Check out
goings on
at library
See A-9
JULY 12,2006
Local author starts
See A-9
Ponte Ved'hr-
jerks 221 pounds
See A-12
SAn edition of The Beaches Leader
Vol. 44, No. 6
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
MSD considers firing sheriff, hiring private company
Trustees of the Ponte Vedra
Municipal Service District
(MSDi are considering hiring a
private security company for
protection instead of renewing
the MSD's contract with the St.
Johns County Sheriff's Office.
If the sheriff's contract is
dropped in favor of private
security, the MSD will be
returning to its beginnings in
1982, when the MNSD paid for
private security.
MSD Chairman Bob Reesh,
who suggested the switch, said
at a Monday MSD meeting that
Sheriff David Shoar's refusal to
equip MSD deputy's vehicles
with GPS navigational systems
is largely what prompted his
idea of a change to private
The GPS systems would
enable trustees to track the
deputies to determine if they
were, in fact, patrolling every
street in the MISD.
"I don't know if we're get-
ting the best bang for our
buck," said Reesh, referring to
reports from residents that
they never see the deputies.
Reesh said First Coast
Security Services, a private
company, gave him an esti-
mate of about $167,000 to
patrol the MSD. This year's
contract with the Sheriff's
Office is for about $230,000.
Joel Bolante, chief of staff for
the Sheriff's Office, told
trustees Monday that Shoar
refused to approve the GPS sys-
teams because automated vehi-
cle locators, which are differ-
ent from GPS systems, are
already in the works for each
Bolante said the goal of the
Sheriff's Office is to have the
same equipment installed in
all vehicles because deputies
sometimes change cars.
Deputies need to be familiar
with using the vehicle, he said.
According to Bolante, the
presence of sheriff's officers
patrolling the streets keeps
criminals away and keeps
crime rates very low in the
The NMSD, a special taxing
district, generally lies east of
State Road A1A from the Duval
County line to Corona Road,
then south along Ponte Vedra
Boulevard for six miles.
Bolante told trustees that in
fact "they [deputies] don't
want to work in the MSD
because it's too boring."
"They want to catch bad
guys," he said.
For being such a small area,
Bolante said more deputies are
assigned to the MSD than to
any other area of the county,
especially since deputies cover-
ing the rest of Ponte Vedra also
respond to emergency calls
within the MSD.
"The presence [of officers]
and people knowing there's a
deputy is a deterrent [for crim-
inals] there's no question,"
Bolante said.
Fireworks burn hole in pier
Still open
to fishermen
but end, over
the deepest
water, is still
off-limits for a
couple more
A hole in the pier's decking caused by fireworks July 4 is visible
at center, above.
Police in Jacksonville Beach police confiscat-
ed -hundreds of personal fireworks on. the 4th
of July but the biggest holiday misfire occurred
at the pier when part of the city's professional
display burned a hole through the deck.
The fishing pier at 5th Avenue North is open
for business but the t-shaped deck at the end
of the 1,300-foot structure will remain closed
until contractors can replace the boards dam-
aged in the blast.
Van Hogan of Ed Waters & Sons estimated
that the pier would be fully operational next
week after the contracting firm replaces one
section of decking.
"We've got the material ordered but we
don't have it in hand yet," Hogan said of the
three-by-six boards required to patch two large
holes at either end of the pier and one small
one in the middle.
"The lumber size is not a typical stock item.
It's a little thicker than a regular two-by-four.
We are getting it rounded up and treated and
we hope to get out there next week."
The pier's wooden deck branches into a 48-
foot by 31-foot T-platform at the end using
steel reinforced concrete pilings, pile caps and
it's designed to break away in heavy storm
conditions, making the pier more resistant to
strong winds and waves.
Hogan, who supervised the construction of
the pier, said it is easier to replace planks lost
to a storm. The blast punched a hole com-
pletely through the deck and requires replac-
ing the entire north bay rather than just a few
Pyro Shows of LaFollette, Tenn. was awarded
a $10,000 contract to provide a 15-minute fire-
works display from the end of the pier to get
more bang for the buck using larger shells up
to 6-inches in diameter for increased visibilit'.
See PIER, A-3
Some see red over pink
Some see red over pink
The pinkish color of a new bridge in Ponte
Vedra Beach has some residents seeing red.
Board members of the Ponte' Vedra.
Community Association IP\CA) and trustees
of the Ponte Vedra Municipal Ser\ice District
tNhSD in have united in an effort to change
the "coral" color of the soon-to-be-finished
bridge on Rutile Drive.
Contractors working to finish the bridge
Tuesday said repainting it could cost as
much as $10,000.
In Monday night's MSD meeting at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library, PVCA
president Tim Ellis said he had received a few
phone calls from persons who live near the
They say they are upset because they were
not consulted about the pastel pink hue,
Ellis said.
MSD trustee Rob Becker said he received
similar calls from two residents who live
near the bridge.
Becker said the callers told him the color
"draws attention to the bridge."
Becker said the contractor gave him sever-
al paint samples to choose the color of the
Lake Road bridge, which was to be painted
"coral" as well.
Becker suggested that the PVCA and MISD
conduct an informal poll to determine what
color residents would like based on the
paint samples.
Trustees agreed that they didn't want the
bridges painted two different colors, so they
would work with the PVCA to urge the
county pay for repainting the bridge on
Rutile Drive.
"I think it's going to take the PVCA and
the MSD for us not to have a coral bridge,"
Becker said.
Protl, D Laura Fowler
The bridge on Rutile Drive (above) is
expected to open soon.
Pnolo by Laura Foler
Clare Swanson relaxes at home Tuesday, two days after celebrating her 104th birthday.
Former JB city manager turns 104
When Clare Swanson
resigned from her job with the
city of Jacksonville Beach for
health reasons in June 1951,
the City Council expressed
"sincere hope that the relief
from her duties as city manag-
er will enable her to have a
long, continued happy, peace-
ful and comfortable life."
On Sunday, 55 years after
the council OK'd that resolu-
tion, Mrs. Swanson marked
her 104th birthday with a
gathering of family and friends
at her longtime home in the
Palm'Valley area.
"Old age is getting the best
of me," she said at her home
Tuesday as she took a break
from working a jigsaw puzzle
and watching TV.
But, she said, she refuses to
be "entirely incapacitated."
"I want to have fun and tell
off-color stories," she said.
Mrs. Swanson likely accu-
mulated many real-life stories
from her years growing up in
Chicago, her early married life
in Columbia, S.C., and her
decades in the Jacksonville
area, where she and her hus-
band moved after the birth of
their first child.
When she was about 20 and
still single, she said, she
worked as a purchasing agent
for the Jewel Tea Company, a
Chicago direct-sales and cata-
log company that sold house-
hold products from 1901 until
The life of a wife and moth-
er, however, was not quite to
her liking.
"I was bored with staying at
home" and playing bridge,
Mrs. Swanson said with a
sparkle in her eyes behind
rose-tinted glasses.
She said she applied for an
office job with the city of
Jacksonville Beach after an
assistant in the clerk's office
got sick.
Jacksonville Beach, incorpo-
rated in 1907 as Pablo Beach,
[Clare Swanson is
thanked for]
the impressive effi-
cient and graceful man-
ner in which she con-
ducted the affairs of
that important office.
Resolution of the
Jacksonville Beach City Council,
March 10, 1950
had OK'd a city manager form
of government in 1938, and
Mrs. Swanson became secre-
tary to the first city manager,
J.Q. Palmer, according to min-
utes of Jacksonville Beach City
Council meetings.
Although the first city man-
ager was on the job more than
eight years, those that fol-
lowed had relatively short
stays in the job, with at least
one getting caught up in a
time of "chaos" and "political
upheaval," according to news-
paper accounts of the time.
And through it all, Mrs.
Swanson was there to fill in as
city manager in the bustling,
growing municipality on the
Atlantic Ocean.
The council appointed her
acting city manager when
Palmer became ill in Miav
It was the same month
council member J.T.
McCormick resigned to quell
"considerable concern" about
his family's business, B.B.
McCormick & Sons, doing
business with the city, and the
same month the council set
water rates at $15 per year, per
Mrs. Swanson served as city
manager for about two
months, until July 15, after
which Edward Beardslee took
the job at an annual salary of
$3,600, plus $75 a month for
car allowance.
When Beardslee resigned
seven months after he started
- council minutes indicate no
reason for the resignation -
the council once again called
on Mrs. Swanson to act as city
manager, this time with "the
same salary as the city manag-
er," the minutes say.
She served as acting city
manager from March 1, 1947
until July of that year, when
Walter Bartholomew was
appointed city manager, then
again from Feb. 20, 1950,
when City Manager H.J.
MacCotter resigned, until
March 6, 1950, with Wilbur E.
Harkness reported to duty in
the job.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Calendar .......................A-6
Classified .....................B-5
Fishing .........................B-3
Police Beat .................A-5
Sports ............................ B-1
Weather .........................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 20 pages
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Aft -AxI"~_1i~~=~
July 12, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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Manager: After third time, he'shire
Continued from page A-I
That month, the council
passed a resolution commend-
ing Nhs. Swanson, "the friendly,
loyal and efficient secretary in
the city manager's office for
many years," for her frequent
calls to duty as city manager.
The council's resolution
notes Mrs. Swanson's "out-
standing services" and "impres-
sive, efficient and graceful man-
ner in which she conducted the
affairs of that important office."
Apparently, Mrs. Swanson
returned to her job as secretary
.,tohe c"y m ag r eac,
-strintasactingh" ihr. F
'. But.-ccordiing t'"laccount
from the Sept. 1, 1950, Ocean
Beach Reporter, the precursor to
The Beaches Leader, Mrs.
Swanson resigned from her sec-
retary job a few weeks before a
resident-initiated recall vote
replaced four members on the
Jacksonville Beach City
Council, the same time
Harkness resigned.
In April, Harkness had
received the disapproval of the
City Council for removing the
Chief of Police. Harkness
refused to reinstate the chief
and offered his resignation.
About the same time, peti-
tions were circulating through-
out the city seeking the recall of
some city council members
because they had been "arro-
,gant and autocratic," according
to th&June 23. 195Q,,.Ocean
Be.ch porter.
Those ruininmg for te seats
that might be vacated by the
recall vote said they hoped to
"bring order out of chaos,"
"clean up the muddy political
waters," stop the "political
upheaval" and "put a stop to
political bickering," according
to the article.
On Aug. 29, 1950, the voters
agreed to oust four members of
the City Council. The mayor,
H.A. Prather, remained in office,
as did the two other council
The same day the four were
booted out, the council accept-
ed Harkness's resignation and
appointed Mrs. Swanson as full-
fledged city manager.
She was Jacksonville Beach
city manager perhaps the
first female city manager in the
country, according to, her
.dughter.. Jan -. fqrom.ep.L. 1.
1950'to :lune, 15, 1951, when
the council "with sincere
regret," accepted Mrs.
Swanson's resignation.
Although her official reason
was because of health, she actu-
ally wanted to travel with her
husband, according to her
"We saved our money and we
were able to make trips ," Mrs.
Swanson said this week. "We
traveled all over the world."
Nris. Swanson said it was not
hard being a woman in what
many considered a man's job.
"I had a wonderful group of
councilmen to work with," she
said .
,Now, she said, she enjoys at
least one aspect of being cea i
tain age. :
"I can just tell people what I
, think now," she said.
Staff writer Laura Fovler
contributed to this report.
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Iulv 12 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3A*
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More changes for 'Players'
The PGA Tour unveiled
Monday a variety of-new ele-
ments that included a new
logo to showcase its signature
golf tournament now known
as the "The Players," though a
Tour official said: its unofficial.
aame will remain.
"It will still be The Players'
Championship," Brian Goin,
executive .director of The
Players, told a gathering at
the tournament's media cen-
ter, "but the logo depicts bet-
ter what it stands for the
players [of the PGA Tour]."
SWhen The Players moves to
the second week in May next
year, with play dates being
May 10 to May 13, it will have
an additional corporate spon-
sor, Jeld-Wen; 10,000 more
fans in attendance, a revised
parking plan and 'two new
players in the field.
The tournament also will be
played on an almost com-
pletely revamped Stadium'
Course that will have a brand
new clubhouse.. .
S"It just gets your juices
flowing," said PGA 'Tour
Commissioner Tim Finchem
said following the media pres-
entation. "Everybody's more
excited and upbeat about the
futuree than at anytime I've
been involved in the sport.
On :top of everything else,
new television agreements
kick. in in January, so we're
very excited."
The Players will have limit-'
ed commercials, said
After years of selling the
same number, of tickets -
40,000 per day 10,000
more tickets are going to be
made available for 2007, said,
Goin, who added that free
parking for 8,000 cars, with
free shuttles, will be offered at
the University of North
Florida throughout tourna-
ment week. That week falls
after UNF's graduation and
before its summer term
Parking is free, said Goin,
because "we've been good,
partners with UNF for years.
They've always been able to
give us their lots in the past,
when needed and if avail-
able." '
He added that the.PGA Tour
supports UNF annually, to the'
tune of $50,000, through its
First Tee program. There's a.
First Tee facility on.campus.
Goin said 12,000 spaces in.'
the tournament.lot off Palm
Valley Road will be available
for $29 per day during tourna-.
ment play or $50 for that'
four-day period. That lotwill
be improved, said Goin, who
added that parking will be
frpe there Monday through
%Wednesday during players'
practice rounds. '
Goin "and Finchem both
'looked down the road, literal-
ly, by saying ,that when' the
Nocatee development iS"com-
pleted along County Road 210
west of the Intracoastal
Waterway, additional parking'
will be available there.
Added to The Players' field
,next year, said Finchem, will
Fred Klauk, golf course super-
intendent for the TPC at
Sawgrass, points across the
green of the Stadium
Course's sixth hole on Monday
during a media tour of renova-
tions on the course.
be the winner of the 2006 Se-
nior. Players Championship,
which: is moving from
Dearborn, Mich., to Baltimore
for 2007, and this year's lead-
ing Nationwide Tour money'
Jeldc-Wen, based in Klamath
Falls, Ore., arid billed as "the
world's leading manufacturer
of. reliable windows and
doors," joins existing Players'
corporate partners UBS and.
The upgrades to the
Stadium Course and the new
clubhouse were showcased on
,,a golf cart tour of the facilities
offered by David, Pillsbury,
president of. PGA Tour Golf
Course Properties,'and Fred
Klauk, superintendent of the
Tournament Players Club at
Security 'ooig for accoutabi
Cont. from A-1
IMSD trustee Gary Jurenovich
agreed with Bolante and said
replacing armed officers with
unarmed security guards may
not be good idea.
"We're looking for accounta-
bility. I think we have to
trust our deputies and Sheriff
'Shoar. We can't treat deputies
like they're service people,"
Jurenovich said.
Jurenovich added that he
has seen deputies patrolling all
over the MSD.
The trustees discussed other
options,.,for law enfoicgment,
such ,as'-hii]ng,off-duty police
officers, or perhaps a combina-
tion of private security guards
and sheriff's officers.
Bolante told trustees that
both were" certainly viable
options for the MSD, but find-
ing off-duty police officers to
fill 24-hour shifts would be dif-
'And' while private security
guards may quickly respond to
calls, they are generally
(unarmed civilians restricted in
(the level of protection they can
provide, he said.
In neighborhoods such as
Sawgrass Country Club, which
uses private security, Bolante
,said response to crimes is
delayed because security
guards are first on the scene
"and then the Sheriff's Office is
Bolante said crime scenes
can be tainted because of the
security guard's presence.
No decision Was made
SMonday night as trustees
agreed to keep researching the
cost and coverage of other law
enforcement options.
Bolante said the Sheriff's
Office will still try to keep an
extra deputy in the area even if
the MSD terminates the con-
Private security forces first
patrolled the NMSD, which was
chartered by the 1982 Florida
The first Board of Trustees
agreed to pay the Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club $64,000 for securi-
ty personnel, out of the MSD's
total budget of $148,705.'
At that time, residents ques-
tioned what they were getting
for their.mone1,- "security for
the ir. ho.rff ',, amilies..ancj
neighborhood or for 'lawi
enforcement of traffic viola-
tions," according to The
Great People,
Great Rates...
Beaches Leader.
The club continued to pro-
vide security personnel in the
MSD until 1985, when a
hybrid security force was
formed, with trained reserve
officers and some services sup-
plied by the Sheriff's Office and
officers' pay and some equip-
ment coming from the MSD.
The MSD established its own
Police Department in 1989, but
later that same year, after the
state attorney general said the
NMSD had no authority to form
its own police department, the
Sheriff's Office.took over...--
An, annual contract for'extra
protection in the MISD has
been renewed ever year since.
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Pier: Hole burned on 4th
Continued from A-1
This is not the first 4th
of July fizzle for Pyro
Shows who has provided
fireworks for the city's
Independence Day festiv-
ities for several years.
The pyrotechnics firm
had problems in 2003
when the equipment did
not get set up in time to
produce the full $10,000
display. City officials paid
only half of the cost to
compensate for half of a
Jacksonville Beach Fire
Marshall Ryan McAvoy
speculated that the dam-
age was caused when one
of the shells exploded
before it was fully out of
the mortar tube, blasting
two large holes, approxi-
mately foui feet wide.
."That sometimes hap-
pens," said McAvoy, who.
was at the scene during
Utility staff relocated
The St. Johns County Utility
Department staff that services
former St. lohns Ser'vice
Company customers in Pohte
Vedra is relocating to a small-
er, cheaper space in Ponte
\edra Parke Condominiums,
off Solana Road.
Frank Kenton with the
county's utility department
told the St. Johns Board of
County Comrmissioners
Tuesday that the new space
would cut the monthly rent
costs in half, from about'
$6,500 a month to about
Plus, Kenton said the central
location of the new offices
will enable the staff of meter
readers and customer service
'representatives to provide bet-
ter service.
Coming to the library
"Dr. Magic" w ill put on a
show at 10 a.m. today, July 12,
and "Robots", PGi will be
shown at 2 p.m. Saturday at
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Recreation guide
The "Recreation Guide to
District Lands" has been
updated and is offered by the
St. Johns River Water,
Management District.
The book describes the
more than 500,000 acres in 18
the launch. "We did not
see anything unusual."
No one was injured
during the blast, he said.
Pyro Shows will pay for
the repairs which are esti-
mated to cost $7,000.
Tom Trechel, who
works at the pier, said
Tuesday that anglers have
been unable to utilize the
t-shaped deck since the
pier closed July 2 to begin
setting up for the annual
fireworks display.
"We have a lot of king
fishermen that usually
use the deck so it's defi-
nitely affecting busi-
*ness," he said.
Hogan assured anglers
that the firm is doing
everything they can to
complete the work so
deep water fishing can
"We're working on it,"
he said. "That last 30 feet
makes all the difference.",
counties of northeast and east-
central Florida where visitors
can enjoy the- sights and
sounds of nature.
Conservation lands are pur-
chased by the District to, pre-
serve, and protect water
resources. Most of the land is
open to the public for activi-
ties compatible with resource
management, such as hiking,
wildlife viewing, horseback
riding and bicycling.
An online guide for outdoor
adventurers can be \iewed at
The guide is full of informa-
tion to help the public enjoy
natural Florida.
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Page 3A*
lulv 12. 2006i
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Zachary Rosin-Borrousch, 3, of North
Carolina tries his hand at fishing.
Monday afternoon at the Jacksonville
Beach pier. The fishing pier is open for
business but the t-shaped deck at the
end will remain closed to replace a sec-
tion damaged during the city's July 4
fireworks display.
Tllv 12 2006
Page 4A o. a On- O _
www.beachebesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated m Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
Letters to the editor:
No surprise that fireworks
on wood pier are damaging
To the editor. decking???'
Whose great idea was it to 'Also, may I mention that
have FIREworks on a wooden the reason I was told the pier
.pier? I was asked by the city was to be built an additional
to have fireworks on my pier 300 ft. was to give the fisher-
,in years past- each time I said men more opportunity to
"are' you kidding?" Not only' catch kingfish, cobia and sail-
was July'4th my best business fish, although you now
day for 21 years, I provided restrict these fishermen's
hundreds a wonderful place efforts.
to watch the fireworks. Has Am I wrong, Roger?,
;the building inspector
.checked what damage the Rhonda Bone Robinson,
'fireworks display did to the Past Owner
structure, other than burnt Bone's Jacksonville
"It takes an island..."
STo the editor:
When you think of Amelia
Island, or Jekyll Island or
SLong Island, you think of a
separate entity, a place apart,
with a common set of advan-
tages, issues and concerns. Of
course in each case there are:
several separate political sub-;
divisions on that island. In
contrast, at 'the Beaches' we
all live on one barrier island
but it has no name. This 'No
Name' island stretches 37
miles from St. Augustine to
Nlayport. Each of the six
beach towns on the barrier
island is a strongly identifi-
able individual community.
But we are one barrier
island and when one of our
beach communities is threat-
ened, the way of life across
the island is in danger. Today,
we have Neptune Beach being
overpowered by Walmart;
yesterday we had Jacksonville
Beach under siege with high
rise development. Everyone
on the island mourned the
loss of the First Street Grill to
high rise condos.
I have been surprised that
the general attitude on the
island regarding Walmart, in
L-eeom+lini-t4es--- -outside of-
fe- ,as. been that
ft is 1lepuine Beach's prob-
I submit to you that we will
Small be affected by the traffic,
the unsightly 'big box', the
small local businesses suffer-
ing and some going out of
business, the increase in
social support required at all
levels and the increase in
poverty. Yes! See the NYU
SBrennan Law Center for
Justice Report entitled
'What we know about
Walmart ? An overview of
"Copyrighted Material
JSyndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
04 >t-.A l U*
Facts and Studies for New
Yorkers' at: http://www.bren-
While I believe that 'the.
market' is an extremely effi-
cient mechanism, I also m i
believe that corporations at a C m m sson
certain size can overwhelm
political entities. The political
entity could be a country, say To the editor:
the United States where Some of the most basic and
Walmart is pressing to valid arguments for stopping
become a bank, or a small 'the whole process of the
town like Neptune Beach. ridiculous changes in Atlantic
Walmart is $315 billion in Beach building code have
sales with over $11 billion in been reiterated numerous.
profits after tax. They have so times to the Commission.
much capital and so many They are as follows:
resources that they can wear a 1) Besides the 3 or 4 corm-
community or country' down. mission members, where are
However, 300 small towns the people who want this vs.
have fought back and won the 1000+ people who don't?
against Walmart. Simply compare the numbers
Looking forward to if or and act accordingly and
when Walmart decides to -responsibly. Which leads to,
leave Neptune Beach, we next point.
would all be left with a 2) That the Commission is
117,000-square-foot eyesore. here to serve the MAJORITY of
Walmart has done this in a the citizens, not just a vocal
number of cities and towns few (literally a few), or the
across the country already, desires of Commission mem-;
and many of the small towns bers themselves.
are now ghost towns. 3) Everyone knows that the
With Walmart's efforts so Winter Report's recommenda-
--far to build theirr'bigbox'-in .- tions, with it's drastic and
..Neptune. Beach, ;t. ,Takes,.an ',wplesale' chapges,.--wpuld
Island..." to stop then! have absolutely, positively
As an islander, you should been voted through 'as is' had
go to Neptune Beach hearings there not been opposition.
on Walmart's permit request That itself is evidence that the
and be heard. You should Commission is irresponsible
write to the President and and not acting in the best
CEO: interest of the citizens as a
Mr. H. Lee Scott Jr., whole.
President and CEO 41 The $100,000 spent on
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. the Winter report would be a
702 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716 W _
Neil McGuinness
Atlantic Beach
Lengthy letters may be edited as space
S: requires.
We will not consider letters that do not bear a
signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification.
If you have a question about news coverage call
249-9033 during business hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Weddings, engagements, birth announcements
and obituaries are published free of charge for
the community. Information about area resi-
dents and their achievements is also welcome.
SKathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader Director ofSale
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
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Vice Prsident
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Press Room
Paul Corey
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\Justin WRay
To the editor:
Americans should take a
stern and dear message from
the recent actions of the Israeli
Government and its military.
Israel's recent hard stance and
failure to succumb to interna-
tional opinion, and the liberal
media, shows its will, tenacity,
and unwillingness to be intim-
idated by a bunch of barbaric
terrorists, whose only goal is
the destruction of the country
and it's citizen's.
If this scenario does not
sound familiar, then it's
because you have either been
living in denial, or listening to!
the liberal media, and the likes
of Senator Kennedy, Kerry, and
Clinton. There was a time in
our history, that those who
dared to do us harm, or threat-
en our way of life and liberties
knew that Americans, of all
ages, in every comer of this
great country would stand up
and fight.
There was a time in this great
country, where our nation was
united against any tyrant,
pirate, dictator, or loose mis-
guided souls, who would dare
to bring us harm. There was a
time in this greatcountry ,that
attacking one of our war ships,
killing or daring to kill our
brave men in uniforms, or
threatening our liberties as
Americans would bring the
"Full strength and unity of our
Israel today is what America
once was. A cowardly terrorist
attack upon a "rifle quad" size
patrol, which brought the kid-
' napping of one of their brave
young men in uniform by
Hamas, has been met with full
military force, invasion into
the Gaza Area, the bombing of
small loss compared to the
individual and cumulative loss
in property values that would
be suffered by the citizens. I
for one would be willing to
,sacrifice my $7.25 prorata
share as a taxpayer.
51 The City can't start
restricting people's property
rights because of any failures
in the City to provide ade-
quate storm water drainage.
By CONTINUING to ignore
these valid points, it's clear
that certain members of this
Commission are DETER-
MINED to see through (what
can only be) their personal
Just that Commissioner
Simmons has a personal inter-
est in the outcome represents
a conflict of interest and
should eliminate her from vot-
ing on this issue.
The '-~omnunitv"
DEvel6pment -B6daid'dhi 'beehl'
charged with the' process 6f''
determining what code
changes should be made.
However, the CDB meetings
are a joke with Commission
members being allowed to
interject and assert their opin-
ion from the audience and
influence board members
decisions. In addition, a CDB
electric & water supplies to the
area, and the arrest of dozens of
political terrorists, along with
an "all out assault" on its ene-
mies. The Israeli Air Force went
as far as "Sending a Message" to
the President of Syria, and
"Buzzing" his summertime villa
retreat with F-16 jets, sending a
"Clear and present" message
that its enemies can "Run, but
it cannot hide".
STwo of our bravest young
men in uniforms faced even a.
more horrific fate, and all,the,
media and our liberal Leaders
did nothing, but to concen-
trate and report on "shady"
unsubstantiated, and sensa-
tionalismi reports of Marines.
"Killing innocent civilians" in'a
remote, dangerous' operation,
where not a single one of these
"Monday morning
Quarterbacks" were within 100
miles of the incident that also
took the lives of two brave
Israel's historical parallel to
America's past glory is very
simple; They are a nation sur-
rounded by envious tyrannical
enemies, whose only goal is to
destroy its existence. Just as we
dealt with pirates in Tripoli,
and anyone who would dare
attack our flag in the high seas,
Israel today deals bluntly and
unmercifully with those bent
on doing the same.to its citi-
zens. While the UN and the
USA continues to play cat and
mouse with Iran and its
nuclear ambitions, make no
mistake about it, that it will be'
ultimately Israel that will
launch an attack and destroy
the threat that is meant for
Americans must. regain, this
will and realize that our way of
member was quoted as saying
'let's just make a decision so,
we can get out of here'.
In reality, this whole process
shouldn't even be taking place
until a SUBSTANTIAL number
of people come forth request-
ing such changes be made. I
have attended most of the
meetings where this issue has
been discussed, and have wit-
nessed only a very small num-
ber of people who appear to be
in favor of these code changes.
Interestingly, included in that
small number of people are at
least three of the newly elect-
ed Commission members, the
City Manager, and some citi-
zens who are known to be per-
sonal friends with some of the
Commission members.
