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 Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Viewpoints
 Section A: Main: Calendar
 Section A: Main: Obituaries
 Section A: Main: Beach Living
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living:...
 Section A: Main: Beach Living...
 Section B: Sports
 Section B: Sports: Summer...
 Section B: Sports continued
 Section B: Sports: Classifieds
 Section B: Sports continued

Group Title: Ponte Vedra leader.
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. April 19, 2006.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076081/00031
 Material Information
Title: Ponte Vedra leader. April 19, 2006.
Uniform Title: Ponte Vedra leader
Physical Description: Newspaper
Publisher: Ponte Vedra leader
Publication Date: April 19, 2006
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Duval -- Ponte Vedra
Coordinates: 30.239722 x -81.385556 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076081
Volume ID: VID00031
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page A 1
        page A 2
        page A 3
    Section A: Main
        page A 4
    Section A: Main: Viewpoints
        page A 5
    Section A: Main: Calendar
        page A 6
    Section A: Main: Obituaries
        page A 7
    Section A: Main: Beach Living
        page A 8
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Weddings
        page A 9
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 10
    Section A: Main: Beach Living: Education
        page A 11
    Section A: Main: Beach Living continued
        page A 12
    Section B: Sports
        page B 1
        page B 2
        page B 3
        page B 4
    Section B: Sports: Summer Camps
        page B 5
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 6
    Section B: Sports: Classifieds
        page B 7
        page B 8
        page B 9
        page B 10
        page B 11
    Section B: Sports continued
        page B 12
Full Text

APRIL 19,.2006

Boys lacrosse Surf
advances Camps
See B-1 SeeB-5

Nease grad
honored for

See A-8




~ol. 43, No. 86

Serving the communities of Ponte Vedra Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Mayport since 1963

Opponents question Stern's PV fund-raiser


An upcoming fund-raiser to
benefit County Commissioner
Karen Stern is planned in
Ponte Vedra at the home of
Andy Crawford, CEO of a
waste hauler that has a $2.5
million contract with St. Johns
The event is expected to add
to Stern's campaign coffer,
which topped $82,000 by'
March 31, about 10 times the
amount donated to her three
opponents combined.
While a former county com-

missioner and two of Stern's
opponents for her Southwest
St. Johns County seat question
the appropriateness of the
event, Stern said there is no
conflict of interest.
"I don't believe there's a con-
flict because she's [the CEO's
wife] doing it for me as a friend
and as a supporter," Stern said
The "ladies luncheon honor-
ing Commissioner Karen
Stern" is scheduled 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. April 28 at the $7.6 mil-
lion home of Andy Crawford,
CEO of Advanced Disposal,
which has a waste-hauling

contract for the
southern half of
St. Johns
Ladies invited
to the event are
asked to R.S.V.P.
to Advanced
Disposal's, tele-
phone number
or e-mail
Former coun,
ty commissioner
Mary Kohnke of
Palm Valley said
the fund-raiser
is "ethically

Karen Stern

and Ron
Sanchez, one of
S t e r n s
challengers, said
"it opens the
door for the per-
ception" of
"Why else
would they be
doing it?"
Sanchez asked.
C a r d s
enclosed with
the 5-inch by 8-
inch printed

invitation note that the maxi-
mum allowed "from any indi-
vidual or organization is
Stern already has received
numerous $500 donations,
among them one from Andy
Crawford, whose company was
given a bump up on its con-
tract by the County
Commission as recently as
Although Stern was not pres-
ent for the Dec. 13 vote, the
other four commissioners
agreed to add $196,000 .to
Advanced Disposal's contract
to cover increased fuel costs.

Seaboard Waste Systems,
which holds the waste-hauling
contract in 'Ponte Vedra and
the rest of northern St. Johns
County, also asked for and got
an increase Dec. 13. .
Stern's donations put her
well on her way toward match-
ing the $119,102 she collected
in the 2002 race, when she
defeated incumbent John
Reardon in the Republican
primary and Sanchez, then a
nonparty candidate, in the
general election.

See STERN, A-3

PV man


rings for

# 1 team

Nease Panthers

celebrate state
football victory

_-'" ST.AFF WRIt ER";- '-
Nease High School celebrat-
ed its winning of the. 2005
Class 4A state football champi-
onship Monday in Ponte Vedra
Beach at. the home of one of
the school's benefactors.
Richard Willich, chief exec-
utive officer of' Medical
Development International
and a strong financial support-
er of Nease, hosted the under-
the-tent celebration on
Harbour Island in Marsh
Landing where state champi-
onship rings were presented to
the Nease football team.
MNannie Wellington, a Nease
senior who goes to Florida
International in the fall, said of
the moment, "My journey's
complete. I've played football
for a reason. I've played it
because I love it. I played it
because I wanted to win a
championship. I accomplished.
that in my final year, my senior
season. It's an awesome feel-
Charlie Kirschman joined
Wellington and Hunter
Haynes, who is headed to
Wake Forest. as Nease's line-
backing trio before a dislocated
shoulder and subsequent cor-
rective surgery ended his sen-
ior season. But he was pleased
with the ring.
"It means a lot," said
Kirschman, who will play foot-
ball at Alabama. "It's the cul-
mination of all the hard work
we put into it as a team, every-

Members of the Nease state championship football team show off their rings Monday as they go
through the food. line at the home of Richard Willich, who bought the rings as a gift to the team
and coaches.

thing since Day 1. I'll have "It's great," said Fasnacht. "I
other chances to get rings, but don't know if I'll ever get
this one's going to mean a lot. [another] one of these.
Never have another one like Hopefully I do."
this, never." Fasnacht's father, Ken 'Jr.,
Freshman Kam Fasnacht, a coaches Nease wide
third generation mem- j-, r receivers, and his
ber of the football .-."'' grandfather, Ken Sr.,
team, was thrown ." ".' is head coach of the
into the breech Nov. ',. freshman team.
4, in the final game .'i For defensive
of the regular sea- ,i, coordinator Danny
son, when Nease, for Cowgill, who gradu-
a variety of reasons, ':, "'- ated from Nease in
ran out of quarter- -. 1992, the evening was
backs. Fasnacht 'helped special.
the Panthers salvage a 7-6 vic- "It's a happy day," said
tory on their way to a final Cowgill. "It's a journey, I guess
record of 13-2. you could say, that started

three years ago, but even fur-
ther than that, when I started
high school at Nease.
"Knowing what we went
through back then to get to
respectability, then it fell off
the charts, so to speak. Craig
[Howardlgets hired, hires all of
us. It's a great moment."
Nease head coach Craig
Howard spoke of the celebra-
tion in a nostalgic tone.
"This is one of the greatest
settings that I've been in," he
said. "We've got a tent, we've
got the band, we've got

See RINGS, A-3

Board chided in

attorney hunt

BY LAURA FOWLER the board's actions were race-
STAFF WRITER, related.
Rich assured the rallied citi-
Accusations of racism and zens, most of whom are
injustice were thrown at the St. African American, as is Hunt,
Johns' Board of County that he was active in the coun-
Commissioners Tuesday as citi- try's Black community and that
zens attacked the board's the board's decision had noth-
"embarrassing" decision to can- ing to do with Hunt's race.
cel Michael Hunt's promotion But the speakers 'seemed
to St. Johns CoJnt'v Attorney. unimpressed by Rich's speech,
"I'm ashamed-on my-count," which instead created .,some
said' 74-year-old. St..;Augu'stine backlash, from. peop.lewho. said
resident Cherry NlcDougle, they .thought race did notneed
....w.ho..,has ....i\'d .. ,k Thns--to- be .introducedlint6o'th'e- dis-.
County her en ire life.' cussion.
"That's a human being; that McDougle told Rich and the
could have been your son over other commissioners that the
there" she sad, pointing to only reason they were elected
Hunt, who w aithing a't the was because the citizens were
attorney's table., fed up with the previous com-
The board voted in February missioners on the board.
to hire Hunt, an assistant Many speakers left Hunt's
county attorney, to replace skin color out of their sharp
Dan Bosanko, who is retiring as censure of the board's decision
the St. Johns County Attorney to reneg on his promotion.
later this year. "I do believe that the process
Two weeks ago that was used certainly needs
Commissioner Ben Rich to be addressed it's rather
changed his mind and reintro- embarrassing," said St.
duced the subject for another Augustine resident Greg White.
vote, which resulted in the "If this process was used on
switch to a state-wide search Mr. Hunt then it certainly
for candidates, could be used on you.'
In a monologue that struck After listening to at least half
some as defensive Tuesday,
Rich said he assumed that most
of the public speakers believed See ATTORNEY, A-3

This rendering was submitted Monday to Neptune Beach,
where the company proposes building a store. Wal-Mart repre-
sentatives filed plans with the city of Neptune Beach, detailing
plans for a 120,000-square-foot superstore at 630 Atlantic Blvd.

School Board OK's Davis Park site for PV high school

The St. Johns County School
Board gave unanimous
approval Tuesday to
Superintendent Joseph Joyner's
recommendation of the Davis
Park site for a Ponte Vedra high
Joyner and Bill Fehling of
Ponte Vedra, chairman of the
School Board, thanked the
community for the
years-long process of finding a
school site closer than Nease
High, located just east of, U.S. I

about 12 miles from Ponte
Joyner also said the issue had
generated more input from the
community than any other in
his 30 years in education.
"I want to thank all those in
the community, and I
thank the board for being great
listeners," said Joyner, who
joined the St. Johns County'
School District in 2003, when a
citizen panel was already
searching for a school 'site in
Ponte Vedra.
The site OK'd consists of 85
acres just east of Davis Park,

which is located on the south
side of County Road 210 about
one mile west. of the
Intracoastal Waterway.
The site is one of several
being donated to the School
District by the developer of
Nocatee, a 15,00-acre mixed-
use development being built
along both sides of 210
between the waterway and U.S.
"This has been, needless to
say, on my mind for a very
long time," said Fehling, not-
ing that discussion of the site
was going on when he first ran

for the School Board in 2002.
He said the long process had
some Ponte Vedra residents
wondering "what are we doing
down there at the School
Board office."
"Is it good that we went four
years no," Fehling said,
adding that he "did not want
this process to be rushed
"This is a very delicate situa-
tion; This is a very unique situ-
ation to the School District
compared to any other sites
we've had to acquire," Fehling

The Davis Park site was rec-
ommended over a 30-acre site
behind Talbots on State Road
A1A, which had been the
School District's focus until
December, when the Nocatee
developer offered the Davis
Park site.
That site had been favored
by the School District when
Nocatee was going through the
approval process, but the
developer, the Parc Group, at
that time refused to go along
with the School District's wish-
Five years later, the Parc

Group said that commitments
it had made to owners of prop-
erty near Davis Park were no
longer in effect, allowing it to
offer the Davis Park site.
Fehling also thanked the
Ponte Vedra High School
Coalition, a group that pushed
for a school site in the Guana
He said he appreciated the
group's "passion ... in improv-
ing our School District.
"One of the reasons why our
School District is as successful
as we are is because of the
community," he said.

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1114 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250

Calendar......................A-6 Opinion.......................A-4
Classified ....................B-7 Police Beat ..................A-2
Fishing ........................ B-3 Sports .......................... B-I
Obituaries........ .........A-7 Weather .........................A-2
Copyright 2006 by The Beaches Leader, Inc.
Two sections, 24 pages





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Criminal mischief was report-
ed April 13 in the 1000 block of
16th Ave. S. The victim told
police he arrived home at 8:30
a.m. to find the screen cut on an'
east facing window and the
glass broken. A broom was,
found on the ground and was
thought to have been used to
break the window. Nothing was
missing or disturbed in the resi-

Several articles of adult and
children's clothing were report-
ed stolen April 15 from a laun-
drymat in the 1300 block of 3rd
St. N. The loss was estimated at
$285. :- : .,
An apartment complex club-
house was reported burglarized
Apnl 14 in the .1700 block ot
The Greens Way. The suspects
jumped the fence into the pool
area and gained access to the
clubhouse through a rear door.

Credit card fraud was report- Latex gloves and a hammer
ed April 13 in the 300 block of were found at the scene. Three
13th Ave. N. The victim discov- bottles of wine, a 5 pound box
ered $158.67 in fraudulent of laundry detergent and an
charges .on .her account .state- internet access bho. wer.e.tepott-
nient, She 3vas notified .that-her ..ed stplen. Loss.was.esti mated ,
.name and address was--used -to .$165.- *. -' -. ......-.
complete the transactions. *
Employee theft was reported
A purse containing $30, April 14 at a restaurant in the
checks, a credit card and per- 300 block of Beach Blvd. A total
sonal identification was report- of $155.91 was missing. ,
ed stolen April 13 at a grocery ,, *
store in the 600 block of Marsh PONTE VEDRA BEACH
Landing Parkway. The victim Burglary to a vehicle was
placed her purse in the front of reported by the owner on April
a shopping cart. She told police 11. The vehicle had been parked
she turned her back for a split, unlocked overnight on April 10
second and it was stolen. in the driveway of a residence in
** *0 *the 200 block of Crosstern Ct. A
A 32-year-old Jacksonville radio/CD player valued at $450
woman was arrested April 13 was missing and the vehicle had
and charged with misdemeanor been trashed, according to the
DUI and damage to public police report .

property following a traffic
crash in the 900 block of 3rd St.
N. The woman struck a center
median and crashed into a light
pole which broke in half and
fell to the ground.

A residential burglary' wa's
reported April 15 in the 200
block of 32nd Ave. S. The sus-
pect broke into a detached
garage and stole a 9-foot surf-,
board valued at $700. Nothing
else was disturbed or missing.
SO' '
A gold 2001 Ford WVindstar.
valued at $12,000 was reported
stolen April 15 in the first block'
,of 10th Ave. S. The victim
parked in the vacant lot at 10
a.m. and returned at 2:50 a.m.
to find it 'missing. The vehicle"
was locked and the victim had
'the keys in his possession.

A resident of the 100 block of
Twelve Oaks Lane reported on
April 12 suspicious circum-
stances regarding a business,
email account. According to the
police report, the victim stated
that someone had hacked into
the e-mail account on March 30.
'* : ',
'On April 12, St. Johns County
Sheriff's Office charged six
Ponte Vedra residents at a juve-'
nile party in the 100 block of
Mill Cove Lane, according to a
police report. ,
Katherine Lillian Farrell, 20,
was charged with felony posses-
sion of cannabis, possession of
drug paraphernalia, and posses-*
sion of alcohol by a minor.
:Others cited for misde-
meanors included: a 21-year-old
male was charged with giving
alcohol to a' minor, a 20-year-

-'^^ -

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old female and a 19-year-old
male were charged with posses-
sion of alcohol by a minor, a 21-
year old male was charged with
possession of cannabis, and a
20-year-old male was charged
with possession of cannabis and
possession of alcohol by a
O -.. .
On April 13, Ronald James
Kibler, 66 of Ponte Vedra, was
charged with possession of
child pornography, according
to a police report. Detectives
acted on information from AOL
authorities about an individual
possibly downloading child
,ppo'graphy. ,M. e.,ecgtng.
search warrant, 5susp cte
pornographic images were
found on Kibler's computer,
police reported. He was booked
into county Jail and released
.after posting bond. Kibler may
face additional charges, police
', ,' ,
A resident of the 100 block of
Water Oak Drive reported bur-
glary to a vehicle on April 13.
According to the police report,
the vehicle had been parked
unlocked between 9 p.m. on
April 12 and 8 a.m. on April 13.
A loaded 380 automatic gun
valued at $300 was reported
missing from the vehicle.

On April 13, burglary to a
vehicle parked at a residence in
the first block of Loggerhead
Lane was reported by the owner.
Keys valued at $20 were report-
ed missing from the vehicle
which had been parked
unlocked between 8:30 p.m. on
April 12 and 7:45 a.m. on April
13. The neighborhood security
service was made aware of this
burglary and the previously list-
ed burglary, according to the
police report.

On April 13, the owner of a.
vehicle parked unlocked at a
residence in the 100 block of
Nandina Circle reported burgla-
ry to the vehicle. According to.
the police report, items missing

from the vehicle including a
laptop valued 'at $300. were
found on the 16th green of the
Ponte \'edra Golf and Country
Club. ,
'A 20-year-old Jacksonville
male was charged with misde-
meanor loitering and prowling
on April 13. According to the
police report, :.the suspect was
found in an area near the 200
block of N. Roscoe Blvd. A St.
Johns County Sheriff's Office
deputy was working extra duty
in the area following a report of
missing and damaged dub carts
from the golf course.

april 12,., puty
.. Shernifs Office was contacted
about a burglary in progress in
the 1000 block of Ponte Vedra'
Blvd. Upon arrival, the deputy
found a broken window/screen
at the residence.

Burglary to a vehicle parked
in the Mickler's Beach' Access
was reported on April 15. The
driver's window was broken
resulting in $400 damage to the
vehicle. Nothing was reported,
missing from the' vehicle,
according to the police report.
** ..*.
A Jacksonville resident report-
ed criminal mischief to a vehi-
cle parked in the 100 block of
Boardwalk Drive on April 15.
According to the report, the
vehicle had an estimated $300
in damages from a dent and
scratch on the driver's side.
*' '
Aggressive dogs were reported
running at large April 10 in the
'300 block of Royal Palms. TWo
pit bulls charged a woman walk-
ing home from work, snarling
and growling at her in an
aggressive manner. The animal
control officer observed the
dogs, a male and a female, in a
fenced yard. Upon .approach,
the male pit bull exited the
fence and charged him repeat-
edly. the officer called the city
of Neptune Beach for assistance.

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The dog continued to behave
aggressively and snapped at the
officers without provocation.
The owner of the, dogs identi-
fled them as hers and put them.
inside. The owner received a
citation for each dog and was
warned that the male pit bull
was a danger outside of the
r* r '
Vandalism was reported April
16 in the 1400 block of Mayport
Road. The victim's vehicle was
damaged by unknown suspects
who shot the windshield seven
to eight times with a BB gun.
-.- :
Burglary' toa.. vehiclel .was
repotted April 16 in te
block o! 7th St. W. The passen-
1ger window was shattered and
the door was open. Nothing was
reported missing.
". 6 '
Burglary to a vehicle was
reported April 13 in the 400
block of Beach Ave. The vehicle
was in a garage when unknown
suspects entered and stole $140
cash. A yellow men's mountain
bike valued at $1,500 was also
stolen from the garage.

A hardware store was burglai-
ized April 15 in the 1200 block
of Mayport Road. The owner
told police that he noticed $250
was missing from the register.
Suspects gained access by break-
ing a side window.
..- -O O O,* ," '
A 40.year-old Atlantic Beach
woman reported that an
unknown male called her April
,13 and threatened that he had
naked pictures of her.

'Cardini William Bailey, 40, ;
transient, was arrested April 12
and charged with possession df
crack cocaine in the 1000
block of Mayport Road. Bailey
was observed putting an:
unknown object in his mouth
during a search of his person,
police said.

No new reports.

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Stern: r

Continued from A-i
This year, Stern faces
Sanchez and Ron Schumaker in
the Sept. 5 Republican primary.
The winner ,of that contest will
face Democrat J. Ken Bryan in
'the Nov. 7 general election.
As of March 31, Sanchez
reported $500 in donations, of
Which $150 was a loan from
'himself, and Schumaker
reported no donations. Bryan
reported $990 in donations, of
which $400 is a loan from him-,
Actual donations to those
candidates total $940, com-
pared with Stern's total of,
Among Stem's donations are!
many from development inter-
ests, sometimes from the same
business address or from
:companies with common
directors, officers or registered
For example, 20 donations of
.$500 each for a total of
$10,000 -- came from the
same address in Boca Raton,
S Fla., from business listed as
"real estate," "business center
owner," "commercial real
estate," "builders," and similar
Each of the 20 separate busi-
nesses lists one or two of three
names under categories of
"registered agent" and "man-


Continued from A-1
a dozen similar criticisms from
other residents, an angry
Commissioner Karen Stern also
spoke out against the board's
actions and made a motion to
return to the original decision
to hire Hunt as the new county)
"When we took this action a
couple of weeks ago I was
embarrassed to be on this
board," Stern said.
"We were a professional
board and we behaved very
Commission Chair Jim
Bryant followed her by saying
he would love to second her
motion, but according to the
board's rules and regulations,
she is not allowed to make
such a motion.
Only commissioners who
were on the winning side of a
vote are -allowed to bring that
itfm balck'before 'the-board for
another vote:'
Since Stern and Bryant voted
against the cancellation of
Hunt's promotion two weeks
ago and lost, they are not
allowed to reintroduce the sub-

ager/member" on the Florida
Division of Corporations Web
site (www.sunbiz.org/corp-
Several donations of $500
each came from the same
address in Ponte Vedra Beach,
as well.
Those were from Veranda I,
II, III, IV and V Partners,
Magnolia Park Partners,
Meridian Management Corp,
Americorp Inc. Centre
Corporate Services and
Quadrille Partners, each in
Suite. 300 of 818 State Road
A1A. .
Among Stern's individual
contributors is Mary O'Brien,
who gave $100 and is listed as
"waste management execu-
tive" on Stern's campaign trea-
surer's report filed Oct. 10.
O'Brien, sales manager for
Advanced Disposal, along with
Andy Crawford's wife Toni
Crawford, are listed on the
luncheon invitation.
Stern said Tuesday that
O'Brien, like Toni Crawford, is
"a friend and supporter."
Bryan said Monday that the
luncheon fund-raiser is "a con-
flict of interests as far as I'm
Sanchez thinks the event can
give Stern's opponents some-
thing to "hammer on."
"I don't really know without
researching if it's a legal prob-

ject for another vote.
Stern argued that Rich, who
brought the issue back before
the board two weeks ago, did"
not have the right to do so
Stern claimed that Rich was
on the losing end of the origi-
nal vote that took place four
weeks ago to hire Michael
Hunt as the new county attor-
At the request of the board,
Bosanko carefully examined
transcripts from the previous
Bosanko discovered that
Commissioners Bruce Maguire
and Cyndi Stevenson voted
against Hunt, while Bryant,
Stem and Rich voted in favor
of him in a Feb. 21 meeting.
Bosanko determined that
Rich was within his right to
bring up the item again and
change his vote.
Stern's motion to return to
jhe board original' decision
died,' and instead the
commissioners formally
approved a state-wide search in
a 3-2 vote.
Stern and Bryant cast the
two dissenting votes.

I'[ iAS, JO,)IN it., FbR
rit KAM % %

1-1 N T lk ;

Invitations like the one above
were sent to Ponte Vedra
Republican women.
lem or not." .
The St. Johns County
Supervisor of Elections Office
said there appears to be noth-
ing in the law forbidding such
a fund-raiser, which would be
similar to a candidate's taking a
donation from an entity that
contracts with the county.
"It is one thing to take cam-
paign donations from all kinds
of people," Kohnke said,
adding that someone doing
business with the county
holding a fund-raiser for a
candidate is something else.
"I think this is beyond the
pale," she said.
"I never even thought about
it in that way," Stern said.

Speaking briefly on his own
behalf, Hunt told commission-
ers the process of selection was
flawed and his family was dev-
astated by the news of the lost
Hunt said he conducted per-
sonal interviews with each
commissioner and asked if
they had any concerns about
the proposed contract for him
to become the new county)
Hunt said no one told him
during those personal
interviews that they. were
thinking of changing their
"I had absolutely no idea
that they were going to rescind
the process and go for a state-
wide search," he said.
With 27 years of experience
on the Florida Bar Association,
while Bosanko has about 26
years, Hunt told commission-
ers he is heads above-other
*'aridfdates. '
"'r have sei'ved' this c'otnty,
well that's the bottom line," he
"If you don't believe it, read
my resume, look in my office
and see the plaques."



Continued from A-i
the parents, we've got the play-
ers. This is like a college atmos-
phere, and a great close to a
great year."
Howard's ring. represented
his first state title in a coaching
career that began in 1974 at
Roseburg [Ore.] High School.
"The ring is a symbol of the
unwavering commitment
,these boys made to become
state champions, the discipline
and hard work necessary, to
become a champion," said
Howard; "They'll pick it up 20
years from now, and hopefully
they'll remember the commit-
ment and the love.
Howard said although
Willich has no son in the pro-
gram, "he stepped up when.
nobody else did at times and
said, '[ buy in. I'm going to be
there. You can count on me.'."
WVillich sang similar praises
for the football team he sup-
"These kids are great,"
Willich said of the team, which
won its state title by defeating
Armwood of Seffner .44-37 at
Dolphin Stadium in Miami on
Dec. 10, a game which \Villich
Nfonday's presentation
included 92 rings, all of which
were purchased by Willich for,,
the team at a cost of $190 per
ring. The evening event also
included the Nease cheerlead-
.ers, who paid for their own,
pendant s.
"It's probably a $400 ring,"
said Kevin WVhitlow of the
Herff Jones Company, "but we
were able, because of quantity
and us doing business at the
school, to work out a little bit
of a deal."
Earlier this year, Willich said
he made a commitment of

George Kennerly plays "America the Beautiful" on his harmonica
last.week at the Palm Valley Senior Center on Canal Boulevard.
'Dozens of seniors are'expected to attehd Thursday's ground-
breaking for The Players Community Senior Center on Landrum
Lane. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. at the YMCA.

of [principal] Linda Thomson,"
.said Willich. "It's a nice family
out there at Nease. This is what
America's all about. They just
need to be supported."

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-'.; *'- --tPSS "IVirB --fi ~ ^IK SKK IWW- vfwsr aw i -y
Nease Touchdown Club president Len Stachitas presents
Richard Willich a football Monday. The football is signed by
members of the Nease football team.

A --...* 1 0I ~M\{

more than $50,000 to the
Police Athletic League i PALI of
St. Augustine.
After watching his grand-
son's team play a PAL PeeWee
team, Willich said he saw that
the league needed equipment
and uniforms.
.Willich also got in touch
with Nease High' to ask for
coaching help. Howard'
pledged to run coaching clinics
for PAL coaches.
In late February, Willich
made a donation of more than
$20,000 to help the Nease
band in its fundraising efforts.
and also offered to match
funds raised by band boosters,
dollar per dollar, to cover an:
additional $30,000 needed for
the next three years.
"All these kids are a team:
the band, the cheerleaders and
the football players, and the
teachers, under the leadership


. : .~:~

: -





Page 4A .
www.beachesleader.com Locally Owned and Operated Serving the Beaches since 1963 THE BEACHES LEADER/PONTE VEDRA LEADER

The Leader's Opinion

Involved public

is hallmark of

citizens valuing

their community

Last week more than 300 interested residents attended
a public meeting to offer input on a proposed redo of city
building codes.
Many weiere there to protest the limits, arguing that the
new rules would be too costly afd confining.
Property rights was the buzz phrase of the evening and
certainly strong opinions are to be expected when there
is talk about limiting property usage.
Nevertheless, the capacity crowd that 'filled the ball-
room in the borrowed space was a tribute to the passion
Atlantic Beach residents have for seeing their communi-
tv's best interests protected.
City officials acknowledged that there is still work tobe
done on the proposed draft of regulations. The mayor
promised that "we're not going to end up where we're at
If work is to be done, it should be done in a forthright
manner and not put on a permanent back burner, wait-
ing for citizen interest to fizzle or be distracted.
It is to the credit of the involved Atlantic Beach com-
munity that there is such interest in the subject of build-
ing limits and more importantly a willingness to
spend time making sure the elected officials know what
will and will not be acceptable.
After the public hearing, the president of the consult-
ing firm that has drafted the controversial proposal
'expressed surprise about the level of contention, saying
he had never seen such polarization.
That level of public involvement is what makes
Atlantic Beach and the other Beach communities -
such great places to live.
The public debate serves the community's best inter-
ests and ample proof that government close to home
serves citizens best by giving them a voice in public






'More letters to the editor:

Educators are sticking

high schoolers with a

very irrelevant course

To the editor:
In this time of differentiated
instruction, a proposed new
elective presents high school
freshmen with a one-size-fits-
all course that many of them
may not need.

S, The school board is creating
the "Freshman Experience" to
better acquaint rising ninth
graders with the study skills
I that will enable them to suc-
ceed in .high school and
Letters to d t beyond. There is a world of
good to be gained from learn-
-ing how to be better organized
True environmentalist and how to research informa-
tion. There is no disputing the
don't posture, they aCtually potential good from this class.
n t re, y y hat raises a red flag, how-

want best for Mother Nature of this class. High school stu-
a nt best.,f o .r 4ever, is the mandatory I nature

.To theW6 editor: adjacent toAbPub,\. pa i ~et.:'on the.'CTT arie. reqied.,.to
Anyone who would not is an environmental dema- take this 'elective.' What ifstu-
trade 10(4 acres on Ponte Vedra gogue not an environmental-
Lake, 50 of which are pristine, ist.
natural growth lands, for 50 Len Stachitas
acres of planted pine forest Ponte Vedra Beach

dents already have the research
and study skills that may ren-
der the Freshman Experience a
moot point? It would be a
good idea for there to be an
option for parents to opt their
child out of the class.
Otherwise, this program is a
glorified study hall for those
who already have the knowl-
edge and experience. Let's give
students the academic freedom
to decide what they need -
whether it be Freshman
Experience or any course that
is relevant to their career path.
This issue has a relevance to
me because I have students
who have the kind of work
that is beyond their grade
level. Their projects and work
are proof that they already
have what it takes for high
school and beyond. One such'
student actually interviewed a.

University of North I
professor for a report th
was writing on O0
Another wants to take
classes and perform in th
rus. Yet another won
level accolades for her w
One concerned parent b
this situation to my att
and I can't help but of
personal support. .
, I am not against
Freshman Experience
This course could pote
serve parents and st
who want to make tha
focus. The opt-out opt
my opinion, can allow
ers to focus their resoul
those who really need tl
rather than preaching
John L. Me


Too much fear over AB guidelines

Overflow parking becomes a
problem in residential area

to the editor:
Thank you for the fair and
balanced reporting regarding
bhe parking situation in front
of our home.
I would like to point out that
today Easter Sunday there are
cars parked in front of our
home as in front of the home
of our neighbor Curtis Long.
There are also cars parked all
over,the median in the center
.of the road. All of these cars
belong to people whom are
visiting the Catholic Church
down the road.

