qualify for
See Sports,
MAY 3, 2006
See A-3
Vol. 43. No. 90
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
with fun
Sixty-five seniors from
throughout St. Johns
County and beyond gath-
ered at Davis Park west of
Ponte Vedra Beach Saturday
for the third annual
Hooked on Seniors fishing
The event, which was free
for seniors, was organized
by Patti and Dennis Harvin
of St. Augustine, with help
from the St. Johns County)
Parks and Recreation
Business sponsorships and
donations raised $3,600,
which will be donated to
Sunshine Center therapeu-
tic adult day care center in
St. Augustine, said Patti
Harvin, site coordinator of
the Palm Valley Senior
Trophies went to Gladys
Sander of Trout Creek for
catching a 14-ounce bream,
Mishap cuts
power to PV
Sid Mickler of Palm Valley shows his wife Jo the bream he caught 10 minutes into Saturday's
Hooked on Seniors fishing derby at Davis Park.
Barbara Vickers of St.
Augustine for landing a
12-ouncer and Lillian
Pierson of Trout Creek
for her 10-ouncer, Harvin
Each participant got a par-
ticipation ribbon, Hooked
on Seniors tote bag and a
Chickfil A coupon, Harvin
Davis Park is located off
County Road 210 about one
mile west of the Intracoastal
Board relates a tale of two sewers, one in MSD
Residents of Ponte Vedra
and St. Augustine Beach have
more in common than they
may think.
St. Augustine Beach home-
owners may soon be aban-
doning their septic tanks and
connecting to a centralized
sewer system, just as hundreds
of Ponte Vedra homeowners
are doing now.
But while the cost of the
sewer has exceeded $20,000
for some Ponte Vedra property
owners, those in St. Augustine
Beach will end up paying
much less for their new $13.6
million gravity sewer system.
"This is one of the key rea-
sons we need to own the util-
ities in Ponte Vedra," St. Johns
County Commission Chair
Jim Bryant said in Tuesday's
commission meeting.
A $9 million Florida
Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) grant to the
city of St. Augustine Beach
will pay about two-thirds of
the cost of the $13.6 million
gravity sewer system.
As a result, commissioners
agreed Tuesday to reduce the
connection fees by twoh-thirds
- from more than $2,000 to
about $680.
Connection fees in the
Ponte Vedra Municipal Service
District (MSD) may vary,.
depending on when the fee is
paid to JEA, Jacksonville's
public utility and owner of
the system.
Another difference between
the two sewer systems is that
St. Augustine Beach residents
will be required to connect to
the new system only if their
septic tanks fail. The connec-
tion fee reduction is an incen-
tive for hooking to the sys-
In the MSD, property own-
ers must hook to the system
within a year because of, the
requirements of a DEP loan to
build the system.
Bryant said the MSD could
have applied for similar DEP
grants if the county owned
the utility service in that area
last year when the new vacu-
um sewer system was built.
Although the grant awarded
to St. Augustine Beach was
only for small incorporated
cities, Bryant said other grants
would have been available to
the unincorporated MSD
because it's a special taxing
The MSD generally includes
the area east of State Road
A1A from the Duval County
line to Corona Road. Then it
runs south along Ponte Vedra
Boulevard for six miles.
Commissioner Bruce
Maguire of Ponte Vedra
agreed with Bryant, saying he
has received many complaints
from Porrte Vedra homeown-
ers about the tremendous
costs of connecting to the sys-
tem and abandoning their
septic tanks.
Maguire said some MSD
homeowners have discovered
they actually have three septic
tanks, driving up costs. Some
bills for connecting to the sys-
tem have reached $20,000, he
"By owning the system, the
county has a lot more flexibil-
ity with reaching out and
offering assistance," Maguire
Although the connection
costs turned otit to be a "criti-
cal issue" in Ponte Vedra,
Maguire said that will not
happen in St. Augustine
County Utility Director Bill
Young said connection costs
in St. Augustine Beach are not
likely to exceed $6,000 for any
Young said the county has
set aside some of the money
needed to build the sewer sys-
tem but will need to borrow
about $10 million.
Then the grant, which is
renewed each year, will pay
the first 11 years of annual
payments of about $750,000,
he said.
After that, Young said the
county will take over the pay-
ments, which will lower to
about $688,000 each year.
The purpose of the project
is to abandon septic tanks that
are leaking pollutants, the
same rationale that was used
in pushing for the sewer in
the MSD.
Truck working
in Nocatee
'rips' lines
A dump truck working in
Nocatee ripped out overhead
electric transmission lines
Tuesday afternoon, cutting
power to about half of Ponte
Vedra and causing traffic jams
along State Road A1A and
other places where traffic lights
went dark.
"A good percentage of the
south end of Ponte Vedra went
out," said George Forbes, city
manager for Jacksonville
Beach, whose utility depart-
ment provides electricity
throughout Ponte Vedra.
"This was caused by a con-
tractor, not Beaches Energy,"
Forbes said.
Beaches Energy got "a lot" of
calls when the power to.about
10,000 customers went out at
2:09 p.m., Forbes sai.'. ,
The outage was a
dump truck working on
Nocatee parkway along
Count) Road 210 west of the
Intracoastal Waterway, he said.
The bucket of the truck was
left in its dump position and it
"literally ripped out our
transmission lines," Forbes
Usually, one transmission
line takes over if the other is
damaged, but both lines were
ripped out, knocking out two
major substations, one off 210
and the other off Solana Road,
he said.
Power was restored to about
a third of the customers within
20 minutes, to about half with-
in 35 minutes and to all cus-
tomers within 49 minutes,
Forbes said.
"The problem was getting
out there because of the traf-
fic," Forbes said.
"We questioned the speed
and whether he [the dump
truck driver] was watching
where he was going," Forbes
said, adding that the contrac-
tor will be charged for the
cost of repairs.
Forbes said he had no
estimate of the outage's cost
to restaurants or other busi-
nesses that were suddenly
without power, but he said
the loss could be "tremen-
No accidents or injuries
were reported to the St. Johns
County Sheriff's Office, said
Deputy Chuck Mulligari"~
Nocatee spokeswoman
Rachel Kaltenbach identified
the contractor as Barco-lUval
of Jacksonville. ;
Nocatee, a mixed-use
development being built on
both sides of 210 between the
Intracoastal Waterway ..and
U.S. 1, is rerouting traffic on
part of 210 for construction of
Nocatee parkway.
The parkway will be elevat-
ed in spots between the water-
way and U.S. 1.
With its bucket left in an upright position, this truck broke elec-
tric lines west of Ponte Vedra Tuesday, causing a brief but wide-
spread power outage.
Marsh Landing 'eyesore' issue delayed
S. .Girl
Ryan Ellis, coaching
Nease senior girls for
Thursday's Powder
Puff football game,
snaps the ball to quar-
terback Ashley
Delaney at practice
Monday. The senior
girls meet the junior
girls, coached by Alex
Kenney, at 6:30 p.m.
in Nease Stadium for
*rthe annual end-of-
year contest. An
admission charge of
$3 will go to Beta
Club scholarships and
will be used for televi-
sion production
After a "productive" meet-
ing with developers, the
homeowners association of
Marsh Landing has postponed
an appeal to the St. Johns
Board of County)
Commissioners over what has
been called an eyesore in the
The association filed an
appeal in February disputing
the issuance of a 2005 permit
that allowed a chain link
fence and piles of dirt to be
placed on a vacant lot without
prior approval of Marsh
Landing's Architectural
Review Board (ARB).
Barry Ansbacher, the attor-
ney representing Marsh
Landing, said in an interview
Tuesday that the developers
have agreed to seek the
approval of the ARB "immedi-
"We had a meeting with the
developer that was very pro-
ductive," Ansbacher said.
"We're hopeful that we'll be
able to resolve things that
In the meeting, the develop-
ers of Quadrille, a commercial
project at the corner of Solana
Road and Marsh Landing
Parkway, agreed to "beautify"
and screen the temporary
changes that have been made,
Ansbacher said.
The developers plan to use
the dirt piles to create buffer-
ing and landscaping berms
once the buildings are con-
structed, according to
Ultimately, the ARB will
consider the permanent plans
for the project and decide
whether the dirt piles can stay
until construction begins.
Meanwhile, the homeown-
ers association has agreed to
tolerate the piles of dirt and
chain link fence for a little
while longer, until the devel-
opers meet with the ARB.
Last month, county com-
missioners agreed to give the
developers 30 days to work
out their problems with
Marsh Landing.
Now the second hearing for
the appeal has been resched-
uled for June 27, to give devel-
opers adequate time to work
with the ARB.
But even if the Quadrille
problem is worked out before
that time, Ansbacher said he
will appear on June 27 to deal
with a bigger question: when
must an applicant seek ARB
approval before getting a
county permit to build?
Ansbacher said the unspo-
ken law that ARB approval
must be acquired before a
building permit can be issued
has always been followed in
the past.
Somehow, Quadrille slipped
through the cracks, he said.
Ansbacher said he will ask
commissioners to adopt a res-
olution that will formalize
this rule of thumb.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
will be delivered to you twice each week with all the news,
sports and advertising information for the Beaches.
1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Classified ...........B...........-4
Fishing ........................B-3
Obituaries.................... A-5
Police Beat ...............A-2
Sports ....................... B-
W weather ......................... -2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 18 pages
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Published Wednesday and Friday.
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(USPS 586-180) (ISSN1059647X)
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UNI 49
" Lewd and lascivious behavior"
was reported April, 28 in the
1500 block of Beach Proper S.
after a woman told police a
man approached her form
behind and began masturbat-
ing over her while she was sun-
bathing. The victim said she,
grabbed her cell phone and.
headed south to the nearest
group of people and called
police. The suspect described as
5'll1", in his early 40's, clean
shaven with tanned skin fled
the area.,
S .. '
Charles Anthony Abel, 36, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
April 27 and charged with but-
glary/conveyance to an unoc-
cupied structure and uttering a
forged bill in the 700 block of
2nd St. N., according to police.'
A batter), was reported April
24 at an apartment in the 4800
block of Marsh Landing Blvd.
The victim told police she was
in her living room with twoI
acquaintances when an
unknown female suspect began
banging on the outside wall
and kicking in her screened
door. The suspect also threw a
beach chair at the sliding glass.
door before entering the apart-
ment and punching the victim
several times in the face with a
closed fist. The victim was able
to protect herself behind a
chair and the suspect and one
of her guests fled the scene
before police arrived.
A digital camera valued at
$300 was reported stolen April
24 from a business in the 4300
block of Marsh Landing Blvd.
The camera was left on top of 1
filing cabinet over the week-
end. An employee discovered it
was missing at.8 a.m. along
with the battery charger.
, ," "' "
Ella Luwanda Scott, 37, a
transient, was arrested April 28
and charged with possession of
a controlled substance inv the
first block of the Boardwalk N.,
according to police.
Fraud was reported April 27
in the 4000 block of 3rd St. S.
The victim told police that her
wallet containing several credit
cards was stolen at work. When
she called to report the cards
stolen, she was notified by the
credit card company that $890
in fraudulent charges were
made at a women's accessories
store. .
An auto burglary was report-
ed April 27 in a restaurant park-
ing lot in the first block of 3rd
St, N, The victim left his book
bag with his identification and
$320 in cash in his vehicle
while he went to work. A win-
dow was broken and the. bag
was missing when he left work.
Forgery was reported April 27
in the 4200 block of Marsh
Landing Blvd. The victim told
police that someone wrote a
check -for $515 to Beaches
Energy Services without her
knowledge or permission.
Gregory Lee Villarreal, 35, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
April 29 and charged with pos-
session of cocaine and posses-
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sion of a controlled substance
in the 700 block of Beach Blvd.,
according to a police report.
"i ;: .
Keith Rudolph Katz, 27, of
Ponte Vedra Beach was arrest-
ed April 24 and charged with
possession of cocaine in the
4400 block of South Beach
Parkway, according to a police
Strong armed robbery was
reported April 29 at a restau-
rant in the first block of Beach
blvd. The victim engaged in a
verbal argument with the sus-
pect who struck her in the face.
The suspect also struck the vic-
tim's friend and stole his cell
phone and $100 cash from the
man's pockets.
Armed robbery was reported
April 29 in the 200 block of 1st
St. N. An employee of a busi-
ness on Beach Boulevard left
work at 8 p.m. to make a bank
deposit. A white Lumina driven
by an unknown male suspect
tapped the rear end of the vic-
tim's vehicle. She pulled over
to exchange information
because she thought it was a
traffic crash. An unknown
male passenger exited the rear
of the suspect vehicle and
approached the victim's drivers
side window. The man leaned
into the car and lifted his shirt
to display a large black gun.
The victim said he looked at
the deposit envelope and she
handed it to him before he
returned to the car and fled the
A burglary to a business was
reported April 23 in the 1400
block of Mayport Road.
A bicycle valued at $100 was
reported stolen from a resi-
dence in the 300 block of 5th
Antoine Roderick
McMullion, 21, of Jacksonville
was arrested on a warrant and
Q a Q
a 4D 4w
. 40 fta
Polie Beat
charged with fleeing a law
enforcement officer April 23 in
the 1900 block of Francis
Avenue, according to a police
Toni Scoot Green, 48, of
Atlantic Beach was arrested on
warrant and charged with vio-
lation of probation April .24 in
the 600 block of Sailfish Drive,
according to a police report.
Harland Eugene May, 44, a
transient was arrested and
charged with two counts of
burglary April 24 in the 800
block of Seminole Road,
according to a police report.
'* "*
A bicycle valued at $350 was
reported stolen from a business
April',30 in the 100 block of
Atlantic Boulevard.
A simple assault was reported
April 16 in the 300 block .of
Oceanwood Drive East;
S '* '. : .* .
A burglary to a residence was
reported April 30 in the 1100
block of Seagate Avenue.
A window to a vehicle was
reported broken April 28 in the
300 block of Oak Street.
Two bicycles valued at $20
and $75 were reported stolen
from a residence April 29 in the
600 block of Pine Street.
A vehicle was burglarized
April 27 in the 500 block of the
'Police reported that. $2,500
worth of merchandise, was
stolen from Aqua East Surf
Shop, 696 Atlantic Boulevard
April 27. Three men have been
arrested and charged in the
Andrew Richard Fail, 18, of
Jacksonville Beach; Robert
Joseph McMahon, 19, of
Jacksonville Beach and
Nicholas Allen Phares, 19, of
Jacksonville were all three
arrested and charged with
grand theft April 27 in the
1300 block of 15th Avenue
North in Jacksonville Beach,
according to police reports.
No new reports.
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Please Support
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, Campbell Roofing & Constructi
, AMERON Coatings
'r Oceanside Bank
,2 Buck & Buck Info. Realtors
Southern Wine & Spirits
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or a Trip on a 50o foot Yacht
.H.E.R.O.E.S. Fundraiser
ures... An Evening of Fine Dining, Comedy & Auction
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RSVP May 4
To order tickets or make donations make your check out to
H.E.R.O.E.S. P.O. Box 51321, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240-1321 or
contact Martha Gardner.
904.241.6035 or email
Felpg EducateResponsibleOutstnding&Eni
May 3, 2006,
.. The Beaches L eader/Pontet Vedra Leader
a-dv "3I A
The Beaches
are online at:
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;
/ look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from.
throughout the
V get your
started; and
V* contact
members of our,.
sm 4D
*A&V .mb
,lTJ. A., TVV
Smart choice for award
Gary Smart of Ponte Vedra
Peach, a music professor at the
University of North Florida,
has been awarded $7,500 as
recipient of the Terry
Presidential Professorship.
; Designed to recognize facul-
ty achievements through the
support of outstanding schol-
ars, the professorship was
'given financial support by
Mary Virginia Terry, a former
UNF Foundation board mem-
ber and philanthropist.
A UNF faculty member since
1999, Smart is a composer and
has performed .in concerts in
Japan, Indonesia, London and
Hawaii, among other venues.
In the 1960s, he toured with
the .Henry Mancini Orchestra
for six years.
Smart has a doctorate in
music from Yale University.
Before coming to UNF, he
taught at the University, of
Wyoming and was a visiting
professor of music at Kobe
College in Japan as well as an
exchange professor, at Osaka
Clerk speaks to MSD
Cheryl Strickland, Clerk of
Courts for St., Johns County,
will talk about a state revenue
revision at Monday's meeting
of the Ponte Vedra Municipal
Service District (MSD).
"What it did was [that],
money the county used to get
now goes to the courts,".
Strickland said in .describing
the revision, which went into
effect in July 2004.
She also plans to talk about
the glitch that caused a drop in-
MSD revenue from fines .and
forfeitures, she said.
There had been a problem
with parking tickets getting the
correct designation, she said,
adding that the issue has been
"all cleared up."
The meeting begins at 6 p.m.
at the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library.
Jaguars show Saturday
"Legends on the Green," a
show- of British cars presented
by the Jaguar Car Club of
North Florida, will be held at
World Golf Village in central
St. Johns County from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Saturday. The event
is free and open to the public'
The car show will feature a
Jaguar Club of North America
sanctioned Jaguar Concours. It
is open to all classic, contem-
porary and exotic British cars.
The cars will be displayed
along the Walk of Champions
located outside the World Golf,
Hall of Fame. Registration for
participating cars will begin at
8 a.m. and is $35 for the first
car and $30 for each additional
car. Judging begins at 10:30
For more information call
(904) 940-4123, or visit
Love your garden
Kimberlee Clark, a horticul-
ture instructor at First Coast
Technical Institute in St.'
Augustine, will. talk on
"Making the Most of Your
Garden" at 7 p.m. Monday at
Vilano Beach. ,
The program, to be held at
the North Shores Community
Center, 120 Meadow Ave., next
to the fire station, is' open to
the public.
For information, call (904)
Business advice given ,
Cathy Hagan, a certified'
business analyst with. the Small
Business Development Center
at, the University of North
Florida, will meet one-on-one
with owners of small business-
es today at the Ponte Vedra
Chamber office.. '
Times still available as of
early this week, are 1 p.m., 2.
p.m., 3 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
To schedule a consultation,
call the chamber office at 285-
Da Vinci Code redux
Jay Wright, an instructor at
Jacksonville University and
expert on Renaissance art,
revives a discussion on "The
Da Vinci Code" from 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 20 in
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Wright will revive his series
of classes he gave in Ponte
Vedra earlier this year on the
Dan Brown 2003 blockbuster
novel,, which is scheduled for
release in movie form May 19.
For some, the book questions
basic-Christian beliefs.
The lecture is the: first in a
series of five given at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, 50 Executive Way,
Ponte Vedra.
This first in a series of five
lectures is free arid open to the
public. For information, call
the center at 280-0614::
,Stroke program set
The public is invited to a free
presentation about prevention,
and effects of stroke.
The presentation, "Know
Stroke," is scheduled 10 a.m. to
11 a.m. Monday at Shands
Jacksonville hospital in the
Health Science Center
The event is sponsored by
the -Comprehensive Stroke
Program of the Neuroscience
Institute at Shands Jacksonville
and the Duval County Health
The auditorium is at 580 W.
8th, at the corner of 8th and'
Jeffeison between the twin ,
towers and the hospital,
COA chief is appointed
Cathy' Brown, 'executive
director of the St. Johns -
County Council on Aging, has
been appointed to the
Committee on, Rural Public
and Intercity Bus
Transportation by Robert E.
Skinner Jr., executive director
of the Transportation Research,
Board of 'the -, National
Academies, Washington, D.C.
The board is a division of the
National Research Council, a
private, nonprofit institution
that provides expertise in sci-
ence and technology to the
government, the public and
the scientific and engineering
Boaters along the
Intracoastal Waterway,
near the Palm Valley
bridge (left) may notice a
new idle-speed-zone
sign, one of several
being installed in St.
Johns County by the
Florida Fish and Wildlife
Commission (FWC).
Officers may be lenient
with violators at first,
said Joy Hill, public
information coordinator
for the FWC's Northeast
region. After that, viola-
tors may be fined up to
$68, she said. Signs
replacing those that
have been vandalized or
destroyed by storms or
boating accidents are
expected to be replaced
by May 15 at bridges in
Palm Valley, Vilano and
Crescent beaches and
at the Bridge of Lions,
St. Augustine. Idle
speeds are to be
observed within 500 feet
of the center line of the
bridge on both sides, Hill
Stephanie Martin Booras
Attorney At Law
J.D, cum laude,
Florida Coasial School ot Law, 2005
B B A, magna cur, laude.
Uni.vrsiry ol ionrir Florida. 2003 o 0Praci ce Florda Bar 2006
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$49 to ENROLL*
(Regularly $149)
Beverly Napper (left) reads
while other members of the
Reader's Theatre wait their
turns Tuesday during rehears-
al at the Ponle Vedra Beach
Branch Library. The group of
women Irom Sawgrass read
from works by women writers
in an event arranged by
Carolyn Hirsch. The others
(from left) are Mildred Kelley,
Olivia Bissel, Joan Collins
and Marylou Bannon.
Program Runs August 2006 May 2007
Monday Friday, 15 Hours Per Week*
Pick 1 of 3 Sessions
8:30-11:30 9:00-12:00 12:30-3:30
The Only Privately Owned Accredited
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Beaches Academy
Child Enrichment Center
1725 Penman Rd., Jax Beach ,,
Call 246-3885
*Nocosttoparents. follows Public School Calendar
Call today for a FREE
1-day pass and club tour.
IT e
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Weore see .annnifef
May 5th and 6th, .Director:
I 2th and I 3th Deborah L. Tyre
7:30 pm Assistant Director:
May 7th and 1 4th
2:00 pm
Music and Lyrics by
Frank Loesser
Book by Jo Swerling
and AbhB
Rhonda Maurep
Technical Director:
Tom Fallon
"Guys and Dolls" is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre Intemational (MTI).
All authorized Performance materials supplied by MTI,
421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 (212) 541-4684 Fax: (212) 397-4684
.. MM.m+. '.M,
n ----. -- ..
SAD-064-02 04-06
Page 3A*
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Mav 3 2006nn
Page 4A '- ..- --, Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES' LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
'Weekend events
good for Beaches
Thousands of people came to the beach this past week-
end to build sandcastles, watch them be built or just to
soak in some sun.
The 60th 'annual Beaches Parade on Sunday also,
attracted a large crowd as affection for the traditional
event was unabated.
A parade of hand-made floats has long been a tradition
here on the last weekend of April, as has the annual
Sandcastle Contest. .
Both were key elements of what was once known a's
Opening Day of the Beaches. With the Beaches so busy
throughout the year, the festival had become somewhat
of a misnomer and most of the other hoopla associated
with;Ithe event is no more.'.. '
But the two remaining key. events the .parade, and
sandcastle contest remain popular and, more impor-
tantly, serve as a reminder of our roots.
No longer home to just a few bungalows by the
seashore, our Beaches community is now home to thou-
When many of those thousands turn out to enjoy a
parade of-amateur musicians or sculpt castles in the sand
alongside friends and families, it is easy to see clearly that'
ours is a great community with a lot of enthusiasm.