I think not. Self serving
phrase for the day: "There's a
coupte'olthings'"thatr'me rld ".
my'fite a's'Wvouilda tik to 's
change in AB, so Inm'g6onfagei
elected and have these things
taken care of and the hell with
everybody else"
'Good ole boy politics'...still
alive and well in Atlantic
,Jim Smith
Atlantic Beach
life, our existence, and our free-
dom are dangerously threaten
by an enemy more dangerous
than any other we have ever
faced in our history.
To them, "death is life", and
they are stuck in centuries past,
where evil, fear, and barbaric.
acts such as 'beheadings" are
seen as paying for one's sin.
There is no negotiating with
such terrorist mentality, there
is no "political correctness ,
there is no retreat, there is no
fence, or wall big enough to
'keep them away, there is no
democracy among these
There is only "VIOLENCE",
and for us as Americans, just
look to the Israelis, for the hard
core, "in your face" truth!
Destroy your enemy, or be
destroyed by them. Make the
sacrifices that we, as
Americans, and all generations
before us have made, and fight
for our Freedom, just as we
have always done, because this
enemy is not going to go away,
-and start to phantom the,
"facts" that in total war for sur-
vival, which we are in, there
will be "collateral damage", the
death of those who do not
deserve to die. But you do not
see Israel arresting its own sol-
diers to please the liberal
media, every time an innocent
civilian becomes a casualty.
You see Israel continued to be
focused on destroying its,
enemy and safeguarding its
Freedom and existence as a
nation. Let us not forget what
got us here as a nation, and
what we need to do to stay as
Bert Hemandez
Former U.S Marine
Ponte Vedra Beach
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240, or send
e-mail to: editor@beachesleader.com.
Is tQ %e ecl~a
ers take care of friends
- ~...a a U ~.. in a al a .a
Learn a lesson Irom israeii uaiu
fight for freedom as always
ri F-' -n;llr-~ `at :l;r~ r r~)~~irt .riX\I.,L1.~, i .~~(\~~~ .n~-c~T
You have
to take
care of,
Tf Katie Couric can have a'
colonoscopy on national
TV, then I can talk about
my varicose veins. Now that
all the men have stopped
reading, I can speak frankly.
Women (and men) who have
spent hours on their feet daily
and/or women who have been
Pregnant know what they are,,.
so I won't sport with anyone's
intelligence by giving the
medical definition.
:For years Icarried the banner
of martyrdom and called them
my "badge of honor" for ha -'
ing had children. Then I real-
ized that Twas saying these big
purple painful ugly bulging
things on my legs were because
of the existence of my chil-
dren, and this did not seem'
like a compliment to my off-
spring. In fact it sounded a lit-
tle resentful.
Instead, I decided to get rid
of them, (the veins, not my
children) which I thought
would be a private secret mat-
ter. I slipped an ad out of the
paper and hung it on the side
of my fridge in what I thought
was an inconspicuous place.
When, two years later, I
finally called 'atid' made' ah'
appblh Itment, -Yny 'oldest' Soh1
overheard, and said 'l was
wondering when you wete
gonna finally do something.
That thing been on our refrig-
erator for--ever." : can just
imagine he and his buddies'
crowded' around it, pointing
and laughing at what to them
was the equivalent of "Veins R
*U s". :'I
As in everything out of myj
realm of expertise, I thought it'
was going to be a quick an'd
easy deal. Forf some women'
this is the case, but I waited so
loAg, it has been a multistep
sequence of events.' Each has'
been an improvement and
SAfter my first procedure, my
13-year-old son was concerned
with the bandages and after-'
noori of blessed bed rest. The
conversation went something
like this:
"You OK, Mom?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Do they have to do any-.
thing else?" '
"Well, I have to go back a
couple more times."
"Yeah, I thought so, because
you've still got some big purple
things on the back of your
The only thing that kept me
from snatching every hair off
of his head was his look of gen-
uine interest and concern. -
guess he figured that if I hung
an ad about my veins on the
fridge for God and everybodj'i
to see, that it was cool for hini
to let me know. how he
thought the whole thing was
SI think that it is safe to says
that mothers often put them;
selves dead last on the priority
list of their household. TheF
logistics, planning and partictiL
pation required for three chil-
dren and a dog makes the pur-
suit of my personal issues seem
almost selfish. Besides, I'd
rather spend any free time
doing something with more
instant gratification than sit';
ting in a surgeon's waiting
room. Like tennis. Or eating. if
As with all personal
improvements, I'm sorry I didc
n't take care of this earlier. I
physically feel. much better,'
imagine that my legs look bet-
ter, and know that I have great-'
ly diminished the chance fo,
medical problems later. Maybe.
we emotionally carry more on
our shoulders than we really
have to by. not paying attend
tion to our personal need.
sooner. Just a thought.
Dr. von Thron is a pediatrician
who lives in Neptune Beach with
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
July Iz VVU
Floda "We Do What
Weather The Weatherman Can't"
Inc.g &
Heating & Air Conditioning
A 2002 Plymouth Voyage van
was found abandoned on July 5
in the 700 block of Palm Valley
Road with the key in the igni-
tion and windows smashed,
according to a police report. A
SJSO deputy tagged the vehicle
which was towed from the
scene on July 7. SJSO deputies
found no reports of the vehicle
having been. stolen and there
was insufficient information to
locate the owner.
St. Johns County Sheriffs
Office deputies were informed
that a vehicle in a parking lot in
the 100 block of Ponte Vedra
Blvd. had been damaged on
Jyly 7. According to the police
report, a handblower being
used by a roofing company
rolled off the roof of a nearby
building onto the vehicle.'
The owner of the vehicle was
notified and the roofing com-
pany made arrangements, to
have the vehicle repaired.
-.' *,9 / ,-:' *
A burglary to an unsecured
Jeep parked in the 2300 block of
L'Atrium Circle was reported by
the owner on July 8. The bur-
glary occurred between 9 p.m.
on July 7 and 9 a.m. on July 8.
A radio valued at $500 was
reported missing and the dam-
age to the vehicle was estimated
at $600.
Burglaries to three vehicles in
the parking lot at Micklers
Beach were reported on July 9.
A front driver's side or passen-
ger side window was damaged
in each of the burglaries which
occurred between 3 p.m. and 4
p.m. A bag valued at $85, cred-
it cards, and $100 in currency
were reported missing from the
first vehicle. A purse of
unknown value, $50 in curren-
cy, and a checkbook were
reported missing from a second
vehicle. A purse valued at $80, a
watch valued at $125, a bracelet
valued at $40, a wallet valued at
$40, a debit card, and ID cards
from the Jacksonville Sheriff's
Office were reported missing
from the third vehicle.
St. Johns Count' Fire and
i Rescue and Marine Rescue
responded to an apparent shark
bite in the area of the beach at
the Ponte Vedra Inn and.Cub,
oqJuly.9.,, according. _,. rig
Robshaw, Public Information
Officer with St. Johns County
Fire and Rescue.
.At approximately 1 p.m., a
child who had been wading in
knee deep water was treated by
Inn and Club lifeguards and by
St. Johns County rescue person-
nel for a bite on his ankle con-
sistent with a shark bite, accord-
ing to Robshaw.
Witnesses also in the water at
the time reported seeing what
looked like a shark in the area.
The child was transported to
Baptist Beaches Medical Center
for evaluation.
A burglary to a residence was
reported June 17 in the 900
block of Plaza.
A simple assault was reported
July 1 in the 80 block of West
2nd Street.
*' '. : o .' '
A checking account fraud,was
reported July 6 in the 2300
block of Oceanwalk Drive West.
The ABC Liquors at 295 Royal
Palms Drive was reported bur-
glarized July 7. The suspects
stole "several bottles of liquor"
valued at an estimated $210.
James White, 56, of
Jacksonville was arrested and
charged with driving with a sus-
pended license as a habitual
traffic offender July 8 in the 800
block of Maaport Road, accord-
ing to a police report.
,. 0 O* *
An aggravated assault was
reported July 9 in the 100 block
of Sailfish Drive.
A vehicle was reported stolen
July 10 in the 200 block of
Cherry Street.
Michael Wendall Otis, 22, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
and charged with possession of
over 20 grams of cannabis and
possession of a controlled sub-
stance July 9 in the 1100 block
of Atlantic Boulevard, accord-
ing to'a police report.
Richard Henry Smith, 31, of
Neptune Beach was arrested on
a warrant and charged with two
counts of writing worthless
checks July 7 in the 1800 block
of A1A, according to a police
Various electronic equipment
valued at $9,100 was reported
burglarized from a residence
July 30 in the 800 block of 2nd
+ *
Tameka Vanshel Watts, 22; of
Jacksonille was arrested and
charged with grand theft July 6
in the 1700 block of The Greens
Way in Jacksonville Beach,
according to a police report.
S' '* ,* i;
Police are investigating a
report of an assault and car jack-
ing reported July 8 in the 400
block of Davis Street. The vic-
tim is a 35-year-old Jacksonville
woman who says she was
attacked by a female acquain-
tance and another man who
then stole her friend's vehicle,
according to a police report.
Attempted arson was report-
ed July 3 at an apartment in the
400 block of 5th St. S. The vic-
tim told police that she heard
someone pound on her front
door about 11 p.m. She looked
out her second floor window-
and observed a person running
through the front yard. When
she went downstairs to investi-
gate, the woman told police
that she heard her neighbor's
door shut. The victim opened
the door and found a lit
sparkler on her doorstep and
called police. A large amount of
bla4cq .s ;a observey\ app -
imtne.-j.,.hra fe^Lt,,up .:,gpos r,
from where the fireworks were
placed. Several burn marks were
also noted on the metal door.
Cost to repaint the door is $20.
A nail gun and a gas cartridge
with a total value of $380 were
reported stolen July 1 in the
1700 block of 5th St. S.
Anthony L. Debose, 46, of
Jacksonville was arrested July 1
and charged with an active war-
rant for aggravated battery with
a deadly weapon in the 400
block of 6th St. S., according to
a police report.
Shooting into an occupied
vehicle was reported June 29 in
the 300 block of 6th St. S. Two
witnesses told police that they
observed a maroon vehicle
identified as either a Chevrolet
Malibu or Corsica stopped at
the stop sign at 4:30 p.m. at the
comer of 6th St. and 4th Ave. S.
A black Ford Taurus with dark
tinted windows pulled up
behind the vehicle and two to
three shots were fired. One of
the witnesses told police she
took cover in her vehicle when
she heard the gunshots and
could not tell which car they
were coming from.
A white 2000 Chevrolet four-
door valued at $6,500 was'
reported stolen June 30 in the
first block of 3rd St. N. No glass
was found on the ground where-
the car was parked. A single key
was left in the center console..
An Atlantic Beach police
officer was bitten in the face
by a dog while investigating a
suspicious vehicle June 24 in
the 100 block of Sherry Drive,
according to a.police report.
The officer was treated for
minor lacerations to his face
at the scene by Jacksonville
Fire and Rescue workers, who
instructed that he seek, addi-
tional treatment at a hospital.
The incident happened
around 1:45 p.m. when the
officer walked up to a "suspi-
cious" parked van. The van's
A stolen 1991 Jeep W
was recovered July
Neptune Beach police cc
ed a traffic stop on the
which was running i
Ieys. Three unknown
suspects occupied the
The owner told police
parked the vehicle beh
house and partied with
bors. His girlfriend noti
vehicle when she left
night. The owner said
not know the vehicle wa
ing until he was conta(
5 after
he had
ind his
ced the
at mid-
he did
as miss-
cted by
Grand theft was reported July
man for
a bomb
A Jacksonville Beach man
was arrested Friday in connec-
tion with a pipe bomb found
by. twvo, en playing soccer-last
mpnth on,t' e beach in the 8Q0,
block of Beach Proper South.
Aaron NM. Capannelli, 26,
was charged with manufactur-
ing a destructive device after
police investigated a report of a
man detonating similar devices
in a barrel at his apartment
close to the area where the
bomb was found, police report-
The pipe bomb was made
from five-inch sections of gal-
vanized pipe with two end
caps, a short piece of cannon
fuse and an explosive black
powdery substance, police said.
Two men playing soccer on
the beach June 19 noticed a
shiny object poking out of the
sand and called police after one
of the men noticed it resem-
bled a pipe bomb.
The lacksonville Sheriff's
Office Bomb Squad deactivated
the bomb. No one was injured.
On July 5, Jacksonville Beach
police received an anonymous
tip that Capannelli built the
device and had also detonated
several smaller devices near his
apartment, according to police
reports. -,'
Police said.they searched
utility records to track him
down and were able to recover
the tools and remaining mate-
rials used to make the device
after Capannelli consented to a
search of his apartment.
A portionhof the cannon fuse
was also located in a nearby
dumpster and placed into the
property room as evidence,
according to a police report.
window was rolled down
halfway and when the officer
looked into the window and
said "hello" a dog jumped up
.and bit his face several times
before the officer could react,
according to the report..
The owner of the van of the
dog soon appeared and said
he had walked across the
street to get a drink, according
.to police.
The owner was issued an
animal control citation and
signed a home quarantine for
the dog, a foxhound, accord-
ing to the police report.
5 in the 800 block of 4th Ave. S.
A laptop computer, charger and
a caring case valued at $1,350
were stolen from, the victim's
closet. The victim told police
the residence was secured when
she left. There was no sign of
forced entry..
*' O0* ,
A mountain bike valued at
$730 was reported stolen July 5
in the 1400 block of 1st Ave. S.
The bike was not secured.
Aggravated battery was
reported July 4 in the 200 block
of 10th St. S. after an 18-year-
old lacksonville Beach man was
shot twice in the chest with a
pellet gun. The victim told
police lie was intoxicated when
he asked a friend to shoot him
with the gun but he did not
have thoughts of hurting him-
self. A witness told police he
walked outside to relieve him-
self and when he came back
inside he observed other house
guests digging at the victim's
chest to remove the pellets. The
man was taken to the emer-
gency room for treatment and
later released to his parents,
police said.
Burglary to a vehicle was
reported July 5 in the 13th Ave.
S. end zone. An unknown sus-
pect smashed the front passen-
ger wridow and removed two
purses containing a total of
$320 cash and various bank
cards from the rear floorboard.
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Wednesday, July 12
Man to Man: Man to Man, a
prostate cancer support group, will
meet at 6 p.m. at Baptist Medical
Center Beaches' Conference Room A.
Call 249-0022 for information.
Thursday, July 13
Chamber luncheon: The Chamber
of Commerce will have a luncheon at
noon at Sawgrass Beach Club, 9795
Summer Place, Ponte Vedra Beach.
John Delaney, president of the
University of North Florida, is the
scheduled speaker. The cost is $15 with
reservations, or $20 at the door. Call
249-3868 to R.S.V.P.
Cinderella's Evening Out:
"Cinderella's Evening Out," hosted by
the Atlantic Beach Women's
Connection, will be held from 7 to
8:30 p.m. at the Selva.Marina Country
Club, 1600 Selva Marina Drive,
Atlantic Beach. All area ladies are invit-
ed to bring their daughters or a special
young lady. The Jacksonville Jaguars
Cheerleaders will entertain and share
about life as a "Roar" Cheerleader.
Former CNN radio correspondent
Paige Kolb will share the secret behind
a winning smile. The cost for the
evening is $18. Pre-paid reservations
are due by July 10 for dinner and com-
plimentary child care. Call Susan at
904-714-9962 or Man' at 904-223-
1002 for reservations.
Friday, July 14
Art Spa: Art Spa, a one-day camp for.
adult members of the Jacksonville.
Museum of Modem Art, will be held
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $175.
Registration is required by July 7. Call
Allison at 366-6911, extension 204, or
e-mail agraff@jmoma.org for informa-
tion or to register.
Shrimp dinner: Ladies Auxiliary
Fleet Reserve-Association Unit 290 will
hold a shrimp dinner from 5 to 8 p.m.
at 390 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach.
The cost is $7. Call 246-6855 for infor-
mation or to place a takeout order.
Museum party: The Beaches
Museum and History Center will have
a party from 7 to 11 p.m. at 380 Pablo
Ave., comer of Beach Boulevard and
4th St. N., Jacksonville Beach. The cost.
for members is S10 in advance and $15
at the door; for non-members, $15 in
advance and $20 at the door. The:
event will benefit the Beaches Area
Historical Society. Call 241-5657 to
:Saturday, July 15
Yard sale: The Mayport USO on
Mayport Road will have a community
yard sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The,
cost is $5 to sell goods. 246-3481.
Bike tour: A "Bunting By Bicycle
Bike Tour" will be held at 11 a.m. at
Talbot Island State Park. The tour starts
at Little Talbot Island ranger station.
Bring a bike or rent one at the ranger
station. Call 904-251-2320 for infor-
SCBW: The Society of Children's
Book Writers & Illustrators meets from
1 to 3 p.m: at'the Southeast Regional
Library, 10599 Deerwood Park Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Kindergarten teacher
Alionn Watson is the sneaker. E-mail
GTM Reserve Environmental
Education Center, 505 Guana River
Road, off A1A. She will share stories of
her life from 2 to 3 p.m. Admission is
$2 for adults, $1 for children 10 to 17,
and free for under 10. 904-823-4500.
Free tickets: Free tickets to Buckler's
"Christmas in July Craft Show" today
and July 16 at the Prime Osborn
Convention Center, downtown
Jacksonville, are available for active
duty military personnel and their fam-
ilies at the USO on Mayport Road. Call
246-3481 for information.
Janet Walter at jgwalter@cdmcast.net Sunday, July 16
for information. Jazz concert series: "Smooth
r Sounds of Hot Summer Nights" will be
Book signing: Grahl Barkoskie Neitz held from 5 to 9 p.m. today and Aug.
will sign copies, of her book 20 at the Sea Walk Pavilion. Jazz trum-
"Cabbageberries, Duck Feathers and peter Greg Adams will perform. For
the Tides, A Collection, of Palm Valley information, call 247-6100 and press
Memories," from 3 to 4 p.m. in the 3.
The Atlantic Beach City Commission
will take another opportunity to review
and possible adjust a proposed commu-
nity character ordinance for the Old
Atlantic Beach neighborhood before
moving forward with final consideration
of the measure.
The commission discussed the propos-
al to establish development standards in
the neighborhood at its Monday meet-
ing and agreed that the proposal needs
more attention before enactment is con-
sidered. Some commissioners said they
merely want a few questions answered,
while at least one commissioner says he
wants significant changes, saying that
the proposal does not accomplish its
goal and has been watered down from
the original draft.'
The commission decided it will hold a
workshop to further examine the issue. A
date for the meeting has not yet been
The city's Community Development
Board recently recommended the com-
mission pass the ordinance which essen-
tially limits the size of new and reno-
vated homes in the neighborhood
Art association: The Pablo Towers Art
Association meets from 12:30 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday. Call 246-4158 for informa-
Ballroom dancing: Ballroom dancing is
offered Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the
Senior Center, 19th Ave., Jacksonville
Beach. The cost is $4. 241-3796.
Cancer support group: The Cancer
Support Group at Baptist Medical Center
Beaches meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the
Florida Cancer Center in Medical Office
Building B on the hospital campus. Call
247-2910 for information.
Breakfast network: The Ponte Vedra
Chamber of Commerce meeh at 7:30 a.m.
the second Wednesday of the month at the
Sawgrass Grille & The Tavern for breakfast.
E-mail info@pontevedrachamber.org for
Libertarians: The Libertarian Party of St.
Johns County meets the second
Wednesday of each month. Call Doug
Price at 904-273-7480 for information.
New Directions: New Directions, a sup-
port group for the divorced and separated,
meets at 6:45 p.m. the second and fourth
.:Wedfiesday;.'of:'th &Tunth at fl1 'I8Loretto?:
-Road-next tcfthe whritethurch,iin .ttecofa.
vent at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Call
268-1591 for information.
Veterans meet: The Men's Auxiliary of
Veterans of Foreign Wars Greater Beaches
Post 3270, 915 8th Ave. S., Jacksonville
Beach, meets at 7 p.m. the second
Wednesday of the month. Members of
Post 3270 and the Ladies Auxiliary meet at
9 a.m. the second Saturday of the month.
Call 249-7366 for information.
Grandparents raising grandchildren:
An educational/support group for grand-
parents raising grandchildren meets the
third Wednesday of the month from 11
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at St. Andrew's Lutheran
Church, 1801 Beach Blvd. Call 280-7264
for information.
Kiwanis Beaches: The Kiwanis Club of
Jacksonille Beaches meets Thursdays at
noon at Selva Marina Country Club, 1600
Selva Marina, Atlantic Beach. Visit
www.beacheskiwanis.com for information.
Weight loss consults: Free body fat
analysis and weight loss consults are
offered Thursdays at Metabolic Research
Center, 274 Solana Road, in the WVinn-
Dixie Plaza.
Lions Club of PV: The Lions Club of
Ponte Vedra Beach meets the second and
fourth Thursdays at noon at Aqua Grill in
Sawgrass Village. Call Sue Hollis at 616-
2681 for information.
Seniors By The Sea: Seniors By The Sea
meets the second Thursday of each month
in the Fellowship Hall at Beach United
Methodist Church, Third Street and
Seventh Avenue North, Jacksonville'Beach,
at 11 a.m., followed by lunch for $4.50.
Call 241-7300 for information.
Grief recovery: A Grief Recovery
Support Group meets the third Thursday
of the month at 7 p.m. at St. Paul's
Catholic Church in library, 578 First Ave.
N., Jacksonville Beach. The group is for
those who are grieving the death of a fam-
ily member or friend. Call Margaret Lane at
280-0871 for information.
altered, are available for adoption
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at PetCo
at Atlantic and Keman boulevards.
Beaches storytellers: The Beaches
League of Storytellers meets at the Ponte
Vedra Beach Library, 101 Library Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach, at 10:30 a.m. the sec-
ond Saturday of the month from
September through May. Call GeoTge Mills
at 246-1502 for information.
First Coast Romance Writers: The First
Coast Romance Writers meet the second
Saturday of the month from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. at the Hampton Inn at J. Turner
Butler and 1-95. Meetings are free and open
to the public. Call Eileen Goldman at 268-
0707 or e-mail ebgl653@comcast.net for
Peripheral neuropathy: The
Jacksonville Peripheral Neuropathy
Support Group meets the second Saturday
of the month at 10 a.m. at the Glendale
Persephone Healing Arts: Persephone Community Church, 6411 Beach Blvd.
Healing Arts Center, 485 Sixth Ave. N., Call 269-0984 for information.
Jacksonville Beach, hosts an open house
from 5:30 to 7 p.m. the third Thursday of Submarine veterans: USSVI First Coast
the month. The center will also have an Base meets at 11 a.m. the second Saturday
information booth at Organic Jungle, of the month at American Legion Post 316,
13947 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, the 127 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Call
third Saturday of the month. Call 246- 241-6222 or e-mail rjrjax@attbi.com for
3583 for information, information.
..... l~ -" .,, '." "Beaches Palm Group:' Th' h Florida
Jacksonville Singles Dance Club: The Writer's Association Beaches Palm Group
Jacksonville Singles Dance Club meets meets the fourth Saturday of each month
'from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday at the Knights of except December at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Columbus Hall, 1501 Hendricks Ave. Library. Call Vic DIGenti at 904-285-2258
Admission is $8, or $7 for members. Call for information.
779-1234 or e-mail laxsinglesDC@aol.com
fo information. Sunday ys
Recovery, Inc.: Recovery, Inc., a mental
health support group, meets at 6:30 p.m.
Friday at St. Paul's Catholic Church's
Family Life Center, 578 First Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. 247-3299.
Senior tennis: Tennis for seniors is being
offered at Huguenot Tennis Center in
Jacksonville Beach from 9 to 11 a.m.
Friday. Call Moe at 247-6221 for informa-
Bookmobile: The Library Elderly
Outreach Bookmobile serves seniors living
in The Stratford from 9:30 to 10 a.m., and
at Vicar's Landing from noon to 1:30 p.m.
every second and fourth Friday. Call David
Hoak at 904-823-2783 for information.
Adopt-A-Rescued-Kitty: Kittens and
cats which have been veterinarian-checked
and tested, and have shots and have been
Meditation class: A guided meditation
and dharma talk is held every Sunday in
July and August from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at
Cobalt Moon (upstairs studio), 217 First
St., Neptune Beach. Donations accepted-
Call 386-793-3013 for information.
Depression support: Depression Bipolar
Support Alliance Jacksonville Beaches
meets Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at Beaches
Medical Center, 1350 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Visit www.dbsajax.org
for information.
Al-Anon: Al-Anon Family Groups offer a
recovery program for families and friends
of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic
seeks help. Meetings are held Mondays,
including holidays, at 10:30 a.m. at 400
Penman Road, -Jacksonville Beach.
Meetings are also available at other times,
days and locations. 350-0600.
The neighborhood impacted
by the proposed design stan-
dards'is currently defined by:
Ahern Street between the
beach and Sherry Drive on the
Sherry Drive extending north to
11th Street on the west;
11th Street extending east to
East Coast Drive;
East Coast Drive extending
north to 16th Street, and 16th
extending east to the beach.
through a set of design standards. Some
residents and city officials fear that the
unique ambiance of the neighborhood
could be destroyed if market forces drive
property owners to construct large
homes, as has become more common in
recent years.
Many residents who spoke for and
.against the ordinance at Monday's meet-
ing say that the development standards
should apply to the entire city.
The former city commission about
three years ago at a strategic planning
session identified a need to look at ways
to protect the ambiance of the city's
Core City, now referred to as Old
Atlantic Beach.
Since then, the commission hired a
consultant for over $100,000 to help the
city explore and draft an ordinance to
thwart large, box-style homes in the
neighborhood. Numerous workshops
and public meetings have-been held over
the last year regarding the issue.
The:issue of whether to apply the pro-
posed standards to the entire city was
discussed at several of those meetings
but it was determined fairly early in the
process that the ordinance should only
cover the Old Atlantic Beach neighbor-
hood. And it's for that reason that city
officials are hesitant to, in the llth hour,
change the scope of the proposal, as is
being requested by some residents.
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July 12, 2006
Atlantic Beach commission to go
over building limits one more time
Concerns continue over whether limits should be citywide
July 12, )uuu
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Douglas Michael Carroll
Matias Flores
Eileen H. Sanford
Douglas .Michael Carroll, 47,
-of Ponte Vedra Beach, died on
July 9, 2006. Born on Oct.16,
1958 in Melbourne, he was a
graduate of Melbourne High
School, where he served as Jr.
'AFROTC Commander. He was
also awarded the rank of Eagle
Scout and earned his private
pilot's license, following in his
father's footsteps.
Upon graduating from Troy
;University in 1981 with a degree
in accounting, he began a career
in the banking and mortgage
industries. His service included
Bamett Bank, Bank of America
and Aegis Funding Corporation,'
serving as a Regional Vice-
President and a member of the
'company's Cirde of-Excellence.
:: He served as an elder during
,his 15 year association with.
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
iChurch, where he worked with
the church's annual live nativi-
The family wishes to express
appreciation to Dr. Alan Marks
and Mrs. Karen Richardson of
Regional Consultants in
Hematology/Oncology; to the
nursing staff of Tower'5 at
Baptist Medical Center; to Dr.
Gerardo Colon and Ms. Mary
Lesperance at Mayo Clinic
iJacksonville; to the staff of
iCommunity Hospice and to the
many dear friends, neighbors
and co-workers who have sup-
ported them through his illness
with visits, meals and notes of'
He was recently honored to
have been the inspiration for,
the first "Anglers for a Cure"
charity fishing tournament. The
AFC foundation and tourna-
.:.- .
meant were created by his son
Jordan and friend Matt
Hahnemann to raise money for
the National Colorectal Cancer
Research Alliance. The tourna-
ment will continue to be held
annually in
Fami ly
include his
wife of 22
years, Ralene;
daau ghter .