Please understand we sup-
port the Catholic Church and
their right to use the. AlA for
overflow parking. However I
would like this to be noted so
as to point out that the median
as well as the grass along the
A1A are used routinely, and
that we are within our rights to
use them as well.
We have taken photographs
and would be glad to
share them with you at your
Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky
Chabad @' the Beaches



K athleen Feindt Bailey Linda Borgstede

Editor, Th. Beaches Lead. '

Thomas Wood
Iv'e.-dent and Publkher

Chuck Adams
Katie Crowell
'Robert DeAngelo
Rex Edmondson
Bob Fernee ,
Laura Fowler
Alice Gartland
John Hardebeck
Jennifer Knoechel,
Jeffrey Minton
Liza Mitchell
Kathy Nicoletti
Hal Newsome
Wimpy Sutton
Ann Von Thron
Roger Walker

Amy Bolin
Pat Dube
Bernice Harris
Ted Lamb

Director of Saks

Karen Stepp
I'fre President

Display Ad Sales
Cathl James
Joanne Jund,.,
Joseph: Martin
Kathy Moore
Stacey Perkins

Steve Fouraker

Business Office
thar Coffman

Advertising &
Marie Adams
Gloria Davis
Cherry Jones
Jane McElhiney'

Kathleen Hartman
Editor, Ponte 1,idra Leader

Jennifer Wise
Il e Predident

Anya Braun,
Eric 'Braun
Scott Cheeseman
Randy Dedman,
Kenny Friedman
Jenna Highland
Karen Holland
Jimmy Howle
Tobi Liss
Donny Milliken
John Newsome
Kevin Phinney'
iGerald Tierney

Press Room
Paul Corey
Scott Sanders
Daniel Fanning
Justin WRay

To the editor:
FEAR used as an acronym
can be found in Zig Ziglar's
workshops and publications."
False Evidence Appearing Real"'
is Mr. Ziglar's definition of fear.
I think there is a lot of False
Evidence Appearing Real spin-
ning around Atlantic Beach
over the proposed community
character guidelines. Some
fears that I have heard include:
"I don't want the govern-
ment telling me what to do
with my property." Everyday
we are told by the government
what we can do with our prop-
erty. \Ve are part of a commu-
nity. In Atlantic Beach we must
be connected to city water and
sewage, we can't have goats

and chickens in our yards,
store junk cars in our yards and
we cannot run a visible com-
mercial business from our
"It's my property and I will
lose the right to do with it as I
please if we implement the
community character guide-
lines." Maybe no one with this
opinion has had the opportu-
nity to either live near or next
to the "hummer house" those
large houses that block the
light, views and breezes from
adjoining properties. They are
lovely homes squashed onto a
piece of property and they
ignore adjoining neighbors'
sunlight, air, and; views.
'My property will decline in

property value. There
of factors affecting
values and as a long t
dent of Atlantic Bea
dents have always pal
mium to live here--exc
Hurricane Dora. Rea
has always been higl
because of the desiral
Rebuilding is great
not build at the exp
existing views, lig
breeze. The Winter G.
an .excellent reputat
has assisted other high
able communities
together with existing
and changing tastes

Stem Cell treatment makes a rea

difference in one girl's health

To the editor:
Julia age 4, is fortunate..
She has been provided access
to a medical facility that uses,
the potential of stem cell treat-
ment. Last year, 2005, Julia
was diagnosed with a cancer in
Stage IV Wilm's Tumor (of the.
kidney'). Her parents were able
to. get treatment for Julia at,
Kohl's House in Children's
Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
All the family is in prayer.
Julia's mother reports as fol-
1bws: "Apparently Wilm's
.Tumor is one of the top 5

tumors to affect children'I
under age 5. On February 24-
this year Julia was reported,
gaining in white blood cell.
count. .All stem-cell transplant"
and recovery was going
according to .schedule. -On
March 1 Julia was scheduled,
for two weeks rest, prior, to
starting Transplant II about
March 14..
April ..13--Julia is home and?
doing great! Her transplant
port has been removed. No
more transplants..
Her family is greatful. Her

father's community I
fund raiser with the si
Chicago Bears great
But Julia is the f
, Stem Cell Treatment
Health care is a mo
Application and tuse
the tools available
medical commun
required. :
. Julia is my niece bu
Julia's deserve health
r Dennis
Ponte Vedc

Send letters to:

The Editor, The Leader, P.O. Box 50129,
Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240, or send e-mail tc
Avoid personal attacks and type or write your. c
ments legibly.

S, Hey," the man bagging my
groceries asked as I put my last
itein on the 'counter and,
moved closer to my cart,:,
"What's wrong with your face?,
Did -somieone hit you?"
S I had to chuckle. Thanks to,,
s some unavoidable dental sur-
Sger, my face truly did look like
1 might have gone a few
rounds in the ring. The oral
surgeon.had done a good job:
S taking out my broken teeth,;
but his work left a massive put-.
Florida ple bruise along my jaw line.
hat she As if that wasn't embarrassing
sceola. enough, the part of my cheek
Latin that wasn't purple was swollen
he cho- up like a puffy, chipmunk. I "
state- Before I could respond to the
writing. mentally handicapped man's
brought honest inquiry about whit:
mention must have been a startling
fer my sight, the young woman zip-
ping my items under the scan-
t the ner scolded her coworker.
class. "John," she said. "Ssh. You
entially don't ask people questions like
udents that."
it their John turned to the girl with
ion, in a puzzled expression.
teach- "\Vhy not?" he asked. "The
rces on lady's face looks terrible. I just
he help wanted to know what hap-
to the opened "
"It's okay," I told the check-
eks. ir. er.

sonville Then I turned to the bagger.
You're right," I told him.
"My face does look terrible.
But no one hit me. I had some
serious dental work done and
this is the result. Thanks for
"You're welcome. Looks like
it hurt. Did ayou hit the dentist
when he was done?" the man
probed. "I hate going to the
are lots dentist. I hope you get better,',.
property I already felt better than I
ime resi- had in days. For almost a week
ch, resi- I'd been noticing the second
id a pre- glance-s from people at work, in
ept after the neighborhood, :and the,
al estate supermarket. Since my bruise
her here looked a lot worse than it felt,
ble loca- I'd forget about appearing so
injured until I'd see someone
--just do staring. My guess is those curi-
pense of otis individuals thought I'd
ht and been in some kind of bar brawl
roup has or lost a fist fight. The funny
ion and thing was that no one had
hlv desir- asked what happened until the
to live grocery clerk responded to the,
g homes obvious.
in new I thought about the value in'
responding to. situations with
Wytzka honest, caring questions again
later that week when a cowork-
er shared a family dilemma.
Seems Rob, Suzy's middle aged
brother, is getting married next
mon th to6 a young lady every-,
l one is crazy about. Since itwill
be a second marriage for the:
bride and the first for a very-
shy 45-year-old, the coupler-
opted for small, immediate rel-'.
hosted a atives and close friends only,
ipport of back yard ceremony complete
at,' 'Dan. with guitar players and a bar-
beque reception.
ortunate "That was going to be great,".'
Suzy's shared, "until one of my
t works. aunts got her feelings hurt,.
ral issue. about not being invited to;
of all of Rob's wedding. She responded,
to the by phoning, several other rela-,
ity is tives and telling them how.
improper it seemed to have;
it all the barbeque for the event. She:i
care. wanted Rob to change his,
L. Lane plans because the way he was
ra Beach going to do things that didn't,
look right to others.
"What's going to happen?" I'
"Rob is going to do what he
wanted to in the first place, but;
he was really put through the
ringer over it," Suzy continued.,
o: "I wish my aunt could have, -
D. just told Rob how she felt.r
Why do people have to make:
things so complicated?":
m- Not every person does. The
Om- kind bagger at the. grocery
store sure had a knack for say-
ing what he meant. That's a
skill that always helps things
work out for the best. .

Anril 19. 2006

r'~ ~


More letters to the editor:

Winter Report

inaccurate, misleading

To the editor:"
While considering impor-
tant changes to regulations
that will impact the .entire
core city of Old Atlantic
Beach, the Commission is
relying oniboth a report that
is not based on fact (the
Winter Report) and the voices
of a minority of residents
(there are only 4 residents
total that are on record in the
Commission meeting minutes
that requested changes simi-
lar to what we are currently
looking at). Yet these sweep-
ing changes, if implemented,
will affect us all.
Rather than rely on the
actual environment, to. accu-
rately depict the neighbor-,
hoods as they exist in Old
Atlantic Beach, the Winter
report. relies on computer-
generated hypothetical illus-
trations. Further, the Winter
report uses these misleading
computer illustrations to
depict the "exaggerated
potential" of, built environ-
ment to create fear in the
The depictions shown by
the Winter Report of a typical
block include uniform lots
(the consultant acknowledged
lot sizes vary dramatically but
still depicted them all as the
same size). Trees, fences and
other neighborhood elements
Were omitted, vegetation
often screens development
from view) and a bird's eve
S liew was used which ignores
the human scale of develop-
ment. There is nothing in the
report to show that any of the
new development that has
occurred in Old Atlantic
Beach approximates, or even
remotely approaches, the
scale of development depict-
ed in the computer illustra-
tions The Winter Report's

assumption that all lots will
be' developed to the maxi-
mum extent allowed ignores
other factors that will affect
future development, includ-
ing but not limited to: .
patterns and rates of residen-
tial development in Old
Atlantic Beach
projected growth arid redevel-.
c'pment in Old Atlantic Beach.
The role of,
market forces influencing res-
idential development
Governmental and industry
projections of future employ-
ment growth and housing
population growth
In other words, it ignores
The study by, the Winter
Company and the resulting
proposed restraints were driv-
en by the perceptions of a few
who believe the new architec-
tures are destroying our
neighborhoods. The archeo-
logical record disagrees. The
visual images in our neigh-
borhoods are changing along,
a timeline and all of the
streets in Old Atlantic Beach
are streets in transition. They
are comprised of homes built
or remodeled over at least six
architectural periods.- over 75
years. They contain 1920's
and 1930's shingle clad bun-
galows along with 1950's thru
1970's low cost ranch homes.
New remodels borrow design
components from both the
old and the new and give our
city the character that we
have today. If adopted, The
Winter report and the
Proposed Developmental,
Standards will surely kill the
creative and eclectic architec-
tural nature of the core city as

our homes begin to look alike
as they are remodeled or
. As I drive around the Old
Atlartic Beach area and take a
look at the remodels and new
construction, I see pleasant
streetscapes and a core city
that reflects its resident's per-
sonalities. I don't see a series
of disasters. I don't see cookie
cutter front porches, garages,
and fences- all elements of
which are proposed in the
Winter report. I don't see'
homes that look the same,
home after home, street after:i
The issue before Atlantic
Beach residents and the
Commission is "Do we wish
to retain the tradition of
owner choice in architecture
and design within a set of
established rules and guide-
lines, or do we wish to be con-
strained by an arbitrary, poor-
ly conceived set of restrictive
regulations? Do we want to
adopt a stringent set of
covenants and restrictions as
if we are residing in a gated
I wonder if the next step
will be voting to install gates
and a guard station on all
entrance points.
I encourage all Atlantic
Beach residents to join us in
the fight to Save Atlantic
Beach and the freedom of
choice that we enjoy right
now. We need to demand that
our Commission' hear us as
we ask them repeatedly to
start this process over. We
need to make sure the
Commission knows that we
want to start over utilizing
the current code and make
sure that changes are made
with full community input
and involvement.
Lindley Tolbert
Atlantic Beach


can rectify

its errors
To the editor:
During the .1964 presiden-
tial election a political pun-
dit said, If you vote for
Goldwater a lot of bad
things are going to happen".
Well to plagiarize and:con-
temporize, I would like to
say this about the recent
elections in Atlantic Beach.
The electorate was told, by
the winners of the cam-
paign, "A vote for Beaver
and Parsons is' not in your
best interest, bad things will
happen. We, Wolfson and
Fletcher, are the right
Well, I voted for Bea'er
and Parsons and sure
enough bad things hap-
pened. They have happened
under the watch of the win-
ners, Fletcher and Wolfson.
If Wolfson and Fletcher
had the integrity to include
their real agenda on their
platform they would never
have been elected.
Well, what has been done
by the electorate can be cor-
rected by the electorate.
Greg Bolton
Atlantic Beach



AB is grandstanding on

its minimum lot sizes

To the editor;
'Why are the: politicians in
Atlantic Beach '"grandstand-.
ing" over the issue of a 10,000
square feet minimum lot.size,.
called "Residential, Single
Family Large Lot," in the Selva,
Marina area?
They know that lots in the
mapped area shown on the
front page of the April 7, 2006,
edition of Tie Beaches Leader
are already covered by a restric-,
tive covenant, hence no need
for this new zoning.
There are 10 lots along

Send letters to:

The Editor, The
Leader, P.O. Box
50129, Jacksonville
Beach, Fla. 32240,
or send e-mail to:
editor@ beach-

Avoid personal
attacks and type or
write your com-
ments legibly.
Lengthy letters may
be edited as space

Seminole Road in this area,
that don't have this type of
covenant, and because' of their
platting don't need this type
of zoning. Further, why does-
n't the wonderful Beaches
Leader staff look at the histories
of the current commissioners'
residences to see how such pro-
posed zoning would have
effected them?
Are we too chummy with
whom we cover?

Tim Townsend
Atlantic Beach

Subscribe Today!
The Leader

1. .

LArtArt vy -.ocafidtt ChwPW

A Charles Gallery

228 3rd Ave N. Jacksnv'lle Beach

I *.

AB code needs minor changes, if any

To the editor:
I attended last night's work-
shop without any precon-
ceived opinion on the pro-
posed residential development
standards, although the signs
and t-shirts of the "Save
Atlantic Beach" group did con-
vince me it was an important
issue to all residents.
Like most residents, I would
prefer not having our commu-
nity filled with "McMansions".
However, I am a strong sup-
porter of private property'
rights and believe too many

restrictions would be harmful
to our community. Since most
people moving to Atlantic
Beach selected this community
because of its character, I do
not believe they want to
destroy it.
My opinion after last night's
workshop is that the draft pro-
posal prepared by Mr. Winter
not be used as a basis for
change. I do think it was prop-
er for the Commission to
engage Mr. Winter for this pro-
posal, since many citizens
called for "something to be

done about stopping
However, after seeing the
details of that proposal, I
believe the commission should
not adopt any new standards.
Sometimes solutions to prob-
lems can create more prob-
lems. Let's keep Atlantic
Beach's character by seriously
reviewing current codes and
proposing only minor changes,
if any.
Bob Price
Atlantic Beach

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Patience might yield better results for N3

To the editor:
We noticed in Councilor ,
Pardee's letter to the editor
(3/31/06) that Neptune Beach.
has been unable to "support a
Scotty's, Eood Lion, Big Lots or
an Outlet Mall."
First, what makes him think
a Wal-mart would last any
longer. I contend that all of
those retailers appeal to a par-
ticular demographic. And as
it's been pointed out, there are
two other \Val'-marts within
close proximity: San Pablo &
Beach or Kearnan & Atlantic.
Second, look across the
street at the redeveloped
Atlantic Theater property.
There are new, good restau-
rants with outdoor seating,
and small, locally-owned busi-
nseses. In case you haven't
noticed, that parking lot is,
always bustling.
Third, look at the redevel-
oped., Pic-n-Save in south
Jacksonville Beach. That prop-
erty is so busy, we need a light
at Osceola. '.- '
And fourth, we'd do better
with more low-rise OFFICE
CONDOS for the, rest of us
small business owners that
love our Beaches communities
and want our business address
to stay here.
Our concept of what the
Beaches communities' should
strive for is a thriving ecosys-
tem of innovative and interest-
ing locally-owned businesses
and r .residential areas.
Something with character,
something that will give its

residents a quality of living
that can't be had in the vast
suburbia of big box retailers
and huge cookie-cutter devel-
opments. Communities like
that take more patience and

effort to create, but no one
ever said that things that are
worthwhile are easv.
Julie Lawler and Steve
Jacksonville Beach

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Jax Beach 249-3541

-April 19,-2006

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra. Leader Page 5A

Page 6A The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader April 19, 2006


Wednesday April

Retired federal employees:
Chapter 1671 of the National
Active and Retired Federal
Employees will.meet at noon at
the Golden Corral Restaurant,
14035 Beach Blvd. Visitors are
welcome. Call 731-3968 or 221-
7644 for information.

Sports safety workshop:
Coastal, Care Medical Center
and F.O.R.M.E. Rehabilitation
will present an educational
workshop on sports safety at
noon at 10909-9 Atlantic Blvd.,
Jacksonville. Lunch will be pro-
vided. Call 642-3304 for infor-

Fit for the Streets: "Fit for the
Streets," a mobile brand energy
tour, will be at Ice Man Inc./Mr.
Kicks at 5100 Norwood Ave.,
Jacksonville, at 4 p.m.
Admission is free. Visit
www.neweracap.com for infor-

Son of Italy: Sons of Italy
Beaches Lodge #2821 will meet
at 6:30 p6m. at. the Beaches
Branch Library's auditorium,
60() Third St., Neptune Beach. A
social time at 5:30 p.m. pre-
-,cedes the meeting. Anyone
interested, whether of Italiari
heritage or, not, is welcome.
Call 242-4929 for information.

Furry Faces: The Jacksonville
Human Society's 10th Annual
Furry Faces 2007 Calendar
Contest continues through
June 30. Submissions are $10
each. Call 725-8766, extension
210, for rules.

Thursday, April 20
Last Day of Passover.

Coffee on the Coast: The
Beaches Division of the
Jacksonville Regional Chamber
of Commerce will have "Coffee
on the Coast" at 8 a.m. at
Shelby's Coffee Shop/Raymond
James, 200 First St., Neptune
Beach. T`fie cost is $2. Call 249-
3868 for information.

Women's association: The
Sawgrass Players Club Women's
Association will meet at 10 a.m.
at the Ponte Vedra Beach
L~raty. The 10:30 a.m. pro-
giAh' is "S0 fhg'1Blooming."

Open house: Persephone
Healing Arts Center will host an
open house from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. at' 486 6th Ave. N.,
Jacksonville Beach. Call 246-
3583 for 'information.

Sea turtle volunteer orienta-
tion: Volunteer orientation and
phase 1 boot camp for the 2006
sea turtle season will be held
iomrn 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the
Beaches Branch Library in
Neptune Beach. Visit
www.BSTP.net or call 613-6081
for information.

Republican club: The River
City Republican Club will meet
at 7 p.m. at Piccadilly
Restaurant at 200 Monument
Road. Randall Terry is the guest
speaker. Call Jack Webb at 886-
S2872 or Mary Jane Travis at 246-
3821 for information.

Book-signing: Books-A-
Million in Jacksonville Beach
will host Gordon Stephen
Harrigan at 7 p.m. to sign
copies of his new book,
"Challenger Park."

Saturday, April 22
Earth Day.

sale: A rum-
mage sale
will be held
'from a.m. to
2 p.m. by
PTA at out-
side portable
#3 at the
school, 2753
Drive off

tion: An
Earth Day
event will be

neld from 9
a.m. to 4
p.m. at
G ua n a
Ses t u a r in e

The Jacksonville Human Society's 10th Annual Furry Faces 2007 Calendar Contest continues
through June 30. Submissions are $10 each. Call 725-8766, extension 210, for rules.

Vedra Beach branch library, 101'
Library -Blvd., Ponte Vedra
Beach. Visitors are welcome. For
information, e-mail sher-
rycaip@aol.com or call 744-

Study skills: A free seminar
on "Study Skills for life" will be
held from 1 to 5. p.m. at the
Beaches Library, 600 Third St.,
Neptune Beach. Call 247-7405
'for reservations or information.

Kyds Carnival: Kyds chil-
dren's clothing boutique is cele-
brating its five-year anniversary
with its first Kyds Carnival from
2 to 5 p.m. in the Courtyard at
200 First St., Neptune Beach.
The event is open to the public
and proceeds will benefit
B.E.A.M. (Beaches Emergency
Assistance Ministry). Call 246-
4685 for information.

Book and Rose Day:
Celebrate World Book and Rose
Day today and April 23 at The
Bookmark. Buy a book and
receive a rose. Call 241-9026 for

Sunday, April 23
Marywood: "The Fruits of
" Meditation," L, ed by Sr
Elizabeth Hillma'n,'a member of
Religious of the Cenacle, will be

held from" 1:30 ,to: 4 p.m. at
'Marywood Retreat Center in
Switzerland. Fla. There is no

Monday, April 24
Driver safety class: An AARP
driver, safety class will be held
from 1 .to 5 p.m. at the Ponte
Vedra Library in Ponte Vedra
Beach. The class is for drivers
over 50, and, costs $10. Class
size is limited. Call 904-823-
9208 or 904-273-0495

Red Hats: The Red Hat
Society will play bunco at the
Jacksonville Beach Senior
Center at 6 p.m. The cost is $5.
Bring snacks to share. Call 543-
9033 or e-mail
RedHatFoxes@'aol.com for

Tuesday, April 25
Senior workshop: A free sen-
ior workshop will be offered at
10 a.m. at Edward Jones, 13171
Atlantic Blvd., Suite 300. Call
221-8501 for reservations.

XtxvntIV1AJIITi h I I LIv,- I LJTim

bazaar: A
craft bazaar and bake sale will
be held from 8 a.m. to;2 p.m. at'
St. Andrews Lutheran Church,
1801 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville
Beach. Call 221-1763 for infor-
mation. :

Tour de Parks: ToTr de Parks
will be held from 9 a.m. till
noon in Atlantic Beach.'
Participating parks' are Jack
Russell Park, Howell Park, Bull.
Park, Jordan Park, Donner Park,
Veterans Park, Tideviews Park
and Roses Park. The event is
free. Call 247-5828 or 242-0197
for information.

Film festival: As part of the
First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Man Who
Planted Trees," "Environmental
Ethics: Examining Your
Connection to the
Environment and Your
Community," "The -Water's
Journey: The Hidden Rivers of
Florida" and "The Living
Waters" will be shown from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Jacksonville Landing Store
Front. Call 924-1100, extension
234, for information.

Pafllaihentarian's:" its' t
Coast' 'Parliamentaria'ns will
meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Ponte.

Fri & Sat

Lit' Ed & the 81j
I iy
After Friday's shwli'

Red Hat
Day: A
National Red
Hat Day cele-
bration will
be held at
noon at the
There will be
food, fun, a
fashion show
and a parade
in the court-
yard. The
event is free,
but R.S.V.P. is
required. For
e m a i l
@aol.com or
call Mary
Jane Brown
at 285-3505.

Wine tast-
ing; A wine-
tasting event
to benefit
local chari-

ties will be
held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Arthur
iRutenberg Homes, Ponte Vedra
East, Model home 108 (off A1A
north of Corona). tickets are
$35 perperson and are available
at The Bookmark in Atlantic
Beach and Cottage by the Sea in
Jacksonville Beach. Call Vickie
at 373-0583 for information.

Wednesday, .April

Gift sale: BMC Beaches
Hospital will have a gift sale
from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
main lobby of the Beaches
Hospital, 1530 13th Ave. S.,
Jacksonville Beach. Baskets,
purses, jewelry and other gift
items will be offered. The sale is
open to the public.

Memorial service: The
Mattie T. Wright Chapter of the
United Daughters of the
Confederacy will have a
Southern Memorial Day Sernice
at 10 a.m. at H. Warren Smith
Cemetery, Beach Boulevard and
Penman Road, Jacksonville
Beach. 223-3025.

INewcomers: I tie Llong-I llm
Newcomers will meet at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 27
at the Selva Marina Country Thursday, April 27
club. There will be a fashion Celebration of Spring: The
show. 1 'lh .' Annual- ," eAniE'--Epit

Celebration of Spring" will be
held through April 30 in St.
Augustine. 904-829-3295.

Friday, April 28
Cultural Center: A photogra-'
phy exhibition featuring photo-
graphs by Jay Shoots, Dominick
Martorelli and Paul Karabinis
will be on display through June
2 at the Cultural Center at
Ponte Vedra Beach, 50
Executive Way, Ponte Vedra
Beach. 280-0614.

Book sale: The Beaches!
Branch Library in Neptune
Beach will have a book sale
from 10 a.m. to .5 p.m. today
and April 29, and 1 to 4 p.m.
April 30, with a members-only
preview' April 27 from 5 to 7
p.m. The sale is sponsored by
the Friends of the Beaches
Branch Library.

Cooking class: An all organic
grain and vegetable cooking
class will be held, from 5:30 to
7:30 p.m. atj Persephone'
Healing Arts Center, 485 6th '
Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach. The
class is free. 246-3583.

Saturday, April 29
Life Line Screening: Life
Line Screening will be held at
American Legion of Atlantic
'Beach Post 316, 1127 Atlantic':'
Blvd., Atlantic Beach.
Appointments -start at 9 a.m.ri
Preregistration is required. Call

Film. festival:. As part of the
First Coast Environmental Film
Festival, "The Next Industrial
Revolution" \will be shown at 10
a.m. at the Main Library
Auditorium, 303 N. Laura St.,
followed by a discussion panel
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Organic coffee and refresh-
menrrts will be served from 9:30
to 10 a.m. 924-1100, ext. 234.

Earth Day celebration: The
Natural Living Alliance of St.
Johns County' will sponsor an
Earth Day celebration at the St.
Augustine Amphitheatre, locat-
ed on Anastasia Boulevard, one-
quarter mile south of the light-
house and just north of the Elks
Lodge, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission and parking are free.
Visit wrw.naturallivingal-

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- ~ ~ -


Sybil Bonner

Dona Jane Mohr Porraro

Sybil Bonner, 83, of Ponte
Vedra Beach, died April 14,
2006 at Baptist Medical Center
Beaches. She was born Dec.
13, 1922 in El Paso, Arkansas to
the late Herman and Ora
She played the piano for sev-
eral different gospel groups
within central Arkansas and
studied classical music
throughout her life. She lived
inAtlanta working in the trav-
el -and television advertising
industry before moving to
Jacksonville and working in
real estate sales until her retire-

Lewis Albert Cole Jr., 83,'
died April 3, 2006 in a veter-
an's nursing home.
Cole was" bbori in
Columbus, Ohio on Aug. 1,
1922 to the late L.A. Cole St.
and Grace Danley Cole. He
served in both the Army and
the Air Force.
He was retired as a National
Sales Director for KRC paper
Cole is survived by his wife,
Norma Babb Cole, of Macon,

Christine Henshaw, 99, died
April 13, 2006. A native of
Cambria, England, Henshaw
lived in the United States since
1940, when she worked for the
British Red Cross bringing chil-
dren to America and Canada in
a war evacuation program.
Christine lived in St.
Petersburg and moved .to
Jacksonville in the 1970's.

James Frank "Jim"
Kirchhofer, 64, died Friday,0,,
April 14, 2006. He was born
Jan. 19, 1942, in St. Louis, MO
to' the late Nicholas Joseph
Kirchhofer and the 'late
Georgia Helena Kirchhofer.
He in the U.S. Marines and
was a graduate of Itawamba
Community College.
Surviving family members
include his wife, Jan Gilliam
Kirchhofer; sons, James,
Frank, Michael, Jeff, Eddie,
Kenny, Lucas, Wyn, Ben and
Luther; sisters, Judy Simek
and Nikki Stringer of St.
Louis, MO: several grandchil-

Family members
brother Buel M
Gillham and sever,
A memorial ser
held at 11 a.m. on
the chapel of (
Funeral Home.
:In lieu of flower
may be made
Jacksonville Hum,
8464 Beach Blvd.,*
FL 32216. ,
Services under t
of Quinn-Shalz Fu
3600 3rd St S.

Ga.; three daughl
Pagai of Savanna
Logan of Macon
King of
Washington; sevei
dren and four g
There will be a
service held April
at Son Rise VWors
600 Levy Road.
Pastor Jerry Curl
charge of the serve

Dona Jane Mohr Porraro, 73,
include her of the Plantation in Ponte
[ax. (Doris) Vedra Beach, died April 13,
al cousins. ,2006 following a three-week
vice will be illness at Baptist Medical
Thursday in Center-Beaches. She was born
Quinn-Shalz Aug. 27, 1932 in Aurora,.
Illinois and was raised in. Glen
s, donations Rock, N.J. (as was her husband,
, to the Bill). She attended 'Ridgewood
ane Society, High School, Centenary
Jacksonville, College and was employed as a
Dental Hygienist.
he direction Because of her husband Bill's
neral Home, 41-year association *with
Prudential Financial, they lived
in 10 locations and traveled
the world.
According to her family, she
was blessed with multi-media
artistic creativity and culinary
Family members include her
husband of 54 years, P.P. "Bill"
Porraro: 3 children, Jette
ters, Debbie Porraro iMark)' Wood of
h, Ga., Gay Neptune Beach, Tina Porraro
, Ga., Kim Nlarki Spina of Atlantic Beach
Bainbridge, and Mark (Ashleyi Porraro of
n grandchil- Naples; 8 grandchildren, Brie
great-grand- Wood (Matthew) Sloan of
Raleigh, N.C., Tanner Wood of
a memorial Jacksonville Beach, Alex,
23 at 1 p.m. Jordan and Logan Spina of
hip Center, Atlantic Beach, and Chance,

tis will be in

She is survived by a Niece in
England and 3 nieces in
Australia. Her Funeral service is
scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday
in the Cummings Chapel at St.
John's Cathedral. Burial will
follow in The Bishop's Garden
at St. Johns Cathedral.
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be made to Hospice of
North East Flowers.

dren, nieces and nephews.
Arraemqoal setvicag,,ill Je1 f
held at 6:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, April 19, in St.
Paul's by the Sea Episcopal
Church with the Reverend
Penny Pfab officiating. Burial
will be in the adjacent
Memorial Gardens.
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be made to the Luther
Benefit Fund, C/O St. Paul's
by the Sea Episcopal Church,
465. 11th Ave. N.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral
Home, 3600 3rd St S.

Nickolas and Ava
Porrar6 all of
Naples.;1 .great,
grandchild, Ayden
Mae Sloan of
Raleigh, N.C.; sis-i
ter: Jette Mohr (Dr.
George) Handley
of St. Charles, IL; Porraro
Jeanne Porraro Spaulding of
Ponte Vedra Beach and Natalia
Porraio (Gordon) Boucher of
Phoenix,AZ; brother-in-law,
Richard (Dorothy) Porraro and
nieces and nephews,
Alexandra, Gina Gay,
Kathleen, Kristina, Susan,
Theresa, Angus, Ian, Michael
and Richard.
An immediate family service
was observed. The family will
hold an informal celebration
of Porraro on Saturday, May 6,
from 1 p.m.to 3 p.m. at Quinn-
Shalz Funeral Home, 3600 3rd
St. S., Jacksonville Beach. ,
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to
Baptist Medical Center-
Beaches, att: Mary Anne Stone,
1350 13th Avenue Beach,
lackson-ille Beach, FL 32250.
Services under the direction
of Quinn-Shalz Funeral Home.

Earl V Price

Earl V. Price, 87., died on
April 10, 2006. The World War
II veteran lived in Atlantic
Beach and was formerly of
Norwood, N.Y. He was born on
Sept. 15, 1918 in Massepa,
N.Y., the son of the late
William and Sarah Price.
Price worked for' the
Clevepak Corporation in
Piermont, N.Y. for 29 years,
retiring in 1982. He attended
the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's
Witnesses in Jacksonville
Beach. He is survived by his
wife of 60 years Elizabeth E.
Price; sons Earl and Robert
Price of Atlantic Beach; daugh-
ter Joanne Kelly and husband
James of Jackson-ille; grand-,
children, Kathryn, Jessica and

Aimee; and great-grandchil-
dren Daquiwan and Titus. In
addition to his parents, Price
was preceded in death by
brothers Ellison and William
Price and sisters Ruby Donato
and Grace Forrest.
A brief prayer service will be
held on Monday April 24 at 1
p.m. at the Beaches Memorial
Park. A memorial service will
be held at a later date at the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's
Witnesses. Memorial contribu-
tions may be made to the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's
Witnesses, 1127 16th Ave. S.
Arrangements provided by
the Hardage-Giddens Funeral
Home, 1701 Beach Blvd.

Tabitha Elizabeth Wihkler 'i

Tabitha Elizabeth Winkler,
78, of Atlantic Beach, died
April 14, 2006. She was born
Aug. 22, 1927 in Huntington,
West Virginia and moved to
Jacksonville 30 years ago.
Family members include her
daughters, Janet Lee Edwards
of Huntington, West Virginia,
Mary Ellen Crooks of Orange
Park and Margo Elaine Marino
of Atlantic Beach; son, Gregory

Franklin Winkler of
Jacksonville and four grand-
children and six great-grand-
Graveside services will be
held at the Woodmere
Cemetery in Huntington, West
Setrices under the Direction
and care of Quinn-Shalz
Funeral Home.

Baptist Medical Center
Beaches will host its third sem-
inar of the Women and Family
Health Series for 2006 will be
held Tuesday May 2, 7-8 p.m.
The upcoming lecture, enti-
tled "Natural Hormone
Replacements", will be present-
ed by Marijane Boyd, MD
Attendees will have the
opportunity to ask questions.
Educational materials and
refreshments will be available.
The seminar series is
designed for women to gain in
depth knowledge about their
own as well as their families'
health in a relaxed environ-
ment. The "Women and
Family Health Series" is free
and open to the public.
Reservations are not required.

