APRIL 26,2006
Antique "
cars in
See A-8
See A-3
Vol. 43, No. 88
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
on foot
Out of their passion for trav-
eling, Bruce and Linda Reid of
Ponte Vedra have been all over
the-country, visiting 27 states
since 2000 and racking up
more than 700 miles in their
But those aren't frequent
flver miles.
The husband and wife duo
are on a quest to complete a
marathon a 26-mile foot
race in all 50 states.
This Sunday they will chalk
up No. 28 when they run a
marathon in New Jersey.
"We're so far into it that
there's no turning back now,"
said Bruce, a public relations
director for CitiBank who will
be 58 next week.
The two learned about an
"official unofficial" 50 State
Club from a fellow runner who
wore the club's T-shirt during a
race. ,
Soon after that they logged
onto the Web site, joined the
club and started their
marathon pursuits.
Because Linda, who will be
55 this year, is an accountant,
the couple runs very few races
Marina's revision
aims for Corps' OK
nu. leA T P V r A i iTXfk!i I
Linda and Bruce Reid of Ponte Vedra are on a mission to complete a marathon in each of the 50
states. Sunday they will chalk up No. 28 when they run in the New Jersey Marathon.
during tax season --January to
But they make up for it dur-
ing the rest of the year, averag-
ing about one marathon a
That's more than 300 miles a
year, not including their train-
ing mileage, which averages
about 30 miles a week.
One high school's cross
country.coach- said they were
"stupid and crazy," according
to Linda.
Some of their friends and
neighbors jokingly tell them to
"get a life," while others simply
ask "is it fun?"
Their answer? No, it's not
And though they both start-
ed running 'to stay in shape,
they actually weigh more than
they did before they became
.5- -
devout runners.
"We're not on a carb-free
diet," Bruce said with a chuck-
They've also had more
injunes and joint problems in
the past few years, including
tendonitis, sprained ankles and
repair work on both of Bruce's
Arts in
Brian and Danielle Faust
and their daughter
Courtney relax Sunday
at the Ponte Vedra
Beach Art Festival,
where booths of paint-
ings, photography, jewel-
ry, ceramics and other
art forms were set up
Saturday and Sunday.
Rain Saturday afternoon
dampened the 12th
annual event, which was
held in the parking lot
behind Sawgrass Village.
DV 3 -,A I H
The deve
tried for yeai
na near tl
bridge has
ing his plan
ting a requi
Army Corps
A go-ahea
would remo
for develop
who has be
plans would
to manatee
that had stal
includes a 1
dry boat st
the Corps
pavers, inste
pad, would
the site, hoi
Eddie's Palm
The Corp
pavers are
which are
on the
Corps '
r ig h t -of -
"All the
are done
[except for]
. this
one item,
which il
q uite
ridicu -
l o u s "1
said Thursda
A March 1
U.S. Fish an
concludes th
not likely t
manatee and
adversely m(
tat" of the m
In addition
storage, whi
11 t-t.LA .IIiN McNeal's plans for "Marina
DITOR Club PV" include a ship's
eloper who has store, a restaurant and a float-
rs to build a mari- ing dock.
he Palm Valley Plans for a concrete pad,
proposed chang- needed to support a large
s in hopes of get- forklift that would move
red OK from the boats between storage and the
of Engineers. Intracoastal Waterway, were
id by the Corps rejected by the Corps, accord-
ve the last hurdle ing to NMarc Evans, project
er Randy McNeal, manager for the Corps of
-en told that his Engineers.
I not be harmful McNeal was notified March
s, another issue 20 that the concrete pad can-
lled the project. not be used, Evans said.
whose proposal Corps rules forbid perma-
7,400-square-foot nent structures on the right-
orage, has asked of-way, and the pad would be
whether concrete considered a permanent
ead of a concrete structure, he said.
be acceptable on "I'm not accepting that
me of the former response," McNeal said,
n Valley Crossing adding that last week he pro-
poied interlocking pavers in
ps must decide place of the concrete pad.
He said the
pavers, heavs -
duty versions
of those used
on driveways
at residences,
"s h o u I d
resolve the
.... Still, e he
joasaid, he sees
no difference
between a
a-l concrete pad
at his marina
and a con-
Srr ot,:. ,E E ijA2.ijET create boat
A boat ramp (left) south of the ramp nearby,
Palm Valley bridge (right) crosses just south of
the Army Corps' right-of-way. talhey bridge.
S"Ever' boat
y. ramp in the state of Florida
opinion from the that crosses the [Corps] ease-
d Wildlife Serxice meant is made of concrete,"
,at the project "is McNeal said.
o jeopardize the Evans said the structures are
existence of the different because a boat Tamp,
d is not likely to by its nature, is a "water-
odify critical habi- dependent activity where-
narine mammal. as a concrete pad is not."
n to the dry dock
ch would hold a
156 boats,
Eminent domain raises questions
Some members of the Ponte
Vedra Beaches Coalition told
St. Johns County
Commissioner Bruce Maguire
Monday that they don't trust
the commissioners to make
good. decisions especially
when it comes to buying utili-
ty companies.
Former County
Commissioner Mary Kohnke
and several ,others asked
Maguire at Monday's Coalition
meeting about the county's
recent decision to start slow-
take condemnation procedures
eminent domain to
acquire Intercoastal Utilities.
"I don't trust this commis-
sion to do a damn thing after
what I saw with St. Johns
Service Company." Kohnke
said in an interview Monday.
Members of the Coalition
are concerned that the county
will lose control of negotiating
a price through condemnation
If an agreement on the price
of the company can't be
reached, then condemnation
will begin, and a jury will
decide the final price in a court
room, according to Maguire.
Kohnke said she doesn't
think the commissioners will
offer a reasonable price to the
company because they paid
too much for St. Johns Service
in Ponte Vedra.
Kohnke was a county com-
missioner several years ago
when the county first offered
to buy Intercoastal.
Kohnke said Intercoastal
wanted about $23 million for.
the company, but an appraisal
ordered by the county set its
value at about $16.million.
Kohnke said the board
wouldn't pay what Intercoastal
wanted, and the acquisition
was dropped.
On this second attempt at
acquiring the company, the
idea of condemnation, came
from the company itself,.
Maguire said in a recent inter-
view. "
MNaguire said the owners of
the, company want to sell, and
they think they will get a bet-
ter price through eminent
But members of the
Coalition said 'Monday that
the county doesn't need to
actively pursue a company that
has been wanting to sell for
Coalition President Clara
Cowan said Coalition mem-
bers believe the condemnation
procedure will end up costing
consumers more than just a
regular acquisition.
Kohnke and Coalition mem-
ber Marcy Silkebaken said the
county must pay for lawyers
for both sides if the acquisition
goes to court.
Plus, the company will bene-
fit from what would essentially
be a tax-free exchange.
Through condemnation, the
deadline for paying taxes on
the sale is extended.
Silkebaken said in an inter-
view Mopday that she asked
Maguire to identify the bene-
fits to the county of acquiring
Intercoastal through condem-
nation. She said he could not
identify any.
photo by ROB DeANGELO
Tim Tebow, quarterback for the state championship Nease
High football team and now a freshman at the University of
Florida, gets ready to throw the ball during Saturday's
Orange and Blue game in Gainesville. See story, B-1.
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader Calendar................... A-6 Opinion ..........................A-4 V LEADER
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sports and advertising information for the Beaches. Fishing B-3 Sports B-1
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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250 Two sections. 18 napes
i I -~C -I r I IL-E_
Po N" TE
~gi~,*owl, lir8iM
April 26, 2006
The Beaches Ieader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Published Wednesday and Friday.
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o- "- t d- I
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Copyrighted Material a-
*vil :fSyndicatec.Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
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A simple assault was re
April 16 in the 90 block o
5th Street.
A cell phone valued a
was reported stolen from,
Park, 800 Seminole Road.
14. ,
\ 'o. o'
Gunshots were report
18 in the 1800 block of:
A simple assault was re
April 15 in, the, 90 bl
Stanley Road.
A license tag to a trail
reported stolen April
block of Forrestal Circle.
A burglary was reported
18 in the 400 West First S
A set of golf clubs and
valued at $1,550 was; re
stolen from a vehicle Apri
the 500 block of Beach A'
,* .'*
A bicycle valued at $10
reported stolen from R
Park, 800 Seminole Road
17. '
)f West
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40 a 4D
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Police Bea
a business in the 200 block of
'Lemon Street. .
O .,
The theft of a purse and
t, $200 watch valued at $510 at the
Russell TPC Golf Course was reported
1, April on April 17. According to, the
police report, the victim placed
the purse in a golf cart While
d April playing at the course on April
Francis 15. At the 14th green the purse
was missing from the cart.
When she cancelled credit cards
ported that were in the purse, she was
ock of informed that her VISA card
had been used six times in the
Ponte Vedra area.
er was *
18, .50-O Patrick Lee Leth, 42, of St.;
Augustine was charged with
aggravated assault and criminal
d April mischief on April 21. According
Street. to the police report, an assault
S with a deadly weapon was made
I a bag on a resident of the 6200 block
'ported of Old Dixie Highway tires of
il 19 in the victim's truck were slashed.
venue. The incident occurred at the
victim's residence.
00 was *
L, April
Fire equipment valued at
$1,000 was reported stolen from
a fire engine parked in front of
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue
Station #55, 850 Seminole
Road, April 15.
A burglary to a residence was
reported April 10 in the 600
block of Camellia Street.
*" *.
A vehicle was reported van-
dalized by a large rock being
thrown at it April 23 in the 1600
block of 5th Street. .
.* 0
A credit.' card was reported
stolen from a residence and
fraudulently 'used April 23 600
block of Valley Forge Road.
Thomas Scott Bailey, 19, of
Jacksonville arrested for posses-
sion of controlled substance
. April 21 in the 1100 block of
Atlantic Boulevard, according to
a police report.
A burglary to a vehicle was
reported April 19 in the 1100
block of Seagate Avenue.
A burglary to a business was
reported April 18 in the 1400
block of Atlantic Boulevard.
A bicycle' and a purse were
reported stolen April 22 outside
Hanna L. Horton, '18, of
Jacksonville was charged with
two counts of possession of a
controlled substance and no
registration of a vehicle, accord-
ing to reports.
The burglary of a storage shed
at a commercial structure in the
1000 block of A1A N was report-
ed on April 22. According to the
police report, entry. was made
into the shed through a win-
dow. Damage to the window, an
air conditioner, and loss of food
items were estimated at $398.
S* .* O
On April 22, a Ponte Vedra
resident reported receiving sev-
eral harassing telephone calls .
According to the police report,
the calls began on April 3 and
' had been placed from pay tele-
'The theft of golf clubs and
golf bag valued at $3,000 was
reported on April 23. According
to the police report, the owner
of the equipment left the items
at a club drop off in the 2.5000
block of Marsh Landing
Parkway at 3 p.m. on April 22. A
club employee took possession
of the equipment and placed
them in a storage facility. When
the owner returned on April 23
the equipment was missing.
Lane Johnson, 28, of Ponte
Vedra resident was charged with
two counts of possession of a
controlled substance and pos-
Save over /2 the
newstand price
by subscribing or
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Call 249-9033 today!
session of drug paraphernalia
on April 23, according to the
police report.
A fraudulent check was
reported April 20 in the 800
block of 6th Ave. S. The original
check was issued by a social
services agency to assist a family
with monthly bills. That check'
was deposited and the fraudu-
lent check was deposited into
an account under a different
An auto burglary was report-
ed April-21 in the 400 block of
1st St. N. The victim told police
heleft a.club at 1:55 a.m. and
found the driver's side window
broken and the windshield
shattered. A digital camera,
watch and credit card were
stolen from the vehicle. Total
loss was estimated at $1,105.
An aggravated battery, was
reported April 19 in the 800
block of Shetter Avenue. A tran-
sient was observed with a punc-
ture wound to the right side of
his abdomen. The victim was
stabbed with a knife by an
unknown man driving a two-
tone blue van. The. victim was
transported to the hospital for
treatment. The suspect fled the
A residential burglary was
reported April 21 in the 1600
block of The Greens Way. The
victim told police she secured
her apartment at 6:30 p.m.,
before she left for the evening.
When she returned home,
the front door was locked but a
laptop computer, ipod and
three pairs of Chanel sunglasses
were missing. There was no sign
of forced entry. Loss was $4,550.
John David Geiger, 38, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
April 22 and charged with
aggravated domestic battery in
the 100 block of 1st Ave.- S.,
according to reports.
David Ralph, Ritter, 49, of
Jacksonville Beach was arrested
April 22 and charged with
aggravated domestic battery in
the 100 block of 1st Ave. S. ,
according to a police report.
Tommy Socheat Nop, 37, of
Jacksonville was charged with
resisting arrest with violence in,
the 3100 block of Antigua
Drive. Officers responded to a,
call of a man laying in the mid-
dle of the roadway. Nop was
determined to be uninjured and
coherent but he continually
refused commands to move
from the street, police said, not-
ing Nop finally stood up but
assumed an aggressive.fighting
stance toward the officer with
his fists clenched. Nop
advanced on the officer and the
pair struggled to the ground.
Nop grabbed the officer around
the upper torso and attempted
to get him in a headlock. The,
officer stunned the defendant
with a Taser which increased
Nop's agitation, police reported.
Nop grabbed the device and
,attempted to turn it toward the,
officer while it was still in an
active cycle. "Backup officers
arrived at the scene and Nop
continued to struggle against
four officers until he was finally
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The Beaches
are online at:
v convenient-
ly download
forms to submit
information on
births, engage-
ments, weddings
and more;
V look at
photo galleries of
people and
events from
throughout the
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started; and
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members of our
restrained, according to a police
Lewd conduct was reported
April 23 at the post office in the
300 block of 7th Ave. N. The
victim told police that an
unknown man was staring at
her as he masturbated in, the
doorway of the post office. The
man's shorts were down and his
genitals exposed. He was not on
the scene when police arrived.
John T. Daxis, 28, of
Jacksonville was arrested April
23 and charged with resisting
arrest with violence and depriv-
ing an officer of a means of pro-
tection or communication at a
bar in the 100 block of 3rd Ave.
N., police reported Davis
refused to cooperate with police
orders to leave the bar for creat-
ing a disturbance, according to
reports. He spun away from an
officer as he was timing to place
him in handcuffs and kicked
the officer in the leg, the report
said.. Both men fell to the
ground and Davis grabbed the
radio from the officer's shoulder
and refused to let go of his shirt,
police, adding he was detained
after being struck twice with a
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ARC to meet today
The Ponte Vedra
Architectural Review
Committee will meet today at
5 p.m. in the Ponte Vedra
Beach Branch Library.
The committee will consider
a proposed outdoor clock that
will hang above the entrance
to the Ponte Vedra Library..
The clock, a $9,000 project,
Was donated by the Ponte
Vedra Rotary Club as part of its
It's Time to Read theme.
Also up for discussion are
expansion plans of Christ the
Redeemer Church on Roscoe
Boulevard in Palm Valley.
The Church is proposing a
two-story addition and addi-
tional parking.
PV Dems meet May 3
The 2008 presidential race
and a proposed Neighborhood
Bill of Rights are on the agenda
for the May 3 meeting of the
Ponte Vedra Democratic Club.
The meeting begins at 6:30
p.m. in the Ponte Vedra Beach
Branch Library, and the public
is invited.
Don Anderson, an Orlando-
based business consultant, will
discuss the statewide effort for
Florida Draft for Feingold, a
movement to draft U.S. Sen.
Russell Feingold of Wisconsin.
m- A
H ap-.i ,-;. ,.: .. ': '. ,' :. .
Happy lo; Birthday l navies .
-"-n r -o- -t.= -... .. ,. .. a la l
James Davies (seated) is surrounded, by family, including wife
Lois (third from left) at Vicar's Landing Saturday, when he cele-
brated his 100th birthday.
Feingold, a Democrat, is one
of a number of key Democrats
positioning themselves for the
2008 elections. '
Also, County Commissioner
Ben Rich of St. Augustine will
explain the Neighborhood Bill
of Rights and a proposed plan
for a charter government for
St. Johns County.
Water panel meets
The St. Johns River Water
Management District
Governing Board's Projects and
Land Committee will meet
May 4 to discuss initiatives to
improve Lower St. Johns River
Basin-water quality.
The 6 p.m. meeting will be
held at the Renaissance Resort
at World Golf Village in central
St. Johns County.
St. Johns County. Utility
Director Bill Young will pro-
vide an overview of the utility's
work to limit nutrient pollu-
tion to the river through
improved wastewater treat-
ment technology and reuse of
reclaimed water.
Agency strikes gold
Gold & Associates, a market-
ing company in Ponte Vedra
Beach, won contracts, worth
more than $5.7 million in the
first quarter of 2006.
Continued from A-1
Evans has asked Corps
staffers-to respond to NlcNeal's
modified proposal by May 5.
"This is an issue I feel certain
that we'll get resolved,"
McNeal said.
"I expect that we cat be fully
permitted within four to six
months," after which site plans
and detailed drawings will be
filed with the St. Johns
County Building Department,
he said.
The project, on the east side
of the Intracoastal just north
of the Palm Valley bridge,
met with opposition when the
owner sought a zoning change
for part of the site.
The St. Johns County
Planning and Zoning Agency
(PZA) rejected McNeal's pro-
posal in September 2003, and a
rezoning request to the St.
Johns County Commission
was delayed in early 2004, after
McNeal heard from members
of the Palm Valley Community
McNeal made adjustments,
among them giving up the idea
of selling gasoline at water's
edge, after which the ,PZA and
the County Commission OK'd
the rezoning.
Continued from A-1
In a recent interview,
Maguire said the county may
get a better deal for the com-
pany if a jury decides the
Maguire also said the coun-
ty can walk away from the
acquisition at any time, even
after a jury makes a decision
on the price.
"People don't understand
it," Maguire said Monday.
"We may reach a price
before it ever reaches a con-
demnation. The real issue is
that the county is trying their
best to negotiate a price with,,
the owners."
Maguire said he knows, as
do the other commissioners,
that Intercoastal's price tag is
too high.
Right now the' county is
going through the appraisal
process, on which it will base
its offer.
Runners: 2
Continued from A-1
Add to that the costs 'of trav-
eling and race entry fees,
wfilch' can be expensive. ,
But' both said they don't do
it for fun; They do it for a sense
of accomplishment.
The two joke about the dark
ages" before they became
enthusiastic runners, noting.
that they're conversations are
now consumed 'with falk of
Linda said she remembers
coming home from a walk sev-
eral years ago and she was so
proud' of herself for running
about 1/10 of a mile during her
-She0 said 'she' remembers
wherein running a' mile, wvas' d
daunting task for her.
Both said they trace their
love of running to daughter
Natalie, who ran cross country
and track at Nease High
She also ran tliree years at
Florida -State University and
one year at the University of
North Florida on cross country
Their daughter's accomplish-
ments, eventually rubbed off.
"Our [first]. goal was to, do'
onie [marathon]," Bruce said.
Their diet and training :for
that race was strictly ."by the
book," as they followed ,the
recommended 12-week train-
ing schedule, they said.- .:
:Linda was the first to com-
plete a marathon in
December 1999. She ran in the
Jacksonville Marathon, slug-
ging through about four hours
of rain.
Bruce followed her the next
states down, and
year, completing the Rock n'
,Roll Marathon in Sari Diego -
his favorite race, which fea-
tures a different rock.: band,
playing live every mile of the
He has since'completed that
race several times.
In all, the couple has com-
pleted, about -35 marathons
together, despite vows after
reaching the finish line that
the next race will be their last.
"We're not in it for speed,"
said Bruce, who goes through
about five pairs of running
shoes each year.
"Actually, .the more
[marathons] 'we do, we, get
s. lower," because of very little
tiiffe spent restiing. '":""
'"lTheyT'6h' a-erage about"hfive
hours each race, compared to
the four hours and 15 minutes
they averaged in their first few
'. races.
Bruce said he' tries to avoid
running for about two weeks
after a race; 'staying, active by
riding his bicycle, but he is not
always afforded such luxury.,
After the race in New Jersey
on Sunday, the two will travel,
to Utah for a race on Saturday,
May 6, giving them just one
week of rest. .
Unlike Bruce, Linda said she
gets "antsy" after, about two
days. of rest,, and has to get
right back on the road. She also
enjoys swimming. .
Although the two almost
always finish races side by side,
they are actually very different
in their training and running
To start, Linda said she is
more optimistic than her hus-
band. When they reach mile
five in a marathon race, Linda
says to herself "OK, I've already
done five miles," whereas
Bruce says "Man, I've .got 21
miles to go."
"I wish I had her attitude
and mentality," he said.
Bruce said .his wife, is also
more .disciplined with her
training, and is the more moti-
vational of the two.
.They have awakened as early)
as 3:30 or 4 a.m. to run on
their favorite training course:
the golf course.
In addition to the absence of
traffic, the rolling hills and soft
grass of the TPC golf courses
offer great running routes, pro-
vided they get there before the
glferts do. Linda said.; ,H
SThe couiple is also verv difttfer-
ent in theil race preferences:
Bruce's worst race was actually
Linda's favorite... .
Bruce 'aid he likes training
onhills and trails, but the race.
they ran in Boone, N.C., wind-
ing up Grandfather Mountain,
-was a little more hilly than he
would have liked.
Bruce said he barely made it
through the 20 miles of uphill
running. Linda said she loved
every minute of it.
But they said they run many
races when one half of the duo
is feeling much better than the
,-"We do try to stick together,"
Linda said.
"It's seldom when we're both
really feeling good."
Even though they' have
sometimes split during a race,
they said they have never quit
a race before reaching the fin-
ish line.
"That's not in our character,"
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Guy DiCarlo, longtime volunteer for Friends of the Library, Ponte Vedra Beach, receives the
"Friends and Trustees Award" Friday from Nancy Pike, president of the Florida Library
Association. DiCarlo, who has organized the Friends' annual book sale since 1997, when he was
elected to the Friends board, received the award at the Florida Library's Association's annual
meeting in Orlando.
to go .
o Sunday, April;
Bruce said. 9.: 1 .: A
The two said they will reach 9:00 & 10:3
their 50th state in about two
years, adding that the mile- N eptune Bap
stone will bringan end to their
marathon-running. r
Correction C. 4
A photograph in Friday's i
edition showing a tempo-
rary rerouting of County .
Road 210 west of the
Intracoastal Waterway
gave an incorrect descrip-
tion of the photo's vantage
point. The view is looking
-- .
(On April 30th, 2006 Regularly $149)
Call 904-220-1592 for a FREE
1-day pass and club tour.
Staff photo
Maxine Horner of Jacksonville
won the Leader's Count the
Easter Eggs Contest that was
featured in recent issues. She
earned prizes for correctly not-
ing that a total of 12 Easter
eggs were printed on various
pages of the April 12 issue
and five were hidden on pages
of the April 14 issue.
Page 3A*
April 26, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
P a g e 4 A : ,. .. -- a .. ...... . . .. A p r l L u 2
Swww.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/ONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
Neighbors share
library materials
St. Johns County Public Library System Director Mary
Jane Little has been named Librarian of the Year by the
Florida Library Association (FLA). Under Little's leader-
ship, St. Johns County's libraries are open to all Florida
That means a Jacksonville Beach resident can check
an item out of the Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Library
just as easily as someone with a Ponte Vedra Beach'
address. If you have proof of a Florida address, the
Ponte Vedra'Beach library will issue you a card for the
St. Johns County library system no charge, no has-
Unfortunately, the .same can not be said vice versa. A
Ponte Vedra Beach resident must pay $40 annually to
get a card in order to borrow any materials from any
Jacksonville library. ,
A;Ponte Vedra Beach resident can not get a free.card
from the Beaches library.
Little's initiative to offer library service to the state,
rather than restrict usage to county' boundaries, is part
of an effort to support statewide library services.
Her program is commendable and hers is an idea
worth adopting throughout the state. Certainly literacy
should not be restricted by county lines and the neigh-
borliness of St. Johns County should be repaid in kind.
We join the FLA and applaud Little's vision in mak-
ing more libraries more accessible to more people.
.It's time for Dural County libraries to adopt a similar
policy. '
Letters to the editor:
Wal-Mart not a demon,
To the editor:
Well, here we go again. As a
longtime Beaches resident,. I
welcome the idea of Beaches_
residents having the option of
shopping at a Beaches Wal-
SMart store; but I must be crazy
as I also thought a Home
Depot would be a good
option for Beaches shoppers.
Maybe it has something to do
with my preference for paving
lower prices for the same mer-
chandise. Other Beaches citi-
zens may be rich but I'm
not....and shocking as it may
seem to some, I shop at Wal-
Mart on a regular basis. In
fact, I have seen 'many friends
from the Beaches in local
Wal-Mart stores. Don't worry.
I won't tarnish your reputa-
tions by mentioning your
names. Your secrets are safe
with me.
I lived at the Beaches
before K-Mart, Publix, Target.
Bealls and other large retailers
established Beaches locations.
As far as I am aware, Beaches
residents welcomed them and
appreciated the option of
shopping at their stores. I do
not remember any local
opposition. Now we have,
letters demonizing \Val-Mart
and Home Depot on a regular
basis. I do not understand
why K-Mart is: a-welcomed
addition to Neptune Beach
while \Val-Mart is riot. Big
Lots was fine but not Wal-
Mart. A Target or\( Ace,
Superstore in jax Beach' is,
great yet Home Depot is a
Exactly what is the problem'
with Home Depot or Wal-'
Mart coming to the Beaches?
Is it unfair competition? Too-
low prices? Traffic? Job lqss?:
Too close to residential prop-
ert.? Special interest anti-
growth agenda? You can't,
return merchandise without a
receipt? AJll of the above?
I have seen many recent
articles voicing concern about,
the lack of affordable housing
at the Beaches. The articles
are correct but don't' forget
the folks needing affordable
housing also need affordable'
shopping. So do some of the
rest of us.
By the way, I don't have any
hidden agendas, do not rep-
,resent a special interest group
nor do I have any web sites at
my disposal.
Tom Hall
Jacksonville Beach
Let cool heads prevail
To the editor,
Everyone who owns proper-
ty in Atlantic Beach wants
what is best to keep this a
desirable place to live. We
must find a common meeting
ground that addresses how
to settle the controversy
about property rights. We
have a Mayor in Don Wolfson
who is intelligent, honest and
has the best interests of our
community at heart. There
is no doubt in my mind. that
he and the city
commissioners would sign off'
on any plan that would
divide neighbor from neigh-
bor and, friend from
friend. Let's .be fair,
listen to all the issues, and
let cool heads prevail.
Hank Hardman
Atlantic Beach
Kathleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader
Thomas Wood
Presidentand Publisher
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More letters to the editor:
Help build a playground for all
To the editor:
Construction will begin at
the end of May on the'
Playground by the Sea located
at Neptune Beach Elementary.
The Playground by the Sea
will represent the,only truly
accessible playground .in the
Beaches and possibly the only.
one in the greater Jacksonville
area. To date, the PTA has
raised over $80,000 for this
playground project and.
approximately $10,000 is still
needed by the end of May.