Whitney and Carroll
son Jordan;
father, Jim- Carroll; brother,
David. (Beth), sister, Julia
Cameron (Rick), father-in-law,
Ray Crickenberger; sister-in-law,
Carol O'Cain iStesei; niece,
Halie Cameron; nephews Nate
Cameron, Samuel O'Cain and
Daniel O'Cain; and goddaugh-
ter, Camille Wright. He was pre-,
deceased by his mother, Ann, in
1996. ,
The family will receive friends
from 6 to 8 p.m., Friday in the
chapel of Quinn-Shal. A service
of thanksgiving for his life will
be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday at
the Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
Church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
Ponte Vedra Beach, with the"
Reverend Richard Cooper offici-
ating. A reception will follow in
the Fellowship Hall.
Donations may be made to
Anglers for a Cure, Inc., 226-5
Solana Road. Suite 172, Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL 32082, to Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church c/o
A Bethlehem Visit, or to
Community Hospice.
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home i
Jacksonville Beach.
Lloyd Geiger ueLoacn
Lloyd Geiger DeLoach, 91, of
Jacksonville Beach, died on July
7, 2006 following a brief illness.
Born on June 19, 1915 to Lloyd
Preston and Lurline DeLoach in
Jacksonville, he graduated from
Andrew Jackson High School in
1934 and attended Jones
Business College.
He served in the U.S. Na\vy
during WWII and was stationed
on the U.S.S. Wisconsin where
he achieved the rank of Chief
Gunners Mate. He saw action in
,the Pacific in the invasions of
.Okinawa, Iwo Jima and strikes
on Tokyo. He was also a mem-
ber of -the lapanese Occupatior
Plp-rce. Afterhii.toutr oftluP hj
w'ent back to work infhe'famil.
business, DeLoach Furniture
Co., alongside his parents. He
continued his 62 years of pro-
prietorship until his illness. He
was a mem-
ber of
B a p t i st
F a in i I y
m e m b e r s
members ,, ,
include his DeLoach
wife of 59
years, Virginia L. DeLoach;
three sons and their wives, Mike
l(osette, Randy (Pat) and Terry
(Karen) and two grandchildren,
Bnttany and Brent.
Memorial services were held
Tuesday in the Quinn-Shalz
Chapel followed by interment
xat-)eaklaa fiGemeterj-e n
er, conritbdtions may be made
to the American Cancer Society.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
Miriam C. Edwards
, 'Edwards, Miriam Carlton, 90,
tof Jackson\ille died on July 9,
j2006 following an extended ill-
ness. Born in Jacksonville,
March 20, 1916, she graduated
from Lee High School and was a
life-long member of the
Jacksonville Jewish Center.
She was predeceased by her
husband of 53 'ears, Alexander
"Al" Edwards. She is survived by
her'children. Linda iMichaei)
'Gard, Sanford Edwards, and
Judith (Stephen) Silverman.
Sister, Bernice (Irvin) Ghelerter.
Grandchildren: Alyson Lev',
Mver Levv, Eric (Anmy Le'vy,
Stacy (Rob) Katsoff, Lee
.Pe!erson, Chris (Grant) Chaney.
Hadley Edwards, David (Jessica)
Silverman, Ari (Risa) Silverman,
and Bob Peterson. Great-grand-
children: Tyler Peterson,
Brittany Peterson, Ethan Katsoff,
Ryan Katsoff, Alexis Silverman,
Aidan Silverman, Rub\
Silverman, Peri Silverman and
As her Levy.
Graveside services were held
Tuesday at the New Center
Cemetery. Donations may be
made to the Jewish Community
Alliance/Book Festival,
lacksonville Jewish Center, or
the American Kidney Fund.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home, 4115
Hendricks Avenue.
Livingston Hunter Elder
Livingstone Hunter Elderdied
July 8, 2006 at his home in
Cypress Village in Jacksonville
at the age of 100.
He was a graduate of Tidioute:
Pennsylvania High School and
the University of Michigan,
Architectural School. He was a
member of Alpha Rho Chi, the
professional Architectural
He worked in the James
Gamble Rogers New York Office
and the Works Project
Administration in the 1930s. In .
1955, he established his owiti,
architectural practice that
'became Elder, Angel.and Lange,
one of the top residential offices
in the New York area., After
retirement in 1972, he contin-
ued working until 1992.
, Elder enjoyed his residences
in Waccabuc and Bedford New
York, Charlestown and Walpole
New Hampshire and
Jacksonville. In all these he used
his architectural expertise on
zoning, historical, library, and
planning boards for community
development. He was a life-long
member of Rotary, as well as a
,member of the South Salem
Presbyterian Church, Walpole
'Unitarian Church and Palms
*Presbyterian Church.
Ing married decorator Ruth
Higby in 1941 who predeceased
him in 2000. He is survived by
his daughter Judith Elder Rogers
of Florham Park, New Jersey and
'Robert Elder of Piermont, New
Hampshire. He treasured time
spent with his four grandchil-
dren and his two great grand-
A memorial service followed
by a reception was held Tuesday,
in the chapel of Quinn-Shalz,
Funeral Home.
In heu of flowers, donations
,may be made to Palms
Presbyterian Church, 3410 3rd
St S. Jacksonville Beach, Florida
32250-6060. or Jones College
Radio, 5353 Arlington
Expressway, :Jacksonville, FL
Matias Flores, 56 of Atlantic
Beach died on Friday, July 7,
2006 after a short illness'with
lung cancer. Born in Santa Rita,
New Mexico on Feb. 24, 1950 he
moved with his family to
Atlantic Beach in 1957. He was a
,971 graduate of Fletcher High
School. He was predeceased by
his parents, Florencio V. and
Teresa G. Flores.. Survivors
include brothers, Florencio G.
(Luisa) Flores, Simon Guy
(Bobbie) Flores, Gilbert Flores,
Jose (Violet) Flores and Stephen
(In Nan) Flores; sisters, Teresa
Flores, Irene (John) Davis,
Beatrice (Bruce) Brunke, Laura
(Ray) Harber and Mary (
Dedman, several nriec
nephews, aunts, uricli
The family will receive
oh Thursday, July 13,
until 8 p.m. at the H
Giddens Funeral Ho
Jacksonville Beach. Pray
be recited at 7:30 p.m. A
Christian burial will be c
ed on Friday, July 14 at
at St. Johns Catholic
Atlantic Beach. Father
O'Shea will officiate.: Int
will follow at Beaches M
Gay MacKendrick Hardwick
Gay MfacKendrick Hardwick,
71, 'died on July 6, 2006 in the
Hadlow Center of Community
Hospice after a brief illness. She
was born Aug. 12, 1934 to
Robert F., and Mazie Ellen.
MacKendrick of Erie,
Pennsylvania. Hardwick attend-
ed Strong Vincent High School
in. Erie and graduated' as .a
National Honor Society scholar
before attending Endicott
College in Beverly,
Massachusetts, where she
majored in fashion and design.
She moved to Jacksonville'
with her' family in 1974 where
she lived in Ortega Forest and
later in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Throughout her life, she was
always involved and active in
community, charitable and cul-
tural endeavors. She was a mem-
ber of the Jacksonxille
Symphony Guild, the Guild of
the Jacksonville Children's
Museum, the Garden Club of
Jacksonville, the Cummer
Museum of Art and Gardens,
the American Cancer Society,
the Pqnte, Vedra Community
Association and the Ponte Vedra
Tennis Association.
Family members include her,
loving husband of 27 years,
Taylor Hardwick; her daughter,,
.Meg. Leslie Ryan (Richard) of
Germantown, Tennessee; grand-
daughters, Tenley Elizabeth
Ryan and Katlin Anne Ryan:
brothers, James R. MacKendrick
andJon D. MacKendrick both of
Erie; and sister, Sharon Hein of
Erie. Her only son, Andy'
Ailward,. predeceased her in
1986. .
A memorial service will be
announced in the near future.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that memorial contri-
butions be made to Community
Hospice of NE FL, 4266
Sunbeam Rd. Jax., FL 32257 or
to the Jacksonville Humane
Society, 8464 Beach Blvd., Jax.,
FL, 32216.
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz, Jacksonville
Juana LaMirth Brown Quinn',
Juana LaMirth Brown Quinn
died on June 30, 2006 at
Beaches Baptist Hospital. She is
preceded in death by her hus-
band, retired Air Force Colonel
Robert J. Quinn Jr. and her son,
retired Army Colonel Robert J.
Quinn III.
Originally from Everett, WA.,
she vas a longtime resident of
Fleet Landing in Atlantic Beach
and Skidaway Island
ISavannah), GA. She attended
Lirifield' College in
McMinnville, OR. and was
retired from the Ciil Serice.
She was an active member of the
Savannah Saymphony Guild, the
Coastal Scottish Heritage Society
and Daughters of the American
Family members indude her
grandson, Robert J. Quinn IV,
and his wife, Allison Quinn, of
Tampa.; and daughter-in-law,
Anita Quinn of Savannah, GA.
Internment will be with her
husband at the United States
Military Academy in West Point
N.Y.,,at the convenience ofithI
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz, Jacksonville
Jerome William Offenberg
Jerome William Offenberg,
"Jerr," 65, died on July 5, 2006
in the Hadlow Center of
Community Hospice after a bat-
tle with both Parkinson's and
Lewy Body Disease. He was born
July 1, 1941 in Jacksonville, to
Martin and Eva Evelyn
Offenberg. He spent several
years in the public school sys-
tem in Jackson\ille before
attending the University of
Florida where he received a
Bachelor of Electrical
Engineering anid was a member
of the Theta Chi Fraternity. He
then continued his education in
post graduate school at the
Naval Academy in Monterey,
California. He served in the U.S.
:Navy where he retired as a Lt.
Commander. He was employed
with Voice of America in the
Washington, D.C. area.
The family wished to express
their heartfelt appreciation to
Dr. Christopher Potter for his
care and interest in Offenberg;
to Lisa O'Connell for her care-
giving; to Janette and Jasmine
for their special and gentle care
during his last days at Hadlow;
and to Carol Neil of Hope Adult
Day Care, Inc. His strong desire
to help with research will be car-
ried on at the Mayo Clinic for
both Parkinson's and Lewy Body
Family members include his
wife of S years, Victoria
Offenberg; sons, Eric (Chrisi,
Keith (Dawnl, and Todd (Lizl;
daughter. Christie (C.J.I; grand-
children, Nate, Victoria,
Harrison, Ashley Marie,
William, Nicolas, Madeline,
Lillian, Kaitlin, and T'ler; sisters,
Florence (Chuck), Gloria (Gene),
and Sally; brother, Sam (Sherry
and their son, Andy); sister-in-
law, Sharon Waddell; and moth-
er-in-law, Marie O'Brien.
A Memorial Service to cele-
brate his life will be held at 2
p.m., on Saturday, July 15 in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz followed
by a reception in the Villas of
Marsh Landing Club House,
1800 The Greens Way.
In lieu of flowers, the family.
requests that memorial contri-
butions be made to Hope Adult
Day Care, Inc., 1560 Roberts
Drive, Jacksonville Beach, FL
:Chuck) Eileen H. Sanford, 82, of
es and Glenmoor, World Golf Village,
es ,and St. Augustine, died July 8. She
lived in Ponte Vedra Beach for
friends over 25 years and served as a
from 6 parishioner of Our Lady Star of
[ardage- the Sea Catholic Church of
me in Ponte Vedra Beach.
'ers will She was a member of the
mass of Ponte Vedra Women's Club
:elebrat- serving on the Board as commit-
10 a.m. tee chairs and officers, the St.
Church, Vincent's Hospital Auxiliary, the
Gerard Jacksonville Art Museum, and
termert the Ponte Vedra Club Women's
memoriall Golf Association.
Family members include her
two daughters, Cathy (John) S.
Wright of Chapel Hill North
Carolina and Colleen E. (Daniel
Ellis) Sanford of McLean,'
irginia; son, Charles E. (Anita)
Sanford Jr. of Farmington Hills,
Michigan; seven grandchildren
and two great-grandchildren..
Her 'husband, Charles Edward
Sanford, preceded her in death.
A private inurnment will be
held in Our Lady Star of the Sea
at a future date.
The family requests any dona-
tions to be made in her honor to
The Claretian Missionaries, 205
West Monroe St., Chicago, IL
60606, The Glenmoor
Membership Associations
Scholarship Fund, 235
Towerview Drive, St. Augustine,
FL 32092 or Community
Hospice of Northeast FL, 4266
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, FL
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz, Jacksonville
Alfred "Doc" Tobey
Dr. Alfred "Doc" Tobey was
born in Maine, Aug. 30, 1928
and died on July 8, 2006. His
parents, Ruth and John and his'
brother, William, preceded him
in death.
Dr. Tobey attended Waterville
,and Brunswick, Maine public
schools. He graduated from
Bowdoin College in chemistry
on a basketball scholarship in
1950. Upon graduation, he
worked for U.S.' Rubber and
National Fireworks Corporation
.as a chemist. He returned to
Brunswick to manage Cy's
Bowling Alley, his in-laws' busi-
H::.e graduated from Tufts
Dental School (Boston) in 1964.
He opened a dental practice on
Congress Street in Portland,
Maine and retired in 1990.
During his 28 years of dentistry,
he volunteered to work with
children whose parents couldn't
afford dental treatment. Doc
was an officer in the Maine
Dental Association.
His passion was golf. He
belonged to the Falmouth
Country Club and the Val Halla
I'ealy 1
Pillow or S.ea/,
[ Firm Top
Twin Set $329 Queen Set
:-..I[ C mnf A Od v
Country Club in Maine and
Sawgrass Country Club in Ponte
Vedra where he headed a men's
golf group.
He retired to Ponte Vedra
Beach in1991 where he pursued
golf four days a week. He won
the local Ryders Cup in 1999.
He also had two holes-in-ohe
at the Sawgrass Country Club.
He met and later married
loan Bebkowicz at the Sawgrass
Country Club in 1994. He is
survived by his wife, Joan; his
children, Scott Tobey, Robin
Jarvis, Stacy Tobey, Jamie
Puuri, Peter Tobey, Chris
IHughes, K.C. Hughes, Felicia
Mellon and Cassandra Eley and
his 10 grandchildren.
A memorial service will be
held at the Sawgrass Pavillion
on Monday, July 17 at 6 p.ih.
In lieu of flowers, contribu-
Stions may be made to the
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville,
FL 32257.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
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Mark D., McCullough Sr.
Mark D. McCullough Sr., 56,
died suddenly July'9, 2006. He
was born April 30, 1950 in
Springfield, MA.
Family members include his
children: daughter, Suzanne M.
Sanderson (Donald) and their
,children Donald II, Dale and
Devon; son,' Mark D.
McCullough, Jr. (Rebecca
Hixon) and their children) Mark
III, Christopher,' Jeffrey and
Monica; daughter, Tara D.
McCullough (Curtis Hiland)
and their children, Tessa and
Jacob; brother, James S.
McCullough (Clara) and their
children, Marie Anne and James
III; sister, Linda McCullough;
Ibrother-in-law, James Ryals (Pat)
and their daughter Jamie
(Michael) and their children,
James and Charlie; sister-in-law,
Patsey Duce (Ed) and their chil-
dren, Kim Barfield (Scott) and
their son, John Spitz (Paula) and
extended family; niece-in-law,
Beth Lowe (Chris) and their
children Corey ard Chelsea.
Mark was predeceased by his
parents James S. and Rita J.
Visitation will be held from 6
to 8 p.m.; Thursday in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home. Funeral services will also
be held at the funeral home 12
p.m., Friday with.Reverend
Jerry Curtis officiating.
Interment will follow in Beaches
Memorial Park of Atlantic
Services under the direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home,
3600 3rd St. S.
Buying'or Selling a Home?
Let Us Astound You.
3652 South Third Street Suite 150 Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 (904) 241-0855
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Page 8A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader July 12, 2006
Energy efficiency's appeal
to consumers uncharted
Photo by Bobbe Faulders
Newly elected Fleet Landing Residents' Council President Ed
Clausner, left, will take over the gavel from: his predecessor, Ed
Cooke at Fleet Landing. Clausner vowed his group would do its
part to improve communication and help establish more volun- .
teer programs in the Health Center. Clausner, USNA 1951, and
his wife, Elizabeth, came to Fleet Landing in September 2002
after a 23-year Navy career. The council president's term is typi-
cally one to three years.
The Writing Basket former-
ly located in The Shoppes of
Ponte \edra has relocated to
the West- Point Shopping
Center, 8358 Point Meadows
Drive, Suite 3 in Jacksonville,
just west. .of .9A and
Ba\meadows Road.
The Jacksonville Beaches Bar
Association held a free legal
advice clinic for residents of.
the Beaches on June 24 at the
Beaches Area Public Library.
Twelve members of the bar
association were available to
counsel residents on a variety
'of legal issues including pro-
bate, wills, estates, landlord-
tenant conflicts, debt relief,
family and domestic relation,
:realty' and property rights,
immigration and personal
injury matters. Participating
attorneys for the event were
Sean Barber, Rosetta
Bodowes, Vincent DiRito,
Paul Eakin, Tim Ellis, Terry
Ellis,, Bryan Goode III,
Suzanrie Green, ,.Stephen,
Should, Richard Keene,
Kyndra Mulder and John
Rodenborn. The Jacksonville
Beach Bar Association holds
this clinic biannually. :
Lew Walters has accepted the
position of assistant manager
of. the Prudential Network
Realty Ponte Vedra office. He
joined the real estate profes-
sion after a 24-year career as
director of operations for some
of the nation's top Northeast
transportation terminals. He
and his wife Laura have
achieved lofty personal goals
as partners and will continue
to work together as "Spouses
Selling Houses," while Lew will
offer assistance to the manager
in, a recruiting, coaching,
administrative and training
Wally Sears has joined
SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. as a
mortgage loan consultant.
Sears has ten years of experi-
ence in the real estate financ-
ing industry, and he partici-
pates in the Northeast Florida
Association of Realtors. He
comes to SunTrust Mortgage,
Inc. from IVachovia Mortgage.
He earned his Bachelor's
degree from the University of
Southern Florida. Sears will
specialize in construction/per-.
manent loans.,
Prudential Network Realty's
April winners were Phil Pierce
for listings and transactions,
while Maggie Haynes won for
sales and Richard Arthur was
top producer at the Beaches
office. At the Ponte Vedra
office, Elizabeth Hudgins won
all awards except top producer,
which went,to Pamela Tibbs.
Coldwell Banker Walter
Williams Realty, Inc.
announced its top listing and
selling agents from the Ponte
'edra and Atlantic Beach
offices for the month of May.
At the Sawgrass Office top lis-
ter was IR Rodermund and top
salesman wasJacquelyn Bates.
In Atlantic Beach, top sales-
man was Annette Page and
top lister was Jeannine-
Findley. Coldwell Banker
Walter Williams Realty, Inc.
announced its tpp listing aqd
selling agents fm tre io
\Vedra and Atlantic Beach
offices for the month of lune.
At the Sawgrass Office Top
Lister wasJR Rodermund and
Top Sales was Tammy 'Allison.
In Atlantic Beach Top Sales
was Joy Snyder.
Christine Booras has joined
the Prudential Network Realty.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Psychology from the
University of Florida in
Gaines\ille. After graduating
from college, she obtained her
Professional of Human
Resources certification and
practiced in the field of corpo-
rate human resources for over
sixteen years with Toyota. She:
has also been a state and'
national competitive athlete
since 1985 in fitness and mar-
tial arts.
'* *
Shannon McKinnon has
joined Prudential Network
Realty. She attended Florida
Community College of
Jacksonville and is attending
the University of North Florida
where she will graduate next
fall with a Bachelors degree in
Criminology with a minor in
Psychology.She previously
worked for a real estate law
A. custom home builder,
Hanalea Construction, from
the Beaches has committed to
include solar hot water systems
in its next five homes. Two of
these homes are currently being
constructed on Jacksonville
Drive in Jacksonville Beach.
As the' second largest user of
electricity in the home, a solar
hot water' system can save
homeowners between 15 and
30 percent on their utility bills..
'"We're very committed to
energy efficiency and being' a
green builder," said Linda
Pomerantz, president of.
Hanalea Construction.
The small company is cur-
rently 85 percent green, and
would like to eventually reach.
the 90 percent marker., Solar"
powers only one of many steps
toward energy efficiency taken
by the home builder, Pomerantz
said, noting that homes axe also
built around existing trees to
provide shade, feature 12-inch
thick walls, higher levels of
insulation, impact-resistant
windows and gas cooktops and
dryers, Pomerantz said.
These homes can be especial-
ly valuable in coastal communi-
ties because they still provide
power during an outage from a
storm. People in these homes.
would still have hot water,,
would still be able to cook and
they would still be able to do
laundry, she said.
"You could have some sort of
A Iacksonville Beach restau-
rant received the okay to c6in-
struct a brick patio in arn exist-,
ing parking area in the i2.00.
block of Beach Blvd.
The Planning Commission.
Monday granted conditional
use approval for outdoor seating
to Twisted Sisters, located in the
Beach Plaza shopping center.
Owner Sunny Groves said she
hopes that offering outdoor din-
ing will attract new customers
and increase the visibility of the
shopping center.
"It's about the only commer-
cial center left on ,Beach
Boulevard and it's such a major
thoroughfare into the city," she
The 500-square-foot brick.
patio and walkway lading to
the seating area will extend
beyond the sidewalk area and
will utilize approximately four
parking' spaces in front of the
SSenior Planner Bill Mann said
'the patio is below the maxi-
mum size allowed for a 4,300-
square-foot restaurant.: ,
The former tenant also
obtained conditional use
approval for a 350-square-foot
seating area but they are not
To acconunodate the increase
in space, Twisted Sisters must
provide one extra parking space
in addition to the other four
Mann said the parking at the
center is "more than adequate"
normalcy during a storm," she
Along with providing envi-
ronmental protection,
Pomerantz said that one of the
main goals of the company is to
build a quality product for the
"There's no guarantee at this
point that this is what the cus-
tomers will pay for," she said.
This is what keeps many large
home builders from incorporat-
ing energy efficiency into their
homes, Pomerantz said. David
Smith, the president and owner
of SunWorks Solar Systems, the
provider of solar systems for
Hanalea, added that large home
builders tend to abstain from
energy efficiency for a variety of
.First, due to the great demand
for homes in the area, builders
can sell pretty much anything
that they can finish, Smith said.
"There's no incentive to be
different or special." he said.
"There's no competition.".
Additionally, consumers have-
not made demands for energy
efficient homes. Therefore,
builders see the additional
expenses of energy efficiency as
a speculative investment. There
is no guarantee that consumers
place a higher value on these
homes and are willing to pay
more for a green home, Smith
However, thie benefits from
including solar hot water sys-
tems in new home construc-
tions could have a significant
impact for the environment
to accommodate tile project
and acknowledged that no
amplified music will bee permit-
ted on the patio.
He also said there. was no.
need to impose special hours of
operation for patio seating
because the surrounding prop-
erties are commercial.
Commissioner Terry DeLoach
said that he has traditionally
opposed outdoor seating areas
proposed for smaller strip cen-
ters where parking is limited.
"There was a potential for
problems," he said. "This one is
larger and different from the
ones we've looked at before. I
don't think a precedent was set
with the others."
Mann said there are no
records of any problems associ-
ated with outdoor seating at any
establishment in the shopping
The Moon Grille does not
extend service to, its outdoor'
seating area. 1st Coast Billiards
also obtained conditional
approval for outdoor seating but
has yet to exercise the right,
Mann said.
Photo of Hanalea Vice President Doug Othmer outside the two
new homes on Jacksonville and Grande drives in Jacksonville
Beach. The two new homes are 85 percent energy efficient and
have solar water heaters installed by Jacksonville-based SUN-
WORKS which has been chosen as Hanalea's exclusive solar
and toward American energy
"If we put solar water heating
in every new home in America,
we'd probably never have to
build another power plant," he
Tax incentives that went into
effect in January have already
made an impact on the popu-
laritv and viability of installing
a solar hot water system. The
energy bill gives a 30 percent
tax credit for both residential
and commercial installations,
although the bill caps the credit
for residential consumers at
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Twisted Sisters gets go-ahead
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EACH I Ponte Vedra Leader
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. ulv 12. 2006
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Billy Reynolds at his Jacksonville Beach storage unit, which is serving as an ad hoc distribution center for High Pitched Hum
Publishing Co.
"_%,..au., o.. ....r ., ......
i qoiq ,., .j ,j, b A D Ad
Own publishing company
'"Jetty Man" author Billy Reynolds
rocentlv became a book publisher out of
r.ecessi ty.
:The Mayport native, who has written
nine novels and one non-fiction book,
started High Pitched Hum Publishing
Co. seven months ago after two firms
that published and distributed his
books went out of business.
S" only created the publishing compa-
ny so that I could finish the 'Jetty Man'
series," Reynolds said in an interview
fast week at The Beaches Leader.
"Then I started getting calls from peo-
ple wanting to know about my publish-
ing company. I was treated so crummy
by publishers that I felt like I could give
authors a better deal."
Since January, High Pitched Hum has
published books for both veteran and
first-time writers.
'The fledgling company's catalog lists
24 books, including 10 by Reynolds,
who recently published "Hoochie
Coochie," the eighth installment in his
popular "Jetty Man" series of Southern
Gothic novels.
"We have 14 authors and seven more
are expected this summer,"' said
Reynolds, who penned "Jetty Man" in
1999 while on an 11-week sick leave
from Mayport Middle School, where he
was the principal for four years.
"\Ve're on pace to have 50 books on
our website by January. It's called coop-
erative publishing because we give
authors so much in return. .
"They put up the money but the
return on their investment is very high
compared to traditional publishing."
IAn author who signs a contract with
iHigh Pitched Hum, a subsidy publisher,
pays between $5,000 and $7,000 to
have a manuscript turned into a 6-by-9
softbound book with a maximum of
250 pages.
In exchange, the author receives
2,000 books, full-color cover designs, an
ISBN number and a back cover barcode.
Reynolds also organizes book signing
for his 'clients at area book stores. He
also registers .High Pitched Hum books
with Sarasota-based BookWorld
Companies, one of the nation's largest
book distributors.
Selling another story
Getting a book published is easy.'
Selling one is another story.
Reynolds learned that the hard way.
His inaugural novel, "Jetty Man," has
sold more than 70,000 copies, but it
took a lot of tiine and effort on the
author's part. ,
Self-published authors have to hawk
:their goods, much like street vendors.
Before retiring from the school sys-
tem in lMay, Reynolds, who has a Ph.D.
in educational leadership, spent his
weekends and many weeknights at
book signing.
Eventually, his persistence paid off.
"It took me a year and a half to get
into Books-A-Million at the beach. And
'two and a half years to get into Barnes
& Noble [at Regency]," Reynolds said.
"People think that as an author 'you
.,get 25 books in a store. What you really
get is three books in a store." :.
'At his first-ever book signing at The
Book Mark in Atlantic Beach, Reynolds
promised owner Rona Brinlee that if she
ordered 50 "Jetty Man" books, he would
invite 50 paying customers to the book
Reynolds sold 187 books, 17 more
than best-selling author Carl Hiasson,
who had signed there the week before.
"Of coitse, all my friends bought
books," Reynolds recalled with a chuck-
"I've endearedmnyself to independent
book stores because I'm handling my
own books now and I give them a 50
percent discount."
See BOOKS, A-11
When Betty Jean
Steinshouer began portraying
women authors from history
many years ago, she didn't
realize "how important it can
be to an audience" to hear
those voices, Steinshouer
"I would sometimes travel
all day and night to make
one brief appearance as Willa
Gather or Marjorie Kinnan
Rawlings or Laura Ingalls
Wilder," Steinshouer says on
her Web site (www.betty-
"It would have seemed a
waste of jet fuel and time,
before Iknew how important
it can be to an audience to
have just a glimpse and a few
words from an author they
had long considered to be
dead and buried."