Letters to the editor:
Appreciate insightful portrait
To the editor: ,
[Johnny] Woodhouse's
insightful portrait of
[Michael] Shalz' life is a
beautiful and meaningful
tribute...the story of a fine
man, the love family and his
steadfast contributions to
the individual lives of others
within and beyond
Thank you to
Woodhouse and
Leader for publishing
Brian and Susie Kelley
Ponte Vedra Beach
Late funeral director
made a real difference
To the editor:
A lot has been said about
Mike Shalz, who passed away
saturday, in local eobitiaries'
and a special columrf in The
Leader by Johnny
SWoodhouse, but that is not
enough. I personally will
S praise this wonderful man
and friend far into the future.
I would like to just relate to
the community what a loss
we have suffered.
Last October my wife of
just 18 days shy of 53 years
passed away at about 8:30 at
night., I called Quinn-Shalz
funeral home and asked the
night person to make the nec-
essary arrangements for her.
Within about 5 minutes I
received a call for Mike per-
S.He explained he was on his
way to dinner and was on
Penman Road when he was
called. He immediately
informed me he was on his
.way to my home personally.'
When he arrived he took
total charge of the situation.
He said the recovery van was
on a run to Orange Park but
would be at the house in'
about 45 minutes. When the
van arrived Mike was .still
there consoling the family
and just being a friend which
he had been since he handled
the passing of my mother in
July 2000 ,. _
"When the van arrived, m
daughter, who was on her
way from Atlanta and who
did not know her mother
had passed away, was still in
1-10. Mike told the van crew
to wait until she arrived so
our daughter could be told
and have a few minutes to
have closure with her mom.
He had the van park down
the street so as not to be visi-
ble when she arrived. Mike
continued to be present and
to comfort all of us and to
oversee the arrangements at
that point.
This sensitive and consider-
ate man will be sorely missed
in this world which is, in my
humble opinion, charging
ahead too fast and not taking
the time to show love and
'care for' those around them.
God rest your soul Mike.
I truly believe you made a
difference in this world and'
you have earned a place in
heaven where God will surely
utter to you as he has to
other, "VWell done, my good
and faithful servant."
Donald R. Jordan
Neptune Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede Kathleen Hartman
Editor. The Beachi e leader
Thomas Wood
President and Publisher
Chuck Adams
Katie Crowell
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson .
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck,,
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy .Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
W'impy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris.
Ted Lamb
Director of Sale's dtor, monte Vedra leader
Karen Stepp
IVice President
Display Ad Sales
..Cathi James
Joanne Jund
Joseph Martin.
Kathy Moore,
Slacey Perkins'
Steve Fouraker
Business Office
Char Coffman -
Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Jane McElhiney
Jennifer Wise,
Vice President
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Scott Cheeseman
Randy Dedman
Kenny Friedman
Jenna Highland '
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howe
Tobi Liss
Donny Millikeni
John Newsome
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Press Room
Paul Corey
,Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
Bopy righted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
More letters to the editor:,
AB solution is in middle
STo the editor:
I'd Like to think I'm speaking
for the silent majority con-
cerning the controversy over
the proposed building ordi-
nance in Atlantic Beach. I am
speaking of those residents
that feel the current proposed
ordinance is too restrictive but
also feel that the Save Atlantic
Beach group is too extreme.
Their actions are like trying to
blow out a match with a hre
extinguisher. There has to be,
and should be, a happy lor
happier i middleground. A
wise friend of mine has said,
"It doesn't have to be hard."
There will always be issues
that divide us. But over the
last several weeks this issue
has gotten out of control. The
mean spiritedness saddens me.
Some people seem to be put-
ting the market value of their
property over the value of the
neighborhood we love. When
you strictly iew yoir prope.rtv
as a pot of gold, tieri the sense
of. community disappears.
Nour consideration to neigh-
.bors disappears. Our property
values have increased astro-
nomically in the last few
years. It is hard to not want to
protect every right you feel
you have to that property.
Hateful, divisive letters, com-
ments and opinions, instead
seem to be
the market v
their proper
the value
of a community s
together to solve th
will not work. Ob
council members
aware that many d
with the current [
one reason or
Nobody.wants to.b
they ian or can't pc
own property. I
would not do anyt
property that wou
bly offensive to our
But some just
apparently have.
the neighbor then
protected. Resolvi
is a very difficult ba
which should I
plished by working with the
council members rather than
backing them into a corner.
people I'm sure we can all agree
that we love Atlantic Beach
putting and want it to remain a fun,
charming, and eclectic place
value of to live. No cookie cutter
homes, etc. But there is more
rty over to Atlantic Beach than the
of houses. My husband and I
of the moved here about 11 years
ago because of the "character"
od we .of Atlantic Beach. It was not
just the homes but the charac-
ter of the people, the lifestyle,
the attitude, the fun. We have
many wonderful friends here.
I hate to see that character
S .o'i.promised because of our
spirit to get property values.
is problem, The times I have spoken to
piously, the Mayor Don Wolfson I have
s are well found him to be a kind-heart-
lo not agree ed man who I believe truly
proposal for loves Atlantic Beach and its
another. citizens. I have faith. in him
.e.told t,t that.heq\1 do th,.gright thing, .
o with thLr, qi tq,t.ft.majority -, .the riesi-
lost' ot 'us- dents.' fe is obviously in a -
thing to our very difficult position.
dd be horri- As I reflect on the past sever-
r neighbors. al weeks I am inclined to agree
might and that Atlantic Beach is at risk of
The right of losing its "character". But it
needs to be has nothing to do with the
ng this issue homes.
balancing act
be accom-
Kelly Diaz
Atlantic Beach
To the editor:
A recent writer stated that
she knew of "..contracts that
had fallen through because of
the proposed draft ordi-
nance.." in old Atlantic
Beach. This is a "SAVE" scare
# tactic. If someone is choosing
not to buy an existing home
in Atlantic Beach because of
the proposed ordinance, it
would be logical that the,
buyer is not interested in
actually living in the
existing home, but is probably
be a developer concerned
because it would not be prof-
itable to bulldoze the existing
The "SAVE" movement is a
well organized, intelligent,
vocal, MIfNORITY (mi-no'ri-ti
-- the smaller number, or a
number less than half). How
do we know they are a minor-
ity? We know this because
they are the same people who
supported the incumbents in
Atlantic Beaches' last election,
and lost. The reason that they
lost is because a majority of
the residents who voted in
Atlantic Beaches' last election
voted for the candidates who
supported the platform for
maintaining the character of
Atlantic Beaches' residential
community and limiting the
Yes, residents should have
property rights. What is now
being decided is what those
rights are. Who is right? The
majority should be. Again,
that was clearly expressed: in
the last election.
If someone intends to be a-
long term :resident .of' old
Atlantic Beach," why would.
they be extremely interested their properties apprecia-
tion? We plan to stay here, so
how would that proft us? I
am certainly not hoping for
higher property taxes. Are
you? Without any effort at,
all, Atlantic Beach property
will increase in value. .
Isn't it a paradox that your
property value can increase
and your quality of life can
decrease? Hasn't that hap-
pened to Jacksonville? Several
years ago politicians boasted
that the First Coast had
"..reached a population of a
million people!" Has that
been a good thing for anyone,
besides upwardly mobile
politicians and developers?
Jacksonville's property prices
are up with the rise in
demand (population); so is
crime, traffic, congestion, pol-
lution, etc. Hopefully, we will
.learn from the cities of south
Florida how big money has
ruined their property near the
ocean, and that philosophy
will never be the majority in
Atlantic Beach. Sorry
Jacksonville Beach, it is grow-.
ing a little late for you.
'PS Will Atlantic Beach
have to fund the Seminole
Road, "flyover" to get on
Atlantic Boulevard when the'
new Walmart is built?
Michael Fogg
Atlantic Beach
Wake up, Atlantic Beach
I live in Old Atlantic Beach
and I am guilty of having my
head in the sand. I have little
interest in politics but recent-
ly my friend Kevin asked if I
knew about the proposed
Land Development
Regulations and I was forced
to wake up. Our city is in tur-
moil and this is not good.
I joined "Save. Atlantic
Beach" because I do not think
our government should be
able to restrict our freedom of
design expression and person-
al choice.
Design guidelines and
design review, boards histori-
cally start with architectural
design and then move on, to
landscape, textures, colors,
roof choices, etc. This is not
acceptable to me for Atlantic
Beach. We are not a planned
When I was passing out
information to residents on
Beach Avenue I realized just
how misinformed a
of our residents are where the
ordinances are concerned.
I found a great deal of the
most antagonistic people had
not even read the ordinances
but were adamant in defend-
ing hearsay and misinforma-
tion. I realize how difficult the
ordinances are to read and
I needed a builder to
explain them to me and -I
have rebuilt' quite a few
homes. Some people accused
me of being "part of that
group that WANTS to destroy
lovely beach homes and build
ugly boxes". This is just not
Most of the people involved
with "Save Atlantic Beach" are
only interested in scraping
this very restrictive proposed
plan and starting over with
what we already have and
making it better.
Please, Atlantic Beach,
awake! Read and consult until
you are informed. These
restrictions are now targeted
toward "Old Atlantic Beach"
but it will never stop there.
Our entire city needs to be
Suzie Snead
Atlantic Beach
i'll miss
the Inn
"Tr'Tews of the Beach
N Holiday Inn's closing
has triggered some nos-
talgia in me: The hotel is to be
renovated and turned into a
Marriott Courtyard, which no,
doubt will be impressive. Still,
I'll miss seeing the far-famed
sign at the place where my
late wife, Lucy, worked in the
.1970s as Assistant Innkeeper.
Being one of the most
familiar, large lodgings, it nat-
urally attracted out-of-town
groups such as football teams
playing in the Gator Bowl.
During one of those occasions
(occupations?), someone
removed the front door in the
middle of the night, laying it
down on the grounic, unbro-
ken, thankfully, and underlin-
ing the hotel's "always open"
practice. ,,
Then there was the time
when guests who arrived on
mriotorcycles wanted to park
their iron ponies in the lobby
for safekeeping. Although the
inclination of the manage-
ment was always to be hos-
pitable, the request had to be
denied. After all, what would
the decision be if someone
came later on horseback? Or
on an elephant?
,Another memorable inci-
dpnt took place when the cel-
eb rtory firing of a miniature
cannon on the roof of the
building was allowed. The,
force of the ear-splitting
explosion from such a small
artillery piece was shocking. It
bent a big, high-level, plate-
glass window inward, threat-
ening to shatter it. Happily,
though, World War III hadn't
Lucy and the lounge man-
ager, Rosalie Khory, used. to
enjoy scouting for bands to
perform in the top (7th) floor
lounge. At one point, man-
agement concocted a
grandiose plan to turn the
lounge into "7th Heaven,"
complete with "pearly gates"
for the entrance and fluffy,
white (cloud-like) carpeting.
Of course there would be
winged angels for waitresses.
When Lucy told me about
the proposed project, I volun-
teered to play St. Peter, gate-
keeper of Heaven.
Unfortunately, she didn't take
me seriously. Anyhow,
although the conception was
a lofty idea, it never got off
the ground,' so to. speak,
because of cost problems.
My wife thoroughly liked
meeting celebrities when thei,y
were guests at the Inn. Actor.
John Forsythe and former
First Lady Mamie Eisenhower
come to mind. fairly hectic
when the Secret Service
arrived in advance of Mamie's
visit. Lucy said the high-tech
preparations, including the
setup of special telephone
arrangements, were like
scenes from a James Bond
movie. .
My spouse loved supervis-
ing such a sizable household.
The Inn will be out but not
Send letters to:
The Editor, The
Leader, P.O. Box '
50129, Jacksonville :
Beach, Fla. 32240, or.
send e-mail to: edi-
Avoid personal
attacks and type or
write your comments
Listen to majority in AB
alrT 3 2006
im6 The B s edaVVd
Mav 3.7 2006
Dog Park will mark 1 year
anniversary with Fido fun:
Local dogs and their owners will cel-
ebrate the one year anniversary of the,
opening of Paws Park in Jacksonville
Beach with a First Birthday Beach Bash
celebration on Sunday May 7 from 2 to
5 p.m.
Dogs and owners will kick off their
winter coats and dress in their summer
finest and funniest at the Summer Fun
Fashion Parade at 3 p.m. Registration
begins at 2 p.m and all participants
will receive a special gift for
participating, according to organizers.
For the playful pups and people who
attend the celebration, there will be a
Doggie Fun Zone where dogs and their
owners can try Agility, Flyball and
Frisbee, Local organizations will be.
performing an Agility demo at 2:300
p.m., Flyball demo at 3:30 p.m. and
Frisbee demo at 4:30 p.m.
*At the Summer Fun Photo Area pho-
tos may. be. purchased for $5 each.,
There will be a raffle with prizes for
people and their pets donated by local'
merchants with the raffle drawing at 4
p.m\. River City Community Animal
Hospital will be providing discounted
micro-chipping and kennel cough vac-
cinations. Paws Park volunteers will
also be selling drinks, Paws Park T-.
shirts, the -Paws Park DVD, and
Frisbees. '
There is no admission fee for the
event and raffle tickets will be sold at
the event. Money raised at the event
will be used to purchase items
needed for the dog park such as fenc-
ing, watering bowls, benches, trees
and a bulletin board for the small' dog
Paws Park is located in Wingate Park
on Penman Road South.
Paws Park is Duval County's first-,
ever public city dog park and was
opened on May 1, 2005. A dog park is
a fenced area' where people can let
their dogs run off leash and socialize
with other dogs. Paws Park has a small
dog area for dogs 25 pounds or less, a
large dog area, automatic watering
bowls, benches, shade trees, poop bag
dispensers and 'educational bulletin
boards. Park hours are sunrise to sun-
set and the park is free and open to the
Small dogs and their owners enjoy
Yappy Hour in the small dog area
every Saturday beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Paws Park was established as a cooper-
ative effort between the' City of"
Jacksonville Beach and local volun-'
teers with the Beaches Dog Park
For .more information, contact
.513-9240 or email
beachesdogpark@' :
. -- .. -a ff
Photo by STAFF
Paws Park at Wingate Park will celebrate its first
anniversary on May 7 with activities at the South
Penman Road park from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Many
of the activities will be free, but any funds raised
will be used for park improvements.
,Joan F Smith Baughman
the Alter Guild at the Church of
the Redeemer. Family members
include her daughter, Chrissie,
of Port St. John and her adopted
daughter, Robin Roesch of Port
St. John. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Dr.
Edwin G. Clampett, in 2000. A
memorial service wiU be held at
4 p.m., Friday, in the Church of
the Redeemer, 7500 Southside
Blvd. with The Reverend Neil
Lebhar and The Reverend
Shawn Porter officiating.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that donations be made
to Community Hospice of NE
FL, 4266 Sunbeam Rd., Jax., FL
32257 or a charity of the donor's
choice in honor of Betty
Clampett. Services under the
*direction -of- Quinn-Shalz
'Furieral lt fk in laJsor"illel
'Behch'. '
Joan F. Smith Baughman
Schwartz of Jacksonville died
May 1, 2006. She was a long
time resident of Round Lake
Beach, Ill., arid Circleville,
Ohio. She was proud to be a
member of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Family members include her
brother, Reginald (Nancy,
deceased) Smith; children,
Nelia (Jed) Heggenr, Ruth
(Doug) Porter, Helen ITerry)
DiTusa, Jack (Carol) Baughman
John (Sheri) Baughman, and
Mary Arn Llonathani Abbott;
stepchildren Bruce (Cheryl),
John, Paula (Ken), Jeff (Laurie),
Susan (Rod), and Jolynn
(Brian). Schwartz had 44
grandchildren and 26' great
graridciildreh. She- was.
George L. Str
George L. Strausbough Sr., 68,
of Jacksonville, died on May 1,
2006 at UF Shands Hospital.'
Born November 25, 1937 in
Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania, and
husband of Jean Dellaria
Strausbough, he was preceded in
death by his parents, Dorothy
and Melvin Fish. A Korean War
Era veteran of the U.S. Navy,
George was a member: of'
Amencan Legion Post 0282 in
WVoodsboro, MID and the U.S.S.
Antietam Association.
During a career in the build-
ing trades and property manage-
ment, he owned a plumbing
and electrical contracting firm
in the Pocono Mountains of
Pennsylvania, was a director of
maintenance for a State College,
Pennsvlvania-based hotel chain,
oversaw facilities management
for several Washington, DC-area
residential and commercial
properties, and taught classes in
steam engineering for the
National Association of: Power'
After relocating with his wife
preceded in death by her
parents, John and Ann Smith
and her husband, John F.
Funeral services will be held
at 10 a.m. today, Wednesday,
in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 440
Penman Road, Neptune Beach.
A private burial will be in
Minocqua, Wisconsin. In lieu
of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to
Community Hospice of
Northeast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Rd., Jacksonville, FL
32257... ,
Services under the
direction of
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beafh. ,;-
'ausbough Sr.
to South Carolina in 1994, he
worked as a building codes
inspector for Beaufort County.
Residing in Jacksonville since
1996, he worked for Home
Depot until retiring in 2001. He
was a member of Grace
Fellowship Church of
Jacksonville, Dan Davis, Pastor.
In addition to his wife, he is sur-'
\ived by his children, Teri Farda
(Anthony) of East Stroudsburg,
PA; George L. Strausbough, Jr
(Christopher Abell) of'
Washington, DC, and Michael
Strausbough (Sharon) of
Woodsboro, MD, as well as five
grandchildren: Nicholas,
Hannah, and Joshua Farda and
Zachary and Sarah Strausbough.
A memorial service will be
held at a later date. In lieu of
flowers, donations maybe made
in George's name to Grace
Fellowship Church, 3425 Sans
Pareil Street, Jacksonville, FL,
32224. Services under the direc-
tion and care of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home in Jacksonville
Obituary notices are published free of charge
as a community service. All submissions are
subject to editing. Paid advertising space is
available for more detailed or personalized
death notices. Call 249-9033.
Betty June Clampett, 74, died
on Thursday, April 27, 2006. She
was born on New Year's Day,
1932 in Lanett, Alabama. She
graduated from Auburn'
University and was a member of
the Delta Zeta Sorority. After
graduation, Clampett taught
physical education at Judson
College and the YMCA of
lackson'ille. She and her hus-
band settled in Jacksonville in
19'56' and founded the
University Blvd. Animal
Hospital. She was a charter
member" of the Deerwood
Country Club. She was also an
avid golfer who participated in
the Deerwood Women's 'Golf
She volunteered for many)
organizations, including -the
Thu'rnr.m'eri't 'Pla'
Championship, Meals '"on
Wheels, World Golf Village and
Alice P. Dixon died on April
23, 2006. She was a graduate of
Syracuse University and taught
Home Economics in the New
York State School System.
During her life she lived in
Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and
Family members include her
husband of 61 years, Howard;
her children, Mary Dixon, Eric
iRuth) Dixon, and Susan
. Shellyi Fox: and three
Christine Lipp, 79, long-
tiie resident of the Beaches,
ard Pablo Towers died April
26, 2006 in Atlantic Beach,
surrounded by her family. She
was born in Tennessee and'
moved to this area in the 50's.
Under the name "Violet Rav"
Lipp held the title of World
Champion' Wrestler for 17
years. She was preceded in
death by her husbands, Louis.
Lipp and Donald VanVleet,
and by her- sister, Pat Burrell
MlcCulley. Surviving are
three children, Don (Rosa)
VanVleet of Atlantic Beach,
Kim Stewart of Naples,
1ihnalea (TorM) Goelz of
Atlantic Beach, two brothers,
grandchildren. A memorial serv-
ice will be held at 11 a.m. Friday
in the chapel of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home. In lieu of
flowers, contributions may be
made to the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society, 733 Third
Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
Services under the
direction of
Quinn-Shalz, Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach.
Robert (Anni'Burrell, Don
(Pattvi Burrell and
six grandchildren, Matthew
Stewart, Brooke Montanve,
Caleb Goelz, Larkin Goelz,
Julia VanVleet, 'Lucerqo
VanVleet, arid other relatives
and friends. A visitation 'and
a celebration of Lipp's life
was held April 28 at The
Water Studio at Cobalt
Moon, 214 Orange' .StL,
Neptune Beach. Memorials
in her
riame ,may be directed, to
WVolfson's Children's
Hospital. Arrangements by
Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
WNW This is to honor
Neptune Beach Police Dept.
Born February 27, 1949
Died May 3, 2003
Jim, your spirit lives on in
the hearts of all who were
fortunate to have known
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader, 0 Page.5A
May 3, 2006
Pa0re TsV
Small business expert: Sandy Bartow,
executive director of the Women's
Business Center, will be at the Beaches
Chamber of Commerce, 325 Jacksonville
Drive, Jacksonville Beach, from 1 to 4 p.m.
There is no charge. For appointments, call
249-3868 or e-mail elaine.miller@Cnyjax-
American Legion: Ocean Beaches
American' Legion Auxiliary Unit 129
will meet at 7:30 p.m. at 1151 S. 4th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Members are
encouraged to attend and bring a
-. guest. Call 249-2266 or 242-0042 for
Friday, May 5
Cinco de Mayo.
Wednesday, a, ma
Photography exhibit: Photographs by
Jay Shoots, Dominick Martorelli and Paul
Karabinis will be on exhibit through June 2
at the Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra
Beach, 50 Executive Wav, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614 or visit for information.
Women's connection: The Atlantic
Beach; Women's Connection will have
brunch from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Selva
lMaiina Countiv Club, 1600 Selva Marina
Drive, Atlantic Beach. There will also be a
fashion show. the cost is $12, and child care
is av':ila.ble. For information, call Susan at
9i14-7-14-9962 or Mary at 904-223-1002; or.
e-mail atlanticbeachwc(
Concert: Singers by the Sea will present a
"Scatter the Sunshine" concert at 2:30 p.m.
, at Beach United Methodist Church,
Seventh Avenue North at AlA, Jacksonville
Beach. A reception will be held after the
concert. The event is free. Call 285-6691 for
SBeaches Watch: Beaches Watch will
meet at 7 p.m. in the administrator confer-
ence roorn at Fletcher High School. The
meeting is open to the public. Call 513-
Q242 or \isit for
Reunion: The USS NOA (DD-841);'IDD-
?,431 and iAPD-24i will celebrate its 15th
.annual reunion in San Antonio, Texas,
through May 7. For information, call
S\\ilma Bennett Rascoe at 386-228-3366.
Thursday, May 4
Arts and crafts: The Duval County
Retred Educators Association will have a
display ot arts and crafts from 9:30 a.m. to
noon. Call 665-0056, 354-0750 or 768-0298
f ,r information.
'Teen Movie Time"
will be held Friday,
May 5, at 3:30 p.m.
at the Beaches
Branch Library, 600
Third St., Neptune
Beach. "Dude,
Where's My Car?"
will be shown. Call
-1141 for infor-
Photo show:
Photographs by Marie
Rose of Nature Scenes
will be on display
through the end of May
at Mystic Bean Coffee
Co., 226 W. King St., St.