Comcast offers grants
The Comcast Community
Investment Panel, a group of
local citizens, is now receiving
applications for funding for
North Florida community ini-
tiatives. With $150,000 to be
SaaTl:ed in 2.006,.Jhe, fnc ~g
is port o Comcast s, annual
community investment fund-
ing. Any entity, organization
or group, organized and oper-
ating exclusively for charitable,
scientific, literary, educational
purposes or to foster amateur
sports competition based in, or
providing services to, the
North Florida communities
where Comcast provides its
services, is eligible to receive
funds awarded by the
Community Investment Panel.
Interested parties should sub-
mit applications electronically
through the following website
a t
m no later than May 15, 2006.

Housing plan details

Jax Beach appoints new faces

to its Planning Commission

New appointments to the Jacksonville
Beach Planning Commission were
approved recently by the City Council.
Commissioner David Dahl stepped
down from the planning board because
he was deployed for service in Iraq with
the U.S. Navy.
The council March 20 presented Dahl
with a certificate of appreciation for his
service on the Planning Commission and

his contribution to the community.
Greg Sutton, who served as second
alternate, will move into Dahl's vacated
seat as a full time member of the com-
Fred Jones, a planner with Piosser
Hallock Planners & Engineers, was
appointed as first alternate
William Callan, a property manager
with '40 years experience, will serve as'
second alternate.
-Four candidates including Jones and
,Callan were interviewed and three appli-

cants currently serving on other boards
were vying for appointment to. the'
Planning Commission.
City staff also had one application on
file that met the qualifications.
"We often have a difficult time getting
qualified applicants. I am delighted to
see the caliber of applicants we are given
the opportunity to consider. It speaks
well of our community," Councilman
Lee Buck said.
'It is a difficult decision but that is a
good position to be:in. "

James Stackhouse, executive
director for Helping Hands
Village, will be speaking at the
Beaches Business Assoc (BBA)
on Monday April 24. BBA
meets at the Jax Beach Golf
Course Club House at noon.
He will also -speak to the
Northeast Florida Assoc of
Realtors INEFAR) on Thursday,
tomorrow. NEFAR meets at the
Beaches Baptist Medical Center
at 8:45 a.m.. :
Helping Hands Village is,
working to purchase land and
build transitional housing for
families with children to pro-
vide affordable housing., More
information is at

Kyds children's clothing
boutique is celebrating its 5
Year Anniversary by hosting
their first-ever Kyds Ca.rnival
on Saturday, April 22 from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Kyds Carnival will be
held in the Courtyard at 200
First Street, Neptune Beach.
Kyds Carnival highlights
include games,. prizes, food,
drinks, surprises, arts & crafts,
Groovy Girl appearances, fun
'photo and dance opportuni-
i ties. The event is open to the
public arid proceeds will bene-
fit B.E.A.M. (Beaches
Emergency Assistance
B.E.A.M. is an independent,
.non-profit, service center dedi-
cated to providing short-term
social services for residents
(children, senior citizens, and
adults) of the Beaches and West
The Kyds Carnival event is
open to the public and refresh-
Sments will be served. Kyds is
located at 200 First Street on
'the corner of First and Lemon
Street in Neptune Beach. For
more information. -call
904.2-f6685.' -'-- "-.

Dance party planned

On Friday, May 19, Beaches
Women's Partnership will hold
a dance party and charity auc-
tion at Max's Grand Ballroom,
1312 Beach Boulevard,
Jacksonville. Beach. The party
and silent auction begin at 7
p.m., with an elegant dinner
buffet served at 7:30. The silent
auction closes at 9:30, with
door prizes awarded and a live,
band for dancing until the
party ends. There will also be a
cash bar. Attire is beach dressy.
Prize and auction donations, as
well as sponsors for this event,
are currently being sought.
Tickets to attend the event are
$50 per person. For more
information, contact NMary
Ellen Waugh at 631-6062.
Beaches Women's
Partnership (BWP) is a non-
profit organization that pro-
vides free information and
referrals to women and their .
families in the beaches area
who are in need of help.
Almost 100 clients have
already used the service during
its pilot program, with BWP
slated to open full-time in its
new location later this spring.
Volunteers and patrons are
always welcome. For more
information on BWP, or to uti-
lize its information and referral
'service, call 273-4795 (before
May 5) or 249-3674 (after May

Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Malcom Anthony Kelly Corsmneier Kim O'Steen

Criminal Defense .
..Employment & Labor
Estate Planning
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Personal Injury /
Former Prosecunor-Dural and Auto Accidents
St. Johns Counties
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"Stay out of troubla.. but if you don't,
call me,"
4 Sawgrass Village, Suite 230B, Ponte Vedra Beach
285-4LAW (4529)'

Relive the early days of Presbyterianism on this fabulous tour through
Scotland. Visit lona, the site of the first Christian settlement on
Scotland and home to lona Abbey. Step inside St. John's Church and
St. Giles Cathedral where John Knox preached Protestant Christianity.
Visit many other sites related to his life, including Haddington where
he was born and raised. Traditional sightseeing also includes the
popular Scottish cities of Glasgow, Perth, and Edinburgh.

TR F AS-day tour highlights Rome, Florence and Venice, with overnight
stays in Pisa, where you can admire the Leaning Tower, and in St. Francis'
. III ssis *All major sights have been included, St. Peter's, the Sistine Chapel
[t a. 'ncthe Colosseum in Rome; Michelangelo's David in Florence; and St"
'"s 'j ^-- .k'sB2silica and the Doges' Palace with the Bridge of Sighs in Venice.
e d)M!ia I i eluded are visits to the.excavations of Ostia Anrica; San Gimignano
$2,9l .ad Sa na, a stop at.Verrazzano Castle to learn about famous Chiani wine;
B i' Vemrna to take pictures of Juliet's balcony; in Ravenna to admire the
.. ,tmopsaics in the 6th-century basilica; and Orvieto.
For reservations or more information:
The Travel 241-0001 Opening t7doorl otheworld,.
AUTHORIT Y 1990 Third Street South I Jax Beach
"Bi.ed or doubi, oxupan,). IncludeBs ior. round mp au from Jjau,iovdie and a .iJ ui..urancc Pnrc rbiccc to change Sonime restnco may apply

Lewis Albert Cole Jr.

Christine Henshaw

:; James Frank "Jim" Kirchofer

... ..............

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Ieader 0 Page 7A

A~rl 9.2006


Max Linn, President of Florida Citizens for Term Limits,
explains to the Republican Club of the Beaches' members
his crusade to keep term limits in place. The current state
legislature has placed a provision on the ballot that would
overturn term limits in Florida. He invited all citizens who
feel "''Eight is Enough" to contact him at 727-347-9170.


Hospital program free Benefit for BEAM

~:-:;-1' '

Credit Cards Accepted~

%%-%% %%.NRlalcotrr~knthon v.com


- NI

Ponte Vedra Leader


S- 'n -rgr'i r liphelicl der- nu

* Wedding ... See A-9
* Education ... A-1 1

Sewing circle makes pillows for patients

When Dianne Spurrell of
lacksonville Beach was diag-
nosed with breast cancer in
2003 her spirit dropped.
"1 was feeling really down
and feeling sorry for myself,"
she said of her fight with the
"The only way to get out of
that is to go and do something
for somebody else."
1 hat's when Spurrell read an
article in the newspaper about
Pillow Pals, a sewing circle that
makes colorful "comfort" pil-
lows for the elderly, abused
children and chemotherapy
The group grew out of the
steady hands of founder Maria
Swed, who began making pil-
lows for nursing home resi-
dents at Christmas in 2000.
Spurrell, who was soon
about to become a chemother-
apy patient herself, jumped at
the chance to get involved.
In fact, Spurrell joined the
group on her very first day of
chemotherapy treatments. She
dropped off a pillow that she

Judit Khoor of Ponte Vedra Beach hugs one of the pillows made
by Pillow Pals, an organization that meets at Neptune Beach
Senior Activity Center. She and others delivered pillows last
week to a shelter for abused children.

had made in her spare time,
then returned home to recover
from her first dose of chemo.
Now, three years later,
Spurrell is still sewing strong,
and the group, which just
passed its fifth anniversary in
September, has donated more
than 1,800 comfort pillows.
Though Swed moved away
in 2002, the thread spools kept
spinning under the guidance
of Judit Khoor, who has been a
member of the group almost
since the very beginning.
Ironically, Khoor admitted
with good humor that she can-
not sew a stitch, but she helps
by cutting pillow forms out of
the fabrics and dropping off
the loads of pillows for recipi-
Khoor said there are five
regular members who meet
every other week in the
Neptune Beach Senior Center,
and pillows are usually
dropped off every three
One of the stops on Khoor's
rounds is the Baptist Cancer
Institute where cancer patients
receive a pillow on their first
day of chemotherapy.

New 'Palmer Pride' cookbook

showcases its school volunteers

"The treatment of cancer
and the diagnosis of cancer is
extremely stressful," said
George Royal, a psychologist at
Baptist Cancer Institute.
"It [giving them a comfort.
pillow] is just one more thing
that we try to do to help folks
out in terms of coping."
Royal said'he has been hap-
pily receiving pillows from
Pillow Pals for years and has
seen the positive impact they
have on his patients.
While preparing for their
first dose of chemotherapy, the
patients receive a pillow,
which they can take home,
Royal said.
The pillows help relax some
of the patients, who use them
to prop up their arms or heads
while going through treat-
ment, he said.
More importantly, Royal
said the pillows serve as sym-
bols that people in the com-
munity care about those
"I think it just brightens
their day," he said.
But Khoor and the rest of the
Pillow Pals usually never see
the patients' brightened faces

or hear their heartfelt thanks.
Khoor said she drops off the
pillows and the nurses hand
them out as new patients
Leah's Place, a temporary
center for abused and neglect-
ed children, is another place
where Pillow Pals receive little
At Leah's Place, children
who recently have been
removed fhornom an abusive envi-
ronment wait to be placed
with a relative or in a foster
When they leave, the chil-
dren get their choice of a corn-,
fort pillow and stuffed animal,
according to Gay Harris, acting
director for Leah's Place.
Harris said the members of
Pillow Pals rarely get to see the'
children receive the pillows.
because the center cannot pre-
dict when children will come'
and go.
But Harris said she and her
staff thank Pillow Pals tremen-
dously for their work.
"They are wonderful ladies
with hearts of gold," Harris
said. ;

T he Home and School
Association of Palmer
t Catholic Academy of
Our LadN Star of the Sea
Catholic Church published
the "Palmer Pride Cookbook"
earlier this month.
T he association's hospitality
chairperson, Renee Farrell,
chatred the cookbook effort.
The cookbook and the
recipes reflect the work of the
manv volunteers who have
prepared teacher appreciation
luncheons for the school's
teachers and staff, Farrell said.
Initially, the luncheons
were held once a year during
Catholic schools week. They
were so popular and there
was such strong support from
the volunteers, Farrell said,
that about three years ago the
Home and School Association
began doing monthly lunch-
eons for the teachers and
"It was a little way to give
something back to them,"
Farrell added.
With a corps of dedicated
voiuntee[s preparing delicious
food for the luncheons, it was
not long before Farrell began
receiving requests for a cook-
book to showcase the recipes
used for the luncheons.
The result is a cookbook
containing more than 300
recipes from parents and also
several from teachers. The
book is dedicated to the
teachers and staff, the parents
of Palmer students, the vol-

unteers, and the students.
A special note in the cook-
book reads, "All who have the
cookbook, take time and add
some new dishes to your
repertoire, and make time to
have a nice family dinner!."
The cookbook offers a vari-
ety of main dish recipes, veg-
etable dishes, casseroles, and
salads for family dinners or
entertaining. There are recipes
for desserts and baked goods
and a section titled "This and
One of the many great
recipes from the main course
section of the cookbook is
White Chili with Chicken by-
Nancy Burns.
This flavorful dish is made
with bite-size pieces of chick-
en, tomatillas, fresh cilantro,
and green chilies and can be
garnished with a variety of
Fionnuala San Juan's Irish
Soda Bread recipe' includes
the best method to "let the
fairies" out of the dough
before baking, lust like it
must have been done in
Chocolate Toffee Cream Pie
from Robin Devenny is rich
in chocolate from the choco-
late cookie crust to the
creamy filling and the candy
pieces used in the filling and

on top.
The teachers at Palmer
enjoyed the luncheons so
much that they have hosted a
luncheon to thank the volun-
teers, said Farrell. Recipes
from 'some of the teachers are
also in the cookbook.
Children of all ages would
enjoy making Ice Cream in a
Bag, a recipe from first-grade
teacher Mrs. Pabian. This
would be a fun summertime
activity or grandparents
might want to use this
unique recipe to make ice
cream with visiting grandchil-
Katie Jasinski, another
Palmer teacher who was fea-
tured in this column in 2003,
has several recipes in the
cookbook. One is a refreshing
Ginger and Lemon Fruit Salad
made with five different
The Palmer Pride Cookbook
is available for $12.50 or
three for $30. Orders can be
sent to Palmer Catholic
Academy/Cookbooks at 4889
Palm Valley Road, Ponte
Vedra, FL 32082; or call the
school office at 543-8515.

The following are a sample of
recipes from the "Pahnlmer Pride"

Ice Cream in a Bag

(Mrs. Pabian-1A)

1 T sugar

one-half cup half and half

one-quarter tsp. vanilla

one-half cup rock salt


1-pint size Ziploc bag

1-gallon size Ziploc bag

Combine the sugar, half
and half, and vanilla in the
pint-size Ziploc bag and seal
tightly. Combine the rock salt
and ice in the large Ziploc
bag. Place the small bag
inside of the larger bag and
seal. Shake the bag until the
mLxture turns to ice cream!
This will take about 5 min-
utes. iYou may want to wear
gloves.i Add sprinkles, candy,
nuts, or fruit and enjoy!

Irish Soda Bread

iFionnuala San Juan,
Student: Maria-SA)

three and one-quarter cups
flour ,

1 level tsp. sugar

1 level tsp. salt

1 level tsp. baking soda,


Some of the Palmer Academy Home and School Association Board members who contributed to the "Palmer Pride Cookbook"
from left, Heather Dias, association president Anne Cashin, cookbook chairperson Renee Farrell, Cyndi-Scully, and Diane Foley.

.. ; Pholo submtled*
Justin Reid with the medal of valor Dec. 16, 2005, at the.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection awards ceremony in
Washington, D.C. Reid was a former baseball player at
Nease High.

Nease High grad

earns prestigious

Homeland award

While the nation debates
the pros and cons of immigra-
tion reform, U.S. Border Patrol
agents such as Justin Reid are
making a difference every day
in the desert of southwest
Reid, a 1994 Nease High
School graduate, recently
received one of the federal law
enforcement agency's highest
honors: the Commissioner's
Meritorious Service Award for
Reid, the son of Bruce and
Linda Reid of Ponte Vedra ,
Beach, and fellow U.S. Border
Patrol Agent. Tyler Emblem,
rescued 21 illegal aliens "from
almost certain death in the
115-degee heat of the Sonoran
Desert," according to their
citation for valor from the
U.S. Department of Homeland
The pair were officially rec-
ognized last December during
a U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP), awards cere-
mony in Washington, D.C.
"They immediately evaluat-
ed, medically treated, and
evacuated all 21 people,
including one infant and a 2-
year-old child," the citation
"The training, skills and ini-

tiative of agents Reid and
Emblem were paramount in
saving the lives of these indi-
viduals who would otherwise
have perished in the desert."
"It's a very prestigious
award," U.S. Border Patrol
Agent Richard Hayes, the pub-
lic affairs officer for the Yuma,
Ariz., sector, said last week in
a phone interview. .
"The citation is for unusual
courage and bravery while on
official duty in situations not
commonly encountered where '
there is known personal risk
of serious harm."

See REID, A-10

DPn,- RA I


Anr~il 10 2006



Anrll 10 9'nf0

1;;') /AVV

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 9A


Joshua and Aubree Rickerson


Karen Talarico (third from left) a staff nurse on the medical surgical unit of Baptist Medical Center Beaches presents a check for
$650 to Mark Slyter, administrator for Baptist Beaches, and Ann Hollander, right, assistant administrator. Talarico helped host a
Sons of Italy-sponsored fashion show and luncheon at Max's Ballroorri to benefit the hospital expansion that began in March.
The third floor of the hospital's East Pavilion is being completed to provide a new 24 -inpatient unit. A portion of that unit will be
dedicated for the care, of orthopedic patients. "I would like these individuals to know how much we appreciate that they have cho-
sen to support our organization in this way," said Hollander about the Beaches Chapter of the Order of Sons of Italy in America.
"The professional skills of our nurses benefit our patients every day, but these nurses are also involved in the our Beaches com-
munity. For them to bring that community involvement back to support the hospital is a very special tribute."

PeOp 4 Places

Aubree Monique Docen of
Jacksonville and Joshua Thad
Rickerson of Neptune Beach
were married March 11, 2006,
at Neptune Baptist Church,
with the Rev. Thomas Bary offi-
Lindsay Swartz was the maid
of honor, and bridesmaids
were "" Lauren Rickerson,
Catherine Bauer and Susanna
Brice. Morgan Moran'was the
flower girl.
Thad Rickerson was the best
man, and groomsmen were
Michael Merriam, Ryan
McAvoy and Chad Voiselle.
Michael O'Halloran was the
ring bearer.

The bride, daughter of
Richard Docen and Miriam
and ,Roland Williams of Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., and
Jacksonville, is a graduate of
Fletcher High School and the
University of North Florida.
She works at Oceanside Bank.
The groom, son of Thad and
Lisa Rickerson of Neptune
Beach, is a graduate of Fletcher
High School and Florida
Community College at
Jacksonville. He is a firefighter
for Jacksonville.
After a cruise to the
Bahamas, the couple lives in
Jacksonville Beach.

Mark Warren of Ponte Vedra ,
Beach, a junior at Connecticut
College, New London, Conn.,
is ;,tudying in Nepal this semes-
ter. A 2003 graduate of
Episcopal High School in A.i
Jacksonville, he is the son of
Robert and Sheryl Warren of ,
Ponte Vedra. ",

Virginia M. Boney of Ponte '
\edra Beach was named to the :.
dean's list for 2006 winter term
at Furman University in
Greenville, S.C.
Students had to have earned
a minimum 3.4 grade-point
average. She is the daughter of
Virginia Boney of Ponte Vedra.
Coast Guard Petty Officer
3rd Class Aaron Ni. Harve .3 ,. ance Cp.isJames Durnal
sbn f"MTcik6 urs. Harvey ot .
Jacksonville Beach, recently rescue equipment. Harvey also
graduated from the Aviation was instructed in a very rigor-
Survival Technician Class "A" ous physical training and water
course at Coast Guard Aviation rescue program, preparing him
Technical Training Center, to be part of a helicopter rescue
Elizabeth City, N. C. team as a rescue swimmer.
During the course, Harvey Harvey is a 1998 graduate of
received hands-on experience Masuk High School of Monroe,
in the preparation, inspection, Conn. He joined the Coast
operation, repair, and mainte- Guard in February 2004.
dance of aviation survival and *

Lance Cpl. James Durnal, _|
son Dee and Jim Durnal of
PontenVedra Beach, is currently
stationed at NAS jacksonmille
as a Marine Corps reservist.
Durnal, a 2004 Nease High
School graduate, was recently ."
stationed at Camp Pendleton, .
Calif., where he was the hon-
ors graduate of his class at
assault amphibian school for
vehicle mechanics.
Prior to that, Durnal attend- .
ed combat training at Camp
Lejuine, N.C. He graduated in |
September from boot camp at
Parris Island, S.C.
Purnal's father, is .a retired
senior chiefpetty officer in the
, Megan Amanda "Mandi"
Hartman of Porite Vedra Beach Mega
has accepted a fellowship in
the biosciences Ph.D. program Four-Yea
at Stanford University. She will College
begin graduate studies in bio- Sciences
chemistry at the California have ac
university this summer. GPA dui
A 2002 graduate of Episcopal Florida.
High School of Jacksonville, She is
Hartman will graduate May 6 Hartrmai
from the University of Florida, Hartmar
Gainesville, as one of the few Beach.


John and.Valerie Hinman of Be
Neptune Beach. announce the |
birth of a son, Sean Patrick
Moore Hinman, on April 6,
2006, at Baptist Medical Center
Beaches. ,
He was 8 pounds, 2 ounces
and 20.5 inches long. Maternal
grandparents are Lugeny and .
Zoya Vinogradov of Moscow,
Russia. Paternal grandparents
are Joseph E. and Joanne
Waddill of Neptune Beach and
the late John B. Hinman of
Kansas City, Mo. ,

. '. .:I I DIU ,01931
n 'Amanda Hartman-'r.
ar Scholars in the
of Liberal Arts &
. Four-Year Scholars,
hieved at least a 3.9
ring their four vears at
the daughter ot Kathy
n and Robert L.
n, both of Ponte Vedra

Isabella Moon Mayforth, daughter of Tansy Moon and George
Mayforth ot Atlantic Beach, was born on April 3, 2006, at Baptist
Medical Center Beaches. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and
was 19.25 inches long. '. :', ,
Maternal grand parent is Marfee Moon of St. Petersburg.
Paternal grandparent is LaDawn NMayforth of Fairfield, Conn.

Cyni'thia Gibson Bunso and
James Earl Sanderson, both' of
Atlantic Beach, were married
March 16 in Las Vegas.
The bride is the daughter of
Charles and Gerry Gibson of
Jacksonville. She is employed
by Ocean Boulevard.

The groom is the son of
Grace Sanderson of
Jacksonville and the late Olin
Sanderson. He is employed by
Easton, Sanderson and Co.
The couple spent their hon-
eymoon in California and
reside in Atlantic 'Beach.

N .


Coas ta[Tferapy Learnin YCenter
wiffAIdio{.tf most awesome camps for
your specat neefs diddi!!
Bodiy, Minfc Expre-ssion
huie, 5-30 8:30-12:30 For children ages 5-10; yoga, arts &
crafts, music & movement, language & literacy; directed by
certified yoga instructor, occupational therapist, physical
therapist and speech-language pathologist.
Let Play Scioof
Jiow 5-30 8:30-11:30 For 4-5 year old children, "real-
life" classroom, taught by certified speech-language
pathologist and reading specialist your child will learn
the routines, pre-academic skills, fine-motor skills; lan-
guage skills, and phonemic awareness skills, required
for a successful year in pre-k or kindergarten.
Readers W;iers \WrkIsfwp
June 5-30 8:30-11:30 For K, 1st and rising 2nd *
graders, standards-based instruction taught by certi-
fied teachers and "standard-trained"- increase your
child's reading level, improve fluency and comprehen-
sion skills and writing abilities within a language/lit-
eracy enriched camp-like environment lots of
hands-on and opportunities for creativity.
Laujuage, Learniny & Lazwkw
.it/i Fast ForWord-
May/30-:hfd 14 (of 4)-10 toinutes adai for
30 -days For ages 4-14; pre-evaluation required o
determine eligibility. Fast ForWord" is a state-of-the.
art, highly researched program consisting of fast-
paced & entertaining computer games that improve
auditory processing, language and reading skills.
Program is highly individualized.
All camps will be held at The Bolles School, PonteVedra Beach.
For information concerning costs and specific tunes, call us at 280-0081.


New Elementary Program at the Beach

June 5-.July 13
Off Monday & Tuesday July 3 & 4

FALL 2006
Small Classes
Individual Attention

A Caring Atmosphere for Students

with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Special Needs

McKay Scholarships Accepted

Broach Beach Broach Southside
75 South 12th St. 6211 Terry Road
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Jacksonville, FL 32216
247-7288 Call for info: 674-0900




Recipes: 'Palmer Pride'
,KCV.K"& 1:: :'lll :"1"UC.

Cont., from A-8
Approx. one and one-hall
two scant cups milk or buttc
milk to mix
First, fully preheat your
oven to 450-degrees. Sieve t]
dry ingredients. Make a wel
in the center. Pour most of
the milk in at once. Using o
hand, mix in the flour from
the sides of the bowl, addin
more mdk if necessary. The
dough should be softish, no
too wet and sticky. When it
all comes together, turn it o
onto a floured board, knead
lightly for a few seconds, jus
enough to tidy it up. Pat the
dough into a round about o
and one-half inches deep ar
cut a deep cross on it to let
the fairies out! Let the cuts
over the sides of the bread t
make sure of this. Bake in a
hot oven at 450 degrees for
minutes, then turn down th
oven to 400 degrees for 30
minutes or until cooked. If
you are in doubt, tap the be
torn of the bread; If it is
cooked, it will sound hollow

White Chili with

(Nancy Burns, Student:

30 oz. (about) canned
white beans

1 T vegetable oil

1 m,ed. sweet onion, diced

3 garlic cloves, minced

2. bs. boneless, skinless
chicken breast, diced in 1-
inch churiks

4 tomatillos, husks and
stem ends removed, finely
chopped (opt.)

1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen while

2 tsp. cumin
one-half tsp. oregano

1 (4 oz.) can green chilies

one and one-half cup chic
en broth

j.wice of one lime ..
one-half cup-chopped

opt. garnishes (green onto
or red onion, cilantro, salsa,
sour cream, lime wedges,
shredded Monterey Jack
cheese, crushed tortilla chips
red or green peppers, jalaper
peppers,, avocado)

Place the white beans in a
large pot. Set over low heat.
Heat the oil in a skillet over
medium heat and saute the
onion and garlic until golden
Add the diced chicken and
saute until just lightly
browned. Stir the sauteed
ingredients into the beans
along with the tomatillos,
corn, cumin, oregano, green
chilies, and chicken broth.

Simmer, uncovered, 20 min-
utes. Just before serving, stir
in lime juice and cilantro.
Pass desired garnishes;

Ginger and Lemon
Fruit Salad

(Katie Jasinski, Teacher-7Bi

2,1g. Gala or Fuji apples

2 Ig. mangoes, peeled

2 Ig. red Bartlett pears

2 Ig. navel oranges, peeled

1 fresh pineapple, peeled
and cored

one-quarter cup fresh lemon
2 T honey

2 tsp. finely grated fresh

Cut apples, mangoes, pears,
oranges, and pineapple into
pieces; place in a large bowl.
Whisk together lemon juice,
honey, and ginger. Drizzle
over fruit mixture, tossing to,.
coat. Cover and chill until
ready to serve.

Chocolate Toffee
Cream Pie,

(Robin Devenny, Student:

phioto by CHUCK ADAMS
Nease benefactor Richard Willich (left) sits Monday with members of the Nease band,among them student band director Beth West
(right), a National Merit Scholarship finalist bound for Georgia Tech. See story, A-1

Reid: BORSTAR agent is 1994 Nease High grad

' Cont. from A-8

i Special operations unit
Reid and Emblem routinely
: work in what is reportedly a
1 chocolate pie shell "deadly alien-trafficking corri-
S dor in the western portion of
6 oz. milk chocolate, coarse-' the Sonoran Desert," accord-
ly chopped ing to The l~ishington Times.
Members of a special opera-
three-quarters cup heavy tions unit with advanced tac-
cream tical skills known as
te BORSTAR, the agents are the
8 oz. cream cheese, softened Border Patrol's equivalent of
U.S. Navy search-and-rescue
one-quarter cup packed swimmers.
light brown sugar BORSTAR (Border Patrol
Search, Trauma and Rescue;
1 tsp. vanilla agents are trained in medical
skills, technical rescue, naviga-
three-quarters cup chopped tion, communications, swift-
k- chocolate covered toffee water rescue and air opera-
candy tions.'
They deploy from Hue' or
Place chocolate in a small Blackha,'k helicopters, rappeL._
bowMl,4sa'smalbeawe paiisA inrb'b.teca'os'-indreat-
bring one-half cup of the severely dehydrated illegal
cream to a simmer. Pour the aliens who are left to die in
hot cream over the chocolate. the desert by smugglers who
ns Let stand, covered, for five reportedly charge as much as
minutes, then stir until $1,500 a person.
smooth. In a medium bowl BORSTAR was initiated in
with an electric mixer, beat 1998 after the U.S. and
s, the cream cheese, sugar, and Mexico agreed to a strategy
1o vanilla until smooth. Beat in designed to reduce injuries
the remaining one-half cup of and prevent fatalities of both
cream. Gently beat in the illegal aliens and Border Patrol
a cooled chocolate mixture. agents at nine southwest bor-
Fold in one-half cup of the der sectors.
candy. Pour into pie crust and In 2005, more than 2,000
sprinkle with remaining one- people on the Southwest bor-
n. quarter cup of candy. Chill for der were rescued by BORSTAR
about 2 hours. agents, up from more than
1,300 in 2004.
CORRECTION: A headline More than 150 people
on page A-9 of the March 22 reportedly had died along the
edition gave an incorrect first Arizona border in the months
name for the featured cook. leading up to Reid and
She is Lien Bui. Emblem's Sept. 25, 2005, res-

cue mission near Dateland,

Deadly desert crossing
According to a synopsis of
the incident on the CBP Web
site, Reid and Emblem
deployed via Blackhawk heli-
copter from their base in
Yuma, lanrrding around 2 p.m.
on the hard-packed desert of
the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife
Once on the ground, the
agents encountered a large
group of distressed aliens hud-
died around a signal fire.
Among them was the body
of a 24-year-old woman, who
had died of heat-related ill-
ness. The victim's 3-year-old
daughter was in shock.
Reid and Emblem immedi-
ately set up a triage and treat-
ed the most severe cases,
eventually airlifting the vic-
tim's husband and his two
daughters to the nearest bor-
der patrol station.
The smuggler who aban-
doned the group, which
included seven women and
four children, "had told each
of them to bring only two gal-
lons of water" for the 70-mile
trek, according to the incident
"This story could have been
far more tragic had it not
been for the heroic efforts of
our pilots and agents," Yuma
Sector Chief Agent Scott Baker
"Unfortunately, it also
demonstrates how cold-blood-
ed these smugglers are
towards the people who
entrust them." .\
In 2005, CBP agents arrested

more thari 1.1 million illegal
aliens and seized an estimated
$1.7 billion worth of illegal
drugs, yet the U.S. govern-
ment concedes that only one
in four of all illegal aliens who
cross into the U.S. are appre-
The state of Arizona report-
edly hopes to stem the tide of
illegal aliens by hiring 200'
more agents, utilizing
unmanned aerial surveillance,
and investing $1i million in
new sensor technology.
Until then, the state must
rely on boots on the ground
such as agents Reid and
Emblem who go beyond their

normal duties to fly humani-
tarian BORSTAR missions on a-
volunteer basis.
"The Border Patrol has
always recognized that pro- .
tecting the border includes ari
obligation to protect lives,"'
Gustavo De La Vifia, formerly
chief of the U.S. BorderPatrol,
"In addition to producing
better trained agents, it also
fosters more collaborative
working relationships on botl'
sides of the border."
To learn more about the
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, visit www.cbp.gov.