Three of the writers
Steinshouer portrays \Villa,
Cather, Marjorie Kinnan
Rawlings and Gertrude Stein
will come to life at 10 a.m.
Tuesday at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
The adult program is part
of the Florida Humanities
Council's Road Scholars
, series, said Joyce Baldwin, ref-
erence librarian at the Ponte
Vedra branch.
The program, "America at
War," is one of several that
Steinshouer has presented in
43 states since 1988.
The presentations bring
together Steinshouer's "love
of public discourse and rheto-
ric" and love'of literature,
which she stdied'WgaWLuj-
ate school, according to a
flyer from the library.
Since 1989, Steinshouer has
been researching Rawlings,
the author of "The Yearling"
and the namesake of a Ponte
Vedra Beach elementary
Rawlings (1896-1953) used
the money she made from
"The Yearling" to buy an
oceanfront beach cottage in
Crescent Beach, south of St.
Augustine, which she and her
photo submitted
Betty Jean Steinshoiser will
portray three well-known
authors during, presentation
at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library.
husband, Ocala hotelier
Norton Baskin, made their
primary home after World
War II.
But during the war,
Rawlings spent much of her
time in rural Florida, in Cross
Creek, which would become
the title of one of her works.
The wartime experiences of
Rawlings from Cross Creek
- Gather from Nebraska
and New York and Stein -
from occupied France -. are
the subject of "America at
The show presents "three
very different angles on a
world-shaking period of his-
tory," according to the
library's flver.
"For a moment in time, I
really am Miss Cather or Miz
Rawiings'," Steif)sh ouer' says '
on her Web site.
"The audience participates
in that 'willing suspension of,
disbelief" which makes the art'
of one-woman and one-man
shows as rich as any
Broadway play, when it is
done with proper respect for
the author's true self and
The program is free and
open to the public. For infor-
mation, call the library at
A young green heron sits on a log floating in the pond behind
the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library on Sunday.
St. Johns library staffers enjoy cooking
T three staffers with the St. Johns County
SLibrary system have turned their mutual
Interest in cooking into special events at
the St. Augustine branch library.
'Children's Librarian Mikki Sampo, reference
librarian Lisa Calvert, and
library assistant Marcia Daniels
have incorporated several
programs to help increase the -
ptblic's interest in library serv- :--
ides. "-
S"Food brings people in," said
Calvert, adding that hundreds
of people attended an old-
fashioned "Hoe Down" at the
library in April.
A buffet of chicken and sides was served,
a companies by a live band.
The event was sponsored by the Friends of
the Library.
tMiddle Eastern dishes were served during a
countywide effort in March to promote the
best-selling novel, "The Kite Runner."
iThe event gave readers a chance to try food
from the region where the book is set.
To generate interest in the Florida Library
Youth Program, a summer reading event, a
carnival with refreshments and hot dogs was
Teens are a challenging group to bring into
the library, said Sampo who has drawn on the
skills of other staff members to develop inter-
esting programs for this age group.
S'mores were served at an evening event
called "Spooky Tales Around
the Campfire."
SI Another teen event,
S"Decadent Vegan Desserts" was
held earlier in June.
Calvert and Daniels helped
COOKS with ideas for the hands-on
vegetarian dessert program.
They hoped the event would
appeal to teens looking for
something a little different to try.
Calvert and Daniels havebeen vegetarians
for more than 15 years.
Using fresh foods from local markets, vege-
tarian cooking is an easy way to cook meals
with lower fat and healthy ingredients,
Calvert said.
Daniels, who likes desserts, said there are
Children's librarian Mikki Sampo, from left, library assistant Marcia Daniels, and reference librarian
Lisa Calvert of the main branch of the St. Johns County Library in St. Augustine, share cooking
ideas to use for special programs at the library.
. ". .
* i.. .
Lee .
^^X^^^PQ .i t t
'America at War'
Tuesday at library
~ ~c~n ~i~*s-
xrV-d' 'h h a n e eJ 2
The Stennetts
Margaret A. (Peggy) and
William A. (Bill) Stennett of
Atlantic Beach will celebrate
their 50th wedding anniver-
sary on Friday, July 14.
She is the former Margaret
McHugh of Pro'idence, R.I.
Mr. Stennett is originally
from Bellevue, Wash.
The couple were married
July 14, 1956, in Providence.
They met while Mr. Stennett
was stationed it Quonset Point
Naval Air Station in Rhode
Island, .
They have four sons, Jeffrey,
James, Stephen, and Matthew;
and five grandchildren..
Mr. Stennett is a retired lieu-
tenant commander in the U.S.
Navy. Mrs. Stennett is a semi-
retired homemaker.
Sarah Jane Dixon of
lacksonville and Capt. Thomas
H. Klump of Seaford, Va., have
announced their engagement
to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-,
ter of Elizabeth and Charles
Dixon III of Jacksonville. She is
a 2003 graduate of Episcopal
High School and is a senior at
Georgetown University's
Walsh School of Foreign
Service. She is employed by St.
Luke's Gallery in Washington,
D.C. She will begin a master's
program in Russian and East
European Studies in the fall.
The groom-elect is the son of
Jeannie and Tom Klump of
Seaford, \a. He is a 1997 grad-
uate of York ('a.i High School
and a 2001 graduate of the U.S.
-Military Academy at West
Point. He served with .the
Army's 1st Infantry Division in
Iraq, where he received the
Bronze Star. He is currently a
captain in the Army's individ-
ual ready reserve and is
employed as an account execu-
tive at Pablo Beach Mortgage
in Jacksonmille Beach. He plans
to attend law school in the fall
of 2007.
The couple were engaged in
Praque, Czech Republic, while
Dixon was studying abroad at
Charles University. The couple
plan to wed on Saturday, June
16, 2007, at Immaculate
Conception Catholic Church
in Jacksonille.
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Vice Mayor Harriet Pruette recently presented Wade Tucker
with a Volunteer of the Year Award from the City of Neptune
Kathryn Perrone and Kristopher Hatcher
Kathryn Isabel Perrone and
Kristopher Lee Hatcher have
announced their engagement
to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Perrone Jr. of Jacksonville.
The groom-elect is the son of
Rebecca Hatcher and Michael
Hatcher of Panama City.
Perrone and Hatcher are
2004.graduates of Florida State
A September wedding is
planned ., at Community
Presbyterian Church in
Atlantic Beach.
Emily' G. Horne of Ponte
Vedra Beach was named to the
Dean's List at Virginia Tech.
University for the 2006 spring
To qiuli fy, students must earn
a 3.4 grade point average for at
least 12 credit hours of study.
Home is a junior majoring in
communication in the College
of Liberal Arts and Human
"" :' o "' ', '
Daniel Zyski of Ponte Vedra
Beach Zyski was named to the
Dean's List for the 2006 spring
semester at the Martin I.
Whitman School of
Management at Syracuse
To qualify, students must
achieve at least a 3.4 grade point
Zyski is a junior majoring in
marketing management and
supply chain management.
Russell Nader of Jacksonville
Beach and Jennifer Gilpin of
Neptune Beach recently gradu-
atedfronim Liberty University in
Lynchburg, Va.
Nader graduated with a bach-
elor of science degree in multi-
disciplinary studies.
Gilpin graduated with abach-
elor of science degree in multi-
disciplinary studies.
i~T! -+.
For the Kids
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Millior. 738' Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children frbm.
birth to .age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26. months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities,
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or. visit
of the Jacksonville Public:
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach also has children's activ-
ities, Call 241-1141 and press 4
for children's activities and 5
for the reference desk.
MOMMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music-and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin--
ning in September at Nanc,
Dance Studio. For information,
call 241-8349 for information.
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for kids, including.
karate,. tutoring and games.
group meets regularly at Isle of
Faith United Methodist
Church on San Pablo Road,
next to Alimacani Elementary
School For information, 221-
SCHOOLERS, support- groups
for moms of children ages 5 or
younger, meet as.follows:
Christ the Redeemer
Church, 190 S. Roscoe Blvd.;
Ponte Vedra Beach, 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. the third Monday of the
month (285-8009).
Mayport Naval Station
chapel, 9:30 a.m. the third
Monday of the month (270-
Ponte Vedra Presbyterian
church, 4510 Palm Valley Road,
Ponte Vedra, 9:15 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. the second and fourth
Monday of month (285-8225).
Cpl. John Hollingsworth III
Johi D. Hollingsworth III of
Jacksonville Beach was promot-
ed July 1, 2006, .to the rank of
corporal in the U.S. Marine
Corps. Hollingsworth also
received a certificate of com-
mendation for his support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom in
Camp Fallujuh, Iraq, where he
is stationed.
He is, the son of 'John D.
HollingsworthJr. of Jacksonville
Beach and the late Deborah
Jane Hollingsworth.
Amy Pantfoeder of Ponte
Vedra Beach recently graduated
from Florida State University
Gentle, Quality Dental
Care in a Friendly Atmosphere
Dr. Michael Dukes
Serving beaches
residents for over
a decade
*Cosmetic Dentistry Crowns Bridges Dentures
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8k ~Yoaa ~
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~..-': ?rUB~;.;d~~~
-~ ""aa~;'~~.:ar~i
~BB~i~~.~~ .rPs~s~s~l
with a bachelor of science
degrees in apparel design and
fashion merchandising.
She is the daughter of Charlie
arid Donna Raiford fMaks of
Neptune Beach and Dorman
and MAice Pantfoeder of Ponte
Vedra. ,. ,
~.'*, '' .
Clare Burns Dalton of Ponte
Vedra Beach graduated lMay 14
from Da\idson (N.C.I College.
Dalton was a French major
who graduated with honors,
earning the AB degree cum
While at Davidson, she held.
the McAlister Scholarship and
studied abroad in Kikuyu,
Kenya, and Tours, France, as a
member of the Reformed
University Fellowship. She was
also inducted into the Phi Beta
Kappa National Academic
Honor Society,. the Alpha
Epsilon Delta National:
Premedicine Honor Society, and
the Order of Omega.
She will attend medical.
.school this fall at the University,
of Florida. She is the daughter of
David and Suzanne Dalton of
Ponte Vedra.
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'The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 12, 2006-
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A
Books: 'Jett
Cont. from A-9
Reynolds recently spent 30
days signing books at an inde-
pendent book store in
Fernandina Beach.
For the next 90 days, he
and other High Pitched Hum
authors will be signing books
at the Borders book store near
the Avenues Mall.
SAmong those signing is 84-
year-old crime novelist Nancy.
Powell of St. Augustine, who
-recently released her second
book, "Murder on the Rocks."
SAlso participating is first-
time children's author John
Oberheu of Jacksonville
Beach, one of the invited
speakers at May's Much Ado
About Books event sponsored
.by the Jacksonville Public
Library system.
,'Oberheu's illustrated book,
"The Manatee that Flew," is
baked on a true story from the
files of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife :Service, where
Oberheu worked as. a wildlife.
biologist. ;
Sell in own back yard
Reynolds advises' :his
authors to sell their books in
their, owr: .back., yard, before
branching otit to other mar-
Reynolds said hee "saturat-
ed" Jacksonville with "Jetty
Safan" books before embarking
onr book', signing :'froinm
Daytona to the Carolinas.
Three years ago, Reynolds
was invited to speak at a
regional conference for
Books-A-Million store man-
agers in Birmingham, Ala.
He encouraged staffers with
the nation's third largest book
retailer to invite more local
authors in for book signing.
Last November, Reynolds
ws invited to speak about
the genesis of the "Jetty Man"
series at ,the' Porite Vedra
.ch Branch Library.
'Alout 20 people attended
the talk, seven of whom later
contacted Reynolds about
publishing their own books.
Five of those seven are cur-
rently High Pitched Hum
authors, including Neptune
Beach resident and former
University of Georgia football
star Leman "Buzy" Rosenberg,
who has sold more than 4,000
copies of his memoir,
"Buildi'nghgharcter .Tpo.gh
' -."B!-
Man' author publishing
7 ~ :i~~
pnolo surDmliea
Former University of Georgia football star Leman "Buzy"
Rosenberg has sold 4,000 copies of his sports memoir.
. Reynolds said the turn-
around time between manu-:
script and the finished prod-
uct is about eight weeks.
High Pitched Hum edits the
manuscript, but the author
has the final say, Reynolds
-said.. :
"They get a lot of hands-on
from me," added Reynolds,
who took the name of his
publishing company from a
chapter title in his first book.
"I never met the guy that
was my first publisher: All we
did was talk on the phone."
10 books on the shelf
Reynolds had just finished
the fifth book in the "Jetty
Man" series when his original
publisher went out of busi-
Reynolds said he lost thou-
sands in royalties, but eventu-
ally was able to obtain more
than 8,000 unsold books,
which he then stashed in a
storage unit in Jacksonville
The storage unit, now
stacked' fom floor to ceiling
with cartons of books, is serv-
ing as an gcholc distribution.
^edatinde Ah tchekfflu in
In January, Reynolds hops
to partner with Don Flynn
Productions, an independent
.film company, to share office
and warehouse space at
Channel 4 Studios in
Fl'nn produced an 11-
minute "Jetty Man" short,
which will be screened on
Labor Day at Atlantic
Theaters in Atlantic Beach.
Actor Barry Corbin of the TV
series "Northern Exposure" is
the narrator.
Reynolds is teaming with
FCCJ professor Dana Thomas
on his next novel, "Ditch
Va I ker."
He has come a long way
from peddling copies of "letty
Man" out of the trunk of his
"I still want to be a book-
signer and I don't want to
quit writing," said Reynolds,
who will celebrate seven years
as a published author in
"I thought I had one book
in-me. I thought all my fami-
ly members would buy it and
that would be the end of it.
Now I have 10 books op the
Fshel ve" -
Recipes: Li
Cont. from A-9
many dessert recipes that are
compatible with a vegetarian
lifestyle, including desserts
for vegans, or people who do
not consume anything with
animal products.
Sampo, a more traditional
cook, is one of seven siblings
who follows in the footsteps
of her mother who always
cooked in quantity.
The habit of cooking large
amounts of food works well
for Sampo and her husband
since they enjoy the conven-
ience of having a good supply
of leftovers in the freezer, she
Daniels suggested using the
recipe for Chocolate Tofu Pie
from St. Augustine's Manatee
Cafe. The teens also made
Peanut Butter Fudge and fruit
and nut parfaits.
The Chocolate Tofu Pie was
easy to make with no baking
required. The recipe uses only
a few ingredients easily found
in local stores.
The teens at the event suc-
cessfully made their own pie
and sampled one that Daniels
had made earlier.
Everyone agreed that it was
delicious. Even those hesitant
to try tofu, liked it, said
The main branch of the St.
Johns County Library is at '
1960 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd.
Call 827-6940.
The Hastings branch will
have a Summer Salads and
Vitamin C luncheon event for
brary delves into cooking
teens at 11 a.m. on July 18.
The library is at 6195 Main
Street. Call 827-6970 for
The following recipes were
used for the "Decadent Vegan
Desserts" teen event held in
June at the main branch of the
St. Johns County Library.
Chocolate Tofu Pie
one and one-half pkgs.
Extra Firm Silken Tofu (18
1 12 oz.vegan semi-sweet
chocolate morsels
1 graham cracker crust
Pour chocolate into a
microwaveable bowl..
Microwave on high at 30 sec-
ond intervals until melted
(stirring at each interval).
(Save a handful of morsels
for garnish on top of pie).
Break up tofu with a fork
and pour into blender. (for
best results pour small
amounts of tofu in blender at
a time). Blend on high until
creamy. Add melted choco-
late. Blend until thoroughly
. Pour into graham cracker
crust. Place morsels on top or
grate them into small bits.
Refrigerate, Let chill 2- 3
Fruit Parfaits
Nuts (almond, walnuts,
pecans, peanuts, cashews)
Your Favorite Fruit
2 pkgs. (24oz.) Extra Firm
Silken Tofu.
2- 3 tsp. Vanilla Extract
one-half cup Sugar (to
To whip Tofu Cream: Drain
water from tofu. Break up
tofu with fork. Pour into
blender (for best results pour
small amounts of tofu in
blender at a time). Blend on
high until creamy. Add salt,
vanilla and sugar to taste.
Blend until thoroughly
Slice your favorite fruit and
layer in parfait glass alternat-
ing between fruit and
whipped tofu cream. Top
with nuts and cherry.
Easy Vegan Peanut
Butter Fudge
three-quarters cup vegan
1 cup peanut butter
three and two-thirds cup
confectioners sugar
Lightly grease a 9 x 9 inch
baking dish.,
In a saucepan over low
heat, melt margarine. Remove
from heat and stir in peanut
butter until smooth. Stir in
confectioners sugar, a little at
Sa time, until well blended. Pat
into prepared pan and chill.
until firm. Cut into squares.
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Chris Lenahen of Ponte Vedra Beach, a sophomore at Episcopal High School, came in second in
the nation in his weight class at the 2006 National High School Age Championships. Lenahen,
who competes in the 152-pound class for ages 14 to 15, clean and jerked 221 pounds (above).
He also snatched 168 pounds. He is a member of the Episcopal weightlifting team and Team
Florida. He will compete this month at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The sixth annual Nease
football golf tournament,
sponsored by the Nease
Touchdown Club, will be held
July 17 at Marsh Creek in St.
Augustine. The Nease
Touchdown Club provides
financial support' for items
such as team uniforms, post-
game snacks, drinks for away
games and necessities.
The fee is $100 per golfer;
entry deadline is luly 10.
Activity begins with a noon
check-in, followed by a 1 p.m.
shotgun start. A four-person
captain's choice is the format.
All participants will receive
balls, tees and gift bags at reg-
istration. A buffet dinner,
where prizes are awarded, will
wrap up the activities.
Sponsorship opportunities
range from a $5,000 plat-
inum, which includes eight
golfers and signage at the
tournament and in Nease
Stadium, to a $50 Panther
To register or learn more
about sponsorship opportuni-
ties, log on to
neasefootball.com and click
the golf tournament link, or
call Tom or Kim Kernohan at
Nease baseball coach Greg
"Boo" Mullins offers a
Monday through Thursday, 9
a.m. to noon, baseball camp
at Cornerstone Park.
Initially only a four-week
program, Mullins has extend-
ed his camp throughout the
summer. The cost per partici-
pant is $150 per week. Those
interested should call 783-
Mullins' camp offers defen-
sive, offensive, hitting and
base-running drills, plus the
importance of "small-ball,"
the Nease coach's stock-in-
trade that's built around strat-
egy, speed, timing, sacrifice
and solid mental pitching.
The annual Bud Beech
Summer Camp, which began
May 22 at Nease High, offers
10 weekly sessions, most of
which run Monday through
Thursday, except for this
week because of yesterday's
holiday, when the camp will
be shortened to three days,
today through Friday. The last
camp session will be held the
week of July 24.
Each session is $55 for a
hall day, either 9 a.m. to
noon or noon to 3 p.m., or
$95 for an extended day, 9
a.m. to 3 p.m.
Round-trip bus transporta-
tion from Ponte Vedra Beach
is available, as is lunch in the
high school's cafeteria.
For more information or an
application form, call 904-
686-4075 or send an e-mail to
Switzerland Point Middle
School principal Sue
Sparkman and Crookshank
Elementary School principal
Jim Roberts have been select-
ed as the St. Johns County
School District's nominees for
the 2006 Commissioner's
Achievement Award for
Outstanding Leadership.
Sparkman has been
employed by the school dis-
trict since 1995 and has been
principal at Switzerland Point
for four years, Roberts has
been in the district and prin-
cipal at Crookshank since
1997. The two nominees will
be forwarded to the state,
where they compete at the
regional level. Winners will
be announced in the fall.
Brian NMcElhone, assistant
principal at Osceola
Elementary School for the
past three-and-one-half years,
has been chosen the school
district's nominee for 2006
outstanding assistant princi-
July 12, 2006
*Page 12A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
July 12, 2006 SPORTS
Sports Briefs
Fishing Leader
A surprise winner in final BAST event
Sumrall and Hanley-Pinto o s p 7
win overall championships
Media still
and Weaver
Tacksonville has taken it on
the snoot again for the ter-
rible crime of hosting the
per Bowl in 2005. The
excuse for the latest attack is a
rating by a Sports Illustrated
writer of the NTL owners and
listing Jaguars owner Wayne
Weaver somewhere below sea
Although specific details of
his indictment aren't listed.
Weaver (the writer won't get
any name publicity here) is
attacked for everything but tak-
ing steroids and putting slugs
in a church offering. He's
called "Whine" Weaver for
moaning over lack of financial
support from the fans and his
plight of low revenue.
.Why the attack on Weaver,
when it's doubtful that Sports
Illustrated really gives a rat's
rear if Jacksonille can't match
the big teams in size and
income? There's nothing new
about it, the city was the same
when it was granted the fran-
chise in 1994. The fact that
Weaver is highly regarded by
his fellow owners shouldn't
irritate Sports Illustrated writ-
eis, should it?
Critics all over the country
hpve knocked us as probably a
worse locale for a Super Bowl
than Iraq. Sports Illustrated
must be hard up for subjects
now to resurrect that attack on
Jacksonville for getting the
Super Bowl. One would have
thought they'd be bus) search-
ing bags of every team for
drugs and anything that would
smack of chewing tobacco or
second hand smoke.
What's me reason most of
the media hated Jacksonville?
vWhy, there's not enough sin
here. Oh, there are enough
homicides, heaven knows, but
not the kind of free gambling,
hard drinking and naughty
goings-on to keep the boys
busy at night. It can't be a traf-
fic problem. As any who have
covered Super Bowls from
Miami to New Orleans to
Houston to the West Coast can
tell you, traffic is not a
Jacksonville exclusive.
SIt can't be inconvenience.
Media covering the big show
in Los Angeles and Miami
know what it is having to bus
for miles from one camp to the
other for interviews that reveal
The critic's listing of NTFL
owners he prizes above others
include some interesting
names. His first choice is New
England Patriots owner Robert
Kraft and considering their
success, that's understandable,
maybe. But second, Jerry
Jones of the Dallas Cowboys,
just might be challenged by
some who have locked horns
with the bombastic Jerry, but
here again you can't knock
Now No. 3 is a weird
choice. Anyone who judges
Dan Snyder of the -
Washington Redskins a good
old boy might check with
Steve Spurrier, who was given
the gate as head coach almost
before he got unpacked. They
might also check with ex-
Gators coach Pepper Rodgers,
who was kicked out at the
same time after being one of
Snyder's most trusted advisors
for several years.
But lambasting Weaver for
no good reason other than
calling on his community to
support the team and host-
ing the Super Bowl smacks
of personal, not professional,
The surprise is that SI didn't
attack him for covering seats
he couldn't sell. Or maybe
they have and we just missed
it. If they haven't called for
his NFL court martial yet,
they probably will. After all,
it's the little guys who get
stepped on the most.
Justin Jacobs, a 23-year-old
from Jacksonville, was the unex-
pected men's winner of the sea-
son's third and final Lifestyles
Realtors Beaches Fine Arts Sprint
Triathlon. Also unexpected were
the strong winds that caused
cancellation of the quarter-mile
swim that opens a sprint
triathlon, resulting instead in
one-mile runs by age group.
Jacobs' winning time was
51:09, while Jennifer Hanlev-
Pinto, who won the first
women's race May 13, won for
the second
time this sea-
son in 56:53.
Steve Petitt,
of Atlantic
Beach, the 45-
year-old win-
ner of the first
men's race in
May, didn't
compete Satur-
day. And
Dustin McLar-
ty, a 20-year-
old University
of Florida stu-
dent from De-
Land who won
the second
event June 10
and finished
third Saturday,
pate.in the first B
So Richard Su
Mary Esther in t
Beach area and th
champion Saturd
winner on the ba
of 54:19, 54:12
Chris Huff, a 33
Sanford, finished
lacobs and also
to Sumrall with
time of 2:44:36.
47, of Ormond B
overall in 2;45:53
Sumrall has ru.
series for six year
"It's a great l
enjoyed doing it.
on it. It's fun to
take the series,"
who earned his f
tory. "Great folk
and it's a lot of I
the venue's wond
Jackson\ille resic
overall women's
basis of her two s
finished fourth
race in 1:03:02 an
in 1:01:55. Her o
Andrea Kauff
Ponte Vedra Beac
ond overall in
Galey Gravenst
Gainesville was third with a
combined time of 3:16:03.
Heather Moore, 30, of
lacksonille was Saturday's run-
ner-up in 1:00:40.
Hanley-Pinto went into the
last race hoping to break one
hour and succeeded. She
explained her fourth-place fin-
ish in the second BFAST by sav-
ing, "I was six days off a half-
Ironman, so was a little tired on
that one."
This is Hanley-Pinto's second
season of tnathlons. Now she's
training for an honman.
"I had a friend challenge me
to the Ironman, because I'm a
strong runner
and he's a
5 strong cyclist,"
she said. "So
I'm never disappointed I've been try-
iw t ng to pick up
when they cancel the the sport and
swim. I'm a runner. I'm learn what I
can, see how I
getting better at the bike. do at it.
Hanl e v -
The swim is my weakest Pinto said she
link. plans to com-
pete Sept. 10
in a Wisconsin
.. .-- I..ronman.
"I'm hoping
Jennifer Hanley-Pinto no ocean
Overall BFAST women's champ swims and no
hot and
humid weath-
didn't partici- er," she said, adding, "I'm never
FAST. disappointed when they cancel
umrall, 42, of the swim. I'm a runner. I'm get-
he Fort Walton ting better at the bike. The swim
ie male masters is my weakest link. So anytime
ay, was overall they cancel the swim, I'm
sis of his times happy."
and 53:09- As to the lionman's 2.4-mile
swim. Hanley-Pinto said, "I can
3-year-old from swim the same pace forever. I
ed second to just can't swim fast. The 400
was runner-up here's such a quick, all-out
a combined sprint, and I can't do it.
Michael Cain, "I'll definitely be here [next
each was third year]." she added.
SOn the men's side, Jacobs, a
i in the BFAST regular on the Jacksonxille
s. Grand Pnx running circuit, cap-
ittle race. I've tured the first BFAST he's ever
I cut my teeth entered. Huff finished second in
:ome back and 52:13. with NMcLarty, a member
said Sumrall, of the "University of Florida
first overall -ic- swim team, third in 52:17.
:s that run it, lacobs competed in his initial
un. Of course, BFAST because there was an
lerful." opening on his running calen-
a 29-year-old dar.
lent, won the "This race weekend was open.
title on the So I checked it out, and I've
series wins. She heard a lot of good things about
in the second it," he said, adding, "It was a fun
id won the first race."
overall time was Commenting on his time,
Jacobs termed it "a decent race,"
man, 25, of adding, "I've been strong run-
h finished sec- ning training, so the duathlon
3:07:03, while kind of tilted it a little in my
tein, 22, of favor, with the lack of a swim.
Former Jacksonville Jaguars offensive lineman Tony Boselli, of
Ponte Vedra Beach, catches his breath after finishing his sec-
ond Beaches Fines Arts Series Triathlon Saturday.
4; ;
Women's winner Jennifer Hanley-Pinto, left, is about to cross the finish line at Mickler's Landing in
Ponte Vedra Beach last Saturday. Hanley-Pinto won the race and the overall women's title.
"I was .hoping to do a
triathlon. It would have been a
much tighter race, because
there's some strong swimmers
here, too, I know."
Now that he's had a taste of
BFAST, Jacobs hopes to return
next year.
"I'd like to do it," he said.
"I'm also competitive in the
running circuit, and a lot of the
races fall on the Jacksonville
Grand Prix circuit of running
races, so I can't necessarily do
the series."