Augustine. Hours are 6
a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Saturd
a.m. to 2 p.m.5
"!Pilgrimages: Large-Scale. Drawings
King" will be on display through A
the Jacksonville Museum of Mod
333, N. Laura St., Jacksonville. C
6911, extension 210, for informati
This-n-That: "This-n-That," an
by Terese Marie Muller, will be oi
through May 19 at A Charles Gal
3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. A
reception and preview party will
from 5 to 8 p.m. today. Call 339-
Jewelry show: Jewelry designs
Levine will be shown at Jewels by
132 Orange St., Neptune Beach, tc
May 6, with a reception part' toda
Lto 7 p.m. Call 249-0908 for inform
Exhibits: Paintings and Installa
Radcliffe Bailey, and Nature of Eleg
by Timothy McDowell, will be or
through Aug. 27 at the Jaci
Museum of Modem Art, 333 N. I
Jacksonville. An opening reception
held from 6 to 9 p.m. today. Adm
free for members, and $25 for nc
bers. Call 366-6911, extension
Moonlight Movies: The "M
j Movies" him -series will be held froi
p.m. today, May 19, May 26, Jur
June 9 at the SealValk Pavilion. I
movie is "Endless Summer." Call 2
and press 3 for information.
Saturday, May 6
Sea turtle volunteer orie
Volunteer orientation and phase
camp for the 2006 sea turtle season
held from 7 to 8 a.m. on the bea or call 613-6081 for
Animal expo: The Second Annual Spring
Animal Expo will be held from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. at the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural
Fairgrounds. Call 387-8858 or visit for information.
Art festival: The 2nd Annual Art in the
Park Festival will be held at 10 a.m. at Bull
Park. Call 247-5828 for information.
Garage sale: The Duval County Retired
Educators Association will have a garage
sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Good
Shepherd School, 1656 Edgewood Ave. N.
665-0056, 354-0750 or 768-0298.
Dianetics workshop: A free "How Your
Mind Works" dianetics workshop' will be
held from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the
Beaches Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. Call 247-7405 for reservations or
Book-signing: Connie Donaldson will
read from and sign copies of her book
"Heart of a Lion" at 11 a.m, at the Cultural
Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50 Executive
WVay. Call 273-1947 for information.
ay, and 8 Summer program: Baptist Medical
Sunday. Center Beaches Auxiliary 'will sponsor a
summer program for ages 14 through 18.
exhibit: Orientation, a tour of the hospital, a
sbyClive mandatory film concerning safety and
ug. 27 at more will be held at 11 a.m. today. Call
dem Art, 246-6516 for information.
3all 366-
ion. Auditions: The Youth of the Beaches Art
Guild will hold auditions from noon to 4
exhibit p.m. at Sandalwood High Schools' auditori-
n display um, 2750John Prom Blvd., Jacksonville, for
len', 228 "Little Shop of Horrors." Call Jennifer
-n artist's Hendry at 476-3151 for information.
be held
-0029 for Military Appreciation Day: Dolphin
Cove Community Park in Ponte Vedra
Beach will host Military Appreciation Day
by Amy from 3 to 6 p.m. Food and beverages will be
Lubeck, provided. There will be a program honoring
today and active duty and retired service men and
iv from 5 women, as well as a performance by the
nation. Nease Naval Junior ROTC, a helicopter
landing by Helicopter Antisubmarine
itions by Squadron Light (HSL) 44, games, prizes and
y,: Works drawings. Call Kris Brown at 373-0574 for
n display information.
Laura St., Freedom Rally: Young adults and youth
n will be are invited to The National Day of Prayer
mission is Freedom Rally from 5 to 9 p.m. at the
on-mem- University of North Florida on the Green.
Z10, for The event is free and open to the public,
and will feature live music, spoken word,
rappers, dancers, games, and a unified time
moonlight of prayer and worship. Call 904-449-4547
m 9-to .11 or visit www.crucial for information..,
e 2and ". .
Tonight's Shrimp Festival: The 43rd Annual Isle of
247-6100 Eight Flags Shrimp Festival Arts & Crafts
Show will be held today and May 7 in
downtown Femandina Beach.
nation: Job seeker workshop: Christ Episcopal
* 2 boot Church is sponsoring a free job seeker
n will be workshop at .the Christian Formation
ich. Visit Center, Room 108, 400 San Juan Driver,
informa- Ponte Vedra. Call 285-6127 or e-mail for information or
to sign up.
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Andy Hendrikson O
Hurricane preparedness program
will be offered at Beaches May 18
With hurricane season only a month,
away, : the, non-profit organization,
Beaches Watch, is sponsoring a free pre-
paredness program for beaches residents
from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 18 at
the Beaches Branch! Library, 600 Third St.
in Neptune Beach.
Emergency management officials from
Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and
'Neptune Beach will present information
and provide free literature on hurricane
preparation, evacuation procedures,
guidelines on reentering the beaches after
an evacuation and restoration efforts.
I here will also be a presentation by the
Florida Department of Financial Services
designed to inform consumers about
insurance and financial issues for hurri-
cane preparedness. I '
IThe presentations will be followed by a
public question and answer session with
the program panel. Panel members will
be: Deputy ChiefJohn Campbell (Atlantic
Beach Emergency. Management), Chief
Gary Frazier (Jacksonville Beach
Emergency Management', Chief David
Sembach (Neptune, Beach Emergency
Management'. Marty Sen
County Emergency Operal
and Tiffany Reeves (FL D
Financial Services, form
. Department of Insurance).
Beach re-entry passes wi]
for those who attend, alon
needs forms, which help of
persons who have disabili
need assistance in the ever
storm, according to Be
President Sandy Golding.
"Hurricane Katrina has ma
pie realize that it-is very important for
coastal communities to be prepared,"
-.- Goldirig said. "The 2006 hurricane season :
is expected to be active, so we want to
.............. make sure beaches residents are prepared
in:the event a hurricane threatens our
Beaches Watch is a non-profit, non-par-
tisan group of concerned citizens dedicat-
ed to monitoring and preserving the qual-
ity of life for the beaches communities of
SNortheast Florida. Beaches Watch activi-
ties include-community education, com-
munity services, research of local quality-
of-life issues, and participation in local
terfitt (Duval government.
tions Center), Beaches Watch has sponsored similar
departmentt of free community events over the last two
early the FL years, including a workshop on protecting
children from sexual predators and candi-
11 be available date forums for city council and mayoral
g with special candidates.
ficials identify For more information about- Beaches
ties and may Watch, contact 513-9242, email
nt of a major, ,or visit the
aches Watch Beaches Watch website at www.beach-
adce many peo->
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Page 6A
The Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
* Birth (right)
... See A-8
* Education
... A-9
,..,-ur i'.D~2 p h~c I P,2f1 ~r r('~fl1
rage f/ TTV
Neitz's Palm Valley
only a memory now
R 12
..... .", "v.. .
. r.-,. 1r, CHICK ADAMS
A sailboat prepares to cross under the McCormick Bridge last week. The drawbridge, opened in 1949, will be replaced by a taller
concrete span by late 2007.
nders' span near a close CHUCK ADAMS horns and gates are the first
S STAFF WRITER things activated.
T ..B.., .. McC r .-: ,pu i
-ihe :B.B. McCormick dra6w-,1 h'iih.nld thef spans'
bridge over the Intracoastal
Waterway at Jacksonville
Beach is entering its stretch
So too are the brid-
getenders who work there.
The drawbridge, first
opened in 1949, will be
replaced by a much taller
concrete span in a few years.
Until then, the bridge is
occupied 24 hours a day by
at least one tender who
works an eight-hour shift:
"Eight months of the year
we open upon request," said
Vicki Ireland of Jacksonville
Beach, who has worked on
the McCormick bridge for
almost eight years.
"But two months in the
spring and two in the fall we
have our heavier traffic, sail-
boats heading north for the
summer and back south for
the winter. Then we open on'
the hour and the half hour,
but that's just during rush
hour. On the weekends it's
from noon to six."
Bridgetenders lift and
lower the spans by pushing
buttons on a console in the
'tenderhouse. Warning lights,
together, by pushing a but-
ton that's part of the con-
sole," said Ireland.
"It's kind of idiot proof.
When the four locks are
pulled, the lights to open
the spans start flashing.
Then you push the open
button, and the spans go to
full open.
"Before you lower them,
you press the horn button
[five short blasts] to signify
you're ready to lower the
bridge. Once the spans are
seated, you drive the locks.
Then you raise the gates."
The entire process, Ireland
said, normally takes four to
five minutes.
Ireland managed a rental
car agency before becoming
a bridgetender. As a trainee,
she worked each of the three
shifts and then had to pass a
written test administered by
the state Department of
Transportation. ,
After passing the written
test, applicarits return to the
bridge for a test opening in
front of a DOT supervisor in
change of aiea bridges.
Bridgetenders are required
to take annual tests.
"There aren't as many'
bridge raisings-during the-. '
course of a shift as people
might think," said Ireland.
"During the day, it could
be a dozen times, maybe a
couple times at night, a cou-
ple times from midnight to
8 a.m. And sometimes not at
Other McCormick brid-
getenders include Coast
Guard veteran David Clancy,
Trish Herberg, whose hus-
band, Mark, oversees the
Main Street, Ortega River
and Sisters Creek bridges,
Glenn Anthony, Jim
Munyan, Louie Faulkner and
Ben Harper.
Not much has changed
during Ireland's almost eight
years on the job, except for
the paperwork, which
became computerized a few
years ago.
"Prior to computerization,
everything was handwritten.
Log books were kept [to
record the passage of boats
and problems that might
occur]," she said.
Bridgetenders work for
C&S Maintenance, an opera-
tor of several Florida bridges.
All high-rise bridges over
navigable waters have to
have 65 feet of clearance,
according to Terry Hartman,
'w.hoe-supervis~i.sbrid- it bri .d A-id
getenders fch C&.S:, >" "'~9M
The clearance needed to-,.
determine whether a draw-,
bridge has to be raised
depends on the tides, said
Ireland. Bridges are raised at
high tide for any vessel
measuring more than 35
Hartman said his company
will try and reassign its ten-
ders to other bridges once
the McCormick drawbridge
is replaced. The first of two
new spans is expected to be
completed by late 200,7.
Ireland said she may
switch to the Bridge of Lions
in St. Augustine or to a
drawbridge on State Road
206 near Crescent Beach.
She said bridgetenders
have many ways to occupy
themselves when the spans
are down.
"We have most of the lux-
uries of home," she said.
"\VWe have a television,
DVD played, \'CR,.
microwavev, and a refrigera-
"You can read, you can
sew, but you cannot sleep.
And you cannot fish from
the bridge."
The Palm 'Valley Grahl
Neitz remembers had black
bears, panthers and the
Guana River running
through it.
But by 1960, a dam had
transformed the once-serpen-
tine river into a lake, and
wildlife that once roamed.
Palm Valley's thick forests,
and dense saw palmettos had
become visions of the past.
Three decades later, Neitz,
* a descendent of a pioneer
Palm Valley family, began
putting her childhood mem-
ories on paper as a way to
preserve the heritage and
historical significance of a
unique village once known
as Diego Plains;
Neitz's 12-year writing
project culminated recently
with the publication of her
memoirs, "Cabbageberries,
Duck Feathers and the Tides:
A Collection of Palm Valley
Memories" (Ocean
Publishing, $22.95)..
The 337-page book also
features family photos, draw-
ings and poems by Neitz, 75,.
who was raised in a house
on Mickler Road a few hun-
dred feet from the Atlantic
"Constructed of a shell
and cement mixture
icoquinal, it proved to be
adequate for a beach resi-
dence," the book says.
"A beach-shell driveway
ran from the road to the
garage. ... The generator
powered our one oscillating
fan and provided electricity
l-',duringteven ing. hours."
Niltz, whose maiden name
is Barkoskie,.was born in
1931. Her father was a cattle-
man of Polish descent. Her
mother was once a railroad
station telegrapher in Pablo
In "Cabbageberries," Neitz
reflects on her childhood
years (1931-45) in Palm
Valley, "when primitive
Florida was struggling
against the increasing pace
of progress," the book says.
"During the early 1990s, I
saw Palm Valley's saw pal-
metto plains and dense
swamps being gradually
replaced by houses and street
lights and realized my mem-
ories of a beautiful era and
area would die with me,"
added Neitz this week.
"The idea of attempting to
portray,themin a book slow-
1.v matured. As subdivisions
began to grow in the area, I
saw a need to finish the
Neitz began compiling her
memoirs in 1993 after retir-
ing from the billing depart-
ment at CSX.
She researched the origins
of Palm Valley at area histor-
ical societies and libraries
and interviewed neighbors
and family members to sup-
plement her own stories.
The book also includes
more than a dozen pencil
drawings by Neitz, some
based on archival photos.
Among the most interest-
ing of Neitz's recollections
are chapters on Guana River,
moonshiners, Mlickler's pier,
and School No. 26, where
Neitz said she learned, "the
three R's plus geography
while sitting at wooden
desks with ink stains and .
carvings of scholars'who had
moved on."
"Each row of desks made
up a grade from first to
sixth. ... Sports equipment
was unheard of. ... One out-
house for boys and another
for girls."
Neitz attended the old
two-room schoolhouse on .
Palm Valley Road until its
demise in 1942. She trans-
ferred to.Jacksonville Beach
Elementary and went on to
graduate from Fletcher High
School in 1949.
During summer break,
Mickler's pier was a "major
hangout," Neitz says in the,
book. .
"Other than a windmill, a
3-horsepower engine sup-.
plied the only power source
for the pier. I remember _
those ice-cold belly' washers
in the drink box."
Neitz writes poignantly of
her late parents, Eston and
Lois Barkoskie, who married
in 1925. Neitz's mother
raised three children and
then spent 25 years as a
"house mother" at the
Daniel Memorial Home for
Children in Jacksonville.
Her father died in 1961, on
the eve of Alan Shepard's
first space flight.
Neitz doesn't claim to be a
historian, just one of the last
survivors of one of the first
families of Palm Valley.
"I wanted to get it all'
down the way it was,"''she
* said.' '
To order "Cabbageberries,
Duck Feathers and the Tides:
A Collection of Palm Valley
Memories," visit www.ocean-, or call 1-
Martin relies on southem recipes
The beautiful plantation ,
homes in southwestern
Georgia near Albany and the
rich heritage of Southern
cooking enjoyed by their
inhabitants were the inspira-
tion for "The Southern
Plantation Cookbook" by
Ponte Vedra resident Corrine
,Carlton Martin.
Carlton's cookbook, pub-
lished in 1976, includes
chapters on the history of
the area's plantations, pho-
tographs of the plantation
houses, and recipes from
many of the families who
lived there.
Martin's family home was
Oakland Plantation where
she spent her childhood.
Oakland and several other
plantation houses dated
back to the late 19th century
while others were from the
era before the Civil War.
. A good number of the
plantations are to this day
working farms, said Martin.
"The Southern Plantation
Cookbook" has recipes for .
real Southern cooking from
the women of the area.
Although out of print,
copies of the cookbook are
available on Ebay, Martin
Although Ponte Vedra has'
been their home for several
years, Martin and her hus-
band Joe return to southwest
Georgia every year to spend
time at their quail hunting
plantation there..
Earlier this year, Martin's
second book was published.
The children's book is titled
"Tsunami Sue" and is about
a small girl swept away by
the 2004 Asian tsunami.
The child in this imagina-
tive story clings to her
beloved doll as she holds
onto a tree above the rush-
ing water. The story ends
happily as the little girl is
rescued'and reunited with
her family.,
Martin said that she felt
compelled to write the book.
She was inspired by a for-
lorn looking rag doll she.
found a week after the disas-
ter. Proceeds from the sale of
the book will be used to
benefit children in the areas
impacted by the tsunami.
"Tsunami Sue" comes
packaged with a small doll
like the one in the story. It
is available at The Book
Mark in Atlantic Beach, A:La
Carte Catering, Wickets,
Pineapple Post, and at
"The Southern Plantation
Cookbook" remains a source
of recipes in Martin's
kitchen. Even though her
style of cooking'has changed
with the times, many of the
recipes in the cookbook are
part of family tradition for
holidays and special occa-.
One her favorite recipes in
the cookbook is Light
Homemade Biscuits. She was
taught how to make biscuits
with this recipe by another
southern cook years ago.
With a little practice, Martin
said, it's easy to make really
great biscuits with this
recipe. .
Another "Plantation"
recipe is Tomato Pudding, a
casserole that was a standard
on holiday tables in south-
west Georgia.
The pudding is "sweet and
sinful, like a dessert" and
-delicious with a
Thanksgiving turkey or any
other type of fowl, said
When she is entertaining,
Martin enjoys selecting
Recipes for taste as well as
for eye appeal. Since "the
eye eats first," the presenta-
tion of the food adds much
to the enjoyment of any
Martin's recipe for Black
Forest Pork Chops combines
thick pork chops with a lus-
cious cherry sauce.
Corrine Carlton Martin's book for children "Tsunami Sue" was
published earlier this year. She is also the author of "The
Southern Plantation Cookbook."
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*'Jacquelyn Bates and Dr. Maurice Richardson IV Andre Ivory and Megan Lasseter
Jacqfielyn Van Scoten Bates
and 'Or. Maurice Howe
Richardson IV, both of
WVashington, D.C., I have
announced their engagement
to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of,Jacquelyn Dwelle Bates
of Po hte Vedra Beach and
Waltet Irving Bates II of Lititz,
Pa She is a graduate of
Episcopal High School and
Sweet Briar IVa.) College. She is.
employed by Akin Gump
Strauss Hauer and Feld of
Washington, D.C. .
The groorp-elect is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Howe
Richardsoh .111 of Brookline,
Mass. 'He is a graduate of
Roxbury Latin School and
Harvard University., He is
employed.' by. Emergency
Medicine' Associates of
Roc.kville, Md.
'The couple plan to wed on
Saturday, June 10,. 2006, in
Washington, D.C.
Megan D. Lasseter and Andre
Ivory, both of Marianna, have
announced their engagement.
to be married.
'The bride-elect is .the daugh-
ter of Gretchen Deters-Smith of
Atlantic Beach and Michael
Lasseter of 'Marianna. She is
attending Chipola College.
The groom-elect is the sortof
Raymond- Ivory of
Blountstown arid the late
Brenda Ivory. He is attending
The couple plan' to wed on
Aug. 11, 2006, at Las Robles
Women's Club in Tallahassee.
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Bi,'in and Jennifer Stone of Jacksonville Beach announce the
birthl;o. a son, Evan William Stone, -on; Mhrch 19, 2006, at
.BaptitN.Medical Center' Beaches.
He weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.
Maternal grandparents are Howard and Linda Shumate of
Jacksonville Beach. Paternal grandparents are Constance Tobin
Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Stone of Key Biscayne.-
For the Eds
Nancy Jane Tyson and J.
Hernan Azula, both of
Grandin,. Fla., have announced
their engagement to be mar-
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of the late William A.
Womack Sr. and Jane G.
Womack of Jacksonville Beach.
1 The groom-elect is the son of
the late Delio Azula and Gilma
C. Azula of Palatka.
The couple plan to marry in
July at Ravine Gardens in
B .,ac e iii 7tn B e i .-tib a
2nd Ave. N. & 5th St.* Jax Beach
S May^-? 4t1ih
,.Thursday 6pm 10pm Saturday 2pm -.11pmr
SFriday 6pm-11pm Sunday 1pm-7pm
The erfi afe
Jacksonville Beach Police Department Presents
Get Hooked on Fishing
k A A A A t
$2,500 Grand Prize
Used Car Raffle
(Courtesy of Coggin Pontiac-GMC)
Disney Cruise Raffle
(Courtesy of Nader's Pest Raiders)
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 2.3-8055 for
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.dni, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for chil-
dren ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all
others.' Call 642-2688 for
UM LOFT is a multi-genera-
tions learning environment
that offers 16 hands-on sta-
tions fdrt'children and adults
to explore the concepts in .
modern and contemporary,
art. Entry is free with paid
entrance to the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art.
Children are admitted free
every Sunday for family Free
Day at 333 Hemming Plaza in
downtown Jacksom'ille. Hours
of operation are 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 11. a.inm. to 9 p.m..
Wednesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Call 366-6911 for
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Be4ch for children from
btrth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
Includes parachute play,
climbing and musical activi- .
ties. Preschool children and
up attend without parents.
One trial class is free. Call
249-3828 for information'.
the Cummer Museum of Art
& Gardens in Jacksonville
contains hands-on, high-tech
and low-tech interactive
exhibits that encourage physi-
cal activity and quiet contem-
plation. Walk through a paint-
ing, create patterns with
dance, make,a collage, listen
to a sculpture, or paint with a
virtual paintbrush. The muse-
um is located on the north
bank of the St. Johns River at
'829 Riverside Ave., phone
356-6857. Hours are 10 a.m.
tq 9 p.m. Tuesday and
Thursday, 10 a..r. to 5 p.m. '
Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday,.and noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. N
CENTER offers its popular
program for parents and chil-
dren; FUN! (Find
Understanding in Nature), on
the third Saturday of each
month at 10 AM. For a fee of
$10 familiesdiscover easy
ways to invite wildlife into
their back yards.
Tree Hill's butterfly house
gives visitors a close
encounter.with butterflies.
Animal Encounters, in which
visitors can learn about and
touch several small animals,
can be arranged by calling
Tree Hill at 724-4646 and ask-
ing for the naturalist. Tree Hill
is at 7152 Lone Star Road and
is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Saturday.
Admission is $1 for children
up to 18 years and $2 for
of the Jacksonville Public
Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach also has chil-
dren's activities. 241-1141.
S (amnes Delicious Food
. RP-ummage Sale Kiddie Fides
Win toO's of Valuable Prizes on
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* Free Fishing for children ages 4 12
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A subscription to The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader is
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Francis X. Decandis, M.D.
is pleasedI to announce the relocation of
hlIis Family iM edi.cine Practice and
his association with Dr. blessinese
and DIr, 'Clharia.
Dr. Decandhis is now accepting patients at
his new office located in the Atrium at
700 3J Street, Suite 302
(next to bhe Beaches Branch ol tie Library)
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Tel. (904) 247-7778
Nancy Tysop and J. Hernan Azula
May 3, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
SThe Beaches Leader/Ponite Vedra Leader Page 9A*
: .
Mlv 3 2006n
----I -j
Members of this class of Landrum Middle School eighth graders are among the student-poets
whose works appear in a newly published book, "Whispers." Some of the youngsters are expect-
ed to be at a book-signing 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Bames and Noble on U.S. 1 South
in St. Augustine.
