wide (Rear) x 123' Deep On an AWESOME cul-de-sac.
Lot 2 361 12th St.: 75' Wide (Front) x l5 -
60' Wide (Rear) x 175' Deep (East Side)
x 167' Deep (West Side). $729,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
-BEIi--E Big=
2-4pm Sunday 119 37th Ave.
02 So., Jax Beach. 3BR/2BA
f. I renovated bungalow, att. 2. car
garage,' new kitchen, wood
floors, 50 x 123 lot. Reduced to
$749,000. i
Lisa DiStefano 514-3167 or Sherri Beno 651-1830
Wanda Petersen 537-4594
KellyWhitaker 233-1991
Dir: JTB to S on AlA to LTat .
L'Atrium, LTonL'Atrium Circle Dr.
to #2313
Lowest SF price in
L'Atrium! Largest SF
floor plan w/over
2,OOSF of updated
living area, 3BR/
beautiful open &
bright home. Hard-
woods, sep. liv/din/
family rooms. Great
Price $459,000!
2 BLOCKS from
OCEAN, Spacious
corner fenced lot
50x130 park-like
to. setting-room .to
grow, 2BR/1BA/
1CG beach-style
home in heart of
beach life! NEW
PRICE $599,000
Wanda Petersen 537-4594
Kelly Whitaker 233-1991 .
Hosted by Sarah Heath 327-9716 ..
Dir: Atlantic Blvd turn RT onto East
Coast DR. #926 on left-pass .
Bull Memorial Park
nas 3BR's 2BAs Built in 1998. $590.000.'
condo, Ino stlarsi Nice layout currently.
rented lill March 2007. Makes great in"
vesTment property $119, 900
CYPRESS CREEK- 312. 2 car gar.. across
Irom Mayporl Elem Freshly painted.
$194 900. r
COVE- This 4,2 built in 98' has brand new]i
kit., new carpet, huge screened in covered
patio w/ Ig yard backs up to woods. Ai'
steal al. $229.900
do lots ol amenities. Currently leased
until Sept. 30in. $195.000.
area. 3/2 5 townhome w/ gar., lots otr
space. Reduced to $172.000.
ARLINGTON HILLS- Cure 3/2 wi garage.,
'Greal starter nome in nice area. $149.900.q
area, 3/2. 2 car gar. vinyl siding, stainless:
steel appi $207,.900
ASHLEY WOODS- Like new 4/2, over
2000sl. 3yrs old. $276.000.
241-5501 OR 221-1711
3BR/1BA. wood flooring and blinds,
screened porch, lenced yard, eat-in kitch-'
en and large laundry room, close to beach
and park. $216,000 247-9244 or 651 .
6748. "
REDUCED $15,000
FSBO THE Palms, 3BR/2BA, 1st Floor, All
amenities. $225,000, 241-3471.
Priced to sell at $205,000. Call Kathy Tilia-
kos, Van Guard Realty. 465-3053.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, open
floor plan. No dogs. $485,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
PV BCH 2BR/2BA, $187,200. Grace Ellis,
All Pro Realty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell).
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $549,000. Owner/ agent
the street from the beach starting at
$499K. Ready 2008. Call Rene L. Baron,
. Inc. 242-2821.
13715 N. Richmond Park,Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Pointe, $186,900. 3BR/2BA,.1500sf.
w/garage. Lowest priced condo In Wind-
sorl Beautiful family room, bright kitchen &
convenient inside laundry room, gorgeous.
master suite w/walk-in closet & private
bathlCall Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online 0
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA ground level con-
do w/garage in a gated retreat and close
to everything. Offers a, nice floor plan,
neutral decor throughout, all kitchen appli-
ances are a year old. $204,900. 285-3014.
THE PALMS at Marsh Landing- 1/1 w/ ga-
rage, 1st floor, marsh view. $159,900.
Owner will co-op 2.5%. Call Lldiya
GRAND CAY Villas PVB- 3rd floor 2/2
condo, fireplace, wood, tile, upgrades.
$219,900. 904-881-0470.
FSBO, Save $14KI New Lakeview, WI-Fi,
resort pool- spa, AlA location, must seel
$222, FREE 27" HDLCD TV, FREE clos-
ingl 727-458-4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
^ta Relax on one of your balconies and
[enjoy ocean views and refreshing ocean
BsS -^- breezes. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Gleaming
hardwood floors. Dream kitchen overlooks family room &breakfast
room. Elevator. 2 car garage. Magnificent owners
retreat with gorgeous ocean views. MLS # 300401
S Fay Patsourakis r lAAK V
SOfc: 904-285-5640 ext. 222
Cell: 904-463-7782 W K
50 AIA N., Ste 108 Ponte Vedra Beach. FL 32082
uiassinectU L LC-------
~;rJL*u*l~n rrrr
= rol 71 M zol; M., 4
SSunday 12-3
2139 Seminole Rd. Beautiful ocean
views from master bedroom of this very
spacious and bright 2/2.5 townhome in
North Atlantic Beach. $549,900
Call Tom Gibbon
Open House-Sunday 11 2pm
Dir: East on Atantic Bvd left on Seminole Road Turn ghton 17th Street
and first left onto Ocean Grove Dr. the house is on the left 1748
This home is nestled on the cozy street of Ocean Grove only 1/2
block to the ocean and features 1850SF.,
3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, a New Roof & HVAC,
Awesome Stone Fireplace, &.a Beautiful Tiled
Back Porch. Don't miss your chance to own
in charming Atlantic Beach! $524,900
Call Kathryn Lotowycz 1
-a Sunday 1-4
This 3BR beach bungalow has been
renovated w/ new AC, windows,
granite, tile and more. Blocks to beach. From Penman
east on 15th Ave. N. and immediate right to 1031 14th
Ave. N. Motivated seller. Must see: $299,900 MLS 284350
Call Connie Grubbs
Open House
Sunday 12-3
Highly sought after Selva Linkside.
1161 Sandpiper Lane East in AB,
3/2, freshly painted in & out. Kitchen updated with new
appl., granite counters and tile floors. New hardwoods
in LR & Dr. Too much to list. $399,900
Call Jan Fowler 904-294-4766
Saturday 1-3
17 South Wilderness Tr. Sth on Roscoe.
East on Canal St., Sth on Wilderness Tr.
This 2250 sf 3br/2ba home sits on beautifully landscaped 2.5
acres in Palm Valley. 557 sf detached garage. Perfect for horses!
.$ m5.N.lso00. n at 9 0 .
Call Am) \Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com
rm_- =NM:P; i -- P-5- NT i NO M-
rt.V..ifisA ')
Tlir 14 O2 f i
Classified 3
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
High Quality Brick
S .. Executive Pool Home in
Old Ponie Vedra Beach!
Shd/3ba w.l4,.-00 6f & 'ep br'ig, din;nigI fariH rmI.
MI.,, co.,nib'UCion upgraded (O.erize. 2 car garage
.'10 \i' m.orkhcp area. w.lter sofrener. securll%. &
I. -nerarl ,..cuum s)Lem s Full brick loors. Berber carpet.
r"*-' -Inocd ri.onng. 12'x-4' brnck fireplace. huge kidnen
w/3parer,. Cu.ri;. -,c.:.unil Sr S S pFSiijiance.s I.n0plui. rn ma er uile /l
200 plu Ii l.-ohii Irjic f _' h. i'lpoi lub 4t \x h ic.ie. &: Is, ruid
more! 90')J.10 ii ,"S X6 iurage *ai cd.-6' bhrek paoi. uki hut. & big
yard! Call o- ineiiageI for Ipp $1,275,0010
Ellen Poling -Wright
SPrudential Cell: 838-4562
Office Toll Free 1-888-285-4480
IndepDeoerulyv Owned & Oltale Email: ellenpoling@aol.com
Large 140' frontage PV Golf Course lot. 5BR/4BA, 3200
LA/3800 T sqft. Oversized rms. 5 walk-in closets. Mstr
ste w/sunken tub/shower area.: New gourmet kitchen/,
cherry cabinets. Lrg. FR/Great RM.Separate LR & DR.
Excellent quality cnstr. Impeccably maintained. BIt.
1969. Original Owners. Priced to sell $1,294,000
Cal Janet Wells P'BR. inc.
i 635-6375- 543-2545
yv Ponte 'edam Beach Realy, Inc.
JZust Listed
Mairsbhront Home inJax Beach
.... ----- --------
Bs Executive Home on Navigable Waterway
Best of both worlds- ICW and Beach! Coquina home with
4 BR and 4 BA with 3909 SF. Wood floors, granite counters,
new high end stainless appliances, large bonus room, tiled
porch opens to screened pool. Dock & jet ski lift. Direct
views of ICIV. Broker owner. $1,095,000.
Deborah Courtney
(904) 537-5017
A 16 Pridential
MLS# 303863-1 '. 2-61lSF. open floor
plan, split BR floor plan. large kitchen
%uh breakfait bar Lanai o erloking
large backward $-494.900 241-2417
MLS#282150 Ador ble '30. rela\ng in-
ground pooIl \enr It lot on Porte \edra
Bl d Cle to he hbeaclh M., -in ond
A muit ce' $949.0iii- 1.i094 S7h 241-
MNL.S#300361 Imirjculate 4-2. gantne
counieonop_. s's appliance; & ,,oo.d flri
Greatly %ie. of itlanuc Ocean' I59W.i000
$ 1.194-,S76 241-2417
MLLS# 288134 in desirable Neptune
n'hood Open Ir tng areas. garage. nice
\ard. eicellcnt in. estment oppi,
$567,500 241-2417
MLS# 297568 Il., fabulous lake &
golfcourse .%u from pril at. ie.rnd lanai
I car gar & storage. all appli incl. Re-
,on t\ le arnienme A& greal Ioc near bch
$ 12.51 :.0 241-2417
LS# 304479 Charming spacious home
in A.ianfic Beach. Huge comer loi. ood'
iloor.. open kitchen, screened porch. luo
car garage $ 4 1I.000 241-2417
MTLS # 301923 Msle in & alk to ihe
beach! Tov.nhome feaitres .pen floor
plan. updated kitchen & screened pano
overlooking lake. $33,90.h 241-2417
MLS # 305255 2BR,2 5BA. on cul de
sac. fenced ard. garage. fireplace. alk
in clheti. block; to beach and park'.
S10.000 241-2417
MLS#279538 2BR 2.5 BA townhome
in Ocean Village. Steps to ocean, spa-
cious kit and Ig master suite. $389,00.0
MLS # 306477 Zoned res/comm use;
property has tremendous potential due to
outstanding location! $639,000 241-
MLS #301100 Top of the line appliances
includes washer/dryer. High efficiency
heat & air. Two balconies, plantation
blinds, fenced rear. $ 665,000 241-2417
MLS#2906272 story 4 brm 2.5 bth home
w/wrparound prch & scrd pool master
rtrt w/stng area frml Ir&dr have gleaming-
cherry floors $649,900 241-2417
MLS #311626Great Find! Comer lot w/
2 car garage. Updated FL room, tile &
carpet thruout. Vaulted ceilings in fam
room with FP. $327,000 241-2417
MILS# 309469 Inrcredible iefi ,,i Ljkc
ELuzabetli' 2BR/2BA loft io%, 4/lae creeri-d ,prch
& open dae.k,, rrie- A iC. r rhiatr & kitchen
applijrnces. Maiter ,/buili-ins. LR ,iFP.
communirr p-rl k moire' l4 19.i:i0285-1800
MLS# 254366 BRi4BA. 7i:i SF. FR ga FP.
pi ,rrimn, srudiL hilijtrdinimdia & e\rc.i, rmt.iden.
&,id A trrjr e-nric 'lr,. lpsmd lanai, htud poL'pa.
iull .urrnimer 'lchen. I 35 acre, cndleis marsh
Sitzi al lj 3t ailable 3.(0.1i)l)285-1800
MLS# 266717 Eiqimisir culrnBm' Bnar, Lnrdri
3BR/3BA home. charming Mediterrari ean rke.
gourrri itJlchern u!gasi lc.e. FR & m.~ter slle
./FP,. lcurti.ard summer kitchen & rooflop
balcony\ Ior.xean s 'tI l.'95.i:).285-1800
MLS# 273074 Cloie l, beach. chopping &
schools' Ne N h rnmid aed 2BR/ BA ,/garage. 2nd
n1:.:, unit i&FP. appliace i miluded. lakeieis.
gated oemmunrr v,1ip.::. !lme-s enier. theatre
room,. tenriu; coun & ll, equipped lkihen
$:24,50) 285-1800
NMlS# 280275 ljgnficert 1931 Mediterranean
Re, i.il home :,n i.cr r ori jir ':'i Na t':'nal
Hi;ionc Regi ier Reictored & updjied. 10.1i54 SF.
4BRi6 5BA, ga.ren. sin & play room,. covered
rier rciom, p:'.olipa, cabana. dcik & b)& hou."
So.th:i.l:x 285-1800
ILS# 298020 Enjov sunnrt & sunri i .,.'
taUbeLla.Ja%'% rrc,lat ial-,us. & ;pacilus condo.
1BR4-BA. spci.ariki hen/FR. deo:raor inishe,
through :'uL co ci tcn fie Illine.,' icCnier, "i.II room.
ceaintrcnt piLol & 24 ho:.ur -tcrcntI, .295.i9.)
MLSa 3K005595BRi5BA office & utpsrlar Ixn.r
fN13 SF. nch ,.o.d & iron tu-rc.ec. are lI jdrr,
r.,:om i,/cjbints. fenced urd, -mcd lanai, k.ichen
/5. burrer gs tloe. grani cnnrs. prep island.
maple cabinets & 3-car garage I1.1 5.0011ii
MLS#287289 Sagra"sTPC.4BR/3 5BAihrme.
3 BR d.,%n. IBR/I B up. r a ge. s neutral cl.:rs.
cairpel. til.b hullr-ni. 2 refngerjaor, ione:,.
rrM ned lanIL. rne' AC co.:mpressol. Uage ,:,omer
lot ?/SE e\p?)ure 567V ti2O85-1800
MIS# 286550 Gated community w/pool, tennis,
beach cabana &private beach access.-2 yearsnew!