McLarty was 'disappointed he'
couldn't swim, since that's his
"It was a different aspect," he
said. "It's a lot tighter race,
because the swim usually
stretches the field out a lot
more. So it was a lot more head-
to-head action, always someone
there to push you the whole
bike ride and the whole run.
"It came down to the wire.
Transitions were key today just
because a lew seconds in transi-
tion can make all the differ-
ence," said McLarty, who wasn't
sure if he'll be back next season.
"I'm not sure how much
focus I have to put on my
swimming," he said. "We're
approaching the Olympic trials,
so I have to get more down to
the grindstone and crank out
the yards."
Nease players are sparking
North Florida team's success
In a sight that was commonplace for Nease
High School last spring, Matt Reifsnider hit
what proved to be a game-winning home run in
front of coach Greg "Boo" Mullins. Only this
time it was for Mullins' North Florida summer
league team which improved to 16-4 with the
July 5 victory over American Legion Post 88.
Reifsnider's blast, in the top of the seventh
inning, broke open a scoreless tie and helped
starting pitcher Joe Zwick earn a 1-0 decision.
When Reifsnider pitched for Nease, he helped
himself with two game-winning homers.
Reifsnider was the second batter in the top of
the seventh in the game played at Wolfson
"I was sitting in the dugout, it's seventh
inning, 0-0, and I was like, 'Reifsnider, you need
to jack one here,'" said Zwick, who struck out 12
in the win. "As soon as he hit that ball in the air,
I started screaming. I knew it was gone.
"Usually, when he's pitched and it's 0-0, he
goes and does it himself," Zwick recalled from
the Panthers' 2006 campaign. "I'm glad he
helped me out."
Reifsnider takes his baseball skills to The
Citadel later this summer, while Zwick hopes to
get an opportunity at Santa Fe Community
College, where four-year Nease starter Chris
Warren is playing. Mullins is helping Zwick find
a baseball home.
Zwick didn't have a lot of opportunities to
pitch during Nease's 23-4 season because the
main starters, Reifsnider and Daniel Jones,
backed by Matthew Redding, threw complete
"Joe's got one no-hitter this year. This is his
second one-hitter of the summer, so he's had
five great outings. But this is probably his best'
one, because they've got a bunch of Division-I
players," Mullins said of Post 88. "They've got
three kids who were drafted. Joe just went right
through them."
Zwick faced 18 batters, the minimum, through
the first six innings. Reifsnider, who was catch-
ing, gunned down a baserunner following a
fourth-inning single, and another baserunner
was erased after being picked off second.
Zwick, who left two seventh-inning walks
stranded, hurled his no-hitter against a Camden
County, Ga., team.
Brian Joseph, Zwick's mound opponent and
one of Post 88's D-I players, struck out 14 North
Florida batters while allowing six hits, three of
which came in the seventh.
"I was looking for it," Reifsnider said of his
homer. "He threw me a fastball first pitch, then
came back with a slider or his curveball [and I]
fouled it off. I looked for another fastball, and
luckily it worked."
Reifsnider finished with a 10-1 record for the
Panthers but hurt his shoulder pitching against
Bishop Moore May 9.
"When I got back from New York, about a
week ago, I started throwing,"' said Reifsnider.
"Every time I played for [North Florida] I've been
DH-ing, haven't been throwing at all. Today
Coach Mullins asked if I could throw, and I said,
'Yes sir, I'd love to.' He told me I could catch."
Reifsnider was pleased with Zwick's perform-
"Joe threw a great game," he said. "I wish we
could have given him a little more run support
earlier in the game, especially when [center
fielder] Patrick O'Malley gave us a lead-off dou-
ble [in the fourth]."
O'Malley was the only North Florida player
with two hits. He singled down the third base
line as the game's second batter.
"This summer I've really gotten to pitch in
competition. I have probably 40 innings" said
Zwick. "And every time I pitch, Mullins is work-
ing with me. So I'm getting better."
Mullins was a relief pitcher in the Milwaukee
Brewers, farm system who reached the majors
with the Brewers for parts of two seasons. He vis-
ited with Zwick during the seventh inning at
"He just came out to give me a little breather,"
said the right-hander. "He gets really worked up
in the dugout, had to come out to calm himself
down. He told me I need to slow down a little
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July 12, 2006
Mother's Home Cooking Serves Southern
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Local Representative Morris Busbia
Comfort Food
Trying to describe in one word the
food at Mother's Home. Cooking in
Jacksonville Beach is easy. The word is
delicious. It's the same kind of stick-to-
your-ribs, down-home dishes you
remember from your childhood.
Describing the "feel" of Mother's
Home Cooking is a little trickier. It's
funky, eclectic and comfy. And some-
how you expect an apron-clad Mom to
remind you to use your napkin and
clean your plate or there's no dessert.
Mother's Home Cooking conve-
niently located next to Giovanni's
Restaurant on Beach Boulevard is the
brainchild of owner Jay Shadden and his
best friend from his high school days,
Scott Foltz.
"Mother's Home Cooking is really a
work in progress," says Jay. "We bought
Danny's at the Beach in March 2005 and
in January opened Mother's Home
The goal was to keep some of the
restaurant's beachy flair and popular sig-
nature dishes like the potato chip
crusted pork chops, fried shrimp and
other "Southern comforts" and then
add their own imprint, according to lay.
And add their own imprint they did.
Mother's Home Cooking is bright,
cheery, upbeat and homey, with a family atmosphere for all
ages. Seating includes tables and booths, with many booths
including flat-screen TVs and a "theme." There's an Llvis
Booth, a Mother's Booth (featuring Jane Jetson, Wilma
Flintstone, Mrs. C from Happy Days, Aunt Bee from the
Andy Griffiths Show and other TV moms) and even booths
with surfing, model train and baseball card signs. And for
the laptop crowd Mother's is now a VVIFI hotspot.
Plenty of area restaurants serve tasty, down-home
Southern food but few combine it with the good Southern
hospitality, prompt service yet laid-back attitude and back-
in-the-day nostalgia that Mother's Home Cooking offers.
Mother's Home Cooking's staff of 20 and brother-and-sis-
ter team managers Anna and Anton serve up tasty food,
friendliness and top-notch service.
The menu at Mother's Home Cooking is chockfull of tried-
and-true Southern favorites cleverly dubbed Southern
Comforts and also offers nightly specials to satisfy any
taste craving. A kids menu and senior citizens portions are
also available.
Mother's Home Cooking has you covered from breakfast
to dinner, with Mother's Early Bird Specials running from 6
to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and a lunch buffet for
$7.99 Monday through Friday. Plus, breakfast is served all
day/every day and features Mother's Breakfast Combos,
Mother's Omelets, Mother's Breakfast Wraps and specialties
from Mother's Griddle. Saturday and Sunday features an all-
you-con-eat breakfast buffet from 8a.m. to,2 p.m.. for.only
7.99 Now Nfother.'soffers dinner.buffets Tuesday, through
'Sa0 y for $9.99
Lunch and dinner menus range from appetizers to
desserts. Starters include crab cakes, fried okra, fried squash,
quesadillas, chicken tenders and onion rings. Specialty
soups include Louisiana Seafood Gumbo and Mother's
Homemade Soup of the Day. Salads include a seared steak
salad, Sun Set salad, classic Caesar, Chef salad, dinner salad,
side salad and a house salad.
Also featured is a full array of tried-and-true "comfort"
sandwiches from The Mother Burger, Patty Melt, Meatloaf
Sandwich, Club Triple Decker, Big Chicken Club and Big
Fish Sandwich the favorite of Jay's wife, Nicole to BLTs
and seven different types.of wraps.
"Mother's Southern Comforts" foods include Pot Roast
- Just Like Mom's
r-L r -
"So There I Was...
at Mother's
Best Home Cooking
in Town"
--:E :'
Owner Jay Shadden (on right) and staff are ready to serve up Mother's favorites
at Mother's Home Cooking, located at 1183 Beach Blvd. in Jax Beach.
with Veggies, Homemade Meatloaf the favorite of Jay's
seven-year-old daughter Paige, Potato Chip Crusted Pork
Chop, Jambalaya Jay's personal favorite, Chicken &
Dumplings, Veggie Plate, Country Fried Steak, Buttermilk
Fried Chicken, Crab Cakes, Fresh Catch of the Day, New
York Strip, Fried Shrimp and Pick A Pepper Chicken.
All Southern Comforts and dinners are served with a
choice ot two sides. Green beans, creamed peas, lima beans,
steamed cabbage, turnip greens, baked mac and cheese, fried
squash, French fries, potato salad, black-eyed peas, corn,
veggie medley, cole slaw, garlic mashed potatoes, rice pilaf
or sweet potato are just some of the examples of the seven
or eight fresh vegetables that Mother's offers daily.
The Kids menu is just what Mother ordered, too. Featured
are Kids Burger, Chicken Tenders the favorite of Jay's four-
year-old son Evan, Macaroni and Cheese, Grilled Cheese,
Hot Dog, Liver & Onions (iust kidding!) and Brussels Sprouts
(if you really have a kid who wants them).
Desserts include daily specials and scrumptious hand-
dipped milkshakes, not to mention Chocolate Explosion
cake, made-from-scratch-daily bread pudding, pecan pie,
fruit cup and ice cream. Also offered is key lime pie that won
the 2005 Folio Weekly Best Key Lime Pie in Jackson\ille
Mother's Home Cooking also welcomes large dine-in
groups and offers an extensive takeout and catering menu
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. "With one of the largest
catering menus in the area, we have just what you need for
got-toge.hers and takeout.for the Beaches summer jazz con-
cetts,," says la'..- ,We caterlfor groups of seven to 200 and
deliver catered orders of 200 or more, so keep us in iind for
birthday parties, office events and other parties."
"We're a family-friendly, kid-friendly and group-friendly
kind of place, and we invite you to pull up a chair and spend
some time with us just like Mother would," explains Jay.
"Remember, there's nothing like Mother's Home Cooking!"
Mother's Home Cooking, located at 1183 Beach Blvd., is
open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily except Monday, when it
closes at 2 p.m. All major credit cards, including Visa,
MasterCard, American Express and Discovery, are accepted.
For a limited time only, mention this Business Review and
receive a 10-percent discount. For more information, call
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saspsirl- ~ssrura -n;
U' nllY I m115
july J i ---- regt--- -ksVU
'he 26.2with Donna' race beginstotake shape
It was a fortuitous moment
three years ago when
Beaches resident Donna
ficken met running icon Jeff
alloway at the Gate River
iun expo.
Hicken, a 12-year veteran
marathon runner and First
oast News (WTLV) anchor,
wounded the Donna Hicken
foundation in 2003 after sur-
iving two life-threatening
outs with breast cancer.
i Galloway's name is connect-
d with nearly everything that
*as anything to do with run-
ning. In 1972, he ran the
10,000 meters at the Munich
Olympics. _
Since then, he has written
Snumerous books and articles
on running, he has.a column
every month in Runner's
Vorld magazine and makes
Dozens of speaking engage-
ments worldwide.
* Lately his greatest claim to.
Same could be his innovative
'IGalloway System," a long-dis-
tance training method that '
incorporates walking rest peri-
ods between periods of run-
u.ing. The system's' primary ,
focus is less injury, less stress
and to finish the race with a
smile on your face.
SHicken and Galloway talked
of her "Run With Donna"
group that has raised money
for her Donna Hicken
Foundation which funds the
vital needs of undeserved local
women who are stricken with
S Baseball Camp
SNease baseball coach Greg
.'Boo" Mullins offers a
lfonday through Thursday, 9
a.m. to noon, baseball camp
at Cornerstone Park. Initially
: nly a four-week program,
Mullins has extended his
camp throughout the sum-
mer. .
The cost per participant is
$150 per week. Those interest-
qd should call 783-6561.
. Mullins' camp offers defen-
sive, offensive, hitting and
base-running drills, plus the
importance of "small-ball,"
the Nease coach's stock-in-
trade that's built around strat-
'gy, speed, timing, sacrifice
and solid mental pitching.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering
grades 3-5 is from 8 a.m. until
11 a.m. Camp for grades 6-9
takes place from 12:30 p.m.
until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
information \isit ww w'.beach-
6sbasketball.com or phone
Tommy .Hulihan at 349-2611.
Beaches Basketball League
at St. Paul's School includes
an 8-game season for kids
ages 3 to rising 6th graders.
Four divisions of play will be
featured: Pre-K (co-ed), K-lst
tco-ed), 2nd-3rd Iboys and
girls teams) and 4th to rising
6th with separate boys and
girls teams.
Cost is $85 and all players
receive a T-shirt and trophy.
For more information visit
beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at
349-2611. .
Football Fundraiser
The sixth annual Nease
football golf tournament,
sponsored by the Nease
Touchdown Club, will be held
July 17 at Marsh Creek in St.
Augustine. The Nease
Touchdown Club provides
financial support for items
such as team uniforms, post-
game snacks, drinks for away
games and necessities.
SThe fee is $100 per golfer;
entry deadline is Jul'y 1'0.
Activity begins with a noon
check-in, followed by a 1 p.m.
shotgun start. A four-person
captain's choice is the format.
All participants, will receive
balls, tees and gift bags at reg-
istration. A buffet dinner,
breast cancer. Now three years
old, her foundation has
helped 350 women and last
month reached an impressive
landmark: A million dollars
Chicken reflected: "\When I
went through my episodes
with cancer, I had a good job
and insurance but I was still
swamped with thousands and
thousands of dollars of medi-
cal bills. I thought about all
those women who didn't have
that. How did they get
through? When you don't
have any money it doesn't
matter how much you owe, it
might as well be a million.
When there is no money,
there is no money," she said.
They also spoke of
Galloway's charity-based train-
ing groups, of which there
where prizes are awarded, will
wrap up the activities.
Sponsorship opportunities
range from a $,5,000 plat-
inum, which includes eight
golfers and signage at the
tournament and in Nease
Stadium, to a $50 Panther
To register or learn more
about sponsorship opportuni-
ties, go to neasefootball.com
and click the golf tournament
link, or call Tom or Kim
Kernohan at (9041 543-0567.
St. Paul's Sports
St. Paul's summer sports
camps feature participation in
team sports and.age-appropriate
activities. Basketball, flag foot-_j
ball, kick ball, tag and more are
offered. On Friday's, campers
have pizza and go to Beach
Camp sessions are weekly
from the end of May until late
July. For more information visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-
Fletcher Soccer Camp will
take place July 17-20 and July
24-27 at San Pablo Elementary
School fields (across from
now 50 throughout the U.S.
Suddenly it dawned on them:
Why not create a new
Marathon with the sole pur-
pose of aiding the fight
against breast cancer?
During her own fight
against the disease, Donna
had leaned heavily upon
Jacksonville's Mayo Clinic and
Dr. Edith Perez, the clinic's
esteemed hematologist/oncol-
ogist. In a conversation with
Perez, she learned that the
clinic's cancer research depart-.
ment was always under fund-
Chicken and Perez
approached the Mayo Clinic
with an unprecedented idea:
Become involved in the found-
ing of a major race dedicated
to raise funds to fight breast
cancer. The clinic excitedly
agreed and the triumvirate of
Chicken, Galloway and Mayo
set about to organize what will
very likely be the biggest run
to ever hit Jackson\ille Beach:
"26.2 With Donna: The .:
National Marathon To Fight
Breast Cancer."
Starting and finishing at the
Mayo Clinic, the event is a.
marathon and more. Events
include a half-marathon, a
fun-run and a health and fit-
ness expo, as well as the 26.2-
mile marathon.
The marathon course will go
from the Mayo Clinic on San
Pablo Road, across the
Intracoastal Waterway, then
northward through
SFletcher High School).
Camp for 7th to 12th
graders takes place from 9 a.rm.:
until noon. Cost is $130 per
week or $240 for both weeks.'
Camp for 5- to 10-year-olds
takes place July 17-20 from 5
p.m. until 7 p.m. Cost is $65.'
Clinicians include Bentley.
College head coach Peter,
Simonini, Fletcher High boys
coach Mike Levine, Fletcher
girls coach Megan Pardue and
members of the Embrv Riddle
University soccer team.
For more information
phone Levine at 635-8969 or
e-mail Pardue at
Island FC.is forming boys -
and girls travel soccer teams for
the 2006-7 season. Teams will
be offered in the following age
groups: U-12 (bom on or after
8/1/94 but before 7/31/961; U-
14 ibom on or after 8/1/92 but
before 7/31/941; U-16 (bom on
or after 8/1/90 but before
7/31/92; and U-18 for those
born on or after 8/1/88 but
before 7/31/90.
Girls tryouts will take place
June 12 and 14 at San Pablo
Elementary fields from 5:30
p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Boys team
tryouts will take place June 13
and 15.
For more information con-
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Jacksonville, Atlantic and
Neptune Beaches and back
Hicken is very familiar with
the prospective course.
"It's my home course," she
said. "I ran it many times just
to make sure I didn't hate it."
One of the, course's high-.
lights willbe a two and a half
mile stretch northward along
the beach itself.
I talked to Jeff Galloway in
Atlanta at last week's
Peachtree Road Race. He will
serve as a sort of shadow race
director. -
"I may not put the paper
cups on the tables at the aid
stations but I will oversee the
logistics of the race and the
most important functions," he
said. "I am very excited about
the race; Donna Hicken has
The triumvirate of Hicken,
Galloway and the Mayo
Clinic set about to organize
what will very likely be the
biggest run ever to hit
Jacksonville Beach.
"We thought we should let
them see our beaches and how
great they are to run on," said
Chicken. "Especially the out-of-
She hastened to point out
that the tide tables have been
checked and that it will be
low tide with plenty of hard-
packed beach sand. Also the
beach portion of the race will
only be run on the out-bound
part of the course, while run-
ners are fresh, and only if
weather permits.
tact Megan Pardue at 234-2646.
Fletcher High School will
host JV and varsity volleyball
tryouts July 31 from 9 a.m.
until noon aAd on Aug. 1 and
Aug. 2 from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.
in the gym. Any girls interested
are encouraged to attend.
A Duval County school
board physical is required to try
out. Forms are available in the
main office of the high school.
For more information con-
tact coach Shanel Lopez at 294-
8697 or coach len Silva at 588-
Ja^ jBejachi
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The Beaches Leads
Ponte Vedra Leade
done a great job of getting
things going.
"It will be the first-ever
national marathon where all
of the money raised will go
directly to fight breast cancer."
Another feature Galloway
Swill add to the event is his
new "virtual trainer" program,
an on-line running plan that
gives you Coach Galloway on
the convenience of your com-
puter. Additionally, many of
the people in his regular run-
ning groups, like the one in
Jacksonville, will be pointing
toward this race.
Planning and executing a
major race is a huge undertak-
ing and sensibly, the organizers
have given themselves plenty
of time to do it. The race is set
for February 17, 2008.
Galloway is optimistic about
the turnout for the race's
debut. "I think we can get
S5,000 runners, maybe more,"
he said.
SHicken's main concern is
that the event will be of the
highest quality. She frets over
the details, saying, "I want
this race to be perfect."
To help organize they have
enlisted the expertise of.
Theresa O'Donnell-Price, City
of Jacksonville special events
director who planned events
for the 2005 Super Bowl.
There will be an extensive
advertising campaign and rep-
resentatives of the event will
attend all of the major race
expos for the next 18 months
to talk up the race.
The 26.2 With Donna is
seeking corporate sponsorship;
anyone interested in lending a
financial hand to this very
worthy cause may contact
Trista Wallace at 904-398-5222.
.For more information
about these events log onto
If you are interested in join-
ing the Jeff Galloway training
group to train for this race, or
any other one, call John
TenBroeck at 387-0528.
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Page 3B
The Beaches LTeader/Ponte Vedra Leader
T.l. 13 I 006 I n/;
;r. ~ln. X --- .y:.:~l
.i J :bff i
July 12, 2006
Redbass and tarpon feeding around the jetties
P enty of whiting are hold-
ing in Nassau Sound and
behind the surf from
Atlantic Beach to south Ponte
Vedra. Redbass, as well as tar-
pon, are feeding around the
ends of both jetties on high
Kings are being caught in the
southeast hole and off the-
Capt.'s House in 45 feet of
Jetty guide Fred Morrow and
the Ferris Soloman party fished
Nassau Sound last Monday
morning for 19 whiting up to
two pounds. On Tuesday Pete
Sweet and Brian Teller tried
Nassau Sound with Fred and
caught 33 whiting and three
sharks. Dr. Robert H. Still fished
the creeks with Fred on
Thursday and caught six reds to
24 inches, two drum and lots of
ladyfish and jacks. On Saturday
Ron Root and his son John
went with Fred in the creeks
and caught nine reds to 24 ,
inches and six drum to six
Pier fishing was slowed a lit-
tle last week, Fireworks damage,
of course, kept anglers off parts
of the pier but it was the
.muddy water that hurt the
most. On Sunday Rich Perez
caught five drum to four
pounds, Veronica and Simba
Khalfani from Brooklyn, N.Y.
caught a 19-inch trout and a
four-pound black drum.
Anglers had a great week of
fishing last week aboard the
"Mayport Princess." On
Monday, Barker and associates
chartered the Princess and had
plenty of snapper, amberjack
and beeliners for the cleaning
table and on Thursday the
VonThron family celebrated ,13-
year-old Jimmy's birthday with
excellent catches. Jimmy
caught a big amberjack. Joseph
caught a 25-pound snapper and
Dr. John VonThron caught two
big snapper.
Capt David King found the
whiting biting at his favorite
spot in Nassau Sound again last
week and caught a cooler full
weighing up to two pounds on
each trip last Monday and
Canal guide John Dyrssen
and Kyle Watson fished near
the little jetties last Thursday
with live shrimp and caught
eight trout, three flounder, two
reds and a dozen ladyfish.
Larry "Fishman" Finch spent
several days fishing above
Daytona Beach. Hehad 70
whiting and seven pompano
on Tuesday, and 42 whiting on
Wednesday. Larry reports one
whiting weighed 3.8 pounds.
Capt. Kirk Waltz with the
Allen Clark family on the
"Enterprise" last Monday
Caught seven redbass at the
north jetties weighing up to 14
pounds and jumped one tar-
pon. On Thursday, Talmadge
and Catherine Hoiton with
Capt. Kirk trolled off St.
Augustine with live bait and
caught four kings, three sharks
and a 80-pound tarpon.
James Gergley and Rob
SHarveyused live shrimp to
catch nine redbass, four'floun-
der and two drum last Sunday
from the "Head Hunter." On
Tuesday ; lames and his wife .
Tina fished together for nine
redbass, four flounder and three
Capt. David Sipler and lames
Gergley chunnmed with pogies
P noI suDmitea
Myles Wright. Ramon Boi, Patrick Barker and Matt Montoya head home with one of the sharks
they caught chumming off "Shanty Town" last week .
in the chum hole and caught
two cobia and 12 sharks.
Capt. Mike Morris anchored
along the jetties last week and ;
caught 11 redbass to 34 inches,
a 29-pound cobia and lumped
two tarpon.
Mark Goodwin and Kvle
Overstreet trolled the southeast
hole for a 32-pound king and a
41 -pound cobia.
Capt. Jim GlLhs with the Re\.
Richard Englert orom Arcadia,
Fla. tolled the southeast hole
last Monday from the
"Megabite" and caught two
kings, three Spanish and two
Capt. Chip Vmngo and his
guests Ke\in and Drew Hobbs
used artificial and live bait to
catch 11 leds measuring 23 to
31 inches last Monday from his
"Shallow Minded." On Friday,
Chip and his brother Mike used
artificial and caught four red-
bass to 29 inches.
Capt Bobby Langston
chummed from his "Gaff It"
last Monday and caught a king,
four sharks and lots of whiting.
S(Capt. Randall Dyas with Rev
Todd and friends had plenrv'of
FrnC. l urE-m.nn
Al Wiltshire with one of the many bull dolphin he caught with
friends last week in the Florida Keys.
action near the shrimp boats
last week. They had at least two
big blacktips and spinners on
all morning last Sunday.
Fifty "Women in the
Outdoors" fished last Saturday
with Larrm Finch, Capt Vic
Tyson and George Altelevich in
a friendlyinshore' tournament.,
Outstanding catches ot redbass,.
speckled trout and flounder
were made. This was followed
by a fish try and picnic with
the "Fishman," his wife
Murphy, Capt. Vic and George
doing the chores. It took place
at the Joe Carlucci boat ramp
and a wonderful time was had
by all.
Good Fishin'.
Pnl.- iuDmrrinid
Jimmy VonThron (13 years old) on the left with the amberjack, Joseph VonThron on the right
with his 25-pound snapper, and their father, Dr. John VonThron), in the background with his hat
on. and three of their fishing buddies to celebrate Jimmy's 13th birthday on the Mayport Princess.
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Thi-, 'Reli T I-eader/PnntP VPdra L Peder
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Tulv 12. 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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FOR WEDNESDAY PAPER 440 Misc. Lost/Found
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Hours: Mon. Fri.
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225 Wanted to Re
230 Condo for Ren
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rent
270 Rental to Shar
275 Room for Ren
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Renta
'i ,
Service Guide cont.
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651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
* 660 RemodeVConst.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinkler & Wells
R77 Tree S erviti'
: 450 Instructions/Schools 68 ,Tile
460 Weddings
S500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
s 520 Job Services
530,Bus. Opportunity
d 540 Child Care
50,Work Wanted
Service Guide
S 600 Services
S 601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
L 608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
S612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Services
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 Finan. Services
625 Firewood
680'Upholstery ,
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690 Water Treatment
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700 Massage Therapy,
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805 Music & Instr.
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820 Wanted to Buy
825 Trade
830 Consignment
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840 Garage Sales
850 Jax Beach
852 Neptune Beach
854 Atlantic Beach
856 Mayport
857 Ponte Vedia
858 West Beaches
631 Computer Services 859 Jacksonville
634 Lawn Mower
635 LawrinSvc
Landscpg : ,'.
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
860 Flea Market
862 Estate Sales
905 Auto Rental
915 Boats
S930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RV's
970 Trucks/Vans
, 980 Automobiles
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acre parcels Galed community on 4 miles
of rivenroni.Superb planned amenlites.Ex-
cepllonal mountain and river sires Preview
Pnhse II nowl 1866) 292-5762
porlunily www.grarndeharbor into. All wa.
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BUYERS MARKET Coastal Norh Caroli-
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TN ACREAGE w/views' 1 to 5 ac parcels
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KY DEEP Waler Parcel 1 38 acres over-
looking Lake Barkley. 90 rin om Nashville,
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Prudential Great Smokys Realty, Down-
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VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with Irontage on
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cellent fishing, canoeing; good access;
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Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountain-
GEORGIA- Blairsville in the North Georgia
mountains. Land, homes, commercial .&
investment. Everything we touch turns to
sold..Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261,
(800)820-7829. www.janebaerrealty.com,
NEW LOG home package. 3 acres w/boat
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acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Availa-
ble8/26. (800)770-9311 ext 821.
GULF FRONT lots $595k. Homes starting
mid $300k. New master planned ocean
front community on beautiful Mustang Is-
land, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinna-
monshore.com, (866)891-5163.
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MURPHY. NORTH Carolina Aah cool
summers. mild winters. Affordable homes
& mountain cabins Call lor free brochure.
(877)837-2288 Exit Realty Mounlain View
Propenies. www.exilmurpny.com
Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre
Ranch $129,990 Mi. views, Irees, rolling
hills, paslureland, wildllie, borders BLM.
SPicturesque homesile at 6.700' elevation
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family ranch, elecrncity. 100% linancing.
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BEAUTIFUL NORTH Carolina Escape to
beaurlul Western NIC Mounlains. Free
color brochure & inlormatlon mountain
pioperties w'speclacular views homes,
cabins creeks, & investment acreage.
