APRIL 21, 2006
Out of
See A-3
Surfing for
Jesus .
See B-7
" At
Vol. 43. No. 87
Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963
Judge says no
to Surfrider
Surfrider Foundation's beach
access lawsuit against St. Johns
County has drawn drawn to a
close at least for the time
Circuit Judge Michael
Traynor this week denied a
motion to reconsider the valid-
ity of a parking ban on Ponte
Vedra Boulevard, officially
bringing an end to the lawsuit,
unless Surfrider decides to
Surfrider attorney James
Woodruff said Thursday that
he would consult his clients to
see whether they want to
appeal the decision. The dead-
line for doing so is next week,
he said.
Surfrider's request to recon-
sider the parking ban was filed
Jan. 31 about a month before
Travnor ruled onthe remaining
claims in the case.
On March 2, Traynor ruled
that the county must clear any
obstructions in the 14 beach
access points in Ponte Vedra,
but the county was not ordered
Seniors get
down to earth
at new center....
Clad in hard hats and armed with shov-
els, officials from St. Johns County and the
PGA Tour broke ground Thursday for
construction of a $1.8 million senior and
community center on Landrum Lane.
The ceremony took place two days after
county commissioners approved the cen-
ter's official name The Players
Community Senior Center.
"It could be one of the prettiest build-
ings in Ponte Vedra and Palm Valley,"
Commissioner Bruce Maguire said at
Thursday's ceremony.
The building design is low country with
a wraparound porch where rocking chairs
are envisioned.
"All of a sudden, we're going to have
this lovely, old Florida lodge tucked in the
space there," Cathy Brown, executive
director of the St. Johns County Council
on Aging iCOA), said this week.
"We're just thrilled," said Brown, who
was instrumental in the COA's opening a
senior center in the Ponte Vedrq area.
"The reason we were able to pull this off
so quickly is great collaboration among all
the partners," Brown said, noting that St.
Johns County impact fees "will pay for the
balance of the construction."
At Thursday's ceremony, which started
'Iththe parking lot of the Winston Family
YMICA then moved across Landrum Lane
to replace parking spaces that
were removed in front of Ponte
Vedra Inn and Club.
In a ruling issued Monday,
Traynor wrote that although
the motion to reconsider the
parking ban was "procedurally
sufficient" because it was filed
in a timely manner, "the
motion cannot succeed"
because of the way it is worded.
The motion refers to a claim
that was dismissed by Traynor
before the lawsuit went to trial
in November.
The claim said that the park-
ing ban was arbitrary and con-
stitutionally vague because it
did not establish standards or
guidelines for determining
who could receive an excep-
tion to the parking ban.
During a hearing in March,
Surfrider argued that the St.
Johns Board of County
Commissioners, which
retained the authority to grant
exceptions, was in fact
delegating that task to County
Administrator Ben Adams.
Landrum gets
Delaney lesson
iuIou uby LdUIa o IUI
Helping break ground for the community center on Landrum Lane are Joe Boles (from
left), president of the Council on Aging, County Commissioner Cyndi Stephenson,
Commissioner Bruce Maguire, Cathy Brown, executive director of the COA, Bruce
Barber, president of the Ponte Vedra Rotary, Commissioner Ben Rich, Brian Goin and
Don Blackburn.
to the project site, thanks were given to
the PGA Tour for its financial contribu-
tions to the center.
The center is named after The Players
Championship golf tournament, held
every March in Ponte Vedra Beach until
next year, when it will move to May and
well be called simply The Players.
"Today is a special day," Brian Goin,
executive director of The Players
Championship, told the dozens of Ponte
Vedra seniors gathered for the event.
"We're going to touch lives and hope-
fully improve your quality of life."
Since November 2003, Ponte Vedra sen-
iors have been meeting twice a week at the
Palm Valley Community Center on Canal
-The new 10,000-square-foot center on
Landrum Lane will take about 18 months
to build and will be used by residents of
all ages, Brown.
"The good news is, the community can
use it," Brown said.
The senior citizen programs will run
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Brown said.
After that, youngsters getting out of
school can use the center for group meet-
ings or to complete their homework in the
computer lqb.
The center is on the same block as
Landrum Middle School and Ocean Palms
Elementary School.
Community groups and associations
also will be able use the center for public
Brown said the COA is working with the
YMCA and the county's Recreation
Department to offer activities for all ages.
Columbine rumors alert fletcher
John Delaney, former mayor
of Jacksonville and now presi-
dent of the University of North
Florida, Thursday drew on the
past to advise Landrum Middle
schoolers on their future.
Ulysses S. Grant became a
success only after he was "an
absolute failure" in schooling
and work, Delaney told an
audience of sixth and seventh
graders gathered in the
Landrum auditorium.
"Most people that study U.S.
history would say Ulysses S.
Grant won the [Ci1il] War,"
Delaney said before offering
this advice: "You should never
give up."
Turning to the subject of
education, Delaney asked the
audience to name the "clearest,
quickest way to become a mil-
"Online casinos?" one boy
asked, drawing laughter from
the speaker and the audience.
"Government job," said
another, to which Delaney
responded, "No, they don't pay
very well ask your teachers
what they make."
One girl had the answer
Delaney was looking for get
a college degree.
"It's really important to get
that degree," he said.
Another thing that is "really,
really important," he told the
attentive audience, is the
grade-point average (GPA).
Colleges and universities first
and foremost consider scores
on the SAT and a student's
high school GPA when consid-
ering applicants, he said.
Putting in an unabashed
plug for his university, Delaney.
said that of the approximately
120 colleges and universities in
Florida, UNF's freshman class
has the fourth highest high
school GPA.
UNF was a two-year "com-
muter" college when he was
college age, Delaney said.
"It's kinda turned into a reg-
ular college," he said.
After giving a summary of
the Better Jacksonville Plan -
the road, parks and building
project OK'd by Jacksonville
voters when Delaney was
mayor the speaker asked for
questions from the audience.
Why doesn't UNF have a
football team? orie boy asked.
"I don't know if people want
to see UNF play football yet,"
said Delaney, noting that the
Jacksonville Jaguars, Florida
Gators and other teams capture
attention among many in the
Jacksonville area.
"Bottom line is we can't
afford it," he said, noting that a
football program would cost $4
million more, when consid-
Police visible on high
school campus on
seventh anniversary of
Colorado shootings
Rumors of a Columbine-anniversary
day shooting planned at Fletcher High
School were false, school officials said
Thursday, noting that police were visible
at the school early in the day.
i On Wednesday, there were several
rumors "that someone was going to come
to school to shoot," said Jane Drake, who
works in the.principal's office. She noted
'that such rumors are heard every year at
various schools as the anniversary of
Columbine approaches.
On April 20, 1999 at Columbine High
School in Littleton Colorado, two
teenagers shot dozens of students and
teachers. Fifteen people were dead
including the two killers.
"We did take it seriously," Drake said of
the rumors and the school's response.
She explained that the school resource
officer talked to every student men-
tioned and found "no credible informa-
"It's a very calm, very quiet day," Drake
said Thursday.
Principal Helene Kirkpatrick issued a
statement to "Our Fletcher Family"
Wednesday as concerns grew and rumors
began to be repeated.
"Many rumors are circulating about
unfounded problems at Fletcher High
School tomorrow, April 20. We take all
rumors very seriously and check them
carefully," Kirkpatrick said in her
Subscribe and the Ponte Vedra Leader
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= 1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250
Wednesday statement. "The rumors have
been investigated and are unfounded."
She noted that school would open as
usual following all normal procedures. She
also issued a general invitation for the
public to attend the school's chorus con-
cert and fine arts night, scheduled to be
held Thursday evening.
Neptune Beach Police Chief David
Sembach said three Neptune Beach offi-
cers and two Jacksonville Sheriffs Office
deputies were at the school Thursday
morning to make sure everything was
going well.
"You always err on the part of safety,"
Sembach said in explaining the increased
police presence on campus.
He noted that background checks
revealed that a former Fletcher student
who was supposedly rumored to be plan-
ning the shooting was not even in the
Calendar..............A-8 Obituaries ..........A-6
Classified ............C-1 Police Beat ..........A-5
Religion ..............B-6 Sports..................A-9
Showtimes ............B-8 Weather..............A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Three sections, 28 pages
John Delaney, president of the University of North Florida, bor-
rows a jester hat from Harrison Goodall (center) Thursday at
Landrum Middle School. At right is Liam Rawson.
Detour in
Palm Valley
See A-3
An edition of The Beaches Leader
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Beaches Branch Library and
Ponte Vedra Beach branch
Art fest this weekend
The 12th annual Ponte
Vedra Beach Art Festival will be
held 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday at Sawgrass
Village. Admission is free.
Works of art from artists
around the country will be on
display and offered for sale at
the event in the parking area
behind the shopping village
off State Road AIA on PGA
Tour Boulevard.
Among works will be paint-
ings, jewelry, photography,
glass sculpture and ceramics.
Library fest is'Sunday ,y
SA cooking demonstration,
storytelling, crafts, a concert
and refreshments are among
things planned at a family fest
2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
The event, sponsored by the
Friends of the Library, is meant
to acquaint the public about
services offered at the library.
There is no admission charge.
Legal tips for writers
An entertainment attorney
is scheduled to give advice on
signing publishing contracts at
a meeting Saturday at the
Ponte Vedra Beach Branch
Attorney Carolyn Herman.
will talk about publishing con-
tracts at the Florida Writers
Association's Ponte Vedra
Writer's Group meeting at 10
Herman practices in
Jacksonville Beach and teaches
entertainment law and intel-
lectual property law at Florida
Coastal 'School 'of Law,
The meeting is free and open
to the public. For more infor-
mation, call Vic DiGenti at'
285-2258. '
Relating tall tales
Humiorists and storytellers
Wayne and Jane Sims will per-
form "Swamp Cabbage
Chronicles: Small Lies, Tall
Tales & Other Truths" at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday, May 16, at
Limelight Theatre,", 11 Old
.Mission Ave., St. Augustine.
ticket are $7. For information,
call (904)' 71-0179.
Nocatee acreage sold
.The Parc;. Group, master
'developer of the 15,000-acre
Nocatee being built west of
Ponte Vedra Beach, has
announced the sale of 238
acres in Nocatee to. Centex
Homes for the development of
a residential community.
"Our goal is to provide
homebuyers with a wide vari-
ety of price ranges and product
types from the area's finest
builders," said Richard T. Ray,
partner with The Parc Group.
Centex joins Toll Brothers,
Pulte Homes, Del Webb ahd
Cornerstone Homes as builders
of Nocatee's initial phase.,
The Centex community is
expected to include 343 single-
family homes ranging
$400,000 to $600,000 and
about 100 townhomes.
UNF entrance to close
The St. Johns Bluff Road
entrance to the University of
North Florida will be closed for
about three weeks beginning
Saturday, April 29, to facilitate
the construction of 9A and to
minimize inconvenience to
faculty, staff and students.
From the Beaches, the UNF
campus can be accessed from
Kernan Boulevard, off Butler
Flagler picked for center ,
Flagler College in St.
Augustine has been selected as
one of three new regional
,-arcdheoJogical ... centers. in.
Th6 Flbrida-' Public
Archaeology Network, a
regional association of archae-
ologists who raise public
awareness about archaeology,
picked Flagler to serve as the
headquarters for advancing
regional archaeological excur-
sions and excavations in
Northeast Florida.
*It is hoped that the center
will raise public awareness of
the region's rich archaeological
record that spans more than
400 years, dating back even
before the Spanish arrived on
Florida's East Coast.
The center will be funded
with an annual grant from the
Florida Legislature, which cre-
ated the organization in 2004.
Other regional centers are at
the University of South Florida
in Tampa and the University of
Florida, Gainesville.
Y fund-raising planned
A Ponte Vedra chiropractor
will give one free X-ray to new
patients who sign up this
month and will give existing
patients a free adjustment' on
April 29 as a fund-raiser for the
Winston Family YMCA, Ponte
Patients will be encouraged
to make a donation to the
YMCA when they get their free
services from Dr. Erika Hamer,
owner of Ponte Vedra Wellness
Center in the Fresh Market
shopping strip.
Insider's view of politics
Mary Kohnke of Palm Valley
will discuss her book, "She Said-
What!?" at the main county
library at 7 p.m. May 16 and at
the Southeast Branch Library
at 2 p.m. May 21.
Kohnke, a retired nurse and
former St. Johns County com-
missioner who has been a long
time community activist, will
talk about the politics of devel-
opment in St. Johns County.
Although her book is fiction,
it is loosely based on her expe-
riences living in the county.
Three more books are planned.
For library locations, call
Harold George at t904) 827-
6925 or visit the library's Web
site (www.sjcpls.org).
Vilano celebration set
Groundbreaking for the
Vilano Beach Town Center is
scheduled 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday, May 12, at Vilano
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April 21, 2006
Page 2A*
The, Beacheg Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader
:: :
ftm ftwo
440 4b .4m 0
: : ::
.April 21, 2006
First Coast MPO
gives road plans
The First Coast Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO)
presented the St. Johns Board
of" County Commissioners
STuesday with a comprehensive
plan for improving and build-
ing roads in the county over
the next five years.
Jeff Sheffield, director of
planning for the First Coast
MPO, outlined the costs and
1cations of future road
Simnprovements, many of which
will take place in and around
Ponte Vedra.
Almost $50 million has been
designated for the widening of
County Road 210 West, which
will go' from two to four lanes
just west of U.S. 1, then to six
Siies until just west of the 1-95
Construction for this project:
should begin within the next
year. '
1. More than $30 million has
been set aside for the new four-
lane Nocatee Parkway, which
will replace County Road 210
for five miles between the
Intracoastal Waterway and U.S
Construction on the first
phase of the parkway has
already begun and is expected
to finish in the summer of
Traffic on a small portion of
the road lying just west of the
Intracoastal will be rerouted
starting Saturday.
The rerouting is expected to
last four to five months,
according to Greg Barber with
the Parc group, developers of
Barber said the new, elevated
parkway will by built directly
over that portion of the exist-
ing 210, and pilings need to be
placed there.
Barber also. said the speed'
limit will be reduced to 35
miles per hour in the area of
the rerouting. A couple of
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3A*
.. .. .. v, ..
Traffic on County Road 210 (left, looking west) will be rerouted to a temporary road (right) begin-
ning Saturday during construction of Nocatee Parkway.
interchanges are also sched-
uled to be built, including orine
for about $16 million at U.S. 1
and 210, with construction
scheduled. to begin 'within a
Also, construction of an $11
million interchange at 1-95, and
210 will start around 2008.
Scenic and- historic State
Road AlA as it runs through
Ponte Vedra will also see-some
The four-lane portion of the
road'will be extended further
south to Mickler Road before it
continued from A-1
ering federal requirements for
equal treatment of the sexes.
One student asked about the
recent drug arrests of 10 UNF
students, another asked about
his own children and one boy
wanted to know if he was still
mayor of Jacksonville.
No, the former mayor
replied, adding that the present
mayor is John Peyton.
"We've got the same kind of
hair, but he's shorter and he's
really rich," Delaney said.
merges into two lanes,. and a
left turn lane at Mickler's Road
will be added.
Although it is riot clear when
the widening project will start,
construction of the turn lane is
expected to start as early as
Next year.
Surfrider: Judge rules on suit
continued from A-1
Scott Shine, a plaintiff in the '*
case, testified in November
that Adams hqd denied him an
exception .but had granted
exceptions for persons who
live on'the boulevard:
Some persons asked for
exceptions to allow parking
during social events at their
But Traynor ruled that the
specific wording of Surfrider's
motion did not refer to any
delegation by the county of the
authority to gr nt exceptions.
"The, allegations .. are
specifically directed to the acts
taken by St. Johns County,"
Trav'ior said.
"No where in the. com-
plaint do the plaintiffs indicate
that a delegation of authority
took place ..." -
Traynor went on to say that
although Suffrider was essen-.
tially prevented from amend-.
ing and resubmitting the
claim, a new claim "alleging
that a delegation of authority
has occurred" could have been
introduced at any time
- Barbara McKinney, a doctor at
,~19ayo Clinic Jacksonville, and
her son, Caleb, visit the meet-
ing of the Ponte Vedra
Woman's Club Monday at
SSawgrass Golf Club. Dr.
McKinney talked about her
family's trip to Kenya, Africa,
last year to give primary care
to the Masai tribe. Caleb per-
formed a violin solo for the
throughout the trial.
"The plaintiffs are entirely
free to bring such a claim in a
separate suit. .'for this.court's
future consideration," he con-
If Surfrider decides not to
appeal the decision, Woodruff
said, the organization may
consider ,filing an entirely new
Meanwhile, the county is in
the final stages of amending
the parking ban so that specif-
ic guidelines. for granting
exceptions are provided.
Commissioners gave staff
the go ahead Tuesday to start
advertising for a public hearing
in May for the consideration of
the amendments, which were
approved this' month'by the
Ponte. Vedra Zoning and
Adjustment Board.
The amendments include
four categories of vehicles or
situations in which exceptions
would be allowed: emergency,
or'law enforcement vehicles,
public service vehicles such as
mail trucks, "oversized vehi-
cles" such as buses or trailers,
and social events where no,
Subscribe to The Leader -Call 249-9033
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more than 25 cars' will be
parked along the boulevard.
Permits for -such social
events must be obtained from
the Sheriff's Office at least two
weeks in advance arid off-duty
traffic control officers must be
hired to monitor traffic.
Lauren Hersey uses American
Sign Language to relay John
Delaney's speech to the audi-
ence at Landrum Middle
School Thursday.
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The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
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Page 4A
www.beacbesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated a Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHEs LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER
The Leader's Opinion
Savor spring while
enjoying the arts
The traditional April showers that bring May
flowers have so far held off and the resulting'
sunny days have delighted many.
"Knowing that hot temperatures are just around
the corner, most of us savor the days of Spring
when going outside, is. a pleasure, not, an
endurance test.
This weekend there will be additional reasons to
'enjoy a little time outdoors;
The Ponte. Vedra Arts Festival will be held at
Sawgrass Village on both Saturday. and Sunday,
with dozens of talented artists' on hand to answer
questions and offer their wares.
The festival will also showcase the work of local
student artists.
Live music will be performed in the Courtyard.,
at 200 First Street Friday evening, at 7 p.m., pro-
viding music lovers
an opportunity for even the youngest to dance to
the beat.
A free acoustic music show on the grounds of
Bull Park in Atlantic Beach,; a car show and a kids
carnival are just some of the many activities avail-
able to those interested in enjoying Spring out-
doors while appreciating arts and entertainment:
"Copyrighted Material
U Uj =Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Don't block Wal-Mart
To the editor:
L '.'" ',:.:' -" A lot of negative opinions
.a? k *' ', '- .l.,. have been expressed about WVal-
Mart coming to Neptune Beach,
t Beach resident who shops att
W. .al-Mart and 'will welcome
'To the editor: this is appropriate. We need to them to my city..
There are two positions in find the very best qualified per- The writers of the negative
county government that answer son for that job. We also need a opinions, who seem to know
directly to the Board of County citizens committee to screen the cost of,,and what merchan-
Commissioners. The County and send three names forward. dise Wal-Mart carries, give one
Administrator and the County All of our current attorneys the impression that they actual-"
Attorney. When the Count.y should be urged to apply and ly do shop there, but in reality,
Administrator position, was compete. We need the best we they are saying it's ok for Wal-
open in the mid 90's. the' can get in this county. Mart to build in someone else's
Commissioners did. a nation- Jim Sisco, was a county attor- back yard, but 'NOT in MY
wide search and a citizens com- ney of the old' school. Many BACKIYARD."
mittee was appointed to screen crossed swords with him over Wal-Mart 'carries items that
:the applicants and forward the years. He never hesitated to are not presently available in
three names to the give the commissioners or citi- Neptune Beach or Atlantic
Commission. zens his opinion on the lawi He Beach, except maybe at K-Mart,
The job description and qual- also supported that opinion. He which for the last year or so has
ifications were established in did not shade it to meet any- not been supported by the local
the administrative code. Mr. one's approval, communities, and is already
Bryant and three of his The past four years have seen sliding the slippery slope on its
friends on the boaid did not the county commission rubber wav' 6it." '
wvanr-to -Ja- t Plded,~ ~ i g;' e T oeo. with \VWin-DLxie's
Swell qualified strangerSo they ing waivers'that made a ioke of financial problems, who knows
had a well known resident the Land Development Codes,- --if their local store may be the
apply. When it turned out the buying over valued utilities, next one to dose. Both of these
local man did not have either issuing bonds without clear well store's problems cannot be
the education or the experience defined purposes and giving blamed on \Val-Mart moving to'
the requirements were changed, away county right of away to our city.
and he was hired. private home owners to keep Come on, we are not West
When county attorney ihm outsiders from parking on Ponte Palm Beach, nor are we the
Sisco, talked about retirement in Vedra Boulevard. All done with- ghetto. The quaint uniqueness
2001, it was suggested we con- out a question being raised by of Neptune Beach was lost
' -duct a wide search for his the county attorneys. This must when Willard's., Thomas and,
replacement. This idea was stop. 'Padgett,Ed Smith's, the old Rite
squashed and Dan Bosanko, The citizens of this county Spot and Silvers closed and were
already on the staff, was pro- deserve better. We need an a replaced with mainly ordinary
moted. Three of the hold over county attorney staff that.will bars and restaurants, along with
commissioners from the previ- insist the Board play by the. a few specialty shops that can be
ous administrator selection rules. It is long past due that cit- found in any town.
process did not want to risk-'a izens demand better of the When do these type establish-
repeat of that fiasco. Board of County ments, along with fast food
Now here we are again'with Commissi6ners'and their coun- restaurants, -gas stations, tire
Mr. Bryant as Chairman insist- ty attorneys. repair shops and empty store
ing that we promote an attor- Mary F. Kohnke fronts along its main corridors
ney from within. I don't think Ponte Vedra Beach make a town unique?.
Where was all this righteous
indignation when both the
T E BEAC HES LEADER "underdog" K-Mart shopping
center, and later on, the Food
PONTE V A EADER Liori shopping center, camee to,
E YA. town,. both mowing down all
Sthe trees and blighting the area?
No one in Neptune Beach or
Kathleen Feindt Bailey, :Linda Borgstede
Editor, The Beaches Leader Director ofSoles
Thomas Wood
SPresidentand Publisher
Karen Stepp
Vice Plesident
Editorial isplayAd Sales
Chuck Adams Cathi James
Katie Crowell
Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Hal Newsome
Kathy Nicoletti
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron.
-'Roger Walker-
Johnny Woodhouse
Business Office
Char Coffman
Joanne Jund
Joseph Martin
'Kathy Moore
Stacey Perkins
Steve Fouraker
Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Jane McElhiney
Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb
Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Pontei Vedra Leader
Jennifer Wise.
Vice President
Anya Braun
Eric Braun
Scott Cheeseman
Randy Dedman
Kenny Friedman
Jenna Highland,
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Tobi Liss
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Kevin Phinney
Gerald Tierney
Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay
(904) 249-9033
You cannot change the'
rules in the middle of the
game, to prevent the
owners from building
what you doP't like
Atlantic Beach will be more neg-
atively impacted by Wal-Mart's
arrival than those families who
live directly west of the proper-
ty, which includes me.
When I moved here in 1975,
the property directly behind me
was zoned residential. My
neighbors were supposed to be'
family homes, not a retention
pond and a shopping strip.
Eighteen years ago, the City
of Neptune Beach sold its soul
and ruined the residential chai-
acter of the community as I
neiv it by allo%- ing.ithl,'JoQf
Lion" shopping e ntIr' ito, blight
the area.
I invite you to go behind this
shopping center and see the
critter infested "Pond", includ-
ing poisonous snakes, which we
have Ihad to live w.ith. This
neighborhood has paid the
price for Neptune Beach's.
actions, with noise, overgrowth
of weeds, dirt, and the homeless.
Food Lion, Zayer's, Scotty's,
Big Lots and A&P, as with other
businesses that populated these
strip malls, are gone because
they were not supported by the!
local community, or they would
still be open.
%, When the Food Lion.
Shopping Center was approved,
the city of Neptune Beach told
the neighbors that as long as the
property owner met the zoning
requirements the'city could not
prohibit, them from building
'what' they wanted on their
So up went Food Lion shop-'
ping center and the retention
pond. Seems the city is now flip-,
flopping on what a property
-owner ho complies with zon-
ing ordinancds can do.
You cannot change the rules
in the middle of. the game to
prevent the'owners from build-
ing what you don't like for'this
may promote a lawsuit that
would cost the city taxpayers a
tremendous amount of money,
in legal costs.
The size of Wal-Mart's pro-
posed store is 117,000 square
feet, which is smaller than. the
current strip mall building
which takes up, 148,162 square
feet of the land, according to
property records, and is now
95% vacant, and for how long?
Every strip mall in our city
has always had empty store
fronts, with spme as long as 25
years. How long are we going to
-argue over what is appropriate
to fill the space-another 25
Give me the Wal-M1art. I like
the one-stop shopping. 24
UiPW 3 tday. WhiicTi tpy, "tp'ei
ai'd ]latf [.qin ,'Tron)"-pne'
store to another, wasting gas
and time trying to get what I
'The other stores will survive
like they did when K-Mart, A&P,
and Food Lion came to town, as
long as they offer the goods and.
services, along. with reasonable
prices that most people want.
Wal-Mart traffic, which you
are complaining about will be
your neighbors from our local,
communities. Do you, really
believe that people from the
other side of the ditch will rush
to Neptune Beach to shop Wal-
*,Mart when they have one close.
to their ow)n home?
Traffic would be no worse
than what it is now in the Town'
Center, where you cannot find
parking to visit the shops, and
probably less than when we
have the townies and tourists
visit for the opening of the
beaches, or other festivals.
I urge our city officials to not
.block Wal-Mart from moving to
Neptune Beach.
Edith Alcom
Neptune Beach
SBan on subdivided lots will save Atlantic Beach
To the editor:
My family moved to the
beach, almost 33 years ago. I
have lived in Atlantic Beach
for over 20 years' and look for-
ward to many more years in
this area. My property will be
affected by application of the
.new Residential, Single-family,
Large lot zoning and I support
it fully.
The Selva Marina neighbor-
hood is unique with its large
lots and tree canopy. Our City
Commission, has' recognized
the community's desire to
maintain and preserve the,
nature of our neighborhood,
by creation of the new zoning
district. Much, of the current
' hullabaloo started when large,
lots were subdivided and new
homes were shoe-horned in
where there had previously
been only one home. It was
the combination of the larger
homes on smaller lots that.
outraged many of- the resi-
dents. The City responded to
the citizens' complaints by
establishing the new zoning
district and by hiring Mr.
Winter. Based on what I saw at
the workshop meeting at the.
Sea Turtle, much work remains,
to be done on what parts, if
any, of Mr. Winter's recom-
mendations should be imple-
'However, application of the
new .zoning to the mapped
area addresses many, of the
concerns we have. A previous
letter to the editor said that the
mapped area does not need the
new zoning because the area is
covered by a restrictive
covenant, thus no need for the
new zoning. This is not an
accurate statement. The
mapped area consists of several
different legal subdivisions,
some of which have restrictive
covenants and some of which
have expired covenants that
are no longer enforceable.
Even if there are viable restric-
tive covenants, in order to
enforce them', one must sue
one's neighbor not a prospect
that most of us relish.
,Without the new zoning dis-
trict, most of the lots on old
Selva Marina Drive could be
cut in half and subdivided. Is
that what we want to see?
Imagine the tall, skinny houses
that would have to be built to
replace what is there now. By
applying the new zoning to
the mapped area, the City will
go a long way towards ensur-
ing that our children and
grandchildren will be able to
experience the Atlantic Beach
that we enjoy. The best way to
"Save Atlantic Beach" is to save
us from any more subdivided
lots and application of the new
zoning accomplishes that.
Dee Deese Reiter
Atlantic Beach
Send letters to:
The Editor, The Leader, P.O: Box 50129, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240,
or send e-mail to editor@beachesleader.com
Lengthy letters may be edited as space requires. We will not consider
letters that do not bear a signature and address and we request a phone
number for verification.
Have a
and buy
my home
Vedra, to a house twice the
size for half the price, in
Georgetown near Savannahn.
If you think the home was
bigger, you should see the
yard. If our old St. John's
County property was Rhode
Island, our new lot would be
The main reason we picked
,ut such a spacious place, was.
because Dianne's Mama was
moving with us. The house was
so big, that one day my wife and
I had both been home from
work for an hour before we rani
into each other, and we hadt
both been in the kitchen the
whole time.
In November it became clear
that my Mother in 'Law really
thought that the West Side was,
the Best 'Side, because she:
abruptly.decided to move back'
to Jacksonville. A week later,
after we realized she was gone,
we started talking about getting,
a smaller place.
Around Christmas my career
took a different turn, when the
corporate boys in Atlanta
changed the format of my radio
station. The transition from
being:,on, ithe air. .everyday to.
Nlarleting 'in a different field'
will never be completed. I could
write a book about it and I may.
Radio is in my blood.
Over the past week Dianne
and I have really been talking
about downsizing our living
quarters. ,
Last Friday we listed our
home with a Realtor. We were
given .all of the usual advice.
Don't leave money, checks, je%-.
elry and personal stuff lying
around that may tempt Mr. and.
Ntis. Prospect.
Our first showing was on
'Saturday. I put up signs all over
the house. "Attention, Carpets
to be cleaned on Tuesday!" /
"Attention, Cracked Bathroom
Mirror. to be replaced
Wednesday" "Attention, if
Everything is not Perfect, it will
be by Friday!"
Before we left for our first
showing, we sprinkled water
over a batch of Pepperidge Farm
Chocolate Chip Cookies and
baked them at 225 degrees for
ten minutes to make the vast
kitchen smell "Inviting" in th6
words of my wife. Then we left
them on an antique dish under
wax paper.with' a note that said
"Help yourself to a Fresh Baked
Being a Mr. and 'Mrs. Sellet
can make you nuts. Before we
left for .our first showing
Saturday I told my wife "Please
don't give Smokey any more cat
food, I just cleaned the litter box
and' sprayed Lysol around it
Another one of his visits to his
part of the laundry room might
be a deal breaker."
Dianne got upset with me for
turning on the bathroom lights.
"Honey, I sprayed fragrance on
those lights to make it smell
fresh for the showing. You just
used up the initial 'Oh Wow|
smell that would have sublime
nally sealed the deal for the wife
when she flipped them on!"
Last night I dreamed that
thug broke into my lock bow
He barged in and sprayed graffiti
ti on my "Attention" signs. H.
implied I was never going to fi
the mirror and clean the carpets
and that I bought the "Fresl
Baked Cookies" at Piggli
Wiggly. He also sprayed "Ask
about our termites" on the liv
ing room ceiling. "
What a relief it was to wake
up and find my "Attention"
signs graffiti free! Here we go
again; another showing
between 4 and 5 today. The cat
will be temporarily fasting, the
bathroom light stays off an,
how about some ."Fresh Baked?
Krispy Kremes for them to "Help
themselves too?" .
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 5A
IrpA P., /.i vU'
Police Beat
Steven Dennis Koslow, 51, of
Jacksonville was arrested April
17 and charged with grand theft
of a motor vehicle in the 1000
block of Kings Road, police
Property damage was reported
April 17 in the 400 block of First
St. The victim discovered the
stained glass panel of her front
door was broken. Pry marks
were also observed on the inner
door. Unknown suspects were
unable to gain access.
Burglary was reported April 17
in the 600 block of Florida
Boulevard. Officers responding
to an alarm observed a window
smashed at the rear of the
house. The suspect appeared to
have fled once the alarm sound-
Grand theft was reported
April 17 at Fletcher Senior High
School in the 700 block of
Seagate Ave. Three soda
machines were vandalized and'
$100 was stolen from each by
prying off the plastic face plate.
Burglary was reported April 16
in the 500 block of Pine Street.
The victims arrived home to
find the door was pried open
and the contents of a dresser
was rummaged through.
Unknown suspects stole $100 in
cash from the dresser. Nothing
else was missing.
No new reports.
Delton Antionial Craig
Brown, 27, of Atlantic Beach
was arrested April 17 and
charged with possession and
sale of a controlled substance. in
the 2300' block of Mayport
Road, according to police. A'
search revealed a cigarette box
containing five grams of crack
cocaine and three grams of pow-
der in Brown's pants pocket,
according to a police report.
Bobby Gerie Dunbar, 28, a
transient, was arrested April 17
and charged with possession of
crack cocaine in the 1400 block
of Mayport Road. Dunbar was
observed walking out from
behind a closed business in an
area prone to break-ins, police
reported. When police
approached him for question-
ing, he fled and was apprehend-
ed after tripping over a curb,
police said.,
Edward Samuel Jordan IV, 26,
of Richmond, Va. and Francis A.
Spence, 29, of Jacksonville were
arrested April 18 and charged
with possession and sale of a
controlled substance in the
2800 block of Mayport Road,
according to police.
Hampton Mickler Miller, 19, a
transient, was arrested April 18
and charged with burglary/con-
veyance to an unoccupied vehi-
cle in the 900 block of Ocean
Blvd, according to police.
Forgery was reported April
18 in the 200 block of 3rd St.
N. The victim told police that
$10,500 was fraudulently.
removed from her bank
account without her permis-
sion. Three starter checks in
her husband's name were
cashed for $3,000, $5,000 and
$2,500. The bank's fraud 'divi-
sion will follow up on the
LaQuinton Rashad Reynolds,
18, of Jacksonville was arrested
April 16 and charged with
aggravated battery with a dead-
ly weapon in the 400 block of
18th Ave. N., according to
The 52-year-old victim told
police he was riding his bike
east on 18th Avenue North at
11 p.m. when a two-toned
GMC Jimmy approached and
let two passengers out next to
Fletcher Middle School. The
victim said he then felt a sting
in his back "like he had been
hit with something," he said.
The victim fled on his bike.
Police initiated a traffic stop in
the vehicle and transported the
suspect, who told police he
threw the gun down, the
report said.
For accreditation
Police invite public's comments
The Jacksonville Beach
Police Department will under-
go an onsite assessment as
part of a program designed to
help law enforcement agen-
cies earn reaccreditation sta-
A public information ses-
sion will be conducted at 7
p.m. Monday at police head-
quarters at 101 Penman Road
S. to hear comments from
members of the agency and
the community.
The accreditation program
is administered by 'the
Commission on Accreditation
for Law Enforcement.
Agencies, Inc (CALEA) to veri-
fy that participating agencies
meet professional standards.
Agencies must demonstrate
compliance in policies and
procedures, administration,
operations, and support serv-
Telephone comments will
also be received by the
Assessment Team between 1
p.m. and 5 p.m. Monday at
Comments will be limited
to 10 minutes and must
address the agency's ability to
comply with CALEA stan-
dards. A copy.of the standards
is available at the Jacksonville
Beach Police Department.
Written comments regard-
ing the accreditation stan-
dards can be forwarded to the
Commission on Accreditation
for Law Enforcement, Inc.
(CALEA), 10302 Eaton Place,
Suite 100, Fairfax, VA, 22030-
Contact accreditation man-
ager Jennifer Shirley at 247-
6166 for information.
Arthritis exercise
The Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center in partnership
with the Arthritis Foundation,
Healthy Jacksonville, the
Duval County Health
Department, the Florida,
Department of Health, and the.
Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) is offering the Arthritis
Foundation Exercise Program'
Session II on Tuesday and
Thursday through June 8.,
This eight-week exercise class is'
offered every Tuesday and
Thursday from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. at
no charge. Space is limited-
reservations are necessary.
.Call the Neptune Beach Senior
Activity Center at 270-1688 for
more information and registra-
Women's health talk
Baptist Medical Center
Beaches will host its third sem-
inar of the Women and Family
Health Series for 2006 will be
held Tuesday May 2, 7-8 p.m.
The upcoming lecture, enti-
tled "Natural Hormone-
Re'placements", will .be: pre'-
sented by Marijane Boyd, MD
Attendees will have the oppor-
.tunity to ask questions.
Educational materials and
refreshments will be available.
The seminar series is
designed for women to gain in.
depth knowledge, .about their
own as well as their families'
health in a relaxed environ-,
ment. The "Women and
Family Health Series" is free
and open to the public.
Reservations are not required.
Gala for museum ,
The Jacksonville Beach
Elementary Preservation Fund,
Inc. is sponsoring a gala to
benefit the Rhoda L. Martin
Cultural Heritage Museum.
The program, called Motown:
Hitsville U.S.A Forever, is a
large fund-raising program to
pay for converting the former
four-room schoolhouse into
the Rhoda L. Martin Cultural
SHeritage Center. The musical
program starts at 8:30 p.m. at
the Wilson' Center at the
Florida Community College at
Jacksonville's south campus at
11901 Beach Blvd. The gala
wil' be held-May 19 with a VIP
recepti6n'and silent auction at
7 p.m., followed by a musical
program at 8:30 p.m. VIP
admission costs $75 while gen-
eral admission will be $25.