Designed to be 100 percent
accessible .to disabled chil-
dren, this hew playground
will support the MOVE special
education program currently
housed at Neptune Beach
Neptune Beach Elementary
serves as one of 16 regional
sites for the MOVE iMobility
Opportunities Via Education)
program- the only one in the
state 6fflorida.. The MOVE,
program has revoluti6nirzed
the wvay that disabled students
are taught and focuses on
teaching independent living
skills. Students participating
in the MOVE program during
the past two years have made
dramatic progress. Some chil-
dren who were never expected
to walk independently are
now doing so.
Most local playgrounds
make an effort to include the
physically handicapped with
a few ramps and sidewalks for,
easy access. But a truly acces-
sible playground goes much
further including elements
that are lower to the ground
so that the child seated in' a
wheelchair can reach out
independently when they see
something of interest.' Wider
openings with room fo'r both
an, adult, and child to move.
through the structure at the
same time are critical.. A
complete .path through the
playground 'design with
thoughtfully designed transi-
tion areas providing room to
'turn. a wheelchair around to
change direction are also.
important. Use of auditory
and visually stimulating
elements make it possibly for
children with hearing or
vision problems to happily get
involved. Our playground
includes panels offering
chimes, sign language, texture
and mirrors just to name a
few. ,Art easels and drums
round out the experience
making this area appealing to
children of all abilities.
The Playground by the Sea
. is a two year project for the,
Neptune Beach Elementary
PTA. The first year focuses on
the primary playground area
which will be 100"':. accessible
to students of all' abilities.
The second year will be
focused. on the larger play-
ground which will be approx-
imately 70% accessible and
will focus on providing a wide-
range of elements for all chil-
dren in the school and the
surrounding community.
Accessibility will still be a pri-
ority in the larger playground
in an effort to integrate the
disabled students with the rest
of the children. When stu-
.dents in the MOVE program
spend time with regular edu-
cation students, they have
visual role models and are
given the opportunity to
observe communication on a
higher level both of which
contribute to the long-term,
objective of- increased
independence and self-suffi-
The Neptune Beach
Elementary PTA would like to
ask the community for help iri
raising the remaining funds
needed. There are htwo ways
that, anyone can help.-
Neptune Beach students are
currently involved in a
scratch card fundraiser where
each student is given a scratch
card to take to family mem-
bers and friends who scratch.
off a circle on the card to
reveal the amount of the con-
tribution that they should
make to the playground proj-
ect. Playground sponsorships
where individuals, businesses
or organizations can "pur-
chase" a specific playground
element are also being sold for
a wide range of prices ranging
from $250 to $3000. Each
sponsor will be recognized on
a sign in the playground area.
So far, the PTA has received
support from the City of
Jacksonville, Oceanside
Rotary Club, .Blue Cross &
Blue Shield, Comcast
Corporation, Huxham
Heating and Air, as well as a
number of private individuals.
Builders Care of the North
Florida Builders Association
has also.committed to provid-
ing volunteer labor to install
the new playground equip-
ment: Individuals who would
like to help could find a local
NBE student to participate in
the scratch card fundraiser or
contact, me at 247-0399 for
more: information on the
sponsorships. .
Karen Arlington
Neptune Beach
Key is creating a destination
.To the editor:
When :I read [the] letter
from a citizen who advocated
the Wal-Mart iri Neptune
Beach, I realized everyone is
entitled to their opinion and
an honest debate is a positive
'thing. I was also moved to
express my views after under-
standing this citizen's short-
sighted rationale. I live just
across the ditch and spend the
majority of my time (and
money) in the Beach commu-
It seems that there is a
mediocre perception, in an
.area that I feel is a terrific
place to live. Consider that
we're in a significant metro-
politan area (if not major),
have an airport close by with
quick easy access to Interstate
highways in a coastal area
that wins awards for its beach-
es. There is only so much
coastal real estate in the US
and perhaps we Floridians
may take that for granted.
No,, we're not West Palm
Beach (thank God) ...'I'd like
to think we're a whole lot bet-
ter. The citizens, of St. Mars
and points north would love
to have our beaches and infra-
The Beaches area is attrac-
tive because it was .developed
by entrepreneurial business
people who share the "coastal
lifestyle" and understand the
sense of place that the beach
communities provide. Their
businesses are an asset and an
integral part of a much sought
after, unique community.
They are not just one large'
parcel of corporate real estate.
Arts festivals, street fairs, live
-music at 200 First Street ...
will not exist in a Wal-Mart
parking lot.
In recent years, many cities
around the country have been
confronted with this similar
issue and it seems that the
best decisions have been the
continued development of a
"city center". Even our new
mall at Town Center follows
that. formula rather that
defaulting to a mega mall.
Hat's off to the local devel-
oper who had the vision to.
take the abandoned Pic N'
Save on Atlantic Boulevard
and turn it into North Beach
Center. Now, it is a destina-
tion. Others may say it's a
military, area and needs
"affordable shopping." I say,
look at San Diego! We have
Bealls, Target, K-Mart and two
Wal-Marts within 8 miles of
the Beaches.
. Americans have enough
plastic shoes made in China
to add yet another Wal-Mart.
It's time we realize that with a
little forward thinking, we
can positively affect our area
from many years to come.
Michael. A. Pasko
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-mail to:
Avoid personal attacks and type or write your
comments legibly.
I'm busy
for call
to duty
Trust me,
rules of jury
duty are still
being added
A ll of this week I have
jury duty here. My life
is on hold as I wait.for
my number to come up.. I
'may be called once, more
than once or not at all; Every.
night I have to call a special
number to hear if I'm to
report. So far I haven't been
Only one other time have,I
been summoned for jury duty.
That was for a Federal case in
Jacksonville. "Juror number
22, will you please state, your
name and occupation?"
"I'm Hoyle Dempsey on the
radio; I do the morning show
The defense attorney and
district attorney both, used
simultaneous polite terms to
suggest that I be dismissed.
The judge seemed to agree, as
did the court reporter' who
nodded as if to say "good call
counselors" as she typed .away.
The bailiff didn't seem too dis-
appointed either, as he pointed
to the exit' sign.
Next day I was back as 'host
of the Big Ape Morning Zoo.
One 6f my regular, callers
phoned in to say that maybe.
they didn't want a guy who
cracked jokes on the radio. He
felt that maybe those court
folks were afraid when the
Judge said "Order in the
Court" that I'd stand up and
say "OK, I'll have a ham on rye
If I do join a jury of some-
one's peers, it will be the .first
time in my life that I have ful-
filled this civic duty as a proud
American. It's .kind of like
being there first hand for the
second thirty minutes of Law
and Order.
Any one who has ever had
jury duty knows the drill. Park
where they tell you to and you
better.be on time. "You will be
screened and all weapons will
be confiscated!" I don't
imagine you'll get them back
after the trial either.
All of the rules are common
sense. "Do not bring pagers,
cell phones or children with
you!" Those would really be
good rules for theaters and
restaurants too.
. Every regulation that
prospective jurors are warned
not to do is probably based
on somebody already trying it.
"Your honor I don't see any
problem with my 4-year-old
son just sitting in the back of
the room. I brought him a
coloring book and some chips
and dip he can share with the
accused family!"
The fact that there are no
regulations that restrict dogs,
cats, laptop computers and
those cool folding director's
chairs, means that nobody has
tried it yet. No, I have no
intention of challenging this
rule, by taking my Alfred
Hitchcock replica chair to the
court. It would just be wrong
in the middle of the defense
attorney's summation to yell
Better close out now because
it is time to call to see if I report
tomorrow or any more "don't
dos" have been added.
Hopefully my lucky silver dol-
lar won't set off the metal
detector tomorrow. If I can't
flip old Susan B. Anthony how
am I supposed to decide the
verdict? Just kidding! They
don't call me Citizen Dempsey
A--4 1 "1 A >"'
* *-~-~ ,g~yn
Political aspirant has
cost SJ real money
To the editor:
,So, the Judge has ruled!
Seldom have I ever seen a
more clear-cut waste of tax-
payer money than the judi-
cial action against St. John's.
County by the Surfrider
Foundation regarding beach
access in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Months of hearings, filings,
cross-filings, lawyerly submis-
sions and, sadly, political,
showmanship have cost ius.
dearly for nothing more than,
that which the County has in
its Beach Management Plan.
The County has beach
access frequency standards
and Ponte Vedra meets them.
The Surfrider Foundation has
standards, on its Website, and
Ponte Vedra -meets them.
Before the judicial process
began, there were NO entries
in the County citizen ,com-
plaint system regarding beach
The case brought two, com-
plaints: some of the access
points were 'to varying
degrees impeded, by foliage,
and there is an ordinance
prohibiting parking on Ponte'
\'edra Boulevard.,
SWith regard to'the first
complaint, please join me in
thinking like a taxpayer and a
County budget chief. You
have no demand from the cit-
izens for beach access at the
impeded access paths; your
Beach Management official
tells you that fully opening a
path would cost $ 15,000 for a'
proper wooden walkover for
the dunes There are six ot 14
access paths on question. You
look at the rest of your budg-
et demands. Nope, no
demand, we have other prior-
ities. Solution: send a letter to
the neighbors asking them to
clean up their act or the
County will do it and send
them a-bill. Did we need gag-
gles of lawyers and a judge for
..this bit of common sense?
With regard, to the, second
complaint, please join me in
t thinking as a taxpayer and a
sheriff.Anyone who has driv-
en on the .Boulevard has
observed how narrow it is.
Joggers and bicycle riders are
a worry. Without major,road
construction, there could
never be parking between
Corona Road and Solana. The
lawyers for'the plaintiffs com-
plaihed that the Countsy
ceded 34 feet of 'right of
way" on the west side of. the
Boulevard to. the Iroperty
owners. Utterly irrelevant!
Observe the large number
of driveways that join the
Boulevard between those two
roads. Know that there is a
road safety requirement that,
there must be more than 20)
feet on either side of a drive-
way so that a diive ioining
the road can see oncoming
traffic from both directions.
* Measure the number of
spaces between driveways
Where, after allowance for
safety, there is room left for
an automobile. You'll find
space for only 35 cars. \Ve can
only imagine the cost of dig-
ging up people's lawns.
installing drainage and
paving, all for 35 spaces.
Madness! '
Put yourself in the place ofi
the 74 homeowners in ques-
tion. I don't live there, but I
can guarantee you that you'd
need a legal steamroller to get
that done. At the same time,
the sheriff would be arguing
most fervently that those ran-
Adomly spaced parking places
have no correlation to the
access paths, and that parents
and children toting chairs,
coolers and, other beach
equipment would be scam-
pering across the Boulevard
between cars and through
Should the county acquire
house property to build park-
ing lots? Well the empty ones'
are going fast for $2 million
dollar homes. How about just
taking. a couple of lots by gov-
ernment eminent domain
procedures? Big bucks, lots of
lawyers, not' practical and
what a headache!
Not to mention our friend
the County budget manager
and his boss the County
Administrator, by this time:
they' are both jumping up
and down shouting: have you
all gone nuts?! How did we
get into this mess?
Well, a political aspirant
from Jacksonville Beach
needed an issue to keep his,
name in the papers and
decided .that by grabbing the
hand of the Surfiders and
harassing Ponte Vedra Beach
and St. John's County with
thinly veiled' class warfare
might get him some votes.,
The voters didn't fall for it
and he didn't %%rin, but we St.
John's taxpayers are paying
the bill.
the bill. ouglas C. Worth
Ponte Vedra Beach
Return land for proposed
Wal-Mart to residential zone
To the editor:
Everybody who has paid
any attention at all knows
that Wal-Mart's business plan
is to wipe out the competi-
tion. Wal-Mart doesn't
believe in promoting commu-
nity businesses as so many
business owners in Town
Center have worked. so hard
to do. No, Wal-Mart just
wants to put them out of
business. If a Super Wal-Mart
is built in tiny Neptune
Beach, these are some of the
businesses Wal-Mart will be
competing against: K-Mart,
ACE, Tire Kingdom, Tires
Plus, the tire stores on
Atlantic Beach, Beall's outlet,
Bio-Max, Walgreen's, CVS,'
Book Mark, Shorelines, the
Dollar Tree, specialty clothing
shops in Town Center,
Mpnahan's," Jo-Ann's, Aqua
East surf shop, X\inn-Dixie,
Publix, the gas stations, and
more. Think of all the empty
storefronts that pop up, in
other small cities where Wal-
,Mart has come in. And think
of all the other stores and
restaurants we've lost in the.
current condo-building fren-
zy. :
Wal-Mart exists to make.
money for the super-rich
Walton family and other
shareholders, not to help our,
community, not to bring jobs,
%with sustainable wages to our
community, not to improve
our way of living. \Val-Mart
doesn't care if a community
doesn't want its store there -
WVal-Mart's hack record has
shown that if Wal-Niart
thinks it can take over the
market and make money,
then it's willing to play the
big bully to get what it wants.
There are two Super Wal-
Marts within less than 10
miles of here, and there isn't
even enough space to build a
full sized Super Wal-Mart in
this location. And aren't
Super Wal-Marts open 24
hours, meaning there will be
people coming into our com-
munity 24 hours, too?, Won't
the neighbors backing up to-
Wal-Mart be hearing business
sounds 24 hours, too? And
won't we need more police to
deal with problems that mid-
night influxes of .people
Our Atlantic Boulevard and
3rd Street are already clogged
with traffic in. the .area Wal-
Mart has targeted for build-
ing. Our community has
fought off proposals to, widen
our streets into super-high-
ways to flow even more traffic
through our community.
That would undoubtedly
change if Wal-Mart moves in.
--I can imagine Wal-Mart will
work. very hard to have the,
streets expanded to make sure
it's easy for their customers to
come to this new'store.. And
the minimum-wage workers
will have to come over the
bridge to get to work, increas-:
ing the traffic flow even
more, because Beaches devel-
opers are busily ripping out
existing affordable housing to
build lucrative condo projects
that only well-heeled people
can afford to buy. Once Wal-
Mart gets a foothold in our
community, it will then
swing a very big stick to get
whatever it wants in a very
small town.
I have no doubt that, like
many other development
proposals that have been pre-
sented to our city, the'WVal-
Mart developer will make
whatever promises the city
asks for to get their project
approved (some include no
amplified noise at night, cof-
fee shop closing at 6 pm, no
openings facing nearby resi-
dences to hear air-wrenches,
only a snack bar for property
residents, etc.), even dis-
cussing' lawsuits before the
fact as thinly veiled threats
intended to scare the city into
rolling over and playing dead.
When they get approvals, I
have no doubt they will do
like the rest of that breed of
developers' seems to do, turn
around and do something to
make more money, possibly
at the cost of neighboring res-
idences and/or businesses,
with no one willing to stop it.
If it was up to me, I'd see if
the land where Wal-Ntart
wants to build a Super Wal-
Mart could be returned to its
original zoning of residential,
since- there seems to be so
much demand for residential
property these days.
While it's heartening to
hear that. most of.our city
councilors understand the
negative impacts of Wal-Mart
on our community, one city
council member seems to be"
completely "tone deaf" on
this issue. For whatever rea-
son, one council member
seems committed to do-what
ever it takes to help Wal-Mart
succeed in its bid to plant a
store our city, at the expense
of existing local merchants
and business owners and resi-
dents. Too bad that elected
councilman refuses to repre-
sent those who elected him'
and who are speaking so
vocally on this issue.
S, lyndaPadrta
S.eptune Beach
Save Atlantic Beach seems to benefit a select few in city
S a' ,f a... n, c. .., se.,.,,, a,, s. ,, "
To. the editor:
\\he-n [ fist saw the "Sav,
Atlantic Beach" signs, my first
reaction was one of relief. I
was pleased to- see that a
movement wa-s finally under
way to limit the building of
too-large buildings on too-
smll lots.
So I went to to the website
and redd 'the information
there.' To my surprise, the,
name of the movement is
very misleading, and the pur-
pose of this new "Save
Atlantic Beach" group
;appeais to be to contthue' to
build too-large buildings on
too-small lots Perhaps a bet-
ter title foi the group would
be "Save Our Real Estate
Commissions From my per-
spective, only real ,estate
agents, developers, arid land,
investors stand to gain fromin
this. .
The fact is that .property
- near the ocean is always,
,going to appreciate in value.
I moved 't Atlantic Beach
from south Florida in 1992,,.
The quality of life here, the
beachy, unique homes, the
quiet community all made
us happy we. moved here.,
Now, it looks like South
Florida development has
found its way here. Three-
story buildings with eleva-
tors. Huge monstrosities
blocking sunlight and ocean
breezes, not to mention lack
of privacy in one's backyard.
I'm reminded of the lyrics
from a Joni Mitchell song:
"They paved paradise and put
up a parking lot."
Residents need to make a
distinction between true
quality of life for the malori-
ty of us, and the few that
stand to profit from "Save
Atlantic Beach Let's really
save our town and come up
with sensible ways to pre-
serve our quality of life,
before it's too late.
Sherrie L. Trechel
Atlantic Beach
ax Beach police department a big assist at San Pablo school
To the editor:
Thank you, Iacksonville
Beach Police Department!
San :Pablo Elementary
recently held their 5th Grade
D ,RE Graduation ceremony
culminating 10 weeks of study.
Students were' taught the
dangers of drugs, alcohol, andt
tobacco, as well as how to deal
with peer pressure and
strangers. Moving up to mid-
dle school can be a scary time
for students and parents.
Corporal Tony Bennek did an
outstanding job of preparing'
the students for the ,years
'ahead. His classes showed
concern for his students :,and"
their future. The graduation
ceremony brought together,
not only' the students and
their parents, but many mem-
'bers of the Jacksonville Beach;
Police Department, including
Chief Bruce Thomason.
Jacksonville Beach City
'Council member Penny'
Christian was also present and
helped Corporal Bennek hand
out awards to the students.
Our students were so proud of
their accomplishments and
were honored to have such an
impressive show of support
from family, friends, and com--
SMandatory Freshman Experience class is affront to
To the editor:
I would like to applaud Mr.
John Meeks on his letter to the
editor regarding the new
mandatory class! Freshman
Experience at Fletcher Sr.
High ,
Having three. children
attend Fletcher so far with a
fourth to start in the fall, I too
must speak put. One of my
children would probably have
benefited from this study
However, I strongly resent
that there is no opt-out option
for parents to exercise. This
smacks of public school men-
tality, "We know what's best
for your child."
If a parent does not feel
miunity. Thank you, Corporal
Tony Bennek, and the
Jacksonville Beach Police
Department for continuing to
believe in the DARE program
and our students!
Dianre Hellhake
and the other'
fifth grade teachers
San Pablo Elementary
parent's rights
their child has need of this
class, then we should have a
say. I would ask that the
school board revisit this aspect
of this course.
Laura B. Miller
Atlantic Beach-"
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
Amril 26, 2006
April 26, 2006
The BeFlrachies Terer/Pnnte Vedra Leader
t--- A A
ragI C.L V a
Wednesday, April
Gift sale: BMC Beaches
Hospital will have a gift sale
from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
main lobby of the Beaches
Hospital, 1530 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Baskets,
purses,, jewelry and other gift
items will be offered. The sale is
open to the public.
Memorial service: The
Mattie T. Wright Chapter of the
United Daughters of the
Confederacy will have a
Southern Memorial Day Service
at 10 a.m. at H. Warren Smith
Cemetery, Beach Boulevard and
Penman Road, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 223-3025 for infor-
mation. *
Lunch and Learn: Robert
"Chip" Patterson, chief of the
Emergency Preparedness
Division, Fire & Rescue Dept.,
will speak during "Lunch and
Learn" from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m, at
the JCCI Conference Room.
Call Esther at 904-396-3052 for
Thursday, April 27
Celebration of Spring: The.
11th Annual "An Epic
Celebration of Spring" will be
held through April 30 in St.
Augustine. Call 904-829-3295
or visit www.epiccommunity-
services.org for information.
Fund-raiser: The Ribault
Garden Club will have their first
fund-raiser at 10 a.m. at 705
2nd Ave., Jacksonville Beach.
The club will raise money for a
scholarship for a student of agri-
culture studies. Call Jackie
Fetherston at 543-8664 for
Constituent meeting: The
Duval County School Board will
hold a community meeting
with constituents at 6 p.m. at
Kernan Middle School, 2271
Kemrnan Blvd. S
Friday, April 28
Cultural Center: A photogra-
:phy exhibition featuring photo-
graphs by Jay Shoots, Dominick
Martorelli and Paul Karabinis
will be on display through June
2 at .the Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
*Executive Way, Ponte Vedra.
-Beach. Call 280-0614 or visit
www.ccpvb.org for information.
Book sale: The Beaches,
SBranch Library in Neptune
Beach will have a' book sale
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today
and April 29, and 1 to 4 p.m.
April 30, with a members-only
preview April 27 from 5 to 7
p.m. The sale is sponsored by
#,Nthe Friends of the Beaches
Branch Library. /
Cooking class: An all organic
grain and vegetable cookirig
class will be held from -5:30 to
7:30 p.m. at Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. The
class is free. Call 246-3583 for
Saturday, April 29
Life line Screening: Life Line
Screening will be held at
American Legion of Atlantic
'Beach Post 316, 1127 Atlantic
Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Appointments start at .9 a.m.
Preregistration is required. Call
Earth Day celebration: The
Natural Living Alliance of St.
Johns County will sponsor an
Earth Day celebration at the St.
SAugustine Amphitheatre, locat-
ed on Anastasia Boulevard, one-
quarter mile south of the light-
house and just north of the Elks
Lodge, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission and parking are free.
.For information, visit www.nat-
Sandcastle contest: The
Annual Beaches Sandcastle
Contest will be held on the
beach in front of the Sea Walk
Pavilion at 1:30 p.m. 247-6236.
Book-signing: Seafood expert
and cookbook author Leslie
Pendleton' will be at The
Bookmark at 7 p.m. to demon-
strate how to make recipes from.
her new .cookbook "Simply
Shellfish: Quick and Easy
Recipes for Shrimp, Crab,
Scallops, Clams, Mussels,
Oysters, Lobster, Squid and
Sunday, April 30
Parade: The, 60th Annual
Beaches Parade will be held in
downtown Jacksonville Beach,
starting at 2 p.m. There will be
floats, marching bands and
more. 247-6236.
Adoptive families: Adoptive
Families of the First Coast will
have an introductory.and orga-
nizational meeting from 3 to
4:30 p.m. at the Ponte'Vedra
Library. Call Cindy
Chamberlain at 285-6237;
Donna Wheeler ,at 246-9382;
Norma Rae at 543-0002; or
Susan Caserra at 273-2177'for
Tuesday, May 2
DAR: The Ponte Vedra DAR
Chapter will meet at 10:45 a.m.
at Sawgrass Country Club,
10034 Golf Club Dnve, Ponte:
Vedra Beach. Chapter regent
Marianne Hibbard is the speak-
er. Call 992-7463 for informa-
tion. : .
Senior discussion group: The
Beaches Senior Center will host
a current. events discussion
group at 1:30 p.m. Call 241-
3791 for information.
Parent education presenta-
tion: "A Parent's Perspective on
Vaccinations: A Shot in the.
Dark or an Informed Choice?"
will be presented at 6:30 p.m. at
First Baptist Church, 501 2nr
Ave. N. Call 246-2891 to R S V.
Community health educa-
tion: Baptist Medical Center
Beaches is offering a communi-
tv health education class titled
"Natural Hormone
Replacements" from 7 to 8 p.m.
in Conference Center Rooms A
and B, 1350 13th Ave.: S,,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 376-
4902 or 627-2910 for informa-
tion.: '
Wednesday, May 3
Women's connection: The
* Atlantic Beach 'Women's
Connection will have brunch
from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Selva
"Marina Country Club, 1600
Selva Marina Drive, Atlantic
Beach. There will also be a fash-
ion show. the cost is $12, and
child ; care is available.
Reservations are requested by
May 1. Call Susan at 904-714-
9962 or Mary ,at 904-223-1002.
Concert: Singers by the Sea
will present a "Scatter the
Sunshine" concert at 2:30 p.m,
at Beach United Methodist
Church, Seventh Avenue North
at AiA, Jacksonville Beach. A
reception %Nil] be held after the
concert: The event is free. Call-
285-6691 for information.
Beaches Watch: Beaches
Watch will meet at 7 p.m. in the
administrator conference room
at Fletcher High School. The
meeting is open to the public.
Thursday, May 4'
American Legion: Ocean
Beaches American Legion
Auxiliary Unit 129 will meet at
7 p.m. at 1151 S. 4th St.,
Jacksonville Beach. Bring a
guest. 249-2266 or 242-0042.
Friday, May 5
Cinco de Mayo.
Teen Movie Time: "Teen
Movie Time" will be held at
3:30 p.m. at the Beaches Branch
Library, 600 Third St., Neptune
Beach. "Dude, Where's. My
Car?" will be shown. Call 241-
1141 for information.
Saturday, May 6
Art festival: The second
annual Art in the Park Festival
will be held at 10 a.m. at Bull
Park. Call 247-5828 for informa-
Book-signing: Connie
Donaldson will read from and
sign copies of her book "Heart.
of a Lion" at 11 a.m. at the
Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra
Beach, 50 Executive Way. Call
273-1947 for information.
Sea turtle volunteer orienta-
tion: Volunteer orientation and
phase 2 boot camp for the 2006
sea turtle season/will be held
from 7 to 8 a.m. on the beach.
Visit www.BSTP.net or call 613-
6081, for information.
Shrimp Festival: The 43rd
Annual Isle of Eight Flags
Shrimp Festival Arts & Crafts
Show will be held today and
May 7 in downtown
Femandina Beach.
Job seeker. workshop: Christ
Episcopal Church is sponsoring
a free job seeker workshop at
the Christian Formation Center,
Room 108, 400 San Juan Driver,
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-6127 or e-
mail crhbeach@comcast.net for'
information or to sign up.
Sunday, May 7
Concert: Singers by the Sea
will present a "Scatter the
Sunshine" Concert at 2:30 p.m.
at Beach United Methodist
Church, 7th Avenue North at
A1A, Jacksonville Beach. A
reception follows the .concert.
Admission is free. Call 285-6691
for information.
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Sleistration i$S now open for the annual
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Desiree Christian Barritt
Freddie James Schukis
. Desiree Christian Barritt, 18,
died April 20, 2006. She was
born in Gainesville and moved
to Jacksonville and then to the
Beaches as a young child where
she attended school. As a
young child she developed a
special attraction to butterflies
and enjoyed watching them
and receiving anything with
butterflies attached, according
Leon Bonnett
Leon Bonnett, 87, died April
22, 2006 after a long illness at
his residence in Jacksonville
Beach. He was born-Sept. 5,
1918 in Ocilla, GA and was a
retired businessman. He
attended the University of
Georgia and served in the U.S.
Army during VWII as First
Lieutenant, was a Charter
member of the JCA, and a
member. of Congregation
Ahavath Chessed.
Family members include his'
wife of 59 years, Josephine;
son, Richard (Sheila) Bonett of
New Port Richey, and
Jerome Bonnett of
to family.
Surviving are her mother,
Tammy Winter, a brother,
Tyler, grandmothers, Laretta
Mitchel and Sharon Parker and
other relatives and friends.
Private family services have
been held.
Arrangements by Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach.
Jacksonville Beach;,
grandson, Rhett Bonnett of!
New York, NY, and many
nieces and nephews.
A graveside service was held
Monday in Greenlawn,
Cemetery, King David Section,
with Rabbi Matuson officiat-
In lieu of flowers memorial
contributions may be made
Community Hospice of
NorthEast Florida, 4266
Sunbeam Rd, Jacksonville, Fl
32257. ., .: .