, The Landrum Middle
Spirit Squad finished first
middle school division
National Cheerl
Association competition
last month in Daytona
The Spirit Squad is coaci
Boo Whitham and L
School tor their
in the A portion of the proceeds last da
of the from the Ponte Vedra-Palm Sunshil
leaders Valley/Iawlings spring carnival
, held will go toward refurbishing the Frida
Beach. fitness stations located around Nease I
hed by the ballfields at Rawlings. are exe
ynette Dad's Club chairman Chuck observe
Baxter is seeking volunteers to videos
Help. with te work, whucn. is
Fourteen Nease High students scheduled for Saturday and
scored. .high enough on the Sunday. Baxter can be reached'
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude at 285-8999 or at
Test to qualify for the National
Merit Scholarship Program. ** *
Each of the 14 is among the Registration for PVAA football
50,000 highest-scoring partici- and cheerleading takes place
pants from among 1.4 million Saturday and May 13 at
entrants.. The Nease qualifiers Cornerstone Park. Both pro-
are, .Constance Ables, Kellie grams are for ages 7 to 14. Foi
Crowthers, Jonathan Gendzier, more information, go to
Bradford Howick, Megan
Lineberr', Katherine McMullan,
Shannon O'Reilly, Kte O'Linn, Rawlings' annual Battle of the
Mafissa Pielstick, Carol Skordas, Books, for students wh6 have
Sonia Sood, lan Svilokos, read from the 15-book Sunshine
Kathr-n Walton and Shan State Books list, ill be held May
\Van g 10 for fifth graders and May 12
The I
start a
p.m. 1
Sp.m. N
, of Noi
each si
d and fourth graders. The
ay for testing on the
ne State Books is Friday.
y' is the last class day for
High School seniors who
mpt. The occasion will be
ed with a breakfast,
and' a picnic. Senior
are next week.
baccalaureate serviGe will
t 6:30 p.m. May 16 at
'Episcopal Church in
Vedra Beach. Senior
night will be begin at 6
May 18 in the Nease
ning Arts Center.
luation, for Nease's 25th-
ating class' is at 6:30
lay 19 n the University
th Florida arena, with
senior receiving 10 tick-
Iri the April 26 column, Maria
Nordan's recipe for Aioli uses
one-half teaspoon of sea salt..
Cant. from A-7
This recipe is an excellr
choice for entertaining alor
with several dishes prepare
from recipes in the c.ookbo
Delicious Cottage Potato
colorful Bacon Parmesan
Broiled Tomatoes, and simr
prepared tender green bean
balance the flavor of the ch
and add color to the table.
For dessert with this mer
Martin selects two recipes..
first, is Creme Brulee from 1
cookbook and the second i
more recent addition to he
recipe collection, Lone Star
Fudge Pie.
The following recipes fron
Corritte Carlton Martin inchl
several from The Southern
Plantation Cookbook."
Homemade Biscuit
4 cups self rising flour.
2 heaping T shortening
one-quarter cup whole
Sift flour with sifter, the
place flour in, a mixing bow
Put shortening in the midd
the flour, making a small h
in the flour with the short
ing. Add milk, a small amo
Sat a time,, until all the milk
* used..Take your fingertips
knead gently until mixture
slightly stiff. Make biscuits
hand by pinching off a ver
smaml amount of the dougl
rolling it in the palm of ,o
hands. The dough will be.
shaped like a ball. Take the
of dough and pat it down s
that it becomes a little flat.
Place individual biscuits, a1
one-quarter inch apart, on
greased cookie sheet.
See more recipes at
m, 1a f" rtP0" rho r n nq
Black.Forest Chops boks/reapes.txt
t n a pre-heated 350-degree .medium heat. Place chops in
it oven; cook for 25 minutes or hot oil and.brown on both
rng until brown. sides. Drain fatffrom pan and
ed flambe chbps with heated
ok. Tomato Pudding Idrsch. Pour in stock, cover and
es, 1 small can tomato puree simmer over low heat for one
1 cup brown sugar hour.
ply I tsp. salt In the meantime, drain syrup
is three-qiuarters cup boiling from cherries. Reserve cherries.
hops water Add seasonings and lemon rind
3 cups.toasted white bread to syrup. Stir lemon juice and
nu, cubes cornstarch together and slowly
The' one-half cup butter, melted add to syrup mixture. Cook
her Add sugar and salt to tomato over low heat until sauce is
is a puree, stir well. Add boiling thick and glossy. After chops
*r water and let cook 5 minutes. have cooked 45 minutes, pour
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. syrup mixture into pan with
Cut crustless bread ithto half chops. Just before serving, add
inch cubes and toast on both reserved cherries and walnuts
de sides. Place toast cubes in medi- and cook over low heat until
um size rectangular casserole. warmed through.
Pour melted; butter over bread
S and stir. Add boiling tomato Cottage Potatoes
mixture and stir again. Bake for 6 medium sized Irish
50 minutes. Serves 6:. (white) potatoes
A. 'r 11
wl. .
dle of
en- ;
is ,
h and
Black Forest Chops
4 pork loin chops, cut one
and one-half inches thick
salt and pepper
IT oil
'. 1 z. heated kirsch
one-quarter cup beef stock
1 can (1 lb 1 oz.) pitted dark
. sweet cherries
one-half tsp. each nutmeg,
cloves, marjoram
one-half tsp. grated lemon
S 2T lemon juice
2 tsp. cornstarch
one-half cup chopped toast-
ed almonds
Trim the fat from the pork
chops. Salt and pepper gener-
ously. Heat oil in skillet over
4 T miUK
two and one-half cups
creamy cottage cheese
1 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp. white pepper
one and one-half tsp. onion,
finely chopped
salt to taste
one-half stick butter
3/4s cup slivered almonds,
Boil potatoes in salted water.
Remove to mixing bowl and
mash with 4 T. milk. Add sour
cream, cottage cheese, and sea-
sonings. Pour into a greased
*ovenproof casserole dish. Dot
top of mixture with butter.
Sprinkle slivered almonds on
top, Bake at 350 degrees for 30
minutes.,Serves 8 to 10.
,132 Orange Street
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
'Award Winning Jewelry Designer
' Perfect for Mother's Day ahd Graduation!
S Trunk Show Dates
S :Friday, May 5th 10:00am to 5:00pm
Reception 5:00pm to 7:00pm
SBeverages and Hors D'oeuvres
Saturday, May 6th 11:00am to 5:00pm
.9 :aura;Ma Wup
See you there!
" ' "i_ _"_ .RSVP 249-0908
Panop. nA
8-AND-UNDER: (Top) Brittany Hewitt (left) and
Hanna Wier, both of Jacksonville Beach with
"Puppy Face," the first place winner. (Bottom)
Kayley DeLay of Jacksonville Beach with
"Dolphin," which placed second.
BEST IN SHOW AWARD: "The Forgotten Treasure," by Kimberly Hawk and Christine Obi of Jacksonville and Diana, Logan and
Biff Parsons of Orange Park.
FAMILY DIVISION: (Left) Tim, Alison, Megan, John, Brandi,
Emily, Andy and Chloe Christovich of Jacksonville with "New
Drip City," the first-place winner. (Above) Cliff Weise, Joani
Culver, Jamie Culver, Kerry Pariette and Nancy Ingamells,
all of Jacksonville Beach, with "Lizzy the Lizard."
GROUP DIVISION: (Above) David and Doreen Frantz of Jacksonville Beach
and Puff Darling of Jacksonville with "Asian and Lucy," the first-place winner.
(Right) Jacqui Suarez, Nadia Hionides, Elias Hionides, Noah Stone and
Dennis Stone, all of Atlantic Beach, with "Love."
.. I
9-12 YEAR OLD: (Top) Cash Clayton of
Jacksonville Beach with Two Towers," the first-
place winner. (Bottom) Amadeo Lathion of Ponte
Vedra Beach with "Rattlesnake," the second-place
13-16 YEAR OLD: (Top) Jessie and Burgay
Staley of Atlantic Beach with "Pig," the first-place
winner. (Bottom) Kyle Holden, Rachael Campbell
and Stephanie Holden with "Dragon," the second-
place winner.
.?t ~ r. .;.
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ragr I 1tl
May 3, 2006
IThe Beaches Leader[Potte Vedra Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
May 3, 2006 SPORTS
* Fishing Leader B-3
* How was Jaguars draft? B-8
* Sports Medicine B-8
Suspensions threaten playoff chances
f Nease High succeeds in the
first two rounds of the regional
baseball playoffs this week, it
will be despite the absence of
head coach Greg "Boo" Mullins
and and starting outfielders
Andrew Page and Vince Ratto.
In separate incidents all three
were ejected from last
District 5-4A
game loss to a
Palatka, result-
ing in suspen-
sions from
Tuesday's quar-
terfinal at
North Marion.
The trio would
also be forced to
miss the Region
2-4A semifinal
Friday should PALATKA
Nease advance. NEASE
An appeal of
the players' sus-
pensions was rejected Monday
by the Florida High School
AtLdetic Association. Under the
organization's policy, an ejected
player or coach is said to have
exhibited "unsportsmanlike
conduct" and is suspended for
seven days or two contests.
"it all started with Mullins'
ejection for arguing' balls and
strikes in the third inning of the
Palatka game, a contest Nease
would go on to lose, 1Q.-6.
. :Ratto was ejected in the sev-
ehth inning when an umpire
Aled he delivered an elbow to
Palatka's first baseman while
running out a bunt attempt.
'Page, who moved to second
on the bunt play, was ejected for
something he said following the
rising on Ratto.
.Following Thursday's. game
Miilins said he would file an
appeal with the FHSAA via e-
miil,. including video clips of
the play at first. The coach said
tW' different views of the inci-
ddnt backed uphi's contention
that Ratto's actions were not
deliberAte .... ..., .. .
I'li'.see-med obvious to ts there
was, no elbow," Mullins said.
"There was contact [between
the players] because the throw
was into the baseline, but I
thought Vince was trying to
avoid making contact with the
first baseman."
With an appeal rejected, the
Panthers were to be without two
of their best hitters as they trav-
eled to Citra to take on the
To add injury to insult, Nease
pitching ace
Matt Reifsnider
y cut his left foot
over the week-
end, requiring
15 stitches to
close the
wound. Reif-
snider, who is
10-0 this sea-
son, was still
expected to
start Tuesday at
North Marion.
10 In Mullins'
6 absence, assis-
tant coach Joey
Russell .will take
over, the reigns. Mullins, who
imnde FHISAA rules cannot trav-
el with the team, indicated Ryan
Chiodo; would replace Ratto in
center field, and starting third
baseman Chris Alessandria
would move ,o right in place of
Page. Jqe.Zwid !is likely to start
at third against 'the Colts.
Against Palatka, Nease (21-3)
wa.', uncharacteristically silent
on offense.,' Poatka pitcher
Michael Bgtes surrendered only
a bunt .single to Daniel Jones
through four innings.before the
Panthers finally got to him for a
pair of runs in the fifth as Page
cracked a bases-loaded single.
Clihging to a 3-2 advantage,
Pal4tka exploded for seven runs
in'the sixth. '.
Jones, Nease's.starter, also had
an .uncharacteristic outing. A
stellar performer throughout
the season;.the right-hander was
, touched up"'for. eight runs in 5
1/3 lngs,,pluiking thrbe bat-
ters; stirreidenig'4-'liits and a
walk.- :
The Panthers managed to
iFalulyt r.*tt-lblee :of- ftnfll th
bUptt off i fi sthrq 'eifsJndoler
led off wih a single and'-later
Photo by ROB DeANGELO'
Panthers head baseball 'coach Greg "Boo" Mullins, left, argues with the home plate umpire during last Thursday's District 5-4A
championship game at'Nbeae. Mullins was ejected for arguing balls and strikes, and two players were later ejected in separate inci-
dents. The ejections meant automatic suspensions.for Tuesday's regional quarterfinal playoff game at Citra North Marion.,..,
scored -on' an error. Alessandria to first. It was on that'play Ratto runs in the inning; but it' was having to travel some 110 miles
added a run-scoring base hit to collided with the first baseman, too fltle ohnin emotional night to North Marion for :Tuesday's
make it 10-4. resulting in his ejection from as Palatka.& Ed'-flie, district contest.
In the seventh,. Page reached .the game.' championship. A Panthers win over the Colts
on a bloop single and Ratto fol- Page, standing on second, was .A win would have meant at would put.Nease in the-regional
imdtiietl With a 'bunt' t-it Was ejected' 'r bImithhi g-h' aid' least lt' W fritegatedtrifig thie semififirl r oi'Ud a .gai'Hh l6tt'i.
fielder by Palatlks third base- after Ratto was tossed. regional plaiyb[s i'&'lNease, but Dade City Pasco (25-3) pr Eistis
man .who threw wide of the bag Nease went, on to score two the loss resulted in the Panthers (20-7).
Nine Panth-rs qualify for state
track and field championships
Nine Nease track and field
athletes will compete Friday in
the 3A state championship
meet at -Winter Park High's
Showalter Field.
...,,Among the girls who quali-
'fled aie freshman Brigid Bymne
in' the 1,600 and 3,200 meter
runs, Stephanie Bray in the
3,200, Jessica Gambill in the
.00, shot-putter Kelsey
.Svwendson, Laura Phillips in dis-
'"'Members of the Panthers
boys team who will compete at
the state championships
include senior Ryan Ellis in the
'110 high and 300-meter hurdle
events, James Wilson in the dis-
cus. pole vaulter Michael
Buchholz and senior Rodney
Summer in the triple jump.
"Anytime you can get a dou-
ble going to a state meet, that's
incredible," Taylor said of Bryne
and Ellis. "Brigid has proven
ihkrself all year, not only as a
S'ersatile athlete, but also one
who is in incredible shape, ruri-
ning the 1600 and 3200.
"[Ryan] did an excellent job.
In the hurdles so many things
can go wrong. It's a technique
event. One bad hurdle and
you're out of it."
Sumter also finished seventh
.in long jump and was a mem-
ber of the 4x400 relay team that
set a school record of 3:27.81
while finishing sixth. The other
members of that squad were
junior Christian Dennis, fresh-
man Alex Bermudez and senior
anchor Austin Holmes.
"We're real pleased with
Rodney Sumter," said Taylor.
"He had his best performance
of the year, actually."
Non-qualifying finishers for
,,the girls at region included
,freshman Daniela Daswatta,
eighth in the 800-meter run;
.the 4X400 relay team of sopho-
more Brittany Schwertfager,
senior Rosann Emmons,
Daswatta and Gambill, which
finished ninth; the 4x800 relay
Nease High's James Wilson is about to let the discus fly during competition earlier this season.
Wilson is among the nine Panthers track and field participants to qualify for the state championships.
team of freshmen Megan Koski,
Savannah Spilker and Kendall
Taylor. and sophomore anchor
Jamie Koch, which also finished
ninth; junior Jackie Huffman,
sixth in girls pole vault and
13th in discus; and Phillips,
10th in shot.
'On the boys side, Holmes
placed eighth in the 400-meter
dash, sophomore Jon Abrams
was eighth in pole vault, where
senior Arin Roby competed but
had no height; and senior
David Swendsen finished 10th
in discus and 11th in shot.
"Michael [Buchholz] should
be among the top two or three
in state, James Wilson in the
top 3-4," said Taylor. "In dis-
tance events, there's a lot of tal-
ent in Florida. Brigid and
Stephanie will give it their very
The state meet is Byrne and
Bray's swan song as Panthers.
Each is the daughter of a Navy
commander, and each of their
fathers has a new assignment
that will take him, and his fam-
ily, away from Jacksonville and
Ponte Vedra Beach.
"Maybe we should start a
lobby," said Taylor.
14 from Landrum qualify for
middle school championships
Nine Landrum boys and five
girls have qualified for the state
middle school meet, which is
ease football is
back on gridiron
.Nease football began 18 days
worth of spring practices,
Monday, with an eye toward
two Saturday scrimmages' and
and its annual spring game. May
20 at DeLand. '
It will be a re-building year for
the 2005 Class 4A state champi-
on Panthers. '
"Spring is a time that's kind of
like putting a jigsaw puzzle
together," said Nease head coach
Craig Howard. "You're trying to,
find the pieces to fit into the
places of the guys who have
departed. .
"We have 10 ,of our starters to
'replace on offense. The, only
returning starter on offense is a
good one, though [guard]
James Wilson," -said Howard.
"And on defense we lost those
three. good linebackersrs. It's
always hard to. replace Division I
players with more' Dbvision I
players, so.other giys are going
to have to step, up.",
Howard said. he expects the
'Panthers' defensive line to be
better and the seo0dardy to be
more experienced.
"The state championship is
over, it's a new season, new
,spring," said Howard, who, 'in
the fall, enters his fourth year at
Nease; where .his record has been
29-9. "Spring is always a fresh
time, a fresh start for a lot of
slated to take place May 13 at
Clermont College.
The Landrum qualifiers are
discus thrower Will Simpson,
Michael Egari, in shot put, Brad
Bennett in triple jump, J.P.
LeMaster in the hurdles, and
Kyle Compton in the 200 hur-
Also, the boys 4x800 meter
relay team, 4x400 relay team
and 4x100 relay squad.
The Landrum girls who have
qualified for state are triple
jumpers Jenna Goldman and
Femke Lang, along with the
4x400 meter relay team of
Tennille Hoegee, Heather
Wainio, Lauren Wilson and
guys.. Guys. have been working
hard all winter We get a chance
to see what they can do, '
The Panthers met .DeLand,
this year's spring game dppo-
nent, last May at Nease. They
beat the Bulldogs 39-33 with
then-freshman Ted Stachitas at
the controls;. the halftime score
was 25-6, Nease.
Stachitas was behind center'
because Tim Tebow was playing.
baseball as a membf of 'last
spring's Nease final four team. The
freshman hit on 17-of-20 passes,
good for 269 yards, and ran for 55
more yards on 18 carrie
"Expect to get betteit 'is what
Stachitas anticipates from the
team this spring. "Like last year,
we improved a lot in the spring.
So we're going to do the same
this year. Everyone's just learn-
ing offense now, just dealing
with the pressure of being .a
starter. All [of us are] new starters
besides James [Wilson]."
Stachitas hopes for: a team
repeat performance in,.the fall,
when he looks for the Panthers
to "be doing the same things as
last year, hopefully, scoring big
points on people, and shuttyig
them out. And winning anotnlr
state championship," he said.'
Howard said he expects more
than 120 players to come out
this spring, and added that fig-
ure is double what the entire
program had when he began at
Nease in 2003. ,
.F- I -aCL C. L_ 'I- 'I~L"~"""-'-"~"""""
May 3, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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For All Your Office Needs, Atlantic
Laser Saves You Time and Money
The friendly, knowledgeable professionals
at Atlantic Laser in Jacksonville Beach do
much more than sell office supplies. They
save you time and money two of the
most important necessities in today's busi-
'ness and home office environment.
Atlantic Laser also offers service, selection
and savings and takes pride in being "your
printer, computer and fax machine's best
friend." "Thanks to the stock of quality
compatible toner cartridges, parts for the
computers and printers and our in-house
remanufacturing experts, we have the
resources to service the equipment or deliv-
er the supplies within 24 hours," says co-
owner Patsy Underwood.
In business at the Beaches since 1992,
Atlantic Laser is a respected leader in office
supplies and service throughout the greater
-" Jacksonville area. "We serve business cus-
t comers from Amelia Island to St. Augustine
m and from the Beaches to downtown
M Jacksonville and beyond," says Patsy. "We
Cn also make service calls and deliveries
throughout Northeast Florida and can
overnight-ship our products nationwide
B" through our product suppliers, who offer
. worldwide distribution."
Customer service is what makes Atlantic
Laser different from other local and large-chain office supply
and service stores, according to Patsy. "You can call us about
an equipment or supply issue, and we will help you some-
times right on the phone," she says. "From having difficulties
with your printer or computer to finding an unusual-size file
folder, we're a one-stop comprehensive business with one goal
in mind to help you with your business."
Customer satisfaction is Atlantic Laser's goal. "We always
have our customers' interests in mind in everything we do
here," Patsy adds. "Building strong relationships and trust
takes time and consistent top-notch performance, but that's
what we thrive on in short, if our customers are happy,
we're happy."
Old-fashioned customer service is about going that extra
step, something Atlantic Laser has done since opening its
doors more than 14 years ago. Family-owned and operated, the
staff includes husband-and-wife team and co-owners Tom and
Patsy Underwood, their son Jeff, heading up the business's
delivery services, and daughter Lisa Moore, marketing director.
Rita Contos is office administrator, Brian Contos is business
products consultant, Beverly Taylor is customer service and
. ,: ,
Atlantic Laser staff members Jeff Underwood (standing) repairs
a client's laser printer while Jason Huynh (seated, left) installs
upgrades to a desktop computer and Jim McKinney (seated
right) repairs a customer's laptop.
Serving the Beaches since 1981
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ST.S.P Can Satisfy All Of Your
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Atlantic Laser staff members Brad Wilson (far left) and Renee Heam (second
from left) discuss repairs to a customer's printer while Rita Contos (third from
left) and Beverly Taylor (right) fulfill a customer's toner order.
purchasing manager, and Renee Hearn heads up the compa-
ny's remanufacturing division. Computer division manager
Brad Wilson is assisted by technicians Jlim McKinney and Jason
Atlantic Laser's service goes an extra-extra step further by
providing a 100-percent guarantee on their products and serv-
ice, free delivery, unsurpassed equipment service and an easy
and adaptable ordering system to help you save money by
managing your inventory.
Another one of Atlantic Laser's most sought-after and
money-saving specialties is remanufactured cartridges. "The
components for today's remanufactured cartridges are much
more complex than they used to be," Patsy says. "Some have
computer chips with more advanced features that require
more technical compatibility considerations, and that's why
our remanufacturing experts are fully trained in the remanu-
facturing process that we perform in house."
Atlantic Laser's remanufacturing process includes pre-test-
ing, disassembly, reassembly and post-testing. Note that the
process begins and ends with testing. First the technicians test
to see which parts of the cartridge can be recycled and then
they disassemble the cartridge. Those parts that are reusable
are cleaned and sorted for reassembly. All unused toner is
cleaned out and defective parts are properly disposed of.
Using new and reclaimed parts, the cartridges are reassem-
bled and filled with high-quality graphics toner for a crisp,
clean print. Then it's back to Atlantic Laser's thorough testing,
which includes checking for any print defects and continuity
of a quality print. After testing, each cartridge is sealed in a
humidity-stabilizing Mylar bag, boxed with instructions and a
test print, ready for delivery.
But there's more! Atlantic Laser's cartridge remanufacturing
process and product delivery service are as "sweet" as they are
thorough. Every remanufactured cartridge box as well as
'eveihy office supply, product and equipment delivery -
includes a sweet bonus. Every order from Atlantic Laser
includes a treat a piece or two of candy. If the order's sweet,
you know it's from Atlantic Laser!
Atlantic Laser is located at 1521 Penman Rd. in Jacksonville
Beach, between The Cleaners and Cinotti's Bakery. Hours are.8
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through' Friday. Major credit cards are
accepted, including MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American
Express, and open accounts are available.
For more information about all your office needs and the full
line of office supplies and services available at Atlantic Laser,.
call 247-3234, fax 247-1271, e-mail or
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May 3, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader rage .31
I'nch and Atelevichwin Ranger Redfish tourney
S: : i --^ :. > '", ** ..1 / ', : ; T ,. .' ^1 ; ; ^.: ;- .