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April 19, 2006'

*Page 10A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 11A*


l -k L.- f'.LI--.,M #m

The St. Johns County School
District is holding pre-registra-
tion for kindergartners and
new students to the county
from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wednesday; To be eligible for
kindergarten, children must be
five years old on or before Sept.
1 and live in St. Johns County.
Parents must register chil-
dren at the school where they
have been zoned for the 2006-
2007 school year. They must
also have proof' of 'residence.
Proof of certain immunizations
and a physical examination
must be shown, as well..
Information on registration
and school attendance zonesis
available from the Student
Senrices Office at 904-819-7597
or 904-819-7593.
Ocean Palms Elementary
School kindergarten teacher
Joyce Bishopp made it to the
final three but didn't win St.
Johns County's 2005-2006
Teacher of the Year Award,
which went to Jamie Godfrey, a
math teacher at Fruit Cove
Middle School. Beth Upchurdi
of R.B. Hunt Elementary School
Swas the other finalist.
Godfrey's award was
announced April 4 by St. Johns'
County School District
Superintendent Joseph Joyner
at the 15th annual Northrop
Grumman Horizon Awards
Banquet, held at the First Coast
Technical Institute. The St.
Johns County Education
Foundation hosted the event.
Three volunteers also were
honored by the school district.
Maribeth Wood, a Pedro
Menendez senior, was named
Outstanding Youth Volunteer;
Hilda Flanagan, who works
with kindergarten students at
the Webster School, was cho-
sen Outstanding Senior
* Volunteer; and Donna Pullium
,of Osceola Elementary was

prolo submitted
Thirteen recipients were awarded scholarship certificates at a
ceremony held in Crichton Hall at Glenmoor in the World Golf

Awards Banquet at World Golf
Village. The honorees include
six Nease seniors and 19 jun-.
The Nease senior award win-
ners include students, of char-
acter award winners Josh
Bailen, Kathryn Coggins,
Karissa Hagemeister, Marion
Holland and Tyler Johnson.
Fellow senior Mannie
Wellington is one of five stu-
dent-athletes being honored as
Pursuing Victor)' with Honor
nominees for displaying the Six
Pillars of Character on the ath-
letic field.
The Nease juniors are
Jennifer' Bost, Tara Carrigan,
Alden Chewning, Grace
Courter, Daniel Delacruz, Mike
Filipkowski, Taylor Fontanez,
Corina Guglielmo, Jason Hart,
Casey Heiar, Maggie Mahany,
Kristen Mikeska, Irma Motta,
Brian Prior, Victoria
Rosenblum, Alyssa Sandier,
Kelly Sherman, Kenan Wang
.and Hali Worthington.

selected Outstanding Adult The fourth annual Nease
Volunteer. Battle of the Bands will be held
at 6 p.m. Thursday in the high
The annual Golden Panther school's Performing Arts
Booster Club fundraiser, held "Center. Pre-sold tickets, avail-
April 3 at The. Plantation and able during the three Nease
including a live and silent auc- lunch hours, are $3. Tickets at
tion, golf tournament and the door are $5.
ladies tennis, raised $34,0@0fe '"-- -- --\ |
Nease' sports programs. The Landrum Middle School vol-
auctioning of 10 in-close spaces unteers are invited to a tea
for students in the school park- luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1
ing lot brought in $7,500 of p.m. Friday at the school on
that total. Landrum Lane. Volunteers are
' Sixty-five golfers played in asked to RSVP to Charron
the event's first golf tourna- Umlauf. at
Sent, held on the Plantation's umlaufc@stjohns.kl2.fl.us or at
course. The tournament was 285-9080.
won by a team that included *
pitcher Collin Harlow, a Nease Rawlings Elementary School
junior. will collect donations for
Next year's Golden Panthers Goodwill Thursday and Friday.
Booster Club membership drive Each student who brings in a
got off to a good start at the donation receives a certificate
booster club event. In the for a free kids meal at Firehouse
drive's first nine days, $25,000 Subs. Schools with the most
had been raised. donations receive a Radio
The evening of the event, Disney party. .,
Nease student-athletes repre-. e ;
senting six different sports were The Ocean Palms Elementary,
awarded Golden Panther School spring family fun night
Booster Club "We Are Nease" will be held Friday ,at the.
scholarships valued at $1,500.. Landrum Lane school. Dinner
The winners, and the sports will be catered by Outback
they represented, were Lindsay Steakhouse..
Fogel, cheerleading; Alisonr .. **
Gabrielle, basketball; Evan Nease junior and senior girls'
Lamolinara, weightlifting: Arin will take part in the high
Roby, football; Chrissy Sheffler, school's. annual Powder Puff
cross country; and Joe Zwick, football game April' 26 in
baseball. Panther Stadium.

One-hundred-four St. Johnrs
County students will be hon-
ored for their exemplary char-
acter April 27 at the sixth annu-
al American Youth Character

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Parents of fifth graders who,
will attend Landrum next year
are invited to attend parent
night April 25 and April 27 at,
the middle school. The two ses-

sions will run from 6 p.m. to
7:30 p.m.
Rawlings fifth graders will
visit the middle school April
25, and Ocean Palms fifth
graders will visit April 26.
Nease sports physical for
next school year will be given 9
a.m. to 11 a.m. April 29 in the
Nease gym. The cost is $10.
Consent forms can 'be down-
loaded from fhsaa.org. For
more information, contact ath-
letic director Ted Barbato at
'\' '.( g -- ;*"
A portion of the proceeds
from the Ponte Vedra-Palm
Valley/Rawlings spring carnival
will go toward refurbishing the
fitness stations located around
the ballfields at Rawlings.
Dad's Club chairman Chuck
Baxter is seeking volunteers to
help with the work, which is
scheduled for May 6 and 7.
Baxter can be reached at 285-
8999 or at

Registration for PVAA foot-
ball and cheerleading takes
place May 6 and May 13 at
Cornerstone Park, Both pro-
grams are for ages 7 to 14. For
more information, go to
www. pvaafot.ball.com...
.' -..4***r ..4 -0,
Rawlings' annual Battle of
the Books, for students who
have read from the 15-book
Sunshine State Books list, will
be held May 10 for fifth graders
and May 12 for third and
fourth graders. The last day for
testing on the Sunshine State
Books is May 5.
The last class day for seniors
at Nease High School is May 5.
The occasion will be observed
with a breakfast, videos and a
picnic. Senior exam week is
May 8-12.
The baccalaureate service will
start at 6:30 p.m. May 16 at
Christ Episcopal Church in
Ponte Vedra Beach. Senior
awards night will be begin at 6
p.m. May 18 in the Nease
Perfomuing Arts Center.
Graduation is at 6:30 p.m.
May 19 in the University of
North Florida arena, with each
senior receiving 10 tickets.
An immunization clinic will
be held from 3:30 p.m. to 6
p.m. May 16 at Landrum for all
sixth graders who need a
tetanus booster for seventh .
grade. Students must be accom-
panied by parents. For more
information, contact Judy
Warshaw at 904-819-8409.
** *

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staged at 2 p.m. Saturday at
Books-A-Million, 738 Marsh
Landing Parkway, Jacksonville
Beach. Call 273-8055 for infor-
MUSEUM offers hands-on
activities, play and learning
opportunities for kids from
9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday at 8580
Beach Blvd., Jacksonville.
Admission is $3.50 for chil-
dren ages 1-3 and $5.50 for all
others. Call 642-2688 for
UM LOFT is a multi-genera-
tions learning environment
that offers 16 hands-on sta-
tions for children and adults
to explore the concepts in
modern and contemporary art.
Entry is free with paid
entrance to the Jacksonville
Museum of Modern Art.
Children are admitted free
every Sunday for family Free
Doy ,' 333.,;nijng W a, i;
downtown Jacksonille. Hours
of operation are 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Wednesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday. Call 366-6911 for
information. -
Kindermusik and playday
classes Tuesday to Saturday in
Jacksonville Beach and Ponte
Vedra Beach for children from
birth to age 7. For
Kindermusik, a music and
movement program for all
ages, children are divided by
age group. Playday is for walk-
ers to 26 months old and
includes parachute play,
climbing and musical activi-
ties. Preschool children and up
attend without parents. One
trial class is free. Call 249-3828
for information or visit

the Cummer Museum of Art &
Gardens in Jacksonville con-
tains hands-on, high-tech and
low-tech interactive exhibits
that encourage physical activi-
ty and quiet contemplation.
Walk through a painting, cre-
ate patterns with dance, make
a collage, listen to a sculpture,
'or paint with a virtual paint-

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*PacTp 1 A

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

April 19, 2006

'I- I -


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Scott Watts of St. Augustine (above) talks on a cell phone Saturday as he directs the captain of the Mighty
Moo, which works (right) to pull Watts' boat (foreground) from the shore at Ponte Vedra Beach. Watts said
his boat, Dances With Waves, was hit by a tomado about five miles offshore of Jacksonville Beach April 8.
He said the boat was lifted from the water and landed upside down before it came to shore, where it was
righted by a crane before being pulled back out to sea.



A family of ducks (right)
hurries across a road at
Villages of Solana in
Ponte Vedra Beach
Sunday. The ducks
made it safely to a pond,
where one of the duck-
lings is seen swimming

C-*, J




rugcjr YI

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Ponte Vedra Leader

April 19, 2006 SPO RTS

Fishing Leader
Summer Camps

Nease baseball team

continues torrid pace

'- 'Pnoo by ROB DeAriGELO
Panthers starting pitcher Daniel Jones delivers to the plate against Palatka at Nease Friday night.


Nease High swept a weekend
series at home with victories
over Palatka and a visiting
Iroquois team from upstate
New York to improve to 18-2
this season. .
The more significant win
came Friday night in a 2-1
pitchers' duel against Palatka
since it brought the Panthers
the No. 1 seed in the upcoming
District 5-4A tournament.
Saturday's 11-1 drubbing of
the Chiefs, from just outside
Buffalo, N.Y., simply added to
the Panthers' win total.
Panthers starter Daniel Jones
went the distance for Nease on
Friday, striking out four and
giving up six hits to avenge his
4-2' loss at Palatka earlier this
Vince Ratto staked Jones to a
1-0 lead with a solo home run
in the first, and batterymate
Matt Reifsnider provided insur-
ance with his seventh HR in the
Nease was glad to have that
insurance run because Palatka
scored in the seventh and had a
runner on third when Ben
Wells popped to first baseman
Alex Brull to end the game.
Brull and Blake Sanders dou-
bled against Iroquois, a game
Nease won by the 10-run mercy
rule after five innings.
"Two great games in a row
rmy boys have played," said
Nease coach Boo Mullins, also
referring to the Panthers' 1-0
shutout of Clay April 1.1. "They
excite me more and more every
day. They're playing our game
better and better."
Mullins cited defense and
pitching as keys to the win over
Ratto went into the weekend
with 26. hits, including eight
doubles, in 60 at bats. His
horiier came on a 1-2 count.
"I was looking for a fastball,"
the junior centerfielder said.
"[He] threw it low, and I just
went with it.

"We're good on defense right
now, but I think we just need to
start swinging the bat a little bit
more. If we swing the bats,
we're unstoppable."



Mullmns praised the perform-
ance of his starter.
"Daniel pitched great at
Palatka when he lost. We just
didn't make the plays behind
him," said Mullins. "But that
happens, that's baseball .
Daniel's done just like Matt
Reifsnider and Matt Redding
have done when we start them.
Every game they've given us a
chance to win. That's all we ask
our pitchers to do."
Jones, who was hit in the
ankle by a batted ball in the
April 4 loss at Palatka, sat out
one game but returned and
played catcher in the win over
Knowing he was going to see
Palatka again, Jones iced his
ankle and took it easy in prac-
tice last week
"Today I really felt strong.
This ankle brace helps, but
other than that I feel strong,"
Jones said following Friday
night's w'in. "I just felt good,
probably the best I've felt all
year.-.L wanted to come out
there an dc.gi, t th e
They're a good ball club. We'll
probably see them in district
championship, most likely."

Reifsnider gives Jones confi-
dence when he's behind the
plate. The two have been bat-
tery mates since they were 10.
"He's great. He came out,
threw strikes early and pretty
much kept them. off balance
with his slider," Reifsnider said
of Jones. "It's tough to come
back against a tearim you've lost
to before, but it's.great to see
him healthy again. He's a real
Barnes kept Reifsnider off
balance most of the night, but
he made one mistake that the
Nease catcher put over the left-
field fence.
"He hung one to me. It was
chest-high, and I just luckily
caught enough of it. If you
make a mistake with this field,
and as well as the ball carries
here, you never know what
could happen," Reifsnider said.
Reifsnider said he expects the
Panthers to continue playing
well straight through the dis-
trict tournament, which takes
place April 24-27.
"I'm hoping we can keep
coming out strong and take
care of districts, since we're
holding it here this year. We
could very easily see Palatka or
Clay, the two toughest teams
we've played all year. The last
two games we've played have
come down to. one run," he
said, then added, "Baseball's a
game of choices, and you never
know what could happen."
Nease was slated to meet dis-
trict rival Clay for the St. Johns
River Athletic Conference
championship Tuesday, then
was scheduled to play Kenmore
East Thursday en route to the
district tournament beginning
next Monday at Nease.
The Panthers, with that No.
1 seed, earned a first-round bye
and will play their opening
District 5-4A tournament game
April 25. Nease is shooting for a
second consecutive district
title. -
Nease advanced to the Class
4A final four last year in
Sarasota, where they lost a 2-1
semifinal to Winter Haven.

Seven Panthers lifters vie for state titles


Nease is sending seven weightlifters to the Class
2A state championships April 22 at Santa Fe
Community College in Gainesville.
The Nease "Magnificent Seven" are Ann Roby,
in the 139-pound weight class, whose combined.
qualifying total was 465 pounds; Alex Laymon,
154-pound class [520 pounds lifted]; Daunte
Owens, 183 [5951; Mannie Wellington, 199.[655];
Hunter Haynes, 219 [630]; Bo Howard; 238:[600];'
and James Wilson, heavyweight [670].
Panthers weightlifting coach Danny Cowgill is
happy with the results although he feels the
school could have had as many as .nine and even
10.lifters at state. ,
"I'm definitely pleased," Cowgill said. "First
year, Matt [Koch. .Last year, four [Koch, Patrick
b.oolev, Charlie Kirschman and Mannie
1Wellington]. This year, seven, and it could have

been nine or 10, if Charlie hadn't been injured.."
Kirschman, who will attend the University of
Alabama next fall, suffered two shoulder disloca-
tions last football season and required surgery.
With eight lifters in this year's state final, Spruce
Creek; a 22-time Florida champion, qualified the
most representatives.
Cowgill said Nease could have had nine, includ-
ing Jason. March [199] and Alex Kenney [238],
who lifted more in their respective weight classes
than did than two section champions. But section
champs are guaranteed berths at state.
Nease High's best finish was as state runner-up
in 1994. The Panthers have had eight individual
champions: Rob McAfee,' 123-pound weight class
in 1991; A'dam Friedman, ;165, in 1992; Ted
Owens, heavyweight, in 1993-94; Steve Chelgren,
199, in 1994; Brandon Endriss, heavyweight, in
2002-03; and Matt Koch, heavyweight, last year.
Koch set the FHSAA clean and jerk record of 405
pounds last year.

Among this year's weightlifters, Wellington
qualified second among 18 lifters at 199 pounds.
"MNannie's got a good chance," said Cowgill.
"The kid he's behind [Dustin Swearingen of
DeLand] was in the 183 class last year and has
moved up to 199. His sectional match qualifying
total was 655, five behind the DeLand kid.
--"Mannie still had some gas left in the tank at
the sectional meet."
The next highest Panthers qualifier was Haynes,
fifth at 219.
The lowest Nease qualifier was Roby, next to last
at 139.
"I'm hoping for him to get up in medal con-
tention, top six. At a state meet anything can hap-
pen," said Cowgill.
The Nease coach said Laymon hit a 270 dean
and jerk March 8 against Bartram Trail that he
hasn't been able to match. If he were able to
repeat his Bartram lift, Cowgill explained,
Laymon's bench would give him 540 total, which

would put him right in the mix for a title.
Of Owens, the coach said, "I'm expecting him
to improve in both lifts, hopefully get asihigh as
third. The two guys at one and two [Nate
Sandoval of St. Cloud, 690, and Dustin Adams of
Spruce Creek, 6801 have freakish numbers."
As for Howard, Cowgill said, "It's going to be
hard for him to score, but Bo has a chance to be
one of the top three in clean and jerk at state. I told
him, 'Let's focus on that, be one of the last guys
going in that weight class.' He's a little behind in
bench; there are some 400 [pound] lifters." I
Cowgill said Wilson is in the same boat as
Howard, but has another year to go. Wilson has
been equated with Koch, last year's heavyweight
champion who finished seventh at state as a jun-
"He's ahead of Matt's pace," said Cowgill. "Next
year James will have a shot at Matt's record. If
things go right, he could sneak up into the medal

Boys lacrosse

in regional



The Nease boys lacrosse
team, which concluded regular-
season play with a 9-5 record,
beat Gainesville Oak Hall 15-0
in a District 1 semifinal game
April 12, then won its first-ever
district title the following day
with an 8-3 victory over Flagler
Palm Coast.
The Panthers were scheduled
to travel to District 8 champion
Timber Creek Tuesday for a
regional quarterfinal game in
the Orlando suburb of Winter
Similar to their first meeting
March 18, which resulted in a
12-2 Nease victory, the
Panthers defense shut down
Flagler Palm Coast while out-
shooting the Bulldogs 37-23.
Zach Wondrow made nine
saves in goal for Nease, while

his Flagler counterpart, Adrian
Zapata, made 16.
Bobby Stockton led the Nease
offense with three goals, Jordy
McManus added two and Brett
Angerer scored once while con-
tributed three assists.
Defensively, Chandler
Barden led the Panthers with
five forced turnovers, while
Kevin Chapin had three. Nease
won all 11 face-offs in the dis-
trict final.
Craig Carson had two goals
and six assists for Nease in the
Oak Hall semifinal, Stockton
scored three goals and added
two assists and Davis Alex-
ander recorded his first hat
trick of the season. Wondrow
and Nick Colon combined for
the district semifinal shutout.
The Nease girls lacrosse team
lost a district game at Lake
Mary on April 12 and was elim-
inated from the playoffs.

___________________ -*_x-


close in on
a Matanzas
High player
during boys
action last
month. The
were set to
play Timber
Creek in
the region-
al quarterfi-
Tuesday in
Park, a
suburb of

-ril. 19 2006
April 19, 2006

Thep Beacphes I padr/Ponte Vedra Leader

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ria to a restaurant with
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April 19, 2006 The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader Page 3B


Lots of Spanish mackerel around Jax Beach Pier

panish, and lots of them,
appeared around the
Jacksonville Beach Pier
last week along with good
catches of yellowmouth trout
pnd whiting.
Along the jetties, excellent
catches of sheepshead and
redbass keep coming in.
Anglers on the Jax Beach
Pier were hurriedly checking
their tackle boxes last Friday
morning for their "gotcha"
plugs when several large
schools of Spanish suddenly
appeared around the pilings.
Those who found them were
rewarded with dozens of fat
Others during the week
brought yellowmouth trout,
drum and whiting over the
pier's rails. Robert Hutsell had
sheepshead, whiting and
speckled trout in his cooler.
Adam Brown cleaned a 23-
'bound drum and Larry Lee
.put the big net under a 20-
pound black drum.
Phillip Cressman had a
'bucket full of trout, pompano
#nd whiting.
'1 Many anglers are not get-
..4ig too far away from the jet-
ties The fishing has been just'
"oo good.
:' Capt. Kirk Waltz, from his
,'Enterprise" in three days of
fishing the jetties with Chris
Huff and his sons Robbie and
'Christopher, caught'72 trout,
,14 sheepshead and 44 redbass.
Great action. The sheepshead
were caught with fiddlers on
,igs and the redbass and yel-
4owmouth were caught on .
,LarryI "Fishman" Finch
reports the pompano have
arrived. On Tuesday from the
,'ier, he caught six pompano
Ond-dozens of whiting and
yellowmouth trout. The
Fishman fished the surf at
.Hanna Park on Thursday and
caught his limit of pompano
to four pounds along with five
drum to seven pounds and.
plenty of whiting.
Brook Daly put his sandfleas
in the surf at Hanna Park and
caught five drum, six pom-
pano, two sheepshead and a
Gapt. David King and Mike
Morris fished together on
Wednesday and Friday last
week along the jetties and
caught their, limit of :.', ,.n i
.heepshead on.each trip. All
,were caught on fiddlers and
Earlier in the week Capt.
'David fished from his "Crusty
iCrab" at -Nassau Sound and
caught 12 sheepshead and 20'
Adam Ross and Jeff Holiday
,fished the surf at Ponte Vedra
!ast Friday and caught fifteen
wHiting and a pair of pom-
Glen Borthwick caught six
,pompano and 10 whiting in
the surf at Hanna Park.
Capt. Dennis Young and the
Gamial Lyons party fished last

six pounds and a pair of black
drum. The largest weighed 55
On Thursday Capt. Fred
took Dr. Robert Still to the
creeks north of Sisters Creek
and netted eight redbass to 27
inches and four speckled
It was a great day of fishing
last Friday aboard Barri
Nickers' boat the "Dos Amigos

111." Bard, with friends Capt.
Rick Ryals, Bill Wilderotter
and Steve Proctor trolled in
300 feet of blue water along a
weed line and caught a 30-
pound wahoo and a dock cart
full of dolphin weighing from
12 to 26 pounds. Rick com-
mented at the end of the day,
"VWow, what a great day to
start the season."
Good fishing.


Friday at the E.F. bottom and
caught two grouper at 20 and
22 pounds and eight snapper
to 16 pounds. All were caught
with live bait.
On Sunday, the Joe
Anderson party fished with
Capt. Dennis on his "Sea
Dancer" and pulled up six
snapper to 16 pounds.
On the "Mayport Princess"
last Friday anglers came home
with a 34-pound cobia, three
snapper, two grouper and a
dozen lane snapper and man-
. grove snapper.
In rough seas on Sunday,
Capt. George Strate reports
three grouper to 16 pounds, a
10-pound snapper, eight
flounder and lots of beeliners.
The "King Neptune" is back
in action, of course, and last
Friday.with Capt. Scott
Reynolds they caught 13 snap-
per, two grouper, 10 flounder,
mangrove snapper, lane snap-
per and lots of beeliners.
Canal guide John Dyrssen
fished the canal near Butler
Bridge last Friday with
Christopher Olsen and friends
Gina and Nick using live
shrimp and caught three
trout. John had noticed a lot
of jacks around the Bridge on
Friday,'so when his party can-
celled on Saturday, he took
live shrimp and mirror lures
back to the area and caught 13
speckled trout .with the
shrimp and 10 jacks with the
mirror lures.
Jetty.guide Fred'Morrow,
with Jim Croft and Troy
Carver last Tuesday' at the jet-
ties, caught 12 sheepshead to

Prolo um.ined
John Whittingslow, Sr. and John Jr. caught this 80-pound (estimat-
ed) black drum March 29 with 20-pound test line on a trout rod.

Pr.oo suominea
Tyler Hassen used the "gotcha" plug to catch this Spanish last
week from the Jacksonville Beach Pier.

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April 19, 2006

The Reaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

Aerobics by Beverly takes
place Mondays and
Wednesday from 5:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. at the Neptune
Beach Senior Activities Center.
Program features circuit train-
ing, cardio kickboxing, step and
body sculpture.
For more information phone
616-2218 or 270-1688.
Baseball School
The Sunshine Baseball School
will take place at Wingate Park
in Jacksonville Beach on the
following dates:
June 5-8; June 12-15; June
19-22 and June 26-29.
Instruction takes place
Monday to Thursday from 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The Sunshine Baseball School
features instruction from
Fletcher varsity coach Kevin
Brown, and current Senators
assistant coaches Dr. Jim
Timmons and Boomer
Cost is $125 per session and
includes lunches, drinks and T-
shirt. For more information
contact Dr. Jim Timmons at
223-1664 or 521-2687.
Basketball Camp
Tommy Hulihan's Beaches
Basketball Camp at St. Paul's
School takes place July 24-28.
Camp for those entering grades'
3-5 is from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp for grades 6-9 takes place
from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Cost is $85, but registration
after July 1 is $90. For more
information visit www.be'aches-
basketball.com or phone
Tommy Hulihan at 349-2611.
Bud Beech Camps,
The Bud Beech Summer
Camps at Nease High School
begin May 22.
Ten weeklysessions are avail-
able, most of which run from
Monday through Thursday. The
cost of each session is $55 half
day [9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3
p.m.] or $95 extended day [9
a.m. until 3 p.m.]
Campers may choose the
morning camp that runs from 9.
a.m. to noon and select basket-
ball, soccer, flag football or
dance/gymnastics. The afternoon
camps run from noon to 3 p.m.
and offer basketball or cheerlead-
For more information or an
application form, call 904-686-
4075 or email beechjr-Cacom-
Cheerleading ',
The Ponte Vedra Panthers are
seeking a few responsible indi-
%iduals to help coach youth
cheerleading. No experience nec-
essar.; training will be provided.
Head coach must be at least 21
years old, and assistants must be
at least 18.
To volunteer, phone
ShariGruhn at 285-9915 or e-
mail sgruhn@comcast.net.
Football Camp
The 2006 Coach Craig
Howard Football Camp, which
takes place May 22 through
May 25 from 9 a.m. until noon,
is for boys or girls entering
grades 3 through 8..
The four-day, non-padded
youth camp is designed for
young, energetic players who'
want to learn about football
and have fun. Cost is $85 and
includes a T-shirt.
For more information send
an e-mail to neasefootball@'bell-'
south.net with name and
address to receive a brochure.
Girls on the Run
Registration is now open
for Girls on the Run of N.E.
Florida, an after-school pro-
gram for 3rd to 6th grade
girls that combines running
and training for a 5K (3.1
miles run/walk, along with

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For more details go online or call Jill Lynch
www.beachgirlsfitness.com 904-534-4889

The Ponte Vedra Socer Club is
conducting a Harley Daiidson
raffle to raise funds for a train-
ing/educational facility at Davis
-A total of 5,000 tickets, at a
cost of $20 per ticket or six for
$100, willbe sold with the grand
prize of a 2006 black Harley
Davison fuel-injected Fat Boy
motorcycle.; .
Drawing will take place May 13
at the PVSC's annual spring picnic
at Davis Park Tickets are available
online at PonteVedra-
SoccerClub.com or at Bogey
Grille, Oceanside Cleaners and
Play it Again Sports or through
PVSC members and their families.

St. Paul's Sports .
St. Paul's summer sports camps
feature participation in team
sports and age-appropriate activi-
ties. Basketball, flag football, kick
ball, tag and more are offered. On
Friday's, campers have pizza and
go to Beach Bowl.
Camp sessions are weekly from
the end of May until late July. For
more information visit
www.beachesbasketball.com or
phone Tommy Hulihan at 349-
Strollerfit exercise with your

baby. Outdoor classes where
mothers turn their strollers into
portable exercise machines are
taking place in Atlantic Beach
Thursday and Saturdays, and
Fort Caroline Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays from
9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m..
For more information phone
Siobhan Reigle at 997-8364 or
visit strollerfit.com/arlington.

-The Gromi Surfing Associa-
tion [GSA] is now called JaxPier
Surf Camp and is still located at
2nd North. The contact num-
ber is 651-2843.

healthy living education and
life lessons.
Spring programs take place
at various locations through-
out Ponte Vedra Beach,
Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach. For more information
phone (904) 321-4315 or visit

The 13th annual Take a
Swing at Cancer Golf Classic
will take place April 28 at
Sawgrass Country Club.
Registration begins at 11:30
a.m. with play starting at 1
Claude Nolan Cadillac,
Barbara Maple of Watson
Realty and Nader's Pest
Raiders are sponsoring on-
course contests including a
"Putt for $10,000" and a
"Million Dollar Hole-in-One."
Gold and Diamonds Direct 2
and Nader's will also sponsor
the "Diamond in the Rough"
contest in which a one-carat
diamond will be in one of
the cups.
There will be a silent auc-
tion-and cocktail reception at
6 p.m, and dinner party at 7
For ticket and event infor-
.mation, contact the American
Cancer Society at 249-0022.
Golf Instruction
Free golf instruction being
offered at the Jacksonville
Beach Golf Course. The free
adult new player clinic takes
place the third Saturday of
each month beginning at 4.
On the fourth Saturday of
each month will be a free class
for juniors (ages 6 to 17) at 4
Pre-registration is not neces-
sary and equipment is avail-
able for those who need it. All
classes are taught' by academy
professionals Nicky Martin,
Mary' Lyons, Cooper Osborne
and Sandy Suckling,-
For more information phone
Nease sport physical will take
police April 29 from 9 a.m. until
11 a.m. in the high school gym.
Cost is $10. Athletes may log on
to FHSAA.org to get the physical
and liability form. For additional
information about the Nease
physical phone 819-8300 and
ask for Athletics.
r. .. Baache Plflats,'classes taked
place Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. at
Hollie's Dance Studio.: Cost is
$5. First hour/first class free.
Phone 234-0038 or visit
beachespilates.com for more
North Florida United'Soccer
Club is now forming true select
teams in this area. This is'the only
true select dub in north Florida,
which means participants cannot
pay to play on the team. All play-
ers are selected based on perform-
ance and attitude.
i Teams are being formed in the
U-10 to U-17 age brackets. More
information is available at on the
web at nfusoccerdub.com or by
phoning (904) 367-8311.
The First Coasi Soccer.
Association's summer camp pro-
grams include:
. Camp 1.- 4v4 skills camp for
. ages 9-12, June 5-7 from 6 p.m.
until 8 p.nm.
Camp 2 Touch-up program
session for ages 5-10, June 12-14
from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Camp.3 Touch-up program
session I[ for ages 5-10, July 31-
Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
For mote information visit
firstcoastsoccer.com or phone

30th Annual

Sa dcastIc Corntest



WHEN: 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 29, 2006

WHERE: On the Beach at Jax Beach

Application forms and dates
can be found on jaxpier.com.
JaxPier Surf Camp is the only
surf camp in the nation with a
live streaming camp cam of the
children and young adults.
For information on the Grom
Surfing Series [GSS], call Charley
Hajek at 247-5538.

The Florida Surfing Association
offers advanced, professional and
intermediate amateur. competi-
tions as well as surfing camps and
clinics. For. more information,
visit the website at www.florida-
surfing.org or call (904) 626-9090.


Wednesday, April 19
FLETCHER at First Coast, 6 p.m.
FLETCHER in District 1-6A
Tournament at Mandarin

Thursday, April 20
Wolfson at FLETCHER, 6 p.m.
Kenmore East at NEASE, 7 p.m.
NEASE in District 5-4A Tournament
at Clay

STo: Saptist Bweac s hospital
rDear Sirs,
L /ly husband passed on Rpril 3rd at 'Baplist Tcaches
'2lospital. 2c was in the hospital for 8 days and 3 want
express my gratitude to all the people who attended him
.during his stay, from the staff in the emergency room to
all the nurses in*CCdI. 'Thwre wasn't one nurse in CCrU
that didn't give 150`c. 'Thy naer hesitated to answer any,
questions we had, they never failed to ask my daughter and
3 if there was anything they could do for us. 'They are the
most compassionate, caring group of people, D hae ever known.
3 will be forc'er grateful for both the medical and compassionatc
care my family received during his hospitalization.