Services under?, the
direction pf Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home.
Freddie James Schukis, 46,
died April 19, 2006 in
Richland, TX. He was born
Sept. 30, 1959 in Portsmouth,
He was employ>pd as a
Correctional Officer, by the
Texas Department of
Criminal Justice in Tennessee
Colony, Texas, and served on
the police auxiliary in
Jacksonville. Growing up, he
always wanted to be a police-
man and was a member of the
Police Explorers in high
school, according to family,
who said he loved bowling,
was an avid fisherman;
NASCAR fan, and Jacksonville.
Jaguars fan. He also loved
his farm in Texas and enjoyed
cooking, family members
Family members. include
his wife, Pamela; 'son, Freddie
James Schukis, Jr., daughters,
Ashley Lynn Schukis-
Cameron (Donald) and
Belinda Kay Schukis, step-
daughters, Jessica and
Jaquelin Bator; granddaugh-
ters, Brooklin Paige Cameron
and Julianna Penny
Cameron; grandson, Noah
Ross Cameron; mother,
Patricia Joan Schukis, sisters,
Deborah Ann Patrick, Leah
Ann Wilkes (Glenn) and
Francine Joann Gobeille
(Paul) as well as many nieces
and nephews.
, His father, Francis Joseph
Schukis, grandmother, Ann
Lass, niece, Bethany Noelle
Gobeille and nephew, Dalton
Andre Gobeille, preceded him
in death..'
Funeral services were held
at 10 a.m., Monday in
Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
with the Reverend Patrick G.
Wilkes officiating. Interment
immediately followed at
Greenlawn cemetery, 4300
Beach Boulevard,
Jacksonville. A memorial
service will also held at
Corlev Funeral Home in
Corsicana, Texas' on
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at
3 p.m.
Services under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Michael Kevin Shalz
Jackie,Fetherston, President of Ribault Garden Club, address-
es the membership at a recent business meeting. Anyone
interested in horticulture, floral design and conservation is
asked to call 246-4641 for further information.
Cars Trucks Motorcycles
jet Skis Boats
Charles Edwin Daniels
Charles Edwin Daniels, 89,
died April 21, 2006 in the
Hadlow Center of,Community
Hospice. He was born April 16,
1917 in Beaufort, SC and
moved to'Jacksonville in 1982
from Birmingham, AL. He was
a Command Sergeant Major
U.S. Army, Ret., and a veteran
of WWII and Korea.
Family members include his
wife of 67 years, Florence Clark
Daniels; daughters, Leslie
Daniels and Ruth Ann (Steven)
Guttinan, both of Jacksonville;
sons, Stephen Daniels, Charles
H. '(Elaine) Daniels both of
Jacksonville, Douglas (Shay)
Daniels of Houston, TX;
Daughter-in-law, De
Daniels; 14 grandchildren
10 great-grandchildren
was predeceased by his
Guy E. (Deborah) and
A graveside service w
held at 11:30 a.m., Thu
April 27, in Oaklawn Cer
with the Reverend James
as Celebrant from San
Catholic Church.
In lieu of flowers, men
contributions may be ma
Angelwood Inc., 601
Newnan St. Jacksonvill
Services under the dir
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral HI
Barbara C. Noble
Barbara C. Noble, 72, of,
Atlantic Beach, formerly of
Hingham, MA., died April 2,
Born in Quincy, MA on
March 16, 1934, she was the
daughter of the late Johnson'
W. and Vera G. Crowell. She
was a member of the St. John's
Episcopal Church of Hingham,
She is survived by her sons,-
Richard Noble, Jr. of Atlantic,
Beach and .. Robert Noble
(Sandra of Jacksonville,
daughters, Donna N.
Goedecke (Mark) of Ponte
Vedra Beach and Lee Ann
Atlantic Beach,, gran
dren, Kristen J. Anderson
NI. Goedecke, Kimber
Goedecke, Zachary R.
and Jake H. Noble,
grandson Taylor B. And'
and a cousin Marilyn W
Hingham, MA. In additi
her parents she
preceded in death b)
husband Richard Noble,
Services will be held or
13 at 1 p.m. at the
Hills Cemetery, Braintree
Arrangements provide
the Hardage-Giddens Fu
Obituary notices are published free of cha
as a community service. All submissions
subject to editing. Paid advertising space
available for more detailed or personalize
death notices. Call 249-9033.
Michael Kevin Shalz, 46,
died Saturday, April 22, 2006,
at his Jacksonville Beach resi-
dence. He was born on Nov.
borah 30, 1959, in St. Joseph, Mo.,
n and and graduated in 1978 from
i. He Central High School in St.
sons, Joseph, where he competed in
John track and was a former state
high jump ,champion in
ili be Missouri.
irsday, He was a second-generation
netery funeral director, graduating in
Moss 1982 from the University of
i Jose Central Oklahoma with a
bachelor's degree in mortuary
morial science.
ade to He also received a Bachelor
North of Science degree in psycholo-
le, FL gy from Missouri Western
State College. He was a certi-
ection fied funeral service practition-
lome. er and owner of Quinn-Shalz,
A Family Funeral Home in
Jacksonville Beach. He was
formerly general manager and
area vice president for Service
SCo ,4tntpernational, the par-
entcompany of Hardage-
Giddens Funeral Homes.
of Before relocating to
dchil- Jacksonville in 1994, he was
, Gary : managing director of the
ly A. Muehlebach Funeral Home in
Noble Kansas City, Mo. He was
great- active in civic organizations
erson, in Oklahoma, Kansas and
Vey of Florida, including serving on
on to the board of trustees for the
was Oklahoma chapter of the
y her Leukemia Society and the
Sr. board of governors for the
n May Jacksonville Chamber of
Blue Commerce.
e, MA. Locally, he served on the
d by board of Mission House, the
funeral Ponte Vedra Rotary Club and
the Exchange Club. He also
served on the Board of
Community Hospice of North.
rge East Florida, and was a mem-
are ber of the Knights of
e Columbus and Our Lady Star
iS I of the Sea Catholic Church in
Ponte Vedra Beach.
Family members include
his wife of 14 years, Mary
Quinn Shalz; [ ,
son, Jacob Quinn .
S h a I z .
9; and his par-
ents, Lester J. l
and Marilee
5 h a l z
of Wathena, Shalz
.Kansas; broth-
ers,Mark Shalz of Wathena
and Nick Shalz of Gladstone,
Mo.; sisters, Michelle (David i
Miller of St. Joseph, Tiffany
(Marc) Sindelar of Papillion,
Neb., and Shana tAllen,
Dooley of San Antonio,
Texas; and numerous aunts,
uncles, nieces, nephews and
cousins; in-laws General Jack
and Kay Quinn of Ponte
V e d r a
Beach; and brother-in-laws
Tom Quinn of Ponte Vedra
Beach, Bill Quinn of Atlantic
Beach and Father John
Quinn, ST now serving as an
Army Chaplain in Iraq,
Michael Quinn of Haw:ti,
and DaMef Quinn'" of
Washington, DC.
Visitation was held
Tuesday in Quinn-Shalz, A
Family Funeral Home. A Mass
of Christian burial will be
celebrated at 11 a.m. today,
Wednesday, in Our Lady Star
of the Sea Catholic Church
with Monsignor Daniel B.
Logan as Celebrant and
Reverend William Kelly
will concelebrant. A recep-
tion will follow-in the church
Cultural Center. Private
inurnment will be held at a
later date in Oaklawn
The family requests no
flowers, Memorial contribu-
tions may be made to the
*Jacob Shalz Education,.Fund
c/o Quinn-Shalz, A Family
Funeral Home, 3600 Third
Street South, Jacksonville
Beach, FL 32250.
Services under the direc-
tion of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Lunch Buffet Catering
Mon-Fri $6.99 'Early Bird Specials
* Weekend Breakfast for Breakfast
Monday 6 am 2 pm Tues-Sun 6 am 9 pm
1183 Beach Blvd. 242-8894
(across the street from Beach Plaza)
Skin Cancer Screening
A free skin cancer screening will be
offered at, Ponte Vedra Dermatology on'
Saturday, May 6, which is National
Melanoma Screening Day.
Dr. David Harvey, Kelly Tohn, PA, and
Elise Hazzard, MSN, ARNP will conduct
the screening exams. In addition to a
free skin cancer exam, screening partici-
pants will receive educational materials
on skin cancer prevention and recogni-
tion, and sample packets of sunscreen.
Baptist Beaches is supporting the ini-
tiative by scheduling appointments. A
team of the Baptist Beaches Auxiliary
will be on site to conduct registration
and provide other assistance. The May 6
screening event will be held 8:30 a.m. to
noon. Appointments are required and
can be made by calling Baptist Beaches
Community Relations @ 627.2910 or
Baptist Medical Center Beaches has
joined forces, with the American
Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and.
with dermatologist Harvey Ponte Vedra
Dermatology in supporting the 2006"
National Melanoma Screening Day.
Since 1985, the AAD's skin cancer screen-
ing programs have offered free exams to
more than 1.6 million people and detect-
ed more than 162,300 suspicious lesions,
including 19,000 suspected melanomas.
This year the AAD is urging dermatolo-
gists across the United States to offer free
skin cancer exams in as many locations
as possible on. National Melanoma
Screening Day. The AAD hopes that this
year's effort will achieve a Guiness World
Book record for the number ,of free,
screenings conducted at the same time!!
Skin cancer is the most common type
of cancer. Those at high risk for devel-
oping skin cancer include those age 50 or
older, persons that are fair skinned with
blue eyes and red or blonde hair, those
that have frequent unprotected exposure
to the sun, and anyone that experienced
a serious sunburn during their childhood
years. When detected early, skin cancer
is highly.treatable.
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin
cancer because. if can quickly spread to
other organs in .the body. Most of the
risk factors for melanoma are the same as
those already listed, however melanoma
often occurs in younger individuals,
even in, teenagers. Individuals with
many moles are at higher risk, as
melanoma often occurs, in an existing
mole. Fortunately, melanoma is also cur-
able if detected in the early stages. (For
more information on the AAD's national
initiative to promote skin cancer detec-
tion, visit their website @ rworldrece-
,, *
T'ai Chi Day to be observed
Practitioners of t'ai chi will participate
in World T'ai Chi and Qigong Day on,
Saturday, April 29, at 10 a.m. at Cobalt
Moon Center, 217 First Street, Neptune
Also, as part of the local celebration of
this- 2,000-year-old form of exercise,
films of Professor Cheng Manching will
be shown free to the public on Friday at
7:30 pm at Cobalt Moon Center.
World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day begins in
New Zealand at 10 a.m. and is celebrated
by those.who enjoy the many physical
and spiritual health benefits associated
with t'ai chi. First developed in China,
t'ai chi is a series of gentle movements
designed to exercise the muscles, joints
and organs of the body. Studies have
demonstrated that the regular practice of
t'ai chi provides a wide scope of benefits
ranging from lower blood pressure and
increased bone mass to fewer episodes of
anxiety and depression, according to
organizers of the local event.
The World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day
event in Neptune Beach will begin at 10
a.m. All attending will do approximate-
ly a half hour of whatever form of t'ai chi
they practice. All forms of t'ai. chi are
welcome. Members of the general public
may also participate, following the
movements as best they can. Those
wishing to participate, are encouraged to
come half an hour to 15 minutes early.
More information about World T'ai Chi
& Qigong Day and the benefits of t'ai chi
can be found at www.worldtaichiday.org.
Each Sunday, Cobalt Moon Center also
sponsors free Yoga and T'ai Chi Practice
for Peace at the Water Studio located at
214 Orange Street. Yoga begins at 10 am
and t'ai chi starts at 11:30 am. The t'ai
chi consists of silent rounds of the Yang
'Short Form as developed by Manthing.
These rounds are open to all. For infor-
mation'call 246-2131 for details about
upcoming and ongoing classes.
CoastafTfierapy 6 Ieabin Center
wuod.llQ ft most awesome campsfor
your spea nee clD -"!,
Body,, Mind.f&Expression
Jue 5-30 8:30-12:30 For children ages 5-10; yoga, arts &
crafts, music & movement, language & literacy; directed by
certified yoga instructor, occupational therapist, physical,
therapist and speech-language pathologist.
Lets Pay Scfwof
June 5-30 8.30-11.30 For 4-5 year old children, "real-
life" classroom, taught by certified speech-language
pathologist and reading specialist your child will learn
the routines, pre-academic skills, fine-motor skills, lan-
guage skills, and phonemic awareness skills, required
for a successful year in pre-k or kindergarten.
Reatfers ,. Writers ,W r,(s/pa
June 5-30 8:30-11:30 For K, 1st and rising 2nd
graders, standards-based instruction taught by certi-
fied teachers and "standard-trained"-' increase your
child's reading level, improve fluency and cojmprehen-
sion skills and writing abilities within a language/lit-
eracy enriched camp-like environment lots of
hands-on and opportunities for creativity.
Lan#uai,# Leanw, c5ft LawLM
Switf Fast ForWord ,
May 30-J- 14 (off]i 4). 100 minutes aiafor
30 fats For ages 4 14; pre-evaluation required o
determine eligibility. Fast ForWord is a state-of-the
art, highly researched program consisting of fast-
paced & entertaining computer games that improve
auditory processing, language and reading. skills.
Program is highly individualized.
All camps will be held at The Bolles School Ponte Vedra Beach.
For information concerning costs and specific times, call us at 280-0081.
to have fun, play, discover and grow
Monday'-Friday 8:30 6:00 p.m.
For fonnation, call 280-2.'6 1
| [, 4Christ Episcopal Church
400 San Juan Deri e
.. Ponic Vedrj-a Beach. FL 320S2
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
A ril 26 2006
IL--s.- -srAa ~ .,w4~~7'r.
EACHPonte Vedra Leader
* Engagements ...
See A-9
* Education (right)
... A-10
wwwbeahpesaehpf p~lerarnc
Shalz's caring heart
made him a success
An array of Rolls Royces and photos of other classic cars line the inside of the garage at the Moody Automobile and Antique
Museum on Palm Valley Road.
Vintage vehicles at PV museum
A little-known, well-hidden
museum on Palm Valley Road
features a collection of
antique cars principally
Rolls Rovces as well as vin-
tage fumiture pieces, a variety
of collectibles and a wide
range of art items.. '
The Moody Automobile
SMuseum at 945 Palm Valley.
Road, about three miles west
Of the Intracoastal-Wa.terwa -
s open by appointment to'
groups and individual visi-
tors, said its owner, Boyd
"We've probably had 800 to
1,00( visitors in the last cou-
ple years," Moody said last
w9eek during a Ponte Vedra
'Beach Chamber of Commerce
mixer at the museum.
Among Moody's collection
is a 1937 Rolls Royce
Phantom III, which "is con-
sidered amongst the most
sought after of all the Rolls
Royces," according to one
Web site
: From 1936 to 1939, 727
Phantom Ills were built,
according to the Phantom Ill
Technical Society
iwww.p3ts.org). More than 80,
percent of those have sur-
vived, according to dark-
Other Rolls Royces on dis-
play are a 1921 Silver Ghost
and a 1929 Phantom I.
Then there is the car that "
got Moody started as a collec-
tor.- a 1981 DeLorean,
named for it's'Thib-ovant,,- j
designer, John DeLorean,
whose company shut down
in 1983 after producing fewer',
than 10,000 cars.
.DeLorean built cars in 1981.
and 1982 and offered a kit for
do-it-yourselfers in 1983.
After buying the DeLorean,
Moody then bought a 1964
Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III,,
which he found ini St. Louis
'and had it shipped to Florida,
he sai. .
"I was impressed with -it,"
he said, adding that the car Y
had 85,000 miles on it.
"Everythinig worked [even]
the trunk light and other
things that don't work after a:
while," Moody said.,
"It impressed me," Moody
"So I started [collecting.
Rolls Royces]. When [.found
one, I'd pick it up if I could
buy it right, either refurbish it.
or go:with it. Luckily, I found.
some that were' already
done," said Moody, who
owns 13 Rolls Royces. He also
has a Bentley,, Aston Martins
and Cadillacs.
Moody said he has estate -
lished a foundation and
donates the cars to the foun-
dation' so "they'll stay togeth-
er." '
The Moody Automobile
Museum started taking form
three years ago.
"We've been adding to it as
time goes by," Moody said'
during thle April 19 chamber.
The Moody Museum is
housed in a structure Moody
built a few vyers ago as a
house 'for his daughter,
Marjanna Christina, who now'
lives overseas, he said..
Moody arrived at the cham-
ber event in one of the cars
he drives a 1989 Aston
Martin. He typically drives
the auto on weekends but
used it to deliver a half dozen
bags of ice for the event.
Visitors who can find the,
museum's driveway off
County Road 210.are greeted
with a sign that gives the
inuseum- name.
The antique cars, each in
top condition, greet visitors,
who can then find their way
.. 6tlae tinomis of the house,
where among the items on
display are an array of model
I just enjoy people.com-
ing," Moody said. "I want to
keep the car collection
The vehicles are maintained
by DavidLikins, and the
museum is overseen by Frank
Likins said he works on pri-
marily pre-World War II vehi-.
cles. He has his own collec-
tion of antique motorcycles,
two of which are on display
in Moody's museum. -
Tours of the museum can
be arranged. Call 285-8804-
Nordans cus on god health
A bout six years ago,
Maria Nordan under-
went a life-changing
event and as a result became
focused on ways to promote
good health for'herself and
her family.
After being diagnosed
with an aggressive form of
breast caricer,'she deter-
mined to take an active role
in regaining her strength
and health following sur-
gery and treatment..
.Nordan said that she had
gotten into the habit of .eat-
ing too much fast food and
had not paid much atten-
tion to healthy eating.
As she began a study of
nutrition and health, she
found that the food, and
diet from her native Spain
and other Mediterranan
areas was highly recom-
mended by many sources.
Returning to her roots'
and eating the "ethnic
foods" that she and her hus-
band had always enjoyed
became one of her strategies
for better health.
Nordan is married to
Gene Nordan, a popular
Beaches entertainer ,whose
play "The Piano Bar" was
presented by Players by the
Sea earlier this year.
Maria was the stage man-
ager for the production and'
, also appeared in the play.
The couple live in Atlantic
Beach in a 1930s-era house
that Gene moved from the
waterfront in Mayport in
Their focus oil good
health includes 2-mile walk:
daily and what they refer to
as a "common sense"
approach to Florida living
based on keeping their
home and yard free of'
chemicals and pesticides.
The couple's diet now
includes variety of foods
which Maria's research indi-
cate will promote and main
tain health.
One of her sources for.
nutrition information and
recipes is "Eat Well/Stay
Well" published by the
Readers Digest.
-The food on their table
typically include whole
grains, lentils, soy, flaxseeds
organic vegetables and fruit
nuts, eggs, and some
She has, however, not sac
rificed flavor and taste to
achieve her goal.
Using seasonal fruits and
Vegetables offers the best,
taste while also ensuring
that throughout the year
they consume a variety of
foods, she said.
Her recipes for ethnic.
foods from the
Mediterranean and other
areas of the world provide
ample ways to cook deli-
cious meals.
"I like.to make it fun and
make it good," saidNordan.
Lentils are included in.
S their diet on ai regular basis
as they contain an abun-
dance of folate, iron, and
manganese, she said.
Her family is from
Zaragoza, Spain, and her
s recipe for Lentil Soup is pre-
pared as it is done there.
'The soup is simple and
quick with a pinch of three
spices togive it a distinctive
flavor. Pre-cooked brown
rice or a handful of white
rice (as it would have been
done in Spain) can be added
to the soup.
Spanish Omelet is a dish
commonly served at picnics
in Spain, said Nordan.
Aioli would accompany
the omelet and the crusty
bread eaten with it in Spain.
To be safe, Nordan always
Makes Aioli with organic
eggs and always keeps it
, cold. She serves Aioli with
, whole grain flat bread with
the omelet.,
Seafood was a common
- ingredient in coastal areas
of Spain like Barcelona
where Nordan lived as a
Espanol and Paella would be
served at festivals there, she
said. A platter of Nordan's
combination of seafoods
"Espanol" looks colorful and
tastes delicious.
Nordan serves squares of
Italian Polenta topped with
mushrooms, artichokes, and
. Goat cheese adds a special
flavor to this dish.
Flaxseeds are another food
that Nordan -uses for their
high nutritional value. She
grinds them fresh daily in a
coffee grinder for use in
almost anything. Nordan
said that her research indi-
cates that flaxseeds are ben-
eficial to the 'heart, bones, -
immune system and skin..
In her recipe for '.
Homemade Granola, '
Nofdan includes ground
and whole flaxseeds with
rolled oats and'nuts.
The granola is coated with
.barley malt flavored with
vanilla and cinnamon.Use
the granola for snacking or
serve it as Nordan does' with
blueberries and cherries fot
a dessert packed with nutri-
The following are some of
Maria Nordan's recipes for
healthful living.
1 med onion
3 carrots
2 stalks celery
2 sm zucchini
3 cloves garlic
Olive oil
2 cups lentils
8 cups vegetable broth
Jacksonville Beach funeral.,
director Mike Shalz always
looked good in'black.
The son of a St, Joseph,
Mo.,-funeral director, Shalz
often wore a dark suit and
tie to high school just so he
could be in uniform if his
father needed him at the
His professional attire even
helped him secure a new car,
loan at age 16.,
Shalz, a. second-generation
,funeral director, died
Saturday of congestive heart
failure at his Jacksonville
Beach home. He was 46.
He spent most of his life in,
a largely misunderstood busi-
But Shalz took all the mys-.
,tery and fear. out of planning
a funeral. He humanized the
process, easing one of the
biggest crises in a person's
life with a caring, and consid-
erate heart.
'It was no act. '
A small-town boy from
northeast Kansas, Shalz grew
to love and honor his chosen
profession like his parents,
Lester and NMarilee Shalz,
both licensed 'funeral direc-
tors. ,
'"You only had to show
him something once,"
* recalled Lester Shalz, a
recently retired funeral direc-
tor for 32 years in St. Joe.
S"He was a funeral direc-
tor's funeral director."
NMike Shalz followed in his
father's footsteps, earning a
bachelor's degree in 'mortu-
ary science from Central
Oklahoma University. He
also earned a bachelor of sci-
ence degree in psychology
from Missouri Western State
College ,
1 Shalz's younger brother, .
Mark, is a funeral director in
Gladstone, Mo. '
,But it was Shalz's superior
people skills learned at a
young age as his father's
assistant and honed over the
years by mentors such as
funeral directors Pat Mays
and Glenn Dunn of
Oklahoma and Jim
Harrington of Kansas City,
that made him successful.
S"He loved people," Marilee
Shalz said about her oldest of
six children, raised in tiny,
Wathena, Kan. (population.
1,000). .
S"He never forgot his roots.'
He called us almost every
day. He was like our
Godfather. Whenever we had
a big decision to make, we
always asked Mike's advice".
Shalz was diagnosed withl
Hodgkin's disease, right but
of college. He beat it after
surviving four hours of sur-
gery to remove his spleen.
In high school, Shalz was a
gangly youth with steel
springs for legs. He won the.
state high jump title as an-
underclassman and once
water-skied 60 miles up the
Missouri River against the
"When Mike made his
mind up to do something,
he did it," said Lester Shalz,
who also earned a degree in
4 /
mortuary science from
Central Oklahoma
Mike Shalz managed funer-
al homes'in Oklahoma and
Missouri before relocating to
Jacksonville in 1995 with his
wife of 14 years, Mary, a
teacher at Ponte Vedra-Palm
Valley Elementary School.
Their., 9-year-old son, Jacob,
attends Rawlings Elementary.
Shalz once was an area'
vice president for a mam-
moth corporation billed as
the largest provider of fuiiner-
al, cremation and 'cemetery
services in North America.
What he really longed for,
however, was to own a fami-
ly-run funeral home like his
In 1999, Shalz got his wish
when he teamed-with his'
father-in-law, retired Li.S:
Army Gen. Jack Quinn, and
brother-in-lawis Tom' and Bill
Quinn of the Beaches to
form Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home in Jacksonville Beach.
When he died Saturday,
Shalz was sole owner of the
funeral home and arguably
at the-apex of his profession-
al career. .
"He had reached it," said
Marilee Shalz, a former'
school teacher who left the
classroom to help her hus-
band run Colonial Funeral
Home in St. Joe.
.Said Tiffany Sindelar, one
of Mike's three sisters: "He
treated every family as if it
were his own."'
Shalz visited Arlington
National Cemetery for the
first time last September.
Dressed in a dark suit, and
despite having to stop peri-
odically to catch his breath,
Shalz toured most of the
sprawling cemetery, He easily
set a record for the most pur-
chases in the gift shop.
One' of those purchases, a
drawing of a sentinel pacing
in front of the Tomb of the
Unknowns, hangs,in the
funeral home off South 3rd
Shalz never served in the
military (he, was blind in one
eye), so he cannot be buried
at Arlington. But he helped
bury many veterans and he
consoled countless survivors.
He had an insatiable
curiosity for history and
human nature. .
And for someone who
spent his life helping others
manage grief, Shalz always
managed to keep a smile on
his face.
That smile will be missed.
Mike Shalz at
Arlington National
Cemetery in
September 2005.
.P^a QA
.rage o4 w
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A
People & Places
Jacquelyn Bates and Dr. Maurice Richardson IV
Jacquelyn Van Scoten Bates
and Dr. Mauride Howe
Richardson IV, both of.
Washington, D.C., have,
announced their engagement
to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Jacquelyn Dwelle Bates qf
Ponte Vedra Beach and Walter
Irving Bates II of Lititz, Pa. She
is a graduate of Episcopal High
School and Sweet Briar (Va.)
College. She is employed by
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and
Feld of Washington, D.C.
The groom-elect is the son of
Mr. and. Mrs. Maurice Howe
Richardson III of Brookline,
Mass. He is a graduate of
Roxbury Latin School and
Harvard University. He is
employed by Emergency
Medicine Associates of
Rockville, Md.
The couple plan to wed on
Saturday, June .0, 2006, in
Washington, D.C.
The National Society of High
School Scholars has recognized
Fletcher High School student
Rebekkah Flournoy of
Atlantic Beach for superior aca-
demic achievement.
Flournoy joins more than
150,000 NSHSS members rep-
resenting 15,000 high schools
in nearly 20 countries.
The Meninak Club presented
$5,000 scholarships to two
Beaxhes-area students, Gus
Fulton-Wiley of Fletcher High
and Jenna Tynan of Nease.
0* 1
Rachel. Dobbs, Miss Ponte
Vedra Beach, will appear in the
60th annual .Beaches Parade
Sunday, April 30, in
Jacksonville Beach. Dobbs is a
junior at .Florida State
University majoring in psy-
chology. She, plans to be a high
school guidance counselor.
An introductory and organi-
zational meeting of Adoptive
Families of the First Coast will
be held from 3 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Sunday, April 30, at the
Poite Vedra Branch Library,
The: purpose of the new
group will be to bring parents
Rebekkah Flournoy'
and children of all ages togeth-
er for domestic and interna-
tional adoptions. For more,
information call' Cindy
:Chamberlain *at 285-6237,
Donna Wheeler at 246-9382,
Norma Rea at 543-0002 or
Susan Caserta at 273-2177.