Contact Carmen White at 904-'
608-2980 for more informa-
Money available
The Comcast Community
Investment Panel, a group of
local citizens, is now receiving
applications for funding for
North Florida community ini-
tiatives. With $150,000 to be
awarded in 2006, the funding
is part of Comcast's annual
community investment fund-
ing. Any entity, organization
or group, organized and oper-
ating exclusively for charitable,
scientific, literary, educational
purposes or to foster amateur
sports competition based in, or
providing services to, the
North Florida communities
where Comcast provides its
services, is eligible to receive
funds awarded by the
Community Investment Panel..
Interested parties should sub-
mit applications electronically
through the following website'
a 't
www.ComcastCommunity.co ,
nm no later than May, 15, 2006..
Housing is topic
, James Stackhouse, executive
director for Helping Hands
Village, will be speaking at the
Beaches Business Assoc (BBA)
on Monday April 24. BBA
meets at the Jax Beach Golf
Course Club House at noon.
. Helping, Hands Village is
working to purchase land and
build tTansitional housing for
families with children to pro-
vide affordable housing. More
information is at
Benefit for women
Beaches .. Women's
Partnership will hold a dance
party and. charity auction at
Max's Grand Ballroom, 1312
Beach Blvd in Jacksonville
Beach on Friday, May .19. The
party and silent auction begin
at 7 p.m., with a dinner buffet
served at 7:30. The silent auc-
tion closes at' 9:30, with door
prizes awarded and a live band
for dancing until the party
ends. There will also be a cash
bar. Attire is beach dressy.
Prize and auction donations, as
well as sponsors for this event,
are, currently being sought.
Tickets to attend the event are
$50 per person. For more
information, contact Mary
Ellen Waugh at 631-6062.1
Beaches Women's Partnership
iB\PV is a non-profit organiza-
tion that provides free infor-
mation and referrals to women
and their families in the beach-
es area who are in need of help.
BWP has a database of over 220
service providers who can
assist women with an array of
life issues. Almost 100 clients
have already used the service
during its pilot program, with'
BWP slated to open ful-time in
its new location later this
spring. Volunteers and patrons
are always welcome. For more
information on BWP, or to uti-
lize its information and referral
:service, call 273-4795 (before
May 5) or 249-3674 (after May
5),.or e-mail the organization
a t
Senior week set
- Jacksonville Beach Mayor
Fland Sharp will kick off
National Senior Center Week
at Beaches Senior Center on
Monday, May 15 at 11 a.m.
',The seniors will also partici-
pate in a Lorna Greenwood'
concert on, Wednesday and
attend the Senior Expo at
Prime Osborne on Thursday to
continue the celebration. A
concert by the Sassy Strings on
Friday at 10:30 will conclude
the week's activities. The
Beaches .Senior Center offers
recreational, educational, and
health programs as well as
meals, transportation and
socialization with their peers.
The Center also offers a current
events discussion group on
May 2.at 1:30 pm and an.
Alzheimer's support group on
May 9 at 2 pm. All seniors' 60
years of age or over are invited
to attendithe center. For infor-
mation call 241-3791.
'" 4.
'... ',
J;x 1314F lnicBld
Monday, April 24, 2006
6- 7:30 p.m.
Pablo Creek Public Library
1 3295 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL
To share 'plans for and discuss concerns over the
upcoming construction of the new Beach Boulevard Bridge
over the Intracoastal Waterway.,
Meeting Format
The meeting will be an open house format where interested
citizens can drop in, review and discuss the construction
plans with staff, and provide comments.
There will not be a formal presentation.
Anyone requiring special accommodations should
contact Bill Milnes at (904) 598-8731 or email
wmilnes@jtafla.com no later than Wednesday, April 21.
Sponsored by
'4 p Regional Transportation Soluions
100 North Myrtle Avenue, Jacksonville Florida 32203
Telephone: (904) 598-8733 Fax: (904) 630-3166
A-iIl 21 i0 nn;
April 21, 2006
ParLe 6A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Vincente T. Anastacio, 72,
died April 16, 2006. He was
born on July 19, 1933 in the
Philippines. He served in the
U.S. Navy for 30 years, and
fought during the Vietnam
War and received a Purple
Heart Medal. He was recom-
mended for the cook position
in the White House 'during
John F. Kennedy's term.
After he retired from the U.S.
Navy, he experienced different
jobs in the government, he
joined his friends and had a
catering business,. and was a
volunteer at the Atlantic Beach
Elementary School.
He started working at a very
early age, according to his fam-
ily who said he grew up as a
very independent man who'
was tough and strict but was a
very kind hearted man, with a
great sense of humor.
He was a member of the
American, Legion, Naval
Reserve Fleet and joined the
Cavite Association. Despite his
Donald R. Baer, Sr., 71, died
on April 17, 2006 in the.
Hadlow Center of Community
Family members include his
wife, Barbara; daughters, Vikki
and Kristin; son, Donald;"
grandchildren, Tara! and;
Jayden. .
A visitation will be held from
9 a.m. to 11 a.m., today, Friday,
in the Chapel of Quinn-Shalz,
Steven Little, a business
growth expert and senior con-
sultant with Inc. magazine,
will present a seminar on how
small business can gain a
competitive edge. The semi-
nar, hosted by the
Jacksonville Regional
Chamber of Commerce and
the UnJiversity of North
Florida Small Business
Development Center, will
take place Tuesday, May 9, at
UNF University Center 8 a.m.
to 1:?0 p.m. The program
includes a networking break-
fast, the seminar, the SBA
Small Business Week Awards
luncheon and a copy of
Steven Little's book, The 7
Irrefutable Rules of Small
Business Growth. To register
call; 904.620.2476.
Registration is $99 for
Chamber members.
Corporate tables of eight are
available for the luncheon for
$350, which includes two
tickets to the morning semi-
nar and two copies of the
. *. ,
Prudential Network Realty's
award winners for the month
of March at the Beaches office
were: Michelle Cummings
for listingsisales and transac-
tions. Top producer was,
Maggie Haynes At the Ponte;
Vedra office were Elizabeth
The Beaches Leader/
Ponte Uedra Leader
Your Community Newspaper
condition, he managed to go
to church on Sundays.
Family members include his
wife, Lolita Anastacio; step-,
daughter, Lolita Nina'
Alvendia; son, Tommy and
daughter-in-law, Tabitha;
brothers, Benito and Antonio;
sisters, Lucy, Fely and Sylvia;
three grandsons and nephew,
Cesar Herrera and his wife
Divina Herrera.
He -was predeceased by his
parents, Alfredo and Nicanora
Visitation will be from 6 to 8
p.m., tonight, Friday, in the
chapel of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home. Mass of Christian burial
will be celebrated at 11 a.m.,
Saturday in St. Johns Catholic
Church of Atlantic Beach, with
the Reverend Joseph Meehan
as celebrant. The U.S. Navy
Honor Guard will' provide
Military Honors.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.
A Family Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be held at
11 a.m. following the visita-,
tion with the Chaplain Lt. Cdr.
Dorman Dowling, officiating.
Interment will follow in
Oaklawn Cemetery. Military
Honors will be provided by the
U.S. Navy Honor Guard.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
Hudgins for listings, transac-
tions and top producer. Tops
sales was Rosemary Kristoff.
Ponte Vedra Beach-based
Palmer Course Design's co-
founder and president, Ed
Seay, was recently awarded
the Distinguished Service
Award frm 'the American
Society of Golf Course
Architects (ASGCA).
Stockton Real Estate's
March leaders were: Listing
Leaders, Chris Beladi and
Dennis DeSimone; Sales
Leaders, Cindy Bethel and
Paul Sandiford; and Top
Producer, Joan Swanson.
The first quarter 2006 leaders
are: listing Beladi; sales lead-
ers, Swanson and Sandiford
and top producer, Alicia
Trudy Hehn, owner of
Trudy's Hallmark Shoppes,
was the recent winner of the
Jacksonville Business Woman
of the Year Award, Franchisor
category,, awarded by the
Women In Business and spon-
sored by the Jacksonville
Business Journal and the
Jacksonville Chamber of
Commerce. Her original store
was in Neptune Beach in
Helen Patricia Howden-
Smith; 94, died April 19, 2006
in the Baptist Medical Center -
Beaches. She was born July 17,
1911 and was a life long resi-
dent of the Jacksonville area.
She was a member of St. Paul's
Catholic Church, of
Jacksonville Beach and a char-
ter member and past Chaplain
of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy. She lived in
Pablp Towers and worked for
many years at the Paula Jean's
Shop and for the Diana Shop
of Jacksonville.
Family members include her
sons, C. Lee Cody of
Jacksonville and James Daniel
(Peggy). Hogg of Jacksonville;
daughter, Patricia I. (Gene)
Carter of Jacksonville; sister,
Emma Irene (David W.) Cole of
Atlantic Beach; 1st cousin,
Minnie Lee Slick, of Paduka,
KY; many nieces, nephews and
great nieces and great
A Mass of Christian burial
will be' celebrated today,
Friday, at 11 a.m. in the St.
Paul's Catholic Church, with
the Reverend Dung Bui as cele-
brant. Interment will follow in
H. Warren Smith Cemetery of
Jacksonville Beach.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home
in Jacksonville Beach.
Chamber plans activities
for members in May
The Jacksonville Regi
Chamber of Comm
Beaches Division will hold
following events:
Beaches Monthly Mi
Tuesday, May 2
5:30-7:30 p.m. ,
Fleet Landing
One Fleet Landing B
Atlantic Beach (Just
Comfort Inn fMavport).
Cost: $5
S Small Business Expert
the Beach
Thursday, May 4
1-4 p.m.
Sandy Bartow, Execi
Director, Women's Busi
Beaches Chamber
Commerce "
,325 Jacksonville D
Jacksonville Beach
'No Charge ;, :
Appointment Neces
Call 249-3868 or e
elaine.miller@'myjaxcha m
Beaches Monthly
. Thursday, May 11 Noon
fo1 the
best ca
:You'll find
,them in the
'R_ ^
The ;hesJ aderNo
Vodra Lea4Ier
d the
Sawgrass Beach Club
9795 ;Summer Place, Ponte
Vedra Beach
Speaker: Jarik Conrad,
Executive Director, Blueprint
for Prosperity
Cost: $15 with reserva-
tion/$20 at door
RSVP: 249-3868
Obituary notices
are published
free of charge as
a community
service. All sub-
missions are ,
subject to edit-
ing. Paid adver-
tising space is
available for
more detailed or
death notices.
Call 249-9033.
Ponte Vedra
"a family owned Funeral
Home & Cemetery"
Meeting All
Your Needs in
One Location
4750 Palm Valley Road
Ponte Vedra Beach
Learn about the Mortgage Loan Your i
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No Change in Spending Habits
I Join the aMort-gage Revolution.
SFREE Recorded Message & FREE Report
S 888-428-3607x702
past Coffee on the Coast Law Office of
Thursday, May 18 '- 'f..o
Brooks Health System Charle e
tat 'a2344 S. Third St., .
Jacksonville Beach Francis, P.A.
Cost: $2 Charlene Francis. Arrnouvaor Lav
Kimberlv A. Gossett. Itrom rne Luat Lb
utive Annual Stargazing Cruise .
ess Thursday, May 25 "Helpming Families Preserve Their Legac"
f. Dockside Reception 6-7 p.m. Estate Planning Elder Law
..of Cruise 7-10 p.m. .
St. lohns River Ferry ills, Trusts and Medicaid Planning
)rive,- 4610 Ocean St., Ma'vport Estates Probate and '
S Cost: $35 per person, $30. Adoptions Guardiansrhip'
per person for parties of 10 or
sary; more. The cruise, presented by 904-2427 979
mail The Kurtis Group, will feature -2427979
ber.c cash bar, the Faze Band, Food 1807 N. Third Street
from area restaurants and : Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
silent auction. Reservations are
required. Call 249-3868 or e-mail: francislaw'bellsouth.net
e-mail elaine.miller@'m\'jax- Th hiring of a [ai,'er i aniniporlantidect'ion thai hb.Add not ti-based-.jli-i d I,, ertui-
S champ ber.com i Beir oudenen ce. a.k ide, in, rend ._ u e r- written inr.nnai a,uli m quailfii:atrfl.
Mezza Luna restaurant in Town Center,
Neptune Beach is celebrating its second anruver-
sanr under the ownership of Tony Pels. Formerly
the Executive Chef of the prestigious Augustine
N Room Restaurant in the Marriott, Sawgrass, Tony
purchased Mezza Luna two years ago and has
transformed it from a traditional Italian trattoria
to a restaurant with many different faces.
Scrumptious wood-fired pizzas and a host of pas-
tas still remind customers of NMezza Luna's roots,
but the menu is tilled with dishes that reflect
Tony's international background.
"I describe our cuisine as Mediterranean with a
global twist" This would seem to be an ideal
description of food created by a man who grew up
in San Francisco surrounded by his Dutch parent's
culinary friends and who has worked with some of
the world's great chefs, including Wolfgang Puck,:
Jacques Pepin and Michel Richard.
Ahi Tuna, Schezwan style, atop crispy soba noo-
dle cakes; seared jumbo sea scallops on a,baby
spinach salad with warm pancetta vinaigrette; pro-
o sciutto wrapped grouper with gorgonzola butter.
These are among the exceptional seafood entrees,
while a butter and herb roasted chicken breast with
risotto and a mushroom chardonnay sauce, is a
must for anyone who is not a seafood lover as is the
aged filet mignon served with twice-baked potato
and roasted shallot sauce.
ain? Mezza Luna's menu has nightly specials that
a might include a crispy whole snapper or a braised
pork shank.
sician Chef Tony has not forgotten MezzaLuna's back-
ground and continues to put an emphasis on the
Italian fare that made it so well known. However,
rn Siite there is always a twist to Tony's food and so pizzas'
Sit t fom the wood fired oven include a Spicy.Mayport
n Site Shrimp pizza and a Prosciutto Pizza with
accepted caramelized onions and even a Greek pizza with
'ined feta cheese and kalamata olives. : I :
rs 'Pasta is the Italian staple that everyone world-
wide loves in some form or another. At Mezza
243 Luna, you can order your favorite from a "pick and
mix" menu. Tired of Fettucine Alfredo? Why not
try Penne Alfredo with chicken. If traditional pasta
dishes always seem too heavy, why not try a dish of
cappellini with light olive. oil and garlic and per-
haps some fresh Mayport shrimp. There are endless
combinations and Mezza Luna is delighted to
accommodate your favorite mix.
Chef Tony has created a few of his own special
pasta dishes that save you creating yours! Try his
Leaning Tower, of Eggplant Parmigian or for those
with a large appetite, a wonderful Lasagne
Whatever your choice, make sure that you leave
room for one of Tony's handmade desserts!
The menu at Mezza Luna has something for
everyone, but it is only a part of the whole experi-
ence of dining out in this great place. Mezza Luna
has three areas for eating. There is the lower room
with its exposed wooden beams that contains the
bar and where a large kitchen see-through allows
customers to watch their food being prepared.
There is also the wood -fired pizza oven where in
the early part of the evening Tony or one of his
chefs will let children make their own pizzas. This
has become a favorite for many families who let
Tony show their kids how to toss pizza dough and
choose their favorite toppings. The lower room
always has a fun filled atmosphere. For those who
like things a little more relaxed, the upper room is
S I perfect. This is a very casual dining room, looking
out onto the patio. As in the lower room, all the art
on the walls is the work of Chef Tony, not only a
master chef, but also an accomplished artist! The
U ___________________.....__.._..........
Vincente T Anastacio
Helen Patricia Howden-Smith
Donald R. Baer, Sr.
Auto Accident? Neck Pain? Back P(
See Dr. R.G. Packo. Chiropractic Phin
Voted "Best Physician" &
"'Favorite Doctor" at the Beach'
S Document Your Injuries Massage Therapist o
". Legal Referrals Ph\ scalTherapistor
a* NR Referrabls Al.l Auto Inurance A
X-Rays on Site 0\ er 30 Years- Comb
r, "' .,,c '.., s. ....fKi. .,1. Experience ofDocto
-2YA.P.meC'.aa8R,.,,A ACHE
*ni ,I edar Call 285-ACHE 2
Perrie t ?dra LeaJ~r
Enjoy the many faces of Mezza Luna and
celebrate 2nd anniversary with Chef Pels
third eating area is the patio. This area is about to
go through some major renovautions that Uwill add
further to its charm. Here can sit and eat out-
doors, surrounded by beautiful flowers. '
Great food and an atmospheric restaurant sti.
need great staff. Mezza Luna has all three! Topping
the list is Tony's wife Monica who insures that youi
will always get a warm welcome to Mezza Luna.a
Family is all-important to Tony and he considers:
his staff an..extension of his own family. Tony's,
assistant head(chef, Ben Brett is the man who keeps
everything going smoothly in the kitchen, while
up front, the bar is in the capable hand of bar maii-
ager Jennifer Wenzel, and Corinne Howard.
The well stocked bar at Mezza Luna has a widel,
range of all drinks and Jennifer and Corinne will be"
only too happy to make your favorite cocktail or to6
suggest something totally new. They are both well
versed in wine and will help with recommenda-,
tions from the extensive list. The wine list alsoQ
includes many wines by the glass and for those
looking for something very special, there is a list of'
Tony's private cellar selections which include some
exceptional California Cabemets as well as some
hard to find Italian wines.
Good food, good wine all served by excellent'
staff sounds like the perfect recipe for a successful.
restaurant. What really makes Mezza Luna stand
out is this combination together with an added,
ingredient Mezza Luna makes you feel at home'
To many locals, Mezza Luna is home, but for a first
time customer, the feeling is the same. The place isj
great! Staff genuinely care about the customers and
regular customers care about Mezza Luna. "Having
a drink at the bar or dinner at one of the tables in,
the lower room at Mezza Luna, is as relaxing
being at home says Mari Branson, after-a rece'
".Mezza Luna is like our second kitchen and local
bar rolled into one," says customer Ty Petway, who
regularly brings his family in for dinner. "The-
friendly attentive staff and quality food ensures
that Mezza Luna is top of our list when thinking of
eating out."
"We like to think of ourselves as a 'can-dod
restaurant", says Chef Pels, "and we always do o0j
very best to try and meet our customers' requests"',s
If you have not tried the "new" Mezza Luna,
come, out to Beaches Town Center and prepare to
start what might become a long love affair that will
not get you in trouble!
Mezza Luna just may be the best kept secret on
the First Coast.
Mezza Luna Restaurant, 110 1st Street, Neptune
Beach (in the heart of Beaches Town Center) 249-
5573. .
Open for dinner Tuesday-Saturday 5.00-Close,;
Sunday 4.00-Close
- ---- .. ----- -- ---
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 7A
Art Fest in PV
Enjoy a wide variety of art cre-
ated in different mediums
including sculptures, hand-
crafted fine jewelry, pottery,
original paintings and photog-
riphy at this juried art festival.
All works on exhibit are original
and one-of-a-kind pieces rang-
ing from $15 to $20,000. The
festival takes place 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Saturday and Sunday at
Sawgrass Village in Ponte Vedra
Beach. Admission is free. For
more information call 954-472-
Live Music
'~ The Atlantic Beach Cultural
Arts and Recreation Advisory
Committee is hosting an
Atlantic Beach Acoustic Night
this Sunday from 4 p.m. to 6
S, p.m. on the lawn at Bull
Memorial Park on the comer of
Ocean Boulevard and Seventh
Street. The event is a family-
friendly, alcohol-free night of
* music and fun. Audience mem-
Pers are welcome to sing, play,
or just listen to the music. No
performer has ever been turned
away from this event, though
there have been song and time
limits set in the past. The event
is free, and performers should
call Darrell Prather at 904-710-
.0397 to register. Electric guitars,
'electric keyboards, drum sets
and bands are not welcome. The
event will be held indoors in the
theater at the Adele Grage
"Cultural Arts Center if it rains.
Dance Lessons
Learn to Contra Dance with
pnoIO -uDmm16e '
The Beaches Fine Arts Series presents Les Ballets Africans, the national ensemble of the
Republic of Guinea, at 7:30 p.m. today at the Wilson Center for the Arts. The program is free.
public. Ford owners may register
their cars the day of the event
from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. for $25.
First, second and third place will
be awarded to each class of reg-
istered Fords. Mustang classes
will be judged from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m., with all Fords and 2002
and newer model Mustangs will
be judged by participants.
Awards will be presented at 3
p.m. World Golf Village is locat-
ed between Jacksonville and St.
Augustine, Florida, 1-95, exit
Lights, Camera,
friends for the traditional to the
a-live band this Saturday at the Get your acting career started trendy "must haves" for your
!Cobalt Moon Water Studio, at -- Saturday by pampered pups. Call 543-0653
214 Orange St. in Neptune '-,auditioning to or visit
Beach. All dances will be "'i,- "Be a Star in the www.moondoggieinc.com for
walked through and called, "Park." From 9 a.m. more information.
beginners are welcome, and to 3 p.m., the city of
partners are not necessary. Call Jacksonville is recruiting vol-
904-246-2131 unteers aged 5 and up to appear' Book Sale
in an advertising campaign pro-
Kyds Carnival moving JaxParks, Jacksonville's Friends of the Neptune Beach
park system. The Parks branch library's will hold the
Kyds is celebrating its five year Department and the city's 20th annual book sale from
.anniversary by hosting a carni- 'Public Information Division will Thursday, April 27 through
$val on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5 hold an open casting call where- Sunday, April 30. The sale will
p :T. at 200 First St. in Neptune in the first 250 people to'sign up begin on Thursday with a spe-
'Beach. .There will be games, will be photographed and cial "Member's Only" Preview
rizes, food, drinks, surprises, a videotaped.,in the audition .Sale from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
|ea,-pa,,rt'.,booth,.a de-i ''B^ ^ .l^tfiia^ l'B^, ff, m.btrships vl'.ffb'e
b'rtj n, a so r nt tNype;I'wr 'alabe'at14tloor. The-lib6ok
booth, a groovy girl appearances some of JaxParks' marketing sale will then continue from 10
booth and fun photo and dance materials to be released early a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fnday and
opportunities. The events open this summer. Selected indixidu- Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 5
to the public. Please call 246- als will appear in billboards, p.m. on Sunday. The books will
4685 for more information. print advertising and television be organized by reader age, by
commercials highlighting all subject matter, and by author.
World Book and that Jacksonville's paik system Children's selections will be
has to offer. Participation in the offered from $.25 and up; paper-
Rose Day campaign is strictly voluntary, backs from $.50 up;
. Observe World Book and Rose The auditions will 'be held at
Day at the Bookmark on Cuba Hunter Park, 3620 Bedford
Saturday and Sunday. Buy a Road in Jacksonville. For more
book and you'll get a rose! information about the event, go McNeill, Garr
World Book & Rose Day is a to www.jaxparks.com or call nsuran
Catalonia holiday celebrated on 630-CITY. Insuran
April 23-the birthday of
Shakespeare and Cervantes. The
tradition is to give someone you
love a book, symbolizing culture
and permanence, and a rose,
symbolizing nature and
ephemerality. For more infor-
mation call 'Rona Brihlee at 241-
Car Show
The fourth-annual Regional
Mustang and Ford Show, pre-
sented by the Jacksonville
NMustang Club, returns to World
Golf Village on Saturday from 7
a.m. to 3 p.m. Auto enthusiasts
will be able to observe over 100
automobiles including Fords,
Shelbys, Cobras, Thunderbirds
'and classic Mustangs ranging
from the 1960s to today along
the' Walk of Champions. The
event is free and open to the
Meet the author...
The Bookmark will host
seafood expert and cookbook
author Leslie Pendleton on
Saturday, Aprill 29 at 7 p.m.
Pendelton will hold demonstra-
tions of her recipes and sign
copies of- her new cook book
"Simply Shellfish: Quick and.
Easy Recipes for Shrimp, Crab,
Scallops, Clams, Mussels,
Oysters, Lobster, Squid, and
Sides." Shellfish is a near perfect
food, according to Pendleton.
It's packed with good-for-you
protein, is low in fat and calo-
ries, and is easy to prepare. She
shares her best recipes for dishes
that are at once sophisticated
and simple, with supermarket-
friendly ingredients, easy
instructions, and outstanding
Coffee with Fido
Learn how to spoil your dog
Saturday, April 29 with
Moondoggie Inc. in the
Courtyard at 200 First St. in
Neptune Beach. From 1 p.m. to
3 p.m., the experts will show
you the many ways to treat your
dog with upscale canine acces-
sories. Shop with your canine
and books for teens and
adults from $2.00 to $4.00.
Depending on condition, edi-
tion, and scarcity, some books
may be priced at a higher rate. A
larger than usual collection of
audio books, cassettes, DVDs,
CDs and other materials will
also be available. The funds
raised from the sale will be used
to benefit the Neptune Beach
branch library.
A taste of the far
Experience solitude by attend-
ing Buddhist meditation classes
from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every
Sunday at the Cobalt Moon
Center at 217 First St. in
Neptune Beach. The classes
include guided meditation prac-
tice and practical Dharma teach-
ing with Carol Lutker, Kadampa
Buddhist Teacher. Call 0386)
246-4092 for more information.
Den mothers, unite
Saturday the Boy Scouts of
America will host ScoutBlast
2006, an event to showcase
scouting to the public. Various
participatory events and enter-
tainment, such,.as amusement
drop competition, karate
demonstrations and a Native
American Artifacts and Crafts
display will be held for both the
scouts and the public. The event
will begin at 9 a.m. at the
Jacksonville Equestrian Center,
13611 Normandy Blvd.,
ison & Fletcher
ce Agency
Insu ralnce
?Tusted Choice-
Lawn & Tree Servicei
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9900A Old Dixie Highway Ri
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280 Ponte vedra Boulevard Ponite Vedra Beach, FL 32082 ,.(904) 285-6927. '(g 278-. e .* .pvboubr ty.comh
,-:. .i
Listing Agent
For March
April 21, 2UUOI
A- I "11 "t' A -
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Saturday, April 2
Earth Day.
Rummage sale: A rumnm
sale will be held from a.m.
p.m. by Mayport Elemen
PTA at outside portable #:
the school, 2753 Shangi
Drive off A1A.
Celebration: An Earth
event will be held from 9
to 4 p.m. at Guana Tolon
Matanzas National Estua
Research Reserve.
Craft bazaar: A craft ba
and bake sale will be held f
8 a.m. to'2 p.m. at St. Andi
Lutheran Church, 1801 B(
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach.
221-1763 for information.
Tour de Parks: Tour de P
will be held from 9 a.m.
noon in Atlantic Bea
Participating parks. are
Russell Park, Howell Park,
Park, Jordan, Park, Donner P
Veterans, Park, Tideviews ]
and Roses Park. The even
free. Call 247-5828 or 242-C
for information.
Film festival: As part of
First Coast Environmental
Festival, "The Man W
Planted Trees,"' "Environme
Ethics: Examining Y
Connection to
Environment and :
Community," "The 'Wa
Journey: The Hidden River
Florida" .'and "The, Liv
Waters" will be shown front
a.m. to 4 p.m. at
Jacksonville Landing S
Front. Call 924-1100, exten
S 234, for information.
Parliamentarians: I
Coast Parliamentarians
meet at 10:15 a.m. at the P(
Vedra Beach branch libra ry,
Library Blvd., Ponte Ve
Beach. Visitors are welcome.
information, .e-mail sh
rycaip@aol.com :or call 7
Study skills: A free semr
on "Study Skills for life" wil
held from 1 to 5 p.m. at
Beaches Library, 600 Third
Neptune Beach. Call 247-7
tfor ese'r't'ions or'informat
Kyds Carnival: Kyds c
dren's clothing boutique is (
rating its five-year anniver
with its first Kvds Carnival f
S2 to 5 p.m. in the Courtvai
200 First St., Neptune Be.
The event is open to'the pu
and proceeds will ber
S B.E.A.M. (Beaches Emerge
Assistance ministry). Call 2
4685 for information.
Book and Rose D
Celebrate World Book and I
Day today and April 23 atI
Bookmark. Buy a book
receive a rose. Call 241-9026
information. .
Contra dance: Contia di
with a live band will be hel
Cobalt Moon Water Studio,
Orange St. Call 246-2131
Sunday, April 2.
Marywood: "The Fruits
Meditation," led by
Elizabeth Hillman, a memb<
Religious of the Cenacle, wil
held from 1:30 to 4 p.m
Marywood 'Retreat Center
Switzerland, Fla. There is
'Acoiustic Night: Acou
22 Night will be held from 4 to 6
p.m. at. the Adele Grage
Cultural Center and Bull
iage Memorial Park. Call 247-5828
to 2 for information.
3 at Monday, April 24
i-La Driver safety class: An AARP
driver safety class will be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Ponte
Day. Vedra Library in Ponte Vedra
a.m. Beach. The class .is for drivers
nato over 50, and costs $10. Class
rine size is limited. Call 904-823-
9208 or 904-273-0495.
zaar Red Hats: The Red Hat
rom Society will play bunco at the
rews Jacksonville Beach Senior
each Center at 6 p.m. The cost is $5.
Call Bring snacks to share. Call 543-
9033 or 'e-mail
RedHatFoxes@aol.com for
arks information.
tch. Tuesday, April 25
Jack Senior workshop: A free sen-
Bull lor workshop will be offered at
?ark, 10 a.m. at Edward Jones, 131711
Park Atlantic Blvd.; Suite 300. Call
It is 221-8501 for reservations.
197 Newcomers: The Long-Time
Newcomers will meet at 11 a:m.
the at the Selva Marina Country
Film club. There will, be a, fashion
Vho show.: ,
Your National Red Hat. Day: A
the National Red Hat Day celebra-
vour tion will be held at nooni at the
ter's Jacksonville Landing. There will
s of be food, fun; a 'fashion show!
ving and a parade in the courtyard.
110 The event is free, but R.S.V.P. is
the required. For information, e-
tore mail RedHa foxes@aol.com or
sion call Ma'ry lane Brown at 285-
First Wine tasting; A wine-tasting
will event to benefit local charities
onte will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at,
01 Arthur Rutenberg Homes,
edra Ponte \ edra East, Model home
For 108 (off AlA north of Corona).
her- tickets are $35 per person and
744-. are available at The Bookmark
in Atlantic Beach and Cottage
by the Sea in Jacksonville
inar. Beach, Call Vickie at 373-0583
11 be for information.
St., Wednesda, April
405 2F
ion. 1Gift saleal' BMC Beaches
Hospital will have a gift saldd
hil- from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
cele- main lobby of the Beaches
sary Hospital, 1530 13th Ave. S.,
iomt Jacksonville Beach. Baskets,
d at purses, jewelry and other gift
ach. items will be offered. The sale is
ibic open to the public.
ncy Memorial service:, The
246- MatteT. Wright Chapter of the
United Daughters of the
.Confederacy will have a
)ay: Southern Memorial Day Service
Rose at 10 a.m. at H. Warren Smith
The Cemeter), Beach Boulevard and
and Penman Road, Jacksonville
5for Beach. Call 223-3025 for infor-
ince Thursday, April 27
d at Celebration of Spring: The
214 11th Annual "An' Epic
for Celebration, of Spring" will be
held through -April 30 in; St.
Augustine. Call 904-829-3295
3 or visit wwrw.epiccommunity-
s of services.org for information.
Sr. ,
er of Fund-raiser: The Ribault
Ul be Garden Club will have their
. at first fund-raiser at 10 a.m. at
r in. 705 2nd Ave., Jacksonville
no Beach. The club will raise
money for a scholarship for a
student of' agriculture studies.
istic Call Jackie Fetherston at 543-
8664 for information.
Friday, April 28
Cultural Center: A photogra-
phy exhibition featuring photo-
graphs by Jay Shoots, Dominick
Martorelli and Paul Karabinis
will be on display through June
2 at the Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 280-0614 or visit
www.ccpvb.org for informa-
Book sale: The Beaches
Branch Library in Neptune
Beach will have a book sale
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today
and April 29, and 1 'to 4 p.m.
April '30, with a members-only
preview April 27 from 5 to' 7
p.m. The -sale is sponsored by
the Friends of the Beaches
Branch Library.
Cooking class: An all organic
grain and vegetable, cooking
class will, be held from 5:30 to
7:30 p.m. at Persephone
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th
Ave.N., Jacksonville Beach. The
class is free. Call 246-3583 for
Saturday, April 29
Life Line' Screening: Life
Line Screening will be held at
American Legion of Atlantic
Beach Post 316, 1127 Atlantic"
Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Appointments start at 9 a.m.
Preregistration is required. Call
Film 'festival: As part of the,
First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Next Industrial
Revolution" will be shown at 10
a.m. at the Main Library
Auditorium, 303 N. Laua .St.,
'followed Py a 'discussion panel
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..
Organic coffee and refresh-
ments will be served from 9:30
to 10 a.m. Call 924-1100, exteri-
sion 234, for information;.
Earth Day celebration: The
Natural Living Alliance of St.
Johns County will sponsor an
Earth Day celebration at the St.'
Augustine Amphitheatre, locat-
ed on Anastasia Boulevard, one-
quarter mile south of the light-
`'house-and just.north of the Elks
Lodge,"from 11 a.rm. to 3 p.m.
Admission and parking are free.,
For information, visit www.nat-
Sandcastle contest: The,
Annual Beaches Sandcastle
Contest will be held on the
beach in front of the Sea Walk
Pavilion. Call 247-6236 for
Book-signing: Seafood
expert and .cookbook author
Leslie Pendleton will be at The
Bookmark at 7 p.m. to demon-
strate.how to make recipes from
and sign copies of her new
cookbook "Simply Shellfish:
Quick; and Easy Recipes for
Shrimp, Crab, Scallops, Clams,
Mussels, Oysters, Lobster, Squid
and Sides." '
Sunday, April 30
Parade: The 60th Annual
Beaches Parade will be held in
downtown Jacksonville Beach,
starting at 2 p.m. There will be
floats, marching 'bands and
more. Call 247-6236 for infor-
Adoptive families: Adoptive.
Families of the First Coast will
have .an introductory and' orga-
nizational meeting from 3 to
4:30 p.m. at the Ponte Vedra
Library. Call Cindy
Chamberlain at 285-6237;
Donna Wheeler at 246-9382;
Norma Rae at 543-0002; or
Susan Caserta at 273-2177 for
Evening of Taste: "An
Evening of Taste" benefiting the
Children's Home Society will be
held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at
Matthew's of San Marco. There
will be fine wine and food.
Tickets are $150 per person. For
more information or to pur-
chase tickets,. call Nanette,
Regalado at 493-7739.
Tuesday, May 2
DAR: The Ponte Vedra DAR
Chapter will meet at 10:45 a.m..
at Sawgrass Country Club,
10034 Golf Club Drive, Ponte
Vedra Beach. Chapter regent
Marianne Hibbard is the speak-
er. Call 992-7463 for informa-
Community. health educa-
tion: Baptist Medical Center
Beaches is offering a communi-
tv health education class titled
"Natural Hormone
Replacements" from 7 to 8 p.m.
in Conference Center Rooms A
and B, 1350 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 376-
4902 or 627-2910 for informa-
Wednesday, May 3
Concert: Singers by the Sea
will present a "Scatter the
Sunshine" concert at 2:30 p.m.
at Beach United Methodist
Church, Seventh Avenue North
at. AlA, Jacksonville Beach. A
reception will be held after the
concert. The event is free. Call
285-6691 for information.
Beaches Watch: Beaches
Watch will meet at 7 p.m. in the
administrator conference room
at Fletcher High School. The
meeting is open to the public.
Call 513-9242 or visit
www.beacheswatch.com for
Friday, May 5
Cinco de Mayo.
Exhibits: Paintings and
Installations by Radcliffe Bailey,
and Nature of Elegy: Works by ;
Timothy McDowell, will be on
display through Aug. 27 at the
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art, 333 N. Laura! St.,,
Jacksonville. An opening recep-
tion will be held from 6 to 9
p.m. today. Admission is free
for members, and $25 for non-
members. 366-6911, ext. 210.
Saturday, May 6
Art festival: The 2nd Annual
Art in the Park Festival will be
held at 10 a.m. at Bull Park. Call
247-5828 for information.
Sea turtle volunteer orienta-"
tion: Volunteer orientation and
phase 2 boot camp for the 2006
sea turtle season will be held
from 7 to 8 a.m..on the beach.
Visit www.BSTP.riet or call 613-
6081 for information.
BEAUTIFUL 50oz, $7
12"X12" Ceramic Tile
2tan a $14 q..AftII.
Starting at sq.ft.
pplR'S DISC Oh
E 00h
,Crafts Include: Doll Clothes
Jewelry, Music Boxes Crochet Items, Silk Florals
*Woodworking, Ceramics .. Homemade Soap :
Yard Art Embroidery
Hand Bags Clothing, Baby Shower
Angels Gifts & More
St. Andrews Lutheran Church (by-the-Sea)
1801 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach
(Across from the Homestead Restaurant)
For More Information, Call 221-1763
241.4895 285"4625
Is Your 4-Year-Old Missing Out?
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The Beaches School is NOW ENROLLING 4-year-olds* for Florida's FREE
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program. The state-funded program is designed to:
* Introduce beginning math, reading,
language, and science lessons .
* Adjust children to the format of school
and paying attention in class
* Develop social skills through interaction
with their peers
* Help identify and address any special
learning needs a child may have
The Beaches
-N*""- challenging Minds-Achieving Potential
The Red School House Preschool Program
419 5th Avenue N., Jacksonville Beach 249-9080
Preschool Through Middle School Program
2049 Florida Boulevard, Neptune Beach 249-0905*
*Child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2006 and residing in Florida.