Friday, April 21
No events scheduled




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J-l.i.JLJl 10 )-VA The Be o


Below is a selection of summer
camps and activities to help keep
even the most demanding chil-
dren from declaring boredom
while school is out. Fees are not
listed for many of the camps.
Beaches area camps:
*Beaches Episcopal School.
1150 5th St. N., Jacksonville
Beach, 904-246-2466. Will be
held June 19 23; June 26 30;
July 10- 14; July 17 21. During
the morning camp program. 9
a.m. to noon, children will be
able to pick two different activi-
ties for the week that will last 1-
'1/4 hours each. Scrapbooking,
Zoo Discovery, American Girl,
:Computers, Cooking,
'Sports/Movement, Drama and
'NMusic, Reading Enrichment,
Nlath Enrichment, Pottery,
Crafts, Percussion, and Guitar
will be offered. Free lunch at
,noon for students who register
for both morning and afternoon
activities. For afternoon activi-
,ties from 12:30 to 3 p.m., chil-
'dren will be involved in a variety
of board games and indoor
active games/or arts and crafts.
Extended care offered until 5
'p.m. Camp open to students
entering Ist through 6th grades.
Enrollment limit varies by
'course/activity. Non-refundable
'deposit required.
*The Fletcher, Middle School
cheerleaders will hold their
annual Summer Cheerleading
Camps, starting with session I -
Jutne 5-9 and Session II July 24-
28. The camps will run from 9
a.m. 2 p.m. in the gym at
Fletcher Middle School.
Students from kindergarten to
grade 7 are invited to attend this
camp; cheer experience is not
'Students will 'learn cheers.
chants, stunts and dances, and'
are grouped by- age and grade
leel. Cost of each clinic is $100.
Students attending this camp
sl'ould wear comfortable clothes,
including sneakers with socks.
They should also bring a bag
lunch and non-carbonated
drinks for water breaks for each
day. of the camp. Students will
receive a free T-shirt at each
registrationn will be held in the
main office beginning April 24
fr",Session I, and June 12 for
sion 11. Parents can register
bj'tween 8:30 and 3 p.m.,
f'j ndays through Thuisdays, at
Fletcher Middle School. Phone
registrations are not accepted.
1 Robbie Knieberg, cheer
ch. at 247-5929, ext.- 322
Beaches Chapel: Summer
np begins Tuesday, May 30,
and ends Friday, July 28. The
i-burs are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A.ivities planned include field
p, sports, movies, swimming,
arts and crafts, chapels and
more. All students from 1st to
5$ grades are eligible to attend.
Iest is, $140 per week for eight
wvgeks or more of camp. and
Il5 per week for less than eight
i.eks of camp. Beaches Chapel
S'Linmer Camp is located-at 610
Nlrida Blvd. Call lane Wilcox at
2 -47211, ext. 711.
,'.Coastal Therapy &' Learning
Qeter will offer several camps
ft children of all ages and for
tddse with special needs. Mind,
B y & Expression for ages 5-
'10, providing instruction in
oaga, music & movement, arts &
e fts. and language & literacy;
O"30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. each day
.th certified yoga instructors,
occupational & physical thera-
pijt and speech-language pathol-
ogist, June 5 30.
SLet's Play School" for ages 4
&,'5 (not yet in kindergarten;
i obiding a "school-like" envi-
rp'iment for learning language,
socialization skills, fine-motor
s .lls, music, arts & crafts within
a'-small group a great "warm-
'." for going to preschool and
tih'dergarten taught by certi-
Hed speech-language patholo-
gists and educators.
'Language, Learning &
Laughing with Fast ForWord -
tor ages 4-14: using Fast
EorWord, a therapy program
designed by scientists to train
the brain using adaptive com-
puter games in the areas of lan-
. gage and reading; fast-paced
and fun; 5 days a week, begin-
ning June 1 for 6 8 weeks, 100
minutes per day; Monday -
'.Readers & Writers Workshop -
for rising K, Ist and 2nd graders
using standards-based instruc-
tional approach to reading and
writing taught by certified and
,tandards-trained teachers -
intensive and fun to increase
reading levels, both in accuracy
and comprehension lots ort
hands-on activities, too major
goal is to help your child acquire
a love for reading and writing:
8:30 11:30 a.m., Monday -
Friday, June 5 30.

, Call 280-0081 for more infor-
mation concerning location and
costs. Spaces are limited.
*Boys & Girls Clubs of
Northeast Florida iBGCNTi has
summer camps at 11 clubs
around the Jacksonville area. All
Clibs are open 9 a.m.-6 p.m..
Monday through Friday during
the summer, with the exception
of July 4. Early bird drop-off is
available from 7-9 a.m., for a fee
of $10 per week, per child.
The annual membership feeto

May 30 and July 4. Camp cost is will be held Mondays through
$110. Session I and 6 will cost Thursday from 8 to 11 a.m. at
$90. Call Tommy Hulihan at the cabana Club and Micklers
349-2611 or visit www.beaches- Landing. Cost is $180 per
basketball.com. camper. Campers must be at least
eBud Beech Summer Camps 8 years old and have strong
will be held at Nease High swimming skills. Call 273-0665.
School. Ten sessions are available *Aqua East Surf Camp will be
beginning Monday, May 22. held May 29 through Aug. 4. All
Most sessions are Monday camps are one week, on week-
through Thursday. Each session days, from 8:45 a.m. to noon.
is $S5/half day 9 a.m. to noon Campers will learn basics of surf-
or noon to 3 p.m.) or ing, beginner to intermediate, Frifo
$95/extended day 09 a.m. until 3 water safety, paddling and stand-
p.m.). Campers may choose the ing techniques and surf eti-

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loin BGCNF is $10, and non- morning camp running from 9 quette. Cost is $195. Snacks,
members can join at any neigh- a.m. to noon and select basket- drinks, and use of board are
borhood Club. Boys & Girls Club ball, soccer, flag football or included in the price. Sign up, at
scholarships may be available. dance/gymnastics. The after- aquaeast.com or visit surfinto-
For additional information, con- noon camps start at noon and suimmer.com.
tact the specific Club. runs to 3 p.m. with a choice of *Epic Surf Ministries will offer
Camp activities include a sum- basketball or cheerleading. weekly surf cainp.beginning June
mer reading program, computer Roundtrip bus transportation 5. Two of the week-long camp
classes, arts and crafts, sports and from Ponte Vedra and a lunch will offer overnight camping to
games and swimming. Field trips program is available Call 904- participants. Register online at
are available for an additional 686-4075 or e-mail www.epicsurfministries.com or
fee. Core programs at BGCNT beechir@comcast.net. call 249-1201
focus on character leadership *The Jacksonville Beach *Jax Pier Surf Camp/School
development, education and Tennis Center at Huguenot Park offers seven camps. Dates are
career development, health and will offer summer camps and .May 29-June 2 ifour-day camp,
life skills, the arts, and sports, fit- programs beginning in May. $140); June 5-9; June 12-16: June
ness and recreation. Call the Junior camps will be 9 to 11 19-23; June 26-30; July 10-14:
BGCNF administrative office at a.m., and adult camps are 6:30 to and July 17-21. The cost for
904-396-4435. 8:30 p.m. Each program will cost camps beginning in June and
The Beaches Boys & Girls Club $45 with a $20 deposit. The ten- July is $160. each. Camp hours
is located at 820 20th Ave. N., nis center is located at 218 S. are 9 to 11:30 a.m., and the loca-
Jacksonville Beach. Call 904-249- 16th Ave., Jacksonville Beach. tion is the end of 6th Ave. S. at
3588 for information. Director is Call 247-6221. Ocean Front Park.
Mike Austin. Camp begins May *Summer Horse Camp will be The weekly packages include
30 and runs through Aug. 4. Cost offered at Southern Star Ranch, water safety instructions, marine
is $250 a child., which features new facilities .life awareness, surfing safety/eti-
*The Beaches School Summer located on 330 acres of pastures quette and more. Surfboards will
Programs %will be held at The and wooded trails. Bible Camp, be supplied, and no experience is
Beaches School this summer. The Beginner/ Intermediate Camp or necessary. Call Paul \etrnich at
camp is open to kids in grades Advanced Speed Games Camp 525-7873 or e-mail popov-
first to sixth. Call 249-0905. are offered. Campers will learn opaul@'yahoo.com.
*Heartsong Kindermusick is what it takes to care for and- safe- University of North Florida
holding adventures camps for Iv ride a horse. One-week ses- The University of North
young children. A camp for sions begin June 5 for ages 7 to Florida's Youth Sports and
babies ages birth to 17 months 16. Camp drop off is from 8:30-9 Fitness Camps and Osprey
and parents called "Busy Days" a.m. and pickup is at 3 p.m. The EcoCamp 2006 'have openings
will be held. Another camp for tamp is, located on U.S. 17 for the summer. UNF's Youth
children ages 18 months to 3 between Green Cove Springs.and Sports' and Fitness Camps have
1/2-years-old and parents called Palatka. Call 904-716-4908, or openings for children between
"Creatures in my Backyard" will visit the website, the ages of 5 and 14 years old.
be held. A camp for 3 1/2-year- www.SoutherpnStarRanch.com. The camp utilizes the state-of-
olds to 5-year-olds without par- *First Coast Soccer Association ,the-art facilities on the UNT cam-
ents called "On the Road" will be will hold summer camp pro- pus, such as the indoor,
held. The "Adventures Around grams as follows: Olympic-sized swimming pool,
the World" program is for 5-vear- Camp' I 4.V4 Skills Camp UNF Arena, the soccer stadium
olds to 7-vear-olds. Also, a "Sign (ages 9-12) and the GolfPlex. LNT's camps
and Sing' program for children Mon. June 5- Wed. to June 7 are staffed with 20 counselors, all
hrom birth to 3-years-old will be 6-8 p.m. UNT education majors, student
offered for the bearing child and Camp 2 -Touch-,up .program athletes or Duval County school
parent to learn sign language. session 1 (ages.5-l'0). teachers, with a ratio of one
And the "Family Time".program .: Mon. June. 12--Wed..'June 14. counselor for every 10 campers.
will be offered for families with 9-11 a.m. Each day offers something differ-
multiple-age children form ages Camp 3 -Touch-tip program ent for campers, including flag
birth to 7 syeais. Call 249-3828 or session 11 (ages 5-10) football, stickball, tennis, track,
visit www.heartsong-km.com. Mon. July. 31 Wed. Aug 2. 9- soccer, arts and crafts plus field
*The Adele Giage Community 11 a.m. trips every week to locations
Center will have its Summer Visit www.firstcoastsoccer.com such as Little Talbot Island,
Camp 2006 hosted by the or call 904-223-3606 Metro Park, a Suns baseball
Winston Family YNMCA. The Ponte Vedra Beach area, game, bowling and more. Camp
camp, "Kids Under *Winston Family Yr!CA will -begins Tuesday, May 30, and will
Construction" will feature hold a summer camp: Call'543- continue for nine weeks. Parents
themed weeks,,s.wimming, week- 9622. can drop off their campers as
ly field trips, guest speakers, *Cultural Center at Ponte early as 7:30 a.m. and pick them
indoor and outdoor games, char- Vedra Beach Summer Arts Camp up as late as 6 p.m. The cost is
acter development, team build- is a weekly thematic camp for $150 per week per camper.
ing, creative arts and crafts, sport children ages 4 through 10. Each Registration for returning
from around the world, parent day a variety of techniques and campers is April 24 through April
nights, and lots of fun in an materials are used to .create art- 28. Open registration for new
environment that promotes car- work that will stimulate imagi-. campers will begin May 8 and
ing, respect, responsibility, and nation. Camp for 4 to 5 year olds runs 'throughout the camp.
honesty. The camp is for chil- begins at 9 a.m. and ends at Parents will need to provide theii
dren ages 5 through 12. Call 11:30a.m. Each day mini artists child with lunch and the camp
Heather at 543-9622. will be provided a mnid-morning will provide an afternoon isnu.
The Jac'ksonville Birelhl fc prle, "Itied., eaeIaU ,
,Tennis Center at Huguenot Par weeks theme and time or cre- wwA.unt.edu/recspor/camp.
will hold a series of beginner, ative movement, and story- *Osprey EcoCahip 2006 has
intermediate and advanced jun- telling. Cost for members is $75 openings for children ages 7. to
ior and adult tennis camps per week; for non-members cost 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 .p.m. daily
beginning May 22, 24 and 25. is $90 per week. The 6 to 10 year during this weeklong: outdoor
The cost is $45 for six hours, old camp begins at 9 a.m. and summer camp. Before and after
with a $20, deposit. Call the ends at 2 p.m. Each day young care is available from 7:30 a.m.
Huguenot Tennis Center, 904- artists will create their own art- to 6 p.m. Five one-week sessions
247-6221. work tied to the. weekly,theme.' will be offered, beginning May
*First Camp 2006 will be held 'Campers will receive a mid- 29 and running through the
Nlav 30 to July 14 at First morning snack and should bring week of June 26. Sessions are lim-
Missionary Baptist Church. The a brown bag lgnch. Cost. for ited to 30 campers, with a mini-
camp is open to to children ages members $135..per week; non- mum of 10 campers: Tuition cost
4 to 12 and is held Monday members $150-. er week. Camp is $175 and includes an
through Friday from 6:45 a.m. to themes will include: May 22-26- EcoCamp t-shirt, water bottle,
5:45 p.m. There is a $25 registra- Dragons, Fairies; and Unicorns; snacks, drinks and most activity
tion fee and the cost is $35 for May 30-June 2 (no camp May supplies. Campers must bring
the first child and $5 for each 29)- Amazing Amazon Art; Jt.ne lunch each day. 904-620-1810.
additional child. Call Kathy 5-9-"Loco" Motion; June 12-16
McQueen or Geraldine Fussell at To The Moon and.Back; June 19-
246-8120 for more information. 23-Big and Small Sculpture; June
*Beaches Academy Summer 26-30-Under the Sea; July 3-7 (no .
Enrichment Program, 1725 class July 4)-Mini Monets and
Penman Road. Jacksonville Petite Pollocks; July. 10-14-
Beach, 246-3885. For -children Mosaic Madness; July 17-21-
ages 5-12. activities such as.bowl-' 'Puppet Gallery; July 24-28-Food
ing, movies, arts and crafts, and 'Fight.
field trips \\ill be offered May 30 *Lighthouse Summer Cpmp
through Aug. 4. will offer seven different six-day
*Summer Artist Camp will long programs to children in the
offer a week in a real artist stu- first through sixth grades run-
dio. Campers will learn painting, ning from June 5 July 24. These
drawing and making jewelry. different camps will explore
Camps run M,onday-Friday, 9 many maritime subjects ranging
a.m. to 1 p.m. The $130 cost from Creatures of the Deep to
includes all materials. Call the Age of Discovery. Early regis-
Walker Art Department at 982- tration for St. Augustine
9427 Lighthouse and Museum mem-
*Beaches Basketball Camp at bers is ongoing, and general reg-
St. Paul's'School will be held July istration will begin on April 24.
24-28 from 8-11 a.m. for stu- Call Paul Wenglowsky at 904- .
dents entering 3rd-5th grade. For 829-0745 or visit www.stau-,
those entering sixth through gustinelighthouse.com. '
ninth grades, camp will be held *Ponte V'edra Golf & Country '
12:30-3:30 p.m. Call Tommy Club offers a Sizzlin' Summer '
Hulihan at 349-2611 or visit Fun Camp 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., '
www.beachesbasketball.com.. Tuesday through Friday, every -
St. Paul's Summer Sports Camp week from May 23 to July 18 for "
will hold Jhe .following pro- ages 6 to 14. Bring lunch every
grams: day except for Friday, when pizza
Session 1- May 30-June 2 is provided. There will be tennis
Session 2- June 5-9 instruction, golf, supervised
Session 3- lune 12-16 swimming, popsicle breaks, arts
Session 4- June 19-23 and crafts, and games. The cost is
Session 5-June 26-30 $169 per child per week for
Session 6-July 3-7 members, and $189 per child per
Session 7- July 17-21 week for non-members. Call 285-
Campers will participate in 6166.
team sports and age appropriate Surf camps
activities. Ever' Friday campers *John Tully Surf Camp will be 1
will have pizza'and go to Beach held in Jacksonville Beach. Visit
Bowl. All campers will receive a www.johntullysurfcamp.com or ,.
T-shirt. Camp runs 8:30 a.m. to 3 call 707-5663. Space is limited.
p.m. There will be no camp on *Blueline Surf Shop Surf Camp

Page 5B

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

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April 19, 2006

P~itSDtms Fisstc


I nvite familiar and amigos together to share in the
authentic Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo!
Celebrating with red, white and green flair, Cinco
de Mayo celebrates the Battle of Puebla's historic
victory over the French on May 5, 1862. While Cinco de
Mayo is not Mexico's traditional Independence Day, it
remains a festive holiday steeped in pride ard tradition.
This fifth of i May, what better way to embrace the
mouthwatering, tempting tastes and textures of authen-,
tic Mexican meals? Create memorable recipes with their
warm, melted salsa and cheese,
crunchy corn tacos, soft
tortillas, aromatic season-
ings, zesty salsas and diced
Sgreen- chiles., Bring these.,
"las favoritas" recipes to life
and to your dinner table
to celebrate the country's
authentic flavors.

Mexican Steak Tacos
J.' Makes 2 semings
1 (3T/2-ounce) bag boil-in-bag
long grain rice
2 teaspoons ground cumin
I teaspoon garlic powder
I teaspoon Ortega Taco Sauce
1 tablespoon salsa, any variety
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound sirloin steak
(15-ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles
4 Taco Shells
4 lime wedges
Sour cream (optional)

COOK rice. Meanwhile, combine cumin,
garlic powder, taco sauce, salsa and salt,
and rub over both sides of steak.
SPRAY broiler pan with cooking spray.
Place steak on pan. Broil 4 minutes on each
side or until desired degree of doneness.
Cut steak into thin slices.
COMBINE rice, tomatoes and chiles.
Place mixture in shells.
TOP rice mixture with beef slices.
Squeeze juice from limes over beef. Top,
with sour cream,; if desired.

Mexican Hash Brown Bake
Makes 12 ser'ings (1 cup each)t
1 (13-ounce) container salsa & cheese
1 1/2 cups sour cream,
1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles
or diced Jalapefios
1 (30-ounce) package frozen shredded
hash brown potatoes
2 taco shells, coarsely crushed
HEAT oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 13 x 9-
inch baking dish with cooking spray.
COMBINE salsa & cheese, sour cream and
chiles or peppers in large bowl; stir until
blended. Gently stir in hash browns. Spoon
mixture into baking dish.
SPRINKLE with crushed taco shells.
BAKE 45 to 50 minutes or until bubbly
around edges. Let stand 5 minutes, before'
Tip: Makel extra special by adding 2 sliced
green onions or 2 slices crisp, crumbled bacon.
Use light or reduced-fat sour cream if preferred.

Mexican Pasta Salad
Makes 8 sen.rings (3/4 cup each)
3 cups (8 ounces) rotini pasta
1 (1.25-ounce) package taco seasoning
'" mix
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 cup cherry tomato halves
1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles
1/2 cup diced green bell pepper
1 (2.25-ounce) can sliced ripe olives,
2 green onions, sliced
2 taco shells, coarsely crushed
1/2 cup thick & chunky salsa
1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded cheddar
COOK rotini according to package, direc-
tions (do not overcook); drain. Rinse with cold
water until cooled; drain.
STIR together taco seasoning mix, sour
cream, water and vinegar in large bowl until
blended. Stir in rotini, cherry tomatoes, green
chiles, bell pepper, olives and green onions.
MICROWAVE crushed taco shells on HIGH
30 to 45 seconds.
PLACE pasta in serving bowl. Top with salsa,
crushed taco shells and cheese just before serv-
Tip: Taste salad before adding toppings. Stir in a
little water for creamier texture. Use light or
reduced-fat sour cream if preferred.

Page 6B

rL, DJ,,sn T T VnArrinte Ve ePaderIpr

Howlto Host a

*y ~CAm~t41cf*My>P

itie j3eacneS Leacter/ronte vcuru i-cuut:i

Anril 10 9200

ti~p l 1-' A. -I -I

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

The Beaches Leaderl

Ponte Vedra Leader




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Real Estate Rentals
100 Real Estate 200 Rental
110 LolslLand rlt Sale 215 Home tor Rent
120 Homes for Sale. 225 Wanted to Rent
125 Real Estale 230 Condo for Rent
Wanted 240 M H. for Rent
130 Condos for Sale 260 Vacation Rental
140 Mortgages 270 Rental to Share
150 Mobile Homes 275 Room lor Rent
for Sale 280 Office Space
180 Comm Property 285 Comm. Rental
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Pets & Animals Service Guide cont.
300 Pets 650 Painting .
310 Pets for Sale 651 Pest Control
330 Stables/Livestock 652 Plurping
340 Lost/Found,Pets 653 Pools
Announcements 654 Photography
400 Notices 655 Rain Gutters
405 Travel 660 Remodel/Consi
415 Personals 665 Repairs
420 Legal Services 670 Roofing
425 Legal Notices 675 Sprinkler & Wells
440 Misc. Lost/Found 677 Tree Service
450 Instrucons/Schools 678 Tile
460 Weddings 680 Upholstery
Employment 685 Walipapering
500 P-T Help Wanted 690 Water Treatment
510 F-T Help Wanted Health Services
Health Services5
520 Job Services 700 Massage Therapy
530 Bus. Opportunity 710 Health Care Seic.
540 Child Care 730Cargivers
550 Work Wanted For Sa es
Service Guide ForSale
600 Services 800Forsate
601 Air Conditioning 805 Music & Instr.
602 Alterations 810 Antiques
607 Auto!Boat Detailing 815 Auctions
608 Auto Repair 820 Wanted to Buy
609 Bus. Services 825 Trade
612 Carpel 830 Consignment
613 Catering Garage Sales
615 Cleaning 840 Garage Sales
618 Electronics 850'Jax Beach
619 Electrical Services 852 Neptune Beach
620 Equip. Rentals 854 Atlantic Beach
622 Fences 856 Mayport ,
623 Finan. Services. 857 Ponte Vedra
625 Firewood 858 West Beches,
631 Computer Services 859 JacksonvIlle i
,634 Lawn Mower 860 Flea Market.
Services 862 Estate Sales,.
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Landscpg 905Auto Rental
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640 ConcreteMasonry 970, rucksan
645 Moving Storage 970 TruckstlVns
980 AutomobilesP
648 Pressure Washing

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rect lake access. Owner:. (866)292-5769. move-in ready. Immaculate 3BR/2.5BA,
NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on,mountain top has' 2705sf. w/spaclous open family room
S In gated community, view, treed ; aterfall w/gas,fireplace,.formal dining, loft, and In-
& large public lake nearby, paved private .side Ilundry. Over $71,000 In upgrades
B. access, $58,500 owner (866)789-8535 were Included when 'this model was built
lm www.NC77.com. in 2000. Entertain on either of your two
screened lanais, open deck, end balcony
iew MOUNTAIN PROPERTYI Interested in overlooking your. prlyate dock overlooking
nd, buying property In the Blue Ridge Moun- the navigable' waterfront. $889,000.
'1s tains'of NC? Call Active Realty today at Please contact: Phyllis Stalnes with
11 800-979-5556 or visit our website at RE/MAX Coastal Real Estate at 904-476-
www.ActiveRealtyNC.com. SOLD or vislt www.pstaines.com

NEAR MAYO Clinic, off San Pablo.
3BR/2BA, 2-car, remodeled $315,000. In-
dependent Brokers, 710-3111
3BR'2BA. 2000s1 hardwood Iloors, over-
sized lot. 328 10th St. 1699.000. Sieve
2058st Large cul-de-sac lot. New carper,
tile, and hardwood. Many more upgrades
By appointment No brokers. 1339,000
FSBO- ICW 3BR/ 2BA, great marshview
$369,000 or lease- option- $1700/mo.
14046 Pine Island Dr 242-4040.
water access. 3BR2 5BA. 1800s1. 2 car
garage, newly remodeled 2 boat i lifts
(1-covered). $589.000. 463-0505.
New construction located at 6th Ave S. &
91h St. in Jax Ben 3BRi 2.5BA. 1700sf,
tiled first iloor, owners suite w./ luxury bath,
separate shower, pr.vaie deck. Custom
kitchen, designer fixtures inrougnoui. Dual
A/C, sprinkler system, fenced yard, 2 car
garage. Move in before summer! Offered
at $339,000. Call for showing 249-6150.
Will co-op wiln realtors,

12235 FOREST GATE DR., S329K
2300+sf., 4/2/2, cul-de-sac, immaculate.
all brick. off Keman Rd. Rainoow Proper-
ties. 993-7908, 249-9600 (lease option
FSBO 10TH Ave South, Jax Beach.
3BR/1.5BA, fenced, carport. Refluroished,
like new $390k 398-0232
119 37th AVE. SOUTH
Newly renovated. 3BR/2BA, vaulted ceil.
ings, 50x123 lot. New roofl. HVAC. Hard.
wood floors, new kitchen, all appliances
2-car garage.
$795,000 536-8268
N. JAX Beach. 3BR/2BA pool nome.
fireplace, 2-car garage, $360,000
PVB. 3BR/2BA Townhouse, $950/mo
Consider lease option, short/long term
PONTE VEDRA, Sawgrass Players Club.
Bermuda Court. 2BR/2BA unartacned pa-
tio home. $259,900. (904)655-5990.
Selva Unkside
6 'BLKS TO OCEAN, 3BR 2 1/2BA.
1935sf. Only $494,500 (904)472.4039

FSBO. NEW Construction, 17tn Ave.
South, Jax Beach. Unique location, next to
park with Oceanviews. 3BR/3.5BA, 3
floors, with decks on 2nd & 3rd floors. Too
many amenities to include. Buy now &
pick colors & flooring. Call (904)472-4753,
ask for David $595,000. Complehon in
July Will coop.
FSBO, 3569 Eunice Road, Isle of Palms.
$282,000. 1750sf., 3BR/2BA, completely
upgraded 2 car garage (904)463-3793.
Ocean 3BR/2.5BA, sunroom. fireplace,
fenced yard, carport, $380,000
PONTE VEDRA Beach, The Islands,
2BRi2BA. attached garage, community
pool, tennis, $250,000. (904)703-8380..
3BR FORECLOSURE, only $27,9001 Must
sell For listings. 800-749-8124 ext. 1490.
1536sf, pool. FR lakefront. $399K,
PVB FAIRFIELD. 1635sf. 3BR/2BA. Re-
modeled, lakeside townhome. Garage,
vaulted ceilings, fireplace, sunroom, gat-
ed, w/many amenities, FSBO. $335,000.
273-0248. 703-5773.
JAX BEACH Duplex 415 8th Ave. North,
$449,000. 247-5774, 770-979-2632.
NEPTUNE BCH- 4BR/3.5BA. 1/2 block to
beach and Town Center. ocean view irom
master BR and 1 of 3 screened porches
2540sf, large lot east of first street
50'x123', new roof 2005. numerous up-
grades. $850,000. 115 Orange St. For
sale by Owner/Broker 241-8604, 868-
4154, 8878237.
JAX BEACH 3BR/2BA. 2-car garage,
$331,000. 1045 N. 17th St. (904)241-6922
www lax eachonllne.com
MUST SELLI Atlantic Beach, Golf, water
view, 3/2. .pool. $415,500. 1555 Linkside
Dr. Pics .@ http://irtotube.ner/136118.
(251)87-8394 ,
PVB-.3BR/2BA; 'newer tile, consider lease
purchase, $169,900. Owner/Agent.
ATLANTIC BEACH. 3 Blocks to Beach.
2BR/1BA on 60'xl50' lot, 255 Sherry Dr.
$479,000. 349-2504.
$10,000/down, 6"o APR. 3BR/2BA home
with huge great room, fireplace, garage,
tiled kitchen, baths. Recently renovated
$298.900. (850)230-6006.
EAST OF 3rd Duplex. 215 8th Ave. Nonh.
$625,000, 241-8269. -Zoned C-1:.
Enchanted raised house on hidden la-
goon. Large wooded lot, 3BR 2BA great
interior, Jax, Beach. $375,000 FIRM.
249-1020 for.appointment & escort to pri-
vate location.

e just
S to

re! Ij


Ready for "'
Great 3 BR/2 BA
Brick pool home with
awesome Florida
room, approx. 1537
SF, move in ready,
ool is 3 years old, Carol Zinone
all on a huge private lot. $205,000. 904-3-948

2,5.. .. NORTH CAROLINA gated lakefront con- FL LAND bargains. Opportunities To own
N QOvNTAIjjPropenylortyrLes..l, ah.,.r.ny ,' s 90 .1ilevfishofh-..4 .r.own farm, ranch woodland br'.ake .
aking Bluue Rije Paik'jway, New i-ve line iRNever before o-ffere with 200, r ,,ol homestead Old Florida at, ,s esl-,
Stone Mountain CGoil courses and quaint developmen discounts 90o financing. tll affordable Call. (86,6)352-2249. or
snops of Span a www.scenicrealty.com Call 800709-5253. www.fllandbargalns.com.' '
(8771372-72"11 or 1877363-5550 NORTH CAROLINA Cool Mnountain Air.

Recycle t

I Buy

Houses &

r Land....FAST!
Call Michael

(904) 860.33268

LOOKING TO own land? Invest In rural
acreage throughout America; coastal,
mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200
acres. Free, monthly special land reports-

Looking for that Perfect
Property? Look No Furtherl
Specializing In residential and
investment properties, we have
over 28 years of experience In the
North Florida real estate market.
Call Donna Davis Realtor
(904) 305-177




Weste Nort A new mountain development
in Western North Carolina offering spectacular long
range mountain views! I to 7,acre parcels starting
@ $39,900 to $89,900. Two lane paved roads,
underground utilities and beautiful private wooded
sites. New log cabin shells on 1-2 acre sites $89,900
to $132,900. Single story ranch or two story chalets
available. Call for free info: 828-247-0081


Vacant l' '." .'
The finest oceanview lot available in
Jax Beach. Stunning water views from
all areas. One of
a kind at

Mark Dltwerdi
Lim 904/591-6976
mdilworth @ bellsouth. net

SBuild 4 town
homes on this lot.
Close to the
b beach, major

W 9CSBM access routes and
"'A" rated schools. $649.000


Mark Dilworth

Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acre-
age. Free brochure (800)642-5333: Realty
Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy,
N.C. 28906. www.realryofmurphy.com.
to buy. Investors & Builders, Great bullda-
ble lots for sale in' one of Florida's fastest
growing areas Fort Myers. (888)558-0032.
MURPHY, NORTH .'Carolina. Ash cool
summers, mild winters. Affordable homes
& mountain cabins. Call for free brochure.
(877)837-2288 Exit Realty Mountain View
Properties'. www.exitmurphy.com.

ALL REAL Estate advertised herein is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Acl,
which makes it Illegal to advertise any
reference, limitation, or discrimination
ased on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national ori-
gin, or the Intention to make' any such
preference, Imitation or discrimination.
The Leader Group will not knowingly ac-
cept any advertising for real estate
which is In violation of the law. All-per-
sons are hereby informed that all dwell-
Ings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
If you believe that you may have been
discriminated against .in connection with
Ihe sale. rental or financing of housing,
call the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development -HUD-
1(800)669-9777, or for the hearing im-
paired 1(800)927-9275.
Gated community with stunning mountain
views. Situated between 2 mountains on
over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 to 8 acres from'
the $60s Custom owners' lodge, riverwalk
& more. Call (866)292-5762.

front. view & estate homesites 1 to 40
'abres from the 140s.' Situated around a
45,000 acre lake. Just 90 min to Nashville.
New building sites jusl released. Call own.
er (866)339-4966
LAND AUCTION Central Florida Acreage
10am, Saturday April 22, Hardee County,
FL. 320Acres In 14 parcels Higgenbo-
tham Auctioneers M.E. Higgenbotham CAI
FL. Lic # AU305/AB158 www.higgenbo-
tham.com 1800)257 4161.