0 ,* )
Jared Evan Policastro, a
2000 Nease High School'gradu-
ate, will receive a master's
degree in business administra-
Joanne Lee Woodward of
Floyd, Va., and David Jonathan
Cooter of Jacksomille Beach
have announced their engage-
nent to be married.
The bride-elect is the daugh-
ter of Richard arid Joan
\Voodward of Floyd, Va. She is
employed as a -drafting assis-
The groom-elec.t is the sonof
John Cooter and Don and
Vicki! Causey of Jacksonville
Beach. He served in the U.S.
Marine Corps and is studying
political sciencein, Dublin, VaV.
A wedding date has not been
Jenha Tynan of Nease High and Gus Fulton-Wiley of Fletcher
High receive awards Monday night from the, Meninak Club of
Jacksonville. The students each received $5,000 college schol-
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tion from Florida State
University on April 29.
Policastro is a financial advisor
with 'Morgan Stanley, .in
Tallahassee, and is a candidate
for the certified financial plan-
Rachel Dobbs
ner designation.
He is the son of Mary and
Jerry Policastro of Ponte Vedra
You Do Not Want To Miss This!
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cott and Jenny Davis ot lacksonville announce the birth of a Twin Set $329 Queen Set Twin Set $429 Queen Set
., Hunter Lakin Davis, on Thursday, April 13, 2006, at Full Set $449 FullSet $649
morial Hospital. King Set $679 ,' 9 King Set $879 $6 9
ie weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20 inches lbng. I FREE Sei-Lip! FREEDhiien! R.FREE Bedframe!
eternal, grandparents are Norman Erstad and the late JeanI Sp P cna ges
tad of Jacksonmille. Paterhal" grandparentsare Rick and Brenda USpecial Condo Packages
zier of lacksonmille Beach. April 2006-May 2006
5 Piece Queen Bedroom Suite: Dresser. NMirror.
V rNightstand. Headboard and Mattress Set
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30,a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for chil-
dren ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all
others. Call 642-2688 for
UM LOFT is a multi-genera-
tions learning environment
that offers 16 hands-on sta-
tions for children and adults
to explore the concepts in
modern and contemporary
art. Entry is free with paid
entrance to the Jacksonville
Museum of Modem Art.
Children are admitted free-
every Sunday for family Free
Day at 333 Hemming Plaza in
downtown Jacksonville. Hours
of operation are 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 11 a.m.to 9 p.m.
Wednesday, 11 a.m. tp 4 p.m.
Saturday and Noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Call 366-6911 for
information. .
a ,inirisny of Thc Silver Cord. (- .'."
Wednesday Evealngs
6:30 PM
Hosted by Nepaue Baptst Ch wv
407 3nrdS Nepte Beach, F 32266
RegistrationIs required.
For more info or to sign up, call 723-36S
or visit us at www.TheSilverCordoorg.
SReconciliation Recovery Restoration
**tRavmbwI4YV Wmh f lx t&ha dalbtm mdft 4o thb&Ath CU& Uwtwalis dam i i
wli^ cs tia(a~ ~~~oha~ li ^hip~cit ~~aK
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra 'Beach for children from'
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play,
climbing and musical activi-
ties. Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information.
Think about it.
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icker Large Leather
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And you get the most complete
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Tyler Broughton (left) and Pilar Bemus visit The Leader's booth Sunday at the Ponte Vedra Art
Festival at Sawgrass Village.
The St. Johns County'
Sheriff's Office has reiterated
its call for Internet votes that
would benefit Deputy Steven
Bailey, a former youth
resource officer' at Ponte
'edra-Palm Valley
Elementary, Rawlings
Elementary and Landrum
Middle schools.
St. Johns Sheriff David
Shoar has pledged the
$10,000 prize money to
Bailey if Shoar wins America's
Most Wanted All-Star
Competition for First
Bailey is paralyzed on his
left side from a massive stroke
in October, and he recently
lost his goods when his apart-
ment burned.
To vote for Shoar, who is
one of eight finalists, visit
h ttp://amw.com/all-
star/2006/gallery.cfm. The
deadline in May 8.
A Steven Bailey medical
account has been established
at Prosperity Bank in St.
Augustine, and Lt. Becky
Clarke at the Sheriff's Office
also is taking donations. For
more information, call 1904)
Proceeds from Landrum
Middle School's Spring Movie
Night Friday also will go to
benefit Bailey. The movie to
be shown is Shrek 2.
Eighty-seven St. Johns
County high school students
were honored Tuesday at the
11th annual STAR (Students
Taking Responsibility) Awards
Banquet at World Golf
The STAR Awards recognize
the top 5 percent of all gradu-
ating seniors in the county.
Honored were 25 Bartram
Trail students, 20 from Nease
High, 18 from St. Augustine
High, 17 from Pedro
Menendez and seven from St.
Joseph Academy.
The University of North
Florida expects to award
1,118 bachelor's degrees, 169
master's degrees and four doc-
torates this term.
Spring commencement will
be held at the UNF Arena on
Friday, as follows: College of
Education and Human
Services, Brooks College of
Heath and Coggin College of
Business, 3 p.m.; College of
Arts and Sciences and College
of Computing, Engineering
and Construction, 7 p.m.
Parents of fifth graders who
will attend Landrum next
year are invited to attend par-
ent night Thursday at the
middle school. The session
will run from 6 p.m.. to 7:30
Rawlings fifth graders visit
the middle school Tuesday,
and Ocean Palms fifth graders
will visit Wednesday.
Recipes: Spanish omelet; polenta
Cont. from A-8
pinch of turmeric
pinch cardamom
pinch cinnamon
Combine first five items in
food processor and chop. Add
olive oil to pot and add
chopped first five items, saut&.
Add lentils, vegetable broth
and spices. Boil for 30 min-
utes. Add salt and/or pepper
if desired.
8 potatoes
2 med onions
6-7 eggs (or egg substitute-
egg beaters)
olive oil
sea salt
' Peel potatoes and dice or
cut into very thin slices.
Cover bottom on pan with
olive oil and heat. Add pota-
toes and lightly brown, when
potatoes are half way cooked
add onions and cook (onion
should only be transparent).
Take potatoes and onion from
pan and set aside to drain off
oil. Place the potatoes in a
bowl. Beat together the eggs
and salt and combine with
potatoes and onion, stir gen-
tly together. At this point you
may add a variety of ingredi-
ents to the mixture: vegeta-
bles like-green beans, mush-
rooms, zucchini asparagus,
pepper or ham, chorizo,
sausage, seafood.
Return to pan and add a
tablespoon of oil, reheat. Now
pour in the egg and potato
mixture (with the additional
ingredients you choose let it
set on the bottom, regulating
the heat so it doesn't brown
too fast. Use the spatula to
firm the edges of the omelet
all around the circumference.
Shake the pan frequently to
keep it loose on the bottom.
Place the plate over the pan
and turn the omelet out on to
the plate. Add another table-
spoon of oil on bottom on
pan and slide the omelet back
to cook on the reverse side.
Remove when it is golden by
turning pan on to serving
plate. Makes 2 8-9inch
sea salt in a container of a
small hand blender. With
the motor running add the oil
in a very slow stream until it
thickens. When it has thick-
ened add the crushed garlic.
Store refrigerated. Lasts 10
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup flaxseed
one-half cup almonds
one-half cup walnuts
2 T ground cinnamon
two-thirds cup barley malt
Tbsp vanilla extract
1 cup of blueberries fresh
or frozen)
1 cup of cherries (fresh or
Preheat the oven to 350.
Place oats in a bowl. Grind
one-half cup of flaxseed (in
an electric coffee grinder), add
the ground and not ground
flaxseed to the oats. Chop the
almonds and walnuts and add
to mixture.
Heat barley malt; add cinna-
mon and vanilla. Pour over
the mixture and then spread
on cookie sheet. Bake for 15
minutes stirring every 5 min-
utes. Immediately loosen
from the cookie sheet with a
spatula. Serve with berries.
1 box (3 doz) of frozen or
ALIOLI fresh mussels (follow direc-
1 whole egg tions on package)
Icup olive oil 1 Ib large shrimp
1 tbsp wine vinegar or one-half lb. calamari
lemon juice olive oil
[I tsp sea salt sea salt
3 cloves of garlic (crushed) 8 tomatoes
Put egg, wine vinegar, and med onion
3 cloves garlic
4 or5 sprigs of parsley
In food processor puree last
4 items, add oil (2 tbsp) to
bottom of a big pan and pour
in tomatoes mixture and add
salt to taste. Once the mix-
ture has cooked for about 5
minutes or so, add all the
seafood (mussels should be
cooked before adding to toma-
toes miLxtuire, cook until
shrimp turns pink. Serve as
main dish or over pasta.
8 cups of vegetable broth
2 cups corn meal
Itsp sea salt
1 tbsp butter
1 cup of goat cheese
2 sm packs of sliced mush-
I bag frozen artichoke
hearts chopped
3 Oz. fresh spinach
Bring broth to boil, in large
pan, add salt. Slowly add
corn meal to boiling broth
and stir constantly to prevent
sticking. Liquid should be
completely absorbed; polenta
should be done in 25-30 min-
utes. Add butter and cheese
and stir. Spoon mixture 'into
a 9X13 inch baking dish that
has been coated with olive oil
spray. Let stand 15 minutes.
Saute mushrooms and arti-
choke hearts in olive oil on
medium heat. After mush-
rooms are cooked down, add
spinach and toss. Cut polenta
into squares and serve with
mushroom mixture.
Florida Lotto & Lottery Games
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Maria and Gene Nordan in their Ponte Vedra Beach home.
April 26, 2006
*Page IOA
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Ponte Vedra Leader
April 26, 2006 PO I T S
* Fishing Leader
* Who will Jaguars draft?
* Sports Briefs
Tebow steals show in springgame
A glimpse
of future
at Gators'
In football there are no
Legends of the Spring. Still,
even casual observers had
to be impressed with Tim
Tebow's debut at quarterback
in last Saturday's Orange and
Blue game at the LUrversity of
Tebow was 15-of-21 in the
passing department for 197
yards and a touchdown.
Niumbers-wise he surpassed
Gators starter Chris Leak's
totals of 17-of-33, 145 yards,
one interception and no TDs.
It was one very-controlled
spring game with special rules
like no tackling the quarter-
backs and 13 potential starters
sitting out for a variety of rea-
sons. But make no mistake
about it, Tebow looked mature
and conhdent in his debut.
To casual fans, maybe the
most important thing was
Tebow led the Orange side to
a 24-6 victory in front of an
estimated 45,200 Gators faith-
Beneath the surface, howev-
er, Tebow was even more
impressive. He made his sec-
ond and third reads, checked-
down for receivers out of the
backfield, didn't lock onto
wideouts on deep routes,
threw accurately on the run
and never panicked when the
pocket collapsed, as it did
many times Saturday'.
To be sure, Tebow did those
same things while piloting
Nease High to a state champi-
onship last December. But to
see him do it amidst the speed
and complexity of a big-time
college program like Florida's
bodes well for the future of
the Gators' offense.
-Vile he still has a great
deal to learn and coaches
work to refine his throwing
mechanics, Tebow benefitted
greatly by enrolling early at
LIU and getting a season of
spring practices under his belt.
There's no quarterback con-
troversy at Florida Leak is
the starter and Tebow is being
groomed to assume the role in
2007 but in most ways
Tebow is a better fit for head
coach Urban Meyer's spread
offense. That was especially
e-ident on option plays, a sta-
ple of the Gators' attack.
The 6'3", 230-pound Tebow
is bigger and more imposing
than Leak Defenders must
respect his ability to keep the
ball on option plays, or to toss
it to a tailing back. On a
number of occasions Saturday,
the QB waited until a Blue
lneman or linebacker com-
mitted to stopping him, then
expertly flipped it to the run-
ning back for a big gain. That
alone had to bring a smile to
Nlevet's face.
The former Nease star show-
cased his ann strength and
accuracy as well. Tebow hit
receiver David Nelson in
stride down the left sideline
for big gains on consecutive
plays late in the game. The
first play was negated by a
penalty but both throws were
on the money.
Leak, too, hIad his moments
in the Orange and Blue con-
test and showed veteran lead-
ership at times. He's a Gators
captain and has held up
remarkably well while diplo-
matically answering every
"Are you worried about losing
the starting job to a fresh-
man" question.
So there's reason for joy in
Gainesfille. Leak will
undoubtedly be better next
fall after another spring and
summer under Mever's tute-
lage. And with Saturday's tan-
talizing glimpse of what
Tebow has to offer, the subse-
quent three years are full of
promise as well.
Urban Meyer quickly tried to
defuse any hint of controversy.
"Chris Leak is our quarter-
back," Meyer said repeatedly fol-
lowing Saturday's Orange and
Blue game that signalled the
end of spring football practice.
That the Florida head coach
needed to quash any and all
inquiries was made necessary by
the play of freshman Tim Tebow
who guided the Orange side to a
24-6 victory in front of 45,200
Gators fans. Tebow completed
15-of-21 passes for 197 yards
and tossed a 16-yard TD pass to
Kenneth Tookes.
The former Nease High star
outplayed incumbent starter
Chris Leak, who passed for 145
yards and threw an intercep-
Meyer was adamant about
Florida's quarterbacking hierar-
chy, but the head coach must
already sense the buzz about his
freshman's performance.
"That's a great water-cooler
story," Meyer said. "That's a
great discussion over coffee in
the morning. [But] Chris Leak is
our quarterback and Tim Tebow
is going to be a guy that's going
to play. We're going to let him
grow as a quarterback."
It seemed clear cut before
Saturday's scrimmage. Tebow
had struggled a bit during prac-
tices, still adjusting to college
life in the classroom and on the
field, and Leak is the three-year
starter who guided UF to a 9-3
record last season.
But in a game in which quar-
terbacks wore red non-contact
jerseys and a number of starters
sat out for safety reasons, Tebow
displayed enough confidence
and poise to make fans wonder
which QB is the best fit for
Nleyer's spread offense.
"Since the first day, coach
Meyer has said I am his quarter-
back," Leak said. "I have all the
confidence that this is my team.
I am the captain of this team.
I'm so confident in these guys
and about this year. I am just
real excited about- getting
Pr.j:. br,', ROB OAIIGELC'
University of Florida freshman quarterback Tim Tebow, left, is met at the line of scrimmage by defensive end Javier Estopinan dur-
ing the Orange and Blue game Saturday. Tebow, who guided Nease High to a state championship last December, complete 15-of-
21 passes for 197 yards and a TD in leading the Orange side to a 24-6 victory.
Heavily-recruited by Meyer
during a senior season in which
he led Nease to its first-ever state
championship, Tebow is seen as
Florida's most renowned fresh-
man since running back Emmitt
Smith in 1987. He was named
the state's "Mr. Football" for
2005 after throwing for 3,442
vards and 34 touchdowns and
rushing for 1,045 yards and 21
more scores.
Tebow finished his high
school career with 9,940 passing
yards, 13,050 yards of total
offense and 159 TDs all state
Meyer has said Tebow will
play some next fall, but he's also
been protective of the young
signal-caller, limiting his scram-
bling ability in practice as well
as his e\p.uosue to the media.
Following Saturday's game,
Tebow said he's making progress
in learning the Gators' offense
and his role in it.
"The more you get a feel for it,
the more conmortable you are
and the more the game slows
down for you," he said. 'I think
that's just kind of how it was."
Lacrosse club hosts girls jamboree
The Ponte Vedra Athletic
Association's Lacrosse Club is trying to
get the word out to youngsters about its
sport. The girls team had its say
Saturday at the Cornerstone Fields,
where a jamboree took place.
The seventh- and eighth-grade edition
of the Ponte Vedra Predators defeated
the Lady Hawks of Central Florida 13-6.
Al.he Santillo and Brigitte Coburn led the
Predators with four goals apiece, while
Amanda Santillo and Jenna Gimbel each
scored twice. Nicole lWhite also had a
Predators goalkeeper Natalie Hughes
made at least a dozen saves for the older
Predators, who are coached by Jerry
Santillo, Sal NMadaffari and Kerri Dowd.
The younger Predators, featuring a lot
of fourth-grade girls, lost to their some-
what-older Central Florida counterparts
6-4. Bailey Dotsikas, Allie Pheiff,
Stephanie Scott and Shannon Wondrow
scored for the Predators.
The younger group is coached by
Jimmy and Kelly Dotsikas, Ken Scott,
Kelly Keator, Troy Nichols and Laurence
Leslie Sandillo, whose family moved
from Atlanta to Ponte Vedra Beach last
year, is the girls team administrator.
"We looked into what they had going
in Ponte Vedra. The boys program was
going pretty strongly. The girls was not
really taking any root," she said. "We
started a program, and [Nease High
coach Mindy McCord] showed up one
afternoon, when we're practicing. I
think she was working with some of her
high school girls. We kind of recruited
her into the program.
"She's helped us, really. We kind of
got the program going, but she's helped
us make sure we're teaching, the girls the
right skills. And that's what this is all
McCord coaches a similar girls pro-
gram in Julington Creek.
The first game the Ponte Vedra
Lacrosse Club girls team played was at
Bartram Trail, in the Ojibway Lacrosse
Festival. April 8 marked the first girls
game played in Ponte Vedra Beach. The
Predators defeated Julington Creek 12-4.
"There's no reason why this couldn't
be a lacrosse hotbed," said Jerry Santillo.
"We've got enough northerners who've
come down who love it. We've got peo-
.pie here that, once they see it, they'll
love it. It's just a matter of keeping the
interest, gaining momentum.
A U-15 team is being put together to
compete in a youth festival June 23-25
at Disney World. Paul McCprd, Mlindv
McCord's husband, will coach that
"That's the first impact that I've
seen," said Leslie Santillo. "It would be
really nice if we had a North Florida
chapter of U.S. Lacrosse because we
could really pull those girls together,
practice here, draw all your coaches
from here."
Another transplanted northerner,
club founder Patti Lombardo, is credited
with helping lacrosse take root in the
"We could not have grown the pro-
gram to this level without the support
of Patti Lombardo," said Leslie Santillo.
"While she has let us take the ball and
run with it, she is always in the back-
ground with whatever we need, includ-
ing fields and financial support."
Nease High baseball completes
best regular season in history
Panthers starting pitcher Daniel Jones fires to the plate during
recent Nease High baseball action. The Panthers were slated to
begin play in the District 5-4A Tournament on Tuesday.
The Nease baseball team con-
cluded its regular season with a
20-2 record, the best in school
history, by hammering Kenmore
East 15-5 last Thursday.
The Panthers opened with a
10-run first inning and put the
Buffalo, N.Y.-area school in jeop-
ardy of a mercy-rule ending
from the outset.
Kenmore East was a final tune-
up for the District 5-4A tourna-
ment, which began Monday at
Nease. St. Augustine beat
Atlantic 10-4 in one of two first-
round games. That set up a
Yellow Jackets-Panthers rematch
in a Tuesday semifinal.
Nease High coach Boo Mullins
said he and his team are ready to
battle St. Augustine.
"We're born ready," said
Mullins. "I was. The boys act like
they are."
After the Nease starters put the
10-spot on the board against
Kenmore, Mullins substituted
freely. And Nease senior Blake
Sanders, making his 84th con-
secutive start, played all nine
field positions.
Sanders hit a game-winning
double last year, when the
Panthers beat the jackets 3-2 for
the district championship.
Nease is 2-0 versus St. Augustine
this season.
The Panthers won 12-0 at St.
Augustine Feb. 24, then had a
tougher test March 17 when the
Jackets came calling. That verdict
was 6-4, Nease.
"That's what you're supposed
to do to a team that comes down
and hasn't been out of the gymn
yet," Mullins said of the Kenmore
game. "You're supposed to score
early, then put your second team
All Nease players were given an
opportunity to play, and the
Panthers used some pitcher with
little experience. That included
first baseman Alex' Brull, who
took over on the mound from
Sanders in the first inning with
one runner on and two outs.
Brull struck out cleanup hitter
Rick Cumbo.
One thing Mullins was con-
cerned about after the game was
the condition of starting catcher
Matthew Redding who bruised his
knee running into a brick wall in
pursuit of a foul ball April 4.
"He's still a little shaky back
there. That thing is still bothering
him a little bit," said NMullins.
"We wanted to get him in there
tonight. What I saw tonight, he
isn't ready."
However a speed-and-condi-
tioning session Saturday morning
at Cornerstone Fields, under for-
mer world-class sprinter Almon
Gunter, and a Monday practice
convinced Mullins that Redding
was to be his catcher Tuesday.
"A lot better," Redding said in
describing his knee following the
Kenmore game. "I got to play
today. [On a] passed ball, I kind of
tweaked it a little bit. But that's
about it. Other than that, it felt
April 26, 2006
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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For Upscale Children's
Resale, Visit Tots To Teens
One look inside Tots To Teens, with its cheery, well-
organized and sparkling-clean interior and displays,
and you know why it's called an "upscale children's
resale" shop.
Few shops regular and resale offer such a pleas-
ant, clutter-free environment for finding an excellent
selection of children's fashions, furniture, toys and gift-
"We're ready to meet your child's needs when it
comes to quality clothes, toys and furniture at afford-
able prices," says.Terry, who along with Michellecom-
prises the Tots To Teens knowledgeable and profession-
al management team at their Beach Blvh'd location. "The
Tots To Teens concept was realized over 5 years ago'
with the opening of the first store in Orange Park (1498,
Park Avenue) and we are very excited with the opening
of a second outlet on Beach.Blvd that is ideally located
to serve the Beach community," says Terry. All of the
staff have been employed at Tots To Teens since the
store's inception and bring years of experience with,
Tots To Teens, which buys as well as sells merchan-
dise, is not a consignment store, and there are no con-
signment items in the shop. Instead, it's a valuable out-
let for parents who have clothing or other items they
want to sell. Tots To Teens pays cash up front for all
items and offers superb bargains for people looking t6
purchase "like new" items. The shop even has a seven-
day return policy.
Specifically, Tots To Teens is currently looking for
children's clothing from newborn to Youth 14 juniors,
toy boxes, play pens, walkers, gates, strollers, high
chairs, swings, kids' tables and chairs, cribs, dressers,,
changing tables, jogging strollers, double strollers, pack
'n plays, crib bedding, maternity clothing and all toys.
Tots To Teens always pays cash for all "like new"
items that they purchase, and no appointment is nec-
essary when bringing in vour items. Customers wishing
to sell items should remember that the clothing must
'be in "like-new" condition and free of stains or missing
buttons. All furniture must be less than five years old.
All merchandise carried in the store must pass rigid
inspection. "We keep close tabs on all the recalls so we
know what clothes, toys and furniture have been
'recalled and we check every 'like new' item against the
list of recalls," explains Terry. "We also test all items,
make sure that every moving part works and accept no
-~ '.
Tots to Teens now has a location convenient to Beach shop-
pers at 13799-4 Beach Blvd. in Hodges Plaza.
broken merchandise."
The display aisles in Tots To Teens are uncluttered,
well organized and inviting.. There's no rummaging
.through tables piled high with "like new" clothes.
Instead, clothing is organized by size and style. There's
even a final markdown rack that features incredible
'In addition to clothing, Tots To Teens sells cribs,
playpens, swings, bassinet and strollers as well as books,
videos, hats and other baby items. A great selection of
toys, including musical crib toys and dolls, also awaits
shoppers at Tots To Teens.
No matter what; the age or size of your child or
grandchild or niece or nephew Tots To Teens has
what you need in the way of 'like new' clothes, toys
and furniture at an affordable price.
"Our key to success at Tots To Teens has been that
parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles can
come to Tots To Teens to find the "like-new" at prices
far below retail," says Terry.
".Today children can outgrow their clothes or other
items long before the items show any wear," she says.
"These outgrown items may be exactly what another
parent is seeking."
And that's what Tots To Teens takes great pride in -
matching well-cared-for stylish merchandise from the
right seller with the right buyer.
In addition to clothes, furniture and toys, Tots To
Teens offers "like new" maternity clothes and new gift-
ware. Gift items include, photo frames, puppets, charmh
bracelets, Shopper.cover.-, bibs, hairbows and the p6p-
ular Ra2baby pacifhers. -". .
Another parent- and child-friendly feature at Tots To
Teens is a baby diaper-changing station in the rest
Plan your visit now to Tots To Teens, the Beaches
area's upscale children's resale shop, located at 13799-4
. Beach Blvd in Hodges Plaza, on the north side of Beach
Boulevard between San Pablo Road and Hodges
Boulevard. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday
through Saturday. All major credit cards are accepted.
For more information about Tots To Teens, call 223-
,LIrr 3
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April 26, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B
sLots of redbass, some with plenty of spots
T ots of redbass are being
caught, some with lots of
, ,Lcspots.
Congratulations to Capt. Bob
Houghton and 10-year-old
angler Katherine Thames who
;pulled in a 18.5 inch red with.
132 spots. The redbass was
enough to provide the crew
with the first place prize of
$7,500 cash in Saturday's
Times-Union Redfish Roundup.
A one-day bite of the much
sought-after pompano had
,.Jacksonville Beach Pier anglers
eXcited last Friday. Plenty of
grouper and snapper came off
the party boats most of the
I Capt. Mark Williams went
'back into action last week and
i vas rewarded with excellent
catches. Last Wednesday, Capt.
ANlark, with Steve and BUJ
Sawyer Jim Gowan and Craig
Roberts, brought home their
lihlit of snapper to 12 pounds
ahd released 18 other big snap-
On Saturday, Capt. Mark
topk Larry and Anne
Kuhbander to a northeast spot
about 14 miles offshore and
iced down their limit of
grouper to 15 pounds, two red
grouper, two snapper at five
,and 12 pounds and lots of
Charlie "Catfish" Miller and
Mike Youngblood didn't take
long Friday morning to bring
their limit of pompano over
the pier rails. It wasn't long
before most of the anglers had
dams on their hooks and were
bringing in big pompano.
Chuck Maynard released a
26-inch cobia last Friday. He
caught it on a flost rig with a
live shrimp. Whiting, pom-
pano, yellowmouth and lady'-
fish were caught from the pier
all last week.
' Capt. Kirk Waltz fished from
his "Enterprise" last Thursday
with Frank and Tracy Hunter
near the carrier basin rocks and
caught 22 yellowmouth trout
weighing up to three pounds.
On Saturday, Capt. Kirk
fished with friends Jim
McCollum and his son Mike at
the rocks and caught 11
sheepshead, 23 redbass, four
jacks, a trout and 14 ladyfish.
Canal guide John Drssen
fished with Dwight Hibbard
last Wednesday in the feeder
creeks below the McCormick
Bridge and used live shrimp to
catch 11 speckled trout, three
flounder and eight redbass.
Capt. NMike Morris, with Bill
Barton and his son, Billy, fished
the big jetties with live shrimp
and jigs last Thursday morning
to catch 11 sheepshead, three
blues and nine redbass to 30
Scott Stevens and two friends
fished only nine miles off the
beach and brought up six snap-
per to seven pounds.
Capt. Dave Sipler and Ken
Hubbard used live shrimp
Pr., olo srmnea
This week's history picture includes former members of the Shark Club and avid pier fishermen
from left. a young Roger Walker, Bobby Deane, Greg Fields and Mike Chachos with a shark they
had just caught and the jaws of another they caught from, the old Jacksonville Beach Pier in 1974.