Pae RA8
April 21, 2006
1 ar "
*Page 9A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 21, 2006
Panthers softball season comes to an end
Nease drops close decision
to Clay in district semifinals
Nease's softball season ended
Tuesday in the District 5-4A
semifinals at Clay, where the
Panthers lost to the host school
Clay and Palatka were sched-
uled to meet Thursday for the
District title.
The Blue Devils put six runs
oh the board in the bottom of
the first inning of their game
with Nease.
After the
Panthers scored .-.___---
three times in
the top of the
third to halve
the margin,
Clay scored
once in the bot-
tom .of that
frame to make
the lead 7-3, a
deficit Nease
couldn't over-
The Panthers BLUE .EV
scored three BLUE DEV
runs in the top
of the seventh, cutting, Clay's:
ad vantage to one, and had the
potential tying run on second
base when a groundout ended
Nease's season.
Third baseman Ashley Sotdp-
longo had four hits, including a'
double, in foeir at-bats for the
Panthers. Sotolongo drove in,
three of Nease's six runs. Senior
Marion Holland, who relieved
sophomore starter Molly
NManmnng the third, also stroked
a double in the losing effort.
" Manning finished the year
with a 7-9 record, while
Holland, the team's only senior,
was 8-2.
The Panthers split two games
with Clay during the season,.
winning 3-0 at home Feb. 21
and losing at Clay 7-6 in 10
innings March 21. That loss
marked the start of the second
half of the Nease year, during,
which the Panthers lost twice to
Palatka, 5-2 at Nease March 28
and 6-4 at Palatka April 5.
The Panthers finished the sea-
son 15-11 after ending 2005
with a 20-6 mark under coach
Jim Coleman.
; Nease was elim-
inated from last
A "' '," year's playoffs,
in a 15-inning,
r 1 1-0 .regional
-" quarterfinal at
'The Panthers
opened this sea-
son 8-0 and lift-
i ed their record
to 11-1 at the.
" 6 h midpoint. In
IS 6 the second half,
1ILS 7 'arid counting
two playoff
games, they went 4-10, includ-
ing six consecutive losses from
March-27 to April 5. Their sec-
Sond defeat by Palatka Was the-
final game in that string.
The Panthers beat Pedro.
Menendez, 21-1, Monday in a
five-inning, mercy-rule game in
their district playoff opener at,
Clay. Manning was the winner
in that contest, striking out
seven Falcons.
Second baseman Kalie, King
led the Nease attack with four
hits; in four at-bats, two RBIs
and four runs scored. Shortstop
Clare \Wamsley also scored four
times and knocked in two.
S. Photo by ROB DeANGELO
Nease High baserunner Clare Wamsley plows the dirt around fist as she dives back safely on a pickoff attempt during action last
month. The Panthers season came to an end Tuesday with a loss in the District 5-4A semifinals.
Nease lacrosse falls a bit short at Timber Creek
The 1
7-6 last
went t
er: at tl
to corn
fiom a
"If w
four in
those g
we wo
4 at ha]
to mov
S"We c
.' Nease
<*- By CHUC*.,AA "",' -a~ .,,er J i1 Cek.,scored ,twice to tie .the. "OQverall, ,ijt
SPORTS tI-RgaeaR a Inl it to overtime. Bauwens, whose
SPORTThey got lucky with a goal arid, on a penalty, captains, recent
Nease boys lacrosse team, which finished tied the game, said Francis. to receive a at
ear, improved to 11-6 this season and The winning goal came with 40 seconds left Rob Bauwens
sear, improvedto 11-6 thisseason and in OT ars.ip.toatten
to the regional playoffs, where the kid h. arshipotfromoatin ctenlose
rs lost to Timber Creek 10-9 in overtime He was coered etrfecti He
He didn't ,ealo havd perfectly. He "
proud of the kids," said Nease coach lack didn't ealy have .%shot. He
, who was an All-American lacrosse play- shotancis. wenadouropporti It was aabous sea
he University of Maryland. "I think we cities. It would hae gone was a abous sea-,
respect in the Orlando area. That game either way." g sonWe played a t of
ified everything our kids learned this ."Thebestn. We played a game we've everof
y learned to be intense, they learned ho played" sad team technician tough opponents from out
and therapist Bob Bauwens.
d icit. arn d t fight back "It was one of those games of state. We dominated,
dencit:,They put it all together.in a nlost.
d playoff game. nobody really lost.his area
e had on, we'd be going to the.final "It as a fabulous season, ths area.
e .o fof Florida. If we had played ,added Bauwens. 'VWe played a '
the top halfof Flofia. If ,\e nad played lot of tough opponents from"..m
,ruys in our second game [of the season], out of stage PPe dominated
ud have gotten killed Our players. thisarea. We beat Episcopal -- Bob Bauwens
the respect the gained, said Fran s. [8-3 Feb. 21] 'and our friends Nease lacrosse technician
er Creek, the District 8 champion, led b- at Bolles [11-8 March 1]."
fimebutNease scored two quick goals Nease lost to Darien, Conn., at Cocoa, Beach "With the y
e i ot o o h s March 16, to Poly Prep of Brooklyn, N.Y., March there will be mi
came outand got a jump on them/' said 28 and to Hayfield, Va., April 8. The latter was a play, and with
them hard. But they wouldn't die. tune-up for-the playoffs. determination,.
one of the best. teams i the state ." The Panthers trounced Oak Hall of Gainesville said.
led by two goals ate in the fourth quar- 15-0 in their district semifinal and beat Flagler "This was, by
Palinm Coast 8-3 for the District 1 title. added the youn
e son Rob, oneof the defensive
tly became the first Nease player
hletic scholarship for lacrosse.
also received an academic schol-
d Belmont Abbey, a small liberal
arts college in Belmont, N.C.
"He's pretty excited about
it," said Bob Bauwens. "And
we're excited about the oppor-
tulity it opens up for Nease. It.
brings recognition to the
Nease lacrosse program."
Rob Bauwens declined offers
from Baltimore [Md.]
Community College and Saint
Leo University, near Tampa.
He felt Belmont Abbey was a
good fit for him.
"It's a really great opportuni-
ty for me to play lacrosse, and
it also has a great'academic
program," said Bauwens, who
sees lacrosse taking off 'in'
Northeast Florida.
south programs we: have, likely
ore scholarships the longer they'
the athleticism they have. With
good things will happen," he
far, the best season we've had,"
ger Bauwens. "We really became
aetAam. Everybody put in. Ilopt ofha&rop .
paid their dues."
The Belmont Abbey-bound senior sees a
bright future for Nease lacrosse.
"Our defense next year, the kids coming
back are awesome. On attack we have a fresh-
man, sophomore and junior. And our middies
never cease to amaze me. Everybody wants to
"\Ve have a great nucleus for the next few
i years. We're going to be one of the best teams
in the state," he said.
.One of the best morale boosters for the sea-
son may have occurred during the fourth
quarter of the Bolles game, when Nease athlet-
ic director director Ted Barbato, standing on
the sidelines, said lacrosse becomes a sanc-
tioned sport next year.
Bauwens said he appreciated Barbato's pres-
ence'at Nease games, .
"I think sanctioning is a given," said Francis.
"It'll be. a sanctioned sport next year. Once
that happens, it'll take off more than it has
already. When lacrosse becomes a sanctioned
high school sport, hopefully another area,
other than Orlando, gets involved in it.
"In North Florida, we want to become the
hotbed in Florida," said Francis. "But we also
wantFlorida to become, as a state, a hotbed.
North Florida can lead. that by becoming com-
petitive with the Orlando teams. With more
competition, the better you become."
Fletcher Senators eyeing
district flag football title
With a pair of victories Wednesday over
Paxon and Stanton, the Fletcher High girls flag
football team moved closer to its first-ever dis-
trict title.: :
The Senators overwhelmed Paxon, 45-0, in
their first game Wednesday,
then immediately took the field
again and outgunned the Blue .
Devils by a 27-12 count.
Morgan King was the star of '
the first game, scoring four
touchdowns in a row as Fletcher
had its way with the Lady
Eagles. King caught TD passes of
15, 15, 5 and 25 yards from
quarterback Nichole Carter as
the .Senators built a 24-0 first
half lead.
Lindsay Wiegman opened the
scoring by catching a 13-yard SENATOR4
strike from Carter on Fletcher's EAGLES.
first possession of the game.
Carter then got in on the act SENATOR!
when she dove into the end BLUE DEVI
zone on a 1-yard plunge.
King followed with four con-
secutive scores, then Wiegman cashed in again.
when she caught a 4-yard TD pass from. Carter.
Alex Brooks capped off the Senators storing
late in the fourth quarter when she romped 48
yards to paydirt.
Fletcher was never really challenged by
Paxon, but had to save some energy for the
nightcap against Stanton. The Blue Devils
reached' the district semifinals by defeating
Raines, 6-0, earlier in- the day. All of
Wednesday's games were played at Terry Parker,
After a scoreless first quarter dominated by the
teams' defenses, Stan-ton got' on
the board 'first with a 10-yard
TD pass.
The Senators answered quick-
ly, however, when Carter found
Belia Rodriguez on a 10-yard
strike and Wiegman added the
extra point to give Fletcher a 7-
6 lead.
That was all the scoring in the
first half as both teams struggled
to find an offensive rhythm.
Fletcher seized control of the
3 45 game in the third quarter, how-
0 ever, as King hauled in an 18-
yard TD pass from Carter and
Rodriguez fought her way into
3 27 the end zone on a 2-yard run,
I LS 12 then caught a pass from Carter
for the conversion to make it 20-
6 in favor of Fletcher.
The Blue Devils battled back to score on a
short pass about midway through the fourth
quarter, but Fletcher sealed the victory when
King caught a 68-yard bomb and Carter ran' for
the extra point conversion to make it 27-12.
i g1 -T-h B
Dl- ;4gAm -Apoi r uo
Aerobics by Beverly takes,
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activities Center.
Program features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step and
body sculpture.
For more information phone
616-2218 or 270-1688.
Baseball School
The Sunshine Baseball School
will take place at Wingate Park
in Jacksonville Beach on the
following dates: .
June 5-8; June 12-15; June
19-22 and June 26-29.
Instruction takes place
Monday to Thursday from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The Sunshine Baseball School
features instruction from
Fletcher varsity coach Kevin
Brown, and current Senators
assistant coaches Dr. Jim
Timmons and Boomer
Cost is $125 per session and
includes lunches,- drinks and T-
shirt, For more information
contact Dr. Jim Timmons at
223-1664 or 521-2687.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
information visitt www.beaches-
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Bud Beech Camps
The Bud Beech Summer
Camps at Nease High School
begin May 22.
Ten weekly sessions are avail-
able, most of which run from
Monday through Thursday. The
cost of each session is $55 half
day [9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3
p m.] or $95 extended day [9
a.m. until 3 p.m.] ,
Campers may choose the
morning camp that runs from 9
a.m. to noon and select basket-
:ball, soccer, flag football or
dance!gvinmastics. The afternoon
camps run from noon to 3 p.m.
and offer basketball or cheerlead-
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
4075 or email beechjr-@com-
The Ponte Vedra Panthers are
seeking a few responsible indi-
vduals to help coach youth
cheerleading. No experience nec-
essarv, training will be provided.
Head coach must be at least 21
years old, and assistants must be
at least 18.
To volunteer, phone
ShariGruhn at 285-9915 or e-
mail sgruhn@comcast.net.
Registration for Ponte Vedra
Pop Warner football and cheer-
leading, as well as junior pro-
grams, will take place May 6 and
Mlay 13 from 10 a.m. until 2
p.m: at the pavilion at
Cornerstone Park.
: For more information on the
Ponte Vedra football arid cheer-
leading programs visitt pvaafoot-
Football Camp
The 2006 Coach Craig
Howard Football Camp, which
takes place May 22 through
May 25 from 9 a.m. until noon,
is for boys or girls entering
grades 3 through 8.
The four-day, non-padded
youth camp is designed for
young, energetic players who
want to learn about football
and have fun. Cost is $85 and
* includes a T-shirt.
For more information send
' an e-mail to neasefootball@abell-
south.net with name and
address to receive a brochure.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open.,
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls that combines runnning
and training for a 5K (3.1 :
miles) run/walk, along with
healthy living education and
life lessons.
Spring programs take place
- at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit
The 13th annual Take a
Swing at Cancer Golf Classic
will take place April 28 at
Sawgrass Country Club.
Registration begins at 11:30
a.m. withplay starting at 1'
Claude Nolan Cadillac,
Barbara Maple of Watson
Realty and Nader's Pest
Raiders are sponsoring on-
course contests including, a
"Putt for $10,000" and a
"Million Dollar Hole-in-One."
Gold and Diamonds Direct 2
and Nader's will also sponsor
the "Diamond in the Rough"
contest in which a one-carat
diamond will be in one of
the cups.
There will be a silent auc-
tiorn and cocktail reception at
6 p.m. and dinner party at 7
p.m. (' .
For ticket and event infor-
mation, contact the American
Cancer Society at 249-0022.
Golf Instruction
Free golf instruction being
offered at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of
each month beginning at 4
On the fourth Saturday of
each month will be a free class
for juniors (ages 6 to 17) at 4 -
Pre-registration is not neces-
sary and equipment is avail-
able for those who need it. All
classes are taught by academy
professionals Nicky Martin,'
Mary Lyons, Cooper Osbdrne
and Sandy Suckling.
For more information phone
S Physical
Nease sport physical will take
place April 29 from 9 a.m. until
11 a.m. in the high school gym.
Cost is $10. Athletes may log on
to FHSAA.org to get the physical
and liability form. For additional.
information about the Nease
physical phone 819-8300 and
ask for Athletics.
Beaches Pilates classes take
place Tuesdays ,and Thursdays
from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. at
Hollie's Dance Studio. Cost is
$5. First hour/first class free.
Thone 234-0038 or visit
beachespilates.com for more
The Ponte Vedra Socer Club is
conducting a Harley Davidson
raffle to raise funds for a train-
ing/educational facility at Davis
A total of 5,000 tickets, at a
cost of $20 per ticket or six for
$100, will be sold with the grand
:prize of a 2006 black Harley
Davison fuel-injected Fat Boy
Drawing will take place May 13
at the PVSC's annualspring picnic
at Davis Park Tickets are available
online at PonteVedra-
SoccerClub.com or at Bogey
Grille, Oceanside Cleaners and
Play it Again Sports or through
PVSC members and their families.
St. Paul's Sports
St. Paul's summer sports camps
feature participation in team
sports and age-appropriate active,
ties. Basketball, flag football, kick
ball, tag and more are offered. Off
Friday's, campers have pizza and
go to Beach Bowl.
Camp sessions are weekly from
the end of May until late July. For
more information visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or I .
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-,
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Pae I nA
The.Beaches Leader/lPonte Vedra, Leader
.,i ;, ,.-
r..nii T.BLh L VIdU
Spring games bring hope
for both coaches and fans
Spring brings hope for.
football coaches and fans
no matter how things are
going on the practice fields.
So it goes for the Florida
Gators and Florida State
Seminoles both of whom are
loaded with talent even if
their leaders aren't quite sure
if their guns are firing blanks
now or will be ready to be
destructive come September.
The excitement in Gainesville,
now that basketball has
almost subsided, is the young
phenom Tim Tebow, who
came to spring drills as green
as a seasick passenger's puss..
Tebow was so anxious to get
his orange and blue togs on
after sizzling success at Nease
High, he got into the universi-
ty in January. Tebow is the
proscribed successor to quar-
terback Chris Leak, which is
O.K. with Leak as long as the
rookie waits his turn and does-'
n't try to unseat him this year.
Leak believes in the old mili-
tary adage, "Rank has its privi-
Gators coach Urban Meyer
has been patient with Leak
while the QB learns his system,
and Meyer also appears to be
'patient with Tebow. But only
up to a point. The coach's suc-
cess prior to coming to
Gainesville proves that. The
hunger for success on a major
scale is still his first priority.
Urban renewal is not just for
civic schemes.
In short, Meyer's patience
should never be confused with
indulgence. His way or the
highway is still the motto.
Qne big help is the resur-
gence of Leak and a future
help to Tebow is the return
of ace pass catcher Andre
Caldwell, in cold storage with
a busted wheel since the
Tennessee game. Caldwell
reminds us of Charley Casey,
whose dipsy-doodle catches
made even Steve Spurrier look
like a great passer.
Caldwell's return could
make the difference this sea-
son. As offensive coordinator
Dan Mullen says, "If you're
going to be an explosive ...
offense, you have to have a lot
of big plays and big playmak-
When he was active,
Caldwell did that.
Maybe Saturday's spring
game, although Andre is still
not expected to perform,
could give coaches and fans
an idea about the Leak-Tebow
rivalry. At least there will be
another fly-catcher who will
get attention. Wide receiver
Jemalle Cornelius stunned
onlookers last Saturday with
five snags, one for a touch-
down, and he rushed for
another score on a reverse. At
this rate he shouldn't have to
worry about his scholarship.
"Meanwhile, Uncle Bobby
Bowden closed his FSU spring
shop, guardedly praising QB
Drew Weatherford but still
concerned about his support-
ing cast. So Meyer is not the
only spring coach with con-
Up at Georgia, not one of
his four quarterback competi-
tors thrilled coach Mark Richt.
In fact, if not for an' eye-bog-
gling 100-yard TD intercep-
tion by rookie Ash Allen, the
Dogs' spring attack was under-,
But what the heck, coaches
it's only spring. So cheer up!
Qi Dr. Smith, Masters'
founder Bobby Jones died
from some unusual disease.
Just what did he have?
A. Bobby Jones is consid-
ered by many to be the game's
finest ambassador, a true gen-
tleman for a gentleman's
Born on St. Patrick's Day in
1902 in Atlanta, Jones reached
the pinnacle of golf at the age
of 28 in 1930, winning the
Grand Slam, which at that
time consisted of the U.S.
Open, the U.S. Amateur, the
British Open, and the British
Amateur. He then walked
away from competitive golf
Few athletes have been able
to leave the game while still
on top, with no signs of
diminishing skills, as Jones
was able to do. His retirement
changed the face of golf as
Since he was no longer com-
peting in amateur competi-
tions, the British and U.S.
Amateurs became seen as
"minors" not "majors" and
ultimately the Masters and the
PGA became the third and
fourth major championships.
After retiring from competi-
tion, he became a practicing
lawyer, sold real estate, owned
two Coca-Cola bottling plants,
and designed a series of golf
Local golf
Ponte Vedra Golf & CC
' Date: April 19
Event: First Rbuhd
Championship and Low
: Gross
Flight A:
1. Olivia Kimball 83 (medal-
2. Anita Kommnick 85
3. Marilyn Ginsburg 87
Flight B:
1. Kathy Naukkari 98 : .
2. Jeanne Siegfried 100 '
3. Helen Keeler 101
Flight C:
1 Debbie McWade 104"
2. Caroline Thomason 105
3. Rose Marie Johns 111
clubs, the first to use a num-
bered system on the clubs
instead of their historical
Scottish names.
At thcedgaifA6Jones ..,.._
began to experience pain in
his right leg and arm. He was
at first thought to have arthri-
tis. His symptoms progressed
to severe pain in his neck and
back. Jones lost feeling in his
fingers, and at times a'lit ciga-
rette would bum into his fin-
gers and he might not feel it.
He dropped things, his arms
shook, and his gait became
Medical evaluations ulti-
mately revealed that he had
cyst formations on his spinal
cord, and he was diagnosed
Top Sales for Watson Realty, South Be
4 Diana McKee
Let Diana be the Key to your Home
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For entertaining! ,_k... ,..- i ,l..; T-I..J -11
SDiana McKee,
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Platinum Pinnacle Club
with syringomyelia.
Syringomyelia (SM) is a dis-
order in which a cyst forms
within the spinal cord. The
cyst is called a syrinx, and
expands and elongates over
time, destroying the center of
the spinal cord, leading to
chronic pain, weakness, stiff-
ness, and ultimate paralysis.
Other symptoms can
include headaches and loss of
the ability to feel extremes of
hot or cold, especially in the
hands. SM may also negatively
affect sweating, sexual func-
tion and bladder and bowel
SM most commonly results
from a congenital develop-
ment, although it may occur
secondary to trauma. Today,
MRI is used for the diagnosis
of syringomyelia, and surgical
the care of a neurosurgeon.
Slow but progressive paraly-
sis ultimately overtook Jones,
but his mind remained strong.
Jones remained dignified
throughout, insisting on shak-
ing hands with anyone he
met, despite the fact that it
was excruciatingly painful to
do so. As it became evident
toward the end that he was
facing eminent death, Jones
was asked about the unfortu-
nate turn in his life, to which
he responded with grace, "We
all have to play the ball as it
ned in pool, plus large
baths close to JTB &
bedrooms, 2 baths, great
house plus lift and dock.
Ih condo
L appliances plus washer
is views!
WIm e r..'ei alllI. c mauae au
& dryer. A "10" with garaet
On December 18, 1971, the
legendary Bobby Jones died at
the age of 69.
kk *
This column is written to dis-
cuss issues regarding sports, med-
icine, and safety. It is not
intended to sen'e as a replace-
ment for treatment by your regu-
lar doctor. It is onl) designed to
offer guidelines on the preven-
tion, recognition, and care of
injuries and illness. Specific
concerns should be discussed
with your physician. Mail your
questions to Gregory Smith, MD
- Sportsmedicine, 1250 S. 18th
Street, Suite 204, Fernandina
Beach, Fl 32034.
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POLLY B Dance Academy
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Did Masters founder Bobby
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-- -- -
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader 0 Page 1 IA
A il 21 2006
. .-. ...; .
Landrum goes Medieval
Old-time activities and dress combine with modern-
day clothing and conveniences Thursday at
Landrum Middle School, where teachers, volunteers
and students mingled for the school's annual
Medieval Fair. At left, students pan for gem stones
outside the school, using dirt delivered from Franklin,
N.C. Above, volunteers Paula Roderick (from left),
Suzanne Egeln and Debbie Graham prepare a
booth. Below left, Ben Bennett (right) makes a move
in his chess match with Connor Davis, while a game
of musical chairs (below right) sends lords and
ladies scrambling.
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The MPV s versalile tumble-under 3rd tow *seaf Iod a for a al ulio
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16, turomaoc, all power, dual AC, ABS brakes, roof rack mud mote'
Mazda Discount 2,500
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Flinr 0 ll Io ucale a t3,1 gate seat vfl he you re parked, and m I e '. ,
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sensed princes include dealer Atlantic Blvd.
in fee plus tax Ad must be One block east of
resented lor sale prices. Regency Square Mall -
r ilIusration purposes pnl You've Got A Friend In The Business" ',
April' 21', 2006
The Beaches Leadler/Ponte Vedra Leader
*PaPe 12A
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
* The Sentinel (right)
* Religion
... B 6-7
* Showtimes
... B-8
Pane B-1
n *LAA 1-1, -VVLI .. I.J'*J. -a,-
ABET presents special
showing of 'Lone Star'
Always wrap
new palms in
a babushka
Guarantee you that
within two months I
or another Master
Gardener will be asked
why a newly-purchased
shrub or palm is now
The plant will be
hauled back to its place
of purchase and the
owner will demand a
refund or a new plant.
If it is the latter, they'll
follow the same practice
in transporting it home,
leaves dancing in the
wind, and probably have
the same problem a few
weeks down the road.
A plant has pores just
as humans do. A plant
breathes as we do. A
plant perspires as we do,
except that for plants, the
word is transpiration, or
the emitting of air and
water from the pores in
the leaves.
This is a naturally
occuring process that
usually keeps all systems
clean and healthy.
However, as with
humans, a plant suffers
when its air and water are
forced out of it in a rapid
When you work out in
the sun on a windy day,
you aie conscious of
replenishing the fluids
you know are leasing you
more quickly than nor-
mal. You do so before you
feel faint and collapse.
When you carry a plant
anywhere and allow its
leaves to be whipped by
the wind going at a slow
speed of just 25 mph,
coupled by the sun blast-
ing it, those pores give off
so much of the plant's
juices that it is about to
expire before you even
pull into your driveway.
The leaves will fall
limp, turn a sickly gray
color, and usually fall off.
It drives me insane to see
this happening, and it
happens with commercial
companies who know
better, as well as with
.homeowners who now
know better. It is like tak-
ing $300 and just tossing
it into the wind to blow
carelessly away.
Do you have that kind
of money? I don't. I even
see this with delicate
annuals and wonder if
the driver has totally lost
their mind.
Have you ever heard of
something called a
babushka? I do not know
if the spelling is correct,
but in my German back-
ground I was always told
to wear my babushka
when the wind was blow-
ing to keep my head
It is a scarf-type thing,
usually in the form of a
triangle that one wears
over their hair and ears.
tied under the chin, to
keep the wind at bay.
Growing up, I went
nowhere without the
dumb thing.
You know what? I want
you to find a babushka,
keep it in your trunk
along with some rope,
and then use it whenever
you are transporting your
plants to protect them
from the wind and sun.
This is an overly simple
task. Simply go and buy a
plastic tarp and some
The Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre will
present a special showing of
"Lone Star," a wildly-comic
play by lames McClure about
a couple of good ol' boys up
to no good.
Directed by lan Mairs, "Lone
Star" runs at 8 p.m. today and
Saturday at the Adele Grage
Cultural-Center, 706 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Tickets
are $10.
The delightful Southern
comedy was initially staged by
the Actor's Theatre of
Louisville, then produced suc-
cessfully on Brobdway, intro-
ducing McClure as an exciting
new playwright of major
The play was also performed
by Mairs' theatre group in
February at the lacksonville
Museum of Modern Art.
The hysterical comedy fea-
tures Players by the Sea
Pelican award-winner Bill
Ratliff i"Lion in Winter"),
Kevin Ertle and Michael King,
The Beaches Fine Arts Series presents Les Ballets Africains, the national ensemble of the
Republic of Guinea, at 7:30 p.m. today at the Wilson Center for the Arts. The program is free.
concert Tues.
at PV library
An unusual instrumental com-
bination of harp and flute will be
featured at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the
Ponte Vedra Branch Library.
Flutist Rhonda Cassano and
harpist Kayo Ishimaru will pres-
ent a program of music, both
classic and contemporary. The
program is sponsored by the
Friends of the 'Library and admis-
sion is free.
Cassano has been a member of
the Jacksonville Symphony since
1979, and is currently the flute
instructor at the University of
North Florida.
Ishimaru was born in Osaka,
Japan, and is the principal harpist
with the Jacksonville Symphony.
She has been featured several
times as a soloist with the ISO.
The library is located at 101
Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach.
Free movies at SeaWalk, Beach library
If you miss the communal
spirit of watching classic
movies with an appreciative
audience or if your DVD
player is just dead this is
your lucky spring/summer.
First, Jax Beach's
Moonlight Movies series
returns on May 5.
This year's opening flick is
1966's surfing documentary
"The Endless Summer,"
filmed at locations around
the world.
The First Coast Surfrider
Foundation will have a "Surf
Expo" booth at the movie to
promote surfing-related ven-
dors and retailers. Catch the
Four more movies follow.
On May 19 is the 1988 com-
edy-fantasy "Big," with a
star-making turn by Tom
Hanks as a 12-year-old boy
whose wish to become an
adult comes true. Rated PG.
May 26 brings Steven
Spielberg's biggest box-office
hit, 1993's "Jurassic Park,"
about a theme park filled
with actual iclonedi
dinosaurs who do their best
to snack on the park's
guests. Starring Sam Neill
and leff Goldblum, the
movie is rated PG-1 3.
On June 2 comes 1942's
Best Picture Oscar winner
"Casablanca,',' starring
Humphrey Bogart as a
World War II expatriate who
sticks his neck out for no
one that is, until an old
flame (Ingrid Bergmani re-
enters his life. Sentimental
as all get-out, and all the
more wonderful for it.
The series concludes on
June 9 with 1961's Best
Picture Oscar winner "West
Side Story." Leonard
Bernstein's street-gang musi-
cal version of "Romeo and
Juliet" stars Natalie Wood
and Rita Moreno.
Moonlight Movies are free
and begin at sundown at the
Sea Walk Pavilion.
photo ubmrned
Michael King and Bill Ratiff
who previously appeared in
ABET's 1992 debut production
"Tocoi Light."
Mairs has produced eight
plays in several states, has
been awarded state fellowships
and grants in Florida and
Ohio, and three of his plays
were published.
He has performed locally at
the Alhambra Dinner Theatre
and Theatre Jacksonville.
"Lone Star" has adult lan-
guage and situations and is
recommended for mature
audiences onhl. Reservations
suggested. Call 249-7177.
photo submitled
The cast of "Stepping Out." Choreography by Patty Zipperer.
Sets and lighting by Phillip Walls and Bryan Frank.
Tap dancing takes
center stage at Players
"Stepping Out," a warm-
hearted comedy full of lovable,
oddball characters and tap
dancing," opens today at
Players by the Sea community
theatre in Jacksonville Beach.
Performances are 8 p.m.
today and Saturday and 2 p.m.
Sunday at 106 6th St. N.
Tickets are $17. The play runs
through May 6.
The 1984 play by Richard
Harris was made into a 1991
film starring Liza Minnelli,
Shelley Winters and British
actress Julie Walters.
Director.Celia Frank, known
for her deft hand with charac-
ter-driven comedies like last
season's "Memory of Water,"
said she was drawn to the rich,
comic story about a weekly tap
dancing class at a community
Rebecca Williams, recently
seen in "Sylvia" at ABET and a
director in her own right,
returns to her musical comedy
roots as Mavis, the kind-heart-
ed former chorus girl who gen-
tly helps her students over-
come their inhibitions and an
abundance of left feet.
NMarbra Cohen is the pes-
simistic pianist Mrs. Fraser,
who takes a dim view of the
proceedings, especially when
Mavis announces that the
group will be performing in a
community recital.
The problems and squabbles
of the ill-sorted students create
much humor and ,3ome
poignant moments, too, as
they struggle to become a real
They're definitely not
Broadway material, but for
each of them, the class repre-
sents an escape from their ordi-
nary, unsatisfactory lives.
The cast also features Trish
Bradshaw, Pam Larson, Judy
Hewlett, Mary Ellen Richards,
Deana Jackson, Gretta Russe
and Jane Bull.
Leonard Alterman, one of
Jacksonville's most prolific
character actors,- plays shy
Geoffrey, the lone male in the
As the students learn to work
together, sharing their hopes
and heartaches, the audience
learns along with them that it
isn't the size of the talent that
matters so much as the size of
the heart and spirit.
Additional showing are April
28-29 and May 5-6. Sunday
matinee April 30.
For reservations, call 249-
pnolo submrtled
California artist Michael Flohr visits St. Augustine's art district
today and Saturday at Galeria del Mar, 9 King Street. For
details, call 829-2120 or visit www.lovesemporium.com
Anri "li AnnA
Weekend 2 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 21, 2006
I e Forthe Kid
Cont. from B-1
Every hardware store, even
the grocery store probably has
them, they are cheap, but
they'll do a whale of a job in
protecting that plant you just
paid big bucks for.
Bedsheets, old blankets,
comforters, anything will
I am amazed at the idiocy of
some of the landscape compa-
nies who, by the way, carry
quite a fine reputation. They
sell, deliver, and install the
landscape plants they deal
with.-Of course, you pay for
these services in one form or
But they end up being the
complete loser when you call
and complain that youi plant
material has died and needs to
be replaced, in complete
accord with their warranty
policy. When it -only,takes a, .,\''
few exIta.tninries'torotect'.',
the plants, why do they not
Seems like a no-brainer to
So, from now on, you'd bet-
ter bablushka your plants
when they are being trans-
ported, even if only for a few
short blocks. And don't even
bother to call and whine
about their dying if you have
not taken your responsibility
to heart, in this matter.
And if I pass you seeing
your plants are covered, I'll
give you a huge thumbs up.
staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for children
ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all oth-
ers. Call 642-2688 for informa-
LOFT is a multi-generations
learning environment that
offers 16 hands-on stations for
children and adults to explore
the concepts in. modem and
contemporary art. Entry is free
with paid entrance to the
Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art. Children are
admitted free every Sunday for
family 'Free. Day at 333
Hemming Plaza in downtown
Jacksonville. Hours of opera-
tion are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and. Friday,
11, a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and'
Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Call
366-6911 for. information. -
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play, climb-
ing and musical activities.
Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or visit
Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens in Jacksonville con-
tains hands-on, high-tech and
pnoi., submimled
The, IpptpBeBeach home of VlaparrAlvarez (left)'was chosen
,@s Bib.ld:.clg~op Club's, r.esideritial Yard of the Month for April.
With Alvarez is Orlanda Corn, vice president of the Yucca
Garden Circle.
Stles ot 'Poite
Styles of Ponte Vedra is proud to
welcome Wendy White
to our Family.
She has been a Master Barber
for over 20 years. Please come in
and meet our newest addition.
/1/0 A/A Noai'46ufte#105 Polite Vedpa Bea,4ALR.l2092
low-tech interactive exhibits
that encourage physical activi-
ty and quiet contemplation.
Walk through a painting,
create patterns with dance,
make a collage,, listen to a
sculpture, or paint with a vir-
tual paintbrush. The museum
is located on the northbank of
the St. Johns River at 829
Riverside Ave., phone 356-
6857. Hours are 10 a.m. to 9
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday, and noon
to 5 p.m. Sunday.
the Jacksonville Public Library,
600 Third St., Neptune Beach
also has children's activities.
Call 241-1141 and press 4 for
children's acti-ities and 5 for
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the children's reference desk.
MOMMY & ME for ages 6
months to 2-1/2 years features
songs, parachute games, finger
play, rhythm band music and a
way to meet other parents or
grandparents while having fun
with your child. Offered begin-
ning in September at Nancy
Dance Studio. For information,
call 241-8349 for information.
CENTER, 738 Fourth Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach, has many
activities for kids, including
karate, tutoring and games.
meets regularly at Isle of Faith
United Methodist Church on
San Pablo Road, next to
Alimacani Elementary School.
For information, 221-1700.
2nd Ave. N. & 5th St.* Jax Beach
May 4th-7th
Thursday 6pm, 10pm Saturday 2pm 11pm 1
Friday 6pm- 11pm Sunday 1pmrn-7pm
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ADril 21. 2006
'Flow' at JMOMA May .6
"Flow," that is the name of
the new exhibit which will
open at the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art on
May 6.
Images of oars, boat flags,
rope, fish and swirling water
make this an appropriate
name for the paintings and
installations by Radcliffe
An opening reception will
be held on Friday, May 5,
from 6 to 9 p.m. The recep-
tion is free to members. Non-
members pay $25 at the doo
which can be applied to merr
bership. There will be a cash
bar. Call 366-6911, ext. 208
for information.
On the same date, Friday,
; May 5, from 6 to 9 p.m., two
other exhibits will open at th
museum: "Pilgramages," large
scale drawings by Clive King,
and "Nature of Elegy," works
by Timothy McDowell.
If you enjoy contemporary
art, you will enjoy these
exhibits which will be at the
museum through Aug. 25.
The Jacksonville Museum of
Modern Art is at 333 Laura St
on Hemming Plaza.
( The Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra will open a new
exhibit, "Paper and Light,"
photographs by Jay Shoots,
Dominick Martorell and Paul
Karabinis on April 28.
TAn opening reception will
'be held from 6 to 8 p.m. This
-xhjbition features photo-
graphs realized through a
variety of techniques and
processes, from montage and
cameraless photography to
traditional, historical and dig.
italprocesses. Call 280-0614
tor information. '
< : ,' .
Tonight, the Neptune Art
Group will open an exhibit ol
members works at Players By-
the-Sea Theater. A reception
.;1l be held from 5:30 to 6:30
fyn. to meet the artists.
:'This is opening night for
the theater's new play,
"Stepping Out." The play
begins at 8 p.m. Call 249-
2022 for reservations. Players
By-the-Sea is at 106 North
Sixth Street',-acksons tlle---
Eclectic Galleries of Ponte
Vedra Mill open its fourth
annual Spring Artisan Jewelry
Trunk Show on Friday, April
28, with a reception from 5:3(
to 8:30 p.m.
The gallery will introduce
six new jewelry studios work-
ing in glass, clay, enamel, fine
metals and semi-precious
stones. Nationally renowned
glass bead maker Heather
Bailey: Fre
Cont. from B-1
Attendees are encouraged
to bring their own seats,
w snacks and beverages.
The Beaches Branch :
Library is also running sever-
al free movie series. "Classic
(Adulti Movie Night," a five-
part series running through
Sept. 25, begins at 5:30 p.m.
on May 30 with "The
Philadelphia Story."
The 1940 comedy-romance
:stars Katherine Hepburn as a
society girl caught between
her ex-husband (Cary Grant)
and a love-smitten reporter
(Oscar winner Jimmy
The library's other five-par
movie series, "School's Out!"
starts at 3:30 p.m. on May 2,
with 2003's "Pirates of the
Cool Clothes...Sweet beals!
1265 Penman Road Jax Beach
Next to Gene's Seafood
Now Open Mondays
Mon-Sat 10-5:30- 249-1414
I1 9
Ferman will be the featured
Refreshments and light fare
will be served. Eclectic
Galleries is at 880 AIA North,
Ponte Vedra Beach. Call 280-
"Art In The Park," an exhib-
it of artworks by local artists,
will take place on Saturday,
May.6, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.'m.
at Bull Memorial Park, 716
Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach.