90'X120'.Ocean access/ picnic area
across the street. Build your dream home
with potential ocean/ Intercoastal
waterway views $369.900. Jonn
LOT- 50'XIOO' Vilano Bch, $209,000.
Grace Ellis, All Pro Realty Specialists.
655-7923 cell)

garage, 1550sf. open floor plan, 42" Hick-
ory cabinets, granite counter lops. new
berber carpel, hard wood floors,
$318,000, 463-0505.
AFFORDABLE JAX Beach, second Iloor,
marshview condo Is perfect for anyone
who wants to live at the beach but not pay
beach prices Move-In ready w/retrigera-
tor. microwave, washer, dryer and ceiling
fans. Freshly painted interior, security sys-
tem, screened lanal, and fireplace are just
some of the upgrades $157,900 Phyllis
Staines, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX Coastal
Real Estate. www.pstaines corn
FSBO, ATLANTIC Beach. 780 Jasmine
St. $189,000. Call 318-2900, 742-6227
SOUTH PONTE Vedra, custom home,
1 153 South Beach Dr 1200 ft from ocean.
3BR/2BA, screened lanal, many up-
grades, $509,000. (904)819-1638.
PONTE VEDRA, 3BR/2BA. beautiful. re-
modeled townhome on lake End unit
$185.000 1904)424-0660.
SOUTHSIDE OFF Belforn Brick home,
3BR 2BA, 1895sf, built 1987,many up-
grades $292,500 Independent Brokers
710-3111. ,

4458- sf., 5BR/4S.f5BA*,,{0 1 `tl 'nl"9nd
hardwood floors, formal living and dining,
pool and spa; screened lanal with hot tub,
lush landscaping and loaded'. $2,750,000.
Phyllis Stainbs, 904-476-SOLD. RE/MAX
Coastal Real, Estate. www.pstaines.com
ATLANTIC BEACH, 4BR/3BA, large, pri-
vate -lot, 6 blocks to Ocean. $340.000
Studio Oceanfront Condo, very small,
great view. $309,000. 270-2333.
Lakefrontl Well maintained. $264.900.
Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.
Beautiful "under construction" home In
gated community.' 4 bedrooms plus bonus
room, large lot, 3 car garage and much
more Offered at $795,000. '
3BR/2BA home in San Pablo Creek. Spa-
cious Iloor plan, fenced backyard and
backing on to pond. Offered at $258,900.
1BR/1BA home, beautifully decorated and
with fireplace and screen room overlook-
ing the marsh. Offered at $159,500.
'3BR/2BA beautifully remodeled home in
popular Villages of Pablo. New roof, new
tile and carpet, new stainless appliances
In kitchen, repainted Inside and out.
Fenced private backyard. Offered at
2BR/2BA home in Windsor Pointe. Up-
stairs unit, fireplace, barber carpet, vault-
ed ceiling, large master bedroom. Offered
at $158,900.
4BR/3BA newly constructed Mercedes
built home. Huge bonus room tool Land-
scaped yard and a great floor plan, Of-
fered at $395.000.
.3BR/2.5BA home. Outstanding coral rock
fireplace, granite counters, tongue and
grooved wood paneled ceilings, private
rear yard. great neighborhood and much,
much more. Offered at $650.000.
4BR/2BA brick home in popular River
Brook. Huge Master suite, large comer lot,
formal living, and dinlkng. Offered at
Upgraded home In San Pablo Circle,
3BR/2BA home w/spacious master suite.
Fenced back yard, large den, Immaculate-
ly maintained. Offered at $335,000.
Help-U-Sell Coastal Realty
335 Jacksonville Drive
Call: 904-241-4447
Free Weekly List

Sawgrass Custom of~~~
Beauty -r

Beautiful custom
built home on Guana
Preserve, I mile to
the ocean. 5 years
old, 4BR/4.5BA,
Saturnia and
hardwood floors,
backs up to Guana Preserve, approx. 5800 SF, 3
1/2 car garage a must see! $1,850,000

Carol Zingone

3BR/2BA MOBILE Home with land, on
San Pablo Rd. $145.000. 333-2749.

End unit w/fenced yard. 3BR/2.5BA,
1660-7 Beach Ave. 2150sf, beach access
across street. Kitchen Isle w/ceramic tile.
Wood burning fireplace, screened porch
w/deck. Single garage. $712,000 by
Owner 477-0102.
PONTE VEDRA -Seaside Community-
180 Crosscove Cir., 3BR/2BA, stucco
home, 1/2 mile to beach, 1716sf. +400sf.
screened porch. 71'x122' lot. Built in '93.
$384,900. No realtors. (904)233-8208.
countertops, 1250sf. Fireplace, 1-car ga-
rage, community pool. Walk to Ocean.
$269,000. 463-0505.
FSBO, OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, 1pm-
4pm. 4704 Marsh Hammocks Dr East.
Hammocks Subdivision (near Mayo).
3BR/2BA w/loft Lush, tropical landscape,
backyard water garden, upgraded kitchen
& master bath, tile & Pergo wood floors,
fireplace. just reduced to $287,900.
ATLANTIC BEACH, 3BR 2BA, 1 car ga-
rage. $180,000. Call 655-6168.
$1,200,000. 246-8267

PV BCH 2BR/ 2BA, $199.000. Grace Ellis.
All Pro Realty Specialisls. 655-7923 (cell).
PONTE VEDRA Beach Ocean Grove
2BR/1BA, beach access. $195,000. Call
JAX BEACH- Beach Terraces Like new
luxury 3/3 condo Ocean views $799,900.
Murphy Realty Corp. 536-9100.
Only 3 units in building. ALL OF TOP
i3rd) FLOOR. 1-1/2 blocks nonh of Sea
Turtle Inn $450,000. 881-9005.

out to ocean. 2004 complete renovation.
furnished or unlumished, covered parking,
pool. $950,000. Call 'for appointment
JAX BEACH- Jardin, 3/2, 1500sf.. garage
$253K. Owner/ Broker, Call Renee L.
Baron. Inc. (904)242-2821.
Maple cabinets, granite tops, hardwood
floors throughout, upgraded fixtures, stain-
less appliances, preserve view. 3rd floor.
$209,900. Broker/owrfer. 614-7777

Beach o.,

Walk to the beach, tennis
courts, basketball courts and
fabulous entertainment. .
Roy's, Bonefish, Starbucks Mak D iHwo
and Ckusers right around the corner $575.000. w 4/5oI-Oh
Call Mark at 591-6976 mdilworth@bellsouth.

Page 7B

Duplex lot at


AM, iZe INoGt- s

Don't miss this
immaculate home
a few short block
the sand. Apprx3
SF, 4 bedrooms,'
baths PLUS a hu
bonus room!
Hardwood floors, granite counters, new ma
bath, private outdoor shower, and much mo



- ----------- M.W-U MM la


,5, '* '

The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

April 19, 2006

PVB -UPSCALE designer furnilshed; PABLO WOODS, 3/2, 2 car gar w/ Florida
2BR/2BA toh tin a gated community room, Ig cul-de-sac lot Move in reaayi
w/staie of art amenities. $299,900. .$239,500.
i904)735-4466 *
JAX BEACH. NEWER 2BR/2BA., Many Poope Vedra 2/2 conoo End unit. no one
upgrades 1200st. 9ft ceilings w/fans, above you. Frplc vaulted ceilings totally
walk-in closet. kitchen appliances, remodeled, $331.500.
washer/dryer, terrace, fireplace. garage. Call Kirk Killebrew at 1904)463-1131.
Security system FSBO. $228,000. .- www.klllebrewrealrycoam
246-8775 SUMMERHOUSE AT Old Ponte Vedra.
2BR/2BA. 3RD lioor Grand Roierve, Bay; 1B/.BA.,550sf, diled througnoulnew ap-
hill model, 1200st, many upgra asner/dryer. AC, gaview 13grou900
179.900.904472-9864 (904)608-1730.

for under
cues earn

Absolutely huge
1/bedroom 2/bth
furnished condo a :
block from the ".
beach-. .Overlooks
the pOol and. has its i'
I own laundry, rorp Mark Dilworth
eluded. Qreat home, 904/591-6976
T'y. ,mdilwoith @bellsouth.net

... .. *

graded l o,
2 BR/2 BA, i1s floor
unit with granite
countertops. Rainfall
showprheads, 1"

ougi, all- new
ces! Priced befow appraisal at

: Carol Zingone

...'j,, i ..)rZ 'e.

Mayport area o r
office condos E. l
No otherproduct 1 A
l... ilike th"att ,

Own~~ ~ yoron ie!....

each?-i St oppdriing -
.to.. d A M
6nmig space.
Jiuts starting at Mark Dilworth
130,000,, 904/591-6976

it* *-* ''~




S-We're almost

__L full...

I. Come See

I n Why!

S1, 2 & 3 Bedroom

starting at $685

Walk to the Ocean,

Schools, &, Shopping

Clubhouse, 3 Pools, Balconies

( rner of Penman & Seagate)

.2 249-5611

New construction, 2BR/2BA Concierge
spa, pool. San Marco style. See al
www.valenclacondos corn Asking
$404.900 IDiscounted). 904-616-7975
JAX BEACH, Villas al Marshi Landing,
2BR/2BA w/garage. private entry, beautii-
lul views ol golf course. Priced to sell
$209,605 Lighlnouse Realty Asso., Mary
Kryzwick, Realtor. (904)347-4024.

condo End uni, in 5-slar complex. Living-
room wilreplace dining room, fully equip-
ped kitchen w/brand new appliances in.
cluding washer/dryer. 1st floor powder
room. 2BR!IBA on 2nd floor w/deck off
master bedroom Large closets Small
pels permined $995/mo. Contact Ronnie
at Explore Realty- email-
explorel23@bellsouth nel or (904)722-

FSBO- PVB condo. 2BR 2BA wi garage. JAX. BEACH EFFICIENCY. 20 Steps to
gollcourse views. $225,000. Beach, almost Oceaniront Available im-
(904)806-1202. mediately $625/mo + secunty, includes
waterisewer. 241-5251

siruction in Jax Beach/ PVB Beach
2BR/2BA, available lor closing in June
$382,900, 904.220-8676
3BR/2BA ground floor Fully turnisned 8
ready for your Summer at ine Beach.
Pool patio Slilt undiscovered "Seapiace'
is the best value at the Beahn $398,500.
Owner/agent, (904)247.1049 608-4325.
www VRBO.com/24978 www cyberren.

HANNA PARK. Like new, 3BRi2BA sin.
gle. 1215si, w/carpon. deck all GE kilcn
en, CH&A, washer/dryer, new carpel
Many upgrades. Financing available Re
becca, 246-7684.

RENT VS. Ownit What makes rore
sense5? Brand new orlice condos, con
creie construction, at Ine beach, staning
al $1300000Let us show you ihe dirter
ence. You can own your own ortice Cal
Mark at Tne Dilwortn Realty Group o
Vanguard GMAC. 591-6976

OCEAN. 2-BLOCKS. 2BR,/1BA, $950,mo
215 8th Ave. North, J.B 241-8269.
JAX BEACH Apartment. 2BR1iBA. Newly
renovated. ,'Washeridryer. Oulet area,
available now. $875tmo4 deposll. 201
North 9th SI 246-9162 (3#1

covered parking, WDHU. $775.mo in-
cludes waier, elecIric. 'basic cable, much
more. $500/dep. Tom 616-3580.

Furnished 3BR;2.5BA, porch Lease. No
pets. 280-9018
ATLANTIC, BEACH. 1BR uSl steps lo
ocean Convenien area $1000,lOOO'mo.. A
Souih.Realry, ?41.4.141.

1BR 1 BA. ground Itoor unit w/new applian-
ces. 9 monin minimum $900,mo Call
Grace 612-1089

2BR/1BA. screened porch, hIreplace
WDHU, CH&A. $750.mo (9041891-0606
or (352)478-2161

SOUTH JAX Beachl 1 block to ocean.
cJie, clean, 3BR/2BA garage, screened
porch. 115 33rd Ave Sounh $1500-mo.

JACKSONVILLE BEACH 1 blk to ocean. NEPTUNE BCH 3BR/2BA nome Newly
2BR IBA, $785,mo (9041891-0606 0o renovated overlooking me maish. 2033
1352)478-2161. Marsrpoinit Rd $1450/mo. Call 891-0647

PVB, 212 wm garage. $1250/mo 6m,.'s
lease Refs. 1904)766-3462.
JAX BEACH 2BR,1BA. CH&A carpeled
painted, WDHU. no pels, 246-0576
JAX BEACH townhouse. 187 South 8th
Ave. 2 blocks to Ocean, 2BR,2.5BA.
1500sl. 1-car garage, no pels S1350-mo.

JAX BEACH Townhome 3BR/2 5BA.
2100s1, w/appliances 832 9th Ave Souitn,
Available June 1st $1549,mo 993-9601
for appt.

IMOBILE HOMES. $500 10 $550, on pri-pe
vale lots. INear Maypon Naval Sation, no 2BR 1BA WDHU. n24 kng, n pe93
dogs, 333-5579 $850,'mo, 5001dep 247-1935

NEP BCH, east ol 3rd Huge 2/2, ceramic
iHie, porcr. fenced yard. parking lor lour.
WDHU, CHA $985/mo. sec. 247-3191
UPSTAIRS 1BR/1BA 1016 Normn 1st St.
Jax Beach $825,'mo 280-7776.
ATLANTIC BEACH Studio garage apt
near ocean No pels! $675mo. Anl South
Realvty. 2 -1-4141

WOLF CREEK ICW. brand new 3BR.'
2 5BA garage. 1700sl. clubhouse, pool.
washer ,'dryer ncl., $1395'mo. Reallor
owned 994-3608
JAX BEACH. East ol 3rd. 3BRI'BA apan-
ment 2 12 blocks to ocean washer/dryer.
CH&A. $1140'mo. 821-9751.or 803-3099

2BR,'1BA APT. JAX BEACH newly reno-
saled w'asmer dryer, quiet area, availa-
ible now $875 mo deposll. 201. N. 9th
Sr 246-9162 131#)
2BR,..5BA TOWNHOME Washer/ Dryer,
walk to ocean. Available 5'15, 6mo. or lyr
lease. No pets. $1100/mo. 904-242-8586
HEAR PONTE Vpdra 1 block beach. Best
area, quite, sale residenUtal neighborhood.
2BR 1BA, lower duplex, new carpet, ile &
pailnl CH&A, washer.' dryer included, no
smoking, no pels. $980'mo.. lease depos:
II 993-1118.
JAX BEACH 2BR,1BA, 2 Blocks to
OCEAN. CH&A. $850,mo. 401 South 2nd
Street 616.2871
NEW COZY 1BR, deck w/ocean view.
CH&A Waler, sewer, garbage included.
Credit check. No pels. $750/mo. 514-8530
NEPTUNE BCH. near ocean. Clean, nice
1BR api w, garden atrium. 5750/mo
Avail. soon spacious 2BR. 247-1417.
LARGE 1BR, excellent locatorr, 2 blocks
'to Ocean. very clean. No pets. $675/mo
642-1214 241-1219. i

S tockion., ATradirion Sinc 188-i

$ 750' 801 Deerfield Lakes.' Adantic Beach 2/2 1400
$ 850 516 Belleza' Ponie Veda 1/1 755
$ 850 202-4E Villa del Mar Ponte Vedra 1/ 700.
$1050 234 BeUeza Ponie Vedra 2/2 1100o
$1150 108 The Founmains Ponte Vedra 2i1.5 1400
$1300 1027 BeUeza Ponie Vedra 2/2 1100'
$1300, 403 Tournament Road Ponte Vedra/Fairufield 2/2 1200
i$130b' 2 rhe Fouritains Ponte Vedra 3/2 5 1510
.$1350' 125:The Fountains Ponie Vedra. .3/2 1700'.
11400 63 Tifloni oC e N'6rh Pc.nie \'edra/Sawgrass CC 3/2 1.800.
$1500 13832 Tropical Terrace Jax Beach 3/2 1650
$1500 811 Ocean Links Ponie Vedra 3/2 1600
$1600 67 Fisherman Coae Ponie \edra'Sav,gras. CC 2/2.. 1450
S1600, 1604 Ocean Pond Court. Jax Beach 3/2 5 1657

If6,5" '3'J7C'arlemnagne FiddleL'i.MarSh/PV 3/2 1650
.$1700. 4448 Pebblebrook Dnve JaA/RijcitrL(A .'.Gcn Kcman 3/2 1860
$2000 3343 Lightihouwe Poiie Ldne Jax'Beach 3/3 2144 ,
$2000 2001 Windjammer Lna South Ponie Vedra 3/3.5 + oft 3009
$2200 637 Bonaare Circle Jax Beach/Oce'an Cay 4/ 2194
$2200 529 Sunset Dri'e Ponte Vedia 3/2 5 2900
$2200 534 Momingside Dnve Ponte Vedra 4/2.5 2400
$2300 109 Gardema Avenue Ponie Vedra/Fairfield, 4/2- 2400
$2500 11'7 Deer Coae Drive P.:.ne \'cdri/Ma-h Lading 4/2 5 2000
$2600 9910 Preston Trad Portc \cdra/Sa-grjia CC 3/2 5 2900
$2700 806 Nletropohian Ja Beach 3/2 1756
$2900 12907 Hunilen Mnorir Dne.J.e. Gulf & Counitr Club 5/4 3764
$2900 .1316 Turle Dunes CI South Ponte Vedra 5/41. 3800
$3000 408 Berkman Plaza Ja.vD.:.. nto n Rierlroni 2/2+loht 2100
.mU il1I MIIj

$1350 The Fountains
$1400 Beach Club Villas
$100/.wk :!ll. S'P..ilt Vkkja iSPEi'LL kATE
1I l0i0/s\ k The Retreat
$2000 Vista Del' Mar
$2400' 171" Ave' North n /pool
$2400 444 La Reserv Circle
$2500 117 Deer Cove Drive
$2500/%t k 728 Oceanfront
$2600 534 Moroingside Dnve
$2700/Ayk 2S24 Coastal HwN
$3000 562 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
$3500 The Cloistie.
$3600 191 12" Sueetl 3mr. rin
$3900/s% k 347 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
$40)00 408 Berk-man Plaza

Ponte Vedra 3/2 1700
Sas ,grass Beach Club Eff 600
S. Ponie Vedra 4/2.5 2100
Ponie \edra/'Oceanfront 2/2 1600
la\ Beach/Oceanside 3/2 .1700
lax Beach 3/1.5 1500
Ponie Vedra/L' Atnum 2/2-i-office 1600
Marsh Landing 4/2 5 2000
Neprun,: BejchiOcjanftro.n 3/2 5 wlg r mi 2600

Ponie Vedra 4/2 5
Vilano Beach/Oceanfront 6/4
Ponie Vedra 3/1.5
Atlantic Beach 3/2
i Atlantic Beach 4/3
Ocean'riotPoool 3/3.5
Ja..'Dc. nlrim c RRcrlrtortn 2/2-iloft

$5500 1931 Beach Avei 3mo mmn Atlantc Beach


"Other furnished properties also available
Daily, Weekly and Monthly."'
Call today to book your'next vacation!!
228 Ponte Vedra Park Dr. Suite 500.
.Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
(904) 285-2882


NEPTUNE BEACH. 3BR/2BA, 1750sf;i
hardwood floors, 4 blocks to Beach. Lot;.
70'x100'. 412 South Street. $1275/mo,:
McGuire Mortgage, 246-9915
$1095/MO. 241-1103 OR 514-5449.
PONTE VEDRA Beach, Sawgrass,.
TPC. 3BR/2BA tence, fireplace,
washer'aryei garage, peis OK.
$1350,mo 16781488-4595, t770)592-5343
JAX BEACH, 1036 14tn Ave North.
4BR/2BA, ceramic tile, WDHU $1350/mo.

OCEAN VIEW Neplune Bcn, Upscale Ga. 1450 CRABAPPLE COVE' CT.' S..
rage ApI 2BR.'1 5BA. lurnished. $1500/mo. 2200sf., 4/2/2 (Lease option
$1575.'mo Call 891-0647 tor details $285K) Rainbow Propenies. 993-7908,
288 1SEA to stry T2Main96.0A

2BR 1 5BA two- story TH Main Si, AB
$800 mo. 249-3432
21 I ownnouse WO included. CH'A. ce-
ramic lile, approx 900Si. 404 13ith Ave S.
Jax Bcn No pets $825'mo. 1,825/sec
dep 1904i343-9908
Condo 5i-Illooi. wood floors. beautiful
place and view underground parking.
pool. storage, secure building $1500 mo
plus deposit Subletiing from' May 1li 1s
ovember 1st Call Jim (904'68"-8204
CH/A. WDHU. East ot 1si SI $795-
$1195.'rno. 4151 Tradewinds 4 BR waier
riont $1500 mo. 241-7368. 733-3730
JAX BEACH. 4 Blocks io Ocean
IBR/1BA Apartment, $550'mo 220 41r.
Shreel So i9041891 0606. 13521478-2161
GORGEOUS 2BR'1BA beach collttage tIo
cated al 214 South St Neptune Bch.
Beautilullv renc,,aied to include all new
kitchen, bath, carpeting laundry room.
CH&A, and much more. Fenced back
yard, storage garage, 1.5 blogk i beach.
$1395/mo., '$1396 security deposit At-so-
lulely no smoking, no petel 246-8911
renovated. New kitchen & bans. 1739 istl
Street North. Jax Beach 2BR'3:5BA.
3 large Oceanlront decks 1-car garage
$2500. urnis-sed. $2200 'unrurnished
227 HOPKINS Sr., NB. Lg 2BR 2BA scr
porch wasner dryer inl $1100'r io Peis
considered. 247-7550 or 612-0080
2BR'1BA, CH&A. beauituily iled. No
pets. 810 2nd Ae Nc.nh $750 rmo Credil
.chepk. 992.0088. 333-1822.' .
*Townhouse. i850.,mo. 1 mile west of May-
pon ferry .733-5225, 241-RENT
in Neptune Beacn Two lull bamt. CH&A.
dishwasher new carpet and tile,
screened balcony overlooking park
$800'mo. +deposit. No pets. 249.6150

NEPTUNE BCH- clean new carpel.
2BR/1.5BA duplex, CH&A, dishwasher
ceiling plans, WDHU. lenced back yard
wrupper.deck. No 'pets.- 815, mo. $750
security deposit, 2208 .Marsh Point Rad.
Credit check and references required
w/$25 noh-relundable appibcaiion fee.
SUNNY BRAND new 2BR'2BA. corner
townnome in PVB includes B.eacrn ac-
cess, pool, tennis, gym overlooks golt
course. Must see $1500.'ro

B-:,al lit, dock, deck, pool, 4BR/3S A
wehome gym pool able washer/oryer.
huge Florida room. mother.in-law suine.
Beautlul landscape $3000/mo including
pool & yard maintenance. 223-6850.
3BR/3BA home w.coonus room on lake in
Marsh Souridi Comm pool! $1975/mo.
All Soutn Realty, 24-1-4141.
PONTE VEDRA- East of AIA.. 3/2. ol-
lice. 2000sl 2 car garage. Courryard
pool. lawn.pool service included Pels OK.
$1900,mo Avail mid-May. 1904)703-0242..
ATLANTIC BEACH 12 mile to ocean-'
3BE ;BA. ail hardwood floors, large back
yard. $1400,'mo., no smoking, no pets.
JAX BEACH Souin. 822 14th Ave Comn-
piliely remodeled. 3BR/2BA. CH&A,
washer'dryer. No pets $1300/mo.
HAMPTON SOUTH. St. John's County,
New home. 4BR/2BA on lake and ,golt
course,. all appliances, washeridryer.
blinds, granite counter lops. Community
amenities. 1165 Garrison Drive',
$1600mo, Realty Execuaves 273-3939,
1 MILE o1 Beach $1500/mo. 3BR/2 5BA
nome. 2 car garage on cul-de-saci
Ig Vard. wood deck, privacy lence.
Call Amy 786-205-1631 or emai:-
macs@adelphia net
JAX BEACH, 3BR'2BA, in quiet neighbor'
nood. 1100'mo All South Realty,
WDHU. lenced yard, no, pels.,S1050/lin6
plus dep Avail May 1st ?49-4159 or

1BR IBA Fireplace, pool. poner service!
$800.rro. Call 1904)616-7975
w.52' balcony. $1900/mo: 733-4095:
854-0030. 708-0905 .4i
JAX BEACH, Awesome Oceanfront.;6th
floor, 3BR/2BA "All appliances,. Idle,, pool.
No per's 51700'mo 17271686-'1708. ',
$1800'mo. + dep. 247-2333 -. :I
THE VILLAS 2BR,2BA, garage, porck,.
grc.und ltor, pool, elc $1050/m6'
233-3545 .

NEPTUNE BCH 2BR 1BA;,cenrral A1CSPINNAKER 1BRiBA elegantly tumish-
WDHU, no dogs, water mcl. $950'mo plus ed. steps to ocean, garage, $1800/mo.
deb. 463-0222 or 249-3419 708401800
NEPTUNE BEACH. 1-block trom ocean. PN
Ericiency. 600/mo includes some uiit- PONTE VEDRA, Ocean Links. 2BR'2BA,
.es Reallor'Owner, 514-4229 aner 5pm. oo200all amenies $1100,Im
(90)4 728-2003 "'

38 ,i,.PE.A y1R
r2BR2BA- apanrne.i-nt ,' D P). .-W.YJ
CH&A. 1012 N tist 'Si'. jB.'$sloomc
JAX BEACH, 3 blacks to beach. 1BR/IBA.'
WDHU, carpet. ceramic ign'l'& bright
Must See! 325 15th Ave N.'#3 l1o sNmok
ing, no pets. $600/mo. Accent Propenies.
JAX BEACH 1 dIocK to ocean. tabutous
remodeled 2BR CH/A no dog., $895/mo
BEAUTIFUL 2BRi2BA 3 blocks-t6 Ocean,
Neptune Beach WDHU. $850,,mo No
pets 19041742.6423

ward Lane. $1250/mo. includes iawnr.care
ATLANTIC BEACH, 2 blocks to ocean
and town center 2TR/3BA townhome
New appliances, ile, hrardwoo'd and car-
pet, elecrirc replace, 1800s1. peneci
condition. no pets $175C0/mo deposit.
includes utilities and yard service. 312 2nd
Stieel 'Call 591'-4349
3BR/2BA home witn huge great room, tire.
place. liled kitchen, bains-2-car garage.
Lease w/option to purchase $1299/mo

PONTE VEDRA 1 block io Ocean. Ocean
breezes 4BR/3BA, 2-car. bonus,
$2500/mo.- 707-7000:- .
4-BLOCKS TO Ocean 1BR'IBA. all tile
$699/mo.+ deposit. 405 Lower 8ih Ave
Soutfih 534-2120-.
3BR 2BA 1-story house. 1850si, w,' 2BR
1BA garage unit, CH/A, WDHU. blinds.
carpet, ig Florida room carport la yard,
$2000/mo, $1000'dep 347 3rd SI. All
Bch. 241 -2624

uc.i~ii gcn-64ew1. lake, alt. amenti-es -Every.
ring new'-S11q5,'md 285.444..'t. X". M .
4 MILES Irom ocean, brand new. 3/2cn
do. pool view. $1200/mo. 1'2 mo.'-free
rent Call 994-1329. -
SUNNY. BRAND new 1BR/1BA condo in
PV includes: beach access, pool. tennt*s
gym. overlooks tennis courts Must see! -
$i800/m-in. 9041571-5517. ""
inh Inracoasial Waterway. 3,4BR 3.5BA-
approximaiely 2700sl. w/marna view-Re-
sort style living. live among millionaires!
S2500'mo Includes 1-car garage wa.tr,'
sewer, cable, pool. spa, clubhouse, healji
club, Marina Walk. galed dommrlhity.
w'waier. Marsh and marina views. Availa-
ble April. 40' oat slip also availaibe,.' all'
now. 463-2845.
great view. new, appliances, $1200/mo.,
Visir websile www.geocilies com/pvo05. *-
1904'i686-0068. ;' ,: r t
PONTE VEDRA, Summer House. 1BIS ,all
new w/pool. lines, spa, concierge, mary,
amenities. 1875'mo. Pets welcome
2BRi2BA. OCEANLINKS, Ponie Vedra,
walking d.siance Irom EVERYTHING.
$1150/rro 285-0416 .' ;
PVB- SUMMER 'House' luxurious 2BR
2BA end unit Brand new, 5-slar ameni-
lies, beachside 41th monin th ee. 318-91,.1,

PVB- OCEAN Grove Condo. 3BR/2BA
w'garage, ist iloor. renovated. new appli-
ances, pool, new ilness center Beach ac-
cess. No Pe p $1400/mo. 904-318-7500, :
ATLANTIC BEACH Cloister Condor
3BR/2BA. 1900sl.al a menitlies, all appli
ances including washer/dryer. 219-2481.-

PVB -THE Colony Walk to beach owner,
WEST BEACHES, 1276 Broad Wing. ,ioivated, 2BR, 2BA. 2nd Iloor, high carI-.
4BR/2BA. executive brick home ,ngs, new. carpet, W!D +FP., garager
$1395/mo. VIP Realty 962-6190. Avail immed. $1195/mo. 635-6375.

'ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA, spacious
lot in Selva' Marina' area. Large modern
kiicnen w/new Iriage & dishwasher Living
room fireplace. Attached 1-car garage,
WDHU, tencea yard. CH&A. 117001mo
Call Bob (904 63.1-6268
2BR/1.5BA TOWNHOUSE, ceramic tile
Iloors. CH&A, laundry room pai. o lenced
yard, 1 yr lease, no pels, $950 deposit,
$950/mo..615 7hn Ave S., Jax Bch
993,1114 or 270-1284
JAX BEACH,-.3BR/IBA, close to ocean
$1095/mo All Souln Realty, 241.4141

PONTE VEDRA Beach Cottage beautiful'
brand new 3BR/2BA in the much sought]
aher Summer House. Beachaccess'5 star
amenities, opening soon. $1385/mo. Call
Linda. 904-662,6361.
PVB 2BR/2BA newly remodeled, fiVe
slar, gollcourse. replace, $1095/mo.

PALMS AT Marsh Landing- 2BR/2BA
available Beautiul upgraded unit, lake
view, tirepiace, vaulted ceiling; garage,
$1150/mo. Call 904-613-7605. TMI Real,
Estatero uprnn I I C

ATLANTIC BEACH. 3BR/2BA home lust .- '" ..
blocks to beach l$1550,mo All South Re- PVB. 2BR/2BA, wilirepiace, new applian-.
ally, 241.4141 ces, washer/dryer, many amenities
IMTRDAPOATAI ,WErT 10,',1A home $950/mo. 472-0914 ..

w/garage on quiet cultie-sac. $1150,'mo
All South Really 241-4141
2BR/3BA ofbice, sunroom 2.5 blocks 10
beacn, 6 blocks to town center Furnisned/
unturnisned. $2300/mo 241-0493.
OLD ATLANTIC Beach 3BR/1 BA. walK to
beach, Town Center. renovated.
$1280/mo includes water. 904 704 -1828
ATLANTIC BEACH 330 First Si Newly
Remodeled 4BR/3BA 2-blocks to Ocean
& Town Center. $1750,mo 249-0767.
318-0044. .
PVB, EAST of A1A, 3/2.5, very clean, pri-
vate backyard w/heated pool and spa.
$2150,mo. 280-5707
7971 MOUNT RAINIER, $1500/mo. GAT-
ED COMMUNITY, 3/2/2. Rainbow Proper-
ties. 993-7908, 249-9600
in Villages ol Pablol Comm pool, tennis &
more. $1200/mo. All South Realry, 241.
THE SANCTUARY 3BR/2BA w/2 car in
gated community One owner home in ex.
celleni condition Periect tor relocating
professionals. Pool, tennis courts, nature
trail. Convenient to everything. Call Chris
al 904-813-9566. Lic. RE Broker.
SOUTH JAX Beach 3BRI 1 5BA Car-
port, fenced. Available 4/15 New carpel.
tile, cabinets, bain, fixtures. CH/A. WDHU.
$1550/mo.+ deposit. 398-0232

PONTE VEDRA ocean grove completely,
renovated 1BR/1BA. screened porch, lake-
view, galed community, $850/mo. Availa-
ble June 1 Susan 1904)514-7150.
OCEAN GROVE. 3BR/2BA, garage,'
all amenities. Reduced, $1495/mo.-
1'414)202-9598. .Ir
THE PALMS 1BR/lBA, many upgrades,
near tennis & pool, private wetlands view,.,
wasner/dryer, $875/mo. Garage available:.
Free Rent- Better Deal. 2BR/ 2BA cOrner
unit. 2nd floor TH, W/D. FP, amenities.'
Avail now. $1225/mo 635-6385.
PONTE VEDRA Summer House. New
2BRi2BA. 5 star amenities. Great locatiorili
Bottom floor unit $1100/mo. +depositL
PVB -MARSH COVE. A perfect
2BR/2.5BA TH. W/D, FP, amenities.
1200si. $1095.'mo 635-6375
TPC SAWGRASS. 3BR/2.5BA.. garage,
vaulted ceilings, replace, comm. pool,
galed community. $1500/mo 285-4618.
PVB. Ocean Grove, Beach access Alt
new 2BR/2BA. downstairs includes
garage. On Lake Must rent $1100/mo.
1300sf. 2-story Town Home, $1200/mo.,
full concierge service, all new appliances,
completely renovated. (904)476-3000.