Which needs wll Ja.guars
fill in weekend NFL draft?
Soach Jack Del Rio's
Jaguars are souped up
and eagerly awaiting the
NFL draft. The topic was to be
a hot one at Tuesday's annual
media luncheon at Alltel
This is the annual hoedown
at'Qich coaches are on the
grd.dle to tell the latest about
tltir draft hopes. The media
,. wel"omes the chance to grill
S everone from Del Rio to
lanes Harris, chief of the draft
squad, and even coach Wayne
Weaver, owner, guiding hand
arftithe last word when it
comes to who stays and goes
tor the coming summer train-
I things may have been quiet
at 'the stadium," a Jaguars
spokesman said last week, "but
thit doesn't mean the wheels
h"a'yen't been turning. There are
many plans we hope will make
the'summer drills really
'VWhat the .aguars will be
*, looking for in the draft, April
9'-30, may include' many posi-
tions although jacksonville's
biass is craft. not to divulge
toro much. One thing they
won't be looking for, however,
Senators AD Joe Reynol
*Kirkpatrick. Back row: FH
coach Bob Anderson.
is a quarterback. The menu will
remain the same. The leader,
Byron Leftwich, owns the start-
ing job and don't anyone for-
get it.
Then Leftwich has his own
caddies, David Garrard and
Quinn Gray, as "backups" on
the sideline just to make it
look good.
One of the prime questions
the boys land girls will surely
put to Del Rio, Harris, Weaver
and even to director of college
scouting Gene Smith is, where-
fore does the coming strategy
leave long-time ace Fred Taylor,
one of the finest running backs
in the NFL but a player who
continues to be plagued by
The Jaguars, at least the
, higher-ups, have indicated that
Fearless Fred is still their man,
even at the ripe old age of 30.
So far, they have no plans to
offer Taylor to the Salvation .
But Taylor has been around
the pros a long time. He didn't
just get off a turnip truck from
the farm. He knows things can
change as often as a baby's
The powers that be were
going to be grilled Tuesday at
the Alltel feed, but few secrets
would be revealed.
How does Jimmy Smith
stand, for example, if Fred
Taylor is feeling the heat of
change? How safe is the
Jaguars' all-time catcher-scooter
at the age of 37?
There's a Teeling of Del Rio
and the others itching for
youth to inject the needed gas
for the drive to the Super Bowl.
Smith and Taylor know they
could be vulnerable because
neither is strictly a Del Rio
man. They are leftovers from
the Tom Coughlin Era. As
much as age, that alone makes
them suspect.
Pnoto subrnMed
achel Sale, center, signs a swimming scholarship offer from
rsity last Friday. Attending the signing were front row from left:
ds, Barnes Sale, Rachel. Leslie Sale, Fletcher principal Helene
IS swim coach Rich Banks, two of Rachel's brothers and swim
Pnoto submitted
Hugh Williams, Eric Anderson and Tyler Patterson with the winning fish in the recent El Cheapo
Sheepshead Tournament. Their winning fish weighed 10.5 pounds.
under their floats to net 20
speckled trout to five pounds,
15 redbass to 26 inches, a jack
and a yellowmouth.
Capt. David and Mike Morris
anchored along the big rocks
last Thursday and pulled their
limit of sheepshead off the
rocks. The next morning David
tried the surf at Hanna Park
and pulled five drum, six whit-
ing, several pompano and a
blue up on the beach.
A] Wiltshire, Don Sutton and
Richard Bell fished the sloughs
at 16th Avenue south and on
the rising tide caught four
pompano, four blues, 30 whit-
ing, two jacks and a trout.
Jetty guide Fred Morrow,
with Glenn Fraser and Terry
Youmain last Wednesday morn-
ing, used live shrimp to catch
21 redbass, (27 to 38 inches
three drum to.five pounds and
a sheepshead.
On Saturday Jim Oliver and
lohn Dugan fished with Fred
but they tied the creeks north
of Sisters Creek and caught
JaxJ~eack f
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The Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
nine ledbass to 27 inches, three
trout and two flounder. ,
James Gergley and friend J. R.
,on their day off last Monday
took live shrimp and jigs along
the iiver fishing from their
"Head Hunter" to catch 30 red-
bass and several trout and
On. Tuesday, morning James,
with Matt Hamilton and
Jonathan, Moran, went back to
the same area with live shrimp
and jigs and caught two dozen
reds along with 10 flounder,
Good fishing.
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April 26, 2006 .,
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Aerobics by Beverly takes
place Mondays and Wednesdays
from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
at the Neptune Beach Senior
Activities Center. Program fea-
tures circuit training, cardio kick-
boxing, step and body sculpture.
For more information phone
616-2218 or 270-1688.
Baseball School
The Sunshine Baseball School
will take place at Wingate Park -
in Jacksonville Beach on the fol-
lowing dates:
June 5-8; June 12-15; June 19-
22 and June 26-29.
Instruction takes place
Monday to Thursday from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The Sunshine Baseball School
features instruction from
Fletcher varsity coach Kevin
Brown, and current Senators
assistant coaches Dr. Jim
Timmons and Boomer
Cost is $125 per session and
includes lunches, drinks and T-
shirt. For more information con-
tact Dr. Jim Timmons at 223-
1664 or 521-2687.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July I is $90. For more
information visit www.beaches-"
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Bud Beech Camps
The Bud Beech Summer Camps
at Nease High School begin May
Ten weekly sessions are avail-
able, most of which run from
Monday through Thursday. The
cost of each session is $55 half -
day [9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3
p.m.] or $95 extended day [9 a.m.
until 3 p.m.]
Campers may choose the
morning camp that runs from 9
a.m. to noon and select basket-
ball, soccer, flag football or
dance/gymnastics. The afternoon
camps run from noon- to 3 p.m.
and offer basketball or cheerlead-
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
4075 or email beechjr-@com-
cast.net. I
Football Camp
The 2006 Coach Craig
Howard Football Camp, which
takes place May 22 through May
25 from 9 a.m. until noon, is for
boys or girls entering grades 3
through 8.
The four-day, non-padded
youth camp is designed for
young, energetic players who
want to learn about football and
have fun. Cost is $85 and
includes a T-shirt.
For more information send an
e-mail to neasefootball@'bell-
south.net with name and
address to receive a brochure.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open for
Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade girls
that combines running and
training for a 5K (3.1 miles)
run/walk, along with healthy
living education and life les-
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit
The 13th annual Take a
Swing at Cancer Golf Classic
will take place April 28 at
Sawgrass Country Club.
Registration begins at 11:30
a.m. with play starting at 1
Claude Nolan Cadillac,
Barbara Maple of Watson
Realty and Nader's Pest
Raiders are.sponsoring on-
course contests including a
"Putt for $10,000" and a
"Million.Dollar Hole-in-One."
Gold and Diamonds Direct 2
and Nader's will also sponsor
the "Diamond in the Rough"
contest in which a one-carat
diamond will be in one of the
There will be a silent auc-
tion and cocktail reception at
6 p.m. and dinner party at 7
For ticket and event infor-
mation, contact the American
Cancer Society at 249-0022.
S Golf Itstruction
Free golf instruction being
offered at the Jackson-ille
Beach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of each
Clieerlea,_ig .._ month begintg.a n tt;4p B.\;l i
The Ponte V'edra Panthers are .-p, -a- r fourth Saturday of ;-
seeking a few responsible individ- each month' will be a free class
uals to help coach youth cheer- for juniors (ages 6 to 17) at 4
leading. No experience necessary, pm.
training will be provided. Pre-registration is not neces-
Head coach must be at least 21 sary and equipment is available
years old, and assistants must be for those who need it. All class-
at least 18. es are taught by.academy pro-
To volunteer, phone fessionals 'Nickv Martin, Man'
ShariGruhn at 285-9915 or e-mail Lyons, Cooper Osborne and
sgruhn@comcast.net. Sandy Suckling.
For more information phone
Football 476-2603.
Nease sport physical wilI take
place April 29 from 9 a.m. until 11
a.m. in the high school gym. Cost
is $10. Athletes may log on to
FHSAA.org to get the physical and
liability form. For additional infor-
mation about the Nease physical
phone 819-8300 and ask for
Beaches Pilates classes take
place Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. at
Hollie's Dance Studio. Cost is
$5. First hour/first class free.
Phone 234-0038 or visit
beachespilates.com for more
The Ponte Vedra Socer Club is
conducting a Harley Davidson raf-
fle to raise funds for a
training/educational facility at
Davis Park.
A total of 5,000 tickets, at a cost
of $20 per ticket or six for $100,
will be sold with the grand prize
of a 2006 black Harley Davison
tuel-minjected Fat Boy motorcycle.
Drawing will take place May 13
at the PVSC's annual spring picnic
at Davis Park. Tickets are available
online at PonteVedra-
SoccerClub.com or at Bogey Gdlle,
Oceanside Cleaners and Play it .
Again Sports or through PVSC
members and their families.
St. Paul's Sports
St. Paul's summer sports camps
feature participation in team sports
and age-appropriate activities.
Basketball, flag football, kick ball,
tag and more are offered. On
Friday, campers have pizza and go
to Beach Bowl.
Camp sessions are weekly from
the end of May until late July. For
more information visit
iwww.beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-
Strollerfit exercise with your
baby. Outdoor passes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exerdse machines are tak-
ing place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and Fort
Caroline Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. until
10:30 a.m.
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or visit
stroller Lt.com/arlington.
The Grom Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called JaxPier
Surf Camp and is still located at
2nd North. The contact number
is 651-2843.
Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
JaxPier Surf Camp is the only
surf camp in the nation with a
rI I(strq4Wing qapiam of the
-. children and. young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Haiek at 247-5538.
The Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For more information,
visit the website at www.florida-
surfing.org or call (904) 626-9090.
Triathlon Coaching
Steve Petitt, a seven-time
Ironman traithlon Hawaii com-
petitor, is offering traithlon
coaching for the upcoming
BFAST series of events.For more
information visit stevepetitt.com
or phone 982-9214.
Registration for Ponte Vedra
Pop Warner football and cheer-
: leading, as well as junior pro-
grams, will take place May 6 and
May 13 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
at the pavilion at Comeistone
For more information on the
Ponte Vedra football and cheer-
leading programs visit pvaafoot-
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Fletcher High's Belia Rodriguez (14) scores a touchdown in girls flag football action last ,,
Wednesday. The Senators defeated Paxon High and Stanton Prep to make it to the district seri,
finals, but suffered a season-ending loss to Lee on Thursday.
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cept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation ol the law. All per-
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ings advenilsed are available on an
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
JAX BEACH, Osceola Ave 50'x115', trop-
ical back area 476-5029. 5245,000
RESIDENTIAL LOT, 50'x62', Atlantic
Beach. Park & Edgar. $68,000. 710-8083.
PQNTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA, beautiful, re-
mdeled townhome on lake. End unit.
$1 5,000. (904)424-0660.
ATLANTIC BEACH, Beautiful neighbor-
hood, on cul-de-sac 1700 healed sq. ft.
Double garage. screened back porch.
3BR/2BA 1 Block to Ocean. Asking
$649 000. 249-2268, 651-9081
JAX BEACH, 938 18In Ave. North, 3/1.5.
1600sl. $343k. Owner/Bioker. Renee L.
Baron. Inc. 242-2821
DAY, APRIL 30, 1-4pm. See 6 Seaview
Park homes, east of A1A in Ponte Vedra
Beach, priced frcm $509,000 to
$1 099,000, through cooperation of the-
particlpating Realtors. Contact Berry & Co..
Real Estate, 273-4800 for more Inlorma-
COZY WATERFRONT conage. St. Johns
Ritier boat slip. $289.900. (904)501-3314.
E0d unil w/lenced yard. 3BR/2.5BA,
1660-7 Beach Ave. 2150s1, beach access
across street Kitchen Isle w/ceramic tile.
Wood burning Ireplace, screened porch
S wdeck Single garage. $712,000 by
Ojner 477-0102.
HIDDEN COVE- Come see the beautiful
warer view Irom the large sunroom of this
vdry clean 4BR/2BA nome. Many extras.
$254.990. Broker 241-7900.
NEW BEACH Lislhngl FSBO 3BR 1.5BA.
den, CH/A, electnc apple, tile, Ig fenced
yard ,n/gr pool. -As is" condition. 1619
S, Snsel Dr.. JB $335,000. (904)223-3969.
GoIf Course. Saturday, 12-4pm. Gor-
gEqus, 4000sf, on 1/3 acre. 1 mile to
$575,000. Cail Richard Newquisi, RE-
MMX Specialist, 422-5091.
A NTIC BEACH, 3BR/2BA, totally ran-
o jd. $279K. 349-2332 or 591-2278.
N PR MAYO Clinic, oftt San Pablo.
3B 2BA, 2-car, remodeled. $315,000. In-
S de.ndent Brokers, 710-3111.
P0~F E VEDRA FSBO 3BR/2.5BA, 2-car
g a, e, 1550sl., open floor plan, 42' Hick-
ory cabinets, granite counter tops, new
barber carpet, hard wood floors.
$318,000, 463-0505.
Ocean Iront beach hideaway gorgeous 2/2
condo. features hardwood & Iravertine
Iloonng. granile/ marble counters, stain-
less steel appliances. Luxurious master
suite wivita spa lacuzzl. Private gated pool
plus beach access Asking $499,900.
Custom built Key West style 2-story, only
3 years young, over 2100sf, located in hid-
den paradise, a 'marsh front community.
First floor master bedroom suite, master
baih-w/lacuzzi and separate shower Gas
irpIce ,w/gas appliances, cozy screened
porch, custom draperies, and blinds plus
all appliances convey. Asking $389,900.
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com
FSBO ; ICW completely refinished 3/2
1595sf: cul-de-sac home on the largest lot
S ,n Viltges of Pablo New laminate and tile
lloors- through-out plus a bonus laundry
roorM,-and large tiled screened porch.
Mastlefl'bed/balh suite includes 2 large
JacK'iJill closels. Home includes 3 sets of
oeauJiul french doors, new trim and crown
molding', brand new appliances, decora-
live .ceiling plans, irrigation system, and
renovated 2 car garage (peg board and
slat Walls), House is re-plumbed (2006),
i- has -iew- roo l (2001) and new-HVi
120041 This quiet family neighoornood is
3 milesto the beach and has a club pool.
tennis/'basketball couns. $247,900 Call
386-7873 for appointment.
SPACIOUS 4/2 brick front on .21 acres
wilh room enough tor a pool. Fenced yard
witn separate snied, open patio is great for
enlenaining. formal living and dining with'
hardwood Iloors. eat-in kitchen, inside
laundry ; sprinkler, waler softener and ter-
mite 'bond. $324.000 Please contact
PhyliFs Silanes with RE/MAX Coastal Real
Esiar& at 904-476-SOLD or visit
www.pstaines corn
PABLO WOODS. 3BR,2BA. 2 car gar.
with Florida room. Ig cul-de-sac lot. Move
in readvl 5234,500
S Ponle'. Vecra 2BR/2BA condo. End unit-
S no one above you. Frpic vaulted ceilings,
iolaly remodeled, $325.500
Call Kirk KIlebrew at (904)463-1131
www Kllebrewrealty.com
PV HOME in Solano Cay. 181 Solano Cay
Circle, $315K. 3BR,2.5BA, fenced.yard.
2 cai garage Too many upgrades to list!
Cal.l904-864-6590 for more information.
EAST,OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8In Ave. Nonh.
$625.000. 241-8269. Zoned C-1.
WALDEN CHASE. 4BRi2BA w/pool Open
floor. plan, great kitchen, w/granile; sur-
round sound. 2 years new. $359,900.
537:3969 Will co-op. 2.5.o
$619.000 1904)543-9400
E OF A1A In PVB S399K, 3BR/2BA Fid-
dler's Marsh laketront, pool, Ireplace,
largeKitchen. FSBO. 607-1030.
PONTE VEDRA Beach. The Islands,
2BR:2BA, attached garage, community
pool. lennis. $250,000. (904)703-8380.
S FSBO 2 srory w/pool, 5 blocks to ocean
904-626-5916 www geocitips.com'fms49.
SOUTHSIDE OFF Bellort. Brick nome,
3BR. 2BA, 18955sf, Duilt 1987,many up-
S gra~es. $292.500. Independent Brokers
*. FSBO- HARBOR Winds, 4BR/2BA,.
S2058sl Large cul-de-sac lot.. New carpel,
tIle, "and hardwood. Many more upgrades.
By appoinlmenl No brokers $339.000
: 904-221-7369.
ATLANTC BCH- 701 Begonia St
3BRF2BA. fenced yard. CH&A. quiet
S.neihDornood. $180,000. 334-0563. 249-
:; :. 41m5i
PONTE VEDRA -Seaside Community-
180 Crossoove Cdr., 3BR/2BA, stucco
home, 1/2 mile to beach, 1716s1. -400si.
screened porch. 71'x122' lot. Built in '93.
$384,900. No realtors. (904)233-8208.
NEPTUNE BCH- 4BR/3.5BA, 1/2 block to
beach and Town Center. ocean view from
master BR and 1 of 3 screened porches.
2540s1, rarge lot east of first street.
50'x123', new rool 2005, numerous up-
grades, $850,000 115 Orange St. For
sale by Owner/Broker 241-8604, 868-
4154, 887-8237
Enchanted raised house on hidden la-
oon. Largely wooded lot, 3BR 2BA great
nterior, Jax Beach, $375,000 FIRM.
249-1020 for appointment & escort to pri-
vate location.
JAX BEACH Duplex 415 81h Ave. Nortn,
$449,000. 247-5774, 770-979-2632
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beacn,
2BR/1BA on 60'xl50' lot. 255 Sherry Dr.
$479,000. 349-2504.
Ocean. 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom, fireplace.
lenced yard, carport, 5380,000.
New construction located at 6in Ave. S &
91h St. in Jax Bch..3BR/ 2.5BA, 1700sl
tiled first floor, owners suile w/ luxury bath.
separate shower, private deck Custom
Kitchen, designer lixlures Inroughoui. Dual
A/C, sprinkler system, fenced yard. 2 car
garage. Move In before summer! Offered
at $339,000. Call for showing 249-6150.
Will co-op with reahors.
Lakefrontl Well maintained. $257,500
Murphy Really Corp 536-9100.
AFFORDABLE JAX Beach, second lloor,
marshview condo Is perfect for anyone
who wants to live at the beach but no pay
beach prices! Move-in ready w/refrigera-
tor, microwave, washer, dryer and ceiling
fans. Freshly painted interior, security sys-
tem, screened lanai, and fireplace are just
some of the upgrades $157,900 Phyllis
Staines, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX Coaslal
Real Estate.'www.pstaines.com
rage. $180,000. Call 655-6168
ATLANTIC BEACH. 805 Plaza, 9 blocks
to Ocean, Cute, 3BR/2BA bungalow.
975sf, tile/carpel, new paint In/out, large
fenced-in backyard, will co-op, $224.900
3BR FORECLOSURE, only $27,9001 Must
sell. For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
69 FAIRWAY Ln. 3BR 2BA on Jax Bch
Golfcourse. Many updates. $449,000
FORMER ICI model waterfront home is
move-in' ready. Immaculate 3BR/2.5BA,
has 2705sl. w/spacious open family room
w/gas fireplace, formal dining, Ion. and in-
side laundry. Over $71,000 in upgrades
were included when this model was built
in 2000. Enlenain on eilner of your two
screened lanais, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock overlooking
the navigable waterfront 5889.000.
Please contact. Phyllis Siaines with
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-
SOLD or visit: www.pstaines.com
countertops, 1250si. Fireplace, 1-car ga-
rage, community pool. Walk to Ocean
$269,000. 463-0505.
FSBO, SEASIDE at PV, lakefront, sun-
room, upgrades, 3BR/2BA $439,900.
3BR/2BA, 2000sf.. hardwood floors, over.
sized lot. 328 10th St. $699,000. Steve
FSBO, 3569 Eunice Road, Isle of Palms.
$282,000. 1750sf., 3BR/2BA. completely
upgraded 2 car garage. (904)463-3793
ADORAL.E .4/, ,one owner, ;boe..has-
one~if~e-prmes~fMrs in the-twaiii
cured yard has lusn landscaping and room
enough tor a pool. Fenced yard with extra
decking, screened porch, formal dining
room, eat-in kitchen with breakfast bar,
security, ceiling plans, and termite bond.
$249.900. Please contact Phyllis Staines
with RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate at 904.
476-SOLD or visit www.pstaines.com
MUST SELL! Atlanic Beach, Golt. water
view, 3/2, pool. $415,500. 1555 Linkslde
Dr. Pics @ hhtp:/iniloube.neLr136118
Ig scr. por., totally renovated inci. balhs &
kitchen. $319,900. 537-4083
3BR/2.5BA, great room fireplace, granite
kitchen tops, large glass/screen Florida
room overlooking new dock, on navigable
canal with marsh view S beautiful sunsets.
Screened, enclosed solar heated pool/pa-
tio. A boaters dream 223-0224.
NEWER. CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
Iront home with high dune views of the
ocean and Intracoaslal Waterway Approx.
4458+ st., 5BR/4.5BA, den/ office, tile and
hardwood floors, formal living and dining
OOl and spa, screened lanal wiln hot lub,
ush landscaping and loaded. $2,750.000.
Phyllis Staines, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX
Coaslal Real Estate. www.pstaines.com
SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1-4pm. 39 Monterey
St., east of A1A off Solana Road Up-
gradesI 4BR & large family room & formal
LR' DR. $649,000. Berry & Co. Real Es-
late. 273-4800.
PVB FAIRFIELD. 1635sf.' 3BR/2BA Re-
modeled, lakeside townhome. Garage.
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, sunroom, gat-
ed, w/many amenities, FSBO. $335,000
273-0248, 703-5773.
3BR/2BA MOBILE Home with land, on
San Pablo Rd. $145,000. 333-2749
water access, 3BR/2 5BA, 1800s1. 2 car
garage, newly remodeled, 2 boal lfis
1-covered), $589.000. 463-0505.
Selva Linkside
1935st. Only $494,500. .1904)472-4039.
PVB- 3BR/2BA. newer file, consider lease
purchase, $169,900. Owner/Agent.
sin gle, 1215sf, w/carport, deck, all GE
kitchen, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
2005 PURSUIT by Georgie Boy. 30' class
A motor home, 3,185 miles, 2 slide outs.
Loaded, like brand new, less than 1 year
old. $69,900, 246-9383.
JAX BEACH Apartment, 2BR/1BA. Newly
-enovated. Washeridryer., Quiet area,
available now $875/rr.o, depos;I 201
Nonn 91in S. 246-9162 (3#)
LG 1BR, CH/A, great deck, $590 & up. No
pets 246-8537
PVB, 2/2 wl garage, $1250-mo. 6mos
lease. Rels. (904)766-3462
JAX BEACH 2BR/1BA, CH&A, carpeted,
painted WDHU, no pets 246-0576.
condo. End unit, in 5-slar complex. Living-
room wilreplace, dining room, fully equip-
ped kitchen wa-brand new appliances in-
clud'ng washeirdryer Isi floor powder
room 2BR'1BA on 2nd floor w deck off
mailer bedroom Large closes Small
pets permitted. $995/mo. Conlact Ronnie
al Explore Realry. email:
explorel23@beiisouln.nei or 1904)722-
OCEAN, 2-BLOCKS 2BR.1BA. $950'mo.
21581nAve North. J.B. 241-8269.
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean No pels. $5675imo.
642-1214. 241-1219
1 BR/1 BA, ground floor unit w/new applian-
ces. 9 month minimum $900/mo. Call
Grace 612-1089.
3BR/2BA AQUATIC Gardens, Atl. Bch.,
$1000/mo.. Fenced yard, new appliances,
.vaulted ceilings, plantation shutters. Avail.
6/1. Credit check and references.
2BR 2BA in PVB 1113st, end uni. beach
access, completely remodeled, brand new
everything, scr. por., 5 star amenities, club
house, comm. pool. $1200/mo.,
$1100/dep. 536-5477, 710-9649.
.VILANO BEACH, 2-story home. 3/2,
1800sf, 1/2 block from ocean, lyr lease,
$1800/mo or vacation rental $1000/wk.
APARTMENT. 2BR/1IBA. recently remod.
eled washer/'dryer GREAT VIEWS!
ING! $1400-,mo 553-8634.
1BR. 1 block from beach $700imo in-
cludes water. No pels. 273-2484.
2BR 1BA. WOHU. no smoking, no pels
$850'mo, $500/dep 247-1935.
ATLANTIC BCH 2'1 5, $750-mo. plus sec
1507 Jordan Cl. (East ol Mayport oli Don.
naerl. 642-1003
3BR 3 5BA Townhous brand new. 141n
Ave S & 2nd St. $1750.mo. 424-7204.
MOBILE HOMES $500 to $550, on pri-
vate lots Near Maypon Naval Station. no
dogs, 333-5579.
NEW COZY 1BR deck w.'ocean vie*
CH&A. Water. sewer, garbage included
Credit cneck No pels $750/mo. 514-8530
OCEAN VIEW Nepiune Ben, Upscale Ga-
rage Apt. 2BR/1.5BA. lurnisned,
$1575/mo. Call 891-06-17 for details
ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex.
2BR/1BA, screened porch, fireplace,
WDHU, CH&A, $750/mo. (904)891-0606,
or (352)478-2161.
AVAILABLE Immediately] Walk or bike to
beach. 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
burning fireplace. Nicely landscaped gar-
den patio area w/new privacy tence.
WDHU, ample storage, refrig w/icemaker-
and dishwasher. No Dogs/ Smokers.
$975/mo. w/lease & strong refs req'd. Call
285-8325 (eves) or 403-9297 (cell).
floor. Large deck $1150imo includes
Water. 241-0897.
WOLF CREEK, ICW, brand new 3BR/
2.5BA, garage, 1700sf, clubhouse, pool,
washer/ dryer incl., $1395/mo. Magnolia
Properties. 994-3608.
.NICE 4/BR house w/pool and fenced back
yard $600/mo. Includes utilities and satel-
lite TV. 568-8700.
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
port ferry. 733-5225, 241 -RENT.
-" .Stodck6n..ATradiuon Snce 18848 1,.'