Watercolors, oils, photogra-
phy, sculpture, ceramics, glass
and more will be exhibited at
booths in the park. Robin
Shepherd designed the event's.
logo. T-Shirts with the logo
may be purchased at the
exhibit. There will be an
exhibit of artwork by artists
from the University of North
Florida in the Adele Grage
Cultural Arts Building located
in the park.
A Watercolor Workshop
with nationally known artist
Ingrid Lederer will be held
Friday, May 5, through
Sunday, May 7., at the
Jacksonville Women's Club,
1315 Second Ave. N., .,
Jacksonville Beach.
The three-day workshop is
limited to twenty students.
Class fee is $225 per person.
In this workshop you will
learn how to simplify your*
design, correct composition,
explore the importance of
light and shadow and the
"What If's of Color." Call
Ruth at 241-8690 for informa-
tion. I
*' *
This year's Riverside Arts
Festival is set for Sept. 9-10, In
this juried competition art-
works must have been com-
pleted within the last six
months and must be matted
,or framed.
All media are accepted. Due.
date for artwork is May 10. '
The gallery show in connec-
tion with the festival will be
held at Bungalow Artworks,
2782 Park St. A reception will
be held May 20 from 6 to 8
p.m. Call 981-9493,.
Artwork should be delivered
to the Riverside Avondale
Preservation office at 2633
Herschel St. Call 389-2449 to'
arrange a time for drop off of
The South Gallery of Florida
Community College will open
a new exhibit, FCCJ Student
Annual, onFriday, April 25,
with a reception from 6 to 8
p.m. South Gallery is located
in the Nathan H. Wilson
Center for the Arts on South
Campus of FCCJ.
The Jacksonville Children's
Chorus will present "A River
Runs Through It" this Sunday,
April 23, at 4 p.m. at Jacoby
Symphony Hall in the Times
Union Center for the
Performing Arts.
There will be a dinner
immediately following the
concert. Call 598-9900.
The Beaches Branch Library
will be presenting classic
movies once a month from
May through September at
5:30 p.m. for adults. For infor-
mation on showtimes for
teens and children call the
Library at 241-1141.
The Cummer Museum of
Art & Gardens will be closed
to visitors beginning
Wednesday, April 26, through
Tuesday, May 2, for the annu-
al Cummer Ball & Auction.
The museum will reopen at 4
p.m. on .Tuesday, May 2.
The 29th annual Cummer,
Ball & Auction.is Saturday,
April 29, from 6 p.m. to 1:30.
a.m. This annual furidraiser
is black tie and features cock-
tails, dinner, dancing, live
music and a silent auction.
Proceeds will benefit the'
Cummer's Acquisitions Fund.
For more information, contact
The Ball & Auction'After
Sale begins Sunday, April 30,
from 12 to 4 p.m. and contin-
ues on Monday, May 1, from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.: The public
is invited to attend the after
For more information, call
Amy Chamberlin at 899-6034.
A watercolor workshop with
nationally known artist Ingrid
Lederer is Friday, May 5 -7.
The cost is $225 per person.
Class.limited.to 20 students.
The three-day workshop
will be held at the
.Jacksonville Women's Club,
1315-2nd Ave., N.,.
Jacksonville Beach.
For more information, call
Eva Duran, from left, Sunny Gray and Tracy Arrendale at a recent bead show al Twisted Sisters.-
e movies
Based on the Disheyland
ride, this features an inspired
performance by Johnny Depp
as besotted pirate Jack
Sparrow. Rated PG-13.
Finally, the library has
"Teen Movie Time" at ,3:30
p.m. on May 5 with "Dude,,
Where's My Car?" and "That
.,70s Show's" Ashton Kutcherl
and "Dukes of Hazzard's". ,
Seann William Scott playing
two stoners who wake up
after a night of partying and'
ask the titular question.
To say the least, this movie
is rated PG-13. '
All of the library's movie
series are free,. For other
t movies and showtimes on
the first two series, visit the
5 library at 600 3rd St.', '
Neptune Beach, or call 241-
1141. .
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-r--i ----
Weekend 3
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Weekend 4 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 21, 2006
"Copyrighted Material
i y indicated Contento '
Available from Commercial News Pro
A'"0"mA2- Nw
L!F ii
- m S S s 0 O m 0 o
dod~~bio alolf= t m w ma e0- soo
'V for Vendetta'
convoluted mess
Yet another flick based on a
."graphic novel" has come to
the silver screen, this time to
litter it rather than occupy a
spotlight of honor.
It's "V for Vendetta," though
"vapid" would better describe
this convoluted, almost schiz-
ophrenic, waste of celluloid.
Though many of the film's
actors and behind-the-camera
talent are both famous and
prosperous, "'V for Vendetta"
isn't'a movie many in the
audience will understand.
Worse, it isn't a flick with a
high "enjoyment quotient!'"
Exactly what can one expect
from "\'?" The story opens
with Natalie Portman, a TV
station gopher and aspiring
actress,, returning home from
her London job after curfew.
The world, including the
U.S., is in turmoil, and gov-
ernments everywhere have
clamped down on human
rights. Three "policemen"
stumble across Portman (the
"Star Wars" prequels,
"Zoolander") and decide to
rape her.
From the shadows, "V"
(Hugo WVeaving) comes to her
rescue, a man wearing a Guy
Fawkes mask. On Nov. 5, 1605
Fawkes tried to destroy
Britain's Parliament. Since ,
then, the island nation has
celebrated it as a holiday.
Wearing tries to recruit
Portman to his cause, which
that night is to destroy the
historic building known as the
Old Bailey.
From here, things become
stranger. Weaving ("The
Matrix" trilogy, "Priscilla,
Queen of the Desert") begins
spouting Goethe, Kant and
convoluted home-grown phi-
The police immediately
began hunting for Weaving,
branding him a terrorist,
while he continues to spout
excerpts from Che Guevara,
Mao Tse Tung, Sun-Tzu and
Orwell. He of course falls in
love with Portman; in various
scenes, he breaks the monoto-
ny with stunning exhibitions
of martial arts prowess.
Directing this mess is James
McTeigue, who also worked
behind the scenes on the
"Matrix" trilogy.
Other than the martial arts
exhibitions, there's very little
to recommend this chaotic,,
' pretentious and pedantic R-
rated film. As usual, view the
trailer at
bros.com before investing $10
a ticket in this 132-minute
If its producers had titled
"V" for a 'iord other than
vendetta, it might actually
have worked. Unfortunately
for them, the word would
have been 'vamoose!" It might
have generated the film's only
":Match Point" Woody
MAen's critically acclaimed
drama about a married ten-
nis instructor (Jonathan Rhys
Meyers) Who has an affair
with his brother-in-14w's
t'iaiiceei.4ScarletL lobannson
-and lives to regret it.
"Mrs. Henderson
Presents" Tudi Dench as a
widow who revitalized a .
wartime London theater by
adding nude chorus girls to
the line-up. Based on a true
story/ the DVD has inter-
vlews with the real womeyi%
'Who bare-d all. .-
for over ... -
35 years. Disk Brake
Ask Us About Conversions
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(ne(i o the lB-dcie.e 3-.ranrb a[ ihe L.iL:arO)
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Tel. (904) 247-7778
Subscribe to The Leader -Call 249-9033
Re itsration Now0Op
Registration is now open for the annual
Sandcastle Contest. The contest will be held 1'N
April 29 on the beach at Jacksonville Beach.
Sponsored by:
The Beaches Leader
Jacksonville Beach
Recreation Dept.
30t Annual
Sadcastle Contest
WHEN: 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
WHERE: On the Beach at Jax Beach
CATEGORIES: 8 & under
9-12 yrs.
13- 16 yrs.
Jax Beach
Recreation Dept.
321 Penman Rd.
Jax Beach
Choose your space Register Early
Anril 21. 2006
Note: Acts and performance
days or times are not always
available for all clubs at press
time. Performance information is
included in the Friday club calen-
dar. Send to mitchell@beach-
esleader.com. Call 249-9033 for
Aromas Cigar, Wine &
Martini Bar, 880 AlA N.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 280-2525.
Retro 80's with Radio 80 at
9:30 p.m. today. Le Monde
Quartet plays Latin music at 9
p.m. Tuesday and Saturdays.
The Boxrockers are in at 9 p.m.
Wednesday. Wine tasting
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every.
Thursday followed by the
Jason Anderson Group at 9
The Atlantic, 333 N. First St.,
Jacksonville Beach 249-3338.,
Martini Night is Thursday with
DJs spinning. D.1 \es Reed
spins hip hop and retro
Thursday for Ladies Night. D.I
Jade spins old %Wave and 80's
retro at 9 p.m. Friday. DJ KGB
spins at 9 p.m. Saturday.
Atlantic Theatre Comedy
Club,. 751 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 249-7529.
Comedians Sotty Goff with
Ron Yacovetti perform at 9
p.m. today apd Saturday.'
Scheduled comedy acts also
perform at 8 p.m. Thursday.
Lil' Ed & the Imperials perform
at 11 p.m. today.
SBo's Coral Reef, 201 Fifth
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach *
246-9874. DJ Dale spins
Thursday through. Saturday.
Too Many Shoes' performs
Friday, Feb. 24.
*O -' .
Bogey Grille, 150 Valley
Circle, Ponte \-edra Beach *
249-3338. Live music from 7-
11 p.m. today
Brewster's, 11003 .Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville 223-9850.
Bliss performs at 9 p.m. today.
Thermal Image is in at 9 p.m.
Saturday Dana Salmela plays
acoustic music at 9 p.m.
\Vednesdays. Karaoke is held
every Tues.
Cap'n Odies, 2200 Ma port
Road. Atlantic Beach 241-
8SS-. Live music from 9:30
p.m. to 1:30 a.m. today and
Saturday. Country night every
Sunday .
Champs Lounge, Sawgrass
Marriott, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd.,
Ponte Vedra Beach 285r7777.
Lisa and the Mad Hatters per-
form at 8:30 p.m. today.
.' O" '. '.
:'Cliff's at the Beach, 1401
Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach.
Safety First performs at 9 p.m.
-today. Jay: Garrett is in
Saturday and Sunday. Karaoke
every Wednesday.
,* .
The Courtyard, 200 1st St.
N., Neptune Beach Tropico
The Delta Dave Blues Band per-
forms from 7 to 10 p.m. today.
Culhane's Irish Pub, 967
Atlantic Blvd.,.Atlantic Beach *
249-9595. O'Hallions play Irish
rockat 9 p.m. today. The
Boxrockers are in at 9 p.m.
Saturday. The Bobby Flynn
Band appears at 6 p.m. Sunday.'
Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub
& Restaurant, 333 1st St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach' 242-9499.
Jimmy Solari is in every
Wednesday. Spade McQuade
plays traditional Irish music
every Thursday. Beam play
funk at 9 p.m. today. Don't tell
Anne plays acoutsic at 9:30
p.m. Saturday. Meridian plays
traditional Irish music at 4
p.m. Sunday.
o**' *' ".
Fly's Tie, 177 E. Sailfish Dr.,
Atlantic. Beach .* 246-4293.,
Spade McQuade plays tradi-
tional Irish music 'today and'
Saturday. Songwriter's night
with Seth Ramsdill every
Tuesday. Reggae with Pili Pili
every Wednesday. The Wes
Cobb Band is in Thursdays.
,o* o '' *
Freebird Live, 200 N. First
St., Jacksonville 'Beach 246-
,BIRD ., Kaiden, Feedback,
Anybody's Fault and
Knuckledeep appear 9 :p.m.
today. Shooter Jennings
appears Sunday. Doors open at
8:30 p.m.
Giovanni's, 1161 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville Beach 249-
7787. Mary Ann Hawkins
plays piano from 7 p.m. to
close Thursdays. The Sam
Rodriguez Music Trio plays'
pop, jazz and Latin music at 8:
p.m. today. Jazz with Matt Hall
at 8 p.m. Saturday.
Lynch's Irish Pub, 514 N.
First .St., Jacksonville Beach *
249-5181. Spade NMcQuade
plays traditional Irish and folk
music from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
today and Saturday. Karaoke
every Sunday.
Mackenzie's Steakhouse,
100 Sawgrass Village, Ponte
Vedra Beach 543-9143. Gene
Nordan plays piano from-7 to
11 p.m. Tuesday through
Thursday. Don, Miniard is in
Saturday. Michael Howard is in
from 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday. Will
Hurley performs today and
Max's Restaurant, 1312
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
247-6820. John Evans plays
the piano from 6:30 to 10 p.m..
today and Saturday.
: ""
Monkey's Uncle Tavern,
1850 Third Street S.,.
Jacksonville Beach 246-1070.
Karaoke every 'Tues., Thurs.,
Sat. and Sun. Live music at .9
This Spring Chorale Concert
is presented at 7:30,p.m. today
in terry., Concert Hall at
Jacksonville University, 2800
University Blvd. N.,
Jacksoni'ille. Admission is fnee.
Call 346-5620 for information.
The Florida Community
College azz lesti\ al is held at
p.m. Saturday in the Wilson
Center for the Arts at the FCCJ
South Campus, 11901 Beach
Blvd., Jacksonville. Call 646-
2364 for information.
Tim McKee plays the harpsi-
chord at .6:30 p.m. Sunday at
Christ Episcopal Church, 400
San Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra
Beach. Admission is free. Call'
285-7390 for information.
Storage Space
5'x 10'
10' x 10'
10' x 20'
The Storage Bin
Great Jax Beach Location
Fully Fenced Secured Property
Gate Hours 6:30am-7pm
Resident Manager
Mon.-Fri. 8-5. Sat. 8-12
Call Today 241-4171
1001 13th Ave. S., Jax Beach
(Across irom Beaches Hospital)
Flutist Rhonda Cassano and
harpist Kayo Ishimaru perform'
at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Ponte
prol,: iuL:. Mrrea
Donna The Buffalo (above) performs Wednesday, April 26, at
Freebird Live! in Jacksonville Beach. Call 246-BIRD for ticket
details ,
p.m. today.,-
: I O -
Ocean Club, 401 First Street
North, Jacksonville Beach *
242-8884. DJs Jeremy and
Kevin Durgin spin today.
Stanton Warriors'with with
Dave Berg are in .Saturday., Live
reggae with Pili Pili and. DJ
Infader for Service Industry
Sunday. Dis Shanghai and
Lord Swift spins reggae, reggae-
ton and hip hop on Tuesdays.
*- + '* *
Ragtime Tavern, Seafood &
Grill, 207 Atlantic Blvd.,
Atlantic Beach 241-7877.1
Cloud Nine appears today. The-
Boogie Freaks are in
Saturday.Billy and Virinie play.
Restaurant Mledure, 818 N.
Florida A1A, Ponte Vedra
Beach 543-3797. Nightfall
performs from 8 p.m. to close
today and Saturday.
L O* ,
The Ritz, 139 Third Ave., Jay
Beach, 246-2255. DJ
Anonymous spins Sun-Wed. DJ
Marco spins every Thurs.
Shelby's Coffee Shoppe,
200 1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-2922. The John Thomas
Group with Debra Rider plays
cabaret jazz from 10 a.m. 'to 1
p.m. Sunday.
.. .
Spare Time. Tavern and
Grille, 1728 3rd St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 246-8360.
The Kings of Hell with The
Vedra Branch Library, 101
Library Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. Call 285-5037 for inifor-
We offer full automotive repair & maintenance
for all foreign & domestic vehicles
GM, Ford, Dodge, BMW, Mercedes, Acura,
Honda, Volvo, Lexus
Come by andimeet ownerTerry and his t6am of ASE certified technicians
T 'ryen issick. Kt'y Smii Tom n Silthl Daiinraesi
304 N. 3rd Street (next to Napa Auto Parts)
Napa Auto Care Center A-C Delco Affiliate
249-5711 241-7154
(904) 302-5763
fmrtain Azriinn anl
W 1ttHrnPThStopATnrn,.
Downshifters play rockabilly
today and Saturday: The Jimm
Essery Band plays from 7-11
p.m. Sunday.
Tavern at Sawgrass, 43 PGA.
Tour Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach *
285-3133. Ralph "E" performs
top 40's, blues, oldies and jazz.
every Friday and Saturday
night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
< * ,
Tra Vini Italian Restaurant,
216 Ponte Vedra Park Drive,
Ponte Vedra Beach Beach *
273-2442. Tony' Saladino .per-,
forms jazz piano and standards
from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday.
Tree Steakhouse, 725;-6
Atlantic, B.lyd,-Atlanti_.j,,Ba~*.
241-5600. Mary Ann Hawkins
is in from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. Wednesday. Mike
Shackelford performs an
acoustic set from 6:30 to 10
p.m. today. Kenhe is in from
6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday.
O * L
Vinoe, 822 AlA N., Ponte
Vedra Beach 285-0991. The
DJ Wali spins acid jazz for
Metropolitan Night every
*' '. "''. ,O* *'
Your' Place Bar-n-Grill,
13245 Atlantic Blvd.,
Jacksonville 221-9994. Live
music today and Saturday.
Chuck Nash appears every
Monday. Chris and Larry are in
Wednesday. Dave Massey per-
forms Thursdays.
April 19 May 21
Neil Simon's Hit Comedy
afe 4?
Event By Whom
Antique Assessments Charlotte Thorpe
Bring your antique jewelry, small china & sterling items
Artist Demonstrations L. Holmes, Oil; Niris, Silk;
Joy Swindell, acrylics;
D. Winn, pen & ink
Balloon Magic
Chocolate Fountain
Cooking Demonstration
Face Painting
Drawing at 4 pm for fabulous prizes
Mr. G
Peterbrooke Chocolatier
"Swing 456"
Chef Recupito, "Tra Vini"
Children 4-10 years'
S. Ponte Vedra Turtle Patrol
Karly Heal
April 21 & 22 ^"^
Kings of Hell + The Downshifers
April 28 & 29
Doublewide ve
May 7
International Top Artist
Ana Popovic
$8 in advance
Live Music/Martini Night
$3 Sky Vodka Martinis
$4.50 Three Olive Martinis
$3 XL Jager Bomb_
Sunday l^er
With Allman Bros. own
Jim Essery 7-9 and 10-11 and
HBO's Sopranos 9-10
Michelob Ultra Pitchers $5.50
Prison Break + 24
450 wings
$3 Jack Drinks
$3 XL Jager Bombs
.Live Music
Texas Holdem Play for
chance to win $2,000
$3 Captain Drinks
Richie Rich Karaoke 7:30-11:30
$2.50 Seagrams Gin "
Yankee Slickers Band &
Texas Holdem
$3 Captain Drinks
April Food/Drink
12oz Angus Beef Select Cut
Ribeye Dinners $14.95
$1 PBR's & Busch Lite
1728 N.Third St
Jax Beach
(corner of 3rd St. & 17th Ave. N.
in the Waves Shopping Center)
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
2:30-4 pm
2-4 pm
3 pm
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
2:30 & 3:30 pm
Donations by local businesses 2-4 pm
In the Tent 2-4 pm
Mary Webster 2:30 & 3:30 pm
r ,
S Custom rn t house crvice
Spring Sale
JA10-60% OFF
All In-House
Fabrics, Trims & Pillows
Sale ends Saturday ,May 6.
72 Eah Elvd. .beach rlaza Jacksonvillej eacb, florida '
9 04.249.4799
Family Fest Program
Ponte Vedra Beach
Public Library
April 23rd, 2006
2:00 4:00 pmr
Please join us for an afternoon of free activities
for all, children and adults,, and learn more about
the services of your library! .
_ I I
Weekend 5
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
A41 ii
Weekend 6 \ The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader pri ul.x, IVoU
Churches interested in having be the guest soloist. The con- members. Call 285-1588 for
their Vacation Bible School listed i l I ference center is at 1820 information.
in the newspaper should send 5Fo Jest[ Monument Road in
information to religion@beach- Jacksonville. Spring classes start
esleader.com or by fax to 249- s Calvary Anglican Church
1501.,. ". Senior Connections will offer the following topics
S. The Senior Connections for spring Sunday school class-
Mother's Day Cards group at Our Lady Star of the es: Truth and Love in Christ,
Palms Presbyterian Church Sea Catholic Church, Ponte Angels, and How to Read and
will have Mother's Day Cards .- Vedra, will meet at 10 a.m. Interpret the Bible.
available at church services on today in the church Cultural Classes begin at 9 a.m. and
April 23, April 30, and May 7. w V' Center at 545 State Road A1A. are held at the UNF University
Donations will be sent to V All are welcome to attend; call Center at 12000 Alumni Drive,
Africa to purchase mosquito r..fl% i*' 17 ;- .. .. -:--- 543-1139 for information. Jacksonville.
netting to prevent malaria '. : There are classes for adults
which is a leading cause of I How to fly solo and children. For information,
death for mothers and infants r T A new singles ministry at call the church office at 241-
there. Palms is at 3410 S. Third Christ Episcopal Church called 9400.
for informationcall 246-6427. meeting on Friday, April 28, at Practical Dharma
for informationvclle 246-6427Beach, "e me dita Fihwllavitf .s
-.6:30 p.m. The event will Guided meditation practice
Mother's Day Breakfast include food, music and infor- and practical Dharma teaching
St. Andrew's A.M.E, Church mation about the ministry and will be held on Sundays from
is sponsoring a Mother's Day will be held in the courtyard of 10 a.m. to 11:30 at Cobalt
Breakfast on Saturday, May 13 the church, 400 San Juan Moon Center, Neptune Beach.
from 8 to 10 a.m. The breakfast proto Drive, Ponte Vedra. Call 285- Carol Lutker will lead the
will be held at The Village Inn Finalists in last year's Epic Surf Ministry event. See story on B-7. 6127 for information. session. Donation is $9. The
Restaurant at 200 Third Street address is 217 First St. Call 246-
in Neptune Beach. For infor-. Episcopal'Church will have the 1050. SR A1A in Ponte Vedra, evening at. 7:30 p.m. Les Concert at Beth El 4092 for information.
mation contact Dr. Valli6 M. Kirkin of the Tartans. at the 10 for information call 285-4288. Ballets Africaihs, a dance At 7 p.m. on-Thursday, May
Holloway at 249-7624. a.m. service on Sunday, April troupe from New Guinea in 4, a choir concert will be held Dinner and auction
23. The church address is 465 Zoe Unlversity Anniversary West Africa, will perform. at Beth El the Beaches The St. Joseph Academy
Craft and Bake Sale Eleventh Ave. .N. in Zoe University will celebrate The event will be held at St. ', Synagogue to honor Israel's annual dinner and auction will
St. Andrew's Lutheran' Jacksonville Beach; call 249- 'its, 25th Anniversary with' a Paul's by' the Sea Episcopal .Independence Day and the be held on Saturday, April 29,
Church will have a Craft and 4091 for information, weekend of activities on May Church, 465 llth .Ave. N., second anniversary of Beth El's with dinner catered by
Bake Sale on Saturday, April 22 12 through the 14. Zoe Jacksonville Beach. building. Carrabbas Italian Restaurant.
from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. Christian Band Concert University is a non-denomina- Beaches Fine Arts Series is The St. John Episcopal There will silent and live auc-'
Andrew's, is ,at 1801 Beach The 'Christian Rock Band, tional institution offering .looking fqr volunteers for their Church choir will perform in tion.' Tickets are $30. Call the
Blvd. Call 249-4575 for infor- Seventh Day Slumber, will per- degrees in theology and other annual fund-raiser, the Hebrew and in English. academy at (904) 824-0431,.
mation. form in a concert for all ages at -related areas of study through Lifestyle Realtors Beaches Fine Tickets are $10 and are avail- ext. 308, for information.
New Beginnings Baptist distance learning and at sites Arts Sprint Triathalon Series, to able at the synagogue office at
Children's Musical Church 'at 7 p.m. on Friday, in Jacksonille. be held on May 13, June 10, 288 N. Roscoe Blvd. in Ponte Habitat project
The Children's Choir at First May 13. Tickets for the con- The anniversary weekend and July 8. Call 270-2074 for Vedra. For information call Lutherans in Duval, St"
Christian Church of the cert, sponsored by the church's will include a graduation cere- information. 273-9100.. Johns and Nassau counties
Beaches will present the Spring youth, ministry, are $5. if money, ordination service, ban- have formed .an alliance. called
Children's Musical on Sunday, advance or $10 at the door. quet, and river cruise. For Kingdom Outreach Jewish women meet "Thrivent Builds with Habitat
April 23 'at the 9 and .10:45 The community is invited to information contact the Ministry The Beaches Jewish .for Humanity" to build a three-
a.m. services. The church is attend and churches are University office at 743-6166 A Serious Praise worship Women's Circle will meet o bedroom home in McNairPark
located at 2125 Ocean front in encouraged to bring their or visit service will be held by the Sunday, April 30, at 3 p.m. to for a family in need.
Neptune Beach, the telephone youth groups. Tickets can be www.zoeuniversity.com.. Kingdom Outreach Ministry in learn relaxation techniques. Lutherans living in any of
number is 246-2010. purchased at Family Christian' Fine Arts Series Building 2 of the Father's The meeting will be held at the above counties who wait
S: Stores at Regency Park and the the Beaches: Fine Arts Seiies House Conference Center on Chabad @ the Beaches, 521
Kirkin of the Tartans Avenues and from the church will present the annual Beach Sunday, April 23 at 3:45 p.m. State Road A1A N., Ponte
St. Paul's by the Sea. office. New Beginnings is at Meets West Concert this Brother Germain Williams will Vedra. The cost is $8 or free for See BRIEFS, B-7
400 San Juan Drive Ponte Vedra Beach 1 glan Chh Y r rian
285-6127 u "" cbrk Your Family Presbyterian
Sunday 7:45; 9:00, 11:00 AM, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist A orship-centered evangelicalcongregation This Church
i n theAnglican tradition
Saturday 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist g lica n t dt
Wednesday 6:00 PM Holy Eucharist MeEi.nat the un,erstV CEncer at urjF Week,, Worship Services
iKer-.an & Alurr.-.l Dr ; Dl1
Et ening Pray er in the Chapel sunday Worship: 10:30 am 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.'n.
6:00 PM Mon., Tues.. Thurs.. Fri. .. Suna/ School: 9:00 am 45 ;
Nursery .Availabl' for Saturday -v'e.'. .. ..... uset a ser ,"
& Sunday Services -.. ... S Nursery at all series
All are welcome ChristEpiucopalCiiiich.org ., ................>. Sunday School.
COASTAL CHRISTIAN (l Uo, Jil,.. .. Worship Opportunities SUNRISE all ages 9:40 a.m
Wayne Dyer 9:00 a.m. Contemporary* COMMUNITY CHURCH
Our Congregation meets at The Pc'e, f oIt innon 11:15 a.m. Traditional" Rev. Dr. Thomas Walker
Castillo de Mexico Louise Hay, Kids worship provided An Evangelical Free Church Senior Pastor
a)u Can Heal You, Ltte t Sunda School Rev. Carol DiGiusto
1222 S. Third Street Deepak Chopra 10:00 a.m. for all ages Sunday School & A.B.F.'s 9:00 a.m. Senior Associate Pastor
553-9910 Peace Is The iar Rev. Jeff Bennett.Pastor Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Rev Andrew Kukla
day ,,We think you'ree going to lo'e our church! D NT r Adam Nlyers, Youth rsip Associate Pastor
Sund S Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. ONTE VEDRA
Best l\\eslern at 35 Executrie Wa). PB 298 Aquatic Drive 3410 Souih Tnird Sirei,
1-95 & J. Turner Butler Bhd.tAcross A1A rrom RaUlings School JacksonjileaCh
10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. -95 & J.rnr Butlr Bd. United Methodist Behind Prospe Bank Atlantic Beach 6o. 4 2e7
Jacksonville Church of Religious Science Ch u rch 280-5141 wvw.pv-umc.org Phone: 249-3030 A A P LS ch2uc -
W'WW..COaStalIchristiain.Org 398-4353 or ww .jaxcrs.org -Connecting the ttnconnected Phone 249-3030 .. crch
S ATradirionalAnglican Churchi it'h friends, gaher to ,worship" Wed. Evening 7:30 pm MISSOURI SYNOD
oiCo i 4510 Palm tVallev Road CR 210)c Ribault Garden Club 1423 N. 8thAve.,JaxBeachS,;
every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. Sun.,Worship 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.. 1050 High% a A1yA. 285-4288, ,705 2nd.'Ave. N., Jax Bch Rev. Dana A. Brones;Pastor
ol Trinit mees in the Old Chapel Sunday Breakfast Traditional Worship 8:30am (Corner 2nd. Ave. N. and7th t. N.) Phone: 249-5418
at 610Florida Blvd.. Neptune Beach Nurser) & Toddler Minismies Bible Study 9:40am Reverend Betty R. Sikkng http://www.blcjaxbeach.lrg
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 50294 Middle, High School, College Celebration Worship 10:30am 355-51S0 0 :3 Taervieonl
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32240-0294 Adull Ministries Associate Pastor Jeremy Gates Dial A Prayer 355-7044 Praise & Worship Saturday 5:30pm
www.holtrinity neptunebeach.org Music & Art Ministries Associate Pastor Chris Partin Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Rev. Robert C. Adams. Vicar Home of a Bethlehem I visit www.ornlinewithnew beginnings.com o e aiy Vor Adult Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) J ?N-TUE- Fb ID S the RrB CHES CHURCH Sunday School for all ages 9:O a.m.
Stephen N.ini~t. CEongregation -r s"or H E....'Ch"" Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
1801 Beach Blhd. -, R1OR0 ODA.B NEPrUNE BEAC YouthFellowship 11:30a.m.
Jackson ille Beach 249-4S75 ., REAL, ROOTED, RELEVANT Nursery-Provided-
Sunday Worship 895 CR210- Palm Valley Associate Pastor Howard McMinn UMITE M HODIS CHURCH
8:00 am & 10:30 am 41/2 miles west of Intracoastal W O F a .l Children's Chapel At 10 am Sun. WORSHIP SERVICES UT .. HR
Sunday School Sunday Services 8:45 am &11:00 AM Wel&ome Families Nursery At 7:30 & 10 am. Services Sun. Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 AM 400 Penman Road (at Atlantic)
Children 9:15 am Christian Formation 10:10am Singles Christian Formation At 9:00 am Wednesday 7 PM Neptune Beach 249-5370
Youth/Adult 9:15 am Nursery Provided Corner of 5th St. & lthAvB. N. Jax Beach, FL www.stpaulsbylhesea@spbts.net TEL 241-4211 Rev. Patrice Spenser
Nursery Provided 543-0112 904-249-4091 www.beacheschapel.com Share in the love of Christ
'='", CURCH :l t- ll^ lD^ N E p 1/ N.E of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) AUL CATHOLIC CHURCH
i .5. ". Se rv Beach FL LUTH ERAN CHe URCH .L 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate, Neptune Beach CATHOLIC 2400 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
I' Rev Dr 'Gabe Goodman. Pastor (ELCA)Ce B psp s tC h urc h tm he, Wi' ,, ,t Josep eean
,, ChrcihOtice 249-8698 276 N. Roscoe Blvd., Ponte Vedra Bch Sundays: st Avenue North at 5th Street, WEEKEND MASSES
Preschool/Kindergarten Office 241-7335 SUNDAY Traditional Services Jacksonville Beach Saturday 5 p.m
www.communitypcusa.org Ph. 285-5347 9:00 am -'Contemporary Worship Service 8:00 & 9:00 am Father W A. Kelly, pastor Sunday 9 a.m., 11am.
Schedule: Rev. Julie Frank, Pastor 10:30 am- Traditional Service Celebration PraisermA pastor a a
10:45 am Saturday Mass 9 a.m. and 5:30,p.m. Nursery Available Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning Worship 8:30&11 a.m. Sunday Contemporary Worship WEDNESDAY YMSaturday Mass 7:00,and 5:30 10:00 RECONCLIATION
Church School All Ages 9:45 a.m. 8:30am 6:30 pm The Gathering WEDNESDAY(SEPMAY) Sunday Mass7:00, 3010: Saturday 10:00 a.m. or b t.
Youth Felowships5pm1:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. OUSEDUCAT
ContemporaryWorship Sev. 5:59p.m. Sunday Church School 9:45am Bible Studies for EveryAge & Life Situation 6:30 Choir,Bibletudy,Youth 11:3a.m. & 7 p.m. RELGIOUS EDUCATION
Chanerhir Wednesdays Sunday LBW Worship 11:00am "407 Third Street Mahlon Dixon, Senior Pastor 246-2010 Saturday Confessions Wed. 6:00p.m. (K-3) 7:15m (4-6 gr.)
Chance..hoir We.esdays7pm1 W p 1 m nepuebapiLorg. Neptune Beach James Collins, Associate Pastor After 9 a.m. Mass & 4:30 -5:20 p.m. S 246-6014
Weekday PreschoolKindergarten 13, 4 & 5 yr olds) Nursery Provided Tom Bary, Pastor 904-249-2307 www.fccbdoc.com/email:fccbdoc@bellsouth.net a. ass & p.m. 246- 14
Palm ValleyBaptistChurch #.__ I Eli.f:ei Ychu :LD.Pinru^Le.dvr OCEANSIDE +T P.TS
285-2447n -- ,," r ,'ro' CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST BAPTIST
SWi S r 1025 Snug Harbor Court nI
Rev. Jeff IWi-ttSenior Pastor UUriDi hUrZdi 28S N. Roscoe Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach. 904:273-9100 fx 273-5567 (off Mayport Rd.at W.11th St. and Orchid
edetw 7f 100 "au q e tw SaV.e Friday evening Family service 6:30 7:00 & 8:00 9:00 p.m. St.) 324 N. 5th St., 249-2314
,,in us on sur,~y forA Service Times Shabbat & Torah Services 9:30 12:00 noon Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Bible Study 9:15 a.m.
Sunday SCnoo I ,3 e al 3.1C' 9:15 AM
Worship service 10:30 AM Saturday 5:00 pm Religious School Sundays 9:00 a.m & Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. 246-2709orship 10:30 a.m.
Evening Bible Study10:30 AM Jr M e M i BlendedWorship 10:30 a.m.
WednesdayEvening Bibl orte s nites:udy600 P Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am We have a full range of activities and sen-ices for the beaches Jewish Jerry Murrell, Miinister Worship 1:30 .m.
Family Dinner 6:00 PM copmutiy'. Please contact our office m-f 8-5 for information about adult Bible Class Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Children and Youth Bible Study 7:00 PM (904) 268-2500 education. Sisterhood activities and Youth acivifies. Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:15 p.m.
Adult Worship Service' 7:00 PM
rserwwwfor all ave.MandarinChristian.com Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Weekday Ministry 246-2891
Child Care and Nursery provided for all activities! M' ..... G-and.arifi--ps-ic- .
"Therighteosshall flourish likethe paim tree..." Psaims92:12 6045 Greenland Rd.near Philips Hwy. ,_s. -, r c r -s-,r--- .__ Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Service interpreted lor the hearing .mpaire,4
Weekend 7
ADril 21. 2006
Cont. from B-6
to participate in the project
by working, on the construc-
tion of the house or by mak-
ing a financial contribution
can contact John Burke at
Handbell concert
Riverside Park United
Methodist Church will have a
spring handbell concert on
Sunday, April 30, at 3 p.m.
Handbell choirs from
Riverside Park, First Coast
Ringers and a guest commu-
nity choir will perform in the
concert. Admission is free,
and childcare will be provid-
ed. The church address is 819
Park St. in Jacksonville. Call
355-5491 for information.
Spring retreat
The Presbyterian Women at
Palms Presbyterian Church
will have a spring retreat on
April 28-29 at the
Montgomery Conference
Center in Starke. Morning
and evening workshops will
be held and the Rev. Carol
DiGiusto will speak on an
upcoming study, "Perspective
on Genesis." Registration fee
goes up after April 15. For
information, call the church
office at 246-6427.
"'Jesus Is"
Bethel Galley at Ponte
Vedra Presbyterian Church
presents an art show titled,
'"Jesus Is." This Easter season
show includes works that
interpret the names given to
Jesus in scripture. The,church
is at 4510 Palm Valley Road in
Ponte Vedra. Call 285-8225
for information.
Grants offered
The Catholic Campaign for
Human Development is
accepting grant applications
from local nonprofit organi-
zations for self-help projects.
to eliminate poverty in the
Organizations must be
incorporated and tax-exempt,
and benefit a poverty group.
SGrant applications are avail-
able from Catholic Charities
Regional Office at 134 E.,
Church St. in Jacksonville.
The application deadline is,
April 30. For information call
Day of Prayer meet
A planning meeting for the
National Day of Prayer will be
April 26 at the 'Beaches
Library in Neptune Beach.
The National Day of Prayer
will be on Thursday. May 4.
For information contact
Susan Alberti at susanalber-
ti@'comcast.net or 285-0267.
Prayer group meets
: Beaches Community Prayer
Group meets every Thursday
at 9:30 a.m. in the conference
room of The Winston Family
IYMCA on Landrum Lane in
Ponte Vedra. For information
call 285-0267.