Pa 8RB

- ;Lr -


' Unfurnished Home's L'atrium PV 3BR/2BA SFH, porch Unfurnished Condos
Ponte Vedra by the Sea- PV' w/jiacuzzi. lake view, fireplace, comm. pool, Summerhouse -.PV -
"5BR/3.5BA, fabulous home, 3 cargarage. garage. $1600/mo. Nely renovated, new carpet, baths"
fenced backyard, screened porch. Beach Walk SPV 2BR/2BA. home has kitchen, tile, replace, walk to shops, great
$2950/mo. screened porch, wood deck on lagoon. bch Istfloor.850/mo
The' Grove PV 4BR/3BA; .home on access. '1500/moV IBR/IBA, Villa. $875/mo
private lot w/preserve views, hardwood Las Palmas PV 3BR/2BA duplex u/new 2BR/2BA, Ist floor. $1050/mo.
floors. three car garage. $2700/mo. carpet. new kitchen, garage, fresh paint. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor. $1195mo.
SMarsh View SPV 4B.R/4BA. $1300/mo. 2BR/2BA, furnished. $1495/mo.
Furnished Homes Palms at Marsh Landing JB
SOceanviews, tile oors. 2000/mo. The Colony PV 2BR/2BA ground floor. Screened porch. tile floors
" 4BR/4BA. End unit w/elevator. 2800 sqf. garage. fireplace. east of A1A. $1500/mo. IBR/IBA. 2nd floor, Intracoastal views. ,
beach access, attached garage. $2200/mo. Ocean Grande SPV 3BR/3BA. Condo, $900/mo
Summerfield PV 3BR/2BA. spacious luxuriously furnished, screened porch, across 3R/2BA. 1st floor, end unit. $1285/mo.;
z home in walking distance to schools & from ocean. $3000/mo. Villas atMarsh Landing JB
Z, beach. $2200/mo. Intracoastal West IBR/IBA, 2nd floor garage. $875/mo
Vilano Walk SPV 4BR/3.5BA. newer Avanti Kernan IBR/IBA, 2nd floor w/ -BR/2BA, 1st floor, garage. $1050/mo.
two story, across from ocean, light & screened porch. S850/mo. Ocean Links PV
bright, garage. $1800/mo. 2BR/2BA. 2nd floor condo. all appliances, 2BR/2BA, ground floor. $1100/mo.
38 17th Street AB 3BR/2.5BA. great ameruies. $945/mo. 2BR/2BA, condo has garage, fireplace,
townhouse, 1/2 block to ocean, quiet The Seasons ,1 Kensington Kernan 2BR/ porch. golf course views. $1200/mo.
I neighborhood. private patio, remodeled. 1t.BA. t1 o story, end unit, tiled screened
S1800/mo. porch. comm. pool. $995/mo. RE/IMALX COASTAL REAL ESTATE S
S Quail Point PV 3BR/3BA. Home has Montreux Touchton 2BR/2BA, ground Shannon Smith
screened porch decks, wood floors, golf floor condo, screened porch on lake, light and (904) 285-5640
Course :'ews. $1700/mo. bright. $1100/mo. www.rentthebeaches.com
courSe viers. Sl700/mo.
S!I-! ;rz -S -!S -'f111 -S 1' 11 01- 1:'I!1- II!IS I!01,IS Er S ;rSr1e e eI, or r I 1 5r I!e r e1 ;r Sr11r se








The Beaches Leader/ Vedra Leader

fruII. .7,uuL, -- --U--U ---

1BR/1BA. O block to beach, laundry free,
pool. pets OK. $950/mo. 477-4640
PVB- THE Belleza, lBR 1BA, luxury
amenities, gym & tanning bed, $850/mo.
Call 318-91 4.
Condo, 5th-floor, wood floors, beautiful
place and view, underground parking,
pool, storage, secure building, $1500/mo.
plus deposit Subletting from May 1st to
November 1st. Call Jim (904)687-8204.
$1300/mo, 2br/2ba $1050/mo 1BR/1BA,
Beautiful, newly renovated, many ameni-
ties Available now. garage $100. Realty
Execullves, 273-3939 610-6460.

OCEANFRONT, 1 or 2BR furnished con-
dos. weekly or monthly (904)463-7343.
nished homes & condos From $500 per
week! All South Realty. 241-4141

4BR/4BA, weekly, monthly, yearly. Call
homes Weekly/monthly. Visit us at:
jaxbeachrenlal.com or 535-3911 or
S. JAX Bcn. 2BR, lully furnished, ocean-
front condo Monthly/ Weekly. 241-0267.
ATL BCH 3BR house, beautifully lurnisn-
ed, walk to ocean. $1650/mo. 993-3226. ,.

snare, South.J B. Private BR/BA. Parking,
pool $8p0/mo+ 1/2 utilities. All amenities
247-8338, 994-9499.

FILE NO."2006CP0612i
The administration ol tne estate of EU-
whose date of death was February
3,2006, is pending in the Circuit Court for
DUVAL County. Florida. Probate Division.
the address of which is 330 E. Bay Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202. The names and
addresses of the personal representative
and the personal representative's anorney
are set forth below.
All creditors of the decedent and other
persons having claims or demands
against decedent's estate on whom a
copy ot Ihis notice is required to be served
must file Iheir claims with this court WITH-
All other creditors ol the decedent and
other persons having claims or demands
against the decedent's estate must Ile
their claims with' Ihis Court WITHIN '3

ROOMMATE, SHARE House. $525/mo. The date of the first publication of ihis No-
includes utilities. 3 miles to Beach. Call lice Is April 121h, 2006,
2212 6.

NICE 4/BR house w/pool and lenced back
yard $600/mo Includes utilities and satel-
lte TV. 568-8700. .
PONTE VEDRA Beach.. Roommates.
$525/mo.+ 1/3 utilities eacn. No smoking/
No pels. Call 7pm-9pm 501-0959.
SHARE 4BR 2BA house, $300 rent with

Attorney for Personal Representative .
/s/L'E. ,TAYLO.R
, Attorney,fbr.LARRY L; DOBSON
'Florida Bar No, 134867
PO. Box 490208
Leesburg, Florida 34749-0208
Telephone: (352)787-1440

utilities, $100/del. No drugs. 537-2057- personal Represenave
Personal' Representailve

the Intracoaslal Waterway. 3/4BR, 3.5BA,
approximately 2700sf. Resort style living.
live among millionaires Looking for 2
roommates' 1 @ $800/mo. & 1 @
$1000/mo. with a master suite. Includes
all utilities, cable,, pool; spa. health club.
Marina Walk, gated community w/water,
,marsh and marina views. Available now.
40'. boat 'slip also available. Call now,

CH&A, W/D, newly renovated. 1.5 blocks
toObeach. Avail. May 20. $575/mo.

PRIVATE ROOM w/balh,.all utilities, ca-
ble,-$500/mo. No smoking. 725-0540.

SOUTH JAX Beach, 500sf, new painr,'
new carpel, $962/mo, ulllities included,
384 B 151h Ave. South. 241-3293.
OFFICE/RETAIL, Jax Beach, 400sl 'or
800sf.. 3rd Street frontage. 246-0576.
1235SF ON 3rd Street, Jax Beach. 2 bath-
rooms Custom 'built. Reception area, cus-
tom cabinets, wetr bar. Water & sewer fur-
nished. 246-1036. '
TWO LAWYERS offices, new, upscale,
shared space, Ig.conf. room, etc. iricl.
electricity. security, I $1250/mo. or'
$850/mo. -.--- e-mail:
stortupe@fortunelegal.com '' .'; '1
JAX BEACH- Storefront. Less than
S1.00/sf. :(900sf.) Great location.
246-0444, 280-9407.
LARGE 1 room healthcare office Share
common areas, bathrooms, office manag-
er, ample parking, 3rd Streetl, Neptune
Bch.'241 0666.
OWN YOUR own office space, boat/
barge w'5 built in work stations on ICW at
Palm Cove Marina Great lax wrile off.
$65,000 OBO Call Guy at 904-614-7740.

ATLANTIC BEACH. Free standing office/
commercial/ retail building. shop. commer-
cial Iol & warehouse space. Starting at
$500/mo. Free rent (904)514-1090.
for special events, lull kitchen and rest-
rooms. Great for graduation parties, meet-
ings'& family reunions. Call 285-5347.
NEPTUNE BEACH, 2113 Florida Blvd.
Greal office building, plenty of parking, on
twolois. 3450sf, 993-4011
3500SF COMMERCIAL Building. New
construction. avail soon. 514-1090.
lease, 3629sl. Office included. Large park-
ing lot. beachside of intracoastal.
1770)929-1721, (678)525-0854.

3315 Flagship Avenue
Tavares, Florida' 32778
BL 04/12,04/19/06

found Monday Apnl 101h 7am in Atlantic
Beach. Call Ellen to identity at 472-6262.

IF YOU are Interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033'or
email: classified@beacnesleaaer.com
EARN DEGREE online from home. Medi-
cal, Business, Paralegal. Computers.
Criminal Justice Job placement. Compul-
er provided. Financial aid II quality.
LEARN to paint and decorate Inem. For
more information call Mrs Laraine E.
Snort at 285-0646 or email agourdpaint-
er@aol com or Mr Roy G Cosselmon at
246-7783. member ol NEFGS.
Ail levels, styles & ages Will come o10 your
home Piano Tuning also available
241-4954. 655-3300

your driving career Offering courses rn
CDL A One tuition lee! Many payment op-
honsl No regstirairon fee! (8881808-5947
inflo @americasEdrvingacademy.com

PART-TIME NANNY needed for 4 yr old
rwins, PVB area, experience necessary.
non-smoking 2-3 days per week 859-
$ $ $
Venus Retail store located in the Si Jons
Town Center is looking for Pan-Time
Sales Associates. Meet, Greet, and assist
customers. Must be able to work nights
and weekends. Great merchandise dis-
counts. Call Cathy @ 645-6000 prompt 3.
We take applications In'our lobby at 11711
Marco Beach Drive, Reftail experience, a
plus. EOE.

dra 15-20hrs /week Semi-Ilexible sched-
ule. Need: references, transportation.

Energetic. flexible, multi-task person. Reli-
able transportation a must. 6pm-10:30pm,
or later. Call Debbie after 2pm 285-3400,
ext. 3352

RELIABLE HELPER for Moving Company
in Jacksonville Beach 249-9395,
in person.' Giovanni's, 1161 Beach Blvd..
Jax Beach. 249-7787.

PLAINTIFF Class-D I cense. experience relptul,

C.' # 2006-93'


TQ: Durward Edward Brown IV
You hdve been mace a Defendant
in the suit filed in this Counrt by Anne
Campbell Harris, Plaintiff, seeking a di-
vorce.' Defendants other than you in this
action are none.
You are required to mail or hand
deliver a written response to The Com-
plaint filed against you in this action Io
Scon J. Pintard, attorney for 'Plaintiff,
whose post office address is Post Office
Box 1065, Natchez, Mississippi 391121,
and whose streei'address is 207 South
Commerce Street, Naichez Mississipsspi
39120. YbOU ", tPONSE-'MUST BE
You must also file the original of
your response with the Clerk of this Counr
'within a reasonable lime aherward
Issued under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this the 24th day ol
March, 2006.

Chancery Clerk of Adams County,
By. /s/ Glenda Abbott D. C.
Debbi Vanier
Assistant to Scott J. Pintard
Pintard & Pintard
207 South Commerce Street
Post Office Box 1065
Natchez, Missisipi 39121
BL 4/12, 4/19, 4/26/06

The kennel alternative Providing conven- HOLD '"NEIGHBOR TO. NEIGHBOR
ienlt reliable care for your pets at your BEACHSIDE CHAT" MEETINGS AT 7:00
len, ciuiaror your peas .you PM IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS'
home while you are away. Reasonable PM IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS
rates. references. For more information THROUGHOUT THECITY.
call: deds Rosarius. 241-8967. License -...I will invite those Commissioners inter-
Bonaded. 'ested in joining me to reach out further to
BIRDS WANTEDIII Will give good home all citizens by visiting with those of you in
to unwanted birds. 372-9338. your neighborhoods who wish to visit with
us at neighbor ,o neighbor beachside
PET SITTING at your home, walk and chats. There are Issues unique to EACH
bath. Sara241-3627. part of our'City, By receiving emails,
'-Q.......-.-, _- ,. ........ phone calls, letters.'letters to Ihe editors,
and vistlls to Commission meetings we
JW i' hear from' those who are willing to speak
FULL-BLOODED CHOCOLATE Lab pup- out. There are many of you who are more
pies. 8 wks. old. Call 655-1526, 707-0742. comfortable talking In person and in famili-
PUREBREDen AUSTRAIAN dCatItdog ar surroundings, however, your concerns
PUREBREED AUSTRALIAN Cattledog j Important i is important ihai
Matpes P300 Femalso $t. B eaudtu c 06 we hear from Ihose citizens willing to talk
Males $300 Females 350. Beautiful col- with us about these concerns.. "MAYOR
oring' markings. sweet, healthy, intelligent. DON WOLFSON
1904)829 2777
HOMELESS PETS tor adoption- Cats & Monday, May 1. 2006, Donner Park. 2072
dogs 246-3600. George Streel Commissioner Borno

FREE JOB Posltngsi FREE Resume
Postingsl hnp:,'/Jobs711 .corn
HUNT ELK, Red Slag. Buffalo, Whitelail,
Boar. Our season- now August 25, 2006-
Marchn 31. 2007. Boar all year Guaran-
teed license. $5 00 -we have a no-gamer
no-pay policy Days (3141209-9800; eve-
nings (314)293-0610.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email- classified@ beachesleader corn
another 26 years.

DIVORCE $275-$350. Covers children,
etc. Only one signature required Excludes
govt. leesI Call weekdays 1800)462-2000
f exi 600 l8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC.
Eslablisned 1977.
ARRESTED? ALL criminal defense felon-
es, misdemeanors, state or federal charg-
es, parole, probation, DUI. traffic tickets.
Bond reduction. Private anorneys slate-
wide, 24 hours A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342..
ALL PERSONAL injuries- Accident,
wrongful death, auto, motorcycle, truck.
Premise. Product slip & fall Pedestrian,
animal bites A-A-A Attorney Referral
Service (800)733-5342. 24 hrs. 100's of
lawyers statewide.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Oceanside Church
ol Christ, 1025 Snug Harbor Cl Mayor
Pro Tern Waters

Wednesday. May 3. 2006 Jordan Park.
1671 Francis Avenue Commissioner
Thursday. May 4. 2006. Adele Grage Cul-
lural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd.- Commis-
stoner Simmons

In accordance with the Americans' with
Disabilities Act, persons needing a special
accommodation to participate in this pro-
ceeding should contact Donna Bussey,
City Clerk, at 247-5809 or at City Hall, 800
Seminole Road.
BL 4/19/06

KENNEL ASSISTANT needed tor busy
veterinary clinic, competitive wages. Previ-
ous kennel experience required Apply in
person- Beaches Animal Clinic, 937
Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. 246-2045.'

Seeking Relail Cashier. Sales experience
pre erred, nol required Weekends a must.
No nights. Please apply in person, 370
South 3rd Street, Jax Beach

EXPERIENCED ONLY Must have reliable
transportation. 3 days/wk and some'Satur-
days. Call Debbie alter 2pm. 285-3400.
ext 3352.

END DUMP Trailer Driver needed in Jack-
sonville Beach area CDL Class A & ex-
penence required. Please contact
877-880.8265 tor more inlormatron.
kJANrrt'ONIAL' DAY-Porter Dutlie include -
AMaintaining Kitchen areas, restrooms, re-
moval of trash. 10am-3pm. M-F. Call Ju.
dy 220-0088.

OFFICE ASSISTANT needed with iriend-
ly. professional phone voice and attention
to detail. Flexible hours (work only 2-3 lull
days or work panrr days) Knowledge of
ACT, Excel, and Word nelplul. Located in
Pomne Vedra Call 285-5855.
$210+ per week. Paid weekly Design
your own daytime hours. Work regular cli-
' ents near your home. Must have own
transportation and phone. Experience a
plus. Beaches/ Intracoasral. 242-8235.'

Small residential housecleaning service
looking lor energetic, responsible, hard-
workers. Flexible day hours. Phone a
must. 246-7152, Iv. msg.

HELP. WANTED classflical.ons in this
newspaper are intended to announce gen-
ulne current job openings. No fees' may be
charged to.the prospective employee Ads
for self-employment or business opportu-
nities appear under the Business Opponu.
cities category. Ads which may require
payment of lees for employment informa-
tion, guidance or training may appear un-
der Job Service. Should any Help Wanted
advertiser ask lor a fee or if Ine advertiser
is offering a product or service rather than
a job opening, please notify The Beaches
Leader, 249-9033.

Immediate opening for panrt-lime office
clerk w/small medical distributor in PVB.
Requires excellent phone and organiza-
tional skills, bookkeeping (Peachree .pre-
ferred), records management, marketing
support. Resume to vara@eyequil.com or
fax 280-1888,
THE SILVEFR BOX is seeking a sales on.
ented person. Will train. Mon- Thurs
t 0-5pm. Call 610-3084.
PART-TIME CLERICAL for beaches staff-
ing service. $8 50/hr. to start, Mon & Tues
10am-5pm, Wed Tnurs, Fri., rnoon-5pm.
Some office experience required, will rain
ihe right person. Must be a people person.
Contact Larry at 242-0140.
ed. FT ,PT available. Call Bill 343-4241
wanted. Job dunes include assisting with
various in-house mailings and working re-
turned mail and e-mail. Our office s loc31a
ed in Ponte Vedra Beach and the hours
are Monday througri Friday. 3 to 4 hours
each morning starting at 9 30 am. Please
send resume to

Every weekend 7am to 7pm at a Premier
Retirement Community Health Center Ex-
cellent work environment. Experience in
geriataic care. Applications available at
Fleet Landing Security Gate One Fleel
Landing Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Fax to (904)246-9447; email to
obs@tleetlanding.com EOEi Drug-Free

da Driver's License. Experience nelpiul
bul will tra;n. Good salary & benefits. Ap-
ply al Surlside Pools. 313 Beacn Blvd.,
246-2666 or lax resume to, 249-8801.
e-mail, sudrisidepools@aol.com

Drivers part-time and full-time. Be a mem-
ber of a great team. Join our Recreation
Department at a premier retirement com-
munity. Fun work, environment. Class C
CDL: Passenger Endorsement License
Required. Must be able to set up and
break down for special events. Competi-
live wages and excellent benefits. Applica.
lions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleel Landing Blvd. Allanic
Beacn, FL 32233. Fax to 904-246-9447,
mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE/Drug-tree workplace
carpel, tile, wood Work out of company
truck. 246-0363
Valid driver's license & experience a musLh
Call Randy, 343-3899
LIFEGUARDS. Marsh Landing Country
Club seeks candaiales with Lileguard,'
CPR, First Aid Ceniticalion Previous ex-
perience required Flexible ours. Position
available 'May 22- Sept Apply irn per-
son, Tues- Sun Ponie Vedra Beach,
285-1909. Drug Teshng. EOE
Club Attantic Beach Drug Free Work-
place. FTteneIts Eyperience preferred.
Call Golr Course Mainienance 246-4711


Full Time Monday-Friday in the medical *
billing olice of a premier retirement com-
munity health center General clerical du.
ies wdin conpuier experience and Excel
spreadsheet skills required Experience
wilh outpalieni irerapy billing a plus. Ex-
celaenl work environment and benefits.
Applications at Fleet Landing Security
Gate, One Fleel Landing Blvd., Allantic
Beach, FL; Fax lo 904-246-9447, email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/Drug-free

propane retailer is in immediate need of a
lull-lime driver The ideal candidate will
nave an excellenticusromer service de-
meanor, a CDL with Hazmal. tanker, and
airbraKe endorsements. Candidates must
pass pre-employment testing, drug
screen DMV check and background in-
vestigalton. We ofter a compelilive salary
and benefits package Apply in person at
98 S Penman Rd, Jax Bcn or lax resume
to HR at 246-0715. EOE
TRAINERS FOR Day Program Work with
MR/DD adults. Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm.
Apply 850 6Th Ave. Soulh, Suile 500. 249-
8556. EOE.' DFWP.
CARIBBEE KEY looking for experienced
Line Cooks & Prep Cooks. Experienced
only need apply in person between 10am-
4pm.M-F. 100 F.rst Sr. N Nep Ben
Servers and Hosl'Hosiess. Good money,
casual atmosphere. very busy. great peo-
ple to work with FT/PT 285-0139

Experienced only for-hline dining at Vicar's
Landing in Ponte Veara. Compelilive pay
and bendels. EQE, DFWP. Call 273-1734
or. lax 285-8109 -
able cleaning help. ResidenlialCommer.
cial. Call 242-9358.
rendeni for established company. Drug
, .ree work place Benefits. 241.2721.
3 Pool Techs needed. Experience preler.
red. but wilt Irain. Clean arriving record
401k, health benefits Please call

TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. Clean driving re-
cord required. Call April. 246-9999.
MAINTENANCE MAN- Experience need-
ed for busy Ponre Vedra Real Estate or-
lice. Painting. general ma.nlenance Good
Driver's License. Call lot appt. 285-5585
, D IVERS- BE t in. qernodl rPlerty, II
freigni, many hoie1time'1'opions .'L3 v cos
'CDL' raining available, 1000% lutuion reim-
bursement 1800)231-5209
www.SwihTruckingJobs corn
F,T. CUSTOMER ServiceInsurance Bill-
ing Must be detailed oriented. Apply in
person at Medequrp. 905 Nonh Third St.
Jax Beach.
NEEDED HIGHLY moivated individuals
to loin bur expanding Financial' Services
business. No experience nec, winll train
right persons Fax resume to
Ipyoung61 @yahoo.com for consideration
MANAGER in holishic, internal medical ol:
lice' Full /part time secrelarial. clerical.
and suppor.of M D a unique setting. Ex-
penence required in answering phones,
computers, communications and public-re-
lalions: Must be enthusiastic. dependable,
consistent.-and an excellent match. Fax
resume with references, no phone calls
please Persephone Healing Arts Center,
FAX 1904)246-3778.
seeking qualified candidates lor Minister
of Children. This position is responsible for
coordinating and laciling Children's min:
sintres and discipleship in church Ihrough
grade 5. Quallihedr.candidates wilt nave
minimum two-year degree in religion, phi-
losophy or related area and two years ex-
erience working with children Working
knowledge of purpose driven model ol
ministry also required. Send resume, sal-
ary requirements to Mark Vollmer. Chair
Search Committee, Beach UMC,325 7th
Ave N. Jax Bch, FL 32250.

HELPER NEEDED Small repairs [or pri.
vate home. Hourly rate 403-5734
KUHN FLOWERS is looking for a tull li me
Driver for our Ponle Vesra location. We
offer paid vacation, medical & denial in.
surance. Apply at 3802 Beach Blvd., Jax.
No phone calls please

Ior service personnel. Applicants must
possess a good driving record Competi-
tive salary, full benefits including relire-
ment plan. bonuses, insurance. paid vaca-
tions and holidays We have a great work-
ing environment and nave been in busi-
ness for over 15 years Fax resume to
904-273-0682 or lil out an application at
10066 Sawgrass Drive West. Ponie Veara

immediately for import business. Previous
sales or designing experience a plus.
Ou.ckbooks required. Fax resume to 241-
CUSTOMER service & sales w/ exc. com-
municalion skills Full or part i'me. Base
plus bonus Fax resume- 1904)285-0010
or emair iim@mediakids.com
POOL TECHNICIAN needed, beaches
area. prior experience a plus. Drivers Li-
cense and Insurance required. 7am-3pm,
M-F, $2000 a month Call 241-6200

JANITORIAL HELP needed. Seeking full
lime cleaning crew to work in K-Mart in
Neplune Eeach Overnight hours. Clean-
ing and/ or floor care exp. is a plus but not
required. Please call 1-800-860-8057 Job
reference no. 8876.
JOB RAFTERS, Inc Now HiringI First
Class shipyard Irades: Pipe Fitters, Struc-
tural Fiters, Siructural Welders. Work in
FL, AL. Over lime +per diem. Up to
.$23/hr. Toll-free (800)371-7504; Phone-
(251)433-1270 Fax, (251)433-0018.



CD 4








ASHFORD COURT is accepting applica-
tions lor experienced Dietary Servers. F/T
and PaT. Must be able to work weekends.
Must enjoy working wrin Ire elderly in a
professional atmosphere. We offer com-
petitive salaries. benefits & bi-weekly Do-
nus plans Apply in person @ 1700 The
Greens Way in Marsh Landing Park
BUSY REAL Estate Othice needs Property
Manager Excellent computer skills a
must. Send resume to P.O. Box 1631,
Ponie Vedra Beach. FL 32004.
HOME CLEANERS earn excellent pay
cleaning homes weekly & bi-weekly. De-
pendable car required Full or part time
Call 223-5033.
TEACHERS & Assistants. FUl PT, infants
to 5 years. Require patience, reliability
and love 01 children. Performance based
bonuses. Up to 2 weeks paid vacation.
[C. i'-rhanag emen, 'Not 'bby sitting.

Are you Seeking PAY Witn Benefits?
American Landscape has a position for
you. Call 349-6257

Full-TIme with great benelits anc work en-
vironment ,at a premier retirement com-
munity Expenence preferred.. Applica-
tions available at Fleet Landing Security
Gate. One Fleet Landing Blvd.,, Atlantic
Beach, FL 32233, Fax to 904-246-9447:
e-mail to jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/
Drug-lree Workplace.

BEACHES .CAR Wash- lull lime help
needed. Wages negoliable+ tips. Benetils
Avail. Apply in person, 1401 Beach Blvd
25k to 40k lirs year, plus benefits. DFWP,
good driving record.' No exp. required will
train. Call 241-7874, Perschel & Meyer
Pest Management.
have own tools & transportation. Nealness
8 dependability a must. Ph6ne Larry He-
ise Painting 247-3644.
player. Call after 2pm 241-1985.
'RAGTIME TAVERN now accephng appli-
cations for expenenceda. Line Cooks. Apply
in person. 207 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic
trict Employment Opportunity. Season-
al Inspectors/ Sprayers, FIT. 6 months
available starting June. $10/hr. No oene-
ixs. Must be at least 18 years of age to
apply. Flonrida driver license. Work oca-
lions include St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra
and Northwest St. Johns. Internship op-
portunity. Ph-904-471-3107, lax-904-
471-3189 www.anastasiamod.org

F/T AND P/T Positions opened. Apply at
Proctor Ace Hardware and Garden Cen-
ter, 870 A A N, Ponte Vedra Beach.
NEW RESTAURANT opening in Ponte
Vedra now hinng Waitstalt. Must have fine
dining experience. Call 285-1103 for appi
Drivers CDL A. Home weekends Special
orientation pay for experienced .dnversl
Great pay & benefits Paid training tot
school gradsl Cypress Truck Lines, Inc
www.cypressTruck corn 1888)808-5846.







* a


CHILD CARE Teacher tor -lyr olds: Ac
credited center links o litleracy program
Also have PT Afternoon 'position opening
Come join our team Beaches Academy
1725 Penman Rd 246-3885
COOKu FTIPT) Apply in person. Rile Spoa
Reslauranm, 1534 Nortn 3rd Streel Ja'.
SERVER. Flexible hours AM arid PM
snihs Excellent tips Apply .n person. The
Tavern at Sawgrass. 285-3133
Dining Systems seeks reslauanr or assil
managers lor multiple club, college and
restaurant operations in Mississippi and
Florida Jumpslan your Foodservice
Mgmi career. Competilive sal s benelils.
plus Iree slay al compary-pwned hoieisi
Send resume online: HRmrnmirem.aii comn'
Fax (6011939-5685. or mail MfIl HR
Depi 1000 Red Fern Piace Flowoo.d
: place employer.
DRIVER- NOW hiring qualilled ariers .for
. Central Florida local and national OTR po.
sitions Food grade-tanker, no hazmar, no
pumps. Great beneli.. competitive pay
and new equipment Need 2 years e>peri-
ence. Call Bynum-.ransport or your op
portunity today (8001741-7950

company needs dynamic individual to
manage administrative tasks Travel
plans, computer skills, positive customer
service and organization skills are a must.
Send resume' to
david a@monaviepromo com
in Miami-Dade and Broward counties Bi.
lingual a plus. Per diem & F/T Bilinguals
Inc. Child & Parent Services, 1866)696'
0099 x103 www.bilingualsinc com.
CLEARWATER SYSTEMS is interviewing
for Service 'Techs/ Installers Will be instal
ling/ servicing water Irealment equipment
for homes .business & industry, Nonheasi
FL.. Prefer experience but will train sharp
individuals. Must have good driving re-
cord, excellent customer service skills and
lift 100 pounds. DFWP.We owner compeli-
i tlve wages, excellent benefits, 401k. ad-
vandement. Send resume, .o Atin Bryan,
2181 St. Jonns Bluff Rd So. Jax Fl 32246,
or apply in person or lax (904)645-6066.

LPN in our newly expanded Assisted Liv.
ing facility every weekend 7pm to 7am at
a Premier Retirement Commuriry Heallh
Center. Excellent working environment
Apply at Fleet Landing. One Fieer Landing
Bivd. Allantic Beach. FL. Fax to 1904)246
9447; email to: jobs@tleetlanding.corrm
EOE/ Dtug-Free Workplace
ing Sous line cooks & Servers 3rd Ave
North, on the Ocean 247-2644
FACIAL SPECIALIST wlin clientele want
ed. Also. NAIL TECH w/clienlele No
acrylics Day Spa. Jax Beach. Call Miki


Page B9


' i ^ ,

A il 19 2006


April 19, 2006

The Beaches Leader/Porite Vedra Leader

Pare 1 OB

PONTE VEDRA Animal Hospital needs
F/T Kennel Attendant. No experience nec-
essary. Apply within, 28 Corona Rd.
CARPENTRY HELP/Laborers. Beaches
area, W/C exempt, Transportation a must.
Call Rocky, 509-0500.
Surfside Pools seeking experienced
Warehouse Manager. Forklift and Safety
Operation a plus. Good salary & benefits.
Apply: Surfside Pools, 313 Beach Blvd.,
246-2666, or fax resume: 249-8801, e-
mail: surfsidepools@aol.com

POOL CLEANER w/valid Florida Driver's
License. Experience helpful but will train.
Good salary & benefits. Apply: Surfside
Pools, 313 Beach Blvd., 246-2666, or fax
resume: 249-8801, e-mail: surfsidepools
@aol.com ,
United Road Is opening A Terminal In
Brunswick, GA Competitive pay. Out-
standipg benefits. Excellent home time
(800)221-5127 ext 186 Ask for John.
THE ATRIUM RetiremenT Community has
ihe toilocing positions available Mainle-
nance Tecnncian, BreakiasL' Lunch Cnel
LPN, and Nursing Assisiani, Bus Driver
wiCDL license Exceiienl benetis Apply
,r, rer-on al 9960 ATrium Way. Call 724-
4726 lor directions or lax resume io 721.