$ 800 816 BeUeza Ponte Vedra 1/1 755
$ 875 202-4E Vtla del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/1 700
It Wfi 0 1GranGd Rsrvaa I J/Hdnar Blvd N/2) 1212
234 BeUeza
10S The Fountains
1027 Beleza
403 Tournament Road
2 The Fountains
708 Marsh Cote Lane
125 The Fountains
63 Tiflon Cote North
3832 Tropical Terrace
811 Ocean Links
67 Fisherman Cove
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Ponte Vedra 2/1.5
Ponte Vedra 2/2
Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2'/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2 5
Ponte Vedra 3/2+10of
Ponte Vedra 3/2
Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2
Jax Beach 3/2
Ponte Vedra 3/2
Ponte ,edra/Sa\grass CC 2/2
1604 Ocean Pond Court Ja.\ Beach 3/2.5
830 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 3/2
337 Charlemagne Fiddler's Marsh/PV 3/2
4448 Pebblebrook Drive JavxRiverbrook @ Gkr Kcrna, 3/2
3343 Lighthouse Pointe Lane Jax Beach 3/3
2001 WindjammerLn South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + o
637 Bonaue Circle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 4/2
529 Sunsel Dnve Ponte Vedra 3/2 5
534 Moringside Dnse Ponie Vedra 4/2 5
117 Deer Co% e Dnve Ponie Vedra/Marsh Landing 4/2.5
9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Savtgrams CC 3/2 5
806 Metropobtan Jax Beach 3/2
129i17 Huntle. Manor Dne Ja. Golf & Country Club 5/4
1316 Turde Dunes Ct. South Ponie Vedra 5/4
408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Do" ntown RUerfront 2/2+loft
$1350 The Fountains
$1400 Beach Club Villats
Ponte Vedra
Sawgrass Beach Club
$1500)/,k iS P,.niui VrdnjiSPCLARAT i S. Ponie Vedra 4/25
$1600/%k 2839 S. Ponte Vedra S Ponte Vedra 3/1 5
$1800/w k The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2
$2000 Vista Del Mar' Jax Beach/Oceanside 3/2
$2400 17 Ave. North w/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5
$2400 444 La Reserve Ctrcle Ponme Vedra/L.'Atrum 2/2-toffice
$2500 117 Deer Cove Dnve Ponte Vedra/Marsh LLanding 4/2.5
$2500/ k 728 Oceanhont Neptune Beach/Oceanfroni 3/2.5 wi)m:p.,
$2600 534 Morningside Drive Ponte Vedra 4/2 5
$270fi/wk 2824 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4
$3000 562 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5
$3500 The Cloister Atlantic Beach 3/2
$4000 408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downlown Riverfront 2/2+loft
$5500 \1931 Beach Ale(3mo min Atlanic Beach 3/3
- 1657
: 600
Pl BCH 2BR, 2BA. $199.000. Grace Ellis, OCEANFRONT, 3BRi2BA, under con-
Al Pro Really Specialists. 655-7923 (cell). struction, 2100s., 2 paltos. $945,000
JAX BEACH IBRIlBA near Marsh Land-
,rig. $144.900. Owner' agent 463-7343
Supgrades. 1200sl. 9f1 ceilings wlans,
walk-in closet, kitchen appliances,
S wasner'oryer. terrace, fireplace, garage.
Se.cuniy system. FSBO. $228.000.
S"' 246-8775
SOUTH JAX Beach, affordable, Villas al
Morsh Landing. 2BR/2BA, ground floor, 1-
cat garage $199,900. 655-3491 Owner/
3BR,2BA ground floor Fully furnished &
ready for your Summer al ihe Beach.
Pool. palio Still undiscovered "Seaplace"
:, is Ihe best value al the Beach. $398,500
Owner/agent (1904)247-1049, 608-4325
ww.VRBO com/24978 www.cyberren-
lals com/ 101283
2BR,2BA, 3RD lloor. Grand Reserve, Bay-
hill moael 1200sf, many upgrades
'$179,900. k904)472-9864.
AX BEACH- Beach Terraces Like new
luxury 3'3 condo. Ocean views $724,900.
Murphy Realty Corp 536-9100.
PONTE VEDRA luxury condos, over
2800sf, 1.2ml to ocean. $750,000 & up.
Assoc. :o Marsh Landing C.C. & The Ser-
enata Beach Club. Michele 707-5225.
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Ocean Grove
2BR/1BA, beach access, $195.000 Call
struction in Jax Beach' PVB Beach.
2BR/2BA, available lor closing In June.
$382,900, 904-220-8676.
2 BLOCKS-to ocean Jax Beach 2/2 newer
condo $294,000. Owner/Agent 463-7343.
Only 3 units In building. ALL OF TOP
(31d) FLOOR. 1-1/2 blocks north ofl Sea
Turtle Inn. $450,000. 881-9005.
out to ocean, 2004 complete renovation,
lurnished or unfumished, covered parking,
pool. $950,000. Call for appointment
JAX BEACH- Jardin, 3/2, 1500sf., garage
$253K. Owner/ Broker. Call Renee L
Baron, Inc (904)242-2821.
JAX BEACH. Villas at Marsh Landing,
2BR/2BA w/garage. private entry, beauti-
ful views of golf course. Priced to sell
$209,605. LIgnthouse Realty Asso Mary
Kryzwick, Realtor (904)347-4024.
PVB -UPSCALE designer furnished.
2BR/2BA -loft in a gaied community
w/state of art amenities $299,900.
Page 5B
We're almost
Come See
e1,2 & 3 Bedroom
starting at $685
Walk to the Ocean,
Schools, & Shopping
Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies
(Corner of Penman & Seagate)
9 249-5611
"Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."
Call today to.book your next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882
1 : Iaihdme BEACH RENTALS ^ `i^-i `- ^Ssse-
UnfurnishedHomes '! :1' Beach WalkaSPV 2BR/2BAR/2 ,hmeihas '-UnrnisheC6hd -
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV ''"" krd ed p6rdfi'-' 6d deck' brhl'lgobn, bch' S mimerhouse PV."'* 'l -'-" ..* '"
5BR/3'.5BA, fabulous home, 3 car garage. access. $1500/mo Newly renovated, new carpet, bath-,.4
- fenced backyard, screened porch. 660 Upper 8th Ave S JB 3BR/2BA two kitchen, tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great
c, $2950/mo. story, fenced back)-ard, tile floors, fireplace, amenities. .
4 The Grove PV 4BR/3BA, home on upgrades thru-out. $1500/mo.. IBR/IBA, 1st floor. $775/mo "k,
private lot w/preserve views, hardwood Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex w/new IBR/IBA, Villa. $875/mo
floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh paint. 2BR/2BA, 1st floor. $1050/mo.
S Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA. $1300/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1195mo.
4 Oceanviews, tile floors. $2000/mo. Famished Homes 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo.
* 4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqft. The Colony PV 2BR/2BA ground floor, Palms at Marsh Landing JB
- beach access, attached garage. $2200/mo. garage, fireplace, east of AlA. $1500/mo. Screened porch, tile floors
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA, spacious Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, IBR/IBA, 2td floor, Intracoastal views.
home in walking distance to schools & luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across $900/mo
C beach. $2200/mo. from ocean. $3000/mo. 3BR/2BA. 1st floor, end unit. $1285/mo.
Vilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer Intracoastal West Villas at Marsh Landing JB
, two story, across from ocean. light & Avand Kernan IBR/IBA. 2nd floor w/ Fireplace, screened porch
9 bright, garage. $1800/mo. screened porch. $850/mo. IBR/IBA, 2nd floor garage. S875/mo ;
G 38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, all appliances, 2BR/2BA, Ist floor, garage. $1050/mo.
( townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet great amenities. $945/mo. Ocean Lnks PV
neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. The Seasons @ Kensington Kernan 2BR/ 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1 100/mo.
$1750/mo. 1.5BA, two story, end unit, tiled screened 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
S Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has porch, comm. pool. $995/mo. porch, golf course views. $1200/mo.
screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf Wolf Creek Hodges 2BR/2.5BA brand new Iii
course views. $1700/mo. townhouse, end unit, screened porch, preserve COASTAL REAL ESTATE
L'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch views, amenities. $1095/mo. i ,t Shannon Smith T
w/jacuzzi, lake view, fireplace, comm. Montreux Touchton 2BR/2BA, ground (904) 2 085-5640
Spool, garage. $1600/mo. floor condo, screened porch on lake, light and www.rentthebeaches.com I
bright. $1 100/mo.
;r Sr Sir SI ';r 4! 1 ;q
'*? i' : "
41xo IN aI I DI IN31
Page 6B The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 26, 2606
Westside, Southslde. Efficlencles
$100/wk, Apartments $150/wk, also hous-
,es for rent furnished/ unfurnished, week/
month. 904-302-5753.
"NEPTUNE, BCH Townhome 2BR/1.5BA,
-'w/d. garage, fenced yard, no smoking,
small pel ok, $1025/mo. Available' 6/1.
2134 Rosewood Dr. 333-1076.
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $850/mo. 401 South 2nd
Street. 616-2871. ,
GORGEOUS 2BR/1BA beach cottage lo-
cated at 214 South St Neptune Bch.
,.Beautifully renovated to Include: all new
.:"kitchen, bath, carpeting, laundry room,
',bH&A, and much more. Fenced back
'Wyard, storage garage, 1.5 block to beach.
$1295/mo., $1295 security deposit; Abso-
lutely no smoking, no petsl.'246-8911.
..NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR 1BA, central A/C,
-WDHU, no dogs, water incl. $950/mo plus
__dep: 463-0222 or 249-3419.
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOME, Washer/ Dryer,
walk to ocean. Available 5/15, 6mo. or lyr
lease. No pets. $1100/mo. 904-242-8586.
,'-NEAR PONTE Vedra 1 block beach. Best
'_'area, quite, safe residential neighborhood.
2BR/1BA, lower duplex, new carpet, tile &
paint. CH&A, washer/ dryer included, no
smoking, no pets: $98p/mo., lease depos-
it 993-1118 .
S'in Neptune Beach. Two lull balhs, CH&A.
dishwasher, new carpel and tile,
screened balcony overlooking park
$800/mo. +deposit No pets 249-6150.
2BR/1BA, CH&A, beaulilully tiled. No
pels 810 2nd Ave. Nonh. 5750'mo. Credit
check 992 0088, 333-1822
Furnished 3BR/2 5BA, porch Lease. No
S pets- 280-9018
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean. Clean. nice
1BR api w/ garden atrium $750/mo.
.Avail. soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417
SUNNY BRAND new 2BR/2BA. corner
iownhome in PVB Includes beach ac-
cess. pool, tennis, gym, overlooks golf
-course Must see. $1300/mo.
BLOCK TO Beach, 126 81h Ave. S.,
2BR/1BA, CH&A, WDHU, clean and up-
dated. No pels $875/mo. 724-6335.
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR condo, no lease.
.. pet negotiable, $1300/mo., 673-1550.
JACKSONVILLE BEACH 1 bik to ocean,
2BR 1BA, $7p5/mo 1904)891-0606 or
JAX BEACH Townnome 3BR/2.5BA,
-2100sf. w/appliances 832 91h Ave South.
Available 'June 1st $1549/mo 993-9601
-bor apple
BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA 3 blocks to Ocean,
-Neplune 'Beach WDHU $850/mo. No
pets (9041742-6423.
Beach, almost Oceanlront. Available im.
mediately $625/mo security, includes
water/sewer 241-5251.
CH/A, WDHU East ol 1st St $795.
.1195/mo.' 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
lroni $1500Omo 241- 7368. 733-3730
2/1 townhouse. W/D included, CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf 404 131h Ave S .
Jax Bch No pets $825/mo, $825/sec.
dep. 1904)343-9908
2BR'l 5BA TOWNHOME, Allantic Bch.
recently updated. $1075/mo t$1075/dep
No pets, walk to beach/ Iown. center Call
1/1 BRAND NEW Townhome. corner on
goll course. 5 star amenities, each ac-
cess in Summerhouse $900'mo. water in-
cluded. (561)629-6158.
NEPTUNE BEACH- clean, new carpet.
2BR,/1.5BA duplex, CH&A, dishwasher.
ceiling planss WDHU, laenced back yard
w.'upper, deck. No pets. $795/mo, $700
-security deposit, 2208 Marsh Point Rd.
SCredit check and references required
':w.'$251 non-reiundable application lee
ATLANTIC' 'BEACH' bnght efficiency
Icrcss irn bceani orn Beacrf Ave. Avalla-
ble June 1st Nonsmoking, no dogs First,
.Jasl, ad. security, $725/mo. 247-4527.
JAX BEACH, 3 blocks to beach, 1BR/1BA,
.'WDHl' .carpet. ceramic, light & bright.
Music Sie! 325 15mi Ave. N #3 No smok-
Ilng, nodpeis. $600/mo. Accent Properties,
S-.BR/2BA apartment 1200sl WDHU.
CH&A. 1012 N. 1si St., JB. 51300/mo.
Charming & cozy. 2BR/1BA, east of 1st
"'Sireet. in Iri-plex. Lovely balcony, WDHU.
Super Jax Beach location Only $900/mo
Call Julie at 1904)866-2986.
JAX BEACH, 4 Blocks to Ocean.
1BR/IBA Apartment. $550/mo. 220 4Ith
Street So i904)891'0606, (352)478-2161
lot in Selva Marina area. Large modern
-. kitchen winew Iridage & dishwasher. Living
; room fireplace. Attached 1-car garage,
SWDHU, elanced yard, CH&A $1700'mo.
.Call Bob 1904)631-6268.
NB. 3BR/iBA, 552 Myra St. 4 blks to
: r beacn. deck. $1100/mo. +dep. 349-1694.
PVB, E AST of A1A. 3,2 5. very clean, pri-
-vate bDayckard w/hnealed pool and spa
5 $2150.mb. 280-5707.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2 blocks Io ocean
and Iown center. 2BR/3BA Townhome.
1 -= New appliances, tile. hardwood and car-
Spet. electric lirepiace, 1800st, perfect
; conditon, no pets. 51750/mo. *deposit,
includes utilities and yard service. 312 2nd
SStreet Call 591-4349.
SATLANTIC BEACH 1/2 mile to ocean-
3BR/2BA, all hardwood floors, large back
", yard, $1400/mo.. no smoking, no pets.
S3BR/2BA HOUSE in Oak Hartbor. Wallo-to
wall. CH&A, lenced-in tront & backyard
= 2571 Monlreal, $900/mo Credit check
$ S1095/MO. 241-1103 OR 514-5449.
S 2BR/3BA voltice, sunroom. 2.5 Dblocks 10
beach. 6 blocks to lown center. Furnished.
Suniurnished $19001mo. 241-0493.
S4-BLOCKS TO Ocean. 1BR'i1BA all tile
S$699/mo.+ deposit 405 Lower 8th Ave.
SSouth 5342120.
_WEST BEACHES. 1276 Broad Wing.
4BR/2BA, executive brick home
$13951mo VIP Really 962-6190.
3 Blocks to Ocean 3BR,'2BA Pels nego-
Sliable, Wasnerdryer carport, recently re-
modeled. $l500imo. 553-8634.
3BR 2BA 1Islory house, 1850st. w/ 2BR
. 1BA garage unit, CH/A, WDHU, blinds,
carpel Ig Flonrida room, carport, Ig yard,
$2000tmo, $1000/dep. 347 3rd St, All
Bch. 241-2624.
ATLANTIC Beach 3BR/ IBA, walk to
beacr Town Center. renovated,
$1280/mo includes water, 904-704-1828.
NEPTUNE BCH 3BR/2BA home. Newly
renovated. overlooking the marsh 2033
Marshpoint R. $51450/mo. Call 891-0647.
Boal hli, dock, deck, pool. 4BR'3BA
w.'nome gym pool [able, washeridryer,
huge Florida room. moiher-in-law suite.
Beautiful landscape $2650,mo including
pool & yard maintenance 223-6850.
PONTE VEDRA- East of A1A.. 312. +ol-
lice, 2000sl 2 car garage. Courtyard
pool. lawn/pool service Included Pels OK.
$19001mo. Avail mid-May. (904)703-0242.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1204 Cape Charles,
3BR,2BA. $1000,mo. Available 5/15/06.
JAX BEACH, 1036 14th Ave. North.
4BR/2BA, ceramic tile. WDHU. 51350/mo
SOUTH JAX Beach! 1 block to ocean. ROOMMATE NEEDED to share apt. 1 biKt
cute, clean, 3BR/2BA. garage, screened 'from ocean w/ nice BBQ. $450/mo + 1/2
porch, 115 33rd Ave South. $1500/mo. util., small deposit. 718-3452.
'705-3122. ATLANTIC BEACH (Main St.). Very nice,
THE SANCTUARY. 3BR/2BA w/2 car in furnished, 3BR/2.5BA townhome, CH&A,
gated community. One owner home in ex- washer/dryer, $600/mo. includes utilities,
cellent condition. Perfect for relocating cable, wireless internet. Available now.
professionals. Pool, tennis courts, nature Deposit & references required. 514-0569.
trail. Convenient to everything. Call Chris
at 904-813-9666. Lic. RE Broker. ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2.5BA Selvae
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile Lakes townhome. CH&A, washer/dryer,
floors, CH&A, laundry room, patio, fenced walking distance to Beach & town center.
yard 1 yr. lease, no pets, $950 deposit, Community pool. $700/mo. Includes utilit-
$950/mo..615 7th Ave S., Jax Bch. les, cable & wireless Internet. Available
993-1114 or 270-1284. now. Deposit & references required.
PVB SAWGRASS (Northgate) PRICE 476-5251.
REpUCED $1800/mo. 3BR/2BA+ LR/DR/ ROOMMATE WANTED M/F $650 +1/3
FR, eat-in-kitchen, fireplace, WDHU, fees and utilities. Exclusive Miravista,
screened patio, '2-cat garage. Includes gated, pool; hot tub, health club, water-
yard & pest and assoc action fees. front w/marina view. Room has own bath-
904-249-3213. .: room, brand, new large unit, 2700sf.
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Sawgrass, (904)463-2845
TPC, 3BR/2BA, lence, 'fireplace ROOMMATE WANTED- 3BR 2.5BA, wa-
washer/dryer. garage, pets OK 'OMMATE WANTED-38R 2.5BA, wa-
$1350/mo. (678)488-4595. (770)592-5343 terfront neighborhood, big yard. Intersec-
$1MLE (67$4815 .,B/2B tion of' Atiantic & University. 5 min. from
1 MILE to Beach $1500/mo., 3BR/2.5BA J.U., Downtown or 95. $450/mo plus 1/3
home 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac. util. 993-7780.
ard Amw 862ec5k.pr163vacy ence 3/2 WATERFRONT home. Pool, dock Ig
macsE@adelphia.nel. yard, great neighborhood. $550/mo.
WANTED -O Quiet. temporary office space
for research 1-2 rooms, prefer Beacnes
or ICW. 382-6860.
TPC SAWGRASS, 3BR.'2.5BA. garage.
vaulted ceilings fireplace. comm pool
gated community $1500'mo 285-4618.
JAX BEACH. Awesome Oceanlront. 6th
floor, 3BR/2BA. All appliances, tile, pool
No peis, $1 700imo. t7271686-1708.
1BRilBA. Fireplace, pool, porter service
5800/mo Call (904)616-7975.
PVB -MARSH COVE. A perfect
2BR/2 5BA TH. W/D. FP. amenities,
1200st. $1095/mo. 635-6375.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
2BR/2BA 5 star amenities. Greal location
Bottom floor unit. $1100'mo +deposit.
ICW NEWLY Renovated, 1BR/1BA.
Hodges Blvd. gated community. ground
Iloor, private entrance, amenities, minutes
to Mayo & Beaches $895/mo. 655-5754.
PONTE VEDRA. Summer House, 1BR all
new. w/pool, Illness spa. concierge, many
amenities $875/mo Pels welcome.
PVB- THE Belleza, 1BR 1BA. luxury
-amenities gym & tanning bed, $850/mo
Call 318-9114.
Free Rent- Better Deal. 2BR' 2BA corner
unit, 2nd floor TH. W/D, FP, amenities
Avail now. $1225imo 635-6385.
2BR/2BA, walking distance to everything
$1150/mo. 285-0416.
unit, goll vrew/ lake, all amenities. Every-
thing new. $1145/ mo 285-4444.
ATLANTIC BEACH Cloister Condo.
3BR/2BA. 1900s. all a amenities, all appli
ances including washer/dryer. 219-2481
KERNAN RD 2/2 new. Avanti. Lease to
own Call 241-8892.
OCEANFRONT 2BR/2BA. fully furnished
Ground lloor. pool, washer/dryer, cable.
$1900/mo. deposit. 1904)349-1413.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Cottage beautiful
brand new 3BR/2BA in ihe much sought
after Summer House Beach access 5 star
amenities, opening soon. $1385imo. Call
Linda, 904-662-6361.
CONDO IN PVB. 2BR 2BA, washer/ dryer,
pool, IrpIc, all appliances. Summer
House. $850/mo. 19041434-4858
1300st, 2-story Town Home, $1200/mo..
full concierge sepica, all new appliances,
Scomplelely rFnop i'lP 176-3000
PVB-. SUMMER r'ouse gfxuous' 2BR
2BA end unit Brand new, 5-star amenim-
ties, beachside 41h monlh tree. 318-9114.
*TWEEN BEACH & Town Center. Two
1BR/1BA Condos. Hodges. Amenities.
$880/mo 285-6905.
PVB- OCEAN Grove Condo. 3BRi2BA
w/garage, 1stl lloor, renovated, new appli-
ances, pool, new fitness center. Beach ac-
cess, No Pels $1400/mo 904-318-7500.'
1BRilBA CONDO, $800/mo includes
water & HOA. SummerHouse, PVB,
500sf. 904-338-1134
PVB -THE Colony Walk to beach, owner
motivated 2BR/ 2BA, 2nd floor, high cell
wings. new carpet W/D -FP., garage.
Avail. immed. $1195/mo. 635-6375.
JAX BEACH, 1BR condo, directly on
ocean w/pool, brand new renovation.
$1299/mo. Call (860)777-6134.
the Intracoasital Waterway 314BR. 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sf. w/marina view Re
sort style living. $2500/mo. includes 1-car
garage, water, sewer cable, pool, spa,
clubhouse, health club, Manrina Walk. gal.
ed corrmunity w/waer. Marsh and marna
views. 40' boat sliQ also available. Call
now. 463-2845. "
w/52' balcony $51900/mo 733-4095,
854-0030. 708-0905.
PVB Ocean Grove. Beach access. All
new 2BR/2BA. downstairs includes
garage On Lake Must rent. $1100/mo
SPINNAKER 1BR/iBA, elegantly lurnish-
ed, steps to ocean, garage, $1800/mo.
great view, new appliances, $1200/mo.
Visit webslle www.geocities.com/pvb05
$1300/mo, 2BR/2BA $1050/mo 1BR/1BA
$850/mo. Beautiful. newly renriovated,
many amenities. Available now garage
$100. Realty Executives, 273-3939
PALMS AT Marsh Landing- 2BRi2BA
available: Beautilul upgraded unit, lake
view, fireplace. vaulted ceiling, garage,
$1150imo. Call 904-613-7605. TMI Real
Estate Group. LLC
PVB 1BI 1BA. Iplc., 1-car gar.. tree cable,
comm. pool $950'mo. 545-3156
PONTE VEDRA ocean 'grove completely
renovated 1BR,.1BA, screened porch., lake
view. galed community, $850mo Availa-
ble June 1 Susan 19041514-7150.
BRAND new beautiful 1BR/1BA condo in
PV. includes: beacn access, pool, tennis,
gym. overlooks tennis courts. Must seel
$800.'mo. 1(904)571-5517.
PVB- GRAND Cay. 1BR+ den, fireplace,
washer/dryer, woods view, vaulted ceil-
ings, galed, pool. hot-tub, garage availa-
ble. $950/mo. 940-7854.
OCEANFRONT, 1 or 2BR fumished con-
dos, weekly or monlnly. (904)463-7343.
S. JAX Bch 2BR. lully furnished, ocean-
Iront condo. Monthly/ Weekly 241-0267
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully furnish-
ed, walk to ocean, $1650/mo. 993-3226.
4BR/4BA. weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
homes. Weekly/'moninly. Visit us at
jaxbeachrenlal.com or 535-3911 or
ROOMMATE. 2BR/2BA, CH&A. wash-
er/dryer, newly renovated 1.5 blocks to
beach Available 5/20 $575/mo
5-u/dp. 8Od89-43..
ROOM IN PV house in; gated comm. Pool
& tennis, .high speed internet, all util.
$580/mo 476-1830
$550'mo,- deposit, includes, utilities
JAX BEACH Teriffic 3BR/2BA spacious
home Near Ocean. 5600.mo 247-8913.
ROOMMATE, CLOSE to Beach Masler
Bedroom, own bailn $550'mrn includes
everytinig. 53-13336.
ROOM FOR rent near Regency area. Call
SOUTH JAX Beach. 500sl, new pain,
new carpet, $962/mo, utlities included,
384-B 15th Ave. South. 241-3293.
WANTED Quiel, temporary office space
for research. 1-2 rooms, prefer Beaches
orICW. 382-6860.
TWO LAWYERS' offices. new. upscale.
share space. Ig.conl. room, etc. inci.
electricity. security $1250bmo or
$850/mo emair
stortune@ lortunelegal.com
OFFICE SUITE w/2 offices, 550s1. kitch-
enette, bathroom Allantic Beach. 3 Blocks
to Ocean. $750/mo utilities 247-0488.
OFFICE SUBLET- 680sl $16.'sl gross
Jax Beach location 904-687-8682. Avail.
lease, 3629sl Office included Large park-
ing lot, beach side o1 iniracoasial
(770)929-1721, (6781525-0854
PET SITTING at your home. walk and
bath. Sara 241-3627.
GENTLE NATURED cat needs quiet lov-
ing nome. Spayade, vaccinations, 11
years old, indoor only desperate circum.
stances 285 1267.
ADORABLE AKq English Bulldog Pups
9wks Champion sire. 2 females. 1 male.
Price negotiable. 502-4928.
5 MALE Miniature Pinscner Puppies. $450
Call 285-7878 for details & pricing
puppies. Parents on-site. Ready 6. 1/06.
Males $300. Females $350. Beautiful col-
oring/ markings, sweet, neallthny. intelligent.
ULQS_~Ia DolphrCpy ,e ip .Oranqe
imalelIB?- w'red ets.- Dblack cnoll'
280-2118 ...
HOMELESS PETS lot adoption- Cais &
dogs. 246-3600.
-- -- -- -
HUNT ELK, Red Slag, Buffalo, Whitetail
Boar. Our season: now August 25. 2006-
March 31, 2007. Boar all year. Guaran-
leed license, $5 00.-we have a no-game!
no-pay 'policy. Days (314)209-9800: eve-
nings (314)293-0610
ALL PERSONAL inunries: Accident,
wronglul dean, auto. motorcycle, Iruck
Premise. Product slip & lall Pedestrian.
animal bites: A-A-A Attorney Relerral
Service (800)733-5342 24 hrs. 100's ol
lawyers slalewide.
DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required! Excludes
govt. teesl Call weekdays 1800)462-2000
ext 600. (8am-7pm) Alia Divorce. LLC
Eslabl.shed 1977.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
"Sell Storage Facility Act', Flormia Statlues
Section 1, Part IV ol Chapter 83. Laws ol
Florida 1982: ihe personal property con.
sisting ol cloning. personal items and
household goods orf
Jacqueline Johnson, Allantic Beach,
B206, 5x10, misc boxes.
Annette B Williams, Atlantic Beach. B184,
5x 10, misc Doxes, dryer, television
Paula Reynolds. Atlanlic Beach. C329.
10xlO0. misc. furniture, misc. boxes, wash.
er, dryer, lool box
Timothy Barker, Jacksonville, D423,
10x20. furniture, misc. boxes.
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of at
10,00 AM, Saturday. May 13th, 2006 to
satisfy liensi lor pasl due renris) cost and
lees DIsposition will take place al Pan,
Am Mini Storage, 2383 Mayponrt Rd. At-
lantic Beacn, FL 32233. Pan Am Mini
Storage reserves ine right Io rejeci any
and all bids and establish minimum bids to
compensate lor all costs.