? Celebrate Recovery
SCelebrate Recovery, a bibli-
cal based program for persons
facing personal problems,
meets every Friday at 6:30
p.m. in the fellowship hall of
Beach United Methodist
Church. Third Street at
Seventh Avenue North,
Jacksonville Beach.
Through worship and
same-gender small groups,
people can work on personal
struggles such as eating disor-
ders, alcohol/drug abuse, and
codependency. The evenings
begin with dinner. Call 249-
Retreats at Marywood
Retreats and .events are
planned at the Marywood
Center for Spirituality in the
Switzerland area of NW St.
Johns County.
May 4: A Simple Life in the
Busy World. This day of
reflection, led by Fr. John
Phillips, will focus on simpli-
fying life and staying centered
on Christ. It will begin at 9:30
a.m. and end with Mass at
2:30 p.m. The cost is $25 and
includes lunch.
May 14: 4th Annual
Mother's Day Brunch. Enjoy a
brunch menu prepared by
Chef Alan and his team in the
riverfront dining room 'at
Marywood. Seating is limited
so reserve early for one of six.
seatings. The cost is $16.50
for adults and $8 for children
4-12 years old.
May 17: Filipino Christian
Discipleship, Cultural
Strengths and Challenges.
This day of reflection will be
led Msgr. Simon Ignacio. He,
will focus on helping partici-
pants to discover how their
Filipino culture and upbring-
ing influences understanding
God and the Gospels. Due to
the numerous Filipino
dialects, Msgr. Ignacio will
speak in English. The pro-
gram begins at 9:30 a.m. and
ends at 2:30 p.m. with Mass.
Recently confirmed eighth
grade students in the Religious
Education Program at St. Paul's
Catholic Church "continued
their call to service and organ-
ized and carried out the deliv-
ery of 103 Easter Baskets to the
children living at the I.M.
Sulzbacher Center for the
Homeless on April 8." ..
SEight' students traveled to
the Center by bus to distribute
the baskets, said Religious,
Education teacher Mary-Parker
Lamm .
Each basket was filled with
candy, a stuffed animal, and
toys. Families of students in
the Religious Education
Program at the church donated
the items for the baskets, she
said. I
Earlier on April 8, the stu-
dents assembled the baskets at
photo submitted
Eighth grade students from the Religious Education program at
St. Paul's Catholic Church put together 103 Easter baskets to
give to children at the Il.M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless
on April 8.
St. Paul's gym with the help of
parents, teachers, and other
At the Sulzbacher Center, the
students met with 25 of the 80
children who currently live
there with their families. They
also donated a. box of new
books,. toys, and school sup-
plies to. the after-school pro-
gram at the Center.
"It was a really good experi-
Women Only Fitness Training
Beach ^
T eLose Body Fat
Tone Muscles
G r i a Gain Energy
FitFness tn
I elcosneI
* Personal Training 5-Week Fitness Camp Nutrition Counseling
Monday, April 24 Friday, May 26
Daily Monday Friday
5:30 6:30 am, 8 9 am
5:30 6:30 pm
SAll classes held at Jarboe Park.
Chooe as. many days as your schedule allows.
For more details go online or call Jill Lynch
www.beachgirlsfitness.com 904-534-4889
ence for the students and one
that opened their eyes-to what
difficulties other people go
through," said Parker Lamm..,
"Overall, I think that they
saw that there are many differ-
ent faces of homelessness, how
fortunate they are, and how if
everyone works together they
can bring some joy.into the
lives of those who are strug-
gling." .
photo submitted
Alex Puente competing in an Epic Surf Ministry event.
Epic Surf
host cont
The 5th annual
Epic/Ozboards Surf Jam will
be held on Saturday,,April 22
at the beach near the ,
Jacksonvillle Beach pier,
Epic Surf Ministry is the
organizer of the event held to
raise funds for Habitat for
"Last year, the event raised
.$5000 and we are hoping to
do the same this year," said
John Wyatt, Assistant Pastor
of Epic Surf Ministry, in an
Epic Surf is an non-denomi-
national, Christ-centered out-
reach ministry. Weekly meet-'
ings are held on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings at 7:30
p.m. at the Ribault Garden
Club at 705 2nd Ave. N. in
Jacksonville Beach.
SIt is is participating this,
year ii the Beaches Habitat
Apostle Build project, said
.Apostle Build, a partnership
of area churches and faith-
based organizations, is build-
ing a Ha
ect was i
Surf Jam
Early reg
aged ari
Friday, A
The pa
United IM
Family L
.ner.of 7t
in Jackso
all conte
from 6 to
p.m. the
party alo
and proc
, an Indi
age and
those 40
Two divi
uled for
Ministry toa
:est Saturday
bitat house for a A special 8 and under divi-
family. sion will allow a coach in the
breaking for the proj- water with the surfer, said
in January, 2006. Wyatt. ,
ently spots in the "Every division winner will
are limited to 130. take home an Ozboard skate-
istration is encour- board."
d will be taken at the For those who come out to
Kick-Off Party on watch, it will be "awesome...
\pril 21, said Wyatt. with a huge raffle on the
arty will be at Beach beach."
Methodist Church Information is available
ife Center at the cor- from Epic's website at' www.
th Ave.'N. and 3rd St. epicsurfministries.com or at
nville Beach. 249-1201.
will be free food for Early registration for the
-stants at the party Surf Jam is $25 per division
o 7 p.m. From 7 to 9 donation and beach registra-
party will be open to tion is $35 per division dona-
e. tion.
Surf will provide an Surf Jam contestants will
bnal message at the meet on the beach at 8:30
ingxwith surf videos a.m. on April 22. The first
duct giveaways. Eileen heats will begin at 9 a.m.
e Rock Band, will "There has been a phe-
nomemal response. People are
are 14 divisions by coming from Central Florida,
a legends division for Cocoa, and the Panhandle."
plus in the Surf Jam. The new computer models
sions are also sched- indicate that we can expect
those using retro good waves on Saturday, said
nt Wyatt.,
428 2nd Ave. N., Jax Beach 249.9758
Doors Open 1:15pm After Hours 612-5787
Non-Smoking room available
A sare, nurturing environment for children.
(kindulcgar, a -'fifth grade)
to have fun, p discover and gow
BO'A LING SWi\'MMIN; lfO\ INs *- PO'rER '
holIla. Friday 8:30 6:00 p.m.
F, r information, call 280-2361 .
Ao Christ Episcopal Church
S400 San Juan Drive
S Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
CoastaT; ra, c eL i Cent
SBoy, Mid EArrssron
fJo, 5-30 8.30-12:30 For children ages 5-10; yogaarts &
.crafts, music & movement, language & literacy; directed by
certified yoga instructor, occupational therapist, physical
therapist and speech-language pathologist.
Lets Pfay ScSioo{
June5-30 8:30-11:30 For 4-5 year old children,,"real-
life" classroom, taught by certified speech-language
pathologist and reading specialist your child will learn
the routines, pre-academic skills, fine-motor skills, lan-
guage skills, and phonemic awareness skills, required
for a successful year in pre-k or kindergarten.
Reafrs !t7 writers Waor fi, opv
June 5-30 8:30-11:30 For K, 1st and rising 2na
graders, standards-based instruction taught by certi-
fied teachers and "standard-trained"- increase your
child's reading level, improve fluency and comprehen-
sion skills and writing abilities within a languaie/lit-
eracy enriched camp-like environment lots 9if
hands-on and opportunities for creativity.,
foWr a sce y Fast Fordlarten
May 306idyi4,(ff7Jtdl 4 )* 100 00iiu ssar tfrs or
30 J s For ages 4-14; pFre-evaluation required '
determine eligibility. Fast ForWord' is a state-of-the
art, highly researched program consisting of fast-
paced & entertaining computer games that improve
auditory processing, language and reading skills.
Program is highly individualized.
All camps will be held at The Bolles School Ponte Vedra Beach.
For information concerning costs and specific times, calus at 280-0081.
deern egbiliwww.coastaltherapies.com s -
St. Paul's
students l ""
deliver 0.1
ning Can'P
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
We__ekend S Th ece edrPneVer edrArl2,20
228 3rd Ave. N., Jacksonville
Beach. 339-0029. Hours 1
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday-
Ave., 'Jacksonville Beach
241-5657. Exhibits: "Shore
Stories: Down the Boardwalk"
"The ABCs of Beaches
History" "A View on the
Past." Hours are 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.
12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday. Admission $5 adults,
$4 seniors, $3 children 16-17).
Palm Valley Road, Ponte
'Vedra Beach 285-8225.
Features themed original art
shows using mixed media.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday to Friday and 9 a.m.
to noon Sunday.
4600 Middleton Circle E.,
Jacksonville 223-6100. Art
work by Cypress Village resi-
dents and visiting artists.
Hours 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday through Sunday.
PONTE VEDRA, 50 Executive
\\,ay, Ponte Vedia Beach *
Riverside Ave., Jacksonville *
356-6857. Hours are 10 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Tuesday through
Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Admission is $8 for
adults, $5 for seniors, military,
and students, free for kids 6
and under. Free admission
from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
SSO1 AA North, Suite 9, Ponte
Vedra Beach 280-27'72.
Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Saturday,
noon to S p.m. Sunday.
SAWGRASS, 1740 Sawgrass
Village Dr.. Ponte Vedra Beach
* 384-7724. Hours 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. Monday through
Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
216 First St., Neptune Beach *
241-6928. Works by local and
regional artists. Nlonday
through WVednesday, 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.; Thursday and
Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m:
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.nm.,
and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m
Call 241-6928.
2411 3rd St. S., Jacksonville
Beach. Tuesday through
Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. Call
1st Street, Neptune Beach *
249-7321. Selling handmade
work from Ireland, England
and U.S. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
NMonday-Saturday, noon to 5
p.m. Sunday.
177 Fourth Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach 435-
3200. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday and 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Also
by appointment. Pieces aie
available for purchase.
Museum Circle, Jacksonville.
396-7062. MOSH features
planetarium events and spe-
cial children's activities.
630 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune
Beach 403-0031. Hours 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday'
through Sunday.
1511 Atlantic Blvd. in the
Tradewinds Plaza, Neptune
Beach. Gallery hours are 10
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to
Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday. Phone 247-4341.
OCEAN 60, 60 Ocean
Blvd., Atlantic Beach 247-
A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach *
273-6065. Gallery for collec-
tors of fine art. Hours are 11
'a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday, 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday.
1st Ave, N., Jacksonville Beach
* 247-3144.
The works of St. Augustine-based oil and pastels on suede
painter Rachel Thompson will be on display Saturday, May 6, at
1093 Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach.
"LONE STAR" is presented
at 8 p.m. today and Saturday at
the Atlantic Beach
Experimental Theatre, -16
Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Tickets are $10. Call 249-'177
for information.
at 8 p.m. today at Players By
The Sea, 106 6th St. N.,
Jacksonville Beach The pro-
duction will run at 8 p.m.
every Friday and Saturday
through May 6. Matinee per-
formances are held at 2 p.m.
Sunday and April 30. Tickets
are $17. Call 249-2022 for
"ANNIE" is staged at 7
p.m. today and Saturday at
Providence School, 2701
Hodges Blvd., Jacksonville.
Tickets are $5 for students, $10
for adults. Call 223-5270 for
PARK" is staged through May
21 at the Alhambra Dinner
Theatre, 12000 Beach Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Doors open at 6
p.m. for evening shows.
Matinees are held at 11 a.m. on
Saturday and noon on Sunday.
Admission ranges from $35 to
$46 for dinner and show. Call
641-1212 for information.
Regal 18
American Dreamz.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:50, 4:10, 7:40, 10:05.
The Sentinel. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:55,
3:40, 7:20, 9:50.
Silent Hill. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:20, 1:10,
3:15, 3:55, 17:25, 7:55,
10:10, 10:35.
S, .
Scary Movie 4. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:15,
12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:30,
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 5:00,
6:35, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00,
9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30.
The Wild. Rated G.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:40, 3:25,
6:45, 9:45.
The Benchwarmers.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:10, 2:40, 6:50, 9:40.
Friends With Money.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:05, 4:15, 7:35, 9:55.
Lucky Number Slevin.
Rated R. Fri.-Thurs.,
12:05, 3:45, 7:10, 10:20.
Take The Lead. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 12:35,
3.20, 7:15, 10:15.
Ice Age 2: The
Meltdown. Rated G.
Fri.-Thurs., Noon,
12:30, 1:00, 2:35, 3:05,
4:05, 4:55, 6:30, 7:05,
7:45, 9:05, 9:35, 10:00.
Inside Man. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 12:25, 3:50,
6:55, 10:25.
Thank You For
Smoking. Rated R. Fri.-
Thurs., 1:20,; 3:35, 7:50,
Pablo 9
PG13., Fri.-Thurs.,
4:45, 7:45, 9:45.
Failure to Launch.
Rated PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:35.
Ice Age
7:20, 9:30.
2: The
Rated PG.
1:20, 4:20,
Inside Man. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:35, 4:35,
7:35, 10:00.
Scary Movie 4.
PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
4:30, 7:55, 10:00.
The Sentinel. Rated
PG13. Fri.-Thurs., 1:40,
4:40, 7:40, 10:00.
Silent Hill. Rated R.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:30, 4:00,
7:00, 9:30.
Take The Lead.
PG13. Fri.-Thurs.,
4:10, 7:10, 9:35.
The Wild. Rated G.
Fri.-Thurs., 1:05, 4:05,
7:05, 9:05.
. 4' *S I
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April 21, 2006
Weekend 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
,%m* awm. 4w 4b 4&mdkw eam
" *
. -- -ww-
Call or come by our office:
1114 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach
Fax: 249-1501
Mail us:
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
1114 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
SE-Mail for information: classified@beachesleader.com
Visit our website: www.beachesleader.com
All classified liner ads appear on the website.
100 Real Estate
110 Lots/Land For Sale
120 Homes for Sale
125 Real Estate Wanted
130 Condos for Sale
140 Mortages
150 Mobile Homes for Sale
180 Comm. Property'
185 Industrial/Warehouse
200 Rental
215 Homes for Rent
225 Wanted to Rent
230 Condo for Rent
240 M.H. for Rent
260 Vacation Rental
270 Rental to Share
275 Room for Rent
280 Office Space
285 Comm. Rental
300 Free Pets
310 Pets for Sale
330 Stables/Livestock
340 Lost & Found Pets
400 Notices
405 Travel
415 Personals
420 Legal Services
425 Legal Notices
440 Misc. Lost & Found
450 Instructions/Schools
460 Weddings
500 P-T Help Wanted
510 F-T Help Wanted
520 Job Service
530 Bus. Opportunity
540 Child Care
550 Work.Wanted
600 Service Guide
601 Air Conditioning
602 Alterations ,
607 Auto/Boat Detailing
608 Auto Repair
609 Bus. Services
612 Carpet
613 Catering
615 Cleaning
618 Electronics
619 Electrical Serv.
620 Equip. Rentals
622 Fences
623 FIman t Seice,
625 Firewood
631 Computer Services
633 Hauling
634 Lawn Mower Sales/Serv.
635 Lawn/Landscpg
636 Locksmith
637 Marine Const.
638 Marine/Boating
640 Concrete/Masonry
645 Moving & Storage
648 Pressure Washing
S650 Painting
651 Pest Control
652 Plumbing
653 Pools
654 Photography
655 Rain Gutters
660 Remodel/Const.
665 Repairs
670 Roofing
675 Sprinller & Wells
677 Tree Service
678 Tile
680 Upholstery
685 Wallpapering
690 Water Treatment
700 Massage Therapy
710 Health Care Se.
730 Caregiyers
800 For Sale
805 Music & Instr.
810 Antiques
815 Auctions
820 EsWatedto Buyles
825 Trade
830 Consi Rental
840 Garage Sales
850 Garage Sales ax Beach
980 Garage Sales Neptune Beach
854 Garage Sales Atlantic Beach
857 Garage Sales Ponte Vedra
858 Garage Sales of West
860 Flea Market
862, Estate Skles
905" Auto Rental
915 Boats
930 Motorcycles
950 Campers/RVs
970 Trueks/Vars
080 Automobiles
* Classified Deadlines:
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Let us take the hurdles out of
finding employees, cars,
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APRIL 21, 2006
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o Family Ad Rate: only $7.10 first 10 words,
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* Conunercial Rate: only $8.10 first 10 words,
47 each additional word
Cash, Checks, Visa or -
MasterCard Accepted L
** i^ Isw
Find buyers at
Phyllis Staines, 476-SOLD
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate
DAY, APRIL 23, 12-3pm 508 FRESH'
POND immacualie on -siory -4.3 on a Cui-
cie.ac. i599 0i) From AlA, lake Palm
Valley R inern lefn i,.- The Woodlands
1-4 PM: 14 BONITA DR Just updated 4'2
on lake lot. Ne* appliances. i31hs. edci
,:f.8.00i Ai., i:, A T esi ;nro Doiprir. Cove..
Iren len r.n ,i,.o R on Bonita.
BERRY & CO. REAL ESTATE, 273-4800.
NORTH GEORGIA. Hiawassee, Panor-
amic views of Lake Chaluge and Blue
Ridge Mountains. 3BR.2.5BA View at
www.forsalebyowner.com. Listing number
20281439. (904)386-4210;
.ALL REAL Esi ie adveniead herein is
uC'|lecl t. ir_. Federal Fair Housing Acl,
*nich miaes II illegal li advenise any
pfrl-renc-e hiiriralr.,n. or discriminalion
baeda on ra.:.. color, religion sex,
hran.licap laniiill i..iaus or national ori-
gir) oir ie nienilor, to make anv such
prelerencC Imiial,on or dis.:lrimirialoron
The Leader Group wvli nol i-.nowingly ac
cepl an,, ad.verniiing for real eslalie
wvpich is in .iuaiiron or t e law All per-
sons are. hereby minormed irat all dwell-
,in.r a1-,serCed are aiailabie orn an
equal ..opponunit,,' basic
if you 'ele.'e iral vou rrma, nave been
diicrim.irimed agairril in ,onneciion witrh
ht-e sale- renial .:r IInancing oi housing,
call tinh Unie, SlaLes Depanmeri ol
H,.urin. arid Uroan Developmern -HUD-
1'c..i92.9777. or lor ihe hearing im.
paired 1i 8 .9 -7.92 5
Watson Realty Corp. Reallors@
Call 904-476-5537
Careful Attention to Detail
Frontm Condos to Countr'-
!]il tl {I; Ii
90'X120'.Ocean access/ picnic area
across the. street. Build your dream home
with polenlial ocean,' niercoaslal
waterway views. $369.900. Jonn
WARREN SMITH Cemetery, six joiningg
lois, $15,0Q00. 249-0344.
LOT- 50'X10 Vilano Bch $209,000
Grace Ellis, All Pro Really Specialists.
655-7923 icelli .
PVB- 3BR/2BA. newer le. consider lease
purchase, $169,900 Owner.'Agent
ATLANTIC BEACH, Beautiful neighbor-
hood, on cul-de-sac. `1700 Heated sq. ft.
Double garage, screened back porch,
3BRo2BA. 1 Block to Ocean. Asking
$649,000. 249-2268, 651-9081 .
PVB 3BR'2BA Townhouse. $950'mo.
Consider lease option, short/long term
AFFORDABLE JAX Beach, second floor.
marshview condo is perfect lor anyone
who wanis to live at me beach but not pay
beach prices! Move-in ready w/retrigera-
tor microwave washer, dryer and ceiling
tans Freshly painted interior, security sys-
iem, sqreqned lapa., and lireplacp are.yjst
some.of..the upgrades $167,900 Phyllis
Stalnes. 904-476-SOLD RE'MAX Coastal
Real Estate www pstaines.com
Call Michael
(904) 860.3326
I LA Wf1..
I -' ( I
'Marsfifremtfrt On Intracoada
Witfl ock
Private island enclave is nestled between the'
Intracoastal Waterway & natural marsh fronts. Lot
includes an 80' shared dock on the Intracoastal. The
community architecture design is
Sa Key West w/low country & West
S Indies style. $569,000
Call Top Producer
Lynn Saul
Lance Cove Estates Hayesville, NC
Beautiful Mountain Views from Sweetwater's newest
subdivision, an outstanding location. One acre plus lots .
available, easy access only minutes from ihe iown of
Hayesville, NC, the Hiwassee River, Lal:e Chatuge. and
hospitals. Features include oversized paved roads,
underground utilities, covenants andrestnrri lions handicap '
specification with main floor 2,000 minimum square foot homes makes this new development
unique. Build your home for a life time. Lots range in price from $49 900 to $79,900.
For more information call 828-389-8843, 904-821-9573,
Nick's cell 904-254-9644, Vicki's cell 904-534-3530
3BR.2.5BA great room fireplace. grande
kitchen tops, large glassiscreen Florida
room overlooking new dock. on navgaole
canal with marsh view & beauildul sunsets.
Screened, enclosed solar heated poolipa.
to A boaters dream. 223-0224
PONTE VEDRA. 3BR!2BA. beautiful. re
modeled townhome on lake End unil
$185.000. 1904)424-0660
MUST SELL! Atlantic Beach, Goll, water
view. 3/2, pool. $415.500. 1555 LnKside
Dr Pics @ hnp/i'nloiube.nel1l36118.
JAX BEACH Pool home. 1600sf.
3BR/1.5BA. Extra large lot, wood floors,
plantation shutters, fully updated, work
shop, porch. Motivated seller. Bring ail ol-
fers 220-9560
OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 12-
4pm. Johns Creek off Hodges Blvd. 13113
Ouincy Bay Dr Large well maintained
4BR/2BA. 2-car garage. approx 2100st.
Call Alex from Magnolia Properlies @
FSBO, OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, ipm-
4pm 4704 Marsh Hammocks Dr. East
Hammocks Subdivision near Mayo).
3BP28A wloft. Lush, tropical landscape.
backyard water garden. upgraded kitchen
& master bath, tile & Pergo wood Iloors.
fireplace. just reduced to $287,900
SPACIOUS 4/2 brick front on .21 acres-
with room enough for a pool. Fenced yard
with separate shed. open patlo is greal for
entertaining, formal living and dining wiln
hardwood floors, eal-in kitchen, inside
laundry, sprinkler, .water softener and ter-
mite bond. $324,000. Please contact
Phyllis' Staines with RE/MAX Coastal Real
Estate at 904-476-SOLD or visit
51,200,000. 246-8267
E OF A1A In PVB S399K 3BR/2BA Fid.
dler's Maish. lakerront, pool. Replace.
large kitchen FSBO 607-1030.
69 FAIRWAY Ln 3BR 2BA on jax Bch
Goilcourse. Many updates. $449.000
424-7204. .
ATLANTIC BEACH, 805 Plaza, 9 blocks
to Ocean, Cute, 3BR/2BA bungalow,
975sf, tile/carpet, new paint in/out, large
fenced-in backyard, will co-op, $224,900.
EAST OF. 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. North.
$625,000. 241-8269. Zoned C-1.
Golf Course Saturday & Sunday 12-4pmr
Gorgeous, 4000sf, on 1/3 acre 1 mile to
Beach. $595,000. Call Richard Newquisl.
RE-MAX Specialist, 422-5091.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3BR 2BA, 1 car ga-
rage. $180,000. Call 655-6168. "
den, OH/A, electric apple tile, Ig fenced
yard n/gr pool.. "As Is" condition. 1619
Sunset Dr., JB. $335,000. (904)223-3969.
FORMER ICI model waterfront home is,
move-In ready. Immaculate 3BR/2.5BA,
has 2705sf. w/spacious open family room
w/gas fireplace, formal dining, loft, and in-
side laundry. Over $71,000 in upgrades
were included when this modelwas built
in 2000. Entertain on either of your two
screened lanais, open deck, and balcony
overlooking your private dock overlooking
the navigable waterfront. $889,000.
Please contact. Phyllis Staines with
RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-
SOLD or visit: www.pstaines.com
N. JAX Beach, 3BR/2BA pool home,,
fireplace, 2-car garage, $360,000.
OPEN HOUSE. 4390 Crooked Creek Dr.
Glen Kernan. Impressive home on a large
preserve lot. Sat. 9am-12noon.
OPEN HOUSE. 14750 Beach Blvd. #49.
Spectacular home w/waterview. Sun.
OPEN HOUSE. 8033 Virgo St. Lovely
Southside lakeview home. Sat. 10am-1pm
OPEN HOUSE. 12520 Gately Oaks Lane
E. Fabulous home in pristine condition.
Sat. 10am-4pm. Sun. lpm-5pm.
OPEN HOUSE. 12901 Ellis Island Dr.
Johns Creek. Beautifully landscaped. Sat.,
Assist 2 Sell, 247-4442
NEPTUNE BCH- 4BR/3.5BA, 1/2 block to
beach and Town Center, ocean view from
master BR and 1 of 3 screened porches.
2540sf, large lot east of first street.
50'x123', new roof 2005, numerous up-
grades, $850,000. 115 Orange St. For
sale by Owner/Broker 241-8604, 868-
4154, 887-8237
12235 FOREST GATE DR., $329K.
2300+sf., 4/2/2, cul-de-sac, Immaculate,
all brick, off Kernan Rd. Rainbow Proper-
ties. 993-7908, 249-9600 (lease option
garage, 1550sf. open floor plan,.42" Hick-
ory cabinets. granite counter tops, new
berber carpel, hard wood floors,,
$318.000. 463 0505
SOUTH PONTE Vedra. custom nome,
153 South Beach Dr. 1200 h trom ocean..
3BR.'2BA, screened lanai, many up-
grades. $509 000. 19041819-1638
ATLANTIC BEACH 3BR.2BA. totally ren-
ovated. 5279K 349-2332 or 591-2278
water access, 3BR.'2 5BA, 1800st. 2 car
garage. newly remodeled, 2 boal Ihrs
f-covered). $589,000 463-0505.
FSBO. 10TH Ave. South, Jax Beach.
3BR/1.5BA. tenced, carport. Refurbished,
like new $390k 398-0232.
ADORABLE 4/2. one owner home has
one ol ine preniest lots in the area Mani
cured yard has lush landscaping and room
enough for a pool. Fenced yard with extra
decking, screened porch, formal dining
room eat-in kitchen with breakfast bar,
security, ceiling tans. and termne bond
$249,900. Please conlact Pnyliis Staines
with RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate at 904-
476-SOLD or visit www psiaines corn
3BRi2BA MOBILE Home with land,. on
San Pablo Rd $145.000. 333-2749
FSBO, 3569 Eunice Road Isle of Palms.
$282 000 1 750sl 3BR 2BA, completely'
upgraded 2 car garage 1904)463-3793
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach,
2BR/1BA on 60'x150' lot, 255 Sherry Dr.
$479,000. 349-2504
PVB FAIRFIELD. 1635sf. 3BR/2BA. Re-
modeled, lakeside townhome. Garage,
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, sunroom, gat-
ed. w/many amerieies, FSBO. $335,000.
273-0248, 703-5773.
counienops. 1250.i1 Fireplace, 1-car ga-
rage commurary pool Walk to Ocean.
$269 000 463-0505
Oceanr roni beach hideaway gorgeous 2.2
condo features riardwood & travenine
flooring granile. marble counters slain-
less sieel appliances Luxurious masler
suie w.vil.a spa lacuzzi Privale gale,3 pool
plus beacr access Ask.ng $499,900
Cuslom built Key Wel style 2-slory. only
3 years ioung over 2100sl located in hid-
den paradise, a marsh Ironi community
=.rs Iloor rmasier bedroom suaie, master
bath w jacuzzi and separate shower Gas
"rpice wgas appliances. cozy screened
porcn cuiiorr, raperies, and blinds plus
all appliances Convey. Asking $389.900.
Call Owner/ Agent Shirley Lee, Assist 2
Sell, Buyers & Sellers Real Estate.
Cell# 568-6909/ office 247-4442. View
online at www.jaxbesthomes.com
Lakelrori' Well maintained. $264,900
Muiphy Ream/, Corp 536-.9100
PABLO WOODS 3BR'2BA 2 car gar
with Florida room, ig cul-de-sac lot Move
in ready!. $234 500
Ponte vedra 2BR,2BA condo. End unit-
no one above you Frpic.. vaulted ceilings,
locally remodeled $325,500
Call Kirk Kilebrew at 19041463-1131.
w'w Rilebrewreally com
New construction located at 6th Ave. S. &
9th ,St. in Jax Bch. 3BR/ 2.5BA, 1700sf,
tlied firsi floor. owners suite w/ luxury balh,
separate sriower, private deck Custom
kitchen, designer fixtures througnoul. Dual
A.C. sprinkler system, lenced yard, 2 car
garage. Move in before summer' Offered
at $339,000 Call Ior showing 249-6150.
Will co-op with realiors
3BR/2BA, 2000sf., hardwood floors, over-,
sized lot. 328 10th St. $699,000. Steve
Ocean. 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom, fireplace,
fenced yard, carport, 1 $380,000.
PONTE VEDRA Beach, The Islands,
2BR/2BA, attached garage. community
pool, tennis, $250.000 19041703-8380..
OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4pm, water
front, iniracoaslal, 13874 Kelch Cove,
$995,000. Marsh Landing Realty
SOUTHSIDE OFF Bellon Brick home
3BR 2BA, 1895sl. oDuil 1987.many up-
giades $292,500 Independenr Brokers
Seiva Linkside
6 BLKS TO OCEAN. 3BR 22 1.2BA.
1935s1. Only $494,500 19041472-4039
Intracoastal West P n Bay,
4/3,2688f Ges
pl3antVE -,uilt-in
con uter area. $497,500
World Golf/Murabella 4/4
3135 sf, brand new, ready to move
'in, huge corner lot $479,900
Atlantic Beach Fairway Villas,
S cute 2/2, back to Selva Marina
Golf Course. $194,900
Campfield 2/2. 1126 sf. new &
read\ to move in. 17-4,.900
Available for lease $999/mo.
Realty Executives
David Kuo
Office: 273-3939
Cell: 955-0776
5 15i Palm Valley Rd., Ste. 100
Pome edra.Bch, FL
Azalea Point Formosa Place
2,600 SF of spacious updated interior'w/courtyard entry garage
incredible Florida room, 4BR/3BA vaulted ceilings, hardwoods,
open kitchen/great room. $569,000
Kelly Whiraker-Payne 233-1991
V, Wanda Petersen 537-4594
Dir: From JTB S on .4A 1.4 to Fairfield
subdivision, RT into guard gate, follow
Fairfield Blv'd, RT onto Azalea Point Dr, LT
onto Formosa home on RT in cu/ de-sac #105
Stop throwing your hard earned money away on rent!
This pristine one bed one bath is the perfect starter
home or investment property at
$164,900. ,
Max Dempsey at 904-545-4386 or
max.dempsey @lifestylesrealtors.com 'l
Newly Renovated 3 bdrm, 2 bath home built in 1993 with
pool on a 120 x 125 lot in the middle of an upcoming
residential development, 2000sq ft, 2-Car Garage, beautiful
fruit trees plus a concrete block shed in
the back. $389,000.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Let the News come to You!!!
Subscribe today! 249-9033
A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! 1 to 7 acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $89,900. Two lane paved roads.
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded!
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $89,900
to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081
Make sure you see this one before'
you make your choice. Great home
for everyone. Under appraised
value. $79,950 MLS 286541
Tree lined street in established
neighborhood. Wooden filrs,.
covered patio, and fenced yard.
I $79,950 MLS 286528
Contemporary stucco 3BR.2BA.
split plan. Hign ceilings, sunroom
& loaded w/upgrades $399,000
MLS 291132
4BR oceanfront condo. Top fir, north
end unit for the most panoramic
ocean views, w/garage. $1,175,000
MLS 289809
Short walk to the bch & club. Some
wood firs, 1200 sf deck, kit w/
granite. 4'h BR or office. $649,000
MLS 275140
3BR/2BA coquiha home on Irg. lot,
min to bch. Backs up.to prk. Updated
kit. Fireplace & studio. $525,000
SMLS 279522
Remodeled. 2 new bins, newer kit.
New pain. In gr. pool. citrus trees.
Florida rm. Quiet area. $250,000
MLS 286365
East of 3rd near Roy's. 5BR/3BA w/
3060 sq. ft Tile roof. $1,100,000
MLS 286869
4 blocks to ocean 3BR/2BA.
Recreational vehicle parking. Open
and bright. Laminate firs. Coquina..
Walk to beach. $399,900 MLSI
2BR/2BA condo in golf course'
community, high ceilings, gas
range, & lots of community
amenities Includes 1 yr. HO duesl!
$160,000 MLS 282527
2BR/1.5BA condo. Tile firs!
downstairs enclosed back porch,
low fees. All appl. incl. w/d $165,000
MLS 287793
3BR/2BA condo, end unit, 18" tile
& berber carpet. Great rm w/|
fireplace & scr lanai overlooking
marsh. $260,000 MLS 291045
3BR/2BA on 75 x 100 lot. Great
potential w/cedar shakes & wood
firs. Separate storage shed. Sold
AS IS. $295,000 MLS 287073
4BR/4BA 4271 SF pool home,
screened & heated. Features incl.1
18" tile, 12' ceilings. Gourmet kit.n
Gotta see itl $885,000 MLS 293985'
v&"n Beae Corpr. umvtroSk
Atlantic Beach
Watson Office
(904) 249-3804
eeIe L e e V-- Led--r-Ari
2058sf. Large cul-de-sac lot. New carpet,
tile, and hardwood. Many more upgrades.
By appointment. No brokers. $339,000
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass Players Club,
Bermuda Court. 2BR/2BA, unattached pa-
tio home. $259,900. (904)655-5990.
POOL HOME. 4 or 5BR/2BA. 2300sf,
large new kitchen, cul-de-sac, extra large
lot. 3 Miles to Beach. Tropical landscap-
ing. $279,000. Motivated seller. 220-9560.
Enchanted raised house on hidden la-
goon. Large wooded lot, 3BR 2BA great
interior, Jax Beach, $375,000. FIRM.
249-1020 for appointment & escort to pri-
vate location.
OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, lpm-4pm. 1521
Republic Drive, Jax Beach. Brick and
block ranch, beautiful 1 owner home'
w/new kitchen, stainless steel appliances.
New roof and A/C. Screened'patio over-
looks large fenced yard w/inground pool
and pretty lake views. $379,900. Marie
Farrell, ReMax, 742-8534.
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, April 22,
lpm-4pm. 909 12St North, North Jax
Beach. This is the best of the beaches,
great location, safe neighborhood and on-
ly $275,000. This great 3/1 beach house
has many upgrades;' new bathroom and
plumbing, hardwood floors, beautiful back
yard, screened porch. A must 'see on Sat-
urdayl North on Penman to 8th Ave N,
take right and left on 12th St N. North on
A1A left on 8th Ave N right on 12th St. N.
Ponte Vedra Beach Pool
Home! Under $400K!!!
Very desirable Sawmill Lakes 3Br, 2Bth, screened pool
on wooded preserve! Adorable home, kitchen w/granite,
wood floors. neiw tile in master, split
bedrooms, large beautifully
landscaped corner lot! $387.900
Call Kelly Hobbs for your
private showing
@ 904-993-3803
Ocean Front
Atlantic Beach
This 2bdrm, 2.5 ba Ocean Front home with
updated kitchen and hardwood floors is
absolutely charming. Featuring a huge lawn 'all
and deck with an incredible ocean view. All It i
living space is down stairs with both MargilPeti
bedrooms and a porch overlooking the Top Producer
ocean on the 2nd story. Offered at $995,000. 5 9t0X1
Don't miss this one!
You'll love entertaining family and Lovely move in ready 3rd floor
friends in this 1 story, 4 bedroom condo. Quiet private location
beach home. Spacious family room overlooking natural area. Great
with fireplace opens to kitchen and room with fireplace, all appliances
separate breakfast area. Split included plus 2 deeded parking
bedrooms, screened pool. security, spaces. $164,500. MLS# 266526
located in highly sought afler
neig borhood. $714.900. MLS#
Newly remodeled 2 story, 5 bedroom
home. Flexible open floor plan, over .
3000 SF of living area. Beautiful ''
kitchen, stainless appliances. stone
and wood floors, fireplace in living
room, Possible in-law suite. 2 car Judy Nicholson presents....
garage $789,000. MLS# 283187
First floor 2 bedroom. 2 bath condo.
split bedrooms, large storage area, illar.ng D.amsaRealit,'-
all appliances included, shows like
a model. Conveniently locale d for Dir:904-280-2820
easy commute. Pool, lennis,
exercise.facilities; clubhouse and Eve:904-241-2160 f
more. _...-.-. .
WALK TO BEACH! E-'iailr:udybyllieb-each@aol.-C-'
This incredibly beautiful home is 1.2 tour
block from ocean. Sunshine bngnhl
open floor plan 4 BR plus office and ViewI THE VIRTUAL ToURS AT
art studio. Gourmet kitchen includes
custom cabinets, granite www.judynicholson.com
countertops, gas cook lop and wine
cooler. $1,675,000. MLS# 273214
_.1 ...
, f
," ', "
Stop drowning your
sorrows in hot fudge!
A subscription to The Beaches
Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader will give
you that special pick-me-up feeling.
All your local news and sports,
delivered to your mailbox twice
weekly for only $25 a year! And don't
forget the classified. They are a real
help when you are looking for
something special or even a job!