4BR/3.5BA, 3-story home w/elevator; formal LR
& DR,FR, FP, oversized eat-inkitchen & fabulous
views of ICW.& ocean. $725,000 285-1800
MLS# 264375 New Construction! Elegant
3BR/3.5BAplus study on top floor, 3rd, 2800 SF,
elevator, screened porch, garage, all the amenities
you couldwant,in a gatedmarina community & a
60' boat slip is also available. $929,000
MLS# 300418 5BR/3BA, study/BR4, bonus/
BR5, new gourmet kitchen w/42 inch cabinets, SS
appliances, 24 inch Italian stone floors, 10' ceilings,
neutral colors, FLnn, koipond, 2 waterfalls, arched
bridge slopes to lake & natural area. $639,000
MLS# 303825 Terrific investment opportunity!
Residential butzoned commercial, concrete block,
duplex was completely renovated in 2002, each unit
2BR/1BA w/large deck, CH&A, washer/dryer,
storage & parking, Owner/Agent $589,000
Live the American
On your 1.5+ acre estate w/ over 400' of water
frontage. Breathtaking views of Downtown,the I I i
7,500SF 5BR/4.5BA/3CG/6FP gallery, billiard
& river terrace home iM- 0
offers incredible craftsmanship. Your opportunity to
enjoy the Great Floridian outdoors! $5,250,000.
STop Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100
Network Realty orim arsa,
Independenil O.,ned & Operied
2bd/2ba Closest
Sawgrass condo to
the Beach Gate! All 1
level, fully furnished,
vaulted ceilings,
fireplace, neutral
decor, new carpet,
screened lanai &
preserve views!
Brand new to the
market! Offered at:
MLS 289706 Ldvely pool home
in south Jax Beach located at the
end of a quiet street. Has newly
remodeled kitchen, floors, interior
paint and open floor plan. All
bedrooms have walk in closets.
Short bike ride to the beach.
759-8827 (cell)
241-2417 ext. 209(office)
Jax Bch Huge Yard! Grand ga yVilla
1756 Riley St. Charming 22 ie thougout
home...this spacious 2/2 Tile throughout
floorplan lives large! vaulted ceilings, buil-in
Vaulted ceilings, shelves, 2 storage
ieldstone hearth & closes, generous 2nd
bleached oak fireplace. bedroom Condo overlooks
Inviting touches...arched a preserve views
doorways, skylights from screened-in
throughout. Magnificent balcony! Located on
treed yard w/ Desirable quiet street ordering
location on quiet street! he Sadium course of
Move in Ready! the Players Club.
$319,000 $214.000
Charming 3BRi2 5BA lown- Grand. pnvate esiale in Ihe
home witn garden courtyard heart of Marsh Landing wtlh
entrance, vaulted ceilings, wood soaring ceilings, granite coun-
burning fireplace, first floor lers, stone firs palatial decking
master, eat-in Kitchen. dining system witn pool & spa over-
area. screened porch & 1-car looking golf course $1.895,000
garage. $339.900 Susan Fort Michelle Floyd I Jayne Hoffman
160' of bulkhead on Marsh Lan- Dramatic and Inviting estate
ding's deep water harbor a 40' offering a Iifesltle enriched by
loadingg concrete dock located all the extras The yard has
right behind! Soil tests already been transformed into a royal.
done & tnis lot is ready to build retreat. Pool & dock with ICW
on Owvner retiring says Submit access 40' boat slip included.,
Offers Len Knight $1,190.000 $5,350,000. Call Michelle Flod
Rare opportunity for lot in Recently complete with over
prestigious Harbour Island $30,000 in upgrades! Open &
Pi vale. pristine views of marsh airy with neutral decor file
and lidal stream 40' concrete throughout, amazing kitchen
floating dock is conveniently w/42 cabinets, granite tops, SS
located across the street. PIs apple & double ovenst $442 000
call Jayne Hoffman $1,100,000 Michelle Floyd/Jayne Hoffman
Stunning & expansive views of Located on the 17h" hole with
the 17" fairway are offered from lagoon to golf views, this totally
this majestic Spanish Mission renovated 4 bedroom, 3 bath
inspired, home! Stylish & ale- ranch has it all. With in ground
gantly comfortable w/unparal- pool, spa, lanai and 3-car
leled quality & craftsmanship! garage, this $1,125,000 home
$1.949,000 Call Michelle Floyd won't last! Call Scott Williams
Fabulous ocean views!_ Large This 4BR/3.5BA home.features
4BR/3BA w/additional quarters hardwood 'floors; soaring
w/private tath & sep. entrance ceilings and open floor plan with
perfect for teenage / mother-in- built-ins, gourmet kitchen .with
law suite. Chefs kitchen, great granite, stainless appliances.
for entertaining. $999,000 and -,indoor/outdoor fireplace.
Barbara Traylor or Valerie Shaw $925,000 Call Kim Martin-Fisher
Dock your boat .at your back New 1/1 2n floor unit w/Murphy
door! Incredible opportunity.to bed unit for guests. Across from
invest or build your dream home ocean, shopping & restaurants!
on this waterfrofit lot in Marsh Gourmet kit. w/granite, ceramic
Landing's prestigious Harbour tile, garden tub. Overlooks
Island. Includes a 50' boat slip. edgeless pool & lagoon. Sleeps
Call Michelle Floyd $1,399,500 four. $371,375 Kelly Blackburn
First lot on left in Ponte Vedra Over 1 acre located in the
East. Bring your own builder, exclusive estate section of
Walk to the beach and Lodge. beautiful Palencia. Experience
Electronic gates. Arthur dramatic marsh -vistas offered
Rutenberg Homes on this street from this amazing homesite. A
from $1.2 to $1.5 million! truly great opportunity! Call
$399,000 Pis call Patti Martin Michelle Floyd today! $879,000
Two houses off Jacksonville Drive, both 3055sf. One 4/3.5, the
other 5/4. Solar Hot Water Heaters, Concrete Block on both levels,
StormWindows, and doubly-insulated 12in valls and 10ft ceilings
make these houses very energy-efficient. Large Kitchens have
GE Profile appliances, 42in Maple cabinets, and Granite
Countertops. Also, Gas Package for Cooktop,
Dryer andBBQ grill. Each offered at
0 Linda Pomerantz
han ea
Beautiful 5BR/5BA plus office & bonus.
o oors, crown moving, upgra eI e doors and backsplash in kitchen and baths.
Gorgeous tongue and groove ceiling in kitchen dining area. Upgraded appliances.
Granite counters & built-ins. Screened pool with hot tub. 3 car garage. Copper roo
accents. Pool and drive comp. w/pavers. Will exceed the' most meticulous buyer's
expectations. $1,050,000.
*THE SANCTUARY" 1361 Woodstork Ct. REDUCED $398K.
i ) .I -
3BR/2BA, vinyl siding,
FP, wood & tile floors,
'EAST COASTOk RE large kit, vaulted ceiling,
247-4724 2 car garage,
great neighborhood.
L Barbara Galvin go onn
B Broker/President $339,900
Direct Oceanfront
.!',': 2407 Ponte Vedra Blvd. S.
S 3 Bediooms 2 ailh-. 1,5534~
SOctagonal Home on 100 sx315 ft L;t
'"- Panoramic Views ot the Ocean
-- "& Guana State Park
.'7"'," Enjoy Sunrises From Your Back Porch
Hgh Dune Offenng Pri,.acy
See the nueal lour at wv.w obo cons26 167
.. L-or more inlbnnu4lion call
-i; .' :" 'JOy Pe zuefid(
t Cynthia
Broker, 'Salespcr ,i n
(904) 463-6040
Offered at $1,699,000
Ro.'/M 'a.al Real I:rate
Snl .t % N. Pnole \'Vr. 3aIr P. ni Vrilrui Be h.Fh Fl..32nIR?.* i114) 2S'i .56-( .11
Just Listed!
AzaleaPointin PonteVedra
Large Family Home on Corner Lot
Two story home with 5 bedrooms and 3 baths in gated connmmnity.
One of biggest homes in Azalea Pt with 3011 SF. Kitchen opens to
family room with fireplace. Large master with oversized bath.,
Screened back porch. Mature citrus and oak trees. Fenced vard
with room for pool. Priced to sell at $569,900.
^ w i.----^ w .-: -
Deborah Courtney :
(904) 537-5017 CeU
You'U love nenterning family and
friends m this I story. 4 bedroom
beach home. Spacious farmly room
w'it fireplace opens to kitchen and
separate breakfast area. Split
bedrooms, screened pool, security,
ocated in highly sought after
neighborhood. $714,900 MLS#
estled by the beach, serene colors,
fun fixtures, ocean view from living
room, sunsets from master suite.
Built in 2004, sunshine bright, high
ceilings, fabulous kitchen with
stainless appliances, spacious
aundr) room. outside shower,
neighborhood pool and tennis and
neighborhood walkway to the
,each. This picture perfect 3
bedroom, 2.5 bath home can make
your dreams come true. $574,000.
MLS# 307511
Cute as can be...4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
remodeled, updated and can be
available for quick move-in. Wood
floors, fireplace, lots of storage,
security system, private fenced
backyard, and deck for outdoor
entertaining. Two story concrete
block and frame construction.
Convenient to elementary school,
shopping and the beach. Call
TODAY! $365,000. MLS#307163
Location, location, location...right in
he heart of Jacksonville. Built in
2003, this 2 story home features 4
bedrooms, 3.5 baths, study and an
Upstairs bonus room. High ceilings,
)'interior doors, hardwood floors,
42" cabinets, stainless appliances,
surround sound are just a few reasons
:o make this house your home.
549,000. MLS #304465
Corner lot, concrete block
construction, paneling throughout
interiorr of 2nd floor, downstairs
efficiency apt., lawn irrigation, yard
Judy Nicholson presents....
~Making Dreams a Reality
well and pump, 2 car garage, built in
1947. Short walk to the beach,
Ragtime, Al's pizza oryour favorite
fun spot! Location is the key.
$695,000. MLS#297791
Awesome comer building site for that
dream beach getaway! This 140' x
95' lot has both the beach and the
Intracoastal Waterway just short
distance away. The dead end street
with -boat ramp at the end makes
boating easily accessible offering the
best of both worlds for outdoor
enthusiasts. Priced below appraisal!
$585,000. MLS#297216
Charming "Old Atlantic Beach"
cottage. Built in 1949, 3 bedrooms,
2 baths, living room, dining room,
and kitchen with cozy breakfast room
overlooking private yard. Awesome
location---lot extends from Ocean
Blvd. to Beach Ave. Just steps to the
ocean and steps to dining and
shopping at the corer location of
Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach.
This home is "one of a kind".
$985,000. MLS#298022
Old Palm Valley, in PV Bch. Beautiful 3/3 with
office, Ig kit w/brk rm, fam rm overlooking
wooded preserve! MLS# 302304 $591,500
Carlton at Oak Landing. Great price, great
location. 2.5 ~iith comm. pool, fitness cntr, boat
dock and more. MLS# 299811 Motivated
Seller!! $134,900
Ponte Vedra Condo in Bel leza- Stunmning-2
Story 2/2 with loft, lakefront, wooded view and
garage! MLS# 301582 $305,000
Hodges and Beach Area Lot. 150 x 180 lot,
can be divided, close to everything!! MLS#
306658 $159,900
*1' r. II -... I '1
Call Kelly Hobbs
for all the details Jacksonville Beach Office
@904-993-3803 904-241-0855
July, J r, zvvu
51 i1i li-Trol Riii 61m
July 14, 2006
The RpBeacpw T sder/Ponte Vedra Leader
ciassituc tI
ff e~leIn lnaionII I:
Over 100K instant equity, 1/2 acre lot, with sparkling screened in
pool overlooking lake & private preserve. Custom built, 2 stories,
over 4,000SF, 5BR/5BA, 14' ceilings, extensive crown molding,
gourmet kitchen w/granite & 42" Maple
Cabinets, Italian stone FPin the great RM.
"l-t'r-1.^, ~A wonderful opportunity at $949,000
Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul
Great Buy
at the Beach
4BR/2BA, 1,500SF Lovely home on
'q';-uiet street w/fenced back yard &
many upgrades. Vaulted ceilings.
'_B'-neuw ceramic tile, newer carpet &
SFP. Easy to show. $253,900
Top Producer 2005
Lypnn Saul
Lot, Location, L.ayout
'^a- ;" *' inn WPIBl WB :
This one has it aoll gorgeous 3dBR/2BA
: has heen completely remodeled. Open
floor plan, plus situated on comer lot that
S... allows room to -
expand, install pool. etc. Short walk/bike ride
to shops, beach. etc. Some owner financing I
possible. $369.900.
Call Cara Ameer 635-7058
Executive Home
This wonderful pool home has almost 4000 sq ft, theater
room, outdoor kitchen and shower.
HP- Upgrades galore. 4BR/3.5BA, 80 ft lot
$899,999 MLS 282852
Call Connie Grubbs
Priced Below
3/2 home on 15,400 sq ft of land,
2 blks to ocean in Selva Marina
CC, appr. at $487K. Open floor pin, split bdrms',
large kit, screened lanai, large master w/upstairs
deck overlooking backyard. 19.16.,:-e5'-Oats
MLS#303999 $457,000 Ready to'sef!-
SCasie Denman 294-6876
'-- South Jax Beach Living At
Its Best
~i nAmazing 4BR/3.5BA plus office & loft.
Built in 2004, tile/hardwoods, 10'
-- .. -" ceilings, deep molding, built-ins. Brick
paver drive\ ay. beautifully landscaped
%\ roomn for .pool. outstanding
craftsmanship. On cul-de-sac. close to
beach. $629,000
Suzie Mons ConnoUly
Water to Golf Views
in Queens Harbour
Beautiful 5BR/4BA/3CG open spacious --.
floor plan, loaded with upgrades, custom ;
kitchen, built in bookcases in family room
& breathtaking screened in pool
Overlooking lake & golf course. Beautiful
flower garden...3,850SF. $949,000
Top Producer 2005
Lynn Saul 859-9100
Walking Distance to
Beach, All Brick
Updated 3BR2.5BA
Home, Large Pool,
1,900 SF,
Fabulous Ocean
Views, Model Quality,
A Must-See!
Julie Little Breiver
904-545-6911r (Coastal Real Estate
Room for entertaining in this Ocean Cay home. 3BR/
2BA with loft/office, 2 car att.
Garage, Master BR downstairs,
tiled & covered patio out back-for
Your BBQ needs w/room for
1 volleyball or horseshoes.