C congratulations to veteran
anglers Larry "Fishman"
Finch and his partner
peorge Altelevich for winning
tast weekends' Ranger Redfish
* The top 15 redfish anglers
from Georgia, Florida, South
"Carolina, Texas and Louisiana
Participated in the two-day
event last Friday and Saturday.
Fach day they could weigh up
their two largest legal redbass.
I Larry and George weighed up
wo reds on Friday that totaled
14.99 pounds and on Saturday
fheir two reds weighed 12.78
bounds. They caught their reds
using live finger mullet near
?he Atlantic Blvd. Bridge.
, Their prizes included a new
Ranger Bass Boat, a 40-horse
power Yamaha and a tro
motor, a Hummingbird I
finder and a Loadmaster
The weekend was blow
of course, but earlier there
plenty of action from th
mouth of the river to thE
Carrier Basin.
Capt. David King and Mike
Morris on the "Crusty Crab"
found the first real bite of hun-
gry lacks, blues and Spanish last
week and using any lure they
picked up caught coolers full of
fish each morning.
Capt. Kirk Waltz on his
"Enterprise" can always be
found around the fish. On
S Monday morning, with the
ON Malcolm Jones party, Capt. Kirk
ER reports a catch of 12 redbass
and seven trout.
On Friday morning, in the
lling river near the Carrier Basin,
fish Catherine Birmingham and her
Trailer. daughter Andy fished with
rn out, Capt. Kirk and caught 24 jacks
re was and eight trout trolling.
e Then in the afternoon, with
e the Wayne Watkins part",
along the jetties pulled in 11
redbass, a trout and two sharks.
Canal guide John Dyrssen
and Dwight Hibbard last
Tuesday used live shrimp on
their float rigs and caught eight
speckled trout and eight floun-
der. All of the fish were caught
between the Atlantic Blvd. and
McCormick Bridges.
The "Mayport Pnncess," with
Capt. George Strate at the
wheel, made trips last Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday to
around the Eiton Bottom.
On Monday, Mark Timmons
led all anglers by pulling up
two mangrove snapper at 14
and 12 pounds. Anglers caught
another 12 mangrove snapper,
two big grouper and their limit
of beeliners.
Jeff Woodard held the hot
Pnooi submmed
Larry "Fishman" Finch, left, and George televich with two of
the redbass that enabled them to win last week's Ranger redfish
pole from the Princess on
Wednesday. He cleaned a 25-
pound and a 12-pound snap-
per. Other anglers caught three
'kings, an amberjack and their
limit of big beeliners.
Capt. Dennis Young on tus
"Sea Dancer" last Monday, with
the Alien Earl party, fished the
bottom at M.G. and M.F. for
five snapper and a pair of
grouper, and on Tuesday, with
Bryan Pfyfer and three others,
Capt. Dennis reports a catch of
50 large beeliners and one
scamp grouper.
$ I 4
- A
-. ...
is ;, f.:;
.' .
)t. ," .".- '
.', i'- ".
Baseball School
wThe Sunshine Baseball School
will take place at Vihgate Park in
Jacksonville Beach on the follow-
ing dates:
. June 5-8; June 12-15; June 19-
22. and June 26-29.
Instruction takes place
Ilonday to Thursday from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
i The Sunshine Baseball School
atures instruction from Fletcher
varsity coach Kevin Brown, and
Current Senators assistant coach-
es Dr. Jim Tunmons and Boomer
i Cost is $125 per session and
includes lunches, drinks and T-
shirt. For more information con-
iact Dr. Jim Timmons at 223-
1664 or 521-2687.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
schooll takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
i Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
.formation visit www.beaches- or phone Tommy
Aulihan at 349-2611.
Bud Beech Camps
The Bud Beech Summer Camps
at Nease High School begin May
- Ten weekly sessions are avail-
able, most of which run from
Monday through Thursday. The
tost of each session is $55 half day
[9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3
p.m.] or $95 extended day [9 a.m.
tntil 3 p.m.]
i Campers may choose the
morning camp that runs from 9
4.m. to noon and select basketball,
soccer, fag football or dance/gym-
nastics. The afternoon camps run
from noon to 3 p.m. and offer
basketball or cheerleading.
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
4075 or e-mail beech jr-
. ;. ",'- ,*
1, .. '", '
jetty guide Fred Morrow
fished the jetties last, week with
William Myers and'Troy Taylor
and pulled up five redbass out
of the rocks measuring 27 to 33
James Gergley, J.B. Hill and
Steve Vash fished from the
"Fun Times" last Monday near
the rocks and caught 20
Spanish and five redbass, and
then on Tuesday this crew used
pogies at the jetties and caught
20 redbass measuring 25 to 32
Good Fishing
1886 South Third St.
Jax Beach, Fl
Heated Pool at
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Phoios submitlea
ABOVE: This week's history ,-.:.
Wjjure features Don Gobdling' -;
ihnd his wife 'Neese, with a 58-
pound king he caught in 1989
trolling a live pogie off
LEFT: William Lawlor with his
first dolphin, caught recently
aboard "Fins and'Sins" with
Capt. Jeff Johnson.
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655 Rain Gutters
.660 Remodel/Const
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Spin,.ler & Wells
677 Tree Service'
450 InstructionsISchools 678 e
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Services
530 Bus Opportunity
540 Child Care
550 Work Wanted
Service Guide
600 Services
601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations
607 AultoBoat Detailing
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615 Cleaning
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619 Electrical Services
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Garage Sales
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ADORABLE 4/2, one owner home has
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EAST OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. North
$625,000 241-8269. Zoned C-1
End unil w/tenced yard. 3BR,'2.5BA.
1660-7 Beach Ave. 2150sf, beach access
across street Kitchen Isle w/ceramic tile
Wood burning fireplace. screened porch
w/deck. Single garage. $712,000 by
Owner 477-0102.
I scr. por.., olally renovated incl baths &
kitchen $319,900. 537-4083
RESIDENTIAL LOT, 50'x62', Atlanlic NEAR MAYO Clinic, off San Pablo.
Beach. Park & Edgar $68,000. 710-8083. 3BR/2BA, 2-car. remodeled. $315,000. In-
irOT.- 5nvin' V/iinn Rrh 0n nnn dependent Brokers. 710-3111.
Grace Ellis. All Pro Realty Specialisls.
655-7923 cell)
90'X120'Ocean access/ picnic area
across the street Build your dream home
with potential ocean. intercoaslal
waterway views $349,900 Jonn
JAX BCH, FSBO, 125'x50' cleared lo1.
408 S. 6th Sr Appraised $200,000 Call
220-7666 eves
SOUTHSIDE OFF Belfon Brick home.
3BR 2BA. 1895sf. bull 1987.many up-
grades. $292,500 Independent Brokers
E OF AIA in PVB S399K. 3BR/2BA Fid-
diet's Marsh, lakefioni, pool, fireplace.
large Kitchen FSBO. 607-1030
AFFORDABLE JAX Beach, second floor.
marshview condo is perfect lor anyone
who warns to live at ihe beach but not pay
beach prices! Move-in ready w/reiigera-
for, microwave, washer, dryer and ceiling
plans. Freshly painted interior security sys-
lem, screened lanai. and fireplace are Just
some of Ihe upgrades $157,900. Phyllis
Staines. 904-476-SOLD RE/MAX Coaslal
Real Estate.
FSBO, 3569 Eun;ce Road, Isle o Palms.
$282,000 1750si., 3BRj2BA. compielely
upgiadea 2 car garage. (9041463-3793.
JAX BEACH, 938 18lh Ave. Norm, 3/1 5,
1600sf, $343k Broker. Renee L. Baron.
Inc 242-2821
Selva Linkside
1935st Only $494,500 (904)472-4039.
from beach. Duplex, 2BR/1BA, 1000sl.
each unit CH/A. new roof. $429,900.
Realtor/ owner Call Kathy Tillakos at 904-
465(3053. :. .-. : C .. .-
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BFt2BA. locally ren-
ovated. $279K 349-2332 or 591-2278.
WALDEN CHASE 4BR/2BA w/pool. Open
floor plan, great kitchen w/granile, sur-
round sound. 2. yeais new. $359900.
537-3969. Will co-op, 2.5*o.
PONTE VEDRA. 3BR/2BA. beaulilul, re-
modeled townhome on lake. End unit
$185,000 1904)424-0660.
PVB- 3BR,2BA, newer file. consider lease
purchase. $169,900. Owner/Agent
BEST DEAL In Neplune Beach! 3 Blocks
to Ocean 3BR/2.5BA. bullet in 2003. Cur-
rent appraisal $550 000. 2-c ar age.
Asking $465.000 Will consider all offers.
NEW PRICE! Allanlic Beach. Goll. water
view. 3/2, pool. $395.000. 1555 Linkside
Dr. Pcs @ htTp:./inlotube nel/136118.
FSBO, SEASIDE al PV, lakelront, sun-
room, upgrades, 3BR/2BA. $439,900.
FSBO, East of A1A, 2000s, 4BR,2 SBA,
Lot 60x100. 1 block to ocean access, 112
mile to JTB and shopping centers. Selling
As Is". $600.000. Call 904 -631-5960.
FSBO- ICW compielely relfnished 3'2
1595sf. cul-de-sac home on the largest lot
in Villages of Pablo. New laminale and ille
Iloors through-oul plus a bonus laundry
room and large tiled screened porch
Master bed/balh suite includes 2 large
Jack/Jill closets. Home includes 3 sets of
beautilul french doors, new irim and crown
molding brand new appliances, decora-
tive ceiling plans, irrigation system, and
renovated 2 car garage ipeg board and
slat walls). House is re-plumbed i2006),
has new roof 12001) and new HVAC
12004j. This quiel family neighborhood is
3 miles 1o the beach and has a club pool.
tennis/ baskelbail courts $247,900 Call
386-7873 Ior appointment.
garage, 1550sf open floor plan, 42' Hick-
ory cabinets granile counter lops.. new
barber carpel hard wood floors.
$318,000, 463-0505
*t-THT,,,'=, = __ -" %-_ -__,_'' ---
- ." ,, .. ...
ATLANTIC BCH- '701 Begonia St
3BRi2BA, fenced yard. CH&A. quiel
neighborhood, $180,000. 334-0563, 249-
SPACIOUS 4/2 brick front on 21 acres
wilh room enough tor a pool Fenced yard
with separate shed, open patio is real lor
enlenaining. formal living and dining will
nardwood floors. eat-in kitchen inside
laundry, sprinkler, water softener and ter-
mite bond. $324,000. Please contact
Pnylls Staines wi, RE/MAX Coastal Real
Estate at 904-476-SOLD or visil
fenced yaid New pain In.oul New
carpet, CH&A REDUCED, $279,900
3BR FORECLOSURE. only $27.9001 Must
sell For listings 800-749-8124 ext 1490.
NEWER. CUSTOM built, private, ocean.
Iron home with high dune views ot the
ocean and Intracoastal Walerway. Approx
4458+ sf., 5BR/4.5BA den/ office, lile and
hardwood lioors, formal living and dining.
pool and spa. screened lanai wlh hot tub
lush landscaping and loaded $2,750.000.
Phyllis Siaines. 904-476-SOLD. REIMAX
Coastal Real Estale
COZY WATERFRONT cottage. St Johns
River boat slip $289 900. 1904)501 -3314.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 805 Plaza, 9 blocks
to Ocean, Cute, 3BR/2BA bungalow,
975sf, tile/carpet, new paint in/out, large
fenced-in backyard, will co-op, $224,900.
FORMER ICI model waterfront home is
move-in ready. Immaculate 3BR/2.5BA,
.has 2705sf. w/spacious open family room
w/gas fireplace, formal dining, loft, and in-
side laundry. Over $71,000 in upgrades
were included when this model was built
in 2000. Entertain on either of your two
screened lanais. open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock overlooking
the navigable walenront. $889.000.
Please contact. Phyllis Staines with
RE/MAX Coastal Real Eslale al 904-476-
SOLD or visit:
ATLANTIC BEACH. Beaulilul neighbor-
hood, on cul-de-sac 1700 heated sq h
Double garage screened back poich,
3BR'2BA. 1 Block to Ocean. Asking
%649.000 249-2268, 651-9081
ATLANTIC BEACH rental 2. bedrooms.
within 2-3 blocks to town center or Sea.
place condo ok. Need by 6/1/06 249-8502
ahter 7pm
FSBO 626 Ponte Vedra Blvd. B-2, 2nd
Floor end unit. 3BRj2BA, 1450sl.
screened marsh Iront porch, private ocean
view porch, Irplce CH&A washer/ dryer,
$539 900. 387-3604 or 631-8866
SAWGRASS- BEST location at Ihe beach!
1.1, ground Iloor,. end unit, lull amenities
including beach access., witness center.
24hr security $169.750. 904-382-0152.
JAX BEACH- Jardin 32, 1500sI., garage
$253K. Owner Broker. Call Renee L
Baron. Inc 1904)242-2821.
EAST OF AlA 2BR/2BA w/garage in the
Colony. Upper unil overlooking preserve.
Quiet & private $244.900. 904-742-0508
open Iloor plan, all new beauty. 2nd Si N..
2na tloor w/ Ig balcony. Granite counters,
Ilalian ile. Preconsluction price. Must sell
moving out of country See the ocean, live
the dream at an affordable price. Excellent
minveslment. $550 000 838-8725
3BR/2BA ground floor Fully furnished &
ready ior your Summer at ne Beach.
Pool, palo Still undiscovered -Seaplace"
is Ihe oesi value at Ihe Beach $398,500
Owneriagent, (904)247-1049. 608-4325.
www VRBO com.,24978 www cyberren-,101283
Only 3 units in building. ALL OF TOP
(3rdl FLOOR 1.1/2 blocks north of Sea
Turtle Inn. $450.000 881-9005.
BRAND NEW Lovely Townhouse.
2BR,'2 5BA, Woll Creek All amenmes 2BR'2BA. 3RD floor, Grand Reserve. Bay-
1 79,000. 343-2418. hill moael 1200st many upgrades.
$179,900. 1904)472-9864
119 37th AVE. SOUTH
Newly renovated. 3BR/2BA, vaulted cell
ings. 50x123 lot. New roof. HVAC. Hard-
wood floors, new kitchen, all appliances.
2-car garage
5795,000 536-8268
NORTH JAX beach 8 blocks to beach.
3/2, garage. corner lot. fenced, wood
floors, new roof, new windows in 2004.
very nice. Vanguard GMAC Real Estate
Cal.Gai, 803-6560. ---- -
PV HOME in Solano Cay, .181 Soiano Cay
Circle, $315K 3BR/2.5BA. fenced yard,
2 car garage. Too many upgrades to list5
Call 904-864-6590 for more information
J.B. OPEN HOUSE, Saturday/ Sunday
12-3pm, 308 13th Ave. North. 3BR/1BA,
pool. 8 blocks to ocean. 472-5558, Mag-
nolia Propenrties.
New construction located at 6ih Ave. S &
9th Si. in Jax Bch 3BR/ 2.5BA 1700sl.,
Nled first lhoor owners suite wi luxury balh,
separate shower, private deck Custom
kitchen designer fixtures throughout. Dual
A/C, sprinkler system, lenced yard, 2 car
garage Move in before summer! Offered
at $339,000. Call lor showing 249-6150
Will co-op wiln realtors.,
ATLANTIC BEACH. P Blocks to Beach,
2BRI1BA on 60'xl50' lot, 255 Sherry Dr
$479,000. 349-2504.
HIDDEN COVE. Come see Ihe beaunful
water view from Ihe large sunroom of this
very clean 4BR!2BA home. Many extras
$254.990. Broker 241-7900.
PONTE VEDRA Beach, The Islands,
2BR;2BA. allttached garage, community
pool lenns, $250,000. 1904)703.8380..
131h Green ol Windsor Parke Golf Course
$437.000, Call 223-3809 for appl.
3BR/2BA MOBILE Home wilh land, on
San Paolo Rd. $145.000 333-2749.
PONTE VEDRA -Seaside Community-
180 Crosscove Cir. 3BR/2BA. stucco
home. 1/2 mile to beach, 1716sl ,400sf.
screened porch. 71'x122' lot Built in '93.
$384.900. No realtors. (904)233-8208.
Enchanted raised house on hidden la.
goon Large wooded lot. 3BR 2BA great
interior. Jax Beach, $375.000 FIRM.
249-1020 lor appointment & escort to pn-
vale location.
countertops. 1250s. Fireplace. 1-car ga.
rage, community pool Walk to Ocean.
$269.000 463-0505.
i_ --- --- --
FSBO- PVB condo. 2BR 2BA w' garage.
gollcourse views. $218.000
OPEN HOUSE. Saturday & Sunday,
12noon-4pm. Ocean Links. PV, Solana
Road, Unit #836 2BRJ2BA w/garage New
carpet & kitchen counters, cabinets
$218.000. (904)806-1202, (904)543-9621
upgrades. 1200sl 911 ceilings wfans,
vwik-in closer. krchen appliances,
wasne,'drver. lerrac6. replace, garage
S"curity- i s/lem -FSBO $228,000.
OCEANFRONT, 3BR/2BA under con-
struction, 2100s1.. 2 patios. $945.000
siruclion in Jax Beach/ PVB Beach
2BRi2BA, available lor closing in June.
$382.900. 904-220-8676.
2 BLOCKS to ocean Jax Beach 2/2 newer
condo $294.000. Owner.' Agent 463-7343.
PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA. $199,000 Grace Ellis,
All Pro Realty Specialisis. 655-7923 (cell).
PONTE VEDRA luxury condos over
2800st. 1/2mi. 10 ocean. $750,000 & up.
Assoc to Marsh Landing C.C & The Ser-
enala Beach Club. Michele 707-5225
SOUTH JAX Beach, affordable, Villas at
Marsh Landing, 2BR/2BA. ground floor, 1-
car garage, $199,900. 655-3491 Owner/
JAX BEACH 1BR/1BA near Marsn Land-
ing, $144.900, Owner/ agent 463-7343
single, 1215sl, w/carporl, deck. all GE
knchen, CH&A. washer/dryer, new carpel.
Many upgrades Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
FOR SALE or Lease to Own Motivaled
seller. 1993 Springhill Dy Fleetwood.
completely restored 3BR/2BA. No credit
check. Call 904-223-0083 or cell 904-613-
MAYPORT 2000 doublewide, 3/2 w,.
Irpic $30.000. Call 220-7666 eves.
1983 DOUBLEWIDE in Ponside.
3BR/2BA, W/D, Iridge, stove, CH&A.
$20,000. 1904)247-1995.
2005 PURSUIT by Georgie Boy 30' class
A motor home. 3,185 miles, 2 slide outs.
Loaded, like orand new. less than I year
old. $69,900, 246-9383.
__ "I;1"" I
MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550, on pri-
vale lots. Near Mayport Naval Slalion, no
dogs, 333-5579.
NEPTUNE BEACH. 215 Lora Street;
2BR/1BA. 1-1/2 blocks to Ocean. Large
deck, CH&A. wall-to-wall carpet, WDHU.
$875/mo.+ dep. No pets. (904)249-4508,
2 BLOCKS to ocean. 2BR/1.5BA.-
Tile floors, washer/ dryer, fenced deck;'
pets negotiable. 2168 S. 2nd Street;'
$1200/mo. Call 535-8131.
2BR/2.5BA Townhome w/d, dishwasher,-
fireplace, berber carpet, 18" ceramic tile;
private balcony, private patio, $1395/mo.
Available May. 333-8462, Harrigan Prop,;j,
enies Realtor
Beach. aimos Oceantronl. Available im-
mediaiely $ + security, includes'
water/sewer 241-5251
1/1 BRAND NEW Townhome, corner on
golf course. 5 star amenities. beach acf
cess in Summerhouse. $900,.mo water in-.
cluded. (5611629-6158
2BR/2 5BA, garage, lenced-in deck and
yard, lile. new carpel, pels allowed, bike
to beach, saiellie ready $1250mo.,
Deposil required, 273-5653.
CH/A, WDHU. Easi of isi SI $795-,
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR walker
Ironlt $1500/mo 241-7368. 733-3730. "
OCEAN 2-BLOCKS. 2BRF1BA, $950/mo.
215 81h Ave. Norh. J B.. 241-8269 ,,
Townhouse. $850-mo. i mile west of May-
port ferry. 733-5225, 241-RENT
NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. BesT
area, quite, safe residential neighborhood.
2BRi1BA, lower duplex. new carpel, ile &
paint CH&A. washer/ dryer included, no
smoking, no pets $895'mo., lease depos-
it. 993-1118
JAX BEACH Apartment, 2BR/1BA Newly
renovaled Washer/dryer Quiet area,
available now $875,mo deposit. 201
Nonh 91h St. 246-9162 13#)
LUXURIOUS Pelican Point. 2BR/2BA.
available now $1700-$2600/mo 3 month
minimum rental. 1904)241-7206 it i
WOLF CREEK, ICW. brand new 3BR/
2.5BA garage. 1700s1. pool, W/D,
$1295/mo. Magnolia Properlies
JAX BEACH. East ol 3rd 3BR/1BA
apanmenT 1-.. IOCKS 10 ucean.
Washer/dryer, CH&A $1140imo
821.9751. 803-3099.
Townhouse. wood floors. Quiet. secure
neighborhood. close to Beaches. shop-
ping. JTB $995/mo. Call 285-7162.
Weslside. Sournside Efflicrencies
$100/wk. Apanments $150/Wk. also hous-
es lor reni furnished. unlurnisned, week/
monlh. 904-302-5753.
2BR/1BA, screened porch fireplace,
WDHU, CH&A $ (904)891-0606.
or 1352)478-2161. ,i;'
JAX BEACH, Beaullul, 2BR/2BA,
4 bloCKS 10 ocean, fireplace.. ,W/D
$1075/mo i904)742-6423.
2BR/1BA, upper apanmenl. 101 -South
16th Aver $975-mo No dogs Security ,de-
pos;1 $500' BrokerOwvner. 249-8766 :
ICW. NEWLY Renovated, 1BR/1BA.:
Hodges Blvd. gated community ground
floor, private entrance, amenities, minutes
to Mayo & Beaches $895!mo 655-5754
ATLANTIC BEACH bright efficiency
- across Irom ocean on Beach Ave. Availa-
ble June isi Nonsmoking, no dogs Firsl,
last. and security, $725'mo. 247-4527.
iBR,'IBA, 1 block to beach, laundry-free,
pool. peis OK. $950/mo. 477-4640
JAX BEACH 2BR corlage near ocean.
CH&A, WDHU, no pets, $895/mo w/$450
dep. 246-3130
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks to Ocean.
R/1BBA Apartmenl. $550/mo. 220 -41h
Street So 1904)891-0606. (352)478-2161
ATLANTIC BCH 2/1 5, $750,'mo. plus sec.
1507 Jordan Cl. (Easl of Mayport off Don-
ner). 642-1003.
ATLANTIC BCH 1651 Coquina Place,
1BR.. 1/2 block from ocean, large deck/
yard, new carpet and ile, no dogs,
$750/mo. 246-6039 or 962.6361.