Why wait! Call 249-9033 today and
we will get your subscription to you
in 7 to 10 days. There is.no hassle;
we are just a phone call away!
Subscribe today
The Beaches Leader,
Ponte Vedra Leader
NEWER, CUSTOM built, private, ocean-
front home with high dune views of the
ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Approx.
4458+ sf., 5BR/4.5BA, den/, office, tile and
hardwood floors, formal living and dining,
pool and spa, screened lanai with hot tub,
lush landscaping and loaded. $2,750,000.
Phyllis Stalnes, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX
Coastal Real Estate. www.pstalnes.com
PONTE VEDRA -Seaside Community-
180 Crosscove Cir., 3BR/2BA, stucco
home, 1/2 mile to beach, 1716sf. +400sf.
screened porch. 71'x122' lot. Built in '93.
$384,900. No realtors. (904)233-8208.
NEAR MAYO Clinic, off San Pablo.
3BR/2BA, 2-car, remodeled. $315,000. In-
dependent Brokers, 710-3111.
Azalea Point Osprey Ridgeway
Adorned by the mature landscape, stylish, versatile, bright 3BR/
2BA/2CG home w/spacious screened lanai overlooking a tranquil
preserve. Must see in PVB! $456.000.
Kelly Whitaker-Pavne 233-1991
NWanda Petersen 537-4594
Dir." From JTB S on 1.4 RT into Faitfield
subdivision (pass Starbutcks I. RT onto
: Natures Isle after the stop sign 2nd RT on
Osprey Ridgewiav #104. HM on LT.
OPEN HOUSE Sat 12-3 22nd Ave S. and the Ocean. 2200 Ocean Drive S 4F.
OCEAN FRONT living at its finest in this corner unit in beautiful Ocean 22. Brand
new tile, carpet, counter tops, and stainless steel appliances, only begin to
describe this wonderful home. Priced to sell at $549,000. Call ahead for directions.
Neptune Beach POOL home. Come enjoy the Beach and your new pool in
sought after Neptune Beach. Huge corner lot, approx. 2300 SF, 4/2.5, reduced
Atlantic Beach Townhouse reduced to' $149,900; This two bedroom home
is in excellent condition and ready for sale. f
The Sanctuary 2000+SF, cul-de-sac, hardwood floors,
California shag carpet, call today.
Call The Hamilton Team
today at 904-610-8471
Each Office Independently .i
rA Specialists Owned & Operated .'','.
This one has it all..location, style & value. Com-
pletely remodeled 3BR/2BA has an open floor plan
w/granite. Maple cabinets & large
closets. Situated on a large corner
lot that is within walking or biking .
distance to the beach!
Call Cara Ameer 635-7058
Almost New with Pool 2 Blocks to the Ocean
Don't miss this Awesome Opportunity! 3000 sq. ft., and
additional 1000 sq. ft. of porch and 2-Car Garage. Very open
floor plan w/hard wood floor throughout, 9ft ceilings, 4 bdrms,
2 full ba, (2) 1/2 ba. Outdoor shower, 1/2
bath beside pool, huge 2'," story deck with Il S
outdoor fireplace. Very private setting. F7L -.
Priced to Sell at $889,000.
, Call Margi Petitt Top Producer "'
57t-9821 I
"Spring" right into this A.B.
Opportunity! J4 -
3 blks to bch, easy stroll to shops. this 3/2 offers .
unique style, beautiful lot on Howvell Prk- 19
ultimate privacy! Superb value-spruce it up or !
buy for land! Come "do your own thine" or
keep tenants at $1450/mo. $445,000
"She KNOWS the beaches... Ro Nauton
She SELLS the town!" [ Mliller
S Call 568-1523 -
Old Atlantic Beach
2 Houses from the Ocean
Two absolutely adorable beach cottages side by side
only steps to the ocean. Each of these homes are 3
bdrm/2 ba, updated and on a 50x100
lot. Each priced at $725,000. Buy S _
one or both!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Neptune Beach
East of 3rd St. Single Family w/2 car garage
1.5 blocks to the Beach!
This concrete block home has so much charm! It needs some
updating. The original hardwood floors throughout are in great
shape. Terrazzo floors ihn the Kitchen. Sits on a private lot, fully
fenced in. Updated AC, water heater and lots
of new windows. Come see this one!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Two-story townhouse just a stones throw from Dutton Island Preserve.
Eat-in kitchen, separate dining room, large living room w/fireplace,
double garage and more! 3 bedrooms, 2.5'baths, over 1,700 sq.
ft. Call today to view floor plan & elevation. $294,900
612 10th AVE NORTH
3 Beds/2 Baths with expandedliving area. Fully-equipped kitchen
w/ flat-top range, lots of tile and freshly painted exterior! New in
2005: windows, carpet, dishwasher, designer ceiling fan and front
door & locks. $315,000
Screen-enclosed heated pool w/ pavers and waterfall, immense
family room w/ Bose surround sound, open kitchen w/42" cabinets
& bevel-edged countertops. Spacious owner's suite features x-
large glamour bath with separate vanities, closets, garden tub &
shower. Many upgrades in the 5 year-old home! 4 Beds/2 Baths,
over 2,400 sq. ft. $629,500
Three bedroom home with oversized glamour bath -- jetted tub &
separate shower! Updated kitchen with plenty of cabinets and
spacious living room w/ fireplace. Beautiful
enclosed porch w/ tile flooring that runs the
width of. the living room. $259,900 ." "
4/22 Sat. 12-3 pm
37Jefferson Avenue Pool
Home East of AlA in PVB. 5bd/
3baw/4,400 sf, full brick beauty
w/many upgrades! 32x15 pool! Easy bike
ride/walk to beach. A.41 souh iJ)in P V east @ jf
Sol/an Rd left ,1 Gol/i.eu' Cir left ,'j leferson
Ave. Owner .-gent 1,3 5. 000
SPrudential .4') "' Cell -
R"' irc-:[ r i :I I.
Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Beautiful Cottages at
Atlantic Beach
Exclusive Private Community
This Maintenance Free 3 story w/
elevator, 2 Car Garage features 4,
Bdrms/Sitting Rm/4Ba. Covered,
Balconies & 3rd Fir Deck. Concrete'
Exterior Construction-Open Design-,
Finished 9-10' Ceilings-Bosch Stainless.
Steel Appl. -Granite, Custom Wood
Cabinetry. Common Pool & Walkway to
Beach Ave; $875,000 ,
Cstom .nome in Plantation Oaks
Waterfront & Pool
5 5BR/5BA approx. 4,000SF with 14' ceilings,
gourmet kitchen 42" Maple cabinets. Screened
pool w/fountain overlooking the lake. Many
upgrades. $999.500
Contact Top Producer
Lynn Saul
This Open Floor Plan 3BR/2.5BA Home in Selva Marina
sits on a 90 x 98 lot with 2 car garage. All living space on
1st floor, Bdrms on 2nd floor. Very
m I Peaceful setting with Natural Front Yard.
7'L E Home is in move-in condition. Priced to
Sell $499,900
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Affordable Beach
Move in condition. This 3BR/1.5BA home has been
renovated w/tile arnid granite and new kitchen, new
windows,new AC. Just blocks to the I NI
beach. Fenced back yard. Over 1300
sq ft. Must see to appreciate.# -
$299,900 MLS # 284350 .
Connie Grubbs
Atlantic Beach
The Perfect Beach House!
This 4bdrm, 2.5 baths, 2700 sq ft home, with a 2 Car Garage, built
in 1995 is in move-in condition. It sits at the end of a cul-de-sac 2
doors from the ocean. This home has a new pool and spa with a
covered lanai in a very tranquil, private
gLg Msetting. It includes a huge eat-in kitchen which
E has been fully updated. Offered at $995,000,
this one truly will NOT last!
Cal Margi Petitt Top Producer
1 O'Malley
e241314 REAL ESTATE, .NC.
April 21, 2006
lC ifi d 2
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Live fin Desired
-elva Marina CC... Walk to
Club or Beach!
3/3.2 House has an open floor plan, w/tile, Wetbar,
Fireplace, built-in mirrored Cabinets, Lrg windows
viewing Nature & a large Back deck, great for
entertaining. Spacious Kitchen w/
brkfst nook. Large Master w/2 wlk-
.4 ins! $699,000
Sat/Sun Open House/10-2
Casie Denman
East of 3rd St. in Jax Beach
This home includes 2BR, 2BA plus 2-Car Garage.
Awesome Investment opportunity, less than 1 block to
the Ocean. Residential grandfathered
in but zoned commercial.
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
Exceptional Custom Home in
Seaside Gated Community
4bdrTr/3.5ba home could not be built today at this price with
this quality of finish levels. Every imaginable upgrade, 3900
SF in this exclusive 26 home gated
S community at Tiffany by The Sea with
its own beach access. Don't miss this
incredible opportunity at $1,395,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
Completely Renovated |
Contemporary-Awesome .
Intracoastal Views
This 1657SF Neptune Beach Home sits
on the marsh w/an 85' dock on a small
creek that leads to the Intracoastal.
Navigable for small skiff or Jet Ski at high tide. The views:
are absolutely breathtaking! Just remodeled inside & out.;
3bdrm/3ba. 2-Car Garage and Awesome Deck-Don't Miss,
This One-Offered at $574,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821 L
Beach Bungalow
East of AIA
Totally and tastefully rehabbed single story bungalow and onlyj
two blocks to the ocean. Main house is 2BR/1 BA with an additional
detached room and bathroom in back that can be used as office
or extra bedroom. Kitchen has granite counter tops and all ne.
appliances including stackable washer and ,.D 7.
dryer. Call on this one now. Truly priced to sell '. r
at $493,000
o .. .vw aIT.
.fr^ K~ii'to-.oat i ---
Classified 3
pryil 1 A, Tvvv
JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage, VALENCIA CONDO, Jax Beach/PVB.
$331,000. 1045 N. 17th St. (904)241-6922 New construction, 2BR/2BA. Concierge,
www.jaxbeachonline.com spa, pool. San Marco style. See at
3BR FORECLOSURE, only $279001 Must www.valenclacondos.com. Asking
sell. For listings 800-749-8124 ext. 1490 $404,900(Dscounted). 904-616-7975
The timeless Quality of this 3BR/3BA/2CG home is a
must see! 2,200SF of remodeled'kitchen, neutral palette,
tile/hardwoods, spacious lanai, vaulted ceiling s & more!
Immaculate-curb appeal-CORNER
LOT! $459,000
Kelly Whitaker-Payne 23311991 or
Wanda Petersen 537-4594
Great home with lots of
upgrades, granite, tile, over-
' sized master bedroom.
5BR/3BA plus a. beautiful lake
view from your large covered
patio. Same floor plan as
model. $369,900 Patti Martin .
Walk to the beach & Club from
this meticulously maintained
4/3.5 brick home w/incredible
panoramic water-tb-golf views,
spacious rms, gorgeous pool &
spa + much more. $1,450,000
Sarah Whitiock & Susan Fort
*Retreat III 2BR/2BA oceanfront
condo. This furnished, down-
stairs; end unit has a tiled FL
room overlooking the beach. A
vacation hideaway or excellent
rental property! $899,000 Call
Gypsy Alexander or Judy Smith
Stunning & expansive views of
the 17th fairway are offered from
3 bedrooms. 2 baths, ground
floor unit, with wonderful glass
enclosed sunroom to enjoy the
,spectacular sunrises Great
location. Just a walk to the
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club!
$1,300,000. Pis call Susan Fort
New 1/1 w/Murphy bed unit for
guests. Steps to each, shop-
ping & fine dining! Gourmet kit,
granite, ceramic tile, garden tub.
, fir unit adjacent to state of
the art clubhouse/pool. Sleeps
four. Kelly Blackburn $369,900
Completely remodeled. 1 33"
pristine acres on the river with
dock, boathouse. Koi pond,
swimming pool exquisite views,
plus a fabulous neighborhood.
An absolute must see'
$1 625.000 Call Patti Martin
4BR/3.5BA, 4300sf study +
game room + loft + butler's
this majestic -Spanish Mission pantry + 29xg covered oecK witn
Inspired homaF. Stylish &:ele- water views. 2 garages 2+1,
gantly comfortable w/unparal- spectacular gallery entrance.
leled quality. & craftsmanship Walk to .each & clubs.
$2,099,000 Call Michelle Floyd $1 595,000 Kim Martin-Fisher
Stunning traditional home. Perfect low maintenance setting
surrounded oy ancient oaks & on widest part of lagoon, across
tropical palms located steps from ocean 3 bedrooms, 2.5
away from' community dock batns, great condition, tile floors.
looking out' to Guana Preserve open kitchen, ocean views from
Screened lanai w/pool, game the second floor. $2,400,000
rm. $949,999 Michelle Floyd Call Joyce Reesh
In Sawgrass Counlry Club Ideal southeastern exposure w/
Popular 3 bedroom, 3 bath fiat longest lake views from the
end unit. Enjoy lagoon vistas great room, MBR & 2 porches of
beside a cozy fire or from the this Sawgrass condol 2BRs.
comfort of bedrooms, as well as 2.5BAs, located near tennis,
decks and screened porch playground & beach $365,000
$515,000 Call Deborah Childers Judy Smilh / Gypsy Alexander
Build on Ihe 2 fairway of the 4/3- ofc, bonus rm. exercise rm.
,ocean coarse" directly across sunroom irg master, open kit-
the street from the beach 100 chen w/breakfast nook, formal
x 234' lot less than 1 block to DR, Irg FR w/gas frplc 3,772sf.
the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club built in 02. Oversized 90x140
Offered for $2.395,000 Please lot w/pool & lanai. Walk to bch
call Kim Martin-Fisher today & clubs. $699,000 Susan Fort
,. .
MLS#2941l04 immaculaie.spaciots& updated NILS# 275731 Spacious 4/4.5 has great
2BR/'BAunL 16-ih ir bakOn Werlo, 1 .Xan F u 2. 400 wood
>e[ s & hreezk... secured ragc & 2p..parking po en 4 Ig woo ed
races & eparae storage unit, amenities include IL I of few high & dry. 2 f1p, Ig kit w/cenier
ocearlrii r, ol. club p.:-.m & c erosI laihr.r is, BR& BA off gar. guesthouse. Gorgeous
'. .XJ 285-1800 landscaping Stunmng ocean views!
Pow 7rEDR4 ondwwR4CO4ST4 $5.750.000(241-2417
MLS# 292077 1 v noded acres. 150' on IfATIO LCAB
Triijcs.'iai. a/dock on quid cide sream-iuh lkm
coantrm cqama 3BR/3B home. FR 'FP. le RILS# 282150 Adorable 3/2. relaxing in-
flhr. a I BR/I BA + kitchenene apamenm o er ground pool. ery Ig loton Ponte Vedra Bhld.
ihregarage-& ;sreenedpool RoomfIorepansion! Close to the beach Nlote-in cond. A must
il,7.i.si.:i.i:) 285-1800 see! $949,000) 1.094.876. 241-2417
NELS#.249009 DuienIion-, 80.%S 1ISS\%71 \% 5.
S2 n-ions lssN800 MLS# 273146 Immaculate 4/2. granite
OCEANFRONT lOT cctuntenops. s/i appliances & wood frs Great
tLS# 262345 Apprommatel) 55 X 96 one of ne" of Atlanric Ocean' $1,2990)241-2417
a fe, remaining ,xeanfront lot in Neptune SHOWCASE PERIFEC'ON
Beach Cnme and build 'our dream home & : INOLDPVB!
285-1800j th ean 1.595.'H) 4LS#280077Necer contemporary5/4/1.
OCE4.FRONT-PONEIWEDR4 BI. spac plan, upgrade., thru-out Sprawling
NIS# 265659 Timeless I4BR/4BA home or, custom homeoverlookssparkling pool &5th
15 oceNe ,nin 1t 0 Ie rest,:ored to ts former green in PV Golf Course. Cabana& summer
charm it feature, a .,unroom, g.iwci apti /BR. kit mcl. $3.750,000 241-2417
snirt nr, r& BA. neon nree ule n:rof. fabhou 3/2. owiMHnE1t
.ear,. 6't it& Imto5.asl P'p InnI. Clut/2 .T O
,$6,500,000 285-1800 MLS#288134 in desirableNeptunen'hooLd.
ACNrLOTIPO EVEDRA Openliving areas, garage, niceyard,excellent
MIS# 271640 Close to the beach, shopping, investor oppty. $267,500 241-2417
sch wIs i& ICW. rare nature lovers delight' I 5 PRINEPONIEVEDRIkB4C'I .
acre., a great place to build \our mini-ranch &. O .
h-.rs.e are Aelcome' 470.(nXl 285-1800 No 1 1
r EFREE, AFFORIDABI. E &" MLS# 266818 1/1, fabulous lake & golf
CE IWIY 10cID & REDUCEDL course views fromprivate, sctndlanai, car
MIS#281989This3BR/2BAcondow/garage gar & storage, all appls incl Reson style
is located in Jax Beach, very spacious w/large amenities & great loc near bch. $182.500
rooms '& an open floor plan, breakfast bar opens 241-2417
to dining & living area, master bedroom features IN r Ni
French double doors to balcony. $259,900 AIIANfl BCH COND O!
285-1800 N S. 279538 2BR 2.5BA townhome in
SouImIPONIE VEM Ocean Village Steps to ocean, spacious kit
MIS# 286550 Gated community w/pool, and Ig master suite. $399,000 241-2417
tennis, beach cabana-& private beach access. 2 COMPLOEL REMODEUD 4/3
years new! 4BR/3.5BA, 3-story home w/elevator, 4S# 293453 Wood oors, new ki &
fomnal LR& DR. FR. FP.Roterstziedea.iin Ichen LS# 293453 Vood floors, new kt &
& fabulous nes of IC10V & ocean. $7.ciiN) bathsneu inm/extpaint.new deck. piv yard.
285-1800 close to everything. $599.000 241-2417
I f WIAERSEDE MILS# 290627 2 .n 4 brm 2 5 brh home
MLS# 287289 Sawgrass TPC, 4BR/3.5BA w paond & ool. Maser
home,3BRdown, lBR/iBAup, storage, neutral %&/ w roud pro & .md poo Nler
colors,carpet,tile,built-ins,refrigeratorsconvey, w/ sing area. tfir Ir & dr have gleaming
screenedlanai,newA/Ccompressor,largecomer cherry floors.: $649,900 241-2417
lot w/SE exposure. $579,900 285-1800 ". FOP. R MODEU!'
PON/IEVEDRA ONO MLS# 284271 3/2 w/marsh views,
MIS# 266782 Convenienttobeach;shopping, upgraded tile, ope crow
schools & in gated community, 2BR/2BA, LR/ ,Z coan, c.w
DRcombow/FP,scmdbalcony,newceilingfans, molding,screened patioand aneatimkitchen.
many community amenities including pool, Must see! $256,900 241-2417
clubhouse w/kitchen, fitness cntr, theater room 'M SH VIEW CONDOi!
tennis & more. $234,500 295-1800.. .. CONDO!
n Snimo$ 0 MIS#273136The Palms,2/2,ilethru-out,
M 270251ExcepionalCollierhoe,park- crown molding, all appances.Comm cl2
like setting, over 3/4 acre overlooking a pond & pool, contrld access w/attndt, concierge &
preserve, 5BR/5.5.BA, 6000+SF, equipped clubhse w/mini theater. $202,900 241-2417
theater, and office loft, gourmet kitchen w/new REDIJ(E JAXB BAC
stainless appliances, wrap-amounddecks&heated 277231 22 condo, all leall app
pool/spa.$1,690,000 285-1800 MS# 277231 2/2 condo, all tie, all app
PONY E VED OC ONLOTr inc. Lots comm amen. $1K to close cost.
MLS# 258460 Stunning 1.5 acre high-dune lit $215.,Q(0 241-2417
w/panoramic ocean views, 230 FT ocean .. LIFE IS A BEACH!
frontage, 350 FIT eep & just N of Old PVB MIS#296804Livinginthis2BR/2BA2nd
Condos.$4,800,000 Also available, twohalfacre fr u s.. n s.ts n themarsh 194500
lotswestsideofPVBlvd.,high & dryw/10T flrut.njoysunsets onthemarsh.$194,500
preserve frontage. $650,000 each 285-1800 241-2417
PVB GRAND Cay. 2BR/1BA, ALL NEWI OPEN HOUSE. Saturday & Sunday,
Maple cabinets, granite tops, hardwood 12noon-4pm. Ocean Links, PV, Solana
floors throughout, upgraded fixtures, stain- Road, Unit #836. 2BR/2BA w/garage. New
less appliances, preserve view, 3rd floor, carpet & kitchen counters, cabinets.
$209,900. Broker/owner. 614-7777. (904)806-1202, (904)543-9621.
.OGreat Home in
South Jax Beach!
with tropical landscaping, 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths -
priced under appraisal! Big bright kitchen, tiled
Florida room, 2 car garage, Home Warranty and ready
for a new owner!
Call Lori Lareau for details at 868-7224 or visit
MLS #284151
Lori Lareau 904-868-7224 ljlareau@yahoo.com
Live Large in
Highland Glen!!
This wonderful pool home has almost 4000 sq ft, theater
room, outdoor kitchen and shower. Upgrades galore,
[ 4BR/3.5BA, 80 ft lot with lake view.
Great for entertaining. $950,000
MLS # 282852
Connie Grubbs
hi 904-612-9911
Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Old Pone 'Vedra
Perfection and Charm is what you get with
Cedar shake exterior, paver driveway, 4
bdrms, 3.5 ba, 3100 sq ft, awesome open
kitchen w/ss appl, granite counters in kitchen
& baths, hardwd fis thruout, covered porch
off the master suite plus covered lanai w/
gas frpl.. huge yard w/plenty of room for a
pool. $1,550,000
NEPT. BCH. Investor/Remodel Triplex
Rare treasure. I blk to bch! Frnt home cone. bik, 2/
-I I up. 2/1 down. hrd\id firs. needs "muscle" but ideal
rentals or super S.F. conversion! Rear 2 car gar. w/
1/1 plus deck! Huge 60x 120 lot for pool, gardens,
create touch! $672,500 :
A "She KNOWS the beaches...
Miller 1
She SELLS the town!"
Call 568-1523
3/2 in 32082!
SGoing, going...,
S., Will be gone soon! This updated 3BR/
f "'B.\ home at- 'I 4'.ista Grande C~ aZts
a Ig openliving area %/screened porch,garage and huge fenced:
yard., St: Johns County schools. Moments to the beach! $234,9001
Call Amy Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.comia
Atlantic Beach-Just a few blocks
to the Ocean & Centrally located to
Town Center
This is a MUST SEE!!! Absolutely charming 2000 SF, 3BR/2BA.
Completely restored with brand new 22x22 Family Room and
22x22 Master Suite. Low Maintenance
Hardiboard Exterior, Metal Roof, Private of] I
Covered Porch. Full Fenced in Yard w/k'- EEI
Room for Pool. Priced to sell at $539,000
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer
571-9821 .
- I i ll-
2BR/2BA, water to golf view,
v screened wraparound porch,
[ vaulted ceilings, FP $249,900
3BR/2BA On Eastwind Dr.,
close to schools. $339,900
lBR/1BA, golf course views
Summer House Condos
2 1BR/1BA loft units, golf
views! $173,000
Stunner Condo-New Everything...
|" ~ Live on Vacation Everyday!
'" A magnificent 1/1 just off. JTB for easy access to
bch, shops, workhubs. All new designer details, grad
floor, garage nearby, impeccable pizazz! All
l appliances, perfect starter home or weekend
getaway, tropical resort amenities. $190,000
"She KNOWS the beaches...
Rosemary She SELLS the town!"
Naughton Call 568-1523
Private Beach Acceus
Beautlul View ofLale
& Fountala
Swimming Poel & Spa
HiRese C
Tewis & V<yHwlI
Movie Theatre
WIreless Intemal
Summer Kilhen
21-211 Arbor Club Drive
Ocean Grove
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
2 BR 2 BA Condo & Garage
Approximately 1,155 Sq. Ft.
James G. Weber
Don Brown Realty
(904) 612-3231
L Ijlrlb~~'T~R~~_er~cI
Tifton Cove in Sawgrass CC
Beautifully renovated 2BR/2BA condo, hardwoods, kit. w/new
cabinets, stainless steel appliances, Corian countertops, fully
furnished & overlooking lagoon. Great for second home or
investment. $369,000
Call L ,,n Saul 859-9100 ..
Dir: Sawgrass CC North gate to LT into
Tifton Cove, to Stop sign, turn RT to #40
atend. I
4 2BR/2BA condo in popular Atlantic Beach, 1/2 block
i "- from ocean, fireplace, 20 ft. ceiling in LR w/wall of
windows, community pool. Freshly painted inside.
$310.000. Don't miss this one! Call Sherri Beno today,
Sherri Beno Pn'n
904- 6514-1830CONNECTION
.- This is it! 3BR/2BA condo w/garage, vaulted ceilings.
." split bedrooms, balcony w/storage room, pool & fitness
.L center just steps away, all near St. Johns Town Center,
UNF, FCCJ, & the Avenues. Reduced to $165,000.
Call Sherri Beno 904-651-1830
Sherri Beno
90,4- 651-18,30
.i,..u, -........
1 BR/1BA condo in Marsh Landing w/garage and all
S 41 _:.; appliances. 2nd floor, no one above you, with golf
F, -I- course views & fireplace. Community clubhouse, pool,
fitness center, spa, grills. Near restaurants, shopping
& JTB. $169,000 Call Sherri Beno 904-651-1830
Sherri Beno N
904-651-1830 ,CO NNEICTION
Brand New Construction
1/2 block to the Ocean
South Jax Beach
Brand New Town Home! 3-story, abdrm/3.5ba, 2-car garage,
Absolutely Beautiful! Stucco, Stainless Steel Appliances-
Granite countertops, Open floor plan-crown molding and
more...Oceanviews from master
ElI1 construction East of 31a St. $574,000
Call M argi Petitt
To Producer
S Relax in style Renovated 2BR/1BA condo on
^ 1. Intracoastal w/43 ft. boat dock in St. Aug. near Conch
House, 1/4 mi. to ocean access. Marble floors, cherry
cab., granite ctr., Ig. waterfront balcony, furnished.
Must see inside! $585,000. Call Sherri Beno 904-651-1830
Sherri Beno ,nNnO
904- 651-1830 CONNECTION
... -ew South Jax Beach
SO rCondos ECast of AIA
ft 5 September '06 completion, 61h floor
am Inn Southeast end unit $949.000 & 8th floor
S unit $929,000 available offering open
^m an views of the ocean. 3BR/3BA 2,100SF.
You can play any time one of 4 courts, swim in one of 3
pools, or work out in the fitness center. All of this & more is
yours when you purchase this 2BR/2BA condo at Summer
House, east of A1 A in PVB. $361,900
Call Sherri Beno, 904-651-1830, todayducer
rnIN SherriBeno I
904-859-9100 904- 651-1830
3BR/2BA ground floor. Fully furnished &
ready for your Summer at the Beach.
Pool, patio. Still undiscovered "Seaplace"
is the best value at the Beach. $398,500.
Owner/agent, (904)247-1049, 608-4325.
www.VRBO.com/24978 www.cyberren-
Only 3 units in building. ALL OF TOP
(3rd) FLOOR. 1-1/2 blocks north of Sea
Turtle Inn. $450,000. 881-9005.
lipB^IE*i 11WP
.I .
n Ist ~
JAX BEACH Duplex 415 8th Ave. North,
$449,000. 247-5774, 770-979-2632.
Enjoy spectacular views of the
ocean from this 3BR/3BA 2,350
SF condo w/custom features
and upgrades.
Call Grace Tausz:
612-1089 $1,199,000
Wonderful 3BR/2.5BA 2-story
unit wall appliances and a 2-car
Call Richard Murphy:
254-6549 $208,900
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
A ril 21 2006
Cliacified 4
The-Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
April 21, 2006
struction in Jax Beach/ PVB Beach.
2BR/2BA, available for closing in June.
$382,900, 904-220-8676.
upgrades. 1200sf. 9ft ceilings w/fans,
walk-in closet, kitchen appliances,
washer/dryer, terrace, fireplace, garage.
Security system. FSBO. $228,000.
TALK TO THE TWINS! Gr floor unit. Alltile w/wood flo.ors-in-
bedrooms. Huge screened lanai overlooking marsh sunset
views. Fireplace, crown moulding, A+ ready to move in. Club
S amenities. MLS# 295413 $218,000
Diane Barr 234-9997
SDonna Sandiford 386-5800
No Condo Fees
for One Year!
Desirable 1/1 in Ponte Vedra with Private Beach Access! This
ground floor, 755 sq has been completely renovated with 42"
maple cabinets, black appliances and
much more. $164,900 MLS # 284335.
Connie Grubbs 904-612-9911 or
Denise Arnold 904-704-9885
Best Buy Today I
on the Ocean!!I
Southshore Condominium, 3bdrm/2ba, Excellent
Condition in South Jax Bch,
l j Covered Parking. Priced to sell at
I i 5 $599,900
CaH Margi Petitt
STop Producer
Spectacular 2BR/2BA 1st floor end unit.
Included garage, washer/dryer,
refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave.
Custom painted mural in LR, security
system, and more $199,900
Call Wes Dailey
New Waterfront Community
Watersedge Harbortown
Watersedge-at Harbortown will include 20 high-.
end 4 story-Mediterranean-style town homes with
private courtyard and roof top terrace. The option
to purchase 50 ft boat slip in your
M front yard. Only 3 left!!! Prices
LJ | starting at $1,088,900
S- Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
ARVIN Real Estate
MARVI Managemnent a Sales, Inc.
1835 North Third Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL 322B0
FOR SALE Call Joe Floyd. 219-7638
Desirable beach property. 3/2. 1500 SF, 2nd floor condo.
Zoned residential/commercial. Fireplace. Condo has all the
1626sf in 3-.buildings business upgrades!! Move in ,condition.
plus 2 efficiency apartments. 2 Located in a quiet area under a
blocks from ocean. Fully canopy of trees. $263,000
occupied $799,000
1647 Sunnyside Ave. Vista Del Mar -Oceanfront
Jacksonville, FL 32224.- 1 BR/1BA 3rd floor unit facing
Perfect opportunity to purchase a beautifully landscaped
property near the Intracoastal courtyard. Fully furnished ,-
and within walking distance of 833 sq'. Pool and clubhouse
million $ condos. 3 lots with 2/2 on propertyin. Perfect get-a-
750 SF house (house sold as atGreat investment. 98000Priced
is). Great investment. $225,000
FOR RENT, Call Joe Floyd 219-7638
3/2 1542 sq' home. Near Mayport 3/2 1500 sq' condo. 2nd floor,
Naval Station. Fenced backyard. fireplace. Near Intracoastal in quiet
Pets OK $1,250mth area. $1,350mth
+*e." SALES RENTALS see++
e-mail: sonia-marvin @marvin-group.com
e-mail: joe-floyd @marvln-group.com
web site: http://marvin-group.com
Tel: 249-8599 .Fax: 249.8598
JAX BEACH, Villas at Marsh Landing,
2BR/2BA w/garage, private entry, beauti-
ful views of golf course. Priced to sell
$209,605. Lighthouse Realty Asso., Mary
Kryzwick, Realtor. (904)347-4024.
OPEN HOUSE. Villages of San Jose,
#210, off San Jose.Blvd. Private, gated
community. 2BR/2BA, updated applian-
ces. Remodeled. Must sell. Asking
$196,500. Saturday, 11am-2pm. Call
509-2844 for gate entry.
2BR/2BA, 3RD floor, Grand Reserve, Bay-
hill model, 1200sf., many upgrades.
$179,900. (904)472-9864.--
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Ocean Grove
2BR/1BA, beach access, $195,000. Call
JAX BEACH- Beach Terraces. Like new
luxury 3/3 condo. Ocean'viewsl $724,900.
Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.
PV BCH 2BR/2BA, $199,000. Grace Ellis,
All Pro Realty Specialists. 655-7923 (cell).
PVB -UPSCALE designer furnished,
2BR/2BA +loft in a gated community
w/state 'of art amenities. $299,900.
(904)735-4466. '
This opportunity includes 2 bldgs, the front concrete
block is a 2BPI/1BA up and the same down plus a 2nd
dwelling w/ a 2BR/1BA on a 50 x 125
2j E lot 1.5 blocks to the Ocean. DON'T
i Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer
Save Thousands of
$$$ on this 3BR/2BA.
*Beaches Condo!
New Price on this newer 1500sf 3BR/
2BA condo w/garage at 62 Jardin De Mer (off Beach Blvd &
15th ft.) Seller to pay 1 year of condo fees. Only $252,500!
Won't last long!
Call Am \Wilson at 955-0700 & visit www.acwhomes.com
Rool Top Ocean Views
1/2 Block to Ocean I 1
Brand New Construction!
New Construction Town Home 4bdrm/
4.5bath, 3 story w/elevator, 2-car
garage paver driveway, Construction
complete in 6 months. High-End Finish Levels-Stainless
Steel Appliances, Granite, Custom Cabinets, Roof Top
Terraces-Ocean Views and More. Offered at $995,000
Call Margi Petitt
Top Producer 571-9821
2005 PuRSUIT vb Gecrg,e B.:.y 30' class
A mjlor home 3 185 ,m.,ieS 2 slide outs.
Loadoe hliKe rand new less man 1 year
old. '569 900. 2-16-9383
HANNA PARK. Like new, 3BR/2BA sin-
gle. 1215.1, w carpn, deck all G'E kitch-
en. CH&SA, warheridryer new carpet.
Many upgrades. Financing available. Re-
becca, 246-7684.
OK WD. non-rmoker S950'mo. Call
1904 608-1730
GORGEOUS 2BR iBA beacr. c.-rnage lo-
' caLed -al' 214 Sc.uti SL- Nepiune Bch..
Beauiqudily ren',.aie, 1 o.,rclud'e 'ai l rane&
' kicneo bair, arpeiir, laIjriry room.
CH&A and. mucn more. Fenced bacK
. yair., sl:'rag garage 1.5 block ic beacrn
$1295 mo. *$1295 security depo,.i Aoso-
luiely no smoking, no pels' 246-8911.
APARTMENT. 2BA- 1BA rejenilv remod-
eled, waneri.rler GREAT VIEWS!
ING! 1,1450 mo 553-8634
OCEAN. 2-BLOCKS 2BR 1BA. $950'rmo
21 SBinr Ave Nonn, J B. 241-8269
3BR 3.5BA Townhous, brand new, 14th
AveS. & 2nd St:51750rro 424-7204.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Main St. Duplex,
2BR'IBA, screened porch,, :fireplace,
WVDH'i CH-SA, $750/mo. l904-1891-0606,
or 13521478-2161.
FURNISHED RENTAL'in. Ponte Vedra -
IBR'IBA, ground lloor unri w new applian-
ces 9 monrh minimum $900.mo Call
Grace 612.1089 .
2/1, townhouse, W/D included;. CH/A, ce-
ramic tile, approx. 900sf. 404 131h Av S.
Jax'Bch. No pets. $825.,rr, o$825,sec-
dep. (904)343-9908
1BR, 1 block from beach. $700/mo. in-
cludes water. No pets. 273-2484.
JAX BEACH 2BR 1BA. CH&A, carpeted,
painted, WDHU, no pets, 246-0576.
NEPTUNE. BCH- clean, new carpet,
2BR/1.5BA duplex CH8A dishwasher.
ceiling fans. WDHU. lenced rack yard
w/upper deck. No pets $815,mo. S750
security depos, 2208 Marsn Poini Ri'
Creoar check and references required
w-'25 nonrreiundable application lee
covered parking, WDHU, $775/mo.' in-.
eludes water, electric, basic cable, much
more 5500'aep Tom 616-3580.
r 100%
Interest Only
Loans Available
Call us today!!
| Mortgages made easy.
Wachovia Mortgage Corporation
233 3rd Street North
i Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Tel 904-361-5102
Wally Sears wally.sears@wachovia.com
2- .......
2BR/2BA apartment, 1200sf., WDHU,
CH&A. 1012 N. 1st St., JB. $1300/mo.
NEPTUNE BCH, near ocean. Clean, nice
1BR apt. w/ garden atrium. $750/mo.
Avail. soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417.
JACKSONVILLE BEACH, 1 blk to ocean,
2BR 1BA, $785/mo. (904)891-0606 or
2BR/1BA, CH&A, beautifully tiled. No
pets. 810 2nd Ave. North. $750/rro. Credit
check. 992-0088, 333-1822.
LARGE 1BR, excellent location, 2 blocks
to Ocean, very clean. No pets. $675/mo.
642-1214, 241-1219.
2BR 2BA In PVB. 1113sf, end unit, beach
access, completely remodeled, brand new
everything, scr. por., 5 star amenities, club
house, comm. pool. $1200/mo.,
$1100/dep. 536-5477, 710-9649.
ATLANTIC BEACH. Studio garage apt. JAX BEACH Apartment, 2BR/BA.Newl
near ocean! No pets! $675/mo. All South renovated Washer/dryer. oQuiet area,
Realty,241-4141. available now. $875/mo+ deposit. 201
North 9th St. 246-9162 (3#)
SUNNY BRAND, new 2BR/2BA, corner
townhome in PVB. Includes beach ac-
cess, pool,, tennis, gym, overlooks golf
course. Must see. $1300/mo.