Sherri kBno 651-1830 or Lisa DiStefano 514-3167
OCd onte Vedra \
Perfection and Charm is what
you get with this COMPLETELY
REMODELED home. Cedar shake
exterior, paver drive, 4 bdrms/3.5 ba, 3100sf. Open
kitchen w/ss appi, granite counters & hardwood firs
throughout. Lanai off master suite & family rm, outdoor
as frpl. Huge Lot -plenty of room for a pool. Offered at
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
East of 3rd St. in Jax Beach
This home includes 2bdrm, 2 ba plus 2-Car Garage.
Awesome Investment opportunity, lest than 1 block
to the Ocean. Residential
grandfathered in but zoned '
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Contemporary Gem i
77 P-7 Selaa Marina Norte
9 This home is located 3.5 blocks from
the ocean on a cul-de-sac. Beautiful
open floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms &
3 full baths. Rich wood accents
throughout. Home enjoys an emphasis on nature featuring
multi-level pond with water falls, brick Bar-be-que, expansive
.deck that is shaded in the summer by the tree canopy and
array of tropical vegetation and fruit trees. The right mix of
home, privacy and nature. Offered at $624,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Exceptional Custom Home
in Seaside Gated Community
4bdrm/3.5ba home could not be built today at this price with
this quality of finish levels. Every imaginable upgrade, 3900
SF in this exclusive 26 home gated
community at Tiffany by The Sea with T W1
its own beach access. Offered at l '-
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Beautiful Cottages at Atlantic Beach
Exclusive Private Community
Maintenance Free 3 story w/elevator, 2 Car Garage
features 4 Bdrms/Sitting Rm/4Ba. Covered Balconies &
3rd Fir Deck. Concrete Exterior Construction-Open Design-
Finished 9-10' Ceilings-Bosch
Stainless Steel Appl. -Granite, Custom
Wood Cabinetry. Common Pool &
i Walkway to Beach Ave. $875,000
l4aj. 'Eatrgi PeritiTop Prodicer 571-9821
Completely Renovated Contemporary-
Awesome Intracoastal Views
1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits on the marsh w/an
85' dock on a small creek leading to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for a small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The
views are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled
inside & out. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-Car -
Garage & Awesome Deck-Offered at F_1'
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 7
Atantic Beaci
S 0l The Perfect Beach House
SI with Pool & Spa
l Located on cul-de-sac 2 doors from
Ocean, 2700SF built in 1995. Move-
in Condition. Features 4Bdrm/2.5BA, Large updated
eat-in kitchen, covered Lanai & 2 Car Garage all in
tranquil setting. Offered at $995,000, this one truly will
NOT last!
Cal Margi Petitt Top Producer571-0821
IAwesome fantic
SBeach ome 9J m
4 blocks to the Beach
in Selva Marina
This high-end 5 bdrm, 4 bath home
has been completely updated, gourmet kitchen,
beautiful high-end baths, home theater, wine cellar,
hardwood & tile floors thruout, on cul-de-sac w/ 3640
sq ft, very low maintenance. Priced to sell! $975,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Completely renovated inside
and out. This 3/2 house is
approximately 2000 sq. ft.
and sits on 1.5 lots. Close to
Town Center and just 5 blocks
to beach. New tin roof, siding,
wood floors. kitchen.
bathrooms and more. Asking $479,000
Call 904-241-8229 or 904-222-1873
from both decks & interior, wood
floors & stone fireplace in great
room, 3BR/2.5BA, beautiful loft, -
appliances, paved & gravel parking,
metal roof, in like new condition. 1
year builder warranty. (H361)
, .Lee Silverman, Associate Broker
S-..Coldwell Banker Mountain Brokers
('.(706) 782-7472 (706) 782-2222 ext. 113
ipar www.LeeSilvermanRealtor.com
11W.611,114. Uolm-f-Jum
OFFICE CONDO: 1000sl excellent loca-
iron. 1401 Penman Rd $269,900 Call
RETAIL SPACE lor rent. 1000sI on Pen-
man Rd. in Jax Beacn Call for details
CLEAN. 1BR. 4th Ave S. & 2nd St..
$412/mo. +1 '2 ulil. 662-0364.
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR'IBA Apanment, $550mo. 220 4in
Slreel So (904891-0606. (352)478-2161
ATLANTIC BEACH duplex. 2BR/;BA re.
modeled. 4 blIs Irom beacon and Town
Center WDHU. $900,mo electricc waler
included. Avail 8.106. Call 610-3838.
JAX BEACH Iownnome. 2BR'1 5BA
1000sf WDHU, CH&A. tie Iloors Ihrough-
out, lerced yard. pels ok w/deposii
$1070,mo. includes lawn maintenance,
887 81n Ave. Souhn. (904)608-6678
1-1.'2 BLOCKS to Ocean. Isl Ave. South. OCEANFRONT
1BR 1BA. $695/mo & $725'mo. LU.R.OU an
lb04)891-0666. 1352F4M "2161........LUXUIOUS Peican Point. 2BR/2BA,
.3ala3ble row $1700$12600,mo. -3 month.,
EAUTIFUL 2BR,25BA Tbownhos, '6 '-minirmum rental 904)241-7206. -..
blocks to beach, Ireplace. WDHU. ga- BEACHWOOD APARTMENTS, 8 MILES;
rage, $1300tmo (904)742-6423 WEST OF BEACHES ON BEACH BLVD.
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean renovated
2BR. all amendes, avail, soon, $O1100mo
S. JAX BCH 2 & 3 BR
CH!A, WDHU Easi ol ist Si 795-
$1195!mo. 4151 Tradewinds. 4 BR water
iront $1500/mo. 241 7368. 733-3730.
house 1 mile wesi ol Mayporl lerry
Heckscner Drive $1195,mo 733-3730.
JAX BEACH Apartmen 2BR/IBA Newly
renovated. Washer/dryer Oueri area
$8501mo0 deposl. 201 Norr, 9th SI
2.16-9162 exl #0.
JARDIN DE MER- 3BR,2BA condo' Con-
venient to beach shopping Lease' pur-
cnase available! $1100mo All Souri Re-
airy. 241-4141.
JAX BEACH. 2BR,'1BA upstairs. 1 year
lease. NO WiD hook-up, NO pets
$800.'mo .$800,sec dep. 329.4 Nonh
14th Ave Call 246-8970 or 591-1218
BEACHES HODGES & Kernan 1.2 3 &
4BR Apanmenls & Homes. in luxury com-
muni;ies irom $800/mo. 233-4545.
JAX BEACH, 416 61h Ave. N., rear duplex,
2BR/1BA, Ireplace. WDHU; and private
yard $950,mo. References & credit histo-
ry req. 743-4318 after 6pm.
LARGE EFFICIENCY Apartmen., excel.
lent location, 2 blocks lo Ocean, very
clean No pets $575rmo. 642-1214 or
Enjoy spectacular views of the,
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades.
Call Grace Tausz:
612-1089 $1,199,000
Charming 3BR/2BA home
located on a lushly landscaped
1/3 acre. $539,900
Call Tom Lawler: 285-6086
Fairfield Open & bright
waterfront patio home. 3BR/
Call Grace Tausz:
612-1089 $380,000
Conv.erl to FCCJ South and UNF Cam-
pus. 1BR $512/mo.. 2BR $605'mo., 3BR.
$665,mo. Security, deposit $250. Credit,,
background and landlord reference re:!
quired. EHO 1904)641-0912
OCEANFRONT IBR.. 1BA. 108 orange S;i
Nep Ben. downslais. $1200/mo incl. utl'l
avail 8/1 66 1803-6275
Homes, Condos,
Some Brand New!
241-5501 221-1711
RE Frankie m
_______ Parks-Lyon
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR/2BA condo, Seaplace-furnished,
pool, walk to ocean $1200/mo .
2BR/2BA TH, Mayport Landing,
newly remodeled unit, very nice
also other units $775 $825/mo
3BR/2BA From $875 $900/mo
Neptunme Beach
+ 3/2 H King's Rd. Big yard,
pretty home. $1400/mo.
+ 1BR/1BA'Apt. across from ocean.
Included w/electric $900/mo
S1BR/1BA Apt. top unit, Walk to
beach. $775/mo
Call us for
Professional Property Management
Call 249-2322
m MGw m4
Spacious 3BR w/ Garage condo has it all!
18" tile, granite counters, new cabs &
appls, FP w/flat screen plasma TV above.
Open floor plan, split BR's. large & private
screened/tiled lanai w/peeks of golf course.
Bust Buy in The Villas! $258,900
Suzie Mons Connolly
2BR/2BA CONDO, 1-mile to beach, close
to shopping, granite countertops, wood &
berber throughout, w/marsh view. Gated
community including gym, pool, & tennis.
Will consider rent to own. $1,500 toward
closing cost. Call Ted (904) 537-7896.
TOWNHOUSE $275,000, 2BR/2.5BA, ga-
rage, privacy fence, 512 10th Ave. S.,
(904) 223-6896.
7C PV Ct Townhome cozy 2/1.5
$154,900. Candlerhomes.com 327-0558.
condo, 2BR/2BA w/garage. Next to Saw-
grass and close to beaches. $227,900.
Flexible daily open house hours. Remax
100 Realty, Sharon Stevens. (904) 687-
FSBO. 1BR/1BA. Palm.at Marsh Landing.
Perfect location, private marsh view. 846
sq. ft.. Newly renovated in 2004. Asking
only $152,000. 476-5280. .
THE PALMS 1BR/1BA, remodeled
w/marsh view, $154,900. Please call
PONTE VEDRA Condo- Ocean Links
(near TlC) Open House, Sat.; July 15 ,
1a m-1pm. 800 Ironwood Dr. #822,
3BR/2BA, 1605sf. $299,900. Cornerstone
Realty, Inc. (904)339-0231.
www dare2drearpieam.com
PVB. 2BR.23BA, walK to beach. Below
market value. $209,900. 19041955-082
3/3 wi gar $289K or $14001mo renL Also,
2.2 $224K. 1100.'mo Gated comm.
565 9919.
So.'Jacksonvlle Bearn brand new rede-
rveloped Oceans Edge. E of Third. Luxuri-
ous 1BR 1BA condo. 3rd floor, all ameni-
ties. Musl sell! 299.900 Call June Gage-
Penr. Magnolia Properries, 994:3608.
PORTSIDE 2BR/1.5BA remodeled, lami-
nate Iloors. all appliances, custom deck
and sned Call 762-1776.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Like new, large.
3BR/2BA single, 1215sf, wicarpon, deck,
all GE k;ichen. CH&A, washer!dryer, new
carper Many upgrades. Financing availa.
ile. Rebecca. 246-7684
DOUBLE WIDE in park near beaches
Bull.n 2000 $39.900 614-6875
RETAIL OFFICE lor Renl. 1000sl.
$13,sq h on Penman Rd. Call 545-2826
JAX BCH. 600' ro ocean. 2271 2nd SI. S.
2BR.'2.5BA ri-level townhouse garage,
fireplace. $1300/mo No Pets 221-6037.
2.'1 iownnouse. W.D included. CH.,A, ce-
ramic lie. approx. 900st. 404 131h Ave S
Jax Bch No pets. $900'mo. $900'sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach Best:
area, quiel, sale residential neighbor-3
hood 2BR/1BA. lower duplex new paint
CH&A. W'D included No smoking, no
pels. 950.'mo lease deposit 993-1118. ,
JAX BEACH Brand New 2BR/2BA.!
wasner driver. peis OK $1200 mo.
1 BR patio, ceramic ile Inroughoutl,
WDHU walk-in close reserved parking-
$875 mo. 160 71n Ave Nonn 993-2555
7C PV CI Townrome cozy 2BR/1.5BA$
$975'mo Candlerhomes com 327-0558
OCEAN LINKS. 2BR/2BA, 1-car garage.
Golf course & lake views. Updated, new
paint, now available. $235,000. 535-7234.
* *
ATLANTIC BEACH Lg 1 & 2BR Apt., dish-
washer, pool, near stores and bus.
$560/mo & up, + deposit, no pets, nice
place to live, 246-8537.
* *
JAX BEACH. Premium Oceanview.
Renovated. Hardwood floors, Dishwasher,
CH&A. 1BR/1BA, $700/mo., $800/mo,
$850/mo. (904)859-1301, 553-1354.
JAX BEACH upstairs 3BR/1BA, eat in
kitchen, WDHU, CH&A, glassed in front
porch. Floors are wood & tile, 1 car ga-
rage. 434 5th Ave. North.
NB 1BR/1BA, small kitchen, $600/mo.
+$300 deposit, all utilities included, NS,
no pets, references. Available immediate-.
ly. Call after 3 p.m., 254-8625.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condol Club
pool, exercise & more! $975/mo. All South
Realty, 241-4141.
TOWNHOUSE, 2BR, 1.5BA, kit. equip.,
wshr,:dryr, 4blks to ocean, $750/mo.
419 Upper 8th Ave. S., Jax. Bch.
JAX BEACH, East of 3rd, 2 family up,
2BR/1 BA, WDHU, CH&A, free water, pool,
parking, remodeled. Great deal. $970+/mo
TOWNHOUSE- 2BR/1BA, steps from
ocean, W/D. No pets, no smoking.
$1200/mo + $1000 security deposit. Call
PVB, TOWNHOUSE Condo w/private
courtyard, lakefront, 2BR/2.5BA. $950/mo.
Call 280-8782.
2/1 APT., brand new wood floors, brand
new kitchen/ bathroom cabinets e w/corian
counter-tops. Unbelievably beautiful place,
must see to appreciate: 822 2nd Ave. N.,
JB. -$900/mo+ deposit. No pets. Credit
check. 246-3690/.333-1822.
SO. JAX BCH duplex- 2BR/1.5BA, newv
roof, freshly painted, kitchen equip, ceiling'
" fans, balcony, WDHU, CH&A, 5 blocks to
ocean, no pets, $975/mo. 737-7092.
JAX BEACH Sea Villas efficiency ap.
$650 mo. 1BR $750! mo, Call 294-7163
for appt. '
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 207 15th S .
2BR/1 BA, CH/CA, 1 block to, ocean,!
$1000'mo.. references 246-6194. 249-
ATL BCH. Cypress Cove. 3.2 duplex,
1500sl. Ig lenced backyard, convenient to
beaches & Maypon $1000tmo. 4-Beach-
es Really 249-3077.