BEACH AVE., All Bch. 2BR 1BA apl Call
NEPTUNE BCH newly remodeled towp-
home 2BR/1 5BA, w/d, garage lenced
yard, small pet ok, $1000/mo Available
immed. 2134 Rosewood Dr 333-1076.
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo, no lease.
per negotlaole. $1300/mo., 673-1550.
BLOCK TO Beach 126 8th Ave. :S.,
2BR/tBA, CH&A, WDHU. clean and up-
dated. No pels $875/mo. 724-6335
VILANO BEACH 2-story home. 3/2,
1800si. 1/2 block from ocean, lyr lease.
$1800imo or vacation rental $1000/WK.
NEPTUNE BEACH- clean, new carpet.
2BR/1 5BA duplex. CH&A. dishwasher,'
ceiling plans, WDHU, lenced back yard
w/upper deck No pets. $795/mo, $700
security deposit, 2208 Marsh Poinl Rd.
Credit check and relerences required
w/$25 non-relundable application fee.
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean. Clean. nice
1BR apt. w/ garden alnum. 5750/mo
Avail. soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417.
'Py AT
rage -1utL
I Unfurnished Homes Beach Walk SPY 2BR/2BA, home has Summerhouse PV
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV screened porch, wood deck on lagoon, bch Newly renovated, new carpet. baths,'
5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 car garage, access. $1500/mo kitchen, tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great ,
q fenced backyard. screened porch. 660 Upper 8th Ave S JB 3BR/2BA two amenities.
$2950/mo. story, fenced backyard. tile floors, fireplace, 1BR/1BA, 1st floor. $775/mo
The Grove PV 4BR/3BA, home on upgrades thru-out. $1500/mo.. 1BR/1BA, Villa. $875/mo .
private lot w/preserve views. hardwood Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex w/new 2BR/2BA, 1st floor, $1050/mo.
floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh paint., 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1195mo.
Marsh 'View SPY 4BR/4BA, $1300/mo. 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo.
. Oceanviews, tile floors. $2000/mo. Furnished Homes Palms at Marsh Landing JBA
S4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqft. The Colony PV 2BR/2BA ground floor, Screened porch, tile floors
beach access, attached garage. $2200/mo. garage, fireplace, east of A1A. $1350/mo. 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor, Intracoastal views. S
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA, spacious Villages of -Vilano SPV 2BR/2BA, $900/mo
home in walking distance to schools & oceanfront condo, wood floors, upgrades, 3BR/2BA. 1st floor, end unit. $1285/mo. .
beach. $2200/mo. garage, amenities. $1800/mo. Villas at Marsh Landing JB
Fairfield PV 3BR/2.5BA, two story Ocean Grande SPY 3BR/3BA. Condo, Fireplace, screened porch -
home w/screened porch on water, 2 car luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor garage. $875/mo
garage. $1950/mo. from ocean. $3000/mo. 2BR/2BA, 1st floor, garage. $1050/mo. '
SVilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer Intracoastal West Belleza PV 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, *
two story, across from ocean, light & Avanti Kernan 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor w/ private views, tile floors, upgrades. $1100/!
bright, garage. $1800/mo. screened porch. $850/mo. mo.
"' 38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, .2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, all appliances, Ocean Links PV Y '
townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet great amenities. $945/mo. 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo. %
neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. The Seasons @ Kensington Kernan 2BR/ 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
S$1750/mo. 1.5BA, two story, end unit, tiled screened porch, golf course views. $1200/mo. I
Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has porch, comm. pool. $995/mo.
screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA brand new REMAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
course views. $1700/mo. townhouse, end unit, screened porch, preserve i Shannon Smith
SLatrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch views, amenities. $1095/mo. I shannon smith
w/jacuizi, lake view, fireplace, comm. Unfurnished Condos (9t) '
pool, garage., $1600/mo. ,
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
LmLay J. L1'J
* *
LG 1BR, CH/A, great decK. $590 & up. No
pets. 246-8537.
house, 3BR/2BA, new appliances includes
washer/ dryer Fenced yard. Pels OK.
$975/mo. Credit check and references re-
quired. 904-249-2639.
NEPTUNE BCH- 3BR 2.5BA house, East
AA Walk to the beach Renovated in
2003, garage w/ washer & dryer Incl. lyr
lease, no pets, $1395/mo. 233-8208.
JAX BEACH 2BR/1BA, CH&A, carpeted
painted, WDHU, no pels, 246-0576
floor. Large decK, 1 block to beach.
$1150/mo. Includes water 241-0897.
ATLANTIC BEACH- 5 Blocks to Ocean
3BR/2 5BA, sunroom, Ilreplace, fenced
yard, carport, $1550/mo. (904)349-0529,
JAX BEACH, 3 blocks to beach. 1BR/1BA,
WDHU, carpet, ceramic, light & bright
Must See! 325 151n Ave N. #3. No smoK-
ing, no pets $600,mo Accent Propenies.
PONTE VEDRA, Newly Renovated, re-
sort atmosphere, 2-slory, 1BR/1BA, end
unit, washer/dryer included. $995/mo.
BRAND NEW 2BR/2BA, sunny, comer
Townhome No one above, no one below,
overlooking golf course. Summerhouse/
PVB, beach access, pool, tennis, gym and
more. Avallaole immediately, pels wel-
come, $1100/mo. (904)571-5517.
WDHU, no pels, $695/mo w/$350 deposit,
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, 1 blk to ocean,
2BR 1BA, $785/mo (904)891-0606 or
1-1/2 BLOCKS o10 Ocean. 1st Ave. South,
1BR/1BA. $725/mo. (904)891-0606
SJStockron.'.ATradiun Since 188
$ 795 816 Belleza Poole Vedra 1/1 755
$,.85 202-4E,Villa del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/1 700
$ 950 1223 Grand Reserve Jax/Hodges Blvd 2/2 1212
$1i'050 234 Belleza. Ponie Vedra '22 11'00
$11-5.0 08 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5 1400
26l6 127 Jardin de Mer'Place Jax' Beach 3/2 '1540
'00 403 Tournainent Road. Ponte Vedra/Fauirfield 2/2 1200
-QO 2 The Fountains Poe Vedra 3/2.5 1510
$Yib'.- '708.Maish Cdve Lane Ponte Vedra 3/2+loft 1650 '
$1ff 0 125 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2 1700-
$'146D') '63 TifidiCosh 94txJ'j ?111j \edca/auBW ii i-'$0Oai/
Wl-O *. -811'Ocean L.rnl-.---P'ODte VS&Khl S 0 -B 1600
$15 67 Fisherman Co Porite \edra/Sawgrass CC 2/2 1450'
$L675 337 Charlemagne. Fiddler's Marsh/PV 3/2 1650-
$1700 4448 Pebblebrook Dri e J lv/Riverb[ook ,6 Glen Ker.nn 3/2 1860
51000 3343 Lighthouse Poitite Lane Jax Beach 3/3 2144
$2000 2001 Windjammer Ln' South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc 3009
$.200 637 Bonaire Curcle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 4/2 2194
$2200 529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra 3/2 5 2900
$"'00 534 Morningside Drive Ponte Vedra 4/2 5 2400.
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive PRone Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000
$2600 1316 Turtnle Dunes Court South Ponte Vedra 5/4 3800
$2600 9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sarass CC 3/2 5 2900
$2700 806 Meropolitan Jax Beach 3/2 1756
$29.00 12907 Hunde) Manor Dne Jax Golf & Country Club 5/4 3764
$3000 408 Berkman Plaza JaxvDointownn Riverflon 2/2+Iofl 2100
r$,.150 The Founains .' PonRe Vedra 3/2 1700
$1400 Beach Club Villas Say grass Beach Club Etf 600
$1600fwk2839 S. Ponte Vedra S. Pome Vedra 3/1.5 1500
Mi00 92'ifihon NVay North Saw grass Country Club 3/2 1900
$1800/wk 2503 S. Ponte Vedra S.-Ponte Vedra -4/2.5 2100,
-$18 00/vwk The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$2000 Vista Del Mar Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2400 444'La Reseirve Cucle Pome Vedra/L'Atrrium 22+office 1600
52500 17"1 Ae North %v/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500'
$2500 741 Spinnakers Reach Saw grass Beach Club 1/1 700 .
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2 5 2000
$2500/wk728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfrorit 3/2.5 lgArn rim 2600
$2600 534 Momungside Dnse Pome Vedra 4/2.5 2400
$2700/wk2824.CoasiaJ Hw) Vilano Beach/Oceantront6/4 4000
$3000 562 Ponte Vedra Bhd Poeni Vedra 3/1 5 1500
.$3500 The Cloister Atlantic Beach 3/2 2000
:$4000 408 Berkman Plaza Ja,/Dontownn RPerfront 2/2-loft 2100
P$500 1931 Beach Avei3mo rran i Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
,228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra BeaCh., FL 32082 -
PRNTE VEDRA Beach, Dolphin Cove.
7LCobia St. 2BR,'2BA, large lenced yard.
$Sf?00/mo i-$1100/dep. No smoking. No
p'Is. 285-2302
J8-X BEACH Nice 3BR/2.5BA, washer/
dryer, large fenced yard. $1400/mo.
4-BLOCKS TO Ocean. 1BR/1BA. all tile
$699/mo + deposill 405 Lower 8th Ave.
S6uth. 534-2120.
ATLANTIC BEACH lowphouse. 2277 unil
B5'Semnole Rd. At the ocean. 3 floors, 2
mAster bdrms. office, and guest room 3
bqans Large private deck and ocean patio
a9cess. Quiet and safe area. $1350/mo
includes water. Call Kevin (904)226-8540.
NP. 3BR'1.5BA. fenced yard, Icar garage.
corner of Bowles and 3rd St. $13501mo.
Really Executives. 273-3939, 610-6460
ATLANTIC Beach 3BR/ 1BA. walk lo
beach Town Center. renovated,
$1t280/mo Includes water. 904-704-1828
2BR HOUSE, 2 full baths, compltelely lur-
ni.shed, recently remodeled, $990/mo. Al-
so avail, daily & weekly rentals Hot tub &
p601 privileges. Call 284-3988 for inspec-
tion appt.
ATLANTIC BEACH Townhouse 645
Aquatic Dr 3BR/2BA, $1050/mo plus dep.
AB. SELVA Manna 3BR/2BA, 1850sf.,
well maintained. yard. $1700/mo
$1095/MO. 241-1103 OR 514-5449.
2BR/1 5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic lile
Iloors, CH&A. laundry room, palio. fenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950 deposit,
$950/mo..615 7th Ave S., Jax Bch.
993-1114 or 270-1284.
3 Blocks to Ocean.'3BR'2BA. Pets nego-
tiable. Washer/dryer, carport, recently re-
modeled. $1500-mo. 553-8634.
S PONTE Vedra. Tunle Shores, 4/2.5
custom 2-story. Private beach access,
amenities. $1900/mo. (904)819-6626.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1.5BA. den, WDHU.
1817 Horn St Carl 249-3135.
REDUCED $1800/mo 3BR/2BAI- LR/DR/
FR, eat-in-kilchen, fireplace, WDHU,
screened pato, 2-car garage. Includes
yard & pest and association fees
ICW 3/2 SFH. lake view, $1300/mo.
JAX BEACH, 1036 14th Ave. Nonh
4BR/2BA, ceramic tile. WDHU. $1350/mo
lot in Selva Manna area. Large modern
kltcnen w/new Iridge & dihaswasher. Living
room fireplace Attached 1-car garage,
WDHU. fenced yard, CH&A. $1700/mo.
Call Bob (904)631-6268.
PVB, EAST of AlA, 3/2.5. very clean, pri-
vate backyard w/heated pool and spa.
$2150/mo. 280-5707
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing.
4BR/2BA, executive brick home
$1395/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190
ATLANTIC BEACH, 1204 Cape Charles
3BR/2BA. $1000/mo Available 5/15/06.
NEPTUNE BCH, beautifully restored
2BR/1BA beach collage, located 1.5
blocks irom the ocean at 214 South ST
CH&A, barber carpet, lile kitchen & bath.
laundry room, storage garage, fenced
yard and much more. $1295/mo, $1295
secunty deposit, no smoking, 246-8911
MUST SEE rental 2BR/2BA. large private
deck area, quiel neighborhood w/excellenm
access JTB shopping and the beach
Open House Saturday the 6th, 11am.2pm
$1100/moninly small pels ok w! deposit
1009 Ruth Ave Jax Beach 234-0976.
ATLANTIC BEACH 1/2 mile to ocean-
3BR/2BA, all hardwood floors, large back
yard, $1400/mo., no smoking, no pets.
THE PALMS al Marsh Landing 2BR/2BA.
waterview, wood floors, 1st floor, gated,
$1125/mo. 241-3941
1300sf, 2-story Town Home. $1200/mo.,
full concierge service, all new appliances,
completely renovated. (904)476-3000.
1BR/1BA. Fireplace, pool, porter service.
$800/mo. Call (904)616-7975.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Cottage beautiful
brand new 3BR/2BA In the much sougnt
after Summer House. Beach access 5 star
amenities, $1385/mo., 904-662-6361.
PONTE. VEbRA ocean grove completely
renovated, 1BR/1BA, screened porch, lake
view, gated community, $850/mo. Availa-
bie June 1 Susan 1904)514-7150.
PVB 1BR 1BA, IpIc.. 1-oar gar., free cable.
comm. pool,' $950/mo 545-3156.
2BR/2BA, walking distance to Ocean.
Screened porch, washer/dryer. Tennis,
pool & fitness room. $1150/mo. 285-0416.
JAX BEACH, 1BR condo, directly on
ocean, wipool. brand new renovation.
$1299/mo. Call (860)777-6134.
, great view. new appliances, $1200/mo.
Visit website
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House, 1BR. all
new, w/pool, Illness, spa. concierge, many
amenitles. $875/mo Pets welcome
*PVB. Ocean Grove, Beach access. All
new. 2BR/2BA, downstairs includes
garage. On Lake. Must rent, $1100/mo
PVB- OCEAN Grove Condo, 3BR/2BA
w/garage, 1st Iloor. renovated, new appli-
ances, pool, new fitness center. Beach ac-
cess, No Pets. $1350/mo. 904-318-7500.
PVB- GRAND Cay. 1BR+ den. fireplace,
washer/dryer. woods view, vaulted 'ceil-
ings, gated, poolC hot-iub. garage availa-
ble. $950/mo: 940-7854 ,
JAX BEACH, east of 3rd, Oceans Edge,
brand new,.1BR/1BA, W/D, large (900sf.)j
$1295/mo. Magnolia Properties 994-3608.
PONTE VEDRA- 2BR/2BA condo, com-
pletely renovated, lop lloor w/golf course
view, near Sawgrass. &' Goll course
Amenities included. Call' (904)710-3452.
BRAND new beautiful 1BR!1BA condo in
PV, includes: beach access, pool, tennis,
gym, overlooks Tennis courts, Must see!
$800/mo. (904)571-5517.
vaulted ceiling, beautiful tile.-Bnghi, open
floor plan. No dogs. $1700/mo. Avail 6/1.
(404)325-0820, (404)784-6601.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/2BA, fully furnished.
Ground floor,- pool, Washer/dryer, cable.
*$1900/mo.+; deposit. (904)349-1413,
SPINNAKER 1BR/1BA. Elegantly lurnish-
ed. Steps, to Ocean Garage, $1700/mo.
the Intracoastal Waterway. 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sf. w/manna view. Re-
sort style living. $2500/mo. Includes 1-car
garage, -water, sewer, cable, pool, spa,
clubhouse, health club, Marina Walk, gal-
ed community wiwaler. Marsh and marina
views- 40' boat, slip also available. Call
now-, 463-2845.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
2BR/2BA. 5 star almendties. Great location
Bottom floor unit. $1100/mo. -deposit..
838-9400. -
JAX, BEACH. 1BR/1BA very nice condo.
filed lloors, washer, dryer, all appliances,
$900/mo. 1904)607-2527.
PVB- THE Belleza, 1BR 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & planning bed, $850/mo
Call 318-9114.
ICW 3/2 condo, amenities, $1300/mo:
$750/MO. 1BR, Ponle Vedra Beach. new-
'ly renovated condo., Summer House, gat-
-ed community. Call'904-537-4203.
ICW, NEAR Hodqes & Beach 13722'Cra-
shaw Rd. 3BR/2bA. CH&A. Front & back
orches. wall-to-wall carpet, fireplace.
Large garage, fenced yard. Excellent con-
aition. $875/mo deposit. (904)249-4508,
ROOMMATE. 2BRi2BA, CH8A, wash-
erldryer. newly renovated. 1 5 blocks to
beach. Available 5.20 $575'mo
MAYPORT AREA (oh Assisi). furnished,
deposit, real's $115/wk. Call 372-4265.
ROOMS, $550tmo. -ruilities & cable Full
kitchen screened-In porch, large back-
yard. Close to Beach. 233 6528.
ATLANTIC BEACH (Main S ). Very nice,
furnished, 3BR/2 5BA townhome, CH&A.
wasner/dryer, $600mcmo includes uilimies,
cable, wireless inlemet Available now.
Deposit & references required 514-0569
N. ATLANTIC Beachi Spectacular Ocean-
froni, THE BLUFFS. SHARE huge 2500st
luxurious inr-level condo Furnished
3decks. private garden & entries, garage
prkg Huge pool. wooded & secluded
$1050/mo nci tel. id utl, cable, wireless
networking. 12 mrros lease Will consider
short term @incr reni. Avail. June 1 or
sooner. 716-4232.
EXECUTIVE FEMALE seeking roommate
to share 3BR/2BA fully furnished, new
apartment $600/mo + hall utilities 300' o0
Beach/ Town Cenler No pels 249-0767
ROOMMATE WANTED, AB, private balh/
kitchen pnveleges. WID. $135'wk.
Lakes townhome CH&A. washer.dryer.
walking distance to Beach & Iown center.
Community pool $700.'mo. includes utilit-
ies, cable & wireless inlernet. Available
now Deposit & references required
lees and utilities Exclusive Miravisia,
gated. pool, hot lub, health club, waier-
froni w'marina view. Room has own bait.
room, brand new large unar, 2700sl
CHRISTIAN LADY, rent a room, monthly
rate, condo, Call 904-249-1711.
NICE 4,,BR house w. pool and fenced back
yard $600,mo. Includes utililes and satel.
lite TV. 568-8700
SOUTH JAX Beach. 500sl. new' painl.
new carpet. $962 'mo:, uillltile included
384 -B 15th Ave. South 241-3293.
OFFICE SUBLET- 680sl $'16,s. gross
Jax Beach location 904-687-8682 Avail.
LARGE i room hepaihcare office Snare
common areas, bathrooms, orlce manag-
er. ample parking, 3rdo Streel. Neplune
Bch. 241-0666.
TWO LAWYERS' offices. new, upscale.
shared space Igconi.' room, eic incl
electricity, security $1250/mo or
$850;mo. email
slortune@lordunelegal corn
OFFICE SUITE w/2 offices. 550sf, kitch-
enette, bathroom Atlanric Beach, 3 Blocks
to Ocean. $750/rno.r utilities 247-0488.
----r --- : ----- -- -... ..-,i......
lease, 3629sl. Office included Large park-
ing lot. beach side ot intracoastal.
(770)929-1721. 1678)525-0854
ADOPT BEEGLE Boxer mix, male. neu-
tered, all shots. age 3, 476-5965. i
PET SITTING, at your home, walk and
baln Sara 241-36?7.
JUST THE 2 OF USI Swirls and stripes
forever 2 little boy kinttens, a little shy,
born in their shed 5wks. old. adoraole,
Free to good home. 249-8469.
DACHSHUND PUPPY 7 months, house-
broken $150 OBO. Call 685-2398.
MACAW, BLUE and gold, beautiful.
Moving must sale 2cages, 21npods.
$1,000 685-2398.
ADORABLE AKC English Bulldog Pups,
Champion sire, 502-4928
BULLDOGS PUPPIES w/papers, Avail
05/30 $1000. 61em/3male Call Chris
CONURES, SUNS $200 ea, Nanday
$155. Call 223-3790
FOUND DOG on 1st St.. NEp Bch. While
& black, wire hair, male. Call 241-0378.
HOMELESS PETS ior adoption- Cals &
dogs 246-3600.
FOUND PIT Bull,. N Roscoe Blvd, Ponie
Vedra' Palm Valley area. 273-0654.
.---.--- ..
HUNT ELK, Red SLtag, BufTalo, Wbitetail.
Fallo'-Guaranteed hunnng license $5.00; Sea-
;on 8'25 06-3/31.'07 ,'e hae 'a No-Game-No
Pad policy Book not,' Dai 31.4-li09-9600.
Eerunng-.i 1314i293-0610i Free \ideo arid Bro-
.....- -----------. ---
IF YOU are Interesled in advertising under
Inis category please call 904-249-9033 or
ALL PERSONAL injuries: Accident,
wrongful death, auto. motorcycle, truck.
Premise. Produal slip & fall Pedestrian
animal bites A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342 24 nrs. 100's of
lawyers statewide
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children.
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govit feesl Call weekdays (800)462-2000
exl.600. t8am-7pm ) Alla Divorce, LLC.
Established 1977
OCEANFRONT. 1 or 2BR furnished con-
dos. weekly or monthly (904)463-7343.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, lully lumished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully furnish-
ed. walk to ocean, $1650/mo. 993-3226.
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at: or 535-3911 or
canal, 180 steps to beach, completely ren-
ovaled November 2005, $825/weekly
through 12/15/06, 585-624-7398
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
JAX BCH. New renovation, 3BR/1.5BA, .......
walk to water Fenced carport $1275/mo.. PVB- SHARE 3BR/2BA w/pool $1000/mo.
1st & last deposit. 398-0232. plus deposit. 543-1951.
hice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to
sell these vehicles on 05/15/2006,
9:00 am at 153 LEVY ROAD ATLANTIC
BEACH, FL 32233, pursuant to subsec-
tion 713.78 of the Flonda Statutes. AUTO
STORE TOWING INC. reserves the night
to accept or reject any and/or all bids.
"AS IS".