BL 4126. 5'/306
Notice is hereby given that the Planning
and Development Review Board for the
City ol Neptune Beach will hold a monthly
meeting and Public Hearing on Tuesday
May 16, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Neptune
Beach Elementary School, 1515 Florida
Boulevard. Neptune Beach. Florida. The
following items are on the agenda
PDRB06-06 Application tot Preliminary
Development Review of a proposed Wal-
Mart Supercenler to be constructed at 630
Allantic Boulevard The property is owned
by Lakesr ore Village C/O M&P Shopping
Centers, 5025 Winters Chapel Road, At-
lanta, GA 30360-1700 and agent for me
owners is Edwards Cohen, Attorneys at
Law, 6 East Bay Street, Suite 500. Jack-
sonville, FL 32202. Application is to con-
struct an approximate 117.413 square loot
retail center to be occupied by a Wal-Manrt
II a person decides lo appeal any decision
made by the Board witn respect to any
martler considered al sucn meeting or
hearing, the person will need a record 0o
the proceedings and lor such purpose
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
ol Ihe proceedings is made, which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the
Florida Statutes, persons *with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact the
City Clerk's Office Ho later. than 5:00 p.m.
Nolice is hereby given Inal the Planning
and Development Review Board for the
City ol Nepiune Beach will hold a Special
Meeting and Public Hearing on Thursday,
May 18, 2006 at 7:00 pm. in Ihe Council
Chambers 116 Frsi Street, Neptune
Beach. Florida. The following are on the
PDRB06-04 Application for plating, as
outlined in Division 3 ol Ihe Uniled Land
Development Code ol Neptune Beach lot
Mr. William M. Haycook The property is
currently known as 912 Oceanlront and is
listed as parcel number 172679-0000 in
Ihe records or thne Property Appraiser ol
Duval CounTy. The request is to subdivide
a portion ol0 Ihe property to create a new
parcel described as The East 53 leet of
the south 0 ot Lot 5. Block 16. Neptune.
as recorded in Plat Book 2. Page 12(said
block being nthe same as shown on the
plal of Neplune, as recorded in Plat Book
4, Page 46) ol the current public records
ol Duval County, Florida together with
that panrt ol Gilbert Avenue (as closed by
City of Neptune Beacn Ordinance No. 211
lying between the easterly protection ol
Ihe north line ol said soulh Q of Lot 5 and
nthe north right ol way line ot Bay Street(al-
so me souh e outh liof said lot 5) ofsaid block
16, Neptune. and also together with that
part ol the south 7 feet ol'lot 4 and all ol
0ol 5, lying west of Ine erosion control line
ot the Atlantic Ocean. all in Block 11. Nep-
tune, as recorded In Plal Book 2, Page 12
of the Current Public Records of Duval
County, Florida.
PDRB06-05 Application tor DevelopmenI
Review of a Community Dock for the Sun-
sel Point Subdivision. Application is made
by Phillip May. a representative of the
Sunset Point Homeowners Association.
Tne application is to construct a communi-
ty dock with 4 toot wide x 357 loot long
walkway, a 4 fool wide by 12 loot long
gangway and an 8 fool by 150 feet long
moonng area/Iloating terminal platform
with associated dredging to serve the resi-
dents ol Sunset Point subdivision
II person decides to appeal any decision
made by the Board wiln respect to any
maier considered at such meeting or
hearing the person will need a record of
tne proceedings and. for' such purpose
may need to ensure that a verbatim record
of the proceedings is made. which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based.
In accordance with the Americans With
Disaoilties Act and Section 286;26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation to participate
in this meeting should contact the City
Clerkis Office no afterr than 5:00 P M. the
day ol the meeting.
A meeting of the City of Allantic Beach
Code Enlorcement Board will be held on
Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in
the north conference room at City Hall.
800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Flori-
da. .
All persons interested are notified to be
present at said time and place and they
shall be heard. If a person decides to ap-
peat any decision at any meeting or hear-'
ing, he will need a record of the proceed-
the day of the meeting.
BL 4/26/06
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
'Self-Storage Facility Act' Florida Statutes
Section 1, Part IV of Chapter 83, Laws of
Florida 1982; The personal property
consisting of clothes, personal items and
household goods of:
Keith Brady
Unit 502
Will be sold or otherwise disposed of' at
11:00 a.m., Saturday, May 6, 2006, to sat-
isfy lien(s) for past due rent(s). Disposition
will take place at: THE STORAGE BIN,
1001 13th Ave. S., Jacksonville Beach, FL
.32250. THE STORAGE BIN reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
BL 4/26, 5/3/06
The Board of Adjustment for the City of
Jacksonville Beach, Florida will meet and
hold public hearings on Tuesday, May 16,
2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Cham-
bers, located at 11 North 3rd Street,
Jacksonville Beach to consider the follow-
ing variance applications:, .
BOA 06-100077 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-340 te)i 3) c 1. lor a ironi yard of 8
feel in lieu of 20 teel required. 34-340
le)(3) c.2. lor a soulherly side yard of 5
leel in lieu of 10 leel required, and 34-340
ieil3i e, lor 79''o .loi coverage in lieu of
65' maximum to allow lor impiovemenis
to an existing multi-lamily residential siruc-
lure, for property located at 1902 South
Ocean Drive, more specifically. Lots 1
and 6, and the Nonrth ? ol Lot 5, Block K,
Permenter s Replia ol South Pablo or At-
lanmc Camp Grounds.
BOA 06-1 0087 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(i) e, for 39% Ilot coverage
in lieu ol 35'" maximum to allow for a sin-
gle-lamily dwelling, for property located
at 1226 Normh 20In Street more specifl-.
cally, Lot 5, Block 21. Jacksonville Beach
Section "A"
BOA 06-100088 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-337 (e)(1) c.1, for a front yard of
19.8 leel in lieu of 20 feel required. 34-337
le)(l c 2 lor a corner side yard of 15.7
leel in lieu of 166 leel required. 34-337
lell) c3 lor a rear yard ol 19.8 leel in
lieu ol 30 teel required, and 34-337 telill
e lor 39.% lot coverage in lieu of 351%
maximum to allow lor improvements 10 a
single-lamily dwelling, for property locat-
ed at 1702 North 121h Avenue. more spe-
cifically, Lot I and 'ire North 33 leet of
Lot 2. Block 15, Jacksonville Beach. Sec-
tion "A".
BOA 06-100090 City of Jacksonville
Beach Land Development Code Sec-
tion: 34-336 lelil I e. 101 431 lot coverage
in lieu ol 35%. maximum to allow for a
swimming pool addition to a single-lamily
dwelling, for property located at 2742
Lois Lane. more specifically. Lot 9 Rob-
ens Hammock
A copy 01 ihe above reierenced appica-
tionisi is available lor review in the office
of the Planning and Development Depart-
ment, 11 Nonn 3rd Street, during normal
business hours NM-F. Ba-5p)
Board of Adjustment
City of Jacksonville Beach
Ii a person decides to appeal any decision
by the Board of Adluslment with respect to
any maner considered al any meeting,
sucrh person may need a record ol the
proceedings, and, lor such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
Itm record ol Ine proceedings is made.
which record includes Ihe leslimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
The public is encouraged to speak on is-
-sues -on this Agenda .iht copierq.h-er.
Anyjione who wishes to 'peak should. sub-
mil ine request to the recording secretary
prior to Ihe beginning ot ihe meeting
In accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26. Flori-
da Sitatues, persons with disabilities
needing special accommodation to partici-
pate in this meeting should contact Ine
planning and Development Department
no laier than 5:00 p.m. on the day preced-
ing the meeting.
BL 4/26,06
*- 3
qbw o
* n CD
S*@ 0
ings. and tor such purpose may need to
ensure that a verbatim record of the pro-
ceedings is made, .which record snail in.
clude ihe testimony and evidence upon
which appeal is to be based.
In accoLdance wilh the American with
Disabilities Actl. persons needing a
special accommodalion to participate in
Ihis proceeding should contact Donna
Bussey, Ciry Clerk, al 247-5809 or at City
Hall. 800 Seminole Road.
BL 4/26i06
Nolice is hereby given final a regular meet-
ing ol the City Council oi the City of Nep.
tune Beach, Florida. will be held on Mon-
day, May 1. 2006, at 7 00 p m., in the City
Hall Council Chamners, 116 First Srreet.
Neptune Beach. Florida
ILa pe ean de ider pF.peal aroy de:ionr,
made by me City Council wrin respect to
any matter considered at any meeting,
such person may need a record ot the
proceedings, and, lor such purpose, such
person may need to ensure that a verba-
tIm record of ithe proceedings is made,
which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flon-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-,
ing special accommodation to participate'
Sin this meeting should contact Ihe City
Clerk's Office no later Itan 500 P.M.. the,
day of Ine meeting.
Lisa Volpe, CMC
City Clerk
i rOiafa6i06
All levels, styles & ages Will come lo your
home. Piano Tuning also avail ble
241-4954, 655-3300. .
your driving career! Offering. courses in
CDLA. One tuition feel Many paymehtrop-
tions! No registration feel (888)808-5947
inflo@americasdrivingacademy com. i
3pm, Mon., and 83m-1pm Wed & Fri
S150twk Call 904-477-1198
at Vicar's Landing (Ponie Vedrai. Excel-
leni pay. Drug lire workplace. EOE Call
PARTTIME POSITION available al Vicar'
'Landing Please call 285-1055
wanted. Joo duues include asrisiing' with
various in-house mailings and working re.
turned mail and email Our ollice '.s Iocai-
ed in Ponie Vedra Beach and ihe hours
are Monday Inrougr, Friday. 3 to 4 hours
each morning staying al 9"30 am.. Please
send resume to
DRY CLEANER needs part lime cdunier
help. Will train. Call Sam 333-8572 **,,
Fine Art. Jewelry & Gihls Retail experi-
ence & computer literacy a must Locaied
in Ailantic Beach Compelitive salary, win
incentive bonus. 242-0300 .,
in person. Giovanni's. 1161 Beach Blvd.
Jax Beach 249-7787
.........." bOFFICE CLERK
ADAMS COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Immediate opening for part-l.me office
ADAMS COUNclerk small medical disiribuTer in P4B
ANNE CAMPBELL HARRISS Requires excellent phone and organiza-
PLAiNTIFF tional Skills, bookkeeping iPeachifree pre-
LI -Ttlerred), records management marketing
v support Resume to vara@eyequil corn or
VS. iax 280-1888
C. # 2006-93
TO: Durward Edward Brown IV
CLEAN OFFICE, 5 nigrtsiwk MondaV-Fr.
' day. 2nrs per night. 6prrm-.8prim. Beacri
'Blvd & San Pablo Rd 396-3776
Duron Paints & WC. Must be 18 yea(s.0ol
age, $8/nr. Class D valid Dr Lic and ci'an
driving record req'd Heavy lithfinq up to,60
Ibs. Apply in person, M-F, 9am-3pm.
14181 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach.
You have been made a Defendant ,-
in the su;I tiled in Ihis Court by Anne KENNEL ASSISTANT needed tor Ousy
Campbell Harris, Plainmir, seeking a di- veterinary clinic. competitive wages. Previ-
vorce Delendants other than you in this ous kennel experience required. Apply in'
action are none. person. Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
You are required to mail or hand Beach Blvd.. Jax Beach. 246-2045 ,
deliver a wntten response Io Ihe Corn PINCH-A
laimnt filed against you in this action to PINCH-A-PENNY
Mcot1 J. Pintard, attorney for Plaintiff, POOL, PATIO, SPA
whose post office address is Post Office -OOL, PATIO SPA
Box 1065. Natchez. Mississippi 39121, Seeking Retail Cashier. Sales expenehe,
and whose street address is 207 South preferred, nor required. Weekends a musl
Commerce Street, Natcnez. Mississippi N nights. Please apply in person, 370
39120 South 3rd Streel, Jax Beach. -
THAN THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE 121h COOK PiT, 10am-7pm, $ 10$11/nt.
DAY OF APRIL, 2006. WHICH IS THE depending on exp Apply min person, Ash-
DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF ford Court Assisted Living, 1700 The
TERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MON- customer service skills, data entry, good
EY OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN phone skills, strong computer. anenion Id
THE COMPLAINT. detail, experience pre erred. Mon Fnri,
You must also lile the onginal of 9:30-2:30. Fax resume to 247-1271.
your response with the Clerk of this Court PARTTIME iDEBT consultant, six.itgure
wilhn a reasonable mey handand he ar.eer. No expenence necessary. Call
seal ot said Court this Ihe 24th day of (407)869-6613..
March, 2006. DOCTOR'S OFFICE, Tuesday and Thurs!
day aprx.15horspe wek (hnra
Chancery Clerk of Adams County,,
By:/s/GlendaAbbottD. C.
Debbi Vanier
Assistant to Scott J. Pintard
Pintard & Pintard
207 South Commerce Street
Post Office.Box 1065
Natchez, Mississippi 39121
(601)445-9800 .
BL 4/12, 4/19, 4/26/06
LEARN to pain and decorate them For
more information call Mrs Laraine E
Short at 285-0646 or email agourapaint-
er@aol.com or Mnr Roy G. Cosselmon at
246-7783. member of NEFGS.
ATTEND COLLEGE online from home.
Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers,
Criminal Justice. Job placement assis-
tance. Computer provided. Financial aid if
qualified. (866)858-2121 www.OnlineTide-
day, approx. 15 hours per week. Genera]
office duties. $8.50/hr 246-9955.
OFFICE CLEANERS wanted P/T eves.:&
daytime final cleaning of condos Jax Bch.
CATERING CHEF, P/T, Christ Episcopal
Church, PVB is seeking an experienced
Chef who can work a flexible schedule in-
cluding evenings and weekends. If you
would enjoy working in a fast. paced
church environment email your resume td:
cdion@christepiscopalchurch.org or fax
(904)285-0412. Drug-free workplace.
ABOVE AND Beyond Housekeeping,
seeking responsible individuals, reliabib
transportation and phone required.
Great pay. 591-5901, 514-1188.
DRIVER NEEDED for moving company.
Class-D license, experience helpful:
THE SILVER BOX is seeking a sales ori-
ented person.; Will train. Mon- Tnurs
10-5pm. Call 610-3084.
CUSTOMER SERVICE & sales w/exceli
lent communication skills. Working hours
9am-3pm Must be flexible with days.
Ponte Vedra Beach location. Please call
for details. (904)273-5959.
_1 _
^ a>B
The RpeahPes L adr/Pnnte Vedra Leader
Self motivated, fast moving, flexible, multi-
task person. Must be able to follow di-
rections. Reliable transportation a must.
6pm-10:30pm, or later. Call Debble after
2pm. 285-3400, ext. 3352.
i \
SECRETARY M-F 10am-4pm, experi-
enced, computer literate. Send resume to
3102 Sawgrass Village Circle.
TUTORS FOR Latin/ Logic/ Rhetoric/ pia-
no/ Spanish/ Computer. Part-Time about 5
hours weekly $50.00-$65.00 an hour de-
pending on experience, To tutor 4 children
ages 13, 11, 10 & 7. A Christian' home
schooling family in the beaches area is
looking for caring, intelligent, energetic
people who love children. Positions will re-
quire proficiency in the subject teaching.
B.S. desired. You must be a non-smoker
without pet allergies and able to provide
own transportation to and from work.
E-mail t your .resume to
jobsforseven@yahoo.com in the email
subject please put the area you are apply,
ing for and where you saw the ad posled
JOIN OUR Coast Guard Exchange Team!
Sales Clerk. No nights! Contact Melissa
1904)247-8737 or Fa> (904)247-8739
Every weekend 7am to 7pm al a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center Ex-
celleni work environment Experience in
gersairic care. Applications available at
Fleel Landing Secunry Gale, One Fleel
Landing Blvd, Atlantic Beach. FL;
Fax to (904)246-9447. email to:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE' Drug-Free
Lifeguard/ CPR/ First Aid cen. Previous
S ep. req Flexi.ble hrs. Posillon available
May 22 Sepl. 4.
Seeks candidate wirr. CPR/ AED/ First Aid
cetitlicaiion. Fitness experience required
Flexible hours All positions apply in per.
sdn. Tues -Sat Ponle Vedra ,Beach,
285-1909. Drug Testing/ E O.E
LIVE-itN NANNY Room board small sal.
a Special needs child Monday-Friday
Ev.enings weekends oh. Must be able to
pass drug tesl and background check
C51-r 1904)543-7685; or email:
m'gk495 beilsoulh net
CUSTOM INTERIOR Trim Carpenter or
Hpiper needed Remodeling experience
helplul Call Tim 509-9071.
01 0 Driver FFE, The F/S is higher here!
$ t 1 Avg $2.000 sign-on $2.600 referral
bonus Base plate provided. No truck no
problem Low payment with shon lease
Hands 8 Kitchen Stahr. Will Irain. Apply in
person. 4378 Ocean St. Maypon.
Prep.Cook & Dishwasher needed Apply in
person at 363 Ailantic Blvd Suiies 7 & 8.
Atlantic Beac:h. ask lor lain. 246-2441
Nonn Florida Home Health Care is hiring
dedicated people interested in providing
elder care 1o home healing clients Will
Irain Employment references required
Only commirted applicants will be select.
ed. Respond to 241-1656
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hosp-lal looking
fof .a Vetennary Technician, exp required
Apply wilnin 28 Corona Rd". 285-7924
Join our learn II you can excel at inside
sales-& desire a last-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
oppnrtunity or you. You will loin a flalion-
al company & work in Ponie Vedra Beach
Ideal candidate will have I1 years exper-
ence inside sales, customer service or
lelemarkering & excellent communication
skill's.Abiliry 10 ri ole bu-s;nr s' 3a'ca.unli
Base pay plus commissions. $25k plus
FT, h'n evenings or weekends PT avail
Fax resume 1904)285-0010 or email.
im ,; med'akid,.com
Excellent opporduniry available to expand
existing dry cleaning route Unlimiled
: earning r:oienilal Thie Cleaners, 1519
Pehmarn Road Call Chris. 629.2683.
00 \,ou wanI to join a winning leam Don't
get ieh oul Our dnver's make $500.$700
perlweek Call 249-5151 ask lor Brian or
493-5250 ask lor Tim Collins.
Rooling repair crew member needed
a.ap. Will iraiin 242-9867. 614-0422
JOB CRAFTERS Inc Now Hiring' First
Class shipyard trades Pipe Finers Siruc-
S lura' Fhilers. Siructural Welders. Work in
FL'.' AL Over imre .per diem. Up 1o
$23'r.r Toll-Iree (800)371-7504 Phone.
1251)-133-1270 Fax. (251)433-0018.
Full-Time with great benellis and work en-
vironmeni al a premier retirement corn-
muniry Experience preferred. Applica-
lions available al Fleet Landing Security
SGle, One FleeT Landing Blvd Atlantic
SBeach FL 32233 Fax to 904.246-9447,
. ,* email to jobs@fleetlandlng.com EOe/
Drug-lree Workplace
.. *
APPOINTMENT Coordinator. Jax Ben Io-
calion, Men- Fri, 9-5pm Please lax re-
sume to -1 -904-269-9004
Office Manager
Detail oriented mulli-lasker Word. Excel
experience required Salary bonus plus
S Bookkeeper
Outckbooks Excel A'R AP. G'L. Payroll
expenence required 20-30nrs per week
Send resume: P.O. Box 51121, Jack-
sonville Bch. FL 32240-1121 or
fax 241-0752.
FRAMERS' HELPERS wanted, no exper.-
ence necessary Call 695-2422.
Valid driver's license & experience a must
Call Randy, 343-3899
Brodeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach 693-3130
ILOOKING FOR sman, dependable land-
.aqapirg engineer to loin our advanced
anoscape crew Heavy lining, long hours,
top pay! Drug free environment. 246-3444.
Clint:, Mayport FL Require 6 months
phlebotomy experience, or recent training.
excellent salary .36 paid days off. bene-
his FAX resume lo- 1t210-735-8648 or e-
mail SaraiogaJob@SBCGlobal net.
COOK F/T and P/T, Part-tilme. Wait Staff,
AM.'PM Atria Assisted Living. Apply in
person 1499 Wm Davis Pkw'v or Call
821-99001, ., '
3 Pool Techs needed Experience prefer-
red, but will train. Clean driving record.
401k, health benefits. Please call
ing Sous line cooks & Servers. 3rd Ave.'
North, on the Ocean. 247-2644.
FfT. CUSTOMER Service/Insurance Bill-
irig. Must 'be detailed oriented. Apply in
person at Medequip. 905 North Third St.
Jax Beach.'
Needed Monday-Friday. Transportation a
must. 860-4062, 821-0102.
HAIR SALON needing 3 Stylists and a
Nail.Technician. Affordable medical Insur-
ancepoffered. Call 237-4895 for more In-
Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every
Weekend" Great pay & benefits! Special
orientation ppy for exp. drivers! Paid train-
ing for school gradsl Cypress Truck Lines,
Inc. www.cypresstruck.com .(888)808-
player. Call after 2pm. 241-1985.
have transportation. Some experience
helpful. 226-6649.
25k to 40k first year, plus benefits. DFWP,
good driving record. No exp. required, will
train Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
fits, night incentives. Class A, CDL-X &
Tanker, plus 2 years tractor trailer experi-
ence. Clean MVR. (904)632-1288.
Servers and' Host/Hostess. Good money,
casual almosprere, very busy, great peo-
ple to work with FT/PT. 285-0139
shifts. Musl nave valid driver's license &
transportation Only serous, responsible.
hard workers need apply. Eric. 716-4413.
lion needed, M-F. 8am-5pm, must pos-
sess excellent organizational skills. be a'
motivated and independent worker. Must
nave prolicien computer skills and be ca-
pable ol handling a variety of tasks.
Please lax resume Io 807 9216.
able cleaning help Residential/Commer.
c.ai Call 242-9358.
WANTED FULL time receptionist flo
beach based law lirm Candidate must be
willing develop as a legal Assislant for lii.
gallon Ilrm Must have transportation. No
legal exp. necc Medical beneitts avail.
Fax resume to 242-7051.
Hardworking sales person needed Apply
in person Sea Shells & Coral 230 North
Boardwalk Jax Beach
Drivers part-time and lull-time. Be a mem.
ber ol a great team Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com.
munity Fun work environment. Class C
CDL: Passenger Endorsement License
Required Musl be able to set up and
break down for special events Compeli-
tlive wages and excellent benehils. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gale, One Fleel Landing Blvd., Ailanlic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447.
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com
EOE/Drug-free workplace
rionist P/T and FIT, Fax. 482-4242. Email:
mrobbins'@Isuinc biz
carper tile, wood Work out ot company
truck 246-0363.
WAIT STAFF lull time days. Good pay.
Call Bruce 280-7677.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed Also, NAIL TECH wiclienlele. No
acrylics. Day Spa Jax Beach. Call Miki,
Samplers, and Coordinators Neededl Ex-
perience Preferred. $9-511 per hour in-
lo@tacetimepromo.com. Download an Ap-
lication from-
rip- /www.lacetimepromo com.
VETERINARY TECH needed for hign vol.
ume vet clinic At least 2yrs experience
required Compelitive salary, excellent
benelds. Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-8577 for more info. Beaches Animal
Clinic. 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach.
Practice Beacnes area. experience need-
ead Fax resume lo 821-0468 EOE,
LOOKING FOR real estate appraiser- cer-
illied or trainee w' lyr plus exp Contact
Covingiton'Entierrises- fax- resdmne -W' el-
erences to 1-866-486-4425.
KPW CONSTRUCTION Inc. niring exp.
Carpenlers & Helpers in Beaches area
Please call 686-4818.
Maintenance Personnel. Clean driving re-
cord a must. 246-2455.
lor service personnel. Applicants must
possess a good driving record. Compel-
live salary, lull benefits including retire-
ment plan, bonuses, insurance, paid vaca.
tions and holidays. We have a greal work-
ing environment and have been in busi-
ness for over 15 years Fax resume to
904-273-0682 or fill out an application at,
10066 Sawgrass Drive WesI, Ponte Vedra
OPTICAL LAB Tech. Must nave knowl-
edge of computer. lensometer, Irame ad-
justments & repairs, mechanical back-
ground a plus
Customer Service Rep Sales driven.
computer knowledge- MS orlice & at least
40 wpm a must. great oral & wrinen com-
munication skills, pleasant & professional
Submit resume and salary requirements to
kelly@oceanwaves.com No phone calls
DRIVERS- BE in demand Plenty of
freight, many home time options. Low cost
CDL training available, 100o tuition reim-
bursement 1800)231-5209
www.Swlit TruckingJobs.com
tendent for established company. Drug
Iree work place Benefits. 241-2721
Are you Seeking PAY With Benefits?
American Landscape has a position lor
you. Call 349-6257.
'* *
$1700 an hour with benelils. Full-Time.
A ChristIan family in the beaches area
wiih 4 children ages 13, 11, 10 & 7 is look-
ing or a caring, intelligent, energetic per-
son who can do all housekeeping jobs and
organizing of the home. You must be a
nonsmoker wrlnour pet allergies and able
to provide own transportation to and trom
work $17.00,hour plus medical benefits
Email your resume to
jobsforseven@yahoo.com and in the
subject please put where you saw the ad
Bartender, Door Guy, and Liquor Store
Clerk. Must be able to work days. nights,
weekends, and holidays Must pass drug
lest and background check. Call Robert @
and Beaches Work in teams of three.
Must have own transportation, valid driv-
er's license. Approximately $175'wk to
stan Moday-Fnday, no nights,'weekends.
Home 'Cleaning Centers of America
in Miami-Dade and Broward counties Bi-
lingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals
Inc Child & Parent Services, (866)696-
. 0999 x122 www blingualsinc.com.
HIRING FULL-TIME driver/ landscape
helper Call Pam 742-7769.
BIG MUSCLES and experienced packers
heeded'- for local moving company. Not
your average 9 to 5 job. Heavy lifting re-
quired. 247-6683.
.National Manufactured Home Finance
Company seeking experienced credit per-
son to train in specialty financing., Good
Salary & Benefits. Beaches area location.
223-1111 ext. 243.
DRIVER- Hiring qualified drivers for Cen-
tral Florida local and national OTR posi-
tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no
pumps. Great benefits,, competitive pay
and new equipment. Need 2 years experi-
ence. Call Bynum Transport for your op-
portunity today; (800)741-7950.
Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home.:..Every
Weekend" Great pay & benefits Special
orientation pay for exp. driversI Paid train-
ing for school gradsl Cypress Truck Lines,
Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-
player. Call after 2pm. 241-1985.
have transportation. Some experience
helpful. 226-6649.
preferred. ALSO: Receptionist, veterinari-
an experience required. Apply in person,
1210 3rd Street North, Jax Beach.
Family, cardio, OB/GYN experience a
plus. Fax: 636-0066.
25k to 40k first year, plus benefits. DFWP,
.good driving record. No exp. required, will
train. Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
fits, night Incentives. Class A CDL-X &
Tanker, plus 2 years tractor trailer experi-
ence. Clean s MVR. -(904)632-1288.
www eagielransporicorp.com
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & bi-weekly De-
pendable car required Full or part lime
Call 223-5033
SHARP CLEANING Services. Inc. Full.
lime lady or man for cleaning crew. Expe-
rience preferred, or will Irain USA Driver's
License & iransponation required M-F,
day work Call Sharon 607-1919.