JAX BCH. 3/2 5. ocean view, $1600'mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044.
,, 1 -- .- -1 A
l I 20e e a o Vr dl d
Ul~r~~t;:.;F L
4che Ocean Villas at
Serenata Ieach
Oceanfront, Top FL South End, Bldg. IV,
2,500SF, 4BR/3.5BA, Marble Floors, 2
Car Spaces in Garage.
Call Lee S. Elmore
The Expert on Serenata Beach Oceanfront
Condo Living
Villariva Riverfront Condo
: c Toownhome Community.
9-i Riverstide
Experience the Riverfront Lifestyle, at It's Finest
in Jacksonville's Premier Condominium &
Townhome Commmuni. VillaRiMa. Amenities
include Owner's Lounge, Lap Pool. Fitness
SRoom, Dry Saunas. Guest Sute. Concierge &
More Call Lee S. Elmore
For Details and Availabibjrv
Stonebidge Lowest Priced 3/2
End unit 3 bedrm w/CARPORT. Tile, all appliances, new carpet,
new paint, screened lanai. Move in ready! A++ condition. Club
amenities. Close to schools, shopping. MLS #300731 $159,900
Donna Sandif
Diane E
Awesome Buy!
Peaceful marsh views and the convenience of
South Jax. Beach living are only two of the many
fa reasons you'll want to make this
S2/2 condo (w/garage) your new
home. $214,900
Call Tom Gibbon 904-566-6501.
Open & Bright
This 3/2 condo is spacious &.bright, its top floor
location is complemented with an elevator for your
'i convenience. Close to everything.
It is truly a steal! $179,900
Call Tom -ibbon.
.. 904-56-6501
Spacious 3BR v/ Garage condo has it all!
18" tile, granite counters, new cabs &
appls, FP v/flat screen plasma TV above.
Open floor plan. split BR's. large & private
screened/tiled lanai w/peeks of golf course.
Bust BuN in The Villas! $258,900
Suzie Mons Connolly
PV Condo
1 w/Garage
This 3 bdrm 2 ba split floor plan has
over 1200 sq ft. New carpet, new
kitchen, screened lanai, RV/boat storage, tennis, pool
beach access. Sell to pay 1 yr HOA'fees and Realtor Bonus.
MLS 301587 $259,900
Call Connie Grubbs
Oceanview ,
3bd 3.5bath. Home has 3 levels with 2
car garage. Just steps to the beach. 1st
floor has a separate suite. Deluxe master suite. Kitchen has
granite and contemporary maple cabinets. Private back yard
and no HOA fees! MLS 299984 $699.900
Call Connie Grubbs
Beautiful one of a kind Penthouse w/3,600SF of living
space, 1,800SF of ocean view &" sunset terraces &
1,200SF rooftop terrace offering breathtaking
panoramic views Media/game RM, 4th BR w/opfional gym, 42" lal screen TV
In great RM. FP, top of the line Kit. Pkg .Completion date September 2006.
Top Producer 2005 Lynn Saul 895-9100
FIurnish4 Condo Steps from
A perfect 10, studio condo in Ponte
lJ Vedra, walking distance to beach in
d |Sawgrass Beach Club. Totally renovated
w/custom cabinets, Murphy beds,
custom tiled flooring & bath walls. Fully
furnished & equipped. Ready for your
weekend getaway, or investment
Call Top Producer 2005 property, short term rentals available.
Lynn Saul 859-9100 $269,000
159 Cranes Lake Drive
2BR/2.5BA w/ 1,123 s.f. townhouse
in Ponte Vedra! Great room
w/fireplace, lanai, security system,
& tiled 1 st floor. Master
suite has screened balcony overlooking lake!
$223,500 se.u ;-e.e' PAd. -2~ftt,
Cell h-w J .
S Prudential l.t : -.f-ice t. ll iI:re
nde twdrk O~'f t.er 'lI rIell ii
Independendy Own.J're: -, Emil ellnpolhng-!3ol ;om
6 Homes off Oceanfront -
Muscles Needed!
Unique find...Oak St., Neptune! True "diamond
in the rough!" Solid cone. blk duplex w/ gar. .
apt zoned triplex or ideal S.F. conversion w/ _
guest qtrs! Ready for renovations & it'll be a
gem! Possibilities galore, superb location!
S "She KNOWS the beaches... ; rosemary
She SELLS the town!" Naughon
-- 3 iller
Park at doorstep and walk on in! Lovely 3/3 ni v i.,
overlooks golf.& lagoon in favorite Sevilla! J
Spacious 2432 sq ft huge wrap-around terrace 1
w/enclosed sunroom. Handsome built-ins, new
AC, d/washer, w.htr. Closets galore. 2 cov. "
Sparking. $349.000 '.
"She KNOWS the beaches... rosemnary
She SELLS the town!" Naughton
It AMiller
Then this 2BR/2BA condo 1/2 block to
p the beach is for you! You can even see
the ocean from the 3rd floor blacony.
Located in charming Atlantic Beach.
.i.i".. Townhome style condo w/ new kitchen,
:, H a lots of windows, FP, appliances.
4 $310,000.
Call Sherri Beno
904- 651-1830
S3BR/2BA condo on 2nd floor with
no one above you. 1 car garage,
.. J4. FP, vaulted ceiling & all appliances,
including washer/dryer. Quiet,
gated community w/clubhouse,
i. pool, fitness center, hot tub.
Call Sherri Beno.*i ,
~ 1 BR/1BA ground floor condo with extra
storage room. Lots of windows, large
S. walk-in closet, extra shelves. Gated
: i., community w/clubhouse, pool, fitness,
basketball & more.
Call Sherri Beno
904- 651-1830
2BR/2BA condo w/att. garage. Relax
morning, noon, & night on your scrn.
balcony overlooking lake & trees. New
construction w/granite counters,
stainless steel appliances. $229,900
MLS# 305550
Call Sherri Beno
904- 651-1830
.......m. .. .. .. 1 0
Managelenlat, INC.
It's the LEASEP we can do!!
3/2 Atlantic Beach H 1052 Featherwood Ln $995
2/1 Jacksonville Bch Apt 403 2nd Street $850
3/2 Jacksonville Bch H 1753 Tanglewood $1200
* 2/2 Jacksonville Bch C 201 N. 10'" Ave #302 $1300 (furnished)
* 2/2.5 Neptune Beach T 323 Sandcastle Way $995
* 1/1 Neptune Beach DU 213 Margaret Street $850
* 3/1.5 Neptune Beach DU 215 Margaret St- $1200
* 3/2 Neptune Beach DU 222 South Street $1700
* 3/3 Vilano Beach C 220 N. Serenata Bch Dr. $2500 Unit #612
4/2 Bentwater Place H 2507 Bentshire Dr. $1400
* 2/2 Grand Reserve C 13810 Sutton Park Dr #933 $895
3/2 Danforth H 13730 Oak Tree Terrace $1295
"Call us to see why you should have
a member of the National Association
of Residential Property Managers
to manage your property!"
For more details please check out our website at
tw BrI- .
d t- d'LptulBec.F326
904) 46-120
Uc. R.E. Broke
".~~sC~r* ~~,-~ i~aas~"pot c~
ST :s 5 B BEACH REH N N Tl 44 4, 5- ,
S Unfurnished Homes v Sea Hawk PV 2BR/2BA Unit in great Unfurnished Condos
r Sawgrass PV 3BR/2BA. Spacious condition all appliances, club pool and Summerhouse PV
'4 home, interior completely remodeled, tennis. $1295/mo. Newly renovated, new carpet, baths, kitchen,
Slight and bright, 2 car garage. $2650/mo. L'atrium PV 2BR/2BA home w/new tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great amenities. m
S Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA. Ocean carpet and tile, fireplace, 2 car garage. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1195mo.
- views, all upgraded. $2200/mo. $1200/mo. 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo
<, 4BR/4BA Tow house w/elevator, 2800 Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex Palms at Marsh Landing JB
, sqft, beach access, attached garage. w/new carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh Screened porch, tile floors
S$2200/mo. paint. $1200/mo. 2BR/2BA. Ground floor, lake view. $1050/mo.
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Furnished Homes 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor,' top unit, vaulted
home w/screened porch on water, 2 car Villages of VIlano SPV 2BR/2BA, ceilings. $1100/mo. .
garage. $1950/mo. oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, Villas at Marsh Landing JB
t Solano Cay PV 4BR/2.5BA, two story garage, amenities. Fireplace, screened porch, garage
' home w/spacious floor plan. patio, comm. $1700/mo. 2BR/2BA, lstfloor, wood floors.$1100/mo. 2
'pool. $1700/mo. Intracoastal West Ocean Links PV
I Dolphin Cove PV 4BR/2BA. Home w/ Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA brand Screened porch, fireplace, amenities
all new interior, tile floors, garage, fenced new townhouse, screened porch, preserve 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo.
Backyard. $1600/mo. views, amenities. $1095/mo.
' Beach Walk -SPV 2BR/2BA, home has Point Meadows Gate Pkwy 3BR/2BA 0
screened porch, wood deck on lagoon, bch 4th floor w/elevator, all appliances, fitness COASTA REAL ESTATE
Success. $1800/mo center, club pool. $1200/mo. (904) 285-5640
S Penman Road NB 3BR/2BA home w/ Pablo Pointt- San Pablo 3BR/2BAhome www.rentthebeaches.com
screened porch, fenced backyard, large lot on large lot, tile floors, fenced backyard,
S$1300/mo. two car garage. $1500/mo.
0s0 1. 0.0.s-1 O.P8s'
S, S, ^^^^^^^^2Si^^^^ Mi^2S2L^^h
lows 111SWohl.-wa
1 19
I ~ICIP~~lair)~3~l~~r:~i~~~ ~
*Ild--~IPBILiB~Ls~-II~I ~--p~YlssyB C-l~-l- I- ~L~
Open House Sunday 12PM-5PM *
Dir Intracoasta/ Waterway atAlantic Blvd
SALES OFFICE OPEN Monday Sunday 12-5pm Watersedge at
Harbortown will include 20 high-end 4 story Mediterranean-style town
terrace. Theoption to purchase 50 ft boat slip
in your front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices starting
at $999,900
SCall Margi Petitt Top Producer
Updated Seaplace 3bdrm Condo, Ground Fir -
1/2 block to the Ocea in OldAtlantic Beach!
Imagine living a stone's throw to the
ocean in a ready to move in 3 bdrm, lj G 1
2 ba ground fir condo w/privacy fence -
around patio. All new carpet, new AC,
updated baths, fresh paint, new stove
and microwave. The most
aggressively priced home in Atlantic Beach, $298,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Roof Top Ocean Views m i I
1/2 Block to Ocean L
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage, paver driveway, Construction
complete in 3 months. High-End Finish Levels-SS Appl.,
Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top Terraces-Ocean
Views & More. Offered at $995,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Brand New Construction
I/2 block to the Ocean j-
South Jax Beach-
Under Appraised Value! ,
Brand New Town Home! 3-story,
3bdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage, Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco,
SS Appl. Granite countertops, Open floor plan-crown
molding & more...Oceanviews from master balcony.
Lowest price in new construction East of 3'd St. $539,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
Best Buy Today
on the Ocean!!
Southshore Condo, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
1 tE ICovered Parking. Priced to sell at
DL'' $599,900
S.il' Call Margi Petitt
SiTop Producer
& I
57- ----
Classified 5
Tiulv, 14. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 6 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 14, 2OUO
NEPTUNE BEACH, one-block to ocean,
2BR/1BA upstairs, 1 year lease. No"pets,
no W)D hookup. $950/mo; -$950/sec.
dep. 916 First. Street, between Bay &
Pine. Available 8/15/06. 246-8970 or
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on prl-
vate lots. Near Maypon Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579
-rH~IUIV P. .. aa .s J -----
Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
,,[r For Management INFO
SCall 285-5409
u.p,:.rr, lI'e nalso Itale vacation and short term rentals!
Property Subdivision Rent BR/BA
100 Fairway Park #412 Summer House $ 900 2/2
12909 Hunt Club Rd.Jax Golf & CC $2.400 3/2
LaReserve Dr Fiddler's Marsh-East of AIA $1,600 3/2
1901 N. It St. #1801 Pelcan Point $2.200 2/2
2712 Seabawk Dr. Seahawk $ 995 2/2 gar
7039 Selva MarinaSelva None $2,200 4/2
133 S. Beach (TPO)South Beach $1,500 3/2
1701 The Greens Way, 915 Palms at Marsh Landng $ 850 1/1
934 Wilderland Dr. Grogans Bluff .$1,200 '4/2
13250 Blajkhidk Trad S Blackhawk Bluff $-1,200 3/2
CUTE 1BR 1BA, 1 block to ocean, wash-
er/dryer, $675/mo. 610-9771.
PVB, 8BR/2BA home, close to beach,
comm. pool, 2-car garage $1450/mo.
PVB SUMMERFIELD spacious contempo-
rary, 3BR/2.5BA, office, fenced backyard,
great neighborhood ,beside schools.
$2250/mo,.. (321)269-7896.
PVB 3BR/2.5BA. all appliances, commun-
ity pool, 2-car garage. $1,500/mo 242-
2534, 614-8440.
PONTE VEDRA Bcn; PVB, 2000sl, 4/2
home w/ fenced Pnvate yard in quiet
neighDornood oil A1A. $1600/mo
lease purchase avail 8,1. 543-1951.
Street. Walk lo beach or park New paint
inside and,oui Fenced backyard, pets OK
w/deposit. $1500/mo, 249-2793.
4BR/2 5BA 2-storyhome w/many up-
grates; amenities, pool, clubhouse. exer.
cise room. $1800.'mo Jean Tan-Jones
JAX BCH, 4/2, ig 2 car gar., lenced yard,
$1600/mo 2603 America Ave 318-0044.
PONTE VEDRA/ Palm Valley, beaullul,
large. private. 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage.
w/many amnenities. $1400!mo 860-1690
PVB. EAST of A1A. 3i2.5, private back-
yard 1.'neated pool and spa $2150/mo.
includes lawn & pool service. 280-5707
NEPTUNE BY The Sea. 3/2, 2 car gar.
walk to ocean. NS/ NP $1600/mo. +dep
OCEAN VIEW coltage, 3BR/2BA,
$1300rmo 100 sleps om beach. WID
deck &.patio, 111 9th Ave. So., 241-7634.