1983 1FABP43F7DZ156913 FORD
1983 1CLFE11C6DS701182 Camper
1986 1G1 FP87F5GN173565 CHEVY
1987 1HGCA544XHA054160 HONDA
1987 1C3BF66P1HW140554 CHRYSLER
1988 1GCBS14EOJ8232776 CHEVY
1988 JHMED6346JS004232 HONDA
1988 WDBCA24D9JA408767 MER-
1989 1HGED3650KA004501 HONDA
1989 1P4FH5433KX601378 PLYMOUTH
1989 JHMCA5624KC014693 HONDA
1989 JT2AE95COK3233979 TOYOTA
1990 1G6CD5336L4248533 CADILLAC
1990 1 HGCB7267LA078387 HONDA
1990 1HGCB7561LA015992 HONDA
1990 2G1WN14TOL9157228 CHEVY
1992 3G4AH54N5NS605059 BUICK
1992 1FMCU22X6NUD96342 FORD
1992 1G8ZH5499NZ156427 SATURN
1993 1G2NE14113PM605382 PONTIAC
1993 1G2NE54N3PM527158 PONTIAC
1993 JT2EL46S2P0276096 TOYOTA
1994 1FALP57UORA166241 FORD
1994 2FALP71W7RX138272 FORD
1994 3B3AA46KORT304027 DODGE
1994 1G4AG55M3R6430605 BUICK
1994 JN1HJ01F1RT227327 NISSAN
1994 1G3NL5531 RM037500 OLDS
1994 1HGEJ 1124RL016305 HONDA
1995 1HGEJ2228SL061919 HONDA
1995 1C3EJ56H1SN594122 CHRYSLER
1996 JH2MC2403TK500460 HONDA
1996 2MELM74W7TX693310 MERCURY
1996 1G3WH52M5TF324448 OLDS
1997 1B3EJ46X8VN628589 DODGE
1997 JM1 TA2217V1310739 MAZDA
1999 1ZWFT61L1X5664875 MERCURY
2000 1N4DL01D6YC146591 NISSAN
2002 1G2NF52F42C 144546 PONTIAC
2003 40ZBA19173P103256 PERFORM-
BL 5'3106
May 15, 2006 7:00 P.M.
If a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the City Council with respect to
any matter considered at any meeting or
heanng, such person may need a record
of Ihe proceedings, and, for such purpose,
such person may need to ensure a verba-
hm record of the proceedings is made,
whcn record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal, is to be
based. J
FEDERAL LIEN CORP will sell at Public
Sale at Auction the following vehicles to
satisfy lien pursuant to Chapter 713.585 of
the Flonda Statutes on May 25, 2006 at
Lol# A23264 1987 Red. Honda 2 Dr.
VINIJHMBA3141 HC027564
1335 MARCHECK ST,, Jacksonville. FL
32211 (904)367-8449 .
Customer KENNETH FENDER, 401
Lienholder. NONE
Lien Amount: $1,782.50
Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585 the
proceeding claims a lien on vehicle shown
lor storage, labor and/ or services. Unless
charges shown are paid in cash, said ve-
hicles will be sold for cash by public auc-
tion on dale at time shown where vehicle
located Owners or anyone claiming an in-
lerest have a,right to a hearing pror to the
scheduled auction which can be set by fil-
ing demand with Clerk of the Circuit Court
in this
County and mailing copies of demand to
all other owners and Ilenholders. Owner
can recover possession without judicial
proceeding by posting bond per Florida
Statute 559.917. Auction proceeds In ex-
cess of charges due will be deposited with
Clerk of the Circuit Court. Any persons)
claiming any interesl(s) in the above vehi-
cles contact FEDERAL LIEN CORP.
(954)384-7171. 25% Buyers Premium.
RESERVE." LIC# AB0000288
BL 5/3/06
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email. classified @beachesleader corn
your driving career Offering courses in
CDLA. One tuition feel Many payment op-
lionst No registration feel (888)808-5947
ATTEND COLLEGE online Irom home.
Medical, Business Paralegal, Compuleis.
Criminal Justice Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided. Financial aid il
qualified. (866)858-2121 www OnlineTide
SPANISH LESSONS for ages'5 ahd up
starting June. Natveteacher. 723-5907.t
for emplo'.mem: Bulldozers, Backhoes. Lo.d-
ers, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers. Ec.ij.-
tors, National certification. icb placement A:-
Ai;tance, Associated Training Scetiices
(8006383-736-1 w.w .ltrin-chools cor.
LEARN to paint and decorate them. For
more information call Mrs Laraine E.
Short at 285-0646 or email agourdpaint- or Mr. Roy G. Cosselmon at
246-7783 member of NEFGS
CHAPEL CEREMONY for two. Candle-
light. flowers. bnng camera, $55.
SECRETARY, possible F/T, expenenced,
real estate office. Fax resume. 273-4848
DRY CLEANER needs part time counter
help Will tram. Call Sam 333-8572
only. $15-$20t per hour. Need reliable
car and clean driving record 247-FOOD
JOIN OUR Coast Guard Exchange Team!
Sales Clerk No nights! Contact Melissa
(904)247-8737 or Fax (904)247-8739
OFFICE CLEANERS wanted P/T eves "
daytime final cleaning of condos Jax Bcn
position available with Hardage Giddens
Funeral Home, Jacksonville Beacn You
must be a people person, detail oriented
with an ability to multi.iask:'Computer
skills are required. Fax, resumes to
904-249-2321 attention Robin Giddens
Sheppard or via' e-mail
rgs@hardage-giddens corn
NEW RESTAURANT opening in Ponte
Vedra on Intracoaslal Now hiring
HosvHosiess, Waislaht, Busperson, Dish-
washer. PT/FT. Fine dining experience
heipiul. Call 285-1103 lor directions
min. Assistant, proicient in word process-
ing. Excellent grammarian. 20-25 nrswh
Contact Hank Maly, 280-1966.
Lifeguard/ CPR/ First Aid cert. Previous
exp. req Flexible nrs. Position available
May 22 Sept. 4.
Seeks candidate with CPR/ AED/ First Aid
certification. Fitness experience required.
Flexible hours. All positions apply in per-
son, Tues.-Sat Ponte Vedra Beach
285-1909. Drug Testing/ E O.E
SECRETARY M-F 10am-4pm, experi-
enced. computer literate. Send resume to
3102 Sawgrass Village Circle. L
Every weekend 7am to 7pm al a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center E,-
cellent work environment Experience in
genatnc care. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gale' One Fleet
Landing Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL.
Fax to (904)246-9447; email to EOE/ Drug-Free
TUTORS FOR Latin/ Logic/,Rhelonc/ Pia-
no/ Spanish/ Computer Part-Time about 5
hours weekly $50.00-$65.00 an hour de-
pending on expenence. To tutor 4 children
ages-1,-11,-0 I 7.A -hrst-a hom
ages 13, 11, 10 & 7. A Chnsinan home
schooling family in the beaches area is
looking lor canng, intelligenl, energetic
people who love children. Positions will re-
quire proficiency in the subject teaching
B.S. desired. You must be a non-smoker
without pet allergies and able to provide
own transportation to and, from work
E-mail your resume to in the email
subject please put the area you are apply-
ing for and where you saw the ad posted.
PAWNEE'S CAFE 8 Fine Wines, (former-
ly Manuel's). PVB. Kilchen & Counter.
Benefits. 273-4785.
PART-TIME evening Commercial Clean
ing at the beach. $8/hr. 3hrs.a night. Pro-
fessional drug- free workplace. Must pos
sess Identification, Social Security card &
References (904)484-6625 or lax
ARE YOU Gifted with Children? Are you
nurturing, patient and kind? Then Christ
Episcopal Chur.h needs you. We are in
need of additional staff on Sunday mom
ings. We also have a fall weekday position
open. This position is in our toddler class
M-Th, 8:30am-noon. Please contact Leila
Ouinlan at 285-7390 x246 for funher infor-
BONO'S BBO in Neptune Beach is ac-
cepting applications for all positions F/T &
P/T. Apply in person 2-4pm daily
customer service skills, data entry, good
phone skills, strong computer, attention to
detail, experience preferred. Mon.-Fnri.,
9:30-2:30. Fax resume to 247-1271.
DOCTOR'S OFFICE, Tuesday and Thurs-
day, approx. 15 hours per.week General
office duties. $8.50/hr 246-9955.
HELP WANTED classilicallons In this
newspaper are Intended to-announce gen-
uine current job openings No fees may be
charged to the prospective employee. Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opportu-
nities category. Ads which may require
payment of fees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a lee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.
KENNEL ASSISTANT needed for busy
vetennary clinic, competitive wages Previ-
ous kennel experience required Apply in
person- Beaches Animal Cl:nic, 937
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. 246-2045
Page 5B
-- --- --- -- -- -
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader'
May 3, 2006
An established Ponte Vedra preschool,
CDA a plus. Flexible hours. Position avail-
able June 1st. Call 285-2965.
JAX BEACH growing company needs or-
ganized marketing focused Executive As-
sistant with ability to multi-task. Must test
at 60 wpm and have excellent verbal and
written communication skills. Experience
int Excel and PowerPoint is a must. Com-
petitive salary and great benefit packet.
M-F 8am-5:30pm.. Email resume to or fax to
Is growing. Have basic home repair skills,
tools, transportation & a smile? Call
221-3453. Good $$. P/T, F/T.
FIRST 'CHOICE Home Improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
349-2628. *
Professional needed to assist with sched-
uling and data input: $8-$9/hr.. M-F, flexi-,
ble hrs PT/FT Great office environment ,
Near UNF. 1(9041646-1962
Sampler., and Coordinaiors needed' Experin-
ence preferred $9-i 11 per hour inlfoi ceri-
nmeprono co i Dornload a .Applhxicahion
from. hirp.' av face[.mepromo corn
ADM. ASSISTANT- Beaches financial
planning' insurance practice needs an ex-
peienced and reliable leam player tO loin
our congenial, piolessional office. Use
your communicator, client service and or.
ganizational skills ro help us serve our
wonderful clients. Requires strong Micro.
sol Office skills superb altn lo detail and
independent, lollow-through abilities.
E-mail your resume and salary require-
ments Io EOE.
OPTICAL LAB Tech Must have knowl-
edge oi computer, lensometer, Irame ad.
lusiments & repairs, mechanical back-
nround a plus!
Customer Service Rep Sales driven.
computer knowledge- MS office & at least
40 wpm a must, great oral & wrillen com-
municalion skills, pleasant & professional
Submit resume and salary requirements to
kelly@oceanwaves com No phone calls
WAIT STAFF. lutll Ime. days. Good pay
Call Bruce 280 7677
Trucking Co $700 to $1200/week. In
Stale & Southeast runs Must have 2
years CDL experience (80012?9-5248.
SERVERS WANTED. Ch zu Japanese
Steak House. Apply after 2pm, 1227
SouIn 3rd St.
LIVE AND work at the beach In a casual
atmosphere. Ocean Waves Is accepting
applications for the following positions:
CSR, Acctg, Optical Techs, Office Manag-
er, Sales Reps, and Showroom Sales. 76
Levy Rd. Apply in person or email resume
S$17.00 an hour with Benefits
A Christian family 1ii the. beaches area
with is looking for a caring, intelligent, en-
ergetic person who can do all housekeep-
ing jobs and organizing of me home. This
will Include all types of cleaning, laundry
and grocery shopping for a very active
family. You must be a Non-smoker with-'
out pel allergies and able Io provide own
transportation to and from work. Email
your resume to and in ihe
subject please pui where you saw the aa
ER (FT)- Leadership consulting firm look-
ing for motivated and bright person to
work in a leam-oased, multi-faceled or-
ganizalion Must have excellent client rela-
tionship and communication skills, and
ability to manage multiple priorities and
constant changes with ease. Requires
mastery of computer & administrative
skills, project planning, & hign attention to
detail. High level administrative and' or ex.
eculive assistant experience required Sal-
ary range $33-35k, with excellent oenelils
including medical and 401 (ki. E-mail cover
lener with resume to
hr@stopatnothing corn EOE and Drug
free workplace
DRIVER NEEDED lor moving company.
Class-D license, experience helpful,
NEW RESTAURANT opening in Ponte
Vedra on Intracoaslal Now hiring
Host/Hosless. Wailstaff, Busperson, Dish-
washer PT/FT. Fine dining experience
helpful. Call 285-1103 tor directions.
Full-Time wiln great benetils and work en-
vironmeni at a premier retirement com-
munity Experience preferred. Applica-
lions available at Fleel Landing Security
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd. Allantic
Beach. FL 32233, Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to EOE.'
Drug-free Workplace.
HIRING FULL-TIME driver.' landscape PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital looking
helper Call Pam 742-7769. for a Vetennary Technician, exp. required.
Apply within 28 Corona Rd.. 285-7924.
JAMIS- JCC UPSCALE womens retail
clothing store in Ponie Vedra Manage-
meni & sales positions available Fax
239-262-2954 Emaill Jobs@iamis-jcc cornm
DRIVERS- GREAT pay, Bonus program
Solos. Avg $900-$1100.wk Teams.
Guaranteed 5200mi/wkiy Owner/Ops
welcome. CDL-A 2yrs. Exp required.
Anita e004-51-5529
Hands & Kilcnen Slab Will train Apply in
-.'' person 4378 Ocean Sr Maypon.
MANAGER in holistic internal medical or-
lice Full /pan Time secreiaral, clerical,
and support ofl M D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones.
computers, communications and puolic-re-
laiions Must be enlnusiastic. dependable.
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references, no pnone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center.
FAX. 1904)246-3778
Full-Time, 6 30am to 3pm at a premier re-
: remeni community Some weekends and
holidays. Excellent benefits and great
S ork ernronmerii Applications available
qI Fleaql .LriJrl1g ,Se9 uiry.,ae..One Fleel
Ianding,;Blvd. Atlantic Beacli, FL 32233.
Fax to 904-246-9447. email to EOE' Drug-liee
FULL TIME POSITIONS available for a
Lawn Tecri and Maintenance Supervisors
with Tull benefits including: health, dental,
IRA. vacation and holidays We are a
family orIenied Dusiness with a great
working environment Must be honestly de.
pendable have a good driving record with
a valid FL DL Experience necessary
Please call 9041-669-5446 lor an appoint-
meni or tax resume to 904-543-2479
ADMIN. ASST w'strong accounting back-
qround 10 support CPA & Property Manag-
er Seir motivated. works well independ-
enily, phone coverage & errands involved
in daily tasks Benelits pac,.age available.
Fax resume. 19041273 6068 or email:
ijohnson ri@pvmgroup net
nancial Planning Firm. Strong pnone &
computer skills investment or insurance
experience required Sianing 510-513 hr,
Dased on experience Fax resume to:
Slawntiandscape company. Excellent pay.
Must nave own transponation & clean DL
Experience, required Contact Ron.
nave transportation. Some experience
rnelptul. 226.6649
shihs Must have valid dnver's license &
transportation Only serious, responsible.
hard workers need apply. Eric, 716-4413.
enced only Mustl have transponation. Call
Drivers CDL A Honey I'm Home ..Every
Weekend"' Great pay & benelils' Special
orientation pay for exp. drivers! Paid train-
ing for school gradsy Cypress Truck Lines,
Inc www.cypresstruck com 18881808-
Are you Seeking PAY With Benefits?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257.
LAWNCARE WORKERS needed, top pay,
overtime available, call 247-1900.
BEACHES CAR Wasn- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
F/T VETERINARIAN Technician & Kennel
technician Stan immediately Apply at An-
,mdl Medical Clinic: 8000 '-Sewdrass ,Vfl
lage Circle. Ponlte Vedra.: =Beacn.
ing Sous line cooks & Servers. 3rd Ave.
North, on the Ocean. 247-2644.
North Florida Home Healthn Care is hiring
dedicated people inleresied in providing
elder care to home neallh clients. Will
train Employment references required,
Only committed applicants wll be select-
ed. Respond to 241-1656
FACIAL SPECIALIST wiln clientele want-
ed Also. NAIL TECH w/clienlele. No
acrylics Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
Drivers part-lime and full-lime Be a mem-
oer of a great team Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com-
munity. Fun work environment. Class C
CDL. Passenger Endorsement License
Required. Must oe able to set up and
break down for special events. Competi-
tive wages and excellent benefits. Applica-
lions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate. One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach. FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email 1o
EOE'Drug-lree workplace
COOKS & Preps needed! Apply in person SPA COORDINATOR needed for well es.
at Seafood Kitchen, 31 Royal Palms Dr.. lablished Day Spa. Apply In person at
Ail B.:n or call 246 0434. Taylor Lane & Company Day Spa at thme
Avenues Marl or call 591-1683.
DO you want to join a winning team Don't
gel leht out Our driver's make $500 $700
per week Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493.5250 ask lor Tim Collins.
Needed Monday-Friday Transportation a
musl 860-4062. 821-0102.
lendent ior established company Drug
tree work place. Benelris. 241-2721
DRIVERS- BE in demand! Plenty of
freight. many home iime options. LOW cosI
CDL Iraining available. 100o tuition reim-
Dursement (8001231-5209
www SwrnTruckingJobs corn.
JOB CRAFTERS, Inc Now Hiring' First
Class shipyard trades Pipe Fitters, SIruc-
Slurai Finers, Structural Welders, Work in
FL. AL Over lime tper diem Up to
$23/hr Toll-free 18001371-7504. Phone
12511433-127'0 Fax. (251 433-0018
Prep Cook & Disnwasnef needed Apply ,n
person at 363 Ailanic Blvd Suiles 7 & 8.
Allaniic Beach, ask for lain 246-2441.
HAIR SALON needing 3 Srylisis and a
Nail Technician Atlordable medical Insur-
ance ohered Call 237-4895 lor more in-
S wivalid Florida Driver's License Experi-
ence relplul bul will rain. Good salary &
benelits. Apply Surfside Pools. 313
Beach Blvd 246-2666, or lax resume
249-8801. e-mail surfsidepools @'aol corm
F/T LAUNDRY Tech. apply in person.
must enloy working witn the Elderly Ash-
lord Court Assisted Living. 1700 The
Greens Way, Jacksonville Beach, 32250
EOE/DFWP.-:v .
able Residential/Commer-
cial..Call 242.9358.
and Beaches. Work inr, teams or three.r
MvlusT have own iransportaltion, valid driv-
er's license. A Approximately $175/wk to
start. ModaFriday, no nights/weekends.
Home Cleaning Centers of America.
Needed immedlatley. Must have'tools &
transportation. Call Kevin @ Custom Trim
Upgrades. (904)339-4276.
FULLTime, 3pm-11pm at Premiere Retire-
meni Community Health Center. Excellent
beneli package, competitive wages, good
working environment. Applications availa.
ble at Fleet Landing Security Gate, One
Fleet Landing Blvd Atlantic Beach. FL,
Fax to 1904)246-9447; e-mail to. EOE/ Drug-Free
Local pool company seeking experienced
service technician. Must nave knowledge
of pumps, fillers, eaters, and chemical
aulomalion systems. 3-5 years experi-
ence. pool remodeling skills a plus Salary
dependent on experience. Excellent cus-
lomer service skills, full benefits. 401k.
Fax resume to Sunside Pools Jax Beach
at 904-249-8801 or email
|uile@surlsdepools net.
ABOVE AND Beyond Housekeeping,
seeking responsible individuals, reliable
transportation and phone required
Great pay. 591-5901 514-1188.
Join our team Our company has openings
tor our service dept. good salary, must
possess a good driving record, be custom-
er Inendly We offer company venlcle.
paid vacation and nolldays. Leap over to
us Apply at 159 19th Street N. Jax.
Beach. 242-9002
Customer Service, parts. warranties, vehi-
cle check in, clean driving record CDL, li-
cense preferred self motivated, general of-
fice work, computer/ internet literate, ex-
cellent benelils including profit sharing,
smoke tree office. Atlantic Beach,
www Specify position on:
lax resume 221-2705.
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
F/T Kennel Attendant. No experience nec-
essary. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.
CARPENTTRYLaborers. Start at $9/he
Beaches area; W/O exempt. Transporta-
tion a must. Call Rocky, 509-0500.
Imtiediately for Import business. Previous
sales or designing experience a plus.
Ouickbooks required. Fax resume to 241-
w/valld Florida Driver's License. Experi-
ence helpful but will train. Good salary &
benefits. Apply at Surfslde Pools, 313
Beach Blvd., 246-2666 or fax resume, to:
249-8801, e-mail:
Bartender, Door Guy, and Liquor Store
Clerk. Must be able to work days, nights,
weekends, and holidays. Must pass drug
test and background check, Call Robert @
Family, cardio, OB/GYN experience a,
plus Fax: 636-0066. .
A/C & Heating company needs Installers,
Service Techs & Helpers. Call RoD,
F/T & P/T positions available in House-
keeping at Vicars landing, Ponte Vedra's
full service retirement community Com-
petitive pay w/excejeni benelil package
Day shift available, weekends off Join hme
Vicar's clean team. Call 273-1717 for an
lionsi PT and Frr. Fax 482-4242 Emadi
KPW CONSTRUCTION Inc nnring exp.
Carpenters & Helpers in Beaches area
Please call 686-4818.
mier retirement community Experience
preferred Excellent benefits and work en.
vironmenl Applications at Fleet Landing
Security Gate. One Fleet Landing Blvd..
Atlantic Beach. FL 32233- Fax to
(904)246-9447. email to EOE Drug-
ree Workplace.
ABSENT ANSWER is looking for happy
people to work P/T shifts, evenings &
weekends. Will train Great pay. Call today
PAINTERS WANTED lor custom nome
painting Transporlaljon & experience
FLORAL DRIVER Needed Floral Emporin
um 870A1A North, Ponie Vedra Beach
Service, Lot Mansgemenl. parts, warran-
ties, vehicle check In, clean driving record
CDL, license preferred self motivated.
general office work, computer, inlernet lii-
erate, excellent benefits including prolit
sharing, smoke free ortice. Atlantic Beachn,
www.liansilplus com Specify position on-
lax resume 221-2705
keeper. Must know OuickBooks & nave
good computer skills 838-9786
in Miami-Dade and Broward counli-s Bi-
lingual a plus. Per diem & F T. Bilinguals
Inc. Child & Parent Services. (8661696.
0999 x122 www bringualsinc com.
25k Io 40k lirsi year, plus benefits DFWP,
good driving record r'o exp required., ili
train Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
Requisition #64030628
Beaches Family Health Center at 1522
Penman Road has an opening for a Reg-
istered Nurse. Pediatrics experience and
licensure as RN is required Background
check, fingerprints and drug screening re-
quired Closing date is 05/05/06 Apply on-
line hnps.,/peoplefirst myilorda corn
for service personnel Applicants must
possess a good driving record Compeh-
live 'alar Fulll hbenetll Inrcluding relire.
ment plan
lions and
ing envir
ness for
10066 Sa
Wholesale Mortgage Division
Neptune Beach, FL
Trainee to learn all processes of register-'
ing, buying and selling mortgage loans be-
ing traded to permanent investors. No
mortgage experience needed- computer
knowledge and experience required. Col-
lege degree preferred. Please fax resume
to 904-996-3348. Attention: Lance Winter.
American Mortgage Express Corp
is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Cas-
ual Dress and Beach Location are an
added Value!
SMALL OCEANFRONT hotel looking for
dependable housekeepers and a front
desk clerk. Weekends required. Please
apply in person at 120 Atlantic Blvd., Nep-
tune Beach
Lawn service seeks individual o perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
ovenrme available Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
Office Manager
Delail oriented multi-lasker. Word Excel
experience required. Salary, bonus plus
benel is.
Quickbooks, Excel, A/R, A/P, G/L, Payroll
experience required 2030rrs per week
Send resume: P.O. Box 51121, Jack-
sonville Bch, FL 32240-1121 or
fax 241-0752.
m m
S., arnott.
Positions Available
Human Resources Admin. Assist. Banquet Supervisor
Banquet Bartender Maintenance Engineer *
Banquet Server Front Desk Supervisor
Honor Bar Supervisor Men's Locker Room Attd.