Cherokee Mountain Really GMAC Real
Estate. cherokeemounlainrealy.com
SWANNEE RIVER Lot, wooded. 1/2 acre.
FSBO $26,500 1904)591-6996.
NEW TO market! Lakefrornt and equestri-
an parcels. 7t acres-equestrian parcel-
$209.900 8+ acres direct laKeiron-
$269.900 2. acres romesite-$119.900
Located minutes Irom downtown Jackson-
ville, FL Private gated communlry. Miles
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Call. 877)JRC-LAND Florica Land &
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Grace Ell.s, All Pro Realry Specialists.
655-7923 Icell)
Acres 220 walenront only $149,900 5.
acres, ocean access only $34,900. Enjoy
spectacular 4+ acre oceanlronl parcel w/
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your 5+ acre ocean access lot wi deeded
access to gorgeous private sandy beach.
Surveyed, soil tested, paved rd in gated
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Jusi minutes from 1-10 Won't last! Call
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access to Nassau River. 2.68 acres w/gor-
geous view $268.000. OBO. 241 4876.
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wetlands/creek $170,000. OBO. 241-
c .0
a. SD;
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o ( -
o1 Ocean, large lol t500si $337,000.
A TRUE opportunity in Neptune BchI
Just 4 blocks from Ine ocean. Sold "as is"
or tear down & use as a lot $285.000.
".'PABLO BAY- 4/35.2. 3400si.. lakelroni
execulive. $589,900. candlerhomes.com
3BRilBA. wood flooring and blinds.
screened porch, fence yard ear-in kitch-
en and large laundry room. close to beach
and park $216,000 247-9244 or 651-
ATLANTIC BEACH. 328 10th Street, B' OWNER Pool Home. $317K. East ol
85'x130' Close to Ocean. $699.000. Penman Seller will pay $3500 ol Buyer
Steve McGuire. 246-9915 closing cost. 859-8623
BEACH/iKERNAN 1 2A residential. $150K
www.531duval.com (904) 710-2607.
LAKE LAND SALE! 3 Acres witn Boal Slip
-Only $29.9001 Direct Access to 33,000-
acre mountain lake in Tennessee with
boat slip Available 8/261 1800)770-9311.
ext 816
38 ACRES- sail marsh land at Greenfield
Creek. West of Oueens Harbor Country
Club at All Blvd & Girvin Rd. Welland mil,
gaton/ preservation. R.E. #162204 0000
$95,000 OBO 904.282-3519
IC WEST. oIt N Kernan Mt Pleasant
SiD. 4/2/2, 1850sl. new paint, carpel, lile
& more. $248 500 318-3719
Ig scr lanai, totally renovated ncl custom
cabinets, new appliances tile floors. Gal-
ed community w/ pool. $299,900
S 1483 Laurel Way
Custom built Key West style 2-story, only
3 years young, over 2100sf. located in hid-
:, den paradise, a marsh iront community.
First loor master bedroom suite, master
bath w/jacuzzi and separate shower. Gas
Irplc. w/gas appliances, cozy screened
porch, custom draperies, and blinds plus
all appliances convey Asking $389,900,
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & 'Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhomes, com-'
pletely renovated, new appliances, fix-
tures, tile, cabinets, etc. Conveniently to
shopping, transportation and entertain-
ment. 832 846 Cavalla Rd. $183,500.
Call 563-3615.
LEASE/PURCHASE Secret Woods. Brick
home,.3BR/2BA, 1895sf. $284,900. Bring.
all offers. Independent Brokers 710-3111.
POOL HOME 3BR/1.5BA "As is" condi-
tion. 1619 Sunset Drive, Jax Beach.
$275,000. (904) 223-3969.
FSBO ATL BCH. 3BR/2.5BA, 2200sf,
w/numerous upgrades, 249-0812.
WATERFRONT TO St. Johns River. Cozy
cottage, newly remodeled, bulkheaded.
Only 3 minutes to Dunns Creek,
$289,900. Call Vickie Smith. ERA Trend
'Realty (386)972-6494.
A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $89,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $89,900
to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081
spacious 4/2, new rool. 1800st, $359,900.
327-74-19 or 607-6143
Oceanlrontl each hideaway. 411 1st St.
S #401. Gorgeous 2BR/2BA condo. lea-
tures hardwood & iravenine flooring, gran-
ile/marble counters, stainless steel appli-
ances Luxurious master suite w/vila spa
jacuzzi. Privale gated pool plus beach ac-
cess Asking $479,900. MLSt286330
Custom Ouill Key West style 2-story. 1483
Laurel Way Only 3 years young, over
2100sf, located in Hidden Paradise, a
marshlront community First Iloor master
bedroom suile, master bath w/jacuzzi and
separate shower Gas fireplace wgas ap-
pliances. cozy screened porch, custom
draperies, and blinds plus all appliances
convey Asking $389 900. MLS#290728.
Call Owner/Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at: www.jaxbesthomes.com
2 kilchens. 1 acre $169K. (386)758-9746
OPEN HOUSE. Sunday, 7/16, Noon-3pm.
1008 11ln Sireel North. 3BR'2BA,
13301f. Completely remodeled, sunny
block nome Open floor plan-move in
ready. 483-8491 No reailors please.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2020 Andreu Rd.
3BR/2BA. New root. new red oak loors,
60'x125'lol $210,000. (904)222-1873.
PVB. RANCH style 3BR,2BA nouse local-
ed in the Dolphin Cove Community is only
$282,900 and lots to owner go online at
Motivated Sellers 285-3014 Iv. msg.
PONTE VEDRA 3BR/25BA.1500sl. just
remodeled, 42' Hickory cabinets, granite
counter lops. travertine floors, bamboo in
dining room, Brber carpet hot tub 2 car
garage, $318,000, 463-0505
PVB INVESTOR/BUILDER off prestigious
Neck Rd., walk to beacn, very old.
3BR/1BA. as is. Value Is in the 60x192 lot.
$349,000 806-3557
FSBO IMMACULATE 4/2/2, 2300st in
Windsor Chase (Keman & Beach), built
2003. Hardwood, tile, formal living & din-
ing, eat-In.kitchen w/42" maple cabinets,
black appliances, large master bedroom/
bath, inside laundry w/cabinets; sprinker/
security system, community poolplay-
ground, $349,000. 2434 Misty Water Drive
E. 894-7058. Brokers welcome.
PONTE VEDRA- Dolphin Cove, FSBO.
4BR/2BA, 2-car garage, 1800+ sq. ft; Inte-.
rior & exterior completely renovated. All
new, beautiful yard with sprinkler.
$394,900, 219-1276.
5BR/3BA, 3200sf., water to golf views.
$799,000, will co-op. (904)716-9236.
REDUCED, 4BR/2BA, split plan, w/2 story
workshop. Upgrades. Desirable Neptune
Beach neighborhood. Priced under ap-
praised value to sell at $424,900. Drive by
1525 Forest Ave. Motivated seller.
HAMPTON PARK 4BR/2.5BA, 4 years
new, gated community, close to beach &
town center, $498.000. 641-0058.
FSBO, Neptune Beach Townhome, Spa-
cious, 3/2.5, 1 car garage, all appliances,
new AC/ plumbing/ carpet. Community
pool, boat storage, bike/ walk to Beach
and Town Center. $267K, Call 655-2718.
BY OWNER, 3BR/2BA, renovated. Seller
,will pay $3500 of Buyer closing cost.
$330,000. 859-8623.
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA, partially furnish-
ed, fenced yard, screened-in porch and
deck w/private entrance to master bath.
Great investment or starter home.
$275,000. (904)247-8004, (904)635-6943.
2BR/2BA,. ahacnea garage, new rool,
corner 161. community pool, lennis
REDUCED! $240.000. Available immedi-
ately (904)703-8380. 14231768-0384
JAX BEACH Open House Sal & Sun,
11am-4pm. 1091 13th St. N. 4BR/2BA'2
car garage. 3- decks Appraised lt
$530,000 Selling at $399 900
3BR/2BA on cul-de-sac. replace glass
room. new carpet. Iresn pa;ni. $0 down
$1500'mo. (904)502-4238
large lot. newly remodeled. $287,900,
4BR. 2BA. 2 car gar., corner lot, circular
dnveway. Lg open front yard. small private
fenced backyard. Beautiful tree shaded
homes close to schools, shopping, beach
Needs TLC. Prime condition. $450.000
As is. $350,000. 568-1936
2450sl, many upgrades. large corner lot
$259,900 independent brokers 710-3111
PONTE VEDRA. 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
modeled townhome on lake End unil
$185.900. (904)424-0660.
ICW/ BEACH Area. Beaulilul home, 4/2!2
greal neighborhood. No money down and
no closing costs. $359,900. Call for
details. Hallmark Realty Group, Inc.,
3/2 in Fiddlers Marsh. 3020 La Reserve
Drive., $359,900 .904)654-2104. Open.
House. Saturday, July 15th, 12pm-5pm,.
JAX BEACH Beaulilul like new custom
home. 2500s. in great neighborhood.
1136 24th St. Noth $439,500. 704-7966.
3BR/2.5BA, hardwood, tile, granite. 9' ceil-
.ngs, 3 blocks lo beach 904-233-8207,
FSBO. GOOD Slarter Home' 618r 1
Dutton Island Dr. West. Aliantic Beach,
3BR/1.5BA. New AC, rool, windows
.doors, and appliances By appointment
only. Call David 247-0665 (home).
704-2337 (cell).
Ocean Cay- FSBO 664 Bonaire Circle.
2200sf. .w/great rbom, 3BR/2BA.
Located on mature .pond. Granite, wood
floors, new paint. $559K will co-op.
Lane, 4BR/2.5BA, 2400sf. home on golf
course w/inground pool, brick, all applian-
ces stay. $459,999 (904)838-8937.
PABLO BAY- 4/3/2, 2400sf. Immaculate,
2-story. $439,900. candlerhomes.com.
On tidal creek almost 1 acre lot, 2/1 block
home w/big workshop and yard. 1719 Gir-
vin Rd. $449,000 (negotiable), 233-1505.
LIVE CHEAP at Jax Beachl This 950sf.,
newly redecorated, 2BR/1.5BA townhome
duplex is only a short walk to the beach.
Ceramic tile bathrooms and floors, plush
carpet In bedrooms, CH&A, range, refrig-
erator, DW, laundry room, balcony, 6'
fenced yard and concrete driveway. Live
in one side and have a $1000 (plus)/mo.
rental income from the other side and
rents at the beach are rapidly increasingly
This is a very sound investment for the fu-
ture. Only $349,00011 Similar properties
sell for $240,000 Per Sidel 617 Seventh
Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach. Call
Dan Cantrell at (904)993-1114 or Fax
ATLANTIC BEACH, Comer Plaza and
East Coast. Three 50x130 platted lots
w/5 units. Room for expansion
$2,590,000. Will co-op 338-4828.
JAX Beach, Ocean Cay, 3BR/2.5BA +loft,
2500sf, large fenced lot. Stainless steel
appliances, covered porch, large 2 story
family room. Built in 2000. $544,900. Call
3BR FORECLOSURE, only $27,9001 Must
sell. For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
TOWNHOUSE $275,000, 2BR/2.5BA, ga-
rage, privacy'fence, 512 10th Ave. S.,
(904) 223-6896.
Page 5B
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
riag oD
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile. Bright, ope
floor plan. No dogs. $485,000.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
FSBO, Save $14KI New Lakeview, Wi-Fi,
resort pool- spa, A1A location, must seel
$222K, FREE 27" HDLCD TV, FREE clos-
ingl 727-458-4230, Open Sat.- Sun.
OCEANFRONT 2/2, garage, pool, views
from every room. $549,000. Owner/ agent
FSBO. 1BR/1BA. Palm at Marsh Landing.
Perfect location, private marsh view. 846
sq. ft. Newly renovated in 2004. Asking
only $152,000. 476-5280.
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA ground level con-
do w/garage in a gated retreat and close
to everything. Offers a nice floor plan,
neutral decor throughout, all kitchen appli-
ances are a year old. $204,900. 285-3014.
PONTE VEDRA Condo- Ocean Links
(near TPC) Open House, Sat., July 15 ,
10am-lpm. 800 Ironwood Dr. #822,
3BR/2BA, 1605sf; $299,900. Cornerstone.
Realty, Inc. (904)339-0231-.
OCEAN LINKS. 2BR/2BA, 1-car garage.
Golf course & lake views.,'Updated,, new
pain!, now available $235.000. 535-7234
THE PALMS at Marsh Landing. 1/1 w' ga-
rage, isi loor marsh view. $159.900
Owner will co-op 2.5%. Call .Lidiya
Gorgeous, 2BR/2BA. garage. ground floor.
Backs up to wooded preserve. Country
Club area, near JTB. $159,900. Magnolia'
Properties, Kay Hewings 904-553-5019.
7C PV Ct Townhome cozy 2/1.5
$154,900. Candlerhomes.com 327-0558.
GRAND CAY-Villas PVB- 3rd floor 2/2
condo. Replace. wood. lile. upgrades.
$219,900 904-881-0470.
PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA, $187.200 Grace Ellis.
All Pro Realry Specialists 655-7923 Icell)
Priced to sell at 5205,000 Call Kalhy Tilia-
kos. Van Guard Realty 465-3053.
13715 N Richmond Park Dr. #305 Wind-
sor Ponie. $186,900 3BR'2BA, 1500st.
w/garage Lowest priced condo in Wind-
sori Beaullul family room, bright Kitchen &
converen e inside laundry room, gorgeous
master suie wawalk-ln closely & private
bDan! Call Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate. 247-4442 or view online @
-.2.'plus. New Lake View. www.lorsaie-
tbownercenier com.'44054. $219K 17271
JAX BEACH 2BR/2BA Condo wil-car ga-
rage. WD, luily equipped kitchen. freshly
pained $245.000. Call Sean 1904) 994-
2BR/2BA CONDO, 1-mile to beach, close
10 shopping, granite couniertops, wood &
beroer inrougnoul w/marsh view. Gated
Scommuniry including gym. pool, & tennis
Will consider rent to own. $1,500 toward
closing cost. Call Ted 1904) 537-7896.
the street Irom Ine beach starling at
5499K. Ready 2008 Call Rene L Baron.
n :. 242-2821
THE PALMS 1BR/IBA, remodeled
w/marsh view, $154.900. Please call
PALM HARBOR Homes. lactory model
center laigesi in Americal Modular and
manufaciured Liquidallon sale Call lor
iree color Crocnures. 18001622-2832.
PORTSIDE 2BR.1.5BA remodeled, lami.
nale Illors 3al appliances, custom deck
and ined Call 72761776.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Like new, large,
BR 2BA sngle ,.12j5sl. wsrport. decK,,
GE k.i.?hciarO-&A wasF.er,'dr.. neww
carpel. arln 'upgrades Financing avaiia-
ble Rebecca, 246..7684.
0-WSM-M71 a M1
DOUBLE WIDE in park near beaches.
Built-in 200. $39,900. 614-6875.
OFFICE CONDO: 1000sf, excellent loca-
tion, 1401 Penman Rd. $269,900. Call
RETAIL SPACE for rent. 1000sf. on Pen-
man Rd. in Jax Beach. Call for details
2/1 townhouse, W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 404 13th Ave S.,
Jax Bch. No pets. $900/mo, $900/sec.
dep. (904)343-9908.
NEPTUNE BCH, near .ocean. renovated
2BR, all amenities, avail, soon, $1100/mo.
SO. JAX BCH duplex- 2BR/1.5BA, new
roof, freshly painted, kitchen equip, ceiling
fans, balcony, WDHU, CH&A, 5 blocks to
ocean, no pets, $975/mo. 737-7092..
JAX BEACH Premium Oceanview
Renovated. Hardwood loors. D-shwasher.
CH&A. 1BR/1BA. $700/mo.. $800'mo,
$850,mo (904)859-1301, 553-1354
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
area, quiel. sale, residential neignhor.
hood 2BR' BA. lower duplex new paint.
CH&A, W/D included. No smoking, no
pels. $950'mo, lease deposit. 993-1118
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA.
available now $1700.$2600/mo 3 monih
minimum rental. (904)241-7206.
S. JAX BCH 2 & 3 BR
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st. St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR waler
Iront $1500/mo. 241-7368. 733-3730.
JAX BCH, 600' to ocean 2271 2nd St S
2BR!2 5BA irilevel townhouse garage.
fireplace. $1300,mo. No Pets 221-6037.
JAX BEACH lownnome. 2BR/1 5BA.
1000sf WDHU. CH&A, tile Iloors Ihrough-
out. lenced yard. pels oK wideposir.
$1070/mo, includes lawn maintenance,
887 8in Ave. Souin. 1904)608-6678.
JAX BEACH 2BR,1BA. upstairs. 1 year
lease. NO W/D rook-up. NO pels
$8001mo 4$800'sec. dep 329-4 Nonh
14th Ave. Call 246-8970 or 591-1218.
PONTE VEDRA. 2BR'2BA condo! Club
pool. exercise & more! $975,mo. All South
Realty, 241-4141
NEPTUNE BEACH. one block to ocean.
2BR/1BA upstairs. 1 year lease. No pets.
no WiD nookup. $950imo ,.950'sec
dep. 916 Firsi Streel, between Bay &
Pine. Available 8/15i06 246-8970 or
MOBILE HOMES $500 lo $550. on pri.
vale lols. Near Mayporl Naval Stairon. no
dogs, 333-5579.
U U '
ATLANTIC BEACH Lg 1 & 2BR Apt., dish-
washer, pool, near stores and bus.
$560/mo & up, + deposit, no pets, nice
place to live, 246-8537.
* A* *
JARDIN DE MER- 3BR/2BA condo Con-
venient to beach, shopping! Lease/ pur-
chase available $1100/mo. All South Re-
alty, 241-4141.
JAX BCH, 3/2.5, ocean view, $1600/mo.
185 5th Ave S. 318-0044. "
CHARMING BEACH living,, large
1BR/1BA, CH/CA, WDH, tile, berber car-
pet, fenced yard, garage, all new, pet okay
w/deposit, $895/mo. +deposit. 838-8725.'
OCEANFRONT 1BR/ 1BA, 108 orange St,
Nep Bch, downstairs, $1200/mo incl. util.
avail 8/1. (661)803-6275.
PV TOWNHOUSE aBR/2.5BA, no smok-
ing, no pets, $950/mo., first last, and de-
posit. Credit check required. (321)795-1056
or (321)255-5281.
TOWNHOUSE- 2BR/1BA, steps from
ocean, W/D. No pets, no smoking.
$1200/mo + $1000 security deposit. Call
1 BR, patio, ceramic tile throughout,
WDHU, walk-in closet, reserved parking.
$875/mo. 160 7th Ave North 993-2555.
JAX BEACH. Brand New 2BR/2BA, NB 1BR/1BA, small kitchen, $600/mo.
washer/dryer, pets OK. $1200/mo. +$300 deposit, all utilities included, NS,
(904)415-1576. no pets, references. Available immediate-
.ly. Call after 3 p.m., 254-8625.
.1v1. I^~~uni lm UU _.A ynuo ip~riva
PVB, IUWNHUUSE, Conao w/pnvate
courtyard, lakefront, 2BR/2.5BA. $950/mo.
Call 280-8782.
DUPLEXIBEACHofice,2BR/ .5ba. 4
blocks to ocean. 1300sq h.. $1150!mo
+utilities 1215 Illn St N, (904) 318-
house 1 mile west of Maypori ferry,
HecKscher Drive $1195/mo. 733-3730,
BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2 5BA Townhouse. 6
clocks toI each, Irepiace. WDHU, ga.
rage. $1300/mo 1904)742-6423.
NEPTUNE EFFICIENCY. 2 blocks beach.
downstairs, small pels OK. $695moa.
+$300'dep. Mililary discount. 216 Cnerry,
St. 708-073,1
ATL BCH, Cypress Cove, 3/2 .duplex,
1500sf, Ig fenced bacKyard, convenient to
beaches & Mayporl $1000/mo. 4-Beach-
es Realty 249-3077.
1BR. unturn $725/mo.+ ulillties, $300 se-
curity deposit. Waler and Irasn & use ol
W/D No dogs.. 285-2020.
JAX BEACH Apartment 2BRP1BA Newly
renovated Washeridryer Quiel 'area.
$850/mo- deposit. 201 Nonn 9th SI
246-9162, ext. #0.
2/1 APT., brand new wood Iroors, brand
new Kitchen/ bathroom cabinets w; corian
counter lops Unbelievably beaullful place.
must see to appreciate 822 2nd Ave. N.
JB $900'mo. deposit No pels Credit
check. 246-3690' 333-1822
LARGE EFFICIENCY Aparnmen, excel.
lent location. 2 blocks to Ocean, very
clean. No pels $575,mo 642-1214 or
$ 875
$ 1200
$1 800
924 Belleza
149 Cranes Lake
72 The Fountains
1216 BeUleza
133 Brmru Court
925 Ocean Links
825 Ocean Links
215 Crane Lake
2 The Fountains
811 Ocean Links
228 Tarrasa Dn'e
2806 St Marc Court
371 19th Street
OLD ATLANTIC Beach, 207 15th St.,
2BR/1BA, CH/CA, 1 block to ocean,
$1000/mo, references. 246-6194, 249-
2BR/2BA, CH&A, fenced backyard. 1278
Wonderwood Dr. $790/mo. $700/dep.
280-2728; leave message.
2BR1BA. upper apartment. 101 Soulh
161h Ave $950'mo. No dogs Security de-
posi $500 BrokerOwaner. 249-8766
JAX BEACH 2BR/1 5BA, 900sf., WiD,
CH/CA. $900/mo + $900 deposit, 1 yr.
lease, no pets. Call'221-6816.
LARGEi 1BEDROOM, Jax Beach. 1 1/2
blocks to ocean. CH'CA, real nice. Call
PONTE VEDRA, Palm Valley. beautiful,
large. private, 3BR'2BA, 2-car garage.
w'many amnenties. $1500'mo. 860-1690
PABLO BAY- 4/3 5;2. 3400s lakelronl
executive. $3.000/mo candlerhomes.com
327-0558., .
1015 PENMAN. 3BR/1 5BA $1200,mo.
Avail. 8;1/06 'Call 770-429-9331.
THE WOODS. 4/2. 25001s., cul-de-0sac.
sunroom. LR,' DR. ElK. $1700/mo. TDO
Mgmni. 246-1125 idorealeslale com
NEP BCH, walk ao Deach from Ihis cnarm-
ing 3i2 w. lenced yard & garage New
pain & carpel. $t400/mo 280-5142
JAX BEACH, 3BR/1.5BA home, 1 year
lease, $1250/mo. +$1000/sec. dep. 1310
Pinewood Rd. Available early August. Call
246-8970 or 591-1218.
Lease to Own
3BR/2BA on cul-de-sac, fireplace, glass
room, new carpet, fresh paint. $0 down.
$1500/mo. (904)502-4238.
PVB, 3BR/2BA home, close to beach, PVB SUMMERHOUSE. 2BR/2BA, Beach-
comm. pool, 2-car garage $1450/mo. side. End unit, 1-story, large yard.
(510)386-3232. $1375/mo. (904)612-6532, (904)641-5564
ATLANT.... A...... ...... o.e. .us
blocks to beach $1650/mo.. All South Re-
alty, 241-4141.
PVB 3BR/2.5BA, all appliances, commun-
ity pool, 2-car garage, $1,500/mo. 242-
2534, 614-8440.
w/garage. $1250/mo. Avail. 8/1/06. Call
655-2207, visit: www.569.cjb.net
3BR/2BA, ATLANTIC Beach/ Mayport.
Deposit required. $950/mo. Call Derrick
838-3730 or Christy 866-0820.
$1475/mo., available 8/1. 993-3658.
3BR/3BA home w/bonus room, on lake in
Marsh Soundl!Comm. pool! $1800/mo. All
South Realty, 241-4141.
w/garage on quiel cul-de-sac. $1075/mo.
All Souih Realty. 241-4141.
SOLANO CAY 3BR/2 5BA, lile floors, cule
yard, available 8/1. $1400; 392.8350.
ATLANTIC BCH 3/2. walk to Beach and
park, large private fenced, back yard,
$1325/mo. Available immediately. Call
PVB, 2BR/2BA fireplace, $1100/mo. Call
Grace Ellis 655-7923.
5-star, newly renovated, new appliances,
washer/dryer, fireplace, golf course view,
Beach access. $1100/mo. including water.
2/2 CONDO, 221 S 6th Ave., JB, Unit B,
$1000/mo. 705-4027 Owner/ realtor.
garage. $1400/mo. Avail. 8/1/06.
2BR/2BA CONDO at The Palms of Marsh
Landing, lots of amenities, W/D, lakeview,
1st floor. $1125/mo. $200 off first month
rent. (904)553-2161.
OCEAN FRONT, Jax Beach, 1/1 no pets,
no smoking, completely fumished;
1200sf, fireplace, W/D, 2nd floor, new car-
pet, huge ceilings $1175/mo. 635-6375.
409 13th Ave. N. 2BR 2.5BA, 2- story plus
2 private balconies.'4 blocks.to ocean.
Must seel $1200/mo., $1000/dep. Call
Dave 962-8575.
2BR/2BA, PONTE Vedra, newly remod-
eled, pool & tennis, $1400/mo. utilities in,'
.cluded.( (904)483-1824.
Villages of Solano, gated community, fully
renovated, 3BR/2.5BA, garage, full ameni-
ties 80109124.
JAXBCH 3BR/2.5BA. 2 stories, 2car g- ga-
rage. gaied comm amenities, 2300-sl, OCEANFRONT 2/2, pool, hot tub, sauna'
$1800mo. OBO. 904-338-5692 exercise room, $2,400/mo. 608-8484
BEAUTIFUL FORMER model home. Pa-
bio Bay next to Mayo Clinic, near Beach &
San Pablo. 3000+ square leel, 4 bedroom
plus bonus room. tolal size bedroom, 3
baths, many upgrades, stainless applian-
ces, central vac. intercom, hardwood
Iloors, closed lanai, walerview. club,
house, pool, lennis Available Augusl Isl..
$2200/mo 403-1998, 349-3434. Ask
about 1 monin free.
PONTE VEDRA. 3BRJ2BA. beaulilul
lownnome on lake. End unit. $950/mo
PVB- 2BR/2BA Condo, Unit 107, gated,
lanai, fireplace, top floor, premo pool/ lake
view, adjacent clubhouse, newly renovat-.
ed, beach access, Resort amenities, AlA.
next to TPC, convenient JTB, right price,
$1000/mo., (904) 338-4137
ATL BCH 2BR/2BA. steps to beach,
$1100/mo Pets ok. 904-415-1576.
Iloor. new carpet appl.. W/D, Irplc. Avail
now, $995/mo. 403-1998.
PVB 2 story condo, 2BR/2.5BA, lake view.
t1$al /mn oCall 223-2210l
PABLO BAY- 4/3/2, 2400sf. Immaculate. '." ----....--
2-story. $2250'mo.. candlernomes com OCEAN FRONT- 1 bedroom Penlhouse,
327-0558. Jax Beach, pool, $1550 Lease, magical,
PVB SUMMERFIELD spacious contempo-
rary. 3BR,2.5BA. office. lenced backyard
great neighborhood beside schools.
$2250'mo.. (321)269-7896.