NEP BCH. walk lo beach Irom this charm-
ing 3'2 w/ lenced yard & garage. New
parnt 8 carpel $1400'mo 280-5142.
1ST FLOOR, end unit, 2/2,all new applian-
ces. Totally renovated, 5 star resort No
smoking. $999/mo Call 349-7988 Owner
licensed agent
unit, liat style, lully remodeled, 5 star
community. $1875/mo Call Kirk
(904)463-1131. Owner/ Broker.
3 BLOCKS From Ocean 2BR/2BA look-
ing for house share, m/f, warm spacious
home, very tranquile setting, Great loca-;
tiori. $600 +1/2 utilities. Call 373-0354.
ROOM FOR Rent in Atlantic. Bch w/sepa-
rate bath, all utilities included $550/mo.
w/no deposit. (706)718-4733 if no answer
leave message.
NEPTUNE EFFICIENCY, 2 blocks beach,
downstairs, small pets OK. $695/mo.
-$300/dep. Military discount. 216 Cherry
St. 70q-0731.
DUPLEX/BEACHolice/2BR/1.5oa, 4
blocks to ocean, 1300sq. h.. $1150/mo
+utilities 1215 11th St N., (904) 318-
* ULAN iUFRON, Jax ueacn, 1/1 no pets,
no smoking, completely furnished,
floor, new carpel. apple, W/D, Irplc Avail
now, $995/mo. 403-1998.
BLOCKS FROM the beach Beautitul spa-
cious 1BR/1BA (nugn lub), screened pa-
lho, washer/ dryer end unil. Pets welcome,
$1000/mo Call Ashley 887-1885.
PONTE VEDRA. Summer House, 1BR. all
new, w/pool, fitness, spa. concierge, many
amenites. $875/mo. Avail 8/15. Pets wel-
come. (904)448-5591.
side End unil, 1-story, large yard
$1375/mo 1904)612-6532, 1904)641-5564
PVB 2 story condo, 2BR,2.5BA. lake view.
$1150/mo. Call 223-2210.
garage $1400/mo Avail 8/1/06.
PVB, OCEAN Grove. 2BR/2BA, garage.
$1100/mo. 391-0029, 399-5511 (eve-
PVB, 2BR/2BA waireplace, $1100/mo. Call
Grace Ellis 655-7923
PONTE VEDRA. Gated comm. 2/2, super
amenilies. No smoking, $1100/mo
THE PALMS At Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA.
Waiervlew, wood floors, 1st floor, galed,
$1125,mo. 241-3941.
PVB, 2BR,2BA. walk to beach, split loor
plan. $1100/mo. (904)955-0872..
JAX BEACH, 3 bedrooms, newly remod-
JAXBCH 3BR/2.5BA, 2 slories, 2car ga- eled. 14thAve. S hot tub. 475/mo.
rage, gate. comm w/amennies. 2300+s1., 568-8700.
$1800/mo OB0 904-338-5692.
qM/.4. rJM r verNKTC%.Ar- r rri
BEAUTIFUL FORMER model home. Pa-
blo Bay next o1 Mayo Clinic, near Beach 8
San Pablo. 3000+ square feel, 4 bedroom
plus bonus room, total size bedroom, 3
baths, many upgrades, stainless applian-
ces. central vac. intercom, hardwood
Iloors, closed lanai, walervlew, club
house, pool, tennis Available August Ist
$2200'mo. 403-1998, 349.3434. Ask
aboul 1 month Iree.
3BR/3BA home wbonus room, on lake in
Marsn Soundl Comm. pool! $1800/mo. All
South Realry, 241-4141.
2BR/1.5BA, remodeled. $875,mo. 1374
Main Street, 571-2719.
3BR/2BA, ATLANTIC Beach' Mayport.
Deposit required $950!mo. Call Derrick
838-3730 or Cnristy 866-0820.
JAX BEACH beautifully decorated, town-
home, 3BR/3.5BA, 2-car garage, ocean
views, $3.850/mo. 242-2534, 614-8440.
PVB/ L'ATRIUM large 2BR/2BA. 2 car
W/D new carpel, pool, tennis, fenced
yard, Iireplace, $1250/mo t deposit,
2BRP1.5BA, -fireplace. 2 patios, garage,
ceramic ile lirst floor, new berber second
Iloor. 683 Slurdivant Ave. $1.200/mo.
$850'MONTH, 2BR/1BA, 9 blocks from
ocean. W/D hookup, no'pets 247-0354,
w/garage on qulel cul-de-sac. $1075/ro.
All South Realty, 241-4141
ATLANTIC BCH 312 walk to Beach and
park, large private lenced back yard,
$1325/mo. Available' immediately Call
10'05'"PENIUAN 3"~,1 51Ai'-t 'i0d0,o'
Avail. 8. 1',0 Call 770''229-9331'. '
JAX BEACH- near, ocean, 3BR/1BA
Lease, references required. 218 4th Ave.
South. $1195/mo. (904)221-4134, 703-
blocks to beach! $1650'mo. All South.Re-
airy 241-4141.
SOLANO CAY 3BR/2 5BA. lie loors, cule
yard, available 8/1 $1400. 392 8350.
$1475'mo.. available 8/1. 993-3658
PVB Solano Cay. 3BR,2BA, garage, fire-
place, large backyard in quiel neighbor-
hood. $1,400/rmo. 294-2401.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1BA. close to ocean.
1ltnn/mo All South Realtv. 241-4141.
2BR/,2BA. PONTEi Veara, newly remod-
eled, pool & tennis. $1400/mo. utilities in-
cluded. 1904)483-1824.
OCEAN FRONT- 1 bedroom Penthouse,
Jax Beach, pool, $1550 Lease, magical,
PV SUMMERHOUSE. 2BR units from
$900-$1195'mo. Corner unit, fireplace.
W/D lo*nhome. Everything brand new..
1200st. fireplace, W/D, 2nd Iloor, new car-
pel. huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
lurnisned $1050/monthly, unfurnished
$1000.monthly, available Aug. 887-5005.
BETWEEN UNF and Beaches- Spacious
2i2 condo, vaulted ceilings. overlooking
quiel preserve, pool gym, W/D in unit.
$1100/mo. 904-962-0183.
PVB. THE Fountains, east ol A1A,
2BR/1.5BA. remodeled. $1100/mo.
2'2 CONDO, 221 S 6th Ave., JB, Unit B,
$1000/mo. 705-4027 Owner, reallor
ENJOY A beach get-a-way at The Saw-
grass Beach CLub. $550 per week, $1400
per month, 280-5170 or 616-5274.
SUMMER HOUSE/PVB 2/2. new applian-
ces, new carpel, pool. tennis coun, secun-
ty, $1195/mo. Jean Tan-Jones 472-3614.
Villages ol Solano, gated community, fully
renovated, 3BR/2.5BA. garage, full ameni-
lies, 891-2324.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, pool. hot tub, sauna.
exercise room, $2,400/mo. 608-8484
ROOM FOR rent in 3BR/2BA house in
Ponte Vedra. Gated. pool. tennis courts,
all utililles, HBO, High Speed internet.
Near Sawgrass and TPC. $580/mo.
ROOMMATE WANTED, AB, private bath/
kitchen privileges, W/D. $135/wk.
ATLANTIC BCH. olf Assisi, turished.
$115/wk, deposit, references 372-4265
ROOM FOR rent in house w/pool and.
fenced back yard $600/mo Includes utilit-
ies and satellite TV. 566-1980.
$450'MO INCLUDES utilities, pool and
kitchen privileges, must have refs,
NEW RESIDENCE, master bedroom w/
private bath for rent. $700/mo. 237-4354.
ATL BEACH room w/balh utilities includ-
ed, washer/ dryer, $550/mo. + deposit.
249-6221, 868-5208
a (of MR
FOR SALE, 1330sl. office building
& 1610sf. office building, at beaches.
Therapy office, San Marco area. $350/mo.
Call Trisn at 463-0222
OFFICE SPACE.' former doctor oHice-
three rooms S w/storage space). Lease
all rooms together or separate Utilities in-
cluded. Separate backdoor entrance. Lo.
cated on 3rd St. (904)249 3863.
Short or Long Term
Secretarial Services
Conference Room
SEast of A1A/
walk to beach
Close to shopping/
For more information,
(904) 543-7000
NEPTUNE BEACH, 2113 Florida Blvd.
Great office building, plenty of parking, on
two lots, 3450sl, 993-4011.
ii ---BI
KITTENS: FREE to good homes Call
Candice @ 904-629-3405
FREE TWO smaal breed dogs to good
hnme 742.7R: onr 174-fiR7n
N. JAX BEACH 2 KITTENS tree to good home Call 241-
409 13th Ave N 2BR 2.5BA, 2- story plus in rh
2 prelate' balconies. .:!Dlocksl'Io'0ear PT.i mr8DEpg.; ,.g
Music seel $1200,'mo, $1000ioep. Call ,
Dave 962-8575. FREE TO good home- female blacK lab
*k puppy, approx 6 months old. Call 864-
ICW/WOLF CREEK new 3,2 condo,
amenities, pool, clubhouse, elevator.
$1200/mo. Jean Tan-Jones 472-3614.
2BR/2BA BEACHFRONT condo lor long
lerm, $1800'mo. 233-4224.
PVB CONDO- beautifully renovated 2/2,
new appliances, wood Iloors. fireplace,
w/d, beach access, 5 star amenities.
$1000/mo. (Long -Term). 386-837-2799,
vaulted ceiling, beautiful ela Bright. open
floor plan. No dogs. $1700/mo.
(4041325.0820, (404)784-6601.
SOCEANFRONT- JAX Bcn, 2/2, furnished,
PONTE VEDRA L'Aiium. 2BR/2BA, ga- beauiilul views. 5th Floor. $1,.950/mo.
rage. pool, lennis, orange, lemon and imo. minimum 571-6678.
grapelruil irees. S1150.,'mo 285-9884. ,2A C O Th Plms of M.r
S 875
924 BeUeza Ponre Vedra 1/1
1-49 Cranes Lake Ponme Vedia 2/2
72 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/2
12-16 Beleza Pone Veadr3 2/2
133 Bimini Court Ponle Vedra 2/2
925 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 2/2
825 Ocean Link-, Ponte Vedra 2/2
215 Cranes Lake Ponie Vedra I 2/2
2 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2 5
'811 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 3/2
228 Tarrasa Drive Jax/Pablo Point 3/2
2806 St Marc Court Ponte Vedra/L'Amum 2/2+den
371 19th Street Atlantic Beach 3/2 + loft
3343 Lighthouse Pointe Lane la\ Beach 3/3
106 Bermuda Bay Ponte Vedra 3/2
.6033 Bndgewaier Circle Pone \'edra/Saagrcss TPC 3/2.5
2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc
105 Camino Trail Ponle Vedr/Sawgrass TPC 3/2.5
13 Players Club Villa Ponme Vedra/S grass TPC3/3
144 Shelb\ Coe Coun Ponte Vedra/Marsh Cove 4/2.5
2Ii. Azalea Point Drre South Ponle Vedra/Fairfield 4/2
117 Deer Cove Dri\e Ponte Vedra/Mar h Landing 4/2.5
9910 Preston Trail Ponie Vedra/Saagrass CC 3/2.5
804 lMerropoliitn Jax Beach 3/2
806 letropohlan Jax Beach 3/2
70 Beach Cottage Lane Atanuc Beach 4/4
628 Presere Vie%% Drive Palm \alle/Malrsh Harbor 4/4+bonus n
-08 Berkman Plaza .JaVDowniown Rjierfront 22i+loft
2451 Souih Ponte Vedrj Blhd South Ponle Vedra 3/2 5
1LiUI IuI Rl I
JAX BEACH. 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. t$1000'sec. dep. 1310
Prnewood Ra Available early August. Call
94f.R970 or 591-1218
Landing. lots ol amenities, W/D. lakeview
1st Iloor. $1125/mo. $200 off first monlh
rent. (9041553-2161.
VILLAGES OF Pablo, 4/2. 2400sf.. FR. Fully lurnished 2BR/2BA, all inclusive
DR. otce, suoroom $1600,mo. Avail. 7/1. (elecinc, cable). Short/Long term.
TDO Mgmnl 246-1125. $1700/mo 535-3911.
PVB 3BRi2BA. t-car garage. 1,300 sl
lenced-in yard. $1300imo 273-0999
W'BEACHES, 3'2. LRi DR combo, fire-
place. EIK, spill BR's. patio. catch. ceilings.
$1100/mo TDO Mgml Svc 246-1125.
JAX BCH. 311. 2 5 car gar.. lenced yard.
$1400/mo 836 9th Ave IN. 318-0044.
PONTE VEDRA. 3BR'2BA. beautiful
townhome on lake. End unit. $950/mo.
PVB 3BR/2.5BA, 2-car garage, deck. Ja-
cuzzI on lake. community pool.
$1,600/mo. + deposit. 242-2534, 333-
THE WOODS, 4/2, 2500sl. cul-de-Osac,
sunroom, LR/ DR, EIK 1675/mo. TDO
MgmnI 2461125. Idorealesrale.com
910 16TH Ave North JAX BCH 3BR/2BA,
Family Room. Walk to schools/ Beaches.
$1250,mo (954)646-3669
JAX BCH new 2BR/2BA, W/D, garage,
frpic., vaulted cielings. no pets, $1200,mo
NEW 2BR/2BA, $1200/mo. appliances in-
cluded, garage. Jardin De Mer. 249-7501.
S JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
nished homes 8 condos From $500 per
week All South Realty, 241-4141.
NEED "SHADOW" to assist first grade
student withschool work and .activities at
small, private Jax Bch school. Ideally
Monday- Friday 8;30am-12noon. (Oppor-
tunities at other times also available.)
Email resume::
HELP WANTED- Must Love Kids. Local
church hiring 2 nursery workers. Part-time
5-10 hotrs/ week. Sunday & Monday
moorings and Wednesday evenings. Fax
resume to 221-9191.
Residential housecleaning service accept-
ing applications for energetic,responsible,
hardworkers for cleaning & maintenance
positions.starting at $9/$10 hr. 246-7152,
Iv. msg.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful. 285-2426.