JAX BEACH townhouse. 187 South 8th
Ave.: 2 blocks to Ocean, 2BR/2.5BA,
1500sf, 1-car garage, no pets. $1350/mo.
JAX BEACH. East of 3rd. 3BR/1BA apart-
ment. 2 1/2 blocks to ocean, washer/dryer,
CH&A. $1140/mo. 821-9751 or 803-3099.
LG 1 BR, CH/A, great deck, $590 & up. No
pets. 246-8537.
* .* '*
1/1 BRAND NEW Townhome, corner on
golf course. 5 star amenities, beach ac-
cess in Summerhouse. $900/mo. water in-
cluded. (561,)629-6158.
JAX. BEACH Townhome 3BR/2.5BA,
2100sf, w/appliances. 832 9th Ave. South,
Available June 1st. i, 549 rr,. 993-9601
for appt.
JAX BEACHFRONT 2BR c6ndo, no lease,
pet negotiable, $1.300/mo., 673-1550.
JAX BEACH, ,4 Blocks to. Ocean.
1BR/1BA Apartment, $550/mo. 220 4th
Street So. (904)891-0606, (352)478-2161
Bearr. almost Oceanfront. Available in-
me,.ailiy $625/mo.+ security, includes
water/sewer. 241-5251.
2BR 1 5BA TOWIHOIOME Washer- Dryer,
, ., ,: o.:,-.ar, A,.a,lable 5 15 mo or iyr
e:-r:e rc. peiF t nl c11,,.mo 904.2-'42-8586.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1BR.just steps to
oceanI Convenient area! 1000 mo All
South Realty, 24:1-41.41.
rIEPTUrI-E BEACH. 1-tlock irom ocean.
. Eh o iricv i', n.' o ritclude.s s.me unili-
,ps Aeallor Orner 514-4229 aner 5prm.
2BRt1BA APT. JAX BEACH newly reno-.,
'.',are. ,,a*Mire ,er, qu.el ars aaia-
ole rnor,t :e7. ni dep-n-.'-, 201 N 9in
SI :-4E.9162 '
NEAR POlTE Vera I bilOCk beacr, Be-l
rea quilc aie reiideriial neignoorhood.
2'BR iA I.:,'er .Iupie neew -arpe lwie &
parini CH&A, asritr darer included no
S.rmr,.:'nq no. pei i9 0 rr, o, m lease deipos-
3/3 brand new luxury condo
with views of the marsh. Steps
to the ocean. Private garage.
Furnished. $3000
3/2 home located on lagoon.
Beautiful deck off back
overlooks TPC course. $2100
4/2 w/garage located on cul de
sac. Lrg fenced in yard. $1300
Call Melissa Myers
Property Management Sales
Goreous. e'cryviniMrg brand new, 1800
SF 3BR 2E.A, 2nd licor, large screened I
porch overlooking preserve $1975/mQJ
A special surprise1" Resort
amenities, newly remodeled units.
. All new appliances. Low rent now.
2BR corner unit 2nd floor
townhome: Bright, spacious,.cool0
2BR/2BA 2nd Iloor, ne m carpet,
new tile, appliances, high ceilings.
W/D, FP, garage, $M1'@ /mo.
Janet Wells
Bioke,-GRI CAM
Ponte Vedra Beach &ety, Inc.
13850 Windsor Crown Ct
$2700/mo L.E Opi.. pn..n $695K
5/3/3 3200 sq ft
On the Golf Course
Many Upgrades
13501 Prince Kelly Dr.
$2500/mo .... oprn.., $659K
4/2/2 2500 sq ft
On the Golf Course
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view,
CH&A. Water, sewer, garbage included.
Credit check, No pets. $750/mo. 514-8530
PVB, 2/2 w/ garage, $1250/mo. 6mos
lease. Refs. (904)766-3462.
2BR 1BA, WDHU, no smoking, no pets,'
$850/mo, $500/dep. 247-1935.
WOLF CREEK, ICW, brand new 3BR/
2.5BA, garage, 1700sf, clubhouse, pool,
washer dryer incl., $1395/mo. Realtor
owned. 994-3608.
MOBILE HOMES. $500 to $550, on pri-.
vate lots. Near Mayport Naval Station, no
dogs, 333-5579.
NEPTUNE BCH, 2BR 1BA, central A/C,
WDHU, ho dogs, water incl. $950/mo plus
dep. 463-0222 or 249-3419.
OCEAN VIEW Neptune Bch, Upscale Ga-
rage Apt. 2BR/1.5BA, furnished,
$1,575/nmo. Call 891-0647 for details.
JAX BEACH, 3 blocks to beach, 1BR/1 BA,
WDHU, carpet, ceramic, light & bright.
Must See! 325 15th Ave. N. #3. No smok-
ing, no pets. $600/mo. Accent Properties,
BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA, 3 blocks to Ocean,
Neptune Beach. WDHU. $850/mo. No
pets. (904)742-6423.
Furnished 3BR/2.5BA, porch. Lease. No
pets. 280-9018
2BR//IBA Totrnhou se
Naomi Delmont '
i". REAT,1' :ERvICE S irC
Parks-Lyon L
Atlantic Beach
+ 3BR'2BA o',ndo.Srcjpi e .ru-,shed
p,?ol. xaJk to0 ,-xeari $12l'mo
+ 'BR/2B 2 TH, Ma \port Landri.ii .
nei\ remodeled unit, e ru ce
aso other'unitc $775 $.05is m.
+ 2BR,'2BA The CourNardj. nice uril
communin Fpool. $s25/rrio
Jax Beach,
+ 3BR/2BA condo. South Shore on
ocean. pool. furnished unir
Starung Ma3 I st, i Iii1/mo for
6 monthV
+ 1BR/2 5BA condo. Neo-rThree
stones, I car garage. W\V/D Walk
to Beach $1900/mo -
+ 2BR/1-BA, 6Lh .Ave N cuie tboli.n-,
Lunil i/ne re, c rpel. back pan,:.. 3,lk I'k
to beach. $I0'imo .
Neptune Beach ,
2 2BR/2BA Apt, beach views, '/D '
+ 1BR/1BA cute Apt, 2 blocks to r
_ocean. $750/mo
Ponte Vedra
+ 2BR/2BA Condo, The Islands.
garage, screen porch, commur, it i
pool. $995/mno.
3BR/2BA Condo, (The Islands, II
car garage, screen porch, FP,
co:rnm o poiLennis l1300/mo
West Beaches
+ -4BR/2BA H-Ner. Home ort Beach
Bld 131826 Zion Gate C 2 car
garage, $1700/mo.
Call us for
Professional Property Management s
Call 249-2322
13827 Longs Landing Dr E
$2500/mo0 1.eaeOpom $725K
5/3.5/3 3300 sq ft
On the Marshl
13807 Longs Landing Dr E
$2900/mo i ... op,,.n. $795K
7/5.5/3 4200 sq ft
On the Marsh
Rainbow Properties
1415 All. Bihd. Suile A. Neptune Beach 32266
out to ocean, 2004 complete renovation,
furnished or unfurnished, covered parking,.
pool. $950,000. Call for appointment
PVB SUMMER House. 1BR/1BA, 550sf,
tiled throughout, new appliances, washer/
dryer, AC, gated, ground floor. Golf course
view, $139,900. (904)608-1730.
3 Bedroom Beach Getaway
on the Marsh
Talk to the Twins! 3 bedroom ground floor end unit at The
Villas at Marsh Landing w/garage. 18" lile in wet area, huge
lanai overlooking marsh, fireplace, crown, gated, clut
amenities a-'cond. MLS t 284889 $259,900
Diane Barr 234-9997
Donna Sandiford 38,6-5800
S3 Bdrnn Condo in illas at
'' [LJ Marsh Landing with
Marsh Views on 3 sides;
Tons of Upgrades plus Garage,
Priced to Sell at $259,000
Gated Community with many amenities including clubhouse,
pool and state-of-the-art fitness center. New paint, hardwood.
floors, crown molding, updated baths and more. All
appliances included. 1-car garage, awesome Marsh Views!
Call Margi Petitt Top Producer 571-9821
5 5 5 5505 BEACH RENTALS 5 Vi 5,1i ;1.
SUnfurnished Homes L'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch Unfurnished Condos
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV w/jacuzzi,-lake view, fireplace, comm. pool, Summerhouse PV
% 5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 car garage, garage. $1600/mo. Newly renovated,, new carpet, baths,
fenced backyard, screened porch. Beach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA, ,home has kitchen, tile, fireplace, walk to shops, great r,
$2950/mo. screened porch, wood deck on lagoon, bch 1BR/1BA, 1st floor. $850/mo
The Grove PV 4BR/3BA, home on access. $1500/mo. 1BR/1BA, Villa. $875/mo
private lot w/preserve views, hardwood Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex w/new 2BR/2BA, 1st floor. $1050/mo. .
floors, three car garage. $2700/mo. carpet, new kitchen, garage, fresh paint. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor. $1195mo.
Marsh View SPV 4BR/4BA, $1300/mo. 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo.
ewFurnished Homes. Palms at Marsh Landing JB
Oceanviews, tile floors. $2000/mo. The Colony PV 2BR/2BA ground floor, Screened porch, tile floors
4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqft, garage, fireplace, east of AlA. $1500/mo. 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor, Intracoastal views.
beach access, attached garage. $2200/mo. Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, $900/mo
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA, spacious luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across Vi3BR2BA. 1st floor eLand unit. $1285/mo.
home in walking distance to schools & from ocean. $3000/mo. Firepllas at ce Marsh creeLanding JBporch
. beach. $2200/mo. Intracoastal West 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor garage. $875/mo
Vilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA, newer Avanti, Kernan 1BR/1BA, 2nd floor w/ 2BR/2BA, 1st floor, garage. $1050/mo.
, two story, across from ocean, light & screened porch. $850/mo. Ocean Links PV
bright, garage.. $1800/mo. 2BR/2BA, 2nd floor condo, all appliances, 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo.
38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA, great amenities. $945/mo. 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace, ,
townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet The Seasons @ Kensington Kernan 2BR/ porch, golf course views. $1200/mo. '
neighborhood, private patio, remodeled. 1.5BA, two story, end unit, tiled screened in z
$1800/mo. porch, comm. pool. $995/mo. RE/MAX COASTAL REAL ESTATE
Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has Montreux Touchton 2BR/2BA, ground Shannon Smith
screened porch, decks, wood floors, golf floor condo,. screened porch on lake, light and (904) 285-5640
course views. $1700/mo. bright. $1100/mo. www.rentthebeaches.com
I; 0i 0; 1; 'i 10 5, 5 % 5 5 1; 0^^^^^^
Anril 91 7006f
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
AVAILABLE Immediatelyl Walk or bike to
beach. 2BR/1.5BA townhome with wood-
burning fireplace. Nicely landscaped gar-
den patio area w/new privacy fence.
WDHU, ample storage, refig w/Icemaker
and dishwasher. No Dogs/ Smokers.
$975/mo. w/lease & strong refs req'd. Call
285-8325 (eves) or 403-9297 (cell).
In Neptune Beach. Two full baths, CH&A,
dishwasher, new carpet and tile,
screened balcony overlooking park.
$800/mo. depositt. No pets. 249-6150.
Coquina ( Waterfront
Deep River PL.
Eastwind Dr.
Hwy A1A #74 Fountains
LaReserve Dr
Mallorca Dr.
Pebble Brook Dr.
Lake Stone Circle
Twenty Second.St
Willow Cove
JAX BEACH, 2BR/1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN, CH&A, $850/mo. 401 South 2nd
Street. 616-2871.
condo. End unit, in 5-star complex. Living-
room w/fireplace, dining room, fully equip-
ped kitchen, w/brand new appliances in-
cluding. washer/dryer. 1st floor powder
room, 2BR/1BA on 2nd floor w/deck off
master bedroom. Large closets. Small
pets permitted. $995/mo. Contact Ronnie
at Explore Realty: email:
explore123@bellsouth.net or (904)722-
Subdivision Rent
)rsle of Palms $1,500
Riverbrook at Glen-Hodges $1,395
Seabreeze Park $1,200
East of AlA $ 950
Fiddler's Marsh-East of A1A $1,800
Pablo Point $1,600
Riverbrook at Glen-Hodges $1,395
Saw Mill Lakes $1,600
Jax Beach $1,100.
Cvyress Cove $ 850
BR/BA Area
3/2.0 IC
3/2.0 JV
.3/2.0 JB
2/1.5 PV
3/2.0 PV
3/2/0 JV '
3/2.0 IC
3/2.0 PV
3/2.0 : JB
2/1 AB
Ponte Vedra Beach Office 285-5409 or 1-866-242-5596
:For Management INFO
F,~i "n Call 285-5409 .
..:. e also have vacation and short term rentals.
'801 Deerfield Lakes, Atlantic Beach 2/2 1400
816 Belleza Ponte Vedra 1/1 755
202-4E Villa del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/1 700,
234 Belleza. PonteVedra .. 2/2. 1100
108 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 2/1.5 1400
1027 Belleza Ponte Vedra 2/2, 1100
403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 2/2. 1200
2 The Fountains Ponte-Vedra 3/2.5 1510
125 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2 1700
63 Tifton Cove North Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2 1800
3832 Tropical Terrace Jax Beach 3/2 1650
811 Ocean Links Ponte Vedra 3/2 1600
67 Fisherman Cove Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 2/2' 1450
1604 Ocean Pond Court Jax Beach 3/2.5 165,7
90 Cat Road. Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass 3/2 1800
337 Charlemagne Fiddler's Marsh/PV 3/2 1650
.4448 Pebblebrook Drive Jax/Riverbrook @ Glen Kernan 3/2 1860
3343 Lighthouse Pointe Lane Jax Beach 3/3 2144
2001 Windjammer Ln South Ponte Vedra 3/3.5 + ofc 3009
637 Bonaire Circle Jax Beach/Ocean Cay 4/2 2194
529 Sunset Drive Ponte Vedra 3/2.5' 2900
534 Morningside Drive Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2400
109 Gardenia Avenue Ponte Vedra/Fairfield 4/2 2400
117 Deer Cove Drive Ponte Vedra/Marsh.Landing 4/2.5 2000
9910 Preston Trail Ponte Vedra/Sawgrass CC 3/2.5 2900
806 Metropolitan. Jax Beach 3/2 1756
12907 Huntley Manor Drive Jax Golf & Country Club 5/4 3764
1316 Turtle Dunes Ct. South Ponte Vedra 5/4 3800
408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100
$1350 The Fountains Ponte Vedra 3/2 1700
$1400 Beach Club Villas Sawgrass Beach Club Eff. 600
$1500/wk 2503 S.PontleVedra(SPECIALRATE) S. Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2100
$1800/wk The Retreat Ponte Vedra/Oceanfront 2/2 1600
$2000 Vista Del Mar JaxBeach/Oceanside 3/2 1700
$2400 17* Ave. North w/pool Jax Beach 3/1.5 1500
$2400 444 La Reserve Circle Ponte Vedra/L'Atrium 2/2+office 1600
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive Marsh Landing 4/2.5 2000,
$2500/wk728 Oceanfront Neptune Beach/Oceanfront 3/2.5 w/game rm2600
$2600 534 Momingside Drive Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2400
$2700/wk 2824 Coastal Hwy Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4 4000
$3000 562 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Ponte Vedra 3/1.5 1500
$3500 The Cloister Atlantic Beach 3/2 2000
$3600 191 12'" Street (3mo.min.) Atlantic Beach 4/3 2600
$3900/wk347 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Oceanfront/Pool 3/3.5 2600
$4000' 408 Berkman Plaza Jax/Downtown Riverfront 2/2+loft 2100
$5500 1931 Beach Ave(3mo.min.) Atlantic Beach 3/3 2400
**Other furnished properties also available
Dally, Weekly and Monthly.**
Call today to book your next vacation!!
Townhouse. $850/mo. 1 mile west of May-
port ferry. 733-5225, 241 -RENT.
CH/A, WDHU. East of 1st St. $795-
$1195/mo. 4151 Tradewinds, 4 BR water
front $1500/mo. 241-7368, ,733-3730.
WDHU, fenced yard, no pets. $1050/mo
plus dep. Avail. May 1st. 249-4159 or
3 Blocks to Ocean. 3BR/2BA. Pets nego-
tiable, Washer/dryer, carport, recently re-
modeled. $1600/mo. 553-8634.
NEPTUNE BCH 3BR/2BA home. Newly
renovated, overlooking the marsh. 2033
Marshpoint Rd. $1450/mo. Call 891-0647.
PVB. 2BR/2BA, w/fireplace, new applian- BEAUTIFUL OCEANFRONT Condo to
ces, washer/dryer, many amenities. share, South J.B. Private BR/BA. Parking,
$950/mo. 472-0914. pool $800/mo+ 1/2 utilities. All amenities.
,Av nR^AU on ,.i.r,-i,, .. 247-8338, 994-9499.
UJA bLAUr], 1lH Lj I cuui, uaIruy II
ocean w/pool, brand new renovation.
$1299/mo. Call (860)777-6134.
THE PALMS 1BR/IBA, many upgrades,
near tennis & pool, private wetlands-view,
washer/dryer, $875/mo. Garage available.
PVB -MARSH COVE. A, perfect
2BR/2.5BA TH. W/D, FP, amenities,
1200sf. $1095/mo. 635-6375.
1 BR/1BA. Fireplace pool, porter service.
$800/mo. Call (904)616-7975.,
Free Rent- Better Deal. 2BR/ 2BA corner
unit, 2nd floor TH, W/D, FP, amenities.
Avail now. $1225/mo. 635-6385.
PVB- SUMMER House luxurious 2BR
2BA end unit. Brand new, 5-star ameni-
ties, beachside. 4th month free. 318-9114.
BRAND new beautiful 1IBR/1IBA condo in
PV, includes: beach access, pool, tennis,
m, overlooks tennis courts. Must seel
$800/mo. (904)571-5517.
OCEANFRONT. IN Seascape,. 3BR/2BA,
w/52' balcony. $1900/mo. 733-4095,
854-0030, 708-0905.
TPC SAWGRASS, 3BR/2.5BA, garage,
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, comm;, pool,
gated community. $1500/mo. 285-4618.
PVB -THE Colony. Walk to beach, owner
motivated, 2BR/ 2BA, 2nd floor, high ceil-
ings, new carpet, W/D +FP., garage.
Avail. immed. $1195/mo. 635-6375.
'TWEEN BEACH & Town Center. Two;
1BR/1BA Condos, Hodges. Amenities.
$880/mo. 285-6905.
OCEAN GROVE, 3BR/2BA, garage,
all amenities. Reduced, $1495/mog
(414)202-9598. .
4 MILES from ocean, brand new, 3/2 con-
do, pool view. $1200/mo. 1/2 mo. free
rent. Call 994-1329.
SPINNAKER 1BR 1BA. elegantly furnish.
ed, steps to ocean garage. $1800.'mo
708-4022; .
PVB. Ocean 'Grove, Beach access. All
new 2BR/2BA, downstairs includes
garage. On Lake. Must rent. $1100/mo.
OCEANFRONT 28R 2BA. lully lurn.sned
Ground noor poOl, wasner'drye-r cable
$l1900 mo.+ depose 1904)349.1-1l3.
greai view. new appliances. $1200.'mo.
Viirs weosile www geocilles.com-pvb05
PONTE VEDRA Ocean Link-. 2BRi2BA.
1sT floor, all amerilies $1100mo
ATLANTIC BEACH (Main St.). Very nice,
furnished, 3BR/2.5BA townhome, CH&A,
washer/dryer, $600/mo. includes utilities,
cable, wireless internet. Available now.
Deposit & references required. 514-0569.
ROOMMATE, SHARE House. $525/mo.
includes utilities. 3 miles to Beach. Call
PONTE VEDRA Beach. Roommates.
$525/mo.+ 1/3 utilities each. No smoking/
No pets. Call 7pm-9pm. 501-0959,
TWO LAWYERS' offices, new, upscale,
shared space, Ig.conf. room, 'etc. incl.
electricity, security, $1250/mo. or
$850/mo. email:
OFFICE SUITE w/2 offices, 550sf, kitch-,
enette, bathroom.'Atlantic Beach, 3 Blocks
to Ocean. $750/mo.+ utilities. 247-0488.
SOUTH 'JAX Beach,- 500sf, new paint,
new carpet, $962/mo;, utilities included,
384vB 15th Ave. South. 241-3293.,
LARGE 1 room healthcare office. Share
common areas, bathrooms, office manag-
er, ample parking, 3rd Street, Neptune
Bch.. 241-0666.
OFFICE/RETAIL, Jax Beach, 400sf or
800sf. 3rd Street frontage. 246-0576.
1235SF ON 3rd Street, Jax Beach. 2 bath-
rooms. Custom built. Reception area, cus-
tom cabinets, wet bar. Water & sewer fur-
nished. 246-1036. .
ATLANTIC BEACH. 330 First St. Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA. 2-blocks to Ocean
& Towp Center. $1750/mo. 249-0767,
Boat lift, dock; deck, pool, 4BR/3BA
w/home gym, pool table, washer/dryer,
huge Florida room, mother-in-law suite.
Beautiful landscape. $3000/mo including
pool & yard maintenance 223-6850.
hardwood floors, 4 blocks to Beach. Lot,
70'x100'. 412 South Street. $1275/mo.
McGuire Mortgage, 246-9915..
JAX BEACH Sbuth'; 822 14th Ave. Com-
pletely remodeled, 3BR/2BA, CH&A,
washer/dryer. No pets. $1300/mo.
PONTE VEDRA- East of AIA., 3/2, +of-
fice, 2000sf., 2 car garage. Courtyard
pool, lawn/pool service included. Pets OK.
$1900/mo. Avail mid-May. (904)703-0242.
THE SANCTUARY. 3BR/2BA w/2 car in
* gated community. One owner home in ex-
cellent condition. Perfect for relocating
professionals. Pool, tennis courts, nature
trail. Convenient to. everything. Call Chris
at 904-813.9566. Lic. REBrokerl
HAMPTON SOUTH. St. John's County.
New home, 4BR/2BA on lake and golf
course,- all appliances, washer/dryer,
blinds, granite counter tops. Community
amenities. 1165 :Garrison .. Drive,
$1600/mo, Realty Execui;ves 273-3939,
JAX BEACH, 1036 141h Ave North
4BR/2BA, ceramic tile. WDHU $1350mrno.
3BR 2BA 1-sicry house 185051. w.' 2BR
IBA garage unil, CH A, WDHU blinds.
:arpei. Ig Florida room, carpon ig yard.
$2000'mo.. $1000,.dep 347 3rd SI All
Bcr, 24.1.2624.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 1204 Cape Crarles
3BR.'2BA $1000'mo Available 5 15.06
JAX BEACH. 3BR'lBA. close to ocean
S1095'mco All Souln Really, 241-4141
$1095/MO. 241-1103 OR 514-5449.
3BR. 3BA home w.bonu- room on lake in
Marsn Sound' Comm pool' l$1975mo
All Souir, Realry 241-4141
$1500/mo. 2200sf., 4/2/2 iLease option
$2835K Ranriow Propenies 993-7908.
PONTE VEDRA 1 block o10 Ocean Ocean
breezes. 4BR,3BA. 2-car+ bonus.
$2500.'mo 707-7000
2BR.3BA oncec, sunroom. 2 5 Oiocks L10
beach 6 blocks 10o lown center Furnisred.
unlurnrisned $1900m'ro 241-0493
NB 3BR'lBA. 552 Myra Sr. 4 biks 10i
beacn. deck $1100-mo *dep 349-1694
bic:,,k 10 beach $,1550-mo All Soum Re-
all,, 241 4141.
SOUTH JAX Beachi 1 block 10 ocean.
cuie clean. 3BR 2BA. garage. screened
.;:orrh 115 33rd Ave Souln. $1500mo
PvB, EAST of AlA. 32 5. very clean. pn.
vate backyard w'healed pool and spa
$2150 mo 280 5707
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing
4BR.2BA execulve brick home
$t 95'mo VIP Realty 962-6190.
w garage on quiel cul-de-sac $1150 mo
Al South Realry. 241-4141
2R8.1 5BA TOWNHOUSE. ceramic lile
Iloors. CH&A. laundry room. paiio., lenced
yard, 1 yr. lease, no pals. $,950 deposit.
$950mro. 615 7th Ave S. Jax Bcr
993-1114 or 270-1284
ATLANTIC BEACH 1'2 mile 10 ocean-
3iBR 2BA, all hardwood floors large Pack
yard. 11400'mo no smoking, no pels
SOUTH JAX Beach 3BR' I 5BA Car-
port, lenced Availaole 4,'l15. New carpel
tile, cabineis. oalh. Ihllures. CHiA. WDHU
$1550 m.:. + deposl 398-0232
PONTE VEDRA Beacn, Sawgraas
TPC,' 3BR/2BA, fence, replace,
washer'dryer. garage, pelC OK.
1 35i'mc.. 16781488-4595.1770)592-5343
7971 MOUNT RAINIER, $1500/mo. GAT-
ED COMMUNITY. 3/2/12. Rainbow Proper-
ties. 993-7908, 249 9600
lot in Selva Marina area Large modern
kitchen w/new fridge & dishwasher Living
room fireplace. Attached 1-car garage,
WDHU, fenced yard, CH&A. $1700/mo.
Call Bob (904)631-6268.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2 blocks to ocean
and town center. 2BR/3BA townhome.
New appliances, tile, hardwood and.car-
pet, electric fireplace, 1800sf., perfect
condition, no pets. $1750/mo. +deposit,
includes utilities and yard service. 312 2nd
Street. Call 591-4349. :r
in Villages of Pablol Comm. pool, tennis &
more. $1200/mo. All South Realty, 241-
1 MILE to Beach.$1500/mo., 3BR/2.5BA
home, 2 car garage, on cul-de-sac,
g.yard,: wood deck, privacy fence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or' email:
JAX BEACH, 3BR/2BA, in quiet-neighbor-
hood., $1100/mo. All South Realty,
4-BLOCKS TO Ocean. 1BR/1BA, all tile.
$699/mo.+ deposit. 405 Lower 8th Ave.
South. 534-2120,
ATLANTIC Beach 3BR/ 1BA, walk to
beach, Town Center, renovated,
$1280/mo includes water, 904-704-1828.
2nd Floor office space available in the heart of Jacksonville Beach.
Hard\\ood floors. 3 office rooms. common rooms, large kitchen.
1000+ sq ft. $1495 per month.
$1300mo. 20r2oa $1050'mo 1BR'nBA,
Beaurlijl riewir rr,-oalied man-, a,-r-en...
lies Available ncOw garage $100 Realty
Executiwes, 273-3939 610-6460
ihe Inlracoasial Waierway 3 4BR. 3 5BA
approximarely 2700si marina view Re.
son sryle iwirig, hive among millionaires'
$2500.mo. includes 1-car garage. waler.
sewer cable, pool, spa. clurbhouse. nealln
club. Marina Walk gared cr.mmuniry
* waler Mar-.r, and marina views. Availa-
ble April 40 boal slip alaco available Call
now. -463-2845
PONTE VEDRA Summer House New
2BR 2BA 5 siar amenities Grear locaitor,''
Borc-om Iloor uni. $11i0lmo. depositl
JAX BEACH, Awesome Oceanironl 6ir
iloor, 3BR.2BA. All appliances, rile pool
Nopers t1700,mo 17271686-1708.
PONTE VEDRA Beach Cottage Deautilul
brand new 3BR.'2BA in rne mucr, -oughi
aher Summer House Beach access 5 star
amerniies open.in soon, $1385 mo Call
Linda. 904.-662-6361
PVB- THE Belleza, '1BR 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & tanning bed, $850/mo.
Call 318-9114. .
PVB- OCEAN Grove' Condo, 3BR/2BA
,w/garage, 1st floor; renovated, new appli-
,ances, pool, new fitness center. Beach ac-
cess, No Pets. $1400/mo. 904-318-7500.
3BR,2BA, 1900si,.aO ameni .es, all appli
ances including washer dryer 219-2481
-- --- --- ---- -- -_-
ATLANTiC BEACH Free slanrding ohice'
comrnreilial retail Obuilding, shop commer
dal 11 J i','aer-ouse. space. Sianing .a
500'iMrr-,o Free -rr.r. 190i4151-1090
3500SF COMMERCIAL Building. New
construction. avail soon 514-1090
lease 3629s1 OtHrce included Large park-
,no 101, beacn side ol minracoaslal
17701929-1721. i678i525-0854
PET SITTING at your home walk and
air, Sara 241-3627
The Kennel aliemaiive, Providing conven-
in;,l. reliable care ior your pels ai your
home while you are away Reasonable
rale.-, relerences For more information
call Doris Rosar.us 241-8967. Licensed,
puppies Parenis on site. Ready 6/1/06
Males $300 Females $350 Beautilul col-
oring/ markings, sweet, healthy, intelligent.
5 MALE Miniature Pinscher Puppies. $450
Call 285-7878 for details & pricing.
ADORABLE AKC Engiasn Bulldog Pups
.9wks, Cnampion sire 2 females 1 male
Price negoiable. 502-4928
HOMELESS PETS for, adoption- Cats &
dogs. 246-3600.
M .11 -------
OCEANFRONT- FURNISHED & unfur- .- .' ..- --
nished homes condosl From $500 per IF YOU are interested in advertising under
weekly All South Realty, 241-4141.. this category please call 904-249-9033 or
_. "email: classified@beachesleader.com ,
ATL BCH 3BR house, beauliully turnish-
ed, walk to ocean, $1650. mo 993-3226
OCEANFRONT, 1 or 2BR furnished con'-
dos, weekly or monthly. (904)463-7343.
S. JAX Bch. 2BR, fully furnished, ocean-
front condo. Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
www rentjacksonvillebeach.com
4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
(904)249-8269.. /
homes. Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrental.com or 535-3911 or
-- -- -
ROOM IN PV house in gated comm. Pool
& tennis, high. speed internet, all util.
$580/mo. 476-1830. .
JAX BEACH. Teriffic 3BR/2BA spacious
home. Near Ocean. $600/mo. 247-8913.
NICE 4/BR house w/pool and fenced back
yard $600/mo. Includes utilities and satel-
lite TV. 568-8700.
fees and utilities. Exclusive Miravista,
gated, pool, hot tub, health club, water-
front w/marina view. Room has own bath-
room, brand- new large unit, 2700sf.
$550/mo+ deposit, includes utilities
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share apt. 1 bik
from ocean w/ nice BBQ. $450/mo + 1/2
until small deposit. 718-3452.
Ili~mnri~r~ nn
All levels, styles & ages: Will come to your
home. Piano Tuning also available.
241-4954, 655-3300.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
LEARN to paint and decorate them: For
more information call Mrs. Laraine E.
Short at 285-0646 or email agourdpaint-
er@aol.com or Mr. Roy G. Cosselmon at
246-7783. member of NEFGS.
RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach. 249-9395,
in person, Giovanni's, 1161 Beach .Blvd.,
Jax Beach. 249-7787.
HELP WANTED classilicaiions in this
newspaper are ninerded 10 announce gen.
uine current lob openings No lees may be
charged 1o Ihe prospective employee Ads
for sell-employment or business opponu.
n ines appear under Ihe Business Opponu.
nine's caiegorn/ Ada wrNcn may require
payment 'of fees for empioyrerin ihforma-.
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
*der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask for a fee or if the advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033..
customer service skills, data entry, good
phone skills, strong computer, attention to,
detail experience preferred. Mon.-Fri.,
9 30-2-30. Fax.resume to 247-1271. -
END DUMP Trailer Driver needed in Jack-
sornvile Beacn area. CDL Class A & ex--.
Sperence required Please contact
877-880-8265 1or more inlormaion
,: $ $ $
Venus Reiai store located on the ST. Johns
Town Center is looking 0or Part-Time
Sales Associates Mee Greet. and assist
custorrers. Musl be able Io work nights
and weekends Greal merchandise dis-
counts Call Caihy ,'x 645-6000 prompt 3
We lake applications in our lobby al 11711
Marco Beach Drive Relail experience a
'plus. EOE
JANITORIAL' DAY Poner Duties 'ircllde,i
-Marnri nnn -,.iicren areas i 'zromarriams re-'
mo,,al IT irash l0am-3pmr. M-F Call Ju',
dy 220-0088
CATERING CHEF. P/T Chrisi Episcopal
Church PVB 13 seeking an experienced
Cher wno can work a flexible schedule in-
cluding evenings and weekends II you
would eriloy working in a last paced
church environment mail your resume 10o
cdlon@i:chrisiepiscopalchurch org or lax
(904)285-0412. Drug-Iree workplace
wanted Job dulies include assisting winn
various in-house mailings and working re.
lurneo mail and email Our olrice is local-
ed in Ponle Vedra Beach arnd the hours
are Monday rirough Friday, 3 ro 4 hours
each morning starring at 9.30 am Please
send resume 10
THE SILVER BOX is seeking a sales ori-
ented person. Will train. Mon- Thurs
10-5pm. Call 610-3084.
3pm,- Mon., and 8am-1pm Wed. & Fri.
$150/wk. Call 904-477-1198.
Every weekend 7am to 7pm at a Premier
.Retirement Community Health Center. Ex-
cellent work environment. Experience in
geriatric: care. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate, One Fleet
Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL;
Fax :'to (904)246-9447; email to:
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE/Drug-Freee
EXPERIENCED ONLY. Must have reliable
transportation. 3 days/wk and some Satur-
days. Call Debbie after 2pm. 285-3400,
dra. 15-20hrs./week Semi-flexible sched-
ule. Need: references, transportation.
Immediate opening for part-time office
clerk w/small medical, distributor in PVB.
Requires excellent phone and organiza-
tional skills, bookkeeping (Peachtree pre-
ferred), records management, marketing
support. Resume to vara@eyequit.com or
fax 280-1888.
DRIVER NEEDED for moving company.
Class-D license, experience helpful,
TUTORS FOR Latin/ Logic/ Rhetoric/ Pia-
no/ Spanish/ Computer. Part-Time about 5
hours weekly $50.0.0-$65.00 an hour de-
pending on experience, To tutor 4 children
ages 13, 11, 10 & 7. A Christian home
schooling family in the beaches area is
looking for caring, intelligent, energetic
people who love children. Positions will re-
quire proficiency in the subject teaching.
B.S. desired. You must be a non-smoker
without pet allergies and able to provide
own transportation to and from work.
E-mail your .resume to
jobsforseven@yahoo.com in the email
subject please put the area you are apply-
ing for and where you saw the ad posted.
ABOVE AND Beyond Housekeeping,
seeking responsible individuals, reliable
transportation and phone required.
Great pay. 591-5901, 514-1188.
,I i
$ 750
$ 850
$ 850
In accordance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Flori-
da Statute, persons with disabilities need-
ing special accommodation, including
hearing assistance, to participate in this
meeting should contact the City Clerk's
Office no later than 5:00 P.M., the day of
the meeting.
Lisa Volpe, CMC
City Clerk
BL 4/21/06
* Coiiference Room
* East of A1AI
walk to beach-
Close to shopping/
, restaurants
-.OO FF, BEriT 2 J
I -
UfI C D M --
MID ol IKAKAamunl Ica noo rl---
______ __________
.. .__ ..
Lvf.,I.l Wo oil I qLU-w
Classified 6
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
April 21, 2006
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with friend-
ly, professional phone voice and attention
to detail. Flexible hours (work 'only 2-3 full
days or work part days). Knowledge of
ACT, Excel, and Word helpful. Located In
Pdnte Vedra. Call 285-5855.
ed. FT/PT available. Call Bill 343-4241.
PART-TIME DEBT consultant, six-figure
career. No experience necessary. Call
OFFICE CLEANERS wanted P/T eves. &
daytime final cleaning of condos Jax Bch.
BUSY REAL Estate Office needs Property
Manager. Excellent computer skills a
must. Send resume to P.O. Box 1631,
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004.
da Driver's License. Experience helpful
but will train. Good salary & benefits, Ap-
ply at Surfside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd.,
.246-2666 or fax resume to: 249-8801,
e-mail: surfsidepbols@aol.com
shifts. Must have valid driver's license &
Transportation. Only serious, responsible,
hard workers need apply. Eric, 716-4413.
F/T. CUSTOMER Service/Insurance Bill-
Ing. Must be detailed oriented. Apply in
person at Medequip. 905 North Third St.
Jax Beach.
TEACHERS & Assistants. Ft/ PT, infants
to 5 years. Require patience. reliabiliry
and love of children. Performance based
bonuses Li Up o 2 weeks paid vacation.
Caring marnaremeni Not baby sitting.:
EOE 2'42.96,-
HELPER NEEDED. Small repairs for pri-,
vate home. Hourly rate. 403-5734.
Surfside Pools seeking experienced
Warehouse Manager. Forklift and Safety
Operation a- plus. Good salary & benefits.
Apply: Surfside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd.,
246-2666, or fax resume: 249-8801, a-
mail: surfsidepools@aol.com
Full-Time with great benefits and work en-
vironment at a premier retirement, com-
munity. Experience preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlandlng.com. EOE/
Drug-free Workplace.
** -*'
crew. Must have experience n supervision
and'cleaning. Must have own transporta-
tion. Call Sharon 607-1919.