CUSTOMER service 8 sales w. exc. corn
municatlon skills. Full or pan time Base
plus bonus. Fax resume (904)285-0010
or email: llm@mediakids corn
iawn/landscape company. Excellent pay
Musl have own Iransportailon & clean DL
Experience required. Conracl Ron,
Line Cook. Prep/Utiliry. Good money cas-
ual atmosphere. very busy greal people
to work with. FTiPT. 285-0139
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
F/T VETERINARIAN Technician & Kennel
technician Sian immediately Apply at An-
imal Medical Clinic. 8000 Sawgrass Vil-
lage Circle, Ponle Vedra Beach.
A/C & Heating company needs Inslallers.
Service Techs & Helpers Call Roc..
HOME CLEANERS eam excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & bi-weekly. De-
pendable car required. Full or pan time
Call 223-5033
SHARP CLEANING Services, Inc. Full-
time lady or man lot cleaning crew. Expe-
rience preferred. or will train. USA Driver's
License & Iransponation required. M-F,
day work Call Sharon 607-1919
CUSTOMER service & sales w/ exc corn
muncalion skills. Full or part lime Base
plus bonus. Fax resume (19041285-0010
or email: pm@mediakids.com
* lawn/landscape company Excellent pay
Must have own Iransponalion & clean DL
Experience required. ContacI Ron,
Line Cook, Prep/Utillty. Good money. cas.
ual atmosphere, very busy, great people
to work with. FT/PT. 285-0139
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements.
Needs skilled carpenters & tree climbers.
F/T VETERINARIAN Technician & Kennel
technician Stan immediately. Apply al An-
imal Medical Clinic. 8000 Sawgrass Vil-
lage Circle, Ponle Vedra Beach,
A/C &'Hqating -company needs Installers,
Seirvie' Techs -& Helpers Call Rob,
We need helpers and crew
leaders. We are busy installing
hurricane systems on homes and
businesses around the First
Coast. Must have installation and
construction experience. Drivers
License and Transportation
required. Starting $12 and $18
per hour.
Cal 3-30
RAGTIME TAVERN now accepting appli-
cations for experienced Line Cooks. Apply
'In person, 207 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic
PAINTERS AND Painter's Helpers need-
ed, must have own transportation and
hand tools. Pays $8-$22 per hour. Work is
north of Dames Point Bridge. Dental,
Health, Life Insurance, & vacation. 904-
TILE HELPER wanted. no experience
nec. Must have own transportation. 367-
0336 Iv message.
enced only. Must have transportation. Call
NOW HIRING Area Manager. We are
looking for a motivated individual to over-
see &' coordinate specific departments,
within the store. Bealls offers excellent
company benefits, competitive salary, and
ongoing, opportunities for growth & .ad-
vancement. Apply in person, 3876 South
3rd St., Jax Bch.
Trucking Co $700 to $1200'week. In
Slate & Southeast runs. Must have 2
years CDL experience. 18001229-5248.
THE ATRIUM Retirement Community nas
the loliowing positions available Mainte-
nance Technician, Breakfasli' Lunch Chet.
LPN, and Nursing Assistant, Bus Driver
w/CDL license. Excellent benefits. Apply
in person at 9960 Atrium Way, call 724-
4726 for directions or lax resume to 721-
FULL-TIME POSITIONS available for a
Lawn Tech and Maintenance Supervisors
wilh full benefits including health, dental,
IRA. vacation, and holidays We area
family oriented business with a great
working environment Must be honest, de-
pendaole, have a good driving record with
a valid FL DL Experience necessary.
Please call 904-669-5446 lor an appoint-
meni or lax resume 1o 904-543-2479
ing. light maintenance Relerences, back-
ground check. $800.'hr. depending on
experience 710-8370
TEACHER NEEDED for Beaches pre-
school Monday-Friday Call 246-0433.
SERVER. Flexible hours AM and PM
shils Excelleni lips. Apply in person. The
Tavern at Sawgrass 285-3133.
NEED FRONT DESK' Oflrce Assistant lor
busy doctor's orice 30 40 hours week
Call 273-2691 Fax resume to 273-4607
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required Call April. 246-9999
immediately lor import business. Previous
sales or designing experience a plus.
Ouickbooks required Fax resume to 241-
ADM. ASSISTANT- Beaches financial
planning' insurance practice needs an ex-
.penenced and reliable team-player to join
our congenial. professional office Use
your communication. client service and or-
ganizational skills to help us serve our
wonderful clients Requires strong Micro.
soh Office skills, superb atin. to detail and
independent., rollow-through abilities
E-mail your resume and salary require-
menis to10 NEBBAB@aol.com. EOE.
preferred. ALSO: Receptionisi. vetennan-
tn experience required. Apply in person,
1210 3rd SIreet North. Jax Beach.
Family, cardio. OB,GYN experience a
plus. Fax 636-0066
PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
FrT Kennel Attendant No experience nec-
essary. Apply within. 28 Corona Rd.
Up to $420 pIus.-
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
*Paid Weekly
Design your own daytime hours
Work regular clients near your
Experience a plus
Must have own transportation
and home phone
....V AA Va .' -- Expect Nothing Less
# 'FIV4V1 Than "Five Diamonds"
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury reasons in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available:
Human Resources Coord. Housekeepers
Wknd Security Officer Front Desk & Bell Stand
Lifeguard Lieutenant Laundry Attendant
Irrigation Technician Dishwashers
Spray Technician Room Service Order Taker
Delivery Drivers Servers/Diningroom Attd.
Pool Technicians Gourmet Shop/Retail Clerk
Line Cooks Gym & Beach Reception
Banquet Set-Up Attd. Laundry Team Leader
Starter/Rangers Stockperson
Racquet Club Retail Asst. Room Service Servers
Equipt Oper./Laborers PM Turndown
THE SPA now hiring for various positions
Camp Counselors
Slide Monitor & Swim Instructors
Pool Porters
Patio Servers & Snack Bar Cook
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, life
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponie Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Oceanfront Excellence
MANAGER in holistic, internal medical of-
fice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical,
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent, and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX: (904)246-3778.
is seeking qualified candidates for Minister
of Children s program. Position responsi-
ble for coordinating and. facilitating Child-
ren's ministries and discipleship through
grade 5. Qualified candidates will have
minimum of two-year degree in religion,
philosophy or related area, two years ex-
perience working with 'children. Send
resume and salary requirements to Jerry
Sweat, Sr Pastor. Beach UMC, 325 71th
Ave N, Jax Bcn, 32250
Looking for an organic work experience?
Nature Foods Market is looking for vibrant
individuals with a passion for organic &
these skills: Customer Service. Self moti-
vation/ excellent work ethic. Desire to
learn & grow. Ordering skills & produce
experience a plus. Apply in person at 363
Atlantic Blvd., Suites 7 & 8, Atlantic
Beach, ask for Shelly or Naomi. 246-2441.
FLORAL DRIVER Needed. Floral Empori-
um. 870 AlA North, Ponte Vedra Beach.
Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work. Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services, Inc. 246-
COOK (FT/PT) Apply in person, Rite Spot
Restaurant, 1534 North 3rd Street, Jax
NEEDS FULL time Servers, Exp. Cooks &
Host/ Hostess with open availability. Apply
within 1018 North 3rd St., Mon- Fri, 2pm-
SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay'& benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
BEACHES CAR Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+.tips. Benefits
Avail. Apply in person; 1401 Beach Blvd.
Cooks. Must be able to work weekends.
Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st Ave.
North. 249-3322.
DRIVERS CDL-A: Excellent Home-Time!
Great pay/benefits. 0/0's welcome 2yrs.
OTR, good MVR. Centurian Auto Trans-
port. 800-889-8139.
SERVERS WANTED. Chizu Japanese
Steak House. Apply .after '2pm, 1227
South 3rd St.
CHILD CARE Teachers wilh CDA. lop
pay, also Teacher's Assistants needed
SAVE 25%+ on fuel. 100's of documented
trials.' Best business opportunity in US to-
day. www.cHteapergaspnces.mybpbiz.com
Call forfree samples 904-233-1505. c
INCREASE FUEL mileage up to 19'o. Re-
duce engine wear Reduce emissions by a
minimum ol 30% Great Business Oppor-
tunityl Used by the U S. Military for years.
Now available to consumers! Call
(904)333-0996 or go to
www.4-ecorp comiRlqueHLady.
Join our team of -
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages ,
Company Vehicle
appy4 in pecim to:
22orFlonidaBIlvd:"-,. -"
*Mon. Fn8-4.30
Positions Available
Banquet Supervisor Spa Receptionist
Maintenance Engineer Fine Dining Server
Front Desk Supervisor Lead Line Cook
Human Resources Assistant Spa Attendant
Men's Locker Room Attd. Accounts Sales Manager
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
Sa caring management staff.
* Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt. *
* 1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Webslte: www.sawgrassmarriott.com u
0 Job Hotllne: (904) 280-7070
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www.driveCTL.com "
*Restrictions and Limitations Apply/EOE
is looking to fill the following
Line Cook
Counter/Cashier Person
*Day Dishwasher
We offer health, dental, vision insurance, paid
vacation, 401k and competitive salary.
Candidates must be able to work-a flexible
schedule including nights and weekends.
Please apply in person. at
4378 Ocean Street Mayport, Florida
.*, na ne
Page 7B
I Join the tea.mthatmakescarigf
Apllu LV 'i 20,LUUO -~--~-------~~~
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile Help-
ers needed. Learn a trade. Health bene-
Irs, good hours, advancement opportuni-
ties. Must have valid FL Dnvers License.
Call 249-5381 for appt
BUSY REAL Estate Office needs Property
Manager. Excellent computer skills a
must. Send, resume to PO. Box 1631,
Ponle Vedra Beach, FL 32004.
NOW HIRING Sales Associates. Full &
pan lime positions available. Bealls offers
competitive wages, employee discount &
advancement opportunities Apply in per-
son, 3876 South 3rd SIt, Jax Bch.
TEACHERS & Assistants. Ft/ PT, infants
to 5 years. Require patience, reliability
and love of children. Performance based
bonuses. Up to 2 weeks paid vacation.
airing. management, Not baby sitting.
EOE. 242-9645
LPN' in our nevly expanded Assisted Liv-
ing facility every other weekend 7pm 10o
7am at a Premier Retirement Community
Excellent working environment. Apply at
Fleet Landing, One Fleet Landing Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach. FL: Fax to (904)246-9447;
e-mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE',
Drug-Free Workplace
propane retailer is in immediate need of a
full-time driver The ideal candidate will
have an excellent customer service de-
meanor, a CDL with Hazmal. lanker, and
airbrake endorsements. Candidates must
pass pre-employmeni testing, drug
screen, DMV cneck and background in-
vestigation. We offer a competitive salary
and benefits package. Apply in person at
98 S. Penman Rd. Jax Bch. or tax resume
to HR at 246-0715. EOE.
er needed for small Oceanlront hotel
Good pay/ benelms. Weekends required
Apply in person, 120 Atlantic Blvd.,
Neptune Beach.
JAX BEACH growing company needs or-
ganized marketing focused Executive As-
sistanl with ability to multi-lask Must test
at 60 wpm and have excellent verbal and
wnrlen communication skills. Experience
in Excel and PowerPoint is a must Com-
petitive salary and greal benelil packet
M-F 8am-5-30pm. Email resume to
barryg@desertmicro.net or fax to
Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wail Staff
Apply In Person NM-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.
-i! a "
SiliM i
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April ZO, LUUO
- i ~. i.'r.r~K,
1996 4 door, blue Cadillac DeVilie, 84K
miles $3800 241-2552
2000 NISSAN Utlima GXE, immaculate
conaiion low miles. 4 door power win
does locks, cruise, new tires $7900
OBO 887-9030
1992 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville. 62.000
miles, good condition, black sapphire color
wi/dark blue leather upholslery. Cast alu-
minum wheels, lires like new. AM/FM sler-
eo cassette and all power accessones
$3450 246-8510.
S LIMOUSINE $3195 OBO Ford Tempo.
FOLDING CAMPER, 1996 Coleman 0 y 46 000 miles. $2495 OBO 821.2058
Fleetewod. Niagara $4500 246.3089
2001 CHEVY S.10. LS Exira clean cond,-
lion. low miles, auio transmission, slep-
,ide bed, AC CD. alloy wheels $6500
OBO. 887-9030.
1999 CHEVY Conversion Van. excelieni
condition 58,000 miles $7000 962-6295.
1994 SUBURBAN loaded, dual air high
mileage $3350. Terry 19041434-7246.
1994 CADILLAC DeVilie, 4dr 157K miles
Book $4475 asking $4000 708-9645,
1989 COLLECTOR Toyoia Lanocruiser
127.000 miles with 200,000 to go Power
window. super cold AiC 4 wheel drive.
mucn more. Color blue- GREAT Ior the
Beach $14.000 OBO Call 285-5999
1997 BMW Z3 ConvenrtDle Roadster
4-speed 4cyl Silver. great mileage.
$14,900 247-1049
1989 PONTIAC Firebird, Trans Am. Runs,
$495, 247.2618. 403-5734
1994 RED Convertible, Chrysler LeBaron
Runs real new Iranomission $700 inrm. 1993 FORD Thundeibird. low miles auto
685.50l11 A'C.CD $1200 OBO 716-2586
FIRST COAST Welding and Fabocaiion
Call 859-0224.
FLEA MARKET w/ 4. booths. glass shelv-
Ing & merchandise, oriental items, .ligur-
ines & elc $15,000. (904)928-9432,
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn
$800/day? 30 machines, tree candy. All
lor $9995 1888j629-9968. B02000033.
Call us, We will not qe undersold!
VENDING ROUTE! All cash biz. Water,
luice, energy drinks, soda, snacks, candy.
Greal equipment & support. Complete F,-
nancing available w/$7500 .down.
(877 843-8726. BO#2002-037
Established, lurnkey, newly
$39 900. Call (904)534-0395.
transportation & references
any area CPR & Firsi Aid
260-4915 -
CHILD CARE in your home.
Sara 24,1-3627
or PiT. w,12yrs exp. A/P, A
Fin. Home office w/laprop,
Peachiree, MS OMt & 'lazer
aaill 7Q3.6550.
SALE. Stained glass, scrap glass, show
room pieces, table tops, replace screens
Southern Glass Originals, 1079 Atlantic
,Blvd. Saturday, 8am-1 pm.
QUEEN BED Set. armoire. night stand,
dresser. $600. 241-0897, 434-4372
BED- FULL-SIZE cherry sleigh bed,
w/matiress & box spring. Must sell. $395.
Can deliver (904)858-9350.
LIKE NEW -Snooze 'n Cruise Toddler
Bed- originally $175- plus nigh quality crib
matress and bedding! $145 OBO tor all
Call 228-0028
EACH SPA FOR 213 people. t yr old paid $4300
y renovaled sell for 52000 including extras All Wicker
natural color: wicker rwin head boaro.
single dresser w/glass, desk w/glass, chair
and night stand.$225. Very tail wicker en-
terlainment center $600, wicker bedroom
'chest, armoire. and matching night sand
dependable. $275. Full size crahmaflic bed complete
s $9-$fl/hr., $500, antique maple leave dresser $100.
F/T & P/T. black leather office chair warms $40,
(wiltom arms $25). Ornate black & gold
$10/ hr. Call trim, half, table w/drawer $100. Square
wood & glass dining Table from Italy $300.
blue lovesear sola bed, very comlonrtable
$200. Three presidents cup yacnht pic-
UN I 'tlures, professionally framed wblue mais
$150 all lion clothes hamper, custom
elecommute made in Italy, one ol a kind $85
/R; GIL. PR, 294-1121.
DINING ROOM Set- Pier 1, Sane Fe
Style table. 6 chairs, side table, shelves
$500. 613-3541.
Ywjt -f t.'rq l HVAC: 3-TON air handler waler to air
r.l I ar.r.I U *$200 OBO.- FURNITURE: Mahogany
THE MASSAGE MEDIC-Advanced mas- stained rustic coffee & end table $200
sage & body work for acute & chronic pain OBO. RIMS: 20" custom rims, 6 lug w/itres
relief. Home and office calls.. 16yrs. exp. $500 OBO. 686-4422.
704-6984 MA0011921. BODY SOUID EXM-1500C' Home Gym.
"s ,' *ld:k f'f "i 5-6E30, Exercises, 160lbs. Like New. $200
BIB^67^ S!!r~d~lW3'BSfH591-633 1'
HOME HEALTH aid available lor 24 hour DRIVE ON LIFT
care ipl-your home. Reliable. Good refer- 7000 POUND drive on lift lor cars, $51800
ences. 536-8459. otease.leave message. Call Steve 407-291-7554
ITTERICOMPANION: I'LL slay with ill or
elderly. Local references. 246-1206.
WE PROVIDE Oualiry liVe-in, or hourly
care Io ypur ioved'one.,American Home
ompaiions. 285:7899.
SMlor Ithan a service more like a friend "
0Iransponaiior to doctor's. shopping, eic.
-ssi- wiih daily lasks. Dr. appointments,
meals and more |9041317-7417.
,JEED SOMEONE To Take Care of.Elder.
ly ? 24yrs experience. Call Liz, 683-9638.
years oi experience. References avail-
.ble 1904)234-3915.
"GE WHITE Kitchen Appliances. Decora-
live Doois. $50. Lighted curio cabinet,
$250 Bamboo dinehe6 sei, $250. Basket-
ball gal. .50 Please cal 246-0841, leave
BED- KING manress set, $289. Can de-
liver 190-11391-0015.
KENMORE, WASHER & Whirlpool dryer.
very good.condiiion, $350. 536-3232.
LAWN TRACTOR. Murray 46, 21np,
automalic, warranty, -like new. $1000,
Dryer $100 Call 241-1880.
BUSINESS CARDS- 2000 full color, two
sizes, S99. 710-7957.
COMPLETE SET- sola, loveseal. chair,
otlorhans. sofa able, mirror. dining table
w/six chairs. Tropical look w/rarlan ac-
cents.. excellent condition Can email pic-
Tures, $1500, 241-3572.
-BROWN LEATHER couch w.siuds on
arms, good cond., $600. 247-8939.
BED- .BRAND name queen sel
new. w/warranty $129. Can deliver.
$.75,sf. 30" ,thicker. still in box, must sell.
GATEWAY. P.C, new hard drive. 17" lalt
screen monitor. $400 OBO. 859-0503.
HOT SPRINGS -Hot Tub. seats 7. $2300
6 Parsons chairs, black. $300. Dinette set
round, glass-rop, 4 chairs. $350. 270-0307
DOORSi 1 French door Approximately
ten different sizes. $50-$100
(9041241-0707. ,.
BED- BEAUTIFUL Temp-pedic Memory
Foam mattress & boxsprlhg, new in
plastic w/warranty. 5'$379 Must sell
(904)Q58-9350. 'r. -
GAS POWER Back-Pack Leaf blower by
Homelite. Excellent condillon. $75
WIDE SCREEN 51 Inch Sony Rear Pro-
lection TV Sel Is HDTV capable 3 years
old. New. $2,000 Asking ,950 Call
242-7852 eveningss. 504-5188 (days)
WHIRLPOOL WASHER & Dryer. $75'ea
30 day warranty: Deliver $20. 318-8173.
3"STORY Doll House completely lurnis;r.
Sd.lO. 100327.3743 or 230.-7203.
ART SHOW tealuring new paintings bv
Jeanehle Phillips Twisied Sstiers Relsau-
rani, Beach Blvd Jax Beach. Wednesday.
(41261 6:30pm
-- --- ---- ---
John's River. Mortgage Foreclosure
4BR/4.5BA home on 2 ac Boathouse
w/dock Saiurday May 13. ipm 14030
Mandarinn Oaks Ln Mandarin FL
whillauciions.com Call 888-821-0894
IF YOU are interested in advenising under
This category please call 904-249-9033 or
email classified@beacesleader cornm
-------_--------- _i-:5 -TUMT
MULTI-FAMILY. BABY Stuff. Household
ilems erec. 730am-1pm Saturday 2030
Horn Sireet.
MIULbL FAMILY .(6)- .household ilems,
clothes, proressipnai lools, plans eleC
games, eic. Sal 429 8:30-2pm, 1200
blockot 19th Sl N
FRI & Sai, 8.4 lurn., hurch. dresser.
desk, sota, & lots of Stuff 1215N 9ih Si
ONLY ONE more week until Ihe biggest
sale in the beaches Sl Paul's Calnoiic
Church annual rummage sale opens 5pm
Thursday May 4th.
MULTI-FAMILY, GOOD sluh reasonable.
1208 Nonh 7th'St. Saturday 8am-until
111 FLORIDA Blvd., 3 families Frida,,
9am-2pm and Saiurday, 9am-noon. Boys
bike. clothes, furniture and much more
HUGE YARD Sale Renovalingl Salurday
8am-lpm. 618 Oak Street.
SATURDAY, 8am-lpm. Miscellaneous
goods, Greal baby Inings & maternity
clothes! 1009 Marvone Lane
GARAGE SALE., Sat 4/29 8.2pm lurn.
small items. 1960 Penman Rd
SALE. Slaned glass, scrap glass show
room pieces, labie lops, fireplace screens
Southern Glass Originals 1079 Allanic
Blvd Saiurday. 8am-ipm.
WHAT KIND ol training are you looking
lor" We are now onering Puppy 101 ana
Basic obedience classes., plus al1 levels ol
Aqiity CGC classes are iFreei Near
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care Aulo Cleaning.
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services. eic.
Call HMermon, 246-.4238. 612-1755
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complele
lune-up. All makes, all models 549 50
lor you New Mommy service. Senior TLC
Housekeepers 'Nannies and more Call
904-234-8151 or
www upcaieconcerge corner
irSmsaemm wrlt awwr*wme asaa
Vinyl Sales & Installation Free estimates
Licensed Insured. Jim 813-0894.
13 ears experience. Reasonable prices,
Iow minimum rates, weekend appoint.
menis available 19041525-7419.
A SPECIAL iOuCri lor your home No
crews individual and excellent references
Kim 568-4191
DOVE SERVICES Carpel Cleaning.
Whole house $69 3 rooms, hall $45
Upnolslery cleaning Pressure Washing.
No hidden charges 1904)247-8152
A PLUS CLEANIiNG honest, dependable.
experienced, excellent service, reasona-
ble prices, greal references. Call Kay
1904 1514-8092.
SERVICES. Dependable. honest
Ihorougi L:ocal relerences Licensed.
Insured 563-1690
HOUSE CLEANING biweekly, weekly ex-
perienced. dependable honest, releren-
ces Tr.cia 563-1888
MATURE-WOMAN w/experience looking
lor prvale homes Io clean. Reis available.
Cal 642-2430
WOOD Fence Specialist Install, replace
35yrs Experience. References. Mick Out-
door Enterprises. 241-7276. 838-9599.
mates, local, 'reasonable prices. We do it
rignl the lirsi time No contracts required
Call Ray. 607-0853.
Specializing in "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon.
246.4238 612.1755.
PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, exienor Free
esumales. Call Mike Wilitams. 285-2651,
25yrs. experience
HATE TO PAINT? Don I s.weal iI irilerior.
exlerior, pressure wasrnng rJ. work
Nice prices, Licensed,. Insured. 226 6134
- -- -- -
lordabie and reliable lawn service 591- ing. Mosl residential pools 25iweek+
6920 chemicals Licensed, Insured We make.
r..,, lilea. I .nia ....a .c.-r 9 .n5 r4
PAY AS WE MOW lawncare service No
yearly coniracls. Pay only lor growing
months. (9041221-5217
PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed. Yard
Clean-ups, Mulching. Sodding whatever il
lakes, etc. Daie 249-4724
lawns Free estimates. 246-0967
Cleaning Licensed & Insured. Free Esti-
maies Houses decks, walkways. dnve-
ways, patios 248-9672.
Sale roof cleaning. Deck & fence
restoration Pressure washing Licenser &
Insured Call Kevin. 994-0045.
PRESSURE WASHERS-forireni or sale
Tucker Equipment Renlal 246-1330
BEST PRICES IN TOWN!! interior, exie-
nor. pressure washing, knock down ten-
lured io walls References, photos.
Licensed, insured. 226-6134.
Iree eslimales, work guaranteed. licensed.
SAVE NOW! inenrior & Exterior painting
Pressure washing 19yrs. at Beaches
Free Estimates. 881-4223.
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall lex-
lure. Specialize in smaller lobs Will work
evenings & weekends Licensed. insured
references 403-7389.
Property management rates lor quick
rental/sale lurn-arounds, and custom pain
also. Call [or FREE ESTIMATES. 497-
2553 or 724-6877. Licensed & Insured
NATIVE PAINTER- exceplonal resident
tal commercial pressure washing. painl-
ing. drywall crack repair, wail covering Li
censed. insured, references. 403.7389.
DEMO HOMESITES wanted now' For lhe
New Kayak Pooii The on-ground pool witn
in-giound featuresr Unique opportunity
Save $. Caln l866348.7560 Free Esti.
mates! FnBinring
Cuslom made 6' seamless aluminum gut-
leis Large variety ol colors ,10 cih.ose
irom. 241-509i
Remodeling, decks, siding. interior rim
termile+ rol damage+ rrore Licensed
insured. 247-2728.
Repairs specializing in termine damage
---------- --=_- --q_ _- --- ---
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets bath-
rooms, lie, doors, windows rotted wood,
termite damage, rool leaks. drywall,
decks eic. Honesi, lop qualirvy work-
dependable for quality repairs, service
calls. painting, improvemeni- and miscel-
laneous lobs DAVE 246-6628
PRIDE BRAND lh recliner, seatoam
green. excellent conoillon. 5700 new, ask-
ing $300 241-2552.
oak. dinelte table, prom dresses, clothes.
Toys. & misc. Items. Sal 8-12 1546
Ocean Blvd.
PAINTER. INTERIOR/ extenor, 16yrs
exp., relerrals, 241-8046.
COMMUNITY YARD Sale, Cov ngion
Creek. San Padlo Rd. Sai 4,29, 8-12
3 ALUMINUM 80 Dive lanks, $65'ea
White venicpl blinds, 35"x58'., $60.
86"x85", .575, Excellent condition. Call
FA, "agtNa? W:.mU:I-If I a wAI4mAm.*aftI9WT1
FLATS & Bay, Aero Cat, four stroke Ya-
mana Motor w/power lift. $12,900. 904-
Installation. Repair, Design Excelli
work. references Complete bath & kitchen
renovations. Nick, 1904)962-9312
wEka o] YWL
primnter. Relt
2005 Vespa 200L gun meal gre,. less
than 1 000 miles larger engine does
70mphn 4500 OBO Call 434-3564 lor
2002 CONV. Van; low miles, many lea-
lures, new lires & rims. Need o1 sell 904.
1998 CADILLAC Eldorado. 120 000
miles. pearl whiie mini con.t on $7700
94 CHRYSLER NEW ''oriker cOld air,
runs good $1000 716-2586
1998 MUSTANG, while V ,aulu AC,
CD Nicel $3500 (904)273.6770
1992 TOYOTA Land Cruiser Sunrool;
problems w/main seal no a'c one electric
window noi working, 290,000 miles,
$1,000 OBO. 285-1443.
0 Mt
,, ,I
-- ----- ------ --
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--- ---- -----
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