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine cuneni lob openings. No lees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for sell-employment or business opporu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category Ads which may require
payment ol lees for employment inlorma-
tron, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a lee or if the advertiser
is oftenng a product or service rather than
a lob opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
needed. $8/hr.. bonus per job, benefits.
OH Atlantic Blvd. near Regency Square.
Senous only; At least 1 yr. exp. Call Matt
Meadows 722-1873 or Apply al
FlueTechlnc corn
OFFICE CLEANERS needed. Must have
car & phone. Call 273-2761.
DOG BATHER/ Groomer apprentice.
8am-lpm hardwork. Not for wimps. 249-
VENUS Call Center is looking for Order
Entry Reps to lake incoming calls Irom,
our customers ordenng from our catalogs.
Excellent communication skills/ keyboard'
skills as well as a background in customers
service is required. Day & Night pan-time
shifts available Class starts August 1,
2006 [or two weeks. Paid training is from
4pm-11pm, Monday -Fnday. Calt our job
'line lor immediate consideration.
645-6000 prompt 2: EOE.
Part-Time Activities Counselor
Assist wirh year round kids programs and,
events. Expenence working with children
a plus. CPR' Firsl Aid certified Night and
weekend hours required.
Part-Time Fitness Attendant
Seeks candidate with CPR/First Aid ceniti-
cation. Fitness experience required. Flexi-.
ble hours Both positions apply in per-r
son in the Tennis Center, Tuesday -
Saturday, Ponte Vedra Beach. 285-
1909. Drug Testing/ E.O.E.
PART- TIME. On-Call Gate Guard/ Roving
Patrol needed for all shihs including week-.
ends and holidays. Excellent working con-
ditions. Call 285-7122 to apply.
Admin w/slrong sales background. Handle'
quotes, customer service. install schedule
lor 2-3 sales reps. Construction back
ground a plus. Must have excellent corn-'
puter skills, degree preferred, 2-3yrs. ex-
penence in last paced office environment
required Jax Beach location. Fax resume
to: 249-8177 or email: sgitl@contraclcon-
employs individuals in a variety of posi-.
lions. For a listing of current opponunirie,A
please visil us in person 11 N. 3rd St.. 2rl,
floor, bali 247-6263, send an email to per-,
sonnel@jaxbchll.net, or visit our websile
www JacksonvilleBeach.org Drug tree
work environment. EOE, VP.
Beacn.wnolesale gittwaie company seeks.
an experienced FT Warehouse Associate.
Must be able to lift 50+ pounds. Unload
containers. Forklift experience required.
Excellent wage/ benefits. Fax resume to1
222-2081. Attn: Brandi or call 247-1497
Iis.imll Hw.ala..r.prar, ea-*,. = TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean dnving re-
2 COCKATIELS, 2 lovebirds. lo a good cord required CallApril, 246-9999.
loving home 696.6508. r-., iNri.O U I D111 B B ^ .- ....'
TEJf HEL Pf ir ,I Vdt~a ~c
HOMELESS PETS lor adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
IF YOU are inleresled in advenising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader com
NEED A hero! 49 attractive lady would like
0o meel a nice man Please call, would
love to meel 742-7633.
lested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/byappt only (904)641-2187
LOST BIG Green suitcase on 3rd Street
Call 704-2115 Reward $1.00.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this Qalegory please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classilied@beachesleader.com
All levels, styles & ages. WilI come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available
r .. .. r .- -. m ..
COUUNIH IF RI r e eU Lra area,
FT/PT, Call 285-5644.
AM & PM Line Cooks, Kitchen Prep & Util-
ities Good money, casual atmosphere,
very busy, great people to work with;
Fast growing Construclidn Co. having'
continuous growth. Bonuses, Incentives,.
Mgml opponunities. Painters, Concrete'
Workers, Framers, Trim Work, Siding3
Must have own transportation. Senous in-
quiries only. (904)241-5177 leave mes-
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL'
Customer Service, parts, warranties, Vehi-
cle check in, clean dnving record. CDL, li,
Scene preferred self motivated, general of'
lice work, computer/ Intemel literate, ex-'
cellent benefits including profit sharing
smoke free office, Atlantic Beachl
www.lransitplus.com Specify position oni
lax resume 221-2705
DRIVERS HOME every weekend .41
loaded/.37 empry/.01 loaded miles tarpi
pay. Health, life, dental, 401K. Monthly bo.
nuses. CDL-A; 1 yr experience: Grayso
Mitchell (800) 434-1882.
ATL BCH 3BR house. beautifully furnish-
ed, walk to ocean, $1650/mo. 993-3226
ATLANTIC BEACH Sea Place, furnished
2BR/2BA condo, $1300/mo. 887-5005.
118 NORTH St. NB, 3BR/2BA; porch, pa-
tio, WDHU. $1600/mo Pets considered.
612-8080. 247-7550.
w!garage. $1250/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. Call
655-2207, visit www.569.cjb.net
CNA'S, HHA'S, Companion Care, P/T.po-
sitions w/flexible schedule Apply at 9471
Baymeadows Rd. Suite 201, Jacksonville,
FL 32256. 737-1663.
THE PALMS, 1BR/IBA, near beach and PUNI Vt:-UHA pool nome. uuie prores-
shoppingamenes, quite, new applan- signal seeking roommate to share
cs es qui$87, new ap0 3BR/3BA home. Ref's required. $450-
ces $875imo. 610-3608. $650/mo. Ist -security. 838-7726.
IE !Atlantic Beach
The Perfect Beach House
With Pool & Spa
SLocated on cul-de-sac 2 doors from
I WS 111
w OEM ai r-l-loy-i wil F:Mlk-r I'm'
_ _~~__
OnnRRMAT WlT; n ut c m w
------ ---- ------
------------- ---------------
, ioltM R.A.-I 4 il k
July 14, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Classified 7
nities with KFC and Pizza Hutl Competi-
tive salaries, great benefits; opportunity for
growth and advancement. Call (866)238-
0646 for more details!
now hiring the following positions to staff
the newly renovated clubhouse.
Banquet Server
AM & PM Server
AM & PM Line Cook
Full-time and Part-time. All. full-time posi-
tions receive excellent benefits. Apply in
person in the Marsh Landing Tennis Cen-
ter Tuesday Saturday. Located in Ponte
Vedra, 285-6514. Drug testing/EOE.
Full Tire Golf Course Maintenance Staff.
Excellent benefits for F/T employment in-
cluding vacation time, sick time, 401k,
health benefits and more. Apply in person
at the Tennis Center, call 285-6514 for
directions. Drug testing/EOE. I
INTELLIGENT? DETAIL oriented? Profes-
sional needed to assist with scheduling
and data input. $8-$9/hr. M-F, flexible hrs.
PT/FT. Great office environment., Near
UNF. (904)646-1962
fits, 401k, flexible schedule. Golf privileg-
es. Phone 904-246-4827, email:
accobnting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
w/valid Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will rain Good salary &
benetlis Apply: Sur(side Pools. 313
Beacn Bld 246-2666. or lax resume:
249-8801, e-mail: sursidepools @aol.com
GREAT OPPORTUNITY lor experience
worker, must have a'valid drivers license.
Leave message at 553-6338.
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days.
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check
Call Robert @ 465-0149
BEACHES CAR Wash- lull lime help
needed, Wages negollable lips Benelits'
Avail Apply in person. 1401 Beach Blvd.
SERVERS WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Steak House Apply after 2pm, 1227
Souln 3rd St.
dinator- Tired ol spending gas money to
gel to the city' Looking lor smaller office
selling w'great benellits including profit
snanng? Atlantic Beach office Minimum 3
yrs AIR. 2 yrs A/P, 3yrs customer serv-
ice Compuler/inlernet liierale Financing/
title work/ Ouickbooks experience a plus.
www.rransitplus com Smoke Iree office
Fax resume 221-2705. Specify position
desired on lax
F/T and PT., commission only Must have
dependable iransponalion. Call 996-0233
or apply al www cls-Ilorida.com
Needed F.'T, days only w, a can- do anl-
rude Lighl manulacluring & assembly
work exp. a must. Knowledge & use or
small machinery & tools required. Looking
for someone who can lollow inslructons &
gel the lob done. Start at $7.50/hr Call
249-3545 otwn 9am- 3pm only Mon- Fri
Handle inbound sales Irom advertising
and create sales wirn oulbound calls
Must have good relalonsrup and closing
skills. Prospecting experience and cus-
iomer service is a must along wiln PC
skills and ability to work
ihrdependenty. Earn $65,000 per year
wtlh proper experience. Fax resume Io
241-7333 -or email Jennifer at
lenntierw'@desermicto net
LOCAL GROWING landscape design
company needs landscape In-;itbaIW1h
conslauclion loremran' w,'pro oeli-.marage-
meni exp. Must have reliable transpona-
lion daily to 5mi N ol St Augustine. Field
operations range rom Ailanlic Beach to
Palm Coast. References and background
check required Contact Dayle Applegale
247-6645 or Tom Bixler 710-9070
good pay & Denelts. company
vehicleipnone must have good driving re-
cord. 568-8700
A Reader's Digest Co olfers an excili.
sales opponunty lor independent sales
rep! Sei-up run book lairs al businesses/
corporations. Commission guaranteed Irrsi
3 monins Training and suppon provided
S rleed TrucK/SUV,'Trailer storage & com-
puler For details & to apply-
www.booksarelunlid.com. Reqir2117BR
Fax 888-556-4795 Call- 1800) 966-8301,
CARPENTERS & Helpers needed. Jax
Beach 893-3130.
tendent lor established company Drug
tree work place. Benefits 241-2721.
BUSY WHOLESALE Fishery seeks Ofice
Assistani dulles include dala eniry, tiling.
pncne. Seatood experience preferred Ap-
ply in person only after 2pm C & C Fish.
series. 36 West 6in SI Atlantic Beach
MANAGER in holistic, intemal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, -clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
Fast growing Cleaning Co. having continu-
ous growth. Bonuses, Incentives, Mgmt
opportunities. New home construction,
apt. move-out, window cleaning, residen-.
tial cleaning. Must have own transporta-
tion. Serious inquiries only. (904)241-5177
leave message.
PAWNEE'S CAFE & Fine Wines, (former-
ly Manuel's). PVB. Cook & Counter. Bene-
fits. 273-4785.
propane retailer is in immediate need of a
lull-lime driver. The ideal candidate will
Shave an excellent customer service de-
meanor, a CDL with Hazmat, Tanker, and
airbrake endorsements. Candidates must,
sass pre-employmeni lesltng, drug
screen, DMV check and background in-
vestigalion. We oifer a competitive salary
and benelirs package. Apply in person al
98 S. Penman Rd, Jax Bcn. or lax resume
to. HR a 246-0715 EOE.
Stan today al Express Auto Care in Jax
Beacn. You need own tools, relerences
We otfer lop pay. Plenty oi work and ben-
efits Call Allon a! 249-0311.
EXP COOKS needed Apply in person.
BuKkeis Restaurant. 222 N. Oceanironl.
Jax Bch.246-7701
able cleaning help. Residenlia/Commer-
cal Call 536-7676.
DENTAL ASSISTANT Beaches full-time,
some experience necessary Call or lax
resume 285-3128.
Flexible hours, no weekends. excellent
pay. Transporlalion & phone required.
591-5901. 514-1188
Join our leam. Our company has openings
lor our service depot. good salary. musl
possess a good driving record, be custom.
er Friendly. We otter company vehicle
paid vacalhon and holidays. Leap over lo
us. Apply at 159 19th Street N Jax
Beach 242-9002
efits, 401k, flexible schedule. Detail oriert-
ed individual. Starting pay negotiated. Golf
privileges. Phoner (904)246-4827, email:
accounting@selvamarina.com, or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
TOR: Selva Marina Country Club. FT,
benefits, 401k. Experience preferred. Golf
privileges. Call 246-4711. DFWP.
Earn $7-$12 per hour & cash bonuses
Telemarketing for newspapers nationwide.
time. Exp. a plus. Great benefits. Fax re- National Fleet Maintenance provider
sume 'to 721-3972 or apply in person at seeks Service Tech for the Westside
The Atrium Retirement Community, Jacksonvilleshop. PM&DemandRepairs
9960 Atrium Way. for Auto, Lt/ Med trucks. ASE & CDL help-
ful, tools required. Benefits. M-F days.
HIRING 1 experienced Bartender, days Background & drug test req'd.
and nights. Call 208-1922. Contact Misty: mgreen@butler.com/
-. 800-916-9664. EOE/M/F/V/D.
Lawh service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
Taxi Drivers needed to work Beach and
Inreicoaslal areas, at least 23 yrs. old,;
good driving record. Call 249-0360.
lantic Beach F/T, P/T positions available,
SILK PRESSER. Ponie Vedra area guar-
anleed hours. 285-5644
7am, TNT Landscape 1074 10th Ave.
Souin, Jax Beacnh 247-4477.
CALL ABOUT our dnvers Inal make $70-
$99K per year nome most nignts & week-
ends! CDL-A, 2yrs experience required.
1 800-889-8139
BENCOM ISHORT lor Benelis Communi-
callons) has Immediale openings in the
Jacksonville Beach and surrounding areas
to aggressively market our employee ben-
elits communication and enrollment pro-
grams We are hiring Sales Represenla-
lives. Our company offers. Unlimited
grown potenliai, Excellent compensation
and a formal Iraining program. This Is a
Business-to-Business sales opponrtunlty
win tremendous support and training. If
interested. please coniacl Jerry McGee in
JacKsonville 3at 904)613-1818 or email
your resume to lerrymcgee@bencomon-
line com
busy Ailantic Blvd. Salon New grads also
welcome. 868.0972.
MEDICAL ASSISTANT. Immediate open-
ing tor last paced Beacn practice. Com.
petilive salary & benefits. Fax resume:
1904)241-0831, or call 1904)241-1035
... r ,- xpec Noring Less
'v 'f Than "Five Diamonds"
Career Days
at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
Tues., July 18th and Wed., July 19th, 9am-4pm
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
:liuxu. re7 li j.the ,0~,5'~ 'iningthe elite staff at Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club. Our exceptional work ~ envuoii~nni is one of the most
sought after for career satisfaction. We have the following full &
part-time positions'available:
Front Office / Bell Stand / Culinary / Kitchen /
Fitness / Spa / Housekeeping / Grounds /
Golf Course / Laundry
See you at the Job Fair next
lTesday and Wednesday!