F/T AND PIT Positions opened. Apply at
Proctor Ace Hardware and Garden Cen-'
ter, 870 A1 A N., Ponte Vedra Beach. .
Office Manager
Detail oriented multi-tasker. Word, Excel
experience required. Salary, bonus plus
benefits. '
Quickbooks, Excel, A/R, A/P, G/L, Payroll
experience raqucied 20-30rrs per week.
Send resume: P.O. Box 51121, Jack-
sonville Bch. FL 32240-1121 or
fax 241-0752. .
.ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed Learn a irade Healih'bene.
fits, good hours advancement opporuni-
,ies Mu.-i na,.e '.'aiid FL Drivers License.
Call 249.5-l for appt. .
carpel, Ilie wood Workn oul of company
truck 2-16 3 i0 .i
APPOIr Ttf.1EltT Coordinalor, Jax Ben Io.
catiJo .rn Fr. 9 5pm Please lax re-
sume toh iyi4-1i2.69.9004
Lawn er.ice Eeks- individual 1, perform
deperiO.a3, qualiury v ork Excellent pay 8
ovenrme as.iavae Crew Leaders wanted.
Pers,:rEi Brircers Services, Inc 246-
TEACHERW. Bea.:res Broach School, BS
degree Fa. r.eun'me io 242.8827.
for ser',i-:e personnel Applicants music
posses a good drn,ing record. Compel,-
Wive salary lull benel'is including retire.
meni plan. bonuses. insurance, paid vaca-
tions and rnii.aays We rave a great work-
ing ervironmrrnrii and nave been in busi-
ness Ior ,'.. 15 years Fax resume.lo
904.2.73 0 e' ,r il l,:ui anr, application at,
10066 Sw*gra-, Di,,. Wesi. Porte Veara
tendent lor established company. Drug
free work place Beneflis. 241-2721.
modeling Ocean Edge Condos, Jax
Beach. 693-3130,
er needed for small Oceanfrpnt hotel.
Good pay/ benefits. Weekends required.
Apply In person, 120 AtlantIc Blvd.,
Neptune Beach.
S *
SWIMMING, POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL
JAX BEACH growing company, needs, or-
ganized marketing focused Executive As-
sistant with ability to multi-task. Must test
at 60 wpm and have excellent verbal and
written communication :skills. Experience-
in Excel and PowerPoint is a must. Com-.
petitive salary and great benefit packet.
M-F 8am-5:30pm. Email resume to
barryg@desertmicro.net r or fax to
JANITORIAL HELP needed. Seeking full
time cleaning crew to work in K-Mart in
Neptune. Beach. Ovemight hours. Clean-
ing and/ or floor care exp. is a plus but not
required Please call 1-800-860-8057 Job
reference no. 8876.
NOW HIRING Area Manager We are
looking for a molivaled individual Io over-
see & coordinate specific departments
within the store Bealls others excellent
company benefits. competitive salary, and
ongoing opportunities for growth & ad-
vancement. Apply in person, 3876 South
3rd St.. Jax Bch.
ing Sous line-cooks & Servers 3rd Ave.
North, on the Ocean. 247-2644.
enced only. Must have transportation. Call
MANAGER In holistic, internal medical or-
lice. Full /part time secretarial, clerical.
and support of M.D a unique setting. Ex-
perience required in answering phones,
computers, communications andpublic-re-
lations. Must be enthusiastic, dependable,
consistent and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references; no phone calls
please. Persephone Healing Arts Center,-,
AX: (904)246-3778.
Servers and HosvHostess. Good money,
casual atmosphere, very busy, great peo-
'pie to work with FT/PT. 285-0139
NOW HIRING Sales Associates Full &
part time positions available. Bealls offers
competitive wages, employee discount &
advancement opportunities. Apply in per-
son, 3876 South 3rd St., Jax Bch.
North Florida Home Health Care is hiring
dedicated people interested in providing
elder care to home health clients. Will
train Employment references required,
Only commited applicants will be select-
ed. Respond to 241-1656
have transportation Some experience
helpTul. 226-6649.
Slaning pay $16 t8/hr. to $17 85/hr de-
pending on license. Valid FL dnvers li-
cense wilh a satisfactory driving record.
Applications accepted until 4/26/06 at 800
Seminole Ra. At?. Beach. FL 32233 or visit
www.coab.us or call 19045)247-5820. No
smokers' tobacco users./ Drug testing
conducted. EOE
Sianing pay St2.d'.lir: H.S. diplomaer
equivalent: Valid FL drivers license; Must
pass C-Wastewataier Course within .12
mos ol hire & obtain license within 2 yrs.
of hire. Applications accepted until 4/26.06
aT 800 Seminole Rd., Atl. Beach, FL
32233 or visit www.coab.us or call
1904)247-5820. No smokers/ tobacco
users. Drug testing conducted.. EOE
FULL-TIME POSITIONS available or a
Lawn Tech and Maintenance Supervisors
witn lull benefits including, nealtn, dental,
IRA, vacation, and holidays. We are a
family oriented business within a great
working environment. Must be honest, de-
pendable, have a good driving record with
a valid FL DL. Experience necessary
Please call 904-669-5446 tor an appoint-
ment or lax resume to 904-543-2479.
r- i Ino*
GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE: Private nave own oIdols & transportation. Neatness
Club Atlantic Beach. Drug Free Work- & dependability a must. Phone Larry He-
nlace FThbenefits Exvnrienr nreferredl ise Painting 247-3644.
Call Golf Course Maintenance 246-4711.
MAINTENANCE MAN- Experience need-
ed for busy Ponte Vedra Real Estate of-
fice. Painting, general maintenance. Good
Driver's License. Call for appt. 285-5585..
Excellent opportunity available to expand
existing dry cleaning route. Unlimited
earning potential. The Cleaners, '1519
Penman Road. Call Chris, 629-2683.
BIG MUSCLES and experienced packers
needed for local moving company. Not
your average 9 to 5 job. Heavy lifting re-.
quired. 247-6683.
Up to $420 plus+
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
Paid Weekly
Design your own daytime hours
Work regular clients near your.
Experience a plus
Must have own transportation
and home phone
Maintenance Personnel Clean dnving re-.
cord a musl. 246-2455
POOL TECHNICIAN needed, beaches
area. prior experience a plus. Drivers Li-
cense and Insurance required. 7am-3pm.
M-F, $2000 a month. Call 241 6200.
Missy / Petite apparel co. w/ 48
stores has exciting opptys.
Jacksonville Beach
Ph: 904-241-0500
Generous benefits & compensation!
Med / Den Nis, 500. Employee
Discount and more!
Apply within, fax 904-241-5533
or email hrretail@drapers.com.
We need helpers and crew
leaders. We are busy installing
hurricane systems on homes and
businesses around the First
Coast. Must have installation and
construction experience. Drivers
License and Transportation
required. Starting $12 and $18
per hour. ,. .
Cal 22-00
Join *tw mm*t-make s crngfrpepe
We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and.
a caring management staff.,
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach,FL.,32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarrlott.com
Job Hotline: (904) 280-7070
I W e L o o k F o fr w a d t L0'-in 0 o
LIVE-IN NANNY. Room, board. small sal.
ary. Special needs crid. Monday-Friday
Evenings/ weekends off. Must be able to
pass drug test and background check.
Call (904)543-7685; or email:
mgk495 @bellsouth.net
TEACHER NEEDED for Beaches pre-
school. Monday-Friday. Call 246-0433.
LOOKING FOR Bartender, Door Guy, and
Liquor Store Clerk. Must be able to work
days, nights, weekends, and holidays.
Must pass drug test and background
check. Call Robert @ 465-0149..
NEED FRONT DESK/ Office Assistant for
busy doctor's office, 30-40 hours week.
Call 273-2691. Fax resume to 273-4607. '
CARIBBEE KEY looking for experienced
Line* Cooks & Prep Cooks. Experienced
only need apply in person between 10am-
4pm M-F, 100 First St. N., Nep Bch.
PONTE.VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
FIT Kennel Attendant. No experience nec-
essary. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.
Join our team If you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fast-paced work environ-
ment, we may have an excellent
opportunity for you. You will join a Naiion-
a company & work in Ponie Vedra Beach
Ideal candidate will have 1 years experi-
ence inside sales, customer service, or
telemarketing. & excellent communicahon
skills. Ability to handle busine-ss accounts
Base pay plus commissions $25k plus
FT. no evenings or weekends PT aai
Fax resume: 19041285-0010 or emai-
Experienced only for line dining at Vicar s
Landing in Ponle Vedra Competilnve pay
and benefits EOE DFWP Call 273.1734
or fax 285-8109.
Cooks. Must be able to work weekends
Top wages. Apply in person i0arrm2pm
Campeche Bay Cantina 127 ist Ave
North. 249-3322.
Full-Time Monday-Friday in the medical
billing office ol a premier retlremeri com
unity nrealtn center General clerical du.
ties with computer experience and Excel
spreadsheet skills required Experience
with outpatient Inerapy bDiling a plus Ex-
callent work environment and benefits
Applications at Fleet Landing Securiry
Gate, One Fleet Landing Blvd Arlanic
Beach, FL; Fax to 904.246.9447- e-mail 10o
jobs@fleetlanding.com EOE'Drug-tree-
WAIT STAFF, lull time days. Good pay.
Call Bruce 280-7677
CARPENTRY HELP/Laborers Beaches
area. W/C exempt. Transportation a must
Call Rocky, 509-0500
POOL CLEANER wivahd Florida Driver's
License. Experience helpful oul will rain.
Good salary & benefits Apply Suriside
Pools, 313 Beach Blvd 246-2666, or lax
resume: 249-8801. e-mail surisidepools
@aol corn
preferred ALSO: Receptionist, veierir;an-
an experience required. Apply in person
1210 3rd Street North. Jax Beach
WANTED FULL lime receptionist lor
beach Dased law firm Candidate must Dbe
willing develop as a legal Assistant icr Iiii.
gallon tirm. Must have Iransponarlion No
legal exp. necc. Medical 1er.ehis avail.
Fax resume to 242-7051
KUHN FLOWERS is looking or a ul, lme
Driver tor our Ponie Vedra location We
offer paid vacation, medical & denial in-
surance. Apply at 3802 Beach Blvd Ja'
No phone calls please
$17.00 an hour with benefits. Fuli.Tme.
A Chrislian family in ie beaches area
with 4 children ages 13, 11. 10 & 7 is look
ing for a caring, inlelliqgeni, energetic per-
NIa n do all"'hb lrepTNcr11blbgs hnd
r, rganlzing of Mle home. You- must be a
non-smoker without per allergies and able
to provide own Iransponailon Io and iromn
work. 517.00/hour plus medical benehis.
Email your resume to
jobsforseven@yahoo.com and in Ihe
subject please put where you saw Ine a'l
FIRST CHOICE Home Improvements
Needs skilled carpenters & Ire climbers
CHILD CARE Teachers wllr, CDA lop
pay, also Teacher's Assistants needed
HAIR SALON needing 3 Stylists and a
Nail Technician. Ahfordable medical insur-
ance offered Call 237-4895 Ior more in.
LOOKING FOR real estate appraiser- cer-
filied or trainee w.' lyr plus exp. Coniaci
.Covington Enterprises. lax resume w' ref-
erences to 1-866-4864-125
Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wait Staff
Apply In Person MN-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.
BEACHES CAR' Wash- full time help
needed, Wages negotiable+ tips, Benefits
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd.
Duckworth Concrete Construction
Seeking Foreman, Finishers, Laborers.
Competitive wages. Great benefits. Call
able cleaning help. Residential/Commer-
cial. Call 242-9358. h
THE ATRIUM Retirement Community has
the following positions available: Mainte-
nance Technician, Breakfast/ Lunch Chef,
LPN, and Nursing Assistant, Bus Driver
w/CDL license. Excellent benefits. Apply
in person at 9960 Atrium Way, call 724-
4726 for directions or fax resume to 721-
NEEDED: HIGHLY motivated individuals
to join our expanding Financial Services
business. No experience nec, will train
right persons: Fax resume to
jpyoung61 @yahoo.com for consideration.
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner of Mickler
and A1A. Up to 60% commission. Contact
Denise at 280-0494.
LAWN MAINTENANCE help, must be
able to work [or female. 343-7989
Full Time Small Engine Mechanic.' Puncn
Out ai a premier retirement community
Excelieni benelits. Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gale. One Fleel Landing
Blvd. Allantic Beach FL. Fax to 904-246-
9447- email io jobs@fleetlanding.com
EOE Drug-Free Workplace.
CLEARWATER SYSTEMS is interviewing
for Service Techs' Installers. Will De insial-
iirg, servicing water trealmeni equipment
lor homes ,business & industry. Nonrheasi
FL Preler experience bul will rain sharp
ndai.iduais. Must have good driving re-
cord e>.:ellent customer service skills and
lin 100 pounds DFWP.We orier compel.
lve wages, excellent benefits. J01k ad.
vancement Send resume io Ain- Bryan,
2181 Si Johns Bluff Rd So. Jax FI 32246.
or apply in person or lax (904164-5-6066
VETERINARY TECH needed rot hign vol-
ume vel clinic At least 2yrs. experience
required. Compelitive salary excellent
a'enelits Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-8577 Ior more into Beaches An;mal
Clinic, 937 Beach Blvd. Jax Beach
NEEDS FULL lime Servers Exp Cooks &
HosL.' Hostess waih open availability..Apply
within 1018 North 3rd St., Mon. Fr 2pm-
4pm .
propane retailer is in immediate need ol a
lull-lime driver. The ideal candidate will
have an excellent customer service de-
meanor. a CDL wiin Hazmal. lanKer. and
airbrake endorsements. Candidates must
pass pre-employmeni testing, drug
screen. DMV check and background in-
vestigation. We offer a competitive salary
and benells package. Apply in person at
98 S Penman Rd, Jax Bch. or Tax resume
10 HR ai 246-0715 EOE
player. Call after 2pm 241-1985
National Manufactured Home Finance
Company seeking experienced credit per-
son to train in specialty financing. Good
Salary & Benelis. Beaches area location
2,3-1111 exi 243
lion needed. M-F. 8am-.Spm. must pos-
sess excellent organizalional skills, be a
motivated and independent worker Must
nave prolicienl computer skills and be ca-
pable Ot handling a variety of lasks
Please lay resume 1o 807 9216
trict Employment Opportunity Season-,
al inspectors' Sprayers, FT 6 months
a.'aiiable starting June. $10'nr No bene.
iit Musi be at least 18 years ol ae'to
apply. Florida. driver license. Work iloca.
ions include Si Augustine. Pornie Vedra
and Nonhwest St Johns Internship op-
portunity. Ph-904-471-3107. lax-904-
471-3189 www.anastasiamcd.org
company needs dynamic individual to
manage administrative asks. Travel
plans computer Skills. positive Customer
service and organization skills are a must.
Send resume o10
aavid @monaviepromo.com
Now Hiring
PT Breakfast Attendant
Room Attendant
Chief Engineer
Full and Part Time
Apply in Person:
1220 Marsh Landing Pkwy.
Jacksonville Beach, FL
Sawgrass Country Club, a prestigious private
member-owned country club has the following
Opportunities available:
Server FT & PT Excellent Starting Pay
Bartender FTIPT Excellent Starting Pay
Line Cook FT position
Equipment Operators Golf Course
Excellent Working Conditions and Benefit Package. Please fax
resume to (904) 273-3705 or
email resume to kfox@sawgrasscountryclub.com
Drug Free Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
TH is looking to fill the following
j F M ~Positions:
Line Cook
Counter/Cashier Person
S"Day Dishwasher
We offer health, dental, vision insurance, paid
vacation, 401k and competitive salary.
Candidates must be able to work a flexible
schedule including nights and weekends.
Please apply in person at
4378 Ocean Street Mayport, Florida
- .HE ...
Are you Seeking PAY With Benefits?
Amenrican Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257.
CHILD CARE Teacher for lyr. olds, Ac-
credited center links to literacy program.
Also have P/T Afternoon position opening.
Come join our team! Beaches Academy,
1725 Penman Rd. 246-3885.
25k to 40k first year, plus benefits. DFWP,
good driving record. No exp. required, will
train. Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
FACIAL SPECIALIST with clientele want-
ed. Also, NAIL TECH w/clientele. No
acrylics. Day Spa, Jax Beach. Call Miki,
242-8008. .
Hands & Kitchen Staff. Will train. Apply in
person: 4378 Ocean St.. Mayport.
3 Pool Techs needed. Experience prefer-
red, but will train. Clean driving record.-
401k, health benefits.' Please, call
241-5811. ,
OPTICAL LAB Tech. Must have knowl-
edge of computer, lensometer, frame-ad-
justments & repairs, mechanical back-
ground a plus .
Customer Service Rep Sales driven,
computer knowledge- MS oftice & at least
40 wpm a must, great oral & written com-
munication skills, pleasant & professional.
Submit resume and salary requirements to
kelly@oceanwaves.com. No phone calls
RAGTIME TAVERN now accepting apphi-
cations for experienced Line Cooks Apply
in person 207 Alianmic Blvd. Atlantic
PAINTERS AND Painler's Helpers need-
ed, musl have own transportation and
hand tools. Pays $8-$22 per hour Work is
norin of Dames Point Bridge Dentall
Health. Lila Insurance & vacation. 904-
ADM ASSISTANT- Beaches financial
planning' insurance practice needs an ex-
perienced and reliable team-player to join
our congenial. professional office. Use
vour communication. client service and or-
ganizalional skills to help us serve our
wonderful clients. Requires strong Micro-
soft Office skills. superb atn to detail and
independent. Iollow-fnrough abilities.
E-mail your resume and salary require-
menls to NEBBAB@aol.com. EOE.
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & b,-weekly De-
pendable car required. Full or part time.
Call 223-5033.
Call or W visit
226-1 Solana Road
Ponte Vedra Beach
Drivers part-time and full-time. Be a mem-
ber of a great team. Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com-
munity. Fun work environment. Class C
CDL: Passenger Endorsement License
Required. Must be able to set up and
break down for special events. Competi-
tive wages and excellent benefits. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate; One Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233; Fax to 904-246-9447;
email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE/Drug-free workplace.
Hardworking sales person needed. Apply
in person Sea Shells & Coral. 230 North
Boardwalk. Jax Beach.
SERVER. Flexible hours AM and PM
shifts Excellent tips. Apply In person, The
Tavern at Sawgrass. 285-3133.
Full time in Nutritional Services Depart-
ment at a premier retirement community..
Experience in skilled nursing environment
required. Excellent benefits and manage-
ment team. Applications available at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
904-246-9447; email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-free
CUSTOMER service & sales w'exc com-
munication skills. Full or pan rme Base
plus bonus. Fax resume 1904)285-0010
or email: jim@mediakids.com :
NEW RESTAURANT opening in Ponte
Vedra now hning Waiislait Must have tine
dining experience Call 285 1103 lor appi
COOK IFT PTI Apply in, person, Rile Spol
Reslaurani, 1534 Nor 3rd Sireet, Jay-
DO you want lo join a winning team. Don't
get left out. Our driver'3 make $500-$700
per week Call 249-5151 ask for Brian or
493-5250 ask for Tim Collins
Line Cook Prep'Unrity Good money. cas-
ual aimospnere, very busy, real people
to work with FT-PT 285-0139.
Sequino s
Beaches Fine Dining Restaurant
is now accepting applications for
*Prep Staff
*Wait Staff
Apply in person at
1021 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Bch.
Join our team of t_
cleaning professionals
No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
.pp/f tin pei.fu to:
2201.11 Flonrd.. Bld
Mon Fn S 4-30
General Contractors, Inc.
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Since 1987
Looking for Qualified & Experienced individuals
Project Managers
Estimators -
Superintendents .
Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
S401K & Profit Sharing
Fax or email resume-1to:
904-241-4427 rpcgc@rpcgc.com-
We are currently accepting applications for energetic, customer
service oriented team members for the following positions:
PM Turndown
PM Men's Locker Room Attendant
Nursery Attendant '
S k Saute & Grill Cook
*-, Diningroom Attendant
Relief Night Auditor
Room Service Server
Maintenance Technician
Seasonal Opportunities
(March November):.>
Dining Room Attendants
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.
Apply in person to:
60.7 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
For additional information call 280-6076
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE
At Ponte Vedra Beach
Positions Available
Banquet Supervisor Housekeeping Room Attd. .
Bartender Administrative Assistant 'w
Line Cook Honor Bar Supervisor ,
Maintenance Engineer -On-Call Massage Therapist *
Front Desk Supervisor Dining Room Attendant
1____________ I I
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Classified 7
immediately for Import business. Previous
sales or designing experience a plus.
Quickbooks required. Fax resume to 241-
Valid driver's license & experience a must.
Call Randy, 343-3899.
TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April, 246-9999.
and Beaches. Work in teams of three.
Must have own transportation, valid driv-
er's license. Approximately $175/wk to
start. Moday-Friday, no nights/weekends.
Home Cleaning Centers of America.
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the following full & part-time positions available;
Human Resources Coord. Racquet Club Retail Asst.
Bartender Golf Course Maintenance
Wknd Security Officer Housekeepers
Lifeguard Lieutenant Front Desk & Bell Stand
Irrigation Technician Laundry Attendant
Spray TechniCian Dishwashers
Delivery Drivers Room Service Order Taker
Pool Technicians Servers/Diningroom Attd.
Pool Porters: Gourmet Shop/Retail Clerk
Line Cook Gym & Beach Reception
Banquet Set-Up Attd. Golf Cart Attendant
Retail Sales Associate Laundry Team Leader
Starter/Rangers Stockperson
THE SPA now hiring for various positions
Camp Counselors
Slide Monitor & Swim Instructors
Pool Porters
Patio Servers & Snack Bar Cook
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental, hfe
insurance, sick and vacation days, and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration appl1 in person to
i Human Resources bet-reen 9am- 4pm or forward resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
S200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
SElr:E E Nt F.D ".
S Oceanfront Excellence
.DVERTISERS IN ihis category are nor
' ringg jobs They are ofler.ng lob-relaied
'rvices and may charge lees. Readers
ES adoAedio'exerclse cauiion bTloie g.i.-
credl card intormalion over the phone
wrihoul knowing what peclic product or
qrvi.ce iney will receive
FLEA MARKET 4 tcoolhs glass snelv-
,nr & merchandise., oriental teams, ligur.
i.es & eic 515000 19041928-9432.
3 49-7260 ..
Established, turnkey, newly renovated.
39,900. Call19041)534-0395
HILD CARE in your home. $10/ hr. Call
Sara 241-3627.
ACTIVE NANNY honest. dependable,
iranspon aon & references $9.S1 1'ir..
any area. CPR & First Aid. FT & PTr
or PT w'12yr3 exp A.P, A'R. GL PR
Fin Home office wlaprop. Ouickbooks,
Peacriree, MS Off & lazer printer Rel
avail! 703-6550.
THE MASSAGE MEDIC -Advanced mas-
sage & body work for acute & chronic pain
relief Home and office calls 16yrs exp
.04-6984 MA001921
HOME HEALTH aid available lor 24 hOur
care in your home. Reliable. Good refer-
ences. 536-8459, please leave message.
WE PROVIDE Quality, live-in, or hourly
care for your loved one. American Home
Companions. 285-7899.
5 1/2 TON NC, l1yr old, $3500. Call Bivins
... Electric 249-4308.
BED. BRAND name queen set.
nei. w.'.);((' 3129 jfX dlver,
(90 85 935-i. s -. -
HVAC 3-TON air handler water to air
$200 OBO FURNITURE: Manogany
slained ruisic colfee & end table $200
OBO. RIMS. 20" custom rims, 6 lug wiltres
$500 OBO. 686-4422.
CARGO BUNK Bed System Twin/ Dbl
w/twin trundle incl 3 mattresses 6 drawer
dresser, bedside table. Natural wood.
$699. 246-0481
WINDS. Saturday, 7am til ???, off of Ker-
nan Blvd. at Matthew Ungar Dr. and Ash-
ley Mellsse.
ATLANTIC BLVD., Joeandy Street, "Har-
SENTINEL RIDING lawnmower, 12HP, bor Springs". Huge move-in sale. Satura-
39in. cut, $375. 246-2367. day, 9am-2pm.
GE WHITE Kitchen Appliances. Decora-
tive boots, $50. Lighted curio cabinet,
$250. Bamboo dinette set, $250. Basket-
ball goal, $50. Please call 246-0841, leave
message. -
7000 POUND drive on lift for cars, $1800.
Call Steve. 407-291-7554.
ANTIQUE SPOON Carved, high back bed
& dresser. $800. 241-2407.
ART SHOW, featuring new paintings by
Jeanette Phillips. Twisted Sisters Restau-
rant, Beach Blvd. Jax Beach. Wednesday,'
(4/26) 6:30pm.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
MULTI-FAMILY SALE/ free car wash Sat
urday April 22nd, 9am-1pm; To benefit
youth mission trips. 3410 'S. Third St.
Palms Presbyterian Church.
THE LADIES Auxiliary ol the Falner Mur-
pny Council Knights of Columbus will be
having their 'CLEAN OUT THE GARAGE
SALEI on Saturday, April 22nd. from
9 am until pm at ine Knights Hall. Pen-
man and 2nd Avenue North. -249-5535.
LOTS OF Toys. Books, household & kitch-
en tems, antique linens, scrapbook sup-
plies. No early birds 8am-1pm Saturday.
648 Bonaire Circle
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 8am-? Furniture,
toys, etc. 902 9th Ave N.-
LOTS OF Sluh Friday. Saturday, 8am-?
391 19ih Street Norin
SURF REP Sample Salel Trunks $15.
524 13th Ave North. Saturday, Sunday.
9 30am-4 30pm
GREAT BARGAINS- refrigerator, canoe,
stitchery kits, jewelry and much much
More. Friday & Saturday. 8am-3pm, 525
13th Ave. N.
CRAFT BAZAAR and Bake Sale
St. Andrews Lutheran Church iby-the-sea)
Sal 4,22 8am- 2pm. Food, Fun Crafts
1801 Beach Blvd Ph 221-1763
HUGE GARAGE Sale! Antique solid oak
bow front china cabinet, Wonderful anti-
que oak dining table. Antique Rosewood
marble top Chinese table, Antique chairs,
kitchen items, jewelry, compressor, hand
tools, picture frames, copper items, lamps,
lots of nice clothes & more. Saturday,
4/22, 8am. 1182 N 24th St.
GARAGE/ MOVING Salel Decorator
items, antiques, surfing' stuff, tools, tropi-
cal dresser sel Saturday. 8-1pm, 410 6th
Ave N !i;;, ; .,' ':
one. Saturday, Sunday, 9am-4pm. 829
15in Ave. South.
LARGE VARIETY. 1157 18th Street
North. Friday-Saturday 8a.m-?
SBRAND NEW. must see 200 square MULTI-FAMILY BABY Stuh Household
Yards of Mohawk beige, short pile carpet- items, etc. 7:30am-lpm Saturday 2030
ing, $975. 424-6809.. Hom Street.
POOL TABLE, AMF, 'all accessories &
wall tack. currently disassembled, ready to
pickup, paid $3500 will take $2000 OBO
Oak high-top table w/2 matching stools
$400 OBO Brown leather loveseal $250
PVB |4071574-9574.
temporary with 27' TV and DVD player,
S$550 firm. 651-3343 ,
HOT SPRINGS -Hot Tub, seats 7, $2300.
6 Parsons chairs, black, $300. Dinette set,
round, glass-top, 4 chairs, $350. 270-0307
BED- KING manress set, $289. Can ae.
liver. (904'391-0015.
COMPLETE SET: sofa; .loveseat, chair,
ottomans, sofa table, mirror, dining table
w.'s,x chairs. Tropical look w/ratlan ac-
cents, excellent condition. Can email pic-
tures, $1500, 241-3572.
WOODEN BREAKFAST Table 30"x30" w/
2 chairs $50 CaOinei w/ door
14"wx10'dx68"h, $25 Navy blue leather
recliner, $300. Pine entertainment ctr
100"wx74"h $300. All in great cond.
TV ARMOIRE, cherrywood, all connec-
tions w/32", Panasodic TV. $600.
VA nr 11M10r0A 40- --
LOTS OF Stuff 8am-lpm Saturday only.
103 Oakwood Rd. Rain cancels sale.
SATURDAY, 8AM-7 Furniture, clothing,
lots of household items, much morel 78
Tallwood Rd., off Penman Rd.
LOTS OF Great 'Stufl! Saturday. 8am-?
1408 20thAve. North. (Seagate).
Saturday 8am-unlil 835 10th Ave Soutn
ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD Appliances furni.
lure, etc Saturday 8am-12noon. 224 Mar-
garet Street.
ger", baby, household goods, miscellane-
ous. 389 12th St. Saturday, 8am-1 pm.
ESTATE SALE, 35 Saratoga Circle..Shed
full of tools, furniture, kitchen items, lots of
misc. Saturday only 4/22, 9-1pm.
OCEAN KAYAK (The Scrambler) $250.
Call 241-2609.
boat slip for rent, 40ft. $600, 50ft. $700,
TRIC, DOCK LOCKER. Cable and phone
service available @ slip. Mobile fuel serv-
ice & pump out also available. 463-2845.
2005 Vespa 200L, gun metal grey, less
than 1,000 miles, larger engine does
70mph. $4500 OBO. Call 434-3564 for
2001 CHEVY S-10, LS. Extra clean condi-
tion, low miles, auto transmission, step-
side bed, AC,' CD, alloy wheels. $6500
OBO. 887-9030.
1995 DODGE Van Good Iransponation.
auto. AC. CD. $600 868-6564. 246-9589.
STAY AT Home Mom seeking Clerical
work. types l00wpm 221-8510.
WHAT KIND of trading are you looking
for? We are now offering Puppy 101 and
Basic obedience classes, plus all levels ol
Aglility CGC classes are (Free) Near
Craig Air Field Call us @ Actions Dog
Training -Day & Nghl Center 642-1782.
SEWING MACHINE Repairs. Complete.
tune-up. All makes, all models. $49 50.
The moyt natural golden bronze. In the
convenience of your home. 251-5769
call instead ol 20. Call 1-888-511-1887.
Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care, Auto Cleaning,
Window Cleaning, Janitorial Services. etc.
Call Hermon, 246-4238, 612-1755.
FIRST COAST Welding and Fabrication.
Call 859-0224..
PADGETTS A/C & Heating. Inc Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer, service are demanded call
Travis at 588-5222.
Free Estimates License CAC1814887
Vinyl. Sales & Installation Free estimates.
Licensed/Insured Jim 813-0894
MATURE WOMAN w/experience looking
lopr, vale homes Ao clean. Re's available.
Cal 642-2430
A PLUS CLEANING. honesi, dependable.
experienced, excellent service, reasona-
ble prices, great references Call Kay
GENERAL CLEANING. $15/nr. Standard
kilcnens & Daths. References. 242-2546.
A SPECIAL touch for your home'. No
crews individual and excellent references.
Kim 568-4191.
13-years experience Reasonable prices.
low minimum rates, weekend appoint-
ments available. (904)525-7419
DOVE SERVICES Carpel Cleaning.
Whole house $69 3 rooms, hall $45.
Upholstery cleaning Pressure Wasning.
Call for Specials. (904)247-8152.
l* UmE I l
1997 BMW Z3 Convertible Roadster.
4-speed, 4cyl. Silver, great mileage.
$14,900. 247-1049.
1998 CADILLAC Eldorado, 120,000
miles, pearl white, mint condition. $7700.
2003 MITSUBISHI Lancer OZ Rally. All
power. Black, auto, tinted windows. Mint
condition. Kelly blue book $10,000. Asking
$9000. Must see. Call (904)735-8514.
1989 "COLLECTOR" Toyota Landcruiser
127,000 miles with 200,000 to go. Power
window, super cold A/C, 4 wheel drive,
much more. Color blue- GREAT for the
Beach, $14,000 OBO, Call 285-5999
1994 RED Convertible, Chrysler LeBaron.
Runs great, new transmission. $700/firm;
1992 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville. 62,000
miles, good condition, black sapphire color
w/dark blue leather upholstery. Cast alu-
minum wheels, tires like new, AM/FM ster-
eo cassette and all power accessories.
$3450. .246-8510.
94 CHRYSLER NEW Yorker, cold air,
runs good; $1000. 716-2586.
1993 FORD Thunderbird, low miles, auto
A/C, CD $1200 OBO. 716-2586.
Total Lawn Maintenance. Clean-ups, Sod-
ding, Mulching, Re-pianting. Free esti-
mates. 247-3344.
Lawn and landscape maintenance
Owned/ operated by local police officer
Call 534-7651 or email
bluelineoutdoors@yahoo.com for esti-
fordable and reliable lawn service. 591-
6920 ,
* CLASSIC LAWN Care. 20yrs experience,
Beaches & Arlington only. Free esumate
Call Doug 485-0105
ENDLESS SUMMER Lawncare. Free esti-
mates. Prolessional customer service.
Mowing, edging, weeding, Inmmihg- trees.
shrubs. Licensed & insured. Residential &
commercial. CALL US FIRSTI 270-2664.
Safe roof cleaning. Deck & fence
resloralion. Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
Cleaning. Licensed & Insured Free Esli-
mates. Houses, decks, walkways. drve.
ways, patios 248-9672.
Spring Special 10%off w/ ad.. Mold/ mil-
dew specialist. Rools sidewalks drive-
ways, decks Residen1ial/Commercial
'.Licensed/insured. Free Eslimates
PRESSURE WASHERS for rent or sale
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330
1995 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo,
black. 4Wdr. Excellent condition overall.
155k miles. Leather interior/ great
shape.Outstanding maintenance history.
PW, PL. Brand new A/C and alternator.
$400Q. 904-382-2210.
1992 TOYOTA Land Cruiser. Sunroof,
problems w/main seal, no a/c, one electric
window not working, 290,000 miles,
$1,000 OBO. 285-1443.
1996 NISSAN Sentra GLE. Immaculate
condition, low miles, automatic trans, sun-
roof, PW, PL, cruise, new tires, $4400
OBO. 887-9030.
1996 4 door, blue Cadillac DeVille, 84K
miles. $3800. 241-2552.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com
ing,. Mst residential pools $25/week+.
chemicals. Licensed, Insured. We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com
Custom made 6" seamless aluminum gut-
ters. Large variety of colors, to choose
-from, 241.-5099.
Remodeling. decks SidirnQ, interior irinm
termlne+ ro damage+ rr more. L crriie.e,
insured. 247-2728.
Repairs, specializing in termite damage.
Complete remodeling services & renova-
tions. Tile & Marble Specialist. Nick,
.C&J HANDYMAN Services. Carpentry,
Drywall, Painting, Paperhanging, Tiling,
etc. Licensed, Insured. 955-0593,
241-1461. -
Specializing in kitchens, cabinets, bath-
rooms, tile, doors, windows, rotted wood,
termite damage, roof leaks, drywall,
decks, etc. Honest, top quality work-
PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, 'exterior. Free
estimates. Call Mike Williams, 285-2651.
25yrs. experience.
FAST INTERIOR painting, drywall, tex-
ture. Specialize in smaller jobs. Will work
evenings & weekends Licensed, insured
relerences. 403-7389.
* U~E
to 50% off on furniture, lighting, accesso-
ries. 75 11th Street North, Jax Beach, next
to Subway. 249-1771. Always accepting
lb., bow mount, 50" shaft. Still under war-
ranty. $275 OBO. 246-4104.
Dryer $100. Call 241-1880.
QUEEN BED w/ headboard, Maple wood
sleigh style $200. King size bedroom set-
chest, dresser, mirror, headboard, natural
wood $400. 563-1433. ,
$.75/sf. 30% thicker, still in box, must sell.
IF YOU are Interested In advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classiiied@beacnesleader.com
One time or yearly. Licensed, Insured.
Residential, Commercial. 742-6763.
PALM TREES, Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups,.Mulching, Sodding, whatever it
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724.
lawns. Free estimates. 246-0967.
Spring tree, weeding trimming. Licensed,
insured, 30yrs. 242-2546, 568-6067.
PAINTER, INTERIOR/ exterior, 16yrs
exp., referrals, 241-8046.
rior, pressure washing, knock down tex-
tured to walls. References, photos.
Licensed, insured. 226-6134.
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
I T ~ -I67
QUALITY WORK. Install, removal, &
painting. Residential, Commercial. 25yrs.
Experience. References+ FREE ESTI-
MATES. Steve, 645-0381.
tipill Zw-Ll /vv
. . .... . i I+
.---- --
TrVrT P-nrP -.- -i-llta
_..___.. _..____.....:_..__
Classified 8
The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader
Acqulu Hs DneItAgant
Acquilus Waterfront Harbour is located at Beach Blvd. and the
Intracoastal. A Paradise for Boaters or those that simply like to
live in Jacksonville's Finest Condominium Community. There
are so many Amenities, Gourmet Kitchens, 11 ft. Ceilings, Wrap
Around Balconies for End Units, Pool/Spa, Grill Area, Private
VW aterffront Harbour Marina with your own Boat Slip included in price and much,
Prices Begin at $875,O0*
Scotr_ rr y parntica,3rtng Brokers, one half when construction begins.
* t
< ~. (1: ~ K .
S*. -
April 21, 2006
% N<
l, ii E1 1