Ponte Vedra
Ponle edra
Ponte Vedra
Ponie Vedrj
Pc.nre Vedra
Ponte Vedma
Ponme Vedra
Ponre Vedra
Ponte Vedra
Jax/Pablo Point
Ponte \edra/L'Amum
Atlannic Beach
3..43 Lighthouse Poinle Lane Ja.\ Beach
106 Bermuda Ba\
603t Bridge,.jer Circle
2001 Wmdjammer Ln
105 Camino Trail
'-1 3 Plavers Club Vitla
"'14- Shelby'Co-e Court
2'll9Az.,ile Poini Dnn'e Suith
117 Deer Co'e Dnme
99.10 Preston Trail
604 lMenopolian
06 Mletropoliarn
70 Beach Cortage Lane
6'S Pre'erne \ie, Dne
408 Berkman Plaza
2451 Soith P.nie \cdra Blhd.
3/2 + loft
Ponte Vedra 3/2 1701)
P.:.nie \cdr/Sabgras i s TPC 3/2.5 2000
South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 t ofc 3009
Ponle \dr lSadgrass. TPC 3/2.5 2350
P.onr \edr.,'3..T.ar. TPC 3/..' 2200
Po,.nte \Ved&-,'rl h Cc.e 4/25 "20 0i
Ponte Vedra/Fairtield -/2 2300
Ponie \clra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
Ponte \idra/Sai gra;s CC 3/25 2900
a,\ Beach 3/2 1799
Ja\ Beach 312 1756
Adannc Beach 4/4 2800
Palm \ lleO/M.irsh Harbor 4/4+b:,nus rm 300
la\/Dciionlo n RPierfron 2i'2+lft 2100
South Pome \edra 3/2 5 3500
4BR/2.5BA 2-sloryhome w/many up-
grales: amenities, pool. clubhouse. exer-
c;se room. $1800/mo. Jean Tan-Jones
2BRi1.5BA. replace. 2 patios. garage,
ceramic tile thirst floor, new berber second
Iloor. 683 Slurdivanr Ave. 51,200/mo
ATLANTIC BEACH. 2 slory, 322, loft BR,
cath ceilings, carpet. ceramic le, b'fast
bar. screened back porch $1200,mo.
TDO Management. 246-1125.
JAX BCH. 3.1. 2.5 car gar., lenced yard,
$1400'mo.836 9rh Ave N 318-0044.
PVB 3BR/2.5BA, 2-car garage. deck. Ja-
cuzzi, on lake. community pool.
$1.600'mo deposit. 242-2534, 333-
PVB 3BRi2BA. 1-car garage. 1.300 sf
lenced-in yard. $1300-mo. 273-0999.
118 NORTH SI.. NB. 3BR/2BA, porch. pa-
tio WDHU $1600/mo Pels considered
612-8080 247.7550
JAX BEACH beautifully decorated. town-
rome, 3BR'3 5BA. 2-car garage, ocean
views. $3 850 mo 242-2534. 614-8440
ICW- GRAND Reserve @ Windsor Park
Golf. 2BR/2BA, former model, huge clos-
ets, hardwood, granite, tile, WID, and ga-
rage. 904-536-1170. $1100/mo.
PVB CONDO 2BR/2BA on lake. Screened
room, remodeled, new appliances.
$1.100/mo. 234-4939.
ICW/WOLF CREEK new 3/2 condo,
amenities, pool, 'clubhouse, elevator.
$1200/mo. Jean Tan-Jones 472-3614.
PONTE VEDRA. Galed comm 2/2, super
amenities. No smoking, $1100/mo.
NEW 2BR/2BA. $1200/mo. appliances In-
cluded, garage Jardn De Mer. 249-7501.
NEW 3BR/2BA. Jardin de Mer. 1st floor,
1500sl. condo. fireplace & garage.
$1500/mo. +sec. No pets. 904-247-8805
(Iv msgl.
PVB LAKEVIEW 1BR/1BA. Iplc, 1-car
gar.. Iree cable, comm pool. $850/mo.
(option ro buy) 545-3156.
1ST FLOOR, end unil, 2/2,all new applian-
ces Tolally renovated. 5 solar resort. No
smoking. $999/mo. Call 349-7988. Owner
licensed agent
PVB. THE Fountains, east of A1A.
2BRil 5BA remodeled. $1100/mo.,
to ^My^m, I(1am it F.IM-5
JAX BEACH- 3BR't2BA beacr, house 111 ..-L... .
9th Ae. So, across fho beach. OCEANFRONT- FURNISHED & uniur-
241-7634 nished homes & condos From $500 per.
week! All Souln Realty. 241-4141
$l100Pmo -dep. No pels. 254-8662.
lease purchase avail 8.'1. 543-1951.
$850'/ONTH, 2BR/1BA. 9 blocks from
ocean. W/D hookup, no pels. 247-0354,
I 4"11II F W go 10 lp
VILLAGES OF Pablo. 4'2. 2400sf.. FR.
DR, oHice. sunroom $1600'mo. Avail 7/1.
TDO Mgmnl 246-1125.
Luxury furnished 1 & 2 Bedroom Sulles
High Quality King Beds.
Equipped Kitchens.
2nd Street & 5th Ave. Soulh
homes. Weekly/monthly. Vlsit us at:.
laxbeachrenlal.com or 535-3911 or
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished. ocean-
Iront condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.,
OCEANFRONT, 1BR furnished condos,
weekly or monthly (904)463-7343.
PONTE VEDRA pool home. Quiet profes-
sional seeking roommate to share
3BR/3BA home Ref's required. $450-
$650/mo. 1st +secunty. 838-7726.
W'BEACHES, 3&2, LRI DR combo, fire-
place EIK, split BR's, palio. cath ceilings.
$1100/mo. TDO Mgml Svc 246-1125
BETWEEN UNF and Beaches- Spacious
2/2 condo, vaulted ceilings, overlooking
quiet preserve. pool/ gym, W/D in unit.
$1100/mo 904-962-0183.
JAX .BEACH- Responsible person to
share 2BR/1.5BA duplex. Close to beach;:
W/D, cable incl. $400/mo +1/2 utilities
$400/deposit. No pets; 234-0158.
m iikll. IU );AM R M I
$450/MO INCLUDES utilities, pool and
kitchen privileges, -must have refs,
ROOM FOR rent In house w/pool. and
fenced back yard $600/mo. Includes utilit-
ies and satellite TV. 566-1980.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 2113 Florida Blvd,
Great office building, plenty of parking, on
two lots, 3450sf, 993-4011.
FREE TWO smaal breed dogs to good
home. 742-7633 or 374-6870.
FREE TO a good home, adorable kittens.
Call after 2 p.m. 223-1386.,
.. I - - -
M -M&A- ISIALIVOM am= eacn i jq
_ _' ~....
--~-- ~
- ..-- Iff-A A eO O=A. .-
'9 '9 -1 -1 -1 '9 N -I -I -I -I N -9 i -I -1, -9 -1 -1 A
D,^.. fiT
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
* A;~]Yr gr~
2 COCKATIELS, 2 lovebirds, to a good PUB OT
loving home. 696-6508. PUBLIC NOTICE
nies- 5mo., very cute, great apt. pets, litter
trained. $20.00. 992-0088, 881-1843.
2 FEMALE yorkles 10 weeks old, pure-
bred $900/ea. (mother & father on prem-
ises) 646-1482.
HOMELESS PETS for adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
NEED A herol 49 attractive lady would like
to 'meet a nice man. Please call, would
loIe to meet. 374-6870.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com
tested divorce papers. Without Kids (while
you wait) With kids (a little longer) Since
1981/by appt. only (904)641-2187.
DIYORCE $275-$350. Covers children,,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
goyt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000
ext 600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977.
ARRESTED? ACCUSED? Accident ,vic-
tirn? Hurt? Talk to a lawyer Now. Call 24
Hours. Personal Injury and Criminal De-
fense. A-A-A Attorney Referral Service
(888)733-5342. Protect Your Rights.
FEDERAL LIEN CORP will sell at Public
Sle at Auction the following vehicles to
s tisfy lien pursuant to Chapter 713:585 of
the Florida Statutes on August 3, 2006 at
Lot# A23389 1951 BLACK MG 2 DR.
13335 MARCHECK ST, Jacksonville, FL
32211 (904)367-8449
Customer: CARNACE ORENDER 3090
32250 '
Lien Amount: $4,415.00
Pursuant I Florida Stalute 713585 ihe
proceeding claims a lien on vehicle shown
lor storage, laor and/ or services. Unless
charges shown are paid in cash, said ve-
nicles will De sold for cash Dy public auc-
lion on dale at time shown where vehicle
located Owners or anyone claiming an in-
lerest have a right to10 a hearing pnor 10 the
scheduled auction wnich can be set by 1il-
ing demand wiin Clerk of the Circuit Court
SCouny and mailing copies'of demand to
all other owners and lienholders. Owner
can recover possession without judicial
proceeding cy posting oond per Florida
Siatute 559 917. Auction proceeds in ex-
css 01 charges d duee wilh deposed
Clerk ol the Circuit Court Any persons)
claiming any inlereslisi in the above vehi-
cles contact FEDERAL LIEN CORP.
1954)384-7171. 25%, Buyers Premium.
RESERVE. LIC" AB0000288.
police is nereby given Ihal a BUDGET
cit ol me City ol Neplune Beach. Florida.
wilt be held on July 17, 2006 al 6:00 p n..
in 'the Cournci Chamoers 116 Firsr-Slte.'.
Neptune Beach;.Florida. ,
S Nice is hereby given that a WORK-
SHOP MEETING or the Cry Council o ihe
Cir of Nepiune Beach Florida will be
held immediately following the Budget
S. a person decides c appeal any decision
made Dy Ihe Council wiln respect to any
mahler considered at such meeting or
hearing the person w;ll need a record of
the proceedings and lor such purpose
may need Io ensure Thal a verbatim record
or ire proceedings Is made. which record
includes the lesilmony and evidence upon
which Ine appeal is o1 be based.
In accordance with the Americans wilh
Disabhiliies Aci and Section 286.26 Flori-
ca Siaiule persons wih disabiliies need-
i. Ing special accommodation to parlicipale
in hnese meetings should contact mne Ciry
Clerk's Orlice no laier iran 5:00 p.m. the
day of ne meeting.
Lisa Volpe, CMC.
City Clerk
,The Planning Commission for the City ol
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
rold a public hearing on Monday, July
24, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in ine Council
Chambers located at 11 oronn 3rd Street
Jacksonville Beach lo consider Ine lollow-
ing Conditonal Use zoning application:
PC#20-06 Conditional Use approval for
a -business and professional office in a
Residential, Multiple Family: RM-1 zoning
district, pursuant to'Section 34-339 (d)(14),
of the Jacksonville Beach Land Develop-
ment Code. The appi;cant proposes to op-
etean interior design once in an exist-
'ing olice-use building The property is lo-
caled at 637 Nonrm Is Avenue, more spe-
:ciicaliy described as Lot 5, Block 27, Pa-
bid Beach Nornh.
PC#21-06 Conditional Use approval for
a.new single, family dwelling, per RS-3
Standards, in a Residential, Multiple Fami-
ly:-RM-1 zoning district, pursuant to Sec-
tidi 34-339 (d)(12) of the Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code. The
property is' located at 140 South. 11th
Street; more specifically described as part
of Government Lot 7 (parcel # 177321-
PC#22-06 Conditional Use approval for
a new single family dwelling, per RS-3
Standards, in a Residential, Multiple Fami-
ly:1RM-2 zoning district, pursuant to Sec-
tion 34-340 (d)(12) of the Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code. The
property is located at 105 South 21st Ave-
nue; more specifically described as Lot 3,
Bl'ck BB, Permenters R/P.
Thie above referenced application is avail-.
able for review in the office of the Planning
and Development Department, City Hall,
11 North 3rd Street, during normal busi-
ness hours (M-F, 8-5).
Planning Commission
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by-the Planning Commission with respect
to any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim' record of the proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
based .
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anrone who wishes to speak should sub-
mitthe request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In,,accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statutes, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
Planning and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing-the meeting.
BL 7/12/06
The Board of Adjustment for the City 'of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, August
1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Cham-
bers, located at 11 North 3rd Street, Jack-
sonville Beach to consider the following
variance applications:
BOA 06-100167 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337(e)(1) c.3, for a rear yard of
2.5 feet in lieu of 30 feet required and 34-
337 (e)(1) e, for 42% lot coverage in lieu
of 38% maximum to allow for improve-
ments to a single family dwelling, for
property located at 687 South 13th Ave-
nue, more specifically, Lot 7 and the
west 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 127, Oceanside
A copy of the above referenced applica-
tion(s) is available for review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart-
ment, 11 North 3rd Street, during normal
business hours (M-F, 8a-5p).
Board of Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach
If a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adjustment with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting;
such person may need .a record of the
proceedings, and, for such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceedings' is made,
-which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which' the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
sues on this Agenda that concern them.
Anyone who wishes to speak should sub-
mit the request to the recording secretary
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
In accordance with the Americans with'
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da' Statutes persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation o panici-
pate in this meeting should contact Ine
Planning' and Development Department
no later than 5:00 p m on Ihe day preced-
ing the meeting. ,
BL 7/12/06 .
Notice is hereby given the City Commis-
sion of Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold a,
Public Hearing in City Hall 800 Seminole
Road. at 7:15 p.m. cn Monday, July 24.
2006 ior me purpose ol hearing and con-
sldenng mhe views of the public concerning
Ine following proposed ordinance:
'"ORDINANCE NO. 20-06-79
'The full text of the above ordinance is
available lo public inspection in ne ic01ce
ol the Ciry Clerk
All persons interested are noirlied to be
present at the time and place listed above
and ihey snail be heard. iI any person de-
cides to appeal any decision.al any meet.
ing or nearing, he will need a record or Ihe
proceedings, and lor such purpose he
may need to ensure thal a verDairm record
of the proceedings is made, which record
shall include the testimony and evidence
upon which appeal is 10 be based
In accordance wilh ine Americans with
Disabilities Act. persons needing a special
accommodation lo panicipale in these
proceedings should coniacl Ihe City
Clek's office al 247-5809 or al City Hall.
S800 Seminole Road
BL7/,.12f 961'c ,',ts-'. N u.B,c: ,'W5lv
r r ,i -. .',- ,l ",-. "- 'q .H -,I- i
LOST AT Nancys II Sunday 7.2, clack
bag w' shoulder sirap conians medicines
& wallel Reward. no questions asked
Call Joe 262-9060.
All levels, styles & ages Will come to your
nome. Piano Tuning also available
241-4954 655-33l0.
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator Ceniled
Hands on Iraining. Job Placement Assis-
lance Call Toll Free 18661933-1575 As-
socialed Training Services. 5177 Homo.
sassa Trail. Lecanto Florida 34461
www aisllonida com
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classllied@beachesleader com
your driving career Ornering courses in
CDL A One luiion leel Many payment op.
lions' No registranon tee' 18881808-5947
,nio'@americasdrivngacademy com
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator training for
employment. Bulldozers, Backroes. Load.
ers. Dump Trucks. Graders. Scrapers, Ex-
cavators Nanonal Cenilicaion, Job Place.
ment Ass.siance Associaled Training
Services 18001251-3274 www equipmenl-.
school corn
ATTEND COLLEGE onlne Irom home
Medical. Business. Paraleaal Computers.
Criminal Justice. Job placement assis-
tance. Ccmpuler provided Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www Oni.neTide-
Dispatcher NEEDED, P/F, paid per shift.
Call 838-8029.
DRIVER NEEDED. Experience in furniture
or appliance delivery helpful 285-2426.
DOG BATHER' Groomer apprentice
8am-1pm hardwork. Not for wimps. 249-
Residential housecleaning service accept-
ing applications lor energetic responsible.
hardworkers Ior cleaning & maintenance
positions starting at $9/$10 hr. 246-7152,
Iv. msg.
Part-Time Activities Counselor
Assist with year round kids programs and
events. Experience working with children
a plus, CPR/ First Aid certified. Night and
weekend hours required.
Part-Time Fitness Attendant.
Seeks candidate with bPR/First Aid certifi-'
cation. Fitness experience required. Flexi-
ole nours Both positions apply in per-
son in the Tennis Center, Tuesday -
Saturday, Ponte Vedra Beach. 285-
1909. Drug Testing/ E.O.E.
needs Group Leader M-F, 1-6pm. Must be
patient, fun-loving and energetic: .Group
experience w.children preferred. EOE.
,247-0983. :
NEED SHADOW to assist first grade
sludent wilh school work and activities at
small, private Jax Bch school Ideally
Monday. Friday 8:30am-12noon. iOppor-
tunilies at oiner limes also availad ie.i
Email resume..
bar @ mulllamilybrokers.com
TEACHER ASSISTANT needed at local,
Monlessor School Seeking 2 qualilied
candidates 1 10 wOrK with our toddler
morning program and 1 Io work in our full
day primary program Please inquire
CARPENTERS & Helpers needed. Jax
Beach 693-3130.
Need Reliable person appiox 30-35nrs
per *w night snil Musl know grll and
sandwich Doard. Apply Monkey's Uncle
Tavern 1850 S 3rd St. Pablo Plaza. Jax
BEACHES CAR Wash- full lime help
needed, Wages negotiable lips. Benefits
Avail Apply in parson, 1401 Beach Blvd
ellis, 401K. Ilexible schedule Delail orienl-
ed individual Slaning pay negotiated Goll
privileges Phoner (9041246-4827. ema.l.
accounling,@selvamarina.com, or lax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP
SILK PRESSER, Ponle Vedra area, guar.
anteed hours. 285-5644.
F 'Construction Worker
w.'vaiid Florida Drivers License. Experi-
ence helpful but will Irain Good salary &
benelils. Apply al Sunside Pools, 313
Beach Blvd. 216-2666 or lax resume 0to
249-8801, e-mail. surnsidepools'@aol com
DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers [or Cen-
iral Florida local and national OTR posi-
tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmar. no
pumps. Greal benefits. competitive pay
and new equipment Need 2 years expert.
ence Call Bynum Transpon lor your op.
ponunity loday, 18001741-7950.
DO you want to join a winning team Don't
get leh out Our driver's make $500-$700
per week Call 2491515 ask lor Brian or
493-5250 ask tor Tim Collins.
now hiring Tne following positions to stall
the newly renovated clubhouse
Banquet Server
AM & PM Server
AM & PM Line Cook
Full-time and Parl-time A lull lilme pos,.
lions receive excellent benefits. Apply in
person in Ihe Marsh Landing Tennis Cen-
ter Tuesday Salurday. Located in Ponle
Vedra. 285-6514. Drug resltng/EOE
F,T and P'T commission only Musl have
dependable Iransponation. Call 996-0233
or apply al www.cis-florida corn
ATLANTIC Beach vani minibus dealership
seeking seli-motivated individuals. High
year end; computer/ Internet literate;
clean driving record Draw vs Commis-
sion Excellent benelils to include prolit
sharing. CDL: license preferred. bul will
train, www.transitplus.com Fax resume:
221-2705 Specify position desired on lax
.lendent lor established company. Drug
free work place Benellis. 241.2721
lantic Beach F/T, P/T positions available,
CARPENTER' (LEAD), Exp. Interibr Trim-
all aspects with ability to run crew. Need.
immediately. Call 477-9306 or 399-4276.'
dinator- Tired of spending gas money to
get to the city? Looking for smaller office
setting w/great benefits including profit
sharing? Atlantic.Beach office. Minimum 3
yrs. A/R, 2 yrs. A/P, 3yrs. customer serv-
ice. Computer/intemet literate. Financing/
title work Quickbooks experience a plus.
www.transitplus.com. Smoke free office.
Fax resume 221-2705. Specify position
desired on fax.
DRIVERS HOME every weekend!, .41
loaded/.37 empty/.01 loaded miles tarp
pay. Health, life, dental, 401K. Monthly bo-
nuses. CDL-A; 1 yr experience. Grayson
Mitchell. (800) 434-1882.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
BONO'S BBQ in Neptune Beach is ac-
cepting applications for server & cashiers.
FTPT. Apply in person 2-4pm daily.
7am, TNT Landscape. 1074 10th Ave.
South, Jax Beach. 247-4477.
busy Atlantic Blvd. Salon. New grads also
welcome. 868-0972.
BARBER WANTED: Very good job. Need
someone who wants to work, 285-3111,
Customer Service, parts, warranties, vehi-
cle check in, clean driving record. CDL, li-
cense preferred self motivated, general of-
fice work, computer/ intemet literate, ex-
cellent benefits including profit sharing,
smoke free office, Atlantic Beach,
www.transitplus.com Specify position on:
fax resume 221-2705.
needed. $8/hr., bonus per job, benefits.
Off Atlantic Blvd. near Regency Square.
Serious only; At least 1 yr. exp. Call Matt
Meadows 722-1873 or Apply at
Need Reliable person approx 30-35hrs
per wk, night shift. Must know grill and
sandwich board, Apply Monkey's Uncle
Tavem, 1850 S. 3rd St., Pablo Plaza, Jax
HELP WANTED classifications in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
uine current job openings. No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
Self motivated, fast moving, flexible, multi-
task person. Must.be able to follow di-
'rections. Reliable transportation a must:
6pm-10:30pm, or later. Call Debbie after
2pm.285-3400,ext. 3352 .
City of Atlantic Beach, $9.64/hE.; No bene-
fits. Needed for Atlantic Beach Elementa-
ry School (Seminole Rd. crossing) from
approx. 7:45-9am & 2:30-3:30pm on
school days: Approx. start date: 8/04/06.
Must complete training & certification
course. Applications accepted until
07/19/06, 800 Seminole Rd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233. For more info call
(904)247-5820 or visit www.caab.us. No
smokers/ tobacco users Drug resting con-
ducted. EOE. .
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience preferred. Apply in
person: Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. 246-2045.
OFFICE CLEANERS needed. Must have
car & phone. Call 273-2761.
HANDYMANj NO Job to small. Garages
cleaned. Call 223-5891
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete
tune-up. All makes, all models, $49 50
Specializing ;n Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning Lawn Care. Auto Cleaning,
Window Cleaning. Jannional Services, etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612.1755.
PADGETT'S A'C & Healing. Inc Family
owned and opeialed When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Tlavis ai 588-5222.
Free Estimates License CAC1814887
GOT A Business? Dramatically increase
sales by accepting all major credit and
debil cards 0%" discount rales Free sian
up Free equipment upgrades. (8001568-
---- ---- ---- ----
CLEAN TO SHINE. Our company commit
menl is 100.o Cuslomer Satistacrion at
Aliordable Prices We clean homes, apan-
ments, offices. RV's, new construclton and
restaurants For a Iree estimate call 514-
7009 or 1904)779-0158 We will beal any
company prices
HOUSEKEEPER W/10 years expenence
has openings It would be my pleasure to
asistl you, in.,cleaning. laundry. ,roningji
.runnr.cq Erranri- and .:.rgraizing. I, .prnde
myself in oeing detailed and dependable
Call Cnrisrt at 728-9174
Resilential.saiisfaciion guaranteed call for
free esIrnmaies 19041449-9708
ABOVE & Beyond Housekeeping De-
pendable, detailed cleaning. Licensed, In.
sured. bonded, reelelnces. Immediate
openings. 591-5901. 514-1188.
AN AMAZINGLY clean house or blice by
Nalasna For estimate 563-7858.
MAID YOUR Way has opening, commer-
cal cleaning. Call Julie 254-4174
JUST LIKE you warn it. Cleaning homes.
The cheapest around- $25. 249-5180
GEN DETAIL I-time cleaning available
Home Offices Senior's Discounl Reler-
ences. 242-2546, 568-6067.
cleaning since 1978' Free phone esti-
mates. Bonded Individual cleaner. Option
io customize chore list (8001 449-9520.
www.cainyscleaning com.
experience. Business & Residenlial Salis-
faction guaranteed Move ouis welcome
Ices. Free estimates for repair! installation
CommiRes Standby generators and
transfer swilches. All electrical needs.
Visa.MC. 343-5535 Great rates
WOOD. Fence Specialist. Install, replace.
35yrs Experience References. Mick Out-
door Enlerprises 241-7276, 838-9599.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this'category please call 904-249-9033 or
' .email: classifled@beachesleader.c6m
applications, house calls, training, repairs,
upgrades, websiteS; graphics Free phone
tech. 904-249-3034 or email:
callrob,9comcasi nel.
PALM' TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
'Clean-ups, Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724.
PROFESSIONAL LAWN service. We mow.
lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
LAWN SERVICE sod work, mulching &
clean up, monthly & yearly, free estimates.
Call David 710-1030.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,
246-4238, 612-1755.
-k -
BUSY BEACHES medical office seeks re-
ceptionist/secretary. Fax resume to 247-
THE PIE HOLE (serves breakfast, lunch
and pizza). Now hiring store manager,
waite staff and cooks for local Mayport
Cafe. Apply within 1487-9 Mayport Rd.
Some hands on experience with tools re-
Squired.. Ability to problem solve on the job
Work independently with little to no super-
vision. People oriented. Paid training. Ve-
hicles and tools provided. Earning poten-
tial 50K based on skill and quality. Medical
benefits and 401K. All interested parties
contact 800-633-0213. Fill out an applica-
tion at our showroom, 3520 Agricultural
Center Dr Ste 310, St. Augustine, FL
good pay & benefits, company
vehicle/phone, must have good driving.re-
cord. 568-8700.
w/valid Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply: Surfside Pools. 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or lax resume:
,249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools @aol.com
estate office. Email resume to:
eric@hslending.co. Real estate license a.
FIRST CHOICE Home improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
able cleaning help Resideniial'Commer-
ciat. Cal 536-7676
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esti-
mates. Professional customer service.
Mowing. edging, weeding, trimming- Irees,
shrubs Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRST! 270-2664.
CHEAP MOE'S! Complete lawn service.
Most yards only $20 (904)422-0593
ices. single pieces to entire house, also
pick up irom stores and deliver to your
door, 23yrs exp, free esiirrates. 1904)
Sate roof cleaning Deck & lence
resloratnon. Pressure washing. Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045.
beaches preferred .power washing.
Licensed' insured Scon 207-2358
PRESSURE WASHERS tor rent or sale
Tucker Equipmenl Rental 246-1330
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343.-
1437. :.
IMPROVEMENTS. Interior.Exiteor Paint-
ing, Faux Finishes Ronen Wood Replace-
meni, Pressure Washing. 19041894-4257
ALL ABOUT Services 955-5881 or 343.
NATIVE PAINTER. exceptional residen-
talt' commercial pressure wasrhing, painm-
ing. dryvwal crack repair. wall covering Li-
censed, insured. relerences 403-7389
PAINTING & repairs by Dean. Inernoi/ex-
lenor painling. All rypes of repairs, bust-
ness 8 residential Fully Ibc & insured
NEW CONSTRUCTION remodeling and
repaint Residential and commercial Men-
tion this ad 246-1529
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
lure. Specialize in smaller jobs Will work
evenings & weekends. Licensed, insured,
references 403-7389.
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed
Liquor Store Clerk, Bartender, Door
Person, Must be able to work days,
nights, weekends, and holidays. Must
pass drug test and background check.
Call Robert @ 465-0149.,
NAIL TECH needed for day spa in Jax
Beach, no acrylics. Call Miki at (904)
fits, 401k, flexible schedule. Golf privileg-
es. Phone 904-246-4827, email:
accounting@selvamarina.com or fax re-
sume to 246-9121. DFWP.
Needed F/T, days only w/ a can- do atti-
tude. Light manufacturing & assembly
work exp. a must. Knowledge & use of
small machinery & tools required. Looking
for someone who can follow instructions &
get the job done. Start at $7.50/hr. Call
249-3545 btwn 9am- 3pm only, Mon- Fri.
Earn $7-.12 per hour & cash bonuses
Telemarkeling for newspapers nationwide.
219-4771. .
HERE'S FRED Golf Co. needs office per-
son & UPS shipping clerk w/ experience
645-9790, 2205 t. John's Bluff Rd.