We offer an attractive benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, profit sharing, 401K. discounts at our
retail outlets, golf course and spa. For immediate consideration appl in
person to Human Resources between 9am- 4pm. Mon. Fn.
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach. FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
EOE t .F D.'
Oceanfront Excellence
Florida Community College at Jacksonville is looking for adjunct instructors to
-i -teach courses during the Fall term and beyond in the following areas:
Accounting. ,
Art (Appreciation and History)'
Environmental Science
Spanish .
To teach in a Liberal Arts discipline you, must possess a Master's degree
,with eighteen (18) graduate hours in the specific discipline
(A general MEd degree does not meet the requirements).
College Prep Mathematics
College.Prep Reading
Computer/Network Support
*Dental Assisting
Dental Hygiene
Interior Design
*Physical Therapist
Qualifications to teach in the Workforce disciplines at a minimum are a Bachelor's degree supplemented
by related lwork experience and/or industry credential,'license
*Physical Therapist requires a Master's degree. Coursework.towards the completion of a Bachelor's
degree is appropriate for Dental Assisting.
FRlpEAgEfll? f iJ6F0RcMjU
Adjunct lnstrudtoriRecrultrnerlt IFar
'. Thursday, August 1'Oth, 51:30-;7300pim.
Advanced Tedhnology-Ceeriter,4fl W. iteLSt.
.Please complete an online application at http://Jobs.FCCJ.edu. You must also
submit a copy of your transcript which may be attached to your online application
or faxed to our Adjunct Recruiter at (904) 632-3097.
Pre-Registration Deadline: Friday, July 21, 2006
ATLANTIC Beach van/ minibus dealership
seeking self-motivated individuals. High
year end; computer/ Internet literate;
clean, driving record. Draw vs Commis-
sion. Excellent benefits to include profit
sharing, CDL license preferred, but will
train. ww.transitplus.com Fax resume:
221-2705. Specify position desired on fax.
BUSY BEACHES medical office seeks re-
ceptionist/secretary. Fax resume to 247-
SEWING MACHINE Repairs Complete
lune-up. All makes, 31l models. $49 50
HANDYMAN- NO Job o1 small. Garages
cleaned Call 223-5891.
PADGETT'S A/C & Heating, Inc Family
owned and operaled. Wnen qualiry and
customer service are demanded call
Travis al 588-5222
ABOVE & Beyond Housekeeping De-
pendable. detailed cleaning Licensed. In-
sured, bonded, references Immediaale
openings. 591-5901, 514-1188.
cleaning since 1978! Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded. Indiv-dual cleaner Option
to customize chore list 1800) 449-9520.
www.caihyscleaning com.
ble Reasonable rates, Iree estimates. Call
Roxanne (9041477-5398
expenence.'Business & Residential. Satis-
laction guaranteed Move outs welcome
MAIP YOUR Way has openingi-commer-
cia cleaning Call Juliie25--41 4. --
Resideniial,satisfaclion guranleed.call lor
tree estimates (904)449-9708
JUST LIKE you want II. Cleaning npmes
The cheapest around- $25 249-5180.
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or ohice by
Natasha. For esilmaie 563-7858.
CLEAN TO SHINE. Our company commit-
ment is 1001. Customer Salislaclnon at
Affordable Prces. We clean homes, aparn-
mens,. offices. RV's. new construction and
resiauranis For a iree estimate call 514.
7009 or 1904 779-0158. We wll Deal any
company prices
ANOMOTEC. QUALITY Electrical Serv-
ices. Free estimates lor repair. installation
Comm'Res Standby generators and
ransler switches. All electrical needs
visa/MC. 343-5535. Greal ralesl
WOOD Fence Specialist Insiall, replace
35yrs Experience. Relerences. Mick Our-
door Enterprises. 241-7276, 838-9599
IF YOU are interested in advemsing under
mis category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@ beacnesleader.com
applications, nouse calls. Training repairs.
upgrades, websites. graphics Free phone
tech 904-249-3034 or ema3l.
Dependable Qualiry Service. Reasonable
rates. 821-0737
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups. Mulching, Sodding, whatever II
takes, etc. Dave 249.4724.
LAWN SERVICE sod work mulching &
clean up, monlhly & yearly free estimates
Call David 710-1030
Grading, Lawn Replacements. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone.
Irrigation Repairs. MUCH MOREI Bob,
CHEAP MOE'SI Complele lawn service
Mosi yards only $20 (904)422-0593.
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in Jax ROOFING
Beach, no acrylics. Call Miki at (904) Roofers helpers needed asap. Will train,
242-8008. 242-9867, 614-0422.
S -' .ia*i*hSiiBi ii .i:iiiiili
Positions Available
Restaurant Supervisor Maintenance Engineer
Starbucks Supervisor Banquet Captain
Honor Bar Room Attd. Section Housekeeper
Cook I Room Service Server
Engineering Admin. Asst. Room Service Mgr.
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Pleabe apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070
I We Loo Fowardto eetig6YuS
Toial Lawn Mainlenance Clean-ups, Sod-
ding, Mulching Re-planiing Free esti-
mates 247-334-1.
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare Free esli
males Protessicnal customer service
Mowing, eaging. weeding, hmming- irres.
shrubs Licensed & Insured Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
lawns Free estimates. 246-0967
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc Compewirive
tales Call Alan 237-5301
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 3.13
beaches preferred power washing
Licensed.' Insured. Scon 207-2358
PRESSURE WASHERS lor ient or sale.
Tucker Equipmenl Renial 246-1330
Sate rool cleaning Deck & lence
reslorarion. Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint Residenrial and commercial. Men-
tron this ad 2-6-1529.
Properry management rates lor quick
rentalisale rurn-arounds, and custom pain
also. Call for FREE ESTIMATES. 497-
Remodeling Renovations
New Construction Repairs
CBC 1253069
Specializing in Remodeling.
Additions, Decks. Repairs.
Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing
for the home or office.
(904) 247-3777
All Credit Cards Accepted
Certified Budder Cerlified Roofer
Lie CB.C059536 Lr. CCCC1l'25888
Plm1., r .4, h.: Berliier BIIn.ID,.- Blr-iau
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpeniry.
Drywall, Paining. Paperhanging. Tiling,
elc Licensed. insured. 955-0593.
2553 or 724-6877 Licensed & insured ONE CALL HANDLES IT ALL
FAST INTERIOR panting, drywall. lex- Specializing in kilcnens, caDonels. balh-
lure. Specialize in smaller lobs Will work rooms, tile, doors, windows, roned wood.
evenings & weekends Licensea, insured termne damage, roof leaks. drywall.
references 403.7389 decks. etc HonesI, top quality work.
esi.denTEiE,. ',.mci netrcian' --200-b966 '-"'HANDYMAN- EXPERIENCED and ',aP
MAGIC MAN PAINTING & HOME dependaDle tor quality repairs. service
IMPROVEMENTS. Inlerior'Exieror Painlt calls. painting, improvements and miscel-
n ,.,. F, .n.he. rnhn Wnr.roi od lar- laneous l|os. DAVE. 246 6628.
ment Pressure Washing. (904)894-4257.
PAINTING 8 repairs by Dean. Inrenor/ex-
lerior painting All rypes ol repairs, busi-
ness & resoiential Fully Iic. & insured.
NATIVE PAINTER- exceptional residen-
tial commercial pressure washing. painl-
ing drywall crack repair wall covering. Li-
censed. insured references 403-7389.
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343-
Iree esiimales. work guaranleea, licensed
& Wallpapering,
Pressure Washing
Quality craftsmanship by
Joe DiiManro
28 years experience
Licensed Insured References
\ \w.justjoepainting.com
Cell: (904) 229-9542
We service thousands of beach residents
www.perscnelandmeyer.com 241-3409.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classitled@oeachesleader.com
IF YOU are inleresled in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classiihed@beachesleader com
ing. Most residential pools $25'week*
chemicals. Licensed, Insured We make
your ile a litle easier. 285-0240
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
State Certified Contractor (Hands-on).
New construction/additions, remodeling,
kitchen & bath, termite damage, Bob,
*inoomAimuion rawings
* Room Addition Structural Drawings
Raised Roof Structural Drawings
*Custom Home Drawings
SCustom Home Engineering
460 Sturdivant St #462 Atlantic Beach
HANDYMAN SERVICES interior or exern-
or Irom A-Z. Call Bill at 288-9241.
Painting, carpentry, water proofing, pres-
sure washing, ile work, drywall
'oa STORM r-
Protect your standard window or
ft. with hurricane storm panels.
Call Warren Brew at
State Licensed Contractor
HoneyDoBees_, i
No lob too big or small, i
if your honey can't do it, '--' '
call the handymen who do it all.
Complete renovations, turn key
service. All types flooring, custom
tile work, carpet repair &.installa-.
tion. Pressure washing, construc-
tion & deck repair. Drywall repair
& painting Garage cleaning,
debris removal.
Licensed & Fully Insured
ROOF REPAIRS & Re-Roofing. Trust a li-
censed prolessonal See our ad. under
Remoderng/Construclon. State Certified
Roofer #CCC1C325888. Member BBB
247-3777. All credit cards accepted.
IF YOU are interested In advertising under
this category please call 904-24919033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @. the
Beach. 25yrs. experience.' 880-9908.
Quality work at reasonable rates. Stump
grinding. Since 1986.
QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.
S V S i1 S 3 6
from changing a lighlbulb
to changing the color of your house
a -U
Availklo ftom Commodiil Nows Ptovik"rs
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 14, 2006
WAREHOUSE WORK and Furniture As-
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week.
Must be able to lift 501bs. Call 241-5558:
A/C & Heating company needs Installers
&" Service Technicians. Top pay & bene-
fits. Call Rob 509-3062
Some hands on experience'with tools re-
quired.. Ability.to problem solve on the job
Work independently with little to no super-
vision. People oriented. Paid training. Ve-
hicles and tools provided. Earning poten-
tial 50K based on skill and quality. Medical
benefits and 401K.. All interested parties
contact 800-633-0213. Fill out an applica-
tion at our showroom, 3520 Agricultural
Center Dr Ste 310, St. Augustine, FL
"Be Part of the BESt"
Relief Audit
SPart-time Front Desk Agent
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1616 N. First St.
We offer great pay. paid \acauon &
personal ume. Heath/Aison/dental
insurance. 401K
I O -
up to 42u plius+
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
Paid Weekly
Design your own daytime hours
Work regular clients near your
Experience a plus
Must have own transportation
and home phone
rojiiSinfi ^
taylor lane aco
day spa
Hairstylist & Nail Tech
with clientele
High Commission
Benefits Package
815 3rd Street North
Jax Beach
Askfor Paige
Sneakers Sports Grille
All Star Team
9A Baymeadowas Location
Now Interviewing for:
OExperien d O.
Apply in person at
111 Beach Blvd.. Jax Beach
OrInl, jl Snr-,ke. .:Sp.'iprGnlie cI:.m
0' I .L i-c u m l 41i 4i .'. 11.4
jrn HRP Depl
Sneakers Sports Grille
i_ an Equal Oppormnutr Employer
A Drug-Free Workplace
Our financial strength is
not our $179.7 billion in
assets; it's our employees.
t. 5urTrust, you'iL conner with w at
matter, mow to you ;al In a ..-.
supportive, fasi- p~ad invltronmere th i
fo.cure on your eeds From terrific
career opporcnmea and advancanmern
to promoting a hedftiy norWlife.
balar.ce rtirough 4ecial hbnefts arid
programs. SunTrust has.your care-r
covered We currently have the
ollowrng pportunlty available.
'.." : .'. ..
Tellers ..
FT Neptune Beach
PT Sawrass Ponte Vedra B.i .
As a SunTrust Teller. you'll work n a
fas.-paced.environmelrl wfhdri.ar' : -
custom er intea4n;'EM djY. youI' be ,
requii ed to andte dulli rch '
as assiting custnrTerswittr their
transactionsiesporLNitblyf a cash
draver, ajnldent4iying pportuntIes for
product ales to e lsng customers .
SunTi r,;s Taer' may work a variety of
schedule ;n;ludingdys. evenings
andtj'rwe4ends An enury-leel Tpller ..
pomtlo e requires previous customer
service andl/r clsh h.,nrfing
eperience'and a high school
dlFIomaIGED. Eape rincedTelle .
are also needed and ;nvitedto:
jiin ourtea .. .m,.' '
We are roudloofer-one ri'tk .
most ompratre ve beieflt. '.
packagesavalable today. For '
available positions, visit
www.suntrustjobs.com ald
complete our easy online
application. Drug-free Wtorklace
and Equal Opportunity Emploer
SrtTN. T.- .
VETERINARY TECH needed lor nigh vol-
ume vet clinic. AT least lyr experience Te-
quired. Competitive salary, excellent ben-
efits. Fax resume to 246-3061 or call 246-
8577 for more info. Beaches Animal Clin-
ic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach.
ADVERTISERS IN this category are not
offering lobs. They are ordering joo-relaled
services and may charge lees. Readers
are advised to exercise caution Delore giv.
Ing credil card inlormarion over Ihe phone
without Knowing wnat specific product or
service they will receive.
INK AND Toner Rellil in Beaches area.
High profits. Untapped potential. Easy to
operate. 247-3815
WARNING. WHILE Thie newspaper does
nol knowingly accept business opportunity
ads which require you to pay a lee to gel
information or that reler you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges lo your phone bill, me
newspaper cannot guaranlae Ihe validity
ol offerings in Inis classiicanton. If any ad.
veniser requires you to incur phone serve
ice charges or pay a lee lo learn the na-
ture ofl he opportunity please report 11 lo
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033
PARTY STORE for sale located at 7206
Alantic Blvd seasonal merchandise in
storage included $30.000) Call Tim 813*
ACTIVE NANNY honest dependable.
transponairon & relerences. $9-$11nr..
any area CPR & First Aid. FT & PiT
in your home. Call lor a no obligalion com-
plimentary session. Certified and insured
19041 759-3665
HOME HEALTH Aide available for 24
hour care in your nome. Reliable Good
references 536-8459
IF YOU are nierested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classined@abeacnesieader com
CAREGIVER FOR elderly 12 years expe
tienceirelerences Available M-F 246-
. 8387
More Ihan a service, more like a friend
Transponallon to doctor's shopping, etc
Will also visit your loved one lor you in
nursing home 220-0129
SIT WITH your loved onel Some cleaning.
cooking, errand running Call Denise
DO YOU need relief from caring lor elder-
ly or sick loved ones? I am slate II-
censed, Alzneimers trained,-experieneced
and great references Call Sherry'
904-541-1214. 90-1477-1036
part-lime work Honesi and dependable.