Join the crew at The
Boathouse Grill.
Line Cooks
Wait Staff
Apply In Person M-F 9am 3pm
2321 Beach Blvd.



TEACHERS BeachesBroach School, BS
degree. Fax resume to 242-8827.
shifts. Must have valid driver's license &
transportation. Only serious, responsible,
hard workers need apply. Eric, 716-4413.
have transportation. Some experience
helpful. 226-6649.
$420+ per week. Paid weekly. Design
your own daytime hours. Work regular cli-
ents near your home. Must have own
transportation and. phone. Experience a
plus. Beaches/ Intracoastal. 242-8235.

Positions Available
Banquet Supervisor Housekeeping Room Attd.
Bartender Administrative Assistant
Line Cook Honor Bar Supervisor
Maintenance Engineer On-Call Massage Therapist
Front Desk Supervisor Dining Room Attendant


-- i

General Contractors, Inc.
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
SSince 1987
Looking for Qualified & Experienced individuals '
Project Managers
S* Clerical, PM Assistants
Our Wages and Benefits Packages are second to none!
401K & Profit Sharing

Fax or email resume to:
904-241-4427 rpcgc@rpcgc.com

We are currently accepting applications for energetic, customer
service oriented team members for the following positions:
PM Turndown
PM Men's Locker Room Attendant
Nursery Attendant
Saute & Grill Cook
Diningroom Attendant
Relief Night Auditor
Room Service Server
Maintenance Technician

Seasonal Opportunities
(March -November)
Dining Room Attendants
Great opportunity to work in an oceanfront resort with
terrific earning potential. We offer an excellent benefits package
including medical/dental, life insurance, sick and vacation days,
and discounts at our retail outlets, golf course and spa.

Apply in person to:
607 Ponte Vedra Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
For additional information call 280-6076
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464
Drug Free Workplace EOE .

At Ponte Vedra Beach





Call or Visit


226-1 Solana Road
Ponte Vedra.Beach

preferred. ALSO: Receptionist, veterinari-
an experience required. Apply in person,
1210 3rd Street North, Jax Beach.
DRIVERS- CDL, A. True lease to own pro-
gram. Low payments/ short-term lease.
Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel surcharge. No
hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans-
portation (888)864-0012.

LAWN MAINTENANCE Foreman & help-
ers.. Apply 7am, TNT Landscape. 1074
10th Ave. South, Jax Beach. Bonus. 247-
ATLANTIC COAST Plumbing & Tile. Help-
ers needed. Learn a trade. Health bene-
fits, good hours, advancement opportuni-
ties. Must have valid FL Drivers License.
Call 249-5381 for appt.

Full Time: Small Engine Mechanic/ Punch
Out at a premier retirement community.
Excellent benefits. Applications at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL. Fax to 904-246-
9447; email to jobs@fleetlanding.com.
EOE. Drug-Free Workplace.
HAIR SALON needing 3 Stylists and a
Nail Technician. Affordable medical insur-
ance offered. Call 237-4895 for more in-

We need helpers, and crew
leaders. We are busy installing
hurricane systems on homes and
businesses around the First
Coast. Must have installation and
construction experience. Drivers
License and Transportation
required. Starting $12 and $18
per hour.

Joinb our teawi of
cleaning professionals

No Nights or Weekends
Paid Vacations
Paid Holidays
Competitive Wages
Company Vehicle
appl,. in pes. uM to:

CatI W. cgral
'201 Flonda Bhd
Mon FnS -4 :30

Now Hiring
PT Breakfast Attendant
Room Attendant
Chief Engineer
Full and Part Time
Apply in Person:
1220 Marsh Landing Pksly.
Jacksonville Beach, FL

Upto $420plus+ .
per week!
(Within 5 weeks F/T)
* Paid Weekly
* Design your own daytime hours
* Work regular clients near your
* Experience a plus
* Must have own transportation
and home phone


Racquet Club Retail Asst.
Golf Course Maintenance
Front Desk & Bell Stand
Laundry Attendant
Room Service Order Taker
Servers/Diningroom Attd.
Gourmet Shop/Retail Clerk
Gym & Beach Reception
Golf Cart Attendant
Laundry Team Leader

THE SPA now hiring for various positions
Camp Counselors
Slide Monitor & Swim Instructors
Pool Porters
Patio Servers & Snack Bar Cook
We offer an excellent benefits package including medical/dental. life
insurance. sick and vacation das,. and discounts at our retail outlets, golf
course and spa. For immediate consideration apply in person to
Human Resources between 9am- 4pm or forw ard resume to:
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach. FL. 32082
Job Line: 904-280-3607 Fax: 904-273-7753
See current openings at: Profiles.hospitalityonline.com/211464

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Sawgrass CdunlrD Club. a prestigious prisale
member-ovned country club hai the following
o S, opportunitiesamailable:
Server FT & PT Excellent Starting Pay
Bartender FTIPT Excellent Starting Pay
Line Cook FT position
Equipment Operators Golf Course
Excellent Working Conditions and Benefit Package. Please fax
resume to (904) 273-3705 or
email resume to kfox@sawgrasscountryclub.com
Drug Free Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer

i I.I .I I I l .. l ll I. I .I .l.Io.II II

FULL TIME Teaching Assistant, Child
Development Research Center, University
of North Florida. Minimum requirements:
High School Diploma or Equivalent, 40
Clock Hour Certification required by the
Department of Children and Families and
a CDA. Preferred requirements: CDA, 40
Clock Hour Certification completed as well
as the appropriate first aid certifications
and one year of recent teaching experi-
ence with children, infant through age five.
Annual Salary: $9 hourly 'wage, full time
employment non-negotiable. UNF is an
Equal Opportunity/ Equal Access/ Affirma-
tive Action Institution. Minorities, women,
veterans, and spouses of veterans, and
disabled persons are encouraged to ap-
ply. Please call for further information
620-2372 ask for Pam Bell.
Cooks. Must be able to work weekends.
'Top wages. Apply in person 10am-2pm,
Campeche Bay Cantina, 127 1st Ave.
North. 249-3322.
er needed for. small Oceanfront hotel.
Good pay/ benefits. Weekends required.
Apply in person, 120 Atlantic Blvd.,
Neptune Beach.
Full time in Nutritional Services Depart-
ment at a premier retirement community.
Experience in skilled nursing environment
required. Excellent benefits and manage-
ment team. Applications available at Fleet
Landing Security Gate, One Fleet Landing
Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Fax to
904-246-9447; email to
jobs@fleetlanding.com. EOE/ Drug-free
VETERINARY TECH needed for high vol-
ume vet plinic. At least 2yrs. experience
required. Competitive salary, excellent
benefits. Fax resume to 246-3061 or call
246-8577' for more inlo. Beacnes Animal
Clinic, 937 Beach Blvd Jax Beach.
LAWN MAINTENANCE help. must be
able to work for female. 343 7989
HAIR STYLIST needed @ Styles of
Ponte Vedra, located on corner of Mickler
and A1A. Up to 60'.. commission. Contact
Denise at 280-0494
and Beaches Work in teams or three
Must have own iransporlaTion, valid driv-
er's license Approximately $1751wK to
start. Moday-Friday, no nights/weekends.
Home Cleaning' Centers of America.

SWIMMING POOL Construction. Top
pay & benefits. Palace Pools. 998-1811,
11655 Central Pkwy #313, Jax, FL;'

WAIT STAFF. lull Time. days. Good pay.
Call Bruce 280-7677.
Excellent opportunity available to expand,
existing dry cleaning rouie Unlimited
earning potential. The Cleaners. 1519
Penman Road. Call Chris 629-2683.

...... Wva ---....-- Expect Nothing Less
"', |Ffr4l'"V Than "Five Diamonds"
Do something special for yourself today! Work with one of the
premier luxury resorts in the world by joining the elite staff at
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club. Our exceptional work environment is
one of the most sought after for career satisfaction.
We have the follow ing full & pan-time positions available:

'Join our earn! II you can excel at inside
sales & desire a fasl-paced work environ-
meni, vwe may have an excellent
opportunity for you You Will join a Naiion-
al company & work in Ponle Vedia Beacn
Ideal cand-dale will nave 1- years expert.
ence inside sales customer service or
telemarketing, 8 excellent communication
skills Ability to handle business accounts
Base pay plus commissions 525k plus
FT, no evenings or weekends. PT avail.
Fax resume. (904)285-0010 or email.
Line Cook, Prep!Uiiiry. Good money. cas-
ual atmosphere, very busy, greal people
to work with FTTPT 285-0139
Duckworth Concrete Construction
Seeking Foreman, Finisners, Laborers.
Competitive wages Greal benefits Call
FIRST CHOICE Home-- Iriproveniefits."
",leed-. skilled carpe-ri'.r- 5 & ie clTrniOeis
i Beacnes area company. Fax resume to:

Lawn service seeks individual to perform
dependable quality work Excellent pay &
overtime available. Crew Leaders wanted.
Perschel Brothers Services inc. 246-
Sianing pay $16 18mn. to $1785/hr. de-
penaing on license Valid FL drivers li-
cense wlIn a salislaciory driving record
Applicalions accepted until 4/26/06 at 800
Seminole Rd. Ail. Beach. FL 32233 or visit
www.coab us or call (9045)247-5820. No
smokers/ tobacco users./ Drug lesling
conducted. EOE.
SS.aning pay $12.48/hr; H S. diploma or
equivalent. Valid FL dnvers license Must
pass C-Wasiewaler Course within 12
m. os. of hire & obtain license within 2 yrs.
of hire Applications accepted until 4/26/06
ai 800 Seminole Rd.. ArT. Beach, FL
32233 or visit www.coab.us or call
(904)247-5820. No smokers Iobacco
users. Drug lesling conducted. EOE.
Maintenance Personnel. Clean dnving re-
cord a must. 246-2455.
lion needed, M-F, 8am-5pm, must pos-
sess excellent organizational skills. be a
molivaled and independent worker Must
have proficient computer skills and be ca-
pable of handling a variety of asks
Please lax resume to 807 9216
LIVE-IN NANNY. Room, board, small sal-'
ary. Special needs child, Monday-Friday.
Evenings/ weekends oil Musl be able to
pass drug test and background check.
Call (904)543-7685, or email
mgk495@bellsoulh net
NEEDS FULL lime Servers, Exp. Cooks &
Host/ Hostess with open availability. Apply
within 1018 North 3rd SI., Mon- Fn, 2pm.

ADVERTISERS IN this category are hot"
offering jobs'. They are offering job-related
services and may charge fees Readers
are advised to exercise caution before giv-;:
ing credit card information over the phone
without knowing what specific product or;
service they wil receive.

ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn"
$800/day?. 30 machines, free candy. All
for $9995. (888)629-9968. B02000033.-
Call us: We will not be undersoldl
WARNING: WHILE this newspaper does
not knowingly accept business opportunity
ads, which require you to pay a fee to get
information or that refer you to 976-or 900-
phone numbers which will result in sub-
stantial charges to your phone'bill, the'
newspaper cannot guarantee the validity
of offerings in this classification. If any ad-
vertiser requires you to incur phone serv-
ice charges or pay a fee to learn the na-
ture of the opportunity, please report it to'
The Beaches Leader, 249-9033.
FLEA MARKET w/ 4 booths; glass shelv-
ing & merchandise, oriental items, figur-
ines & etc. $15,000. (904)928-9432,,
wear. Central Florida: Local & Intemation-.
al clients. Growing 17%-20%/yr. $595,000
+ Inventory. Nets $300K. Financing avail-
able. See pictures at
www.floridacapital.com Agent (941)924-?


Human Resources Coord.
Wknd Security Officer
Lifeguard Lieutenant
Irrigation Technician
Spray Technician
Delivery Drivers
Pool Technicians
Pool Porters
Line Cook
Banquet Set-Up Attd.
Retail Sales Associate

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits,
opportunities for advancement and
a caring management staff.
Please apply in person Tuesday- Friday. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. or by appt.
1000 PGA TOUR Boulevard; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Website: www.sawgrassmarrlQott.com
Job Hotline:(904)-280-7070




The Beaches Leader/Ponte Vedra Leader

I ~


WANTED TO Buy: Paper Money and Old
US Coins. Single coins, notes, accumula-
tions, entire collections. Littleton Coin
Company Since 1945. Call (800)581-
2646, e-mail coinbuy@llttletoncoin.com.
Mention code B8K520.

MULTI-FAMILY SALE/ free car wash. Sat-
urday April 22nd, 9am-1pm; To benefit
youth mission trips. 3410 S. Third St.
.Palms Presbyterian Church.

Saturday 8am-until 835 10th Ave. South.
LOTS OF Toys, Books, household & kitch-
en items, antique linens, scrapbook sup-
plies. No early birds. 8am-1pm Saturday.
648 Bonaire Circle.
SURF REP Sample Sale' Trunks $15.
524 131h Ave Norh. Saturday, Sunday

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to hire a Building
Codes Inspector. The appropriate candidate will have a
HSD/GED, Valid FL Drivers license and considerable
experience in construction and/or building inspection, along
with the following requirements:

Must be able to qualify for Prokisional I & 2 Family
Dwelling, Building Inspector and Building Plans Examiner
Licenses from State of Florida upon hire. (Must .be able to
demonstrate and document 5 years experience)
Obtain Provistonal 1 & 2 Family Dwelling. Building Inspector
and Building Plans Examiner Licenses A within 90 days
Obtain Standard I & 2 Family Dwelling. Building Inspector
License within 6 months
Obtain Standard Building Inspector Building Inspector and
Building Plans Examiner License ithun I Near

We offer excellent benefits to all full-time regular employees. For
complete job description and an application visit us online at
www.JacksonvilleBeach.org. in person II North 3"' Street, 2"'
.floor, Jacksonville Beach, or call 247-6263

1997 BMW Z3 Convertible Roadster.
4-speed, 4cyl. Silver, great mileage.
$14,900. 247-1049.
1994 RED Convertible, Chrysler LeBaron.
Runs great, new transmission. $700/firm.
2003 MITSUBISHI Lancer OZ Rally. All
power. Black, auto, tinted windows. Mint
condition. Kelly blue book $10,000. Asking
$9000. Must see. Call (904)735-851,4.

The most natural golden bronze. In the
convenience of your home. 251-5769
FIRST COAST Weiding and FaorcaTion
Call 859-0224

Specializing in all types' of home repairs.
20 yrs. experience. No Job Too Smalll
Free Estimates. Doug Tuttle, 446-0051.

Specializing in Commercial and Residen-
tial Cleaning. Lawn Care. Aulo Cleaning
Window Cleaning Jan;loiial Services. etc
Call Hermon, 246-4238 612-1755

call instead ol 20. Call 1-888-511-1887.

WHAT KIND ol tranng are you looking
lo? We are now offering Puppy 101 and
Basic obedience classes plus all levels of
Agiliy CGC classes are (Freei Near
Craig Air Field. Call us @ Aciorns Dog
Training -Day & Nghi Cenier. E-42 -1782.

The City of Jacksonville Beach is seeking to hire a Part-Time Recreation Leader. The
appropriate candidate will have considerable experience in the Recreation field, preferably
with children, able to pass thorough background screening and will assist with recreation
programs and activities. Approx 20hrs/week hours/days vary to accommodate center schedule.
$9.82/hr also eligible for annual leave pay.

,For complete job description and an application visit us online at ww\\.JacksonvilleBeach.org,. in
person I 1 North 3"1 Street. 2-'" floor, Jacksonville Beach, or call 247-6263

s ,
- ,

PADGETTS A'C & Healing. Inc Family
owned and operated. When quality and
customer service are demanded call
Travs al 588-5222.
Free Estimales. License CAC1814887.

Vinyl. Sales & Inslallaion. Free esllmales
Licensed, Insured Jim 813-0894

13 years experience Reasonable prices.
low minimum rales, weekend appoint-
ments available 19041525-7419
GENERAL CLEANING. 115rhi Standard
kitchens & bans References 242-2546.
A SPECIAL 1ouch lot your home No
crews individual and excellent references
Kim 568-4191
MAKE YOUR Home Spolless' Experi-
enced, reliable Free estimates 210-7372

1995 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo,
black. 4Wdr. Excellent condition overall.
155k miles. Leather interior/ great
shape.Outstanding maintenance history.
PW, PL. Brand new A/C and alternator.
$4000. 904-382-2210.
1996 NISSAN Sentra GLE. Immaculate
condition, low miles, automatic trans, sun-
roof, PW, PL, cruise, new tires, $4400
OBO. 887-9030.
2002 CHRYSLER Concord, loaded, 40k,
Rnvl 4drr ,t930nn 0RO R41-9448

Total. Lawn Maintenance. Clean-ups, Sod-
ding, Mulching, Re-planting. Free esti-
rnates. 247-3='.
WINSOR LAWN Service, Inc. Competitive
rates. Call Alan. 237-5301.
One time or yearly. Licensed, Insured.
Residential, Commercial. 742-6763.

Grading, Lawn Installations. Spread
Dirt, Gravel, Lime Rock, Mulch, Stone,
MUCH MOREl Bob, 334-6091,.

clean-up specialist. Lawn 'maintenance.
422-0593, .

Dependable Quality Service. Reasonable
rales 821-0737.
Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates. Kyle
Stucki 333-5547. Month free w/yearly

lawns. Free estimates 246-0967.

Specializing irn "Complete Flowerbed
Cleaning and Workover". Call Hermon,'
246-4238. 612-1755

Spring Special 180ooff w/Iad.. Mold/ mil-
dew specialist. Roofs, sidewalks, drive-
ways decks. Residenlial'Commercial
Licensed.'lnsured Free Esimaies
S 708-7239
Sale roof cleaning. Deck & fence
resloralon. Pressure washing Licensed &
Insured. Call Kevin 994-0045
Cleaning. Licensed a Insured Free Esti-
males Houses, decks, walkways drive-
ways. patios. 248-9672
PRESSURE WASHERS fIr renI or sale.
Tucker Equipment Rental 246-1330.

r --

DOVE SERVICES Carpet Cleaning.
Whole house $69 3 rooms, hall $45
Upholstery cleaning Pressure Wasring
Call for Specials. 1904)247-8152.

1996 MERCEDES C-220, white/ beige,
great condition. $6900. (904)735-4466.
1996 4 door, blue Cadillac DeVille, 84K
miles. $3800. 241-2552.
1998 CADILLAC Eldorado, 120,000
miles, pearl white, mint condition. $7700.
1992 TOYOTA Land Cruiser. Sunroof,
problems w/main seal, no a/c, one electric
window not working, 290,000 miles,
$1,000 OBO. 285-1443. .

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classified@beachesleader.com

ing. Most residential pools $25/week+
chemicals. Licensed, Insured: We make
your life a little easier. 285-0240.
DEMO HOMESITES wanted now! Forthe
New Kayak Pooll The on-ground pool with
in-ground features! Unique opportunity.
Save $. Call (866)348-7560 Free Esti-
mates! Finariing

Custom made 6" seamless aluminum gut-
ters. Large variety of colors to choose
from, 241-5099.
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email: classified@beachesleader.com

Repairs, specializing in termaie damage.
Remodeling, decks, siding, interior trim,
termite+ rot damage+ more. Licensed,
insureo 247-2728

,I I

ACTIVE NANNY honest, dependable,
iransponailon & references. $9-$11/hr,
any-area. CPR & First Aid F/T & P/T.
CHILD CARE in your home $10' hr. Call
Sara 241-3627.

STAY- AT Home Mom seeking Clencal
wok., types 100wpm 221-8510.
or P,7. w'12yrs. exp. A/P, AR. GL. PR,
Fin, Home otfice wilaptop. Oulckbooks.
Peachtree. MS Off & lazer printer. Rei
avail! 703-6550

THE MASSAGE MEDIC -Advanced mas-
sage & body work for acute & chronic pain
reel Home and office calls. 16yrs. exp.
704.6984. MA0011921.
-- - - -

HOME HEALTH aid available for 24 nour
care in your home. Reliable. Good reler-
ences. 536-8459, please leave message.

Companion Service. Respite Care and
more. 904-317-0451,'1.888-511-t 1887.

A/C UNIT, 2 1/2 ton Rheem, 10/seer, up-
per condenser discharge Complete con-
denser air handler and thermostat. 3-4yrs
old Cleaned. serviced, bench tested and
checked. Good for a 2BR condo unit.
$1250 installed. 945-0226. 242-0684.

ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD. Appliances. furne
rure. etc. Saturday 8am-12noon. 224 Mar-
garet Sireei.

01:1912 .0

ESTATE SALE, 35 Saratoga Circle Shed
FRIGIDAIRE WASHER $150 and G E full ol tools, furniture, Kitchen items. lots of
Dryer $100. Call 241-1880. misc. Saturday only 4/22, 9.-1pm.
SOFA LOVESEAT, muled pastel plaid. 3.FAMILY PLANT Sale. Plants Irom A-Z.
malcning Inrow pillows, exc. ccnd.. $375. Some stuff Salurday, 8am-3pm 1242
241-1200 exl. 142. after 6pm 220-9721. Green Cay Ave., Oak Harbor.

must go! Dining room table wi6 chairs,
china cabinet, dinette rattan table w/4
chairs, tile table w/4 chairs, office desk,
dressers, pictures. and much more.
Please call 285-0620.
AT&T PARTNER phone system 5 phones
installed for $S899. 249-8877
$.75/si 30 thicker, still in box, must sell.
OUEEN BED w/ headboard, Maple wood
sleigh style $200. King size bedroom set-
chest, dresser., mirror, headboard natural
wood $400. 563-1433.
GE WHITE Kilchen Appliances. Decora-
tive boots, $50. Lighted curio cabinet.
$250. Bamboo dinette set, $250. Basket-
ball goal, $50. Please call 246-0841, leave
SENTINEL RIDING lawnmower. 12HP,
39in cut, $375. 246-2367.
-...............-_- ......

ib., bow mount, 50" shah. Still under war-
ranty. $275 OBO 246-4104
METAL ROOFING. Save $. Buy direct
from manufacturer 20 colors in stock with
all accessories Ouck lurn around Deliv-
ery available. Toll Iree (888)393-0335.

ger baby, household goods, miscellane-
ous 389 12th St. Saturday. 8am-1pm
MULTI- FAMILY Yard Sale, Sat & Sun, 8-
3pm, 2174 Fealnerwood Dr E

MOVING SALE 402 Seagate Lane. Ponle
Vedra Shores West, Vilano Beach. Friday.
Saturday. 8am-4pm. Furniture, antiques &
much more.
OLD PONTE Veara Garage Sale Excel-
lent luiniture buysl Sal. 8-4pm, 544 Lake
Rd. ISolana- Rutile- Lake Rd.)

WINDS. Saturday, 7am Ill ???, off of Ker-
nan Blvd al Matthew Ungar Dr and Ash.
ley Melisse.

- -- r------ ---- fy
^...J~nngln~xiaf--.:::_ *| f~l|inj ffff". """" U Mi kj jFTl?

lor private homes do clean. Real's available
Call 642-2430.
A PLUS CLEANING. nonest. dependable,
experienced, excellent service, reasona-
ble prices. great references. Call Kay

WOOD Fence Specialist Install. replace
35yrs Experience References Mick Out-
door Enterprises 241-7276. 838-9599.

TAX TIME! Local CPA delivers I work
around your schedule. Tax prepare ton.
Quickbooks Sel-up and Consuliation

applications, house calls, training, repairs.
upgrades, websiles, graphics Free phone
lech 904 249-3034 or email.

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
email' classilied@beachesleader com

Lawn and landscape maintenance.
Owned/ operated by local police officer
Call 534-7651 or email
oluelineouldoois'@yanoo.com lor est,-
tordable and reliable lawn service. 591-

PALM TREES. Hedges Trimmed, Yard
Clean-ups, Mulchring, Sodding, whatever II
takes, etc. Dave 249-4724

qg ll H ;i[4t

1997 CHEVY Venture LS, 97K miles,
good condition, trailer package, loaded
w,/more. $3300 280-9407
1995 DODGE Van Good Iransponation,
aulo, AC, CD. $600 868-6564, 246-9589
1989 CHEVY 1500 pickup w/camper top
$1000/OBO 280-8281.
2001 CHEVY S-10, LS.,Extra clean condi-
tion, low miles, auto transmission, step-
side bed, AC, CD, alloy wheels. $6500
OBO 887-9030.

NO W.t qflfi;',[111l11 H ^

HATE TO PAINT? Don't sweal it' Interior,
exterior, pressure washing Nice work'
Nice prices! Licensed. Insured. 226 6134

Property management rates lor quick
renlal[sale tum-arounds. and custom paint
also. Call for FREE ESTIMATES 497-
2553 or 724-6877 Licensed & Insured.
NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodeling and
repaint Residential and commercial Men-
lion inls ad. 246-1529
free estimates, work guaranteed, licensed.
FAST INTERIOR painting. drywall. lex-
lure. Specialize in smaller jobs Will Work
evenings & weekends Licensed, insured.
references. 403-7389
BEST PRICES IN TOWN!! Interior, ere.
nor. pressure washing, knock down tex-
lured to walls Relerences, pnotos
Licensed insured. 226-6134.
PAINT IT RIGHT! Interior, exterior. Free
estimates. Call Mike Williams, 285-2651
25yrs experience
SAVE NOWI Interior & Exterior painting.
Pressure washing. 19yrs. at Beaches
Free Estimates. 881-4223
NATIVE PAINTER- exceptional resident.
lial/ commercial pressure washing, painl-
ing. drywall crack repair, wall covering. Li-
censed, insured, references 403-7389

IF YOU are interested in advertising under
this category please call 904-249-9033 or
e-mail: classtlied@beachesleader.com

l^^i^ t w*^

C&J HANDYMAN Services Carpeniry./
Drywall. Pai;nlng, Paperhanging Tiling.
eic. Licensed, Insured. 955.-0593.
HOME RENOVATIONS, Starn ic Finish,
Affordable & dependable Call Tony
Specializing in kitchens. cabineis. bair,-
looms, tile, doors wirdows roned wood
termne damage, root leaks, drywall.
decks, erc Honest, top quality work-
dependable lot quality repairs service
calls. painting improvements arn, miscel.
laneous jobs. DAVE 246-6628.
Painting, carpentry, water prooling. press.
sure washing tile work drywall
Complete remodeling services & rernova.
lions. Tile & Marble Specialist Nick.

ROOFING. IN-TOWN prices 99 Ine
Beach. 25yrs experience 880-9908.
CCC 1326983
IF YOU are interested in advertising under
Inis category please call 904-249.9033 or
emaril,. ciassilied@beachesleader com



QUALITY WORK. Install, removal, &
painting. Residential, Commercial. 25yrs.
Experience. References+ FREE ESTI-
MATES. Steve, 645-0381.

KENMORE WASHER & Dryer. $150/ea.
Will deliver & guarantee. 874-1747. -

wave, Whirlpool Gold, excellent condition.
$250. 285-4618.

Page B11

LOTS OF Stuff. 8am-lpm Saturday only.
103 Oakwood Rd Rain cancels sale.
THE LADIES Auxiliary ol the Faiher Mur-
phy Council Knights of Columbus will be
SALEI! on Saturday, April 22nd. from
9 am until 1 pm. at the Knighrs Hall, Pen.
man and 2nd Avenue Nonrth. -249-5535.
GREAT BARGAINS- rehigeraior. canoe.
slilchery kits, jewelry and much much
more. Friday & Saiuiday. 8am-3pm, 525
13n Ave N
LOTS OF Great Stuff! Saturday. 8am-?
1408 20it Ave. Nonri iSeagaie)
CRAFT BAZAAR and Bake Sale
Sl Andrews Lulheran Church (by-ihe-sea)
Sai.. 4i22, 8am- 2pm Food, Fun Crahs.
1801 Beach Blvd Ph 221-1763.
GARAGE/ MOVING Salel Decorator
items, antiques. surfing sluff, tools. Iropi.
cal dresser set. Saturday 8-1pm, 410 6th
Ave. N.

Am C\A MRI i

PLPLLI L7, Z.vvv


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Pu-T "6*e d/r ei 9

baseball sweeps weekend series

ABOVE: Nease High starting pitcher Daniel Jones follows
through on a fastball against Palatka during Friday night's
game. Jones fanned seven while allowing six hits in the com-
plete game, 2-1, victory. The Panthers finished their weekend
sweep with an 11-1, five-inning victory Saturday over the
Iroquois Chiefs of Buffalo, N.Y. The Chiefs came to Florida on
their spring break and played Providence Saturday morning and
Nease.at night.
BELOW: Vince Ratto (24) is congratulated by teammates after
hitting a first-inning solo home run Friday for the Panthers. It
was Ratto's first round-tripper of the season and helped spark
Nease to its 2-1 win over Palatka. The Panthers are 18-2 head-
ing intoithe final week of the regular season, with games this
week against Clay on Tuesday and Kenmore East on Thursday.

n..i.: r., I O, CDcer1GELOD
ABOVE: Nease baserunner Vince Ratto steals second against Palatka on Friday. The Panthers
defeated Palatka, 2-1.
BELOW: Catcher Matt Reifsnider looks for the pitch call from Nease head coach Boo Mullins.

Read this monthly featw-e for your own Home knImnvement Piojects.

No More Matching! Mix Hardwoods To Create

A Colorful, Cozy Look In Every Room

Think you have to match your hard-
wood cabinets, floors and furniture?
Relax! Forget about matching and mix it
up with a variety of woods and colors.
Native oak. Cherry. Wal.nut. Maple.
Ash. Poplar. These are. just a few of the
American hardwoods that add natural
warmth and style to any room in your
For contrast in the kitchen, try using
different hardwoods for the cabinets and
floor. In addition, consider base cabinets
with a finish that complements, not
matches, the wall cabinets. Or scatter a
couple "different" cabinets either dif-
ferent woods or the same wood with
contrasting finishes among those on

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the walls and floor. Finish off the look
with a contrasting finish for the island
and floors.
One popular look combines maple
cabinets finished in antique evergreen
and a contrasting honey tone. Giving
one layer of stacked moulding a differ-
ent finish that ties in with the cabinetry
is also very effective. You can pull differ-
ent areas together or create a focal' point.
To make a small kitchen look larger,
consider installing lighter cabinets and a
darker hardwood floor. Having lighter
tones at the horizontal eye level will
make the area seem larger, and the dark-
er floor will help warm up the room.
Maple is an especially flexible hard-
wood that mixes well with oak, hickory
and cherry. Hickory also works well with
oak and cherry.
Put samples of the products together
and look at them as a family. Before you
place an order, make sure Y'our choices
all go well together.
Limit the number of contrasting wood
tones in the kitchen to about three.
Sometimes people think more is better,
and that's not always the case.
A sample pallate may consists of a dark-
ly stained oak floor complementing red
painted walls, white cabinets contrast-
ing well with a cherry bead board back
splash, and cherry bar stools with uphol-
stered plaid seating complements a dark-
ly stained kitchen table.
There are so many things you can do
with wood. You can bring out so many
different colors.
Fresh ideas for furniture:
Many of the guidelines for choosing
wood in a kitchen apply to other rooms
of the house as vwel. There are no hard
rules. You could mix virtually any
species in any room. Just consider the
finish, the style, the look.
Blend light, medium and dark tones in
hardwood furniture with contrasting
floors. If your furniture is dark, you
might want a medium-toned wood
floor. If the furniture is light, you might
want a darker floor.
For an updated look, try chairs that are
not exact matches for kitchen or dining
room tables. The table is important, but
not nearly as important as the chairs. If
you set the table, what you really see is
the chairs.


'.'ril 19, 2006

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