Turndown Attendant Lead Line Cook
0 4
40 -
Line Cook, PrepiUtlity. Good money, cas-
ual atmosphere, very busy. great people %
to work witn FTPT. 285-0139.
SUMMER CAMP Counselors, infant &
toddler teachers PT/FT Having a blast
swimming. skating. an and cralls. etc
while getting paid. Call 246-0882 or lax
resume 249-1033.
PAINTERS WANTED: Detail oriented
Pros and Trainee types 247-7027.
POOL TECHNICIAN needed, beaches
area, prior experience required Drivers Li.
cense and Insurance required 7am-3pm.
M-F. $2000 a monin Call 241-6200
MOVING AND Storage Co. is currently
seeking professional, courteous and expe-
nenced Laborers and Drivers. Drivers
musl possess a valid A or B CDL Drivers
License Drug lesiing is required. For
more inlormaiion call 241-2921.
tion needed. M-F, 8am-5pm must pos-
sess excellent organizational skills, be a
motivated and independent worker. Must
nave proficient computer skills and be ca-
pable ol handling a variety of tasks
Please fax resume to 807 9216
3 Pool Teens needed. Experience prefer-
red. but will train. Clean driving record
401k health benefits Please call
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed Learn a trade Health oene-
iis, good hours, advancement opportuni-
ties. Must nave valid FL Drivers License
Call 249.5381 Tot appt
VETERINARY TECH needed lor nigh vol-
ume vel clinic. AT least 2yrs. experience
required. Competitive .-salary. excellent
benelils Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-8577 for more info. Beaches Animal
Clinic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach
n. bonuses, insurance, paid vaca- Looking for an organic work experience'
holidays. We have a great work. Natural Foods Market is looking for vibrant
onment and nave been in busl- individuals with a passion for organic &
over 15 years. Fax resume 10 to Ihese Skills: Customer Service. Self moli-
0682 or fil out an application al vationi excellent work ethic Desire to
awgrass Drive West. Ponie Vedra learn & grow Ordering skills & produce
experience a plus. Apply in person at 363
A Allanmic Blvd., Suites 7 & 8. Atlantic
Beach. ask lot Shelly or Naom, 246-2441
CHILD" CARE Teachers wilh CDA. rop
pay.' also Teacrer's Assi,ianir, inepied
ATLANTIC Beach van, minibus dealership
seeking self-motivaied Individuals 12.1
High year end; Entry level position, com.
purer' Internetl Iterate; clean driving re-
cord. Draw vs Commission. Excellent Den-
elils to include profile sharing CDL license
preferred but will train Fax resume
modeling Ocean Edge Condos. Jax
Beach. 693-3130.
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly 8 bi-weekly. De-
pendable car required Full or part time
Call 223-5033.
Maintenance Personnel. Clean driving re-
cord a must 246-2455
COOK F/T and PT., Pan-tume Wait Staff.
AM/PM. Atria Assisted Living, Apply in
person 14199 Win. Davis Pkwy. or Call
TAXI DRIVERS Wanled Clean driving re.
cord required Call April, 246-9999.
MEDIATELY. Experienced. clean DL.
good pay and Denehits Call 743-2060
We are currently accepting applications for energetic, custom
service oriented team members for the following positions:
Security Officer
Front Desk Agent
S Food & Beverage Manager
Banquet Manager
PM Men's Locker Room Attendant
Saute & Grill Cook
Relief Night Auditor
i Room Service Server
Maintenance Technician
Seasonal Opportunities
(March- November) ,
S Bartender
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.
Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedcra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
For additional information call 280-6076
See current openings at:
SDrug Free Workplace EOE
S At Ponte Vedra Beach
Full Time wilh flexible schedule at a Pre-
mier Retirement Community. Excellent
benerils. Experience preferred. Applica-
Itons available at Fleet Landing Securitry
Gale, One Fleet Landing Blvd. Atlanlic
Beach, FL, Fax to 904-246-9447; email lo- EOEiDrug-Free
BUSY REAL Estate Office needs Property
Manager. Excellent computer skills a
musl Send resume lo P.O Box 1631,
Ponle Vedra Beach. FL 32004.
NEEDED: IRRIGATION Repair Techni. Great pay plus benefits. 349-6257.
AeR'FT'- Fish Procesdor -& Drivers
wigboo records Apply in person only:
C&C Fisheries. 36 W. 6th Si Atlanlic
Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wait Staff
Apply In Person M-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.
Valid dnver's license & experience a must.
Call Randy, 343-3899.
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
Up to $420 plus+
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
Paid Weekly
Design your own daytime hours
Work regular clients near your
Experience a plus
Must have own transportation
and home phone
Pail RB
COOKS NEED Full-Time 'and' Pan-ITFne'
for ail shihf Please Apply in person at
Bob Marlins Sports Grill or Molher's
Home Cooking in Jacksonville Beach.
Join our team of
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages.-
Company Vehicle
appy in pevtho to:
2201 Flonda Blrd.
Mon Frin 4 30
I J oin hete m a makg o
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070
I L S We ok FradoMenYusoo
y -
The City of Jacksonville Beach
Is seeking to hire a SENIOR SECRETARY for our
POLICE DEPARTMENT. The appropriate candidate will
have a HSD/GED & considerable bookkeeping, accounting
or related experience. This position serves as a Purchasing
Specialist, matching receiving invoices & purchase
requisitions to purchase orders; preparing vouchers for
verification & approval; prepare & maintain related records;
assist in departmental special projects; does all Police
Department ordering also does payroll on as needed basis,
does relates as required. Able to pass required testing 40wpm
type, MS Word & Basic Math. Submit a completed
CIVILIAN POLICE application for consideration
M-F 8a-5p $10.83-$17.56 DOQ, open until filled.
For complete job description and an application visit us online at, in person 11 North 30 Street, 2nd
floor, Jacksonville Beach, or call 247-6263
ru~j- VY
- .= I .
- rr
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one .ofthe
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
Accounting Clerk Racquet Club Retail Asst.
Painter Equipt Oper./Laborers
Technology Field Tech. Housekeepers
Human Resources Coord. Front Desk & Bell Stand
Wknd Security Officer Laundry Attendant
VENDING ROUTE' Gia-.. er .pecijl' Col-
le : more per up ElE.:lrornc n ick ::Jdj
greAt eq,.ipFriernLt upp-on' Financing aj'ilable
,.6.'tii Do, n n .7'71i,43-P'26 BOM2i0.-
WELL.! ESTABLISHED Bridal' Evening
wlea Central Florida Local & nieinalion-
al cle1.1s Growing 17: .-20%,yr. $595,000
+ Ihrntory. NeLs'$300K Financing avail-
able- See pictures at AgenLr-9ta&Jsi2,
337 -. .. >A 1, I
FLEA MARKET w1 4 Dooths. glass shelv-'
ing & merchandise oriental items. ligur.
nes & etc $15.000 (9041928-9432,
GREYHiUNT) RACING Doeg o nership
Minipifn 21. '. prii gujanieed wec DLoF the
,ork. Yo:u H- ,e Llie fun' You can' lIce' Su.-
- ces;ful irnce 198Q I. 6519 -.9109
.'. n, (G3K 'erne! com
ALL CASH candy roule Do you earn
$800'dav" 30 ma.nines, Iree canoy All
tor $9995 1888)629-9968 BO2000033.
Call us: We will not be undersolad
WANTED. PERSON 10 own and opetale a
hoidog carl, lood kiosk Ior busy beaches
nigntclut Coniaci Patrick at 246-2255
aner 8pm
--- -
$ $ $
SAVE NOWI Super selection of shoes,
purses, and great lashions' Size Junior 1
24 JJ's Clolnes Closei, 695 Atlannc Blvd ,
Ail Beach.
BUILDING SALE' "Plu., Free Bonus!" 2:0\(
No., S-l11 ) :-A42 $62"10 301,42 S900
41.182 S18,41100. E\tensie range oif size. and
m.odelh End .:ce'-,soriei oprional. Pioneer
FOR ,A.LE,, Men's,96' ._Treki- Mouniain
BIKe Excellern corallion $200 OBO. Lsa
DINING TABLE. 2 Leaves, 6 chairs, laBle
pads. Solid Manogany S$1400 OBO
CLEAN. QUALITY Queen Size Bed with
FRAME, $120 King bed wilh FRAME,
$150. Can deliver 246-1832.
QUEEN SLEIGH BED $100. Washer,
drier, greal condiron $150. Oak Enier-
lainmenm Center and 27' TV $150. Rooms
10 Go. Cotfee.' 2 end labies and lamps
$350. Dresser $50. FREE DELIVERY
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry bed
w.'manress & box spring. Must sell $395
Can deliver (904)858-9350
CASIO KEYBOARD. model CK515 36'
long island & chair. $125. 285-2927
PLANTS. MOUNTAIN Bike, miscellane-
ous slutH Friday 117 Soui 7ih Ave.
REMODELING SALE. Friday. Saturday.
8am-' Chests. desks. chairs ortice equip.
meni glassware. "02 Chrysler Town &
Country Van. Too much l> lisi 1050 241n
Slreet Nornn
SO MUCH Sluh. so inile rime. 8am-12pm
Saturday. 818 Nonh 8th Ave
DISMANTLING HOME- Sale ol all nouse
ilems including appliances windows,
doors cabnets. furniture and much more
24 1 32nd Ave. Souih Friday & Saturday
May 51h & 6in. 465-4232.
SATURDAY MAY 6th, 9am- ipm RipTide
Subd., 3567 Pinia.l Dr S Great stufl. low
prices, don i miss i1!
8am. 1862 Arden Way lotl Penman).
40's-50's glass & pottery, dolls, somelning
lor everyone!
Clothes, Antiques, Books, Toys,
Household Furniture. & more
Thursday May 4, 5pm 10pm
.Frlday May 5, 5pm 10pm ._
Saturday May 6, 9am 11pm
Sunday, May 7, 9am 3pm
1/2 price on everything
Sunday ay 8.4pm 7pm
S1 Bag sale, Fill a bag pay a S1
Corner of 1st Ave. & 5th St. No., Jax Bch
HOUSEHOLD FURN.. TV, toys Fri- Sal.
8-1. 505 Bowles St.
5-FAMILY LARGE Vanevy ol items Sal.
urday 8am-. 635 Florida Bilv'd
2006 CHEROKEE Drive. Saturday 5'6
1993 FORD Bronco XLT, V8, automatic,
black/silver, 175K miles, cold A/C, runs
great. $2500. (904)703-0742.
1995 DODGE Sport, short-bed. 130K
miles. Runs great, needs minor bodywork.
$4000 OBO. (904)233-6528.
1993 FORD Thunderbird, low miles, auto
A/C, CD $1200 OBO. 716-2586.
98 MERCEDES- BENZ E-320 Wagon,
4DR, exc. cond., 80,000 hwy mi., all op-
tions. Below book' value $13,500. Call
1979 TRANSAM, black, 403, PS, PB.
Newly, professionally rebuilt motor &
trans. $4500 OBO. 207-4037.
PRE-K CLASSROOM teaching materials.
Call for details 220-7666 eves.
2 CEMETARY plots, Beaches Garden, +2
steel vaults, Top of the line. $3400 In-
cludes all or $700/per plot., $1200/per
vault. (904)891-8133.
NEW & used single hung windows, tem-
pered glass sliding doors, good used Inte-
rior doors, ceramic floor tile- 18x18 500sf,
12x12 300sf, GE washing machine.
KENMORE WASHER & Whirlpool dryer,
very good condition, $250. 223-3809.
GATEWAY PC, new hard drive, 17" flat
screen monitor. $400 OBO. 859-0503.
PIANO BALDWIN acrosonic excellent
condition, $750, 613-3497
REAL ESTATE and Estate Auction, 3
rop. in Suwannee City. Antiques, collecti-
bles, jrIol plus many more May 6 ai 9amr
Call icr a complete package 18881821-
0894 .w jpthilbuc:i.n:. corn Lir ic :208
ESTATE AUCTION, 12 farms SW GA, plan-
tation country. Excellent hunting, beautiful
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jucin .corm,n all 888-821-0894 AB2083
EXECUTIVE ESTATE Auction on the St.
John's: .:River, Mortgage Foreclosure
4BR/4:5BA home on 2 ac Boathouse
w/dock. Saturday, May 13 1pm. i4030
'Mandarin Oaks Ln. Mandarin, FL Csa 888.821-089-1.
18, 1 0amv-prime commercial real estate, Val- '
do.iu, G\ 2pm- ?'11+'- acres divided. Lake
Park. G-X Roiiell Au>tion-. Inc 161160 3.
'38g. 10"..BP, G.AL ALi-C u2 ."4. 2` '. nr:.el-
lauc iiun c m
IF YOU are inleresied in advertising under
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email classitied .beachesleader corm
HUGE CHURCH Yard Sale. 7an' hiil gone
Jacksonville Beach Crurch of Cnrisi
422 5th Ave H. Park in back.
1999 CHEVROLET Malibu, great condi-
tion, sunroof, all power accessories. Good
mpg. $6995. 249-2943.
1999 BUICK'Century Custom, 1 mo. old
dealership paint job, ice cold air, all pow- 1985 CAI
ered' features. 2003 stereo system, nice original r
interior, runs like a top. 119,000, miles, spokes, b
Thisi6s a must see! $4195 OBO. 241-4012.
(904)246-0161, (904)874-1203.
lor *ycu rle* Mcrnmm, serce SenCo TLC,
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Saturday. 8am- 12noon.
HOME HEALTH aid available lor 24 hour
care in your home. Reliable. Good refer-
ences. 536 8459. please leave message
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
inis caticory please call 904-249-9033 or
email classaied@beachesleader comr
assist wiir daily asks, Dr appointments.
meals and more 1904)317-7417
WE PROVIDE Oualiry hve-in or hourly
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ing sale items Call 220-7666 eves.
MATCHING BURIAL Plol $2000,pair.
Beaches Memorial Garden 249-7480
leave message.
PRO-STYLE POOL Table $500. Various
oirer furnilure pieces. Call 249-7926
KENMORE WASHER & Dryer $150/ea
Wil deliver & guaranlee 874-1747.
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Marsh Community Sale. Saturday.'
1992 TOYOTA Land Cruiser. Sunroof,
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DILLAC Sedan DeVille, 74,000
miles, full power, air, factory
beautiful upholstery. $1450 cash.
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Dependable Quality Service Reasonable
rales 821 0737
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ways, patios. 248-9672..
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1996 CAMRY, Black. Leather interior, 78k
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New construction/addtions, remodeling
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penter, Steve 241-7838.
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1984 AQUASPORT 20FX walkaround
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1989 22' Winner, WAC, 200hp Suzuki,
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& motor, trailer. $12,500 OBO. 249-2921.
1997 HARLEY Davidson Heritage, excel-
lent condition, garage kept, lots of extras,
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1998 CADILLAC Eldorado, 120,000 1986 BUICK Century. Runs. Good for
miles, pearl white, mint condition. $7700. parts New tires. $300. OBO. 864-4910.
838-8847.1997 BMW Z3 Convertible Roadster.
2000 BMW 323CI Convertible, 79k miles, "PERFECT LITTLE CAR!" 87,000mi.
black w/black top, $21,400 FIRM. Call 4-speed, 4cyl. Silver, great mileage.
708-4927. $14,900. 247-1049.
_____ __
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Ill ll~rrBoom. VANl~
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
May 3, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Jaguars get some nice catches on draft day
Halfway through the
NFL's annual fishing
tournament the
thought occurred to us that
only the names change every
year. The coaches and fans
(and media) remain the same.
This is a fishing expedition,
but unlike fishermen, nobody
brags about the ones that got
This is a tournament where
the pickers may not openly
boast about what they caught,
but they will defend their
catches to the end.
Even if a team comes up
with a suspect who is blind in
one eye, has one leg shorter
than the other and is timed in
the 40 with a calendar, the
coaches and paid kibbutzers
will swear that-"Limpy" or
"Squint" or whatever his
name is, was what they were
looking for all along.
The Jaguars took (we said,
"took," not "were taken") two
men from UCLA: Tight end
Marcedes Lewis and running
back/kick returned Maurice
Drew and one from
Oklahoma, Clint Ingram, line-
This constituted the first
dav's catch. The latter was the
sole linebacker netted and he
was quick to say he wants to,
start and replace Akin
Ayodele, which sounds note-
worthy, but then one could
hardly expect him to say he's
content to sit on the bench
and spend the games playing
gin with other stationary
chattel such as David Garrard
and Quinn Gray.
That should be hardly the
case. The Jaguars need a fix at
linebacker to replace.Ayodele
and anyone can apply and
show his stuff. Ingram has a
chance. He's not competing
for quarterback against Byron
Leftwich, in which case he
might as well stay home.
How about this Maurice
Drew, described as a running
back/kick returned? He's 5-
feet-7, 209, a welcome change
from most these days who
range in the 8-foot area. At
least those of us in the media
can talk to Maurice without
standing on a chair.
What's in a name? The great
Barrymore actors, Lionel and
John (and Ethel) had a father
named Maurice and a grand-
dad from the Drews. They all
had class coming out of their
ears. Maybe this Maurice, who
had a mess of records with the
Bruins and passed up his sen-
ior year "to please his grandfa-
their chalked up all-purpose
yardage of 4,688, and among
other things, returned 15
punts for 427 yards, catching
31 passes for 453 yards, will
also have class.
He led the nation with 28.7
yard average on punt returns.
So far, he sounds all right.
At a luncheon last week
before the NFL draft began on
Saturday, Coach Jack Del Rio
told his media listeners that if
the Jaguars committee were
paying big attention to the
usual talents pf the college
candidates, speed, agility, past
achievements, etc., they were
also studying the character of
the lads.
This is taken to mean that
no matter how talented a
player might be, his conduct
would be very important. No
presidential assassins or
known terrorists would even
be considered, we understood.
He didn't say that some off-
field or campus capers would
necessarily eliminate anyone.
If anyone might be slightly
tarnished by the latter, it
would be Dee Webb of the
Florida Gators out of
Jacksonville's Ed White High.
It always helps to have at least
one local lad coming in with
the truck load of talent.
If some critics doubt Webb's
conduct, most Gators don't
and none of the Jaguars' brass
look at him like he might be
another Lee Harvey Oswald.
They drafted a Gator, so .that
helps the overall PR approach.
Jacksonville didn't draft a
Seminole, even though there
were plenty of them to go
around. They didn't draft a
Bulldog, although some
thought skyscraper Leonard
Pope would be a nice catch.
But they did take Dee Webb
and mat pleases a lot of
Florida fans. The old saying
that you can please some of
the fans some time, but all of
the fans never, is still true.
What's important is that the
Jaguars'. brass is pleased.
Webb has been haunted by
the incident he was investigat-
ed for last February. The story
was that while showing a
teammate a AK-47 weapon, it
accidentally discharged and
nearly hit a couple of women
in the next apartment. He
probably didn't know it was
loaded, right?
There were other things
young Dee did of question,
too, but all that is in me past,
so how can he help Del Rio's
cause now? As a cornerback
he might be a threat to the
other teams, even if he's
frisked at the gate.
What about Brent Hawkins,
DE, of Illinois State, James
Wyche, of Syracuse, or free
agent signee Jamaal Fudge, a
free'safety and also a former
Ed White star, and various
other free agents?
They say Fudge is not only
sweet, but can cover ground,
so he might be worth a
Let us not forget free agent
Nick Greisen. Del Rio and
staff like him. What else is
Dakoda Dowd plays in LPGA
event; fulfills mother's wish
Fletcher High head'football coach Joe Reynolds, whistle in mouth, inspects his
troops on the first day' of spring practices Monday. The team is preparing' for its
annual spring game later this month.
D akoda Dowd is an '
accomplished junior
golfer, probably the best
13-year-old female in the state
of Florida.
She has won nearly 200 tour-
naments, and as a sixth grader
this past year, played in the
number two spot on the
Northside Christian High
School golf team and help it
win its first state title. She has
dreams of someday being a pro-
fessional golfer and playing full
time on the LPGA tour, but
knows that she must be patient
and bide her time.
The problem is that Dakoda's
mother, Kelli Jo, doesn't have a
lot of time.
Kelli Jo Dowd was diagnosed
with breast cancer in 2000 and
underwent a double mastecto-
my and chemotherapy, and
doctors felt that she had been
cured of her cancer. Then last
year, the cancer returned,-this
time invading multiple areas in
.her skeleton argid bet Uy,g,,ind,
she was ,told that her condition
was terminal. "
Knowing. that she didn't have
, long to live, Kelli Jo realized .
that there were many goals that
she would never see her daugh-
ter reach, and one of those was
seeing Dakoda, fulfill her dream
ofplaying in an LPGA event.
Bobby Ginn, a real estate'
mogul knew that he could
make things right. As chairman
of the Ginn Clubs andResorts
Open, an LPGA event in its
inaugural year in Orlando, he
extended a sponsors invitation
for Dakoda to play in the tour-
nament which began Thursday
1*7 P
April 27th.
Naturally, Dakoda accepted,
and when she teed off in her
first professional event, her
mother was walking with her
every step of the way.
Breast cancer is the most
common cancer among
women, other than skin cancer,'
and is the second leading cause
4c#S gr death in women, after
lung cancer.
According to the American
Cancer Society, approximately.
213,000 women in the United
States will be found to have
breast cancer in 2006, and: over
40,000 women will die from
the disease this year.
Also, there are slightly over
two million women living in,
the United States who have
been treated for breast cancer..
, One out of every. eight women
will 'develop breast cancer, and.
of those that develop the dis-
ease, about one-third will die. -
Fortunately,'due to earlier ,
detection and improved treat-
*ments, breast cancer death rates
are going down.
Signs of breast cancer include.
a palpable breast lump or mass,
swelling of part of the breast,
skin irritation or dimpling, nip-
ple pain or the nipple turning
inward, redness or scaliness of
the nipple or breast skin, nipple
discharge other than breast
milk, and a lump in the ui"- -
arm area.
The ACS has several guide-
lines for finding breast cancer
early in women without symp-
toms. The most common sign
of a breast cancer is a new lump
or mass, and therefore women
in their 20s should begin
monthly self breast exams, and
have a physician examination
every three years. ,.
Annual mammograms and
physician directed breast exams
should begin in women age 40.
Kelli Jo Dowd urges women
not to do what she did, for-she
didn't heed the-warning signs.
She was 36 years old and-found
,.lj4pp, but she ignored it.and
waited some ten months to.
finally get it checked, thinking
there was no way it was cancer.
If you have any of the signs
suggesting cancer of the breast,
get it checked immediately.
This column is written to:dis-
cuss issues regarding sports. medi-
cine, and safety. It is not intended
to serve as a replacement for treat-
.ment by your regular doctor.
Specific concerns should be dis-..
cussed with your physician. Mail
your questions to Gregory,
A',fMD- Sportsmedicine, 1250 S: b
18th Street,.Suite 204, Femandina
Beach, FL 32034.
J / A the newsstand price
In-county subscription or renewal is $25 One Year $40 Two Years I
| Outside Duval and St. Johns Counties $44 One Year $80 Two Years 3
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