Admin w/strong'sales background. Handle
quotes customer service, install schedule
for 2.3 sales reps Construction back-
ground a plus: Must have excellent com-
puter skills, degree preferred, 2-3yrs. ex-
perience in lasi paced office environment
required Jax Beach location Fax resume
to: 249-8177 or email: sgift@contractcon-
Painlng, carpentry. waler proofing, press.
sure washing. lile work. drywall
C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpeniry,
Drywall. Painting. Paperhanging, Tiling.
etc Licensed, Insured. 955-0593,
Specializing in klichens, cabinets, balh-
rooms, ;le, doors, windows, rolled wood,
termite damage, roof leaks, drywall,
decks. etc. Honesl. op quallry work-
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls, painting. Improvements and miscel-
laneous jobs DAVE. 246-6628.
ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices @ the
Beach. 25yrs. experience. 880-9908.
PERSCHEL & MEYER PEST MGMT. IF YOU are interested in advertising under
We service thousands of beach residents. this category pleasecall 904-249-9033 or
www.perschelandmeyer.com 241-3409. email: classified@beachesleader.com
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
DEMO HOMESITES wanted nowl For the
New Kayak Pool! The above-ground pool
with in-ground features Unique opportuni-
ty. Save up to $4000. Call (866)348-7560
Free Estimatesl Financiing.
ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
QUALITY WORK. Install, Removal, &
Painting. Residential, Commercial.
25yrs. Experience. References+ FREE
ESTIMATES. Steve, 645-0381.
Page 7B
Ui^.. Ui~eJ....
WAREHOUSE WORK and Furniture As-
sembly. Beaches, 30-40 hrs per week.
Must be able to lift 501bs. Call 241-5558.
LOCAL GROWING landscape design
company needs landscape installation/
construction foreman w/project manage-
ment exp. Must have reliable transporta-
tion daily to 5mi. N. of St. Augustine. Field
operations range from Atlantic Beach to
Palm Coast. References and background
check required. Contact Dayle Applegate
247-6645 or Tom Bixler 710-9070.
PAWNEE'S CAFE & Fine Wines, (former-
ly Manuel's). PVB. Cook & Counter. Bene-
fits. 273-4785.
Handle inbound sales from advertising
and create sales with outbound calls.
Must have good relationship and closing
skills. Prospecting experience and cus-
tomer service is a must along with PC
skills- and ability to work
independently. Earn $65,000 per year
with propel experience. Fax resume to
241-7333 or email Jennifer at
jennilerw@desenmicro nel
CALL ABOUT our drivers that make $70-
$99K per yearl home most nights; & week-
endsl CDL-A, 2yrs. experience required.
Full-Time, 3pm-11pm at a premier retire-
ment community. Some weekends and
holidays. Excellent benefits and great
work environment. Applications available
at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233;
Fax to 904-246-9447; e-mail to
jobs@fleetlanding.comi. EOE/ Drug-free
TilIr 1) n006f
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
July 12, 2006
Prestige Office Condominiums
in Atlantic Beach, FL
MANAGER in nolislic, internal medical ol-
lice Full /pan time secretarial, clerical.
and support o0 M.D a unique seeing Ex-
perience required in answering pnones
computers. communications and public-ie-
latons MusI be eninusiastic, dependable
consistent. and an excellent malch Fax
resume winn relerencee: no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Arts Cenler.
FAX- (9041246-3778.
AM & PM Line Cooks, Kilchen Prep & UII-
ities Good money. casual atmosphere,
very busy, great people 10 work with
Seeking responsible persons lor private
company. Music be bondable Serious in-
quiries only. Leave msg at 716.8824
cal position w/oenefils M-F Please apply
at 95 Levy Rd. Allantic Bch 241-5991
SEA TURTLE Inn is now hiring qualified
leaders lor ine following positions. Sales
SManager, Chiel Engineer. Ohice Manager.
Accounting Clerk All positions are flexible
snins Send resume or apply in person to
HR Dept.. 1 Ocean Blvd, Allanlic Beach.
32233. 904.853-2331. Fax 904-249-5959,
email bacosla@sealunle com EOE
BUSY WHOLESALE Fishery seeks Orlice
Assisiant. duties include data entry. i iling
phone. Seaiood experience preferred Ap.
ply in person only after 2pm. C & C Fish-
eries 36 West 61n St.. Alanlic Beach
FULL-TIME at a Premier Relirement Comn
munirv. Excellent benelils Experience re-
quired. Applicaions ai Fleei Landing Se-
cuiry Gaie. One Fleel Landing Blvd Alt-
Santic Beacn. FL, Fax' o 904-246-9447,
mail lo jobs@fleetlandlng.corr, EOE'
Drug-Free Workplace
Fast growing Conslrucilon Co. having
continuous grown. Bonuses Incenives
Mgmi opponuniiies. Painters. Concrete
Workers. Framers. Trim Work, Siding
Must have own Iransponalion. Serious in-
quiries only 19041241-5177 leave mes-
propane retailer is in immediale need ol a
lull-lime driver. Tne ideal candidate will
have an excellent customer service de.
meanor, a CDL wiin Hazma,. lanker and
airDrake endorsements Candidates musl
pass preremployment lesling, drug
screen. DMV check and background in-
vesligalnon We owner a competitive salary
and benerlls package. Apply in person al
98 S Penman Rd, Jax Bch. or lax resume
io HR ai 246-0715. EOE
Open Positions at
PD -,
We are seeking Aesiheticians,
a Massage Therapist and
a part-time Spa Director \with
a minimum of 3 years
E-mail resumes to
INTELLIGENT? DETAIL oriented? Profes-
sional needed to assist with scheduling
and dala input. $8-$9,hr. M-F, Ilexible nrs
PT.FT Greal onlice environment.. Near
UNF 1904ie-46-1962
A Reader s Digesi Co. offers an excii-
sales opportunity for independent sales
rep! Set-up, run book lairs at businesses'
corporations Commission guaranteed irsI
3 months. Training and suppon provided.
Need. Truck'SUVTraller, storage & com-
puler. For details & to apply.
www.booksarelunild.com Req#2117BR
Fax 888-556.41795 Call- 1800) 966-8301.
PONITE VEDRA Animal Hospilal looking
Ior a Veterinary Techn;cian, exp. required.
Apply wir.in 28 Corona Rd 285-7924
TRAINERS FOR Day Program. Work with
M R DD adults. Monday-Friday. 8am-
4pm Apply 850 6m Ave Souin. Suile 500.
249-8556 EOE'DFWP.
*r *
Full-Time with real benelils and work en-
vironmreni at a premier reliremeni com-
muniry. Experience preferred. Applica-
tions available at Fleel Landing Security
Gale. One Fleet Landing Blvd. Atlantic
Beach. FL 32233. Fax lo 904-246-9447.
email io jobs@tleetlanding.com EOE/
Drug-free Workplace
"Be Part of the Best"
Relief Audit
Part-lime Front Desk Agent
Apply at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1616 N. First St.
\\e ilter greal pa) paid iac3uon &
personal inme Hes ,rhviitlon.denal
insurance, 401K
Our financial strength is
not our $179.7 billion in
assets; it's our employees.
CurnTruf1,vou'[llt nnect lth w-laol
mrftter mo.st to ou all in a
supportij.e. fast-pared err.nrinment hatt
Iocuses on our neei. From sv ifi
ijre-'r rppotunltl esad adan,: .e-er
to priTtnioing hallh,' wvirhfe
balance rhri'igh tp-dal bietits and
pograrrC. SnunTru has yor care r
.crrerei We cunerntlyhavuv the
Iollroilng 'pornuni'y a.ailable
FT NeptupBeadch .
PT Sawgrass Ponte Vedra Beach
A a SunTrust Teller you'll lvor'iln a
fast-pacidl snironmeril with constant
custl eir irae'a'llM'. Eath day, youll be
reqLured to handle dutie such
as.as s.iingcustomers wth heir
tranr,-tionrr re iponsibity for a cash
dirawer. araidentifving oppomanitiei or
produn ales to1 e.xiiirg cutorrires
SLn'lu5 Tellers may work a ;riety of
stChEt6rels Includlng dayq.. evihirng.
andorv weknds An enri-levelTel[er
posrion re, .ir-i previous ct in mer
ireice andior iash handling
e.perprie.E and a high school
IiplIrmna/C.F' t.pEiencedl Teller
are aLso needed anrd Ivked to
join our team .
We are proud ro offer one of the
most r.ompieheri.ive tir-rita
par'a.s a-allAble ,trdea For
avaltble poaIrons, viil. .
www.auntritjobs.com and
complete rur early niine
applcatlon, Drug-free Workplace
and E3al6 Opportunlty Emploryer.
S 't[ls t
Jin .th.ijtam.that.mk.s! aing iorieople inl
Restaurant Supervisor
Starbucks Supervisor
Honor Bar Room Attd.
Cook I
Maintenance Engineer
Banquet Captain
Section Housekeeper
Room Service Server
SEngineering Admin. Asst. Room Service Mgr.
* a0
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff. 0
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
S 1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 -
Website: www.sawgrassmarriott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070 0
.*.. .;: ;.EOEM/F/DN i rO
We eLo kF 'VI T a Me ei -- S S YoiSoon
Fast growing Cleaning Co having coniinu.
ous growTh Bonuses, Incenilves, Mgmt
opporlunilies. New home conslluclion,
apt. move-oul window cleaning residen-
iial cleaning Ivlusl have own iranspona-
lion Serious inquires only. 19041241.5177
leave message.
TOR: Selva Marina Counry CluD FT.
penelils. 401k. Experience preferred. Goll
privileges Cal 246-4711 DFWP
Pan-lime 16 to 20 hours weekly at a pre-
mier reliremeni community tl assisl rest
denls and visitors in coordinalion wilh Ime
Manager oi Resident Services Applicanls
should be highly organized and be able to
communicate and deal tacriully w;lnh he
public, residents and family members un-
der all conditions. Proncieni in Microson
OutloOk. Word Excel and Power Point,
Holel, nospial CCRC or oiner retiremenl
community or hospitaliry experience help.
lul. Must be willing io work holidays and
omer shihs it necessary Applicallons ai
Fleel Landing Secuntv Gale One Fleer
Landing Blvd, Allanic Beach, FL 32233
Fax to 904'1246-9447; e-mail
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE Drug-Free
FT PM Some Weekends
Dietary Clerk
FT Experience Required
Fine Dining at Vicar's Landing
Competitive Pay & Benefils.
,..%Bepsonabla hours. Bonus &
Scholarships awarded annually.
DrugqFree W1LOrlplacii. ECE
285-8109 fax
Up to $420 plus+
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
Paid Weekly
Design your own daytime hours
Work regular clients near your
Experience a plus -
P Must have own transportation
and home phone
Flexible hours, no weekends excellent
pay Transponation & phone required.
591-5901, 514-1188.
*k *
Join our team Our company has openings
lor our service depi. good salary. must
possess a good driving record, bte cuslom-
er friendly. We oider company venicle.
paid vacation and holidays. Leap over lo
us Apply .a 159 19th Sireel N Jax.
Beacn 242-9002
Ph nil
*-. *
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
nities with KFC and Pizza Hutl Competi-
tive salaries, great benefits; opportunity for
growth and advancement. Call (866)238-
0646 for more details!
CDL-A DRIVERS: Expanding Fleet offer-
ing Regional/ OTR runs. Excellent Bene-
fits, Weekend Hometime, Outstanding Pay
Package, Lease Purchase on '07 Peter-
bilts. National Carriers (888)707-7729
A/C & Heating company needs Installers
'.& Service Technicians. Top pay & bene-
fits. Call Rob 509-3062
WE'RE RAISING pay for Florina Regional
drivers! Home every weekend! Home dur.
ing Ihe week Solid weekly mile' 95"o. no
.touch' Preplanned freighl' $43 per mile
Full Time Golf Course Maintenance Staff.
Excellent benelils for F.T ernplc.mernl ;n-
.luding vacallon time, sick lime. 401k.
nealnh enellis and more. Apply in person
:at the Tennis Center, call 285-6514. for
adreclions Drug lesling.EOE
TAXI DRIVERS Warned Clean driving re-
cord required Call April. 246-9999
employs individuals in a varery ol pos'-
Iions For a lisling olf current cpponrunilies
please vlsil us in. person 11 ir 3rd Si Tn
Iloor, call 247-6263. send an email Io per.
sonnel@jajbchll nel. or visll our websIle
www JacksonvilleBeach org Drug iree
work environment, EOE. VP
CONSTRUCTION & Pool Mainlenance
Clean driving record a musl 246-2455
ing lor fasi paced Beacn practice. Com-
pelilive salary. & benefits Fax resume:
(9041241-0831., o call 19041241-1035.
Beachn wnolesale gtfrware company seeks
an experienced FT Warehouse Associate
Murvi be able i I. li 50+ pounds Unload
coniainers Forklin experience required
Epcelleni wage' beneili Fax resume I
2222081 Ann Branda or call 247-1497
PONTE VEDRA AR Accounting Clerk po-
sliiori. Requires lasi learner and well or-
ganized Good pay, email resume to
khorne,,'cnlre corn EOE
COUNTER HELP Ponte Vedra area.
FT'PT, Call 215-5644
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or 448 MYRA St., lots of teacher supplies, la-
email: classified@beachesleader.com dies clothes size 4, households, 8-til.
FILL DIRT for sale, Miranda Contracting,
Call. 219-2765.
FULL SIZE futon bunkbed w/ twin top.
heavy black metal, new twin mattress,
$300-OBO. 821-8338.
USED OFFICE Furniture filing cabinets,
desks, tookcaies. Kirrjy vacuum.
249-3863. .
BODY SOLID mull siano:n weignl Ihhing
machine. exc cond $250 246.5971
total ct. wt. certified and appraised
$7500 904.-7r08.:110ii
62" TOSHIBA TV; Pioneer 300 watt
w.equalizer and surround sound receiver;
JVC 6 CD player Bose 6 2 speakers
Khlpshn 10' double speaker sub wooler.
All rider models in real working order
$12 00OBO 242-0344
. MAYTAG ATLANTIS dryer. minl condition
Iniellldry cycle $225 Call 24188336.
18 KT/ 14. CT slunning custom invis;sel
diamond bracel1l Appraised $18 500. Sell
514K OBO 614-0845
SBED- .BRAND name: queen 'set,,
new, w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
KENMORE WASHER, excellent condition
,150 Will deliver, Guaraniee 874-1747
DINING TABLE, solid wood, Drand new 8
chairs, musl sell, 824-8750
METAL ROOFING. Save $. Buy direcl
Irom manulaclurer 20 colors in sock wilh
all acces-ic'rie Qui:k lurn around. Delv-
ery available. Tollo Ire ie881393-0335
IS STRESS ruining your relationship?
Buy and Read Dianellcs by L Ron Hut.-
Card. Call 181 31872-0722 or send $8 00 1o
Dianelic.s 3102 N Habana Ave. Tampa
FL 33607.
80" MOHAGONY rearcloth dining lale 6
chairs, corner curio cabinet. 5900. Call
:eos accessories Brand rew $100 Look
al or lIluidily.omrn 19041254 0931
QUEEN MATTRESS bozprrna & Irame.
Double dres-er w mirror & nignhliand.
bleached pine Good condo. $200 lakes all
ESTATE SALE! Antique vintage items,
bedroom set, couch, bookcases, coffee ta-
ble,, antique vegetable choppers; ducks,
Wilton Armetale Pewter, much more. Sat-
urday only, 8am-1pm.525 Oak Street.
FRIDAY AND Saturday, 9am-lpm, 150-A
North Roscoe Blvd. Kitchen, candy molds,
artificial trees, good stuff.
L'ATRIUM 2703 Strasbourg Court, Sat.
7/15, Sun. 7/16, 8-1, arcade games: Pole
Position & Street Fighter 2; ivory leather
recliner, bedroom suite, children items,
and household items.
MULTI- FAMILY, Saturday, 8am-11am;
215 Pheasant Run, Solano Woods Subdi-_
MOVING SALE 14525 Lulh Dr N Friday
& Saturday 8am-12pm Furniture, clorring
and more.
A BEAUT FULL Estate! Ponte Vedra.
Concert grand piano: Lavishly decorated
home lull ol fabulous mirrors, artwork.
porcelain, lamps. china, crystal. silver, an-
tiques, Orienl rugs, designer lurn & cloth-
ing, furs, purses Huge Rose Medallion
bowl. Garden &.garage full Early No's @
228 41r Ave S. Jax Bch ,' 8AM Thurs.
Aner 8 15 AM go directly to sale @ 2427
Normandy Ci L Anum, off A1A in Porite
Vedra Thurs 9-4, Fri 9-3. CHINA CAT
241-0344 chinacaantiques corn
Doat slip for rent. 40h. $600, 50n $700.
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile luel serv-
ice & pump oul also available. 463-2845.
19' KENNER Fishnski '89 115 Suzuki 50
hours on a rebuild and newly rebuilt car-
buretors Two Daheries, new Garmin fish-
ulnder, new Minnkoia Irotling molor Live
bait well Four year old Irailer. Good tires
and lights work. Newly painted deck. new.
ly covered passenger seat. $4200 OBO.
not interested n dckering mucn. 704-
6984. leave message Available only on
July 15 16
a 96 GAL. Irash cans. Dran7 new $50 STORM 20'. 225 Mecc new trailer Ready
j each. 2467710 lo Isn & Ily isi 10K 859-8623
ADVERTISERS IN ihis category/ are rnol
ohering iobs. They are orterng lob-related
services and may charge lees Readers
are advised to exercise caulon belore giv-
ing credit card informallon over ine phone
withoul knowing whale specific product or
service they will receive
DRIVER YOU wanl II, we nae II' Solo,
rears owner operators company, drivers.
tludenls. recent grads- regional, dedical-
ed long haul Van nIalied. Music be 21
CRST Career Center t8001940-2778
wWw.drivelorcrsi corn
" n -- ...
INK AND Toner Relilt in Beaches area
Higrh proles Unlapped poieniial Easy ic.
operate 247-3815
drunks, sizes, and brands. Greal equip-
ment, real suppon' Financing available
Wiih %6K down Tom- 1954971-9301
PARTY STORE lor sale. located at 7206
Allanlic Blvd., seasonal merchandise in
storage included $30.000 Call Tim 813.
WARNING- WHILE ins newspaper does
nor knowingly accept business opponuriry
ads wn.ch require you to pay a lee 10 gei
inlormaionn or Inai reier you to 976-or 900
phone numbers which will result in sub.
slaniial charges to your phone bil. the
newspaper cannot guarantee me validity
or01 oherings in inls classlicallon If any ad.
veniser requires you o1 incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a lee Io learn Ine na.
lure of Ine opponuniry please repon rI to
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800 day? 30 machines. Iree candy All
lor $9995 18881629-9968 B02000033.
Call us We will nol te undersold'
.., sA S VA x.. eApect Iulinlig Less
'w, irr1r Than "Five Diamonds"
Career Days
at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
Tues., July 18th and Wed., July 19th, 9am-4pm
Do something special for yourself today! Work with.one of the
luxunr resorts in the world byjoining the elite staff at Ponte Vedra
Inn & Club, Our exceptional work environment is one of the most
sought after for career satisfaction. We have the following full &
part-time positions available
Front Office / Bell Stand / Culinary/Kitchen /
Fitness / Spa / Housekeeping / Grounds /
Golf Course / Laundry
See you at the Job Fair next
Tuesday and Wednesday!
We offer an attractive benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, profit sharing, 401K, discounts at our
retail outlets, golf course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in
person to Human Resources between 9am- 4pm, Mon. Fri.
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Oceanfront Excellence
BED- BEAUTIFUL'Temp.pedic Memory
Foam manress i bo. spring. new in
plaslic w'warranry $379. Music sell
SURFBOARD NSP Funboard, 76". used
5 limes $100. Tire rnms i41 on low mieage
'03 Mercedes S500 5 lug. original equip-
mernt $495. 249-9012
2005 YAMAHA Roadstar Srlverado. 5K
miles, black & chrome Loaded' First
$10,800 859-8623.
MATCHING LOVE Seals $100ea. Table 2002 HONDA SHADOW Ace. ,ncl access.
lamps $25ea. Rocker' Glider w/loolslool sores. 48 org miles, garage kepi Illness
$ 5 All in ver. good condil.on. 280-5133 forces sale $5500. 2471417
AT&T PARTNER pnhne system 5 pnones
insialed Ir 7899 249-8877
wood drawing Lables wcnairs Board size
fable 33 5x60 $175 each sei, 2497781.
BED. KING maniess sei, $289 Can de-
liver 1904i391-0015.
1983 SUZUKI GR650- runs strong. very
reiaole $1100 080. WII Irade lor travel
taller, carporl or long boards.
ALMOND DELUXE G.E. hood and 2000 SPORTSMEN 32 h. Travel Irailer
co.uner.lop -.ove, like new $200 OBO slide sei-up in Jax Beach $9,300. OBO
249-2085 k904) 662-4025
Kreepy Krauly operated under 10hrs
Unopened video on operanon and manual
includedd $200. 16 x32' winner pool cover
and weights. Never used $60 Solar reel
lor 32' inground pool wiinout cover $75
15 CU I cnesi freezer $130 washer.dryer
neavy dury e.ira large capacity $250,bolh.
all in excellent condition Can deliver 945-
GE PROFILE ArciTca Series side by side
;'s wraparound Relnrgeraior and Dish-
washer Paid $4500 less Inan a year ago
Asking $2500 OBO Will sell seperately
.SOLID WOOD large dresser, 2 night
Islands, mirror. $150- white bocksnell
$25. large track lighting, $10. free swing
set 246.1031.
BEDROOM SET queen modern art deco,
$450. sola rundle ted $75 247-3429
GREEN BAKER'S rack, Commercial salad
cooler. Commercial 56' double door work-
ing cooler ino racks), 131 42 round tables,
6 cars, t0 boxes 12" lies 11.2 black, 1'2
while) Make Oner 608.4059.
JOE WEIDER pro 4100 corner unil all pur-
pose weight set w/lro 321b stainless sleel
dumbelle. $100 525-0161.
FULL SIZE Iruck aluminum Katlin ladder
rack, adjustable, paid $1500, will sell
5500. seldom used 568-0348
2001 NISSAN Frontier PU, excellent con-
dlilon. new A/C. PS. PB, dual airbags, lop
per, less than 46,500 miles. Selling way
below book $9500. OBO I need lo sell
Ihis truck 1904) 635-2412.
1994 F350 dually. runs greal. cold air. au-
iomatic lulty loaded, new iires This is a
greal truck. $6500 OBO. 226-8700
1997 FORD Explorer XLT. Call 249-7160.
1998 CHEVY 1500 extended cab, lully
loaded new I.res, runs great. very
dependable Iruck $6500 OBO. Call'
CADILLAC 1990 Sedan DeVille, 45
V8,'Auto., Cold A/C, one owner, non-
smoker, white leather upholstery, Klean-
$1950.rcash 241-4012.
1985 TOYOTA Celica Classic Conv.
Runs good & greal on gas! Cold A'C, new
lres. great io restore or drive today
$2000 0BO. 813-8280.
ALMOST FREE Jacuzzi' Hot lub complete 2004 VOLVO S80 turbo- silver, sunrool,
'$3500. value, $150 6'x12' metal dog ken power pkg healed leather seals, 75K.
nel $800 value, $99. 708-4814 well maintained, $24.200 Call 669-2169
BUILDINGI SALEI Manuiaciurer Direct
Since 1980. Expensive range ol sizes/
models .Exarrple 40'xl00'x16'=348/sI
Ends optional 3 week. delivery
25'x40'x12' $3390 (limited qrvy Pioneer
er, will t andie large person Rechargea-
ble, runs greai $349 3-WHEEL POWER
SCOOTER, can be disassembled, solid
tires, rechargeable, indoor or outdoor
$275 1904)241-2231
CLEAN QUALITY lull size bed wilrame
T90 King bed witrame $140 Can deliver
SOLID CHERRY diningroom. Pedestal ta-
ble w/ 8 chairs & pads, side buffet, lighted
china. New $8000, sell $3000 set or indi-
vidual pieces. 242-2590:
GREEN BAKER'S rack, Commercial salad
cooler, Commercial 56" double door work-
ing cooler (no racks), (3) 42" round tables,
6 chairs, 10 boxes 12" tiles (1/2 black, 1/2
white). Make Offer. 608-4059..
SHELVING FROM retail store, 6x4 each
section, 60 sections, currently in storage,
$30 each. Call Tim 813-5833.
GAS GRILL' Weber Silver A, 2-burner,
brand new, used only once. $299. 247-
1991 DODGE Dynasty Blue Book $2.100
Must Sell $1,250. OBO Excellent shape
2002 CAMARO convertible Z28,
12,600 miles, exc. condition. $22,500. Call
249-8282 or 742-1823 ask E.T.
TWO JEEP Cherokees, 4 wheel drive,
both 1982, 2-door, $500/each. 612-8060
or 613-5178.
1994 FORD Escort, 75,000 miles, $2500
or. 904-372-9338 or 904-566-3977.
1999 MAZDA Miata blue w/tan top and
leather seats, alloy wheels, 5-speed, 90K,
well maintained, $8800. call (904) 669-
1999 PORSCHE Boxster, blue, 75,000
miles Greal todrive. $19,999. 309-1284.
2005 FORD MUSTANG. V6. premium,
loaded, low miles, extended warranty,
$17,900. 285-3483.
2000 NISSAN Ultima GXE, excellent con-
dition, low miles, 4 door, power windows,
locks, cruise, new tires. $7600 OBO.
2001 HONDA Civic LX $7600, well main-
tained. 534-4170, 543-1951. .
1992 OLDS 88 Royal LS, all power, 6 cyl-
inder, oreat car. $1300. OBO. 716-2586.
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/mattress & box spring. Must sell. $395. POLICE IMPOUNDSICars from $5001 For
Can deliver (904)858-9350. listings, 800-749-8116 ext. 3629.
FIGS picked/bagged or you pick! also 2000 LEXUS RX300 SUV- Looker,super
strawberry/fig jam. 247-3429. clean. 120k mostly highway miles. Very
well maintained. $14,500 OBO. 242-0344.
LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Soldl
Low Down /EZ financing. Free catalog FREE PICK UP
(800)937-1603 FREE rPI UP
East, LLC Auction Business License: -of Junk Cars/Trucks
AB2509 Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li-
cense: AU3448 Jeffrey Johnston Auction- in 30 Minutes
eer License: AU3449 Stacey Mauck Auc- T cash on all thatruns!
tioneer License: AU3447. Top cash on all thatruns!
'PhHl~l /.fllkllrldlJIli-Wl
BUYING 45'S from 1950-69, Rock, Soul,
R&B, also factory reel to reel tapes. 803-
270-8930, 803-270-8940.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified @ beachesleader.com
Paoe RR
A CL6~
taylor lane, &
day spa
Hairstylist & Nail Tech
with clientele
Higl Commin"sion
*Benetfit Packaige
815 3rd Street North
Jax Beach
Ask for Paige
ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
transportation & references. $9-$11/hr.,
any area. CPR & First Aid. F/T & P/T.
in your home. Call for a no obligation com-
ilimentary session. Certified and insured.
(904) 759-3665.
CAREGIVER FOR elderly. 12 years expe-
rience/references. Available M-F. 246-
SIT WITH your loved one! Some cleaning,
cooking, errand running. Call Denise
MULTI-FAMILY, tools, household items,
furniture, toys, 2608 America Ave., Consti-
tution Cove, Sat. 8a.m., no early birds.
MOVING SALE- Sat 8-2 & Sun 8 til dark,
1638 Williams St.
3 FAMILY sale, beds, furniture, baby
items, much morel. Sat. 8a.m., 918 10h
St. N.
Two Households moving to one. House-
hold items, furniture & more; 1330 Pine-
wood Rd. Saturday 8am-lpm. i;
2-FAMILY SALE Sat. 8-2. A bit of every-
thingl (97 BMW 540 wheels OEM). 2200
Azalea Dr. (off Penman/Bentin).