Al areas 1760)419-3215
SURFBOARD NSP Funboard. 76. used
5 times $100. Tire rims i-4I off low mileage
'03 Mercedes S500 5 lug, original equip-
[nent $495 249-9012
PRESSURE WASHER, toe bennd. 65gal
water lank 35gal. chemical lank. 13h'p
Honda motor 150n nose wwand and
surface cleaner. $2,200 543-9798.
FIGS picked'bagged or you pICKl' also
strawberry'fig iam 247-3429
FULL SIZE lulon bunkbed wI rwin lop.
heavy black meal, new twin mranress,
$300 OBO 821-8338.
BEDROOM SET queen, modem an deco,
$450- sola trundle red $75 247-3429
FILL DIRT lor sale. Miranda Contracting.
Call 219-2765
Kreepy Krauly. operated under 10nrs
Unopened video on operation and manual
included $200 16'\32 winner pool cover
and weights. Never used 160. Solar reel
lor 32' inground pool wilhoul cover $75.
19041521-1 530
18 KT. 14. CT stunning, custom invisiset
diamond Dbacelei. Appraised $18.500 Sell
$14K OBO. 614-0845
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
installed lor $899 249-8877
eos' accessories Brand new. $100. Look
alon- iuididy.com i904i254-0931.
ALMOST FREE JacuzzV Hottub complete
$3500 value, $150. 6'x12' metal dog ken-
nel $800 value, $99. 708-4814.
GAS GRILL Weber Silver A, 2-burner,
brand new, used only once. $299. 247-
BODY SOLID. multi- station weight lifting
machine, exc. cond. $250. 246-5971.
LIGHT OAK china cabinet, dining r9om ta-
ble w/leaves and chairs, sofa'tableinclud-
ed. Must sell. Beautiful pieces, almost
new. $475 OBO. (904)241-4204 or (812)-
USED OFFICE Furniture, filing cabinets,
desks, bookcases, Kirby vacuum.
SOLID CHERRY diningroom. Pedestal ta-
ble w/ 8 chairs & pads, side buffet, lighted
china. New $8000, sell $3000 set or indi-
vidual pieces.242-2590.
,BED-, FULL-SIZE cherry sleign bed,
w/mattress & box spring Musi sell $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
wood drafting tables w,'cnars Board size
able 33.5x60. $175 each set, 249-"7781.
BABY' TODDLER Bed, whrie, matress
included $60. Call Jody 339-3554.
COMPETITOR WEIGHT bench wiln bar-
bells and Iree weign t all sizesil 75
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer, $75/ea
30 day warranty Deliver $20. 318-8173.
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxspring, new in
plastic wiwarranty. $379. Must sell.
SOLID WOOD large dresser. 2 nignt
stands, mirror. $150; while bookshelf,
$25; large track lighting $10, free swing
set. 246-1031 -
MATCHING LOVE Seats $100ea. Table
lamps $25ea. Rocker' Glider w/looistool
$75. All in very good condition. 280-5133.
GREEN BAKER'S rack. Commercial salad
cooler, Commercial 56" double door work-
ing cooler (no racks). (3) 42' round tables.
6 chairs. 10 boxes 12 ties (1,2 black, 1,2
while) Make Offer. 608-4059
BUYING 45'S Irom 1950-69 Rock, Soul.
R&B. also lactory reel lo reel tapes. 803.
2;70-8930 803-270-8940
IF YOU are interested in advenising under
ihls category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classniiedQ@beachesehesder.com
LICENSED PRIVATE Coilector wanis mril
tary items- Guns, edged weapons, med-
als web gear. etc Call 591-9466
CASH FOR your adull bicycles, working or
nol. 477-7736.
for your ,
246-1933 619 Atlantic Blvd.I
i ] ,
3476 PEMBERTON ST Inear Alahambral,
8-3 clothes, beds. clocks misc
MULTI-FAMILY, tools household items.
furniture, tovs. 2608 America Ave., Consii-
lUl 'or Coe- Sal 8a m no early birds
MOVING SALE- Sat 8-2 & Sun 8 II dark
1638 Williams St.
SATURDAY 8AM-NOON 1516 Republic
Dr plants, rabDil cage. Chrisimas village
buildings, reproduction iron toys. collecti-
bles, Donles, lots more.
3 FAMILY sale. beds iurniiure, baby
items, much more'. Sat. 8a m 918 10lh
St N.
8am-7 21 Millie Drive. Bratz, PS2 games.
something lor everyone
Two Housenolds moving to one House-
hold items. furniture & more 1330 Pine.
wood Rd Saturday 8am-lpm.
wares, double stroller, bike Irailers. 1lo S.
and 0 to 2T girls clothes and much more
3116 St. Jonns Blvd., Sal .8-noon
2-FAMILY SALE Sal. 8-2 A bit ol every.
Iningl 197 BMW 540 wheels OEMI 2200
Azalea Dr toll Per.man/Benlin).
ESTATE SALEI Antique vintage items,
bedroom set. couch, bookcases, cordee lta
ble, antique vegetable choppers ducks
Wilion Armetale Pewter much more Sal-
urday only, 8am-1pm. 525 Oak Slreel
2 FAMILY Summer Clearance, 812 Cedar
St. Sal 8am- 1pm Clothes. bikes, house-
hold items, books.
4-8 MYRA SI. lots of teacher supplies, la-
dies clothes size 4 households. 8-itl
Inlt ft1
BED- KING manress sel. $?89 Can de- HUGE GARAGE Salel Amazing seleclion
liver. 19041391-0015 ol household items. toys and books 1989
HI-MF ,Y'M. WeiNer FPrn n2mnlir.s n.lt Selva Marina Dr.. Saturday. 7:30am-noon.
2 yr warranty $275 Call Jody 239-3554.
LEATHER LOVESEAT. dual reclining
sears, ivory $175. Call 537-7826
sic 36". 15 5hp, used one season bell
drive $1500. 543-9798
62" TOSHIBA TV Pioneer 300 wall
equalizerr and surround sound receiver.
JVC 6 CD player. Bo-e 6.2 speakers.
Klipscn 10' double speaker sub wooler
All older models in great working order
$1200 OBO 242-0344
BEDROOM SET & manress Livingrorrm
sel Puce negoltable. 4831032
2001 GRAVELY 36 walk behind mulching
mower good condition. $1000 OB
SHELVING FROM rela.l store 6x4 eacn
section. 60 sections currently in storage,
$30 each Call Tim 813-5833
SNAPPER HIVAC Riding Mower. One
year old' Ninja blade. Excellent condition.
$650 OBO, 273-8195
2,96 GAL irahn cans. brand new. $50
each. 246.7710
Make otter 571-7382.
80" MOHAGONY bearcloth dining table, 6
chairs, corner'curio cabinet, $900. Call
BED- BRAND name queen set,
new, wiwarranry $129. Can deliver.
CLEAN OUALITY full size bed w/frame
$90. King bed w/frame $140. Can deliver.
2 nignlslands dresserw/mirror, light wood
w.dark wood accents $300. Kitchenaid
27" gas double wall oven $50, & pull out
vent unit, black Whirlpool dishwasher $75.
MAYTAG ATLANTIS dryer, mint condition,
Intellidry cycle, $225. Call 241-8836.
GREEN BAKER'Srack, Commercial salad
cooler, Commercial 56" double door work-
ing cooler (no racks), (3) 42" round tables,
6 chairs, 10 boxes 12" tiles (1/2 black, 1/2
white). Make Offer. 608-4059.
212 MAGNOLIA SI Saturday, 8am-noon
Large variety of greal slufl
USO COMMUNITY sale Saturday 9am-
2pm. Over 20 groups selling. 2560 May.
port Rd
LATRIUM 2703 Slrasbourg Coun, Sal
715, Sun. 7116, 8-1. arcade games Pole
Position & Slreel Fighter 2: ivory leather "
reclinerr. bedroom sulle. children ilems,
Sand household iems
FRIDAY AND Saturday, 9am-lpm; 150-A:
North Roscoe Blvd. Kitchen, candy moldsi
artificial irees good slurl
SAT. 8-1. youth & preteen clothing, elec-
tronics, loys, household & misc 1182
Neck Rd .oh Mickler Rd
boat slip for' rent, 40ft. $600, 50ft. $700,
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile fue serv-
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.
North Florida's Largest
Boat & Yacht Dealer
Mloomba Check
S Out
Supra Bo
Malibu .
Twin Vee Velocity
Cruisers Yacdhts Hurricane
Windy Boats Glastron
Chris Craft Bennington
Cobalt- Azure
Sea Hunt World Cat :
Sea Boss
Sunsation '
Sea Doo Sport Boats
Sunstream Boat Lifts
Southport Boatworks
Boats _
14539 Beach Blvd.
,, .223-4149
(next to Marker 32 Restaurant)
Just West of the Intracoastal
Recycle this
19' KENNER Fishnski. '89 115 Suzuki 50
hours on a rebuild and newly rebuilt car-
buretors. Two batteries, new Garmin fish-
finder, new Minnkota trolling motor. Live
bait well. Four year old trailer. Good tires
and lights work. Newly painted deck, new-
ly covered passenger seat. $4200. OBO,
not interested i n dickering much. 704-
6984, leave message. Available only on
July 15,16.
2002 HONDA SHADOW Ace, incl. acces-
sories. 48 orig. miles, garage kept. Illness
forces sale. $5500. 247-1417.
iJMaljt*fjvriAm: "M
2000 NISSAN Ultima GXE, excellent con-
dition, low miles, 4 door, power windows,
locks; cruise, new tires. $7600 OBO.
1992 OLDS 88 Royal LS all power, l, 6 cyl-
inder, great car, $1400. OBO. 716-2586.
1996 BLACK Cougar XR7, 8cyl.,
100;000+ mi, loaded, good condition
$3,000 OBO. (904)955-1830.
2005 FORD MUSTANG. V6 premium,
loaded, low miles, extended warranty,
$17,900. 285-3483.
1999 PORSCHE Boxster, blue, 75,000
miles Great to drive. $19,999. 309-1284.
1999 MAZDA Miata blue w/tan top and
leather seats, alloy wheels, 5-speed, 90K,
well maintained, $8800. call (904) 669-
1994 FORD Taurus, 75,000 miles, $2500
nr On9.-7.O-Aaa nr Q0nA-5RRR-Q77
2000 SPORTSMEN 32 ft..travel trailer
w/slide set-up in Jax Beach. $9,300. OBO.' POLICE IMPOUNDS! Cars from $5001 For
(904) 662-4025. listings, 800-749-8116'ext. 3629.
2001 NISSAN.Frontier P/U, excellent con-
dition; new A/C, PS, PB, dual airbags, top-
per, less than 46,500 miles. Selling way
below book. $9500. OBO. I need to sell
this truck! (904) 635-2412.
1977 FORD T-Bird, 5.0L/302c.i., A/C,
bachelor bench seats, 2nd owner, new
paint, recent engine overhaul, driven daily.
$3200 OBO. 710-7522
1986 SAAB, 5spd., sunroof, mechanic
owned. Looks and runs great. $950.
93 CHEVY S10 pickup, 4 cylinder, camp- TWO JEEP Cherokees, 4 wheel drive,
eritop, great on gas, 104K miles, great both 1982, 2-door, $500/each. 612-8060
work truck, $900. OBO. 273-8236. or 613-5178.
1997 FORD Explorer XLT. Call 249-7160.
1998 CHEVY 1500 extended cab, fully
loaded, new tires, runs great, very
dependable truck $6500. QBO. Call
1994 F350 dually runs great, cold air au.
iomaiic lully loaded new lires This is a
great truck $6500.OBO 2268700" :.
92 CHEVY 7 passenger custom van, 20
series,6 cyl AC autimalic transmission.
power windows, excellent conailion.
$3,500 OBO 641-2574
2004 VOLVO S80 lurbo silver, sunroot.
power pKq.. reared learner seals, 75K,
well mainlainea $24.200 Call 6692169
2002 CAMARO convenbtie ,Z28.
12 600 miles. exc. condition $22.500. Call
249-8282 or 742-1823 ask E T
2000 LEXUS RX300 SUV- Looker, super
clean. 120k mostly riiqnway miles. Very
well maintained $14.500 OBO 242-0344
CADILLAC 1990 Sedan DeVille, 4.5
V8/Auto., Cold A/C, one owner, non-
smoker, white leather upholstery, Klean-
$1950./cash. 241-4012.
2003 VW Passat GL, Auto 1.8L Turbo,
Silver wBlack Clont Interior, 41,000
mi.,$12,500. 626-6611.
of Junk Cars/Trucks
in30 Minutes
Top cash on all that runs!
Srsn Fill m 1 VITIII
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MULTI- FAMILY. Saturday, 8am-1sam
215 Pheasant Run. Solano Woods Subdi-
, vision.
JULY 15TH, Sat., 7am-2pm baDy ilems
household, furniture, patio stuff & nick
knacks, 12201 Cannes St.,
MOVING SALEI Everything must gol
Furniture, clothing, appliances, shoes,
books, movies, tools, pictures, etc. 4415
Crooked Creek Dr., Riverbrook at Glen
Keman Subdivision. Friday & .Saturday,
GARAGE/ DECORATOR Sale, lots of new
decorator items, furn., dressers &. more.
Saturday 8-2, 442 Cockatiel Dr., Jax.
A BEAUT: FULL Estatel Ponte Vedra.
Concert grand piano.. Lavishly decorated
home full of fabulous mirrors, artwork,
porcelain, lamps, china, crystal, silver, an-
tiques, Orient rugs, designer fum & cloth-
ing, furs, purses., Huge Rose Medallion
bowl: Garden & garage full! Early No's @
228 4th Ave S., Jax Bch @ 8AM Thurs.
After 8:15 AM go directly to sale @ 2427
Normandy Ct, L'Atrium, off A1A in Ponte
Vedra. Thurs 9-4, Fri 9-3. CHINA CAT
241-0344 chinacatantiques.com
uiassmcu oU
** ,(
rl arccfli l a